ESTABLISHED BY EDWARD L. YOUMANS. THE POPULAE SCIENCE MOI^THLT EDITED BY JVILZrA3I JAY Y0U3IANS. VOL. XL. NOVEMBER, 1S9J^TQ APRIL, 1892. NEW YORK : D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, AOT) 5 BOND STREET. 1893. R DONATED nv Twa COPTEIGHT, 1892, bt d. appleton and company. JAMES CURTIS BOOTH. \ \ THE ~K * POPULAR SCIEN0¥ MONTHLY. NOVEMBER, 1891 UNIVERSITY EXTENSION". By C. HANFOED HENDEESON. ONE can scarcely fail to notice, in the intellectual life of America, how very rapidly a new thought sweejDS across the continent. It travels with almost the speed of the whirlwind. The storm center is commonly Boston or New York or Philadel- phia, and progress is toward the westward. At once the impulse is felt in Chicago and Denver and San Francisco. A new book, a new creed, or a new social ideal easily gains the popular ear. Like the Epicureans and Stoics, we delight to hear a new thing. It can not be said that this interest is always, or even generally, a profound or fruitful one. But it has at least this advantage, that it secures a speedy hearing for such ideas as are put in a form suitable for assimilation, and this alone is no inconsiderable gain. The educational movement known as university extension is an admirable illustration of this national alertness and versatility. It is a movement capable of very definite presentation and of calling up equally definite mental images. As a result, it is now familiar in name at least to the majority of our people, and it has become so in a surprisingly short space of time. Returned trav- elers from England have whispered the name in private for sev- eral years past. Certain phases of the movement, such as the Toynbee Hall experiment of planting a colony of culture-loving men in the arid district of London, have for some time attracted attention on both sides of the water. But, as a distinct object of public interest and discussion in America, university extension is hardly two years old. It was not until the winter and spring of 1890 that the movement took rank as a question of the day. Out- side of the larger and more interested cities, and possibly even within their borders, it may still be that the name of the move- TOL. XL. — 1 31769 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ment is more familiar than tlie idea for which, it stands. It is the purpose, then, of the present article to state briefly — as becomes the importance of the subject — just what university extension is, somewhat of its history, and what claim it has for a permanent place in our intellectual life. University extension has been well defined as a university education for the whole nation by an itinerant system connected with established institutions. I confess that this sounds ideal, the proposition to educate the whole nation on higher lines, but that is precisely what the move- ment means. It means that any one in any place and at any time may take up advanced work in any department of human knowl- edge, and that qualified men stand ready and willing to help him. I feel that this is a most significant statement — so significant. Indeed, that I may be pardoned for having said the same thing twice. Our people as a whole are not intellectual and are not culture- loving. They are not given to what Emerson calls the reasonable service of thought. The majority of them are the servants of a much less noble master. It can not be expected, therefore, that so large an idea as forms the germ of university extension will meet with anything like immediate fruition. But it is a leaven which is well worth setting to work. The success of the movement is already well enough assured to demonstrate that in any com- munity there are unsuspected numbers with a turn for higher education, and such an attitude of mind is apt to spread. That is the end — to permeate the nation, the whole American people, with a taste for culture, and then to provide means for satisfying it. It is admitted that such a taste does not generally exist, but it is believed that it can be brought into being. No right-minded person, I think, will quarrel with this purpose, pro- vided it can be shown that the proposed culture is genuine and not merely a veneer. The method, too, is correspondingly simple, and it seems to me quite adequate. It would be an impossible task to civilize all America at once. The Philistine element is much too strong for that. If the movement attempted such a task it might well be regarded as overly optimistic. But it is really as practical in its methods as a paper-box factory. It is going to attempt no regeneration in the lump, nor to force its wares where they are not wanted. What it is doing and going to do is simply this, to put the higher education within reach of those who care for it, and through these to stimulate others also to want the same thing. It might be well described as a mission- ary movement conducted on scientific principles. Unharnessed to events, the scheme would read somewhat like a dream. It will be better, then, to give an account of it by telling UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. 3 just wliat is being done in England, and what is being done and planned in America. It is well to begin with England, as being the older and better organized field. For my knowledge of the work there I am indebted to the conversations of friends who have attended the Oxford meetings, and to various reports and pamphlets, but most of all to an admirable little book on Uni- versity Extension by Messrs. Mackinder and Sadler, which I would strongly commend to those who care to go further into the details and history of the English movement. The work in England is divided among four organizations: the London Society for the Extension of University Teaching, the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, and Victoria University. While there may be some friendly rivalry as to which shall most abound in good works, it must not be thought that the organizations are in competition with one another. This would indeed be impossible in the case of the London Society, since its staff of lecturers includes those of both Cambridge and Oxford as well. The chief business of these central offices is to provide lecturers and to arrange courses. It must be constantly kept in mind that they are essentially teach- ing organizations and by no means mere lecture bureaus. It is true that university extension does not disdain to present knowl- edge in an attractive form. It makes an admitted effort to be en- tertaining. But this is only a means to an end. The main object is more serious, and consequently no course is ever given on mis- cellaneous topics. The unit consists of twelve weekly lectures on one approved subject. Such a course, therefore, covers three months and constitutes one term in the extension work. There are two a year, the fall and spring terms, separated by the Christ- mas holidays. Now that the movement is well established, a strong effort is being made to bring the studies into close educa- tional sequence, and to have the work of succeeding terms con- tinue what has been done previously. This is not always pos- sible, for university extension studies are strictly elective and are never administered in prescribed amounts. But it represents the ideal and the more intelligent students clearly see the ad- vantage of continuous and related work in place of indiscrimi- nate browsing. The central offices do not, however, assume the initiative. They are the agents and inspirers of the local ■ centers. The movement generally starts in any given neighborhood by the in- terest and effort of one individual, or perhaps by the concerted action of several. The known friends of education in the locality are called upon, and the question of forming a center discussed. If the scheme seems feasible, a public meeting is arranged, great care being taken that it shall have no religious, political, or class 4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. coloring. A speaker goes to tliem from one of the nniversities and explains the extension plan. If the impression produced be favorable and the question of ways and means do not hinder, the meeting results in the formation of a local center, and a per- manent secretary and a board of managers are aj)iDointed. A subject is then chosen, and application made to one of the central offices for a lecturer. In many cases a particular lecturer is asked for, as the extension men are coming to have pretty widely known reputations, and the public naturally selects the most popular. The question of finance now comes in. The universi- ties supply qualified lecturers, arrange courses, and hold examina- tions, but the expenses must be guaranteed by the local centers. The work does not pay for itself, but then no scheme for higher education ever does. The receipts from the sale of lecture tickets may generally be counted upon to meet half the expenses of the course. The rest must be provided for in some other way, com- monly by subscriptions or by some larger benefaction. The uni- versity fee for the twelve lectures is about £45, and the local ex- penses will generally amount to about £20 more. This is for a single course. Where more than one course is taken, the propor- tionate expense is somewhat less. In most cases the local center is an outgrowth from some library association or institute, and has already much of the needed machinery in the way of hall and books. The course is duly advertised and as strong a local interest enlisted as possible. The audience is made up of all classes, the more miscellaneous the better. The extension movement recognizes no class distinc- tions. It includes the gentry, mechanics, school-teachers, bar- risters, tradesmen — all, indeed, who will come. The work differs from that of the school, as it is primarily for the education of adults, and its methods have men and women in mind as the material. And now the lecture begins. It lasts for about an hour, the lecturer endeavoring not so much to present the whole of the subject-matter of the evening as to give a distinct and helpful point of view from which his hearers may look at it for them- selves. It seems to me that this is a most hopeful feature of the extension work, and one which brings it into direct line with the best of modern educational practice. It is the spirit of the new education to proceed always by appealing to the self-ac- tivity of the taught rather than simply to their capacity for receiving. If the lecturer be skillful, the hour seems very short, for the feeling is abroad that here is a man thinking out loud and suggest- ing a whole lot of new thoughts which will make one distinctly the richer. It is a pleasant sensation, recalling the very cream of UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. . 5 bygone school days, and it shows itself in rows of flashed and grateful faces. An essential part of the lecture scheme is the printed syllabus, which is supplied at merely nominal price. This gives the systematic outline so needful to the student, yet so uninspiring in the lecture itself. In addition, the syllabus sug- gests a careful line of home reading in connection with each lecture. The lecturer also gives out one or more questions which are to be answered in writing and mailed to him some time before the next lecture. This home paper work is regarded as of the utmost importance, since it brings out the thought and original- ity of the student in a way that a simple lecture never could. When the lecture is over, a class is formed of alL those who care to enroll themselves as students, the other hearers withdraw- ing. The class lasts for about an hour, and also ranks above the lecture in educational importance. It is here that the personal intercourse between lecturer and students comes into play. It is, indeed, very much like the college seminar, and is as conversa- tional in its tone as the bashfulness of the students will allow. The lecturer develops his points a little further, and explains any difficulties that may have arisen. He also uses the occasion to return the written exercises, and makes such criticisms and com- ments as he thinks best. Often, misapprehensions are to be cor- rected, and false views pointed out. Frequently there is the more agreeable task of reading some particularly good answer, and acknowledging the justness and perhaps the originality of a stu- dent's comment. In all cases no names are mentioned, and great care is taken not to wound the sensitiveness of any one. The sharper tools of irony and satire are always contraband. One can readily see how much depends upon the personal qualities of the lecturer. He must, indeed, be a man out of a hundred, a well-qualified specialist, a brilliant speaker, and, above all, a man of much fine tact and discretion. Each organization has its regular staff of lecturers, who hold, in most cases, some other appointment, and give only a portion of their time to exten- sion work. A few, such as Mr. R G. Moulton, of Cambridge, and Rev. W. Hudson Shaw, of Oxford, devote themselves exclusively to the movement, and are its most successful exponents. But many promising young men have also been attracted to extension work — some through a genuine missionary interest in the spread of culture, and some for less disinterested motives. It is not, however, a proper field for experimentation. The work is diffi- cult and needs men of known ability. The universities try to guard against failure by duly testing the capabilities of all young aspirants for lecture appointments. While it is most unfortunate when the wrong man does get into the work, the mischief is soon remedied, for his lack of success leaves him in a very short time 6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. quite without engagements. In the lecture world there is a mani- fest survival of the fittest. When the course ends there is a formal examination, open to all students who have attended a specified proportion of lectures and done the requisite home work. Certificates are awarded to the successful candidates, the results depending upon the term work as well as the examination. I have not myself much faith in academic labels, but these certificates have a certain value in stimulating the students to carry their work to completion. Where university extension is still untried, half courses, of six lectures each, are sometimes given by way of experiment, but in this case no examinations are held and no certificates are awarded. The statistics of the movement show that it is still increasing in popularity. All of the numerals which sum up its activity, attendance, lecturers, courses, have much more than doubled within the past five years. The figures of 1889-'90 show that nearly four hundred courses were given, and that these were attended by over forty thousand people. During the winter of 1890-'91 the attendance was over forty-five thousand. It is esti- mated that about ten per cent take the examinations. A num- ber of new and interesting developments have attended this growth. Besides the regular fall and spring terms there are also summer meetings at both Oxford and Cambridge, which have been a most pronounced success. One can scarcely overestimate the advantage of even this brief residence at the universities themselves. It is no inconsiderable education simply to be in Oxford. The tastes which are thus encouraged make possible better things in the winter courses following. The Cambridge summer meeting is, on the whole, more scientific in its scope, and the numbers in attendance are consequently small, but are increasing as the opportunity becomes better known. At Oxford the meetings have always been of a more popular character. The students are numbered by hundreds and even of late years by the thousand. The meetings only began in 1888, when the session lasted for but ten days. Yet there were nine hundred students present. Since then the sessions have length- ened and the attendance has likewise grown. For obvious reasons the students are largely drawn from the teaching class, the greater number being women. The opportunity of hearing such men as Max Miiller brings even an increasing company of Americans to these summer meetings. While the expense is kept as small as possible, the question of ways and means is too much for many of the poorer extension students, and scholarships are being founded to enable these to taste Oxford for at least a few weeks. There are many other features of the English work, such as UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. 7 students' associations, home reading circles, traveling libraries, and the like, which are doing much to extend its influence and render the movement permanent. One of these features, the scheme of affiliating students to the universities, deserves special mention. What the universities have been working for all along is the promotion of serious and continued study. Where this was out of the question, they did what they could, and tried to stimulate the neighborhood to something better. The work has now progressed far enough for them to offer a systematic course of study covering four years, and having a definite end in view. The students who take eight unit courses in related subjects ap- proved by the management, and who do the home work and pass the examinations successfully, receive the title of S. A. — affiliated student — and have the privilege at any subsequent time of remit- ting one year's residence at Cambridge, and so completing their studies there in two years. In the majority of cases two years would be quite as prohibitory as three, since the students are no longer young, and are already pledged to some career in life. Yet affiliation is held to be a great good, for it brings system and continuity into extension work, and makes a closer and more vital bond between the universities and the people. If we come now across the ocean to our own country we shall find, considering the newness of the movement here, a develop- ment of the university extension idea even more surprising than in England. It is a large tribute to the catholicity of this idea that it stands transplanting so admirably. The needs of the human spirit are much the same in all countries. What is deep- est in us and best is essentially cosmopolitan. The extension scheme is distinctively English in its origin, yet it has needed surprisingly little adaptation to fit it to American conditions. Perhaps the chief differences in condition are geographical. Life is more concentrated in England than with us, and the main changes will have to be in deference to our magnificent dis- tances. In certain quarters the importation of a British idea is resented almost as warmly as if the article were a steel rail or a durable cloth. In others, again, it is said that we have had university extension in America for many years, and we are pointed to the- lyceums of New England and to Chautauqua. These institutions have undoubtedly done admirable work, but they are not uni- versity extension, and it is no discredit to them to say so. I have no particular desire to represent the movement as unique. It would be seriously misrepresented, however, if the impression were- allowed to become current that university extension is simply a duplication of educational machinery already in successful opera- tion. It is not. It is a movement with a new end, the popular!- 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. zation of higher Tiniversity education, and it proceeds by a new method, the personal carrying of this teaching from the universi- ties to the people. It is held to be more practical to take one man to a hundred students than to take a hundred students to one man. It is important to keep this object and this method free from any confusion with other organized work, for the usefulness of university extension lies in these lines, and not as a competitor with already established agencies of culture. It is somewhat difficult to tell the story of university exten- sion in America, for the idea sprang into action in a number of different localities. Without attempting to present the full his- tory of the movement, it may be said that three distinct ideals have been advanced — the local plan, represented by Baltimore and Buffalo ; the State plan, represented by New York ; and the national plan, represented by Philadelphia. The local plan is the oldest. Its first home seems to have been at Johns Hopkins University. Several years ago popular lecture courses were given by Dr. Adams and his colleagues at various centers in and around Baltimore, and as time went on the move- ment assumed more and more the form, and finally the name, of university extension. Several such courses were given during the winter and spring of 1888. The method was quite similar to that followed in England. The course consisted of twelve lect- ures, followed by the customary extension classes at their conclu- sion. The students were supplied with printed syllabi of each course. Dr. Adams also rendered a most important service to the movement by his interest in making it more generally known outside of his own city. Similar initiatory work was done by Dr. Bemis at Buffalo. In the fall of 1887 he gave a course of lectures on economics, which were quite in the extension spirit. The State plan is, I believe, peculiar to New York. It would, indeed, be less possible elsewhere, since New York is the only State which has a department created and maintained by statute to " encourage and promote higher education." The movement has had the constant interest and support of the best element in both the city and State. The State Librarian, Mr. Melvil Dewey, has been particularly active in its promotion. According to this plan , the State assumes the direction of university extension, working by means of an established central office at Albany, and operating through existing institutions for higher education. The Legislature has recently granted an appropriation of ten thousand dollars for carrying on the enterprise. Already much good work has been done in the way of lecture courses and printed syllabi and text books. The national plan has been a slower evolution. It is an out- UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. g growth of tlie local society at Philadelphia. The history of this organization is sufficiently typical to warrant its statement in some detail, the more so as its aims are now national. The idea of university extension was not known to the city at large until the winter and spring of 1890. It aroused so much interest, how- ever, that the public discussion of the question led to the forma- tion of a society on the 1st of June. Dr. Pepper, the Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, became its first president, and Mr. George Henderson was chosen secretary. The society at once went to work in a most practical and business-like way. It was recognized that two things were wanted — more definite informa- tion in regard to what was being done in England, and also the interest and co-operation of educators connected with neighbor- ing teaching bodies. Accordingly, the secretary was sent to Europe, and in the fall presented a report of what had been accom- plished there. Further, a circular letter addressed to the availa- ble teachers of the locality assured the society of a sufficient staff of lecturers. These ends gained, the work of the society began last fall in earnest. The first local center was at Roxboroiigh and was organized in connection with St. Timothy's Working- men's Club and Institute, which was already provided with an excellent hall and well-selected library. The subject chosen was chemistry, the first lecture being given on November 3d. The formation of centers and the announcement of courses soon became epidemic. By spring it was a rare thing to find any one among the more thoughtful classes who had not attended at least one extension lecture. In the one season forty-two courses were given, numbering about two hundred and fifty lectures. The total attendance was about 55,500, a result unparalleled even in England. Numbers alone are a very bad standard for an educational movement, but figures such as these indicate at least a wealth of teachable material. The success has indeed been beyond the most sanguine expectation. The idea is, I believe, due to Dr. Pepper that so vast a movement as this should properly be a national interest, and without local bounds. In December, there- fore, the society changed both its name and its purpose, and became the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching. The work in England, it will be remembered, is divided among four organizations, and there are advocates of this separation as well as of unification. Here in America the movement is just beginning, and we are called upon to choose. It must not be un- derstood that the three plans mentioned are in any way antago- nistic or are meant to compete with one another. They are the natural products of the different conditions under which they lo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. have grown up. The only question is as to which plan will best serve the cause of culture. There is much to be said for all of these ideals, but it seems to me that the balance is indisputably in favor of the national plan. Already the American Society has extended its operations outward from Philadelphia as a center for upward of one hundred and fifty miles, and its purpose is to reach from ocean to ocean. A large step toward nationalization has been taken in the West. The extension work in Colorado, centering about the University of Denver, and perhaps the im- mense work planned for Chicago, will become branches of the American Society. It is also hoped that association may be brought about with the New York work. By bringing all these movements into one organization there will be greater adminis- trative economy and greater system in the educational results. What has been already accomplished by the National Society makes entirely reasonable the large plans which it has in mind for the future. The acting president of the organization is now Prof. E. J. James, who has associated with him educators of fore- most rank from all sections of the country. It is proposed to utilize every feature which experience in England has shown to be helpful. The success of the American Society is indeed largely due to the fact that it has done little useless experimenting. The first season is always critical, but the movement had the large advantage of the constant service and counsel of Mr. Moulton. His many years' experience in the English work made him in- valuable here. During nearly the entire season he lectured after- noon and evening in Philadelphia and its suburbs as well as in other American cities. He will be followed winter after next by the Rev. Hudson Shaw. Now that university extension is well launched in America, it is hoped to offer more thoroughly systematized courses of study than was possible during the first season. A journal known as University Extension has been established, and issued its first number in July. Summer meetings will also be arranged, pref- erably at different university towns throughout the country. It is further proposed to introduce the plan of affiliating students to the universities, or even to go further than this, and finally to offer full courses leading to university degrees. A most important and indeed an integral part of the work will be in the line of encouraging home stiidy, and a well-thought- out plan has already been adopted. This provides a systematic course for that vast number of solitary students who can neither attend a university nor even form an extension center, but who are well worthy of the attention of a society committed to the cause of general culture. As at present arranged the courses cover four years of seven months each, or twenty-eight months UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. n of study in all, and are strictly along university lines. It is true that these students lose the large gain which comes from jjersonal intercourse with the teacher, but they are in constant communi- cation with him, and by his letters and printed notes he can be an immense help in the way of stimulating and directing. At the end of four years a regular examination will be held. Those who pass it successfully and whose progress during the course has been satisfactory will be awarded a certificate which it is the pur- pose of the society to make of recognized value. It is, then, an almost realized dream that any one in any place whatsoever may have the advantage of university education. It is a mistaken idea altogether, and one that has robbed the race of much progress, that education ends when maturity begins. By that time one has only gathered a few of the materials of culture. A grown-up man or woman with a book in hand for the purpose of serious study is in too many American communities almost an anomaly. But we have now fallen, it is hoped, upon better days, and the education of men and women has become a national purpose. When a rich man founds an institution, erects substantial buildings for its accommodation, and bestows his name upon it as well as his money, public attention is arrested, for there is some- thing visible and tangible for comment to spend itself upon. But right here, in our very midst, there is growing up a university more vast, I am bound to believe, than any of these extensive benefactions, and one destined to make a more profound impres- sion upon the intellectual life of America than has yet been made. It is a university whose strength lies in this, that its students are as miscellaneous as society itself ; that it is bound to no creed, no class, no party, but is committed only to the service of truth — not truth as you or I see it, or as any particular body of men see it, but to that increasingly transparent vision of truth which comes to humanity as a whole. Nor is the purpose of this university defeated by distance and railroad fares. It is the guest of every man or woman who will make it welcome. Neither does it demand what so often can not be given, one's entire time. Its duties may be fulfilled at odd moments, at any time as well as at any place. To carry out so vast a purpose as this is going to take a pro- portionate number of men. And to do it thoroughly, on the high plane which is promised, is going to take thoroughly equipped men. It is still an open question as to just how this need shall be supplied. All the lecturers so far, with the exception of Mr. Moulton and possibly one or two others, have been men holding positions in established institutions, and this has had its advan- tages. The men bring the experience and the discij^lined spirit of 12 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the class-room with them and teach as well as lecture. And the effect upon the men is good too. The human element in them grows, and this without loss of scholarship. But so large an un- dertaking as this can not obviously take second place in the con- sideration of its agents. As time goes on, the staff of lecturers will probably include an increasing number of men who give their entire time to extension work. It might be well if a man could alternate between resident and itinerant duty. Perhaps this would save him from that intellect- ual stagnation which is one of the chief dangers of the professo- rial chair. At present it seems to me that our universities are too much the asylum of men who nurse rather than use their scholar- ship, or who give their best energy to original research and throw only an occasional crumb to those who are pleasantly called their students. In all but the largest institutions one man has gen- erally to teach several branches of his subject. If he did both university and extension work, he might devote himself to one particular branch and get better results in both fields. Prof. Johnson used to say that he wished there might be a professor for each chemical element, and he would like to be Professor of Iridium. But this is a matter which may safely be left to expe- rience. Besides the men, money is needed. So far, the work of the society has been paid for by the annual membership dues of five dollars, while each local center has met the expense of its own courses. The lecturer's fee is always fifteen dollars a lecture. This is paid to the central office by the local center, the lecturer having no direct business relations with the people to whom he goes. The incidental expenses of the course, varying with the locality, are met by the local management. Extension work may thus be undertaken by any university which will devote a little of the time of its secretary to the purpose, and by any local center which can raise the fee for a course of six lectures, ninety dollars, and provide for incidentals. It will thus be seen that very little money is required to make the experiment of an extension course. In some instances the local centers have had a considerable bal- ance at the end of the season. But this has been due to the fact that only popular subjects have been chosen. It has been the experience in England, and it will undoubtedly be the experience here, that the more systematic and satisfactory work will not pay for itself. Some outside revenue must be looked to. In England, several plans have been tried and proposed. In some cases a fixed subscription, as with the American Society, supplies the needed funds. In others, associations are formed and shares offered for sale, while still others depend upon private munificence. But all these resources are transient, and place the UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. »3 work much at the hazard of changing fortunes. A better finan- cial basis is wanted. It has, therefore, been proposed to attempt to secure endowment, through personal benefactions, by the definite assignment of university funds, or through state aid. Sooner or later the same problem must be met here in Ameri- ca. Sufficient funds have been forthcoming to start the move- ment and carry it through a highly successful season. That was the main thing. The good gained is now to be secured and extended. To do this it is very desirable that the revenues shall not be precarious. The present source of income, by subscrip- tions, will keep the movement alive, but it will not allow that more comprehensive policy which seems so desirable. Private endowment has already done something and will probably do more, as the opportunities for good become known. The possibility of enlisting Government aid opens a larger question. University extension is a national movement which is intended to reach all classes and to promote the most vital inter- ests of the nation. It has, then, as large a claim upon the national pocket-book as any interest which the Government can recognize. The States provide for primary and secondary education; the na- tion might well provide for the higher culture. It seems to me a possible and in many ways a highly desirable scheme that with the unification of university extension into one national society, and the division of the country into suitable districts, the work should assume a truly national character and should be brought into close relation with the Department of Education at Wash- ington. The commissioner might have his representative in each extension district, and the local office thus organized would not only be the center of the extension work in the district, but it could also render material service in the collection of educational statistics, and in bringing the department into more vital touch with the schools of the country. In this way we should have a university coextensive with America, a truly national university, since it would include the entire people, and one which would be a much greater power for good than the elaborate institution which is dreamed of for the capital city. It is a commonplace that the most vital interest of America is the education of her citizens, and that her greatest danger lies in the disintegrating force of ignorance within her own borders. But this largest interest, both in point of power and of danger, is given secondary place in the national councils. We have a Sec- retary of War, of the Navy, of the Treasury, and of such material interests, but we have no Secretary of Education. With the ele- vation of the commissioner to the place of a cabinet ofiicer, the new portfolio would be well charged with power if it had linked to it the destiny of a work of such magnitude and promise as uni- 14 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. versity extension. We should then be committed as a people in very practice to what we now profess only in theory, to the en- lightenment and elevation of the whole nation. There are doubt- less difficulties and objections in the way of carrying out the sug- gestion here brought forward ; but, when the evidence for and against is duly considered, I believe that the balance will be found much in favor of such a nationalization of the extension movement. As I set down in formal order these statements concerning the achievements and potentialities of university extension, I feel again the deep enthusiasm which was aroused by a first acquaint- ance with that large idea for which the movement stands. The attempt to realize this idea has had mixed with it somewhat that was unworthy. There has been a manifest tendency to estimate its worth by the common American standard of numbers. That thousands should listen to a popular extension lecturer was count- ed success ; and men have gone into the work for the admitted purpose of advertising themselves and their branches. But these are the accidents of the movement. Under them there is an es- sential principle, a working idea, which has in it immense promise. As a people we greatly need the leaven of a higher purpose. The ideal of life most current has in it much that is sordid and mercenary. Here is an opportunity to present a more worthy ideal, to substitute for the popular self-assertion a spirit of greater teachableness. We have not yet reached a point where we can impose our ideas upon the world-spirit, however vaingloriously we may try. They are not worthy. They must needs be reno- vated and transformed before they deserve permanence. The greatest claim which the extension movement can have upon thoughtful people is that it is an organized crusade against that current Philistinism which devotes the social opportunity known as America to lower motives and ends than are worthy of it. It is a mistake to suppose for an instant that the public schools of the country will ever save us from the utterly commonplace, or to fancy that the higher education is an expensive luxury which we can quite as well do without. On the contrary, it is just as much a necessity as the elementary training. It is essential to have good foundations, but, if we all went to building cellars and stopped there, we should never have any cities. We need the higher education in America, and we need it in large measure, for we are a people with a large opportunity. And we need it par- ticularly now, for the grave problems which press upon us for so- lution will demand a tolerance and large-mindedness which come only when the human spirit is well disciplined. We have here a great and busy people, but a people too unimaginative and too AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 15 unideal. We need the infusion of a spirit of culture into tlie national thought and life, if we are to realize the destiny which seems possible to us. The preaching of Peter the Hermit aroused all Europe. The present occasion is less picturesque, but the crusade which it preaches stands for interests much more vital than the recovery of Jerusalem. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. IX. THE MANUFACTURE OF STEEL. {Concluded.) Br WILLIAM F. DURFEE, Engineer. WHILE the Englishmen, Bessemer and Parry, and the Ameri- can, Martien, were experimenting in England, the germ which they were trying to develop into vigorous life had been discovered in America; for the evidence is unimpeachable that the late William Kelly had been for several years experimenting in the same direction as his English contemporaries. We are indebted to Mr. James M. Swank for securing a description of these experiments from Mr. Kelly himself; and the reader who desires to s§e the most complete account yet published of them will find it in Mr. Swank's Iron in all Ages. Mr. Kelly and his brother bought the Eddyville Iron Works, in Kentucky, in 1846. Their product was pig metal and charcoal blooms. As a result of close study, the idea occurred to Mr. Kelly that in the refining process fuel would be unnecessary after the iron was melted, if powerful blasts of air were forced into the fluid metal, for the heat generated by the union of the oxygen of the air with the carbon of the metal would be sufiicient to accomplish the refining. He first built a small blast-furnace, about twelve feet high, in which to test this idea. The furnace had two tuyeres, one above the other, the upper one to melt the stock, and the lower to convey the blast into the metal. He began his experi- ments in October, 1847, but was interrupted by other work, and did not find time to take them up again till 1851. Finding that this furnace was not capable of melting the iron properly, he de- cided to separate his refining process from the melting operation, and take the metal already melted from the blast-furnace. In these experiments he was endeavoring to produce malleable iron. " With this object in view," says Mr. I^elly, " I built a furnace, consisting of a square brick abutment, having a circular chamber inside, the bottom of which was concave like a molder's ladle. In the bottom was fixed a circular tile of fire-clay, perforated for i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tuyeres. Under this tile was an air-chamber, connected by pipes with the blowing-engine. This is substantially the plan now used in the Bessemer converter. The first trial of this furnace was very satisfactory. The iron was well refined and decarbon- ized— at least as well as by the finery fire. This fact was ad- mitted by all the forgemen who examined it. The blowing was usually continued from five to ten minutes, whereas the finery fire required over an hour. Here was a great saving of time and fuel, as well as great encouragement to work the process out to perfection. I was not satisfied with making refined or run-out metal ; my object was to make malleable iron. In attempting this I made, in the course of the following eighteen months, a variety of experiments. I built a suitable hot-blast oven ; but, after a few trials, abandoned it, finding the cold blast preferable, for many reasons. After many trials of this furnace I found that I could make refined metal, suitable for the charcoal forge fire, without any difficulty, and, when the blast was continued for a longer period, the iron would occasionally be somewhat malleable. At one time, on trying the iron, to my great sur- prise, I found the iron would forge well, and it was pronounced as good as any charcoal forge iron. I had a piece of this iron forged into a bar four feet long and three eighths of an inch square. I kept this bar for exhibition, and was frequently asked for a small j^iece, which I readily gave, until it was reduced to a length of a few inches. This piece I have still in my possession. It is the first piece of malleable iron or steel ever made by the pneumatic process." Although not giving up the idea of making malleable iron, Mr. Kelly now proceeded to utilize his invention so far as it was a complete success. He built a converter, five feet high and eighteen inches inside diameter, with the tuyere in the side. In this vessel he could refine fifteen hundred-weight of metal in from five to ten minutes, effecting a great saving in time and fuel. After a few days' trial, the old, troublesome " run-out " fires were entirely dispensed with. " M}^ process," says Mr. Kelly, in the account above quoted, " was known to every iron-maker in the Cumberland River iron district as ' Kelly's air-boiling pro- cess.' The reason why I did not apply for a patent for it sooner than I did was that I flattered myself I would soon make it the successful process I at first endeavored to achieve — namel}", a pro- cess for making malleable iron and steel. In 1857 I applied for a patent, as soon as I heard that other men were following the same line of experiments in England ; and, although Mr. Bessemer was a few days before me in obtaining a patent, I was granted an inter- ference, and the case was heard by the Commissioner of Patents, who decided that I was the first inventor of this process, now AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 17 known as the Bessemer process, and a patent was granted me over Mr. Bessemer." There has been a feeling among metallurgists in both hemi- spheres that William Kelly's claims as an originator of a process similar in all its essential features to that invented by Henry Bessemer rest on a very unsubstantial foundation of experi- mental facts and experience. This impression is entirely errone- ous, as was proved in the interference proceedings before the Commissioner of Patents, pending the issuance of a patent to Kelly (June 23, 1857) ; and again in 1870, when the question of granting an extension of Bessemer's patent (of November 11, 1856) was before the United States Patent Office, the commissioner refused to grant such extension, holding that the patent should not have been issued, as William Kelly was the prior inventor ; and still again, when in 1871 William Kelly's patent was extended for seven years, it having been proved to the satisfaction of the commissioner that he had not been sufficiently remunerated for the invention ; and yet again, by the fact of royalties having been regularly paid by the manufacturers of steel during the whole of the seven years for which Kelly's patent was extended, for the right to use his invention; and so unimpeachable was the evidence on which his claims were founded, that there was no attempt to set them aside during that time.* The plain, straightforward statement of Mr. Kelly above quoted is an additional proof that he was no mere schemer or dreamer. It is evident that he had a definite end in view — the making of malleable iron — and had he possessed more. capital and been situ- ated where he could have availed himself of the best facilities, it is quite probable that he would have arrived at that end by the employment of methods and apparatus which would have left little to be desired ; but, located in a small community (Eddyville had not five hundred inhabitants), in a part of the country re- mote from the best mechanical appliances and with limited means, it is remarkable that he carried his invention as far as he did before the heavy hand of bankruptcy crushed alike his ledgers and experiments. As matters stood when Kelly's patent was issued, Bessemer had received a patent for the same invention, and at a later date a number of patents for apparatus the design of which was clearly very far in advance of anything accomplished by Kelly. Joseph G. Martien also had obtained a patent (February 24, 1857) for sub- * In this connection it is proper to note that all the profits which the owners of the patents of Bessemer, Kelly, and Mushet ever received were earned and divided during the seven years covered by the extension of the patent of William Kelly ; and had not that extension been granted, the parties who had put their money into the purchase of these patents would never have received one cent for their investment. VOL. XL. — 2 i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. stantially the same claims as he had patented in England ; but^ so far as can be ascertained, he made no attempt to work his process, having become convinced that the inventions of Bessemer and Kelly were mnch more practical and really of an earlier date.* On May 26, 1857, Kobert F. Mushet, son of David Mushet, the famous Scotch metallurgist, obtained an American patent for the addition of a compound of iron, carbon, and manganese to cast iron in the process of making malleable iron and steel. Previous to this invention neither Bessemer nor Kelly had secured uniform product ; and in fact Kelly had in only a few instances been able to make a malleable metal, Mushet's invention, therefore, became at once of controlling value as respects the new method of manu- facturing steel. Early in the year 1860 the attention of the late Zohetli Shear- man Durfee f was attracted to the Bessemer process. Having become convinced of the great value of the process claimed alike by Bessemer and Kelly, he induced the late Captain E. B. Ward, of Detroit, to join him in obtaining control of Kelly's patents, and of the American patents of Bessemer's apparatus and process, and of Mushet's manganese mixture. In 1861 Mr. Durfee went to Europe and spent several months in studying the practice of making " Bessemer steel " in England, France, and Sweden. After his return he and Captain Ward, in May, 1863, organized " The Kelly Process Company,^' admitting Daniel J. Morrell, of Johns- town, Pa., and William M. Lyon and James Park, Jr., of Pitts- burg, Pa,, to an interest in the enterprise. J Although Mr. Kelly * Under date of May 29, 1357, Martien wrote to Messrs. Munn & Co., the solicitors of William Kelly, a most generous letter, in which he abandons all claim to precedence in the invention. The following is an extract from this letter: "I have found and have been made perfectly satisfied, from the ample testimony laid before me in the case, that Mr. Kelly is honestly the first and original inventor of the said process of manufacturing iron without fuel. I find, moreover, that he has quietly been and is making improvements and advancing with his invention in a very praiseworthy manner, and of which the public will be put in possession in a short time." f The late Z. S. Durfee was born in Fall River, Mass., on April 22, 1831, and died in Providence, R. I., June 8, 1880. He was a practical worker in iron and steel, and I claim that he was the first business man in America to fully appreciate the great value of the new process. He manifested the faith that was in him by a persistent effort to secure its adoption, and, had his views been supported by his business associates, the manufacture of steel by the pneumatic process would have been both a technical and commercial success in the United States many years earlier than it was. X These gentlemen were selected because of their well-known business ability and their influential association with or ownership of some of the largest and best-appointed iron and steel works of the country, and it was confidently expected that they would take a. lively interest in the new process by promptly employing it in the works with which they were identified, and that their example would be very generally followed by the larger iron and steel works of the United States. In this expectation Captain Ward and Z. S. Durfee were greatly disappointed, as neither Mr. Lyon nor Mr. Parke ever adopted the process in their works, and Mr. Morrell only succeeded in overcoming the objections of his associates AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 19 was not included in this company, a certain interest in any profits which it might make was guaranteed to him. Mr. Z. S. Durfee soon went to England again to arrange for the control of the rights of Bessemer and Mushet in America. He was unsuc- cessful in the former case, but obtained, October 24, 1864, control of the American patent for the use of spiegeleisen, as Mushet's triple compound was called, on terms which admitted Robert F. Mushet, Thomas D. Clare, and John N. Brown, of England, to membership in the company ; and on the 6th of September, 1865, it was further enlarged by the admission of Charles P. Chouteau, James Harrison, and Felix Vallt^, all of St. Louis, Mo.* While Z. S. Durfee was on his first visit to Europe, the writer of these papers was invited by Captain Ward to design and erect an experimental plant to determine the possibility of making a good steel by the new process from Lake Superior iron. I ac- cepted the invitation, and reached Detroit, Mich., on the morning of July 1, 1862. It was decided to construct a blowing engine, and a converting vessel large enough for producing steel on a commercial scale, with reference to their use in a works properly planned for economical administration and production should the experimental works justify such an enterprise. As to the rest of the plant, it was decided to construct it as cheaply and simply as would answer the purpose of the experimental works only, and it was further decided that the experimental plant was to be located adjacent to, and partly in, the building of the Eureka Furnace at Wyandotte, Mich., about ten miles from Detroit, where Cap- tain Ward had extensive rolling-mills. The metal for the ex- periments would be taken direct from the blast-furnace, and the spiegeleisen was to be melted in crucibles. As soon as this general scheme was fixed upon, I began my plans for carrying it out. But very little guidance was obtain- able in this task. I had never seen any apparatus for the manu- facture of steel by the method proposed, and the description of that used by Mr. Kelly convinced me that it was not suited for an experiment on so large a scale as was contemplated at Wyan- dotte. As it was confidently expected that Z. S. Durfee would be able to purchase Bessemer's American patents, it was thought only to be anticipating the acquisition of property rights to use his inventions. I accordingly procured copies of his patents, in the Cambria Iron Company (of which he was general manager) in such time as to enable him to commence making steel eight years after he was admitted as a member of " The Kelly Process Company." * These gentlemen were owners and operators of large iron-works ; and, although their admission as members of " The Kelly Process Company " was with the expectation that their example and influence would promote its interest, they did not erect steel-works, and the company was in no way strengthened by their connection with it. 20 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. which, together with the description contained in the first edition of Fairbairn's History of the Manufacture of Iron, embraced all ^ CO a. o ■< ? ^ Ul 111 a H K tn 11. X O u z < the information then accessible to me relative to the European practice of the new art. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 21 Difficult as my task was, it was made almost insupportably burdensome by the outspoken opposition of nearly every influ- ential person in Wyandotte. Nevertheless the work progressed, so that on the return of Z. S. Durfee from England in September, 1862, I was enabled to show him the "converter" nearly com- plete, and was greatly pleased to hear him say that it " looked Fig. 61.— ('iMss-f^KCTioN of the Casting-house at Wyandotte. very like converters that he had seen abroad." In the winter of 1863-63 the blowing engine was commenced, but owing to various interruptions it was not completed till the spring of 1864. The plan (Fig. 60) shows the general features of the arrange- ment adopted, save that over the casting-pit was a single-track traveling-hoist for handling ingots and molds. This hoist was op- erated by a winch located at lu, the space allotted me in the cast- ing-house not permitting the use of a crane of ordinary form. The reverberatory furnace for melting pig iron was not in- cluded in my original programme ; but in the summer of 1864, before the first conversion was made, it was decided to erect it in order that we could experiment with a variety of brands of pig THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. iron sent us by parties interested in the works. A hearth was made near the base of the chimney for melting spiegel ; and sub- sequently a small furnace (located at S, Fig. GO) was constructed for melting spiegel when the metal for conversion was taken direct from the blast-furnace.* Continuing our description of the works, Fig. 01 is a view of the machinery in the casting-house as it apj^eared to a person standing in the " pulpit " (see Fig. 60) and looking toward the converter, V. This converter is represented on a larger scale in sectional ele- Section of Tuyere on line A.B- Lower end of Tuyere Fig. 62.— Section or the First American Steel Converter. vation by Fig. 62 ; and to the right of this figure is seen a longi- tudinal section and end views of one of the seven tuyeres used in the converter. This vessel was made with its upper part in two separate sections, and it was supported on its trunnions by two * It was at these works, in the summer of 1865, that Z. S. Durfee made the first attempt to melt pig metal in a cupola for use in the converting vessel. At that time the practice abroad was to melt the metal in a reverberatory furnace. Owing to the small size of the eupola and its distance from the converting vessel, the experiment was not entirely successful ; but Mr. Durfee did not abandon his belief in the usefulness of this process. I claim for him the origination of the idea of cupola melting, which has contributed so much to the rapidity and economy of production in the steel-works of the world. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 23 tall cast-iron standards, and was turned by worm-gearing arranged to be driven either by band or power. The engine which supplied the blast to the converter is represented in front elevation by Fig. G3 ; it was constructed from original working drawings made by the writer. It was intended to produce a pressure of blast of six- teen pounds per square inch, which was regarded as very heavy ; in fact, I was informed, at the time of commencing the plans for this engine (the winter of 18G3-'63), that the pressure used for blowing steel in England and Sweden was but eight pounds. I adopted the higher pressure with a view to shortening the time required for a " blow," but I soon became satisfied that this was a mistaken departure. I found myself in most excellent company, however, for, before my engine was finished, steel was blown in England with a blast pressure of twenty-five pounds, a practice which has continued until the present time. The engine had three upright cylinders of the same internal dimensions (twenty-four inches in diameter and thirty-six-inch stroke), the middle one being the steam cylinder and the outside ones the blowing cylinders. Very soon after entering upon the study of the new process it became evident to me that an accurate knowledge of the chemical constituents of the metals and other materials employed was essential to its successful conduct ; for, after we had found by working them that certain irons were, and others were not, suited to our purpose, analysis would in future enable us to determine whether any offered brand of iron was of suitable quality. These considerations, with others, determined the addition of a chemical laboratory to the works.* As late as 1868 a large establishment for the manufacture of steel (in which over a million dollars was invested) commenced operations in western Pennsylvania, and at the end of one year it was abandoned and dismantled, the whole of the investment having been utterly lost in consequence of attempting to use ma- terial which an analysis costing not over fifty dollars would have shown to be absolutely unfit for the purpose intended. American " iron-masters " (so called) were not alone in their contempt for chemistry. I have in my possession a pamphlet published by a well-known firm of steel manufacturers in Sheffield, England, as late as 1870, for the purpose of attracting attention and trade, in which the following sentences occur : " The various articles on the * At this time there was no such thing as a laboratory in connection with a steel-works in America: to the so-called "practical steel-makers" chemistry was an unknown and unappreciated science, and no sneer was too cynical for them to bestow upon those who advocated its employment. The laboratory at Wyandotte (which was derisively called "^ Durfee's 'pothecary-shop ") was ultimately destroyed by the influence of incarnate ma- licious ignorance. 24 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. manufacture of cast steel in encyclopaedias and other works are for the most part out of date or are written by scientific men hav- ing little or no practical acquaintance with the subject, and con- sequently are not of much value. . . . The steel manufacturers of Sheffield are not chemists. The application of chemistry to the manufacture of cast steel has not yet met with any success. The Fig. 63. — Blowing-Engine of the Wyandotte Works. analysis of steel is a very difficult process. It has frequently been attempted in Sheffield, but never with any practical success." It is possible that the triumphs of chemistry during the past twenty years, as illustrated by the Thomas- Gilchrist and many other important improvements in metallurgical practice, may have convinced the worshipers of the ultra-practical — American AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 25 as well as English— that there are possibilities in chemistry not dreamed of in their philosophy. The need of a laboratory was fully appreciated by Mr. Z. S. Durfee, and in the spring of 1863 he secured the services of Mr. Emil Schalk, a native of Germany, and a graduate of the Ecole Centrale of Paris, as chemist. On his arrival in Detroit, at the request of Captain E. B. Ward, he accompanied an exploring party to northern Wisconsin. The result of this expedition was the discovery of a number of deposits of excellent iron ore. On Mr. Schalk's return in October, 1863, he commenced some original investigations with a view to determine the influence of nitrogen upon steel, which promised to develop very interesting and valuable results ; but, unfortunately, circumstances for which Fig. 64.- w w -Chemical Laboratory at Wyandotte. he was in no way responsible caused his resignation in December, 1863, before they were completed. Of Mr. Schalk's abilities I had the highest estimation, and I very much regretted his departure from Wyandotte. I will now describe the arrangement of the laboratory. The main building shown in the plan (Fig. 64) was about twenty-four feet square ; it was divided by a partition into two rooms, A and B, of equal size, and each about eighteen feet high. At the rear of this building was a lean-to shed, C ; cZ is an entrance to this shed from without ; x, a door communicating with A ; and y is the main entrance to the building. The room A was used for general analytical work, and was provided with furniture and VOL. XL. — 3 26 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. apparatus, as shown in the plan. The furnishing of the room B is also indicated. The *' melting-hole,'' in the corner of the lean-to shed C, was large enough to receive a pot which would hold seventy pounds of melted metal. Space will not permit a detailed description of the apparatus used in this laboratory,* but it would be regarded at the present day even, as thoroughly adequate for its purpose. In the works at Wyandotte, on one of the early days of Sep- tember, 1864, was produced, under the supervision of the writer of these papers, the first " Bessemer steel " f made in America. * This description of tlie Experimental Steel Works of Wyandotte is, owing to space limitations, much curtailed ; but any interested reader will find in the Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, vol. vi, p. 40, and in the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. xii, p. 223, papers by the writer hereof in which much more attention is given to details than is here permissible. f I adopt here and elsewhere in this article the popular designation, for the reason that I believe it to be the just and proper one ; for, while there is no room for a doubt that the late WiUiam Kelly anticipated Bessemer by several years in the discovery of the fundamental idea of the process, he did not carry it out to its ultimate possibility as a means for the manufacture of steel ; and while there is no reason to believe that Besse- mer ever heard of what Kelly was doing, it is pretty certain that had not Kelly noted the granting of a patent to Bessemer he would never (owing to his unfavorable location sup- plemented by pecuniary embarrassment) have been able to procure such attention from the iron trade of this country as would have insured him any reward for his invention. Fur- thermore, although in Kelly's stationary " converter," it would have been, under proper management, quite possible to make a satisfactory quality of steel (stationary "con- verters " were used in Sweden with success for many years), it was quite evident from the first that the highly original and ingenious apparatus invented by Bessemer (especially the tilting " converter," and the " casting ladle " having a tap-hole in its bottom) was far superior to anything proposed by Kelly. It is also quite evident that had not Mushet (or some one else) suggested the use of spiegeleisen, neither the ideas of Kelly nor Bessemer would have been of value except in the direction in which they were practically carried out by Kelly as a substitute for the refinery-fire, or in the special case of iron containing a notable quantity of manganese (as was the fact in those used at first in Sweden) ; but it is not at all probable that Kelly would have discovered what was necessary to perfect the process, as he had no knowledge of spiegeleisen (in 1857 no iron was known in the com- merce of America by that name) and was not a chemist or an employer of chemists — but, judging from the fact that Bessemer availed himself of the aid of chemistry at an early day in his investigations, it is not at all improbable that he would have himself discovered the value of spiegeleisen had not Mushet anticipated him. I think all the facts warrant the naming the discovery The Bessemer-Kelly-Mushet Process ; but as Bessemer, by his ingenuity, persistence in methodical endeavor, and business sagacity, is clearly entitled to the first place, and if the process is to bear but one name, the popular verdict of over thirty years is fully justifiable in calling it " The Bessemer Process." While we are thus considering the relative merits of the chief actors in this metallur- gical drama, it is but just that we should award due praise to Martien, the American, and Parry, the Englishman, for ideas of great originality, which, had they been followed out to their logical conclusion, must have developed similar results to those attained by Besse- mer. These metallurgists evidently were standing, as it were, on the " delectable moimt- ains " of discovery, and seeing dimly and afar some suggestions of the practical glories of the metallurgy of coming generations. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 27 This event was a great disappointment to all those who had filled the air with predictions of failure, and they immediately turned their attention to a general depreciation of the results attained, and the persecution, with renewed vigor, of all who were respon- sible for them. The first steel rails produced in America were rolled at the works of the Chicago Rolling-Mill Company (now a part of the Illinois Steel Company's plant, but then under the superintend- ency of O, W. Potter, Esq., late President of the Illinois Steel Companj^), at Chicago, on the 24th day of May, 18G5. These rails were successfully rolled in a " twenty-one-inch three-high train," whose rolls were intended for rolling iron rails, and this fact is indubitable evidence of the excellent quality of the steel. There were three rails rolled on the 2-l:th, and on the 25th three others.* Various experiments were tried to test the ductility and work- ing qualities of the steel produced at Wyandotte ; some of the early product was sent to Bridge water, Mass., and there rolled into tack plate and cut into tacks, which were pronounced to be very much superior to any previously made of iron.f In order to test the welding qualities of the steel, John Bishop, the black- smith of the works, made a tobacco-pipe, the size of an ordinary clay pipe, the bowl and stem of which were welded up of Wyan- dotte steel, and when perfectly polished there was no visible evi- dence of a weld. I have now two jackknives and a razor made from this steel ; the knives are rather soft, but the razor was used regularly by my father for fifteen years, to his entire satisfaction. When it had been shown that the pneumatic process was a qualitative success, instead of carrying out the original under- standing and erecting new works arranged with especial refer- ence to rapid and economical w^orking, the parties in interest in- sisted that I should put a second converter into the experimental works, and attempt to make it a commercial success. Knowing that such an attempt could only result in utter failure, I resigned my position (June 1, 1865). Nevertheless, the proposed plan was carried out, and the works were permanently closed after about a year's unprofitable experience. While the experimental works were being constructed at Wy- andotte, the firm of Winslow, Griswold & Holley was formed for the purpose of purchasing Bessemer's American patents, and manufacturing steel under them. Negotiations with Bessemer were concluded in the spring of 1SG4, and an experimental plant at Troy, N. Y., was started on February 16, 1865. * These rails were laid in the track of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, and it is known that they carried the traffic over ten years, but unfortunately there is no record of the time when they were taken out and discarded. f It is believed that these were the first tacks made of steel. 28 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The purchase of the American patents of Bessemer by this firm at once challenged the right of the Kelly Process Company to employ the jjrocess invented by Kelly, and to the use of the apparatus invented by Bessemer ; but, at the same time, the Kelly Process Company having purchased the Mushet patent for the use of spiegeleisen, was in a position to challenge the possibility of Messrs. Winslow, Griswold & HoUey's making steel by the " Bessemer process " at all. The validity of the Bessemer patents for apparatus was, from the first, conceded by the Kelly Process Company, and arrangements were made, as soon as it was ascer- tained that they could not purchase the American patents of Bessemer, to dispense with the use of the machinery protected thereby ; for they could avail themselves of that used by Kelly, which, although not nearly as convenient, was still, with some obvious improvements, capable of doing good work ; or, rather, what the practice of the time called such.* In view of these facts the Kelly Process Company was clearly the master of both the legal and commercial situation ; and had it been governed by an enlightened business selfishness it would have profited by the advantageous position in which (thanks to the indefatigable labors of the late Z. S. Durfee, its secretary) it was placed ; but in order to do this the law had to be invoked, and to the majority of the members of the Kelly Process Com- pany the law was a terror! Lawyers must be paid! Experts would not testify gratuitously ! Costs of court would accumu- late ! Judges were doubtful ! Jurors were uncertain ! And then, if victorious, what would they gain ? And if defeated, utter ruin would overwhelm them ! Never before or since has a party of rep- utable business men been so needlessly alarmed and so utterly ob- livious of the first principles of a sound business policy. The vari- ous bugaboos and hobgoblins which their terrified imagination conjured up of the horrors of the life to come among courts, judges, lawyers, experts, witnesses, and obstinate jurors, in case they ventured to assert in a court their manifest right, at last drove them into making a proposition to Messrs. Winslow, Griswold & Holley looking to a combination of the interests of the two com- panies, and to their final acceptance of an agreement under which they surrendered rights which were of great value to Messrs. Winslow, Griswold & Holley, and obtained practically no rights in return save that of receiving but thirty per cent of the royal- ties earned by the combination, and that of leaving to Messrs, Winslow, Griswold & Holley the remaining seventy j)er cent. * In the early days of the Bessemer process, three " blows " in ten hours was thought to be a very creditable performance, but at the present time a works that could not make that number in an hour would be regarded as a fit subject for an inquest. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 29 In the whole history of business affairs it would indeed be hard to find a more perfect illustration of " the tail waggling the dog " than this. It is only justice to the late Z. S. Durfee to say that he opposed this compromise and its unjust disposition of the rights of himself and associates with all the energy of which he was capable ; and the fact that all the royalties the combination ever earned were received under the operation of an extension of the patent of William Kelly is quite sufficient to justify his busi- ness sagacity and foresight. The experimental works erected by Messrs. Winslow, Griswold & Holley at Troy were used for nearly two years for the pur- pose for which they were designed, and their proprietors " ex- tended every facility to blast-furnace owners in all parts of the country to have their irons tried for steel ; . , . many were tried and most were found wanting." * It does not aj)pear that any effort was made to compare the chemical composition of the irons that made good steel with that of the irons that would only make bad steel ; and what was " good metal " seems to have been decided by actual treatment in the converter. Notwithstanding the nu- merous failures in the Troy works to make good steel out of poor iron (all tending to discredit the process), there were a sufficient number of successes and enough " good metal " discovered to en- courage the firm in the erection of new works (called the five- ton plant) on a manufacturing scale. January 1, 1867, the late A. L. Holley left the Troy works to take charge of works at Harrisburg, for which he had furnished the plans. f For a short time after the departure of Mr. Holley the Troy works X were under the charge of Mr. John C. Thompson. He was succeeded by Z. S. Durfee, who " built the forge and made some alterations both in plant and details of manufacture. Among other things, he adopted for the small or experimental plant the practice of melting the recarburizing metal in crucibles, and obtained most excellent results. . . . Mr. Durfee resigned his connection with the works in 1868, and Mr. Holley once more became the manager." Up to January, 1871, the ingots produced in these works were * Paper by R. W. Hunt, Trans. American Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. v, pp. 201-216. f The phenomenal development of the " Bessemer process " in America during the fifteen years preceding the death of Mr. Holley in 1882 was largely due to his efforts. For a full account of the life and labors of the late Alexander L. Holley, C. E., LL. D., the reader is referred to a memorial volume published in 1884 by the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and to an able address delivered by James Dredge, Estj., Honorary Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, in Chickering Hall, October 2, 1890, on the occasion of the unveiling of the Holley Memorial Statue, in Washington Park, New York. X These works are still running, the company owning them now being known as the Troy Steel and Iron Company. 30 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. either hammered in the forge, or " bloomed " from nine-inch ingots, at the Rensselaer Rolling Mill in Troy, N. Y., or the Spuyten Duyvil Rail Mill at Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y., and then rolled into rails at these establishments, but on the above date Mr. Holley had a thirty-inch blooming mill ready to run. This mill was the joint invention of James Moore, William George, and A. L. Holley, and was built by James Moore, at his Bush Hill Iron Works, Philadelphia. The mill was provided with front and back lifting tables raised by hydraulic power. The tables carried loose rolls, on which the twelve-inch ingot (heavy enough to make two rail blooms) was placed and pushed into the rolls by men. Eight men were required to attend the mill. This mill proved to be a great advance over previous practice, but in the fall of 1873 improve- ments were added (invented by George Fritz, of Johnstown, Pa.) which reduced the force required at the mill to three men and a boy. It is manifestly impossible in these pages to give in detail the history of the several Bessemer steel-works now in operation, and I have been thus particular in sketching at length the inception and development of the plants at Wyandotte, Mich., and Troy, N". Y., because they were the genesis of the Bessemer steel indus- try in America, and their history admirably illustrates the mani- fold obstacles which the promoters of all ultra-novel and radi- cally revolutionary inventions have always had to encounter. I well remember the sneers which greeted my statement that the time would come " when a steel rail could be made cheaper than an iron one " ; and now that time having arrived, it is no small compensating satisfaction to know that the faith delivered thirty years ago to the workers at Wyandotte and Troy has expanded with the years and by " works "' has been made perfect : mount- ains have been removed,* and the metal of their ores now in our railways binds the nation together with bars of steel, along which glide shuttle-like, to and fro, the steam-propelled carriers of the commerce of a continent ; interweaving it with the warp threads of agriculture and all arts, and producing a fabric of national prosperity and happiness that shall wear through the ages and continue to clothe this people while time endures. A modern establishment for the manufacture of steel rails is vastly different from those ancient " plants " in which bar iron and iron rails were made forty years ago. Works that would turn out seventy tons per day then were thought to be remarkable both in size and in administration, but at the present time there * The " Iron Mountain " of Missouri, which at one time was supposed to be inex- haustible, has had all its ore passed through the " furnace " and converted into iron and steel ; and it is only a question of a few years when other great deposits now regarded ag " mountains of ore " will share the same fate. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 3» are many mills in the United States that can produce more than ten times as much in the same time. In the more perfectly ar- ranged steel-works the molten metal is taken directly from the blast-furnace to the converter, and, after being " blown," is cast 32 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. into an ingot suflSciently heavy to make four rails ; this ingot is taken from its mold while it is red-hot on its outside and still liquid internally, and put into a " soaking pit " * or a reheating furnace to prevent loss of heat, and as soon as possible, it is sent to the " blooming train " and rolled into a bloom ; this is at once automatically conveyed to the " rail-train " and rolled into a con- tinuous rail about one hundred and twenty-three feet in length, which is carried on rollers driven by power to the "" cutting-off saws," which divide it into four rails of thirty feet in length, and the two extreme ends of the original rail, called " crop ends," are about eighteen inches long. The four rails, while still red-hot, are carried by machinery to the " cambering machine," and thence to the " hot-bed." f They are next taken to the " cold straightening presses," and any crookedness is removed by powerful pressure ; the bolt-holes for "fish-plates " are then drilled in their ends, after which the rails are turned over to the " inspectors " rej)resenting the railway for which the rails are intended. Fig. 65 I is a very spirited night view of a scene outside the casting-house of one of the furnaces of the Illinois Steel Com- pany. A portion of the furnace itself and one of its supporting columns are seen through the left-hand arch. In the left fore- ground are two " slag-buggies " being filled with liquid slag ; on the right is a locomotive ready to pull them to the dump. In the center of the picture are two large " ladles " (numbered 14 and 10) capable of holding ten tons each of fluid metal, which is con- veyed to them by the " runners " or " gutters " whose ends are seen projecting over the " ladles " ; these gutters receive the molten metal direct from the "blast-furnace," and as soon as the " ladles " are filled they are drawn away by a locomotive which takes them up an inclined plane on to an iron bridge or platform, which extends across the converter-house in front of the converters. This bridge is plainly shown in Fig. 60, and a small locomotive is seen on the left-hand end of it. Beyond this bridge, and between it and the back wall of the building, are the three converters, each intended for the conver- sion of ten tons of iron into steel at one operation. The left-hand * This is a pit but little wider than the ingot, lined with fire-brick. The lining prevents the heat of the steel from radiating into space, and hence the internal heat of the ingot is diffused uniformly through its mass ; and after being in the " pit " a certain time the ingot is apparently hotter than when it was put in ; it is then taken out and rolled immediately. " The soaking-pit process," invented by John Gjers, is the most important improvement in the manufacture of steel that has been brought forward in the last eight years. f This term is the reverse of descriptive. The " hot-bed " is a huge gridiron, on which the rails are placed to cool. :): I am under obligations to E. C. Potter, Esq., late Vice-President of the Illinois Steel Company for the very effective views from which this and the three following engravings have been reduced. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 33 converter is shown " turned down," pouring its contents of liquid steel into a casting-ladle ; the central converter is upright, and a dazzling white volcanic flame issues roaring from its mouth, dis- charging itself though the open archway in the wall of the build- 34 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing — a " blow " is evidently under full headway. The third con- verter is seen on the extreme right of the picture, with its mouth downward, its bottom having been removed for repairs. In front of this bridge are a number of cranes, all operated hydraulically, but, unlike the ordinary " hydraulic press," whose AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 35 movement is usually very slow, these cranes are very rapid in their action, more so than any other form of crane ; were this not the fact, it would be impossible to handle the vast quantity of hot materials — "ingots," and their "molds" — that must be dis- posed of with great promptness in a modern steel-works. These cranes are veritable giant arms, lifting and conveying with a tire- less strength, insensible alike to heat and weight, such masses of steel as have only come to the knowledge of man since the in- vention of the Bessemer process. The various operations of the " converting-house," embracing the turning of the converter, the regulation of the blast, and the movement of the cranes, are all directed and controlled by means of proper " hand-gear " located upon the platform called " the pulpit " represented in the foreground of the picture. The general aspect of the interior of a converting-house at night is at once startling and grandly impressive. Here heat, flame, and liquid metal are ever present ; locomotives whistle and puff, dragging with clatter and clang huge ladles of molten iron; the lurid light, flashing and flaming, that illuminates the scene, throws shadows so intensely black that they suggest the "black fire" of Milton, for in such a place it is impossible for a shadow to be cool ; half-naked, muscular men, begrimed with sweat and dust, flit about ; clouds of steam arise from attempts to cool in some degree the roasting earth of the floor ; converters roar, vibrate, and vomit flames mingled with splashes of metal from their white-hot throats ; at intervals the scorching air is filled with a rain of coruscating burning iron ; ingot molds lift mouths parched with a thirst that can only be appeased for a short time by streams of liquid steel that run gurgling into them ; the stalwart cranes rise, swing, and fall, loading scores of tons of red-hot steel upon cars of iron : all these conditions and circum- stances combine to make an igneous total more suggestive of the realms of Pluto than any other in the whole range of the metal- lurgic arts. The ingots of steel are taken from the " converting-house " as promptly as possible after they are cast, and carried on iron cars to the " blooming-mill " (Fig. G7), where they are put into gas-fired furnaces (the end of one is seen on the right of Fig. 67), where their heat is maintained, and thence they are taken to the " blooming train " and rolled into blooms. The steel-rail bloom is a rectangular bar of steel, long enough to produce four or even six rails. In the cut (Fig. 67) on the left is seen a white-hot ingot of steel being carried on an iron " buggy " to the rolls of the blooming train, which occupies nearly the center of the picture. On the right of this train is seen a bloom about to pass through the 36 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 37 " finishing groove." The blooming train has a heavy fly-wheel driven by an engine of great power. In the farther part of the building is seen a cloud of steam which marks the location of the " rail train/' to which the finished bloom is conveyed by mechan- ical means. Fig. (JS is a very spirited view of that portion of the rail-mill beyond the rail train (which is seen in the distance on the left of the picture). In the left foreground is shown one of the saws which cut the rails into lengths, and near the center of the picture a man is seen dragging out one of the " crop ends." In all these views the small number of men employed in pro- portion to the work performed is very noticeable. By comparing one of these cuts with Fig. 47, the great difl'erence between the practice of the present and that of thirty-six years ago in this respect is very evident. In 1855 a very large proportion of the work of a rolling-mill was performed by the strong right hands of a multitude of workmen ; but in our day much more and heavier work is accomplished by powerful machinery — the crystallization of ideas emanating from the strong right head of some mechan- ical engineer, who had the ingenious courage to devise hands of iron, and muscles of steel, to do the required work of the present. 'Fig. 69. — View of Plate-mill. Fig. 69 is a view of a plate-mill at the Homestead Steel Works (Carnegie, Phipps & Co.) near Pittsburgh, Pa. This mill is what is known as a "three-high plate-mill." The train of rolls is driven at the rate of fifty revolutions a minute. On the delivery side of these rolls is a roller table five feet in width and 363 feet long, the rollers being driven by power. This mill can roll plates 38 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. three inches thick and 115 inches wide, or sheets 3=^ of an inch thick and 117 inches wide, and of course any intermediate dimen- sions of any length, and of a weight not exceeding six tons. This mill can turn out five thousand net tons per month. Fig. 70 * is a view of the hydraulic shears in the " slabbing-niiir' of the Homestead Steel Works. The men in the pict- ure will assist the mind of the reader in form- ing a correct idea of the magnitude of this pon- derous piece of mecha- nism, whose purpose is to cut into the required lengths the "slabs" as they come from the " slabbing rolls." The lower knife is station- ary, and the movement of the upper knife in a vertical plane is insured by guides on the " hous- FiG. 70. — Hydkaulic Sheabs. ings" of the machine. The upper knife is actuated by a water pressure of about three thousand tons, and the shears are capable of cutting a section 24" X 48" of hot metaL The^slabs" are taken to the plate-mill, reheated, and rolled to the required dimensions. The above description of some of the machinery in use m the Illinois Steel Works and in the Homestead Steel Works must serve for illustrating the ponderous character of the mechanism of a modern " steel plant," as it is plainly impossible m this paper to speak of details which would require a volume to adequately ^""^ The ""Bessemer process," as for many years conducted, could only deal successfully with iron which contained a very small quantity of phosphorus; this being the case, a very large propor- tion of the world's make of that metal was useless for the manu- facture of steel; and therefore it was evident that any improve- ment bv which such iron could be made available would have great value. This fact stimulated inventors to endeavor to dis- *ric.s 69 and TO are reduced from photogravure engravings illustrating a paper by W Richards and J. A. Potter, descriptive of the Homestead Steel Works, which was pub- lished in vol. XT, No. 3, of the Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. 39 cover some means by whicli pig iron high in phosphorus could be used m the '' converter " or " open-hearth " furnace. Success was finally achieved in this by two English chemists, Sidney Gilchrist Thomas and Percy C. Gilchrist, of London, who secured patents for their invention November 22, 1877.* Their modification of the " Bessemer process " consists in the employment of lime as the chief constituent of the lining of the "converter" or "open- hearth furnace," and the action of this "basic lining" (hence the process is commonly called the "basic process") is to remove the phosphorus from the metal as a " phosphate of lime " in which condition it is found in the "slag" produced. There are a num- ber of claimants, English, French, and American, for the discov- ery of the value of lime as a lining in "Bessemer converters " and "open-hearth furnaces" for the treatment of iron rich in phosphorus, who have caused so much litigation as to retard great- ly the use of the "basic process" in this country; but, never- theless, there were made during the year 1890 about ninety thou- sand tons of " basic steel " in the United States. The " basic pro- cess" IS very largely employed in Europe, and fairly deserves recognition as the most important improvement in the metal- lurgy of steel that has been practically developed within the past dozen years. In recent years there have been a number of alleged improve- ments m the manufacture of steel patented, most of them havino- no value. ^ It will be remembered that some of the early American experi- menters, who "with great pains and cost found out and obtained a curious art by which to convert, change, or transmute common iron into steel" (in Connecticut, 1728 to 1750), succeeded in mak- ing somewhat more than half a ton of steel" in four years This seed of the steel industry on this continent has year by year and generation after generation increased and multiplied until for the year 1890 the production of steel of all kinds in the United States reached the enormous total of "4,277,071 gross tons" an amount larger than was produced in that year by any other'coun- try m the world. . .T'^??*^'^^-^ y®^^^ ^^o ^l^ere were but two Bessemer converters m the United States, and it is not at all probable that in the year 18(Jo there were more than five hundred tons of "Bessemer steel" made therein; but this germ product has so wonderfully devel- oped that m the year 3 890 the total production of "Bessemer steel m this country was 4,131,535 net tons, or 8,263 times the th.?' 'f T- ^'"'' •' ''^''''' *^'* "'' " ''"'^' P™^*^^^ " ""^ <^ond"Cted in Europe involves the use o the invention of Messrs. Thomas and Gilchrist, in connection with those of G. J. Snelus of Workm^ton, and Edward Riley, of London, whose inventions have contributed materially to its success. 40 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tonnage of 1865. This enormous output was made in eighty-five " converters " owned by forty steel-works, which were distributed in eight States, viz., Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and Colorado. In 1772 the American manufacturers' price for steel was equal to $180.60 per gross ton. Steel of better quality can be purchased of the American manufacturer of to-day for thirty dollars per gross ton, a decline of eighty-four per cent in one hundred and nineteen years. Twenty-seven years have elapsed since the first Bessemer steel was made in America, and that time, improved by the labors of skillful men from among our engineers, metallurgists, and chem- ists, has wrought wondrous changes in the construction and man- agement of our furnaces, steel-works, and rolling-mills. To-day the tendency of all metallurgical manufacturing enterprises is toward concentration, not only in commercial and administrative afeairs, but in their machinery as well. Giant engines, ponderous roll-trains, colossal hammers, crushing forging-presses, stalwart cranes, furnaces whose "fervent heat" destroys all doubt of the possibility of the fusion of worlds, ore piles rivaling mountams in magnitude; enormous stores of coal, suggesting yet more enormous mines ; a vast entanglement of railways to all parts of the works ; a water-supply sufficient for a town ; miles of subter- ranean pipes bringing gaseous fuel to the roaring mills— are but the common details of a modern establishment for the manufact- ure of steel. Practices once condemned as criminal extravagances are now regarded as essential economies ; things once deemed im- possible by men of little faith are but the familiar occurrences of to-day. Buildings, machinery, methods, have all been touched by the spirit of progress. Science has become better acquainted with art, and art has a better appreciation of science, and their united forces are marching forever forward. Before their steady advance difficulties vanish, obstacles are surmounted, and seem- ing impossibilities are overcome ; sound principles are established in place of empiricisms, and educated skill replaces laborious ig- norance. Verily, " old things are passing away and all things are become new." Eyidence is given in the Rev. Thomas Parkinson's Yorkshire Legends and Traditions of the survival of the belief in fairies to a late date. An old man told the author a few years ago that his father, when young, had seen a dance of fames, and that they were " of nearly all colors." A similar statement has been made to Mr Parkinson's reviewer in the Athenaeum, who suggests that such visions may be misinterpreted facts, not mere mental illusions. The birds called ruflPs dance in the moonlight much after the fashion of the round dances of yore, and some of these dances may have been mistaken for those of fairies. DO WE TEACH GEOLOGY? ^^ DO WE TEACH GEOLOGY? By EOBEET T. HILL. n^HE late Prof. Alexander Winchell, who did so mucli to J- popularize geology in this country, asked, " Shall we teach geology ? " and our educational institutions have answered the question in the affirmative by expending liberal sums for the en- dowment of chairs in schools and colleges. The question now is, not shall we teach, but do we teach geology ? No modern science has been so vaguely understood and so in- definitely represented as that of geology. Our text-books, as a rule, are from fifteen to twenty years behind in the presentation of the vast results of the army of investigators in the field ; and even among the working geologists there are wide differences in regard to fundamental definitions and theories. This great study, which has done so much for the advancement of knowledge and' for industry, is still in a chaotic condition ; and even its element- ary definitions, as given in our text-books, are confiicting. In the popular mind, in consequence of the mighty throes into which^ geological interpretation precipitated religious thought, the science is usually considered an irreligious inquiry into the history of the earth, or a useless study of curious fossils and pretty minerals To the practical investigator and student, how- ever, geology has but one meaning, and that is, the science which treats of the structure of the earth and its changes. A glance at the curricula of our universities will show that few of them teach the subject on this basis ; they deal with the science either in the old-fashioned historical way, or devote their energies to some narrow branch— for example, paleontology, mi- croscopic petrography, or economic mineralogy. ^ Geology can in many ways be compared with architecture inasmuch as it is a scientific art, requiring a knowledge of many special arts and sciences. The architect must have a knowledge of mensuration, carpentry, masonry, materials, chemistry, physics decoration, and other specialties pertaining to house-buildino-' Likewise the geologist or student of earth-structure must have a knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, mineralogy, mensura- tion, and all the sciences which are useful in interpreting this structure. Although we would never mistake a house-painter for an architect, we are overwhelmed by paleontologists, micros- copists, and theologians who assume the title of geologists, and teach their narrow specialties under the broader name. An' eth- nologist who studies primitive dwellings is not an architect, yet how many astronomical data concerning pre-nebular hypotheses TOL. XL. — 4 42 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and pre-geological speculations are taught as geology, as if to mystify the minds of students ! I well remember a young man who went from one of our great universities a few years ago with particular mention upon his diploma that he had attained special excellence in geology ; in later years he found himself face to face with some of the greater prob- lems of earth-structure, and slowly it dawned upon him that he had no conception of what the study really was. He knew the names of many fossils and minerals, could enumerate the histori- cal sequence of the geologic time-epochs, but when required to report upon a new and strange region he found himself ignorant of the four necessary geologic rudiments— determination, defini- tion, distribution, and delineation. There is hardly a college in the land in which the study of the structure of the earth is not made subservient to the study of its history and composition, and in which the student does not learn to consider the extraordinary instead of the ordinary, by being taught to begin away back in Archaean time, and thence to trace the history of life-epochs. But the working geologist regards time-nomenclature as a secondary consideration, and the word Archeean means to him only a common dumping-ground for all older terrenes whose structure has not been differentiated. Geology is not a science of the past, but a grand study of the present structure of the earth, its contour, composition, and read- justments. Geology has nothing to do with the origin or begin- ning of the globe— a field of inquiry purely astronomical— but takes the earth where astronomy leaves it, a completed mass of matter, and investigates its changes. Although Hutton a hun- dred years ago presented this thought in his saying that in the economy of Nature there is no trace of a beginning or evidence of an ending, still much of our geologic instruction is wasted on these subjects. The cultural aspects of civilization are due to geologic struct- ure, but in how many of our institutions are students taught to appreciate the topography or configuration of the earth's surface and its relation to structure, or to observe with inquirmg eye the forms and contours of the landscape ? The student usually learns the chemistry of certain nicely arranged hand specmiens of hard rocks, and memorizes the names of leading fossils or the crystal- lography of minerals under the guise of economic geology. As a result, the study is supposed to be merely the study of hard rocks and curious fossils. Although the student knows these by sight, he can not trace a rock-sheet above the ground or below it, or see the great soft terrenes void of fossils and rocks which make up the larger area of our country, and can not appreciate the broader relations of structure to agriculture, hygiene, climate, and civih- BO WE TEACH GEOLOGY? 43 zation. Hence the great iinfossiliferons terrenes are unknown ; for example, the non-monntainous regions of the West and South, over which in places one may travel from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of Mexico without finding a fossil, a crystal, or a building-stone. There is but one geological laboratory, and that is the great out- of-doors ; and no student should learn a fossil or a mineral until he has first studied the landscape and is able to distinguish one stratum with its topographic form from another as strata, and not as fossil beds or chemical compounds. A field-glass and a quiet seat upon a commanding eminence, where the local surroundings can be studied, are worth to the beginner miles of traveling about with hammer and specimen-bag ; and a thorough curiosity aroused as to why one hill is flat, another round, or one stream broad and sluggish while another is narrow and raj^id, is more valuable than a cabinet of curios. An inquiry as to the origin of sediment in a river, whence it came, and what will become of it, will lead to a grander conception of earth-stripping and formation-making than the memorizing of all the specimens in a laboratory. It is not my wish to discourage the study of paleontology or petrography, but is it not a serious error to teach these first and geology later ? They are to geology as trigonometry is to mathe- matics, something that follows the fundamental arithmetic and algebra. Some one has said that geology begins and ends with the rain- drop. If not literally true, the saying is worthy of consideration ; and if the teacher begins with it, his students will soon be familiar with the grand facts of the erosion and distribution of earth-mat- ter, and the origin of the rock-sheets that make the whole, and the life-history of our earth's great cycles can be read. When we lay by our icthyosaurians and useless crystals for advanced study, and teach the ordinary and not the extraordinary features of the earth, geology will be appreciated, and every farmer, every builder of homes, every drinker of water, will learn that upon a knowledge of its simple laws his success depends. To the high-school student a knowledge of the structure of the earth is as important as chemistry or foreign languages ; but, until some simple text-book is written dealing with the subject on these lines, it is not to be expected that geology will be gener- ally taught. The principal acbievement recorded in Dr. Hugo Zoller's recent explorations in New Guinea consists in the ascent of the Finisterre Mountains to a height of 8,700 feet, and the discovery of a still loftier range inland, which appeared to be covered with snow. Comparative vocabularies are given of forty-four lan- guages, most of which were collected by the author himself or under his super- vision. 44 THE POPULAR SCIEXCE MOXTRLY. DRESS AXD ADORNMENT. III. ORNAMENT. By Prof. FREDERICK STARR. THE savage loves finery. Anything bright and showy has for him remarkable attractiveness. Traders have often been blamed for their unequal trades with unsophisticated savages whereby they get a large return for articles of little value. Yet it must be admitted that often they could do little else. Truly useful and desirable articles are often passed by, and tawdry or- naments, beads, and tinsel are sought with avidity. The writer himself has frequently found, if cash payment is offered, that Indians demand preposterous prices for objects of ethnological interest ; a few handfuls of beads or some yards of bright rib- bon will bring about a quick and mutually satisfactory bargain. Early travelers found no peoi:)le on some of the islands of the Pa- cific who would give anything for new kinds of fowls, domestic animals, or useful devices, but " a few red feathers would buy the whole island." " Ne- cessity is always sec- ondary to luxury " is a remark that will bear frequent c|uotation. Ornament is univer- sal. The barbarian will go naked, unjjro- tected, hungry, but he will have his orna- ments. The beginnings of ornament lie far back in antiquity, but they may also be seen in savage life of to-day. The incentive that de- velops it is personal vanity — the desire for self - individualization. A man wishes to mark himself off from his neighbor by some external sign. If he kills a savage beast, what is more natural than that he should use its skin, its teeth, its claws, as a trophy ? Wearing these, he is known as a mighty or success- ful hunter. Possibly the oldest decoration we know is a necklace from Duruthy Cavern, in France. Under a stone, apparently Fig. 1. — American Indian with Necklace of Claws. DRESS AND ADORNMENT. 45 fallen from the roof, was found part of tlie skeleton of a man. He had been crushed probably by the descending mass. Scattered about in such a way as to show that they had been strung to- gether, were some forty large canine teeth of the cave bear, an animal now extinct. The teeth were perforated, and several were carved — not poorly — with animal and other de- signs. This necklace must have been originally a fine affair, and it is a good exam- ple of trophy-wearing. Nat- urally, what happens in hunt- ing life may also occur in war. There, too, parts of enemies slain in battle may be worn as trophies. In the Louisade Archipelago, bracelets made of the jawbone and clavicle of foes killed in war were worn by warriors. Nearly all North American tribes for- merly took scalps, which were worked up as fringes for gar- ments, head-dresses, or other articles of ornamental dress. Trophies of the chase or of war were, we firmly believe, the first objects of decoration, and their only purpose was to render conspicuous the indi- viduality of their wearer. Later the idea of beauty in ornament arose, and with it a f kj. 2.-0rnamental Apron made of Tofcan- host of objects which were not bones. Mundurucu Indians, South America. trophies came to be worn. In examining the objects of ornament worn by savage, bar- barous, and civilized tribes, we find a marvelous varietj^ of mate- rials and designs. We are amazed at the ingenuity displayed in making the most unpromising materials into things of beauty. Through this impulse of personal vanity — the wish to emphasize his individuality — man has been led to make many interesting discoveries and to develop many important arts. A dude is not a pleasant object ; but, after all, the motive which has produced him has been of vast service in the world's progress. We will consider some instructive examples of ornament. The animal, 46 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. vegetable, and mineral kingxloms have all been laid nnder tribute for materials. Teeth, claws, shells, jjearls, bone, hair, ivory, feath- ers, beans, seeds, grasses, leaves, fibers of all kinds, crystals, metals — these are but a few of the many substances that man has learned to use, more or less effectively, in self -adornment. Necldaces are universal. Very simple are the garlands of red and yellow flowers, so popular throughout Polynesia. The whale- tooth necklaces of Samoa and the neighboring islands were really attractive, and were so highly valued that only kings and the most powerful chiefs could afford or dare to wear them. They consisted simply of the natural teeth perforated for stringing. They are now rare and seldom seen. Those at present used in the same district are lighter, more slender and artistic, but are made in England and sent out to the islands for trading. An interest- ing neck ornament was the xxdaoa of the Hawaiians. It consisted of a carved and i^olislied piece of bone and ivory attached to an elaborately braided decoration of black hair. This ornament was worn only by chiefs of high rank and had some talismanic virtue. Among the necklaces from Aus- tralia are those consisting of kangaroo-teeth strung on thread, and the careful- ly made and really beau- tifid ones composed of cas- sowary feathers. Neck- laces of trophies of dan- gerous hunting, analogous to that from Duruthy Cav- ern already mentioned, are made by Indian huiit- ers from claws of the roy- al Bengal tiger. From the same materials the skillful goldsmiths of India make marvels of beautiful work. Such a one lies before me. The claws are perfectly cleaned and polished, mounted in gold settings, and strung on a chain of gold ; pendent at the lower end is a pretty tiger and a charm, both of gold. Hundreds of years of time and generation of art development lie between the necklaces of Duruthy and Ben- gal ! One of the most instructive lessons in culture history is shown by two South African necklaces described by Wood. The lesson is this ; in any art developuieiif, as new materials are gained, the Fig. 3. — Necklace of Whale's Teeth. Samoa. DRESS AND ADORNMENT. 47 old types are copied in the new material. One of these necklaces consists of beads and teeth. Six or seven fine leather thongs are strung with black beads of small size ; rows one and a half inch long being made, a single bead of larger size, and in color white spotted with blue, is added ; then follows another inch and a half of black beads ; then comes a cluster of leopards' teeth three to five in number ; this arrangement is repeated. The other necklace copies this in general plan. Rows of white beads are followed by a brass tooth ; then come ruby-red beads with white spots ; then another brass tooth, white beads, etc. The necklace with real teeth is of an older type than the other, and it is interesting, even after metal has been introduced and the ornamental and not the trophy idea prevails, to see the old trophy pattern carried over into a new and artificial material. Patterns survive. Arm-bands and bracelets occur in great variety, but little need be said of them. Two African forms only will detain us. Among the Kaffirs, and in the west of Africa as well, a plain ivory arm-ring, in a sin- gle piece, is in common use. Such are easily made. The tusk of the elephant is hollow save near the small end. To- ward the larger end the ivory sheath is thin and irregular, but it thick- ens and becomes solid toward the tip. All that is necessary to make arm-bands is to remove the soft, vascular inner part and then to cut the ivory into cross-sections, two or three inches wide. The rings thus made vary, of course, in size. After being cut they are carefully polished. With such rings the whole arm from wrist to elbow is often covered. Schweinfurth describes a pretty ornament of metal rings — the dagobar — as in use among White Nile tribes. The individual rings are of iron and are narrow and neatly made. They are worn so closely together upon the arm as to make a continuous metal Fig. 4. — Paloa. Hawaiian Islands. 48 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sheathing. Very curious are the arm-coils from Bouka Bay, New Guinea, which consist of one spiral strip of bark. Ear-rings are found in all times and among almost every people. They range in •Necklace of Tiger-claws. India. (Miss Abbie M. White.) size, material, and elegance from the brilliant solitaire in gold set- ting, worn by our ladies, to the bird-skins worn in the ears in New Zealand or the immense ornaments of shell with carved ivory in- DEESS AND ADORNMENT. 49 Fig. 6. — African Arm Ornament. The Dii'nibar. laying, from New Guinea. King Munza's sister begged lead bullets from Schweinfurth and hammered from tliem bright ear-rings. From New Zealand come very pretty ear-rings of grfeen jade in the shape of sharks' teeth. Is it not certain that we here have another example of the law of copying an old form in a new ma- terial ? Did the New Zealanders not wear real sharks' teeth, as some Alaskan and British Columbian tribes do now, before they made these more beautiful ones ? Waist - girdles are interesting, not only in themselves, but also because of their influ- ence upon dress devel- opment, already traced. In Australia they are often made of finely twisted human hair. Unique in material and really attractive in appearance are the Hottentot girdles made by stringing concave-convex disks of ostrich-egg shell. Such cords looked like a rope of ivory, and sometimes passed quite around the body. Nose ornaments and labrets were spoken of in the lect- ure on Deformations, and we care little to add to what is there said. Mr. Kunz recently showed us some interesting labrets made by the old Mexicans from jade and amethyst that show skillful work. These are all of the hat-shaped pattern, and the one of jade is very large. Were not some of the oldest ornaments known supposed to be hair-pins, we should hardly refer to these. From the lake dwellings of Switzerland we have a large number of these objects very neatly made, in a variety of large and orna- mental patterns, from bronze. Vast quantities of bronze orna- ments of all kinds — rings, arm-bands, wristlets, hair-pins, pendants, etc., have been found on these sites. Feathers are often worked up into wonderfully beautiful decorations. Some Upper Nile peoples use the " supple breast-feathers of the gray pelican, mak- ing them up into close perukes, which form excellent imitations of a luxuriant crop of gray hair." The head-dresses of bird-of- paradise feathers from the South Seas are beautiful in colors and graceful in form. The New Zealander made an elegant head-dress of pelican feathers, arranged in white bunches as wings on each side of the head, meeting above. The " war-bon- nets " of eagle feathers, and the single, neatly wrapped and dec- orated feathers worn by American tribes, are well known. In this connection we may see how ornaments may indirectly en- 5° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. courage art. Such delicate and perishable ornaments need espe- cial protection from dust and injury. Receptacles of some sort must be provided, and usually sucli would themselves be dec- orated. In buying war feathers from the Sacs and Foxes, we found them kept in neatly made wooden boxes with slide covers. These boxes were usually carved and painted. The New Zea- lander for his choicest feathers made, with an infinity of toil and pains, elegant carved boxes of hard green jade. Pendants have been used from an early date and are much prized by barbarous people. Akin to them are all sorts of breast- plates, brooches, etc. Wood describes the dibbi - dihhi of the Australian. This is ordinarily fan-shaped and made of shell. It is also, however, at times crescentic and nearly as large as a cheese-plate. They are ornamented with drilled and engraved designs. Very much like them are the shell gorgets that have been found in the mounds of Tennessee, Georgia, and Missouri. They are among the finest specimens of art from the mounds. From two to five or six inches in diameter, these are disks, neatly carved from shell. The upper surface is concave and usually bears a carved design, often conven- tional but always well done — a spider, a rattlesnake, com- binations of circles, spirals, and dots, a human figure, etc. While speaking of ornaments of this shape and size we may refer to the salcalion of the Sacs and Foxes. These are still made by the native jew- elers from German silver. Those worn by men are pen- dent ; those for women have a pin for attachment, form- These scikalion are ingeniously made and are worn in great nuinbers — one little girl's dance- waist bore two hundred of them. They are usually about an inch and a half in size. Among our Iowa Indians these pin- ning sakahon are only used by women, but Mrs. Harriet Maxwell Converse has a great numlier of very small ones, of silver, not more than a half-inch in diameter, which were formerly worn by the famous Iroquois orator Red Jacket. Beads are highly prized. The earliest were made of shell or stone, and later these were Fig. 7. — Nose Ornament. New Guinea, ing what is called a fibula. BEESS AND ADORNMENT. 51 copied in glass and metals. Glass beads liave gone the world over. They have replaced many old materials, and have wrought great changes in many lines of aboriginal art Avork. But, there are beads and beads ! Fashion changes as often among savages as with ourselves, and the bead so highly prized to- day may be worth- less to - morrow. In Africa iron beads are always good, but glass beads fluctuate. One author tells us " they prefer as beads the * mand- yoor' — long poly- hedral prisms as large as a bean and as blue as lapis lazuli." But woe to the trader who took a stock of ma n dyoo r there to - day ! They might be a drug on the mar- ket. It may seem as if we have been too detailed in describing all these savage and barbaric decora- tions. We have simply aimed to show how varied in material and how diversified in form and use such ornaments may be. To show the profusion of ornament worn in some cases, and to illustrate the amount of discomfort which one will willingly endure for the sake of display, we quote a few descriptions : Livingstone describes the sister of chief Sebatuane as "wear- ing eighteen solid brass rings as thick as one's finger on each leg ; three of copper under each knee ; nineteen brass rings on the right arm ; eight of brass and copper on the left arm, and a large ivory ring above each elbow. She had a heavy bead sash around her waist and a bead necklace. The weight of rings upon Fig. 8. — Head-dress of Bird-of-Paradise Feathers. Islands. South Sea 52 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. her ankles was so great as to necessitate wrapping these with rags." Nubian women are particularly fond of silver, often wearing several watch-chains, three pairs of bracelets, bangles^ ankle and leg ornaments, hair-pins, etc. That things were not much better in olden days is shown by Isaiah's remarks regarding the Jewesses : " Moreover the Lord saith. Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tink- ling with their feet. ... In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, the chains, and the brace- lets, and the mufflers, the bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets and the ear-rings, the rings and nose jewels, the changeable suits of apparel and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, the glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods and the veils" (Isaiah, iii, lG-23). King Munza, whose state dress we spoke of in the last lecture, had an extensive wardrobe of ornaments. It oc- cupied several apartments. In one room there was nothing but hats and feathers, especially those of the red parrot, arranged in great round tufts. In one hut were bundles of tails of civets, genets, patamochoeri, and gi- raffes, with skins and thousands of ornaments. There were also long strings of teeth of rare animals, one of more than one hundred lions' fangs. Surely it would seem that he had enough. An even more striking illustra- tion of discomfort endured for the sake of display than that of Sebatuane's sister is the African belle who wore copper arm-rings which became so hot in the sun's rays that she was obliged to have an attendant with a watering-pot who would from time to time drench her to cool the metal. We have already said that the desire for ornament has led to much material progress. We believe that to it must be attributed the origin and development of metal-working. The evidence of this will be found in an examination of the metal-work of various primitive peoples. The bronze relics from the Swiss lakes are exceedingly various, but much the larger number of them are Fig. 9. — Samoan Chief with Ornaments. DRESS AND ADORNMENT. 53 ornaments — not weapons or instruments. So in Africa, although it is true that the natives make wonderful assegai-blades, we believe that they use both copper and iron far more for leg-bands, arm-rings, and other decorations, than for articles of utility. As due to the ornament-search of man, metal-working possesses a special interest for us, and its beginnings deserve consideration. The first steps are well shown in North America. Here not only the recent tribes but also the builders of the mounds used native copper from Lake Superior. This was not smelted, but was beaten into shape with hammers of stone. Thin sheets were also beaten out between two stones and used for covering wooden forms. Prof. Put- nam has found some very interesting spool-shaped ear ornaments of copper in Ohio mounds. These are not easy to describe, but they are very ingeniously made. They con- sist of two convex-concave disks of beaten copper, from an inch to two inches in di- ameter, held together by a narrow column of rolled copper - sheet. Such have been found in other metals as well as in copper. In one altar mound of the Turner group were found two bushels of ornaments of stone, copper, mica, shells, teeth, pearls, etc., nearly all perforated for suspension. Several copper ornaments, viz., bracelets, beads, and ear ornaments, were coated with beaten sil- ver ; one copper pendant was covered with beaten gold ; one ear ornament of copper was covered with meteoric iron, and half of one of these ornaments was composed entirely of this latter metal. Just how smelting arose we do not know. It may have been an accidental discovery, but, if so, the accident must have occurred in different places and at different times, as there is good evidence that the art has independently originated at several centers. In western Europe bronze preceded iron. In the heart of Africa it seems as if there had been no bronze age before the iron age. The Africans are often remarkable smiths, producing an excellent quality of iron with a very primitive outfit. The bellows consist of two wooden or pottery bowls with bladder tops, or of leather sacks ; from these run pipes made of wood or of antelope horns ; Fig. 10. — Nubian Gikl with Nose Ornament. 54 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the tips of these are incased in a clay tube. Wooden sticks are fastened to the middle of the bladder covers or to the upper end of the skins. By working these handles up and down air is forced through the pipes into the tube and through the fire. This is built in a hole dug in the ground. The heated iron is worked hot between two stones used as anvil and hammer. Asse- gai-blades are made with this poor outfit of such excellence that they may be sharpened so as to be used as razors, and so pliable that they may be bent double and then straightened after reheat- ing. This is iron working, not smelting. Schweinf urth describes how the Dyoor get the iron from the ore, and the process is x)i'acti- cally the same throughout Africa, In March, just before seeding- time, he says, they go to the woods to smelt iron. In the shaded center of a very wooded spot they make groups of furnaces of clay. These are cones not more than four feet high, widening to a goblet shape. A cup-shaped cavity at the top communicates by a small throat with the main cavity of the furnace, which is filled Fig. 11. — African Smiths at Work. with charcoal. The upper receiver is filled with fragments of ore about a cubic inch in size. The hollow tunnel extends lower than the ground-level, and the melted ore, finding its way down through the fire, collects below. Openings here admit air and allow the withdrawal of slag. The iron has to be twice heated, and when taken out is in small bits which on reheating are beaten into one mass. Metal-working had doubtless an exceedingly slow develop- ment ; but it is remarkable how some people, strangers to the art as originators, acquire it as imitators. Thus the Sacs and Foxes DRESS AND ADORNMENT. 55 smelt no ores, but a dozen men in the tribe make from German silver neat and tasteful bracelets, armlets, rings, sakahoii, and ear-rings. The jeweler's outfit consists of a square block of wood for an anvil, a hammer, a pair of shears, compasses, and a set of rude punches made from scrap iron, steel nails, bits of old files, etc. To make a finger-ring, the workman selects a piece of German silver and cuts from it a narrow strip long enough to encircle the finger. A square, rectangular, or oval piece of copper may be cut for a setting. This is marked with a neat design worked on with punches tapped by a hammer. The strip of white metal is bent into ring-form, the setting is laid upon it at the junction where the ends meet, and the two are firmly held together by a brass wire passed around them. A drop of solder is put upon the junc- tion inside, a small stick is thrust through the ring to support it, and it is held in an open fire until the solder melts, flowing into the junction and cementing the whole firmly. After cooling, the ring is smoothed with a file and polished. Sometimes we find the same object serving at once ornamental and useful purposes. The arm-rings of metal or ivory with which the African delights to cover his arms to the elbow are a useful protection against weaj)ons. The metal rings worn by Latuka warriors on their right wrists are set with four or five sharp- edged knife-blades and are terrible weapons. The Isenga wear rings of considerable weight and sharp-edged ; usually these are incased in leather sheaths, but, when uncovered, they become horrid weapons for hand-to-hand fighting. The very heavy arm- bands of the Wakamba are of triple use, serving at once as orna- ments, parries, and striking weapons. Ornament often becomes money. The Nubian woman or the Hindoo frequently carries the family wealth on her person as silver ornaments. The important influence of ornament upon dress has already been considered in a preceding lecture. We know of only one paper which treats at all fully of orna- ment. It is by Mougeolles, Although we do not concur in all the conclusions of this author, we wish to call attention to some propositions that he lays down. With the statement of these and of one or two additional, we shall close : (a) With the growth of dress, ornament declined. If our view as to how dress developed is correct, this is natural. If dress began as ornament, the ornamental idea would gradually disap- pear as it passed into a modesty-covering and a bodily protection. As dress develops, the sort of ornament must change: ornament at first attached to the person, gradually passes into ornament attached to the dress. We notice here again an example of wom- an's conservatism. Man in civilization wears little ornament, and what he does wear is fastened to the dress ; woman wears more 56 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ornaments, and these are frequently attached to the person. Man in civilization still wears ornament " when he is a warrior, an offi- cer, or a courtier." In all these cases we simply have survival of ornament in these conservative relations. (b) The search for ornament is as universal as the social ine- quality from wliicli it has been derived. We have seen that in its very beginnings ornament was a distinction. It was intended to mark a man from his fellows as one who had done what others had not accomplished. As the mark of social inequality it will exist wherever class distinctions are recognized. (c) Jeivelry in ornament tends to grow more and more delicate ivitli advancing civilization, and finally disappears as social dis- tinctions vanish. The first part of the proposition is shown by history. Ornament may be traced in Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and wherever there is actual progress toward true civilization ornament dwindles. The proposition as a whole grows out of the preceding. There is no place for ornaments in a true democracy where equality prevails. A revival of ornament indicates the retardation of democratic ideas. {d) In our first lecture we referred to mutilations made to admit of ornament-carrying. We saw that ears, noses, cheeks, lips, and other parts are or have been pierced for insertion of orna- ments. These mutilations tend to disappear with advancement, and those tuhich are most painful disappear first. The least painful of these is ear-piercing, and we know that it still lingers in many cases where all other mutilations have disappeared. (e) In orjiament as in dress we find much in the way of sur- vival that is interesting. Mougeolles claims that in the various head ornaments used as emblems of rank or power we have bits of history. He maintains that in very ancient Egyj^t masks were worn by hunters and warriors of the heads of slain animals. These are represented upon gods and goddesses in the bas-reliefs. The most commonly represented are made from heads of lions, jackals, etc. Isis wears a beef's head. Dog-headed figures are common. These animal head-dresses copied in other material continue in use, and, gradually conventionalized, lose their original form. He believes the crown was derived from a lion's head, the miter from that of a jackal, the Greek helmet from a horse's head. (/) Notice the importance, in its results, of ptersonal vanity. Without it we believe that man would have remained low in civ- ilization. To the desire to mark himself off from his fellows by a visible sign we owe dress development ; to it we owe a long list of important arts, chief among tliem perhaps that of metal-work- ing ; to it we owe much of the scientific method of studying the world around us : for, impelled liy it, man first began to investi- gate Nature, beyond what was necessary to secure a food-supply POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 57 and bodily protection ; to it we owe the development of our sestlietic sense in large degree. It may be true that to-day in a civilized democracy there is no proper place for personal orna- ment and decoration ; but we can forgive much of weak display and many a useless survival of the past on account of what per- sonal vanity has done for man's progress. SOME OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF ECO:NrOMIC BOTANY.* By GEOEGE LINCOLN GOODALE. /^UR Association demands of its president, on his retirement V^ from office, some account of matters connected with the department of science in which he is engaged. But you will naturally expect that, before I enter upon the discharge of this duty, I should present a report respecting the mission with which you intrusted me last year. You desired me to attend the annual meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, and express your good wishes for its success. Compliance with your request did not necessitate any material change in plans formed long ago to visit the South Seas ; some of the dates and the sequence of places had to be modified ; otherwise the early plans were fully carried out. I can assure you that it seemed very strange to reverse the seasons, and find midsummer in January. But in the meeting with our brethren of the southern hemisphere nothing else was reversed. The official welcome to your representative was as cordial and the response by the members was as kindly as that which the people in the northern hemisphere would give to any fellow-worker coming from beyond the sea. The meeting to which I was commissioned was held in Jan- uary last in the cathedral city of Christchurch, New Zealand, the seat of Canterbury College. Considering the distance between the other colonies and New Zealand, the meeting was well attended. From Hobart, Tas- mania, to the southern harbor, known as the Bluff, in New Zea- land, the sea voyage is only a little short of one thousand miles of rough water. From Sydney in New South Wales to Auckland, New Zealand, it is over twelve hundred miles. If, therefore, one journeys from Adelaide in South Australia, to Christchurch, New Zealand, where the meeting was held, he travels by land and by * Presidential address delivered before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Washington, August, 1891. VOL. XL. — 5 58 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sea over two tliOTisand miles. From Brisbane in Queensland, it is somewhat farther. Although certain concessions are made to the members of the Association, the fares by rail and by steam- ship are high, so that a journey from any one of the seats of learning in Australia proper to New Zealand is formidable on account of its cost. It is remarkable that so large a number of members should have met together under such circumstances, and it speaks well for the great strength and vigor of the Association. The Australasian Association is modeled rather more closely after the British Association than is our own. The president delivers his address upon his inauguration. There are no general business meetings, but all the details are attended to- by an exec- utive committee answering to our council ; none except the mem- bers and associates are invited to attend even the sectional meet- ings, and there are some other differences between the three associations. The secretaries stated to me their conviction that their organization and methods are better adapted to their sur- roundings than ours would be, and all their arguments seemed cogent. Although the Association has been in existence but three years, it has accomplished great good. It has brought together workers in different fields for conference and mutual benefit ; it has diminished misunderstandings, and has strengthened friend- ships. In short, it is doing the same kind of good work that we believe ours is now doing, and in much the same way. Your message was delivered at the general evening session immediately before the induction of the new officers. The retir- ing president. Baron von Mueller, and the incoming president. Sir James Hector, in welcoming your representative, expressed their pleasure that you should have seen fit to send personal greetings. In replying to their welcome, I endeavored to convey your felicitations upon the pronounced success of the Association, and your best wishes for a prosperous future. In your name I ex- tended a cordial invitation to the members to gratify us by their presence at some of our annual meetings, and I have good reason to believe that this invitation will be accepted. I know it will be most thoroughly and hospitably honored by us. On the morning of the session to which I refer, we received in the daily papers a cable telegram relative to the Bering Sea difficulties (which were then in an acute stage). In your stead, I ventured to say, " In these days of disquieting dispatches, when there are rumors of trouble between Great Britain and the United States, it is pleasant to think that 'blood is thicker than water.' " This utterance was taken to mean that we are all English-speak- ing kinsmen, and, even before I had finished, the old proverb was received with prolonged applause. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 59 The next meeting of the Australasian Association is to be lield in Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, under the presidency of the Governor, Sir Robert Hamilton. The energetic secretaries. Prof. Liversidge, Prof. Hutton, and Mr. Morton, promise a cordial wel- come to any of our members visiting the Association. Should you accept the invitation, you will enjoy every feature of the remarkable island, Tasmania, where the meeting is to be held. You will be delighted by Tasmanian scenery, vegetation, and cli- mate ; but that which will give you the greatest enjoyment in this as in other English South Sea colonies is the fact that you are among English-speaking friends half-way around the world. You will find that their efficient Association is devoted to the advance- ment of science and the promotion of sound learning. In short, you will be made to feel at home. The subject which I have selected for the valedictory address deals with certain industrial, commercial, and economic ques- tions : nevertheless, it lies wholly within the domain of botany. I invite you to examine with me some of the possibilities of eco- nomic botany. Of course, when treating a topic which is so largely specula- tive as this, it is difficult and unwise to draw a hard and fast line between possibilities and probabilities. Nowadays possibilities are so often realized rapidly that they become accomplished facts before we are aware. In asking what are the possibilities that other plants than those we now use may be utilized we enter upon a many-sided inquiry.* Speculation is rife as to the coming man. May we not ask what plants the coming man will use ? There is an enormous disproportion between the total number of species of plants known to botanical science and the number of those which are employed by man. The species of flowering x^lants already described and named are about one hundred and seven thousand. Acquisitions from unexplored or imperfectly explored regions may increase the ag- gregate perhaps one tenth, so that we are within very safe limits * The following are among the more useful works of a general character dealing with the subject. Others are referred to either in the text or notes. The reader may consult also the list of works on Economic Botany in the catalogue published by the Linnaean Society. Select Extra-tropical Plants, readily Eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalization, with Indications of their Native Countries and some of their Uses. By Baron Ferd. von Mueller, K. C. M. G., F. R. S., etc., Government Botanist for Victoria. Melbourne, 1888. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. At the close of his treatise on industrial plants. Baron von Mueller has grouped the genera indicating the different classes of useful products in such a manner that we can ascertain the respective numbers belonging to the genera. Of course, many of these 6o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in taking tlie number of existing species to be somewhat above one hundred and ten thousand.* Now, if we should make a comprehensive list of all the flower- ing plants which are cultivated on what we may call a fairly- large scale at the present day, placing therein all food f and for- age plants, all those which are grown for timber and cabinet woods, for fibers and cordage, for tanning materials, dyes, resins, rubber, gums, oils, perfumes, and medicines, we could bring to- gether barely three hundred species. If we should add to this short catalogue all the species which, without cultivation, can be used by man, we should find it considerably lengthened. A great many products of the classes just referred to are derived in com- merce from wild plants, but exactly how much their addition would extend the list it is impossible in the present state of knowledge to determine. Every enumeration of this character is likely to contain errors from two sources : first, it would be sure to contain some species which have outlived their real usefulness , and, secondly, owing to the chaotic condition of the literature of the subject, omissions would occur. But after all proper exclusions and additions have been made genera figure in more than one category. Ee has also arranged the plants according to the countries naturally producing them. Useful Native Plants of Australia (including Tasmania). By J. H. Maiden, F. L. S., Curator of the Technological Museum of New South Wales, Sydney. Sydney, 1889. See also note (*), page 71. Hand-book of Commercial Geography. By Geo. G. Chisholm, M. A., B. So. London, 1889. New Commercial Plants, with Directions how to grow them to the Best Advantage. By Thomas Christy. London, Christy & Co. Dictionary of Popular Names of the Plants which furnish the Natural and Acquired Wants of Man. By John Smith, A. L. S. London, 1885. Cultivated Plants : Their Propagation and Improvement. By F. W. Burbage. Lon- don, 1877. The Wanderings of Plants and Animals from their First home. By Victor Hehn, edited by James Steven Stally brass. London, 1885. Researches into the Early History of Mankind, and the Development of Civilization. By Edward B. Tylor, D. C. L., LL.D., F.R. S. 1878. * The number of species of Phwnocjamia has been given by many writers as not far from 150,000. But the total number of species recognized by Bcntham and Hooker, in the Genera Plantarum (Durand's Index), is 100,220, in 210 natural orders and 8,417 genera. f Dr. E. Lewis Sturtevant, to whose kindness I am indebted for great assistance in the matter of references, has placed at my disposal many of his notes on edible plants, etc. From his enumeration it appears that, if we count all the plants which have been culti- vated for food at one time or another, the list contains 1,192 species; but if we count all the plants which either " habitally or during famine periods are recorded to have been eaten," we obtain a list of no less than 4,090 species, or about three and one half per cent of all known species of plants. But, as Sir Joseph Hooker has said, the products of many plants, though eatable, are not fit to eat. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 61 the total rmm'ber of species of flowering plants utilized to any- considerable extent by man in his civilized state does not exceed, in fact it does not quite reach, one per cent. The disproportion between the plants which are known and those which are used becomes much greater when we take into account the species of flowerless plants also. Of the five hundred ferns and their allies we employ for other than decorative pur- poses only five ; the mosses and liverworts, roughly estimated at five hundred species, have only four which are directly used by man. There are comparatively few algae, fungi, or lichens which have extended use. Therefore, when we take the flowering and flowerless together, the percentage of utilized plants falls far below the estimate made for the flowering alone. Such a ratio between the number of species known and the number used justifies the inquiry which I have pro^Dosed for dis- cussion at this name — namely, Can the short list of useful jDlants be increased to advantage ? If so, how ? This is a practical question ; it is likewise a very old one. In one form or another, by one people or another, it has been asked from early times. In the dawn of civilization, mankind inher- ited from savage ancestors certain plants, which had been found amenable to simple cultivation, and the products of these plants supplemented the spoils of the chase and of the sea. The ques- tion which we ask now was asked then. "Wild plants were exam- ined for new uses; primitive agriculture and horticulture ex- tended their bounds in answer to this inquiry. Age after age has added slowly and cautiously to the list of cultivable and utilizable plants, but the aggregate additions have been, as we have seen, comparatively slight. The question has thus no charm of novelty, but it is as prac- tical to-day as in early ages. In fact, at the present time, in view of all the appliances at the command of modern science, and under the strong light cast by recent biological and technological research, the inquiry which we propose assumes great impor- tance. One phase of it is being attentively and sj^stematically regarded in the great experiment stations, another phase is being studied in the laboratories of chemistry and pharmacy, while still another presents itself in the museums of economic botany. Our question may be put in other words, which are even more practical. What present likelihood is there that our tables may, one of these days, have other vegetables, fruits, and cereals than those which we use now ? What chance is there that new fibers may supplement or even replace those which we spin and weave, that woven fabrics may take on new vegetable colors, that 62 ' THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. flowers and leaves may yield new perfumes and flavors ? What probability is there that new remedial agents may be tound among plants neglected or now wholly unknown ? The answer which I shall attempt is not in the nature of a prophecy ; it can claim no higher rank than that of a reasonable conjecture. At the outset it must be said that synthetic chemistry has made and is making some exceedingly short cuts across this field of research, giving us artificial dyes, odors, flavors, and medicinal substances of such excellence that it sometimes seems as if before long the old-fashioned chemical processes m the plant itself would play only a subordinate part. But although there is no telling where the triumphs of chemical synthesis will end, it is not probable that it will ever interfere essentially with certain classes of economic plants. It is impossible to conceive of a syn- thetic fiber or a synthetic fruit. Chemistry gives us fruit-ethers and fruit-acids, and after a while may provide us with a true arti- ficial sugar and amorphous starch ; but artificial fruits worth the eating or artificial fibers worth the spinning are not coming m our day. „ ,i ,• i Despite the extraordinary achievements of synthetic chemis- try, the world must be content to accept, for a long time to come, the results of the intelligent labor of the cultivator of the soil and the explorer of the forest. Improvement of the good plants we now utilize, and the discovery of new ones, must remain the care of large numbers of diligent students and assiduous wOTk- men. So that, m fact, our question resolves itself into this : Can these practical investigators hope to make any substantial ad- vance ? . 1 . 1 ^•^^A It will be well to glance first at the manner m which our wild and cultivated plants have been singled out for use. We shall m the case of each class, allude to the methods by which he selected plants have been improved, or their products fully utilized. Thus, looking the ground over, although not minutely, we can see what new plants are likely to be added to our list. Our illustra- tions can, at the best, be only fragmentary. ^ ^. . . , ,, ^ We shall not have time to treat the different divisions of the subject in precisely the proportions which would be demanded by an exhaustive essay; an address on an occasion like this must pass lightly over some matters which other opportunities for dis- cussion could properly examine with great fullness. Unfortunate- ly some of the minor topics which must be thus passed by possess considerable popular interest ; one of these is the first subordinate question introductory to our task, namely. How were our useful cultivated and wild plants selected for use ? A study of the early history of plants employed for ceremonial purposes, in religious solemnities, in incantations, and for medici- POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 63 nal uses shows how slender has sometimes "been the claim of cer- tain plants to the possession of any real utility. But some of the plants which have been brought to notice in these ways have afterward been found to be utilizable in some fashion or other. This is often seen in the cases of the plants which have been sug- gested for medicinal use through the absurd doctrine of signa- tures.* It seems clear that, except in modern times, useful j^lants have been selected almost wholly by chance, and it may well be said that a selection by accident is no selection at all. Nowadays the new selections are based on analogy. One of the most striking illustrations of the modern method is afforded by the utilization of bamboo fiber for electric lamps. Some of the classes of useful plants must be passed by without present discussion; others alluded to slightly; while still other groups fairly representative of selection and improvement will be more fully described. In this latter class would naturally come, of course, the food-plants known as I. The Cereals. — Let us look first at these. The species of grasses which yield these seed-like fruits, or, as we might call them for our purpose, seeds, are numerous ; f twenty of them are cultivated largely in the Old World, but only six of them are likely to be very familiar to you, namely, wheat, rice, barley, oats, rye, and maize. The last of these is of Ameri- can origin, despite doubts which have been cast upon it. It was not known in the Old World until after the discovery of the New. It has probably been very long in cultivation. The others all belong to the Old World. Wheat and barley have been culti- vated from the earliest times ; according to De Candolle, the chief authority in these matters, about four thousand years. Later came rye and oats, both of which have been known in cultivation for at least two thousand years. Even the shorter of these pe- riods gives time enough for wide variation, and, as is to be ex- pected, there are numerous varieties of them all. For instance, Vilmorin, in 1880, figured sixty-six varieties of wheat with plain- ly distinguishable characters.J If the Chinese records are to be trusted, rice has been culti- vated for a period much longer than that assigned by our history and traditions to the other cereals, and the varieties are corre- spondingly numerous. It is said that in Japan above three hun- * The Folk Lore of Plants. By T. F. Thiselton Dyer, 1889. f In Dr. Sturtevant's list, 88 species of Graminece are counted as food-plants under cultivation, while the number of species in this order which can be or have been utilized as food amounts to 146. Our smaller number 20 comprises only those which have been grown on a large scale anywhere. X " In Agricultural Museum at Poppelsdorf 600 varieties are exhibited." 64 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, dred varieties are grown on irrigated lands, and more than one hundred on uplands,* With the possible exception of rice, not one of the species of cereals is certainly known in the wild state, f Now and then speci- mens have been gathered in the East which can be referred to the probable types from which our varieties have sprung, but doubt has been thrown upon every one of these cases. It has been shown conclusively that it is easy for a plant to escape from culti- vation and persist in its new home even for a long time in a near approximation to cultivated form. Hence, we are forced to re- ceive all statements regarding the wild forms with caution. But it may be safely said that if all the varieties of cereals which we now cultivate were to be swept out of existence, we could hardly know where to turn for wild species with which to begin again. We could not know with certainty. To bring this fact a little more vividly to our minds, let us suppose a case. Let us imagine that a blight without parallel has brought to extinction all the forms of wheat, rice, rye, oats, bar- ley, and maize now in cultivation, but without affecting the other grasses or any other form of vegetable food. Mankind would be obliged to subsist upon the other kindly fruits of the earth — upon root-crops, tubers, leguminous seeds, and so on. Some of the sub- stitutions might be amusing in any other time than that of a threatened famine. Others would be far from appetizing under any condition, and only a few would be wholly satisfying even to the most pronounced vegetarian. In short, it would seem, from the first, that the cereals fill a place occupied by no other plants. The composition of the grains is theoretically and practically al- most perfect as regards food ratio between the nitrogenous mat- ters and the starch group ; and the food value, as it is termed, is high. But, aside from these considerations, it would be seen that for safety of preservation through considerable periods, and for convenience of transportation, the cereals take highest rank. Pressure would come from every side to compel us to find equiva- lents for the lost grains. From this predicament I believe that the well-equipped experiment stations and the Agricultural De- partments in Europe and America would by and by extricate us. Continuing this hypothetical case, let us next inquire how the sta- tions would probably go to work in the up-hill task of making partially good a well-nigh irreparable loss. The whole group of relatives of the lost cereals would be passed * E. L. S. in letter, quoted from Seedsman's Catalogue. •)■ The best account of the early history of these and other cultivated plants can be found in the classical work of De Candolle, Origine dcs Plantcs Cultivees (Paris), trans- lated in the International Series, History of Cultivated Plants (New York). The reader i:houId consult also Darwin's Animals and Plants under Domestication. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 65 in strict review. Size of grain, strength and vigor and plasticity of stock, adaptability to different surroundings, and flexibility in variation would be examined with scrupulous care. But the range of experiment would, under the circumstances, extend far beyond the relatives of our present cereals. It would embrace an examination of the other grasses which are even now cultivated for their grains, but which are so little known, outside of their own limit, that it is a surprise to hear about them. For example, the millets, great and small, would be investigated. These grains, so little known here, form an important crop in certain parts of the East. One of the leading authorities on the subject * states that the millets constitute " a more important crop " in India " than either rice or wheat, and are grown more extensively, being raised from Madras in the south to Rajputana in the north. They occupy about eighty-three per cent of the food-grain area in Bombay and Sinde, forty-one per cent in the Punjab, thirty- nine per cent in the central provinces," " in all about thirty million acres." Having chosen proper subjects for experimenting, the cultiva- tors would make use of certain well-known principles. By simple selection of the more desirable seeds, strains would be secured to suit definite wants, and these strains would be kept as races, or attempts would be made to intensify v/ished-for characters. By skillful hybridizing of the first, second, and higher orders, tenden- cies to wider variation would be obtained and the process of selec- tion considerably expedited.! It is out of our power to predict how much time would elapse before satisfactory substitutes for our cereals could be found. In the improvement of the grains of grasses other than those which have been very long under cultivation, experiments have been few, scattered, and indecisive. Therefore we are as badly off for time-ratios as are the geologists and archaeologists in their state- ments of elapsed periods. It is impossible for us to ignore the fact that there appear to be occasions in the life of a species when it seems to be peculiarly susceptible to the influence of its sur- * Food-grains of India, A. II. Church, London, 1886, p. 34. In this instructive work the reader will find much information regarding the less common articles of food. Of Paiiicum frumentaccum. Prof. Georgeson states in a letter that it is grown in Japan for its grain, which is used for food, but here would take rank as a fodder-plant. f In order to avoid possible misapprehension, it should be stated that there are a few persons who hold that at least some of our cereals, and other cultivated plants, for that matter, have not undergone material improvement, but are essentially unmodified progeny. Under this view, if we could look back into the farthest past, we should see our cereals growing wild and in such admirable condition that we should unhesitatingly select them for immediate use. This extreme position is untenable. Again, there are a few extrem- ists who hold that some plants under cultivation have reached their culminating point, and must now remain stationary or begin to retrograde. 66 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. roundings.* A species, like a carefully laden sliip, represents a balancing of forces within and without. Disturbance may come through variation from within, as from a shifting of the cargo, or in some cases from without. We may suppose both forces to be active in producing variation, a change in the internal condition rendering the plant more susceptible to any change in its surround- ings. Under the influence of any marked disturbance, a state of unstable equilibrium may be brought about, at which times the species as such is easily acted upon by very slight agencies. One of the most marked of these derangements is a consequent of cross-breeding within the extreme limits of varieties. The re- sultant forms in such cases can persist only by close breeding or by propagation from buds or the equivalents of buds. Disturb- ances like these arise unexpectedly in the ordinary course of nature, giving us sports of various kinds. These critical periods, however, are not unwelcome, since skillful cultivators can take advantage of them. In this very field much has been accom- plished. An attentive study of the sagacious work done by Thomas Andrew Knight shows to what extent this can be done.f But we must confess that it would be absolutely impossible to predict with certainty how long or how short would be the time before new cereals or acceptable equivalents for them would be provided. Upheld by the confidence which I have in the intelli- gence, ingenuity, and energy of our experiment stations, I may say that the time would not probably exceed that of two genera- tions of our race, or half a century. In now laying aside our hypothetical illustration, I venture to ask why it is that our experiment stations, and other institutions dealing with plants and their improvement, do not undertake investigations like those which I have sketched ? Why are not some of the grasses other than our present cereals studied with reference to their adoption as food-grains ? One of these species will naturally suggest itself to you all, namely, the wild rice of the lakes, t Observations have shown that, were it not for the * Gray's Botanical Text-Book, vols, i and ii. f A Selection from the Physiological and Horticultural Papers published in the Transactions of the Royal and Horticultural Societies, by the late Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq., President of the Horticultural Society, London. London, 1841. X Hlustrations of the Manners and Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. By George Catlin. London, ISTe. A reprint of the account published in 1841, of travels in 1832-'40. " Plate 278 is a party of Sioux, in bark canoes (purchased of the Chippewas), gathering the wild rice, which grows in immense fields around the shores of the rivers and lakes of these northern regions, and used by the Indians as an article of food. The mode of gathering it is curious and, as seen in the drawing, one woman paddles the canoe, while another with a stick in each hand bends the rice over the canoe with one and strikes it with the other, which shakes it into the canoe, which is constantly moving along until it is filled." Vol. ii, p. 208. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 67 difficulty of harvesting these grains, which fall too easily when they are ripe, they might be utilized. But attentive search might find or educe some variety of Zizania with a more persistent grain and a better yield. There are two of our sea-shore grasses which have excellent grains, but are of small yield. "Why are not these, or better ones which might be suggested by observation, taken in hand ? The reason is plain. We are all content to move along in lines of least resistance, and are disinclined to make a fresh start. It is merely leaving well enough alone, and, so far as the cereals are concerned, it is indeed well enough. The generous grains of modern varieties of wheat and barley compared with the well- preserved charred vestiges found in Greece by Schliemann,* and in the lake-dwellings,t are satisfactory in every respect. Im- provements, however, are making in many directions ; and in the cereals we now have we possess far better and more satisfactory material for further improvement, both in quality and as regards range of distribution, than we could reasonably hope to have from other grasses. From the cereals we may turn to the interesting groups of plants comprised under the general term II. Vegetables. — Under this term it will be convenient for us to include all plants which are employed for culinary purj)oses, or for table use, such as salads and relishes. The potato and sweet potato, the pumpkin and squash, the red or capsicum peppers, and the tomato, are of American origin. All the others are, most probably, natives of the Old World. Only one plant coming in this class has been derived from south- ern Australasia, namely, New Zealand spinach {Tetragonia) . Among the vegetables and salad-plants longest in cultivation * Schliemann's carbonized specimens exhumed in Greece are said to be " very hard, fine-grained, sharp, very flat on grooved side, different from any wheats now known." American Antiquities, 1880, p. 66. The carbonized grains in the Pcabody Museum at Cambridge, Mass., are small. ■)• Prehistoric Times as illustrated by Ancient Remains and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. By John Lubbock, Bart. New York, fourth edition, 1886. " Three varieties of wheat were cultivated by the lake-dwellers, who also possessed two kinds of barley and two of millet. Of these the most ancient and most important were the six- rowed barley and small " lake-dwellers' " wheat. The discovery of Egyptian wheat {Triticum turgidum), at Wangcn and Robenhausen, is particularly interesting. Oats were cultivated during the bronze age, but are absent from all the stone age villages. Rye was also unknown " (p. 216). "Wheat is most common, having been discovered at Merlen, Moosseedorf, and Wangen. At the latter place, indeed, many bushels of it were found, the grains being in large, thick lumps. In other cases the grains are free, and without chaff, resembling our present wheat in size and form, while more rarely they are still in the ear." One hundred and fifteen species of plants have been identified (Ileer, Keller). 68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. we may enumerate the following: turnip, onion, cabbage, purs- lane, the large bean (Faha), chick-pea, lentil, and one species of pea, garden pea. To these an antiquity of at least four thousand years is ascribed. Next to these, in point of age, come the radish, carrot, beet, garlic, garden cress and celery, lettuce, asparagus, and the leek. Three or four leguminous seeds are to be placed in the same cate- gory, as are also the black peppers. Of more recent introduction the most prominent are the pars- nip, oyster-plant, parsley, artichoke, endive, and spinach. From these lists I have purposely omitted a few which belong exclusively to the tropics, such as certain yams. The number of varieties of these vegetables is astounding. It is, of course, impossible to discriminate between closely allied varieties which have been introduced by gardeners and seedsmen under different names, but which are essentially identical, and we must therefore have recourse to a conservative authority, Vil- morin,* from whose work a few examples have been selected. The varieties which he accepts are sufficiently well distinguished to admit of description, and in most instances of delineation, with- out any danger of confusion. The potato has, he says, innumer- able varieties, of which he accepts forty as easily distinguishable and worthy of a place in a general list, but he adds also a list, comprising, of course, synonyms, of thirty-two French, twenty- six English, nineteen American, and eighteen German varieties. The following numbers speak for themselves, all being selected in the same careful manner as those of the potato : celery, more than twenty ; carrot, more than thirty ; beet, radish, and potato, more than forty ; lettuce and onion, more than fifty ; turnip, more than seventy ; cabbage, kidney-bean, and garden pea, more than one hundred. The amount of horticultural work which these numbers repre- sent is enormous. Each variety established as a race (that is, a variety which comes true to seed) has been evolved by the same sort of patient care and waiting which we have seen is necessary in the case of cereals, but the time of waiting has not been as a general thing so long. You will permit me to quote from Vilmorin f also an account of a common plant, which will show how wide is the range of variation and how obscure are the indications in the wild plant of its available possibilities. The example shows how completely hidden are the potential variations useful to mankind : * Les riantes Potagh-cs, Vilmorin, Paris. Translated into English under the direc- tion of W. r.obinson, Editor of the (London) Garden, 1885, and entitled The Vegetable Garden. •)• Loc. cit., English edition, p. 104. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 6g Cabbage, a plant wbich is indigenous in Europe and western Asia, is one of tbe vegetables which has been cultivated fi-om the earliest time. The ancients were well acquainted with it, and certainly possessed several varieties of the head- forming kinds. The great antiquity of its culture may be inferred from the im- mense number of varieties which are now in existence, and from the very impor- tant modifications which have been produced in the characteristics in the original or parent plant. The wild cabbage, such as it now exists on the coasts of England and France, is a perennial plant with broad -lobed, undulated, thick, smooth leaves, covered with a glaucous bloom. The stem attains a height of from nearly two and a half to over three feet, and bears at the top a spike of yellow or sometimes white flowers. All the cultivated varieties present the same peculiarities in their inflo- rescence, but up to the time of flowering they exhibit most marked differences from each other and from the original wild plant. In most of the cabbages it is chiefly the leaves that are developed by cultivation ; these for the most part become im- bricated or overlap one another closely, so as to form a more or less compact head, the heart or interior of which is composed of the central undeveloped shoot and the younger leaves next it. The shape of the head is spherical, sometimes flat- tened, sometimes conical. All the varieties which form heads in this way are known by the general name of cabbages, while other kinds with large branching leaves which never form heads are distinguished by the name of borecole or kale. In some kinds the flower stems have been so modified by culture as to become transformed into a thick, fleshy, tender mass, the growth and enlargement of which are produced at the expense of the flowers, which are absorbed and rendered abor- tive. Such are the broccolis and cauliflowers. But til is plant lias other transformations. In other kinds the leaves retain their ordinary dimensions, while the stem or principal root has been brought by cultivation to assume the shape of a large ball or turnip, as in the case of the plants known as kohl - rabi and turnip-rooted cabbage or Swedish turnip. And, lastly, there are varieties in which cultivation and selection have produced modifications in the ribs of the leaves, as in their couve troDchuda, or in the axillary shoots (as in Brussels sprouts), or in several organs together, as in the marrow kales and the Neapolitan curled kale. Here are important morphological changes like those to which Prof. Bailey has called attention in the case of the tomato. Suppose we are strolling along the beach at some of the seaside resorts of France, and should fall in with this coarse cruciferous plant, with its sprawling leaves and strong odor. Would there be anything in its appearance to lead us to search for its hidden merit as a food-plant ? What could we see in it which would give it a preference over a score of other plants at our feet ? Again, suppose we are journeying in the highlands of Peru, and should meet with a strong-smelling plant of the nightshade family, bear- ing a small irregular fruit, of subacid taste and of peculiar fla- vor. We will further imagine that the peculiar taste strikes our fancy, and we conceive that the plant has possibilities as a source of food. We should be led by our knowledge of the potato, prob- ably a native of the same region, to think that this allied plant 70 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. might be safely transferred to a northern climate ; but would there be promise of enough future usefulness, in such a case as this, to warrant our carrying the plant north as an article of food ? Suppose, further, we should ascertain that the fruit in question was relished not only by the natives of its home, but that it had found favor among the tribes of south Mexico and Central Amer- ica, and had been cultivated by them until it had attained a large size ; should we be strengthened in our venture ? Let us go one step further still. Suppose that having decided upon the intro- duction of the plant, and having urged everybody to try it, we should find it discarded as a fruit, but taking a place in gardens as a curiosity under an absurd name, or as a basis for preserves and pickles ; should we not look upon our experiment in the in- troduction of this new plant as a failure ? This is not a hypotheti- cal case. The tomato,* the plant in question, was cultivated in Europe as long ago as 1554 ; f it was known in Virginia in 1781 and in the Northern States in 1785 ; but it found its way into favor slowly, even in this land of its origin. A credible witness states that in Salem it was almost impossible to induce people to eat or even taste of the fruit. And yet, as you are well aware, its present cultivation on an enormous scale in Europe and this country is scarcely sufficient to meet the increasing demand. A plant which belongs to the family of the tomato has been known to the public under the name of the strawberry tomato. The juicy yellow or orange-colored fruit is inclosed in a papery calyx of large size. The descriptions which were published when the plant was i^laced on the market were attractive, and were not exaggerated to a misleading extent. But, as you all know, the plant never gained any popularity. If we look at these two cases carefully we shall see that what appears to be caprice on the part of the public is at bottom common sense. The cases illustrate as well as any which are at command the difficulties which sur- round the whole subject of the introduction of new foods. * According to notes made by Mr. Manning, Secretary Massacbusetts Horticultural Society (History Massachusetts Horticultural Society), the tomato was introduced into Salem, Mass., about 1802 by Michele Felice Cornc, an Italian painter, but he found it diffi- cult to persuade people even to taste the fruit (Felt's Annals of Salem, vol. ii, p. 631). It was said to have been introduced into Philadelphia by a French refugee from Santo Domingo in 1798. It was used as an article of food in New Orleans in 1812, but was not sold in the markets of Philadelphia until 1829. It did not come into general use in the North until some years after the last-named date. f " In Spain and those hot regions, they use to eat the (love) apples prepared and boiled with pepper, salt, and olives ; but they yield very little nourishment to the bodies, and the same nought and corrupt. Likewise they doe eat the apples with oile, vinegar, and pepper mixed together for sauce to their meat even as we in these Cold Countries do Mustard." (Gerard's Herbal, p. 316.) POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 71 Before asking specifically in wliat direction we shall look for new vegetables I must be pardoned for calling attention, in pass- ing, to a very few of the many which are already in limited use in Europe and this country, but which merit a wider employment. Cardon, or cardoon; celeriac, or turnip-rooted celery; fetticus, or corn-salad ; martynia ; salsify ; sea-kale ; and numerous small salads, are examples of neglected treasures of the vegetable garden. The following, which are even less known, may be mentioned as fairly promising : * 1. Arr acacia esculenta, called arracacha, belonging to the parsley family. It is extensively cultivated in some of the north- ern states of South America. The stems are swollen near the base and produce tuberous enlargements filled with an excellent starch. Although the plant is of comparatively easy cultivation, efforts to introduce it into Europe have not been successful, but it is said to have found favor in both the Indies, and may prove useful in our Southern States. 2. Ullucus or ollucus, another tuberous-rooted plant from nearly the same region, but belonging to the beet or spinach family. It has produced tubers of good size in England, but they are too waxy in consistence to dispute the place of the better tubers of the potato. The plant is worth investigating for our hot, dry lands. 3. A tuber-bearing relative of our common hedge-nettle, or Stacliys, is now cultivated on a large scale at Crosnes, in France, for the Paris market. Its name in Paris is taken from the locality where it is now grown for use. Although its native country is Japan, it is called by some seedsmen Chinese artichoke. At the present stage of cultivation the tubers are small and are rather hard to keep, but it is thought that, '' both of these defects can be overcome or evaded." f Experiments indicate that we have in this species a valuable addition to our vegetables. We must next look at certain other neglected possibilities. Dr. Edward Palmer, J whose energy as a collector and acute- * Commercial Botany of the Nineteenth Century. By John R. Jackson, A. L. S. Cassell & Co. London, 1890. Mr. Jackson, who is the Curator of the Museums, Royal Gardens, Kcw, has embodied in this treatise a great amount of valuable information, well arranged for ready reference. f Gardener's Chronicle, 1888. X Department of Agriculture Report for 1870, pp. 404-428. Only those are here copied from Dr. Palmer's list which he expressly states are extensively used : Ground-nut {Apios tubcrosa) ; Aesculus californica ; Agave amcricana ; Nwpliar advena ; prairie potato (Psoralca esculenta) ; Scirpus lacustris ; Sagittaria variabilis ; kamass-root {Camassia esculenta); Solanum Fendlm-i (supposed by him to be the original of the cultivated potato) ; acorns of various sorts ; mesquite [Algarohia glandulosa ; Juniperus occidentalis ; nuts of Carya^ Juglans, etc. ; screw-bean {Slrombocarpus pubescens) ; 72 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, iiess as an oloserver are known to you. all, has brought together very interesting facts relative to the food-plants of our North American aborigines. Among the plants described by him there are a few which merit careful investigation. Against all of them, however, there lie the objections mentioned before, namely : 1. The long time required for their improvement, and — 2. The difficulty of making them acceptable to the commu- nity, involving — 3. The risk of total and mortifying failure. In the notes to this address the more prominent of these are enumerated. In 1854 the late Prof. Gray called attention to the remarkable relations which exist between the plants of Japan and those of our Eastern coast. You will remember that he not only proved that the plants of the two regions had a common origin, but also emphasized the fact that many species of the two countries are various cactacefc ; Yucca ; cherries and many wild berries ; Chenopodium album, etc. Psoralea esculentaz= prairie potato, or bread-root. (Palmer in Agricultural Report, 18Y0, p. 402). The following from Catlin, he. dt.., i, p. 122: "Corn and dried meat are generally laid in in the fall, in sufHcient quantities to support them through the winter. These are the principal articles of food during that long and in- clement season ; and, in addition to them, they oftentimes have in store great quantities of dried squashes, and dried ' pommcs blanches,' a kind of turnip which grows in great abundance in those regions. . . . These are dried in great quantities and pounded into a sort of meal and cooked with dried meat and corn. Great quantities also are dried and laid away in store for the winter season, such as buffalo-berries, service- berries, strawberries, and wild plums. In addition to this we had the luxury of service-berries vv'ithout stint ; and the buffalo bushes, which are peiarulc to these northern regions, lined the banks of the river and the defiles in the bluffs, sometimes for miles together, forming almost impassable hedges, so loaded with the weight of their fruit that their boughs everywhere gracefully bending down or resting on the ground. This last shrub {Shepherdia), which may be said to be the most beautiful ornament that decks out the wild prairies, forms a striking contrast to the rest of the foliage, from the blue appearance of its leaves by which it can be distin- guished for miles in distance. The fruit which it produces in such incredible profusion, hanging in clusters to every limb and to every twig, is about the size of ordinary currants and not unlike them in color and even in flavor ; being exceedingly acid, almost unjjalata- ble, until they are bitten by frost of autumn, when they arc sweetened and their flavor delicious, having to the taste much the character of grapes, and I am almost fain to think would produce excellent wine." (George Catlin's Illustrations and Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians, p. 72, vol. i.) For much relative to the food of our aborigines, especially of the Western coast, consult The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. By H. H. Bancroft. New York, 18Y5. The following from vol. i, p. 538, indicates that inaccuracies have crept into the work: " From the earliest information we have of these nations" (the author is speak- ing of the New Mexicans), " they are known to have been tillers of the soil ; and though the implements used and their methods of cultivation were both simple and primitive, cotton, corn, ivheat, beans, and many varieties of fruits which constituted their principal food were raised in abundance." Wheat was "not grown on the American continent until after the landing of the first explorers. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 73 almost identical. It is to that country, wliicli has yielded us so many useful and beautiful plants, that we turn for new vegetables to supplement our present food resources. One of these plants, namely, Stachys, has already been mentioned as rather promis- ing. There are others which are worth examination and perhaps acquisition. One of the most convenient places for a preliminary examina- tion of the vegetables of Japan is at the railroad stations on the longer lines — for instance, that running from Tokio to Kobe. For native consumption there are prepared luncheon-boxes of two or three stories, provided with the simple and yet embarrassing chopsticks. It is worth the shock it causes one's nerves to invest in these boxes and try the vegetable contents. The bits of fish, flesh, and fowl which one finds therein can be easily separated and discarded, upon which there will remain a few delicacies. The pervading odor of the box is that of aromatic vinegar. The generous portion of boiled rice is of excellent quality with every grain well softened and distinct, and this without anything else would suffice for a tolerable meal. In the boxes which have fallen under my observation there were sundry boiled roots, shoots, and seeds which were not recognizable by me in their cooked form. Prof. Georgeson,* formerly of Japan, has kindly identified some of these for me, but he says, " There are doubtless many others used occasionally." One may find sliced lotus roots, roots of large burdock, lily bulbs, shoots of ginger, pickled green plums, beans of many sorts, boiled chestnuts, nuts of the gingko tree, pickled greens of various kinds, dried cucumbers, and several kinds of sea-weeds. Some of the leaves and roots are cooked in much the same manner as beet roots and beet leaves are by us, and the general efi^ect is not un- appetizing. The boiled shoots are suggestive of only the tougher ends of asparagus. On the whole, I do not look back on Japanese railway luncheons with any longing which would compel me to advocate the indiscriminate introduction of the constituent vege- tables here. But when the same vegetables are served in native inns, under more favorable culinary conditions, without the flavor of vinegar * Pickled daikon, the large radish, often grated. Ginger-roots — shoga. Beans ( Glycine hispida), many kinds, and prepared in many ways. Beans {DoHrhos culfratus), cooked in rice and mixed with it. Sliced hasu, lotus roots. Lily bulbs, boiled whole and the scales torn off as they are eaten. Pickled green plums (ume-boshi), colored red in the pickle by the leaves of Perilla arguta (shiso). Sliced and dried cucumbers, kiuri. Pieces of gobo — roots of Lappa major. Rakkio — bulbs of AUium Hakeri, boiled in shogu. Grated wasabi — stem of Eutrcma toasabi. Water-cress — midzu-tagarashi (not often). Also sometimes pickled greens of various kinds, and occasionally chestnut-kernels boiled and mixed with a kind of sweet sauce. Nut of the gingko tree. Several kinds of eea- weeds are also very commonly served with the rice. Prof. C. C. Georgeson in letter. VOL. XL. — 6 74 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and of the pine wood of the luncheon-boxes, they appear to be worthy of a trial in onr horticulture, and I therefore deal with one or two in greater detail. Prof. Georgeson, whose advantages for acquiring a knowledge of the useful plants of Japan have been unusually good, has placed me under great obligations by communicating certain facts re- garding some of the more promising plants of Japan which are not now used here. It should be said that several of these plants have already attracted the notice of the Agricultural Department in this country. The soy bean {Glycine hispida). This species is known here to some extent, but we do not have the early and best varieties. These beans replace meat in the diet of the common people. Mucuna {Muouna capitata) and dolichos {Dolichos cuUratus) are pole-beans possessing merit. Dioscorea; there are several varieties with palatable roots. Years ago one of these was spoken of by the late Dr. Gray as pos- sessing "excellent roots, if one could only dig them." Colocasia antiquorum has tuberous roots, which are nutri- tious. 1 • T, • V J Conophallus Konjak has a large bulbous root, which is sliced, dried, and beaten to a powder. It is an ingredient in cakes. Aralia cordata is cultivated for the shoots, and used as we use asparagus. . i i. vi CEnantlie stolonifera and Cryptotc2nia canadensis are palatable salad plants, the former being used also as greens. There is little hope, if any, that we shall obtain from the hot- ter climates for our southern territory new species of merit The native markets in the tropical cities, like Colombo, Batavia, Singa- pore, and Saigon, are rich in fruits, but, outside of the native plants bearing these, nearly all the plants appear to be whol y m estab- lished lines of cultivation, such, for instance, as members of the gourd and nightshade families. Before we leave the subject of our coming vegetables, it will be well to note a na/ive caution enjoined by Vilmorm m his work, Les Plantes Potag^res.* "Finally," he says, "we conclude the article devoted to each plant with a few remarks on the uses to which it may be applied and on the parts of the plants which are to be so used. In many cases such remarks mav be looked upon as idle words, and yet it would sometimes have been useful to have them when new plants were cultivated by us for the first time. For instance, the giant edible burdock of Japan [Lappa eduUs) was for a long time served up on our tables only as a wretchedly poor spinach, be- * Loc. cit. Preface in English edition. LUSSONS FROM THE CENSUS. 75 cause people would cook tlie leaves, whereas, in its native country, it is only cultivated for its tender, fleshy roots/' I trust you are not discouraged at this outlook for our coming vegetables. Two groups of improvable food-plants may be referred to be- fore we pass to the next class, namely, edible fungi and the bever- age-plants. All botanists who have given attention to the matter agree with the late Dr. Curtis, of North Carolina, that we have in the unutilized mushrooms an immense amount of available nutri- ment of a delicious quality. It is not improbable that other fungi than our common " edible mushroom " will by and by be subjected to careful selection. The principal beverage-plants — tea, coffee, and chocolate — are all attracting the assiduous attention of cultivators. The first of these plants is extending its range at a marvelous rate of rapidity through India and Ceylon ; the second is threatened by the pests which have almost exterminated it in Ceylon, but a new species, with crosses therefrom, is promising to resist them successfully ; the third, chocolate, is every year passing into lands farther from its original home. To these have been added the kola, of a value as yet not wholly determined, and others are to augment the short list. [To be concluded. '\ LESSONS FROM THE CENSUS. Br CAEROLL D. WEIGHT, A.M., TTNITED STATES COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. II. TO my own mind, the Federal census system is faulty in many features. It is bungling, unwieldy, and unproductive of sci- entific results. It is the legitimate growth of time and the honest endeavor to secure broader and broader results to satisfy the growing demand for information concerning all the conditions of the people, and it is perfectly natural that the additions from time to time should have resulted in the present system. The system should be changed radically before another census period comes around. To be specific in the condemnation of our system, attention should be paid, first, to the method of enumeration. Vicious as it is, it is a vast improvement upon that existing prior to 1880. There are four methods of enumeration, or rather four methods of enumeration have been tried on pretty extensive scales. The English method consists in securing all the facts called for under -^e THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the law in one day. For this pnrpose a vast army of enumerators is appointed from the central office.* The organization under the British Census Act is under the control of the Local Government Board, and the immediate chief is the Registrar-General. Local registrars of births and deaths must divide their subdistricts into enumerators' divisions, in accordance with instructions from the Registrar-General, and subject to his final supervision and ap- proval. Every registrar of births and deaths must furnish to his superintendent registrar lists containing names, occupations, and places of abode of a sufficient number of persons qualified, accord- ing to instructions, to act as enumerators within a subdistrict, and such persons, if approved by the superintendent registrar, shall be appointed enumerators for taking the census. The board causes to be prepared a table of allowances to be made to the several enumerators, registrars, superintendent registrars, and other persons employed in taking the census ; and such table, when approved by the Treasury, is laid before both Houses of Parliament for their action. Under the act' the schedule compre- hends eleven inquiries, relating to the members of the family, visitors, boarders, and servants who slept or abode in the dwell- ing on the night of Sunday, April 5, 1891, and the schedule was called for on Monday, April 6th, by the appointed enumerator, whose business it was to see that the schedule was properly filled by the head of the household, and, if not, to cause it to be so filled. This method seems to be the one that attracts the attention of statisticians as the ideal method. Under it, however, much com- plaint exists in Great Britain, not only as to the processes of carrying out the law, but relative to the inaccuracies in the re- turns ; and I have been informed that much difficulty is experi- enced in obtaining well-filled schedules. It is unreasonable to sup- pose that in a population varying widely in the intelligence of its individual members a schedule can be properly filled or so well filled as to secure a reasonably scientific result. The English cen- sus has been extolled for its accuracy. I do not believe it is any more accurate than any other census taken by other methods. I have before me a discarded schedule — that is, an improperly filled one — left with an intelligent mechanic, well educated, of wide ex- perience, a machinist by trade, and perfectly competent to write an article for a magazine ; and yet he could not, or did not, properly fill the schedule left with him, and on an examination of it it is not strange that he did not. When the difficulties of fill- ing the simple English schedule are considered, it becomes pre- * In an article in the North American Review for June, 1889, I stated that the English census was taken through the constabulary. I made this statement on most excellent authority. It was, however, an error. ZUSSOJ^S FROM THE CENSUS. yj posterous to suppose that the expanded schedule under the Fed- eral system could be filled under the English method. This has been tried, and in a State where the population has been taught to consider the value of statistics — the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. In 1875 the English method was adopted ; the sched- ules, comprehending all the inquiries at that time called for by- law, were left with the heads of families, with clearly defined in- structions, sample sheets, etc., all in accordance with the recog- nized English method ; and from that community, which, it is reasonable to suppose, could fill the census schedules if any com- munity could do it, but thirty-seven per cent of the returns were in a condition for use. The balance had to be corrected or made entirely by the enumerators. That method was therefore aban- doned in subsequent censuses for the State of Massachusetts. With the sparsely settled population of the United States, and with the broad schedule of the Federal census, covering as it does twenty-four inquiries, it would be absurd to attempt to take the census under the English system. In Germany the labor of enumeration is performed by persons who, in consideration of the public utility of the work, do it with- out compensation.* It has been thought that this feature could be embodied in the United States census to a certain extent, or at least supplemented by the employment of school-teachers in the enumeration. The German method involves, of course, the crea- tion of exceedingly small enumeration districts, after the English method, a block in a city or a portion of a street in a town or vil- lage being allotted to some patriotic citizen who would without compensation see to it that the schedules were properly filled. It is doubtful if this method could be made useful in the United States. Our people are too busy — at least those competent to take charge of such work — to induce them to enlist. The great difii- culty even now is to secure men for a week or a month's service under the Census Office. The third method of enumeration is that practiced in the State of Massachusetts, and certainly the scientific results of the cen- suses of that State would indicate the value of the method em- ployed. Since 1845 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has taken a census regularly, on the mean year of the Federal cen- suses. It started its census work in 1837 by an account of its manufactures, etc. ; but its first enumeration on any broad scale was in 1845, through the assessors of cities and towns. In 1875 the field work was done by enumerators appointed by the census authorities and paid by the day, and they were instructed to secure * The History, Theory, and Technique of Statistics, by August Meltzen, Ph. D., pro- fessor at the University of Berlin. Falkner's translation. 78 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. full and complete results without regard to tlie time taken. For the population the English method was used, as already stated. The manufactures and agricultural products were secured on in- dividual schedules, statements being certified to by proprietors. In 1885 the card schedule for population was successfully intro- duced, the other features of the 1875 system and per diem com- pensation being retained. Under the Federal system, which I have said is so faulty, all data are collected, so far as population, agriculture, and the gen- eral statistics of manufacture are concerned, by enumerators se- lected by the supervisors and appointed by the Superintendent. The supervisors under the eleventh census are fairly compen- sated ; the enumerators are not. The compensation for enumer- ating the population under the existing law is in most of the country two cents for each living inhabitant, two cents for each death reported, fifteen cents for each farm, twenty cents for each establishment of productive industry enumerated and returned, and five cents for each surviving soldier, sailor, or marine, or each widow of a soldier, sailor, or marine returned. In some subdivisions the allowance for each living inhabitant may be in- creased, but the comi^ensation allowed to any enumerator in any difificult district shall not be less than three dollars nor more than six dollars per day of ten hours' actual field work, when a per diem compensation shall be established by the Secretary of the Interior instead of a per capita ; nor, where the per capita rate is increased, shall it exceed three cents for each living inhabitant, twenty cents for each farm, and thirty cents for each establishment of produc- tive industry ; nor shall claims for mileage or traveling expenses be allowed any enumerator in either class of cases, except where difiiculties are extreme, and then only when authority has been previously granted by the Superintendent of the Census. The allowance relative to inhabitants and deaths is the same as under the tenth census. There is an increase of a few cents in the com- pensation for enumerating farms and establishments or productive industry. It may not be possible nor wise to change this method, but it is possible and wise to make the compensation fair and just. Under these rates it is almost impossible for an enumerator to earn a fair day's wage if he does his duty. In localities where the population is dense, he can earn three or four dollars per day. His ambition is — and human nature prompts it — to se- cure as many names as possible, and in too many instances he will do this at the expense of accuracy ; for accuracy consumes time. Furthermore, he may be inclined, in the very worst locali- ties, in the slums of great cities, to omit, for personal reasons of convenience or otherwise, to enumerate all the peojDle, being con- tented with taking the population in sight ; in other words, two LESSONS FROM THE CENSUS. 79 cents a name miglit not induce him to enter all the dens of the slums of a great city for the sake of accuracy. In sparsely settled localities even three cents a name (the per capita rate, it must be borne in mind, covers all the multitude of facts called for on the population schedule) will not enable an enumerator to earn a living for the time employed, and he is often inclined to take the statements of neighbors rather than to travel a mile or two to secure accurate statements relative to half a dozen persons. In enumerating establishments of productive industry, the compen- sation allowed by law will not enable an enumerator, either hon- estly or dishonestly inclined, to secure any very valuable results. It is quite impossible to fill out a manufactures schedule com- pletely and with fair accuracy for twenty cents. A man could not earn one dollar a day if he did his duty, and on the enumera- tion of farms he could not earn seventy-five cents a day. The complete agricultural statistics under the census of Massachusetts in 1885 cost about one dollar per farm, instead of fifteen or twenty cents. The difficulty which Congress would have to meet in adjusting this matter of compensation is twofold. If a very large body of enumerators, like that employed under the elventh census, nearly fifty thousand, should be enlisted on a per diem compensation, the fear would be that there would be men enough in that vast army who would delay their work for the purpose of increasing their earnings to swell the cost of enumeration to enormous propor- tions^ although reasonable accuracy would thereby be secured in every direction. On the per capita basis the question would be whether accuracy should be sacrificed for the sake of a lower cost. The evils of the present system are so great, however, so far as compensation is concerned, and the results of the census vitiated to so large a degree, that it would seem to be wise to adopt a sys- tem of compensation which should secure fair accuracy in the results^ even at an increase in the expense The country grows so rapidly, and the wealth and business increase so largely, that the total expense of a census should not be considered when the accuracy of the same is at stake. Another fault of the present system, to my mind, lies in the organization of the field forces. It is perfectly natural that the Census Office, and that Congress, even, should seek a speedy enumeration of the people ; but it is submitted that if an instan- taneous enumeration can not be had — and it is clearly demonstra- ble that it can not in this country — then whether it take a week or two weeks, or even three or four, to complete the enumeration be- comes a matter of lesser consideration. It might, therefore, be wise to make larger districts aiid use a less number of enumerators rather than to extend the method by decreasing the size of the 8o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. districts and increasing the number of enumerators, as is the present tendency. An enumerator, working for a few days, ac- quires speed a7id accuracy as a matter of experience, and his second week's work is of vastly greater value than his first few days' service. It might he well, therefore, to so subdivide the coun- try into enumeration districts that each enumerator would have at least four or five thousand people to enumerate, instead of an average of two thousand, as under the present method. If the districts were enlarged, the number of supervisors should be greatly increased. The present law provides for one hundred and seventy-five supervisors ; that of 1880 provided for one hundred and fifty. It would seem to be a prudent measure to provide for at least one thousand supervisors, which body, with a reduced number of enumerators, could take greater pains with all parts of the enumeration ; and if supervisors could be selected with special reference to their fitness and enumerators could be tested by the use of a preliminary schedule relating to their own families and perhaps one or two neighboring families, results would be secured which would defy criticism. With such changes there should come a change of date for the enumeration. The count of the people is now made as of the 1st of June — under the present law, the first Monday in June. The changes in the habits of the people necessitate a change of date. More and more every year people leave the town for the country, and this change occurs about the time of the enumeration. The date should be changed to a period of the year when the population is more thoroughly fixed or more thoroughly housed in permanent homes. Could the date be carried forward to the autumn, a great gain would be made in the accuracy of the enumeration — not perhaps in the total for the whole country, but in the total for each State and city. Certainly the results would be far more satisfactory to all con- cerned, even though the change in the total population of the United States did not exceed a few thousand. Each State wants its own: political and social reasons demand that this should be so. Perhaps the very worst form of the present system is the tem- porary nature of the service. As the census year comes in sight each decade, a Census Office is created by law, the organization to be taken entirely from new material, from the head to the foot. Of course, the aim always is in securing a superintendent to select some one who has had more or less experience or is supposed to be more or less competent in census work ; but then comes the greater difficulty, the selection of the forces. A good business man at the head of the Census Office — one of excellent adminis- trative and executive abilities, without knowledge of statistics — would handle a census, in all probability, as well as or better LESSONS FROM THE CENSUS. 81 even than a statistician without business qualifications ; but the organization demands skillful men at the head of divisions and skillfid and trained statisticians as assistants. Every superin- tendent endeavors to draw into his service a certain number prop- erly qualified, statistically speaking, for the service required ; but everything must be drawn together hurriedly — a great bureau, the largest in the Federal Government, created in a brief period, and the work carried on with the greatest rapidity. With the vast expansion of census inquiries, in connection with the neces- sarily speedy organization, it is absurd, without regard to the qualifications of the head of the office, to expect valuable results for the money expended. It is not in the power of any superin- tendent, no matter what his experience, no matter what his quali- fications may be, to take a very satisfactory census under the con- ditions involved in our Federal system. The attempt is made to create a vast official machine, and then to at once collect material involving in its collection answers to thousands of inquiries by a force of nearly fifty thousand men in the field and an office force of five thousand, the whole work to be completed within a year or two, and the data to be collected under a system of compensation which does not allow, or certainly does not induce, accurate work. The result is that the Census Office is, within a few months after the date set for enumeration, literally " snowed under " with raw material collected by crude and, in a large majority of cases, in- efficient forces, to be digested and compiled for printing by an- other force nearly as crude as the field forces. It is not in the power of human capacity to carry out scientifically the work of the Federal census. It never has been done ; it never can be done until the system is changed. This does not involve any criticism as to the growth of the system nor of the men who have so ably administered it. The point I make is that the census system has grown to be unwieldy in natural ways, and that it is time to cor- rect it, and the very first step toward correction lies in the direc- tion of the establishment of a permanent Census Office, under which there ought to be a constant force of trained and experi- enced statistical clerks, and the collection of facts distributed over the ten years instead of being crowded into a few months. This change of itself would correct many of the faults of the present system. The facts relating to population and agriculture might be collected in the fall of the census year^ when the new agricult- ural crops would be considered instead of the old, as under the present system, and then the data relating- to manufactures and all the other features necessarily involved in the census could be taken up year after year and carried each to a successful conclu- sion. This would involve the employment constantly of a much reduced office force, and a field force, except for the enumeration VOL. XL. *? 82 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of the population, gradually becoming more and more skillful. The exjDense during the whole ten years would be somewhat larger than is now involved, but the results would be of such infinitely greater value that the increased expense would not be a matter for a moment's consideration. My suggestion, then, for future census work would be, first, a permanent Census Office, involving an efficient field force, under the most liberal provisions as to supervision, and an organization of an office force so adjusted that it could be made elastic and yet preserve the functions re- quired to secure accuracy and completeness; second, an adjust- ment of compensations for field work that would secure complete and accurate returns in all the departments of census work. It may be argued that there would be nothing for a permanent Census Office to do a great part of the time. In answer to this it can be said, that if the regular work of the census should leave the force in comparative idleness, it might be employed in tabulating some of the results of previous censuses which it was found neces- sary to abandon ; for instance, in 1880, although the facts were secured by the regular enumeration, no tabulation was made of the single, married, widowed, and divorced. The questions now agitating the public mind relative to marriage and divorce are only half discussed, because the facts for the whole country can not be ascertained. This is only one feature. A tabulation of the facts relative to conjugal condition, as indicated, for the year 1880 would be vastly more valuable, even now, than it would have been in 1880. And so of other features. By picking up such aban- doned results, a reasonable force in the Census Office could be constantly and profitably employed, with increasing skill, so that when the results of new enumerations came into the Census Office, a trained force sufficiently large to influence the whole body of new appointees would be in readiness. If, in addition to the changes suggested, the several States could be induced to co-operate with the Federal Government, a great advantage would be gained. The States might undertake the collection of the statistics of population, manufactures, and agriculture on as extended a basis as individually they might choose, but guaranteeing to furnish the Federal Government with certain clearly defined and uniformly collected data, for which the Federal Government should provide reasonable compensation. Under some such adjustment the statistical work of the United States Government and of the individual States could be brought to a very high state of perfection, with the burden of expense so divided and adjusted that it would not be considered as a stum- bling-block in the way of progress. One of the most encouraging movements of the present day is that of the trade and business organizations of the country to REEF-KNOT NETS. 83 secure a perfected and scientific statistical service in tliis country. This movement commenced during the closing days of the last Congress^ through memorials from boards of trade, presented by the National Board of Trade, asking that the question of the es- tablishment of a permanent Census Office be considered by the Secretary of the Interior and a report made to the Fifty-second Congress. The matter is therefore open for consideration by the public and by Congress, and, whether a permanent statistical serv- ice is provided for or not, great good must come from the discus- sion, and ultimately the faulty features of the present system be removed. REEF-KNOT NETS. By WILLIAM CHUECHLLL. AT the bottom of textile industries net-meshing appears to precede even such simple weaving as the making of mats of grass and bark. Not only is it the earliest of the textile arts, but it is even more prominently an unchanged art through all the stages of development which have culminated in the Jacquard loom. Ancient or modern, laboriously made by hand or the product of intricate machinery, the mesh knot is practically un- modified in the nets of the steam trawler and the naked savage. It seems, indeed, one of the few contrivances of human ingenuity which came early to perfection and have not proved susceptible of any improvement in all the succeeding ages. It may, then, be not without interest to present a radical vari- ant of the common mesh knot as noticed in general use among a considerable people in the western Pacific, together with such notes as are available to show a wider distribution of this knot. In Avestern New Britain, on the coast of Dampier Strait, facing New Guinea, where the Papuan characteristics are most strongly impressed upon the Melanesian type, the writer noticed the net- ting of a large seine and was attracted by the unfamiliar motions of the old women engaged in the work. Closer examination dis- closed the fact that every knot in the mesh was of the sort known as the reef or square knot, in which the four ends come out in pairs, each pair on one side of the bight or loop of the other pair. As nothing could be more widely dissimilar from the ordinary mesh knot, an effort — and a successful one — was made to induce the netters to communicate their art, which is here presented with figures which may aid to a clear comprehension of the method of manufacture employed. These figures give a view of a net in process of construction, with detailed drawings of the foun- dation knot and of the successive stages in forming the mesh knot. 84 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Besides the netting-cord (commonly coir, the fiber of the cocoa- nut husk, which is very durable in the water), the only tool used is the mesh-block (E, Fig. 4). This is a thin block of hard wood rasped into shape, and, since these tools are treasured as heir- looms, together with interminably long rhythmical recitals of the wonderful takes of fish made by nets fabricated on each block, the wood most commonly employed is the very dense and hard iron-wood {Casuarina equisetifolia). It is highly polished and usually ornamented upon the ends with property marks, showing the exogamous marriage class and gens of the owner, which here take the place occupied by tribal distinctions among the endoga- mous races. The blocks are commonly of uniform size. Their length, which is practically a constant quantity, is determined by the length (about five inches) which may be held between the extreme tips of the fingers and the ball of the thumb, for that is its position when in use and to secure it against slipping the edges are carefully brought to a true right angle. The height of the block is, of course, determined by the width of mesh desired, but a height about equal to the breadth of the hand across the palm is most frequent, since the mesh made upon that gauge is found most satisfactory in taking the fish usually seined for. In width the blocks seldom exceed a half-inch, and have an oval section. Smaller hand-nets, in which accurate meshing is not de- sired, are commonly knotted over the finger with much nicety. The net is started on pegs driven into a beam, corresponding in number with the number of meshes in a tier which it is de- sired to put into the net, and these netting -beams are a promi- nent feature on every village green. At a distance from the end of the cord somewhat greatei .than the proposed width of the net, a bowline knot (A, Fig. 4) is turned in and cast upon the first peg toward the right. The two unequal parts of cord issuing from this knot may, for the sake of distinction, be denominated the ball part and the free part. The latter is carried taut to the sec- ond peg, and there stopped close to the beam by a light lashing, and at the top of the peg is passed into an eye or narrow cleft. The mesh-block is now laid against the row of pegs ; the ball i3art is passed first below and then above it from the bowline knot to the second peg, forming the first half-mesh (B, Fig> 4) ; it is then cast over the second peg, and the free part of the cord attached thereto with a pair of half -hitches (C and D, Fig. 1). The free part is then withdrawn from the eye in the peg, drawn taut through the two half-hitches, and half-hitched back upon itself (E, Fig 1). It is now carried from the knot just formed (C, Fig. 4) to the next peg and there made ready for further use ; the ball part is again carried around the mesh-block and hitched and bound as before. Upon the last peg in the row this knot is made, REEF-KNOT NETS. is and in the remainder of the free part close to the peg there is turned in a second bowline knot (D, Fig. 4). These two bowline knots serve as clews to the net. This selvage and first tier of half-meshes are invariably made from right to left, on the ground that it is the custom of the country, and any variation therefrom would be attended by consequences as unpleasant as they are ill-defined. The second tier of meshes is made from left to rigbt, and here the peculiar mesh knot makes its first appearance. Holding the mesh-block in her left hand, so that its upper edge just touches the bottom of the meshes already formed, the operator passes the ball of cord from the last knot down in front and up behind the mesh-block (F, Fig. 4), making due allowance for the difference in size of this exterior mesh necessary to keep the tier uniform. The ball is held in the right hand, gripped be- tween the ball of the thumb, the palm, and the third and fourtli fingers, thus leaving the thumb and two fingers free to work /? ^i;h *^ 7S Fig. 1. — Selvage Knot. Fig. 2. — Mesh Knot, Fig. 3. — Mesh Knot, second titrn. first tukn. with. A loop (C, Fig. 2) of any convenient size is made in the netting-cord, between the block and the ball, passed up through the bight of the mesh (A) from below, and drawn through the bight sufficiently far to draw taut the part which passes about the mesh-block, in which position it is stopped by the left thumb on the block. The ball (E) is passed through the loop (C), also from below upward (as shown at D), returned to its place in the palm of the right hand, and the part drawn taut and stopped by the left thumb. This completes a single turn of the knot as shown in Fig. 2, where the relation of the several parts is ex- hibited before they have been pulled taut and stopped, which in practice will be found essential to the success of the operation. The second and final part of the knot is illustrated in Fig. 3. A second loop (F) is made in the cord between the ball and the part stoppered by the left thumb. This loop is passed from above downward through the bight of the mesh (A), drawn taut, and stopped at the mesh-block by the left thumb as before. 86 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Through this loop (F) the ball (E) is passed also from above downward (as shown at G), and pulled taut to the left thumb, where the knot is felt to turn part way around, and is found to be a perfectly formed square knot as shown in Fig. 4, at G. This second tier of meshes completed, the operator shifts the ball to the left hand and the mesh-block to the right, and makes the third tier from right to left. The final tier with its clews and selvage are made by reversing the process described for begin- ning the net. Fig. 4. This method of meshing, though unfamiliar, has several dis- tinct advantages over the more usual method ; of which one in- heres in the knot itself, two in the line of greater simphcity m the mode of manufacture, and one in the possibility of easily pro- ducing irregular designs for particular purposes— that is to say, of netting pockets and pounds without interruption of the thread. The advantage in the knot is one which will immediately be apparent to those who have given attention to the study of knots for the reef knot is incontestably the simplest and most secure means of joining two parts of cord. The advantages m tlie mode of manufacture are that one implement, the nettmg- needle, is dispensed with, and that the net may be made of a single cord continuous throughout, and thus is of equal strength in every part. It would be tedious to go into the details of mak- ing pounds and pockets in a net ; it is more simple than appears, and the thread continues without a break through the net and insert-piece as well. It is possible that some one skilled m me- chanical arts may find in this device the suggestion of a mode of simplifying the machinery at present used in the manufacture ot nets for commercial purposes. THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. 87 In connection with the several obscure but remarkable in- stances of correspondences between the American shores of the Pacific and the remoter islands of Melanesia, it is interesting to note that the only other well-defined discovery of this mesh was made in British America upon the Pacific shore. Prof. George Davidson, of San Francisco, a most accurate student of the life of the native races with whom he had to deal, in prosecuting the survey of that coast, found nets of this peculiar mesh manufact- ured by the Tchin-cha-au Indians of British Columbia in the vicinity of Port Simpson, and described it in the proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, of which body he was for many years the president. The writer has been informed that a similar mesh has been noticed in the textile remains of the la- custrine period of Switzerland, but he has been unable to identify the reference in any of the figures contained in the usual authori- ties upon that prehistoric society. THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. By WAEKEN G. BENTON. TN former papers on the Chinese religions I referred to Confu- -L danism as a religion, following the generally accepted view of the matter. But in this paper I shall treat it as in no legitimate sense a religion, but simply and purely a system of moral or ethical philosophy. ^ Religion has to do primarily with the existence of a deity and with the question of man's immortality, and the relationship exist- ing between the two. Morality may grow out of man's effort to sustain an acceptable relationship to the Deity and the future life • but if so, it is incidental to and not a part of religion. The ao-es most noted for religious enthusiasm, and in which human fife and liberty were most freely sacrificed for orthodoxy in religious opinions and forms, were notoriously immoral. And at the pres- ent day, in many countries, the most religious are not the most moral^ communities. At Panama, a few years ago, I went to a cockpit on a Sunday afternoon, and among the spectators were several gentlemen in clerical cloth ; and after the various battles were ended I observed that these clerically clad gentlernen were exchanging coin on the result. During the same afternoon, while "taking in" the sights of that town of cathedrals and churches, I saw more than one woman, around whose neck was suspended an image of the Virgin Mary, but whose manner of life indicated that a less appropriate symbol could not well be imagined. It is equally significant that rarely does a criminal ascend the gallows 88 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in this country that he is not accompanied by a clergyman, and he dies with the professions of piety and religious faith on his lips. Our penal institutions are filled with religious believers, and it is rare, in fact, that such men are not nominal members of churches, or at least have been at some time in their lives. I do not mention this fact to intimate that religious education or belief tends to promote immorality, for it does not ; but rather to show that religious belief does not necessarily promote morality, no more than does the absence of such belief tend to promote immo- rality If a system of ethics and morality founded upon a purely human basis, and having no reference to any deity or future life whatever, is a religion, then Confucianism is a religion. But I do not know of any definition of the term that would include such a system. The simple assertion, by those claiming authority on a subject that lies beyond the sphere of demonstration or proof one way or the other, has either to be accepted as a fact or repudiated as not proved. In the realm of religious dogmas it has been held to be good logic that when a proposition can not be disproved that it stands as proved. By this logic religions have been established. But in the matter of ethics the case is different. This comes within the scope of experience and demonstration, and is the out- growth of experiment. There is no absolute standard of morality, what is construed as such being a relative condition, and re- garded as good or bad, according to the state of civilization and educational standard by which actions are measured. What is regarded as perfect conduct in one age or under one environment may be rightly condemned under a higher development of the moral sense as a feeble attempt at morality. What is called conscience can not be set up as a guide in the matter, for it is but the result of the mode of education. One man's conscience will approve of a given course, when another under a better social and political education will repudiate it as vicious. Among the lower orders of savages and uncivilized men there is apparently no moral standard observed. With the lower animal kingdom questions of priority and individual rights are settled, not by any tribunal in equity, but by the measure of physical strength. And what are considered the cardinal points in moral and ethical systems, as set forth in the decalogue of the Jews and in the corresponding codes of other ancient religions, are but the embodiment of the results of experience in the earlier developments of civilization When men first began to acquire property by industry or cunning, they found it inconvenient to have others appropriate the results of such thrift, and perhaps the first moral obligation recognized was the right to property ; THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. 