msmmsm i£*'-«3Mi ^ 5* ■y v» » 4 fc a*? CHAS. H. HORTON, BOOKBINDE odd Fellows' Building. fcd ¥?s -s. •W-- %& ?&*, v; ^M ■ \ k •V- . 'i*J ~ \ . . / >** . f>»^ i* THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. CONDUCTED BY E. L. AND W. J. YOUMANS. VOL. XXL MAY TO OCTOBER, 1882. NEW YOKK : B. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, and 5 BOND STREET. 188 2. COPYRIGHT BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, * 1882. /o44^ SIR JOHN LUBBOCK. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. MAY, 1882. METHODS AND PEOFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. By N. H. EGLESTON. THE recent calamitous fire in Michigan calls attention afresh to the rapid consumption of our forests, and occasions renewed inquiry as to what may be done either to check that consumption or to make good the loss thereby sustained. More than fifty townships of land, covering an area of aboufr two thousand square miles, or a territory nearly half as large as the State of Connecticut, were swept over by the flames. " Scarcely a green sprig," says a reporter, " was left in the track of the fire." This fire was, indeed, exceptional in extent, as well as in the loss of life occasioned by it ; and yet it was only the em- phasized form of a very common occurrence — one so common that we fail to notice it as we should, or become sensible of the aggregate losses resulting therefrom. The destruction of the great pine-forests of the Northwest, of Michigan and Wisconsin, rapidly as it is carried forward by the lumberman's axe, is hastened by the fires lighted, in some cases, by the lumberman's carelessness or that of others, and in other cases as the speediest way of clearing the ground for agricultural use. There is no part of our country exempt from the destructive effects of forest- fires. The mountains and hill-sides of New England frequently show blackened spaces on their verdant flanks. The same is true of the great wooded regions of New York and Pennsylvania. The vast Adi- rondack forests are visited by fires, the frequency and extent of which are known to hardly any but the wandering trappers and hunters whose camp-fire's, left unextinguished, may have lighted them. New Jersey has suffered severely from the burning of her woods. Ten thousand acres, covering a space seven miles in breadth, were swept over, at one time, in 1866. In 1871 two fires in Ocean County consumed over thirty thousand acres, and it is said that this whole county is overrun VOL. XXI. — 1 \ 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ■ by fires as often as once in twenty years. In' the southern part of the State, so frequent are the fires and so wide-spread, the risk has made woodland less salable than formerly. Though nine tenths of this region is wooded, there is little large timber to be found, and lumber is largely brought from distant places. Droughts are becoming more frequent, and these increase the exposure to fire. Thus the partial con- sumption of the forests makes their further consumption the more cer- tain and rapid. And what is true in this limited area is measurably true through- out the country. That our forests are being destroyed with alarming rapidity admits of no question, and it is probably true that fires con- sume more than are cut down by the axe of the lumberman and the wood-chopper. Our neighbors in Canada keep themselves better informed in regard to the condition of their forests than we are in regard to our own. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, in the province of Quebec, in his re- port of 1871, speaking of the preservation of timber-lands, says : "The most formidable agent in the destruction of our forests is, certainly, fire. All the most active operations in lumbering which have taken place since the settlement of the country, and all those which are likely to take place for the next twenty years, have not caused, and will not cause, to our forests so much devastation as this one destroying ele- ment has effected up to the present time." In a report on forestry and the forests of Canada, by a member of the Dominion Council of Agriculture, in 1877, it is estimated that more pine-timber has been destroyed by fire than has been cut down and taken out by the lum- bermen. The combined effect of fires and the wasteful consumption of our forests in the production of lumber and for other purposes, and the almost total neglect to protect their growth, have resulted in the diminution of our area of woodland to such an extent as justly to occa- sion alarm on many accounts. In California, for instance, the Presi- dent of the State Board of Agriculture reported, several years ago, that within twenty years at least a third of the native supply of ac- cessible timber had been cut off or destroyed, and that forty years would exhaust the forests. This estimate was made without taking into account the increased demands upon the forests which would be made by the increase of population and the growth of manufacturing industries. Similar reports come from other States and Territories, though in those which were originally heavily wooded the destruction of the trees may not have gone so far as to produce a scarcity of lumber, or to increase its price to such an extent as to be burdensome. In some parts of the country, also, particularly in the older States, it is proba- ble that the growth of the woods has kept pace with their destruction. Yet of the country .as a whole it may be said, without hesitation, that METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. 3 the supply of desirable timber, both pine and hard-wood, has materially- diminished within the last twenty-five years. As a natural conse- quence, the price has everywhere advanced, and a further advance is as natural and inevitable, unless effective measures are taken to check the waste of our forests and to restore them to their proper dimen- sions. The necessity of vigorous action in regard to this matter is beo-inning to be felt. In the sparsely wooded districts of the West this is particularly true. The Legislatures and agricultural societies of several of the States have already taken important action on the subject. Laws have been enacted for the protection of the existing forests from destruction by fires, and for encouraging the planting of trees. The national Congress has also, within a few years, made enactments both for the repression of timber-thieving on the public lands and to encourage the planting of timber-trees. The enactments of Congress for the purpose of encouraging tim- ber-planting, while they have marked a step in the right direction, have not been so effective as they might have been. This has resulted in part through evasion of the laws by speculators, who have only made a pretense of planting while their real object was to get possession of land which they could sell at a profit for agricultural purposes, and in part because the requisitions of the law were too onerous to be com- plied with by settlers without capital. The latter was of course unin- tentional. But this, as well as other defects of the timber-culture acts, came as the natural result of our ignorance in this country of the whole matter of tree-planting. We know enough to plant apple and peach trees in orchards, and a row of maples or elms, occasionally, along the road-side, for shade and ornament. But of the cultivation of trees on the large scale, in masses, as they grow in the native forests, few among us know anything. A planted forest is a thing almost unknown here. The chances are that, among the members of Congress who framed the timber-culture acts, not one had any practical knowledge of the subject. The whole matter is new to us, and we have hardly any experience for our guide. For our knowledge we must go abroad, where the subject is treated with the greatest and most scientific atten- tion, as we have lately shown (" Popular Science Monthly," July, 1881). In France and Germany, and other European countries, one of the principle bureaus of government is that having charge of the forests and rivers. Its annual reports are looked for and read with interest, as having important bearings upon the revenue as well as upon the health of the people and the agricultural and commercial resources of the country. - It is a happy thing for us that, as we are waking up to the neces- sity not only of checking the wasteful consumption of our existing forests but of planting new ones, we have the experience and careful study of the subject by European nations to aid us. For, although their physical conditions are in many respects different from our own, 4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, so that we can not adopt their methods without modification, yet certain great principles and facts have been established which are as applicable to use here as they are there. The first, the fundamental point in tree-planting on a large scale, that is, in planting what may be called a forest, is to consider the trees as a Crop, like any other crop, only this requires a much longer time than ordinary crops to come to maturity. This will at once put the subject to many if not to most persons in a new aspect. Accepting the idea that trees are to be planted like corn or wheat, as a crop, there follows at once the necessity of care and cultivation and the consider- ation that these are the conditions of success. We do not expect to harvest an ordinary crop, and one that will yield a satisfactory pecu- niary return, without having bestowed upon it care and labor. No more should we look for success in the larger growths of the forest without a corresponding culture. And when we come to look upon the growth of a forest in this light we shall easily, almost inevitably, regard our ordinary native forests, where the trees are simply suffered to grow up in complete neglect, exposed to injury from the intrusions of cattle and from other causes, as at best only a partial utilization of the fields which Nature has provided for our comfort and profit. It is true that trees will grow and come to maturity in rough places and on poor soils, where nothing else will grow or where the cultivation of other crops is impracticable and unprofitable. It is true also that the growth of these great forest-crops, instead of impoverishing, enriches the soil. Hence there is no use of our poor and what we call waste lands, which abound more or less everywhere, at once so economical and profitable as to devote them to the growth of trees. Left to them- selves, as our forests and woodlands generally are, they are remunera- tive. But they might be made much more remunerative. They would be, if, instead of regarding them as one of the accidental products of Nature, we were to regard them as one of our staple crops, something to be managed and cared for by us. The proper care of a tree-crop, as of any crop, requires its protec- tion from injury. But we have left our forests unfenced, or, if we have inclosed them, it has been not so much for the sake of excluding destructive animals from them as for the purpose of making them past- ure-grounds for our cattle, where they have been free to range and feed upon whatever might please their taste. The tender buds, the green and succulent shoots, the young trees sprouted in Nature's seed- bed and started for the growth of a century, perhaps more, we have put at the disposal of the teeth and horns and trampling hoofs of cat- tie. This has been regarded as a cheap way of feeding these animals. But there is no fodder for cattle so expensive as forest-fodder. Grass is cheaper than trees. Sir John Sinclair, in his " Code of Agriculture," says : " A landlord had better admit his cattle into his wheat-field than among his under-wood. In the one case they only injure the crop of METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. 5 one year, whereas in the other, by biting and mangling one year's shoot, mischief is done to at least three years' growth." But he has quite understated the possible if not probable damage. At the Vienna Exposition in 1873 there was a convention of forest managers from most of the European countries, and an extensive exhibition of forest products. Among these there were sections of trees taken from a for- est property near Krainburg, and designed to illustrate the compara- tive growth of trees when properly protected and cultivated and when exposed to browsing animals. There were shown trees which in thirty years had attained a height of only thirty inches, and others of the same age which had grown near them, but protected from animals, that were twenty-eight feet in height. The cubic contents of sixteen hundred trees, exposed and protected, were measured, with this result : in the unpastured woods, three thousand and fifty-six cubic feet ; in the pastured woods, eleven. The annual increase of growth was found to be as one hundred to one, or a loss of ninety-nine per cent, of pos- sible results. Here certainly is food for study. In many of the ancient forests of Europe there has come down, by immemorial usage, the feudal right of the neighboring peasants to pasturage ; but so injurious is the exercise of this right felt to be that the owners of the forests make it one of their chief endeavors to extinguish this right, by purchase or otherwise, whenever they can. Again, looking upon his trees as a crop, the planter will engage in his work with a patient forecasting of the future. His success or fail- ure does not depend upon what he may do, or fail to do, in a single season or a single year. His trees will come to maturity only with the lapse of generations. He may be planting in part for his grandchildren rather than for himself, except so far as they are himself. The pine, for example, is reckoned to come to maturity only after a growth of one hundred and sixty years. All the more need, therefore, for the adoption of a proper method, and that he should " Learn to labor and to wait." The European managers of forests, in forming their plantations, allow from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and sixty years as the period of growth, or of rotation, as they call it. In laying out a forest plantation they will divide the proposed tract into six or eight sections, planting one every twenty years, and, when the whole is planted, cutting and renewing a section every twenty years. Mean- time there is a thinning process going on all the while, as the trees grow and require more room for their proper development. By this division of a forest into sections, they avoid the evil effects upon water- supply, climate, etc., resulting from the sweeping off of large forests at one time. European foresters also insist strongly upon the importance of drainage for the best growth of the forest. They urge that this is 6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fully as important for the most rapid and healthful growth of trees as for the growth of the ordinary crops of the garden or the field. For this purpose they construct open ditches at intervals throughout the forest. In our natural forests, filled with the roots of old trees and often with rocks, it would be difficult to make such ditches. But in many of our low and swampy lands it would be quite practicable, and would add greatly to the amount and value of the growing wood. There is no reason why one should not incur the expense necessary to drain the soil for trees as readily as he does that which he considers desirable for his grass or corn ; and all who undertake the planting of trees on new ground should bear this in mind. We are writing now to urge the importance and even necessity of planting trees on the large scale, as well as the preservation and care of our existing native forests ; and one of the first questions to be set- tled is that of the distance which should separate trees from each other at the time of planting. The experience of European planters has satisfactorily proved that they should be planted much nearer to one another than they are to stand when fully grown. In this respect they should be planted not like the apple or peach orchard, but like the corn-field. One reason why the law of Congress for the promotion of tree-culture has not been more successful is that it allowed trees to be planted twelve feet apart. Trees, when young, are delicate things, and need protection. Like human beings, they seem to have a feeling of companionship. They support and encourage one another. They thrive best when near each other. Accordingly, European foresters commonly plant trees at a distance of not more than four feet apart, and some of our Western planters are disposed to place them even closer than this. Such close planting follows the course of Nature. If we observe a natural forest, from which destructive animals are excluded, we shall see that the ground is thickly strewed with trees — that few large vacant spaces are to be found, especially when the trees are small. As they increase in size and need more space, Nature has her own way of thinning out. The weaker decay, and the law of the survival of the fittest asserts itself. Following her guidance we have learned to plant closely, and then, from time to time, to make room for the growing trees by transplanting a portion to other fields, or by cutting them and devoting them to such uses as they are fitted for. The smaller serve for hoops for the barrel-maker, or poles for various uses. And so, at all stages of growth, there is an available and profit- able use for the trees that seem to be crowding their neighbors. It is found, again, that trees are not only social in their nature, but that they like variety in their society. As a general thing, different kinds of trees grow better when mixed together than when each kind is planted by itself. This, also, is usually Nature's way of planting. It is common, therefore, for the foresters abroad to plant what they call nurse-trees along with those which they intend to make the staple METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. 7 of the ultimate and full-grown forest, the final outcome of their one hundred and twenty or one hundred and sixty years of watching and culture. If, for instance, they propose to raise what shall be at last a forest of oak-timber, they will plant with the oaks successive rows of the pine, .the beech, the maple, the larch, or the birch, each at a dis- tance perhaps of twenty feet from its own kind, but each only four feet from some neighbor. After a few years the quickest-growing trees will be removed — those nearest the oaks — and this will go on from time to time till, finally, the oaks are left to develop themselves to their fullest stature and their greatest strength. As a rule, the thin- ning is made at such intervals that half the trees originally planted will be removed by the time they are twenty feet high. The number on an acre should not exceed eight hundred when they have reached the height of thirty feet, and when forty feet high only three hundred or three hundred and fifty should remain. These successive thinnings, it is estimated, will more than pay for the care and labor, as well as interest on the land, leaving the final forest as clear profit. And it is to be considered that very much more valuable timber is produced on an acre of ground with this careful and systematic treatment than when a forest is left to grow up by chance and in neglect, as is so commonly the case. There is as great difference in the returns, pro- portionally, as there is between the yield of a vegetable-garden care- fully tended and that of one left without proper cultivation and allowed to be overgrown with weeds. Dr. Berenger, head of the School of Forestry at Vallambrosa, Italy, says that "while an uncultivated woodland, taken for a long period, and counting interest and taxes, would yield almost nothing to the capital invested, it is well established that the same land, managed according to modern science, would, in the long run, yield a revenue both conspicuous and constant." In many parts of our country, on the plains and prairies especially, and wherever tree-planting is undertaken, except for utilizing waste or rough and comparatively inaccessible ground, which would not be profitable for ordinary tillage, the most desirable mode of planting will be in belts or borders rather than in blocks. These belts should be so disposed as to serve as screens from the strongest and most hurt- ful winds. There can thus be secured an equally abundant growth of timber, while the screen it furnishes will greatly increase the product of other crops, and serve to promote the comfort of all, whether man or beast, who can have its shelter. The variety of products on a farm may be thus greatly increased also. Tender vegetables and fruit-trees readily flourish under the protection of such shelter belts of forest- trees which could not otherwise be cultivated with success, if at all. And the protection of such belts extends farther than many suppose. It is estimated that their beneficial influence reaches, in horizontal distance, about sixteen times their height. It is probable, therefore, that belts of trees might be so disposed, on almost any farm, that the 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ground occupied by them would not diminish but rather increase the cultivable area, and the forest growth would be a positive addition to its productiveness. But whatever the particular plan adopted, a prominent question will be with every one, what trees to plant. The multitude offering themselves for consideration is embarrassing. Our country is one of such extent and such varied climate and soil that we have a tree vege- tation embracing all the variety of the entire Eastern hemisphere. Our Atlantic coast corresponds, in this respect, with that of China and Japan, while our Pacific-coast region is like that of Western Europe. At the International Exhibition at Philadelphia, in 1876, the wood of nearly four hundred indigenous species of trees was shown, whereas Great Britain has only twenty-nine ; France, thirty- four ; and all Europe, leaving out Russia, only about fifty. The little State of Connecticut, on the authority of Professor Brewer, has sixty species of native trees. At the Philadelphia Exhibition there were specimens of thirty-seven species of the oak, thirty-four of the pine family, seventeen of spruce and fir, eleven of maples, besides many others. With such a variety of trees and so many conditions of climate and soil, and the different objects which the planter may have in view, no one can give an answer to the question what to plant, except in a general way. Trees have their homes as well as men, where they develop to the best. And, though they may often be transferred to other regions and be made to form to themselves new homes, the success of such a transfer can not be predicted with certainty. Ex- periment alone can decide. But, for the general purposes of tree- planting, and for those who are looking for definite and sure results, the safe rule, and the only trustworthy one, is to follow Nature — to plant the trees which she has already planted near us or in situations like our own. From these we may wisely make a selection, according to the objects we have mainly in view. If we want the speediest growth of fuel or shelter, we shall choose the quick-growing trees. If we purpose to grow valuable timber we shall make a different selec- tion, or we may select for both results at the same time. Even in those parts of the country most destitute of any considerable masses of trees, the Western Plains, the treeless regions as they are called, there are a goodly number of species showing themselves, if but sparsely, and giving us hints as to what may be accomplished there in tree-planting, if fires and the depredations of destructive animals can be prevented. We have it, for example, on good authority, that the following trees, among others, are natives of Nebraska, one of the so-called treeless States : the buckeye, the red and the sugar ma- ple, the box-elder, the honey locust, the white and green ash, two species of elm, the hackberry, sycamore, black walnut, three species of the hickory, seven species of oak, the iron-wood, two species of METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. 9 birch, four of willow, the cotton-wood, the yellow pine, the red cedar, and two species of fir. Besides these trees there are many shrubs, some of which are tree-like and reach a height of twenty feet. One living where such trees are natives will hardly need to look elsewhere for trees, whether for fuel, timber, or the purposes of art and orna- ment. But one may also be pretty sure that where these grow other well-known and valuable trees can be successfully cultivated. And there are some trees which are deserving of more attention than has yet been given them in this country. The willows, for instance, have seldom been cultivated in a large way ; and yet there are few trees so easily grown, or which will pay better for cultivation. They adapt themselves to a wide range of soil and climate. They grow on high ground and on gravelly soils not less than by the sides of streams, where we most commonly see them. They are of rapid growth and yield a large return. The osier-willow is specially useful, we know, for the manufacture of baskets, chairs, and other articles of furniture, and we import it to the extent of $5,000,000 annually, when we might produce it easily in almost any part of our country. "We hardly think of the willow as a timber-tree or for the production of lumber, but only as yielding a cheap, poor sort of fuel. But in England the wood is greatly prized for many purposes. While it is light it is also tough; it does not break into slivers. Hardly any wood is so good, therefore, for the linings of carts and wagons used in drawing stone or other rough and heavy articles. It makes excellent charcoal, especially for the manufacture of gunpowder. It bears exposure to the weather, and boards made of it are very serviceable for fences. Some species of it are admirable for use as a live fence or hedge. On account of its com- parative incombustibility, the willow is eminently useful for the floors of buildings designed to be fire-proof. It grows to a large size and furnishes a great amount of lumber. There is a white willow growing in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, which, at four feet from the ground, measures twenty-two feet in circumference and extends its branches fifty feet in every direction. Tradition says it was brought from Connecticut in 1807 by a traveler, who used it as a riding-switch. The Hon. Jesse W. Fell, in giving an account of experiments in tree- planting, on an extensive scale, in Illinois, says, " Were I called upon to designate one tree which, more than all others, I would recommend for general planting, I would say unhesitatingly it should be the white willow." Professor Brewer says : " In England, where it is often sixty or seventy feet high in twenty years, there is no wood in greater demand than good willow. It is light, very tough, soft, takes a good finish, wiH bear more pounding and knocks than any other wood grown there, and hence its use for cricket-bats, for floats to paddle-wheels of steamers, and brake-blocks on cars. It is used extensively for turn- ing, planking coasting-vessels, furniture, ox-yokes, wooden legs, shoe- lasts, etc." Fuller says, "It groweth incredibly fast — it being a by- io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. word that the profit by willows will buy the owner a horse before that by other trees will pay for the saddle." The basket-willow, well cul- tivated, will yield a net income of $150 a year to the acre. On the whole, therefore, it would seem that the various kinds of willow, the economic value of which has been hitherto entirely overlooked in our country, are eminently deserving, of attention, and will amply reward those who cultivate them. The ailantus and the catalpa are also deserving of much more attention than has been given them. They are both quick-growing trees, soon attaining a size fitting them for use as fuel or in the form of lumber, while they are also very tough and durable. They combine solidity with rapid growth in an unusual degree, which gives them great value to the tree-planter. The ailantus is a native of China. It was brought to this country about a hundred years ago and planted as an ornamental tree. It was for a time very popular as a shade-tree in the streets of many of our cities, but the disagreeable odor of its flowers soon destroyed its popularity, and it was cast out of good society. But, although it may not be a desirable tree for the street or the vicinity of houses, it has, as we have said, qualities which com- mend it to the forest-planter. The French have planted it extensively because its leaves have been found to be a welcome food to the silk- worm. We may find it advantageous to plant it for the same reason, if the silk-culture is to be established in this country. The ailantus, while it grows as rapidly as the cotton-wood, produces a wood of a spe- cific gravity nearly equal to white oak, which it resembles in color and structure, and above that of black-walnut. It has a beautiful grain, takes a high polish, is easily worked, and is an admirable wood for cabinet-work or the interior finish of houses. It will grow on almost any soil, and is easily propagated by seed or from suck- ers, which it throws up very abundantly. It is quite hardy as far north as a line drawn from St. Louis to Boston, and is well fitted for planting in exposed positions. Professor Sargent, of the Arnold Arbo- retum, Harvard University, says of it : "A careful study of the ailan- tus from an economic point of view, and as a subject for sylviculture, forces on me the conclusion that no other tree, either native or for- eign, capable of supporting the climate of so large an area of the United States, will produce, in so short a space of time, and from land practically useless, so large an amount of valuable material — valuable alike for construction and for fuel." TheWestern catalpa (C. speciosa), formerly little known beyond the region of the lower Ohio, except as a few specimens have been grown for the sake of their beautiful flowers, which resemble somewhat those of the horse-chestnut, has lately been found to be one of our most valuable trees. AVhat chiefly commends it, in addition to its very rapid growth, is its remarkable durability. ~No tree is known to be equal to it in this respect. It seems to be almost imperishable METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. n when exposed to moisture, and was formerly much used by the In- dians for canoes. It has been a favorite material for fence and gate posts, and posts are now to be seen which have been in the ground from fifty to a hundred years, and show hardly any signs of/ decay. It promises to be a very valuable tree for railway-ties, and some of our railway companies, especially in the West, are planting it extensively on this account. It is also an excellent wood for the uses of the car- penter and the cabinet-maker. It resembles in color and texture the chestnut, is easily worked, and takes a fine polish. The rapidity of its growth in good soil is astonishing. A specimen from a tree which grew in Nebraska, and shows but four annual layers of growth, meas- ured nine and three quarters inches in circumference, and the growth of the first two years was already turned to heart-wood. The tree is easily propagated from seed, and will grow anywhere south of the forty-second parallel. Specimens of it are to be found as far north as the middle of Massachusetts, and along the sea-coast as far as Maine. Wherever it can be established it will prove not only one of our most beautiful but one of our most useful woods. There are two species of catalpa indigenous* to the United States ; the Speciosa, flowering three weeks earlier than the other, a native of the South, is the hardier of the two, and preferable for planting. As showing how practical men regard the catalpa and the ailantus, we may state that the Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad have made a con- tract with Messrs. Douglas, of Waukegan, to plant for them in Kansas several hundred acres of these trees. A Boston capitalist has also con- tracted for the planting in the same way of five hundred and sixty acres of prairie-land in Eastern Kansas. The plantation is to consist of three hundred acres of the catalpa, two hundred acres of ailantus, not less than twenty-seven hundred and twenty trees to the acre, and sixty acres are to be held as an experimental ground to be planted with several varieties of trees to be selected by Professor Sargent. What is even more noteworthy, the Iron Mountain Railroad Company, whose road runs for hundreds of miles through a heavily timbered country, have made a similar contract for planting near Charleston, Missouri, one hundred acres of the catalpa as an experi- ment. This they do because, while they own some of the finest white- oak timber on the continent, catalpa ties have stood on their road for twelve years entirely unaffected by decay, and the demand for ties and for posts of this wood far exceeds the present supply. It is esti- mated that the new railroads built in the treeless States in 1879 required over ten million ties. The Australian eucalyptus, or blue-gum, though an Australian tree, makes itself at home in California. It is a tree of astonishingly rapid growth, yet, like the ailantus and catalpa, it produces heavy, solid wood. In a plantation of it in Alameda County, California, in seven years from planting the trees were generally ten inches in diameter 12 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and sixty feet high. Wonderful stories are told, also, of the value of the eucalyptus as a preventive of malaria, and in reclaiming swamps by absorbing their moisture. But, whatever may or may not be true of it in these respects, the rapidity of its growth and the quality of its wood will commend its cultivation wherever it can be accli- mated. A good deal has been expected of the Scotch pine, and it has been somewhat extensively imported for the purpose of planting. In Eu- rope it has a great reputation for the durability of its wood, and for its rapid growth on poor soils and in exposed situations. But time is seem- ing to prove that this tree is not well adapted to our country. It grows well for a while, and has a promising appearance while young ; but, after attaining an age of from twelve to twenty years, it is apt to fail, dying off suddenly, to the great disappointment of the planter. Its most valuable use is as a nurse-tree in very exposed places, where it will shelter other and better trees until they get established and are able to take care of themselves. But it is hardly worth while to go abroad for the Scotch pine when we have at home such a tree as the pitch-pine (P. rigida). This tree can be produced from seed in this country in the open field with as much certainty as a crop of corn. It has been grown for many years in this way on the barren and wind-swept soil of Cape Cod, and its cul- tivation has been entirely successful. Large plantations of it are to be found there, and, for the production of fuel and as a nurse for more valuable trees in such exposed and sterile situations, it has proved worthy the attention of land-holders, as it can be planted at a cost of from one to two dollars an acre. But the white pine is the most valuable of the conifers for our Northern States. No other is equal to it as a timber-tree. The one drawback to its cultivation is the difficulty of producing it from seed in the open field. It is a tender and delicate plant at its beginning. It needs the care and shelter of the nursery. But a tree so noble when fully grown, and so valuable for many purposes, is worthy of all needed care when young, and will repay it abundantly. The tree-planter can well afford to be at the expense of transplanting this tree from the nursery. For timber, when fully grown, for shelter-belts on farms and grounds, as well as for its fine appearance on the lawn as a single tree or in clumps, our American white ]3ine stands second to no other tree in its claims - upon the attention of the planter. The rapidity with which it is being swept away by the lumberman's axe, together with its great usefulness and desirability in the arts, and especially for build- ing purposes, will give this tree for some time to come an increasing economic value. The European larch is quite worthy of cultivation, especially in New England. Professor Sargent says, " There is no tree capable of producing so large an amount of such valuable timber in so short a METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. 13 time as the European larch, in countries where its cultivation is pos- sible." Its cultivation has been proved possible in a large part of our country. In the East and West alike it has been planted with success, and has shown itself to be superior to the American larch, or hack- matack, as it is commonly called. It is especially adapted to poor soils, and bleak, rocky situations — emphatically a tree to be planted on waste and comparatively valueless lands. It belongs to the coniferous family of trees, though not an evergreen. It grows to a height of more than one hundred feet, and perhaps no tree combines more valu- able qualities. In Europe is is especially esteemed for railway-ties. It is the most durable wood known when alternately subjected to the influence of air and water. Hence it is very valuable for piles for the construction of docks and the support of buildings. Venice is largely built upon piles made of this wood, and, though they have been ex- posed to the elements for hundreds of years, in many cases they show hardly any signs of decay. The European larch is more durable, as well as stronger and tougher, than oak. For posts it is probably equal to our red cedar. It is admirably adapted for the frames.of buildings. Grigor, an eminent English writer on forestry, says, " No tree is so valuable as the larch in its fertilizing effects, arising from the rich- ness of the foliage which it sheds annually." The Messrs. Fay and others have planted it extensively on Cape Cod and with great success. It has been grown all the way from there to Northwestern Iowa, and even beyond, and a village in Iowa bears the significant name " Larch- mont." An important practical question arises whether it is best to stdrtt a plantation from the seed or from trees already grown from one to three years — that is, of a size convenient for transplanting. With some kinds of trees there is little difficulty in raising them from the seed sown where they are to grow. But the preponderance of opinion both in Europe and in this country favors planting the young trees. Though so large and strong when fully grown, many trees are quite small and tender at tl}e beginning. The stately pine, that sends its lofty spire to a height of one or even two hundred feet, is hardly visible for the first two years of its life. It is very easily destroyed. It is most econom- ically raised, therefore, in nurseries or seed-beds, where it can have the needful protection and care. Transplanting, also, while in the nurs- ery tends to give trees a furnishing of roots which prepares them to make a more vigorous growth than when they spring from seed on the forest-ground. It will in most cases probably be safer and cheaper for the planter to procure his trees from the professional nursery -men than to undertake himself to raise them from the seed. The European larch and Scotch pine can be imported at a cost of not more than half a cent apiece, all expenses paid. Messrs. Douglas & Sons, of Wauke- gan, Illinois, and other nursery-men in this country, are now raising them very largely and will furnish them at an equally cheap rate ; i4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and there are some risks in importing trees which are avoided by pur- chasing those which are home-grown. The Messrs. Douglas are probably the largest and most successful raisers of forest-tree seedlings in the United States ; and, while they are sending out trees by the million, for the encouragement of farmers and others of small means who have had no experience in, planting, or find it difficult to procure trees, at the suggestion of Professor Sargent, of the Arnold Arboretum, they offer to send out dollar packages of trees by mail, post-paid, to any part of the country. These packages contain each from seventy-five to a hundred forest-trees. By this means any one who has any interest in trees, or who would like to make an experiment in growing them, may at trifling cost have them delivered safely at his own door. Two years ago seventy-five thou- sand trees were sent out in this way as a beginning, and not a single one, it is said, failed to reach its destination in a good condition. It may be well to make one statement in regard to planting a par- ticular class of trees. These are the evergreens, or the conifers, in- cluding of course the larches. For shelter-belts on farms and by road- sides, and for ornamental planting near dwellings, no trees are more desirable. They commend themselves also for their bright-green foli- age, holding on through the long winters which prevail over so large a portion of the country. They have been less planted than is desir- able, because planting them has so often resulted in failure. This has come principally from not understanding the different nature of these trees from that of all others. The sap of the pine family is resinous and hardens whenever the bark of the roots becomes dried by exposure either to the sun or the wind, and when once hardened no application of water will dissolve it and set it flowing again. The tree is death- struck. Nothing can save it. Hence the one important thing in trans- planting evergreens, whether from their native woods or from the nursery, is to keep the roots in a moist state until they are safely bed- ded in the ground again. This is the secret of success. This done, no trees are more easily or successfully managed. We would as soon undertake to transplant a hemlock or a pine as a currant-bush. There is no more need of failure with the one than with the other. We have assumed all along, if we have not directly asserted, that the planting of trees on the large scale will be pecuniarily profitable, while it is, on many accounts, so desirable. We turn to this point now, however, more distinctly, because, although tree-planting is desirable for the repair of the rapid waste of our existing forests and to main- tain a supply of lumber for the various uses of life, indispensable in- deed, and most important also in its bearings upon climate, agricult- ural production, and upon all the industries and comforts of life, it is the argument of pecuniary profit upon which we must chiefly rely for any efficient action in the work of forestry. Nothing can be plainer, to any one who looks at the subject in a comprehensive way, than that METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. 15 there is coming an increased demand for wood, for use as fuel and in the various arts and industries, while the sources of supply will be less- ened for a long time to come, whatever may be done to increase them. The existing forests, which we are sweeping off so rapidly with the axe and by fire, have been the growth, some of them, of centuries. They can not be replaced in this generation or the next. In some cases they can not be replaced at all. Meantime the destruction of what are left will continue. It is estimated that the great lumber region of Michigan and Wisconsin will be swept of its timber in ten years more. The increasing millions of our population will make in- creasing demands upon the forests. With all that we may do in plant- ing there is likely to come a scarcity of lumber and of timber for pur- poses of construction which will carry the price far beyond anything which we now know, and make woodlands mines of wealth to their owners. But comparatively few take such a large view of things ; or, if they do, have the forecast and resolution to act upon it. It is the con- sideration of present gain or loss which moves most men to action. And, regarded in this light, the subject of tree-planting is one which commends itself to almost all land-owners. Apart from the rich prai- ries of the West, there is hardly a farm, we may say, upon which there is not. some portion so swampy, so rocky and inaccessible, or so poor in soil, that the cultivation of the ordinary crops upon it is impracti- cable or unprofitable. Such portions are now properly called waste- lands. But there ought to be no waste-lands. There need be none. These intractable portions of many of our farms, now bearing only a scanty and often well-nigh worthless growth, may, with little trouble, be planted with valuable trees, which, even in a few years, will yield a profitable return from their proper thinning, while those that may be left will increase in value as certainly and as rapidly as money depos- ited in a savings-bank or invested in the public funds. The farmer or land-owner can hardly provide for his children so easily as in this way a sure and valuable legacy. A distinguished authority has said, " As a general rule, in the highlands and lowlands of Scotland, land under wood, at the end of sixty years, under good management, will pay the proprietor nearly three times the sum of money that he would have received from any other crop on the same piece of ground." Nothing is better understood in England and on the Continent than that the forests are among the best and surest sources of income. Governments and great corporations regard them as stable and impor- tant means of revenue. In our own country, as yet, we have not become accustomed to look upon the forests in this aspect. Nor have we cared for them as we do for those things which we depend upon for revenue. And yet, neglected as our woodlands have been, and left to take care of themselves, they have yielded a fair pecuniary return. There is no reason why, with good management, they should 16 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. not be as profitable as the Scotch plantations. We have already suffi- cient demonstration of this from actual experiment. We have some plantations of trees, both in the East and in the West, which are of sufficient age to furnish reliable data upon this subject. Mr. Budd, a tree-grower of Iowa, and a careful observer, says : "A grove of ten acres, thinned to six feet apart, containing twelve thousand trees, at, twelve years were eight inches in diameter and thirty-four feet high, the previous thinning paying all expenses of planting and cultivation. Ten feet of the bodies of these trees were worth, for making bent- stuff, etc., forty cents each, and the remaining top ten cents, making a total of $6,000 as the profit of ten acres in twelve years, or a yearly profit of $50 per acre.1' Similar reports come from other places in the West. But, turning from the rich lands of the West to the poor soils and rough exposures of the East, we have sufficient examples of the profit- ableness of tree-planting. One of the oldest in date, perhaps the oldest example of forest-planting in this country, is that of Mr. Zacha- riah Allen, at Smithfield, Rhode Island. In 1820 a tract of land forty acres in extent was bequeathed to him. Professor Sargent, from whom we take the account, says : " It had been constantly used as a pasture for nearly a hundred years previous to its coming into Mr. Allen's hands, and was at that time entirely worn out. The situ- ation was an elevated one, and completely exposed to the wind, the forty acres occupying the summit of a high hill of granite formation. The surface was marked with ledges, cropping out in projecting cliffs,, with intervals of loamy soil, covered with a scanty herbage, and sup- plying nourishment to a few straggling white birches and the other hardy plants which still too clearly mark our barren pastures. It was found impossible to lease the land for pasturage, so exhausted had it become. The owner consequently determined to try the experiment of planting the whole, or that portion where the rock did not come to the surface, with the seeds of forest-trees. The planting was done in 1820, and cost $45. Since then, for fifty-seven years, Mr. Allen has kept a minute account of his expenditures and receipts in connection with that field. He sets down the price of the land at fifteen dollars an acre, that being what it was appraised at in the division of the es- tate of the previous owner, though the taxes were for years less than two dollars and a half yearly for the whole forty acres. Charging him- self with the land and with interest on its valuation, and also on the taxes paid" for fifty-seven years, his debit account stood, at the close of 1877, $3,804.83. His credit account at the same time, for wood, posts, timber, etc., and 320 cords still uncut, stood $6,348.06, leaving a profit of $2,543.23, or 6T9^- per cent on the investment for the whole term, and the land greatly improved besides." The experiments of Messrs. Fay and others at Lynn, and on the barren sands of Cape Cod, where thousands of acres, valued at only METHODS AND PROFIT OF TREE-PLANTING. 17 fifty cents apiece, and hardly worth that, have been planted with the native pitch and white pine, the Scotch and Austrian pine, the Nor- way spruce, and the European larch, are equally convincing. Mr. Fay planted in 1854, and in 1877 had one hundred and twenty-five acres densely covered with trees. The larches had reached a height of forty feet and a diameter of fourteen inches. Scotch pines, sown as late as 1861, were thirty feet high and ten inches in diameter a foot from the ground. Mr. Fay is abundantly satisfied with the results of his experiments. Professor Sargent says, speaking of the plantations made by Messrs. Fay and others : " When we consider the success which has attended the experiments of these gentlemen in reclothing their property with forest growths, under circumstances, too, as dis- advantageous as it is possible for Massachusetts to offer, it must be acknowledged that the attempt to replant our unimproved lands. is a perfectly feasible one; and the only wonder is that the inhabitants of Essex and Barnstable Counties, with such examples before them, have not already planted their worthless, worn-out lands with a crop which would yield a larger profit than any they have produced since the first clearing of the forest." Taking the results of Mr. Fay's planting, and the average results of the planting of the larches in the Highlands of Scotland, which are nearly the same in like conditions, Professor Sargent finds that, on ordinary soil, larches planted when about one foot high and three years old, will in twenty years average twenty-two feet in height and seven inches in diameter three feet from the ground ; and that in thirty years they will be from thirty-five to forty feet high and twelve inches in diameter; and, if thinned out, the remaining trees, at fifty years from the time of planting, will reach from sixty to seventy feet in height and at least twenty inches in diameter. On this basis he makes the estimated profit on a plantation of ten acres of larch-trees, at the end of fifty years, to be $52,282.75, or thirteen per cent per annum for the whole time. The estimate is carefully made, as would be seen, if we had space for the particulars ; but with a considerable discount from the figures of Professor Sargent there is left, certainly, a reasonable profit. It is to be remembered also that trees are not exhausting crops, but that they tend to enrich and improve the land on which they grow. If this be taken into account, the estimate of possible and probable profit from the planting of our many acres of wild, rocky, sandy, and other poor and practically waste land, is to be counted only by mill- ions of dollars, while the benefits that would accrue from extensive tree-planting in the more equable distribution of rain and the flow of our streams^ in meteorologic influences upon health and comfort, and in other ways, would be simply incalculable. VOL. XXI. — 2 18 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. PEOFESSOE GOLDWIJNT SMITH AS A CEITIC. By HERBERT SPENCER. I N the pref ace to the " Data of Ethics " there occurs the following sentence : AVith a view to clearness, I have treated separately some correlative aspects of conduct, drawing conclusions either of which becomes untrue if divorced from the other, and have thus given abundant opportunity for misrepresentation. When I wrote this sentence, I little dreamed that Professor. Gold- win Smith would be the man to verify my expectation more fully than I expected it to be verified by the bitterest bigot among those classed as orthodox. I do not propose here to enter upon a controversy. I propose sim- ply to warn readers that, before accepting Professor Goldwin Smith's versions of my views, it will be well to take the precaution of refer- ring to the views as expressed by myself, to see whether the two cor- respond. And, by way of showing that this warning is called for, I will give them the opportunity of comparing representation with real- ity in a single instance. In his article in the last number of this " Eeview," and on page 340, he characterizes the doctrine I have set forth in these words : An authoritative conscience, duty, virtue, obligation, principle, and rectitude of motive, no more enter into his definitions, or form parts of his system, than does the religious sanction. Before going further, let the reader dwell a moment on this state- ment, and consider the full implication of its words. Let him ask himself what kind of conclusions he would look for in a system of ethics which does not recognize " an authoritative conscience " ; what ideas of right and wrong are likely to be found in a treatise on con- duct which excludes "duty" and "virtue"; what he thinks must be the general traits of a moral doctrine in which "principle" has no place. Then, when he has fully impressed himself with the meaning of Professor Smith's words, and imagined the kind of teaching indi- cated by them, let him observe the teaching he actually finds. The following passage, from chapter ix of the " Data of Ethics," will pre- pare the way for more specific passages : It is quite consistent to assert that happiness is the ultimate aim of action, and at the same time to deny that it can be reached by making it the immediate aim. I go with Mr. Sidgwick as far as the conclusion that "we must at least admit the desirability of confirming or correcting the results of such compari- sons [of pleasures and pains] by any other method upon which we may find rea- son to rely " ; and I then go further and say that, throughout a large part of conduct, guidance by such comparisons is to be entirely set aside and replaced by other guidance (pp. 155, 156). PROFESSOR GOLD WIN SMITH AS A CRITIC. 19 Even without going further, it will, I think, be manifest enough that, instead of putting pleasures and pains in the foreground, as alone to be considered in determining right and wrong (which Professor Gold- win Smith's account of my views will lead every reader to suppose I do), I have here distinctly asserted the need for another method of determining right and wrong. And if comparisons of pleasures and pains, or estimations of happiness, are to be " entirely set aside " in the guidance of " a large part of conduct," it will puzzle any reader to conceive what such guidance can be if there are excluded from it all ideas of principle, rectitude, duty, obligation. But now, remarking this much, I go on to point out that a large part of the chapter is de- voted to the refutation of Bentham's doctrine, that happiness is to be the immediate object of pursuit. I have insisted on the authoritative character of certain "regulative principles for the conduct of asso- ciated human beings" (p. 167), which are already recognized and "es- tablished," and have urged that conformity to these must be the direct aim, and not happiness. Concerning certain moral ideas and senti- ments, I have said : Are they supernaturally-caused modes of thinking and feeling, tending to make men fulfill the conditions to happiness? If so, their authority is peremp- tory. Are they modes of thinking and feeling naturally caused in men by ex- perience of these conditions? If so, their authority is no less peremptory (p. 168). And then, having in various ways explained and enforced the need for these "regulative principles," and the peremptory authority of these " modes of thinking and feeling " known as conscience, I have closed the chapter by saying that "conflicting ethical theories . . . severally embody portions of the truth, and simply require combining in proper order to embody the whole truth" (p. 171). The theological theory contains a part. If for the divine will, supposed to be supernaturally revealed, we substitute the naturally-revealed end toward which the power manifested throughout evolution works; then, since evolution has been, and is still, working toward the highest life, it follows that conform- ing to those principles by which the highest life is achieved is furthering that end. The doctrine, that perfection or excellence of nature should be the object of pursuit, is in one sense true, for it tacitly recognizes that ideal form of being which the highest life implies, and to which evolution tends. There is a truth, also, in the doctrine that virtue must be the aim, for this is another form of the doctrine that, the aim must be to fulfill the conditions to achievement of the highest life. That the intuitions of a moral faculty should guide our conduct is a proposition in which a truth is contained, for these intuitions are the slowly organized results of experiences received by the race while living in presence of these conditions. And that happiness as the supreme end is beyond question true, for this is the concomitant of that highest life which every theory of moral guidance has distinctly or vaguely in view. So understanding their relative positions, those ethical systems which make virtue, right, obligation the cardinal aims, are seen to be complementary to those zo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ethical systems which make welfare, pleasure, happiness the cardinal aims (pp. 171, 172). Nor is this all. Having asserted that the moral sentiments " are indispensable as incentives and deterrents," and that " the intuitions corresponding to these sentiments " have " a general authority to be reverently recognized," I have ended by saying : Hence, recognizing in due degrees all the various ethical theories,- conduct in its highest form will take as guides, innate perceptions of right, duly enlight- ened and made precise by an analytic intelligence, while conscious that these guides are proximately supreme solely because they lead to the ultimately su- preme end — happiness, special and general (pp. 172, 173). Experience does not lead me to suppose that Professor Goldwin Smith will admit his description of my views to be unjustified. Con- trariwise, many instances have proved to me that, when the statements, first made are not distinguished by great scrupulousness, no great scru- pulousness is shown in the defense of them. The reader will be able, however, to decide beforehand whether any reply which may be made can be adequate. He has simply to ask himself whether, having read the sentence I have quoted from Professor Goldwin Smith, he could have expected to find in the " Data of Ethics " the passages I have quoted from it. If he says " No," as he must do, then, whatever ex- planation or defense may be offered, will leave outstanding the charge of grave misrepresentation. Perhaps it will be assumed that this is simply a mistake, an inad- vertence, an oversight on the part of Professor Goldwin Smith — an excejDtional error he has fallen into. Well, even were this true, it could hardly be held to excuse him, considering that his statement in- volves a condemnatory characterization of the work as a whole. But it is not true. So far from being exceptional, the instance I have given is typical of his entire criticism. I have noted eight other state- ments of his concerning views of mine, which are quite at variance with the facts — most of them as widely at variance as the one I have instanced. I do not wish to occupy either my own time or the pages of the " Contemporary Review " in setting forth these at length, but I am quite prepared to do it if need be. — Contemporary Review. -+++- MONKEYS. Bt ALFRED ETTSSEL WALLACE. IF the skeletons of an orang-outang and a chimpanzee be compared with that of a man, there will be found to be the most wonderful resemblance, together with a very marked diversity. Bone for bone, throughout the whole structure, will be found to agree in general MONKEYS. 21 form, position, and function, the only absolute differences being that the orang has nine wrist-bones, whereas man and the chimpanzee have but eight ; and the chimpanzee has thirteen pairs of ribs, whereas the orang, like man, has but twelve. AVith these two exceptions, the differences are those of shape, proportion, and direction only, though the resulting differences in the external form and motions are very considerable. The greatest of these are, that the feet of the anthro- poid or man-like apes, as well as those of all monkeys, are formed like hands, with large opposable thumbs fitted to grasp the branches of trees, but unsuitable for erect walking, while the hands have weak small thumbs but very long and powerful fingers, forming a hook rather than a hand, adapted for climbing up trees and suspending the whole weight from horizontal branches. The almost complete identity of the skeleton, however, and the close similarity of the muscles and of all the internal organs, have produced that striking and ludicrous resemblance to man which every one recognizes in these higher apes and, in a less degree, in the whole monkey tribe ; the face and feat- ures, the motions, attitudes, and gestures being often a strange carica- ture of humanity. Let us, then, examine a little more closely in what the resemblance consists, and how far, and to what extent, these ani- mals really differ from us. Besides the face, which is often wonderfully human — although the absence of any protuberant nose gives it often a curiously infantile aspect — monkeys, and especially apes, resemble us most closely in the hand and arm. The hand has well-formed fingers with nails, and the skin of the palm is lined and furrowed like our own. The thumb is, however, smaller and weaker than ours, and is not so much used in taking hold of anything. The monkey's hand is, therefore, not so well adapted as that of man for a variety of purposes, and can not be applied with such precision in holding small objects, while it is un- suitable for performing delicate operations such as tying a knot or writing with a pen. A monkey does not take hold of a nut with its forefinger and thumb as we do, but grasps it between the fingers and the palm in a clumsy way, just as a baby does before it has acquired the proper use of its hand. Two groups of monkeys — one in Africa and one in South America — have no thumbs on their hands, and yet they do not seem to be in any respect inferior to other kinds which possess it. In most of the American monkeys the thumb bends in the same direction as the fingers, and in none is it so perfectly opposed to the fingers as our thumbs are ; and all these circumstances show that the hand of the monkey is, both structurally and functionally, a very different, and very inferior organ to that of man, since it is not applied to similar purposes, nor is it capable of being so applied. When we look at the feet of monkeys we find a still greater differ- ence, for these have much larger and more opposable thumbs, and are, therefore, more like our hands ; and this is the case with all monkeys, 22 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. so that even those which have no thumbs on their hands, or have them small and weak and parallel to the fingers, have always large and well-formed thumbs on their feet. It was on account of this peculiar- ity that the great French naturalist Cuvier named the whole group of monkeys Quadrumana, or four-handed animals, because, besides the two hands on their fore-limbs, they have also two hands in place of feet on their hind-limbs. Modern naturalists have given up the use of this term, because they say that the hind extremities of all monkeys are really feet, only these feet are shaped like hands ; but this is a point of anatomy, or rather of nomenclature, which we need not here discuss. Let us, however, before going further, inquire into the purpose and use of this peculiarity, and we shall then see that it is simply an adaptation to the mode of life of the animals which possess it. Monk- eys, as a rule, live in trees, and are especially abundant in the great tropical forests. They feed chiefly upon fruits, and occasionally eat insects and birds'-eggs, as well as young birds, all of which they find in the trees ; and, as they have no occasion to come down to the ground, they travel from tree to tree by jumping or swinging, and thus pass the greater part of their lives entirely among the leafy branches of lofty trees. For such a mode of existence, they require to be able to move with perfect ease upon large or small branches, and to climb up rapidly from one bough to another. As they use their hands for gathering fruit and catching insects or birds, they require some means of holding on with their feet, otherwise they would be liable to continual falls, and they are able to do this by means of their long finger-like toes and large opposable thumbs, which grasp a branch almost as securely as a bird grasps its perch. The true hands, on the contrary, are used chiefly to climb with, and to swing the whole weight of the body from one branch or one tree to another, and for this purpose the fingers are very long and strong, and in many species they are further strengthened by being partially joined together, as if the skin of our fingers grew together as far as the knuckles. This shows that the separate action of the fingers, which is so important to us, is little required by monkeys, whose hand is really an organ for climbing and seizing food, while their foot is required to support them firmly in any position on the branches of trees, and for this purpose it has become modified into a large and powerful grasping hand. Another striking difference between monkeys and men is, that the former never walk with ease in an erect posture, but always use their arms in climbing or in walking on all-fours like most quadrupeds. The monkeys that we see in the streets, dressed up and walking erect, only do so after much drilling and teaching, just as dogs may be taught to walk in the same way ; and the posture is almost as unnat- ural to the one animal as it is to the other. The largest and most man-like of the apes — the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orang-outang — also MONKEYS. 23 walk usually on all-fours ; but in these the arms are so long and the legs so short that the body appears half erect when walking ; and they have the habit of resting on the knuckles of the hands, not on the palms like the smaller monkeys, whose arms and legs are more nearly of an equal length, which tends still further to give them a semi-erect position. Still, they are never known to walk of their own accord on their hind-legs only, though they can do so for short distances, and the story of their using a stick and walking erect by its help in the wild state is not true. Monkeys, then, are both four- handed and four-footed beasts ; they possess four hands formed very much like our hands, and capable of picking up or holding any small object in the same manner ; but they are also four-footed, because they use all four limbs for the purpose of walking, running, or climb- ing ; and, being adapted to this double purpose, the hands want the delicacy of touch and the freedom as well as the precision of move- ment which ours possess. Man alone is so constructed that he walks erect wUh perfect ease, and has his hands free for any use to which he wishes to apply them ; and this is the great and essential bodily distinction between monkeys and men. We will now give some account of the different kinds of monkeys and the countries they inhabit. The Different Kinds of Monkeys and the Countries they inhabit. — Monkeys are usually divided into three kinds — apes, monk- eys, and baboons ; but these do not include the American monkeys, which are really more different from all those of the Old World than any of the latter are from each other. Naturalists, therefore, divide the whole monkey-tribe into two great families, inhabiting the Old and the New Worlds respectively ; and, if we learn to remember the kind of differences by which these several groups are distinguished, we shall be able to understand something of the classification of ani- mals, and the difference between important and unimportant characters. Taking first the Old World groups, they may be thus defined : apes have no tails ; monkeys have tails, which are usually long ; while baboons have short tails, and their faces, instead of being round and with a man-like expression as in apes and monkeys, are long and more dog-like. These differences are, however, by no means constant, and it is often difficult to tell whether an animal should be classed as an ape, a monkey, or a baboon. The Gibraltar ape, for example, though it has no tail, is really a monkey, because it has callosities, or hard pads of bare skin on which it sits, and cheek-pouches in which it can stow away food ; the latter character being always absent in the true apes, while both. are present in most monkeys and baboons. All these animals, however, from the largest ape to the smallest monkey, have the same number of teeth as we have, and they are arranged in a similar manner, although the tusks, or canine teeth, of the males are often large, like those of a dog. 2+ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The American monkeys, on the other hand, with the exception of the marmosets, have four additional grinding-teeth (one in each jaw on either side), and none of them have callosities or cheek-pouches. They never have prominent snouts like the baboons ; their nostrils are placed wide apart and open sideways on the face ; the tail, though sometimes short, is never quite absent ; and the thumb bends the same way as the fingers, is generally very short and weak, and is often quite wanting. We thus see that these American monkeys differ in a great number of characters from those of the Eastern hemisphere ; and they have this further peculiarity, that many of them have prehensile or grasping tails, which are never found in the monkeys of any other country. This curious organ serves the purpose of a fifth hand. It has so much muscular power that the animal can hang by it easily with the tip curled round a branch, while it can also be used to pick up small objects with almost as much ease and exactness as an ele- phant's trunk. In those species which have it most perfectly formed it is very long and powerful, and the end has the under-side cpvered with bare skin, exactly resembling that of the finger or palm of the hand, and apparently equally sensitive. One of the common kinds of monkeys that accompany street organ-players has a prehensile tail, but not of the most perfect kind ; since in this species the tail is entirely clad with hair to the tip, and seems to be used chiefly to steady the animal when sitting on a branch by being twisted round another branch near it. The statement is often erroneously made that all American monkeys have prehensile tails ; but the fact is that rather less than half the known kinds have them so, the remainder having this organ either short and bushy or long and slender, but entirely without any power of grasping. All prehensile-tailed monkeys are American, but all American monkeys are not prehensile-tailed. By remembering these characters it is easy, with a little observa- tion, to tell whether any strange monkey comes from America or from the Old World. If it has bare seat-pads, or if when eating it fills its mouth till its cheeks swell out like little bags, we may be sure it comes from some part of Africa or Asia ; while, if it can curl up the end of its tail so as to take hold of anything, it is certainly Ameri- can. As all the tailed monkeys of the Old World have seat-pads (or ischial callosities as they are called in scientific language), and as all the American monkeys have tails, but no seat-pads, this is the most constant external character by which to distinguish them ; and, having done so, we can look for the other peculiarities of the American monk- eys, especially the distance apart of the nostrils and their lateral po- sition. The whole monkey-tribe is especially tropical, only a few kinds being found in the warmer parts of the temperate zone. One inhabits the Rock of Gibraltar, and there is one very like it in Japan, and these are the two monkeys which live farthest from the equator. In the MONKEYS. 25 tropics they become very abundant, and increase in numbers and va- riety as we approach the equator, where the climate is hot, moist, and equable, and where flowers, fruits, and insects are to be found through- out the year. Africa has about fifty -five different kinds, Asia and its islands about sixty, while America has one hundred and fourteen, or almost exactly the same as Asia and Africa together. Australia and its islands have no monkeys, nor has the great and luxuriant Island of New Guinea, whose magnificent forests seem so well adapted for them. We will now give a short account of the different kinds of monkeys inhabiting each of the tropical continents. Africa possesses two of the great man-like apes — the gorilla and the chimpanzee, the former being the largest ape known, and the one which, on the whole, perhaps most resembles man, though its counte- nance is less human than that of the chimpanzee. Both are found in West Africa, near the equator, but they also inhabit the interior wherever there are great forests ; and Dr. Schweinfurth states that the chimpanzee inhabits the country about the sources of the Shari River, in 28° east longitude and 4° north latitude. The long-tailed monkeys of Africa are very numerous and varied. One group has no cheek-pouches and no thumb on the hand, and many of these have long, soft fur of varied colors. The most numerous group are the guenons, rather small, long-tailed monkeys, very active and lively, and often having their faces curiously marked with white or black, or ornamented with whiskers or other tufts of hair ; and they all have large cheek-pouches and good-sized thumbs. Many of them are called green monkeys, from the greenish-yellow tint of their fur, and most of them are well-formed, pleasing animals. They are found only in tropical Africa. The baboons are larger, but less numerous. Thev resemble dogs in the general form and the length of the face or snout, but they have hands with well-developed thumbs on both the fore and hind limbs ; and this, with something in the expression of the face, and their habit of sitting up and using their hands in a very human fashion, at once shows that they belong to the monkey-tribe. Many of them are very ugly, and in their wild state they are the fiercest and most dangerous of monkeys. Some have the tail very long, others of medium length, while it is sometimes reduced to a mere stump, and all have large cheek-pouches and bare seat-pads. They are found all over Africa, from Egypt to the Cape of Good Hope ; while one species, called the hamadryas, extends from Abyssinia across the Red Sea into Arabia, and is the only baboon found out of Africa. This species was known to the ancients, and it is often represented in Egyptian sculptures, while mummies of it have been found in the catacombs. The largest and most remarkable of all the baboons is the mandrill of West Af- rica, whose swollen and hog-like face is ornamented with stripes of vivid blue and scarlet. This animal has a tail scarcely two inches 26 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. long, while in size and strength it is not much inferior to the gorilla. These large baboons go in bands, and are said to be a match for any- other animals in the African forests, and even to attack and drive away the elephants from the districts they inhabit. Turning now to Asia, we have first one of the best known of the large man-like apes — the orang-outang, found only in the two large islands, Borneo and Sumatra. The name is Malay, signifying " man of the woods," and it should be pronounced orang-ootang, the accent being on the first syllable of both words. It is a very curious circum- stance that, whereas the gorilla and chimpanzee are both black, like the negroes of the same country, the orang-outang is red or reddish- brown, closely resembling the color of the Malays and Dyaks who live in the Bornean forests. Though very large and powerful, it is a harm- less creature, feeding on fruit, and never attacking any other animal except in self-defense. A full-grown male orang-outang is rather more than four feet high, but with a body as large as that of a stout man, and with enormously long and powerful arms. Another group of true apes inhabit Asia and the larger Asiatic islands, and are in some respects the most remarkable of the whole family. These are the gibbons, or long-armed apes, w^hich are gen- erally of small size and of a gentle disposition, but possessing the most wonderful agility. In these creatures the arms are as long as the body and legs together, and are so powerful that a gibbon will hang for hours suspended from a branch, or swing to-and-fro, and then throw itself a great distance through the air. The arms, in fact, completely take the place of the legs for traveling. Instead of jumping from bough to bough, and running on the branches, like other apes and monkeys, the gibbons move along while hanging suspended in the air, stretching their arms from bough to bough, and thus going hand over hand as a very active sailor will climb along a rope. The strength of their arms is, however, so prodigious, and their hold so sure, that they often loose one hand before they have caught a bough with the other, thus seeming almost to fly through the air by a series of swinging leaps ; and they travel among the net-work of interlacing boughs a hundred feet above the earth with as much ease and certainty as we walk or run upon level ground, and with even greater speed. These little animals scarcely ever come down to the ground of their own ac- cord ; but, when obliged to do so, they run along almost erect, with their long arms swinging round and round, as if trying to find some tree or other object to climb upon. They are the only apes who nat- urally walk without using their hands as well as their feet ; but this does not make them more like men, for it is evident that the attitude is not an easy one, and is only adopted because the arms are habitually used to swing by, and are therefore naturally held upward instead of downward, as they must be when walking on them. The tailed monkeys of Asia consist of two groups, the first of which MONKEYS, 27 have no cheek-pouches, but always have very long tails. They are true forest monkeys, very active, and of a shy disposition. The most remarkable of these is the long-nosed monkey of Borneo, which is very large, of a pale-brown color, and distinguished by possessing a long, pointed, fleshy nose, totally unlike that of all other monkeys. Another interesting species is the black and white entellus monkey of India, called " Hanuman " by the Hindoos, and considered sacred by them. These animals are petted and fed, and at some of the temples numbers of them come every day for the food which the priests, as well as the people, provide for them. The next group of Eastern monkeys are the Macaques, which are more like baboons, and often run upon the ground. They are more bold and vicious than the others. All have cheek-pouches, and though some have long tails, in others the tail is short, or reduced to a mere stump. In some few this stump is so very short that there appears to be no tail, as in the magot of North Africa and Gibraltar, and in an allied species that inhabits Japan. American Monkeys. — The monkeys which inhabit America form three very distinct groups : 1. The Sapajous, which have prehensile or grasping tails ; 2. The Sagouins, which have ordinary tails, either long or short ; and, 3. The Marmosets, very small creatures, with sharp claws, long tails, which are not prehensile, and a smaller number of . teeth than all other American monkeys. Each of these three groups contains several sub-groups, or genera, which often differ remarkably from each other, and from all the monkeys of the Old World. We will begin with the howling monkeys, which are the largest found in America, and are celebrated for the loud voice of the males. Often in the great forests of the Amazon, or Orinoco, a tremendous noise is heard in the night or early morning, as if a great assemblage of wild beasts were all roaring and screaming together. The noise may be heard for miles, and it is louder and more piercing than that of any other animals, yet it is all produced by a single male howler sitting on the branches of some lofty tree. They are enabled to make this extraordinary noise by means of an organ that is possessed by no other animal. The. lower jaw is unusually deep, and this makes room for a hollow bony vessel about the size of a large walnut, situated under the root of the tongue, and having an opening into the windpipe by which the animal can force air into it. This increases the power of its voice, acting something like the hollow case of a violin, and producing those marvelous rolling and reverberating sounds which caused the celebrated traveler Waterton to declare that they were such as might have had their origin in the infernal regions. The howlers are large and stout- bodied monkeys with bearded faces, and very strong and powerfully grasping tails. They inhabit the wildest forests ; they are very shy, and are seldom taken captive, though they are less active than many other American monkeys. 28 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Next come the spider-monkeys, so called from their slender bodies and enormously long limbs and tail. In these monkeys the tail is so long, strong, and perfect, that it completely takes the place of a fifth hand. By twisting the end of it round a branch the animal can swing freely in the air with complete safety; and this gives them a wonderful power of climbing and passing from tree to tree, because the distance they can stretch is that of the tail, body, and arm added together, and these are all unusually long. They can also swing themselves through the air for great distances, and are thus able to pass rapidly from tree to tree without ever descending to the ground, just like the gibbons in the Malayan forests. Although capable of feats of wonderful agility, the spider-monkeys are usually slow and deliberate in their motions, and have a timid, melancholy expression, very different from that of most monkeys. Their hands are very long, but have only four fingers,, being adapted for hanging on to branches rather than for getting hold of small objects. It is said that, when they have to cross a river the trees on the opposite banks of which do not approach near enough for a leap, several of them form a chain, one hanging by its tail from a lofty overhanging branch and seizing hold of the tail of the one below it, then gradually swinging themselves backward and forward till the lower one is able to seize hold of a branch on the opposite side. He then climbs up the tree, and, when sufficiently high, the first one lets go, and the swing either carries him across to a bough on the opposite side or he climbs up over his companions. Closely allied to the last are the woolly monkeys, which have an equally well-developed prehensile tail, but better proportioned limbs, and a thick, wholly fur of a uniform gray or brownish color. They have well-formed fingers and thumbs, both on the hands and feet, and are rather deliberate in their motions, and exceedingly tame and affec- tionate in captivity. They are great eaters, and are usually very fat. They are found only in the far interior of the Amazon Valley, and, having a delicate constitution, seldom live long in Europe. These monkeys are not so fond of swinging themselves about by their tails as are the spider-monkeys, and offer more opportunities of observing how completely this organ takes the place of a fifth hand. "When walking about a house, or on the deck of a ship, the partially curled tail is car- ried in an horizontal position on the ground, and the moment it touches anything it twists round it and brings it forward, when, if eatable, it is at once appropriated ; and when fastened up the animal will obtain any food that may be out of reach of its hands with the greatest facility, picking up small bits of biscuit, nuts, etc., much as an elephant does with the tip of his trunk. We now come to a group of monkeys whose prehensile tail is of a less perfect character, since it is covered with hair to the tip, and is of no use to pick up objects. It can, however, curl round a branch, and serves to steady the animal while sitting or feeding, but is never used MONKEYS. 29 to hang and swing by, in the manner so common with the spider- monkeys and their allies. These are rather small-sized animals, with round heads and with moderately long tails. They are very active and intelligent, their limbs are not so long as in the preceding group, and, though they have five fingers on each hand and foot, the hands have weak and hardly opposable thumbs. Some species of these monkeys are often carried about by itinerant organ-men, and are taught to walk erect and perform many amusing tricks. They form the genus Cebus of naturalists. The remainder of the American monkeys have non-prehensile tails, like those of the monkeys of the Eastern hemisphere ; but they consist of several distinct groups, and differ very much in appearance and habits. First we have the Sakis, which have a bushy tail and usually very long and thick hair, something like that of a bear. Sometimes the tail is very short, appearing like a rounded tuft of hair ; many of the species have fine bushy whiskers, which meet under the chin, and appear as if they had been dressed and trimmed by a barber, and the head is often covered with thick, curly hair, looking like a wig. Others, again, have the face quite red, and one has the head nearly bald — a most remarkable peculiarity among monkeys. This latter species was met with by Mr. Bates on the upper Amazon, and he de- scribes the face as being of a vivid scarlet, the body clothed from neck to tail with very long, straight, and shining white hair, while the head was nearly bald, owing to the very short crop of thin, gray hairs. As a finish to their striking physiognomy, these monkeys have bushy whiskers, of a sandy color, meeting under the chin, and yellowish-gray eyes. The color of the face is so vivid that it looks as if covered with a thick coat of bright scarlet paint. These creatures are very delicate, and have never reached Europe alive, though several of the allied forms have lived some time in our Zoological Gardens. An allied group consists of the elegant squirrel-monkeys, with long, straight, hairy tails, and often adorned with prettily variegated colors. They are usually small animals ; some have the face marked with black and white, others have curious whiskers, and their nails are rather sharp and claw-like. They have large, round heads, and their fur is more glossy and smooth than in most other American monkeys, so that they more resemble some of the smaller monkeys of Africa. These little creatures are very active, running about the trees like squirrels, and feeding largely on insects as well as on fruit. Closely allied to these are the small group of night-monkeys, which have large eyes, and a round face surrounded by a kind of ruff of whitish fur, so as to give it an owl -like appearance, whence they are sometimes called owl-faced monkeys. They are covered with soft, gray fur, like that of a rabbit, and sleep all day long, concealed in hollow trees. The face is also marked with white patches and stripes, giving it a rather carnivorous or cat-like aspect, which, perhaps, serves 3o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. as a protection, by causing the defenseless creature to be taken for an arboreal tiger-cat, or some such beast of prey. This finishes the series of such of the American monkeys as have a larger number of teeth than those of the Old World. But there is another group, the Marmosets, which have the same number of teeth as Eastern monkeys, but differently distributed in the jaws, a premolar being substituted for a molar tooth. In other particulars they resemble the rest of the American monkeys. These are very small and delicate creatures, some having the body only seven inches long. The thumb of the hands is not opposable, and instead of nails they have sharp, compressed claws. These diminutive monkeys have long, non-prehen- sile tails, and they have a silky fur, often of varied and beautiful colors. Some are striped with gray and white, or are of rich brown or golden- brown tints, varied by having the head or shoulders white or black, while in many there are crests, frills, manes, or long ear-tufts, adding greatly to their variety and beauty. These little animals are timid and restless ; their motions are more like those of a squirrel than a monkey. Their sharp claws enable them to run quickly along the branches, but they seldom leap from bough to bough, like the larger monkeys. They live on fruits and insects, but are much afraid of wasps, which they are said to recognize even in a picture. This com- pletes our sketch of the American monkeys, and we see that, although they possess no such remarkable forms as the gorilla or the baboons, yet they exhibit a wonderful diversity of external characters, consider- ing that all seem equally adapted to a purely arboreal life. In the howlers we have a specially developed voice-organ, which is altogether peculiar ; in the spider-monkeys we find the adaptation to active motion among the topmost branches of the forest-trees carried to an extreme point of development ; while the singular nocturnal monkeys, the active squirrel-monkeys, and the exquisite little marmosets, show how distinct are the forms under which the same general type may be exhibited, and in how many varied ways existence may be sustained under almost identical conditions. Lemurs. — In the general term, monkeys, considered as equivalent to the order Primates, or the Quadrumana of naturalists, we have to include another sub-type, that of the lemurs. These animals are of a lower grade than the true monkeys, from which they differ in so many points of structure that they are considered to form a distinct sub-order, or, by some naturalists, even a separate order. They have usually a much larger head and more pointed muzzle than monkeys ; they vary considerably in the number, form, and arrangement of the teeth ; their thumbs are always well developed, but their fingers vary much in size and length ; their tails are usually long, but several species have no tail whatever, and they are clothed with a more or less woolly fur, often prettily variegated with white and black. They inhabit the deep forests of Africa, Madagascar, and Southern Asia, MONKEYS. 3 1 and are more sluggish in their movements than true monkeys, most of them being of nocturnal or crepuscular habits. They feed largely on insects, eating also fruits and the eggs or young of birds. The most curious species are — the slow lemurs of South India, small tailless nocturnal animals, somewhat resembling sloths in appear- ance and almost as deliberate in their movements, except when in the act of seizing their insect prey ; the tarsier, or specter-lemur, of the Malay Islands, a small long-tailed nocturnal lemur, remarkable for the curious development of the hind-feet, which have two of the toes very short and with sharp claws, while the others have nails, the third toe beino- exceedingly long and slender, though the thumb is very large, giving the feet a very irregular and outre appearance ; and, lastly, the aye-aye of Madagascar, the most remarkable of all. This animal has very large ears and a squirrel -like tail, with long, spreading hair. It has large curved incisor teeth, which add to its squirrel-like appear- ance and caused the early naturalists to class it among the rodents. But its most remarkable character is found in its fore-feet or hands, the fingers of which are all very long and armed with sharp, curved claws, but one of them, the second, is wonderfully slender, being not half the thickness of the others. This curious combination of charac- ters shows that the aye-aye is a very specialized form — that is, one whose organization has been slowly modified to fit it for a peculiar mode of life. From information received from its native country, and from a profound study of its organization, Professor Owen believes that it is adapted for the one purpose of feeding on small, wood-boring insects. Its large feet and sharp claws enable it to cling firmly to the branches of trees in almost any position ; by means of its large, deli- cate ears it listens for the sound of the insect gnawing within the branch, and is thus able to fix its exact position ; with its powerful curved gnawing teeth it rapidly cuts away the bark and wood till it . exposes the burrow of the insect, most probably the soft larva of some beetle, and then comes into play the extraordinary long wire-like finger, which enters the small cylindrical burrow, and with the sharp bent claw hooks out the grub. Here we have a most complex adapta- tion of different parts and organs all converging to one special end, that end being the same as is reached by a group of birds, the wood- peckers, in a different way ; and it is a most interesting fact that, although woodpeckers abound in all the great continents, and are especially common in the tropical forests of Asia, Africa, and America, they are quite absent from Madagascar. We may therefore consider that the aye-aye really occupies the same place in nature in the forests of this tropical island as do the woodpeckers in other parts of the world. Distribution, Affinities, and Zoological Rank of Monkets. — Having thus sketched an outline of the monkey-tribe as regards their more prominent external characters and habits, we must say a 32 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. few words on their general relations as a distinct order of mammalia. No other group, so extensive and so varied as this, is so exclusively tropical in its distribution, a circumstance no doubt due to the fact that monkeys depend so largely on fruit and insects for their subsist- ence. A very few species extend into the warmer parts of the tem- perate zones, their extreme limits in the northern hemisphere being Gibraltar, the western Himalayas at eleven thousand feet elevation, East Thibet, and Japan. In America they are found in Mexico, but do not appear to pass beyond the tropic. In the southern hemisphere they are limited by the extent of the forests in South Brazil, which reach about 30° south latitude. In the East, owing to their entire absence from Australia, they do not reach the tropic ; but in Africa some baboons range to the southern extremity of the continent. But this extreme restriction of the order to almost tropical lands is only recent. Directly we go back to the Pliocene period of geology, we find the remains of monkeys in France, and even in England. In the earlier Miocene several kinds, some of large size, lived in France, Germany, and Greece, all more or less closely allied to living forms of Asia and Africa. About the same period monkeys of the South American type inhabited the United States. In the remote Eocene period the same temperate lands were inhabited by lemurs in the East, and by curious animals believed to be intermediate between lemurs and marmosets in the West. We know from a variety of other evi- dence that throughout these vast periods a mild and almost sub-trop- ical climate extended over all Central Europe and parts of North America, while one of a temperate character prevailed as far north as the Arctic Circle. The monkey-tribe then enjoyed a far greater range over the earth, and perhaps filled a more important place in Nature than it does now. Its restriction to the comparatively narrow limits of the tropics is no doubt mainly due to the great alteration of climate which occurred at the close of the Tertiary period, but it may have been aided by the continuous development of varied forms of mam- malian life better fitted for the contrasted seasons and deciduous vege- tation of the north temperate regions. The more extensive area formerly inhabited by the monkey-tribe would have favored their development into a number of divergent forms, in distant regions and adapted to distinct modes of life. As these retreated southward and became concentrated in a more limited area, such as were able to maintain themselves became mingled together as we now find them, the ancient and lowly marmosets and lemurs subsisting side by side with the more recent and more highly developed howlers and anthro- poid apes. Throughout the long ages of the Tertiary period monkeys must have been very abundant and very varied, yet it is but rarely that their fossil remains are found. This, however, is not difficult to ex- plain. The deposits in which mammalian remains most abound are MONKEYS. 33 those formed in lakes or in caverns. In the former the bodies of large numbers of terrestrial animals were annually deposited, owing to their having been caught by floods in the tributary streams, swallowed up iu marginal bogs or quicksands, or drowned by the giving way of ice. Caverns were the haunts of hyenas, tigers, bears, and other beasts of prey, which dragged into them the bodies of their victims, and left many of their bones to become imbedded in stalagmite or in the mud- dy deposit left by floods, while herbivorous animals were often carried into them by these floods, or by falling down the swallow-holes which often open into caverns from above. But, owing to their arboreal habits, monkeys were to a great extent freed from all these dangers. Whether devoured by beasts or birds of prey, or dying a natural death, their bones would usually be left on dry land, where they would slowly decay under atmospheric influences. Only under very excep- tional circumstances would they become imbedded in aqueous de- posits ; and, instead of being surprised at their rarity, we should rather wonder that so many have been discovered in a fossil state. Monkeys, as a whole, form a very isolated group, having no near relations to any other mammalia. This is undoubtedly an indication of great antiquity. The peculiar type which has since reached so high a development must have branched off the great mammalian stock at a very remote epoch, certainly far back in the Secondary period, since in the Eocene we find lemurs and lemurine monkeys already special- ized. At this remoter period they were probably not separable from the insectivora, or (perhaps) from the ancestral marsupials. Even now we have one living form, the curious Galeopithecus, or flying lemur, which has only recently been separated from the lemurs, with which it was formerly united, to be classed as one of the insectivora ; and it is only among the opossums and some other marsupials that we again find hand-like feet with opposable thumbs, which are such a curious and constant feature of the monkey-tribe. This relationship to the lowest of the mammalian tribes seems in- consistent with the place usually accorded to these animals at the head of the entire mammalian series, and opens up the question whether this is a real superiority or whether it depends merely on the obvious relationship to ourselves. If we could suppose a being gifted with high intelligence, but with a form totally unlike that of man, to have visited the earth before man existed in order to study the various forms of animal life that were found there, we can hardly think he would have placed the monkey-tribe so high as we do. He would ob- serve that their whole organization was specially adapted to an arbo- real life, and this specialization would be rather against their claiming the first rank among terrestrial creatures. Neither in size, nor strength, nor beauty, would they compare with many other forms, while in intelligence they would not surpass, even if they equaled, the horse or the beaver. The carnivora, as a whole, would certainly be VOL. XXI. — 3 34 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. held to surpass them in the exquisite perfection of their physical struct- ure, while the flexible trunk of the elephant, combined with his vast strength and admirable sagacity, would probably gain for him the first rank in the animal creation. But if this would have been a true estimate, the mere fact that the ape is our nearest relation does not necessarily oblige us to come to any other conclusion. Man is undoubtedly the most perfect of all animals, but he is so solely in respect of characters in which he differs from all the monkey-tribe — the easily erect posture, the perfect freedom of the hands from all part in locomotion, the large size and complete opposa- bility of the thumb, and the well-developed brain, which enables him fully to utilize these combined physical advantages. The monkeys have none of these, and without them the amount of resemblance they have to us is no advantage, and confers no rank. We are biased by the too exclusive consideration of the man-like apes. If these did not exist, the remaining monkeys could not be thereby deteriorated as to their organization or lowered in their zoological position ; but it is doubtful if we should then class them so high as we now do. We might then dwell more on their resemblances to lower types — to ro- dents, to insectivora, and to marsupials, and should hardly rank the hideous baboon above the graceful leopard or stately stag. The true conclusion appears to be, that the combination of external characters and internal structure which exists in the monkeys is that which, when greatly improved, refined, and beautified, was best calculated to become the perfect instrument of the human intellect, and to aid in the devel- opment of man's higher nature ; while, on the other hand, in the rude, inharmonious, and undeveloped state which it has reached in the quad- rumana, it is by no means worthy of the highest place, or can be held to exhibit the most perfect development of existing animal life. — ■ Con- temporary Review. ■♦•» THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSES. By EOBEET W. LOVETT. IN the fifth century before Christ, Democritus declared that the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste were merely modifications of the sense of touch. Aristotle ridiculed his theory, and so, stamped with his disapproval, it lay untouched for two thousand years, until Telesius, an Italian of the sixteenth century, revived it. Strange to say, all that modern science has accomplished in embry- ology and zoology tends to confirm this theory of Democritus, that these four senses are only specializations of the universal sense — the sense of touch. In the embryo of all animals the organs of these four senses first appear as infoldings of the outer germinal layer, the ecto- THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSES. 35 derm, from which the outer skin also develops. At an early stage they are all simple pockets in the outer covering. If the history of the embryo is to be taken as the miniature of the history of the race — that is, if the individual in its development follows the same course that the race has followed, and it seems reasonable to suppose that this is the case — it is easy to see the importance of this evidence. In the animal kingdom the sense of touch is universal; it is even found in those lowest animals, the protozoa, which are only masses of simple protoplasm. But, if this animal with its one sense is to become higher, there must be a division of labor ; there is too much work for one sense to do properly, and by a quantitative modification this primi- tive sense is to become qualitatively different in parts, and this quali- tative difference is the difference which we notice between the sense of touch and the other senses of the higher animals; it has come about by an accumulation of the sense of touch. The waves of air which fall on the body of this protozoan as heat are capable of a higher rendering, they will signify more than heat to the proper organ for perceiving them, they will give the sensations of light and colors. The simplest eyes are merely pigment-spots in the skin, they merely distinguish heat from cold and light from darkness ; but later, by the formation of a lens and sensitive membrane, the ex- ternal world is revealed in all its variety. The eye is first found in the sea-anemone, where it is merely one of these pigment spots. But all that the most complete eye can give to us is a field of gradated colors. In itself this field of colors conveys no information to us. It must be explained before it can be of any practical use to us, and this necessary explanation can only be furnished by our sense of touch. That is, distance, magnitude, and shape are not directly perceived by the eye, but are suggested by certain object- ive gradations of color which have been associated with them in our past experience. Thus, sight appears as entirely dependent upon touch for its usefulness. This theory was first advanced by Bishop Berke- ley in his famous " Essay toward a New Theory of Vision," and was afterward confirmed in a very wonderful way by some experiments made by Dr. Cheselden, of London. A young man had been blind from his birth on account of cataracts. These were removed by Dr. Ches- elden, and he suddenly received his s'.ght. At first he could perceive no such thing as distance or form. Only by repeatedly touching ob- jects could he bring himself to realize that certain experiences of touch were always associated with certain gradations of color. Gradually he connected the sensations of sight with the sensations of touch, and in time became as insensible as we are to their true relation. The ear first appears, in the jelly-fish, as a pocket in the outer skin. In this simple condition it serves as a general indicator of violent air- motion. But as the animal becomes higher there is a demand for a nicer perception of sound, and this pocket is closed and finally is pro- 3 6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. vided with a complicated acoustic apparatus, in the same way that the eye is provided with a lens, which renders into terms of noise and mu- sic those air-waves which to the rest of the skin are imperceptible. But a sound conveys no more information in itself than does the field of colors presented by the eye ; only when we can tell from what it comes, and what consequences have been connected with it in our past experience, does it have any practical meaning to us. And, again, this explanation can only be furnished by our sense of touch, or by our sense of sight, which, as we have seen, is entirely dependent upon our sense of touch. The senses of smell and taste should properly be resolved into one sense, for they are probably only late modifications of the same prop- erty of the mucous membrane lining the mouth and nose. This mem- brane is only an invading growth of the skin surrounding the mouth, so, morphologically, this sense is the same as the two just examined. The sense of smell is undoubtedly present in some insects, as, for in- stance, in the burying beetles, and may perhaps be found lower. In man this double sense is undoubtedly retrogressive, and probably reaches its highest development in some of the lower mammalia. With us it is at best only a source of transitory pleasure, and seems in no way to contribute to our higher mental development. But the senses of sight and hearing are very different in this re- spect. If Darwin is right, they have played a most important part in the evolution of the past as the instruments of sexual selection. And, in the future development of our race, it seems as if their perfection would be reached only with the perfection of the human mind. For if the impulse to development is given from without by the environ- ment, these organs must be continually improved so as to perceive the nicer and nicer distinctions in the environment which will be the means of elevating the mind. If the impulse to development is given from within the mind, these sense-organs must be developed more highly in order to provide the enlarging mind with the continually nicer perception which it will require. Man's mind develops, not his body. With the exception of these two sense-organs, his body has been nearly stationary for thousands of years, but these two organs respond to comparatively little change. The ear of the savage differs from the ear of the civilized man more than the two men differ in any other respect. Touch, smell, and taste seem as complete as they need be for any conceivable human being, but that the eye is yet incomplete is very strikingly shown by the so-called actinic rays of the solar spectrum. In this spectrum there are rays beyond the violet which have an action on certain chemical substances much like the action of the blue and violet rays. But to the human eye these rays are absolutely invisible. The perception of this unknown color seems but a short step in the development of the eye. THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 37 But how different from the others, both in character and history, is the sense of touch ! Having -with them a common origin, like them it is resident in the outer skin, but it is active alike all over the body ; the touch of the finger-tips may be more delicate than that of the palms, but it is only a quantitative difference. The sense of touch is the fundamental sense. All the other senses have to render their data into its terms before they can be understood by the mind. Animals can live without sight, hearing, taste, or smell, but the presence of the sense of touch seems a necessary condition of animal existence. The other senses are means of self-preservation ; the sense of touch is the manifestation of an animal's existence. The senses, then, all originate from the outer covering ; this cov- ering has from the beginning a special sensation from the resistance to external pressure ; this property it retains throughout the animal kingdom. The other sense-organs appear as specialized parts of this universal sense-organ ; morphologically they are only parts of the skin, rendered more sensitive than the normal skin. All the evidence seems to point one way, to the conclusion that the other senses are all modifications of the sense of touch. That such is probably the fact seems to be generally admitted. What I have tried to show is our ground for that conclusion, and that what was with Democritus a random speculation is with us fast assuming the nature of a scientific truth. «♦ • »- THE STEREOSCOPE: ITS HISTORY.* 0 By W. LE CONTE STEVENS. I. rpHAT a near object of small dimensions presents an aspect slightly -L different to each one of a pair of eyes directed upon it, has been known for more than two thousand years ; but no application of this knowledge was ever made until some time after the beginning of the present century. The analysis of binocular vision is one of the prod- ucts of modern investigation, and the stereoscope is its direct outcome. That vision with two eyes is greatly preferable to what the ancients accorded to Polyphemus is fully appreciated by every one who pos- sesses a pair of healthy visual organs and a stereoscope, but who at any time has been so unfortunate as to suffer a temporary injury that reduces him for a few days to the condition of the classic monocular giant. Familiar as he may be with the truth that the perspective effect of a fine painting is better appreciated when one eye is closed, * Expanded from an address before the Photographic Section of the American Insti- tute, delivered March 7, 1882. 