89 and tlie law against theft was among the first formulated codes : " Thou shalt not steal/^ Before such institutions as police courts were evolved, the only tribunal for adjusting personal difficulties was to fight it out ; and the stronger combatant, other things being equal, was proved in the right because he vanquished his foe. But, as societies or community of interests began to be formed, it was found better to have boards of arbitration to settle disputes, and, as is shown in the controversy over the ownership of a certain herd of cattle in biblical times, the method of settling intricate problems partook largely of the plan of tossing up of pennies, yet it indicates that progress was being made over the fighting era. " Thou shalt not kill," especially a fellow-tribesman, was an early section of the moral code. The custom of mating which obtains among many species of birds and some quadrupeds, and which, as man advanced in civ- ilization, resulted in the establishment of the marriage relation, led to the edict against adultery. As tribes increased in numbers, it was found necessary for purposes of offensive and defensive warfare that some sort of organization should be observed, and this implied a division of labor and function. Political organiza- tion implied that some one or more of each tribe be designated to direct the operations of the rest, and the greatest warrior was naturally selected as the first chief ; and the first chief used his power and position to install his sons as his successors, and thus were the first royal families evolved and succession to rulership established. National or tribal lines of jurisdiction followed the introduction of agricultural and breeding pursuits, and states and national boundaries were surveyed or designated. Territorial limits being established, tribunals or international bodies were necessary to regulate conflicting interests. The first resort was the war-club, and the enslavement of the vanquished. This method of arbitration has not yet been fully eliminated, but progress is being made in that direction, and international tri- bunals for arbitration now endeavor to supersede the sword. Thus were governments evolved and written constitutions and statutes enacted, and codes of laws with penalties for restraining the criminal classes from violating the rules experience has found to be essential to good government and good society. None of these primary laws have been created by the makers of religions, but all such have found these in force wherever man has reached a sufficient degree of civilization to receive a religion. This is why in all the various systems of religion we find the same essential basal moral laws inculcated. One has not copied from another, as is sometimes asserted. The fact that the same moral laws are found in two or more systems of religion does not indicate that the younger has copied the older, but that both ap- TOL. YL. 8 90 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. propriated existing well-defined and primal elements of moral law which had been evolved in preceding ages. Confucius followed this principle, and did not lay claim to having originated the principles of his philosophy, but to have simply undertaken to revive laws which the ancients had laid down, but which had become practically obsolete through non- observance. He undertook to induce his fellow-men to observe the essential laws of good government and good society, not be- cause of attached penalties, but because it was necessary to good society and the promotion of virtue. He recognized with sorrow that political intrigue, infidelity to the trusts of men in all rela- tions, and crime of all kinds prevailed in spite of the laws in- tended to regulate such things, and to the task of restoring the righteous rules of his ancestors he set himself. He knew that penal codes were powerless for good when there was not a moral sense to enforce them. Modern prohibitive legislation is a par- All the prohibitive statutes that our Legislatures have so far enacted have failed to do away with drunkenness, for the reason that there is lacking sufficient personal sense of obligation to en- force them. The Chinese statutes, or the writings of the fathers, the classics so called, set forth the means to virtue and morality ; but neither the legal authorities nor the people recognized any need for enforcing or observing them. He sought by precept and example to revive the moral sense of the people ; but at the end of a long life he died in poverty and disappointment, having apparently produced no impression. Kung-f u-tse (Latinized into Confucius) was born about 550 B. c. His father was descended from one of the many royal families which had figured in the past as rulers of tribes or provinces. Most likely these ancient Chinese royal families were little more than the Indian chiefs in our day, and their claim to royalty was recognized only in a very narrow limit. But he was not in power when the Sage was born. He had been married two or three times, but had no son, except one cripple, which did not count. At an advanced old age he married a young wife, and Kung, Jr., was the result. The father died when the boy was about three years old, and left his family in poverty. But, under the class distinctions into which Chinese society was divided, Kung in- herited at least the class instincts of a gentleman, and managed in some manner to obtain a good education as Chinese education went. He was married when about twenty years old, and soon after his marriage his mother died. According to the custom of his country, this event required that he retire for three years from all business relations, and it is supposed that he spent this period of mourning in the study of the classics. When he again THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. 91 appeared in public he engaged in teaching school for some years ; but, being imbued with the desire to effect a reformation among his people, he gave up teaching and sought and obtained employ- ment in a government position under the ruler of his native prov- ince. His life as a civil officer enabled him to observe the methods of official conduct, and still further intensified his desire to restore a more righteous rule. He decided to seek the co-opera- tion of some one of the many claimants to royal prerogative, and, by enlisting such sympathy, he calculated that by inaugu- rating a model reign, under whose influence men would turn again to the correct paths, he would absorb all contiguous prov- inces, unify the government of the race under a common flag, and see virtue and peace again among men. But he failed, after wandering from one province to another, to enlist the sympathy or co-operation of any one in a position to assist him ; and he eventually gave up in despair, and, gathering a small following of disciples about him, he retired from public view, and passed the remainder of his days in teaching his chosen few and lament- ing the evil days upon which his peo^jle had come. To fully appre- ciate the great task he had set out to accomplish, the reformation of China upon a strict ethical basis, it is necessary, as far as pos- sible, to picture the condition of his people at that time. If we allow for some advance in civilization during the past twenty- five hundred years^ and contemplate the China of our day with what in his day it must have been, we must concede that he had a very unpromising, crude material to work upon. From what he wrote on the condition of things, and also from the writings of Mencius a century later, we conclude that it was indeed a dark picture for the idealist to contemplate. Mencius states that in his time men had reached a state of degradation in which they denied that there was any distinction between good and evil, virtue and vice. All moral restraints were thrown off, and pub- lic or private morality was unknown. But, notwithstanding the philosopher was dead, his name and writings still existed, and had their influence on a few minds. Among these was Mencius, who seems to have been a more able man than Kung himself, and who espoused the cause of reform. He was wise enough to see that nothing might be hoped for in the way of co-operation of the rulers, who were as bad as the common people, but he set to work to gather and put into form the writings of Kung-fu-tse. Per- haps but for this work the very name of the Sage would long ago have been forgotten ; for his writings were left in a fragmentary and scattered shape, and even do not take high rank in point of literary merit. The Confucian Analects, as compiled by Mencius, and with added comments by the latter, have been translated into English by Rev. Mr. Legge, an eminent Oriental scholar, and the 92 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. work comprises in many large volumes about all that is known of the writings of the Sage. The bulk of this extensive work consists in obscure allusions to things no doubt familiar in his time, but now obsolete ; and in meaningless fine distinctions and references to the " Rules/' " Forms/' and such things that have but little significance to the modern reader. But the gist of the matter may be summed up in one short sentence : " Walk in the old paths." And when we come to define the old paths we find what he called the " Five Relations/' under which he defines every known duty of man. These " Relations " had been defined and enforced ages before, in the books called the Classics, perhaps for the reason that they were so old that no one knew when or by whom written. It is these five propositions that have called forth dozens of folio volumes to elucidate and enforce. And it is these that constitute what is known as Confucianism, although he never originated them nor claimed to be other than a teacher of the faith of the ancients. These five relations have in them an entire code of political and social economy of the highest order. First Relation; King and Subject.— Kung, in harmony with the established form of government under which he lived, was an advocate of absolute monarchy. The fact that he had a tinge of royal blood in his own body may have unconsciously in- fluenced his judgment on this point. At all events, he left no in- dication of any disapproval of the system. He favored paternal government, both for the nation and in the family. The patri- archal plan has always been followed out in China to the fullest detail. The Emperor is as the father of the big family, and there is no appeal from his authority. The question of how the reign- ing monarch attained his position is not taken into consideration. The fact that he is on the throne is sufficient to secure the most absolute and abject obedience to his mandates. Kung set forth certain wholesome rules which should control his actions in the belief that the subject as well as the ruler had rights. He sought to supersede kingship by force with kingship by fitness. The civil government being a counterpart to the family government, the rules or principles obtaining in one should be equally applied in the other. The subject should love the king as the son loves the father, not for the enemies he might have made, but because of a righteous administration of the affairs of the country. He gave no countenance to a divided household. No rival political parties, appealing by bribes of office, nor threats of non-support at the next election, could disturb the serenity of the rulers or ruled. No penalties for treason, where a government was so good that none could find fault, were needed ; and, in the event of Individ- THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. 93 ual remonstrance, the recalcitrant was to be dealt with as a 'father would treat a disobedient son. The rod has always been the chief instrument of enforcing discipline in the political household as well as the domestic household ; and cases that will not submit to this primitive method of chastisement are visited with the guil- lotine. The fact that no one could be found willing to undertake to put in force his method of conducting government is due to the strict conditions he sought to enforce. Rulers were accustomed to hold the people in check by force of arms, and subaltern petty ofi&cers were appointed by the crown and held their position by carrying out the desires of their creator. Confucius declared that political appointments in the civil service should be made on the basis of individual merit, rather than simply the standard of subservience to the dictation of the throne. He was the first ad- vocate of civil-service reform, and his success in that line is not calculated to create very high hopes in those of our day who would substitute a similar test for office. It is commonly understood in this country that China has long practiced competitive examinations of candidates for office. They do go through such a form, but it is a mere farce. For appointment to a position in the customs service, for example, the examination is conducted by testing the candidate in his pro- ficiency with the bow and arrow, and by having recitations from memory of certain portions of the classics. The man who can hit the bull's-eye the greatest number of times in a given number of shots with the bow, and can recite the greatest number of pages from some book, of the meaning of which he may be utterly igno- rant, is considered the best fitted for the position. It may be that they consider that a man who is skillful with the bow, and whose memory will absorb a long list of trite sayings in a book, will also be capable of acquiring useful knowledge in his chosen position in the civil or military service ; but certainly the attainments tested are of no practical benefit in the work to be done. Running and jumping and other athletic attainments are also tested. This is more useful, especially in the military service, than the other tests appear to be. A good runner in the army may be an im- portant foresight in the selection of soldiers or officers who are thus selected. China's experience in her recent wars with Euro- pean armies has taught her the need of a fleet-footed soldiery to enable them to get out of the way of the enemy. It is, of course, difficult to estimate what part the teachings of Confucianism have had in forming the national character of the Chinese. Some powerful influence must have been required to secure such a condition of contentment under such an arbitrary government to hold together in apparent submission to one reign- 94 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing house for so many centuries. True, that country has been the scene of many bloody civil conflicts in her history. At the time of Confucius the country was not, as now, one united em- pire, but was divided into many smaller jurisdictions. The politi- cal unity of China was brought about several centuries after his death, and was the result of a long period of tribal or provincial conflicts. Then later the Tartars subjugated China, and absorbed the original China proper, as it is spoken of, into the present bound- ary, and the Tartar dynasty has held the control of the govern- ment ever since. The only attempt of any importance made since that conquest to restore Chinese rule was the Taiping rebellion. This revolt promised to be successful, until the British and French Governments interfered in aid of the Tartars, and under Chinese Gordon put down the rebellion. Now every precaution is taken to j)revent another rebellion. Guns and gunpowder have been declared contraband, and are not permitted to the ownership of the natives. The Chinese contingent in the army is equipped with bows and arrows, spears, and old-fashioned muzzle-loading blunderbusses of the most primitive pattern. All native regiments are also officered by Tartars, and Tartar regiments are equipped with modern rifles, and drilled under European tactics, to give them an advantage in the event of any future uprising. Local magistrates and governors of provinces and districts are all appointed by the Emperor, from the Tartar contingent, and hold their offices at the discretion of the throne. They assume to judge of what is beneficial, and decide the policy of the Government entirely on their own judgment, without consulting the wishes of the populace. There is no appeal to the people for approval or disapproval of the Government's action on any sub- ject. The masses submit to the inevitable, not apparently so much from any recognition of wisdom in its administration, but rather as an inevitable result of their inability to help themselves. Taxation is laid in a most summary and arbitrary manner, and collected by the officers appointed for that purpose, and there is a continual struggle between the tax-collectors and the tax-payers to try to outwit each other. Duty is assessed upon every article of domestic production, as well as all imports. Farm products have to pay duty at every thirty miles they may have to traverse to reach a market. A cargo of tea leaving Hankow for the sea- board for export, if carried in native bottoms, must pay taxes every thirty miles of the distance. Under treaty stipulations, cargo carried under foreign flags is assessed only at the point of departure. This has created a lucrative business for many Ameri- cans and others, who ostensibly buy boats and cargoes, and fly THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. 95 the American flag over them, for a fee from the real owners. Merchants of all classes are taxed five per cent on gross sales, and liave to submit their books for inspection freely to the tax-collect- ors ; and detected efforts to get around the tax, other than by bribing the collectors, which is not at all difficult to do, results in the confiscation of their entire possessions. Once I witnessed the novel transaction of a foreigner who wanted to purchase a milch- cow, and the farmer drove the cow to the outside limits of the tax station on the outskirts of the town, and tied her there and came for the buyer to accompany him outside to complete the purchase. He could pass the cow without taxation, but the native owner could not. This is why the Chinese in California show such skill and fertility of resource in smuggling in opium. Their past training in subterfuges to beat their own tax-collectors has trained them in the business. And they do not regard it as any crime to beat the Government if they can. In this freak they are not wholly unlike many of our own race, as our custom-house officers are aware. "We can not, of course, determine what would have been the condition of China, in the matter of the relationship between ruled and rulers, had Confucianism never impressed its doctrines on the subject, but certainly he has not achieved any striking success in this first of the five relations. Second Relation : Husband and Wife. — The husband is regarded as holding much the same relation to the wife as the Emperor to the people — that is, he has absolute authority over her. But that authority must be exercised with justice and sym- pathy. The wife shall obey the husband, but he must be worthy of obedience. Polygamy is now practiced in China, but it seems not to have been at the time of Confucius. At least I have ob- served no reference to the matter in his treatise on the second relation, which seems probable would be the case if it was recog- nized at the time he wrote. His plan elaborated the most minute provisions for the conduct of married people, and, were his ideal carried out, a most happy state of married life would result ; but, judging from appearances, he has more signally failed on this point than on the first relation. Chinese marriages are not con- ducted on the plan most conducive to harmony. Their matches are not made in heaven, as poets sometimes declare of this matter, but in a broker's office. They are not the result of a personal courtship between the parties to the compact, but are a matter of barter and sale. Fathers negotiate for wives for their infant sons, and infant betrothals are in reality infant purchases. Both husband and wife being entirely passive in the matter, there can not be anything approaching to personal attachment between them. Marriage being a matter of purchase, there is no provision 96 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. for divorce required. If a husband is not pleased with the wife, he can sell or trade her ojl. If the wife is not satisfied, she can drown herself. The so-called slavery of women in Chinese communities in this country is simply the lawful marriage arrangement of that country. It sometimes transpires that women bought as wives are treated as merchandise, which they really are as a matter of fact, and are subjected to immoral and degrading uses. This is especially the case in this country, where the women are few in comparison to the number of men of that race. In China women are treated with perhaps as much consideration as in other coun- tries, .They are not accorded full recognition as the equal in rights with man, but there are those even in our own country who declare that this is true of our women also. In China they are not treated as being personally responsible for their position in society, and are guarded with a more jealous care than with us. Here, a wife or daughter, growing weary of the restraints of the home, may go to another city, change her name, and enter upon a life of entire freedom from all restraints with impunity. With them it is impossible. Women there sus- tain more the position of domestic animals, which have a material value, and, if they stray from home, some one is interested in look- ing after them, much as an estrayed horse or ox. It is a matter of fact that, from whatever cause, there is not to be found in Chinese cities the class of abandoned and immoral women as in all European and American cities. The laws of the land forbid them, and their laws are more strictly enforced in this regard than in any other country I know anything about. Polygamous mar- riages and the concubinage system j^revail, however, and, while this may be as bad as the other, it is not so apparent and obtrusive upon the public notice as are the Whitechapels of London or New York. But, view it as one may, it is apparent that the condi- tion of Chinese women is far from what Confucius thought it should be. Third Relation: Parent and Child. — In this relation the greatest stress is placed upon filial obedience. Under the patri- archal family economy, the eldest male living is the acknowl- edged head of every family, even though the family, as it often does, contains three and four generations. The father of the family is the established authority on all matters of policy in business and otherwise, yet each son owes special allegiance to his own father. ISTor is this duty ended with the death of the father, but is perpetual. Once a year the grave must be visited and the little mound rebuilt and kept in repair by the dutiful son. The wine and food that are left by the grave in connection with this ceremony of rebuilding graves are not a part of Confu- cianism, but the point of contact with Taouism. This custom of ' TEE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. 97 honoring tlie dead lias created the impression among foreigners that the Chinese worship their dead. "Ancestral worship" is commonly spoken of as an established fact ; but it is entirely a mistake. They do not worship their dead in any legitimate sense. The ceremony of restoring the graves is not unlike in nature and answers much the same sentiment as our annual Ceremony of dec- orating the graves of our soldier dead. We strew flowers upon graves and construct monuments in marble or bronze over the tombs of our distinguished dead, and yet we do not worship them. If a Chinaman, witnessing these observances with us^ wrote to his friends that the Americans worship their dead and erect idols over their tombs, it would be a similar error to that we perpetuate in our books regarding the Chinese ceremonies in honor of their dead. Ancestral tablets are hung upon the walls of Chinese homes much as painted portraits are upon ours, not to be wor- shiped, but to keep in perpetual memory the departed. The desire to be thus honored after death is why Chinamen are so anxious to leave sons. It is also why those dying in foreign lands are so careful to have their bones taken back to their native homes. They wish to be remembered when they are gone, and only sons — dutiful sons — will see that the graves of their fathers are kept green. It is the most striking feature of Chinese character — their great respect for their fathers. In all business enterprises, in poverty or in wealth, the Chinese look to their fathers for counsel and example. This amounts with them to a positive pas- sion, and is the greatest obstacle in the way of the introduction of modern methods and appliances. What was good enough for their forefathers is good enough for them. If anything new is offered, they dismiss it with the belief that, if it had been neces- sary, their fathers would have had it. They are not an inventive people, and use to-day the same pattern of plow and hand-made goods of all sorts they did a thousand years ago. The same cut of coat, build of boats, architecture, everything remains now as it was at the time when history with them first began. Filial affec- tion is deep-rooted in their natures, and no one questions the pro- priety of it. Here, at least, Kung has impressed himself upon his people. Fourth Relation ; Brother to Brother. — The patriarchal plan of family government leaves but little scope for individuality in the members of a household. Estates are entailed from one generation to another intact. All the members of a family par- take of the resources in common, and are supposed to perform their share of the labor. But they own nothing in severalty. This removes the most fruitful source of fratricidal conflict. No quarreling over division of property, and no cutting off of one in favor of another heir at law, for all remain in equal possession of VOL. XL. — 9 98 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the property, and each subsists upon a common treasury. All the sons work in the same business, shop or store, with the father. This is why for a hundred generations the Chinese follow the same calling. A shoemaker's sons are shoemakers, for the reason that they are put to work at the bench as soon as they can drive a peg. Shifting from one employment to another is rare with them. They do not take freely to learning a new trade, because, if they have any property in the family, it can not be divided and sold by the heirs, unless the sale is by consent of all the heirs, and then, of course, a mutual distribution is made. In business pursuits, the profits of the enterprise are not drawn out by the members of the firm, which in almost all cases means the family ; but, after meeting current expenses, the accrued surplus goes into the accumulated assets. Thus, unequal wealth is not a source of family quarrels. I never knew two brothers where one was poor and the other rich. They are all poor or rich together. The trait, thus developed, of intimacy between brothers and all members of the household has left its imprint upon Chinese character in gen- eral. Clannishness is one of their national marks. Fifth Relation; Man to Man. — In this proposition is the province of ethics. It is a far wider field for the philanthropist and reformer to deal with than any of the foregoing. Here all ties of *kinship and fear of authority are removed, and the ques- tion of the equality and rights of man comes in. The same senti- ments in our Constitution are lauded as the climax of humanity and civilization. The same sentiments were promulgated by a pagan philosopher five hundred years before the Christian era ; and he founded his arguments upon what had been written so long before his time as to be ancient history. Men have always been in each other's way Conflicting inter- ests of tradesmen and fellow-workmen of the same crafts always have and always will exist. The harmonious co-operation of Bel- lamy will probably require more than twenty centuries to materi- alize. Labor unions seek to regulate the matter by restricting apprenticeships. Merchants try by underselling each other to drive the weaker ones to the wall. Manufacturers and capitalists enter into trusts, hoping to freeze out the smaller competitors and destroy competition. But all alike fail of their purpose, and con- flicting interests as old as the human race itself continue, and always will, in all likelihood. In times past unwelcome competi- tion was checked in a more violent manner. Walking delegates and boycott committees were armed with daggers and clubs, and the stronger tribes annihilated the weaker ones or enslaved them. It is certainly a high testimonial to the pagan reformer that he sought to inculcate the doctrine that one man had any rights that another was under obligations to respect. THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS. 99 The golden rule of the Christian religion is regarded as tlie climax of excellence. Five centuries before Christ, Confucius wrote page after page to inculcate this same principle. One half of the decalogue of Moses is devoted to enforce the rights of man between man. Thou shalt not steal, nor bear false witness against thy neighbor, nor covet anything that is his. One man shall not tear down or injure another, in order to promote his own interests, is a doctrine hostile to the nature and practices of men in all ages, and yet a principle essential to the perpetuity of governments and social progress. Animals by instinct devour and destroy each other in their j)ursuit of life. Men in uncivil- ized states do the same thing in effect ; and it is quite clear that we have not yet fully outgrown the animal instinct in this direc- tion. But we all understand that it is right to do so, and, if we do not, we at least pretend that we do, and only eat each other metaphorically. Nature has wisely provided that, when a man has lived for a few years, he shall give place to his successors. But as long as one remains on the earth, other things being equal, he is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in his own way, pro- vided his way does not interfere with the rights of others. There is room on the earth for all that are likely to occupy it at any one time, and, when the numbers reach an excess, disease or famine or war relieves the surplus. And under all circumstances every man should be protected in his life and interests from unequal advantages being taken of him by his neighbors. So taught Con- fucius. So teach all systems of sound social and moral philosophy. In conclusion, I wish to say that, judged by what it has prob- ably accomplished, the Confucian system has done much toward creating whatever of good is found in Chinese character and in- stitutions ; and what it has failed to accomplish is not due to any defects in the system, but rather to the inherent tendency in human nature to seek its own way. Men have been slow to ask what is the better and wiser course to pursue, and have inclined to follow their more brutish instincts. At the present day, however, Confucius wields but little in- fluence over the Chinese. In most cities are temples, or, more correctly speaking, halls known as Confucian halls. They are entirely void of any appearance of idolatry. His name is revered as a wise and good man, but he is not worshiped, nor has he in any legitimate sense been deified by the people. As Washington in America is venerated as the father of his country, and as Abra- ham Lincoln is spoken of in history as the savior of his country, so likewise is Confucius spoken of among Ms people as the wise philosopher, and patron of letters, and promoter of good govern- ment, but not as the founder of a religion, nor an object to be 100 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. worshiped. Educated Chinamen all profess to he disciples of him and to read his works, and to be guided by his instructions. In some respects they perhaps do, -but they put their own inter- pretation upon the import of his teachings. There are no special teachers to expound his works, and every one is free to place such construction upon his teachings as his intelligence or impulses may lead to. I am convinced that the power of the philosopher over his people has been overestimated by foreigners generally, and that the real nature and scope of his work have been largely misappre- hended. I THE ORIGIN OF PAINTING. By M. LAZAE POPOFF. T is said repeatedly, as of course, that Egypt was the cradle of the arts. Yet archaeologists like Lartet, Garrigue, Cristi, and others have shown that the first artistic manifestations go back to epochs far anterior to the ancient Egyptians. According to these authors, these first manifestations were contemporary with the presence of the reindeer in the south of France— when the mammoth had not yet quite disappeared, and when man, ignorant of the metals, made all his instruments of stone, bone, and wood. In fact, the first works of art, and particularly the first efforts at drawing, date from those prehistoric times. In France, the oldest remains of these works of art have been found, in the shape of drawings engraved with a flint point as ornaments on articles of reindeer-horn, in caves by the side of the fossil remains of animals which, like the mammoth, have since disappeared, or, like the rein- deer, have abandoned those regions. Other drawings have been found on tablets of stone, horn, or mammoth-ivory. It is not our intention to insist on the simply linear rudiment- ary designs of which these ornaments consist. We rather invite attention to more perfect and characteristic works, in which, ac- cording to the words of Carl Vogt, the spirit of observation and imitation of Nature, and especially of living Nature, is remarkably manifested. An image of a mammoth, found in the cave of La Magdelaine, in the Dordogne, is engraved on a tablet of mammoth- bone. Very striking are the ungainly attitude of the animal's massive body, its long hair, the form of its elevated skull, with concave forehead, and its enormous recurved tusks. All these traits, characteristic of this extinct type of pachyderm, are repro- duced by the designer with a really artistic distinctness. The mammoth was already rare in Europe when this primitive artist lived ; and this, perhaps, is the reason why only two of the numer- THE ORIGIN OF PAINTING. loi OTIS designs found in the caves of France are of this animal.* The second of these drawings, found in La Loz^re, represents a mam- raoth's head sculptured on a staff of command. The images of the chamois, bear, and ox are found more frequently ; hut figures of the reindeer are most numerous. Some are engraved on plates of bone^ and others serve to ornament various objects. Sometimes groups of animals are represented, or, on the other hand, the ani- mals are only partly drawn, and merely the head or head and chest are visible. The larger part of these drawings do not excel in execution the figures which our school-boys make on walls ; but the figures of the reindeer are generally superior on account of the remarkable care with which the characteristic lines of the animal are traced, and also, in examples that are otherwise very rare, by the addition of a few shadows. We conclude that the artist of the caves was particularly interested in the reindeer, which furnished his con- temporaries with their principal food, as well as with clothing materials, arms for hunting, and household implements. We know, in fact, that the cave-dwellers lived on reindeer-meat, dressed themselves in its skin, made thread of its tendons, and cut their arrow-points from its bones. In other words, as the reindeer had not yet been domesticated, it stood to those primitive men as a valuable game, and the hunting of it occupied the larger part of their existence. We thus explain why that animal haunted the imagination of the artist of those times. The drawings of the chamois, the bear, and the ox were also often surprisingly exact and really valuable. Besides these designs of mammals, there have been found in the caves of France a number of drawings of fishes, tolerably cor- rect, but very uniform. According to Broca, they can all be re- ferred to the salmon. All these relics of the primitive arts of design prove abun- dantly that the men of that prehistoric age observed carefully the forms and attitudes of animals and were capable of representing them in an exact and elegant style, attesting, according to Broca, a real artistic sense. Nothing like this has been observed in the reproduction of the human figure, and drawings of that kind are extremely rare. There are two such deserving mention, one of which represents a naked man, armed with a club and surrounded by animals ; the second, a fishing scene, a man lancing a harpoon upon a marine animal — a fish according to Broca, a whale according to other authors. The whole of the design is puerile and out of shape, and * Similar linear ornaments have been found in the caves in Belgium, and are referred by Dupont to the age of the mammoth. 102 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the proportions are outrageously violated. This is not an excep- tion, for the examination of all the drawings of this kind shows that skillful as were the men of those times in their drawings of animals, particularly of those which were important to them, they were bad delineators of the human figure. "I do not know," says Broca, " what prevented them from reaching perfec- tion on this point, but the fact is indisputable and is certainly characteristic.''^ Another no less characteristic point is the entire absence of designs representing plants. No design of a tree has been found, or of a bush or a flower, unless we regard as a flower the " three little rosettes " engraved on a handle of reindeer-horn, which some authors actually regard as a composite flower. This exclusive taste of the artists of the caves is evidently not acci- dental, for chance exj)lains nothing ; and we can not assume, with Carl Vogt, that primitive drawing originated in a general tend- ency of man toward imitation of living Nature. "We believe that the object of these artistic productions was of a different charac- ter, and that they were intended, not for ornamentation of objects or for imitation pure and simple of Nature, but for the production of an instrument to be used in the struggle against Nature. We shall endeavor to substantiate this proposition in what follows, and shall have occasion to say something on the origin of painting in general. We remark, first, that there is nothing to prove that the man of that time was intellectually superior to existing savages ; and, if we observe these, we shall find that their drawings have usually a totally different significance from that which art has among civilized peoples ; and that they have nothing in common with ornamentation and Eesthetics in general. Indeed, numerous facts go to show that human thought, in the lower degrees of its devel- opment, distinguishes but poorly between subjective representa- tions and objective reality, and that both give rise to the same ideas. For example, a savage seeing one of his family in a dream, can not imagine that the image is independent of the organic sub- stance of the person in question ; and he will see the same relation between the two as between a body and its image reflected by a surface of water. Thus the Basutos believe that if the shadow of a man is projected upon the water, the crocodiles will be able to seize the man himself. A like identification may be pushed to the point that tribes are known which use the same word for the soul, the image, and the shadow. It is necessary to take this fact into consideration in order to appreciate the real sense of the primitive design, and to re-estab- lish the conditions under which it originated. If we suppose a material relation between the image and the object as well as between the shadow and the object, it becomes evident that the THE ORIGIN OF PAINTING. 103 savage would comport himself similarly toward the image, the shadow, and the object. From his point of view the image and the object are in close relation, and an action upon one wonld operate in the same way upon the other. By this way of looking at things, as Sir John Lubbock says, the savage is convinced that an injury done to the image is inflicted upon the original ; or, to use the words of Mr. Taylor, he thinks that by acting upon the copy he will reach the original. The evidences are many that demonstrate the importance attributed by savages to this mode of action on the original. Waitz relates, after Denghame, that in a tribe of western Africa it was dangerous to make a portrait of the natives, because they were afraid that by some kind of sor- cery a part of their soul would pass into their image. Lubbock also speaks of the same fear as existing among savages ; and the more like the portrait, the greater the danger to the original ; for the more life there is in the copy, the less must be left in the per- son. One day, when some Indians were annoying Dr. Kane by their presence, he rid himself of them very quickly by telling them that he was going to make their portraits. Catlin tells a story, at once sober and comical, that when he was drawing the profile of a chief named Matochiga, the Indians around him seemed greatly moved, and asked him why he did not draw the other half of the chiefs face. " Matochiga was never ashamed to look a white man square in the face." Matochiga had not till then seemed offended at the matter, but one of the Indians said to him sportively : /' The Yankee knows that you are only half a man, and he has only drawn half of your face, because the other half is not worth anything." A bloody fight followed this ex- planation, and Matochiga was killed by a bullet which struck him in the side of the face that had not been drawn. A still more characteristic incident is communicated by M. Brouck concerning a Laplander who had come to visit him from motives of curiosity. He having drunk a glass of wine and seeming very much at ease, M. Brouck took his pencil and began drawing his portrait. AlZ at once our subject's humor changed; he drew on his cap and started to run away. Explanations being had, the Laplander made the rash artist understand that, if he had let him copy his figure, the artist would have gained a dangerous influence over him. Charlevoix said, in the last century, that the Illinois and In- dians of some other tribes made little figures representing persons whose lives they wanted to shorten, and pierced them in the region of the heart. A custom still exists in Borneo that consists in making a figure in wax of the enemy whom one wishes to be- witch, and setting it before the fire to melt ; it is assumed, accord- ing to Taylor, that the person aimed at is disorganized as fast as 104 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. his image disappears. The Peruvian sorcerers still proceed in the same way, except that their figures are made of rags. In the Indies, according to Dubois, they knead earth collected from a very salt place with hair or pieces of skin, and make a figure on the chest of which they write the name of an enemy, and then stab it with needles, or mutilate in some way, in the belief that the same harm will be suffered by the person represented. Traces of this primitive superstition are also found among civilized people, for Grimn reports that in the eleventh century Jews were accused in Europe of having killed Bishop Ebergard by a sorcery of the kind. They were said to have made a figure of wax representing the bishop, hired a priest to baptize it, and put it into the fire. As soon as the wax was melted, the bishop was attacked by a mortal disease. The famous adventurer, Jacob, chief of the Pastorals, in the thirteenth century, seriously believed, as he says in his Demonology, that the devil taught men the att of making images of wax and clay, the destruction of which brought on the sickness and death of the persons they repre- sented. It was a custom in the time of Catharine de' Medici to make such figures of wax, and melt them slowly before the fire or stab them with needles, in order to bring suffering to enemies. This operation was called putting a spell upon them. We may also mention the opinion of the earlier Christian writers, who be- lieved, according to Draper, that painting and sculpture were in- terdicted in the Scriptures, and were consequently evil arts. It may be questioned if this oj)inion did not have its roots in the idea of primitive peoples that the art of drawing was an instrument of sorcery, by means of which one acquired the power to act upon a person. Mussulmans still have a horror of images, and the Koran forbids having one's portrait made and possessing any image at all. We would not exhaust this evidence if we did not cite all the facts that go to prove that, in the mind of primitive man, it was sufficient to possess anything — a piece of the garment, hair, a bit of a nail — that had belonged to a person to have power to act upon him and do him harm. The belief in the efficacy of this means is still so strong among some backward peoples, that per- sons who have any reason to distrust others hide their clothes so that they shall not be robbed of any part of them. Others, when they cut their hair or nails, put the cut parts on the roofs of their houses or bury them in the ground. So peasants in some coun- tries bury the teeth which they pull from themselves. We should add, to complete the picture, that writing to the savage enjoys the same magic power as drawing. This is easily understood when we recollect that writing by figures preceded writing by letters or any conventional signs, and is still met THE ORIGIN OF PAINTING. 105 among some savage tribes. In these -writings by figures, the fact tliat the man or animal represented is nnder the influence of an evil lot is indicated by an arrow directed from the mouth toward the heart. A sign of this kind is considered equivalent to a real possession of the animal or person represented. "We could hardly give more convincing proofs of the special significance attributed by the savage to drawing, regarded by him as an instrument of power over another ; and while the examples which we have just brought together relate chiefly to man, we may assume logically that the same process — that is, a figured representation of animals — plays a like part in the struggle of the savage against his natural enemies. Other facts exist con- firmatory of this hypothesis. According to Mr. Tanner, the North American Indians, to assure success in their hunting expeditions, made rude drawings of the animal they were pursuing, and stabbed them in the region of the heart, under the conviction that they would thereby obtain power over the desired game. Taylor relates, according to an old ob- server among the Australians, that the natives, in one of their festival dances, construct a figure of the kangaroo with plants, in order that they may become masters of the real kangaroos of the forest. An Algonkin Indian, going out to kill an animal, hangs up a figure of it in his lodge ; then, after giving it due warning, shoots an arrow at it. If the arrow hits, the animal will be killed. If a hunter, having touched a sorcerer's rod with his arrow, succeeded in hitting the track of the animal with the ar- row, it would be stopped and held till the hunter could come up to it. The same object could be attained by drawing the figure of the animal on a piece of wood and addressing suitable prayers to the image. Such was the function of drawing at its origin. An Indian song admirably explains this function, in the words " My draw- ing has made a god of me ! " Faith could hardly be more vigor- ously expressed in the power of the art of drawing as an instru- ment by the aid of which primitive man obtained a supernatural power over his enemy or his game. Regarding the works of the cave men in the light of these facts, we perceive that the purpose that inspired them had few points in common with the sense of the beautiful or the tendency to imitation ; and it is clear that if there existed in the mind of the primitive man a material relation between a being and its shadow or its image, that man thought that the same relation was preserved between the being and its image when transferred to any object whatever. The purpose to be reached was to possess the shadow of the coveted object, and the only means of accomplishing it was to fix upon something or another the silhouette of that shadow. io6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, This, in our opinion, was the origin of drawing, and, conse- quently, of painting. It is worthy of remark that all works of this kind derived from the embryonic period of the arts of de- sign betray the same lack of proportion and absence of symmetry characteristic of the silhouettes of shadows. The uniform im- pression given by the drawings is that they relate, not to the objects themselves, but to their shadows. It is further interest- ing to note that some contemporary savages, some Australians, for example, are still incapable of grasping the meaning of exact images, while they readily comprehend a crude, disproportioned drav/ing. Thus, to give them an idea of a man, you have to draw him with a very large head ; a feature with which precisely cor- responds a drawing representing a fisherman that has been found in a cave in France. He has a greatly reduced body, but his hand, armed with an enormous harpoon, is the hand of a giant. In his struggle with surrounding Nature, a struggle of which he can not form an exact conception, primitive man had especial need to possess every means that could give him confidence in vic- tory. In starting for the hunt he took with him, as the North American Indian does now, and as some players in our most civil- ized circles do under another form, the fetich that would insure suc- cess— that of an image of the animal to be killed. By engraving on the handle of his knife the image of a reindeer or some other animal, he did not think of ornamenting his weapon, but of exert- ing some magic power over his prey. And his belief in this mys- terious jDower, by giving him boldness, energy, and sureness of movements, would often procure him success. Confidence does thus in all things. Just like the modern savage, the cave man would believe that the greater the resemblance between the image and the animal, the greater also would be the chance of acting upon the animal. Hence the care that was applied to the repro- duction of the animals especially coveted and with which the con- test would be hardest ; and hence those perfect designs of the rein- deer, that magnificent game of our ancestors.* Very different are the characteristics of the drawings of hu- man forms ; and, to account for these differences, we should con- sider the fact that all the archseological data relative to the epoch of the reindeer testify that the disposition of the man of that age * In this I differ from the students who find in some of these drawings evidence that the reindeer was a domesticated animal at that time. A representation of two reindeer has been found at Loz^re, one of which wears what is regarded as a kind of haher. But the absence of fossil remains of dogs, without which domestication of the reindeer is im- possible, pleads, as Carl Vogt remarks, against the existence of the domesticated reindeer. In my opinion, this supposed halter represents rather the emblematic line of which I have spoken, proceeding from the mouth to the heart, indicating the enchantment thrown at the animal by the hunter. THE ORIGIN OF PAINTING. 107 was pacific. Broca calls these raen " peaceful hunters/' and at- tributes a gentle character to them. He remarks that an examina- tion of their arsenal very rarely brings out warlike arms, and that we can thus satisfy ourselves of their peaceful character. The Belgian archaeologist, M. Dupont, observes that the cave-dwellers of his country had no idea of war. And, if we have a right to compare the existing savage with primitive man, we find that the Eskimo, who is nearest like him, is quiet and peaceful. The Eski- mo whom Ross met on the shores of Baffin's Bay could not be made to understand what war is, and possessed no warlike weap- ons. Wliile, then, we may believe that the cave men rarely raised their hands against one another, it nevertheless remains deter- mined that they waged a bitter and relentless war against animals. Hence they rarely had occasion to exercise themselves in drawing the human form ; and hence the imperfect character of their hu- man images as compared with those of animals. As to the forms of plants, it may be remarked that the boreal flora of that epoch, not being at all threatening, could furnish little food for supersti- tion ; and no drawings of plants are found in the caves. In short, the condition of the art of drawing with primitive man seems to be in complete harmony with the meaning which we have attributed to drawing itself, of its being inspired by be- lief in the existence of a material relation between a being and its image and in the possibility of acting on the first through the sec- ond. Consequently, the principle of painting can not be found in a natural tendency of primitive man to the artificial imitation of living Nature, but seems rather to be derived from the desire of subjecting that Nature to its needs, and of subjugating it. In the course of its progressive improvements, the art of drawing has gradually lost its primitive significance and original meaning, till it has become what it is now. It does not differ much, however, from what it was originally ; for, while the primitive man expected to reach the living being in its image, it is still life which the civ- ilized man seeks to-day in works of art. — Translated for the Popu- lar Science Monthly from the Revue Scientifique. Dr. Peters, the African traveler, believes that the Waganda, or people of Uganda, are descended from the ancient Egyptians; and some color is apparently lent to his view by the burial of their kings in mounds, the custom of embalm- ing, and the existence of ancient rock excavations. But the Waganda might have borrowed these things from their northern neighbors. Dr. Peters observes that they undoubtedly excel every other African nation in the development of llieir intelligence, and that, in contrast to all other negro tribes, they feel the need of progress. It is believed that in the oldest of the burial mounds are interred records of the dead sovereigns that will explain the origin of the race; but at present the "Waganda will not allow a search to be made. io8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. HIGH LIFE. EVERYBODY knows mountain flowers are beautiful. As one rises up any minor height in the Alps or the Pyrenees, be- low snow-level, one notices at once the extraordinary brilliancy and richness of the blossoms one meets there. All Nature is dressed in its brightest robes. Great belts of blue gentian hang like a zone on the mountain slopes ; masses of yellow globe-flower star the upland pastures, nodding heads of soldanella lurk low among the rugged bowlders by the glacier's side. No lowland blossoms have such vividness of coloring, or grow in such con- spicuous patches. To strike the eye from afar, to attract and allure at a distance, is the great aim and end in life of the Al- pine flora. Now, why are Alpine plants so anxious to be seen of men and angels ? "Why do they flaunt their golden glories so openly be- fore the world, instead of shrinking in modest reserve beneath their own green leaves, like the Puritan primrose and the retiring violet ? The answer is. Because of the extreme rarity of the mountain air. It's the barometer that does it. At first sight, I will readily admit, this explanation seems as fanciful as the traditional connection between Goodwin Sands and Tenterden Steeple. But, like the amateur stories in country papers, it is " founded on fact," for all that. (Imagine, by the way, a tale founded entirely on fiction ! How charmingly aerial !) By a roundabout road, through varying chains of cause and effect, the rarity of the air does really account in the long run for the beau- ty and conspicuousness of the mountain flowers. For bees, the common go-betweens of the loves of the plants, cease to range about a thousand or fifteen hundred feet below snow-level. And why ? Because it's too cold for them ? Oh, dear, no ; on sunny days in early English spring, when the thermome- ter does'nt rise above freezing in the shade, you will see both the honey-bees and the great black bumble as busy as their conven- tional character demands of them among the golden cups of the first timid crocuses. Give the bee sunshine, indeed, with a tem- perature just about freezing-point, and he'll flit about joyously on his communistic errand. But bees, one must remember, have heavy bodies and relatively small wings : in the rarefied air of mountain heights they can't manage to support themselves in the most literal sense. Hence their place in these high stations of the world is taken by the gay and airy butterflies, which have lighter bodies and a much bigger expanse of wing-area to buoy them up. In the valleys and plains the bee competes at an advantage with the butterflies for all the sweets of life, but in this broad subglacial HIGH LIFE, 109 belt on the mountain-sides, the butterflies in turn have things all their own way. They flit about like monarchs of all they survey, without a rival in the world to dispute their supremacy. And how does the preponderance of butterflies in the upper regions of the air affect the color and brilliancy of the flowers ? Simply thus : Bees, as we are all aware on the authority of the great Dr. Watts, are industrious creatures which employ each shining hour (well-chosen epithet, " shining ") for the good of the community, and to the best purpose. The bee, in fact, is the Tjon bourgeois of the insect world : he attends strictly to business, loses no time in wild or reckless excursions, and flies by the straightest path from flower to flower of the same species with mathemati- cal precision. Moreover, he is careful, cautious, observant, and steady-going — a model business man, in fact, of sound middle- class morals and sober middle-class intelligence. No flitting for him, no coquetting, no fickleness. Therefore, the flowers that have adapted themselves to his needs, and that depend upon him mainly or solely for fertilization, waste no unnecessary material on those big, flaunting colored posters which we human observers know as petals. They have, for the most part, simple blue or purple flowers, tubular in shape and, individually, inconspicuous in hue ; and they are oftenest arranged in long spikes of blossom to avoid wasting the time of their winged Mr. Bultitudes. So long as they are just bright enough to catch the bee's eye a few yards away, they are certain to receive a visit in due season from that industrious and persistent commercial traveler. Having a circle of good customers upon whom they can depend with certainty for fertilization, they have no need to waste any large propor- tion of their substance upon expensive advertisements or gaudy petals. It is just the opposite with butterflies. Those gay and irre- pressible creatures, the fashionable and frivolous element in the insect world, gad about from flower to flower over great distances at once, and think much more of sunning themselves and of attracting their fellows than of attention'to "business. And the reason is obvious, if one considers for a moment the difference in the political and domestic economy of the two opposed groups. For the honey-bees are neuters, sexless purveyors of the hive, with no interest on earth save the storing of honey for the com- mon benefit of the phalanstery to which they belong. But the butterflies are full-fledged males and females, on the hunt through the world for suitable partners: they think far less of feeding than of displaying their charms ; a little honey to support them during their flight is all they need : "For the bee, a long round of ceaseless toil ; for me," says the gay butterfly, " a short life and a merry one." Mr. Harold Skimpole needed only " music, sun- no THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. shine, a few grapes." The butterflies are of his kind. The high mountain zone is for them a true ball-room ; the flowers are light refreshments laid out in the vestibule. Their real business in life is not to gorge and lay by, but to coquette and display themselves and find fitting partners. So while the bees with their honey-bags, like the financier with his money-bags, are storing up profit for the composite com- munity, the butterfly, on the contrary, lays himself out for an agreeable flutter, and sips nectar where he will, over large areas of country. He flies rather high, flaunting his wings in the sun, because he wants to show himself off in all his airy beauty ; and when he spies a bed of bright flowers afar off on the sun-smitten slopes, he sails off toward them lazily, like a grand signior who amuses himself. No regular plodding through a monotonous spike of plain little bells for him; what he wants is brilliant color, bold advertisement, good honey, and plenty of it. He doesn't care to search. Who wants his favors must make himself conspicuous. Now, plants are good shopkeepers; they lay themselves out strictly to attract their customers. Hence the character of the flowers on this beeless belt of mountain-side is entirely determined by the character of the butterfly fertilizers. Only those plants which laid themselves out from time immemorial to suit the butterflies, in other words, have succeeded in the long run in the struggle for existence. So the butterfly-plants of the butterfly- zone are all strictly adapted to butterfly tastes and butterfly fan- cies. They are, for the most part, individually large and brill- iantly colored ; they have lots of honey, often stored at the base of a deep and open bell which the long proboscis of the insect can easily penetrate ; and they habitually grow close together in broad belts or patches, so that the color of each re-enforces and aids the color of the others. It is this cumulative habit that ac- counts for the marked flower-bed or jam-tart character which everybody must have noticed in the high Alpine flora. Aristocracies usually pride themselves on their antiquity ; and the high life of the mountains is undeniably ancient. The plants and animals of the butterfly-zone belong to a special group which appears everywhere in Europe and America about the limit of snow, whether northward or upward. For example, I was pleased to note near the summit of Mount Washington (the highest peak in New Hampshire) that a large number of the flowers belonged to species well known on the open plains of Lapland and Finland. The plants of the High Alps are found also, as a rule, not only on the High Pyrenees, the Carpathians, the Scotch Grampians, and the Norwegian f jelds, but also round the Arctic Circle in Europe and America. They reappear at long distances where suitable HIGH LIFE. Ill conditions recur ; they follow tlie snow-line as the snow-line re- cedes ever in summer higher north toward the pole or higher vertically toward the mountain summits. And this bespeaks in one way to the reasoning mind a very ancient ancestry. It shows they date back to a very old and cold epoch. Let me give a single instance which strikingly illustrates the general principle. Near the top of Mount Washington^ as afore- said, lives to this day a little colony of very cold-loving and mountainous butterflies, which never descend below a couple of thousand feet from the wind-swept summit. Except just there, there are no more of their sort anywhere about ; and as far as the butterflies themselves are aware, no others of their species exist on earth ; they never have seen a single one of their kind, save of their own little colony. One might compare them with the Pitcairn Islanders in the South Seas — an isolated group of Eng- lish origin, cut off by a vast distance from all their congeners in Europe or America. But if you go north some eight or nine hundred miles from New Hampshire to Labrador, at a certain point the same butterfly reappears, and spreads northward toward the pole in great abundance. Now, how did this little colony of chilly insects get separated from the main body and islanded, as it were, on a remote mountain-top in far warmer Nevv^ Hamp- shire ? The answer is, they were stranded there at the end of the Gla- cial epoch. A couple of hundred thousand years ago, or thereabouts — don't let us haggle, I beg of you, over a few casual centuries — the whole of northern Europe and America was covered from end to end, as everybody knows, by a sheet of solid ice, like the one which Frithiof Nansen crossed from sea to sea on his own ac- count in Greenland. For many thousand years, with occasional warmer spells, that vast ice-sheet brooded, silent and grim, over the face of the two continents. Life was extinct as far south as the latitude of New York and London. No plant or animal sur- vived the general freezing. Not a creature broke the monotony of that endless glacial desert. At last, as the celestial cycle came round in due season, fresh conditions supervened. Warmer weather set in, and the ice began to melt. Then the plants and animals of the subglacial district were pushed slowly northward by the warmth after the retreating ice-cap. As time went on, the climate of the plains got too hot to hold them. The summer was too much for the glacial types to endure. They remained only on the highest mountain-peaks or close to the southern limit of eternal snow. In this way, every isolated range in either con- tinent has its own little colony of arctic or glacial plants and animals, which still survive by themselves, unaffected by inter- 112 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. course with their unknown and unsuspected fellow-creatures else- where. Not only has the Glacial epoch left these organic traces of its existence, however ; in some parts of New Hampshire where the glaciers were unusually thick and deep, fragments of the prime- val ice itself still remain on the spots where they were originally stranded. Among the shady glens of the White Mountains there occur here and there great masses of ancient ice, the unmelted remnant of primeval glaciers ; and one of these is so large that an artificial cave has been cleverly excavated in it, as an attrac- tion for tourists, by the canny Yankee proprietor. Elsewhere the old ice-blocks are buried under the debris of moraine-stuff and alluvium, and are only accidentally discovered by the sinking of what are locally known as ice-wells. No existing conditions can account for the formation of such solid rocks of ice at such a depth in the soil. They are essentially glacier-like in origin and character ; they result from the pressure of snow into a crystal- line mass in a mountain valley ; and they must have remained there unmelted ever since the close of the Glacial epoch, which, by Dr. Croll's calculations, must most probably have ceased to plague our earth some eighty thousand years ago. Modern America, however, has no respect for antiquity ; and it is at pres- ent engaged in using up this palseocrystic deposit — this belated storehouse of prehistoric ice— in the manufacture of gin slings and brandy cocktails. As one scales a mountain of moderate height— say seven or eight thousand feet — in a temperate climate, one is sure to be struck by the gradual diminution as one goes in the size of the trees, till at last they tail off into mere shrubs and bushes. This diminution — an old commonplace of tourists — is a marked char- acteristic of mountain plants, and it depends, of course, in the main upon the effect of cold, and of the wind in winter. Cold, however, is by far the more potent factor of the two, though it is the least often insisted upon ; and this can be seen in a mo- ment by any one who remembers that trees shade off in just the self-same manner near the southern limit of permanent snow in the arctic regions. And the way the cold acts is simply this : it nips off the young buds in spring in exposed situations, as the chilly sea-breeze does with coast plants, which, as we commonly but incorrectly say, are " blown sideways " from seaward. Of course, the lower down one gets, and the nearer to the soil, the warmer the layer of air becomes, both because there is greater radiation and because one can secure a little more shelter. So, very far north, and very near the snow-line on mountains, you always find the vegetation runs low and stunted. It takes advan- tage of every crack, every cranny in the rocks, every sunny little EIGH LIFE. 113 nook, every jutting point or wee promontory of shelter. And as the mountain plants have been accustomed for ages to the strenu- ous conditions of such cold and wind-swept situations, they have ended, of course, by adapting themselves to that station in life to which it has pleased the powers that be to call them. They grow quite naturally low and stumpy and rosette-shaped; they are compact of form and very hard of fiber ; they present no surface of resistance to the wind in any way ; rounded and boss-like, they seldom rise above the level of the rocks and stones whose inter- stices they occupy. It is this combination of characters that makes mountain plants such favorites with florists ; for they possess of themselves that close-grown habit and that rich profu- sion of clustered flowers which it is the grand object of the gar- dener by artificial selection to produce and encourage. When one talks of " the limit of trees " on a mountain-side, however, it must be remembered that the phrase is used in a strictly human or Pickwickian sense, and that it is only the size, not the type, of the vegetation that is really in question. For trees exist even on the highest hill-tops; only they have accom- modated themselves to the exigencies of the situation. Smaller and ever smaller species have been developed by natural selection to suit the peculiarities of these inclement spots. Take, for ex- ample, the willow and poplar group. Nobody would deny that a weeping willow by an English river, or a Lombardy poplar in an Italian avenue, was as much of a true tree as an oak or a chest- nut. But as one mounts toward the bare and wind-swept mount- ain heights one finds that the willows begin to grow downward gradually. The " netted willow " of the Alps and Pyrenees, which shelters itself under the lee of little jutting rocks, attains a height of only a few inches; while the "herbaceous willow," common on all very high mountains in western Europe, is a tiny, creeping weed, which nobody would ever take for a forest tree by origin at all, unless he happened to see it in the catkin- bearing stage, when its true nature and history would become at once apparent to him. Yet this little herb-like willow, one of the most northerly and hardy of European plants, is a true tree at heart none the less for all that. Soft and succulent as it looks in branch and leaf, you may yet count on it sometimes as many rings of annual growth as on a lordly Scotch fir tree. But where ? Why, underground. For see how cunning it is, this little stunted descendant of proud forest lords : hard-pressed by Nature, it has learned to make the best of its difficult and precarious position. It has a woody trunk at core, like all other trees ; but this trunk never appears above the level of the soil : it creeps and roots underground in tortuous zigzags between the crags and bowlders that lie strewn through VOL. XL. — 10 114 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. its thin sheet of upland leaf-mold. By this simple plan the wil- low manages to get protection in winter, on the same principle as when we human gardeners lay down the stems of vines ; only the willow remains laid down all the year and always. But in sum- mer it sends up its short-lived herbaceous branches, covered with tiny green leaves, and ending at last in a single silky catkin. Yet between the great weeping willow and this last degraded mount- ain representative of the same primitive type, you can trace in Europe alone at least a dozen distinct intermediate forms, all well marked in their differences, and all progressively dwarfed by long stress of unfavorable conditions. From the combination of such unfavorable conditions in arctic countries and under the snow-line of mountains there results a curious fact, already hinted at above, that the coldest floras are also, from the purely human point of view, the most beautiful. Not, of course, the most luxuriant : for lush richness of foliage and " breadth of tropic shade " (to quote a noble lord) one must go, as every one knows, to the equatorial regions. But, contrary to the common oj)inion, the tropics, hoary shams, are not remark- able for the abundance or beauty of their flowers. Quite other- wise, indeed : an unrelieved green strikes the key-note of equa- torial forests. This is my own experience, and it is borne out (which is far more important) by Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace, who has seen a wider range of the untouched tropics, in all four hemi- spheres— northern, southern, eastern, western — than any other man, I suppose, that ever lived on this planet. And Mr. Wallace is firm in his conviction that the tropics in this respect are a com- plete fraud. Bright flowers are there quite conspicuously absent. It is rather in the cold and less favored regions of the world that one must look for fine floral displays and bright masses of color. Close up to the snow-line the wealth of flowers is always the greatest. In order to understand this apparent paradox one must re- member that the highest type of flowers, from the point of view of organization, is not at the same time by any means the most beautiful. On the contrary, plants with very little special adapta- tion to any particular insect, like the water-lilies and the poppies, are obliged to flaunt forth in very brilliant hues and to run to very large sizes in order to attract the attention of a great num- ber of visitors, one or other of whom may casually fertilize them ; while plants with very special adaptations, like the sage and mint group, or the little English orchids, are so cunningly arranged that they can not fail of fertilization at the very first visit, which of course enables them to a great extent to dispense with the aid of big or brilliant petals. So that, where the struggle for life is fiercest and adaptation most perfect, the flora will on the whole HIGH LIFE. "5 be not most, but least, conspicuous in the matter of very hand- some flowers. Now, the struggle for life is fiercest, and the wealth of Nature is greatest, one need hardly say, in tropical climates. There alone do we find every inch of soil " encumbered by its waste fertility," as Comus puts it ; weighed down by luxuriant growth of tree, shrub, herb, creeper. There alone do lizards lurk in every hole ; beetles dwell manifold in every cranny ; butterflies flock thick in every grove ; bees, ants, and flies swarm by myriads on every sun- smitten hillside. Accordingly, in the tropics, adaptation reaches its highest point ; and tangled richness, not beauty of color, be- comes the dominant note of the equatorial forests. Now and then, to be sure, as you wander through Brazilian or Malayan woods, you may light upon some bright tree clad in scarlet bloom, or some glorious orchid drooping pendent from a bough with long sprays of beauty; but such sights are infrequent. Green, and green, and ever green again — that is the general feeling of the equatorial forest ; as different as possible from the rich mosaic of a high alp in early June, or a Scotch hillside deep in golden gorse and purple heather in broad August sunshine. In very cold countries, on the other hand, though the condi- tions are severe, the struggle for existence is not really so hard, because, in one word, there are fewer competitors. The field is less occupied ; life is less rich, less varied, less self-strangling. And, therefore, specialization has not gone nearly so far in cold latitudes or altitudes. Lower and simpler types everywhere oc- cupy the soil ; mosses, matted flowers, small beetles, dwarf butter- flies. Nature is less luxuriant, yet in some ways more beautiful. As we rise on the mountains the forest trees disappear, and with them the forest beasts, from bears to squirrels ; a low, wind-swept vegetation succeeds, very poor in species, and stunted in growth, but making a floor of rich flowers almost unknown elsewhere. The humble butterflies and beetles of the chillier elevation pro- duce in the result more beautiful bloom than the highly developed honey-seekers of the richer and warmer lowlands. Luxuriance is atoned for by a Turkey carpet of floral magnificence. How, then, has the world at large fallen into the pardonable error of believing tropical nature to be so rich in coloring, and circumpolar nature to be so dingy and unlovable ? Simply thus, I believe. The tropics embrace the largest land areas in the world, and are richer by a thousand times in species of plants and ani- mals than all the rest of the earth in a lump put together. That richness necessarily results from the fierceness of the competition. Now, among this enormous mass of tropical plants it naturally happens that some have finer flowers than any temperate species ; while as to the animals and birds, they are undoubtedly, on the ii6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. whole, both larger and handsomer than the fauna of colder cli- mates. But in the general aspect of tropical nature an occasional bright flower or brilliant parrot counts for very little among the mass of lush green which surrounds and conceals it. On the other hand, in our museums and conservatories we sedulously pick out the rarest and most beautiful of these rare and beautiful species, and we isolate them completely from their natural surroundings. The consequence is that the untraveled mind regards the tropics mentally as a sort of perpetual replica of the hot-houses at Kew, superimposed on the best of Mr. Bull's orchid shows. As a mat- ter of fact, people who know the hot world well can tell you that the average tropical woodland is much more like the dark shade of Box Hill or the deepest glades of the Black Forest. For really fine floral display in the mass, all at once, you must go, not to Ceylon, Sumatra, Jamaica, but to the far north of Canada, the Bernese Oberland, the moors of Inverness-shire, the North Cape of Norway. Flowers are loveliest where the climate is coldest ; forests are greenest, most luxuriant, least blossoming, where the conditions of life are richest, warmest, fiercest. In one word. High Life is always poor but beautiful. — Cornhill Magazine. SKETCH OF JAMES CURTIS BOOTH. THE life of Prof. Booth is divided by Mr. Patterson Dubois, in his memorial address, into three periods : that of his pre- paratory student life, or the formative period, which closed in 1835-'36 ; the creative period, so named " because it called into being a method of technical education which has, probably more than anything else, resulted in establishing chemistry as a factor in commerce, and in gaining for the chemist a recognized place in the economy of the world's work," 1836 to 1849 ; and the period of his official life as melter and refiner at the United States Mint in Philadelphia. James Curtis Booth was born in Philadelphia, July 28, 1810, the son of George Booth, of New Castle, Del., and Ann Balton, of Chestertown, Md. ; and died in Philadelphia, March 21, 1888. He was taught in Philadelphia, at the seminary in Hartsville, Pa., and at the University of Pennsylvania, whence he was graduated in 1829. He then spent a year at the Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute at Troy, N. Y. He had a decided preference for the study of chemistry, of which he very early realized the capa- bilities and the practical value. Seeking opportunities and facili- ties for the performance of laboratory work in connection with his studies which America could not afford, he went to Europe SKETCH OF JAMES CURTIS BOOTH. 117 for them, and was tlie first American student who visited Ger- many for that purpose. He spent the year 1833 .in Wohler's pri- vate laboratory in Cassel ; then practiced for nine months in the laboratory of Prof. Gustav Magnus, in Berlin ; and employed the rest of three years abroad in attending lectures in Berlin and Vienna, and in visiting manufacturing establishments on the Continent and in England. Having returned home, Mr. Booth established, in 1836, a stu- dent's laboratory — " the parent of all our existing laboratories for students in applied chemistry " — and became a teacher, " But it ■was no part of Mr. Booth's idea," Mr. Dubois says, " to make the laboratory course usurp the rightful position of the text-book and the lecture. He saw the great want of a supplementer rather than a supplanter. How truly he discerned what the scientific as well as the commercial world required, and how fully he met that requirement, needs no explanation here. The student's labora- tories all over the country — if not beyond — as well as the throng of students who have come into and gone from his own laboratory during the past half-century — all attest the foresight, the judg- ment, the energy of a scientist and a business man." In 1836 Mr. Booth was appointed Professor of Chemistry ap- plied to the Fine Arts, in the Franklin Institute. In this capacity he delivered, between 1836 and 1845, three courses of lectures, of three seasons to each course. From 1842 to 1845 he was also Professor of Chemistry in the Central High School of Philadel- phia. He interested himself in mineralogy and geology, and en- gaged in the Geological Surveys of Pennsylvania and Delaware, concerning which Prof, J. P. Lesley has written : " Prof, Booth and John Frazer, then a young man, were appointed by Prof, Rogers, in the spring of 1836, his two assistants in prosecuting the work of the first Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, From spring to fall they traveled along the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, blocking out the order of the great formations. Prof. Booth was sent by Prof. Rogers up the Potomac to make a section which could be compared with the Juniata section ; and, when these three met at Huntingdon, he announced, to the astonishment of Mr. Rogers, that the mountains which fill the middle belt of Pennsylvania were made by two separate formations, now known as No. IV and ISTo. X. Mr. Rogers was unwilling to accept this conclusion, and instructed Mr. Frazer to go to the Huntingdon Bedford line and make a cross-section from the Broad-Top coal down to the limestone of Morrison's Cove. At the end of the week the three met again in Huntingdon, and Mr. Frazer con- firmed the statement of Prof. Booth. Mr. Rogers was still dis- satisfied, and then went himself to repeat the section made by Mr. Frazer, finding it correct, and then accepting Prof. Booth's ii8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Potomac section. Thus the grand column of our Palasozoic for- mations was established, and the credit of it is due to Prof. Booth. . . . Both Prof. Rogers's assistants resigned at the end of the year ; and Mr. Booth was then appointed immediately, or not long thereafter, State Geologist of Delaware. His work in Dela- ware was published in his report, an octavo volume, now so rare that it is impossible to obtain a copy. My belief is that Prof. Booth abandoned field work very early in his career, and devoted himself to his chemical laboratory. At all events he is known in science altogether as an accomplished chemist, with a great reputation for diligence and accuracy, especially in the field of mineral analysis." The Delaware survey was under Prof. Booth's charge in the years 1837-'38; and a summary of the results to which it led was published in the Annual Report of the Survey in 1839, and in a memoir on the subject in 1841. The act providing for the geological survey of Delaware required that an equal portion of the appropriation should be expended in each county. But the several counties did not all need the same attention. The geologist, however, was expected to spend an equal portion of his time in each county. He im- proved the time, when the geological work did not demand the whole of it, by traversing different parts of the counties, and im- parting to the people such knowledge relative to agriculture as lay within the sphere of his information ; and he embodied agri- cultural essays in his report. Pertinently to this instance of a char- acteristic weakness of law-makers. Prof. Booth remarked in his report on the unwisdom of allowing local interests to sway so much in legislation, when more could be gained in the long run by taking broader views. Believing that the wealth of the people could be promoted by their employing their own resources, how- ever limited, he directed much time to the development of such as deposits of shells and decomposed organic matter, glass-making materials, potter's clay, iron, and copperas. In explanation of the admission of theoretical matter into the report, when the work was designed to possess a practical charac- ter, he said : " In all probability the number of those who may peruse these pages is large, and their attainments are of a varied nature ; some being purely practical men, others again having made considerable attainments in literature and science; and hence it was deemed advisable to adapt the memoir to the various demands of the community. ... I am well aware of an opinion, too generally prevalent among men devoted to practical pursuits, that an attention to theories is rather prejudicial than otherwise to the successful pursuit of business. Whatever grounds they may have for such views, they are not valid when applied in a general way to theoretic investigations; for, independently of SKETCH OF JAMES CURTIS BOOTH. 119 other proofs of the incorrectness of their conclusions, it may be shown that many valuable practical results have either originated with or were improved by theorists, by those who have experi- mented with a view to establishing, maintaining, or refuting. Now in regard to agriculture, it may be observed that it had al- ready made considerable advancement when it began to assume a scientific form ; but from that period to the present, by deriving assistance from other sciences, and particularly from chemistry, its progress toward perfection has been constant and rapid." ^ Prof Booth's attention was drawn to the subject of refining cobalt, concerning which little or nothing was known outside of the commercial refineries, by the ill-success of an experiment m mining the metal which was begun in 1845. It was at the Mine La Mott, in Missouri, where he mined a large amount of cobalt, which was sent to England. It was returned as impure ; where- upon Prof. Booth at once set to work to discover the best method of refining the metal— and succeeded. Of Prof Booth's qualities as an instructor Dr. Alexander Muckle, a pupil of his, as also of Wohler and Bunsen, and after- ward his assistant at the Mint, is quoted as saying : " With this experience of teachers and means of comparison, I can say that Mr Booth had few if any superiors as a teacher of practical chemistry; that he kept abreast of the times by constantly secur- ing the best and latest scientific books and periodicals. A high value was placed upon a course in his laboratory, which soon be- came widely known and in great repute as a place for learning chemistry ; and his teachings are believed to have had a potent influence in developing and disseminating the knowledge of the science and its practical applications." Prof. Booth was appointed Melter and Refiner of the Mint by President Taylor in 1849, and entered that service on December 10th of that year. The time corresponded closely with the discov- ery of gold in California. The influx of gold from that source, already heavy, increased rapidly, and added greatly to the work of his office, while the quality of the metal increased considerably the difficulty of dealing with it. The new gold was alloyed with silver in excess of the amount admissible in the coinage, and this had to be extracted. The provisions of the Mint, which had been adapted for the treatment of the bullion which had been previously sent there, were not suitable to the refinement of this gold.^ New methods had to be adopted, and the whole plan of the parting ap- paratus had to be reconstructed. It was Prof. Booth's duty to make this adjustment. The process already known in the labora- tories had to be expanded and used on a manufacturing scale. " To this work, as well as to all the other labors of his department," says Mr. Robert Patterson, Mr. Booth "brought the full knowledge of 120 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, theory and practice derived from former professional experience, and further showed, what is not always the case with chemists, a capacity to apply his knowledge in the larger way required for commercial results." There was delay at first in disposing of the gold that came to the Mint, and some impatience on the part of consignors, but the capacity of the Mint was soon enlarged to meet promptly every demand. In the course of five years the pressure of gold at the Philadelphia ofBce was relieved by the creation of a Government Assay Office in New York and a Branch Mint at San Francisco. Then came a change in the standard of silver coin, causing an immense recoinage in small pieces ; and then the issue, in place of the old copper cents, of copper-nickel pieces, and, after these, of bronze ; each calling for other processes of assay and involving additional work. An improved process for refining gold was described by Prof. Booth, in a letter to the Wastage Commission, as follows : " I re- fine usually to 993 and 995 m., and sometimes, to make a finer gold, I heat the alloy of gold and silver with parting acid, so as to nearly separate them, and then heat the residue with oil of vitriol and saltpeter, at a steam-heat, by which I have brought the gold to 998 m. The process is my own, and not known out- side of the Mint." A paragraph from an article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society for June, 1885, on The Smelting Furnace of the United States Mint, is quoted by Mr. Dubois as characteristic. " My last improvement," Prof. Booth says, " which is still practiced, consists in the very simple operation of melting all the iron residues from the furnaces, even including grate-bars, and keeping them in a quiet melted state, so as to allow the heavier gold and silver to settle out of the iron. When the mass is cold, the precious metal is knocked off the bottom by a hammer as a single tough king, with scarcely a trace of iron in it, while the iron mass above it has never yielded a trace of gold or silver to the assayer. Instead of spending three weeks of annual vacation from melting in hammering tons of accumulated iron, we now melt through the year, whenever convenient, from five to fifty pounds of iron residues at a time. We gathered in one melting, last autumn, a cake of a few ounces of gold and silver from a mass of over fifty pounds of iron in a part of a day, and the latter was entirely free from the precious metals. When I first succeeded with this process, I could hardly believe in the perfect separation from iron, and the late Mr. J. R. Eckfeldt, the best assayer in the United States, doubted it, until, by numerous tests made from a piece of some thirty pounds of iron, he found a total absence of gold and silver." The difficulties met at the Mint in adapting processes to the various kinds of metallic impurity that came in with the gold SKETCH OF JAMES CURTIS BOOTH. 121 and silver, and the responsibility of managing so large amounts, for which he was accountable in law to the full value, weighed heavily and constantly on his mind, and told severely upon his physical constitution, and, according to Mr Dubois, in his later years a painful anxiety " seemed to be ineradicably seared into his very life." His noticeable failure is traced by Mr. Dubois from the great " wastages " of 1872, together with subsequent difficul- ties in the recoinage of seventeen millions of our gold coin in 1873. Prof. Booth himself wrote upon this subject in a private letter in October, 1887 : " The whole truth is that the constantly increasing business of the Mint beyond its own capacity for bull- ion storage has been increasingly weighing down my anxious thoughts for its safety, and you may add to that the consciousness that I was personally responsible for every ounce of bullion re- ceived, and then you will readily perceive sufficient ground for a constant anxious care, which I sometimes imagined to be as the square or cube of the extra quantity of bullion constantly poured in. . . . It was that constant and constantly augmenting ounce- for-ounce responsibility that finally affected my mind, and I rather think broke me down. I went home quite sick from the Mint early in April, and lay on my back for about three months. I suppose that such a statement will be quite sufficient to explain my present position. I am glad to say that I had sufficient strength to resign from my place in the Mint " (he resigned in August, 1887, after thirty-nine years of service), " although no one is yet ap- pointed to take my place. However, I do not go more than once a week to the Mint, and shall be glad when the string of union is severed. . . . From my age, over seventy-seven, I hardly expect restoration of full strength, and am satisfied with Avhat Provi- dence designs." His successor was not appointed when he died. Prof. Booth had a variety of side-pursuits, and was especially fond of linguistic studies, among which he took a particular in- terest in phonetics, short-hand writing, and the reform of English orthograxjhy. He regarded phonography as important in element- ary education, and thought it should be required as an essential branch. Having mastered Pitman's Phonography, he perceived the defective character of the text-books on the subject, and him- self published an elementary work upon it in 1849 — the Phono- graphic Instructor. The Instructor was republished, with a key, in 1850 and in 1856. The book was a successful one. Most of Prof, Booth's writings bore upon the special field of his studies and his work. Having become a member of the Amer- ican Philosophical Society in 1839, he, in connection with Prof. Martin H. Boy^, communicated to the eighth volume of its trans- actions, new series, a paper on the Conversion of Benzoic Acid into Hippuric Acid. A considerable number of the reports of 122 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the Franklin Institute Committee on Science and the Arts were of his writing. In co-operation with Campbell Morfit he pre- pared a report on Recent Improvements in the Chemical Arts, which was published by the Smithsonian Institution in 1852. The conservative, ijractical spirit that presided over the composition of this work is illustrated in the preface, where the authors say : " We have freely exercised discrimination in the selection of sub- jects, and have omitted much that we found in ap]3lied chemistry, because novel views need, in many cases, further confirmation to render them reliable in practice, and, if presented too earlj^ to the artisan, may be productive of more evil than good. We have kept in view the benefit of the practical man, the manufacturer or worker, and, while we have not avoided scientific terms where they were more convenient, we have generally used words of de- scription intelligible to every one. We have confined ourselves to such foreign improvements in the chemical arts, whether pat- ented or not, as we believed the American artisan might avail him- self of, frequently offering critical remarks on them, and some- times pointing out where improvements were likely to be made." In the Journal of the American Chemical Society are papers on some methods of toughening gold and silver (September, 1884) : A General Method of toughening Gold and Silver in the Melt- ing Crucible (June, 1884) ; and The Smelting Furnace of the U. S. Mint (Juno, 1885), from which we have quoted. Other papers, the media of publication of which are not given by Mr, Dubois, are: On Beet-root Sugars (1842) ; Chrome Iron Analysis (1842); Constitution of Glycerin and Oily Acids (1848) ; and a Report on the Water-supply of Philadelphia (18G2). His most conspicuous effort in literature was the Encyclopsedia of Chemistry published in Philadelphia in 1850, which was written chiefly by him, but on the last half of which Dr. Campbell Morfit assisted. Prof. Booth received the degree of LL. D. from the University of Lewisburg in 1867, and that of Ph. D. from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1884. He was made a member of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in 1842 ; of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences in 1852 ; ci the Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts in 1853 ; of the Philadel- phia Society for Promoting Agriculture about 1859 ; and of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in 1884. He was President of the American Chemical Society in 1883 and 1884, and declined re- election for a third term ; and was interested in the diocesan work of the Protestant Episcopal Church and in various philan- thropies. He is described as having been personally a gentleman of refined manners, pleasing address, and a cheerful disposition, which was often obscured, however, by his nervous intensity. EDITOR'S TABLE. 123 EDITOR'S TABLE. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. THE article by Prof, C. Hanford Henderson on University Exten- sion, which a|)pears in the present num- ber of the Montlily, is one which de- serves and doubtless will receive a wide and sympathetic attention. Prof. Hen- derson states his case well, and no in- telligent reader can fail to be impressed with the importance of the movement which he describes and advocates. For our own part we think its importance can hardly be over-estimated. It aims at nothing less than an intellectual revo- lution— at placing within the reach of thousands in every part of the country educational advantages which hitherto have been confined to university stu- dents. Useful as the colleges and uni- versities are in their way, we incline to the opinion that what is known as uni- versity extension holds out a promise of yet greater usefulness. The former are often spoken of as " seats " of learn- ing, and the expression is appropriate; but, in the extension movement, learn- ing leaves its seats and goes forth to find its disciples in the highways and byways. This simple fact is a pledge of a more living adaptation to the practical needs of the community than is to be expected in the case of the older and more permanent educational establish- ments. The reactive effect upon the colleges themselves will doubtless be also very beneficial. The theory of the movement is that college professors will do extra-collegiate work ; and it is cer- tain that, in addressing more miscellane- ous audiences than are wont to be gathered within college walls, they will learn new methods of instruction and discover new springs of influence. Col- lege students form a more or less select class, and they are expected not only to follow in an unquestioning manner the lines of study indicated to them, but to accept in the same way whatever may be the special educational views or tra- ditions of the institution they attend. The extension classes will be at once more fluid in their composition and more favorable to initiative and origi- nality on the part of the teacher. There will thus tend to be developed a new type of teaching and new conceptions of the possibilities of intellectual growth. Science will learn — what it has never yet thoroughly learned — to dwell among the people and mingle its life with theirs. Taking another point of view, we might dwell upon the great need that exists for something that will bring home a touch of true culture and of ex- act knowledge not so much to the " masses "' as to the " classes." Among the latter the fields are " white to the harvest." We are often told that the ig- norance of the working classes is a source of danger to the state, but we are by no means persuaded that the ignorance of a somewhat higher social stratum is not a more serious danger. A couple of years ago the most popular clergy- man in the United States, addressing his own congregation, recommended those of his hearers who were wealthy to spend their money freely upon every form of expensive luxury — to clothe themselves in the richest fabrics and most expensive furs, to ornament them- selves with the costliest jewels, to make their houses gorgeous with everything that was most sumptuous and elegant, to feed themselves with splendid liber- ality, to conduct themselves in gen- eral—so he actually said — as God's fa- vored children, for whom nothing could possibly be too good. In olden times it was said that the poor had the gospel preached to them, and that they heard it 124 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. gladly; to-day good news of a slightly dif- ferent tenor comes to the rich, and how sweet it must be to be told that, being rich, you are presumably a favored child of God, and that in living a life of lux- ury that might make Dives turn green with envy you are simply carrying out his fatherly designs ! But the eloquent preacher told his wealthy hearers more : he assured them that, in thus heaping indulgences upon themselves, they were helping the poor by furnishing them with employment. Of course he be- lieved it, because the whole class to which he belongs, with only here and there an exception, believes it ^ and that is just where we see the great need for the missionary work of the university- extension system. Here are thousands of high-feedmg, richly dressed, gospel- taught people, who, in matters economic, are sitting in the outer darkness of ig- norance—silly enough to think that the more they consume on their pleasures the more benefit they confer on the world, the more they lighten the toil of the poor. But it is not upon economic subjects only that the talk of the so-called edu- cated classes betrays a woful lack of in- formation and of coherent thought. Upon scientific and historical subjects it is mucli the same. By this time the main axioms connected with the doc- trine of the conservation of energy ought to be the common property of all de- cently educated persons, but we con- stantly hear well-dressed people talking as if electricity, for example, were a mys- terious something derived from a mys- terious nothing, and thus constituted a boundless source of energy to be had for the asking. It is needless, however, to multiply examples ; the world, in spite of all our educational institutions and perhaps a little through their fault, is full of ignorance in places where one would think ignorance ought not to be; and we may well, therefore, hail with joy the introduction of a scheme which seems likely to bring light and knowl- edge to many thousands of minds. Upon one point, however, we find ourselves unable to agree with our con- tributor. After making out a strong case for the usefulness of university ex- tension, he is disposed to draw the con- clusion that the national Government should take it under its protection and sustain it by subsidies. From our point of view this would tend to mar the whole scheme. Its success will depend mainly on the individual zeal and public spirit with which it is conducted; but if there is anything that is fatal to zeal and pub- lic spirit, it is a subsidy. "What is the cause of the paralyzing lack of vitality in our public schools if it is not that they are part and parcel of a pcjlitical sys- tem ? It may be granted at once that a national subsidy would greatly acceler- ate the movement ; but we are con- vinced that what would be gained in rate of growth would be more than off- set by deterioration in the ethical and intellectual quality of the work done. If people do not get knowledge to-day it is not for lack of pecuniary means ; it is because they prefer to spend the means they might apply to the pur- pose to less worthy objects. If there is one feature more than another of the university-extension movement that awakens our interest and commands our sympathy, it is that it offers an oppor- tunity for a true crusade against igno- rance and folly. But the crusader and the subsidy-seeker are very different per- sons. The former may be mistaken, but he is enthusiastic; the latter is rarely mistaken, but his enthusiasm is of a low quality. Now, as we have said, here is a grand opportunity for a crusade — an opportunity to show that those who possess the keys of knowledge are will- ing to unload their stores for others, and that those who have means in abundance are willing to contribute freely to raise the intellectual and moral standard of society. All the elements of a great movement are present if only we can count on enthusiasm — on some small share of that feeling for duty and that EDITOR'S TABLE. 125 regard for others which bring Salvation- ists into the streets with their drums and tambourines. But the opportunity would be thrown away, and the move- ment would assume a thoroughly com- monplace and almost mercenary char- acter, if it were to be fed with the pro- ceeds of taxation. "We trust that the leaders of the movement will resolve to have nothing to do with politics save to purify and elevate them by the direct action of sound instruction on the pub- lic mind. It will not help our politics a bit to have university extension hang- ing round the Capitol for an appropria- tion. A GROUP OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS. The meeting of the American As sociation was held this year in the midst of the meetings, beginning Au- gust 11th and closing September 1st, of a number of societies cultivating special fields of science, which have grown up out of and around it. The multiplication and division of socie- ties in tliis way is a natural result of the increasing expansion and speciali- .zation of scientific studies in the United States, and one of the most certain signs of them. The fields which one society was able to cultivate have become too large and too many to be adequately tilled by it alone, and it has been found convenient to distribute the details among separate workers, while the old Association remains the central organi- zation and chief, under which the whole is unified. This grouping of meetings promises to be a permanent feature, and to make our annual scientific conven- tion an event of larger and growing in- terest. The meetings held in advance of the larger meeting were those of the American Microscopical Society, the So- ciety of Official Chemists, the Associa- tion of Agricultural Colleges, the Socie- ty for the Promotion of Agriculture, a body which is limited to forty mem- bers ; and the Association of Economic Entomologists. The discuss* ons in these assumed, to a large extent, a practical shape, and aimed directly or indirect- ly at the advancement of agricultural interests. Among the important feat- ures of the meetings were the arrange- ments that were made for the fusion of the chemical societies of the United States into a single body. Eight socie- ties were represented in the Union, viz. : The American Chemical Society, the Washington Chemical Society, the As- sociation of Official Chemists, the Chemi- cal Societies of Cincinnati, the Brook- lyn Institute, the Franklin Institute, the Association of Manufacturing Chem- ists, and the Louisiana Association of Sugar Chemists. Under the terras of union, which have yet to be approved by the societies separately, the new or- ganization will be called the American Chemical Society, and each local society will retain its identity as a branch. The name of the general society is the best that could be chosen for a body repre- senting the whole country, and gives, besides, a fitting recognition to the old- est and one of the most efficient and active of our chemical associations. The meeting of the American Asso- ciation itself was one of the largest and best that have been held in recent years. The number of members reached 653, and was greater than had been recorded since the New York meeting of 1887, when 729 members were registered. Three hundred and seventy -one new members were elected, and 235 papers were entered to be read. Permanent Secretary Putnam has been quoted as saying that the papers read were above the average in interest and importance, and this opinion appears to be well founded. Among the subjects inform- ally talked of as things to which the Association should give the support of its approval and influence were those of the establishment of a fund for the encouragement of scientific research, which was supported by Prof. Brash- ears and President Prescott ; the with- 126 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. drawal of certain public timber lands from entry and their protection as for- est reserves ; and the utilization of the "Weather Bureau and the agricultural experiment stations in forming a service of water statistics and the survey of vpater-supplies to serve as a basis for the application of proper principles of wa- ter management. On the invitation of the Australasian Association represent- atives were appointed to serve on an In- ternational Committee to prepare a uni- form system of biological nomenclature. The meeting of the American Asso- ciation was immediately followed by that of the American Geological So- ciety, which was followed in its turn by that of the International Geological Congress. The former meeting also took on somewhat of an international character, for several of the European geologists were present, and such of them as chose to take part in the pro- ceedings were given the first places. The meeting of the International Con- gress was the fifth of the triennial series, and was attended by about two hundred members, nearly half of whom were foreigners from Austria, Belgium, Chili, France, Mexico, Peru, Roumania, Rus- sia, Switzerland, Canada. Germany, Great Britain, and Sweden. Profs. James D. Dana and James Hall were designated honorary presidents of this body and Prof J. S. Newberry presi- dent; but he not being able to attend on account of age, the sessions were pre- sided over by one or another of the vice- presidents. Prof. Joseph Leconte pre- siding at the opening session. The Congress was welcomed by Secretary Noble, in a happily phrased address, in which he spoke of the importance of geology in its scientific and economi- cal aspects, the activity with which its study is pursued in the United States, and the liberality with which it is as- sisted by the Government. The meet- ings were varied by the usual number of excursions, ending in a grand excur- sion of the International Geologists to the Yellowstone Park, the mining dis- tricts, the Colorado Cafion, and other points of geological interest in the "West, The American Association has se- lected Rochester, N. Y., as the place for its meeting of 1802, and the following ofBcers have been chosen for that oc- casion : President, Prof. Joseph Le Conte, Berke- ley, Cal.; permanent secretary. Prof. F. W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass.; general secre- tary, Prof. Amos W. Butler, Brookville, Ind.; council secretary. Prof. T. H. Norton, Cincin- nati, Ohio; treasurer, William Lilly, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Vice-presidents of sections : A, Prof. J. R. Eastman, Washington, D. C; B, Prof. B. F. Thomas, Columbus, Ohio ; C, Dr. Alfred Springer, Cincinnati, Ohio ; D, Prof. J. B. Johnson, St. Louis, Mo.; E, Prof. H. S. Will- iams, Ithaca, N. Y.; F, Prof. S. H. Gage, Ith- aca, N. ¥.; H, W. H. Holmes, Washington, D. C; I, Prof. S. Dana Horton, Pomeroy, Ohio. Secretaries of sections : A, Prof. Wiuslow Upton, Providence, R. 1.; B, Prof. Browne Ayres, New Orleans, La.; C, Prof. J. L. Howe, Louisville, Ky.; D, Prof. 0. H. Lan- dreth, Nashville, Tenn.; E, Prof. R. D. Salis- bury, Madison, Wis.; F, Prof. B. D. Halsted, New Brunsvvick, N. J.; H, Dr. Stewart Culin, Philadelphia, Pa.; I, Lester F. Ward, Wash- ington, D. C. Auditors ; Dr. H. Wheatland, Salem, Mass.; Thomas Meehan, Germantown, Pa. LITERARY NOTICES. The Question of Copyright. By George Haven Putnam. New York : G. P. Put- nam's Sons. Pp. 412. This convenient and timely book con- tains a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world, together with a report of the legisla- tion now pending in Great Britain, a sketch of the contest in the United States, from 1837 to 1891, in behalf of international copyright, and certain papers on the devel- opment of the conception of literary prop- erty, and on the probable effects of the new American law. To the author's view, the American act of the present year, providing copyright for aliens, can hardly be accepted LITERARY NOTICES. 1 27 as final legislation, and will doubtless at some no distant date call for further consid- eration as to some of its provisions. It leaves us still, in recognition of the claims of literary workers, very much behind the other nations of the civilized world. The result of fifty-three years of effort, it brings this country to the point reached by France in 1810, and by Great Britain and the states of Germany in 1836-'37. Under the pro- visions of the Berne Convention of 1887 — which probably represents the final stage of international copyright in Europe — by fulfill- ing the requirements of their domestic copy- right laws, authors can now at once secure, without further conditions or formalities, copyright for their productions in all the states belonging to the International Union. This union comprises nearly all the countries of Europe, with Tunis, Liberia, and Hayti. " It is not probable," says Mr. Putnam, " that another half-century of effort will be re- quired to bring public opinion in the Ameri- can Eepublic up to the standard of inter- national justice already attained by Tunis, Liberia, and Hayti." The Prison Question. By Charles A. Reeve. Chicago: A. C' McClurg & Co. Pp. 194. Price, $2. This book gives a theoretical and philo- sophical review of matters relating to crime, punishment, prisons, and reformation of con- victs ; considers mental, social, and political conditions as they bear upon these things ; and presents the author's views about the causes and the prevention of crime and the production of criminals. We do not have to accept the author's views specifically to rec- ognize that he has thought carefully and deeply on the subject, and has reasoned upon it without undue prejudice. The fun- damental principles of the book were first presented by him in a public lecture, about twelve years ago, and have been urged in various papers read before the National Prison Congress. The purpose of the book is to group some important well-established facts and apply them to the subjects of prisons and reforms, in such order as will interest so much of the general public as can be reached, and so aid in creating a public opinion that can intelligently and practically deal with and dispose of the defective classes and the causes that produce them. The author believes that an impractical theology on the one hand, and a blind agnosticism on the other, alike operate to prevent a true so- lution of the problems of criminality. From a false position no step can be taken in ad- vance without plunging into falsities. The only practical steps are such as lead to a true position. These the author tries to point out, by studying the criminal's mind and the factors that operate upon it — among which are physical and mental energy, theology, natural forces, marriage, society, and other surrounding influences — as they tend to develop, restrain, perpetuate, or pro- create criminal tendencies. A very impor- tant place is given to heredity, and, by con- sequence, to such regulation of marriage as will best prevent the transmission of crimi- nal appetites. The relations of government, legislation, punishment, and prisons to the criminal are considered ; reformation re- ceives a hopeful word ; but the measures to which real importance is attached are those that appertain to prevention. The Sturgeons and Sturgeon Industries OF the Eastern Coast cf the United States, with an Account of Experi- ments bearing upon Sturgeon-culture. By John A. Ryder. Washington : Gov- ernment Printing-office. Pp. 50, with Plates. The studies embodied in this monograph were made by the author in the spring of 1888 at Delaware City, Del., a very impor- tant center of the sturgeon-fishery. Not- withstanding the results of the effort were in some respects unsatisfactory, a number of novel facts were collected and experi- ments were carried out which must be of great significance in any further attempts at the artificial propagation of these fishes. The embryological data have been drawn partly from the author's own experiments and partly from the work of other authors. The embryos of the common sturgeon here illustrated are believed to be the first of that species that were ever figured. The irppor- tant fact was determined that the common sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) is the only spe- cies which is at the present time of com- mercial value in the fishery of the Delaware. A few specimens of Acipenser brevirostris were obtained — a species which has not been 128 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY certainly recognized since Le Sueur's time. The only profitable fishery of the common sturgeon — unless the Florida sturgeon should prove to be of the same form — is on the eastern coast of the Delaware River and Bay. A considerable amount of capital is invested in the business. The experience of the dealers and fishermen shows that a steady falling off has occurred in the catch within a few years. This and other facts prove that it is high time that something was being done to stay the extinction of the fish. The only means of maintaining and increasing the industry is through artificial propagation ; and the author has every rea- son to think that this may be successfully accomplished at a comparatively insignifi- cant outlay. The Diseases of Personality. By Th. RiBOT. Chicago : Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 157. Price, 75 cents. The idea of personality is easily handled by metaphysicians who assume an ego. The school of experimental psychology, however, which claims M. Ribot, views this as no sim- ple task, but rather the reward of arduous research. In the present volume, therefore, the author seeks through investigation of those cases in which the sense of person- ality is disorganized to discover a clew to its nature. In order to kn(3w human personal- ity we must analyze it, but it must be re- membered that the phenomena separated for purposes of analysis are interdependent. The various disorders of personality may be classified as organic, emotional, and intel- lectual. The sense of individuality in the normal body, its fluctuations dependent upon alterations in general or local sensibility, the egoistic sense in monsters and twins, show "as the organism, so the personality." Emotional manifestations peculiar to im- paired nutrition, sexual aberration, and per- version of the higher instincts are found to confirm the same proposition. Intellectual vagaries of all kinds, due to sensorial de- rangement, hallucinations, the phenomena of hypnotism and of mysticism, furnish the corollary that ideas are only a secondary factor in changes of personality. Regarding personality as " the highest form of psychic individuality," the nature of consciousness and the individual is involved. Instead of the subjective notion that con- sciousness is '' a basic property of soul," M. Ribot finds it " a simple phenomenon super- added to activity of the brain, appearing and disappearing according to circumstances." States of consciousness are coincident with disassimilation of nervous tissue, so that we may predict that they depend upon a certain state of the nervous system But we do not yet understand all of the physiological con- ditions of consciousness. If individual be defined as that which is not divided, we are obliged to descend very low in the organic world to find an example. " Every protoplasmic mass which attains a few tenths of a millimetre spontaneously divides itself. Protoplasm in the individual state is therefore limited in size." Scientists may find a rudimentary consciousness in the unfolding, absorbing, and dividiag of the lowest organism ; but M. Ribot considers this an irritability common to living beings, which is developed into the general sensi- bility of more complex forms. In colonies of Hydradinia, or in Agalmidce, where loco- motion is centralized, we meet with a co- ordination which is the germ of personality. Gradually, as the nervous system becomes more prominent, psychic individuality is constituted. In any given time the sum of nervous actions in man will far exceed the sum of the states of consciousness. Thus conscious personality is but an abstract of what takes place in the nervous centers. " Why certain nervous actions become con- scious, and which are they ? " is yet unan- swerable. Different states of consciousness succeed each other and depend upon nerv- ous activity. Pathology confirms the fact that the feeling of tlie ego changes with the bodily condition. The problem thus becomes biological, and psychologv must wait, there- fore, for a fuller knowledge of the genesis of organisms. Studies i\ Evolution and Biology. By Alice Bodivgton. London: Eliot Stock. Pp. 220. 50 cents. A PERUSAL of this book shows exten- sive reading on the part of the author, and a clear conception of the principles of evo- lution. Some of the chapters are very in- teresting. It is difficult, however, to see the purposes of the book : as a help to the LITERARY NOTICES. 129 working student it is far too meager, and lacks references to original material ; as a popular book for the uninformed it is too condensed to be of much use. At the out- set a list of books is given for consultation, and this will strike one as a curious collec- tion for the purpose. In the preface the author says, " I am at a loss to imagine why it is considered almost wrong to write about physical science without having made original experiments." The advantage of having made original experiments leads a writer to greater exactness, and, above all, to appreciate the relative value of state- ments and facts. Her allusions to the fixed ascidians as being comparatively free from vicissitudes and dangers in contrast with locomotive forms derived from the same stock, is misleading. The helpless creature nibbled at by fishes, infested by extraneous growths, unable to fight or flee, is seriously handicapped in the struggle for existence. We know of no evidence to show that the duration of life of a species is gov- erned other than by the law of natural selection. An interesting article, by Prof. "Verrell (Science, vol. i, p. 303), would have given the author some hints as to the prob- able cause of the rapid disappearance of the larger vertebrates in past times. An allusion is made to the divergence of the Ainos from the Japanese, whereas the Ainos covered the islands of Japan before the Japanese were crystallized into a nation. Silly flights of fancy are quite out of place in a serious work of this nature ; but the attempt to enliven a dignified discourse by lugging in extracts of poetry or non- sense is peculiarly English, and so must be endured. The Progress Report on Irrigation in tlie United States, prepared by Special Agent Richard J. Hinton, on account of the short- ness of time during which the survey had been at work when it was made (sixty-one days), does not include results of the investi- gation itself, but only the returns of corre- spondence with experts and persons inter- ested in the subject, invited in order to show the conditions and development of irriga- tion as applied to the soil for the purposes of cultivation. The large number of letters received shows how extensive and growing VOL. XL. — 11 is the interest in the subject, and promises that the oflBce of the irrigation inquiry will soon have a record of all that has been done about it. As among our own people, prac- tical irrigation appears to have begun with the Mormon settlement on the Great Salt Lake ; but has been practiced by the Indi- ans in Arizona and New Mexico for five hundred years. General irrigation really be- gan in the United States with the founda- tion of the colony at Greeley in Colorado, in ISvO, which was successful at once. Its de- velopment, slow till 1880, has been more rapid since then. One of the sequences of its adoption is the appearance of a tendency toward division of large holdings of land and its more or less rapid disposal in small bodies. Another incident is a movement among land, mortgage, and trust companies to form syndicates for developing the water- supply of the plains country, for the pur- pose, of course, of improving the security for their loans. Horticulture in California is said to be in great part the result of irriga- tion, as is illustrated in the great fruit farms at Riverside, iluch stress is laid upon the value of the " undersheet water " of the Arkansas and Platte and other valleys, the results of the survey of which, by Chief- Engineer Xettleton, are noticed below. The curious fact is mentioned concerning this water that cultivation tends to draw it up. Thus at Fresno, where the first cultivators had to dig fifty feet for it, they now get it at from eight to twelve feet below the surface. The Report of Artesian and Underfow In- vestigation between the ninety-seventh degree of west longitude and the foot-hills of the Rocky Mountains, presented by Edwin S. KeffletoT), in response to a call by the Senate, is also a progress report, and relates to work done in November and December, 1890, in parts of Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado, covering particularly the valleys of the Platte and the Arkansas. Valuable features of the report are the plan and profiles show- ing in detail the location and relation of the surface of the underground water, as found in rivers, wells, springs, and pools, as well as the elevation of the surface of the country along the line surveyed. There ap- pears to be usually sufficient rainfall in this region during the whole year, if it were 130 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. properly distributed throughout the cropping season, to make agriculture reasonably cer- tain without the aid of irrigation ; and the people of the country believe that the hot and dry winds have more to do with short- ages of crops than lack of rainfall. The capacity of the surface streams being limited (the Arkansas and South Platte are already made to give up most of their water before leaving Colorado), a valuable other resource for irrigation is derived from the use of the subterranean or "undersheet" water, with which the sand and gravel deposits in the river valleys of considerable width and unknown depth arc charged. Much of this is obtained by means of open subflow ditches. In other cases it has to be pumped. In regions where this is not available, the people must depend upon deep wells of limited capacity, the storage and immediate use of storm waters, and the flow of artesian wells. The Journal of the College of Science of the Imperial University of Japan, \o\. IV, Part I — published by a committee of four professors, three of whom are Japanese — cohtains seven articles on subjects of biol- ogy and physiology, all by Japanese writers. All are distinguished by great merit, but are of too technical a character to be sus- ceptible of detailed notice in a popular journal. Prof. K. Mitsukari offers a study on the embryology of the turtle, in which many notable features hitherto overlooked are presented. Mr. Kamakichi Kishinonge describes the pulmonary lamellae of certain genera of spiders and their development, which he suggests may be from some aquat- ic arthropod, as limulus. Mr. A. Oka de- scribes a new species of fresh-water poly- zoa. A new fungus enemy of the mulberry tree is described by Mr. Nobujiro Tanaka. The Irritability of the Stigma is shown by Mr. M. Miyoshi to have a relation to cross - fertilization. A paper by Mr. Masamaro Inaba on the Development of Suprarenal Bodies in the Mouse contains much of in- terest to physiologists. All these papers are abundantly illustrated in the highest style of lithographic art, with colors. In his lecture on Les Proges de V Anthro- pologic (Paris, De Saye & Son, printers), the Marquis de Nadaillac endeavors to refute the theory of evolution. It is no slight tes- timony to the solid foundation on which that theory has been established in our modern philosophy that so learned and earnest a writer has not been able to add one to the arguments which English students met and answered long ago. Two studies of general interest in the Amm-ican Journal of Psychology for April are those of Dr. E. W. Scripture on Arith- metical Prodigies and Mr. Ilerbert Nichols on the Psychology of Time. In his paper on Arithmetical Prodigies, Dr. Scripture first gives an account of the persons themselves, with a bibliography of the subject; and afterward undertakes to make such a psycho- logical analysis of their powers as will help in the comprehension of them, and furnish hints to the practical instructor in arith- metic. The most important paper in Part XYIII of the Proceedings of the Society for Psy- chical Research is that of Jlrs. Henry Sidg- wick on the Evidences for Clairvoyance. Other curious studies are those of Baron von Schrenck-Notzing on Thought-transference ; Mr. Thomas Barkworth on Automatic Writ- ing ; and M. Leon Marrilier on Apparitions of the Virgin in the Dordogne. Prof. Will- iam James's Principles of Physiology is re- viewed at length by F. W. H. Myers. London. Dr. William W. Parker, of Richmond, Va., endeavors, in a paper on Instinct in Ani- mals and Intelligence in Man contrasted, to show that there can be no comparison be- tween the two, but that the matter is one of contrasts and antitheses : that in the ani- mal, intelligence is limited ; in man unlimit- ed ; that man's highest qualities or percep- tions have no existence even in embryo in animals ; and that " not one, not a thousand, links can bridge the chasm between the in- telligence of animals and the intelligence of man." Insects and Insecticides, a practical manual concerning noxious insects and the methods of preventing injuries, is designed by the author, Clarence M. ^yeed, who is also hia publisher (Hanover, N. H.), for the use of the farmer, fruit-grower, floriculturist, and housekeeper. It has been prepared to fur- nish these persons with a concise account of the more important injurious insects with which they have to contend, together with a summary of the latest knowledge concerning LITERARY NOTICES. 131 the best methods of preventing or counter- acting the injuries of the pests. For this the author has drawn from the investiga- tions of our leading entomologists. He has tried to make the discussions of life-histo- ries and remedies plain and simple. The insects are classified according to the plants or parts of plants on which they ravage — as those affecting, severally, the larger fruits, the smaller fruits, shade trees, ornamental plants, and flowers, vegetables, cereal and forage crops, and domestic animals and the household. Price, $1.25. In Los Animales Pardsitos introducidos por el Agiui en el Organismo (London, Burns & Gates) a full account is given by Dr. Rafael Blanchard of the parasitic animals introduced into the organism by water. The work is of convenient size, is neatly printed and abundantly illustrated, and will be of great value to the Spanish readers for whom it is intended. Mr. Edward Trcvert, author of several hand-books on electricity, batteries, and dynamos, has prepared a manual on Elcc- tricitif and its Applicatiojis, which is pub- lished at Lynn, Mass., by the Rubier Pub- lishing Company (price, $2). It is written to supply a demand which the author finds to exist, particularly among amateurs and stu- dents, for more information relating espe- cially to the practical part of the science. It treats (giving facts rather than theories, and avoiding technicalities) of voltaic batteries, dynamos, the electric arc and arc lamp, elec- tric motors, field magnets, armatures, the telegraph and telephone, electric bells, the induction coil, incandescent lamps, electrical mining apparatus, the electric railway, elec- tric welding, plating, and gas-lighting ap- paratus, other electric inventions, electric measurements, and gives resistance and weight tables and an illustrated dictionary of electrical terms and phrases. In his Introduction to Dynamics (Long- mans) Mr. Charles V. Burton has included kinematics, kinetics, and statics, because of the difficulty, in writing a book for young students with no previous knowledge of the subject, of making a satisfactory division of it. Absolute systems of units have been used, and the C. G. S. system has been given the most prominent place. Price, $1.50. In Optical Projection (Longmans) a trea- tise is given of a practical character by Mr. Lewis Wright on the use of the lantern in exhibition and scientific demonstration through its entire range. The author has practiced optical projection as a hobby for many years, and in his experiments has dis- covered many ways of improving the appli- cation of the art and enlarging its scope. His treatise is comprehensive, and includes, besides an exposition of the philosophy of projected images, descriptions of the parts of the lantern, and of the lights susceptible of being used with it, and accounts of the demonstrations of the apparatus in repre- sentations of experiments in molecular and mechanical physics, physiology, chemistry, sound, reflection, refraction, dispersion, and color of light, the spectrum, interference, polarization, heat, and electricity. Price, $2.25. A series of studies in History, Economics, and Public Law has been begun by the Uni- versity Faculty of Political Science of Co- lumbia College, to be conducted under the editorial direction of Prof. Edwin R. A. Sehg- man. The monographs are to be chosen main- ly from among the doctors' dissertations in political science, including only such studies as form direct contributions to science and are works of original research. They will appear at irregular intervals, and will be paged both consecutively and separately. The first of the list to appear is a study by Walter F. Wilcox on The Divorce Problem. The argument of it is that legal provisions of whatever sort have little direct and per- manent influence on divorce. The whole ideal and tendency of our modern civiliza- tion are to teach every individual self-direc- tion and self-government. No legal reform can do such work. The main work of the state should be as an educator of public opinion; and law may contribute by holding up a standard of morality in advance of the average standard. Other correctives may be sought in education and the Church, or ethi- cal society. The second paper in the series is The History of Tariff Administration in the United States, from Colonial Times to the McKinley Bill, by John Dean Goss. The author suggests that if our tariffs had been simply for revenue the problems of the best methods and rates would have been solved long ago ; but the adoption of the policy of 132 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. protection, the very logic of whose honest application compelled the taxation of an almost innumerable list of articles and the general introduction of ad valorem rates, vastly complicated the problem. It has brought in devices to deceive the Govern- ment, and " this seems to be the legitimate outcome of any system of ad valorem duties," while the introduction of the consignment system has thrown the business of import- ing largely into the hands of unnatural- ized foreigners. But there has been, on the whole, a steady development toward more stringent supervision, regulation, and control over the importer. The Hon. Andrew S. Draper, State Su- perintendent of Public Instruction of New York, desiring to get a view of the workings of the Prussian educational system from the obsei'vations of an expert, commissioned Mr. James Russell Parsons, Jr., an experienced oflScer of the public schools, on his being ap- pointed United States consul at Aix-la-Cha- pelle, to examine the schools of the country and report upon them. The fruits of Mr. Parsons's observations arc now published in the volume Prussian Schools through Amer- ican Eyes, by C. W. Bardcen, Syracuse, N. Y. Problems of the New Life is the title of a book of essays on social and labor ques- tions by Iforrison I. Swift, and published by him at Ashtabula, Ohio, The author writes with much ability from the point of view that the social organization is wrong, and a remedy is to be sought by agitation. The first paper is on The Social Ordeal of Christianity, and the burden of it is that the Church has failed to regenerate society. The ethical culture organization is contrasted with it as having recognized the progressive tendency of the time and placed itself in the current with it. In the paper on The Old and the New Life exception is taken to the attention given to mental culture as at the expense of physical development, and the accepted criterions of social esteem are decided to be wrong. Other essays concern Education and Power, The Extension of Culture, Nationalism, The Awakening of the Farmers, The Growing Eevolution, etc. The conclusion of the last is that " the death of the old order is declared." In Politics and Property, or Phronocracy (G. P. Putnam's Sons), a compromise is pro- posed by Slack Worthington between de- mocracy and plutocracy. Causes are recog- nized for the existence of discontent and strife, but it is also seen that they can never be entirely annulled ; that poverty can never be eradicated from society any more effectu- ally than disease from the human body. But it can be ameliorated by the timely enact- ment of intelligent laws. The author op- poses both plutocracy on the one hand and socialistic tendencies of all kinds on the oth- er, and advocates a reasonable or conserva- tive position between the two, which he calls Phronocracy, or the rule of reason, prudence, and understanding. He holds that the prop- erty rights of men shall, to a reasonable ex- tent, be fully recognized and sedulously pro- tected, but that the masses have grievances that must not be ignored. He further ad- vocates the curtailment of the elective fran- chise by property and educational qualifica- tions. Tlie American Citizen (D. C. Heath & Co.) is intended by the author, Mr. Charles F. Dole, to supply in part the growing demand for the more adequate teaching of morals in schools, especially with reference to the mak- ing of good citizens, and to show- in this case the practical application of the precepts to the duties of life. It aims, not merely to state the facts about the government of our country and our social institutions, but also to illustrate the moral principles that under- he the life of civilized men. The work is intended for youth in the higher schools, and for adults who may wish to make a begin- ning in the study of citizenship ; and the au- thor hopes to leave such an impression as to lead his more thoughtful readers to take up a more thorough course of study. The publication (by Macmillan) of the Encyclopaedia Britannica's article on War in a separate volume gives the author, Colonel F. Maurice, opportunity to insert a few re- marks on the probable influence on tactics and warfare generally of the latest improve- ments in destructive agencies, of which the most important are smokeless powder and the introduction of " high explosives " into shells. The general efPect of the former ele- ment will probably be to render a defensive position more difficult to approach, while the assailants will continue to be completely ex- posed to view. The effect of high explosives LITERARY NOTICES. 133 will be to put it within the power of field artillery to demolish permanent fortifications in all their forms ; and even field defenses, earthworks, and the like, are destined to lose much of their value from this new de- velopment. But there are inconveniences in the use of these agents that will to a cer- tain degree compensate for the advantages their possessors will enjoy. Strategy will be affected by the application, because it will be possible to carry out great movements with less regard to the influence of for- tresses than was formerly necessary. But the difficulties involved in the constant re- placement of material will also seriously af- fect the system of supply of armies in the field. The change in tactics will tend to favor offense rather than defense. To the amended original article of the Britannica are added an essay on Military Literature — a subject which is declared to occupy a field almost unknown to most English readers — and a list of books " of which it may be useful to know the correct titles." The little book, Stumhllng-stones removed from the Word of God (Baker k Taylor Co.), is addressed by its author, the Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, not so much to those who accuse and assault the Scriptures as to believers. It is acknowledged that " even the most candid and reverent believer finds in the English Bible some difficulties or hindrances in the way of his understanding, if not of his faith." But, assuming that the error in this case lies in what he mistakes for the truth, as a mirage is mistaken for reality, or in his own vision, the true believer is advised that he " runs no risk in calmly and resolutely examining into any alleged diffi- culty or discrepancy in the Bible. If one encounters a supposed ghost on a dark night, the best way is to walk up to it and look it squarely in the face. To flee from a supposed apparition may leave a lingering doubt whether the ghostly illusion was a reality or not : a bold touch would have dis- pelled both the illusion and the doubt." An edition of Eight Books of CcEsar''s Gallic War is published by the American Book Company, undgr the editorial care of Dr. William Ravaey Harper and Dr. Herbert Curling Tolman. Regarding Cesar's Latin as not excelled by that of any Roman writer in richness and purity, and therefore as of that which most deserves to be studied, the editors have endeavored in this edition to present the facts of the language and illustrate the subject in a manner different from the traditional method. Among the new features of the edition are the indica- tion of the first occurrence of every word by putting it in full-faced type ; the inser- tion of " topics for study," based upon the portion read, after the several chapters ; examples of inductive studies and list of topics for investigation ; and others touch- ing points of less prominent importance. A life of Caesar, history of Gaul, Germany, and Britain, and a sketch of the method of Roman warfare, are given in the introduc- tion in continuous narrative. TJie Quarterly Register of Current His- tory is a new pubUcation, the purpose of which is to collect, arrange, and preserve notices of all current events of importance, as they are given in the newspapers, for fu- ture reference and information. Such mat- ter is of the very kind that every one who would keep himself informed of current events would desire most to have at hand ; and yet it is just this kind of knowledge that, immediately its day is over and the newspaper containing it is thrown away, is soonest and most irrecoverably lost. The Quarterly Register is intended to remedy this evil and supply the want. The first number contains a review of the whole year 1890. The succeeding numbers will give simply quarterly records. Evening News Association, Detroit, Mich. Price, $1 a year. Geografia per Tutti (Geography for All) is the name of a fortnightly journal for the diffusion of geographical knowledge, published at Bergamo, Italy, by the Brothers Cattaneo, under the editorial direction of Prof. A. Ghisleri. It is a popular journal, intended to reach the entire reading public and keep them abreast of the latest discov- eries. Among the articles in the opening number are some bearing on the interests of Italians in America, as that on New Orleans and the Italian Emigration, and one by Elisee Reclus on the Delta of the Mississippi. Sketches and portraits are also given of the famous Italian travelers, Gaetano Casati and Romolo Gessi. A Journal of Amei-ican Archeeology and Ethnology^ edited by J. Walter Fewkes, and 134 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. bearing the imprint of Houghton, Mifflin & Co., comes to us from the Hemenway Ar- chasological Expedition. The present num- ber, which is marked Vol. I, contains papers on A Few Summer Ceremonials at Zuui Pueblo, with seventeen illustrations ; Zuni Melodies, with the music transcribed from the phonograph ; and a Reconnaissance of Euins in or near the Zuui Reservation, with eleven maps, plans, and illustrations. In Educational Papers by Illinois Sci- ence Teachers it is stated that science is not taught in the country schools, for two rea- sons. The average teacher holds a second- grade certificate, which does not represent any scientific acquirement ; and the rural tax-payer is afraid that scientific instruc- tion may cost. In larger villages and cities outside of Chicago an elementary training may be found in high-schools, and occa- sionally a graded science course is provided from the beginning. A Xatural Science Section was formed by the Ilhnois State Teachers' Association in 1888. The papers published include those read at the sessions of 1889 and 1890. It is emphasized through- out that elementary science can not be taught by memorizing the zoological and botanical classifications of text-books. A natural ob- ject should be the first study, and generali- zation can be learned from the attempts to classify actual specimens. Among those easily obtainable are domestic animals, in- sects, common flowers, leaves, and table-salt. Elementary physics is best studied in the uses of the lever, cord and pulley, wheel, axle, and ventilation of rooms. In the clos- ing essay upon the material for science study it is urged that the phenomena of life, as exhibited in familiar animals, are more interesting to the child than any facts of structure. PDBLTCATIONS EECEIVED. Abbe. Cleveland. A Plea for Terrestrial Physics. Proceeding's of A. A. A. S., 1S90. Agricultural Experiment Stations : New Jer=ey, Keport of the Botanical Department. — Ohio, Bulle- tin, Vol. IV, No. 8.— Wyoming. Bulletin No. 2. Anderson, E. L. The TTniversality of Man's Ap- pearance and Primitive Man. E. Clarke & Co. Pp. 2S. 2.5 cents. Bacteriological "World. Monthly. Paul Paquin, M. D., Editor. Columbia, Mo. %'i a year. Bohm-Bawerk, E. von. The Positive Theory of Capital. Translated by W. Smart. Macmillari & Co. Pp. 42S. $4. Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings. Vol. XXV, Part 2. Egleston, T., Ph. D. Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms. J. Wiley & Suns. Pp. 378. Fernow, B. E. What is Forestry ? United States Department of Agriculture. Pp. 52. Freelance, Frank. Eum is Eight. Freelance Publishing Co., New York. Pp. 156. 50 cents. Gaceta Cientifica. Monthly. Vol. VII, No. 7. Lima. Peru. Griswold, "W. M. Descriptive List of Eomantic Novels. Cambridge. Pp. 165-31S. $1. Hammond, Major Harry. Eeduetion of the Cot- ton Crop. Beach Island (S. C.) Farmers' Club. Jaques, W. H. Eecent Progress in the Manu- facture of Heavy Armor. Illustrated. Bethlehem Iron Co., South Bethlehem, Pa. Pp. 24. Kinmont, A. The Natural History of Man. J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 835. $1. Langley, S. P. Experiments in Aerodynamics. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 115. Ten Plates. Lewis, T. H. Cupstones near Old Fort Eansom, North Dakota. Eeprint from American Naturalist. Lord & Thomas, Chicago. Calendar, lS!)l-'92. Metal Worker Essays on House-heating. David ■Williams, New York. Pp. 2SS. .112.50. Missouri Medical College. Fifty-first Annual Catalogue. St. Louis. Muter, J. Short Manual of Analytical Chemis- try. Pp. 205. Quarterly Eegister of CcuTP.nt History. Vol. I, No. 3. Illustrated. Evening News Association. Detroit. Pp. 213-;?44. $1 a year. Eandall, J. E. A Practical Treatise on the In- candescent Lamp. Illustrated. D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp. 82. 50 cents. Eichter. V. von. Chemistry of the Carbon Com- pounds. Translated by E. F. Smith. Second Amer- ican edition. P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 1040. Eickoff, A. J. First Lessons in Arithmetic. American Book Company. Pp. 150. 36 cents. Silver Bills. Addresses, Interviews, etc., by W. P. St. John, F. E. Newlands, and others, in favor of Free Coinage. Four pamphlets. Smith, J. W., M. D. Sulphuring or Bleaching Dried Fruit a Mistake if not a Crime. From Trans- actions of the American Public Health Assoc. Pp. 3. Smithsonian Institution. E. A. Andrews. Eeport upon the Annehda Polycha-ta of Beaufort, N. C. Pp. 26. — C. Bendire. Directions for collecting, pre- paring, and preserving Birds' Eggs and Nests. Pp. 10. — G. K. Cherrie. Description of New Genera, Species, and Subspecies of JBirds from Costa Eica. Pp. 10.— T. Gill, un Eleginus of Fischer. Pp. 8.— F. n. Knowlton. Directions for collecting Eecent and Fossil Plants. Pp 46. — F. A. Lucas. Notes on the Preparation of Eough Skeletons. Pp. 11. — E. E. C. Stearns. List of Shells collected by Dr. \V. H. Jones. Pp. 20. — L. Stejneger. Directions for col- lecting Beptiles and Batrachians. Pp. 13.— Descrip- tions of Three New Lizards. Smythe. G. C, M. D. Influence of Heredity in producing Disease and Degeneracy. From Trans- actions of the Ind. State Medical Society. Pp. 24. Society for Psychical Eesearch. Proceedings, July, 1801. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London. 2«. 6d. Stewart, S. T. Plane and Solid Geometry. American Book Company. Pp. 406. $1.12. Studies from the Kindergarten. Educational Monographs. No. 19. New York College for tho Training of Teachers. Pp. 46. Tavlor, P. M., Ann Arbor, Mich. The Eight of the State to be. Pp. 109. Terr}', .1., American Museum of Natural History, New York. Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads. Pp. 15. 4to. Five Plates. Te.xas. Eeport of the Geological Survey, 1890. Pp. 756. United States Board on Geographic Names. Bul- letin No. 3. Pp. 10. POPULAR MISCELLANY. 135 United States Department of Agriculture. North American Fauna. No. 5. Pp .127. United States War Department. Charts show- inff the Averag-e Monthly Cloudiness in the United btates. Twelve c;harts, folio.— Charts showing the Probability of Eainy Days. Twelve Charts, foHo. University Extension. Monthly. Philadelphia : J. H. Shinn. $3 a year. Whelpley Dr. H. M. A Course in Microscopical Technology for Colleges of Pharmacy. From Pro- ceedings of American Pharmaceutical Assoc. Pp.3. Wiley, John, .t Sons. Catalogue of Text-books and Industrial Works. Pp. SO. Wilson, Sir Daniel. The Pvight Hand : Left- handedness. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 215. $1.25. POPULAR MISCELLANY. Irtesian Wells and their Flow.— That part of the definition of an artesian well given by the Department of Agriculture that includes all subterranean waters which, on being reached or opened from above, are found to flow by pressure to a higher level than the point of contact, is accepted by Mr. R. Ellsworth Call, in his preliminary paper on Artesian Wells in Iowa, as complete in itself and as properly defining artesian water. Artesian flows may be variable, that is, may exhibit sometimes increased and at other times decreased flows of water, but the artesian characters are still very marked. Originally all artesian waters are meteoric, that is, are all waters which reach the earth by precipitation as rain. That they shall percolate to lower strata, be included between impervious sti-ata or layers of clay or close- textured rock, is a necessary condition. But the total water thus held in confinement has a definite relation to the catchment basin on the one hand and to the total annual rain- fall on the other. It is easily seen, then, that artesian waters may vary with the season ; that in dry seasons, when the wells are shal- low, they will soonest show decreased flow ; that in a series of years when the precipita- tion is far below the normal the artesian areas may entirely fail, again to present good wells whenthefallof meteoric waterreachesthe nor- mal or rises above it. Wells may then, in a certain sense, be temporary and still be arte- sian. In the case of the deep wells, those that lie far below the range of variation from causes connected with the variable factors of annual character that mark shallow wells, ar- tesian flows are apt to be more constant ; but even here there are certain variable features which show differences through longer inter- vals of time. No artesian basin exists any- where, but it will be found necessary, sooner or later, to control, by mechanical means, the total flow or " output " of the several wells. The waters are bound to be exhausted in the long run if there be no well-planned govern- ing relation between the consumption and the known sources of supply. The deepest and the largest flowing wells will sometimes be taxed beyond their " life," and then, for a time at least, they must be allowed to rest. No owner of artesian wells in the glacial districts, where the wells are shallow, can afford to allow his well to flow and the water to be wasted. Different Effects of Denndation, — De- scribing the old, or abandoned, fields of the south. Prof. W J McGee spoke, in the Ameri- can Association, of the different aspects pre- sented by the results of denudation accord- ing to the situations of the fields. When the tracts are low or gently undulating, they are quickly clothed with vegetation ; but when they are hilly and high, the ravines or deep- ened gullies invade the hill slopes and up- lands, until in some cases the entire soil is washed away and the verdure-clothed sur- face is transformed into a glaring sand, while the bottom lands, once the most fertile of cotton fields, are clogged with the sand swept from the hills until they, too, are ruined for agriculture. The reasons for this accelerated denudation may be sought for in the rela- tions which geologists have found to exist between the elevation and the configuration of lands, their climatal conditions, and the character of their vegetation. An area stand- ing high above the base level for a consider- able period assumes a rugose configuration. There is also a configurative characteristic of the prairie and another characteristic of the woodland, the latter being more rugose ; and the geologist trained in this line of investi- gation can discriminate at a glance between the lands cleared of forests by human agency and those that are naturally grass-covered. The configuration of Mississippi and other parts of the southern United States indicates considerable altitude above base-level and an originally forest-covered condition. The sur- face slopes are too steep to withstand the action of. the storms and streams when the forest coverinK is removed. It is true that 136 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. during the palmy days of the plantations the fields were not eroded, but that was because of the constant use of concentric cultivation, hillside ditches, balks, and other protective devices; but when the fields were abandoned the waters gathered on the hillsides, ran down the slopes, and quickly destroyed the surface. In many cases the destruction has gone so far that to check it would cost more than the value of the land ; but when not too far ad- vanced it may be checked by planting Ber- muda grass on the steep slopes and locust trees about the heads of the gullies, and by other preventive measures. The Travels of Weeds.— The term " weed " is a relative one, and, as defined by Prof. Byron D. Halsted, means "only plants that are able to assert their inborn rights above all others and wage a close warfare with man for the possession of the earth. There is nothing in structure, form, ; or substance that distinguishes a weed from other plants. It hrcs, grows, and reproduces its kind like all others of its class, and therefore the methods of migration are the same as obtain with those of its kin. The rapidity may be greater because of the dominant weed nature, but the difference is only in degree and not in kind." A large number of our worst weeds came to us from foreign countries ; just how they emigrated will never be known in every case. " Some came as legitimate freight ; many were stowaways. Some entered from border lands upon the wings of the wind, upon river bosoms, in the stomachs of migrating birds, clinging to the hair of passing ani- mals, and a hundred other ways, besides by man himself. Into the New England soil and south along the Atlantic seaboard the weed seeds first took root. Also, there are wild plants of that region, with a strong weedy nature, developed into pests of the farm and garden. As civilized man moved westward the weeds followed him, rem- forced by new native ones that soon vied with those of foreign blood. Not satisfied with this, the natives of the interior ran back upon the trail and became new ene- mies to the older parts of our land. The conditions for the development of weeds have increased with the development of our country, until now we are literally overrun. Weeds, usually as weeds, go and come in all directions, no less as tramps catching a ride upon each passing freight train than in cherished bouquets gathered by the wayside and tenderly cared for by transcontinental tourists in parlor cars." The Scharf Library of Johns Hopkins.— The library presented by Colonel J. Thomas Scharf to Johns Hopkins University includes books, pamphlets of great value, and several hundred unpublished manuscripts. Most of the works are historical. The manuscripts include ten by James D. McCabe, formerly of the Confederate War Department ; many on revolutionary history, and a large number of a miscellaneous character. Other depart- ments consist of a collection of materials for the history of New York city and vicinity ; a collection on early Missouri history ; the most valuable of Thompson Westcott's books on Pennsylvania ; materials on almost every phase of Maryland history, and more varied and complete materials for the history of Baltimore ; a rich mass of documents on southern history, and covering the whole pe- riod of the rebellion ; about three thousand " broadsides," covering many departments of Revolutionary history, and including speci- mens of almost every one written or printed in Maryland during the last and the early part of the present century ; Confederate and Revolutionai-y autographs, with the letters to which they are attached, some of them inter- esting in themselves ; and various miscellane- ous articles. Japanese Playing-cards.-^-The Japanese playing-cards are more distinctly original, according to Mrs. J. King Van Rensselaer, than any others, and show no marks of com- mon origin with them. They are oblong, and are made of pasteboard, with the backs painted black. The designs seem to be stenciled, and are brightly and appropriately colored and then covered with an enamel or varnish, which makes them slippery. They are much smaller than our cards. Forty- nine in number, they are divided into twelve suits of four cards in each suit. One card is a trifle smaller than the rest of the pack, and has a plain white face, not embellished with any distinctive emblem, and is used as a " joker." The other cards are covered POPULAR MISCELLANY. 137 with designs that represent twelve flowers or other things appropriate to the months of the year. Each card is distinct and dif- ferent from its fellows, even though it bears the same emblem; and they can be easily distinguished and classified, even if they bear the same emblem, by the symbolic flowers they bear, and also by a character or letter that marks nearly every card, and seems to denote the plant that represents the month. The only month that has no floral emblem is August, and that suit is marked by mountains and warm-looking skies. The Monkey Language. — The results of experiments in the language of monkeys are published by Prof Garner in the New Re- view. Most of them were made in the United States. He had long believed, he says, that each sound uttered by an animal had a meaning which any other animal of the same kind would interpret at once ; and had observed, as most of us have done, that animals soon learn to interpret certain words of man and to obey them, but never try to repeat them. When they reply to man it is in their own peculiar speech. The author began his studies by visiting the zoo- logical gardens of the United States and watching and listening to the monkeys in their prattle. By permission of Dr. Frank Baker, of the National Zoological Garden, two monkeys which had been caged together were separated and placed in different rooms. A phonograph was arranged near the cage of the female, into which she was made to speak. It was then made to re- peat her " words " near the cage of the male. His surprise and perplexity " were evident. He traced the sounds to the horn from which they came, and, failing to find his mate, he thrust his hand and arm into the horn quite up to the shoulder, withdrew it, and peeped into the horn again and again. He would then retreat and again cautiously ' approach the horn, which he examined with evident interest. The expressions of his face were indeed a study." This satisfied Prof. Garner that the monkey recognized the sounds as those of his mate. He then managed to get some sounds from him which the mate in her turn recognized. The ne.'ct recorded interviews were with two chimpanzees, from which a fine, distinct record was secured, and with a capuchin monkey in the Cincinnati garden. The au- thor spoke to the monkey in his own tongue, using the word supposed to stand for milk. The monkey " rose, answered me with the same word, and came at once to the front of his cage. He looked at me as if in doubt, and I repeated the word ; he did the same, and turned at once to a small pan in the cage, which he picked up and placed near the door at the side, and returned to me and uttered the word again. I asked the keeper for some milk, which he did not have, how- ever, but brought me some water. The ef- forts of my little simian friend to secure the glass were very earnest, and the plead- ing manner and tone assured me of his ex- treme thirst. I allowed him to dip his hand into the glass, and he would suck his fingers and reach again. I kept the glass from reach of his hand, and he would re- peat the sound and beg for more. I was thus convinced that the word I had trans- lated milk must also mean water, and from this and other tests I at last determined that it meant also drink and probably thirst. I have never seen a capuchin who did not use these two words. The sounds are very soft and not unlike a flute, very difficult to imitate, and quite impossible to write." Other sounds were detected for solid food or the hunger for it, pain and sickness, and for alarm. On the utterance of the last, the monkey sprang to the high- est point in his cage, and on repetitions of it became almost frantic with dread — so that the sound for food would for the time have no inducements for him. These sounds Prof. Garner regards as the constituents of a monkey language which has a variety of dialects, according to the species addressed. Famous Japanese Swords.— A Japanese short sword exhibited by Mr. Inman Homer before the Numismatic and Antiquarian So- ciety of Philadelphia is distinguished by an inscription on the blade. Mr. Benjamin Smith Lyman said that this inscription was in Japanese characters, and appeared to be the name of the sword. " It is not usual," he said, " for swords to have a name in Japan, but it is sometimes the case, as in Europe. Two famous swords are recorded 138 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in Japanese history — one, called Hizamane (the knee-sword), from its being tried upon a convict, and at one stroke severing the knee as well as the neck ; and another, called Higekiri (beard-cutting), from its cutting through the beard when similarly tried. Another sword is mentioned in the cele- brated romance of the memoirs of the Eight Dogs of Satonu and called Murasame (Au- tumn Showers), because it had the magical property of shedding water that kept it free from blood. The sword now exhibited is inscribed with Osoraku, which appears to mean 'fearful,' so the sword probably bore the not inappropriate name of ' The Fearful.' Being a short sword, it has no guard, as the short sword was sometimes worn beneath the robe, where a guard ■would be in the way. Long swords usually have an inscription under the wooden han- dle, giving the name of the maker and the date. This bears none, but the maker's name is found upon the blade of the small knife inserted into the same scabbard, which is inscribed Morju Shiro Kanekiyo. Ka- nenga was the name of a famous sword- maker, some of whose works are dated from 1321-1323 A. D. A successor of his was Kaneyoshi (1492-1500), and from certain parallel inclined lines which Kaneyoshi used as a distinguishing mark, and found on the part of the present sword concealed by the handle, it seems probable that the maker, Kanekiyo, was a pupil of his, or a not very distant successor, making the sword, therefore, probably over three hun- dred and fifty years old." A Chinese View of it.— The Chinese lit- erati have now come to the conclusion, ac- cording to the North China PIcrald, of Shang- hai, that "Western science has been built up from the leaking out of the knowledge pos- sessed by their ancestors to Western men, who cultivated it, improved upon it, and de- veloped it. Hence they argue in favor of accepting foreign science and inventions in China, saying : " We wish to make use of the knowledge of Western men, because we know that what they have attained in science and invention has been through the help that our sages gave them. We have a good right to it. What Europe has done she has done through the help we gave. If wc did not exactly give science to Europe, we gave it the fruitful germ which produced it. They have the science of optics, but in our Motsz we find that reflection from mirrors was known in the days of Mencius. The men of the West hold that the earth is round. This was believed also by our poet Chii Yuen, who, in his ode on astronomy, announces this doctrine ; and this was not many years after Mencius. This being so, we ought not to be ashamed of the study of Western science. We are the rivals of the Western kingdoms, and it is good policy to use their spears in order to pierce their shields. We ought to train our youth in Western science, so that we may know how best to meet them in the struggle to resist their encroachments." The Birds of the Fame Islands.— The Fame or Fearne Islands of the coast of Northumberland, England, famous by associ- ation with Grace Darling, " the wrecker's daughter," are more noted as the home of countless sea birds which resort there to nest and rear their young. The variety of their features of " cliffs, stacks, and crags, rabbit-warrens and land thickly covered with vegetation, rocks, and sloping beach," admirably adapts them for this purpose. They arc not inhabited, except by the light- house keepers and their families, so that the birds and the rabbits have them all substantially to themselves. They are at- tractive spots to visit, and this is best done in the second week in June, when the breeding season of the birds is at its height ; in addition to the eggs, which are practically countless, the visitor then has the pleasure of seeing many newly hatched birds. As " the Pinnacles " of the islands are ap- proached, the guillemots are seen occupying in thousands the flat tops, sitting on end, and packed so closely together that to all appearance there is not room for another ; " indeed, so dense are the masses, that one can not help wondering how each individual bird can recognize its own egg — for the guillemot lays but one — or, having left it, can force its way back to it again when it has recognized it, more especially as the eggs are placed on the bare rock, without the faintest vestige of a nest. They are pear-shaped, very large for the size of the birds, and the color and markings vary in POPULAR MISCELLANY. 139 different specimens in a most extraordinary manner." Nearly every shelf or projection cf the rock, both in the Pinnacles and in the rest of the islands, is occupied by the kittiwakes, whose well-built nests, with their spotted, brown eggs or speckled, downy young, can be easily seen from the tops of the cliffs. " Walking about," says a writer in the Saturday Review, " it is hard to avoid treading on the gulls' eggs, which are placed in rather loosely made nests among the coarse herbage or on the rocks them- selves. As the center of the island is reached it is easy to see the nests of the cormorants, which are large, slovenly con- structions, composed principally of sea-weed, mixed with pieces of drift-wood, corks off fishing-nets, and other such flotsam and jetsam, the whole covered and made filthy both to sight and smell by the droppings of the birds and remnants of fish. The eggs, which are bluish-green in ground color, are covered with a white, calcareous matter ; but, except where freshly laid, look as dirty as the nests. ... In a comfortable hol- low between two rocks we find the nest of an eider duck, and then, within a very short distance, one or two more. These nests are most cozily lined with the brown down which the bird picks from her breast from time to time during the process of incuba- tion, and in which the large, greenish-gray eggs, from five to eight in number, are al- most covered." These birds are very tame and approachable. The light and peaty soil of the interior of the island is full of bur- rows, which are divided between numberless puffins and a few rabbits. " Many of the puf- fins, curious, pompous-looking little fellows, with large, brightly colored bills, may be seen sitting about on the rocks or flying and swimming round the island, while their part- ners are below the ground, sitting each on the solitary egg which she has laid at the end of the burrow. In the campion-covered centers of the islands the terns are num- berless, and the beach down to high-water mark is covered with their eggs, so that very great care has to be used in walking to avoid treading on them. They are also to be found in large numbers among the sea campion ; many are laid on the shingle with little if any pretense of a nest ; while others have slight nests, made of bents and pieces of sea-weed. The list of birds breed- ing on the Fame Islands includes twelve species, and others may be occasionally seen there as visitors. The birds and eggs, which had been exposed to danger of destruction and extermination, have had their existence more and more secured under the wild birds' protection acts passed since 1869 ; and in 1888 an association of gentlemen in- terested in ornithology was formed, which has secured a lease of the islands, keeps in- truders off, and takes care of the birds. Wild Life in the Snow. — Snow, remarks in the London Spectator an observer of wild life, generally catches our animals un- prepared, and they are put to all kinds of shifts to find food and escape their enemies. The more open and exposed the districts, the greater their difficulties. Where there are thick woods and hedgerows, and, above all, running water, birds and beasts alike can find dry earth in which to peck and scratch, or green things to nibble and water to drink. But on the great chalk downs a snow-storm seems to drive from the open country every living creature that dares to move at all. For the first day after a heavy fall, the hares, which allow the snow to cover them, all but a tiny hole made by their warm breath, do not stir ; only toward noon, if the sun shines out, they make a small opening to face its beams, and per- haps another in the afternoon, at a differ- ent angle to the surface, to catch the last slanting rays. But soon hunger forces the hares to leave their snug snow-house, and they find their way to the cabbage or tur- nip gardens. Squirrels, which are often sup- posed to hibernate, retire to their nests only in very severe and prolonged frosts. A slight fall of snow only amuses them, and they will come down from their trees and scamper over the powdery heaps with im- mense enjoyment ; what they do not like is the snow on the leaves and branches, which falls in showers as they jump from tree to tree, and betrays them to their enemies, the country boys. During a mild winter they even neglect to make a central store of nuts, and, instead of depositing them in big hoards near the nest, just drop them into any con- venient hole they know of near. Rabbits also seem to enjoy the snow at first. They 140 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY require a dry, bracing atmosphere, and sea- breezes and frosts suit them ; and in the morning after a snow-fall their tracks show- where they have been scratching and play- ing in it all night. But after a deep fall they are soon in danger of starving. If there is a tucnip-field near, they will scratch away the snow at the roots and soon destroy the crop ; if not, or if the surface of the snow is frozen hard, they strip the bark from the trees and bushes. While all the harmless ani- mals are obliged to spend the greater part of the day and night seeking food, their enemies profit exceedingly. The stoats and weasels find that they have only to prowl down the stream-side to catch any number of thrushes and soft-billed birds which crowd the banks where the water melts the snow, and little piles of feathers and a drop or two of red on the snow show where the fierce little beasts have murdered here a redwing and there a water wagtail, or even a water-hen. Water-shrews, water-rats, and otters all dislike frost and snow, more, perhaps, be- cause the streams are frozen and food is more difficult to obtain along the banks, than from any inconvenience the snow causes them. Otters, even if the rivers do not freeze, have a difficulty in finding the fish, which in cold weather sink into the deepest pools, and in case of some species burrow in the mud. So they go down to the sea-coast for the cold weather, and, making their homes in the coast caves or old wooden jetties and wharves, live on the fish of the estuaries. Rats also often emi- grate to the coast in snow-time and pick up a disreputable livelihood among the rubbish of the shore. Of all effects of weather, snow makes the greatest change in animal economy in the country- side, and weeks often pass before the old order is restored. Where Women rule. — At the opening of a paper on the political domination of wom- en in Eastern Asia, Dr. Macgowan refers to the condition of the aboriginal peoples whom the Chinese found on Yellow River on their arrival from Akkad. The Chinese then possessed the rudiments of civilization, of which the aboriginals were then destitute. That this irruption of the Chinese was ante- rior to the invention of cuneiform writing in Akkad was probable, because of their use of quipos or knotted cords in keeping records. These quipos, the author said, and not mere tradition, were the base of Chinese archaic annals, and from them the earliest form of Chinese written characters was evolved. Anterior to these quipos, judging from certain neighboring tribes, notched sticks were employed. As to the tribes which the Chinese found existing when they reached their future home, the philosopher of Universal Love, Motzu, enunciated views on the evolution of the state and family which are in accord with those of modern anthropologists. Men at first were in the lowest state of savagery ; there was no golden age, as depicted by sages and politi- cal philosophers, until men felt a necessity of a I'emedy for the anarchy that prevailed. Some of the practices of self-deformation were remarkably curious — as, for instance, those of drinking through the nostrils, ex- tracting front teeth and substituting dogs' teeth, head-flattening, etc. ; the most striking was the attempt to raise a polydactylous race, by destroying all children who came mto the world with the usual number of fingers and toes. The author described a number of instances of rule by Amazons, and ob- served that it is mostly among the aboriginal inhabitants that the chieftaincy of women obtains to this day. There is seldom an age of which one tribe or another does not afford examples ; the more primitive the condition of these tribes the slighter is sexual differentiation as regards public gov- ernmental affairs. The fables and myths in Greece respecting Indo-Scythian Amazons arose chiefly from rumors respecting tribes of this kind. The Tonrouks. — The Yourouks of Asia Minor, according to a paper by Mr. 11. Theo- dore Bent in the British Association, are a fair race of nomads of Tartar origin, from the north of Persia. They wander on regu- lar lines of pasturage, live in goat's-hair tents, occasionally showing a tendency to sedentary life, and build miserable hovels out of the ruins of the cities. The Yourouk has very little religion, and refuses to adopt the measures desired by the Turkish Gov- ernment. The people have sacred trees hung with rags, say prayers over their dead, and practice circumcision, but do not carry out P OP ULAR MIS CELLAXT. 141 the elaborate svstem of prayers and washing inculcated by the Koran. They are polyg- amous, and have wives, or rather slaves, each having her separate occupation in the family life — one minding camels, another the flocks, another the tent arrangements, etc. They have regular communication with the outer ■world. Greeks from the towns lend money to start them in flocks by what is called an " immortal contract." Merchants for wool and cattle pay regular visits to the different encampments. Tinkers, the public circum- ciser, and other periodical visitors go among them spring, summer, and winter. Their utensils are principally of wood — wooden mortars, wooden gloves for reaping, wooden musical instruments, etc., are used. They are clever at getting food from mountain plants and herbs. An excellent substitute for cofiee is produced by a species of thistle ; and a sweet, somewhat like chocolate cream, is made out of the cone of a juniper tree. Formerly they were very clever in making dyes from mountain herbs, but the introduc- tion of aniline dyes has greatly destroyed their taste. Animals in the Desert of Gobi. — In re- spect to its fauna, the Desert of Gobi con- stitutes a zoological district by itself, with- out its animal world being rich in species. Animals may be found in considerable groups in certain places, as in the mountains and along the rivers and lakes, but they are com- paratively rare in the desert itself, where one meets hardly anj-thing but innumerable hz- ards gliding under his feet- Birds as well as quadrupeds lead a nomadic life, being forced to seek food at places a considerable distance apart. The animals of the desert are, however, not very particular, especially with respect to drink, and some of the small mammals probably do not drink, but satisfy themselves with succulent plants, or the lit- tle snow that falls in winter. Among the mammals the wild horse and camel and the argali sheep are worthy of mention. Preje- valsky discovered in Zungaria the horse which has been called by his name, the Kirghiz kantaff, the Mongol make. It lives in the most inhospitable regions, in groups of five or six individuals. While the existence of a wild horse in central Asia was unknown till the present time, it has been understood from the days of Marco Polo that a wild camel lived there ; but none of the authors who have mentioned it, on the authority of the Chinese, had ever seen it, and its exist- ence was doubted by Cuvicr It also was seen by the Russian explorer in the neigh- borhood of Lake Lob and the Desert of Zun- garia. The camel prefers sandy spots more or less inaccessible to man. It spreads over a considerably larger area than the wild horse ; for, while the latter is cantoned in a single locality of Zungaria, it inhabits the lower Tarrin, the country of Lake Lob, Kha- mi, and the Thibetan Desert of Zaidam. Prejevalsky calls this animal the wild Bac- trian camel. While the domestic camel is usually timid, stupid, and indolent, the Gobi camel is distinguished by its vigilance and the extraordinary development of its senses of sight, hearing, and smell. It can run a hundred kilometres without stopping a mo- ment, and can climb mountains with an agil- ity comparable to that of the chamois. Its voice is rarely heard, but is more like that of the bull than that of the domestic camel. The argali sheep is common in the mount- ainous parts of the Gobi, whence it descends in the spring to feed on the herbage. It ad- heres to the places it has once chosen, and a mountain spur is often the permanent abode of a whole flock. As it is not troubled by the natives, it has not yet become afraid of man, and passes indifferently by the Mongol camps on its way to water. Among the car- nivorous animals of the Gobi are the tiger and the wolf, but the bear has not been seen there, although it is found in the Thian Shan Mountains. Stolidness of Eskimos. — One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the Eskimos of Cape Prince of Wales, as described by Mr. n. r. Payne, of the Meteorological Office, Toronto, is their sensitiveness to ridicule. It is necessary to put on the gravest expres- sion in dealing with them, else they will refuse to work for or with you, and sulk. While, as a rule, the Eskimo looks upon the white man as born to do him favors, those the author met would sometimes offer pay- ment for their services. If an Eskimo was given an unusually valuable present, he would immediately turn round and ask for the most impossible things, as though he thought 142 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. you were now in a good humor and it was the time to get all he could from you. As far as it could be seen, it appeared to be the general belief that all property, especially in the way of food, belonged to everybody in common, and therefore, if you held more than another, it was only because you and your family were physically strong enough to protect it. Few men would, of course, steal from one another when food was plentiful, and thereby make enemies for themselves ; " but when food is scarce, might is right," and all make note of the position of their neighbors' caches before the winter snow cov- ers them. The Eskimos are exceedingly free, and never consider a man their superior un- less he or his family are physically stronger or are better hunters than they. These superior men are treated with little defer- ence, though they are usually sought for in the settlement of difficulties, and act as pub- lic executioners. Ccn!ral Asian Plienomena. — M. Gabriel Bonvaldt and the Prince Henri of Orleans were received by the Geographical Society of Paris on the last day of January, on the occasion of their return from a journey through the heart of central Asia from the frontiers of Russian Turkistan to Tonquin. They claim to have discovered ranges of mountains, lakes, extinct volcanoes, geysers, and a pass at a height of 6,000 metres, never before explored. Yaks, antelopes, wild horses, and other animals were numer- ous below 5,000 metres, but birds had disap- peared, and there was no vegetation. The travelers and their men and animals suffered greatly from " mountain-sickness." The par- ty went by what is called " the little road " from Thibet to China, which they believed had never been explored. They found well- wooded valleys full of game — meeting twen- ty-one bears in three days — and often well cultivated and studded with villages ; and they crossed the upper waters of several of the rivers of eastern Asia, including, as they supposed, the Yang-tse-kiang. Among the more important features of the country was a hitherto unknown volcanic region. Two isolated volcanoes were named the Pic de Paris and Mont Reclus. A group of other volcanoes gave them reminders of the craters of Auvergne, appearing like tunnels with a small cone in the center. Lava-blocks were numerous, some of them being two cubic metres in dimension. From a distance they might have been taken for yaks. Hot sulphur springs and frozen geysers were numerous. Many minerals were found, including iron and lead. Curious gray monkeys with long hair and short tails were found living among the rocks at the foot of Mont Duplex, but nowhere else. The Fntnre of the Lobster-fishery. — The experiments begun a few years ago for improving the lobster and cod fisheries of the coasts of Newfoundland promise to be successful. Besides 15,000,000 lobsters hatched and placed in the waters at the Dildo hatchery, 432 floating incubators have been established, at which more than 390,- 000 lobsters have been hatched. All these would have been lost except for these oper- ations. Lobsters arrive at maturity in five years ; and if the useful work now going on is continued year after year, it is evi- dent that the threatened destruction of the lobster can be averted, and the stock in the waters maintained and extended. The cod-hatchery has not been quite so success- ful, but still the results have been very sat- isfactory. Fishermen in the neighborhood of Trinity Bay are said to have recently observed large shoals of small cod, which they have not noticed before, from one to two inches long ; and this, it is claimed, would be the present size of the fry placed in the waters in June and July last. NOTES. A REMARKABLE metcof, fouud in Arizona, was described by Prof. A. E. Foote, in the Geological Section of the American Associa- tion. It was extraordinarily hard, so that a number of chisels were destroyed in cutting it, and the emery wheel used in polishing it was ruined. Cavities were reached in cut- ting it, which were found to contain dia- monds, small and black, and of little com- mercial value, but of the greatest mineral- ogical interest. Granules of amorphous carbon were found within the cavity, in which a minute white diamond was revealed by treatment with acid. The general mass of the stone contained three per cent of nickel. Diamonds were previously observed in a meteorite by two Russian mineralogists in ISST. NOTES. H3 In the Anthropological Section of the American Association, Mr. William 11. Sea- man read a paper on the Essentials of Edu- cation, with a new classification of knowl- edge, in which he set forth the changes or modifications in present systems of educa- tion required to adapt them to modem ideas. Mr. Walter Hough described the custom of cava-drinking among the Papuans and Polynesians ; Major Powell exhibited his linguistic map of North America ; Mr. Thomas Wilson described the jade imple- ments from Mexico and Central America, and a collection of ancient gold ornaments from the United States of Colombia; Mr. J. Owen Dorsey discussed the onomatopous types and phonetic types of the Siouan lan- guages ; Mr. J. H. Perkins described a col- lection of stone pipes from Vermont; and Mr. M. M. Snell enforced the Importance of the Science of Comparative Religion. A CONNECTION between tariffs and the distribution of life in the districts which they effect has not hitherto been supposed, but, according to the late D. H. Graham, of lona, it was free trade brought the rooks to that island. Thus : " Since the ports were opened to the importation of foreign cattle, the rear- ing of black cattle has been abandoned in those parts of the Highlands ; consequently sheep have taken their place, and in lona, where two years ago you could hardly find a sheep, now you will sec scores of them ; and whereas two years ago not a rook came to the island, now the hill-pastures are black with them." A cuRiocs trial has recently taken place in London, in which an American named Pinter was prosecuted for an attempt at cheating by pretending to manufacture gold. The accused man set up in defense that he really possessed a secret by which he could increase the bulk of a mass of gold. It was alleged by the prosecution that he once did increase a piece of gold by placing a black powder in a crucible, and it was asserted that the powder must have contained gold. The accused asked the magistrate if he had ever known gold to float. Some of the powder being tested on water floated. This result was afterward said to have been produced by mixing lampblack with the powder and making it too greasy to sink quickly. The accused pretends to more power than the old alchemists, for they only assumed to turn other substances into gold, while he pretends to make it outright. Dr. Carl Peters relates in his book on Africa that he came to a place where the natives on one bank of a broad river com- municate with those on the opposite side by speaking with voices hardly raised, " and yet each side can perfectly hear what the other says." Dr. Peters says that Bishop Ilannington was killed, not because he was a Christian, but because he insisted on ap- proaching Uganda from the east. The Wa- ganda have an old prophecy according to which an expedition from the east is to " eat up " the land and make an end of the dynasty of the Wakintu. Accordingly the approach from the east has been strictly for- bidden. The Philadelphia Zoological Gardens were visited during the year ending in April last by 211,884 persons, or S.^IO fewer than visited them in the previous year ; giving an average of 581 daily admissions. The su- perintendent's report embodies the important remark that the attention of all institutions devoted to zoological pursuits is being di- rected more strongly each year to the rapid destruction of many of the more valuable and important animals of our native fauna, and to the need for immediate adoption of every means that can be employed to save them from complete extinction. In further- ance of this object increase in the capacity of zoological gardens is important, in order that room and facilities may be provided for their increase and growth, secure against improper crossing and inbreeding. Besides the active enemies which are continually seeking to destroy earth-worms, these animals have a habit of seeking de- struction on their own account. On any wet morning the shallow puddles in the roadways and elsewhere are often occupied by the dead bodies of earth-worms, or by individuals at their last gasp. Have these worms voluntarily sought a watery grave ? or do they represent, as Darwin thought, merely the sickly and dying individuals that have been washed out of their burrows by the rain ? Darwin's explanation is probably true, but it is also credible that the heating of the puddles by the sun's rays has some- thing to do with the great mortality of the annelids. Cold fresh water seems to be practically harmless, though salt water is rapidly fatal to earth-worms. An illustrated account of the drawings of aboriginal origin that are found in caves in different parts of the United States, prepared for Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia for 1889, has been sent us in a separate pamphlet by the author, Mr. T. H. Lewis. The designs include figures conventionalized from the forms of man, the hand, fishes, serpents, an elk, a face, birds, and combined figures. It is suggested by the editor of the Annual Cyclopedia that one of them may be intended to represent a family or tribal ensign. In a paper read before the Medical Soci- ety of Virginia, Dr. W. W. Parker, of Piich- mond, favors burial rather than cremation on grounds of convenience and economy ; natural sentiment, whereby we cling to every vestige of the body in which dwt4t the soul of the dear one; the .=entiment of affection, which wants to know the exact spot where the body lies ; and religious motives. 144 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The reports of the United Kingdom Tem- perance and General Provident Institution are regarded by Dr. J. J. Ridge as affording evidence of increasing weight and conchisive- ness to the value of temperance as a factor in longevity. For the last year the actual claims upon the Institution for relief were, in the temperance section, 71 "06 per cent; in the general section, 100*2 per cent of the expected claims. A summary of five quin- quennial returns, or for twenty-five years, shows that while in the general section the deaths have fallen short of the expected number by 242, in the temperance section the deaths are 1,470 fewer. The fact that in the general section the deaths are below the healthy male average proves that the dif- ference between the two sections is not due to excessive drinking on the part of any considerable number of the general section. The comparison is therefore fairly between abstainers and moderate drinkers, and goes to show that the use of alcoholic liquors produces degeneration of the tissues and shortens life. Some habits of crocodiles are described by M. Voeltzkow, who observed the ani- mals in Vituland. Seventy-nine newly laid eggs were obtained from a spot six paces in diameter which had been cleared of plants, apparently by the crocodile having wheeled round several times. The eggs lay in four pits, dug in the hard, dry ground, about two feet obliquely down. According to the natives, the crocodile, having selected and prepared a spot, makes a pit in it that day, lays twenty or twenty-five eggs in it, and covers them with earth. The next day, it makes a second pit, and so on. It re- mains in the nest from the beginning, and sleeps there till the young are hatched, in about two months, at the setting in of the rainy season. A PAPER by Prof. William Frear, in the American Chemical Association, dealt with differences in composition in the European and the American chestnut. European chest- nuts transplanted to this country lose their peculiarities in some degree, but American chestnuts also exhibit wide differences in different years. Tre question of the relative influence of animal and vegetable diet on the animal temperature has never, according to the Lancet, been investigated in the human species on a sutficiently comprehensive scale to be of any value ; hvX such comparative facts as throw light on the matter tend to indicate that vegetable feeders, among the lower creation, have a high temperature. The evidence, however, does not seem to be uni- form to this point, and it is suggested that some of the apparent discrepancies may be due to the nature of the clothing of the skin. A correspondent of the Lancet and his wife have for about three years been living chiefly on fruit and vegetables, with a little milk and its products, eggs and cheese, and with- out alcohol, and find that they live as health- ily as before, at a lower expenditure of energy. If it be proved that a minimum of animal diet will support life efficiently under reduced combustion and reduced waste of material, " a valuable as well as curious fact will be added to our practical knowl- edge." The limit of a man's power to do with- out sleep has been the subject of curious experiments. Lord Brougham once tried it on himself, and, beginning Monday morning, kept awake till Tuesday night, when he fell asleep on seating himself while trying to dictate to an amanuensis. The recent com- petition of six men in Detroit, in trying to postpone sleep for seven days, is in point. Beginning on Monday noon, March 80th, four of the men failed before Thursday. A fifth kept up till Sunday moining, had a hard struggle with his sleepiness all through the day, and succumbed at midnight. The sixth completed the time and was conducted to the stage and introduced to the spectators, but was sound asleep before the introduc- tion was over. It is said, however, that these men were allowed to sleep in fifteen- minute naps at the end of their several vigils, and it is added that they suffered no permanent ill. According to Brandis's Wald in der Vereinigten Staatcn von Nord America, for- est vegetation is much richer in North Amer- ica than in Europe, and comprises 412 spe- cies— of which 176 are native to the Atlan- tic region, 106 to the Pacific, 10 are common to both, 46 to the Eocky Mountain region, and 74 are tropical species near the coasts of Florida — as against 158 species in Eu- rope. Six North American species of forest trees — the red-bud or Judas tree, persim- mon, hackberry, plane tree, hop hornbeam, and chestnut — are also indigenous in Eu- rope, all now growing there naturally south of the Alps. And since many American for- est genera existed in Europe in Tertiary times, while only five European forest gen- era (Cera/onia, Laburnum, Olca, St/yin(/a, and Laurus) are not found in America, it is possible that other species formerly common to both countries were destroyed in Europe north of the Alps by the Glacial epoch. A PARLIAMENTARY rcport shows that ether is now used to a considerably large extent in Ireland to produce intoxication. It is preferred to whisky because it is cheaper and more effective. Its effects are described as arousing combative instincts and produc- ing a high state of exhilaration accompanied by shouting and singing and the use of pro- vocative words. Even children are accus- tomed to it, and come to school smelling of it. DMITRI IVANOWITSH MENDELEEFF. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. DEGEMBEE, 1891 THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. By EDWIN ATLEE BAEBEE. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. X. FOREIGN writers would have the world believe that the United States can boast of no ceramic history. Even our own chroniclers have, singularly enough, neglected a branch of our industrial progress which is not altogether insignificant nor devoid of interest. On the contrary, it can be shown that the fictile art is almost as ancient in this country as in Great Britain, and has been developed in almost parallel lines. The first European settlers found the American natives pro- ficient in the manufacture of earthen vessels, and we would not be justified in supposing, even in the absence of documentary evidence, that our ancestors were more ignorant of the useful arts than the Atlantic Coast Indians, who, less cultured than the prehistoric mound builders and the Pueblo races of the West, were in possession of rude, but often ornamental, utensils made of baked clay and sand. Primitive potteries for the production of earthenware on a small scale were operated in the provinces at an early period, but as only the coarser grades of ware were needed by the simple inhabitants of a new country, no extended accounts of them appear to have been written by the older historians. As early as the year 1649, however, there were a number of small potteries in Virginia which carried on a thriving business in the communi- ties in which they existed ; and the first Dutch settlers in New York brought with them a practical knowledge of potting, and are said to have made a ware equal in quality to that produced in the ancient town of Delft. Prof. Isaac Broome, of the Beaver TOL. XL. — 12 146 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Falls Art Tile Works, informs me tliat the remains of an old kiln fire-liole, saved from the ravages of time by being thoroughly vitrified, still exist a mile or two below South Amboy, N. J. This is a relic of the earlier pottery ware made on this continent, and was most probably established by the Dutch to make stew- pans and pots. Dr. Daniel Coxe, of London, proprietor, and afterward gov- ernor, of West Jersey, was undoubtedly the first to make white ware on this side of the Atlantic. While he did not come to Anierica himself, he caused a pottery to be erected at Burlington, N. J., previous to the year 1690, through his agent, John Tatham, who, with Daniel Coxe, his son, looked after his large interests here. It is recorded that in 1691 Dr. Coxe sold to the " West New Jersey Society " of London, consisting of forty-eight persons, his entire interests in the province, including a dwelling-house and "pottery-house" with all the tools, for the sum of £9,000 sterling. We are indebted to Mr John D. McCormick, of Trenton, N. J., for calling attention to the following reference to this pottery, supposed to have been written about 1688, in the Rawlinson manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, England: "I have erected a pottery att Burlington for white and chiney ware, a greate quantity to ye value of £1200 have beene already made and vended in ye Country, neighbour Colonies and ye Islands of Barbadoes and Jamaica where they are in great re- quest. I have two houses and kills with all necessary imple- ments, diverse workemen, and other servants. Have expended thereon about £2000." * It is possible to gain some idea of the nature of this " white and chiney ware " by examining the state- ments of Dr. Plot, a contemporary, who published his Natural History of Staffordshire two years before, as quoted by the late Mr. Llewellynn Jewitt, in his Ceramic Art of Great Britain : *' The greatest pottery they have in this country is carried on at Burslem, near Newcastle-under-Lyme, where for making their different sorts of pots they have as many different sorts of clay .... and are distinguish't by their colours and uses as fol- loweth : — " 1. Bottle day, of a bright Avhitish streaked yellow colour. "2. Hard fire day, of a duller whitish colour, and fully inter- sperst with a dark yellow, which they use for their hlach u-ares, being mixt with the " 3. Bed Blending day, which is of a dirty red colour, " 4. White day, so called it seems, though of a blewish colour, and used for making yellow-colour'd ware, because yellow is the lightest colour they make any ivare of." f * MS. Rawlinson, c. 128, fol. 896. f Page 97, vol. i, London, 1878. THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 147 In 1G85 Thomas Miles made a white "stone-ware" of pipe- clay procured at Shelton. A few years after this, it is said that a potter named Astbury made " crouch " and " white stone " ware in the same town, on which he used a salt glaze.* It is probable that the "chiney" of the Burlington pottery was in reality a cream-colored ware or a white stone-ware somewhat similar to that made about the same time in England. It is not unlikely that the clay was brought from South Amboy, as Dr. Coxe owned considerable land in that vicinity. This clay has since been ex- tensively employed in the manufacture of fine stone- ware. Among the immigrants of the seventeenth century were pot- ters who had learned their trade in the mother country, and Gabriel Thomas, who came from England, states in his Descrip- tion of Philadelphia, published in 1697, that "great encourage- ments are given to tradesmen and others. . . . Potters have six- teen pence for an earthen pot which may be bought in England for four pence." It has heretofore been generally believed that the first bricks used in the erection of houses in this country were imported, but it is more than probable that by far the greater proportion were made here. Daniel Pegg and others manufactured bricks in Philadelphia as early as 1685, and within a few years after that date numerous brick-yards were in operation along the shores of the Delaware. Many residences throughout the country, particu- larly in certain sections of Pennsylvania, were built of brick early in the eighteenth century. The cost of importing these supplies from England and transporting them to the rural dis- tricts, far removed from tide- water, would have been prohibitory. That building-bricks were extensively manufactured here pre- vious to 1753 is indicated by a statement of Lewis Evans, of Phila- delphia, who wrote to a friend in England in that year : " The greatest vein of Clay for Bricks and Pottery begins near Trenton Falls, and extends a mile or two in Breadth on the Pennsylvania side of the River to Christine ; then it crosses the River and goes by Salem. The ivhole world cannot afford hetter bricks than our town is huilt of. Nor is the Lime which is mostly brought from White Marsh inferior to that wherewith the old castles in Brit- tain were formerly built." When burned, as formerly, in "clamps," the bricks formed their own kiln, piled on edge, a finger's breadth apart, to allow the heat to circulate between. Those which came in direct con- tact with the wood-fire in the kiln were blackened and partially vitrified on the exposed ends ; while the opposite extremities, * This was made of tobacco-pipe clay mixed with flint, and was superior to anything produced before. 148 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. which were farthest from the heat, were only partially burned, and consequently too soft for external use. The other bricks in the kiln which were uniformly surrounded by heat came out red. To utilize all the bricks produced, the black ends of the former were laid outward in the wall, thus combining utility with orna- mentation. Many of the older houses were constructed in this manner. An old building on the Brandywine, near West Chester, erected in 1724, was built of bricks made on the property from clay found in the vicinity. The structure was considered an imposing one in its day, and the walls are still standing, in an excellent state of preservation. The annexed drawing will con- vey a good idea of the manner of laying the bricks in a wall where the red and black varieties were used, known as the Flem- FiG. 1. — Flemish Bond. ish bond, in which the binders and stretchers alternated, each layer breaking joints with that above and below. Roofing tiles were also manufactured in this country more than a hundred years ago. Plain tiles were made of ordinary brick clay, about five eighths of an inch in thickness and six and a half to seven inches wide by thirteen to fourteen in length. They were fastened to the rafters of the roof by means of a clay knob or hook at the upper margin of the under side. The sur- faces were broadly and shallowly grooved to carry the water off. Such tiles are still found in the debris of an old smithy which was built in 1799 at Cope's Bridge on the Brandywine. Other examples, made in Lancaster County, Pa., one of which bears the date 1769, have recently come to light. A stone-ware factory was started in New York, at " Potter's Hill," near the " Fresh- water Pond," back of the City Hall, in or about 1735, by John Remmey, who came from Germany. The business passed through three generations, all of the same name, THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 149 and was discontinued about 1820. Later on, John Remmey, great- grandson of the above, moved to South Amboy, N. J., and estab- lished a pottery there. Previous to the middle of the last century, and before the manufacture of porcelain had been attempted in America, Eng- lish potters were using china clays procured in 'P b lilllllllllllilll!'i!llti^lillllill|lllli:i this country. Mr. Jewitt, in his Ceramic Art of Great Britain, informs us that a patent was taken out in 1744, by Edward Heylyn, of the parish of Bow, in the county of Middlesex, merchant, and Thomas Frye, of the par- ish of West Ham, in the county of Essex, painter, for the manufacture of china-ware ; and in the following year they en- FiG. 2. -Ameeican Roofing Tiles (eighteenth century). rolled their specification, in which they state that the material used in their invention " is an earth, the produce of the Chirokee nation in America, called by the natives unaker." In 1878 and 1879, Mr. William H. Goss, proprietor of the ex- tensive porcelain works at London Road, Stoke-on-Trent, con- tributed to the English Pottery and Glass Trades' Review a series of notes on Mr. Jewitt's work. In December of the former year he wrote : " The specification of this patent is of startling interest. Who would have thought, until Mr. Jewitt unfolded this docu- ment to modern light, that the first English china that we have any knowledge of was made from American china-clay ? Let our American cousins look out for, and treasure up lovingly, speci- mens of the earliest old Bow-ware after learning that." Then follows the specification in full as given by Mr. Jewitt, and Mr. Goss continues : " This ' unaker,' the produce of the Chirokee nation in America, is decomposed granitic rock, the earth or clay resulting from the washing being the decomposed felspar of that rock. It is curious that it should have been imported from among the Chirokees when we had mountains of it so near as Cornwall; unknown, however, to any ' whom it might concern ' until Cook- worthy discovered it twenty-four years later than the date of the above patent." William Cookworthy was acquainted with Ameri- can clays as early as 1745, for in a letter to a friend dated fifth month, thirtieth, of that year, quoted by Mr. Jewitt, he writes : " I had lately with me the person who hath discovered the china- 150 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, earth. He had several samples of the china-ware of their making with him, which were, I think, equal to the Asiatic. 'Twas found in the back of Virginia, where he was in quest of mines ; and having read Du Halde, discovered both the petunse and kaulin. 'Tis the latter earth, he says, is the essential thing towards the success of the manufacture. He is gone for a cargo of it, having bought the whole country of the Indians where it rises. They can import it for £13 per ton, and by that means afford their china as cheap as common stoneware. But they intend only to go about 30 per cent under the company." We must not conclude from this statement that the ware which Cookworthy had seen had been made in America. It is much more probable that the pieces were some of those produced at the Bow works, within the year that had just passed, from the re- cently discovered American materials. Not until 1769 was there any serious attempt made to manu- facture fine porcelain on this side of the water. In Watson's Annals of Philadelphia we find the brief statement that "the desire to encourage domestic fabrics gave rise, in 1771, to the erection of a flint-glass manufactory near Lancaster, by which they hoped to save £30,000 to the province. A china factory, too, was also erected on Prime Street, near the present Navy Yard, intended to make china at a saving of £15,000." In a foot-note the author adds : " This long row of wooden houses afterwards became famous as a sailors' brothel and riot-house on a large scale. The former frail ware proved an abortive scheme." Mr. Charles Henry Hart, of Philadelphia, made the interesting dis- covery, a few years ago, of some old advertisements in the news- papers of that time which threw considerable light on this early American enterprise, and he has kindly placed at my disposal the results of his investigations. The first of these announcements, which appeared in the latter part of the year 1769, is as follows : New China-ware. — Notwithstanding the various diflBculties and disadvan- tages, which usually attend the introduction of any important manufacture into a new country, the Proprietors of the China "Works, now erecting in Southwark, have the pleasure to acquaint the puhlic, they have proved to a certainty, that the clays of America are productive of as good Porcelain, as any heretofore manu- factured at the famous factory in Bow, near London, and imported into the colo- nies and plantations, which they will engage to sell upon very reasonable terms; and as they purpose going largely into this manufacture as soon as the works are completed, they request those persons who choose to favor them with commands, to be as early as possible, laying it down as a fixed principle, to take all orders in rotation, and execute the earliest first ; dealers will meet with the usual encour- agement, and may be assured, that no goods under Thirty Pounds' worth, will be sold to private persons out of the factory, at a lower advance than from their shops. All workmen skilled in the different branches of throwing, turning, mod- elling, moulding, pressing, and painting, upon application to the Proprietors, may THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 151 depend on encouragement suitable to their abilities ; and such parents, as are in- clined to bind their children apprentices to either of these branches, must be early in their application, as only a few of the first offering will be accepted, without a premium ; none will be received under twelve years of age, or upwards of fifteen. All orders from the country, or other provinces, inclosed in letters, post paid, and directed to the China Peopeietors in Philadelphia, will be faithfully executed, and the ware warranted equal to any, in goodness and cheapness, hitherto manu- factured in, or imported from England, Subsequently the proprietors advertised for bones, offering twenty shillings per thousand " for any quantity of horses or beeves shank-bones, whole or broken, fifteen shillings for hogs, and ten shillings for calves and sheep (a proportionable price for knuckle bones) delivered at the china factory in South wark " ; concluding with the announcement that the capital works of the factory were then completed and in full operation. The pro- jectors of this enterprise were Gousse Bonnin, a foreigner, who had most probably learned his trade at Bow, and George Anthony Morris, of Philadelphia. In January, 1771, they applied to the Assembly for pecuniary assistance, in the form of a provincial loan, the petition being given in full by Colonel Frank M. Etting in his History of Independence HaU. In their address it is stated that the petitioners " have expended great sums in bringing from London Workmen of acknowledged Abilities, have established them here, erected spacious Buildings, Mills, Kilns, and various Requisites, and brought the Work, we flatter ourselves, into no contemptible Train of Perfection." Whether they were successful in securing the loan does not appear, but later in the same year they advertised for zaffer or zaffera, without which they could not make blue ware. In April, 1772, they advertised for appren- tices to the painting and other branches, and shortly after for flint glass and " fifty wagon loads of white flint stone." The at- tempt, however, proved a failure in a financial point, and in the latter year the proprietors made a public appeal for charity for the workmen who had been brought to a strange country and were left without means of support. After running about two years the factory was closed, the real estate was sold, and Bonnin returned to England. Little is known of the ware made here. The fact that zaffer was used shows that blue decorated ware was made. The Bow works at that period turned out little but blue and white china, as was the case with all of the early English factories, which em- ployed lapis lazuli and zaffer to color beneath the glaze. The terra-cotta works owned by Mr. A. H. Hews, at North Cambridge, Mass., were founded by his great-grandfather, Abraham Hews, at Weston, Mass., some time previous to 17G5. At first only the ordinary household utensils of earthenware were 152 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. made and sold in exchange for general mercliandise. After several changes in the firm name, the business descended to the present proprietor in 1865, and five years later was transferred to its present location, where it is said that more flower-pots are produced than at any other factory in the world. Here also are made the usual line of fancy garden terra-cotta and a large variety of art pottery for decorators. Toward the latter part of the last century potteries for the manufacture of earthen and stone ware had become numerous throughout the States. During the Revolutionary period con- siderable china was imported from India, Holland, and England for the use of the wealthier citizens, but pewter utensils were also much in vogue. The common people used earthenware, generally red pottery, on which the first attemi)ts at decoration were made with yellow slip. Dishes and flower-pots, with pie-crust edge and rude floral designs or dates, were common (see Fig. 17). Before the beginning of the present century several stone-ware and earthenware potteries were started in Connecticut. In 1791 John Curtis was making a good quality of pottery in Phila- delphia from clay obtained where the brewery now stands at Tenth and Filbert Streets, and his name is found in the directory as late as 1811 in the same business. In the former year Andrew Miller also made earthenware in the same town, and continued the business until 1810, when it passed into the hands of Abraham and Andrew Miller, Jr., who carried on the business jointly for about six years. In 1824 Abraham Miller displayed, at the first annual exhibition of the Franklin Institute, " red and black glazed tea-pots, coffee-pots, and other articles of the same descrip- tion. Also a sample of platinated or lustre pitchers, with a speci- men of porcelain and white ware, all of which exhibited a grow- ing improvement in the manufacture, both in the quality and form of the articles." Quoting from the report of the committee : *^ It is but a few years since we were under the necessity of im- porting a considerable proportion of this description of ware for home consumption, but since our potters have attained the art of making it equal, if not superior, to the imported, and as cheap, they have entirely excluded the foreign ware from the American market." Miller continued to manufacture a fine grade of earth- enware, such as plates, vases, and ornamental flower-pots, until 1858, but we can not discover that he carried the manufacture of porcelain beyond some successful experiments. John and William Norton established a pottery in Bennington, Vt., in 1793, for the production of red ware, which was discon- tinued about 1800, when the manufacture of stone -ware was substituted. This ware has been made continuously ever since, the business being now carried on by Messrs. Thatcher and Nor- THE RISE OF THE POTTERY IXDUSTRY 153 ton, the latter a great-grandson of John Norton, one of the founders. A " china '' manufactory existed in Philadelphia ninetj^-one years ago, but very little is known regarding it. A friend has recently shown me a letter, dated August 14, 1800, written by a merchant of that city to his wife, who was then visiting in New Jersey, in which occurs the following interesting bit of news : " On account of a man being murdered at the China Factory on Monday evening last, a block maker by trade, a number of the same profession, with Ro]3e makers and Carpenters, assembled and on Tuesday evening began to pull down the buildings ; they con- tinued at their work till yesterday mid-day, — it was pulled down by Ropes in spite all the Squires and Constables that could be col- lected— say every house, only leaving the Chimneys standing." The writer, an ancestor of the present owner of the letter, was in business at that time near Fourth and Chestnut Streets, and we are led to infer that the factory was somewhere in that neigh- borhood. All white ware at that time was known as china, and the term was evidently applied to queen's-ware — certainly not porcelain. Paul Cushman had a stone- ware factory at Albany, N. Y., in the first decade of this cent- ury, and some examples of his ware are now in the possession of Mr. S. L. Frey, of Palatine Bridge, N. Y., one of which bears the inscription, impressed on the surface of the jar, and twice repeated around the body, " Paul Cushman Stone Ware Factory 1809 Half a Mile West of Albany Gaol." In 1813 Thomas Haig, from Scotland, established a pottery in the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, where he made red and black ware. At the Frank- lin Institute exhibition in 1825, articles made at this pottery were considered, " in the opinion of the judges, better than goods of the same kind brought from England." The pottery is still op- erated by Thomas Haig, a son of the founder, wdio is now in his eightieth year. Queen's-ware was j^robably first made in the United States about 1800. Eight years later the Columbian pottery, on South Street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, in Philadelphia, was VOL. XL. — 13 Fio. 3. — Albany Stone-ware. (Collection of Mr. S. L. Frey. ) Made about 1809. 154 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY k§ - N turning out white ware which was daimed to be ecjual in quality and workmanship to the best made in Staffordshire. Two years later Captain John Mullowney, brick-maker, was ojDerating the Washington pottery on Market Street, west of Seventeenth ; and in the files of the Aurora or General Advertiser, published in Philadelphia in 1810, this factory advertised red, yellow, and black coffee-pots, tea-pots, pitchers, etc, and called special atten- tion to the decorating ])ranch, artists being employed who were prepared to put any device, cipher, or pattern on china or other ware at the shortest notice. Daniel Freytag was making in Philadelphia, in 1811, a finer quality of china-ware than had yet been produced in the United States. It was made of various colors, ,:r^~' ' and was embellished with gold and _^i^- ^ silver; and in 1817 David G. Seixas fV' " ' > manufactured an imitation of the Liverpool white crockery from native American clays with great success, continuing the business until 1822. Porcelain was made in New York city early in this century, probably by Dr. Mead. How long this factory was in operation is not known, but it is believed that a fine grade of ware ^was made there from American ma- terials. A vase over a foot in height, of excellent body and exceedingly white glaze, is preserved in the Franklin Institute. This was " fin- ished in New York in 1810," and is supposed to have been made at that factory. It is entirely devoid of gild- ing or coloring, and is made in two parts, held together by a screw and nut, after the French manner. In 1823 Henry Remmey, a brother of John Remmey, the last proprietor of the New York stone-ware factor}^, wdiich was closed about 1820, came to Philadelphia and embarked in the same busi- ness, which is now continued by a great-grandson, Mr. Richard C. Remmey, who now owns the largest stone-ware works in the United States. Here are manufactured fire-bricks of superior quality, and chemical stone and porcelain ware of every descrij^- tion, some of the vessels having a capacity of two hundred to five hundred gallons. In addition to these specialties, the factory pro- duces a large line of household utensils, and the business has grown to such proportions that the ten large kilns are taxed to the utmost. Fig. 4. — Pokcelain Vase. York, 1810. New THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 155 No considerable progress was made in the manufacture of por- celain in the United States until William Ellis Tucker, of Phila- delphia, began his experiments. From 181G to 1819 his father, Benjamin Tucker, had a china shop on the south side of Market Street, at No. o24, then between Ninth and Tenth Streets, near Fig. 5.— Tucker & Hemphill's China Factory. Philadelphia, 1832-'38. (From a vase owned by Mrs. Thomas Tucker.) where the new post-office building now stands. During this period Mr. Tucker built a small decorating kiln in the rear of his store for the use of his son, who employed much of his time in painting the imported white china and firing it in the kiln. These attempts were at first only partially successful. He then com- menced experimenting with different clays, which he procured in the vicinity of the city, to discover the .process for manufacturing the ware itself. These experiments resulted in the production of a fair quality of opaque queen's- ware. He then directed his atten- tion to kaolin and feldspar, and finally succeeded in discovering the proper proportions of these ingredients, in combination with bone-dust and flint, necessary for the production of an excellent grade of natural or hard porcelain. Having secured a translucent 156 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY body of great hardness, density, and toughness, capable of with- standing extreme changes of temperature, he first seriously began the manufacture of the ware for the market in the year 1S25. The old water-works, at the northwest corner of Schuylkill-Second (Twenty-first) and Chestnut Streets, were obtained from the city, where the necessary glazing and enameling kilns, mills, etc., were erected. His first attempts were fraught with many difliculties. While the body and glaze of the earlier productions were good^ the workmanship and decoration were inferior. The decoration consisted generally of landscapes painted roughly in sepia or brown. In 1828 Thomas Hulme was admitted to the business, but re- tired in about one year. During this period great improvement was made in decoration, the best productions being painted with floral designs in natural colors. A number of pitchers made dur- ing that period are marked " Tucker & Hulme, China Manufact- urers, Philadelphia, 1838," the only pieces from this factory known to have been signed. Fig. 6. -Tucker Creamer. ration. Sepia deco- FiG. 7.— Hemphill Vase. (Collection of Hon. James T. Mitchell.) William Ellis Tucker died in August, 1832, but previous to this Judge Joseph Hemphill had put some money in the enterprise, and continued to carry on the business after his partner's death. Messrs. Tucker & Hemphill purchased the property at the southwest corner of Schuylkill - Sixth (now Seventeenth) and Chestnut Streets, where they erected store-houses and three kilns, and greatly increased the producing capacity of the fac- tory. In 1832 they appealed to Congress for the passage of a tariff law which would afford them protection from foreign com- petition. Mr. Thomas Tucker superintended the business after the de- cease of his brother, which was carried on in the name of Judge Hemphill for about three years, but in 1835 the latter entered THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 157 into negotiations with a company of Eastern gentlemen, and sold the factory to them shortly after. In 1837 the factory was leased to Thomas Tucker, who continued the manufacture of fine porce- lain for about one year, when it was permanently closed. Under the direction of Judge Hemphill, who had become interested in the subject while abroad, great improvements were made in the body of the ware as well as in the glazing and ornamentation. French porcelain was selected as the model after which the Tucker & Hemphill china was patterned, and skilled artists were brought from France to decorate the ware. Pitchers and vases were^ sometimes decorated with painted portraits of Revo- lutionary heroes ; two of the former, with likenesses of Washing- ton and Wayne, are still preserved. The later productions of this factory were greatly superior to anything produced in the United States before. They were characterized by smoothness of paste, beauty of coloring, and rich- ness of gilding — indeed, it is said that the amount of gold consumed in the decoration of this ware was so great as to cause a considerable pecuniary loss to Judge Hemphill. It is a matter of regret that the limit of this article is not suSiciently elastic to permit a more ex- tended review of this interest- ing factory and description of some of its many beautiful pro- ductions which have been re- cently brought to light. Isaac Spiegel, one of Tucker & Hemphill's workmen, started in business for himself in Ken- sington, Philadeli)hia, about 1837. He made Rockingham black and red ware of excellent quality, including mantel orna- ments, such as figures of dogs and lions. Some of the ma- chinery was moved to his pot- tery from the Hemphill factory on its closing, and he secured Fig. 8.— Hemphill Vase (with painting of a shipwreck). many of the molds which had been used for making ornamental porcelain pieces. In 1855 Mr. Spiegel retired from active business, and was succeeded by his son Isaac, who carried on the works until 1870. In 1880, John Spiegel, a brother of the latter, resumed the business, and is at 158 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the present time engaged in burning magnesia for the drug trade. About the time that Tucker first placed his new ware on the market a factory for the production of a somewhat similar com- modity was erected at Jersey City, presumably by Frenchmen. Later, under the title of the American Pottery Company, cream- colored, white, Parian, and porcelain wares were made here. In 1843 an exhibit of embossed tea-ware, jugs, and spittoons was made by this company at the Franklin Institute, the specimens of Parian with blue ground and raised ornamentation in white being especially praiseworthy. After several changes in proprie- torship the business passed into the hands of Messrs. Rouse & Turner in 1870, and the name of the factory was altered to the Jersey City Pottery. Mr. John Owen Rouse came from the Royal Derby Works about forty years ago. Mr. Turner died in 1884, leaving the former sole proprietor. The plant at present consists of four kilns, one of which has an interior diameter of nineteen and a half feet, and numerous large buildings for manufacturing and storage purposes. Here are now made large quantities of white granite ware in table and toilet services and decorative de- signs, a specialty of the factory being porous cups for telegraphic uses, of which fully five thousand are produced every week. After the year 1840 the number of potteries in the United States multiplied rapidly. About that time Samuel Sturgis was making, in Lancaster County, Pa., in addition to earthen and stone ware, clay tobacco-pipe bowls, which he molded after the French designs in the form of human heads. These were glazed in yel- low, green, and brown, and supplied largely to the tobacconists of eastern Pennsylvania. In 1843 there were one hundred and eighty- two potteries in that State alone, few of them, however, of any importance, whose aggregate productions amounted to $158,000. In 1800 there were only about eighty potteries in the same State, a falling ofi" of more than half. This diminution in number does not by any means indicate a decadence of this industry, because the establishments of half a century ago were mostly scattered through the rural districts and were insignificant af- fairs, producing only the coarser and cheaper grades of crockery. Such potteries have almost entirely disappeared, while those of to-day manufacture, for the most part, the finer qualities of earthen, white granite, and porcelain wares. At the present time there are over five hundred potteries in the United States, not in- cluding architectural terra-cotta and tile works, of which some twenty-five are in Trenton, K J., and about the same number in East Liverpool, Ohio. An exhibit of Rockingham was made at the Franklin Insti- tute in 1846 by Bennett & Brother, of Pittsburg, which was THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 159 Fig. 9.— Rockingham Monument. Made at Bennington, Vt., 1851. i6o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. pronounced by the judges superior to the English ware. A " tor- toise-shell" pitcher, eight-sided, with human head molded in re- lief under the mouth, which is still in the cabinet of the Institute was awarded a silver medal. ' Messrs. Alanson Potter Lyman and Christopher Weber Fen- ton embarked in the manufacture of yellow and Rockingham ware m Bennington, Vt., about 1847. Three years later they commenced making white ware. Their workshop was known as the United States Pottery. In 1S51, or the year following, Mr Fenton had a large monumental piece of Rockingham made, ten feet m height, in which was placed a life-sized Parian bust of himself surrounded by eight glazed columns, the work being sur- mounted by figures of a woman and child in Parian. This was modeled by Daniel Greatbach, formerly connected with the Jer- sey City Pottery. The base of the monument is made of several varieties of clay mixed together, having the appearance of un- polished marble. It stands at present on the porch of Mr. Fen- ton's former residence in Bennington, having been first placed on exhibition at the New York Crystal Palace in 1853, with other productions of this factory, including a group of "patent flint enameled ware," which was probably analogous to the so-called majolica of the present day. Common china, white granite, and Parian were made here extensively. A limited amount of' soft porcelain was produced also, but chiefly in small ornamental fig- ures and statuettes. These, like the Parian pieces, were often copied from old English works. A graceful pitcher of the latter ware, in the collection of the writer, is molded with white figures in relief on a dark-blue " pitted " ground, and is almost an exact, though enlarged, reproduction of a sirup-jug from the Dale Hall Works, England. The jasper- ware of Josiah Wedgwood was also imitated in Parian. The art of the American potter had not yet reached that point where competition and public demand stimu- lated originality in body, design, or decoration. Fig. 10 shows a group of pieces made at the Bennington factory between 1850 and 1855. In the center may be seen a large Rockingham figure, beneath which are two small mantel ornaments of artificial por- celain. The central pitcher above the dog and the two small pitchers to the right are white granite, decorated in gold. The three remaining pitchers and the small vase are Parian, with ornamentation in relief. The United States Pottery was closed in 1857, and two years later Mr. Fenton, with Mr. Decius W. Clark, his former superin- tendent, went to Peoria, 111., and there established a manufactory of white and granite wares. After a period of three years this experiment proved a financial failure, and the factory passed into other hands. At present it is being successfully operated by the THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 161 Peoria Pottery Company, wliicli makes a fine grade of similar goods. Messrs. Haiigliwout, Dailey & Co. had a decorating establish- ment in New York city in 1853, and employed a hundred hands in painting French china for the American market. Mr. James Carr, who came to this country in 1844, worked for the American Pottery Company of Jersey City until 1853, when he went to South Amboy, and there established a pottery for the manufacture of t'ui. li). — Wakk mauk uy Lyman & Fextox. yellow and Rockingham wares. In October, 1855, he started a pottery in New York, under the firm name of Morrison & Carr, where table-services in opaque china, white granite, and majolica were made. He directed his efforts toward the attainment of higher standards, and his experiments resulted in the production of some artistic pieces of porcelain and faience, excellent both in design and execution ; but as there was little demand for this class of goods at that time, these attempts were discontinued. In 1888, owing to the close competition of out-of-town manufactur- ers, the New York pottery was closed and the factory torn down. Mr. Carr has recently built, on the premises in West Thirteenth Street, several large stores, the rentals from which, he claims, yield him better returns than potting. The Philadelphia City Pottery of Mr. J. E. Jeffords, who came from the New York establishment of Messrs. Morrison & Carr about 18G0, includes two distinct factories, one of which turns out a high grade of Rockingham, yellow, and white-lined blue ware, while the adjoining workshop produces an excellent variety of white and decorated earthenware for toilet and table use. In Rockingham some of the old English designs are reproduced, such as the "Toby " ale-jug and the cow creamer. A few years ago a more elaborate ornamentation was attempted in the paint- i62 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ing of bird and floral subjects above the glaze, but this was soon discontinued owing to the expense. Printing from copper plates is extensively practiced here at the present time, and competent artists are employed to apply the gold in pleasing devices to the rich dark glazes which characterize the better grades of ware produced. Mr. Jeffords has fully equipped his factories with the most approved modern appliances, and is one of the most pro- gressive and successful of our modern potters. Mr. Alexander William Robertson started a small pottery in Chelsea, Mass., m the year 1866, for the manufacture of brown ware such as was made in Great Britain, and of lava-ware simi- lar to that of Germany. Two years afterward, Mr. Hugh Corn- wall Robertson, a younger brother, was admitted to partnership m the business, the firm name being A. W. & H. C. Robertson when the production of brown ware was discontinued and the manufacture of plain and fancy flower-pots was substituted. In the following year porous cones or filters of a high grade were made for chemical purposes. In 1872 James Robertson, a practi- cal potter of wide and varied experience in Scotland, England New Jersey, and New York, and recently from the East Boston pottery, joined his sons, the firm name being changed to James Robertson & Sons, when work of a more pretentious character was undertaken. A red bisque ware, in imitation of the antique Grecian terra-cottas and Pompeiian bronzes, was first produced in 1875. The factory adopted the name of the Chelsea Keramic Art Works. The red ware was characterized by a remarkably fine texture and smooth finish, the clay being peculiarly adapted to the faithful reproduction of the graceful classic forms, the fine polished grain offering an excellent surface for the most minute carving, showing the engraved lines as perfectly as on wood. In 1876 a pleasing effect was obtained by polishing the red ware with boiled linseed oil. On a few spherical vases thus treated, Mr. F. X. Dengler, the talented young sculptor who afterward died at the age of twenty-five, modeled from life, in high relief, choosing child and bird forms. The firm also received the benefit of ad- vice from a number of capable artists, including, John G. Low, G. W. Fenitz, and others. For lack of public support this branch of the art was abandoned. The next venture was the Chelsea faience, introduced in 1877, which is characterized by a beautiful soft glaze. This ware soon attracted the attention of connoisseurs, and carried the firm to the front rank of American potters. The decoration consists of floral designs, either made separately by hand and sprigged on, or carved in relief from clay laid directly on the surface while moist. Some beautiful effects were produced by hammering the surface of the faience before burning, and aft- erward carving sprays of flowers in relief in clay applied to the THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 163 surface. This modeling was executed by Miss Josephine Day, a sister-in-law and pupil of Mr. H. C. Robertson, and by Mr. Rob- ertson himself. Being done by hand from original designs, no duplicates were produced. On some of the hammered vases the designs were cut into the surface and filled in with white clay, forming a mosaic, the bases of the vessels being colored buff, which offered a pleasing contrast through a semi-transparent Fm. 11. ^Inlaid, Hammered and Embossed 1'ottert. (Clielsea Keramic Art Works.) glaze. About the same time a variety of faience known as the Bourg-la-Reine of Chelsea was produced, after the discovery of the process of painting on the surface of the vessel with colored clays and covering with a transparent glaze, on the principle of the Limoges faience. Mr. James Robertson died in 1880, after a long and useful life, at the ripe age of seventy years. The firm continued under the same name, and in 1884 A. W. Robertson retired from the busi- ness. In that year the remaining partner, Mr. Hugh C. Robertson, discovered a stone-ware somewhat resembling Parian in appear- ance, possessing a hard, vitrified body, which he worked into a variety of artistic forms. From this time Mr. Robertson directed his efforts toward solv- ing the secret of the famous Chinese Sang de hcsAif, and after four years of sacrifice and patient investigaticm his labors were crowned with success. This discovery is the exact treatment necessary to produ(^e the true ox-blood red, which with the Chi- nese was the result of accident rather than an established art. The body is the true stone, perfectly water-proof, and capable of resisting as high a degree of heat as any known ware. The forms of the vases are simple, with curving outlines, and entirely devoid of ornamentation which would tend to impair the beauty of color, which is that of fresh arterial blood, possessing a golden 164 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lustre, whicli in the liglit glistens with all the gorgeous hues of a sunset sky. In experimenting to obtain the blood- red of the Sang de Imuf, varieties were produced of a deep sea-green, "peach-blow," apple-green, mustard-yellow, greenish blue, ma- roon, and rich purple. Specimens of this ware have been secured by a number of prominent collectors throughout the United States, but the demand for works of this character being limited, the remaining examples which were produced still rest on the dusty shelves in the Chelsea workshop. The history of the dis- covery of this process is a repetition of the old story of genius Fig. 12.— Plaque representing Spring. (Designed by H. C. Eobertson, 1879.) After twenty-four years of devotion to art, Mr. Robertson finds himself unable to prosecute the work further, and for over two years the fires have not been lighted in his kilns. It is difficult to explain the apparent indifference of Americans to works of artistic merit which emanate from their countrvmen.* * Since writing the above, word comes to us that a company has been incorporated under the name Chelsea Pot.oiv V. S., and date July 17, 1891, of which Mr. Hugh C. Rob- ertson will be the manager. THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY 165 Thus far we have attempted to review, in the briefest manner, some of the earlier potteries in the United States. The space at command has only permitted the bare statement of facts relating to the condition of the ceramic industry down to the period just preceding the Centennial Exposition of 187G. It has not been possible to refer to many establishments whose record would be necessary to a full history of the development of this art. Let us now see what progress has been made in the methods em- ployed in this country down to the present time. The potter's wheel used well into the present century was a clumsy and primitive affair. It consisted of a perpendicular beam, generally about two feet in height, surmounted by a circu- lar disk a foot or so in diameter. At the lower extremity of the beam or axis was a horizontal wooden wheel, four feet across, possessing four inclined iron spokes which extended from the beam to the rim of the wheel, which the workman pushed around with his feet. He sat on a framework behind the wheel, while in front were piled the lumps of clay to be manipulated. Fig. 13. — Old-fashioned "Throwing Wheel." A great advance was made in potters' machinery a few years later, or in the first quarter of the present century, when the " throwing wheel " was introduced into the more prominent fac- tories. This was composed of a plate or disk which was revolved by means of a belt which passed around two spindles and ex- tended to a large vertical wheel operated by a crank in the hands of a second person. This upright wheel usually measured four, five, or more feet in diameter, dej)ending on the rate of velocity desired ; the larger the wheel, the greater the speed to be attained. i66 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The revolving plate at which the potter sat was often ten or more feet from the crank-wheel, and the apparatus was therefore cumbersome, besides requiring the services of an extra hand. This contrivance was a great improvement over the old method of turning, as it secured uniformity of motion and enabled the operator to devote his entire attention to his work. This style of wheel, in time, was superseded by the more simple form which is worked by a treadle with the left foot of the operator, and is still used in many of the smaller potteries. The subjoined engraving Fig. 14.—" Kick Wheel (now used). represents one of these "kick" wheels, as made at the present time by Messrs. Taplin, Rice & Co., of Akron, Ohio. This firm also manufactures a power- wheel such as is now operated in the larger factories, which is so constructed that the velocity can be regulated by a foot-lever. The old methods of grinding and mixing clays by hand have given place to improved mechanical processes. In olden times it was customary for one or two men to manipulate the clay, which was placed in a square tank sunk in the floor, with a wooden shovel or paddle. Now this work is performed much more effect- ively and rapidly by special machinery known as "blungers," "pug" and "grog" mills, etc. Some of the improved grinding mills have a capacity of twenty-five tons or more per day, and the agitating and mixing machines perform the work of many men. I have in my possession a drawing of the old-fashioned slip kiln used by Messrs. Tucker & Hemphill in 1832. This con- sisted of a long horizontal brick fire-box, at one end of which were built three partitions or pans, one after the other. In these the slip was poured, and flues passing around the sides furnished the heat necessary to dry the clay to the proper consistency. This drying process was necessarily a slow one. The contents of the pan nearest the fire-box would be ready for removal first, and THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 167 the others in succession. A recent invention has simplified this process very materially. This device is a clay press consisting of a series of sacks in which the slip is placed. The moisture is forced through the bags by strong pressure, and the clay is ready for use Mr. A. J. Boyce, of East Liverpool, Ohio, has recently perfected an improved hydrostatic press, which is being intro- duced into many of the more progressive factories throughout the country. The illustration will convey a clear idea of the clay Fig. 15.— The Boyce Clat Press, with twenty-fouk Cfiambkrs. press used in reducing the slip to a workable mass. In each chamber is placed a sack made of ten-ounce Woodberry duck, which, if of the proper quality, will last some time. The moist- ure is pressed through the fabric, and the clay, on removal, is ready for manipulation. "Jiggers" and " jollies " now greatly facilitate the manutact- ure of circular and swelled vessels, such as jars, jugs, crocks, cuspidors, and umbrella jars. A " jigger " is a machine which carries a revolving mold, in which the clay is shaped by a former, which is brought down into the mold and held in place by means of a lever We give here an illustration of one of the jiggers made by Mr. Peter Wilkes, of Trenton, N. J. A is the jigger- head or receptacle in which the mold is placed, which is screwed fast to the revolving spindle. 5 is a stationary iron column on which the frame or sleeve C slides up or down. D is an iron tork i68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY which i)re vents the frame C from turning. E is the former or profile which shapes the interior of the vesseh The lever or pull- down, above the horizontal bar F, gives a transverse motion, and forces the former toward the side of the mold. 1 and 2 are adjustable collars which are fastened by screws ; 1 regulates the distance to wliich the col- lar or frame C must be lowered to give the prop- er thickness to the bot- tom of the vessel, while 2 acts as a stop to pre- vent the frame from be- ing thrown up too high. A " jolly " is a some- what similar contrivance, consisting of a table on which is a revolving mold with a single or double pull-down. The construction of pottery kilns has changed but little in the past fifty years. The glaze kiln of the Tucker & Hemphill factory was made on the French plan. It possessed six fire - boxes and the same numT)er of flues, eight inches in width, which passed through solid walls and met in the center. Besides the central space there were two circular passages, one extending around the circumference of the kiln and another midway be- tween this and the cen- ter. Modern kilns are generally made about fifteen to sixteen and a half feet diameter inside, and measure about the same in height to the crown, with usually ten fire-boxes. In some of the Western kilns slight modifications have been made in the lat- ter for the employment of natural gas, which is used instead of coal. Fig. 16.—" Jigger." THE RISE OF THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 169 Until quite recently each establishment made its own saggers or fire-clay" boxes in which the ware is burned, but now they are made in large numbers by machinery and supplied to the trade by the Trenton Terra-Cotta Company at a very low price. In the manufacture of earthenware formerly, " cockspurs " were used to separate the pieces when placed in the kiln. These were small four-pointed objects of clay formed somewhat like the old- fashioned caltrop, three of the arms resting on the lower vessel while the upper supported another above. Three sjjurs being used, it is evident that the upper surface of the lower piece would show nine marks after coming out of the kiln, where the points tore away the glaze, as in old Delft plates. The bottom of the upper vessel would show three. " Cockspurs " and " cones " were superseded by "pins" and by "triangles" and "stilts," having three horizontal arms, equidistant, with double yjoints projecting upward and downward. These were for some time made by hand at the factories where they were to be used, but recently they have been made in assorted sizes by machinery, and sold to pot- ters more cheaply than they could be made by hand. Labor-saving machines have greatly simplified the work of the potter. Steam pow- er has to a great extent taken the place of hand and foot power in run- ning wheels, lathes, " jiggers," and " jollies." Steam grinding - mills, "blungers," sifters, and clay-presses now grind, sift, mix, dry, and pre- pare the clay for the workman. There are many other problems to be solved, however, in order to still further cheapen the production of utilitarian articles. The committee appoint- ed by the United States Potters' Association to investigate the subject of potters' ma- chinery, in their report presented at the convention held in 1890, used the following language : " We think we can see in the dis- tance a cloud no bigger than a man's hand, which we trust will speedily increase to such proportions that the industry will feel the outpouring of benefits such as have not entered into the imagination of the potter's mind. We require only to get thf VOL. XL. — 14 Fio. IT. — Slip-decorated Pie Dish. Allentown, Pa., 1826. 170 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. American mechanical mind turned in tlie direction of our need, and we will not fear for the future of our business. " We would urge upon the manufacturing potters that more thought be given to this subject, and that they come in closer touch with the best machinists of our several centers. Let the practical machinist know our need. Much can be done ; much must be done if we expect to hold our own. And what is our own ? The American market for American manufacturers." Note. — Several of the illustrations which appear in this paper are from pen-and-ink drawings made from the original porcelains by Mr. Vernon Ilowe Bailey, a student at the Pennsylvania School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia. [To be continued.'] PROGRESS AND PERFECTIBILITY IN THE LOWER ANIMALS. By Peof. E. p. EVANS. WHAT we call institutions are only organized and hereditary instincts, and are common to man and the lower animals. The original social character of animals, which forms the basis of their institutions, is also the quality that renders them capable of domestication. Man simply takes advantage of this quality, and turns it to his own account by bringing the animal into his own domestic circle and service and making it a member of his household. In birds, for example, the conjugal instinct is remarkably strong, or, as we would say in speaking of human relations, the institution of marriage, either in its monogamous or polygamous form, is firmly established and highly developed, and forms the foundation of a well-ordered domestic and social life. The paternal fox trains his young with as much care and con- scientiousness as any human father ; the beaver constructs his habitation with the foresight of a military engineer and the skill of an experienced architect; the bee lives in well-regulated communities, forms states, and founds colonies ; and the ant not only cultivates the soil, plants crops, gathers in the fruits of his labor and stores them for future use, and keeps other insects as domestic cattle, but shares also the vicious propensities and domi- neering disposition of man, waging war on creatures of his own species and holding his prisoners as slaves. These habits or customs have the same origin and character in the lower animals as in man, being in both cases products of evo- lution and undergoing modifications from generation to genera- tion. Animal, not less than human, societies are governed by PROGRESS IN THE LOWER ANIMALS. 171 their laws and traditions, and preserve a sort of historical con- tinuity by which past and present are bound together in a certain orderly sequence. Bee-hives which suffer from over-population rear a queen and send forth with her a swarm of emigrants to colonize, and the relations of the mother-hive to her colonies are known to be much closer and more cordial than those w^hich she sustains to apian communities with w^hich she has no genetic con- nection. Here the ties of kinship are as strong and clearly recog- nized as they are between consanguineous tribes of men. Again, the statement that animal habits are fixed, and human customs variable and improvable, is true only to a very limited extent. Closer observation has shown the latter to be more stable and the former more mutable than is generally imagined, espe- cially if we compare the highest orders of animals with the low- est human tribes. In primitive society and among savage races customs remain the same for countless generations, and seem to be quite as persistent and incapable of change as animal instincts. Not only do animals, often in the course of a comparatively short period, undergo marvelous transformations both of mind and body, through the force of natural selection or by careful in- terbreeding, but they are also led by circumstances and through forethought to make conscious and intentional changes in their manner of life. It is curious to note the variety of characteristics distinguish- ing members of the same family or genus. Thus, the European cuckoo lays her eggs in the nests of other birds, and leads the life of a shiftless parasite and shameless polyandrous vagabond. The American cuckoo, on the contrary, has not yet learned to shirk her maternal duties and domestic responsibilities, but, like an hon- est and thrifty housewife and conscientious mother, hatches her own eggs and rears her own young. The South African and Aus- tralasian representatives of the cuculincB follow, in this respect, the habits of the European bird. There is also a species of moloihrus, which sometimes begins but seldom finishes a nest, like the hy- pothetical man in the parable, who would fain build without first sitting down to count the cost. She is seized occasionally with a spasm of virtuous endeavor in this direction, but soon yields to the greater comfort and convenience of imposing upon others the burden of brooding and nurturing her offspring. Evidently she turns the matter over in her mind, and, like Rousseau, reasons herself into the belief that it is better not to assume any family cares, but to cast. her children as foundlings upon the bosom of public charity. " There are the goldfinches, thrushes, fly-catchers, cardinal grossbeaks, and other fussy motherly fowl," she seems to say, " willing enough to undertake the charge ; why not gratify their low philoprogenitive passion, and thus enable me to devote 172 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. myself to more congenial pursuits ! " Still another kind of molo- thrus leads the life of a squatter, never building a nest of her own, but brooding in the abandoned nest of some other bird. Many birds have, within the memory of man, made consid- erable advances in architectural skill, and adoj^ted new and im- proved methods of constructing their nests. This progress has been observed especially in California since the settlement of that country, and in all cases the young profit from the knowledge ac- quired by their parents, and the improvement becomes a perma- nent possession of the race. In places where they are particularly exposed to the attacks of pugnacious sparrows, they have been known to close the opening in front of their nests and make the entrance on the back near the wall. In some instances this purely precautionary and defensive change of structure, after its efficiency had been tested in a single nest, has been adopted by the swallows of an entire district. Orioles, according to the observations of Dr. Abbott, finding that the bough from which they have suspended their nest is too slight to sustain the weight of the full brood, at- tach it by a long string to the branch above, fastening it securely "by a number of turns and a knot." It would be difficult to say in what respect the mental process leading to the adoption of such a mechanical contrivance differs from that which causes an archi- tect to buttress a weak wall. The Baltimore oriole also adapts the texture and structure of its nest to the exigencies of climate. In the Southern States it selects a site on the north side of a tree, and builds of Spanish moss loosely put together and without lining, so as to permit a free circulation of air. Farther north it seeks a sunny exposure, builds more compactly, and uses some soft material for lining. The impulse to build is instinctive, but conscious intelligence is exercised in modifying the methods of building to suit circum- stances. The same bird now uses yarn and worsted instead of vegetable fiber for its nest, but it always selects for this purpose the least conspicuous colors, such as gray and drab ; and yet the bird's gor- geous plumage is proof, according to the theory of sexual attrac- tion, that bright colors are pleasing to it. -Here we have an ex- ample of eesthetic pleasure being subordinated to considerations of safety; the prudent oriole, notwithstanding its fondness for resplendent hues, choosing those colors which render its nest less visible and more difficult to discover, and rejecting those which, in other respects, are more gratifying to its fancy. The tailor-bird of East India used to stitch the leaves of its nest together with fine grass, horse-hair, and threads, which it twisted out of wool ; since the introduction of British manufact- ures it uses sewing-thread and the filaments of textile fabrics, PROGRESS IN THE LOWER ANIMALS. 173 except in remote regions, where the ingenious bird still works on in the primitive way. So, too, in America, birds in constructing their nests everywhere turn to their account the products of human industry and keep abreast with the progress of the age. The materials employed correspond to the contemporary state of civilization, and mark the periods of industrial development through which the human race has passed. The wagtails, in a watch-making district of Switzerland, have learned to build their nests of fine steel shavings ; a nest of this kind, if preserved, would indicate to the inhabitants of that country a thousand years hence the kind of industry that was carried on by their ancestors. Sjjarrows, which usually build in chinks of walls or under roofs, if forced to build their nests in trees or other un- sheltered places, cover them with a sort of hood to keep out the rain. Buffon, who records this fact, adds : Uinstinct se ma^iifest done ici par un sentiment iwesque raisonne et qui suppose au moins la comiparaiso^i de deux petites idees. In the presence of such clear manifestations of thought and reflection, it seems ab- surd to speak of a " sentiment almost reasoned," or to indulge in condescending baby-talk about " two little ideas," Apiarists now provide their hives with artificial comb for the storage of honey, and the bees seem glad to be relieved of the labor of making cells as their predecessors had done. Instead of gathering propolis from the buds of plants, the workers stop their hives with the mixture of resin and turpentine with which the arboriculturist salves wounded trees, and readily substitute oat- meal for pollen if they can get it. These facts, and many others which might be adduced, suffice to prove that animals avail them- selves of new discoveries and easier methods in order to increase the comforts and conveniences of life. Even instincts, which seem firmly rooted and are regarded as characteristic of the class, are by no means so persistent as is commonly supposed. The individual inherits, but soon loses them if they are not brought into early exercise. A duck or gosling, if reared in the house until it is two or three months old, has no greater liking for the water than a chicken, and' if thrown into a pond will scramble out, showing signs of great fear of the element to which its web-feet are particularly adapted. An arti- ficially hatched chicken does not attach itself to a hen more than to any other animal, but follows its first associate, a child, a cat, or a dog. Buffon denies that animals are susceptible of what he calls " the perfectibility of the species." " They are to-day," he says, " what they always have been, and always will be, and nothing more ; because, as their education is purely individiial, they can only transmit to their young what they themselves have received 174 ^^^^ POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. from their parents. Man, on the other hand, inherits the culture of ages and gathers and conserves the wisdom of successive gen- erations, and may thus profit by every advance of the race, and, in turn, aid in perfecting it more and more/' This assertion has been repeated by scientists of the ohl school as though it were an axiom of natural history, instead of an arro- gant anthropocentric assumption refuted by scores of well-au- thenticated facts. The whole j^rocess of domestication, which is to the lower animals what civilization is to man, and the possi- bility of producing and propagating desirable qualities in the race, run counter to Buff on"s theory. The value of a horse's pedi- gree depends upon the transmissibility of distinctive characteris- tics which were originally peculiar to some individual horse, idiosyncrasies which commended themselves to man as worthy of preservation, or such as in the natural struggle for existence would assert and propagate themselves. If the descendants of blood-horses do not inherit the individual training of their sires, neither are the children of scholars or m.usicians born with a knowledge of books or the ability to play on musical instruments. What is inherited in both cases is some particular disposition or endowment, a superior aptitude for the things in which their progenitors excelled. Indeed, this heritage is handed down in horses with surer and steadier increase, or, at least, with smaller loss and depreciation than in human beings, since they are mated with sole reference to this result ; and there is no room left for the play of personal fancy and caprice, or for social, sentimental, or pecuniary considerations, which exert a baneful influence upon marriage from a physiological point of view, and contribute to the deterioration of the race. This is strikingly perceptible in some portions of Europe, where the struggle for existence, and especially for high social j^osition, is exceedingly intense, and a large dower suffices to cover u^d all mental and physical deficiencies in the bride. The scientific swine-breeder keeps genealogical tables of his pigs, and is as jealous of any taint in a pure porcine strain as any prince of the blood is of plebeian contamination. In both cases the vitiation bars succession, the one condition of which is purity of lineage. It is by the selection not only of the finest stock, but also of the choicest individuals for breeding, that animals are " progressively improved " both bodily and intellectually. This is, perhaps, most clearly observable in hunting-dogs and race- horses, which have undergone quite remarkable modifications within the present century owing to the extraordinary pains taken to develop and perfect their peculiar characteristics. In some instances unusual births or freaks of nature are preserved, and by persistently propagating themselves form the starting- PROGRESS IN THE LOWER ANIMALS. 175 point of new species. A striking example of tliis perpetuation of individual peculiarities is the sliort-legged and long-backed An- con sheej), a comparatively recent product of ISTature rendered permanent by the care of man. A pointer, greyhound, or collie inherits and transmits to its offspring not only race attributes, but also acquired aptitudes in the same manner and to the same de- gree as a human being does who is distinguished for some special faculty. There are prodigies of dogs which do not beget prodi- gies of puppies, just as there are men of genius whose children are by no means eminent for their intellectual endowments. If the conceptual world of the lower animals is limited and fragmentary, so is that of savages and of ignorant and unculti- vated men, who live for the most part in the present and the im- mediate past, and have a relatively narrow range of thoughts and experiences. Long-lived animals, such as parrots, ravens, and elephants, have an advantage over short-lived animals in the de- velopment of intelligence. Civilized man, however, not only lives his own individual life, and profits, like other animals, from the wisdom of his parents and the influences of his environment, but also, by means of written records, lives the life of the race, of which he enjoys the selectest fruits garnered in history. It must also be borne in mind that dogs are and always have been bred for special purposes, such as pointing, retrieving, run- ning, watching, and biting, but not for general intelligence. Mr. Galton, who calls attention to this fact, suggests that it would be interesting as a psychological experiment to mate the cleverest dogs generation after generation, breeding and educating them solely for intellectual power and disregarding every other consid- eration. In order to carry out this plan to perfection and to realize all the possibilities involved in such a comprehensive scheme, it would be necessary to devise some system of signs by which dogs would be able to communicate their ideas more fully and more clearly than they can do at present, both to each other and to man. That the invention of sucli a language is not impossible is evident from what has been already achieved in the training of dogs for exhibition, as well as from the extent to which they have .learned to understand human speech by mere association with man. Prof. A. Graham Bell believes that they may be taught to pronounce words, and is now making scientific experiments in this direction. The same opinion was expressed two centuries ago by no less an authority than Leibnitz, who adduces some startling facts in support of it. The value of such a language as a means of enlarging the animal's sphere of thought and power of conception, and of giving a higher development to its intel- lectual faculties, is incalculable. 176 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Every dog trained as a hunter or herder is a specialist, and is prized for one fine capacity attained in some degree at the expense of mental proportion and symmetry ; in miscellaneous matters outside of his province he may be easily surpassed by any under- bred and mongrel but many-sided village cur. Modern scholarship shows a like tendency to psychical alogotrophy or one-sided intel- lectual growth. As science deepens its researches, each depart- ment of investigation becomes more distinct, and the toiler in the mines of knowledge is forced to confine his labors to a single lode if he would exhaust the treasures it contains. He sees clearly so far as his lantern casts its rays ; but all outside of this small luminous circle is dense darkness. If a race of superior beings had taken charge of man's educa- tion for thousands of years and conducted it on the same princi- ple as that which has guided us in domesticating and utilizing the lower animals, what maimed specimens of humanity would have been the result ! Slavery has always tended to produce this effect ; but the slave, however degraded his condition, speaks the same language as his master, thereby profiting from his inter- course with those who are placed over him, and sharing in the general progress of society more fully than any dumb animal could do. So, too, the position which Christian intolerance as- signed to the Jews for many centuries, closing to them all branches of industry except usury, developed in them a peculiar talent for finance, together with many hard and offensive traits of character naturally growing out of money brokerage, and finally becoming almost innate. In the middle ages they were made to serve as sponges to suck ujd the people's substance in order that it might be squeezed out of them at the convenience of the rulers. King John II, surnamed the Good, issued in 1360 a decree permitting the Jews in his realm to take, as compensation for loaning money, " quatre deniers par livre par semaine,'' equiva- lent to ninety per cent per annum, not from any feeling of favor- itism for the Israelites, but, as he expressly stated, because " the greater the privileges enjoyed by the Jews, the better they will be able to pay the taxes levied on them by the king." This " good " monarch was wont to confiscate periodically a large por- tion of the pillage thus obtained in order to replenish his ex- hausted exchequer, and was actually praised by his subjects for punishing Jewish rapacity. It was a system of indirect taxation Avorthy of modern tariff legislators. In the early part of the thirteenth century, Frederic II, the Hohenstaufen, ordained that the Jews should be permitted to dwell in Nuremberg and to lend money on interest, stating that, "inas- much as this sinful business is essential to trade and to the com- mercial prosperity of the city, it would be a lesser evil to let the PROGRESS IN THE LOWER ANIMALS. 177 Jews carry it on than that Christians should imperil the salvation of their souls by such practices, since the former, owing to their notorious obduracy, will doubtless persist in their religious per- versity and be damned anyhow/' If the Jews now " take a breed of barren metal " as naturally as a pointer takes to pointing or a hound to the trail of a fox, this tendency is due in part at least to circumstances which they did not create and could not control. The chief accusation brought against them by anti-Semitic agita- tors is that they are unwilling to follow industrial or agricultural pursuits, in utter forgetfulness of the fact that until a compara- tively recent date they were forbidden by Christian legislation either to engage in mechanical employments or to own land. The influence of domestication on the mental development of animals depends upon the purposes which the domesticator has in view. If he regards them merely as forms of food, and his sole aim is to increase the amount of their adipose tissue and edible substance and thus get the maximum of meat out of them, then domestication tends to stupefy them. The intellectual training of the pig would naturally diminish the quantity of lard it would produce. So far as man is concerned, this latter function is the chief end of the porker's existence, and it must not be tried and found wanting in this respect, whatever may be its mental defi- ciencies. It must be fat-bodied whether it be fat-witted or not, and the natural qualities which do not contribute to its gross weight and enhance its ultimate value as victuals are systemat- ically discouraged and depressed. In view of the treatment that the pig has received for centuries at the hands of man, it is remarkable that the animal has re- tained so much of its original cunning and love of cleanliness as it now possesses. That a creature so fond of bathing in puie running water should be condemned to a filthy sty is an act of unconscious cruelty discreditable to human discernment. If the sow that has been washed returns to her wallowing in the mire, it is as a last resort in hot weather; she would much prefer a clear pond or limpid stream if she could get access to it. Being fed and protected by its owner in its domestic state, the hog no longer needs to exercise the faculties which were essential to the self-preservation of its wild progenitors. The stimulus arising from the struggle for existence ceases, and, as it is reared solely to be eaten, its association with man does not call forth any new powers. In China and Polynesia, where the dog is esteemed chiefly as food, it is a sluggish and stupid beast. On the other hand, the pig can be trained to hunt, and not only acquires great fondness for the sport, but also shows extraor- dinary sagacity in the pursuit of game. It has an uncommonly keen scent, and can be taught to point better than the pointer. 178 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Curiously enough, when the pig is used for hunting purposes, the dogs, usually so eager for the chase, sullenly retire from the field and refuse to associate with their bristly competitor in venery. Possibly the hereditary and ineradicable enmity between the dog and hog as domestic animals may be a survival of the fierce an- tipathy which is known to exist between the wolf and the wild boar. In Burmah the ringed snake is trained for the chase, and is especially serviceable in flushing jungle-cock, since the reptile can penetrate the thickest underbrush, where it would be impos- sible for a dog or a falcon to go. The tamability of an animal is simply its capability of adapt- ing itself to new relations in life, and depends partly on its mental endowments, but still more upon its moral character. It is quite as much a matter of temperament and social disposition as of quickness of understanding. The elephant, dog, and horse among quadrupeds, the beaver among rodents, and the daw and raven among birds, are, for this reason, most easily tamed, and show the most marked and rapid improvement in consequence of their daily intercourse with man. Intellectual acuteness without the social affections and kindred moral qualities rather resists than facilitates domestication. Of all domestic animals the cat was the most difficult to tame, and it needed the patience and persist- ence so strongly characteristic of the ancient Egyptians, sustained by religious superstition, in order to accomplish this result. Even now the cat, although extremely fond of its home and capable of considerable attachment to persons, has never been reduced to strict servitude and become the valet of man like the dog, but has always remained to a certain degree what it originally was, a prowling beast of prey. Barking in dogs is a habit due to domestication. The wild dog never barks, but only howls, like the Himalayan buansu, or merely whines, like the East Indian colsum ; and the domestic dog reverts from barking to howling when it relapses into its primitive state. Wagging the tail is another mode of expression which the dog has acquired through association with man. It is well known, too, that a dog which has been reared by a cat adopts many of the habits of its foster-mother, such as cleaning itself with its paw; by continuously pairing such dogs and rearing them under like influences it would be possible to produce a canine species with feline traits, which should become jDermanent and transmissible. A recent writer. Dr. Leopold Schutz, professor in the theo- logical seminary at Treves, who may be taken as an extreme representative of the old orthodox school of zoopsychologists, maintains that animals do not think, reflect, form purposes, or act with premeditation of any kind, have no freedom, no choice. PROGRESS IN THE LOWER ANIMALS. 179 no emotional or intellectual life of tlieir own, but that a higher power performs all these operations through them as cunmng pieces of mechanism. The bird sings, according to this theory, without any personal pleasure or participation m its song ;_ it sings at a certain time and can not help it, nor is it able to sing at any other time. The living cuckoo is as automatic as the wooden cuckoo of a Black Forest clock, and under the same mechanical compulsion to sing its song when the appointed hour arrives Altum, in his book on bird-life (Der Vogel und sem Leben Miinster, 1868), infers from the fact that a bird smgs more in the pairing season than at other seasons of the year, that its sono- is a "natural necessity," in which it takes no individual pleasure But this conclusion by no means follows from the premises. The song is a means to an end, and has for its final obiect sexual attraction and selection. One would snrely not be iustified in inferring that a woman who dresses well, chieliy m order to gratify her husband or her lover, finds no individual aesthetic satisfaction in a fine gown ; or that a man goes a-woomg from "natural necessity," and gets no entertainment out of court- Prof. Schutz's doctrine that animals are mere puppets, whose movements are determined by the direct intervention of higher powers, seems to have been derived from what is recorded of the relations of these creatures to holy men in the legends of the saints, rather than from a scientific study of the book of Nature ; his point of view is not that of the zoOpsychologist, but that of the hagiologist. The chief difficulty attending the investigation of mental processes in animals is that they can not express themselves in human language and explain to us their thoughts and feelings and the motives underlying their conduct. We are thus liable to misinterpret their actions and deny them many endowments which they really possess, just as the first explorers of new countries fail to discover in savages ideas and conceptions which are afterward found to characterize them in a remarkable degree. We have happily rid ourselves somewhat of the ethnocentric prepossessions which led the Greeks, and still lead the Chinese, to regard all other peoples as outside barbarians ; but our percep- tions are still obscured by anthropocentric prejudice which pre- vents us from fully appreciating the intelligence of the lower animals and recognizing any psychical analogy between these humble kinsmen and our exalted selves. i8o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. TYPE-CASTING MACHINES. By p. D. EOSS. TN the composing-room of the New York Tribune some forty -L type-casting machines have been used for several years. The foreman informed me in October last that all the ordinary read- ing-matter in the Tribune was being "set" by these inventions, and expressed himself perfectly satisfied with the working of the machines. As a rule, he said, not one of them was out of order, and on the average each did the work of three fair compositors.' In a printed circular issued by the patentees of the machine the foreman, Mr. G. W. Shafer, declares that, compared with what the same amount of setting would cost if done by hand by com- positors, " the machines save the Tribune office sixty per cent— probably more." My object in visiting New York at that time was to look into the type-casting process. The result of the visit was a conviction that the problem of setting type by machinery has been solved. Small printing establishments may not benefit from it for a few years. Large establishments, particularly large newspapers, may profit at an early date. The New York papers are looking to this. The business manager of the World, Mr. G. W. Turner, informed me that he had ordered one hundred machines. In the composing-room of the Brooklyn Standard-Union I saw six- machines working. I was informed that orders for machines had been placed by the New York Sun, Herald, Times, and Mail and Express. Outside of New York, the Louisville Courier-Journal uses thirty machines, and says it saves fifty per cent of what hand composition used to cost it. The Providence Journal uses twelve machines, and claims to save two hundred and fifty dol- lars per week. The Chicago News says it is saving fifty per cent m the cost of composition. These are only some of the news- papers which state that they have been using the machines regularly and successfully during the past year. Four machines ordered by the Canadian Government have been used in the Gov- ernment Printing Bureau at Ottawa for some months, and, in reply to a question in the House of Commons recently, the Secre- tary of State, Hon. J. A. Chapleau, said that they were satisfactory and economical. ^ All this goes to show that the type-casting principle has ob- tained a practical footing in the market. In discussing the sub- ject, I propose to confine myself as much as possible to my per- sonal experience and investigations. If I state anything which I do not know personally or have not been told at first hand by disinterested persons, I will give the source of my information. TYPE- CASTING MA CHINES. 181 What Type-casting is.— Before describing the type-casting principle, allow me to review briefly the process of type-settmg by hand. -.^ t .r -t « In this process the operator, technically called a compositor, has before him an oblong frame (or "case") divided mto a num- ber of small open boxes. One box contains the a's, another tii^x b's another the numeral I's, another the numeral 2's, and so on. > In his left hand the compositor holds a little steel receivmg box, called a " stick." With his right hand he picks out from the « case " the letters he requires to form a word, and puts them one by one in his " stick." The stick is the same width as the column of his newspaper. Toward the end of each line in his stick he has to pad out the line with lead slugs so as to exactly fill the width of the stick ; this is called " justifying." When he has a certam quantity of reading matter in his stick, say one tenth of a column in length, he transfers the type to a "galley" or long_ stick. By and by, when the galley is filled up, the type m it is. trans- ferred to the large receiving form called a "chase," m whicn the columns of the newspaper are made up to be placed on the print, ing-press. Such, very roughly described, is the process ot type- setting by hand. ^ • i ^. n After the paper is printed the compositor must pick out all the separate letters and numerals from the columns of type, and put them back in the proper boxes in his "case." This is called " distributing." The " distribution " occupies about one fifth of a compositor's whole working-time. In all this, civilization is to-day where it was five hundred years ago, and almost where the Chinese were two thousand years ag^'o. Alone of all the great inventions of man, type-setting has stood still from its birth until now. In war and in com- merce, on our farms and in our workshops, in travel and in our homes, almost every mechanical process, once slowly and labori- ously effected by manual or animal labor, has been quickened generation after generation by new appliances or inventions, save and except the work of type-setting. That is as slow now^ as when Coster or Gutenberg did the first European type-setting early in the fifteenth century. Printing has otherwise moved with the rest of the world. Our printing-presses, our power, our folding and pasting machines, all are wonderfully improved. Nothing in all the world has developed more marvelously than the printing-press. But type-setting has stood still. The ordi- nary composing-room of to-day can work no faster and no better than the composing-room of the fifteenth century. With the type-casting machine should come a new era. The operator needs only the intelligence which is required in a good compositor. He does not require more than one tenth the tram- 182 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. . in- Tims equipped, he can, I believe, do steadily and regularly the work of three fair hand compositors. He does not handle type; has no "stick-; is not required to do any justification nor any distnbutiug. He sits in front of a machine and works a key-board and a lever, and the machine does everything else ^ow to outline the working of the type-casting machine. A key-board similar to that of a type-writer fronts the machine There is a key for each letter of the alphabet. The operator sits in front of the key-board. Let us suppose that he wishes to set the word new." He touches the key n. The touch on the key releases from a magazine in rear of the machine a mold technically called a matrix, for the letter n. The matrix, which IS of brass, slides down into a receiver near the key-board Next the operator touches the key e. A matrix for the letter e is released and slides down alongside the letter n. The operator touches the key w. A matrix for w comes down and ranges itself alongside e Now m the receiver we have, what ?-the word ne^o m type ? No, nothing of the kind. We have three little brass molds standing side by side, from which, if we poured molten metal nito them, we would get the word new in a solid cast. But there is no type. The machine knows nothing of type whatever, tliough, for convenience' sake, we are calling it at present a type- casting machine. -^ But the time is not come to put molten metal into the three little molds or " matrices." An entire line should be set not merely a word. Suppose the line is to be, "new things come to pass." The operator proceeds to touch key after key for the suc- cessive letters until the matrices for the whole line are ranged side by side. Now at this point comes in what was for years the great problem in type-casting by machinery. As the end of a line of matrices or type is approached, it may not be possible to fit m an even word or syllable. Padding, or " justifying," becomes necessary. In setting by hand, the compositor does this with little lead slugs, called " spaces," inserted between words. How IS this to be done by a machine ? Inventors long stuck at it. But they have found out how. The process is simple in action, though difficult ^to describe without a model. Roughly speaking, the " spaces " or slugs which are used between each word in the line of matrices are compensating wedges, the bottoms of which pro- ject below the matrices. When the line of matrices requires justification," a touch on a lever by the operator causes the bottoms of the compensating wedges to be struck by a cross-bar, which forces the wedges up between the words until the line is solidly filled out. The line of matrices or letter molds is then ready to receive a cast. Where is the molten metal ? It is in the machine. This TYPE-CASTING MACHINES. 183 ^Yonderful apparatus has a furnace for a heart and a melting-pot for a stomach. The furnace, consisting of a series of gas-jets, and the melting-pot, are in the lower part of the body of the machine. In the pot, stereotype metal is melted. The pot is not very large, because fresh metal may be put into it at any time when needed. The same metal may be used over and over again as often as de- sired ; it does not deteriorate. A jet of molten metal is thrown into the matrices by a torce- pump worked by the automatic action of the machine. The metallic fluid, hardening almost in an instant, a property ot The Typograph. stereotype metals, forms a solid cast or bar, on the face of which is the line "new things come to pass," and the machine automat- ically ejects this cast or bar of letters into a receiver, into which it is followed line after line by new casts with wonderful rapidity, until in a short space of time a column of reading-matter m bars is ready for the press. The speed of the machine is measured by 184 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, the speed of the operator at the key-board. It can work as fast as he can. When a line of matrices has been utilized, the matrices must be returned to their channels ready for use again. This is accom- plished by ingenious contrivances as soon as the cast has been made. The matrices being thus promptly returned, there is only need for a few of each letter. Thus a few dozen of the little brass molds do the work which in type-setting by hand needs a stock of from forty to fifty pounds of type. The Rival Patents.— There are two type-casting machines on the market. These are the Mergenthaler or Linotype, and the Rogers or Typograph. The Linotype weighs a ton, covers floor space about six feet by six, stands seven feet high, and is sold for $3,000, or rented for $500 a year. I have seen an expert operator set at the rate of nearly eight thousand ems per hour on it from a phonograph communicating with his ear. The proprietors claim a regular practical speed of over four thousand ems an hour, which is four times the speed a good compositor averages by hand, if we include the time he must take for distributing. On the Lino- type, the first time I ever touched a key-board, I set one hundred and fourteen ems of strange copy in six minutes, or at the rate of eleven hundred and forty ems an hour. The Typograph weighs four hundred and fifty pounds, covers floor space four feet by four, is four feet six inches high, sells for $2,500, and rents for $365 a year. The proprietors claim a regular practical speed of three thousand to thirty-five hundred ems per hour. I have set one hundred and fourteen ems by the Typograph in nine minutes. At the end of each line the operator at the Typograph must stop to throw back the cap of the machine, a movement which restores the matrices to their magazines. The proprietors of the Typograph claim that it can work as fast as will ever be practically possible on any machine. In other words, they think that human beings will not be physically capable throughout a whole working day of requiring as great a steady speed as the Typograph can give. The Typograph was submitted to a severe practical test in September, 1890, by the New York World. An eight-page section of the Sunday World, September 28th, was set by one machine working continuously day and night for one hundred and nine- teen hours and thirty-five minutes, or nearly a week. The object of the test was to ascertain how the machine would bear a con- tinuous steady strain. Three operators took eight-hour shifts at the work. The machine— I was informed both by the business manager of The World, Mr. Turner, and by one of the operators, the foreman of The World composing-room— stood the test almost perfectly. I measured the amount of setting done. It came to TYPE-CASTING MACHINES. 185 one Imndred and fifty-six thousand ems of minion. As the ma- chine was worked one hundred and nineteen hours, this shows an average speed of only thirteen hundred ems per hour. At first sio-ht this might seem disappointing. There were reasons why it was not so. The three operators were compositors, and had had only three or four weeks' practice on the Typograph. Owing The Linotype. to faults of the motor used to run the machine, it had to be worked by hand-power one quarter of the time. The three operators not only ran the machine, but they read the proofs, made the correc- tions, set the headings, and made up the " forms " ready for the press. Finally, the machine lost several hours' work through a fault in a casting. Taken as a whole, it seems to me the test was a conclusive proof of the practical success of the Typograph. VOL. XL. 15 i86 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Type-setting by Machinery.— Type-casting is quite different from machine type-setting. Before contrasting type-casting with ordinary hand type-setting, it may clear the way to outline the principle of machine type-setting. The type-setting machine has a reservoir of type, instead of a magazine of matrices as in the casting-machine ; but, unlike the matrices, which return to their magazine the moment a line is cast from them, the type must go the whole way to the printing-press. Otherwise, the action of the type-setting machine is somewhat similar to that of the casting-machine. The type-setting machine is also worked by an operator at a key-board. When the operator touches a key, a type is released, just as a matrix is in the casting- machine, and slides into a receiver, where it is joined by other successive letters until words and lines are formed. As type is directly used, there is no furnace or melting-pot about the ma- chine. This is the only advantage it has over the casting-machine, while compared with the latter it has serious drawbacks. The type-setting machine seems to be a practical success, and an improvement on type-setting by hand ; but, if for two reasons only, it is doomed to be superseded by the casting-machine. 1. It requires a heavy stock of type instead of a few matrices. 3. At least two attendants are required to each machine, one to operate the key-board, the other to justify the lines, attend to corrections and superintend matters generally, and to distribute the type again. Still, the business manager of the office in which the New York Forum is printed, informed me that through their use he is saving $1,700 a year in the setting of that monthly magazine, which does not require in a year as much composition as a daily paper in a month. Comparison with Type-setting by Hand.— In any consider- able quantity of straight reading matter, type-casting machines as compared with hand composition should, if working success- fully, effect a saving of from one fourth to one third the cost of setting. Moreover, the setting is better. Perhaps this conten- tion is best illustrated by figures. Those which I propose to give are based on the conditions prevailing in Canadian news- paper offices. Let us suppose an office in which one hundred and twenty thousand ems of straight reading matter are set per day in minion type. To fix ideas, we may describe this roughly as equal to about twenty-five ordinary newspaper columns. Many of the larger city papers in Canada print just about this quantity of reading matter per day. The union rate paid compositors in Canada is thirty-three and a third cents per one thousand ems. One hundred and twenty thousand ems would cost, therefore, about $40 for composition, apart from the cost of the type, foremen, office, etc. Forty dollars per day would come to $12,000 per year of three TYPE-CASTING MACHINES. 187 hundred working-days. Now, let us see what it would cost to do the same amount of setting by the type-casting machines. These are claimed by their proprietors to work at the rate of three thou- sand to five thousand ems per hour in regular use. Making allowance for the probability that operators could not keep up such a speed all day, that mistakes have to be corrected, and ac- cidental stoppages might occur, we may admit that the machines can set an average of twenty-five hundred ems per hour during an eight-hour day, or twenty thousand ems per day each, which is little more than half what the inventors claim as practical. Six machines could at this rate set one hundred and twenty thousand ems per day. As already said, to set this by hand would cost $12,000. The cost of the machine work would be — Six machines at $500 rent each |3,000 Six operators at say $14 per week 4,308 Gas, say 1,000 Repairs, etc 500 Total $8,868 Or equivalent to a saving of $3,132 on the setting by hand, or over twenty -five per cent. The estimate of $14 per week as a fair rate for operators of the machines is not too low for a Canadian ofiice. First-class compositors certainly do not aver- age more. As a further illustration, I may give the actual figures of cost of a composing-room with which I am familiar. The setting amounts to about sixty thousand ems in a nine-hour day, done by ten to twelve comj)ositors. A number of the hands are paid by the week, and the straight setting costs only about twenty-five cents per thousand ; or, for sixty thousand ems, $15 per day — equal for three hundred days to $4,500 per year. There is also a fore- man at $14, an assistant foreman at $12, and a couple of lads at $3 each. These four, costing $32 per week, or $1,G64 a year, do all the setting of space advertisements. There is $2,000 worth of type, costing for interest say $140 per year, and requiring renewal at the rate of say $400 per year, or complete renewal once in five years. The cost of the composing-room is therefore somewhat as follows : Composition by hand $4,500 Foremen, etc 1,664 Cost of type 540 Rent, heat, light, etc., say 500 Total $Y,204 To set sixty thousand ems in a nine-hour day, or six thousand seven hundred ems per hour, would require say three type-cast- ing machines, which at $500 rent would cost $1,500 per year, and. the composing-room figures would be : i88 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Rent of machines $1,500 Three operators at $14 2,184 I'oremen, etc 1,C64 Gas for machines, say 500 Rent, heat, light, etc 500 Total $6,348 The saving would apparently be some $85G, or over twelve per cent, while less room would be required, cleaner and better work would be done, the labor better paid, and a higher class of opera- tors employed. Later I will touch on some reasons why it might not be safe to depend on type-casting machines in so small a busi- ness. In a larger business there is little doubt in my mind that the use of the machines is preferable to hand composition. Finally, it is much easier to learn to operate the type-casting machine than to learn to set type. To set type at the rate of a thousand ems an hour requires two or three years of constant practice. To set a thousand ems on the type-casting machine in an hour requires no previous practice. It can be done the first time a person touches a key-board. This seems a strong state- ment to make, but I have the best of reasons for knowing it to be true. I did it, as already described. Previous to making the at- tempt I had never touched a key-board but once, and that was a dummy-board. I had never touched a type- writer or any other instrument the use of which might qualify one for operating the type-casting machine. Being in the rooms of the Linotype Com- pany in New York recently, I asked and received permission to try the machine; and picking up a printed clii^ping from which the operator had been setting, I went to work and in six minutes set one hundred and fourteen ems, equal to one thousand one hundred and forty ems per hour, stopping because the clipping then ended. I repeated similar experiments on other machines subsequently, with much the same average result. In short, I was able to do with the machine at sight and without practice what it would take me years to learn to do by hand. As to be- coming expert on the machines, a number of operators whom I have questioned agree that from three to six months' practice enables one to attain a speed of three thousand to four thousand ems from ordinary copy. In fact, as I have stated, the only limit of speed on the Lino- type is the rate at which the operator can move his fingers. He can not work quite so rapidly as a type-writer, because at the end of each line of matrices he must stop to touch the lever which sends the line off to receive a cast. Supposing we allow twenty- five per cent of his time for this, which is surely a large proj)or- tion, we can get an idea of the possible practical rate of the ma- chine by comparing it with the possibilities of a type-writer. TYPE-CASTING MACHINES. 189 Upon a type-writer, a rate of sixty words per minute from dicta- tion is not very higli. The Senate Hansard reporters of Canada employ several type-writers who average from sixty to seventy words and over for considerable periods of time. Allowing the speed of the operator on the type-casting machine to be twenty- five per cent less, we have at least forty-five words per minute as the practical rate of the machine. This is equal to seven thousand one hundred and five ems per hour. As alreadj^ said, I saw one man at the Linotype set for half an hour from a phonograph at a rate of nearly eight thousand ems per hour, and the setting was as " clean " as that of the average compositor. Summing up the comparison between hand setting and ma- chine casting, I find : 1. The machine is much more easily learned. 2. No type is required. 3. Less space and fewer hands are needed in the composing-room. 4. Setting is cleaner, and probably one third cheaper. 5. Justification is automatic and perfect. 6. By changing the matrices, which can be done in half an hour, a different style of type becomes available. 7. " Leading " can be done much more quickly. 8. There is no "pi-ing,^' or mixing up of type. 9. Fewer typographical errors are likely. You do not have inverted letters, nor mistakes due to the type having been wrongly " distributed " in the case, which are a source of frequent typographical blunders. Drawbacks and Possible Complications. — It will be asked, How is it that these remarkable machines have not at once sprung into popularity ? — so cheap, so rapid, so easily learned, so econom- ical ! How is it that so little has been heard about them ? Well, the patents were only perfected last year, and the machines are not yet being made fast enough to supply the demand. Meanwhile, there are many possible complications, the fear of which must cause the average printing-office to hesitate to try the machines. 1. The machines require power to drive them effectively. The fail- ure of power for any reason would seriously interfere with them, although they can be driven by foot-power in an emergency. 2. They require gas or gasoline for their furnaces; the failure of the gas from leakage, or cold, or accident, would stop the machines. 3. The molten metal in the melting-pot must always be at a tol- erably even temperature ; otherwise the casting is bad, perhaps impossible. It is claimed that this difficulty has been overcome in the Linotype, and that the temperature of the molten metal is automatically kept at a temperature varying not more than 10° Fahr. A column of mercury is connected with the melting- pot, and when the temperature causes the mercury to ascend beyond a certain point, it lowers the gas-jets which supply the heat. When the mercury descends below a certain point, it turns on the gas more strongly. 4. The machines are composed of many 190 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. parts, and if tliey get out of order in a town in which expert mechanics are not at once available, their usefulness is gone for that day at least. 5. They can set only straight reading mat- ter, so that advertisements, display headings, cross lines, italics, etc., must be set by compositors. 6. If a mistake of a letter is made in setting by the machine, the whole line must be recast, unless (which is not likely) the mistake is noticed the moment it is made and the operator stops to rectify it by changing the matrix. However, a whole line can be reset and recast almost as quickly as a compositor can correct by hand a mistake in a type letter. 7. It is a more serious drawback that if, in correct- ing proofs, it is desired to insert additional words, a number of lines may have to be recast. 8. The matrices in which the casts are made are possibly liable to wear a little, and so to soon make bad casts. Of course this can be remedied by getting new matrices, which are not expensive. 9. In a small office where two or three machines might be employed, there would probably be only two or three expert operators ; if one took ill, the machine would become almost useless for the time being. Present Practical Availability. — A small printing-office is hampered in many ways with regard to the use of machines, nor can it safely, at present, take the chances of break- downs. Where only three or four machines can be used, the stoppage of one means a loss of twenty thousand ems of setting per day. That is serious enough; but if the cause of stoppage should affect all the machines, there must be a business dead-lock, because small concerns, or rather concerns in the smaller centers of popu- lation, can not at slight notice secure a staff of compositors to replace the machines, or arrange for publication elsewhere. Even, therefore, were the machines being manufactured as fast as desired, it is questionable whether they would find a market at present outside the large cities where expert mechanics can be had to attend them at a moment's notice, and where arrangements for special help or special publication can be made in an hour, if necessary. But I think that in any office setting one hundred thousand ems a day, or over, it would pay the proprietors to at once procure machines sufficient to do at least half their setting, retaining a certain number of compositors with them. I can see no reason why this should not be a fairly safe experiment and a financial success. The machines are available on a very liberal basis. Either company leases them at a moderate rental, agrees to take them back if not satisfactory, to keep them in repair while used, and to replace them with new machines in case of improvement of the patent. The typographical unions admit that the machines must be TYPE-CASTING MACHINES. 191 accepted as a practical fact. The International Typographical Union, at its last annual meeting in the United States, recom- mended its subordinate unions, in cities in ^vlnch the machines "me into use, to prepare a scale of prices for the -ork done, a.d to urge that union compositors be employed as operatois. Ihis is a sensible acceptance of a new order of things. In conclusion, this is to be observed: There are heoretica obiections to the machines in many small details which have no been touched on in this article, partly because I wish to present a clear general idea of the subject unencumbered by triviali- ties- partly because to handle them would require complicated and'technical descriptions likely to confuse those who have not seen the machines, or who are not familiar with type-setting or stereotyping methods and appliances. With regard to such posdblf obiections, it should be remembered that the type- casting principle scarcely now requires to defend itself against fanciful opponents. It has been tried, and not found wantmg As was stated at the outset of this article, a large number of Linotypes have been successfully employed for ye^^s^^/;^ composing-room of a leading New York paper. I have tried to deal with the chief possibilities of failure m the niachme and it has been noticed that these possibilities seem to be chiefly m connection with printing establishments of limited extent and means Few of the drawbacks, it appears to me, would be seri- ous in a large office employing machines, and located m centers where the prompt assistance of expert mechanics can be had, and my conviction of this is borne out by the New York Tribune's experience. Such a test as the Linotype has received m that office during five years is the most conclusive answer to technical or theoretical objections to the principle of type-casting The real problem with a publisher should be, not whether the ma- chines are a success when used on a large scale, but whether his own business is large enough to justify him in introducing them into his own office. To use an exaggerated illustration, there is no question but that a steam-locomotive is an infinitely more use- ful powerful, and, on a proper scale, more economical affair than a wheelbarrow; but a laborer building a bit of roadway may do better with the wheelbarrow. Mr Egbert T. Hill has observed, near the springs and water-holes of the Cretaceous of central Texas, many workshops where the Indians manufactured spears and arrow-heads. Near an old Comanche trail in Travis County almost every flint seems to have been broken or tested. In evidence that the miplements have been manufactured in the present century, the author adduces the facts that they are always found on the surface, and that the Indians have actually used them in their warfare with the white men. 192 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. BREATHE PURE AIR. By the Rev. J. W. QUINBY. QNE of the saddest sights of our civilization is the spectacle of w disease and pam which confronts us on every side It is rare indeed to find even an individual perfectly well, to say noth- ing of families and communities. But why is it ? Barbarians and savages do not so suffer. May it not be in part, because civilized communities do not sufficiently avail them- selves of the sanitary influences of the air and light ^ It is in the hope of helping to answer this question that the followino- notes ot personal experience are herewith given. A few years ago I read an article in i\^^ Popular Science Monthly which seemed to prove the value of pure air as a pre- ventive of ^ colds." The theory suggested was that colds may be caused by the loss of a certain equilibrium between the oxyo-en in the lungs and the carbon in the blood. It is true that this may follow overeating, and so overcharging the blood with food ele- ments ; but more frequently, it was thought, the lack of pure air By acting upon this theory almost incredible results were said to have been reached. The writer of the article alluded to claimed that he had easily brought himself into a condition in which It seemed impossible to take cold. He could sit in thin clothing m winter at an open window. The ordinary causes of colds, such as wet feet, overheating, and the like, seemed power- less to produce their usual results. With these statements in mind, I remembered some curious facts of my own experience in the army in 1862 and 1863. I was not strong, and indeed was hardly fit to be in the army at all. And when I found myself exposed all day long to a steady rain,'and at night to the outdoor air, with no fire, no change of clothing, no shelter but a canvas covering open at both ends, through which the rain dripped constantly, it seemed certain that the " death o' cold '' so often predicted must surely follow. Why it did not follow was more of a mystery then, however, than it is now. For I was in a place where the art of man no longer excluded one of the prime principles of health. I breathed pure air because I could not help it. During a service of fifteen months, with severe exposures, but fresh air constantly, the same immunity from colds prevailed. I remembered, too, that when I came home from the army the blessing and the curse— at least one of the curses of civil life— came back together. I had comfortable rooms to eat, breathe, and sleep in on the one hand, but very soon colds, sore throats, and related troubles on the other. This was the se'cond count in the argument for pure air. BREATHE PURE AIR. 193 Finally, after nearly twenty years of suffering according to the common lot of man, I resolved to try the pure-air cure, and from that time to this the windows of my room have been open almost constantly day and night. The result was immediate and striking, and for the last seven years I have not had one serious cold. My sore throats are wholly a thing of the past, and certain other physical derangements not usually associated with colds have also disappeared. Like others, I have often to spend hours in crowded rooms. It sometimes happens after such an " exposure/' as I prefer to call it, that I suffer for a day or two from a " head-cold." But in every case so far it has proved to be entirely superficial — a natural and easy throwing off of the poison contracted in that crowded room, followed by no serious effects whatever. At this very moment in the house where I live there are twelve persons, every one of whom, except myself and one other, is suffer- ing from the effects of a cold. It certaiidy does look as if the ex- emption I enjoy is due to the exceptional privilege of the pure air to which I constantly treat myself. Perhaps it would help the argument to state that nearly all of my father's large family died of consumption. It should be borne in mind that the difference between the air of an ordinary room in which people live and that of the air out- doors is far greater than is generally supposed. Do but think of the emanations that constantly proceed from every object in such a room — carpets, walls, and dra])eries. People say : " Oh, yes, we believe in ventilation. We ojien the windows in the morning and let the air draw through ; and at night we open the doors of our sleeping-rooms. We believe in pure air." And I feel like saying to them : " My dear friends, you know no more of really pure air than the blind mole down in the ground knows of sunlight." I w^ould not by any means advise persons who have been liv- ing in a close atmosphere to suddenly sit or sleej) in the draught of an open w^indow. It is only by degrees that such changes can be made with safety. But by degrees they can be made, and why might not most i3eoj)le begin at least to make them ? In the town where I live, in Massachusetts, a new system of ventilation required liy the State has recently been put in opera- tion in the high-school building. By means of it thirty cubic feet of air, it is said, are furnished to every pupil every minute. It seems to me this forward step in so vital a matter should be heartily approved by every lover of humanity. Meanwhile, it is painfully apparent that multitudes of people, sick with constantly recurring diseases of the lungs and related parts, continue to breathe the old foulness. Is it not worth while VOL. XL. — 16 194 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to make some effort to change this condition of things ? Perliaps half the money now spent on superfluities, if devoted to a better system of ventilation, might very sensibly improve the health and increase the happiness of the community. DRESS AND ADORNMENT. IV. EELIGIOUS DRESS. By J'kof. FREDEKICK STARR. UNDER this subject we shall consider a variety of different matters — the dress of religious officers; the dress of wor- shipers ; the dress of victims ; the garb of mourners ; amulets and charms ; and the religious meaning of mutilations. In any society we need io hnoiv four individuals only — the babe, the woman, the priest, and the dead man. If we know these, we know the community. The ethnographer usually seeks for the average man in any tribe ; we believe he would better seek to know these four. Of the four the priest is usually the most re- markable. What an influence the shaman or the m e d i c i n e - m a n wields in every community where he exists ! His power is largely due to the terror which he causes, and to add to this he makes use of every auxiliary. Thus in his dress he aims at the wild and gro- tesque. By it he seeks to mark himself off as dis- tinct from com- mon men, and, al- though it may often be rich and costly, it must at the same time strike terror. The Kaffir sorcerer wears the ordinary kilt, but puts a gall-bladder in his hair and winds a snake's skin about his shoulders. A "queen of witches" wore large coils of entrails stuffed with fat about her neck, while her hair was Fig. 1. — Necklace of Sorcerer. Zululand. DEESS AND ADORNMENT. 19: stuck over in all directions with, the gall-bladders of animals (Wood). In any collection of articles from. Alaska tribes a large proportion of the specimens will be garments or parapher- nalia of the shaman. A Tlingit shaman fnlly dressed for his professional duties is a striking and terrible sight. Over his shoulders he wears a neat robe of dressed skin, to which are hung Fu;. 2. — Shaman's C^own. Alaska. the beaks of puffins, ivory charms, and jingling bits of metal. The charms are many of them neatly carved, and possess great spirit power in the cure of disease and the driving out of witches. A waist robe of the same material is adorned in the same way. Upon his head the shaman wears a crown of horns. These crowns are endowed with great spirit power. They are particularly in- teresting also as an unusually fine example of our old law — that old patterns are copied in new materials. The oldest type of these crowns was made from mountain-goat horns. These were simply carved with some design at base and were then attached to a head- band— the upper ends of the horns being connected with one an- other by a sinew cord. From ten to fifteen horns were used in a single crown. Later this type was copied in mountain-sheep horn and in wood — the material being carved out into little bodies, like the horns of the mountain goat in size and shape. Still later copper was rolled into horn-shajjed cones, which were then connected in the same way. Over his face the shaman may wear a wooden mask skillfully carved with grotesque designs. These vary infinitely, but each part usually has its own mean- ing and spirit power. Often there was worn a head-dress of human hair. In the hands the shaman carries carved rattles 196 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. wliicli make a loud noise, or carved wands of wood or ivory, pow- erful in healing or in witchcraft. It must be noticed that here every article has spirit power, and all or nearly all are calculated to inculcate feelings of terror or dread. There are some special articles, at times worn or carried by the shaman, which are very interesting. Among them are the curiously carved hollow bone tubes, used by the Haida shamans, into which the soul of a sick man is tempted and kept prisoner until it is restored to him upon his recovery to health. Every Tlingit shaman would carry also a scratcher of stone or bone, carved neatly, which he uses in treating the sick. It would be unlucky — disastrous — for him to touch the patient with his hand, but the scratcher may touch him without damage. Turning from such savage garments to the dress of religious officers in civilized communities, we no longer find the chief de- sign to be production of ter- ror, but rather to impress by grandeur or magnificence. Of course, the fundamental idea in both is the same — to mark off or distinguish the priest from the layman. In the vestments of priests we find numerous cases of sur- vival. What is meant by a " survival " in religion is well shown by the sacred fire of various peoples. Among the Sacs and Foxes matches made by white men are com- monly used for the produc- tion of fire. On the occa- sion of religious ceremonies, however, the priest kindles a fire by friction of pieces of wood, using a sj^indle of cedar rapidly whirled by a bow between two boards of the same kind. Such fire is sacred, and is supposed to come direct from heaven. It is, we think, perfectly certain that anciently these Indians used the fire-drill as their only means of kindling fire. As better means, such as flints, were found, the old drill passed out of every-day use, but it lingered on in religious rite, and still survives. In the same way, in Japan to-day, we are in- formed by a Japanese friend, the Buddhist priests still use the flint Fig. 3. — Dance-rattle. Alaska. DRESS AND ADORNMENT. 19; and steel in rites, although the common people use matches. What the Indian medicine-man in Iowa and the Buddhist priest in Japan have done in the matter of fire-making, the priests of the Roman and Greek churches have done in the matter of dress. They have brought down the past into the present. The garments of the priesthood, of the acolytes and of the choir-boys in the cathedral, is the civil dress of ancient Rome — modified, it is true, and symboli- cal in its modifica- tion, but still rec- ognizable. It is the old southern type of dress, pre- served by the sec- ond great con- servative element in society — the Church — just as it has been by that other conservator, woman. In many parts of the world men- dicants and fakirs are numerous. They are men who on account of their piety expect to be sup- ported by their more industrious but less pious fellows. Such dress in a way to be readily recognized. In the garb they wear two ideas are embodied : (1) individualization ; (3) extreme sim- plicity symbolical of the poverty of the mendicant. Another sort of religious dress is that worn by the worshipers of some special divinity by members of religious orders and by participants in some religious service. These are too numerous and varied to be more than mentioned. In some of these cases the dress is symbolical ; in many the symbolism has been lost. Monastic orders have their characteristic dress, distinguishing them alike from the world and from each other. Shakers, Quak- ers, and Dunkards all present examples of this kind of dress. The choir-boys in the cathedral and the acolytes might perhaps be better mentioned here than in the preceding group. Matthews, in his descriptions of Navajo ceremonies and dances, describes carefully the way in which the participants dress or are painted. Many of the masks from the South Sea Islands are used only in religious or society dances, and are properly a part of religious Fig. 4. — Carved Spikit-wands. Alaska 198 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY dress. The same is true of many of the masks of North Amer- ican tribes. Similar in idea are the curious and often really beau- tiful neck-girdles of red cedar bark worn by the secret religious organizations of the Kwakiutl and their neighbors in the far Northwest. Somewhat akin to dress worn by worshipers and servants are those garments worn by victims who are to be sacrificed to the gods. At Teotihuacan in Mexico there have been and still are found great numbers of neatly made little terra-cotta heads of human beings. These are exceedingly various in design, the differences being most marked in the head-dresses. There is con- siderable uncertainty as to the purpose of these little heads, but Mrs. Zelia Nuttall has written an article wherein is offered an explanation that seems plausible. She suggests that they were buried with the dead, and that the head-dresses represent those worn by victims for sacrifice. That such victims were differently adorned for different gods is certain, and it may be that these pretty little relics really give representations of the way in which they were dressed. Some time perhaps civilized peoples will give up the wearing of mourning for the dead. Why should any men or women force their private griefs upon all about them ? Why increase the dole- fulness of death ? No doubt many who wear black would say that they do so from respect for the dead. Is it not in reality because fashion dic- tates it ? Mourning dress is nothing new, nor is it confined to civilized races. Nor is the color of mourn- ing a fixed thing. Black is very widely used, but some peo- ples use white. In New Zealand old people paint themselves freely with red ochre and wear wreaths of green leaves. Besides the wearing of a pe- culiar garb or of a special color to show grief, the mourners may disfigure themselves, or they may wear some relic of the dead friend. The curious practice of cutting off joints of the fingers is wide-spread. Among some American tribes, among Australians, Africans, and Polynesians it is a sign of grief. The Fijians used to chop off finger-joints to appease an angry chieftain, or for death of a relative, or as a token of affection. In Tonga finger-joints were cut when a superior relative was ill. In all these cases pres- (.'.VRVEii St"NE Charms. Alaska. DB^SS AND ADORNMENT. 199 ■ent grief did not blind the mourner to future convenience, and the joints cut were usually from the fingers of the left hand. In the Andaman Islands, when a child dies it is buried under the house floor and the building is deserted for a time. Finally, the family returns ; the bones are dug up and the mother distributes them among friends as mementoes. These bits of bone are gen- erally worn as parts of necklaces. In Tasmania and Australia portions of the dead are prepared with some care and worn as sa- cred and loved objects. Thus the zygomata are broken from a child's skull, sinews of kangaroo are passed through the orbits, and the whole is worn about the mother's neck. A lower jaw may be carefully and neatly wrapped with sinew cord from one condyle to the other and sup- plied with a suspension cord. Long bones, entire or partial, were wrapped and worn in the same way. These objects were all highly prized, and Bonwick says, " So many skulls and liml) bones were taken by the poor natives when they were exiled, Fig. fJ.—DANCE Ornament foe Arm. Made that Captain Bateman tells me that, when he had forty with him in his vessel, they had quite a bushel of old bones among them." These were in Tasmania, but similar relics abound among the Andamanese. In Australia drinking-cups were made from the skulls of the nearest and dearest relatives and car- ried everywhere. The lower jaw was removed, the brain ex- tracted, and the skull cleaned ; a rope handle of bulrush fibers was added, and a plug of grass was put in the vertebral aperture. All these may be considered as examples of mourning dress. There has also been a great variety of dress for the corpse itself. To describe such dress in any detail would be too much. Black is often used for shrouds. In the Tales of Hawaii, as narrated by King Kalakaua, frequent reference is made to the wrapping of the dead in the black kapa. In the Society Islands the dead chief is laid out in a special dress of shell. In connection with relics of dead friends used as a part of cos- tume, it may be pertinent here to refer to curious preserved heads found among various tribes. They may be simply the heads themselves, as trophies of war or reminders of friends, or they may f^PaaMawBt^l^ • «(to> I^My ^^^» jB'«^g IW^ ^\ ( from human jaw-bone and empty nutshells. New Guinea. 200 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. be masks made in part from the heads of the dead. The former are hardly a part of dress ; the latter are. Both kinds will be consid- ered. The Dyaks of Borneo are famous " head-h^^nters/' and often prepare their trophies with great care. Barnard Davis had several specimens in his great collection, and he describes them in his Thesaurus. One was a whole skull ; the lower jaw was stained inside to a deep red ; it was fastened to the cranium by rattan ; light, soft wood was fitted in the places of the teeth, into the nostrils, and into the ear-holes ; other inequalities were filled with red-brown resin. The entire skull was covered with tin-foil ; two cowrie-shells made the eyes ; a small tuft of beard was made of stiff black hair ; on the vertex and sides of the calvarium an ornamental, regular, and symmetrical device was cut through the tin-foil and painted red. These heads vary greatly in pattern and treatment. They were kept in head-houses, and were looked upon as treasures and as sacred objects. In the Solomon Islands, the Marquesas, and New Zealand we find heads preserved for one or another reason. Among the strangest of these most curious relics are ihe heads prepared by the Jivaros of South Ameri- ca. These are trophies of war. The heads are cut from \.\\Q bodies of slain ene- mies ; the brain and bones are removed through the neck ; the whole head is then shrunken down. The result is a strange, diminutive,, black head, with abundant and long hair, and with feat- ures all preserved, but so small as to be hardly recog- nizable as those of a human being. In all these Jivaros'' heads the lips are sewed to- gether with cords, and in some cases spiked together in addition. If Bollaert is to be trusted, this is done in order that tlie head may not answer the abuse that is heaped upon it at times ! In the same part of the world, among the Mundurucus, are other interesting preserved heads. These are of full size % they are partly shaved; ornaments of feathers are hung at the ears; the eye-sockets are filled with black gum, into which are inserted bits of shell. These heads are apparently those of friends, not of enemies. In some respects akin to these real preserved Fig. 7.— Dance-mask. South Seas. DRESS AND ADORNMENT. heads are the very curious skull-masks from certain South Sea Islands. These are built up from parts of human skulls, pieced out with wood, cements, hair, and ornaments into horrid repre- sentations of faces. These are worn in dances and hence are true objects of dress. The subject of amulets and charms would, of itself, furnish more material than could be used in our whole course of lectures. Scarcely any trinket or odd object exists that may not be worn upon the person "for luck," or to ward off danger or harm. All jjeoples use them. Savage, barbarian, and civilized man are alike here. Nubians are inveterate wearers of charms. Theirs usually consist of something done up in a red leathern case ; the contents must not be known. For what will charms not be worn ? I know American mothers who buy seeds — " Job's tears " — at drug- stores, to string them into a necklace to hang about the baby's neck to ward off eye troubles. The Bechuana mother strings beetles of a certain species and hangs them about the neck of her baby to lielp it in teething. Prof. Putnam found metacarpal bones of birds buried with babies in the little graves which he discovered under the hard clay floor of old house circles in Arkansas and Missouri. From analogy with modern Indian customs, he believes these were charms to help the child in cutting its teeth. We can not find that asafoetida is a specific for or a preventive of diphtheria, but we did find a small Afro- American who wore a little bag of it about his neck as a charm against the disease. Hundreds of Roman Catholic boys do not take off the medals they wear about their necks when they go in swimming, as these are a sure preventive against drowning. One of the most precious and beautiful amulets of history is that of which Moncure D. Conway tells us. It was a treasure from the past, owned by the Emperor Louis Napoleon III. It was set with a blaze of precious stones, the gifts of many princes. It descended to the Prince Imperial, who wore it as a watch- charm. He wore it when he was killed among the Zulus, and it is gone, no one knows where. Ah ! if he had but known the rules Fig. 8. — Dance -mask. South Seas. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY of amulet-weuring among those people, and had worn it about his neck ! No matter how precious it was, it would tlien have been left untouched. The dead of battle may be stripped of every gar- ment or ornament but that about the neck. No doubt the j)riceless talisman of centuries is now the choicest decoration in some neck ornament of claws and teeth and feathers. The most interesting- charm of the American Indians is the " medicine." This may be al- most anything to which the superstitious barbarian attributes some supernatural jjower. Commonly it is the skin of some animal. In many tribes, the boy who is approaching manhood withdraw^s to the woods or to some lonely place, where he undergoes a long fast. Weakened by his abstinence, he falls into a slumber, in which he dreams of some animal. With recovered consciousness he hunts for an individiuil of this species, kills it, and with great care re- moves the skin. This is his " medicine," and to increase its power various articles may be inclosed within it. To part with his medi- cine would be most unlucky; worn or carried upon the person, it serves as a powerful protector. We once purchased a medicine- bag from a Fox Indian. Its original owner was dead. It was kept in a small pouch of worsted, and consisted of the skin of a mole, carefully tied up and containing five different kinds of roots and barks. One of the most intelligent Indians in the tribe refused to look at the contents, assuring us that it would cause him bad luck, and was disrespect to the man whose protector it had formerly been. Among many Moham- medans we find amulets worn which consist of little pouches containing strips of parchment, on which are written jiassages from the Koran. This suggests certain practices of the Jews, both ancient and modern. One evening we had occasion to have a little Russian Jew boy try on some garments. Several of his young friends came with him. When he had removed his jacket and shirt, one of the boys eager- ly called our attention to a queer little knitted garment worn over the undershirt. At its four corners hung bits of blue worsted twist- ed into a sort of tassel. The garment had little corner pockets into which these blue twists might be tucked. " Did you ever see that -Terra-cotta Ukai J)Ji£SS AND ADORNMENT. 203 kind that Abraliam has on ? " asked Sammie. " No," we replied ; " what is it for ? " Abraham himself replied that it was some- thing he wore for luck and to help him, and that every morning when he said his prayers he kissed these blue cords. We found that most of the boys had these, though one said he had not, but his father wore a large one which he let him kiss every day. Sammie told us that he had a different kind which he wore on his arm and on his forehead ; that it was made of leather. He volun- teered to show us one, which he did a few days later. Be- fore he put this on for us he washed his hands and face and brushed his hair. He also fasted until he took it off, as he said he never wore it except before breakfast. Whatever the fringes of the garments and phylacteries may have been once, they are now, with these children and the more ignorant of the adult Jews, nothing more nor less than charms. It will here be of interest to quote some references to these things. In Numbers, XV, 38-41 : " And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying : Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes [tas- sels in the corners] in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringes of each border a cord of blue : and it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them. . . . That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord your God, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God." As to the phylacteries, there is no such explicit direction as to their making. The details were, however, very exactly arranged by the religious teachers. The leathern boxes could be only made of cowskin ; the thongs must be applied to the left arm and fore- head in a particular way. The little box contains four passages of Scripture — Exod. xiii. 'Z-\(), 11-14; Deut. vi, 4-9, 13-22 — written on rolled strips of parchment. The ink used must be of a particu- i. JO Disks cut fkom Human Skui.l, uskk as Charms. Illinois Mound. 204 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lar kind. Tlie purpose was to remind the Israelites of the " bring- ing up out of the land of Egypt." The passages refer to that event and also to the command, which forms the excuse for the phylactery itself : " And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart : . . . And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes," We shall close this rather rambling lecture with some sugges- tions relative to the religious meaning of mutilations, some of which were described in our first lecture, on deformations. We must first realize how savage and barbarous man looks upon blood. To begin with, he personally loves warm blood. He de- lights to drink it, to eat flesh reeking with it, to dip his hands into it, to splash his face and body with it. He has also some curious notions regarding it. A Brazilian bathes his infant in his enemy's blood, in order that the child may grow ujj a brave warrior. In Oceania the warrior dips his lance-tip into the blood of his slain foe to render himself invincible. In New Zealand the body of the dead foe was eaten in order that his blood might render the victor the heir of his bravery. Now, when savage and barbarous man, with his love for and his notions regarding blood, comes to think of higher beings, invisible but potent, whom he wishes to ally to himself, how can he better gain their friendship than by oft'ering to them blood ? And the best sacrifice is his own blood. Here we have the fun- damental idea of every blood covenant. There are of course in any one instance other ideas present. But whatever these va- rious significant features may be, in all we see a man trying to establish an artificial rela- tionship with a deity by the shedding of his own blood. The people of any one clan or family worshiping the same god, the peculiar mode of shedding blood prevalent among them might become a tribal mark or sign. In Jewish circumcision — not originally Hebraic, but Egyp- tian— we see a good illustration of a blood covenant giving rise to a characteristic tribal mutilation. We see, too, in it very clearly a substitute for Iniman sacrifice (see Exod. iv, 24). In Gen. xvii, 7, 10, 11, 17, 23: "And I will establish my covenant between me Fift. 11. — PoKTioN OF Human Skdll from WHICH Chaems have been cut. Illinois Mound. DRESS AND ADORNMENT. and thee, and thy seed after thee, in their generations, for an ever- lasting covenant ; to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. , . . This is my covenant : , . . Every male child among you shall be circumcised ; . . . and ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. . . . And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham's house ; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin, in the self-same day, as God had said unto him." We have no time, nor is it pertinent here, to consider all that circumcision has to teach, nor to trace its wide-spread prac- tice in varying forms. Enough to say that everywhere we find underlying it the idea of sacrifice of one's own blood as a symbol of compact with some deity, more or less clearly. The Jew and the Egyptian circumcised, but many peoples do not do so. Such may, however, have some other bodily mutilation; for instance, a perforation as the sign of a blood covenant. Wher- ever the part of the body oper- ated upon was visible to every passer, and the operation itself was a perfora- tion, it might be that some object might be inserted in the opening to keep it open and to render it con- spicuous. In sucli a way may have arisen the use of labrets and ear- rings. These plugs, at first rude, may become beautiful. When tliis occurs, the original re- ligious idea may be lost sight of, and tlie perforation may still be made simply to admit of ornaments being worn. The history of the ear perforation is particularly interesting. In its origin this is no doubt as truly a sign of a blood covenant as is the Jewish circumcision. It seems possible that the ances- tors of the Jews were in compact with a god whose sign of cove- nant was ear-piercing. After this god was renounced and Jehovah Fig. 12.— Ceremonial Stone Adze with Carved Handle. South Seas. 2o6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. accepted, ear ]nerciiig among them was heathenism. Whether this is so or not, it is certain that the descendants of Ishmael were in covenant with such a god. Judges, viii, 24, 25 : " And Gideon said unto them, I would desire a request of you, that you shouhl give me every man the ear-rings of his prey. For they had gohlen ear-rings, hecause they were Ishmaelites. And they answered. We will willingly give them. And they spread a garment, and did cast therein every man the ear-rings of his prey." And the suggestion of the same thing is very strong in Genesis, xxxv, 4 : " And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and all their ear-rings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem." This sign of covenant with some other god than Jehovah crept at an early day, like so many other customs of heathenism, into the Christian Church. It has gradually disappeared. Lippert says that in the early Church it was customary to have the ears pierced, at the same time invoking the protection of saints against disease. Gradually this dwindled to invocation of a single saint's assistance against a single class of diseases — those of the eye. A remnant of this still lingers among those people who, in our own day and land, claim that they pierce their ears to help their eye- sight. Such persons present us the last picture in a series the first of which is a savage man, whose ears are pierced merely to shed blood for the gratification of a deity whose aid he desires to secure. We have thus considered a large number of curious and inter- esting points regarding dress and adornment. We have seen how the curious deformations so widely practiced have arisen, and how they are useful. We have queried as to the motives which have led to dress development and its results. We have emj^ha- sized the influence that the desire for adornment has exercised upon man's progress. We have lastly shown how a large number of articles of dress and ornament have come to have a religious significance, and how many other deformaticms have begun in connection with acts of worship. The remains of an extinct species of swan are describeil by Mr. II. O. Forbes, Director of tlie Canterbury Museum, New Zealand, as having been found in a newly discovered cave near Christchiirch. Moa bones, with Maori relics — includ- ing implements, carvings, a lock of hnir carefully done up, and other hair— were found so associated as to "show incontestably " that the Maori and nioa were con- temporaneous. Remains of various animals and other birds than the moa, which had been used for food, were found, but no human bones. Some of the birds a]ipear to have been of species now extinct in New Zealand, and not elsewhere described. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY, 207 SOME OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY.* By GEOEGE LINCOLN GOODALE. [Concluded.^ m Fruits. — Botanically sjjeaking, the cereal grains of • which we have spoken are true fruits, that is to say, are ripened ovaries, but for all practical purposes they may be regarded as seeds. The fruits, of which mention is now to be made, are those commonly spoken of in our markets as fruits. First of all, attention must be called to the extraordinary changes in the commercial relations of fruits by two direct causes : (1) The canning industry, and — (2) Swift transportation by steamers and railroads. The effects of these two agencies are too well known to require more than this passing mention. By them the fruits of the best fruit-growing countries are carried to distant lands in quantities which surprise all who see the statistics for the first time. The ratio of increase is very startling. Take, for instance, the figures given by Mr. Morris at the time of the great Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London. Compare double decades of years : 1845, £886,888. 1865, £3,185,984. 1885, £7,587,523 In the Colonial Exhibition at London, in 1S8G, fruits from the remote colonies were exhibited under conditions which proved that, before long, it may be possible to place such delicacies as the cherimoyer, the sweet-cup, sweet-sop, rambutan, mango, and mangosteen at even our most northern seaports. Furthermore, it seems to me likely that, with an increase in our knowledge with regard to the microbes which produce decay, we may be able to protect the delicate fruits from injury for any reasonable period. Methods which will supplement refrigeration are sure to come in the very near future, so that, even in a country so vast as our own, the most perishable fruits will be transported through its length and breadth without harm. The canning industry and swift transportation are likely to diminish zeal in searching for new fruits, since, as we have seen in the case of the cereals, we are prone to move in lines of least resistance and leave well enough alone. To what extent are our present fruits likely to be improved ? Even those who have watched the improvement in the quality of * Presidential address delivered before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Washington, August, 18E1. 2o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. some of our fruits, like oranges, can liardly realize how great has been the improvement within historic times in the character of certain pears, apples, and so on. The term historic is used advisedly, for there are prehistoric fruits which might serve as a point of departure in the consider- ation of the question. In the ruins of the lake-dwellings in Switz- erland * charred apples have been found, which are, in some cases, plainly of small size, hardly equaling ordinary crab-apples. But, as Dr. Sturtevant has shown, in certain directions there has been no marked change of type ; the change is in quality. In comparing the earlier descriptions of fruits with modern accounts it is well to remember that the high standards by which fruits are now judged are of recent establishment. Fruits which would once have been esteemed excellent would to-day be passed by as unworthy of regard. It seems probable that the list of seedless fruits will be mate- rially lengthened, provided our experimental horticulturists make use of the material at their command. The common fruits which have very few or no seeds are the banana, pineapple, and certain oranges. Others mentioned by Mr. Darwin as well known are the bread-fruit, pomegranate, azarole or Neapolitan medlar, and date palms. In commenting upon these fruits, Mr. Darwin t says that most horticulturists " look at the great size and anomalous devel- opment of the fruit as the cause and sterility as the result," but he holds the opj^osite view as more probable — that is, that the sterility, coming about gradually, leaves free for other growth the abundant supply of building material which the forming seed would otherwise have. He admits, however, that " there is an an- tagonism between the two forms of reproduction, by seeds and by buds, when either is carried to an extreme degree, which is inde- pendent of any incipient sterility." Most plant-hybrids are relatively infertile, but by no means wholly sterile. With this sterility there is generally augmented vegetative vigor, as shown by Nageli. Partial or complete steril- ity and corresponding luxuriance of root, stem, leaves, and flower may come about in <>ther obscure ways, and such cases are famil- iar to botanists.J Now, it seems highly probable that, either by hybridizing directed to this special end, or by careful selection of * Carbonized apples have been found at Wangen, sometimes whole, sometimes cut in two, or, more rarely, into four pieces and evidently dried and put aside for winter use. .... They are small and jrenerally resemble those which still ^row wild in the Swiss forests ; at Robenhausen, however, specimens have occurred which are of larger size, and probably cultivated. No trace of the vine, the walnut, the cherr}', or the damson has yet been met with, but stones of the wild plum and the Primus padus have been found." Lubbock, loe. cit., p. 217. f Animals and Plants under Domestication (American edition), vol. ii, p. 205-209. X Gray's Botanical Text Rook, vols, i and ii. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 209 forms indicating this tendency to tlie correlated changes, we may succeed in obtaining important additions to our seedless or nearly seedless plants. Whether the ultimate profit would be large enough to pay for the time and labor involved is a question which we need not enter into ; there appears to me no reasonable doubt that such efforts would be successful. There is no reason in the nature of things why we should not have strawberries without the so-called seeds ; blackberries and raspberries, with only deli- cious pulp ; and large grapes as free from seeds as the small ones which we call " currants," but which are really grapes from Corinth. These and the coreless apples and pears of the future, the stone- less cherries and plums, like the common fruits before mentioned, must be propagated by bud division, and be open to the tendency to diminished strength said to be the consequence of continued bud-propagation. But this bridge need not be crossed until we come to it. Bananas have been perpetuated in this way for many centuries, and pineapples since the discovery of America, so that the borrowed trouble alluded to is not threatening. First we must catch our seedless fruits. Which of our wild fruits are promising subjects for selection and cultivation ? Mr. Crozier, of Michigan, has pointed out * the direction in which this research may prove most profitable. He enumerates many of our small fruits and nuts which can be improved. Another of our most careful and successful horticulturists believes that the common blueberry and its allies are very suit- able for this purpose and offer good material for experimenting. The sugar^plum, or so-called shadbush, has been improved in many particulars, and others can be added to this list. But again we turn very naturally to Japan, the country from which our gardens have received many treasures. Referring once more to Prof. Georgeson's studies,! we must mention the varieties of Japanese apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, and persim- mons. The persimmons are already well known in some parts of our country under the name " kaki," and they will doubtless make rapid progress in popular favor. The following are less f amilar : Actinidia arguta and volubilis, with delicious berries ; Sfaunfonia, an evergreen vine yielding a palatable fruit ; Mijrica rubra, a small tree with an acidulous, juicy fruit ; ElcBagnus umhellata, with berries for preserves. The active and discriminating horticultural journals in America and Europe are alive to the possibilities of new Japanese fruits, * American Garden, New York. 1890-'91. f Ibid. 1891. VOL. XL. — 17 210 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and it can not be very long before our list is considerably in- creased. It is absolutely necessary to recollect that in most cases varia- tions are slight. Dr. Masters and Mr. Darwin have called atten- tion to this and have adduced many illustrations, all of which show the necessity of extreme patience and caution. The general student curious in such matters can have hardly any task more instructive than the detection of the variations in such common plants as the blueberry, the wild cherry, or the like. It is an ex- cellent preparation for a practical study of the variations in our wild fruits suitable for selection. It was held by the late Dr. Gray that the variations in Nature by which species have been evolved were led along useful lines — a view which Mr. Darwin regretted he could not entertain. How- ever this may be, all acknowledge that by the hand of the culti- vator variations can be led along useful lines ; and, furthermore, the hand which selects must uphold them in their unequal strife. In other words, it is one thing to select a variety and another to assist it in maintaining its hold upon existence. Without the constant help of the cultivator who selects the useful variety, there comes a reversion to the ordinary specific type which is fitted to cope with its surroundings. I think you can agree with me that the p'rospect for new fruits and for improvements in our established favorites is fairly good. IV. Timbers and Cabinet Woods. — Can we look for new timbers and cabinet woods ? Comparatii^ely few of those in com- mon use are of recent introduction. Attempts have been made to bring into great prominence some of the excellent trees of India and Australia which furnish wood of much beauty and timber of the best quality. A large projDortion of all the timbers of the South Seas are characterized by remarkable firmness of texture and high specific gravity.* The same is noticed in many of the woods of the Indies. A few of the heavier and denser sorts, like jarrah, of West Australia, and sabicu, of the Caribbean Islands, have met with deserved favor in England, but the cost of trans- portation militates against them. It is a fair question whether in certain parts of our country these trees and others which can be utilized for veneers may not be cultivated to advantage. Atten- tion should be again called to the fact that many plants succeed far better in localities which are remote from their origin, but where they find conditions substantially like those which they have left. This fact, to which we must again refer in detail with regard to certain other classes of plants, may have some bear- * Useful Native Plants of Australia. By J. H. Maiden, Sydney. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 211 ing -upon the introduction of new timber trees. Certain draw- backs exist with regard to the timber of some of the more rapidly growing hard-wood trees which have prevented their taking a high place in the scale of values in mechanical engineering. One of the most useful soft-wooded trees in the world is the kauri. It is restricted in its range to a comparatively small area in the North Island of New Zealand. It is now being cut down with a recklessness which is as prodigal and shameful as that which has marked our own treatment of forests here. It should be said, however, that this destruction is under protest ; in spite of which it would seem to be a question of only a few years when the great kauri groves of New Zealand will be a thing of the past. Our energetic Forest Department has on its hands problems just like this which perplexes one of the new lands of the South. The task in both cases is double : to preserve the old treasures and to bring in new. The energy shown by Baron von Mueller, the renowned Gov- ernment Botanist of Victoria, and by various forest departments in encouraging the cultivation of timber trees will assuredly meet with success ; one can hardly hope that this success will appear fully demonstrated in the lifetime of those now living, but I can not think that many years will pass before the promoters of such enterprises may take fresh courage. In a modest structure in the city of Sydney, New South Wales, Mr. Maiden* has brought together, under great dilficulties, a large collection of the useful products of the vegetable kingdom as represented in Australia. It is impossible to look at the collec- tion of woods in that museum, or at the similar and more showy one in Kew, without believing that the field of forest culture must receive rich material from the southern hemisphere. Before leaving this part of our subject it may be well to take some illustrations in passing, to show how important is the influ- ence exerted upon the utilization of vegetable products by causes which may at first strike one as being rather remote. 1. Photography makes use of the effect of light on chroma- tized gelatin to produce under a negative the basis of relief plates for engraving. The degree of excellence reached in modi- fications of this simple device has distinctly threatened the very existence of wood-engraving, and hence follows a diminished de- gree of interest in box-wood and its substitutes. 2. Iron, and in its turn steel, is used in ship-building, and this renders of greatly diminished interest all questions which concern the choice of the different oaks and similar woods. 3. But, on the other hand, there is increased activity in certain * Useful Native Plants of Australia. By J. H. Maiden, Sydney. 212 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. directions, best illustrated by the extraordinary development of the cbemical methods for manufacturing wood-pulp. By the im- proved processes, strong fibers suitable for fine felting on the screen and fit for the best grades of certain lines of paper are given to us from rather inferior sorts of wood. He would be a rash prophet who should venture to predict what will be the future of this wonderful industry, but it is plain that the time is not far distant when acres now worthless may be covered by trees under cultivation growing for the pulp-maker. There is no department of economic botany more promising in immediate results than that of arboriculture. V. Vegetable Fibers. — The vegetable fibers known to com- merce are either plant-hairs, of which we take cotton as the type, or filaments of bast-tissue, represented by flax. No new plant- hairs have been suggested which can compete in any way for spinning with those yielded by the species of Gossijpium, or cot- ton, but experiments more or less systematic and thorough are being carried on with regard to the improvement of the varieties of the species. Plant-hairs for the stuffing of cushions and pillows need not be referred to in connection with this subject. Countless sorts of plants have been suggested as sources of good bast-fibers for spinning and for cordage, and many of these make capital substitutes for those already in the factories. But the questions of cheapness of production, and of subsequent prep- aration for use, have thus far militated against success. There may be much difference between the profits promised by a labora- tory experiment and those resulting from the same process con- ducted on a commercial scale. The existence of such differences has been the rock on which many enterprises seeking to intro- duce new fibers have been wrecked. In dismissing this portion of our subject it may be said that a process for separating fine fibers from undesirable structural elements, and from resin-like substances which accompany them, is a great desideratum. If this were supplied, many new species would assume great prominence at once. VI. Tanning Materials. — What new tanning materials can be confidently sought for ? In his Useful Native Plants of Australia, Mr. Maiden * describes over thirty species of " wattles " or Acacias, and about half as many Eucalypts, which have been examined for the amount of tanning material contained in the bark. In all, eighty-seven Australian species have been under examina- tion. Besides this, much has been done looking in the same direc- tion at the suggestion and under the direction of Baron von Mueller, of Victoria. This serves to indicate how great is the * Useful Native Plants of Australia. By C. H. Maiden, Sydney. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 213 interest in this subject, and how wide is the field in onr own country for the introduction of new tanning plants. It seems highly probable, however, that artificial tanning sub- stances will at no distant day replace the crude matters now employed. VII. Resins, etc. — Resins, oils, gums, and medicines from the vegetable kingdom would next engage our attention if they did not seem rather too technical for this occasion, and to possess an interest on the whole somewhat too limited. But an allied sub- stance may serve to represent this class of products and indicate the drift of present research. India Rubber* — Under this term are included numerous sub- stances which possess a physical and chemical resemblance to each other. An Indian Ficus, the early source of supply, soon became inadequate to furnish the quantity used in the arts even when the manipulation of rubber was almost unknown. Later, supplies came from Hevea of Brazil, generally known as Para rubber, and from Castilloa, sometimes called Central American rubber, and from Maniliot Glaziovii, Ceara rubber. Not only are these plants now successfully cultivated in experimental gardens in the tropics, but many other rubber-yielding species have been added to the list. The Landolpliias are among the most promising of the whole : these are the African rubbers. Now, in addition to these, which are the chief source of supply, we have Willughbeia, from the Malayan Peninsula, Leuconotis, Chilocarpus, Alstonia, Fors- teronia, and a species of a genus formerly known as Urostigma, but now united with Ficus. These names, which have little sig- nificance as they are here pronounced in passing, are given now merely to impress upon our minds the fact that the sources of a single commercial article may be exceedingly diverse. Under these circumstances search is being made not only for the best varieties of these species but for new species as well. There are few excursions in the tropics which possess greater interest to a botanist who cares for the industrial aspects of plants than the walks through the garden at Buitenzorg in Java and at Singapore. At both these stations the experimental gardens lie at some distance from the great gardens which the tourist is ex- pected to visit, but the exertion well repays him for all discomfort. Under the almost vertical rays of the sun are here gathered the rubber-yielding plants from different countries, all growing under conditions favorable for decisions as to their relative value. At Buitenzorg a well-equipped laboratory stands ready to answer practical questions as to quality and composition of their products, and year by year the search extends. * See note (*), p. 11. 214 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. I mention this not as an isolated example of what is being ac- complished in commercial botany, but as a fair illustration of the thoroughness with which the problems are being attacked. It should be further stated that at the garden in question assiduous students of the subject are eagerly welcomed and are provided with all needed appliances for carrying on technical, chemical, and pharmaceutical investigations. Therefore I am justified in saying that there is every reason for believing that in the very near fu- ture new sources of our most important products will be opened up, and new areas placed under successful cultivation. At this point attention must be called to a very modest and convenient hand-book on the Commercial Botany of the Nineteenth Century, by Mr. Jackson, of the Botanical Museum attached to the Royal Gardens, Eew, which not only embodies a great amount of well-arranged information relative to the new useful plants, but is, at the same time, a record of the existing state of things in all these departments of activity. VIII. Fragrant Plants.— Another illustration of our subject might be drawn from a class of plants which repays close study from a biological point of view, namely, those which yield per- fumes. In speaking of the future of our fragrant plants we must dis- tinguish between those of commercial value and those of purely horticultural interest. The former will be less and less cultivated in proportion as synthetic chemistry by its manufacture of per- fumes replaces the natural by the artificial products, for example, coumarin, vanillin, nerolin, heliotropin, and even oil of winter- green. But do not understand me as intimating that chemistry can ever furnish substitutes for living fragrant plants. Our gardens will always be sweetened by them, and the possibilities in this direction will continue to extend both by contributions from abroad and by improvement in our present cultivated varieties. Among the foreign acquisitions are the fragrant species of Andro- pogon. Who would suspect that the tropical relatives of our sand- loving grasses are of high commercial value as sources of per- fumery oils ? The utility to the plant of fragrance in the flower, and the relation of this to cross-fertilization, are apparent to even a casual observer. But the fragrance of an aromatic leaf does not always give us the reason for its being. It has been suggested for certain cases that the volatile oils escaping from the plants in question may, by absorption, exert a direct influence in mitigating the fierceness of action of the sun's rays. Other explanations have also been made, some of which are even more fanciful than the last. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 215 When, however, one has seen that the aromatic plants of Aus- tralia are almost free from attacks of insects and fungi, and has learned to look on the impregnating substances in some cases as protective against predatory insects and small foes of all kinds, and in others as fungicidal, he is tempted to ask whether all the substances of marked odor which we find in certain groups of plants may not play a similar role. It is a fact of great interest to the surgeon that in many plants there is associated with the fragrant principle a marked antiseptic or fungicidal quality ; conspicuous examples of this are afforded by species of eucalyptus, yielding eucalyptol; Styrax, yielding styrone ; Thymus, yielding thymol. It is interesting to note, too, that some of these most modern antiseptics were important con- stituents in the balsamic vulneraries of the earliest surgery. Florists' plants and the floral fashions of the future constitute an engaging subject which we can touch only lightly. It is rea- sonably clear that while the old favorite species will hold their ground in the guise of improved varieties, the new introductions will come in the shape of plants with flowering branches which retain their blossoms for a somewhat long period, and especially those in which the flowers precede the leaves. In short, the next real fashion in our gardens is probably to be the flowering shrub and flowering tree, like those which are such favorites in the country from which the Western world has gladly taken the gift of the chrysanthemum. Twice each year, of late, a reception has been held by the Emperor and Empress of Japan. The receptions are in autumn and in the spring. That in the autumn, popularly known as the Emperor's reception, has for its floral decorations the myriad forms of the national flower, the chrysanthemum ; that which is given in spring, the Empress's reception, comes when the cherry blossoms are at their best. One has little idea of the wealth of beauty in masses of flowering shrubs and trees until he has seen the floral displays in the Imperial Gardens and the Temple grounds in Tokio. To Japan* and China also we are indebted for many of the choicest plants of our gardens, but th& supply of species is by no means exhausted. By far the larger number of the desirable plants have already found their way into the hands of cultivators, but often under conditions which have restricted their dissemi- nation through the flower-loving community. There are many which ought to be widely known, especially the fascinating dwarf * The Flowers of Japan and the Art of Floral Arrangement. By Josiah Conder, F. R. I. B. A., Architect to the Imperial Japanese Government. Yokohama, 1S91. See also two other works by the same author : Theory of Japanese Flower Arrangements, and Art of Landscape Gardening in Japan. (1886.) 2i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. shrubs and dwarf trees of the far East, which are sure to find sooner or later a warm welcome among us. X. Forage Plants.— Next to the food-plants for man, there is no single class of commercial plants of greater interest than the food-plants for flocks and herds. Forage plants, wild and cultivated, are among the most important and highly valued re- sources of vast areas. No single question is of more vital con- sequence to our farthest West and Southwest. It so happens that the plants on which the pastoralist relies grow or are grown on soil of inferior value to the agriculturist. Even soil which is almost sterile may possess vegetation on which flocks and herds may graze; and, further, these animals may thrive in districts where the vegetation appears at first sight too scanty or too forbidding even to support life. There are im- mense districts in parts of the Australian continent where flocks are kept on plants so dry and desert-like that an inexperienced person would pass them by as not fit for his sheep, and yet, as Mr. Samuel Dixon* has well shown, these plants are of high nutritive value and are attractive to flocks. Eelegatiug to the notes to be published with this address brief descriptions of a few of the fodder-plants suggested for use in dry districts, I shall now mention the salt-bushes of various sorts, and the allied desert plants of Australia, as worth a careful trial on some of our very dry regions in the farthest West. There are numerous other excellent fodder-plants adapted to dry but not parched areas which can be brought in from the corresponding districts of the southern hemisphere and from the East. At an earlier stage of this address I have had occasion to refer to Baron von Mueller, whose efforts looking toward the intro- * Mr. Samuel Dixon's list is in vol. viii (for 1884-'85) of the Transactions and Proceed- ings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia. Adelaide, G. Robertson, 1886. Bursaria spinosa : " A good stand-by," after the grasses dry up. Pomaderris racemosa, " stands stocking well." Pittosporum phyllaeroides : " Sheep exceedingly partial to its foliage." Casuarina quadrivalvis : *' Tenderness of fiber of wool would be prevented by it in our finer wool districts." Acacias, the wattles : " Value as an astringent, very great," being curative of a malady often caused by eating frozen grass. Acacia aneura (mulga) : " Must be very nutritious to all animals eating it." This is the plant which is such a terror to the stockmen who have to ride through the " scrub." Cassia, some of the species with good pods and leaves for sheep. The foregoing are found in districts which are not wholly arid. The following are, more properly, " dry " plants. Sida petrophila : " As much liked by sheep as by marsupials." Dodonwaviscosa, native hop-bush : "Likes warm, red, sandy ground." Lycium amirale: " Drought never seems to affect it." Kochia aphylla : " All kinds of stock are often largely dependent on it during protracted droughts." Rhagodia parabolica : " Produces a good deal of foliage." Atriplex vesicaria : " Can be readily grown wherever the climate is not too wet." I have transferred only those which Mr. Dixon thinks most worthy of trial. Compare also Dr. Vasey's valuable studies of the plants of our dry lands, especially grasses and forage plants (1878), grasses of the arid districts of Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado (1886), grasses of the South (1887). POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 217 duction of useful plants into Australasia have been aided largely by bis convenient treatise on economic plants.* It may be said in connection with the fodder-plants, especially, that much which the baron has written can be applied mutatis mutandis to parts of our own country. The important subject of introducing fodder-plants has been purposely reserved to the last because it permits us to examine a practical point of great interest. This is the caution which it is thought necessary to exercise when a species is transferred by our own choice from one country to another, I say by our choice, for, whether we wish it or not, certain plants will introduce themselves. In these days of frequent and intimate intercommunication be- tween different countries, the exclusion of foreign plants is simply impossible. Our common weeds are striking illustrations of the readiness with which plants of one country make for themselves a home in another, f All but two of the prominent weeds of the Eastern States are foreign intruders. There are all grades of persistence in these immigrants. Near the ballast grounds of every harbor, or the fields close by woolen and paper mills where foreign stock is used, you will observe many foreign plants which have been introduced by seed. For many of these you will search in vain a second year. A few others persist for a year or two longer, but with uncertain tenure of the land which they have invaded ; others still have come to stay. But happily some of the intruders, which seem at first to gain a firm foothold, lose their ground after a while. We have a conspicuous example of this in a hawkweed, which was very threatening in New England two years ago, but is now relaxing its hold. Another illustration is afforded by a water-plant which we have given to the Old "World. This plant, called in our botanies Anacliaris, or Elodea, is, so far as I am aware, not troublesome in our ponds and water-ways, but when it was carried to England, perhaps as a plant for the aquarium, it was thrown into streams and rivers with a free hand. It spread with remarkable rapidity and became such an unmitigated nuisance that it was called a curse. Efforts to extirpate it merely increased its rate of growth. Its days of mischief are, however, nearly over, or seem to be draw- ing to a close ; at least so Mr. Lynch, of the Botanic Garden in Cambridge, England, and others of my informants think. The history of the plant shows that even under conditions which, so * See note, p. 59. f The weeds of German gardens and agricultural lands are mostly from Mediterranean regions, but the invasions in the uncultivated districts are chiefly from America (such as (Enothcra^ MimuJus, Ricdheckia). Handbuch der PJlanzengeograpJiie, von Dr. Oscar Drude (Stuttgart), 1890, p. 97. 2i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. far as we can see, are identical with, those under which the plant grew in its home, it may for a time take a fresh, lease of life and thrive with an undreamed-of energy. What did Anacharis find in the waters of England and the Continent that it did not have at home, and why should its energy begin to wane now ? In Australasia one of the most striking of these intruders is sweet-brier. Introduced as a hedge plant, it has run over certain lands like a weed, and disputes every acre of some arable plats. From the facility with which it is j)ropagated it is almost in- eradicable. There is something astounding in the manner in which it gains and holds its ground. Gorse and brambles and thistles are troublesome in some localities, and they prove much less easy to control than in Europe. The effect produced on the mind of the colonist by these intruding pests is everywhere the same. Whenever, in an examination of the plants likely to be worthy of trial in our American dry lands, the subject was men- tioned by me to Australians, I was always enjoined to be cautious as to what plants I might suggest for introduction from their country into our own. My good friends insisted that it was bad enough to have as pests the plants which come in witliout our planning or choice, and this caution seems to me one which should not be forgotten. It would take us too far from our path to inquire what can be the possible reasons for such increase of vigor and fertility in l^lants which are transferred to a new home. We should have to examine all the suggestions which have been made, such as fresh soil, new skies, more efficient animal friends, or less destructive enemies. We should be obliged also to see whether the possible wearing out of the energy of some of these plants after a time might not be attributable to the decadence of vigor through un- interrupted bud-propagation, and we should have to allude to many other questions allied to these. But for this time fails. Lack of time also renders it impossible to deal w^ith the ques- tions which attach themselves to our main question, especially as to the limits of effect which cultivation may produce. We can not touch the problem of inheritance of acquired peculiarities, or the manner in which cultivation predisposes the plant to innu- merable modifications. Two of these modifications may be men- tioned in passing, because they serve to exemplify the practical character of our subject. Cultivation brings about in plants very curious morphological changes. For example, in the case of a well-known vegetable the number of metamorphosed type-leaves forming the ovary is two, and yet under cultivation the number increases irregularly until the full number of units in the type of the flower is reached. POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. 219 Prof Bailey, of Cornell, has called attention to some further in- teresting changes in the tomato, but the one mentioned suffices to illustrate the direction of variation which plants under culti- vation are apt to take. Monstrosities are very apt to occur in cultivated plants, and under certain conditions may be perpetu- ated in succeeding generations, thus widening the field from which utilizable plants may be taken. Another case of change produced by cultivation is likewise as yet wholly unexplained, although much studied, namely, the mu- tual interaction of scion and stock in grafting, budding, and the like. It is probable that a further investigation of this subject may yet throw light on new possibilities in plants. We have now arrived at the most practical question of all, namely— . j j 0 In what way can the range of commercial botany be extended .-' In what manner or by what means can the introduction of new species be hastened ? It is possible that some of you are unaware of the great amount of uncoordinated work which has been done and is now in hand in the direction of bringing in new plants. The competition between the importers of new plants is so great both in the Old World and the New that a very large pro- portion of the species which would naturally commend them- selves for the use of florists, for the adornment of greenhouses, or for commercial ends, have been at one time or another brought before the public or are being accumulated in stock. The same is true, although to a less extent, with regard to useful vegetables and fruit. Hardly one of those which we can suggest as desirable for trial has not already been investigated in Europe or this country, and reported on. The pages of our chemical, pharma- ceutical, medical, horticultural, agricultural, and trade journals, especially those of high grade, contain a wealth of material of this character.* But what is needed is this, that the promising i^lants should be systematically investigated under exhaustive conditions. It is not enough that an enthusiast here, or an amateur there, should give a plant a trial under imperfectly understood conditions, and then report success or failure. The work should be thorough and every question answered categorically, so that we might be placed in possession of all the facts relative to the object experimented upon. But such an undertaking requires the co-operation of many different agencies. I shall venture to mention some of these. In the first place— botanic gardens amply endowed for re- * The list of economic plants published by the department in Washington is remark- ably full, and is in every way creditable to those in charge. 220 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. searcli. The Arnold Arboretum, the Shaw Garden, and the Washington Experimental Garden are American illustrations of what is needed for this purpose. University gardens have their place in instruction, but can not wisely undertake this kind of work. In the second place — museums and laboratories of economic botany. Much good work in this direction has been done in this country by the National Museum and by the department in charge of the investigation of new plants. "We need institu- tions like those at Kew in England, and at Buitenzorg in Java, which keep in close touch with all the world. The founding of an establishment on a scale of magnitude commensurate with the greatness and needs of our country is an undertaking which waits for some one of our wealthy men. In the third place — experiment stations. These may, within the proper limits of their sphere of action, extend the study of plants beyond the established varieties to the species, and beyond the species to equivalent species in other genera. It is a matter of regret that so much of the energy displayed in these stations in this country, and we may say abroad, has not been more eco- nomically directed. Great economy of energy must result from the recent change by which co-ordination of action is assured. The influence which the stations must exert on the welfare of our country and the de- velopment of its resources is incalculable. In the last place, but by no means least, the co-operation of all who are interested in scientific matters, through their observation of isolated and associated phenomena connected with plants of supposed utility, and by the cultivation of such plants by private individuals, unconnected with any State, governmental, or aca- demic institutions. By these agencies, wisely directed and energetically employed, the domains of commercial and industrial botany will be en- larged. To some of the possible results in these domains I have endeavored to call your attention. The stock of diamonds, according to the calculations of Iron, has increased enormously during the past fifteen years. The product of the African mines, 1,500,000 carats in 1876, was 4,000,000 carats in 1889. Still, the demand for diamonds increases, and the price rises every year. The traffic in diamonds is essentially different from all other trades in the single item that the product is never consumed. While there is a perceptible wear even in gold and silver, a diamond, once cut, is permanently added to the stock, and is liable to come upon the market at any time. Yet a place and eager purchasers are found for all the new ones. THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTICUT. 221 THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTICUT. By Pkof. WILLIAM MOEEIS DAVIS. SEVERAL years ago, while walking down the lower Connecti- cut valley with a party of students, we chanced upon a curi- ous ledge of rock surmounting a low ridge hy the road that runs from Berlin to Meriden, about half-way between Hartford and New Haven. A scramble up the slope through a bushy growth of young trees led to the foot of the ledge— a thick bed of gray- greenish rock, not in layers like limestone or sandstone, not crys- talline like granite or gneiss, but of a loose, structureless texture, here and there carrying roughly rounded blocks of a dense, dark rock which we knew to be an old lava, from its resemblance to the rocks ejected from modern volcanoes. Although a ledge of this kind is not of ordinary occurrence, its features were so well marked that there could be little doubt of its nature and origin ; it was a bed of volcanic ashes, interspersed with blocks or bombs of lava that must have been thrown from some neighboring vent long ago in the ancient time when the rocks of the valley were made. The ash-bed lay upon a series of muddy sandstones that Fig. 1. had evidently been formed under water, for they were deposited in layers, just as sand and mud are now when they are washed into a pond ; and to all appearances the eruption of the ashes and bombs had taken place during the accumulation of the sandstones. The ashes had fallen into the water and settled down gently on the soft, sandy mud at the bottom ; one of the dense lava blocks was seen to have indented itself in the sandy layers, bending them down on either side of it, just as if it had been an early product of 222 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the eruption, arriving here before the ashes, plunging down after its lofty flight through the air, and sinking into the mud at the bottom of the water. In this it recalls the reptilian footprints that have made the sandstones of the valley famous. The old reptiles walked over the mud-flats and left their heavy j)rints on the surface to be buried under the next layer of mud ; the lava block fell into the soft sandy mud and made its print, where it still lies. Long may it rest undisturbed ! A poor indication of it is presented in Fig. 1, copied from a photograph by a friend in New Britain, Conn. All this was much more evident and more easily interpreted than those who try to learn geology from books are disposed to believe. Indeed, one of the students with me ex- claimed : " This is the most realistic thing I ever saw ; I had no idea that it could be so plainly made out." The ledge has been visited by hundreds of persons from Meriden and the surrounding towns, and a well-beaten j^ath now leads up to it from the road. I have taken parties of students there every summer since then, and hope to do my share toward beating down that path for many years to come. But although the meaning of the ash-bed is plain enough, there is a question suggested by it that is not so easily answered. Where is the volcano from which the ashes and bombs were blown out ? The same question has arisen in other countries. For example, in central France, in Auvergne, there are chalky beds that were once a soft white mud, and in these lie bombs of lava, bending down the layers on either side ; manifestly again the result of a bombardment from some adjacent volcano. In the same district there are beds of ashes and flows of lava, all indicating volcanic outbursts in their vicinity ; but when the question is there asked — Where are the volcanoes from which these products came ? — it is easily answered, for many volcanic cones still stand up in plain sight near by ; the lava-flows may be traced up to their bases, the craters are still visible at the summits, and although no record exists of their eruptions, it is manifest that at a relatively recent prehistoric period these cones exhibited a brisk activity. I walked over them a dozen years ago ; they make a delightful strolling and sketching ground, and I remember well lunching with a shepherd on one of their sunny slopes, and answering his questions about distant America (Fig. 2). We may look in vain for volcanic cones in the neighborhood of our Meriden ash-bed bluff. There are hills and ridges all around, butnowhere can we see the smooth and characteristic concave slopes of a volcanic cone. To the south, there are several symmetrically rounded hills, but they are convex, not concave, on the side, and an examination of the road-cuts made in their slopes shows them to be of anything but volcanic origin. They are " drumlins/' hills THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTICUT. 223 o). They give no clew to the source we 2:0 west or east of the ash-bed COMt"^ _J.-^^-— --- LAUCHADtCHC of rubbish that were left there and given their even form when the whole of New England was buried in a deep sheet of moving ice, as Greenland is now (Fig. of the bombs and ashes. If ledge, there are high ridges, six or seven hundred feet above the valley, with gen- tle slopes on the east, and bold, rocky cliffs, descending to a long stony talus on the west. The one next east of us is Mount Lamentation ; it may be well seen eastward from the railroad be- tween Hartford and Meriden while the train is passing a pond. The ash -bed ledge can be seen at the same time under the southern end of Lamentation, but it is not a conspicuous ob- ject a mile away. Lamentation and its fellows are not the least like volcanoes, and yet they confirm the belief that volcanoes must have once existed hereabouts ; for these high ridges are of lava, the edges of great tilted lava-flows that were poured out at intervals during the deposition of hundreds and thousands of feet of sandstones. Our ash-bluff is indeed only a part of one of these parallel lava- ridges ; when traced north and south lava may be found lying on the ash -bed. Lamentation is higher, because its lava -flow is much thicker than that in the ash-bed ridge, and therefore has not been worn down so low. On the back of these flows, at one point and another, may be seen the slaggy, bubbly surface of the lava, like that poured out of Vesuvius or any other mod- ern volcano ; but these ancient lavas have been deeply buried in Fia. 2. Fig. 3. 224 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sands and muds, and tilted up and worn down, during the evolu- tion of their present form. There is a quarry at Meriden where one lava-sheet may be seen lying directly upon the scoriaceous, ropy surface of an older one. Evidently, the region has witnessed volcanic action, as the ash-bed implied. Perhaps we fail to recog- nize the cone at the point of outburst because it has been partly worn away. There are many volcanic regions where the eruptive action is not so recent as in Auvergne, and where the cones are consequently somewhat out of repair ; deep gulleys furrow their sides and destroy their symmetrical form. Something of this may, indeed, be seen in Auvergne, for the volcanoes there are not all of the same age. Some are sadly wasted, and are recognized as volcanoes only because their remnants of lava-flows and ash- beds all slope away from a central lava-mass, which marks the place of the vent. It is chiefly in this way that the Madeira Islands differ from the Azores ; the latter possess many cones of regular form, but the older volcanoes on the former are deeply dissected ; so much so that it is difficult to reconstruct the original cones from which the present rugged hills and ridges have been carved out. The same contrast may be seen on a grand scale in the Hawaiian Islands, as described by Dana. The most southeastern of the group is the most recent. It is the largest, and is in the best repair; not a volcanic cone of the usual steep-sided form, indeed, but of long, smooth, gentle slopes, because its lavas were too liquid when erupted to stand on steep slopes such as are formed by heaps of ashes and cinders. Other islands farther to the northwest in the same group are mere wrecks; their edges are cut off by the waves, forming great sea-cliffs, their slopes are scored by deep ravines and canons, and their once even profiles are replaced now by sharply notched outlines. Yet nothing of even those angular forms is to be found about Meriden. If the absence of the cone from which the ashes came is due to wearing away, it must truly have been worn out. There is, however, another method of disposing of volcanoes that has been practiced in Italy. The cone has either been blown to pieces and scattered by violent eruptions, or has been allowed to sink down by the withdrawal of lava from beneath its founda- tions. In either case, a great basin, often holding a lake, marks the site of the lost cone. There are several lakes of this kind in Italy — Trasimeno, Bolsena, Bracciano, and others ; Sumatra pos- sesses some huge basins of the same pattern ; but there are no such basins in Connecticut. There are no lakes at all near Meri- den, and the lakes in the back country are only old valleys ob- structed by glacial drift. There is an account of an old volcanic region out in New Mex- ico that may, perhaps, guide our search. In the district of the THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTICUT. 225 w^ Fig. 4. Zuni plateaus, Dutton describes numerous relatively small iso- lated buttes or sharply conical hills, steeper sided than volcanic cones, of a different profile, and without the crater at the top. They consist of dense lava, not in laj^ers spread out from a cen- tral vent upon the surrounding surface, but in a solid mass with columnar structure ; and at their bases it is some- times possible to see that they are inclosed on all sides by the country rock. It is believed that these buttes are nothing more than lava - plugs, frozen solid in the pipes up through which the lava rose at the time of eruption from its deep source to the surface where it overflowed ; but that the time of eruption is so long ago that the cones and all the surface outpourings are worn away, and only the stumps of the plugs remain to tell the tale. Fig. 6 attempts to show the early and late forms, one below the other. Struct- ures of the same kind are known in the Black Hills, r^^^^ in Scotland, and elsewhere. Perhaps this hint will help us in understanding Con- necticut. There is one thing about the ash-bed and lava-sheets in Connecticut that is cer- tainly favorable to the sug- gestion given by the Zuni buttes. The lava-sheets are not now level, as they undoubtedly were when they were poured out ; but all the series of sandstones, ash-beds, lava-sheets, and the rest have been lifted up together on the western side of the valley, so that they slant down or dip to the eastward at a moderate angle. Stand- ing on the bluff of the ash-bed, it is easy to trace its edge north and south, and to perceive that it is continued slanting underground on the east, and to imagine that it was once continued upward into the air on the west ; for on this side the uplifting exposed it to the patient, persistent attack of the weather, by which in the course of ages it may have been greatly worn away. In the same way, other lava-ridges in the neighborhood, such as Mount Lam- entation and the beautiful Hanging Hills, are simply the worn edges of lava-sheets that still plunge underground eastward, and that once rose high into the air westward. It follows from this new understanding that if the vent, from which the ashes were blown and the lavas poured, lay to the east VOL. XL. — 18 Fig, 5. 226 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, Volcanic conS- COMDVIT AND OVERI^Lg'*Vf.D *r THIS Lo/c ■ of the ash-bed ridge, it must be still underground and not dis- coverable at present. It may be revealed to distant future ages, but to us it is buried. But if the vent lay to the west of the ridge, it may be discovered, not as the cone for which we looked at first, but as a pipe or neck of lava. Indeed, it must in this case be discoverable, for the lava and ashes must somewhere have risen from a deep subterranean reservoir, through the country rocks, up to the surface ; and if their point of escape lie west of the ash-bed ridge, it must be in sight somewhere. We may not now hope to find the cone where the lavas rose and burst out through the body of water in which the muddy sandstones were accumulating ; we can not now hope to discover the crater from which the ashes and bombs were scattered far and wide, and from whose flanks the lava-floods were poured over the low grounds around about it ; but we may hope to find a knob or hill where the lava -pipe has been worn down to an undetermined depth beneath the surface on which its cone was built. This seems to be the fact. Some ten miles southwest of Meri- den lie the rugged Blue Hills, one of which is known as Mount Carmel. These may be seen to the west of Wallingford, on the railroad between New Haven and Hartford, or east of Mount Carmel station on the New Haven and Northampton Railroad. They consist of a network of thick necks and dikes of lava ; not of loose texture like the ashes, not slaggy like the backs of the lava-sheets, but dense and solid, as if they had been driven there under great pressure. Mount Carmel and its fellows have not the simple outline of the Zuni buttes; they are of irregular form, corresponding to their complicated structure, as if a compound fracture had been opened to give passage to the ascending lavas, or as if repeated eruptions had forced their way surfaceward at this point, every one increasing the size and complexity of the lava pipes and cracks. There is no other vent of the kind to be found so near to the ash-bed and lava ridges of the Meriden dis- trict as Mount Carmel ; and while it is entirely possible that a vent may exist at a less distance on the east, concealed beneath the overlying strata in that direction, it is at least permissible — VV\fl Sa HOT VET EROoep. XHRO' w HI CM THE- CONJ3U/T RIS£-S "~" F"RO/vi /SM UAJKNOWN pEPTH. J Fig. 6. THE LOST VOLCA.VOES OF CONNECTICUT. 227 and plausible to regard Mount Carmel and the Blue Hills as the source of the ashes and bombs and lava-sheets over by Meriden and up and down the valley. The Blue Hills have rough slopes to climb, but the view from their tops and the suggestion of ptist history that one gains there pay for the labor of the scramble. It is easily understood that the rocks are lavas and that they have ascended through the sur- rounding rocks from some deep source. It is manifest that they did not rise from below when the surface of the country had its present form, for in that case they must have flowed down into the low lands on all sides, and they must have had the slaggy and scoriaceous texture characteristic of surface lavas. One can not doubt that when the lavas of the Blue Hills were placed in their present relation to their surroundings they were deep un- derground, inclosed by rocky walls on all sides, and heavily pressed upon by the mass above. They forced their way upward from some deep reservoir of molten lava because the push upon them was even greater than the heavy resistance from above. They reached the surface at last, hundreds or thousands of feet above the present summit of the Blue Hills, and there burst out in true volcanic eruption, forming a conical island in the great estuary in which the valley sandstones were formed. We can hardly suppose that they built a grand cone, like Fujiyama, in Japan, twelve thousand feet above sea-level ; perhaps they only formed a small mound, like the little temporary volcanic island that appeared in the middle Mediterranean in 1831, called Graham Island, Isle Julia, and Nerita, by its various discoverers. But the Blue Hills were undoubtedly in eruption more than once. This may be safely inferred from the complex network of their pipes and dikes, as well as from the repeated occurrence of lava flows among the series of bedded rocks in the Meriden district. In this respect, as in others, the Blue Hills were like volcanoes of our times. Some of their outpourings were more plentiful than others. Mount Lamentation is part of a lava-sheet whose thick- ness must be from three to four hundred feet, and whose total original area must have been at least two or three hundred square miles. But the other sheets are not so massive as this one ; they indicate eruptions of less energy. While the erup- tions were going on there must have been a great scurrying about of the old reptiles whose tracks are found on the sandstone beds at various points in the valley ; perhaps the patient searcher may some day find one of their skeletons buried under the ashes of an eruption, just as the old Pompeians have been found buried under the mud and ashes from the outburst of Vesuvius that destroyed their city. During the intervals of rest between the eruptions a luxuriant growth of tree-ferns may have clothed the 228 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. slopes of the volcanic island, for leaves of cycads are found in the neighboring beds of shales. And yet all this is gone. The volcanoes are only things of the imagination. The Blue Hills mark the conduits through which they were fed with lavas, but the cones are lost in the empty air above ; only the deep roots of the structure are now preserved for us. Perhaps the accompanying diagrams may aid the reader in gaining a fuller understanding of the geological history of the region. They are drawn from a wooden model that was prepared for exhibition before the Geological Society of America at its last winter meeting in Washington. The first (Fig. 7) represents a block of the Trias- sic formation, ly- ing horizontally on its deep crystalline foundation, the whole representing a cube of about ten miles on a side, and hence showing a hundred square miles of upper sur- — face. The oblique lines across the top need not be consid- ered for the present. The horizontal lines around the sides near the top are the interbedded lava-sheets, and all these, with the sandstones and shales, lie on the upturned eroded edges of the foundation of old crystalline rocks. The bedded rocks were spread out in the old sinking estuary in deposits of great volume, aggre- gating ten or twelve thousand feet in thickness at least, but al- ways in shallow water, for they frequently show cross-bedding and ripple marks, and sometimes mud-cracks and rain-drops, and occasionally even foot-prints of various kinds. The famous Hitchcock collection, in the Amherst College Museum, illustrates all these features in great variety. During the period of accumu- lation of the bedded rocks there were at least three epochs of con- siderable volcanic activity. About half of the total thickness of the strata had been deposited when the first outburst took place, and this is the one that yielded the ashes and bombs at Meriden. Its lava-flows spread many miles north and south, but gained only a moderate measure of thickness, generally not more than a hun- dred feet. These correspond to the bed marked A in Fig. 8, which represents a magnified view of a corner of the block seen Fig. 7. THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTICUT. 229 in Fig. 7. When tliis first volcanic disturbance was over, the accumulation of sandstones went on again, the sands were washed in from the shores of the estuary and crept out over the back of the lava-sheet ; the finer sediments settled down into the irregular crevices in the surface of the flow, even filling little half-open vesicles. A microscopic examination of specimens from these contacts of lava and overlying sandstones brings back vividly the condition of their deposition. Loose fragments of the lava, car- ried a little way by the waves and more or less water-worn, were mixed with the sands for a few feet above the lava, but they were soon all buried. Then things went on for a long time about as before the erup- tion. The supply of sediments seems to have become finer after a while, for a bed of black shale is found, with numer- ous impressions of fossil fishes and plants, one of the few traceable fos- siliferous layers of the entire forma- tion. Then came more barren sandy shales again. It is impossible to measure the time of this quiet work in years, but after three or four hundred feet of strata had been formed, another outburst of lava (M) took place, and on a greater scale than the first. The lava-sheet formed by this eruption is three or four hundred feet thick — thick enough to have in all probability filled the shallow estuary wherever it ran, transforming it into a level lava plain, like the plain of the Shoshone River of to-day Bat the depression of the estuary trough continued ; if the lava surface was at first above water level, it was soon submerged and buried in sands and mud, repeat- ing all the significant phenomena of contact that have been men- tioned above. Then came another long period of quiet, broken by a third lava outpouring (P) ; and after that, still more sandstones and shales, until aqueous and igneous rocks had accumulated to a thickness of perhaps two miles. At some time during this long history a sheet of lava was driven in or intruded between the sandstones near the bottom of the formation (marked I in Fig. 8) ; Fig. 8. 230 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, it is easily known to be an intrusion by the dense texture of its upper surface, and by the occasional brandies that rise from it into the overlying beds, and by various other features in which it differs distinctly from the overflow sheets or extrusions. But it need not be further considered now. In order to exhibit these relations of the igneous rocks to the stratified deposits in a clearer manner, the model is constructed so as to open on a diagonal section ( as in Fig. 9), and disclose the Fig. 9. pipe or chimney up through which the lavas rose from their deep source. The volcanic cones, presumably formed at the surface where the chimney opened at the three times of eruption, are here placed in their proper positions in the series of stratified deposits ; but even the topmost cone is supposed to have been entirely buried by gradual submergence and by the accumulation of sands and muds upon it. The intrusive sheet is shown near the bottom of the stratified series. The whole series may then be named as follows. First, a moderate thickness of bottom sandstones, often conglomeratic ; then, the intrusive sheet ; next, the great series of lower sandstones and shales, also sometimes conglomeratic ; then, the three extrusive sheets, with their intervening sandstones and shales. The first of the extrusions will be called the anterior sheet, the middle one is the main sheet, the third is the postorior (for reasons that will appear more clearly further on), and they are separated by the anterior and posterior shales respectively. On the top of all come the upper sandstones and shales. The whole series is probably two miles thick, as already stated. We may imagine in a general way that in time the estuarj^ was filled with the detritus that was washed into it, and thus trans- formed into a lowland plain, like that of the Po, between the Alps and the Apennines ; or like the plain of California, between the Sierra Nevada and the coast range. If it was not ultimately filled THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTICUT. 231 up so as to form n land area, it was at least a subaqueous plain of very even and level surface. The deeper layers of the formation may have sagged a little toward the middle of the estuary on ac- count of the progressive depression that the region had suffered during the accumulation of the entire mass, but their departure from horizontality was moderate. Yet at present the whole series, with but trifling exceptions, inclines at an angle of twelve, fifteen, or twenty degrees to the eastward. Evidently a serious disturb- ance has affected the original attitude of the beds. The eastward slant or dip of the series might be imitated by tilting the model over bodily, so that its up- per surface should be inclined to the east ; but this fails to rep- resent the dislocations by which the mass is known to be traversed. The model was there- fore made in several parts, each of which could be tilted inde- pendently of its neigh- bors, as shown in Fig. 10, the observer look- ing southeast. It is here made clear that while the dip of the beds is to the east- ward, the course of the fractures by which they are dislocated is northeastward ; this relation prevailing in a very constant manner in the region of the Meriden ash-bed. The blocks into which the mass is thus divided, five of which are shown in the model, have been moved by moderate amounts on one another ; the movement varies from a few feet up to two thousand. This is called faulting, and its effect in this case is manifestly to break up the continuous surface of the inclined plane that would have been formed by simple tilting, and produce a discontinuous sur- face, with steps from one part to another. If we may judge by the angle at which the beds lie, the elevated edges of these dislo- cated blocks must have once risen high into the air, producing mountainous ridges of no insignificant relief. Yet at present nothing of this ancient constructional form is apparent. The tilt- ing and faulting were both done so long ago that no part of the original surface remains. It has all been worn away. The best evidence of the antiquity of the dislocations is found in another State. Down in New Jersey, the corresponding red sandstone forma- FiG. 10. 232 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tion is unconformably overlain by the Cretaceous strata of the coastal plain, proving that the sandstones were not only tilted but deeply eroded before the Cretaceous beds were laid upon them. The formations in New Jersey and Connecticut are so much alike that we may safely conclude that the period of dislocation was the same in both ; hence we shall suppose that the Meriden sand- stones and lava-sheets were tilted and faulted into the position illustrated in Fig. 10 during the interval between Triassic and Cretaceous time — that is, in the Jurassic period. From that time to now their history is concerned chiefly with the erosion by which their original constructional inclined planes have been re- duced to their present surface of varied topography. There is good reason to think that the history of the erosion is a double one, comprehending first a longer cycle, and second a shorter cycle of time. During the first cycle, the great relief of the uptilted beds was reduced to a lowland of denudation, a sur- face of a moderate relief close to the base-level of erosion, an almost i^lane surface, a " peneplain " — the evidence of this being found in the even uplands of the crystalline plateaus which now inclose the Triassic valley on the east and west. No explanation for the evenness of these plateaus can be found save the one which regards them as having been reduced from some greater mass by a long-continued process of erosion, at a time when the region stood somewhat low- er than now — low enough to place the present plateau-like uplands close to sea- level ; and the sand- stones, shales, and lava-sheets between the two j)lateaus un- doubtedly suffered the same denuda- tion. This is indi- cated in Fig. 11, in which all the ui:»per part of the model as shown in Fig. 10 has been removed; the obliquely beveled surface of the beds now rep- resents the lowland of denudation, or peneplain, to which they were reduced. The effect of the oblique faulting is now rendered appar- ent by the dislocations in the belts of the different outcrops. The main sheet of lava, for example, is seen in each of the blocks into which the formation is divided by the faults ; so is the belt of shales lying under it, and so on with every member of the series. Fig. 11. THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTICUT. 233 Indeed, the reader must perceive that it is only because the actual facts of observation are thus arranged that the existence of the faults is inferred. Most of the faults are of moderate displace- ment; but just north of Meriden there is one whose movement amounted to two thousand feet ; it cuts off the northern end of the main lava-sheet in Lamentation and the southern end of the same in the Hanging Hills group of lava-ridges. In following along the line between these two dislocated portions of the sheet, every ridge formed by the more resistant sandstones or conglomerates is cut off in a most systematic manner, precisely according to the pattern shown in the beveled surface of the model. The railroad crosses this great fault about a mile above Meriden, but the trav- eler will see nothing there to indicate the dislocation ; its con- structional effects have all been worn out. But the region is not now a plain. It is a rolling lowland with occasional ridges formed on the resistant edges of the lava- sheets. The cause of this is found in a moderate uplift of the whole country since it was reduced to a peneplain, in- troducing the sec- ond chapter in the history of its ero- sion. After this up- lift a new cycle of erosive work was undertaken, and we now find ourselves at a moderate ad- vance in this division of the valley's history. The softer beds have wasted away into lowlands, the harder ones still stand up as ridges. In the adjoining crystalline areas on the east and west, where most of the rocks are hard, the erosion of this cycle has made comparatively little progress ; there the val- leys are narrow and the interstream spaces are rolling up- lands. In the Triassic belt, where most of the rocks are soft, the erosion of the same cycle has made much greater prog- ress and reduced the area nearly to a second peneplain, except where the edges of the hard lava-sheets still hold up their crest lines to give some indication of the elevation that the whole sur- face once had. Here the valleys are broad and the interstream highlands are reduced to narrow ridges. This stage is indicated for our ten-mile-square area in Fig. 12, produced by removing from the previous form of the model certain little slips by which VOL. XL. 19 Fig. 12. 234 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. 13. it is transformed from a peneplain to a broken country. It is practically in this stage that the region now stands. It has suf- fered certain slight changes by glaciation, and by small vari- ations of level ; but its main features are explained in accordance with the scheme thus presented ; and from this general sketch we may return to the more especial con- sideration of the lost volcanoes. Fig. 13 presents a partial dissection of the tilted and fault- ed mass, in order to show the relation of the peneplain, pro- duced at the end of the first cycle of ero- sion, to the volcanoes from which the la- vas were poured out. The near corner block is stripped down to the present stage of topographic form ; the second represents the peneplain stage ; the other three retain their constructional form. It is here made apparent that by rea- son of the tilting, the volcanic cones were raised above the old base-level of erosion, and were hence doomed to destruction in the process of base-leveling. The further edges of their flows remain ; the stump of the long chimney up through which their lavas rose to the surface is still discoverable, but the cones, where the chim- ney rose to the surface and gave forth the flows, are lost. Fig. 11, which represents the completed peneplain, has no trace of them, although the edges of the flows and the stump of the chimney can be identified. Fig. 13. illustrating the present form of the surface in a general way, shows no volcanoes, but it shows the edges of the flows and the stump of the chimney better than be- fore, because they, being hard rocks, have held up their edges, while the surrounding weaker sandstones and shales have wasted away. Thus the Blue Hills have been developed ; not by lifting up their heavy summits above the surrounding surface, but by holding hard to the form that they had at the end of the previous cycle, while the surrounding rocks have lost it. Denudation has not yet progressed deep enough to reveal the connection that very likely exists between the chimney and the lower intrusive sheet; this is still buried. Fig. 14 tells tlie same sequence of events, but in very diagrammatic style. The wooden working model from which several of these fig- THE LOST VOLCANOES OF CONNECTLCUT. 235 Tires are taken is a very wooden affair ; it is rigid and straight- lined, instead of varying in irregular curves after a natural fash- ion ; yet it may serve to present concrete illustrations of the suc- cessive stages through which the Meriden district has passed ; and when thus viewed, the interest of the place grows wonder- ¥iQ. 14. — Diagrammatic View of a Faulted Monocline, between crystalline plateaus on east (E. PI.) and west ( W. PL), to illustrate the general structure of the Connecticut Tri- assic belt. Relative breadth much reduced. The supposed underground structure is shown in a vertical section in the foreground, and the inferred overground structure (now lost by erosion) in a vertical section in the background. A strip of actual surface lies be- tween the two sections. The even peneplain, to which the whole mass was first reduced, is shown by dotted lines at the level of the eastern (E. PI.) and western (W. PI.) crystal- line plateaus. fully. Its scenery is not grand or magnificent ; many other re- gions exceed it in height of mountains or depth of valleys ; but it has a fine story to tell about its lost volcanoes, and it tells the story with great distinctness and emphasis when the listener passes by. Important literary discoveries have attended the labors of Egyptologists dur- ing the present year. In January was announced the recovery of nearly a com- plete copy of the lost work of Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens— a docu- ment which throws new light on important events in Grecian history from the time of Solon down to the age of Pericles. The examination of the papyrus leaves of whicli certain coffins found at Tel Gurot, in the Fayoum, were made, has resulted in the recovery of several fragments of ancient literature of greater or less value; the most notable of which are a large part of a lost play, Antiope, of Euripides, and of parts of the Pheedo of Plato, of a copy nearly contempo- raneous with the authors, and furnishing a purer text than those from which the modern editions of this work are derived. Much was expected from the ])apyri found with the one hundred and sixty-three priestly mummies which were discov- ered last spring at Deir-el-Bahari, near Thebes ; but, so far as they have been ex- amined, they have afforded nothing more valuable than funereal texts. 236 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE TRAINING OF DOGS.* By WEf^LEY MILLS, M. D. AN analysis of our own psychic life, complex as mucli of it is^ - compared with that of the dog, shows that a great part of our mental processes are not concerned with abstractions and generalizations of a very high order, but with actual concrete perceptions and conceptions; that we think in pictures rather than words ; that our thoughts are the result of past associations ; that the machinery of the mind or brain is so connected that when one part is moved, so to speak, a whole series of connections are established. Hence the psychic life of every creature must be related essentially to its past experiences. If this be true — and it can not be doubted — we think, then, the puppy's intelligence, like our own, begins to develop, and con- tinues to do so exactly in relation to its environment. We can make that environment pretty much what we will ; and with the dog, his master from the first, and always, is the principal factor. Two extreme views have for a long period been entertained in regard to the training of the dog ; the one that he is a wdld, way- ward creature to be " broken," the other that he needs no special correction if properly taught from the first. Neither is quite correct. A puppy full of life tends to do exactly as his impulses move him, till the highest motive power, a desire to please his master, is substituted. It follows that a puppy can not be too soon led to understand that he has a master— kind, honest, intelligent, and firm. He must be consistent with his puppy. All caprice i& fatal ; it utterly confuses and demoralizes the dog. Remembering that principle we laid down long ago, that the dog is very like ourselves, we can indicate a few principles for training that we think will meet the test of experience. The puppy at one period is like a young infant, later like a two-year- old child, and at the best most'dogs never get beyond the intelli- gence of a young child in most respects, though in some qualities the wisest man is far behind the dog. For practical purposes the puppy may be treated as an infant, but as a rapidly developing one. He gets his information through his senses, and his training must be related to this, and to the fact that he is a creature with strong impulses but little self-control. It is a well-established law of the nervous system that what has happened once is likely to occur again under the same circum- * From advance sheets of the author's book. The Dog in Health and Disease, in prepa- ration by D. Appleton k Co. THE TRAINING OF DOGS. ^37 stances ; hence in the training of puppies first experiences are of much importance, and all the arrangements of the kennel, and in fact the whole environment, should be shaped in relation to this principle. The puppy should not be allowed to get into habits which will later need correction. Let him from the first be encouraged in cleanliness, self-respect, love of esteem, respect for the rights of other puppies, his fellows, etc. Very early begin to instill into him lessons of restraint, but only for the briefest periods, for the creature is as yet weak in brain and will power, though strong in instincts and impulses. The master or trainer must not be associated in his mind with The Smooth-coated Fox-Terkier Ch^^mpign The Belgraviak. unpleasantness, but with the reverse. Do not, therefore, punish him, but let him learn almost unconsciously that certain actions and certain pleasures are connected. He should soon learn his name, should always come when called, but not be summoned too often, especially if playing. It is well to carry a bit of biscuit, cheese, etc., to reward him for coming at first. Later a pat of approbation will suffice. 238 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The trainer slioiild never undertake what he is not reasonably sure of accomplishing; and the first aim should always be to secure the dog's attention and interest, and to make the accom- plishment pleasant. But he must know what is wanted, and if he can not comprehend this, the lesson is unsuitable at this period. He must, however, obey if he understands; gentle compulsion. The Greyhound Fulleeton. Thrice winner of the Waterloo cup, the most valuable of all coursing prizes. when once the purpose is understood, may be exercised — e. g., if he will not come when he is called, he must not be whipped, as that will make the whole set of associations unpleasant, but he must be gently dragged by the back of the neck or bodily carried to where the trainer stood when the command was given ; he must then be very gently reprimanded, then forgiven and made to feel that he is forgiven, and the lesson repeated, always rewarding obedience in some way. Obedience to what is right pleasant, disobedience unpleasant, is the rule for us all, dogs and men. On these principles yard and house training is simple with well-bred dogs. They mean to please if they can. Make obedience and right-doing understood. THE TRAINING OF DOGS. 239 possilole, and pleasant, and it will be preferred, especially if the wrong-doing is followed by the reverse experiences. Dogs are not filthy in their habits, but some people who keep them are, and others do not understand what is required to enable a dog to follow his instincts of cleanliness. Where a dog has once been to respond to Nature's call, he tends to visit again, and this is a guide to enable us to avail of natural instinct to enable us to maintain cleanly surroundings. The same general princi- ples apply when dogs are taken afield to be worked on some sort of game. At first the puppy may run toward almost every form of life he sees. This is natural, and he would not be worth his keeping if he did not show some such tendency to investigate the world about him. TAIL Sheep Dog. But he must be restrained gradually. He must associate certain acts with the approval and others with the disapproval of him he respects, loves, and wishes greatly to j^lease if he only knows how. But such is the strength of the impulses of some puppies— now, we will suppose, six or eight months old— that they find it very difficult to restrain themselves. In such case we must lessen the stimulus or source of excitement rather than resort at once to the application of the principle of making the act unpleasant, as the use of a spiked collar or check-line. 240 THE POPULAR SCIEXCE MONTHLY. These may later be useful in a modified form, but not at first ; indeed, such methods are mostly quite unnecessary if a proper course be pursued. To illustrate : Suppose that a brace of setter puppies eight months old be taken to some wood where there is but little game. If they tend to run wild without any reference to the whereabouts of the trainer, and disregard his calls or his whistle, it surely would not be wise to whip those puppies soundly at once, attach a spiked collar or a check-line. To do so would probably confuse them, humiliate them, and retard their develop- ment in every way. Now, if the trainer secrete himself for a lit- tle while, these puppies will probably get frightened a little, feel- ing that they are lost, and will after this be more cautious how widely they range. When they do come in they may be scolded, but not whijDped at this stage. The Pointer Champion Bbacket. It should be pointed out that all dogs should be taught to come in to whistle and to " down charge," or to drop at some word of command or at the upraising of the hand. This applies to all breeds, though more especially to dogs used in shooting, A dog in the field should also be guided by the motions of his trainer's hand. In learning this, the voice, the whistle, and often a long cord will be useful. But the author wishes to avoid giving the impression that THE TRAINING OF DOGS. 241 there is only one way of accomplishing these things, as many previous writers seem to have thought, with the result that many who have attempted to follow these rigid rules have disgusted themselves and spoiled their dogs. It is to be remembered that all lessons require frequent repe- tition. " Little and often " applies to training as a cardinal principle. The Bloodhound Champion Cromwell. No one should undertake the training of a dog to work on game who is not possessed of patience and good temper. Lack- ing these, the puppy is apt to cause the trainer great worrj^ and to get little good from him, if he be not actually spoiled. It is, in fact, better to go afield expecting that the puppy will do nothing as desired at first ; then one is prepared for the worst, and may soon lay his plans to accomplish what he aims at, which must always be done in relation both to the dog and the circumstances. But with dogs example is strong for good or evil. A steady, old trained dog is invaluable, while a disobedient, head- strong one will most assuredly ruin the puppy. But it is clearly foolish to expect a pappy under a certain age to work on game with an older dog — indeed, to work on game at all — though rang- ing, obeying the whistle, dropping, etc., should all be taught be- Z4Z THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY fore the puppy is introduced to game. He must learn restraint and obedience, though it must be confessed that a day's work on actual game often quite transforms some puppies. But, as a rule, ten or twelve months will be quite soon enough to introduce a puppy to actual work. Retrieving may be taught at home, using a soft ball of yarn, etc. ; and if the puppy tends to bite on this, a few wires may be pushed through it. He must always at first be rewarded, when he brings the ball when thrown, with a little meat, cheese, etc. The words " fetch," " seek," etc., may be employed. Soon he will The Irish Water-Spaniel Champion Shaun. understand, and seek when no ball is thrown. To get him to "seek dead," some article msy be hidden, and at first some meat, etc., must be employed, and the dog assisted to find it. Later a real bird may be used, or a wing. The same word of command should always be used. If the pujjpy will not bring the article — will not retrieve — take him to the spot and place it in his mouth, THE TRAINING OF DOGS. H3 holding it there and obliging him to carry it and finally deliver it to his trainer ; reward him, and then try him again. Some dogs take to retrieving naturally, requiring no training, while it is almost impossible to get others, often of high intelli- gence, to learn this at all. Most puppies need a good deal of attention before they are perfectly steady on point, and to wing and shot, as their natural tendency is to secure the game when they have found it. How best to overcome this it is not always easy to decide. The dog must be encouraged to remain steady while his trainer moves up. Often the assistance of a second person to flush the bird will be The Rough-coated St. Bernard Champion Sir Bedivere. useful, while the dog is approached and encouraged but not allowed to rush on. In this case a check-cord may be useful — to be employed as little as possible. The examj^le of .a reliable old dog is invaluable. Some form of check that will make the dog defeat or punish himself is preferable to direct administration of punishment by the trainer. Gun-shyness is but an exaggerated form of fear of unusual noises, and must be treated accordingly. Let the dog be gradu- 244 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ally introduced to louder and louder noises, never being allowed to escape, but being made to see that no harm is meant liim or can happen to him. As to whether it is worth while to attempt to cure the worst cases will depend much on other circumstances, as the dog's breeding, general intelligence, nose, etc. It may or may not be inherited. The author, in conversation with a very successful trainer of horses, once asked : " Can you teach any horse these things ? " ^' I can do so, but it would not in many cases be worth while," was the reply. The same may be said of dogs : some of them are not adapted for certain kinds of work, and acquirements by nature to a sufficient degree, to make it worth while to persevere in teaching them ; just as certain boys would never become expert enough at certain vocations to warrant their pursuit. But before abandoning a well-bred dog that seems to possess courage, " go," and fair general intelligence, it might be well to get the advice of some second person of much experience. Many dogs, unprom- ising at first, have become a great success afterward. The ability to read dogs very thoroughly is given to but a few men, and these, i:)rovided they have patience, good temper, and persever- ance, must of course make the best trainers. Though we have sjjoken chiefly of the training of hunting dogs, it is simply because that is usually more elaborate. All training is based essentially on the same principles, for the mind of the trainer and that of the dog are relative constants, while the circumstances are the variables. In every instance the dog, from the earliest period, must know the trainer as his master, as one who knows his own mind and always is to be obeyed. But, in order to insure this, the princi- ples we have already endeavored to enforce must be faithfully and intelligently applied ; and it is very important, we repeat, that nothing be undertaken that can not be performed, and every advance in instruction approached by slight gradation and fre- quent repetition. All sound training must constantly keep in mind the individuality of the animal. The assumption that all dogs can be treated just alike is as erroneous as that all stomachs may have the same diet. A dog kept constantly in a kennel can never attain his highest psychical development ; and it is the author's experience that it does every dog good to bring him into the house occasionally for short periods and allow him to mingle with the family. It raises the animal in his own estimation, and attaches him to his master, for whom he will have increased respect. SILK DRESSES AND EIGHT HOURS' WORK. 245 SILK DRESSES AND EIGHT HOURS' WORK. By J. B. MANN. THE remark occurs in a recent editorial article in a prominent religious newspaper commending the eight-liour movement that if all the women who want silk dresses could have work, all the silk factories in the country could be set in motion and would furnish employment to the many thousands of people then idle ; or words of that import. The proposition at first sight seems philosophical, but is it not reasoning in a circle ? Having work, people will buy silks. If they buy silks, the factories will run. ^ If the factories run, the people will have work. The old lady said : " This snow will never melt until the weather is warmer, and the weather can never be warmer until the snow has melted." Mak- ing the statement does not solve the problem. When we look at the matter with care we find, sorrowfully, that the women who have no silks are the very ones who do the hardest work ; and hence, as they are working clear up to the limit of human endurance to get bread, they have no time left over to put into silk dresses. This fact upsets the theory. Horace Greeley had a theory that poverty in cities could be cured by getting the poor to go West and engage in farming ; entirely overlooking the fact that the next sixpence the poor man could get, and the next, and so on, must go for bread, thus putting a trip to the West out of the question. But the imagining of philosophers in regard to the remedies is of small account, because want of work is not in this country one of the leading causes of poverty, as every careful observer knows. There are at least a dozen things which are more potent causes of the evil, and too much work, by which constitutions are broken and health ruined, is one of them. Is the remedy, therefore, not to be found in the eight-hour movement ? I answer, No. The eight-hour movement does not approach the root of the evil. It is assumed by the promoters of the movement that society has a given amount of wants which require a given amount of labor to supply, and hence it is inferred that if all the workers cut down their hours from twelve to eight, the men now out of employment will come up and do the work the others have relinquished. In that way it is claimed that there Tvill be work for all. Another theory is that men will accomplish as much in the long run in eight hours as they now do in twelve. It is evident on the face of it that both theories are not true, because if as much should be done by the present workers after the change as before, no more would be left for the others to do than they have now. And in that case the present workers would come much nearer to ex- 246 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. liausting their strength and injuring tlieir health for tlie same money only that they get now. They would be no richer, and would drive their muscles and frames at a wearing pace not con- sistent with the laws of health. But neither theory is true. Instead of there being a given amount of wants, as alleged, wants are found to be largely the result of means. If the community have little, they require little, but as they become wealthy they spread out in proportion. People can't hire labor if they are poor, and hence to make a demand for labor somebody must be rich enough to pay for it. This is perfectly plain. Nobody goes in search of a poor man for employment, only in the last resort. It follows that whatever tends to wealth- making tends to want-making, and to an increase in the demand for labor and the supply of employment. On the other hand, whatever tends to a diminution of wealth tends necessarily to a diminution of the means to pay for labor, and also to less dispo- sition to hire others to do the work. I think that these positions can not be successfully combated, and if not, we have a criterion by which to determine in what direction to look for improvement in the condition of the laboring man. Surely we shall never find it in anything that tends to a diminution of resources. What is stated above in relation to wants being increased in proportion to the increase of wealth does not hold good in some individual cases, but in general it does, and it holds good to that extent that the common people everywhere accept it as a basis of action without stopping to reason about it at all, it is so natural. It is the reason why people leave a country like Ireland and come here. They expect to find dollars so plenty that, according to the old story, they do not deem it worth the while to pick up the quarters they may see lying on the wharf where they land. The same thing takes the smart boys from the poor country districts and small villages to the large towns and cities. They feel that they must get to places where there is an abundance of money. They do not fail to note that a man who has ten thousand dollars will build a three thousand dollar house, while the man with thirty thousand will build a house costing twelve thousand prob- ably," and that calls for four times the labor of the other. They must get where such men abound, and where there are hundred- thousand-dollar men and millionaires, men who will build palaces, railroads, great warehouses, and ships. Poverty-stricken places are given a wide berth by all sensible folk, and so universal is the practice that we are not left in doubt as to the meaning of it. Now wealth is principally the product of labor. Some get it by their own labor, and some by the labor of others ; but however got by the individual, it is the result of personal or machine ex- SILK DRESSES AND EIGHT HOURS' WORK. 247 ertion and force. This necessitates the rule, therefore : More la- bor, more wealth ; less labor, less wealth. This rule no one can escape or ignore. The question now comes up, whether working eight hours a day tends to more riches or more production than working twelve. That it does not, I have already stated is my belief, and the belief is founded upon a long experience as a mechanic, farm- laborer, employer, and observer. In twenty years of labor in a shop, I never saw the time when I could do twelve hours' work in eight hours, excej^t j^ossibly for a single day. I never saw the man that could do it, and I never heard of one that could do it. I never met one that said he thought it could be done for any length of time. It is a well-established fact that most men that pretend to work well have a working gait of their own, and can not be hurried beyond that advantageously. If they are, they do poor work or break down. This is so obvious that any pretense that as much will be accomplished in the shorter hours in farm- ing or physical labor of any kind borders on the ridiculous. So obvious is it, that the principal advocates of the eight-hour move- ment have ceased to put their case on this ground, and rely upon the other theory, that less work will be done, and consequently more work will be left to be given to the laborers seeking for something to do. If this latter view be adopted, it follows that the eight-hour men are philanthropists, who have sacrificed, or propose to sacri- fice, one third of their possible earnings for the good of their fel- low-men who have no work. This is incredible. The laborers themselves do not act from any such principle. They are think- ing all the time that, instead of making a sacrifice, they are get- ting more leisure and making more money. They think that, Instead of the work they could do in the four hours they have abandoned being done by the poor fellows who need help, it is not done at all, and, not being done at all, wages have risen, and thus they can get twelve hours' pay for eight hours' work. In other words, they propose to increase the wealth of the community by lessening the amount produced by the community, thinking that, with a smaller amount to be divided as wages by one third, they can get a bigger share. Not only do they suppose this impossible thing, but they claim it has already been accom- plished, and they say the advance in wages during the last thirty years has been caused by the reduction of hours. Assuming this to be true, it is perfectly legitimate to argue that a further reduction of hours will work in the same way, and they name eight as the next station on the scale, with an intima- tion that soon six will be the point, and later four. I believe that most concede that it is necessary to have some work done, not 248 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. perceiving tlie absurdity into wliicli tliey fall by the concession. Logically, we say that if one can earn a dollar in one hour, he can earn the same the next hour, and the next, and so on to the limit of his endurance. But, if we begin at the other end of the line of argument, and say that one can do as much and get as much pay in ten hours as in twelve, and then say that he can get as much pay in eight as in twelve, and then again as much in six, there is no logical stop anywhere till the bottom is reached. The stubborn fact of time is kicked out of the back door. It is the same as saying that a man works six hours, earns three dollars, and then works six more at the same work for nothing ; while the same i)ersons who say it have to admit that, if the man worked six hours in one day and six hours the next day, he would get as much pay for the sebond six as for the first six. Time is too tough a customer to be disposed of in that manner, and we must deal with him as a fact that has come to stay. I think the most stupid are now able to see that one's ability to provide for his wants depends primarily upon his labor, and that time is a principal element in the case. He must have it and he must use it, and his j)rosperity, other things being equal, will be much or little as time is wisely used or neglected. The law of prosperity has not been repealed by any of the edicts of the leagues and unions. Not a fact or princij^le has been abol- ished or suspended. An hour lost is the loss of the product of labor that might have been performed in that hour, and it falls on the man who owned the hour, and not on another man or set of men. He does not escape his loss by the absurd theory that he lost it after four o'clock of Monday, instead of before ten Tues- day morning. It is an absolute loss, whatever the day when it was made. If the man worked for himself, as the saying is, he would see it was a total loss and nothing else ; but, working for another, he fancies the other man is the loser, or else, by some hocus-pocus, it is shifted upon society. If men worked by the piece they would see how it is. Let two men start together in life as shoemakers, with a view to do their best in getting on in the world, as Henry Wilson did sixty years ago. They are equal in skill and endurance, and can work twelve hours at a fair stroke without impairing health. Working by the piece, they find they can earn sixteen and two thirds cents per hour, or at the rate of two dollars a day. There is no dilTerence between them in jjuri^ose, and only the small difference in the method of getting on, that James thinks he will sooner get in comfortable circumstances by working twelve hours a day, and John imagines that nine hours will answer the purpose just as well. At the end of the year of three hundred days they find that James has earned six hundred dollars, and John has earned but four hundred and fifty dollars. SILK DRESSES AND EIGHT HOURS' WORK. 249 They keep on at this rate ten years, and James has laid by two thousand dollars, and John nothing. Now, the two thousand of James earns ten dollars a month for him, and is better than a good apprentice, because he pays the fund no wages and it costs nothing for board. The reason why they are "now so wide apart is that the extra hours of James have yielded fifteen hundred dollars principal in the ten years, and five hundred dollars in in- terest. John has nothing, because the expense of living of each and support of the families has amounted to four hundred and fifty dollars a year for each. In ten years more James will have interest-money sufficient to meet the family expense of four hun- dred and fifty dollars, and John will be with his nose still on the grindstone. A company of ten such men would lose in ten years twenty thousand dollars, and society would never make it up to them. Society would not pay for one hundred pairs of shoes when only seventy-five pairs were furnished, and the idea that it would is a delusion. Many workingmen have gained in the last half century, and the general condition has improved a great deal, but no part of the money gain has been due to less hours of labor. The people have grown rich during that time because they have availed themselves of the increased means of production which have been developed, and not because production has been lessened by the laborer refusing to work the former number of hours. Our riches are made up entirely of things produced, and when we say we are richer, we mean that we have more things which are the product of applied force. The increase of wealth, as was stated before, has increased the disposition to build more expensive houses and buy more elaborate furniture, and have an endless variety of things deemed needless a few years ago, caus- ing a demand for labor and an increase of wages that in a meas- ure counterbalances the loss of time. This is what has helped labor, and not the refusal to work more than ten hours. Had the other two hours a day been worked, the laborer would have been still richer by one sixth of the principal and all the interest on his extra earnings during the whole time that the ten-hour rule has prevailed. The workman, then, has simply exchanged the wealth he might have got in the extra two hours for leisure of two hours ; a very proper thing to do if he can afford it, but he hasn't had the leisure and the money he might have earned in the lost time also. The community is also the poorer to the same extent. It misses just the amount of wealth that the laborer has failed to produce in his idle hours. It finds on its hands a large body of men advanced in years who might now be comfortable, but are still struggling to meet the cost of increase in the style of living consequent on the increase of wealth, when they are more than one sixth short in possible resources. VOL. XL.