38 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. he is never willing to keep it thus inactive any longer than necessary ; and, if such a hint is gently suggested, he is prompt to answer it by some prosaic contrast between the artist's clever illusion and the neces- sities of life in a wide-awake world. Lord Bacon says : " We see more exquisitely with one eye than with both, because the vital spirits thus unite themselves the more, and become the stronger ; for we may find by looking in a glass whilst we shut one eye that the pupil of the other dilates." But even the cogent logic of Lord Bacon would scarcely reconcile many of us to the adoption of strictly Cyclopean customs in the enjoyment of vision. In response to the question, " What is the use of having two eyes ? " the answer has been given, " To have one left if the other is hurt." Much as we may admire the sagacious foresight of this youthful physi- ologist, it will not be found sufficient to rest contented with his ulti- matum. He had evidently not tried his skill to find how unexpectedly he would miss the inkstand while endeavoring to dip his pen into it at arm's length, with one eye closed. He had not thought of holding his finger a few inches in front of his face to find what part of the wall it would hide from each eye in succession, or how differently it would look when regarded from those two points of view separately, how much thicker it would appear when both eyes were open, how read- ily he could examine three sides of it at once, how much more defi- nitely he could judge its distance, in a word how much more compre- hensive was the information given by two eyes if used at the same moment. Assuming that he knows exactly how to account for the inversion of the retinal image and the erect appearance of the object there pictured, how our visual perceptions are only signs of what we momentarily feel on the retina, signs that generally represent the real- ities with a fair degree of accuracy, but may sometimes represent almost anything else on demand, how, if the eyes be healthy, we have no consciousness of possessing any retina at all, but instantly and un- consciously refer every retinal sensation to some external body whose existence we are obliged to assume, unless there be special arguments to convince us to the contrary— granting all this, our young physiolo- gist has not thought of inquiring how it is that, although two retinal images are produced, we see but a single object, and this despite the fact that, like photographs of the same body simultaneously taken from different stand-points, these two images are necessarily dissimilar. This question, and especially its latter part, is much more easily asked than answered with fullness, clearness, and certainty. There is no antecedent reason why two separate retinal images should not pro- duce the impression of two separate bodies. That they may do so must have come within the experience of every one. A few "glasses of champagne are often enough to convince the most skeptical. Without resorting, however, to agencies that produce involuntary though tem- porary loss of 'muscular control of the eyes, it is only necessary to THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 39 gaze at any clearly defined object for a few moments, and press upon the eyeball near the outer corner of the opening between the lids — double vision is instantly attained. The condition thus induced is un- natural, and the effect is unnatural vision. Our modes of interpreting nerve-impressions, like our modes of mental and bodily action in other respects, are the results partly of individual experience and partly of inheritance through countless generations. If a blow is received upon the right cheek, whether it be from a solid body or from a wave in the medium in which we are immersed, experience at once suggests the direction from which it came. If through many generations every individual were continually receiving gentle blows on the center of the right cheek through all the moments of waking existence, and the accurate perception of these were conducive to his welfare, then on physiological principles it seems in the highest degree probable that the judgment of direction by the cheek might become as habitual and unerring as is our judgment of direction by the eye. By a liberal construction of language we might be said to that extent to see with the cheek ; and the man who is blessed with the healthiest, best-trained, Fig. 1.— Left and Kight Projections uf Glass Coae. and most vigorous cheek, aside from other qualities, would be most apt to win in the struggle for existence. If, then, in normal vision each of two eyes receives impressions due to wave-impulses from the same ex- ternal object, the position of this is referred to the same external place in accordance with the association that experience, individual and an- cestral, instantly arouses in response to the sensation felt on each sep- arate retina. If, therefore, every person were blessed with such optic luxuriance as is attributed to the fabled Argus, there is no reason to suppose that, if each eye be healthy and ordinarily controllable, he would have anything else than single vision, unless the necessities imposed in the struggle for success made it advantageous to acquire the power of dissociating the action of the muscles of these eyes, and thus making use of voluntary multiple vision. 4o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In an essay published many years ago, Carlyle dwelt, in a manner characteristically his own, upon the unconsciousness that is a mark of health in the human body. The dyspeptic man knows full well that he has a stomach, but the eupeptic child has no conception of the ex- istence of such an organ, however vivid may be its ideas of fairies, ogres, and dragons. In like manner the retina is an abstraction for him who has good binocular vision and but little book-lore. "With a single eye he sees many objects at the same time, and judges their different posi- tions ; the only idea aroused is about the objects themselves, and not about the retinal impressions from them. If both eyes be directed to the same distant point, there is still the same consciousness of a single external thing, and not of two eyes. By slowly crossing the two visual lines for the purpose of comprehensively scanning the root of one's own nose, which is the nearest object that can be regarded with entire con- venience, if both eyes are of equal power, the visual impression is found to be that two noses are approaching each other, and closing up the brightest part of the field of view in front. Between them is left a narrow heart-shaped window, with dimly transparent nasal shutters. The outlines of these are most easily discerned by momentarily clos- ing each eye alternately, while the convergence of visual lines is vig- orously retained, and then opening both and depending on indirect vision. If there is any consciousness of an eye at all, it is referred to the sensation of strain in the muscles that seem to be pulling the shutters together, and not to any retina receiving pictures of them. There is, indeed, the consciousness of looking out of the window from a single stand-point, but not from two eyes. The subjective im- pression is that the two points of view are identified into a single eye, whose position is central and constitutes the point of origin from which all our estimates of direction and distance are made. Keeping the nasal window as small as possible by cross-vision, and endeavor- ing to test the real singleness of the double-phantom nose by gently putting the finger upon it from in front, it is easy additionally to con- vince one's self that "... things are not what they seem." Two fingers will be seen approaching from different directions. If it should occur to the indignant observer that these may be utilized in putting an end to his nasal redundancy by closing up the window, they will steadily converge and strike together upon the root of the nose, almost exactly where he had been supposing his point of view to be. The window at the next moment, instead of being closed, will be opened wide, and, on resting the tired muscles of his eyes, he will find that the phantom-noses have leaped to the two sides, the position of each being indicated by the faithful ghosts of the fingei. The experi- ment is a little surprising at first, and the specters are very shadowy, but a literally close search will be quite sure to reveal them by indirect vision. THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 41 Subjectively, therefore, our condition is not so very different from that of the famous Cyclops. We have the advantage of being able to see double, by adjusting conditions properly ; but, if sensation is to be trusted, the object is duplicated while the eye is single, although by other means we learn that the object remains single, and is only viewed from two different stand-points at the same moment, while the sepa- Fig. 2.— Wheatstone's Stereoscope. (Front View.) 1 £0 Fig. 3.— Wheatstone's Stereoscope. (Ground Plan.) rate lines of direction for the two eyes meet elsewhere. By appropri- ate muscular training the eyes may be directed, each slightly outward, so that these "lines meet behind the observer's head while the object, apparently duplicated, is seen still in front. The recognition of the subjective fusion of the two eyes into a Cyclopean, or central binocular eye, is a fundamental prerequisite for the explanation of vision in the stereoscope. In consequence of this, if two similar pictures are placed close in front of the eyes, the distance between their centers being equal to the distance between the pupils, they at once appear to coa- lesce into a single picture. In this way an objective existence may appear to be given to the binocular eye by approaching a mirror until the nose touches the glass, and avoiding the convergence of visual lines that would otherwise be natural. A narrow face is seen, possess- 42 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing but a single eye, that looks into the very depths of the observer's Cyclopean eye. The conception of this subjective union as the product of the ex- perience of the race in interpreting sensations, and the consequent necessity of distinguishing between realities and their visual represen- tations, seems never to have been appreciated until long after the in- vention of instruments for use in the analysis of vision. Much con- fusion has resulted from the attempt to explain what are really sub- jective results of retinal sensation by the application of geometric principles, irrespective of the illusive union of the two eyes when em- ployed together. In 1604 Kepler stated that the 'distance between the eyes constituted a base-line, which we employ for measuring the dis- tance of objects by a species of visual triangulation. This idea was subsequently greatly elaborated by Sir David Brewster and others ;. and in most, if not all, of our text-books of physics to-day it is applied in a very familiar diagram to explain the principle of the stereoscope. On this theory the apparent position of every point in the stereoscopic field of view is determined by the meeting of separate visual lines, which converge in front. An obvious consequence is that this locali- zation should become impossible if the visual lines become parallel or divergent. But, in truth, there can be no perception of locality by this method. If the eyes are subjectively united, the visual lines be- come subjectively united along with them ; if, indeed, such language is at all applicable to lines that are mere abstractions. In its applica- tion to stereoscopic vision, therefore, the diagram is worthless ; for such vision is much easier to most persons when the visual lines are parallel, or very slightly divergent, than when they are strongly con- vergent, and in no case can there be any recognition of intersection between lines which, if subjectively perceived at all, wTould be coinci- dent throughout their whole extent. The error just mentioned has undoubtedly sprung from the assump- tion that stereoscopic vision is always perfectly normal. If this be so, it should be as painless as the reading of this page, even when con- tinued for hours in succession. Every one who has tried the experi- ment with an ordinary stereoscope, and a large, miscellaneous collec- tion of stereographs, knows how wearying it is, and how in some cases distinct vision is found impossible. To indicate the real differences between normal vision and that which is attained in most stereoscopes, it will be necessary first to study the development of this instrument. The duality of human vision of near objects, and the consequent dissimilarity of retinal pictures in the separate eyes, was apprehend- ed and more or less vaguely discussed by Euclid (b. c. 300), Galen (a. d. 200), Baptista Porta (1593), Leonardo da Vinci (1584), Aguilo- nius (1613), and by Smith, Harris, and Porterfield during the eight- eenth century. No practical results were wrought, however, until 1838, when Sir Charles Wheatstone read before the Royal Society his THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 43 now classic paper on the " Physiology of Vision." Let the reader im- agine, or actually put on the page before him, some small solid body, such as a cone, with a few lines drawn from its vertex to the base. If it be of glass, so much the better ; an ink-dot can then be marked at the center of the base, and the lines scratched upon the sides can easily be blackened. Close the left eye ; the cone appears to the right eye like Fig. 1, R. Without moving the head, look with the left eye alone ; the appearance is like Fig. 1, L. If each eye were in succes- sion transformed for a moment into an electric light, the shadows projected upon the paper would be those given in the figure, but with a common base. Opening both eyes, the perception of the height of the cone is far more distinct than when either is closed. Let us now quote Wheatstone's own words : " It being thus established that the mind perceives an object of three dimensions by means of the two dis- similar pictures projected by it on the two retinse, the following ques- tion occurs : What would be the visual effect of simultaneously pre- senting to each eye, instead of the object itself, its projection on a plane surface as it appears to that eye ? To pursue this inquiry, it is necessary that means should be contrived to make the two pictures, which must necessarily occupy different places, fall on similar parts of both retinse. Under the ordinary circumstances of vision, the object is seen at the concourse of the optic axes (visual lines *), and its im- ages consequently are projected on similar parts of the two retina? ; but it is also evident that two exactly similar objects may be made to fall on similar parts of the two retince, if they are placed one in the direction of each optic axis, at equal distances before or beyond their intersection." Fig. 4.— Wheatstone's Stereoscope (Perspective View), 1833. To follow out to the letter the instructions suggested in Wheat- stone's last sentence, transfer Fig. 1 to glass. This can be easily done. Upon an oblong plate of window-glass put a few drops of clear var- nish ; let it spread thinly over the surface and become thoroughly dry. * In Wheatstone's time the visual lines were supposed to be optic axes. That this is not quite so has since been proved by Helmholtz. 44 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Copy the picture, of exact size, by scratching through the varnish, and then blacken the lines with ink. Hold the transparent plate at the distance of a foot from your eyes, and through it look at a point about five feet away. Very little motion of the plate is needed to get this point exactly aligned with each of the dots within the circles by look- ing with each eye in succession. Look at the point now with both eyes, and you will see, suspended in the air, probably just beyond the plate, apparently a solid cone of glass pointing toward you, the very facsimile of our glass cone from which the pictures were taken. Copy the picture also on paper or card-board, of exact size, but with the part marked R transferred to the left, and that marked L to the right. Hold up the point of a pencil about half-way between your eyes and the card. In a moment the proper position is found, where it is aligned with R for the right eye and with L for the left. Open both eyes and converge them upon the pencil-point. A little cone pointing toward you is suspended in the air just beyond the pencil, which may now be withdrawn. Move your head from side to side : the cone moves with you. It is brilliantly lustrous, sharp in outline, and much smaller than that previously seen. Two companion circles, one on each side, are left behind on the card, and are larger than the base of the suspended cone, but a little smaller than the circles originally were. Their appearance is due to images of R and L which fall upon retinal parts that in normal vision could not be simultaneously impressed by Fig. 5.— The First Landscape Stereograph. an external single body. The sensations produced by them are hence not suggestive of singleness, and each is therefore referred separately outward in the direction from which the rays producing them have come. Such side-images are perceived also when the glass plate is employed. Try the same experiment now with the picture on the page ; the miniature cone leaps off the paper into the air, but this time it is hollow, for its vertex is pointed to the place from which it seems to have sprung. THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 45 These experiments are delightfully surprising when successfully- accomplished for the first time. They are well worth the trifling pre- liminary trouble which they entail. But even this can be in great measure avoided by having a photograph of the picture taken on glass. If you will previously approach the polite photographer in your most charmingly courteous and irresistible style, enable him to perceive the glittering phantom cone reversed in mid-air, invite him to grasp it and give to this " airy nothing a local habitation and a name," and convince him that, if not illusive, it is even more elusive than the merry sunbeam which his camera alone can catch in all its beauty, he will at once be lost in admiration of your magic skill and singular sa- gacity, and instantly find it impossible to avoid preparing the wonder- working photograph on glass. This he will smilingly present to you in the most enthusiastic and complimentary manner, with evident gratitude for the favor you have bestowed, and the good taste you have exhibited in selecting him as the recipient of your discriminating and exclusive confidence. The presence of the uncombined images at the sides of the bi- nocular picture, as it stands out in solid relief, is apt to be confusing, because their effect is partially to distract the attention. In Wheat- stone's first experiments, he avoided them by looking through tubes, or into a box. In any case, the methods of stereoscopy just de- scribed, although by far the most useful in studying the principles of binocular vision, are not usually acquired until after a few trials. When they are once mastered, it becomes easy to discard pencils and other points of fixation, and the voluntary muscular control of the eyes is sufficient for all cases. Wheatstone gave to the world a new revelation in both the science and the art of perspective, when, in 1838, he devised his reflecting stereoscope for the purpose of remov- ing the difficulties involved in stereoscopy by direct vision. Figs. 2 and 3 are exact reproductions of his drawings, representing the front view and ground-plan of his original stereoscope ; and, in describing them, we can not do better than again to give his own words : "AA' are two plane mirrors, about four inches square, inserted in frames, and so adjusted that their backs form an angle of 90° with each other; these mirrors are fixed by their common edge against an upright, B, or against the middle line of a vertical board, cut away in such manner as to allow the eyes to be placed before the two mirrors. C C are two sliding boards, to which are attached the upright boards DD', which may thus be removed to different distances from the mirrors. To facilitate this adjustment I employ a right- and a left-handed wooden screw, r I ; the two ends of this compound-screw pass through the nuts e e', which are fixed to the lower parts of the upright boards D D', so that, by turning the screw-pin p one way, the two boards will ap- proach, and, by turning it the other way, they will recede from each other ; one always preserving the same distance as the other from the 46 .THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. middle line f. E E' are panels, to which the pictures are fixed in such a manner that their corresponding horizontal lines shall be on the same level ; these panels are capable of sliding backward and forward in grooves on the upright boards, DD'. The observer must place his eyes as near as possible to the mirrors, the right eye before the right- hand mirror, and the left eye before the left-hand mirror ; and he must move the sliding-panels E E' to or from him, until the two reflected images coincide at the intersection of the optic axes, and form an image of the same apparent magnitude as each of the component pict- ures. 55 In using this stereoscope, of which a perspective view is given in Fig. 4, the two conjugate pictures must be on separate cards, but may be much larger than those which are now so extensively used with more modern instruments. The arrangement is obviously such that no side-images can be perceived, since it is impossible for either eye to receive more than one image, and this is reflected from the oblique mirror directly in front. As an instrument it is unwieldy and incon- venient in comparison with those to which we are accustomed ; but Fig. 6.— The Binocular Camera. with it the great secret of binocular vision was brought into open day- light. Wheatstone had the genius to find out how the door was to be unlocked, and it was left for others to devise the special forms that would be employed in making most acceptable to the world the treas- ure which he had found. His predecessors had more or less distinct conceptions of an hypothetical treasure, just as something was known about the nature of steam before the low-pressure engine was invented, THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 47 and about sound-waves before the telephone came into existence. To him distinctly belongs the credit of objectively demonstrating the essential features of binocular vision, with the first instrument act- ually constructed in accordance with principles which possibly others might have applied, if they had possessed equal clearness of concep- tion and fertility of invention. So slight was the general appreciation of the fact that the two retinal images in binocular vision are dissimi- lar, that Wheatstone made this discovery independently, and then added the application which others had failed to make, but without the knowledge that any one had preceded him in even forming the conception. The originality of his discovery is not affected by the unemphatic statements afterward found to have been recorded by those who preceded him in thought but not in act. One of these predecessors was Mr. James Elliot, of Edinburgh, who, "previous to or during the year 1834, had resolved to construct an instrument for uniting two dissimilar pictures." By delay he lost the golden opportunity, which, without envy or knowledge of his ex- istence, was snatched away from him by Wheatstone. Not until 1839 did Elliot construct the instrument which he had contemplated. It was simply a wooden box, open at the extremities, so that a pair of conjugate pictures on glass could be placed at one end, and all light except that which was transmitted through them could be excluded from the eyes placed at the other end. He was not aware of Wheat- stone's invention, which indeed did not become generally known for a Fig. 7.— Brewster's Stereoscope, 1849. number of years after its completion, because not adapted for general use, and because no other means than free-hand drawing existed for the accurate preparation of the conjugate pictures. Those employed by Wheatstone were outlines of various geometric solids. Elliot's first stereograph was^a landscape, represented in Fig. 5, which is a 48 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. little smaller than that constructed by him. In the background of each picture is the moon, the stereographic interval between them be- ing two and a half inches, which is about the average distance between the pupils of a pair of eyes. Next comes a cross, and in the fore- ground is the withered branch of a tree. In the picture on the right it is seen that the branch is nearly aligned with the cross, which is projected against the sky on one side of the moon ; in that on the left one limb of the cross is projected against the moon, while the branch is wholly on the right of both. If the reader will place one edge of a card on the line between the two pictures, while the other edge touches his nose and forehead, he will perceive but a single pict- ure, in which the branch, cross, and moon are successively farther away, the two former standing out in clear relief. By a little attention, moreover, he will see two phantom-cards, one on each side of the combined picture, and between the two his Cyclopean eye is regarding the landscape before him. At the exhibition of Wheatstone's reflecting stereoscope, and the reading of his paper before the British Association at Newcastle, in August, 1838, one of the most interested auditors present was Sir David Brewster, who remarked on its important bearing upon the Fig. 8.— Modified Brewster Stereoscope. theory of single vision to which he himself had given much attention. In his subsequent investigations he devised two important instruments which, with others of less value, were described in papers published in 1849. These were the binocular camera and the lenticular stereo- scope. During the following year they were exhibited in Paris ; and here it was that stereoscopy first became the delight of the people^ after having been confined for a dozen years to the laboratory of the physicist. The binocular camera needs but little description. Every one is familiar with the instrument, first devised in its simplest form by Bap- THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 49 tista Porta, as ordinarily employed by the modern photographer. It consists now of a dark chamber, into which light from the object to be pictured is converged with a combination of carefully corrected achromatic lenses upon a prepared plate whose distance can be readily adjusted. If provided with two such combinations a few inches apart (Fig. 6), so that two pictures of the same object can be simultaneously taken thus from slightly different standpoints, it becomes the instru- ment on whose co-existence depends the value of the stereoscope. Without it the preparation of the stereograph would be practically impossible in many cases, for a living object, and even many inanimate objects, such as clouds, may move during the interval consumed in changing the position of the single camera and taking the two pictures successively. In the absence of photography dissimilar pictures must be made with the brush or pencil ; and, aside from the labor thus im- posed, few artists can compete with the sunbeam where perfect accu- racy in every detail is required. Without the stereoscope, on the other hand, there would be little or no raison cVttre for the binocular camera. Photography can scarcely be said to have had an existence before the publication, in 1839, of the labors of Talbot and Daguerre ; and until Archer discovered, in 1851, that collodion could be employed as a vehicle for silver salts, the art was incapable of very wide or suc- cessful application for stereoscopic purposes. This epoch in photog- raphy, indeed, came after Brewster's double camera had been devised. The latter was itself the timely and natural outcome of the develop- ment of this art of sun-drawing, in conjunction with Brewster's in- vention of a far more convenient form of stereoscope than that em- ployed by his distinguished contemporary. Wheatstone could hardly have entertained any idea of utilizing the evanescent images in silver nitrate obtained prior to 1802 by Wedgwood and Davy, or even those secured in 1814 by the elder Niepce on bituminized plates, which, in- deed, were more permanent, but still far from satisfactory. Scarcely a year elapsed after Wheatstone's invention before the first photograph ever obtained from the human face was successfully taken by the leader in photography on our own side of the Atlantic, Dr. John W. Draper ; but the art was not yet enough developed, even in such Fig. 9.— Arrangement of Semi-Lenses. hands, to suggest the application for stereoscopic purposes which was afterward so happily made by Brewster. To this physicist, therefore, we must credit the invention of the means by which stereoscopy was made to become co-extensive with photography. The only difficulty in viewing a stereograph, as we have seen, con- sists in giving the proper direction to the eyes, which, in spite of the VOL. xxi. — 4 50 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. efforts of the untrained observer, will generally converge to a single point of fixation. Brewster's mode of preventing this was, like El- liot's, to cause each of the two pictures to be viewed at the bottom of a box, through which light was transmitted. His stereoscope is shown in Fig. 7, which has been taken from an instrument brought to New York in 1850, and much prized by its owner as the first stereoscope ever seen in America. The box is of mahogany, and provided with a lid which can be raised so that an opaque card also may be viewed, if desired, by reflected light admitted from above. The bottom is made of roughened glass so as to diffuse the light that is transmitted, in case a photograph on glass is employed. In either case, the picture can slide easily in and out. To secure the natural convergence of visual lines, a condition which Brewster thought indispensable, a pair of semi- lenses were inclosed in brass tubes at the top of the box. These tubes could be drawn slightly out, like those of an opera-glass, and one was capable of slight lateral motion, being fixed upon a sliding plate of wood as shown in the drawing. They could thus be adapted to differ- ent pairs of eyes. They served the double purpose of holding the semi-lenses, with edges toward each other, at the most convenient dis- Fig. 10.— The American Grandfather, 1861. tauce from the stereograph, and of hiding from each eye the picture intended for the other. Since the rays in transmission are deviated toward the thicker part of the glass, it is possible without discomfort to use pictures on which the stereographic interval exceeds that be- tween the observer's pupils. On ordinary stereographs, however, three inches is the usual limit. Another office performed by the semi-lenses THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS HISTORY. 51 is that of magnifying the pictures as they are binocularly viewed. It was indeed a happy thought that produced such a combination of ad- mirable features. Much space could be occupied in describing the many forms of stereoscope that have been devised since that of Brewster was first put forth. They have all been applications of the principles already explained in connection with the reflecting and refracting instruments, devised in 1838 and 1849e That of Helmholtz is probably the best in Europe. In this each tube extends into the box, and is provided with a pair of accurately centred plano-convex lenses, which greatly mag- nify the pictures. It is indeed simply a pair of telescope eye-pieces, each of which is screwed into a plate to which lateral motion, for the purpose of adjustment, may be given with a screw, lever, and spring. To avoid the necessity of optic divergence, the stereograph must be comparatively small. Such an instrument is necessarily quite costly. The form most widely employed in Europe is that shown in Fig. 8, in which the box is divided by a partition (s), which does not extend so far as to prevent ready motion of the slide. The tubes are dis- carded and the semi-lenses are permanently fixed, edge to edge (Fig. 9), into the wood at the smaller end. This is objectionable, because no adjustment is possible for either the distance of the card or the width between the eyes. Twenty years ago the stereoscope just described was the only one extensively used in America. At present it is hard to find, because totally displaced by another instrument, the device of a modest Ameri- can whose name seems to be but little associated in the popular mind Fig. 11.— Accommodating Grandchildren, 1882. with his own invention. This fact would be inexplicable were it not that he has made so many thousands of readers happy by his writings on literary topics that they think of him only as the poet, the profess- or,' the genial " autocrat of the breakfast-table," whose delicate humor and warm human sympathy have so often caused smiles and tears to mingle together, that they forget him as the physiologist, who finds use for other instruments besides his mirth-provoking pen. There are few who think of him as an inventor, when they use the convenient and compact stereoscopes that have been multiplied in tens of thou- sands, until now no home is too humble, no father too poor, to delight 52 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. his little ones with phantom scenes of beauty, brought by the sunbeam and the stereoscope from places that their eyes will never behold. The writer will not be deemed blameworthy in transcribing, from a letter that was not intended for the public, a few lines which the au- thor has consented to let him give. Dr. Holmes says : " It appeared to me that the box stereoscopes were cumbrous and awkward affairs. I had one of Smith and Beck's, and one or more of other patterns, but I did not like them ; and so one day I cut out a piece of wood in some such shape as this (Fig. 10), the lines representing slots in which the stereograph was to be placed, stuck an awl in for a handle, and there was my stereoscope. ... I have forgotten to mention the hood, which I made of pasteboard cut to fit. Other open instruments, and many closed ones, have been made, but most of them have been awkward, expensive, and sometimes gimcracky, whereas I think mine may be called simple, strong, cheap, handy." No better compendium of good qualities can be expressed than is comprised in this brief list of four words. The figure is taken directly from " the original great-grandfather pattern," as the inventor has pleasantly called it, the " real Adam " of hand-stereoscopes, that was born — or developed — in 1861, delighted the human beings who lived in that remote day, and has been sleeping these many years. Com- pelled now to show itself, like Hip Van Winkle, it is perhaps a little stiff ; and in style it is a trifle blunt, in comparison with its polished and accommodating great-grandchildren of the present day (Fig. 11), that fold up and pocket themselves out of sight ; but nevertheless its character is that of a straightforward, clear-headed old ancestor, that looks forth honestly from under that somber hood. To produce the illusion of viewing an actual sunlit scene, Dr. Holmes placed between the stereograph and the semi-lenses an oblique wooden plate, in which were a pair of elliptic openings, so that the effect was that of looking through a circular window. The front was covered with gilt paper from which a golden light was reflected upon the picture. As an appropriate name he selected that of " The Claude Lorraine Stereoscope." The inventor offered his device gratuitously to manufacturers in New York and Philadelphia, but their refusal was as courteous as was consistent with firm opposition. He did not assume the trouble to secure it by patent, as he " did not care to make money by so ob- vious and simple a contrivance." A few of these stereoscopes were at last constructed by Mr. Joseph L. Bates, of Boston ; and the demand rapidly grew so that now but few of any other make are to be found in the United States. Improvements, indeed, have been added, but not of such kind as to diminish the cost ; one of these, introduced by Mr. Bates, was the substitution of a sliding cross-bar for the series of fixed slots. The " Claude Lorraine " effect may be easily obtained with any ordinary stereoscope, by the use of an extra cross-bar, on which the MEASUREMENTS OF MEN. 53 gilt window-plate is hinged ; it may thus be adjusted to any position and inclined at will according to the direction from which the light comes. A simple and moderately satisfactory stereoscope may be impro- vised by unscrewing the concave eye-pieces from an ordinary opera- glass, and looking through it at the stereograph, which must be held about six inches from the centers of the object-glasses and parallel to the line connecting these. Vision by this method, however, is very uncomfortable if the stereograph be large. The instrument is a crude Helmholtz stereoscope, but it needs adjusting-screws at both ends of each tube to make it entirely satisfactory. The only objection to Dr. Holmes's instrument is the absence of adjustment ; but, despite this defect, it is deservedly used everywhere in our country. Quietly and unselfishly he has done far more for the stereoscope in America than has ever been credited him by those who enjoy the fruits of his spon- taneous and unpaid ingenuity. ■+*+- MEASUREMENTS OF MEN. By FRANCIS G ALTON, F. B. S. WHEN shall we have anthropometric laboratories, where a man may from time to time get himself and his children weighed, meas- ured, and rightly photographed, and have each of their bodily faculties tested, by the best methods known to modern science ? In the Janu- ary number of this " Review " I endeavored to show the advantages of photographic chronicles maintained from childhood to age, and how they should be made and preserved ; in the present memoir I propose to briefly speak upon the anthropometric and medical facts that might properly be recorded by the side of the photographs in the family records to which I there referred. I shall endeavor to define the scope of what may be effected in this direction, partly by accurate apparatus now extant, and partly in a rougher and less effective way, owing to the present want of appropriate apparatus. In doing so the instru- mental and other desiderata will be pointed out that seem most easily capable of being supplied, if the attention of a few persons interested in the matter could be brought to bear on the subject Two things are at present needed — a desire among many persons to have them- selves and their children accurately appraised, and an effort among a few scientific persons who have the special knowledge required for the purpose to systematize the methods by which this could best be done. There appears at length to be a somewhat general concurrence of opinion that the possibilities of a child's future career are more nar- rowly limited than our forefathers were fondly disposed to believe. I 54 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. shall not endeavor to epitomize the many arguments pro and con in respect to such views as these, but will merely recall, in partial justifi- cation of them, the results of some inquiries into the life-histories of twins * that I published a few years ago. I took two categories of twins — those who were closely alike in their infancy and those who were exceedingly unlike — and I traced their histories up to the date of the memoir. It appeared that twins who were closely alike at the first frequently preserved their resemblance throughout life, subject, I may almost say, to the accident of a fever, or other serious illness altering the constitution of one of them, and laying the first foundation of a gradually widening divergence. I found not a few cases in which twins residing apart and following different professions at home and abroad still continued to live parallel lives, ageing in the same way, and preserving all along the same features, voice, gestures, and ways of thought. I also met with cases in which death had occurred at nearly the same time to the two twins, and from the same disease. It further appeared, as regards those twins who were born very unlike, that in no case did their dissimilarity lessen under the influence of identical nurture. They had the same nurses, the same tutors, the same companions, they were reared in every respect alike, yet their characters continued to be as dissimilar, and, I need hardly add, their features remained as different as if they had belonged to totally dif- ferent families. The conclusion to which I was driven by the results of this inquiry was that a surprisingly small margin seemed to be left to the effects of circumstances and education, and to the exercise of what we are accustomed to call " free-will." It follows from such opinions as these, which appear to be gaining ground in popular estimation, that it is highly desirable to give more attention than has been customary hitherto to investigate and define the capacities of each individual. They form his stock-in-trade, the amount of which admits of definition, whereby he has to gain his live- lihood, and to fulfill the claims upon him as head of a family and as a citizen. So far as we succeed in measuring and expressing them, so far almost in an equal degree should we be able to forecast what the man is really fit for, and what he may undertake with the least risk of disappointment. They would encourage him if unduly timid, or they would warn him from efforts doomed to be wasted. What I propose to speak of in the present memoir are those meas- urements of the bodily form and faculties that can, or apparently could, be made with some precision, but the personal data in respect. to in- tellectual and emotional capacities, and to special aptitudes and tastes, require a separate treatment. The progress of the art of measure- ment of the more purely bodily faculties has been by no means uni- form. It has never been specially directed toward furthering the * " Journal of the Anthropological Institute," 1875 ; " Fraser's Magazine," November, 18*75. \ MEASUREMENTS OF MEN. 55 knowledge of the life-history of individuals, but for the most part toward other theoretical investigations. In some cases elaborate in- struments and methods of observation have been devised by which certain faculties have been tested with extreme minuteness ; in other cases no well-contrived and approved system of examination exists. If everything should be stated by which anthropometry might profit, the effect would be not unlike the map of some partially-settled coun- try, drawn on a scale so large as to show the cadastral survey of its principal town-lands. A fraction of the whole would thus be minutely engraved, the wide adjacent regions would be represented by a few lines of route, and the remainder would consist of blanks. In order to convey in the best way an idea of what is known about such a coun- try as this, the general map of it should be on a small scale, and then uniformity of treatment becomes possible. Acting on this principle, I shall avoid entering into details on those subjects where there exists very much to speak of, and shall nowhere go further than is sufficient to express the simpler requirements of anthropometry. Let us, then, consider how we should set to work to define and de- scribe the various bodily faculties of a person whom we had ample means of observing, say one of our own children. Some of the obser- vations could hardly be made except at a properly equipped anthropo- metric laboratory ; others, as it will be seen, could at present be car- ried on best in the play-ground. I shall not care to distinguish these in the description ; they will be obvious enough when they occur. The tests would define the capacities of the person at the moment when he was observed. They are expected to be renewed at intervals, so as to serve as records of successive periods in his life-history. Photography was the subject of my last memoir. I showed that the features should be taken in full face and in exact profile, and on not too small a scale — that of about one seventh of the natural size being, perhaps, the most convenient. I also spoke of other photo- graphs in less formal attitudes, to show the whole figure and gesture. In some of these the limbs might be more or less bared to exhibit the muscular development. I need not dwell upon the usual anthropometric measurements. They should of course be made, and probably no better rules can be followed in making them than those of the present Anthropometric Committee of the British Association. These measurements refer to height, to weight, to chest-girth (but only if taken by skilled observers on a uniform plan), to capacity of lungs (also under those condi- tions), and to color of hair and eyes. Other data are asked for in the instructions issued by the committee which would also require to be recorded, and which may as well be mentioned now — such as birthplace and residence, whether in town or country, both of the person and of his parents ; also their race, whether English, Scotch, or Irish, etc. 56 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. We now proceed to the measurements and records that are more especially the subject of this memoir. Energy may be defined as the length of time during which a per- son is wont to work at full stretch, day by day, without harm to him- self, in obedience to an instinctive craving for work, and endurance may be tested by the same observation if an adequate motive for work be supplied. Some persons seem almost indefatigable ; they are never happy or well except when in constant action ; and they fidget, fret, and worry themselves under enforced idleness. Others, whose vitality is low, break down under a small amount of strain, and their happiness lies mainly in repose. The true tests would undoubtedly be physio- logical, and of considerable delicacy, but they have yet to be dis- covered, or at least to be systematized for anthropometric purposes. They would measure the excess of waste over repair consequent upon any given effort, and would furnish the indications of a loss of capital' which, if persevered in, must, infallibly lead to vital bankruptcy. Now, when a haberdasher examines a piece of cloth to learn its strength, he handles and pulls it gently in different directions, but he does not care to tear it to pieces or to strain it. He learns by the way it behaves under a moderate tension how it would support a great deal more of it. So it may prove to be with physiological tests, as applied to the determination of the amount of endurance. The balance of the living system might be artificially disturbed by a definite small force, and its stability under the influence of greater forces might thereby be in- ferred. Unfortunately, the only convenient tests of a person's endur- ance that are now available are records of such feats of sustained bodily or mental work as he may have recently performed, that were not succeeded next day by feverish excitement or by fatigue, but whose effects were entirely dissipated by a single night's rest. The faculties about which I have next to speak admit of being developed in a high degree by exercise, and some difficulty will always arise in knowing how far their development may be due to nature and how far to practice. This difficulty is, however, of less importance than it might appear to be. All our faculties are somewhat exercised in the ordinary course of life, and when we begin to practice any special test, though our skill increases rather quickly at first, its rate of progress soon materially lessens, and we are able to judge with sufficient precision of the highest point which we can hope to attain. When recording the results of any test it would be sufficient to append a brief note concerning the amount of previous practice. The strength is best measured by a spring dynamometer, of which the frame-work is held in the left hand with the arm extended, while the spring is drawn back by the right hand in the attitude of an archer. This is the test used by the Anthropometric Committee ; it only refers to the strength of the arms, but that is in most cases sufficient to express the general muscular power, and it has the ad- MEASUREMENTS OF MEN. 57 vantage of not causing injurious straining to weakly persons. Trials of lifting heavy weights are positively dangerous. If a multitude of persons were tested in that way, some instances of broken blood- vessels and of abdominal ruptures would be almost sure to occur. Agility may be defined in terms say of the number of seconds required to run a hundred yards, of the greatest horizontal distance that can be covered by a leap, of the distance to which a cricket-ball can be thrown, and by means of various gymnastic feats. The several merits of the latter, however, require to be carefully considered, and those that can be performed in-doors and in a confined space should be selected as standards. The co-ordination of muscles and eye is another faculty that varies widely in different persons, while it is also greatly increased by educa- tion. Some persons are gifted with a high power of accurate move- ment, while others are as notoriously clumsy. In all cases, however, this faculty may be largely developed in special directions, as is shown by the superior dexterity of artisans to that of amateurs. It seems a most simple faculty to be tested, nevertheless I know of no recognized methods of doing so ; and, in default of one, the best plan of defining its amount might be, in the case of youths, by their measured skill in well-known games, as racquets, cricket, rifle-shooting, billiards, and wherever else a good eye and steady hand are required. The faculty of sense-discrimination has in many respects been the subject of most elaborate experiments, chiefly in regard to the rela- tion between the amounts of stimuli, as measured by objective stand- ards (such as weight in pounds, as brightness in units of intensity, etc.), and the corresponding amount of evoked sensations, measured by subjective standards, namely, by the feelings of the several persons operated on. Out of all the contrivances that have been devised for these experiments, some of which are extremely delicate, we want a battery of the most simple ones that are sufficiently effective for ordi- nary anthropometric purposes. I find it difficult, in obedience to the programme already laid down, to enter as much as I should like to do into particulars concerning this wide and important part of the sub- ject before us. The sources of error to be guarded against, the prin- ciples that have to be attended to, and the instruments already in use, can not be properly explained in a few paragraphs. The reader must take it for granted that all this is a familiar subject to many writers and experimenters, such as Fechner and Delbceuf, and that the work remaining to be done is to select out of extant instruments those that are sufficiently inexpensive and quick in manipulation to be appro- priately placed in an anthropometric laboratory. Under these circum- stances I will refrain from doing more than specifying the more im- portant measurements among the many that admit of being made : Sight. — Its keenness ; the appreciation of different shades ; that of different colors. 5 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Sound. — Its keenness ; the appreciation of different grades of loudness ; that of different notes. Touch. — Discrimination of different roughnesses, such as wire-work of differently sized mesh. Muscular Sense. — Discrimination of weights externally alike, but differing slightly in specific gravity. Another class of delicate apparatus refers to the rate of response to stimuli. A signal is given to one of the senses, as by the sight of a suddenly lifted finger, by an exclamation, or by a touch, to which response is made by pressing a stop. The interval between the signal and the response is measurable, and it differs in different persons. Another well-known arrangement tests the time lost in forming a simple judgment. Arrangement is made for two possible and different signals, which are severally to be responded to by different forms of response. The subject of the experiment is ignorant which of the two signals will appear. After he perceives it, there is an appreciable time of hesitation before he is able to make the appropriate response, and this time is easily measured, and is found to differ in different persons. The persistence of impressions, especially if visual ones, is exceed- ing various. Some persons are strongly affected by after-images and others are not. For example, after gazing at a red wafer for a short definite time and then rapidly withdrawing the eye, the appearance of a green after-image will be present to some and not to others. There can be little doubt that the liability to after-images is an important factor of the artistic temperament, being the base of the enhanced susceptibility to conditions of contrast and harmony of colors. Nu- merous experiments exist bearing on various kinds of after-images, but they want systematizing for anthropometric purposes. The memory, in its dependence on the relative impressions of eye, ear, and other senses, whether severally or in combination, admits of being tested, and here again numerous scattered experiences have been gained, and ingenious experiments have been devised which require consolidating and systematizing. This is perhaps as much as need be said in a very brief general glance over a large division of a large subject. My object is to point out that means already exist for the appraisement of many of the prin- cipal bodily faculties, but that they require to be systematized, and that others have to be contrived, and that they can not be properly utilized for ordinary anthropometric purposes without such apparatus as would require to be kept in a laboratory and used under the guid- ance of an intelligent operator. I will say a few words, and a few only, upon another large branch to which I alluded in my previous article, namely the medical life-his- tory of each individual. There seems to be need for medico-metric MEASUREMENTS OF MEN. 59 laboratories where certificates of observed facts should be furnished to any applicant for stated fees. These would contain as exact and com- plete a report of the physiological status of a person as is feasible in the present state of science, by the help of the microscope, chemical tests, and physiological apparatus. Laboratories of this description ouo-ht to be welcome to practicing physicians, who, being unable to keep the necessary apparatus in their consulting-rooms, could send their patients to be examined in any way they wished, whenever they though it desirable to do so. The laboratories would be of the same convenience to them that the Kew Observatory is to physicists, who can send their delicate instruments there to have their errors ascer- tained. The data for the medical history of a man's life are the observa- tions made by his physician in his successive illnesses, and I would dwell on the importance of gradually establishing a custom that the medical attendant of each patient should as a matter of course write down such clinical notes of his case as are written at the bedsides of public patients at hospitals. These papers would be for the private and future use of the patient, and would be preserved by him, together with the prescriptions. They would accumulate as the years went by, and would form the materials for a medical life-history of very great value to the patient himself in the illnesses of his later life. The records might be epitomized by his physician from time to time, and they would in that form be an heir-loom to the children of the patient, warning their medical attendants in future years by throwing light on hereditary peculiarities. The popular object of this and the previous memoir is to further the accumulation of materials for life-histories in the form of adequate photographs, anthropometric measurements, and medical facts. ~No doubt it would be contrary to the inclinations of most people to take much trouble of the kind about themselves, but I would urge them do so for their children so far as they have opportunities, and to establish a family register for the purpose, filling it up periodically as well as they can. It will have been seen that much may be effected without special apparatus, and on the other hand that much more could be effected, and with increased ease and precision, if anthropometric laboratories existed.' Should a demand arise for such establishments, it would not be difficult to form them in connection with various existing scientific institutions. A few shelves would hold the necessary apparatus. Some- thing useful of the kind could be set on foot at a moment's notice, but it would require much practice and consideration by capable men be- fore a standard outfit could be decided on. The motives that might induce a person to take the trouble of get- ting himself accurately measured and appraised from time to time, and of recording the^ results, are briefly as follows : 1. Their biographical interest to the person himself, to his family, and descendants. 2. 60 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Their utility, especially from a medical point of view, to himself in after-life. 3. The information they might give of hereditary dangers and vital probabilities to his descendants. 4. Their value as future materials for much-needed investigations into the statistics of life- histories. — Fortnightly Review. -+++- LIBEETY OF THOUGHT. By Rev. E. WOODWARD BROWN. MY subject is the progress of freedom of inquiry ; of liberty to investigate and discuss, to compare and contrast, to adopt and reject opinions — liberty to think for one's self in every direction. The subject is not the great life and war of thought, that which accom- panies struggles of all kinds in the world — struggles religious, polit- ical, social, and industrial — but is simply the progress of thought out of an enslavement that has existed through the world in all time. The mind of man has been more or less forbidden to exercise itself as it pleases. A great work which it might have done and has not done, work of all sorts throughout society in all its departments, has failed because some men have forbidden other men to think in a dif- ferent way from what those men willed. The causes why men have repressed thought are found in a natural dislike of dissent from cherished opinions — in a natural illiberality owing to ignorance or pride of opinion, or in a vague fear that new thinking will in some way hurt one, or one's cherished opinions, as to how things should be ; also in the advantage pecuniary, social, polit- ical or other, arising from some established system, civil, ecclesiastical, educational, or the like, which free discussion would endanger in whole or in part. Through these causes those who have had the power have used it to put down all objectionable thought. In heathendom, whenever and wherever a great ecclesiastical sys- tem has prevailed there has generally been an enslavement of mind in all directions ; and wherever a great absolute state has existed there has been an enslavement of mind in political and social, if not also in religious directions. To refer to the enslavement by ecclesiastical sys- tems : in these instances the ecclesiastical power has shackled thought upon religion, morals, science, and literature, upon social and civil subjects, in short upon everything ; has controlled absolutely the whole expression of the nation's mind. The priestly class have ar- ranged, inspired, and regulated all the duties to God, to the state, to the family,, and to society. The priestly body has also claimed the su- preme control of education ; has prescribed the limits and the courses in which it shall be lawful for the human mind or for the human being LIBERTY OF THOUGHT. 61 to go ; has also fixed the laws of literature and art, as we see in the conventional architecture, sculpture, and paintings of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia. This ecclesiastical conventionalism, supported by the popular superstition, has greatly hampered original thought. This sacred fixedness has not allowed, on the one hand, any progress in the native mind itself, nor the influence upon it of foreign mind and foreign methods. In Egypt we have a priesthood dominant and fixing all forms of life. In the Assyrian power we have the kings constantly exalting the gods, in proclamation and inscription ; and the architecture and sculp- ture are of an ecclesiastical and unchanging pattern. In the Medo- Persian power the ecclesiastical authorities largely shape the people's life; and- we find that part of the creed, that idols should be de- stroyed, enforced wherever the Persian arms were carried. In Hin- dostan we have religion setting conventional limits to religion, phi- losophy, science, art, literature, politics, and social life. But, on the other hand, we also find libertv of thought. Buddhism has been tolerant and pacific ; has propagated itself never by war nor by legal force, but only by moral suasion. China, too, seems to have allowed a measure of liberty of thought in everything but politics. Several religions exist there side by side ; and philosophy, science, and literature are found without an ecclesiastical imprint. In the ancient republican systems of government there seems to have been more or less liberty of thought, except in religion and poli- tics. This was so in the Phoenician confederacy, in the Carthaginian commercial states, in the Grecian republics, and in the Roman com- monwealth. In the dawn of Greece we find the priestly class weakened and superseded by the military. The despotic colleges of priests which existed in the East never had a place among the high-spirited and independent chiefs of Greece, who are described in Homer and else- where as taking the offices of religion into their own hands, and in various ways keeping its ministers in check. Doubtless, the genius of the people also had something to do with this. Nowhere has there been more liberty of thought in heathendom than in Greece, more freedom from superstition and bigotry ; and yet even the Greeks were intolerant. Anaxagoras, who tried to explain astronomical and mete- orological phenomena, had a narrow escape with his life from the offended "piety" of the Athenians. It took all the influence of Peri- cles to save him. Socrates was put to death. Phidias was persecuted, and died broken-hearted in prison. Every honest man was, at one time, in danger of being accused of atheism by the zealots. Noble citizens were tortured. Yet, on the whole, " at the epoch of the high- est glory of philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, and most of the philosophers, whether of Grecian, or, more latterly, of Greco-Roman antiquity, had full liberty of thought, or nearly so. The state's public policy inter- 62 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fercd but little with their labors, to cramp them and give them a par- ticular tendency. They, on their part, concerned themselves but little about politics, nor cared much to influence immediately and decisively the society in which they lived." Liberty of thought was allowed in Roman civilization, and yet, even there, was not permitted upon political subjects. The Roman method of conciliation was, first of all, the most ample toleration of the customs, religion, and municipal freedom of the conquered, and then their gradual admission to the privileges of the conquerors. Free- dom of thought was allowed to a remarkable degree. Education was controlled neither by priest nor magistrate. Writing was free, and the circulation of popular works was extensive, though probably the rulers would have quickly restrained the circulation of what they considered injurious to the state. Public speech was free upon phi- losophy and morals, and uj)on theories of government, liberty, and' tyrannicide. "While Mohammedanism has fixed unalterably its doctrines and forms, and has allowed no discussion of them, and so far has been inconsistent with freedom of thought, still it has permitted a measure of free thought. Its followers do not regard infidelity or heresy as criminal, and persecution for theological opinions .has not been their rule. They have never had an Inquisition ; or the burning of an unbe- liever under authority of law. They have always allowed conquered Christians to retain their faith, and even to have public worship. No wars of compulsory conversion like those of Charlemagne, no expul- sion of unbelievers, like that of the wars of Spain, stain the record of Mohammedanism. The succession of the Greek Patriarchs of Constan- tinople and Jerusalem has been regular for more than four centuries, and their relations with the Sultan have been far more amicable usually than those of the Pope with the kings of France and Ger- many. The Koran says, " Those who are Moslems and those who are Jews, and the Christians and the Sabeans who believe in God and the last day, and work righteousness, for them is their reward with the Lord, and there is no fear for them, and they shall not be put to sorrow." Many of the caliphs invited Christian scholars to their courts, and were glad to have Christian students in their schools. The Caliph Ilaroun-al-Raschid employed Nestorians as head teachers. In the tenth century ambitious young Frenchmen went to the Asiatic schools of Spain. For instance, there Gerson, afterward Pope Syl- vester II, was educated. We now come to the progress of liberty of thought in Christen- dom. The Christian Church has been afraid of inquiry because, so far as it makes unsound and false statements of fact, contrary to those of the Bible, it tends to unsettle the minds of men in what is regarded LIBERTY OF THOUGHT. 63 as accepted and very important truth, and so she objects to every one reading what she considers to be infidel books. But, again, portions of the Christian Church have opposed inquiry because it made true statements which contradicted certain wrong interpretations and inferences that the Church had made from Script- ure, and so, in undermining the errors of theology and the Church, seemed to be undermining the important truth, and, while in reality doing a good service, seemed to be doing harm. For instance, inves- tigation of the laws of nature has ever been supposed by many " to be doing away with the being or the perfections or the providence of God ; the discovery of second causes has been thought to detract from the glory of the Great First Cause." The discovery that God works by law, or with regularity, has been supposed to interfere with the faith that he is personal, has a choice to do this or that, and inter- feres among men for or against. A class of thinkers have assumed that, at least in some spheres, God acts without the aid of second causes, and frequently without regard to uniform laws — acts irregu- larly. Science has been steadily reducing the extent and the number of such spheres, but in the case of every one there has been a battle offered by those who believed that in that sphere God operated with- out regard to law ; that there man should not look for regular laws or for secondary causes, and that to do so is presumptuous if not irrever- ent and impious. In this way good men and great men have shown themselves opponents of real science ; have made the mistake of assum- ing that their prejudices and views were in harmony with the spirit and the views of the Bible, or of true religion. These men have supposed that they and the Bible were at one, and have been mistaken. They have undertaken contests in which they were defeated, and in which it became afterward apparent to the Church at large that they were mistaken. This opposition of portions of the Church to mental liberty is con- trary to the original views and practices of the Church. And the right has also been disputed by worthy men, such as Ambrose, Hilary, and Martin, within the Church. The Christian religion is not accountable for this false position of the Church toward freedom of thought. Let us now look at the mental enslavement in Western Christendom. Strange to say, that great Christian Church which has played such an important part here, has, as before intimated, been guilty of such enslavement ; has, with all its illumination on many subjects and its great power, been an opponent of freedom of thought ; has been hos- tile to views of Scripture and doctrine different from the accepted views of the day ; has considered all expression of divergent views as exceedingly bold, if not irreverent and heretical. For centuries the clergy and the monks directed the whole current of European affairs, personal, family, community, or national ; scientific, literary, philoso- phical, or theoretical. The clergy and monks were a body by them- 64 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. selves, a hierarchy, a caste, a class that had undertaken the intellect- ual as well as much other schooling of Europe. They ruled in and throughout every sphere. They fixed everything in thought, religious doctrine, general philosophy, science, art, poetry — all. In a great measure they formed and controlled public opinion. They fashioned after their own views the minds of youth. All this was well enough for a time. Europe needed it, and the gain was greater than the loss ; better almost any education than no education ; not but that their education was the best, but there comes a time when formal education by human teachers must cease — when " school is out " ; and when this time arrived in Europe, and here and there men were in thought beginning to go without their teachers and beyond their teachers, then the Church, instead of, like a wise father, letting them go, tried to hold them. The Church had become lifted up with the idea that theirs alone was the wisdom which could train, and theirs alone was the right to train ; that it was their legitimate business. And so they tried to regulate thought — all the thought of the world so far as they could reach that world. Learning was oppressed, original speculation in philosophy, original research in science, were prevented. Human reason was bound, for woe to him who claimed to find in metaphysics, mathematics, or the physical sciences that which contradicted what was stated ! " The habit of doubt, the impartiality of suspended judgment, the desire to hear both sides of a disputed question, the going beyond what was taught," the making discoveries, all were condemned. Freedom, the condition of true inquiry, was cursed. Blind, unquestioning ac- ceptance was blessed. The people were allowed a literature of imagi- nation, but the effort was made to strictly keep them out of any moral and physical truth other than Rome had provided. ~YYre now come to the change of the tide, to the beginning of better days for inquiry, to the dawn of the day of liberty. While liberty of thought was always more or less asserting itself, still, after a while, such assertion increased in emphasis and force. Several facts were favorable. It seems that, after all, the Church admitted the principle of freedom, for she advocated free thinking for herself. She main- tained that religious belief and practice should not be brought under the absolute control of the civil government, and, by this assertion of the independence of the spiritual and therefore of the intellectual world, she prepared the way for the independence of the individual in these worlds. The language she held for herself as a whole, for her- self in matters of religion and conscience, and for herself in the in- tellectual sphere, led the way for similar language by each person for himself. Another great gain for freedom of thought was when secular gov- ernment began to think for itself in its executive, legislative, and judi- LIBERTY OF THOUGHT. 65 cial departments ; when each state began to declare that, in political matters, it was independent of the Church. Still another great gain was, when a few " mighty though solitary persons " in the twelfth century, the first scholastics, asserted the right of human reason to be heard and to be consulted in the formation of opinions, as against the mere say-so of the Church ; though most of these persons forbore to attack commonly received opinions upon religion ; but they revolted from blind acceptance of everything the Church said. They went to work timidly. They would believe in part because the Church said so, but they wanted that belief sup- ported also by reason. The inference would be that reason had also some claim to be heard ; a further inference might be that these men were rationalists, and would only believe what reason could com- prehend, but that would not follow. They only did not want to believe what contradicted reason, and they wanted the privilege of supporting their belief by reason so far as they could. Abelard, founder of the scholastic philosophy, began the great battle. The first shock of the strife was- when he threw down the gauntlet about reason, and St. Bernard, a very distinguished divine of the day, took it up. Both were men of great genius, leaders of great parties, and both were bent on reform. St. Bernard was a monk, humble, self-denying, and modest. He was celebrated for his pen- ances, his poverty, his devotion to the distressed, as well as for his learning and eloquence. He had attacked the vices of the monastic world, and was reforming it with great zeal. It was a fight between giants, and Abelard was beaten — he was silenced. A friend and disciple of Abelard, Arnold of Brescia, advocated liberty of thought, while he also championed the rights of the people all around to act and live as they pleased, so far as the ecclesiastical body then dominant was concerned. And, so far did this revolu- tion go, begun by Abelard and Arnold of Brescia, that it seemed at one time likely to antedate the great religious revolution of the six- teenth century by nearly four centuries. Free, independent thinking, with heresy, was rife in all the schools. A republic existed at Rome. The most fertile of the French provinces, Languedoc, was in the power of the Albigenses. But as Abelard was silenced, so Arnold was hanged. • The Roman Republic was suppressed. The Albigenses of Languedoc were exterminated. The cause of liberty came to grief, and yet the good work of emancipation was not ended. 'Another great gain for free thought was in the early national literatures. They were uncompromising foes of Rome, its vices and its tyranny over thought. Petrarch denounced the Roman hierarchy, popes, cardinals, and monks, with unmeasured severity. He poured out a torrent of invective. Dante showed the ideal church, and then contrasted with it the real Church. He put popes into hell, and called Rome the very Babylon that John saw in the Apocalypse. Boccaccio TOL. XXI. 5 66 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. treated the popular religious teachers with unbounded ridicule. The Minnesingers of Germany expressed freely their hatred of the tyranny of the Church ; and the Provencal bards of France were unsparing in their attacks upon the hierarchy, until they were silenced by the fatal Albigensian crusade. The rising popular national literature. of Eng- land indignantly censured the monks and higher clergy, and spoke out boldly against the whole hierarchical system. The famous " Vision of Piers Ploughman," by William Langlande (a. d. 1362), one of the earliest pieces of English literature, is from the pen of an earnest reformer, " who values reason and conscience as the guides of the soul, and attributes the world's sorrows and calamities to the wealth and worldliness of the clergy, and especially of the mendicant orders " ; while, also, Chaucer, in his " Canterbury Tales," shows himself in full accord with Wycliffe in hostility to the mendicant orders. In many of these early writings, reverence for the Church and re- ligion is blended with bitter, censures of the arrogance and wealth of the ecclesiastics. The spiritual power of the Pope is distinguished from his temporal power. The one is revered, the other denounced. Again, we have the beginning of free thought in criticism in the idea of the comparative study of religion, as seen in the work " De Tribus Impostoribus." Further, we have the beginning of free thought in philosophy, to wit : in the Mohammedan philosophy of the great infidel Averroes, introduced into Christendom from the Mohammedan universities of Spain ; and there was also a struggle of the Church with Averroism, the subject of conflict being the nature of the soul, and the doctrines of emanation and absorption. Furthermore, we have an effort at free thought in science. There were the leaders of science, Raymond Lully and Roger Bacon ; there were also the Platonists — Barbaras, Curanus, Ticinus, Patricius, Picus, Agrippa, Paracelsus, Fludd, etc. ; and again the theoretical reformers of science — Telesius, Campanella, Bruno, Ramus, and Me- lanchthon. Moreover, there were discoveries which tended to diffuse knowl- edge, and so to awaken the mind of Europe — the art of making pa- per, the invention of gunpowder, and the discovery of the magnetic needle. There were, also, the universities. Instead of the Church being exclusively the only tribunal of opinion, the universities became now also centers of thought, with opinions and power of their own. Thus a certain new supremacy sprang up in the world of thought — a supremacy generally in accord with that of the Church, but sometimes antagonistic, and always more or less separate from it in the sphere of philosophy, science, and letters, here claiming to have an opinion of its own, and the claim being to some extent allowed. Again, free thought found help in the jurists. They hated the Papal tyranny. Their study of the scattered remains of Roman law LIBERTY OF THOUGHT. 67 and civilization tended to generate mental freedom from prejudice and from authority. We also have help to free thought in the revival of classical learn- ing. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, among the many compli- cated causes which it would be difficult to trace, a general revival of Latin literature took place, which greatly modified the mental state of Europe. For the first time in centuries we find, feeble though it be, an uprising against the universal credulity and against the universal passion for theology. There was a strong desire for secular learning beginning to stir the mind of Europe. A taste was developed for philosophy, science, letters, and classical learning, an intellectual life which, while more or less suppressed in one land or another, one gen- eration or .another, by civil or ecclesiastical despotism, was destined to increase all over Europe and to continue until the present. Men thronged the universities to study not only theology, but also philoso- phy, law, medicine, science, belles-lettres, and the old literature of Greece and Rome. A desire arose among men to think for themselves in every sphere of thought. At this revival there was introduced into literature that principle of freedom to think which the Reformation brought into religion, and which principle Cartesianism brought next into philosophy ; and, next, the French Revolution, four centuries from the beginning of the general movement, brought into politics. Again, we have the rise of free thought in religion. Church tyr- anny was encountered by a resistance within the Church itself, which resistance could not be overcome. Many could not be restrained, con- fined, and controlled by the Church. ^Nowhere, in fact, did individual reason more boldly assert itself than in heresies and sects in the Church — in their denial of the infallibility of creeds, councils, and popes. The long rule of orthodoxy was broken through by many heresies, which, though often repressed, broke out again as often, and with new force and consistency. The minds of the learned were perplexed by sudden doubts concerning the leading doctrines of faith. Every sort of new opinion in religion was entertained, notwith- standing ecclesiastical authority. An impartial philosophy was pro- claimed by Abelard. A stern and uncompromising infidelity was taught in Seville and in Cordova, which infidelity began to overshadow the mind of Christendom. A passion for astrology and for the fatal- ism it implies revived, though there was, as yet, no general disposition to rise above the traditional teachings and fixed systems of the Church. - The Reformation was, among other things, an assertion of liberty of thought ; was a partial emancipation of the mind of Western Christen- dom from bondage ; was a teaching man to think for himself in the specific instance of the claims of the Romish Church to control all in religion ; was, if not a complete emancipation, at least a great increase of liberty. This, in Germany, Denmark and Holland, England and 68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. France, and, for a time, in other lands where the Reformation was afterward crushed out, was a power of mental freedom. Yet mental enslavement continued. The reformers would only m change the master. He certainly was not to be the Roman Catholic Church, they said ; he was only to be a more legitimate power. Stand- ards were still set up, and ecclesiastical and civil power stood behind them, to compel religious, philosophical, scientific, and other thought, not to differ from them. Every one, Romish or Protestant, claimed the right to defend and to propagate opinion by force ; every one was in favor of calling in the civil power to aid in a controversy in thought. But matters have much improved in the ecclesiastical sphere during these last four centuries. There is now marked progress in liberty of religious thought. The fierce invectives once hurled back and forth between Protestant and Catholic are dropped. The war of de- nominations has largely ceased. Convictions seriously entertained are now generally respected. Although a change of religion, or even in ministers a change of denomination, frequently causes more or less petty persecution, still there is improvement since the time, several centuries ago, when the apostasy of any one from the rest was re- garded as one of the worst of crimes. A change of religion or even of denomination, from a sense of duty, is now commonly allowed among intelligent men. To-day the Protestant nations and the Roman Catholic countries of France,, Spain, Italy, Austria, Bavaria, and Span- ish America, have abandoned intolerance and enjoy freedom of opinion. There is also marked progress in liberty of scientific thought — in the seventeenth century, that freedom to prosecute and publish inves- tigation in science, which is so necessary to the advancement of sci- ence, hardly existed as yet. Though the political influence of the Church of Rome had much diminished, though European society had largely passed from the dominion of the Roman Church to that of temporal governments, yet that Church, though less tyrannical, freer from abuses, and more tolerant than before, was still disposed to maintain at every point the doctrines and opinions already expressed upon questions of science and learning ; while also in Protestant lands popular prejudice still to an extent repressed mental freedom. But there arose practical reformers in science — Leonardo da Vinci Copernicus, Fabricius, Galileo, Kepler, and Tycho Brahe. Science began to make decided advances in geography, astronomy, chemistry, physics, anatomy, medicine, geology, political economy, and other branches. The conflict with the astronomers is well known and has been well described — the fear of Copernicus, the imprisonment of Galileo, the burning at the stake in Rome of Giordano Bruno for up- holding the teaching of modern astronomy as to the immensity of the universe and the plurality of worlds. Still liberty of thought in science began to grow in various lands, giving us Bacon, Harvey, Descartes, Hooker, Barrow, Newton, Locke, LIBERTY OF THOUGHT. 69 Condillac, Helvetius, and others. In the present century all force has ceased, though certain advances in science have awakened opposition — for instance, the teaching of geology that the world had existed for millions of years, and had taken its shape under natural laws. This was thought to be against the Bible ; so, too, vaccination and anaesthetics and other new things have been opposed with unnecessary ' haste and heat, as devices to defeat God's will. But to-day science and philosophy are free in many lands, while the narrow and restrict- ive policy which still obtains in others is gradually yielding. Freedom of political thought is largely increased, though despot- ism and obstructive social systems have been much in the way ; but, as the civil despotisms have changed into constitutional governments, there has been a steady increase of freedom. Freedom of publication has likewise increased. In the middle ages nothing was allowed to be published that was against the opinions of the ruling powers in church or in state, nothing in theology, philoso- phy, science, or literature ; though of course this tyranny was by no means complete, and very many were the attacks 011 received opinions. Still, as a rule, the press was enslaved. Despotic governments in church or state have not allowed a free press, except in instances of a mild sovereign or upon matters foreign to any interest of the rulers. The general policy has been to forbid all utterance that in any way is subversive of the authority or influence of government. We have heard much of regulation of the press, in political matters, which means despotic interference with it ; the governments have been afraid of it ; the upper classes in church, state, society, and indus- trial enterprise, have been afraid of it ; it is rather the mouth-piece of truth and of justice for the people ; wherefore " the complete proper liberty of the press is the conquest of a high civilization." In France the Revolution witnessed the freedom, even the license, of the press. Bonaparte followed. He feared and hated free thought, and was, in some directions, its persistent opponent and oppressor ; he exerted the immense power which he possessed to trammel the press ; he cherished a mean jealousy of every kind of intellectual superiority which he could not enslave. In Austria, Spain, and Italy, under their despotic governments, in- fluenced more or less by the priests, a strict censorship has been exer- cised over all thought interfering with civil or with ecclesiastical despotism. Yet, since the civil absolutism has decreased, the liberty of the press has increased, until now, in Italy at least, it is complete. The English-speaking lands have a free press ; so, I believe, have the Spanish republics of America, and the same is true of Germany, Holland, and Belgium, and to a less extent of Scandinavian countries. In all these lands the principle has largely prevailed that writing and publishing are in^themselves indifferent matters to government. Such is a review of the progress of liberty of thought, especially 7o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in Christendom — a review that evidences the fact of progress. There was never before a period when men were judged so little according to their belief as now, and when all studies were pursued with such freedom. The victory of toleration in the purely intellectual sphere has been almost achieved. The principle is almost established that there shall be no restraint upon thinking, speaking, or publishing, whether it be in theology, in philosophy, in criticism, in science, in literature, or in politics. Both the law and public opinion favor such liberty. •♦♦♦» A EEPLY TO MISS HAEDAKEE ON THE WOMAN QUESTION. By NINA MOEAIS. TO classify phenomena as manifestations of a universal law is the intellectual pastime of the nineteenth century. The finding of a Eosetta stone which shall be the key to a bewildering maze of details is a mental rest to the thinker. Hence, a theory which settles a much- vexed question by a scientific ipse dixit is met with a murmur of ad- miration and a sigh of relief. But those who profess to hold a com- mission from Science should not the less be bound to the " scientific rule of deducing no principle which facts will not prove." What Sci- ence says, facts will corroborate, but they will not always wait upon the interpretation of her devotees. About fifty years ago a gentleman of high scientific attainments proved by irreproachable mathematics that no steamship could cross the Atlantic, for by no expedient could a vessel be built which could stow away enough fuel to propel itself to so great a distance. To-day the gentleman might take as an ordinary trip the journey he proved impossible. In the March number of " The Popular Science Monthly " Miss Hardaker invokes Science to testify to the natural and irrevocable mental inferiority of the female to the male. A statement of this kind, coming as it does when woman is struggling for every step in her intellectual advance, is peculiarly baneful to her. To cover ancient prejudice with the palladium of scientific argument is to unite the strength "of conservatism and of progress in one attack. An examina- tion of the accuracy of the paper, " Science and the Woman Question," may not, therefore, be ill-timed. Two propositions underlie Miss Hardaker's argument. They are as follows : 1. A large amount of matter represents more force than a small amount. Hence man is superior to woman in body and brain (page 579). 2. "All human energy is an exact equivalent of the amount of REPLY TO MISS HARDAKER. 7i food consumed and assimilated." Man, by reason of his larger organs, eats and assimilates more food than woman does. Each of his organs, including the brain, is therefore capable of acting with proportionally- greater energy. Hence, " men will always think more than women " (page 583). Collaterally our author finds that the demands of maternity must cause a large subtraction from the smaller amount of mental energy which women would otherwise exert, and, as the result of her funda- mental propositions, she draws the startling conclusion that "unless woman can devise some means for reducing the size of man, she must be content to revolve about him in the future as in the past " (page 581). Before entering upon the question by means of her own original and scientific method, Miss Hardaker makes the following statements : " Students of physiology see that a final and conclusive law can not be drawn from differences in brain- weights and measurements, because of the present imperfection of data." But the superior power of the male brain, like the superior power of the male muscle, is shown conclusive- ly by its product (page 578). The figures which begin Miss Hardaker's argument are those which all speculations regarding the brain take into consideration. These figures are quite complete enough to indicate distinctly that the aver- age male brain is always larger than the female. Miss Hardaker her- self states that " all accepted authorities agree that the average male brain exceeds the average female brain in weight by about ten per cent " (page 578). Now, if the principle that bulk is power were ad- mitted, the measurements obtained would be nearly, if not quite, con- clusive of the natural superiority of the male : it would not have been reserved for Miss Hardaker to make the discovery. Miss Hardaker can not afford to dismiss brain-measurements as incomplete evidence, for these statistics become the key-stone of her own logic when she endeavors to prove man's mental superiority because of his excess of brain. The student, however, does not reason as Miss Hardaker reasons. He, as well as she, possesses the historic fact that the product of the masculine mind has always been greater than that of the feminine. He might, therefore, find that, as the male brain has been more produc- tive, it is the better organ. Upon this point Miss Hardaker contends that not only can we reason to the general quality of organs from tlreir respective products, but we can actually arrive at a knowledge of their structure by such processes of logic. " We do not examine a muscle," she says, "to ascertain its internal structure" (page 578). If this were true, the occupation of the anatomist would be gone : the valvular arrangement of the heart, the cellular formation of the lungs, would have been disclosed by an observation of the externally percep- tible operations of these organs. The truth is, that we can never rea- 72 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. son from product to structure until after we have internal evidence of the functional relations between the structure and product of the class of organs to which those under test belong ; nor can we without such knowledge even reason to the general quality of two organs by their different product, unless our comparisons are made under the same . environment. For instance, take two pairs of lungs : let one respire at sea-level, the other at the top of Mont Blanc. Their absolute product would be no estimate of their relative capacity. Still, the physiologist would have little difficulty in eliminating the effect of difference of circumstances in his calculation, because his complete knowledge of the lungs and of the influence of atmospheric pressure enables him to allow for differences of environment. But no such allowance can be made in estimating the normal power of the male and female brain which have always acted in different mental atmospheres ; for the relation of structure to function as regards brain has not been accu- rately determined. It is because of this lack of knowledge regarding the precise con- nection between brain-structure and thought, and not because of im- perfection in the data of measurements, that students refuse to draw therefrom the law of brain capacity ; and thinkers will not infer the capacity of male and female brains from their products, until the different influences acting upon men and women can be eliminated. While anatomy is unable to solve for us the enigma of sexual brain- power, we may have recourse to comparison under similar environ- ment as the key to our problem. This method of discovery Miss Hardaker, with a perversity remarkable in a disciple of modern science, is laboring zealously to prevent. " We need not," she says, " ascertain the meaning of brain-size by experiment ; we can arrive at it by analogy. All other organs (under the same conditions) work in proportion to their size. Is there any good reason for making an exception of the brain?" (page 578). Now, even if all other organs work in proportion to their size, the fact that the brain is exceptional, in the nature and in the variety and complexity of its functions, would render the argument from biceps to brain as questionable as that from marble to zinc. There may be prop- erties in common, but in the production of forces the similar effects of these common properties may be wholly vitiated by others peculiar to only one of the objects compared. Besides, size is not always a gauge of organic capacity. Does the large eye see better, the large ear hear more, the large nerve feel more keenly ? And, if, all other conditions being equal, they might do so, the incalculable variation of condition renders the size test of no practical value at all. This, however, is a phase of the subject to be discussed later, when we shall endeavor to show that, although we agree with Miss Hardaker that a larger brain means something, it does not necessarily mean a " greater amount of thinking in a given time." And, here we throw in, as interesting REPLY TO MISS HARDAKER. 73 facts, that woman's smaller heart beats faster than man's larger one ; that her circulation is to his in swiftness as ten to nine ; and that, ac- cording to Miss Hardaker's figures, and to some celebrated authorities, the proportion of brain to body is larger in woman than in man. But to meet Miss Hardaker upon her own ground in the discussion of her fundamental propositions, we shall waive, as she has done, all sexual differences, of physical or local environment, and all analogical inferences, and proceed to compare the male and female brains upon a supposititious level of like conditions. She proposes to prove, on quite new and highly scientific grounds, that absolute weights and meas- urements are, after all, the ultimate tests of capacity. It may be deemed singular that the profound students who have preceded Miss Hardaker — some of whom were undoubtedly scientists — should have entirely overlooked the beautifully simple conclusion she formulates, thus : " If mass represents force, the larger the brain, the larger the power." The reason why students have been so blind to Miss Harda- ker's discoveries is quite as simple as the discovery itself. It is because her premises are false. A large amount of matter does not represent more force than a small amount, nor does it represent any force at all. There is an ele- mentary law of physics which declares that the momentum of a body equals its size multiplied by its velocity, and this may lead to the sup- position that matter itself is force. But matter in a state of inertia is not power ; it becomes powerful only when acted upon. The same force acting upon different bodies imparts velocity in the inverse ratio of their masses ; and, since velocity as well as size is a factor of power, it follows that a force which imparts a greater velocity to a smaller body gives it as great a momentum as a larger body obtains when acted upon by the same force ; for the velocity in the latter case is feebler. Even admitting (what Miss Hardaker does not appear to claim) that potential energy may be proportionate to size of mass, we see that potential energy can only be evolved by an appropriate force acting through or upon the mass, and, to make the potential energy of a large mass do more work than that of a smaller one, the force ap- plied must always be greater. Hence, not the size of the body, but the strength of the impelling force, is the ultimate test of its power. A glance at obvious facts will show that size is not the gauge, that weight may indeed be a direct impediment to the evolution of force. The avoirdupois of the fat boy is a clog to his energy ; the fast run- ner wins by his light weight ; the champion oarsman reduces his flesh. In applying her theory to the brain, one fact which Miss Hardaker herself states is sufficient to tell very disastrously against her conclu- sion that larger brain-weight means larger thinking power. "Accord- ing to Gratiolet, the male brain can not fall below thirty-seven ounces without involving idiocy, while the female may fall to thirty-two 74 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ounces without such result " (page 578). Here are two brains precisely of the same quality, one thirty-seven ounces the other thirty-one, an absolute difference of six ounces. Yet these six ounces represent just nothing. Indeed, give the woman thirty-four ounces and leave the man thirty-seven, his three ounces more are simply a minus : thirty- four is rational thought, thirty-seven irrational. In this instance a small amount of matter represents more power than a large amount. It would seem that the true law must be sought elsewhere than in the grocer's scale. But the impelling force which Miss Hardaker omits in her former statement is supplied in her next assumption : "All human energy is derived from food. Man eats more than woman because his larger size requires him to do so, a larger proportion of nourishment is sent to his brain ; hence men think more than women." A look backward at our elementary law of physics will show that Miss Hardaker's sec- ond conclusion is as weak as her first. To repeat that portion of our law which bears upon this argument, we find that the same force act- ing on different bodies imparts velocity in the inverse ratio of their masses, and it is therefore clear that, in order to make the large ma- chine run as fast as the small one, fuel must be supplied to the former more freely. The explosive force that sends the tiny rifle-ball at the rate of twenty miles a minute could not overcome the inertia of the missile discharged from the Krupp gun ; a proportional force to each would send each just the same distance. Now, granting all the prem- ises of Miss Hardaker's second proposition, that male and female eat in certain fixed proportions, that a certain fixed amount of that pro- portion goes to nourish relatively proportioned brains, the only logical conclusion is that the larger brain, supplied with more blood, would in a given time do heavier work, but not more work, than the smaller one supplied with less blood. Under these circumstances the momentum of the larger brain would be greater than that of the small brain ; their velocities equal. Without his extra supply of blood, man's brain could never overtake woman's in velocity / indeed, without this addi- tional stimulus it might not be able to move at all. The theory that the smaller brain is propelled more easily, might explain the quickness of perception and of fancy which, according to Miss Hardaker, are womanly traits. Such reasoning, however, is at best mere theorizing, for it applies the simple laws of mechanics to the intricate and so far inexplicable structure of the brain, making no allowance for complications which would divert the action of the law. It may be true that blood is the primary motor of the brain ; but there are many other elements besides the size of brain and body, or even the amount of food assimilated, which measure the quantity of blood sent to the brain. The problem is by no means, as Miss Hardaker has tried to make it, an easy sum in simple proportion which the school-boy may solve standing on one REPLY TO MISS HARDAKER. 75 foot. Omitting altogether a consideration of the superior blood-circu- lation of women as a class, overlooking entirely the probability (in- dicated by the data of the idiot question heretofore discussed) that proportion of brain to body is an element in the capacity of the for- mer, the individual rapidity of circulation, the richness of food in brain-making material become important terms of our problem. The opium-eater, the wine-drinker, the consumer of brain-stimulants, cer- tainly drive more than a proportional share of blood to the brain. At the same time there is always a personal equation to vary the propor- tional action of food-supply. The brains of Moses and Mohammed were stimulated by prolonged fasts. The circumstances of travel, temperament, companionship, wealth, the passions, music, art, dancing, machine-stitching, and a thousand others, which can never be aver- aged, often exert an adventitious influence on the appropriation of fuel for thought. These influences are entirely independent of food- consumption and brain-size ; they defy the application of any law of mechanics. But Miss Hardaker's scientific argument, if true, proves too much ; for if men, the greater consumers, think more or even better because of the large size of their bodies and the larger power of their digestive organs than women do, then it must follow that the larger and health- ier men as a class must think, if not more, at least more profoundly, than smaller and less robust men. Yet the bulk of the world's thought has not been done by men of superior physique or even of superior health. Aristotle, Napoleon, Jeffrey, Thiers, were short in person ; Shakespeare, Buckle, Comte, were delicate in frame ; Descartes and Bacon were always sickly ; Heine wrote his best while in physical agony ; Newton and Spinoza were slight in form and of medium height ; Herbert Spencer's health has always been precarious ; Mrs. Browning was a life-long invalid ; while, unfortunately for a theory based upon superior digestion, Goethe and Carlyle were confirmed dyspeptics. The instances here crted are by no means exceptional. Indeed, the seeker for data under this head will find that, instead of larger and more healthy physiques evolving a larger average amount of mental power than smaller and less robust ones, the contrary result is emphat- ically true. As a matter of fact, the circumstance of superior muscu- lar development seems unfavorable to great exertion of the mind. The demands of the body itself are in large men imperative. The waste of the system must be repaired, and the first draughts of energy must go to this purpose. Afterward, though the potential energy represented by the food consumed may still be stored up, there is little power or little inclination to apply that energy to thought. The col- lege student who is most active in the field, who has the greatest height in his stockings, and the biggest biceps, is rarely at the head of his class. Not Wly does the larger body require more in proportion 76 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. for its nourishment, but the forces which effect this nourishment are not easily turned in other directions, and it is, therefore, a natural se- quence that the body must dwindle as the power of the mind increases. The savage Teutons, whose great bodies affrighted the Romans of Caesar, have become the civilized possessors of less bulk and more knowledge. Human energy appears not to be harmonious, but to run in grooves. Thought produces thought, and the energy once sent to the brain is the direct cause of a new demand for supplies. In like manner, the arm that is developed by work needs a larger amount of food for its maintenance. This is the explanation of the historic fact that physical and mental powers have never been proportionally culti- vated, but always at the expense of each other. The profound thinker and the superior pugilist are rarely united. But, even if it is true that the larger and healthier physique affords more blood for brain-use, it does not follow that the larger the supply the greater the amount of brain- work possible. The argument assumes that the brain has no limit to its activity except in the quantity of blood that ban be prepared for it. But it needs no scientific educa- tion to know that there are other influences which limit the thinker's activity, and that these limitations are somewhere in the mysterious recesses of the brain, or in the forces of which the brain is the organ. The physical health of the brain-worker may be perfect, his digestion unimpaired, his power to assimilate food the same, and yet he may not be able to concentrate his thoughts or carry on a complicated train of reasoning. The defect is not in his body — that is as healthy as ever ; nor is it in any of the processes of blood-making — these go on as be- fore. The trouble lies in the brain itself, whose capacity for work is measured by some hidden standard of its own, and which gives warning when a cessation of brain-work is imperative. The body is a furnace whose power of consuming fuel is greater than the capability of its boiler — the brain — to generate power. To kee]3 the latter in good working condition, something more is necessary than building and feeding the fires. A supplementary but' important consideration is, whether the steam beyond a certain point will not be productive of unpleasant consequences in the form of an explosion. In the discussion of the collateral question, that of the effect of maternity on brain-power, Miss Hardaker's scientific logic takes its most amusing form. " The necessary outcome of absolute intellectual equality of the sexes," she says, "would be the extinction of the human race. For, if all food were converted into thought in both men and icomen, no food tchatever coidd be appropriated for the reproduction of species " ( page 583). What Miss Hardaker really means by this last highly scientific axiom it is impossible to guess. She can not mean that, as all food is converted into thought in men, women must cease to be mothers in order to imitate his food-conversion. Whatever Miss Hardaker may intend by her impossible supposition, the fact that ma- REPLY TO MISS HARDAKER. 77 ternity does make large draughts upon the energy of woman is not to be overlooked. But, unless it can be shown that the mental activity of man is ceaseless, that his manual labor diverts no blood from the brain, that his imaginative and reasoning powers keep steadily at work year in and vear out, limited only by supply of food, it does not necessarily follow that women must fall behind men in the brain-work of a life- time. Both men and women need mental rest — no brain-worker can keep at the top of his speed for ever ; and women whose duties as mothers divert their energy from the brain may overtake men in their voluntary holidays. This fact will have more concrete significance when we reflect that the professional brain-workers in both sexes are in the minority, and that women who are such are usually unmarried, or mothers of small families. At the same time, the labors of men who form the great masses of population are not more stimulating to brain- culture than the vocations of their wives. But, granting what is prob- ably true, that woman as a whole can never show as much mental prod- uct as man, because some of her time and energy must be devoted to motherhood, still she may be quite as capable of production. There- fore, any reasoning which excludes women as a class from the advan- tages of equal mental training with men, on the ground that they must be the mothers of the race, is forcing the activity of women into one channel, and rendering all other efforts (such as the writing of a scien- tific article, perhaps) unnatural and unwomanly. But suppose the whole of Miss Hardaker's argument to be founded on true premises, and all her conclusions to be just and accurate, it may yet be pertinently asked, Cut bono ? Miss Hardaker would slam the educational doors in women's faces because, being smaller, they are unfit to enter the select retreats of Brobdingnag. But, if justice is to prevail in the rules of admission, the woman who possesses a brain of fifty-six ounces is entitled to precedence over the great majority of males whose brains weigh only forty-nine and a half. Should the en- vironment be more favorable to the woman whose brain-weight is forty-four ounces, she can claim the advantage over the larger male brain whose environment is less favorable. Then, too, the applicants for entrance must be subjected to the test of an eating-match, and the dyspeptic must consent to suicide or rejection. All this must be done, for, although Justice carries her scales, she is blindfolded. She can only weigh brains, food, environment, but can not see the sex of suitors for admission into the new academy. Miss Hardaker must be aware that, were every element in her assumptions true, some women must be greatly superior to the average men, although the highest point reached by the male could not be obtained by the female. Miss Hard- aker would, perhaps, object to having the doors of journalism closed against her, because she can never think as profoundly as Lord Bacon, or because in general woman's literary production has not made so fair a showing as man's. It is not long ago since this sort of reasoning 78 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. militated strongly against the publication of any article that might be signed with a woman's name. But science — not the false science which answered Miss Hardaker's invocation, not the science which would con- fine the negro to slavery because of his small brain and small mental achievement — true science says that, if woman's power is to be judged by her work, she must be given a fair field for its display. To clear the race-course for the man, and to block woman's road at a certain point, because we feel intuitively that she can go no further, is by no means consistent with modern scientific methods. If the line of woman's power is marked, let her discover the fact, as Bacon thought — all scientific truth should be discovered by experiment. The discov- ery will not long be delayed ; the law of the survival of the fittest will not be abrogated. But, if it should be found that the mental steam- ship of the female can, after all, store enough fuel to cross the ocean of reasoning, it would give woman the inestimable benefit of correct- ing the possible errors into which a professed enemy of her sex has fallen. It would demonstrate that, like Mr. Darwin's pea-hen, women have remained inferior to their mates, not because of natural defect, but by reason of external circumstances. A just trial is the whole de- mand of the reform philosophy. In the Royal Society, many years ago, it is said Charles II asked an explanation of the fact that a fish in water had no weight ; that water plus a fish was no heavier than water without a fish. The wise gentlemen of the Royal Society (presumably males of large bulk) were much agitated over the problem, and gave many scientific reasons for the remarkable phenomenon. It was a wiser man (though not of so scientific a turn of mind) who, instead of giving his reasons why the fish had no weight in its own element, tried the experiment and found, to the surprise of the scientific gentlemen, that a practical test was of more value than any quantity of learned but ill-founded speculation. Perhaps it will not be out of place, by way of parallel to Miss Harda- ker's triumphant demonstration of " the reason why," to cite the testi- mony of a prominent instructor, whose evidence tends to show that her scientific impossibility may be affected by some elements which she has not considered. " So far as my observation and experience go, " says President Magill, of Swarthmore College (a gentleman who for ten years has been the instructor of about three hundred students of both sexes), "there is absolutely no difference in the average intel- lectual capacity of the sexes, under the same training and external in- fluences. The valedictorians of our classes have been almost equally divided between the sexes, with a slight and accidental preponderance in favor of the young women." THE GENESIS OF THE SWORD. 