- 20 250 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The trouble with the eight-hour plan, however, is not here so much as in the fact that so many men who can not get a decent living on eight hours of labor are taught that they can earn as much in that time as in twelve hours, and are made to believe it, or else denounced as scabs and nobodies. If the laborer attempts to work more hours, he is called an enemy of workingmen, an enemy of progress, and so on, until he is forced to a life of partial idleness, while his children are suffering for comforts which his labor could furnish without injury to himself or to any mortal in the world. There are hosts of men somewhat deficient in skill who could partially make up in longer hours their lack of effi- ciency were they permitted to, but as they are not, they are forced to live on the verge of beggary all their days, and are taught to curse society for not giving them a better chance in the world. How many such there are in this country God only knows, but that they are numerous there can be no doubt. The evil is prodigious, and is not confined to this class entirely. Others are affected in an unfavorable way. The idea is encouraged that labor is an evil to be shunned like vice, and that there is a way to enjoy the fruits Qf labor without its exercise. The consequence of the prevalence of this idea is, that men are led to hope for the impossible, to trust in its coming, and to neglect the golden op- portunities for making their way which lie directly before them. The man who thinks he is getting richer by three or four hours of idleness every day is not likely to set much value on time, and when he does not do that, he tends to unthriftiness, and in time will become a good deal of an idler if not a downright loafer. "When the whole community becomes thus affected, the conse- quences will be serious. They are serious already. That this is a remarkable age in which we live is the general belief, but of the things that go to make up this belief nothing is stranger than the fact that when all mankind were devoting their best thoughts to the discovery of ways to increase resources and add to the general and individual wealth of society, when schemes of all sorts were being devised to save time in transportation of goods and mails and persons, in planting corn and making hay, in pumping water and feeding cattle, in tanning leather and mak- ing whisky, in mounting flights of stairs and raising broods of chickens — the workingmen as a body should band together and contrive a scheme to compel all hands to throw away absolutely one fourth of their chances to earn and lay up money, and provide for that period sure to come to all who live out the allotted years of man, when leisure will be not merely a luxury but a necessity ; yet this is exactly what they have done. They have in a con- siderable degree neutralized the gains to themselves to be derived from the use of machinery, and thus have allowed the machines DUST. 251 to stand on tlie pay-rolls for the one quarter of wages they might have earned themselves. It was formerly supposed a wise saying that " the hand of the diligent maketh rich/' but the proverb has been strangely modified in these days. We are now told that the proverb was only three quarters true, and instead we must say, the man who works all of working time makes his neighbors poor, and will spend his last days in the work-house of the parish or on the highway as a tramp. Time lost is money lost to the one to whom the time belonged, whether he be rich or poor. The rich can lose some without feeling it, but the poor, alas! have none to spare. When this truth is fully appreciated by the destitute, a long stride will have been made toward the extinction of poverty. DUST. Br J. G. McPHEESON. SOME of the most enchanting phenomena in nature are de- pendent for their very existence upon singularly unimpor- tant things ; and some phenomena that in one form or another daily attract our attention are produced by startlingly overlooked material. What is the agent that magically transforms the leaden heavens into the gorgeous afterglow of autumn, when the varied and evanescent colors chase each other in fantastic brilliancy ? What is the source of the beautiful, brilliant, and varied coloring of the waters of the Mediterranean, or of the most extraordinary brilliant blue of the crystal waters of the tarns in the Cordilleras ? What produces the awe-inspiring deep blue of the zenith in a clear summer evening, when the eye tries to reach the absolute ? Whence come the gentle refreshing rain, the biting sleet, the stupefying fog, the chilling mist, the virgin snow, the glimmer- ing haze, or the pelting hail ? What raises water to the state of ebullition in the process of heat application for boiling ? What is the source of much of the wound putrefaction, and the generation and spread of sickness and disease ? What, in fact, is one of the most marvelous agents in producing beauty for the eye's gratifi- cation, refreshment to the arid soil, sickness and death to the frame of man and beast ? That agent is dust And yet no significance is given to dust unless it appears in large and troublesome quantities. It requires the persistent an- noyance of dust-clouds to excite any attention. Dust, however, demands to be noticed, even when not in that collected, irritating motion known in Scotland as siour. The dust-particles floating in the atmosphere or suspended in the water have a most impor- 252 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, tant influence upon the imagination, as well as upon the comfort of man. Though so small that a microscope magnifying 1,600 diameters is required to discern them, they at times sorely tax the patience of the tidy housekeeper and the skill of the anxious surgeon. An aesthetic eye is charmed with their gorgeous trans- formation effects ; yet some are more real emissaries of evil than poet or painter ever conceived. Until the famous discovery made by Mr. John Aitken, of Fal- kirk, a few years ago, no one could reasonably account for the existence of rain. It was said by physicists that cloud-particles were attracted by the law of gravitation under certain conditions of temperature and pressure. But this famous experimentalist and observer found out that without dust there could be no rain ; there would be nothing but continuous dew. Our bodies and roads would be always wet. There would be no need for umbrellas, and the housekeeper's temper would be sorely tried with the dripping walls. A very easy experiment will show that where there is no dust there can be no fog. If common air be driven through a filter of cotton-wool into an exhausted glass receiver, the vessel contains pure air without dust, the dust having been seized by the cotton- wool. If a vessel containing common air be placed beside it, the eye is unable to detect any difference in the contents of the ves- sels, so very fine and invisible is the dust. If both vessels be con- nected with a boiler by means of pipes, and steam be passed into both, the observer will be astonished at the contrast presented. In the vessel containing common air the steam will be seen, as soon as it enters, rising in a close white cloud ; then a beautiful foggy mass will fill the vessel, so dense that it can not be seen through. On the other hand, in the vessel containing the filtered, dustless air, the steam is not seen at all; though the eye be strained, no particles of moisture are discernible; there is no cloudiness whatever. In the one case, where there was the ordi- nary air impregnated with invisible dust, fog at once appeared; whereas in the other case, the absence of the^ dust prevented the water- vapor from condensing into fog. Invisible dust, then, is required in the air for the production of fog, cloud, mist, snow, sleet, hail, haze, and rain, according to the temperature and press- ure of the air. The old theory of particles of water-vapor combining with each other to form a cloud-particle is now exploded. Dust is required as a free surface on which the vapor-particles will con- dense. The fine particles of dust in the air attract the vapor-par- ticles and form fog-particles. When there is abundance of dust in the air and little water-vapor present, there is an over propor- tion of dust-particles ; and the fog-particles are, in consequence. BUST. 253 closely packed, but light in form and small in size, taking the more flimsy appearance of fog. But if the dust-particles are fewer in proportion to the number of molecules of water-vapor, each particle soon gets weighted, becomes visible, and falls in mist or rain. This can be shown by experiment. Let a jet of steam be passed into a glass receiver containing common air, and it will be soon filled with dense fog. Shut off the steam and allow the fog to settle. The air again becomes clear. Admit more steam, and the water-particles will seize hold of the dust-particles that pre- viously escaped. Fog will be formed, but it will not be so dense. Again, shut off the steam, and allow the fog to settle and the air to clear. Then admit some steam, and very likely the condensed vapor will fall as rain. If the experiment be often enough re- peated, rain instead of fog will be formed, because there are com- paratively few solid particles on which the moisture can condense. When, then, dust is present in large quantities, the condensed vapor produces a fog; there are so many particles of dust to which the vapor can adhere that each can only get a very small share— so small, in fact, that the weight of the dust is scarcely affected by the addition of the vapor— and the fog formed remains for a time suspended in the air, too light to fall to the ground. But when the number of dust-particles is fewer, each particle can take hold of a greater space of the water-vapor, and mist particles or even rain-particles will be formed. This principle that every fog-particle has embosomed in it an invisible dust-particle led Mr. Aitken to one of the most startling discoveries of our day — the enumeration of the dust-particles of the air. Thirty years ago M. Pasteur succeeded in counting the organic particles in the air ; these are comparatively few, whereas the number of inorganic particles is legion. Dr. Koch, Dr. Percy Frankland, and others have devoted considerable attention to the enumeration of the micro-organisms in the air, and Mr. A. Wynter Blyth, the public analyst in London, has done good service in counting the micro-organisms in the different kinds of water in the vicinity. Marvelous as are the results, still the process was comparatively easy. By generating the colonies in a prepared gelatin, the number of microbes can be easily ascertained. But to attempt to count the inorganic dust seemed almost equal in audacity to the scaling of the heavens. The numbering of the dust of the air, like the numbering of the hairs of the head, was considered as one of the prerogatives of the Deity. Yet Mr. Aitken has counted the " gay motes that people the sun- beams." Though he could not enlarge the particles by a nutritive process, as in the case of the organic particles, he has been able to enlarge them by transferring them into fog-particles, so as to 2 54 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. be within the possibility of accurate enumeration. His plan is to dilute a definite small quantity of common air with a fixed large quantity of filtered, dustless air, and allow the mixture to be supersaturated by water- vapor; the few particles of dust seize the moisture, become visible in drops, fall on a divided plate, and are there counted by means of a magnifying-glass. The instrument employed by Mr. Aitken has taken various forms ; in fact, he has so far improved it that it can be carried in the coat-pocket. But the original instrument, which we saw and used, is most easily described without the aid of diagrams. But, instead of his decimal system of measurements, we will use the ordinary system, that the dimensions may be more easily grasped by the general reader. Into a common glass flask of carafe-shape, and flat-bottomed, of thirty cubic inches capacity, are passed two small tubes, at the end of one of which is attached a square silver table, one inch long. A little water having been inserted, the flask is inverted, and the table is placed exactly one inch from the inverted bottom, so that the contents of the air above the table and below the bottom are one cubic inch. The observing table has been divided into a hundred equal squares, and is highly polished, with the burnishing all in one direction, so that during the observations it appears dark, when the fine mist-particles, fall- ing on it, glisten opal-like with the reflected light, in order that they may be more easily counted. The tube to which the silver table is attached is connected with two stop-cocks, one of which can admit a small measured portion of the air to be examined. The other tube in the flask is connected with an exhausting syringe, of ten cubic inches capacity. Over the flask is placed a covering colored black in the inside. In the top of this cover is inserted a powerful magnifying-glass, through which the par- ticles on the silver table can be easily seen and counted. A little to the side of this magnifier is an opening in the cover, through which light is concentrated on the silver table. This light, again, has had to pass through a spherical globe of water, in order to abstract the heat rays, which might vitiate the observations. To perform the experiment, the air in the flask is exhausted by the syringe. The flask is then filled with pure filtered air. One tenth of a cubic inch of the air to be examined is then intro- duced into the flask, and mixed with the thirty cubic inches of dustless air. After one stroke of the syringe this mixed air is made to occupy an additional space of ten cubic inches ; and this rarefying of the air so chills it that condensation of the water- vapor takes place on the dust-particles. The observer, looking through the magnifying-glass upon the silver table, sees the mist- particles fall like an opal shower on the table, and counts the number on a single square in two or three places, striking an DUST. 255 average in his mind. Suppose the average number upon one of these squares were five, then on the whole table there would be 500; and these 500 mist-particles contain the 500 dust-particles which floated invisibly in the cubic inch of mixed air above the table. But, as there are forty cubic inches of mixed air in the flask and syringe, the number of dust-particles in the whole is 40 times 500 = 20,000 ; that is, there are 20,000 dust-particles in the small quantity of common air (one tenth of a cubic inch) which was introduced for examination ; in other words, a cubic inch of that air contains 200,000 dust-particles — nearly a quarter of a million. By this process Mr. Aitken has been able to count 7,500,000 of dust-particles in one cubic inch of the ordinary air of Glasgow. We counted with him 4,000,000 in a cubic inch of the air outside of the Royal Society Rooms, Princes Street, Edinburgh. Inside the room, after the Fellows had met for two hours, on a winter evening — the fire and gas having been burning for a consider- able time — we found 6,500,000 in a cubic inch of the air four feet from the floor ; but near the ceiling no fewer than 57,500,000 were counted in the cubic inch. He counted in one cubic inch of air immediately above a Bunsen flame the fabulous number of 489,- 000,000 of dust-particles. The lowest number he ever counted was at Lucerne, in Switzerland : 3,500 in the cubic inch. On the summit of Ben Nevis the observer, using Mr. Aitken's apparatus, counted from 214,400 down to 840 in the cubic inch. But on the morning of the 21st of July last there was a most marvelous ob- servation made. Though at the sea-level the wind was steady, and the thermometer did not vary, at the summit the wind sud- denly veered round to the opposite direction of that below, blow- ing out of a cyclone, and the temperature rose ten degrees. In consequence the extraordinarily low mean of only thirty-four dust-particles to the cubic inch was observed. We now come to the most pleasant of the investigations in connection with dust. The very brilliant sunsets which began in the autumn of 1883, and continued during successive seasons with gradually decreasing grandeur, have arrested the attention of the physicist as well as of the general observer. What is the cause of the brilliant coloring in these remarkable sunsets ? What is the source of the immense wealth of the various shades of red which have been so universally admired ? Gazing on a gorgeous sunset, the whole western heavens glowing with roseate hues, the observer sees the colors melting away before his eyes and becoming trans- formed into different hues. The clouds are of different sizes and of all shapes. Some float virgin-like in silver folds, others voyage m golden groups ; some are embroidered with burning crimson, others are like " islands all lovely in an emerald sea." And when the flood of rosy light, as it deepens into bright crimson, brings 256 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. out into "bold relief the circlet of flaming mountain peaks, it is like a gorgeous transformation scene. Stranger still, when the sun sinks below the horizon, and a dull ashen gray has possessed the western heavens, what occasions the hectic flush on the east- ern horizon ? Gradually the clouds are tinged with light red from the eastern horizon all over the zenith ; whence comes the coloring ? It is a strange coincidence that these remarkably fine sun- sets have been since the tremendous eruptions at Krakatoa, in the Straits of Sunda. Along with the lava eruption there was ejected an enormous quantity of fine dust. The decks of vessels, hundreds of miles away, were covered with it. Mr. Verbreek computed that no less than 70,000 cubic yards of dust actually fell round the volcano. This will give an idea of the enormous quan- tity of dust still floating in the atmosphere, and drifting all over the world. In the upper atmosphere, too, there must always be dust, for without the dust no clouds could be formed to shield us from the sun's scorching rays ; and of cosmic dust there must be a considerable quantity in the air, produced by the waste from the millions of meteors that daily fall into it. Mr. Aitken has ably shown that the brilliancy and variety of the coloring are due to the suspended dust in the atmosphere. Observers of the gorgeous sunsets and afterglows have been most particularly struck with the immense wealth of the various shades and tints of red. Now, if the glowing colors are due to the presence of dust in the air, there must be somewhere a display of the colors complementary to the reds, because the dust acts by a selective dispersion of the colors. The small dust-particles arrest the direct course of the rays of light and reflect them in all direc- tions ; but they principally reflect the rays of the violet end of the spectrum, while the red rays pass on almost unchecked. Overhead deep blue reigns in awe-inspiring glory. As the sun passes below the horizon, and the lower stratum of air, with its larger particles of dust which reflect light, ceases to be illumi- nated, the depth and fullness of the blue most intensely increase. This effect is produced by the very fine particles of dust in the sky overhead being unable to scatter any colors unless those of short wave-lengths at the violet end .of the spectrum. Thus we see, above, blue in its intensity without any of the red colors. When, however, the observer brings his eyes down in any direction except the west, he will see the blue mellowing into blue-green, green, and then rose color. And some of the most beautiful and delicate rose tints are formed by the air cooling and depositing its moisture on the particles of dust, increasing the size of the particles till they are sufficiently large to stop and spread the red rays, when the sky glows with a strange aurora-like light. DUST. 257 Tlie dust theory of the splendor of sunset coloring is strength- ened by the often glorious afterglows. The fiercely brilliant streaks of red have disappeared ; over the mountain ridge a flush of orange hovers, and softens the approaching blue. The western hills, that once stood out bronzed against the glare of light, are somber-hued. But suddenly, as by a fairy's wand, the roseate flush of beauty rises in the east, and stretches its beautiful tints all over the sky. As the sun sinks, but before it ceases to shine on our atmosphere, the temperature of the air begins to fall, and its cooling is accompanied by an increase in the size of the particles floating in it by the condensation of the water-vapor. The particles to the east lose the sun first, and are thus first cooled. Accordingly, the rays in that direction are best sifted by the larger water-clad particles of dust, and the roseate coloring is there more distinct than in the north and south. As the sun sinks further, the particles overhead become cooler, and attract the water-vapor ; thus they increase in size, and thereby reflect the red rays. Here the red hues, at first visible in the east, slowly rise, pass overhead, and descend in the west to form the charming afterglow. Sometimes a flood of glory will roll once more along the summits of the hills, entrancing the attention of the artistic spectator. All examinations of the volcanic dust lately collected from the atmosphere show that a great quantity of it is composed of small glassy crystals. An abundance of these would quite ac- count for the peculiarity in the visibility of the first glow ; and the evidence seems to indicate that the quantity of such crystals is sufiicient to produce the result. When these are fully illumi- nated, they become in turn a source of illumination, and reflect their reddish light all around. In winter sunsets, the water-clad dust-particles become frozen, and the peculiarly brilliant crimson is seen, coloring the dead beech leaves and red sandstone houses, and making them appear to be painted with vermilion. If, then, there were no fine dust-particles in the upper strata of the atmosphere, the sunset effect would be paler ; if there were no large particles in the lower strata., the beautiful sunset effects would cease. In fact, if our atmosphere were perfectly void of dust-particles, the sun's light would simply pass through without being seen, and soon after the sun dipped below the horizon total darkness would ensue. The length of our twilight, therefore, depends on the amount of dust in one form or another in our at- mosphere. Not only, then, would a dustless atmosphere have no clouds, but there would be no charming sunsets, and no thought- inspiring twilights. There is a generally prevalent fallacy that the coloring at sun- rise or sunset is much finer when seen from the summit of a TOL. XL. — 21 258 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. mountain than from a valley. To this matter Mr. Aitken has been giving some attention, and his observations point the very opposite way, corroborative of his dust-theory. From the summit of the Rigi Kulm in Switzerland he saw several sunsets, but was disappointed with the flatness and weakness of the coloring ; whereas in the valley, on the same evenings, careful observers were enchanted with the gorgeous display. The lower dusty humid air was the chief source of the color in the sunset effects. His opinon is strengthened by the fact that when from the summit he saw large cumulous clouds, the near ones were always snowy white, while it was only the distant ones that were tarnished yellow, showing that the light came to these clouds unchanged, .and it was only the air between the far-distant clouds and his eye that tarnished them yellow. On the mountain-top it required a great distance to give even a slight coloring. The larger and more numerous dust-particles in the air of the valley are, therefore, productive of more brilliant coloring in sunrise or sunset than the smaller and fewer particles on the mountain-top. It is now admitted that the inherent hue of water is blueness. Even distilled water has been proved to be almost exactly of the same tint as a solution of Prussian blue. This is corroborated by the fact that the purer the water is in nature, the bluer is the hue. But though the selective absorption of the water determines its blueness, it is the dust-particles suspended in it which determine its brilliancy. If the water of the Mediterranean be taken from different places and examined by means of a concentrated beam of light, it is seen to hold in suspension millions of dust-particles of different kinds. To this fine dust it owes its beautiful, brilliant, and varied coloring. Where there are few particles there is little light reflected, and the color of the water is deep blue ; but where there are many particles more light is reflected, and the color is chalky blue-green. Along its shores the Mediterranean washes the rocks and rubs off the minute solid particles, which make the water beautifully brilliant. That this is the case can be illustrated. If a dark metal vessel be filled with a weak solution of Prussian blue, the water will appear quite dark and void of color. But if some fine white powder be thrown into the vessel, the water at once becomes of a brilliant blue color ; if more powder be added, the brilliancy in- creases. This accounts for the changes of depth and brilliancy of color in the several shores of the Mediterranean. In Lake Como, where there is an entire absence of white dust-particles, the water is of a deep blue color, but void of brilliancy ; but, where the lake enters the river Adda, the increase of the current rubs down fine reflecting particles from the rocks ; in consequence, there the water is of a finer blue. When the dust-particles carried down DUST. 259 by the Rhone spread out into the center of the Lake of Geneva, the color assumes the deeper blue, rivaling in brilliancy any water in the world. The phenomenon called a haze puzzled investigators until Mr. Aitken explained it on the principle of the condensing power of dust-particles Haze is only an arrested form of condensation of water- vapor. If one half of a dusty pane of glass be cleaned in cold weather, the clean part will remain undewed, while the dusty part is damp to the eye and greasy to the touch. Why is this ? Fit up an open box with two pipes, one for taking in water and the other for taking away the overflow. Inside fix a thermom- eter. Cover the top edge of the box with India rubber, and fix down with spring catches (so as to make the box water-tight) a glass mirror, on which dust has been allowed to collect for some time. Clean the dust carefully off one half of the mirror, so that one half of the glass covering the box is clean and the other half dusty. Pour cold water through the pipe into the box, so as to lower the temperature of the mirror, and carefully observe when condensation begins on each of the halves, taking a note of the temperature. It will be found that the condensation of the water- vapor appears on the dust-particles before coming down to the natural dew-point temperature of the clean glass. The difference between the two temperatures indicates the temperature above the dew-point at which the dust condenses the water- vapor. Mr. Aitken found that the condensing power of the dust in the air of a smoking-room varied from 4° to 8° Fahr. above the dew-point, whenever that of the outer air varied from 3° to 5-^°. Moisture is, therefore, deposited on the dust-particles of the air which is not saturated, and condensation takes place while the air is comparatively dry. before the temperature is lowered to the dew-point. The clearest air, then, has some haze ; and, as the humidity increases, the thickness of the air increases. In all haze the temperature is above the dew-point. And in all circum- stances the haze can be accounted for by the condensing power of the dust-particles in the atmosphere at a higher temperature than that required for the formation of fogs, or mists, or rain. But whence comes the dust ? Meteoric waste and volcanic debris have already been mentioned. On or near the sea the air is impregnated by the fine brine-dust lashed by the waves and broken upon the rocks and vessel-sides. But the most active of iall substances as a fog-producer in towns is burned sulphur. No less than three hundred and fifty tons of the products of the com- bustion of sulphur from the coal are thrown into the atmosphere of London every winter day. But the powerful deodorizing and antiseptic properties of the sulphur assist in sanitation ; and it is better to bear the inconvenience of fogs than be subjected to the 26o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. evils of a pestilence. At the same time it should be known that smoke-particles can be deposited by the agency of electricity. If an electric discharge be passed through a jar containing smoke, the dust will be deposited so as to make the air clear. Lightning clears the air, restoring the devitalized oxygen and depositing the dust on the ground. Might it not, then, be possible for strong enough electrical discharges from several large voltaic batteries to attack the smoke in the air of large cities, and especially the fumes from chemical works, so as to bring down the dust In the form of rain instead of leaving it in the form of mystify- ing fog ? Organic germs also float in the air. Some are being vomited into the air from the pestilential hot-beds of the lowest slums. In a filthy town no less than thirty millions of bacteria in a year will be deposited by the rain upon every square yard of surface. A man breathes thirty-six germs every minute in a close town, and double that in a close bedroom. The wonder is how people escape sickness, though most of these germs are not deadly. In a healthy man, however, the warm lung surfaces repel the colder dust-particles of all kinds, and the moisture evaporating from the surface of the air-tubes helps the prevention of the dust clinging to the surface. From this outline the reader will observe the increasing im- portance of careful attention to the influence of dust in the economy of nature. As a sickness-bearer and a death-bearer it must be attacked and rendered harmless ; as a source of beauty unrivaled we must rejoice at its existence. The clouds that shelter us from the sun's scorching heat, the refreshing showers that clear the air and cheer the soil, the brilliancy of the deep- blue sea and lake, the charms of twilight, and above all the glory of the colors of sunrise and sunset, are all dependent upon the existence of millions of dust-particles which are within the power of man's enumeration. No more brilliant achievement has been made in the field of meteorology than during the past few years by the careful observation and inventive genius of Mr. Aitken in connection with the importance of dust in air and water. — Long- man's Magazine. It appears, from the complete edition of the works of Huygens, now in course of publication at The Hague, that as soon as he had succeeded in applying the pendulum to the regulating of clocks, claims were set up for priority in the invention. The best-founded claims were those of Galileo, which were cham- pioned by Prince Leopold de' Medici. According to the formal statement drawn up by Viviani, Galileo had conceived the idea, but failed to make the application of it. He had a pendulum connected with wheel-work, but omitted to provide any weights, springs, or other means of keeping the machinery in motion. SKETCH OF DIMITRI IVANOVIGH MENDELEEF. 261 SKETCH OF DIMITRI IVANOVIGH MENDELEEF. THE discovery of the periodic law in the atomic weights of the elements has furnished chemists with a new standard of accuracy and a new guide in research. While it must be regarded as Mendeleef 's most conspicuous scientific achievement, the Rus- sian chemist is the author of many othei labors of hardly less real importance. DiMiTRi IvANOViCH Mendeleef was born at Tobolsk, Siberia, February 7, 1834, the seventeenth and youngest child of Ivan Paulovich Mendeleef, director of the gymnasium there. Soon after his birth the father became blind and had to resign his position, leaving the care of the family upon the mother, a com- petent and energetic woman. She established and managed a glass-works, and brought up and educated her family upon its profits. Dimitri was sent to the gymnasium at Tobolsk, and, at sixteen years of age, to St. Petersburg, where he was to study chemistry in the university, under Zinin ; but was transferred to the Pedagogical Institute in the same building with the univer- sity, where he entered the physico-mathematical department, or that of the natural sciences. He studied chemistry, physics, mathematics, botany, zoology, mineralogy, and astronomy, under teachers who were most of them also professors in the university. Having concluded his course here, he was appointed to the gym- nasium at Simferopol, in the Crimea ; then, during the Crimean War, to a gymnasium in Odessa ; and in 1856 he became a Privat Docent in the University of St. Petersburg, where he had already received the degree of Master of Chemistry. In 1859, having ob- tained permission from the Government to travel, he became engaged at Heidelberg in the determination of the physical con- stants of chemical compounds. In 18G3 he was made Professor of Chemistry at the Technological Institute of St. Petersburg, and in 1836 at the university, where he received the degree of Doctor of Chemistry. Mendeleef had already^ before his engagement as a Privat Docent^ entered upon the career of research and publication in which he has so brilliantly distinguished himself. His first paper, on Isomorphism, was prepared while he was still in the Pedagogical Institute. He entered into the discussion of the relations between the specific gravities of substances and their molecular weights, and presented to the physico-mathematical faculty of the university a number of theses or problems relating to specific volumes ; and as early as 1856 he accepted Gerhardt's mode of determining the chemical molecule. His researches on specific volumes were continued till 1870, and in them, according 262 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to Prof. T. E. Thorpe, from whose memoir in Nature we derive most of the material of this sketch, he extends Kopp's generaliza- tions, and traces the specific volumes of substances through vari- ous phases of chemical changes. In a paper on the thermal ex- pansion of liquids above their boiling-points, he showed that the empirical expressions given by Kopp, Pierre, and others are equally applicable to much higher temperatures, and that the expansion- coefficient gradually increases with the diminution in molecular cohesion of the liquid, until, in the case of some liquids, it becomes even greater than that of the gas. In 1883 he contributed to the English Chemical Society a paper giving a simple general expres- sion for the expansion of liquids under constant pressure between zero and their boiling-points — a formula analogous to that which expresses Gay-Lussac's law of the uniformity of expansion of gases ; but which, like Gay-Lussac's law, however correct in the- ory, is subject to deviations in application. These deviations were shown to be related to the molecular weights of the gases. Researches in thermal chemistry, made in 1882, showed him that the data obtained by Berthelot, Thomson, and others, regard- ing the " heats of formation " of hydrocarbons, stood in need of correction, because allowance had not been made for the physical changes involving absorption or evolution of heat which accom- pany the chemical changes considered ; and he gave a table giving the heats of formation from marsh-gas, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, of a series of hydrocarbons, for chemical reac- tions that actually occurred, while the reactions given by Ber- thelot and others were not realized in practice. In the investigation of solutions, Mendeleef propounded in 1884 the law that in solutions of salts the densities increase with the molecular weights ; but if we take, instead of the molecular weights, the weights of their equivalents or those of the equiva- lents of metals, the regularity of increase disappears ; and, though his research was not yet finished, he submitted an equation as preliminary to ulterior results promising to give a more general formula. The results of the determination of the specific gravity of aqueous ~ solutions of alcohol were applied, according to Prof. Thorpe's memoir, toward the elucidation of a theory of solution in which Dalton's doctrine of the atomic constitution of matter could be reconciled with modern views concerning dissociation and the dynamical equilibrium of molecules. "According to Mendeleef, solutions are to be regarded as strictly definite atomic chemical combinations at temperatures higher than their dissoci- ation temperature ; and, just as definite chemical substances may be either formed or decomposed at temperatures which are higher than those at which dissociation commences, so we may have the same phenomenon in solutions; at ordinary temperatures they SKETCH OF DIMITRI IVAKO VICE MENDELEEF. 263 can be either formed or decomposed. In addition, tlie equilib- rium between tlie quantity of the definite compound and of its products of dissociation is defined by the laws of chemical equi- librium, which require a relation bet"^een equal volumes and their dependence on the mass of the active component parts," In 1881 Mendeleef turned his attention to experiments on the elasticity of the gases, which he continued with the aid of several of his pupils. They led to many interesting results, among which was one showing that the deviations from Marriotte's law were in opposite directions at pressures above and below that of the atmosphere ; indicating that air, for instance, as well as carbonic acid and sulphurous acid gases, experience a change of compressi- bility at certain pressures. The results of these experiments were used in studies of the physical nature of the rarefied air of the upper atmosphere and the application of aeronautics, and he attempted to organize meteorological observations in the upper atmosphere by means of balloons. The principles on which Mendeleef based the periodic law were first explained in a paper read before the Russian Chemical Society in 18G9. As repeated by the author in his Faraday lect- ure to the English Chemical Society, they declare that the ele- ments, if arranged according to their atomic weights, exhibit a periodicity of properties ; that elements which are similar in chemical properties have atomic weights that are nearly of the same value or which increase regularly ; that the arrangement of the elements or groups of elements in the order of their atomic weights corresponds to their so-called valencies, and, to some extent, to their distinctive chemical properties ; that the elements which are the most widely diffused have small atomic weights ; that the magnitude of the atomic weight determines the charac- ter of the element, just as the magnitude of the molecule deter- mines the character of a compound body ; that the discovery of many yet unknown elements may be expected ; that the calcu- lation of the atomic weight of an element may sometimes be amended by a knowledge of those of its contiguous elements ; and that certain characteristic properties of elements can be fore- told from their atomic weights. The theory was founded upon experiment, and assumed the adoption of the definite numerical values of the atomic weights, and the recognition that the rela- tions between the atomic weights of analogous elements were governed by some general law, with a more accurate knowledge of the relations and analogies of the rarer elements as necessary for the completing and proving of it. In accordance with the theory as thus developed, a table was composed by Mendeleef and Victor Meyer, including nearly but not quite all of the elements 264 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. — for tliere were a few of which, not enough was yet accurately known to determine their subjection to the rule — arranged in the order of their atomic weights and in groups or periods showing their relations and analogies. These periods might be said to be self -constituted ; for, without departing from the orderly arrange- ment which Mendeleef had declared to exist, they so fell in line as to exhibit the very likenesses and differences which he had insisted upon as a jjart of his theory. Arranging them in parallel columns, it appeared that the several members of each period were substances that showed no similarity or community of chemical properties with one another ; but that the members of the different periods showed an unmistakable parallelism with the corresponding members of the previous period. The columns also ex,hibited a regular gradation of electro-chemical properties, the most electro-positive elements occupying the places at their heads, and the extreme electro-negative elements the bottom places. The results of later discoveries and more accurate determinations have all been to confirm the correctness of the tabulation and the periodic theory. Thus scandium, gallium, and germanium, when discovered and examined, were found to fit into vacant places in the table, and to possess the atomic weights and the properties which the authors had predicted should belong to the elements falling in those places ; and Men- deleef was able to say, in his Faraday lecture, delivered twenty years after the first suggestion of his theory, " When, in 1871, I described to the Russian Chemical Society the properties, clearly defined by the periodic law, which such elements ought to pos- sess, I never hoped to live to mention their discovery to the Chemical Society of Great Britain as a confirmation of the ex- actitude and the generality of the periodic law." Up to the time of the formulation of this law. Prof. Thorpe says in his article : **The determination of the atomic value or valency of an element was a purely empirical matter, with no apparent necessary rela- tion to the atomic value of other elements. But to-day this value is as much a matter of a 'priori knowledge as is the very exist- ence of the element or any one of its properties. Striking exam- ples of the aid which the law affords in determining the substi- tuting value of an element are presented in the cases of indium, cerium, yttrium, beryllium, scandium, and thorium. In certain of these cases, the particular value demanded by the law, and the change in representation of the molecular composition of the compounds of these elements, have been confirmed by all those experimental criteria on which chemists are accustomed to de- pend. . . . The law has, moreover, enabled many of the physical properties of the elements to be referred to the principle of peri- odicity. At the Moscow Congress of Russian Physicists, in Au- SKETCH OFDIMITRI IVANOVICR MENDELEEF. 265 gust, 1879, Mendeleef pointed out the relations ■wliic]i existed between tlie density and the atomic weights of the elements; these were subsequently more fully examined by Lothar Meyer, and are embodied in the well-known curve in his Modern The- ories of Chemistry. Similar relations have been observed in certain other properties, such as ductility, fusibility, hardness, volatility, crystalline form, and thermal expansion ; in the refrac- tion equivalents of the elements, and in their conductivities for heat and electricity; in their magnetic properties and electro- chemical behavior ; in the heats of formation of their haloid com- pounds ; and even in such properties as their elasticity, breaking stress, etc." While one may be readily inclined and many have been led to look for a connection between the periodic law and the- ories of the unitary origin of matter, Mendeleef has not allowed his studies in the subject to be embarrassed by any such pre- possession. He said in his Faraday lecture : " The periodic law, based as it is on the solid and wholesome ground of experimental research, has been evolved independently of any conception as to the nature of the elements ; it does not in the least originate in the idea of a unique matter ; and it has no historical connection with that relic of the torments of classical thought, and there- fore it affords no more indication of the unity of matter, or of the compound nature of the elements, than do the laws of Avo- gadro or Gerhardt, or the law of specific heats, or even the con- clusions of spectrum analysis." The periodic law is developed in the author's Principles of Chemistry, which was first pub- lished in 18G9, and appeared in a fourth edition, after a thorough revision, with many important additions and modifications, in 1882. In a lecture before the Royal Institution in 1889, Mendeleef sought to apply a broader generalization and to discover a harmoni- ous law regulating both chemical and astronomical phenomena. The immediate object of the lecture was to show that, starting from Newton's third law of motion, it is possible to preserve to chemistry all the advantages arising from structural teaching, without being obliged to build up molecules in solid and motion- less figures, or to attempt to ascribe to atoms definite limited valencies, directions of cohesion, or affinities. He supposed that harmonious order reigns in the invisible and apparently chaotic motions of the universe, reaching from the stars to the minutest atoms, which is commonly mistaken for complete rest, but which is really a consequence of the conservation of dynamic equilibrium that was discovered by Newton, and has been traced by his suc- cessors as relative immobility in the midst of universal and active movement. The unseen world of chemical changes was regarded as analogous to the invisible world of the heavenly bodies, " since 266 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. our atoms form distinct portions of an invisible world, as planets, satellites, and comets form distinct portions "of the astronomer's universe ; our atoms may therefore be compared to the solar system, or to the systems of double or single stars. . . . Now that the indestructibility of the elements has been acknowledged, chemical changes can not be otherwise explained than as changes of motion, and the production by chemical reactions of galvanic currents, of light, of heat, or of steam-power, demonstrate visibly that the processes of chemical reaction are inevitably connected with enormous though unseen displacements, originating in the movements of atoms in molecules." When, in 1880, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences refused, in the face of strongly signed recommendations, to elect Mende- leef a member in its Chemical Section, other scientific societies hastened to express their appreciation of him by making him an honorary member. Among these were the University of Moscow ; the Russian Chemical and Physical Society, which presented him an address where it spoke of him as " a chemist who has no equal among Russian chemists " ; the University of Kiev, the Society of Hygiene, etc. From England he received the Davy medal of the Royal Society in 1882, and the Faraday medal of the Chemical Society in 1889. Prof. Mendeleef is the author of a treatise on Organic Chem- istry which was a standard work in its time, and which, accord- ing to Prof. Thorpe, exercised a great influence in spreading abroad the conceptions which are associated with the develop- ment of modern chemistry. In 1863 he published a cyclopaedia of chemical technology — the first really important work of the kind produced in Russia. He has frequently been commissioned to report on the progress of chemical industry as illustrated at the various international exhibitions. His investigations and reports on petroleum have been an important factor in the developing of the trade at Baku, and in removing the monopoly which for- merly dominated the market there. We quote again, in concluding, from Prof. Thorpe : " No man in Russia," he says, " has exercised a greater or more lasting in- fluence on the development of physical science than Mendeleef. His mode of work and of thought is so absolutely his own, the manner of his teaching and lecturing is so entirely original, and the success of the great generalization with which his name and fame are bound up is so strikingly complete, that to the outer world of Europe and America he has become to Russia what Berzelius was to Sweden, or Liebig to Germany, or Dumas to France." CORRESP ONDENCE. 267 CORRESPONDENCE. TA n EIGHTING THE BICYCLE. Editor Popular Science Monthly : SIR : The article What keeps the Bicycler Upright ? in the Monthly for last April was a very interesting one, especially to wheelmen, but I think it needs a little supple- mentary statement to make it comolete. Mr. Charles B. Warring, the author, states that the rider's lost equilibrium is restored by bringing his point of support under him, and gives the impression that this point can be moved square to the right or left, like the foot of Mr. Warring's A-frame, saying nothing about the forward movement of the wheel. While agreeing with the main part of this statement, I think the righting of a bicycle can be more clearly and accurately explained as follows: It is one of the elementary laws of phys- ics that the center of gravity of a body must be over some point in its base in order that the body may stand without outside sup- ^ port. Now, the base on which a bicycle rests is only a line about half an inch wide, which joins the point B, in ray figure, where the front wheel rests on the ground, with the point C, where the rear wheel rests. (I adopt Mr. Warring's lettering.) So long as a vertical line dropped from the center of gravity of the machine falls on some point of the line B C, the bicycle is in stable equilibrium ; but, when it falls out- side this narrow base, as at the point D, the equilibrium becomes unstable. In order to keep the machine and rider from coming to the ground, D must be brought upon B C ; or, what is equiva- lent, B C must be brought under D. The latter is what is actually done. As the rider can not slide his machine sideways over the ground, he steers it obliquely toward the side on which he tends to fall. Thus, if the bicycle were running in the di- rection C m, he turns it toward the right so as to go in the direction B p. The center of gravity of the machine and its rider, which had been moving parallel to the course of * 0 the machine, is now acted on by two forces : (1) its acquired momentum, which tends to carry it on in the direction D n, and (2) the force constantly being received from the moving bicycle, which tends to carry it along the line D 0, parallel to the new course of the machine. The result is, that it takes an in- termediate direction, D p, in accordance with the law of the composition of forces. Thus, by being made to follow converging lines, D and B C are brought together at the point jo. As quick as this is accomplished the bicycle must be turned again parallel to its original direction, or D will pass over to the left of B C and make the machine tilt toward that side. Hence, it is seen that righting a fall- ing bicycle in motion involves two move- ments : first, a turn of the machine toward the side on "which it tends to fall, then a return to its original course. Gravity was not mentioned among the forces considered above, but its action does not vitiate ray ex- planation. I will add that I ride a bicycle myself, and so am acquainted with this mat- ter on the practical as well as on the theoreti- cal side. Very truly yours, Fredekik a. Fep.nald, L. A. W., 12,99G, N. Y. Division. [Substantially the same explanation as that given above has also been received from Mr. Thomas Gary Welch, of Buffalo, N. Y.— Editor.] THE KELLEY'S ISLAND GROOVE. Editor Popular Science Monthly : Dear Sir: In this month's number of the Science Monthly, under the " Miscella- neous " head, you have a notice of the work now in progress for the preservation of the great glacial groove on Kelley's Island. In that notice you speak of Prof. Wright and Dr. Sprecher as having " surveyed " the plot of land on which the groove is located. In this statement you are in error. They are not surveyors, and they did not survey the plot, and the suggestion of such an occupa- tion for them must seem to those who know them very inappropriate. Prof. Wripht is Professor of "New Testament Greek" at Oberlin, and the author of that noble book. The Ice Age in North America, published by the Appletons in 1890; and Dr. Sprecher is pastor of one of the largest Presbyterian churches in our city. And in that notice you make another error, which to me seems very absurd. You give my name as Young- hlood. It is not Y onn^blood, as you may learn from your subscription list, where it has been recorded from the time that the first number of the Science Monthly was issued. 268 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The facts are just these : my invitation to Prof. Wright and Dr. Sprccher to visit the island with me was wholly a matter of courtesy. While there I consulted them as to the best method of protecting the groove from the incursions of the Vandal curiosity- hunters, and also as to the best form of conveying the title, to be held in perpetuity for the benefit of science ; and all of the sur- veying that was done by those gentlemen they did with their e)'es, as they stood ad- miring that beautiful and wonderful work of Nature's laws. I take pleasure in saying that I have completed the work of uncovering fifty feet of the groove, leaving fifty feet still covered to the depth of about twelve feet with clay, gravel, and fragments of the lime rock, just as it was left by Nature's laws when their work was finished, and the tools with which that work was done — granite bowlders — lie scattered over the island, and on the main- land, as far west as the Indiana line, there to rest, imperishable and unchanged, until Nature shall again take them up to do its work. Were yon to see that groove at this time I feel sure that you w ould pronounce it to be the most beautiful and wonderful evidence of the glacial movement that has ever been brought to the notice of civilized man. On the 237th page of Prof. Wright's Ice Age there is an engraving which gives an iniperfeet view of the easterly end of the great groove, as it appeared before it was uncovered. And on the 238th page of the same book there is an engraving of another grooved rock, which is a little north of the great groove, from which I had taken off about a hundred feet before the photograph was taken, and sent to various scientific in- stitutions. This, too, you will see is a most perfect and beautiful specimen of Nature's work. I beg that you will pardon me for troub- ling you with this letter, for I feel that it is due to my friends and also to myself that the errors which I have noted should be corrected. And, now that I have nothing further fo say on the subject which prompted this let- ter, I will add a few words regarding The Popular Science Monthly. I have been a subscriber from the time of the issue of the fii'st number, and I now have thirty volumes bound ; and I take pleasure in saying that I think that there are no other thirty volumes to be found which contain such a vast and va- ried amount of useful information, or which are so well calculated to educate men in mat- ters which advance our civilization, as those. And more — they arc a most noble monu- ment to "Edward L. Youmans," more beau- tiful and enduring than marble or granite. I am, sir, very respectfully yours, M. C. YOUNGLOVE. Cleveland, September 16, 1891. [The paragraph noticed by Mr. Young- love was compiled from a slip which was sent to the Monthly from a Cleveland paper. The language of the slip was followed, with- out supposing that the word "surveyed" was meant to be used in a technical sense, but rather perhaps in its original sense of looked-over, or perhaps as meaning that Drs. Wright and Sprccher had the ground sur- veyed. The change of our correspondent's name to Youngblood was one that we much regret ; but it was also one that might natu- rally occur in transcription or type-setting and be overlooked by a stranger to the per- son concerned ; for to a stranger no sugges- tion of error would be likely to occur.] EDITOR'S TABLE. TEE STRONG MAN. FORTY years ago or less the apos- tle of the hour was Carlyle, the fashionable gospel was the gospel of force, and the hope of the world was supposed to lie in tlie advent of certain heroes, strong, resolute men, who were to heal our social and other diseases by the prescriptions of a benevolent des- potism. The gospel of force and all its accompanying ideas have somewhat fallen into discredit to-day. These latter times have proved very unfavorable to strong men, or at least to tliose who have tried to pose in that character. Louis Napoleon was a strong man : he greatly dared on a certain 2d of De- cember just forty years ago, and for a time he seemed to be a living justifi- cation of Carlylism ; but the sage of Chelsea lived to see the Man of Destiny cast down from his high pre-eminence and every vestige of his rule obliterated by an indignant people. Bismarck was a strong man, full of an almost reckless courage and utterly impatient of criti- cism and opposition; yet how sudden and complete was his fall ! Thiers wished to play the part of the strong man in France, and so did Marshal Mc- EDITOR'S TABLE, 269 Mahon after Lira ; but the country put both of them aside and passed on to policies of which they disapproved. Later Boulanger pranced across the scene in the assumed character of a sav- ior of society ; but as soon as the firm hand of lawful authority was laid on him he slunk into exile and dwindled into insignificance ; finally, wrecked alike in character and estate, he sought death at his own hand. Balraaceda was another would-be strong man, and he too fills a suicide's grave. Lastly, we have Parnell, a man whose courage was indomitable, whose fortitude could not be shaken, who by the sheer force of his personality baffled the plans and confused the policies of the ablest states- men of Great Britain ; yet who, trusting to his sti'ength to win him a personal tri- umph after he had violated the essential conditions of successful struggle, ended his career in failure and disgrace. Evidently there is something wrong with the gospel of force. Heaven sends the strong men in fairly liberal supply, men who are quite prepared to fill tlie Oarlylean requirements in the matter of doing and daring, despising small scru- ples and trampling on rights; but their success is short lived, and their failure points a moral which is hardly to be found in the Carlylean philosophy. That moral is that, while strength is a good thing in itself, and courage and resolu- tion are virtues, they need to be guided by knowledge and a careful study of conditions, if they are not to rush on to disaster. Nay, more, we see that indi- vidual strength is only weakness unless it vibrates in unison with the greater strength of true principles of action, the strength that resides in the play of great social forces. No man to-day can win any great triumph except by being in the right, and this is the great political lesson which we should strive to impress on the rising generation. To be sure, there are many false lights — mostly, however, of a minor kind — shining in the world and al- luring men to a career of selfish advent- ure. There are men who have climbed to business or political success by means that will not bear criticism. But the examples afforded by those who have tried such means to their own ruin are more striking and impressive, if not more numerous, than any that can bo quoted on the other side. Hero-worship is well if it simply means sincere admiration for noble qualities; but it is misleading in the highest degree if it causes us to tru?t for great results to the action of this or that masterful individuality. To-day the " common sense of most " is the most potent factor in all social and political progress, and no man is wise who does not bear this in mind. There is ample scope still for the exercise of the highest moral and intellectual quali- ties, and the true hero may yet win the admiration and gratitude of society ; only, what is required is that he should know the structure and laws of the society in which he lives, and seek rather to give the best expression to the tendencies of the time than to impose his own individuality on his contem- poraries. Only he who, in a profound sense, obeys possesses the secret of rule. The times are favorable, we think, for the presentation of new political ideals. Strong men of the old type, iron-handed warriors, and stern legisla- tors, are out of date ; on the other hand, the want of firmness and principle in connection with political affairs was never more conspicuous. "We want a new race of strong men in whom the gamester element shall be wholly absent, and who shall aim to accomplish their ends not by personal tours de force, nor yet by craft and flattery, but by steady adherence to principle, and patient efi'orts to awaken the public to a sense of their true interests. The strong man of the future will be strong in knowledge and in social sympathy ; and his strength will be spent, not in efforts to perpetuate his personal as- cendency, but in efforts to develop all 270 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that is best in the society of the time. The true strong man as we conceive him will have no greed for power; his greed, if such it may be called, will be for use- fulness; and he will show his strength by his willingness to retire at any moment from a public to a private position rather than prove unfaithful to his convictions or do anything unworthy of a man of honor. Strictly speaking, a man who with adequate knowledge and intelli- gence tries faithfully to serve the public can never be obscure, though oflBces should not seek him nor caucuses make mention of his name. The public at large will recognize and honor his efforts, and his influence may be greater in a private station than that of a score of average legislators. We do not, how- ever, look to our educational institutions to do much to develop this new type of citizen ; we trust rather to general educative influences that are abroad in the world. We trust, we may say, in a considerable degree to such writings as those of Mr. Spencer, instinct as they are with noble views of liberty and of justice, and conveying at the same time clear and enlightened ideas regarding the nature and functions of the state. It is possible that private associations for the purpose of causing more intelligent views of citizenship and its duties to prevail might accom- plish very good work ; and we hope that something may be attempted in this way in connection with the Uni- versity Extension movement which is now making so satisfactory progress. We certainly do not at this moment know of any more useful work in which an intelligent man could engage, than this of introducing a scientific element, however feeble at first, into the chaotic welter of our State and national politics. POLITICAL JUSTICE. It is singular what diflSculty many intelligent persons experience in enter- taining the idea tliat in a democracy there can be political injustice. " What possible means can you suggest," we are often asked, " of deciding political ques- tions save the vote of the majority ? And what ground can any one have to complain so long as he exercises the franchise with the rest? The minority can not expect to rule, can it ? " These questions all proceed upon the assump- tion that there can not be a moral ele- ment in any political question ; where- as, in point of fact, there is a moral ele- ment in every political question. If two partners were trying to arrange the terms of a separation, and each in the most shameless manner were to set at naught all considerations of equity, and strive only to get the largest possible amount out of the business for himself, we should scarcely approve of the pro- ceeding. Every one feels that equity has something to say in such a matter. If any property whatever had to be divided, and if, instead of bringing considera- tions of right to bear, the parties were at once to plunge into a squabble with no guiding principle whatever save in- dividual greed, we should think as meanly of their intelligence as of their lionesty. We all feel instinctively that wherever moral principle can furnish a guide it should furnish a guide — in oth- er words, that to decide any question without reference to moral grounds which admits of being settled on moral grounds is a gross offense against both morality and common sense. Suppos- ing, then, that some one who had band- ed himself with others to carry by force a decision involving injustice to a mi- nority— say of stockholders — should im- pudently say, " We had the votes and we used them '" — our only conclusion would be that he was a hardy and cyni- cal villain. Things of this kind have sometimes been done ; but for the most part vice has at least paid to virtue the tribute of hypocrisy. To bring this home to the question before us, the nation is a great corpora- tion and the citizens are shareholders. A general election is a meeting of the EDITOR'S TABLE. 271 shareholders. There is an opportunity for honest and well-meaning citizens to consult and act for the benefit of the great national corporation. There is also an opportunity for others to plot and plan for their private benefit, to be secured at the cost and to the injury of the corporation. A combination may be formed to elect a corrupt directorate or executive with the expectation that it will be the submissive creature of those who invested it with power. Some will be prepared to imperil the very existence of the nation in order that they may carry certain selfish pur- poses of their own into effect. Thus every general election and, indeed, every phase of political action affords an opportunity for the practice of po- litical justice or of political injustice; and to say that any particular deter- mination of the electors or of a legisla- tive body is just because it commanded a majority of votes is as absurd as to say that in a physical encounter right must rest with the conqueror. " What are yon going to do about it," say some, " if the people mani- fest a complete indifference to these considerations?" We can do nothing about it, we reply, but uphold the true principle, and trust that the apparent " foolishness of preaching " may in the end prove wiser than the wisdom of our practical politicians who wield votes precisely as they might wield clubs. It is all a question of the moral growth of the people; and we can not but hope that the time will come when even the average citizen will understand that right is not made by majorities, but that majorities are happy when they are able to discover what right is, and pay it the homage of their support. TRAMP COLONIES. There appears to be an epidemic of schemes for reforming shiftless people by wholesale. The latest reported is a proposal by a Mr. Heller, of Newark, N. J., to establish seven colonies, in as many States, for the benefit of old and unemployed people and tramps. The chief feature of the scheme is to be the reformation of tramps. Work is to be provided for those who will work, and Mr. Heller evidently expects that a large part of them will. He doubtless actu- ally believes what the tramps say of themselves, and accepts the familiar "can't get work" whine for absolute truth. This belief is squarely contra- dicted by well-known facts. Plenty of work can be had now, without any colony machinery, by those who will work. During the past summer workers have been called for all over the United States, to gather in this year's bountiful harvest. No tramp could extend his travels to twenty miles outside any largo city without coming across farmers who would be glad to give him fifteen or twenty dollars a month and board for faithful work. In a recent book on Crime and its Causes, the author, Will- iam Douglas Morrison, who is an Eng- lish prison official, puts the number of vagrants who are willing to work at not much over two per cent. To con- firm his view he quotes the following striking testimony from M. Monod of the Ministry of the Interior in France: According to M. Monod, a bcnfivolently disposed French citizen wished to know the amount of truth contained in the complaints of sturdy beggars that they were willing to work if they could get anything to do or any one to employ them. This gentleman entered into negotiations with some merchants and manufacturers, and induced them to olFer work at the rate of four francs [eijrhty cents] a day to every person presenting himself furnished with a letter of recommendation from him. In eight months seven hundred and twenty- seven sturdy beggars came under his notice, all complaining that they had no work. Each of them was asked to come the following day to receive a letter which would enable him to get employment at four francs a day in an industrial establishment. More than one half (four hundred and fifteen) never came for the letter ; a good many others (one hundred and thirty-eight) returned for the letter but never presented it. Others who did present their letter worked half a day, demanded two francs. 272 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and were seen no more. A few worked a whole day and then disappeared. In short, out of the whole seven hundred and twenty- seven, only eighteen were found at work at the end of the third day. As a result of this ex- periment M. Monod concludes that not more than one alile-bodied beggar in forty is in- clined to worlv even if he is oflfered a fair re- muneration for his services. The idea of forming a community with such material for its citizens is ab- surd in the extreme. The tramp will not work so long as he can find soft hearted and softer headed people who will give him a subsistence in idleness. These self-satisfied charitable persons, who give indiscriminately to save them- selves the trouble of helping judiciously, really entice more unfortunates into beg- gary than tliey raise out of it. LITERARY NOTICES. Etolution in Science and Akt. Lectures and Discussions before the Brooklyn Ethical Association. Now York : D. Appleton h Co. The topics considered in these lectures include not only the special unfolding of each branch of science, but also sketches of the leading evolutionists and outlines of their methods. The first of the series is a concise and excellent review of A. R. Wal- lace and his work, by Prof. E. D. Cope. The co-author with Darwin of the theory of nat- ural selection is honored as a biologist, not for researches in anatomy or paleontology, but for his mastery of hexicology — the study of the mutual relations of living objects. Extensive travel tor twelve years in the tropics furnished him with a storehouse of zoological facts. From these resulted va- rious papers on birds' nests, protective col- oration, and mimicry ; while the theory of natural selection was drawn from his obser- vation of the variations of species. Besides his works on evolution, he has written books of travel and essays on political economy. Prof. Cope regards Dr. Wallace as a fine example of his own doctrine, that all force is will-force, and pays another tribute to him as typical of the intelligent spirit of this century, determined to know and to use the knowledge for the benefit of mankind. His explanation of force and intelligence, as caused by an influx of spirit, is deemed, however, " an unnecessary interjection in an otherwise continuous operation of known and unknown causes." As Dr. Wallace is so stanch a supporter of the theory that variations are congenital and environment a secondary feature, while Prof. Cope holds as firmly to the opposite view, several mooted points are discussed oi passant, and in conclusion a synopsis is given of the respective tenets of the Neo- Lamarckian and Neo-Darwinian schools. The famous zoologist and author of mon- ism. Prof. Ernst Haeckcl, is the theme of the second lecture, by Thaddeus B. Wakeman. The life and enthusiastic labors of the great naturalist are fascinating subjects. Whether studying at " dear Jena," or diving in the Indian Ocean, or waging war with Prof. Vircbow, his zest for knowledge is unap- peasable and magnetizes his followers. His wonderful industry has given to the world nearly a dozen valuable zoological works and several charming books of travel. It is his philosophy or religion, however, that es- pecially attracts his biographer. Mr. Wake- man is consumed by a monistic fervor ; and it is questionable whether, in his anxiety to rid the universe of " spooks," he does not create some for iconoclastic purposes. The " unknowable " of Herbert Spencer, or Prof. Huxley's limitations of knowledge, need some endowment of objectivity before they can be properly exorcised as wraiths. The Scientific Method is expounded by Dr. Francis E. Abbot in the third lecture. This, when tersely stated, consists of obser- vation, hypothesis, and verification. A con- firmed transcendentalist might oppose the first step by questioning whether one could observe an external world. So the lecturer gives an imaginary controversy between the realist and consistent idealist, and finally drives the latter logically into the comer of solipsism, where he is made to declare that the universe is within himself. The actual idealist always escapes this fate by allowing an inference of the objective which we can not know per se. As the idealistic individ- ual shut up with himself can not know, so he can not add to human knowledge. The LITERARY NOTICES. 27? scientific man, on the other hand, recognizes an external world and positive knowledge, and seeks to contribute some new grain of truth if he may. He observes, hypothesizes, and verifies, and finally submits his result to verification by the race, the ultimate cri- terion being the unanimous consensus of the competent. Notwithstanding Dr. Abbot's clear state- ment of the scientific method, this final standard of knowledge seems ambiguous. The truth of a theory needs no further test than its complete verification by all the facts to which it applies. To make a synopsis of the Synthetic Phi- losophy of Herbert Spencer intelligible with- in the limits of a leciure is a difficult task, which Mr. B. F. Underwood has accomplished extremely well. Not only this, but he has given an introductory analysis of the oppos- ing philosophical systems which preceded the evolution hypothesis. The sensation philosophy of Locke and Hume, and the a prion speculations of Kant, representing hoary antagonisms of thought, were by Spen- cer's insight found to be different halves of the whole truth that knowledge is derived from experience, but the experience of the race furnishes innate ideas to the individual. Spencer's doctrine that we perceive only phe- nomena, and from these infer the noumenal existence which causes changes in conscious- ness, is known as transfigured realism ; and, though charged with idealistic leaning by rank realists, is no more transcendental than the views of Dr. Maudsley and Prof. Huxley. According to the latter, " all phenomena are, in their ultimate analysis, known to us only as facts of consciousness." But it is the " un- knowable reality " which proves a stum- bling-block to many. Theologians dislike this, since it excludes a knowledge of God, and the scientific are afraid cf it because Unknowable is printed with a capital, which suggests another sort of deity. Disciples of Ilaeckcl vainly impute dualism to Mr. Spen- cer, while he declares, " I recognize no forces within the organism or without the organism but the variously conditional modes of the universal immanent force." Whatever chis- eling time may effect in the body of Spen- cer's doctrine, there is good reason to believe with Mr. Underwood that the leading prin- ciples will remain intact. VOL. XL. — 22 In the Evolution of Clumistry^ Dr. R. G. Ecclcs has skillfully traced the growth of chemical knowledge from the vague theories of the ancients to the definite, complex sci- ence of to-day. After the time of Aristotle the elemental theory or doctrine of abstract qualities saturated thought for fifteen hun- dred years. The scales first used by the young Scotch chemist Black weighed scho- lastic dogma as well as fixed air, and proved the hollowness of a priori reasoning. This step in verification made progress possible. Oxygen was discovered by Priestley, combus- tion explained by Lavoisier, and the law of definite and multiple proportions ascertained by Dalton. The idea of continuous matter was displaced by the atomic theory, and Avogadro's law regarding the volume of gases confirmed the hypothesis. The laws of specific heat, crystallography, and Men- delejeff's formula, each added its proof of atomic weight. The study of the coherence of groups of atoms resulted in the wonder- ful synthetic productions of the laboratory. The brilliant dyes, flavorings, perfumes, and medicines made by the chemist excelled those offered by Nature, and utilized hith- erto waste products. Although the detail of organic chemistry is now beyond the mas- tery of any man, the outlook is infinite, and problems whose solution promises the secret of creation itself tempt the student. The composition of the ferments, pepsin and trypsin, or of the albuminoids, and the con- version of starch into cane sugar, would unlock incalculable benefits. The author considers the development of chemical knowledge, like the habits of atoms, closely illustrative of evolutionary law. Thales suggested electricity as a con- dition of life, and the author of The Evolu- tion of Electric and Magnetic Physics is in- clined to agree with him. According to Mr. Kennelly, "it is possible, if it is not at pres- ent demonstrated, that electricity may be the active principle in the processes of ani- mal vitality ; . . . the relation between elec- tricity and vitality may be so close as to amount to identity." This is perhaps par- donable in the chief electrician of Edison's laboratory, but it is- doubtful if any emi- nent physiologist or psychologist will allow that nerve-fibers do more than artificially 274 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. resemble insulated wires, or that a dynamo can confer any degree of immortality. The growth of electric knowledge is recent ; for twenty-two hundred years it was dormant. The seventeenth century witnessed investi- gation of electrical phenomena and of the properties of magnets, but for two centuries thereafter no connection was realized be- tween them. It was only after Oersted's discovery, in 1820, that a magnetic needle is deflected by the electric current, that electro-magnetism became a science. Its subsequent progress was correspondingly rapid, and its offspring are the crowning inventions of to-day. Three propositions are especially emphasized by Mr. Kennelly : 1. All electricity tends to flow in closed curves or circuits. 2. The conductivity of the surrounding ether. 3. The production of light by electro-magnetic vibration. The development of botany and the brill- iant progress of electricity are as uniike as a flower and an electric spark. In his lect- ure upon the Evolution of Botany^ Mr. Wulling shows that the accumulation of botanic knowledge was nearly as gradual as vegetable growth. The primitive needs were food and clothing, and an acquaint- ance with plants supplied these. Herbs were also found to be noxious or healing, and skill in remedies was sought and vener- ated in the early ages. In time so many species were described that various attempts were made to classify them, and at length the natural system of Jussieu prevailed. Investigation of the structure and anatomy of plants followed the introduction of the microscope. The establishment of botanical gardens facilitated the study of foreign flora ; plant morphology and physiology were differentiated as branches of research ; and, finally, geological, paleontological, and pathological botany constituted separate de- partments of this complex science. Mr. Wulling refers to the labors of many American botanists, and applies the for- mula of evolution to an analysis of botani- cal history. Each of the foregoing lectures is pre- ceded by a list of collateral readings useful to the student, and followed by a brief dis- cussion of the subject by members of the Ethical Association. The Natural ITistort of Man, and the Rise and Progress of Philosophy. By Alexander Kinmont. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 335. Price, $1. This book comprises a series of lectures that were delivered and first published fifty years ago, or before the present methods of investigation were instituted, and before the existing theories of development had begun to prevail. Yet it is not antiquated, and the claim of the editor is supported that " the rapid movement of the world in all depart- ments of thought, the changes of opinion and sentiment in doctrinal theology, and in plii- losophy, have not distanced nor superseded the ideas herein presented." The author re- gards the study of anthropology as chiefly valuable as an introduction to the science of Deity, and tries whether he can not trace in man, " the image and likeness " of God, " some of the more majestic elements of the original." He does not attempt any formal science of human nature, or any theory which might deserve the name of anthropology, "for such theory or perfect science, I im- agine, would be premature still, by many hundreds of centuries." Yet, while he ap- proaches the subject from a wholly different point of view than that from which contem- porary philosophers regard it, and considers a different side of it, his thoughts lead him in the same direction as they take, and his work presents many foreshadowings of the doctrine of evolution. He might be de- scribed as a theological anthropologist. In the lecture on the origin and use of language he says that " the arguments drawn from the sacred scriptures, to establish a system of unifonn sounds and modifications of voice to designate ideas, are of a kin with the systems of astronomy and geology drawn from the same book ; all of which, after being fanati- cally maintained for a time by arguments supported by passion rather than philoso- phy, are compelled by degrees to give place to the sohd truths of observation and expe- rience." Not that anything in science mili- tates against the authority of the scriptures ; " but these books do not purport to deliver to us a system of science, but only to reveal the Author of Creation, and the established series of its epochs." Thus in the accounts of events, as In that of the creation, the state- ments are to be interpreted, not in the literal, LITERARY NOTICES. 275 physical sense, but as condensed, emphatic utterances of the theological truth — in this case of God the Creator — which in the mind of the author predominates over the scien- tific truth. The labors of modern geologists do not affect the truths, before announced, in regard to the creation of the world, for the simple reason that they refer not to the workman, but to the physical characters of the work. " This distinction now begins to be understood, and will be so more and more, as the truths of religion and the truths of science are seen to be of different orders, sometimes apparently blended, but never act- ually confounded. . . . Three thousand years ago or upward, Theology in the Eastern world stood unconfounded with science, and men heard from her, and were satisfied with the response; that 'in the beginning God cre- ated the heaven and the earth' — that 'God said, Let there be light, and there was light ' ; and they heard the number of the days of creation also, and were satisfied ; and simi- larly, in our times, it may be affirmed that Science stands on her own ground, unoccu- pied by theology, and expounds facts and es- tablishes conclusions, no longer fearing or being feared ; and men are now, in regard to science, what they used to be in regard to religion — free and unembarrassed, serving bat one master. And this is the more worthy of observation when we recollect the history of the intervening period — how science has been confounded with religion, and religion with science, to the detriment and dishonor of both. ... It is only when each pursues that order and series of truths which are pe- culiar to each that any mutual benefit can arise; but, when they encroach on each other's provinces, the most baleful effects ensue." The presentation of this branch of the subject, and the chapters on The Origin and Perpetuation of the Natural Races of Mankind, and Unity in Variety of the Human Race, are followed by studies of certain par- ticular nationalities. An Introduction to Natcral Philosophy. By Denison Olmsted, LL. D. Fourth re- vised edition, bv Samuel Sheldon, Ph. D. New York: The Baker & Taylor Com- pany. Pp. 465. Price, $2.75. It is nearly half a century since Olm- sted's Philosophy was first published, and although the progress of modern knowledge in this period has made four revisions neces- sary, the name and plan of the author arc still deemed worthy of being retained. For the present revision the whole book has been carefully gone over, the chief efforts of the editor being spent in rewriting the parts treating of Electricity and Magnetism. The subjects Force, Energy, Work, Wave-mo- tions, Organ-pipes, Spectrum Analysis, and Interference of Light- waves have also been almost entirely rewritten. Extended descrip- tion of apparatus has been avoided. A few striking experiments have been described, but the choice of demonstration has been left largely to the instructor. Many new drawings, chiefly in outline, have been made. The work is adapted to college students. It would be improved by the addition of an al- phabetical index. The Chapters on Electricity, written by Prof. Samuel Slieldon for the above trea- tise, are also published separately (Baker & Taylor Company, $1.25). This volume is intended for use in those colleges which de- vote but thirty or forty hours to the subject, and the principles presented in it are those which the author thinks every liberally edu- cated person should know. It has been the desire of the author to present each part of the subject in its most modern dress. This desire, however, has been tempered by a consideration of the intended functions cf the book. Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds, or Organic Chemistry. By Vktor ton RicHTER. Authorized translation by Ed- gar F. Smith. Second American from the sixth German edition. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 1040. Price, $3. This work is sufficiently detailed to meet the wants of advanced students of organic chemistry, and to serve as a reference-book for practical chemists. The present edition differs considerably in its arrangement and size from the first edition. The introduction contains added matter upon analysis, the de- termination of molecular weights, recent theories on chemical structure, electric con- ductivity, etc. The section devoted to the car- bohydrates has been entirely rewritten, and presents the most recent views in regard to their constitution. The sections relating to the trimethylene, tctramethylene, and penta- 276 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. methylene series, the furfurane, -pyrrol, and thiophene derivatives, have been greatly en- larged, while subsequent chapters, devoted to the discussion of the aromatic compounds, are quite exhaustive in their treatment of special and important groups. The trans- lator has had the hearty co-operation of the author in preparing this edition. Topics of the Timks. By Rev. Howard MacQueary, Author of The Evolution of Man and Christianity. New York : United States Book Co. Pp. 238 + 51. In this book the Rev. Howard MacQueary shows that he is interested in and capable of discussing other than theological questions, for here he addresses himself to the vital questions of the times, in which a larger public will be interested than even the large one which has read his former book. This work is divided into two parts, the former consisting of Lectures on the Conflict be- tween Labor and Capital ; An Exposition of Nationalism ; Truths and Errors of Henry George's Views ; The Savages of Civiliza- tion ; Popular Ideas of Poverty ; Reduction of Hours of Labor; The Negro in America; The Bible in the Public Schools. The sec- ond part contains ten sermons, many of them on most important and interesting topics : Our Country : its Character and Destiny ; The Sabbath Question ; Criticism of the Bible; Did the Fish swallow Jonah? What's the Use of Praying ? What is the Evidence of Life after Death ? The God-filled JIan ; Unshaken Beliefs ; Should we have Creeds ? The Real Rights of Woman. In his preface Mr. MacQueary defends the pulpit for undertaking the discussion of Topics of the Times. There are, he says, two radically different ideas of the Church and the pulpit. Some regard the clergyman as a sort of religious policeman whose duty it is to hold up before sinners pictures of hell to scare them into doing their duty. Others, however, hold that the Church and the pvdpit have to do with the moral aspect of every question, political, social, or scien- tific, and that Religion and Morality are twin sisters. This latter point of view is justified by the example of the prophets of Israel, who denounced the social and political evils of their time. With regard to the papers in the book, the author says that they " are in- tended to be popular discussions of the great problems considered," but not to be "ex- haustive or original." He has evidently succeeded in "casting the material in his own mold," as he claims to have done. The reader of these papers will find them very interesting, stimulating to thought, and helpful to all to whom the burning questions of the day are serious problems. The author has brought to his task wide reading, an earnest consideration of the subjects treated, and an easy and agreeable style. The views of Henry George receive a pretty thorough treatment, and the paper on the Savages of Civilization is of thrilling interest. There has been added to the lectures and sermons a paper on ecclesiastical liberty, which is the able defense of Mr. MacQueary before the ecclesiastical court of the Episco- pal Church of the Northern District of Ohio against the charges of heresy. This paper is of permanent interest, although the case has now at length been definitely settled by Mr. MacQueary's withdrawal from the Epis- copal Church. The Right Hanr; Left-Handedness. By Sir Daniel Wilson. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp.215. Price, $1.25. This treatise includes data originally ac- cumidated in a series of papers communi- cated to scientific institutions in Canada, in which the author sought to determine the cause of left-handcdness by a review of its history in its archfeological, philological, and physiological aspects. To these, results of later investigation have been added ; and besides the effort to trace left-handedness to its true source, the folly of persistently try- ing to repress an innate faculty of excep- tional attitude, and the advantages to be derived from the systematic cultivation of dexterity in both hands, are insisted upon. In the former chapters of the book — on " the educated hand," '' the willing hand," " palaeo- lithic dexterity,"etc. — the prevalence of right- handedness is shown to have been marked from the earliest and even the prehistoric ages of mankind. Its manifestation in chil- dren appears by the weight of evidence to be often spontaneous. The structure of primi- tive implements, ancient weapons, etc., shows it to have been the rule through the histor- ical period. Philological arguments, refer- ences in ancient literature to right-handed- LITERARY NOTICES. 277 ness, and to left - handed exceptions, the writing of ancient documents, and the posi- tions of the figures in drawings, bear in the same direction. Consideration of these evi- dences precludes the idea of the origin of right-handedness lying in any ancient custom, or of its development and enforcement by education into a nearly universal habit. The conclusion is therefore inevitably forced on the inquirer that the bias in which this law originates must be traceable to some special- ty of organic structure. This argument be- comes stronger when we reflect that right or left handedness is not limited to the hand, but partially affects the lower limbs, as may be seen in foot-ball, skating, the training of opera-dancers, etc., so that eminent anat- omists and physiologists have affirmed the existence of a greater developmeat through- out the whole right side of the body. The- ories have been proposed assuming stronger circulation, visceral predominance, or more vigorous muscular growth on the right side, but they do not seem to go to the root of the matter ; while the theory of cerebral localiza- tions on which many other human faculties have been found to depend seems more am- ple. It is understood that each hemisphere of the brain affects the opposite side of the body. In the majority of cases where the hemispheres have been weighed separately, the left hemisphere has been found heaviest. This would give predominance to the right Bide In the case of a single left-handed patient, Dr. Wilson and an associated physi- cian found the right hemisphere to weigh the most. "No comprehensive indications can be based on a single case, but its con- firmatory value is unmistakable at this stage of the inquiry; and thus far it sustains the conditions previously arrived at." Laroratory Practice. A Series of Experi- ments on the Fundamental Principles of Chemistry. By Josiah Parsons Cooke, LL. D. New York : D. Appleton k Co. Pp. 193. Price, $1. Teachkrs who are striving against many obstacles to teach science according to its own proper method will be glad of the help which the senior Professor of Chemistry in Harvard College offers them through this volume. It is a manual of directions for experiments in which especial care is taken that what the experiments teach shall not be lost sight of. " The student should be given to understand clearly," says Prof. Cooke in his introduction, " that experiments performed mechanically, without intelli- gence, or carelessly recorded, are worth ab- solutely nothing, and should be so estimated in any system of school or college credits." This book is designed as a companion to The New Chemistry, by the same author, which contains no experiments for the student, as the present volume contains no extended statement of chemical principles. The prin- ciple that each experiment illustrates, how- ever, is indicated by a heading, and in many cases the conclusions that the teacher should enforce are explicitly stated. Notes, ques- tions, and problems are also inserted after each experiment or group of experiments, in order to direct the student's attention upon the essential features of the investiga- tion in hand. Ample cautions accompany all experiments that would be dangerous if carelessly performed. The present issue of this manual has the value of a revised edi- tion, for the book is an enlargement of a list of experiments printed in pamphlet form that has been used for several years in Har- vard College and in a number of fitting schools. In order to make the expense less of an obstacle to the performance of these experiments by school classes, the author has sought to adapt to the purposes of in- struction common household utensils, such as may be made by a tinsmith or found at any house-furnishing store. Two figures of a kerosene stove applied to laboratory pur- poses are given, and many other definite suggestions in regard to apparatus are fur- nished. By the publication of Part IV, Dr. Michael Foster, F. R. S., has completed the fifth edition of his Text-book of Physiology (Macmillan, $1.90). This part comprises the conclusion of Book in, on the Central Nervous System and its Instruments, and Book IV, on the Tis- sues and Mechanisms of Reproduction. There is also an Appendix on The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body. In the portion of Book III here presented the special senses and the voice are briefly treated, and the account of reproduction is also brief. A little more than two hundred pages are given to the topics here enumerated, bringing the whole 278 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, number of the pages in the work up to 1,856. The author hopes to begin the publication of a sixth and carefully revised edition of the whole book early in the autumn. We would suggest that he add an index to the forth- coming edition. Muter'' s Manual of Analytical Chemistry^ several previous editions of which we have noticed, now appears, revised by an Ameri- can editor, Dr. Claude C. Hamilton. This revision is based on the fourth English edi- tion. The editor has made only such changes as were required to adapt the book to the United States Pharmacopoeia except in the chapter on urine analysis, which has been enlarged, and to which cuts of microscopic sediments and other illustrations have been added. The chapter on water analysis has been altered to correspond with Wanklyn's methods, as those are most generally used in America. Several other processes have been added, such as estimation of chloral hydrate, of fat in milk, etc., and various minor changes in arrangement have been made in the inter- est of convenience in using the treatise. A volume of Elementary Lessons in Heat, Light, and Sound has been prepared by Prof. D. E. Jones (Macmillan, 70 cents). It is an experimental book, intended for be- ginners, and aims to bring out " one of the chief advantages of science as an educational subject — the training in the habit of obser- vation, and of learning from things at first hand." In the methods of reasoning, as well as in the choice of words and subject- matter, the author has endeavored to be as simple and clear as possible. He has also repeatedly tried and modified each experi- ment so as to present it in a simple form, and avoid the more usual causes of failure. The book is illustrated. Part III of the Short Course of Eorperi- ments in Physical Measurements, by Harold Whiting (D. C. Heath & Co., $1.20), deals with principles and methods. About half of its three hundred pages are devoted to some fifty tables, and notes on their arrangement and use. This material is preceded by ten chapters, in some of which such matters as Observation and Error, and Reduction of Results are treated, while the others deal respectively with the several departments of physics. A pamphlet is before us entitled The Universe and its Evolution, being a trans- lated abridgment of a five-volume work in Hebrew, by S. J. Silbersiein. The author denies the law of gravitation, and asserts that Kepler's laws not only are not explained by it, but furnish evidence against it. He brings forward many arguments to show that the planets could not have been pro- jected from the sun into their present orbits. He maintains, further, that they could not continue their revolutions indefinitely, for the attraction of the sun would draw them in upon that body, unless, as he affirms, motion begets motion. In another chapter some of Spinoza's ideas of God are combated, and the author then unfolds his conception of the universe. He considers the source of all to be the Absolute Intellect, whose offspring, the absolute essence, brought the atoms into existence, and the atoms are controlled by a force that he calls " centrality." This force resides in the center of every body, and main- tains the chai-acter of the body. Several other physical laws are laid down, and the larger work is referred to for a full statement in regard to them. The author apparently has not considered the modern nebular theory. The revision of The Chemical Analysis of Iro7i (Lippincott, f 4) that has just been made by the author, Andrew A. Blair, has consisted in the correction of mistakes that were apparent in the first edition, and the adding of matter called for by the advance in analytical chemistry during the past three years. The Table of Atomic Weights has been revised, and the Table of Factors has been changed to correspond to the new val- ues. A report on The Pcdiculi and Mallophaga affecting Man and the Lower Animah, by Prof. Herbert Oshorn, has been issued as a bulletin of the Department of Agriculture. It describes the various kinds of lice found on man, the monkey, dog, goat, ox, hog, horse, the rodents, poultry, and various other animals, giving illustrations of forty-three species. A pamphlet made up of Original Com- munications of the Zymotechnic Institute has been published by the director, Mr. /. E. Sie- bel (2i2 Burling Street, Chicago). The papers are reports of scientific investigations into a variety of matters connected with the brew- ing industry, such as the composition of the LITERARY NOTICES. 279 acrospire of barley, yield of material in the brewery, differentiation of subterranean wa- ter-supplies, etc. There are six plates, show- in'' different kinds of bacteria, of saccharo- myces, molds, and starch, microscopic aquatic life, and forced beer sediments. An Address 011 the University Extension Movement^ delivered by Richard G. Moulton, A. M., has been published by the American Society for the Extension of University Teach- ing (1602 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia). Mr. Moulton defines university extension as *' university education for the whole nation organized upon itinerant lines." He says that university education differs from school education in being unlimited, and that a uni- versity fails miserably in its duty if it does not give one those tastes and those mental habits which will lead him to go on learning to the end of his days. Not every person will get the same thing out of university in- struction. Each helps himself according to his own capacity. The extension teaching involves lectures, class-work, printed sylla- buses, weekly written exercises, examina- tions, and certificates. The interest that has been aroused in England is shown by the written exercises voluntarily sent in, changes in the character of the demands on the public libraries and of the conversation at social gatherings, traceable to courses of lectures, and similar indications Mr. Moul- ton speaks of university extension as a mis- sionary movement, and urges all who possess the benefits of culture to assist in giving culture to others. The Iowa State Medical Society has be- gun the publication of a bimonthly maga- zine. The Vis Medicatrix._ which will serve as the journal of the society (Des Moines, $1 a year). It is edited by Woods Hutchin- son, M. D., and the first number contains the proceedings at the society's fortieth annual session, the president's address, departments devoted to diseases of animals, plant diseases, medical colleges, notes and news, etc. Mr. John A. Wric/ht, of Philadelphia, has published a pamphlet on The Practical Working and Eesulfs of the Inter-State Com- merce Act, the purpose of which is to present (1) the law of distribution of the returns on all products that require transportation to a market ; (2) the policy of transporters in view of their duties as common carriers; (.3) the difficulty of estimating the cost of transportation; (4) a measure on which a just rate of profit on the stock of transporta- tion companies may be based. The author points out provisions in the law which he holds should be expunged as impracticable and dangerous. A treatise on The Principles of Agri- culture has been prepared for common schools by Mr. /. 0. Winslow, and is pub- lished by the American Book Company. It regards a knowledge of the subject as identi- cal with a knowledge of the natural laws and principles that underlie rural life and rural pursuits, and considers it an important ele- ment in the education of the young. Hence it begins at the foundation with descriptions of the substances of the earth, accounts of its geological history, and the leading facts and principles of the several sciences that bear directly on agriculture and rural life. The applications of the principles are then de- scribed in the chapters on Plants, Fertiliz- ers, Cultivation, and Animals. Minor and subordinate topics are omitted, in the belief that a thorough knowledge of the few main points is worth more to the pupil than a confused idea of the whole. Points not definitely settled are avoided, or mentioned only briefly. The book is designed, primarily, for use in the public schools, and contains no difficulties too great for ordinary pupils of twelve or fourteen years. A text-book on the Elements of Civil Government, published by the American Book Company, has been prepared by Alex. L. Peterman for use in schools, and as a manual of reference for teachers. It is in- tended to supply what is a serious want in many of our schools, which omit instruction concerning civil government and the science of citizenship. It begins with the family, the first form of government with which the child comes in contact. As his acquaintance with rightful authority increases, the school, the civil district, the township, the county, the State, and the United States are taken up in their order. In each case the nature and purposes of the Government are ex- plained, and its scope and methods. The author endeavors to present the subject in a simple and attractive way. In a curious book entitled Beyond the Bourn (Fords, Howard k Hulbert), Mr. Amos 280 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. K. Fi&ke records a dream of the future world, and expounds his views on the des- tiny of man. The fiction is sustained of a person who was rendered insensible and to all appearances dead for three days by a railroad accident, and whose spirit sojourned in the other world for that time. Recalled to life and earth, he feels himself a stranger among those who were of his kind, and is impelled to leave a record of his experiences and impressions in the abode of spirits. Hints are given of the persistence of the principle of evolution throughout the uni- verse, and of the continued development and perfection of the human race in the after- life. A collection of the Rev. Henry Ward Bcecher's patriotic addresses, compiled a few years ago by Mr. John R. Howard, contained a review of Mr. Beecher's Personality and Influ- ence in Public Affairs. This is now separated from the original volume by the author, and published by itself, by Fords, Howard & Hul- bert, under the title of Henry Ward BeecJier : a Study of his Personality, Career, and Injlii- ence in Public Affairs. It is, in fact, an in- teresting and critical biography of a man whose influence on American thought and po- litical tendencies has been second to that of few if any others. The book is embellished with excellent portraits of Mr. Beecher at forty-three, at sixty-five, and at seventy-three. •PTTBLTCATIONS RECEIVED. Actuarial Society of America. Papers and Trans- actions. 1S91. Pp. 119. Afrrieiiltiiral Evperiment Stations, etc. Bulletins »nrl Reports. Connecticut Fertilizers. Pp. 40. — Massachusetts. Fertilizers and Feeding E.xperi- Tnents with Cows. Pp. 16— Ohio. Wheat and Whe.t Seedin?. Pp. 22.— United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forestry Division. Timber Tests. Pp. 4.— New Tork. Nos. 3.3 to 36 Fer- tilizers. Dairy-breeds of Cattle, Fungi and Insects with Preventives Small Fruits. Pp. 112. — Potash and Paying Crops. Pp. 39, with Plates. B.ardeen. C. W. The Tax payer and the Town- ship System. Pp. 1.5. — The Teacher as he should be. Pp. 15. Syracuse, N. T. Rrainard. F. R. The Sextant and other Reflect- ing Mathematical Instruments. D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp.120. 50 cents. Branner, John C. Annual Report of the Geo- logical Survey of Arkansas. Vol. TV. Wa.shintrton C'O. Plant List. Little Rock. Pp. 262. with .Maps. Bristol, Dr. E. L. M Before he was Born; or, the Scarlet Arm. 3T3 "West-end Ave., New York. Pp. 69. 50 cents. Brooklyn Institute. Third Tear-Book, 1890-'91. Brooklyn. Pp. 232. Canadav. W. P., and West, Goldsmith Bernard, Editors. Railway Law and Legislation. Vol. I, No. 1. Semi-monthly. Washiii'.'ton. Pp. 20. Oobb. John Storer. The Torch and the Tomb. Boston : New England Cremation Society. Pp. 40. Dake, Jabez P., M. D. 'Civil Government and the Healers of the Sick. Philadelphia : The Uahne- manniau Monthly. Pp. 19. Darewin, G. 8., London. Lives of Victoria C. WoodhuU and Tennessee Clatlin. Pp 38. Davis, J. Woodbridge. Dynamics of the Sun. New York : Woodbridge School. Pp. 97. Emtage, W. T. A. An Introduction to the Mathe- matical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Mac- mil Ian & Co. Pp, 22S. $l".90. English, George L , & Co., New York. Supple- ment to Catalogue of Minerals. Pp. 20. Fall, Delos. An Introduction to Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Albion, Mich. : V. J^. Tefft Pp. 71. Foster, Michael, and others, Editors. The Jour- nal of Physiology. Vol. XII, No. 4. Pp. 100, with Plates. 6«. Gilman, N. P., and Jackson, E. P. Conduct as a Fine Art. Houghton, Miffiin & Co. Pp. 230. $1.,')0. Guillemin, Amedc'e, and Thompson, Sylvaniis P., Editors. Eleotiicity and Magnetism. Macmil- lan & Co. Pp. 976. $3. Kolkin, N. Ethereal Matter. Electi-icity and Akasa. Siou.x City, Iowa : J. M. Pinckney Co. Pp. 76. 50 cents. Linnsean Society of New York. Abstract of Pro- ceedings, 1890-'91. Pp. 11. Merrill. George P. Stones for Building and Deco- ration. John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 4.^3. Missouri Geolngical Survey. Bulletin No. 5. Age and Origin of the Crystalline Rocks (,by Erastus Ilaworth), and Clays and Building-stones of West- ern Central Counties (by G. E. Ladd). Pp. 86. Mitchell. Ellen M. A Study of Greek Philoso- phy. S C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 2S2. $1.25. Oxonian, An. A Little Tour in Irel.and, with Illustrations by John Leech. W. S. Gottsberger & Co. Pp. 218. Plympton, George W. How to become an Engi- neer. D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp. 218. 50 cents. Political Science Quarterly. September, 1891. Ginn & Co. Pp. 190. 75 cents ; $3 a year. Sadtler. Samuel P. A Hand-book of Industrial Organic Chemistry. J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 519. $5. Schuchhardt. Dr. C. Schliemann's Excavations. Macinillan & Co. Pp. 863. *5. Sidsnvick, Henry. The Elements of Politics. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 623. %i. Smith, E. F., and Keller, H. F. Experiments ar- ranged fcr Students in General Chemistry. Blakis- tons. Pp. 60. Snlms - Laubach. H. Graf zu. Fossil Botany. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 401. U- Stewart. John S., Philadelphia. Defects of the Ocular Muscles. Pp. 7. Thorne, R. T. Diphtheria: its Natural History and Prevention. Macmillans. Pp. 266. Tolstoi, Count Leo. Ivan the Fool New York; Charles L. Webster & Co. Pp. 1T2. *1. rniversity Extension Monthly. September. 1891. Philadelphia: J. H. Shinn. Pp. 82. 25 cents ; $3 a year. Veeder. M A., Lyons, N. Y. The Zodiacal Light. Pp. 10, with Plate. Weismann. Dr. August. Ess.ays upon Heredity .and Kindred Biological Problems. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 471. $2. Whelpley, Dr. H. M., St. Louis. Trichina Spira- lis. Pp. 6. Wilson. J., Newark, N. Y. Wrongs in the Precepts and Practices of Civilized Man. Pp. 413. $1. Woman's Medical College of the New York In- firmary. Catalogue and Announcement. Pp 25. WoodhuU. Ziila Maud. The Proposal. A Dia- logue. London : Norgato & Co. Pp. 32. 5 cents. POPULAR MISCELLANY. 281 POPULAR MISCELLANY. issotiatioa of Official Geologists.— The preliminary steps were taken at Washington during the meetings of the International Geolo<^ical Congress toward the formation of an official organization of the directors of State and national geological surveys. The more important objects of the projected society are the determination of the proper objects of public geologic work, the unprove- ment and unification of methods, the estab- lishment of the proper relative spheres and functions of national and State surveys, co-operation in works of common interest and the prevention of duplication of work, the elevation of the standard of public geo- logic work and the sustenance of an ap- preciation of its value, and the inauguration of surveys by States not having any now, which CO- operate with the other State surveys and with the national survey. Changes ia Level of the Atlantic Coast.— The fluctuations in height of the Atlantic lowland coast-lands of the United States were described by Prof. W J McGee in a paper read before the American Association. In the Pleistocene period the land stood between three hundred and eight hundred feet below its present level. Immediately afterward the land rose to from three hundred to six hundred feet above its pres- ent height, and the shores of the Atlantic and the Gulf retreated to from one hundred to five hundred miles beyond their present position. Afterward the land gradually sank, and the waters readvanced until the geography was much the same as to-day. Then came another incursion of the ocean and "Tilf, bringing sea-waters over nearly all the area upon which Washington is built, and over considerable portions of the North and the South. During this period there was deposited a series of loams and brick-clay and bowlder-beds, upon which Washington is located, and which has been named, from the District, the Columbia formation. At the close of the Columbia period the land again rose one hundred or two hundred feet higher than at present, and river channels , were cut from fifty to seventy-five miles beyond the present coast-line. It then began to sink, and this movement is yet in progress. South American Railroads.— Three of the railroads that start from the Pacific coast of South America and run up the valleys of the Andes, says President Gardner G. Hubbard, in his address to the National Geographic Society, are among the most remarkable roads in the world, ascend to a greater ele- vation than any others, and reach a height which in Europe and the United States would be above the snow-level. They were intended to reach the gold and silver mines between the Andes and Cordilleras. The first, called the Oroya or Central Railroad, one hundred and eleven miles long, starts from Callao and crosses the Andes at an elevation of nearly fifteen thousand feet. It is intended to extend it to the navigable waters of the Amazon. Three hundred miles south- ward of this, the second road runs from Mollendo, Peru, by Arequipa to Puno or Lake Titicaca, and thence northward on the plateau four hundred and seven miles to San Rosas, on the route to Cuzco. For a part of the way it runs through a country so destitute of water that the only supply for the engines and stations is by an iron pipe eight inches in diameter and fifty miles long, running from an elevation of seven thousand feet to the sea-coast. Seven or eight hundred miles south of Mollendo a line runs from Valparaiso, in Chili, to Buenos Ayres, eight hundred and seventy miles. It crosses the Andes through a tunnel two miles long, at an elevation of ten thousand five hundred and sixty-eight feet above the sea ; after leaving the mountains it runs over the pampas two hundred miles, without a curve or a grade more than three feet above or below the plain, and will soon be completed from ocean to ocean. From Rio Janeiro several roads have been construct- ed over the mountains west of that city to different parts of Brazil. There are now from six thousand to seven thousand miles of road in operation in the Argentine Repub- lic, five thousand or six thousand in Brazil, and three thousand or four thousand miles in the other states, making a total of about fifteen thousand miles of railroad in opera- tion. The apparently most feasible route for the proposed Pan-American Railroad to run from the Caribbean Sea to the Argentine Republic, and to connect with the others, starts from Cartagena, follows the valley of 28z THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the Magdalena River eight hundred miles to Dividal, seventeen hundred feet above tlie sea ; crosses the eastern Cordilleras at an elevation of about six thousand five hundred feet to the head-waters of the Caqueta or Yapura, a branch of the Amazon, and runs down that river three hundred and seventy- five miles to the mouth of the Engarros, five hundred and fifty feet above tide-water. From the Caqueta River the route passes through Ecuador to Iquitos, Peru, cross- ing fourteen tributaries of the Amazon. From Iquitos it ascends the Amazon and the Ucayle five hundred miles to Napal, thence continues across the Montana, and the nu- merous valleys of the Amazon about six hundred miles, to Santa Cruz in Bolivia, or twenty-four hundred miles from Cartagena ; while a branch will run up the Apurimac to Cuzco. This road would run for two thousand miles along the foot-hills of the Cordilleras, in which is probably the richest mining region in the world, and would greatly facilitate the opening and working of the mines. It would cross many branches of the Amazon, and thus connect with fifty thousand miles of navigable waters, at least nine thousand of which are above Iquitos, and it is claimed that the business from twenty thousand miles of navigable waters would find by this route a nearer outlet to Europe and American markets than by Para. There is every variety of climate on the route ; and the country, under a wise government, is capable of sustaining an immense population and giving abundant support to a railroad. Purification of Sewage.— The method of purifying sewage at "Worcester, Mass., by chemical precipitation was described by Prof. L. P. Kinnicutt at the meeting of the American Association. The sewage treated contains a notably large quantity of the waste products of various manufacturing establish- ments, and an unusually large amount of free acids and iron salts. The Carpenter process is employed for purification. By adding lime and the crude sulphate of aluminum the sus- pended matter is all removed and the total organic matter is reduced over two thirds. The effluent water is clear and colorless, without odor, and with only a slight alkaline taste, and can cause no nuisance when run into a stream of not more than five times its volume. The precipitate, or sludge, is free from bad odor, and when dried contains nearly sixty per cent of iron oxide, ten per cent of carbon, thirteen per cent of nitrogen, and four per cent of phosphoric acid. Its theoretical value is about forty-five dollars per ton. If no use is found for it, it can be disposed of by burning. Evolution of Clocks and Watches. — The beginning of modern clock-making may be dated from 1656, when Huygens attached the pendulum to the clock. This gave horology a place in the exact sciences such as it had not before held. The next impor- tant advance was the invention of the watch balance-spring, by Dr. Robert Hooke, of the Isle of Wight. lie was the author of oth- er valuable inventions and improvements, among them the " anchor " escapement and some ingenious tools for the making of as- tronomical instruments. Previous to 1691 watches had only the hour-hand. Daniel Ouare, of London, added the minute-hand. Nine years later the horizontal escapement in its perfect state was made public by George Graham, F. R. S., and the device of jeweling the parts most subject to wear was introduced into England by M. Facio, of Geneva. The English Government commission on a method of finding the longitude, of which Sir Isaac Newton was a member, appointed in 1714, published the conclusion that an accurate time-keeper would furnish the best means ; and an offer was made by the Government for the discovery of a method — fixed at £10,000, if by it the longitude could be defined to one degree; £15,000, if within two thirds of a degree ; and £20,000, if within half a de- gree. John Harrison, born at Foulby, near Pontefract, in Yorkshire, in 1693, who de- vised the gridiron compensation pendulum, was stimulated by the offer to efforts to find a similar regulator for a watch, and devised an automatic regulator which Halley thought might prove to be of some value. He ap- plied it to a time-keeper, which, having stood a test in a boat on the Humber, was successfully taken to Lisbon. The Board of Longitude advanced him £500. A second instrument was not satisfactory to the board ; but a third won for the inventor the gold medal of the Royal Society. This instrument was sent on a long voyage to Jamaica. After POPULAR MISCELLANY. 283 being eighteen days out, a difPerence of more than two degrees appeared between its indi- cations and the shipmen's calculations. Har- rison insisted that his time-piece was right, and told the shipmen that, if they turned in a certain direction, they would sight a certain island the next morning — if the maps were right. They did so, and the island was seen, according to his prediction. Like results were obtained as island after island was passed. On arriving at Port Royal, after a voyage of two months, the time-keeper was five seconds slow ; and on returning to Eng- land, after five months, its error was less than a minute and a quarter. Harrison was not allowed the offered reward till more sure tests were made, but was given £5,000. The watch was tested on a second voyage, with triple precautions, and Harrison was allowed £5,000 more, and promised the rest of the £20,000 when he had taught others how to make the instruments. Having fulfilled all possible conditions, he was fully paid in 1767. His time-keepers are still preserved, in charge of the astronomers royal, in Green- wich Observatory. Egyptian Identifieations. — Dr. Edouard Naville, to whom the world owes the recov- ery of the cities of Bubastis and Pithom, in Egypt, gave a summary of the results of his work in excavating other cities of Egypt before a meeting of the Victoria Institute in June. His explanations related principally to places connected with the Exodus. He had found that Succoth, whither the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses, was not a city, as some had supposed, but a district. An inscription discovered at Pithom left it no longer doubtful that that place was the ancient Heroopolis, whence, according to Strabo, Pliny, and other authors, merchant ships sailed to the Arabian Gulf. This fact coincided with the results of modem scientific surveys, which showed that there had been a gradual rising of the land, and that the Red Sea once extended up to the walls of Pithom. The identification of Baal Zephon had been aided by some papyri, which proved that it was not a village or a city, but an ancient shrine of Baal and a noted place of pilgrimage. Other places were Migdol and Pi Hahiroth, in the identification of which the author had again been aided by a papyrus, and it seemed probable that the Serapeum was the Egyptian Maktal or Mig- dol. It was greatly to be regretted that a bilingual tablet discovered there a few years ago hud been destroyed before being deciphered. Forest Reprodnction in New England.— The question whether our forests are dis- appearing is answered in one way by Mr. I. H. Hoskins, of Newport, Vt., who says, in Garden and Forest: "In northern New England they certainly are not. The farmer has a constant struggle against the persistent spread of seedling trees over his cleared land ; and if man should abandon this region I think in a hundred years it would hardly be possible for a visitor to realize that it had ever been inhabited by civilized man. It is this constant back-pressure of the forest upon intruding settlements that prevents the average farmer from taking an interest in forestry. He has to fight for his life against the forest, and the idea that the forests are likely to be extirpated seems to him quite absurd. One of the largest and finest sugar orchards in this towTi was seventy years ago a wheat-field." While this is true of some regions. Garden and Forest remarks, there are other vast areas that will never reforest themselves ; and the new forests are of inferior quality to the old ones which they succeed. Astronomy and Nnmismatics. — A curi- ous suggestion is made by Dr. A. Vercoutre, of a way in which astronomical knowlediro may be made of service to numismatical science. Stars and members of the solar system often figure on antique medals, notably on coins of the Roman republic, and they sometimes appear as heraldic al- lusions to the magistrate by whom the coin was struck. Thus, on a coin of L. Lucretius Trio, 74 B. c, the seven stars in Ursa Major — called by the Romans Septem Triones — appear in evident phonetic allusion to the name, Trio, of the magistrate. On a coin struck in B. c. 43, Dr. Vercoutre noticed five stars, one of which was much larger and more brilliant than the others. As the constellation Taurus contains the only group of five stars, with one much the brightest recognized by the ancients, the a84 THE POPULAR SCIEXCE MOXTHLY. amhor attrfbut^d the coin to P. Clodius l\irririu5, who u?ed the rame Taurus or Tauriaus as a phonetic equivalent of his own. A coin struci bv ilarius Aquillus, B. c. &4, has figured on it ihe firs; four stars of the constellaiion Aquila- Thev are shown in nearly the same relative positions they now occupy, and therefore contain the ear- liesT known representation of a pan of the celestial vault. SatiTt J»ie in Europe. — Froni the oc- currence of articles of jade in ancient graves in Europe and America, while the only known quarries of that mineral were in Asia, are>h3?ologists hare conduded that all the materials used by the prehistoric artisans must have had an Oriental origin. Prof. F. W. Rudler has shown that this conclusion is no longer necessary. Within the last few years Herr Traube, of Breslau, has discorered nephrite, or true jade, in places near Jordansmuhl and near Reichen- stein, in Silesia. Pebbles of nephrite have also been recently recorded by Dr. Ber- werth from the valleys of two rivers in Styria. A pebble believed to be of jadeite has been found by if. Damour at Ouchy. on the Lake of Geneva, and the same mineral has been recorded from ilonte Tiso, in Piedmont. Pr. G. M. Pa'n-son has recorded the discorery of small bowlders of jade, partially worked, in the lower part of the Frazer Eirer Tailey ; and Lieutenant ?ioney has obtained the mineral in place at the Jade Mountains, in Alaska, 150 miles above the mouth of the river Kowak. The present aspect of the jade question is, therefore, different from that which it presented when the la:e Prof. Fischer and others favored the view that the jade implements of America and Europ>e were of exotic oricin. I: seems now probable that in both conti- nents the material of the implements b in- digenous, f3E«f$ of 6aldDe^$>. — The probable causes of baldness are summed up by I>r. Joseph Tyson as, in their order, insufficient exposure of the hair; influence of hered- ity ; excessive mental work and great anx- iety ; venereal and alcoholic excesses ; and constant washing and want of pomade. IVTentive treatment is advised. Children should, as much as possible, do without caps, and their hats, when worn, should K' of the lightest description. A stouter hat may be necessary during the hot season, for the prevention of sunstroke. Head-cover- ings should not be warn indoors, in trains, or in closed carriages. Straw hats are preferable in stmimer and in still weather ; in winter, hats made of light felt, well ven- tilated and unlined. The ordinary tall hat, or stove-pipe, and the thick, heavy, un- ventilated top hat, can not be too strongly condemned. The second cause does not admit of practical treatment, while the course to be pursued with the third and fourth causes is obviously one of aroidance. Too constant washing of the hair is un- necessary as well as harmfuL Once a week is enough for cleanliness and for maintain- ing the strength of the hair. Excessive brushing, especially with hard brushes, should be avoided. The author advises the application of some form of simple grease or oil, after the hair has been washed; and, when the head hair is becoming rapidly thiimed, some stimulating material, such as ammonia and cantharides. applied to the oil, will increase its good effects. The Mrs«]»«tuilui Desert.— The Meso- potamian Desert, according to Dr. D. iloritz, comprises two thirds of the southern part of the country, forming an imbroken plain with little or no vegetation, except in the depressions where rain-water collects or the inundations penetrate. Piles of ruins, or dibris — which the inhabitants designate by a name signifying " sigEs " — rise from these perfectly level plains from the height of a few yards to a hundred feet, and are sometimes several miles in diameter. Some of the walls and buildings still tower aloft, and, in more recent ruins, lines of streets can yet be traced; the dams of ancient canals are still visible, and are sometimes fifty feet high. The atmosphere is murky, so that the highest hills are obscured at a distance of a few miles. Dust-storms, for which abundant material is furnished by the old crumbled walls of brick, fiU the air at times so that the sun is obscured ; and in time they have changed the appearance of the country by blocking up the ancient canals and forming long, parallel lines. POPULAR MISCELLANY. 28! They now threaten to cover up the few ex- isting fields on the Tigris. While extensive tracts in these regions have been lost to cultivation from the lack of water, another part is suffering from its superabundance, and the land is swamp at the normal level of the streams. Such is now what was once the most populous region of the earth. Tests of Woods. — A system of tests of woods was described by Prof. Fernow at the meeting of the American Association, which have been undertaken at the Department of Agriculture for the determination of the re- lation of technical and physical qualities to each other and to conditions of growth. The method includes the selection of test- material from as many essentially different soil and climatic conditions as the species may occupy; the examination of the struct- ure and physical condition of the material down to the minutest detail ; the usual test- ing with special care ; and the compilation and comparative discussion of the results of the tests in connection wiih the physical examination and the known conditions of growth. Besides more reliable data than have been hitherto obtained of the qualities of our principal timbers, the investigation promises to furnish us with a knowledge of the conditions under which desirable quali- ties can be produced by the forest-grower. Phosphoras in Plants and inimals. — In a paper presented to the American Asso- ciation meeting in 1890, Mr. Walter Maxwell showed that a vegetable organism, during the initial stages of growth and under the action of the ferments operating in germina- tion, possesses the power of taking the phos- phorus present in seeds or in soils as min- eral phosphates, separating the phosphorus from the inorganic combination, and causing it to appear in the young plantlct in an or- ganic form as a lecithine. In a second part of his paper, which was read at the associa- tion meeting of 1891, the author showed that the lecithine bodies present in the ani- mal kingdom revert to the mineral form un- der the action of the ferments present in the animal organism. The phosphorus contained in a hen's egg, with which the investigations were conducted — both in the forms of min- eral phosphates and of organic phosphorus compounds as lecithines — was first deter- mined. Next, eggs were incubated, and the products of incubation were studied. It was found that the phosphorus contained in the natural egg as a lecithine reappeared in the incubation product as calcium phosphate, forming the bone of the chicken. It thus appears from the investigations that the lecithine bodies are a medium through which phosphorus conducts its circulation between the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms — passing from the mineral, through the veg- etable, into the animal kingdom, where it re- appears as a mineral compound. Carpet- weaving in Persia. — Few ancient carpets are to be found in Persia now, the stock having been gatherel up by European travelers, merchants, and cmio hunters. It may seem almost incredible to many peo- ple that among the ancient carpets ^o many are still in good condition and comparatively little worn. The secret of this is, accord- ing to M. G. de Vries, that not only has great care been bestowed on the weaving of the carpets and on the quality of wool used, but because of the custom prevailing in the houses of Eastern people. While we enter our own and other people's rooms with the same boots with which we walk through the muddy streets, a Persian never enters any room without leaving his boots or shoes at the door. The most important present man- ufacture of carpets is carried on at Sultana- bad. The weaving is done exclusively by women. The only share the men take in the work is, that to them the merchants give out the designs, the colors, and the money re- quired for the weaving. The loom is an in- expensive and simple structure, consisting of four wooden poles, which generally occupy the whole length of the weaving-roora. When weaving is going on regularly, three or four women work at a carpet of fairly large size, the weaver's wife being, as a rule, the prin- cipal weaver, and at the same time superin- tending the work of her daughters or hired women. The rule is, that, at each end of the board on which the women arc seated, there shall be one female overseer. For carpets of very large size, in the weaving of which seven or eight women are employed, there is also an overseer in the middle. At the age of seven years girls begin to assist in the 286 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. weaving ; previous to that age they spend a year or so on the board watching the other women so that they may get accustomed to the work. If a young woman who has been brought up to the loom gets married, the first thing she docs is to try and obtain an order for a carpet, so that the weaving of carpets passes from one generation to an- other. Every stitch in the carpet is made separately, and it is afterward clipped with the scissors and beaten down. In a good carpet there are about ten thousand stitches to every square foot. The clipping must be done every time with equal care, otherwise when the carpet is finished the pile will be short in some places and longer in others. Upon the beating down depends tiie close- ness of the texture ; the more a weaver beats her stitches down, the finer, of course, the carpet is. She knows how many stitches she has to weave to every quarter of a Persian yard ; but she generally makes less, in order to save wool, time, and trouble. The designs are the individual property of the weavers, and are protected by law. The shades of color are a matter of importance, and atten- tion is paid to having them in harmony with the varying tastes of the European mar- kets. Besides woolen carpets, rugs are ex- ported, woven entirely of silk. The weaving of such rugs is done in the same way as the weaving of carpets, but the labor is far greater in proportion, as they are always of a very fine make. Such rugs can be used as table or sofa covers, portieres, etc., but, as they are made of pure silk, they are very costly. Holy Stones of Ihc East and the West. — A curious paper was read by Mr. Charles G. Leland at the International Congress of Ori- entalists concerning the salagrama stone of India and the salagrana of the Toscana Ro- mana, as a curious link connecting the East and West. The Indian salagrama is a kind of ammonite, the size of an orange, and hav- ing a hole in it. According to the legend, Vishnu the Preserver, when pursued by the Destroyer, was changed by Maya into the stone, through the hole of which the De- stroyer as a worm wound his way. The Ital- ian salagrana is a stalagmite, which is be- lieved by the people, on account of its re- semblance to the little mounds thrown up by earthworms, to be such a mound petri- fied. They carry it in a red bag, along with certain magical herbs, and pronounce over it an incantation to the effect that the irreg- ularities and cavities in it have the property of bewildering the evil eye and depriving it of its power. The author was informed by believers in such things that anything like grains, irregular and confused surfaces, in- terlaced serpents, or intricate works, blunted the evil eye. Interlaced cords are sold in Florence as charms. Even the convolvulus is grown in gardens against the evil eye. In the Norse mythology, Odin as a worm bored his head through a stone in order to get at "the mead of poetry." Hence all stones with holes in them are known as Odin stones, also as " holy stones," and are much used at the North as amulets. Hung at the head of the bed, they are supposed to drive away nightmare. Possibly there is a connection with the salagrana here. So interlacings in decoration may be originally designed to avert the evil eye and bad luck. A recent traveler in Persia was told that the patterns on carpets in that country were made intricate so that the evil eye might be bewildered. In the salagrana of Italy the number of grains or protuberances must be counted one by one before the witch can do evil. In the Arabian Nights the ghoul Amina must eat her rice grain by grain ; and in South Carolina the negroes protect a person who is bedridden or night- mared by strewing rice round his bed, which the witch, when she comes, must count grain by grain before she can touch her victim. Two Ancient Races. — Describing, in the International Oriental Congress, his excava- tion of the pyramid of Medum — the tomb of King Senefru, of the third Egyptian dynasty, and the oldest known building in the world — Mr. H. Flinders Petrie spoke of the entire skeletons which had been obtained of men of that remote period (some 4000 years b. c.) as providing an anatomical study of impor- tance for ethnology. The peculiar mode of interment of most of these persons shows that a religious difference then existed. The bodies of the highest class or race were in- terred, extended at full length, with vases of pottery or stone, and head-rests ; while the greater number of the bodies were interred NOTES. 287 contracted, with the knees drawn up to the breast, even when the chamber was long enough to hold them extended ; and they were not mummified No pottery was in- terred with them, except one or two rough vases in one tomb. This treatment was not due to neglect, for the deceased were always placed with great care and regularity, with the head to the north, the face to the east, and the body lying on the left side. Such essential differences in the mode of inter- ment, and the provision for the deceased, point to a difference of race. The contracted interment may have pertained to one of the prehistoric races, and the extended inter- ment with provision of vases, etc., to the dynastic race. The skeletons were well pre- served, but tender and friable ; the bones lay in their places, and the linen cloth wrapped around the body was intact. Rheumatic disease and other maladies of the bones were already well known at that period. Non-drinking Sheep and Cows. — The facility with which animals can adapt them- selves to altered conditions of existence is illustrated by Dr. A. J. Crespi in an article in the Gentleman's Magazine on Curiosities of Eating and Drinking. He quotes from Miss Betham Edwards's account of her ex- cursions in the barren, stony, wilderness-like region of the Gausses of France the de- scription of some of the interesting facts which it affords to evolutionists. "The aridity, the absolutely waterless condition of the Larzac has evolved a race of non-drink- ing animals. The sheep, browzing the fra- grant herbs of these plateaus, have altogether unlearned the habit of drinking, whilst the cows drink very little. The much-esteemed Roquefort cheese is made from ewe's milk — that of the non-drinking ewes of the Larzac. Is the peculiar flavor of the cheese due to this non-drinking habit ? " NOTES. Mr. H. a. Hazen maintained in the American Association that the opinion that tornadoes whirl is a mistaken one. Of the two ways of learning the shape of tornadoes, that of observing them directly is burdened with difficulties, and is neither satisfactory nor accurate ; while the study of them by observation of their debris is easy, and will lead to correct conclusions. Reports of such observations of between two hundred and three hundred tornadoes have been received at the Weather Bureau during the past two years, and the evidence from them is over- whelmingly favor of the view that there is no whirl. A DESCRIPTION of the methods pursued in the Geological Survey of the United States was given, with graphic illustrations, by Ma- jor Powell to the International Geological Congress. The speaker explained that, in- asmuch as the Survey is a national institu- tion, supported by taxes paid by the public, the results of its work are made intelligible to the people, and are not prepared so as to be understood only by men of science. The Committee on Forestry in the Amer- ican Association reported that, under a re- cent law authorizing the President to with- draw from sale or other disposal such public timber-lands as he may deem fit, the bound- aries of Yellowstone Park had been en- larged. A necessary enlargement of the Yo- semite Valley reservation was anticipated, and a number of other reservations in Min- nesota, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Cali- fornia, comprising several million acres, would be asked for in a memorial prepared by the American Forestry Association. The next meeting of the International Geological Congress will be held in Berne, Switzerland, in 1894. The Geological Sur vey of Russia, supported by the Czar, in- vites the Congress to hold its meeting in 1897 in St. Petersburg. According to a paper by G. L. Spencer and E. E. Ewell, in the American Associa- tion, wheat flour and bran mixed with mo- lasses seem to be the favorite materials for the manufacture of imitation coffees. It is hardly prob.ible that the manufacturer se- lects a good quality of flour, for a bad or damaged article would be cheaper. Refuse crackers and other waste of bakeries proba- bly supply a portion of the material em- ployed. A factory recently seized in France employed a mixture containing 500 grammes of ferrous sulphate, 15 kilogrammes of chic- cory, and 35 kilogrammes of flour. With the exception of such mixtures as this, imi- tation coffee is not detrimental to health, but especially affects the purse of the pur- chaser. A CDRious featu-e of old-time life is re- called in Mr. Freshfield's paper before the British Society of Antiquaries on the wrought- iron sword-stands in the churches of the city of London. These sword-stands, of which two leading and various subordinate types were described, appear to have come into fashion in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; but only one or two of the older ones survived the great fire, and most of those now exist- ing are of the eighteenth century. 288 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Prof. Pptnam announced, at •the last meeting of the American Association, that the Government of Honduras had granted to the museum at Cambridge, Mass., the exclusive right to explore the scientific re- sources of the country for a period of ten years. A PAPER by Prof. A. N. Krassnof, read at the meeting of the Geological Society of America, traced the resemblance of the black soils of the Russian steppes and the prairies of America to their similar origin in the layers of successive annual crops of plants. As described by Charles B. Thwing, the results obtained with Lippman's process for color photography, though not conclusive at all points, seem to indicate that the mixed colors may be reproduced with some fair de- gree of accuracy. Modifications are intro- duced by a change of thickness of the film between exposure and final drying, and by a shortening of the distance between maxi- ma caused by the rays striking the reflector at an angle other than the normal. A sec- ond result is that an exposure long enough to give a clear image of the red is certain to obliterate the blue by over-exposure ; and a third, that an over-exposure may completely reverse the colors, causing the original col- ors to appear on the reverse and the com- plementary on the film side of the plate. Prof. Jastrow describes some curious tests which he made with a young man who had been born without the sense of smell, for the purpose of determining what things are tasted when we cat and what are smelled. It appears that many things which we relish are not tasted, but only smelled. A PAPER by Mr. John Watson, of Man- chester, England, asserts that the redevel- opment of lost limbs is not unusual among insects. He has had three specimens in which limbs have been redeveloped, and one case of complete cicatrization. " Redevelop- ment," he says, " can take place either in the larval or the pupal stage of an insect's metamorphosis." OBITUARY NOTES. Mr. William Terrell, an American me- teorologist of world-wide reputation, died in Kansas City, Mo., September 18th, about seventy-four years old. He was graduated from Bethany College in 1844, became as- sistant in the American Ephemeries and Nau- tical Almanac in 1857, and held the place for ten years ; was then appointed on the staff of the United States Coast Survey, when he invented the machine for predict- ing the maxima and minima of tides ; was made assistant, with the rank of professor, in the Signal-Service Bureau in 1882; and retired from that position in 1886 to make his home in Kansas City. He published many works, large and small, of researches on the tides or pertaining to meteorological problems ; a volume on Recent Advances in Meteorology (1888); a Popular Treatise on the Winds in 1889; and contributions to scientific journals and societies on such topics as thermal radiation, cyclones, torna- does, and related subjects of terrestrial physics. His earliest scientific writings were contributed in 1856 to the Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery. He was a mem- ber of the National Academy of Sciences, and an honorary member of the meteoro- logical societies of England, Germany, and Austria. Prof. Martin Duncan, F. R. S., whose death has been recently announced, was a special student of fossil corals and echino- derms, and published some valuable mem- oirs upon them. He was for a long time Professor of Geology in King's College, and there published an account of the Madrepo- ria collected during the expedition of the Porcupine, a description of deep-sea and lit- toral corals from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and a revision of the Echnoidea. ITc also published many popular articles, in- cluding Corals and their Polyps, Studies among Amoeba?, Notes on the Ophiurans, or the Sand and Brittle Stars, and a book on the Sea-shore in the Natural History Ram- bles series of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. The death, by apoplexy, is announced of Dr. L. Just, Professor of Botany at the Polytechnicum, Carlsruhe, Director of the Botanic Garden there, and editor of the Bo- tanischer Jahresbericht. Dr. Francis Beunnow, an astronomer equally distinguished in America and Eu- rope, has recently died in Heidelberg, Ger- many, in his sixty-seventh year. He was associated with Encke in Berlin, and there had a part in the discovery of Neptune. He investigated the motion of De Vice's comet of short period, which, however, has never been seen since. He also, at Berlin and Ann Arbor, Mich., where he became director of the observatory in 1854, calculated the theory of some of the minor planets. He published at Ann Arbor a periodical. Astro- nomical Notices, which is now very rare. His Lchrbuch der spherischen Astronomic has passed through several editions. He was appointed Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin and Director of the Dunsink Observatory in 1865. Retiring from those positions in 1874, he lived the rest of his life in private. Dr. Barclay, who recently died in Simla, India, was a specialist in cryptogamic bot- any, and had acquired an extended reputa- tion by his researches in the diseases of In- dian plants He was engaged at the time of his death with the commission for the investigation of leprosy. ^. \ ^ ^^Rv ELIAS LOOMIS. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JANUARY, 1892 RECENT ADVANCES IN THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. By EDWIN ATLEE BAKBEK. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. XL THE revelations of the Centennial Exhibition set our potters to thinking and stimulated them to greater competition. Never before was such an impetus given to any industry. The best productions of all nations were sent here and exhibited be- side our own modest manufactures, and it was only too apparent that America had been left behind in the race. Up to that time there had been a few sporadic instances of attempts at originality, but comparatively little had been accomplished of a really artistic nature. The existence of a true ceramic art in this country may be said to have commenced with the fair of 1876, because greater progress has been made within the fifteen years which have elapsed since that important event than during the two centuries which preceded it. Let us see what rapid strides have been made in this period. At the United States Pottery in Bennington, Vt., was a young man, Mr. L. W. Clark, son of the superintendent, Mr. Decius W. Clark, who, on the closing of that factory, accompanied his father to Peoria, 111., and remained with the firm of Fenton & Clark for about two years, when he left to enter the army. In 1875 he went to Boston, and, in partnership with Mr. Thomas Gray, assumed control of the New England Pottery. This establishment was founded in 1854 by Mr. Frederick Meagher, who made Rockingham and yellow ware. It was afterward taken by Mr. William H. Horner, from whom the plant was purchased by the present pro- prietors, who now produce the usual lines of useful services in cream-colored and white granite ware. For the past five years VOL. XL. 23 290 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. they have been making a decorated product in colored bodies, to which they have given the name " Rieti " ware. This is a semi- porcelain, finished and decorated chiefly after the Doulton, Adder- ley, and Worcester methods. They also make true hard porcelain of an admirable quality, and their goods are characterized by an artistic style of decoration and excellence of glaze, their mazarine blue and " old ivory " finish being especially praiseworthy. The decorating branches are under the direct supervision of Mr. J. W. Phillips, who originates and engraves many of the best designs used in their printing processes. Most of their shapes are utilita- rian rather than ornamental, but they have succeeded in impart- ing to these a grace of outline and delicacy of coloring which render them objects of great beauty. Tlieir chocolate-jugs, jarcZt- nieres, and cuspidors com- pare very favorably with the imported wares, after which they are to some ex- tent patterned. Of the few purely decorative forms which they have attempt- ed, a semi-porcelain vase, twenty inches in height, made in 1880, is particular- ly meritorious. This is ar- tistically j)ainted in natural colors on raised paste, the top and base being in sol- id, dead gold. Mr. Bands, of the Royal Worcester Works, England, was the artist. The Ott and Brewer Com- pany, of Trenton, N. J., now operates the factory which was built by Messrs. Bloor, Ott & Booth, in 1863. Mr. J. Hart Brewer, president of the company, entered the firm in 18G5, and, being an artist himself of considerable ability, soon made his influence felt in the improvement of methods and elevation of standards. Until 1876 the chief jiroducts of this factory consisted of white granite and cream-colored ware. At the Centennial Exhibition the com- pany made a display of a series of artistic Parians which had been designed mainly by Mr. Isaac Broome, an American artist of re- markable versatility and great jjromise. Of these special pieces,. Fio. 18. — Semi-porcelain Vase. New England Pottery Company, 1889. RECENT ADVANCES IN THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 291 probably the most noteworthy are a bust of Cleopatra and a vase with modeled figures of base-ball players. The first attempts in the manufacture of " Belleek " egg-shell china were made by Mr. Brewer in 1882, in conjunction with Mr. William Bromley, Jr., but these early trials were not entirely satisfactory. Encouraged by partial success, however, Mr. Brewer induced Bromley to send for his father, William Bromley, and his brother, John Bromley, who, with two or three other hands, came over in the following year from the Belleek factory in Ireland. Mr. William H. Goss, of Stoke-on-Trent, invented this body some thirty years ago, at which time the elder Bromley was acting as his manager. Messrs. David McBirney and Robert Williams Arm- strong were then attempting to make first-class ceramic goods at their recently established manufactory in the village of Belleek, county of Fermanagh, Ireland. Mr. Armstrong induced Bromley to take a number of Mr. Goss's best workmen to Ireland and introduce the egg-shell porcelain there. The ware produced at that factory has since become world-famous, being characterized by extreme lightness of body and a beau- tiful, lustrous glaze. The ware now manufactured by the Ott and Brewer Company is made en- tirely from American materials, and is a vast improvement over the body and glaze first introduced by the Bromleys eight years ago. In the rich iridescence of the nacreous glaze it is fully equal to the original Belleek ; in delicacy of col- oring and lightness of weight it is even superior. A dozen cups and saucers, making twenty-four distinct pieces of the ordinary size, almost as thin as pa- per, weigh just one pound avoirdupois, or an average of only two thirds of an ounce each. A large variety of forms of this porcelain are produced, in both ornamental and useful designs. The larger vases are usually simple in out- line and of the same comparative light- ness as those of smaller size. They often possess pierced necks, feet, and handles, and are elegant- ly decorated in enamels, gold relief, and chasing. A triumph of the potter's skill is a Belleek ostrich-egg bonbon- box, in two segments, which is exquisitely perforated or honey- combed over its entire surface. We can not here reproduce more than one or two examples of these beautiful fabrics. One is a Fig. 19. — Belleek Vase. Ott and Brewer Company. 292 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. large vase of the " Bourne " pattern, decorated in raised gold and colors. The shape is graceful and the decoration is exceedingly artistic (Fig. 1!»). In addition to art porcelains, this factory produces a great quantity of granite ware and opaque china, in dinner, tea, and toilet sets, which are both print-decorated and hand-painted. A jardiniere of white granite, which we here figure, is a refined example of artistic decoration in quiet tones. One of the most extensive establishments in the Eastern States is that of the Willets Manufacturing Company of Trenton, N. J. Fig. 20. — White Granite .Jardiniere. Ott and Brewer Company. The present proprietors, Messrs. Joseph, Daniel, and Edmund R. Willets, three brothers, succeeded to the business in 1879. The factory was erected in 1853 by William Young and Sons, who at first made Rockingham and common ware. At the Centennial Exhibition William Young's Sons made a display of crockery and porcelain hardware trimmings, at which time the plant in- cluded only four kilns. The business has since grown to such an extent, under the present management, that there are now thir- teen large ware kilns besides those used for decorating. The prod- ucts from these works include sanitary earthenware, plumbers' specialties, white and decorated pottery, opaque china, white granite, and art porcelain. A specialty in dinner and toilet serv- ices is underglaze decoration on white bodies. After the Ott and Brewer Company had perfected the body and glaze of their Belleek ware and got it well under way, Will- iam Bromley, Sr., went with the Willets Manufacturing Com- pany and instructed them in the process. The manufacture of RECENT ADVANCES IN THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 293 white egg-shell ware, to which they are constantly adding new designs, is another specialty of these works, and the company is now competing successfully with the Dresden and other foreign factories in supplying white art porcelain to decorators. In form their pieces are graceful and artistic, one of which is represented in Fig. 22. They also employ a number of competent art- ists to decorate their art goods, many of which are reproductions of the char- acteristic shell and coral forms of the Irish works. Fig. 23 represents a large Belleek vase with open- work handles and chrys- anthemum decoration in delicate tints on an ivory, gold- stippled ground. The Ceramic Art Com- pany, of which Mr. Jona- than Coxon, Sr., is presi- dent and Mr. Walter S. Lenox secretary and treas- urer, was established in Trenton in 1889. The first i named gentleman became superintendent at the Ott and Brewer Company's works after Bromley left, and the latter was former- ly in charge of their deco- rating department. Here they learned the processes of manufacturing Belleek. Although they have at present but one ware kiln and two decorating kilns, they are rapidly making a name by their constantly increasing patterns, many of which are exquisitely conceived and show the touch of a thorough artist. They have procured the best designers and painters that can be found and employ both the overglaze and underglaze processes in decorating. Their egg-shell ware is also furnished in the white to decorators. Fig, 24 shows one of these undecorated pieces, a graceful lily- shaped cup and saucer. In addition to vases and table pieces, they 294 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. make many fancy patterns, such as thimbles, inkstands, parasol- handles, menu slabs, and candelabra. The Phcenixville (Pa.) Pottery, Kaolin, and Fire-brick Com- pany was organized in 1867, and a few years later was succeeded by Messrs. Schreiber & Co., who made yellow and Rockingham ware, and terra-cotta ornaments and wall-pieces. Heads of hounds and stags in sev- eral sizes, and large boars' heads, were made extensively here, and twenty years ago were in demand for deco- rating the interiors of public - houses. Many of these may still be seen in coun- try taverns. These were considered works of consider- able artistic merit when first produced. The antlers and horns of stags and antelopes were made separately and aft- erward inserted. Messrs. Beerbow- er & Griffen took the pottery in 1877 and commenced the manufacture of white granite. In 1879 the firm name was changed to Grifi^en, Smith & Co., and in the following year the manufacture of " Etrus- can " majolica was added. From 1880 to 1890 the factory produced a good grade of white and decorated china, mostly in table services and toilet sets. Through their majolica and " stucco " productions, however, the firm became more widely known, and within the past few years they have made many decorative pieces in shell and dolphin patterns, after the Irish Belleek forms. Since the fire, which destroyed a large portion of the works recently, the manu- facture of majolica has been discontinued. Mr. Smith withdrew from the firm in 1889 and erected levigating mills at Toughkena- mon. Pa., near which place are large beds of kaolin. The firm style was then changed to Grifi^en, Love & Co. As early as 1882 experiments were commenced in the manu- . — Shell anm> ('i'pih PiTriiK!; — Hklleek. Willets Mauufacturing Compauy. RECENT ADVANCES IN THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 295 facture of hard porcelain, and a series of sample pieces were made for the New Orleans Exhibition. The quality and designs of these trial pieces were creditable, and the experiment has shown that this factory is capable of producing true porcelain of a high order. One of the New Orleans pieces, a pitcher of thin semi-transparent body, was also made in white earthenware, glazed and gilded, the latter of which is reproduced in Fig. 25. It is in the shape of a can- teen, the mouth representing the head of a Continental soldier. The raised designs are flesh-colored, on a solid gold ground. The three- cornered hat is black. Mr. Scott Callowhill, an English artist of ability, was employed for a while in modeling and painting, but recently left, to accept a position with the Providential Tile Works of Trenton. At the beginning of the present year a change was made in the proprietor- ship, and a new company has been incorporated, un- der the title of the Griff en China Company, which will hereafter make a spe- cialty of fine translucent French china, in plain white table services. The company will also, at an early day, manufacture fancy tiles, under the di- rection of Mr. A, D. Vitan, a practical French potter, formerly at Greenpoint, Long Island. This gentle- man has just perfected an improved machine for manufacturing art tiles, and another for making plates. The Borroughs and Mountford Company com- menced business in Tren- ton in 1879, in what was formerly the Eagle Pottery. Their specialties are vitrilied, thin, and hotel china, and underglaze printing on pottery and por- celain. The mechanical application of decorations is the distin- guishing characteristic of one line of their art potteries, which, while closely imitating the more expensive methods of hand-paint- ing, enables them to produce highly artistic effects at a greatly re- FlCi. 23. LAKliK VaSK rnRYSANTIlKMUM DECORATION. Willets Manufacturing Company. 296 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. 24. — Egg-shell Porcelain— The "Engagement Cup and Saucer. Ceramic Art Company. duced cost. The bold ornamentation of their jardinieres, umbrel- la-jars, punch-bowls, and vases, after the Doulton, Royal Worces- ter, and Adderley methods, bears a striking individuality of its own. Probably their most beautiful pieces are those on which raised gold designs are applied by hand to an exquisite mazarine blue. White tiles of the finest quality, with underglaze blue printed devices, as well as embossed and art tiles, are also made to some extent. The Greenwood Pottery Company, incorporated in Trenton in 1868, make a specialty of the manufact- ure of vitrified and trans- lucent china for hotel, steamship, and railway uses. This pottery was established in 1861, under the style of Stephens, Tams & Co. They are also making, at the pres- ent time, thin china table ware for domestic purposes, porcelain hardware trimmings, and electrical, telegraph, and telephone in- sulating supplies. Some years ago they added an art department to their extensive establishment, and their decorated productions are characterized by elegance of form, being decorated usually in the Royal Worcester style, with ivory finish and raised gold, sil- ver, and bronze effects. The plant of the company consists of seven- teen large kilns, with an annual producing capacity of over half a million dollars. Among the other important Trenton establishments is that of Messrs. Oliphant & Co., which turns out large quantities of plumbers' sanitary appliances, druggists' and jewelers' supplies. About 1886 the late Mr. Thomas Connolly, a partner in the con- cern, commenced experimenting in Belleek wares, having been at one time connected with the Irish works. He succeeded in pro- ducing some exquisitely thin trial pieces, and demonstrated the fact that these works could manufacture egg-shell ware of the highest grade. The few pieces which were produced, consisting Fig. 25. — Whitk-ware Pitcher. Phft'iiixville, Pa. RECENT ADVANCES IN THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 297 of small ewers, cups and saucers, were fired in the large kilns with the sanitary ware. For some unknown reason, however, this Fig. 26. — Eweb Vase. Faience Manufacturing Company. branch of the business was never developed beyond the experi- mental stage. The Knowles, Taylor and Knowles Company, of East Liverpool, Ohio, have the largest works in America, their plant covering ten 298 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. acres and including thirty-five ware and decorating kilns. Tlie business was started in 1854 by Mr, Isaac W. Knowles and Mr. Isaac A. Harvey, who, with a single kiln, made yellow ware and, later, Rockingham, In 1870 Mr. Knowles, who had purchased the interest of his former i:)artner, was joined by Messrs. John N. Taylor and Homer S. Knowles, and in 187:3 they commenced the manufacture of iron-stone china and white granite ware. The business of the company has had a phenomenal growth, and at the present time they employ about seven hundred hands in the |jro- duction of extensive lines of white granite and vitreous hotel china, which they supply to the trade. The Faience Manufacturing Company, of Greenj^oint, Long Island, prodiices white ware artistically decorated and, we believe, a limited quantity of porcelain. The pieces are of ornamental rather than of useful shapes. The engraving (Fig. 26) represents a ewer vase from this factory with open-work handle and molded figure of bird. It is unfortunate that the secrets of this factory should be guarded so jealously as to deprive us of all knowledge concerning the processes emj^loyed and the qualities of the wares produced. Repeated inquiries have failed to elicit any rejDly. To Mr. Thomas C. Smith, of Greenpoint, Long Island, belongs the honor of being the first American manufacturer who has been successful in placing upon the market a true hard porcelain as a commercial article. His experiments, which extended over a number of years, first commenced to bear fruit about 1865, when he j)erfected a plain white ware, and a year afterward he com- menced to decorate his goods. The Union Porcelain Works, of which Messrs. Thomas C. Smith and C. H. L. Smith are the pro- prietors, have produced many decorative pieces in addition to their staple productions of true porcelain table ware. This porcelain is composed in body of clay, quartz, and feldspar. It is fired in biscuit at a low temperature, in the second story of the porcelain kiln, using for its baking the surplus heat passing away after having done its greater work in the first story or gloss- kiln where the glazing is done. At this first burning the ware receives only sufficient fire to make it jjroperly fasten together in form. It is quite fragile, easily broken with the fingers, and por- ous, not having yet had sufficient heat to commence vitrification. In this condition it is what is termed porcelain biscuit, and is ready for the glaze-tub. The glaze of porcelain is composed of the same material as the body, and so compounded that those elements which are soonest fluxed by the influence of the heat are in greater proportion than they are contained in the body. The porous, low-fired biscuit is dipped into a liquid puddle of glaze. Upon being withdrawn its porosity quickly absoi'bs the excess of water, leaving a dry coating of the glaze compound. RECENT ADVANCES IN THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. 299 which was held by the water in suspension, upon the surface of the piece. This piece of porous biscuit covered with glaze is now cleaned of glaze upon its foot, or that part upon which it rests, to prevent its sticking or burning fast to the clay " sagger " or firing case ; otherwise the glaze on the bearing parts would, at the time of flowing, form a cement, fastening the piece and the sagger together. The pieces are placed separately in the saggers. The heat in firing hard porcelain is carried to such a high degree that the ware touches the point of pliability, almost the melting-point. At this point of heat the body is vitrified ; at the same time the glaze, from its slightly softer composition, is melted into the body of the ware, producing a hard, vitreous, and homogeneous material properly known as true, hard porcelain. This is the process used at Sevres, Meissen, Berlin, and elsewhere. The earthenware method is just the re- verse of this. The body is composed of much the same materials as a por- celain body, but difiier- ently compounded, and it is baked in biscuit at the first firing at a great- er heat than is required for porcelain biscuit, and receives during that first burning the great- est heat to which it is subjected in the entire process of manufacture. The glaze is composed partly of the same ma- terials as compose the body, with the addition of oxide of lead and boracic acid, which latter, being soft, fluxes in the fire, enabling the glaze to flow at a low heat. It is fired the second time in the gloss-kiln at a lower temperature than it has previously been fired in biscuit. This results in flowing the soft glaze over the surface of the ware, making sul)stan- tially a lead-glass film or coating upon the surface of difi'erent compounds and materials, not homogeneous, not a part of the Fig. 27. -BrsT or Edwin Forrest as William Tell. Union Porcelain Works. 300 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ware by being fused into the body as in porcelain. Tbe body and glaze being thus in constant antagonism to each other, produce sooner or later what is technically called " crazing " or cracking of the enamel, for the reason that the body is one thing, produced at a higher temperature, and the glaze another, produced at a lower temperature, and not as in porcelain, body and glaze produced at the same time, and at the last and greatest heat. Fig. 28 shows a tete0 tons (see Fig. 3). The peculiarities of this block, which invest it with unusual ^..^.Vl Fig. 3. interest, are : First, its apparent artificiality ; second, the surface on which it rests is so narrow, smooth, and rounded, that, were it not for the blocking of a flat slab of rock (shown in Fig. 4), ap- parently artificially inserted underneath in exactly the proper Fig. 4. REMARKABLE BOWLDERS. 343 344 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. place, the block when released— i. e., by the melting of the ice— from the power that transported and placed it must have slid down and found a resting-place at the bottom of what is now a contiguous salt marsh; and, third, the circumstance that all the edges and angles of the block are as sharp and free from abrasion —which last is also true of its entire surface— as if it were but recently lifted from its original bed by the most modern and care- ful system of quarrying. It could not obviously, therefore, in its process of transportation have been rolled or tumbled about to any great extent ; which conclusion in turn suggests that its move- ment after the first displacement was a lifting up to its present elevation, and that it was not subsequently transported to any great distance laterally. The extension of the ledge on which this great block rests having been largely broken up and removed through its use as a quarry, what might have been evidence confirmatory of this effect is now no longer obtainable. That it would have been perfectly practicable, with the requisite labor and machinery and large expenditure, to have quarried this block, and then have lifted it up and blocked it in its present position' is not to be denied ; but the idea that any such thing has been done, and for no practical purpose, is perfectly untenable. The surroimding country is very thinly populated, and the rock was in position long before any quarry (for the obtaining of rough stone for railroad construction) was worked in any immediate vicinity. To travelers on the New London and New Haven Railroad this testimonial of the forces operative in a former geological age, by reason of its close proximity to the track, is clearly discernible on the right-hand side going west and the left-hand going east, and constitutes a most striking and picturesque object. Its obvious novelty, which has thus far undoubtedly saved it from destruc- tion or displacement at the hands of workmen and vandals, may, it is to be hoped, continue to constitute its protection in the future, although as an object of attraction and interest to tourists and scientific men it is eminently worthy of care by the managers of the railroad company. Figs. 5 and 6 are photographic reproductions of a huge bowl- der, curiously disrupted on the land of Mr. Edward Atkinson, at Mattapoisett, on Buzzard's Bay, Mass., and having the following dimensions : Maximum height, 42 feet ; measurement through the middle of the passage between the two fragments, from one side to the other in a straight line, 36 feet ; average width of the crack between the two fragments at the level of the ground, 3i feet ; present surface area of the detached fragment, which has in part been quarried away, 462 feet. To the trained geologist, the foregoing and all similar accounts REMARKABLE BOWLDERS. 345 Fig. 6. 346 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and representations of bowlders possess but little interest other than what pertains to peculiarities of size, shape, and location ; while the agencies mainly concerned in the formation, movement, and distribution of the bowlder, as well as of the ordinary pebble, which is a miniature bowlder, have long ceased to be matters of controversy. With those not versed, however, in geological evi- dence and reasoning, the case is far different. To most of such, the attributing of the phenomena under consideration to the motor power of ice seems so fanciful and unnatural that the agency of the Indian (as has come within the experience of the writer) has appeared more reasonable. But if any one thus doubt- ing will but acquaint himself with the present condition of Greenland, where we have a continental area covered with a sheet of ice of immense thickness — a mile or more, doubtless, in many places — continually accumulating through almost constant at- mospheric precipitations, and moving, through the weight and pressure of such increments of snow and ice, with almost irresisti- ble force from the center of such continent to its sea or coast line, and then in imagination transfer and reproduce such conditions (which are undoubted actualities) over the whole of the northern United States and Canada, he will be abundantly satisfied that the most striking of bowlder phenomena constitute but a very small measure of the forces that were concerned in their produc- tion and were concurrently exerted to modify the earth's surface — even to the extent of removing mountains. It will also widen the sphere of interest in this subject to refer to the humbler but at the same time most instructive memorials of the Glacial period, which are, as it were, associated with the bowlders, and help to conceal the barrenness and desolation of the " drift " ; namely, the pretty flowering plants like the " dan- delion" and the "trailing arbutus," and others, which are be- lieved to have come down in the Glacial period from their natu- ral habitat in the far north to our present temperate zone, and to have remained, after the disappearance of the ice, with the bowlders as if to keep them company. Recent explorers of Greenland tell us that wherever in little sheltered nooks upon its dreary coast the ice and frost relax sufficiently in the brief summer to admit of any vegetation, these j^lants grow and flower most luxuriantly, while in their foreign homes they seem, as every one knows, to choose those times and temperatures for blooming and fruition — i. e., in the early spring — which are most in accordance with the conditions of their origin and primal ex- istence ; thus apparently reasserting their ferae, naturae, as did the old vikings when associated with the more delicate types of southern latitudes. TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. 347 TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. AFTER THE EESEARCHES OF DR. BARTELS, PROF. ECKEE, DR. MOHNIKE, DR. OENSTEIN, AND OTHERS. TRADITIONS of tailed men are very old and wide-spread. Tailed races are told of in many countries, whose home is, however, usually placed in some little-known region ; and the stories of individuals who had tails can hardly be counted. A number of legends on the subject have been collected by Mr. S. Baring-Gould, and jmblished in his Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. This author himself was brought up in the belief that all Cornishmen had tails, and was not undeceived till a good Cornish bookseller, with whom he formed a warm friendship, assured him that this was not the case ; after which he satisfied himself that the man had sat his tail off ; and his nurse informed him that that was what happened to men of sedentary habits. Certain men of Kent were said to have had tails inflicted upon them in punishment for their insults to St. Thomas a Becket. The story runs that Avhen the saint came to Stroud on the Med- way, the inhabitants of the place, being eager to show some mark of contumely to him in his disgrace, did not scruple to cut ofif the tail of the horse on which he was riding ; and for this, according to Polydor Vergil, " it so happened, by the will of God, that all the offspring born from the men who had done this thing were born with tails like brute animals. But this mark of infamy, which formerly was everywhere notorious, has disappeared with the extinction of the race whose fathers perpetrated the deed." The story seems to have been applied, with variations, to other Englishmen, now here, now there, so that John Bale complained, in the time of Edward VI, " that an Englyshman now can not travayle in another land by Avay of marchandyse or any other honest occupyinge, but it is most contumeliously thrown in his tethe that all Englyshmen have tails." A Polish writer tells of a witch who transformed a bridal com- pany, stepping over a girdle of human skin which she had laid in the doorway, into wolves. She afterward, by throwing dresses of fur over them, gave them their human forms ; but the bride- groom's dress was not long enough to cover his tail, and he kept it ; whence it became hereditary in his family. John Struys, a Dutch traveler, who visited Formosa in the seventeenth century, relates that a member of his party got separated from the rest and was mangled and killed by a wild man, who was afterward caught and tied up for execution, when, says the traveler, '' I beheld what I had never thought to see. Ho had a tail more than a foot long, covered with red hair, and very like that of a cow. When he saw 348 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the surprise that tliis discovery created among the European spectators, he informed us that his tail was the effect of climate, for that all the inhabitants of the southern side of the island^ where they then were, were provided with like" The cuneiform or Chaldean deluge tablet speaks of the gods, " with tails hidden," crouching clown. A Culdee tombstone at Keills, in Argyleshire, Scotland, bears among its figures one of hu- man form, sitting down, and sleeking with his left hand a tail that curls beneath his legs. Various stories have been told of the tails of the Niam Niams of Central Africa, who have also been asserted to be cannibals. Their tails have been described as smooth and as hairy, as peculiar to the men, and as possessed by the men and women both. The most interesting and circumstantial account of this feature is given by Dr. Hubsch, of Constan- :inoi3le, who examined a tailed negress. Her tail ^vas abont two inches Long, and terminated in a point. The slave-dealer who owned her said that all the Niam Niams had tails, and that they were sometimes ten inches long. Dr. Hubsch also saw a man of the same race who had a tail an inch and a half long, cov- ered with a few hairs ; and he knew at Constan- tinople the son of a phy- sician who was born with a tail an inch and a half long, and one of whose grandfathers had a like appendage. The phenomenon, he said, is regarded gener- ally in the East as a sign of great brute force. The newspapers, many years ago, had a story of a boy, who was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, with a tail about an inch and Fig. 1.— Tah.i:i) .M,.i JJov. TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. 349 a half long, which, when sucking, he wagged as a token of pleasure. Apparently well-authenticated instances of human tails are that of a Moi boy, twelve years old, who was found a few years ago in Cochin-China, and had a tail about a foot long — simply a mass of flesh — containing no bony frame (Fig. 1) ; and the case communicated to the Berlin Anthroijological Society in July, 1890, by the Dutch resident at Ternate, of two natives of New Guinea, who had come on board his steamer in Geelvink Bay, in 1880 — adult male Papuans, in good health and spirits, well shaped and muscular, who had coccygeal bones projecting four centimetres, or an inch and a half in length. Dr. O. W. Holmes says, in the Atlantic Monthly for June, 1890, that Dr. Priestley, of London, showed him, at the Medical Congress in Washington, a photograph of a boy who had " a very respectable tail." In The Popular Science Monthly for October, 1884, an account was quoted from Mr. H. W. Eaton, of Louisville, Ky,, of a female child that was hoxw in that city with what appeared to be a rudi- mentary tail. It was visible as a '* fleshy peduncular protuber- ance," about two inches and a quarter long, and measuring an inch and a quarter round the base, shaped like a pig's tail, but showing no sign of bone or cartilage, and was situated about an inch above the lower end of the spinal column. It had grown about a quarter of an inch in eight weeks. The questions, whether there exists in the human body, in a rudimentary state, a real homologue of the tail of animals, and whether it may sometimes be developed into a member of some- what similar outward form, have been much discussed by physi- ologists in recent years. Besides notes on the subject in an- thropological, ethnographical, and geographical periodicals, four larger essays have been published \\\)o\\ it, viz. : Mohnike's pam- phlet on Tailed Men (Miinster, 1878) ; two papers by Prof. A. Ecker, in the Archiv fiir Anthropologie (vol. xii, 1879), and in the Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie (1880, No. 6) ; and a pa- per by Dr. Max Bartels in the Archiv fiir Anthropologie (1880) ; all of which go into a searching consideration of the subject. The late German scientific journal Kosmos, reviewing these papers a few years years ago, deduced the following conclusions from the evidence then before the world : The older anatomists treated the question in rather a matter- of-fact way. They regarded the prolongation of the human back- bone beyond the os sacrum, by three, four, or five vertebrae, with- out much thought, as the analogous feature of the animal's tail, and called it the tail -bone {os coccygis). The phenomenon was not rare to them, nor did it seem wonderful that this part of the body could, contrariwise to its general rule, escape being grown over. 350 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and project free like an animal's tail, or that it might occasionally be prolonged through additions to the number of vertebrae ; for they had a deej^er insight into the normal agreement of the fun- damental scheme in the structure of man and the animals most nearly related to him than some of the physicians and anatomists of our own time seem to have. But after the great '' fall of man," as Ecker expressively calls it, or after man had tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge which Darwin offered to him, we apparently did not dare to call the thing any more by its right name. We did not venture, ac- cording to Prof. His, to speak of the tail of the human embryo, although we could still speak without hesitation of its gill-arch. Man was ashamed, as Ecker has humorously characterized the prudery of the learned, only of his nearer, not of his more dis- tant, cousins. The older anatomists and artists — we name here, as typical representatives of these, only Harvey, Meckel, and Goethe — found it natural that this taillet, instead of bending in- ward, as usual, toward the pelvis, and being buried in the mus- cular part, as though that were, of course, one of man's par- ticular characteristics, should occasionally jiroject outAvard and assume the form of an external tail. They did not regard it as surprising that a formation of this kind should sometimes ajj- pear ; and they found in the persons who possessed such growths, not, like the men of the preceding age, the consequences of a bestial intercourse or of a fault of the mother ; not even a mon- strous formation in the common sense of the word, but rather evidence of the adaptability of Nature and of a common type marking all the higher animals. Thus Goethe wrote on the 12th of September, 1787, from Rome : " The tailed men are no wonder to me; but are, according to the description, something quite natural. There are much more wonderful things before our eyes which we do not regard, because they are not so nearly related to us." The brief essay of Dr. O. Mohnike is based on the fact that all the forms of the backbone of man are related to his erect posture, and that the prolongation is turned inward in order to afford a support to the viscera, which is not needed in animals that go on all fours. He therefore believes that a prolongation of the coccyx outside of the periphery of the rump, analogous to the tail of an animal, would be incompatible with the typical human form, all the parts of which collectively point to the erect gait, and contra- dictory to it. A similar inversion is indicated in the anthropoid apes, that have no external tail and sometimes go erect, and is believed by Hyrtl to be produced gradually in dogs and bears that are taught to dance on their hind legs. All this goes to show, if there were TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. 351 any doubt on the subject, that the os coccygis of man is a real analogue of the animal's tail-root, while it also makes clear to us how the same has reached its special form. It is further confirmed by the fact that the inversion in which the coccyx takes part is not observed in the embryonal life of man nor in the earliest in- fancy, but first appears when the child begins to carry its body erect. The tail-like prolongation of the human vertebral column is evidently a rudimentary formation — an inheritance from the animal condition which, perhaps, persists simply because the in- turned vertebra of the os coccygis has adapted itself to a new function, instead of becoming useless. There is found in the human embryo, in the first stage of its embryonal life, just as in other vertebrates, a considerable and conformable tail-structure, which it is not hard to interpret ac- cording to biogenetical principles. The length of this taillet, in proportion to that of the rest of the body, is at first considerable. In embryos that have completed their third week the tail is, per- haps, about twice as long as the lower limbs. It is one of the pruderies that still live to vex us that some anatomists. Prof. His, of Leipsic, for example, object to calling this appendage a tail. But Prof. Ecker unequiv- ocally upholds this designation, and in the Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie (1880, No. 6, p. 442) formulates the following prin- ciples in elucidation of the matter : 1. The name " tail " can only be applied to j.^^_ o._Lower Pakt of the part of the hinder end of the body project- an Embryo 15-5 mi. ing over the cloacum. ^°^^' ^ 7"" "^^^^ ^ . From Ecker. 2. In embryos of the second class — that is, those which are from eight to fifteen millimetres long — the "tail" overtopping the cloacum appears as a free pointed projection upward and forward. 3. This tail consists of a vertebra-containing and a vertebra- free section, the latter of which contains only a chorda and a marrow-tube . 4. Only the latter section suffers a reduction, by the chorda dorsalis being mostly converted into a knot, while the rest dis- appears. 5. The vertebra-containing section persists for a longer time than the so-called coccygeal lump. The latter disaxjpears grad- ually under the surface, chiefly in consequence of the gradually stronger curvature of the os sacrum and os coccygis, and partly of the more prominent development of the pelvic band and its musculature. We should also distinguish two processes in the gradual dis- appearance of the embryonal tail of man : an atrophy of the tail- voL. XL. — 27 552 ^ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. point and a shrinking of the tail-root. The former process, the wasting of tlie hindermost section, takes place, according to the later researches of M. Braun in Dorpat, not only in the human embryo, but also in other vertebrates. " I find," says this natu- ralist, in his Researches in the Development-History of Parrots (Transactions of the Physico-Medical Society of Wiirzburg, new series, vol. xv), " in the embryos of swine, cats, sheep, rabbits, mice, and dogs, a long thread at the hinder end of the tail which is sharply distinguished by its tenuity from the rest of the member. The spinal or parted chorda end lies in it in the earlier stage ; later it consists only of ej)idermis cells ; and finally it disappears alto- gether. By this, proof is given that in mammalia as well as in birds the chorda, if I may use the expression, has been carried out too long, and no more vertebree are formed around its hinder end. It is a striking fact that the long-tailed mammalia are also in this category," According to Ecker, who confirms the other features of these observations, this attenuated prolongation, designated as a tail- thread, no longer appears in man ; * the tail is reduced, much more, according to him, than appears in ^^' ^" the sketch, into a conical form. The further wasting process has proceeded so far by the seventh week of the human embryonal life that a tail can no longer be fitly spoken of. Instead of it there is to be seen on the hinder end of the body only a roundish process, the coccygeal lumjD (Figs. o and 4), on which a few minute Figs. 3 AND 4. -Embryos IN THE Coccygeal- excreSCences, perhaps rudiments LUMP rEBioD. Fig. 3, 4-1 cm. long ; Y'm. ^ ,^ , , . t . , , 4, 14-8 cm. long. From Ecker. o^ ^li© atrophied invertebrate part of the tail, are visible. This coccygeal lump retains to the end of the third month the form of an acute isosceles triangle, the broad base of which rises in the region of the coccyx without a clear dividing line, while its point ends over the rectum. Two converging shallow fur- rows define the lateral boundaries between the coccygeal lump and the buttock, over the level of which it plainly rises. Beyond the rectum begins in the continuation of the median line of this triangle the suture, which in the male embryo extends as a plainly marked selvage over the perinaeum. What is called the coccygeal lump in the human foetus is a prominence so brought * In mammals Ecker sometimes found the tip of the tail-thread so sharp and horny that the name tail-spine seemed to be more appropriate, and he suggests that possibly the well- known tail-spine of the lion is nothing else than the persistent embryonal tail-thread. TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. 353 Fig. 5. — Coccygeal Hair-tuft. From Ecker. forward that the point of the nearly straight-running coccyx is pushed against the skin and lifts it up. Inversion has at this time not yet taken place. From the third to the fourth month the human foetus receives its clothing of wool-hairs, which penetrate obliquely through the skin, and form hair-lines converging against the tips of the coc- cygeal lump, and represent there a vertebra. This vertebra — vertex coccygeus — constitutes in sev- eral cases observed and de- j^- ^ ' ''"* scribed by Ecker and other investigators (Fig. 5) an evi- dent pencil of longer hairs^ a real hair-taillet, such as Gre- cian art gave at the same point to fauns and satyrs. It has al- ready been shown by Eschricht that the converging hair-tuft in the region of the coccyx is analogous to the similar arrangement of hairs on the tails of the mammalia. Chr. A. Voight has expressly noticed the same rela- tion in his treatise on the direction of hairs on the human body (Denkschrift of the Vienna Academy, 185G). " The parts of the skin on which converging tufts are formed," he says, " are either places which were quite bare in the earlier periods of development, or they are spots that covered the prominent bones (or cartilages), the strongly growing parts, like the coccyx, the elbows, and the tip of the ear in animals, or every place toward which an exten- sion of the skin was taking place or had taken place at the time of the development of the hair." This author remarks especially of the coccyx-tuft that, as the hairs become longer, they rise over the surface and form spiral-shaped hair-tufts, like the brushes on the tips of the tails of animals. There is thus again shown a plain original connection between the formation of the tail-shaped attachment and the coccygeal hair-tuft. There is usually found in the human foetus, above the coccygeal vertebra, a hairless spot, the glabella coccygea, under which often appears later, and is even perceptible in persons of middle age. a depression of greater or less depth, i\\e foveola coccygea, over the origin and significance of which many and often curious hypothe- ses have been set forth. It was described by Lawson Tait, in a paper read before the Anatomical and Physiological Section of the British Association in 1878. He had found from the examination of several hundred persons that only fifty-five per cent of them were without traces of the depression or "sacral dimple," while it was faintly marked in twenty-two per cent, and well marked in twenty-three per cent. But it seemed to become imperceptible 354 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. again after the thirtieth year of age. Mr. Tait believes that the hollow is associated with the embryonal process connected with the neural canal and its closure. He referred to the tailless cats of the Isle of Man, and tailless guinea-pigs which, like man, pos- sess only an os coccygis with three pronged centra infolded in the skin ; and thought that he might conclude from certain in- dications that some of these animals, and perhaps also the pre- decessors of man, may have lost the tail in consequence of a malformation, probably in man through the not rarely appearing spina bifida. We well know how such malformations tend to become hereditary ; and the sacral dimple might be called the scar of the lost tail. The hereditability of such malformations is well marked. When Dr. Wilson crossed a Manx tomcat with a com- mon cat, seventeen out of twenty-three kittens were tailless ; but when female cats of the Isle of Man were crossed with common tomcats all the kittens had tails, though somewhat shortened. Prof. Ecker has suggested a less fanciful explanation of the origin of the sacral dimple. He supposes that the later inward curving of the tip of the much straighter coccyx in the foetus— which is connected with the skin by the caudal ligament— draws the cor- responding spot on the skin into a funnel shape of greater or less depth. On the other hand, Ecker would rather regard the glabella coccygea as the lower fontanel, or later point of closure of the sacral canal. The embryonal processes and normal conditions of formation thus briefly sketched are sufficient in general to permit most of the cases of so-called tail-formations in men, which occur with tolerable frequency, to be recognized as easily explainable irreg- ularities of natural growth. The case deviating least from the normal condition concerns only the skin-covering, and exhibits itself in an excessive hairiness of the sacral and coccygeal region (frichosis sacralis). We have seen above that this spot in the em- bryo reo-ularly bears a hair-twirl, which is not rarely prolonged into a hairy pencil or taillet. We can hardly consider it an im- portant variation if this hairy taillet is exceptionally not absorbed, but endures and grows stronger after birth. In the so-called hairy men we evidently have persons in whom, according to all appear- ance, the wool-hair of the foetus has grown to a far greater extent, or at least possesses the same properties of alignment and direc- tion. The chief physician of the Greek army, Dr. Bernhard Orn- stein, having observed several cases of extraordinarily abundant hairiness in the sacral region among Grecian recruits, has given continued attention to this phenomenon, and has determined some very remarkable cases of it. The most striking of these cases was that of the twenty-eight-year-old recruit Demeter Karus, of the eparchy of Corinth. The whole sacral region appears to be cov- TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. 355 ered with a thick, dark-brown hairy growth, about three inches in length, which spreads over on to either side. The hairs lie more smoothly on the border of the skin covering the sacrum, while in the middle they curl out into two strong tufts. The man is about five feet two inches high, and his yellowish-brown skin shows elsewhere on his wdiole body less than the usual hairiness. The recruit said that he was born with this unusual hair on his back, and that he had even in youth suffered on account of it from the curiosity of the people of his native village. He said also that the growth had once been so strong that he had braided the hair into queues and tied it in front, but that since then he had preferred to cut it from time to time. To test the accuracy of this assertion, Dr. Ornstein forbade his cutting the hair for a considerable period; and eight months afterward (December, 1875) the sacrum-hair had grown to double its former length, or to six inches ; so that the recruit's assertions respecting it were shown not to be incredible. Prof. Virchow accompanied the detailed communication of this case to the Berlin Anthropological Society * with a few well- chosen words prefacing the opinion that we have perhaps to deal here with a spina bifida occulta, which is indicated exteriorly, as occurs often in the case of moles, mother's marks, etc., by aug- mented growth of hair. There has existed, he said, for a con- siderable time, a doctrine — we might call it a superstition — in pathological anatomy, which is called the law of the duplication of cases. " On the same morning that I received the letter from Athens, it was told me that there was a corpse in the Pathological Institute which exhibited an unusual hairiness on the back." Since we had to do in this case with a spina bifida occulta, there might perhaps be a similar pathological cause in the case of the Greek recruit. But the hair on the Berlin woman's back sprang from a higher spot, and did not denote the more thickly haired coccygeal region of the human embryo. In continuation of these efforts of Virchow to follow up these abnormal formations in the human body resembling animal shapes to their pathological causes, and in order to learn how to obviate them, Surgeon-Gen- eral Ornstein kept watch upon the parts of the body concerned in the eruption, and in the next year (1876) succeeded in establishing a second case of well-defined sacral trichosis, marked by thick, dark-brown hair, extending to the coccygeal region. In the next year (1877) ten other cases fell under his attention, by which it became evident that this sacral hairiness was not rare in Greece and the islands of the ^gean Sea ; and he was convinced that in all the cases the basis of it was normal and there was no question * Sitzungsberichte der Berliner ant')ropologiscliev Gesellsehaft in dcr Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 1875, pp. 91 and 279. 356 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of a spina bifida. Vircliow's law of the duplication of the cases had not maintained itself under the first test. Of the various other persons of this kind whose photographs Dr. Ornstein took, we mention the recruit Q. G. Nikephorus, of Siphno, twenty years old, in whom the thick brown hair of the sacral trichosis is very sharply defined, and quite covers the sacrum. The hairs were in this case from one and a half to two and three quarter inches long, while no abnormal hairs were visible on the rest of his somewhat slender body. It requires no particular gift for adapting evidence or of divi- nation to infer from these cases of sacral trichosis, so frecjuent in Greece, which are easily explained by reference to the embryonic hairy covering, that the representations of Silenus and the fauns in ancient Grecian art, in which this part of the body is furnished with a tail-tuft of hair, may be traced back to casual observations of such cases in real life. A strikingly naturalistic illustration of this view is afford- /■;% . i A. ed by the Silenus with the Bacchus child in the Louvre, in which, instead of the isolated horse-tail-like pencil rising from the sa- crum, characteristic of most figures of the kind, the whole sacral region is represented as well haired, while the central lock is sim- ply more strongly prominent (Fig. G). What might be called " hide - bound tails," of which Dr. Bartels describes a Fig. 6.-PART of the Back View of the Silentts with the Well-marked case that Infant Bacchus, in the Louvre. From a Drawing by occurred in llis OWn F. Schilfer. t ^ . • medical practice, in- cline more decidedly to the order of real malformations. In a three-days-old child, the skin over the coccyx formed a three- sided lump of about the shape of the tail-termination of the em- bryo. This lumpwas about seven eighths of an inch long, rose several lines above the rest of the skin, and was separated from it by a plainly defined groove. The pointed lower end of the swelling seemed to lie directly over the anal orifice, which was very narrow, and must have been operatively enlarged after the TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. 357 point of the excrescence had been loosed from that part. The formation did not contain any vertebra; the coccyx lay rather beneath, and there was evi- dently in this, as in a similar case observed by Labourdette, a question of a so-called in- tercejited formation from the coccygeal lump period. The hide-bound tail offers an en- /: larged copy of the embryonal i-' coccygeal lump, and exhibits i < that lump, which in the nor- - mal development reverts and \ is merged in the buttock, ap- \ parently maintained and as- \^ sociated, as a rule, with an \' imperfect development of the f|. - anal orifice (Fig. 7). W^T A third class is composed [^|. of the " soft tails," which de- k^v pend freely from the sacral i ■ and coccygeal region and are the most frequent. They have sometimes the form of a swine's tail drawn out to a point; sometimes that of a thicker fleshy appendage only slightly rolled at the end. Such soft tails, which belong to the largest of their kind and are both naked and hairy, have been observed and described, among others by Blancart, Konig, Els- holtz, Schenk, von Grafenberg, and Greve. The last author sent a tail three inches long (Fig. 8), which he had amputated from a boy eight weeks old, to Prof. Virchow for a more thorough exami- nation, and he found that it was not a simple case of skin formation, but that there lay within the inner cell-texture of the skin a fatty bundle penetrated by large vessels. In this species of malformation — to which the case delineated in Virchow's Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, vol. Ixxxiii, No. 3, seems to belong — we have to do, not with a simple impeded formation, such as the last-mentioned case is considered to be, but with the outgrowth of a part existing in the em- bryonic plan, which, however, disappears in reg- ular growth, into a monstrosity i)er excessum, as was the old form of expression. In many respects these cases are atavistic. The TlIEEE-DATS-OLD BoY, WITH HlDE-BOUNI; Tail. From Dr. Ma.\ BarteLs. Fig. 8. — Amputated Tail of a Boy Eight Weeks Old. From Greve, 358 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. surplus length of chorda persists without there being any verte- hrse formed upon it. Real vertebral tails, in which the vertebra-containing part of the embryonal tail remains without being grown over and the coccyx preserves its original straighter direction, have been, if we may trust the older anatomists and physicians, not very rarely observed. Surgeon-General Ornstein, a few years ago, carefully studied such a case in Athens in a Greek from Livadia, twenty-six yeats of age. There was in this case a conical tail, free only at the tip, about two inches long, within which three vertebrje might be felt by pressing upon it. It did not, however, hang perpen- dicularly down, but the coccyx was slightly, though less than in normal cases, bent inward. Notwithstanding its apparent firm- ness, this little movable tail was not distinguishable by the color of its skin from its surroundings. It was hairless, although the sacral region was very hirsute. The free part was not half as long as the whole.* While only three shrunken verte- bral fragments could be felt in this case, free tails of like char- acter have been described by several of the older authors in which the normal number of vertebrae appears to have been ex- ceeded by four. Dr. Thirk, of Broussa, in 1820, described the fat- tail of a Kurd, twenty-two years old, which formed a thick lump and contained four surplus vertebrae. Tliomas Bartholinus, also, told in the seventeenth century of a tailed boy who had more than the regular number of vertebrae in the coccyx. Such cases represent true atavistic formations, but have never been verified with as much exactness as is desirable, altliough the possibility of an appearance of the kind does not admit of reasonable doubt. The phenomena might, in fact, be more frequently recorded were it not that such formations, so long as they do not occasion dis- tress, are carefully concealed for fear of reproach falling upon those who bear them and upon their mothers. Dr. Bartels makes some pertinent remarks concerning the bearing of these exceptional but not at all rare tail formations among men upon the myths of " tailed races " ; and Mohnike has made a valuable collection of the travelers' stories on the subject from the most ancient times. Mohnike believes that the older myths generally relate to apes; but this is not very probable, for the erect anthropoids, which most resemble man, are as tailless as he. The derivation from the custom of many savages of wearing animal skins with the tail hanging down upon the right side is more probable. Schweinfurth also observed among the women of the Bongos a custom of wearing a palm -leaf tail, bound on so as to produce a naturalistic appearance. * A fuller description may be found in the Zeitsehrift fiir Ethnologie, vol. xi, 1879. TAIL-LIKE FORMATIONS IN MEN. 359 The myths of tailed human races constantly revert to the East Indian islands; and the Dutch captain, L. F. W. Schulze, sent communications to the Berlin Anthropological Society in 1877 concerning cases* partly observed by himself, which were re- garded by Dr. Bartels as fully trustworthy. These communica- tions tell us nothing new, for the phenomena occur in cultivated Europe as well as in remote deserts and lone islands. Other reports, like that, for example, of Julius Kogel concerning the Dya,ks of Borneo, speak of the frequent occurrence of tailed indi- viduals. Hence a low, beastly race has been supposed, in which atavistic formations occur still more frequently than among' higher races further removed from the original condition. Still other reports, and more recent, mention fully tailed human races. Even if a phenomenon of this kind were established we need not, as Dr. Bartels has justly remarked, conceive of a still living middle form between man and bea"st. " We must consider," he says, '''that we are all the time dealing with insular populations who have been crowded out of the possession of their coast and harbor regions by people of other races and driven into the hardly accessible interior of the country, where they have been compelled to practice, for a length of time we can not estimate, a constant inbreeding — a regular series of marriages within their own tribe. In this case there might, at some time in the past, as has happened with other men, have occurred an external tail, as a casual abnormity at first, but which might afterward, in the course of generations, become transmitted to many persons by in- heritance. For it has been shown by researches in this inter- esting field of pathological anatomy that nothing is more easily transmissible than malformations. In illustration of this fact we need only mention here the well-known inclination to the in- heritability of what are called mother's marks and hare-lips, and the large teeth of the Melanesians of the Admiralty Islands and the island of Agome, which have been described by Mr. Miklucho- Maclay.f In a similar manner Lord Monboddo, in the last century, explained the tailed men of Borneo as a people afflicted with a hereditary malformation, and compared them with six- fingered families. X In agreement with this is what the Wesleyan missionary George Brown related in 1870 con(;erning a formal breeding of a tailed race of men in Kali, off New Britain. " Tailless children," he says, " are slain at once, or they would be exposed to general ridicule." * A tailed family of princes have borne rule in Rajpoo- tana and are earnestly attached to the ancestral mark. Dr. * See Kosmos, vol. i, p. 166. % Kosmos, vol. v, p. 449. f Bartels, p. 4. * Mohnike, p. 3. 360 THE POPULAR SCIUNCPJ MONTHLY. Qaatrefages also speaks of the appearance of such varieties of men as very probable. The care just mentioned as having been taken of the malformation is all the more striking because the tail, as has been shown in the European cases, is in sitting and riding no very pleasant feature. They tell of canoes in the East Indies that have holes made in the benches of the rowers. But it is not an idle thought in this matter to sujjpose that the benches, like the old German stools, were furnished with holes for ornament, or in order that they might be more easily handled and disposed of, and the incident can not be regarded as confirming the popular legend. The result of these investigations is, as a whole, that a formation, homologous even in outside appearance with an ani- mal's tail, is originally present in the human foetus, and loses its external characteristics at a later period of life through arrest of growth, inversion, and waste. If these processes occasionally fail to take place, the tail-feature is nevertheless not visible in the grown man, and we can not draw from such malformations, even if they appear frequently in a single race, any one-sided conclu- sions respecting there having existed a former animal-like con- dition. For it may be supposed with much more probability, from the similarity of the forms in this feature of man and the anthropoid apes, that their common ancestor had already shed the external tail ; and hence that the 2:)rolongation of the chorda in the embryo, wnth no vertebra contained in it, may be regarded as a reminiscence of a still earlier ancestral form. A DISCUSSION in the International Geological Congress at "Wasliington, on cor- relation of strata, was opened by Mr. G. K. Gilbert, of our Geological Survey, who spoke first of local methods, where one rock lies upon another. Physical continuity was a means of correlation, and perhaps the best method, but was sub- ject to limitations. Traces were rarely possible for great distances. Indirect methods must be resorted to. Beds of similar lithologic formation could be re- garded as chronologically similar. Another method was the sequence with which the deposits were laid. Layers following in sequence in different localities argued the same conditions. There were limitations, however, to the use of both these methods. Physical breaks afforded a fourth method of correlation, to which the limitation would probably be distance. Simultaneous relations of bodies to some physical event often afforded valuable evidence. Tliis method had been useful, both at Salt Lake and on tlie Atlantic coast. Other aids in correlation were the relation of deposits to some geological climate and the evidence of similar pliysical changes. The similar action of gases in different beds showed chronological similarity. This method was largely limited by local climatic changes, and gen- erally the physical methods mentioned were all v.-duable at fhort range but of little use at long range. The theoretical methods, in which floral and animal life are called in, are perhaps more accurate. Of these are divergence from a status at a fixed date, and the relations of the fauna contained in the deposits to cli- mate. The value of a fossil species for purpose is dependent greatly on the length of its life and the range of its space. Long life is a drawback, that makes the cor- COMMUNICATION WITH THE PLANETS. 361 relation vague. Prof. Zittell, of Municli, did not think the method of correlation by plants accurate. Of animals, those of the land were most valuable. He spoke of the difficulty of correlation in some countries where vertebrate animals are not found in many of the deposits. Prof. Marsh agreed with the other speakers that vertebrate animals afforded the best and most accurate material for correlation. Prof. Charles D. Walcott spoke of the advances that had been made in the study of correlation, and illustrated his positions by reference to the Cambrian strata of North America. Prof. James Hall begged tiiat geologists in search of correlations should not neglect physical methods, and described an early attempt at correlation made by himself in ti'ying to connect the rocks of western New York with the deposits of the West. COMMUNICATION WITH THE PLANETS. By M. AMEDEE GUILLEMIN. STRIKING discoveries in astronomy, of a character to excite the public mind, have been rare in recent years. Those who have kept in current with the work that has been done in that science are not ready to believe that this is because progress has not been made in it. As evidence of the new work accomplished by its students, and potentially fruitful work, too, we cite the preparation of a map of the sky, accomplished by the aid of pho- tography, which gives the exact position of the stars to the four- teenth magnitude. The co-operation of observatories certainly assures the success of this immense work, which is now in process of execution. La Nature has made known the beginnings and has kept its readers in the current of the very minute and pro- found preliminary studies, without which the undertaking of operations of an extreme delicacy might have been compromised. It has also made clear the importance of the results to be ob- tained, and of the various consequences that would necessarily accrue from them. The problems of parallax or of stellar dis- tances, of the proper motions of the stars, of nebulae, the search for minor planets and new comets, everything relative to the constitution of sidereal systems, may, by an attentive study of the plates of the new celestial maps, receive positive solutions. A new horizon is thus opened to science. These are not sensational novelties, like the appearance of a comet with a long, nebulous tail, which attracts the attention of idlers to the sky ; but the im- portance of astronomical observations is not measured by the noise they make in the public ear. Yet, if the prize of a hundred thousand francs, which an honorable lady has recently bequeathed to the French Academy of Sciences, should be gained by some one, the resultant emotion would be legitimate. To establish voluntary and direct communication between the earth and a 362 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. planet, or rather between its inliabitants and the inhabitants of a planet, would be something to sharpen the curiosity of the whole world. I do not see that astronomy or mankind would gain any- thing by it, but what conjectures, what paradoxes, what high fancies, we should enjoy if it were carried out ! The Academy is said to be disposed to accept the legacy, by virtue of a clause like that which makes the Brdant prize an an- nual recompense allotted to the authors of discoveries tending to advance the solution of the problem of a cure for cholera. In the same way, the income of the capital bequeathed by Madame Guzman will work in favor of investigations relating to the con- stitution of the heavenly bodies. I do not think I am hazarding much when I assert that it will be a long while before the new prize is awarded, in its totality at least. But this was doubtless not the opinion of the testatrix. Without going deeply into the question — for that would require a long discussion — the probable correctness of my prediction can be shown in a few lines. To any one well acquainted with the present knowledge pos- sessed by astronomers concerning the physical aspect of the stars of our system, it is evident that only two of the planets are in a condition to encourage the hopes of those who believe in the pos- sibility of interplanetary communications, to wit, the moon and Mars — the moon especially. Its small distance of 240,000 miles, the clearness of its disk, the facility with which minor features can be distinguished upon it with the telescope, the absence of all cloudiness that can conceal spots upon it, make our satellite an eminently fitting body to which to send signals from the earth. We must believe that the inhabitants of the moon have not thought of this, or the numerous observers of its disk, the indus- trious authors of the lunar maps, the Beers, Madlers, Schmidts, at least, would have perceived the signals. But stop. Are there, can there be, inhabitants in the moon, where air and water are absent ? If there is any point generally admitted, it is the nega- tive of this question. Under these conditions, it seems idle for us of the earth to trouble ourselves about means of answering the inhabitants of the moon, or of ourselves provoking signals thence ; and this is a pity, for the second heavenly body to be questioned, the planet Mars, is infinitely less favorable for the establishment of an inter- astral telegraphy. At its most favorable oppositions, Mars is still 43,000,000 miles from us, or a hundred and sixty times farther than the moon ; while the diameter of its disk is only 25". Ac- cording to Schiaparelli, the smallest objects visible on its surface under the most favorable circumstances — such as a bright spot on a dark ground, or a dark spot on a bright ground — must have a diameter equal to a fiftieth part of that of the planet, or about COMMUNICATION WITH THE PLANETS. 363 eighty-five miles. Tliis minimum can, it is true, be reduced by using large objectives permitting stronger magnifying ; but even then it is certain that luminous signals, for example, visible from the earth on Mars, must have enormous dimensions. The inhabitants of Mars, if more advanced in astronomical knowledge than we, as one of our imaginative astronomers sup- poses they are, would have, in case they should desire to start an exchange of telegraphic communications with their earthly neigh- bors, to give their signals diameters of miles in every direction. But would they think of it ? The reciprocal question to this is the one that puzzles me. The earth, during all the oppositions of Mars, is in conjunction to it. It is lost in the rays of the sun, and invisible from Mars, unless it .is in transit over the sun's disk. Then it is a little black, round spot, on which we have every reason to suppose the Martian astronomers will be able to distin- guish nothing. The earth will be better situated at the quadra- tures, but also at a much greater distance. I stop here, not desiring to discourage absolutely the candidate for the prize of one hundred thousand francs so generously and so imprudently offered to investigators. But my conclusion, which I have sufficiently foreshadowed, is, that the problem of interplanetary communication is still far from solution ; and I believe I shall never be contradicted by real astronomers. I have faith in the indefinite progress of the science, while I am con- vinced that there are limits to this progress ; but I believe also that there is no profit in letting the imagination chase chimeras, and I am free to avow that the desired communication is such to my eyes. — Translated for The Popular Science Monthly from La Nature. The compilation of a digest of the literature of the mathematical sciences was sugi?ested at the American Association by Prof. Alexander S. Christie. Tne digest should contain everything of value hitherto done in these sciences logically arranged, with each truth or method referred to its discoverer, and the whole thoroughly indexed. Mathematicians througliout the world should be invited to engage in the preparation of the work, and the co-operation of the British Asso- ciation especially should be secured. There is no doubt that a kind of perception of light exists even among beings that have no visual organs, or where such organs can not be brought into play. The property is perhaps not unlike that by which the growth and movemepts of plants are largely determined by the relations of liglit. A number of cases of such skin perceptions of light — which we might call dermatoptic or photodermatic — have been collected and described by M. Victor Willem in a French journal. Tremblay observed that hydras prefer the more illuminated parts of the medium in which they move ; and the same has been remarked by Haeckel, Pouchet, Engel- mann, and Loeb in Protozoa ; and other authors have observed in Bryozoa^ coelen- terates, Spongiaria^ worms, larvas of arthropods, and isolated organs of mollusks 364 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that they move or are retracted under the influence of light, and in a general way indicate by their way of living the possession of some kind of a perception of light. M. Dubois has studied the contraction of the siphon of the PJioIas, and M. d'Arsonval has shown that the muscle of the frog is directly excitable by light. M. G. Pouchet observed that larvae xii Eo-y stalls tenax tried to get out of the light; and as they acted in the same way after their cephalic antennaiform organs had been taken away, he asked whether these buds of future eyes were not ada[.ted to perct-ive light, or whether the fore surface is not possibly sensitive to it. Engelmann found that certain Protozoa moved or remained still according to the character and intensity of the light— not on account of a direct action upon them, but because of the want of oxygen. M. Graber, since Darwin, has shown that the earth-worm, although it has no eyes, is sensitive to light and avoids it, and its sensitiveness seems to reside in its whole body. Finally, M. Loeb has recently made a series of important researches, whence he concludes in favor of a complete identity between the heliotropism of plants and the influence of light on animals, and that a number of blind forms are sensitive to light. The seat of this peculiar form of sensitiveness has not been clearly determined, but is probably in a pigmentary layer under the cuticle. We likewise know nothing certainly of the nature of the sensation. Some think it may be akin to sight, but vague and rudimentary ; while M. Forel would compare it with sensations of touch or of temperature." Photo- dermatic sensibility reaches to the quality as well as the quantity of light, and M. Graher has shown that blind animals prefer some colors to others. But the data on this point do not all agree. THE MUSK OX. Br HORACE T. MAETIN. |UR first introduction to the musk ox {Ovibos moscliatus) carries us back over one hundred and fifty years, when M. Jeremie made his voyage to the northern j^arts of our continent, and, returning to Paris, took with him a sample of wool obtained from an animal he V called the ha>uf musqiie. This '/'^ name was also employed by Charlevoix, writing from Can- ada in 1744. Scientists were thus made aware of the existence of a large mammal, which impressed them at once with its eco- nomic value; yet has it refused to come within the range of their keen observation with a persistence unequaled by any animal of its size and im- portance. It was many years later that the first scientific THE MUSK OX. 365 description appeared, given by Thomas Pennant from a skin sent to England by Samuel Hearne, and all acquaintance with the creature was derived from the arctic explorers (Drage, Dobbs, Ellis, Hearne, Parry, and others), who in general terms describe its appearance and give meager accounts of its habits. Dr. Rich- ardson, in 1829, sums up the available information, and adds a few remarks of his own, which refer principally to the specimens then exhibited in the British Museum. Audubon, in his valuable history of the Quadrupeds of North America, published in 1854, is confined almost to a literal copy of Richardson's account ; while so late as 1859 Spencer F. Baird, in his ponderous volume, the Mammals of North America, dismisses the subject with a refer- ence of barely twenty lines. His words, however, are significant ; for, while he admits that the animal furnishes a most interesting study, he laments our scant knowledge of this sturdy arctic in- habitant. The special inquiry made three or four years ago by the Gov- ernment of Canada, as to the resources of the Great Mackenzie Basin, furnishes data of utmost value : the enterprise of the mod- ern press in ferreting out and bringing to our notice every item which concerns itself with the great questions of commerce and social economy, and the progress made in polar research during the last thirty years, contribute many facts in connection with the study of the musk ox ; and we are enabled by the gathering and arranging of these to give in a more complete form the his- tory of this animal. In systematic zoology the place accorded to the musk ox is intermediate between those of the sheep (Ovis) and the ox {Bos), and for its special accommodation a new genus has been created, " Ovibos." Most writers notice its resemblance in many ways to the buffalo or bison, and it undoubtedly has much affinity with this species. A peculiar prominence is given in all early records to the description of the horns of the musk ox, which, though valuable to the Eskimos in the making of such commodities as cups, spoons, etc., by no means seem to be of so much importance, yet in every account the most minute particular of these append- ages is repeated. Doubtless much of the character of the musk ox depends on the horns ; still, it should be noted that the descrip- tions above referred to apply only to the bull, whose horns meet on the forehea.d, bend sharply down, and curve gracefully upward and outward ; the cow's horns are more similar to those of the bison, or even may be compared to the horns of our domestic cat- tle. The skull of the bull musk ox is remarkable for the develop- ment of the eye -orbits, which project sufficiently beyond the plane of the frontal bones to compensate for the interruption the horns would otherwise make in the range of vision. The musk 366 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. \x^ ox, however, does not seem to rely greatly on keenness of sight, far less on acuteness of hearing, for the ears are of small dimen- sions, and are completely covered by the heavy growth of fur about them. The organs of scent are evidently more highly de- veloped, and they exact of the hunter his greatest cunning. Vasey says the hoof-prints resemble those of the barren-ground caribou so closely as to easily deceive the unaccustomed eye, and concludes a short description of the under parts of the foot with the illustration here reproduced. The external hoof is rounded, the internal pointed. Much diversity of opinion exists as to the size and weight of the animal, and it is evident some statements have been made from very limited observa- tion. Richardson compares the size of the musk ox to that of a Shetland pony, while others assert the dimensions to be quite equal to those of the bison; and whereas the weight has been given as from three to four hundred pounds in the one case, other records claim twice and even three times these figures as the weight of an adult specimen. The addi- tion of from three to six inches of fur on the back, with hair flowing from the flanks to the length of from eighteen to twenty- four inches, gives an appearance vastly different from that of the bison, and the disproportionate shortness of the legs also tends to mislead ; but, notwithstanding this, the measurements of the skin show the animal to be almost as large as the bison or buffalo, hence the latter approximation of weight is more correct. In connection with the color of the hair, it should be observed that, while the summer pelage is usually brownish and corre- sponds with the descriptions generally given, in winter the ani- mal's covering is a rich black on the head and shoulders, flanks and tail, the color shading beautifully into the milky-white disk on the back, known as the "saddle," while the face and the legs are prettily relieved with the whitish color. The musk ox is gregarious, and although all early statements agree in estimating the herds as composed of from twenty to fifty individuals, later information greatly increases these figures, and frequent mention is made of herds numbering from two hundred to five hundred. THE MUSK OX. 367 As recently as 1850 Baird says that, owing to the extreme scarcity of the musk ox, he knows of hut one specimen to be found in all the museums of the United States. This scarcity, however, might be accounted for more by the fact of obstacles in the way of entering the territories inhabited by the musk ox than by the actual rarity of the animal. From the evidence of fossil remains, it is clear that the musk ox long ago roamed west- ward to Siberia, and found its way eastward even to the British Isles ; but the accompanying map, exhibiting the boundaries of its present range, shows how restricted is its distribution. In the regions of perpetual snow it wanders, making its way northward in summer, being found at the highest points our expeditions have reached, and returning in winter to its southern haunts, which seldom touch latitude 60°. Over the rugged wilds the creature loves to ramble, and, although its appearance indicates awkwardness of locomotion, it is said to run fast and to climb precipitous cliffs with wonderful ease. Its home is the " barren grounds " wherein vegetation is limited almost to a few lichens and the stunted spruce to which they cling. On this meager diet the musk ox fattened and lived free from the assaults of almost every enemy ; for the Eskimo alone penetrated its domain, being urged thither by hunger and the desire to obtain the valuable pelt. The flesh is much coveted by the Eskimos, and explorers speak in the highest terms of the relish afforded by the meat of the cow and the calf, although the meat of the bull is pronounced as offensively musky. Till within the last five years, in our markets, the pelt was worth fifty dollars, and was accounted a rarity ; but 368 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the extreme demand has led to more systematic methods of ob- taining it ; and whereas the total annual collection of pelts gath- ered by the Hudson Bay Company had not exceeded a few dozens, the figures have suddenly risen till the annual collection now is counted by thou- sands. With the last remnants of the merci- lessly slaughtered bison still in our mar- kets, and the air filled with the protesta- tions of theorists as to what 7night have been done to preserve those noble herds that thronged our prairies, we have history repeating itself under our very eyes in the case of the musk ox, and it is not venturing too rash a prophecy to state that the present ratio of increasing the catch will exhaust the supply within a decade. OUR POPULATION AND ITS DISTRIBUTION. LESSONS FROM THE CENSUS. III. By CAEEOLL D. WEIGHT, A.M., UNITED STATES COIIMISSIONEB OF LABOR. THE population of the United States June 1, 1890, as ascer- tained at the eleventh census, exclusive of white persons in the Indian Territory, Indians on reservations, and Alaska, was 63,622,250. This figure, considering the imperfections of the sys- tem under which it was ascertained, is quite satisfactory. It bears out the reasonable estimates made prior to the enumer- ation ; it does not bear out unreasonable estimates. Barring in- adequate counts in a few localities, which will occur under any system, I believe the statement of the population of the eleventh census io be fairly accurate for the whole country ; it is certainly within a very small percentage of accuracy— a percentage which would largely disappear, but not wholly, under a census taken in accordance with the system outlined in the preceding articles of this series. Whether accurate or inaccurate, it is not worth while to quarrel with it ; it must be accepted, and the political business of the country and all considerations carried on in accordance with it. At the first census, taken in 1790, the population of the United States was 3,929,214. The following brief table shows the popu- lation at all the censuses, the positive increase during the inter- vening decades, and the percentage of increase : OUR POPULATION AND ITS DISTRIBUTION 369 Ybab. 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 Population. Positive increase. Percentage of increase. 3,929,214 5,308,483 7,239,881 9,633,822 1,379,269 1,931,398 2,393,941 35 36 33 10 38 06 12,866,020 17,069,453 23,191,876 31,443,321 3,232,198 4,203,433 6,122,423 8,251,445 32 33 35 35 51 52 83 11 38,558,371 50,155,783 62,622,250 7,115,050 11,597,412 12,466,467 22 30 24 65 08 86 The regularity of increase from 1800 to 1860 is striking, and tlien the influence of the war and of other elements is shown in the serious break in the regularity which occurs between 1860 and 1870, the percentage dropping from 3511 in 1860 to 22*65 in 1870. With increased industrial and commercial activity the per- centage rose again in 1880 to 30"08, but has now receded to 24"86. The influence of immigration upon this great increase in popula- tion, and the rate of natural increase since the decade from 1830 to 1840, are shown as follows : Peeiod. Natural. Immigration. Total percentage. 1830-'40 28-87 26 15 23-73 15-40 22-79 14-40 4-65 9-68 11-38 7-25 7-29 10-46 33-52 1840-'50 35-83 1850-'60 35-11 1860-'70 22-65 1870-80 30-08 1880-'90 24-86 Until the full data of the census for 1890 are available, it is impossible to make any careful study of the reasons why the natural increase of population should vary so greatly. The high- est natural increase during the period of immigration, as shown in the foregoing table, was between 1830 and 1840, it having been 28'87 per cent, the lowest natural increase being during the last decade, when it was 14'40. It seems almost incredible that such a variation could actually occur in the natural increase of popula- tion ; but this matter must be left for future consideration. The population at the last three censuses has been distributed over the country, in accordance with geographical divisions, as follows : Geooraphioai. POPULATION. INrEEASE FROM 1880 TO 1890. INCEEA8B ntoM 1870 TO 1880. INCREASE FEOM 1860 TO 1870. D1TI810N8. 1890. 1880. 1870. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. The United States. 62,622 250 50,155.7a3 38,558,371 12.466,467 24-86 11,597,412 3008 7,115,050 22-68 North Atlantic Bouth Atlantic Northern Central Southern Central Western 17,401,54.5 8,a57,92() 22.362,279 10.972,893 3,027,613 14,507,407 7,597,197 17,364.111 8,919,371 1,767,697 12,298,730' 2,894,138 5,853,010 1 1,260.723 12,981,111 4.998,168 6,434,410 ' 2,053..522 990,510 1.259.916 19-95 16-59 2S-78 28-02 71-27 2.208,677 1,743,.587 4,383,000 2,484,961 777,187 17-96 29-79 33-76 88-62 78-46 1,704,463 438,907 3,884,395 665.752 371,534 16-09 9-11 42-70 11-54 60-02 VOL. XL. — 28 370 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. By this table it will be seen that the largest increase during the last three decades has been in the Western division, consisting of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and California. This divis- ion increased its population from 18(J0 to 1870 by 60"02 per cent ; in the next decade, 78-46 per cent; and from 1880 to 1890, 71-27 per cent. It is natural that the greatest increase should occur in the division named. Some of the Southern States did not show as great a percent- age of increase as they would have shown had the census of 1870 been more thoroughly correct ; but the imperfections of the census of 1870, which imjDerfections showed an enumeration probably much less than the real population, when compared with the more accurate census of 1880, resulted in an exaggerated increase between those years ; consequently, with the census of 1890 com- pared with the exaggerated increase between 1870 and 1880, the relative percentage of growth is apparently less ; yet, on the whole, the Southern divisions show very satisfactory percentages, as will be seen by consulting the last table. The increase and decrease of population during the decade of years from 1880 to 1890 show casually that in a very large number of counties the population has really decreased, and an examina- tion of the figures by counties gives proof that in four hundred and fifty -five there has been an apparent loss of inhabitants, arising from an actual decrease in poj^ulation or from a reduction of territory, the latter being the case in fifty instances, consequent upon the formation of new counties. A real loss occurred in only about one hundred and thirty counties, such losses occurring mainly in the central parts of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, northern New Jersey and eastern Virginia, and some localities scattered through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Considerable loss has occurred in southern Michigan and Wisconsin, while eastern Iowa has largely experienced a diminution in population. The ebb and flow of mining opera- tions have resulted in a good deal of change in the totals of min- ing counties, as, for instance, such counties in Colorado have very generally lost in population, and with the exception of two coun- ties the number of inhabitants in the entire State of Nevada has decreased. The statement as to loss in mining regions is also true of California. The increase, however, in our great Western do- mains has been over one hundred per cent. The Great Plains have increased rapidly, and so have the agricultural areas of the Cordilleran plateau. Northern Michigan, western and southern Florida, Arkansas, southern Missouri, and central Texas, exhibit a growth that is really phenomenal, and the southern Appalachian region has increased its population largely. Southern New Eng- 0^772 POPULATION AND ITS DISTRIBUTION. 371 and, as well as the most of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, show the results of commerce and manufactures, where they are firmly established and constitute the leading occupations of the people, which has to a large extent been withdrawn from the country and been grouped in the suburbs of cities and large towns ; so the population, which twenty or thirty or perhaps forty years ago did not increase in such localities, is, under the activity stimulated by profitable occupations, increasing rapidly ; but in the central parts of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York, where the transition from agriculture to commercial and manufacturing industries is still developing, population does not gain with very great strides. The changes from agriculture to commercial and manufacturing pursuits are indicative always of a transition from a permanent to an actively increasing density of population. This is evident in the upper Mississippi Valley and in Virginia, where the transition is becoming apparent. The areas known as the plains of the Cordilleran region are being peopled rapidly. This is particularly true in the northern por- tions. Cheap lands and easy tillage of the virgin soil are making the competition of Eastern agriculturists unprofitable, and so the farming population of the far Eastern States is recruiting the ter- ritory embracing the rich lands of the West. In Nevada we wit- ness the peculiar spectacle of a loss of population resulting from the low condition of the mining interests. These facts as to in- crease and decrease give an indication of the ever-changing feat- ures relating to the density of population in great areas. Taking the whole country, the progress of growth has been along the thirty-ninth parallel of latitude. The center of popula- tion, meaning thereby the center of gravity of the population of the country, each individual being assumed to have the same weight, was, in 1790, twenty-three miles east of Baltimore, Md, In 1890 it was twenty miles east of Columbus, Ind., five hundred and five miles west of the point at which it was located one hun- dred years ago. The variation of the center from latitude 39°, north or south, has been very slight, the extreme having been less than nineteen minutes, while the movement in longitude has been nearly 9^°, On the basis of a uniform movement on the thirty- ninth parallel of latitude, the westward march for the first decade after the census of 1790 was forty-one miles ; for the second, thirty- six miles ; for the third, fifty miles ; for the fourth, thirty-nine miles ; for the fifth, fifty-five miles ; for the sixth, fifty-five miles ; for the seventh, eighty-one miles ; for the eighth, forty-two miles ; for the ninth, fifty-eight miles ; and for the tenth, forty-eight miles, or an average movement each decade of fifty-five and a half miles. The position of the center of population at each census is accurately shown by the following table and the map which accompanies it : 372 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Yeaes. Approximate location by important towns. Westward move- ment during preceding- decade. 1790.. 1800.. 1810.. 1820.. 1830.. 1840.. 1850.. I860.. 1870.. 1880.. 1890.. 41 miles. 40 miles northwest by west of Washington, Dist. of Columbia. . 16 miles north of Woodstock Virginia 36 " 50 " 19 miles west-southwest of Mooreiield, West Virginia 16 miles south of Clarksburg, West Virginia . . . 39 " 55 " 55 " 81 " 42 " 58 " 48 " The official statements as to the center of population and as to the distribution of population in other respects, as will be shown, have been very carefully prepared by Mr. Henry Gannett, the able geographer of the tenth and eleventh censuses ; but the state- ments have been made in various bulletins, and are here brought together in connected and compact form, with proper explana- tions. It becomes interesting to know how the population of the country is distributed relative to what are recognized as drainage basins, which may be classified as the Atlantic Ocean, the Great Basin, and the Pacific Ocean. The classification of drainage areas under the first great division, that of the Atlantic Ocean, as a pri- mary designation, has for its subsidiary divisions the New Eng- land coast, the Middle Atlantic coast, the South Atlantic coast, the Great Lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico. The Great Basin, for subsidiary divisions, has Great Salt Lake and the Humboldt Kiver. The Pacific Ocean basin consists, secondarily, of the Colo- rado River, the Sacramento River, the Klamath River, and the Columbia River and their several great tributaries. The percent- age of the total population, distributed over these drainage areas or basins, at the last three censuses, has been as follows : Divisions. 1890. 1880. 1870. 96-2 7-2 18-3 6-8 11-2 52-7 0-4 3-4 971 7-6 19-2 7-4 10-7 52-2 0-4 2-5 97 8 20 7 11 50 0 1 8 5 8 3 0 Gulf of Mexico 2 3 9 The table shows that more than ninety-six per cent of the in- habitants live in the country which is drained by the Atlantic Ocean ; that more than one half of the population live in the region drained by the Gulf of Mexico, and that nearly forty-four per cent of the entire population of the country are congregated OUR POPULATION AND ITS DISTRIBUTION. 373 in tlie drainage area of tlie Mississippi River ; tliat only four tenths of one per cent live in the Great Basin, and three and four tenths per cent on the Pacific coast. It shows further that the proportion living within the region drained to the Atlantic is steadily diminishing, while of this region the part drained to the Gulf of Mexico is becoming relatively more populous, as is the case in a still more marked degree in the Great Basin and the region drained to the Pacific* The tendency of population, as to topographical features, is best illustrated by a short table which has been condensed from the report of the census : Coast swamps Atlantic plain Piedmont region New England hills Appalachian Mountain region. . . . Cumberland- Alleghany plateau.. . Interior timbered region Lake region Ozark Mountain region Alluvial region of the Mississippi Prairie region Great Flams North Rocky Mountains South Rocky Mountains Plateau region Basin region Columbian mesas Sierra Nevada Pacific Valley Cascade Range Coast Ranges . . . . Density of population. 1890. 1880. 1870. 21-5 18-7 15-3 H 4 60 2 47 0 69 5 55 8 45 8 40 7 38 6 35 4 49 8 41 7 34 3 59 3 49 4 40 7 44 3 38 8 31 3 25 1 17 6 12 1 22 8 16 0 10 3 23 6 18 2 12 2 28 3 21 2 14 6 1 4 0 4 0 1 1 1 0 4 0 2 2 1 1 7 0 7 0 7 0 5 0 2 1 4 0 9 0 5 1 9 0 8 0 2 4 9 4 6 3 8 9 1 5 2 3 5 5 6 1 7 0 9 14 3 9 8 5 8 The greatest density, according to topographical features, is found in the Atlantic plain, it being 74'4 persons to the square mile, and the lowest density is in the Plateau region, it being 07 of a person, on an average, to the square mile. Four and three tenths per cent of the entire population of the country is to be found in the coast swamps area and the alluvial region of the Mississippi River. This population consists mainly of the colored race. Two and three tenths per cent of the entire population is found in the desert and semi-desert regions of the country. The mountain regions of the West hold 2'5 per cent, while about one sixth of the entire population is to be found in the Eastern mount- ain region. If we examine the distribution according to altitude, it will be found that more than three fourths of the population live below * Census Bulletin No. 47, by Henry Gannett. 374 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, and below 5,000 feet altitude nearly ninety-nine per cent of tlie inhabitants of the country find their residence. At great altitudes but few people are perma- nently residing. One sixth of the people live less than 100 feet above the sea-level. These, of course, reside along the seaboard and in the swamp and level regions of the South. Those living between 2,000 and 2,500 feet above the level of the sea are found largely on the slope of the great Western plains. Mr. Gannett finds that between 4,000 and 5,000 feet above the sea, but more especially between 5,000 and 6,000 feet, the population is greatly in excess of the grade or grades below it; and he attributes this appearance to the fact that the densest settlement at high alti- tudes in the Cordilleran region is at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains and in the valleys about Great Salt Lake, which regions lie between 4,000 and 0,000 feet elevation. In this great region the extensive settlements at the base of the mountains in Colorado are to be found between 5,000 and G,000 feet above the level of the sea. The mining operations above 6,000 feet, being restricted to the Cordilleran region, largely located in Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and California, account for the existence of the population at the altitude of 6,000 feet and more. The population of the country is increasing numerically in all altitudes, but the relative movement is toward the region of greater altitudes, and is more clearly perceptible in the regions lying between 1,000 and 6,000 feet above the sea. The population is densest along the seaboard, the narrow strip containing our great seaports, as might be supposed ; but the density diminishes, not only gradually but quite uniformly, up to 2,000 feet, when sparsity of population is the rule. If we examine the population relative to latitude and longitude, it will be found that within those degrees in which are located the great cities the greatest density of population occurs, as, for instance, the area between 40° and 41° and longitudes 73° and 75°, containing the great cities of New York, Brooklyn, and Jersey City, with an aggregate population of 3,653,000 inhabitants ; the single square degree between latitudes 42° and 43° and longitudes 71° and 72° degrees contains Boston and its suburbs, with 1,233,000 inhabitants, and that square between latitudes 39° and 40° and longitudes 75° and 76° holds Philadelphia, with 1,414,000 people. The square of latitudes 41° and 42° and longitudes 87° and 88°, which contains the larger portion of Chicago, has a population of 950,000. It is difficult to present the facts relative to the dis- tribution of population in accordance with latitude and longitude for the whole country in this summary statement of salient points. The distribution of population relative to mean annual rain- fall indicates not only the tendency of people to seek arable lands. OUR POPULATION AND ITS DISTRIBUTION. 375 but their condition as to general healthfulness. The average annual rainfall in this country is 29'6 inches, but the variations range from zero to perhaps one hundred and twenty-five inches. Gauging the distribution of the population in accordance with the average annual rainfall in different localities, some interesting points are observable, not only as to the number of inhabitants in the areas calculated, but as to the density of population. The greater proportion of the people of the United States are living in the regions in which the annual rainfall is between thirty and fifty inches. Mr. Gannett calculates that about three fourths of the inhabitants of the country are found under these conditions ; and, further, that as the rainfall increases or diminishes, the population diminishes rapidly. The density of population in regions where the average rainfall is between thirty and forty inches is 43*1 per square mile ; in regions where it is from forty to fifty inches annually, the density is 59 per square mile; in regions where the rainfall is from fifty to sixty inches annually, the density is 25*1, and in the arid regions of the West, where the rainfall is less than twenty inches, being two fifths of the entire area of the country, less than three per cent, of the population finds its home. The population has increased rapidly in the re- gions having from thirty to forty inches average annual rainfall. The importance of the knowledge of this distribution is sup- plemented by that with reference to the mean annual temper- ature, which is in the United States 52°, and the greatest density of population, as might be expected, centers on this pivot, ranging as it does from 50° to 55°. Either side of this range the density of population rapidly diminishes, as it was shown that it decreases rapidly outside the average rainfall between thirty and fifty inches. More than one half of the entire population of the country exists under a temperature between 45° and 55°, while seventy to seventy- five per cent of the inhabitants come within 45° and 50°. Where the temperature reaches 70° on the average, but a little over one per cent of the population finds its home, and the number living under a mean annual temperature above 75° is too trifling for consideration. This line of facts leads to the consideration of the distribution of population in accordance with the relative humidity of the atmosphere, by which is understood the amount of moisture con- tained in it in proportion to the amount required to saturate it. This amount varies with the temperature ; the higher the temper- ature, the greater the amount of moisture which it is capable of holding. The term is not a very exact one, but is relative and fairly indicative of conditions. The climate having very great influence upon certain classes of diseases, particularly pulmonary and throat complaints, a knowledge as to the distribution of popu- 376 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lation in accordance with mean relative humidity becomes appar- ent, and the Census Office is doing a great service in this census, as it did in 1880, in ascertaining the density of population under different degrees of humidity. A condensation of the report by Mr. Gannett on this point will perhaps give as much valuable information to those seeking healthful locations as can be gained from any side of census statistics. It is well known that the atmosphere is heavily charged with moisture in those regions which lie along our coast, whether ocean, gulf, or lake. This is markedly so on the coast of Oregon and Washington, where the atmosphere is more highly charged with moisture than anywhere else within our territory. The Appalachian Mountain regions, and largely those of the Rocky Mountains, have an atmosphere heavily charged ; but in the Piedmont region, east of the Appa- lachian, and in the upper Mississippi Valley, the moisture is less, while it diminishes still more on the prairies and the Great Plains ; and in Utah, Nevada, southern Arizona, and southeastern Cali- fornia the minimum amount is reached. Of course the atmos- phere is charged with moisture relative to the increase and decrease of the rainfall, as a rule ; but throughout the upper lake region, while the atmosphere is as moist as that of the State of Washington, the rainfall is much less, and the coast of southern California has as moist an atmosphere as the Atlantic coast but a deficient rainfall. The following table shows the percentage of humidity, in classified order, the percentage of the total population of the United States in 1870, 1880, and 1890, living according to the classification of humidity, and the density of population under the same conditions for the same years : GKorPS. Percentage of total population. Density. 1890. 1880. 1870. 1890. 1880. 18T0. Below 50 0-49 0-69 0-46 1-39 36-68 64-40 5-34 0'55- 0-44 0-40 0-27 0-87 88-44 54-39 4-79 0-40 0 0 0 0 87 56 4 0 35 24 16 35 SI 76 49 84 1 1 1 2 31 40 14 5 14 44 35 89 46 07 21 55 0 0 0 1 26 32 10 3 80 67 61 46 41 10 22 22 0 0 0 0 20 25 7 2 50 50 to 55 30 55 to 60 28 60 to 65 45 65 to 70 26 70 to 75 74 75 to 80 86 Above 80 09 A glance at this table shows that nearly all the population breathe an atmosphere containing sixty-five to seventy-five per cent of its full capacity of moisture ; that is, the atmosphere is from two thirds to three fourths saturated. In 1890, 57,036,000 out of 62,622,250 were found in this region ; in 1880, 46,559,000 out of 50,155,783 ; and in 1870, 36,273,000 out of 38,558,371. The num- AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 377 ber of inhabitants living in a drier atmosphere was at each census comparatively trifling, numbering in 1870 less than half a million, and in 1890 less than two millions. In the moister atmosphere were found larger numbers scattered along the Gulf coast and the shores of Washington and Oregon. The most rapid increase has been found at the top and bottom of the scale, and particu- larly in the more arid region, where the population has nearly doubled during each of the last two periods,* showing that great areas that are not particularly favored by the elements are grad- ually being redeemed through the enterprise that marks our modern industrial era. AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. By MARY ALLLNG ABEE. FIRST PAPER. IN October, 1881, a primary department was added to a private school in Boston, Mass., and the control of it given to me, for the purpose of making an experiment in education. While it was hoped the primary would sustain the usual relation to the higher departments, the proprietor f guaranteed freedom of action for three years, and generously furnished the means required. Grati- tude is due to others also, especially to the teachers who assisted in some part of the work. The aim of the experiment was to see if the child may not be introduced at once to the foundations of all learning — the natural and physical sciences, mathematics, literature including language, and history — and at the same time be given a mastery of such elements of reading, writing, and number as usually constitute primary education. The experiment began with nine children between the ages of five and a half and seven years. With scales and measuring rod each child was weighed and measured, while such questions were asked as — " Have yon been weighed before ? When ? What did you weigh then ? How does your weight to-day compare with that ? " The shyest children forgot they were at school, and chat- ted freely while watching and comparing results. By questions as to why a present weight or measure was greater than a former one, the statement " Children grow " was obtained. Questions about the causes of growth led to the statements " Children eat,'' " Children sleep," " Children play." A question as to whether any- * See Census Bulletin No. 44. \ The name of the proprietor is withheld, in deference to a request made while the experiment was in progress. 378 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. thing besides children grows started a talk about animals, in wbicb were given the statements " Animals grow," " Animals eat/' " Ani- mals sleep," " Animals play." In like manner similar statements about plants were obtained. The children were easily led from thinking of a particular child, animal, or plant, to the general con- ception and the use of the general term. This was the first lesson in natural science. Recalling the first general conception reached in the science lesson a child was asked, " Nina, what did you say children do ? '' " Children grow," she replied. I said, " I will put upon the blackboard something that means what Nina said," and wrote in Spencerian script, " Children grow." In response to invitation the children eagerly gave the general statements gained in the science lesson. Each was written upon the board and read by the child who gave it. They were told that what they had said and I had written were sentences. Each child read his own sentence again. This was the first reading lesson. One by one each child stood by me at the board, repeated his sentence, and watched while it was written. He was then taught to hold a crayon, and left to write his sentence beneath the model. When a first attempt was finished, the sentence was written in a new place, and the child repeated his effort at copying. In this manner each made from one to four efforts, each time telling what his copy meant and what he wished his effort to mean. None of this work was erased before the children had gone. This was the first writing lesson. The children were led to count their classmates, their sentences on the blackboards, the tables, chairs, and other objects in the school-room. It was found that all could use accurately the terms one, two, three, and four, and the symbols 1, 2, 3, 4 were put on the board as meaning what they said, and their power to connect these symbols with the ideas that they represent was tested in various ways. This was the first number lesson. The children were shown a magnetic needle and led to note the direction of its points when at rest, and the terms north and south were given. This was the first geography lesson. After recess each child read his sentence, wrote it once, and then the subject of the science lesson was pursued further. After special answers to the question, " What do children eat ? " the general statement was obtained, " Children eat plants and ani- mals." Similarly, the children were led to give "Animals eat plants and animals," Then came the question, " What do plants eat ? " One suggested the sunshine, another the rain, another the air, others the ground or dirt, for which the term soil was given. It was concluded that rain, air, and sunshine help plants to grow, and that some of their food must come from the soil ; and the AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 379 general statement was given, "Plants get food from the soil." Tlieu I asked, " Where does the soil come from ? " Before won- der had given way to opinion, I said, " If you bring luncheons and extra wraps to-morrow, we will go to the country and try to find out where the soil comes from." A poem of Longfellow's was read, and the children were dismissed. On the second morning the children came bounding in before nine o'clock, eager to find and read their sentences, which each did without hesitation ; and until nine o'clock they amused them- selves finding and reading one another's sentences, teaching and challenging in charming style. A few minutes later we started on our first field lesson in science. An hour's ride in street cars brought us to the open country. We went into a small field where a ledge of rock presented a bold front. " Children," I said, " an answer to our question is in this field. I wish each of you to find the answer for himself, to speak to no one until he thinks he has found it, and then to whisper it to me." Soberly they turned away, and I seated myself and waited. One child looked up at the sky, another at the ground, one began to pull over some gravel, another to dig in the soil — most to do some aimless thing because they knew not what to do. After a while some began to climb the ledge and to feel of it. Suddenly one of these darted to me and breathlessly whispered, " I think the soil comes from the rock over there." " Well, don't you tell," I whispered back. The sun climbed higher, but I waited until the last child brought me that whisjDered reply. Calling them together, I said : " You have all brought me the same answer. Why do you think soil comes from this rock ? " They turned to the ledge, picked off the loose exterior, and showed me the same in masses at the base. A ham- mer was produced, with which they picked away the rock until it became too hard for them to break. I then said, " We see that a kind of soil comes from this rock, but what kind did we come to learn about ? " " The soil that plants get food from," they replied. " How do you know that any plants can get food from this soil ? " I asked. Instinctively they turned to the cliff ; there were grasses and weeds growing in the talus at the base, and in crevices all up its front and sides; these they pulled, and showed me the roots with the rock soil clinging to them. Referring to the work with the hammer and comparing what they picked off with the hard mass underneath, they were led to . variously describe the process of passing from rock to soil, and finally the statement was obtained, " Rock decays to make soil." After luncheon and a bit of play, the children were led to speak of rocks and soils seen elsewhere. Telling the children to shut their eyes and try to picture what I said, I told them that the earth is round like a ball, and is a mass of rock with a little soil on the outside of it ; that if a giant could 38o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. take the earth in his hand, he might peel or scrape off the soil as we take a carpet from a floor, only the soil would seem much thinner than the carpet, because the earth is so big. All had traveled in railway trains, and had such impressions of their swiftness that this illustration was used : Suppose we start for the center of the earth on a train. Traveling day and night, it would take nearly a week to reach the center, and another week from there to the surface again ; and all day while we watched, and all night while we slept, we should be rushing through the rock ; and if we came out through the thickest layer of soil, it would take but a few seconds to pass through it. Then, telling them to open their eyes, I took a peach whose rind was thin and peeled smoothly from the pulp, spoke of the giant as I drew off the rind, and told them that the soil is thinner on the rock ball of earth than that rind on the peach. A few remaining minutes were spent in observing some pine trees and barberry bushes growing near. On the third day, after reading the sentences already on the board — of which each child besides his own read one or more oth- ers— the following sentences were easily elicited : " Children eat plants and animals. Animals eat plants and animals. Plants get food from the soil. The soil comes from the rock. Rock decays to make soil." These were written on the blackboard, read, and copied by the children as on the first day. This was the natural science, reading, and writing of the third day. In number, the children added and subtracted ones by making groups and joining and leaving one another. In geography the first lesson was re- called, and the terms east and west associated with the appropri- ate points. On the fourth day, after the children had retold what they had learned in the science lessons, they were shown a globe, and asked to imagine one as large as the room would hold, and how, to represent the earth, they must think it all rock, with only a thin layer of dust to represent the soil. In geography they were shown a map of the school -room, and led to see its relations to the room, and the relative positions of objects in the room and on the map. The next day, on another map, they traced their route to the country, and located the field and ledge of rock where their question was answered. In the fifth day's science lesson the chil- dren were led to speak of rain and wind as washing and blowing off the decayed rock and exposing fresh surfaces, and so increas- ing the decay, and to give the following summary : " Without decay of rock there would be no soil ; if no soil, no plants, no ani- mals, no people." In reading they had seventeen sentences, which they read without hesitation and wrote with some resemblance to the originals. In number, none failed to count to ten and to add AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 381 and subtract ones to ten. Each, day a passage of poetry was read at the opening and closing of the session ; little songs were taught, gentle gymnastic exercises were introduced between the lessons, and the free-arm movement in making long straight lines was added to their lessons in writing. This work of the first week is given to show how the experiment was begun. The classes entering the second and third years were started with different sets of lessons, but substantially on the same lines. Throughout the three years reading was taught as in the first week. When there were enough, sentences to make a four-page leaflet of print, they were printed and read in that form. The first transfer from script to print was made at the end of six weeks. The printed leaflets were distributed ; the children mere- ly glanced at them; as yet they were of less interest than the objects usually distributed. I said, " Look at the papers ; see if there is anything on them that you have seen before." Soon one hand was raised, then another, and another. " Rosamond, what have you found ? " "I think one of my sentences is here, but it don't look just like the one on the board." In less than ten min- utes, by comparison of script and print, they read the whole leaflet, each pointing out " my sentences." After a few readings the children took the leaflets home, the sent(3nces were erased from the boards, and the same process repeated with the new matter that was accumulating. The reader may think there was great waste of time and effort, since the new vocabulary and the written and printed symbols must have been forgotten almost as soon as learned. I expected the children to forget much, and was surprised to find that they did not. One morning in March, a visitor who was looking over the accumulated leaflets asked to have them read. I told her they had been read when first printed only; but she urged the test, so I distributed them as they happened to come. The first leaflet fell to the youngest girl, and I think I was more amazed than our visitor when she read it without faltering. The visitor asked her, " What does palmate- ly- veined mean, where you read ' The leaf of the cotton-plant is palmately-veined ' ? " The child replied, " I can show what it means better than I can tell it." " Show us, then, Marjorie," I said. The child drew on tbe board a fairly correct outline of a cotton-plant leaf, inserted its palmate veining, and turning to the visitor pointed to that veining. All the leaflets were read with- out help, nothing was forgotten, neither ideas nor words, as the visitor assured herself by questions. No effort was made to use a special vocabulary, to repeat words, to avoid scientific terms ; there was no drill in phonics or spelling ; no attention was given to isolated words as words — a thought was the unit and basis of expression. In the science les- 382 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sons tlie minds of tlie children were intent on the getting of ideas and the expression of them. Direction to look or think again usually sufficed to change vague, wordy expressions into clear, terse ones by giving the child clear and accurate conceptions. When the child's own vocabulary was exhausted, he was promptly helped to words by classmates or teacher, the effort being to use the speech of cultivated people. At first the reading could by no means keep pace with the science lessons : from the mass of expressions obtained some were selected for the reading and writing matter. With increase of power to remember forms and combinations of letters and words, the number of sentences was increased, until what was gained in the science lessons was reproduced in the reading lessons. This increase was rapid. From the first field lesson two sentences — eleven words — only could be taken, while a field lesson near the close of the second year yielded ninety-seven sentences — over eleven hundred words. In the former the sentences were written on the board and read every day for five weeks ; in the latter they were taken down in pencil by the teacher as the children gave them, arranged according to topics, printed, and presented in the printed form for the first reading. There was little hesita- tion in that reading, so vivid were the impressions from such a day out-of-door. During the first year a little reading matter was drawn from lessons in literature and history. This was gradually increased during the second and third years. Still the sentences for read- ing were taken chiefly from the science lessons, because there could be more certainty of the child's having accurate and well- defined ideas as the basis of each expression, and the sentences could be more completely their own. In March of the first year reading-books were introduced. At the first trial they took Swinton's Easy Steps for Little Feet, and in twelve minutes read a page-and-a-half story. Of their own accord they sought and independently obtained from the context the meaning of all but two of the unfamiliar words, and gave to express the meanings either the exact words of the book or synonymous ones, for which those of the book were substituted. After this they read from books whenever such reading could be related to their other work— not much otherwise. While the production by the chil- dren of the bulk of their reading matter was a prominent feature, this was not the object of the experiment but merely an adjunct to the chief end in view. Nor were the science topics selected with reference to the reading matter, but on their own merits, mutual relations, and the capacities of the children. As soon as a child's writing on the blackboard could be read by his classmates— copy being erased— he began to write at his AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 383 desk with pencil on unruled, paper, tlie copy being still written on the board. When all had reached this stage, concert arm and finger movements were taught. During the second and third years the forms of the letters and combining strokes were ana- lyzed, and each drawn on a large scale to accurate measurements. The children saw no misspelled words, and were not asked to spell or write isolated words. During the first and second years they usually had a copy from which they wrote. In the third year they wrote original exercises. They were told to ask, when not sure how to write a word. The word was written on the board : no effort was made to have them think how a word should look, no matter how many times they had seen it written and printed. Work in the natural and physical sciences, starting with broad conceptions, was carried forward along various lines, care being taken to show relations, and to lead the children to regard them- selves as a part of nature. In mineralogy and geology, the pav- ing, building, and ornamental stones most used in Boston; the ores of the principal metals, and their products ; graphite and the making of pencils ; gypsum and halite, were studied, each child getting his knowledge from specimens before him. Each was furnished with a testing outfit, including what a field geologist commonly carries, except the blowpipe and reagents to use with it ; and these children from six to ten soon learned to use the outfit with as much skill as any adults whom I have taught. In physics, lessons were given on extension and gravity ; on the solid, liquid, and gaseous states of matter; on heat as the force producing expansion and contraction ; on the evaporation, condensation, and freezing of water, with results in dew, clouds, rain, snow, and the disintegration of rocks ; on movements of air as agents producing wind and storms ; on the thermometer ; on magnets, and two of their uses. In chemistry, lessons were given on air and its composition ; on combustion and its products ; on iron rust as to formation, and effects on iron ; on CO3 as an ingre- dient of calcite, and a product of breathing ; on acids as tests for lime rocks containing CO2 ; on the distinction between physical and chemical changes. In astronomy, a few lessons were given on the relations of sun and earth as causing day and night and the seasons. Botany was pursued in the fall and spring months. In the spring the children planted a window garden, from which they drew plants for the study of germination and growtli. From garden and wild plants they studied buds and their developments, and the forms, parts, and uses of some leaves, flowers, and fruits. A series of lessons on plants yielding textile fabrics and the man- ufactures from them was projected ; but, owing to the difficulty 384 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of getting plants in proper condition, the only portion given was that on the cotton plants. Fine specimens of these were received from Georgia, which kept fresh nearly two weeks, and showed all stages, from flower bud to open boll of cotton fiber. No work in zoology was done, save the giving of a few lessons on silk-worms and sheep, as yielding silk and wool. In physiology, lessons were given on the general parts of the body : on the joints, skin, hair, nails, and teeth ; on the chest, and the process of breathing and its products ; on food and digestion — all with reference to the care of the body, keeping the lungs from disease, and the true object of taking food. Geography was connected with science, history, and literature — the original habitat and migrations of rocks and plants, and the location of events leading to imaginary journeys. The forms of water and land, and a demonstration of the shape of the earth by the positions and appearances of vessels at sea, were gained in lessons to the country and the sea-shore. Boston and its surrounding townships were studied in connection with lessons in local history. Maps, globes, compass, and modeling clay were used throughout the course. While the work in mathematics was not so fully developed on new lines as in other subjects, some work done in the first year may be of interest to the reader. In a field lesson of the second week, some distinguishing features of the apple, beech, pitch and white pine trees were noted and branches obtained. These branches furnished material for many days' number lessons. Ap- ple leaves with their two stipules, pitch-pine sheaths with their three needles, beechnut exocarps with their four sections, and white pine sheaths with their five needles, were used by the children in constructing concrete number tables, which — picking up the ob- jects— they recited as follows : " In one sheath of white pine are five needles ; in two sheaths of white pine are two times five nee- dles," etc. When the concrete table was familiar, the same num- ber relations were written on the blackboard with figures and symbols. In this manner the children learned the four classes of tables as far as sixes. Meanwhile the study of geometrical forms and the plant lessons gave illustration and review. In January work with money was begun, and continued through the remainder of the year ; but other opportunities to give practice in number were utilized — as, the six faces of the halite crystal, the six stamens of the tulip, etc. To get unworn coins we sent to the Philadelphia Mint. In two lessons the children learned the names and values of one copper, two nickel, four silver, and six gold pieces ; in the third, by placing piles of coin side by side, they constructed and learned the table : Two silver half dollars equal one gold or silver dollar. Four silver quarter dollars equal one gold or silver dollar. Ali EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 385 Ten silver dimes equal one gold or silver dollar. Twenty nickle pieces equal one gold or silver dollar. One hundred copper pennies equal one gold or silver dollar. On the following day a new concrete table was prepared, and the dollar sign, figures, symbols, and decimal point were sub- stituted for the words in the written work. The relative values of the lower denominations to one another were taught, and tables constructed and written. The different denominations of paper money up to the fifty-dollar bill were added to the coins; and this money — about one hundred and fifty dollars — was used in business transactions, which gave review of the number relations already learned, and taught those necessary to the construction and comprehension of the remaining tables. At the end of eight months the children could use and write numbers to one hundred and fifty, and the signs +, — , X, -^, =, $, and " (decimal point) ; and understood the value of position in notation to three places to the left and two to the right of a decimal point. Also, in the oral work with money, they readily used the fractions one half, one fourth, one tenth, one twentieth, and one hundredth ; and most of them could write from memory thecusual tables from one to twelve. In this first year no effort was made to do a de- fined kind or amount of work ; the children spent from twenty to thirty minutes each day at some mathematical work, but progress and variety depended on their interest and capacities. A visitor who had spent forty years in teaching sat through one of these primary sessions. He expressed pleasure and surprise at the work of the children in science, reading, and other branches, but was incredulous, at first, about the work in number w^ith the money at their desks, and the written work in figures and signs at the blackboards. He went around among the children, tested them, and watched to see if there were not some trick of parrot-like per- formance. Finally, convinced of the genuine comprehension of what they were doing by these children of six and seven, he said : " I should not have believed it on the statement of any man or wom- an whom I have known ; but I have seen it with my own eyes." It is a matter of regret to me that growing burdens of care forbade the development of the number work during the second and third years on the lines begun in the first year. To spend from a half-hour to an hour a day for ten years at mathemat- ics, with no better results than the average boy and girl of six- teen can show, looks like a great waste of time and energy. May not the cause be twofold : First, that the beginning work is made silly by its simplicity, and insipid by being related to nothing interesting ; second, that processes like the subtraction of large numbers and long division are pressed upon the cliild before his powers are adequate to their comprehension ? VOL. XL. — 29 386 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Tlie last fifteen minutes of each day were devoted to literature. Selections with biography and anecdote constituted the materials for these lessons. Advantage was taken of birthdays, anniversa- ries, and natural phenomena. Storms furnished accompaniments to Lowell's The First Snow-fall, portions of Whittier's Snow- bound, Longfellow's Rainy Day, Bryant's Rain, Shelley's Cloud, etc. Flowers brought by the children were related to readings from Burns, Wordsworth, Emerson, Lowell, Bryant, Whittier, and Longfellow. Emerson's Rhodora was committed to memory and recited, a cluster of the purple blossoms being in sight. Selections were made with primary reference to their value. Biography was usually employed to heighten interest in literature ; for its own sake when embodying noble sentiments — as Scott's struggle against debt, Sidney's gift of water to the soldier. By such tales of heroic effort and action it was hoped to develop courage, honor, and devotion to duty. Aside from clear language in narration, accompanied by pict- ures of persons and places, and such reading as expresses the rhythm and meaning, no effort was made to have biography or selection understood. Many children have such an appreciation of melody that a fine poem well read will hold their attention. Just before Christmas, in our first year, I read a portion of Mil- ton's Hymn on the Nativity, and said, " I hope you will some day read the whole, and like it." " Please read it all now," said sev- eral voices. So it was all read, and the children listened intently. Milton's picture was put away, and nothing said of him for a year. When his picture was again put on the easel, a hand was at once raised. " What is it, Tracy ? " "I know who that is." " Who ? " *' Mr. John Milton." " What do you remember about him ? " " He gave his eyes for liberty " — an expression which, so far as my knowledge of the child went, he had not heard from any one, but was his own terse summing up of the narrative he had heard a year before, when barely six years old. Most children have such an appreciation of justice and heroism that they will even walk more erectly after listening to a tale involving these qualities. I shall not forget how gravely and proudly fifty children withdrew from the school-room after listening to the story of Sidney's death. An unspoiled child has usually a vivid imagination ; and it is as pernicious to meddle with the formation of his mental pictures in literature, as in science lessons to keep telling him what he can get from his specimens. The child's mind should be brought into direct contact with the realities in history and literature, and left to work at them with the least possible interference and guidance. If a child attempted to repeat a quotation or fact, accuracy was required, but he was not urged to remember. Much in the litera- ture lessons was above the children's comprehension ; but it was Ay EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 387 thought well for each child to feel a breath from the mountains above and beyond — a breath whose coolness and fragrance he might feel without analysis or comprehension of its qualities. To have felt was enough. So we paid no attention to ordinary poems and tales for little children, but introduced the children at once to Longfellow and Emerson, Wordsworth and Scott, Milton and Shakespeare. There was regular study of history for each year. Copies of early and late maps of Boston were given to each child ; the older one was drawn on transparent paper, so as to be laid over the later one and show directly the changes and extensions into river and harbor. Colored crayon maps and pictures were used to illustrate the historical narrative. These narratives were drawn mostly from local events — as the settlement of Boston, with certain old Boston worthies as centers, about whom incidents were grouped ; the beginning of the Revolutionary War with a visit to the Wash- ington elm at Cambridge ; some incidents of slavery and the civil war connected with Garrison. Extracts from diaries, letters, etc., were printed on leaflets and read by the children, who drew their own inferences. These readings from original sources were mostly confined to the third and fourth classes, as the language used was too difficult for children of the first two years. Some- times gratifying volunteer work was done ; as an instance, a boy of eight learned the whole of " Paul Revere's Ride," and recited it, standing at the blackboard and tracing on a colored map of Boston and its surrounding townshij)s the route taken by the rider. This work in history was done by Miss Nina Moore — Mrs. F. B. Tiffany— who developed it with such skill as to fascinate the children, and to lead to her publications on these topics. (See articles in Common - school Education for September, October, November, and December, 1888; and the books Pilgrims and Puritans and From Colony to Commonwealth.) The industrial part of the experiment was started at the begin- ning of the third year. Each child was provided with a bench and ten tools — ruler, try-square, scratch-awl, saw, vise, plane, chisel, brad - awl, hammer, nail - set. The children of the two younger classes made a box with the cover hinged on with strips of leather ; those of the two older, a case with shelves fitting into grooves. The work was divided into steps ; each was mastered before the next was tried. All the children began with the use of the ruler in measurements to an eighth of an inch. The try-square came next. As soon as a true line was drawn, the saw was used to divide the board. After the first day no two children were ex- actly together, each one's position depending on his own results. The third step — the cross-cut saw — detained most of the children several weeks ; a true cut with its face at right angles to each 388 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. face of the board was required. This the chihh'en tested for them- selves. Often during the first work with saws a child would ask, " Will that do ? " " Test it/' was the reply. Relactantlx the child applied the test, and renewed his courage as Lest he could. After a time the desire to use a new tool and to get on as some other child did gave way to desire for perfection. This brings me to the chief end of the work — not skill in handicraft or any finished products, but to put before the children concrete examples of the true and the false, in such a manner that the child himself should judge his own work by some unvarying standard. As an instance of the moral effects : One of the older boys was the first to finish the shelves and both sides of his case, all but one groove. The excitement of this eminence dizzied him, and that groove was a failure — being too wide, it left an ugly crack above the shelf. No one was more sensitive to that ugliness than he ; but the struggle between his desire for perfection and the fancied humiliation of making another side and letting some other child be the first to complete a case went on for some time. Finally, with a manly effort to keep his eyes from overflowing, he laid the faulty side among the failures and began again. To give up the work of many days, and the prospect of coming out ahead, was to win a great battle not for himself alone but for his comrades. For use, the rejected side was almost as good as perfection itself ; to ideas of truth and beauty the boy's mind yielded obedience. Such yielding of lower motives to higher ones, such discipline of pa- tience and judgment as these lessons gave, were not reached in any other line of work. Most public schools for primary children have two sessions a day for ten months ; in the exj^eriment there was but one session a day for eight months. In the former, five hours or more a week are spent in reading alone ; in the latter, less than five hours a a week were given to the science lessons and to the reading drawn from them. The saving of time in other studies was almost equally great; and besides the large body of superior knowledge opened to the children, the ordinary proficiency in all subjects commonly taught in primary schools was generally reached. This demonstrates the fallacy of the current opinion that children can not be taught science, history, and literature, and at the same time master the usual three r's allotted to them. But the experiment aimed to introduce the child to the world of real learning, with the idea that such introduction would produce certain effects on his mind ; and it is by that aim and those effects that it should be judged. As to the former, the reader has but to examine the body of knowledge outlined, and judge whether it is worthy to be called real learning and the foundation of knowledge. AJV EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 389 Among the effects, j)erhaps the chief place should be assigned to the general attitude toward study. Compare two children trained in the two ways. On entering school both are equally eager and happy. One is kept for the most part away from learning, and laboriously taught to hold the empty wrappers of it ; the other is taken at once into the shrine, where he soon becomes at home ; and, while he gets wrappers as rapidly as the child out- side, every one is full and overflowing. The former grows tired of tasteless drudgery and longs to have school days over ; in the latter, nearness to the central fires kindles the sacred flame, and its shining through the fleshly covering makes his face a contrast to that of the other child. One finds the school-room a prison ; the other an enchanted land where all is " truly true." If both leave school during the first six years — as so many do — the former is likely to have vague notions about a large field of study, and but little interest in its contents or faith in their value ; while the latter will be as likely to preserve sympathy with learning, and desire to advance it in himself and others. Among other effects may be mentioned : 1. The children learned to ask serious questions. In a lesson on clouds and rain, Emma asked, " Why is the rain not salt, if most of the cloud vapor comes from the ocean ? " She was told to dissolve a certain amount of salt, to evaporate the solution over a fire, and note results. On the following day she reported that the same amount of salt was left after evaporation as she had first used, and gave as her conclusion that ocean- water in evaporating leaves all its salt behind ; and the youngest boy added, " Then only pure water can float up into the blue sky." 2. They learned that opinion without knowledge is folly. In planting a window garden, they put seeds in pots of earth ; I, be- tween wet blotting-papers. Their decided opinion was that my seeds would not grow. A week later they were eager to give this sentence, " The seeds in Miss Alling's garden did grow." 3. They became fond of mental activity. They were not marked, formally examined, hurried, nor required to do a certain amount in a definite time. This freedom and leisure transformed their first laborious, timid thinking into a delight, which they entered upon as spontaneously and fearlessly as upon their outdoor physi- cal games. 4. Their habits of thinking improved. At first they showed but a superficial interest in the objects studied, and much ques- tioning was needed to direct and hold their attention ; later, they voluntarily seized upon the marked features of objects and phe- nomena, and pursued them until practically exhausted. We did not flit hither and thither, giving the children new objects of study each day, but kept them at work upon one so long as it 390 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. could yield anytliing within their comprehension. As an instance, successive lessons on the cotton plant were given for three weeks. 5. Their perceptions became almost unerring. At the Museum of the Boston Society of Natural History, one day, Katherine ex- claimed as we rapidly passed a case of minerals, " There's some graphite.'' Turning and seeing whitish specimens, I said, " Oh, no ; have you forgotten how graphite looks ? " The child insisted, and we turned back to the case. Sure enough, on one shelf the white rocks contained grains and threads of graphite, which fact the child had gathered in one rapid glance. 6. Memory became active and generally true. It was aimed to pursue all things in order, with regard to natural relations and associations ; beyond this the cultivation of memory was com- mitted to the qualities of the ideas presented. The result seemed to prove that memory is retentive in proportion to the activity and concentration of the whole consciousness, and that this is pro- portioned to the interest of the subject-matter. 7. Imagination was vivid and healthy, producing clear repro- duction, apt illustration, sometimes witty caricature, and occa- sionally thought and expression delicate and lovely enough to be worthy the envy of grown-up literati. 8. There was a beginning made in the habits of independent examination of any matter, of honestly expressing the results of such examination, and stoutly maintaining one's own ideas until convinced of error, and then of readiness to adopt and defend the new, however opposed to the old. These habits lead to mental rec- titude, robustness, and magnanimity, which qualities confer the power of discriminating values : for pride of opinion gives blind- ness ; the love of truth for its own sake, sight. 9'. In waiting for Nature to answer questions — sometimes they waited three weeks or more — and in continual contact with her regularity and dependence on conditions, they gained their first dim conceptions of what law means, and of the values of patience and self-control, and of realities as opposed to shams. Finding in Nature mysteries which the wisest have not explained, a half- conscious reverence stole ujion them — the beginnings of true spir- itual growth. At first the experiment called forth much criticism. At home the children told about rocks and plants, and related stories from history and literature, but said little about reading and writing. Parents came to see, and universally condemned the method. One mother said, " My daughter will study geology and literature when the proper age comes ; I wish her now to learn reading and writing, and have simple lessons in arithmetic and geography." But she yielded to her child's entreaties, and allowed her to be experimented upon. Later, this mother visited the department to AJ^ EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 391 express her wonder and satisfaction at lier daughter's progress in reading, writing, and number. A father, after visiting the depart- ment, said, " My boy isn't learning anything ; he's having a twad- dle of experiments." Three months afterward he said, " My boy's whole attitude of mind is changed ; he looks at the world with new eyes, and is also progressing rapidly in the studies common to children of his age." A criticism frequently met was that the vocabulary was too difficult, and, being largely scientific and technical, could not fit children to read children's books. Experience proved the contrary. Reading for ideas, the children were not deterred by a few unfa- miliar words. In reading stories in books, they could usually get the principal ideas ; and to infer the meaning of the unknown forms had much novelty and interest. It was also objected that the ideas themselves were too difficult, and could not possibly be compre- hended by the children. In a language lesson of the second year, Frank gave the sentence, " The soil is thin." A visitor asked, " Did you ever see a well dug ? " " Oh, yes ; at my grandfathers, last summer." " Was the soil there thick or thin ? " " Thick." "How thick?" Looking from floor to ceiling, "Thicker than from this floor to the ceiling." " Then what do you mean by say- ing that the soil is thin ? " was asked in a mocking, disconcerting tone. Frank dropped his eyes in thought ; after a moment he said, " I mean it is thin when you think of all the way down to the center of the earth." This boy entered before he was six years old, and was at this time barely seven. Teachers who visited the department said, " You have a com- paratively small number of children from cultivated families ; even similar results could not be obtained in the large, miscella- neous public-school classes." This could be met then by the state- ment only that mind has everywhere the same elemental possi- bilities, and must yield similar results for the same influences, although the time required might be much lengthened. This criticism has now been answered in part by the results of a trial made in the public schools at Englewood, 111., an account of which will appear in a subsequent paper. The few scientists who knew of the experiment looked on with favor. " It is the ideal way," said one. " A realization of my own dreams," said another. An eminent leader in educational affairs in this country objected that the great majority of our primary- school teachers could not follow in the same line because lack- ing the requisite body of knowledge. When courses of study for lower schools are made out by eminent specialists with a view to putting into the hands of children the beginnings of their own lines of research, and when school authorities provide courses of lectures and other means of furnishing to teachers the necessary 392 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. body of knowledge, I think teachers will, as a whole, be quick to respond to the demand and the opportunity — as a release from the belittling effects of their present monotonous drudgery with triv- ial ideas, if for no higher motive. In conclusion, the reader may w^sh to ask, " Was the experi- ment, after all, a success ? " I answer, '* As a demonstration of the possibility and value of introducing little children to real learning, yes; as a realization of my ideals, no." I was conscious that there was much that was superficial in the work ; and that, in striving to avoid shadows and to grasp the real substance of education, I often grasped but another and a finer sort of shadow. May some other teacher, having greater fitness for the work, and a longer opportunity for effort, reach the goal for which I started ! The instruction such an one could give about primary education is needed all over our beloved land. THE AVIATOR FLYING-MACHINE. Bt m. g. teouve. A SUCCINCT history was given by M. G. Dary, in a recent number of UEleciricien, of the vain efforts that have been made at different times to steer balloons in the atmosphere. Some of the experiments were, indeed, of real merit ; but they did not succeed practically, because the problem they were intended to solve offers insurmountable obstacles. The steering of balloons and the realization of great speed with them are practically impossible, and the results obtained from experiments directed to those objects have not been worth the immense outlays that have been made upon them. Yet balloons styled directable will probably render very appreciable services in military art and under a few other special circumstances. The experiments of M. Gaston Tissandier and Commandant Renard have not been useless, and it will be of some advantage to continue them. But while balloonists are right in seeking to increase the dimensions of their globes in order to increase at once the proportion of ascen- sional power and of motor and propulsive energy to resistance, we, advocates of machines heavier than the air, looking especially to great speed, would gradually diminish the function of the bal- loon as a sustainer, reduce it, and bring into greater predominance the propulsory organs, making them at once more powerful and lighter. These are those which, with the motor and the generator, represent the element heavier than the air. When the balloon shall have been eliminated in this way, practical aerial navigation will have been accomplished. THE AVIATOR FLYING-MACHINE. 393 Let us suppose ourselves looking through a glass, eye at the eye-piece, at a balloon. It is large, gigantic, monstrous, the aero- stat of to-day. Turn the glass, end for end. The balloon is reduced, and becomes a mere point, imperceptible, lost. Such is, from our point of view, the balloon of the morrow. It is well for the present to use the balloon as a supplementary sustaining instrument ; but let us always keep in mind that we shall thank it as soon as possible for its services and show it the door. A hy- pothesis should be to the physicist simply a provisional artifice for the convenient grouping or explaining of a number of determined phenomena ; and, to our view, a balloon is a similar artifice, the present uses of which may be valuable. We had the honor some years ago of becoming acquainted with MM. de la Landelle and Ponton d'Amecourt, warm partisans and advocates of the doctrine of machines heavier than the air, which originated, according to classical traditions, with Architas. They convinced us, and we have since been their fervent disciple. We are, in fact, a persistent admirer of the simple processes employed in Nature and used in a marvelous way by birds to sustain them- selves in the air and guide their flight, and specious calculations have never caused us to doubt the possibility of a solution of the problem of locomotion in the air by wholly mechanical means ; and we have long regarded the solution of it as depending solely on the discovery of a powerful and light motor. How many examples does the history of natural philosophy present us of calculations that have deceived — either because their starting- point was false, or because we were mistaken in interpreting the results ! What good does it do to descant on the forms and the details of an air-machine when its most essential part, its soul we might say — its motor — has not been found ? Could we give a rational theory of telephony before Bell invented his electric telephone, or of the transmission of force to great distances before the creation of the Gramme machine ? We have received numerous letters during the last twenty years from authors and inventors desiring to submit to us their projects and arrangements of propellers. "It is all very well," we have told them, " but, before sending me anything — have you a motor?" "A motor? No, sir; we have thought about it, in- deed, but have dej)ended on you for that," " If I had a motor," I would reply, " I should have no need of your apparatus ; I have a thousand of them, and my only trouble is in choosing between them." The motor, in fact, is the essential thing ; having that, it is a minor affair whether one prefers the aeroplane, the helicopter, or the aviator ; it is a question of return — a question that must be looked into, but which is strictly subordinate to the nature of 394 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the motor. It is not till that is got that calculation should come in, when it can find a sure starting-point, based on well-conducted experiments and precise ideas, and its results will be susceptible of an immediate verification. We have constantly employed this prudent, jDositive method, and it only can give satisfactory results. This motor, which is to fulfill at the same time the two conditions so hard to reconcile, of great power and extreme levity, we shall now try to describe. Fig. 1. — BrRD-LiKE Generatok-Motor and Propeller. The fact indisputably results from observations, from the posi- tive experiments of M. Marey, from the studies of M. Espitalier, and from our personal labors, that birds expend on an average a motor exertion of 75 kilogrammes per unity of weight — a unity comprehended between 3'6 and 12*5 kilogrammes — in rising verti- cally one metre per second. Observe that we are talking of gross work, not of useful work effected directly upon the air. Thus Goupil, a respected authority, has found that the work of a horse- power in the pigeon is given for a weight of 12'5 kilogrammes. That is the manifest work, but not the work really developed by the animal ; the wing, like the screw, in fact, makes only a weak return. We select, then, the minimum unity of weight 3'5 kilogrammes per horse-power which results from the experiment with our elec- trical helicopter, because we know in advance that we can not obtain the full return for the expenditure ; and in this weight we must include that of the generator of energy, or of the propeller, and all the accessories. It is impossible, in this necessarily brief study, to give the THE AVIATOR FLYING-MACHINE. 395 names of all the known motors, and still less of the apparatuses which might be applied as motors. Inventors reserve many sur- prises in that matter. But, without letting imagination carry us beyond the domain of experimental science, it is allowable for us to consider what satisfaction steam, electricity, and such accumu- lators of energy as India rubber, steel, compressed air, gas motors, and explosives may give. We are able now, with special pre- cautions, to construct steam motors of extreme levity, and giving one horse-power for a weight very near that of 3'5 kilogrammes ; but if we add to them the indispensable generator and the inevi- table propeller, the weight increases in formidable proportions, and the system becomes inapplicable to any mode of support in the air. Electricity, although it is better in many respects, is likewise liable to criticism. Yet we had the honor of performing some satisfactory experiments with it in 1887 at the Scientific Congress in Toulouse, and in 1888 at the Easter session of the /Socie/e de Phy- sique. We had taken all possible care in the construction of a motor ; it was all of aluminum, with the exception of the poles, which were of soft iron. Its weight was ninety grammes, and its ppwer, measured with our dynamometer, was maintained at two kilogrammetres, corresponding exactly with one horse-power per 3"375 kilogrammes. This motor, armed with a light and geomet- rically perfect helix, made accord- ing to a new method which we had explained to the Academy of Sciences on the 12th of July, 1886, was placed in one of the plates of a balance, and put in connection, with a constant electrical source of forty watts, when it raised its whole weight. In order to render more visible the extent of the re- sult, and obtain a more exact idea of it, I arranged a light balance with long arms, to one of which I attached the motor experiment- ed on, as in Fig. 2. The electric ^'''- 2--Electbic Helicopter and Aero- communications, carried through the foot, knife-edges, and arms of the balance, can not obstruct the freedom of its motion. Being movable in the vertical and horizontal directions, the balance changes immediately from the position A B to that of A' B'. The power developed by the motor is found, by the most careful measurement, equivalent to two kilogrammes— a power so related to the weight of the motor as to be capable of raising it vertically twenty -two 396 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. metres in a second. The simple theoretical calculation deduced from the experimental fact assigns 3"375 kilogrammes to the mo- tor that will develop seventy-five kilogrammes. But so minute a motor returns only about twenty per cent of the energy which is confided to it, while a motor of from fifty to one hundred horse- power will return eighty, ninety, or one hundred per cent. It is possible, therefore, and seems to be reasonable, that a large electric motor, the power of which increases faster than the weight, would employ the surplus of sixty or seventy per cent in raising the gen- erator, the propeller, and the aeronaut. We do not intend to hy- pothecate the future and form tables on gratuitous suppositions, probable as they may seem. We therefore, for the moment, lay aside the electric motor, because, with its generator and propeller, it exceeds the weight of 3'5 kilogrammes per horse-power, which we have imposed upon ourselves as the minimum. We now come to accumulators of energy. India rubber, for example, the elasticity of which is often utilized as a reservoir of power, and has a potential, in this point of view, fifteen times superior to that of steel, furnishes power and motion together. Joining to it an immediate organ of resistance to the air, we have an apparatus heavier than air. Penaud chose admirably ; and one of the first helicopters was formed upon this plan. But, while India rubber stores a large sum of energy, it expends it faster than it obtains it, and can not of itself renew the provision. Penaud had only a small success with it, because the thongs he used were placed and displaced too slowly ; and if he had found a means of changing them more rapidly, the considerable charge of his pro- vision would have made him lose the primary advantages of his judicious choice. Compressed air motors and gas motors enjoy a certain repute which is in many respects deserved ; but as they are constructed, they require the assistance of lubricating and refrigerating appa- ratus which have weight, and are thus excluded for the preseiit from the list of applications for aerial locomotion. So there are no steam motors, or electric motors, or accumulators of energy like India rubber, or steel, or compressed air motors or generators, that fully answer the requirements. None of them, as they are, supply such coexisting conditions of power and levity as are strictly im- posed by the nature of the problem. Is it, then, true that there is now no motor with its accessories, the generator and propeller, which can be used at once, or at least improved upon, for the pur- pose we have in view ? The comparative experiments which we have reported, and have verified with our new universal direct-reading dynamometer, which we had the honor of pre- senting to the Academy on the 23d of June, 1891, seem to attest this. Still, if the generator and propeller, mutually necessary. THE AVIATOR FLYING-MACHINE. 397 are the organs that embarrass us, can we not find some sub- stitute ? The electrical helicopters, with which we have obtained excel- lent results, seem to offer a special adaptation of the screw to the motor, which, like all electric motors, turns with an excessive velocity — so that one of the organs seems made for the other. We have often been struck, in our electric boats, with the fact that the wake at the stern is hardly percei)tible. This is because the helix of our steering motor-propeller, having the great velocity of twenty-four hundred turns in a minute, enters the water as a screw its tap. In our electric helicopter, likewise, the screw forms, we might say, an integral part of the motor, thus supplying us with a motor-propeller, India rubber offers a still more perfect connection between the accumulator of potential and the motor — the generator or accumulator and the motor being absolutely identical. India rubber is a generator-motor. Hence, since we can not eliminate the generator or the propeller from the appa- ratus we imagine, we will absorb them and fuse them into the motor. We will create a new organism sufficing for itself, and will call it the generator-motor-propeller. We have ourself de- vised a propeller of this kind, by the aid of the well-known Bour- don tube, an instrument wliich is the essential part of the Bourdon manometers. Electricity plays in it a part only secondary, but necessary. This apparatus has so far given lis satisfaction, and it may be that it will serve for some time as the essential basis of machines heavier than the air. If the pressure of the gas contained in the tube increases, the tube changes shape, and its elliptical branches tend to spread apart ; while, if the pressure is diminished, inverse action takes place, and the branches approach. If, then, we provoke a series of alternate condensations and expansions, or increasing and di- minishing pressures, in the interior of the tube, it will go through a series of oscillations, of strong vibrations, capable of being used as a motor force, chiefly and perhaps only in the conditions under which we have placed ourselves. For the purpose of fur- ther increasing the energy of the resistance of the tube, and also of diminishing the volume of the chamber in which the explo- sions are produced, we have inclosed in the interior a similar sec- ond tube — an addition which augments the elastic force of the engendered gases, while diminishing the expenditure of combusti- bles. The whole of the system is represented by Fig, 1, and was presented by us to the Academy of Sciences in December, 1870, The wings A and B are fixed directly, but with a rotary motion, at the vibrating ends of the tube, suppressing all intermediary organs of transmission by friction or rotation. Depression of the wings corresponds to condensed pressures, and elevation tO dilated THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. pressures. The chemical combination made use of is the oxida- tion of hydrogen. Hydrogen is easily obtained, rai:»idly, in great quantities, and pure, and oxygen for burning it is already pre- pared in the atmosphere. Our bird, like the birds of Nature, there- fore draws a considerable part of its food from the atmosphere. The detonating mixture is regulated at will, but it is nearly twenty-five parts of hydrogen to seventy-five parts of atmospheric air, while the inflammation of it is produced by electricity, as in gas machines. In the small model (Fig. 1) the generator of ex- plosions is a revolver barrel (D), armed with twelve cartridges, the charge of which has been carefully determined ; to make the catches perform and the barrel turn, the bird must be left to itself, while the cock is kept raised simply by the weight of the apparatus. To start the machine, it is suspended by a cord fixed at the end of a crane (Fig. 3), while the pendulum thus composed Fig. 3. — Arraitgements fob starting the Bird. is withdrawn from the vertical and held by a second cord against the foot of the crane. Two candles, one movable (A) and the other fixed (B), placed in the verticals of the points of attach- ment, are intended to burn the two cords. When we burn the first cord with the candle A, the bird, like Foucault's pendulum, begins an oscillation. It goes, describing the arc of a circle, from the position 1 to the position 2, reaching there with a horizontal velocity, when the candle B is ajiplied and burns the suspending cord. The hammer is released and falls, the car- tridge explodes, the tube vibrates strongly, and the wings falling sweep the air vigorously ; at the same time the bird abandons its first horizontal position, and with its inclined tail takes on a slight movement of ascension (position 3). Thus the disengaged gases escape ittito the atmosphere, in the inverse direction of the move- THE AVIATOR FLYING-MACHINE. 399 ment, so as to utilize their reaction. Tlie vibrating tube resumes its original shape, and the wings rise. Promptly, the barrel, car- ried on by its cog-work, brings a cartridge under the hammer, which falls ; a second explosion is produced, and the phenomena already described are repeated in their order. During the third, fourth, and so on to the twelfth explosion, the bird flies over a horizontal distance of seventy-five or eighty metres, sustaining itself against gravity and steadily rising. Instead of the bird falling straight down at the end of its course, the wings, kept up by the drawing together of the branches of the tube and the silken aeroplane (C, Fig. 1), the surface of which is proportioned to the weight of the imitation animal, act as a parachute, and the apparatus descends obliquely and slowly. The aeroplane, which is represented by dotted lines, connects the head of the bird with the helm, and with the wings and the tail. The use of the aero- plane will always be of advantage, whatever the power of the motor ; for its surface, constantly proportionate to the total weight, will serve to prevent any accident in case of the sudden arrest of the motor machine. We repeat that, in the apparatus of large dimensions, a reservoir of compressed hydrogen is substi- tuted for the cartridges of the small model ; while the use of alu- minum is suggested by its lightness and the probability of its being obtainable at a reasonable price. We also remark that the exten- sive cooling surface of the vibrating tube and its direct contact with the air, which will be closer as the velocity is greater, will keep it at a moderate temperature ; yet there will be little danger of its getting heated, for the simplicity of the mechanism, and the removal of all transmission by rotation or sliding, will prevent the necessity of using lubricants or refrigerants. In short, the combined advantages of the generator-motor-propeller constitute it the lightest aviator that it is possible to construct. It pos- sesses, we dare say, all the warrantees of ascensional power and return. We shall be glad if we have succeeded in this summary in con- veying to our readers the faith we have in the possibility and the near realization of practical navigation of the air ; if the subject has any further interest for them, they will find a general serious and profound discussion of it in a book by M, Barral, and also full descriptions of a number of sustaining machines which we have devised, including the one we have just presented to them. Con- structed during the siege of 1870, it is the first machine heavier than the air susceptible of construction on a large scale and capa- ble of traveling by its own force. The crowning experiment in the navigation of the air now depends only on capital and second- ary studies ; and, again, in centering our efforts on the discovery of a strong and light motor, we believe we were the first (in 1870) 4O0 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to set forth the problem correctly. We close by saying, with Victor Hugo, "The future is with navigation of the air." — Trans- lated for The Pojndar Science Monthly from Le Monde de la Sci- ence et de V Industrie. THE POPULATION OF THE EARTH. AFTER an interval of nine years the publication of the Be- volkerung der Erde has been resumed by the well-known geographical establishment of Perthes of Gotha. This is the eighth issue of this invaluable and authoritative publication. It first appeared in 1872 as a supplement to Petermann's Mitteil- ungen, the editors being the late Dr. Ernest Behm and Dr. Her- mann Wagner, now Professor of Geograj)hy in the University of Gottingen. Up to 1882 the Bevolkerung der Erde was issued on an average every two years, always as a supplement to Peter- mann's Mitteilungen. While the eighth issue was being prepared Dr. Behm died, and Prof. Wagner was not able to undertake by himself the preparation of the vast mass of statistics involved. Owing to various causes, a period of nine years has elapsed before the publication has been resumed. Dr. Wagner's name still ap- pears on the title-page as editor, associated with that ot Dr. Supaii, who succeeded Dr. Behm as editor of the Mitteilungen, of which the Bevolkerung continues to be a supplement. The form has, however, been changed from a quarto to a large octavo, which makes the work much handier for consultation. It covers two hundred and seventy pages, and is the one work that exhibits in detail the area and population of the earth in all its divisions and subdivisions. It is no mere indiscriminate collection of statistics. The whole is systematically arranged under the great divisions of the globe. Every figure has been critically examined ; in all cases the sources of the statistics are given ; where there are va- rious figures, the value of each is discussed ; where there is no authoritative census, the greatest pains have been taken to obtain trustworthy estimates. Equal care has been bestowed on the calculation of areas, new measurements of a large extent of the earth's surface having been specially undertaken for the work. Thus, it will be seen that Wagner and Supan's Bevolkerung der Erde stands high above all other works of a similar kind. The figures which it gives may be taken as the nearest apiiroximation to the truth obtainable. It may be stated that Prof. Levasseur in 1886-'87 published in the Bulletin of the International Statisti- cal Institute a collection of statistics on the area and population of the countries of the world, which were good and trustworthy so far as they went, though they are not nearly so detailed as those contained in the new issue of the Bevolkerung der Erde. THE POPULATION OF THE EARTH. 401 Tlie preparation of the new issue has involved unusual labor, as it was necessary to examine all the statistics which have ap- peared since 1882. For many countries which have no censuses Dr. Supan has undertaken special investigations as to population ; in this way he has dealt with Africa, Turkey in Europe and Asia, Arabia, China, East India Islands, etc. Dr. Supan is responsible for the sections dealing with Africa, America, Australia, the Oce- anic Islands, and the polar regions; all colonial statistics have fallen to his share, while Prof. Wagner has looked after Europe and Asia. In several respects the arrangements of the various sections is an improvement on that of former issues. In 1866 Behm estimated the population of the earth at 1,350,- 000,000. In the sixth issue (1880) of the Bevolkerung der Erde the number had apparently grown to 1,456,000,000, showing an ostensible increase of 106,000,000 in fourteen years. But this dif- ference was really due to more accurate statistics and estimates rather than to actual growth. It was somewhat alarming, how- ever, when in the 1882 issue the total population of the earth appeared as 1,434,000,000, showing a seeming decrease in two years of 22,000,000. But this was largely accounted for by the fact that new investigations compelled the reduction of the estimated population of China from 405,000,000 to 350,000,000. The estimate, reached in the present issue of 1891 for the total population of the earth is 1,480,000,000, showing an increase of 46,000,000 over the estimate for 1882, being at the rate of 5,750,000 per annum. This estimate is 3,000,000 less than that of Levasseur in 1886, partly due to the fact that Levasseur took higher esti- mates of the population of China and of Africa than have Wag- ner and Supan. But as the data for a very large area of the inhabited globe are to a considerable extent based on guesswork, it is no wonder that estimates should differ, and that we can not be sure of the population of the world to within 60,000,000, possi- bly 100,000,000, either way. In 1880 Prof. Wagner found that, of the total population in that year, precise data based on actual enu- meration (censuses or registration) were available for only 626,- 000,000 out of 1,401,000,000— that is, forty-four per cent of the total. This population has meanwhile increased to 737,000,000 (though the increase in some cases is only apparent) ; to this must be added 99,000,000, for which, since 1880, exact enumerations have been substituted for vague estimates. This gives 836,000,000 out of the total of 1,480,000,000 of people — i. e., between fifty-six and fifty-seven per cent — of whom fairly precise enumerations have been taken. True, in this is included 113,000,000 (the population of the Russian Empire) of whom a general census, in the modern sense of the term, has not been taken, except in the case of one or two provinces. Although, when the figures are looked at by VOL. XL. — 30 402 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. themselves, there has apparently been an increase of population since 1880 of 125,000,000, as a matter of fact the difference between the estimated population of 1880 (1,401,000,000, after deducting the excess credited to China) and that of 1891 (1,480,000,000) is only 79,000,000. This apparent decrease in the rate of growth is really due to the reductions which the editors have felt bound to make on the basis of more careful investigations in the estimates of the population of certain regions. Thus, they have reduced the population of Africa by 38,000,000, while in Asia a deduction of 15,000,000 has been effected. All this shows how conscientiously and critically the editors have gone about their laborious task, and leads us to place the more confidence in the results. Even in Europe there are considerable differences between the areas now accepted and those given in previous issues ; the population sta- tistics have been changed throughout. The following table gives the area and population of the great divisions of the earth's surface according to the latest data : Europe * Asia f Africa \ America * Australia || . . . . Oceanic Islands. Polar recrions . . Total Square miles. 17,530,686 11,2'7'7,3G4 14,801,402 2,991,442 733,120 1,730,810 Population. 52,821,684 357,379,000 825,954,000 163,953,000 121,713,000 3,230,000 7,420,000 80,400 1,479,729,400 To 1 square mile. 94 47 14 8 1 10 * Without Iceland, Nova Zembla, Atlantic islands, etc. \ Without Madagascar, etc. * Without arctic regions. f Without arctic islands. II The continent and Tasmania. More recent figures given in the appendix for one or two countries (British India, the Netherlands, etc.) would make no essential difference in the great total. This total is greater by over 12,000,000 than the estimate of Mr. Ravenstein in his recent paper on the Lands of the Globe still Available for European Settlement; but then Mr. Ravenstein reduces the population of Africa by about 30,000,000 below the estimate of Wagner and Supan. Among European countries Belgium still exceeds all others in density of population ; the proportion is 530 persons to a square mile. Belgium is followed by Holland, with 365 to the square mile, and the United Kingdom with 312. If we take England alone we find the density to be close on 480 to the square mile, still considerably below that of Belgium. The density in Scot- land is only about one fourth that of England, while that of Ireland is one third. The most thinly populated countries in Europe are Norway and Finland, which have only sixteen people to the square mile. Turkey occupies considerable space in the THE POPULATION OF THE EARTH. 403 new issue, the statistics of the area and population of the various divisions and subdivisions of Turkey in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and of her tributary states, being given in minute detail, with copious references to authorities. There are some curious and delicate estimates of the area of Europe according to various calculations and within various limits. Thus, according to Strelbitsky (who for several years has been making elaborate calculations and measurements on the subject), the area of Europe is 3,756,545 square miles, while according to Wagner's estimate it is 3,755,493, a difference of about 1,000 miles. But if to this we add Nova Zembla, Cis- Caucasia, and Cis-Uralia, the Marmora Islands, and Iceland, we get, according to Strelbitsky, 3,865,417 square miles, and accord- ing to Wagner, 3,865,279, a difference of only 138 miles. Again, if we take Europe within the limits of administrative divisions we obtain an area of 3,836,913, but this includes Iceland, Nova Zembla, the Canaries, and Madeira, making 79,165 square miles. Here comes in the question as to what are the natural boundaries of Europe, a question to which Drs, Wagner and Supan briefly refer. They regard as outside of Europe the Canaries, Madeira, the Azores, and the Marmora Islands. The inclusion or otherwise of Iceland, Spitzbergen, and Nova Zembla, will make a difference of 103,093 square miles ; while there will be a further difference of 434,750 square miles depending on the limits adopted for the eastern boundary of Europe. Europe in the narrowest sense, according to these highly competent authorities, covers 3,570,030 square miles. This excludes the polar islands, and draws the boundary of eastern Europe along the crest of the Urals and the line of the Manytch River, thus excluding the Caspian Steppe, but including the Sea of Azoff. By including the polar islands another 103,000 square miles would be added. If the Caspian Steppe be included, the area of Europe would amount to 3,688,793, or with the polar islands to 3,791,793 square miles. If the bound- ary of eastern Europe be drawn along the Ural crest, the Ural River, and the crest of the Caucasus, we obtain an area of 3,790,-- 504 square miles, or, including Iceland and Nova Zembla (Europe in Strelbitsky's acceptation), the area is 3,866,605 square miles. Finally, taking Europe in the widest sense, including the Ural Mountains, the south slope of the Caucasus, the countries on the east side of the Ural, and the steppe between the Ural River and the Emba, we obtain an area of 3,988,618 square miles, or, with the polar islands, about 4,093,000 square miles. For the section dealing with Asia, Herr B. Trognitz, a land surveyor, has undertaken a new and elaborate calculation of the area of the continent on the basis of the best maps at his com- mand. Into the details of his methods it is unnecessary to 404 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. enter ; the general result is, tliat for tlie continent we are now given an area of 16,021,078 square miles, whicli may be slightly increased or diminished according as the boundary between Asia and Europe is drawn. To this if we add the area of all the Asiatic islands (exclusive of the new Siberian islands and Wrangel Land), we reach a total area of 17,179,490, the conclusion being that the area of Asia has hitherto been overestimated by 167,570 square miles. The total area of Asiatic Russia, according to Trognitz's calculation, is 6,510,810 square miles, not including the arctic islands. The total area of Persia is estimated at 635,165 square miles, and the estimate of population, according to Houtum- Schindler's calculation for 1882, 7,653,000, is still repeated. But taking into account that during the last nine years there have been no wars and no famines, nothing to check the natural in- crease of the population, competent authorities believe that the population of Persia is more likely to be about 9,000,000. Al- though in the body of the work the detailed population of India is only given for 1881, the authors are able, in the appendix, to give that for 1891. There is an elaborate discussion on the subject of the popula- tion of China proper (the eighteen provinces), which at one time was greatly exaggerated, some authorities making it out to be 500,000,000. After a careful examination of all available data, Drs. Wagner and Supan are inclined to estimate the total popu- lation for China proper at only 350,000,000 in round numbers, or about 68,000,000 more than the estimate reached by Sir Richard Temple. Including Mantchuria, Mongolia, Kansu, and Thibet, the total population of the Chinese Empire is given as 361,500,000, living on an area of 4,674,420 square miles. Corea is credited with a population of 10,500,000. The total population of Arabia is reduced by Dr. Wagner to 3,472,000, very different from the estimate of 10,725,000 given by Rashid Bey in 1875. The area assigned to Arabia by Wagner and Supan is 1,153,430 square miles. As might have been expected, considerable space is devoted to Africa, with the result that the population has been reduced to 164,000,000, whereas a few years ago a common estimate was 220,000,000. Drs. Wagner and Supan evidently consider Raven- stein's estimate of 127,000,000 much too low. They say there have been during the past few years four points of "political crystallization" — the Upper Nile, the Niger, the Congo, and South Africa. Mediterranean Africa has, as a whole, remained passive. Here are problems for the future — the fate of Egypt, the Tripoli question, and the Morocco question. A brief sketch of recent events in the partition of Africa is given, with a useful chro- nology from 1882 to May, 1891. To Africa south of the equator SKETCH OF ELI AS LOOMIS. 405 Herr Trognitz assigns an area of 3,540,740 square miles. Of this, 951,000 square miles are assigned to British South Africa, includ- ing Nyassaland and the whole British region from the Zambesi to the Cape. The total population of this area is estimated at only 3,800,000. Neither to the Niger Protectorate nor to the Brit- ish East Africa Company's sphere do Drs. Wagner and Supan venture to assign either an area or a population. The area, they tell us, is "off en" and for population they simply put a (?). To Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique) an area of 310,000 square miles is given, and Portuguese West Africa, including Portugal's share of Loanda, 517,000 square miles. The Congo Free State is credited with an area of 865,380 square miles, and a population of 14,000,000. Of the total area, 309,000 square miles are under forest. Turning to America, we find that the Bevolkerung has not been able to secure the figures for Canada for 1891 ; though as a second part, containing the population of towns, will be issued, no doubt an opportunity will be taken to supplement the infor- mation given in this part. Pretty full details are given of the results of the United States census of last year. About the rest of this invaluable collection of statistics there is nothing further to remark at present. There is a new estimate of the areas of the South American states ; indeed, one of the prominent features of the new issue is the care which has been taken in estimating the area of the various states of the world and their administrative divisions. Now that Africa is divided up among European powers, whose officials are spreading all over the continent, it is to be hoped that some means will be taken to form more precise estimates of the population of the various re • gions. Until that is done we can not know to within millions how many people live upon the face of the earth. — London Times, SKETCH OF ELIAS LOOMIS. "pvURING fifty-six years of active life Prof. Loomis made origi- ■J-^ nal investigations and contributed valuable additions to our knowledge of terrestrial magnetism, the aurora borealis, me- teoric showers, astronomy, and meteorology, and gave to students an excellent series of mathematical text-books. He was con- nected with four important institutions of learning, of one of which— Yale— Prof. H. A. Newton says his life and work form no mean portion of its wealth. Elias Loomis was born August 7, 1811, at Willington, Conn., where his father — " a man possessed of considerable scholarship, of positive convictions, and of a willingness to follow at all hazards 4o6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. wherever truth and duty, as he conceived them, might lead " — was pastor of a church. He grew up inclined to sedentary habits, hav- ing a taste for mathematics inherited from his father, and exhibit- ing a love for the languages at an age so early that he was reading with ease the New Testament in Greek at a period when many bright boys still have hard work with the reading of English. He prepared for college chiejly under the instruction of his father, spending only one winter at the academy, and was examined and admitted to Yale College at the age of fourteen, but waited, on ac- count of his health, another year before taking his place in class. In college he took a good rank in all his studies, without showing a particularly superior proficiency in any one over another. A few weeks before his graduation, in 1830, he entered Mount Hope Institute, near Baltimore, as a teacher. Thence he went, in the fall of 1831, to Andover Theological Seminary as a student for the ministry, but was called from that vocation in May, 1833, to become a tutor in Yale College. He remained in this position till the spring of 1836, when he was appointed Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy in Western Reserve College, Hud- son, Ohio. Prior to entering upon the duties of this chair he spent a year in Europe attending the lectures of the distinguished French physicists of the time. He also purchased in London and Paris apparatus for use in his professorship and an outfit for a small observatory. He remained at Hudson — the college and himself being both in straitened financial condition — till 1844, when he became Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy in the University of New York. He then spent one year at Princeton College in the professorship which had been vacated by the resignation of Prof. Joseph Henry to become Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, then returned to his old place in the University of New York, and continued there till 1860, when he was elected to the professorship in Yale College made vacant by the death of Prof. Olmsted. Here he spent the remainder of his life in active service, teaching, investigating, experimenting, and publishing as long as he was able to work. For a summary of Prof. Loomis's labors for the increase and extension of knowledge we are indebted to the memorial address of Prof. H. A. Newton, delivered before the President and Fellows of Yale College, in April, 1890, of which what follows is essen- tially an abridgment. He had begun his active career before his mind seemed to in- cline to any one direction of study in preference to another. In childhood he was most ready in Greek ; in college he was equally proficient in all his studies ; at Andover he led his class in He- brew ; in his tutorship at Yale he taught Latin when he might have had mathematics. The great meteoric shower of 1833 was the sub- SKETCH OF ELI AS LOOMIS. 407 ject of general conversation in the college, and lie participated with ranch interest in the discussions that took place in the Tutors' Club over the views of Prof. Twining and Prof. Olmsted concern- ing the origin of the mysterious bodies. In the organization of the department committees of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, in 1834, Mr. Loomis was assigned to that on mathe- matics and natural philosophy. From this time on he devoted himself predominantly to those branches of science in which he became distinguished. He began systematic studies of the earth's magnetism during his tutorship in Yale College, setting up the variation compass of the institution in the north window of his room and making hourly observations of it, usually for seventeen hours of a single day, for thirteen months. The results of these observations — the only published American observations, except some made by Prof. Bache during ten days in 1833, that were made before 1834 — were published in Silliman's Journal in 1836. He also undertook the collection of observations of magnetic declination in the United States and the construction of a magnetic chart of the country. This work was published about 1830, and in a revised second edi- tion, with additional observations, two years later. Prof. Bache, comparing Mr. Loomis's results with those obtained by himself sixteen years later under much more favorable circumstances for exact observation and collation, declared that, when proper allow- ance had been made for secular changes, the agreement was re- markable. The first charts contained but few records of dip ; but after removing to Western Reserve College Prof. Loomis un- dertook, with a dipping needle which he had procured in Eu- rope, systematic observations of this feature. They were con- tinued for several years at seventy stations in thirteen States, and the results were published in successive papers in the Transac- tions of the American Philosophical Society. Prof. Loomis's interest in astronomy apparently dates from the meteoric shower of 1833. He read a paper on that subject before the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences in October, 1834, in which he reviewed the concerted observations made by Brandes and his pupils in Germany in 1823, and deduced from them an argument in favor of the cosmic origin of the shooting stars. In November of the same year he made similar observa- tions at New Haven in concert with Prof. Twining who was sta- tioned near West Point, N. Y., the first observations of the kind undertaken in America. With the new five-inch telescope, the largest then in the coun- try, given to Yale College by Mr. Sheldon Clark, Prof. Olmsted and Mr. Loomis obtained the first sight of Halley's comet on its predicted return in 1835, and observed it throughout its course. 4o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Mr. Loomis, with such means as were at his command, observed its place and computed its orbit. In the same year he computed, from observations of Polaris and of moon culminations, the lati- tude and longitude of the Athenaeum tower — the longitude to within less than two seconds of the best determinations of the present. In September, 1838, in a small observatory he had constructed at Hudson, Ohio, he began observations with the instruments — a four-inch equatorial, a transit instrument, and an astronomical clock — which he had bought in Europe. They were made upon culminations and occultations of the moon for longitude, on Po- laris for latitude, and upon five comets for computations of their orbits. A sixth comet was observed by him at Hudson in 1850. These observations were of much greater relative importance in those small days of astronomy in this country, when the facilities we now enjoy did not exist, than they would be now. While Yale College had a telescope but no observatory, and the Williams College Observatory was used for instruction but not for original work, and while Lieutenant Gillis at Washington, and Mr. Bond at Dorchester, Mass., were only preparing to begin observations in connection with the Wilkes Exploring Expedition, there was, as Prof. Loomis said in his inaugural address at Hudson, in 1838, no place in the United States where astronomical observations were regularly and systematically made. A few years later the first telegraph lines had been set up, and the services of Prof. Loomis and Mr. Sears C. Walker were enlisted by Superintendent Bache, of the Coast Survey, in telegraphic determinations m 1847 and 1848 — Prof. Loomis having charge of the end of the line at Jersey City and New York — of the differences of longitude of Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and Cambridge. In the next summer (1849) Prof. Loomis assisted in a similar work to connect Hudson with Eastern stations. These observations were made from three to five years before telegraphic methods were first used in Europe. Prof. Loomis's interest in meteorology, in which his most im- portant work was done, appears to have begun at about the same time his attention was drawn to magnetism and astronomy. He followed the discussions of the rival theories of Mr. Redfield and Prof. Espy, which began about the time of his graduation, and thenceforward made a particular study of the theory of storms. With a set of meteorological instruments bought in Europe he took complete meteorological observations twice a day at Hudson. The examination of the track of a tornado which passed near that place gave him some light respecting the course of the storm- wind and sharpened his desire to learn more about it. He next undertook the discussion of a large storm — that of SKETCH OF ELI AS LOOMIS. 409 December 20, 1836 — concerning wliicli, it occurring on one of tlie term days which Sir John Herschel had suggested as days for a general system of observations, he was able to collect data from all parts of the United States and some stations in Canada. His discussion of this storm, in a paper read before the American Philosophical Society in March, 1840, was. Prof. Newton says, " probably more complete than that of any previous one, and the methods which he employed were better fitted to elicit the truth than any earlier methods. . . . The results which he was able to secure did not sustain either of the two rival theories, but rather tended to prove some features in each of them." The studies were continued with the examination of the track of a second tornado in February, 1842, which proved to be a part of a general storm, and of another great storm that occurred in the same month. The paper embodying the results of these observations, which was read at the centennial meeting of the American Philo- sophical Society, in May, ]843, is remarkable for ha\dng intro- duced a new method of investigation. The delineations of storms previous to the composition of this paper had attempted no more than to indicate the progress of the center of minimum pressure by lines drawn from point to point, to which a few lines were added to show certain facts about the movements of the air. " In the discussion of the storms of 1842, instead of the line of minimum depression of the barometer, Prof. Loomis drew on the map a series of lines of equal barometric pressure, or rather of equal deviations from the normal average pressure for each place. A series of maps representing the storm at successive intervals of twelve hours were thus constructed, upon each of which was drawn a line through all places where the barometer stood at its normal or average height. A second line was drawn through all places where the barometer stood two tenths of an inch below the normal," etc. ; and also for places where the ba- rometer stood above its normal height. " The deviations of the barometric pressure from the normal were thus made prominent, and all other phenomena of the storm were regarded as related to those barometric lines. A series of colors represented respective- ly the places where the sky was clear, where the sky was over- cast, and where rain or snow was falling. A series of lines repre- sented the places at which the temperature was at the normal, or was 10°, 20°, or 30° above the normal or below the normal. Ar- rows of proper direction and length represented the direction and intensity of the winds at the different stations. These successive maps for the three or four days of the storm furnished to the eye all its phenomena in a simple and most effective manner." The introduction of this method, which is the prototype, still but lit- tle improved upon, of the weather charts now in general use, is 41 o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. regarded by Prof. Newton as perhaps the greatest of the services which Prof. Loomis rendered to science. The author expressed the opinion in his memoir that " if the course of investigations adopted with respect to the two storms of February, 1842, was systematically pursued we should soon have some settled prin- ciples in meteorology. If we could be furnished with two me- teorological charts of the United States daily for one year— charts showing the state of the barometer, thermometer, winds, sky, etc., for every part of the country— it would settle forever the laws of storms. No false theory could stand against such an array of testimony. Such a set of maps would be worth more than all which has been hitherto done in meteorology. ... A well-arranged system of observations spread over the country would accomplish more in one year than observations at a few isolated posts, however accurate and complete, continued till the end of time." Prof. Loomis suggested that the American Philo- sophical Society should undertake the supervision of such a work, for which local observers would not be wanting. The idea was seconded by Professors Bache and Peirce. The Academy of Sci- ences at Boston appointed a committee, of which Prof. Loomis was a member, to urge the execution of such a plan upon some proper authority. The American Philosophical Society added its voice. Prof. Henry determined to make American meteorology one of the subjects of investigation to be aided by the Smith- sonian Institution ; and, by his invitation. Prof. Loomis made a detailed report on the scheme, with an outlined plan of research. This plan was adopted in part by the Smithsonian Institution, but a more perfect organization of observations was needed than the institution could then command before it could reach the perfec- tion of the present system. In connection with a rediscussion of the storm of 1836, which Prof. Loomis undertook in 1854, he collected a series of observa- tions made in Europe of a storm that occurred there about a week later than the one under review ; but, instead of tracing a connection between them, he found that they were distinct, and that the laws of American and European storms did not agree in all cases. Another subject in which Prof. Loomis was interested, and which stood in relation with his researches in terrestrial magnet- ism, was that of the aurora borealis. He collected the accounts from North America, Europe, Asia, and even the Southern Hemi- sphere, of the great display of August and September, 1859 ; and, comparing them with such facts as he could gather about other auroras, he deduced many conclusions which have since been confirmed in their essential features concerning the relations of the aurora and electricity, magnetism, light, heat, and sun-spots ; SKETCH OF ELI AS LOO MIS. 411 the movement of the auroral display and its correspondence with magnetic movements on the earth ; the velocity of the auroral wave ; the distribution of auroras over the earth's surface ; their occurrence in the Southern Hemisphere ; their periodicity ; and other points, with the discussion of which the world has since become familiar. In these investigations and in those on other subjects Prof. Loomis was ever intent. Prof. Newton says, upon answering the questions, "What are the laws of Nature ? What do the phenomena teach us ? " To establish laws which had been already formulated by others, but which still needed confirma- tion, was to him equally important with the formulation and proof of laws entirely new." Prof. Loomis was a prolific writer. The list of his books and papers comprises one hundred and sixty-four titles upon every topic of the sciences in which he was especially interested with which he came in contact, recording the results of his experiments and their different stages. What are perhaps his most important papers were the series of Contributions to Meteorology which, beginning in April, 187-4, he communicated twice a year to the National Academy of Sciences, and afterward to the American Journal of Science, in which they furnished the leading articles in eighteen volumes. In them were discussed the results of the Signal-Service observations and the subjects of European publica- tions in meteorology. A revision of the papers was begun in 1884, on which he labored for the rest of his life, and was given to the public in three chapters, the third chapter, discussing the theory of storms, appearing in 1889. In connection with his col- lege lectures on meteorology he published a treatise on the sub- ject in 1868, which, "notwithstanding the rapid advances of the science during more than twenty years, is still indispensable to the student of meteorology." He published in 1850 a volume on The Recent Progress of Astronomy, especially in the United States, which went through two editions, and was then rewritten and enlarged. It was followed by the Introduction to Practical Astronomy and by popular articles in periodicals. During his connection with the University of New York he prepared a series of text-books in mathematics. The series comprised nearly twenty volumes on the subjects from arithmetic up, and, being well adapted to the requirements of teachers, has proved highly useful and successful. Not in the line of science, but a work of industry useful and interesting to all concerned, is the Loomis Genealogy, for which he made inquiries on each of his four visits to Europe, and entered into personal correspondence with every family of Loomis in the United States of which he could hear, and which grew till it contained the names of 8,680 descendants in the male and 19,000 in the female line, of Joseph Loomis, the 412 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, first American ancestor, who settled in Windsor, Conn., in 1G39. Other subjects than those already specified, mentioned by Prof. Newton as those on which Prof. Loomis made experiments and published papers, were the phenomena of optical moving figures ; the vibrations sent out from waterfalls as the water flows over certain dams ; the orbits of the satellites of Uranus ; the tempera- ture of the planets ; the variations of light of the stars -q Argus and Algol ; and the comet of 18G1. A striking illustration of the value of Prof. Loomis's improve- ment in the construction of weather maps is cited by Prof. New- ton as among his recollections of conversations with Sir George Airy and Le Yerrier. The former, before Prof. Loomis's maps were published, expressed himself as having little hope for the progress of meteorology in the shape in which the data then appeared. Le Verrier, exhibiting, in 18G9, charts made like those of Prof. Loomis, said : " I care not for the mass of observations made in the usual form ; what I want is the power and material for making such charts as these." A description of Prof. Loomis's characteristics as a teacher is given by a biographer in the Phrenological Journal, who says : " He was a man of quick impressions and very solid convictions. A really kind man, but so strict in his views of propriety and duty that the student, as a rule, regarded him as severe. "We re- member him well as he appeared in the lecture-room of the uni- versity, always calm and even-toned, strict in his demands upon students who might be reciting, very brief in question, a mere trace of a smile if the student acquitted himself well, and noth- ing more than ' Sit down ' when a student showed his ignorance of the lesson by his blundering. He was never sarcastic, never cen- sorious. There might be a coldness of manner and a slight sharp- ness in his tone when annoyed, but these were passing cloudlets, so to speak, in the calm blue of his manner. He awed the frisky, mischievous ones into quiet, even well-behaved young men while they were under his penetrating eye, so that we never knew of a single instance of insubordination in his room during our course." In a description in general harmony with this. Prof. Newton in- cludes an acknowledgment that was made by Chief- Justice Waite, that " if I have been successful in life, I owe that success to the influence of tutor Loomis more than to any other cause what- ever." CORRESP ONBENCE. 413 CORRESPONDENCE. THE PEOGEESS OF THE SILVER QUESTION. Editor Popular Science ifonthly : SIR: In your issue of July, 1891, the writer ventured to predict, as " a coming solution of the currency question," that a " gold clause," requiring payment of mdebt- edness in " gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fine- ness," instead of silver, copper or fiat money, would be inserted in future long-time mort- gages, and that (the legal validity of such clauses being unquestioned) the effect would be to decrease very greatly the then exist- ing pressure for a depreciation of the cur- rency. For it would become a matter of the greatest importance to any one who had obligated himself to pay in gold that no disturbance of the currency should take place which would prevent him from doing so. Various instances of importance, such as railroad mortgages, were pointed out in which financial caution had already resorted to this expedient. It is interesting to note that this change is taking place every day. Quoting from The Honest Dollar of October 31, 1891 : " Inquiries which we have made of the most prominent companies interested in the negotiating of Western farm mortgages have been met with the invariable answer that all mortgages now placed have a clause inserted that payment shall be made in the gold coin. We have examined numerous bonds repre- senting these mortgages, and in every case the provision that payment is to be made in gold is inserted, and thus not only respect- ing the principal, but also the interest, the gold clause being written or stamped upon all the coupons. This applies not only to Kansas, but to all Western and Southern States in which the farm-mortgage business has assumed large proportions. It is prob- able that few farmers have seriously con- sidered the effect of this clause, and, in fact, many of them are doubtless not aware of its presence in their mortgages. Yet the matter is of immense importance to them. " Let us consider the effect of a gold clause in connection with the theories of the silver men and their opponents, and let us take in first the statement of the silver men that the free coinage of silver would not put gold at a premium. Let us suppose, in other words, that after free coinage had been introduced the silver and gold dollars still remain of equal value. In this case the farmer has gained nothing by the free coin- age of silver, and is not affected by it except in so far as all the members of the com- munity may be benefited or injured by the change. But suppose, on the other hand, that the opinions of the anti-free-silver men are right, what is then the position of the farmer ? According to this supposition the gold dollars will disappear from circulation, and be worth a premium of, say, thirty-three and a half per cent. But it is in these gold dollars that the farmer must pay his mort- gage and the interest thereon — that is, he must pay in the current money one third more than the face of his mortgage. It is easy to see what this means. It means that many a farmer who is comfortably off will find himself very hard pressed, and that those who now find it hard to make the two ends meet will be utterly ruined. And this will be true even if the farmer gets some- what more dollars for his crops, for he will not get enough more to make up for this difference, and the balance of loss will be enough to make the farmer's lot a direfuUy hard one. No doubt the silver men tell the farmer that the gold clause in his mortgage does not mean anything. But the meaning of the clause is perfectly clear in common sense and common justice, and a properly drawn gold clause has been held valid by the Supreme Court of the United States, from which there is no appeal. The gold clause, moreover, is part of a contract pro- tected by the Constitution of the United States, and no State Legislature can impair its validity." Thus the financial world is usurping the functions of statesmanship, and preparing for itself a solution of the most dangerous problem confronting this nation. In the course of a few years the great majority of long-time borrowers will be on paper having in it the gold clause, and will be aware of the fact that their chances of payment de- pend largely upon the maintenance of the gold standard. The political force of the movement for a cheap currency will thus be largely removed. But there remains the law of 1890, under which 4,500,000 ounces of silver must be purchased monthly by the Secretary of the Treasury and silver certificates issued for the same. The Government buys 371 J grains of pure silver for seventy cents and issues for it a certificate for one dollar in silver ; or, what is the same thing, it buys 530 grains of silver for one dollar and issues a certificate for 3Yli grains of this as legal tender for one dollar. The force that sustains these cer- tificates, and the silver dollars of which they are equivalents, in the market as the equivalent of the gold dollar, is the same as that which makes one tenth of a cent's worth of copper pass as one cent, or one cent's worth of nickel pass as five cents. It is their convenience as subaidiari/ coin, the impossibility of getting any other, and the limited number in circulation. Were the 414 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, coinage of copper free, everybody owing a dollar would buy ten cents' worth of copper, have it coined, and pay his debts with it. In this way a man owing $1,000 could pay up with $100, and pocket $900. Were the coinage of nickel free, and legal tender for the same unlimited in amount, he would buy $200 worth of nickel, pay off $1,000 of debt, and pocket $800 profit. The same thing, with diminished ratio of profit, might be looked for with the free coinage of silver. Now the question is. How long can the Treasury issue certificates for silver without destroying the force which keeps it on a parity with gold ? This depends on the amount of necessity there is for currency. The moment that the daily pressure of cur- rency is such that a considerable portion may be conveniently withdrawn and held in safe-deposit boxes, or sent to Europe, that portion will without doubt be gold. If, then, 550,000,000 silver dollars or certificates should be suddenly put forth (that being ap- proximately the amount of gold in circula- tion), gold would no doubt disappear, be- cause business transactions are adjusted to the existing amount of currency, and the surplus amount thus made would be un- available here, at least to a large extent. Now, how long can the silver certificates be issued without a corresponding result? Several facts are required to answer this question: 1. How great is the natural ex- pansion of the demand for money per month ? 2. How great must be the preponderance of silver before gold is hoarded in quantity ? 3. When the hoarding begins, will it accel- erate, from alarm or panic ? Without trying to answer these questions, upon which the best informed differ widely, it may be granted that there is danger in the continued issuance of so large an amount of currency based upon silver. Assuming this to be a fact, what is the probability of a modification of the law ? The opponents of silver having failed for twelve years to repeal the Bland law, will they be more suc- cessful with the Sherman law ? Upon this point I hazard the suggestion that the silver movement, which seemed so dangerous a year ago, may have been a blessing in disguise. It led directly to the insertion of the gold clause in contracts, as before stated, with all the consequent effects. It led to the division of the Democratic party ; to the justly famous silver letter of ex- President Cleveland ; to the defeat of Gov- ernor Campbell in Ohio ; and to the necessity of choosing an Eastern man, or one opposed to any form of fiat money, for the presidential nominee of the Democratic party. Thus the recoil from the silver agitation has far ex- ceeded in importance of effect the original momentum. The continuous effect of the "gold clause" goes marching on to an irre- sistible issue in a stable single standard ; and it would not be surprising if the final result of the silver movement of the past year would be the relief of the country from the dangers of the compromise law made in the fury of the recent silver agitation. Charles S. Ashlet. COLOES OF NAMES. Editor Popular Science Ilonthly : Sir : An article in a recent number of The Popular Science Monthly, by President D. S. Jordan, on The Colors of Letters, as- signing colors more or less pronounced to the different letters of the alphabet, reminds me of a childish fancy of my own, of which I have often thought, but to which I had never before attached any significance. The days of the week were as distinctly marked or colored in my early conception as the objects about me. Sunday was red ; Monday a light pink ; Tuesday gray, with irregular streaks of a darker hue ; Wednesday was green, with interstices of a dull white ; Thursday was yellow, but not of deep tone ; Friday was pink again, and of deeper tinge than Monday ; and Saturday was green. What is there in these names to suggest colors ? The associations of the days do not seem to offer any explanation, with possibly one or two exceptions, and, if it be a mere freak of imagination, it would be interesting to know the experience of others touching the same matter. Again, as I think over the names of the months and the seasons now, there is a suggestion of color in each, but more, I think, the result of association than in the days of the week. J. H. Chapin. St. Lawkknce UsrvEBSiTT, Canton, N. Y., I November, 1891. ( EDITOR'S TABLE. EVOLUTION AND ITS ASSAILANTS. THE doctrine of evolution teaches that the changes which take place in the universe both of mind and matter follow an orderly sequence, and that each preceding stage potentially con- tains the succeeding one — that every succeeding change can only be explained and understood through a comprehen- sion of the preceding one. It incites us, therefore, to a study of cause and effect, and encourages us to believe in the pos- sibility of a rational interpretation of Nature, Strictly speaking, evolution is nothing more than a generalization of the idea of cause. Every man within EDITOR'S TABLE. 415 certain limits is an evolutionist, and we have little hesitation in saying that the limits within which each man is an evo- lutionist are the real limits of his in- telligence. "Where he ceases to be an evolutionist he resigns all attempt to comprehend, and merely records his acceptance of unexplained facts. In the sphere of human history the principle of evolution seems to be fully recog- nized. The historian who would fold l)i3 hands and turn up his eyes before any given event, and say that it was utterly incomprehensible, having no re- lation, save the abstract one of time, to previous or subsequent events, would be scorned by every intelligent reader. Not to be able fully to explain a his- torical occurrence is one thing; to say that it has no dependence on previous conditions is another and very different thing. "We look to the historian to attack such problems with a view to bringing them under the operation of some law of historical development; in other words, we believe fully in evo- lution as applied to the social and politi- cal history of mankind. Similarly we believe — and when we say " we " we mean all persons with any pretensions to education or intel- ligence—in evolution as applied to the physical history of our globe. "We be- lieve that it passed through successive stages or phases, each of which prepared the way for the one following. "Evo- lution," says Prof. Le Conte, "is the central idea of geology. It is this idea alone which makes geology a distinct science. This is the cohesive principle which unites and gives cohesion to all the scattered facts of geology; which cements what would otherwise be a mere incoherent pile of rubbish into a solid and substantial edifice." * That the Silurian age passed naturally into the Devonian, which served as a transi- tion to the Carboniferous, no one who has given any thought to the subject for * Elements of Geolo^, p. 405. a moment doubts. The trouble arises when it is proposed to consider success- ive animal species as genetically con- nected. The scientific world at large has no difficulty in framing the concep- tion or in adopting the idea, but to a few scientific men and a multitude of non-scientific persons there is impiety in the suggestion that one animal species — or one plant species, for that matter — could possibly have passed into or given birth to another. The creation of species was an office which their theology had reserved for a supernatural being, and they can not assign to natural causes or processes the honor of introducing to existence so much as the tiniest parasite. "Whatever is most hideous, uncouth, de- structive, and loathsome in the animal kingdom must be regarded as the special and intentional production of Divine "Wisdom no less than the noblest forms of life. None the less do men set them- selves to destroy whatever in creation they find hurtful or inconvenient; in practically dealing with plants and ani- mals they ask — not, " Did Divine Wis- dom create it for a wise purpose ? " but, " Does it suit our interests to allow it to exist ? " The great weakness of the assailants of evolution is tliat they do not oflFer so much as the gerrn of an instructive or helpful idea in the place of that which they oppose and would fain subvert. Admitting that there has been much of error in connection with the specu- lations of the evolutionist school, the error, we contend, has been of a health- ful kind. An ancient Greek philosopher held that what was of chief importance in a scientific theory was, not that it should be in exact accordance with facts, but that it should be based on be- lief in a natural sequence of phenomena. Anything, he said, rather than the non- natural, the irrational, the arbitrary — in a word, anything rather than super- stition. And he was right ; for the man who is taught to believe in natural causes, studies natural causes ; and if, 4i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. at a given moment, he attributes to tliem wrong effects, his further observa- tions will in due time cure him of his error. Thus the errors of the evolu- tionists are sure to be discovered and corrected, for they consist, and can consist, only in wrong suppositions as to the relations between material phe- nomena— phenomena which are open to the study of all, and which have no habit of hiding themselves behind a veil of mystery. But what remedy is there for the errors of superstition ? What can we say to the man who be- lieves in the uncaused, to whom the universe is full of facts that bear on them no stamp save that of arbitrary will? His superstition is a pillar round which reason will chase him in vain. To say that every vegetable and ani- mal species is the special result of a dis- tinct divine fiat is to put a veto upon all scientific inquiry in the region of biology. But to-day such a veto comes too late. The world has learned too much under the guidance of the doc- trine of evolution, too many regions of knowledge have been fertilized by it, too many individual minds have found in it a never-failing spring of instruction and intellectual stimulation, for any overthrow, or even any obscuration, of the idea to be possible. What, we ask, have its opponents to teach ? They are compelled to recognize the general prin- ciple of evolution in history, geology, and many other fields of research, and, so far as they do, their intelligence has free scope. But what do they teach instead of it in the field of biology ? Absolutely nothing. They simply draw a line and say, " Here begin wonder, miracle, mystery, all that is arbitrary and thought-confounding." To the op- ponent of evolution the resemblances, analogies, and homologies that run through animated nature are simply so many false lights, igncs fatui^ suggest- ing community of origin where com- munity of origin there is none, Eudi- mentary organs signify nothing, neither do the facts of embryology. All that can be said is that God made things as they are, rudimentary organs and all, just as suited himself. If different spe- cies and genera show resemblances, it is simply because the same ideas kept running through the Divine Mind. Such is the sum and substance of anti- evolutionist teaching. That it is anti- scientific, and that it tends to nothing less than paralysis of the intellectual powers, is evident at a glance. Fortu- nately, it is confined nowadays to syn- ods and conferences, and even there is not received with entire favor. At the recent CEcumenical gathering of Methodists at Washington an earnest divine from the Southern States found some of his brethren, particularly those from England, badly infected with evo- lutionary ideas. A similar discovery might be made in almost any similar assembly to-day. Evolutionists may therefore proceed very contentedly with their studies. They are in the right path, because they believe in the univer- sality of natural causation ; and, if they fall into error, they will work their way out again without any abandonment of their cardinal principle. LITERAKY NOTICES. The History cf Human Marriage. By Edward Westermarck. LoDdon and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 644. Price, $4. The words of Pope — " The noblest study of mankind is man " — long used as a motto by the cultivators of the so-called humani- ties, are in full agreement with the disposi- tion of scientific research to give increasing attention to the field of anthropology. Folk lore, family and tribal customs, the evolution of religions, the origin and development of races, heredity, etc., are pre-eminently the scientific topics of the time. The many who are interested in this department of science will welcome the work of Dr. Westermarck, concerning which A. R. Wallace says in an introductory note, " I have seldom read a more thorough or a more philosophic discus- sion of some of the most difficult and at the LITERARY NOTICES. 417 same time interesting problems of anthro- pology." The author defines marriage as a more or less durable connection between male and female, lasting till after the birth of the offspring. The lowest animals among which traces of such a connection are found are the turtles. With the birds it is an al- most universal institution, while among the mammals it is restricted to certain species. In the lower animals reproduction is timed with reference to the season of plentiful food- Bupply, and, as there are seasons of plenty and scarcity of the food of man, the author bcHeves that in primitive times there was a human pairing season. Some of the lowest race? actually have such a season at the present time, and certain peoples of a little higher grade have yearly nuptial festivals, while in civilized countries it has been found that more children were born at one or two periods in the year than at other times. The view that primitive men and women lived in promiscuous sexual relations is opposed by Dr. Westermarck, who sees no ground for this hypothesis in the customs of uncivilized tribes of the present time. Passing on to the mode of contracting marriage, the author gives a wealth of information concerning customs of courtship among various peoples and also concerning the related subjects of means of attraction and the liberty of choice. By a chapter on sexual selection among ani- mals he leads up to a consideration of the same process in the human species, his treatment of this subject being one of the points to which Mr. Wallace calls especial attention in the introduction The author maintains that man in the choice of a mate prefers the best representatives of his par- ticular race because a full development of racial characters indicates health, while a deviation from them indicates disease. The production of the instinct which esteems beauty above ugliness is ascribed to natural selection. " According to Mr. Darwin," says Dr. Westermarck, "racial differences are due to the different standards of beauty, whereas, according to the theory here in- dicated, the diiferent standards of beauty are due to racial differences." The prohibi- tion of marriage between kindred is almost universal, but, as our author shows, all sorts of differences exist as to the unions that are regarded as incestuous by different peoples. VOL, XL.— 31 His study of this matter has brought him to the conclusion that it is not the relationship but living in the same household that causes the repugnance to marriage between kindred, and that this feeling by no means results from observed bad effects of in-breeding. Among the other subjects examined in this work are marriage by capture and marriage by pur- chase, marriage-rites, polyandry, polygyny, and divorce. A copious list of authorities quoted and an excellent index are appended. The treatise is marked throughout by evi- dences of thorough study, clear insight, and sound reasoning. INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SEfilES, VOLUME XVIIL A Text-Book in Psychology. By Johann Friedrich Herbart. Translated by Margaret K. Smith. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 200, Price, $1. The work of Herbart now presented to English readers in a translation from the revised edition of 1834 is described by the author as " an attempt to found the science of psychology on experience, metaphysics, and mathematics." For a quarter of a cent- ury, beginning in 1809, Herbart occupied the chair at the University of Konigsberg that had previously been filled by the cele- brated Kant. In directing a pedagogical sem- inary, or normal school, which he founded, he applied philosophy to the art of educa- tion. The central thought of the present treatise, as is pointed out by Dr. Harris in the editor's preface, concerns the act of apperception. The book thus constitutes a sequel to the writings of Pestalozzi. For, while Pcstalozzianism enforces the impor- tance of perceiving fully and accurately by the senses what is to be learned, the Her- bartian pedagogics is occupied mainly with the second step in the learning process — the recognizing of what is perceived as identical with or similar to something that has been perceived before. An impression stored in the mind by a former experience may be out of consciousness at a given moment, but may be brought up into consciousness by some kindred idea. Herbart's theory concerning these phenomena represents ideas as con- nected in groups, and the forces with which they interact upon each other he represents by mathematical formulas. The foregoing are among the funda- 4i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. mental principles included in the first divis- ion of the volume. The second division deals with the so-called mental faculties and with mental conditions, being analytical and descriptive in character. This he calls Em- pirical Psychology. There is a third part entitled Rational Psychology, treating of the relations between the soul and matter, and giving explanations of various psychological phenomena. " To the mere reader of psy- chology," says the translator in her intro- duction, " the Herbartian theories may at first appear peculiar, and in the minds of some may verge upon the absurd ; but the careful student will probably find no psycho- logical theories that are so well calculated to stand the test of actual experience." A Handbook of Industrial Organic Chem- istry. By Samuel P. Sadtler. Phila- delphia : J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 619. Price, $5. The aim of this work is to give a general view of the various industries based upon the applications of chemistry to the arts. The mode of procedure in dealing with each industry is " first to enumerate and describe the raw materials which serve as the basis of the industrial treatment ; second, the processes of manufacture are given in out- line and explained ; third, the products, both intermediate and final, are characterized and their composition illustrated in many cases by tables of analyses ; fourth, the most im- portant analytical tests and methods are given, which seem to be of value either in the control of the processes of manufacture or in determining the purity of the product ; and, fifth, the bibliography and statistics of each industry are given, so that an idea of the present development and relative impor- tance of the industry may be had." To assist the reader in following out the chain of operations that converts the raw materi- als into the various finished products and by- products, a diagram something like a genea- logical tree is given in many cases. One such diagram shows at a glance the processes involved in working up beef-tallow, and how much of each product is obtained from the proximate yield of one ox. Another diagram shows how thoroughly the cotton seed is now utilized. Three chapters are devoted to the oils — petroleum, the fats, and the essential oils; the sugar industry is next described; then come the industries of starch and its alteration products, fermentation industries — including the making of alcoholic liquors, vinegar, and bread — milk industries, the utilization of vegetable and animal fibers ; the preparation of leather, glue, and gelatin ; industries based upon the destructive distil- lation of wood and coal, the making of dyes, and dyeing. The machinery and apparatus used in each industry are described, and the text is illustrated with one hundred and twenty-seven figures. While the book deals mainly with the chemical changes involved in the industries described, its language has been so chosen that those not specially trained in chemistry can readily understand it. An appendix contains temperature, spe- cific'gravity, and alcohol tables, also metric weights and measures. Stones for Building and Decoration. By George P. Merrill. New York : John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 453. Price, $5. This work is designed to be of service to all who have to do with the use of stone for constructive purposes. It tells what re- sources of building-stone are known in each State of the Union, what is the character of each kind and variety, how each works, methods of quarrying and dressing stone, cost, durability, weathering, etc. The book is based on the author's hand-book and cata- logue of the collection of building and orna- mental stones in the United States National Museum, and some of the matter not con- tained in that hand-book has been published in various building-journals. The author's experience in preparing the extensive collec- tion above mentioned, as well as its partial dupUcate at the American Museum in New York, has afforded him ample opportunity for becoming acquainted with the quarry products of the country at large, while ex- tensive field trips, particularly in the eastern and extreme Western United States, have given him a practical insight into the re- source? of these regions, as well as some knowledge concerning the usual methods of quarrying and working. The volume is illus- trated with views of quarries, figures of tools and machines used in quarrying and working stone, figures showing kinds of fin- ish on stone, and the microscopic structure of certain rocks, etc. LITERARY NOTICES. 419 Mind is Matter ; or, the Substance of the Soul. By William Hemstkeet. New York : Fowler & Wells Co. Pp. 252. It is impossible to concur with this au- thor even in his presentation of physical truth, and this naturally hinders serious con- sideration of his views upon such impalpable matters as " astral fluid," " odic force," or "the atomicity of God." His purpose is high and earnest — to win men from grossly material pursuits to a more spiritual life. This he hopes may be realized through his philosophy, that God and the soul are mate- rial existences, " God with us — not as a con- jecture nor metaphor, but a chemical fact — is all there is of religion." He seeks to establish his theory of soul as a substance " by scientific methods " and with " facts that we all agree about." The most perti- nent of these " facts " prove to be the phe- nomena of personal magnetism and coinci- dences of thought, in regard to which there is scarcely any agreement of opinion. Other extraordinary assertions are — "force is a thing in motion," " all matter is reducible to electric atoms," "electricity or nerve-fluid is the latest discovery in physiology," " every unit of matter must have a sex." The statement is also made that the amoebae do not eat. The biological truth is that an amoeba incloses any vagrant diatom by its pseudopods, ingests it, and assimilates it as actually as higher organisms digest their special food. The amoebas are even par- ticular in their diet and do not feed upon starch or fat, so that there is no necessity whatever for the " direct conversion of ex- isting atomicity into living things." There is no doubt, " if we could learn by science and philosophy the simple, natural fact that our personal existence is continuous, it would entirely change human life and society," but, speaking scientifically, the " if " exhibits as yet no sign of katabolism. The History of Commerce in Europe. By H. DeB. Gibbins. London and Xew York : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 233. Price, 90 cents. This short work is believed by the author to be the first attempt in English to present a connected account of the progress and de- velopment of commerce in Europe from an- tiquity to the present time. In the space to which the book is limited only the main out- hnes of the subject could be given, but they are enough to convey an idea of the course of development, and to furnish a sketch which may at some future time be more ad- equately filled up. The history is given under the three heads of Ancient and Classical Commerce, Mediaeval Commerce, and Modem Commerce, the last including the history of the commercial empires in the East and in the West ; English commerce in three periods — from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, the industrial revolution in England and the continental war, and modern English com- merce ; France and Germany ; and Holland, Russia, and the other States of Modern Eu- rope. The commerce of the United States does not properly come within the scope of the work, except as in its relations to the European nations. References are made in several places to the trade with the colonies, and to the later trade with the States. And, under the heading. Recent Developments of Commercial Policy, the " insane example of America " and the " notorious McKinley tar- iff" are mentioned as patterns which Euro- pean countries seem inclined to follow ; and we are warned that, although we can not un- derstand it, both Europe and the United States may in time discover the fact " that freedom of trade and industry, even though it may seem to encourage foreign competition, is nevertheless of inestimable advantage to the country that adopts it. . . . Meanwhile, both in her colonial policy and in her system of trade and industry, England, though she has yet much to learn, is setting an example to all European nations." Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms. By T. Egleston. New York : John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 378. The author began a catalogue in 1867 for use in arranging the collections of the School of Mines of Columbia College, but was inter- rupted in the work. When he came to re- sume it, in 1885, he found that the progress of the science had been so great that the whole had to be done over again from the beginning. The study of mineralogy is em- barrassed by the great varieties of synonyms that prevail for the same mineral, whether in different languages or in the works of differ- ent authors. The object of the present cat- 420 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY alogue appears to be to remedy this difH- culty by giving all the synonyms for each species under the head of the authorized English name, and by cross-references. The names of species are printed in capitals, those of doubtful species in Italics, and those of synonyms in ordinary type ; and the name of the authority for the species is given, as far as possible, in italics. Well- authenticated species are printed in large capitals ; the synonyms follow in alphabet- ical order ; and under species important vari- eties are printed in small capitals, with their synonyms. The synonyms under each spe- cies are divided into classes where that is necessary, and then arranged alphabetically for convenience in referring to them. The symbols representing the composition of the minerals are given according to the new sys- tem. The catalogue meets a felt want, for none of the standard works on mineralogy has a complete index. Intimations or Eternal Life. By Caro- line C. Leighton. Boston : Lee & Shep- ard. Pp. 139. The worthy aim of this little book as defined in its preface is, "to elicit some- thing clear and trustworthy" in regard to the effect of scientific discovery upon the probabilities of a future life. The author considers that science has been misinter- preted, especially concerning " the existence of God, the reality of the soul and its inde- pendence of the physical brain," and she proceeds to liberate it from misconception. The actuality of things unseen is evinced by the invisible rays of light, sounds made au- dible by the microphone, the phenomena of radiant heat, and molecular motion. The indestructibility of matter and the conserva- tion of energy give reassurance of transfor- mation, while the all-pervading, luminif erous ether "makes the universe seem one and homelike " ! Within closer limits two uses are found for this ether : one as material upon which memory impressions may be made; the other, as the substance of the psychic body. Nature hints at continuance in the resurrection of the spring-time, and the fragmentary character of human life implies future completion, which, it is represented, may take place in other worlds than ours. We may yet remain " in the stream of evo- lution " and find an abiding-place without question of room, for, " if the planets fail us, there are all the hosts of the fixed stars." The nature of death and disposal of the dead are discussed, and cheerful views of our departure from earth are urged. Authorities are given with great impartiality from Prof. Tyndall to the Tonga Islanders, and science, like a veritable Sindbad, is made to sustain a multitude of inferences. Altogether, it must be said, this search for scientific con- firmation of the hope of a hereafter is more suggestive than satisfying. The Metal-Worker Essays on House-heat- ing BY Steam, Hot Water, and Hot Air. Arranged by A. 0. Kittredge. New York : David Williams. Pp. 288. Price, $2.50. The essays in this book were prepared in 1888 in answer to an offer of prizes by the periodical, The Metal-Worker, for the best methods of heating a house, plans and eleva- tions of which were given. Three systems of heating — by steam circulation, by hot- water circulation, and by hot air — were rec- ognized in the competitions ; and provision was made for the consideration of combina- tion plans. The results of the competition were very successful, both in the number and character of the essays received and the at- tention they attracted. The essays in this book are reprinted from the journal in which they were first published ; and to them are added summaries derived from very careful study of the competitive efforts. The papers are arranged under four different heads, namely : 1. Combination Systems, two essays — one on Steam and Warm Air, and one on Hot Water and Hot Air. 2. Steam-heating Systems, four essays. 3. Hot-water Circu- lating Systems, three essays. And 4. Hot- air Systems, six essays. The papers indicate wide ranges of practice ; and it is believed that, taken altogether, the fifteen essays pre- sent a better idea of current practice in house- heating than can be found anywhere else. All the systems proposed are adequately il- lustrated. Second Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Texas, 1890. E. T. Dumble, State Geologist. Austin. Pp. cix + 756. This large volume is devoted mainly to describing the mineral resources of the LITERARY NOTICES. State so far as determined during the two years' existence of the survey. In the course of the second year the co-operation of the United States Geological Survey and of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey were secured in topographical work, much to the advantage of all branches of the work of the State Survey. Several geologists worked during the year at mapping the iron ores of the east Texas district, and the associated clays and lignites were also stud- ied. Prof. Robert T. Hill studied the eco- nomic geology of the Cretaceous area, but resigned from the survey without making his report. Prof. W. F. Cummins was en- gaged in a detailed study of the coal meas- ures of the central coal field ; the Guadalupe Mountains were explored by Mr, Tarr ; and further work on the mineral resources of cen- tral Texas was done by Dr. T. B. Comstock, who discovered tin in this region and obtained much information concerning the deposits of other metals, and of granite and salt. In the trans-Pecos region. Prof. W. H. Streeruwitz, after completing the topographic mapping of an important area, spent the rest of the season in examining the mineral veins of the region. For lack of books and type specimens most of the paleontological work on the Texas rocks has been done outside the State. An offer by the State Geologist to furnish collections of the rocks and miner- als of Texas to the high schools of the State brought more applications than could be filled ; forty-one sets, more or less complete, were furnished. The details of the year's work are given in the papers accompanying the report of Prof. Dumble, the text being illustrated with maps of the several localities, drawings of sections, and photographic views. An Introdttction to the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnet- ism. Bv W. T. a. Emtage. New York : Macmillan&Co, Pp.228. Price, $1.90. This work, which appears in the Claren- don Press Series, is adapted to students far enough advanced to possess a knowledge of differential and integral calculus. It is complete in itself, and may be read without previous knowledge of the subject. Purely experimental parts of the subject requiring no special mathematical treatment have been entirely omitted. Plane and Solid Geometry. By Seth T. Stewart. New York : American Book Company, Pp. 406. Price, $1.12. Prominent features of this text-book are its strict adherence to the principle of asso- ciation and its graded exercises. Each book treats of one subject, and each section treats of one subdivision of the subject, so that all relating to the subject or its subdivisions being placed together, the several parts will support one another in memory by the law of association. The same method of arrange- ment— the resultant form of the book being one that is rendered possible only by the grouping of propositions — favors the regular gradation of exercises. At the end of each section miscellaneous exercises, assorted and graded, are presented in an order intended to promote, by their successive solution, a constant growth in the power of analytic and synthetic thought. A synopsis of each book precedes the book itself, as an encourage- ment to students to work independently of the demonstrations given in the text. Thus, before giving the definitions of points, lines, and angles, the pupil is set to construct them if we may use the word, after which the definition follows, of necessity; and so on, through the book. The inductive method is in this way employed in the treatment of each part of the work ; but, while the ap- proaches to the subject are thereby rendered more agreeable, the author has been con- servative in retaining, as far as possible, the usual phraseology of propositions and a wholesome rigor in demonstration. Through- out the volume the diagrams and demonstra- tions are in full view of each other. No. 3, Vol. rV, of Tlie Journal of Mor- phology, contains seven papers. The first embodies some Studies on Cephalopods, in regard to Cleavage of the Ovum, by S. Watasc. It is illustrated with four plates and nineteen figures in the text. J. Play- fair McJfu7-rich has a second installment of his Contributions on the Morphology of the Actinozoa in this number, dealing with the Development of the Hexactiniae, It is accompanied by a plate. There are short papers by G. Baur on Intercalation of Ver- tebrec, and by W. M. Wheeler on Neuro- blasts in the Arthropod Embryo. G. Baur also contributes a paper on The Pelvis of 422 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the Testudinata, with notes on the evolution of the pelvis in general. Frof. C. 0. Whit- man has two papers in this number, one dealing with Spermatophores as a Means of Hypodermic Impregnation, the other being a Description of Clepsine Plana. Each is ac- companied by a plate. The most extended paper in No. 1 of Vol. V is by W. B. Scott, of Princeton, on The Osteology of Poebrotherium. This num- ber contains also A Contribution to the Morphology of the Vertebrate Head, based on a Study of Acanthias vulgaris, by J^dia B. Piatt; a short paper on the Reproductive Organs of Biopatra, by E. A. Andrews ; the third of Dr. McMurricKs series, dealing with The Phytogeny of the Actinozoa ; and an account of the Bevelopment of the Lesser Peritoneal Cavity in Birds and Mammals, by F. Mall. Plates and small figures accom- pany the papers. An address to the New England Crema- tion Society by its president, Mr. John Storer Cobb, has been printed in pamphlet form, with the title The Torch and the Tomb. Mr. Cobb cites many instances in which the decomposition of buried bodies has caused disease by polluting water-supplies, by con- taminating the air that passes over ceme- teries, or by allowing the escape of bacteria into the overlying soil in cases of deaths from infectious disease. Ee also shows the lack of foundation for the current objections to ci'emation, and quotes the enthusiastic approval of this process expressed by a clergyman whose prejudice had been com- pletely removed by witnessing the incinera- tion of a friend's remains. The society was organized in January, 1891, and Dr. W. H. Wescott, P. 0. box 2,436, Boston, is its general secretary. The Archaeological Institute of America has published Contributions to the History of the Southwestern Portio7i of the United States, by A. F. Bandelier, one of the archaeologists of the Hemenway Expedition. These papers embody materials derived from the archives of Santa F6, Santa Clara, El Paso del Norte, and Mexico, together with topographical and archaeological data obtained by exploration. A preliminary sketch is given of the knowl- edge which the Spaniards in Mexico pos- sessed of the countries north of the province of New Galicia previous to the return of Ca- beza de Vaca, in 1536. This is followed by four monographs, dealing respectively with the wanderings of De Vaca ; Spanish efforts to penetrate to the north of Sinaloa, between 1536 and 1539 ; Fray Marcos of Nizza; and the expedition of Pedro de Villazur from Santa Fe to the Platte River in 1720. A subscription of one thousand dollars is so- licited to complete the final report of Mr. Bandelier on his investigations among the Indians of the Southwest. The Third Year-book of the Brooklyn In- stitute, 1890-'91, gives evidence of renewed vigor in this old institution. The book con- tains lists of officers and members, the by- laws, a brief history of the Institute, and an account of the work of 1890-91. During the past winter each of the many departments of the Institute provided a lecture once a month, making a large aggregate of such lectures. The library of the Institute comprises 13,000 volumes, and its circulation for the year end- ing September 1, 1890, was 55,891. A bio- logical laboratory course was carried on dur- ing July and August, 1891, at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, under the direction of Prof. H. W. Conn. In December, 1888, a movement for the formation of Museums of Art and Science in Brooklyn was initiated by the Institute, and considerable progress has been made in this direction. The principle of the slide-rule has been applied by Mr. H. J. Thomas in the Slide- Rule Perpetual Cahndar (Jerome-Thomas Co., New York, 25 cents). This calendar can be set for any month of any year, past or future, and old style as well as new style. "We note one misprint — 29 for 59 — in the Year Letter Table. An essay from the pen of Edward L. Anderswi, sketching the origin and develop ment of man, has been sent us (R. Clarke & Co., 25 cents). It is untechnical in language and highly finished as to literary style. The author entitles the essay The Universality cf Man's Appearance and Primitive Man, and affirms his conviction that man "appeared everywhere upon the earth, where the con- ditions were favorable, during a certain geo- logical period." He also asserts that man has a soul, and that a pure soul is worthy of immortality. The Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, for 1890, records the LITERARY NOTICES. 423 beginning of feeding experiments with milch- cows, for which extensive preparations had been made, also feeding experiments with poultry and swine, and tests of various sor- ghums. Considerable analytical work on a variety of substances had been done by the chemist ; the horticulturist reports tests of a number of vegetables and small fruits ; the pomologist describes his researches of the year on the grape and the peach ; and a variety of operations are embraced in the report of the farm superintendent. Mr. James Terrij, of the American Mu- seum of Natural History, New York, has published a monograph on three Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads found in the valley of the Columbia River. These heads were carved from a dark pumiceous, basaltic rock! and the author regards as the most probable conclusion concerning their origin " cither that the animals which these carvings rep- resent once existed in the Columbia Valley, or that, in the remote past, a migration of natives from some region containing these monkeys reached this valley, and left one of the vivid impressions of their former sur- roundings in these imperishable sculptures." Five artotype plates accompany the text. A handsomely printed monograph of one hundred and fifty-six quarto pages, entitled Dynamics of the Sun, has been published by J. Woodbridffe Davis (D. Van Nostrand Co., New York). It is a mathematical and theo- retical essay dedicated to the astronomers, and they alone will be able to appre- ciate it. A Chart of the Metric System, published by the American Metrological Society, con- tains tables of the measures of length, area, capacity, and weight ; definitions of the terms used in the system ; equivalents of cubic measures and weights, and exact-sized dia- grams of the metre, the metre graduated into decimetres, centimetres, and millimetres : the litre ; the cubic centimetre ; ten cubic centi- metres ; one hundred cubic centimetres ; the cubic decimetre ; and the kilogramme weight ; the whole covering a sheet suitable to hang on the wall. On the back are printed facts concerning the metric system ; the action of various nations and of the United States adopting or recognizing it ; the adaptation of the metric units to various scales of plans ; metric equivalents of old units ; graphical conversion and oflBcial ab- breviations ; the metric system in govern- ment business ; its adaptation to the United States land system ; metric railway curves ; and other information. The third volume of Dr. McCoolc's Amer- ican Spiders and their Spinnimj-work will be ready for delivery in the coming spring. The cost of preparing the numerous en- gravings and plates has so greatly exceeded the expectations of the author (who is also the publisher) that he feels constrained to raise the price to new subscribers from $30 to $50 the set. PDBLICATI0N3 RECEIVED. Abbott, Francis Ellingwood. Appeal to the Cor- poration and OverBeers of Harvard University. Pp. 48. Atkinson, Rev. J. C. The Last of the Giant- Killers. Macmillan. Pp. 244. $l.'25. Bien, H. M. Ben Beor. A Htury of the Anti- Messiah. Baltimore : Isaac Friedenwald & Go. Pp. 5-28. Bolles, Frank. Land of the Lingering Snow. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 230. $1.25. Brooklyn Ethical Association. Season of 1891- '92. Pp. 50. The Californlan Illustrated Magazine. No. 1, Vol. I. San Francisco. Pp. 114. 25 cents, $3 a year. Chamberlain, A. F. Modern Languages and Classics in America and Europe since 1680. Toron- to, Ont. Pp. CO. Chambers, George. Pictorial Astronomy. Mac- millan & Co. Pp. 268. $1. Cl.iy, Cassius Marcellus. Oration before the Mau- mee Valley Historical and Monumental Association. Toledo, O. Pp. 19. Denton, Prof. J. E. Trap-siphonage and Trap- seal Protection. Concord, N. II. I'p. 56. Experiments in Physical Science. Pp. 59. Fcote, A. E. A New Locality for Meteoric Iron, and Diamonds in the Iron. Pp. 6, with Plato. Foster, Dr. M A Text-Book of Physiology. Part IV. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 41S. $2. Gage, Simon Henry. The Microscope and His- tology. Ithaca, N. T. Pp.96. George. Henry. The Condition of Labor. An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. New York : United States Book Company. Pp. 157. 80 cents. Gould. George M.. M. D. Fifteen Hundred Cases of Refraction (in Eyes). Pp. 86. Greely, A. W. Temperature Charts by Dec- ades. For the United States and Canada. Wash- ington : Signal Office. Seventy-two Charts. Griswold, W. M. A Descriptive List of British Novels. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 200. Hellver, 8. Stevens. Principles and Practice of Plumbing. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 294. $1.25. Herbart, Johann Friedrich. A Text-Book in Psvchology. New Tork : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 206. $1. Hermetic Philosophy. Vol. II. J. B. Llpplncott Co. Pp. 310. $1.50. Huxlev, T. H. Les Sciences Naturelles et T'fedn- cation. Paris : J. Bailli6re et Fils. Pp. 860. 8 fr. 50. James, Prof Joseph P. Aee of the Point Pleas- ant (Ohio) Beds. Pp. 10, with Plates. Keen, W. W., M. D. Compressing the Subclavian 424 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Artery. Pp.3. — A New Method of Tenotomy. Pp., 5.— Four Operations for Appendicitis. Pp. 6. Lang, Dr. Arnold. Te.xt-Book of Comparative Anatomy. MacmiUan. Pp. 562. |5.50. MacDonald, M. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1837. Government Printing- office. Pp. &S>9. Mackay, John Henry. The Anarchists. Bos- ton : Benjamin E. Tucker. Pp. 3u5. 5(i cents. Manson, Marsden. The Cause of the Glacial Pe- riod, etc. San Francisco. Pp. 21. Maynard, Mrs. N. C. Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist? Philadelphia: R. C. Uartranft. Pp. 264. $1.50. Means, James. Manllight. Boston. Pp. 29. Michigan Mining School, Houghton, Mich. Cata- logue. 1S90-'91. Pp. 102. Mills, Wesley. How to keep a Dog in the City. New York : W, R. Jenkins. Pp. 40. 25 cents. Missouri Botanical Garden. Announcement con- cerning Garden Pupils. Pp. 8. New York Academy of Sciences. Transactions March, April, and May, 1891, and Index to An- nals. Penology, Papers in. Second Series. New York State Reformatory. Pp. 14S. Pick, Br. E. Method of acquiring the French Language. Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen. Pn 113. $1. ^ Pickering, Edward C. Preparation and Discus- sion of the Draper Catalogue. Cambridge, Mass. : John Wilson & Son. Pp. 192. Eaum, Green B. Report of the Commissioner of Pensions. 1S91. Pp. 84. Eidgwa}% Eobert. Note on Pachyrhamphns Al- binueha, Bnrraeister. Pp. 2. — Two Supposed New Forms of Th.imnophiIus. P. 1— Notes on some Birds from the Interior of Honduras. Pp. 5.— On some Costa Birds. Pp. 6.— On the Genus Sittasomus of Swainson. Pp.4. Eotch, A. Lawrence. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Mass., in 1S90. Cambridge, Mass. : John Wilson & Son. Pp. 120. Sage, J. R. Annual Report of Weather and Crop Service of Iowa. Pp. 94. Shufeldt, Dr. R. W. Amateur Photographers assisting Science. Pp. 5.— Tertiary Fossils of North American Birds. Pp. 4. Skidmore, S. T. Thirty Lessons in Astronomy. J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 45. Smith, J. Bucknall. Wire; its Manufacture and Uses. New York : John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 347. Steineger, Leonh.ard. Cubital Coverts in Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. Pp. 2.— Sceloporus Variabilis and its Geographical Distribution in the United States. Pp. 4.— New North American Liz- ard of the Genus Sauromalus. Pp. 3. — Some North American Snakes. Pp. 5.— .Japanese Birds in the Imperial Museum, Tokio. Pp. 10. Thompson, Edward P. How to make Inven- tions. New York : D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp.161. Troy, Daniel S. Molecular Motion in the Radi- ometer, in Crookes Tubes, etc. New York : N. D. C. Hodges. Pp. 61. Fpbam, Warren. GeofiT.aphic Limits of Species of Plants in the Basin of Red Elver of the North. Pp. 32. Virginia Pharmaceutical Association. 1S91. Pp. 58. Watts, Charles A. The Agnostic Annual for 1892. London. Pp. 58. 6<7. Whiting, Harold. Experiments in Physical Meas- urement. Part IV. D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 324. Whitman, C. O.. and Allis, E. P. Journal of Morphology. September, 1891. Ginn & Co. Pp. 120, with Plates. Wood, H. T. Light: an Elementary Treatise. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 147. To cents. POPULAR MISCELLANY. Changes in tbe Grammar-school Pro- gramme.— The Association of Colleges in New England, at its last annual meeting, November 5 and 6, 1891, resolved to recom- mend for gradual adoption the following changes in the programme of New England grammar schools : 1. The introduction of elementary natural history into the earlier years of the programme as a substantial subject, to be taught by demonstrations and practical exercises rather than from books. 2. The introduction of elementary physics into the later years of the programme as a substantial subject, to be taught by the ex- perimental or laboratory method, and to in- clude exact weighing and measuring by the pupils themselves. 3. The introduction of elementary algebra at an age not later than twelve years. 4. The introduction of ele- mentary plane geometry at an age not later than thirteen years. 5. The offering of op- portunity to study French, or German, or Latin, or any two of these languages, from and after the age of ten years. In order to make room in the programme for these new subjects the Association recommends that the time allotted to arithmetic, geography, and English grammar be reduced to what- ever extent may be necessary. The Associa- tion makes these recommendations in the interest of the public-school system as a whole ; but most of them are offered more particularly in the interest of those children whose education is not to be continued be- yond the grammar school. The British Association, — The meeting of the British Association in August at Car- diff does not appear to have been as fully attended or as interesting as some of the preceding meetings. The week was a very rainy one, and that, no doubt, diminished to a considerable extent the number of visit- ors. The total attendance was about fifteen hundred, or two hundred less than that at the Leeds meeting, which was under the average. But, by virtue of an unusually large accession of life-members, the funds at the disposal of the Association for scien- tific purposes were almost equal to those available at Leeds. From a scientific point of view, Nature remarks, the meeting may POPULAR MISCELLANY. 425 be said to have come up to a fair average. The presidential address of Dr. Huggins was a learued and able exposition of the spec- troscopic and photographic investigation of the sky and of the results accruing from it. The addresses of the presidents of sections were mostly historical or special in character, and lacked the abundance of features of living interest that have marked some of the like addresses in past years. In the Section of Physics and Astronomy Prof. Lodge de- scribed his investigations as to the behavior of the ether in the presence of rapidly mov- ing bodies, which, without leading to deter- minate results, indicated that the ether was not affected by them. A noteworthy paper read in this section was that of Prof. H. A. Newton on The Action exercised by the Planets on the Meteorites of our System. In the Chemical Section Prof. Roberts Aus- ten invoked more attention to the metallur- gical branch of the subject, and presented the problems, practical and scientific, with which the metallurgist has to deal. The alloys especially were spoken of as offering a profitable field, and " traces " as possibly having a more important bearing on the properties of the substances in which they are found than has been supposed. The address of Prof. Rupert Jones in the Geo- logical Section related to coal, and showed that further investigation is still desirable in tracing the true origin of the coal-beds, and the ages to which their materials origi- nally belonged. Francis Darwin spoke in the Botanical Section on Growth Curvatures in Plants, and gave the results of his long and minute investigations on the subject. Mr. E. G. Ravenstein presented to the Geographical Section an account of the progress of cartog- raphy and a justification of geographv as a distinct and profitable branch of inquiry. Some of the most interesting papers read at the meeting were presented in this section by women: an account of her journey to Kilima Njaro, by Mrs. French Sheldon, and Mrs. Bishop's (Miss Isabella Bird) account of her observations in the Bakhtiari country. Prof. Cunningham, in the Section of Eco- nomics, stated some problems of high im- portance in that science ; while in the Me- chanical Section Mr. Foster Brown's address dealt mainly with details as to recent me- chanical inventions ; and Prof. Max Miiller, in the Section of Anthropology, demonstrated the complexity of the problems of ethnical relationships, and showed that no one class of data, whether of language or physiology, or other, is competent alone for their solu tion. The next meeting of the Association will be held at Edinburgh, with Sir Archi- bald Geikie as president, August 3, 1892. Tests of Paper. — Paper lends itself to many frauds which it is of interest to be able to detect ; and it is desirable to know how to measure its principal quality — re- sistance to tearing. The processes for de- termining these conditions are very simple. There are also special details with which few are acquainted. Important differences are noted between machine - made and hand- made paper. In machine-made paper the resistance to tearing and the quality of ex- tensibiUty vary according as the force is exerted lengthwise or crosswise ; the differ- ence is in the proportion of two to five. The resistance is greater in the direction of the length, while extensibility is greater in that of the breadth. The differences are explained by the method of making paper by machinery. The veins of fluid running out from the reservoir extend themselves along the metallic network without any real tendency to associate themselves closely with the neighboring veins, while the current lengthens the fibers and felts them in the direction of the length. In hand-making, the paper is homogeneous, equally resistant in both directions — a demonstration of the superiority of hand-work. There is no draw- ing out and felting in one direction, to the exclusion of the other; but the felting is equally distributed over the whole surface. Jlachine-made papers can not be stretched much in the direction of their length, for the method of fabrication has already stretched them to near the extreme limit of extension. The simplest means of testing the durability of paper as against the usual mechanical agents of destruction is rubbing it between the hands. After such treat- ment poor paper is full of cracks and holes, while strong paper simply takes the appear- ance of leather. The experiment also tells something of the composition of the paper. If much white dust is produced, we know that the paper contains earthy impurities ; 426 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. if it cracks, that it has been bleached too much. The thickness of paper can be meas- ured by putting a number of leaves together, or by the micrometrical determination of the effect of adding a single leaf to the mass. We may bum the paper and exam- ine the ashes. If they amount to more than three per cent, clay, kaolin, spar, or gypsum has been added to the pulp. When we color paper with an iodine solution, yellow indicates the presence of wood-fiber ; brown, of cotton or linen ; and the absence of color- ation, of cellulose. Man's Agency in the Extermination of Species. — Extermination is defined in Nature as indicating that in certain parts of the range of a species, whether plant or animal, it has ceased to exist, however abundant it may remain elsewhere ; while in other cases, especially if the species have but a limited distribution, it easily becomes equivalent to extirpation. The older school of zoologists seem hardly to have contemplated the possi- bility of a whole species having become ex- tinct within the period since man appeared upon earth, or to have supposed that a species could by human efforts be utterly swept away. Thus there was once skepticism about the ex- tinction of the dodo, or, that having been es- tablished, about its having existed within the human period. The disappearance of numer- ous animals, formerly abundant, from the set- tled parts of our country, affords examples of local extinction ; and the fate of the buf- falo threatens to furnish an instance of total extinction by the agency of man. Man's agency usually acts indirectly — as by chang- ing the conditions of the country, so as to make them unfavorable to the subsistence of certain animals, rather than directly by kill- ing all the individuals of a species outright. The wolf has defied all efforts, by offering bounties and otherwise, to accomplish its destruction in Europe, except in artificially- built-up Holland, where it never was at home ; Denmark, every spot of which is ac- cessible to the hunter ; and the United King- dom, where its forest resorts have been re- moved. Other instances are the extirpation of the quail in New Zealand by means of fires that were lighted for other purposes ; the threatened destruction of other interest- ing animals of Australia and New Zealand by animals of the weasel kind that were in- troduced to prey upon the imported rabbits ; and the destruction of turkey-buzzards' eggs and petrels in Jamaica by the mongooses that were taken there to make war upon rats ; of the Diablotin petrel of Dominica by a spe- cies of opossum ; and the destruction of the cahoivs in the Bermudas, till it is not known now whether the bird exists there. The great skua, or " bonxie," disappeared from one of its three breeding - stations in the Shetland Islands several years ago, and has been maintained at the other two only through the vigorous exertions, to repress poachers and preserve it, of the late Dr. Robert Scott and the late Dr. Lawrence Edmondston, re- spectively. The Zoological Society has or- dered medals struck in honor of the serv- ices these gentlemen rendered to science. Though the reward is posthumous, and goes to the heirs of the well-doers instead of to themselves, the acknowledgment is a fitting one, marks an example, and is an encourage- ment to the lovers of living nature. Prof. Wright in the British Association. — Prof. G. F. Wright's paper in the British Association, on The Ice Age of North Amer- ica and its Connection with the Appearance of Man on that Continent, is spoken of in Nature as a most interesting one. The au- thor said that the glacial deposits, trans- ported from several centers mostly outside the Arctic Circle, and the absence of a polar ice-cap, militated against an astronomical and for a geographical cause of the great cold, particularly as an uplift of the glaciated area was coincident with an important subsi- dence in Central America. He regarded the so-called " terminal moraine of the second period " as a moraine of retreat due to the first glaciation, and thought that the evi- dence of forest beds, mainly to the south of the area, indicated local recessions of ice, and not a single great interglacial epoch. Palaeolithic remains similar to those of the Somme and Thames have been found in sev- eral irravel terraces flanking streams which drain from the glaciated region, and made up of glacier-borne detritus ; they arc re- garded by the author as deposits of the floods which characterized the closing por- tions of the Glacial period. The recession of the falls of Niagara and St. Anthony POPULAR MISCELLANY. 427 gives an antiquity of not more than ten thousand years to the end of the Glacial epoch — a conclusion supported by the en- largement of post-glacial valleys and the silting up of small post-glacial lakes. Determination and Cnltivation of Bac- teria.— Many scores of bacteria, says Prof. John B. Roberts, in an address on the Rela- tion of Bacteria to Practical Surgery, have been, by patient study, differentiated from their fellows, and given distinctive names. Their nomenclature corresponds in classifi- cation and arrangement with the nomencla- ture adopted in different departments of bot- any. Thus we have the pus-causing chain- coccus {Streptococcus pyogenes), so called be- cause it is globular in shape ; because it grows with the individual plants attached to each other, or arranged in a row, like a chain of beads on a string ; and because it produces pus. In a similar way we have the pus. causing grape-coccus of a golden color (Sta- phylococcus pyogenes aureus). It grows with the individual plants arranged somewhat after the manner of a bunch of grapes, and, when millions of them are collected together, the mass has a golden-yellow hue. The difficulty of investigating these minute forms becomes apparent when it is remembered that under the microscope many of them are identical in appearance, and it is only by observing their growth when they are in a proper soil that they can be distinguished from one another. In certain cases it is difficult to distinguish them by the physical appearance produced during their growth. Then it is only after an animal has been in- oculated with them that the individual para- site can be accurately recognized and called by name. It is known, then, by the results which it is capable of producing. Bacteria may also be distinguished by their individ- ual peculiarities of taking certain dyes. The similarity between bacteria and ordinary plants with which florists are familiar is remarkable. Bacteria grow in animal and other albuminous fluids ; but it is as essen- tial to them to have a suitable soil as it is for the corn or wheat that the farmer plants in his field. By altering the character of the albuminous fluid in which the micro- organism finds its subsistence, these small plants may be given a vigorous growth, or may be starved to death. The farmer knows that it is impossible for him to grow the same crop year after year in the same field, and he is, therefore, compelled to rotate his crops. So it is with the microscopic plants which we are considering. After a time the culture-field or soil becomes so exhausted of its needed constituents, by the immense number of plants living in it, that it is unfit for their life or development. Then this particular form will no longer thrive ; but some other form of bacteria may find in it the properties required for functional activ- ity and may grow vigorously. Again, there are certain bacteria which are so antagonis- tic to each other that it is impossible to make them grow in company or coexist in the blood of the same individual. An ani- mal inoculated with erysipelas germs can not be successfully inoculated immediately afterward with the germs of malignant pust- ule. As the horticulturist is able to alter the character of his plants by changing the circumstances under which they live, so can the bacteriologist change the vital proper- ties and activities of bacteria by chemical and other manipulations of the culture-sub- stances in which these organisms grow. The power of bacteria to cause pathological changes may thus be weakened and attenu- ated ; in other words, their functional power for evil is taken from them by alterations in the soil, and vice versa. Properties of Peroxide of Hydrogen. — Peroxide of hydrogen has been a subject of experiment by Dr. B. W. Richardson, chiefly with regard to its medical uses, for more than thirty years. He regards it as a solu- tion— although it may be made to take on the gaseous form — and as consisting of water containing, according to strength, so many atmospheres of oxygen ; or as an oxygen at- mosphere in solution. It is not, however, a mere mixture, but a peculiar chemical com- pound. The oxygen can be made to accumu- late, volume by volume, until the volume of water can rise to ten, twenty, thirty, and some say even more than a hundred volumes of oxygen, before complete saturation is reached and a volatile body is formed. The combination of the added oxygen in hydro- gen peroxide is stable in the presence of some substances, unstable and easily evolved in the 428 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. presence of others. Some substances, inor- ganic or organic, when added to the solution, are neutral ; others evolve the oxygen and are themselves unchanged ; a third kind evolve the oxygen, and with that some of their own contained oxygen ; and a fourth kind absorb the oxygen. Thus, with oxide of iron there is no action ; with black oxide of platinum a taper can be lighted from the oxygen thrown off ; with permanganate the action is very brisk, and oxygen is thrown off from both substances; and arsenious acid absorbs oxygen from the solution. Dr. Kich- ardson has found peroxide of hydrogen use- ful in a large number of diseases ; among them are consumption, whooping-cough, ul- cers and purulent exudation, syphilis, dia- betes, ana3mia, rheumatism, and others, his experiments with which, and his methods of application, are described in a paper recently read by him before the Medical Society of London. Origin of Caste. — The origin of caste in India was traced by General T. Dennehy, in the International Oriental Congress, probably to the contact of the Indo-Aryans on their first migration with the uncouth, uncivilized abo- rigines of the countries which they traversed. The Aryans were even then highly civilized and careful as to personal cleanliness and religious observances, and naturally shrunk against contact with the unwashed aborigi- nes. They were particularly so with regard to food, and hence arose the first manifesta- tions of caste in the exclusion of strangers from their meals. This custom grew with years to be a cherished observance, and what was first a measure of hygienic precau- tion became an article of religious belief. The later developments of caste corresponded with the guilds of European countries so prevalent in the middle ages. New castes were seen growing up in India as new neces- sities arose. For example, since the estab- lishment of railroads it had been necessary to find pointsmen (switchmen) and firemen; and these men, being anxious to preserve the emoluments of their posts in their own families, were now actually crystallizing into a new caste. The views expressed by M. C. A. Fret, though differing from these, were not inconsistent with them. He discerned the working of evolution in caste. The Indo- Europeans formed at an early period a social hierarchy which continued in full force long after the language spoken by them had ceased to be a living tongue. The general ignorance prevailing in primitive times neces- sarily involved the evolution of a priestly or teaching caste — the Brahmins. The ne- cessity of having men always on guard against the attacks and invasions of neigh- boring races with different tendencies led to the warrior class or caste. These two leading castes represented the two leading principles in the constitution of civilization — the religious and the military. The civil principle, properly so called, did not come into existence till a later period. Little Annoyances and Health.— Such matters as water supply, sewerage and drain- age, streets and pavements, including means of rapid transit, parks, and open spaces, lighting, provisions for the dead and for those affected with contagious disease, and the sale of improper food and drinks, are classed by Dr. John S. Billings, in his address on Public Health and Municipal Government, as variables under municipal control, many of which have a powerful influence on the health of the people. A large part of the discussions as to the best way to arrange and manage them, or as to whether in any par- ticular place at a particular time the munici- pality is doing its duty with regard to them, turn on sickness and death-rates. It should be borne in mind, however, Dr. Billings adds, that no sharp dividing-line can be drawn between comfort and health ; that there are many things — such as noise, dust, offensive odors, rough streets, etc. — the influence of which upon sickness and death-rates it would be at present difficult or impossible to demon- strate, at least to the satisfaction of a court of law, which yet add materially to the burdens of life of those who are subjected to them, and may in some instances turn the scales between life and death. The human body in some diseases may be likened to a heavy railway train going up a very steep grade. If the fire under the boiler can be kept bright and clear, if the fuel and water hold out, and the engineer is skilled and careful to get the benefit of every pound of steam power developed, then the train will just reach the top of the hill, provided there POPULAR MISCELLANY. 429 are no little pebbles on the track. It is always difficult, and usually impossible, to obtain evidence that is satisfactory, from a legal point of view, to prove that the offen- sive odors from a bone-boiling establishment, or the emanations from a cess-pool, or the water from a polluted well, have produced such a definitely injurious effect upon the health of those within the sphere of their influence as to justify municipal interference with vested rights in property, or the ex- action of damage for sickness or death pro- duced by them. This has heretofore been due largely to the want of definite and precise or, in other words, scientific knowl- edge of the causes of disease and death. Cyclopean Strnetnres in Oceania. — One reason, said Mr. R. Stemdale, in the Inter- national Congress of Orientalists, why the remarkable architectural remains existing in the many islands of the Pacific have attracted relatively little attention is the idea that they are comparatively recent. The early people of the Caroline Islands were builders of Cyclopean towers and pyramids, and are still skillful in building great walls of rude stone. While many islands have been peopled by accidental castaways, the settlement of the great mountain groups was effected by organ- ized migrations of savage navigators fighting their way from land to land, and carrying with them their families and household gods, and the seeds of plants and trees. The copper-colored autochthones of eastern Asia spread in the course of ages to the Caroline groups, and were the progenitors of the Palaos, Barbados, Hombos, Blancos, and other families of gentle barbarians. They were followed by another exdous of a kindred race, ferocious and pugnacious, and Cyclopean builders on a large scale. Their strong castles, built on steep hills or sur- rounded by deep trenches, attest the fre- quency and destructiveness of their wars. The architecture of their temples — immense quadrangular, paved inclosures, surrounded by lofty walls and containing within them terraces, pyramids, artificial caverns and sub- terranean passages — illustrate their religious earnestness. Some of these structures were mausoleums as well as temples, and are spoken of by the present race of natives as sepulchres of the ancient deities. The au- thor's brother, Mr. Handley Stemdale, had found among the mountain ranges of Upolu an enormous fort, in some places excavated, in others built up at the sides, which led him to a truncated conical structure about twenty feet high and one hundred feet in diameter. The lower tiers of stone were very large and laid in courses, with what seemed to be entrances to the inside in two places. It was probably the center of the village, as many foundations a few feet high were near it. The Samoan natives had no tradition respecting the people that may have inhabit- ed this mountain fastness. Slavic Marriage Forecasts. — Many curi- ous customs are preserved among the Slavic nations from the olden time. Of these, those relating to marriage forecastings are perhaps of the most peculiar interest. In some districts maidens on Christmas Eve throw rings or melted lead and wax into a vessel full of water, and, while fishing them out, sing old songs, the verses of which fore- tell, as they catch each object, the peculiari- ties of their future husbands ; or bread and money are mixed with the straw which on Christmas Eve underlies the table-cloth ; and the girl who in the dark draws out money is promised a wealthy husband, while she who draws bread must give up that dream. If the counting of an armful of chips, gathered alone and in silence from the wood-house, gives an even number, the girl will find a mate ; but if the number be odd she will have to live single. The young people, blindfolded and in the dark, pick from the straw with which the Christmas-Eve supper-tables are strewed for purposes of the divination. The drawing of a green sprig promises a wedding, but of a dry one, long waiting. Wine, beer, and water are placed by a girl between two can- dles on a table, and she retires to a corner whence she can watch in the looking-glass. If the man who is expected to come at mid- # night drinks the wine, her married life will be one of wealth ; if he drinks the beer, she will enjoy a moderate competency ; if the water is chosen, poverty awaits her. If wreaths of flowers thrown into a stream on midsummer eve float undamaged out of sight, the omen is good ; but should the wreaths break, or the flowers sink before the watcher, the prospects of her future are 430 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. clouded. A maiden throws a wreath of flowers over her bead backward against a tree. If the wreath catches and bangs on a branch at the first throw, the thrower will become a bride in the first succeeding year ; if at the second throw, the wedding will be in the second year ; and so on. Classiflcation of Glacial Formations. — In the discussion in the International Geological Congress on the Classification of Glacial For- mations, Prof. T. C. Chamberlin proposed six classes, namely: Formations produced directly from the action of Pleistocene glaciers ; for- mations produced by the combined action of Pleistocene glaciers and accompanying drain- age ; formations produced by glacial waters after their issue from Pleistocene glaciers ; formations produced by floating ice derived from Pleistocene glaciers ; formations pro- duced by shore ice and ice floes, due to low Pleistocene temperature, but independent of glacier action ; and formations produced by winds acting on Pleistocene glacial and glacio- fluvial deposits under the peculiar condition of glaciation. In each of these classes sub- divisions were proposed. Prof. Albert Gau- dry led in the discussion that followed. Dr. Felix Wahnschaffe described the action of glaciers in forming moraines. W J McGee presented a scheme of classification with five general heads: Aqueous, at base-level and above base-level; Glacial, direct and indi- rect; Aqueo-glacial ; Eolic ; and Volcanic, direct and indirect. Oriatin of Folk-lore Tales.— The value of folk lore is regarded by Mr. E. Sidney Harland as lying in the belief that the tra- ditions alike of our fathers and other .na- tions contain and m:iy be made to yield valuable information concerning the primi- tive beliefs and practices of mankind, and behind these, concerning the structure and development of the human mind. It is chiefly in tales that the speculative portions of a savage creed take shape. Not a little has been done in this direction since Grimm first showed the remains of ancient heathen- dom in the stories of his own land. Grimm's method has been more widely applied in recent years by distinguished writers to stories found in every region, and conclu- sions in regard to the beliefs fundamental to all savage religions have been based in part upon them. Those speculations have not been allowed to pass unchallenged. Literary men have contended that the true origin of folk tales is to be found in India, and that they were originally Buddhist par- ables sowed broadcast by the Buddhist propaganda. But this theory has been weakened by the discovery of streams of Egyptian and even of Jewish tradition flow- ing through the tales ; and as the area of research widened, it was more and more doubted that folk tales found in the remotest corners of the eai'th all sprang from one center within a measurable historical period. The anthropological theory attributed the origin of folk tales, as of every other spe- cies of tradition, to the constitution of the human mind. A similar environment acting upon the mind would everywhere produce similar results ; and it is the variations of the environment which give rise to the sto- ries all presenting perpetual coincidences, and all evolved from a few leading ideas common to the race. The birthplace can not therefore be determined, for no story has any one birthplace. Another theory admits that the foundations of the absurd and impossible tales current all round the globe must be sought in the beliefs of sav- age tribes about themselves and their sur- roundings, but denies that the mere fact that a given story is found domesticated among any people is of itself evidence of the beliefs and practices of that people, present or past. Some stories must have been invented once, and once only, and then handed on from man to man, from tribe to tribe, till they had made the circuit of the world. This is the dissemination theory, while the other is the anthropological the- ory. Mr. Harland sustains the anthropo- logical theory. IVatnre of the Ether.