79 THE GENESIS OF THE SWOED * THE idea of employing weapons for assault or defense was a logic- al result of the first contests that took place between man and man. In these contests the strongest man with his native weapons — his fists — was unconsciously the father of all arms and all armed strength, for his weaker antagonist would early seek to restore the balance of power between them by the use of some sort of weapon. The shorter-armed man lengthened his striking power by the use of a stick, and found, after a time, the help its leverage and weight afforded him. The first case in which the chance-selected, heavy-ended staff or club showed that weight or hardness had its value, was a first step toward furnishing it with a strong head. Hence the blow of the fist was the forerunner of the crushing weapon. In the same way the pointed stick became the lance or dagger ; and the thrown shaft, helped, as knowledge increased, by the bow or " throwing-stick," was the precursor of the dart and arrow. The character of the first weapons was largely determined by the nature of the materials from which they were derived, and their shape partly from this and partly by copying the forms of the weapons possessed by the animals the • primitive men slew. Hence arises the general similarity in character and shape of the earliest tools from all parts of the world. The weapons of animals are piercing, striking, serrated, poisoned or missile ; and weapons made directly from those of some animals were used for similar purposes. Spears and lances are found made from the weapons of the walrus, boar, gnu, rhinoceros, sword-fish, nar- whal, and antelope, to be used for piercing, as the animals themselves used them. The serrated bone of the sting-ray furnished both the material and example for many a South-Sea Island spear. The saw- fish's snout has given the natives of New Guinea a ready-made weapon (Fig. 2), and the setting of the shark's teeth in the jaw has suggested their employment in making deadly the edge of a Tahiti sword (Fig. 39). The curved buffalo-horn and the wavy antelope-horn gave the types of the Indian kandjar. (Fig. 1) and many other Eastern weapons. The hollow poison-fang of the venomous serpent not only gave a lesson to the- South American Indians, who use a poison-tipped spear, but indirectly suggested holes for poison in the poisoned arrow-heads, and grooves for the same purpose in the mediaeval stiletto. The barbed arrow-head was suggested by the barbed sting of the insect, which stays in the wound it makes ; and the Bushman may have learned to half cut off his arrow close to the head, so that it should break off in the wound, from observing how stings thus break off in * From a paper by C. Cooper King, of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, in Cas- sell, Petter, Galpin & Co.'s " Science for All." 8o TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the body they have penetrated. Other patterns have been furnished by the stones which the primitive men have had to use for crushing and cutting tools, and have been developed in working them out. Thus we have the axe, spear, lance, or dart, and arrow (Figs. 3, 4), of the paleolithic men, the stabbing dagger made from reindeer-horn (Fig. 0), and the stone lance-heads (Fig. 5) of the cave-men. In the next stage, that of the "neolithic" men, the tools are a little better finished ; the weapons 1 2 Weapons from Animal Forms. 4 5 Palaeolithic. 7 8 9 Neolithic. cut better, the lance-heads are thinner, sharper, and finer, and pro- visions for fastening to handles appear (Figs. 7, 8, 9) ; and the dagger (Figs. 8 and 9) has developed the form from which all the other hand- weapons have come. The bronze age, having the art of working in a more tractable ma- terial, gave an improved weapon. Its dagger is thinner, broader, more pointed, and more dangerous, but yet bears evidence, in peculiarities of shape, that memories of the stone age still survived in the fabri- cator's mind. The blades are still short, but the weapon is furnished with a handle of wood (Fig. 11) or bronze (Fig. 10) or ivory (Fig. 12), often richly decorated and quite small. The ancient nations furnish us longer daggers, or swords of bronze, of various patterns, as the Egyp- tian (Fig. 13), Assyrian (Fig. 14), and Grecian (Figs. 15, 16) swords. The earlier swords were used exclusively for stabbing. Adapta- tion to cutting was begun after bronze was introduced, and was de- V\ 10 Irish. 11 12 English. 18 14 Egyptian. Assyrian. 15 16 Grecian. veloped as the art was learned of forging iron and steel into weapons. The first iron swords copied the shape of their bronze ancestors, and, while they were longer and more formidable stabbing instruments than those, were not much better for cutting. They were broad, two- THE GENESIS OF THE SWORD. 81 edged, and in time pointed. Finally, the Romans made the gladius — sharp, of highly-tempered steel, and strongly piercing — the first real sword (Figs. 17, 18, 19), of which only five specimens are now known to exist. The well-tempered and well-made Saxon sword was the property only of those who had the rank of thane. As a rule, it was a straight, cut-and-thrust Made, with a double edge and a broad point, though other shapes have been found. Of the three ways in which a sword may be used for cutting, that called chopping, in which the work is done with the shoulder and fore- arm and little play of the wrist, and the blow comes down straight with a whack, is of the most value against body-armor. The medieval swords, therefore, were stout, straight, and wide (Figs. 20 to 23), and adapted to that kind of work. The hands being clad in mail, no at- tempt was made to protect them, and the hilts were plain and simple, except that a groove was sometimes made in the side of the blade to diminish the weight of metal without causing a loss of strength. The character of the sword varied little except as to the fashions suggested by fancy, till armor was done away with about 1600. Then, the change u 21 22 Medley al. 24 25 Eapiers. of the sword into the single-edged weapon or the rapier-blade began to become common. While rapiers with flat or very slightly triangu- lar blades, and often immoderately long, were used in France, Spain, and Italy in the sixteenth century, the full development of this form of arm (Figs. 24, 25) took place in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies. The blades were narrow, the hilts had merely a single nar- now guard for the back of the hand, with a broad base to protect the fingers in thrusting, and the rhomboidal or triangular section of the blade was altered, lightened, and stiffened by grooving (as in the group of figures, 26). VOL. xxi. — 6 \ 82 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The fighting-swords of the latter part of the eighteenth and for- mer part of the nineteenth centuries (Fig. 27) were not very good, either as rapiers or sabers, and marked a period of transition to one Sections or Sword-Blades. almost of decadence. The cavalry-swords of the early part of the present century were clumsy and unscientific. With great width of blade and a tendency to increase the width toward the point (Fig. 28),. they were not intended for cutting weapons, and were almost useless as thrusting ones. The idea that weight at the. sword-end was valuable in enhancing the force of the cut was faulty in theory and practice, and was rather a retrogression to the principle of the axe than an advance in the true method of construc- tion of the sword. This has given way to the mod- ern sword, which combines within itself all the powers of which the weapon is capable, is good as a guard for thrusting and for cutting. Slightly curved, but not so much as to impede its pointing power, nor so wide as to be too heavy, stiffened by grooves so as to be capable of use as a rapier, its blade, with an edge on one side along its length, is flattened at the point, where it is ribbed, for strength, into a two-edged sword (Fig. 29). The hilt has a wider guard, and is intermediate between the rapier type and that of the basket form. Adopting the principles that have ob- tained at various times, it is a good all-round weapon in skillful hands. While Western nations have thus tended to adopt a straight blade, Eastern races have almost without exception preferred a curved sword. By reason both of their physical peculiarities and of the lighter char- acter of the armor they wear, they have been accustomed to adminis- ter cutting blows with their weapons rather than the straight, down- right strokes that are • adapted to Western strength and armor, and a curved edge is more suitable for cutting blows. The hilt of the East- ern sword is small, and the boss, or pommel, at the end of the hilt is large, so as to prevent the sword from slipping when the drawing cut is made. The Asiatic swords exhibit, moreover, greater divergencies of type than the Western swords. Some, like the Persian cimeters (Fig. 30), and the Malay creeses (Fig. 31), are often wavy, sometimes resembling the conventional tongue of fire (flamboyant), forms which may be due to the influence of the priests of the fire or the sun, or may be copied from the curvature and ornamentation of the antelope-horn dagger. The Albanian sword has the edge thrown forward by the THE GENESIS OF THE SWORD. 83 slight forward curvature of the blade, a feature which is heightened in the Goorkha knife, the owner of which, it is said, can decapitate an ox with one blow of it (Fig. 32). Some of the Eastern swords, as those of the Chinese, the Bashi-Bazouk or Circassian dagger, with its blade resembling the Roman gladius, and the Mahratta sword, are straight, like the Western weapons. The ornamentation of all these weapons is very frequently only the survival of the methods by which the blades were fixed to their hilts, which was generally by thongs or rivets. Thus the Malay creese (Fig. 33) and the tulwar (Fig. 34) are made clearly to indicate the way in which the blade was originally lashed with cords to the hilt. The sword does not rank so highly with savage nations as the spear 30 31 Asiatic Curved Swords. 33 34 Survivals of Methods of Attachment. or club, and belongs to a higher civilization than that which is satis- fied with hand-to-hand weapons of stone. But the development of the club into the sword is easily traceable, though the ultimate resultant is far inferior to the metal blades of even the bronze age. Figs. 35 to 41 show the successive steps. The Xew Zealand club (Fig. 35) ; the Indian collaree-stick (Fig. 36), often used as a missile ; the Iro- quois club (Figs. 37, 38), rendered good for piercing or cutting as well by a deer-horn point at first, and by an iron blade later on ; the Marquesas (Fig. 39) or Tahiti cutting instrument, armed with sharks' teeth ; the. Esquimau or Australian sword (Fig. 40), in which strips of meteoric iron, obsidian, or glass are inserted in a cleft in the side of a stick; and fastened by cement ; and, lastly, the Mexican maquahuilt (Fig. 41), or wooden sword, armed with sharp, razor-like flakes of ob- sidian, are the progressive steps of savage life toward the sword. The last-mentioned weapon was deadly enough to be ranked with its iron compeer, for it is said to have been capable of cutting off a limb. In this respect it is th^ highest type of a sword of other materials than metal. Of all weapons, the sword has held throughout historic time the 84 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. highest place. Its use implied the personal courage of the individual at close quarters. The arrow might slay at a distance, and be dis- charged by a coward. The spear, again, if long enough and deftly * y 35 36 37 38 39 Development or the Swokd among Savages. 40 41 held, could kill without risk to the holder thereof, unless the adversary were similarly armed. But the sword meant personal conflict, where the victory was not always to the strong. Rightly it is the sign of might and governance, for it implies both the will and the power to execute the behests of its holder. It is one of the insignia of author- ity, because it is the sign of courage and skill. -♦^♦^ ON THE DIFFUSION OF ODOES. By E. C. EUTHEEFOED. THE following paragraph is similar to others I have occasionally seen going the rounds of the papers for the last twenty-five or thirty years : It is said that a grain of musk is capable of perfuming for several years a chamber twelve feet square without sustaining any sensible diminution of its volume or its weight. But such a chamber contains 2,985,984 cubic inches, and each cubic inch contains 1,000 cubic tenths of inches, making in all nearly three billions of tenths of an inch. Now, it is probable, indeed almost certain, that each such cubic tenth of an inch of the air of the room contains one or more of the particles of the musk, and that this air has been changed many thousands of times. Imagination recoils before computation of the number of the particles thus diffused and expended. Yet have they all together no appreciable weight and magnitude. — Moseleifs Illustrations of Science. OJV THE DIFFUSION OF ODORS. 85 More than thirty-six years ago I announced, in some lectures I was then engaged in delivering, that there were some facts in the phenom- ena of odors and the sense of smell that were incompatible with the effluvia or diifusion-of -particles theory ; and I suggested an explana- tion based on the idea of a vibration or wave-motion, and an " odorif- erous ether " analogous to, if not identical with, that of the luminif er- ous ether. In the year 1863, in a letter to Professor Tyndall, I submitted the thought to him. After quoting some passages from his book, " Heat a Mode of Motion," upon the subject of odors, I wrote as follows : " I would respectfully ask if, in the consideration of, or in the course of, experiments upon this subject, it has ever occurred to you that odor might be as essentially a " mode of motion " as heat, light, or sound ? . . . The seemingly unlimited generation of odoriferous particles (?) by certain substances, without sensible diminution of bulk or weight, first led to the conception that, however copiously odoriferous particles of matter were disseminated through the atmosphere, the odorous prop- erty itself was as purely a specific variety of motion as the undulations of the luminif erous ether. That this must be the explanation of the action of the odor-generating force for a part of its route to the hu- man sensorium seems to be incontrovertible, for it is hardly conceiv- able that the material particles should actually penetrate the membrane and force their way, as moving bodies, through the pulpy tissue of the nerves to the seat of sensation ; but that through that portion of their career, at least, their power is propagated by wave-like motions analogous to those of heat and sound." Professor Tyndall did me the honor to answer my letter, but not to indorse my view, except in a very faint and qualified manner. Never- theless, reflection and added experience have only gone to confirm me in the correctness of it, and I venture to predict that before many years it will be as much an accepted fact of science as the undulatory, luminiferous-ether theory now is. In the case given above the entire space of the chamber is thor- oughly impregnated with the perfume as much as if it were an abso- lute solid of odor. And yet these "particles," so profusely diffused through the room, are wafted away, and their places supplied by new emissions from the undiminished " grain," " many thousands of times ': every year without appreciable " sensible diminution of its volume or weight," or pungency. This is an obvious impossibility upon any the- ory of molecular Or atomic diffusion. The assumption of immense dif- fusibility and vastness of inter-particular spaces would only enhance the difficulty, for the odor spans the spaces — is as absolutely continu- ous as if the particles were in actual contact. That is, in the given space, the chamber, anywhere within the limits of the odor, there is no place where it is not. This actio in distans implies ethereal motion — vibration — between the particles. 86 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. According to this view the odoriferous bodies, or their molecules, have no more to do (in the sense of physical impact) in producing the sensation of smell than a luminous body — a candle or the sun — has to do (by impact) with the sensation of light. There is corporeal impact or touch in neither case. Of course, with each molecule as a center of activity, the effect will be more pronounced at the immediate surface (as with all radiant energies) than at any distance. And, undoubted- ly, particles of disintegrating, odorous matter are often brought in contact with the Schneiderian membrane ; but the sensation of that impact, if there be any, would be of touch, not of smell, as surely as that, from that point of contact to the sensorium, the effect or influ- ence is conveyed by a vibration — a wave-motion in the " fluid " of the nerve-duct — as the undulations of the luminiferous ether are propa- gated along the course of the optic nerve to the seat of sensation, where they are translated into light and color. But, if, for any por- tion of the distance between the internal sense and the fragrant body, the odor, like light, is but a motion, it is safe to assume it for all. The analogy of this mode of odors to that of light and sound is some- thing in its favor. ■♦•♦■ COLOK-BLINDNESS AND COLOK-PEKCEPTIOK* By SWAN M. BUENETT, M.D. TO physiologists that part of the function of vision which is con- cerned in the perception of colors has always been one of great interest, but it was not until the genius of Thomas Young offered them his theory of vision that they had anything like a plausible working hypothesis. This theory, as elaborated and promulgated by Professor Helmholtz, has until very recently been the one most relied upon in explanation of all the phenomena of colored vision. It is, however, a pure hypothesis, since not one of its fundamental princi- ples is a demonstrated or even a demonstrable fact. By a process of deductive reasoning, and most probably with little, if any, experimen- tation— for it is said that Young prided himself on being independent of the necessity of experiment — the vivid imagination of this original mind seized upon an hypothesis which seemed to satisfy the demands of an acceptable theory, in so far as it accounted for all or nearly all of the observed phenomena. At that time, however, and even when Helmholtz resurrected and revivified the theory, the question of color- blindness had not been investigated to the extent it has within the past ten years, and most physiologists rested content with the belief that at last the true theory of colors had been found, * A paper read before the Philosophical Society of Washington, December 18, 1880. COLOR-BLINDNESS AND COLOR-PERCEPTION 87 Such, however, is no longer the case, and there are many who are not almost but quite persuaded that the true theory of vision is one of the questions to be solved by the coming physiologist. This theory of Young-Helmholtz, as it is called, demands three primary or funda- mental colors, by the admixture of which all other colors are pro- duced. These colors are supposed, by Helmholtz, to be red, green, and violet. All other colors and shades are made from the proper mixt- ure of two or more of these colors. White is the sensation produced by the proper mingling of all three sensations ; black is the absence of sensation. Corresponding to these three primary sensations there are in the retina, or terminal expansion of the optic nerve, three dis- tinct sets of nerves which respond to the wave-lengths of the luminif- erous ether which physically represent these colors. This is all very simple and extremely plausible, but certain phe- nomena of vision make it necessary to so modify this simplicity as to spoil its beauty and give an elasticity to the theory which can not be gratifying to the student of exact science. It becomes necessary to suppose, for instance, that the nerve-fiber which responds to red is also affected, in a less degree, by the green waves, and in a still less degree by the violet; and the green waves, while principally affecting the green fibers, affect also the red and violet; and the violet waves influ- ence the red and green fibers, though in a much less degree than they do the violet. In this theory gray is but a white of diminished in- tensity. Color-blindness is explained in keeping with this theory as follows : Any one or all three of the color-fibers may be wanting, or lacking in functional activity. Consequently there may be red-, green-, or violet- blindness, or there may be total color-blindness. Since, however, it is supposed that each one of the color-fibers is affected (though in a less degree) by both other colors as well as by its own peculiar color, there must be a sensation produced by each color, though it will be of less- ened intensity in the case of the lacking color, and that sensation must be other than that of the color belonging to the missing fiber. Under these circumstances, even a saturated primary color would not, when its fiber was missing, appear black, though it would appear darker than to one with normal color-perception. To a red-blind person, a spectral red, for example, while appearing a color much less luminous than is usual, would not be black ; and, if a solar spectrum were presented to such a color-blind individual, it need not appear shortened at the red end. If the green fiber is the lacking one, green will not appear as black,' but when of a certain shade will appear as gray, and for the following reason : White is the product of the sum of all the sensa- tions which the mind is capable of perceiving through the eye. When the eye is normal, we have it when all three of the fibers are affected in about the same degree, and in the color-blind when the two remain- ing fibers are thus^affected. Any color, therefore, which contains, be- 88 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sides green, a certain proportion of the other colors (red and violet) — as certain shades of what we call green do — will cause, when presented to such a green-blind individual, the sensation of white of diminished intensity. When the solar spectrum is placed before him, there should be a gray or neutral band at the line which divides the two colors which are unmistakably distinguishable ; and, in the green-blind, it is nearer the red end of the spectrum than in the red-blind. When the violet is the lacking fiber, we have phenomena analogous to those where the red fiber is missing, though, of course, there are differences in details. In accordance with this theory, therefore, there can be no color- blindness, in the strict acceptation of the term, except when all the color-fibers are lacking ; because all colors produce an impression of some kind, though it may not be the one experienced by those of nor- mal color-perception. There is, however, a marked confusion of the various colors, and by the special character of this confusion one kind of color-blindness is differentiated from another. In making an examination for the diagnosis of color-blindness, nomenclature, or the naming of the colors which are presented to the person to be examined, is entirely discarded. It has been found that an individual maybe able to name the several colors correctly, and yet make mistakes when called upon to match them ; and, on the other hand, he may not be able to name a single color correctly, and yet make no serious mistakes in "matching." The method of comparison is therefore the only one which should be adopted in making examina- tions for color-blindness. The method of Professor Holmgren, which is the simplest and, on the whole, the most convenient, consists in placing on a table before the examinee a large assortment of skeins of colored worsteds. A " sample " skein of light-green is laid to one side, and the individual is told to select from the pile all the skeins which are of the same color — lighter or darker. If he places by the sample a shade of any other color but green, he is color-blind. This examination, however, does not fix the particular color to which he is blind, and, in order to find the color which is lacking in his chromatic scale, a purple or rose- colored skein is laid aside as a sample and the confusions he makes here are supposed to fix the diagnosis. If he matches the purple with blue and violet or one of them, he is red-blind. If, however, he selects the greens and grays, he is green-blind. Violet-blindness (which is very rare) is recognized by a confusion of red, purple, and orange in the test with the purple skein. Another plan for employing the comparative method is to have two solar spectra, one above the other, the upper of which is movable. A colored band is isolated in the fixed spectrum, and the upper spec- trum is moved until what is supposed to be the same color is immedi- ately above it. Or, the isolated band may be matched with a skein of COLOR-BLINDNESS AND COLOR-PERCEPTION. 89 colored wool. Of course, the same mistakes will be made here as in the preceding method. Another method of examination rests on the phenomena of what are called contrast colors. When a white surface is illuminated simul- taneously by a red and a white light — as by two lamps, for example, before one of which a red glass is held — an object, a pencil, for in- stance, held midway between the two will cast two shadows, one from the red light and another from the white light. To one of normal color-perception, one of these shadows (that cast by the white light) will be red, while the other (that cast by the red light) will be green ; to any one blind for either one of these colors, there will be no differ- ence in the color of the shadows. If rings cut from black or gray paper are laid upon red or green paper and the whole is covered with tissue-paper, the rings will have a reddish tinge if the ground is green, and green if the ground is red. If, however, the individual is blind to either of these colors, no such difference will be noted ; and, if letters cut from black or gray paper are used instead of rings, they can not be distinguished when laid on the colored ground and covered with the tissue-paper. Another method is to make letters of certain colors on different colored grounds — shades of red letters, for instance, on a green ground. When these are of the requisite tints, the color-blind person is not able to distinguish them. There are other methods, but they are all modifications to a greater or less extent of the foregoing, and any one who is color-blind to any considerable degree can be detected by any one, or at least by any two, of the methods indicated. There is another theory of colors brought forward within the last few years by Professor Hering, of Prague, which is adhered to by many physiologists, and is a vigorous rival of the Young-Helmholtz theorv. Professor Hering assumes that there are three chemical vis- ual substances in the retina, which he calls the black-icJiite, the red- green, and the Mue-ydlow. Light acts upon these substances by what he calls assimilation (A), and dissimilation (D). When light acts in a dissimilating or decomposing manner on the black-white substance, the sensation of white is produced ; when there is an assimilation or regen- eration of this substance, the sensation is black. Hering is by no means certain which are the A- and which the D-colors, but he is dis- posed to regard red as the dissimilating color of the red-green sub- stance, and green the assimilating color. Blue, he thinks, causes dis- similation of the blue-yellow substance, while its regeneration is caused by yellow. All colors, he supposes, act in a dissimilating manner on the black- white substance — that is, they produce the sensation of white in addition to their own peculiar color. They act, however, in vary- ing degrees of intensity, yellow acting with the greatest power, the strength of action diminishing toward the two ends of the spectrum. 9o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In accordance with this theory, there are, therefore, four fundamental colors instead of three (excluding black and white), namely : red, green, yellow and blue, and they are supposed to be produced as fol- lows : Red is the product of the dissimilation of the red-green sub- stance, green is the result of its assimilation ; blue is the result of the dissimilation of the blue-yellow, and yellow of its assimilation. , When the A- and D-action on the red-green and blue-vellow substance are equal there is no color sensation, but only the D-action of these colors on the black- white substance, that is white. Simultaneous A- and D- action on the black- white substance, however, is not attended by aboli- tion of sensation, but by the sensation of gray. It will be seen from this that, in the Hering theory, what were be- fore considered as complementary colors are antagonistic and tend to neutralize each other. It will be remembered that those colors have been called complementary which, when mixed together, would pro- duce white (we speak now of spectral colors). This was explained by the Young-Helmholtz theory on the principle of combination ; it is accounted for by the Hering theory on the principle of subtraction. When red and green, for instance, form white on being mixed, the white is not produced by the sum of the sensations of red and green, but the red and green, being antagonistic, neutralize each other, and there only remains the D-action of both colors on the black-white sub- stance— that is, white. As in the Young-Helmholtz theory, the other colors, aside from the primary, are the results of mixed sensations. Color-blindness, in accordance with this theory, is of two forms. In one, both color substances are wanting, and there only remains the black-white substance to be acted on by light (achromatopsia). In the other form, one of the two color-substances is lacking and only the two colors of the remaining color-substance are distinguishable (dichromatopsia). If the red-green substance is lacking, there will be red-green blindness or blue-yellow vision ; if the blue-yellow substance is the missing one, there will be blue-yellow blindness, or red-green vision. To satisfactorily account for some of the phenomena of color-blind- ness, however, it becomes necessary to suppose that, when one color- substance is wanting, the light rays which act specifically on that sub- stance produce an A- or D-action on the remaining color-substance. In red-green blindness, for example, red, yellow, and green act in a dis- similating manner on the remaining blue-yellow substance, giving rise to the sensation of yellow, while blue alone acts in an assimilating man- ner. The most strongly dissimilating color will be yellow, while the others will be more or less varying in their action. In the case of blue-yellow blindness, red, yellow, and blue are the dissimilating col- ors and green the assimilating color. It will be readily understood, when we have this state of affairs, that in the dichromatrope, where COLOR-BLINDNESS AND COLOR-PERCEPTION. 91 the A- and D-action of the one remaining color-substance are equal, gray will be the result, because, as we have before remarked, where two colors neutralize each other there still remains the action of both on the black-white substance, which will give rise to the sensation of gray or white of diminished intensity. But the same colors will not appear gray to all color-blind persons, for the reason that the same colors do not act in every case with the same intensity of dissimilation and as- similation. In most individuals it is the purple and the blue-green which give rise to the impression of gray. A spectrum should, in accordance with this theory, appear in only two colors to the color-blind, and may or may not be shortened ac- cording as the dissimilating power of the two remaining colors is in- tense or very feeble. The only colors, of course, which such a color- blind person can with certainty distinguish are the two belonging to the one remaining color-substance, blue and yellow, for instance, when there is red-green blindness, and red and green when there is blue-yellow blindness. It is not to be understood, however, that such an individual can never correctly distinguish other colors. Most fre- quently he can, but there is always a liability to confusion, often of the most astonishing character ; and, moreover, the distinctions are made, not by the sense of color, but by some other characteristic, dif- ferent degrees of luminosity, most commonly. The evidences which the phenomena of color-blindness have brought against the three-fiber theory of Young-Helmholtz are : 1. That the red-blind can not distinguish perfectly the greens and violets, nor the green-blind the reds and violets ; yellow and blue being the only colors about which they make no mistakes. 2. Even in a spectrum which is very much shortened the red- blind finds the brightest place, not in the bluish-green, as we should expect, but in the yellow, as in the normal eye. 3. This theory can not satisfactorily explain the extreme shorten- ing of the spectrum, extending, as it sometimes does, into the orange, and even into the yellow. 4. The line of demarkation in the spectrum is sharply at the blue, all to the left almost always appearing of one color, and all to the right of another, there being no lines of division between blue and vio- let, nor between the red and yellow and the yellow and green. 5. The gray or neutral band is far from being invariably present, and when it is it is often, in the red-blind, in the position it should be in the green-blind, and vice versa (Mauthner). 'Against the Hering theory the following objections have been ad- vanced : 1. There is no reason for supposing that red and green and blue and yellow are opposing colors. They are all active in their specific line, and even Hering has not been able to determine which possesses the A-action ant of Life. By J. Morti- mer Granville, M. D. Boston : S. E. Cassino. 1882. ]»p. 96. 50 cents. Easy Lessons in Light, by Mrs. W. Awdry, 114pa2es; and Easy Lessons in Heat, by P. A. Martineau, 136 paees. London: Macmillan & Co. 1880. The Rhymester, or the Rules of Rhyme. By the late Tom Hood. Edited, with Additions, by Arthur Penn. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1882. $1. The Occult World. By A. P. Sinnetr. Bos- ton: Colby & Rich. 1882. Pp.172. $1. Tables for the Determination. Description, and Classification of Minerals. By James C. Fave, Ph. D. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg & Co. 1882. Pp. 85. $1. John Stuart Mill : A Criticism. With Per- sonal Recollections. By Alexander Bain, LL. D. New York : Henry Holt & Co. 1882. Pp. 200. $1.25. James Mill: A Biographv. By Alexander Bain, LL. D. New York : Henry Holt & Co. 1882. Pp. 466. $2. The Wine Question in the Lieht of the New Dispensation. By John Ellis, M.D. New York : published by the author. 1882. Pp. 228, The Practice of Commercial Organic Analy- sis. By Alfred H. Allen, F C.S. Vol. ii. Phila- delphia : Presley Blakiston. 1882. Pp. 561. $5. Annual Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey for the Year 1881. By Professor George H. Cook. Trenton, New Jersey : J. L. Murphy, printer. 1881. Pp. 107. POPULAR MISCELLANY. Purification of the Boston Water-Snp- ply, — The water with which the city of Bos- ton is supplied became affected last October by a peculiar and disagreeable taste and odor which made it unpalatable, and justi- fied much complaint on the part of citizens. The taste was quite accurately described as a " cucumber-taste," from its resemblance to the taste of water which has stood in contact with cucumbers. In a milder form it was called a "fish-oil taste." After sev- eral efforts to determine its origin, Professor Ira Eemsen, of Baltimore, was called in to give the subject a thorough examination. He, after patient investigation and experi- ments, which failed to discover the cause of the odor in other matters, determined its source, by the most satisfactory tests, to be the decomposition of a fresh-water sponge (Spongilla jluviatilis), that was found quite abundantly in the mud of the bottom of Farm Pond, the water of which was most offensive. Measures have been taken to free the pond from the cause of impurity. Tile Hessian Fly. — From a monograph published by Professor A. S. Packard, Jr., through the United States Entomological Commission, it appears that the losses from the Hessian fly are greatest in the grain- raising areas of the Middle and Northwest- ern States and the adjoining regions of Can- ada, while the New England States have been comparatively free from its attacks, probably because so little wheat is culti- vated in them. No statistics as to the loss- es have ever been collected, but they have been sufficient to occasion much conster- nation and alarm in certain years. Two POPULAR MISCELLANY. 137 broods of the fly are produced in a year, the first laying its eggs in April and May, the second in August and September. The dam age is done by the larva, which lies at the sheathing base of the leaves first above the roots, at or near the surface of the soil, and absorbs the sap from the stalks. From the larva, the insect passes into the pupa state, in which it resembles a flaxseed, and re- mains in it for the five winter months. The pest flourishes best in rather warm and moist seasons ; and it has been noticed that the years when it has been most abundant have been characterized by weather answering to that description. It is afflicted by several parasites by which it is said that nine tenths of every generation of the insects are de- stroyed. The principal parasites are a chal- cid fly that destroys the pupa, and a platy- gaster, which lays its eggs in the e^g. Pro- fessor Packard recommends, as remedies for the insect, late sowing of fall wheat, so that the flies may be killed by frost before lay. ing their eggs, high culture to give the plant new vigor, the sowing of the most vigorous and many-stooled varieties, and pasturing, which destroys the " flaxseeds," but is " a rather rude, uncertain remedy." Special remedies like limeing, dusting, burning stub- ble, etc., are not recommended, because they are inferior to those just mentioned, and are as likely to destroy the helpful para- sites as the harmful flies. A comparison of the periods when the flies have been most abundant indicates that the plague has cul- minating periods in the neighborhood of twenty-five years apart. Folk-Lore of the Mammoth. — Baron Xordenskiold, in his " Voyage of the Vega," gives some interesting citations of the folk- lore of the Siberian natives respecting the mammoth, whose remains are very abundant in the country. Evert Yssbrants Ides, a Russian embassador in 1692, related that the heathen Yakuts, Tunguses, and Osti- aks, supposed that the mammoth always lived in. the earth and went about in it, however hard the ground might be frozen, and that it died when it came so far up that it saw or smelled the air. J. B. Miiller, in 1720, added that the tusks were believed to have formed the animal's horns, that they were fastened above the eyes and were movable, and that with them the animal dug a way for itself through the mud ; when it came to a sandy soil, the sand ran to- gether so that the mammoth stuck fast and perished. Miiller further stated that many natives assured him that they themselves had seen such animals in large grottoes in the Ural Mountains. Klaproth says that the Chinese at Kiakhta considered mammoth ivory the tusks of the giant rat, tien-shu, which is found only in the cold regions along the coast of the Polar Sea, avoids the light, and lives in dark holes in the interior of the earth. Some of the literati believed that the discovery of these immense earth- rats niurht even explain the orisrin of earth- quakes. The horns and crania of the rhi- noceros, which were found along with the remains of the mammoth, were believed to have belonged to gigantic birds, concerning which stories were related analogous to those told of the roc in the "Arabian Nights." Pieces of the horns were used to increase the elasticity of bows, and were believed to exert a beneficial effect on the arrow, and to tend to make it hit the mark. Ermann and Middledorf suppose that the finds of these remains two thousand years ago gave occa- sion to Herodotus's account of the Arimaspi and the gold-guarding dragons. Certain it is that during the middle ages such " grip- claws " were preserved as of great value in the treasuries and art collections of the time, and that they gave rise to many a romantic story in the folk-lore, both of the "West and the East. Even in our own century, Heden- strom, in 1830, otherwise an intelligent traveler, believed that the fossil rhinoceros- horns were actual "grip-claws." Water-Temperatures at the Top and Bot- tom of Lakes. — Professor William Ripley Xichols has obtained, from the examination of the relative temperatures of the surface and the depths of fresh-water ponds near Boston, Massachusetts, results that differ from the views on this subject that are commonly held and taught. In Fresh Pond and Mystic Pond considerable difference was shown to exist in the temperature at the top and at the bottom, and the tempera- ture appeared to decrease regularly from top to bottom. Having compared his own observations with those made in Swiss and i38 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Scotch lakes, in winter as well as in sum- mer, Professor Nichols is led to the conclu- sion that " the watei of lakes and ponds is, as a rule, before freezing, cooled to a temper- ature much lower than 4° Cent. (39° Fahr.), not simply at the surface, as generally stated, but to a considerable depth. The commonly received idea and the current statements of the text-books of chemistry and physics, are, therefore, misleading." The temperature of the water at the bottom of deep lakes is, moreover, not constant at the point of greatest density, as is frequently stated, but often lies appreciably above that point. Professor Nichols is not satisfied that we know sufficiently well the depth to which the diurnal variations of temperature extend under different circumstances. The curves of temperature in Mystic Pond show that there were several times when a few successive days of warm or cold weather produced an effect on the water, even at a depth of seventy-five feet. The paper re- cording these observations is supplemented by a list of other publications and papers bearing on the subject. Sanitary Reports of British Schools. — The "Lancet" about a vear ago addressed a series of questions to the managers of English schools respecting their sanitary provisions and the health of their pupils. The answers which it has received indicate that the subject is given considerably more attention than it was a few vears asro, and that many of the managers sympathize with the editor in the object of his inquiries — that of ascertaining the conditions of the best scholar-health. The first report made by the journal summarizes the replies re- ceived from thirty-nine schools, in relation to the points of the character of the situa- tion and buildings, and the climatic con- ditions ; the amount of air-space per pupil in the sleeping- and school-rooms ; general state of health,- cases of illness; sanitary arrangements as regards drainage, closets, lavatories, bathing, towels, etc. ; provisions for the isolation of contagious cases ; and provisions for medical inspection. No par- ticular relation seems to be shown between the presumed healthful or unhealthful character of the site, and the presence or absence of disease. The sleeping-rooms afford from 273 to 1,300 cubic feet of air per individual ; if the schools were full, the probable average allotment would be be- tween 300 and 400 feet. The provision of air in the school-rooms is " fairly ample." The drainage is pronounced good in nearly every school, and no cases of illness are mentioned which could be traced to defect- ive drainage. Lavatory arrangements are well attended to, with provisions for hot, cold, and swimming baths, and separate towels, brushes, etc., for each boy. Eight schools report that no cases of illness oc- curred during the year, one never having oc- casion to send for the doctor. The diseases mentioned include ophthalmia in two schools, pneumonia in two, " congestion of the lungs " in two, peritonitis in one, rheumatic fever and erythema nodosum in one, and sore-throat in one. Measles occurred in fif- teen schools (fifteen cases in one), scarlet fever in twelve (fourteen cases with one death in one school), varicella in two, mumps in three (thirty cases in one school), Rotheln in three, whooping-cough in two, and ty- phoid fever in one. Many of the schools have provision of some kind for the isola- tion of pupils sick with contagious disease. Only five schools have arrangements for systematic medical inspection. The value of these returns is modified by the fact that the schools having the best sanitary ar- rangements and showing the best condition would naturally be the ones most ready to report. Recent Existence of the Mastodon. — Professor Collett's " Geological Report of Indiana for 1880 " mentions some new facts that seem to indicate that the mastodon existed in our country at a more recent date than is commonly supposed. In nearly all the specimens that have been found, gener- ally in places where the animal has been mired, the skeletons are in a greater or less state of decay. In a skeleton discovered a few years ago, in Fountain County, the mar- row of the larger bones was used by the workmen to grease their boots, and the place of the kidney-fat was occupied by lumps of adipocere. During the summer of 1880 a mastodon was found in Iroquois County, Illinois, that gave every evidence of having lived among the same life and POPULAR MISCELLAXY. *39 vegetation as prevail to day. A mass of fibrous, bark-like material was found be- tween the ribs, filling the place of the ani- mal's stomach, which proved to be composed of crushed herbs and grasses, similar to those that still grow in the vicinity. In the same beds of miry clay, a multitude of small fresh-water and land shells were observed and collected, of mollusks which prevail all I raffe is very delicate, and the marrow is over the States of Illinois, Indiana, and parts held at a high value. Passing the animals of Michigan. These facts afford strong of the deer and bovine tribes, which are ap- evidence that animal and vegetable life, and predated by all, we come to the whales and consequently climate, are the same now as seals, which furnish a chief part of the food- and the quagga and zebra form favorite dishes amon? the Hottentots and in Central Africa. Camel's flesh is highly esteemed in Africa, but is not liked by the Tartars. The hump, however, cut in slices and soaked in tea, serves the purpose of butter. The South American alpaca affords a flesh little infe- rior to mutton. The flesh of the young gi- when the mastodon lived. Some Rare Meats. — The flesh of the elephant is relished by the inhabitants of many districts of Africa and Asia. Major Denham says that it is esteemed by all, and that, though it looks coarse, it is better fla- vored than the beef of the country. Gor- don Cumming speaks of the dainty dishes of baked elephant's feet and elephant's trunk, supply of the Esquimaux. The walrus is also highly esteemed in the Arctic regions, and its tongue, heart, and liver are often eaten by whalers in the lack of better pro- visions. The dolphin is eaten at the Faroe Islands, where two thousand individuals are taken annuallv. The flesh of the dusronsr is good and palatable, having the flavor of pork combined with the taste of veal, and is es- teemed a great delicacy by the Mohamme- whicb, prepared after a way he describes at \ dan Malays, who find in it a substitute for length, very much resemble buffalo's tongue. tne Pork tnat is forbidden them. The meat of the young animal salted and cured, with the flesh and fat in its alternate layers, pro- duces a bacon which can not be distin- guished from that of real pig, and which finds a ready sale in Queensland. The oil, Le Yaillant says that baked elephant's foot is a dish fit for a king ; but Captain Lind- ley likens it to " very soft leather and glue mixed together." Hippopotamus-meat is appreciated in Africa by both natives and European colonists, but Dr. Schweinfurth properly tried out, is equal to fresh butter, and Captain Lindley do not find it so appe- The fat of this animal and of the rhi- Suggestions to Observers in Anthro- tizing. noceros is considered delicious, and is used pology. — Recognizing that the rapid ad- instead of butter. The Portuguese settlers vance of civilization is causing the native are permitted to eat the flesh of these ani- races everywhere to disappear, or is modi- mals during Lent, passing it off as fish. The fying them essentially, and that what still flesh of the American tapir, somewhat re- exists in its originality must be saved now, sembling unsavory, coarse, and dry beef, is the Anthropological Society of Hamburg considered palatable by the Indians, and ' has framed a schedule of questions, to be the fatty protuberance on the nape of its \ sent out to persons who are in a position to neck, and the feet and groin, cooked to a answer them intelligently, respecting the jelly, are regarded as great delicacies. The | more important characteristics of the abo- horse is said to have been universally used rigines of the several countries. The ques- as food before the period of civilization, and ; tions concern — first, the names of tribes and was greatly liked by the ancient Germans : the districts in which they live ; the color of and Scandinavians. Mungo Park speaks of the tribes, the characteristics of their hair, wild horses being eaten in Africa. . Mare's flesh is a choice morsel to the Chilian In- dians. The efforts to reintroduce horse-flesh as food have had considerable success in some European capitals. The Greeks ate donkeys ; the flesh of the wild ass is held in high esteem by the Persians and Tartars ; the material and fashion of their clothing, the ornaments — of whatever kind — they wear, and how they wear them, the marks of paint, cutting, and tattooing, that they put on their skin, whether they file or knock out their teeth ; their weapons, how they make them and how they use them, and their de- 140 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fenses; the material, architecture, furnish- ing, and adornment of their dwellings, wheth- er they be huts, pile-dwellings, caves, or tents ; their public buildings, temples, sacred places, and altars ; their domestic, hunting, and farming utensils, pottery, glassware, metallic and wooden vessels ; how they make and apply their paints ; their mining arts ; their usages in trade ; their money and their manner of counting ; how they make their fires ; their intoxicants and nar- cotics ; what they know and have of music and musical instruments ; what with them takes the place of writing; their supersti- tions and folk-lore, and particularly the ob- jects to which they give special honors ; their social customs and usages in inter- course with friends and enemies ; observ- ances in the matters of birth, marriage, and death ; their diseases and methods of cure ; their ideas as to a future state ; their tradi- tions as to their origin ; their knowledge of the stars, and their manner of computing time. The questions covering these points in detail are to be sent out, in English and German, to ship-captains, merchants, con- suls, and missionaries, who, it is expected, will enter upon the schedule notes embody- ing such information as they can furnish. As it is impossible to make the questions exhaustive, further communications than those asked for, such as the judgment of the respondent may dictate, will be thankfully received. An Artificial Volcano. — The newspapers of Cologne tell of a kind of artificial volcano which was produced recently at Apenrade, in the Rhine provinces, in the course of the digging of an artesian well. At the depth of not quite five hundred feet, a strong ebul- lition was noticed, accompanied by a dull rumbling. Then, all at once, the earth and stones in the tube were violently blown out to a considerable height, with a heavy deto- nation, and a column of gas came up hiss- ing. When lighted with a match, the gas burned with a clear flame, rising high in the air, till it was extinguished by a new erup- tion of pebbles and dirt. Eruptions of stones and gas continued till the time the story was told, when the flame of the gas continued to be of undiminished intensity. The phenomenon was occasioned, of course, 1 by one of those accumulations of gas which I take place now and then in the bowels of the earth, giving rise to fire-damp explosions in coal-mines, causing earthquake-shocks in countries which are not volcanic, and giving rise to the so-called " mud-volcanoes," when the gas forces its passage through .beds of moist clay. Origin of Native Gold.— Professor J. S. Xewberry has presented some strong points of fact and argument against the theory that the grains and nuggets of gold found in placers are formed by precipitation from chemical solutions. He holds, in a paper he has published on the subject, that geol- ogy teaches, in regard to the genesis and distribution of gold, that it exists in the oldest known rocks, and has been thence distributed through all strata derived from them ; that, in the metamorphosis of these derived rocks, it has been concentrated into segregated quartz-veins by some process not yet understood ; that it is a constituent of fissure-veins of all geological .ages, where it has been deposited from hot chemical solu- tions, which have reached deeply buried rocks of various kinds, gathering from them gold with other metallic minerals ; and that gold has been accumulated through mechan- ical agents in placer deposits by the erosion of strata containing auriferous veins. What has been gained by Vivisection. — Dr. Ferrier was recently arrested in Eng- land for practicing vivisection without a license, and the members of the British Med- ical Association were indignant at the act, regarding it as an insult and a measure of annoyance. Dr. Ferrier's offense seems to have been observing with Dr. Yeo, who had a license, experiments that were intended to throw light upon certain features of the treatment of lesions of the brain. Dr. Fer- rier's investigations in this department, which would have been impossible without vivisection, have been of immediate and of the greatest value to mankind. Among the results of them has been the discovery of the means of localizing in its definite region the point where an injury, resulting in epi- leptic fits, has been inflicted, and of apply- ing remedial treatment to the precise spot where it will be effective. Dr. Echeverria POPULAR MISCELLANY. 141 has given a list of 165 cases of traumatic epilepsy, 64 per cent of which were cured by trephining. Before Dr. Ferrier's ex- periments this trephining would have had to be done blindly. The knowledge gained by Dr. Ferrier's researches has also been useful in guiding to the spot where pus has accumulated in case of abscesses in the brain, and in indicating the site of tumors. Considering how recently these discoveries have been made, it in fact seems extraordi- nary that they should have been already productive of so much benefit. The opera- tions on the animals are not painful after the exposure of the brain has been accom- plished, and that is done under anaesthetics, nor does any pain follow the recovery from anaesthetic influence. The effects of the after-stimulations are simply the excitement of the wonder and curiosity of the animals at their involuntary motions. Probably a single sportsman inflicts more pain in a day's shooting than Dr. Ferrier has done in the whole course of his researches. A Xew Natural Hydrocarbon. — Profess- or Henry Carvill Lewis has published a description of a new substance resembling dopplerite which has been found in a peat- bog at Seranton, Pennsylvania. It is black, jelly-like in consistency, and elastic to the touch when first taken from the ground, breaking with a conchoidal fracture, but be- comes tougher and more elastic, like India- rubber, immediately on exposure to the air. Occasional seeds, having the characters of the spores of one of the higher cryptogams, occur in the substance, as well as in the sur- rounding peaty matter. The composition of the substance nearly corresponds with the formula CioH22Oi6, differing from that of dopplerite in the presence of much larger proportions of hydrogen and oxygen. Pro- fessor Lewis suggests that this product is, perhaps, an intermediate product between peat and coal, and proposes to combine it with dopplerite under the generic name of phytocollite (" plant-jelly "). Parasites. — Professor Arnold Heller, of Kiel, has recently published an interesting work on parasites, with particular reference to their import to men. It is only lately that the true origin and character of para- sites have been at all adequately understood. Not very long ago they were supposed to be formed out of the substances of the body ; and in the condition of knowledge at the time it was hard to account otherwise for their presence in certain parts of the sys- tem. They have also been supposed to be received by inheritance ; and it has not been fully proved that, in rare instances, this may not be the case. It has, however, been shown that, as a rule, they are introduced into the system, either directly or through germs taken in with the food, breathed in the air, brought by unclean hands or with unclean dishes, or blown in with the dust. They are generally dependent on moisture for their vitality, and, finding in the bodily juices a favorable environment, may be- come suddenly active after having been long dormant in uncongenial situations. Most, if not all of them, probably existed originally in a free state, and have become wonted to what is now an exclusive abode by gradual adaptation in long time ; in such cases, they seem to have lost some of the organs, such as those of locomotion, which they origi- nally possessed, but which have become of no further use to them. Some of them have been made useful to man. The leech serves a valuable purpose in the healing art ; the cochineal aphis furnishes a valuable dye ; the tape-worm of the snipe tickles the pal- ate of the hunter and the epicure as " mac- caroni-piatti " — flat maccaroni; and the worms of fresh-water fishes are esteemed as food in some parts of Italy. The ichneu- mon flies and their tribe are of inestimable benefit in destroying the insect enemies to vegetation ; and helpful moths have been discovered which prey upon the moths and other insects in the furs of rodents and the feathers of birds. Among vegetable para- sites, ergot is valuable in medicine, and the mistletoe-berry is used in making bird-lime and fly-paste. It has been suggested that even intestinal worms may be good for children by helping to consume the excess of slime ; and Jordan, of Mayence, has set forth that the animals that infest the skin of man may be beneficial by forcing him to look after the cleanliness of his person and clothing, and his intestinal worms by mak- ing him careful of his food. This view can not, however, be justified, even when we ad- 142 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. mit that parasites in many cases do no per- ceptible harm. To these cases may be op- posed the numerous instances in which they have proved destructive to their hosts, whether animals, birds, or men, often car- rying off multitudes of creatures when they become excessively abundant on a species ; and in the most favorable cases they give the host discomfort and inconvenience, though their work mavbe overlooked in the presence of his superior vigor. As a rule, parasites belong to the lower orders of animals — worms or insects. Sometimes an arachnoid or a crustacean will join the com- pany ; but a few small fishes are the only creatures among the vertebrates that ever assume that relation. The stories that have been told of the existence of other inhabit- ants in the system are either fables or have originated in the accidental presence of sin- gle individuals who were probably as much astonished as their host at finding them- selves in such a home. The Repeating Melograph. — M. J. Car- pentier exhibited, at the recent electrical 1 exhibition in Paris, an instrument called the repeating melograph, by means of which, he claimed, any piece or improvisation which a composer may play on the key-board to which it is attached is registered, and may ! be repeated upon any other instrument \ with which it may be connected. It, more- over, secures the repetition, not of the piece only, but of the style, even to the j false notes, of the player. Both processes, the registering and the repeating of the piece, are performed through the medium of electric currents. In the former case the keys of the instrument on which the piece is played are connected with wires through which a current is established when the key is pressed down. This current sets in oper- ation an apparatus, with tools answering to the several keys, by means of which a per- foration corresponding in character with the musical value of the note is made in a moving band of paper. The piece being finished, the band is ready to serve in a second execution of it. Electric communi- cation is effected between the perforated band and the second instrument ; and a current is formed, causing a corresponding | key to be sounded at each perforation of j the band as it passes the circuit in the pro- cess of unrolling. M. Carpentier contem- plates adjusting his instrument so that it may also be made to print the piece in or- dinary musical type. Electric Units.— The International Con- gress of Electricians at Paris unanimously agreed upon a uniform standard of electric- al units of measurements. It decided to adopt the fundamental units, the centime- tre, the gramme, the second (C. G. S.); that the practical units, the ohm and the volt, should be defined, as now, the ohm as 109, and the volt as 108; that the unit of resistance (ohm) be represented by a col- umn of mercury having a section of a square millimetre at the freezing-point, and a height to be determined experimentally by the International Committee ; that the cur- rent produced by a volt in an ohm be called an ampere instead of a w-eber, the latter name having been applied by Weber him- self in Germany to a current of ten times less force ; that the name of coulomb be applied to the quantity of electricity defined by the condition that an ampere gives a coulomb a second, the former English we- ber ; and that the name farad be applied to the capacity defined by the condition that a coulomb in a farad gives a volt — which is equivalent to the farad of the British Asso. ciation. The Carcel lamp was recommended to be continued as the standard for the com- parison of lights, pending the investigations of an International Committee to ascertain and fix upon the most practicable standard. "Clonds of Seeds." — A correspondent of " La Nature " describes a remarkable ap- pearance of seeds in the air that was ob- served in Guatemala during eight consecu- tive days in February last. In the early hours of the afternoon it was easy to per- ceive at a certain distance from the ground bodies resembling snow-flakes, which ap- peared and disappeared instantaneously, generally going in the same direction, but which were visible only when they passed between the sun and the observer. They moved gracefully, with variegated colors, falling and then rising out of sight, as snow- flakes do when they melt in the air; at other times they were carried along by the NOTES. H3 wind. The populace thought that fire was falling from the sun. More intelligent per- sons believed that snow had been actually formed in consequence of the cooling of the atmosphere, some of which had fallen with- out melting till it came in sight, and this view was currently accepted. It was finally shown; however, that the particles were float- ing seeds, and every one was enabled to sat- isfy himself of the fact by grasping a hand- ful of them. NOTES. The tertiary lake-basin at Florissant, be- tween South and Hayden Parks, Colorado, furnishes one of the richest deposits of fossil insects that have been found anywnere. According to Mr. S. H. Scudder, who exam- ined it in connection with the Hayden Sur- vey, it has yielded in a single summer more than double the number of specimens which the famous localities at (Eningen, in Bava- ria, furnished Heer in thirty years. The (Eningen specimens are, however, a3 a rule, better preserved, but a larger number of satisfactory specimens are found at Floris- sant than at (Eningen. Sixteen species of insects have been published, and, besides these, a planorbis-shell, eight species of fishes, several birds' feathers, and a single tolerably perfect sparrow. Also several thousand specimens of thirty-seven species of plants, have been found. Professor Xorde.vskiold has had occa- sion during his Arctic vova^es to ask the question, which must have often occurred to many, What becomes of the " self -dead " animals, or those that die a natural death ? During his nine expeditions in regions where animal life is abundant, he has found only a very few remains of recent vertebrate animals which could be proved to have died a natural death. We have at present no idea of what beeomes of the bodies of such animals, " and yet we have here a problem of immense importance for the answering of a large number of questions concerning the formation of fossiliferous strata. It is strange, in any case, that on Spitzbergen it is easier to find the vertebras of a gigantic- lizard of the Trias than bones of a self-dead seal, walrus, or bird, and the same also holds good of more southerly inhabited lands." Mr. A. S. Packard, Jr., has given, in a contribution to the Boston Society of Nat- ural History, the descriptions of twentv-two new species of ichneumon, microgaster, tri- cogramma, and other genera of parasites in- festing North American butterflies, typical specimens of most of which may be seen in the collection of Mr. S. H. Scudder, and of a few in the Harris collection of the muse- um of the society. Professor Otis T. Masox is not satisfied I with the existing classifications of the an- j th Topological sciences, and has adopted a J classification of his own, as follows: 1. An- thropogeny ; 2. Prehistoric Anthropology ; 3. Biological Anthropology ; 4. Psychologi- cal Anthropology ; 5. Ethnology ; 6. Linguis- tic Anthropology; 7. Industrial Anthropol- ! ogy ; 8. Sociology proper ; 9. The Science ! of Religion ; to which he adds a tenth class of works on the instrumentalities of re- search. In his bibliographical contributions to the Smithsonian Report and the " Ameri- can Xaturalist," Professor Mason states that a larger number of papers have been pub- lished on prehistoric anthropology than on any other branch of the science. He enu- merates one hundred and forty-six memoirs in this branch as published in 1879, and twentv-eizht as published in America alone in 1880. The deaths in the Peabody Buildings, London, during sixteen years, have been at the rate of sixteen and seven tenths per thousand per annum, while the general death-rate of the metropolis during the same period has been twenty-three and four tenths. The death-rate in the crowd- ed districts surrounding the Peabody Build- ings has been stated to be thirty or forty to the thousand. A committee of the British Association is investigating the question of the existence of earth-tides, or of oscillations in the crust of the earth similar to those which are pro- duced in the ocean by the attraction of the moon. A pendulum is so suspended that its slightest motion turns a mirror, and causes a perceptible movement in the spot of light reflected by it upon a distant screen. The pendulum is proved to be continually chang- ing its position, for the reflected light is in incessant motion, and so irregularly that it is hardly possible to localize its mean position on the screen within five or six inches. Mr. W. Mattieu Williams has susnrested that the constant movements of the microscopic bub- bles imprisoned within the cavities of gems and minerals are due to the same cause. The death is announced of the Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Robinson, Director of the Ob- servatory at Armagh, Ireland. He was elected to the Royal Society in 1856, and was one of. the oldest Fellows on the list, beimr nearlv ninetv when he died. His latest contribution to science, " On the Con- stants of the Cup Anemometer,'' was pub- lished in the " Philosophical Transactions " in 1S80. i44 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. M. P. Puiseux, remarking upon the ap- parent relations between the activity of vegetation and actinometric conditions, cites in illustration the promptitude with which plants mature during the summer of lands which the snow hardly leaves. Phaneroga- mous plants may be found at the height of twelve thousand feet, ranunculuses on the Schreckhorn, saxifrages on the Gravola, go- ing through all the phases of their develop- ment in the space of three months under a mean temperature, according to ordinary estimates, considerably inferior to that of the polar regions. Doubtless these plants find a compensation for the unfavorable thermic conditions in the intensity of the solar radiation at great altitudes, which is increased by the reflections from the snow. M. Gautier insists, in a number of communications to the French Academy of Sciences, that the venom of serpents con- tains a toxic substance analogous to the alkaloids and the ptomaines. The venom of the Vaja tripudians, of which a quarter of a milligramme will kill a sparrow, may be boiled, filtered, and treated with alcohol, without losing its activity. These proper- ties indicate a relation with the alkaloids. Not only the saliva of serpents, the salivas of other animals — of the dog, the hare, even of man — are capable of exhibiting delete- rious properties. An extract from human saliva furnishes an extremely poisonous liquid, capable of killing a bird almost as quickly as the venom of a serpent. Thus the saliva of man, the dog, and the serpent, all contain toxic alkaloids, and do not differ essentially except in the higher or lower degree of concentration of the poison ; and it appears that animal as well as vegetable tissues are capable of elaborating alkaloids. M. G. Delaunay has been studying the influence exercised by the greater or less in- tensity of the nutritive phenomena in cases of poisoning by strychnine. Equal doses of strychnine were given to two frogs, one of which had been kept active for a half- hour previously. The poison took effect more quickly and more actively upon this one than upon the one that had been quiet. In another experiment, the poison operated more slowly and more lightly upon a frog that had been bled than upon the other one, which had not been hurt. When one of the frogs was bled after taking the poison, it exhibited a tendency to return to the nor- mal condition in measure as it lost blood. M. Albert Gaudry has been elected to fill the chair in the French Academy which was made vacant by the death of M. Sainte- Claire Deville, receiving forty votes to eight- een cast for his competitor, M. Laury, ge- ologist. " La Nature " remarks that with M. Gaudry a new science, paleontology, ob- tains representation in the institute. Dr. K. von Fritsch, of Halle, maintains that the causes of earthquakes are much slighter than has been generally believed, that they may be sought at a depth of not more than ten or fourteen miles, and often of less, and that rather feeble forces may produce earthquakes which will be felt at great distances. The hammer in Krupp's ' factory, which weighs a thousand centners, and falls from a height of ten feet, pro- duces sensible concussions over a surface five miles in diameter ; and a recent explo- sion in a dynamite factory was felt at be- tween twenty-five and thirty miles away. Dr. Fritsch points out how earthquakes might and must be produced by the increase and decrease in volume of rocks under the influence of physical and chemical forces, by concussions, by the opening of crevice9 in rocks, and by the subsidence of masses of rocks due to these agencies. Dr. S. Gibbon, medical officer for the Holborn district, London, says in his latest report that, whatever may be the cause, there is no doubt that a Jew's life in Lon- don is, on an average, worth twice as many years as a Christian's. The Hebrews of the metropolis are notoriously exempt from tu- bercular and scrofulous taint. Pulmonary consumption is very rare among them. The medical officer of one of the Jewish schools has remarked that their children do not die in anything like the same ratio as Christian children. In High Street, Whitechapel, the average death-rate on the north side, which is occupied by Jews, is twenty per thousand, while on the south side, which is occupied by English and Irish Gentiles, it is forty- three per thousand. Mr. C. R. Plowright, F. L. S., made thirteen experiments last summer in inocu- lating wheat-plants with the fungus of the barberry-bush, and derived results adverse to the theory that wheat-mildew is developed from the fungus. One hundred and sev- enty-six plants of wheat were employed, seventy-eight of which were inoculated with the barberry-fungus, and ninety-eight un- inoculated ones were kept for check plants. Seventy-six per cent of the inoculated plants developed the rust in about fifteen days, and seventy per cent of the uninoculated plants developed it also. Only one experiment of the thirteen seemed to support the theory of metamorphosis. Mr. Muybridge has been exhibiting some remarkable rapid-process photographs in Paris, one of which is said to have been taken in one hundredth of a second. He has obtained a series of six photographs during the leap of a clown, which when pro- jected on a screen by a zoetrope exhibit the clown as in motion, with all his changes of position. \ CHARLES DARWIN, M. A., F. R. S., Etc. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JUNE, 1882. SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. By J. B. STALLO. " Wenn ein Kopf und ein Buck zusammenstossen, und es hlingt hohl, muss es denn immer das Buck yewesen sein ? " — Lichtexberg, the Physicist. THE zbove title is prefixed to an article contributed by Professor Simon Newcomb to the April number of the " International Re- view." The avowed object of that article is to discredit a recent vol- ume of the " International Scientific Series" (" The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics ") as a publication unworthy of the com- pany in which it appears, and to denounce its author as a person ignorant of the subject whereon he writes — as a scientific, or rather unscientific, " charlatan " and " pretender " belonging to the class of " paradoxers " whom Professor De Morgan has immortalized in his famous " Budget." I am fully aware that, as a rule, it is both unwise and in questionable taste for an author to make direct reply to criti- cism, however hostile, baseless, or absurd. The merits of a book must find their vindication, at last, in its contents, and the chief function of the critic is to bring them to the attention of the reader, the value and spirit of the critical performance being of secondary importance. But the case in hand appears to me to be an exceptional one. The unmistakable intent of Professor Newcomb's " criticism " (and, if it be left unchallenged, its probable effect) is to signalize the contents of the book with which he deals as mere drivel, and unworthy of a mo- ment's serious attention. And he writes for a magazine, the majority of whose readers, however intelligent they may be, can hardly be ex- pected to possess that familiarity with the matters under discussion which is a necessary prerequisite to the formation of an independent and trustworthy judgment. All they are likely to know and care is, YOL. XXI. — 10 X 146 THE POPULAR SCLEXCE MONTHLY. that Professor Xewconib is a prominent scientist, at the head of a scientific bureau in Washington; while the author of the book he pro- fesses to review, if known at all, is known only in connection with pursuits which are generally supposed to preclude, not only distinc- tion but even reputable standing in the domains of scientific investi- gation. I take the liberty, therefore, to subject the strictures of my critic to a counter-critical examination, trusting that the learned pro- fessor himself will find it thorough, and that the reader who has not only perused his article, but also looked into a chapter or two of my book, will recognize it as neither impertinent nor unfair. Whatever may be thought of the soundness or unsoundness of the general argument of the little book in question, the drift of that argu- ment, it seems to me, can hardly be mistaken by the reasonably intelli- gent reader. TThat I attempt to show is simply this : that modern physical science aims at a mechanical interpretation of physical phe- nomena, seeking to effect a reduction of them to two elements which are ordinarily designated as matter and motion, but which (for reasons briefly stated in the book, but to be stated more at length presently) are more correctly designated as mass and motion. I then attempt to show that, if to these premises we add the assumption of the atomic constitution of matter, the mechanical theory necessarily involves four distinct propositions, relating severally to the equality, inertia, and in- elasticity of the atoms or ultimate molecules and the essentially ki- netic character of what is now universally termed energy. In order to enforce the irrecusability of these propositions on the basis of the atomo-mechanical theory, and to guard against the imputation that I am engaged in the frivolous pastime of chopping logic, I am at pains to show, in the next four chapters, that every one of these pro]30si- tions is insisted on and propounded in terms identical with, or equiva- lent to, those in which I state them, by men whom I was under the delusion, up to the time of the aj^pearanc'e of Professor Xewcomb's article, of regarding as persons of the highest scientific authority — such men as Professors Du Bois-Reymond, Thomas Graham, Wundt, etc. I then proceed to inquire what is the relation of these proposi- tions to the sciences of chemistry, physics, and astronomy, as they are actually constituted, endeavoring to ascertain whether or not the funda- mental propositions of the atomo-mechanical theory are available as theoretical solvents of the facts with which these sciences are con- versant, and whether or not they are consistent with them. The result of this inquiry is, that the man of science, however emphatic he may be in the general assertion that all physical phenomena are due to the interaction of atoms or ultimate molecules, is constrained by the data of scientific experience to repudiate and discard the propositions which his assertion necessarily involves. It thus appears that there is conflict between the facts and working hypotheses or theories of the sciences on the one hand and the atomo-mechanical theory on the SPECULATIVE SCIEXCE. 147 other ; that the latter theory fails in the presence of the facts, and that all attempts to remove this conflict have, thus far at least, been abortive. After supplementing these preliminaries by a discussion of the atomic theory and its dependant, the kinetic theory of gases, I ap- proach the problem whose solution is the sole aim of my little treatise, which, as is expressly stated in the very first sentence of the preface, is designed as a contribution, not to physics or metaphysics, but to the theory of cognition. That problem is the determination of the logical and psychological origin of the mechanical theory, and of its attitude toward the laws of thought and the forms and conditions of its evolu- tion. It is neither necessary nor practicable here to attempt a repro- duction of the tenor of my discussion. It is sufficient for my present purpose to state my conclusion, which is, that the mechanical theory with all its implications is founded on a total disregard or misapprehen- sion of the true relation of thoughts to things or of concepts to phys- ical realities ; that, so far from being a departure from and standing in antagonism to metaphysical speculation, the propositions which lie at its base are simply exemplifications of the fallacies that vitiate all metaphysical or ontological reasoning properly so called. There is hardly a page in the book, after the first two expository chapters, in which my utter repudiation of the mechanical theory and its funda- mental assumptions is not couspicuous. My objections to this theory are stated in so many ways, and are enforced by so many considera- tions, that my position in regard to it appears to me insusceptible of misapprehension even by the most hebetated intellect. During the last six weeks I have received more than twenty letters from various persons — most of them mathematicians and physicists, but a few of them persons without scientific training — in which the doctrines of my book are discussed or questioned, sometimes on grounds which indicate that my meaning has been strangely misapprehended. But not one of these letters gives rise to the least suspicion that the writer was mis- taken as to mv attitude toward the mechanical theory. And now, what does Professor Xewcomb represent my position to be ? The reader who has not seen his article will be amazed when I tell him that, according to him, my book was written for the purpose of maintaining the propositions of the atomo-mechanical theory, and of subverting the whole science of physics by means of them, on the principle, I suppose, that if the facts do not agree with the theory, so much the worse for the facts ! Here is Professor XewcomVs lan- guage : ' The author's criticism is wholly destructive ; where he constructs it is only to destroy. It is true that his first chapter on the atomo-mechanical theory lays down certain propositions already mentioned which he seems to hold as true. He makes use of them to destroy the whole fabric of modern physics, and show physical investigators generally to be the subjects of miserable delusions. But i48 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. his last chapter is devoted to showing that this theory is itself a failure, so that, when he takes his leave, we have nothing left to contemplate hut a mass of ruins. It is curious to note the introduction of the word " seems " into this passage — as the lawyers say, its appearance with a semble — while in other places, e. g., where Professor Newcomb speaks of the proposition that molecules are inelastic as my "favorite doctrine," or where he charges me (after reading my tenth chapter !) with ignorantly con- founding the "abstract noun" mass with the concrete term matter, he makes no such qualification. Having satisfied himself (no doubt before writing his article, though the conclusion is stated most explicitly toward its close) that I am in the lists as a champion of the atomo-mechanical theory and as the dogmatic defender of its fundamental propositions, he proceeds to assail these propositions, sometimes with what he seems to regard as an argument, but generally with a sneer. The contents of my intro- ductory chapter, consisting almost exclusively of citations from the writings of Professors Kirchhoff, Helmholtz, Clerk Maxwell, Ludwig, Du Bois-Reymond, etc., he brands as "propositions in which we can trace neither coherence nor sense." The thesis that, on the basis of the atomo-mechanical theory, all potential energy is in reality kinetic — the distinct proposition of Professor P. G. Tait, who asserts it as the unavoidable consequence of the atomo-mechanical theory of gravita- tion— he "passes over as not even worth quoting." Similarly the doc- trine of the essential passivity of matter — also a proposition of Pro- fessor Tait, whose exact words I quote on page 306 of my book — is flouted with the disdainful remark that " such words as * active ' and ' passive' have no application in the case and serve no purpose, except to produce confusion in the mind of the reader." In this way he levels his thrusts at the most eminent physicists and mathematicians of the day, laboring always under the hallucination that he is strik- ing at me. Among the most characteristic performances of Professor New- comb are his strictures, already adverted to, on my substitution of the term mass for the word matter, in designation of the substratum of motion in the light of the atomo-mechanical theory. According to him, this use of the word mass is evidence of my ignorance and intel- lectual confusion, as well as of my " total misconception of the ideas and methods of modern science." He informs me that the word mass is " an abstract noun like length" whereas I use it " as a concrete term, and in nearly the same sense as we commonly use the word matter." And thereupon he delivers himself of a dissertation (which resembles nothing so much as a sermon of " Fray Gerundio " to his " familiars ") on the necessity of using scientific terms only in accordance with their exact definitions, of ascertaining the meanings of the words mass and motion by a reference to the methods whereby they are measured, and SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. i+9 so on. All this is certainly strange news to an author who has de- voted several chapters of his book to the task of showing that the great fundamental vice of the mechanical theory is the confusion of concepts with things, and particularly of the connotations of the con- cept mass with the complement of the properties of matter — who, in a word, is guilty of the great offense of expressing, in the precise terms of the science of logic, what Professor Xewcomb is staggering at with a phrase borrowed from some elementary treatise on grammar ! And here I am tempted to do a little Gerundian preaching myself, Professor Xewcomb being, of course, my congregation of " familiars." Here is my sermon : Sombre sabio y admirado, scattering supernal wisdom, like hurling thunder-bolts, is a prerogative of the dwellers on Olympus, not to be usurped by a drag-footed philosopher bellowing at its base. Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi. I do not mean to question your general ruminant powers ; but you have delivered yourself of some things " that have not been well digested," and had better be chewed again. Let me see how I can help you. Listen: When we speak of matter, we mean something which not only has weight, pro- portional to its mass, but which has all manner of properties — optic, thermic, electric, magnetic, chemical, and so on. Now, in the light of modern science, all these " properties " are regarded as modes of mo- tion, if I may be permitted to use the expression of Professor Tyndall. And when we strip matter (in thought, you understand) of all these modes of motion, we have nothing left but inertia, which is but another name for mass. This mass is not a concrete thing, but a con- cept or a part of a concept ; it is, as you say, " an abstract noun like length." And the trouble with the atomo-mechanical theorists is their fancy that this abstraction is a thing in itself, something you could look at if you had a telescope with sufficient magnifying power, or which you could weigh and measure if you had a pair of scales or a chemical reagent sufficiently delicate. They labor, as you see, under a huge mistake, which, in charity, ought to be corrected. Whenever you find real matter, you have mass and the modes of motion in indis- soluble synthesis and conjunction. But when this synthesis is broken by the destructive analysis of the mechanical theorist who persists in saying that things consist of matter and motion, you are bound to tell him that what he calls matter is not matter at all, but only something which, by a. curious law of our thought, we are bound to conceive or imagine as a substratum of motion — the word substratum being a bar- barous Latin term which in a rough way signifies what is supposed to underlie motion. The term matter, as used by those deluded people who think that all the facts of this world can be explained by a reso- lution of them into matter and energy, or matter and motion, denotes simply what the physicist who knows what he is talking about calls mass. And now, mind, what I have just told you is not some shallow con- i5o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ceit hatched under my own time-tonsured pate, but genuine wisdom which I have simply borrowed from an old, clear-headed fellow, who lived and died a long while ago — Leonhard Euler. If you will read his seventy-fourth letter to a German princess, written on the 11th day of November, 1760, you will find it all set forth at great length. In reading it you must bear in mind, though, that in Euler's time the im- ponderables, as they were then called, were not so distinctly known or believed to be modes of motion as they are now. And you must also remember that he was writing to a princess who probably knew more about madrigals and operatic airs than about scientific terms, in conse- quence whereof his exposition became a little diffuse. If, however, you should reject eld Euler's reasoning as "belonging to a past age of thought," which, I see, is one of your favorite ways of getting rid of irrefutable truths, I may refer you to a gentleman who is yet among the living— Hermann Helmholtz. You will find what he has to say on the "matter in hand," on the third and fourth pages of his first essay, " Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft " (not included in the collection of his essays). Now, hombre querido (I am still preaching), if after this you will carefully read again the first twelve chapters of my book, you will probably find that they are somewhat less absurd than you fancied they were. But you will say, no doubt — in fact, you do say, though not in so many words — that all this is mere speculative trash, in which the man of science has no concern. One of my reviewers in the New York " Critic " — whom I at one time suspected, perhaps unjustly, from certain peculiarities of his phraseology, and from the fact that, like yourself, he sneers at me for having "wasted" two long chapters on transcendental geometry, of having had oral confabulations with you, in which the mouth of the speaker was not and could not be applied to the ear of the listener — disposes of my discussion of the relation of the mechanical theory to the laws of thought by the following oracu- lar dictum (a travesty of a saying of Carlyle) : "A sound digestion has little self -consciousness of the operations of the stomach; the sound thinker gives himself little uneasiness respecting the laws of thought." I can not stop, at this moment, to show you how and why a little knowledge of the laws of thought is useful to the physicist and mathe- matician. I shall come to that by-and-by, when I have considered what you say about the kinetic theory of gases and space of an indefi- nite number of dimensions. For the present I only want to tell you how I ventured upon the audacity of intruding the theory of cognition into the science of physics. In Europe, as well as in this country, there are certain idle fellows who, during the first half of the present century, for want of more useful occupation, took to tracing the ramifications of forms of speech, and finally got to digging for their roots. These absurd persons abound chietly in Germany, where, as you know, the people are always SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. 151 in the nebular regions, when they ought to be fighting and grubbing on the solid ground below. In course of time these individuals, de- spite the utter fatuity of their undertaking, persuaded themselves that they were engaged in something important, and became noisy and pre- sumptuous. At one time they even clamored for admission into the ranks of the physicists and astronomers, on the ground that they had discovered phonetic and other laws, which they claimed to be as im- mutable as the laws of Kepler. Their application was, of course, scornfully denied, for the reason that they were either no scientists at all, or at best speculative scientists. Instead of submitting humbly to this just decree of the physicists (it is a pity they had not my pres- ent meekness before them as an example), these men grew wrathy and turned away with something like this objurgation : " Well, never mind, the time is not far distant when you will come as suppliants to us." And, thereupon, in sheer malice, having got well-nigh through with the roots and branches of words, they fell to attacking the history of their meanings — of concepts, as they called them — pretending to make legitimate employment of inductive methods, which they wholly mis- apprehended, no doubt, and which, at any rate, were among the clear prerogatives of the physicists. And now they pretend to have estab- lished, inductively, a number of laws relating to the operations of the intellect, which they again assert to be immutable, and, though con- trolling acts of consciousness, to be wholly independent of deliberate intent or set purpose. They say, for instance, that there runs through- out the history of speculative as well as of ordinary thinking an almost irrepressible tendency to hypostasize concepts, or (as I have called it, cribbing an outrageous barbarism from Professor Bain) to reify them. I will try to explain to you what that means, as nearly as possible in your own words. When people make or find a new " ab- stract noun," they instantly try to put it on a shelf or into a box, as though it were a thing ; thus they reify it. In very early times they did worse than that — they undertook to incase it in a smock-frock or a pair of breeches. They personified it. There was a still earlier period when, worst of all, men blasphemously and impiously deified abstractions ; and it is said that this class of persons has not wholly died out yet. Now, the silly speculators I have just alluded to have already di- vided the science they pretend to be cultivating into several branches, to which, being word-mongers, they give all sorts of sesquipedalian names, such as comparative linguistics, comparative psychology, com- parative mythology, and so forth. To give you an idea of the temer- ity of these pseudo-scientists, let me tell you that one of them, Professor Max Miiller, of Oxford — who is, of course, a German — at one time undertook to account for the monotheism of the Jewish race by a peculiarity of Semitic speech. It is even whispered that he and others, years ago, evolved $he whole city of Troy, with all its houses and i52 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. walls, the heroes within it, with their wives and children, as well as the Greek warriors and their ships, without it — everything, including the Trojan horse and what it contained — from a parcel of solar myths, demonstrating to their own satisfaction that all these persons and things were, at bottom, nothing more than "objectivations" of forms and laws of speech. As was to be expected, this fine theory came to grief when Schliemann appeared with a pickaxe and spade. As usual, the theory collapsed in the presence of the facts. Be that as it may, there is one thing these scientific pretenders persist in asserting, in spite of all their past discomfitures : that more than three fourths of the controversies in theology and metaphysics have had their rise in the ignorance of the fathers of the Church, and of mediaeval and modern scholastics, of the results brought to light in these new-fangled sciences. Unfortunately, when I was less old and waiy than I am now, I fell in with these " paradoxers," some of whom I knew to be men of great learning, and believed to be persons of thorough earnest- ness of purpose. To my astonishment I found two mathematicians among them — Hermann Grassmann and Franz Woepcke. I had read with some difficulty, but, as I thought, with reasonable grasp of his meaning, the " Ausdehnungslehre " (since supplemented by a new treatise under nearly the same title, and a number of articles in Crelle's and Borchardt's " Journal ") of Grassmann ; and I had at- tempted to read some of the writings of Woej^cke, though without success, because he went far beyond my depth. But I got an impres- sion that both had things to say — in mathematics, at least — that were worth knowing ; and inferred that there must be sense and jmrpose also in their linguistic endeavors. In this way I became interested, and gradually caught the spirit of the comparative linguists and my- cologists by contagion. And so it came to pass that, after a while, I asked myself this question : " If the results of these sciences are avail- able for the solution of the perplexities of the metaphysicians, why may they not also throw some light on the nature of our perplexities in physics ? ': So far as I could learn, no one had attempted an orderly and systematic answer to this question, although (as is not unusual in cases of this sort) there was a considerable amount of scattered mate- rial ready to the hand of whomsoever should undertake the work. Under these circumstances, I was fool-hardy enough to make an at- tempt myself, the result being my poor little book. And now I con- fess I am not a little mortified at being informed that I am a " learned and able " idiot ; and I derive but scant comfort from the assurance that my mental predicament may be accounted for on the theory of contagion, and that the hypothesis of congenital imbecility may be avoided. But it is time to doff my Gerund ian robes and to cease apostro- phizing the familiars, for I have things to say which ought to be said in all earnestness and sobriety. I am about to examine Professor SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. 153 Newcomb's animadversions on my chapters on the kinetic theory of gases and transcendental geometry. On the former he expatiates as follows : For the benefit of the non-scientific reader we may say that there is no theory of modern physics, the processes supposed by which are invisible to di- rect vision, which is more thoroughly established than this. It explains with the utmost simplicity and without introducing any but the best known prop- erties of molecules, a great number of diverse phenomena, seemingly incapable of explanation in any other way. The only objection of the author which we can completely understand is that the theory in question — i. e., the kinetic theory of gases- — seems to him incompatible with his own favorite doctrine that mole- cules are inelastic. Should he have any hesitation in pitting his a priori idea against so widely received a theory, it should relieve him to know that the sup- posed antagonism arises only from his own misapprehension. No elasticity is assigned the molecules in the Tcinetic theory, but only an insuperable, repulsive force which causes the molecules to repel each other when they are brought suffi- ciently near together. The reader who has any interest in following the author in his attempt to show that Maxwell and his colaborers were guilty of a long series of fallacies and errors in attempting to prove the theory in question, may read the chapter, as an abstract is impossible. So " no elasticity is assigned to the molecules in the kinetic the- ory." Well, that is startling news indeed ! I hope it has been con- veyed to Sir William Thomson, who at latest accounts was still en- gaged in the arduous, but, as we are now informed by Professor Newcomb, utterly useless study of vortex-rings, which he hopes to make available as substitutes for elastic atoms or ultimate molecules. At the last meeting of the British Association Sir William Thomson read a paper " On the Average Pressure due to the Impulse of Vortex- Rings on a Solid," of which an abstract is published in "Nature" for May 12, 1881 (vol. xxiv, pp. 47, 48). In this paper Sir William says : The pressure exerted by a gas composed of vortex-atoms is exactly the same as is given by the ordinary kinetic theory, which regards the atoms as hard elastic particles. I do not' deem it necessary to multiply quotations from the writings of other scientific men in support of my statement that the kinetic theory of gases can not dispense with the assumption of the elasticity of ultimate- molecules. No intelligent reader who has glanced at page 42 of my book can be in any doubt as to what is taught on the subject by the founders and promoters of the theory in question. But I will add one citation, because it is from a book to which I shall have occa- sion to refer for another purpose. The most thorough mathematical treatise on the kinetic theory of gases, indorsed as such by Clerk Maxwell, is the well-known little book of Henry William Watson. It is in the form of propositions ; and the very first words of the first proposition are these : i54 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. A very great number of smooth, elastic spheres, equal in every respect, are in motion within a region of space of a given volume, and therefore occasionally impinge upon each other with various degrees of relative velocity, and in various directions. The italics in this passage, as well as in all past and future quota- tions, are mine. In justice to Professor Newcomb, however, we must look at his entire sentence, which is this : " No elasticity is assigned to the mole- cules in the kinetic theory, but only an insuperable, repulsive force, which causes the molecules to repel each other when they are brought sufficiently near together.'''' This information, Professor Newcomb hopes, will "relieve me." I am indeed relieved ! AVhat the learned jDrofessor tells me in the last part of his sentence certainly simplifies matters to the last degree. All that needs be assigned to the mole- cules is an "insuperable repulsive force." Such a force is the greatest convenience for the physicist that can possibly be devised ; it not only effects a simple and satisfactory solution of the difficulties set forth in my fourth and eighth chapters, but it enables us at once to get over every other difficulty that may be suggested. It is singular that Sir Isaac Newton did not understand this when he was distressed about the mechanism of gravitation ; for, obviously, all that is required to explain it is to assign to the molecules an attractive force. Sir Isaac's ignorance is all the more remarkable because, coming to think of it, I now recollect that the philosophy of which Professor Newcomb is the able exponent was very clearly set forth, just fourteen years before the appearance of Newton's "Principia," in a profound metaphysical treatise published by one Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (otherwise called Moliere) under the somewThat whimsical title " Le Malade Imaginaire." Toward the close of that great work (wrhich is in the form of dia- logues), one of the interlocutors, Bachelierus, philosophizes as follows : "Mihi a docto doctore Domandatur causam et rationem quare Opium facit dormire. A quoi respondeo Quia est in eo Virtus dormitiva Cujus est natura Sensus assoupire." Of course, we are not to be embarrassed by anything John Ber- noulli has written about " insuperable forces " as mathematical or phys- ical, functions ; nor is it worth while to be disturbed by considerations respecting the effect of their assumption upon the doctrine of the con- servation of energy. Professor Newcomb's indignation at my treatment of the kinetic theory of gases is very great indeed. " There is no theory of modern physics," he says, " the processes supposed by which are invisible to SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. i55 direct vision, which is more thoroughly established than this. It ex- plains with the utmost simplicity, and without introducing any but the best-known properties of molecules, a great number of diverse phenom- ena seemingly incapable of explanation in any other icay." Now, it is a great pity that these glad tidings did not reach Professor Clerk Maxwell before he was laid to rest in his early grave. They would certainly have been a great comfort to him, and possibly might have prolonged his life. For there is reason to suspect that in his latter days he arrived at conclusions respecting the kinetic theory of gases which bear a strange resemblance to my own. Being, not a scientific dogmatist, but an honest and candid investigator in search of truth, he came to see with ever-increasing clearness that the difficulties of his favorite theory beset not only its fundamental assumptions, but also their inevitable consequences, especially in their bearings upon the theory of heat. After the appearance of Watson's treatise already adverted to, on the 26th day of July, 1877, he published in "Nature" (vol. xvi, No. 404) a review of it, in which he considered the signifi- cance of Mr. Watson's propositions in connection with certain matters discussed on pages 97, 99, and 127 of my book. And thereupon he made this declaration (" Nature," vol. xvi, p. 245) : The clear way in which Mr. Watson has demonstrated these propositions leaves us no escape from the terrible generality of his results. Some of these, no doubt, are very satisfactory to us in our present state of opinion about the con- stitution of bodies, but there are others which are likely to startle us out of our complacency, and perhaps ultimately to drive us out of all the hypotheses in tchich hitherto we have found refuge into that state of conscious ignorance which is the prelude to every real advance in knowledge. I hope, by-the-way, that this last remark of the great scientist will be pondered by those who complain that, after demolishing, as they imagine, all current physical theories, I leave them in the midst of ruins, and do not at once present them with a golden key for unlocking all the mysteries of the universe, or, like Puck, in " Midsummer-Night's Dream," " put a [theoretical] girdle round about the earth in forty minutes." Before I leave this subject, I take the liberty of quoting another passage from the same article, which Professor Newcomb, if he knows anything about the discussions to which the kinetic theory of gases has given rise, will find instructive. Speaking of Boltzmann's attempt to reconcile the elasticity of atoms with their rigidity by increasing their co-efficients of elasticity ad infinitum, so as to make them practi- cally rigid — a supposition also developed in an essay of Hugo Fritsch in Konigsberg, entitled " Stoss zweier Massen unter der Yorausset- zung ihrer Undurchdringlichkeit behandelt," which does not seem to have fallen under Professor Maxwell's notice (and, I may add, a sup- position of which Professor Newconib's "insuperable force" may 156 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. be a vague reminiscence) — Maxwell says ("Nature," vol. xvi, pp. 245, 246) : But, before we accept this somewhat promising hypothesis, let us try to con- struct a rigid-elastic body. It will not do to increase the co-efficients of elasticity without limit till the body becomes practically rigid. For such a body, though apparently rigid, is in reality capable of internal vibrations, and these of an infinite variety of types, so that the body has an infinite number of degrees of freedom. The same objection applies to all atoms constructed of continuous, non-rigid matter, such as the vortex-atoms of Thomson. Such atoms would soon convert all their energy of agitation into internal energy, and the specific heat of a sub- stance composed of them would be infinite. A truly rigid-elastic body is one whose encounters with similar bodies take place as if both were elastic, but which is not capable of being set into a state of internal vibration. "We must take a perfectly rigid body and endow it with the power of repelling all other bodies, but only when they come within a very short distance from its surface, but then so strongly that under no circumstances whatever can any body come into actual contact with it. This appears to be the only constitution we can imagine for a rigid-elastic body. And, now that we have got it, the best thing we can do is to get rid of the rigid nucleus altogether, and substitute for it an atom of Boscovich — a math- ematical point endowed with mass and with powers of acting at a distance on other atoms. But Boltzmann's molecules are not absolutely rigid. He admits that they vibrate after collisions, and that their vibrations are of several different types, as the spectroscope tells us. But still he tries to make us believe that these vibrations are of small importance as regards the principal part of the motion of the molecules. He compares them to billiard-balls, which, when they strike each other, vibrate for a short time, but soon give up the energy of their vibration to the air, which carries far and wide the sound of the click of the balls. In like manner, the light emitted by the molecules shows that their internal vibrations after each collision are quickly given up to the luminiferous ether; If we were to suppose that at ordinary temperatures the collisions are not severe enough to produce any internal vibrations, and that these occur only at temper- atures like that of the electric spark, at which we can not make measurements of specific heat, we might, perhaps, reconcile the spectroscopic results with what we know about specific heat. But the fixed position of the bright lines of a gas shows that the vibrations are isochronous, and therefore that the forces which they call into play vary directly as the relative displacements, and, if this be the character of the forces, all im- pacts, however slight, will produce vibrations. Besides this, even at ordinary temperatures, in certain gases, such as iodine gas and nitrous acid, absorption bands exist, which indicate that the molecules are set into internal vibration by the incident light. The molecules, therefore, are capable, as Boltzmann points out, of exchanging energy with the ether. But we can not force the ether into the service of our theory so as to take from the molecules their energy of inter- nal vibration, and give it back to them as energy of translation. It can not in any way interfere with the ratio between these two kinds of energy which Boltz- mann himself has established. All it can do is to take up its own due propor- tion of energy according to the number of its degrees of freedom. We leave it SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. 157 to the authors of "The Unseen Universe " to follow out the consequences of this statement. I may safely take it for granted after this, I presume, that, while Professor Newcomb may have a vocation for expounding and defend- ing the kinetic theory of gases, he has no special call, as he supposes, to stand up for Clerk Maxwell and his opinions. It is hardly necessary to say that Professor Newcomb does not honor my objections to the kinetic theory of gases with any notice or attempt at refutation. He observes that " an abstract of them is im- possible," which is to be regretted, for, if he had undertaken to give us one, we should undoubtedly have learned some noteworthy things. The task of making such an abstract does not appear to be very dif- ficult. What I insist on is, that every valid physical theory is essen- tially a simplification and not a complication, a reduction of the number of unrelated facts which it undertakes to account for, and not a mere substitution of many arbitrary assumptions of unknown and unverifiable facts for a few known facts — that is to say, speaking in the language of mathematics, that every true physical theory is in effect a reduction of the number of independent variables representing the phenomena to be explained. And I show that the kinetic theory of gases not only fails to satisfy this requirement, but is a complete reversal of a legiti- mate scientific procedure. This is the sense of the passage which Pro- fessor Newcomb parades before the unwary reader, whom he ought to have shocked still more with my horrible suggestion (which I now deliberately repeat) that a gas is in its nature a simpler thing than a solid, and that no attempt to account for its properties by taking those of a solid as a basis and making arbitrary additions to them is likely ever to succeed. It is not a little instructive to note the character of sacredness as- cribed by persons of Professor Newcomb's frame of mind to dominant physical theories, and the violence with which they repel every attempt to point out their defects. My reviewer in " The Critic " is almost be- side himself after reading my " assault " on " that magnificent fabric of science, the undulatory theory of light and heat." Before he pelts me again with his missiles, he will do well to look and see who is standing at the place to which he directs them. There is at Harvard University a most learned and laborious scientist whose merits as an original investigator are at least equal, if not superior, to his inestima- ble services as an expounder of scientific truth, and the extent of whose attainments is no less conspicuous in his memoirs and books than the clearness of his intellect — Professor Josiah P. Cooke, Jr. In May, 1878, Professor Cooke published a lecture on the radiometer in this journal ('f Popular Science Monthly "), in which he had occasion to speak of the undulatory theory of light and the luminiferous ether. And there (pages 11, 12) we find this language : But turn now to tl^e astronomers, and learn what they have to tell us in re- i58 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. gard to the assumed luminiferous ether through which all this energy is supposed to be transmitted. Our planet is rushing in its orbit around the sun at an aver- age rate of over 1,000 miles a minute, and makes its annual journey of some 550,000,000 miles in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 seconds, and -^ of a second. Mark the tenths ; for astronomical observations are so accurate that, if the length of the year varied permanently by the tenth of a second, we should know it; and you can readily understand that, if there were a medium in space which offered as much resistance to the motion of the earth as would gossamer threads to a race-horse, the planet could never come up to time, year after year, to the tenth of a second. How, then, can we save our theory, by which we set so much, and rightly, because it has helped us so effectively in studying Nature ? If we may be allowed such an extravagant solecism, let us suppose that the engineer of our previous illustration was the hero of a fairy-tale. He has built a mill, set a steam-engine in the basement, arranged his spindles above, and is connecting the pulleys by the usual belts, when some stern necessity requires him to transmit all the energy with cobwebs. Of course, a good fairy comes to his aid, and what does she do? Simply makes the cobwebs indefinitely strong. So the physicists, not to be out- done by any fairies, make their ether indefinitely elastic, and their theory lands them just here, with a medium filling all space, thousands of times more elastic than steel, and thousands on thousands of times less dense than hydrogen gas. There must be a fallacy somewhere, and I strongly suspect it is to be found in our ordinary materialistic notions of causation, which involve the old metaphys- ical dogma, "nulla actio in distans" and which in our day have culminated in the famous apothegm of the German materialist, " Kein Phosphor, Icein Gedanke" If my reviewer will compare this passage with what I have said on the undulatory theory, he will, perhaps, discover that my observations are at least proof against the charge of frivolity and irrelevancy. And it is not necessary to add, I hope, that it is no more my intention than that of Professor Cooke to call upon the physicist to throw away the undulatory theory as a working hypothesis before he has a better one. I now come to Professor NTewcomb's reflections on my discussion of transcendental geometry. Here are some of them : In considering the author's work in detail, we begin with the subject of tran- scendental geometry, or hyper-geometry, as it is sometimes called. We do this because his criticisms are so readily disposed of. He speaks of the "new geo- metrical faith " ; of the " dispute " between the " disciples " of the transcendental or pangeometrical school and the "adherents" of the old geometrical faith ; of the "champions" of the old geometrical creed; of the "doctrine" of hyper- space. To the refutation of these supposed erroneous doctrines he devotes no less than sixty-two pages. Now, all his criticism is founded on an utter mis- apprehension of the scope and meaning of what he is criticising. We make bold to say that no mathematician has ever pretended to have the slightest evidence that space has four dimensions, or was in any way different from what is taught in our familiar system of geometry. He has not been an adherent or champion, or held any doctrine on the subject. Now and then it is barely possible that a physicist might be found — Zollner, for instance — suggesting such a thing in a moment of aberration. But the great mass of men in their senses remain unaf- fected by any such idea. SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. 159 Again : Whatever we may say of the utility of such investigations, one thing is cer- tain they are perfectly harmless. At the very worst they can do no more injury to scientific conceptions than the careless author of an elementary algebra will do his pupil by loading an hypothetical baker's wagon with more loaves of bread than the baker could get into it. If Judge Stallo had taken up a book on algebra, found a problem the answer to which required five thousand loaves of bread to be carried by a single baker, and had devoted sixty-two pages to an elaborate statistical and mechanical proof that no wagon could possibly hold that number of loaves, his criticisms would have been as valuable and perti- nent as those which he devotes to his imaginary school of pangeometry. After reading these passages I am sorely perplexed. When Pro- fessor Newcomb penned them he had before him my extracts (in a note to page 211 of my book) from the Exeter address of Professor Sylvester, embodying a reference to the speculations of Professor Clif- ford, and another independent citation from Clifford's writings on page 213. And, being himself a writer on geometry of more than three dimensions, he can hardly have been ignorant of the many other pan- geometrical speculations respecting the necessity of assuming the ex- istence of a fourth dimension for the purpose of explaining certain optic and magnetic phenomena. There are mathematicians and phys- icists in Europe — excellent mathematicians and physicists, too — who maintain that space must have at least four dimensions, because with- out it a reconciliation of Avogadro's law with the first proposition of the atomo-mechanical theory is impossible. According to them, experi- ence shows that matter has not only extension but also intension, which directly evidences the actual existence of a fourth dimension in space. Among those who advocate views like this is Professor Ernst Mach, in Prague. How, in the face of all this, Professor Xewcomb could have the hardihood to assure his readers that no mathematician has ever pretended that space has more than three dimensions, I am at a loss to understand. But it is1 not worth while to quarrel with him on this head ; for his statement, that I devote sixty-tivo pages to the attempt at proving that space has in fact but three dimensions, is a pitiful misrepresen- tation, akin to the statement that I am the defender of the propositions of the atomo-mechanical theory. In my two chapters on transcendent- al geometry there is not a page, not even a line, devoted to such an undertaking. I discuss two main questions : first, whether or not it is true, as Lobatschewsky, Riemann, and Helmholtz assert, that space is a real thing, an object of direct sensation whose " properties," such as the number of its dimensions and the form or degree of its inherent curvature, are to be ascertained by observation and experiment— by telescopic observation, for instance ; and, secondly, whether or not the empirical possibility and character of several kinds of space can be deduced a priori from the concept of an n-f old extended multiple, 160 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. or from the abstract concept " quantity," using this term as compre- hending both algebraic " quantities " and geometrical magnitudes. As subsidiary to these questions I also discuss certain minor questions, such as that of the representability of non-homaloidal forms of space ; but upon the proof that there is actually no such thing as non-homa- loidal or four-dimensional space I do not waste a syllable. In other words (which Professor Newcomb may find more intelligible, perhaps) : my first inquiry is, not whether any one has ever discovered a fourth dimension or an inherent spatial crook by looking through a telescope, but whether there would be any use or sense in trying to make such a discovery by looking through a telescope, even if we could get a base- line large enough to meet the requirements of Professor Helmholtz ; and my second inquiry is, whether or not there is any world-producing potency in an algebraic formula or an " abstract noun." Professor Newcomb claims that investigations respecting geometry of more than three dimensions are at least harmless, and even useful, inasmuch as " they have thrown a flood of light on the origin and meaning of geometrical axioms." My answer to this is, that specula- tions of this sort are harmless only so long as it is not pretended that they can teach us anything respecting either empirical reality or em- pirical possibility. And they can throw light on the origin and mean- ing of geometrical axioms only by giving us an insight into the nature of the forms or modes in which the world of objective reality is or may be reproduced in the intellect. But what shall we say, then, about the grin at speculation in science which stares at us from the very title of Professor Newcomb's article ? If he may throw a flood of light on the foundations of geometry, by speculating about space of four dimensions, am I to be jeered at when I endeavor to direct a feeble ray from the general theory of cognition on the same subject — when I try to do methodically what he is doing at random, and with- out the least suspicion that anything more is necessary for the accom- plishment of his purpose than skill in the handling of an analytical formula ? It may be that my undertaking has not been very success- ful ; but in magnis voluisse sat est. And this leads me to say a few words in answer to the intimation of Professor Newcomb and the direct charge of my reviewer in " The Critic," that inquiries into the forms and laws of thought are sheer impertinence, and of no conse- quence to the physicist. In the introductory part of his article Professor Newcomb flings at me the case of De Morgan's paradoxer Smith, who fancied that he could prove the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter to be exactly 3^, by getting somebody to admit that the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is the same for all circles, and then tell- ing him to draw one circle with the diameter 1 and circumference 3^. ISTow, the intellectual plight of this paradoxer, who, besides assuming the very thing to be proved, failed to see that his argument would SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. \6i serve equally well to establish any other ratio, and who never thought of asking himself the question whether or not a diameter 1 and a cir- cumference 3^ were compatible — whether or not his postulates were consistent with each other — is closely analogous to the mental pre- dicament of certain scientific specialists who are constantly multiply- ing forces, superable and insuperable, and all manner of entities^ with impossible or contradictory properties, for the purpose of explaining natural phenomena. When this is done with a proper insight into the nature and use of such fictions — with the understanding that they are mere devices for fixing ideas or colligating facts (to use WhewelPs expression) — it is well enough. But, in many cases, the specialists have no such insight. They begin to treat the fictions here spoken of as undoubted realities, whose existence no one can question without sub- jecting himself to a Newcombian fnstigation. Take the case of the ether, the hypothetical substratum of luminar undulations. It is first mentioned simply as a fluid of the greatest tenuity, as wholly inappreciable to the senses, and as offering no resistance to atoms or celestial spheres. Thereupon, to meet the exigencies of the undulatory theory, it is endowed with a co-efficient of elasticity thousands of times greater than that of steel. Next, at the demand of some physicist or chemist, who wants to incase his atoms or molecules in ethereal at- mospheres or envelopes, it is made as soft and mobile as hydrogen gas. First, it is looked upon as continuous ; then, to explain the dispersion of light, it is made discontinuous, and "finite intervals" are interposed between its atoms. But now comes Clerk Maxwell, and shows that, if the constitution of the ether were atomic, consequences would ensue upsetting the whole theory of heat ; or Helmholtz and Sir William Thomson, in order to be able to construct their vortex-atoms, require it to be absolutely frictionless and incompressible, and therefore con- tinuous ; and, accordingly, it is restored again to its ancient continuity, no matter what may become of Cauchy's theory of chromatic dispersion or Fresnel's theory of polarization. Originally there is but one ether ; but presently Professor Norton contends that the luminiferous ether is not available for the purpose of explaining the phenomena of elec- tricity and magnetism. He demands a second ether, filling the same space with the first ; and his demand is complied with. In a 6hort time Mr. Hudson appears with the claim that even the phenomena of light can not be accounted for on the supposition of a single light-bearing ether ; and he must have two luminiferous media, " each possessed of equal and enormous self - repulsion or elasticity, and both existing in equal quantities throughout space, whose vibrations take place in perpendicular planes ; the two media being mutually in- different, neither attracting nor repelling " — and, again, his request is granted without further ceremony. To cap the climax, finally arrives the pangeometer, and insists that back of and behind all these ethers there is an independently real thing, an object of direct sensation, TOL. xxi. — 11 162 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. space, which is probably flat, but which possibly may turn out to be inherently crooked. And now, when somebody shakes his head and proposes to examine whether there is not something wrong with this whole mode of philosophizing, which mistakes crutches for limbs, and scaffolds for buildings, Professor Newcomb hurls a wooden thunder- bolt at him, or a reviewer in the New York " Critic " reminds him that " the sound thinker gives himself little uneasiness respecting the laws of thought." Now let us look for a moment at the atom. The physicist or chemist gets it originally as an ancient heir-loom, handed down from the times of Democritus or Lucretius. It is a solid body, with attach- ments of hooks and loops. The modern scientist takes off the attach- ments, and holds on to the main solid body, polishing it for his use. So this body becomes round ; but in course of time appear the miner- alogist and chemist with their morphological laws, such as the law of Mitscherlich, with theories of polarity or valency, or what not ; and to accommodate them it is proclaimed that the atom is a cube or a rhomb or an octahedron, or whatever else will silence the most clamor. After a while, Kroenig or Clausius declares that, in the interest of his kinetic theory of gases, he must insist on the perfect sphericity of the atoms or ultimate molecules ; and thenceforward (for a month at least) they are spherical. But, at the expiration of the month, Maxwell points to certain anomalous facts which are supposed to be inconsistent with atomic sphericity, and he suggests that it be modified so as to give the atoms the form of oblate or prolate spheroids ; and, of course, his sug- gestion is adopted. In a short time some physicist rushes out of his laboratory or study, and announces that he has just obtained experi- mental results or arrived at theoretical conclusions requiring an utter rejection, not only of the definite figure of the atom, but of its entire bulk ; and forthwith it is subtilized into a mere center of force. But now the physicist is reminded that force must have a substratum, and that its indispensable correlate is inertia. At this juncture the pan- geometer flits upon the scene, and offers the perplexed physicist his fourth dimension in which to lodge both the extension and " inten- sion " — i. e., mass — of the centers of force, assuring him that he may have the mere punctuality of the atom in ordinary space, and behind it, in space of four dimensions, any amount of bulk and weight. At this stage of the proceedings the physicist begins to look desperate ; perhaps he is silently meditating the question, What is to become of experimental research if the properties of things can vanish ad libitum, and retire into the recesses of the pangeometrical regions ? And yet, woe to him who ventures to suggest to the chemist that the origin of the trouble is not in his retorts, but in the sincipital alembic through which all his results are at last distilled, or to show the physicist that there is no defect in the lenses of his microscope, but great want of achromatism in those of his intellect ! He speedily learns that the SPECULATIVE SCIENCE. 163 stupid arrogance of dogmatism, which it is the special function of sci- ence to repress, has some of its most vulgar representatives in the ranks of those who claim to be, not only votaries of science, but its chosen protagonists and defenders. Some years ago Fechner, in the first edition of his " Atomenlehre," printed an answer he had made to some one who objected to the theo- ries of the physicists about atoms, ethers, forces, and so on. It was something like this : " I have a handful of coins. You are not pleased with the effigy and inscription, and advise me to throw them away ; yet you offer me nothing to replace them but an empty purse." If that speech had been made to me, I should have met it with this reply: " The mischief is that your coins are spurious ; they are base metal. Nevertheless, they may serve a good purpose as mere counters or tokens, provided you never lose sight of the fact that they are nothing more. But experience teaches that you do constantly lose sight of that fact, and in a short time insist dogmatically that the coins are of unquestionable intrinsic value. And, having found out that you can manufacture any amount of them at little expense, you do what all inflationists and debasers of the currency are in the habit of doing : you flood the market with stuff which must inevitably bring ruin upon the very man whom you have ensnared into the belief that he can never have enough of it, viz., the laborer who is employed in the hard work of producing the material out of which science is to be constructed. So, if you are unable to procure genuine theoretical specie to represent the scientific wealth you are intent on accumulat- ing, and at the same time are unwilling to restrain your propensities for manufacturing spurious coin and palming it off on yourself and others as sterling cash, you had better carry your facts about in bas- kets or bags, and resort to the ancient clumsy method of barter." I will not weary the reader by drawing upon the rich store-house of theoretical chemistry for further illustration of the manner in which provisional and tentative hypotheses are paraded as absolute finalities, and results of experimental research are obscured instead of being ir- radiated by theoretical conceits. I will content myself with a single further reference to a very recent and very remarkable exemplification of the proneness of the very ablest men of science to multiply enti- ties and confound modes of physical interaction or forms of intellect- ual apprehension with indestructible things. In the scientific journal, "Nature," for May 26, 1881 (vol. xxiv, p. 78), there is a communication from Professor Silvanus P. Thompson, containing an extract from the preface to his then forthcoming book "Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism," in which he says : The theory of electricity adopted throughout is, that electricity, whatever its nature, is one, not two ; that electricity, whatever it may prove to be, is not matter and is not energy ; that it resembles both matter and energy in one re- spect, however, in that it can neither be created nor destroyed. 164 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Accordingly, Professor Thompson supplements the doctrines of the " Conservation of Matter " and " Conservation of Energy " with the new doctrine of the " Conservation of Electricity," which, indeed, is the title prefixed to his communication. There are, of course, thoughtful physicists (and their number is increasing from day to day) who do not share the delusion that every momentary device for sorting and grouping facts is to be hailed as a new scientific revelation, and who do not dream of calling upon any one to uncover his head before every passing conceit as though it were an eternal truth. But, unfortunately, these men are not always in the high places, and are averse to obtruding themselves in public as vindi- cators of the authority of science. I certainly cherish sentiments of the sincerest admiration and re- spect for the high-minded and generally modest men who devote their energies to the extension of the bounds of knowledge, and, in the in- terest of thorough and effective work, shut themselves up in narrow and dingy workshops from whose windows a wide survey of the scien- tific horizon is difficult or impossible. And I appreciate fully the im- propriety of troubling and interrupting them with idle and frivolous criticisms and suggestions. I know that they are under the necessity of arranging and combining their crude materials upon such principles and hypotheses as they have at hand — that they can not make bricks without straw. But when a scientific specialist appears as an intruder in discussions for participation in wThich his habitual occupations have tended, not to qualify, but to disqualify him ; and when, instead of listening and saying what he has to say respectfully, he turns to the crowd and vociferates about "charlatans," "pretenders," and "para- doxers," my thoughts involuntarily run into the words of an old Greek which have been stored in my memory since my boyhood days : Of 6e Ke ht]t' avrbg voetj ju^t' aXkov clkovuv 'Ev ■ &vp[iti fiaXkriTai, 06' avr' axpv'iog hvrjp. ■+++- THE EYE-LIKE OKGANS OF FISHES. By Dr. EENST KKAUSE. ONLY a few biological studies can count on so general an interest as those which concern the diversities in the sense-life of ani- mals. We wonder at the stories of snails and mussels that have ears in their feet, or on their backs, or in the folds of their mantles, or which, like the Argus of mythology, have many eyes, or which have eyes on all their limbs ; or of those creatures which, like some fishes, have organs of taste all over their skin ; or of animals on which have been discovered nervous organs that do not seem to relate to any of THE EYE-LIKE ORGANS OF FISHES. 165 our recognized sensorial functions, but rather point to some sixth sense, unknown to us. To this class belong the phenomena presented by a group of bony fishes, living for the most part at extreme sea-depths, classified in the three related families of the Scopelids, Sternop>tychids> and Stomiatids, which have lately received attention from naturalists. They are generally small fishes, often only an inch or less in length, and have on either side of their belly a row of bright spots, extending from the snout to the tail, that might be said to look like a double row of pearl-buttons fastened upon their skin-coat. Sometimes a third row is found extending from the head to the anal fin ; and frequently single spots, often of considerable size, are scattered over the head and gills and over the sides of the fish. Several ichthyologists — among them B. Rafinesque, of Palermo ; Delle Chiaje, of Naples ; Risso, of Nizza ; and Cocco, of Messina — have had their attention drawn, since the first dec- ade of the century, to specimens of those creatures that have occasionally been washed ashore in storms ; and the more recent deep-sea investiga- tions have made several allied forms known. The old ichthyologists ap- parently never examined the spots very carefully, but simply described them as silvery mottles or light points. Leuckart seems to have given them the first critical examination in 1864, in Chauliodus Sloani, Sto- mias boa, and Scopelus Humboldtii, and came to the opinion from it that they might possibly be regarded as supplementary eyes. Ussow, of Moscow, published a paper in 1879 on the structure of the so-called eye-like spots in Chauliodus, Stomias, Astronesthes, Gonostoma, and Maurolicus, in which he expressed the conclusion that the spots in the Fig. l.—Argyropekcus hemigymnus, twice the natural size. three first-named genera were real organs of sight, but that the struct- ure of those in the other genera was of a quite different nature, and really glandular. In the same year Leydig published a work on the Chauliodus Sloani, in which he admitted the similarity of the spots of that species to eyes, but was disposed to regard them as transitional organs rather than as real eyes, and referred to one of his observations as indicating that they might have been luminous in life. Leydig has more recently examined ten other species of the families Sternopty- 166 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. chidce and Scopelidce (from specimens preserved in spirit), and has con- siderably advanced the solution of the question of the office of these organs. The organs in the /Sternojrtychids and the Scopelids show essential differences in structure, and a third type has been noticed in some scopelids. Hence, Leydig has described three classes of organs, con- sisting— 1. Of eye-like organs ; 2. Of organs of a glass-pearly appear- ance ; and, 3. Of luminous organs. These three forms can be easily distinguished with a glass. The organs of the first class resemble brownish sacks filled with a gray matter ; those of the second class brown-bordered, plate-shaped depressions, the ground and edges of which are covered by a film with a metallic luster ; and those of the third class, confined to the genus Sco2ielus, present themselves as larger spots of a silvery luster, or a grayish pearl-color. The eye-like organs — which we have already spoken of as arranged in rows along both sides of the lower central line of the body — are also found on the head about the nose and eyes, on the lids and skin of the gills, and, in the genus Chauliodus, in groups of much smaller spots within the cavities of the mouth and gills. The number of the spots, which hardly ever exceeds a hundred in the other genera, rises in this genus to a thousand and more. Their outward appearance is not quite the same in the different parts of the body, but passes from the form of a round sack to that of a cylinder ; and some spots are of the shape of a bell or an ampulla. In the genus Argyropelecus (Fig. 1) the Organs are grouped. They consist of an integument of brown Fig. %—Ichthyococcus ornatus, twice the natural size. pigment, which is coagulated from the thick skin and forms a ring- fold, or gather, dividing the interior into a forward and hinder part. Within this integument is a film of a bright metallic luster, which either underlies the whole of it, or only forms a belt at the mouth, and consists of iridescent threads or spangles lying in the thick skin. The gray inner mass is divided into two sections, a larger hinder part filling the sack, and a smaller forward part. The hinder part is always spherical, the forward part cylindrical, and the two together form a connected whole. To both parts appertains a radial striation pro- ceeding from a frame- work that is continued within from a membrane inclosing the gray mass. The longitudinal section of the hinder part of the organ superficially resembles the cross-section of an orange. We have to deal here, however, not with a few pervading radiations, but with a hollow cone of radiations meeting in the center, a certain THE EYE-LIKE ORGANS OF FISHES. 167 number of which stream out over the spherical circumference of the sack, and fill the neck-part debouching without, so as to give the fig- ure of a cone of rays sunk into the sphere. The net-work is, like that of the orange, filled with small cells, a part of them strongly refract- ing the light, which pass toward the common point of radiation of both divisions into an opaque granular substance. A nerve is always present in the neck-region of this organ, the fibers of which appear to be lost in the granular midst of the spherical section whose exact his- tological relations have not been ascertained. Externally, the whole organ is inclosed in a lymph-chamber. The glass-pearly organs are also distributed over the sides of the belly, the head, the gill-flaps, and the skin of the gills, and the three on the skin of the gills are always longer than the others. They are of the shape of a round disk a little sunken, with a body having a metallic Fig. 3— Ete-ltke Organs from the Bor- Fig. 4.— Longittdtnal Section of the Eye of der of the Bsli.y of A>'qyropelecus hemi- Stomiis anguiUiformis (after Des-sow), with the gymnus; longitudinal section, greatly mag- p.-irts designated thu* : interior vitreous eub- nified. stance (ir): lens (D\ retina ir) ; pigment layer (p) : iris-like fold {if), and opiic nerve (n), greatly magnified. luster and overlaid with a curved transparent integument. An outer brown film of pigment is always present, with a layer of closely joined, regular, hexagonal plates, and a latticed jelly-tissue of delicate, radi- ated cells that form a net-work, and are lifted up under a roof -like, spiral-shaped concretion (Fig. 5). The nerve-bundles are also present. Quite similar, but distinguished chiefly by their larger size, is the struc- ture of the so-called luminous organs which are present in the Scope- lus Rafinesquii and Scopelus metopoclampus as brightly glittering, wTell-detined spots above the nasal openings and under the eyes, and which in Scopelus Humooldtii and Scopelus JBenoitii exhibit the form and appearance of depressed pearl-spots. 168 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Concerning the nature of these organs, Ley dig denies that any of them are glandular, although Ussow admits that this may be the case with some of the fishes. The hypothesis that they are organs of a sixth sense has received no confirmation. There remains, then, the the- ory proposed by Leuckart, Ussow, and Leydig, and accepted by Sem- per as undoubtedly correct, that they are real subsidiary eyes, like the eyes of mussels, etc. Leuckart and Ussow believed that they were able to distinguish a lens, a vitreous substance, and a retina, and the latter has published drawings of those parts ; but the careful ex- aminations of the structure of the organs and comparisons between it and the eyes of mollusks have led Professor Leydig to doubt this opinion ; for he has observed that, when the fish swims horizontally, the mouths of the supposed eyes are turned, not toward the light, but downward, toward the dark bottom. Still less do the glass-pearly organs resemble eyes. Leydig is rather disposed to believe that he can with great probability recognize an identity in their structure with that of the electric and pseudo-electric organs of some fishes, particu- larly in the jelly-tissues and the disposition of the nerve-endings. Ac- cording to this view, each of the disks would in itself correspond to a chest of the electric organs. The round shape of the disks may be explained by their isolated situation, there being no pressure of one upon another to make them angular. A similar diversity prevails in the form of the electric and pseudo-electric organs to that existing in the organs which we are considering, while the homology of the two is strikingly expressed in their similar situation and distribution. Ley- dig believes that two series of formations of this kind have been devel- Fig. 5.— Two " Glass-pearly " Organs from the Side of Scopelus Humboldtii, moderately magnified. oped, one of which leads through the pseudo-electric organ of the Gymnarchus niloticus and the disk-like organs of the Scopelids to the real electric organs, while the other series includes the eye-like organs of the sternoptychids ; an apparatus which is also represented in the larvse of salamanders. The appearance of this phenomenon in the amphibia, frequently observed as they approach the fish type, should point to some definite connection between the activity of those organs and water-life ; but the nature of this activity, whether electricity is developed by it or not, is still veiled in complete darkness. THE EYE-LIKE ORGANS OF FISHES. 169 These organs have been regarded by many as luminous organs. A single glance shows that the body and lateral walls of the disk shine with a silvery and golden luster, but not different from that of the background of a fish's eye when viewed before a screen. More strik- ing is the appearance in the case of the larger organs of the head in certain species, which are pre-eminently marked by it as a luminous apparatus. But, if the sole object of the apparatus were the collection and reflection of the light which fell upon the fish, its complicated structure in other respects, and its innervation, would be superfluous and still more incapable of explanation. We have, however, an ob- servation that seems to show that these organs not only collect light, but are also really phosphorescent. The distinguished naturalist of the Challenger Expedition, Willemoes-Suhm, now deceased, saw Sco- pelius phosphorescent in the night, of which he says : " One of them hung in the net like a shining star as it came out of the darkness. Possibly the seat of the light is in the peculiar side organs, and it may be that this phosphorescence is the only source of light in the great depths of the sea." The thought that in the dark abysses of the deep sea every animal carries its lantern as the miner carries his lamp on his head, is a very fascinating one ; and, indeed, Herr Willemoes- Suhm observed several other fishes that were provided on the smooth head and on the head-beard with " a remarkably large sense-organ." Valenciennes has also remarked of the genus Hemirarnphus that it bears a strongly glittering phosphorescent pustule on the tip of its tail. Although the majority of these animals have never been observed in a living condition, we might easily agree to the opinion that the or- Fig. e.—Scqpelus Rafinesquii, twice the natural size. Two luminous orgaus in the ocular region. gans of all three categories serve as a more or less perfect illuminating apparatus ; and, if we compare Professor Leydig's sections of them, this opinion, which is only very apparent at the first view, becomes extremely probable. Especially does the section of the eye-like organ of Argyropelecus and Ichthyococcus resemble the illuminating parts of a projection-apparatus. If we conceive the granular spot in the cen- ter, into which the nerves enter, as the source of light standing in the middle of the apparatus, there are likewise behind this the concave reflector, and in front of it the diaphragm through which the con- centrated cone of ray$ is thrown outward under a strong refraction. 170 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In the pearl-like organs, also, if we have understood Professor Ley- dig's description aright, a curved, refracting body seems to lie on the side of the organ that is turned outward. We should thus, if our pre- sumption is confirmed, have here not a simple illuminating organ, but a complete optical illuminating apparatus in different degrees of per- fection, throwing out in an extremely concentrated condition, by means of a concave mirror and lenses, the phosphorescent light generated within it ; and the fishes under consideration would be fully equipped with a series of little, button-shaped illuminating ap- paratuses. I may assert here that there is nothing hazardous in this idea. As Professor Leydig has maintained, the " eye-like," and the " pearl-like," and the really luminous organs, are of thoroughly homologous struct- ure, and we know of the latter, the only ones that have been observed in a living animal, that they emit a star-clear light. If, now, Nature has provided us with a most wonderful camera-obscura in our eyes, Fig. 7.— Caudal Extkemitt of Scopslus Humboldiii, with "glass-pearly" organs, and a large pearl- spot. why may she not also have produced a much simpler light-house lan- tern— provided, of course, that such an apparatus could be useful to the animal ? I have already had something to say concerning the uses of their luminous apparatus to different animals ("Kosnios," vol. vii, p. 479), and have endeavored to show that their principal service is proba- bly as a means of exciting fear. At any rate, the opinion may be given up that the light diffused by the deep-sea animals is a means of clear- ing up the purple darkness below, or, as some have thought, of pro- ducing the diversified hues of the deep-sea animals. Animals living in the dark do not require light for their existence, as is demonstrated by the numerous blind cave-animals. The opinion, also, that the lu- minous fish make their prey in any way visible by means of the organs subsidiary to their eyes could not in any degree help to account for the existence of luminous apparatus on the lower part of their bodies, for their eyes would not be able to see what those organs lighten up ; but such organs might very well make the animal more visible from a distance, and might thereby serve a similar purpose with the protect- ive colors of the animals of the upper world, especially if the appear- ance were associated with a disagreeable taste or smell. Only in some such manner as this can we account for the luminous organs, for ex- ample, of a crustacean that was brought up by the Challenger Expedi- THE APPOINTMENT OF COLLEGE OFFICERS. 171 tiori from a depth of nineteen hundred fathoms, and which was totally blind. Professor Leydig remarks upon this point that the luminosity is, for the most part, only a subsidiary shining dependent on the secre- tion of a fatty body, and that the significance of the formations as electrical and pseudo-electrical organs is not altered on that account. We might also remark on this subject that, according to Kolliker's observations, the luminosity of many animals is under the influence of the will, so that the innervation of the phosphorescent organ no longer seems superfluous ; and that, according to Jousset de Bellesme, glow- worms cease to shine as soon as their principal ganglion is removed. Moreover, according to Bellesme's observations, the glow may be pro- duced by electrical as well as by nervous excitation. At all events, the hypothesis which I have submitted appears to me to be worthy of a searching examination. — Translated from Kosmos. -<++- TH? APPOINTMENT OF COLLEGE OFFICERS. By F. W. CLAEKE. THERE are to-day in the United States over four hundred institu- tions claiming the title of college or university. Some of them are really, a few confessedly, only high-schools or academies ; and between these and the highest there is every diversity of grade. In them there are over four hundred " presidents," " principals," " chancellors," or whatever the heads of the institutions may be called, and some thou- sands of professors or teachers. This great body of men and women is continually changing ; yearly there are deaths, removals, and resigna- tions ; yearly there are a multitude of new appointments. The pur- pose of this essay is to inquire how such appointments are made, and how they ought to be made ; what considerations do govern, and what should govern, the selection of college officers. At a casual glance it would seem as if little could be said upon the subject ; of course appointments are made by regular boards of trus- tees, and of course each appointment is determined by the peculiar fit- ness of the successful candidate for the position he is to occupy. Such is the theory, but the application thereof may be exceedingly elastic. Strange standards of fitness are frequently adopted ; and appointments to responsible positions are often made upon principles which would be recognized in no other kind of business except the trade of partisan politics. In political life an efficient officer may be displaced for mere party reasons, and supplanted by some one altogether his inferior. In the college world, slight shades of difference in theological belief are at times similarly potent. i72 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The qualifications demanded of a college president are different in different places. In some institutions the head is purely an executive officer, with no teaching to do ; in others he must fill a professor's chair also. On the one hand, a man of general scholarship, breadth of view, and executive ability is called for ; on the other, special familiar- ity with some particular branch of learning must be added to the re- quirements. To find all these qualifications united in one individual is by no means easy. A man of one ability is easily found at any time ; but men of many abilities, at once both versatile and thorough, are scarce. In any case, the college president, to be a successful man- ager, must have tact ; he must have executive capacity and force ; he must be business-like in his methods, he must command the confidence and respect of trustees, teachers, students, alumni, and of the commu- nity in which he lives; he must be a good judge of men; and he must have the training which only experience can give. Failing in any one of these qualifications he is liable to fail altogether, for the strength of the whole chain is but that of its weakest link. He must have public confidence, in order to attract public support ; he must be in harmony wTith the faculty, or things will go at loose ends ; if the students dis- trust him, discipline can not be maintained. When vacancies occur in the teaching force, he will have great influence in filling them ; hence he must be familiar with scholarship in its various phases, and able to decide upon the relative merits of different candidates. Finally, he must be thoroughly acquainted with college routine, clear in his views concerning courses of study and methods of instruction, up in all mat- ters relating to marks, examinations, discipline, and the like. He should have high ideals, and at the same time be neither a doctrinaire nor a dreamer. The fact that most of the older American colleges were founded with religious ends in view has had much to do in determining the appointment of college presidents. Plainly, if the chief function of the schools is to train clergymen, they should be controlled by clergy- men ; and so they have been controlled almost universally. If a Baptist college needs a president, some Baptist clergyman is chosen ; a Pres- byterian college puts a Presbyterian minister at its head, and so on. That this state of affairs has naturally come about no one can deny, but whether it is any longer a legitimate condition is questionable. The functions of the college are broader than they were a century ago; it no longer aims chiefly to feed the ministry, but seeks rather to send cultivated men and women into all walks of life. Hence, although a minister may be an efficient college president, he should not be ap- pointed because he is a minister, but for other reasons distinctly. Just here an example may have value. A few years ago a popular clergy- man was elected president of a well-known college. Within a year his popularity was gone, and students, professors, and trustees were alike dissatisfied. The reason was simple. The new head was a THE APPOINTMENT OF COLLEGE OFFICERS. 173 clergyman only — not an educator. As head, being a man of energy, he meddled with things which he had not learned to understand, har- assed the pupils, doubtless with the best of intentions, attempted to carry out impracticable measures, and made trouble generally. Fortu- nately, he was a man of some tact, and able to learn wisdom by expe- rience, so that after a while order was restored, and at last he regained popularity and confidence. But he learned his new trade at the ex- pense of the institution, which suffered during the period of his tute- lage. Would it not have been better if he had begun as a tutor, then risen to the rank of professor, and finally been promoted to the presidency after he had shown his fitness ? In brief, is it not safe to say in general terms that no man because of success in one profession should at once be intrusted with the highest place in another ? The loftiest positions in any line, political, educational, or what not, should be earned by faithful service and proved capacity in the lower grades. There may be exceptional cases, but they are so rare as to count for nothing in establishing the general principle. Special knowledge, training, and experience are demanded of a college president just as much as of a bank cashier, an army officer, or the captain of a ship ; and rules like those which govern the latter classes of appointments should hold good in the educational profession also. Since the duties of a professor are more easily defined than those of a college president, the rules governing his appointment ought to be correspondingly simpler. In general he is to teach a single subject or groups of allied subjects, and should therefore be chosen for special knowledge of the branches indicated. If he is to fill the chair of Latin, he must necessarily be selected because of his scholarship in Latin ; if he is to teach mathematics, he must be a mathematician ; and so on. Furthermore, good character and efficiency are essential. It would seem as if there could be no doubt upon these points, as if no argu- ment about them were possible ; and yet, as a matter of fact, plain as they are, they are frequently ignored. Favoritism, nepotism, and sectarianism often outweigh all other considerations even in the col- lege world ; and men of no genuine scholarship secure appointments over candidates whose real credentials are vastly higher. The son of a college president may be appointed to teach some subject in which he has never been properly trained ; an unsuccessful clergyman may be provided for by assignment to a professor's chair; and such things, far from being mere abstract possibilities, do actually occur. Still other absurdities are continually being perpetrated. The writer has known of a case in which a teacher was invited to take any chair he chose in a certain Western college ; and of another instance in which an applicant for a professorship offered to accept any department that might be offered to him. Professors have been known to begin their own studies in the line of their professorships after they had been elected ; and some years ago the trustees of one college passed a rule 174 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ' ■ to the effect that any member of the faculty could be called upon to teach any subject, under penalty of dismissal if he refused. This ignorance puts a premium upon intellectual dishonesty. It needs no argument to show that all such cases result in inefficiency and super- ficiality ; the colleges represented by them are shunned by competent men, they suffer in reputation, and at last they dwindle into mere local academies. Fortunately, the law of natural selection holds good among institutions as among animals, and in the long run only the fittest flourish and survive. But all vices are not great vices, and small crimes against college morality are committed even by old and famous institutions. For example, a certain Professor of Natural History has been wittily de- scribed as " a good theologian, slightly tinctured with zoology " ; his appointment having been secured by raising false issues of the ultra- sectarian kind. It is hardly necessary to add that the highly respect- able college in which he teaches is not recognized as a shining center of zoological research. In the same institution a teacher of mathe- matics was to be appointed ; and an enthusiastic friend praised the mathematical ability of a leading candidate. " No matter about his mathematics," said one of the authorities, " we want to know if he is a man of good moral character." The remark wTas suggestive. Of course, moral character was essential, and to be scrupulously consid- ered, but not above other qualifications equally important. Character and competency need both to be regarded; since a man may be a model of purity, and at the same time incapable of teaching even the alpha- bet. Candidates for professorships are often sharply catechised. " What church do you go to ? " " What are your views upon such and such doctrines ? " These questions are almost invariably asked. "Are you a professor of religion?" said a college trustee to a young candidate for a position. " No, sir, I am a professor of chemistry," was the reply, and rejection followed. Curiously enough, the college represented by this instance was not a sectarian school, but a State institution, founded upon the congressional land-grant of 1862. From such-like impertinent questions some of the ablest scholars in America have suffered. Pure character, unblemished reputation, high scholar- ship, and great achievements, are not sufficient for answers. Only a rigid conformity to certain dogmas can render the candidate's calling and election sure. Hypocrisy may succeed where real merit would avail but little. Since a tutorship is the natural stepping-stone to a professorship, tutors should be chosen for qualifications essentially the same as those which are demanded of professors. There are now available a multi- tude of competent young men, who are ambitious to win professor- ships, and who, with that aim in view, have devoted years of laborious study to special preparation for special teaching. Some are chemists, who have pursued original investigations at Berlin, Leipsic, Bonn, THE APPOINTMENT OF COLLEGE OFFICERS. 175 Harvard, or Baltimore ; others have studied philology, under the fore- most German masters ; still others have become thorough biologists, students of history and philosophy, or mathematicians. From among these the ranks of tutors should be filled, and legitimate promotion, in due time, ought to follow. At some colleges, Harvard for example, the policy above indicated is followed. If a tutor in Greek is needed, some young man who has distinguished himself in Greek is chosen ; and, upon the hypothesis that he intends to make a life-work of classical study, he is given every advantage to distinguish himself still further. In some other institutions, however, a different plan is adopted. At Yale, for in- stance, tutors are often, if not always, appointed in a sort of general way, without particular reference to special studies, the subject to be taught by each being settled afterward. In consequence, a Yale tutor, whose real specialty is mathematics, may be obliged to teach only Latin ; while another, whose bias is purely classical, may have to struggle with pupils in trigonometry. Doubtless these evils are greater in appearance than in reality ; probably in most cases mat- ters adjust themselves in a more rational way; still, in some instances, the mischief is really done. Such a state of affairs ought not to be even possible. It is sometimes urged, in extenuation, that every young man who has graduated creditably ought to be able to teach others what- *ever he has himself learned ; and, in a measure, this is true. But a fellow may have studied mathematics only as a matter of routine, get- ting none of its real spirit, and putting no enthusiasm nor vigor into his work. Doubtless he can carry others through the same routine afterward, hearing recitations from a text-book, and recognizing such mistakes as may be made ; but " teaching " of this kind is hardly worthy of the name. Every college teacher, whether professor or tutor, ought to feel the subject which he teaches ; he should be able to rouse the interest of his pupils, to stimulate thought among them, to encourage the bright ones forward, and to remove difficulties from the paths of those who lag behind. Such work can be done only by special scholars, who have taken up their life-tasks as a labor of love, and who are brimful of earnestness and enthusiasm. With the lower college classes this scholarly vigor is especially needed. The pupils must be started aright at the very beginning, for, if their interest is not awakened then, there is great danger that it may continue sleep- ing always. But in no part of a college course should mere perfunc- tory instruction be tolerated. A man may be a teaching machine, and yet fall very far short of being a teacher. Now, having discussed the reasons governing college appointments, we may fitly consider the methods by which the appointments should be made. Suppose that there are several competent candidates for a given position ; how shall one be selected, and by whom ? Technic- ally, there can be but one answer to this question, namely, that the i76 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. trustees of the college must choose ; but practically this answer does not fairly cover the case. The average board of trustees consists not of special scholars, but of men in active life — merchants, manufactur- ers, lawyers, doctors, and the like ; with oftentimes a liberal sprink- ling of clergymen thrown in. It may be that not one of them has any special knowledge of the branch to be taught by the proposed appointee, or any adequate means of judging independently as to the relative fit- ness of the candidates. In some instances, too, they meet but once a year, namely, at commencement time ; and in such cases a decision must be reached in advance of the meeting. Clearly, then, they must act upon recommendations ; and the practical question is, Whose recom- mendations shall carry the most weight ? To this question a great variety of answers are possible ; as maybe shown by citing three common modes of procedure : First, an elec- tion may be carried by personal lobbying ; the candidates and their friends seeking out individual trustees, and, by all sorts of arguments, relevant and irrelevant, securing pledges of support. This process is objectionable enough in politics, but it is tenfold worse in educational affairs. Secondly, the president of the college may decide between the candidates, and make a recommendation upon his own responsi- bility— a method which is perhaps the one most generally followed. Thirdly, the faculty as such may be officially consulted, and their nom- inee given the appointment. Ignoring the first plan as unworthy of consideration, let us examine carefully the other two. The efficiency of the second mode of appointment naturally de- pends upon the character, tact, and temperament of the college presi- dent who attempts to carry it out ; and it may lead either to good results or to mischief. A wise president, having an appointment to recommend, will scrupulously consider all the interested parties. Hav- ing ascertained all the essential facts concerning the available candi- dates, and being satisfied as to their antecedents and ability, he will consult with his associates upon the faculty, especially with those most interested in the appointment to be made, and in his final decision he will give due weight to their advice and wishes. Theoretically, this method is simple enough, but in its practical application it is often at- tended by serious difficulties. Sometimes a faculty is split into cliques, and then the president must either make an independent decision, or else take sides with one faction as against another. Such dilemmas are common, and bring great uneasiness to their victims. A new presi- dent may find an old faculty half buried in a rut from which it can be lifted only by fresh and vigorous men ; he may be embarrassed by alumni, who expect appointments in preference to outsiders ; there may be tutors who will growl and grumble if not promoted in accord- ance with their own notions as to their deserts. Whichever way he turns he is liable to create dissatisfaction and heart-burning ; the un- successful candidates and their friends all abuse him for favoritism THE APPOINTMENT OF COLLEGE OFFICERS. 177 and incompetency ; in short, all the worst features of personality may be introduced into a contest which above all others ought to be unaf- fected by personal considerations. Many a college war has sprung from conflicts over appointments ; and only an exceptionally strong president can long hold out against the difficulties which such contests are apt to raise against him. With but few men is the method of per- sonal appointments successful ; with many it leads to inharmony and overthrow. The third method of appointment, namely, upon recommendation from the faculty, seems to be the most satisfactory of all. Of course, it is not absolutely perfect, for it may give rise to dissensions ; but, on the whole, it leads to better results than any other. The unsuccessful aspirants for position can not blame and harass one individual, as when the power of appointment is practically vested in the president alone, for the annoying responsibility is divided among several persons ; nei- ther can favoritism be urged as the reason for any particular choice. Furthermore, since any good faculty consists of a number of men actively engaged in scholarly work, its judgment as a body concerning the fitness of candidates is more likely to be accurate than the opinion either of a president or of a board of trustees who can not be expected to give more than superficial attention to the matter. The members of a faculty know of their own knowledge what standing a candidate -has as an educator, what work he has done, and what he is probably capable of doing ; and this knowledge, which frequently involves long personal acquaintance with the aspirant, is worth much more than any information derived from mere formal letters of recommendation or from hearsay. Whoever is recommended by them will be a safe per- son to appoint, and will be likely to work in harmony with his col- leagues. They, on the one hand, calling a man to a vacant chair, will be gratified by his acceptance ; while he, on the other side, will feel grateful to them for their consideration. It is well known that this method of appointment is in vogue at the Sheffield Scientific School ; and it is said that no professor has been called to that institution ex- cept upon the unanimous recommendation of the faculty. The natu- ral result is a harmonious and efficient body of teachers, and an excep- tionally strong school. Inasmuch as this third method of appointment presupposes a faculty already in existence, it can not of course apply to those schools which are in process of organization. In such cases it is best for the trustees to select a strong and competent man for president in whom they can have fulL confidence, and give him almost autocratic powers. Let him choose the first faculty, drawing about him such teachers as will work in unison with him and with each other ; and then refer all subsequent appointments to that body. Of course, in no case should a board of trustees surrender its own authority, but the recommendations of a faculty should be ignored only for the most substantial of reasons. Be- vol. xxi. — 12 * 178 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tween faculty and trustees there ought to be perfect concert of action; when either body distrusts the other, mischief is sure to happen. The method by which teachers are appointed should be a matter of usage and policy, not of prescribed rule ; and the method above laid down seems to be the safest in the long run. A faculty can not maintain the highest efficiency unless it is thoroughly harmonious ; any jar or friction in it leads to dissatisfactions which quickly spread to the stu- dents, and the result is disastrous to all the parties concerned. -♦*♦- SIR CHARLES BELL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERI- MENTATION. By Dr. WILLIAM B. CAEPENTEE. IT has been repeatedly urged, by the opponents of physiological experimentation, that Sir Charles Bell in his later life declared that his physiological discoveries had been really made by anatomy only, and that he had only made experiments for the satisfaction of others ; and a quotation to this effect has been lately brought promi- nently forward by Mrs. Dr. A. Kingsford, in order to set in the most unfavorable light what she characterizes as the needless, fruitless, and barbarous experiments of Magendie on the same subject. As it is probable that the vivisection question will be again brought before Parliament, I think it important that the public should be informed of the real history of the discoveries with which Sir Charles Bell is commonly credited ; that history having been most erroneously narrated by his brother-in-law, Mr. A. Shaw * (who may be presumed to have written with Bell's sanction and authority), and its errors, though fully exposed at the timef (during Bell's life), hav- ing been repeated and even exaggerated by the most recent of his biographers. J The great discovery ordinarily attributed to Sir Charles Bell is that of the distinctness of the motor and sensory nerve-fibers ; as shown by the separate existence of motor and sensory endowments, (1) in the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, in whose trunks these two orders of fibers are bound up together ; and (2) in certain nerves of the head, some of which are motor only, while others are sensory only. These doctrines, according to Mr. A. Shaw, had been conceived as far back as 1809 ; and were then embodied in a tract which Bell printed for private distribution among his friends,* * " Narrative of the Discoveries of Sir Charles Bell in the Nervous System " (1839). f " British and Foreign Medical Review," January, 1840. % " Encyclopaedia Britannica," vol. iii (1875). * Sir Charles Bell himself fixed the date as 1811. PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTATION. 179 under the title " Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain." In support of this statement Mr. Shaw cited certain passages from Bell's very scarce tract, which, read in the light of subsequent events, seemed an ade- quate justification of it. But, unluckily for the credit of both, a copy of the tract had found its way into the possession of a certain Mr. Alexander Walker, who had claims of his own to advance ; and he re- printed it in full in a thin volume (now before me) published anony- mously in 1839, under the title of " Documents and Dates of Modern Discoveries in the Nervous System." I well remember the sensation which was produced at the time, among those who took an interest in the subject, by this publication ; from which it plainly appeared that the fundamental conception enun- ciated in this " Idea " had gone no further than this — " that the nerves of sense, the nerves of motion, and the vital nerves, are distinct throughout their whole course, though they seem sometimes united in one bundle ; and that they depend for their attributes on the organs of the brain to which they are severally attached " ; while, in carry- ing out this conception, Bell, misled by his anatomy, had gone alto- gether wrong. This doctrine was by no means new. It had been known from a very early period that our limbs can only feel or move (I use these words in their ordinary sense) by virtue of the nerve-trunks which connect their skin and muscles with the spinal cord, and through it with the brain. And although, when a limb is paralyzed, it is usually deprived at the same time of feeling and of motion, yet as cases were occasionally observed in which motion was lost without feeling, or (more rarely) feeling was lost without motion, the idea arose that two distinct sets of fibers may be bound up in the same trunks ; one for feeling and the other for motion — or, as we should now express it more scientifically, one set conducting impressions made on the sensory surfaces toward the central sensor ium, while the other transmits nerve- force from the motor centers of the nervous system to the muscles which it stimulates to contraction. This idea found distinct expres- sion in the writings of certain ancient medical authors ; and cropped up from time to time in modern medical literature, some writers ap- proving it, while others dissented from it. And it was formally ad- vanced in 1809 by Mr. Alexander Walker, who, in a paper entitled " New Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain in Particular, and of the Nervous System in General," published in the " Archives of Universal Science " for July in that year, argued that " medullary action " (or, as we should now say, a nerve-current) "commences in the organs of sense ; passes, in a general manner, to the spinal marrow, by the an- terior fasciculi of the spinal nerves, which are, therefore, nerves of sensation, and ascends through the anterior columns of the spinal marrow, to the hemispheres of the cerebrum," in which he located the sensorium commune. Thence he traced his " medullary action " i8o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. downward and backward into the cerebellum, which he supposed to be the center of volition ; from this " it descends through the poste- rior columns of the spinal marrow, and expands through the posterior fasciculi of all the nerves, which are, therefore, the nerves of volition, toward the muscular system." Thus, then, it is clearly Mr. Alexander Walker who must be credited with the first promulgation of the idea of the functional distinctness of the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, in virtue of what he supposed to be their connections with the cerebrum and the cerebellum respectively : but, working out this idea under a wrong conception of the relative functions of the two brain-centers, he was led to regard the anterior roots as sensory, and the posterior as motor ; and, as he neither submitted nor proposed to submit this erroneous doctrine to the test of experiment, it fell unheeded to the ground. Now, those who only know the history of Bell's work either directly or indirectly through Mr. A. Shaw's first account of it, will be con- siderably surprised to learn that (whether or not he was acquainted with Walker's speculations) he pursued, in the first instance, precisely the same anatomical track ; and that, through his having followed this under the guidance of another wrong preconception as to the functions of the cerebellum (which had not at that date been eluci- dated by experiment), the physiological conclusion at which he arrived was even further from the truth than that of his predecessor. A distinguished Edinburgh professor of the last century, Dr. Robert Whytt, who had studied with great care what he termed the " vital and involuntary motions " of the body, had argued with con- siderable ingenuity that, while the cerebrum is the center of sensation and the originator of voluntary motion, the cerebellum is the organ of such " vital and involuntary motions " as the action of the heart and the muscular walls of the alimentary canal, together with the move- ments of respiration. Now, Bell, brought up in the Edinburgh school, and commencing his investigations under the influence of this pre- possession, was led by it in an entirely wrong direction ; for the whole argument of his " Idea " is to the effect that the anterior roots of the spinal nerves minister both to sensation and voluntary motion, in virtue of their connection with the cerebrum, while the posterior roots " govern the operation of the viscera necessary to the continuance of life," in virtue of their connection with the cerebellum. He did in- stitute experiments, indeed, both on the columns of the spinal cord and on the roots of the spinal nerves ; but, under the influence of his anatomical preconception, he entirely missed the true meaning of their results, and deemed them to be confirmatory of his erroneous views : "Experiment I. — I opened the spine, and pricked and injured the posterior filaments of the nerves ; no motion of the muscles followed. PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTATION. 181 I then touched the anterior division ; immediately the parts were convulsed." " Experiment II. — I now destroyed the posterior part of the spinal marrow by the point of a needle ; no convulsive movement followed. I injured the anterior part, and the animal was convulsed." The experiments thus narrated by Bell in a letter to his brother, dated March 2, 1810, have been cited as proving that he had thus early attributed motor functions to the anterior roots, and sensory to the posterior. But the inference which he himself drew from them at the time was altogether different : " It is almost superfluous to say that the part of the spinal marrow having sensibility [i. e., the anterior column] comes from the cere- brum ; the posterior and insensible port belongs to the cerebellum." Thus, although on the track of a great physiological discovery, Bell allowed himself to be completely diverted from it by his anatom- ical preconception. Of the true functional relations of the two sets of nerve-roots, there is not the remotest hint in this " Idea." Xone the less, however, do I recognize in it what (to my mind) constitutes the real basis of Bell's claim to the elucidation of the mean- ing of the double origin of the spinal nerves. " Considering," he said, " that the spinal nerves have a double root, and being of opinion that the properties of the nerves are derived from their connections with the parts of the brain, I thought that I had an opportunity of putting my opinion to the test of experiment, and of proving at the same time that nerves of different endowments were in the same cord and held together by the same sheath." This was, unquestionably, one of the most fertile suggestions that the insight of a man of genius has ever put forth for the guidance of physiological inquiry ; and, even if Bell had never himself pursued it further, he would clearly be entitled to a very large share of any discoveries that others might make by working upon it. It seems, however, as if the unsatisfactory character of the results he obtained and his dislike to experimentation upon living animals turned his thoughts in a different direction ; and he applied himself for some years to the study of the nerves of the face, on the peculiarities of whose anatomical distribution he seems to have long pondered, with the idea that these might furnish him with the key of which he was in search. Bell, as is well known, had considerable artistic ability ; and one of the earliest of his publications was his very valuable "Anatomy of Expression," in which he pointed out how close is the relation between many of the muscular movements by which the emotions are ex- pressed and those concerned in respiration. Still, as it would seem, under the "dominant idea" of a special set of nerves for the "vital and involuntary motions," he assigned this special motor function to the seventh pair, which arises by a single root, and supplies the muscles of the face generally ; while he supposed the fifth pair, which arises (like i8z THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the spinal nerves) by a double root, to be the nerve of ordinary (or voluntary) motion for the muscles of the face generally, as well as of sensation for its sensory surfaces. The analogy of the fifth pair to the spinal nerves (which was no new idea) seemed to him to be further indicated by the existence of a " ganglion " upon its larger root, corre- sponding with that which is seen on the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. Following up this train of reasoning, he instituted experi- ments with the view of determining what function the fifth pair had in virtue of its double root, which the seventh pair had not. And as he found that division of the seventh pair, while partially paralyzing the muscles of the face, did not in any perceptible degree impair its sensibility, while section of either of the three divisions of the fifth pair destroys the sensibility of the part of the face it supplies, he came to the conclusion that the sensory endowments of the fifth pair are due to its possession of a double root ; a conclusion which he strengthened by the consideration that the third, fourth, and sixth nerves — which, being distributed exclusively to the muscles of the eyeball, can not be supposed to have any but motor endowments — all arise by single roots. In this way, Bell was led to assign to the two roots of the spinal nerves the same double function which he attributed to the two roots of the fifth pair of nerves of the head ; and thence to assign the sen- sory function to the posterior roots, because, like the second root of the fifth, they bore ganglia before uniting with the motor roots.* Now, to say that Bell, by this train of reasoning, discovered the motor and sensory functions of the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, is utterly preposterous. He had not even truly determined (as the event proved) the true functions of the fifth and seventh nerves of the head. And the extension of his conclusions regarding the double roots of the fifth pair, to the spinal nerves generally, had rather the character of a happy guess than of a logical sequence. No scientific physiologist at the present time would think himself justified in put- ting forward such an extension as more than a suggestion, to be con- firmed or negatived by experimental evidence. And let it not be for- gotten, moreover, that it was experiment alone which afforded Bell any reason whatever for attributing a sensory function to the gangli- ated root of the fifth pair ; and that, without this basis, the question of the spinal nerves remained exactly in the condition in which he had taken it up. It is, indeed, not a little curious that in the two memoirs (1821 and 1822) in which Bell presented to the Royal Society the results of * It is a significant indication of the chaotic ignorance which prevailed on this subject " sixty years since," that, as Bell himself informs us, he found himself met, when first groping at the notion of the sensory endowments of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, by the current doctrine that the function of the ganglia is " to cut off sensation," i. e., to allow these nerves to minister to the " vital and involuntary motions," without our being made conscious either of those movements or of the impressions which excite them. PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTATION. 183 his investigations into the fifth and seventh nerves of the head, the present doctrine of the spinal nerves is nowhere explicitly stated. These memoirs can scarcely, indeed, be read in any other sense ; and "A Manual of Anatomy," published by Mr. John Shaw (another brother- in-law) in 1821, contains a tolerably clear intimation of it. Moreover, Mr. J. Shaw, having visited Paris in 1821, and having repeated to Magendie the experiments on the fifth and seventh nerves which he had made with Sir C. Bell, further pointed out to him (as appears from Magendie's own narration) * the analogy of the fifth to the spinal nerves, and attributed to the double roots of these " regular " nerves this double function of motion and sensation. It was at this point that Magendie took up the experimental in- quiry, both as to the roots of the spinal nerves and the functions of the fifth and seventh nerves of the head ; and it will be convenient to dispose of the latter in the first instance. He showed that the second of the three divisions of the fifth pair is a nerve of sensation only ; so that the part of the face which it supplies (between the eyes and the upper lip) depends for its motor action on the seventh pair, which he regarded as the ordinary motor nerve of the face, ministering to its voluntary movements, as well as to those of expression and respira- tion. These corrections (which were confirmed by other experimenters) were not only accepted by Sir C. Bell, but were appropriated by him as his oicn ; the reprints of the two memoirs just referred to being altered in successive editions of his " Nervous System of the Human Body," by omission, addition, and variation, not only without any acknowledgment of the source of the correction, but without the least intimation of a change. It is clear, therefore, that although he shrank from making experiments himself, he was ready enough to profit by those of others. On testing experimentally Bell's idea of the functions of the an- terior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, and varying his experi- ments in every way he could think of, Magendie was only able to arrive at this general conclusion — that the anterior roots are more especially motor , and the posterior more especially sensory. For he could not get over the fact that irritation of the anterior roots in the living animal called forth signs of pain, and that irritation of the posterior roots called forth movements. The repetition of the same experiments by others gave no more conclusive results ; until, in 1831, Johann Miiller (afterward the celebrated Berlin professor) was able, by a very carefully devised method of experimentation upon frogs, to show that, for these animals at least, Bell's doctrine was correct. And it was by the extension of the same method to warm-blooded animals, and by the light of the new ideas then dawning f as to the " reflex * "Journal de Physiologie," October, 1821. f The very clear ideas long before promulgated by Prochaska on this point had been entirely forgotten. > 184 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. function " of the spinal cord (which up to this time had been generally looked on as a bundle of nerves), that the truth of Bell's doctrine came at last to be fully established. For the movements called forth, by irritation of the posterior roots were found to be due, not to the direct transmission of motor impulses from them to the muscles, but to the transmission of a motor nerve-current through the anterior roots, in resj>onse to the stimulation given to the spinal cord itself by the irritation of the posterior ; while, on the other hand, it was made clear that the indications of pain given when the anterior roots are irritated, are due to the presence, in those roots, of sensory filaments derived from the posterior, which pass inward at the point of junction between the two. But for the well-devised and carefully executed experiments by which these difficulties were cleared up, the w^hole matter would have remained in the state of uncertainty in which I well remember it to have been, when I first entered on the study of the subject, previously to Miiller's experiments. Having myself been afterward Sir Charles Bell's pupil (in surgery) both in London and Edinburgh, I can testify from personal knowledge that he himself never admitted that his discoveries needed any con- firmation whatever ; but was always strong in the conviction, not only that he had himself given all needful evidence of them, but that noth- ing more remained to be done in the physiology of the nervous sys- tem. It is not a little significant of his attitude of mind on this subject, that he used to declare his complete inability to understand "what Marshall Hall was driving at"; the doctrine of reflex action independently of sensation being altogether "beyond his comprehen- sion." As this last doctrine, which forms the basis of modern neurol- ogy, is one which anatomy could scarcely even suggest, and which nothing but experiment can demonstrate, I hope that Sir C. Bell's opinion of the all-sufficiency of the study of anatomy for the advance- ment of physiological science may henceforth be appreciated at its true worthlessness. For I have shown, first, that Sir Charles Bell, trusting to anatomy for his guidance, icent altogether wrong in the first instance ; secondly, that it was by experiment on the nerves of the face that he was led into the right track ; thirdly, that in regard to these, through placing too much trust in his anatomical preconcep- tions, and insufficiently testing them by further experiments, he was led into mistakes which were only corrected by the experiments of Magendie ; and, fourthly, that the most important discovery with which he is usually credited — that of the motor and sensory functions of the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves respectively — was only established in the true scientific sense by the experiments of others working on his lines. Those experiments might have issued, for any real proof ever given by Bell to the contrary, in establish- ing some other doctrine of the spinal nerve-roots than that to which he had been led by his study of the nerves of the face — such, for PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTATION. 185 example, as that of Alexander Walker, or that of his own first " Idea." These assertions are not now made for the first time, with the view (as might be urged) of lowering Sir Charles Bell's credit, and thereby- weakening the force of the testimony borne by him in regard to the uselessness of experimentation as a means of physiological discovery. Forty-two years ago, the history I have now sketched (which was then a matter of contemporary knowledge) was told in detail in the leading medical " Quarterly " ; the misrepresentations of Mr. A. Shaw as to Sir C. Bell's "Idea" of 1811 were fully exposed; and Bell himself was distinctly charged with having altered what professed to be exact reprints of his papers in the " Philosophical Transactions," in order to make them square with the corrections supplied by the experiments of Magendie. To those charges, so far as I am aware, no reply teas ever made, either by Mr. A. Shaw or Sir C. Bell ; but a new and more correct history, including a reprint of Bell's " Idea," was given by Mr. A. Shaw nearly thirty years later in the " Journal of Anatomy and Physiology " (vol. iii, 1869). Further, in Professor Yulpian's " Lecons sur la Physiologie du Systeme Nerveux" (Paris, 1866), the history is narrated in terms almost identical with my own, omitting only the reference I have supplied to Magendie's first knowledge of Bell's views, but inserting several of the altered passages in Bell's pa- pers. And, finally, the venerable Professor Milne-Edwards, in his admirable " Lec/ons sur la Physiologie et l'Anatomie Comparee " (tome xi, pp. 361, 362), has given a most true and just appreciation of the respective shares which Bell and Magendie had in this great discovery. I have never admitted the truth of the well-worn ada«;e, " A little knowledge is a dangerous thing " ; because every one who studies any subject whatever must begin with " a little knowledge," and only by its possession can know where and how to obtain more. But " a little knowledge " is dangerous when it leads its possessor to imagine that he (or she) knows all about the subject ; and is doubly dangerous when it is taught as the whole truth to others. And this is exactly what Mrs. Dr. A. Kingsford has done, in her desire to excite a prejudice against physiological experimentation ; fastening eagerly upon Sir Charles Bell's depreciation of it, without taking any trouble to ascertain historically what that depreciation is worth.— Fortnightly Review. 186 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE ZLTNI SOCIAL, MYTHIC, AND KELIGIOUS SYSTEMS.* By F. H. CUSHING GENTLEMEN of the National Academy of Sciences — Ladies and Gentlemen : Let me at once present my Indian friends. And now let me introduce some remarks on the mythology and re- ligion of the people whom they represent, the Zuni Indians of Western New Mexico, the largest of the Pueblo nations, the lingering remnants of a vast culture which gave rise to the cliff and mesa ruins of the far Southwest, by a few words designed rather to define my own position than to illustrate my subject. The student of the natural history of mankind finds his most diffi- cult subject in the mythology of the lower peoples. Even our own mythology, including our theisms and superstitions, is hard to under- stand, yet ours is, thanks to just such bodies as the one which I have the honor to address to-day, the simplest of all mythologies, because its range of superstition is circumscribed by that of definite knowl- edge, its theism simplified in proportion to the extent of material phi- losophy. Perhaps first among the causes of our difficulty is the fact that all mythology deals with those forces and things in nature which are be- yond our comprehension; that it ends not here, but attempts to explain the origin of things in themselves incomprehensible. In proportion, then, to the lack of definite knowledge in any people, its mythology becomes more complicated and less readily understood. To the same intellectual germ in humanity which quickens the philosophy of the nineteenth century may we look for the cause of the origin and growth of mythology. And thus it happens that we find the scientist of our own places and times and the Zuni Indian laboring hand in hand in the same field, both trying to explain the phenomena of nature and their existence, the one by metaphysical the other by physical re- search ; the one by building up, the other by tearing down, mythology. In order, then, to comprehend the mythology of a people, we must learn their language, acquire their confidence, assimilating ourselves to them by joining in their every-day life, their religious life, even as far as possible in their intellectual life, by remembering with intense ear- nestness the reasonings of our own childhood, by constantly striking every possible chord of human sympathy in our intercourse with those whose inner life we would study. I think I have now sufficiently explained why I have entered into relation with the Zuni Indians, and become a participator in their * Lecture before the National Academy of Sciences, delivered in Washington, April 22, 1882. ZUNI SOCIAL, MYTHIC, AND RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS. 187 religious practices and, so far as possible, beliefs, to the extent of acquiring membership in their gentile organization as well as in their priesthood ; and my attitude toward the audience before me is that of an imperfect exponent of Zuni mythology and belief. Since my return from the Southwest, time has not permitted a suf- ficient study of those technicalities which have, during the past few years, been introduced into this class of subjects. I shall therefore have to proceed very simply, much as would a Zuiii priest, could he address you, in a discussion of his mythology and religion. The Zuiii mythology, or theogony, is a reflection of Zuiii socio- logic or governmental institutions, with the added feature of an almost universal spiritualistic philosophy. Hence it follows that a discussion of the one must include at least a brief description of the other. Like all well-known tribes of North American Indians, the Zuiiis are divided into gentes, there being in their nation fifteen distinct clans or gentes. These again are combined into phratries, not political confederacies as among the Iroquois and Muscogee, but ecclesiastical bands, or, in other words, into secret medicine or sacred orders, of which there are, including the wonderful and supreme organization of the Priesthood of the Bow, thirteen. Based upon this sociologic structure, the government of Zuni embraces three principles, the ec- clesiastic, the martial, and the political, the outgrowths of which, in their order of precedence, are the priesthoods or caciqueships, the war chieftaincies, and the political chieftaincies. Supreme in na- tional as well as in ecclesiastical office is the priest, or cacique of the sun, or Pekwina, immediately under whom are four secular as well as ecclesiastical high-priesthoods or caciqueships, the priesthood of the Pueblo, or temple of worship — in Zuiii hia kice armosi — with the auxiliary office td shiwan okia, or "Priestess of Seed." Selected by, yet supreme over the latter four priests in martial and secular matters, are the two high-priests, or caciques of war, who may or may not be at the same time master-priests — Pithlcm shiican moson atchi — of the Order of the Bow. These six priests are designated in Zuiii ecclesiastical language "Priests of the Light or Day"; while resident in those special clans, which by heredity furnish the high- priesthoods (mainly the Clan of the Parrots, itself considered consan- guineally descended from the gods), are numerous " Priests of the Night or Darkness," any one of whom may be chosen on the death of a priest of the light by the surviving companions. The two priests of war in turn create both the martial and political head chieftaincies, referring the. latter to the four priests of the temple for acceptance or rejection. The martial head chieftaincy, or war chieftaincy, includes the third priesthood of the Order of the Bow, thus combining the eccle- siastical with the martial, and explaining the precedence of the latter over the political office. The third priest of the Order of the Bow, or head war-chief^ then names three sub-chiefs, themselves necessarily 188 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. members of his own order. Likewise the head chief creates his own three sub-chieftaincies as well as the second political head-chieftaincy or chief, who in turn names his own three sub-chiefs. We find, then, that the democracy, or republic, of popular tradition, in its reference to the sedentary Indians of New Mexico and Arizona, is, like most other popular traditions regarding these comparatively unknown peoples, erroneous ; that in reality their political fabric is set up and woven by an elaborate priesthood, the only semblance of democracy reposing in the power of the council — itself composed of all adults of good standing in the nation — to reject a political head chief as thus chosen, while the power of choosing a substitute remains still in the hands of the martial priests, and that of confirming him in the hands of the four priests of the temple. The latter are considered the mouth-pieces of the priest of the sun, just as the two priests of war are considered at once the mouth-pieces and, in martial and political affairs, the commanders of the four priests of the temple ; and, again, the third priest of war, or head war-chief, and the first political chief, brothers to one another, yet differentiated in their functions, are con- sidered to be the mouth-pieces of the two priests of war, the one in times of national disturbance, the other in times of peace. And yet, again, the sub-chiefs of the war-chief, as well as those of the two political head chiefs, are considered the mouth-pieces of their respect- ive superiors. Now, the organization of each one of the sacred or medicine orders of Zuiii, less in importance than the order of the priesthood of the bow, is a miniature representation of the national ecclesiastical and martial organizations — that is, each order has its peJewina, or high- priest, its four Jeia Jeice armosi, or priests of the temple, its two pitJilan shiwan mosun atcJii, or priests of the bow, and in accordance with its special office its medicine or prayer-priest or master, and its sacred council. Less strictly secret, yet more sacred, and organized upon similar though more elaborate principles of office, is the church of Zuni, the order of the sacred dances, or the Jed Jed, which is lodged in six places of worship — the half -underground estnfas of the north, west, south, and east, the upper and lower regions of the universe. While the Jed Jed, as a whole, has its supreme high -priests, its priests of the temple, its warrior-priests, and its prayer-masters, each one of these six temples of worship has also its like special system of priesthood, with the added offices of song-priests or masters. Both in its organi- zation as a whole and in its lesser organizations, the Jed Jed seems to be a perfect mirror, as it were, of the mythology of the Zufii nation, just as the mythology is a reflection of the sociologic organization of the same nation. It is, then, to a study of the organization and functions of the Jed Jed, based upon a knowledge of the national sociologic or- ganization, that we are to look for the most complete and clear exem- plification of their system of gods, just as we are to look to the tradi- ZUNI SOCIAL, MYTHIC, AND RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS. 189 tional rituals, prayers, songs, and sacred epics of this Jed Jed for a comprehensive idea of their mythology. Knowledge gained from both these sources may in turn be vastly added to, strengthened, and corrected by a close study of their most abundant and beautifully imaginative folk-lore. Supreme over all the gods of Zufii is Hano ona vrilona, or holder of the roads of light, corresponding to the earthly peJewina, or priest of the sun, and represented by the sun itself. Beneath him is a long line of gods so numerous that I know not half their names, nor have I re- corded them, but they are divided into six great classes : the celestial or hero gods (the demon-gods themselves perhaps the vestiges of a more ancient hero-god mythology), the elemental gods, or the gods of the forces of nature, the sacred animal gods, or the kia pin a hdi and Jcia she ma a hdi, the gods of prey or wemar a hdi, and the tutelary gods, or divinities of places. While Hano ona wilona is supreme over all, he himself, like the earthly sun-priest, is limited by his own high- priests among the gods — the celestial or hero gods, and they, in turn, by the demon-gods, while the two earthly offices of head political and war chiefs are represented, on the one hand, by the raio or water- wantings beings, or animal gods ; and, on the other, by the wemdr a hdi, or gods of prey, while the priests of the night in the human or- ganization (tkwi-na-proa-a shi-ica-ni) seem to be represented by the tutelar gods of the deistic organization. Not less important, then, because they are supposed to act in connection with the latter, are the ancients, or spirits of the ancestors, who form the body-politic of this great system of gods, and are supposed to serve as mediators between the mortals and the gods. In Zimi belief they have also a definite place of residence assigned to them, notwithstanding which they are supposed to hold constant communion, even to the extent of occasional materialization with those whom they have left behind, to listen atten- tively to their prayers, and to represent them in some vague way to the higher gods of the Zuni mythology. While this great system of gods, like the Jed Jed, is organized, as a whole, not unlike the ecclesiastical and martial systems of the Zuiiis, so also has each one of the six systems of gods, like each of the six estufas of the Zunis, its offices of high-priests, priests of the house or temple, warrior-priests, etc. As an example of this special organiza- tion, let me speak of the gods of the ocean, who under specific names and attributes are further distinguished as " our beloved Pe Jeioi we, or sun-priest of the ocean ; our beloved the ona ya na Je'ia a sJii tea ni, or priests of .the temples of the ocean ; our beloved mother, the K^o haJc o JcHa, or the goddess of the white shells ; our beloved, the three great warrior-priests of the ocean, Jcia cJila ica ni, Jen pish tai a, and tsi JcHa hdi a, in whom we do not fail to recognize the two master- priests of the bow, and the third priests of the bow, or head warrior- chief of the martial organization. The lesser personages of Zuni i9o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. government are finally represented by the sacred animal gods of the ocean. Let me give, as illustrations of the deistic conceptions of the Zunis, without special reference to their rank in this governmental system of the gods, the names and supposed attributes of a few of the principal gods of Zuni mythology. Hdno ona wilona, or the " holder of the roads of our lives," the supreme priest-god of Zuni mythology, is sup- posed to hold as in his hands the roads of the lives of his human sub- jects, is believed to be able (to use the language of a Zuni) to see (or perceive) not only the visible actions of men, but their thoughts, their prayers, their songs and ceremonials, to will through his lesser deities whether a thing shall be or shall not be in the course of a human life. I once asked a priest in Zuni, who was about to go forth on a hunt, " Do you think you will lay low a deer this day ? " and he said, " Ooth- lat hdno ona wilona" (as wills or says the holder of the roads of life). Immediately below Hdno ona wilona are the gods Ahai in ta and Ma Hsai le ma, the two great deities of the priesthood of the bow, an- ciently known as Ua nam atch pi ah ho' a, the beloved both who fell (for the salvation of mankind). They are supposed to be twin children of the sun, Hdno ona wilona — mortal, yet divine. They were the guiders of mankind from the four great wombs of earth, the birth-place of the human family, far eastward toward the middle of the world ; but, on reaching the eastern portion of Arizona, in the great exodus of the Pueblo races, they are supposed to have been changed by the will of their grandfathers — four great demon-gods — into warriors, and ever since have been the great gods of the order of the priesthood of the bow, and the rulers of the mountain-passes, and enemies of the world. Just so the young man, in modern Zuni life, who lives for years in peaceful industrial pursuits, and all at once becomes chosen as a proper person for membership in the Order of the Bow, is induced to take a scalp, and henceforth becomes a ruler of his people and his world, a warrior and a member of that most powerful of priesthoods. These two gods are supposed to have been the immediate ancestors of the two lines of priests who are now their representatives, the high-priests of the Order of the Bow ; from them, in one unbroken line, has been breathed the breath of sa wa nikia, or the medicine of war, from one to the other of the members of their household, the a si Man shi we ni, or their children, the priests of the bow, just as has been in the belief of the Roman Catholics the unbroken apostolic succession. Through their wills over the hia sin a hai, or annual gods, with the consent of Hdno ona wilona, or the " holder of the roads of life," are the roads of man's life divided, or the light of his life cut off — figurative expressions for death in the highly poetic language of the Zunis. Prior to their creation war seems to have been a secondary element in the existence of the Pueblo race ; such as it previously was, however, it was represented by the great ancient god of war, the hero ZUNI SOCIAL, MYTHIC, AND RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS. 191 of hundreds of folk-lore stories, Atchi a la to sa, or " he of the knife- feathered wings." He is supposed to carry ever about him his many- colored bow, a ni Ho Ian, or the goddess of the rainbow, to walk upon his swift arrow, wi lo lo aHe, turquoise-pointed god of lightning, and to be guarded on the right and the left by his warriors, the mountain- lion of the North and the mountain-lion of the West. Among other beings of ancient Zufii mythology we have the mar- velous example of Oohe pololon, or "the god of the north wind," whose breath sends the cold winds from the north region and drives the sands of the southwestern deserts, which have been stirred up by the will of the gods of the mountain. Dark and gloomy, like the clouds of the north-land home, ferocious with his shining teeth and glaring pendant eyeballs, wild with his iron-gray halo of ever-waving hair and beard, Oohe pololon is one of the most terrific of Zuiii demon- gods. Then we have the gentle moon, mother of the women of men, through whose will are born the children of women, the representative in this system of deities of the Shewan okao, or seed-priestess, younger sister of the priests of the temple ; and the sister of the moon, the beautiful goddess of the ocean, through whose ministrations are awakened the loves of the Zuni youth, and the good fortune of trade is secured. While those gods in Zuni mythology remaining unknown to me are legion, yet I might continue for hours to mention gods and their attributes ; as for instance, " he who carries the clouds from the ocean of sunrise to the ocean of sunset and scatters them through the heav- ens between " ; Kwe le le, or " he who infuses the roots of all trees with the spirit of fire, and swings his torch in mid-air, and it forthwith bursts into flames " ; Te sha minkHa, or "he who dwells in the canons and cliffs of the mountains, ever echoing the cries of his children, men and beasts of mortality." Interesting among the hero-gods is the great priest of all religious orders save that of the bow, Poshed ankHa. In the days of the new, yet not until after men had begun their journey toward the east, he is supposed to have appeared among the ancestors of the Zunis, the Taos, the Coconinos, and the Moqui Indians, so poor and ill-clad as to have been ridiculed by mankind. He it was who taught the fathers of the Zunis their architecture and their arts, their agriculture and their system of worship, by plume and painted stick ; but, driven to desperation by the ingratitude of his children, he vanished beneath the world, never to return to the abodes of men— yet he still sits in the city of the sun, ever listening to the prayers of his ungrateful children. Let me add one more example : that of Kia nis ti pi, or "the great water-skate," who with his long legs measured the extent of the earth as with a compass, and between the oceans of sunrise and sunset deter- mined the center of the world as the home of the Zunis. He is repre- sented by a peculiar figure, and this introduces us to a new depart- i92 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ment of the subject — the conventional system of pictographs whereby the Zufii sacred orders illustrate their mythological ideas. It is first to a close study of the mythology and theogony of the Zuiiis, and then to that of the conventional forms of art among these and kin- dred peoples, that we are to look for the key to the mysterious and unnumbered pictographs of the great Southwest. Interesting for comparison with Eastern mythology is the study of the phallic and the serpent symbolism as they occur in highly devel- oped forms among the Zuni Indians. Yet, again, interesting because of the light that it throws upon the development of human religions and mythologies is the study of the influence of environment, physical, biologic, and sociologic, as exemplified by the religion and mythology of the Zunis. I regret most deeply that in the limited time allowed me to-day I can not go into a discussion of these various questions, and into a production of the hundreds of facts illustrative of them which I have in rny possession ; but that I have time only to add that, as further illustrative of the connection between the Zuni sociologic and the Zuni mythologic systems is the fact that no general names for chiefs of all the departments — ecclesiastical, martial, and political — are to be found in their language, nor is there a general name for their god-priests, hero, demon, animal, elemental, celestial, or tutelar. Yet the term awa nu thla includes the political and martial chiefs in Zuni government, just as does the name kHapin a hd i include their repre- sentatives, the sacred water and prey-gods, of Zuni mythology. -<++- ASTRONOMICAL PANICS. By DANIEL KIEKWOOD. WHEREVER science has not been cultivated, all new and start- ling appearances in the sky are regarded as supernatural. But a few years since a shower of meteoric stones fell in India, the fall being attended by terrific explosions. The alarmed inhabitants of the district believed these masses of rock to have been thrown by their deities from the Himalaya Mountains, and with great veneration gath- ered up the fragments to be kept as objects of religious worship. Nor need we smile at this example of recent superstition. In the most civilized countries of the ancient world such phenomena as the aurora borealis, total eclipses, comets, and meteoric showers, were viewed as miraculous displays of divine power, and generally as forerunners of impending disasters. A brief account of some of the panics thus pro- duced may not be without interest. No one who has seen the more brilliant displays of the northern ASTRONOMICAL PANICS. 193 lights — the splendid coronal arch, the columns tinged with various colors and moving in silent grandeur upon the midnight sky — ca'n wonder that in a superstitious age their appearance should have excited the utmost consternation. Before the eighteenth century no physical explanation of such displays had been suggested or even thought of. The phenomena appeared suddenly and unexpectedly, and could not be referred to natural causes then known. The excited imagination saw armies mustering in the sky, brandishing their spears and raising aloft in quick succession their bloody lances. A very brill- iant aurora seen in England, in 1575, is described by a writer of that period as a chasm formed in the northern sky, in which " were seen a great many bright arches, out of which gradually issued spears, cit- ies with towers, and men in battle array ; after that there were excur- sions of rays in every direction, waves of clouds, and battles in which some were fleeing, some pursuing, and others wheeling around in a surprising manner." If panics of this nature have ceased, the fact is due to the ever-advancing light of physical science. One of the most noted eclipses in history is that recorded by He- rodotus, and which occurred in the year 585 b. c. The panic produced by this eclipse put an end to the war between the Medes and the Lydi- ans. A great battle was in progress, when, suddenly, day was turned into night by a total eclipse. The contending armies, struck with consternation, at once laid down their arms and hastened on both sides to conclude a peace. The Eclipse of Laeissa. — Xenophon, in his "Anabasis," Book III, chapter iv, relates how the excitement and alarm produced by a total eclipse led to the surrender of a city. When the Persians ob- tained the empire from the Medes, their king besieged the ancient city of Larissa, but failed to capture it till, finally, the inhabitants, terror- stricken by the darkness of a solar eclipse, lost all courage, and so the city was taken. A total eclipse of the sun was visible at many places in Europe on May 12, 1706. Professor Grant relates, in his " History of Physical Astronomy," that in many parts of the city of Geneva persons were seen during the totality "prostrate on the ground and offering up prayers, under the impression that the last day was come." An ancient writer, in describing the great meteoric shower of the year 1202, says : " The stars flew against one another like a scattering swarm of locusts, to the right and left ; this phenomenon lasted until daybreak ; people were thrown into consternation and cried to God, the Most High, with confused clamor." Similar consternation and alarm were exhibited during the great meteoric display of 1366. An historian of that time says, " Those who saw it were filled with such great fear and dismay that they were astounded, imagining that they were all dead men, and that the end of the world had come." The terror an# alarm produced among the colored people of the tol. xxi. — 13 i94 THE POPULAR SCIEXCE MOXTHLY. South by the great star-shower of 1833 have been so often described that the details need not here be repeated. I may, however, remark in passing that this shower was derived from the same meteoric swarm that produced the displays of 1202 and 1366, to which I have referred, and which returns at intervals of thirty-three years and three months. In former ages comets were regarded as signs sent directly by the Deitv to announce coming wars or fatal disasters. The degree of ter- ror which they excited was proportioned to the size of the comet or the form and length of its train. A great comet, believed to have been that of Halley, appeared in April, a. d. 1066, the year in which William the Conqueror invaded England. This comet was looked upon as the forerunner of the conquest, and produced universal alarm. " The new star means a new king," was the common expression of the day. All writers of that period bear witness to the splendor of the comet of 1066. But the accounts of all great comets in ancient times furnish similar instances of superstitious dread- and consternation. Of a different nat- ure was the alarm produced among the ill-informed in 1832 by the baseless expectation of the earth's collision with Biela's comet. It had been announced by astronomers that on a particular day a part of the earth's orbit would be included within the nebulosity of the comet. This statement was misunderstood by the general public, and a com- ing together of the earth and the comet was by many apprehended. Astronomers well knew, however, that our planet would be millions of miles from the intersection of the two orbits before that point could be reached by the comet. The latest instance of supposed danger from a comet is that founded on a misapprehension of an article by the distinguished Mr. Proctor. In 1668 a large comet appeared and passed very near to the sun's sur- face— probably through the upper strata of its atmosphere. The great comet of 1843 moved so nearly in the same path that it was supposed by some astronomers to be a return of the same body ; the period being one hundred and seventy-five years. But the path of the bright comet seen in the southern hemisphere in 1880 coincided still more nearly with that of the comet of 1843, and these dates would indicate a period of only thirty-seven years. Either, therefore, the period is becoming rapidly shorter, or the comets are separate bodies moving in orbits which, within the limits of the planetary system, are nearly co- incident. The latter alternative has, I think, the greater probability. The theory, however, that the comets of 1668, 1843, and 1880 were returns of the same body, and that its orbit is converging with great rapidity, has been defended as affording a plausible explanation of the similarity of elements. At a meeting of the Royal Astronomical So- ciety of London, May 14, 1880, Mr. Marth, a well-known astronomer, remarked as follows : "Supposing this comet of 1843 is the same as that of 1668, it would ASTRONOMICAL PANICS. 