— Speaking of the theory and function of the ether. Prof. Nipher said in the American Association that the slowing up of light in space occu- pied by matter shows that the ether within must be either more dense (as Fresnel be- lieved) or less elastic than that existing in free space. It is certainly very difficult to understand what there can be in the mole- cules of matter that can increase the den- NOTES. 431 eity of an incompressible medium. The ex- periments of Michelson and Morley show apparently that the ether at the surface of the earth moves with it. It is dragged along as if it were a viscid liquid. The field of a steel magnet is, however, a rota- tional phenomenon. It is a spin which is maintained permanently without the expend- iture of energy. It seems, therefore, that the resistance to shear which shows itself in the adhesion of the ether to the moving earth must be a rigidity due in some way to motion. Other experiments of Michelson and Morley on the motion of light in mov- ing columns of water have been taken as proof that the ether in water is condensed to nine sixteenths of its volume in air. The ether in water certainly behaves as if it were more dense, but it is another matter to say that it is so. It seems improbable. The speaker, after describing what might be a more satisfactory way of making the experi- ment, said that the question to be settled is whether the ether or any part of it is at rest in space, or does it sweep through the in- terior of bodies that move through it as wind sweeps through the leaves and branches of a tree. NOTES. We mention, on behalf of Mr. Frederick Starr, that the originals of most of the ob- jects illustrated in his articles on Dress and Adornment are in the American Museum of Natural History. The omission of this ac- knowledgment from the articles was not noticed till it was too late to correct it. The Programme of Lectures of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, provides for thirty lectures, beginning November 2d with a lecture on Japan by Mr. Henry Pet- tit. Several of the lectures will be upon sub- jects of travel. For the others, subjects are announced relating to the electrical trans- mission of power, physical exercise, com- pressed air power, transmission of explosive phenomena, building -stones, refrigerating machines, and other topics relating to hy- giene, metallurgy, applied chemistry, etc. The lecturers are men specially acquainted with the subjects which they will treat. We have received from F. Gutekunst, 712 Arch Street, Philadelphia, a remarkably fine half-size photograph of the late Joseph Leidy. In distinctness of outline, clearness of expression, delicacy of shading, and gen- eral tone, it leaves nothing to be desired. Certain prehistoric remains near Bel- lary, in southern India, described by Mr. F. Fawcett in the International Congress of Orientalists, are particularly remarkable by reason of the pictures which are engraved on the rocks in their neighborhood, and which the author adduces many reasons for believing to be prehistoric. A commission was appointed by the Congress to make further investigation of the matter. A TREE-CLIMBING kangaroo from North- ern Queensland [Dendrolagus Ifuellcri), new to science, is described by Messrs. Luehman and French. It has a body about two feet long, with a tail exceeding two feet. The disproportion between the fore legs and the hind legs is not nearly so great as in the ordinary kangaroo and the wallaby. The toes are strong and curved, so that it is able to climb tall and straight trees, where it lives on their leaves. The specimen from which the species is described was got from a straight tree, about ninety feet from the ground. A MARSUPIAL mole — Noioryctes typJilops — a species absolutely new to science, has been discovered living in the sands and among the porcupine grass of South Aus- tralia. It is very rare and has been seen by only a few persons, either white men or natives. Perpetual burrowing seems to be the characteristic feature of its life. It burrows very rapidly, but is not known to occupy permanent burrows. The first speci- men was captured by Mr. William Cone- thard, of the Willowie Pastoral Company, and the description is by Prof. Stirling, of the University of Adelaide. The Bowlder Committee of the British Association reports that in some districts bowlders are being destroyed so rapidly that many described in former reports have dis- appeared. Among the features of the Columbian Exhibition to be opened at Madrid in Sep- tember, 1892, will be an American historical exposition, which is intended to reproduce the condition of the different countries of the new continent before the arrival of Eu- ropeans, at the time of the conquest, and down to the first half of the seventeenth century. It will include all kinds of ob- jects, models, reproductions, plans, etc., re- lating to the peoples who inhabited America then and to all those who had to do with the navigators. Mr. Ivan Petroff, special census agent in Alaska, has found six hundred natives on Nunivak Island, where there were supposed to be three hundred. They live, in the ab- sence of white men, in the most primitive style, eating walrus flesh and possessing walrus ivory as their only wealth. Besides a few land otter they do not catch any fur- bearing animals. 432 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In the Congress of German Xaturalists and Physicians, Prof. Lehman showed to how great an extent the coarse rye-bread eaten on the lower Rhine is polluted by adulteration. He had procured eighty sam- ples of flour and bread such as are used and sold by the small millers and bakers. All of them were polluted, some to an incredible extent, with earth, excrement of mice, other disgusting but not exactly noxious things, and also with blighted corn, darnel, cockle, and other poisonous seeds. Kone of the samples were free from cockle, and in some there was more than one per cent of it. Is the matter of Technical Education in Connection with Agriculture in England, Mr. S. Rowlandson has shown that under the stimulation of a parliamentary grant the Royal Agricultural Society has instituted ex- aminations in the science and theory of agri- culture, a provision for the teaching of ele- mentary agricultural subjects has been in- corporated in the education code, and at- tention has been given to the matter by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The lack of teachers is the chief obstacle to making the benefits of instruction in the subject real and general. On the occasion of the transit of Mer- cury, May 10, 1891, Dr. K. Winder, of De- troit, analyzing the solar spectrum at the point where the planet was projected on the sun's disk, observed that the telluric rays in the light from the edge of the planet were strongly marked and extraordinarily dark, indicating the existence of a dense atmos- phere in Mercury and the presence of vapor in it. Finnic and Russian Lapland constitute one of the coldest regions of Europe. The whole country is within the isotherm of 0' C, while in its interior the isotherms of — 1° and— 2' describe concentric curves. At Kola the thermometer stands above 0° C. (the freezing - point) only during three months. The winter usually begins on the 15th of September. The long winter, end- ing in June, is followed by a spring of fif- teen days ; then summer begins in the first week in July and lasts some six or seven weeks, when the thermometer often shows a considerably warm temperature. In the neighborhood of Enasa the ranunculus blossoms on the 28th of June, chickweed July 3d, meadow geranium July 12th, black- berry July 26th, azalea June 26th, Linnea boi-ealis July 20th, and butterwort July 2d. As a test for the detection of fish oil in linseed oil, Dr. Thomas Taylor recommends silver nitrate solution. On its application the fish oil, if any is present, coagulates and falls to the bottom of the test-tube, displacing the nitrate-of-silver solution. The author declares the test infallible, as the effect is not produced with other oils. Dr. L. Webster Fox believes from his experiments that savage races have better color-perceptions than civilized races. In a group of one hundred Indian boys he found none color-blind. In another group of two hundred and fifty Indian boys two were color-blind. No color-blind Indian girls were found. A CURIOUS instance of " frugality " in bees has been observed by Mr. M. H. Har- ris, of Ealing, England. During rainy weather, which promised to interfere with further honey - making, they proceeded to guard against it by ejecting the larvse of both drones and workers and sucking out the soft contents of the corpses, leaving only the white chitinous covering. OBITUARY NOTES. Cardinal Hatnald, Archbishop of Ka- locsa, who died on the 4th of July last, was the son of a botanist and made himself emi- nent in that science by his investigations of the flora of Transylvania. Even among his sacerdotal duties and his political ones as member of the Hungarian House of Mag- nates, and the social obligations they im- posed, he found time to continue his botani- cal studies and publish a few special papers and biographical studies of botanists of his acquaintance. His herbarium was the rich- est in Hungary and one of the largest private collections on the continent, and was free to students. The death of two well-known contribu- tors to French scientific journals was an- nounced in the same week in- October. M. Edouard Lucas, Professor of Special Mathe- matics at the Lycee Charlemagne, died of erysipelas following a wound in the cheek made by a piece of a broken dining-plate. He had just been presiding over the Section of Mathematics and Astronomy of the French Association for the Advancement of Science. He was the author of a series of curious mathematical recreations and recon- dite calculations — as amusing as they were instructive — of which the most famous was that of the Tower of Hanoi. He frequently contributed articles of this character to the Revue Scientifique and La Nature. M. Felix H^ment had been Professor of Physics and Natural Science at Tournon, Strasbourg, the Lycee Bonaparte, the College Chaptal, the Ecole Turgot, the Ecole Polonaise, and the Israclitish Seminary. He was also a fre- quent contributor to La Nature and the Re- vue Scientifique. Mr. Charles Smith Wilkinson, Govern- ment Geologist of New South Wales, died August 26th, forty-seven years old. He was an original member of the Linnsean Society of New South Wales, and its president in 1883 and 1884. WILLIAM EDWARD WEBER. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. FEBRUARY, 1892. PERSONAL LIBERTY. By EDWARD ATKINSON, assisted by EDWAED T. CABOT. IN dealing with many of the questions which come within the domain of the student of political economy or of social sci- ence it becomes expedient to refer to the decisions of the courts, especially among the English-speaking people. The paramount question at issue to-day is the maintenance of personal liberty. The precepts upon which personal liberty rest have become in- corporated in the common law, and when personal rights are impaired by statute law the complainant may appeal to the courts and may establish his own control over all the factors that are necessary or conducive to his support as a matter of right, so long as he does not infringe the equal rights of others. Among such factors is the right to control one's own time. One of the most profound changes which has occurred in the relations of men to each other has been the change from status to contract. In ancient days, under ancient law, the place which a man could hold in society was fixed by the condition of his birth, by his relation to his father, his family, or his gens or his class. His individuality was absolutely subordinate to the con- dition in which he had been born. From the dawn of history contract may have been found in existence, but its fulfillment depended upon its form rather than upon any moral engagement. Sir Henry Maine observes that "the conception" (of contract) " when it first shows itself is rudimentary. No trustworthy primi- tive record can be read without perceiving that the habit of mind which induces us to make good a promise is as yet imperfectly developed, and that acts of flagrant perfidy are often mentioned without blame, and sometimes described with approbation. In the Homeric literature the deceitful cunning of Ulysses appears VOL. XL. — 31 434 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. as a virtue of the same rank with the prudence of Nestor, the constancy of Hector, and the gallantry of Achilles." Elsewhere, Sir Henry Maine, when dealing with the progress of a society resting upon the just relations established by free contract, remarks that " the many have an almost instinctive reluctance to admitting good faith and trust in our fellows as more widely diffused than of old. . . . From time to time these prepossessions are greatly strengthened by the spectacle of frauds unheard of before the period at which they are observed." " But/' as he most profoundly remarks, " the very character of these frauds shows clearly that, before they became possible, the moral obligations of which they are the breach must have been more than proportionately developed. It is the confidence reposed in and deserved by the many which affords facilities for the bad faith of the few; so that, if colossal examples of dishonesty occur, there is no surer conclusion than that scrupulous honesty is dis- played in the average of the transactions which, in the particular case, have supplied the delinquent with his opportunity.'' In the observations of nearly half a century of business life the writer has become profoundly impressed with the truth of these observations, and has been almost brought to the conclusion that contracts would be fulfilled, commerce would go on, and debts would be paid as fully in the long-settled and well-established communities now existing in many parts of this country, if all laws for the collection of debts and all acts of legal tender were repealed. When the quality of the money of a nation is evenly main- tained, no act of legal tender is needed to enforce its acceptance by a creditor. If there is any other point of dispute, evidence of an offer of the debtor to fulfill his contract in money might be perpetuated without giving him an option to pay in poorer money than he had promised. It is only when the quality of money has been depreciated that an act of legal tender is cited by a debtor, and in so doing he transfers the fraud from his own shoulders to the Government that has impaired the terms of his contract. In the free states which have been established by the English- speaking people character stands for more than capital in estab- lishing credit ; credit rests more upon the high standard of busi- ness integrity than upon legal provisions for the collection of debts : under these conditions, freedom on the part of the pur- chaser and the seller, the employer and the employed, to make just contracts, is the condition of abundant production and equitable distribution, while the very existence of society depends upon the maintenance of personal liberty. The condition under which man exists is that he shall work. The work may be mental, manual, or mechanical. Some may be PERSONAL LIBERTY. 435 spared for a time from the necessity of work, but, as has been well said by Colonel Henry Lee, " under a free distribution of property it is but three generations from shirt-sleeves to shirt- sleeves." The entire capital in the richest nation or state, consisting of railways, mills, factories, workshops, and dwellings, together with all the goods and wares of every kind — comprising all that has been saved in a useful form, aside from opening of the ways, the clearing of the land and bringing it into productive condition — will not exceed three or possibly four years' production ; in most states it is less. If all could be reconverted into food, fuel, and clothing, and the world should rest wholly from work, all would be consumed in two or three years. In respect to food, the world is always within a year of starvation, yet there is always enough somewhere. Whether the product of each series of four seasons shall be distributed so that all may share the necessaries of life depends upon personal liberty, upon freedom of exchange, and upon the maintenance of the right of every man " to use his fac- ulties in all lawful ways, to live and work where he will, to earn his livelihood in any lawful calling, and to pursue any lawful trade or avocation." (Judge Peckham, of New York. People vs. Gilson, 109 N. Y., 399.) " The patrimony of the poor man lies in the strength and dex- terity of his own hands ; and to hinder him from employing these in what manner he may think proper, without injury to his neigh- bor, is a plain violation of this most sacred property." (Judge Snyder, of West Virginia. State vs. Goodwill, 10 S. E. Rep., 287.) In the progress of invention, and by the application of science to the art of material production, all that can be expected or hoped for in the improvement of the condition of the great body of the people is that the more noxious pursuits may be done away with and that the conditions of the most arduous may be ame- liorated ; but the work must go on and in the sweat of his brow man must always eat his bread. The true gain that comes in the course of years is that a part of the time which is at the disposal of men may be saved from the necessity of hard work for the enjoyment of more and more leisure. Whether the leisure hours will be well spent or not will rest wholly upon the indi- vidual. The best definition of leisure that I have ever met is that "leisure consists in the diligent and intelligent use of time." Time saved from the necessary work of life may be worse than wasted or it may be well spent. In dealing with this subject we are often brought face to face with a singular paradox. If all were rich, all would be poor alike ; each might then be disinclined to serve the other for compensa- tion, and thus all would be obliged to do all their own work with- 436 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. out opportunity to save labor by mutual service. Under such conditions life would be hardly wortb living. Every kind of work would be required of every man and woman and there would be no rest. It is by the exchange of services that time is saved, both to the employed as well as to the employer. The man who directs the force of the capital in the possession of which he makes himself rich adds vastly more to the common product from which all wages and profits are derived, than he consumes for his own use from that product in the personal support of himself and his dependents. When just relations are established by free con- tract between rich and poor the service which each renders to the other is an equitable and useful service. Society rests for its very existence upon this interdependence of men and upon the ine- quality in their personal endowments, whether material or imma- terial. The capacity to combine, direct, and use great masses of capital is rare : without this capacity capital becomes inert or it is wasted, while labor becomes less productive the more crowded the area occupied. Hence inequality in possession is the very necessity to the productive application of that which constitutes wealth. The value of a man to the community in which he lives is measured neither by his labor nor by his toil, nor by the num- ber of hours that he works ; it is established by the service that he renders, and that rests finally upon the quality of the mental energy with which he is endowed and upon the effectiveness of the forces, material or immaterial, to which he gives direction. The mind of man is the prime factor in the conversion of forces to the end that there may be abundance and leisure in place of scarcity accompanied by long hours of arduous toil. Such being the conditions, it does not follow that every one may not feel a hearty sympathy with any true effort on the part of those who earn their daily bread by the sweat of their own brows, to shorten the hours of labor so as to save more time for rest and recreation. It is only to the false methods by which these ends are sought that exception can be taken. When these efforts tend to deprive the very men who seek to be benefited of their own personal liberty, and when their right of free contract is impaired by their own acts, the time has come to discriminate in order to separate the true from the false methods of saving time ; or, in other words, to distinguish between the true and the false methods of shortening the hours of labor. It is customary to define three factors which enter of necessity into the production of all material things — land, labor, capital. There are, in fact, two other factors inseparable from production, and each is as essential as the land, the labor, or the capital — namely, the mental power, or, in other words, the mental energy PERSONAL LIBERTY, 437 ■wiiicli is required to direct the processes of labor and capital and the time that is required for the sequence of the several processes of production. Among these five factors, land, labor, capital, mental energy, and time, there is but one in which all men must share alike. All others are variable. One only is equal and constant, and that is time. The hours of the day number twenty-four. Whether a man be rich or poor, whether well endowed with mental energy or not, the one opportunity, the one element of property, which all must share alike, is time. Time is a common factor, and yet it is also a separate factor, an element of individual property, with which every man may claim to deal according to his own will so far as he may not impair the rights of others to deal with their share of time at their own will. It follows that any legal .restrictions upon the free use of time impair personal liberty more than almost any other interference with the freedom of men that can be conceived. Such restrictions create inequality in that which in its nature must be shared by all alike. Yet, step by step, and session by session, the Legislatures of almost every State are enacting statutes restricting the use of time, which, when enforced, create monopolies, establish privi- leged classes and inflict disabilities. Under pretense of police ordinances or under the pretext of maintaining the public welfare these acts deprive great bodies of citizens of their right of free contract and of the free disposal of their own time according to their own will, even in lawful and in innocuous pursuits in the conduct of which no harm can arise to any other person, although the man himself who chooses to do so may overwork himself. These restrictions have been carried to such an extent as to have perverted the very moral sense of great numbers of work- men. Many combinations and associations have made demands upon the Legislature to limit adult men and women in the use of their own time who do not wish to be limited by legal restrictions imposed both upon the workman and the employer. The attempt has been made to put a brand or mark of disgrace upon other workmen who choose to maintain their own personal liberty by calling men " scabs " or " rats " and other opprobrious terms, who control their own time and maintain their right to free contract. Resort has even been had in very many cases to force, in this futile attempt to substitute the despotism of democracy through the misuse or abuse of the power of the majority for the despot- ism of the kings and of the privileged classes whose rule we have thrown off. It matters not that all such attempts must fail because the 438 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. free men who maintain their own personal liberty will in the end secure the best positions aijd the most lucrative occupation. These efforts, so long as they have a temporary effect, tend to the privation of the very men who move for the enactment of re- strictive statutes or who subject themselves to the rules of the associations which limit them in the use of their own faculties. It is the very province of the political economist to expose the wrong, even if it offends the very men who wrong themselves, and to appeal to the decisions of the courts in order to establish their rights as well as the rights of those who will not submit to their restrictions. It does not yet seem to have occurred to any of those who are oppressed by such public statutes, or by the rules and regulations of private associations by which the attempt is made to restrict the free use of time, that a remedy may be found in the courts for any infringement of personal liberty, under whatever pretense the public act may have been passed. It may, therefore, be expedient to pass in review some of the cases in which this issue has already been joined. In order that the firm foundation on which personal liberty rests may be fully comprehended, we may go back almost to the beginning, and we must recur once again to a familiar chapter of the English-speaking people. The barons who wrested the charter of English liberty, the Magna Charta, from King John, nearly eight hundred years ago, were only maintaining the long existing and established rights of the free men of England against the usurpation of a despotic ruler. Strange that the counterpart of that ruler may be found to-day in the legislatures of our own time. Personal liberty was established in the Magna Charta in these terms : " No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised, or out- lawed, or exiled, or anyways destroyed ; nor will we go upon him, nor will we send upon him, unless by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.^' * In the brief limits permitted for the statement of this case we may not follow the course of history, century by century ; but we must pass at once to a very noted instance in which the rights of the people were established by the English courts, the " case of monopolies," so well known to all students of law and so often cited. In the time of Elizabeth, the Queen had under taken to grant to the plaintiff the monopoly of making and selling playing-cards. The court held this grant to be void, and in giving the opinion *"Nullu3 liber homo capiattir, vec imprisonetur, aut dissaisiatur, aut utlagetur, aut exu- leter, aut aliquo modo destruatur, ncc super eum ibimus, uec super cum mittemus, nisi per legale judicium paiium suorum, vcl per legem terrse." PERSONAL LIBERTY. 439 cited a previous case in which it had already been held that even a chartered company which had undertaken to establish a some- what similar privilege had gone beyond its powers. The record of the previous case in part is cited in the following terms (The Case of Monopolies, 11 Coke Rep., 86 a) : " And a case was adjudged in this court, inter Davenant and Hurdis, Trin. 41, Eliz. Rot. 93, where the case was that the company of Merchant Taylors in London having power by charter to make ordinances for the better rule and government of the company, so that they are consonant to law and reason, made an ordinance that every brother of the same society who should put any cloth to be dressed by any cloth worker not being a brother of the same society, shall put one half of his cloths to some brother of the same society . . . upon pain of forfeiting ten shillings . . . and it was adjudged that the ordinance, although it had the countenance of a charter, was against the common law, because it was against the liberty of the subject ; for every subject by the law has freedom and liberty to put his cloth to be dressed by what cloth worker he pleases, and cannot be restrained to certain persons, for that would in effect be a monopoly ; and therefore such ordinance, by color of a charter or any grant by charter to such effect, would be void." Again, if any man or woman, or if any family, may choose at this time to work machines in their own houses for a period of time or for a number of hours in the day beyond what is permitted by statute law to be done in the factory, and any one shall molest them, the decision in which it was first held that " a man's house is his castle " may be cited in defense of the personal liberty of the owner and of his right to dispose of his time, of his looms which may constitute his capital, and of his labor in such manner as may serve his own purpose in the best way, according to his own judgment. He may not be forbidden to do that kind of work in his house which is forbidden when conducted in a factory.* Passing on again by more than a century, we come to one of the great landmarks in the establishment of the liberty of the English-speaking people, noted in the history of jurisprudence — the decision of Lord Camden forbidding action under general warrants. (Entick vs. Carrington, 2 Wis. 275, 1765.) The Earl of Halifax, principal Secretary of State, issued a warrant to ar- rest John Entick " and him having found you are to seize and apprehend and to bring together with his books and papers in safe custody before me." Entick brought trespass against the king's messengers for seizing his papers under this warrant. *A declaration that a man's bouse is hi3 castle, and that he may defend it against vio- lence, is contained in Semayne's case, 5 Rep., 91 a (2d Jac. 1). 44° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Lord Camden, C. J. (p. 291): ''Our law holds the property of every man so sacred that no man can set his foot upon his neigh- bor's close without his leave. . . . The defendants have no right to avail themselves of the usage of these warrants since the revolu- tion. . . . We can safely say there is no law in this country to justify the defendants in what they have done ; if there was, it would destroy all the comforts of society ; for papers are often the dearest property a man can have." Only a little later, passing to our own side of the ocean, we again find a complete condemnation of all modern acts which im- pair personal liberty in one of the prime causes of the War of the Revolution. When James Otis resisted the writs of assistance, by which the attempt was being made to compel the citizens of Bos- ton to assist the Surveyor of Duties in searching vaults, cellars, warehouses, shops, and other places for goods which might have been imported contrary to act of Parliament, he cited the common law of England as controlling acts of Parliament, as laid down by Lord Coke.* When this appeal failed, the colonists threw off the power by which they had been oppressed and adopted the remedy, the terms of which are so well stated by Mr. Justice Gray in his exhaustive review of this chapter in the history of American jurisprudence, f We are thus brought near to our own time and to the decisions of our own courts, by which personal liberty has been re-established and the right of every man to control the disposition of his own time may be maintained. It seems passing strange that one must resort to the decisions of the courts in order to find a true definition of personal liberty. One would have thought that it would have been found in the very statutes which the courts have annulled. The very power which Parliament had assumed and which caused the colonies to rebel is now in some directions assumed by the Legislature of Massachusetts. The remedy lies in an appeal to the common law, which is the common heritage of the English- speaking people everywhere, and in this country has been embod- ied in our written Constitution and Bill of Rights. Among the many decisions of the courts sustaining the right of every man sui juris either to combine with others in the pur- suit of a common end, so long as such union or association did not impair the equal right of any one to work at his own will or " for his own hand " outside such unions or associations, none have been more lucidly or firmly presented than those given by Chief- Justice Shaw, of Massachusetts. (Commonwealth vs. Hunt, 4 *Bonham'8 case, 8 Rep., 118 a. f Quincy's Reports, Appendix I, p. 540. PERSONAL LIBERTY. 441 Metcalf, 111, 1842.) The attempt had been made to hold certain men guilty of conspiracy because the members of a union or society had agreed not to work for any person who employed others not members of such union. The learned judge held (p. 128) : " The averment is this — that the defendants and others formed themselves into a society, and agreed not to work for any person who should employ any journeyman or other person not a member of such society after notice given him to discharge such workman. ... (p. 130) The case supposes that these per- sons are not bound by contract, but free to work for whom they please, or not to work if they so prefer. In this state of things we can not perceive that it is criminal for men to agree together to exercise their acknowledged rights in such a manner as best to subserve their own interests." The right of the workman to free contract is fully sustained by this decision ; he is left as free to refuse to work as he is free to work upon any terms that he may choose to work. But when the attempt of a slave-master to control the service of him who had been held a slave in another State was made, Chief-Justice Shaw maintained the right of personal liberty in terms which no Congress, no Legislature, and no court would now dare to contravene.* When Legislatures and trades-unions attempt to impair the personal liberty of men, and to take from them the right to control their own time, the act differs only from the claim of the slave- holder in degree but not in kind ; and when an appeal is taken to the courts, the great judge may again annul the act or the ordi- nance, citing in support of his decision Chief-Justice Parsons, who declared that no slave could breathe the air of Massachusetts ; and Chief -Justice Shaw, who ruled that no man should even attempt to impair the personal liberty of him who dwelt upon our soil, even were it only for a single day. In the case of the People vs. Gilson, adjudicated in New York in 1888 (N'ewYork Reports, vol. 109, p. 389), Justice Peckham gave a broad and lucid construction to the term " liberty " in the following words (p. 398) : " The term ' liberty,' as used in the Constitution, is not dwarfed into mere freedom from physical restraint of the person of the citizen, as by incarceration, but it is deemed to embrace the right of man to be free in the enjoyment of his faculties with which he has been endowed by the Creator, subject only to such restraints as are necessary for the common welfare. Liberty in its broad sense, as understood in this coun- try, means not only the right of freedom from servitude, im- prisonment, or restraint, but the right of one to use his faculties * Commonwealth vs. Aves, 18 Pick., 193 (1836). 442 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in all lawful ways, to live and work where lie will, to earn his livelihood in any lawful calling, and to pursue any lawful trade or vocation." The case before the court was one affecting methods of sale of any article of food. The Legislature had enacted a law (chap. 691 of 1887) that " No person shall sell, exchange, or dispose of any article of food, or offer or attempt to do so upon any repre- sentation, advertisement, notice, or inducement that anything other than what is specifically stated to be the subject of the sale or exchange is or is to be delivered or received or in any way connected with or a part of the transaction as a gift, prize, pre- mium, or reward to the purchaser." In respect to this specific act Judge Peckham held it uncon- stitutional for the following reasons (p. 405) : " It seems to me that to uphold the act in question upon the assumption that it tends to prevent people from buying more food than they may want, and hence tends to prevent wastefulness or lack of proper thrift among the poorer classes, is'a radically vicious and erroneous assumption, and is to take a long step backward and to favor that class of paternal legislation which, when carried to this extent, interferes with the proper liberty of the citizen and violates the constitutional provision referred to." In dealing with an act which had been passed to prevent the manufacture of tobacco in tenement-houses, in cities of more than five hundred thousand inhabitants — an act which was specifically aimed at the cities of New York and Brooklyn — Judge Earl held, in the case of Jacobs, 98 New York, p. 98 (1885), that the act was unconstitutional. Attention may well be called to the vigor with which the learned judge denies the power of the Legislature to construe its own acts by the titles which it may give to them. The assumption of power under the indefinite term of police regulations may not be admitted. The court may demand the facts to be submitted— proof absolute, clear, and definite of the injury to the common welfare may be required before personal liberty can be impaired and the right of free contract taken away, in order that the court may be satisfied that there is reasonable cause to sustain the regu- lation as one rightly coming within the term of police powers. A decree in legislative form may present an aspect of legality but may yet be wholly unlawful. Lord Brougham ruled that " things may be legal and yet unconstitutional," even in England where there is no written constitution. Even Parliament has been overruled and called upon to submit to the rule of the courts, when it has impaired the personal liberty of the subject in a man- ner which is in contravention of the common law, although the act of Parliament may have been wholly consistent with legal forms. PERSONAL LIBERTY. 443 Among the many judges who have ruled in defense of per- sonal liberty none have given more well-considered and vigorous decision than Justice Snyder, of West Virginia. In the year 1887 the Legislature of West Virginia passed an act (chap. 63) to prevent the payment of wages by the issue of what are known as shop orders, or for certain values of goods drawn upon their own shops. This act was held to be unconstitutional (State vs. Good- will, 10 S. E. Report, 285 (W. Va., 1889)). Justice Snyder held as follows (p. 287) : " The property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. The patrimony of the poor man lies in the strength and dexterity of his own hands ; and to hinder him from employing these in what manner he may think proper without injury to his neighbor is a plain violation of his most sacred prop- erty. It is equally an encroachment both upon the just liberty and rights of the workman and his employer, or those who might be disposed to employ him, for the Legislature to interfere with the freedom of contract between them ; as such interference hin- ders the one from working at what he thinks proper, and at the same time prevents the other from employing whom he chooses. A person living under the protection of this Government has the right to adopt and follow any industrial pursuit, not injurious to the community, which he may see fit. And, as incident to this, is the right to labor or employ labor ; make contracts in respect thereto upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the parties ; to enforce all lawful contracts ; to sue and give evidence ; and to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, and convey property of every kind. The enjoyment or deprivation of these rights and privileges con- stitutes the essential distinction between freedom and slavery; between liberty and oppression." In dealing with the specific act. Judge Snyder (p. 288) de- clared it to be " a species of sumptuary legislation which has been universally condemned as an attempt to degrade the intelligence, virtue, and manhood of the American laborer, and foist upon the people a paternal government of the most objectionable character, because it assumes that the employer is a tyrant and the laborer is an imbecile." In the research which the writer has been enabled through the assistance of his coadjutor, Mr. E. T. Cabot, to make in the prepa- ration of this treatise, he has been unable to find any direct adjudi- cation upon the subject of the free use of time. That no statute may stand which discriminates by classes or by persons in the free use of time, has been well established by a decision in the highest court of California. A statute of 1880 (p. 80) provided that " it shall be unlawful 444 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. for any person, engaged in the business of baking, to engage or permit others in his employ to engage, in the labor of baking for the purpose of sale, between the hours of 6 p. m. on Saturday ana 6 p. M. on Sunday, except," etc. The question of the constitu- tionality of this statute was raised in Expa7ie Westerfield, 55 Cal., 550. Judge Myrick gave the decision in the following terms : " This is special legislation. A certain class is selected. As well might it have said, if master carpenters or blacksmiths, or if attorneys having clerks, shall labor or permit employes to labor, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished ; carpenters or blacksmiths, not master- workmen^ or attorneys with- out clerks, may labor at their will. The baking of bread is in it- self lawful and necessary. Even if there be authority to restrain the labor on some one day, it must be if at all under a general law restraining labor on that day." Again it is held that if some may not work according to their own will, the rule must be uniform, and all who are engaged in pursuits of like kind must be subjected to the same rule. Analogous to the use of time is the method of payment. When the State of Pennsylvania attempted to regulate the method of payment which should be adopted under compulsion by the employers who were engaged in mining or manufacturing, and when the State also provided that no employer should sell supplies to the employes at any greater profit than that received from other employes, the Supreme Court declared the statute void.* In Illinois the Legislature attempted to provide for the weigh- ing of coal at the mines under different conditions from the conditions of weighing or delivery which might apply in other places. The court held the act unconstitutional, as being class legislation.! The State of New York passed an act against excluding per- sons from equal enjoyment of places of amusement on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, and this act was sustained. J There could be no clearer statement of the right of every man to make contracts and to enjoy the free use of time for such number of hours as may be agreed upon by his employer, than that given by Judge Andrews in this case. The learned judge declares not only that life, liberty, and property must be protected, but that every person must be pi-otected in every essential inci- dent in the enjoyment of his rights. Can there be a more essen- * Godcharles vs. Wigeman, 113 Pa. St., 431. f Millett vs. The People, 117 111., 294. X People vs. King, 110 N. Y., 418. PERSONAL LIBERTY. 445 tial incident to the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property tlian the -unrestricted use of time which all may and must share alike unless prevented by unlawful interference ? We may now observe a tendency in many arts, through the progress of science and invention, to pass out of the great factory so as to become again household industries under better conditions, more favorable to production, and less arduous in their conduct than these same branches of industry formerly were before sci- ence and invention had come to their aid and had removed them from the house to the factory. The application of water-power to the conduct of the work in the factory rendered it necessary to place the factory in the narrow valleys alongside the river below the fall, and that tended to the concentration of great bodies of men and women in the textile factory. When these branches of industry were first established and were operated by water-power on a large scale, such had been the arduous conditions of life among the farmers of New England that the well-bred daughters of these farmers found it expedient to go from the farm to the factory, where they worked in low-studded, ill- ventilated, badly lighted, and badly heated rooms fourteen hours a day for a meas- ure of earnings only one half that which their successors secure to their own enjoyment, working ten hours a day in a modern, high- studded, well-ventilated factory. There has been a natural progress in saving time which is due to the application of art and science to production. Science and invention have shortened the hours of work in spite of the meddle- some interference of statutes, and will continue to do so, paying little regard to statute law except so far as restrictions upon the use of time may put off the day rather than hasten it when the hours of work may be shortened yet more. The application of steam and illuminating gas again tended to concentrate great forces of men and women in the workshop and in the factory and in the upper stories of city warehouses. The power of steam can not be sent far distances. Illuminating gas can only be carried in large pipes at light pressure on short lines. This phase is passing. Profound changes are working. By means of a wire, power, light, and the direction of the work can be carried long distances. The power of the waterfall in the narrow gorge where there is no room for a factory can be carried on the wire to the far-away uplands, where under the best conditions of life the workshops may be established. Fuel-gas distilled from coal by the seaside or near the bank of the river may be carried in small pipes at high pressure far away from the source where it is gen- erated. We are just entering upon the period of rapid transit under- neath the ground, by means of which men and women may be 446 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. moved at will from the center of the great city where they have been confined in the slums to the broad areas of the suburbs where, under better conditions of life, the same work may be conducted even in their households. Is it to be pretended that by the power of legislation the State constable may enter the household of a free citizen of this country and may prescribe to him, his wife, and his children how they shall work and what number of hours they shall operate the loom, the knitting-machine, the sewing-machine, or any other of the appliances which may be set in motion by elec- trical power, lighted by electric light, and directed by electrical speech at the touch of a button in the wall ? If the State constable may not enter the household, may not invade the home, he may not enter the factory or invade " the close," to use the old-time term cited by Lord Camden, where men and women may choose to work according to their own will and to control their own time according to their own judgment. One may not defend this abuse of legislation under the pre- tense that it comes within the police power of the State. True, the Supreme Court of the United States has left these matters up to this time to State legislation, but its justices have more than once laid down the rule under which the Legislatures must act or else the supreme power of the land may forbid any restriction upon personal liberty.* In view of the certainty with which these principles have been laid down and will be maintained by all the courts of this country, may it not be judicious to put an end to the continual attempts of sentimentalists, of pseudo-reformers, and of unenlightened workmen, to impair the personal liberty of adult men and women and to take from them their right of free contract by an appeal to the courts of highest jurisdiction ? Among the facts which Mr. Hugh Nevill cited at the International Congress of Orientalists to illustrate the theory of a philological connection between Egypt and India, was the use of rice-boats by the Goyi caste of Ceylon, which curiously recalls the oracle-boats of Egypt. Rice was still pounded for ceremonial festivals in these boats of stone or wood, while at the ruins of Amrajapura large stone boats were found of dates between b. o, 200 and a. d. 400, which were used to hold rice for the royal alms. The use of an image of Kamadhenu, the celestial cow, among the Tamils of southern India and Ceylon, must be regarded as a sur- vival of Isis-worship. The image was used as a car at Mulaition, to support an image of Tantondiswara, or Siva, the self-created. The myth and custom were of obscure antiquity, the celestial cow typifying, in southern Indian mythology, the fertility of Nature. The author did not assert that the affinity observed be- tween Egypt and India came from the former place to the latter ; for it might or might not date from a time and place before Isis-worship reached its great seat in Egypt. *Calderi;5. Bull, 3 Dal., 386 (p. 388). THE STORY OF A STRANGE LAND. 447 THE STORY OF A STRANGE LAND. By DAVID STAER JORDAN. PEESIDEirr OF THE LEI^ND BTiVSFOT.T) JUNIOE XTNIVEESITY. " In one strange land, And a long way from home, I heard a mighty rumbling, and I couldn't tell where." — Negro Melody. IT happened a long time ago, it may "be fifty thousand years in round numbers, or it may have been twice as many, that a strange thing took place in the heart of the Great Mountains. It was in the middle of the Pliocene epoch, a long, dull time that seemed as if it would never come to an end. There was then on the east side of the Great Divide a deep, rocky basin surrounded by high walls of granite gashed to the base by the wash of many streams. In this basin, we know not how — for the records all are burned or buried — the crust of the earth was broken, and a great outflow of melted lava surged up from below. This was no ordi- nary eruption, but a mighty outbreak of the earth's imprisoned forces. The steady stream of lava filled the whole mountain basin and ran out over its sides, covering the country all around so deep- ly that it has never been seen since. More than four thousand square miles of land lay buried under melted rock. No one can tell how deep the lava is, for no one has ever seen the bottom. Within its bed are deep clefts whose ragged walls descend to the depth of twelve hundred feet, and yet give no glimpse of the granite below, while at their side are mountains of lava whose crags tower a mile above the bottom of the ravines. At last, after many years or centuries — time does not count for much in these Tertiary days — the flow of melted lava ceased. Its surface cooled, leaving a high, uneven plain, black and desolate, a hard, cold crust over a fiery and smoldering interior. About the crater lay great ropes and rolls of the slowly hardening lava, looking like knots and tangles of gigantic reptiles of some horri- ble extinct sort. There was neither grass nor trees, no life of any sort. Nothing could grow in the coarse, black stone. The rivers and brooks had long since vanished in steam, the fishes were all dead, and the birds had flown away. The whole region wore the desolation of death. But to let land go to waste is no part of Mother Nature's plan. So even this far-off corner of her domain was made ready for settlement. In the winter she sifted snow on the cold black plain, and in the summer the snow melted into a multitude of brooks and springs. The brooks gradually wore paths and furrows down the large bed, and the sands which they washed from one place 448 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. they piled up in anotlier. The winds hlew the seeds of grasses about, and willows and aspens crept up the mountain-sides. Then came the squirrels, scattering the nuts of the pine. Other seeds came, too, in other ways, till at last the barren hillside was no longer barren. The brooks ran over the surface of the crust undisturbed by the fires within, and were clear and cold as mountain brooks should be ; but the rain and melted snow will never all remain on the surface. Some of it falls into cracks or joints or porous jDlaces in the rock, and from this come underground streams or springs. But in this region a stream could not run long underground without coming in contact with the old still-burning fires. When a crust is formed over the lava, it cools very slowly. When the crust is a rod or two deep, the lava within is almost as well pro- tected as if it were at the center of the earth. Whenever the water came down into the fire, the hot rocks would be furious with indignation, and tearing the water to atoms they would throw it back to the surface as steam. Then the ex- plosive force of the steam would in turn tear up the rocks, mak- ing still larger the hole through which the water came. When the rocks were very hot, a little water upon them would make a terrible commotion like the shock of an earthquake. When much water came down, it would hiss and boil high in the air, as it tried to break the cushion of steam which came between it and the lava. And all this went on in hundreds of places and maybe for thousands of years. The hot rocks glowed and sweltered in the ground, and the cold snow-water crept after them closer and closer, while more and more vigorously the rocks resented the intrusion. Sometimes the water would go down in a mass through a cleft, when it would be hurled back bodily the very way it came. At other times the water came down little by little, insinuating itself into many places at once. Then the hot rocks threw it back in many little honeycomb channels, and by the spreading of these channels the rocks were at last crumbled to pieces. The hard black lava or the glass-like obsidian were changed to white kaolin as soft and powdery as chalk. And as the water fought its way, gaining a little every year, steadily working between the joints in the enemy's armor and as surely being thrown back with violence if it penetrated too far, the animals and the plants followed in the wake of the water, and took possession of the territory as fast as it was won. At last the Pliocene times were over, for all times come to an end. The one sure thing on the earth is the certainty of change. With the change of time came on ihe earth's great winter. The snow-drifts on the lava were piled up mountain-high. Snow is Lower or Great Falls of the Yellowstone Eiver.* * We are indebted for the illustrations in this article to the kindness of Hon. Marshall McDonald, of the United States Fish Commission. VOL. XL. — 32 450 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. but ice gathered in little fragments which will grow solid under pressure. As the snow accumulated it began to move, forming great rivers of ice which ran down the courses of the streams. And as these slowly moving, gigantic ice-rivers tore away huge blocks of lava and pushed them down the mountain-sides, where the rocks had been softened by the action of steam, the ice wore out deep valleys, and everything that it touched was smoothed and polished. The winter of the great Ice age lasted a very long- time, many thousands of years ; but, long as it was and long ago, it came at last to an end — not to a full stop, of course, for even now some of its snow still lingers on the highest peaks that sur- round the lava-beds. Then the winters grew shorter and the summers longer. The south winds blew and the ice melted away, first from the plain and then from the mountains. The water ran down the sides of the lava-bed, cutting deep gorges or canons, so deep that the sun can hardly see the bottom. And into the joints and clefts of the rocks more and more water went, to be hurled back with greater and greater violence, for all the waters of all the snow can not put out a mile deep of fire. In the old depressions where the ice had chiseled away the softer rocks there were formed lakes of the standing water, and one of these was more than thirty miles long, winding in and out among the mountain-ridges. In the lake bottom the water soaked through down to the hot lava below, from which it was thrown boiling back to the surface again, fountains of scalding water in the icy lake. The cold Ice age had killed all the plants in the region ; it had driven oif the animals that could be driven, and had then buried the . rest. But when the snow was gone the creatures all came back again. Grass and meadow-flowers of a hundred kinds came up from the valleys below. The willow and the aspen took their place again by the brookside, and the red fir and the mountain pine covered the hills with their somber green. The birds came back. The wild goose swam and screamed, and the winter wren caroled his bright song — loudest when there seemed least cause for rejoicing. The beaver cut his timber and patiently worked at his dams. The thriftless porcupine destroyed a tree for every morning meal. The gray jay, the " camp-robber,"' followed the Indians about in hope that some forgotten piece of meat or of boiled root might fall to his share ; while the bufi'alo, the bear, and the elk each carried on his afl'airs in his own way, as did a host of lesser animals, all of whom rejoiced when this snow-bound region was at last opened for settlement. Time went on. The water and the fire were every day in mortal struggle, and always when the water was thrown back repulsed, it renewed the contest as vigor- If;. -^.■^•, ^ ■ TuWEK Falls uy Tower Crkek. THE STORY OF A STRANGE LAND. 453 oiisly as before. The fire retreated, leaving great stretches of land to its enemy, that it might concentrate its strength where its strength was greatest. And the water steadily gained, for the great ocean ever lay behind it. So for century after century they wrestled with each other, the water, the fire, the snow, the ani- mals, and the plants. But the fishes who had once lived in the mountain torrents were no longer there. They had been boiled and frozen, and in one way or another destroyed or driven away. Now they could not get back. Every stream had its caiion, and in each caiion was a waterfall so high that no trout could leap up. Although they used to try it every day, not one ever succeeded. So it went on. A great many things happened in other parts of the Avorld, America had been discovered and the colonies were feeling their way toward the Pacific Ocean. And in the vanguard was the famous expedition of Lewis and Clarke, which went over- land to the mouth of the river Columbia. John Colter was a hunter in this expedition, and by some chance he went across tlie mountains on the old trail of the Nez Percys Indians which leads across the Divide from the Missouri waters to those of the Colum- bia. When he came back from the ISTez Perc«^s trail he told most wonderful tales of what he had seen at the head of the Missouri. There were cataracts of scalding water which shot straight up into the air; there were blue ponds hot enough to boil fish ; there were springs that came up snorting and steaming, and which would turn trees into stone ; the woods were full of holes from which issued streams of sulphur; there were canons of untold depth with walls of ashes full of holes which let off steam like a locomotive, and there were springs which looked peaceful enough, but which at times would burst like a bomb. In short, every one laughed at Colter and his yarns, and this place where all lies were true was familiarly known as " Colter's Hell." But for once John Colter told the truth, and the truth could not easily be exaggerated. But no one believed him. When others who afterward followed him over the Nez Perces trail told the same stories, people said they had been up to " Colter's Hell " and had learned to lie. But, as time passed, other men told what they had seen, until, in 1870, a sort of official survey was made under the lead of Washburne and Doane. This party got the general bearings of the region, named many of the mountains, and found so much of interest that the next year Dr. Hayden, the United States Geologist, sent out a party for systematic exploration. The Hayden party came up from Colorado on horseback, through dense and tangled for- ests, across mountain torrents, and over craggy peaks. The story of this expedition has been most charmingly told by its youngest member, another John Coulter. Prof. Coulter was the botanist OsPRET Falls of Gabdiner River. THE STORY OF A STRANGE LAND. 45! of the survey, and he won the first of his many laurels on this ex]3edition. In 1873, acting on Hayden's report. Congress took the matter in hand and set apart this whole region as a "■ public park or pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people," and such it remains to this day. But, while only of late this region has had a public history, the long-forgotten years between the Glacial period and the expedi- tion of Lewis and Clarke were not without interest in the history of the trout. For all these years the fishes have been trying to mount the waterfalls in order to ascend to the plateau above. Beavek Lake ; showing Reaver Dams. Year after year, as the spawning-time came on, they leaped against the falls of the Gardiner, the Gibbon, and the Firehole Rivers, but only to fall back impotent in the pools at their bases. But the mightiest cataract of all. the great falls of the Yellowstone, they finally conquered, and in this way it was done : not by the trout of the Yellowstone River, but by "their brothers on the other side of the Divide. These followed up the Columbia to the head- waters of the Snake River, its great tributary, past the beautiful Heart Lake, and then on to the stream now called Pacific Creek, which rises on the very crest of the Divide. In the space between this stream^ which flows west to help form the Snake River, and a smaller stream now called Atlantic Creek, flowing down the i'i>-s^.. THE STORY OF A STRANGE LAND. 457 east slope of the Divide, the great chain of the Rocky Mountains shrinks to a narrow plateau of damp meadow, not a fourth of a mile in width ; and some years, when the snows are heavy and melt late in the spring, this whole region is covered with stand- ing water. The trout had bided their time until they found it so, and now they were ready for action. Before the water was drained they had crossed the Divide and were descending on the Atlantic side toward the Yellowstone Lake. As the days went by, this colony of bold trout spirits grew and multiplied and filled the waters of the great clear lake, where their descendants remain to this day. And no other fishes— not the chub, nor the Kkitlku's Cascade "i Fiukim ii.i. Kivki;. sucker, nor the white-fish, nor the minnow, nor the blob— had ever climbed Pacific Creek. None of them were able to follow where the trout had gone^ and none of them have ever been seen in the Yellowstone Lake. What the trout had done in this lake— their victories and defeats, their struggles with the bears and pelicans, and with the terrible worm, joint enemy of trout and pelicans alike— must be left for another story. So the trout climbed the Yellowstone Falls by way of the back staircase. For all we know, they have gone down it on the other side. And in a similar way. by stealing over from Black-tail Deer Creek, they overcame the Undine Falls in Lava Creek and passed its steep obsidian walls, which not all the fishes m the world could climb. 458 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In the Gibbon River the cataracts have proved to the trout an impassable barrier ; but, strangely enough, its despised associate, the sluggish, chunky blob, a little soft-bodied, smooth, black, tad- pole-like fellow, with twinkling eyes and a voracious appetite— a fish who can not leap at all— has crossed this barrier. Hundreds of blob live under the stones in the upper reaches of the stream, the only fish in the Gibbon waters. There he is, and it is a stand- ing puzzle even to himself to know how he got there. We might imagine, perhaps, that some far-off ancestor, some ancient Queen of the Blobs, was seized by an osprey and carried away in the air. Perhaps an eagle was watching and forced the osprey to give up its prey. Perhaps in the struggle the blob escaped, fall- ing into the river above the falls, to form the beginning of the future colony. At any rate, there is the great impassable water- fall, the blob above it and below. The osprey has its nest on a broken pine tree above the cataract, and its tyrant master, the bald eagle, watches it from some still higher crag whenever it goes fishing. Two years ago the Hon. Marshall McDonald, whose duty as United States Fish Commissioner it is to look after the fishes wherever they may be, sent me to this country to see what could be done for his wards. It was a proud day when I set out from Mammoth Hot Springs astride a black cay use, or Indian pony, which answered to the name of Jump, followed by a long train of sixteen other cay uses of every variety of color and character, the most notable of all being a white pony called Tinker. At some remote and unidentified period of her life she had bucked and killed a tradesman who bestrode her against her will, and thereby, as in the old Norse legends, she had inherited his strength, his wickedness, and his name. And when, after many adventures, I came back from this strange land and told the story of its fishes, other men were sent out from Washington with nets and buckets! They gathered up the trout and carried them to the rivers above the falls, and now all the brooks and pools of the old lava-bed, the fairest streams in the world, are full of their natural inhab- itants. Mentioninct some peculiarities in the distribution of plants in Great Britain— that it has a southern flora opposite France, a Germanic flora on the east coast, a Lusitanian flora in the southwest, and on the extreme west two American plants unknown elsewhere in Europe— Mr. Clement Eeid expresses the belief that in the Britain of the present day we may study the repeopling of a country over which everything has been exterminated, and, until we have fuller direct evidence of the stages of the process, we may safely accept Greenland and Britain as illustrating the way in which Nature works to fill gaps in the fauna and flora, whether these are caused by changes of climate, by volcanic agency, or by the submergence and reappearance of islands. URBAN POPULATION. 459 URBAN POPULATION. LESSONS FROM THE CENSUS. IV. bt caeeoll d. weight, a. m., UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. THE admirable "work of Mr, William C. Hunt, special agent in charge of the Population Division of the Census Office, and of Dr. John S. Billings, U. S. A., expert special agent in charge of the Division of Vital Statistics of the Census, enables one to study the relations of urban to country population, and the social statistics of cities. Taking the work of these skillful statis- ticians and the information "which has been collected from other sources, I am able to dra"w a distinctive lesson relative to congest- ed districts in cities. In the census of 1880 urban population "was defined as that element living in cities or other closely aggregated bodies of population containing eight thousand inhabitants or more. The Superintendent of the Eleventh Census remarks that " this defini- tion of the urban element, although a somewhat arbitrary one, is used in the present discussions of the results of the eleventh cen- sus in order that they may be compared directly "with those of earlier censuses." He considers the limit of eight thousand inhabitants a high one, inasmuch as most of the distinctive feat- ures of urban life are found in smaller bodies of population. According to this definition, the urban population of the United States in 1890 constituted 29*12 per cent of the total population. The f ollo"wing brief table gives the proportion for the several cen- suses since and including that of 1790 : Census Tears. Population of the United States. Population of cities. Inh.abitants of cities in each 100 of the total population. 1790 3,929,214 5,308,483 7,239,881 9,633,822 12,866,020 17,069,453 23,191,876 31,44.3,321 38,558,371 50,155,783 62,622,250 131,472 210,873 356,920 475,135 864,509 1,453,994 2,897,586 5,072,256 8,071,875 11,318,547 18,235,670 3-35 1800 3-97 1810 4-93 1820 4-93 1830 6-72 1840 8-52 1850 12-49 I860 16-13 1870 20-93 1880 22-57 1890 29-12 It will be seen that the proportion of urban population has gradually increased from 3*35 per cent in 1790 to 29T3 per cent, or nearly one third of the total population, in 1890. The number of cities having a population of more than eight thousand increased 460 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. from G in 1700 to 28(3 in 1880, since wliicli time the number has grown to 4:43. New York was the only city in 1880 wliich had a population in excess of one million, but Chicago and Philadelphia now come into this list. The cities in 1870 wliicli contained more than one hundred thousand inliabitants numbered 14, in 1880 they had increased to 20, and in 1800 to 28. The North Atlantic Divis- ion of States, with a population of 17,401,545, contains an urban population of 8,970,420, or 40'22 per cent of the entire urban popu- lation of the countr}^ The jiopulation of the South Atlantic Di- vision is 8,857,020, and the urban population is 1,420,455, or 7'70 per cent of the entire urban population of the United States. The Northern Central Division, the largest group in the country, has a total population of 23,302,279, and it has a large urban popula- tion (5,701,272), which is 31'7e per cent of the entire urban popula- tion. The Southern Central Division contains 10,072,893 inhab- itants, but its urban population is small, it being 1,147,147, or 0"20 per cent of the urban population of the country. The Western Division, being the smallest group and having 3,027,013 inhab- itants, has a city population of 000,370, which is 4'94 per cent of the entire urban population. While the North Atlantic Division contains nearly one half the urban population of the entire country, 51*58 per cent, or more than one half of its own population, is con- tained in cities of eight thousand or more inhabitants, and during the past ten years this urban element in this division has increased 43'53 per cent, while the total population has increased but 19"05 per cent. The greatest numerical increase in the urban element is to be found in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York, so far as the North Atlantic Division is concerned ; so that in the States named the rural population must have actually diminished. Of course, this rapid increase in the urban population of the North Atlantic Division finds its cause in the great extension of manu- factures and commerce, lines which rec[uire the aggregation of inhabitants in restricted localities. This large increase of city population is due in some degree to annexations to already exist- ing cities, but this makes no particular difference with the fact itself, that there is a large and rapidly increasing city population as compared with the population of rural districts. The bare statement of the facts which I have cited often causes great apprehension as to the character of our population and as to the rapid growth of the influence of cities as controlling powers in the politics of the country, and very frequently it excites the fears of students of social science relative to the supposed increased intensity of the congestion in cities of the slum population. It is upon this latter point that I have for some years made more or less examination, and with a conclusion different from that of statisticians and writers generally. The limits of this series of URBAN POPULATION. 461 papers will not allow nie to take up more than three of our largest cities, and I have selected those which have had the largest ex- perience and for which I could most readily study the facts. The population by wards of the cities of New York and Philadelphia for 1870, 1880, and 1890, and for Boston for 1880 and 1890, is shown in the following tables : New Yorh. Wabds. First Second Third Fourth Fifth Hixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth.. . . Fourteenth. . . . Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth. . . Eighteenth. . . Nineteenth . . . Twentieth . . . . Twenty-first.. . Twenth-second Twenty-third . . Twenty-fourth. Total 1870. 14,463 1,312 3,715 23,748 17,150 21,153 44,818 34,913 47,609 41,431 64,230 47,497 33,364 26,436 27,587 48,359 95,365 59,593 86,090 75,407 56,703 71,349 942,292 1880. 17,939 1,608 3,582 20,993 15,845 20,196 50,066 35,879 54,596 47,554 68,778 81,800 37,797 30,171 31,882 52,188 104,837 66,611 158,191 86,015 66,536 111,606 28,338 13,288 1890. 11,123 929 3,765 17,809 12,385 23,119 57,366 31,220 54,425 57,596 75,426 245,046 45,884 28,094 25,399 49,134 103,158 63,270 231,864 84,327 68,019 156,859 53,948 20,137 1,206,299 1,515,301 Philadelphia — Population hy Wards. Wards. 1870. First 25,817 30,220 19,149 20,852 18,736 12,064 31,558 22,286 16,629 23,312 14,845 15,171 19,936 22,643 44,650 19,256 21,347 26,366 45,240 Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventli Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth 1880. 43,082 28,498 18,274 18,854 16,372 10,004 31,080 19,547 12,481 23,362 12,929 14,690 18,646 22,353 47,866 17,802 20,451 29,358 43,887 1890. 53,882 31,563 19,925 20,384 16,987 8,712 30,179 16,971 9,791 21,514 12,953 14,170 17,923 20,737 52,705 17,087 19,546 29,164 66,545 462 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Wabds. Twentieth . . . . , Twenty-first. . . . Twenty-second . Twenty-third.. , Twenty-fourth. . Twenty- fifth . . Twenty-sixth.. . Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth.. Twenty-ninth . . Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second . . Thirty- third Thirty-fourth.. . Total 1870. 56,642 13,861 22,605 20,888 24,932 18,639 36,603 19,385 10,370 674,022 1880. 43,207 19,699 31,798 26,644 46,071 36,108 35,138 23,333 34,443 40,787 29,098 31,308 847,170 1890. 44,480 26,900 45,329 35,294 42,556 35,945 62,138 32,905 46,390 54,759 30,614 32,974 30,050 33,171 23,721 1,046,964 Boston — Population hy Wards. Wards. ISSO. 1890. Wards. ISSO. 1S90. First 14,773 15,153 19,633 17,297 13,094 12,842 12,412 18,447 13,145 13,026 12,660 8,205 21,660 12,585 22,375 26,367 Fifteenth . . . 14,902 15,184 14,445 1.3,142 19,971 17,391 14,711 12,715 14,032 16,871 6,693 18,049 Second Sixteenth 18,048 15,638 16,035 Third Fourth Fifth 11,514 11,257 10,960 16,904 12,550 12,792 Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth 23,016 Sixth Twentieth 24,335 Seventh Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Total 22,930 Eighth 20 011 Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth 12,611 11,503 16,602 lit RQft 24,997 29,638 12,032 Thirteenth. 2L462 362,839 448,477 Fourteenth 20,005 Wards 1 and 2 comprise East Boston; Wards 3, 4, and 5 comprise Charlestown ; Wards 13, 14, and 15 comprise South Boston. Tlie population of Boston by wards for 1870 can not be stated, because the geographical boundaries of wards were changed in 1875 ; but other data relative to Boston can be used for the illus- tration of the point I desire to make. In the other cities named, New York and Philadelphia, the geographical boundaries of wards have been identical under the last three Federal cen- suses. From the foregoing tables I have combined what might be called the "congested" wards of each of the cities. Elimi- nating these from all the wards, and constructing a new table, we have the facts relative to the population for all wards for the years named, for the congested wards stated separately, and for the remaining wards, in each of the cities. This table is as follows : URBAN POPULATION. 463 Population. Gain, 1870 to 1890. Percentage of gain. 1870. 1S80. 1890. 1870 to 1S90. New York. Total all wards Total congested wards*. . . . Total remaining wards 942,292 1,208,299 545,653 593,914 396,639 612,385 1,515,301 596,831 918,470 573,009 51,178 521,831 60-81 9-38 131-56 Philadelphia. Total all wards Total congested wards \. . . . Total remaining wards 674,022 436,272 237,750 847,170 401,795 445,375 1,046,964 407,631 639,333 372,942 X 28,641 401,583 55-33 ^6-56 168-91 Boston. Total all wards Total congested wards*. . . . Total remaining wards 362,839 98,074 264,765 448,477 99,094 349,383 1880 to 1890. 85,638 1,020 84,618 23-60 1-04 31-96 Boston. Total Boston proper 250,526 362,839 138,781 147,075 111,745 i 215764 448,477 161,330 287,147 197,921 22,549 175,402 79 + 16 + 156 + ' A study of this last table throws great light upon the supposed concentration of population in the slums of the cities named. In New York the increase in the congested wards (and I have taken for this purpose all the wards south of Fourteenth Street) was in the twenty years from 1870 to 1890 but 51,178, or 9-38 per cent ; while the increase for the whole city for the twenty years was 573,009, or 60-81 per cent. The remaining wards, or those north of Fourteenth Street, were the territory where nearly all this last- named gain took place. It was 531,831, or a gain from 1870 to 1890 of 131-56 per cent. Certainly during the twenty years there has been no perceptible increase of population in the congested terri- tory described. Turning to Philadelphia, and taking the compact wards, we find there has been a loss in the twenty years of 28,611, or 6-56 per cent, the wards other than the congested wards showing a gain of 101,583, or 168-91 per cent, while the total gain for the whole city was 372,912, or 55*33 per cent. Similar conditions are shown for Boston. In the first section of the preceding table relating to Boston the population for 1880 and 1890 only is given, as explained. This shows that in the ten years named the congested wards, which include all the slum popu- lation of the city, the gain was only 1,020, or 1*04 per cent ; while in the remaining wards there was a gain of 84,618, or 31*96 per cent. The second section of the table relating to Boston shows the population for 1870, 1880, and 1890 for the whole city— for Boston proper, that is, the old city territory prior to any of its * First to seventeenth inclusive, except the twelfth, which is an outlying ward. f Second to twentieth inclusive, except the fifteenth. X I^^®^- * The sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth, twelfth, sixteenth, and seventeenth. 464 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. annexations, and the population of tlie annexations. In the twenty years the population of Boston gained, including all, 197,921, or 79 + per cent ; the old city proper gained but 22,549, or IG + per cent; while the jjopulation of the annexations increased 175,402, or 150+ per cent, in the twenty years. These facts certainly remove all apprehension as to the increase of the slum population of the cities named, and I submit that it is perfectly reasonable that the population of such districts can not increase ; and that, while there is a great setting of people toward our cities, they are found as a rule among the suburban popula- tion, in healthy sanitary districts ; and that whatever influx there is to the slum localities is entirely offset by the outgoing jDeople from such districts. After collecting the material for this chapter, my attention was called to an exceedingly valuable article in the October Contem- porary Review, by Mr. Sidney J. Low, entitled The Rise of the Suburbs. Mr. Low, taking his figures from the recent census of England, that of last spring, makes a table of some of the typical districts of inner London, on both sides of the river, w4th their rates of increase or decrease since 1881, which is as follows: „ Rate of Increase or ^'®^'""- decrease per cent. City of London 25'5 decrease. Westminster 19-9 " Strand 18-2 " St. Giles \-l-l St. George, ITanover Square 10 " 4 " Holborn 6-8 " St. George-in-the-East 3 "4 '' Siioreditch 'i • 0 " Bethnal Green 1 • 7 increase. Mile End , 1-8 St. Clave, Southwark 1-4 " Kensington 4 9 " Whitechapel 4-3 '• In regard to these districts, Mr. Low remarks that some of them are wealthy residental districts, while many of them are poor and others altogether poverty-stricken. " Bethnal Green. White- chapel, St. Olave, Southwark, and parts of St. Pancras, St. Giles, and Holborn," he says, " are tinted with a very dark brush on Mr. Charles Booth's excellent comparative maps of London poverty." And he further says : " It is not unsatisfactory to find that the dwellers in these localities are obeying the great law of centrifugal attraction, and quitting the inner recesses of the metropolis to find homes in the outskirts. The people who leave Hatton Garden, and Commercial Street, and Hoxton, and Seven Dials, either forced out by ' improvements ' or voluntarily retiring, do not go to the country — that we know well enough ; nor do the country folks URBAN POPULATION. . 465 come in to take their jolaces in any large numbers. For the immi- grant from the congested districts of tlie town, and for the emi- grant from the decaying rural parishes, we must look to the suburbs ; and we find him there, if figures can tell us anything. Compare, with the list just given of stationary or declining areas in central London, the statistics for a few of the regisration divis- ions which lie farther out : T^ Increase per I^ISTEICT. ggnt gj^gg fggi_ CamberwcU 26-1 Woolwich S2 • 8 Wandsworth 46"1 Hampstead 50 • 5 Fulham 64 • 5 Totteuham 95-0 Willesden 121-9 Leyton 133 5 " Here is where the increase of ' Greater London,' with its five and a half millions of inhabitants, is found. It is not, as hasty observers have imagined, in the teeming alleys of ' Darkest Lon- don,' or in the warren of rabbit-hutches which spreads for a mile or two north and south of the Thames. The center of population is shifting from the heart to the limbs. The life-blood is pouring into the long arms of brick and mortar and cheap stucco that are feeling their way out to the Surrey moors and the Essex flats and the Hertfordshire copses. Already ' Outer London ' is beginning to vie in population with the ' Inner Ring ' ; a few decades hence, and it will have altogether passed it." These figures for different portions of London are exceedingly significant, and show precisely the same conditions as are shown by the facts which I have already grouped relative to New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, and they show conclusively that the movement is greatly different from what it is often supposed to be. To again quote Mr. Low : " The population is not shifting from the fields to the slums ; and the slums themselves are not be- coming fuller, but the reverse. So far from the heart of the city being congested with the blood driven from the extremities, we find, on the contrary, that the larger centers of population are stationary, or thinning down ; it is the districts all round them which are filling up. The greatest advance in the decade is shown not in the cities themselves, but in the ring of suburbs which spread into the country about them. If the process goes on un- checked, the Englishman of the future will be of the city but not in it. The son and grandson of the man from the fields will neither be a dweller in the country nor a dweller in the town. He will be a suburb-dweller. The majority of the people of this island will live in the suburbs ; and the suburban type will be the most wide- VOL. XL. 33 466 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. spread and cliaracteristic of all, as the rural lias been in the past and as the urban may perhaps be said to be in the present." This aspect of affairs is perfectly reasonable, and is the only condition that could have been expected. It should be remembered that the cities named are great mercantile and manufacturing centers, their prosperity developing rapidly, and it should also be remem- bered that the rapidity of the development of cities in commercial or industrial ways retards the growth of population in the com- pact quarters to a very large degree. Every time an advance is made along a street by the extension of business houses, the fami- lies living there are crowded out ; they may move to other parts of the city or locate in the suburbs ; in either event there is only a shifting of population, and not an increase. The transfer of great manufacturing establishments from the city to the country carries large numbers of families, or if the transfer is made within the city limits there is simply a change in location of the popula- tion interested in the establishment. In taking the Federal census of 1880 for the State of Massachusetts I discovered a loss in one of the wards of the city of Boston ; but I found upon investigation that the removal of one establishment from that ward to another in a distant part of the city had carried with it more than one thousand people ; so the increase in the population of the part of the city to which the removal was made apparently indicated growth. Cities lay out new streets and avenues, necessitating the tearing down of rookeries and crowded tenement-houses. Every such improvement displaces a large number of families, who seek a residence either in some other part of the city or in the suburbs. Thus, the building of a large number of houses, often referred to as an evidence of increase of j)opulation, may not mean any in- crease whatever. If a hundred families are crowded out of their old locations by improvements or by the encroachments of trade, there is an immediate demand for a hundred new tenements, which makes it appear that the population is increasing rapidly, when there is no increase. That the argument that new houses always indicate an increase of population is unanswerable can not be admitted, for very frequently the reverse is true ; even in a country town a new house or a dozen new houses may not indicate an increase of a single person in the population, as it may be en- tirely the result of the improved financial condition of one or sev- eral families formerly living in the same house. The building of new houses is an indication of prosperity and of increase, but not positive evidence of increase. The retarding influence of the in- crease of trade and of manufactures must be felt more and more as their extension becomes more rapid, and in all great cities where large business blocks are erected in place of crowded tene- ments there must be a dispersion of population. STILTS AND STILT-WALKING. 467 I tliiuk that what has been said in regard to New York, Phila- delphia, and Boston, and of the city of London, would prove true of any large commercial or manufacturing center. The encourage- ment to be drawn from this state of facts is great indeed, and should relieve the popular mind of the constant fear of the in- crease of the slums of our great cities. I wish that an investiga- tion might be made that would show the exact number, character, and condition of the j^eople living in the slums, and whether the geographical territory inhabited by the slums is being enlarged, or whether the actual number on restricted territory is being in- creased. Such an investigation, whatever it might show, would be of immense value in the study of urban population. STILTS AND STILT-WALKING. By M. GUYOT-DAUBES. SYLVAIN DORNON, a stilt-walker of the Landes, left Paris on the 12th of March, 1891, for Moscow, and reached the end of his journey after fifty-eight days of w^alking. This long walk on stilts was a subject of wonder, not to the Russians only, to whom this method of locomotion was unknown, but to Dornon's own countrymen as well. Walking on stilts, which was common some twenty years ago in certain parts of France, is gradually going out of use. In the Landes of Gascony it was formerly a means of locomotion well suited to the nature of the country. The Landes were large con- tinuous plains, covered with scrub bushes and scanty heaths ; and, in consequence of the impermeability of the subsoil, all the hol- lows were transformed after a light rain into marshes. There was no road or path. The population, of sheep-farmers, was greatly scattered. The shepherds evidently conceived and adopted stilts in order to be able to move about under these peculiar conditions. The stilts of the Landes are called there tchangnes, a word in the patois of the country meaning long legs, and the persons who use them are called ichangues, or long-legged. They are long sticks, which have at the mean height of about five feet from the ground a stirrup to support the foot. The upper part of the stick is shaved flat and supported against the leg, where it is held in place by a strong strap. The lower part, which stands on the ground, is expanded, and is sometimes re-enforced by a sheep-bone. The stiltsman is assisted by a third stick, which serves him for a variety of uses. It supports him in mounting his stilts, and can be used for a crook in driving his sheep ; or, with the addition of a piece of board, it forms a comfortable seat fitted to the height 468 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of the stilts. Resting after this fashion, the stiltsman appears as if seated on a gigantic tripod. When he stops, he knits or spins on the distaff which he carries in his belt. His usual costume is made up of a kind of sleeveless vest of sheepskin, linen gaiters, and a drugget cloak. On his head he wears a Uret or a large hat. This outfit was formerly supple- mented with a gun for defending the sheep against wolves, and a frying-pan in which to prepare dinner.* The appearance of the Landais peasants is extremely pictur- esque, but their life is miserable ; they are generally puny and thin, badly fed, and often threatened by fever. Mounted on their stilts, they lead their sheep across the Landes, going over the bushes and herbs, the little ponds, and safely crossing the marshes, with- out having to look for roads or beaten paths. This elevation, moreover, permits them easily to overlook their sheep, which are often dispersed over a considerable surface. To put on his stilts in the morning, the shepherd sits on the window-sill or climbs upon the chimney-piece ; and even when he is in the open field he can attach them while sitting on the ground, and then rise with the assistance of his third stick. Locomotion on stilts is evidently calculated to suggest peril to persons who are accustomed to walking only on the feet. We estimate the possible danger of a fall from the height of these implements from our experiences of ordinary pedestrians' falls ; but the Landais, habituated from infancy to this sort of exercise, acquire extraordinary ease and skill in it. The tclmngue is per- fectly able to preserve his equilibrium; he marches with long strides, halts in a standing position, runs with agility, or executes an occasional acrobatic turn, picking up a stone from the ground, plucking a flower, pretending to fall and rise quickly, or running in a lock-step, etc. The speed attained by stiltsmen is easily explained, when we regard the superior length of the stride which they can make without enlarging the angle of separation of the legs. When the Empress Josephine went to meet Napoleon at Ba- yonne in 1808, the municipality sent a company of young Landais stiltsmen to escort her. Turning back, they very easily kept up with her carriages, although the horses trotted rapidly. During her sojourn at Bayonne, the shepherds on their stilts gave much amusement to the ladies of the court. They ran races, threw money on the ground and all tried to pick it up at once, and per- formed many exercises of cunning and skill, accompanied with frequent falls. Until very recently hardly any festivals took * A representation from Nature, of a shepherd of the Landes on his stilts, can be seen in the hall of the Provinces of France, at the Ethnological Museum of the Trocadero. STILTS AND STILT-WALKING. 469 place in the villages of Gascony without stilt-races. The prizes usually consisted of a gun, a sheep, a rooster, or something of the kind ; and young women sometimes took part in the exercises. Some of the municipalities near Bayonne and Biarritz still organ- FiQ. 1. — Sylvain Dornon, Landais Stilt-walker. (From a photoi; Arcachon.) -M. Bacour, of ize stilt-races, at the seasons when travel to them is greatest ; but it is said that the stiltsmen who perform at such times are not real Landais shepherds, but are casuals picked up as they may be found, most frequently from among professional acrobats. Besides attaining considerable speed, the Landais stiltsmen are 470 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. able to run long distances witliont ap]3reciable fatigue. Formerly, on market days at Bordeaux, long lines of peasants could be seen arriving on stilts, who, though encumbered with sacks and bas- kets, had come from villages ten, fifteen, or twenty leagues and farther away. Now, the sight of a man on stilts is almost as great a curiosity in Bordeaux as in Paris. The peasant of the Landes comes to the city in a wagon or by railroad. Stilts are of common use in the Belgian city of Namur, a town which formerly suffered from the periodical overflows of the Sam- bre and the Meuse. The streets were at such times converted into streams or ponds, and the inhabitants could communicate with one another only by means of boats or on stilts. This condition has been remedied by suitable public works, but the taste for stilt-races and for the organization of societies of stiltsmen has lasted till the present time. It is said that the stiltsmen of Namur once procured a valuable privilege for their city. The governor had promised the Arch- duke Albert to send a band of warriors to meet him who should not be on foot or on horseback. He fulfilled his promise with the assistance of two companies of stiltsmen, who performed their evolutions in the archduke's presence. He was so pleased with the spectacle that he gave a perpetual exemption to the city of Namur from the beer-tax. The gratitude of the ])eople toward their stiltsmen, and the esteem in which sports with stilts are held by the youth of Namur, are easily comprehended. Travelers have seen stilts in ordinary use by natives of several islands of the ocean, especially in Santa Christina of the Marque- sas. Here, as in other places, the usage is in consequence of a climatic peculiarity. During the rainy season the lower parts of the island, the surface of which presents few inequalities, are full of marshes, and stilts have been employed from time immemorial as a means of communication over them. It is worthy of remark that the stilts of savage jieoples are vastly more ingenious and elegant than those of the Landais shepherds. Marquesan stilts may be seen at the Ethnographic Museum of the Trocadero and the Marine Museum in the Louvre adorned with really artistic designs and curious sculptures, mostly made with the aid of fire. Independently of the considerations of facility of communica- tion which have made the use of stilts necessary in some coun- tries, the thought of mounting sticks of greater or less height, in order to appear larger or to excite the curiosity of spectators, seems to have occurred at all times and in all countries. In nu- merous masquerades artificial giants may be seen — persons who, having thus mounted stilts, excite the admiration of the people. They are a feature of the Italian masquerades. Gigan and his wife are one of the attractions of the carnivals of Lille and Dun- STILTS AND STILT-WALKING. 471 kirk. In various places we may see Gargantuas, Goliaths, or Saint Georges and Saint Michaels. From the acrobatic point of view, walking on stilts gives occasion for feats of agility easy to execute and amusing to the spectator. Acrobats on stilts have been mentioned in Japan, China, India, and Oceania ; and clowns are sometimes seen in circuses executing curious exercises on stilts. The use of stilts is a sport, an amusement for children. Real stilt-races may be seen every day in public gardens. The peasant youth in the country are adepts in making excellent stilts of forked sticks which they cut in the thickets. I have been told by a friend that the college students at Brive- la-Gaillarde formerly had a peculiar sport of going on holidays on stilts to what they called viper-hunts. They armed themselves mrf\ Fig. 2.— Collegians of Krive-la-CtAIllarde returning from a Viper-hitnt on Stilts. with a long rod split at the end, and went on stilts, of course, as a precaution against being bitten. When, in the evening, they passed through the city, still on stilts, each carrying at the end of his rod an adder or two which they called asps or black vipers, they excited a sensation. Women and children ran away from them or fled into the houses to get away from their tricks. It seems to be a great pleasure to men on stilts to try to throw one another down. Every young stiltsman is ready to attack, to push, or to trip his colleagues. In the public gardens of Paris, in the Luxembourg, for example, where many youth amuse them- selves with stilts, wrestling and contests became so frequent that once after an accident the authorities were constrained to jiro- hibit them. These games on stilts seem to be attractive also to the children of the Marquesas Islands. Pere Mathias, in his ac- 472 THi: POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. count of his voyage to those islands in 1745, remarks that the game on stilts holds the first rank among the pleasures of the Kanakas. On their stilts, he says, which raise them three or four feet above the ground, they give themselves up to combats, and great is the laughter that greets the fall of the awkward. These contests are traditional at Namur, and constitute a kind of na- tional tournament. The contestants form two parties. Each camp is composed of seven or eight hundred combatants, with a captain, officers, a banner, and a cockade. The stiltsmen come into the grand square, announced by martial music. Each party occu- pies its side of the place, waiting for the signal for opening. The bells sound at every attack, flags fly from the windows, and a crowd of spectators and friends attend to witness the sport. At the giving of the signal the camps engage in the attack. At the first meeting a large number of the contestants fall heavily to the ground and lie there without being able to rise, exposed to being t>^^,\k4%^^ Fig. 3. — Ancient Contests of Stiltsmen at Namur. trodden upon unless some of the friends who accompany them — wife, mother, or sister — come to their assistance, and lift them up with considerable effort and often after unsuccessful attempts. The contestant, set upon his stilts again, precipitates himself anew into the fight, unless he has been hurt too badly hy liis first fall. It is not necessary to add that these sports are often dangerous. The stiltsmen of Namur who gave representations before Charles V, Peter the Great, and Bonaparte, preserve piously in their archives and repeat witli pride the saying of Marshal Saxe, that " if two armies should clash together with as much energy as the youth of Namur, the affair would not be a battle, but a butchery." MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 4r72, Stilts are no longer in use as a practical means of locomotion. In France the Landes of Gascony have been drained and reclaimed, and are penetrated by roads and coursed by railways. The Lan- dais tchangues are gradually disappearing, and soon, probably, their memory will exist only among the octogenarians of the province, or as preserved in the collections of popular traditions. — Translated for the Popular Science Monthly froTn La Nature. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. By DANIEL SFILLANE. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMEEICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. XIL THE place this country holds among modern nations in the production and use of musical instruments is so significant that the fact alone ought to be sufficient to disjjrove the charge that Americans are too material to appreciate music or the arts. In this and the following article we purpose to treat of the devel- opment of musical instruments and their manufacture in America from the historical, technical, and industrial stand] )oints, with brief sketches of the various improvements and of the individuals identified with them. The piano-forte, the " household orchestra " of the people, is entitled to yjrecedence. Though less complicated and expressive than that "king of musical instruments," the organ, it fills such an important place in social and popular life, and its ])roduction maintains such a prosperous art industry, employing within its lines so many gifted men, that this prominence is fully justified. In treating of the evolution of the piano-forte a little attention must be claimed for the precursors of the instrument. The harp, one of the most ancient, may be traced back in Egyptian history to an indefinable period before Christ. Bruce, the celebrated Scot- tish traveler and antiquarian, found two paintings, in fresco, of harps on the wall of an ancient sepiilchre at Thebes, supposed to be that of Rameses III, who reigned about 1250 B. c. In Thebes, an Egyptian harp was found, in 1823, by Sir John Wilkinson, in an ancient tomb, estimated to be three thousand years old, and when the gut strings were touched they emitted musical sounds. These instruments are illustrated in Fig. 1. The lyre, a relative form of harp, was also much used in Assy- ria and Egypt. Ancient sculptures found in Konyunjik, Assyria, now in the British Museum, show two lyres with figures, which further demonstrate its remarkable antiquity. Both instruments 474 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. were played with the fingers ; sometmies a piece of bone or ivory- was used with the lyre as a plectrum. The dulcimer, which of all musical mediuius is nearest to the piano, has been likewise traced into the dim recesses of history, TRIANGULAR HARPS. J. Ancient Egyptian Harp, fmm instrument in Egyptian Museum, t^lorence. 2. Ancient Egyptian Harp AVilliinsonI 3. Ancient hgyptian Harp i\V ilkinson). 4. Persian C/iaKg- (from Persian MS. 410 years old j-Lanc's " Arabian Niglits." VARIOUS FORMS OF ECVPTI.'.N HARPS (kOSELLINI). , lands. Portable Harps for single use. 2. Orchestral Harp. 4. From Painting at Thebes, on tomb of Ramescs III. Fir,. 1. and was known doubtless as early as the harp. In a piece of antique sculpture — an Assyrian bas-relief — in the British Muse- um, a dulcimer may be seen illustrating the principle of sound production in strings by percussion. Another bas-relief repre- sents a procession of tri- umph after the victory of Sardanapalus over the Susians, where the dulci- mer is used. Having shown the an- tiquity of these instru- ments of the string fam- ily out of which the piano has been evolved, we pass over a space of centuries and come to the next major development of the idea. This was the introduction of finger-keys in the organ, which were in the beginning struck with the clinched fist. Guido is said to have first applied them, in addition to his other historic achievements. ASSYRIAN LVRPS. I and 2. Sculptiires from Konyunjik (Diitish Museum). 3. From Botta's "Nincve." Fifi. 2. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE, 475 Tlie first instrument of the string family with finger-keys was the clavicytherium, or clavitherum, which the Italians produced about the thirteenth century. This was a form of harp with gut strings in which a key-board was employed with finger-keys to move the mechanical leather plectra used for plucking the strings in lieu of the fingers. The clavichord, an instrument used up to a recent date, came into existence about the same period as the foregoing, and was an- other step toward the piano. This, like the two instruments mentioned, derived its name from Claris, a key. For the first time gut strings were set aside for wire, which were thrown into musical vibra- tion by a tangent moved by a key, thus forming a rude an- ticipation of the first piano- action mechanism. Sebastian Bach used the instrument in his home for purposes of in- spiration and practice, while Mozart is said to have carried one on his musical journeys. Beethoven was also partial to the instrument. It had very many advantages over the harpsi- chord, the only popular instrument of the Mozart and Bach era. For instance, it was possible to produce rude -piano e forte effects — which results, first attained in the piano, gave it its title — while it had the faculty of action repetition, and a pleasing attribute of being able to simulate human feeling, such as a violinist or vocalist can produce by sliding from interval to interval. As compared with the piano, however, or even the improved harpsichord of the last century, it was a mere toy. The first mention of the instrument discovered in England goes back to 1500, when William Cornish, in his work, A Treatise between Trouth and Informacion. says : " The clavichorde hath a tunely knyde As the wyre is wrested high and low." It may have been known previously, however, in that country. Meanwhile, the Germans were generally esteemed as leading clavichord makers at that period. The virginal and spinet, both forms of the clavicytherium, came next. In these instruments brass-wire strings superseded gut. Instead of a leather plectrum for plucking the strings, a Fig. 3. -Procession of Triumph, siio\vi>-( Dulcimer. 476 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. 4. — Spinet by Player. South Kensington Museum, London. piece of crow-quill was used attached to a " jack " and operated by a finger-key. The difference between these two instruments was only a slight matter of shape. The virginal was in some cases partially upright. Among the magnificent collection of instru- ments presented to the Museum of Art by W. A. and Mary E. Brown, of this city, sev- eral specimens may be seen. The virginal was a favorite instrument in England during Eliza- beth's time. The most noteworthy example of this species in preserva- tion is the Rossi spinet, in the South Kensington Museum collection, Lon- don. It has a compass of four octaves and an eighth from E, and is finished in a superb man- ner. A Player spinet is shown in Fig. 4. Meanwhile musical art had been developing, the compass of keyed instruments was extending, and the harpsichord duly ajopeared in Italy, which was the home of musical art almost up to the end of the last century. Toward the end of the sixteenth century it had taken the iDlace of the virginal and spinet in many parts of Europe! The harpsichord was an enlarged and improved form of the latter instruments. Among other original features it contained two strings to each note, which marks another important innovation, Hans Ruckers, of Dresden — Handel's favorite maker — was the most noted of his time. One of his instruments is at present in the possession of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. having been presented by the late Mr. Drexel, of Philadelphia. In Italy, Father Zanetti, a Venetian priest, became noted for some improvements in the harpsichord about 1702, Crotone and Farino — two famous Italian makers — later appeared. The latter substituted catgut for wire, going back to the harp principle, but it never won recognition. Meantime, one Rigoli, of Florence, made upright harpsicliords as far back as 1631. Coming down toward the introduction of the piano-forte, the names of Silber- mann. Stein, Peronnard, Marius, Cristofori, and Tschudi must be mentioned. These were all noted harpsichord-makers, represent- ing Germany, France, Italy, and England, but nearly all of them became identified with the production of the piano. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 477 Fig. 5. — Harpsichord. The ijiano-forte was iuvented by Bartolommeo Cristofori, a harpsichord-maker of Padua, Italy, who exhibited four iustru- meuts in 1709. The honor was formerly claimed for Marius, a French maker, who produced a piano in 1710 ; while German writers maintained that Schroeter, of Dresden, was the initiator of the instrument. The earli- est date ascribed to the latter's achievement, however, is 1711. During the present century, however, an Italian document was discovered, written by Marchese Scipione Maffei, a Floren- tine scholar, in 1711, which testifies that Bar- tolommeo Cristofori, of that city, exhibited four pianos in 1709, which statement was origi- nally published in the Giornale in that year, accompanied by a diagram of Cristofori's ac- tion principle, employing hammers, which con- stituted the chief difference betwen the harp- sichord and the piano. In Maffei's writings Cristofori's name is given as " Cristofali," but this is proved to be an error, because inscriptions upon existing piano-fortes give the name as " Cristofori." Father Wood, an English monk, living at Rome, is also said to have made a piano-forte similar to Cristofori's in 1711, which he exhibited in England, where it attracted much notice. Cristofori did not remain idle after introducing his first instrument. He became prominently known as a maker, but died in 1731, comparatively poor. Two piano-fortes by Cristofori, at pres- ent in Florence, dated 1720 and 1726, show that he anticipated the princi- ples of an improved action, and many other points of equal importance in the structure and acoustics of the instru- ment. One of these is illustrated in Fig. 0. All authorities admit that he was a great figure and a genius of no common order. England, backward in the produc- tion of musical creators or adjuncts to the art in the past, contributed nothing of consequence to supplant the harpsichord, which instrument was largely im- ported, until the middle of the last century, when Burckhardt Tschudi, a Swiss, settled in London. Tschudi subsequently en- gaged in the manufacture of piano-fortes, and incidentally founded Fig. 6. — Piano by Cristofori, a. d. 1726. Kraus Mnsenm, Florence. 478 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tlie house of Broadwood & Sons, existing at tliis date in London, and still eminent as piano manufacturers. Plenius, another Lon- don liarpsicliord-maker, attempted to co])y Father Wood's x>iano- forte, but failed to poyjularize the form, and ceased manufacturing the instrument in a few years. Throughout England little was known of the piano-forte until the arrival of twelve workmen in London from German shops, about 17G0. This turned the tide of popularity in its favor, for, having had practical experience abroad, they produced instru- ments of more musical value than those experimental pianos hitherto made by Plenius and Tschudi, These men were famil- iarly known as the " twelve apostles.'' From Cristofori's time to 1760 all the piano-fortes made were in the form of " grands," but very diminutive as compared with those of our time. This shape was borrowed from the harpsichord, out of which the piano-forte was evolved. Zumpe, however, a German workman, who went over to London among the group indicated, produced square pianos for the first time, which he sold at a reasonable figure ; and this feature, combined with their portable appearance and pleasant touch, won rapid popularity for the instrument. John Broadwood, the founder of Broadwood & Sons, a young Scotch- man, came to London in 1751, and found employ- ment in Tschudi's work- shop. He rose rapidly in the favor of his mas- ter, and subsequently married the latter's daughter. Afterward becoming a partner, up- on the death of Tschudi he inherited the busi- ness. Broadwood, by his personal genius as an inventor and work- man, rescued Tschudi from being a mere harp- sichord - maker, and, toward 1786, Tschudi & Broadwood became pre-eminently known as piano-forte makers. Broadwood was instrumental in intro- ducing the action at present known as the " English grand action," which originated with Backers, a workman in Tschudi's shop, in 1776. Robert Stodart, another graduate of Tschudi's workshop, succeeded to a successful business established by Back- FiG. 7. — JoiKv Bkoadwood. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 479 I. The Clavichord I ^>^=^: R?? ers, the inventor of the "English grand action/" and died very wealthy. Stodart also contributed many important improve- ments to the grand. He was followed by his sons, who main- tained an excellent record as piano-makers up to recent years. Sebastian Erard, the founder of the well - known house of Erard, became a leading maker in France toward the end of the last century. He was another important figure in relation to improvements in the grand piano, and also the harp. He was fol- lowed by his son Pierre, who became equally famous, Clementi, the celebrated pianist, a Roman, began business in London in 1800 in partnership with Frederick W. Collard, the latter being the practical partner, and out of this firm the emi- nent house of Collard & Collard, at present known through Great Britain and Ireland as manufacturers, came. The first Collard was in his time also a great inventor. Pleyel, Pape, and other French makers appeared soon after the beginning of the century and became famous in Europe as im- provers. Many other makers of distinction are known in relation j to early piano-making in Germany >.»^-,»^?:?r3- ::-„..,fk and elsewhere, but detailed refer- ence to them is impossible here. John Broadwood introduced an important improvement in the con- struction of the square piano in 1783, by altering the position of the tuning-pin block — known tech- nically as the " wrest - plank " — from the front of the instrument to the back, a system which has since then been maintained. He also made some valuable improve- ments in the construction and po- sition of the sounding-board. John Geib, a German piano- maker, patented and introduced the first " square action " of value in 178G. This became known as the " grasshopper " action, and held a leading place in England and in this country up to 1840. He also introduced the bufi^ stop. Members of the Geib family were among the pioneer piano and organ builders in New York. The square piano, which held a favorite place in the United States up to within the past five years, owing to the fact that it was brought to a high point of perfection here, was very popu- lar in Europe as a household instrument up to 1807, when the " cabinet " upright took its place. William Southwell, of Dublin, 4. Croadwood's Grand actioD. Fig. 8. — Illustrating the Partial De- velopment OF THE Piano Action. 480 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. some of whose family were prominently known on the early American stage, was the inventor and j^atentee of the latter instrument. It was produced after fourteen years of persistent endeavor, and, although many persons had previously attempted to make an upright piano-forte of practical value, Southwell was the first to solve the problem in 1807, and it is out of his instru- FiG. 9. — Southwell's Piano, a. d. 1798. In tlie possession of A. Simpson, Esq., Dundee, Scotland. ment that all subsequent models and modifications of the upright sprang. He also originated the first meritorious upright action ever produced up to his time. This is still known in London as the " Irish " action. One of Southwell's earliest attempts is illus- trated in Fig. 0. It is noteworthy that John Isaac Hawkins, an Englishman, the inventor of ever-pointed pencils, and an engineer by profession, began the manufacture of uprights in PhiladeliDhia in 1800, He took out a national patent in that year for his instrument, which he named " portable grand," and which created quite a furor in that city at the time, Thomas Jefferson happened to see one of Hawkins's " portable grands " in 1800, while visiting Philadelphia, which he speaks of in the following letter to his daughter : " A very ingenious, modest, and poor young man. in Philadelphia, has invented one of the prettiest improvements in the piano-forte that I have ever MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 481 seen, and it has tempted me to engage one for Monticello. His strings are perpendicular, and he contrives within that height to give his strings the same length as in a grand piano-forte, and fixes the three unisons to the same screw. It scarcely gets out of tune at all, and then, for the most part, the three unisons are tuned at once." One of these instruments is now in the possession of Broad- wood & Sons, London. Hawkins was certainly the first to antici- pate the modern upright, in its characteristics of portableness, but musically his instrument had no value, and the action prin- ciple originated by him was a complete failure. He after- ^ ward returned to London, where he achieved an hon- orable place in his profession. I am indebted to Mr. A. J. Hipkins, the celebrated Eng- lish writer on musical instru- ments, and member of Broad- wood & Sons, London, for facts given in this connec- tion. The future of the piano about the beginning of the century depended on the suc- cessful introduction of iron ; for a point of development had been reached where wooden cases were found in- adequate to withstand the tension imposed by heavier stringing and an increased key-board compass. Meanwhile the first notable attempt to in- troduce iron into the structure of the piano occurred in this country in 1800, when J. Isaac Hawkins, already spoken of, manu- factured uprights with iron backs, on which the sounding- board was adjusted. Several rude attempts to employ iron were made subsequently in Europe, but without any degree of success, until Allen and Thoms, two practical workmen in the shop of Stodart in London, originated and patented a system of metal tube and plate bracing in 1820. This attempt was in itself very successful. It became the property of Stodart and proved a fortune to him, but, although an improvement on the old methods, it was far from being adequate to the demands of musical progress. Pleyel, of Paris, and Broadwood, of London, followed with more improvements of the same order, and with partial success, from the VOL. xr,. — 34 Fig. 10. — First American Upright Piano, made BY Hawkins in Philadelphia, 1800. In the possessioa of Broadwood & Sons, London. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. standpoint of tlie European climate as well as the demands of the limited compass then known. Allen and Thoms later on improved upon their first patent, but not before they had been anticipated in this country by Alpheus Babcock, a piano-maker of Bos- ton, whose invention Jonas Chickering subsequently perfected. Probably it was the obvious inability of London-made pianos to stand oiir climate, or the intrinsic defects in the system of case- building then in vogue, which attracted the attention of American piano-makers as early as 1790, when cases were put together with screws instead of glue in Philadelphia ; anyway, it has long been a subject of pardonable pride to American piano-makers to know that the problem referred to was solved in this country. Fk 11.— The Albrecrt Piano, a. d. 1789. Pennsylvania Historical Society. Made in Philadelphia by Charles Albrecht. One of the oldest American pianos known. In 1775 John Behreiit, of Philadelphia, announced that "he had finished an extraordinary instrument by the name of the piano-forte in mahogany, in the manner of the harpsichord." This was probably the first piano made in America. James Julian came forward in 1784, when the Revolutionary War had just been concluded, and advertised the great "American piano-forte of his own invention." In 1789 a piano-forte made liy George Ulshofer, a German musician and musical instrument maker and repairer, was exhibited by him in Corre's City Tavern, New York. Some time before this year Charles Albrecht began making pianos in Philadelphia, many notable specimens of which exist to-day. One stands in the Art Rooms of the Philadelphia Historical Society, dated 1789, and another was presented by the late Mr. Drexel to the New York Museum of Art. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 483 I find a definite announcement in 1792, in the first number of the Diary or Lowdon's Register, of February 12tli, in which Messrs. Dodds & Claus, musical instrument manufacturers, 66 Queen Street, announce the "forte piano of their make, with their own improvements." Piano-manufacturing in New England was begun by Benjainin Crehore, in Boston, as early as 1798. He had a workshop at Mil- ton, Mass., where he made violins and violoncellos many years previously, but his first piano was produced some time in that year. His workshop proved to be a national school for the art, so to speak, for Alpheus Babcock and John Osboru, the celebrated piano manufacturers of the period, with whom Jonas Chickering learned his business, were apprentices of Cre- hore's. The first Chickering, there- fore, sprang indirectly from the hit- ter's modest factory. The pioneer makers in New York were Davis, Gibson, Kersing, and Geib — names now almost forgotten, al- though old instruments of their pro- duction may be found occasionally in piano ware-rooms and country houses. All of these were in business before 1800 and upward, but they never at- tained prominence or wealth. The piano industry had attained some footing in America toward 1829, despite foreign competition, for in that year twenty-five hundred pianos were made here — nine hundred being pro- duced in Philadelphia, eight hundred in New York, seven hundred and sev- enteen in Boston, and a considerable number in Baltimore and Cincinnati. At that period the Loud Brothers, of Philadelphia, were the leading American makers — a position assumed by Chick- ering & Mackay toward 1840. In Boston, Osborn, Jonas Chicker- ing, and Alpheus Babcock were established — the former being one of the most distinguished of native piano-makers. Babcock, who produced and patented his skeleton iron plate in 1825, moved to Philadelphia in 1830, where he lived for a few years. Jonas Chickering began business in 1823, in partnership with James Stewart, a practical piano-maker and inventor. Stewart had been previously in business in Baltimore, but came North to become a partner of Osborn, with whom he quarreled in a short time, when a separation ensued. In 1826 Stewart went to Lon- FiG. 12.— Babcock's Skeleton Iron Plates. 1. Patented December 17, 1825. 2. With iron ring, pat- ented May 24, 1830. 484 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. don, having accejited a position as superintendent of Collard & Collard's. Mr. Cliickering entered into partnership with a Cap- tain Mackay at this juncture, and the new firm rapidly rose to a foremost pUice as makers of pianos, thanks to the inventive and technical genius of Mr. Chickering. In 1841 Captain Mackay died, when the whole business reverted to Chickering, Jonas Chickering was born in Ipswich, N, H., April 5, 1798. He learned cabinet-making in his native town, and when a mere youth turned his face toward Boston, to find an outlet for his native abilities. On arriving in Boston he found his way into Osborn's shop, leaving it subsequently to enter on a successful career as a manufacturer and inventor. In 1840 he introduced and patented his full solid-cast metal plate for squares, which he carried into grands in 184'-i. The introduction of these plates marks an era in the history of the American piano. Fig. 13— .Ionas Ciiickehing. Upon the death of Jonas Chickering, in 1853, the responsibili- ties of the business devolved upon his three sons — Thomas E., C. Frank, and George H. Chickering. The first two are dead, the last is the present head of the firm of Chickering & Sons. C. Frank Chickering, the author of the chief developments in the Chickering piano since his father's death, has left behind him a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 485 splendid record as an inventor, while his most artistic labors have been performed in the region of acoustics, or tone development. He was born in Boston, June 26, 1827, where he received his edu- cation and professional training. He lived in New York for many years, attaining an influential position in social and artistic circles, and died here March 23, 1891. George H. Chickering was born in Boston, April 18, 1830. Trained under his father's eye in all de- partments of the art, he was eminently fitted for the province in which he labored up to the time of his brother's death, while time and experience have amply qualified him for the responsible posi- tion he now occu])ies. Vui. 14. — Chickering's Full Solid-cast Iron Frame, a. d. 1840. Also applied to Grands Chickering's " circular scale " for squares followed the full metal plate, and this became in later years a direct key to the development of the system of " overstringing" now in general use in this country. Previous to the "circular scale" the hammer heads struck upon an almost straight line throughout, and hav- ing, meanwhile, to conform to a standard law which regulates the part of the string on which the hammer is to strike, piano-makers were restricted from bringing forward further improvements in stringing and case structure. Jonas Chickering, however, helped to remove the barriers wliich impeded progress by running his hammer-heads on a curve. This permitted the introduction of many original features in the general constitution of the instru- ment, leading up to still greater developments. The improve- ment was suggested to Chickering by the perfecting of the plate idea, for, having found the latter to be a most satisfac- tory means of strengthening his cases so as to withstand all extra tension imposed by heavier stringing and an extension of the key- board, he was placed in a position to move forward, and the "cir- cular scale " for squares was the outcome. This system, however, 486 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. was never found applicable to the grand or upright, owing to their different construction, though the late C. F. Chickering took out a patent for a "circular scale" for the latter instrument in 1871. The term " scale " in the technical vocabulary of the piano- maker means — superficially — the disposition of the strings ; but it really means far more, for the scale draughtsman has to make radical changes in the case, action, structure of the plate, and other lesser features to correspond with any changes made in the arrangement or use of the strings. The Chickering "circular scale "' is regarded as a most important contribution by old i:)iano- makers, though it was never carried beyond the square. Loud Brothers, of Philadelphia, had in the mean time brought out and patented many features of moment, which gave impulse to other thinkers, but nothing of consequence comparable with Chickering's achievements. New York makers were not slow to see the advantage of the latter's plates, which were copied in various forms. A few of the more ingenious managed to use plates almost similar to Chickering's, without exposing them- selves to legal proceedings. The "circular scale," being an un- patentable species of innovation, was, however, freely copied. The most notable of the makers in New York around the " fifties " were the Nunns family and Bacon & Raven. The for- mer introduced the French square action into this country, and are known to have l)rought forward some minor imjjrovements. The next and most important advance in piano construction was overstringing. In the old system of stringing — which is yet in use among English makers — the strings throughout were placed almost parallel, in harp-fashion. In the illustration of a Chickering plate (Fig. 14), this method of string adjustment 7nay be seen. British and French makers yet stick to the old system to some extent, though they have adopted many of the progressive traits of American pianos. Even the eminent house of Broad- wood & Son, London, still use the " flat scaling," as it is called, in preference to overstringing, on the ground that it yields a purer quality of tone. This is only a matter of opinion, however, about which the best makers and experts of Germany and this country differ. One thing, meanwhile, is indisputable — viz., that English pianos lack the power and resonance of American instruments, and would never stand this climate. They are constructed for sweetness and daintiness of tone rather than for volume. Ameri- can pianos, on the other hand, possess a remarkable combination of all those qualities which are in the highest sense related to musical art. Overstringing was anticipated about the l)eginningof the cent- ury by the elder Thomas Loud, biit nothing came of his experi- ments. Overstringing — which means simply the crossing of sec- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 487 tions of the strings — was a difficult system to perfect, since it compelled radical changes in the disposition of the hammers, structure of the plate, and other component parts of the piano. About 1853, when the instrument had grown to still larger di- mensions and power, thanks to the whole-cast metal plate, a point had been reached where it became apparent that further compass and volume of tone were impossible under accepted stringing con- ditions. Overstringing was the only avenue to further progress Fig. 15. — Heitoy E. Steinway. in tone-development open to piano-makers ; yet few saw it, and those who did were incapable of bringing it to a practical success. The chief points of superiority over the flat scaling are that over- stringing permits the dividing up of the tensional pull of the strings upon the case, while it admits of their more advantageous use from the standpoint of tone, and renders the instrument more capable of staying in tune and u]i to pitch — a most important con- sideration. John Jardine — a very clever piano-maker — was one of the ear- liest to attempt overstringing in this country, but his efforts led to no permanent results. Frederick Mathushek took out a pat- THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ent for an application of this method of stringing in 1851, but it never became popular. Steinway & Sons, however, took up the idea in its crude stages a few years later, and applied it success- fully. They not only developed overstringing, but it is to them we owe the improved disposition of the strings below. They were the first to exhibit a square piano containing a practical and suc- cessful development of the overstringing prin- ciple, which has since been accepted every- where. An instrument made on these im- proved lines was ex- hibited at the Ameri- can Institute Fair in 1855. It was awarded a gold medal, and was practically the parent instrument of that or- der, not only as regards the arrangement of the strings, but in the structure of the plate and most other general features. Bass over- stringing, passing over three bridges, was a no- ticeable feature in that piano. A full metal plate, covering the wrest-plank, having a solid bar, was also used, with imj)rovements which insured greater resistance against the pull of the strings. Another feature em- bodied in this instrument was the arrangement of the bridges. These were x>laced farther in on the sounding-board, so as to bring into sympathy hitherto dormant sections of its surface. Passing over the numerous inventions brought out by Stein- way & Sons, following the success of their squares made on the system referred to, their patent for stringing in grands claims a brief notice. This is illustrated in Fig. 16. They were granted a patent for this invention in 1859. In the instruments made on the new lines the strings were spread out in fan-shape, in con- FiG. 16.— Interior of "Steinway" Grand, showing Disposition of the Strings Fan-shape. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 489 junction with an original disposition of the bridges, as well as with a striking departure in the construction of the plate, the quality of wire used in the different sections throughout, and in many minor directions. The success of these instruments was pronounced, and the " Steinway " grands were immediately given a foremost place among the leading concert instruments of the world. In 1863 they applied overstringing on a full iron plate, together with many of the most significant features of their squares and grands, to the upright, a form little used in those times, though now holding popular favor to the almost entire ex- clusion of the square. Since that year they have added patent after patent, and have been most indefatigable in their efforts to im]7rove the character of the piano. Among their other notable inventions must be named their '' grand duplex scale," which is now adopted in all their improved instruments. This was intro- duced in 1872. Their modern grands are remarkable for the char- acter of the action used, as much as for their individuality of tone. This action is a Steinway specialty, and contains many original and effective features, which render it capable of yield- ing remarkable results in the hands of the artist, the chief feat- ures being its power of quick repetition and susceptibility to artistic demands. This brief sketch of their inventions would be incomplete without mention of their " cupola metal frame." This is another improvement in the structure of the modern plate. The house of Steinway & Sons was founded in 1853 by Henry E. Steinway and his sons, Charles and Henry. The elder Stein- way was born in Wolfshagen, in the duchy of Brunswick, Ger- many, on December 17, 1797. From being an organ-builder he entered the sphere of piano-making at Seesen, where he married and began business on his own account. His three sons, C Theo- dore, Charles, and William Steinway, were born at Seesen. Henry E. Steinway won a reputation as a progressive piano-maker from the beginning. In 1839 he exhibited a grand and two squares at the state fair of Brunswick, where he was awarded the prize medal by Albert Methfessel, the composer, who presided as chair- man of the jury on the occasion. Meanwhile his sons all grew up in the atmosphere of the piano art business, in which they after- ward figured so prominently. In 1850 Henry E, Steinway came to these shores on the advice of his son Charles, who had come over the year before to investigate the field. In 1853, the year of the first American World's Fair, the house of Steinway & Sons was founded. William, armed with an excellent education and a technical training, was taken into partnership late in that year, and since then has been closely identified with the growth of the business. 49° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. William Knabe, tlie founder of Knalje & Co., of Baltimore, whose portrait we give, was another important figure in the de- velopment of i:)iano-making in America Born in Kreutzburg, Germany, in 1803, he came to this country twenty years later with a knowledge of piano-making; and, in association with Henry Gaehle, began manufacturing in Baltimore in 18139. A few years later he started in business for himself. Knabe was instrumental in bringing out many good " scales " and new ideas of similar un- patentable character, and is admitted to have left behind him a worthy record as a maker, being always identified with pi- anos of the first grade. He died in 1864 in Baltimore. The late James A. Gray, of Boardman & Gray, of Albany, introduced several inventions of some moment into the square in past years, but with the deca- dence of that instru- ment their value ended. William Linde- man, a native of Dresden, Saxony, and founder of Lin- deman & Sons, in- troduced a " cycloid piano " in 1860, which won some notice from performers and experts. This instrument was a sort of compro- mise between the grand and square, but it was never a selling success, though a most meritorious and ingenious development. Among other makers who identified themselves with the square during its popular period, may be named George Steck, John Jacob Decker, Andres Holmstrom, Myron A. Decker, Henry Hazelton, Napoleon J. Haines, and many others, living and dead, whose work in minor details can not be considered here. The late Henry F. Miller, of Miller & Sons, Boston, and Albert Weber, founder of the eminent Weber firm, also deserve mention. The Miller and Weber firms played no insignificant part in im- proving the quality of American grands, and uprights as well. Henry F. Miller was a native of Providence, R. I., where he was born in 1825, He became an organist in early life, and subse- FiG. 17. — William Knabe. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 491 quently drifted into piano-manufacturing in Boston, where he soon won a distinguished place. The upright, although the popular form in Euroj^e for over fifty years, never won a place here until past 1870, when the show- ing of these instruments at the Centennial Exhibition stimulated fresh efforts in this direction. About 1882 it had conquered the square as a household form of piano, and since then the latter has been fast going out of use. In fact, in the leading shops the manufacture of squares has ceased entirely. Southwell's cabinet uprights, already spoken of, were large clumsy instruments, though the first acceptable pianos in perpen- dicular shape produced. In 1813 Robert Wornum, a great figure in British piano -making records, brought for- ward an improved upright with diagonal strings, which, from its portableness and other charac- teristics, soon became the favorite. In his model the dimensions of the uj)right were reduced to about four feet six inches, and this subsequently in its improved features became the English cot- tage piano — a form still in pojDular favor in Eng- land. Wornum also produced a smaller upright in 1826, which he named the " piccolo." These, in addition to valuable action improvements, cor- responding in effectiveness with the originality of his instruments, were most significant contri- butions to the development of the upright up to the latter date. He was also the inventor of the upright " tape-check action," which is now gen- erally used, though with many modern improvements. It was pat- ented in England in 1843, but, strange to say, despite its admitted qualities of excellence, was regarded with little favor in Wor- num's own country. Continental piano manufacturers alone tak- ing kindly to it. The upright, meanwhile, received much atten- tion in Europe from piano-makers and improvers, and soon grew into popular favor, to the general exclusion of the square. The European squares, however, were never brought to any consider- able degree of perfection, while American squares, on the con- trary, were so excellent, toward 18G0, that their musical and other qualities served to draw the attention of piano-makers from the upright. The demand for pianos taking little floor-space for household use in the large cities within more recent years drew the attention of makers to the ux^right as a substitute for the square ; and, now that success has been achieved in giving the upright the musical characteristics of the square, the latter is almost out of date. Cabinets and other forms of uprights on English lines were (^p^ Fig. 18 Section of Impkoved Upright Action. 492 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. imported and made in tliis country about the time they came into use abroad. Timothy Gilbert, of Boston, introduced an improve- ment in the upright and its action in 1841, but it amounted to little. Jonas Chickering also paid some attention to the perfect- ing of the instrument, and many excellent uprights of his pro- duction may be found, but the public did not take kindly to them at the time. In addition to many minor inventions in the ui:)right, he is said to have applied overstringing to them in 1851. But it was only after 1870 that the upright fcnind any favor in this country. The late C. Frank Chickering introduced some remarkable upright scales about 1870, having devoted much time and experi- ment to the perfecting of the instrument, and these were gener- ally copied by competitors of less originality or spirit. Fred- erick Mathushek, previously mentioned, is also on record as having made some- striking advances in the adaptation of the upright form to the jiopular demand. I have in mind the years preceding 187G. It would, however, be impossible to follow out in detail all the minor contributions made to the upright up to that year. Excellent uprights are now manufactured by the leading firms, and in all may be found an average in the shape of im- provements— the full iron plate in its most modernized form, overstringing with imj^roved acoustic conditions, a good action well regulated, and almost every other feature that existing in- ventions warrant. But this is not to be interpreted as a declara- tion that further evolution is impossible. Meanwhile there are specialties in use in the instruments of some firms which I shall try to point out in a brief way. One of the most peculiar of these is the Mason & Hamlin system of tuning and stringing which they have introduced in all their pianos. Notwithstanding a dis- belief freely expressed at the outset, their innovation has been, in fact, very successful. Instead of the conventional tuning-pin driven in a pin-block (known as the wrest-plank), they use a screw-headed blade, having a slot at one end for the string, and a screw at the other end by which it can be tightened. The prin- ciple is illustrated somewhat in a violin-bow. The blade runs in another slot to keep it from twisting, and the tension of the string is imposed upon a flange cast in the plate. This device is applied to their grands and uprights with most satisfactory results. Decker Brothers, Sohmer & Co., Steck & Co., Weber. Decker & Son, of New York, Hallett & Davis, Emerson Co., Miller & Sons, of Boston, and various other houses, also manufacture instru- ments with patented improvements, but though most of them are meritorious they are not revolutionary or striking. Behr Broth- ers, of New York, have, however, attracted much attention with- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 493 in recent years through the introduction of an improved grand- action principle, and a system of stringing, which are illustrated. They are sparing no expense or pains in their efforts to improve the character of their instruments, and such sacrifices are entitled to acknowledgment. Their grand-action improvement assists the production of fine graduations of tone in performance as well as prompt repetition, while their method of string ad- justment has been adopted with a view to rendering the instrument more ca- pable of staying in tune, as well as for the purpose of tone development. This is applied to both uprights and grands. James & Holmstrom, of New York, have recently patented and introduced a " transposing key-board " into their uprights, which is receiving considerable notice from artists. It is an ingenious adaptation of the ordinary key-board, by which the piano-per- former may change the pitch at pleasure. Though the idea was anticipated a century ago, and frequently experimented with, it was reserved for Mr. Andres Holmstrom, of the above firm, to apply it with success. It is a great boon to vocalists and artists generally, and of popular value as Avell. In the invention referred to, the key -board, which is distinct from the action, is made to move a little toward either side, so as to bring the keys under different hammers; the performer is meanwhile given easy and effective control over its disposition, and variations of pitch can be obtained with ease. Apart from this invention Mr. Holmstrom has drawn many excellent upright " scales,^' which have given him a high reputation among piano-makers. Conover Brothers, of New York, have also patented several inventions of much significance, the author of which is Mr. C. F. Conover, one of the most remarkable of the later-day school of makers. These cover improvements in almost every department •of the upright instrument. They include an original tuning-pin arrangement, a method for obtaining prompt repetition in the Fig. 19. Behr Brothers' Grand Piano Hammer, with Com- pensutius: Lever. 2. Ordinary Hammer and Butt. 3. Behr Brothers' " Stringing ented.) Device." (All pat- 494 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. action, and a " scale " of especial moment and value. The latter also embraces a departure in plate construction as a part of the whole scheme. Conover's scale contains "duplex bridges'' and what are termed " auxiliary vibrators," and in effect is a most meritorious contribution to American jjiano-making. Their '' hol- low steel" tuning-pin system is also a significant improvement, while their action is, as far as it is original, equally successful. Steck & Co., and Decker Brothers, of New York, have been identified with the bringing out of several valuable improve- ments, which they use as specialties, the most important of which are in the form of scales which can not well be exemplified. The same remark applies to the specialties of several other houses, such as Haines Brothers, Hazleton Brothers, Decker & Son, Kra- nich & Bach, and others. Meanwhile I can not jmss over the inventions of Paul G. Mehlin, who has done much for the improvement of the mod- ern piano. Though these are numerous and touch every region in the upright piano, his " grand plate and scale " for uprights deserves mention. Through it Mr. Mehlin claims to give the up- right some of the principal characteristics of the grand, and the trial to a large extent justifies the claim. The Century Company, of Indianapolis, manufacture the " Mehlin pianos." Mr. Mehlin has taken out a considerable number of patents for improvements in the plate, wrest-plank, action, key-board, scaling, cases, and every section of the instrument since 1872, and has applications pending for more. Henry Kroeger, of Gildemeester & Kroeger, has also been active as an improver, though his patented inventions cover no radical departures ; but his contributions in the form of " scales " Fig. 20.— Steinway & Sons' Grand Eepetition Action, with Tubular Metallic Frame. Patented October 20, 1S75. have been very useful, and during his career he has always been associated with the production of pianos of the highest class. His eminent services deserve this acknowledgment at least. Many other thinkers and inventors, such as Stephen Bramback, of the Estey Piano Company ; Myron A. Decker, of Decker & Son ; and Hugo Sohmer, of Sohmer & Co., are equally entitled to recogni- tion, though limitations of space prevent more than their mention. Kindred Industries.— Since 1850 the specializing of such MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE PIANO-FORTE. 495 branches of piano-making as action and key making, and the casting of plates — apart from liammer making and covering, case- making, string and felt making — have helped the general develop- ment of the piano to a large extent. Action-making is the largest of all these branches. Formerly a skilled workman was expected to be competent in action-making and half a dozen other branches now separated. While the present system tends to prevent the coming to the surface of such skilled piano-makers as those who built up the principal houses now in existence, and otherwise confines the energies and intellect of clever young men in a nar- row channel, yet the existing order of things is on the whole beneficent and better than the old. The first action-making establishment in New York, and proba- bly in the country, was opened by Andrew Brunet, an Alsatian, in 1841, in Clark Street. His place was very small and unpre- tentious. He was successful, for small manufacturers saw at a glance the advantages of being able to procure their actions from a specialist. Other establishments sprang up in a short time. While there are numerous small shops throughout New England and in the West, New York is the center for the production of the best class of actions ; but Chickering & Sons, Boston, Steinway & Sons, Knabe & Co., Baltimore and New York, and a few other firms, produce their own. The two leaders in this branch of the business are Straucli Brothers and Wessell, Nickel & Gross, of New York. Both firms are engaged in a healthy rivalry for the first place in production and in quality of work, and many tech- nical improvements have resulted from this condition of afi^airs. They both produce actions involving the same principles, but differing in minor details. Keys are also manufactured specially in New York and outside for the trade. The j)roduction of plates for pianos comes next in importance to action-making. The first foundrymen to become identified with this specialty were the Shrivers, well known in that connection. To-day Shriver & Co., of New York, and Davenport & Tracey, of Stamford, Conn., control the largest proportion of the business. The wonderful growth and extent of piano manufacturing in America is further illustrated in the business established and con- ducted by Mr. Alfred Dolge, the well-known initiator of the Dolge system of jjrofit-sharing for employes. In the regions of sounding- boards, felts for hammer-heads and other purposes, and a host of incidental articles, he stands alone. In Dolgeville, a large town he has founded in the northern jDart of this State, he employs over six hundred hands in his felt and sounding-board factories, and has other establishments in Leipsic, Otterlake, and Port Leyden. Over 35,000 boards were turned out from this factory during the last year. For this purpose 2,800,000 feet of choice lumber were 496 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. handled. As each sounding-board represents a piano, one can easily estimate from this basis of observation alone the wonderful dimensions of the piano trade. The unique business in Dolgeville is well worthy of study as a curious example of American indus- trial life. Its relation to the piano industry is apparent. In 1850 there were 204 establishments in this country making musical instruments; piano-fortes were not separately reported upon; 2,307 hands were employed, and the product represented $2,580,715. We find that in 1860 21,707 pianos, representing $6,518,432, were manufactured in the United States. The annexed table of statistics shows the industry in 1880, and is the latest : State. No. of establish- ments. Capital. No. of workmeD . Wages paid. Cost of .1 Value of materials. products. New York Massachusetts. . . . Maryland Connecticut Pennsylvania Indiana California Kentucky Illinois New Hampshire. . . Missouri 82 45 4 3 5 2 6 5 5 3 7 1 2 2 1 1 §6,627,845 1,905,700 638,382 257,000 169,500 77,000 50,000 40,700 20,300 18,000 21,350 15,000 10.200 10^600 4,000 4,000 3,966 1,504 385 302 154 90 27 26 27 32 19 20 7 10 4 2 13,213,481 890,721 200,988 142,057 87,044 42,500 18,425 12,833 16,902 8,894 10,398 6,000 4,500 4,250 2,200 2,000 $3,579,131 1,132,847 157,699 182,018 81,145 43,000 41,725 13,800 11,800 15,994 8,060 3,000 6,000 4,500 1,500 900 $8,084,154 2,652,856 534,099 386,583 217,924 109,000 92,700 42,200 87,675 30,380 27,200 Ohio New Jersey Wisconsin Micliigaii 15,000 13,000 12,570 5,500 Texas 8,500 1880 174 $9,869,577 6,565 $4,663,193 $5,283,119 $12,264,521 When the statistics for 1890 appear, it will be found that the increase in production has been even larger in proportion during the last ten years. '• HowEYEE prophetic," says Mr. A. II. Green in Nature, "may have been the far-seeing premonition of men in advance of their age in the dim past, and how- ever invaluable may have been the additions made to the superstructure since, it can scarcely be doubted that the foundation-stones of geology were Laid by Scotch- men and Englishmen toward the end of the last and during the earlier part of the present century. And what a charm there is about the story of those sturdy pioneers — not perhaps quite the men whom one would have picked out as most fitted or most likely to become the fathers of a new science ! It has about it the elements of a genuine romance. For the early training of few of these men was such as to give a scientific bent to their mind; tliey did not have what we are pleased to call 'the advantage of a scientific education'; it is probable that they never spoke, perhaps never dreamed of such a phrase as ' the scientific method,' which we are so fond of formularizing, and on which we plume ourselves some- what. But in spite of these seeming drawbacks, ratlier perhaps because with these men genius was allowed to run its spontaneous, untrammeled course, they opened out to mankind a domain of knowledge, the very outskirts of which had been barely touched upon before. ELECTRICITY IN RELATION TO SCIENCE. 497 ELECTEICITY IN RELATION TO SCIENCE.* By Prof. WILLIAM CEOOKES. THE third annual dinner of the Institution of Electrical En- gineers was held at the Criterion on Friday, November 13th, Prof. William Crookes, the president, was in the chair. In pro- posing the toast of the evening, " Electricity in relation to Sci- ence," Prof. Crookes delivered the following speech : We have happily outgrown the preposterous notion that re- search in any department of science is mere waste of time. It is now generally admitted that pure science, irrespective of prac- tical applications, benefits both the investigator himself and greatly enriches the community. *'It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes." Between the frog's leg quivering on Gal- vani's work-table and the successful telegraph or telephone there exists a direct filiation. Without the one we could not have the other. We know little as yet concerning the mighty agency of elec- tricity. " Substantialists " tell us it is a kind of matter. Others view it, not as matter, but as a form of energy. Others, again, reject both these views. Prof. Lodge considers it " a form, or rather a mode of manifestation, of the ether." Prof. Nikola Tesla demurs to the view of Prof. Lodge, but thinks that "nothing stands in the way of our calling electricity ether associated with matter, or bound ether." Higher authorities can not even yet agree whether we have one electricity or two opposite electrici- ties. The only way to tackle the difficulty is to persevere in ex- periment and observation. If we never learn what electricity is, if, like life or like matter, it should remain an unknown quantity, we shall assuredly discover more about its attributes and its functions. The light which the study of electricity throws upon a variety of chemical phenomena — witnessed alike in our little laboratories and in the vast laboratories of the earth and the sun — can not be overlooked. The old electro-chemical theory of Berzelius is su- perseded, and a new and wider theory is opening out. The facts of electrolysis are by no means either completely detected or co- ordinated. They point to the great probability that electricity is atomic, that an electrical atom is as definite a quantity as a chemi- cal atom. The electrical attraction between two chemical atoms being a trillion times greater than gravitational attraction is * Speech delivered at the third annual dinner of the Institution of Electrical Engi- neers, London, November 13, 1891. VOL. XL. — 36 498 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. probably the force with wliicli chemistry is most deeply con- cerned. It has been computed that in a single cubic foot of the ether which fills all space there are locked up ten thousand foot-tons of energy which have hitherto escaped notice. To unlock this boundless store and subdue it to the service of man is a task which awaits the electrician of the future. The latest researches give well-founded hopes that this vast storehouse of power is not hopelessly inaccessible. Up to the present time we have been acquainted with only a very narrow range of ethereal vibrations, from extreme red on the one side to ultra-violet on the other — say from three ten-millionths of a millimetre to eight ten-millionths of a millimetre. Within this comparatively limited range of ethereal vibrations, and the equally narrow range of sound vibra- tions, we have been hitherto limited to receive and communicate all the knowledge which we share with other rational beings. "Whether vibrations of the ether, slower than those wliich affect us as light, may not be constantly at work around us, we have until lately never seriously inquired. But the researches of Lodge in England, and Hertz in Germany, give us an almost infinite range of ethereal vibrations or electrical rays, from wave-lengths of thousands of miles down to a few feet. Here is unfolded to us a new and astonishing universe — one which it is hard to conceive should be powerless to transmit and impart intelligence. Experimentalists are reducing the wave-lengths of the elec- trical rays. With every diminution in size of the apjDaratus the wave-lengths get shorter, and could we construct Leyden jars of molecular dimensions the rays might fall within the nar- row limits of visibility. We do not yet know how the molec- ule could be got to act as a Leyden jar ; yet it is not improba- ble that the discontinuous phosphorescent light emitted from certain of the rare earths, when excited by a high - tension cur- rent in a high vacuum, is really an artificial production of these electrical rays, sufficiently short to affect our organs of sight. If such a light could be produced more easily and more regularly, it would be far more economical than light from a flame or from the arc, as very little of the energy in play is expended in the form of heat-rays. Of such production of light. Nature supplies us with examples in the glow-worm and the fire-flies. Their light, though sufficiently energetic to be seen at a considerable distance, is accompanied by no liberation of heat capable of detection by our most delicate instruments. By means of currents alternating with very high frequency. Prof. Nikola Tesla has succeeded in passing by induction through the glass of a lamp energy sufficient to keep a filament in a state of incandescence without the use of connecting wires. He has ELECTRICITY IN RELATION TO SCIENCE. 499 even lighted a room by producing in it sucli a condition that an illuminating appliance may be placed anywhere and lighted with- out being electrically connected with anything. He has produced the required condition by creating in the room a powerful elec- trostatic field alternating very rapidly. He suspends two sheets of metal, each connected with one of the terminals of the coil. If an exhausted tube is carried anywhere between these sheets, or placed anywhere, it remains always luminous. The extent to which this method of illumination may be prac- tically available experiments alone can decide. In any case, our insight into the possibilities of static electricity has been extended, and the ordinary electric machine will cease to be regarded as a mere toy. Alternating currents have at the best a rather doubtful repu- tation. But it follows from Tesla's researches that as the rapidity of the alternation increases they become not more dangerous but less so. It further appears that a true flame can now be produced without chemical aid — a flame which yields light and heat with- out the consumption of material and without any chemical pro- cess. To this end we require improved methods for producing excessively frequent alternations and enormous potentials. Shall we be able to obtain these by tapping the ether ? If so, we may view the prospective exhaustion of our coal-fields with indiffer- ence ; we shall at once solve the smoke question, and thus dissolve all possible coal rings. Electricity seems destined to annex the whole field, not merely of optics, but probably also of thermotics. Rays of light will not pass through a wall, nor, as we know only too well, through a dense fog. But electrical rays of a foot or two wave-length of which we have spoken will easily pierce such mediums, which for them will be transparent. Another tempting field for research, scarcely yet attacked by pioneers, awaits exploration. I allude to the mutual action of electricity and life. No sound man of science indorses the asser- tion that " electricity is life " ; nor can we even venture to speak of life as one of the varieties or manifestations of energy. Never- theless, electricity has an important influence upon vital phe- nomena, and is in turn set in action by the living being — animal or vegetable. We have electric fishes — one of them the prototype of the torpedo of modern warfare. There is the electric slug which used to be met with in gardens and roads about Hornsey Rise ; there is also an electric centiped. In the study of such facts and such relations the scientific electrician has before him an almost infinite field of inquiry. The slower vibrations to which I have referred reveal the be- wildering possibility of telegraphy without wires, posts, cables, or 500 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. any of our present costly appliances. It is vain to attempt to picture the marvels of the future. Progress, as Dean Swift ob- served, may be too fast for endurance. Sufficient for this gener- ation are the wonders thereof. — Nature. THE NATIONALIZATION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. Br Pkof. C. HANFOED HENDERSON. I HAVE read with attention the editorial comment on univer- sity extension, published in the November number of this magazine, and I am glad to see the subject given so much premi- nence. The movement has still much of the plasticity of youth, and any discussion regarding its proper ends and aims, or of the means by which these are to be gained, can never be more helpful than now. The present opportunity, it seems to me, is a very large one, and we need the fullest and most impersonal play of thought upon all questions connected with the extension scheme. It is with this feeling in mind that I welcome most heartily the editorial dissent from the proposition to make the work a national activity. The proposition is assuredly a grave one, not only as regards university extension, but even more because it involves a distinct principle of governmental policy, which is either to be courted or to be shunned. If I may ask for a little further space, I should like to add a word concerning this proposition, which, it is needless to say, was not lightly made. And I should like to speak again, not so much in defense of the proposition— for one must not, in such an inquiry, allow one's self the attitude of an advocate— as to point out that there is another way of looking at national co-operation with uni- versity extension than as a subsidy for the movement. And I am the more ready to speak, because it seems to me that perhaps the editorial dissent is not so much against the proposition actually made in the article under discussion, as against a proposition which migU have been made, and was not, but which presented itself to the mind of the critic as he read. It is objected that university extension must depend for its success upon individual zeal and public spirit— to which, of course, I fully agree— and that government aid would defeat this purpose. But such a result is by no means necessary. It would depend entirely upon the way in which the aid was given. At present, university extension centers are established quite by private action, and the societies for the extension of university teaching simply co-operate with the local center in providing lecturers, issuing syllabi, and the like. The local center, be it remembered, meets NATIONALIZATION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 501 all its own direct expenses. But the central oflBce must meanwhile be sustained. At present this is done in most cases by private subscription. It is a benefaction, and bounded by all the limita- tions of a benefaction. Under this arrangement it is quite clear that a center can only be established where there are people of means willing to make themselves responsible for the local expense in case the sale of lecture tickets does not provide sufficient funds. The freedom of the individual to avail himself of university ex- tension is, therefore^ limited by the double contingency of local conditions and the facilities possessed by the nearest central office. In no case, it is to be observed, does the central office suggest courses, or pay for them. Now, it was not proposed that Government should assume the paternal duty of establishing lecture courses in the arts and sciences here and there over the country, like so many intellectual post-offices. But it was proposed that the establishment of local centers should be left, as now, to private initiative and enterprise, while the Government should simply assume the duties of the central offices on a larger and more liberal scale. The work prom- ises to be much too large for private enterprise, and since it does not pay for itself, it can not, in private hands, be thoroughly and systematically done with regard to the country at large. The naovement would not be pauperized or degraded by such national- ization. There would be the same play for individual zeal and public spirit as now. But there would be this difference : it would everywhere find established and adequate co-operation where now it finds only special and metropolitan co-operation. I think that the experiment would not be very dangerous, and it need not be very expensive. Once established, these district central offices of the Department of Education might with perfect propriety go a step further, and provide, under suitable conditions, for part of the expense of an extension course where the proceeds from the sales of lecture tickets were not sufficient. With the people themselves directly creating each center, electing their own subject, choosing their own lecturer, and paying for all or part of the local expense, I really do not see how the movement could be- come commonplace or mercenary in its character by being system- atized under national auspices. There would be room here for an enthusiasm which could be followed by performance. Like most lovers of freedom we are often too jealous of it to use it. The chief incapacity for greatness in republican admin- istrations is that we are at heart cowards. We make our own government, and are then very much afraid of it. It is as if we feared that this thing which we have ourselves created should turn and devour us ; and this distrust is everywhere fostered by the current belief that American politics is very corrupt. Un- 502 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTELY. doubtedly it is corrupt, but it will well bear comparison with the activities of private life, with banking and mining enterprises, with railroads and telegraphs, with buying and selling. An im- partial review of American history during the decade just passed will disclose a remarkable result, and one which deserves empha- sis here and elsewhere : Tlie sum of American public infamy is neither absolutely nor relatively so great as the sum of American private infamy. On all sides we hear the reverse. It is preached to us from pulpit and from press, for the human mind has ever shown a willingness for that light gymnastic which consists in setting up a man of straw and then knocking him down. It is better to face the truth. Our Government is corrupt only because our society is corrupt, and it is less corrupt than society because vice is a mortal coward and never does its worst in the open. The electric light has much increased the morality of large cities. The neces- sary publicity of national action does not insure honesty, but at least it prevents much dishonesty. In those departments in which the Government does attempt to serve us in a positive capacity, such as the Post-Office, the Coast Survey, the Smith- sonian, the Geological Survey, the Weather Bureau, the Depart- ment of Agriculture, and the like, the service is certainly truer and more effective than parallels from private corporations. I know that Mr. Gould says that the mails would be better administered as private enterprise, but the history of the Western Union Tele- graph Company hardly bears out the remark. In view of the experience of the nation, I do not think that university extension need fear corruption should it be included in the portfolio of the incoming Secretary of Education. Nor is it by any means a proved case that there is a paralyz- ing lack of vitality in our public schools. It is often asserted, but, taking America as a whole, it seems to me that they are very much alive. It is true that they are commonplace, so common- place indeed that a conscientious educator will often ask himself whether he should consent to such a system, and will hesitate as to whether he should not withdraw from the public service. But if he will look around him he will see that they are the schools of a commonplace community, and are as good as the community will tolerate. Even in Boston, Alcott's Temple School could not live. One must admit that the public schools are in many ways deplorable tread-mills, and that there are serious scandals in their administration ; but they also will well bear comparison with pri- vate institutions. They have, moreover, this great advantage, that they permit a freedom and honesty of expression not always tol- erated in those institutions which hang for support upon private pocket-books and prejudices. In judging of our public schools NATIONALIZATION OF UNIVUBSITY EXTENSION. 503 we must always bear in mind tlieir constitnency. They are the scliools of the populace as well as of the higher classes. If we take the attitude of mind of the average American citizen and compare it with the standards of life represented by the public schools, and then take the culture of the educated classes and com- pare it with the ideals set forth by private institutions, we shall find that, relatively speaking, the public schools are on much the higher plane ; and surely no other mode of comparison can com- mend itself to our sense of fairness. Instead, therefore, of mis- trusting the lesson of the public schools, I should be glad to believe that in five years — no, in ten years — university extension would be doing in its line as effective work as our poor common- place public schools are doing in theirs. I have tried briefly to answer the expressed objections to the nationalization of university extension ; but these do not repre- sent to me the gravest of the possible objections which might be urged, and I am also disposed to believe that under the editorial comment there was a more fundamental dissent in mind. The question, I take it, is essentially not one of experience as to what sort of a servant the Government has been in the past, but is the deeper question of the proper function of government. Had ex- perience shown the public service to be relatively poor instead of being, as I believe, relatively good, I should still advocate its min- istration if social studies led to the conclusion that public serving was desirable. The remedy would then lie, not in abolishing the service, but in purifying it. On the other hand, had experience been most favorable, more favorable by far than it has been, and could it be shown on sound theoretical grounds that such govern- mental activity was mischievous and likely to lead to encroach- ments upon ultimate personal liberty, it would be one's clear duty to set one's self resolutely against the public convenience and abolish such dangerous service. Speaking in a large way, there are in America to-day two classes of political thinkers : those who believe in a paternal government, which shall say what one shall eat and drink, what one shall wear^ how long one shall work, at what age one shall send one's children to school, what precautions one shall take against loss of life — in a word, a government which shall be a special if not always a very wise providence to each of its citi- zens; and there are those who, mistrusting this meddlesome paternalism, would go to the other extreme, and would limit the functions of Government to a minimum. The first class is apt to include those well-meaning but mischievous reformers who wish, like the prohibitionist, to cure society by medicine in place of hygiene, and that part of our professional class who have drawn their social ideals from bureaucratic Germany. The second class 504 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. takes in those, perhaps, who have studied the political -writings of Herbert Spencer, and have translated his sturdy and wholesome demands for the largest possible individual liberty to require a perpetually negative attitude on the part of the Government. It is difficult to say which class, if left to itself, would make America the more unendurable. It is this question of our ideal of government which is involved in the proposed nationalization of university extension, and not a mere question of past or probable experience. This opens one of the most profound problems in our Ameri- can political life, and one which may be stated indeed but scarcely discussed within such brief limits as the present. Yet feeling that the issue under discussion has its solution in the solution of this larger question, I can not refrain from calling attention to the very doubtful character of the liberty which is to be enjoyed under a regime of social and governmental negations. Writers of the sentimental school of political economy — a school which oddly enough includes many prosaic labor agitators of the pres- ent day — fairly gloat over their picture of the ideal liberty en- joyed by man in his pre-social existence. But there are many who can feel no enthusiasm for this impossible picture. Place a naked man on an island in the Pacific, and, however generous Nature may be, however free he may be from the tyrannies of modern society, it would be the worst mockery to speak of him as enjoying liberty, for liberty, as a man of any imagination must perceive, presupposes not only the absence of restrictions upon individual action, but also the presence of certain condi- tions which will make those desired actions possible. In a word, liberty is a positive and not a 7iegative condition. Again I venture upon the use of Italics to emphasize what seems to me a most important truth. When we contemplate the narrowing and annoying restrictions which the holders of the ideal of a paternal government would impose upon American life — the eternal thou shalts and thou shalt nots of prohibitionists and dictators of all classes — the temptation is to swing to the opposite extreme of the pendulum, and declare that absolute non-interference on the part of Government is the only safeguard. When, further, one reads Herbert Spencer's admirable volume on Justice — admirable, that is to say, excepting his unfortunate utterances on the status of woman in the state — one is, at first, confirmed in this negative retreat. The sole function of Government is to insure the great- est possible individual liberty consistent with the liberty of all. This is the conclusion which one of the most profound thinkers of the century reaches at the end of a long and thought-crowded life. And one could ask for no better definition. But how is this conclusion to be applied ? That is the question. There is a tend- NATIONALIZATION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. 505 ency, it seems to me, on the American side of the Atlantic, to misinterpret this principle, and to discredit too much the immense power for good in proper governmental activity. And even Herbert Spencer himself, gazing too steadily upon the slavery of socialism and the mischief of protection and prohibition, warrants in a measure such a misinterpretation. It is true that govern- mental activity run wild is as harmful as a thunderbolt, but, when chained to the right sort of service, it is as useful as the electric current. It is possible to apply the salutary principle laid down in the volume on Justice in a manner that will avoid the evils of both paternalism and of too great passivity. Nor is this playing with fire. The line between legitimate and illegitimate govern- mental activity is easily drawn. What is mandatory in govern- ment must not much exceed the Decalogue, or it trespasses on that individual liberty which it is the sole function of govern- ment to promote. But the field of action is not so narrow as this. There is a large region of what may be called permissives, in which an intelligent Government may with perfect propriety make individual actions possible, which would otherwise be quite impracticable, and this is very different from the spirit of the Decalogue. Every free Government does at the present time extend a large measure of mere verbal permission to its citizens, but this is rather a gratuitous bit of graciousness, if it do nothing to see that adequate means are obtainable. We have, then, an easily applied test of the propriety of any governmental action. If it comj^el, beyond the primal social necessaries — the prevention of murder, theft, adultery, and the like — it is mischievous, and is to be resisted as an encroachment upon individual liberty. But if it render intelligent assistance in making desirable individual action possible, it is to be hailed as a legitimate extension of individual liberty, and is to be utilized as a fruit of the progress of civilization in precisely the same spirit that we would utilize the inventions of Siemens or Edison. One is free, for instance, to write a letter to any one in any place, but he is the more free in that Government delivers it for him at a cost so small that the very poorest may write. There is much that is most desirable to be accomplished in America through national action, and it seems to me that we cheat ourselves sadly if we hesitate to use so powerful a means out of fear that it shall be misused. The more it is properly used, the better will its function be understood, and the less likely to be abused. Viewing the function of Government in this light, I still be- lieve that the nationalization of university extension is highly desirable, for I believe that, by supplying adequate means for the carrying out of a great idea, it would add immensely to that indi- 5o6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. vidual liberty wliicli it is the special province of Government to conserve, and this, too, without any loss of individual zeal and initiative. Let us repeat it : A governmental activity whicli compels, is mischievous ; an activity which says : " Thou mayst ; lo, here are the means," is helpful. IS MAN THE ONLY REASONER ? By JAMES SULLY. THE " whirligig of time " may he said to be bringing to the much-neglected brutes an ample revenge. The first naive view of the animal mind entertained by the savage and the child is a respectful one, and may perhaps be roughly summed up in the formula in which a little boy once set forth his estimate of equine intelligence : " All horses know some things that people don't know, and some horses know more things than a great many people." But this pristine unsophisticated view of the animal world, though its survival may be traced in mythology and re- ligious custom, has long since been scouted by philosophers. Thinkers, from Plato downward, have, not unnaturally perhaps, regarded the faculty of rational thought, which they themselves exhibited in the highest degree, as the distinguishing prerogative of man. The Christian religion, too, with its doctrine of immor- tality for man and for man alone, has confirmed the tendency to put the animal mind as far below the human as possible. And so we find Descartes setting forth the hypothesis that animals are unthinking automata. Not forever, however, was the animal world to suffer this in- dignity at the hands of man. Thinkers themselves prepared the way for a Tapiyrocliertie7it between the two. More particularly the English philosophers from Locke onward, together with their French followers, pursuing their modest task of tracing back our most abstract ideas to impressions of sense, may be said by a sort of leveling-down process to have favored the idea of a mental kinship between man and brute. This work of the philosophers has been supplemented by the leveling-up work of the modern biologist. There is not the least doubt that the wide and accurate observation of animal habits by the naturalists of the last century has tended to raise very greatly our estimate of their mental pow- ers. So that it would seem as if in the estimation of animal intel- ligence, scientific knowledge is coming round to the opinion of the vulgar, and as if " the conviction which forces itself upon the stupid and the ignorant, is fortified by the reasonings of the in- IS MAN THE ONLY REASONER? 507 telligent, and lias its foundation, deepened by every increase of knowledge." * Definiteness lias been given to the question of tbe nature of animal intelligence by the new doctrine of evolution. If man is descended from some lower organic form, we ought to be able to make out not merely a physical but a psychical kinship between him and the lower creation ; and the more favorable estimate of the animal mind taken by the modern savant is of great assist- ance here. Mr. Darwin has, indeed, shown in his valuable contri- butions to the subject, that the rude germ of all the more charac- teristic features of the human mind may be discovered in animals. At the same time, Mr. Darwin's investigations in this direction amounted only to a beginning. The crux of the evolutionist, the tracing of the continuity of crude, formless animal inference, up to the highest structural developments of logical or conceptual thought, still remained. And so, the most powerful attack on the theory of man's descent has come from the philosopher, the lo- gician, and the metaphysical philologist, who have combined to urge the old argument that conceptual thought indissolubly bound up with language sets an impassable barrier between man and brute. Mr. Darwin's unfinished work has now been taken up by one who adds to the biological knowledge of the expert a considerable acquaintance with psychology. In his previous volume, Mental Evolution in Animals, Dr. Romanes took a careful psychological survey of the animal world for the purpose of tracing out the suc- cessive grades of its mental life. In his recent volume. Mental Evolution in Man (Origin of Human Faculty), he essays to trace forward this general movement of mental evolution to the point where logical reasoning or "conceptual thought" may be dis- tinctly seen to emerge. That is to say, he adroitly seeks to leap the " impassable " barrier by merely denying its existence. Hu- man reasoning and animal inference are not two widely dissimilar modes of intellection. The one is merely a more complex expan- sion of the other. If you start either at the human or the animal bank you can pass to the opposite one by a series of stepping- stones. In other words, the higher human product can be seen to have been evolved out of the lower by a continuous process of growth. Dr. Romanes's present contribution to the theory of evolution is thus emphatically the construction of hypothetical stepping- stones for the purpose of passing smoothly from the territory of animal to that of human reasoning. In order to this, he has on the one hand to follow up animal intellection to its most note- * Prof. Iluxley, Uurae, p. 104. 5o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. worthy achievements, and on the other hand to trace the process of human intellection down to its crudest forms in the individual and in the race. As it is obviously language which marks off human thought from its analogue in the animal world, our author is naturally concerned to limit the function of language. While allowing as a matter of course that the " conceptual thought " of the logician involves language as its proper instrument or vehicle, he urges that there is a good deal of rudimentary generalizing prior to, and therefore independent of, language. To establish this a care- ful examination of the higher processes of animal " ideation " has to be carried out. In doing this Dr. Romanes introduces a num- ber of psychological distinctions of a somewhat technical kind. Of these the most important perhaps is that between the time- honored concept of the logician and the recept This last corre- sponds to Mr. Galton's generic image or the common image {Ge- meinhild) of the German psychologists. It is an image formed out of a number of slightly dissimilar percepts corresponding to different members of a narrow concrete class, such as dog or water. According to our author, animal reasoning remains on the plane of recepts. It is carried on by pictorial representations. At the same time it involves a process of classification or general- izing. A diving-bird must be supposed to have a generalized idea (recept) of water, a dog a generalized idea of man, and so forth. Nay, more, this receptual ideation enables the animal to reach " unperceived abstractions," as the idea of the quality of hollow- ness in the ground, and even "generic ideas of principles" as when the writer's own monkey having discovered the way to take the handle out of the hearth-brush by unscrewing it, proceeded to apply the principle of the screw to the fire-irons, bell-handle, etc. The author's whole account of this receptual ideation or the logic of recepts is interesting and persuasive. He has, it must be owned, clearly made out the existence of a very creditable power among animals of carrying out processes analogous to our own reasonings without any aid from language. Yet a doubt may be entertained whether the author has really got at the bottom of these mental feats. The whole account of the recept is a little unsatisfactory, owing to the circumstance that the writer does not make it quite clear in what sense it involves generalization. He writes in sonje places as if the fact of the generic image hav- ing been formed out of a number of percepts corresponding to different members of a class, e. g., different sheets of water seen by the diving-bird, gives it a general representative character. But this, as indeed Dr. Romanes himself appears to recognize in other places, is by no means a necessary consequence. A generic image may form itself more readily than a particular one, just IS MAN THE ONLY BEASONER? 509 because tlie animal is unable to note differences sufficiently to distinguish one sheet of water or one man from another. A baby's application of the common epithet " dada " to all bearded persons suggests not that it is carrying out any process of con- scious generalization, but rather that it is failing to discriminate where there are striking and interesting features of similarity. It would seem as if an idea only acquires a properly general func- tion after certain higher intellectual processes have been carried out. These may be roughly described as the active manipulation of percepts and images, by analytical resolution of these into their constituent features, and a due relating or ordering of these ele- ments. Only in this way does it appear possible to reach a rudi- mentary form of a properly general notion ; that is to say, an idea which is consciously apprehended as representing common feat- ures among a number of distinct objects. Mere superposition of images may result in a new typical image ; but the mind in which such an image forms itself can not know this to be generic or general till these processes which underlie active thought have been carried out. Now, we ourselves carry out these operations of resolving into elements and recombining these elements (anal- ysis and synthesis) largely by the help of class-symbols or general names, which come to be general symbols just because we make use of them for the purpose of noting down and keeping distinct the results of our successive comparisons and analyses. And the really pressing question for the evolutional psychologist is. How does this manipulation of the mind's imagery get carried out where the serviceable instrument of language is absent ? That it does get carried out to some extent may be readily allowed. A sagacious and well-bred collie, who combines with a judicious preference for his owner a certain mild complacency toward man- kind at large (with some possible exceptions), may be rightly re- garded as having attained to a rudimentary consciousness of the distinction between the general and the particular, the " class " and its constituent members. But how this has been attained i)r. Eomanes's account of receptual ideation hardly helps us to understand. The recept or generic image is the first of the psychological stepping-stones leading across the unfordable Rubicon, and it is also the principal stepping-stone. Should this prove to be un- stable, the transit would certainly become exceedingly doubtful. From the recept we pass to the concept, which, according to our author, is in its simplest form a named recept. The addition of the name or sign is thus the differentiating character of the concept. We may have generic images, but no concepts apart from names or other signs. In order to understand how the concept is marked off from 510 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the recept, we must accordingly inquire into fhe psychological conditions and concomitants of the naming process. And this our author does at some length. He gives us a full and detailed account of names and of signs in general, distinguishing different grades of sign-making from the merely indicative pointing or other gesture up to the bestowal of a general symbol with a con- sciousness of its significance as connoting certain common quali- ties. Into much of this it is not needful for us to follow Dr. Ro- manes, but brief reference may be made to one or two points of special importance as bearing on the evolution of the higher con- ceptual thought. One of the most curious features of Dr. Ro- manes's theory of concepts and naming is the proposition that the name is bestowed on the idea, and has for its psychological con- dition an act of introspection. He tells us that before we can bestow a name on a recept we must be able to set this recept be- fore our mind as an object of our own thought. Or, to express the truth in the author's own words, self-consciousness is the necessary presupposition of naming and so of conceptual thought. Before I can name an idea I must reflect on the idea as mine, and before I can judge in the logical sense, I must realize the truth of the proposition as such, that is presumably as truth for me, so that self-consciousness would seem to come in necessarily at all stages of conceptual thought. This doctrine seems by no means as clear and convincing as the author supposes. He is, as he clearly tells us, confining him- self to the psychological treatment of his subject. This being so, it may fairly be urged that in making an act of subjective intro- spection an essential factor in the process of naming he is psycho- logically wrong. Is a child when inventing a name for his toy- horse or doll reflecting on his idea as his and naming this idea ? Is he not rather thinking wholly about the object, and is not the name given to this external object and not to the idea in the namer's mind at all ? * No doubt the completed process of logical reflection on names and propositions brings in the subjective ele- ment— that is to say the mind's consciousness of its ideas and judgments as representations of the realities thought about. But this reference to self, this act of introspection, so far from being involved in every act of conceptual thought, is directly excluded from it. This brings one to the next point. In naming things the mind is busily occupied, not with itself and its ideas, but with the "not- self," the qualities and relations of the things perceived or rep- * I believe that observers of children -will indorse the remark that children regard names as objective realities mysteriously bound up with the things, and in a manner necessary to them. A nameless object is, for a child, something incomplete — almost uncanny. 7>S' MAN THE ONLY RE AS ONER? 511 resented. And this snggests first of all that naming, properly so called, only begins when things come to be apprehended as such, that is to say, as wholes or unities. And here the question occurs whether an animal, say a dog, that is just coming on to under- stand a name or two, as that of the baby of the house, can be said to have an organized percept precisely analogous to our own per- cepts ? Dr. Romanes does not raise the question, but, in view of the light thrown by modern psychology on the complexity of the process of perception, it might not have been redundant. But waiving this point as possibly smacking of the frivolous, we have to ask whether an animal at the stage of mental development at which it appears to begin to understand names, and even to make use of them, is capable of carrjdng out the processes that go along with, and in fact constitute, naming in its true and complete sense. These processes have already been referred to in connection with the subject of general ideas. To name an object appears to mean to apprehend that object as a complex of qualities, to make men- tal separation of these, and so to relate it to other objects both by way of similarity (classification) and dissimilarity (individuation). To use a name intelligently at all would seem to imply that these processes have been carried out in a rough fashion at least. This being so, we must be prepared when we endow an animal with the power of naming, whether under the form of understanding or that of using names, to say that it is carrying out in a rudi- mentary way at least these thought-processes. How, it may be asked, does Dr. Romanes deal with this point ? The answer to this question will be found by turning to new distinctions or "stepping-stones" in the movement of thought- evolution. Our author attaches importance to the distinction be- tween higher and lower forms of the concept. Not only is there the generic image to carry us on smoothly from image to concept, but within the limits of the concept itself there are higher and lower forms. Since, according to our author, a concept is any named idea, a proper understanding of these conceptual grades can only be obtained by a glance at his scheme of names. There are, according to Dr. Romanes, four stadia in the evolu- tion of the complete logical sign or general name. Of these the first is (a) the indicative sign — that is, a significant tone or gesture intentionally expressive of a mental state, as the characteristic tones by which animals express their emotions. These are not names at all. Next to these in the order of evolution come (&) denotative signs. These, whether used by children or animals, e. g., talking birds, simply mark "particular objects, qualities, and actions." They are learned by association, and are not con- sciously employed as names. By the use of such a sign the talk- ing bird merely fixes a vocal mark to a particular object, quality, 512 THE POPULAR SCIEXCE MONTHLY. or action; it does not extend tlie sign to any other similar objects, qualities, or actions of the same class ; and therefore by its use of that sign does not really connote anything of the particular object, quality, or action which it denotes. Next in order (c) follow con- notative signs which involve the " classificatory attribution of qualities to objects." This attribution of qualities may be effected either by a receptual or a properly conceptual mode of ideation. For example, a i^arrot had come to use a barking sound when a particular dog appeared on the scene. This sign was afterward extended to other dogs, showing that there was a certain recog- nition of the common qualities or attributes of the dog. Simi- larly when the writer's own child, among its first words, used the term star for all brightly shining objects. Here again there was perception of likeness, but no setting the term before its mind as an object of thought. Lastly (d), we have the denominative sign which means a connotative sign consciously bestowed as such with a full conceptual appreciation of its office and purpose as a name. In this scheme Dr. Romanes evidently recognizes the point we are now dealing with, viz., the implication of a true thought- process in the proper use of a name. He seems to be trying to dispense with this as long as possible, with the view of securing a number of intermediate stepping-stones. Can he be said to have succeeded ? Does this hierarchy of signs with its parallel scale of ideation carry us up to logical thought ? Is it even intelligible ? Let us briefly examine it. To begin with, it staggers one not a little to find that long before the " classificatory attribution of qualities " is possible, the animal somehow manages to mark " particular qualities," what- ever these may mean. How, one asks, can a sign be appended to a quality without becoming a " connotative sign " — that is, attrib- uting a quality to a thing ? But let us pass to the really im- portant point, viz., the alleged power of the animal, e. g., the talk- ing bird, to extend a sign to different members of a class, and so to attribute common qualities or resemblances to these, while it is unable to form a concept in the full sense. This extension, we are told, takes place in the case of the sign-using bird by receptual ideation. And here the critic may as well confess himself fairly beaten. On the one hand, Dr. Romanes tells us that such a named recept is a concept (lower concept), and, moreover, that the sign employed is a connotative sign ; on the other hand, he hastens to assure us that it is not a name, and therefore presumably not a concept, in the rigorous or perfect sense, since the sign is not con- sciously employed as a sign. Here we seem to have a stepping- stone which it is impossible to define, a sort of tertium quid be- tween the image and the concept which is at once neither and IS MAN THE ONLY BE AS ONER? 513 both; Surely if a sound is used for the purpose of marking re- semblances and attributing qualities, it is a genuine name, and the mental process underlying it is a germ of true conceptual thought. To say that the parrot attributes qualities, and attrib- utes them in a " classificatory " way too, seems indeed to mean that the bird has got a considerable way along the conceptual path, and is fairly within sight of our distinctions of thing and quality, individual and class. Why logical reflection on this name as such should be needed to raise such a performance to the dignity of a true conceptual act, one is at a loss to understand. And, indeed, the author himself appears to recognize all this in a dim way at least, when he adds that the connotative sign may be the accompaniment not only of receptual but of truly conceptual ideation. At the same time this addition may very well complete the reader's perplexity, for it appears to render the next stage of evolution, the denominative sign, unnecessary. Altogether the author's account of sign-accompanied ideation is not quite satisfactory. To begin with, one misses an adequate psychological treatment of signs in general, their nature and function in our mental processes, such as M. Taine has given us in the beginning of his work On Intelligence. Then our author has left us very much in the dark as to what it is that the sign does for the intellective process, when it begins to be used. On the one hand, since we are told that the mere addition of a name transforms the generic image into a " concept," we naturally ex- pect the function of the sign to be a large and important one. On the other hand, we gather that signs can be used at the level of receptual ideation, where, consequently, true conceptual thought is wholly excluded. This confusion seems to have its main source in the curious theory that while an idea may be general, it can not become a true concept till it is introspectively regarded as our idea ; and its counterpart, that while a sign may be a true sign and even sub- serve the attribution of qualities to objects, it can not grow into the full stature of a name till it is reflected on as a name. By this doctrine Dr. Romanes seems unwittingly to have substituted the logical for the psychological definition of the concept, and so to have put the latter higher up in the evolutional scale than it ought to be. To this it must be added that the author appears to have been overanxious, with the view of making the transit smooth, to multiply distinctions. Such intermediate forms as Dr. Romanes here attempts to interpolate in the process of intellect- ual development can not in truth do away with the broad distinc- tions which psychologists are in the habit of drawing. Thus the recept only appears to connect the image and the concept just be- cause it tries to be both at the same time. So the lower stadium TOL. XL. — 36 514 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of the sign only gives an appearance of bridging over the interval between signless ideation and sign-aided thought, just because it aims at once at being something less than a true sign, and this true sign itself. If our criticisms are just. Dr. Romanes can not be said to have succeeded in his main object, viz., the obliteration of all quali- tative difference between human and animal intellection by the interposition of psychological links which can be seen to have the essential characters of both. And here one is naturally led to ask whether the author is after all on the right track. For he is a master of his facts and shows considerable power in the marshal- ing of his arguments, and, as even a hasty perusal of the volume can show anybody, he has here concentrated his force in a severe and sustained effort. Where he has failed it is conjecturable that others may fail also. And so it behooves us to see whether he has approached the problem in the right way, or, at least, in the only possible way. The introduction of all this technical mechanism of receptual ideation, lower concepts, and the rest, has for its avowed object the avoidance of all introduction of qualitative change in the process of intellectual evolution. Dr. Romanes tells us plainly at the outset that he is going to establish identity of kind between the animal and the human type of intellection. And, no doubt, if it were possible to do this in the way here attempted — that is to say, by interposing transitional forms which virtually efface all qualitative unlikeness — it would be a great advantage to the evo- lutionist. But it may be said that it is not the only way of satis- fying the requirements of the evolution hypothesis. Dr. Romanes pertinently remarks, in meeting a priori objections to the deriva- tion of human from animal intellection, that in the life of the human individual we actually have a series of transitions from animal to human psychosis. ISTow, a glance at the intellectual de- velopment of the individual shows us that distinct qualitative differences are introduced. Not to speak of the obvious fact that every new sensation effects a qualitative addition to the infant's mental life, there is the more important fact that the first image of the absent mother or nurse introduces a new sphere of mental activity. The child that dreams and imagines is already a differ- ent being from the infant that merely touches and sees. Similarly it may be said that the first conscious process of breaking up its sense-presentations, the first distinct apprehension of relations, is epoch-making just because it marks the oncoming of a new mode of mental activity, a qualitative extension of its conscious life. To say this, however, is not to say that the process of develop- ment is wanting in continuity. For, first of all, these higher forms of activity introduce themselves in the most gradual way, IS MAN THE ONLY RE AS ONER? 515 and only slowly disentangle themselves from tlie lower forms wliicli constitute their matrix. Thus the image little by little lifts itself butterfly-like out of its chrysalis, the percept. Simi- larly, what we call thinking, with its conscious comparing and relating of the products of sense-perception, emerges in the most gradual way out of lower forms of psychosis. But this is not all, or the main thing. While the higher and lower forms of intellection undoubtedly exhibit qualitative differ- ences, it may be possible to transcend these differences by going deeper, and detecting the veritable elements of the intellective process. This deej^er analysis is emphatically the work of modern psychology, and, as every reader of Mr. Herbert Spencer knows, is of vast assistance to the evolutionist in following the psychical process from its rudest conceivable form in the lower grades of animal life up to the highest achievements of human thought. The luminous idea that all intelligence is at bottom a combination of two elementary processes, differentiation and integration, seems to lift one at once high above the perplexities with which our author so laboriously deals. It enables us to say that animal in- telligence, just because it is intelligence, must be identical in sub- stance with our own. The qualitative differences between percep- tion and conception, or, to take Dr. Romanes's example, " the logic of recepts " and the logic of concepts, which obstinately persist so long as we look at the process ah extra, now appear as mere results of different degrees of complexity, of unlike modes of combina- tion of the ultimate elements ; just as to the physiologist the mani- fold variety of color resolves itself into different modes of combi- nation of two or three elementary sentient processes. When once this fundamental identity of all intellective pro- cesses is clearly apprehended, the question where exactly in the evolutionist's tree the twig of thought proper, or better, perhaps, of conscious generalization, branches off, sinks to its proper place as a question of quite secondary importance. At the same time we^may agree with Dr. Romanes that the point has its real his- torical or genealogical interest, and that he has not done amiss to devote a volume to its discussion. The question turns mainly on the point how much the animal can do by means of pure imagining and the aid of association. Our author clearly recognizes that this will carry animals some way, and may give to their mental operations the appearance of a true generalizing process. But he has not fixed the limits of this pictorial or suggestive inference with the precision one looks for, partly, no doubt, because his whole view of the generic image as somehow involving a generalizing process tended to obscure from him the real point. One might safely, perhaps, hazard the assertion that the diving-bird can get on very well without any- 5i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tiling like a general idea of water, a pure (generic) image being all that seems necessary. On the other hand, one is disposed, on the evidence of the facts adduced by our author, to put the begin- nings of the true generalizing process pretty low down. It cer- tainly seems to be involved in the mental life of the ants, as elicited by Sir John Lubbock's experiments, and described by Dr. Romanes (p. 94 and following). And since these particular actions plainly imply the use of signs, and apparently signs capa- ble of indicating such abstract ideas as those of quantity, there seems no reason why we should hesitate to call ants thinkers in the sense of being able to form general notions. The same applies to the mechanical inventions of the spider, described by Mr. Larkin (p. 62). Similarly, it is difficult to deny the rudiment of " concept- ual thought " to a fox who can reason on the matter of traps in the way described by Leroy (p. 56), or to a dog that was cured of his dread of imagined thunder by being shown the true cause of the disturbing noise, viz., the shooting bags of apples on to a floor (pp. 59, 60). No doubt there is a danger in straightway endowing animals with mental qualities identical with our own, when their actions resemble ours. There may, of course, be two psychological explanations of the same action. We can not, however, escape ouiv limitations, and, if we are to deal with animal ways at all, we are bound to interpret them in terms of our own mental processes. The hesitation of the evolutionist to attribute rudimentary thought to animals, in which Dr. Romanes evidently shares, is no doubt due to the firmly established assumption that we generalize by help of language. To the nominalist more especially it savors of rank heresy to hint that animals apparently destitute of signs may be capable of generalizing their perceptions and reaching a dim consciousness of the distinction between the universal and the particular. But is the nominalist's assumption that language is the indis- pensable instrument of thought above challenge ? A considerable part of Dr. Romanes's volume deals with the relations of thought to language. He gives us a fairly good summary of the results of research into the origin of language. It can not be said that these throw much light on the question. Perhaps it is unreasonable to expect that they should. Our author contends with some skill as against Prof. Max Miiller that the earliest traces of human lan- guage suggest a highly pictorial and non-conceptual mode of idea- tion. And in his ingenious hypothetical account of the genealogy of man as the articulate reasoner our author inclines to the idea that, so far from language making the thinker, the endowment of language has to be ingrafted on a high quality of intelligence, and even then to undergo considerable development before it becomes a mechanism for conceptual thought. ^.V EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 517 The whole subject is still a dark and perplexing one, and we must refrain from dogmatizing. It may, however, be contended that the evidence on the whole supports the view that the general- izing process is up to a certain and not very high point independ- ent of language. That is to say, an animal unassisted by any sys- tem of general signs may make a start along the path of compar- ing its observations, resolving them into their constituents, and separating out some of these as common qualities. Whether in these nascent operations of thought there is some substitute for our mechanism of signs, we do not know and perhaps never shall know. However this be, they remain nascent processes never rising above a certain level. The addition of some kind of sign which can be used as a mark of common features or qualities seems to be indis- pensable to any high degree of generalization, and to any elaborate process of reasoning. It is the want of such signs, and not the lack of the " power of abstraction," that keeps certain animals, for example the dog, from being rational animals in as complete a sense as a large number of our own species. — Nineteenth Century. AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. By MARY ALLING ABER. SECOND PAPER. ENGLEWOOD, III, is now a portion of the city of Chicago ; but formerly it was a suburban town with an independent school system. In October, 1886, Miss Frances MacChesney, a pri- mary teacher in the Lewis School, obtained permission from her principal. Miss Katherine Starr Kellogg, and her superintendent, Mr. Orville T. Bright, to try some work on the lines wrought out in the experiment made at Boston.* Her request was granted, on condition that she would complete the grade work in the re- quired time. At first nothing was attempted beyond the giving of simple science lessons as bases for reading lessons. In these the children were furnished with specimens, and led through their own obser- vations to the acquisition of facts and ideas, which the children expressed ; these expressions put upon the blackboards constituted the reading matter, and were written in script or print on slips of paper for further use. At this time Miss MacChesney herself thought of the work mainly as a more interesting way of teaching reading ; and, although the basal lessons were usually drawn from Nature, little attention was paid to the quality and value of the * See this Monthly for January. 5i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, ideas tlius used. Later, the fundamental idea of the Boston experi- ment was taken up, and the chief attention directed to the selec- tion of topics and materials for real science lessons. In this Avork no effort was made to introduce the vocabulary of the reader assigned to the grade. In February that reader — Appletons' First — was given to the children for the first time. To quote Miss MacChesney's own words: " The interest which had been awakened by the reading of their own thoughts was trans- ferred to the books, and the grade work was completed before the required time — thus more than fulfilling the condition on which the trial was allowed to be made." The work in reading went on in this manner during a second year, all other grade work being done in the old ways. During the third year systematic lessons on minerals and plants were given, and work in literature begun ; and the children's sentences were written out on a typewriter. In a letter written at the close of this year. Miss MacChesney says : " Out of a room of forty chil- dren, divided equally into two classes, one class finished the first year's work in eight months ; the other class, with the exception of two children, completed the grade work at the end of the year, besides doing all the extra work ; and the whole was accomplished with ease and happiness on the part of both pupils and teacher." During the first year of trial, another teacher in the Lewis School, Miss Quackenbush, became interested in Miss MacChesney's work, and began a similar attempt with her own class. In a short time she produced excellent results. From the first, Mr. Bright carefully watched the progress of the trial, and willingly and patiently waited its results. When convinced of the superiority of the principles involved and of the results obtained, he earnestly championed the cause, and has con- tinued to be its enthusiastic supporter. During the second year, teachers' meetings were called, discus- sions aroused, illustrative lessons given, courses of lectures for the teachers projected, and other teachers joined in the work. A teacher wrote me at the time : " I never saw teachers so ready and eager to ' speak in m.eeting ' ; . . . I never saw them so thoroughly awake.'^ Finally the principals and teachers of the Englewood schools generally waked up to the fact that something new and interesting was going on in their midst ; the idea spread, and many visitors came from adjoining towns.* * In the fall of 18S8 Miss MacChesney gave a scries of lessons on grasshoppers and beetles. These the children caught for themselves, but she herself killed and preserved them in alcohol. The following summer, while teaching at an institute, she was attacked quite fiercely for this part of her work, on the plea that it was inculcating cruelty. I should like to ask all who bring this plea whether they eschew roast beef for dinner. Shall a million beasts of a high grade of intelligence and finely wrought nervous systems daily wit- AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 519 At the beginning of tlie fourfh year a printing-press was provided ; but each teacher furnished her own type, set it, and did the printing for her class. During this year, after four months of the new work, one division of Miss MacChesney's class " completed the grade work in reading in three months, a thing never before done at Englewood." Concerning this year Miss MacChesney says further ; " From the experience which this year has brought me, I am thoroughly convinced that, could the aver- age child have from the first the results of his own observations put in printed form, and enough of phonics to enable him to find out new words, the reader could be withheld until the latter part of the year, when it would be read with relish, and as a book ought to be read. . . . The power gained by the children to ob- serve closely, to tell clearly and concisely what they have observed, and the power of logical, connected thinking is not confined to their science and reading, but is felt in all the work of the school- room. ... In looking back over the time since we began working out this theory, I see a constant increase in the power of the classes that have been led along this path." In regard to the influence of this work upon herself, Miss Mac- Chesney, during the third year, wrote me, " At night I can hardly wait the morning, so eager am I to begin another day, and see how the children will go through the work planned for that day." Here she reaches the true work of the teacher — to watch and direct the growth of the children's minds. From letters received from Miss MacChesney during 1889-90 I cull the following : " I started out to try what seemed a theory of doubtful utility to public-school children, and found all my work and my life en- larged and beautified. ... I am certainly happier than I have ever before been in teaching, and I know I am doing more for the children intrusted to my care. . . . Mr. Bright, in oj*der to speak with assurance about these matters, visited fifteen city teachers ; and in no case did he find the attention of teachers or childrei; directed to anything but the symbol, and in no case were the chil- dren further advanced than ours where thought and symbol go hand in hand. ... I did not meet with any opposition in the work. The only requirement that I must meet was *the grade work ness the scenes in ten thousand slaughter-houses, and themselves be the victims of the loathsome indifference to cruelty there practiced — shall this exist and pass uncondomned, because its results are pleasant to the appetite of the body, and the cry of cruelty be raised when a few hundred grasshoppers are killed for purposes of study ? Is the body of more value than the mind, and nourishment more desirable than knowledge ? So long as slaughter- houses exist, so long will it seem desirable to teach children reverence for animal life by iTiinute personal study of the wonder and beauty of organ and function in the lower forms. When slaughter-houses have been done away with forever, the human mind will find a bet- ter way to teach zoology. Let the cry of cruelty go forth, but not from those whose own flesh is built up from the flesh of their brute brethren. 520 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. accomplished in the required time ' ; and whether I could do that was asked over and over again. . . . The greatest trouble " (refer- ring to the days before they had a printing-press) " was the lack of printed matter, I met no criticism from parents and much praise. Especially was this true of the work in literature. . . . The criti- cism of tenest given by visiting teachers is on the ' big words/ as they call them.'' Elsewhere, in regard to these " big words/' she says : " They " (the children) " were proud of their new possessions, and lost no opportunity to use them and use them correctly. The so-called ' big words/ when they express a definite idea, are remem- bered with ease, while their humbler sisters which express nothing tangible are more readily forgotten. . . . We can say emphatically that the work can be done in the public schools, and that both teachers and pupils are benefited thereby." Another Englewood teacher wrote me : " The teacher gains an impetus in searching for and assimilating real truth to give to the waiting little ones. ... I believe the parents of our children are becoming awakened, for children tell me of searches made at home to answer whys and hows, whens and wheres, that have been raised in the work at school." Miss Walter, critic teacher at the Oswego (New York) State Normal School, after a visit to Englewood in February, 1890, wrote me : *' It has been my good fortune to see within the last week some of the best school work I have ever seen. ... It was in the rooms of Miss MacChesney, Miss Quackenbush, and others that I saw such admirable work. . . . Miss MacChesney is car- rying out, in a wise and careful manner, an ideal line of work." In closing this account of the new work at Englewood I can not do better than to give quotations from two letters received from Mr. Orville T. Bright, the superintendent under whom all this experimental work has been done. He says : Decemher 15, 1889.—" We are now harder than ever at work studying how to make observation a living element in our schools. . . . We have thirty— yes, forty teachers now who are thoroughly in earnest in the matter." Maxell 9, 1890.—" It is about three years since Miss MacChes- ney began the work. Miss Quackenbush soon followed, and the next year Miss Phelps, all in the Lewis School ; . . . and the fact was demonstrated beyond a doubt that fifty children are no bar to the success of a teacher in training little children to observe in subjects pertaining to science. " All our primary teachers slowly wheeled into line. We had numerous meetings and discussions on the subject, and every one who tried the work was convinced. The stand of the super- intendent had been misunderstood from the first, but he did not think it wise to force matters. He wished teachers to undertake AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 521 the work because they believed in it ; and now every first and second grade teacher in the district — thirty-five in number — are in hearty sympathy, as are almost all of the third and fourth grade teachers, about sixty in all. Not all, however, are at work. " There has been no systematic arrangement of material, only so far as individual teachers have made it in a small way. Our aim has been to demonstrate the feasibility of doing the work with large classes, and to prove the growth of children under the training possible. These two things we have done ; and we are now at work upon a related plan for the several grades. The scheme must be a flexible one, and it can be so arranged ; but the second grade work must grow out of and be an advance upon the first, and so on. We have discussed motive first for several weeks. Now we are on material ; then will come method. These I can not write about now. We hope to see the subject in some kind of shape before the end of the school year.'^ Do not the results of the trials at Boston and Englewood virtu- ally constitute a plea to parents and teachers to investigate this matter — not necessarily to follow, but possibly to get suggestions about a better way ; for the contemplation of a new thing sincerely conceived sometimes leads to the inspiration of a better ? Pupils in all sorts of schools seem, for the most part, unable to distinguish between opinion and fact ; their reasoning processes are easily overturned, imperfect, slovenly; their power to dis- criminate values is slight ; and the whole working of their minds lacks cohesion, totality, and gradation. Is not the human mind naturally capable of trustworthy action, and is not the lack of such action in the average adult duo to faulty education ? To see clearly, judge fairly, and will strongly — are not these the great ends of education ? Should not a man have as great a conscious- ness of mind and of power to think as he has of hands and feet and power to use them ; and should he not be as unerring in the right use of the one as of the others ? Should not the schools give this consciousness and power and mental skill ; and also fill the mind with ideas worth the effort of getting and retaining ? The maxim, " Ideas before words," adopted by teachers like Prof. Louis Agassiz, has produced great results in changing the methods of study in the natural and physical sciences. This in- fluence has extended to other departments in the older centers of learning, but the majority of our higher schools are yet scarcely touched by it. In these, study results in little more than filling the mind with words ; and from them students pass into life with- out the taste or ability to examine and estimate facts, and to form independent judgments and volitions. In primary education the maxim " Ideas before words " is re- 522 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. peated with tiresome iteration, but seldom is a question raised about the value of the ideas taught. Do the charts and books for primaries express aught that is unfamiliar to children ? Rather do they not contend for the merit of expressing most completely the commonplaces of child-life ? Is there anything worthy to be called thinking or capable of arousing interest and emotion in memorizing combinations of symbols, and associating them with familiar and trivial ideas ? And let us see what "object-lessons" chiefly deal with. Last year, in a normal school of the Empire State, a teacher of primary methods, proudly claimed by her prin- cipal to be the best in the State, gave thimbles, scissors, chairs, etc., as suitable subjects for object-lessons, and carefully led her pupils through the steps required to develop in children's minds ideas of the parts and the uses of these objects. Is there one child in five hundred, at six years of age, ignorant of these parts and uses ? Then the so-called development process is a farce, and a waste of time and energy. Look over manuals of object-lessons and courses of study for primary children : you will usually find but few subjects leading the child from the beaten path of his daily life into new, inviting, and fruitful fields ; and of these, note the directions as to what is to be taught. Such directions often re- semble a lesson on a butterfly that I heard given by a kindergart- ner. With a single butterfly held in her hand she led the children to speak of its flying in the sunshine, sipping food from flowers, living through the summer, and of the beauty of its colors. Not a word was said of the three parts of the body, the two pairs of wings, the six legs, the antennse, and the tube through which it sips food— all of which and more the children could easily have been led to see. Doubtless the teacher thought the children had had a beautiful lesson ; but had they received anything at all ? Although city children, they spent the summer in the country-— they had all seen and probably chased several species of butter- flies, and possibly some of them knew more than their teacher about the habits of butterflies. Think of children gathered by fifties in thousands of school- rooms, spending the first years of school-life in repeating trivial facts and ideas that have heen familiar from babyhood j in learn- ing the symbols for these ideas, and in counting beans and bits of chalk ! The five-year-old boy who described a kindergarten as "the place where they are always pretending to do something and never doing it," and the eight-year-old girl who, after read- ing the first few paragraphs of some ordinary i)rimary reading matter, looked up at her teacher and said, " I think' these sentences are very silly, don't you ? " are not alone in preferring the lessons of the street and the field to those of the school-room. In such dealing with trite ideas the child gets little mental exercise, gets AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION. 523 no addition to his knowledge save the written and printed sym- bols, gets no increase to his vocabulary, and little facility in using it. For these slight gains he gives the freshest, best years of life, and exhausts in weariness of spirit the fountains of intellectual interest and enthusiasm. In the experiment an effort was made to bring the child at once into contact with the real substance of education. It is this concentration of attention upon the subject-matter, not upon the method of teaching it ; on the kind of ideas, not upon the symbols of ideas, that chiefly differentiates this experiment from ordinary primary work, and makes the use of the word experiment legiti- mate. The value of method is heartily conceded, but what shall be taught was thought to be of more importance. Is it not a law of Nature that new and valuable ideas only can arouse interest and lead to worthy thoughts ? When such thoughts exercise the mind, do they not exclude the transient and trivial, lead to culture and right conduct, and so further the true end of existence— the per- fectionment of the soul ? Do not the showy, the superficial, the transient, the seeming, rule the hour ? Where do we find the heroic dignity that should inhere in man and woman ? Few pursue truth and righteousness for their own sakes regardless of consequences ; in few does the love of humanity overcome the shrinking from poverty and cal- umny. Are we becoming a nation of cowards and infidels, that we can fear nothing but material and intellectual discomforts in this one short life ? To awaken love for great literature, to arouse interest in local history, to develop a habit of observing Nature's phenomena — to do these before the mind has sunk itself in materialism and the love of sensual delights— to do these while the child is still so young that mind and heart are plastic and responsive, is indeli- bly to impress the idea that these are the legitimate objects of study whose pursuit leads, not to learning only, but to nobility of mind, and to real, satisfying pleasures. One can not know and love the great in the world's literature and not be ashamed of mean thoughts ; one can not be a student of history without bring- ing to bear upon the affairs of our own time a greater intelligence than the majority of our politicians exhibit ; one can not habit- ually observe Nature's phenomena without extending that habit to the highest and most interesting of her creatures — man ; and one can not observe man, with any depth of insight, without being profoundly impressed, not alone by the miseries of the very poor and the never-ending drudgery of the laboring classes, but by the lack of unselfish zeal, heroism, dignity, truth, gentleness, gener- osity, and purity among the well-to-do ; one can hardly view the course of Nature and history from remote ages to the present 524 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. without seeing througli all a tendency to completion, order, and beauty on an ever-rising plane, like the threads of a spiral ; and, seeing this, to desire to be himself in harmony with that tendency and a factor in aiding it in his own time. I put forth no claim to the Boston experiment or the Engle- wood trial as a cure for existing evils ; but I urge every educator who loves mankind to investigate each new departure in educa- tion, to test any that seems to have good in it, to cease to concen- trate attention on symbols and shows, and to turn thought to such realities as can nourish the mind and heart, and be retained as valuable furnishings for all the years to come, and to do these from the first day in the primary school. \_Concluded.'\ HOMELY GYMNASTICS. By ALICE B. TWEEDY. WHILE voyaging over many seas of experiment in search of education, some of us are beginning to apprehend that the golden fleece of mental culture will not create for us the sym- metrical man or woman. As a consequence, various systems of bodily training are receiving close attention from teachers and reformers, while athletic sports are now honored and encouraged in schools and colleges where not many years ago they were merely tolerated as safety-valves for unsubdued vitality. We are returning to Greek ideals, but the elimination of the me- diaeval and Puritanic expression of contempt for the body is a slow process, and the formula still meets us variously masked in life and literature. Now, it is the notion of the spiritualizing effect of invalidism, or delicacy of health ; their debasing tenden- cies toward selfishness and morbidity being ignored. Again, it is the exaltation of nerve sensitiveness into an evidence of refine- ment ; forgetting that the healthy nerve, like the pure metal, stands the normal test put upon it, the flinching being a token of failure as the alloy is of gold. In another instance, it is the scorn for manual labor, although this indicates also the survival of feudal feeling. We call the hand the servant of the mind, think- ing we have ranked it, but educating the blind shows us that it may turn instructor and incite its ignorant master to action. This is an age of fads and fetiches, and, as we give up our idol of disembodied intellect, we erect a shrine to meaningless muscle. We have outgrown croquet and archery. Even tennis no longer sufiices, and we are founding schools of physical culture and gymnasiums ad libitum. In truth, these are needed badly enough HOMELY GYMNASTICS. 525 by tlie physically idle, and if strength of body is our aim, a be- ginning must be made somewhere in its training. Does it not savor, however, of absurdity that the girls, who not long since were frowned upon for being " tom-boys " — i. e., using their mus- cles in running and jumping — and afterward were cautioned against running up and down stairs or taking long walks, should be suddenly precipitated upon parallel bars and turning poles, where there is emulation and a slight danger of overdoing ? Very far am I from believing in any inherent physical frailty of women, or that it is not good for a girl to turn a somersault or learn hand over hand. It is the inconsistency of such philosophy that calls for comment. Unquestionably the best exercise is that taken in the open air ; and rowing, running, walking, skating, horseback-riding, have forever the advantage over indoor training, in that they oxidize the blood as well as develop muscle. Gymnastics, on the other hand, has two special claims — economy of time and defiance of weather. But it is not only to the gymnasiums, equipped with apparatus and superintended by doctor or professor, that we need betake ourselves if muscular development is our object. These are attractive, and have advocates enough. Within our doors there is a despised sort of gymnastics which has few scholars, fewer teachers, and stands in great need of intelligent attention. The evangel of cookery has been preached to us from all quarters, but what missionary has been bold enough to proclaim the use and dignity of house-work ? " Nothing menial for me ! " cries the ignorant woman ; while her more intellectual sister exclaims, " Oh, I feel above such drudgery ! " Alas ! to what giddy heights must those minds be elevated which do not see the necessity nor compensation of mus- cular work ! Mr. Gladstone can find refreshment for his brain in chopping trees, and an eminent jurist of the United States in vig- orously plying the saw ; but there are women so highly refined that they can no longer employ their muscles for any useful purpose. In the pretty allegory of Homely and Comely, Moncure D. Conway contrasts for us two common mistakes, neglect of house- work and exclusive devotion to it, but shows also a health and beauty balance on the side of Homely. That there is not much sanitary or strengthening influence in the operation of dusting is evident ; and yet many women, dis- daining heavier work, reserve this domestic duty for themselves and waste much time upon it. Muscular motion is of little value unless vigorous and swift. The slow walk and loitering move- ment do not rouse the blood from its torpidity. The lowliest labor when zealously performed may be followed by an unex- 526 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. pected hygienic effect. There is the instance of a penniless young man, threatened with fever in a strange country, shipping as a deck-hand to return and die among his people. During the voy- age he scrubbed away the dirt from the ship-boards, and with it the disease that had invaded his life-craft. A story is also told of a family whose women were of the delicate, ailing sort. Mis- fortune obliged them to perform their own domestic work. What seemed for them a sad necessity proved itself a double blessing. They gained what they had never known before, robust health ; and their enforced economy restored them to a prosj)erous con- dition. Not all physicians are clear-sighted or independent enough to prescribe as did one of their number. A young lady supposed to be suffering with anaemia, nervous prostration, and other fashion- able ills sent for the family doctor. " Is there anything I can do to get well ? " she asked, after the usual questioning, " There is,'* answered he ; " follow this prescription faithfully.'' The folded scrap of paper read as follows : " One broom : use in two hours of house-work daily." That domestic work is not without its aesthetic side many au- thors bear witness. George Eliot introduces us to Hetty Sorrel at the butter-making, and writes, "They are the prettiest atti- tudes and movements into which a pretty girl is thrown." But if dairy- work is rapidly taking a place beside spinning and weav- ing as one of the picturesque employments of the past, what there is to do about the house may be also gracefully done. And here, it may be said of this as of all other work, the spirit and care we put into it endow it with beauty as well as health. Aside from the physical view of homely gymnastics, there is a social and an economic aspect. Courtship need not wait upon a problematic income if the fair Dorothea has not only a clear head but arms willing to take up the burden of life equally. Does Hermann need to toil ? She deems it incumbent upon her, unless busy with young children, to earn her own living within the home or outside of it. "When women shall have been educated to a keener sense of justice, they will no longer imagine they have discharged their debt to the community by adding a few beauti- fying touches to the household furniture ! Nor, although they fulfill the higher and more exacting duties of a mother, will they thenceforth fold their hands and do nothing. To be a good father does not absolve a man from work, neither does being a good mother exempt a woman from her share in the maintenance of the home. The maiden of to-day is yet enslaved by caste cult- ure ; but the maiden of to-morrow may scorn to be merely orna- mental or useless. She may be too proud to allow her husband to support her in idleness and may refuse to be re-enforced by a HOMELY GYMNASTICS. 527 Biddy or Gretclien unless tliere is more to do than one pair of Lands can accomplisli. The practice of these domestic exercises has also an important influence upon household service. The mistress who understands all the work required by her, and performs part of it herself, rarely has any trouble with servants. But, in order to attain this result, she must know more than the manner in which any piece of work is to be done ; she must know how long it takes to do it, and in order to estimate this justly she will need to make practi- cal trial of it herself without assistance. The knowledge and skill she gains in this way will also enable her often to sug- gest an easier method or better arrangement of work. The ridiculous requirements made in some households where there is a lack of service, and which result in frequent changes, would not be possible if the mistress had learned this lesson in its entirety. Can it be repeated too often that it is the sign of ignorance to scorn any work well done, or the doer of it ? Only when the dignity and importance of labor are rightly estimated can we hope for any well-founded social prosperity. While it is not sug- gested that wealthy women should discharge their servants and undertake their own domestic work, it may be urged that only good can come from their personal performance of some share of it — physical benefit to themselves and a more wholesome feeling for the labor of their necessitous sisters. Between the small minority who suffer from too easy living and those whose days are overburdened with care, there exists, especially in cities, a large class of women in moderate circumstances whose health would be greatly benefited by more physical exercise. These need not rashly bestride the bicycle, nor rush through the non- productive drill of the gymnasium as an only means of grace. They may garner their resources, develop their muscles in walk- ing and in reconquering a world of flexibility and strength which lies within their own thresholds. New evidence of the existence of a vibration or some other motion of change in latitude was presented to the American Association by Prof. 0. L. Doolittle, who describes the results of between eleven and twelve thousand observations, made during the last fourteen years, at tlie Sayre Observatory, Bethlehem, Pa., showing that such variations were recorded. Prof. George C. Oorastock, of "Washington Observatory, Madison, Wis., deduced from similar observations at Konigsberg, Pulkowa, Washington, and Madison, a theory that the north pole is moving along the meridian at the rate of four and five tenths of a second per century. The active discussion that followed the reading of these papers is an indication of tlie interest that is taken by men of science in a subject that has only recently begun to attract attention. 528 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. NEW OBSERVATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. By M. De LACAZE DUTHIERS, OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. I HAD occasion, in a note publislied several years ago in the Revue Scientifique, to mention a parroquet whicli I have since continued to observe, the manifestations of whose intelligence are both interesting and instructive. Many acts of birds are difficult of interpretation. To speak only of their songs, the meanings of most of the innumerable varieties of sounds which they produce, and of their diverse warblings, escape us completely. It is not possible to find the meaning of these things except by form- ing suppositions and hypotheses, or by catching the connections between cries and acts. But instances of the latter kind are ex- tremely rare in comx^arison with the great majority of the mani- festations made by animals. Thus, to select examples which every one can observe, when a canary-bird is warbling in its cage and becomes deafening, or when a lark rises straight up in the air and incantat suum tirile tirile — sings its tirile tirile — as Linnseus picturesquely expresses it ; when a tomtit, leaping from branch to branch of a willow or among the reeds, repeats its florid warblings ; when a raven croaks ; when a blackbird whistles — what significance can we attach to their songs and their cries ? Certainty is impossible, and we can only form more or less plausible hypotheses concerning the inter- pretation of them. The parrot furnishes us one more aid in this matter than other birds, and this helps us, to a certain extent, in overcoming the difficulty of interpretation. It has an articulate voice, and when we have taught it a few words, the meaning which it gives them may be better divined by us according to the tone and the rapid- ity or slowness of its utterance. This permits us to discover the feelings that move it, for we can better judge from an articulate sound than from one that is merely musical. Much has been written on the language of animals. It is neither my desire nor my intention to repeat here all that may have been said on this subject. It would take too long and would be of no use. I have often witnessed facts that may be of inter- est to those who are occupied with the mental manifestations of animals. I will simply relate them ; and of such as are already known, I will merely mention them anew, admitting in advance a priority for others which I do not demand for myself. There can be no doubt that animals communicate their impres- OBSERVATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. 529 sions by an inarticulate voice. Common sense and tlie most su- perficial observations are opposed to the negative of this propo- sition. But when a canary-bird warbles till it stuns us, or a nightingale sings in the shadows on the fine nights of June, can we follow and discover the significance of those modulations — now sharply cadenced, now slowly drawn out, and ending with a trill long and accurate enough to challenge the most skillful mu- sician ? All the poets of every country have constantly sung of the songs of Philomela. But their fervent and enthusiastic verses cast little light on the value of the nightingale's song. It is said that the male sings for the entertainment of the sitting female, but there is no proof of the assertion. The note warning of the approach of danger is easier to recognize. The bird utters a short, hoarse cry, and repeats it with a succession of trrrSy trrre, which is impossible to mistake. When we hear this cry we may be sure that an enemy is near. Music gives way to a cry of dis- tress and warning, and the female leaves her nest if the sounds be- come piercing. AVhat do we know of the gobbling of the turkey, which the whistling and the cries of children excite ? They are doubtless responses to those challenges ; but what do they mean ? The crowing of the cock, recurring regularly at fixed hours, has some signification, but we can not comprehend it. If on a fine afternoon in autumn the cock crows, and repeats his strain be- tween two and four o'clock, the countrymen in some places will say there will be a fog on the morrow, and they are generally not mistaken. Hens do not mistake his notes either ; when a leader of the troop, coming upon a spot rich in food, utters his peculiar chuckle, they run from all around to share the find with him. It is evident that the cock has called them and they have understood him. These facts indicate that there is some definite sense in this inarticulate language; and examples of it, taken from other groups, might be multiplied. The dog, intelligent animal as he is, manifests his affection on meeting his master, with peculiar cries which vary with the in- tensity of his joy. No one could confound these notes of pleasure with those which he utters when he is angrily driving away a beg- gar, or when he meets another dog of unpleasant appearance and puts himself in the position of attack. An interesting study of the voice of the dog on guard may be made in the country at night. If another dog barks in the dis- tance, the house-dog answers in a peculiar manner. He gives a few growls, stops, seems to listen, begins again, very often getting answers ; and, after two or three interruptions, he terminates his barking with abrupt yelps, loud at the beginning and long drawn out, and gradually dying away. This ending of his cries is habit- TOL. XL. — SY 530 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY: ually accompanied by his raising liis head, and throwing it back. I have often, when within the house, on hearing the watch-dog bark in this way. opened the window to assure myself on the sub- ject, and distinguished, as I could not do with the windows closed, the voice of another watch-dog barking in the same way in the distance — the barkings of the two dogs alternating, one answering the other. There is in such cases an evident communication of im- pressions. One of the dogs, having had his attention aroused by some unusual noise, has transmitted his impression to the other, as sentinels posted at intervals call out their warnings one to another. I have often repeated this observation during the long evenings of winter. Another example, little known in thickly populated countries, is drawn from a curious scene which I witnessed during a winter passed in Perigord Noir. We had remarked that for several nights the three watch-dogs, a young and an old male and a bitch, howled often toward midnight, but in a peculiar way. One night in par- ticular, during their tedious concert, just as we had got to sleep, they mingled with their cries bowlings like those they would have uttered if they had been beaten, with a shading hard to define, but which we perceived plainly ; and we remarked that, leaving their kennel in the avenue that led up to the lodge, they had come to close quarters with one another at the gate, with alter- nating bowlings and plaintive cries. Inquiring in the morning for the cause of these singular cries, the peasants told me that a wolf had passed, and predicted that it would return. They said, too, that a neighbor's hunting-bitch had disappeared, and its bones had been found in the fields near a wood. We were awakened again about midnight by the cries of the dogs, and the scene was renewed. Informed as we now were of the nature of what was going on, we ran to one of the windows, whence we could see, in the clear light of the moon, all that passed. The three dogs were cowering against the gate, the oldest one howling by the side of the others, while the younger one and the bitch were exposed at intervals to the attacks of another animal, browner than they, and of about their size, without defending themselves, but moan- ing as if they were undergoing a vigorous correction. Frightened, doubtless, by the opening of the blinds of the first story above him, the strange animal had gone away and was sitting in the middle of the road. We could only see that he had straight ears. While we were going down to get a gun the visitor came back to his charge on the dogs, which had begun howling after he left them, and resumed the cries significant of chastisement when they were attacked again. For some reason, perhaps because he heard the click of the gun, the foe drew back and sat down in a garden-walk, concealed by a bunch of shrub- OBSERVATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. 531 bery. The three dogs, notwithstanding our reiterated urging, were no more disposed to pursue him than before. If the assailant had been a dog they would have rushed upon him, but they stayed cow- ering at the gate and howled distressfully. The bitch was most affected, and they all seemed paralyzed by fear. It is said in the country that bitches are especially liable to be attacked by wolves. It was so here. The most certain feature in the matter was the terror of the animals. They were capable of resisting the attack three times over. The young dog was a savage one, and passers-by were afraid of the bitch ; but that night they were terrorized, and all incapable of defending themselves. Their cries were therefore due to the same cause as in the preceding night — the presence and attacks of the wolf. I could not have realized their meaning if I had not been a witness of the scene — that is, I could not have correlated the cries and the acts. A shot at the animal behind the bushes was followed by a hoarse cry. He was hit, and ran ; but, in spite of our urgings, the dogs stayed at the gate and only stopped howling. Under any other conditions, upon the signal of the shot they would all have started in pursuit of the wounded animal. A wolf came to the farm during the last winter (1890-''91) and attacked the same bitch. He would have carried her off, for he had seized her by the throat, if we could judge from the stifled cries she uttered ; but this time he found with her a new watch- dog— a mountain bitch from the Pyrenees — of a breed that at- tacks the wolf and the bear. The wolf would have been caught if he had not run away. He did not return, for he had been attacked, and learned what he had to deal with. The Pyrenean breed furnishes excellent watch-dogs. I knew one of remarkable traits. At evening he would go round the house, giving two or three growls at each door. With his head raised he seemed to listen to his fine voice, then he would start again and go to another door. He seemed desirous to show those who were observing him that he was attending to his post as guardian. He then went away in silence along the walk, through a dark, rising hedgerow, leaping the slight hillock, yelping, to- ward the wood. He listened, yelped again, and went in. There was never any failure in this performance, but every evening as night was coming on he began his round, which no one had taught him. It was all done in his function as a guard. It would be hard to determine what his yelps meant, but there were in them an inflection, a sonorousness, and a continuance quite different from those he uttered when pursuing a passer-by or when going to meet a person coming toward the house. Every one who has a watch-dog is able to tell by the sound of his barking when a per- son is coming up, and usually what sort of a visitor it is. 532 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The peasants* dogs of the southwest of France dislike the country millers, because of the long whips which they are always carrying and snapping, and with which the dogs, running after them, are often struck. From as far off as the snapping of the whip can be heard, the dogs come to wait for the millers and pur- sue them ; and it is easy to recognize when the millers are passing, by the behavior of the dogs. There is in this also a significance, at once aggressive and defensive, in the cries which one can, by giving a little attention, soon learn to distinguish. Another example of the reality of the various meanings of the cries of the dog under different circumstances is afforded by the companies that collect around a female in heat. I have a very intelligent and experienced brach-hound, the same which with the bitch had to face the attack of the wolf. He amuses me much at my country lunches. Hunting-dogs which have been much with their masters at lunch do not like to have the drinking-glass offered them. This dog was much afraid of the glass, and I had only to present it to him at lunch-time to make him keep his distance. I used to keep my door open at lunch, for the amusement of observing how I could make him stop exactly at the threshold without stepping over it. If he had passed over it I could always send him back by casting toward him a few drops of water from the bottom of the glass after drinking. Sitting, as was his habit, on the sill of the door, with the tip of his muzzle never extending beyond the plane of the panels, he would follow my motions with the closest attention, reminding me, if I failed to give him a sign of attention, by a dis- creet, plaintive cry, that he was there. But if I touched my glass he would spring up at once ; if I filled it, he would put himself on guard, utter a kind of sigh, sneeze, lick his lips, yawn, and, shak- ing his ears briskly, make little stifled cries. Then he would grow impatient, and more and more watchful and nervous. When I lifted my glass to my lips he would draw back, working gradually nearer to the farther door, and at last disappear and hide. One who was looking at him without seeing me could tell by his wails and his attitude the level and position of my glass. When the glass was horizontal, I could see only about half of his head, with one eye regarding me fixedly, for that was usually the critical moment — the one, also, when the wails and restraints were most demonstrative of the anxious fear of my poor animal. When we dine in the kitchen, which is on the ground floor, the dogs are usually all put out. There are four of them, three young and not experienced, and this old, sagacious brach-hound. He insists on coming in, and, to gain his purpose, tries to have the door opened. Although no person may be coming up the walk, he dashes down it barking, all the others going along too OBSERVATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. 533 and yelping with him ; then he stops, remains a little behind after having got the others out of the way, and, turning his head from moment to moment, looks to see if the door has been opened, for we generally go to it to see who has come. In that case the feigned attack is successful, and the dog, who has evidently meant to give the alarm so as to have the door opened, comes in at once and claims a place at the table. He has accomplished his end, for the door is usually shut without paying attention to his having got in. I have frequently witnessed this stratagem, and when, during my kitchen dinner, I suddenly hear the dogs yelping after the brach-hound has begun, I am pretty sure that nobody is in sight. I have forgotten where I found the next story of an old dog who was also very sagacious. Hunting-dogs, when they grow old, become rheumatic, or are at least debilitated with pains. We know, too, that they crave heat, and get as near the fire as possible — a craving which increases as they grow older. One such dog, older than the others, and slower in getting into the lodge on return- ing from the hunt, was often crowded away from the fire by the other livelier dogs getting all the best places before him. Find- ing himself thus turned out in the cold, he would dash toward the door barking, when the others, supposing it was an alarm, would rush away too, while the old rheumatic went to the fire and selected a place to suit him. It is not necessary to dwell upon the intelligence shown by such acts. But it is hardly contestable that the old animal, who knows how to play such tricks upon his less experienced compan- ions, deceives them by his intonations, while he is well aware that no enemy is approaching the house ; but he does it scientifically, by the inflections of his voice, as a man speaking to other men would do in announcing the arrival of an imaginary enemy. Inarticulate cries are all pretty much the same to us ; their inflections, duration, pitch, abruptness, and prolongation alone can inform us of their purpose. But experience and close atten- tion have shown us the connection of these variations with the acts that accompany or precede them. Animals evidently un- derstand these inflections at once. We can not better compare the language of animals than with what takes place in a pleasant sport, a kind of pantomime of the voice or language which many youth doubtless understand, and which I venture to refer to here to aid in more easily conceiving of the communication of thought among animals by sounds which seem to us all alike. When I was engaged in hospitals, the evenings in the guard- room were sometimes enlivened by the presence of a companion who excelled in humorous mimicry. He would represent a man in liquor who had stopped at a fountain that flowed with a gentle 534- THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sound, somewhat like that of his own hiccough. A single oath, pronounced in different tones, was sufficient to enable us to com- prehend all the impressions, all the states of mind through which this devotee of Bacchus passed. The oath, at first pronounced slowly and with an accent expressing relief, represented a feeling of satisfaction, with shadings of prolonged exclamation which it would be hard for one to imagine without suggestion. The con- tinued flowing of the fountain made our drunken man impatient, and he wanted it to stop. This state of mind was translated by a new modulation of the same word. In a little while the gurgling of the fountain produced astonishment. Was it possible that he, with all the liquid he had imbibed, could vomit so much and for so long a time ? This mental condition was expressed by a new modulation of the same oath. The first movement of surprise over, resignation follows, and our man decides to wait patiently for the end. A period of half lethargy was easily represented by the slowness and weakness of the man's voice while living up to this decision ; but when he comes out of this sleepy condition and hears the fountain again, ho is possessed with fear : he can not understand the flood he is pouring out — he dares not move — he believes he is lost. Gradually the fumes of the liquor pass away, and, his mistake being recognized, the drunkard is taken with a laughing and a gayety which are indicated by the same oath repeated in tones corresponding with the satisfaction he is then enjoying. This making the series of impressions a man passes through comprehensible by a single word, varied in pronuncia- tion and utterance, is very like the language of animals, which is always the same, and the significance of which is given by vari- ety of intonations corresponding with sensational conditions. The mewing of the cat is always the same ; but what a num- ber of mental conditions it expresses ! I had a kitten whose gambols and liveliness entertained me greatly. I understood well, when it came up to me mewing, what the sound meant : some- times the kitten wanted to come up and sleep in my lap ; at other times it was asking me to play with it. When, at my meals, it jumped on my knees, turned round, looked at me, and spoke in a coaxing and flattering way, it was asking for something to eat. When its mother came up with a mouse in her jaws, her mufiled and low-toned mew informed the little one from a distance, and caused it to spring and run up to the game that was brought to it. The cry is always the same, but varied in the strength of the inflections and in its protraction, so as to represent the various states of mind with which my young animal is moved — just as it was with the drunken man in the mimicry scene. These facts are probably well known to all observers of animals. We have seen that this tonality of the watch-dog's cries is OBSERVATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. 535 competent to indicate that a person is coming to the house. We find similar cries of warning uttered by birds. When I was a professor in the Faculty of Lille, I frequently visited the well- known aged Professor of Physics, M. Delezenne. He had a work- ing-room at the end of a garden, in which a laughing mew wan- dered. From the time that any one came in till he went out, this bird made the vocal explosions to which it owes its name ; and the good professor was certain, without ever being mistaken, that somebody was coming to his laboratory. He was notified. My Jaco in Paris has a warble that answers the ringing of the bell. If we have not heard the bell, we are notified by Jaco of its ring- ing, and, going to the door, find some one there. I have been told of a parrot belonging to the steward of a lyceum which had heard the words " Come in," when any one rang the bell. He never failed to cry, " Come in," when the bell moved, and the vis- itor was embarrassed at seeing nobody after having been invited to open the door. Instances in which cries of birds had an incontestable and precise signification are numerous ; let me refer to a few of the best known. The cackle of a hen, after having laid an egg and left her nest, is decidedly characteristic. Her clucking when she is impelled to sit on her eggs, or when she is calling her chicks, is no less demonstrative. There is not a farmer who does not rec- ognize it and understand it. In these things we see the rela- tion between the tone of the prating or cluck of the hen and her acts. But when a nightingale sings all night, or a gold-finch whistles or a raven croaks, we can not so easily interpret the significance of their inarticulate sounds. The finch calls its mate by uttering a few notes followed by a long trill. Matches, of a barbarous character based on this habit, were held in the north of France while I was living at Lille, between 1855 and 18G0. I do not know whether they have been suppressed or not, but the laws for the protection of animals ought to take cogni- zance of them. The gamesters put out the eyes of the male finches, and made them, thus blinded, compete as singers, for which pur- pose they brought their cages into proximity. When the birds heard and recognized one another's voices, they made their appeal to the female ; the one that renewed his amorous trills most fre- quently, protracted them longest and to the last, gained the prize. The bird that was declared victor received a medal amid the applause of a large and enthusiastic crowd ; and considerable wagers were staked upon the result. I have heard that these poor blinded birds sometimes fell down exhausted with singing, and kept on calling the absent female till they died, not being willing to yield to a rival, who on his side was also keeping up his equally useless appeals. These finch contests were suggested 536 THJE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. after the meaning of the soug of the birds was learned. But when these birds, which are more usually isolated — whence they have been named Fringilla codehs, or celibates — hop around our houses and also utter their amorous trills at another than the mating season, they are evidently not calling the female. Should we not then seek to determine by the tone whether their call, which is always the same, is amorous or not ? In countries where flocks of turkeys are raised one can learn very quickly from their gobblings when they have captured a hare. If they meet him standing still or lying down, they form in a circle around him, and, putting their heads down, repeat con- tinually their peculiar cries. The hare remains quiet, and it is sometimes possible to take him up, terrorized as he is in the midst of the black circle of gobbling beaks and heads. The language of the turkeys is at that time incontestably significant. It is war like, and similar to that of the males when they are fighting. In the present instance, they have joined for war, and they make it on the frightened hare. My Jaco, like all parrots, which are excellent imitators, pro- nounces a few words and repeats them over and over again. Such birds amuse us, because the words they know sometimes happen to be ludicrously fitting. A bird of this kind had been struck by the note sounded by the wind blowing into a room through a crack in the glass-work whenever a certain door was opened ; and he had become so perfect in his imitation that they sometimes, on hearing the noise, went to shut the door when it was not open. Jaco formerly belonged to a very pious old lady who was accus- tomed to say her litanies with another person. He had caught the words " Pray for us " in the invocations to the several saints, and said them so well as sometimes to deceive his learned mistress, and cause her to think she was saying her litanies with two col- leagues. When Jaco was out of food, and any one passed by him, he would say, " My poor Cocotte ! " or " My poor rat ! " in an arch, mawkish, protracted tone that indicated very clearly what he wanted, and that his drinking-cup was empty. There was no doubt in the house as to his meaning ; and whenever one heard it he said, " He has nothing to eat." He was exceedingly fond of fresh pits of apples and pears, and I was in the habit of collect- ing them and keeping them to give him. So, whenever, as I came near him, I put my hand into my pocket .he never failed to say, " Poor Cocco ! " in a supplicating tone which it was im- possible to mistake. A sugar-plum is a choice morsel to him. He can tell what it is from a distance when I hold it out in my fingers ; and when I give it to him he can not restrain him- self if it has been any considerable time since he has had the delicacy. Usually, after having made the first motion to get it. OBSERVATION'S ON THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. 537 as if he were ravished and wanted to express his joy in advance, he would draw back before taking it, and say, in a comical tone, " Hold, my poor Cocotte ! " His manner of thanking in advance is likewise amusing. The expression of his eyes and the pose of his head are all in accord with the tone of his exclamation. When he tastes the plum he utters a series of alis, and produces a kind of warble by prolonging some of his notes and short- ening up others. We find in these examples without doubt that the articulate voice makes us better able to judge the meaning of the impressions that are moving the animal than inarticulate cries, or merely musical sounds. When Jaco met a child for whom he had a great affection, he would promenade on his perch, or turn the wheel, spreading out his tail and ruffiing the feathers of his head, while his eyes grew red with excitement if the child was too slow in bestowing the accustomed caress. Then he would stop, bend down his head, and, looking at his friend, say pleasantly, " Jaco," in a tone and with a manner quite in contrast with the pronunciation of the same word when he was hungry. It is not the word he speaks that is of interest ; he might have been taught another, and it would have been the same ; but it is the tone. In this case, too, the articulation gives an easier clew to the meaning the bird seeks to express, having a meaning ac- cording to the manner of pronouncing it, than any isolated, sim- ply musical sound, like the song of the nightingale, canary-bird, and warbler. This became evident to me, not from observing animals for a few moments without seeing them again, but from studying them continuously. Jaco did not like solitude, and was talkative and fond of being caressed, like all of his kind. One day when there was no one in the country-house, all having gone out into the garden or the fields, I heard him saying over what few words he knew, in differ- ent inflections. I went quietly into the room where he was, with- out being seen ; but he heard my steps, although I had walked in very cautiously, hoping to surprise him. He ceased his chatter, listened, and, after a silence, pronounced " Jaco " in a low tone, drawing out the end of the word. He listened again, and repeated the word in the same tone ; then, after another silence, repeated it with a rise of the voice I continued observing him, and, as he heard no one, he raised his tone gradually, repeating the same word, and ended at last with a genuine cry of distress. The peo- ple ran in from without, supposing something had happened to him. He then repeated his name in a lower tone, which seemed to indicate his satisfaction at finding his isolation ended. I went in myself, and his prattle unmistakably betrayed his gladness at being no longer alone. Is there not in this an act of real intelligence ? While alone. 538 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the parrot entertained himself by talking ; but when he heard a sound he hoped at first to see some one come ; and when no one answered him, he raised his voice, as a person would do who calls, and, getting no reply, cried out louder and louder till he was heard and answered. The meaning of the differences of intonation is as evident in this case as in that of the drunken man. A parrot raised in the south had learned to swear in the local patois. Be- ing fond of coffee, he was sometimes given a spoonful, which he would come awkwardly up to the table to drink with his master. One day the master, not thinking of his bird, had already added cognac to his coffee, and gave the i)arrot the accustomed spoonful. The parrot took a swallow of it, and, in his surprise at the novel taste, raised his head and repeated the oath in a tone that excited laughter in all who were present. The cause of his surprise being discovered, he was soothed, and then took his usual ration with evident signs of contentment. The mimicry of language in this case clearly represented the shade of the new impression he felt. Jaco is very timid. In the evening, when he is put to roost in a close and dark room, he is afraid of the shadow of his perch that is cast by the light we carry in our hand ; he eyes it, and utters a low cry, which stops when the candle is blown out and he can not see the shadow any longer. He stands in dread of blows in the bottom of his cage, because, having a wing broken, he can not fly, and is afraid of falling. Feeling his weakness, his language has a different tone from the usual one. Large birds flying in the sky above him annoy him greatly, and we can all tell by his voice when such a bird is near or flying over. He inclines his head and chatters in a low tone as long as the bird is in sight, paying no attention to anything else. Turkeys and hens announce the approach of a bird of prey in a similar manner. We find in the facts which we have related, as well as in many others which are cited respecting the ways and habits of parrots, proofs of a remarkable intelligence. These creatures are distinguished by the unlimited affection which they bestow upon certain persons, as well as by their excessive dislikes, which noth- ing can explain. Jaco conceived an extraordinary dislike for a maid who, although she took good care of him, was in the habit of washing the bottom of his cage under a faucet. He afterward discarded another person, whom he had liked so much that she could do what she pleased with him, even to passing her hand over his back and taking him by the tail, holding him in her hands, or putting him in her apron — caresses of a kind that par- rots do not usually permit. Nothing astonished him or offended him. He proved very inconstant toward her, and now, while bet- ter disposed toward the other girl, he is furious against this one. OBSERVATIONS ON TEE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. 539 A tliird miss has come to capture his affection ; and when he has been left asleep, or resting in his cage, he has always the same word, but different in the inflection, wheedling, angry, or nearly indifferent, as either of the three persons comes near him. Jaco's pronunciation is scanned in many metres. Only one young stu- dent has had the privilege of retaining his affection unmarred. Jaco had been left in the country for a whole week in the winter. Alone and isolated, he was taken care of by a person who was not constantly with him. The young student, accom- panied by a tutor, came to pass a few days in the house. At the sight of the youth, Jaco, surprised, called out, " Momon ! Mo- mon ! " " It was affecting," they wrote me, " to see so great signs of joy." I have also myself witnessed similar signs of joy at the coming of the student. Jaco's speech at such times is always in harmony with his feelings. In the pleasant season Jaco's cage is put outdoors ; and at meal-times, knowing very well what is going on within, he keeps up a steady course of suppliant appeals for attention. His appeals cease at once if I go out with fruit in my hand, and if I go toward him he utters a prattle of joy that sounds like musical laughter. These manifestations indicate that he is happy at seeing that he has been thought of. I close these anecdotes, as I began them, by repeating that animals communicate their impressions, and the feelings that move them, by various modulations of their inarticulate cries, which are incomprehensible to us unless we have succeeded by attentive observation in connecting them with the acts that fol- low or precede them. We have also seen that the articulation of a few words learned by parrots aids us greatly in learning the meaning of these different inflections. The extension of these studies would furnish much of interest ; but further observations should be made upon the same animals for a long time continuously, relating especially to their peculiar instincts as manifested by their various cries. We might then, by comparing and relating acts and cries, reach the point of com- prehending and perhaps fixing the meaning in many cases where we are now in ignorance. Every one has noticed a few facts, and has interpreted and related them, but much is still wanting for the co-ordination of them in the point of view of the signification of the language and communication of animals among themselves. It has not been made in a general sense. — Translated for The Popular Science MorUhly from the Revue Scientifique. AocoBDiNG to Prof. G. Brown Goode, the United States is taking a "splendid load " in the investigation of deep-sea fishes, England, France, Italy, Switzerland, and India have all suspended their investigations, and the United States steamer Albatross represents the whole work of the world in that direction. 540 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. RECENT OCEANIC CAUSEWAYS. By M. E. BLANCHAED, of the Institute of Feance. e THE object of tliis paper is the survey of the most remarkable changes that have taken place in the configuration of the land and the seas. My purpose is to show by an aggregation of proofs that the European and American continents were, to a certain extent, united at an epoch of only moderate geological antiquity. When we consider the extent of the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and America, as measured by the usual routes across it, we reject all thought of there ever having been a pas- sage between the two continents in the present geological period. But the assertion of the former existence of such a communica- tion should cause no surprise, if we regard the arctic regions of both shores of the Atlantic. In fact, if we follow a line drawn from the islands north of Scotland through the Faroe Islands to Iceland, from Iceland to Greenland, and from Greenland to Labra- dor through Davis Strait, which is crowded with islands and islets, we find a chain of lands interrupted only by spaces of sea of small extent, and in some places of no great depth. Subsi- dences of the ground and erosions have caused the isolation of lands which were united in former ages, when living Nature had assumed a character which has not ceased to exist down to our own days. A similar phenomenon produced the separation of England. The application of natural history to physical geography and the history of the globe casts a full light upon this matter. The flora and fauna of North America are distinguished from those of Europe by essential traits. This fact contributes in a striking manner to establish the passage of a number of species from Eu- rope to America. The demonstration appears complete when we look at the number and the character of the plants and animals inhabiting both continents. Among these are several anemo- nes,* Crucifer(S;\ violets, and a number of species of Stellaria of the pink family. The astragalus of the Alps thrives in Canada. Among the RosacecB we find a series of species of northern and Alpine Europe which occur also in North America — Spirceas, Po- tentillas and others. Numerous saxifrages, epilobiums, and honeysuckles are common, especially the famous LinncBa horealis. Heaths of several kinds, the rhododendron of Lapland, and prim- roses, have likewise found their way to America. The families of the scrophul arias, the labiates, the borages, and the gentians are al- * Anemone grafius, A. narcissijlora, and A. hepatica. f Cardamine bellidijlora, Arabis petrcea, aud Draha lucana. RECENT OCEANIC CAUSEWAYS. 541 so represented in the New World by identical species. Among the arborescent plants, alders, willows, junipers, and the common yew exist in the cold or temperate regions of both worlds. While we refrain from dwelling on the grasses and ferns, the dissemination of which to great distances is one of the most common phenom- ena,* we are able to cite plants which seem hardly adapted to leap over the arms of the sea, such as orchids and lilies of northern Europe, which are also common in North America. The numerous world of insects furnishes hundreds of exam- ples of species that have passed across from the arctic regions of Europe into America. Of the beetles, insects generally sedentary and possessed of means of locomotion so inferior that they would hardly venture to cross a sea with them, we can mention not less than three or four hundred species as common to both continents. We are particularly struck with the number of carnivorous spe- cies {Carabides), which, living on the land and hiding under stones, are disseminated very slowly. These species of carnivo- rous Coleoptera may be followed from the north of the European continent to Iceland, the shores of Greenland, Labrador, and Canada, f It would be absurd to suppose that man has been able in his migrations to carry such a multitude of the lower creatures across the ocean. Notwithstanding the daily chances and the continual transportation of all kinds of food-products, the com- mon chafer of Europe has not been introduced at any point in North America. Lepidopterous insects (butterflies and moths), aided by a favor- able wind, are undoubtedly sometimes carried over the sea ; and it is not impossible that when they fall upon a land remote from the country of their origin they may live and propagate them- selves there. These, however, are exceptional cases, while the Lepidoptera of the New World may be counted by the legion. The common vanessas of Europe abound in the northern parts of America,! and the argynnes of Lapland and Iceland* and the satyrs of the genus Chionobas live also in Labrador. The enu- meration could be easily extended. It is fair to suppose that investigations properly directed would enable us to recognize, in some American forms very close to the European, local varieties of the same species. It may * M. 0. Francliet, a botanist attached to the Museum of Natural History, has made, at my request, a complete examination of the plants of northern Europe which are diffused to a greater or less extent in North America. f Bldhera ardica, Nebria nivalix, Bemhid'mm Grapei, Patrohus sepicntrwiix, Pterosti- chus vitreus, P. arcticola, Amara erratica, A. inierstidaHs, A. brunnea, PlaUjrus Boge- manni, Miscodera arciica. I Vanessa anfiopa, V. Paolychlorus, V. Urtica, V. Atalanta, * Argynn'is Freya, A. Frigga. 542 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. be further observed, in support of our thesis, that species in- capable of great displacements, such as the spiders of arctic countries and Alpine regions, have been observed in Greenland. We can furthermore draw valuable results from the survey of the geographical area of various vertebrates. The common mar- ten, the common sable, and the ermine of the cold countries of Europe, have passed into North America. Specific differences between animals existing in different countries were formerly made too readily, but we are now more careful. A very charac- teristic type — the beaver — is widely diffused in Europe and in Canada. The differences which the old naturalists defined be- tween the European and American beavers are of the most super- ficial character, while contemporary zoologists only distinguish local varieties. Other rodents, like the Norwegian lemming and the variable hare, have followed the same ways as the preceding species, and spread themselves from one continent to the other. Finally, we must not forget the reindeer of Lapland, which also wanders in numerous troops in the coldest regions of North America. The fresh-water fishes of North America constitute a group very characteristic of a single region of the globe. Yet this fauna is augmented by a few European species. A perch {Perca flavescens) should not apparently be separated from the river perch of Europe. The peculiarities in the number and propor- tions of the spines that garnish the opercle are so variable in individuals that specific distinctions can not be based upon them.* The European river bull-head (Coitus gobio), which is spread through all northern Europe, lives in Greenland and North America. The European pike inhabits the fresh waters of North America, along with a distinct species peculiar to the country. Now, it is certain that no river perch or bull-head or pike ever left fresh water. These fishes could therefore have distributed themselves through the two continents only at some time when the lands scattered between the Old and New Worlds were con- nected. So abundant are the proofs of a communication by land be- tween Europe and America during a recent age of the earth, that it does not seem too presumptuous to declare it clearly cer- tain. If we carry ourselves back to the views which prevailed till recently concerning the isolation of America, we shall suffer a kind of surprise in observing most striking resemblances in living * At my request, M. Leon Vaillant, my colleague in the Museum of Natural History, has examined all the specimens of the American perch {Perca flavescens) in the collections of this museum and compared them with the river perch of Europe. The recognized dif- ferences are of so little importance as in no way to authorize a specific distinction. RECENT OCEANIC CAUSEWAYS. 54.3 Nature on the two continents. The union between the continents probably existed only in the north, perhaps above the fiftieth degree of latitude. If we follow the most eastern parts of Asia, northern Japan, Siberia, and Kamchatka, which are separated from America by Bering Strait, or if we proceed from the Ameri- can side through the peninsula of Alaska and the chain of the Aleutian Islands, we shall comprehend at once that only very ordinary geological changes may have been sufficient to bring about the separation of lands which had been long united. Look- ing toward the extreme north, we find no other separation between the Old and New Worlds than a simple arm of the sea, Bering Strait. The study of living Nature in the arctic regions of Asia and America is very instructive. Let us begin with examining the vegetation. Some anemones and a ranunculus * of Siberia are now common in North America. Another species of ranunculus f is common to Japan, Kamchatka, Alaska, and northern and east- ern America. While we admire the tulip tree % in the parks of Europe, we recollect also that that beautiful exotic is one of the glories of the North American flora. But the tulip tree has recently been discovered in China. Then, there are the violets of Siberia and Japan,* which are mingled also with the vegetation of North America; and a vine {Vitus Lahrusca), now well known, reputed American, which grows in Japan and a part of eastern Asia. A maple || is common to Japan and North America, as are also Spirceahetulifolia (birch-leaved spiraea) and Pole ntilla fragiformis of the rose family, some saxifrages, a crassula {Penthorum se- doides), various umbelliferous plants, the maritime alder, and a few orchids and lilies. The animal world furnishes valuable evidences of our theory. Concerning insects I will cite only the facts most demonstrative of former communications. Some carnivorous beetles, the Ca- rabs,^ insects remarkable for their forms and colors, wingless, and having only their legs as means of locomotion, inhabitants of eastern Siberia, are also found in the cold countries of North America. I first saw collections made in California, after I had already become familiar with the faunas of Europe, Asia, and America. I was then surprised to see in those collections Euro- pean and Asiatic forms which were believed to be entirely foreign to America. A little French butterfly, also occurring in Siberia, the valley of the Amoor, and Japan, was found on the western coast of America. It appears to be unique in the color of its wings, which are beautifully green on the lower sides. The like- * Eannneulus cj/mbalaria. f Trautvclieria palmata. % Liriodendron tulipifera, * Viola rostrata, V. Canadensis. || Acer spicatiim. ^ Carabus Vie^yighosi , C. meander, C. truncaticoUis, C>jclu-us'anrfusticoUis. 544 ^^^ POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ness was most striking. Yet an entomologist, resting on trifling peculiarities hardly the signs of a variety, described it as a new species.* It is impossible to admit this. It was then learned that the genus Parnassius, which were believed peculiar to the mount- ains of Europe and Asia, existed in California. The species were distinct from those of the Old World ; according to the conven- tional expression, they were typical species. Afterward a species of the same genus was observed on the western coast of North America which was regarded as peculiar to Siberia and Mongolia.f Papilio Hippocrates, a butterfly of a remarkable type, which was known in Japan, has been found in North America. Passing to vertebrate animals, I confine myself to the mention of a small number of most characteristic types. Among the rodents we remark the marmot, Ardomys pruniosiis, or sonslik of Siberia, which lives in Kamchatka, on the Alaskan Peninsula, and on the American continent. Among all the carnivorous ani- mals of the family of the Miistelidm, or weasels, we remark the sable of eastern Asia in Kamchatka, Alaska, and other northern parts of the American continent. A carnivorous animal of an- other group, the glutton, or wolverine, is found in the same regions. In this latter part of my paper I have spoken wholly of ani- mals and plants common to Asia and America, as in the former part I spoke only of those common to Europe and North America. But while I omit to make long enumerations of species, I insist on the fact that plants and animals are distributed in considerable numbers over the whole extent of the arctic regions in Europe, Asia, and America, having accomplished the whole circuit of that zone at an epoch when the continuity of the land made possible an indefinite dissemination to the full extent that climatic condi- tions were favorable. With the present condition exactly determined, and the former condition recognized, a sure foundation is laid for the science of the future ; new changes will be produced in the course of a few centuries in the configurations of the lands and the seas, and then men of science will be able to form theories of Yoliie.— Translated for TJie Popidar Science Monthly from the Revue Scientifique. The work of searching for tlie affinities of great groups is declared by Prof. Coulter to be the crying need of systematic botany. There is danger of mag- nifying the importance of certain periods or organs in indicating affinities. For the best and most permanent results of systematic botany, it should take into account development at every period and of every organ, and so obtain a mass of cumulative evidence for safe generalization. * The Thecla rnbi of Europe and Asia; the California specimens were described under the name of T. dumetorum (Boisd). f Parnassius Nomion. THE UNIVERSE OF STARS. 545 THE UNIVERSE OF STARS.* IT is only, curiously enough, witliin tlie last decade or two that the science of astronomy has answered to its name. Until the methods of spectrum analysis and of photography were applied to the stars, astronomers were scarcely justified in their title, for they knew little about the stars, and, hardly hoping to know more, almost confined their attention to the solar system. Now, although sidereal astronomy, the science of astronomy jjar excel- lence, is still in its infancy, we may discern pretty clearly what will be the nature of its achievements. Surpassing the wildest dreams of the older astronomers in range and penetration, mod- ern astronomy yet brings the whole cosmos within the grasp of human intelligence. Not only are the stars in process of being numbered, their motions, proper and relative, in course of meas- urement, their physical constitution subjected to analysis, and their distances brought within computation ; but the entire side- real system is recognized as limited in extent, and the form and magnitude of the vast group in space will at no distant date be- come susceptible of approximate delineation and calculation. Of the methods referred to, photography has had, perhaps, the largest share in the recent advancement of sidereal science. The chemistry of the stars, it is true, is founded wholly on spectrum analysis, that profound and searching means of testing the com- position of bodies by the action of elementary substances, under proper conditions, upon the infinitesimal undulations which give rise to the phenomena of light ; but without the aid of photog- raphy, the mapping of star-spectra must have remained a slow and inaccurate process. The camera, on the other hand, has re- vealed almost all that is known concerning the number, distances, masses, and motions of the stars ; the lens has no " personal equa- tion," and never gets tired ; sensitized gelatin responds with infinite celerity to the undulations which make no impression whatever upon the eye ; and star-pictures of the heavens are not only permanent records, but, with the proper instruments and skill, can be so readily taken that before very long it is probable that some seven hundred thousand out of the whole sixty millions of stars will be accurately charted and indexed. For such is the least number of the heavenly host — which a French astronomer somewhat extravagantly estimates to contain nearly seventy thousand millions of suns ; for each star we see is a sun shining with its own light, and governing probably, like our own, the motions of a system of planets. Nor is the light * The System of the Stars. B7 Agues M. Gierke. London : Longmans. 1890, VOL. XL. — 38 546 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. they send us inconsidera'ble, for the total effulgence of the stars down to the 9i light-magnitude is equal to one eightieth part of the effulgence of a full moon in a clear sky. "What light we get from the stars of lower magnitude it is difficult to say, but it is clear that the stellar world is not boundless, for were it so the light from the infinite hosts of more and more remote suns would, as Miss Gierke says, fill the sky with an indefinitely intense ra- diance. It must, however, be remembered that it is not known whether the undulations which cause light are capable of infinite propagation. Nor, it may be added, can one be certain that the mass of ether in which our cosmos swims is the only one in space ; or, if space and ether be taken as convertible terms, that it is the only mass differentiated — coarsened, so to speak, into a condition fit for the evolution of matter and energy, and of the suns and solar systems thus brought into being. The stars are arranged according to their light-magnitudes, to each magnitude the nu- merical value 2i being assigned, for mathematical reasons that can not be here explained. Altair and Aldebaran are, strictly speaking, the only stars of the first magnitude, and the light of either of them would equal that of one hundred stars of the sixth and one million stars of the sixteenth magnitude. Sirius, how- ever, is nine times as bright as Aldebaran, and its magnitude accordingly is expressed by the value — 1'4. Among the suns visi- ble to us, it comes next to our own sun, whose magnitude is reck- oned at — 25"-4 ; in other words, the sun is (to our earth) between three and four million times as luminous as the Dog-star. The most accurate photometric measures of the stars are now made by the aid of photography, and the astronomers of a thousand years hence will have before them exact light-histories of nearly all the millions of stars of which the delicate and tireless gelatin films can seize and retain the faintest light-impressions. To what undreamed-of knowledge of our cosmos this wealth of accurate records will lead ! One of the most important results of stellar photometry is the aid it affords toward determining the distances of the stars. The mean distance of stars of the same magnitude is approximately the same ; and if, therefore, the distances of some of the nearer stars are obtained, the approximate remoteness of any given cate- gory is easily calculated. But to find independently the distance of any individual star, its parallax must be known — the angle, that is, between two lines drawn from the ends of a base-line of known length to the star in question. Now, if the mean distance between earth and sun be taken as such base-line, 93,000,000 miles in length, to include an angle of one second (one 324,000th of a right angle), the line must be drawn to an object 206,205 X 93,000,000 miles distant. "Well, no star is so near as this. The nearest star. THE UNIVERSE OF STARS. 547 a Centauri, has a parallax of three fourths of a second. To bring within easier comprehension the enormous distance this parallax involves, let the rapidity of light be considered. Light travels at the rate of over one hundred and eighty thousand miles a second, and a year of such travel may be taken as a unit for star-distances. Thus, the distance of a Centauri would be measured by nearly 4^ " light-years." The Polar Star is forty light-years, Sirius one hun- dred and twenty-one light-years, distant from our globe ; while stars of the sixteenth magnitude may be so remote that it would take a wave of light thirty -six thousand years to reach the solar system. The parallax of Sirius is only about one thirty-third of a second — a striking example of the dependence of the most pro- digious measurements of astronomy upon the minutest readings of apparatus, necessitating the utmost perfection of workman- ship, as well as consummate skill and knowledge on the part of the observer. Over eight thousand nebulae have now been subjected to ex- amination. The great nebulae in Andromeda and Orion are, of course, familiar to every one. The telescopic nebulae are of all sizes and shapes, and scattered over the whole heavens. Many stars have nebulous wisps and whirls, tails and helices, attached to them. The nature of nebulae is still more or less of a mystery. But it is certain that they are initial, or at least early, phases of the life-history of stars. That life-history may be shortly stated in Miss Gierke's own words : By the ceaseless advance of condensation nebulae are transformed first into gaseous stars (showing bright lines in the spectrnm, and therefore shrouded in glowing atmospheres, chiefly of hydrogen and helium), then into stars with banded spectra (showing outer atmospheric strata below incandescence over inner strata at glowing heat), from which (by further condensation and increase of inner heat below irregular outer clouds of metallic vapor) solar stare, and from these again Sirian stars, gradually emerge. Here the ascent ends ; the maximum of temper- ature is reached, and a descent begins, the initial stage of which is marked by a second group of objects like our sun and Capella, distinguished from the first by the circumstance that they are losing instead of gaining heat ; while, lower still, the condition immediately antecedent to solidification and obscurity (dark stars) is represented by Father Secchi's " carbon stars." The nebula in Orion is of a very irregular shape ; imbedded in it lies the stellar group 0^ of the constellation, and some other stars, all of which together seem to form an enormous system whose dimensions can scarcely even be guessed at. Examined by the spectroscope, the nebula is found to consist of glowing gas, which the spectrum indicates to be a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. The Andromeda nebula, on the other hand, presents a well-defined oval, and gives a continuous spectrum in which no bright lines have been certainly distinguished. It may, therefore, 548 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. be not a nebula at all, but a cluster of stars so enormously remote as to be unanalyzable by the most powerful of modern telescopes.' In relation to nebulae, a word may be said on Mr. Lockyer's in- genious "meteoric theory," submitted to the scientific world in 1887. Nebulse, he asserts, " are composed of spare meteorites, the collisions of which bring about a rise of temperature sufficient to render luminous one of their chief constituents, magnesium." But the spectroscopic coincidences upon which this theory is based are by no means verified, nor has any comprehensible theory of the origin of these meteorites — very complex bodies, according to the samples that have reached our earth — been offered. If, fol- lowing the indications of recent chemical and physical research, we consider the elements as molecular differentiations of the ether, the nebulse may present stages in this differentiation in which the molecular states of some of the elements are not iden- tical with those with which we are familiar in the laboratory, in which, indeed, certain of the elements may not yet have been evolved. — The Spectator. SKETCH OF WILLIAM EDWARD WEBER. WITH the death of Weber, June 23, 1891, passed away, as M. Mascart, of the Central Meteorological Bureau of France, has well said, the last representative of that generation of men of science that cast so much luster on the first half of this century. He was also the last survivor of that group of experimenters in Europe and America whose labors gave the world the electric telegraph ; the one among them who first demonstrated that com- munication by electricity was possible and practicable. William Edward Weber was born in Wittenberg, Prussia, October 24, 1804. He was the second of three sons of the learned theologian, Michael Weber, Professor of Theology at Wittenberg. The other two sons became doctors, both contributed to science, and both co-operated with the subject of this sketch in some im- portant investigation. Weber studied at the Frankean School and the University of Halle, received his doctor's degree in 1826, became privat-docent at Halle in the next year, and Professor- Extraordinary of Physics there in 1828. In 1831 he was ap- pointed to succeed John Tobias Mayer as Professor of Physics in the University of Gottingen. Ho remained there till 1837, when a political event caused his retirement. On the death of King William IV of England and Hanover, the kingdom of Hanover was separated from England by the operation of the Salic law, and fell to Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, uncle of King SKETCH OF WILLIAM EDWARD WEBER. 549 William. Ernest was a believer iu the supreme right of kings, and set aside the Constitution which William had granted in 1833. At the same time he called on the public officers of the country, including the professors in the university, to take an oath of allegiance to him and of obedience to his new rule. Weber with six of his fellow-professors — Jacob and William Grimm, Dahlmann, Albrecht, Gervinus, and Ewald — protested against the arbitrary act, and refused to conform to it. " The entire effect of our work," they said, " depends not more surely on the scien- tific value of our teaching than on our personal freedom from reproach. So soon as we appear before the students as men who trifle with their oaths, our efficiency is at an end. And what would the oath of our fidelity and homage be worth to his Majesty the King, if it came from men who had just frivolously set aside another sworn obligation ? " For this refusal the seven professors — " the Gottingen seven " they are called — were removed from their chairs, and three of them (Gervinus, Dahlmann, and Jacob Grimm) were expelled from the country. After this event Weber lived in retirement as a private teacher in Gottingen till 1843, when he was called to be Professor of Physics in the Uni- versity of Leipsic. According to a German biographer, he never felt quite at home in Leipsic, and gladly accepted an invitation in 1849 to his old place in the Georgia Augusta at Gottingen, where he spent the rest of his life, " with rare fullness of enjoy- ment pursuing his learned work, never anxious about the show of success, but finding complete satisfaction in the peculiar joys of scientific achievement, furnishing thus a shining example in op- position to the restlessness of our age." With his eldest brother, Ernst Heinrich, who, a physician, with particular devotion to anatomy and physiology, had become interested in the solution of certain difficult questions in physics, Weber engaged in the investigation of some of the phenomena of wave -motion. The result was the publication, in 1825, when Weber was twenty-one years old, of the book T>ie Wellenlehre auf Experimente gegrundet (The Doctrine of Waves, based on Experiments), a volume of five hundred and seventy-four pages, with eighteen copper plates, mostly engraved by the authors. One of the striking results of the investigations was the discovery that, when a regular series of waves follow each other along the surface of water, the particles at the surface describe vertical cir- cles, the plane of which is parallel to the direction of propagation of the waves, and those lower down ellipses, of which the vertical axis becomes smaller and smaller with increasing depth. The work was, according to the declaration of the authors, the re- sult of such constant and intimate communication between them with regard to all the parts that it was impossible to assign 55° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY to either of them the separate authorship of any distinct portions. A few years afterward, at Gottingen, Weber was engaged in another investigation with his brother Eduard Friedrich, who was also a doctor interested in physical studies, of the mechanism of walking, the results of which were published in the book Mechanik der Tnenschlichen Oehwerhzeuge. The salient feature of this work, in which many novel facts were brought out, was the enunciation of the fact that the pressure of the air is a factor in holding the bones in place in the joints. For several years Weber was occupied mainly with questions of acoustics, on which, as well as upon electricity, heat, and light, he published many important papers. His title to be regarded as one of the masters in science rests chiefly on his researches in electricity and magnetism. His posi- tion as professor at Gottingen brought him into close association with Gauss, who was as devoted to mathematics as Weber was to physics. The two assisted and complemented one another : Weber needed calculations to bring out the bearings of his experimental results, and Gauss was ready to take up any serious problem that needed solution. Gauss, according to M. Mascart, besides his work in analysis and celestial mechanics, had given his attention to the mathemati- cal theory of electricity and magnetism, in which he found many analogies with that of universal attraction. He had published a memoir describing an experimental method superior to that of Coulomb for verifying the law of magnetic actions, and a general theory of the magnetism of the globe and the relations between the results obtained at different stations. He established a mag- netic observatory, where the methods of calculation he had devised were applied ; and with Weber's collaboration an extensive asso- ciation was formed, including the directors of the principal observ- atories, chiefly in Germany, for making a systematic study, under a common plan, of the continual variations of terrestrial magnet- ism. The results of this great enterprise were published by Weber from year to year, and collected in a magnetic atlas of the globe. In memory of this initiative, the Meridian of Gottingen is still preserved as the point of departure in a large number of general studies on the distribution of terrestrial magnetism. This com- mon labor led to the installation, by the two co-workers, in 1834, of the first electric telegraph, by which an important date is marked in the history of telegraphy. The idea of telegraphing by means of electricity was not entire- ly novel then. Samuel Thomas von Sommering, of Munich, had experimented upon it with some success in 1809. Ampere, in 1820, and Fechner, in 1829, had proposed the utilization of the magnetic SKETCH OF WILLIAM EDWARD WEBER. 551 needle for making signals. But none of these efforts had advanced beyond the experimental stage, and they were only of historical value. They illustrate the general principle that a great discovery hardly ever springs from the thought of a single man. But the fact that there were preceding tentatives does not diminish the fame of the man who gathers up and combines the previous results and completes what they had left unfinished. Weber was the first who established a permanent workable telegraph line, and there- by demonstrated the practical value of the electric telegraph. Weber's house in the city was connected with the astronomical and magnetic observatories by a line between three and four kilometres (over two miles) in length. The signals were made by the deviations of the needle of a galvanometer to the right and left and were interpreted according to a conventional alphabet. The use of interrupted or reversed currents did not permit the transmission of more than one or two words a minute, but the speed was increased to seven or eight words by the use of induced currents. The following first notice of this telegraphic connection was published in one of the numbers of the Gottingischen gelehrteii Anzeigen (or Gottingen Scientific Notes) for 1834: "We can not omit to mention an important and, in its way, unique feature in close connection with the arrangements we have described [of the Physical Observatory], which we owe to our Prof. Weber. He last year stretched a double connecting wire from the cabinet of physics over the houses of the city to the observatory ; in this a grand galvanic chain is established, in which the current is car- ried through about nine thousand feet of wire. The wire of the chain is chiefly copper wire, known in the trade as No. 3. The certainty and exactness with which one can control by means of the commutator the direction of the current and the movement of the needle depending upon it were demonstrated last year by suc- cessful application to telegraphic signalizing of whole words and short phrases. There is no doubt that it will be possible to estab- lish immediate telegraphic communication between two stations at considerable distances from one another." Weber's general magnetic and electrical researches, by which his place in the history of science is most conspicuously marked, are described in the Resultate aus den Beobaclitungen des mag- netischen Vereins (Results from the Observations of the Magnetic Union), published by Gauss and Weber from 1837 to 1843, and in Weber's JElektrodynamische Maasbestimmungen (Electrodynamic Measurements), published from 1846 to 1874. Of these, M. Mas- cart says that " the thouglit of measures in mechanical unities was naturally applicable to the reactions which take place be- tween conductors traversed by electric currents and between cur- 552 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. rents, tlie laws of which, had been established by Ampere for the permanent effects, and by Faraday for the transient effects pro- duced by currents of induction. Weber found in them a new road and a personal glory. The series of memoirs in the Elehtro- dynamische Maashestimmungen constitute an imperishable scien- tific monument, in which the extent of the descriptions may some- times appear long to the reader eager to get on, but the attentive study of which is ever fruitful. It is impossible to give an ade- quate estimate of this work in a short analysis ; we shall only point out a few of its salient traits. The invention of electro- dynamometry, which depends on the reciprocal action of currents, permitted Weber to subject Ampere's law to a vigorous testing by a method that differed from that of Gauss only by the substi- tution of coils for magnets. The close study of the deviations produced in galvanometric apparatus by permanent or temporary currents furnished him with a means of devising precise methods of observation, of measuring quantities of electricity correspond- ing to the discharge by the impulse impressed by them on the magnetic needle, and of estimating the approximate duration of the discharges by a combination of the galvanometer and the electrodynamometer. In the course of his experimental researches, Weber made known an important formula which includes in a single expres- sion Coulomb's laws of electrostatics. Ampere's laws on the reciprocal action of currents, and the phenomena of induction described by Faraday. Gauss seems not to have been a stranger to the selection of this formula, and the theoretical conceptions which are its basis may give occasion to discussion ; but Weber has the merit of having shown all its consequences by establish- ing for the first time a close connection between phenomena that appear independent. Weber's labors are particularly distin- guished by the introduction of the absolute measures which have contributed for several years to the rapid progress of electricity as a subject of pure science and in its industrial applications. To him, in fact, we owe the suppression of a vague terminology in which currents were estimated by the kind of piles and number of couples, the length and size of circuits, or the deviation pro- duced in a dynamometer of which only the number of turns of wire was indicated. The inestimable services that have been derived from the employment of absolute measures justify the attribution of the name of weher to the unity of the current as defined by its electromagnetic action, for which the mechanical unities of Gauss — the millimetre, the milligramme, and the second of mean time — are adopted. Weber's biographer in Nature gives Sir William Thomson the credit of having been one of the first men of science to recog- SKETCH OF WILLI A3I EDWARD WEBER. 553 nize the fundamental cliaracter and far-reaching importance of "Weber's work ; and, owing mainly to his clear-sighted advocacy of the absolute system of measurement, this system was from the first adopted as the basis for the operations of the British Asso- ciation Committee on Electrical Standards, appointed originally in 1862. " This system has now become so familiar to electricians, and is taken so much as a matter of course, that it requires some mental effort to recall the state of science when it did not exist, and to appreciate the intellectual greatness of the man to whom it is due. If we consider method and point of view, rather than acquired results, it is not too much to say that the idea of abso- lute measurements, underlying as it does the conception of the conservation of energy, constitutes the most characteristic differ- ence between modern physics and the physics of the early part of our century. And to no one man is so large a share in this great step due as to Wilhelm Eduard Weber." Weber, in conjunction with Kohlrausch, determined the rela- tions between electrical and magnetic measurements expressed in the same unities, concerning which there seems to have been some confusion. He determined the chemical actions by electrol- ysis which correspond with the passage of a unity of current in a second, and by this furnished a practical means of reconstitut- ing that unity in experiments. He pointed out and put in prac- tice some of the most precise methods for determining the nu- merical value, as related to the fundamental unities, of the electrical resistance of a conductor. His name is also asso- ciated with numerous labors for fixing the value of the prac- tical unity of resistance, or the ohm, in terms of the mercurial column. So retired was Weber's life in his later days that, though his fame had not diminished, the world had almost forgotten that he was still in it ; and it is said that when, at the meeting of the Ger- man naturalists in Berlin a few years ago, the name of Weber was read in the list of those who had taken part in the first meet- ing held there in 1828, surprise was expressed at recognizing in their octogenarian friend one who had sat there with Berzelius and Ohm and Heim. Weber was a corresponding member of the Institute of France, and had been a foreign member of the Royal Society since 1850. 554 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. EDITOR'S TABLE. VmVERSITY EXTENSION AND TEE STATE. THE writer of the able article on university extension which ap- peared in the November Monthly, does well to come forward in the present number and further develop his views as to the best means of securing the suc- cess of the university-extension move- ment. He does not agree with the opin- ion we expressed in the " Table " for November, that the movement in ques- tion should be carried on in entire inde- pendence of Government assistance. He thinks, on the contrary, that, unless the national Government comes to its aid with a grant of money, the work which is proposed " can not be thoroughly or systematically done as regards the coun- try at large " ; and he takes occasion to indicate what he considers to be the true theory of the state. The arguments of our valued contributor, we must say, have not convinced us ; and, consider- ing the importance of the subject, we feel sure that we shall be excused if we say a few more words upon it from our own point of view. The university-extension scheme, we must assume, has been called into existence to meet a public demand. Prof. Henderson says : "The work promises to be much too large for pri- vate enterprise." "We interpret this to mean that there is a great and growing interest in the extension movement — that the public are, to an encouraging extent, alive to its importance ; but, if such is the case, instead of saying that the work promises to be "much too large for private enterprise," we should say that private enterprise bids fair to cope most successfully with the work. If public interest has not been awakened in an encouraging degree, we fail to see the force or propriety of the word "promises" as used by Prof. Hender- son ; if it has been so awakened, we say, let us wait and see what public interest and private enterprise will do before we dream of asking for a share of the taxes to support the movement. We are strongly of opinion that people should pay for the bread of intellectual life. If they pay for it they will value it, and not scatter it by the roadside, as beg- gars do bread given in alms. There is invariably far more intellectual interest in a class all the members of which pay the full amount of their own fees; the attendance is more regular, the attention is more keen. Every one can verify this from his own experience. A traveling teacher or professor visits a town or vil- lage and offers to teach a class of so many some particular subject at so much a head. If the class is formed, every one, as a rule, does his or her best to get the most out of it. Nobody goes there to trifle, nobody cares to miss a lesson. Now, what university extension has got to do is to offer the people what they want in the way of instruction and invite them to pay for it. If it offers the people what they do not want they will not take it ; and here we see one of the mischiefs of Government interfer- ence. "Why have the old universities of the world been so slow to move out of their ancient ruts, so slow to adapt their teaching to the new requirements of a new age? Simply because they have had large endowments and have been to that extent independent of pub- lic opinion. If a certain subject declined in interest, the university could go on teaching it to all but empty benches. The endowment was there, the chair was provided for, and why should any change be made? Precisely so with our university-extension movement : backed by Government money it would inevita- bly be less swayed by considerations of public utility, and more by the estab- EDITOR'S TABLE. 555 lished conventions, not to say fictions, of the teaching profession, than if it were whoHy dependent on the free response of the public. Another objection that we make is that tbe idea of using the proceeds of taxation in aid of the movement gives it too indeterminate a character. Prof. Henderson's own language shows this. " Onco established," he says, " these district central offices of the Department of Education might, with perfect pro- priety, go a step further and provide, under suitable conditions, for part of the expense of an extension course where the proceeds from the sale of lecture-tickets were not sufficieot. "With the people tLemselves directly creating each center, electing their own subject, choosing their own lecturer, and paying for all or part of the local expense, I really do not see how the movement could become commonplace or merce- nary in its character by being system- atized under national auspices." The words we have italicized are signifi- cantly vague. Will it be pretended, be- sides, that the agency disposing of the Government grant would not have a great deal to say as to the mode of its application, and would not, in many cases, override local choice as to sub- jects and lecturers? If of two locali- ties, both aspiring to the grant, one fell in with all the views of the district center, while another stood out for some plan of studies of its own, can any one doubt that the tractable locality would have much the better chance of getting it? Another point is that as soon as it became a matter of distributing Gov- ernment money, all kinds of local jeal- ousies would arise ; and politicians would appear upon the scene to de- mand that their special localities should not be neglected. "We incline to think that, if Prof. Henderson could only be brought into contact with two or three average Congressmen wrangling over what they would regard as a division of the spoils, his confidence in the be- neficent influence of a subsidy would be somewhat shaken. We do not know how our contribu- tor arrives at the induction he puts for- ward with so much confidence that " the sum of American public infamy is neither absolutely nor relatively so great as the sura of American private infa- my"; but we must be allowed to ques- tion the value of the formula. We are told that the Government is corrupt only because the people are corrupt. There is doubtless some general truth in the statement ; but it ought not to be for- gotten that one way in which the cor- ruption of the people shows itself is in taking money in taxes which they could not get in any other way, and to which they have no right. Appropriation-hunt- ing has long since been reduced to a science, and no one who has carefully watched the politics of this or any other democratic country can doubt that every additional appropriation made by the Legislature becomes to some extent an additional corruption fund. Granting even that the appropriation once voted is honestly expended as a matter of ac- count, the very granting of it in many cases was an act of theft viewed from one side and an act of bribery viewed from another. The locality or interest that clamors till it gets what it wants, without regard to the general welfare, virtually steals; and the combination of politicians that procures the appropria- tion aids in the theft for purposes of bribery. To say, therefore, that such money does not stick to the hands of the officials who expend it is not saying much. They doubtless, as Prof. Hen- derson hints, are more or less compelled to be honest — the dishonesty was per- petrated in the passing of the vote by which the money was obtained in the first place. When Prof. Henderson tells us that our officials are not so bad, and that we should not be afraid of the Government which is our own creature, he misses the mark. We are not afraid of the officials, whose functions are 556 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. krgely analogous to those of employes in private firms or corporations; what we are afraid of is the really irrespon- sible action of our legislators who are sent to Congress almost solely as repre- sentatives of local interests, wholly un- embarrassed by local consciences. Our real Government is not the executive — it is the Legislature ; and if Prof. Hen- derson will take the responsibility of stating that the private business of the country is carried on on less honest principles than the business of legisla- tion, we think he will surprise most well-informed readers. We must demur altogether to Prof. Henderson's identification of liberty w ith power or faculty. If a man can not swim, we do not say he is not at liberty to swim. If, on the other hand, a boy can swim, but is not allowed to by his par- ents, we say he is not at liberty to swim. The business of Government, according to Herbert Spencer, to whom Prof. Hen- derson refers, is to protect individuals in the exercise of already acquired fac- ulties and powers, not to take measures for enlarging their faculties and pow- ers: that, he holds, they should look after for themselves. Liberty means nothing else than freedom from external restraint ; and to assume, as Prof. Hen- derson seems to, that a man free from external restraint is not truly free unless he has also a wide range of action is abont as logical as to say that a man can not be truly sane unless he has a very wide range of knowledge. Yet it is on the strength of this apparent confusion of thought that Prof. Henderson asks us, in the name of liberty, to intrust the Government with a great diversity of functions for the purpose of "making desirable individual action possible " ! We sincerely trust that university-ex- tension lecturers will not be found teach- ing this doctrine, and arguing that a man's freedom is increased when he gets cheap'er postage, or any other added facilities for action. In the sense in which Prof. Henderson is using the word " liberty," it would surely be the duty of the Government to see that every man was well supplied with pocket-money, since nothing so circum- scribes action as poverty. Finally, we fail to see much force in the paragraph in which our contributor sums up his case: "A governmental ac- tion which compels is mischievous; an activity which says, 'Thou mayst; lol here are the menns,' is helpful." Sure- ly it is obvious that before the Govern- ment can say "Thou mayst; lo! here are the means," it must have taken those means from somebody else. The one great form of compulsion which governments nowadays have it in their power to exercise is this one of ta:sa- tion. The business of Government is not to say "Thou mayst" to any one, but to say " Thou mnst not " to every one who shows a disposition to encroach on the liberties of his neighbor. " Thou mayst" in the mouth of the Govern- ment is almost, if not quite, an imper- tinence. "Thou must not," if uttered in the right quarter, is the watchword of individual liberty. LITERARY NOTICES. The Cause of an Ice Age. By Sir Robert Ball, LL. D., F. R. S., Royal Astronomer of Ireland, author of Starland. Modern Science Series, Vol. I. New York : D. Applcton & Company. 1891. 16mo. Pp. xii 4-180. Price, $1. As a mathematician, Dr. Ball has a high reputation, and he has at the same time rare ability in popularizing his themes. Even those who have little mathematical knowledge will find no difficulty in under- standing the main points of this volume, while the abstruse formulas upon which hia theory depends are relegated to a short ap- pendix, where they can be examined at lei- sure by those who are competent to carry on extended mathematical calculations. In his opinion, the discovery which Dr. Ball has made lends strong support to the theory of Adhemar and Croll, namely, that the great Ice age was produced by the pre- cession of the equinoxes during a period of LITERARY NOTICES. 557 an extreme ellipticity of tbe earth's orbit. The sua is now about three million miles nearer us in the winter than in summer, and the winter (that is, the time from the autumnal to the vernal equinox) is seven days shorter than the summer. In about eleven thousand years from now the con- dition of things will be reversed, and the northern hemisphere will have a summer seven days shorter than the winter, occur- ring while the earth is three million miles nearer its source of heat. About two hun- dred and fifty thousand years ago the eccen- tricity of the earth's orbit was so great that the difference in these seasons was thirty- three days, and the difference between the distance of the earth from the sun at peri- helion and that at aphelion was seven or eight million miles. These facts served as the basis for Mr. Croll's theory, who assumed, on the strength of Herschel's authority, that the absolute amount of heat received by the earth during the season which occurred in perihelion was the same as that received during aphelion. He reasoned, therefore, that when the win- ters occurred in aphelion both their in- creased length and the greater distance from the sun would favor the radiation of heat to such an extent that a glacial period would bo produced, especially in those periods when the eccentricity of the earth's orbit was greatest. Dr. Ball comes to the aid of Mr. CroU by showing that the distribution of heat between summer and winter is not in equal quantities, as supposed by Mr. Croll, but that sixty-three per cent of the annual heat received by a hemisphere of the earth falls upon it during the summer — that is, from the vernal to the autumnal equinox — and only thirty-seven per cent during the winter. If, therefore, there was any truth in Croll's original theory. Dr. Ball's dis- covery will greatly increase the efficiency of the cause. But the accumulating objections urged by geologists against the theory of Mr. Croll must still apply with all their force. For after Dr. Ball's amendment there is even greater demand than before for geological evidence of a long succession of glacial pe- riods, especially during the later geological eras. But it is the universal opinion of ge- ologists that the Tertiary period was through- out one of great mildness of climate, even up to the vicinity of the north pole; yet the Tertiary age doubtless stretched over more than one period of extreme eccentricity of the earth's orbit. Furthermore, the point of glacial radiation in North America is not the north pole, but the region south of Hudson Bay. So clearly is this the case, that President Chamberlin (who has charge of the glacial department of the United States Geological Survey) has adopted the theory that the cause of the glacial phe- nomena of North America was an actual change of the position of the pole ; while others, who can not give their adherence to so improbable a cause, are laying renewed emphasis upon the changes of level in the earth's surface which occurred toward the close of the Tertiary period. While, however, we are not convinced of the adequacy of Croll's hypothesis, even as amended by Dr. Ball, we can speak most highly of Dr. Ball's work in bringing clearly before our minds a possible astronomical cause for the Glacial period with which all students of this attractive subject must reckon. The defect in the theory lies not in the mathematical calculations, but in our real lack of knowledge concerning the causes which distribute the heat over the surface of the earth. Meteorology is the science to which we look with most expectancy for further light upon the cause of the Glacial period. The astronomical causes suggested by Dr. Ball's discussion may be so readily masked by slight changes in the direction of oceanic and atmospheric currents produced by relatively slight changes of land level as to be almost entirely ruled out of account. Systematic Mineralogy, bared on a Natu- ral Classification. By Thomas Sterrt Hunt, M. A., LL. D. New York : Scien- tific Publishing Company. Pp. xvii + 391, octavo. Price, $5. This volume aspires to fill a unique place in the literature of mineralogy. As the au- thor notes in his preface, there is no lack of treatises on the science, both determina- tive and descriptive. Still, to a naturalist familiar with the methods of nomenclature in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, the names of mineral species are barbarous, triv- ial, and unmcaninff. This state of affairs 558 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. springs from the absence of a natural and rational system of classification, such as long since was introduced in the organic worlds. Not that attempts at this needed classification have been wanting. Two ri- val schools for many years have contended for methods diametrically opposed. The so-called natural-history or mineralogical method was advocated by Werner, Mohs, Jameson, Shepard, and Breithaupt ; the chemical method, as formulated by Berze- lius and developed by Rammelsberg, has been the basis of the text-books of Phil- lips, Dana, and Naumann. The possibility of reconciling these apparently antagonistic systems has been the aim of our author throughout his long career of study. La- bors in this direction, which from time to time have been brought to the attention of the scientific world, are in the present vol- ume connected and completed, formin"' what he terms a natural system of classification. He approaches his main task by a presenta- tion of those elementary principles of chem- istry and physics which underlie alike the two rival methods hitherto in the field. He dis- cusses the nature of chemical combination, of which he holds that solution is a phase ; the periodic law ; and the important prob- lem of ascertaining the relative degree of chemical condensation, upon which depends the varying hardness and insolubility of spe- cies. Between the physical characteristics and the chemical constitution of a mineral subsist necessary relations ; on these rest the new classification, in which the seeming contradictions of the two rival schools are brought to accord. In place of the old trivial names we are given a classic Latin nomenclature for classes, orders, genera, and species — that for species being bino- mial. This system realizes, in a simplified form, that projected by Breithaupt and left unfinished by him. An examination of his nomenclature, as well as of those proposed by Mohs and by Dana, is followed by a sy- nopsis of native species, with both their scientific and trivial names. This is suc- ceeded by a critical discussion of the more important genera and species. In his two concluding chapters Dr. Hunt presents orig- inal and striking views of the genesis of carbonaceous minerals — graphite, diamond, petroleum, and coal ; and, further, upon the mineral history of natural waters. In his preface our author announces his intention of preparing a descriptive mineralogy based upon this new classification. Schliemann's Excavations: An Arch^o- LOGICAL AND HISTORICAL StUDY. By Dr. C. ScHucHAKDT. Translated from the German by Eugenie Sellers. New York : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 863, with Plates. Price, $4. The author of this book is Director of the Kestner Museum in Hanover. His pur- pose in writing it has been to present the results of Schliemann's Excavations in a concise form, which should make them more accessible to the general public ; and the work appears to have been undertaken with the sanction of the discoverer. He has also sought, by careful discussion and com- parisons, to find what are the ascertained results, and to present them free from the conjectures and enthusiastic speculations with which Schliemann's first reports, from the nature of the conditions under which they were written, are necessarily encum- bered. The author was engaged in Grecian archjeological excavation at Pergamos when he was intrusted with the preparation of the work. He improved the opportunity he then had of making personal observations on the spot, and of informing himself by inter- course with the persons concerned. The undertaking was a difficult one, for the ques- tions which Dr. Schliemann's activity had called up are still undecided, and additions to our knowledge on the subject are con- stantly furnished by further excavations. But it was pleasant, for these objective studies in Greek antiquity have a charm that is surpassed in no other pursuit. In the account of Troy the history is given of the controversy of the two rival sites, the topography is compared with the references in the Iliad, and the reasons are given — all in seventy-five pages — for believing conclu- sively that Homer's Troy was real and Schliemann's identification of it is correct. Tiryns is described, in forty pages, as af- fording the most ancient illustrations of the civilization of which Mycenoe has furnished so numerous and so splendid examples. The largest space is given to Mycenae, with its remarkable tomb-structures and treasure- chambers, and its truly astounding richness LITERARY NOTICES. 559 in work of the goldsmith's art, A brief chapter on minor excavations includes ac- counts of the researches at Orchomenos and Ithaca. In a Ilistorical Survey of the He- roic Age of Greece, the relations of Myce- naean civilization to that of Greece and Caria are discussed. Among the general con- clusions to be drawn from Dr. Schliemann's Excavations are that they invariably con- firm the former power and splendor of every city which is mentioned by Homer as con- spicuous for its wealth or sovereignty ; that the strongly fortified citadels, which do not appear after this (the Mycenaean period) either in Greece or A.:ia Minor, correspond exactly with those described by Homer ; and that the wealth of metals in this " pe- riod of youthful display" is distinctly re- flected in Homer. "But for the golden treasures of the shaft-graves, Homer's tales of chased goblets like the cup of Nestor, of bossed shoulder-belts, and the golden dogs that kept watch before Alklnoos's door, would still be treated as bold flights of fancy, as was, in fact, the case before the excavations." But the most striking a«d important correspondence between the My- cenaean discoveries and Homer is that shown in the inlaid work on certain dagger-blades found at Mycenae. " Nowhere else in Greece has work of this sort, complete pictures in inlaid metals, been discovered. Yet Homer had a very clear conception of this kind of workmanship, for he describes in detail how, on Achilles's shield, vineyards were represented with purple grapes on golden stems, surrounded by a hedge of tin, and later on speaks of youths wearing golden swords hung from silver baldrics. It is enough to enumerate these leading points of agreement. They are sufficient proof that for certain parts of his descriptions Homer can have had no other models before him but those of Mycenaean art and civili- zation." The controversy still rages on the question whether there was a single personal Homer, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, or whether the two books are collections of different sagas, sung by different minstrels, and composed in different ages. The author assumes the latter view, and speaks through- out the book as if it was a settled fact. He is sustained in this by Mr. Walter Leaf, an eminent English Homeric scholar, who furnishes a valuable critical introduction, in which the bearing of Dr. Schliemann's dis- coveries on this and other questions of Ho- meric interpretation are referred to rather than discussed, but who differs from the author on one or two points. In the appen- dices are given a report on the excavations at Troy in 1890, with the welcome announce- ment that Mrs. Schliemann will continue the work of her husband there ; and an illus- trated description of the two beautiful gold- en cups discovered in the tumulus at Va- pheio — one of the most remarkable and interesting "finds" recorded as yet in the whole history of Greek archEEological re- search. The ScrENTiTic American Cyclopaedia op Keceipts, Notes, and Queries. Edited bv Albert A. Hopkins. New York: Munn & Co. Pp. 675. Price, $5. This compilation well illustrates the use of the accumulation of small things. For nearly fifty years the Scientific American has been publishing original contributions of facts, experiences, experiments, and prac- tical observations in nearly every branch of the useful arts. The items have been print- ed in all departments of the journal, but especially in the columns of " Notes, Queries, and Correspondence," where their modest appearance furnished the careless reader no clew to their real worth, but whence the student seldom turned without having gained some prized acquisition to his knowledge. A considerable proportion of them embodied the fruits of special knowledge, which were made public nowhere else. In the files of the periodical they were as good as lost. Mr. Hopkins has made the vast compendium they afford the basis of his work. He has collected these, carefully digested and con- densed them ; has added to them the results of laborious researches among the difficult mysteries of Trade Secrets, and has incor- porated with them, for the rounding off of his fabric, information from other cyclopae- dias of similar character. The arrangement of articles is alphabetical, according to their titles, with no other classification, the titles being given in full-faced type, with cross- references when they are needed. Illustra- tions are given, but not frequently. A few cautions are sounded in the preface to those 560 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, who are to use the receipts, concerning the need of care to obtain the right materials and pure materials, to follow the directions precisely, and observe all precautions in de- tail. Tables of weights and measures and chemical synonyms are given in the appendix. In the Land of the lAngcring Snow (Houghton, Mifflin & Co., $1.25) a winter outdoor book is given us by Mr. Frank £olles, of Cambridge, Mass. In twenty-six essays the "Stroller in New England," as the author styles himself, chronicles his weekly visit to points of interest within not too hard reach of his home, from January to June. They were made, in fact, twice a week, for he took both Saturday and Sunday for his excursions. In thera he enjoyed the weath- er, whatever it might be, the exultation of facing the fiercest storms if they came, the scenery, and the birds. No stress of weather seems to have deterred him from taking his short railroad trip and long walks, or to have overcome the enterprise of the birds, which he never failed to find in numbers. On the first Sunday of the year, in the deep snow, he finds traces of a crow, fifteen quail, and a robin; the next week, when everything is covered with ice, twenty chickadees, crows, robins, and a hawk ; on the third walk, in a tempest, eighty-five birds, representing nine species. They seem to have been the objects for which he was looking, and he found them. As the spring comes on and advances into summer the pictures gain in freshness and warmth, but the author's mood is always the same. It is that of the lover of Nature who sees beauty and life in all their aspects and knows how to paint them. The point of view taken by Mrs. L'llen M. Mitchell, in her 8tud)j of Greek Philosophy (S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago, $1.25), is indi- cated by her dedication of it to the Kant Club of Denver, and her acknowledgment of indebtedness to the Concord School of Phi. losophy, Dr. W. T. Harris, and the histories of Zeller and Hegel. The book grew out of the studies of the author in connection with a woman's club in St. Louis, and afterward in Denver. Her verbal expositions gradually assumed written forms, and eventually came into their present shape ; and the whole bears the impress of the thoughts of the other mem- bers of the clubs as well as of the author's own. Beginning with the assertion of the identity of philosophy and the history of philosophy, the author analyzes the charac- ter of the Greek philosophy, and then con- siders it from the beginning, in the pre-sophis- tic philosophy, through all its stages of de- velopment, and as expounded by the larger host of teachers whose names have become identified with much of the best of human thought, and whose influence has endured and is still strong. An introduction is fur- nished by William R. Alger, who glorifies philosophy as the supreme department, the most important and most attractive branch of knowledge, setting it above hterature and science. In Ben Bcor, a Story of the Anti-Messiah (Baltimore, Isaac Friedenwald & Co. ; Vicks- burg. Miss., the author), the supernatural and the allegorical are mingled. The aim of the author, H. M. £ien, a rabbi of Vicksburg, Miss., has been to exhibit the agencies which are assumed to have been working during past ages to suppress the rights and liberties of the people ; " upholding serfdom and su- perstition for the benefit of a few privileged classes." The persecutors and haters of man are called as a unit the Anti-Messiah, whose story is set forth under the name of Ben Beor. This character, called after the biblical Balaam Ben Beorz, who is endowed with an immortality like that of the Wandering Jew, appears in the ancient world as the instigator of the great evils which afflicted its nations? as the concocter and distributer of strong liquors and the stimulator of evil passions » as the chief agent in provoking the siege and destruction of Jerusalem, the Roman perse- cution of the Christians, the suppression of knowledge and free thought which marked the dark ages, the promoter of priestcraft and the Inquisition, and the upholder of des- potism down to modern times. The inven- tion of printing and the Reformation were antagonistic to his plans, and his power and his office ceased with the promulgation of the Declaration of Independence. The fourth volume of Prof. J. C. Bran- ner's Annual Report of the Geological Sur- vey of Arkansas for ISSS contains the geol- ogy of Washington County and the Plant List for the State. While it has been the plan of the survey to study and report upon geologic topics rather than upon geographic LITERARY NOTICES. 561 areas, an exception has been made in the case of Washington County, because its ge- ology embraces a complete section at the •westernmost exposure in the State, across the lower carboniferous rocks from the base of the coal measure to tlie Silurian ; and because the location of the State University at Fayetteville makes it desirable for the geology of the surrounding region to be worked up in detail for purposes of instruc- tion. The economic results of the survey are not of great positive value, and Washing- ton County will have to depend upon its other advantages, which are many and excellent, for its growth and prosperity. The report, which was prepared by Prof. F. W. Simons, is accompanied by a geological map. The riant List is chiefly the work of Prof. F. V. Coville, with additional contributions by Prof. Branner, who remarks upon the clear distinction between the flora of the limestone and of the sandstone formations, as show- ing to how large an extent the distribution of plants is governed by the character of the soil. The fourth part of Mr. Harold Whiting^ Corirse of Experiments in Physical Measure- ment (D. C. Heath & Co.) consists of Appen, dices and Examples for the use of teachers. In the first appendix are described the labora- tory, or room where the experiments are to be performed, which should be well lighted and uniformly heated, and should have good ven- tilation. The use of iron in construction should be avoided, on account of its mag- netic influence, and special precaution should be taken to' avoid vibrations. A basement is not suitable, or an attic. Such a room as is commonly used for lecture purposes is the most suitable — a two or three story room reaching from the first floor to the attic, and lighted on three sides, is the best. The arrangement of the tables, benches, and ap- paratus is considered, and the apparatus is described in detail, beginning with the most needed articles. In the third appendix, ex- penses, the most economical methods in dividing the classes and delivering the lect- ures, so as to get along with the fewest sets of apparatus and the smallest number of teachers practicable, are considered ; and in the fourth appendix, the best methods of making the instruction given efBeient and of permanent value. The rest of the volume is VOL. XL.. — 39 devoted to models of experiment, demonstra- tions of rules etc. First are examples of observations and calculations in a hundred experiments, illustrating the details to be re- garded in each of the numbers and the man- ner of treating ; there are three lists of ex- periments, intended to cover the ground required for admission to Harvard College, in both elementary and advanced physics. These are followed by discussion of the prin- ciples of finding the average values of varia- ble quantities, the probability of errors, " proofs," and " useful formulae," with, in conclusion, a full index to the whole series of books. The Rev. J. C. Atkinson, Canon of York, publishes through Macmillan & Co., a collec- tion of stories in the style of Jack the Giant Killer, and Jack and the Bean Stalk, entitled The Last of the Giant Killers, or the Exploits of Sir Jack of Danhij Bale. They were writ- ten without any intention of publication, for the amusement of certain children belonging to different families, who were more or less interested in the district of which Danby Dale is a part. In nearly every instance the stories are based upon or connected with some local legend, local fact, or local habita- tion ; and the relations are prefixed by a few remarks on the popular disposition to attach a superstitious significance to peculiar feat- ures in the landscape and to curious local incidents. W. S. Gottsberger & Co. add a humorous book to their series of usually sober or classi- cal romances in the shape of A Little Tour in Ireland, in which a visit to Dublin, Galway, Conncmara, Athlone, Limerick, Killarncy, Glengarrif, Cork, etc., is described by An Oxonian, with a vein of jollity pervading the story and a disposition to look upon the laugh- able side of everything — which are much heightened by Mr. John Leech's illustrations. The book is one from which the careful reader, by straining the bubstance from the froth, may get a fair and pleasing view of the country and its sights. A collection of short stories by Count Tolstoi, published by C. L. Webster & Co.. includes Ivan the Fool, or the Old Devil and Three Small Devils, A Lost Opportunity, and Polikushka. The translation is direct from the Russian by Count Norraikov, who thinks that justice is not done to the author 562 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in translations through the French or in direct translations by persons who know Russian only imperfectly. The jSrst of the stories, Ivan the Fool, portrays Tolstoi's communistic ideas and the ideal kingdom he would establish in which each and every person should be a worker and a producer. A Lost Opportunity pictures Russian peas- ant life, with many of its peculiar customs. Polikushka describes the life led by a ser- vant in a nobleman's court household, and marks the difference in the conditions and surroundings of such sei'vants from those of ordinary peasants. An exhibition of ten years' progress of the " New Learning " is made in Prof. A. F. Chamberlain'' s pamphlet on Modern Lan- guages and Classics in America and Eu- rope since 18S0. It presents the views of numerous teachers and persons interested in education concerning the success with which the scheme for giving more relative attention to the modern languages has met in the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Hungary, Germany, and Norway and Sweden. Published at the office of The Week, Toronto. Mr. Henry George's Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII on The Condition of Labor is a respectful, temperate reply to those parts of his Holiness's Labor Encyclical which bear on the doctrines held by the school of pub- licists of which the author is the most con- spicuous representative. It is of value and interest to us chiefly because it presents a clear, succinct, and precise statement of what the doctrines of that school are, what they are seeking, and of the manner in which they purpose to promote their objects by peaceful agitation. In a manual on Tlie Sextant and othei' Reflecting Mathematical Instrumejits (D. Van Nostrand Company, 50 cents), Mr. F. R. Brainard, of the United States Navy, pre- sents a compilation from various sources on the instruments concerned, and adds a few ideas and suggestions of his own, and of offi- cers who have been associated with him ; era- bodying also practical hints on the errors, adjustments, and use of the instruments. In a manual of the handy Van Nostrand Science Series, How to become an Engineer, the theoretical and practical training neces- sary in fitting for the duties of a civil engi- neer are set forth by Prof. George W. Plympton, who supplements his views by quotations from the opinions of eminent au- thorities and full lists of the courses of study in the technical schools — including the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as an example of American schools, and several schools of England and the European con- tinent. Price, 50 cents. Light, an Elementary Treatise (Macmil- lan & Co., I0 cents), has been prepared by Sir Henry Trueman Wood with a view of providing such information as an intelligent student unfamiliar with natural science would require. In it are given an explana- tion of the modern theory of light and of the phenomena which are matters of com- mon observation ; descriptions of the na- ture of color and the manner of its produc- tion ; accounts of the more important opti- cal instruments and the principles of their action; an exposition of the chemical ef- fects of light and their application in pho- tography ; and descriptions of the phenom- ena produced by polarized light and by fluo- rescence. The book is one of the numbers of Whittaker's Libraiy of Popular Science. Information about electric lighting, prac- tical and theoretical, is given in the Practi- cal Treatise on the Incandescent Lamp, pre- pared by J. E. Randcdl, Electrician of the Thomson-Houston Company, and published by the Bubier Publishing Company, Lynn, Massachusetts. It contains, in brief, the history of incandescent lighting, the philoso- phy and construction, with details, of the incandescent lamp, and observations on pho- tometers and their use. The author esti- mates that 25.000 incandescent lights are made in the United States daily, or 7,500,- 000 a year, and he believes that the " life " of the lamp is more likely to be abbreviated than increased in the future, because con- sumers will grow more particular about the quality of their light, and will change their burners when they cease to be efficient in- stead of using them till they burn out. Prof. Wesley Mills, believing that a dog is a useful member of the household and es- pecially valuable in the city as a companion and means of instruction for the children, and recognizing the embarrassment city fam- ilies labor under through not knowing how to manage with the animal in their narrow LITERARY NOTICES. 563 quarters, has prepared a little book on IIow to keep a Dog in the City, which is pub- lished by William R. Jenkins, New York, for 25 cents. It supplies information re- specting the details of the management of the dog from puppyhood up, including lodg- ing, feeding, measures for cleanliness, care of his skin, exercise, training, and treatment of his ailments. How to make a Trial Balance represent- ing any number of accounts in less time than an hour is explained in a small book written and published at Baltimore, by A. Weinberg. The method is the result of much thought and study, and may, the au- thor claims, be applied to a business of five thousand accounts as easily as to one of fifty accounts, with great saving of time and labor. Two series of twelve charts each, pub- lished by the United States Signal Office, show graphically the probability of rainy days and the average cloudiness for each month in all the regions of the United States within the circle of observations of the several local signal stations. They are based on observations made from 1871 to 1888 inclusive, or for shorter periods at the more recently established stations. The percentages of rainy days (called such when precipitation to the extent of '01 inch or more occurs) are calculated for each station and month from the average number of such days. The cloudiness charts are made up from eye-observations taken three times a day. They are expected also to show the sunshine by taking as sunshine the comple- ment of the cloudiness. Such data, when well matured, a- e of great value in the study of cUmate and its adaptability to different conditions and needs of health. Three numbers of Tlie Quarterly Register of Current History (Evening News Associa- tion, Detroit) have been published. The first number, February, 1891, contained a re- view of the history of the world during 1890. The second number. May, and the third, August, 1891, are devoted respectively to the history of the first and second quarters of the year. The matter is classified and arranged under the heads of International Affairs ; Affairs in Europe, in Asia, in Afri- ca, and in America ; Record of Progress, and Necrology. The idea of the publication is an excellent one. The short view we have been able to take of the numbers does not suggest that anything of value is omitted, but shows several things of minor impor- tance which, if they had been left out, would not be missed a year or two hence ; and there is room for improvement in pruning and smoothing the articles, the present style of which is more like that of a daily paper than of a record made to last. To the attempts to teach foreign lan- guages in the way they are learned in Na- ture must be added the method of Dr. Ed- toard Pick, in which the language itself is employed as the instrument, and is taught by comparison with the English before the grammar is learned. The author holds that remembrance is assisted most efficaciously in the study if we take the known as the start- ing-point of comparison with the unknown. In the study of foreign languages the known consists of those elements which we find in our own language, or in any other language familiar to us. Thus the knowledge of one foreign language facilitates the study of others. The usual method of studying for- eign languages — beginning with grammar — " is contrary to the nature of the mind, be- cause we begin with the unknown — nay, more, we begin with details unknown to us (the grammatical rules) of a thing equally unknown (the language)." In Dr. Pick^s Method applied to acquiring the French Language (C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, New York), the pupil is introduced to Voltaire's History of Charles XII, for the study of the French text, word for word and form for form, with the English translation. I'D^LICATIONS RECEIVED. Ashley, J. M. The Impendinq- Political Epoch. New York : Evening Post. Pp. 87. 25 cents. Bill, Robert. Star Linrt. London and New York : Cassell & Co. Pp. 876. Illu.strated. Ball, Robert. The Cause of an Tee Ape. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 180. $1. Illus- trated. Bennett, T. J. Texas Sanitarian. Austin : Tex- as Sanitarian Publishing Co. Monthly. Pp. 72. $2 a year. Bronpon, T. B. Collnqnial Oerman. Now York: Henry Molt & Co. Pp. 147. C) cents. Call, R. E. Tertiary Silicifled Woods of Eastern Arkansas. Pp. 9. Reprint. Cannizzaro, 8.. and Fabris, O. Tests for the Purity of Olive Oil. Boston : J. A. Ilaj'es & Co. Pp. 41. Carpenter, W. B. The ^fieroscope. Seventh edition. Edited bv W. H. Dallinger. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son ■& Co. Pp. lo'J9. Illustrated. Charts showing the Isobars, Isolherois, and Winda 564 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. in thn ITnitecl States for each Month from January, 1871, to December, 1873. War Department. Cherrio, G. K. Notes on Costa Kican Birds. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 20. Columbia Daily Calendar for 1892. Boston : Pope Manufacturing Co. Cowles, Edward. Neurasthenia and its Mental Hymptoms. Pp. 105. Reprint, Cragin, T. W. New Obseryations on the Genua Trinacromernm, pp. 4 ; and On a Leaf-bearing Ter- rane in the Loup Fork, pp. 4. Reprints. Crummell. Alexander. Africa and America. Springfleld, Mass. : Wiley ct Co. Pp. 466. Drake, S. A. The Battle of Gettysburg. Bos- ton : Lee & Shepard. Pp. 178. 50 cents. DufiFerin, Lady. My Canadian Journal. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 456. %-l. Illustrated. Findlay, G. Working and Management of an English Railway. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 354. $1.50. Fiske, S. Holiday Stories. Boston : Benjamin E. Tucker. Pp. 203. Flogel, E. Carlyle's Moral and Religions Devel- opment. New York : M. L. Holbrook & Co. Pp. 140. $1. Foote, A. E. New Locality for Meteoric Iron : Discovery of Diamonds in the Iron. Pp. 5. Reprint. France, Anatolo. Thais. Chicago : N. C. Smith Publishing Co. Pp. 205. Furney, E. E. Culture : A Modern Method. New York : L. II. Brown & Co. Pp. 322. Gilbert. C. H. Apodal Fishes from the Tropical Pacific. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 6. Gill, T. On the Genus Labrichthys, etc. Smith- sonian Institution. Pp. i). Hall and Bergen. A Text-book of Physics. New York : Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 3SS. $1.25. Halstead, B. "D. Fungi injurious to Fruits and to Garden Crops. Columbus, O. : Westboto »fc Co. Pp. 18. Harper and Burgess. An Inductive Latin Prim- er. New York : American Book Company. Pp. 424. $1. Hopkins, A. A. The Scientific American Cyclo- pnedia of Receipts. Notes, Queries. New York : Munn & Co. Pp. 675. $5. Jones. Alonzo T. The Two Republics of Rome and the United States of America. Battle Creek, Mich. : Review and Herald Publishing Co. Pp. 895. Illustrated. K-rkpatrick, T. J. The ISIodern Oook-Book. Springfield, 0. : Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick. Pp. 320. Lewi.sT. H. Effigy Mounds of Buflfalo Lake, Wisconsin. Pp. 3. Reprint. Loewy, Benjamin. A Graduated Course of Natu- ral Science. 11. New York : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 257. 60 cents. Illustrated. Lyons. Daniel. Christianity or Infallibilitv. New Tork : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 2S4. $1.50. McCalley, H., .ind Gibson, A. M. Report on the Coal Measures of the Plateau Regions of Alabama. Pp. 238, with Maps. Macfarlane, R. Notes on Birds and Ei'gs col- lected iu Arctic America. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 34. Marble. A. P. Sanitary Conditions for School- houses. Washinc-ton : Bureau of Education. Pp. 121, with 45 Phates. Mason, W. P. Notes on Cases of Drinking- water and Disease. Pj). 10. Reprint. Massee, George. The Plant World. New York : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 212. %\. Illustrated. Maycock, W. P. First Book of Electricity and Magnetism. New York : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 133. 60 cents. Nuttall's Ornithology. Edited by Montigue Chamberlain. 2 vols. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. Pp. 473 and 431. $S. Illustrated. Ochorowicz. J. Mental Suggestion. New York • Humboldt Publishing Co. Pp. 369. $3. Ostwald, W. Solutions. New York : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 310. $3. Paquin. P. The Supreme P.assions of Man. Bat- tle Creek. Mich. : Little Blue Book Co. Pp. 150. Paquin, P. The Bacteriological World. Month- ly. Pp. 40. $2 a year. Parker, William W. The Ancient and Modern Physician. Lynchburg : Virginia Medical Society. Pp. 18. Peter.s, E. D. Copper-smelting. Second edi- tion. New York : Scientific Publishing Co. Pp. 393. Illustrated. Physician's Visiting List for 1892. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Poole, Joseph. Practical Telephone Hand-book. New York : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 288. 75 cents. Illustrated. Poole, W. H., and Mrs. Cooking for the Dia- betic. New York : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 64. %\. Pringle, Allen. Bibles and Religions out t.s. in the Public Schools. Canadian Secular Union. Pp. 24. Remondino, P. C. History of Circumcision. Philadelphia : F. A. Davis. Pp. '346. 50 cents.— An Instructive Case of Ura3mia. Pp. 8. Reprint. Report of the Commissioner of Pensions for the Year ending June 30, 1S91. Pp. 84. Report of the New York State Board of Charities for 1S90. Pp. 349. Shaler, N. 8. The Story of our Contment. Bos- ton : Ginn & Co. Pp. 290. 85 cents. Shaw, G. B. The Quintessence of Ih.senism. Boston : Benjamin R. Tucker. Pp. 170. 25 cents. Sloane, T. O'Conor, Electricity SimpUfied. New York : N. W. Henley & Co. Pp. 158. $1. Illus- trated. Smith. J. B. Noctuidae of Temperate North America. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. SO. Smith, Oberlin. The Engineer as a Scholar and a Gentleman. Pp. 14. Reprint. Stejneger, L. On the Snakes of the Genus Lichanpur.a. Pp. 5. — Description of a New Species of Chameleon. Pp. 2. Stevenson, .1. J. The Chemung and Catskill [Upper Devonian] on the Eastern Side of the Ap- palachian Basin. Pp. 31. Reprint. Torrey, Bates. Practical Type-writing. New York: Fowler & Wells. Pp. 156. Upham, W. Geographic Limits of Species of Plants in the Basin of the Red Kiver of the North. Pp. 32. Reprint. Watts, C. A. The Agnostic Annual. London ; W. & Co. Pp. 6S. M. Whitney, W. D. Introductory French Reader. New York : H. Holt & Co. Pp. 256. 70 cents. Yeaman, G. H. The Silver Question. Pp. 27. POPULAR MISCELLANY. Ancient River Channels. — A remarkable contrast in the physical geography of the eastern and western coasts of the American continent is pointed out by Prof. Joseph Le Conte. The continent is bordered on both sides by a submarine plateau sloping gently seaward till it attains a depth of about one hundred fathoms, from which point the bot- tom drops off rapidly into deep water. This submarine plateau may be regarded as a sub- POPULAR MISCELLANY. 565 merged coastal plain, and its margin as the true boundary between the continent and the ocean basin, or as the submerged con- tinental margin. On the eastern coast the submarine plateau is trenched with subma- rine troughs running out from the mouths of the great rivers to the submerged conti- nental margin and then opening into deep water. The best known of the channels are opposite the mouths of the Hudson and Delaware Rivers, Chesapeake Bay, and the Mississippi. Along the California coast the phenomena are different. The researches of Prof. Davidson have brought to light some twenty or more submarine channels on the coast from Cape Mendocino to San Diego, a distance of about seven hundred miles. But they have no obvious relation to existing rivers. They are not a submarine continua- tion of any system of river valleys on the adjacent land, but run in close to shore and abut against a bold coast, with mountains rising in some cases to three thousand feet within from three to five miles of the shore line, and wholly unbroken by any large river valleys. The channels of the Eastern coast are accounted for by supposing that they were always connected with the rivers oppo- site them, and that they have assumed their present positions by the operation of the changes of level to which the land has been subjected. But the disconnected positions of the Western channels can not be account- ed for except as being the result of orogenic changes which have diverted the lower courses and places of emptying of the rivers since the channels were made. Prof. Le Conte's paper is devoted to the study of the nature and history of these changes. Jupiter and the Comets. — Prof. 11. A. Newton showed, at the meeting of the Brit- ish Association, that if a comet or other small body should pass in front of Jupiter, the kinetic energy of the planet would be increased by the gravitational attraction be- tween the two bodies, while that of the comet would be diminished, and might be diminished to such an extent as to cause it to form (though possibly only temporarily) a member of the solar system. On the other hand, if a comet, already a member of the solar system, pass behind Jupiter, the kinetic energy of the planet will be diminished and that of the comet will be increased, and may conceivably be increased under favora- ble circumstances to such an extent that the comet may uo longer remain a member of the system. The author had calculated that of one billion comets from space crossing, in all directions, a sphere eqiuil in diameter to that of Jupiter's orbit, about twelve hundred would come near enough to Jupiter to have their period so much diminished as to be less than that of the planet. The Baths of the Accnrsed. — Hammam Meskoutine, or the Baths of the Accursed, are a famous bathing-place and health re- sort not far from Constantino in Algeria. They are but a few minutes' walk from the railway station. The first object of interest within a quarter of a mile of the station is a superb hot waterfall, whence the vapors fly away abundantly. " Yet," says a writer who describes it, " it is not all of water. For the most part it is rigid, like a thing of ice. It is, in fact, mainly a petrifaction. The cal- careous deposit in the hot spring above has incrusted the rocks, so that they have the corrugated appearance and something of the color of barley sugar. Here and there, over and between the still masses, there is an ooze or trickle of warm water, adding to the work already done. Grass and flowers grow well by the sides of this nutritious water- fall, though the whitened soil in the neigh- borhood does not seem adapted for vegeta- tion of any kind. You climb to the level of the cascade, and then see, close by, a num- ber of odd-looking cones and columns stand- ing up from the blanched surface of the ground. The soil is hot to the hand, and you tread with an echo." The springs bub- ble up with a temperature of more than 200° Fahr. A litter of egg-shells and fowls' feath- ers by the edge of them tells of the purpose they serve to the residents of Meskoutine. Here the dinner is cooked, and the clothes are washed in one or another of the little basins by which the springs eddy up to the daylight. Though the Arabs give the baths an impolite name, and tell various weird tales about them, they love them well. The cones look like a procession of gigantic phantoms suddenly petrified. Some arc six or seven feet in height, and some are four- teen or fifteen feet. They mark the sites of 566 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ancient springs now subsided. At one time each of these cones was but tlie mere rim or lip of a basin in which the hot water bubbled as we sec it at the top of the cas- cade. Thus the water continued to boil up- ward ia jets, like the geysers, for centuries, gradually, by the deposit of lime which fell from it, raising its lip. At length the sub- terranean force that impelled it vertically weakened. The cone had attained its full stature. According to the Arabs, however, the cones arc deaf, dumb, iston of a cylinder. He does not come to a call like other beasts, but has to be fetched and driven from browsing. There are but few words made for his private ear, such as belong to horses, dogs, and oxen. An elephant has a separate word of command for sitting down with front legs, with hind legs, or with all together, and he moves at a word. A camel has but one, and that must be underlined with a tug at his nose-rope ere he will stoop. But he has a large share in that great public property of curses whose loss would enrich the world. Camel trappings are not so gaudy in India as in Egypt or Morocco, where riding animals are bedizened in scarlet and yel- low. They are in a different key of color, belonging to a school of pastoral ornament in soberly colored wools, beads, and small white shells, which appears to begin (or end) in the Balkans and stretches eastward through central Asia into India, especially among the Biloch and other camel folk on our northwest frontier. Camel housings may be the beginning of the nomad industry of carpet-weaving. It is, perhaps, not too fanciful to trace on the worsted neck-band the original unit or starting-point of the car- pets and " saddle-bags " which have given lessons to English upholsterers. SOCIAL STATISTICS OF CITIES. LESSONS FROM THE CENSUS. V. By CARROLL D. WRIGHT. A.M., UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. THE social statistics of our great cities are being put into con- crete form by Mr. Harry Tiffany, Chief of the Division of Social Statistics of Cities of the Eleventh Census, under the able direction of Dr. John S. Billings, U. S. Army, expert special agent of the census office. So far the returns on some important leading features comprise about fifty of the principal cities. These facts relate to streets, street-lighting, water-works, sewers, and the police and fire departments. All these, however, are among those features of municipal conditions which are constantly in the minds of men and agitating them as to expenses and the value which they secure in return for taxes paid. The distribution of population in the fifty cities on which re- 6o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ports have already been published should first be given in any treatment of the social statistics of cities, and the following table answers the purpose admirably well : Population and Area of Fifty Cities, with Distribution of Population hy Square Miles and Acres. Cities. New York. . . . Chicago Philadelphia. . Brooiilyu . . . . St. Louis Boston Baltimore .... San Francisco. Cincinnati.. . . Cleveland. . . . Buffalo New Orleans. . Detroit Milwaukee . . . Washington . . Newark Minneapolis . . Omaha Rochester .... St. Paul Denver Indianapolis.. Worcester. . . . Toledo New Haven. . Lowell Nashville . . . . Fall River. . . . Cambridge . . . Camden Trenton Lynn Hartford Evansville. . . . Los Angeles . . Lawrence .... Hoboken Dallas Sioux City. . . . Portland Holyoke Binghamton . Duhith Elraira Davenport . . . Canton Taunton La Crosse. . . . Newport Rockford .... Counties. New York, N. Y.... Cook, 111 Philadelphia, Pa. . . . Kings, N. Y Missouri Suffolk, Mass Maryland San Francisco, Cal. . Hamilton, Ohio Cuyahoga, Ohio Erie, N. Y Orleans, La Wayne, Mich Milwaukee, Wis District of Columbia. Essex, N. J Hennepin, Minn. . . . Douglas, Neb Monroe, N. Y Ramsey, Minn Arapahoe, Col Clarion, Ind Worcester, Mass.. . . Lucas, Ohio New Haven, Conn. . . Middlesex, Mass. . . . Davidson, Tenn Bristol, Mass Middlesex, Mass. ... Camden, N. J , Mercer, N. J Essex, Mass Hartford, Conn Vanderburg, Ind.. . . Los Angeles, Cal Essex, Mass Hudson, N. J , Dallas, Texas Woodbury, Iowa Cumberland, Me Hampden, Mass. ... Broome, N. Y St. Louis, Minn Chemung, N. Y Scott, Iowa Stark, Ohio Bristol, Mass La Crosse, Wis Campbell, Ky , Winnebago, 111 Population. 1,515,301 1,099,850 l,04r),964 806,343 451,770 448,477 484,439 298,997 296,908 261,353 255,664 242,039 205,876 204,468 202,978 181,830 164,738 140,452 133,896 133,156 106,713 105,436 84,655 81,434 81,298 77,696 76,168 74,398 70,028 58,313 57,458 55,727 53,230 50,756 50,395 44,654 43,648 38,067 87,806 36,425 35,637 35,005 33,115 29,708 26,872 26,189 25,448 25,090 24,918 23,584 Area. Square miles. 40 160 129 26 61 35 28 15 25 24 89 37 20 17 10 17 51 24 15 51 15 10 34 19 7 11 8 10 5 4 3 10 14 4 27 6 1 7 30 2 3 10 3 4 4 6 47 8 1 6 22 57 39 46 35 28 38 46 00 88 04 09 59 00 24 77 67 50 60 42 49 07 02 72 56 15 44 95 83 34 95 64 66 42 60 67 47 68 90 51 98 04 23 45 41 80 40 19 20 37 25,740 102,764 82,809 16,934 89,264 22,579 18,163 9,894 16,000 15,923 24,985 23,737 13,177 10,880 6,553 11,372 33,068 15,680 9.984 32,908 9,913 6,444 21,772 12,620 4,838 7,136 5,401 7.008 3,731 2,777 2,528 6,809 9,382 2,828 17,664 4,268 940 4,915 19,776 1,606 2,547 6,425 2,067 2,848 2,822 4,352 30,336 0,241 768 4,076 POPtTLATION TO Each square mile. 37,675- 6,849' 8,091' 30,474' 7,363' 12,711 15,307- 19,840- 11,876' 10,504' 6,548' 6,525- 9,998' 12,027- 19,822- 10,232- 3,1! 5,732 ' 8,583' 2,589- 6,889' 10,470- 2,488- 4,129' 10,753' 6,968- 9,024- 6,794 12,011 13,436' 14,546- 5,237- 3,630- 11,483' 1,825- 6,694- 29,692 4,956' 1,223 14,511 8,954' 3,4i 10,252' 6,675' 6,093' 3,851 536 ■ 3,063' iO,765' 3,702 • -31 58- •66 10- •54 12^ •04 47- •81 11^ •93 19- •93 28 • •04 80- •32 18 • -54 16- •77 10- •72 10- •83 15^ •53 18^ •07 30- -41 15- •27 4.- •73 8- ■08 13^ •58 4- -15 10^ •31 16- •39 3^ •51 6^ •70 16- -25 10^ -64 14- -34 10^ •66 18- •18 20-' -33 22- •50 8- •97 5-( -26 17. ( -91 2-i •75 10-^ 52 46-J 64 7-' 50 \-{ •95 22-( 02 13-S 55 5-4 •32 16-( •96 10-4 •42 9-1 •32 &■{ 88 Q-i 49 4.-' •00 •35 The total population of the cities comprehended in the forego- ing table is 10,095/370, The areas have been determined by actual SOCIAL STATISTICS OF CITIES. 609 measurements, and from latest obtainable data, or from records in the offices of the city engineers of the respective cities. Fall River is an exception to this rule, as the boundaries of Wards 6 and 9 in that city have never been accurately defined. The city of Washington, in the table, includes the area and population inclosed within the actual municipal boundaries, and not the total area and population of the District of Columbia. The islands in the East River, with an area of five hundred and twenty acres, and which are geographically situated in Wards 12, 19, and 23, are included as part of New York, The most interesting feature of the foregoing table is that relating to the distribution of population according to area ; but in this one must not be deceived. The population to each acre or to each square mile of a city can not well be compared with like data for another city, unless the exact area of dense population is known — as, for instance, a city may comprise fifty square miles of territory and have 500,000 population, which would give a popu- lation of 10,000 to each square mile, but the population may be compressed into twenty-five square miles, when the actual- distri- bution would be 20,000 persons to the square mile ; while another city of like area and like total population, but with the population distributed more evenly over the whole area, would be in a much better sanitary condition than the first city named, although in statistics the population per square mile would be the same when the whole area is considered. Twenty-two of the cities named in the foregoing table have a population of over 100,000 each, the total being 8,737,648, which is 13'95 per cent of the total population of the country. The popu- lation to the square mile of these twenty-two cities is 15'92 to the acre ; but the differences in ratios of population to area are very great, ranging from four in St. Paul, five in Minneapolis, nine in Omaha, ten in New Orleans and Bufi'alo, eleven in Chicago and Denver, and twelve in St. Louis, to thirty in San Francisco, thirty-one in Washington, forty-eight in Brooklyn, and fifty-nine in New York. Tliese figures represent population to a square acre. So skillful a statistician as Dr. Billings is of course careful to remark that the ratios indicated by the statistics published " give no information as to the difi'erence in density of the popu- lation in the actually built-up portions," and he cites that in New York the number of persons per acre ranges from four hundred and seventy-four in Ward 10 to three in Ward 24, while in Chi- cago there is a range from one hundred and sixteen in Ward 16 to two in Wards 28 and 23. These instances show the extremes, and teach us emphatically that any comparison of population to the square acre or to the square mile for the purpose of drawing conclusions relative to sanitary and other conditions must be VOL. XL. — i2 6io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. avoided. Physicians have taken considerable interest in censuses, and for the very reasons stated, and so in many cases health dis- tricts have been prescribed and the statistics of population and the social facts relating to population for such health districts preserved. In this way the very best results are to be reached. With complete statistics of population for clearly defined health districts, where the sanitary conditions can be compared and differences of conditions noted, a scientific study of death-rates with reference to the density of population can be undertaken. The ordinary statistics of death-rates based on the density of population of cities are exceedingly vicious, but perhaps not more so than the ordinary statements relative to the death-rate of cities based on the whole population. There is great liability to very misleading statistics in this direction. The errors arise from two causes. The first of these is the incompleteness of death statistics. This can only be overcome by a compulsory registra- tion of deaths. The second cause is that population is not accu- rately known except for periods some distance apart, and here error arises, and would arise, even with complete and perfect statistics of deaths ; as, for instance, a State which depends entirely upon the Federal census ascertains its population only once in ten years. For the census year the death-rate based on population may be fairly accurate ; but for intermediate years the death-rate must be based upon calculations of population mathematically made. In some cases this has led to very vicious results, and has caused considerable fright and anxiety on account of the great apparent death-rate, when, had the facts all been known, it would have been found that the death-rate was really normal. Another feature of error, or rather feature for the basis of erroneous conclusions, relative to the death-rate in great cities, arises from the fact of the existence of large hospitals in cities, and that the death-rate is increased by people coming from the country to the cities for treatment and there passing awa}^ thus giving an abnormally high death-rate relative to the actual living population of a city. This is also true in connection with the criminal statistics of cities. Men come in from country towns for the purpose of a visit or a spree, or for carrying out some nefari- ous design. At all events, they commit crime, from one cause or another, within the city limits, are there arrested and punished^ and their crimes help to swell abnormally the legitimate criminal statistics of the city itself. All these considerations should be taken into account when writers are undertaking to draw what they feel to be accurate conclusions through comparisons of sta- tistics. I have read very learned essays upon conditions of the population, involving insanity, crime, disease, death, etc., when all the conclusions of the essays were based upon most incomplete SOCIAL STATISTICS OF CITIES. 6u and unsatisfactory data — in fact, upon statistics that were not within a large percentage of accuracy. When treating the vital statistics of the whole country I shall take pains to call attention to some of the exceedingly misleading if not thoroughly erroneous conclusions in the past. It is exceedingly gratifying to know that the experts in charge of such important facts under the eleventh census are thoroughly alive to all the opportunities of error which ordinarily and naturally arise under imperfect sta- tistics. The discussions which are going on relative to municipal con- trol will be enriched by a great many facts in the social statistics of cities that are being published under the eleventh census. The difference in the cost of building and maintaining streets and in the cost of street-cleaning, the advantages of paved or unpaved streets so far as health is concerned, and the general conditions resulting from cleanliness — all these facts can be learned when the complete statistics of cities are published. Boston, Worces- ter, and Holyoke are cities in which all the streets are paved ; but Dallas, Texas, has but 47 per cent of its streets paved, St. Paul 4'1, and Minneapolis 31, while Denver's streets are not paved at all. The average yearly cost of construction and repairs per head of population in cities having over 100,000 inhabitants is $1.54, while in twenty-seven cities for which the census has returns, having less than 100,000 inhabitants each, the cost is $2.04. The average annual expenditure for street-cleaning varies from five cents in Buffalo and eight cents in Chicago to seventy-one cents in New York and sixty-two cents in Cincinnati ; but, as the census officials remark, there is probably no definite relation be- tween the cost per head of street-cleaning as shown by the figures and the actual condition of the streets as to cleanliness. Ordinary observation teaches us that in many cities where the cost is great- est the streets are in the filthiest condition. The question as to economical street-lighting is an important one in all municipalities. The facts already published indicate that the annual cost of gas-lamps varies from $50 per lamp in New Orleans, $43.80 in San Francisco, and $37 in St. Louis, to $15 in Indianapolis and Canton, $15.60 in Minneapolis, and $17.50 in Hoboken ; while the annual cost of each electric lamp varies from $G8 in Chicago and $58.46 in Denver to $237.25 in Boston and $440.67 in San Francisco. When all the facts are collected and published it is to be hoped that the public can ascertain the rela- tive advantages of the different systems of lighting, so far as cost per capita is concerned. At present the cost to each head of population can only be stated for the total average annual cost for the cities comprehended in the table. This is sixty-four cents 6i2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. per annum. Not only will the facts be shown relative to the cost per capita of each method of lighting the streets of a city, whether by gas, electric light, or oil, etc., but the relative advan- tages of lighting streets by works owned by the city and works owned by private corporations will be shown. It is a fact that the gas-light is gradually giving place to the electric light ; for, while the facts for the cities named in the tables already pub- lished by the census office show that gas-lamps comprise over sixty per cent of all classes used for street-lighting, it is evident that they are now rarely used exclusively for lighting. It is also learned that electric lighting is most favored in those cities that have less than 100,000 inhabitants each ; for, in 278 such cities, out of a total of 91,667 lamps, 35,127 are gas-lamps, 35,191 are electric lamps, and 21,149 are lamps burning oil, etc. Taking the total cities from which reports have been received relative to light, being 309 cities, with a population of 16,335,569, the total number of lamps of all kinds is 293,847, the gas-lamps numbering 182,671, the electric lamps 53,696, and the oil-lamps 57,480. The interest which now centers in the question as to whether quasi public works shall be controlled by private corporations or by the municipality itself is illustrated more specifically by the facts connected with water- works than by those surrounding any other character of city works, and the difference as to cost of maintenance and receipts between public and private works is very noteworthy. The facts are already given quite fully by the census for fifty cities, and of these thirty-five own their own water-works. The average cost of construction in the thirty-five cities owning their own water- works to each head of population is $21.35, while in thirteen cities where the water-works are owned by private parties the cost of construction to each head of popula- tion is $31.20, or nearly ten dollars more per capita than where the cities construct their own works. Out of .273 cities reporting to the census on their water-works, fifty-six per cent own and operate their own works, the remainder depending on private companies for their water-supply ; but the fifty-six per cent repre- sent seventy-seven per cent of the total population of the 273 cities. A greater proportion of private works perhaps are to be found in the smaller cities ; for, out of 133 such cities, having a population of 3,708,994, 112 cities, representing 2,351,574 people, have their water- works operated by private parties. The sewers of the cities of the country are under the control and direction of the municipal governments. The construction has been under public control. In Baltimore, where the sewers are intended for the removal of storm water only, is found the smallest percentage of sewers to streets in the larger cities, it being only 3-56. The cities of Washington and Cambridge have SOCIAL STATISTICS OF CITIES. 613 more miles of sewers than of streets. In 190 cities the population to each mile of sewer is 1,815. The social statistics of cities already published comprehend tables on the points which have been discussed ; and, further, as stated, on the police and fire departments. In the latter two sec- tions the chief interest relates to the cost of each force. Selecting some of the salient features relative to the police, it is interesting to learn that in New York there are 72-65 patrolmen to each square mile of territory, while in Chicago there are but 9'08, in Philadel- phia 11-01, in Brooklyn 34-01, in St. Louis 8-72, in Boston 19-25, in Baltimore 21-81, in San Francisco 21-73, in Cincinnati 16, in Cleve- land 10-13, in New Orleans 4-66, and in Washington 35-64. The criminal conditions as indicated by arrests, if arrests be a fair indication, are shown by the following facts : In New York the number of arrests to each patrolman is 25-53, in Chicago 27*37, in Philadelphia 35-09, in Brooklyn 31-52, in St. Louis 32-98, in Bos- ton 48-41, in Baltimore 42-96, in San Francisco 69-68, in Cincinnati 35, in Cleveland 29-76, in Buffalo 41, in New Orleans 86-71, and in Washington 48-71. The question as to what a man receives for the taxes he is called upon to pay is not only an exceedingly interesting one from an economic point of view, but of real, vital consequence to the welfare of the people. I have therefore constructed an en- tirely new table from the various tables already reported by the census, showing the average cost per head of population in the fifty cities named for the construction and repairs of streets, for street-cleaning, for lamps of all kinds, for the maintenance and repairs of sewers, for the police force, for the fire department, and for water, with a total which all these items of expenditure make for each inhabitant in the fifty cities named. (See table on fol- lowing page.) The averages in the tables from which the foregoing is drawn are, as I understand it, for the ten years ending January 1, 1890, except in some cases where municipal governments have been of recent growth, in which cases the averages are for the years dur- ing which the work has been carried on. It is evident, however, that the averages have been very carefully worked out, and repre- sent more forcibly than any statements heretofore published the cost in the great branches of city government in the cities named. I hope in some future paper to add the cost of the educational work of the cities, and some other features, so as to show the exact expenditures which one has to make for the maintenance of the various branches of city affairs. It must be remembered that the average cost per head of population, as shown in the last table, represents the cost to each man, woman, and child. It must also be remembered that the cost is not paid directly, in accord- 6i4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Cities. New York, N. Y Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa. . . . Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md San Francisco, Cal. . . Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Buffalo, N.Y New Orleans, La. . . . Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Washington, D. C. . . Newark, N. J Minneapolis, Minn. . . Omaha, Neb Rochester, N. Y St. Paul, Minn Denver, Col Indianapolis, Ind. . . . Worcester, Mass. . . . Toledo, Ohio New Haven, Conn. . . Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn Fall River, Mass. , . . Cambridge, Mass. . . . Camden, N. J Trenton, N. J Lynn, Mass Hartford, Conn Evansville, Ind Los Angeles, Cal. . . . Lawrence, Mass Hoboken, N. J Dallas, Texas Sioux City, Iowa. . . . Portland, Maine Holyoke, Mass Binghamton, N. Y. , . Duluth, Minn Elmira, N. Y Davenport, Iowa. . . . Canton, Ohio Taunton, Mass La Crosse, Wis Newport, Kv Rockford, 111 Ateeage Cost per Head of Population in Fifty Cities. For con- For main- For fire depart- struction For street For all tenance For For and repairs cleaning. lamps. and repairs police. water. ot streets. of sewers. $0.68 $0.71 $0.43 $0-077 $2.90 $1.06 $1.20 3.18 0.08 0.58 0.075 0.89 0.64 2.80 0.61 0.27 0.70 0.024 0.96 0.60 1.80 0.49 0.20 0.59 0.066 1.07 0.70 1.60 1.85 0.28 0.43 0.057 1.05 0.62 2.80 1.84 0.30 1.24 0.263 2.15 1.78 2.40 0.28 0.25 0.70 0.023 1.56 0.35 1.40 3.21 0.20 0.94 0.094 1.82 1.15 4.00 2.88 0.62 0.73 0.084 1.11 0.92 2.50 1.34 0.19 0.61 0.023 0.96 0.77 2.26 2.24 0.05 0.11 0.017 1.17 0.88 2.40 0.14 0.10 0.71 0.70 0.66 5.00 1.G3 0.16 0.56 0.062 1.08 1.03 2.00 2.29 • . . . 0.59 0.095 0.60 0.82 2.20 2.50 0.31 0.77 0.119 1.97 0.49 0.90 O.ll 0.16 0.67 0.9S 0.49 2.75 1.21 1.01 0 . 006 0.92 0.76 1.80 4.15 0.16 0.26 0.032 0.46 0.46 2.40 1.06 0.15 1.06 0.015 0.74 0.45 1.40 6.69 0.28 1.06 0.74 1.01 1.72 0.45 0.95 0.023 0.47 0.94 3.40 2.61 0.47 0.44 0.53 0.71 2.40 1.65 0.08 0.94 0.112 0.87 0 59 3.00 4.03 0.10 0.66 0.90 0.76 2.20 1.68 0.06 0.79 0.001 1.26 0.92 2.40 1.27 0.73 0.167 0.91 0.91 2.60 1.71 0.38 0.001 0.60 0.73 4.40 0.89 0.37 0.95 0.57 3.00 0 64 0.36 0.69 0.174 1.02 0.85 3.40 0.88 0.19 0.59 0.010 0.51 0.34 2.20 0.17 0.03 0.70 0.96 0.38 2.00 0.72 0.18 0.66 0.045 0.72 0.85 2.20 0.88 0.11 0.86 0.025 1.03 1.11 1.80 0.66 0.15 0.64 0.030 0.55 0.79 3.00 1.15 0.57 1.33 4.80 0.74 0.07 0.34 0.73 0.49 2.40 0.46 0.05 0.44 0.046 0.96 0.23 2.35 0,47 0.50 0.394 1.05 0.92 6.20 20.05 0.16 0.40 0.053 0.32 0.53 2.40 1.59 0.84 0.049 0.93 0.40 4.60 0.51 0.61 0.561 0.56 1.13 2.20 0.43 0.03 0.63 0.24 0.43 3.00 15.00 0.15 0.68 6.138 1.21 1.51 4.00 0.40 0.07 0.80 0.017 0.60 0.74 8.60 1.12 0.19 0.61 0.004 0.44 0.52 1.60 1.22 0.69 0.32 0.45 1 60 1.41 0.61 0.74 0.51 2.60 0.81 0.51 0.40 0.37 2.40 0.60 0.16 0.37 0.40 0.32 3.40 0.51 0.08 0.51 0.013 0.32 0.51 2.20 Totol. $7,057 8.245 4.964 4.716 7.087 9.973 4.563 11.414 8.844 6.143 6.867 7.310 6.522 6.695 7.059 5.110 5.706 7.922 4.875 10.500 6.233 7.160 7.242 8.650 7.111 6.587 7.821 5.780 7.034 4.220 4.240 5.375 5.815 6.820 7.850 4.770 4.536 9.534 23.913 8.409 6.571 4.760 22.688 6.227 4.484 4.280 6.870 4.490 6.250 4.143 ance witli the items specified, but that to the whole city the cost per capita is as stated. According to all economists, however — and there is no reason to take issue with the proposition — the taxed cost is "borne by every man, woman, and child, either di- rectly or indirectly. It is fair, therefore, to assume that in each of the cities named, for each person there must be paid, either SOCIAL STATISTICS OF CITIES. 615 directly, by an assessed tax, or indirectly, through the increased cost of articles of consumption, of rent, etc., the cost specified. The column for water is not particularly satisfactory, although it is indicative of the actual expense. The census tables show only expense of annual charge for water for an average dwelling, meaning by an average dwelling one that is occupied by one family and not exceeding seven rooms, with one bath-room, in- cluding hot and cold water, and one water-closet. If an average dwelling is one occupied by one family, then one fifth of the annual charge for water as given in the census reports would show with reasonable accuracy the charge for each individual, and on this basis the column for water has been constructed. Looking at the items for each of the fifty cities named in the last table and the total, we easily ascertain what a man receives for the tax which he is obliged to pay directly or indirectly, and also in which city he receives the most for his money, or, rather, where he receives all his protection of police, his use of streets, his protection from fire, etc., for the least expenditure, and the analysis also leaves in each man's mind this question : Could he secure so great a return for his money by any other method of expenditure ? There are a few blanks in the table just given ; as, for instance, in New Orleans the expense for the maintenance and repairs of sewers is missing, and this item is also omitted from the reports for Newark, St. Paul, Indianapolis, Toledo, Fall River, Trenton, Los Angeles, Lawrence, Mass., Binghamton, Canton, Taunton, La Crosse, Wis., and Newport, Ky. There are also a few other points missing ; as, for instance, the expense of street-cleaning in Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Denver, and some other cities. These points, however, comprehend nearly all the omissions, and in so far as they occur the total expense in the cities named is vitiated, although to a very small extent. Taking the table as it stands, it is seen that Rockford, 111., offers the most for one's taxes of the smaller cities, it being $4.14 per capita. Camden, N. J., comes next, with $4.22 ; and Trenton follows, with $4.24. Among the larger cities, those having over 300,000 inhabitants, Baltimore offers the very lowest expense for her great departments of government, the per capita expense for all being $4.66. Brooklyn, N. Y., comes very close, the expense being $4.71, and Philadelphia ranks third as to cheapness of mu- nicipal government for the items named, the expense being $4.96. The great city of New York, about which so much is said relative to her expensive government, furnishes the seven items of expense named in the table at $7.05 per capita, being lower than St. Louis, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Cincinnati, or New Orleans, and ranking almost exactly with Washington. The most expensive 6i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. city on the list is Sioux City, Iowa, and the next is Dulutli, Minn., the expense being in the first $23.91 and in the second $23.08; but this great expense is probably due to the extensive construction of streets in a recent period, and therefore the expense of these two cities should not be compared with that of others. Throw- ing out the cities with abnormal conditions, it is probable that San Francisco is the highest cost city in the list of fifty given in the table, the expense being $11.41 per capita. The table will be found interesting in many respects, as com- parisons can easily be made for one city with another, not only as to total per capita cost, but as to the items enumerated. Looking at the city of New York, for instance, the table means that it would cost a family of five $35.25 per annum for the benefits ac- cruing to it from -the use of streets and the cleaning thereof, for public lighting, for the maintenance and repairs of sewers, for police protection, for the protection of the fire department, and for the use of water. No one can object to an expense for a family of five persons no higher than that named for all these great advan- tages. The working-man with five in his family is not taxed this $35.25 directly, as intimated, but he has to pay it in rent and the cost of his living. Is it an unreasonable addition to his an- nual expenses ? is the question. It does not matter whether the total expense is high or low for all the advantages detailed ; the great question is. Could they be furnished as efficiently and as well in every respect for a less sum, with the integrity of all departments preserved ? If they could, then a man is entitled to the less expense. If not, he should certainly be entirely satisfied with the great return which he now gets for the money expended. WAYSIDE OPTICS. By CASEY A. WOOD, C. M., M. D., mSTBUCTOR IN OPHTHALMOLOGY, CHICAGO POST-GRADCATE MEDICAL SCHOOL. OUR train has been traveling for the past twenty-four hours over that part of a transatlantic route which stretches from the Sierra Madre to the extreme borders of the great Mohave Desert. There are many interesting things to be seen along this line of travel, but nothing more striking than the curious optical phenomena presented by the pleasing alternation of vast plain with rugged mountain. For example, not far from the last station we come upon a lofty peak overtopping the surrounding hills. It seemed to be about ten miles away, but was in reality fifty. As is well known to the student of optics, the apparent size of an object is mainly dependent upon the size of the image which WAYSIDE OPTICS. 617 I it makes upon the retina, jnst as its apparent distance from the observer is determined chiefly by the distinctness of the impres- sion formed upon the background of the eye. The rays of hght reflected from the distant mountain made a distinct image upon my retina) because they traversed a rarefied atmosphere of uni- form density which produced the minimum amount of refraction, dispersion, and absorption. Previous to this time I had been ac- customed, under Eastern skies, to view distant objects through media neither so rare nor so uniform as this mountain air, and it was not, therefore, strange that my calculations of distance should in this case be erroneous. Such phenomena, familiar enough to most travelers and to every dweller in the "cool, thin atmosphere of mountainous regions, are almost startling when seen for the first time. It is difficult to believe that the huge, stony mass, ap- parently so near— certainly so plainly seen —is over half a hundred miles away. The illusion as to distance does not, however, extend to the matter of size. Mountains and hills may, under certain atmospheric conditions, appear to be near at hand when they are actually far away, but their apparent size remains always the same. The same mountain would appear of just the same size in Colorado as in Vermont. We know this because objects equally distant and of the same size al- ways subtend the same visual angle. The greater the distance from the eye, the smaller the visual angle and retinal image ; the less the distance, the greater the angle and the larger the image— as the following diagram (Fig. 1) shows : The rays of light falling through the pupil upon the retina, b m c, cross at the nodal point a. The near object, 7 8, sub- tends a larger visual angle, 7 a 8, and makes a larger retinal image, 5 6, than the distant object, 1 2. It would be interesting to test the truth of these statements by actual experiment, if ideas of size and distance did not, unfortu- nately, vary with the individual, and were not subject to almost daily modification by experience and other influences. Calcula- tions as to the actual size and distance of the most familiar ob- jects are, within certain limits, but pure guesses on the part of the great majority of people; so that, even if it were worth the while, the most of us could never become experienced enough, 6i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. by making a study of distant objects, to do more than roughly approximate their actual size and distance away. In making estimates of this kind we are, in the latter instance, very materially assisted by the peculiar " distance tints " which the mountains assume. The brain becomes accustomed, after a large number of experiences, to associate a certain coloration of objects with certain distances from the eye, and in this way to calculate the distance of an object seen for the first time. Eintho- ven thinks that the chromatic aberration which even a normal eye exhibits may account for the peculiar colored appearances which distant objects take on. This explanation is manifestly opposed to the view commonly held, that the minute globules of water in the air act as prisms, and, resolving white light into its component colors, robe the dis- tant mountains in " azure hues." In either case the peaks of the Sierras would deceive the unfamiliar eye, for not only are they more distinctly seen than their fellows of the Atlantic States, but their " distance tints " would entirely mislead the unaccustomed observer. As the train proceeds rapidly over the level desert my eyes " fix " * — i, e., gaze steadily at — a clump of sage-bush which is prob- ably two miles distant. The bush seems to move slowly iviili the train, while objects between it and my eyes have an apparent motion in the opposite direction. Of these latter the near ones fly past with great rapidity, but the apparent velocity of those farther removed diminishes until, just before the point of fixation is reached, objects come to an apparent standstill. Beyond the point fixed by my eyes objects move in the same direction as the train, their velocity apparently greater the farther away they lie. Suddenly I shift my gaze from the sage-bush to a large bowl- der which is sailing slowly past, probably one thousand yards from the train. Everything is changed at once. The bowlder's retrograde progress is arrested ; near objects fly past with accel- erated speed ; the sage-bush clump forges ahead as if to make up for lost time, while the plain beyond it, indistinct in the distance, races ahead of every object in view. And so I while away a full half-hour, making one conspicuous object after another stand still, go ahead, or sail past at will — all upon the surface of this aj^par- ently boundless plain — trying to realize, meantime, that things are not as the moving panorama before me indicates. For, rela- tively to the train, all objects are passed at an equal rate, the near as well as the distant, those seen by direct as well as those seen * When the eye fixes anything, the visual apparatus is so adjusted that the rays of light coming from the object are focused upon the macula, a small central spot in the retina, where vision is most acute; and the object thus fixed is seen more distinctly than surround- ing bodies. WAYSIDE OPTICS. 619 by indirect vision. But, in looking from my car window, I am made the subject of optical illusions common in a journey of this sort. Notwithstanding the many wonderful things about the mech- anism of vision, it exhibits, after all, a great many crudities. In- tellectually, for instance, the optic centers are low down in the scale of origin. Even the olfactory nerves have a higher cerebral origin than they. Accordingly, we often find them committing all sorts of errors, from whose consequences only the experience of the other organs (acting as special detectives) enables the organ- ism to escape. Simple " seeing " ought not to be followed, in all cases, by im- plicit belief. When, for example, as in this case, the eye forms part of a moving mass, the motion is wrongly attributed by the optic centers to surrounding bodies. The explanation of how this comes about is easy when one considers certain facts in element- ary optics. If I close one eye and slowly move a pen from right Fig. 2. • to left a few inches in front of the other eye, the direction of the movement is rightly interpreted by my brain, although by a ref- erence to Fig. 2 it will readily be seen that the retinal image of the pen moves in an opposite direction over the background of the eye. Precisely the same effect is obtained if, instead of moving the pen, I look straight forward and move my head from left to right, simply because the same impression is produced — i. e., the retinal image moves from left to right. When, therefore, the image of an object is made, it matters not hoio, to move over the retinal background, motion in an op- posite direction is immediately referred to the object itself. It makes no difference, then, so far as the optical effect is concerned, whether the solid plain with the objects on its surface be carried past the observer at rest, or whether the observer himself move past or over the plain. Further, when there is no movement of the image over the retina, no motion is detected by the eye ; opti- cally, the object is at a standstill. That a body moving in front of the eye should appear to be stationary, its image must always be kept in the same position on the retina. This is accomplished 620 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. by the alert ocular muscles. "When, however, the object is too near the eye, or when its motion is too swift, the muscles are not quick enough in their action to preserve this delicate state of op- tical rest ; the image is thrown across the retina, and the object is seen to move. A glance at this diagram (Fig. 3) will show how these retinal impressions are received and interpreted. The first figure is intended to represent three objects seen from a train in motion. Although the middle one is fixed by the eye, ^ and is consequently most dis- \ 4^ tinctly seen, the blurred images of the other two also fall upon the macula, so that for a single instant they are all optically at rest. A moment later, the eye, still fixing the middle object, has moved from 1 to 2, and, as is seen in 2, the images corre- sponding to the near and the re- mote objects have passed over the retinal area. Motion in the opposite direction is, according to the law just laid down, at- tributed to each, while the mid- dle object still gives the im- pression of comparative rest. When, however, the image of the moving object is kept fixed upon the macular region, the eye may judge of the rate of its motion by the amount of effort put forth by the ocu- lar muscles necessary to keep the image focused upon the macula. This method of calculation is defective, and gives rise to nu- merous optical errors. For example, the movement of a lady's fan in front of her face, the velocity of a base-ball through the air five hundred yards off, and the rate at which the night express trav- els as it approaches " end on " — its head-light gleaming in the dis- tance— would all be incorrectly calculated if the brain were to accept ocular evidence alone and based on one or both of the fore- going rules. The to-and-fro movement of the fan would be inter- preted as exceedingly quick ; the velocity of the base-ball would be next in order ; while little or no motion would be attributed to the approaching train. Becoming tired of looking at the wayside scenery, I find my- self, in a sort of brown study, watching the back of the plush- covered seat in front of me, and then I discover that the retinal Fig. 3. WAYSIDE OPTICS. 621 impressions made by the moving pageantry of tlie Arizona desert are curiously transferred to this crimson background. For I see a strip of plush moving irregularly to the right of me, and just above it another section moving to the left. As the movements of the plush correspond very nearly to the previous visual impressions made by the moving landscape, I soon find that I can vary the plush movements at will. Allowing sufficient intervals of rest to elapse, I am able to make an upper segment of the plush cushion move slowly back- ward or forward in contrast with a lower portion — a faithful pho- tograph from the landscape negative. This persistence of strong or continued retinal impressions may easily be demonstrated by another and commoner experiment. Look intently for two or three minutes at the light falling through a small window, other illumination being excluded. Then close the eyes and place a bandage over them. The impression pro- duced by the light persists several minutes, and the experiment will be all the more striking if the window be crossed by bars, the persistent images of which are seen distinctly in strong contrast to the lighted spaces surrounding them. Kiihne, of Heidelberg, and others have shown that the retina possesses a pigmentary substance (visual purple), sensitive to light, which acts like the sensitized plate or film of the photo- graphic camera, and that a picture distinctly seen is actually pho- tographed upon the background of the eye. Looking from the rear platform of our vestibule train — an admirable vantage-ground from which to view the country through which one is passing — I find that we have just skirted some foot-hills and are approaching the mouth of a small canon, at the head of which a bold, black mountain looks threateningly down on the desert below. The train once more gains the level country, and on looking back, although it is far up the gorge, the mountain seems very near. Nay, more, as I look first at the road- bed and then at the base of the huge mass in front of me, the lat- ter, in some uncanny way, follows, as if it wished to fall upon and crush me. This apparent motion reminds me of Shelley's description : " The Apennine in the light of day Is a mighty mountain dim and gray, Which between the earth and sky doth lay; But when night comes, a chaos dread On the dim starlight then is spread. And the Apennine walks abroad with the storm." Not so, however, is it with this particular outpost of the Sierra Mad re. The fact is that while I have, at the car window, been experiencing the retinal effects produced by objects moving in a 622 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. direction apparently parallel to the horizon, I am now having an object-lesson in optics with bodies whose apparent motion is at an angle to the horizontal line. In both these cases the explanation of the observed phenomena is precisely the same. The body of the mountain represents the most distant objects on the level desert, its base is the point of fixation, while the near objects are between it and the receding train. The rails, sleepers, and the gravel fly past with a velocity which apparently diminishes in the distance ; the mountain-base is practically at a standstill, but beyond it is the prominent bulk of the mountain itself, which appears to advance in obedience to the laws we have just been considering. But my cerebral convolutions refuse to accept such evidence. They insist, these maturer products of the evolutionary force, that the organism has never had any experience of mountains chasing railway trains. And so it happens that I, placing my trust in an enlightened experience rather than in a report from my childish optical centers, feel assured that this particular mountain is not following us. The prevailing idea that the organ of vision is practically a perfect piece of optical and nervous mechanism has done not a little to discourage attempts to develop those wonderful powers which it undoubtedly possesses. One may, by judicious education, train and improve an unde- veloped sense, but what improvement can be wrought in a per- fected organism ? Far too little has been done in this direction, not only among children during school life, but in after-years spent at literary, technical, or other institutions. Of course, it may be asserted that the sense of sight, in conjunction with the other senses, receives its due share of developmental training in the ordinary course of general and sj)ecial instruction. But, as opposed to this, may be urged, in the first place, the natural deficiencies of the eye, a few of which have just been referred to ; and, in the second instance, the splendid results which, despite these innate defects, are ob- tainable by judicious training — results richer far than any other sense is capable of attaining. This plea for a systematic exercise of the visual functions does not exclude the payment of proper attention to the other senses. It is asserted merely that our knowledge would be more complete if a larger proportion of the time and attention given to the culti- vation of the special senses were devoted to the development of the capable but congenitally deficient organ of vision. As a preliminary to this there should never be forgotten the care of sight. A great deal has been said (and too much, perhaps, can not be said) about the importance of ocular hygiene, especial- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 623 ly as applied to schools and scliool children ; but, in addition to these sanitary measures as applied to the mass, inspection of in- dividual cases should be insisted upon. How many useful eyes might have been saved to the commonwealth if they had been ex- amined and treated early in life by a competent oculist ! It is a rule — to which there are few exceptions — that, in addi- tion to those defects which all eyes possess in common, the human organ of sight is, about the school age, prone to certain diseases, arising from inherent anomalies of structure, from heredity, from the results of infantile diseases, and from other causes. It is also true that many, if not most, of these dangers to which the eye in after-life is subject may be warded off by precautions suitable to individual cases. Thus the myope, or short-sighted person, should exercise care of a kind quite different from that which is suitable to the hyperope, or long-sighted individual ; while the unfortunate astigmatic child (with " blurred " sight) should follow a prophy- lactic programme of a kind distinct from either; and so on through the list of possible ocular defects, which, although they commonly elude even the watchful eye of parent or guardian, are still pos- sible sources of future disease. The advance of ophthalmological science has reached that point where one may read in the defect- ive eyes of childhood the record of a large percentage of the im- paired, restricted, or lost vision of later years. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. By DANIEL SPILLANE. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMEEIOAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. XIIL THE organ is the most magnificent and comprehensive of all musical instruments. While the pipes of Pan — aside from that mythical personage — indicate a very ancient use of pipes as a means of producing musical sounds, the " water-organ of the ancients " furnishes to the student of organ history the first tan- gible clew regarding the remote evolution of the instrument. In the second century the magripha, an organ of ten pipes with a crude key-board, is said to have existed, but accounts of this in- strument are involved in much obscurity. It is averred that an organ — the gift of Constantine — was in the possession of King Pepin of France in 757 ; but Aldhelm, a monk, makes mention of an organ with " gilt pipes " as far back as the year 700. Wolston speaks of an organ containing 400 pipes, which was erected in the tenth century in England. This instrument was blown by " thir- teen separate pairs of bellows." It also contained a large key- 624 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. 1. — Antique Sculpture in the Mu- seum OF Arles, dated XX. M. VIII, represeuting organ blown by the mouth. board. There are drawings of that period extant, which repre- sent the organ as an instrument having but few pipes, blown by two or tliree persons, and usually performed on by a monk. The keys, which were played upon by hard blows of the fist, were very clumsy, and from four to six inches broad. About the end of the eleventh century semitones were introduced into the key- board, but to all appearances its compass did not extend beyond three octaves. The introduction of pedals, in 1490, by Bernhardt — giv- ing a compass B flat to A — was another important contribution to the instrument. These were merely small pieces of wood operated by the toe of the player. Jordan's " swell organ," which was introduced about 1712, in Eng- land, is deservedly ranked as one of the greatest advances in organ- building known up to that year. Jordan was renowned among the builders of his century. Green, another noted English builder of the period, improved the swell and added a score of lesser innovations which give him a promi- nent place in histories of the instrument. Milton was cheered and consoled in his blindness, as we learn from his biographers, by a portable organ. This was a form of instrument called the regale, which was in use during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It has, however, been obsolete for over a century. From being a mere accessory to church choral services, the organ has been improved in time by the introduction of stops, instrumental effects, and the extension of pedal and man- ual compass, until it has at- tained such a recognized po- sition as a solo instrument that it might now be called an orchestra in itself. In the last century the men no"* ably associated as builders with its progress were Jordan, Green, Schroder, Silberman, Snetzler, Harriss, Avery, By well, and Father Schmidt. Frescobaldi, the organist, who wrote the first fugues and musical compositions according to the highest capacities of the organ in his lifetime (1580-1640), gave the development of the instrument a great impetus. Stradella, J. S. Bach, Handel, and Albrechtsberger followed as executants and composers of organ Fig. 2. — Kepresentation of an Organ on an Obelisk at Constantinople, erected in the fourth century. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 625 music. Each of these eminent musicians assisted in the improve- ment of the instrument by suggestions given to the celebrated builders of his time. The builders of the seventeenth and eight- eenth centuries were great enthusiasts in their art, and every fresh development in the region of tones and effects was intro- duced with considerable eclat. Of the old effects still in use, the Kremhorn (Cremona), the Gemshorn, and Hohl flute stops are most generally known. As we behold to-day the magnifi- cent instruments in European and American churches and concert auditoriums from the workshops of the representa- tive builders of both conti- nents, we are given much to contemplate from a mechan- ical and artistic point of view, while the wonderful musical effects that they are capable Fig. 3. — Curious Drawing from MS. Psaltee OF Edwin, in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. of producing tend to fill us with awe and profound pleasure. Among the most famous of the old organs in Europe is the Haarlem instrument, built by Christian Miiller, of Amsterdam (17o5-'38). This is celebrated as one of the largest and finest in the world. It has a manual compass of 51 notes, CC to D in alt, and a pedal compass of 27 notes, CCC to tenor D. It has 60 stops and 4,088 pipes, divided as follows : Great organ, 16 stops, 1,300 pipes ; choir, 14 stops, 1,268 pipes; echo, 15 stops, 1,098 pipes; pedal, 15 stops, 513 pipes. The chief accessory stops, movements, etc., are: (1) Coupler choir to great ; (2) coupler echo to great ; (3, 4) two tremulants ; (5) wind to great organ; (6) wind to choir organ ; (7) wind to echo organ ; (8) wind to pedal organ — with twelve bel- lows nine feet by five. This magnificent instrument lacks the advantages of modern or- gans in the general action mechanism. The Haarlem organ can not be played without the expenditure of considerable muscular energy. The organist has to strip to his duties like a wrestler, and when the performance is over he withdraws covered with perspiration. Though endowed with wonderful musical effects in the extent and variety of its stops and combinations, these have been lost hitherto, owing to the disabilities of the manual and pedal action. Modern develop- TOL. SL. — 43 Fig. 4. — From an Ancient MS. 626 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ments in mecliaiiics, and particularly the application of pneu- matics, as shown in the magnificent American instrument by Jardine & Sons recently erected in the Brooklyn Tabernacle, have rendered the most complicated and extended ensemble ef- fects capable of easy expression, while allowing the organist that amount of muscular repose necessary for the mental demands of his art. The Spaniards brought over the first organs heard on this con- tinent, but so little is known concerning the subject that the his- toric attempt of Thomas Brattle to introduce an organ into the King's Chapel, in Boston, in 1713, may be accepted as the earliest reliable contribution to American organ history on record. Brat- tle's organ is at present in St. John's Chapel, Portsmouth, N. H. Thomas Brattle, a native of Bos- ton, after whom Brattle Street and Brattle Square are named, imported the organ referred to. He bequeathed it to the Brattle Street Church, provided " that within a year from his death they would procure a sober person who could play skillfully thereon with a loud noise, otherwise to the King's Chapel." Whether it was owing to the inability of the man- ' ^l^^^^^'^^h^^^!^^ ^^'T'*^ agement of the favored church to j^ — ^--^^^f^J^-gfJ\ *^^^~^ procure a " sober person " capable of playing with a '' loud noise " on that historic instrument — which is rather an asj^ersion on the abil- ity of Boston organists of the time, as well as a reflection on their muscular capacity — or through prejudice against the instru- ment as an alleged agency of the evil spirit, matters little now ; suffice it for the historian to say that it was refused. It was accordingly thrown over on the congregation of King's Chapel and practically sent begging an owner, for King's Chapel also refused to accept it. The executors of Brattle's will having done their duty in the order intimated, refused to cart it away, and after considerable discussion it was allowed to lie in the porch of the church unpacked. It rested there for seven months, until the question was reopened in 1714, ending with the erection of Fig. 5. — From an Ancient Engraving, showing early key-board. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 627 the instrument. Here it was used from 1718 to 17oG, when it was sold to St. Paul's Church, Newburyport. In 183G it* was trans- ferred to St. John's, Portsmouth. It has been generally accepted that Edward Bromfield, Jr., of Boston, built the first American organ, in 1745. The writer, how- ever, is in a position to assert that, although a venerable piece of musical history, this is not a fact. Mr. J. W. Jordan, Assistant Librarian of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, who has paid special attention to the subject, recently discovered that Mathias Zimmerman, of Philadelphia, a carpenter and joiner, built an or- gan in that city some time before 1737. In his will, probated in 1737, he bequeathed the organ to a nephew, hoping that he would learn to play on it, adding that if not it could be sold to advantage, owing to its being so much of a curiosity. The record of Zimmer- man's will forever disposes of the time - honored belief regarding Bromfield. 1" The Germans and Swedes were the chief organ-builders in Ameri- ca during the last century. In Pennsylvania, where several col- onies located, no less than four organ-builders of note practiced their art from 1740 to 1770. These were Gustavus Hesselins, John Klem, David Tanneberger, and Robert Harttafel. Mr. Jordan, to whom I also owe the foregoing information, says the first named was a Swede. He adds in a communication, " Tanneberger's reputation as an organ-builder stood very high, and I know of at least one of his fine instruments still in use." The Moravians of Bethlehem, in that State, were particularly noted for their connection with musical art during the last cent- ury, and their descendants manifest the same faculty. The an- nexed extract of a letter from Hesselins, of Philadelphia, to Rev. J. C. Pyrlaens, Bethlehem, May 28, 1746, has some value to stu- dents of national musical history : " I hope Mr. Klem will see the organ well and safe in your hands." The following is another record of a more explicit nature : "Received, June 9, 1746, of Jas- per Payne, of Bethlehem, four pounds and three pounds for the half set of pipes, and one pound for coming and putting the organ up." (Signed^ " John Klem, organ-builder." Franklin, in writing Fig. 6. — Method of blowing described by Pr,etoritjs; representing the old organ in the Church of St. ^gidien, Brunswick. 628 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY to his wife, in 1750, remarks that he "heard very fine music in the church*" (at Bethlehem), that "flutes, oboes, French horns, and trumpets accompanied the organ." After Bromfield, the next organ-builder in New England was Thomas Johnston, who built an instrument for Christ Church, Boston, in 1753. He is known to have supplied the Episcopal Church in Salem with another organ in 1754, containing one man- ual and six stops. This pioneer maker died in ] 769. Dr. Josiah Leavitt, a physician of Boston, became interested in the art through intercourse with Bromfield, with the result that he sub- sequently devoted himself to practical organ-building for many years, with a fair measure of success. The next organ-builder in New England after Johnston was Pratt, who went out of the business toAvard 1800. William M. Goodrich, a native of Temple- ton, Mass., born in 1777, began to build organs in Boston in 1803. He was a pupil of Leavitt, and was the first native-born organ- builder who achieved a worthy place in that noble art. Sev- eral eminent makers graduated from the sho i of Goodrich, the principal being Thomas Appleton, many of whose in- struments are still in use. Ebenezer Good- rich left his brother's shop and began or- gan-building in 1816 on his own account. He drifted into part- nership with Thom- as Appleton subse- quently, but after a few years they sepa- rated. Thomas Mc- Intyre, another early Boston builder of note, appeared in 1823. This maker also left many fine instruments behind him as examples of his skill. Though Goodrich, Mclntyre, and Ap- pleton accomplished much, taking into account their opportu- nities, the times they labored in, and the class for which they catered, the organs they built are insignificant beside more mod- ern products of the Hook & Hastings, Erben, Jardine, and Roose- FiG. 7. — King's College, Cambridge, Dallam, 1605-'6. England. Built by MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 629 velt establisliments. Meanwhile the development of organ-build- ing in this country, it must be remembered, depended almost wholly upon the disposition of church patrons and clergymen to follow the example of their European brethren in giving the instrument a place in religious ceremonials. As evidenced in the Brattle incident, much prejudice formerly existed against the Fig. 8.— Haarlem Catoedbai,. Built by MOller, 1785-'38. use of the instrument in church services among the Protestant sects— the predominating element— but, unless in very rural dis- tricts, none of this feeling now persists. The Hooks, precursors of the celebrated firm of Hook & Hast- ings, Boston, were the first builders in New England to display individuality and a desire to adopt new improvements in their instruments. The Hook brothers, Elias and George G., began business in Salem, Mass., in 1827. Elias, the practical head of the 630 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. business, was, like Appleton, a graduate of the elder Goodricli's establishment. Winning notice toward 1832, they removed to Boston, and there entered on a remarkable career, in time form- ing the firm of Hook & Hastings, now known throughout Amer- ica as organ - builders of the highest rank. Hook & Hastings came into being in 1865, through the accession of Mr. F. H. Hast- ings, an expert workman and a graduate of their shoj). The Hook brothers died within a year of each other, George C. Hook passing away in 1880, at the age of seventy-three; Elias, the founder of the house, in 1881. The business thereupon devolved on Mr. Hastings, who has conducted it since then with much suc- cess. Evidences of the great skill of Hook & Hastings are scat- tered all over the continent. Among their important instruments may be mentioned the organ in Music Hall, Cincinnati, built in 1878, which is one of the largest in the country. The Tremont Fig. 9. — Marien Kirche, Dortmuih). Temple organ in Boston, remarkable for its artistic qualities, although smaller than the Cincinnati instrument, is another nota- ble product of this firm. Visitors to the Centennial Exhibition in 1876 may remember the magnificent instrument in use there ; this was also supplied from the same establishment. These in- struments are equipped with every mechanical and scientific de- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS-THE ORGAN. 631 vice requisite for bringing their immense resources under control of the organist. Mr. Hastings, while adopting many innovations from European sources, improved upon them materially m his method of application ; his coupling and draw-stop system, in par- ticular, being most sympathetic and effective in operation. These organs possess remarkably well-balanced tonal qualities also, be- ing free from the prevailing acoustic defects apparent in large instruments of some makers. Organ-building, like all the arts, was encouraged in New York to a greater extent than elsewhere in the years preceding the Revolutionary War and immediately afterward The spirit of A h Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Figs 10 and 11.— Flue-stop Pipes, showin^r general features of construction : body of pipe '{A), foot (6), mouth (0, lower lip {d), upper lip (e), air passage (/), languette which divides the body of the pipe from the foot (gr), wind entrance (h), ears for steadying the wind (i), and tuner (J). Figs. 12 and 13 represent section of a wood pipe of the same order: the difference Ls shown in block {K), cap (0, tuner (m), exterior bevel (»), in- verted mouth (0). liberalism found its expression in the practices and observances of church bodies, too, and a desire to erect imposing organs in keeping with the custom obtaining in English communities was manifest. Geib, who built the old Grace Church instrument, was censured severely at the time of its construction for his inability to complete an organ of more massive proportions and capable 632 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Fig. U.— General Plan of a Fodk-manual Grand Organ (St. Patrick's Cathedral, New- York), showing wind-chest ot great organ (A), sound-board {B), and sliders or registers (C). (For further exemplification ot action jirinciples see Fig. 15.) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 633 of more extended effects. It was the original intention of the patrons of the church at that period to have an instrument equal to some of the famous organs abroad ; but Geib and his contem- poraries would not undertake what they looked upon as an im- possibility to them with their limited facilities and limited ca- pacities. There was then talk of bringing over an instrument from London ; but Geib's friends succeeded in putting the con- tract in his hands, satisfied to accept the best results he could produce. In the mean time the money saved was put to other account, so the story goes. Certain it is, however, that the first notable examples of the art of organ-building were produced in New York. Adam Geib, the builder referred to, came to New York in 17C0. In that year he began business on a very unpre- tentious scale, but attained some note soon after the conclusion of the war. He was succeeded by two sons. John E. Geib, the best known, remained in the business until past 1830, and was looked upon as a very skillful builder. Loew and Hall were builders of some mark in years past. The first named erected a fine instrument in St. John's Chapel. Hall served his apprenticeship with Loew, and was, in a minor sense, an originator and inventor of note. Hall was in business in New York from 1812 until 1875, when he passed away, at the age of eighty-five. A noted individual came forth from the workshop of Thomas Hall, during the early days of his business career, in the person of Henry Erben. Erben was such a remark- able youth that he was taken into partnership by Hall in 1827, just after concluding his apprenticeship. Separating from Hall in a few years, he established a business of his own in New York. Erben was fortunate enough to secure the contract for the organ in Trinity Church during his first labors, and this brought him reputation and status in his art. It is by no means a remark- able instrument, though of large proportions. Erben's later ef- forts were indicative of more originality. He introduced some improvements in the disposition of the general action of the in- strument about 1860, which, though credited to him largely as his own inventions, were nevertheless adaptations of ideas copied from abroad. Jardine & Sons, of New York, have taken out several im- portant patents for organ improvements, besides constructing instruments of rare excellence embodying a hundred features of originality of the unpatentable order. In applying pneu- matics to the action of the organ they have been particularly successful. Their patent pneumatic vacuum and tubular systems, also methods for controlling the registers by piston-knobs, are singularly effective devices. These are intended to facilitate exe- cution, while rendering the manual and pedal actions easy and 634- THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sympathetic to every demand of the artist. Mr. A. J. Hii)kins gives the following account of the introduction of pneumatic action, the most valuable of modern developments, in the organ : " The late Mr. Joseph Booth, of Wakefield, was the first organ- builder to whom the idea seems to have occurred of establishing m///MMA pneumatic agency, and of thus ingeniously turning the wind- power, one of the organist's antagonists, into his assistant." (Mr. Hipkins means the pressure of wind which impedes touch through the pallets, not the wind-power through which sound is MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 63s produced.) " It was to some of the bass pipes of the organ he built for the Church of Attercliffe, near Sheffield, in the year 1827, that Booth first applied his little invention. The lower notes of the wood open diapason of the GGr manual were placed on a small separate sound-board, and to the pull-down of each pallet he attached a small circular bellows un- derneath. From the great organ sound- board groove a con- veyance conducts wind into this bel- lows, which, opening downward, draws the pallet with it. These small bellows Mr. Booth used to call ' puff:- valves.' " Since Booth's ex- periments in this di- rection many Euro- pean builders,among them Cavailld - Coll, of Paris, have con- tributed to the appli- cation of pneumat- ics, with the most remarkable results. American builders have not been be- hindhand either in adapting and im- proving upon the in- ventions of their con- temporaries abroad, and their work is to be found illustrated the magnificent ± r ^o. ^ ::^ m Fig. 15. — Sectional Vitcw of Organ in the Brooklyn Tabernacle, illustrating the pneumatic and general action principles embodied (erected 1891). The great organ key- board in the above cut, also trackers and connections, are indicated by A throughout. instruments erected in various cities throughout the States. Jardine & Sons are admitted a leadership by the fourscore and odd organ- builders who constitute the business in the United States and the British Dominion. The founder of this eminent house, George Jardine, was born in Dartforth, England, November 1, 1801. 636 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. He learned liis business with Flight & Robson, the famous English builders, and proved a workman of rare ability. In 1837 he arrived in New York, bringing over his family with him. American organ-building was in an embryo state at the time, and Jardine was compelled to put his mechanical skill to account in other directions ; but he found an entry into the busi- ness in due time. Working along in an unpretentious way, he awaited an opportunity to show his ability. The Church of St. James gave him a contract for a small instrument, and the out- come laid the basis of his fortune. E. G. Jar- dine, his son, who had been educated to all the niceties and comprehen- sive details of the busi- ness, was taken into partnership in 1860, and upon the death of his father became the head of the firm. This gentle- man has traveled exten- sively in Europe, where he studied the celebrated works of Cavailld-Coll and other noted builders to acquire a broader in- sight into his art. Dur- ing recent years Jardine & Sons have erected the following instruments : Fifth Avenue Cathedral, St. George's, St. Paul's, M. E., Holy Innocents, New York ; Pittsburgh Cathedral, Mobile Cathedral, Christ Church, New Orleans, and the Brooklyn Tabernacle organ, all these being four-manual organs, besides a vast number of other notable instruments, which can not be specified here. George Jardine died in 1883, leaving a name destined to live among the world's greatest organ-builders of this century. The present condition of the art of organ-building in America is further exemplified in the magnificent concert instrument erected in the Auditorium Building, Chicago, by the Roosevelt house of New York. Hilbourne L. Roosevelt, the founder of this house, was a native of New York, who was educated to a scholas- tic j)ursuit. Interest in the instrument as a boy led up to an en- thusiasm for the mechanical and artistic possibilities which it em- FlG 16. — Early Pbecursob of the American Parlor Organ. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 637 bodied, and believing himself capable of contributing to its per- fection, Roosevelt entered the sphere of organ-building with love for the art, personal genius, and money to back up his ambition. Though cut off prematurely in 1889, he had succeeded in winning fame as an inventor and builder of the highest character. The instrument designated alone proves the capabilities of the house and the value of the mechanical and scientific principles which Roosevelt developed and helped to put into practical effect. Among his numerous innovations, which created considerable interest and discussion, was his arrangement of the swell effect. For instance, in a two-manual instrument of ordinary dimensions and capacity he inclosed all the pij)es in a swell-box of his own construction and design, which enabled the executant to produce better nuances leading frova foHe to piano, or vice versa; at least, the champions of the Roosevelt system asserted these claims, while there was also a strong opposition among organists to that method of construction. I think, however, that the Roosevelt system will prove a valuable feature in time; at present it is somewhat immature and crude. Mr. Roosevelt also carried the principle into the region of three and four manual instruments. In the latter almost all the total register of tones can be brought under the influence of the swell at pleasure. This is accom- plished by inclosing the various organs, solo, etc., constituting the abstract instrument, in separate swell-boxes, part of the grand organ being also partly inclosed. Apart from his original de- parture in the swell movement, Mr. Roosevelt introduced several notable improvements in the action of his three or four manual instruments. In the application of electricity and pneumatics to the instrument as well as in the region of tones this maker further displayed his remarkable ability. The Auditorium organ is an eloquent illustration of Roosevelt's capacity; the Garden City Cathedral instrument is another magnificent example of what the Roosevelt shop was and is capable of accomplishing. Though the late Mr. Roosevelt was the genius of the house he founded, the business is still carried on with success on the lines he laid down. Johnson & Sons, of Westfield, Mass., are known as capable and progressive makers, destined through their past work to reach a high position in the future. William A. Johnson, the head of the business, has brought forth many inventions of value. In the region of voicing — a most important function — his son, W. M. Johnson, is regarded as an expert of the first order. Hutch- ings, Plaisted & Co., another Boston firm, have won considerable notice for their instruments within the past twenty years, many of which contain improvements of value, and are found in lead- ing churches throughout the country. The general principles of the Jardine Tabernacle organ shown 638 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY in the accompanying plan will give the reader an idea of the modern improved organ, its wonderful mechanical and acoustic features, which involve such interesting complications of pipes, sound-boards, bellows, and draw-stop, mutative stop, manual and pedal action, through which one individual — the organist — can control a great domain of musical resources at one time. The present organ is in singular contrast with the organ of J^'IG. 17. Fig. 19. Fig. 22 Fig. 18. Figs. 17 to 22. — Eepresenting Constructive Principles of a Mason and Hamlin Organ. Ficr. 17 shows position of reed ; Fig. 18 represents in sectional elevation part of one end •with reed-valves and stop action ; Fig. 19 shows auxiliary mutes ; Fig. 20 exhibits method by which the stop-valve is mounted : wind-chest ( U), reed-valves (/), stop-valves ( T'), swell-cap (F) with the swell-lids attached (TF), stop-lever (X), transverse roller-lever (5'), roller-board (0'), name-board (a'), draw-stops (a and 6), and the tube-board {K). Some connections of the parts are indicated thus: Tlie inner end of stop- valve [T) attached to tube-board {U) by butt-hinge fc) ; similar hinge {d^ fastened to outer end of tube-board; stop-valve {T) joined to half hinge (//) by the bent wire {e) ; connection of bent wire (e) with stop-lever (X) by the link (?