195 not be very wonderful that it should reappear now after thirty-seven years, instead of one hundred and seventy-five years. The velocity of a body moving in the solar system depends simply on its distance from the sun, and on the major axis of its orbit. If the velocity is reduced by a resisting medium, there will be a reduction of the major axis, and there is nothing whatever unreasonable in the supposition that, how- ever weak the corona may be, its resistance would have a very great effect upon the motion of a comet which rushes through it, so that I should not be at all surprised if it should turn out that this comet of 1880 is the same as the comet of 1843 and that of 1668, and that its revolution has been so much affected that possibly it may return in, say, seventeen years." These remarks of Mr. Marth were some time since quoted by Mr. Proctor, and made the basis of an article which in unscientific circles produced to some extent a most absurd sensation. Mr. Proctor's re- marks on the subject have been misinterpreted as indicating the prob- able destruction of life upon the earth about the close of the present century. His language, however, though somewhat unguarded, ex- pressed no such opinion. The three comets named above approached nearer the sun than any other known, except, perhaps, that of 1680. In fact, when nearest the sun they actually grazed the solar atmosphere, or passed through its outermost portions. Now, it is well known that the motion of a planet or comet through a resisting medium continually lessens its distance, and hence accelerates its velocity. Messrs. Marth and Proc- tor assume that the passage of the comet of 1668 through the outer portions of the sun's atmosphere reduced its previously long but un- known period to one hundred and seventy-five years, so that its next appearance was in 1843. The perihelion distance at that date was still less ; the comet met with greater resistance, and the period was shortened to thirty-seven years. The time of revolution would thus be lessened at each successive return, and ultimately the comet would plunge into the sun. Striking the solar surface with a velocity of three hundred and fifty miles a second, the amount of heat produced by the concussion and radiated to the earth might raise the tempera- ture to such a degree as to destroy life upon our planet. Such are the conjectures suggested in Mr. Proctor's paper. Let us briefly consider them. In the first place, the fact on which the theory of the supposed catastrophe is based — viz., the identity of the three comets — is extreme- ly doubtful. It is much more probable, in view of all the circum- stances, that they are different bodies moving in similar orbits. Again, the period of seventeen years, fixing the comet's next re- turn, according to Mr. Marth, about 1897, was the merest conjecture, not founded on any mathematical calculation whatever. It is true that the passage o£ a comet through the sun's atmosphere would short- 196 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. en its period at each return. The absorption of the comets of 1843 and 18S0 by the sun's gaseous envelope, at some time in the distant future, is therefore by no means improbable. Such results are not known to have occurred in historic times ; but, if the sun is gradually contract- ing— in other words, if its diameter was once considerably greater than at present — any comet passing so near the center as that of 1880 would have plunged so deeply into the sun's atmosphere as to be absorbed into its mass. It is true, moreover, that, when the motion of a body is arrested, such motion is converted into heat. If the earth were stopped in its orbit, its fall upon the sun would produce an amount of heat equal to that now radiated in ninety years. If the mass of the comet be -^JLq that of the earth, the heat produced by the impact would scarcely be equal to that now radiated in seven days ; or, if the com- etary mass be only equal to that of a globe one hundred miles in di- ameter, and of the same density as the earth, the additional amount of heat would be less than that now supplied in a single hour. It may further be remarked that the collision would be as likely to occur on the hemisphere turned away from the earth as on that turned toward us. But let us assume that the great southern comet of 1880 was in fact a return of the comet of 1843, that its present period is about thirty- seven years, and that in consequence of its passage through the outer- most strata of the sun's atmosphere its period must be shortened more and more until it falls upon the sun's surface. The solar atmosphere is known to be very rare from the fact that matter thrown out by the sun's eruptive force has been seen to ascend to a height of two hun- dred thousand miles. The resistance which it would offer to the comet's motion would therefore be slight, and in all probability sev- eral centuries would elapse before the comet's course would be termi- nated by its falling upon the sun. Instead, therefore, of a sudden catastrophe, we should have a gradual dissolution of the comet ; por- tions becoming absorbed by, or incorporated with, the solar atmos- phere at each successive perihelion passage. The apprehension of danger to the earth from a great and sudden increase of the sun's heat is, therefore, without any reasonable foundation. It is due to Mr. Proctor to say that he did not designate the year 1 897, nor indeed any other, as that in which the comet would fall into the sun, nor did he express the opinion that the collision would occur at the cornet'^ next return. He merely remarks that, "if already the comet experiences such resistance in passing through the corona when at its nearest to the sun that its period undergoes a marked diminu- tion, the effect must of necessity be increased at each return, and after only a few, possibly one or two, circuits, the comet will be absorbed by the sun." This statement, though perhaps incautiously expressed, is very different from that attributed by unscientific readers to its distinguished author. THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS THEORY. 197 THE STEREOSCOPE: ITS THEOKY. By W. LE CONTE STEVENS. II. ALL of the forms under which the stereoscope has come into gen- eral use have been devised with a view to creating to the utmost the illusion of natural binocular perspective by reproducing as nearly as possible the conditions of natural vision. That this end is not successfully attained is painfully felt by those who linger too long over an attractive collection of stereographs. To secure comfortable vision the muscles of the eyes must suffer no unusual strain. It is not easy to explain briefly how such strain is necessarily implied in the use of this instrument. Suffice it to say that, in looking at a point a few inches distant, the ciliary muscle which surrounds the crystalline lens in each eye is strongly contracted, and so is the muscle on the inner side of each eyeball. These contractions usually accompany each other, and to dissociate them is always more or less painful. The stereograph is but a few inches distant, but, because there are two pictures, the convergence of the visual lines is much less than normal ; indeed, optic divergence is not unfrequently necessary. The uncon- scious interpretation which is put upon the retinal sensation is due partly to imagination ; but also largely to the temporary condition of the muscles of the eyes. This includes not only the ciliary but also the rectus muscles, external and internal, by which the eyeballs are controlled, as the angle between the visual lines is varied. The effect of varying this angle is best studied with a modification of Wheatstone's stereoscope, which the writer has constructed for this purpose. A pair of conjugate pictures are chosen, which present as little as possible of mathematical perspective. A stereograph of the moon, divided at the middle, is one of the best for this purpose. The twin photographs are placed upon cross-bars (Fig. 12) which rest on graduated .arms that are pivoted at the proper point in the base of a cubical block to which the mirrors are cemented. These arms move in contact with part of a circle, marked off in degrees at the circum- ference, the center of this being in the pivot. If the two arms make a straight line, and the pictures are properly adjusted, the visual lines must be parallel, for the eyes to receive the reflected rays. If pulled forward toward the observer, the visual lines must converge in order to retain single vision, and the angle of convergence is at once obtained from the circle. If pushed slightly back, as represented in the figure, single vision can be retained only by optic divergence. Most eyes that are healthy will be found capable of enduring a few degrees of such divergence. The real distance of the object is thus kept unchanged, and the card appears always directly across the visual line. The varia- 198 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tions in apparent size and distance of the binocular image are very striking, while the perspective in the picture remains clear but also variable. If the stereograph be that of a reversed cone, this becomes apparently shallow, small, and near, or deep, large, and remote, ac- Fig. 12.— The Graduated Reflecting Stereoscope. cording as the excess of strain is upon the internal or the external rec- tus muscles. This instrument, indeed, is useful in quite a variety of binocular experiments. The visual effects are the same as those from an adjustable stereoscope with semi-lenses, but the limits of variation are far wider, and it is a decided advantage to obtain direct measure- ment of the optic angle. Such experiments show very conclusively that the current theory of visual triangulation, whatever may be its application to normal binocular vision, has to be entirely discarded as an explanation of stereoscopic vision. As a theory it is beautifully simple, and at first glance appears eminently satisfactory ; the only objection to it in rela- tion to the stereoscope consists in the fact that it is untrue. Its ex- pression may be found in most of our text-books of physics, and the diagram usually employed in explaining the stereoscope is that of Fig. 13, which is taken from Helmholtz's " Physiological Optics," the only change being in the avoidance of Greek lettering. This slight change also is made in the following translation from the French edition of this work, which received the last corrections of the distinguished author, who is universally recognized as the highest living authority on the subject of which it treats. After describing the arrangement of the prism-like semi-lenses, he writes : " The two drawings are placed, side by side, upon the same sheet. The right eye, R, looks upon the draw- ing, a b, through the prism, p / the left eye, L, looks upon the drawing. a' b\ through the prism, p ; the partition, <7, prevents each eye from seeing the drawing intended for the other. The rays, cp and c' p\ sent forth by" the drawings, are refracted by the prisms, following the directions p R and p L, the prolongations of which cut each other at C. The convexity of the surfaces of the prisms has the effect of diminish- ing at the same time the divergence of the sheafs of rays, so that each eye sees at A B an image of the drawing that is presented to it. The object appears in relief at A B." This explanation is distinctly geometric, the locality of each point of the image perceived being determined by intersection of visual lines, THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS THEORY. 199 A- _s- -B Fig. 13.— Theory of Visual Tri angulation . R C and L C, as the attention is successively directed to different points in the field of view. If accepted at all, it must be accepted fully. If we suppose the semi-lenses removed, and that R and L together represent a binocular camera, the diagram shows the exact relation between this and an object to be pictured, and the admirable mathematical dis- cussion which Helmholtz gives subsequently in full is strictly applicable. But, if the ob- server's eyes be too near together, or the stereo- graphic interval be too great, the relation between the visual lines ceases to be the same as that between the camera axes, and we no longer have the conditions under which the geometric discussion can be applied. It is but due to Helmholtz to add that he closes with the following remark : " These conditions are not generally fulfilled for the photographic proofs and the stereoscopes of commerce." The same credit can not be given to the writers of the ordinary text-books. This quali- fication is of the last importance, for without it the theory is absurd, the apparent position of the image determined by intersection of visual lines being behind the observers head when optic divergence is induced, and at an infinite distance when they are parallel. But, even when camera axes and visual lines bear the same relation among themselves, the abnormal muscular condition necessitated in stereo- scopic vision introduces a disturbing element. The theory is hence not applicable at all to the stereoscope, but must be limited to the dis- cussion of the binocular camera. With a view to enabling persons with untrained eyes easily to per- form many of the experiments through which variation in appearance of the binocular image is produced by varying the conditions un- der which the same stereograph is viewed, the writer has devised an adjustable stereoscope (Fig. 14), which presents the additional very important advantage of rendering vision as nearly painless as it can be with the ideal stereograph, even although the stereographic inter- val on the one employed be so great as to produce only confusion, or strain of the eyes, when the common form of stereoscope is used. Instead of being fixed in position, the semi-lenses are lightly rested in a pair of boxes, with openings in front and rear so as to transmit the light. Attached to the partition between them are a pair of springs against which the thin edges of the semi-lenses are pressed by ad- justing-screws in contact with their thick bases. By turning these so that the glasses are pressed as close as possible together, the light which enters the eyes passes through the thicker part of each glass, where the planes^ that may be supposed to touch the opposite curved 200 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. faces are nearly parallel. The rays are hence but little deviated in transmission, and the condition is the same as that in the ordinary stereoscope. Vision is then as comfortable as can ever be expected, when the stereographic interval is less than three inches. If it exceed this limit, the pain produced by the muscular strain of optic diver- gence, which would now be necessary, is prevented by giving a few Fig. 14.— The Adjustable Stereoscope. Adjustment tor Natural Perspective. leftward turns to each screw. The semi-lenses are at once pressed farther apart by the springs, the rays pass through at points where the opposite surfaces are more inclined to each other, and they are hence more deviated, so as to enter the eyes still without imposing the ne- cessity of divergence. Indeed, if the stereographic interval be small, and free play be given to the springs, uncomfortable convergence may be induced at will. Under this condition a stereograph may be em- ployed on which the interval is as great as four inches. If, while viewing the combined image, the semi-lenses be screwed closer to- gether, the eyes will continue to adapt themselves, while fusion of im- ages is retained, and any degree of divergence is thus induced that the observer may be disposed to endure. If the stereograph has been properly selected to illustrate the effects of muscle-reading, the image will appear to increase in depth as the visual lines diverge. In front of the partition between the lens-cases are a pair of fold- ing metal screens, of such width that when pressed flat against the wood they will hide from each eye the picture on the side belonging to the other, but when folded, as shown in Fig. 15 s, the whole stereo- graph becomes visible to each eye. On a movable cross-bar there is THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS THEORY. 201 another folding-screen of wood, which is shown pressed down in Fig. 14, and raised in Fig. 15. In the former condition it does not obstruct any part of the field of view, but in the latter it hides from each eye the half of the stereograph on its own side, and permits that on the other side to be seen through the opening at the middle. By now lift- ing the cover of the cases containing the semi-lenses, these glasses may be removed, and their places supplied with a pair of wedge-shaped prisms, which are introduced with their bases, instead of their sharp Fig. 15.— The Adjustable Stereoscope. Adjustment for Reversed Perspective. edges, against the springs, while the screens are arranged as in Fig. 15. Pushing the cross-bar, intended to hold the picture, out to the farther end, a stereograph is put upon it that has been specially selected to show the effects of binocular perspective. Any stereograph in which mathematical perspective is not strong may be employed — that of the moon is excellent. Looking at this now through the prisms, instead of appearing convex it presents the aspect of a lustrous hollow hemi- sphere of crystal, through which on its farther side are seen the famil- iar dead sea-bottoms and jagged volcanic ridges. Our prisms and windowed screen have apparently turned the moon into a cup by bring- ing into each eye the picture originally intended for the other. On folding down the windowed screen, two extra moons spring into view. Comparing the middle concave image with the flat ones upon the two sides, it appears smaller and nearer, and this disparity is increased by pulling the stereograph nearer. As it approaches it grows shallower and slightly elliptic, the horizontal diameter becoming shorter ; for, as the card is brought nearer, its plane becomes more oblique to the di- rection of the rays, which leave it to be refracted by the prisms before entering the eye. > To the combined Cyclopean eye, while each circle 202 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. must appear as an ellipse because viewed obliquely, the illusion is that there is no obliquity of vision, but that a narrow cup is suspended di- rectly in front ; while the pictures that are really in front of each sepa- rate eye appear, without relief, out at the two sides. If the attention be carefully directed successively to the foreground and background when binocularly viewing a properly constructed out- line stereograph, it will be found that perfectly distinct vision of the whole picture at any given moment is not usually possible. The dis- tance between corresponding background points exceeds that between similar foreground points. This excess we shall call the stereoscopic displacement. If it be considerable, a pair of corresponding back- ground points must be seen double, or imperfectly combined, when the foreground is distinct. In transferring the attention, then, to the background, slight associated contraction of the external rectus mus- cles is necessary to secure perfect combination of corresponding points, and this instantly suggests the idea of greater distance for these. Thus, as the attention is given to different parts of the picture, the tension in the muscles of the eyes is continually varying, and this is one important element in determining our binocular perception of solidity. Unless the attention be very carefully given to it, we are apt to overlook the successive duplication in different parts of the field of view. If the stereoscopic displacement be small, the perception of such duplication may be quite impossible, while the appearance of solidity, or of perspectiveness, as it has been called, remains distinct. The stereograph, represented in Fig. 16, has been specially con- structed to exhibit a variety of different stereoscopic displacements. It may be viewed either with cross-vision, or with the aid of a card placed edgwise upon the triple line at the middle, or by placing the page in front of the semi-lenses of a stereoscope. Supposing the last of these methods to be employed, there will be seen at the top of the field of view a truncated cone, with a dot at the center of its lower base, and a pair of projections from the circumference of the Fig. 16.— Stereograph illustrating the Binocular Combination or Lines. THE STEREOSCOPE : ITS THEORY. 203 upper base. When the latter is made an object of attention, two dots are seen on the lower base, which apparently broadens out on the two sides ; but the moment the attention is concentrated upon them, unless the observer is a little skilled in indirect vision, they fuse into one, and four instead of two projections are seen at the upper base, which in turn has broadened out. Indeed, very little skill is needed to perceive the distinct duplication of the entire upper base. At the middle of the field of view is an inclined black parallelogram, on which no duplication of any part can be perceived, except by a very steady gaze or by comparison with the black cir- cles above and below ; and these in turn are made to appear at different distances from the observer. The circular arc and straight line, each marked a, combine into a distorted parabola, in which the concavity is perfect at the middle, but at the top and bottom it breaks into two separate lines. The resultant of the lines marked b is quite as distinctly curved, but many persons will fail to notice any duplica- tion at all; and this remark applies still more forcibly to the resultant c. The group d forms a warped surface ; but, if the resultant line at its right be fixedly examined, it will be seen as an oblique cross, the com- bination being effected only by motion of the eyes. The group e pre- sents still greater difficulties. The pair f are nearly horizontal, and are coalescent at the middle, but not combined at the extremities ; each component hence appears no longer straight. The arrows at the left point obliquely, some toward and some from the neighborhood of the observer ; but, if the gaze be rigidly directed to the vertical rod on which they are fixed, a pair of well-practiced eyes will perceive some of them to have very mobile double heads. The circles x, y, and z have a common axis, and are successively nearer to the observer ; x and z are highly lustrous, and, when either is regarded separately, y is by indirect vision seen slightly double. The two halves of this stereograph are strikingly dissimilar, but the principle which it illustrates enables us to secure stereoscopy with a pair of absolutely similar figures by so adjusting these in position that advantage may be taken of the almost spherical surface of the back of each eye." The geometric explanation of this is un suited to the present article.* It may be sufficient to state that, if the two pictures be op- positely inclined to the visual lines, instead of being directly across these, the retinal images must be dissimilar, and the subjective combi- nation of these must hence present the appearance of relief, which may be varied at will by varying the inclination of the cards. The theory of associated muscular action which has been illus- trated, while undoubtedly true, is still not sufficient by itself to explain all the phenomena of stereoscopy. The perception of distinct relief is possible when the card is illuminated with the electric spark. No motion of the eyes is attainable during so minute an interval. It is * See "American journal of Science" for April, 1882, p. 297, and May, 1882, p. 359. 204 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. possible also, when the stereoscopic displacement is so small, that not the slightest duplication of images can be distinguished with even the keenest vision. When this displacement is large, the play of the eyes is necessary to the completeness of the perception ; but, in any case, the illusion is complex. The perception of double images is doubtless one important element ; but when these are too minute to be distin- guished, we are driven to other resources for an explanation. Every one has noticed that each instrument in an orchestra has its own peculiar quality of sound, each singer in the cast of an opera his own vocal timbre. The explanation of this is no longer a mystery since Helmholtz analyzed, by the aid of resonators, what had eluded analysis by the unaided ear, and showed that the difference in quality between tones, nominally the same from different sources, is due to minute modifications upon sensations, corresponding to small air- waves accompanying those which produce the fundamental tone. By a well- known system of graphic representation, let the curve in Fig. 17 stand for the fundamental note ; if this be simple, the curve is perfectly regular. But in fact it is accompanied by a group of smaller waves Fig. 17.— Simple Sound Waves. Fig. 18.— Complex Sound Waves. (Fig. 18, a V)\ when all are graphically combined, the curve is modified (Fig. 18, c d), and so is the actual sensation. With the same funda- mental a different series of overtones would have produced a different resultant curve and sensation. The first of these resultants may rep- resent c' from a soprano's voice, the other c' from that of the tenor, each sending into the ear 264 complex thrills per second. Without being absolutely unisonant, they constitute a pair of dissimilar musical THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 205 sounds that coalesce harmoniously. A well-trained ear may pick out some of the overtones without the aid of resonators, and perceive in the background a few duplicated sound-images ; but the great major- ity of them are so faint that their presence can not be perceived apart from each other, or from the fundamental to which they give character. The rich combination of all stands out in strong musical relief, com- pared with what each voice alone would yield, or with the sweet but thin sound of a tuning-fork that sings forth the same fundamental pitch. This principle relates to the combination of sensations, whatever may be the cause of dissimilarity among the components of the group. We have not the data from which a binocular image can be graphic- ally expressed as a curve, for the dissimilarity of the components is not due to interference of waves of light. But the facts suggest kin- ship between the modes of sensation in the two cases. The dissimilar groups of light-images arouse sensations that are simultaneously con- veyed to the brain, and the proper interpretation at once comes as the product of past experience. All we can affirm is, that experience has taught us to interpret retinal sensations which are slightly different in the two eyes, as the signs of an external object possessing three dimen- sions in space, when the images are produced upon parts of the con- cave surfaces which bear to each other the relations that would be im- posed by the presence of such an object if naturally viewed. Such experience has been acquired by each of us individually, and probably with exceeding rapidity in consequence of inherited tendencies. It is therefore not necessary that the localization of what we see in the stereoscope should be limited to cases of optic convergence, or the per- ception of relief to those in which double images can be distinguished. Our discussion has led us from the domain of physics to the con- fines of metaphysics. Explanations are at best only relative, and the psychologist, the physiologist, and the physicist must join hands in working out the problems of binocular vision. The progress made during the last half-century invites the hope that much may yet be accomplished before the next century brings us its morning greeting. ■»»» THE JEWS IN EUROPE * By Dr. J. VON DOLLINGEE. ' I. THE Academy celebrates to-day the birth of its royal head and gracious protector. Such a festival is, first of all, devoted to feelings the simplest, purest, and most elevating — love, reverence, * Anniversary Address before the Academy of Sciences at Munich, delivered July 25, 1881. Translated^ Mr. W. M. Salter. 206 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. gratitude. But it is also an occasion on which we are glad to think of our sovereign as weighing and pondering the affairs of his people, and the general condition of Germany ; and passing under review the most important events of the time, carefully measuring their gravity. And so our thoughts turn naturally to the most recent events, to the serious problems, which are now pressing with so loud and urgent a voice upon our attention. Xot the least of these is the Semitic question, which has been agitating Germany for some years. The parties stand sharply over against one another, and as, in the thirteenth century, the cry was "Here Guelph, there Ghibelline," so now there sounds through the Ger- man lands, " Here Semite and friend of the Semite, there anti-Semite." With no little astonishment have we perceived that the conflict rages most violently just in the principal city of the empire, and even among those belonging to the aristocracy of culture. And, although the south of Germany is thus far much less involved in the agitation than the north, the forces in motion there are not without influence in our own vicinity. In our days, science may no longer, as was formerly the case, keep aloof in self -contented attitude from the great mart of life ; rather has it the strongest reasons for participating, with the ripest results it has reached, in the solution of the problems of our age and nation, and for allying itself, to the end of mutual advantage, with all clarifying and quickening social forces. So let one of the offerings presented by the Academy, on this the natal day of its royal protector, be an attempt to show how these things have come to be : how the knot, the manner of whose loosing no one is now able to indicate, has gradually twisted itself ; and how History, wise guide of life that she is, holds up to the new errors that, are threatening us the warning mirror of the errors of the past. The fortunes of the Jewish people make, perhaps, the most im- pressive drama in the history of the world. The Greek tragedians dwell with predilection on the Hybris, the arrogant misuse of power, as the dark fate that draws men on to de- struction. In the fortunes of this people we encounter, as it were, an Hybris made up of religious fanaticism, vulgar avarice, and instinctive race-aversion. It was the result of that moral and intellectual infirm- ity which, for many centuries, has affected the highest as well as the lowest classes, and which still to some degree exists in wide circles, although kept in bounds by custom, fear, and public opinion. This infirmity was and is, in a word, a lack of the sense of justice. We know well the powers that still to-day, in every possible form, whether open or disguised, are constantly repeating this one thought : "We alone are in possession of the full and saving truth, and therefore everything must be conceded to, and everything permitted us, that is necessary or serviceable in spreading and putting forward this truth." Where this principle prevails, and it did prevail in the entire thousand THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 207 years from 500 to 1500 a. d., and is still affirmed by those who adhere to the mediaeval view of things — there even the idea of justice must appear as a damnable illusion. Such justice, we mean, as enables us to judge of men according to their education, inclination, and preju- dices ; as leads us to enter into the circle of their thoughts and sympa- thies, and to treat them accordingly ; as leads us to excuse and bear with their departure from the lines of our own thinking, believing, and doing, and to respect their independence. The Christian religion has comprehended this justice in the command to love our neighbor as we love ourselves ; but, by the rulers as well as the masses, by the teach- ers as well as the taught, by the educated as well as the ignorant, this supreme command has been misunderstood, ignored, and transgressed to an almost immeasurable extent. As to the present condition of affairs in this regard I do not pro- pose to speak. It is, however, easy to see that the civilization of a nation ranks the higher, the greater the number of those in it who are permeated by this higher spirit of justice, and the more calculated its institutions are to protect and manifest it. Where the relations of men to one another touch the religious field, we are accustomed to call the lack of this virtue fanaticism ; and there have been times when even the best men and the noblest characters have thought and acted in a fanatical spirit. And so it has come about that, in judging of the past, we, on our part, are now called upon to display this justice to just those who were untrue to it in life, and denied it to their fellow- men. Already, before the destruction of their capital and national sanc- tuary, the Jews were the most wide-spread of all peoples, and, when Strabo said that there could not be found one place in the world which did not harbor Jews, he spoke of a world comprising all the lands about the Mediterranean, and extending, in Asia, as far as into the Perso-Parthian Empire. By reason of transportations en masse, of half -free, half-compulsory colonization, of wars, and commerce in slaves, and gradually also because their spirit of enterprise took the direction more and more of commercial pursuits, they had become a diaspora, which, while numerous particularly in the sea-towns, using for the most part the Greek language, and influenced on many sides by Greek culture, still everywhere held firmly together, and preserved^ its existence as a distinct community. Like other inhabitants of the empire, they enjoyed the benefit of the protection of the Roman law. In general, they were esteemed and even given preferment, rather than mistreated, by the emperors. Their elders, indeed, received certain immunities ; firmly holding together, and helping and advancing one another, they were successful competitors in all branches of industry, therefore — hated. And if their rite of circumcision, their celebration of the Sabbath, their laws respecting food, and their shy habits of seclusion, excited much derision and contempt, there was still in their 2o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. cultus of the one purely spiritual God, who was represented by no imao-e, a powerful attraction for the minds of pagans, who were sur- feited with the numberless divinities of their religion. " Enemies are they of the gods as well as men "—such was the frequently pronounced judgment of the pagan populace on this nation, whose character was so mysterious to them. About the time of the Roman war in Judea, they fell, not seldom by thousands, as a prey to the fury of the heathen populace. They won again, however, a center of religious life and a head : in the little town of Jamnia, in Palestine, the sanhedrim formed itself, whose presiding officer was honored and recognized as the patriarch of the whole nation ; so there was at once a supreme authority and an academy. But just at this time, and in consequence of the powerful influence of the zealots, which had been enormously increased during the late wars, Judaism withdrew convulsively within itself, the Pharisaic way of thinking became exclusively predominant, and cast out every foreign element, such as Hellenism and Essenism ; while the Talmud, which held all the members of the Jewish body together and lay like an iron band about the nation, completed the separation, and all the more surely since the Roman laws forbade any to be circumcised who were not of Jewish birth. However, the question of vital moment was, what attitude those who carried the future in their bosom — viz., the Christians — would assume toward the Jews. The earliest Church remained true in this respect to the example and word of its Master and the teaching of the apos- tles. It believed and taught : 1. That the death of Christ, for which the leaders of the Jews and a part of the people at Jerusalem were re- sponsible, involves in no way the continuous guilt of the whole nation. On the contrary, Christ himself asked for the forgiveness of his cruci- fiers, and his prayer was heard. Peter, too, like his Master, excused their transgression on the ground of their ignorance. 2. The people is by no means outcast from God, even if their dispersion, the downfall of their state, and the destruction of their temple and capital, may be regarded as a divine punishment. Israel remains the chosen people of God, since God can not retract his choice and promise. At some fut- ure dav, when the " fullness of the Gentiles " shall have come, the full- ness of Israel will also believe, and make an harmonious fellowship along with Gentile believers. Starting from this view drawn from the New Testament, the wisest and most eminent teachers of the Church exhorted that the Jewish people must be regarded as a brother who has for the time gone astray, but will sooner or later return to the Father's house, and in the mean time is always and will remain the bearer of irrevocable promises. Hence, they marked out the duty for Christians of indulgent and patient- ly enduring love toward the race, of which both Christ and the apos- THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 209 ties were members, and from which they did not wish to be separated. The most learned and original of the older fathers, Origen, declared : " They are and remain our brothers ; but they will only unite with us when we, by our faith and our life, have stirred them to emulate our example." Even Augustine frequently said : " In the hearts of Chris- tians the confidence lives, and is expressed by them continually, that the children of the present Jewish generation will some day melt into one faith with the Christians." This view of the earliest Church dis- appeared, however, when Christianity became the state religion, and Roman heathenism en masse, with its hate and contempt for the Jews, became converted, in part freely and in part through direct or indirect compulsion, to Christianity. Soon the synods forbade eating with a Jew ; and Ambrose, who, while still unbaptized, was elevated to the bishopric of Milan, styled the burning of a synagogue in Rome by the populace an act pleasing to God, and called the Emperor Maximus, who desired its rebuilding, derisively a — -Jew. There comes to be, with infrequent exceptions, a more hostile strain in the writings of Christians, and the name of brother vanishes ; their remaining without the Church is explained no longer by ignorance, but by an ill-meant obduracy on their part. The hope of a future reconciliation is, in- deed, held ; but the reconciliation is placed as it were in the most distant corner of the future, in the last days before the final catas- trophe and the judgment of the world. It seemed as if the prospect of living in community with Israel (when, moreover, according to the Biblical doctrine, Israel would retake the ancestral primacy) was so little to the taste of the Christians that they were anxious to restrict so unwelcome and vexatious a condition to a few days or months. The Christian emperors had changed nothing of importance in their laws respecting the rights and liberties of the Jews until the year 439, when Theodosius II excluded them from all public, even municipal, offices. This law passed over into Justinian's Codex, and regulated their status in Europe as well as in the Eastern Empire. In the West we encounter at the end of the sixth century the first forced conversions in the Frankish Empire ; Avitus, in Clermont, and the kings Chilperic and Dagobert set the precedent. It was followed in the kingdom of the Spanish Visigoths on a large scale. There, where the bishops ruled the state, King Sisibut in the year 612 allowed the Jews only the choice of emigrating or being baptized. Many chose the latter, but turned back after a time to Judaism ; and, as the result,, there began a series of violent measures to keep them in the Church against their will, and to avenge their lapsing. This was 'in accordance with a decree of the national synod of Toledo— a fatal de- cree, which has cost more blood and tears than any law of heathen antiquity, since it served as a norm for innumerable deeds in subse- quent time. In the Frankisb Empire the ordinances of the Episcopal councils, vol. xxi. — 14 2io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. remained for a long time within the circle defined by the Emperor. The Jews were forbidden marriage with Christians, the ownership and sale of Christian slaves, and jurisdiction in court over Christians ; fur- ther, Jews and Christians were not allowed to take a common meal, and the employment of a Jewish physician was forbidden. Bitter hos- tility against the Jewish people is breathed first in the Frankish Em- pire in the writings of the Archbishops Agobard and Amolo, of Lyons, about the year 848 ; the latter recommended Sisibut's action as one acceptable to God, and worthy of imitation — a bad sign of what was to come. However, these writings also indicate, first, that at that time the charge of a usurious fleecing of the Christians by the Jews was not yet brought forward ; and, further, that the Emperor, the offi- cers of state, and even the agricultural population, were well-disposed to the Jews, and that the state still protected them. But with the end of the eleventh century a turn of things began, which proved full of disaster to the Christians as well as to the Jews and the pagans. The highest authority in the Western world had announced the principle of the religious wars, and found the means to foster them and continuously excite them anew. It had become an expiatory and saving work to conquer non-Christian peoples, and to plunder and destroy those who resisted ; hence, it was unavoidable that the condition of the Israelitish people should take a much worse shape than before ; and, although in general Europe was making steady progress in the formation of orderly civil governments, this progress was of no advantage to the Jewish people ; rather did each century, until the Reformation, bring an increase of their misery. For the Israelite was in the eyes of the then existing Christians worse than an unbeliever ; he was called in the official language of the Church perfidus — i. e., a man who deserves neither truth nor confidence. " Oremus et pro perfidis Judais " stood in the Liturgy for Good Fri- day, and all theologians and canonical writers of that time used the expression. The Jew should be avoided like one afflicted with a plague, even whose breath contaminates, or like a dangerous tempter, whose words hide the poison of doubt and unbelief. The laity were forbidden to speak even one word with him on the subject of religion. When, therefore, the hosts of the Crusaders went out to war against the Mohammedans in Asia, they began slaying the Jews at home, and plundering their houses. And the kingdom of Jerusalem began its existence by burning the Israelites who lived there, together with their synagogues. Those were acts of fanatical and untamed bands. For princes and peoples, for priests and laymen, the utterances of the Popes and coun- cils respecting the rights and duties of Christians to the Jews were naturally accepted as giving the law. Before this, the Roman bishops had not concerned themselves about the Jews ; their epistles and en- actments during the first six centuries contain nothing about them, the THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 211 imperial laws appearing to have satisfied them. Gregory the Great protected them unweariedly against the acts of violence common in Southern Italy, and forbade forcing them into the Church. On the other hand, he sought to procure their conversion by vouchsafing privileges to them, and set up the doubtful principle, which was often evoked later on when forcible conversions were attempted, viz., if the Church does not win thereby those who have been bought over, it certainly wins their children. From that time on, for nearly three centuries, the Popes are silent respecting the Jewish people. After the middle of the ninth century the first considerable assumption of power on the part of the Papacy took place under the Pseud-Isidore, Nicholas I, and his nearest succes- sors. When Stephen VI (885-891) broke the long silence, a strong hostile feeling had already taken the place of the earlier mildness in Rome. The Pope wrote to the Archbishop of Narbonne, that " he had been plunged into deadly anxiety by the news that the Jews, those enemies of God, had become possessed there by royal permission of property in land, and that Christians lived together with these dogs, and even performed service for them, although, as a punishment for the death of Christ, all the pledges and promises which God had confirmed to them were canceled." With this the signal was given, and the new path entered upon on which men now proceeded to ad- vance. It is true that the Jews were not seldom successful in ob- taining Papal letters of protection. The injunction not to force them to baptism, or to rob or kill them, was often repeated ; but, while on other occasions, even in matters of little consequence, banning, inter- dicting, outlawing, and other drastic means were threatened and ap- plied, these bulls for the protection of the Jews consisted of general exhortations, and were of little use, because the penal sanction was wanting. The kings and high nobility set everywhere the example of lawlessly oppressing, abusing, and plundering the Jews, and we do not find that the Popes called them to account for this, or took the part of the oppressed against them. On the contrary, when Philip Augustus robbed and banished the Jews of France, Coelestin III declared that the king in doing this had shown his ardent zeal in the cause of God ; and when any temporal ruler, who was also an official in the Church, in order to be sure of his right to do so, asked for Papal authorization to drive out the Jews from his dominion, it was readily granted him. The declaration of Innocent III, that the whole people was condemned by God, on account of its guilt, to perpetual slavery, became the oft-cited Magna Charta for all those whe lusted after the gains and possessions of the Jews ; in accordance with it rulers and peoples acted. Nor could the impression it made be greatly diminished by the circumstance that the Popes supported the letters, which they from time to time gave for the protection of the Jews, by referring to the prophecy about a remnant of the people that should remain 212 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. over, in order to be converted in the last days. Such a remnant of the Jews, it was thought, would be preserved, if not in Europe, at all events in Asia. The succeeding Popes held firmly to the principles and demands of Innocent III. If the Jews built a new synagogue, it must be torn down ; the only thing allowed was to repair the old ones. No Jew could witness against a Christian ; the bishops were to insist, even with the use of force, upon their wearing of the distinctive badges, the hat or the yellow cloth. This law respecting badges was particularly hard and cruel ; for, in the frequent uprisings and tumults in the cit- ies, the Jews fell so much the easier into the hands of the infuriated mob, which in this way recognized them at a glance ; and in traveling they became the prey, without hope of rescue, of the robber-knights and highwaymen, who naturally looked upon every Jew as an outlaw. In Spain, permission was therefore given them to wear every kind of clothing in traveling, but the permission was soon taken back. Especially did Eugene IV,' who annulled the humane concessions made by Martin V, add to the sharpness of the ecclesiastical legisla- tion, already pitiless enough, and the question was perforce raised how, if all this was fully carried out, could these men maintain their piteous existence at all. Whatever ground the Popes had left untouched, was covered by the councils of the different countries ; they forbade, for example, that a Christian should let or sell a house to a Jew, or buy wine of him. In addition to all this, came the oft-renewed orders to burn all copies of the Talmud and its commentaries — i. e., by far the largest part of the Jewish literature — on account of the passages hostile to Christianity that were said to be found therein. And then came again tortures, persecutions, and imprisonments in abundance. It seemed as if the mighty of the earth had only stones instead of bread for the afflicted people, and were disposed to give no answer to their entreaties and inquiries, other than that which the ancestors of the Jews once gave to the tyrant Herod, viz., when he asked what, then, he snould do for them, they replied, to hang himself. The new theory of the slavery of the Jews was now adopted and elaborated by the theologians and canonical writers. Thomas of Aquinas, whose views pass as unimpeachable in the whole Church, de- cided that the princes could dispose of the property of these men, who were condemned to perpetual bondage, just as they would of their own goods. A long series of writers on the canon law built upon the same foundation the assertion that princes and lords could forcibly dispos- sess the Jews of their sons and daughters, and cause them to be bap- tized. That a baptized child of a Jew should not be allowed to re- main with its father was universally taught, and still is a demand of the Church. The princes, in the mean time, had greedily adopted the papal doctrine of the divinely ordained slavery of the Jews, and the THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 213 Emperor Frederick II based thereupon the claim that all Jews were his property as the Emperor, according to the then prevailing logic, that the master's rights over them had been transmitted from the old Roman emperors to him as their successor. His son, Conrad IV, al- ready used the expressions, " servants of our chamber," and the Schioa- benspiegel * professed to know that " King Titus had given them over to be the property of the imperial chamber." King Albrecht de- manded from King Philip of France that the French Jews be handed over to him, and later the Jews themselves said, in a memorial to the Council of Ratisbon, that " They belonged to the Emperor, in order that he might preserve them from entire destruction at the hands of the Christians, and keep them as a memorial of the sufferings of Christ." After the fourteenth century, this servitude to the exchequer came to be understood and applied as a complete slavery : " You belong," says the Emperor Charles IV, in a document addressed to the Jews, " to us and the empire with your lives and possessions ; we can order, do, and act with these as we like and as seems good to us." In fact, the Jews frequently went, like an article of merchandise, from one hand into another ; the Emperor declared, now here, now there, that their claims for the payment of debts were annulled, and caused a large sum of money, generally thirty per cent, to be paid by the debtors into his own treasury. The protection which emperor and empire were supposed to ac- cord to the servants of the exchequer was often illusory, even when they were granted special privileges ; as a matter of fact, they were without civil rights. Only where self-interest dictated, not to allow men in so many ways useful and profitable to utterly perish, did the governments step in. Otherwise everybody's hand was against them, from emperor down through all ranks of society to the very rabble. Often protection was assured them only for a limited time, at the end of which they were as good as outlawed, unless they immediately bought with large sums of money a renewal of the letter of protection. They were -used like sponges — allowed to completely fill themselves, in order to be then as completely squeezed out. What happened in the year 1390 deserves to be kept in the memory of Germans as a con- stant warning. King, princes, nobles, and cities were, by reason of long wars, all alike in debt ; then the example that had been already given by France was copied. At the Imperial Diet held in Nurem- berg, all money-claims by Jews were annulled, and, instead of paying their rightful creditors the debtors paid in fifteen per cent of their in- debtedness to the royal treasury ! In this way, for example, the Duke of Bavaria, the Count of Oettingen, and the city of Ratisbon, each won one hundred thousand gold florins. If a prince ever showed a disposition to favor the Jews of his land * The book containing the statute- and feudal-laws of South Germany. — Translator. 2i4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. or any single individual, by bestowing perhaps a piece of land or an office upon him, a papal letter soon appeared warning and threatening with punishment, and reminding the prince that a son of the hand- maid should never be preferred to a son of the free-woman.* Car- dinal legates of the Pope had it decided at councils (as at Vienna, in 1267) that no Jew should be permitted in a bath-house or drinking- saloon or an inn ; that no Christian should dare buy meat of a Jew, since he might thus be treacherously poisoned. The Synod of Sala- manca, of the year 1335, declared that physicians of the Mosaic faith offered their services only because they wished to destroy, as far as they could, the Christian people, and so, in effect, the population of all Europe. In this way the seeds of hate and detestation were sown, and whole- sale murder was the harvest. Accustomed to the view that every Jew is a born enemy and debtor to the Christians, the nations, in a time when what was cruel and unnatural was credulously laid hold of with a kind of predilection and even eagerness, held the Jews to be capable of every crime, even the most improbable and impossible. After the twelfth century, the story went about that the Jews craved Christian blood, some imagined for their festival of the passover, others as a remedy against a secret hereditary disease ; and, to get it, that they put a boy to death every year. In addition, a pretense was made of knowing that they crucified a Christian every year in mockery of the Redeemer. If a corpse, on which there were signs of violence, or a dead child, was found anywhere, a Jew must have been the murderer ; generally, the crime was supposed to have been committed by a number jointly, and torture was continued till it extorted confessions. Then followed horrible executions, and in many cases a general butchering of the whole Jewish population in town and country. An orderly, unpreju- diced judicial procedure was not to be thought of. The judges and magistrates trembled themselves before the rage of the populace, which had its mind made up from the start, and held fast to the presumption that the most infamous deeds might be expected of every member of this murderous people. Occasionally, it was an image of Christ, which a Jew was said to have pierced with a knife or mutilated, that gave the signal for a massacre. After the year 1290, rumors of maltreated and miraculously bleeding Hosts were added. From Paris, where the first case had happened, the news spread to the neighboring countries. Very soon the possession of a similar miraculous treasure was coveted elsewhere; and now it appeared as if the Jews, seized by a demoniacal frenzy, at once believed and disbelieved an ecclesiastical dogma, and had an irrepressible desire for an agonizing death — so frequently were these ostensible outrages revenged upon them. In London the Jews were murdered because they were suspected * Cf. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, iv, 22-31. — (Translator.) THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 21 5 of plotting to burn the great city with Greek fire. The great plague, which in 1348 swept over and depopulated all Europe, could only, it was easily known, proceed from the Jews. The fact that the sober and temperately living people were much less affected by the plague than the Christians, converted the bare suspicion into a certainty. They had everywhere, in consequence of a great conspiracy, in which the houses of lepers had also taken part, poisoned the springs and wells, and even the rivers. In Zofingen it was pretended that actual poison was found in one of the wells. On the rack some Jews and lepers confessed to the deed. There hence burst forth a storm of fanaticism, of bestial revenge and vulgar avarice, such as has never before nor since been seen in Europe. The victims were counted in single towns by thousands. Many anticipated the rage of the mob by taking their own lives. To no purpose did Pope Clement VI declare in two bulls that the Jews were innocent. Those who saved them- selves by a swift flight found an asylum only in distant Lithuania. Still, not merely on account of religion and the fictitious crime did the popular hatred direct itself against the Jews ; there was in addi- tion a third motive, acting just as, if not more strongly. The Jews loaned money on interest, they were usurers ; they carried on an in- deed indispensable but none the less sinful business, and fleeced, so the saying was, the Christians. The accusation was not untrue, and yet unjust. Popes and councils, supporting themselves upon an incorrect inter- pretation of Luke vi, 35,* have since the end of the eighth century with one voice and with a continually increasing rigor, condemned and visited with ecclesiastical penalties all taking of interest, in what- ever form, on loaned capital. In the early Church, only the clergy were forbidden to take interest ; but, as the influence of the Papal chair increased, the prohibition was extended to the laity also. No distinction was made between interest and usury, but every stipulation for or taking of the slightest amount over and above the capital that had been loaned was forbidden by the Popes and councils, a prohibition from which there could be (as Alexis III, in 1179, de- clared) in no case a dispensation. To this Clement V at the Council of Vienna added the decision that it is heresy to assert that the taking of interest is not a sin. Unendurable fetters were thereby placed upon all commerce and business ; and Pope Gregory IX declared even the money advances, with interest stipulated, which maritime traffic requires, to be dam- nable usury. The Church had thereby placed itself in contradiction with the nature of things, with the indispensable requirements of civil life and of general trade ; she might, indeed, prevent her own members from taking interest, but she could not command or compel * The revised translation reads, "and lend, never despairing," in place of the old translation, il and lend* hoping for nothing again." — (Translator.) 2i 6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. them to loan out their money without interest. On account of the general lack of ready money in a time when the supply of gold and silver metal was continually decreasing, and a currency to take their place had not been devised, everybody from the highest to the lowest came very frequently to a pass where they must borrow money ; and since trade in money was strictly forbidden to the Christians, and could only be carried on by them when veiled under other forms of business or in roundabout ways, the Jews, who were excluded from other branches of industry and positions in life, entered upon it. An industrious people the Jews have ever been. As long as they formed a state of their own, their principal occupations were agriculture, horticulture, and the trades. In their hands Palestine had become one of the best cultivated and most fruitful lands of the earth. The Mosaic legislation was intended to encourage the improvement of the soil, and to further the cultivation of grain, wine, and oil. Further, in the first centuries after Christ, and after the destruction of the Jewish state, the people remained faithful to their old customs. Josephus, in the beginning of the second century, still praises the industry of his countrymen in their trades and in agriculture. There is no evidence to be found in the Roman literature and the laws of the emperors that the Jews had given themselves up to shrewd bargaining and small trading, or in general had become a commercial people. The numerous Jews that lived in Rome appear to have been poor. Further, the violent and extremely bloody risings of the Jews in Egypt and Cyrene, and on the islands (of the Mediterranean) in- dicate that they did not form a commercial population or one dealing in small wares, for such a class of people do not often take up arms. Even as late as the tenth century, they formed a stationary population in Spain, Southern France, and even in Germany. This condition, however, they could not maintain in face of the hostility of the Church and of the people, and moreover, after the rise of the Italian maritime and commercial cities with their merchant-fleets, they lost their hold upon the commerce between the West and the Orient. The concen- tration of trade in the guilds and the exclusion of the Jews from ordi- nary intercourse with Christians made it impossible for them to be- come artisans. Just as little could they live on agriculture, since they were almost everywhere forbidden to own land. Cardinal James, of Vitry, who knew the Orient well, observes in the year 1244, "Among the Mohammedans the Jews ply handicrafts, although it is only the lower and despised branches that they occupy themselves with, but among the Christians they live on the business of loaning money." The thought forces itself upon us, how great a benefit would have been conferred upon the world, Christian and Jewish alike, if a cardi- nal or a Pope at that time had reflected upon this contrast between the Jews under the Crescent and the Jews under the Cross, and had drawn from it the practical inferences that lie so near at hand. THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 217 In addition, the physician's calling was as a rule closed to the Jews, although in Mohammedan countries it was precisely as physicians that they won high distinction ; for the councils forbade a sick person, on pain of excommunication, to take medicine from a Jewish physician — it being better, as they declared, to die than to be healed by an infidel ? They were further excluded from all schools, high and low. Whoever had a desire for knowledge must become a rabbi, and if, as a very rare exception, a prince, like Alfonso X of Castile, made use of Jewish mathematicians and astronomers, the education of these men was ob- tained in lands where the Koran ruled. The taking of interest on loans from strangers was permitted to the Jews by their law, and the supposed prohibition by Christ was believed at first by both parties not to be binding upon the Jews. The matter changed, however, after Innocent III. At the end of the twelfth century, theologians and canonical writers taught that, in accordance with natural law as well as the divinely revealed law of the Old and New Testaments, the taking of interest in general is forbidden and is a sin. Innocent III ordered, therefore, that the Jews should be compelled to give back the interest they had collected, and to this end introduced an expedient that had not been used before, viz., that Christians should be compelled, on pain of excommunication, to break off all intercourse with those Jews who refused to make the returns. This amounted, in case the programme was strictly carried out, to delivering them over to death by starvation. Hence arose sad confusion and conflicts of many kinds. The bishops, whose duty it was to pronounce excommunication, were disposed often to execute their task in good earnest ; and the synods (for example, that at Avignon in 1209) urged them to do so. The princes, on the other hand, in whose interest and as whose servants the Jews carried on their money-lending, protected them ; or, on the other hand, as happened in not a few cases, confiscated their entire property for their own use, on the plea that it had been gained by taking interest. Sometimes they even compelled Christian debtors to pay the outstanding interest into their own treasury. Interminable confusion to clergy and laity was the result of the action of the hierarchy in forbidding the taking of interest, and the canonical writers vexed themselves to invent distinctions and find ways of escape out of the labyrinth. In innumerable cases they found them- selves helpless in face of the actual circumstances and practically aban- doned the principle, although in theory no one could attack it on pain of death. In real consistency, the Christians should have been forbid- den to borrow on interest, since by so doing they enticed the Jews to sin. But Popes, bishops, clergy, were themselves often in a situation in which they must seek for a loan and pay the interest ; in fact, the whole organization of the curia, the management of the system of benefices, the taxation of the clergy by the Popes, were calculated to make bishops, clergy, monasteries, and chapters liable to the payment 2i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of interest to Jewish capitalists. Under these circumstances the canon- ical writers finally decided that, being in any case lost, it was imma- terial whether the Jews committed a few more or a few less sins ; the borrowing Christians, however, were excused by their necessities. The interest demanded by the Jews was, it is true, exceedingly high, and often beyond the power of the debtor to pay, but this was a result of the value of money at the time, of the scarcity of coin, and above all, of the oppressive amounts which the Jews were obliged to pay to princes and town authorities. The Caorsines and the great Italian bankers put their demands just as high as the Jews, and where they got the trade in money into their own hands the desire arose, as for example in Paris at the beginning of the fourteenth century, to have the Jews back again, since their activity as money-lenders wras, on the whole, in many ways beneficial, and at that time irreplaceable. They did for the northern countries and for Spain what was done for Italy by the bankers' associations of the so-called Lombards, and by the money-brokers of Asti, Sienna, Florence, and other cities, who were partly patronized and partly silently tolerated (and in either case frequently called into requisition) by the Popes and bishops. In France and England there was even at times competition between Lombard and Jew. The Emperor Louis's son, Louis the Brandenburger, issued in the year 1352 a public invitation to the Jews to settle free of tax- ation in his land, because " since the time when the Jews were de- stroyed (referring to the great massacre of 1348), there has been every- where, both among rich and poor, a deficiency in ready money." -o^-o- I CHEMISTRY IN HIGH-SCHOOLS. By ELISA A. BOWEN. HAVE, for some years, been trying to improve the teaching of chemistry in girls' schools. It is, of course, work of the most elementary character. I wished earnestly to make it, so far as it went, inductive study — in other words, to train the observing powers to se- lect for themselves the significant facts ; and to train the reasoning powers to draw for themselves, with some degree of independence, the more important of the general principles which we call the theory of chemistry. When I began to teach this subject, about six years ago, the pro- gressive teachers had become dissatisfied with the old plan of book- study or lecture, with experiments by the teacher. The best thing offered as improvement was the performance of experiments by the pupils themselves. This was certainly an important advance ; and manipulation is, first or last, essential to any complete knowledge of CHEMISTRY IN HIGH-SCHOOLS. 219 chemistry. But it is not all that is needed. Mental activity is the important thing. I will illustrate the plan which has proved best in my own experi- ence, merely saying, first, that even where pupils have studied physics, I have a preliminary drill to make sure the girls are quite clear about the forms of matter, the properties of liquids and gases, attractive and repulsive forces. I do not say a word to them about chemical attrac- tion, because I wish them to study that out for themselves. Some- times they have already learned by heart a definition from some book on physics ; but, as Thomas Carlyle would say, " by the blessing of Heaven they have generally forgotten it." I think the best experiment to begin with is the evolution of oxy- gen gas by heating the red oxide of mercury. This is not the easiest or the most convenient way of obtaining oxygen, but it is much the simplest process.* I do not usually tell my pupils anything — not even what the substance is which they are to make ; but they know I shall question them closely about what they have seen. When the experiment is concluded — the gas tested with a glowing taper ; the residue of mercury examined ; and a little of the red oxide put into water and stirred, to show that it will not dissolve — I usually ask questions about as follows : " When the jar was lifted from the water to the shelf, why did not the water fall out ? Why did the water afterward sink in the jar ? Did you see anything in the jar as the water fell ? Why do you think there was anything in the upper part of the jar ? What form of matter was it ? How do you know that it was not air ? How was it like air? How was it unlike air ? Had it color or smell ? Did it burn ? What was it burned ? Did the gas have anything to do with the burning ? " f I then tell them the gas is called oxygen ; and I write on my blackboard the name and symbol, with a list of the properties which they have just discovered. I then proceed to ask : " What remained in the ignition tube at the close of the experiment ? What form of matter was it ? Did you ever before see anything with that shiny luster ? What class of bodies have it ? " Then I tell those who do not already know that it is mercury, and I give the symbol, Hg. I then say : " Where were the gas and the liquid when that red powder was placed in the tube ? What became of the powder ? Did it take any force to separate the gas and liquid which you say formed the powder? What was the force? What sort of a force is heat? Do you suppose any force held the oxygen and mercury togeth- er ? Do you know a general name given to forces which unite * I always, of course, have ready a quantity previously otherwise made. f I find that pupils will at first, of themselves, make the somewhat conventional dis- tinction between " combustibles " and " supporters of combustion." For a while I let this pass. 220 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. bodies ? Name some kinds of attraction. Is this force cohesion ? Why not ? Is it adhesion ? Why not ? " I finally tell them the force is called chemical attraction, and I call on them to put into words a clear definition of chemical attraction. As they do so, I simply criti- cise the successive trials they make, until the definition is correct in matter and form ; and then, after making them repeat it several times in concert, I write it on the blackboard. By similar questions, which I will not weary the reader by repeat- ing, I make them draw from the same experiment facts and definitions about elements, simple substances, compounds, oxides, decomposition, etc., etc. In my life, I have taught a great deal of Latin and English, but I know no such language-lesson as is given when a class, under the fire of a skillful teacher's criticism, slowly perfects a clear logical state- ment, or definition, for which they have gained the material by using their own senses and reason. My pupils keep note-books, and at every lesson bring me, neatly written out, the substance of the previous lesson. I have given above only a samj)le of the general tenor of questions. Sometimes some misapprehension on the part of pupils makes me di- verge widely to bring them back on the track. I endeavor to make the subject as practical as possible by having pupils study the chemistry of common operations. After the above experiment, I usually introduce the subject of air by asking : " Why did the taper at last fail to light again when dipped into the jar ? What had become of the oxygen in the jar? Did the remains of the burned paper look like the remains when paper is burned in the air ? " After this I take a bit of sodium and burn it in oxygen. I also oxidize some in the air. I show, by testing, that the oxygen has dis- appeared from the jar. I test the first oxide with red litmus, both be- fore and after dissolving in water. I let the pupils taste a little of a very dilute solution. I then ask questions about sodium just as I did about oxygen and mercury. I ask what has become of the oxygen and the sodium ; what unites them ; what the force is called ; draw them on to classify the result of the union as a compound and an ox- ide ; draw them on to note the properties of the compound. Then I have them test the oxide formed in the air just as the other was tested. I ask : " Is this a compound ? Do you think you know either of its elements ? Of which one are you sure ? Do you think you know the other element ? Why do you think it is oxygen ? Where did the oxygen come from ? What other reason have you for thinking the air contains oxygen ? " I wait for further experiments before indorsing their partly formed conclusion about oxygen in the air. We next make some study of carbon by burning coal in oxygen. I have them test the result with lime-water. We burn coal in a receiver of air, and test this result also. I have some powdered charcoal heated in contact with the red oxide CHEMISTRY IN HIGH-SCHOOLS. 221 of mercury, and that result tested. Every particle of information which observation can draw from these experiments is carefully elicited by questions such as I have described. At this point I usually inform them that the red oxide of mercury is sometimes made by heating mercury a long time in contact with air. They commonly by this time consider the evidence of oxygen in the air pretty conclusive. I next lead them to think about the air we breathe : whether it comes from our lungs unchanged ; to think of some way of testing whether it contains free oxygen. I have them test the breath with lime-water, discuss the effect of the union of car- bon and oxygen, especially the heat. In all this I tell them very little. I become greatly interested in seeing how much I can get them to do for themselves. I simply try to stimulate and get them on the right track. At this point I usually ask them whether they think the air contains anything besides oxygen, and set them to discussing ways of getting at the other element in air. Devising experiments is a very important part of chemical train- ing, and, where the pupil sees beforehand some question to settle, he can be made to do it. By rousing him to think, criticising his crude plan, and showing, or making him think of, its defects, it can be done. Pupils will devise the well-known experiment of burning away oxygen from air, but of course they must ■ be told that phosphorus is the best combustible for their purpose. By taking up the various requirements of the experiment separately, they will suggest nearly everything. But before the experiment is actually carried out, to prevent the confusion which would arise from the vapor of phosphoric anhydride, I have them make a little study of phosphorus. It is examined, burned in oxygen, burned in air, the anhydride noted, its great affinity for wa- ter, its behavior to litmus both before and after union with water, its taste noted, etc. After this we use phosphorus to help us study the composition of air. The girls note (approximately) the proportion of oxygen to nitrogen. We test the air for carbonic acid ; discuss the moisture in it, etc. ; and then I have them make some study of water. To do this I first put a bit of sodium in a very small cage of wire gauze, and thrust it under a little water. The result is tested, and shown to be the same compound they before knew. When they are satisfied that the oxy- gen must come from the water, we collect hydrogen and examine it. I have them also note the new method of decomposition. Then we have the proof by synthesis, burning hydrogen and collecting a little of the water. As we proceed, my pupils begin to think ahead of questions, and their perceptions grow sharper.* * In final review, I employ the topical method of recitation, but this method is too loose for investigation, which must be held down to accuracy, by well-considered ques- tions, taking up one pqjnt at a time. 222 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. If, after this, we decompose water by a battery, the students will at once recognize the process for themselves as decomposition ; and it confirms their previous analysis of water. But, if I begin experiment- in cr by battery decomposition, they can not study out for themselves the rationale of the process. Of course, the teacher can explain and point out and make it understood, but they take it all pretty much upon authority, and their minds are far less active and independent. And so, of making oxygen at first with potassium chlorate. The chlorate is a less simple substance than the red oxide of mercury ; and the presence of the binoxide of manganese, with the catalysis, complicates the process. While directing this experimental study I do not tell them any of the facts which come on testimony, unless, like the fact about the making of the red oxide of mercury, it is a necessary step in some chain of reasoning which they can make out mainly for themselves. The precautions necessary in using such substances as sodium make it unwise and imprudent to set careless young folks to handling them. One accident would bring lasting disrepute on our chemical study. Showy experiments are demoralizing, though they excite for the time a sensational interest. But, when young folks really think for themselves, they are so pleased with it that they can take the highest interest in a very simple process. There is an experiment which I learned from that capital book, "Eliot and Storer's Chemistry," which illustrates a good many things I have said. It is designed to show the great diffusibility of hydrogen. A tube, closed at one end with plas- ter of Paris, is filled with hydrogen, and put in a tumbler of water for a day or two. The water first rises in the tube, then sinks to the level of that in the tumbler, in consequence of hydrogen escaping faster than air comes in. When I first taught chemistry, my pupils took no interest in this experiment. When I tried making them discuss the changes, and discover for themselves the property of hydrogen which causes them (which they do with all ease), they find it more interesting than the burning of phosphorus in oxygen. This experiment shows, too, how genuine inductive teaching must necessarily be oral teaching, for a text-book merely tells the philosophy of the changes, which is precisely the thing the pupils ought not to be told. When chemistry is taught inductively, the order in which the sub- ject is presented becomes important. It is of the highest consequence that the more' dependent parts of the science should not be put for- ward in the beginning. I do not think the order of our American text-books so good as that of Stockhardt. I will state, in a very few words, the order which seems to me best. I usually make the pupil study, first, the individual properties of the thirty chief elements, taking up no compounds but oxides and hydro- gen acids. The pupil should test the oxides with red or blue litmus ; note the acid or basic taste ; note which are insoluble in water. The A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN. 223 difference between hydrates and anhydrides should be clearly brought out, and the part which hydrogen plays. After this survey, the pupil, for himself, without prompting, divides the elements into their two great classes. Then, after some little study of sulphides and the other binary compounds, the principal acids and bases should be shown in their concentrated form. After this, a number of them should be combined to form salts, and, in doing this, it should be brought out very clearly {by, not for the pupil) how the bases replace the hydrogen of the acid. There should also be some general study of crystallization. It would be easy to multiply suggestions, but it has been my pur- pose in this brief paper simply to describe what I have tried, and give only the results of experience. •»o» A NEW THEOKY OF THE SUN". THE CONSERVATION" OF SOLAR ENERGY. By C. WILLIAM SIEMENS. A PAPER was recently read by me before the Royal Society, under the above title, which may be termed a first attempt to open for the sun a creditor and debtor account, inasmuch as he has hitherto been regarded only as the great almoner, pouring forth inces- santly his boundless wealth of heat, without receiving any of it back. Such a proposal touches the root of solar physics, and can not there- fore be expected to pass without challenge — to meet which I gladly embrace the opportunity, now offered to me through the courtesy of the editor of this review, of enlarging somewhat upon the first concise statement of my views regarding this question. Man has from the .very earliest ages looked up with a feeling of awe and wonderment to our great luminary, to whom we owe not only the light of day, but the genial warmth by which we live, by which our hills are clad with verdure, our rivers flow, and without which our life-sustaining food, both vegetable and animal, could not be pro- duced. When for our comfort and our use we resort to a fire either of wood. or coal, we know now by the light of modern science that we are utilizing only solar rays that have been stored up by the aid of the process of vegetation in our forests or in the forests of former geolog- ical ages, when our coal-fields were the scenes of rank tropical growth. The potency of the solar ray in this respect was recognized — even be- fore science had discovered its true significance — by clear-sighted men such as the late George Stephenson, who, when asked what in his opin- 224 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ion was the ultimate cause of the motion of his locomotive-engine, said that he thought it went by "the bottled-up rays of the sun." With the exception of our coal-fields and a few elementary com- bustible substances such as sulphur and what are called the precious metals, which we find sparsely scattered about, our earth consists es- sentially of combined matter. Thus our rivers, lakes, and oceans are filled with oxidized hydrogen, the result of a most powerful combus- tion ; and the crust of our earth is found to consist either of quartz (a combination of the metal silicon with oxygen) or limestone (oxidized calcium combined with oxidized carbon), or of other metals, such as magnesium, aluminium, or iron, oxidized and combined in a similar manner. Excepting, therefore, the few substances before enumerated, we may look upon our earth, near its surface at any rate, as a huge ball of cinder, which, if left to itself, would soon become intensely cold, and devoid of life or animation of any kind. It is true that a goodly store of heat still exists in the interior of our earth, which, according to some geologists, is in a state of fusion, and must certainly be in a highly heated condition ; but this internal heat would be of no avail, owing to the slow rate of conduction, by which alone, excepting volcanic action, it could be brought to us liv- ing upon its surface. An estimate of the amount of heat poured down annually upon the surface of our earth may be formed from the fact that it exceeds a million times the heat producible by all the coal raised, which may be taken at 280,000,000 tons a year. If, then, we depend upon solar radiation for our very existence from day to day, it can not be said that we are only remotely interested in solar physics, and the question whether and how solar energy, com- prising the rays of heat, of light, and the actinic rays, is likely to be maintained, is one in which we have at least as great a reversionary interest as we have in landed estate or other property. If the amount of heat, or, more correctly speaking, of energy, sup- plied annually to our earth is great as compare^ with terrestrial quan- tities, that scattered abroad in all directions by the sun strikes us as something almost beyond conception. The amount of heat radiated from the sun has been approximately computed by the aid of the pyrheliometer of Pouillet, and by the actinometers of Herschel, at 18,000,000 heat-units from every square foot of its surface per hour ; or, expressed popularly, if coal were con- sumed on the surface of the sun in the most perfect manner, our total annual production of 280,000,000 tons, being the estimated produce of all the coal-mines of the earth, would suffice to keep up solar radiation for only one forty-millionth part of a second ; or, if the earth were a mass of coal, and could be supplied by contract to the solar furnace- men, this supply would last them just thirty-six hours. If the sun were surrounded by a solid sphere of a radius equal to A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN. 225 the mean distance of the sun from the earth (95,000,000 miles), the whole of this prodigious amount of heat would be intercepted ; but considering that the earth's apparent diameter as seen from the sun is only seventeen seconds, the earth can intercept only the 2,250-millionth part. Assuming that the other planetary bodies swell the amount of intercepted heat to ten times this amount, there remains the important fact that f|f 000000 °f tne s°lar energy is radiated into space, and apparently lost to the solar system, and only 22goS0ooo utilized or in- tercepted. Notwithstanding this enormous loss of heat, solar temperature has not diminished sensibly for centuries, if we neglect the periodic changes, apparently connected with the appearance of sun -spots, that have been observed by Lockyer and others, and the question forces itself upon us, how this great loss can be sustained without producing an observable diminution of solar temperature, even within a human life-time. Among the ingenious hypotheses intended to account for a con- tinuance of solar heat is that of shrinkage or gradual reduction of the sun's volume, suggested by Helmholtz. It may, however, be argued against this theory that the heat so produced would be liberated throughout its mass, and would have to be brought to the surface by conduction, aided perhaps by convection; but we know of no material of sufficient conductivity to transmit anything approaching the amount of heat lost by radiation. Chemical action between the constituent parts of the sun has also been suggested ; but here again we are met by the difficulty that the products of such combination would, ere this, have accumulated on the surface, and would have formed a barrier against further action. These difficulties led Sir William Thomson to the suggestion that the cause of maintenance of solar temperature might be found in the circumstance of meteorites, not falling upon the sun from great dis- tances in space, as had been suggested by Mayer and Waterton, but circulating with an acquired velocity within the planetary distances of the sun, and he shows that each pound of matter so imported would represent a large number of heat-units, without disturbing the plan- etary equilibrium. But in considering more fully the enormous amount of planetary matter that would be required for the maintenance of the solar temperature, Sir William Thomson soon abandoned this hypoth- esis for that of simple transfer of heat from the interior of a fluid sun to the surface by means of convection-currents, which latter hypothesis is at the present time supported by Professor Stokes and other leading physicists. This theory has certainly the advantage of accounting for the greatest possible store of heat within the solar mass, because it sup- poses the latter to consist in the main of a fluid heated to such a tem- perature that, if it wfere relieved at any point of the confining pressure, vol. xxi. — 15 226 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. it would flash into gas of a vastly inferior, but still of an elevated, temperature. It is supposed that such fluid material, or material in the " critical " condition, as Professor Thomas Andrews, of Belfast, has named it, is continually transferred to the surface by means of convec- tion-currents, that is to say, by currents forming naturally when a fluid substance is cooled at its upper surface, and sinks down after cooling to make room for ascending material at the comparatively higher temperature. It is owing to such convection-currents that the tenrperature of a room is, generally speaking, higher toward the ceil- ing than toward the floor, and that upon plunging a thermometer into a tank of heated water the surface temperature is found slightly supe- rior to that near the bottom. These convection-currents owe their existence to a preponderance of the cooled descending over the ascending current ; but this differ- ence being slight, and the ascending and descending currents inter- mixing freely, they are, generally speaking, of a sluggish character ; hence, in all heating apparatus, it is found essential to resort either to artificial propulsion, or to separating walls between the ascending and the descending currents, in order to give effect to the convective transfer of heat. In the case of a fluid sun another difficulty presents itself through the circumstance that the vast liquid interior is enveloped in a gaseous atmosphere, which, although perhaps some thousands of miles in depth, represents a relatively very small store of heat. Convection-currents may be supposed active in both the gaseous atmosphere and in the fluid ocean below, but the surface of this fluid must necessarily con- stitute a barrier between the two convective systems, nor could the convective action of the gaseous atmosphere — that is to say, the simple up and down currents caused by surface refrigeration — be such as to disturb the liquid surface below to any great extent, because each descending current would have had plenty of time to get intermixed with its neighboring ascending current, and would, therefore, have reached its least intensity on arriving on the liquid surface. As regards the liquid, its most favorable condition for heating purposes would be at the critical point, or that at which the slightest diminution of superincumbent pressure would make it flash off into gas ; but considering that, by means of conduction and convection, the liquid matter must have assumed, in the course of ages, a practically uniform temperature to a very considerable depth, it follows that the liquid below the surface, with fluid pressure in addition to that of the superimposed gaseous atmosphere, must be ordinary fluid, the critical condition being essentially confined only to the surface. Conditions analogous to those here contemplated are met with in a high-pressure steam-boiler, with its heated water and dense vapor atmosphere. Suppose the fire below such a boiler be withdrawn, and its roof be exposed to active radiation into space, what should we ob- A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN. 227 serve through a strong pane of glass inserted in the side of the boiler near the liquid surface, lit up by an incandescent electric lamp within ? The loss of heat by radiation from the boiler would give rise to con- vection-currents, and partial condensation of the vapor atmosphere ; then, if the motion of the water were made visible by means of coloring matter, we should observe convection-currents in the fluid mass sepa- rate and distinct from those in the gaseous mass ; but these convection- currents would cause no visible disturbance of the liquid surface, which would present itself to the eye with the smoothness of a mirror. It is only in the event of the steam-pressure being suddenly relieved at any point on the surface that a portion of the water would flash into steam, causing a violent upheaval of the liquid. The dark spots on the sun appear to indicate commotion of this description, but these are evidently not the result of mere convection- currents ; if they were, they would occur indiscriminately over the entire surface of the sun, whereas telescopic observation has revealed the fact that they do occur almost exclusively in two belts, between the equator and the polar surfaces on either side. Their occurrence could be satisfactorily explained if we could suppose the existence of strong lateral currents flowing from the polar surfaces toward the equator, which lateral currents in the solar atmosphere would cause cyclones or vortex action with a lower and denser atmosphere consist- ing probably of metallic vapors ; this vortex action extending down- ward would relieve the fluid ocean locally from pressure, and give rise to explosive outbursts of enormous magnitude, projecting the lower atmosphere high above the photosphere, with a velocity measured, according to Lockyer, by a thousand miles a second. It will be seen from what follows how, according to my views, such vortex action in those intermediate regions of the sun would necessarily be pro- duced. But supposing that, notwithstanding the difficulties just pointed out, convection-currrents sufficed to effect a transfer of internal heat to the surface with sufficient rapidity to account for the enormous surf ace-loss by radiation, we should only have the poor satisfaction of knowing that the available store would last longer than might have been expected, whereas a complete solution of the problem would be furnished by a theory, according to which the radiant energy which is now supposed to be dissipated into space and irrecoverably lost to our solar system, could be arrested and brought back in another form to the sun himself, there to continue the work of solar radiation. Some six years ago the thought occurred to me that such a solution of the solar problem might not lie beyond the bounds of possibility, and, although I can not claim intimate acquaintance with the intrica- cies of solar physics, I have watched its progress, and have engaged also in some physical experiments bearing upon the question, all of which have served> to strengthen my confidence, and to ripen in me 228 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the determination to submit my views, not without some misgiving, to the touchstone of scientific criticism. For the purposes of my theory, stellar space is supposed to be filled with highly rarefied gaseous bodies, including hydrogen, oxygen, nitro- gen, carbon, and their compounds, besides solid materials in the form of dust. Each planetary body would in that case attract to itself an atmosphere depending for density upon its relative attractive impor- tance, and it would not seem unreasonable to suppose that the heavier and less diffusible gases would form the staple of these local atmos- pheres ; that, in fact, they would consist mostly of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbonic acid, while hydrogen and its compounds would pre- dominate in space. In support of this view it may be urged that, in following out the molecular theory of gases as laid down by Clausius, Clerk Maxwell, and Thomson, it would be difficult to assign a limit to a gaseous at- mosphere in space ; and, further, that some writers — among whom I will here mention only Grove, Humboldt, Zollner, and Mattieu "Wil- liams— have boldly asserted the existence of a sj>ace filled with matter. But Newton himself, as Dr. Sterry Hunt tells us in -an interesting paper which has only just reached me, has expressed views in favor of such an assumption. The history of Newton's paper is remarkable and very suggestive. It was read before the Royal Society on the 9th and 16th of Decem- ber, 1675, and remained unpublished until 1757, when it was printed by Birch, the then secretary, in the third volume of his " History of the Royal Society," but received no attention ; in 1846 it was pub- lished in the "Philosophical Magazine " at the suggestion of Harcourt, but was again disregarded ; and now, once more, only a few months since, a philosopher on the other side of the Atlantic brings back to the birthplace of Newton his forgotten and almost desjrised work of two hundred years ago. Quoting from Dr. Sterry Hunt's paper : Newton in his Hypothesis imagines "an ethereal medium much of the same constitution with air, but far rarer, subtler, aud more elastic. . . . But it is not to be supposed that this medium is one uniform matter, but composed partly of the main phlegmatic body of ether, partly of other various ethereal spirits, much after the manner that air is compounded of the phlegmatic body of air inter- mixed with various vapors and exhalations." Newton further suggests in his Hypothesis that this complex spirit or ether, which, by its elasticity, is extended throughout all space, is in continual movement and interchange. '* For Nature is a perpetual circulatory worker, generating fluids out of solids, and solids out fluids ; fixed things out of volatile, and volatile out of fixed ; subtile out of gross, and gross out of subtile ; some things to ascend and make the upper ter- restrial juices, rivers, and the atmosphere, and by consequence others to descend for a requital to the former. And as the earth, so perhaps may the sun imbibe this spirit copiously, to conserve his shining, and keep the planets from receding further from him ; and they that will may also suppose that this spirit affords or A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN 229 carries with it thither the solary fuel and material principle of life, and that the vast ethereal spaces between us and the stars are for a sufficient repository for this food of the sun and planets. . . . Thus, perhaps, may all things be originated from ether." If at the time of Newton chemistry had been understood as it now is, and if, moreover, he had been armed with that most wonderful of all modern scientific instruments, the spectroscope, the direct outcome of his own prismatic analysis, there appears to be no doubt that the author of the laws of gravitation would have so developed his thoughts upon solar fuel that they would have taken the form rather of a sci- entific discovery than of a mere speculation. Our proof that interstellar space is filled with attenuated matter does not rest, however, solely upon the uncertain ground of speculation. We receive occasionally upon our earth celestial visitors termed meteor- ites ; these are known to travel in loose masses round the sun in orbits intersecting at certain points that of our earth. When in their tran- sit they pass through the denser portion of our atmosphere they be- come incandescent, and are popularly known as falling stars. In some cases they are really deserving of that name, because they strike down upon our earth, from the surface of which they have been picked up and subjected to searching examination while still warm after their exertion. Dr. Flight has only very recently communicated to the Royal Society an analysis of the occluded gases of one of these mete- orites as follows : COa (Carbonic acid) 0-12 CO (Carbonic oxide) 31-88 H (Hydrogen) 45*79 CH4 (Marsh-gas) 4-55 N (Nitrogen) 17*66 100-00 It appears surprising that there was no aqueous vapor, considering that there was much hydrogen and oxygen in combination with car- bon ; but perhaps the vapor escaped observation, or was expelled to a greater extent than the other gases by external heat when the meteor- ite passed through our atmosphere. Opinions concur that the gases found occluded in meteorites can not be supposed to have entered into their composition during the very short period of traversing our denser atmosphere ; but, if any doubt should exist on this head, it ought to be set at rest by the fact that the gas principally occluded is hydrogen, which is not contained in our atmosphere in any appreciable quantity. Further proof of the fact that stellar space is filled with gaseous matter is furnished by spectrum analysis, and it appears from recent investigation, by Dr. Huggins and others, that the nucleus of a comet contains very much^ the same gases found occluded in meteorites, in- 230 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. eluding " carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and probably oxygen," while, according to the views set forth by Dewar and Liveing, it also con- tains nitrogenous compounds such as cyanogen. Adversely to the assumption that interplanetary space is filled with gases, it is urged that the presence of ordinary matter would cause sensible retardation of planetary motion, such as must have made itself felt before this ; but, assuming that the matter filling space is an al- most perfect fluid not limited by border surfaces, it can be shown on purely mechanical grounds that the retardation by friction through such an attenuated medium would be very slight indeed, even at plan- etary velocities. But it may be contended that, if the views here advocated regard- ing the distribution of gases were true, the sun should draw to him- self the bulk of the least diffusible, and therefore the heaviest gases, such as carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, oxygen, and nitrogen, whereas spectrum analysis has proved, on the contrary, a great prevalence of hydrogen. In explanation of this seeming anomaly, it can be shown, in the first place, that the temperature of the sun is so high that such com- pound gases as carbonic acid and carbonic oxide could not exist within him, their point of dissociation being very much below the solar tem- perature. It has been contended, indeed, by Mr. Lockyer, that none of the metalloids have any existence at these temperatures, although as regards oxygen Dr. Draper asserts its existence in the solar photo- sphere. There must be regions, however, outside that thermal limit, where their existence would not be jeopardized by heat ; and here great accumulation of the comparatively heavy gases that constitute our atmosphere would probably take place, were it not for a certain counterbalancing action. I here approach a point of primary importance in my argument, upon the proof of which my further conclusions must depend. The sun completes one revolution on its axis in twenty-five days, and its diameter being taken at 882,000 miles, it follows that the tangential velocity amounts to 1*25 miles per second, or to what the tangential velocity of our earth would be if it occupied five hours instead of twenty-four in accomplishing one revolution. This high rotative velocity of the sun must cause an equatorial rise of the solar atmosphere, to which Mairan, in 1731, attributed the appearance of zodiacal light. Laplace rejected this explanation on the ground that zodiacal light extended to a distance from the sun exceeding our own, whereas the equatorial rise of the solar atmosphere due to its rotation could not exceed nine twentieths of the distance of Mercury. But it must be remembered that Laplace based his calculation upon the generally accepted hypothesis of an empty stellar space (occupied only by an imaginary ether), and it can be shown that the result of solar rotation would be widely different, if supposed to take place A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN. 231 within a medium of unbounded extension. In this case pressures would b.e balanced all round, and the sun would act mechanically upon the floating matter surrounding him in the manner of a fan, drawing it toward himself upon the polar surfaces, and projecting it outward in a continuous disk-like stream from the equatorial surfaces. By this fan action, hydrogen, hydrocarbons, and oxygen are sup- posed to be drawn in enormous quantities toward the polar surfaces of the sun ; during their gradual approach they pass from their condition of extreme attenuation and intense cold to that of compression, accom- panied with increase of temperature, until, on approaching the photo- sphere, they burst into flame, giving rise to a great development of heat, and a temperature commensurate with their point of dissociation at the solar density. The result of their combustion will be aqueous vapor and carbonic acid, and these products of combustion, in yielding to the influence of centrifugal force, will flow toward the solar equa- tor, and be thence projected into space. In view of the importance of this centrifugal action for the pur- pose of my theory, the following simple mathematical statement of the problem may not be thought out of place : Let us consider the condi- tion of two equal gaseous masses, at equal distances from the solar center, the one in the direction of the equator, the other in that of either of the poles. These two masses would be equally attracted toward the sun, and balance one another as regards the force of gravi- tation, but the former would be subject to another force, that of cen- trifugal action, which, however small in amount as compared with the enormous attraction of the sun, would destroy the balance, and deter- mine a motion toward the sun as regards the mass opposite the polar surface, and into space as regards the equatorial mass. The same ac- tion would take effect upon the masses filling their places, and the result must be a continuous current depending for its velocity upon the rate of solar rotation. The equatorial current so produced, owing to its mighty proportions, would flow outward into space, to a practi- cally unlimited distance. The next question for consideration is, "What would become of these products of combustion when thus returned into space ? Ap- parently they would gradually change the condition of stellar material, rendering it more and more neutral ; but I venture to suggest the pos- sibility, nay, the probability, that solar radiation will, under these con- ditions, step in to bring back the combined materials to a state of sep- aration by dissociation carried into effect at the expense of that solar energy which is now supposed to be irrevocably lost or dissipated into space as the phrase goes. According to the law of dissociation as developed by Bunsen and Sainte-Claire Deville, the point of decomposition of different com- pounds depends upon the temperature on the one hand, and upon the pressure on the other. According to Sainte-Claire Deville, the disso- 232 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ciation tension of aqueous vapor at atmospheric pressure and at 2,800° C. is 0*5, that is to say one half of the vapor would exist as such, the remaining half being found as a mechanical mixture of hydrogen and oxygen ; but, with the pressure, the temperature- of dissociation rises and falls, as the temperature of saturated steam rises and falls with its * pressure. It is therefore conceivable that the solar photosphere may be raised by combustion to a temperature exceeding 2,800° C, whereas dissociation may be effected in space at- a lower temperature. This temperature of 2,800° would be quite sufficient to account for the char- acter and amount of solar radiation, if it is only borne in mind that the luminous atmosphere may be a thousand miles in depth, and that the flame of hydrogen and hydrocarbons, in the uppermost layers of this zone, is transparent to the radiant energy produced in the layers below, thus making the total radiation rather the sum of matter in combustion than the effect of a very intensely heated surface. Sainte-Claire Deville's investigations had reference only to heats measured by means of pyrometers, but do not extend to the effects of radiant heat. Dr. Tyndall has shown by his important researches that vapor of water and other gaseous compounds intercept radiant heat in a most remarkable degree, and there is other evidence to show that radiant energy from a source of high intensity possesses a dissociating power far surpassing the measurable temperature to which the com- pound substance under its influence is raised. Thus carbonic acid and water are dissociated in the leaf-cells of plants under the influence of the direct solar ray at ordinary summer temperature, and experiments in which I have been engaged for nearly three years * go to prove that this dissociating action is obtained also under the radiant influence of the electric arc, although it is scarcely perceptible if the energy is such as can be produced by an inferior source of heat. The point of dissociation of aqueous vapor and carbonic acid ad- mits, however, of being determined by direct experiment. It engaged my attention some years ago, but I have hesitated to publish the quali- tative results I then obtained, in the hope of attaining to quantitative proofs. These experiments consisted in the employment of glass tubes fur- nished with platinum electrodes, and filled with aqueous vapor or with carbonic acid in the usual manner, the latter being furnished with caustic soda to regulate the vapor-pressure by heating. Upon immers- ing one end of the tube charged with aqueous vapor in a refrigerating mixture of ice and chloride of calcium, its temperature at that end was reduced to —32° C., corresponding to a vapor-pressure, according to Regnault, of l81u6 of an atmosphere. When so cooled no slow elec- tric discharge took place on connecting the two electrodes with a small * See " Proceeding, Royal Society," vol. xxx, March 1, 1880 ; also a paper read before Section A of the British Association, September 1, 1881, and ordered to be printed in the report. A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN. 233 induction-coil. I then exposed the end of the tube projecting out of the freezing mixture, backed by white paper, to solar radiation (on a clear summer's day) for several hours, when, upon again connecting up to the inductorium, a discharge, apparently that of a hydrogen vacu- um, was obtained. This experiment being repeated furnished unmis- takable evidence, I thought, that aqueous vapor had been dissociated by exposure to solar radiation. The carbonic-acid tubes gave, how- ever, less unmistakable effects. Not satisfied with these qualitative results, I made arrangements to collect the permanent gases so pro- duced by means of a Sprengel pump, but was prevented by lack of time from pursuing the inquiry, which I propose, however, to resume shortly, being of opinion that, independently of my present specula- tion, the experiments may prove useful in extending our knowledge regarding the laws of dissociation. It should be here observed that, according to Professor Stokes, the -ultra-violet rays are in large measure absorbed in passing through clear glass, and it follows from this discovery that only a small portion of the chemical rays found their way through the tubes to accomplish the work of dissociation. This circumstance being adverse to the ex- periment only serves to increase the value of the effect observed, while it appears to furnish additional proof of the fact, first enunciated by -Professor Draper, and corroborated by my own experiments on plants, that the dissociating power of light is not confined to the ultra-violet rays, but depends in the process of vegetation chiefly upon the yellow and red rays. Assuming, for my present purpose, that dissociation of aqueous vapor was really effected in the experiment just described, and assum- ing, further, that stellar space is filled with aqueous and other vapor of a density not exceeding the ^ part of our atmosphere, it seems rea- sonable to suppose that its dissociation would be effected by solar radia- tion, and that solar energy would thus be utilized. The conjoint pres- ence of aqueous vapor, carbonic acid, and nitrogen would only serve to facilitate their decomposition, in consequence of the simultaneous formation of hydrocarbons and nitrogenous compounds by combination of the nascent hydrogen and the nitrogen with carbon in a manner analogous to what occurs in vegetation. It is not necessary to sup- pose that all. the energy radiated from the sun into space should be intercepted, inasmuch as even a partial return of heat in the manner described would serve to supplement solar radiation, the balance being made up by absolute loss. To this loss of energy would have to be added that consumed in sustaining the circulating current, which how- ever, need not relatively be more than what is known to be lost on our earth through the tidal action, and may be supposed to be compensated as regards the time of solar rotation by gradual shrinkage. By means of the fan-like action resulting from the rotation of the sun, the vapors dissociated in space to-day would be drawn toward the 234 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. polar surfaces of the sun to-morrow, be heated by increase in density, and would burst into flame at a point where both their density and temperature had reached the necessary elevation to induce combustion, each complete cycle taking, however, years to be accomplished. The resulting aqueous vapor, carbonic acid, and carbonic oxide would be drawn toward the equatorial regions, and be then again projected into space by centrifugal force. Space would, according to these views, be filled with gaseous com- pounds in process of decomposition by solar radiant energy, and the existence of these gases would furnish an explanation of the solar absorption spectrum, in which the lines of some of the substances may be entirely neutralized and lost to observation. As regards the heavy metallic vapors revealed in the sun by the spectroscope, it is assumed that these form a lower and denser solar atmosphere, not participating in the fan-like action which is supposed to affect the light outer atmos- phere only, in which hydrogen is the principal factor. Such a dense metallic atmosphere could not participate in the fan action affecting the lighter photosphere, because this is only feasible on the supposition that the density of the inflowing current is, at equal distances from the gravitating center, equal or nearly equal to the outflowing current. It is true that the products of combustion of hydrogen and hydrocarbon are denser than their constituents, but this difference may be balanced by their superior temperature on leaving the sun, whereas the metallic vapors would be unbalanced, and would therefore obey the laws of gravitation, recalling them to the sun. On the surface of contact between the two solar atmospheres, intermixt- ure induced by friction must take place, however, giving rise to those vortices and explosive effects within the zones of the sun, between the equator and the polar surfaces, to which reference has already been made in this article ; these may appropriately be called the " stormy regions " of the sun, which were first observed and commented upon by Sir John Herschel. Some of the denser vapors would probably get intermixed, be carried away mechanically by the lighter gases, and give rise to that cosmic dust observed to fall upon our earth in not inappreciable quantities, and generally assumed hitherto to be the debris of broken meteorolites. Excessive intermixture between the heat-producing atmosphere and the metallic vapors below appears to be prevented by the existence of an intermediate neutral atmosphere, and called the penumbra. As the whole solar system moves through space at a pace estimated at 150,000,000 miles annually (being about one fourth of the velocity of the earth in its orbit), it appears possible that the condition of the gaseous fuel supplying the sun may vary according to its state of previous decomposition, in which other heavenly bodies may have taken part, and whereby an interesting reflex action between our sun and other heavenly bodies would be brought about. May it not be A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN. 235 owing to such differences in the quality of the fuel supplied that the observed variations of the solar heat may arise ? — and may it not be in consequence of such changes in the thermal condition of the photo- sphere that the extraordinary convulsions revealed to us as sun-spots occur ? The views here advocated could not be thought acceptable unless they furnished at any rate a consistent explanation of the still some- what mysterious phenomena of the zodiacal light and of comets. Regarding the former, we should be able to revert to Mairan's views, the objection by Laplace being met by a continuous outward flow from the solar equator. Luminosity would be attributable to particles of dust emitting light reflected from the sun, or to phosphorescence. But there is another cause for luminosity of these particles, which may deserve serious consideration. Each particle would be electrified by gaseous friction in its acceleration, and its electric tension would be vastly increased in its forcible removal, in the same way as the fine dust of the desert has been observed by Dr. Werner Siemens to be in a state of high electrification on the apex of the Cheops Pyramid. Could not the zodiacal light also be attributed to slow electric dis- charge backward from the dust toward the sun ? — and would not the same cause account for a great difference of potential between the sun and earth, which latter may be supposed to be washed by the solar radial current ? May not the presence of the radial solar current also furnish us with an explanation of the fact that hydrogen, while abounding apparently in space, is practically absent in our atmosphere, where aqueous vapor and carbonic acid, which would come to us directly from the sun, take its place ? An action analogous to this, though on a much smaller scale, may be set up also by terrestrial rota- tion, giving rise to an electrical discharge from the outgoing equato- rial stream to the polar regions, where the atmosphere to be pierced by the return flood is of least resistance. Thus the phenomenon of the aurora borealis or northern lights would find an easy explanation. The effect of this continuous outpour of solar materials could not be without very important influences as regards the geological con- ditions of our earth. Geologists have long acknowledged the diffi- culty of accounting for the amount of carbonic acid that must have been in our atmosphere, at one time or another, in order to form with lime those enormous beds of dolomite and limestone, of which the crust of our earth is in great measure composed. It has been calcu- lated that, if this carbonic acid had been at one and the same time in our atmosphere, it would have caused an elastic pressure fifty times that of our present atmosphere ; and, if we add the carbonic acid that must have been absorbed in vegetation in order to form our coal-beds, we should probably have to double that pressure. Animal life, of which we find abundant traces in these "measures," could not have existed under such conditions, and we are almost forced to the conclu- 236 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sion that the carbonic acid must have been derived from an external source. It appears to me that the theory here advocated furnishes a feasible solution of this geological difficulty. Our earth being situated in the outflowing current of the solar products of combustion, or, as it were, in the solar chimney, would be fed from day to day with its quota of carbonic acid, of which our local atmosphere would assimilate as much as would be necessary to maintain it in a carbonic-acid vapor density balancing that of the solar current ; we should thus receive our daily supply of this important constituent (with the regularity of fresh rolls for breakfast), which, according to an investigation by M. Reiset, communicated to the French Academy of Sciences by M. Dumas on the 6th of March last, amounts to the constant factor of one ten- thousandth part of our atmosphere. The aqueous vapor in the air would be similarly maintained as to its density, and its influx to, or reflux from, our atmosphere would be determined by the surface tem- perature of our earth. It is also important to show how the phenomena of comets could be harmonized with the views here advocated, and I venture to hope that these occasional visitors will serve to furnish us with positive evi- dence in my favor. Astronomical physicists tell us that the nucleus of a comet consists of an aggregation of stones similar to meteorites. Adopting this view, and assuming that the stones have absorbed in stellar space gases to the amount of six times their volume, taken at atmospheric pressure, what, it may be asked, will be the effect of such a divided mass advancing toward the sun at a velocity reaching in perihelion the prodigious rate of 366 miles per second (as observed in the comet of 1845), being twenty-three times our orbital rate of motion ? It appears evident that the entry of such a mass into a com- paratively dense atmosphere must be accompanied by a rise of tem- perature by frictional resistance, aided by attractive condensation. At a certain point the increase of temperature must cause ignition, and the heat thus produced must drive out the occluded gases, which in an atmosphere 3,000 times less dense than that of our earth would produce 6x3,000 = 18,000 times the volume of the stones themselves. These gases would issue forth in all directions, but would remain un- observed except in that of motion, in which they would meet the interplanetary atmosphere with the compound velocity, and form a zone of intense combustion, such as Dr. Huggins has lately observed to surround the one side of the nucleus, evidently the side of forward motion. The nucleus would thus emit original light, whereas the tail may be supposed to consist of stellar dust rendered luminous by reflex action produced by the light of the sun and comet combined, as fore- shadowed already by Tyndall, Tait, and others, starting each from different assumptions. Although I can not pretend to an intimate acquaintance with the A NEW THEORY OF THE SUN. 237 more intricate phenomena of solar physics, I have long had a convic- tion, derived principally from familiarity with some of the terrestrial effects of heat, that the prodigious dissipation of solar heat is unneces- sary to satisfy accepted principles regarding the conservation of en- ergy, but that solar heat may be arrested and returned over and over ao-ain to the sun, in a manner somewhat analogous to the action of the heat recuperator in the regenerative engine and gas-furnace. The fundamental conditions are : 1. That aqueous vapor and carbon compounds are present in stellar or interplanetary space. 2. That these gaseous compounds are capable of being dissociated by radiant solar energy while in a state of extreme attenuation. 3. That the vapors so dissociated are drawn toward the sun in consequence of solar rotation, are flashed into flame in the photo- sphere, and rendered back into space in the condition of products of combustion. Three weeks have now elapsed since I ventured to submit these propositions to the Royal Society for scientific criticism, and it will probably interest my readers to know what has been the nature of that criticism and the weight of additional evidence for or against my theory. Criticism has been pronounced by mathematicians and physicists, but affecting singularly enough the chemical and not the mathemat- ical portion of my argument ; whereas chemists have expressed doubts regarding my mathematics while accepting the chemistry involved in my reasoning. Doubts have been expressed as to the sufficiency of the proof that dissociation of attenuated aqueous vapor and carbonic acid is really effected by radiant solar energy, and, if so effected, whether the amount of heat so supplied to the sun could be at all adequate in amount to keep up the known rate of radiation. It was admitted in my paper that my own experiments on the dissociation of vapors within vacuous tubes amounted to inferential rather than absolute proof ; but the amount of inferential evidence in favor of my views has been very much strengthened since by chemical evidence received from various sources ; and I will here only refer to one of these. Professor Piazzi Smyth, the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, has, in connection with Professor Herschel, of Newcastle, recently pre- sented an elaborate paper or series of papers to the Royal Society of Edinburgh "On the Gaseous Spectra in Vacuum-Tubes," of which he has kindly forwarded me a copy. It appears from these memoirs that when vacuum-tubes, which contain attenuated vapors, have been laid aside for a length of time, they turn practically into hydrogen-tubes. In another very recent paper presented to the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, Professor Piazzi Smyth furnishes important additional proof of the presence of oxygen in the outer solar atmosphere, and gives an ex- 23 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. planation why this important element has escaped observation by the spectroscope. Additional proof of the existence of oxygen in the outer solar atmosphere has been given by Professor Stoney, the Astronomer Royal for Ireland, and by Mr. R. Meldola in an interesting paper com- municated by him to the "Philosophical Magazine," in June, 1878. As regards the sufficiency of an inflowing stream of dissociated vapors to maintain solar energy, the following simple calculation may be of service : Let it be assumed that the stream flowing in upon the polar surfaces of the sun flashes into flame when it has attained the density of our atmosphere, that its velocity at that time is 100 feet per second (the velocity of a strong terrestrial wind), and that in its com- position only one twentieth part is hydrogen and marsh-gas in equal proportions, the other nineteen twentieths being made up of oxygen, nitrogen, and neutral compounds. It is well known that each pound of hydrogen develops in burning about 60,000 heat-units, and each pound of marsh-gas about 24,000 ; the average of the two gases mixed in equal proportion would yield, roughly speaking, 42,000 units ; but, considering that only one twentieth part of the inflowing current is assumed to consist of such combustible matter, the amount of heat developed per pound of inflowing current would be only 2,100 heat- units. One hundred cubic feet, weighing eight pounds, would enter into combustion every second upon each square foot of the polar sur- face, and would yield 8x60x60x2,100 = 60,480,000 heat-units per hour. Assuming that one third of the entire solar surface may be re- garded as polar heat-receiving surface, this would give 20,000,000 heat- units per square foot of solar surface; whereas, according to Herschel's and Pouillet's measurements, only 18,000,000 heat-units per square foot of solar surface are radiated away. There would thus be no difficulty in accounting for the maintenance of solar energy from the supposed source of supply. On the other hand, I wish to guard myself against the assumption that appears to have been made by some critics, that what I have advocated would amount to the counterpart of " perpetual motion," and therefore to an absurdity. The sun can not of course get back any heat radiated by himself which has been turned to a purpose ; thus the solar heat spent upon our earth in effecting vegetation must be absolutely lost to him. My paper presented to the Royal Society was accompanied by a diagram of an ideal corona, representing an accumulation of igneous matter upon the solar surfaces, surrounded by disturbed regions pierced by occasional vortices and outbursts of metallic vapors, and culminating in two outward streams projecting from the equatorial surfaces into space through many thousands of miles. The only sup- porting evidence in favor of this diagram were certain indications that may be found in the instructive volume on the sun by Mr. R. A. Proctor. It was therefore a matter of great satisfaction to me to be informed, as I have been by an excellent authority and eye-witness, THE FUTURE OF MIND. 239 that my imaginary diagram bore a very close resemblance to the corona observed in America on the occasion of the total eclipse of the sun on the 11th of January, 1880. Enough has been said, I think, to prove that the theory I have ventured to put forward is the result, at any rate, of considerable re- flection ; and I may add that, since its first announcement, I have not seen reason to reject any of the links of my chain of argument : these I have here endeavored to strengthen only by additional facts and explanations. If these arguments can be proved to the entire satisfaction of those best able to form a judgment, they would serve to justify the poet Addison when he says : " The unwearied sun from day to day Does the Creator's power display, And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty Hand." — Nineteenth Century. -+++- THE FUTURE OF MIND * Br PETER BRYCE, M. D. BUT what does science testify as to the probable future of mind in earthly life ? Have mind and body attained their supreme development ? Is humanity a fixed entity, incapable of essential modi- fications or improvement ? All the evidence goes to show that the improvement of the human race is practically illimitable. This is true both of mind and body, which, as has been shown, advance pari passu, and is made very evident by the fact that the pre-eminence of Euro- peans over barbarous races, which is so manifest in their intellect, is just as manifest in their anatomy and physiology. There is a diver- sity of proofs of the advance of the physical man in modern times. No one questions that the average duration of life is being steadily prolonged. Besides a multitude of new arts and new sciences, all the arts and sciences known to the ancients have been so wondrously de- veloped as to seem like new creations of the modern man. Geology, zoology, botany, chemistry, geography — physical and political — medi- cine, painting, politics, theology, etc. — every department, in fact, of human interest — have grown, as it were, into new and marvelous revelations. But to suppose that these immense developments of art and science can have resulted without corresponding improvements in the human intellect, is to ignore very important biological principles. * From a discourse on " Some of the Phenomena of Mind," delivered before the Medical Association of the State of Alabama, April 11, 1882, by Dr. Peter Bryce, Super- intendent of the Alabama Insane Hospital, etc. 240 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. As an advanced science implies an advanced art — the progress of the two being ever conditioned upon each other — so the great advances of the sciences and arts imply a corresponding development of human intelligence. The principle of action and reaction prevails in the world of mind as in the world of matter, and while the human intel- lect, by cogent applications of its powers, has established multitudi- nous differentiations in things once inextricably intermingled, a cor- responding differentiation and specialization of its own powers has inevitably resulted. But specialization of functions being the direct evidence of its greater perfection, it is incontrovertible that the mul- tiplication of specializations of knowledge by human inquiry has re- sulted in improvements of the powers of the human mind. The strain now put on human power to keep pace with the advances already made is an assurance that there will be in the future no lack of oc- casion for continued mental development. Air departments of hu- man enterprise have in truth been already so marvelously developed as to defy the complete grasp of any but specialists of more than ordi- nary capacity. Croakers may find fault and stigmatize the advance of the age as mainly material. Never did carping criticism have poorer ground for its averments. The material advance is fully matched by the moral advance. Proofs of it are so multiplied as scarcely to deserve enumeration. Liberty to think boldly and to give free utterance to honest convictions is fast becoming a sacred principle of society. Liberty of person, and equal justice — irrespective of rank and wealth — are now almost everywhere recognized as divinest prin- cij^les of government. The sick and the unfortunate, instead of being left to die without aid or to pine through a miserable existence, are now everywhere provided for at the expense of those whom fortune has subjected to less severe trials. Sumptuary laws are now not only known to be useless but their principle is condemned. Private war has almost ceased to be waged ; and the duty of revenge, once sanc- tioned by religion, has given place to the duty of forbearance and forgiveness. The well-being of one's neighbor is now universally felt- to be the good fortune of one's self. Vast accumulations of wealth, instead of being squandered in the purchase of places and useless decorations for elevating one's self above his fellows, are now em- ployed in educational, industrial, and eleemosynary foundations. Nor is this true of individuals only. Governments, both monarch- ical and republican, instead of employing their resources in war and destruction, are now rivals in the most beneficent achievements for prolonging and ennobling human life. Slavery has been abolished in nearly every civilized country, and all forms of privileged oppres- sion are rapidly meeting with the same condemnation. In truth, such has been the progress of morals and the general assimilation of the principles of equity, that the most important functions of life and society are now accomplished without the intervention of government, THE FUTURE OF MIND. 241 giving promise of a gradual declension of the functions of the central power before the more precise and equitable supervision of society constituted of individuals imbued with ever-present aspirations for justice and advancement. Already this day of a new excellence has dawned, and there are not a few indications that new crystallizations of social forces are destined to supervene. The liberation of woman from her ancient servitude and her rapid advance to every privilege for which her powers adapt her, the emancipation of children from the severe domestic tyrannies and cruelties to which they were time out of mind subjected, are striking evidences of the ameliorations due to general moral advance. Like the animal organism the social organ- ism responds throughout its whole substance to any force brought to bear upon it, and the influence of scientific methods of thought is destined to exert upon society augmenting influences of the most per- vading and salutary kinds. Truth and morality are inextricably inter- mingled, and whatever aids in the discovery of truth is a potential moral adjuvant. As, in Scripture, condemnation and the belief in lies are everywhere conjoined, so moral advance is ever assured by devices that accomplish the enlargement of the realm of truth. To carp at scientific methods is to carp at truth, for scientific methods are only severe procedures for the discovery of truth ; and there is, to my mind, little doubt that in no great while the much-desired reconcilia- tion of natural with revealed truth will be successfully achieved. I find in late utterances of scientific men of the highest stamp much that is in conformity with some of the prevalent teachings of religion. Herbert Spencer is unquestionably the most perfect embodiment of advanced scientific thought. While in special departments there are many that go before him, in the power of co-ordinating the various sciences and embodying their myriad diverse facts into a consistent body of philosophy he goes far before all his contemporaries. His writings, indeed, stand apart as a great mountain-range looming far above the lesser heights. It would be easy, from Mr. Spencer's writ- ings, to accumulate declarations that have wondrous congruity with orthodox -doctrine. The worship of humanity, Mr. Spencer declares, can never take the place of the worship of God. He also affirms, with all our orthodox creeds, that precepts of right living do little or no good unless the corresponding emotion can in some way be roused. His standard of right conduct, scientifically deduced, is a perfect law of righteousness which may not be debased below the mark of perfec- tion,,however unable men and women may be to fulfill its require- ments. In every aspect, therefore, the prospect of human advancement is very cheering. Individually and collectively man is so steadily pro- gressing to the achievement of the great problem of his life — perfect conformity to the conditions of his being — that no mad enthusiasm is needful to prompt the anticipation of a rapid advance to that condition VOL. XXI. — 16 242 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of things which the ancient seers foresaw and aspired toward, when " they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks : nation shall not lift up the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." But, while science is disclosing the methods of mind, and pre- paring for it on earth a nobler and still more noble role, what are its testimonies as to the duration of mind — its immortality ? Some of the most devoted adherents of scientific methods have reached conclusions which are unfavorable to mind's immortality. But it is not surprising, in view of the novelty and marvelousness of many lately demonstrated scientific truths, that even men of calm tem- per should be led to attach undue importance to them — to claim for them reaches and meanings which do not of right belong to them. Close as may be the demonstrated union between mind and body, no philosophy of organization and life satisfactorily accounts for the pres- ence of mind. Mind is indeed unique, peculiar ; has its own laws, and overleaps and undermines all mere material phenomena. The study of mind is, therefore, incomplete unless subjectively pursued. The mind must be questioned, must testify of itself, if we would arrive at anything approaching just conclusions with reference to it. This is indisputable from the fact that mind is that mysterious quality in us by which we explore all material phenomena. It is only, therefore, by due attention to mind's subjective contemplation that we gain the right to reason upon the phenomena of material things. A surveyor who should go around determining boundaries, directions, and areas, with- out having first put to severe tests his compass and chains, would be acting not a whit more absurdly than they who leave out of the study of material and mental phenomena a subjective study of mind. But, if only by questioning mind about itself we can rightly understand its nature, dare we, in conducting the inquiry, ignore a whole host of its most prominent intuitions ? Surely not. But mind's testimony of itself is, that there are in it indefeasible principles of individuality, responsibility, and immortality. It would be strange, indeed, if this noble, this intensely royal, thing, which disdains to be classed with any material forces, however sublimated they may be, should be remanded to the companionship and fate of the phenomenal, the sensual, the perishing ! Happily for the theory of evolution, not all nor even the majority of its advocates have given assent to such conclusions. Mr. Darwin has ever conjoined with his marvelous disclosures of the relations of organic facts a spirit of religious reverence. Mr. Herbert Spencer avows that there are unseen, eternal verities which justify religion. Lessing, David Strauss, and Professor Helmholtz, could not reconcile themselves to the thought of a final destruction of the living race, and, with it, all the fruits of all past generations. Others among them, however, assume that, since mind is only known to us as a phenomenon THE FUTURE OF MIND. 243 of organism, the death of the organism involves a discontinuance of all its functions — thought, affection, and will, not excepted — and their resolution into the more primitive forces from which they originally sprang But it is clearly a most unwarranted assumption that spiritual individuality — the fundamental principle of which no one pretends to apprehend — can not be prolonged or perpetuated, except under such material circumstances as earth supplies. If it be recollected how ignorant man is of the essences of matter and motion, and that there are in mind or spirit qualities which can not be ranged with material things, or with their almost infinitely subtile forces, we will readily see that the assumption of no conscious life except under such circum- stances as material things supply is most unwarrantable. Even the argument against immortality, based upon the relations of mind to organism, when closely examined, loses much of its seem- ing fitness. The persistence of force is, indeed, as much an axiom of science as the indestructibility of matter. What appears to be cessa- tion of force is simply its transformation into other forces. But mus- cular movements provoked by volition are not actuated by mental force. The mind, in voluntary motions, does not supply the force. It only signals the nerve-centers that furnish the force. The centers of motion, which have of late been demonstrated in the brain, do not supply the force for the operation of the muscles, whose contractions they specially control. The brain-centers are properly only intellect- ual signal-centers — centers whence issue the volitions that liberate the forces of the lower nerve-centers for contracting special muscles. Fatal errors in reference to mind may easily grow from confounding nervous force with mental force. It is impossible to form right conceptions of mind so long as it is regarded as a merely resultant force made up of the organic forces which lead up to it. In any such conception there is left out an important element which it is difficult explicitly to define, but which may be forcibly suggested by a comparison. The beautiful form — symmetry and proportions — of a noble tree may be regarded apart from the organic materials and forces which underlie it. Thus regarded it is, as it were, spiritual, and is capable of arousing concep- tions of beauty and grandeur in the soul of the beholder. Mind, in this view, instead of a mere force, becomes a symmetrical and living expression of the relations of the myriad forces which have from the very beginning entered into the life. It is, therefore, in one view, as absolutely immaterial as the form and beauty of a tree. But in still another aspect mind must be considered a higher and vastly more sub- tile force than any physical forces with which we are acquainted, and in its actions and methods of development is governed by laws pecul- iarly its own. Mind or mental force is, therefore, unique, and stands apart as a grand exception to the general law of the correlation of forces. But, as all the physical forces are persistent in some form or other, it is eminently unreasonable to suppose that this peculiar force, 244 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that immeasurably transcends all others, should alone undergo abso- lute extinction. It needs must be, therefore, that mind or mental force shall continue to exist after dissolution of the organism with which its manifestations are associated, by passing into a new state, or new conditions of activity, of which science takes no cognizance. Thus considered, mind, in its ultimate analysis, becomes a purely spiritual entity which can never be dissolved and commingled with the hetero- geneous forces of the material world. ■»»»■ T ABOUT THE MOLDS. 1HE molds represent an immense variety of minute plants that grow upon a great number of objects, and under different circum- stances. The spores from which they are developed are borne in the air, imperceptibly to us because of their extreme littleness. The mi- croscopic examination of them reveals some very curious dispositions and forms, always worthy of admiration. We often, in the spring, perceive blades of grass covered with a chalk-like dust, so white that one is at first sight inclined to take it to be hoar-frost. On examining it with a microscope of small power, we shall perceive a real forest of minute plants. Little bundles of very delicate filaments, clear and crystalline, composed of roundish cells connected together, rise from a net-work of other branching filaments, which are collectively called the mycelium (Fig. 1). These curious organisms are the first phases of a parasitic plant belonging to the great order of the cryptogams, or a ABOUT THE MOLDS. 245 fungus. A mold that has caused great damage to grape-vines — the Oidium Tuckeri — is an incompletely developed fungus. A whitish substance may be remarked on the leaves of lilacs near the middle of the summer, which might be regarded on superficial observation as dust from the road. It is also a mold. The microscope shows it to be made up of very deli- cate threads, similar to those of spi- ders' webs. As these threads become older, we may observe joined to them a number of little spheroidal bodies, some very small and white, others larger and yellow, and others brown. The white and yellow corpuscles are young fruits of the fungus, and the brown ones are ripened fruits. If one of the last is put into a drop of water and pressed between two glasses for mounting microscopic preparations, it will let escape some small pyriform, transparent sacs, each inclosing spores, the number of which varies according to the species, but is definite for each species. The arrangement of these spore-containing sacs (sporangia?) is shown by the vertical section (Fig. 4). The number of sporangice (b) contained in each of the fruits varies in different species from one to twenty and more. Aside from every scientific consideration, a great interest is given to these plants by the beauty of their ornamentation ; and they form choice objects for preparations. Around each receptacle may be seen numerous appendages radiating in every direction, and generally un- colored. In some genera these appendages are long and flaky, while other genera have only six or eight of them in the form of short needles 246 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. projecting from a bulbous base (Fig. 3). The extremities of the needles in other species are curved and turned over, as in Figs. 2 and 5, and in others they are one or two times branched ; while in the genus Microsphoeria the extremities of the appendages take the most varied and most exquisite forms (Figs. 6, 7, 8, and 9). The life and history of these little plants afford a large field for studies and investigations, which are within the reach of every one who has a good microscope, and is not engaged on any other special study. Such researches are, moreover, of great practical value. The parasitic fungi are one of the great plagues of agriculture. They fix themselves in hosts upon leaves and fruits, where they shut up the stomata and prevent the action of air and light. The hope of discov- ering a remedy for such evils is dependent on the study of their causes. -*"—*- THE INTKODUCTIOlSr OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS.* THE roving shepherd sows hastily a piece of land, which he leaves after harvesting his crop, to do the same the next year wTith another piece of land. But, when fruit-growing is combined with agriculture, this unsettled shepherd-life becomes entirely changed. The plantation of trees and vines must be inclosed, and taken care of a long time before it will bring fruit. Hence arises the sense of a settled home and of individual possession. Even the house of the planter becomes a firmer structure ; the ground is more thoroughly cultivated, so that a smaller territory suffices to support the family, and individuals combine more and more into social communities. Man thus becomes accustomed to a settled order of life, and to the relations which form the foundation of lawful constitutions. Closely associated with these changes in the mode of living is the introduction of domes- tic animals. In the early time, when the tribes of the Indo-European people still formed one undivided folk in its Asiatic home, the sheep and the cow had already been tamed. This is proved in the case of the sheep by the numerous varieties existing among them. The word daughter, which means " the milker," and which is common to all the Indo-Eu- ropean languages, bears witness to the early taming of the cow. Of both these animals, man at first used only the milk, the flesh, and the skin. Afterward the cow became man's assistant in agriculture* It was not until a much later time that the horse took the place of the cow, at first chiefly in traveling and in riding, afterward more and more in agricultural operations. Here, however, arises the important question, whether the people already possessed these tamed animals * Translated from the German. THE INTRODUCTION OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 247 when they moved into the several parts of Europe, or were they first received by them at a later time. There is no doubt that the original home of the horse is not Eu- rope, but Central Asia ; for since the horse in its natural state de- pends upon grass for its nourishment and fleetness for its weapon, it could not in the beginning have thriven and multiplied in the thick forest-grown territory of Europe. Much rather should its place of propagation be sought in those steppes where it still roams about in a wild state. Here, too, arose the first nations of riders of which we have historic knowledge, the Mongolians and the Turks, whose existence even at this day is as it were combined with that of the horse. From these regions the horse spread in all directions, espe- cially into the steppes of Southern and Southeastern Russia and into Thrace, until it finally found entrance into the other parts of Europe, but not until after the immigration of the people. This assumption is, at least, strongly favored by the fact that the farther a district of Europe is from those Asiatic steppes, i. e., from the original home of the horse, the later does the tamed horse seem to have made its his- toric appearance in it. The supposition is further confirmed by the fact that horse-raising among almost every tribe appears as an art derived from neighboring tribes in the East or Northeast. Even in Homer the ox appears exclusively as the draught-animal in land opera- tions at home and in the field, while the horse was used for purposes of war only. Its employment in military operations was determined by swiftness alone. That the value of the horse must originally have depended on its fleetness, can easily be inferred from the name which is repeated in all the branches of the Indo-European language, and signifies nearly " hastening," "quick." The same fact is exemplified by the descriptions of the oldest poets, who, next to its courage, speak most of its swiftness. How beautiful, for example, is the description in Homer ! — " ... As when some courser, fed With barley in the stall, and wont to bathe In some smooth-flowing river, having snapped His halter, gayly scampers o'er the plain, And in the pride of beauty bears aloft His head and gives his tossing mane to stream Upon his shoulders, while his flying feet Bear him to where the mares are wont to graze." Iliad (Bryant's translation, vi, 644-651). And what lofty words does the author of the book of Job use in speaking of this animal ! — " He mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted ; Neither turneth he back from the sword. The quiver rattleth against him, The glittering spear and the shield. 248 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage : Neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet. He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha ; And he smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting." (Chapter xxxix, verses 22-25.) It was chiefly by reason of these two properties — fleetness and cour- age— that the horse quickly became an animal without which history would seem barren enough. Without the horse neither the expedi- tions of an Alexander, nor a migration of tribes, nor a Christian knight- hood, would have been possible ; in a word, without the horse, all those mighty movements which have shaken the world and have stirred the very foundations thereof, could never have been thought of ; and the people, sitting still and silent upon the ground, would never have left their accustomed boundaries to go forth fighting and colonizing from land to land. Happily the horse possessed still other important properties which rendered possible its emj)loyment in other than warlike uses. Chief among these properties are its sagacity, endurance, and fidelity. When, therefore, war was no longer the chief employment of Euro- peans, and agriculture had taken its place, man soon thought of em- ploying the horse as a draught-animal as he in like manner had hith- erto used the cow. Then did the horse become, for the first time, of real use to culture, and a leading actor in it. Such had not been the case in Asia up to this time. The ox had drawn the plow and wagon but lazily and slowly, and agriculture had made slow progress ; but with the horse came a new impulse, a higher purpose in this occupa- tion, which made it an important and valuable one. Even to this time the horse, by reason of his excellent properties, is regarded as the truest companion and aid of man in all the operations as well of war as of agriculture. Neither is this noble animal to be forgotten in com- merce and trade, nor in art ; in a word, it is the most valuable and therefore the best treated domestic animal which Europe has to ex- hibit. Besides the horse, some other animals, which in the pastoral time had not yet entered Europe, soon made their appearance. They were the ass, with its near relative the mule, and the goat. All these wan- dered, as did the vine, fig, and olive, from Asia Minor and Syria to Greece ; and, strange as it may seem, the mule preceded the ass, whose original home may after all have to be sought for in Africa. Both spread at a later date from Greece into the same regions in which the vine and the olive found their way, and for a time did not pass beyond these regions. For, notwithstanding their patience and contentment, by virtue of which they are satisfied with the most wretched food, they did not find the climate in Northern Europe a hospitable one for them, and are both still really strangers there. THE INTRODUCTION OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 249 The goat, too, on account of its predilection for young trees, buds, and sharp, aromatic herbs, can be kept in great numbers only in those regions in which the injuries inflicted by them are of relatively little importance. It therefore feels more at home in the rocky labyrinths of the Grecian islands, Sicily, Sardinia, and Italy, than in the northern regions. According to the census, Italy in 1863 possessed forty-one million goats. • Of four-footed animals, Europe has received only one further ad- dition— the cat. Unlike the dog, it was most probably not a primitive companion of man, but is relatively a late gain. The taming of the animal is a fruit of the religious customs of the Egyptians, who recog- nized the worth of this mouse-destroyer, and permitted divine honors to be paid to it. Its picture, therefore, meets us beside other wonder- ful figures upon numerous Egyptian monuments, and in the tombs whole layers of cat-mummies are sometimes to be found. The ancient Greeks were not acquainted with the cat, but the mouse was certainly known to them from the earliest period — a fact shown by the name which is common to all the Indo-European lan- guages, and which signifies apparently " thief " — and they not seldom suffered so severely under the plague of these pests that whole regions were devastated and in consequence had to be abandoned. For the destruction of the mice they used either the weasel or the marten, which were tamed for this purpose. The weasel, especially, held just the same place among them that the cat now holds among us, and it passed in like manner into proverbs and fables. In Aristophanes, a certain person is summoned to tell a story, and he begins his fable with the words — u There was once a mouse and a weasel." That the cat was as little known as a domestic animal to the Ro- mans as it was to the Greeks, is plainly shown by the story of the country and the city mouse, as narrated by Horace, who lived in the time of Augustus. - There is certainly no question that if Horace had known the cat he would have mentioned it in this passage, but no mention of it is made. In the fourth century a. d., we find the cat mentioned for the first time among the domestic animals, and it not only spread abroad among all the European peoples, but was also transplanted to Asia. If Hehn's conjecture be correct, its general in- troduction was occasioned by the irruption of the rat, which seems to have entered Europe in company with the immigrants from Asia. Among the Germans this animal was allotted to Freya, whose car- riage was drawn by two cats. At the same time it was regarded as a shrewd, magic-working animal, and it therefore played a leading part in matters of witchcraft, during the middle ages, beside the owl and the bat, in myths that grew plainly enough out of its sneaking move- ment, its preference for the night, its dark fur, and its eyes, which glow in the dark. > Cats guarded secret treasures in mountains and 25o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. caves, they lay at cross-roads, at night they carried on their operations in ruined mills in the forest ; even witches and magicians assumed their forms in order either to inflict injury upon others or to visit the Bloeksberg. The German fables of animals allot to the cat the prize for wisdom and deception. When it becomes necessary to bring the robber Reynard to court to make an end to all his evil deeds and the complaints arising therefrom, and Brown, i. e. Bruin, the bear has failed in the attempt, then it appears that only Harry, the cat, is able to accomplish the task of delivering the artful message to the evil- doer. Again, the cat does not lack certain desirable qualities. How burdensome does the dog with its caresses often become, how unskill- f ully does he exert himself to please ; how gentle and amiable, on the contrary, can the cat be, how pleasant its manner and motion ! Dur- ing the middle ages, therefore, the cat served as a plaything for dis- tinguished ladies, who nursed it on their laps and fed it with dainty bits ; and at the present time, among many persons, the cat finds rec- ognition and love : in Gottfried Mind it has found its Raphael, and poets, like Tieck, Amadeus Hoffman, Lichtwer, and in recent times Scheffel, have ennobled their thinking and striving ; who, for example, does not hold in grateful remembrance the deep philosophizing of the cat Hidigeigei (in Scheffel's " Trompeter von Sakkingen ") on the theme " Why do men kiss ? " Even Lessing's quaint nature could find a source of enjoyment in this animal ; on his writing-table lay his cat, and no one can read without emotion how Lessing, when his favorite had destroyed the manuscript of " Nathan," patiently and quietly wrote the poem anew without depriving the author of the mischief of its usual place. Notwithstanding this, for most men there is some- thing demoniacal and weird about the animal, which withdraws it from their sympathy ; hence Massius rightly says of it, " Complicated by the favor of parties and by their hate, its character in history wavers." Among manifold other varieties of animals, birds have always ex- cited in a marked degree the attention and the favor of man. Since the primeval time hosts of songs have been sung to the lark, the stork, the nightingale, and the swallow, and the speech of people greets them in their flight with a thousand fond, familiar words. Nay, it is not too much to assert that, without the birds, even the spring-time would be sad, just as by their flight the winter becomes so much the more gloomy and desolate. But that which most attracts us to birds is their power of song and of flight. In ancient times favored men pre- tended to understand their mysterious sounds, which were to them the voice of Fate, since they seemed either to encourage by a cheer- ful address or to warn by threatening tones. The flight especially seemed to be supernatural and worthy of admiration, and there has certainly been no lack of attempts to imitate it, as the myth of the Greeks regarding Daedalus and Icarus shows. But it was precisely THE INTRODUCTION OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 251 this power of flight, and the impulse to wander connected therewith, which made it impossible for man to draw the majority of fowls into closer relations with himself, and to make them useful to him. He was in reality able to domesticate only those which had lost more or less the power to fly, or those which had in only a slight degree the character of flying animals, and were not compelled to change their dwelling-place in winter. Thus our presentation is limited to the few which are now regarded as really domestic animals — viz., to the goose, duck, turkey, and peacock. Although the taming of the goose and the duck reaches back to a very early period — since neither of them was brought hither from Asia, but both are descended from our native wild varieties — the fowl, or chicken, is of comparatively recent date in Europe. In the Old Testament, and upon the Egyptian monuments, it is not to be found. It appeared first in India, and gradually spread farther westward, where it gained much respect, especially among the Persians. In the religion of Zoroaster the cock was sacred, being regarded as the herald of the morning and a symbol of light, because he drove away the evil spirits of darkness. In Homer and Hesiod, and in general in the oldest Greek poets, we find no trace of the fowl. It seems to have been first mentioned by Theognis (about 600 b. c), and was universally known to the contem- poraries of the Persian War. The comparison between the fights of cocks and of men is a favorite one with the poets of that period. Themistocles is said to have once stirred the courage of his army by pointing to two fighting cocks which staked their lives for the glory of victory, and not for their hearths and gods. It agrees well with its late introduction that the cock has attained to but little im- portance in cultivated circles : he was sacred to Ares (Mars), and people were accustomed, after recovery from sickness, to bring to iEsculapius, the god of medicine, a cock as a sacrifice. From Greece the fowl quickly found its way into Sicily and Lower Italy ; only the Sybarites, who were notorious gluttons, are said to have admitted no fowl within their walls, so that they might not be disturbed in their sleep. Among the Romans the fowl played a very important part : sacred cocks accompanied the departing commanders to the scene of war, and were used for taking the auspices. It was considered a favorable sign if the fowls ate greedily ; but, on the other hand, it denoted a mis- fortune if they refused food. It will thus be readily seen that the attendant of these birds (jntllarius) exercised much influence in this matter, according as he did, or did not, give the fowls food before the taking of the augury. How widely the breeding of fowls spread and developed in Italy may be learned from the writings of Yarro and of Columella. Fowls, and especially fighting-cocks, were constantly imported from places 25 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. which had become noted for breeding them — e. g., Rhodes, Chalcis, Delos — or directly from Persia. That the fowl did not come into Germany from Italy, but that a more direct transfer of it from Persia — perhaps by way of Thrace, Illyria, and Pannonia — must have taken place, is shown by the names (ha/uit huhn, henne), which are independent of, and different from, the Greek and Latin names ; and it is further shown by the ideas and rep- resentations which, in the North, are connected with the fowl. Thus we find in separate and distinct places the same belief as in Persia — that the cock, by his crowing, frightens away the evil spirits ; he was the symbol of flame, the animal of Loki, the god of fire : when he un- folded his wings, conflagrations started up under him, whence comes the still current expression for an act of incendiarism, " To set the red cock upon any one's roof." Caesar reports of the Britons that among them, just as among the Persians, no one was allowed to eat the flesh of fowls. At what time, however, the northern immigration took place can not be accurately stated ; yet the supposition can not be wide of the truth that it was when the Persians, during their expeditions to Greece, came into contact with the above-named tribes: — somewhere about the fifth century b. c. From that starting-point, then, this useful domestic animal soon spread abroad everywhere, and found al- ways the most ready reception wherever man was about to change from a nomadic shepherd-life and have a settled, permanent home. At present the breeding of fowls receives most attention in France, which country is said to support, at the lowest calculation, 100,000,000 fowls — a striking example of what an important part in the economical life of a people this animal is capable of playing. The peacock, too, is a native of Asia, having come to us from In- dia. Phoenician ships, so early as the time of Solomon, brought it to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The first place in which peacocks were kept in Greece seems to have been the temple of Hera in Samos, for there, according to mythology, this bird had its origin. That the peacock was dedicated to Hera can not astonish us, for she is the god- dess of the starry heaven. Another myth related that the thousand- eyed Argus, the watcher of the moon goddess Io, had been slain by Apollo and changed into a peacock, or that Hera had placed his thou- sand eyes upon the feathers of her bird. Moreover, the peacock was very profitable for that temple of Hera, inasmuch as its plumage en- ticed thither many inquisitive sight-seers, who willingly paid the tem- ple tribute for a sight of the beautiful bird. As a reward for this, the Samians placed its image upon their coins. In Athens we find the peacock first mentioned in the fifth century b. c, and the contemporary writers fail to find sufficient words to tell what a surprise its appearance had made among that inquisitive and nov- elty-loving people. It is, therefore, not remarkable that, already in the fourth century b. c, peacocks were more numerous in Athens than quail. HYDRODYNAMICS AND ELECTRICITY. 253 The question, " By what way and by whom was the peacock brought into Italy ? " is shrouded in deep darkness ; and the supposi- tion of Hehn, that it was brought thither directly from Phoenicia or Carthage, stands upon doubtful testimony. It was, however, cordially received and prized in that country, especially in the later times of senseless luxury. The orator Hortensius, a contemporary of Cicero, was the first to bring the peacock roasted upon the table, and, despite the lack of palatableness in its flesh, his example seems to have been extensively imitated. From Italy the peacock found its way into the rest of Europe, and became in Christian lands the subject of a double symbol. On one side it was regarded as an emblem of immortality, for the story gained credence that its flesh was incorruptible ; on the other hand, it served as an exhortation to humility, according to the well-known proverb, " The peacock has a brilliant coat of feathers, but do not look down at its feet." Reference was made, too, to its sneaking walk and its vicious char- acter, especially in old age. But the knight gladly adorned his hel- met with its feathers, and the custom at great banquets of bringing to the table, amid the flourish of trumpets, a roasted peacock adorned with its own feathers, and of taking a vow thereupon, lasted down to the end of the middle ages. In more recent times, however, the bird, to- gether with its flesh and its feathers, has fallen into discredit ; and it is left to the Chinese mandarin to carry the peacock's feathers as a sign of rank. -♦♦♦- HYDRODYNAMICS AND ELECTRICITY. VISITORS at the recent Electrical Exposition in Paris were much interested in an apparatus exhibited by Dr. C. A. Bjerknes, of the University of Christiania, Norway, for the illustration of certain properties in hydrodynamics analogous to some of the manifestations of electricity and magnetism. Professor Bjerknes has been carrying on his investigations in this line for nearly twenty years, having pub- lished his first paper, " On the Internal Condition of an Incompress- ible Fluid in which a Sphere of Variable Volume is moving," in 1863, and having followed it up with numerous other j)apers relating to similar problems. The results of experiments in every case corre- sponded with those which had previously been indicated to him by mathematical calculations. The experiments had in view the study of molecular movements by reproducing mechanically, but in the inverse sense, as the results proved, the simple and fundamental electrical and magnetic phenomena. Pulsating and ©scillating bodies are applied so as to produce vibra- 254 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tions in a trough of water about six inches deep. By pulsating bodies are meant those which undergo alternate changes of volume, marked by two distinct phases, one of swelling and one of contraction. The pulsations of the, two bodies are spoken of as synchronous when the similar phases occur simultaneously in them. The oscillating bodies are constant in volume, but undergo alternate changes of place, from right to left and from left to right, or in a vertical direction. Pulsations are communicated by means of little tambours or drums made of hollow cylinders of metal, over the ends of which are stretched flexible plates or membranes. These drums are made to swell and contract by means of pumps, with which they are connected by India- rubber tubing, that compress the air within them. Two drums are usually employed in the experiments, each connected with a separate pump, so that the rhythm of the pulsations may be regulated at will. Thus both drums may be caused to pulsate synchronously, or with an opposite rhythm. In the simplest pulsator (Fig. 1,1) the two drum- FlG. 1. Mm m heads beat synchronously, or suffer dilatation and collapse together, as the pump is worked. In another disposition the drum-heads are sepa- rated by a rigid partition dividing the instrument into two chambers, each having its separate connection by a distinct tube, with a different pump, making it practicable to produce either synchronous or unsyn- chronous pulsations. A more common disposition is to use two simple pulsators in connection with the two pumps, one of which is held in the hand, while the other is mounted in the water, so as to be left free to move. The two phases of pulsation are regarded by Professor Bjerknes as analogous to the poles of the electrode or magnet. The phase of dilata- tion may thus be likened to the north pole, that of collapse to the south HYDRODYNAMICS AND ELECTRICITY. 255 pole. If, now, having one of the drums mounted in the water, and the other held in the hand, we bring them near each other while both are dilating or both are contracting — that is, while both are in the same phase of pulsation — attraction will take place between them. The mounted drum will assume the direction of approach toward the one held in the hand, and of following it when it is removed ; but if they are in opposite phases — if one is swelling while the other is con- tracting— they will be repelled. Like poles attract, unlike ones repel. The phenomena are the inverse of what are observed in ordinary elec- tricity and magnetism, where unlike poles attract and like ones repel. The pulsating drum in these experiments represents an isolated pole, a conception which physicists have not hitherto regarded as possible. Spheres of invariable volume, but adjusted so as to oscillate in either an horizontal or vertical direction, maybe used instead of the pulsating drums, when the phenomena assume a modified shape. The oscillators used by Professor Bjerknes are mounted as in the figure (Fig. 1, 3), where the sphere on the left is arranged so as to oscillate horizontally, and the one on the right to oscillate vertically, the alternate move- ments of oscillation being produced, like the pulsations of the drums, by alternately forcing in and withdrawing the air. The opposite sides of the sphere assume opposite phases, and the sphere acts like a mag- net. If a sphere is brought near a pulsator, so that its oscillating movement shall be toward the drum while that is dilating, attraction takes place ; but, if it be turned in the opposite direction, so as to be moving away from the drum while the same is swelling, repulsion will be manifested. If two oscillating spheres be brought near each other, attraction takes place in case they are both moving to or from each other; repul- sion, in case they are both moving in the same direction : and the change can be effected at once, as before, by turning one of the spheres around. Professor Bjerknes has a considerable variety of apparatus for modifying the aspects of the phenomena by changing the relative situations of the bodies to each other, in all of which manifestations of an inverse character to those of ordinary magnetism are developed. If one of the spheres be mounted so as to be free to move about a vertical axis, it is found that, when a second oscillating sphere is brought near to it, the one that is free turns round its axis, and sets itself so that both spheres shall be simultaneously approaching or re- ceding^ from each other. Two oscillating spheres mounted at the ex- tremities of an arm, with freedom to move, behave with respect to another oscillating sphere exactly like a magnet; in the neighborhood of another magnetic pole. These directive effects are believed by Professor George Forbes to be perfectly new, both theoretically and experimentally. The phenomena* of attraction and repulsion, described above, are 256 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. supposed by Professor Bjerknes and Professor Forbes to be due, not to the action of one body on the other, but to the mutual action of one body and the water in contact with it, the water being regarded as the analogue of Faraday's medium. "Viewed in this light," says Professor Forbes, " his first experiment is equivalent to saying that, if a vibrating or oscillating body have its motions in the same direction as the water, the body moves away from the center of disturbance ; but, if in the opposite direction, toward it. This idea gives us the analogy of dia- and para-magnetism. If, in the neighborhood of the vibrating drum, we have a cork ball, retained under the water by a thread, the oscillations of the cork are greater than those of the water in contact with it, owing to its small mass, and are, consequently, rela- tively in the same direction. Accordingly, we have repulsion, corre- sponding to diamagnetism. If, on the other hand, we hang in the water a ball which is heavier than water, its oscillations are not so great as those of the water in its vicinity, owing to its mass, and con- sequently the oscillations of the ball relatively to the water are in the opposite direction to those of the water itself, and there is attraction corresponding to para-magnetism. A rod of cork and another of metal are suspended horizontally by threads in the trough, and a vi- brating drum is brought near them : the cork rod sets itself equatori- ally, and the metal rod axially." Fig. 2. From these and other experiments Professor Bjerknes has con- cluded that the motion of a vibrating agent in the water produces a real magnetic field, with its lines of forces presenting, but always in an inverse sense, identical phenomena of diamagnetism and para- THE CAUSE OF TUBERCULAR DISEASE. 257 magnetism, magnetic interference, etc. He has been able to trace out the direction of the lines of force produced in the liquid with the ap- paratus represented in Fig. 2. A light sphere or cylinder is mounted in the midst of the liquid upon an elastic rod, so that it shall partake * of every movement of the surrounding water ; a brush is attached to it, and arranged in such a manner as to paint, on the glass plate above, the line of every vibration of the fluid important enough to move it. If two drums are used pulsating concordantly, a figure is obtained precisely like that produced by iron filings in a field of two similar magnetic poles. If the pulsations are discordant, the figure is like that obtained with two dissimilar poles. Three pulsating drums give a figure identical with that produced by three magnetic poles. A number of interesting conclusions may be drawn from these ex- periments concerning the nature of electric and magnetic vibrations, but they need to be further confirmed before a positive announcement of them can be justified. -*-»~o~ THE CAUSE OF TUBERCULAR DISEASE. LETTER FEOM PEOFESSOE TYNDALL TO THE LONDON "TIMES." ON the 24th of March, 1882, an address of very serious public im- port was delivered by Dr. Koch before the Physiological Society of Berlin. It touches a question in which we are all at present in- terested— that of experimental physiology — and I may, therefore, be permitted to give some account of it in the " Times." The address, a copy of which has been courteously sent to me by its author, is en- titled " The Etiology of Tubercular Disease." Koch first made him- self known by the penetration, skill, and thoroughness of his researches on the contagium of splenic fever. By a process of inoculation and infection he traced this terrible parasite through all its stages of de- velopment and through its various modes of action. This masterly investigation caused the young physician to be transferred from a modest country practice, in the neighborhood of Breslau, to the post of Government Adviser in the Imperial Health Department of Berlin. From this department has lately issued a most important series of investigations on the etiology of infective disorders. Koch's last in- quiry deals with a disease which, in point of mortality, stands at the head of them all. If, he says, the seriousness of a malady be measured by the number of its victims, then the most dreaded pests which have hitherto ravaged the world — plague and cholera included — must stand far behind the one now under consideration. Koch makes the start- ling statement that one seventh of the deaths of the human race are due to tubercular 4isease, while fully one third of those who die in VOL. XXI. — 1*7 258 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. active middle age are carried off by the same cause. Prior to Koch it had been placed beyond doubt that the disease was communicable ; and the aim of the Berlin physician has been to determine the precise character of the contagium, which previous experiments on inocula- tion and inhalation had proved to be capable of indefinite transfer and reproduction. He subjected the diseased organs of a great number of men and animals to microscopic examination, and found, in all cases, the tubercles infested with a minute, rod-shaped para- site, which, by means of a special dye, he differentiated from the surrounding tissue. It was, he says, in the highest degree impres- sive to observe in the center of the tubercle-cell the minute organ- ism which had created it. Transferring directly, by inoculation, the tuberculous matter from diseased animals to healthy ones, he in every instance reproduced the disease. To meet the objection that it was not the parasite itself, but some virus in which it was imbedded in the diseased organ, that was the real contagium, he cultivated his bacilli artificially, for long periods of time, and through many succes- sive generations. With a speck of matter, for example, from a tuber- culous human lung, he infected a substance prepared, after much trial by himself, with the view of affording nutriment to the parasite. Here he permitted it to grow and multiply. From this new generation he took a minute sample and infected therewith fresh nutritive matter, thus producing another brood. Generation after generation of bacilli were developed in this way without the intervention of disease. At the end of the process, which sometimes embraced successive cultiva- tions extending over half a year, the purified bacilli were introduced into the circulation of healthy animals of various kinds. In every case inoculation was followed by the reproduction and spread of the para- site, and the generation of the original disease. Permit me to give a further, though still brief and sketchy, account of Koch's experiments. Of six Guinea-pigs, all in good health, four were inoculated with bacilli derived originally from a human lung, which, in fifty-four days, had produced five successive generations. Two of the six animals were not infected. In every one of the in- fected cases, the Guinea-pig sickened and lost flesh. After thirty-two days one of them died, and after thirty-five days the remaining five were killed and examined. In the Guinea-pig that died, and in the three remaining infected ones, strongly pronounced tubercular disease had set in. Spleen, liver, and lungs were found filled with tubercles ; while in the two uninfected animals no trace of the disease was observed. In a second experiment, six out of eight Guinea-pigs were inoculated with cultivated bacilli, derived originally from the tuberculous lung of a monkey, bred and rebred for ninety-five days, until eight genera- tions had been produced. Every one of these animals was attacked, while the two uninfected Guinea-pigs remained perfectly healthy. Similar experiments were made with cats, rabbits, rats,, mice, and other THE CAUSE OF TUBERCULAR DISEASE. 259 animals, and, without exception, it was found that the injection of the parasite into the animal system was followed by decided and, in most cases, virulent tubercular disease. In the cases thus far mentioned inoculation had been effected in the abdomen. The place of inoculation was afterward changed to the aqueous humor of the eye. Three rabbits received each a speck of bacillus culture, derived originally from a human lung affected with pneumonia. Eighty-nine days had been devoted to the culture of the organism. The infected rabbits rapidly lost flesh, and after twenty- five days were killed and examined. The lungs of every one of them were found charged with tubercles. Of three other rabbits, one re- ceived an injection of pure blood-serum in the aqueous humor of the eye, while the other two were infected in a similar way, with the same serum, containing bacilli, derived originally from a diseased lung, and subjected to ninety-one days' cultivation. After twenty-eight days the rabbits were killed. The one which had received an injection of pure serum was found perfectly healthy, while the lungs of the two others were found overspread with tubercles. Other experiments are recorded in this admirable essay, from which the weightiest practical conclusions may be drawn. Koch determines the limits of temperature between which the tubercle-bacillus can develop and multiply. The minimum temperature he finds to be 86° Fahrenheit, and the maximum 104°. He concludes that, unlike the bacillus anthracis of splenic fever, which can flourish freely outside the animal body, in the temperate zone animal warmth is necessary for the propagation of the newly discovered organism. In a vast number of cases, Koch has examined the matter expectorated from the lungs of persons affected with phthisis and found in it swarms of bacilli, while in matter expectorated from the lungs of persons not thus afflicted he has never found the organism. The expectorated matter in the former cases was highly infective, nor did drying destroy its virulence. Guinea-pigs infected with expectorated matter which had been kept dry for two, four, and eight weeks respectively were smitten with tubercular disease quite as virulent as that produced by fresh ex- pectoration. Koch points to the grave danger of inhaling air in which particles of the dried sputa of consumptive patients mingles with dust of other kinds. It would be mere impertinence on my part to draw the obvious moral from these experiments. In no other conceivable way than that pursued by Koch could the true character of the most destructive malady by which humanity is now assailed be determined. And, how- ever noisy the fanaticism of the moment may be, the common sense of Englishmen will not, in the long run, permit it to enact cruelty in the name of tenderness, or to debar us from the light and leading of such investigations as that which is here so imperfectly described. 26o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. SKETCH OF CHAELES E. DAE WIN, LL.D. ME. DAE WIN died at his home, Down House, near Orpington, England, April 19th. He had been suffering for some time from weakness of the heart, but continued to work till the last. He was taken ill, after having enjoyed an apparent improvement, on the day before his death, with pains in the chest, faintness, and nausea, from which he never recovered. Mr. Darwin inherited his scientific tastes from two successive gen- erations of ancestors, and has transmitted them to some of his chil- dren. His grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, was a distinguished botanist, and was the author of a poem " The Botanic Garden," the merits of which are decidedly more botanical than poetical, but which has a place in English literature ; and of the " Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life," a work in which the theory of development was plainly foreshadowed. His father, Dr. Eobert Waring Darwin, was a Fellow of the Eoyal Society. His grandfather on the mother's side was the celebrated Josiah Wedgwood, whose name is intimately asso- ciated with the Wedgwood earthenware. Charles Eobert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, February 12, 1809, and received a preparatory education at the gram- mar-school of that place, under the head-mastership of Dr. Samuel Butler, author of one of the old standard text-books on geography, and afterward Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry. He entered the University of Edinburgh when sixteen years old, and two years later, in 1827, went to Christ's College, Cambridge, whence he was gradu- ated Bachelor of Arts four years afterward. The most that is known definitely of his special pursuits at these institutions is that at Edin- burgh he gave some attention to marine zoology, and read his first sci- entific paper, " On the Movement of the Ova of Frustra " before the Plinian Society, and that at Cambridge he was especially interested in botany. His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle had returned in 1830 from a four years' survey of the coasts of Patagonia and Terra del Fuego. Captain Fitzroy, of the Beagle, had gained so much credit by his efficiency as an officer and the value of the observations he re- corded, that, he easily obtained a commission to return to the South American waters on another and more extensive exploring expedition. Before going he made a public offer to give up a part of his own cabin to any competent naturalist who would accompany him. Darwin saw the notice, and at once offered his services without salary, on the condi- tion that he should be given the disposition of his collections. He was accepted, and thus obtained, when twenty-two years old, " what would be considered a prize by any naturalist of double his age." The expe- dition, with Darwin as one of its members, sailed on the 27th of Novem- SKETCH OF CHARLES R. DARWIN, LL.D. 261 ber, 1831, and was gone four years and ten months, during which time it visited Brazil, Patagonia, Chili, Peru, the Galapagos and Society- Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Mauritius, St. Helena, and the Cape Verd Islands. The observations taken during this voyage and the pre- vious expedition were published by Captains King and Fitzroy, their commanders, in a voluminous report, to which Mr. Darwin contributed a volume embodying " A Journal of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries visited by his Majesty's Ship Beagle, under the Command of Captain Fitzroy, from 1832 to 1836." Of this work Sir Charles Lyell wrote to the author, in Sep- tember, 1838, before it was actually published: "I assure you my father is quite enthusiastic about your journal, which he is reading, and he agrees with me that it would have had a great sale if separately published. The other day he told me that he wished to get a copy bound the moment it was out, and send it as a present to Sir William Hooker, who, more than any one, would be delighted with yours. He was disappointed at hearing that it was to be fettered by the other volumes, for, although he should equally buy it, he feared so many of the public would be checked from doing so." The volume was pub- lished separately in 1845. The ten years which followed Mr. Darwin's return to England were mainly devoted by him to the publication of the numerous and important results that had been obtained during the voyage. He edited the treatises of Professor Owen, Mr. Waterhouse, Mr. Gould, the Rev. J. Jenyns, and Mr. Bell, on the different groups of vertebrate animals as " The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle " ; and he wrote three separate volumes embodying further fruits of his observations than he had given in the " Report," " On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs " (1842) ; " Geologic Obser- vations on Volcanic Islands " (1844) ; and " Geological Observations on South America " (1846). Of the first three works, a reviewer of the second edition in "Nature," in 1874, says : "The rising generation of naturalists and geologists have not had, and most probably will never have, such feelings of intellectual pleasure as fell to the lot of the readers of Charles Darwin's book on ' Coral Reefs,' which was offered to science more than thirty years ago. The recent researches into the nature of the deposits of the deep-sea, and the discoveries of bathy- metrical zones of water of very different temperatures, are certainly full of vast interest, and will afford the data for the development of many a theory ; but the clear exposition of facts, and the bold theory which characterized the book on < Coral Reefs,' came unexpectedly and with overpowering force of conviction. The natural history of a zo- ophyte was brought into connection with the grandest phenomena of the globe — with the progressive subsidence of more or less submerged mountains, and with the distribution of volcanic foci." And this re- viewer adds that "even at this period of Darwin's life the importance of the struggle for existence had been recognized by him, and had in- 262 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. fluenced his thoughts. He remarks that he ' can understand the grada- tion only as a prolonged struggle against unfavorable conditions.' " The President of the Geological Society has said that, "looking at the general mass of Mr. Darwin's results, I can not help considering his voyage around the world as one of the most important events for geology which has occurred for many years." Professor John W. Judd, noticing the works of this series in a group, said, in 1877, " Stu- dents of Mr. Darwin's earlier geological writings must all have been impressed by the powers of minute observation, the acumen in testing, and the skill in grouping data, and the boldness and originality in generalization which distinguished their author ; for these character- istics are no less distinguished in the theory of coral reefs than in that of natural selection " ; and " these ' Geological Observations ' are well worthy to take their place in the long series of the author's contribu- tions to the doctrine of descent side by side with those more widely known works on different dej^artments of zoology and botany which have been published subsequently to the ' Origin of Species.' " His most important work on zoology, " A Monograph of the Family Cirripedia," was published by the Ray Society, 1851 to 1853. It gave accurate determinations of every recognized species of the animals known as barnacles and sea-acorns; and was shortly afterward followed by another monograph on the fossil species of the same family, which was brought out by the Philosophical Society. All of these works — each of which was, as the estimates we have quoted indicate, of the first importance in itself, and each of which is a standard to this day — were but as preliminaries to the culminating achievement of Mr. Dar- win's life, the exposition of the doctrine of the origin of species and development by natural selection, as given in the series of works on " The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection ; or, the Pres- ervation of Favored Paces in the Struggle for Life" (1859) ; "The Variations of Plants and Animals under Domestication" (1867), and "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex" (1871) ; and in the numerous special works in which he has made various particular phenomena of animal and vegetable life illustrate and re-enforce his great doctrine. The views expressed and defined in these works, al- though, now that they have " come of age," they have sensibly and profoundly affected the whole world of thought, were a surprise. Scientific men received them hesitatingly or with incredulity ; those who were not scientific with displeasure. Yet they were not wholly novel ; for Aristotle, Goethe, Mr. Darwin's grandfather, and others, had suggested similar hypotheses, and Mr. Wallace had independently reached conclusions very like those enunciated by Mr. Darwin. They have had to make their way against the prepossessions of the minds to whom they appealed, and against the prejudices which those pre- possessions awakened when they were assailed. Gradually the theory of descent gained acceptance among the SKETCH OF CHARLES R. DARWIN, LL.D. 263 scientific thinkers of England, with whom the proportion of those ready to deny it grows less from year to year. In Germany it became, in the course of ten years, more or less completely accepted by those best qualified to judge, and was the occasion of the production of a considerable literature of arguments and facts in its favor, without encountering any very serious opposition. In France, the truth of the theory was far less extensively admitted, and it continued to be, for many years, the object of a vigorous and often bitter opposition, the echoes of which have hardly yet died away. A prolonged discussion took place in the French Academy of Sciences relative to the merits of the author of the theory in 1870, when Mr. Darwin was nominated to fill the vacancy in the zoological section caused by the death of M. Purkinge. M. Milne -Edwards first spoke in his favor, saying that, while he was himself absolutely opposed to evolutional doctrines, he rendered homage to the value of the special works of Mr. Darwin, especially to the theory of the formation of coral islands. M. Elie de Beaumont added his testimony to the value of this theory, and re- marked that Mr. Darwin had done good work which he had spoiled by dangerous and unfounded speculations ; he should not be elected until he had renounced them. M. Emile Blanchard was very severe upon Mr. Darwin for an hour, styling him an " intelligent amateur " ; and M. Elie de Beaumont interpolated that his work was the " froth of science." M. de Quatrefages replied to M. Blanchard, saying that there were two men included in Mr. Darwin, a naturalist observer and a theoretical thinker : the naturalist is exact, sagacious, and patient ; the thinker is original and penetrating, often just, sometimes too rash. That the theory with which his name is connected, that of natural selection, has in it something seductive and plausible, is shown by its having been worked out by such men as Darwin, Wallace, and Naudin, laboring independently and in different paths. If the ideas and the works of Darwin are such as some of his opponents repre- sent, how can they have obtained the support, in less than ten years, of such men as Lyell, Hooker, Huxley, Karl Vogt, Lubbock, Haeckel, Filippi, and Brandt himself, who has just been elected correspondent in opposition to Mr. Darwin ? Then, having enu- merated Mr. Darwin's works in geology, comprising seven real contributions to the science, and in zoology, his works on the origin of species and variation, and particularly his investigations of the strange variations in fowls, pigeons, and rabbits, M. de Quatrefages summed up by saying: "Mr. Darwin is an eminent naturalist, who wishes to remove from science the invocation of the first cause, and to seek the explanation of the natural facts of the organic world in sec- ondary causes, as was done long ago in geology, chemistry, and phys- ics. But he goes no further ; and we ought not to judge Darwin by the words of a few disciples who seem never to have read his works. It would be unjust to make him responsible for the exaggerations and 264 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. aberrations of those who take refuge under his name." M. Robin made an argument which presents a singular appearance now, in view of the hosts of minute but important facts which Mr. Darwin has showered upon science since it was made, that, in respect of demon- strable facts which he had introduced, there would be a hundred zool- ogists who should have precedence over him. If from his publications " we eliminate the views, neither the reality nor falseness of which is demonstrable, and which are therefore not objects of science, there remains to him a share of titles which is inferior to that represented by the well-demonstrated scientific data introduced by M. Bischoff ; there remain to him even fewer titles to our suffrages than to any of the savants who are placed on an equality with him in our list of pres- entations." Mr. Darwin was not elected. His name came before the Academy again, on a nomination to be a foreign correspondent, in 1872, and received the same support and the same opposition as two years before. He was rejected — receiving only fifteen votes, to thirty- two cast for Mr. Loewen, of Stockholm. His time came at last to receive the recognition of French men of science. He was elected a corresponding foreign member in the zoological section in 1878, by a vote of twenty-six to fourteen, after a rapid change in his favor, and three years after having received a similar recognition from the Im- perial Academy of Science of Vienna. On the occasion of his sixty- ninth birthday, in 1877, he received, as a testimonial from Germany, an elegant album, containing the photographs of one hundred and fifty-four men of science in that country, addressed " To the Reformer of Nat- ural History, Charles Darwin," and a similar album containing the photographs of two hundred and seventeen distinguished professors and lovers of science in the Netherlands, accompanied with an account of the progress of opinion in that country with respect to evolution, as a proof which, it expressed, " we are persuaded, can not but afford you some satisfaction that the seeds by you so liberally strewed have also fallen on fertile soil in the Netherlands." Mr. Darwin replied to the latter testimonial modestly, acknowledging his obligations to pre- vious observers of facts, and adding : " I suppose that every worker at science occasionally feels depressed, and doubts whether what he has published has been worth the labor which it has cost him ; but for the remaining years of my life, whenever I want cheering, I will look at the portraits of my distinguished co-workers in the field of science, and remember their generous sympathy." In 1877 the University of Cam- bridge, amid circumstances of great enthusiasm, conferred the degree of LL. D. on him in a Latin oration, in which his work was neatly summarized, and which closed, "Thou, also, who hast so learnedly illustrated the laws of nature, be our doctor of laws." A subscription was afterward inaugurated at Cambridge for the erection of a perma- nent memorial of him, which it was agreed should be a picture, to be painted by Mr. W. M. Richmond. SKETCH OF CHARLES R. DARWIN, LL. D. 265 Mr. Darwin's later works, besides those which we have already named, which are for the most part monographs embodying facts and researches into the manner in which different functions of animals and plants are developed, include "The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are fertilized by Insects " (1862) ; " The Movements and Hab- its of Climbing Plants " (18G5) ; " The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals" (1872) ; "Insectivorous Plants" (1875) ; "The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom " (1876) ; " The Different Forms of Flowers and Plants of the Same Species" (1877); "The Power of Movement in Plants" (1881); "The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits" (1882). All of these works have been received with interest by the public, and have been fully noticed in our pages. The works which have been called forth by the influence of Mr. Darwin's writings are catalogued in a German pamphlet of thirty-six octavo pages, containing the names of three hundred and twelve authors. Mr. Darwin was subject to frequent sudden attacks of illness which laid him prostrate for days together. The periods of convalescence were made useful for observations requiring almost constant atten- tion ; and such observations, made in the sick-room, are referred to in his " Climbing Plants." His tastes were almost wholly scientific. For sculpture or pottery, or even for drawing, except as an aid to bo- tanical and zoological pursuits, he cared very little, his collection of pictures being confined to a portrait of old Dr. Darwin and one of Josiah Wedgwood, hanging in his dining-room, and sketches of Sir Joseph Hooker and Professor Huxley in his study. Commenting on Mr. Darwin's methods of investigation and pres- entation, " Nature " remarks in a review of one of his books, that, in turning over its pages, " one is almost distracted from the intrinsic interest of the facts and speculations by the sagacity with which the research is carried on, and the skill with which the results are mar- shaled for our information. It is peculiarly worthy of notice . . . how the reader is allowed, in studying Mr. Darwin's pages, to form his own hypothesis in explanation of the facts, only to be compelled, in due course, as the narrative proceeds, to admit that such hypotheses are utterly untenable." Scientific candor is mentioned as one of his prom- inent qualities by Mr. J. TV. Judd, who says that, " like his teacher and friend, the late Sir Charles Lyell, he never forgets in his discus- sions to look at all sides of the questions before him, and to give the fullest expression and weight, alike to the difficulties which he him- self detects, and to arguments which opponents may have advanced." This quality is well illustrated in the successive editions of the " Ori- gin of Species," where the author's changes or modifications of views in particular points are frequently acknowledged and recorded. 266 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. EDITOR'S TABLE. CHARLES ROBERT DARWIY. THE present year will be memora- ble in the history of science as bringing to a close the labors of two illustrious scientific thinkers — one, per- haps, the most eminent man of science in America, Dr. John William Draper, and the other probably the most cele- brated scientific man of the world at the present time, Dr. Charles Robert Darwin. Both men had accomplished their work, the former dying at the age of seventy-one, and the latter at the age of seventy-three ; and it is remarka- ble that both were among the most dis- tinguished representatives of the same school of progressive scientific thought. Their names will be for ever associated with that great revolution of ideas for which all modern science has prepared, but which has been accomplished only within the present generation. Both men made large and important contri- butions, by observation and experiment, to the departments of science which they respectively cultivated, but they will be measured in future chiefly by the bearing of their work upon the great intellectual movement of the period. Everybody knows what we mean in speaking of the movement of thought with which the names of Draper and Darwin are identified; and which we have referred to as a revolution of ideas already accomplished. One of its leading aspects is the application of the scientific method to the phenomena of life in order to explain their changes by natural causes. Mr. Darwin's name has been so closely associated with this extension of scientific method to cover the origin of the diversities of living beings upon earth that he has come to be a representative of the idea ; while the term " Darwinism " has been vague- ly employed to stand for the doctrine. The twenty volumes of " The Popular Science Monthly " bear uniform and abundant record that " Darwinism " has been generally accepted as true in the world of science for the last ten years. But there is a sharper test of the change of opinion that has taken place than any affirmation regarding the verdicts of scientific men. At its earliest promulgation "Darwinism " was denounced by the whole body of relig- ious authorities as false and execrable. There was never such unanimity in the pulpit as was displayed in cursing the new apostle of the doctrine of man's descent from an ancestry of inferior animals. The devil got a considerable respite while the batteries were all be- ing turned upon Darwin as the arch- enemy and subverter of all religion. But, as the movement of ideas went on all the same, common sense began to assert itself in various quarters, so that there has latterly been more temper- ateness of condemnation, and even a readiness to accept the long-detested doctrine as probably true, and by no means so bad as it at first seemed. And, now that Darwin is dead, there is a universal burst of admiration for the man, accompanied by abundant admis- sions that his ideas are true ; and he is laid in Westminster Abbey alongside of Newton, while the most eminent preach- ers of London agree in declaring that there has been nothing in his teaching that is not wholly consistent with the soundest Christian belief. Canon Lid- don, of St. Paul's, author of " The Di- vinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ," is reported to have said in a sermon that "Mr. Darwin's theories are not necessarily hostile to the fun- damental truths of religion"; and Canon Barrv, author of " Orthodox *r 7 Commentaries on Portions of the Bi- EDITOR'S TABLE. 267 ble," declared that "the doctrine of evolution lent itse^ as readily to prom- ises of God as less complete explana- tions of the universe." To explain the world-wide fame of Mr. Darwin and the expressions of high appreciation that have been elicited by his death, several circumstances must be taken into account. In the first place, his pre-eminence as a naturalist is not for a moment to be questioned. He had a genius for investigation in this field, as is shown by the immense amount of valuable and original work that he has accomplished. As an ac- curate and indefatigable observer, of keen insight, and equally fertile and skillful in his experimental devices to bring out the secrets of Nature, he was probably without a rival. Descended from a race of naturalists, he seemed to have a constitutional intuition for penetrating the mysteries of living be- ings, and detecting subtilties that had eluded previous observers. Patient, in- dustrious, and concentrated upon his work, he has enriched natural history with a multitude of new facts, which will make his name an authoritv for all future time. But Mr. Darwin was more than a mere observer and accumulator of facts ; he was a man of ideas capable of meth- odising his observations and making them tributary to the progress of theo- retical views. He found the problem of the origin of the diversities of living beings unsettled, he subordinated all his researches to its solution, and he put forth a theory upon the subject that has made him famous. This was the principle of natural selection, called also the survival' of the fittest, and it was elaborated with a wealth of il- lustration that rapidly commended it to the acceptance of the scientific world. In a nutshell it is this : There is a law of heredity, or descent of traits, from generation to generation, in the kingdom of organic life — a law under which " like produceSyLike." But there is also a law of variation by which like always produces the slightly un- like— a modification from generation to generation, and adaptation to ever- changing conditions. At the same time the rate of multiplication gives rise to a destructive struggle for existence, in which multitudes perish and but com- paratively few survive, while the sur- vivors are those best fitted to the new conditions. In this way new charac- ters are strengthened and developed, and old traits are weakened and disap- pear, so that the progress of life is at the same time a slow transformation, in which at first new varieties and then new species gradually arise by minute increments of change. Thus the diver- sities among living creatures are ac- counted for by the operation of natural agencies. But, besides the intrinsic character of his work, the traits of the man were eminently calculated to produce the most favorable impression. He was not a controversialist, and, instead of going roughly athwart men's prejudices, he was kindly, considerate, and concilia- tory in all his writings. He was also modest and eminently candid and fair- minded, always seeking to do justice to the views of his opponents. Men felt that his supreme object was simply to get at the truth. For this he labored in- cessantly and untiringly, and thus won the respect of all who can appreciate sincerity of aim and elevation of pur- pose. Added to this he was a very ge- nial and pleasant man in his personal relations, and most highly regarded by those who were honored with his ac- quaintance and friendship. But still other elements must be taken into account in explaining the extent of his popularity. He was a remarkably fortunate man. We refer not so much to his easy circumstances, which gave him command of resources and allowed full consecration to a life of study ; but we mean that he came at a great crisis of thought, when a lead- z68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. er was wanted in a comprehensive sci- entific field. It was his happy fortune to avail himself of a previous advance of biological inquiry, which was much greater than is generally supposed. Mr. Darwin has himself fully pointed out to what various extents his idea of nat- ural selection had been discerned by preceding naturalists. It was a discov- ery all ready to be made, and how in- evitably it grew out of the state of knowledge that had been attained, and how imminent it was in the thought of the time, is shown by the fact that he was compelled to publish on the sub- ject earlier than he had intended, to prevent being anticipated by Mr. Alfred Eussel "Wallace, who had already ar- rived at and worked out the same prin- ciple. It was fortunate for the fame of Mr. Darwin that Mr. Wallace so grace- fully and generously stepped aside, and surrendered to him the full leadership of the new biological reform. Nor is it to be forgotten, in enumer- ating the causes that have conspired to give such prominence to the name and fame of Darwin, that his subject was one of intense and universal interest. No matter how unpalatable were the theories proposed, everybody was con- cerned with questions of the origin of life, because they involved explanations of human origin. Whence we came has always been a riddle which there has been an irrepressible curiosity to solve. Mr. Darwin's explanation came in the name of science, and, apparently involving but a single principle of such simplicity and familiar illustration that everybody could understand it, his lit- tle book was sought for and read with avidity by all 'classes. And yet, in the nature of things, it was impossible that the work should be generally under- stood with any thoroughness. It dealt with an order of ideas for which our higher education made no preparation, so that the college graduate was little better equipped than the uneducated country farmer to read intelligently and appreciatingly the argument of the " Origin of Species." There was, con- sequently, a great deal of popular con- fusion and misapprehension as to what Mr. Darwin had really done, and which naturally led to erroneous and even ex- travagant claims as to the nature and scope of his work. To those who were not well instructed he came to be re- garded as the creator of an epoch and the originator of the whole scheme of ideas connected with his investigations. We see this in the tendency to attribute to Mr. Darwin the fatherhood of the law of evolution, and to identify evolu- tion with Darwinism. He contributed to that universal law a most important principle, but he was neither its founder nor did he ever attempt anything like its general exposition. That great doc- trine had been overwhelmingly proved, had been resolved into its forces, for- mulated, and extensively applied to the reorganization of scientific knowl- edge, before Mr. Darwin had ever published a word upon the subject. He has done noble work, and his posi- tion is for ever assured among the greatest in science ; and, if circum- stances have tended to favor some ex- aggeration of his real claims, we may leave to time the correction of imper- fect judgments, and the equitable award of all honors among those to whom honors are due. A VERY MODERN REPROACH. Commenting, two months ago, upon Goldwin Smith's article attacking sci- entific ethics, we pointed out the exten- sive co-existence of supernatural beliefs with a lax morality. The " Christian Union," under the title of " A Very An- cient Reproach," charges " The Popular Science Review " with reviving a stale old accusation of Thomas Paine. It, moreover, attempts to confound us with " History," and offers a quotation from Gibbon, declaring that through conversions by the early Church " the EDITOR'S TABLE. 269 most abandoned sinners " in many cases became " the most eminent saints." The " Union " then proceeds to remark : " If ' The Popular Science Monthly ' de- sires further information as to the act- ual effect which evangelical religion has produced on the morals of the com- munity, it will be found in abundance in Lecky's ' History of European Mor- als,' in the same author's ' flistory of England in the Eighteenth Century,' and in Professor Draper's ' History of the Intellectual Development of Eu- rope,' and none of these authors can be accused of being eulogists of Christian- ity. "We leave the ' Review ' to settle it with Gibbon which horn of the dilemma it will accept." We have no issue with Lecky or Draper, and nothing to settle with Gib- bon. If we had no other source of in- formation respecting the relations of faith and morals as manifested in hu- man conduct, than what was written a hundred years ago about what took place sixteen hundred years earlier, it | would be different ; but the illustrations of the relation of religious belief to ethical practice are too clear, familiar, and impressive all around us to make this course necessary. On living ques- tions we prefer living authorities, and judgments based upon immediate ob- servation and experience, to historic in- ferences regarding what took place at remote periods. Accordingly, we value the testimony of the editor of the " Christian Union " higher than even that of Gibbon, while his record is far more to the point. The article entitled "A Very Ancient Reproach " is imme- diately followed by another which serves as an instructive comment upon it by showing that the " reproach " is also both very modern and very real. Its title is "A Missouri Saint," and the editor writes upon the subject with an openness which " The Popular Science Monthly " has never emulated. He says: St. James — St. Jesse James — is the latest contribution of America to the noble army of saints and martyrs. — Death seems to settle all accounts ; and no sooner was this murderous villain dead, than the whole community set to work with extraordinary unanimity to canonize him. His funeral was an ovation ; the attendant throng crowded the Baptist church, " where he was converted in 1866 " — heavens ! what sort of a man would he have been if he had not been converted? — the sheriff and under-sheriff acted among the pall-bearers ; the services were opened with the hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus!" the officiating ministers comforted the stricken community with extracts from the plaints of Job and David, and with a comforting dis- course on Christ's forbearance and forgive- ness of sins ; and, finally, the procession to the grave was one of immense proportions. Out upon such a religion as this ! If a Dr. Thomas intimates that there may be perhaps a probation in another world for those who seem to have had no true probation in this, he is turned out of the fellowship of the church as a heretic. If a Mr. Jones and a Mr. Martin send a freebooter and a life-long robber and murderer straight to heaven in a chariot of fire without as much as a baptismal bath by the way, will any church call them to account for their falseness to the law of God and the sacredness of morality? We shall see. Excellent, certainly ! But, if exactly the same sentiments, only pitched in a lower key of indignation, appear in "The Popular Science Monthly," we are accused of reviving the obsolete re- proaches of infidelity, and the " Chris- tian Advocate " breaks into a pious dia- tribe about " Sugar-coated Poison." The view of the " Christian Union " is well confirmed by "The Nation," as follows : James's relations to the Church, too, had a curiously mediaeval flavor about them. He was the son of a Baptist minister, but his career apparently did not strike his mother, or any of his family or neighbors, as incon- sistent with the possession of a stock of fun- damental and ineradicable piety. When ho died, she rejoiced in the thought that he had gone to heaven. Two Baptist ministers per- formed the funeral services, and a vast con- course of friends, including the sheriff, who was deeply affected, followed the remains to the grave, not son-owing, apparently, as those 270 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. who are without hope. In fact, the James territory, which includes the adjacent corners of four States, is a region which seems closely to resemble in its religious and moral condi- tion a Frankish kingdom in Gaul in the sixth century. Every one knows how very early in the history of the Church the tendency to make faith take the place of right-living began to show itself. St. James had to warn the very first generation of Christians that pure religion and undefiled consisted not in sound belief, but in good deeds. Tbe difficulty of making people show their faith by their works has beset Christianity ever since. Bar- barians rapidly accepted the Christian dog- mas, and took eagerly to the rites and cere- monies of the Church, but they never were quite ready to accept its views about behavior. Gregory of Tours, in his most instructive chronicle, tells some very grotesque stories of the difficulties which the bishops had in Gaul in his day in refusing the communion to no- torious evil livers. One Frankish chief — a great robber and cut-throat — insisted on hav- ing it administered to him, and the bishop had to let him have it, in order to save life, for he threatened to kill all the other commu- nicants if he was not allowed to partake also. The comfort the Italian and Greek brigands find in the external observances of their creed, while committing the most atrocious crimes, is now an old story. A skeptical or agnostic robber is in fact unknown in Eastern or South- ern Europe. The devout brigands all belong to the Catholic or Greek Church, which has always greatly exalted the value of external worship and pious credulity, and thus furnishes only too much temptation to those who are ready to believe without limitation for the purpose of postponing any change in their habits. The Protestant Church has been much more exacting in the matter of conduct, and in fact has afforded in its teaching but few of the refuges for easy-going sinners which its great rival provides so plentifully. But the fight between faith and right-living nevertheless rages within its borders unceasingly, and not always to the advantage of the latter. It is not only in the James district in Missouri that one comes on the strange compromises by which a certain external devoutness is mado to atone to the conscience not only for spiritual coldness, but for long and persistent violations of the fundamental rules of moral- ity. Startling as are these revelations about the state of society in that part of the coun- try, they are hardly more startling, every- thing considered, than the frequency with which our defaulters and embezzlers in this part of the world prove to have been vestry- men, deacons, Sunday-school superintend- ents, and prominent church-members durin^ long years of delinquency and perfidy. LITERARY NOTICES. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC No. XL. SERIES. Myth and Science. An Essay by Tito Vignoli. D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 372. Price, $1.50. Though an opportune and much-needed book upon a subject that is exciting wide attention in the higher circles of inquiry, yet this treatise is of a much graver character than its title might imply to those familiar with current mythic literature. It is not a book of old fairy tales nor of the mytholog- ical legends of different peoples, but it is a compact disquisition on the origin and nat- ure of the common mythical element mani- fested by all grades of intelligence. It is a philosophical essay, and some critics declare it to be as hard as metaphysics, which is saying a good deal, because the book is far more interesting than metaphysics. A leading element of interest in this vol- ume comes from the point of view taken by the author in the investigation. He assumes evolution without any reserve, and declares that " it is evident, at least to those who do not cling absolutely to old traditions, that man is evolved from the animal kingdom." It is true that Mr. Max M tiller, the gram- marian of mythical romance, not long ago republished his prophecy that " the idea of a humanity emerging slowly from the depths of animal brutality can never be maintained again in our century." But it certainly does not look much as if the doc- trine were at present thus discredited. Mr. Darwin, its great apostle, was yesterday en- tombed in Westminster Abbey with the sing, ing of an anthem composed expressly for the occasion, in the presence of the best talent of the country and a formal deputation from the University of Oxford and representa- tives from learned societies, the import of the whole being that " Darwin's work was at length claimed by the nation as its own," while, by the verdict of Europe, the author of the " Descent of Man " was pronounced to be the greatest scientist of his age. At LITERARY NOTICES. 271 any rate, Mr. Yignoli has the science of the world and probably the truth of the case on his side. But, if man was developed from the lower animals, he has derived his psy- chical faculties, as well as his bodily organ- ism, from his inferior ancestors; and, al- though he has left them by a wide gap, they are still parts of a series with so much re- maining in common that the higher can only be interpreted in derivative connection with the lower. On this view the mythical ele- ment, as considered by our author, begins with the lower animals, and comparative psy- chology is appealed to, with many special experiments, to show that animals endow the objects around them with a conscious- ness like their own. Man, in his early stages, does a similar thing by " animating " the forces and objects of nature, and filling the world with mythical personalities. This process goes on, according to Mr. Yignoli, with the advance of intelligence, so that sci- ence, instead of ending myths, only modifies them. Man " personifies all phenomena, first vaguely projecting himself into them, and then exercising a distinct purpose of anthro- pomorphism until, in this way, he has grad- ually modified the world according to his own image." In his opening chapter on the ideas and sources of myths, Mr. Yignoli thus presents the point of view from which he considers the subject : We do not propose to consider in this trea- tise the myths peculiar to one people nor to one race ; we do not seek to estimate the intrinsic value of myths at the time when they were al- ready developed among various peoples and con- stituted into an. Olympus or special religion; we do not wish to determine the special and histor- ical cause of their manifestations in the life of any one people, since we now refrain from enter- ing on the field of comparative mythology. It is the scope and object of our modest researches to trace the strictly primitive origin of the hu- man myths as a whole ; to reach the ultimate fact, and the causes of this fact, whence myth in its necessary and universal form is evolved and has its origin. ■ We must, therefore, seek to discover whether, in addition to the various causes assigned for myth in earlier ages, and still more in modern times, by our great philologists, ethnologists, and philosophers of every school— causes which are for the most part extrinsic— there be not a reason more deeply seated in our nature, which is first manifested as a necessary and spontane- ous function of the intelligence, and which is, therefore, intrinsic and inevitable. In this case myth will appear to us, not as an accident in the life of primitive peoples varying in intensity and extent, not as a vague concep- tion of things due to the erroneous interpreta- tion of words and phrases, nor again as the fan- ciful creation of ignorant minds; but it will ap- pear to be a special faculty of the human mind, inspired by emotions Which accompany and ani- mate its products. Since this innate faculty of myth is indigenous and common to all men, it will not only be the portion of all peoples, but of each individual in every age, in every race, what- ever may be their respective condition. Myth, therefore, will not be resolved by us into a manifestation of an obsolete age, or of peoples still in a barbarous and savage state, nor as part of the cycle through which nationa and individuals have respectively passed or have nearly passed; but it remains to this day; in spite of the prevailing civilization which has greatly increased and is still increasing, it still persists as a mcde of physical and intellectual force in the organic elements which constitute it. Easy Lessons in Science. Edited by Pro- fessor W. F. Barrett. Light. By Mrs. W. Awdry. Pp 114. Heat. By C. W. Martineau. Pp. 136. Macmil- lan & Co. Yerily, verily, if the children of this generation do not grow wise in science, it will not be for lack of elementary books for the purpose. " Rudimentary Lessons," " Elementary Lessons," " Simple Lessons," " Easy Lessons," and " Primers " innumera- ble, separate and in groups, edited by one book-maker and written by others, are already multiplied on every hand, and are increasing more rapidly than ever. They must be pur- chased, or they would not continue to be made ; and, if purchased, they are probably read and used — so that, on the whole, we may assume that the result is good. But one thing is certain — the excellence of these books is in no relation to their numbers, nor is it easy to discern much if any improve- ment in the successive series. They are all lesson-books with abundant pictures to be learned in the old-fashioned way in the school-room. There is some effort at cheap- ening the means of experiment for scientific illustration, and, in so far as this promotes demonstration, the effect is undoubtedly beneficial. But these little manuals gener- ally display but a very limited acquaintance with the minds of the young, and they are all conformed to the common type of books of information to be obtained by the regular old process of reading and lesson-learning. 272 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The two volumes before us on " Light " and "Heat" are of the usual character. The name of Professor Barrett as editor may be taken as a guarantee that the vol- umes are accurate in their statements, but we see no evidence that the editorship goes any further. They seem to be ordinary text-books merely reduced in dimensions. Good teachers might use them, we think, with good effect, but good teachers are few, and the best teachers are independent of their books. On the other hand, bad teach- ers are innumerable — they are the rule, and the real question about primary books is how they work in the hands of incompetent teachers. The best books in these circum- stances are those that favor the self-educa- tion of the pupil, and release him from the over-meddling of stupid instructors. The books before us, it is needless to say, are not of that order. Die chemische Ursache des Lebens theo- retisch und experimented nachge- wiesen. (The Chemical Cause of Life theoretically and experimentally demon- strated.) By Oscar Loew and Thom- as Bokorny, of Munich. Munich, Bava- ria. 1881. Pp. 60, with a Colored Plate. Since the first synthesis of an organic body, urea, was made by Wohler in 1828, say the authors of this treatise, vital force has been regarded as the result of chemical and physical processes. This has been ac- cepted as satisfactory till the present time, notwithstanding it has been necessary to ad- mit, on a closer consideration, that a clear- er definition of the chemical activity by which living protoplasm is governed would be hailed as a very desirable step of prog- ress. The idea that there was a chemical difference between dead and living proto- plasm never found expression till 18*75, and nearly all physiologists still hold the view that a complete chemical identity exists be- tween them, notwithstanding that it would be hardly possible to explain the cause of life if this were the case. E. Pfliiger was the first to assert, in 18*75, in a paper on physiological combustion in living organ- isms, that a chemical difference must neces- sarily exist between living and dead proto- plasm. One of the authors of this treatise, in verifying an hypothesis he has proposed on the formation of albumen, met with a number of unaltered Aldehyde groups which stood in close relations with the Amidon groups, and immediately conceived the idea that the source of the vital movement in protoplasm was to be sought in the Aldehyde groups with their intense atomic movements, and the origin of death in the passage of the Al- dehyde groups into Amidon groups. Short- ly afterward both the authors succeeded in demonstrating the real existence of Alde- hyde groups in living plasma. The present monograph gives a full and connected ac- count of their experiments, and of the veri- fications of them. The Oyster Industry. By Ernest Inger- SOLL. Washington : Government Print- ing-Office. Pp. 251, with Forty-two Plates. The present monograph is a part of a series on " The History and Present Condi- tion of the Fishery Industries," which is in course of publication under the direction of the United States Fish Commission, in con- nection with the census. The arrangement of the main part of the work is geograph- ical, beginning with the maritime provinces of Canada, and passing, with copious ac- counts of the culture and trade in oys- ters at all important points on the Atlantic coast, to the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific coast. Chapters follow on the utilization of oyster-shells, and the natural history of the oyster, with notices of the fatalities to which it is subjected. " An Oysterman's Dictionary " offers an entertaining as well as informing collection of phrases and words descriptive of mollusks and other inverte- brates of the Atlantic coast. Statistical ta- bles are given in the final chapter. A Monograph of the Seal-Islands of Alaska. By Henry W. Elliott. Wash- ington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 176, with Two Maps. The fur-seal was very often mentioned in the discussions that took place during the negotiations for the acquisition of Alaska, but very little was known of it, and it was hardly represented in the best zoological collections. The author of this monograph became interested in the subject, and in 1872, by the joint action of the Secretary of the Treasury and Professor Baird, was LITERARY NOTICES. 273 enabled to visit the Pribylov Islands and study the life and habits of the animals. The notes, surveys, and hypotheses here pre- sented are founded on his personal obser- vations in the seal-rookeries of St. Paul and St. George, during the seasons of 1872, 1873, 1874, and 1876. They "were ob- tained through long days and nights of con- secutive observation, from the beginning to the close of each seal season," and cover, by actual surveys, the entire ground occupied by these animals. The Areas op the United States, the Several States and Territories, and their Counties. By Henry Gannett, E. M., Geographer and Special Agent of the Tenth Census. Washington: Gov- ernment Printing-Office. Pp. 20, with Map. The question, "What constitutes the area of the United States ? " is by no means a simple one, but involves other questions of including or leaving out inlets, and the measurement of numerous gores. For the purpose of this work the main area was procured by summing up the square degrees, and the areas of the fractions of square de- grees were computed after direct meas- urement, with scales on the maps of the Coast, Lake, and Mexican Boundary Com- mission surveys. The whole contour of the country is thus given by surveys whose ac- curacy is unquestioned, except as to the part between the Lake of the Woods and Lake Superior, and a part of the eastern boundary of Maine, of which exact surveys have not been made. The same principles were observed in computing the areas of States and counties, where, however, bound- ary surveys are often not so accurate as they should be. Statistics of the Production of the Precious Metals in the United States. By Clarence King, Special Agent of the Census. Washington : Government Printing-Office. Pp. 94, with Six Plates. This. statistical statement is offered in advance of the author's report on the pro- duction of the precious metals, of which it will form the concluding chapter, on ac- count of its immediate interest to legislators, financiers, and metallists. It consists al- most wholly of statistics, presented in a full and clear manner. n vol. xxi. — 18 Annual Report of the Chief Signal-Of- ficer of the Army to the Secretary of War, for the Year 1881. Washing- ton City. Pp. 86. The Signal Service continues to manifest its value, particularly in the meteorological department. The present officer, General Hazen, has endeavored to bring it into active sympathy and co-operation with men of sci- ence; and it enjoys the assistance of an advisory committee of the National Acade- my of Sciences. The work of the year has been marked by advance in nearly every department, among the evidences of which we notice the establishment of a permanent school of instruction at Fort Myer, Virginia ; the extension of forecasts to periods of more than twenty-four hours; the forecasts of " northers " for the interior plateau ; the extension of the special frost-warning to the fruit interests ; the organization of a service for the special benefit of the cotton interest ; arrangements for original investi- gation in atmospheric electricity, in ane- mometry and in actinometry ; and in the last subject, especially with reference to the im- portance of solar radiation in agriculture, and the absorption of the sun's heat by the atmosphere ; the publication of special pro- fessional papers ; the offering of prizes for essays on meteorological subjects ; the or- ganization of State weather services ; co-op- eration in work in the Arctic regions ; ar- rangements for organizing a Pacific coast weather service; and a large increase of telegraphic weather service, without addi- tional expense to the United States. The popular confidence and support of the bu- reau, General Hazen says, have never been impaired, and the scope of its usefulness in- creases with each year. The Constants of Nature, Part V. : A Re- calculation of the Atomic Weights. By Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, S. B., Professor of Chemistry and Physics in the University of Cincinnati. Washing- ton : Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 279. This work and Professor George F. Becker's "Digest" of the investigations of "Atomic Weight Determinations, published since 1814," which forms Part IV of the series of " Constants," are complementary to each other. Professor Clarke began his investigations in 1877, for the purpose of 274 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. revising the determinations of the atomic weights of all the elements. lie does not claim that any of the results he has reached are final, but admits that each one of them is liable to repeated corrections. The real value of the work, he believes, lies in an- other direction ; the data have been brought together and reduced to a common standard, and the probable error has been determined for each series of figures. Thus the ground is cleared, in a measure, for future experi- menters. The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning : A Manual for Housekeepers. By Ellen H. Richards, Instructor in Chemistry, Woman's Laboratory, Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. Pp. 90. Price, $1. We are glad to see such a book by such an author from such a place. A lady en- gaged in teaching practical chemistry in an institute of technology, and applying her sci- ence to the art of improving domestic life, affords an example of the fitness of things which is seen much too rarely. To the eye of a stupid public opinion, cooking and clean- ing are very vulgar things — the operations of menials and scullions. But to the eye of science they are most interesting processes, tasking thought to master them, giving pleasure in understanding them, and valu- able benefit in applying them. To the eye of ignorance, however cultivated, there is nothing about cooking and cleaning that is worthy of respect, and they are therefore left to the incompetent, who give us bad work ; but, if they were better understood, practice would be improved, and we should have more wholesome cookery and more per- fect cleanliness. Mrs. Ricbards's neat little brochure is a contribution to domestic education which, though too slight, will be well appreciated. It is not an attempt to compress a great deal of information in a small compass, but to make the subject clear as far as it is treated. Her " Chemistry of Cooking " is at the same time a course of brief lessons in chemistry ; that is, enough of the science is thoroughly explained to make its applica- tions intelligible. We cordially commend it as an excellent beginning in a direction that must in future be more carefully and thoroughly pursued. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Ninth Annual Report, for the Year 1880. By N. H. Winchell, State Geologist. St. Peter, Minnesota. Pp. 392, with Six Plates. The work of the year covered by this report consisted chiefly of the arrangement for the museum of the crystalline rocks gathered during the previous seasons in the northern part of the State, including the cupriferous series ; determinations in pale- ontology ; examinations of building-stones ; the study of the hydrology and water- powers ; field work in the southwestern part of the State ; and the examination of the " Lake region " of the center, with reference to hydrology and the distribution of forest- trees. La Lumiere F^lectrique ; son Histoire, sa Production, et sonEmploi. (The Elec- tric Light ; its History, Production, and Employment.) By Em. Alglave and J. Boulard. Paris. The authors have taken advantage of the revelations which the recent Interna- tional Electrical Exposition at Paris afford- ed of the extent to which electrical force has been developed as a working power, and the variety of purposes to which it has been practically applied, to prepare this ele- gant work, showing what has been done in that direction, when, and how. The large mass of material which they had to dispose of has been divided among six books, in the first of which is reviewed the history of arti- ficial illumination, and the different phases through which it has passed from the dimly tempered darkness of the ancients, with their rude oil-lamps, through the stages of tallow, sperm, and stearine candles, and the improved lamps of modern days, to the beginnings of the electric light. The second book treats of voltaic or arc lights, the manner in which the arc is produced, the fabrication of the carbons, and the mechanism of the regulat- ing apparatus, and furnishes descriptions of the different lights of this class. The third book is devoted to incandescent lamps, and includes descriptions of the Edison, Swann, Lane Fox, and Maxim lamps. In the fourth book the different kinds of apparatus for generating the electric current, and in the fifth book the several systems for securing its distribution and division, are described ; LITERARY NOTICES. 275 and the sixth book comprises accounts of the applications that have been made of the electric light in light-houses, war, naviga- tion, in industry, the arts, and commerce, its installation in mines and excavations, railroad-stations, warehouses, and even in agricultural operations. All of these ac- counts are profusely illustrated with clear representations of the machinery and appa- ratus described, with a few landscapes elec- trically lighted. The authors have also given much information concerning the cost of es- tablishing and maintaining the electric light for these several purposes. The work is thus not only one to be read, but also one that may be profitably consulted for practi- cal purposes. Bi-Monetism : The Money op Commerce and the money of the state. by Joseph Stringham. Oshkosh, Wiscon- sin. Pp. 64. This pamphlet embodies the results of an inquiry which the author has made into the relations of the two moneys to each other, and into the utility of gold, silver, and paper as materials for money. He concludes that gold is the sole money of commerce, and will continue to be so as long as present commercial customs con- tinue, but that the demand within the several States for paper or silver tokens for use in internal business is sufficient to absorb all the silver, and raise it to its coin value in gold, and keep it there. Silver, if its use for such a purpose should become general in the states of Europe and Amer- ica, might thus eventually gain a recognized place as money in commerce, but not other- wise; while, under existing circumstances, "silver or any other metal could not be coined at its commercial value in gold with- out subjecting the coinage to frequeDt changes." Guides for Science Teaching. The Oys- ter, Clam, and other Common Mollusks. By Alpheus Hyatt. With Plates. Pp. 65. Common Minerals and Rocks. By William 0. Crosby. Pp.130. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Co. We noticed several months ago some volumes of a series of small hand-books published under the supervision of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History, which were designed as aids to teachers wishing to in- struct their pupils in branches of that de- partment, but not to be used as text-books. We notice in addition to the works we then named the two whose titles stand at the head of this article. The manual on mollusks is fully illustrated with excellent plates, and Mr. Hyatt is strong in insisting that teachers can not use any text-book as a basis of good instruction, but must lead children to see for themselves. The system of classification set forth in Mr. Crosby's book on minerals is practically illustrated and exemplified in the arrangement of col- lections in the museum of the society. The New Ethics : An Essay on the Moral Law of Use. By Frank Sewall. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 61. Mr. Sewall regards ethics as appertain- ing to the will rather than to the intellect; and suggests that it may be considered as a kind of moral aesthetics, or " aesthetics on the moral plane," and defined as a science of taste that treats of the will of man as subject to sensations of pleasure and of pain from moral objects presented to it, and capable of being affected and modified by them. The object of moral education is to adapt man to the moral law of the universe, which, assuming that it is real, may be expressed as the law of use, or of service, " but the law of mutual service, not the service of self." The author has no confi- dence in intellectual culture as an element of moral progress. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. XX, Part IV, January, 1880-April, 1880. Pp. 169; Vol. XXI, Part I, Mav, 1880-December, 1880. Pp.112. Boston: Published by the Society. The papers of most general interest in the former of these two volumes are the notice of the death of Dr. Thomas M. Brew- er, by President Bouve ; and the review of Professor Brewer's scientific labors, by Mr. J. A. Allen. The other volume contains notices of Mr. Bouve's withdrawal from the presidency of the society, and of the deaths of Dr. C. T. Jackson, Count Pourtales, Mr. L. S. Burbank, and Mr. George D. Smith. Many of the special papers, which concern 276 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. a wide variety of subjects in natural histo- ry, geology, physics, and archaeology, have been noticed from time to time in " The Pop- ular Science Monthly." Mr. S. H. Scudder, the new president of the society, defines its aim in his inaugural address as distinct- ively educational ; and with this view it restricts its museum to the collection and exhibition of such objects as can be put directly to public use ; furnishes direct in- struction by lectures, lesson and guide books, to those who have in charge the education of youth ; and is working for the introduc- tion and retention of the study of nature in the public schools. HOW TO MAKE THE BEST OF LlFE. By J. Mortimer Granville, M. D. Pp. 96. Boston : S. E. Cassino. Price, 50 cents. This little volume has been added to Dr. Granville's excellent series of small books on the mental phases of personal hygiene. They are all devoted to the conditions of mental health, and to the care of the mind under the strain and exposure of neglect, overwork, bad habits, etc. The present volume is full of miscellaneous suggestions and practical precautions in the conduct of every-day life that, if followed, will be cer- tain to guard against trouble and increase the enjoyment of health. Dr. Granville has improved the literary form of his work as he went on, so that this last part is written in a clearer and simpler style than those which preceded it. Report on Diphtheria. By Franklin Sta- ples, M. D., Winona. Pp. 44. The report includes the facts gathered by the State Board of Health respecting the prevalence of diphtheria in the State of Minnesota during two years, from Novem- ber, 18*78, to November, 1880. It embodies the substance of replies received from the several counties of the State in answer to inquiries sent out by the board respecting the prevalence or non-prevalence of the disease, its forms and degree of malignancy, the apparent causes and means of propaga- tion (with express attention to the relations of the disease to water-supply and sanitary surroundings), and the means employed for its prevention. The facts collected, which are given as they were sent up, form a mass of valuable material to aid in the study of the malady. By this study the board say in the report : " We have been able to con- firm many points of doctrine now generally understood concerning this disease, and, by observing its behavior on our soil, in our climate, and among the people of the vari- ous nationalities of our State, we have been able to arrive at some conclusions as to the kind of sanitary work demanded." These conclusions are given, and are not essentially different from those that have been agreed upon by sanitarians generally. The Use of Tobacco. By J. I. D. Hinds, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry in Cum- berland University, Lebanon, Tennes- see. Cumberland Presbyterian Publish- ing House. Pp. 138. Price, 75 cents. This little work presents a view of the subject adapted to popular comprehension, with arguments against the use of tobacco based chiefly on economical, hygienic, and moral grounds, which are designed to reach the public. The Temple Rebuilt : A Poem. By Fred- erick R. Abbe. Boston : D. Lothrop & Co. Pp. 251. Price, $1.25. By the " temple " the author typifies the soul of man, which has been cast into ruins by sin, and is rebuilt on the hew foundation of the plan of salvation as laid down by Christ, by the Christian virtues and graces serving as builders, and using prayer and good works as their implements. Incandescent Electric Lights, with Par- ticular Reference to the Edison Lamps at the Paris Exhibition. By Compte Th. du Moncel and William Henry Preece. With other Papers. New York : D. Yan Nostrand. Pp. 176. Price, 50 cents. A volume of " Yan Nostrand's Science Series." It has been called out by the pub- lic interest in the growth of the Edison and other systems for maintaining a steady elec- tric light of low intensity. Besides the paper of Compte du Moncel and the address of Mr. Preece, which give the title to the book, the volume contains articles on " The Economy of the Electric Light by Incan- descence," by John W. Howell, and on " The Steadiness of the Electric Current," by C. W. Siemens. POPULAR MISCELLANY. 277 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Wings of Pterodactyls. By Professor 0. C. Marsh. Pp. 16. With Plates, Nature the One and Only Deity; and Human- ity in its Entiretv, in all its Stages of Being, Nature's Highest Expression. By John Frank- lin Clark. Boston : Colby & Rich. Pp. 16. Contributions to the Chemical Laboratory of Harvard College. By Henry B. Hill. Pp. 32. The Daggatouns, a Tribe of Jewish Origin in the Desert of Sahara : A Review. By Henry Samuel Morais. Philadelphia: Edward Stern & Co. Pp. 14. Consumption : Is it a Contagions Disease ? What can be done to prevent its Ravages ? By Bela Cogshall, M. D. Flint, Michigan. Pp. 12. The Importance of introducing the Study of Hygiene into the Public and other Schools. By Stanford E. Chaille, M. D., Professor of Physi- ology, etc., University of Louisiana. New Or- leans. Pp. 20. Annual Report of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana to the General Assembly, for the Year 1881. New Orleans. Pp. 427. Little-Known Facts about Well-Known Ani- mals : A Lecture. By Professor 0. V. Riley. Washington: Judd & Detweiler. Pp. 82. 10 cents. State Education. By Charles S. Bryant, A. M. Pp. 16. On Some Hegelisms. By William James. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pp. 24. Notes of Work by Students of Practical Chemistry in the Laboratory of the University of Virginia. No. X. Communicated by J. W. Mallet. London. Pp. 15. Transactions of the Seismological Society of Japan. Vol. II. July to December, 1880. Tokio: "Japan Mail" Office. Pp. 103. With Charts. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. III. New York: Lehmaier & Bro., printers, 95 & 97 Fulton Street. Pp. 110. A Study of the Various Sources of Sugar. By Lewis S. Ware, Member of the American Chemical Society, etc. Philadelphia: Henry Carey Baird & Co. Pp. 66. 50 cents. Bacilus Anthracis. By George M. Sternberg, Surgeon, United States Army. New York: Thompson & Moreau, 51 & 53 Maiden Lane. Pp.4. With Plate. Experiments with Disinfectants. By George M. Sternberg, Surgeon, United States Army. Pp. 12. A Contribution to the Study of the Bacterial Organisms commonly found upon Exposed Mu- cous Surfaces, and in the Alimentary Canal of Healthy Individuals. By George M. Sternberg, Surgeon, United States Army. Pp. 24. With Three Photo micrographic Plates. The Silk-Worm: Being a Brief Manual of Instructions for the Production of Silk. By C. V. Riley, M. A. Ph. D. Washington : Govern- ment Printing-Office. Pp. 37. Illustrated. Guide to the Flora of Washington and Vicin- ity. Washington: United States National Mu- seum. Pp. 264. With Map. Civilization in its Relation to the Decay of the Teeth. By Norman W. Kiuesley, M. D. S., D.D.S. New York: D. Appletoh& Co. Pp.10. Geologie des Eiseus (Geology of Iron). By E. Reyer. Vienna, Austria. Pp. 19. Some Remarks on the Tastes and Odors of Surface Waters. By William Ripley Nichols. Boston : Society of Civil Engineers. Pp. 16. Utah and its People : Facts and Statistics bearing on the "Mormon Problem.'" By a Gen- tile. New York : R. O. Ferrier & Co., 62 Vesey Street. Pp. 48. * Natural Filtration at Berlin. By William Ripley Nichols. Boston. Pp. 8. History and Causes of the Incorrect Latitudes as recorded in the Journals of the Early Writers, Navigators, and Etplorers, relating to the At- lantic Coast of North America, 1535-1740. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter. A.M. Boston: Privately printed. Pp. 20. Intermittent Spinal Paralysis of Malarial Origin. By V. P. Gibney, A. M., M. D. New York: B. Westermann & Co. Pp. 20. Annual Report of the Connecticut Agricult- ural-Experiment Station for 1881. New Haven, Connecticut : Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor. Pp. 122. Proceedings of Meetings held February 1, 1882, at New York and London, to express Sym- pathy with the Oppressed Jews in Russia. New York: Industrial School of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum. Pp. 50. The Orthoepist. By Alfred Ayres. Twelfth edition, revised and enlarged. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 1882. Pp. 208. $1.00. The Ventilation of Coal-Mines. By W. Fair- ley, M. E. New York : D. Van Nostrand. 1882. Pp. 95. 50 cents. The Student's Guide in Quantitative Analy- sis. By H. Carrington Bolton, Ph. D. New York : John Wiley & Sons. 1882. Pp. 127. Il- lustrated. The Medical Adviser in Life Assurance. By Edward H. Sieveking, M. D. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co. 1882. Pp.196. $2. Operations of the United States Life-Saving Service for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1881. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1881. Pp. 428. Consular Reports, Nos. 1, 2, and 3. 1880 and 1881. Washington : Government Printing-Office. 1881. Pp.600. Comparative New Testament ; Old and New Versions, arranged in Parallel Columns. Phila- delphia : Porter & Coates. 1882. Pp. 690. Report on the Geology of the Henry Mount- ains. By G. K. Gilbert. Washington : Govern- ment Printing-Office. 1880. Second edition. Pp. 170. Illustrated. POPULAR MISCELLANY. Sewerage of Large Villages. — Mr. James T. Gardiner, Director of the New York State Survey, has made a valuable report to the New York State Board of Health on the meth- ods of sewerage for cities and large villages. He finds, after inquiry, that where, in gen- eral, intelligent efforts have been made to produce proper sanitary conditions for towns, cess-pools and vaults have been abolished, and the sewage is removed from the neigh- borhood of dwelling-houses by dry removal, or by water-carriage or sewerage. The effi- ciency of the system of removal by means of the dry earth-closet depends upon con- stant proper attention. In practice, it is found that the provision of fine, dry earth, and the constant intelligent surveillance necessary, can not be secured from any but 278 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. exceptional families. The system can not, therefore, be safely recommended for towns in which a large proportion of the people are always ignorant and careless. The tub, cask, or pail system, which is used even on a large scale in England, France, and Ger- many, " is undoubtedly the best method of removal, where towns have neither water- supply nor sewerage." In this system, the refuse matter is allowed to fall into a tub or cask, which is removed, emptied, cleaned, and disinfected by the town authorities at least once a week. At Manchester, Eng- land, sifted ashes are added during use to the contents of the tub, as a deodorizer. This system is successfully employed at Manchester and Rochdale, England, at an expense of $95 per thousand persons, or ten cents per person per annum ; and is recom- mended for villages which can have no gen- eral water-supply. The weakness of it is, that the removal, cleansing, and disinfect- ing of the tubs require constant care and expense, and may be neglected by careless, ignorant, or parsimonious village authorities — a weakness rather attributable to village authorities than to the system — but under no circumstances could the evils of such neglect be comparable with those of privy- vaults. The system is, however, unavoida- bly inferior to that of sewerage, in that it does not provide for the removal of waste- water and slops. Mr. Gardiner expresses a decided preference for the " separate " system of sewerage, which is adapted to carry off slops alone, to the " combined " system, in which the attempt is made to carry off both slops and storm-water by means of one set of conduits. He regards the separate system as vastly cheaper than the combined, and as very much more wholesome, in that it does not supply the territory for the cultivation of the bacteria that find rich and extensive propagating grounds on the moist, unglazed walls of the large combined sewers. A conspicuous ex- ample of the successful application of the separate system is found at Memphis, Ten- nessee. Origin of the Son's Light and Heat. — Dr. H. R. Rogers, of Dunkirk, New York, has come forward with a criticism of the ex- isting theories of the origin of the light and heat of the sun from combustion, mechanical action, or shrinkage of the sun's mass, as insufficient and not adequately supported by the analogies of any facts with which we are acquainted, and has advanced a theory that they are the result of electrical action. The sun, he believes, is a cold body, like the earth, but so constituted and so situated relatively to the earth that a stream of elec- tric currents is constantly passing between the sun and the earth. These currents reach their points of greatest intensity within our atmosphere, where all the manifestations of force which we assign to the sun's surface really take place. Dr. Rogers also believes that the phenomena of gravitation may be traced to the same origin. The Germination and Vitality of Seeds. — Dr. Richard E. Kunze, has collected a number of facts respecting the germina- tion and vitality of seeds, in an essay which was read by him before the Torrey Botan- ical Club last December. Some seeds, to grow, must be planted immediately on ma- turity. Familiar examples are those of the elm and maple, the oak, and most of our common nuts. The seeds of the larkspur {Delphinium formosum), of some gentians, and of Angelica, partake of this character. Spanish chestnuts and filberts, however, have been sent, enveloped in wax, to the Himalayas, and plants from them are now growing there. Seeds of the Victoria regia had to be transmitted from America to Eng- land in water before the first plant was raised that came to perfection. Bosse, a German horticulturist, says that, when seed is to be kept for any length of time, it should be left in its natural covering. Oth- er means of protection are sometimes avail- able to preserve perishable seeds. Acorns will keep, packed in the hard ground, for centuries, and many seeds may be safely kept or transported in honey. Some seeds, like those of the Cucurbitaccce, the balsam, stock, and wall-flower, improve with age to a certain extent. Many seeds are capable of preserving their vitality for years under or- dinary conditions of dry exposure. Experi- ments by M. Alphonse de Candollc indicated that woody species preserved the power of germinating longer than others, while bien- nials were at the opposite end of the scale, POPULAR MISCELLANY. 279 and perennial herbs lost their vitality sooner than annual ones. Of three hundred and sixty-eight species of seeds fifteen years old, that he sowed, only seventeen germinated, and but few of the species came up. The seed of radish has grown freely at fifteen years; that of Sida Abutilon at twenty- five ; those of melon and tobacco at forty ; that of the sensitive-plant at sixty. A com- mittee of the British Association reported in 1S47, after seventeen years of examina- tion, that the Leguminosce, considered as a family, appeared to possess more vitality than any other; next came the Malvaccce, Tiliacece, and Croton, of the Ihtphorbiacece, among those kinds whose seeds grow after ten or more years. Apparently well-authen- tieated instances of seeds that have grown after having been preserved from a remote antiquity are not rare. Plants have been raised from seeds found along with coins of the Emperor Hadrian, in an ancient bar- row in England — Medicago and a helio- trope from a Roman tomb, fifteen or six- teen hundred years old, where they had been put in a bag under the head of the corpse for a pillow. The genuineness of some of the specimens of so-called " Egyptian wheat " has sometimes been questioned, but Mr. M. F. Tupper obtained plants from grains which Sir Gardiner Wilkinson took from a previously unopened mummy-case, and gave to Mr. Pettigrew, who gave them to him. Rose-seeds and doura-seeds, the gen- uineness of whose ancient Egyptian origin is equally well authenticated, have grown, the former with Mrs. Governor Wood, at Quincy, Illinois, the latter with the Rev. Albert Hale, of Springfield, Illinois. Pro- fessor Jobn Henry Carroll, of the College of Archaeology and Esthetics of the City of New York, has raised Indian corn from seed taken from a Peruvian mummy sup- posed to be twelve hundred years old. A Criticism of Medical Schools.— Dr. Frederic R. Sturgis, in a paper read before the Medical Society of the State of Xew York, strongly denounces the present sys- tems and standards of medical education. Noticing some unfavorable criticisms that have appeared of the general culture and manners of young physicians, he attributes the origin of the condition which the criti- cisms expose to the unregulated manage- ment of the medical schools. They are nearly all private business enterprises, and have to look to their fees for their support. Hence, while they are always on the alert for whatever may tend to increase their fees, they are easily enough prone to neglect or overlook what may have no direct bearing upon that point, though it may be of the utmost importance in relation to the fitness of the student to become an acceptable practitioner, and a desirable acquisition to the community in which he may settle him- self. The charters of medical schools are too easily obtained, and not sufficiently guarded, to make it sure that the school will be a useful agency, or even that it will not do harm. " There is nothing," says Dr. Sturgis, " making the educational candidate for a charter show just cause for its exist- ence, nor anything binding it to give good and proper instruction ; hence, as soon as its charter is obtained, it may do as it pleases — teach or not, as it likes ; or, if it prefers it, may sell its diplomas." The remedy for this evil is the pecuniary en- dowment of schools, by means of which they may be able to limit themselves to their proper office of serving as places of instruction and nothing else, and be re- lieved of the necessity of making their diplomas licenses to practice, " which right ought never to have been given them." Then branches can be taught, such as pub- lic hygiene, medical jurisprudence, and the like, which have now to be passed over in silence, or else very superficially taught ; and the institution which gives the best instruction will, other things being equal, receive the most students. In a word, the concern of the institution should be, in the language of President Eliot, " to have a very good school of medicine, rather than a very large one." Provincial Accents among DeafOIntes. — A topic has been under discussion in the French Academy of Sciences that involves the question whether provincial accents in speech are or are not the result of local peculiarities in the structure of the vocal organs. M. F. Hement has observed that the deaf and dumb children in a certain in- stitution, who had been taught to articulate 28o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sounds, speak with the accent of their coun- try ; and he believes that, as they have never heard any one speak, their peculiar accent can only proceed from their having organic conformations like those of their parents. M. Hement is supported by a communication from Mr. W. E. A. Axon, published in "Nature." M. Emil Blan- chard, contradicting this view, cited the ex- ample of a French-speaking Chinaman with whom he had talked, who had no trouble with his r's ; and he suggested that the ques- tion could not be considered satisfactorily solved till a number of children of people speaking peculiar idioms had been sepa- rated from their parents from birth, and taught to speak a single language. Mr. A. Graham Bell has communicated a paper to the "Academy," stating that, in observing the pronunciation of at least four hundred deaf- mutes whom he had taught to speak, he has never remarked any tendency of the kind described by M. Hement. In some cases, it was true, dialectic accents could be detected ; but he has always found, on investigation, that such children had been able to speak before they became deaf. M. Hement de- clares that his opinions are not shaken by Mr. Bell's observations, and even professes to find in them new arguments in support of his own theory. Insect Enemies cf Forest and Shade Trees. — Dr. A. S. Packard, Jr., of the Unit- ed States Entomological Commission, Las published a valuable report on insects in- jurious to forest and shade trees, which is intended, not so much to embody the fruits of any original research, as to give a sum- mary of what is up to this time known of the habits and appearance of such insects as are injurious to the more useful kinds of trees. The amount of knowledge we have on the subject is really scanty enough, and the report is, therefore, largely a simple list of the insects that live upon our more important forest-trees. The matter is emi- nently worthy of the attention of farmers and gardeners and others, who have the op- portunity and are competent to make intel- ligent investigations relative to it and in- form naturalists of what they find out ; and such persons are invited to communicate the substance of their observations to the commission. Much has been done in France and Germany, both of which countries pos- sess valuable illustrated works on forest- insects. Kaltenbach, in his work on the insect enemies of plants, describes astonish- ing numbers of insects as found -on some kinds of forest-trees, only a comparative few of which are, however, particularly de- structive. Thus, 537 species are injurious to the oak, and 107 are obnoxious to the elm ; the poplars afford a livelihood to 264 kinds ; the willows yield food to 396 species, the birches harbor 270, the alder 119, the beech 154, the hazel-nut 97, and the horn- beam 88. Among the coniferous trees, the junipers supply 33 species, and 299 species prey upon the pines, larches, spruces, and firs collectively. In France, Perris has observed more than one hundred species either inju- rious to the maritime pine or living upon it without being especially injurious to it. The number known to attack the different kinds of trees in the United States is suffi- ciently large to excite great fears for the future prosperity of our diminished forests unless some means are found to check their increase, and the subject of forest entomol- ogy is becoming one of really great impor- tance. Domestication of Wild Dacks. — Mr. Charles Linden has made report to the Buffa- lo Society of Natural Sciences of the experi- ments which Mr. George Irwin, of Mayville, on Chautauqua Lake, has been conducting for more than thirty years in the domestica- tion of several species of wild duck. A suit- able lot of about an acre in extent, on the edge of the lake, was fitted up with protecting sheds and nesting-places, and stocked from time to time with eggs for hatching, duck- lings, and old birds. The pin-tail and American swan freely bred and raised their young in the inclosure, without anymore re- straint than was necessary for safe-keeping, but wrere never fully domesticated, nor even transferred from the breeding-pen to the barn-yard. The dusky duck and mallard, which proved most tractable for domestica- tion or complete metamorphosis into tamed barn-yard fowl, resisted all efforts for this purpose if they were transferred to the pen when one year old, but were readily tamed when they were raised from eggs or capt- POPULAR MISCELLANY. 281 ured young. "The majority of them seemed to feel as much at home here as in any nestiug-ground of their own choice, and generally returned whenever they were per- mitted to migrate in autumn." The proge- ny of the Canada goose as well as of the oth- er species prospered well and became large. Some of the progeny are still living, and betray in many instances a tendency to re- vert, as to plumage, but the majority have become completely metamorphosed into barn-yard fowl. No hybrids from different species were obtained, except from crosses between the mallard and the dusky duck. The food of all the ducks was what they ate in the wild state— grains, acorns, etc. ; and shoots and roots of aquatic plants for the wood-ducks. All the species experimented with migrated southward, if not maimed, each autumn, and invariably returned with a male mate, which remained till the female began to hatch, when it went away, never to return. The crosses obtained with tame birds retained their original plumage to a greater or less degree, but were of increased size. It appears from the experiments that the majority of our wild ducks are not easi- ly prone to change their wild condition for that of perfect domestication, but that they manifest no aversion to breed freely, even when they are placed under artificial re- straints. Siberian Products. — The following facts indicate that Siberia may be destined to occupy a place of considerable importance in the world's trade : Gold, silver, platinum, lead, copper, and iron are found in the Ural. The gold product of that region (nearly all of it being drift-gold) amounted in 1S76 to between 140 and 150 centners ; and the whole product of Siberia in 1877 was esti- mated at about 780 centners. Coal-beds exist in the Ural, in the Kirghiz steppes, on the northern borders of the Altai Mount- ains, on Lake Baikal, and on the Amoor River. Graphite-beds have long been worked in the Shian Mountains, and other graphite beds are waiting exploitation on the lower Tunguska. Agriculture and cattle-raising do not flourish, notwithstanding some favor- ing circumstances, on account of the deficien- cy of outlets and labor. The fur-trade is not so important as it formerly was ; for the silver-fox, ermine, and sable have become scarce. The fisheries afford an important article of export, but they are carried on in the most primitive manner. The opening of the Arctic Ocean to navigation and the extension of the railroad that now reaches to Ekaterinburg will be of great advantage to the future of Siberia. Miracles not out of Date. — Dr. Gior- dano has reported upon a remarkable epi- demic of morbid fanaticism which is pre- vailing in the village of Alia, in Italy. The place is almost inaccessible, having but little intercourse with the world, and is marked by a barbarous style of living, and by the prevalence of intermarriage, with its usual concomitants of weak-mindedness, morbidness, and idiocy; consequently, su- perstition flourishes. After a long drought in February, March, and April last, a re- ligious procession was organized to obtain rain. The statue of Saint Francis was car- ried round, and the declaration of a fanatic that he saw water flowing on the face of the saint was readily taken up by the credulous crowd. The miracle was attributed to the intercession of a girl named Rosalia Giallon- barda, who, having formerly suffered from epilepsy, believed she had been cured by the saint, and was the subject of an exces- sive mysticism, with hallucinations. Her frenzy was caught by her relatives and neighbors, and spread abroad till the crowds of fanatics coming to visit her and the saint became so formidable that she was arrested. This " sacrilege " only stimulated the popu- lar excitement. Silk-spinning Spiders. — The spiders, large Epeiridce, which produce silk, inhabit the hottest countries. They are represent- ed in our latitudes by a few species of infe- rior size, the most common of which, the Epeira diadema, is very numerous in gar- dens in the fall, and may be remarked by the regularly shaped webs which it weaves among the bushes. These delicate gauzes, however, give only an imperfect idea of the webs that are woven by the larger species of tropical regions. In India, the Sunda Islands, Madagascar, Reunion, and Mauri- tius, the Epeira! construct webs of extraor- dinary dimensions, and the traveler has frc- 282 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. quent cause to admire the threads which he finds strung across the water-courses, and fastened to the trees on the opposite sides. The threads of these spiders are of dif- ferent kinds, and proceed from different glands. The silk which is wrapped around the cocoons is not the same that is spun in the webs, and may be of an entirely dif- ferent color. The silks of various Epeirce were brought to Europe by travelers in the seventeenth century, and excited admiration by their fineness and brilliancy. Experi- ments were tried in making cloth and gloves from them, but they were found to have no powers of endurance. Louis XIV, wish- ing to encourage a new art, had a coat made of the silk, but was glad to take it off the first day, for it suffered a rent every time he moved. These efforts appear to have been made with the silk of the webs. That unrolled from the cocoons proved to be stronger. M. Bon, in 1709, carded from the cocoons a silk which he described as much finer and stronger than ordinary silk, and which, he claimed, was fitted to make any kind of fabrics. In Spain, Raymondo Maria de Tremezer, between 17V7 and 1791, made several articles as bright and fine as silk from the threads of the Epeira diadcma. Mr. Rolt, an English merchant, was able to exhibit to the Society of Arts a specimen thread twenty thousand feet long, that had been spun by twenty-two spiders in less than two hours, and which was five times as fine as the thread of the silk- worm ! Al- cide d'Orbigny asserted that he had gar- ments, able to sustain considerable wear, made in South America from spiders' silk. Food and Civilization. — M. Beketoff, a Russian hygienist, has expressed some novel views in a paper on " The Alimentation of the Human Race in the Present and the Fut- ure." Physiologists are accustomed to con- sider a mixed diet, of which meat shall con- stitute about one third, to be the best for mankind in general, and to be almost essen- tial to the best development. M. Beketoff does not consider this view to be well founded, or sustained by the facts as they appear on examination of the diet of the best races. A large majority of mankind do not use meat, nor a mixture of meat and vegetables, but vegetables alone, as food. The people of Europe consume more meat than those of any other part of the Old World, but most of it is used in the cities, while the country people enjoy only a small fraction of the quantity which the physiolo- gists say they need, and it has come to that point that, in the most civilized part of the world, meat is only not wholly left out of the list of common foods. In the most populous and most civilized parts of Asia, as in China and India, cattle-raising is quite insignificant, and in Japan can hardly be said to exist at all. The Africans raise cat- tle, but live chiefly on vegetables. Only in North and South America and Australia is meat consumed on a really large scale. Not only the relative, but the absolute number of cattle also, shows a tendency to diminish as the population increases and the ground is more devoted to tillage ; so that the pros- pect is apparent that, with the continuous development of agriculture, industries, civ- ilization, and population, cattle-raising will pass into real insignificance, and the mass of men will be unable to obtain animal food. Sources of vegetable food must be found, to supply its place, among the plants richest in albuminous substances. The legumes are the most prominent of these plants. To determine the power of beans to sustain all the functions of life, Dr. Ylrochiloff per- formed a series of experiments upon him- self, by eating regularly equal quantities of bread and sugar, and adding to them for a certain time meats, for another period peas. The result was, in his own words, that " both the mixtures quite fulfilled the pur- pose of nutrition, as was proved by the same weight of body being kept up and the forces being maintained in the same state by either food." The meat-mixture was, however, assimilated more readily than that of which the peas formed a part. It is affirmed that men occupied in intellectual work especially need a mixed food ; but of this we are not certain, not knowing on what those whose intellectual achievements have been greatest have really lived ; and many of them have been very irregular eat- ers. Taking the historv of the human race as a whole, we may observe that races liv- ing almost exclusively on meat have been and are the most savage ones. The pre- historic " finds " show that the beginnings POPULAR MISCELLANY. 283 of civilization and of the cultivation of plants kept pace with each other. This does not prove that a meat diet is opposed to civilization, but that the necessities of people who are dependent on meat for food hinder advance in civilization. They have to be hunting, and wandering about from place to place. It is when they have learned to till fields and tame animals, and have be- come fixed in homes, that they find time to cultivate arts. The Arctic savages are fish- hunters, the barbarians of the Asiatic steppes depend on their herds, the meat- eating Turks and Mongols were more bar- barous than the vegetable-eating Hindoos they conquered, and were the authors of the woes of that suffering people, M. Beke- toff's conclusion i3 that a vegetable diet contributes more than any other to the in- tellectual development of a people, while a wholly animal diet determines a kind of life incompatible with progress. A mixed diet has not been the promoter of civilization, for the most highly gifted authors have often drawn their physical forces from a wholly vegetable diet. Finally, " the great thing is evidently not the kind of food, but the kind of life that the food determines." Synthesis of Indigo. — One of the most important of the recent discoveries in chemistry is that which Baeyer has made of a practical process for the artificial pro- duction of indigo. The successful experi- ments of this chemist had been foreshad- owed by the production of alizarene, the coloring principle of the madder-root, from the anthracene of coal-tar ; by the discover- ies by Fritsche of the relations of indigo with the benzene ring and the amido-group ; by Erdmann and Laurent's discovery that indigo on oxidation yields a crystalline body possessing no coloring power, to which they gave the name of isatin ; and by Baeyer and Emmerling's accomplishment of the reverse process of reducing isatin to indigo. Three processes have been employed for the syn- thesis of indigo, of which, however, only one, by Baeyer, is of practical importance. The three processes have in common that they all proceed from some compound con- taining the benzene nucleus ; that they all start from compounds containing a nitrogen- atom ; and that they all Commence with an ortho-compound. They difter from each other in that Baeyer's process requires the abstraction of an atom of carbon, while of the others one requires the addition of an atom of carbon, and the second starts with the right number of atoms of carbon. Bae- yer's successful process, which may be called the manufacturing process, starts from cin- namic acid, a substance which is contained in gum-benzoin, balsam of Peru, and a few other aromatic bodies, but which can be ob- tained more cheaply by manufacturing it artificially. Bertagnini has obtained it from oil of bitter almonds ; and other processes for the same purpose have been carried out. One of the processes most likely to be adopted is that of Dr. Caro, who con- verts toluene, by adding chlorine, into ben- zylene dichloride, and treating the latter sub- stance with sodium acetate, forms cinnamic acid and sodium chloride. The next steps in the process are the formation from cin- namic acid of ortho-nitro-cinnamic acid; the conversion of this into its di-bromide ; the separation from this of the two molecules of hydrobromic acid, which gives rise to ortho - nitro - phenyl - propriolic acid ; and, lastly, the conversion of the latter product into indigo by heating its alkaline solution with grape-sugar, xanthate of soda, or some other reducing agent. The actual yield of indigo by the last reaction has not been made equal to what is demanded by theory, it being only 48 per cent, while the theoret- ical yield would be 68 per cent. The artifi- cial production of indigo by this process may be considered as within reasonable dis- tance of commercial success, for the ortho- nitro-phenyl-propriolic acid, the colorless substance which, on treatment with a re- ducing agent, yields indigo-blue, is already in the hands of the Manchester calico- printers, and may be obtained at the price of six shillings per pound of a paste con- taining 25 per cent of the dry acid. Indigo can not, however, be made profitably from this product till the theoretical yield can be obtained from it, and until the price of the dry propriolic acid can be reduced to 20s. per kilo, or 85. ($2.00) a pound. The proc- ess may, however, be found applicable with advantage even at present rates, for uses for which natural indigo is unfitted. Of the other processes for manufacturing indigo, 284 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the first starts from ortho-nitro-benzoic acid, which yields isatin after successive treatment with phosphorus pentachloride, silver cyanide, caustic potash, and nascent hydrogen. The other, also by Baeyer, starts from ortho-nitro-phenyl-acetic acid, which, having been obtained synthetically from toluol, is converted into the amido- acid, then by the loss of water into a body called oxindol, from which isatin, and there- fore indigo, can be obtained. Tohaccoism. — M. Thorens has published some observations on angina pectoris caused by tobaccoism. His attention was called to the subject by the case of a patient who had most of the symptoms of angina pec- toris, but in whom no cause for the affec- tion could be found except excessive smok- ing. The patient smoked cigarettes, and swallowed the smoke, thus making the whole quantity of smoke pass through the lungs. Evidently the opportunities given for the absorption of smoke and nicotine in this case were colossal in comparison with those which would exist in a person smok- ing ten times as much, but in an open place and without swallowing the smoke. An- other circumstance aggravating the affec- tion was, that the patient smoked his cigar- ettes directly, without the intervention of a holder, so that the smoke reached his mouth hot, without any chance having been given for the condensation of any of the volatile products. His mouth was, moreover, in con- stant contact with the tobacco-leaves, so that the liability of absorption by the buccal membrane was greatly increased. Similar affections arising from similar causes had been noticed by Beau and M. Gelineau, a naval surgeon, both of whom observed that the trouble was mitigated when the use of tobacco was moderated. The case surrcrcsts a number of precautions to be observed by persons who will smoke but desire to do themselves as little harm as possible, among which are never to swallow or inhale the smoke ; to avoid smoking in an inclosed place, or at least to have the room as large and as well ventilated as possible ; and to put as considerable a distance as is prac- ticable between the light and the mouth, always using for this purpose long-stemmed pipes or cigar-holders. The driest tobacco and that which is weakest in nicotine, should be preferred. M. Thorens exonerates to- bacco from the charge of producing cancer, although it is of course liable to irritate a wound already made, or a surface that has already been injured by heat. , . The Horse in America. — It has been generally believed that the horse was intro- duced into America by the Spaniards. Pro- fessor Marsh, on the other hand, has found abundant remains of probable ancestors of the horse in our "Western geological forma- tions ; so that, if there were no horses be- fore the Spaniards came, there must have occurred a failure of the race. Mr. E. L. Berthoud, of GoldeD, Colorado, believes that he has evidence that the Spaniards found horses in South America when they first visited it. Among the maps which he has recently received from Paris, in a collection of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, is one which Sebastian Cabot drew for the Emperor Charles V, representing his ex- plorations of the La Plata and Parana Rivers, and containing symbols of the ani- mals and plants that he found. Among these symbols was that of the horse repre- sented near the plains of the Gran Chaco, where the immense herds of that animal range to-day. He claims that this affords a fair presumption of the native origin of the race, for neither the Spaniards nor the Por- tuguese had then been lorg enough in the country (in 1527) for their horses to have escaped from Peru to the head of the Para- guay and Parana Pavers and to have in- creased in numbers sufficiently to attract attention. The Protective Organs of Plants.— Dr. A. Tschirch has recently published some inter- esting observations on the relations of the anatomical structure of plants to climate and location. In the first place, the adjust- ment of the breathing-pores appears to be adaptable to a variety of external condi- tions in different plants of the same fam- ily. In plants that grow in a moist at- mosphere, the pores are exposed with but slight protection ; while the means of pro- tection appear to increase gradually as the habitat becomes drier, and reach the high- est point in desert plants. The closed cells POPULAR MISCELLANY. 285 that lie partly outside of the epidermis en- joy the least protection, a3 in certain ferns, while a higher degree of protection is given when the cells are sunk beneath the epider- mis and framed in a kind of funnel ; and the highest degree when the stomata are arranged in rin^s or ovals on the under-side of a rolled leaf. Another means of pro- tection is afforded by the structure of the epidermis, which is fortified by a strong cuticular structure, hardly permeable to vapor in many Australian plants, and is sometimes re-enforced by deposits of oxalate of lime. Such structures are peculiar to plants which have to sustain great drought. The epidermis of many plants, as the Euca- lyptus globulus, is also covered with a coat- ing of wax, which serves not only to pro- tect it, but also to give a deeper setting to the pores. The protective effect of hairs operates in several ways: they cover the pores ; they form a kind of space over the pores in which air and vapor may collect ; and they constitute a kind of screen over the whole body of epidermis-cells against insolation and desiccation. Thus, plants growing on high, dry mountains, or in the steppes, are generally thickly haired. Hairs also serve to make the plant measurably defiant of sudden changes of temperature, and form an important part of the vege- table economy of regions like Soodan and continental Australia, which are subject to such changes. Even in temperate climates, varieties of the same species growing in open and exposed places are more hairy than those growing in protected woods. In the eucalyptuses the intercellular spaces and air-passages of plants growing in dry situations are much contracted, while in those growing in valleys and along rivers they are expanded. Willkomm has called attention to the fact that a sap strong in saline solutions is much less subject to evaporation than a thinner sap ; and thus the halophytes keep fresh in stony places and the driest climates, while the Chenopodi- acecB (goose-foots), with much salt in their juices, flourish in dry places, and are met abundantly in the Asiatic steppes and the interior of Australia ; and these look green and vigorous in the driest time of the year, when everything else is parched and brown. The form and position qf the leaf also often show an adaptation to help the plant resist drought. Plants having to grow in a dry climate generally exchange the usual broad leaves for a narrow, close one, have it re- duced to a cylindrical form, or, as in the brooms, make a green limb serve them as the assimilating organ. Broad leaves are seldom found in very dry regions. Many species peculiar to hot and dry situations have a faculty of arranging their leaves vertically, so that only the edge is exposed. The Lactuca scariola, the only European plant having this peculiarity, grows on road- sides and dry hills, while all the other spe- cies of lettuce, growing in shady and moist places, and in gardens, have the leaves ar- ranged in the ordinary way, except that Lactuca sativa puts out vertical leaves when it is growing in a thin soil. The ethereal oils and thorns of plants may also possibly serve some protective purpose, but this is a subject for further investigation. Terra del Fuegians in Paris.— Eleven natives of Terra del Fuego, four men, four women, and three children, were taken to Europe by 31. TVaalen, who has resided for several years at Punta Arenas, Pata- gonia, and have been entertained at the Jardin d'Acclimatation in Paris. M. "Waa- len was fishing for seals in the waters of their inhospitable island when he came in contact with these savages, and suc- ceeded, by giving them plenty to eat and treating them with tact, in getting them to stay on his vessel, whence they were transferred to a Hamburg steamer on its way to Europe, M. Waalen depositing secu- rity with the governor of Punta Arenas for their safe return after making their Euro- pean tour. What mark their visit will make upon them, and how long it will endure, is a question which the experiment of Captain Fitzroy may help to answer. He took back three Fuegians, two men and a woman, after they had been three years in Europe, and had seemed to become nearly civilized, and set them among their tribe, in a good house, with a tract of tillable land, tools, and a missionary to take care of them. Going back to see them a few months afterward, he found all that pertained to civilization destroyed, that they had returned to com- plete savagery, and that the missionary was 286 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. anxious to get away from them. The Fu- egians in Paris are described as accustomed to squat for hours, without moving, around a fire on the lawn, perfectly indifferent to everything, and listlessly looking at the crowd who peer at them through the bars of the fence as if they were some extraor- dinary animals, and as occasionally exchang- ing with each other the guttural duckings which serve them for a language. Only one thing will excite liveliness in them — the de- sire for food. Forms of Aurora Borealis. — Lieutenant Weyprecht, in his recent work on the ob- Bervation of the aurora borealis, distinguish- es between seven forms in which the light appears in the polar regions. The first form is that of almost regular arches rising or sinking from the magnetic south or north to or away from the zenith, and generally extending to both sides of the horizon. Sec- ond, are streamers of irregular form and varied appearance, appearing like bands much longer than broad, moving in the at- mosphere, and nearly always bent in folds and twists ; they consist either of masses of light unequally distributed along the length of the band, or of single beams of the breadth of the band closely arranged to- gether in a direction toward the magnet- ic zenith, and having their intervals filled with light-masses. This form is cut away on every side, or at most touches the hori- zon on only one side. Of the third form are threads, extremely fine beams of light of various lengths, some of them reaching from near the magnetic zenith to near the hori- zon, and grouped in such a manner as to resemble a fan covering a part of the firma- ment. The beams are not united, but are separated by dark spaces of greater or less width. Generally, they are prolongations of a streamer, which in such case answers to the continuous lower border of the fan. Fourth, is the corona, in which the beams or light-masses are joined in a common cen- ter near the magnetic zenith, and a constant movement is maintained toward or around the same. Fifth, haze — dim, unformed ac- cumulations of light-masses illy defined, at some point in the firmament. Sixth, the dark segment, a darker appearance, form- ing a segment of a circle, in the magnetic north or south, bounded by a fixed and low- seated bow of light. Seventh, the polar shine, an illumination of the polar sky, the form in which the light generally appears in middle latitudes, but which is not observed in its home. Its characteristic feature is that the rays diverge from the horizon up, while the divergence in all the other forms, if their rays can be distinguished, is in the reverse direction. The movements of the mass consist either of a rising and sinking of the rays and arches with reference to the horizon, a lengthening, and shortening, and sidewise motion of the threads, or a general change of place. The mass has also mo- tions within itself, which may consist of undulations or flashes of the light. The undulations are waves, streamers, or partial arches, which pass along generally from the magnetic east or west, toward the opposite end of the phenomenon, and then appear to spring out from it. The flashes are the shooting of short, broad beams, with the velocity of lightning, from the streamers toward or from the zenith. They are the forerunners or accompaniments of intensive coronas, and originate in particular when a stream of rays merges into the corona. Wyville Thomson. — The death of Sir Charles Wyville Thomson, in the fifty-fourth year of his age, is announced. He was born in Linlithgow, Scotland ; began his medical training at Edinburgh University in 1845 ; held a Lectureship on Botany at King's Col- lege, Aberdeen, in 1850 ; and has occupied professorial chairs in science at King's Col- lege, Cork, Belfast, and Edinburgh, where he succeeded Professor Allman as Professor of Natural History in 1870. He has con- tributed many papers of merit to scientific societies and periodicals, beginning with ono on the application of photography to the compound microscope, which was read be- fore the British Association in 1850. His most distinguished service, and one by which he won an enduring fame, was as Director of the Civilian Scientific Staff of the Chal- lenger Expedition, where he gave unremit- ting personal attention to the dredging op- erations, and the examination of specimens. He had been for some time in feeble health, and his death followed his becoming severely chilled on a visit to Edinburgh. " Sir Wy- NOTES. 287 ville was an excellent lecturer, a most genial companion, and an excellent host," and was fond of amusements of all kinds. NOTES. The Boston Society of Natural History announces that a sea-side laboratory, under the direction of its curator, will be opened at Annisquam, Massachusetts, July 1, to continue until September 1, 1882. A limited number of students can be accommodated, and the work will consist mainly of study and observation of the common types of marine animals, under the immediate care of Mr. B. H. Van Vleck, assistant in the museum and laboratory of the society. Full particulars may be obtained by addressing the curator of the society, Professor Alpheus Hyatt, of Boston. The French Association for the Ad- vancement of Science will meet at La Rochelle, August 24th to 31st. The organi- zation of the congress is already in active preparation. M. Jousset de Bellesme has published a note calling attention, as the topics most likely to attract the interest of zoologists, to ostreiculture, which is car- ried on along the neighboring coasts ; to termites, whose nests are found in the vicin- ity ; and to several valuable collections of the local fauna. Among the excursions will be dredging expeditions at sea, and geolog- ical excursions under the guidance of local experts. The account of the late Professor Clerk Maxwell, to be published by Messrs. Mac- millan & Co., will include a biographical outline, with selections from correspond- ence, by Professor Lewis Campbell, who was very intimate with Mr. Maxwell in early life ; an account of his chief contributions to science, by Mr. William Garnett, who was associated with him as demonstrator at the Cavendish Laboratory for the last six years of his life ; and a collection of his poems, some of which are already known to the public, while the greater number will be published for the first time. John Charles Frederick Zoellxer, Professor of Physical Astronomy in the University of Leipsic, died April 29th. He was born,in Berlin in 1834. After receiv- ing the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Basle, he devoted himself to the study of photometry as applied to astronomy and physiology. He was the author of several works on subjects related to astronomy and photometry, the best known of which is that 11 On the Nature of Comets." He invented the spectroscope which is generally used by astronomers for the observation of the solar protuberances and the lines of their spec- trum. He was specially prominent in the later years of his life through his efforts to explain the alleged phenomena of spiritual- ism by means of a fourth dimension of space. An extraordinarily high death-rate which was recorded in London for the week ending February 11, 1882, was ascribed to the dense fogs which had been prevailing. This view is strongly confirmed by the fact that the only weeks in which similarly high death- rates have been recorded during recent years were those ending December 20, 1873, and February 7, 1880, each of which immediately followed a period of dense fog and intense cold. It is also sustained by the fact that the death-rate for the week ending February 11, 1882, in the twenty-seven large pro- vincial towns, was more than ten per cent below that of London ; which goes to show that the increase of deaths was caused by the fog rather than by the cold. The Popular Observatory, which was opened by M. Jaubcrt on the Trocadero, Paris, in* July, 1880, has been visited by p..veral thousand persons desiring to observe the stars, more than two thousand of whom have enrolled themselves as regular astro- nomical or microscopic observers, or attend- ants on the lectures. The pupils of the Popular School of Astronomy have made a considerable number of observations, of which they have given accounts in a jour- nal, and several of them have associated themselves to put up a laboratory at their own expense. M. Jaubcrt has established a popular scientific class, meeting twice a week, which is largely attended by teachers. The value of porcelain depends on the purity of its color, and this is dependent on the absence of dark spots in the clay, which are produced chiefly by particles of iron. These particles are now extracted at some of the French factories by means of large electro-magnets, which are kept in opera- tion by the steam-power used in other de- partments of the manufacture. At Mehun three machines purify about 6C0 kilo- grammes (or 1,500 pounds) of porcelain paste every day, the proportion of impuri- ties found averaging about 8 kilogrammes of impurities to 100,000 kilogrammes of paste. Dr. Josef Chavanne, the Austrian geog- rapher, estimates the mean altitude of the Continent of Africa to be 2,169-93 feet, or double the mean altitude of the Continent of Europe, which M. G. Leipoldt has esti- mated at 97T41 feet. According to M. Chavanne, if the Atlas range were spread over the entire Continent of Africa, it would give a height of 85'S6 feet only, while the Abyssinian mountain-mass would similarly give a height of 7972 feet. 283 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Dr. Carl Yogt has declared, peremp- torily, that "the organisms in meteorites announced by M. Hahn have no existence ; what have been described as such result from crystalline conformations which are absolutely inorganic. None of the imag- ined organisms have the microscopic struct- ure belonging to the organisms with which they have been associated. In particular, the asserted sponges do not show the struct- ure of either existing or fossil sposges ; the so-called corals do not show that of polops or anthozoa ; and the imagined cri- noids do not show the structure of known crinoids. The observed structures are due to an opaque crust, or result from optical illusions, caused by an incomplete method of conducting microscopic researches." Signor Roncelli, of the Italian Parlia- ment, has devised a simple and practical method of voting by electricity. Each member of the House has in front of him a metal plate bearing his name or number, on which are three buttons, marked respect- ively, "Ay," "No," and "Abstain." The buttons are connected with a central print- ing apparatus which prints in three separate columns the ayes, noes, and abstentions, ac- cording to the buttons touched by the mem- bers; while, with every addition to each column, the sum of the votes in the column is automatically recorded. M. Delahaye has published in the " Revue Industrielle " some facts concern- ing extraordinary pressures of wind that have been observed in railway management in India. On the 5th of October, 1864, two trains on the Eastern Bengal Railway, one of eight cars, the other of twelve, were blown over during a violent storm. Four other cars were blown down a side-track, and overturned near the station by colliding with other cars which had also been blown there. On the 21st of September, 1878, a long freight-train on the same railway, while going about eight miles an hour, was blown back nearly a mile, although the engine had a full head of steam and the breaks were put on. Half the train was taken off, when the rest could barely make headway. The In- dian railway service affords several other cases of trains that were stopped or greatly hindered by strong winds. M. Pitre de Lisle has described a sin- gular class of stone celts or hatchets which have been found so far only in Brittany and Northwestern France. They differ from other stone hatchets in having a knob or button-like termination on the butt or hammer end, while other hatchets taper away to a more or less conical point in this part. The blades vary in length from about three inches to about fifteen inches, and are all made of rocks belonging to the family of diorites. M. de Lisle calls these instru- ments haches d tete, or haches d bouton — hatchets with heads, or hatchets with but- tons. He believes that the object of the expansion was to give greater security to the fastening of the blade or to the holding of it in the hand. Sir Robert Christison, Professor of Ma- teria Medica in the University of Edinburgh, died January 27th, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. He was the son of a professor in the university, was graduated as Doctor of Medicine in 183 9, and became Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the university in 1822, and of Materia Medica in 1832. His specialty wTas poisons, on which he pub- lished a "Treatise" in 1829 that is still recognized as a work of great value. He received numerous honors on account of his eminence in his department, and held many public positions for which his gifts of knowl- edge and experience furnished important qualifications. He was elected to the presi- dency of the British Association in 1876, but declined it on account of his advanced age. He was noted in his youth as the most ac« complished athlete in the university. Besides the contributions in physical science which have, within a year or two, appeared in European journals, from Jap- anese students, we find that they are doing their share of the work in biological science as well. "Within a few months there have appeared in the " Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science," London, an article on the structure of the gills of Lamelli- branchiates, by Mr. Mitsukuri ; and another paper, by the same author, on the develop- ment of the suprarenal bodies in mamma- lia. In the " Zoologischer Anzeiger," Leip- sic, Mr. Ijima gives a condensed summary of a memoir on the structure of the ovary, and the origin of the egg and the egg-string in Nephelis ; and Mr. Iwakawa gives the results of his observations on the genesis of the egg in Triton. The two latter-named gentlemen have never been abroad. A wealthy land-owner in the Tyrol has made an application of the microphone to the detection of subterranean springs. He fixed the microphones at the spots where he supposed water might exist, each being connected with its telephone and battery. Then, at night, he put his ear to each of the instruments and listened for the murmur- in"- of the waters — and in several cases heard it. An exposition of electricity is to be held in the Palais Royal at Munich, under the auspices of a committee, of which Dr. G. de Beetz, of the Royal Scientific School, is president. SAMUEL STEHMAN HALDEMAN. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JULY, 1882. PLANT-CELLS AND THEIE CONTENTS * By T. H. McBETDE. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. A CHILD'S toy-balloon may afford us an illustration of what a naturalist might call a typical cell. We have in the toy simply a closed sac thoroughly distended by its contents, more or less per- fectly spherical in shape, and affording in outline or cross-section an almost perfect circle. In the organic cell the sac is known as the cell-wall, and whatever may be inclosed by the cell-wall is called the cell-contents. A typical cell would be round, spherical, but very few cells, as they occur in nature, are perfect spheres. A cell which may be spherical at the outset may change its shape in accordance with changing circumstances, so that we may say that the form of all cells which we find united to form tissues varies with the situation which such cells occupy, and the functions of the tissues themselves. This we shall see more clearly as we go on. That vegetable tissues, as they occur in wood, pith, leaves, flowers, and fruit, are entirely composed of cells, may be easily demonstrated. All that is needed is, to take a very thin slice of any of these substances and examine with a micro- scope of moderate power, when the cellular structure becomes imme- diately apparent. So, then, all the great variety of form and color, and all the resulting beauty, which the vegetable kingdom affords, and all the varied economic value of plants, depends upon the form and con- tents of these little organic units — of cells. More than this : these cells are of the highest scientific interest. All the discussion of the past few years in regard to spontaneous generation and the origin of life has been a discussion of vegetable cells ; and very much of all that we know about life, its activity and its mystery, has been derived from * Illustrations from drawings by C. H. Dayton, Mary McBride, and the author. VOL. XXI. — 19 290 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. 1.— Yeast-Cells. the study of the cells of growing plants. It becomes, then, a matter of some interest to know something about these cells ; and, if the reader can imagine himself for a little while looking through the lenses of our microscope, it will be the purpose of this article to tell him some little of what he may see while he studies the cells of plants. We may begin with the simplest form of plant-cells ; and so, for our first experiment, let us examine a drop of brewer's yeast. Here (Fig. 1) are the cells of the famous yeast-plant, the cells which are the active agents wherever yeast is employed, whether in the beer-vat or batter-crock. In both cases we find the cells producing fermentation : desirable in beer for the sake of the alcohol re- sulting ; in bread, for the carbonic gas set free in form of bubbles, which, per- meating the dough, make it spongy and light. But look at the shape of these • cells. Little oval bodies they are, some almost round. Many are entirely iso- lated, so that we see a single cell may constitute the entire plant ; some are linked together, as links in a chain. The attachment here, however, is not very intimate, when once the cells have attained their full size, for then each cell readily and naturally parts company with its neigh- bor— parent, I should rather say, for the cells, as they adhere together, represent really so many successive generations, and illustrate for us one method of cell -multiplication, namely, that which is effected by budding. New cells are continually pushed out as buds on the sides of cells already in existence. The buds grow, reach maturity very rapidly, and in a very short time themselves give rise to new buds and cells. These little yeast-cells, which are not more than three or four ten-thousandths of an inch in diameter at most, are about as simple vegetable cells as we may find anywhere. Growing thus iso- lated from each other, hardly so much as jostling one another in life's race, there seems no reason why such cells should not be perfectly spherical, or why, so to speak, life's work should not, with them, result in a well-rounded whole. But the yeast-plant belongs low down in the scale of life, and its simplicity of cell-structure corresponds well with its rank. For the greatest variety of form among plant-cells we must look to higher plants, though not to the highest. The Algce, in their marine forms well known to every gatherer of " sea-moss," and in fresh-water forms familiar to ail microscopists, afford cells of almost every imaginable shape, character, and color. Here, as with the yeast-plant, a single cell ofttimes makes up the entire organism, but, while some cells are simple, others branch and divide in all directions : some simulate the PLANT-CELLS AND THEIR CONTENTS. 291 stem, roots, and branches of higher plants, some are tiniest rolling spheres ; some stretch away to the length of several feet, and some are microscopic specks. In Fig. 2 we have the representation of a beautiful marine alga, unicellular, and yet thirty inches or more in length. As we ascend the scale of life we find the individual cell more sub- ordinate to the organism as a whole, and so less complex in itself ; and I • .■' Tll»v « ' ■' T/','l F13. 2.— Unicellular Alga (copied from Thom6.) yet, when we examine the cells which make up the tissues of the best plants we can find, the blooming occupants of our hot-houses, gardens, and fields, we meet with marvelous diversity, and are soon made to feel that variety of form is the law, uniformity the exception. Fig. 3 represents the appearance of a cross-section of a stem of Tradescantia. From this section we may learn not the variety of cell-forms only, but something of the manner in which every plant is developed, and some- thing of the porousness of all cellular structure. But let us tear off with our forceps a little shred of the epidermis of some leaf. The leaf from a petunia will do ; that of the wild Jacob's-ladder is better, and that of the wake-robin better still. Let 292 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. us examine this little shred with our microscope, using a lens of mod- erate power. This is from the upper side of the leaf (Fig. 4). How delicate the cell- walls, how beautiful the pattern ! Here is Nature's best attempt at uniformity. All these cells serve identically the same purpose, and, so far as we can see, might have been exactly alike. Yet, while there is similarity, no two are just alike. Let us tear off another shred of epidermis, this time from the lower surface of the Fig. 4.— Epidermis from the Upper Side of a Leaf. Fig. 3. — Cross-Section of Tradescantia ze- brina, Wandering Jew (highly magnified). Fig. 5.— Epidermis from the Lower Side of a Leaf. leaf. Here (Fig. 5) we have the same arrangement and forms of cells, but more beautiful and varied outlines, and the cells are more inti- mately interlocked. Our magnifying power is greater, and the cells appear larger ; moreover, we have before us a few cells altogether un- like any of their neighbors, little button-hole-like structures. These are the stomata of the leaf, and through these tiny mouths — for the stomata are real oj^enings through the epidermis — the exchange of gases goes on between the growing plant and the surrounding atmos- phere. Let us now pass on a little further in our investigation of these plant-cells and note the contents of some of them. In our examination PLANT-CELLS AND THEIR CONTENTS. 293 Fig. 6.— Cross-Section of a Leaf, showing the Cells containing Chxorophyl. of the cells from the epidermis of the leaf no contents were apparent ; in fact, the cells are tabular, very thin in proportion to their width, and any contents they may possess are so nearly homogeneous as to be transparent and invisible. But let us make a thin transverse sec- tion of the same leaf. Here (Fig. 6) we find cells different in shape from any we have yet seen, and evidently possessing different contents. The cells from the inside of the leaf are here seen filled with tiny green bodies, sometimes closely packed together, sometimes scattered more sparsely. These little green bodies are the chlorophyl-gr&n- ules, affording to our vegetation all the lovely tints which render charming a land- scape in spring. Children of the light are these little green grains, lovers and worship- ers of the sun. At all events, they appear by uncounted millions in the bright light of the open sky, become fewer and fewer in proportion as the light received by any plant is diminished, and finally disappear entirely when the plant is left in total darkness. Every one will recall the appearance of potato-stalks where growth has started in some dark corner of the cellar. Cells taken from such growth afford not a sign of chlorophyl. Botanists tell us that the petals of flowers are only altered leaves. In petal-cells, then, instead of chlorophyl-grains, we find in some cases granules of yellow, sometimes of orange. Some- times the cell contains no such granules, but rather some colored fluid, red, blue, or purple, and then our flowers are tinted accordingly ; some- times the cells of a petal contain air only, and then the flower is white. But these tiny green grains in the leaf-cells do vastly more than simply lend their color to the foliage ; they are readjusters and organ- izers, and perform, in those diminutive laboratories we have been calling cells, feats which the chemist strives in vain to rival. They take possession of molecules of carbon dioxide and of water, compel the binding chemical forces to relax their hold, combine again, to serve the purposes of the plant, the atoms of carbon, of hydrogen, using such part of the oxygen as may be necessary, and setting the remain- der free in the open atmosphere — all this in the sunlight. The chloro- phyl bodies thus work while it is day, have charge of nearly all the income of the plant, and provide in themselves for the temporary storage, of its daily accumulations, mostly in the form of starch. When the night comes, these same little factors give up at once their labors and their stores, other cells of the plant begin to work, change and transfer and change again, until all the wondrous series of vegetable products with which we are familiar (the sugars, the oils, the alkaloids, crystals of various forms and kinds) are formed and properly deposited. We might go on now to examine cells containing many of these sub- 294 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. stances, but one or two examples will suffice. Perhaps the most familiar vegetable product is starch, certainly interesting since it enters so largely into the daily food of the world. Let us make a thin section of a common potato and examine it for a moment (Fig. 7). See what a multitude of tiny spheres and ellipsoids crowd the cells ! If we apply to our section iodine, we introduce the test of color. The little solids take on a bright-blue tint, and so prove themselves Fig. 7.— Potato-Cells, containing Stakch-Gkains. starch. Now we can see why the potato forms so nutritious an article of diet. During fall and winter starch-grains, such as we have just seen, fill the cells of apple-twigs and of branches of various kinds, and form the basis for that lavish expenditure of plant-force by which our orchards and woods are made glorious in the sudden inflorescence of spring. If we make a section of the petiole of a begonia-leaf, we may find cell-contents as remarkable as beautiful. Here are plainly crystals with their symmetrical, angular outline. Some of the mineral sub- stances brought through the plant by currents ascending from the roots have found room in the cells of the leaf-stalk to shoot the rays of minute crystals, and here the crystals lie, sometimes a dozen jewels in a single setting (Fig. 8). But the interest attaching to plant-cells does not culminate in chlo- rophyl, nor yet in starch-grains and crystals. The chlorophyl, as we have seen, owes its allegiance to the light, the starch to the chlorophyl, and the crystals to the water and the soil ; but back of all this, and behind all this, though intimately united with it all, is that which owes its homage to none of these — which moves all, controls all, uses all, builds the cell-wall, and inhabits it — is, indeed, the active principle by which chlorophyl becomes efficient, by which the inorganic is lifted PLANT-CELLS AND THEIR CONTENTS. 295 into forms organic, and the earth filled with the children of life, the very essence of the living cell — the protoplasm. To this protoplasm we now turn our investigation. Twelve or thirteen years ago this word — the name, to say nothing of the thing named — would have come all but unknown to the general reader. But to-day, thanks to the continuous discussions of the last decade, the word needs no introduction. All our readers know that Fig. 8.— Cross-Section of Petiole op Begonia-Leap, shows Crystals in the Cells (copied from Prantl.) protoplasm is the simplest form of living matter with which we are acquainted, is the living element of every living cell. One of the most characteristic phenomena of life is independent motion, and pro- toplasm more frequently reveals itself by moving. Such is the case in the cells we are now considering. In 1869 Professor Huxley set the thinking world all agog by describing, in a passage of wonderful accu- racy and beauty, what he could see of moving protoplasm in the hair of a stinging nettle. Nettle-hairs and vegetable hairs generally consist either of a single elongated cell, or of a series of oblong cells arranged in a filament. Moreover, such hairs, or trichomes, are usually colorless, transparent throughout, and afford, therefore, cells admirably adapted to microscopic examination. Hairy plants are very common, so we may corroborate Professor Huxley's statements by observations made almost anywhere. Let us examine a hair taken from the evening-prim- rose. Here, under a magnifying power of from 400 to 500 diameters, we may see within the hair a delicate current sweeping down one side to the point, turning abruptly with slight delay, and then returning by the opposite side of the cell, leaving in the center a neutral space filled with cell-sap, across which the oppositely moving streams seem never to pass, in which they are never lost. No nucleus is present, nor any central station of power. The tiny streamlet pours on, self -guided 296 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. (Fig. 9). The hairs on the young leaves of violets and on common red clover exhibit the same sort of a stream moving in much the same way (Figs. 10 and 11). The unicellular hairs of the common morning-glory present a dif- ferent phase of the same current. Here the stream is confined to the Fig. 9.— Tip of a Hair Fig. 10.— Tip of a Hair Fig. 11. — Hair from Fig. 12. — Hair from from Evening Prim- from Violet Leaf. Red Clover. Morning GJloky, uni- rose. cellular. cell- wall most closely, but the movement is unique. The protoplasm in its course is by turns contracted and expanded, giving to the whole current a billowy appearance, a miniature profile of rolling waters. Wave follows wave, but with no deceptive motion, for the rapidly passing granules advise us that the current is strong and real under- neath waves that rise and fall but never break (Fig. 12). PLANT-CELLS AND THEIR CONTENTS. 297 The unicellular hairs found on young leaves of Yerbena urticifolia, a common way-side weed, exhibit something like a nucleus at the base of the hair, from which center streams of protoplasm are constantly departing, to which they constantly return (Fig. 13). Fig. 14 shows the terminal cell of a hair taken from the petal of the purple lady's- Fig. 13.— Unicellular Hair of Verbena. Fig. 14.— Hair from Petal of Lady's Slippee. slipper. Here the nucleus seems almost to be in the way. It is so large as nearly to close the narrow cell across from side to side, and the current appears crowded between the nucleus and cell-wall. In the hairs that cover the common tomato-plant we may find beautiful transparent cells. In these cells sometimes the nucleus shows a vacuole, and the streams are always fine and large, but changeful as the shadows of passing clouds (Fig. 15). But we must resort to plants belonging to the botanical order Cu- curbitacece to find hair-cells showing greatest activity. In the hairs covering the forming bud of a common pumpkin-vine the cells are of 298 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. rapid growth, with finely transparent walls (Fig. 16). Each cell has a large nucleus, which, while variable and varying, is quite constant in position, and often shows one or more vacuoles. Out to the very lim- its of the cell, sweeping its every corner from the nucleus as a center, vital streams go forth — streams now wide and sweeping, now narrow- ing and again swelling, or pouring along to join some neighboring cur- rent ; now forming temporary vacuoles, now bearing on strong tide Fig. 15.— Base-Cells of a Tomato Haie. Fig. 16.— Hair from Pumpkin Vine. particles large and small, granules of chlorophyl and what not ; now branching in various directions, now diminishing to merest threads, forming and fading away, finally disappearing below the field of vis- ion, only to reappear once more at the place of starting. The changes of movement and appearance are so rapid that no drawing can be true for more than a single moment. In studies such as these we might pass on from plant to plant, in garden, on highways, in forest and on prairie, until time should fail and patience be well wearied. The " Song of Nature " is true : PLANT-CELLS AND THEIR CONTENTS. 299 " No numbers have counted my tallies, No tribes my house can fill ; I sit by the shining fount of Life, And pour the deluge still." But there are some other plants whose cells exhibit the phenomenon of living, moving protoplasm so much better than nettle-hairs or pump- kin-hairs, that I can not forbear presenting, in concluding the present article, the cells of one more plant. The plant we now select is a very- common one in most parts of our country, but on account of its simple and retired habits of life is little known save to the botanist and microscopist. An aquatic plant it is, finding a home in slow-running streams, or shallow ponds whose sandy bottoms reflect the warm rays of the summer sun. Totally immersed in water, however, and so far independent of rains, our plant knows little distinction of spring and summer, and grows on vigorously until the frosts of fall are heavy enough to> seal everything under a covering of ice. If during this long, growing season we collect a sprig of Chara (for such is the name of the plant), we shall find it made up of something like a stem bearing whorls of leaves, or at least of what may pass for leaves. Let us now take one of the newest and smallest of these leaves and place it under our lens. A series of cells, you say. But through the thin wall of any cell appears again a flowing stream. Not the pale, delicate thread of silver we saw feeling its way around the cell-wall of the pumpkin-hair or tomato-hair, but a very river it seems now as it rushes on, wave after wave, up from the depths below across the field of vision and down again, over and over, or round and round, in ceaseless rotation (Fig. 17). Fig. 17— Terminal Cell from a Frond of Chara (slightly magnified). Now the current catches in its course this little particle, now that, hurling each along, now up, now down, now over, now under, without weariness, without hindrance, hour after hour, before us. And now, as the stream goes on so grandly, think, for a moment, what it is at which we gaze. "We call it protoplasm, but it is the cur- rent of life, the " physical basis of life " — the common bond which binds in one the whole kingdom of organic things. Think, too, of the antiquity of that stream, its lineage. The brook that " goes on for ever " is as nothing to it, for here the stream has come flowing down through ages which are to us as eternity, ever since life began on earth. The mountains have been hoary with years, and have disap- peared beneath the level of the all-producing sea, but this stream is older than they. Continents have grown old, worn out, and been re- 3oo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. newed, rebuilt from the debris of this same stream, and life has again flooded the continents, but its origin is older than they. But now that we have before us such a fine large stream, may we not make further investigation, may we not know its mystery, the hiding-place of its power? We touch the cell with our needles, open its wall to make minuter inspection ; but in an instant the charm is broken, the mystic river forgets to flow, the tiny particles settle into unbroken peace. kt The parent fountains sink away And close their crystal veins ; And where the glittering current flowed, The dust alone remains." We are permitted to look in and see how the work of life goes on, but we can as yet go no further. We may explain. We may say it is all the result of chemical forces, and doubtless chemical forces are working there ; but such explanation demands an explanation. Does chemical action renew itself ? Chemical action is one thing, chemical action perpetuated and controlled by life is quite another. We may say, life is the property of protoplasm, or we may reverse the state- ment and say that protoplasm is that form of matter which manifests the phenomena of life, but that is as far as we can go. The streamlet hemmed by the narrow walls of the cell of any plant is to us a bound- ary. On one side the line, peace unbroken, eternal fixity, rest, of a world whose chemical forces acted once and for ever ; on the other, the vast procession of life begins, rises before us, spreads away in variety, activity, in beauty, in wonderfulness, incomprehensible. -♦»*♦- THE JEWS IE EUKOPE.* By Dr. J. YON DOLLINGEE. II. A GLANCE at the changing fortunes of the Jews in France, Eng- land, and Spain, brings clearly to light how their condition was influenced by the hierarchy. In England as in Germany, the Jews were the special property of the king, and were in part fostered as a valu- able and profitable possession, and provided with privileges, and in part, particularly under King John and Henry III, made the object of merciless extortion. They enjoyed, indeed, also the royal protection, which, however, in times of sudden attack by the populace, came al- most always too late, and only sharpened the popular hatred to which * Anniversary Address before the Academy of Sciences at Munich, delivered July 25, 1881. Translated by Mr. W. M. Salter. THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 301 they fell a prey. Henry III, after forcibly assessing them several times, took (in 1230) suddenly from them a third of their possessions ; afterward, to get a loan, he mortgaged all the Jews of Great Britain to Count Richard. The Jews begged, since their condition had be- come unendurable, for permission to emigrate ; but it was refused them, since the king loved them all too dearly to let them go. Bish- ops, as Grossetete, of Lincoln, demanded their banishment, and Ed- ward I ordered it in 1290 ; and in this way robbed himself of a most valuable instrument, by which previous kings had indirectly taxed their subjects. On account of the general lack of regular and suffi- cient income for the crown — a lack under which all states at that time suffered — some persons must be found who would take the place of those who had been banished. Such substitutes presented themselves in the associations of the Caorsines and the Italian money-brokers. Their way to England was paved by the Roman curia, which used them as its collectors, though the most prominent of them became bankrupt suddenly in 1345, and went off with debts unpaid. As usur- ers and financial managers for the crown, they were hated no less than the Jews. In France the system of extortion practiced upon the Jews was still more methodical and crafty. Philip Augustus began his reign at the age of fifteen (1182) with the plundering and banishing of all Is- raelites. The report that they put a Christian to death every year at the time of their passover is said to have led him to this course, but the debts left him by his father were the immediate occasion. In the year 1198 they were recalled. Louis VIII declared all their claims for in- terest to be invalid, and ordered that the moneys due them should be paid to their lords, the king and the barons. Louis IX, convinced equally that all taking of interest was heinous sin, and that all the Jews of the land were his slaves, compelled them several times to purchase the privilege of remaining in the country ; and, when he thought that he had extorted enough from them, banished them from his kingdom, with confiscation of whatsoever they still possessed. When the Jews implored before the governor of Karbonne for the restoration of the rights that had been taken away from them by the king, they com- plained : " The Jews are robbed of their means, and yet compelled to pay their debts ; while, on the other hand, those who owe them are freed from the obligation to pay their Jewish creditors. They are forbidden to loan money on interest, and yet are not allowed to earn a living in any other way." The king's order was not completely car- ried out. Many remained, others returned afterward from time to time. Louis's brother, Count Alphonse of Poictiers, made use of a par- ticularly shrewd procedure in his state, which was afterward imitated in Germany. Under the pretext of expenditure for a crusade, he had himself authorized \j the Pope to appropriate to himself all interest 3o2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that had been collected by the Jews ; and then the entire Jewish pop- ulation, including women and children, was incarcerated. The poorer ones were liberated after a while ; but the rich, with their wives, were held in prison until they had completely satisfied the avarice of the count and his officials. Philip the Fair did not fail to follow the ex- ample of his grandfather, in a way that was even more thorough, and brought more profit. He banished suddenly all Jews in the year 1306 ; possessed himself of their entire property ; had their houses, syna- gogues, schools, and even their burying-grounds, sold to the highest bidders ; and compelled all their debtors to pay into his own treasury. With the barons, who craved their share in the spoils, he came to an agreement. The drama closed at last in the year 1394 when Charles VI, on the representation of his confessor, and at the request of his spouse, who was under this man's influence, ordered the last expulsion of the Jews from his kingdom, on the plea that many who had intercourse with them had become lukewarm (tepidi) in their faith. In Spain, under Mohammedan rule, the condition of the hunted and afflicted people was more favorable than in any Christian land. Although not free, the synagogue chose its own national judges or kings to represent it before those in power. Their schools flourished there ; they pursued especially the study of medicine with greater suc- cess than the Christians. Also under the Christian kings in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries they were still influential, serving the kings as financial advisers, chancellors of the exchequer, as astronomers and physicians. In Toledo alone there were some twelve thousand of them ; their wealth permitted them to purchase at least the most in- dispensable rights by the expenditure of money. In general, from the time of the Arabian rule to the end of the thirteenth century, their con- dition in Spain was more favorable than in any other European land. Within the walls of their Jewish quarters {aljamas), they lived ac- cording to their own law and statute. But the fourteenth century brought evil in its train also to the Jews of the Peninsula. While valuable and serviceable to the kings as farmers of the taxes and chan- cellors of the exchequer, they were hated by the people. Now in one city, and now in another, they were attacked, struck down, and their synagogues burned. The most violent storm broke upon them in the year 1391, and raged throughout the whole of Spain ; priests, like the Archdeacon of Ecija, had kindled the conflagration by their sermons. Many thousands were slain ; 200,000 saved themselves by baptism, but after a few years it was found that 17,000 had relapsed into Juda- ism. A hundred years later — 1492 — the royal edict appeared which commanded the entire body of the Jews to emigrate, and leave their possessions behind them. Since the Inquisition at the same time for- bade selling food to the Jews, the majority were not able to emigrate, if they wished, and so were compelled to be baptized. The most of THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 303 those who went out of the land — the numbers vary from 170,000 to 400,000 — perished by plague, famine, or shipwreck. The descendants of the survivors, the Sephardim, found reception in Italy and in that part of the Orient which was under Turkish dominion ; also for a short time in Portugal. Spain, however, became filled with families of mixed descent, and the contrasts of pure and impure blood, of old Christians and neo-Christians, poisoned the whole social life. The fate of the Jews was still worse in Portugal than in Spain. For a Ion or time their condition was better than in the rest of the Pen- insula. The murderous storm of 1391 did not extend to them ; they enjoyed some privileges, had property in land, and pursued agriculture and wholesale businesses. But in the reign of King Manuel (1495), otherwise praised as gentle and humane, they met with a deadly blow : their children under fourteen years were snatched from them and bap- tized ; they themselves could remain in the land only as they became converted to the Church. Thus this kingdom also was filled with those who feigned conversion and were forcibly baptized. The re- sults were fearful. In the year 1506, in Lisbon, two thousand new converts were put to death in three days, because one of the neo-Chris- tians had ventured to doubt a supposed miracle. Soon after, the In- quisition was introduced as the well-tried instrument for handing over the property of the wealthy neo-Christians to the state treasury. In the larger commercial cities of Italy, the existence of the Jews was, comparatively speaking, endurable. Since the trade in money was already in the hands of Christian bankers, they occupied them- selves more here with mercantile business. They encountered no risings of the mob, or massacres. All these things become more comprehensible when we observe that the historians of the time, in narrating the enormities that were committed, give no sign of pity, and do not utter a word of indigna- tion. Many times the clerical chroniclers even express their satisfac- tion : for example, the Monk of Waverley writes in a triumphant tone of the massacre, in London, at the coronation of Richard I, which was perpetrated without any provocation on the part of the Jews, and closes with the exclamation, " Blessed be the Lord, who has given up the godless to their deserts ! " (" Annales Monast.," p. 246). And yet they do not fail to point out that avarice was a principal cause of these mis- deeds ; that nobles and citizens who were in debt incited to them, in order, by a single stroke, to become free of their (Jewish) creditors ; for money was in truth the protecting as well as the destroying angel of the Jews in those days. The unhappy ones must press their debtors, always expecting that at the next moment they themselves would suffer from the inevitable reaction against them. Since the clergy declared the mere existence of the Jews among the Christians to be an immeasurable danger, requiring the most care- ful watching and isolating, we should expect that they would have 304 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. labored conscientiously and with all their powers to convert the Jews. This did not happen, however. The men who were capacitated for such a work were completely wanting until the beginning of the thir- teenth century, and even after the rise of the mendicant orders, a part of whose work was to institute missions among the Jews, there was very seldom a theologian who could lay claim to the education indis- pensable to this end. An interpretation of the prophetical books (of the Old Testament), which could have made an impression upon edu- cated Jews, was beyond the powers of that time. That great flood of allegorical interpretations, which ruled the Biblical literature of the Christians, appeared to Israelitish Biblical scholars the empty play of an arbitrary and unbridled imagination. The early Church stood, in general, much nearer to the Old Testament people and faith ; the great alterations and new formations of the middle ages had immeasurably widened the gap. The worship of images, which, according to the Israelitish view, contradicted the Decalogue, the whole scheme of do- minion and compulsion which had been organized by Hildebrand, the religious wars with the system of indulgences — these were things that made the conversion of a Jew uncommonly difficult ; and the pictorial representations of the Trinity, that appeared in the latter part of the middle age, must have seemed like a confirmation of the charges of tritheism which they brought against the Christians. In many places, indeed, the Jews were compelled to hear discourses aiming at their conversion by the monks, but an effect opposite to what was intended was unavoidably produced. It is told of the preacher-monk Yincenz Ferrer, that his eloquence effected 30,000 conversions in Spain. But these ostensible conversions took place in the midst of the horrors of the slaughter of 1391 and of the ensuing occurrences, and the apostasy that soon commenced of 17,000 new converts indicates how much the conversions were worth. If a Jew voluntarily became a Christian, he lost everything that union with a people holding so firmly and faithfully together had hitherto secured him, and by no means did he win the favor of the Christians ; rather did his condition in most cases become worse. For the Church met him with suspicion. In Rome, indeed, it was regarded as a rule, to which there was hardly any exception, that a baptized Jew would relapse. If he had means, it was made a duty for him to return all the interest he had taken, a sum often in excess of his present pos- sessions ; and in France it was even the custom to confiscate all his goods, and indemnify the king or baron for his loss of a bondsman, and of the income derived from him. Two laws of Charles YII de- stroyed this custom ; but this very monarch took from the Jews, who avoided exile by embracing Christianity, two thirds of their property for himself ; and his contemporaries thought this a softening of the severity of the old statutes. If the converted Jew was poor, he ex- perienced the lack of the means of subsistence ; for he had not learned THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 305 a trade, nor could he any more take up with traffic in money, and his only resource was to become a barterer and dealer in small wares. The worst and most horrible thing was that the new convert fell a prey to the power of the Court of Inquisition, and, wherever there was an in- quisitor, he was liable to arrest and torture on a mere suspicion, and could be sentenced either to money-fines or to imprisonment. That the inquisitor could impose fines upon merely suspected persons was already, in 1330, the teaching of the canonical writers, and nothing was easier or more tempting than the discovery of some cause of sus- picion against a rich Israelite, baptized or unbaptized. While the Spaniards were striving to root out Israel from the Penin- sula, they prepared for themselves a most fearful scourge, under whose lashes they were to bleed for centuries. For, since they drove so many Jews into the Church through fear of death, and forced them to continuous hypocrisy, they caused the establishment of the Holy Office, which was directed at first against this secret retention of the Jewish faith. The majority of educated Spaniards at the present day doubt- less acknowledge the Inquisition to have been the sorest national mis- fortune ; it was an institution which has served to dishonor the Spanish name, and has been a source of manifold misery and a school of hy- pocrisy to the Spanish people. But that this institution maintained itself so long in Spain, and for over two hundred years found contin- ually new victims for its " acts of faith," is owing to the events of 1328, 1391, and 1492, along with the distinction, contrived by the Church, between absolute and relative coercion in baptism. Many thousands of Jews were then forced to be baptized ; they were often allowed no other alternative than that of death or entrance into the Church. In many cases they preferred death, and perished either by their own hands or at the hands of their oppressors, and the example of some who were steadfast inspired whole hosts to copy after them. At the same time, there was a considerable number who, in fear of death, or to escape banishment and loss of property, suffered themselves to be baptized ; and it was just as natural that, when they breathed free, again, they should renounce Christianity and turn back to the cult of their fathers. The doctrine was indeed continuously taught and accepted that a baptism forced upon one was null and invalid, and it would hence seem self-evident that he who had been coerced should be free to turn back to his ancestral religion. But, as early as 633, the Spanish Visi- gothic bishops had declared that those forcibly baptized should be held in the Church. This had passed over into Gratian's book of doctrines and statutes, and now no one was any longer permitted to surren- der the Christian faith once confessed, or return to the practices of Judaism. He was once for all a Christian, and, as such, subject to the jurisdiction of the religious court ; if he went back to the faith of his fathers he must suffer, as every heretic and apostate, the death vol. sxi. — 20 306 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. by fire. The princes were also ready, in ease no Court of Inquisition was in existence, to execute this punishment. The Emperor Frederick III caused a young man, who was valuable to him as a servant, and who, after being baptized out of fear turned back to Judaism, to be conducted to the stake, to which he went singing psalms. In Spain and Portugal the observing of some Jewish rite, on the part of a new convert, sufficed to subject him to imprisonment and torture. It was not realized that by this means the Church was being filled with hypo- crites, and that numberless profanations, otherwise sought to be avoided in every possible way, unavoidably took place. In her better days the Church regarded an entrance of her walls, accomplished by the influ- ence of slaughter and terror, a disgrace and a sacrilege ; but now all, bishops, priests, and laity, worked harmoniously together to imprint this stigma on their Church — above all, in Spain. A more painful existence than that of a Jew in the middle ages is scarcely thinkable, and, if he had had a knowledge of history, with what longing would he have looked back to the happy time of the Roman Empire ! Every day the Jew must be prepared for some act of extortion, or the loss of all his goods, or imprisonment or banishment. Emigration was often impossible, and was in most cases not permitted, so long as the Jew had any remaining possessions which could be taken from him ; and when he did undertake it his condition hardly ever improved ; it was often " falling out of the frying-pan into the fire." Moreover, he had to pay a high price for permission to live elsewhere, even if it was only for a few years. On the highways of the country his person was as insecure as that of an outlaw. The whole external history of the Jews for almost a thousand years makes up a succession of elaborate oppressions, of degrading and de- moralizing afflictions, of violence and persecution, of wholesale slaugh- ters, with interchanges of banishments and recallings. It is as if the European nations had vied with each other in trying to create the double delusion that the Jews were condemned till the end of time in the de- crees of Heaven to the severest helotism, and that the sons of the Gen- tiles were ordained to act the part of jailers and hangmen to the chosen people of God ! Christians knew not how to dispense with them ; they were serviceable in many ways ; and yet they could not be endured. Their countenances worked like a challenge upon the believer, who was touched by no scruple, and thought it possible to explain the Jews' fixed attachment to their ancestral faith, under the clear light of the gospel, only as a species of wicked obstinacy. Nevertheless, one feature is striking in the great mass of abusive discourses, arraignments, and declamatory outbursts against the de- tested people — a feature which, along with endless repetition of the customary phrases, characterizes the ecclesiastical literature of those centuries: and this is, that their moral life, so far as the family, chas- tity, temperance, and fidelity to obligations go, is never attacked. Along THE JEWS IN EUROPE. 307 with the charge of avarice and usurious money-lending, it is always simply their religious belief that made the ground for charges against them : they are continually accused of crime ; and the fact that they did not recognize the Christian doctrines of the Trinity and Incarna- tion was sufficient proof of their guilt. That they actually railed at Christ and his mother before the ears of Christians was certainly very rare, since they knew that a word of that sort sufficed to devote them, and often also their families, to death. It could not occur to an Israel- ite to wish to convert a Christian to his own faith. It is written in the Talmud, " Proselytes are as dangerous for Judaism as ulcers on a sound body." If one not a Jew had really a mind to become a convert to Judaism, he must be told, "Do you not know that the Jews live in sufferings and woes, that they are insulted and cast out, tormented and put to the rack ? " At the same time, he was reminded of the oppress- iveness of the statutes, and of the privations and sacrifices to which he would have to submit. " The Christian brought the Jews to this pass," Shakespeare makes his " Merchant of Venice " say, and history for thirteen hundred years says the same. When the Jews in Spain were threatened with de- struction and banishment, a rabbi is reported to have said to the Chris- tian : " We are at once a people blessed and laden with a curse. Now you wish to destroy us, but you will not succeed, because we are blessed. The time will come when you will exert yourselves to raise us up, but in this you will not be successful, for Ave are cursed." If this was actually uttered, it is not clear whether the reference was to the Spanish Jews, the Sephardim, or the curse was conjectured to rest on the whole people. A retrospect of nine centuries of ignominious treatment and misery might easily have awakened such a thought. But since the Reformation the lot of the Jews has been steadily grow- ing more favorable, and to-day no rabbi can any longer have the sense of a curse resting upon his race. The number of Jews now living on the surface of the globe has been estimated to be very nearly twelve million ; should the number be less, it is none the less certain that they are more powerful than they ever were in past time, not except- ing the period of their political independence. The official (Christian) interpretation of the word of the prophets, current in the middle ages, is thereby proved delusive ; according to it, the Jewish people were to be reduced by continuous mistreatment and persecution to a very small handful of survivors. But in spite of all the heavy blows dealt upon this anvil, and of the numerous proselytes to Christianity and Moham- medanism, they have not lost but rather steadily increased in numbers. For a hundred years Israel has struggled for political emancipation, and at last has won it in all European states ; only Russia, Spain, and Portugal have not as yet granted it. It has also not been granted them in the Mohammedan world. But in Europe the larger half of the Jews find themselves" in possession of all social and political rights. 3o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Israelites sit now in the parliaments and congresses. They are al- lowed to be teachers in most of the universities, and the number of Jewish young men who devote themselves to study increases with every year. Important offices are already intrusted to Jews. Their protective union, the judiciously managed " Israelitish Alliance," which has its seat in Paris, appears to be constantly winning greater influ- ence. The facts of comparative statistical science are favorable to them. In most countries, theirs is, relatively speaking, the smallest number of judicial crimes, and they stand foremost among the popu- lation in general prosperity and wealth, even in length of life and rate of increase. The old virtues of temperance and continence, of well- ordered and affectionate family life, of filial piety to parents, which served so well in preserving this people from destruction in the troub- lous times of the middle ages, have not yet vanished from among them. Marriage unions with Christians and conversion are more com- mon than formerly ; in Berlin alone several years ago, there were esti- mated to be some two thousand proselytes. It is true, however, that there are dark shadows to the picture ; the better spokesmen of this people do not deny their serious faults; they must allow that there is abundant occasion for sharply reproving them : they only urge that the faults arrest attention more than the virtues. The strongest charge and the principal reason for the popu- lar hatred of them is the economical injury they inflict, and the manner in which they take advantage of the peasantry in the Slavic and also in some German countries, in connection with small bartering and money- lending, which seem to be their favorite occupations. In the East, particularly in Galicia, this injury is called even by a stronger word — it is named devastation. The fault is undeniable ; our Israelitish fellow-citizens lament it as much as we, but it would be unjust to make, on account of race connection, the whole responsible for the conduct of a fractional part, who are far removed and beyond control. The same is true of the founding of sham companies (Griinderunwesen) and the pernicious speculation in money, which is a fault common to Christians and Israelites. As it was formerly alchemists, astrolo- gers, and searchers after hidden treasures, who took advantage of the blind and eager credulity of the higher classes, so now Jewish speculators do the same. In a similar way, the sins of the press of the day are to be charged upon its circle of Christian readers as well as upon the Jewish editors, who only follow the fashion in pan- dering to, rather than trying to mold, the opinions and passions of the people. The great reform movement, that began with Mendelssohn in the bosom of Judaism, has given it a new form in Germany, France, and England. Those of the Jewish people who live in Slavic countries remain for the most part untouched by this movement, and are still bound to the Talmudic standards ; but in "Western Europe the Israel- THE JEWS IN EtfROPE. 309 ites have given up many of their traditional prejudices and customs, and come nearer the Christians in manners and ways of thinking. At the present time, Germany is the bearer and foster-father of the spiritual life of Judaism, as in earlier times (and in the order stated) were Spain, Southern and Northern France, and then Holland. The German Israelites lead those of the rest of the world, because of the language they use ; they alone, too, have a religious and theological literature of their own, to which their brethren in other countries resort for instruction in spiritual things. And hence it may be justly asserted that the influence of German ways of thinking is stronger than any other one thing among the Jews to-day, and it extends even to North America. Among civilized peoples with a distinctive moral and intellectual life, the Jew residing in their midst thinks with the bulk of the nation. The German Jew thinks about all questions of spiritual and social life in an essentially German manner, which was far from being the case in the preceding century ; and since our culture and civilization have come out of Christianity and have a Christian coloring, the Jew, how- ever disinclined he may be to Christian views, can not help thinking and acting about many things, whether consciously or unconsciously, in a Christian way. So, for example, in regard to marriage, which is regarded by the Jews no longer from the Old Testament point of view, but from the Christian. And the same may be said of the Brit- ish and French Israelites ; they think and feel as the great nation thinks and feels in whose midst they live. Altogether too long has the false and detestable view ruled in the world that we are called upon to avenge, generation after generation, the sins and mistakes of the fathers upon their guiltless descendants. It is a view which has covered Europe with a multitude of cruel and shameful deeds, the thought of which causes us to shudder and avert our faces. Woe to us and our posterity if such a law of revenge is ever applied to the descendants of the Germans, Frenchmen, Spaniards, and Englishmen of the middle ages ! But there is one thing which the self-styled anti-Semitic agitation of to-day should not forget, viz., that hate and contempt are feelings bitter and of no comfort to him who cherishes them, and painful and exasperating to those against whom they are directed. A sad thing it is when (to use a Scriptural expression), " Deep calleth unto deep." Rather let the saying of Sophocles's " Antigone " be and remain our motto : " My nature leads to sharing love, not hate " 3io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. PORCELAIN AND THE AET OF ITS PRODUCTION. By CHAELES LAUTH, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE NATIONAL MANUFACTORY AT SEVRES. THE uses of porcelain have so multiplied, the employment of that material has become so general, that few rjersons recollect the time, not yet far back, when it was considered an object of luxury, and only delf was within the reach of all. In this paper I shall con- sider, first, the nature of porcelain and the history of its discovery ; next, the principal points in its manufacture ; and, lastly, the different methods of decorating it. It is generally understood that porcelain is, as a rule, the resultant, of the action of fire on a certain kind of clay. No one is likely to con- found it with earthenware or delf. While those wares are soft, opaque, and of impure colors, porcelain is always white, is perfectly clear, and is harder than steel. The fundamental distinction between the three wares is that earthenware is obtained by the simple action of fire on common clays ; delfs are earthenwares more or less colored and glazed with a leaden enamel, which is rendered opaque by tin ; while hard porcelain is obtained from a white clay, kaolin, and is enameled with feldspar. Kaolin, a natural hydrated silicate of alumina, is absolutely refract- ory and opaque ; it constitutes the resistant part of porcelain. Feld- spars are silicates of alumina and potassa, fusible at a very high tem- perature into a beautiful transparent glass. If, now, we mix a quantity of feldspar with kaolin, cover the mixture with a layer of feldspar, and heat the whole at a very high temperature, the feldspar will melt and communicate to the opaque clay a clearness greater or less according to the quantity of it present, and to the superficial part of it that beau- tiful glaze with which all are familiar. A part of the action in this process is chemical, and consists in the production of a new crystalline silicate formed by a combination of all the substances present. The discovery of porcelain in China is traced back to a high antiquity. The Chinese have certainly made it regularly for at least a thousand years ; many authors fix the discovery at fifteen hundred or eight- een hundred years ago, but no evidence exists to justify our going further back than a thousand years. The first pieces that came to Europe were probably brought by the Venetians at the end of the thirteenth century. Charles VII, King of France, received a present of Chinese porcelains, about the middle of the fifteenth century, from the Sultan of Babylon ; but it was not till the sixteenth century that the importation of these Oriental products by Portuguese and Dutch mer- chants assumed a real importance. The discovery of tender porcelain was made in France toward the end of the seventeenth century, but PORCELAIN AND THE ART OF ITS PRODUCTION. 311 whether by Louis Poterat or by Reverend, at Paris or Rouen, is dis- puted. This ware has no relation with real porcelain ; it contains neither kaolin nor feldspar, but is an artificial product, a kind of glass made from a mixture composed essentially of sand, lime, potash, soda, and a small quantity of marine marl. This mixture, made plastic by the addition of manganese or other fluxes, is baked without glazing, and is covered after baking with a glazing composed of silica, lead, potash, and soda. The beauty of the material, its perfect glaze, and the facility with which verifiable colors are fixed in it, make of tender porcelain a ware exceptionally adapted to decoration. The discovery of tender porcelain did not arrest the investigations of men of science and potters, who saw very well that it had none of the characters of the porcelain of China. A bed of kaolin was found in Saxony in 1709, and Bbttger set up at Meissen the first European factory of hard porcelain. Fifty years later, in 1758, Guettard at Alencon, and afterward, in 1769, Madame Darnet at Saint-Yeux, near Limoges, discovered the French beds, and the industrial fabrication of hard porcelain was begun in France in 1774. Tender porcelain gave way quickly in the rivalry with hard porcelain. This was unfortunate, in an artistic point of view, for the latter material is very unaccommo- dating to the decorator. A more important object was, however, to create for domestic economy an absolutely healthful industry, and much is due to the illustrious Brongniart for having by his investiga- tions put the manufacture of kaolinic porcelain on a firm scientific foundation. Natural kaolin is never a pure clay, but contains also sand, unde- composed feldspar, etc., in variable quantities, and must first be purified. For this purpose the mass is pounded, and the products are separated one after another by successive levigations with water. The clay, which is extremely slow in settling, is drawn off first, and may be ob- tained almost pure ; the other deposits, composed of more or less f eld- spathic sands, are brayed in mills, and are destined to enter in their turn into the preparation of the pastes. The nature of porcelain, its physical and chemical properties, vary infinitely according to the pro- portion of its two consituent elements (kaolin and feldspar), and as other substances, lime, silicious sands, potsherds, etc., are added, as is often done. Every country and every factory has its composition, which is adapted to the use to which the porcelain is destined, to the degree of resistance that is to be demanded of it, and to the kind of decoration it is lo receive. Generally, porcelain is more solid as the proportion of clay increases, and requires a higher temperature in baking ; if, on the other hand, the proportion of feldspar is increased, it becomes more fu- sible, may be baked at a lower temperature, and submits more readily to decoration, but its plasticity and the possibility of working it easily diminish rapidly^ The mixture of the materials should be perfect ; when this is the case, the mass will keep for a long time, and become 3i2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. more plastic as it grows older. The qualities required of a good paste may be communicated by diluting it and stirring it with water and decanting, or by prolonged beating and manipulation. By treading it out or beating it we not only give it complete plasticity and homoge- neity, but we also clear it of air-bubbles which would otherwise swell out in baking and cause much damage. The next thing is to give our ware the form which has been deter- mined for it in a design previously made. This requires a knowledge of the whole process of fabrication. It would be a mistake to suppose that porcelain can be baked in any desired form. It becomes soft in baking, and has to be supported ; and, as it is to be covered with a glass that melts at the same moment, places which need not be enameled must be found for fixing the supports in every piece, unless we are willing to risk having it spoiled. We may thus comprehend one of the difficulties in the manufacture of porcelain, and one of the points in which it differs most from delf. Articles of porcelain may be shaped without molds or with them. By the former method all the shapes are obtained that may be pro- duced by turning. The clay is first shaped on the wheel by the hand into a rough block of the general shape which the object is destined to assume, and is then left to dry, slowly and with care, to keep it from cracking. When it has been dried to a suitable degree of con- sistency, it is put upon the wheel again and carefully worked into the exact shape desired, with the moldings and ornaments called for by the design, and by the aid of the most simple instruments. Articles whose shape does not adapt them to manipulation on a revolving wheel, such as objects of statuary and many lighter objects, may be shaped by molding them. The mold is made of plaster of Paris ; to it, when dry, is applied a layer of the porcelain paste, which is pressed into it carefully and as evenly as possible ; the earth espouses all the details of the sculpture, and, after a few moments, the plaster having absorbed the water from the paste in contact with it, a shrink- age takes place, thanks to which the proof detaches itself almost spon- taneously. The operation is sure to be successful in the case of simple forms whose outlines offer no impediment to taking them from the molds. If, however, we purpose to obtain objects in relief, statuettes, groups of figures, or sumptuous vases, the sculptural decorations of which constitute their chief ornament, the process becomes more com- plicated. In this case the molder has to divide his pattern into a number of parts, the superficies of which must be determined by the possibilities of taking off the molds ; then he must make as many molds in plaster as he has parts of his model ; these molds will in their turn serve for the reproduction of each of the parts, which have afterward to be joined and cemented by the aid of the paste diluted in water. After this the seams at the junction of the parts must be rubbed away, and the whole work finished up by a restorer who must PORCELAIN AND THE ART OF ITS PRODUCTION. 313 necessarily be an artist. I can not leave this part of my subject with- out mentioning the property which porcelain has of shrinking when baked. The shrinkage amounts to about ten or fifteen per cent. A third method of shaping porcelains is by casting, which was dis- covered at Tournay, 1784, and in which Brongniart has made numer- ous improvements. Nothing is more simple than the manufacture of a small object by this process. Thus, if we take a plaster mold of a cup, and pour into it a quantity of barbotine, or porcelain-clay mixed with water, the mold will absorb the water from the clay in contact with it, forming a shell less liquid than the rest of the barbotine, and which sticks to the plaster. When this shell has attained a suitable thickness, the rest of the barbotine may be poured out : what remains in the mold constitutes the cup. We leave it to dry, and in a little while it will have gained consistency enough to be taken out of the mold without being deformed. Ware thus made is extremely delicate ; the slightest pressure with the lingers may destroy it. This process is used at Sevres for large pieces, but special manipulations are required for such work ; for the weight of the shell which should adhere to the mold when the liquid is poured out, and which should be thicker and heavier in proportion to the greater size of the vessel, is very apt to cause it to separate from the plaster and fall. The least awkward- ness might destroy the piece, and this should be avoided at any cost. MM. Milet and Delacour have devised a method, which has been used at Sevres since 1857, for avoiding such accidents by turning compressed air against the interior of the mold at the moment the barbotine is poured out, to take the place of the liquid and hold the porcelain shell against the plaster. M. Regnault has simplified this operation by ex- hausting the air on the outside of the mold, which effects the same purpose and is more convenient of execution. The absence of seams, the purity of the outlines, and the clearness of the surfaces obtained by this process, make it one of inestimable value when we wish to get an object of art, and lift it far above the process of molding. The de- tails of the operation are very exacting, but none of them should be neglected. Their importance may be realized by reflecting that a hid- den fault in the interior of a large piece, a bubble of inclosed air, a lack of homogeneity in the paste, or other flaw, is not perceptible till after the baking, when the vessel has been decorated, and may perhaps have become of very great value. The slightest defect in the casting may destroy this value. The objects, having been properly shaped and fitted, have next to be transformed into porcelain by the action of fire, the function of which is to combine the different elements of the paste and deter- mine the fusion of the glazing. The baking is done twice. In the first operation, when the temperature is relatively only moderately high (1,800° to 2,160°), the earth is converted into what is called biscuit- baked porcelain; it becomes very tough and sonorous, and extremely 3i4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. flexible ; in this condition it is submitted to the enameling process. That operation is of the simplest character, and consists in a quick immer- sion in water holding in suspension a feldspathic rock, which has pre- viously been reduced to an impalpable powder. Yet it requires great care, for the thickness of the enamel must be adapted to the piece; it may be neither too great nor too little, under penalty of accidents ; it must be as even as possible, with neither bulges nor thin places. These qualities can not be obtained by dipping alone, so the object has to be retouched with a brush. The next step is baking in the sharp-fire, where the temperature of from 2,880° to 3,240°, at which feldspar fuses, must be reached. A few facts will enable us to compre- hend the steps and the difficulties of this operation. Porcelain-clay can not be baked in direct contact with the flames, ashes, and smoke, without being greatly altered. It must, then, for the biscuit-baking as well as for the sharp-fire, be inclosed in protecting envelopes called gazettes, or casettes — cases of as refractory clay as can be got, in which the pieces are adjusted with great care on suitably arranged supports. It must be remembered that porcelain is baked at the temperature at which it becomes soft; the softening must then be anticipated at the time of fitting the vessel in the casette, and all the parts of the object must be supported so as to prevent any possible deformation. At the same time the supports must be prevented from sticking to the piece; and it is only by the aid of many kinds of artifices that the object can be effected without the supports leaving visible marks of their having been applied. The furnace is divided into two stories, the upper one of which is the dome, or biscuit-baking compartment, and is warmed by the sur- plus heat that escapes from the lower story and passes through the vent-holes in its roof. The lower story, where the baking with the sharp-fire is done, is called the laboratory, and is heated by a number of fires placed along the circumference of the furnace, called alandiers. The casettes filled with articles to be baked are arranged vertically and as symmetrically as possible, and properly supported in the interior of the laboratory; when the furnace is filled, the entrance is closed by a double door of refractory materials, and the fires are kindled at the dif- ferent alandiers. The temperature should be raised very slowly and very regularly, in order to avoid unequal dilatations, which would develop breaks in the objects. The heating is watched through little openings left in the walls of the furnace for that purpose, through which the color of the fire is observed. It may be seen to pass in suc- cession from a dark red to orange, bright orange, and white. At the white heat, which is reached in from twenty-four to sixty hours, ac- cording to the kind of furnace and fire, the porcelain is near its baking- point. Since no apparatus has yet been invented for ascertaining the precise temperature within the furnace, the condition of affairs inside has to be determined experimentally by means of trial-pieces, which are PORCELAIN AND THE ART OF ITS PRODUCTION. 315 put in for that purpose. These pieces become glassy a few hours before the baking is completed, but are apt in that condition to fly to pieces. If the baking is arrested at that point, the pieces would all be excessively brittle, and the batch would be spoiled; so the heat is kept up till the trial-pieces come out glazed and clear, without being brittle; but, if the cooking is prolonged much beyond that point, it will be at the risk of changing the character of the porcelain, and of other serious accidents. It is a very delicate matter to determine the right point for stopping the heat without running upon one danger in the effort to avoid the other. When the cooking has been judged complete, the fire is covered up, the vents are stopped, and the furnace is left to cool of itself — a process requiring from four to eight days. An equally important consideration with that of the temperature is that of the nature of the gases existing within the furnace. If only white porcelain is baked, it is generally best to have an atmosphere of reducing properties, because the small quantities of iron, titanium, etc., included in the clays, will then be least oxidized, and will not color the mass as would be done with an oxidizing flame ; if, however, the por- celain is decorated, it is generally an advantage to have an oxidizing atmosphere ; and, as both kinds are generally baked at once, it is only by the best management — by, for example, artificially introducing into the piles gaseous substances adapted to one or the other object — that a satisfactory result can be reached. The nature of the fuel employed is variable. Different kinds of wood and coal are used. Efforts are made to adopt gaseous fuels, with which alone we can expect to be able to obtain a complete mastery over the baking. Having reviewed as succinctly as possible the principal points in the fabrication of porcelain, we now come to the description of the processes employed to enrich that beautiful material. The art of fix- ing colors on pottery differs essentially from that of fixing them on cloths, wood, and paper ; besides, special qualities, distinguishing it from all other kinds, are exacted of ceramic decoration. A perfect adherence, an absolute resistance to atmospheric agents, a glaze that shall permit the colors to be confounded with that of the object itself, are the characteristic qualities of a handsome ceramic decoration. Since the glazing of porcelain is a rock, one of the hardest substances of the mineral kingdom, it is easily understood that absolutely special processes must be adopted to make a color adhere. The result can be reached only through the intervention of an elevated temperature ; and 'this fact eliminates at once from the palette of the ceramist all organic coloring matters and all minerals of slight stability. We must have recourse to oxides, metallic silicates, and metals. The fixation of these colors is always the result of a chemical action, of a combination that takes place at a high temperature, between the body or the glaz- ing of the porcelain and the materials employed to decorate it. Sev- eral different methods are applied for this purpose, but they may be 3i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. divided into two classes : decoration by the sharp-fire, and decoration by the enameling furnace. The former method consists in the appli- cation upon the porcelain of coloring substances which are fixed and developed upon it at the same temperature as that at which the porcelain is baked. It is the method that gives the most highly prized results, for with it the color is covered by the enamel, and takes a high luster and deep setting, becoming, as it were, of one body with the object. The magnificent blue of Sevres, certain browns, the blacks, and a few other shades are obtained by this process. The color may be mixed in the paste, or put on the fashioned ob- ject, before enameling, or mixed with the glazing ; or it can be put upon porcelain that has been baked and will then be baked a second time in the sharp-fire. This is the process we employ at Sevres for our blues. One of the most brilliant varieties of decoration by the sharp-fire consists in what is called the process of applied pastes, or in painting with barbotine upon the raw or biscuit-baked porcelain ; by succes- sive, rightly tempered applications we can lay on a considerable thick- ness of material, on which the artist can with the chisel give a fine finish and thus add great value to his decoration. When the barbo- tine is applied upon a tinted bottom, charming effects, making the porcelain look like real cameos, can be obtained in the clear material. If coloring oxides are added to the barbotine, a real picture can be obtained. Unfortunately, the number of colors that can be used in the sharp-fire is, on account of the excessive temperature, very limited. In decoration in the enameling-furnace, the painting is always done on baked porcelain, consequently on enamel, and the heating takes place at a relatively low temperature. Since the glazing is not to be melted, as in the sharp-fire, an intermediate agent or flux is required to make the colors adhere. This is generally a silicate or a silico-borate of lead, or for metals a sub-nitrate of bismuth. When the temperature is raised, these substances melt, attack the glaze, and combine with it, determining by their reaction the adherence of the color. The temperature in these operations is determined by the nature of the fluxes and of the colors ; and, as some colors are more sensitive than others, it is frequently necessary to bake in two succes- sive and different fires. The palette of Sevres is complete, and is competent to reproduce with a marvelous excellence the chief works of the greatest painters. Notwithstanding the beauty of the sharp-fire colors, and the richness of the palette, much is still left to be desired in the decoration of French hard porcelain. The sharp - fire colors are too limited in number and too delicate to admit of any great variety of effects being drawn from them ; and the colors of the enameling furnace, in spite of their richness, have a capital fault. They are opaque, and they cover the porcelain and hide all of its highly prized qualities. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE. 3i7 Improved processes of decoration have been devised by M. Sal- vetat and M. Ebelmen, of which the manufactory of Sevres has pos- session, and which, I believe, will permit the substitution for painting of a lively and brilliant decoration, as distinct as that of delf, but which will be as superior to that as the material to which it is applied is more precious and delicate. Using these processes, the artists of Sevres will be able to go beyond making commonplace copies of what has been made in the East, and to create a genuine French school of porcelain, restoring that material to the high rank which the artistic delfs have nearly taken away from it. I consider that the manufactory at Sevres, being a national estab- lishment, supported by the country, ought to lay aside the character of a factory, and become a school of ceramics, devoting itself to the search for new processes, for original forms and decorations, to the creation of workmen and artists who shall be masters in their business ; and that it is its absolute duty to give to French industry the results of its investigations. Thus might it become a most useful element in the national industries, and a glory to France and the republic. -+*+- THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EXEECISE* By EMILE DU BOIS-EEYMOXD. ALTHOUGH the reputation of the Romans as a civilized people has somewhat sunken of late, their army -life still awakens un- bounded admiration. The Greeks called their army after the camp, the Macedonians after its formation. To the neo-Latins the army is armed power ; the Germans seem to regard it as a union of the war- riors into a common host. The Romans, on the other hand, as Gibbon has remarked, named their army from exercise. The Greeks aimed at the harmonious development of individuals, without any well-defined purpose. Incessant methodical drill of the manhood, a field of Mars, is essentially a Roman institution, for war was the natural condition of the Roman commonwealth. Overthrown by the barbarian hosts, the regular army disappeared from the world's stage for a thousand years, and the greatest question of controversy for mankind, whether Christian or of Islam, was how once upon a time the quarrel of a clan over a pretty woman was de- cided by single combat of knights before Ilium. With the revival of ancient culture on the threshold of the new time, the drilling of troops came again into its right. No one now doubts that, other things being * An address at the anniversary of the Institute for Military Surgeons, Berlin, August 2, 1881. 3i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. equal, the better-schooled army prevails. Hardly any army deserves better than the Prussian- German the name JExercitus. Before a meet- ing of the physicians of that army it is not inappropriate to consider exercise somewhat in its direct physiological aspect. Boyish excesses have brought the Darwinian doctrine into such bad repute in wide circles that I do not without consideration place myself at its point of view. Yet, whatever view of the world one may take, science, which desires to comprehend the world, will not be prevented from at once representing the world comprehensively ; since it, according to Herr Helmholtz's evident remark, must start out from this presupposition unless it is contradicted at the outset. Only me- chanical conception is science ; when supernaturalism comes in, science ceases. As the jurist takes the law, without considering equity and palliating circumstances, so the naturalist goes on to mechanical con- clusions, without regarding venerable beliefs. It is not his office to reconcile these beliefs with those conclusions. More, the Cuvierian doctrine of repeated creations underlaid by repeated cataclysms has lost all justification since Lyell showed that goeological phenomena have proceeded without general cataclysms, and Darwin has added that species change. Now wre can more intel- ligibly ascribe to the creating Almighty only the action of having placed a first germ of life in previously inanimate nature. Is it not, then, simpler and more worthy of that Almighty to conceive that he at once endowed matter with the power of allowing the living to arise out of itself under definite conditions, without new assistance ? This was Leibnitz's view, and it may be said of it that even the most cautious need not be afraid of it. According to this view, it is the object of natural research to show how the living originated by mechanical processes out of the inorganic, and how, out of this doubt- less most simple life, the present organic nature has been mechanically developed. If we could succeed in filling up the scheme of the theory of descent with real contents, we should know how the series of living beings has unfolded itself during unlimited time and through numer- ous generations, according to certain norms which appear to us as laws of organization. But with this the problem would be only half solved. Living beings are in themselves fitted to their purpose, and adapted to the external conditions of their lives ; they were always so ; and, while they transform themselves according to their surroundings, they not merely adapt themselves to their new conditions, but they also perfect themselves in our human conception. Thus, from this point of view, organic nature appears not only as a machine, but also as a self -improving machine. This second half of the problem demands for its solution the proof that the adaptive process has gone on mechanically, and the only not wholly vague effort to give this proof that has yet been made is the THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE. 3i9 theory of selection. Unfortunately, however, this theory encounters insuperable difficulties as soon as it tries to step from the free-sailing air-balloon of probabilities upon the hard ground of realities. Nothing is easier than to ridicule the doctrine of natural and sexual selection. So much the more earnestly will the seeker for truth seize any means that can contribute anything to the solution of the problem. Is it not now a most promising coincidence that the higher beings exhibit in exercise such a self-improving machinery as we have recognized in the aggregate of life ? From these remote distances of research, which are the peculiar metaphysics of our time, come with me into a blacksmith's shop. The lad who lifts the hammer for the first time to-day soon becomes tired in spite of his splendid muscular foundation. He sweats ; and, when he takes a horseshoe from the master's hands, he burns his fingers. Two years later he can, without sweating, perform the trick illustrating the mechanical theory of heat of pounding cold iron red-hot, and is not afraid to touch the hot metal. What has happened ? First, the lad's arms have increased in compass, their muscles in tension to the highest capacity of contraction. If we could have weighed the muscles of his arms at the beginning of his apprenticeship, and could weigh them now, we should find that they had grown heavier ; as also, according to Edward Weber, the muscles of the right side of the body are heavier than those of the left. The muscles are also the most perfect power-machines — not only in that when active they make the most complete use of the consumed matter ; not only in that, according to Herr Heidenhain, their strength in particular instances increases with the service demanded of them — but they are distinguished above all machines made by man in that by frequent labor-service they become stronger and more capable of enduring further labor. It does not need to be proved that the effect of exercise on the muscles is imme- diate and local, and not transmitted through the favorable influence of bodily exertion on the general organism. Even the Greeks found fault with the disproportionate degree to which boxers trained their arms only, and runners their legs ; and our pugilists and ballet-dancers are illustrations of the same. Under some circumstances the local results of exercise may be destructive to the whole, as when the muscles of the heart suffer hypertrophy in consequence of excessive resistance in some part of the circulation. On the other hand, the surgeon knows only too well that the mus- cles of a stiffened or sprained joint, or of one that has been confined with bandages, become wasted, as do likewise muscles the nerves of which have been cut or that have been otherwise disabled. The part is known which the latter fact, falsely interpreted by the older physiologists, played in the question of what was called the Hal- lerian muscular irritability, till John Reid — at a time when experi- ments on living animals were not prohibited in England — showed 320 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that muscles deprived of their natural innervation could be kept tit for work provided they were electrically excited at sufficiently brief intervals ; an experiment which found an important application in surgery and neuropathology. Even in the midst of health unused muscles pine away, or become pale and powerless, like the ear-muscles of most men. In general, the redness of muscles is related to greater strength in consequence of fre- quent exertions. Herr Ranvier showed that the red and pale muscles occurred together in rabbits and rooks ; that they were distinguished by their structure and by the time required for contraction without its being possible to decide that one set worked more than the other, and without any clew being given to the object of this disposition. Little is known of the microscopic qualities of used and unused muscles. In contrast with the muscles of fattening cattle, working cattle have thicker primitive bundles and coarser sarcolemma, the latter determin- ing the lesser nutritive value of the flesh. According to Herr Vir- chow's terminology, nutritive stimulation has also taken place. In muscles falling away through disuse, as the waste progresses a fatty metamorphosis sets in, against which, as is well known, its ceaseless activity does not protect the heart-muscle. Muscular contraction is accompanied by chemical changes. The blood flows darker from tense than from resting muscles ; they consume more oxygen and form more carbonic acid. An acid permanently reddening litmus is set free in them. Their watery constituents and the amount of substances soluble in alcohol increase in them, while the amount of substances soluble in water diminishes — probably because glycogen is consumed in the con- traction. The albuminous constituents remain about the same, yet the derivatives of albumen known as the flesh bases appear to be richer. That to the last hard-working muscle, the heart, is for this reason a mine of such bodies to the chemist ; and the flesh of a fox that had been shot was found by Liebig to be ten times richer in creatine than that of a captive fox. We are, unfortunately, still very far from understand- ing the connection of these various processes and their relation to mus- cular contraction, that is, to the interchange of isotropic and uniso- tropic substances in the muscular fibers, and to the transformation of mechanical, thermic, and electric forces. We only know that there is involved an increase and modification of a process of change that was already going on during rest, particularly of the oxidation of nitrogen- ous substances, by which, in addition to mechanical labor-service, an apparent surplus of heat is developed. Even the muscles at rest are a seat of respiration and the development of heat in animal bodies. The muscle acts very much like the reserve-locomotive that stands ready for use on the switch, which is all the time burning a little fuel and can be attached to a train or sent to help a disabled engine at any instant, but which requires, in connection with the greater display of force it is to make, a greater consumption of material and expenditure THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE. 321 of heat. Ludwig and Sadler showed on this point that, aside from mechanical hindrances, the blood flows freer and richer through the vessels of the working muscle. This is not only in the sense that new combustible matter is introduced, but also in that the ashes are at the same time swept away from the muscle-hearth ; since, according to the discovery of Herr Johann Ranke, followed out by Hermann Roeber, the acids formed by muscular activity depreciate the mechan- ical and electrical capacity of the muscle, exhaust it chemically as we are accustomed to say, without being able to conceive any other than a chemical exhaustion of the muscle. Still less than of the chemical mechanism of muscular contraction, have we a conception of what takes place chemically in the strengthening of the muscle by exercise, of how it becomes better fitted for work through a higher degree of oxidation, and of why it falls away on the cessation of the changes that take place in it in activity. It seems most natural to think that these effects depend alone upon the increase and diminution of the flow of blood during activity and during rest ; yet this of itself only makes the case darker than if we had not ventured to decide the question in such a way. Chemistry throws the manifold varieties of muscle-flesh which our taste distinguishes with so much refinement generally into one pot ; and the old statement, established in knowledge, that English park-deer tastes flat, is still far from being explained. A subjective explanation is finally to be mentioned. The tired muscle, as long as it is becoming stronger through exercise, gives pain for several days when it is used and when it is pressed upon. Even a muscle which has been once or oftener hardened, or thoroughly trained, gives pain when it is again put to work after a long idleness, as we soon learn when we begin a journey on foot or on horseback. Whoever, after a long interruption in gymnastic exercises, feels no more pain, will make no further progress. The muscles hurt after epileptic spasms. Even if we attempt to ascribe the feeling of the muscles to the nerves of the tendons, joints, and skin, and the Vater- Pacini bodies, we still should not imagine that they bring on the pains in tetanus and trichinosis. Notwithstanding Sach's labors, we are not yet in the light concerning the pathic nerves that bring about these pains. Wherever and however they do it, they also produce muscular aches after exertions. The improvement of the muscles by exercise, little as we know of it, has* been established from antiquity, and, being relatively more familiar, the best case of improvement, is fitted to serve as an ex- ample for similar processes in other tissues. Indeed, the question now is, whether other tissues than the cross-striped muscles are by frequent exercise of their office in the animal household made bet- ter fitted for that office. After what has been said above, we can x . . . with some justification add to this question the many times more vnr. ttt't 9,1 322 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. easily answered one, whether other tissues diminish in consequence of a failure to exercise them in their office. A physiological proof that the smooth muscles are strengthened by exercise is wanting. The adaptation of the eye to near vision dimin- ishes from childhood to age according to a regular law, notwithstand- ing the constant exercise of the faculty ; but it does not follow from this that Briicke's muscle does not gain strength, for its gain may be more than compensated by the growing stiffness of the tissue and the diminished elasticity of the crystalline lens. The fact that men see imperfectly at close range what their occupation gives them little occasion to regard, indicates that Briicke's muscle loses strength when it is not used. The uterus has no occasion to be exercised, for it is active only after long pauses, and gains a portion of new fibers every time for that purpose. We know nothing of the movements of the muscle-maw of the bird, which forms a transition to the cross-striped muscles. On the other hand, such pathological facts as the hyper- trophy of the muscles of the bladder and the pylorus under circum- stances of extraordinary resistance leave no doubt that the smooth muscles, like the cross-striped ones, are strengthened by labor. Thus an empirical basis is given to Herr Rosenthal's supposition that the immunity against cold conferred by cold-bathing depends upon the exercise of the smooth muscles of the skin and their vessels, which are intrusted with the lowering of the co-efficient of cooling of the body in the cold. Cold washing and bathing are the gymnastics of the smooth muscles. The young blacksmith, of whom we spoke a short time ago, had gained another advantage from exercise besides greater strength in the muscles of his arm : he ceased to burn his fingers. Every one knows that the epidermis thickens on those parts of the skin that are frequently subjected to pressure, rubbing, and the touching of hot things and caustic fluids. Handling of tools, rowing, vaulting on the rack and bars, produce a callus chiefly at the ends of the middle-hand bones or in the palms ; glass-blowing produces callus on the inside of the fingers. Recurrent blisters often result in callus. Under the pressure of hard shoes the form of skin-thickening known as corns takes the place of callus. Callus and corns have been histologically investigated, yet we can not tell why the useful callus is formed here, the painful corn there, to say nothing of our having a theory of the processes. They fall in the category of what Herr Virchow calls for- mative stimulation of the cell-complex, and regards, like the nutritive stimulation, as the result of a general and fundamental property of the elementary organisms. An increased supply of matter, immediately conditioned on an increased flow of blood, also takes place here. Since we can not well predicate a vis a fronts, enlargement of the vessels re- mains the only yet possible step toward an understanding, and with this we reach a closed gate before which many other problems are THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE. 323 already encamped, in the question how inflammation and vascular paralysis are distinguished. Our case is also distinguished by the fact that the skin, protected by callus like the practiced muscles, now af- fords better service under similar circumstances. The callus, m par- ticular cases, represents an improvement in the grasping organ. For- mative stimulation also occurs in the muscles ; the contents of the primitive bundle are moved to nucleation through local stimulation, yet . the advantageous stimulation by exercise seems to be almost en- tirely, or chiefly, of a nutritive sort. In like manner as the skin fortifies itself against the repeated touch of hot bodies by means of local calluses, it adapts itself to the heat of the sun through erythema and a change consequent upon it which is accompanied with the development of pigment, although pigment favors the absorption of the sunbeams. The fact is, perhaps, con- nected with this, that it is advantageous to animals to have the side that is turned toward the light of a dark color. Hence, as Moseley observed on the Challenger, JEcheneis rernora has the belly dark, the back light. Heat from artificial sources of a relatively lower temper- ature, which is deficient in refrangible rays, has a remarkably differ- ent effect from sunlight. Workers by the fire are pale. It is still to be seen whether the electric light will take the place of the sunlight in its effect on the skin as it does in the case of plants. Horny structure becomes unfit for its purpose with insufficient use. A remarkable example of this is the cessation of the growth of the hoofs of horses and cattle on the soft turfs of the Falkland Islands, mentioned by Darwin. On the other hand, the hoofs of horses harden on dry, stony soils, as Xenophon teaches in his school for horsemen ; and colts brought up on such soils need no protection. The so-called rider's bones, the exercise-bones, which have not be- come rarer since the introduction of the new armor and the modified drill, but have moved from the left to the right, may be considered as a kind of inner callus, the development of which affords a new ex- emplification of the Osteo-blasten theory. These bones hardly bring any advantage to their possessor, and can not be included among the instances of self-improvement through exercise. It would be too far fetched and groping in a too dark quarter for me to do more than mention here that Ludwig Fick believes that the well-adapted form of the joints may have been derived from exercises during the fetal pe- riod and the earliest days of life. Is it not possible that the splendid formation of the spongy bone-substance in the epiphyses, which was discovered by Hermann Meyer, and further investigated by Julius Wolff, depends on nutritive and formative stimulus in the direction of the greatest pressure and strain ? The injurious effect of insufficient use is shown in this region by the non-growth of the teeth of rodents when they are fed on too soft food, or after the trigeminus has been cut. 324 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The self -improvement of the series of connecting tissues by exer- cise in other members, takes place in a more peculiar manner, rather mechanical than chemical and physiological. The motions of the joints are made easier by exercise ; and making stiff joints movable is one of the most grateful objects of orthopedy. Herr Henke ex- plains the unusual suppleness of the so-called India-rubber men as the result of relaxation of the ligaments, a disappearance of edge-surfaces of bone, and a diminished radius of curvature of the sliding surfaces, but particularly of a prolongation of the flesh-fibers at the expense of the tendons. Possibly an elastic tissue is formed in the ligaments of their limbs. "Whether such a tissue grows in the vocal cords after ex- ercise in vibrating them is still uncertain. To make our statement complete, the increased ease in labor — bought, it is true, at the cost of greater danger of secondary bleedings — of those who have borne many times, belongs here. We may also regard as a self -improvement, although belonging to another region, the relaxing after-birth, and the accompanying reflex action of the breast upon the uterus. The glands are another class of tissues the efficiency of winch is raised by exercise. The sexual glands — the milk- glands and testicles — are known to be capable of remaining at rest for years and even for life, while their tissues are subject to a considerable diminution, as is also normally the case with animals during the intervals between the periods of heat. Inversely the sexual glands attain a wonderful degree of production by means of alternations of rest and activity, as is exemplified by stallions, milch-cows, sheep, and goats. If the breast- glands are not kept exercised by sucking, the udder by milking, they dry up and sink to rest till they are newly excited in sympathetic action with the uterus. The same can not be immediately proved of the fluids of secretory glands, but it is hardly doubtful that a digestive vessel that is kept active by two meals a day, with its glandular attach- ments, will dispose of a larger quantity of the various digestive fluids than that of a penitent. The kidneys of the practiced beer-drinker give passage to an incredible quantity of fluid. Finally, one who reads in the sketches of the manners of the last century of the continual weep- ing of the sentimental men and women of the time, will hardly be able to restrain the presumption that their tear-glands were brought up to the work by practice. We are as ignorant concerning the mech- anism of the self-improvement of the glands through exercise as con- cerning the process of secretion in them. Since this process is different in nearly every gland, according to what nerves are introduced — in one the secreted matter increases ; in another becomes fatty ; in an- other persists unchanged, but receives and gives out matter, or under- goes changes in itself — the problem appears twice as intricate and the information doubly scanty, so that at last we have to do again only with an increased accession of matter and more frequent innervation. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE. 325 The idea of exercise as we have regarded it passes so gradually over to hardening against frequently repeated injuries, that I am tempted to place here also the adaptation of the organism to accustom itself to endure poisons. Without going back as far as King Mithri- dates, many men have by habit made themselves comparatively proof against alcohol, nicotine, and the alkaloids of opium. The North-Ger- mans are only too proof against Pettenkofer's man-poison (my an- thropotoxine) in badly ventilated assembly-halls, railway-carriages, etc., to which fire-place people, like the English, are so sensitive. This inurement can hardly be called self -improvement. You have, perhaps, gentlemen, been waiting in impatient expect- ancy for me to speak on the subject you first thought of when you heard that my address was to be on exercise. By exercise we under- stand commonly the frequent repetition of a more or less complicated action of the body with the co-operation of the mind, or of an action of the mind alone, for the purpose of being able to perform it better. Not without a purpose have I deferred the consideration of this kind of exercise to this point, for it is quite different from the kinds pre- viously spoken of, although those kinds may be connected with it. This fundamental difference has not as yet been duly considered. We seek in vain in most physiological text-books for instruction respect- ing exercise ; if it is given, only the so-called bodily exercises are generally considered, and they are represented as merely exercises of the muscular system ; therefore it is not strange that laymen in medi- cine, professors of gymnastics, and school-teachers generally believe that. Yet it is easy to show the error of this view, and demonstrate that such bodily exercises as gymnastics, fencing, swimming, riding, dancing, and skating are much more exercises of the central nervous system, of the brain and spinal marrow. It is true that those move- ments involve a certain degree of muscular power ; but we can con- ceive of a man with muscles like those of the Farnesian Hercules, who would yet be incompetent to stand or walk, to say nothing of his ex- ecuting more complicated movements. For that we have only to add to our conception the power of arranging the motions suitably, and of causing them to work harmoniously. Thus it becomes clear, if proof were needed, that every action of our body as a motive apparatus depends not less, but more, upon the proper co-operation of the muscles than upon the force of their contraction. In order to execute a composite motion, like a leap, the muscles must begin to work in the proper order, and the energy of each one of them (in Helmholtz's sense) must increase, halt, and diminish according to a certain law, so that the result shall be the proper position of the limbs, and the proper velocity of the center of gravity in the proper direc- tion. We know little as yet of the way in which we impart a definite duration to the energy of the muscles, for our researches have so far informed us upon little else than the convulsions following extremely 326 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. brief excitations, and upon tetanus. Since the nerves only trans- mit the impulses coming from the motor-ganglion cells, it is evident that the peculiar mechanism of the composite movements resides in the central nerve-system, and that, consequently, exercise in such move- ments is really nothing else than exercise of the central nerve-system. This possesses the invaluable property that the series of movements (if we may speak thus), which take place in it frequently after a definite law, are readily repeated in the same order, with the same swell and ebb and intricacy, whenever a singly felt impulse of the will demands it. Thus, all the bodily exercises we have mentioned above are not mere muscle-gymnastics, but also, and that pre-eminently, nerve-gymnastics, if for brevity we may apply the term nerves to the whole nervous system. Johann Miiller, whose explanations, in the second volume of his " Hand-book of Physiology," still appear to me the best that have been written on the theory of movement, has recog- nized this double nature of bodily exercises, but has not sufficiently in- sisted upon it. On this, he makes a remark which strikingly enforces our view; that is, that improvement in exercises of the body often con- sists nearly as much in the suppression of unessential by-motions as in acquiring dexterity in necessary motions. Observe the active boy who for the first time raises himself upon a ladder with his hands. Al- though it is of no use to him, his arms and his legs shake at every grasp. After a few weeks he holds the hips, knee and foot joints of his closely locked legs tautly extended. The suppression of by-motions furnishes unconsciously to us a mark of the pleasing appearance of the well-drilled soldier, of the skilled gymnast, and of the cultivated man ; chorea begins when they are let loose. We know nothing of the mechanism of the suppression of by-motions, yet it is evident that, when muscles remain at rest in the course of exercise, the result of the exercise is not to strengthen them. Under continuous severe exertions, as in mountain-climbing and long walks, the heart begins to beat faster and more strongly, and op- pression of the breath is felt, because, according to Johann Miiller, the heart participates in a by-motion ; in Traube's opinion, because it is stimulated by the excess of carbonic acid formed in the laboring muscles. How is it, then, that exercise diminishes these palpitations ? Is it by means of the vagus nerve ? Perspiration under exertion may also be regarded as a by-secre- tion as well as the greater secretion of saliva in speaking and chewing ; and the diminished perspiration of our blacksmith when taught would then be the suppression of this by-secretion, which might be compared to a by-movement, through exercise. The beating of the -heart and perspiration are, however, involuntary, and it is very questionable whether we can refer the stopping of them by means of exercise to such processes. Still, something else than the control of the muscles by the motor- THE PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE. 327 nervous system comes into consideration in most composite movements. The sight, the sense of pressure, and the muscular sense, and finally the mind, must be prepared to take in the position of the body at each instant, so that the muscles may be in a proper state of adjustment ; this is plainly shown in the exercises of fencing, playing billiards, rope-dancing, vaulting on horses in motion, or leaping down a mountain- slope. Thus not only the motor, but the sensor nervous system also, and the mental functions, are capable of being exercised and need it ; and the muscles again appear to acquire a deeper importance in gym- nastics. What is said here of the coarser bodily movements applies equally to all skilled work, of the highest as well as of the lowest kind. Although a Liszt, or a Rubinstein, without an iron muscularity of arm, can not be thought of, and although, likewise, the movements of Joachim's bow during a symphony may correspond to many kilo- grammemetres, still their power as virtuosos resides in their central nerve-system. The readiness of the turner, the machinist, the watch- maker ; of the glass- blower and glass-polisher ; the skill of the anat- omist and surgeon ; writing and drawing ; womanly labors like sewing and knitting, crocheting and lace-making ; finally, the hardly consid- ered yet more or less artful performances of daily life, dressing and undressing, the use of the sponge, comb and brush, knife and fork — what are they all at last but acquired concatenations of the actions of ganglion cells which, after they have often run on in an appointed course, now succeed each other in the same manner with qualified facil- ity, catching into each other, pausing and resuming again, like the voices in an artfully composed concert ? When Lessing asked whether Ra- phael would have been any the less a great painter if he had been born without hands, he perceived this truth. Is it necessary to add that the same principle applies to all the movements as well as to those of the hands ; that, for example, vocal culture rests upon no other one ? Singers need not only flexible vocal cords, strong respiratory and laryngeal muscles, ringing resonance of the air-passages — all these would in themselves alone be of no more use to them than a Stradi- varius violin to a wood-cutter — their talent has its root in the gray sub- stance at the base of the fourth ventricle. Here also is concealed, but awaiting a higher command, exercising its functions through the hinder third of the left third convolution, the machinery of the speech mechanism, as bulbar paralysis sadly teaches. It is very remarkable in all these processes that the more any com- posite movement is practiced, the more unconscious is the act of the nervous system directing it, until at last the latter can not be distin- guished from spontaneous nervous mechanisms like the involuntary re- flex and by-movements. Erasmus Darwin remarked that, when any one learns to turn, each movement of the hands seems at first to be directed by the will, but that at last the action of the hands becomes so at one with the effect that the turner's will seems to reside in the 328 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. cutting of his knife — that is, that he unconsciously puts it in the right position. Practice further exhibits its influence upon the nervous system on its purely sensory side, abstracted from all movement. It sharpens and corrects the musical ear, and teaches it to perceive over-tones, in- exact intervals, and slight dissonances. The local sense and the color sense of the eye are improved by practice. It teaches the wonderful arts of quick reading, of taking in fleeting phenomena like the vibra- tions of the magnetic needle, of bringing the sight of the gun to bear on the black of the target. It teaches to distinguish copies and all kinds of subjective appearances, to comprehend at a glance micro- scopic pictures that pass before the beginner in superficial confusion, in such a way that it is very hard to draw the line between exercise of the sense and that exercise of the judgment over the impressions of sense that is called visits eruditus. As exercise induces the discontinu- ance of unused muscles, it also teaches us to neglect unused images, such as the double images of the points of the picture outside of the horopter ; or, in looking through an optical instrument, the impres- sions made upon the unengaged eye. Yet no practice appears to break through the law according to which the points of the retina in indi- rect vision receive attention only transiently and with a certain effect. Although it is hardened against bad smells, the nose of the chemist is the rival of spectrum analysis in delicacy. It would be unjust to say that the wine-connoisseurs of Bordeaux can discriminate concerning the place of the growth of a vintage, while only its age is in question with them. Not less susceptible of cultivation are the perceptions of temperature, pressure, and locality. The last, especially, measured according to the least distance at which two bodies, nearly in contact, still separate, may be distinguished, become sharpened by practice in the course of a few days — giving one of the arguments which oppose a purely anatomical definition of the range of feeling. As exercise refines the senses, neglect stupefies them, and that not merely in consequence of the apathy of the organ. After destroying the eyes and ears of new-born puppies, Herr Hermann Munk observed that what he had recognized as the visory and auditory spheres of the brain borders were backward in development. According to Hugue- nin, blindness of many years' duration results in waste of the visory spheres. <»» A CUEIOUS BURMESE TRIBE. By Lieutenant G. KEEITLEE, OF COUNT SZECIIENYl's CENTRAL ASIAN EXPEDITION. IN our journey from Sayang in Yunnan to Bhamo in Burmah, we became acquainted with a race of mountaineers who are called Kacheen by the Burmese, but who call themselves Chingpos. They A CURIOUS BURMESE TRIBE. 329 are a small, delicate people, whose brightly-beaming eyes contrast strongly with their reserved behavior. The faces of the men as well as of the women can not be called unhandsome. The head is oval and well-shaped, the eyes are horizontal, the nose is strong and straight, the ruddy lips are finely cut, and the teeth are blackened with betel- juice. All the hard work among the Kacheen is done by the women and girls, who are up in the morning at their household duties while the men are still in bed. The woman does not venture to raise her eyes when she speaks with her husband or her employer. She has no concern about the business or enterprises that he is engaged in, but considers everything good and unquestionable that he orders ; and the subjection of the women goes to the extent that the death of one is lamented as a pecuniary loss, because the laboring force is diminished by it ; and a family that has several daughters is for that reason considered rich. The women are all the time at work, cutting down trees, splitting wood and bringing it to the house, cutting roads through the thickets, driving the cattle to pasture, cleaning the house, getting the meals, and weaving cloth. The men perform no manual labor, or, at most, will once in a while go out into the field and show the women in a rough way how the tillage ought to be done. Their principal busi- ness is to visit their neighbors, to drink sheru (a sweet drink made from rice), and smoke opium. Only in case of pressing need will they take their mules and their women and go to Bhamo and get loads of goods to take to China. Marriages among the lower classes are mere business affairs, in which the dowry and physical strength of the bride are the first considerations. Among the higher classes weddings are regarded as important events, and are distinguished by particular usages and ceremonies. When a death occurs, the relatives make the sad event known to their neighbors by firing guns. When the friends are gathered to- gether, a part of the number go into the woods to prepare the coffin, while the others sacrifice to the household gods. The coffin is hewed out, after sacrificing a hen, at the place where the tree is cut, and the part where the head is to lie is blackened with coal. The corpse is washed, dressed in new clothes and laid in the coffin, with a piece of silver in its mouth to pay its ferriage over the river. The old clothes of the deceased are laid, with a dish of rice, upon the grave, and rice is scattered along the road on the way home. The mourners after- ward assemble and celebrate the event with singing, dancing, and drinking, as long as the sheru lasts. Persons who die by the sword are wrapped in a straw mat and buried as soon as possible, and the friends build a hut for the wander- ing spirit of the slain. A similar custom prevails with regard to those who die of small-pox, and to women who die in childbirth. In the 33o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. latter case, the Kaclieen believe that the dead are changed into evil spirits, and for that reason young women have an indescribable horror of such a death. It is evident from these facts that the religion of the Kacheen has nothing in common with Buddhism. Their religion includes the belief in a Supreme Being who has created everything, in a heaven and a hell, and a future state of rewards and punishments ; but the views of individuals do not give the slightest clew to a clear definition of their faith. The mountaineers, however, all agree in a caltus, which con- sists in giving honors to the so-called Nats, or tutelary genii. They also believe that the spirits of murdered persons, under the name of Munda, make the mountains unsafe, and that they take possession of those persons over whom a similar fate is pending. The Kacheen have an unwritten language, and a very primitive method of computing time. Their year begins on the day when they begin to eat the newly harvested rice, and ends on the day that a dish of fresh rice is again gathered. Slavery has existed among them from a considerable antiquity. Boys and girls are stolen in Assam and sold to wealthy Kacheenese. A young slave is worth about twenty dollars, a full-grown man only about ten dollars. The lot of the slaves is not very hard, and their children are regarded as more or less members of the family. The food of the people consists of rice, beans, pork, and dried fish imported from Burmah. The men eat separately from the women. Their towns are composed of from three to ten houses, each of which is surrounded by a stone-wall about six feet high. We were always required to dismount before passing the wall, for the mountaineers have religious scruples against allowing persons to ride on horseback into their courts. The houses are light bamboo structures, without iron or stone work. A north-and-south passage leads into the interior, which strangers are allowed to enter only from the south. First we passed a stable, whose fence was adorned with the horned skulls of buffaloes, and the marshy floor of which yielded at every step. A few steps led to the dwelling-house proper, which appeared to be divided into a western and an eastern half. The western part consisted of a series of closed rooms, the eastern half of three apartments open toward the long pas- sage, in the middle and largest of which was built the hearth, where a fire was "constantly kept up. The head of the house and his family live in the inclosed rooms, the domestics and slaves in the opposite rooms. The floors are of plank, and kept clean, and the ceiling is identical with the smoke-blackened roof. The whole house is built on piles. The few other domestic buildings are grouped around the inclosure-walls, and are commonly situated on the edge of the thick and gloomy forest. The Kacheen call all their chiefs, who rule each over a small terri- tory, Tsobwa. The Tsobwa receives yearly from his subjects as tithes PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY. 331 a large basket of rice and a quarter of the meat whenever a do- mestic animal is slaughtered ; and he exacts a small toll from every caravan that passes through his domain. His office is hereditary, as is also that of his prime minister, who is called Pomein. The chief himself administers justice; but in important cases he calls a council, which meets either around the fire in the house or in the open air. These chiefs seem to be quite independent, and only indirectly under the influence of the Chinese Government. The relations between the Kacheen and the Burmese are of constant hostility, frequently break- ing out in murderous outrages. The country of this people is a broad strip of land extending from the Snowy Mountains of the north, be- tween the valleys of the Tapeng and the Irrawaddy, to about the twenty-fourth parallel of latitude. -♦•♦♦- PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY. By GEORGE ILES. THE problems of property form an interesting department of social science. They involve questions as to the growth and distribu- tion of wealth, the province of government with respect thereto, and similar inquiries scarcely susceptible of treatment by formal scientific methods. Still, the subject is one of sufficient importance to warrant a brief sketch of it appearing in the magazine which was the first to give the American public a scientific exposition of the principles of sociology. The institution of property is, in many quarters of the world, find- ing active criticism. German and French socialism, Russian nihilism, the Irish Land League, and weighty utterances by the leaders of thought in Europe and America, all declare that the institution of property re- quires reconsideration and reform. It is very commonplace, indeed, to say that respect for the rights of property insures the chief stimulus to industry, intelligence, and thrift ; yet, in the complexity of modern life, the distribution of wealth has become so unequal that discussion of how justice may be feasibly and safely introduced into the laws and customs affecting property is of urgent importance. The natural dif- ferences among men in the way of aptitude and ability are always wide enough to cause a variety in human fortunes sufficiently trying to the less capable classes of mankind, were there at work no other cause for disparity in worldly success. When, however, in addition to having to accept the smaller reward in the smaller sphere, the man of but moderate or little ability has to suffer the restrictions which come from the artificial enactments of law and society, discontent easily takes root in his heart and flourishes. 332 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The spur to the accumulation of wealth is undoubtedly sharpened by the power of bequeathing one's possessions to one's family and friends ; yet it is this power of bequest, gradually increased through the centuries to its present breadth, which furnishes the most difficult part of the problem of property. Re-enforced in Great Britain by the laws of entail and primogeniture, it has led to the concentration in the hands of a few of a large proportion of the entire wealth of the coun- try. The heirs of unearned lands, houses, and funds are without the healthy natural spur to useful work which universal experience declares necessity to furnish ; and subtile moral poison is distributed through society when, as in Great Britain, long trains of bequest bestow the choicest estates and social positions in the realm upon a few individ- uals through the mere accident of birth. When merit and the means of enjoyment are so often unrelated, as we see them in Great Britain, there is valid ground for complaint and a plain source of envy on the part of the millions apportioned to toil, while some have unearned luxury and ease. Is it right that, because a man, centuries ago, was successful in battle or a favorite of his king, or generations ago was engaged in lucrative trade and thus gathered possessions together, his posterity should be maintained for indefinite time by the working world ? And is it right that his descendants should reap richer and richer rewards, as years roll by, from the increase in value conferred ujDon their estates as the surrounding population grows more numerous and advances in intelligence and industry ? Why should books and inventions, which are peculiarly the creations of a man, be so imperfectly protected, and only confer rights terminable in a few years, when rights in ordinary property are so nearly absolute ? Such are the questions which are being put to the political economists and legislators of to-day, and their just and peaceful solution will demand a wisdom and forbearance which we may be disappointed in expecting. The most patent evils with which the institution of property is commonly charged are those connected with land, and here it is that the agitation for property reform has usually begun. The researches of Sir Henry Maine and M. Laveleye show that the primitive cul- tivation of land was communal. Such still is the Russian mir and Swiss Allmend. Under communal systems every child born upon the land was guaranteed subsistence, and wide disparity in fortune be- tween individual and individual was scarcely possible, so that pauper- ism was unknown. How the communal systems gave birth to our existing methods of individual possession M. Laveleye tells in an in- teresting way in his work on "Primitive Property." The practical fact which concerns us is that, among civilized nations individual prop- erty is established and is held to need reform. The change from com- munal and clan ownership of land to the tenure of recent times has been attended by a gradual divorce of the responsibility which for- merly attached to land-owning ; if the responsibility now exists at all, PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY. 333 it does so as a moral feeling which may be neglected with no legal - penalty and often no social odium. The Duchess of Sutherland could banish the occupants from the estates which their ancestors had tilled for centuries, and convert the land into pastures, yet legal resource there was none. A sybarite Marquis of Hertford could live in Paris for thirty years together, with an income of ninety thousand pounds, and dismiss without a reply a deputation of his Irish tenants petition- ing for assistance in building a much-needed railway. Could the orig- inal founders of the two families thus unworthily rejDresented have treated their retainers and tenantry thus haughtily and unjustly, and not suffer for it ? I think not. The rules of property, devised with a limited glance into future time, and with no expectation of the vast strides in population and wealth wThich the world has made during the past century, have had very awkward strains put upon them — strains which they were not originally expected or intended to bear. The rise of manufacturing towns and the drift of the rural population to the cities have conferred upon land-owners an immense multiplication of their fortunes, and made the incomes of many of them aggregate sums far beyond the legitimate demand of mortal, and this to the plain deprivation of the public. Mark, too, the influence of the landlord in legislation. Note the privilege which attends his claims even in America. In Great Britain in 1G92 the tax on land was one fifth of its annual value, now it is about one fifth of that fraction. Landlords have thus grossly evaded their fair share of taxation. And note what horrid suffering and violences, often unpardonable, have been necessary to give Ireland such measure of land-reform as she enjoys to-day. The agita- tion against primogeniture and entail grows constantly in force in Great Britain, and the reform begun in Ireland and hastened there by differ- ences in race and religion between landlords and tenants must of its justice spread to the sister island in time. The complaint against property has, I think, been unduly directed against land, perhaps because land used to be the chief form of wealth. Real estate may present the most evident cases of abused privilege, but the main social difficulty, it appears to me, is the undue accumu- lation of wealth of any kind. The land of the world is certainly lim- ited in quantity, but so are other forms of wealth : houses, mills, ma- chinery, railways, and merchandise — all these, though vast in amount, are something short of infinite ; and while land, as in America, is freely exchangeable for these other things, no special harm attaches to undue possession of it. And if it be said that these other things differ from land in that they can be indefinitely increased in amount, such an in- crease may be fairly compared with the settlement of barren territory in old countries, or of virgin soil in new. The forms of wealth other than land, while practically quite as limited in quantity, are quite as necessary to human life, so that, in their arguments against excessive 334 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. holding of land, political economists have perhaps paved the way for a more radical discussion of the rights of property than they ever an- ticipated. ~No landlords have ever been more oppressive to a community, or levied more odious exactions, than the merchants and speculators who in the United States corner coal or pork, or the manufacturers who, secure in a close, protected market, combine to extort from consumers an exorbitant price for oil and chemicals. Canadian cotton-mills, which before the rise in the tariff, effected in 1878, were paying about eight per cent in dividends annually, since then have earned double and treble such profits at the public expense. The broad question of property, not the narrow one of land, is up for discussion, and it can not be dis- missed with inadequate treatment. At the dawn of the present manu- facturing era, in the days of Watt and Arkwright, about a century ago, there was a hope widely prevalent that the conquered forces of nature, acting through the ingenious machinery and processes so rap- idly brought forth at that time, would greatly improve the lot of the poor. That hope, so creditable to the hearts of the men who enter- tained it, remains unfulfilled. The poor, it may be admitted, have been improved in condition, but have they proportionately shared in the enormous aggregate increase of national wealth ? The development of the past century's manufacturing and trading industry in the exist- ing moral and social circumstances has been attended by the constantly growing contrast between colossal fortunes on the one hand and the earning of a mere livelihood on the other. The masses toil as hard as ever, for all the steam-engines, the railways, and complicated machinery applied to every form of industry. The chief result, and certainly an unsatisfactory one, is that the luxury of a few increases. Within re- cent years palace-building has begun in America, and sums have been lavished upon the homes of railroad and mining kings to an extent equal to the making cheerful and wholesome whole quarters of cities occupied by the squalid tenements of toilers. With industry highly specialized, and becoming more and more so year by year ; with the web of a credit competition continually increasing in complexity and liability, leading to panics more severe with every recurrence, there is manifest danger to property — danger, because these stresses of busi- ness entail suffering beyond description among the working-classes, and, under some sharp distress, they may make a savage and ill-con- sidered attack on capital. Let Pittsburg and Baltimore justify the assertion. Popular discontent has in all ages been a dangerous thing, but how much more so than ever now, when a numerical majority — that is, the poor — control legislation, elect the executive, and levy taxes ! In the last analysis the rights of property depend upon the popular will, and the people can readily modify existing rights in what they may take to be the general good. Fourier and Saint-Simon did not speak to PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY. 335 a nation enjoying universal suffrage, nor were Utopias ever before 'preached to men who might practically attempt their establishment. The wide diffusion of popular knowledge through the schools, the press, and the platform, in these latter days, has made the discussion of such questions as that before us very general and very earnest. Workingmen's newspapers of wide circulation debate the pros and cons of the land and other problems fearlessly and with much good sense. The extension of the suffrage and the progress of political re- form have taken such subjects out of the small circle where only speculative thinkers used to discuss them, and brought them home to the great masses of the working population, into whose hands the reins of legislation must more and more directly come. Trades-unions have made workmen sensible of the power of union and organization, and the benefits they have derived from their combinations have led to a wide-spread capacity for acting in concert scarcely known among them until this generation. While in England and on the Continent of Europe property is much more unequally held than in America, it is evident that there are forces at work in the New World which are creating problems similar to those in the Old. Competent observers declare that wealth is passing more and more into the hands of the wealthy, the manners of the wealthy class are improving — they are gradually becoming an aristoc- racy in all but name ; and, as the societies of the older cities become more and more cultivated, I think we may see a large proportion of wealthy families retaining their possessions for generations as they do abroad. It used to be thought that the sons or grandsons of rich Americans could be relied upon to give back to the community their inherited wealth through demoralization and incompetence ; but that reliance is proved baseless in a noteworthy proportion of cases in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Fifty years ago the wealthiest man in America had a fortune of ten millions, let us say ; now, the wealth- iest citizen of the United States has a fortune estimated at from' ten to fifteen times as much ; and the proportionate increase in the extent of fortunes of the second and third magnitude has been similar. Has the wealth of the average citizen increased in anything like this de- gree ? And such democratic social intercourse as we possess has its dangers — the intermingling in society in this country of people com- paratively poor with those comparatively rich implants in those of restricted incomes a desire to live expensively, which would less often be the Case were class lines as distinctly drawn here as they are across the Atlantic. Into the question of the social advantages to a community of a very wealthy and leisured class I do not enter, but in passing would note that perhaps the worthiness and manliness, as a rule, of the British aristocracy have done very much toward their privileges being re- spected in these times of radicalism. And contrariwise, the sharpest 336 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. disgust against property has been expressed in the democratic far West, where refinement unpossessed of wealth jostles with the coarse ostentation of the bonanza kings. The conquest of the weak by the strong, which must date from the very dawn of trade as from the first morning of life, has . been more remarkable than ever within the last generation or two. The new methods of rapid or instantaneous communication bring vast commer- cial fields under the scrutiny of the keenest business intellects, and the local knowledge of the small trader is overborne in competition by the capital, adroitness, or unscrupulousness of his metropolitan adversary. Modern business economy favors vast organizations which absorb fee- ble competitors, and convert men who were independent principals into the servants of a master-will, whether controlling an individual firm or a corporation. The danger to the public interest in the growth of great monopo- lizing companies is proved in the case of the Western Union Telegraph Company, which had nominally a capital of eighty million dollars a year ago, upon which it had to pay dividends. Nearly fifty-five of the eighty millions was, however, fictitious stock — water, in the language of Wall Street (see " North American Review," March, 1881). In the " Atlantic Monthly " for March, 1881, it is stated that the Standard Oil Company refines nineteen twentieths of the coal-oil of the United States, and robs the public of eight and three quarter cents per gallon by its monopolizing control. And what makes the abuses of property so difficult of legislative reform is that monopolists in their schemes avail themselves of business rules which, in their ordinary working, are legitimate, and can not be safely interfered with. If a Legislature enacts that a company shall not divide more than ten per cent annu- ally as profit, that company is sold out to another, and both of them can pay dividends up to ten per cent. Competition is abolished by exercise of the right of purchase and sale, whereby competing railway, steamboat, or telegraph lines may be controlled by a single capitalist or syndicate ; the operation being aided by banking facilities whereby stocks can be pledged as collateral security for loans equal to eighty or ninety per cent of their market value. The presidents and di- rectors of great companies who organize such operations, and who have at all times special and early information of the influences likely to affect the value of their stocks, either directly or through agents, and the margin system, frequently add large sums to their fortunes at the expense of ignorant shareholders. The ordinary operator in Wall Street loses simply because he plays against men whose dice are loaded. The tendency to corporate and wholesale management so plain in the vast enterprises of the country is manifest in the less noticeable. In the Western States the factory-system has invaded the corn-fields : grand culture, as it is called, has come into vogue ; large capital, elab- orate steam-machinery, and regiments of laborers, are cultivating the PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY. 337 soil, and not scores of independent families with their personal inter- ests and all the healthy influences of an independent, self-reliant struggle. In manufacturing and trading, as well as in farming, the strong large companies and houses are absorbing the weaker, and the fortunate ones who head the movement tend to become proportionately fewer as the process goes on. Every child now born into the world's theatre finds most of the best seats taken, and a good many of the second best. In all this I think there is danger, for which it is be- coming necessary that preventives were thoughtfully sought. Without deliberately facing the problem of have and icant, there has been for ages a lurking, unconscious impression abroad that the differences in human fortunes are apt to injuriously widen — that the very poor have a moral claim upon the rich ; that somehow, if human affairs were once to be placed on a basis of right, there would be none very poor, and so roundabout justice has for long been calling itself charity. The English poor-laws, dating from Elizabeth, which guar- antee the natives of a parish support by the parish, is the most note- worthy example of this. Perhaps the next most striking example is our modern state education, which goes beyond the enforcing on a parent of bis child's education — as it enforces its provision of food, clothes, and shelter — and, as it seems that these latter expenses are all the parent can usually bear, the child of the poor man is sent to school chiefly at the charge of the rich and well-to-do. The attempt at rec- tifying, however crudely, somewhat of the current social injustice, reconciles many to the measure who would otherwise oppose it on the high grounds of liberty and the inviolable responsibility which should remain with a parent — for why should bread not be given to the children by the state as well as books ? Besides public-school education, there have been many commend- able attempts within recent years at reducing the glaring inequalities of fortune so common and so undesirable. Public parks, libraries, museums, picture-galleries, and hospitals have been established with public funds for the popular good ; and wealthy men have given large gifts to them, recognizing the responsibility of riches and doing some- thing for the toilers who have brought their accumulations together. Yet if we are to expect more of justice in the institution of property as time goes on, we may expect to see the circle of charity recede as opportunities for its exercise diminish. Having briefly and very imperfectly stated some of the evils which attend {he present methods of distributing and accumulating property, let us proceed to glance at the principal remedies suggested for their correction. The formal proposals for the righting of the wrongs of property have begun usually with land. In Great Britain not only re- formers and philosophers, but parliamentary commissioners have again and again pronounced against the laws and customs of primogeniture and entail. These laws and customs are held to lead to unduly large VOL. XXI. — 22 338 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. estates — estates so vast as to be unwieldy in management, interposing factors and stewards too often between landlord and tenant ; these vast estates yield incomes culpably great and so enormous that their recipients are often indifferent to improvements in farming in com- parison with proprietors of small farms, and much land is wasted by being held for mere sport. When the holder of an entailed estate quarrels with his heir, the land suffers, that the personal property which may be freely bequeathed may be increased. Such quarrels, if we are to follow the experience of common life, are usually due in part to qualities in the heir which would make him less worthy of the estate than some relative or kinsman to whom the holder might be- queath it were he free to use his judgment. Mr. Kinnear, who has written a most sensible book on the subject of property in land, argues convincingly that the diffusion of property rather than its aggregation is desirable, holding that nationally prop- erty will be found to be accumulated more rapidly in the former case than in the latter, while at the same time comfort and content will be more common. He speaks from wide experience in Great Britain, France, and the Channel Islands. Mr. Kinnear suggests that there be limits placed to the amount bequeath able to an individual, so that very large estates may become divided. In common with the majority of competent observers, he prefers the French tenure of small parcels of land to the British tenure of great estates, but he regards the French compulsory division of the bulk of a property at a father's death among his children as wrong : were the father free to will to whom he pleased, the moral effect would be beneficial. Children grow disobedient and unfilial when they know they can not be set aside. And speaking of wills, the custom of making what should be naturally one of the saddest events in life the occasion of coming into a father's estate is severely commented upon by the sup- porters of Russian and other communal systems of tenure. In the Russian mir, when a young man becomes of age, he enters into the enjoyment of a share in the common estate, and the effects of this difference are said to be observable in the stronger family feelings which the Russian peasantry cherish in comparison with their West- ern brethren. The sad experience of King Lear and the painful presence of the gaping heir are both avoided by those sensible men of wealth who are their own executors to as great an extent as may consist with the reserve of a personal competence. The individual holding of land as in France, Germany, England, and America, has been opposed by a great many thinkers and popular leaders. The chief objection lodged against it has been that land, being as absolutely necessary to human subsistence as air and water, it should be as free from monopoly as these ; for as the accumulations of a single holder go on there is risk of his being able to drive people forth PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY. 339 where monopolists like himself do not exist, or, in conjunction with other such monopolists, order people off the face of the earth ! The second objection made to the present nearly absolute holding of real estate is that, particularly in America, and in Great Britain during the past century, the growth of population, the advance of manufacturing towns, and general progress in trade and commerce, have had the effect of enormously enhancing the value of land, increasing rents, without owners having given the community any equivalent whatever. Now, this unearned increment, as it is called, has bestowed upon some British noblemen and American land-owners many millions of value conferred by the mass of the people. This evident injustice is especially pressing in America, where there can be no doubt that, if the tenure of land remains as it is, the value of land apart from the im- provements which labor may effect upon it, will be multiplied greatly within a century. Various remedies have been proposed to correct the evil. The nationalization of land as suggested by Mr. Herbert Spencer has special reference to the United Kingdom. He would have the Gov- ernment buy all the land from its owners at current market rates, and let it on competition. Mr. Fawcett, in his criticism of this suggestion, estimates the value of British lands and houses, apart from mines and railways, at £4,500,000,000. This enormous sum exceeds by six times the British national debt, and the raising of so large a sum as a loan in purchase would probably enhance the rate of interest one per cent beyond its present rate, and beyond the present rate of return received as rent. An annual deficit of £50,000,000 is calculated as the probable result of carrying out the proposal. Besides the special value attach- ing to individual possession, a value forming part of the current prices of land would be abolished when nationalization took place, and purely economic rents, minus the expense of an objectionable government control, would form the revenue to be credited against the interest on the purchase-money. One of the leading pleas for nationalization of the land is the dep- rivation suffered by those who own none; but could not complaint be directed with .equal propriety against lessors by all other citizens who would have to accept subleases ? The sole benefit that could be hoped for from this scheme of nationalization would be the absorption in coming time of the appreciation in value due to increased density of population and other causes. This appreciation, if it takes place at all in the generations of the near future, is not likely to be other than moderate in the United Kingdom. Mr. Henry George, of San Francisco, in his striking book, "Progress and Poverty," advocates much more heroic treatment of the evil of unearned increment. The constantly increasing tax of landlords, as tenants multiply an