/) ; brass incline (17) on stop-lever (X); also connection of stop with valve (P) at the back of tube-board \R). Figs. 21 and 22 represent relative parts according to exemplification. past centuries. As a musical instrument, presided over by one mind, it is incomparably ahead of any other musical medium known, in the extent of its development, aside from its capacities in the artistic sphere. To dwell for a while upon its construction : Pipes in the organ are of two kinds, wood and metal, and of two acoustic classes — namely, reed and flue. The grouping and ar- rangement of the huge body of pipes which enter into the compo- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN 639 sition of large organs — many of them containing over six thou- sand— so as to get them under the command of the narrow compass of the manuals, reveal wonderful ingenuity, quite apart from the musical effects capable of being represented through the instru- mentality of that noble art medium. Formerly the pij^es were attached to one key-board. Then came the disposition of the pipes with two manuals and two cases. These were consequently termed double organs. A modern instrument is found in many instances to contain five separate organs within its case, but being all under the control of the organist, they are spoken of com- positely as one instrument, though particularized in giving a description by their names — grand, swell, solo, choir, and pedal. Emphasis has been laid on these points in order to give readers a clear idea of the terms used elsewhere in speaking of the instrument. The aim of the or- gan-builder has been to increase the varie- ty and extent of the sounds, so as to render them available for art purposes through the instrumentality of the key - board and pedal system. And in the or- der of things, when the number of pipes was added to from time to time to give increased compass, it became necessary to originate improvements in the wind collecting and dis- tributing departments. These are, first of all, the bellows, then the wind-chest, wind-trunk, and sound-board grooves. Meantime it is seen that the perfection of this depart- ment, so to speak, was such that it permitted the builder to apply air to the action mechanism according to the laws of pneumatics, with obvious advantage. In the early centuries the instrument was blown with a rude bellows by hand ; then came the pedal bellows described by Prsetorius, in 1620, which he found in the ancient or- gan in the church of St. ^gidien, in Brunswick. This system re- PopuLAE Style of Modern I'arlor Organ. 640 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. f erred to — working tliem by the feet, the blowers holding on. to a rigid transverse bar as they moved along the row (the bellows de- scribed by the authority named numbered twenty, and were oper- ated by two men)— was, however, known a thousand years previous, in Constantinojjle. Passing over incidental contributions to that department, it is only necessary to point out that the demands upon the wind became so great in time that it was deemed neces- sary to introduce mechanical means for supplying and regulating the supply required. A hydraulic engine, invented by Joy and Holt, of Middleborough, England, though defective in some re- spects, was the first thing found to answer the purpose. Next came a water-moter, invented by Thomas Duncan, which met with some favor. Latterly, gas and electricity have been applied with much success, and in the operation of the most comprehen- sive organs little difficulty is experienced at present in supplying and regulating the stock of wind required. When the organ-builder increased the compass of the instru- ment and its effects, the perfecting of the key movement, the invention of the draw-stop action for controlling the use of the various tiers of pipes, the introduction of composition pedals, couplers, and other features became necessary as a part of the major development, viz., the modern great organ as it stands. Of electricity and pneumatics nothing more need be said save that these agencies have been found invaluable in operating massive instruments. A description of the Tabernacle organ in Brooklyn will show the mechanical and scientific points of interest contained in a modern instrument of that class: The great-organ key-board (A) is capable of controlling all the others — namely, swell (B), choir (C), and solo organ (D). In effect, the great-organ key- board through the tracker (A) and squares (A) opens the ports of the pneumatic chest (E), the interior of one of which is shown. This is filled with compressed air of a power and quantity capa- ble of raising a column of water seven inches. When the key is pressed, or operated, it opens the vent-valve (G) and closes the supply-valve (H). The compressed air from the chest presses on the top of the small bellows (I), one of which is furnished to each note, and the wind, consequently escaping through the vent- valve, pulls the wire of lever (J) and tracker (J). This passes up and pulls open the big valve in the great-organ wind chest, and affects all the other organs also, when coupled on to the tracker indicated. To explain the action of the choir key-board (C) : On being pressed, the key (C) opens the train of trackers and connections (K) ; the vent-valve (L) in that chest is opened, which closes the supply-valve (N), thereby allowing wind to escape from the small MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 641 pneumatic bellows (N), which, being pressed down by the force of compressed air from the wind-chest, opens the large valve (O). This supplies all the pipes in that chest with wind. The swell (B) and solo (D) key-boards also operate their respective wind- chests on the same principle. The couplers are operated through the medium of lever (P), which is controlled through a block glued on the tracker (J). When the performer desires to couple the choir to the great organ, the draw-stop pulled out has the effect of pushing the square (G) up against the track- er (K), when the desired result is attained. Again, when he wishes to couple the swell to the great, the pulling out of Ihe draw-stop brings up the lever (R) against the block on the tracker in that connection. The coupling of the swell oc- tave is attained by the levers (S), which are placed at an an- gle so as to pull the tracker of the swell one octave higher, by an ingenious movement. In coupling the solo organ to the great, the lever (T) is moved up to the block on the tracker of that manual. A little study of the plan, and the points given, will explain the general system of action very clearly. In this instrument a set of bells of three octaves (U) are operated from the great-organ key-board by a mechanism of the square piano order ; pneumatic agency is also used here, as the press- ure of the key will not of itself furnish the dynamic impulse necessary to put them in vibration. This is attained by a draw-stop, which puts lever (V) and tracker (J) in connection by pushing the former up against the latter. To play any of the key-boards by pedals, a " cam " serves to raise the levers (W) to the tail of the keys, thus establishing a connection. VOL. XL. 44 Fig. 24. — General View of Interior oe Par- lor Organ (Estey system). — Case (^4), lid to key-board {A")^ bellows reservoir (B), es- capement (6), treadle (Z*), tape connecting D with C (d), wind-chest (E), reed-socket (e), reeds (r r), dampers (e), swells (s), octave- coupler levers (-fT), tracker-pin (A), key (F), name-board ((?), stop-knob (/), stop-rod (i), lever and link for swells (./), slide for open- ing dampers (M), grand-organ roll (n), vox humana tremolo ( T), float-wheel of tremolo (t), fan (/), music-support (m), lamp-stool (Z), and knee-swell lever (S). 642 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Among the special effects in this organ not specified are a bass- drum and tymi3ani (kettle-drums), also operated by pneumatic agency. The great and swell organs are on a four-inch wind ; the choir is on a three-inch ; the thirty-two-foot and sixteen-foot open diapasons are on a seven-inch wind. In the region of tones may be found a German gamba — a unique stop with a string tone — and a vox humana copied from the celebrated instrument at Freiburg by Mooser. The imx anglica in the organ treated on is a remarkable expression effect, while the song-trumpet stop is a startling acoustic development. It is of such immense power that it is capable of leading eight thousand voices. The instru- ment also contains combination piston-knobs under the key-board and a combination pedal to every organ. These are adjustable. There are in all 110 stops and 4,448 pipes, divided as follows : Great organ, 18 stops, 1,4G4 pipes ; swell organ, 18 stops, 1,342 pipes ; choir organ, 12 stops, 854 pipes ; solo organ, 8 stops, 488 pipes ; pedal organ, 10 stops, 300 pipes ; also 10 couplers, 11 me- chanical movements, 6 pneumatic piston-knobs in great organ, 11 combination pedals, and 6 pedal movements. The four manuals contain five octaves each, with an auxiliary pedal compass of two and a half octaves. The wind is furnished by three immense bellows of various wind pressure, operated by a C. & C. electric motor of an improved order on an Edison cir- cuit. Its exterior, moreover, is most striking. It shows a fagade of richly decorated j^ipes forty feet in width and fifty feet in height, and is altogether one of the finest instruments in appear- ance and effect in this country, and an imposing exemplification of American organ-building. The Parlor Organ. — Sound is produced in instruments such as the French and English harmonium and the American parlor organ through the medium of the free reed. The latter, though related to the former in a physical and mechanical sense, is in many respects so different from the European reed instruments of the class designated that it is entitled to stand alone as an instrument peculiarly American and distinct in point of con- struction. The individuality of the American parlor organ rests largely upon the system of reed structure invented in this country, upon which a tone has been evolved which is easily distinguished from that produced by the reed instruments made abroad. Several other features in its interior construction and exterior finish, how- ever, distinguish it from the reed instruments called harmoniums produced in Europe. The " free reed," as it was first applied in American accordeons and seraphines, was not by any means a domestic invention, as writers recklessly assert. It was used by European pipe-organ builders for stop effects, and also in a sepa- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 643 rate key-board instrument, prior to 1800. The " free reed " is so named to distinguish it from the " beating reed " of the clarionet and the " double reed " of the oboe and bassoon. It consists of a strip of flexible metal adjusted on a pan over a slot in which the reed vibrates on being set in motion by a current of air, thus pro- ducing a musical sound. Pitch, the height or depth of sounds, is regulated by the size and structure of the reed and pan, the smaller reeds producing the sharpest and the larger the gravest tones, while timbre, or quality, one of the three chief characteristics which a sound possesses, is conditioned by the structure of the reed, the nature of the metal used, and other incidental in- fluences. The seraphine was the first instrument of the class produced in America. It was invented by Mr. Chadwick, an American, and was merely a slight advance on the accordeon, its precursor, which was also a key-board instrument. The melodeon appeared about Fig. 25.— Showino Body of Organ eemoveb from Case (Peloubet system, Lyon & Healy, Chicaffo, nianufacturersV— Ends of mutes belonging to two full registers of reeds {A) ; stop-board (B), with knobs in front; upright forked levers for stops (C). Also UIus- trates general principles. 1840, and differed little from French harmoniums until Emmons Hamlin— afterward one of the founders of the celebrated firm of Mason & Hamlin — introduced some significant improvements in the construction of the reed. The improvement was of a highly important character from the historical point of view, since it was the first and chief step toward the American parlor organ. Ham- lin found that, if the tongue of the reed were slightly twisted or 644 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. bent, a better quality of tone could be produced. This discovery- was made in 1848. Subsequent exj^eriments yielded remarkable results, and a new instrument was practically introduced. Mean- while the discovery of the method of reed structure referred to has been a subject of dispute for years, the late Mr. Riley Bur- dette and others claiming to have anticipated Hamlin. As neither took out a patent, I can only give the version most generally ac- cepted. In 1847 the two leading American firms devoted to the melodeon were Prince & Co. and Carhart & Needham, both located in Buffalo, N. Y. Hamlin was a clever workman and tuner in the employ of Prince & Co., to whose benefit he turned his discovery up to 1854, when he joined the celebrated Dr. Lowell Mason and founded the eminent Boston firm yet bearing their names. Other makers were not slow to copy the invention, and it became a commonly accepted principle in the melodeon within a few years. The use of these instruments became wide-spread from 1850 upward, many patented improvements being brought forward in the interval in the acoustic and other departments. Of these, Jeremiah Carhart's invention of the exhaust or suction bellows in 1846 was the most significant. Harmoniums, so called, were also produced in this country similar to those of Alexandre, of Paris, but they varied little from seraphines and melodeons except in matters of detail. Carhart's bellows became generally adopted subsequently, and at this period is used exclusively in American organs. The old method of playing air upon the reeds yet ob- tains in Europe, owing to the claim that it secures more prompt speech, while the opj^osite method is employed in this country. Toward 1861 the first instruments resembling the modern par- lor-organ appeared. The case became individualized, new tone effects were added, two or more sets of reeds employed, and the name of " organ " aj^plied formally. Mason & Hamlin first used the term in instruments of that improved order in 1861 which they named "organ harmoniums," to distinguish them from melodeons and harmoniums. In a few years it became " or- gans." Prince & Co., Carhart & Needham, and other makers contributed to the later developments in special directions, but to the firm of Mason & Hamlin is conceded the claim that they were the first to introduce the parlor organ in the year designated. The organ business grew so rapidly that a great many new firms entered the field before 1870, some of them yet existing. Among the older houses yet devoted to this industry are Clough & Warren, of Detroit, and Estey & Co., of Brattleboro, Vt., both be- ing founded about 1850. In the organs of both of these firms tech- nical and acoustic ideas of a special nature are to be seen. This must also be said of instruments produced by more modern MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— THE ORGAN. 645 firms. But in the abstract the organs produced by the leading makers approximate in most respects, all aiming after the same artistic results. The most elaborate and costly organs, however, come from the workshops of Mason & Hamlin, who deserve spe- cial recognition for their untiring efforts to elevate the instru- ment in artistic char- acter and status. The present head of the firm, Mr. Edward Ma- son, is a grandson of Dr. Lowell Mason, and a native of Bos- ton, where he was born in 1858. The founders of the busi- ness have all passed away. There are many other excellent organ- makers in the United States, some of whom are better known in Europe than in this country, strange as it may seem. The num- ber of organs export- ed annually is very large, and of these the West contributes a goodly share. The manufacture of reeds, keys, and many other parts of the instrument be- came specialized as in the case of the piano, but not to such an ex tent The Munroe Reed Company was the most important of these specialists, the others being largely associated with the kindred industry of piano-making. Improvement in the organ since 1850 has been expressed in the development of tone and case structure, as remarked, while the chief patents taken out have been for mechanical contrivances to cheapen production. Modern parlor organs represent consid- erable intelligence and accumulated effort in their scope and char- acter, many of the examples produced coming close to the smaller Fig. 26. — Improved Model, with Two Manuals and Pedals (capable of fine artistic effects). 646 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. pipe-organs in effect. Quality of tone, together witli power and great variety, are now possible, whereas the harmoniums, melo- deons, and seraphines known in 18G0 were simple instruments with one set of reeds and no stops worthy of the name, being only fit for domestic hymn-singing. Notwithstanding, the organ has ceased to be popular at present, nearly all the firms named having added the production of pianos to their business. The latter instrument has been growing into popular favor, to the dis- advantage of the former, and if present indications are reliable the production of organs will be an insignificant branch of indus- try in the future ; yet some look forward to the re-establishment of the organ in popular favor. Many attempts have been made to combine reeds with strings in the piano, the first being made by Prof. Wheatstone, in Lon- don, in 1834. Obed Coleman, a native of New Bedford, Mass., in- vented a system for uniting both in a square piano, which he named the ^olian attachment. This was adopted by a Boston manufacturer in 1844, but was abandoned after a few years. Other attempts have been made, with like results. Organs combining the features pf the pipe and reed have been also made, the Peloubet system being regarded as the most suc- cessful. Lyon & Healy, of Chicago, manufacture the " Peloubet reed-pipe organs" at present, their trade extending to Europe largely. Another form of organ somewhat approximate is the Vocalian. The physical basis of sound production in this instru- ment resembles that of the human voice, according to its invent- or. Dr. Hamilton, a Scottish gentleman, who produced it after many years of study and experiment. The instrument conse- quently attracted much attention when introduced here in 1882. It comes very close to the pipe-organ in quality, and is an excel- lent substitute. Mason & Risch, of Worcester, Mass., manufact- ure these instruments. Mechanical instruments called organettes are also produced in large numbers for export and domestic purposes. In these, sheets of perforated paper run over the reeds, the perforations admitting free play for the air, thus producing the desired effect. They are of American invention. Organs employing somewhat similar methods for the mechanical production of music by pneumatic ac- tion have come into use recently, but, while capable of yielding pleasing effects, they are decried by musicians, upon the ground that the individuality of an artistic musical performance can not be duplicated apart from human instrumentality. This is, how- ever, only a matter of opinion. While the majority of organ man- ufacturers are scattered throughout various States — unlike the piano art industry, which is mostly concentrated in New York and Boston— Chicago is the largest producing center in the country. MORAL EDUCABILITY. 647 MORAL EDUCABILITY. By EDWAKD PAYSON JACKSON. FOR a long time the brain has been accepted, popularly as well as scientifically, as a gauge of intellectual capacity ; less widely it has been known as an equally accurate gauge of physi- cal and also of moral energy. If narrow compass and few and shallow convolutions in what are known as the intellectual " areas " infallibly indicate mental deficiency, the same conditions in the moral areas as infallibly indicate moral deficiency. It is a hard saying, but, whatever bearing it may have upon the doctrine of free moral agency and personal responsibility for action, it is as true as it is hard. But there is a great difference in the results of feeble or ar- rested development in the three different sets of brain areas. Each case is attended with disadvantages peculiar to itself ; only in the case of the moral areas are these disadvantages looked upon as " penalties." If the physical basis of intellect is ill developed, the subject may be doomed to obscurity, neglect, and perhaps hard manual labor for his livelihood ; if the ganglia which supply his muscles and vital organs with nerve-force are small and weak, he must suffer life-long invalidism ; in either case he is simply " un- fortunate " ; but if Nature has allowed him only an ill-developed physical basis for the moral faculties, his unhappy deficiency is visited with the abhorrence and indignation of his fellow-men ; he is a criminal, and he must suffer the " just punishment of his misdeeds " in prison or on the gallows. Whether these differences involve an element of injustice on the part of Nature or her controller, or on the part of man, is not our question. Suffice that they exist, and that they are, in a meas- ure at least, inevitable, since society does not need to be protected from the mental or the physical imbecile as it does from the moral imbecile. Both justice and policy demand, however, that the chief motive and purpose of society in dealing with the moral imbecile should be self -protection rather than punishment for the sake of punishment. We do not slay mad dogs to punish them for the crime of rabies, but simply to prevent ourselves and others from being bitten. The idea is gradually gaining strength that the most just as well as the most effective means of protection from the moral im- becile is moral education. If there is injustice involved in the fact that he was created a moral imbecile, then this is the most direct and obvious means of righting that wrong ; if there is no such injustice, it still remains the best possible policy, both as re- gards society and the subject himself. 648 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. And, happily, of the three sets of brain areas, that which forms the physical basis of the moral faculties is by far the most capa- ble of improvement by cultivation. It is the part which most quickly and fully responds to educative influences. And there is entire correspondence in the improved outward conduct, which may as truly be looked upon as the effect of increased brain- power as stronger muscular action is of more highly developed muscles. History demonstrates the jjre-eminent educability of the moral part of man. The ancient athlete did not differ essentially from his modern ectype. There is not much to choose intellectually between Cicero and Wendell Phillips, between Aristotle and Her- bert SjDencer, between Copernicus and Charles Darwin, between the prehistoric genius who first smelted iron ore and Edison. The intellectual status of the educated classes of ancient Rome did not differ materially from that of the corresponding classes of modern London or New York ; but compare their moral status ! The wealth, beauty, and fashion of Rome assembled in eager thousands to witness the entertaining spectacle of wholesale human butchery : we stigmatize a bull-fight as intolerable sav- agery, worthy only of belated Spain, Portugal, or Mexico, and even the blood and bruises of a prize-fight are too much for the humanity and self-respect of any but blacklegs, thieves, " sports," and of a few scions of royalty and other gz/asi-respectable men. The ancients punished not only their criminals but often their inno- cent captives with death by torture : imagine a populous city of our day, absorbed in its various employments and pleasures, uncon- cerned while in full sight on a neighboring plain men are for days together writhing and moaning out the inconceivable agonies of crucifixion ! Not only would such a thing be impossible in our day, but we are actually divided in opinion as to whether painless death by electrocution is not too barbarous a way of disposing of criminals. The ancients immured their lunatics and idiots in noisome subterranean dungeons, and left their paupers, their halt, blind, and deaf to shift for themselves or to depend upon casual private benevolence : we build almshouses, hospitals, and asylums, and our best scientific skill is taxed to its utmost in behalf of our unfortunates of these classes. Such are a few of the ways in which improvement in the aver- age moral sentiment of humanity within the Christian era is shown. We wonder at the monstrous cruelties of past ages. How could they have been possible, we ask, since " human nature has always been the same " ? But human nature has not always been the same ; it has always been changing ; it is changing now, and it will always continue to change. And the rate of improve- ment is continually accelerating. Those born since the war find MORAL EDUCABILITY. 649 it diflficult to comprehend the barbarities of even one short genera- tion ago. Their children will find the barbarities of to-day equally- incredible. The horrors of Siberia, of the Russian persecution of Israel, of the no less infamous sweat-shops in our own country, may relegate the latter third of the nineteenth century to the same limbo of infamy to which the ages of Nero and Simon Legree are condemned, notwithstanding the comparatively great ameliorations in the average condition of the human race. Still later generations will wonder at the possibility of inhumanity which in our day condemns the many to life-shortening and life- embittering toil that the few may consume in luxurious idleness the price of their sweat and suffering ; at the travesty of justice which punishes the criminal who robs his one victim with his puny arm of flesh and bends the knee to the ruffian who despoils his thousands with his mightier brain ; at the selfish greed of the titled idlers who partition the soil among themselves and take heavy toll of the multitude of Earth's children for presuming to live upon the bosom of their common mother ; at the unspeakable cruelty of the sex which flatters and spoils with indulgence a por- tion of the other sex, and drives by its tyranny another portion to starvation, suicide, or infamy. Thus the mists which becloud the moral perceptions of men and chill their nobler impulses will lift one after another, as gen- eration succeeds generation. But not until the law of love shall have made civil laws with their penalties suj^erfluous and obso- lete, not until the universal enforcement of the golden rule, not by objective, but by subjective penalties, will the moral education of mankind be complete. In his later work, on Leonardo da Vinci and the Alps, Prof. Gustavo Uzielli treats of certain passages in the great artist's manuscripts containing references to the Alps. Telling of his ascent of Monboso or Monte Rosa in the middle of July, Leonardo incidentally remarks that snow rarely falls on the summit, hut only hail in the summer, when the clouds are highest ; also, that the extreme darkness of the sky and the luminosity of the sun are accounted for by the less extent of atmosphere between the spectator and the sun than if he stood on the lower plains at the foot of the mountain. The fruits of Leonardo's observations of the Alps are to be found in his works as an artist, and particularly in his portrait of the Mona Lisa, whom he placed amid their snows. But he studied them also with a practical eye, with a view to the utilization of the water that flows down their sides to the plains of Lombardy. Operations in connection with this purpose re- quired the personal examination of the formation of the mountains ; and while on his excursions he studied their geology, the density of matter, the action of light, and the composition of the atmosphere. His attention was also occupied with botanical studies and observations of the flight of birds. And there is evidence that he looked at the mountains also with the eye of a military engineer. 650 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. THE AUSTRALIAN MARSUPIAL MOLE. By Dr. E. TEOUESSAET. THE discovery of a new mammal with distinct enough charac- teristics to constitute the type of a new family, possibly of an order, in the class of Didelphse or Aplacentarise, is, at this age, a zoological event of great importance. The discovery is still more interesting in the case of an animal presenting so curious a form and organization as the one about to be described. The account we give of it is taken from the original memoir of Mr. E. C. Stirling, Director of the South Australian Museum and pro- fessor in the University of Adelaide, who found the animal in the central desert of Australia. The researches of English natural- ists, especially of the ornithologist Gould, have made us so well acquainted with the fauna of New Holland that the announce- ment of the existence in that country of a living mammal that fills what has long been recognized as a gap in it is a real sur- prise. The Notoryctes, as Prof. Stirling has named it, is a marsupial mole presenting remarkable analogies at once with the Chryso- clilores, or moles, of the Cape of Good Hope, placentary insecti- vores peculiar to South Africa, and with the primitive mammals of the Secondary period and the beginning of the Tertiary, of which only the dentition is known to us. The name, Notoryctes typhlops, means blind burrower of the South. The first individual of this species, of which Prof. Stirling saw the remains in very bad condition, was captured in 1888 by Mr. Coulthard, a cattle-raiser of northern South Australia. Following the tracks of the animal, he found it at the foot of a tuft of porcu- pine-grass {Spinifex or Triodia irritans). Although he had lived many years in the country, he had never seen or heard of it before. The region where it was found is about a thousand miles north of Adelaide ; is bounded on the northeast by the dry bed of Finke River, and is a country of dunes and red sand, with spots of vege- tation composed exclusively of Spinifex and Acacia. It rarely rains there. The species does not seem to be very abundant, and the natives appeared to have no knowledge of the animal when a figure of it was shown them. Much interested in his discovery. Prof. Stirling visited the South Australian desert and procured six specimens of the Notoryctes, four female and two male, and pre- served them in alcohol for dissection on his return to Adelaide. It was only with the assistance of the natives, and their surpris- ing gifts in following the tracks of an animal, that it was possible to procure the precious specimens. The rainy season of the short semitropical summer of the country is the most favorable time THE AUSTRALIAN MARSUPIAL MOLE. 651 for this kind of investigation. The tracks of the animal are then preserved in the ground, while the soil is at other times too friable to retain any mark. The Notoryctes is essentially a burrower, and never comes out from under the sand except to run a few feet in a slow and tortuous gait, dragging its belly along the ground. It walks, clinching the outer edges of its claws in the ground, leav- ing a triple, often interrupted, sinuous track, the lateral lines of which are drawn by the feet, the middle line by the tail, on which the animal supports itself by beating it on the ground. The track resembles those of some Australian lizards, which Prof. Stirling was apt at first to mistake for them. The Notoryctes burrows obliquely in the sand, going two or three inches under the ground, and never betraying its passage except by a slight undulation of the soil. In digging it uses its conical nose, which is protected by a horny plate, and the strong, mattock-shaped claws of its fore feet. The hind feet, which are wider and spade-shaped, throw the sand back so that no trace is left of the tunnel which it hollows. It comes to the surface a few yards farther on, and then buries itself again, all without making any noise. It is prodigiously agile and swift, a property on which Mr. Benham, who lived for some time at Idracowra, says : " Every- body here can tell you how soon one of these animals will get away by digging in the sand. I had brought a live one to the house and we were talking of its agility in digging. Mr. Stokes desired to see it at work. After spading and turning over the ground near the house, we set the animal down ; I held it in my hands till it was nearly hidden, and then tried to overtake it by scratching the ground behind it, but it was quicker than I. I took a shovel and tried to find it, but without success. Another man came to my help with a second shovel, and also a native woman used to digging in the ground with her hands. But all three of us could not find it." The Notoryctes are hard to keep alive, even if large tubs full of sand are provided. Night and day can be heard the slight sound they make in digging in this friable soil. They would not touch the ants which Mr. Stirling gave them, although ants were found in their stomachs. On the other hand, they readily ate the large white grubs of long-horned beetles and Lepidoptera ; one "of them even ate bread, but it died the next day. They did not try to bite when taken in the hand. The natives call them oor-quamata, and seem to have a superstitious fear of them, arising perhaps from the animal's being almost unknown. They have never seen the young ones. The intestines of different individuals dissected by Mr. Stirling contained ants and other insects. At first sight, the animal looks very much like the Chryso- chlores, or golden moles of the Cape, but differs from them by 652 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. its strong tail (the Chiysochlores have none), in the shape of its incisors, and in the presence of a pouch in the female. It is smaller than the European mole. Its pelage is yellowish, golden at some points, and silvered at others. It has no distinct neck, but the cheeks merge into the shouders. It results that the body Fig. 1. — The New Mammal, Notoeyctes ttphlops (slightly reduced). is strongly arched. The nose, the feet, and the tail only are in the same plane. The nostrils are pierced through the horny plate which protects the muzzle, and which is divided in two by a transversal furrow. The mouth is underneath. The tongue is broad and shaped like a man's tongue. There are no outside traces of eyes. Those organs are not even indicated by a pigmentary spot visible under the skin. The external ear is represented by a small roundish hole. The tail is singular, having the form of a truncated cone ; is bare, ringed. THE AUSTRALIAN MARSUPIAL MOLE, 653 hidden to a considerable extent by the hairs of the back, but fully- visible from below, Ifc is swelled out near the middle by two considerable lateral tuberosities. The fore feet are similar to those of the Chrysochlores. The two large arched and compressed nails of the third and fourth digits conceal the others, with the exception of the obtuse and corneous nail of the fifth digit, which is turned back and inserted at the base of the fourth. On exam- ining the narrow palm of this paw, we can discover the thin, atro- phied nails of the thumb and second finger. The palm is cleft, and the fingers form two groups : the outer, consisting of the third, fourth, and fifth ; and the inner, of the first and second. The hind paws are likewise short and very thick, more robust than those of the Chrysochlores, spade - shaped, have the sole turned outward, are deeply grooved, and bare to the metatarsus.* The first four toes are subequal ; the fifth is represented by a short nail, much like that of the hand, and flanked by a large, broad, and flat sesamoid bone. The tibia is thick. The dentition of the Notoryctes comprises forty teeth — ten in each branch of the jaws. The molars resemble those of the Chry- FiG. 2. — Feet of the Notortctes. 1, 2, and 3, fore foot seen in front, in profile, and from beneath ; 4 and 5, hind foot, from above and from beneath. Fig. 3. — Details or the Skeleton (enlarged'). 1 and 2, skull, profile and from beneath ; 3 and 4, feet. sochlores, having, like them, V-formed crowns ; but the front teeth, especially the incisors, are much smaller than those of the Chrysochlores. This fact is remarkable, considering that the gen- eral form of the skull is also strikingly like that of the Chryso- chlores. The median incisors are, like those of the Iliisaraignes and most of the placentary insectivores, scalpriformed, or thick and hooked like the teeth of rodents, and constitute strong organs of prehension which touch on the median line. On the other * From an examination of the osteology, we should say that the hind feet of the Noto- ryctes are similar in form to the fore feet of the real moles. 654 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. hand, the front teeth, of the Notoryctes are small, hardly more than pegs, and leave a considerable gap on the median line, a disposition like that observed in some of the edentates. It might be well to compare this dentition with that of the Myrmecobia, which is also Australian, and with that of some of the types of Eocene fossil mammals which have recently been discovered in Fig. 4. — Notoetctes. (View of the under side ; two thirds the natural size.) South America. The angular apophysis of the lower jaw is markedly bent within, a tolerably constant characteristic of the opossums. The marsupial bones, on the other hand, are but lit- tle developed. They are represented only by two small osseous nodules diverging forward and united in the tendon of the oblique external muscle of the abdomen at its insertion on the symphysis of the pubis. They are hardly visible with the lens, and might easily pass undetected in a hasty or superficial dissection. Nothing is yet known of the method of reproduction of the Notoryctes. As a whole, we are struck by the resemblances exhibited be- tween the Notoryctes and the African Chrysochlores ; the forms of the skull, of the molar teeth, and of the fore limb are such as to lead us to suppose something more than a simple secondary adaptation depending on an identical mode of life. The unlike- ness, on the contrary, between the incisors and the canine teeth of the two types is deserving of closer study. It is of interest to recollect that these two genera are not the only ones which establish by their outer forms a bond of relationship between the South African and the Australian fauna. The Pedetes (Helamy), or great jerboa of the Cape, exhibits absolutely the forms of the Australian kangaroos, although it is a placentary rodent. There are also well-known relations between the South African and the Australian flora. — Translated for The Popidar Science Monthly from La Nature. [Mr. J. Douglas Ogilby has reached the conclusion, after a careful study of Mr. Stir- ling's accounts of this animal, that in it we have at last obtained a definite connecting link between the Monotremes (Ormihorhi/ncus) and the Marsupials (kangaroos and opossums). At the present state of our knowledge it would, he thinks, be presumptuous to class Noto- ryctes among the Monotremes proper, although several naturalists incline to the opinion that its affinities are closer to those animals than to the Marsupials. — Ed. P. S. M.] JUSTUS VON LIEBIG. 655 JUSTUS VON LIEBIG: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH* MY father, who had a color warehouse, frequently occupied himself in making some of the colors in which he dealt, and for that purpose had fitted up for himself a small laboratory to which I had access, and where I sometimes enjoyed the privi- lege of helping him. He made his experiments as prescribed in works upon chemistry, which were, with great liberality, lent to the inhabitants of Darmstadt from the rich Court Library. The lively interest which I took in my father's labors naturally led me to read the books which guided him in his experiments, and such a passion for these books was gradually developed in me that I became indifferent to every other thing that ordinarily attracts children. Since I did not fail to fetch the books from the Court Library myself, I became acquainted with the librarian Hess, who occupied himself successfully with botany, and as he took a fancy to the little fellow, I got, through him, all the books I could desire for my own use. Of course, the reading of books went on without any system. I read the books just as they stood upon the shelves, whether from below upward or from right to left was all the same to me ; my fourteen-year-old head was like an ostrich stomach for their contents, and among them I found side by side upon the shelves the thirty -two volumes of Macquer's * Read at a joint meeting of societies in the Chemical Laboratories, University College, Liverpool, on Wednesday evening, March 18, 1891, by Prof. J. Campbell Brown, D. So. [At the recent celebration of the Jubilee of the Chemical Society, reference was made to the wonderful energy and ability of Liebig, to the great work which he did in founding organic chemistry, and to the immense stimulus which he gave, alike in his own country and in England, to scientific investigation in pure chemistry and in its applications to agri- culture, physiology, and pathology. Very opportunely a portion of an autobiographical sketch in Liebig's own handwriting has just come to light, in which he gives a most Interesting account of the formation of his habits of thought, and of the development of his scientific activity. He also gives an amusing description of the lectures given in his student days by professors of the deductive method. In his sixtieth year, we are told, Liebig wrote some biographical sketches which were laid aside and could not be found when he wished to resume them. They were never finished. A portion of the manuscript was found among some other papers in Liebig's handwriting by his son Dr. Georg Baron von Liebig, and has been published by the latter in the Deutsche Rundschau for January, 1891. Mr. E. K. Muspratt has been good enough to lend me a copy which he received from his friend the present baron. I have endeavored to render it into English as literally as the difference in the idiom and modes of expression in the two languages will permit ; and it is now made public in England by the kind permission of the Deutsche Rundschau. His method of teaching and its remarkable success are worthy of attention at the pres- ent time, when technical education is occupying so much of the public mind.] 656 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Chemical Dictionary, Basil Valentine's Triumphal Car of Anti- mony, Stahl's Phlogistic Chemistry — thousands of essays and treatises in Gottling's and Gehlen's periodicals, the works of Kir- wan, Cavendish, etc. I am quite sure that this manner of reading was of no partic- ular use so far as acquisition of exact knowledge is concerned, but it developed in me the faculty, which is peculiar to chemists more than to other natural philosophers, of thinking in terms of phe- nomena ; it is not very easy to give a clear idea of phenomena to any one who can not recall in his imagination a mental picture of what he sees and hears, like the poet and artist for example. Most closely akin is the peculiar power of the musician, who, while com- posing, thinks in tones which are as much connected by laws as the logically arranged conceptions in a conclusion or series of con- clusions. There is in the chemist a form of thought by which all ideas become visible to the mind as the strains of an imagined piece of music. This form of thought is developed in Faraday in the highest degree, whence it arises that to one who is not ac- quainted with this method of thinking, his scientific works seem barren and dry, and merely a series of researches strung together, while his oral discourse, when he teaches or exj^lains, is intellect- ual, elegant, and of wonderful clearness. The faculty of thinking in phenomena can only be cultivated if the mind is constantly trained, and this was effected in my case by my endeavoring to perform, so far as my means would allow me, all the experiments whose description I read in the books. These means were very limited, and hence it arose that, in order to satisfy my inclination, I repeated such experiments as I was able to make a countless number of times, until I ceased to see anything new in the process, or till I knew thoroughly every as- pect of the phenomenon which presented itself. The natural con- sequence of this was the development of a memory of the sense, that is to say of the sight, a clear perception of the resemblances or differences of things or of phenomena, which afterward stood me in good stead. One will easily understand this if one imagines, for instance, a white or colored precipitate which is produced by mixing two liquids ; it is formed either at once or after some time, it is cloudy or of a curdy or gelatinous character, sandy or crystalline, dull or bright, it deposits easily or slowly, etc. ; or if it is colored it has a certain tint. Among the countless white precipitates each has something peculiar to itself ; and when one has experience in this sort of appearances, whatever one sees during an investigation at once awakens the remembrance of what one has seen. The fol- lowing example will make clear what I mean by sight or eye memory : During our joint research on uric acid, Wohler one JUSTUS VOX LIE BIG. 657 day sent me a crystalline body which he had obtained by the action of peroxide of lead upon this acid : I immediately there- upon wrote to him with great joy, and without having analyzed the body, that it was allantoin. Seven years before I had had this body in my hands ; it had been sent to me by C. Gmelin for investigation, and I had published an analysis of it in Poggen- dorf's Annalen J since that time I had not seen it again. But when we had analyzed the substance obtained from uric acid there appeared a difference in the amount of carbon, the new body gave one and a half per cent carbon less, and since the nitrogen had been determined by the qualitative method a corre- sponding quantity (four per cent) of nitrogen more ; consequently it could not possibly be allantoin. However, I trusted my eye- memory more than my analysis, and was quite sure that it was allantoin, and the thing now to be done was to find the remains of the substance previously analyzed in order to analyze it afresh. I could describe the little glass in which it was with such pre- cision that my assistant at last succeeded in picking it out from among a couple of thousand other preparations. It looked exactly like our new body, except that examination under the lens showed that Gmelin, in the preparation of his allantoin, had purified it with animal charcoal, some of which having passed through the paper in the filtration had become mixed with the crystals. Without the complete conviction which I had that the two bodies were identical, the allantoin produced artificially from uric acid would undoubtedly have been regarded as a new body, and would have been designated by a new name, and one of the most interesting relations of uric acid to one of the constituents of the urine of the foetus of the cow would perhaps have remained for a long time unobserved. In this manner it came to pass that every- thing I saw remained intentionally or unintentionally fixed in my memory with equal photographic fidelity. At a neighboring soap-boiler's I saw the process of boiling soap, and learned what " curd soap " and " fitting " are, and how white soap is made ; and I had no little pleasure when I succeeded in showing a piece of soap of my own making, perfumed with oil of turpentine. In the workshop of the tanner and dyer, the smith and brass-founder, I was at home, and ready to do any hand's turn. In the market at Darmstadt I watched how a peripatetic dealer in odds and ends made fulminating silver for his pea-crackers. I observed the red vapors which were formed when he dissolved his silver, and that he added to it nitric acid, and then a liquid which smelt of brandy, and with Avhich he cleaned dirty coat-collars for the people. With this bent of mind it is easy to understand that my position at school was very dex)lorable ; I had no ear-memory and retained nothing or very little of what is learned through this VOL. XL. 46 658 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. sense ; I found myself in tlie most uncomfortable position in which a boy could possibly be; languages and everything that is ac- quired by their means, that gains praise and honor in the school, were out of my reach ; and when the venerable rector of the gym- nasium (Zimmermann), on one occasion of his examination of my class, came to me and made a most cutting remonstrance with me for my want of diligence, how I was the plague of my teachers and the sorrow of my parents, and what did I think was to become of me, and when I answered him that I would be a chemist, the whole school and the good old man himself broke into an uncon- trollable fit of laughter, for no one at the time had any idea that chemistry was a thing that could be studied. Since the ordinary career of a gymnasium student was not open to me, my father took me to an apothecary at Heppenheim in the Hessian Bergstrasse ; but at the end of ten months he was so tired of me that he sent me home again to my father. I wished to be a chemist, but not a druggist. The ten months sufQced to make me completely acquainted alike with the use and the mani- fold applications of the thousand and one different things which are found in a druggist's shop. Left to myself in this way, without advice and direction, I completed my sixteenth year, and my persistent importunity at last induced my father to give me permission to go to the Univer- sity of Bonn ; whence I followed to Erlangen the Professor of Chemistry, Kastner, who had been called to the Bavarian Univer- sity. There arose at that time at the newly established University of Bonn an extraordinary quickening of scientific life ; but the degenerate philosophical methods of investigation, as they had been embodied in Oken, and still worse in Wilbrand, had a most pernicious influence on the branches of natural science, for it had led alike in lecture and in study to a want of appreciation of ex- periment and of an unprejudiced observation of Nature, which was ruinous to many talented young men. From the professional chair the pupil received an abundance of ingenious contemplations ; but, bodiless as they were, nothing could be made of them. The lectures of Kastner, who was con- sidered a most eminent chemist, were without order, illogical, and arranged just like the jumble of knowledge which I carried about in my head. The relations which he discovered between phenom- ena were somewhat after the following pattern : " The influence of the moon upon the rain is clear, for as soon as the moon is visible the thunderstorm ceases," or " the influence of the sun's rays on water is shown by the rise of the water in the shafts of mines, some of which can not be worked in the height of summer." That we see the moon when the thunderstorm is dispelled, and that the water rises in the mine when the brooks JUSTUS VON LIEBIG. 659 which drive the pumps dry up in summer, was, of course, too blunt an explanation for a clever lecture. It was then a very wretched time for chemistry in Germany. At most of the universities there was no special chair for chemis- try ; it was generally handed over to the professor of medicine, who taught it, as much as he knew of it, and that was little enough, along with the branches of toxicology, pharmacology, materia medica, practical medicine, and pharmacy. Many years after this in Giessen, descriptive and comparative anatomy, physiology, zoology, natural history, and botany were in one single hand. While the labors of the great Swedish chemist, the English and French natural philosophers, Humphry Davy, WoUaston, Biot, Arago, Fresnel, Thenard, and Dulong, opened up entirely new spheres of investigation, all these inestimable acquisitions found no soil in Germany where they could bear fruit. Long years of war had undermined the well-being of the people, and external political pressure had brought in its train the desolation of our universities, filled men with painful anxiety for many years, and turned their desires and their strength in other direc- tions. The national spirit had asserted its freedom and independ- ence in ideal spheres, and by the destruction of belief in authority had brought rich blessings in many ways — for example, in medi- cine and philosophy ; only in physiology it had broken through its natural limits, and wandered far beyond experience. The goal of science and the fact that it has value only when it is useful to life had almost dropped out of sight, and men amused themselves in an ideal world which had no connection with the real one. It was considered an almost debasing sentiment, and one unworthy of an educated person, to believe that in the body of a living being the crude and vulgar inorganic forces played any part. Life and all its manifestations and conditions were perfectly clear. Natural phenomena were clothed in bewitchingly lovely dress, cut out and fitted by clever men, and this was called philosophical investigation. Experimental instruction in chem- istry was all but extinct at the universities, and only the high- ly educated pharmacists, Klaproth, Hermbstadt, Valentin Rose, Trommsdorff, and Buchholz, had themselves preserved it, but in another department. I remember, at a much later period, Prof. Wurzer, who held the chair of chemistry at Marburg, showing me a wooden table drawer, which had the property of producing quicksilver every three months. He possessed an apparatus which mainly consisted of a long clay pipe-stem, with which he converted oxygen into nitrogen by making the porous pipe-stem red hot in charcoal, and passing oxygen through it. Chemical laboratories, in which instruction in chemical anal- 66o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ysis was imparted, existed nowhere at that time. What passed by that name were more like kitchens filled with all sorts of fur- naces and utensils for the carrying out of metallurgical or phar- maceutical processes. No one really understood how to teach it. I afterward followed Kastner to Erlangen, where he had prom- ised to analyze some minerals with me ; but unfortunately he did not himself know how to do it, and he never carried out a single analysis with me. The benefit which I gained through intercourse with other students during my sojourn in Bonn and Erlangen was the dis- covery of my ignorance in very many subjects which they brought with them from school to the university, and since I got nothing to do in chemistry I laid out all my energies to make up for my previously neglected school studies. In Bonn and Erlangen small numbers of students joined with me in a chemico-physical union, in which every member in turn had to read a paper on the ques- tion of the day, which, of course, consisted merely in a report on the subjects of the essays which appeared monthly in Gilbert and Schweigger's Journal, In Erlangen, Schelling's lectures attracted me for a time, but Schelling possessed no thorough knowledge in the province of natural science, and the dressing up of natural phenomena with analogies and in images, which was called exposition, did not suit me. I returned to Darmstadt fully persuaded that I could not attain my ends in Germany. The dissertations of Berzelius — that is to say, the better trans- lation of his handbook, which had a large circulation at that time — were as springs in the desert. Mitscherlich, H. Rose, Wohler, and Magnus had then repaired to Berzelius, in Stockholm ; but Paris offered me means of instruction in many other branches of natural science, as, for instance, physics, such as could be found united in no other place. I made up my mind to go to Paris. I was then seventeen and a half years old. My journey to Paris, the way and manner in which I came in contact with Thenard, Humboldt, Dulong, and with Gay-Lussac, and how the boy found favor in the sight of those men, borders on the fabulous, and would be out of place here. Since then it has frequently been my experience that marked talent awakens in all men, I believe I may say without exception, an irrepressible desire to bring about its development. Each helps in his own way, and all together as if they were acting in concert ; but talent only compels success if it is united with a firm, indomitable will. External hindrances to its development are in most cases very much less than those which lie in men themselves ; for just as no one of the forces of Nature, however mighty it may be, ever produces an effect by itself alone, but always only in conjunction with other forces ; so JUSTUS VON LIEBIG. 661 a man can only make valuable that whicli he learns ■without trouble, or acquires readily, for which, as we say, he has a natural gift, if he learns many other things in addition, which perhaps cost him more trouble to acquire than other people. Lessing says that talent really is will and icork, and I am very much inclined to agree with him. The lectures of Gay-Lussac, Thenard, Dulong, etc., in the Sor- bonne, had for me an indescribable charm ; the introduction of astronomical or mathematical method into chemistry, which changes every problem when possible into an equation, and as- sumes in every uniform sequence of two phenomena a quite cer- tain connection of cause and effect, which, after it has been searched for and discovered, is called " explanation " or " theory," had led the French chemists and physicists to their great discov- eries. This kind of " theory " or " explanation " was as good as unknown in Germany, for by these expressions was understood not something " experienced," but always something which man must add on and which he fabricates. French exposition has, through the genius of the language, a logical clearness in the treatment of scientific subjects very diffi- cult of attainment in other languages, whereby Thenard and Gay- Lussac acquired a mastery in experimental demonstration. The lecture consisted of a judiciously arranged succession of phe- nomena— that is to say, of experiments whose connection was com- pleted by oral explanations. The experiments were a real delight to me, for they spoke to me in a language I understood, and they united with the lecture in giving definite connection to the mass of shapeless facts which lay mixed up in my head without order or arrangement. The antiphlogistic or French chemistry had, it is true, brought the history of chemistry before Lavoisier to the guillotine ; but one observed that the knife only fell on the shad- ow, and I was much more familiar with the phlogistic writings of Cavendish, Watt, Priestley, Kirwan, Black, Scheele, and Berg- mann, than with the antiphlogistic ; and what was represented in the Paris lectures as new and original facts appeared to me to be in the closest relation to previous facts, so much so, indeed, that when the latter were imagined away the others could not be. I recognized, or more correctly perhaps the consciousness dawned upon me, that a connection in accordance with fixed laws exists not only between two or three, but between all chemi- cal phenomena in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms ; that no one stands alone, but each being always linked with an- other, and this again with another, and so on, all are connected with each other, and that the genesis and disappearance of things is an undulatory motion in an orbit. What impressed me most in the French lectures was their 662 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. intrinsic truth, and the careful avoidance of all pretense in the explanations ; it was the most complete contrast to the German lectures, in which the whole scientific teaching had lost its solid construction through the preponderance of the deductive method. An accidental occurrence drew A. von Humboldt's attention to me in Paris, and the interest which he took in me induced Gay- Lussac to complete, in conjunction with me, a piece of work which I had begun. In this manner I had the good fortune to enjoy the closest intercourse with the great natural philosopher; he worked with me as he had formerly worked with Thenard ; and I can well say that the foundation of all my later work and of my whole course was laid in his laboratory in the arsenal. I returned to Germany, where through the school of Berzelius, H. Rose, Mitscherlich, Magnus, and Wohler, a great revolution in inorganic chemistry had already commenced. Through the sup- port of von Humboldt's warm recommendation, an extraordinary professorship of chemistry at Giessen was conferred upon me in my twenty-first year. My career in Giessen commenced in May, 1824. I always recall with pleasure the twenty-eight years which I spent there : it was as if Providence had led me to the little university. At a larger university or in a larger place my energies would have been di- vided and dissipated, and it would have been much more difficult, and perhaps impossible, to reach the goal at which I aimed ; but at Giessen everything was concentrated in work, and in this I took passionate pleasure. The need for an institution in which the students could be instructed in the art of chemistry, by which I mean familiarity with chemical analytical operations, and skill in the use of apparatus, was then being felt ; and hence it hap- pened that, on the opening of my laboratory for teaching ana- lytical chemistry and the methods of chemical research, students by degrees streamed to it from all sides. As the numbers in- creased I had the greatest difiiculty with the practical teaching itself. In order to teach a large number at one time it was neces- sary to have a systematic plan, or step-by-step method, which had first to be thought out and put to the proof. The manuals which several of my pupils have published later (Fresenius and Will) contain essentially, with little deviation, the course which was followed at Giessen ; it is now familiar in almost every labo- ratory. The production of chemical preparations was an object to which I paid very particular attention; it is very much more important than is usually believed, and one can more frequently find men who can make very good analyses than such as are in a position to produce a pure preparation in the most judicious way. The formation of a preparation is an art, and at the same time a JUSTUS VON LIEBIG. 663 qualitative analysis, and there is no other way of making one's self acquainted with the various chemical properties of a body than by first producing it out of the raw material, and then con- verting it into its numerous compounds and so becoming ac- quainted with them. By ordinary analysis one does not learn by experience what an important means of separation crystallization is in skillful hands ; and just as little the value of an acquaintance with the peculiari- ties of different solvents. Consider only an extract of a plant or of flesh which contains half a dozen crystalline bodies in very small quantities imbedded in extraneous matter, which almost en- tirely masks the properties of the others ; and yet, in this magma, we can recognize by means of chemical reactions the peculiarities of every single body in the mixed mass, and learn to distinguish what is a product of decomposition and what is not, in order to be able to separate them afterward by means which will exert no decomposing influence. An example of the great difiiculty of find- ing the right way in such researches is aft'orded by the analysis of bile by Berzelius. Of all the numerous substances which he has described as its constituents no one is, properly speaking, con- tained in the natural bile. An extremely short time had been sufficient for the famous pupils of the Swedish master to give a wonderful degree of per- fection to mineral analysis, which depends on an accurate knowl- edge of the properties of inorganic bodies ; their compounds and their behavior to each other were studied in all directions by the Swedish school with a keenness quite unusual previously and even now unsurpassed. Physical chemistry, which investigates the uniform relations between physical properties and chemical composition, had already gained a firm foundation by the discov- eries of Gay-Lussac and von Humboldt on the combining propor- tions of bodies in the gaseous state, and those of Mitscherlich on the relations between crystalline form and chemical composition; and in chemical proportions the structure appeared to have re- ceived its coping-stones and to stand forth completed. All that foreign countries had acquired in by-gone times in the way of discoveries now yielded rich fruit also in Germany. Organic chemistry — or what is now called organic chemistry — had then no existence. It is true that Thenard and Gay-Lussac, Berzelius, Prout, and Dobereiner, had already laid the foundations of organic analysis, but even the great investigations of Chevreul upon the fatty bodies excited but little attention for many years. Inorganic chemistry demanded too much attention, and, in fact, monopolized the best energies. The bent which I acquired in Paris was in a quite different direction. Through the work which Gay-Lussac had done with 664 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. me upon fulminating silver I was familiar with organic analysis, and I very soon saw that all progress in organic chemistry de- pended essentially upon its simplification ; for in this branch of chemistry one has to do not with different elements which can he recognized by their peculiar properties, but always with the same elements whose relative proportions and arrangement determine the properties of organic compounds. In organic chemistry an analysis is necessary to do that for which a reaction suffices in inorganic chemistry. The first years of my career in Giessen I devoted almost exclusively to the improvement of the methods of organic analysis, and the immediate result was that there began at this little university an activity which had never before been seen. For the solution of innumerable questions connected with plants and animals, on their constituents, and on the reactions accompanying their transformation in the organism, a kindly fate brought together the most talented young men from all the countries of Europe, and any one can imagine what an abundance of facts and experiences I gained from so many thousands of experiments and analyses, which were carried out every year, and for so many years, by twenty and more indefatigable and skilled young chemists. Actual teaching in the laboratory, of which practiced assist- ants took charge, was only for the beginners ; the progress of my special students depended on themselves. I gave the task and supervised the carrying out of it ; as the radii of a circle have all their common center. There was no actual instruction ; I received from each individual every morning a report upon what he had done on the previous day, as well as his views on what he was en- gaged upon. I approved or made my criticisms. Every one was obliged to follow his own course. In the association and constant intercourse with each other, and by each participating in the work of all, every one learned from the others. Twice a week, in winter, I gave a sort of review of the most important questions of the day ; it was mainly a report on my own and their work combined with the researches of other chemists. We worked from break of day till nightfall. Dissipations and amusements were not to be had at Giessen. The only complaint, which was continually repeated, was that of the attendant (Aubel), who could not get the workers out of the laboratory in the even- ing, when he wanted to clean it. The remembrance of this so- journ at Giessen awakened in most of my pupils, as I have fre- quently heard, an agreeable sense of satisfaction for well-spent time. I had the great good fortune, from the commencement of my career at Giessen, to gain a friend of similar tastes and similar aims, with whom, after so many years, I am still knit in the bonds JUSTUS VON LIEBIG. 66^ of warmest affection. While in me the predominating inclina- tion was to seek out the points of resemblance in the behavior of bodies or their compounds, he possessed an unparalleled fac- ulty of perceiving their differences. A keenness of observation was combined in him with an artistic dexterity, and an ingeni- ousness in discovering new means and methods of research or analysis such as few men possess. The achievement of our joint work upon uric acid and oil of bitter almonds has frequently been praised; it was his work. I can not sufficiently highly estimate the advantage which the association with Wohler brought to me in the attainment of my own as well as our mutual aims, for by that association were united the peculiari- ties of two schools — the good that was in each became effective by co-operation. Without envy and without jealousy, hand in hand, we pursued our way ; when the one needed help the other was ready. Some idea of this relationship will be obtained if I mention that many of our smaller pieces of work which bear our joint names were done by one alone ; they were charming little gifts which one presented to the other. After sixteen years of the most laborious activity I collected the results gained, so far as they related to plants and animals, in my Chemistry applied to Agriculture and Physiology, two years later in my Animal Chemistry, and the researches made in other directions in my Chemical Letters. The last-mentioned was gen- erally received as a popular work, which, to those who study it more closely, it really is not, or was not at the time when it ap- peared. Mistakes were made, not in the facts, but in the de- ductions about organic reactions ; we were the first pioneers in unknown regions, and the difficulties in the way of keeping on the right path were sometimes insuperable. Now, when the paths of research are beaten roads, it is a much easier matter ; but all the wonderful discoveries which recent times have brought forth were then our own dreams, whose realization we surely and with- out doubt anticipated. Here the manuscript ends, and it is to be hoped that more of it will yet be found. Liebig's reference to Wohler is very touching, and shows a side of his character which all his pupils knew well ; they tell many genial stories illustrating his un- selfishness and kindness of heart. One could have wished that he had not con- sidered the stories "bordering on the fabulous," of how he "found favor in the siiiht of numboldt, Gay-Lussac, and Thenard, out of place here." They would have been far from out of place. Mr. Mu^pratt supplies one of these stories as he heard it from Liebig's own lips, in tlie Munich Laboratory, as follows : Liebig frequently spoke in most grateful terms of the kind manner in which he — a youth barely eighteen — was received by Gay-Lussac, Thenard, and other eminent chemists, in Paris. 666 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In the summer of 1823 he gave an account of his analysis of fulminating silver before the Academy. Having finished his paper, as he was packing up his preparations, a gentleman came up to him and questioned him as to his studies and future plans, and, after a most exacting examination, ended by asking him to dinner on the following Sunday. Liebig accepted the invitation, but, through nervousness and confusion, forgot to ask the name and address of his interviewer. Sunday came, and poor Liebig was in despair at not being able to keep his engagement. The next day a friend came to him and said, " What on earth did you mean by not coming to dine with von Humboldt yester- day, who had invited Gay-Lussac and other chemists to meet you ? " "I was thunderstruck,^' said Liebig, " and rushed off, as fast as I could run, to von Humboldt's lodgings, and made the best excuses I could." The great traveler, satisfied with the ex- planation, told him it was unfortunate, as he had several members of the Academy at his house to meet him, but thought he could make it all right if he would come to dinner next Sunday. He went, and there made the acquaintance of Gay-Lussac, who was so struck with the genius and enthusiasm of the youth that he took him into his private laboratory, and continued, in conjunc- tion with him, the investigation of the fulminating compounds.— Chemical News. THE COTTON mDUSTRY IN BRAZIL. Bt JOHN C. BEANNEE, Ph.D., rORMEELT ASSISTANT GEOLOGIST OF THE GEOLOGICAL StJEVET OF BRAZIL. COTTON is indigenous to Brazil. The oldest documents relat- ing to that country contain many references to its existence there and to the uses made of it by the Indians at the time of the discovery. There is no indication, however, that it was then culti- vated to any considerable extent by the natives. The picture of the indifference of the aborigines in regard to such matters is vividly suggested by the manner in which a few straggling plants are allowed to grow, even nowadays, about the houses of the civil- ized Indians, and by the poor classes generally throughout the interior of the country. As soon, however, as the Portuguese came to Brazil, bringing with them a knowledge of the cultivation of cotton and of its uses, there was established an industry which has been an impor- tant factor in the material prosperity and development of the country. Although by the end of the seventeenth century cotton was quite generally cultivated throughout Brazil, it was used almost exclusively for domestic purposes until the last half of the TBE COTTON INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL. 667 eighteentli century. The earliest record of its exportation is given incidentally in the story of the shipwreck of Jorge de Albuquer- que Coelho, who sailed from Pernambuco in May, 1565. The passage was a stormy one, and the sea became so rough at one time that they were obliged to throw part of their cargo over- board. " And seeing that all this was of no avail, and that the waves grew the higher, as if they wished to overwhelm us, we threw overboard the artillery and many boxes of sugar, and many bales of cotton." Early Uses. — In early times — indeed, as late as 1747 — cotton thread and cotton cloth were used throughout Brazil in lieu of money. In 1670 it was complained that, unless the exportation of cotton cloth was prohibited, " not a yard of cloth, or rather no money, would be found in Maranhao." Balls of cotton thread were used as small change, and circulated as such in all the shops and in all kinds of financial transactions. The manufacturers of these balls do not appear to have been always scrupulously honest, for the Legislature was finally obliged to take action to prevent the fraud of putting pieces of cloth, rags, and other such things in them. The trade in cotton between the neighboring captain- cies became so large that the authorities of Maranhao, in order to keep all the money at home, prohibited the exportation of cotton from that place, and it was not until fifty years later (1756) that this law was repealed. The manufacture of cotton cloth was carried on to such an ex- tent (" the people generally, even the senators, were accustomed to dress in clothing made of cotton ") that complaint was made to the King of Portugal by the Portuguese merchants that it was interfering with their export trade with the colony and with the receipts of the royal treasury. Instructions were, therefore, given (January 5, 1785) to the agents of the crown in Rio de Janeiro to prohibit all spinning-factories, and, if necessary, to confiscate the looms. This prohibition, however, did not extend to the factories and looms for making coarse cotton cloth, such as was used for clothing slaves and for like purposes. Yet in the face of these obstacles cotton culture in Brazil rapidly increased. The only statistics to be obtained of the expor- tation of cotton up to the end of the eighteenth century are those of the captaincy or province of Maranhao. In 1760 Maranhao exported 24,960 pounds of cotton ; and in 1800, 5,529,408 pounds. That captaincy, however, stood only second among those export- ing cotton ; Pernambuco exported more than twice as much as Maranhao, while Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, and Pard, together ex- ported about as much as Maranhao. Cotton was also one of the principal products of Rio Negro, Piauhy, Rio Grande do Norte, Parahyba, Alagoas, and Sergipe. These facts give us an idea of 668 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tlie extent of cotton culture in Brazil at the end of the eighteenth century. When, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the royal family of Portugal came to Brazil, it ceased to be a mere col- ony ; the empire was established, and a new impetus was given to all industries. The ports were made free to friendly for- eign powers, and the decree prohibiting the use of looms was revoked. The Cotton Kegion. — The territory in Brazil capable of yielding cotton is coextensive with the country itself. From Sao Paulo all along the coast to the Amazon, and, for that matter, throughout the entire country, cotton might be grown in almost unlimited quantities. In reality, however, it is only cultivated to any considerable extent in the drier regions of the north, and along the valley of the Rio Sao Francisco, and in some parts of the province of Minas Geraes. In the north — i. e., to the north of Sergipe — a belt along the coast about fifty miles wide is, for the most part, devoted to the production of sugar. Immediately beyond this is the region in which cotton is actually grown, the width of which region de- pends almost solely upon the distance which the j)roducers feel themselves able to transport it. As cotton culture, replaced by the cultivation of sugar, has re- ceded from the coast, the question of transportation has become a very serious one with Brazilian planters. Roads are usually so poor and markets so far away that the planters necessarily lose the greater part of their profits in the expense of transportation. The remedy generally recommended is railways; but railways, where they already exist, have not in all cases been found a remedy for this state of affairs. Cotton sent by rail from the in- terior of the province of Sao Paulo to the seaboard at Santos pays out in freight about thirteen per cent of its value. The planters of Pernambuco pay out from twenty-five to thirty per cent of the value of their cotton in freights. Along the large streams, where it is possible to ship cotton by water, it can be moved with some facility. As a rule, however, transportation is on horseback or muleback, and it is thus brought to market often for a distance of from three hundred to four hundred miles, trips sometimes requiring three or four months for a troop of mules, over roads that are nothing more than bridle-paths, and often very bad ones at that. Varieties cultivated. — It is not to be supposed that only native varieties of cotton are cultivated in Brazil. Indeed, the three varieties best known to and used by Brazilian planters are all exotic. The crioulo is a large bush from five to fifteen feet in height, is very hardy, and, if properly cared for, will last two or THE COTTON INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL. 669 tliree years. The smooth, black seeds of the crioido * cling so firmly to each other that they separate only when pressed very strongly between the fingers, and the fiber can be stripped from them without their being separated and without leaving any lint upon them. The cotton, when ripe, clings firmly and compactly within the boll, and it is for this reason more difiicult to pick. The variety known as the quehradinlio is distinguished from the preceding by having seeds which readily separate from each other. The seeds are fewer in number and the bolls smaller than in the crioido. Both of these varieties, and the yellow variety m.entioned below, are known as " tree cotton." One occasionally hears of tree cotton lasting from five to ten years ; but, while this may be literally true, the crops borne by these old plants are hardly worth the picking. The herbaceous variety (called lierhaceo) is an annual plant, growing from three to five feet high, and is identical with that generally cultivated in the United States. The seeds separate in the bolls, and the ripe cotton hangs from them in large flocks. This si^ecies produces more fiber, sometimes from five to six times as much as either of the preceding kinds, but the quality is con- sidered much inferior. The yield on a given piece of ground of the herbaceous cotton is four times as large as that of tree cotton, and in picking one can gather twice as much from the herbaceous in a given time. Herbaceous cotton is said to have been intro- duced from the United States, and there is no doubt about its having been taken to Brazil within a comparatively short period. The only other variety deserving attention is the yellow or light brown, which, however, is not grown in any considerable quantities, owing undoubtedly to its color and to Its small yield of fiber. The color is not generally considered an attractive one, but it is valued for certain household articles, such as hammocks, in which neutral tints and fast colors are desirable. Cultivation.— Substantially the same system of cultivation is used to-day that was in vogue three hundred years ago. Auguste de Saint-Hilare wrote in 1812, " All the planter has to do is to burn off the woods and plant his seed at the proper sea- son." This is the whole story. There is no uprooting of stumps, no digging out of sprouts, no breaking up with the plow, no preparation of the soil, no laying out of furrows, no cultivation other than the occasional chopping out with the hoe of weeds or sprouts. Rotation of crops is almost entirely unknown. Fields are sel- dom laid out with any definite forms, as they would be if the * This variety takes its name frojii the black color of the seeds, the word crioulo being Bometimes applied to negroes in Brazil. 670 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. plow were in common use, but vary in shape to suit the conven- ience of the planters, who adapt themselves to the natural features of the surface and character of the soil. If the place to he plant- ed is forest, whether heavy or of only a few years' growth, the laborers, with bill-hooks for the undergrowth and axes for the trees, begin clearing it from one side, felling the trees and under- growth toward the open space, and leaving stumps of any height that may make the work of clearing easier. No effort is made to pile the brush in heaps. This work is done in the dry season, and the brush is allowed to lie for several months, until the ap- proach of the rainy season, when the whole, being thoroughly dried by long exposure to the rays of a very hot sun, is set on fire. The want of arrangement of the branches permits the burning of all the leaves and of the small limbs, twigs, etc., but the larger branches and the trunks of the fallen trees are only blackened by the passing fire. A more desolate sight than one of these " new grounds " can not be imagined. Sometimes a few of the half- burned pieces are piled together and set on fire, but usually they are allowed to lie where they happen to have fallen. The soil is now ready for the seed. The laborers go over the field with large, heavy hoes, and with powerful blows open holes to receive the seeds at intervals more or less irregular. The cotton seeds are planted in these holes, and with the foot or hand covered with a little earth. The spaces between the hills are generally supposed to be from five to eight palms, according to the fertility of the soil. Sometimes rows are attempted in a rude, rambling way, and in such cases the hills are about six palms apart in one direction and eight in the other, according as the stumps and logs and half- consumed limbs may permit. The planting season varies in different localities according to the time when the rains generally set in. Most of it is done in the months of February and March, though planting-time may vary a month or two either way, according to the season and the nature of the ground, low, rich soil generally being planted later than the dry uplands. Difference is also made with the kind of cotton, the tree cotton generally being planted a month or two earlier than the herbaceous. Sometimes other things are planted between the rows of cotton, such as beans, rice, or corn. Shortly after the planting the season of rains sets in ,and cot- ton, weeds, sprouts, and all come up and grow with a vigor and rapidity only to be seen in the tropics. When the cotton is about to be choked out by useless vegetation, the hoes are sent to chop it out — an operation that is performed two or three times, or as often as circumstances are supposed to require it, during the year. The amount of cleaning required by a field depends upon the richness of the soil and upon the length and character of the win- THE COTTON INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL. 671 ter or wet season, rich soil and long, wet winters producing more weeds and requiring more attention. So far as tillage is con- cerned, this chopping out of the weeds and sprouts is the nearest approximation to cultivation the plants receive, and the soil natu- rally becomes as hard as a brick. Insects. — While Brazil is the home of the cotton plant, it is at the same time the home of insects affecting that plant. Besides the " cotton-worm " {Aletia argellacea), which occurs in that coun- try at times in vast swarms very much as it does in the Southern States, there are other moths whose larvse attack the cotton in a similar manner. The "boll- worm" {Heliothis armigera) is also a native of Brazil, and occasionally does great injury to the cotton crop. But, while these insects exist in Brazil under climatic con- ditions more favorable to their multiplication than are those of the United States, these favorable circumstances are offset very materially by the vast number of insect enemies which these same climatic conditions foster. As a rule, the Brazilian planter feels himself utterly at the mercy of Fate when the " cotton-worms " attack his crop. N"o remedies for the evil are known, and none are ever attempted. They seem to think that to combat the plague would be to " fly in the face of Providence " ; that when God wishes it stopped he'll send rains and stop it himself. The percentage of loss through these insects varies greatly, but I have known of many instances of a loss of fifty per cent of the crop. Such a loss, however, is unusually large for that country. Picking. — Cotton-picking does not assume the importance in Brazil that it does in the Southern United States. Fields are never large, and picking is done more at the leisure and conven- ience of the planter. With the varieties of tree cotton there is but little risk of loss in leaving the ripe cotton in the bolls longer than could be done with the herbaceous variety, for the seeds of the former, being more compact when they ripen, do not cause the fiber to thrust the mass in a loose flock from the boll, as is the case with the latter. The cotton-pickers carry baskets or bags with them, in which the cotton is placed as it is gathered, very much as is the custom in this country. Ginning. — What kind of a gin to use has been a question of importance among Brazilian planters. The question was not be- tween the various kinds of saw-gins, but between saw-gins and the old-fashioned way of cleaning cotton with two small wooden cylinders revolving close to each other. The roller-gin is simply two short wooden cylinders, less than an inch in diameter, geared together and revolved close to each other after the fashion of a modern clothes-wringer. The raw cot- ton is fed slowly between the cylinders, and the seeds are removed by being pinched from the cotton and thrust back on the side from 672 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. •wliich. it is fed. This macliine is objectionable on account of the slowness with wliich it operates, and also on account of its often crushing the seeds and thus soiling the staple. The saw-gin was introduced into Brazil during the civil war in the United States, when it was necessary to put into the mar- ket at once a large supply of cotton. The saw-gin is said to break the fiber of the cotton much more than the roller-gin, and for that reason many efforts have been made by the English spinners to suppress it. But in spite of these efforts the saw-gin remains master of the situation, and nowadays it is but rarely that any other kind is seen in Brazil, even in the remote interior. In every community in which cotton is grown there is at least one gin, the proprietor of which buys the uuginned cotton from the planters and small farmers, cleans and bales it, and sends it to market. No use is now made of the cotton seeds. They are usually thrown out as so much waste. The cattle are allowed to eat what they choose, and sometimes they are used for fuel. Home Coxsumption. — Owing to the ease with which cotton is produced, the extent of its culture, the difficulty of getting the raw material into market from remote points, the evenness and mildness of the temperature, which, as a rule, does not require the warmer clothing of a more rigorous climate, the number of do- mestic purposes for which it is used, and the high tariff iipon for- eign manufactured goods, the home consumption of cotton is very large, and has steadily increased. In consequence of the decree prohibiting the use of looms, the cotton consumed in the country, until the beginning of the present century, was manufactured in the most aboriginal manner. About 1845 cotton factories be- gan to spring up, and there are now no less than fifty spinning and weaving establishments in Brazil. The manufacturing industry is at present confined almost wholly to the provinces of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Geraes, S5o Paulo, and Bahia, where the demand for the better grades of cot- ton cloth is greatest. But the factories have by no means done away with direct domestic consumption of raw material. To the traveler in the interior of Brazil there is no more familiar sight than that of spinning with the ancient distaff and spindle. In some parts of the country this custom is so common that the chil- dren learn it as a matter of course, and it would be very difiicult to find a person who did not know how to spin. In order to show the wide-spread knowledge of this art in the interior, a Brazilian gentleman once assured me that it might be taken for granted that the then Brazilian prime minister could spin cotton in this aborigi- nal fashion. Very nearly all the hammocks used throughout the northern part of Brazil, together with considerable quantities of coarse cloth, are still made of thread spun in this manner. The THE COTTON INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL. 673 direct domestic consumption is about 1,102,000 pounds annually, which, with the amount made up by the factories and used in the country, makes the whole consumption of raw material in Brazil 18,481,600 pounds annually since the factories began operation. Production. — The total export from the whole empire from 1851 to 1876, inclusive, was 1,095,304,075 pounds. Add 27,900,000 pounds for the direct domestic consumption for the same period, and 69,270,400 pounds for the amount used by the factories during the four years from 1872 to 1876, and we have as the production of cotton by the whole empire, during the twenty-four years from 1851 to 1876, an average of 74,680,700 pounds per annum, or about twice as much as that of the State of Arkansas. During the civil war in the United States, the exportation of cotton from Brazil assumed proportions hitherto unknown to that country. From the year 1850 to 1861 the average annual amount of cotton exported was 28,300,000 pounds. The exports rapidly increased from 21,400,000 in 1801 to 102,600,000 in 1868. As the United States recovered from the effects of the war, the amount of cotton exported from Brazil, although still large and fluctuat- ing from year to year, was gradually decreasing, until in 1876 the exportation had fallen to 63,609,000 pounds. An impetus, how- ever, was given to cotton culture in Brazil by the civil war in the United States which has been of great permanent benefit to the industry in that country. Cotton in Brazil grows on its native soil, and, it is to be pre- sumed, under climatic and other conditions best adapted to its highest development. But, though Brazil began to export cotton more than a hundred years before the United States, her annual product to-day is only about one eighteenth as much as our own. To be sure, the population is only one fifth as large as ours, but there almost the whole population lives in a cotton-growing region, while only a small part of our people live in the cotton belt. Under normal conditions Brazil can scarcely become a com- petitor of the United States in cotton production ; but the disap- pearance of slavery and the consequent adoption of some system of small farming will, in the near future, materially increase the present production. Slavery has fostered a remarkable conserva- tism in agriculture, which must, with the aid of educated planters, soon disappear. Cotton-factories are already rapidly springing up and prospering, and the day is not far distant when they will supply the Brazilian market. The same agricultural tools and methods now employed by the average planters were in use more than two hundred years ago — ■ methods learned from their Portuguese ancestors and from their African slaves. It is far from my intention, however, to criticise TOL. XL. — 46 6/4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. these metliods or the men who use them. The climate in which they live and the circumstances which have produced and re- tained these methods are so entirely different from our climate and our surroundings that any criticism from our standpoint would almost necessarily be unjust. The lack of capital and the lack of common roads are serious matters, no doubt, but they are not insuperable difficulties. Insect plagues that destroy from a fourth to a half of their crops are great drawbacks, but such questions should be regarded, not as visitations of God, before which man is powerless, but as practical matters to be met and dealt with as our planters are meeting and dealing with similar plagues in this country. DARWINISM IN THE NURSERY. By LOUIS KOBINSON, M. D. WITHIN quite recent times we have learned that such seem- ingly trivial things as nursery rhymes and fairy tales are of the greatest importance in illustrating some points of the his- tory and affinities of the human race, and also, in a less degree, in indicating the character of the ideas of our early ancestors con- cerning the forces and phenomena of Nature. The value of the intense conservatism of the nursery in thus preserving for us, in an almost unchanged form (like ants in the resin of the Tertiary epoch or mammoths in the frozen tundra of the Quaternary), relics of the thoughts and customs of long ago has only begun to be appreciated ; and doubtless if the nursery were less of a close preserve to the poachers and priers of science, and, like the beehive and the ant-hill, were available for purposes of investigation or experiment, we might considerably add to our knowledge concerning the history and habits of primitive man. At present there is a gap between embryology and anthropology which has never been filled up ; and, oddly enough, with one or two exceptions, there have been hitherto no attempts to make use of the abundant material close at hand for the purpose of filling it. In this essay I propose to bring forward a few results of re- searches that have been carried out during several years under rather unusually favorable circumstances, in the hope that in some humble degree I may contribute to this end. Some of the results obtained have been extraordinary, and the hesitation with which they have been received by some of my friends well versed in physiology and anthropology shows that hitherto the facts have escaped attention. They are, however, easily verified, and in several instances a single experiment per- formed in presence of a skeptic has cut short the controversy in a DARWINISM IN THE NURSERY. 675 satisfactory manner. Many of the inferences drawn are no doubt mucli more open to question, and tliey are liere put forward chiefly with the purpose of drawing the attention of those much better able to judge of the value and bearing of the facts than the present writer. It is curious how little has been written on the natural history of the human infant in its normal state. "We have, of course, an abundant medical literature on the ailments and care of young children, but the many eminent physicians who have written on the subject have confined their attention almost entirely to abnor- mal or diseased conditions. Even in studying the healthy physi- ological processes the primary idea has been to gain the kind of knowledge which would be available in the treatment of disease rather than that which might illustrate the history of the develop- ment of the race, and this may easily account for many facts of very considerable value for the latter purpose being overlooked or not appreciated at their proper value. It is plain that a typically healthy infant, in which Nature's processes go on without the interference of medical art, will, after the first crisis of its entry on an independent existence is over, scarcely come under the notice of the physician at all. The three classes of persons who are brought into close enough contact with the objects under discussion to study their habits and characteristics are medical men, nurses, and parents. The first have been already dealt with. Of the second class we may say that their knowledge, although doubtless profound, and derived both from tradition and observation, does not seem very available for the purposes of science. This has hitherto been my experi- ence, for although in nearly every case where questions were asked there was every assumption and appearance of superior erudition, yet it seemed almost impossible to tap the supply. Parents, as a rule, from the very nature of their relationship to their offspring, are obviously unable to look on them with the cold, impartial gaze of the scientific investigator. At any rate, experi- ence has proved that very little has resulted from their observa- tions. The parental bias must, more or less, vitiate results ; and the average mother, in spite of many unquestioned merits, is about as competent to take an unprejudiced view of the facts bearing on the natural history of her infant as a "West African negro would do to carry out an investigation of the anatomy and physi- ology of a fetich. There are some illustrious exceptions, and Darwin himself, in his Expression of the Emotions and Descent of Man, gives an ac- count of some very interesting observations on several of his own children when infants. Several salient traits seem, however, to have completely escaped him, and some of these, which will be 676 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. dealt with, in tliis paper, have a most important bearing on the argument on which he was then laying most stress, viz., that man is descended from an arboreal quadrumanous ancestor. The fact that such important and easily ascertained characteristics as those alluded to should have been passed over by one so keenly observ- ant of all phenomena bearing upon his theory might suggest that the great man was scarcely so supreme in his own nursery as he was in the wider field of research, and that his opportunities for investigation were to some extent limited by the arbitrary and inflexible rules of this household department. In fact, the sup- posed interest of the Darwinian race, when conflicting with the interests of the Darwinian theory, appear to have become para- mount somewhat to the detriment of the latter. It has been well said that the develoi^ment of the individual from the single germ-cell to maturity is an epitome of the infinitely longer development of the race from the simplest form of life to its present condition. No branch of science, not even paleontology, has thrown so much light on the evolution theory as the study of the structure and progress of the embryo up to the time of birth. There seems, however, no reason why embryology should stop here. An animal until independent of parental care, and even beyond that point, until the bodily structures and func- tions are those of an adult, is still, strictly speaking, an embryo ; and we may learn much of its racial history by observing the peculiarities of its anatomy and habits of life. For instance, among our domestic animals, horses and cattle live very much in the same manner, and thrive equally well graz- ing in open pastures. Yet a brief examination of the young of each shows that the habits and habitats of their resj^ective wild ancestors were widely different. A foal from birth is conspicuous for the development of its legs, and when a few days old can gal- lop almost as fast as ever it will in its life. It makes no attempt at concealment beyond retiring behind its dam, and it carries its head high, evidently on the alert to see danger and flee from it. A young calf, on the contrary, is not much longer in the \eg in proportion than its parents (I exclude, of course, the breeds artifi- cially produced within quite recent times), and has but an indif- ferent turn of speed, and it is slow and stupid in noticing its sur- roundings. It has, however, one powerful and efficient instinct of self-preservation ; for if, as is often the case in a bushy pasture, the mother leaves it under cover while she goes to graze, it will lie as still as death, and allow itself to be trodden on rather than betray its hiding-place. Hence we see that the ancestors of our domestic horses inhabited open plains where there was little or no cover, and that they escaped by quickly observing the approach of a foe and by speed. Wild cattle, on the contrary, as is still DARWINISM /iV THE NURSERY. 677 seen in some parts of Texas and Australia, never from choice stray far from the shelter of the woods ; and their ancestors, when threatened, lay couched among the bushes like deer, in the hope of escaping observation. It is very remarkable how quickly horses and cattle, though domesticated for thousands of genera- tions, during which long period many of their wild instincts and habits have been entirely in abeyance, regain all the old power of self-preservation proper to the wild state, and often in a single generation become as acute in powers of scent and vision, and other means of escaping from their enemies, as animals which have never been tamed. There are at present probably no animals so alert and difficult to approach as the " brumbies," of Australia. In no way could more eloquently be shown the immense stretch of time during which these qualities were formed and became ingrained in the very nature and structure of their possessors than by comparing them with the trivial and evanescent effects of many centuries of domestication. In the case of our own race it has often been observed that schoolboys present many points of resemblance to savages both in their methods of thinking — especially about abstract subjects — and in their actions. Younger children without a doubt also re- flect some of the traits of their remote progenitors. If, as in the case of the calf and the foal, we look for traces of habits of self- preservation that for incalculably long periods were most neces- sary for the safety of the individual (and therefore for the preser- vation of the race), we shall find that such habits exist, and are impossible to explain on any other hypothesis than that they were once of essential service. Take, for instance, the shyness of very young children and their evident terror and distress at the approach of a stranger. At first sight it seems quite unaccountable that an infant a few months old, who has experienced nothing but the utmost kindness and tender care from every human being that it has seen, should cling to its nurse and show every sign of alarm when some person new to it approaches. Infants vary much in this respect, and the habit is not by any means universal, though it is far more often present than absent. This would suggest that, whatever its origin, it was not for any very long period (in the evolutionary sense) ab- solutely necessary to preserve the species from extinction. Darwin merely alludes to the shyness of children as probably a remnant of a habit common to all wild creatures. We need not, however, go back to any remote ancestral form to find a state of affairs in which it might prove of the greatest service. We know that the cave-dwellers of the Dordogne Valley were cannibals, and that much later, when the races that piled together the Danish "kitchen middens" lived on the shores of the Baltic and German 678 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Oceans, they were very mucli such, savages as the present inhabit- ants of Tierra del Fuego, and lived after the same fashion. Like the Fuegians, they were probably divided into small clans, each of a few families, and these, from conflicting interests and other causes, would be constantly at war. The earlier palaeolithic sav- ages, living in caves and rock shelters, would be even more isolated and uncompromising in their treatment of strangers, for the game of any given district would only be sufficient to support a few. If in our day " Lands intersected by a narrow frith Ablior each other, mountains interposed Make enemies of nations," in the time of palseolithic and early neolithic man every district the size of an English parish would be the hunting-ground of a clan, with fierce enemies on every side. In such a state of affairs a stranger (unless he were safely tied to a stake) would be a most undesirable person in proximity to the wigwam and the pica- ninnies. If he paid a call it would very likely be — in the scarcity of other game — with the purpose of carrying off a tender foe for table use. Under such circumstances the child who ran to its mother, or fled into the dark recesses of the cave, upon first spying an intruder would be more likely to survive than another of a more confiding disposition. Often, during the absence of the men on a hunting expedition, a raid would be made, and all the women and children that could be caught carried away or killed. The returning warriors would find their homes desolate, and only those members of their families surviving who, by chance or their own action, had escaped the eyes of the spoilers. On the approach of an enemy — and " stranger " and " enemy " would be synonymous — the child which first ran or crawled to its mother, so that she could catch it up and dash out of the wigwam and seek the cover of the woods, might be the only one of all the family to survive and leave offspring. Naturally the instinct which caused the child to turn from the stranger to the mother would be perpetuated ; and from the frequency of the habit at the present day it seems probable that many of our ancestors were so saved from destruction. We must remember that the state of society in which such occurrences would be frequent lasted many thousand years, and that probably scarcely a generation was exempt from this particular and unpleas- ant form of influence. When we bear in mind that the play of young animals is almost always mimic war, it is well worthy of note how very early young children will take to the game of " hide and seek.'^ I have seen a child of a year old who, with scarcely any teaching, would DARWINISM IN THE NURSERY. 679 liide beliind the curtains and pretend to be in great alarm wlien discovered. Probably the readiness with which infants play at " bo-peep," and peer round the edge of a cradle curtain, and then suddenly draw back into hiding, is traceable to a much earlier ancestor. Here we see the remains of a habit common to nearly all arboreal animals, and the cradle curtain, or chair, or what not, is merely a substitute for a part of the trunk of a tree behind which the body is supposed to be hidden, while the eyes, and as little else as possible, are exposed for a moment to scrutinize a possible enemy and then quickly withdrawn. It is remarkable how quickly very young children notice and learn to distinguish different domestic animals. I have known several cases in which an infant under a year old, which could not talk at all, has recognized and imitated the cries of sheep, cows, dogs, and cats, and evidently knew a horse from an ox. Not infrequently I have heard great surprise expressed by parents at the quickness with which a baby would perceive some animal a long distance off, or when from other causes it was so inconspicu- ous as to escape the eyes of older persons. Pictures of animals, too, have a great fascination, and the child is never tired of hear- ing its playmate roar like a lion or bray like an ass when looking at them in the picture-book. This may seem of trivial import ; but it is worth while to remember that the baby's forefathers for several thousand generations depended upon their knowledge of the forms and ways of wild beasts in order to escape destruction, either from starvation or from being overcome and devoured in contests with them ; and that any and every individual who was a dunce at this kind of learning was in a short time eliminated. Hence an aptness to notice and gain a knowledge of different animals was essential to those who wished to survive, and a faculty so necessary, and so constantly operative through long ages, would be likely to leave traces in after-generations. Among all arboreal apes the ability firmly to hold on to the branches is, of course, extremely important, and in consequence they have developed a strong power of grip in the hands. The late Frank Buckland compares the hands of an anthropoid ape to grapnels, from their evident adaptation to this end. Nor does this power exist only among adults, for although most apes, when at rest, nurse their young on one arm, just as does a mother of our own species, when, as often happens, they are fleeing from an enemy, such as a leopard or some other tree-climbing carnivorous animal, the mother would need all her hands to pass from branch to branch with sufficient celerity to escape. Under such circum- stances the infant ape must cling on to its mother as best it can ; and naturalists who have repeatedly seen a troop of monkeys in full flight state that the young ones as a rule hang beneath the 68o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. necks and breasts of the mothers, holding on by the long hair of their shoulders and sides. This was the case with a young Rhoe- sus monkey born in the Zoological Gardens. Wallace, in his Malay Archipelago, gives an account of a very young orang which he secured after shooting the mother. He states that the baby orang was in most points as helpless as a human infant, and lay on its back, quite unable to sit upright. It had, however, an ■extraordinary power of grip, and when it had once secured a hold -of his beard he was not able to free himself without help. On his taking it home to his house in Sarawak he found that it was very unhappy unless it could seize and hold on to something, and would lie on its back and sprawl about with its limbs until this could be accomplished. He first gave it some bars of wood to hold on to, but, finding it preferred something hairy, he rolled up a buffalo- skin, and for a while the little creature was content to cling to this, until, by trying to make it perform other maternal duties and fill an empty stomach, the poor orphan mias nearly choked itself with mouthfuls of hair and had to be deprived of its comforter. The whole story of this poor little ape is both amusing and pathetic, as well as instructive, and I can not do better than refer those not already acquainted with it to the book, which is as a whole as good an introduction for the young student to the science of evolution as could well be found. This power to hold on to the parent in any emergency may be com_[>ared to the galloping power of the young foal and the instinct of concealment in the calf ; it is the one chief means of self-preser- vation adopted by the young of the arboreal quadrumana. During long epochs, impossible to measure by years, it would constantly be exercised ; and it is plain that every infant ape that failed to exercise it, or which was physically unable from any cause to cling to its mother, when pursued by an agile foe, would either fall to the ground or be devoured among the branches. When we consider the harassed and precarious life of all wild creatures and the number of their enemies, it becomes apparent that scarcely an individual would be exempt from being many times put to the test, and the habit would, by the survival of those only which were able to maintain their grip, become more and more confirmed, until it became an integral part of the nature of all quadrumana and their descendants. This being so, it occurred to me to investigate the powers of grip in young infants ; for if no such power were present, or if the grasp of the hands proved only to be equally proportionate to any other exhibition of muscular strength in those feeble folk, it would either indicate that our connection with quadrumana was of the slightest and most remote description, or that man had some other origin than the Darwinian philosophy maintains. DARWINISM IN THE NURSERY. 68 1 In Tlie Luck of Roaring Camp every one will remember the expression of one of Bret Harte's mining ruffians after lie liad passed through the shanty containing the newly born " Luck " and the corpse of the wretched mother. " He wrastled with my finger," said Mr. Kentuck, regarding that member with curiosity, and characteristically adding some adjectives more emphatic than to the point. On reading the story aloud in company several years ago a discussion arose as to whether the novelist was as correct an observer of infant human nature as he doubtless was of the vagaries of the pious cut-throats and chaste courtesans of the Pacific slope in the golden days of '49, and considerable doubt was thrown on the statement of Mr. Kentuck, since it did not seem probable that so gelatinous and flabby a creature as a new- born babe could " wrastle " (and prevail) even with a finger. Sub- sequent observation proved that the novelist here did not go beyond Nature's warrant, and that, whatever doubts we may have of the disinterestedness of Mr. Oakhurst, or the constancy of " Miggles," " The Luck " was drawn true to type. Finding myself placed in a position in which material was abundant, and available for reasonable experiment, I commenced a series of systematic observations with the purpose of finding out what proportion of young infants had a noticeable power of grip, and what was the extent of the power. I have now records of upward of sixty cases in which the children were under a month old, and in at least half of these the experiment was tried within an hour of birth. The results as given below are, as I have already indicated, both curious and unexpected. In every instance, with only two exceptions, the child was able to hang on to the finger or a small stick three quarters of an inch in diameter by its hands, like an acrobat from a horizontal bar, and sustain the whole lueight of its body for at least ten seconds. In twelve cases, in infants under an hour old, half a minute passed before the grasp relaxed, and in three or four nearly a minute. When about four days old I found that the strength had increased, and that nearly all, when tried at this age, could sustain their weight for half a minute. At about a fortnight or three weeks after birth the faculty appeared to have maintained its maximum, for several at this period succeeded in hanging for over a minute and a half, two for just over two minutes, and one infant of three weeks old for two minutes thirty-five seconds! As, however, in a well-nourished child there is usually a rapid accumulation of fat after the first fortnight, the apparently diminished strength subse- quently may result partly from the increased disproportion of the weight of the body and the muscular strength of the arms, and partly from the neglect to cultivate this curious endowment. In one instance, in which the performer had less than one hour's 682 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. experience of life, he liung by both hands to my forefinger for ten seconds, and then deliberately let go with his right hand (as if to seek a better hold) and maintained his position for five seconds more by the left hand only. A curious point is, that in many cases no sign of distress is evinced, and no cry uttered, until the grasp begins to give way. In order to satisfy some skeptical friends I had a series of photographs taken of infants clinging to a finger or to a walking-stick, and these show the position adopted excellently. Invariably the thighs are bent nearly at right angles to the body, and in no case did the lower limbs hang down and take the attitude of the erect position. This attitude and the dis- proportionately large development of the arms compared with the legs, give the photographs a striking resemblance to a well-known picture of the celebrated chimpanzee " Sally " at the Zoological Gardens. Of this flexed position of the thighs, so characteristic of young babies, and of the small size of the lower extremities as compared with the upper, I must speak further later on ; for it appears to me that the explanation hitherto given by physiolo- gists of these peculiarities is not altogether satisfactory. I think it will be acknowledged that the remarkable strength shown in the flexor muscles of the forearm in these young infants, especially when compared with the flaccid and feeble state of the muscular system generally, is a sufficiently striking phenomenon to provoke inquiry as to its cause and origin. The fact that a three-weeks-old baby can perform a feat of muscular strength that would tax the powers of many a healthy adult — if any of my readers doubt this let them try hanging by their hands from a horizontal bar for three minutes — is enough to set one won- dering. So noteworthy and so exceptional a measure of strength in this set of muscles, and at the same time one so constantly present in all individuals, must either be of some great utility now, or must in the past have proved of material aid in the battle for existence. Now it is evident that to human infants this gift of grip is of no use at all, unless indeed they were subjected to a severe form of an old south of England custom, which ordered that the babe, when three days old, should be lightly tossed on to the slope of a newly thatched roof, that it might, by holding on to the straw with its little hands, or by rolling helplessly back into the arms of its father, assist in forecasting its future disposition and prospects in life. Barring the successful passing of this ordeal — with regard to which I have never heard that non-suc- cess was a preliminary to immediate extinction — it seems plain that this faculty of sustaining the whole weight by the strength of the grasp of the fingers is totally unnecessary, and serves no purpose whatever in the newly born offspring of savage or civil- DARWINISM IN THE NURSERY. 683 ized man. It follows therefore that, as is the case with many vestigial structures and useless habits, we must look back into the remote past to account for its initiation and subsequent confirma- tion ; and whatever views we may hold as to man's origin, we find among the arboreal quadrumana, and among these only, a condi- tion of affairs in which not only could the faculty have originated, but in which the need of it was imperative, since its absence meant certain and speedy death. It is a well-known fact that the human embryo about three months before birth has a thick covering of soft hair, called " la- nugo," which is shed before a separate existence is entered upon. At1:he same stage of development the skeleton is found to conform much more to the simian type than later, for the long bone of the arm, the humerus, is equal to the thigh-bone, and the ulna is quite as long and as important as the tibia. At the time of birth the lower limbs are found to have gained considerably on the upper, but still they are nothing like so much larger as when fully grown. Physiologists have explained this want of development of the lower extl-emities in the foetus by attributing it to the peculiarity of the ante-natal circulation, in which the head and arms are sup- plied with comparatively pure oxygenated blood fresh from the maternal placenta, and the lower part of the trunk and legs get the venous vitiated blood returned through the great veins and transferred via the right ventricle and the ductus arteriosus to the descending aorta. This, it is said, accounts for the more rapid growth and more complete development of the head and arms before birth. To assert the exact contrary would be to contradict several great authorities, and apparently to follow the lead of the pious sage who admired the wisdom and goodness of Providence in causing large rivers to flow by great cities. Nevertheless it is well to remember that just as the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath, so the blood-vessels were made for the body and not the body for the blood-vessels. It appears to me much more true to say that the quick arterial blood is sent to the upper extremities because these parts are for the. time being more important, and their growth and development essential to the wel- fare of the individual, than that they are coerced into a kind of temporary hypertrophy, nolens volens, through having a better blood-supply arbitrarily sent them than is allotted to their nether fellow-members. That this view is "ttorne out by facts can be shown by taking the example of a young animal whose hind quarters are of essential service to it from birth ; and for this end we need go no further than the instance, already quoted, of the young foal. Now, in the ante-natal state the foal has just the same arrangement of blood-distribution as the embryo man ; yet he is born with a small light head and well-developed hind quarters, so 684 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tliat he can gallop with speed. Instead of coming into the world with tlie general outline of an American bison (as he ought to do upon accepted physiological dicta), he is, as is well known, pro- portionately higher at the rump and lower at the shoulder than in after-life. The mention of the American bison reminds me that it is another capital illustration of the same fact ; for a young buffalo calf must have speed from its earliest days to enable it to keep up with the herd on the open prairie ; and, in consequence, we find that it is much better developed behind (the hind legs being the chief propellers in all galloping animals) than the full-grown bull or cow, and has none of the comma-like, whittled-off aspect of its adult parents. The massive fore end of the bull bison arises from his habit of using himself as a projectile wherewith to batter his rivals out of the overlordship of the herd ; but the bison calf is almost as level-backed as the young of our domestic cattle — though it is a much more active, wide-awake little beast than an ordinary calf. Why, then, are the head and upper extremities so apparently abnormally developed in the young infant ? I conceive the true reason to be something like this : For untold ages the perfection of the arms was a sine qua non of the continuance of the race ; and as man, or the thing which was to be man, took to living by his wits — when, that is, mind began to take precedence of brute force and direct reflex action in the forefront of the struggle for existence — it became an absolute necessity for the being that was to live by his wits to be furnished with an abundant supply of the raw material out of which wits are made — that is, brains. Now, every man, actual or in ^osse— having elected, be it remem- bered, to fight chiefly with his brains, and having renounced for- ever the more gross and carnal weapons, such as huge canine teeth and heavy, cla.w-armed limbs— would be certainly bested in the struggle, and driven out of being, if his chosen armature were not up to the mark. In other words, every incipient homo who was born with deficient mind-material lived but a short time and left no offspring. And, since the potentialities of the brain depend far more upon its primary degree of development than do, for instance, the potentialities of the muscles, only those infants which were born with crania capacious and well-furnished would attain that degree of excellence which would prevent them from being fatally plucked in Nature's great perennial competitive examination. Only those infants, then, survived and became our ancestors which had from the first a good development of head and arm, and, to insure this, Nature has provided for a suitable blood-supply during the early period of growth. With regard to the forward bend of the thighs in young infants, which is constant in all cases, as any one who has the opportunity DARWINISM IN THE NURSERY. 685 for observing can see for himself, this has been accounted for from the fact that the thighs are flexed against the abdomen during the hitter part of intra-uterine life. But from analogy with other young creatures, such as those already mentioned and young birds, we find that the pre-natal position has little or no influence in decreeing the habitual attitude of the limbs after birth, and it seems to me more logical and reasonable to trace this also to a prior state of evolutionary development. Man is, when standing erect, the only animal that has the thigh in a line with the axis of the vertebral column, and among his nearest congeners in the animal world the flexed state of the femoral articulation is natural and constant. As we go down the scale the angle between the thighs and trunk diminishes, until it reaches the right angle characteristic of most quadrupeds. I speak here of the attitude adopted when the animal is at rest upon its legs, for during sleep there is in many cases a curious re- version to the position occupied in embryonic life. Thus we see that a bird roosting with its head " under its wing," and the legs drawn up close to the body, offers a decided resemblance to the chick in the Qgg. I have noticed that young children, when old enough to shift their limbs, very seldom sleep in any but the curled-up posi- tion ; and that as often as not, when unhampered by clothing or other artificial restraints, they sleep in the same attitude as do many quadrupeds, viz., with the abdomen downward and the limbs flexed beneath them. I am told that negro mothers and nurses in the West Indies invariably lay their charges down to sleep on their stomachs, and that this custom is also common in various parts of the world. Adult man is, I believe, the only ani- mal who ever elects to sleep upon his back. Some of the lower savages seem to sleep comfortably on occasion in a crouching position with the head bent down upon the knees, just as all the common tribes of monkeys do. Among the quadrumana it is not until we come to the platform-building anthropoid types that we find a recumbent position habitually taken during sleep. The young orangs and chimpanzees that they have had at the Zoologi- cal Gardens slept with the body semi-prone and with the limbs, or all except one arm, which was used as a pillow, curled under them. This is exactly the position voluntarily adopted by eighty per cent of children between ten and twenty months old which I have had opportunities of watching. I was told by the attend- ants at the Zoological Gardens that no ape will sleep flat on his back, as adult man often does. It would be very interesting to get exact observations as to the habits of all the lower tribes of men with regard to sleeping, for it is a point upon which a great deal would seem to depend, if. 686 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. as Tylor and most of our anthropologists believe, man's first ideas of a spirit world arose from dreams. We know that most of our domestic animals dream, as is proved by their movements while asleep, and the same thing has also been observed in monkeys. The effect of the position of the body during sleep upon the char- acter of our dreams is too well known to require comment, for probably every one of my readers has experienced the very disa- greeable results of sleeping on the back. Now, if the first glimmerings of another world came to early man through dreams, in which he saw his comrades, or enemies, long since dead, reappear just as in life, though mixed up with much that was incongruous and incomprehensible, it would seem as if the period during which man first adopted the dorsal decubi- tus might have been an epoch-making time in his raw theology. Devils and devil-worship might easily have originated from a nightmare ; and since even dogmas have pedigrees and are subject to the laws of evolution, it is perhaps no very wild suggestion that some of the more somber tenets of our gentle nineteenth- century creeds may owe their embryonic beginnings to the sleep- ing attitude of some palaeolithic divine who had gorged himself in an unwise degree with wild-boar Resh.— Nineteenth Century. SKETCH OF WILLIAM FERREL. By Prof. WILLIAM M. DAVIS. SIXTY years ago, the study of meteorology gained a notable impetus from the discoveries then recently made concerning the phenomena of storms. The tempestuous winds had been called to order by the investigations of Dov^ and Redfield, fol- lowed by those of Reid, Piddington, and others in the succeeding decades, and even the literary quarterlies contained reviews of books treating revolving gales. But at that time the understand- ing of the general circulation of the atmosphere about the earth had hardly advanced from its position early in the eighteenth century, when Hadley first and incompletely explained the oblique course of the trade-winds, as a consequence of their motion upon a rotating globe. In the middle of our century, Dov^, then the leader of European meteorologists, taught that all our northeast winds were portions of the return current from the poles, whose battling with the equatorial current gave us our alternations of wind and weather in the temperate zone. In this country, the most commonly accepted explanation of atmospheric circulation was derived from Maury's fascinating Physical Geography of the Sea — a book whose erroneous teachings concerning the source SKETCH OF WILLIAM FERREL. 687 of our rains in evaporation from the South Pacific Ocean, and concerning the northeast-southwest course of the return polar current at great altitudes, still find recent advocacy by those who would persuade us that cannonading will cause rainfall. The meteorology of to-day is another science from that of those earlier decades. The store of facts has increased wonder- fully, both from the observations made at sea, in good part as a result of the incentive given by Maury, and from the establish- ment of weather services in many countries following the sug- gestions of Espy, Henry, Leverrier, and others. The hydro- graphic offices of various governments have charted the winds of the oceans ; Buchan has determined the distribution of baro- metric pressure over the world, Loomis has discussed more fully than any one else the features of the cyclonic storms whose action is so well indicated on the weather maps. But from whom has the finer spirit of understanding of all these facts been received ? From whom have we now gained an insight into the wonderful correlations that exist among the varied motions of the atmosphere ? We would not belittle the ingenious theories of Espy, to whom greater honor is given with the passing years ; we would not forget the many contributions made by earnest students at home and abroad ; but the fuller appreciation of the system of the winds, both great and small, both in the full sweep of the terrestrial circulation and in the constricted whirl of the tornado, comes from one man — a man lately described by the leading meteorologist of Europe as one " who had contributed more to the advance of the physics of the atmosphere than any other living physicist or meteorologist — a man of whom Americans are justly proud."* Alas that this man is no longer living, and that so few Americans know how proud they may be for having had him for a countryman ! William Ferrel died on September 18, 1891, at May wood, Kansas, in his seventy-fifth year. The first half of his life was a struggle against adverse circumstances in uncongenial surround- ings. His later years saw him on the staff of the Nautical Alma- nac, in charge of tidal computations in the Coast Survey, Profes- sor of Meteorology in the Signal Service, member of the National Academy of Sciences, and our recognized leader in scientific me- teorology. Let those of us whose paths of life have been opened by the labors of our fathers marvel at the innate powers of such a man as this, who made his own way through heavy discourage- ments. Ferrel was born in Bedford (now Fulton) County, Pa., on Jan- * Dr. Julius Ilaim, Director of the Austrian Meteorological Observatory, in the Pro- ceedings of the Vienna Academy of Sciences, April 9, 1S9L 688 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Tiary 29, 1817. We are fortunate in having from his own hands a record of his early years. At the request of Mr. A. McAdie, of the Signal Service, Prof. Ferrel wrote, in 1887, an account of his life, and from this Mr. McAdie prepared a biographical sketch that was published in the American Meteorological Journal for February, 1888. The same journal for December, 1891, contains several notices of Ferrel's works by Newcomb, Abbe, and others, read at the October meeting of the New England Meteorological Society. A list of his published writings is given in the Journal for October of the same year. The manuscript autobiography has been presented by Mr. McAdie to the Library of Harvard Col- lege, and the following account of Ferrel's youth is prepared from it. Although never widely known, even among our scientific men, his work since his fortieth year gives a record of the latter part of his life ; and for that reason the narrative of his earlier years is here given more fully. It is one that may certainly inspire young men who labor under discouragement ; and per- chance it may also lead the more generous of our readers to seek out and lend a helping hand to those whose lines are hard and who are working earnestly to help themselves ; not that all such shall become Academicians, but that well-timed help extended in such directions is the best investment that a man can make for himself and for his country. Ferrel's father was of Irish and English descent ; his mother came from a German family. They lived in a simple way in the country, and the boy went to a common district school. In 1829 the family moved across the narrow western arm of Maryland into Berkeley County, Virginia (now "West Virginia). There the son was kept closely at work, except while at school for two win- ters, the school-house being a rude log cabin, in which he went "through the arithmetic and the English grammar," and then re- mained out of school till 1839. Having mastered his school-books, he had nothing further to study except a weekly newspaper, the Virginia Republican, published at Martinsburg ; this he waited for eagerly, to read its occasional scientific items. While thus engaged on the farm young Ferrel saw somewhere a copy of Park's Arithmetic, with a sketch of mensuration at its close. Of this he writes : " At the sight of the diagrams I was at once fired with an intense desire to have the book. But I had no money, and at this time I was too diffident to ask my father for even a half-dollar, or to let him know that I wanted the book. Soon afterward I earned fifty cents in the harvest-field of one of the neighbors, and with this I determined to buy the book. The first time I had a chance to go to Martinsburg I inquired for it at a store, but learned that its price was sixty-two cents. I told the store-keejDer I had only fifty cents, and so he let me have it at SKETCH OF WILLIAM FERREL. 689 that price. It was a light task to learn all that was in it." One can not forbear to moralize over this intense desire for knowledge, for what would not such a boy have learned with proper encour- agement and opportunity ! It must be to these and the succeed- ing years of hampered effort that Ferrel refers in a few sad words at the close of his narrative : " Much of my time has been wasted, especially the earlier part of it, because, not having scientific books and scientific associations, I often had nothing on hand in which I was specially interested." It may be said that Ferrel began his career as an investigator in 1832, when on going out one day to work he noticed that the sun was eclipsed. He had not known that such an event was to occur, but it set him to thinking. He had somewhere learned the cause of solar and lunar eclipses, but his materials for further study were only a German calendar, such as farmers use, and a copy of Adams's Geography, with an appendix giving problems on the use of the globes. From these he found that the sun and moon moved with unequal velocities in different parts of their orbits, and that the fastest and slowest motions were at opposite points. Of this he writes : " My theory was that the earth and the moon moved with uniform velocity in circular orbits, and that these orbits were eccentrically situated with regard to the sun and earth. With regard to the moon's path, I knew that it crossed the ecliptic, but I did not know at what angle, and I also at first supposed that the node was fixed. At the beginning of the next year, when the next calendar came to hand, I discovered from the predicted eclipses that the node must recede. I saw from the calendars that there was some cycle of nineteen years, and sus- pected that this had something to do with the moon's node. This would make the node recede about 19° in a year, as the next year's eclipses seemed to require." Then, with the aid of some older cal- endars, Ferrel, about at the age of sixteen, proceeded to make out tables of the dates of eclipses in an empirical fashion, but he un- fortunately assumed that the diameter of the earth's shadow was constant. " Upon this assumption I spent a vast amount of time, but could get no positions of the nodes or inclination of the orbit which would satisfy the eclipses. The amount of study I gave to the subject both day and night was very great, but I at last gave the matter up in despair. Some time after I was at work one day toward evening on the thrashing-floor, and saw the shadow of a distant vertical plank against the wall ; I observed that it was much smaller than the width of the plank, and the reason for it occurred to me at once. I then saw the error of my assumptions with regard to the earth's shadow in my eclipse investigations and was now very anxious to go over again all my computations with the true diameter of the earth's shadow, for, knowing the dis- TOL. XL. 17 690 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, tance of tlie moon and the angular diameter of the snn, I was able to determine this. As soon as I could find time I went over the whole work, and everything came out as satisfactory as could reasonahly be expected with my methods. . . . This was in the winter of the first part of 1834. I now ventured to predict by my method the eclipses for the next year, 1835. I determined that there would be three eclipses — two of the moon and one of the sun. ... I made a record of the whole in a book and awaited for the next calendar for comparison with its predictions. All the circumstances of the lunar eclipses agreed remarkably well, and the greatest error in the predicted times was only nine minutes.'* And this was the work of a farmer's boy, without help, without encouragement, in the time that he could spare from daily work ! His next book seems to have been Gummere's Surveying, which he mastered in the spring of 1834, with the exception of the mis- cellaneous examples at the end of the volume, for which no rules had been given and which required a knowledge of geometry. " During the summer, as I had a little time to spare, I dwelt upon these, giving weeks sometimes to a single proposition. It hap- pened that during the summer I was engaged a good part of my time on the thrashing-floor, which had large doors at both ends with wide and soft poplar planks. Upon these I made diagrams, describing circles with the prongs of large pitchforks, and draw- ing lines with one of the prongs and a piece of board. One by one I mastered all the problems in this way except three. For more than a quarter of a century these diagrams were visible on the doors, and, in returning occasionally to the old homestead, I always went to take a look at them." This kind of home study continued until 1839, when Ferrel went to Marshall College, at Mercersburg, Pa. Here he learned algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, and gave some time also to Latin and Greek. The next winter he taught near home; but in 1840 he returned to Marshall It was in this year that one of his professors assigned original problems in mathematics to the class. " On one occasion he gave the problem : Given the distances of a well from the three angles of an isosceles triangle, to determine the triangle. . . . This was easy to me at the time, for it was one of the problems which I had solved while at work on the thrashing-floor, with the use of diagrams on the barn- doors, before I had seen a college or a treatise on algebra or ge- ometry." His money was exhausted in the latter part of 1841, and he went home to teach for two years. Bethany College was then opened in Virginia, and he was admitted to the senior class, and graduated in 1844. It is curious to notice that during all these years there is no mention of apparatus, experiments, or systematic SKETCH OF WILLIAM FERREL. 691 observations ; the boy's work, like that of the man afterward, was almost entirely internal and mental. Thus, at the age of twenty- seven, his schooling was ended, and he left his home and went to Missouri to teach. Failing health compelled him to stop work for a time, and his next engagement was at a small school in Kentucky, where he remained for seven years, until 1854. While in Missouri he had happened on a copy of Newton's Principia, ordered but never called for by an earlier teacher ; he bought it for five dollars, making little advance then on account of poor health, but later returned to it in Kentucky. " I now be- came first interested in the tides, and conceived the idea that the action of the moon and sun must have a tendency to retard the earth's rotation on its axis. Knowing that Laplace had treated the subject extensively in the M^canique Cdleste, I was very desir- ous of obtaining a copy, mostly to see what he had in that subject. I accordingly instructed a village merchant, on going to Phila- delphia for a supply of goods, to procure me the work, having little idea of the magnitude of the work or the cost. On learning the cost at Philadelphia, he did not procure it for me until after writing and hearing further from me. I had now plenty to study in connection with my teaching for several years." From this followed Ferrel's first scientific paper. On the Effect of the Sun and Moon on the Rotary Motion of the Earth, a subject to which he returned with success in later years. In the spring of 1854 Ferrel went to Nashville, Tenn., and opened a private school ; here Prof. W. K. Bowling, of the Medical College, became his warm friend, and here he first turned his atten- tion to meteorology, from meeting with Maury's Physical Geog- raphy of the Sea. " From this book I first learned that the atmos- pheric pressure was greatest near the parallels of 30°, and less at the equator and in the polar regions ; and I at once commenced to study the cause of it. . . . In conversation one day with my friend Dr. Bowling, I told him I had read Maury's book, and he was at once desirous of knowing what I thought of it. I told him that I did not agree with Maury in many things. He then desired me to ' pitch into him,' as he expressed it, and furnish a review for his Journal of Medicine. This I declined to do, but at length con- sented to furnish an essay on certain subjects treated in the book, and notice Maury's views a little in an incidental way." This was the beginning of the studies in meteorology, which gave a new aspect to the science. The promised article was his Essay on the Winds and Currents of the Ocean. It has since been republished by the Signal Service in Professional Paper No. XII. In the spring of 1857 the third period of Ferrel's life began on his accepting an offer from Prof. Winlock, transmitted through Dr. B. A. Gould, to take part in the computations for the Nauti- 692 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. cal Almanac, then prepared in Cambridge, Mass., and thus opened the happier situation of his later years ; but it was not until the spring of 1858 that he finally left Nashville. From this time on he did not lack opportunity for study and acquaintance with sci- entific men. In 1867 he joined the Coast Survey, then under the superintendence of Prof. Benjamin Peirce, and remained in that service until 1883. The chief results of his work during this pe- riod were his Tidal Eesearches, Meteorological Researches, and his Tide-predicting Machine, all of which contribute to his well- earned reputation. Ferrel's researches on the tides were in both theoretical and practical directions. His theoretical discussions began in his days of teaching in Kentucky, and in 1853 had led him to conclude that the action of the tides would very slightly retard the rotation of the earth, but at that time no indication of such retardation had been found by astronomers. In 18G0, however, it was found that the position of the moon was somewhat in advance of its calculated position ; all the known efi'ects of external perturbations having been allowed for, its advance still was unexplained. Ferrel, then living in Cambridge, returned to this problem and showed that the moon's unexplained advance might be accounted for as only an apparent result, the real fact being a retardation of the earth's rotation by tidal action. The essay on this subject was published in the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Boston in 1864. An incident in this connection illustrates the diffidence that Ferrel felt in coming in contact with strangers. He carried his essay on The Influence of the Tides in causing an Apparent Secular Acceleration of the Moon's Mean Motion in manuscript to the meetings of the Academy time after time, with the intention of reading it, but his courage always failed, until at last the paper was presented in 1864. Had its presenta- tion been deferred over one more meeting, its appearance would not have antedated a similar essay by the French astronomer, Delaunay, on the same subject. This was before Ferrel was a member of the Coast Survey ; it was naturally followed by his engagement as expert in tidal studies in that office; and when afterward in Washington, he discussed and reduced many tidal observations made at various points on our coast. To lighten the labor of such computations he invented a tide-predicting machine, by means of which the time and value of high and low tides can be mechanically deter- mined for various ports with sufficient accuracy for publication in the official tables, after the constants for the ports are worked out. This machine is now in regular use in Washington, where it is regarded as doing the work of thirty or forty computers. A general work on tides and their theory was among the latest stud- SKETCH OF WILLIAM FERREL. 693 ies that Ferrel undertook, to be stopped only "by the illness tliat caused his death. In 1882 Ferrel accepted a professorship in the Signal Service, producing while there several special reports of high value, among which his Recent Advances in Meteorology should have first men- tion. He also lectured to the officers of the Signal Corps at Wash- ington, and it is from these lectures that he subsequently prepared his Popular Treatise on the Winds, the most comprehensive state- ment of theoretical meteorology in the English language. He re- signed this professorship in 188G, in his seventieth year. He had before this accumulated a competence from judicious investments of the small earnings of earlier years. Ferrel's name is chiefly connected with his original investiga- tions in meteorology. The first of these was made at Nashville, as stated above, but a more serious study was made in his Mo- tions of Fluids and Solids relative to the Earth's Surface, pre- pared shortly after going to Cambridge, and published in Runkle's Mathematical Monthly. This is regarded by a most competent critic as " the starting-point of our knowledge of the mechanics of the atmosphere." It is here that he first clearly states the impor- tant law that " in whatever direction a body moves on the earth's surface there is a force arising from the earth's rotation which tends to deflect it to the right in the northern hemisphere, but to the left in the southern." This was published in May, 1858, six months before it was discussed, with the same result, in the French Academy of Sciences. Space can not be given here to show the great importance of this principle in meteorology, but if the reader desires to follow it to its applications he should con- sult the Treatise on the Winds, named above. As to the im- portance of the principle, let any one attempt to explain the mo- tions of the wind and the distribution of atmospheric pressures without it, and he will soon see the service rendered to meteorology by Ferrel in its introduction. The essential quality of this prin- ciple may perhaps be briefly stated. The general conception of the theory of the winds refers them to convectional movements, arising from the action of gravity on parts of the atmosphere of different temperatures. According to this, the poles, where the temperatures are low, should have high pressures, and the occurrence of low pressures there has been a stumbling-block to more than one writer on the subject ; indeed, hardly an English text-book can be named that will lead the student around this difiiculty. The consideration introduced by Ferrel is to the effect that the actual distribution of pressure does not depend only on differences of temperature, but also on the motions excited by reason of the pressure differences. The condi- tion of steady motion, under which the winds are impelled by an 694 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY'. acceleration just sufficient to overcome their resistances, requires that the acceleration should be not only the small component of gravity acting on the barometric gradient, but the much smaller resultant of this component acting with the deflective force aris- ing from the motion of the wind itself. The course adopted by the established interchanging circulation between the equator and the poles consists for the most part of a great circumpolar whirl from west to east ; and the deflective forces here in play reduce the polar high pressures to low pressures. A reactionary relation therefore exists between the winds and the pressures, by which the distribution of pressures according to temperature alone is greatly modified. Instead of finding high pressure at the cold poles, a low pressure is produced there by the great circumpolar whirl of the general winds, and the air thus held away from the poles accumu- lates around the tropical belts of high pressure, of which Ferrel had first learned from Maury's book. The absence of northeast re- turn currents (in this hemisphere), except in the trade-wind belt, is as important a feature of Ferrel's theory as the reversal of polar high pressure into low pressure. Maury's erroneous explanation of the winds gained great acceptance from the attractive style in which his book was written ; but it is time that his explanation should be abandoned even in elementary teaching, and replaced by more serious views, less easily acquired but of more permanent value. Ferrel's theory of the winds not only explains the general dis- tribution of atmospheric pressure over the world, as no other theory can do ; it introduces broad correlations among many phe- nomena in meteorology, greatly to the advance of the science. The legitimate analogies that may be drawn between the great circumpolar whirl of the terrestrial winds, the smaller whirls of tropical cyclones, and the concentrated whirling of tornadoes show the unity of action of the convectional processes in the moist at- mosphere of a rotating planet. In earlier years, meteorology con- sisted chiefly of rules for observation and statistical study. The broad generalizations taught by Ferrel raise the science from this simple inductive condition and complete the philosophical round- ing of its parts. Ferrel was not an observer, but he carefully based his studies on well-ascertained facts. He was not an experimenter, but he followed the results obtained by the best physicists. He was a reasoner, able to employ the stronger methods of mathematical analysis. He was sincere and judicial, single-minded and simple- hearted. No one criticised his results more carefully or deliber- ately than he did himself. He was indifferent to popularity, and took little trouble to enforce his views on the world. He lived a quiet life, more with books than with men, although the few to SKETCH OF WILLIAM FERREL. 695 whom liis closer friendship was given prized it highly. From his isolation as a boy and young man, he was diffident, even to his own embarrassment, in going out to meet others ; but to those who came to him he was generous and sympathetic in giving assist- ance. He never pushed himself forward, and all his official posi- tions came unsought. His earlier essays were inconspicuously published, and never had a wide circulation, even in separate pam- phlet form. Many who have received them must have passed them by hardly noticed. The attention of scientific men turned slowly to his work; only in later years than 1870 is his name often mentioned abroad. His preference was always for original methods, in his college demonstrations as well as in later inves- tigations. He did little in the way of restatement of the conclu- sions of others, but liked better to give his time to original re- searches in which there was a prospect of discovering something new or of explaining facts that had not been explained before. When his interest was aroused in such work, he devoured every- thing that he could find about it, " studying almost day and night," and never giving up a problem until it was solved, or until he was satisfied that his labors could not solve it. His conquest of physi- cal problems was not the result of intuitive perceptions alone, but followed patient and persevering work. This appears in his boy- hood when he pondered over geometrical problems in the barn, and in later years when his meteorological theories gradually developed. Ferrel was a man whose teachings reach slowly through the world. Many of the problems that he solved bear only remotely on the lives of the millions of unmarked men from among whom he won his way to eminence ; but all who read of him may under- stand the lesson of his courageous perseverance, of his earnest work and of his simple life. They will do well if, even without adding much to the world's store, they can ^btj as he did at the close of life, "I regret to leave my friends, but that is all I regret." Attention was drawn by Miss BacklaiKl, at the British Association, to nnmer- ous points in which the Navajo myth entitled "The Mountain Chant" reproduces customs and beliefs of the Old World. Among them were mentioned the singular prohibition of food in the abode of spirits, such as appears in the classical story of Persephone, and in modified shape in the fairy folk lore of Europe, in Aino and Japanese tales, and in New Zealand. The author pointed out the great contrast between the bloodless Navajo rites and the sanguinary ceremonies of the ancient Mexicans, and the great dissimilarity in the forms of the Navajo and Mexican gods, as denoting entirely different origins for the two religions, incompatible with the belief commonly entertained of the wholly indigenous character of American culture, and she urged that the Navajo rites point unmistakably to an Eastern origin. 696 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. CORRESPONDENCE. INTELLIGENCE AND THE BELIEF IN EVOLUTION. Editor Popular Science, Monthly : SIR: Two sentences in your Editor's Ta- ble of the January (1892) number excite my surprise. They are these : " Every man within certain limits is an evolutionist, and we have little hesitation in saying that the limits within which each man is an evolu- tionist are the real limits of his intelli- gence " ; and " we believe — and when we say ' we ' we mean all persons with any pre- tensions to education or intelligence — in evo- lution as applied to the physical history of our globe." Are these statements consistent with that judicial fairness which all seekers for truth, such as you certainly mean to be, should preserve ? There are many of us who have been diligent students of the works of evolution- ists from the appearance of Herbert Spen- cer's First Principles in 1865. We have read Darwin's vohimes carefully, and Hux- ley's and Tyndall's. We have followed Prof. Gray's beautiful essays. But we are as yet unconvinced "of evolution as applied to the physical history of our globe." There are gaps in the chain which, to our mind, are not filled, nor are in promise of being filled, in material evolution, as at the beginning of life. We accept the statement of the au- thors of The Unseen Universe : " It is against all true scientific experience that life can ap- pear without the intervention of a living an- tecedent." Also at the appearance of new organs, as Prof. Samuel Harris says, after giving Prof. Tyndall's description of the de- velopment of the eye : " This certainly is not science ; no fact sustains a single one of the assumptions. It is a figment of fancy." Then there is the gap between the brute and rational man, where we see no approach to a bridge. Besides this, it seems to us there is much sophistical reasoning among evolutionists, as pointed out by Rudolph Schmid, by S. Wain- wright, and especially by Prof. Samuel Harris, in his Scientific Basis of Theism. There is, too, an initial difficulty in the getting the heterogeneous out of the homo- geneous, without a force from without, impul- sive and directive. Clerk Jfaxwell states the difficulty in the way of evolution from molecular science : " No theory of evolution can be formed to account for the similarity of molecules throughout all time, and throughout the whole region of the stellar universe, for evolution necessa- rily implies a continuous change, and the molecule is incapable of growth or decay, of preservation or destruction. . . . Therefore, for the interaction of molecules, there must be a power from without impelling and di- recting." Maxwell adds words which we ac- cept: "These molecules continue this day as they were created, perfect in number, meas- ure, and weight ; and from the ineffaceable characters impressed on them we may learn that those aspirations after truth in state- ment and justice in action, which we reckon among our noblest attributes as men, are ours because they are the essential constitu- ents of the image of Him who, in the begin- ning, created not only the heaven and the earth, but the material of which the heaven and the earth consist." We would not deny an evolution in the physical work which Prof. Harris calls " sci- entic," but we would consider it with Prof. Leotze " as a gradual unfolding of a creative spiritual principle," and would recognize, with him and Uhici, "in the evolution both a mechanical and a icJcological process, im- plying both an energizing and a directing agency." Now, if in not accepting evolution as or- dinarily understood, in holding E'arwinism nou -proven, we show a limit of our intelli- gence and are excluded from the company of " all persons with any pretensions to edu- cation or intelligence," it positively is not from lack of study of what evolutionists have said, and certainly we have some very good company in our limitation and our ex- clusion ; many of them are men who seem to be thoroughly conversant with all that has been said for evolution, and they seem to be able to grapple with the arguments. Do not statements such as you make create a prejudice against evolution among many fair-minded men, and hinder their ac- ceptance of its arguments ? Evolutionists repel with indignation the assertion that they are actuated by a desire to be rid of God and of moral obligation. Need they be surprised if men who have studied diligently what they say, and are yet unconvinced, do repel with equal indig- nation the assertion of their Umitalion of in- telligence ? Is not the true way to grant each other the fair assumption of honistg and honor- ableness of motive and of intelligence ? Is not this the only true way for those who would help one another in the search for the one supreme reality — Truth ? John R. Thueston. WuiTiNSVix-LE, Mass., Vccemher 22, 1S91. THE EARTHQUAKE OF OCTOBER, 1£91, IN JAPAN. Editor Popular Science Monthly : Sir: In 1855, on the 11th of November, Japan was shaken by a terrible earthquake. At that time the center of the seismic dis- turbance was somewhere in the vicinity of CORRESP ONDENCE. 697 Yeddo (now Tokyo); the great part of the city was laid in ruins, and the loss of life amounted to several tens of thousands, in- cluding those who were actually crushed to death by the falling houses and those who, imprisoned in the debris, were burned in nu- merous fires which broke out in various parts of the city ; for, as the earthquake occurred at about eleven o'clock at night, the inhabit- ants were asleep and unprepared to escape from their houses. On the 28th of last October another part of Japan was visited by a similar catastro- phe, of which more details are available than of the above-mentioned earthquake of 1855. The center of this latter seems to have been the valley of Neo, north of the city of Gifu, in the province of Mino. In this city and in the neighboring town of Ogaki the destruc- tion is terrible and the loss of life appalling. Gifu is the seat of government of Gifu pre- fecture. In Gifu and Aichi prefectures the killed numbered 7,522, the wounded 9,983 ; the number of buildings wholly destroyed is 88,705; partly destroyed, 28,011; while throughout the entire region over which the disturbance was most seriously felt the to- tals are: Killed, 7,566; wounded, 10,121; buildings wholly destroyed, 89,629 ; partly destroyed, 28,626. Great changes in the geographical feat- ures of the provinces of Hchizen, Mino, and Owari, at the head of Owari Bay, will evi- dently result. Land-slips have occurred which completely changed the appearance of the mountain-sides ; river channels are dammed by the debris, causing inundations of agri- cultural lands, and large lakes where were cultivated farms. The total area throughout which the earthquake was felt is stated to have been 39,375 square miles. No serious damage was done in Tokyo or Yokohama. Asama-Yama, the volcano in the provinces of Kodzuke- Shinano, far to the north of the center of the disturbance, was thrown into a state of un- usual activity, large quantities of scoria? hav- ing been ejected. Fuji-Yama has also suf- fered. It appears that, ten miautes after the most violent sliock, a noise like a hun- dred peals of thunder was heard to proceed from the side of the mountain. Some peo- ple declare that an immense land-slip, visible soon after the earthquake, has occurred ; but before their statements could be verified by careful, scientific investigation, snow fell and obscured the topography. One of the Japanese newspapers states that at the Okumstama Shrine, in the Naga- jima district of Aichi prefecture, Mino prov- ince, several fissures were opened from which mud and water were ejected. After the wa- ter had drained off, a number of wooden swords, stone axes, and maga-tama (beads) were discovered. If this be true, it is a re- markable archaeological fnd. The trembling of earth continues up to the present time, although the shocks arc no longer of destructive force. Prof. Milne, of the Imperial University, compares the rum- bling sound that accompanies the shocks to that which would be produced by the escape of a great volume of steam through narrow fissures — a colossal steam-horn, in short, roaring and bellowing underground, each of its thunders indicating the explosion of a more or less destructive force. J. King Goodrich. Yokohama, Japan, yovember 16, 1S91. COLORS OF LETTERS. Editor Popular Science Monthly : Sir : I was greatly interested in the ar- ticle by President Jordan, on the colors of letters, which appeared recently in your magazine. From my earliest recollections I had always associated various colors with the letters, but never before have I heard of any one else who did so. Thinking that statistics on this subject might be of interest, I send you my list of alphabet colors: A. Dull yellow. N. Tin color. B. Dark. 0. C. Like kerosene-flame. P. Nearly like H. D. Black. Q. Red. E. Like A. R. Black. F. Dark. S. Silver color. G. Gray. T. Dark, H. Slate color. U. L Black. V. Like J. J. Dirty brown. W. K. BlaJk. X. Red. L. Black. Y. M. Dark red. Z. Red. Those left blank are associated in my mind with a color, but I am unable to define it ; and certain of the descriptions used do not fully convey the idea. It has been suggested to me that my con- necting color with the letters arose from the colors on the blocks from which I learned them. This might account for red, black, and white, but certainly would not account for the other shades. My own explanation of the matter is this : When we are learning to spell we as- sociate certain letters with certain words, and those words give us the idea of color. These words may be said to be chronwpoetic, and this property, if it may be so called, can not be dissociated from them. For illustration, D is associated in my mind with dog, and when I think of dog it never is a white dog, but always a black one ; hence, D is black. I brings up ink and black ink ; J, a jug of brown color ; V is a vulture, which I always think of as brown. In many cases I am unable to trace the connection between the letter and the color, but I feel sure it exists somewhere in my mind. If this possesses sufficient interest to your readers to warrant its publication, you are at liberty to do so. James S. Stevens, Professor of Physics. Maine State College, Orono, Me., Aug. 15, 1891. 698 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. EDITOR'S TABLE. EDUCATION AND ETHICS. ONE of the most serious questions of the present day is as to where and how adequate moral instruction is to be imparted to the rising generation. In the olden time there was no question as to the full responsibility of the home aided by the Church for the moral train- ing of the child. School education was obtained with more or less diflBculty, and, when a child was sent to school, the connection between school and home was close. The parent paid for the teach- ing, and master and parent worked as a general thing on the same moral lines. Nowadays, owing to the vast extension of popular education through the agency of the State, and the abolition of all direct payment of school fees, there is a severance of the former relation be- tween home and school, and the moral interests of the children seem to be slip- ping to the ground between two stools. The State takes from the parent nearly all initiative in regard to the education of the cliild, and does so much that the parent is easily led to imagine that it does everything — that it teaches the principles of right conduct no less than the rules of grammar and arithmetic, and practices the young in virtue as sys- tematically as in handwriting. How far this is from being really the case any one can learn on inquiry ; but the vague assumption that it is the case, or ought to be the case if it is not, does a great deal, we are persuaded, to diminish the sense of parental responsibility. From the side of religion many pro- tests have been made against the pres- ent system of popular education. The clergy of the different churches can not help thinking that at least the more im- portant doctrines of the Christian faith should be officially taught ; and they draw most discouraging pictures of what the moral future of the youth of this country will be if their counsels are not heeded. All sound and successful moral teaching, they contend, must repose up- on a basis of theology, and to confine ethical teaching to the region of the nat- ural is to deprive it of all warrant, of all authority, of all coercive power. If these views were correct, it would be difficult to see how the weakness of our schools on the moral side could ever be reme- died ; for notliing is more certain than that any attempt to teach theology in them would be predestined failure. The people (or some people) will pay for theology in the pulpit, but they are not willing to pay for it in the schools, and have shown in most unmistakable ways that they do not want it there. The question, then, is: Shall all attempts at moral teaching in the public school be abandoned, seeing that it can not be ad- ministered as an adjunct of theology ; or shall a brave effort be made to give it an independent status of its own and a fair chance to show what it can accom- plish when conducted on purely natural lines? The latter is the decision that some earnest minds have come to, and we have at this moment before us a book produced for the express purpose of aiding the good cause. This work, published by Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., bears the title Conduct considered as a Fine Art, and consists of two essays written in response to a call from the American Secular Union for " the best essay, treatise, or manual adapted to aid and assist teachers in our free public schools ... to thoroughly instruct chil- dren and youth in the purest principles of morality without inculcating relig- ious doctrine." Mr. N. P. Gilman, who writes the first half of the book, and whose essay bears the special title of The Laws of Daily Conduct, shows very plainly how unnecessary it is in dealing with children to do more than illustrate EDITOR'S TABLE. 699 moral principles from the experience of daily life. Children do not call for meta- physics; and to refrain from teaching them the principles of morals because you are not prepared to discuss with them those ultimate questions as to the final sanction of morality which are de- bated by philosophers and theologians, is like withholding from a builder all knowledge of the practical applications of geometry, because you can not carry him into the calculus, or make him feel at home in the fourth dimension. Mr. Gilman states his position very well in the following passage: "When, then, we have in mind, as a subject for public school instruction, not the science of ethics, not the speculations of moral philosophers, but the orderly presenta- tion of the common facts and laws of the moral life which no one disputes, we perceive how the religious or theological difficulty disappears to a large degree. . . . Let the relation of religion and morality be as it may be, the teacher is not called upon to decide an issue of this magnitude. He can teach the duties of ordinary life, sliowing their reasona- bleness and their interdependence in a consecutive, orderly manner, without appealing to religion ; he can use the plain and usual consequences of actions good or bad without being open to a just accusation of irreligion. These con- sequences are admitted by all. He has then a right in reason to stop with them, because of the practical limitations im- posed upon him by the time at his dis- posal, the immaturity of the faculties which he is training, and, most of all, because of the wide difference of men's minds as to the final explanation." Mr. Gilman makes due allowance for the fact that a well-ordered school has " a necessary moral discipline of its own, which is enforced by every ca- pable teacher " ; but he does not think that this should be regarded as a suf- ficient substitute for all direct moral teaching. He considers that the school has some special advantages for effective ethical teaching which the home does not possess, and that a teacher throws away very valuable opportunities who does not find frequent occasion for bringing home moral lessons to the minds of his pupils. In this we wholly agree with him. The teacher has what the parent has not, an ever-present and more or less numerous body of hearers, to whose common judgment he can ap- peal; and he has the established order and discipline of the school as a means of commanding attention. Moreover, the teacher's judgment is already as- sumed by the child to be more or less the judgment of the outside world, whereas the parent's opinion, like his jurisdiction, is apt to be looked upon as valid only within the limits of the house- hold. It is evident, therefore, that a vast influence for good might be exerted by the teacher, provided only he himself possessed the requisite intelligence and earnestness. The real weakness of our public schools for the purpose in view comes to light just here. Before any teacher could make a wise and effective use of such a manual as the one before us his heart would have to be in his work ; he would have to possess a really apostolic zeal for the moral benefit of the children committed to his care. Are such teachers numerous? Is tliere any- thing in the conditions under which teachers are trained and selected to en- courage the hope that very many of them would, under any circumstances, be earnest exponents of moral truth? We are really not aware that there is. In the vast army of public-school teach- ers there must be many superior minds and many noble souls; but those who have studied our school system seem to be impressed rather with the lack, than with the presence, of what we may perhaps call ethical vitality in both teachers and scholars. A teacher must outwardly bear a good character ; but what examination has ever been de- vised to test his or her interest in ethical questions or principles, in the 700 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. stimulation of virtue or the building of character ? Still, we quite hold with those who consider that the schools ought to aim at the production of good citizens, and that, for this purpose, they should teach, with such resources as they can com- mand, the principles of right conduct. The book before us will be useful to those who desire help in this direction. Mr. Gilman has excellent chapters on " Life under Law," " Obedience to Moral Law," "Self-control," "Truth- fulness," etc., etc. ; and Mr. E. P. Jack- son, who contributes the second half of the book, throws his discussion of very much the same topics into the form of a series of dialogues between a teacher and his pupils. Each writer has done his work well, and the teacher who has the will to teach his or her scholars what is right will find the whole book very profitable. We return, however, to the point with which we set out, that parental influence to-day in the moral education of children counts for too little. Mr. Gilman tells us that " numerous edu- cators " object to giving any special in- struction in morals, alleging that that is the parent's business. He might have told us, we are persuaded, from his own knowledge, that still more parents are disposed to shuffle off all responsibility for the moral education of their children on the schools. What the effect of the double disclaimer of responsibility is likely to be may readily be determined. If the clergy, instead of making futile demands for the teaching of theological dogmas in the schools, would try to rouse the minds of their adherents and followers to a sense of their personal re- sponsibility for their children's charac- ters, they miglit accomplish a more use- ful work. This is something which they should preach in season and out of sea- son ; and if they would do so with the earnesrness which the occasion demands, the effect might in a few years be seen in the altered moral tone of a portion of the public-school teachers themselves; and thus, concurrently with the eleva- tion of the home, we should have a notable improvement in the work of moral education as carried on in the schools. Keform the home, and the whole face of society will be reformed. EVOLUTION AND INTELLIGENCE. We publish in another column a let- ter from a correspondent who thinks that, in our article entitled Evolution and its Assailants, in the January Table, we cast a slur upon the intelligence of those who do not, in the fullest sense, accept the doctrine of evolution. The following is the statement to which our correspondent objects : " Every man within certain limits is an evo- lutionist, and we have little hesitation in saying that the limits within which each man is an evolutionist are the real limits of his intelligence." We hardly thought this would be misunderstood, but it evidently has been by one per- son at least. The word "intelligence" has two very familiar meanings. In one application it means the power a given individual has of comprehending things in general, and thus expresses a personal quality. This is the sense in wliicli we did not employ the word. Again, it may mean the act or function of understanding, and this was the sense in which we did employ it. To say in this sense that " the limits within which each man is an evolutionist are the real limits of his intelligence," is to say that beyond those limits he ceases to tinder- stand. We wonder that a man who professes to be so widely read In phi- losophy and science as our correspond- ent should not have perceived that this was our meaning, and not that a man begins to be stupid T^ust where he ceases to believe in evolution. The passages which our correspondent cites from some of his favorite authorities prove that we were exactly right in the position we took up, for they all go to show that, in the chain of events which make up the LITERARY NOTICES. 701 history of our globe, there are some which baffle comprehension. In a cer- tain sense evohition itself may be said to baffle comprehension, since the hu- man intellect can never fully under- stand how one thing cau become any- thing else ; but the general processes of evolution are at least illustrated by facts which long and repeated experience has rendered very familiar. On the other hand, there is notliing analogous to any well-established human experience in the miraculous interference which those have to postulate who either reject evo- lution altogether, or only recognize it to a limited extent. Our correspondent also objects to our statement that "all persons with any pretensions to education or intelli- gence believe in evolution as applied to the physical history of our globe." At the moment we were thinking more of the globe itself than of its living in- habitants; and before objecting to our statement our correspondent might properly have raised with himself the question whether we meant more than we actually said. However, on points like these there will, of course, be dif- ferences of opinion, and we must only ask our correspondent to believe that we meant no disrespect in anything that we said to persons of his way of think- ing. "We believe in evolution because it has already explained so many things, and because its scope as a scientific the- ory is continually widening. If our cor- respondent declines to accept it on such grounds as he alleges in his article, he is quite within his right. What he has not shown us is what phenomena or events to which the doctrine of evolution has no application he really understands. LITERARY NOTICES. My Canadian Journal, 1872-'Y8. By the Marchioness op Dufferin and Ava. New- York : D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 456. $2. The Journal consists of extracts from letters written home to the author's mother while Lord Dufferin was Governor-General of Canada. Although — the letters having been written from twelve to twenty years ago — it is rather an account of the past than a description of the present, and Can- ada has undergone a great development, its villages having become towns and new rail- ways having developed cities in what was the wilderness, the Journal has lost none of its freshness ; for it is the record, made on the spot and at the moment, by a keen ob- server of cultivated intelligence, disposed to make the best of everything that she saw and experienced ; and such records are always fresh. So we are given, in the famil- iar style which intimate friendship author- izes, yet always graceful, sketches of travel, adventure, scenery, society, social and eco- nomical conditions, sports, more serious oc- cupations, and whatever is of the life of the country. The pictures are of all seasons through eight years ; they cover all parts of Canada, the St. Lawrence, the lakes, the Maritime Provinces, the west, northwest, and Pacific coast, and the Eastern Townships, with occasional excursions into the United States, concerning which the author is sorry to pass so lightly over the cordiality and the friend- liness that were invariably shown her and her husband — " for whether we were travel- ing officially through Chicago or Detroit, or went as ordinary visitors to New York or Boston, we were always received with a kind- ness and cordiality which we can never for- get." Studies in Aerodynamics. By S. P. Lang- ley. Smithsonian Institution. 1891. This monograph of Prof. Langley is the record of four years' experimental work with the inclined plane, to determine the condi- tions to be complied with in moving such a plane through the air, the power required, etc. His work has thoroughly convinced him of the practicability of moving such planes through the air with our present means of propulsion. It has generally been thought that the one essential element need- ed to be provided, in order to make mechan- ical flight possible, was an extremely light and powerful motor. But Prof. Langley's experiments have shown that we need not make a search for such a motor, as the steam-engine, in the forms we now possess it, is quite equal to the occasion. His ex- 702 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. periments have demonstrated the somewhat remarkable fact that the power required to sustain an inclined plane, when inclined at a slight angle to the horizontal and driven forward, decreases with the speed. He finds that there is a speed for any given plane at which the plane becomes self-supporting, or rather in which it tends to rise. This speed he terms the soaring speed, and when it is reached the weight becomes unimportant. With greater weights it is only necessary to drive them at greater speeds in order to eliminate the element of weight. The prac- tical conclusion from this is that we are not prohibited by the weight of our apparatus from achieving mechanical flight, and the problems to be solved are not those connect- ed with the question of weight, but rather those concerning tlie details of construction by means of which the apparatus may be controlled while under movement and in as- cent and descent, so as to be safe and man- ageable. The method of experiment adopt- ed by Prof. Langley consisted in mounting an inclined plane at the end of the arm of a whirling table sixty feet in diameter. This table was driven by power at such a rate that a speed of one hundred miles an hour could be attained. The plane was mounted in such a way that it was free to fall, and, by a number of ingenious appliances designed by Prof. Langley, the power which would be required to drive the plane in free air at the speeds attained could bo measured. The nu- merical result arrived at by the experiments is that by the expenditure of one horse-pow- er a weight of two hundred pounds can be transported through the air at the rate of forty-five miles an hour. As a steam-engine of this power can be built to weigh not more than one tenth of this amount, it will be seen that there is a wide margin between the weight of the motor and the total weight which can be moved by it. When we con- sider the vast practical results which would follow the successful navigation of the air, the value of experiments such as these which supply us with data necessary to a solution of the problem can not well be overesti- mated. It is to be hoped that Prof. Langley will be able to continue his experiments until all the problems bearing upon this interest- ing and important subject shall have been solved. The Journal of Phtsiologt. Edited by Michael Foster. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Engraving Company. Vol. XIL Price, $5 a volume. The editor has the co-operation in con- ducting this journal — the foremost one of its class — of Professors W. Rutherford and J. Burdon-Sanderson, in England, and Pro- fessors H. P. Bowditch, H. Newell-Martin, H. C. Wood, and R. H. Chittenden, in the United States, The journal is published in numbers which appear not at rigidly fixed times, but at varying intervals, determined by the supply of material. The present vol- ume consists of five numbers, the last one of which is made up of parts five and six, and contains thirty-one articles in original ex- perimental physiological research. These articles relate to different elements of ani- mal organisms ; to the circulation, the nerv- ous system, the action of various substances on bodily functions and products ; respira- tion, temperature relations, the excretions ; and to apparatus. They are prepared by careful and accurate experimenters, many of whom are experts or physiologists of world-wide reputation, and record in minute detail what they have themselves observed ; the observations being usually accompanied by charts showing the graphic records made by the instruments used. A Popular HAND-nooK of the Ornithology OF the United States and Canada. Based on Nuttall's Manual. By Mon- tague Chamberlain. Boston : Little, Brown & -Co. Two volumes. Pp. xlvii-f 473, and vii + 431. Price, $8. The first volume of Nuttall's Manual was published in 1832, and the second m 1834. The book was the work of a master of the ornithological knowledge of the day, and of an author who commanded a warm literary style with fine powers of description. It was the first hand-book of the subject that had been published, and was carried at once into favor, not less by its innate qualities than by the interest of the subject. While a great advance has been made in scientific or technical ornithology, the study of bird- life, the real history of our birds, remains just about where Nuttall and his contempo- raries left it. We have brilliant and engag- ing essays on various aspects of it by such writers as Bradford Torrey, Mrs. Miller, and LITERARY NOTICES. 703 Frank BoUes ; but they do not appear in the hand-books, and, as Mr. Chamberlain re- marks, " in comparison with the worlc ac- complished by the older writers, and with that which is still unknown, the recent ac- quisitions must be considered slight." Xut- tall's work has been out of print for several years ; but its popularity and real value have kept it in demand, and the few copies re- cently offered for sale were disposed of at high prices. In publishing the new edition instead of issuing it in the form of the origi- nal, or remodeling it to the extent that would be required to arrange it in harmony with the new system in ornithology, the editor has reproduced Nuttall's biographies with few changes beyond pruning them of w^at was obsolete ; has added, in notes dis- tinguished by smaller type, such new facts as seemed needed to bring the descriptions into conformity with the present state of the science; has rewritten the descriptions of plumage, endeavoring to phrase them in well- known and untechnical terms, so that they may be understood by unskilled readers ; and has added a description of the nest and eggs of each species. The untechnical character of the work, and the use of simple, well-known terms in the descriptions, are a feature on which the publishers speak with some pride. Canadian readers have been kept in mind, and accounts are given of every species that has been found within the Dominion east of the Manitoba plains, and of their Canadian dis- tribution. The editor is a specialist in orni- thology, on which he has published numer- ous articles in periodicals devoted tc the sci- ence and monographs. We were interested in reading Nuttall's introduction, which is given entire and unchanged, a foreshadowing of the doctrine of protective mimicry which has been made prominent by Mr A. R. Wal- lace. Some birds, it is observed, "are screened from the attacks of their enemies by an arrangement of colors assimilated to the places which they most frequent for sub- sistence and repose ; thus the wryneck is scarcely to be distinguished from the tree on which it seeks its food ; or the snipe from the soft and springy ground which it frequents. The great plover finds its chief security in stony places, to which its colors are so nicely adapted that the most exact observer may be deceived. The same resort is taken advantage of by the night-hawk, partridge, plover, and the American quail the young brood of which squat on the ground, instinctively conscious of being near- ly invisible, from their close resemblance to the broken ground on which they lie, and trust to this natural concealment. The same kind of deceptive and protecting artifice is often employed by birds to conceal or render the appearance of their nests ambiguous. Thus the European wren forms its nest ex- ternally of hay, if against a hay-rick ; cov- ered with lichens, if the tree chosen is so clad ; or made of green moss, when the de- cayed trunk in which it is built is thus cov- ered ; and then, wholly closing it above, leaves a concealed entry in the side. Our humming- bird, by external patches of lichen, gives her nest the appearance of a moss- grown knot. A similar artifice is adopted by our yellow-breasted fly-catcher, or vireo, and others." The first volume is devoted to land birds, the second to game and water birds. The accounts are confined to birds known east of the Mississippi Valley. The work is published in beautiful style, with pictorial illustrations that it would be hard to excel of most of the species, and a colored plate in each volume. Christianity and Infallibility : Both or Neither. By the Rev. Daniel Lyons. New York : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 284. Price, §1.50. This book bears the nihil ohsfat (no ob- jection) of D. Pantauella, S. J., and the im- primatur of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Denver, It was written under the influence of the conviction which the author believes the logic of facts is daily confirming, that " Christianity, to maintain its rightful hold on the reason and conscience of men, needs a living, infallible witness to its truths and principles ; a living, infallible guardian of its purity and integrity, and a living, infalli- ble interpreter of its meaning." The doc- trine of infallibility, he believes, " goes to the very root of the Christian controversy, and supplies the only complete and satisfactory solution of the many and grave difficulties which it involves." Grant it, and in it " you have a ready, easy, and at the same time a perfectly satisfactory solution of the religious controversy with all its difficulties. Reject 704 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the doctrine of infallibility, and your path, as a believer in Christianity, is beset with insu- perable difficulties." Protestants, it appears, have very erroneous conceptions of the mean- ing of this doctrine, which if they were cor- rect would rightfully condemn it. As defined by the author, its true meaning is that " the Pope, by virtue of a special supernatural as- sistance of the Holy Spirit of Truth promised to him, in and through St. Peter, is exempt from all liability to err when, in the dis- charge of his Apostolic Office of Supreme Teacher of the Universal Church, he defines or declares, in matters of or appertaining to Christian faith or morals, what is to be be- lieved and held, or what is to •be rejected and condemned by the faithful throughout the world." Besides the meaning of infalli- bility, which is thus summarized, the author considers the reasons why Catholics believe in the dogma of infallibihty, the way they meet the objections to it, and — in the appen- dixes— The Ilappiness of Converts, Some Facts relating to the Vatican Council, and Pontifical Decrees and the Obedience due to them. The Tvto REPtrnLics; or, PiOME and the United States of America. By Alonzo T. Jones. Battle Creek, Mich. : Review and Herald Publishing Co. Pp. 895. Price, $2.50. The purpose of this book is to study the interrelationship of government and relig- ion, in respect to which Rome and the United States are regarded as occupying the two extremes. " The principle of Rome in all its phases is that religion and government are inseparable ; the principle of the Govern- ment of the United States is that religion is essentially distinct and totally separate from civil government, and entirely exempt from its cognizance. The principle of Rome is the abject slavery of the mind ; the principle of the United States of America is the abso- lute freedom of the mind. As it was Chris- tianity that first and always antagonized this governmental principle of Rome, and estab- lished the governmental principle of the United States of America, the fundamental idea, the one thread-thought of the book, is to develop the principles of Christianity with reference to civil government, and to portray the mischievous consequences of the least departure from those principles." All Sunday legislation is so strenuously opposed, that this may be regarded as the chief pur- pose of the book. The Rome that is treated of is that which was brought into relation with Christianity, the empire, and the papacy. The persecutions of the Christians, which are regarded as simply the legitimate outcome of the impartial enforcement of the laws when inflicted by good emperors, and as a part of their undiscriminating viciousness when inflicted by bad ones, arc considered the legitimate results of the union of Church and State. As Christianity became stronger, it is charged with having adopted heathen features as a means of making its way more rapidly — " the great apostasy " — and par- ticularly those connected with the worship of the sun (which is supposed to be, of all pagan cults, the most abhorrent to Jehovah), and among them the consecration of Sunday. The growth of other features held to be in conflict with pure religion and freedom is traced through the lives of emperors and popes. The transplantation of some of them, even after the Reformation, to America, and their gradual elimination under the work- ings of our free institutions ; and the efforts, in recent years, by the National Reform Union, the Sabbath Union, and other socie- ties, to secure the incorporation in the Con- stitution of a recognition of the Christian religion, and the enforcement of Sabbath laws, are successively reviewed. " As sure- ly," the author concludes, " as the movement to commit the Government of the United States to a course of religious legislation shall succeed, so surely will there be re- peated the history of Rome in the fourth and fifth centuries," and our republic will " be led captive in the ruinous triumph of the papacy." The Positive Theory of Capital. By Ecgen V. Bohm-Bawerk. Translated, with a Preface and Analysis, by William Smart, M. A. London : Macmillan & Co. 1891. Pp. 428. Price, $4. In this volume Prof. Bohm-Bawerk deals with one of the vexed questions of econom- ics— the economic basis of interest — with the question why the lender of a sum of money, for instance, should demand at the end of the period for which it is lent, not only the original sum, but a bonus as well. The different theories which have been LITERARY NOTICES. 705 advanced by economists to account for in- terest have been reviewed and subjected to criticism by the author in his previous work, Capital and Interest. This destructive criti- cism he now follows by a positive construc- tion of his own, in which he seeks to find a lasting basis for the phenomenon of interest, in a theory which does not necessitate the resort to questionable hypotheses to support it. This basis he finds in considering inter- est, not as a bonus paid for the use of capi- tal, but as a surplus arising from the greater value of present goods over future ones. He regards the transaction, say, of the loan of a sum of money and the payment of interest for it, as a case of the exchange of goods — the exchange of present goods for future ones. As present goods are more desirable than future ones of the same face value, they command a premium, and this premium is interest. The following extract from the author's discussion of the sources of interest Bets forth clearly his own views, as well as his estimate of previous explanations : " In the previous book I have tried to show, and account for, the natural difference that exists between the value of present and the value of future goods. I have now to show that this difference of value is the source and origin of all interest on capital. But, as the exchange of present commodities for future commodities takes various forms, the phenomenal forms of interest are as vari- ous, and our inquiry must necessarily deal with them all. In the following chapters, therefore, I intend to take up, in succession, all the principal forms of interest, and I shall endeavor to show that, notwithstanding all differences in shape and appearance, the active cause in them all is one and the same — namely, the difference in value between present and future goods. " By far the simplest case of this differ- ence in value is presented in the loan. A loan is nothing else than a real and true ex- change of present goods for future goods ; indeed, it is the simplest conceivable phe- nomenal form, and, to some extent, the ideal and type of such an exchange. The ' lender,' A, gives to the ' borrower,' B, a sum of pres- ent goods — say present pounds sterling. B gets full and free possession of the goods, to deal with as he likes, and, as equivalent, he VOL. XL. — 48 gives into A's full and free possession a sum of entirely similar, but future, goods — say, next year's pounds sterling. Here, then, is a mutual transfer of property in two sums of goods, of which one is given as recom- pense or payment for the other. Between them there is perfect homogeneity, but for the fact that the one belongs to the present, the other to the future. I can not imagine how an exchange in general, and an ex- change between present and future goods in particular, could be expressed more simply and clearly. Now, in the last chapter we proved that the resultant of the subjective valuations which determines the market price of present and future goods is, as a rule, in favor of present goods. The borrower, therefore, will, as a rule, purchase the money which he receives now by a larger sum of money which he gives later. He must then pay an 'agio' or premium (Aufgeld), and this agio is interest. Interest, then, comes, in the most direct way, from the difference in value between present and future goods. " This is the extremely simple explanation of a transaction which, for hundreds of years, wa.«i made the subject of interpretations very involved, very far-fetched, and very untrue." Prof. Bohm-Bawerk considers the profit of capitalist undertakings as a case of inter- est, and explainable by his formula, on the ground that the " owners of capital are mer- chants in present goods, such goods being more valuable than the " future goods " — labor, uses of land, and capital — which the capitalist buys. While this work is primari- ly addressed to economists, it is quite within the range of the general reader who is inter- ested in economic questions. Electricity and Magnetism. Translated from the French of Amepee Guillemin. Revised and edited by Silvanus P. Thompson. Macmillan & Co. 1891. Pp. 967. Price, $8. The industrial applications of electricity have been so many and so varied, and they have increased at so great a rate in recent years, that the subject of the uses and possi- bilities of this marvelous agent possesses an interest for the general public shared by none of the other great agencies which have contributed so largely to our material ad- vancement. This interest has been both sustained and augmented by the many popu- 7o6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lar expositions which have appeared in recent years, in which the principles of the science and their application to the arts have been told in plain, simple, and attractive language. Already the popular literature of the subject is large, and keeps pace with the advance in industrial and technical uses. Of recent con- tributions of this character the work of M. Guillemin is one of the most notable. The work covers a general exposition of the science of electricity and magnetism, and then brief and concise descriptions of appa- ratus and appliances. In the division de- voted to the industrial applications, the sub- jects considered are — the mariner's compass, lightning-conductors, telegraphy, the tele- phone, microphone, and the radiophone, elec- tric clock-work, motors, transmission of power, electric lighting, electro-plating, and various minor applications. In an appendix Prof. Thompson gives a brief account of the modern views of the nature of electricity, based upon the researches of Faraday and Maxwell. The book is handsomely got up, printed in large type, on heavy calendered paper, with wide margins, and is very fully illus- trated. Mental SrcGEsnoN. By Dr. J. Ochoko- wicz, with a Preface by Charles Richet. New York : The Humboldt Publishing Company. Pp. 361. Price, $2. As we gather from the concluding chap- ter of this work, by mental suggestion is meant a " dynamic correlate " sent forth by thoughts in every direction. Thoughts do not travel ; " no substance is carried hither or thither, but a wave is propagated and modified more and more according to the different natures and the different resistances of the media it traverses." It is mental ac- tion at a distance, upon subjects which have to be in a proper rapport or relation to the acting thought. By it the phenomena of hypnotism, occultism, which it does not favor but banishes, and kindred mysteries are supposed to be accounted for. Accord- ing to Dr. Richet's interpretation, the theory means that " independently of any phe- nomenon appreciable by our normal senses or by our normal perspicacity, how quick soever it may be supposed to be, there ex- ists between the thought of two individuals a correlation such as chance can not account for." Dr. Ochorowicz sets forth a multitude of facts which have been observed by him- self and by sundry experimenters, criticises them vigorously and seeks to eliminate the diflBculties that might arise from fraud or chance, and to present the conclusions which seem to be established. Yet Dr. Richet does not maintain that his argument produces conviction, but only doubt. "So strong in its action upon our ideas is the influence of routine and of habit," which have taught us to ignore the conclusions to which the phenomena would lead an un- prejudiced mind. "But," Dr. Richet adds, "whatever the opinion ultimately formed as to the reality of mental suggestion, it ought not, I think, to influence one's judgment as to M. Ochorowicz's book. Everybody, it seems to me, must recognize his sincerity, his perseverance, and his contempt for ready-made opinions. One feels that he has a passionate love of truth." The body of the work consists largely of citations of incidents apparently or really illustrating the doctrine of mental suggestion, with the au- thor's criticisms and comments upon them, and the conclusions drawn from them. Solutions. By W. Ostwald. Translated by M. M. Pattison Muir. London and New York : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 816. Price, $3. The volume here oflPered to chemists is a portion of the author's Lehrbuch der allge- meinen Chemie, a second edition of which was issued toward the end of 1890. Suffi- cient reason for its translation and publica- tion by itself is given in the appearance and rapid growth during the last three or four years of van 't Hoff's theory of solutions. An authoritative statement of this theory, together with a systematic setting forth of the great mass of facts about solutions that have been accumulated, has obvious value for chemists at the present time. The emi- nent rank of the translator among English chemists, together with the fact that he has had the co-operation of the author in pre- paring this version, insures that the treatise has lost nothing 'in the process of transla- tion. It has, in fact, gained the benefit of some slight revisions, and some additions from memoirs published in the first half of 1891. LITERARY NOTICES. 707 The Practical Telephone Hand-book. By Joseph Poole New York : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 288. Price, 75 cents. The task which the author of this hand- book has performed is a presentation of the art of communication by telephone as it is now practiced. To this end he describes the batteries, receivers, transmitters, signaling apparatus, and switch boards in general use, the systems employed in operating telephone exchanges, modes of constructing telephone lines, together with the poles, wires, insula- tors, and other material required in the con- struction. Long-distance working is also treated, and underground work and the lo- calization of faults are not omitted, while a few minor or very recent topics are included in a miscellaneous chapter and an appendix. The volume is a thoroughly practical one and is fully illustrated. Modern American Methods of Copper- smelting. By Edwajid Dyer Peters, M. E., M. D. Second edition, revised and enlarged. New York: The Scien- tific Publishing Company. Pp 398. The author has dealt most largely in this work on facts gleaned from his own ex- perience, while he has aimed to touch upon theoretical questions only when it was essen- tial for the understanding of practical facts. Much attention has been given to matters of cost, both of construction and subsequent operation, and in this expenses are given, not as calculated on paper, but as actually incurred in building on a large scale and in smelting many thousand tons of ores under various circumstances, and in all the ordi- nary kinds of furnaces. The first edition of the book was published in 1887. For the second edition such new material as time and experience have suggested has been added. But the advances in copper- smelting since the work first appeared have been rather in a general enlargement of furnaces and apparatus than in any radical changes or inventions. A section on the electrolytic assay of copper has been pre- pared by Mr. Francis L. Sperry, of Sudbury, Ontario, and information and plans of the regenerative gas-furnaces used at Atvida- berg, Sweden, have been furnished by Mr. Paul Johnson. It is in these regenerative gas-furnaces that the author expects to see realized the vital point of economy in the use of fuel. In the first chapter the ores of copper are described ; in the second, their distribution is pointed out. The chapters that follow concern methods of copper as- saying, the roasting of copper ores in lump form, stall roasting, roasting in lump form in kilns, calcination of ore and matte in a finely divided condition, the chemistry of the calcining process, smelting, blast-fur- naces, the smelting of pyritous ores con- taining copper and nickel, reverberatory furnaces, refinement of copper with gas in Sweden, treatment of gold and silver bear- ing copper ores, and the Bessemerizing of copper mattes. A Graduated Course of Natural Science. By Benjamin Loewy, F. R. A. S., etc. Part II. London and New York : Mac- millan & Co. Pp. 257. Price, 60 cents. The second installment of this course of study consists wholly of experiments, most of them being in the domain of physics, but some in that of chemistry. The element- ary laws and principles of mechanics, acous- tics, optics, and electricity are successively brought out, and a few forms of chemical action are illustrated. A list of questions is given on the work included in each chapter. This part of the course is designed for young students, hence the directions and interpre- tations of the experiments are given in sim- ple language. An appendix contains hints for performing the experiments, and there are sixty diagrams of apparatus in the body of the book. The author states that he has throughout aimed at rendering the experi- ments feasible with a very limited appara- tus, and inexpensive materials and appli- ances. Electricity Simplified. By T. O'Conor Sloane. New York : Norman W. Hen- ley & Co. Pp. 158. Price, $1. The objects of this little book are to ex- plain the commonly accepted theory in re- gard to the action of electricity, and to de- scribe the various ways in which electrical energy has been practically utilized. The theoretical part of the subject most needs explanation, and hence naturally receives most attention. Among the practical ques- tions of popular interest that are answered are. How long does it take to send a signal 7o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. across the Atlantic Ocean ? how are cars on electric railroads worked ? and under what conditions can a fatal shock of elec- tricity be received ? The text is illustrated with twenty-nine tigures. The Story of our Continent. By N. S. Shaler. Boston : Ginn & Co. Pp. 290. Price, 85 cents. The study of the ordinary text-books on geography gives pupils a minute acquaint- ance with the features of each division of a country, but leaves them without any broad view of the country as a whole, and without any appreciation of the relations of one sec- tion to another. This lack with respect to North America Prof. Shaler has aimed to supply by means of a reader in geography and geology telling how this continent grew into its present form, what aboriginal peoples are known to have inhabited North America, how the form of the continent has affected the history of its several groups of colonists, and what are its resources and commercial condition. Comparisons with some features of the Eastern Continent are introduced in the course of the description. The volume is illustrated and has an index. Part XIX (July, 1891) of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research contains three principal papers, all of which embody reports, confirmed by several witnesses, of so-called psychic phenomena. The first pa- per, by Mr. F. W. H. Myers, is On Alleged Movements of Objects, without Contact, oc- curring not in the Presence of a Paid Me- dium. These movements include the rising of tables from the floor, knockings, ringing of bells, writing on slates, and the moving of chairs and various smaller articles. A rec- ord of Experiments in Clairvoyance is con- tributed by Dr. Alfred Backman, of Kalmar, Sweden. The cases given include seeing or- dinary actions at a distance, describing a murderer and his house, describing Christ- mas presents some days before Christmas that the King of Sweden was to receive, and finding a miniature revolver that had been lost in a field. Dr. Richard Hodgson de- scribes A Case of Double Consciousness oc- curring in a preacher named Bourne, living in Rhode Island. Mr. Bourne wandered from his home in 1887 and set up a small store in Norristown, Pa., which he kept for six weeks before recovering his identity. Mr. Bourne has been several times hypnotized and ques- tioned by Dr. Hodgson, Prof. James, and Dr. Morton Prince. A supplement contains a Third ad interim Report on the Census of Hallucinations, covering returns received in England and in France, a reply to Mr. A. R. Wallace on Spirit Photographs, by Mrs. Hen- ry Sidgwick, and two notices of books. Dr. Richard Hodgson, 5 Boylston Place, Boston, is the agent of the society in America. A laboratory manual has been published by Prof. Delos Fall, of Albion, Mich., under the title An Introduction to Qualitative Chem- ical Analysis. It is intended to lead students to learn analysis by the inductive method. That this method of study " produces strong, accurate, enthusiastic, and independent stu- dents " is attested by the author's experi- ence of several years with it. An introduc- tion contains an outline of the mode of teaching for which the book is adapted ; the tests are interspersed with practical hints and with questions that draw the student's attention to the essential features of what he is doing ; lists of apparatus and reagents re- quired are given, and also forms for record- ing the results, which to the student are dis- coveries. The Legislature of the new State of "Wyo- ming, in January, 1891, established the 11^- oming Experiment Station, which, under date of May, 1891, issued its first Bulletin. This document describes the organization and the proposed work of the station. The arrange- ments for agricultural experiments include six farms, at altitudes from four thousand to seven thousand feet above sea-level, four fifths of the State being between four thou- sand and eight thousand feet. All but one of these farms are under irrigation. Special experiments on grasses ai'e also being car- ried on under the direction of the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 33, Neio Series, of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station is de- voted to fertilizers. It contains one paper that can not be too highly praised ; this is an Explanation of Terms of Chemical Analy- sis. A great part of the literature of agri- cultural stations is made entirely useless for the farmers that are taxed to pay for it by the use of chemical and other technical LITERARY NOTICES. 709 phraseology that only graduates of scientific schools can understand. Sucli explanations as the above should be multiplied. A pamphlet with the title Ethereal Mat- ter ; Electricity and Akasa, has been made by Nils Kolkin, consisting of extracts from two books by the same author (J. M. Pinck- ney Co., Sioux City, Iowa, fifty cents). The subjects treated are the less known forces of Nature and various hypothetical sub- stances, and the pamphlet will doubtless have interest for those who enjoy excursions into the unexplored domain of physics. A stirring and practical address on 77ic Tcaclier as he should be, delivered by C. W. Bardccn in July, 1891, has been published in a pamphlet (Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y.). The drift of the address is that personality is of far more importance in a teacher than pe- dantically accurate knowledge on every sub- ject. A weekly magazine, called Railway Laiv and Legislation, and conducted by W. P. Canaday and G. B. West, began to appear in September, 1891 (712 Tenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C, $3 a year). It is con- cerned with legislation, litigation, and finan- cial and economic developments affecting common carriers. The first article is a his- torical sketch of The Nicaragua Canal Pro- ject. Other subjects treated are Canadian Competition and Discrimination, The Postal Telegraph Bill, The Coming Committees (a forecast), and various minor matters men- tioned in notes. Among the Miscellaneous Documents of the Fifty-first Congress was one entitled Postal Savings- Banks ; an Argument in their Favor by the Postmaster-Oeneral. The rea- sons for adding the function of savings- banks to the post-offices are set forth in a communication of fifteen pages, and an ap- pendix of seventy-two pages contains a pro- posed bill to establish postal savings-banks, details of such systems of banks in other countries, opinions of previous postmasters- general, a large number of press comments concerning postal savings-banks, and some minor exhibits. The first number of a quarterly maga- zine, devoted to matters of interest to in- habitants of Kansas, was published at Saii- na, Kan., July, 1891 (C. B. Kirtland Pub- lishmg Company, $1 a year). It is called Tlie Agora, and the contents of its first num- ber include The Kansas " Mulligrub," by Hon. William A. Phillips ; Imagination in Science, by Prof. L. E. Sayre; A New So- ciology, by Rev. E. C. Ray, D. D. ; " Bleeding Kansas," by Prof. J. W. D. Anderson ; be- sides other articles, poetry, and book notices. An Introductory French Reader, the ob- ject of which is to prepare the pupil in the shortest possible time to read French easily, has been prepared by William Dioight Wliit- ney and M. P. Whitney, and is published by Henry Holt & Co. and F. W. Christern. The exercises have been selected, with this end in view, from the works of the best-known French authors, choosing such passages as are simple enough to present little difficulty in translation, and so varied and interesting as to rouse and hold attention. A full vo- cabulary, in which the ordinary idiomatic phrases and expressions in the text are ex- plained, and a table of irregular verbs are added ; while the grammatical difficulties and a few literary and historical points are treated in the notes. (Price, 70 cents.) The A B C of the Swedish System of Educational Gymnastics is a practical hand- book for teaching the subject, prepared by Ilartvig Nissen, an experienced teacher of the exercise in the public schools of Boston, and published by F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. The first two chapters contain such ques- tions as have been frequently put to the au- thor, the answers to which give a satisfac- tory idea of the foundation of the system. Other chapters contain prescriptions for daily lessons, arranged for school classes of different grades. Full instructions and com- mands are given for each lesson, and the whole is illustrated by seventy-seven engrav- ings. (Price, 75 cents.) Mr. Thomas Bertrand Branson's little manual of Colloquial German is designed to be a drill-book in conversation for school classes or self-instruction, and is intended to offer in convenient form a short course in that art and in German composition. It contains exercises in ordinary English con- versation, which the student is expected to turn into German, to aid him in doing which a vocabulary, a summary of grammar, and a list of the irregular verbs arc added. (Pub- lished by Henry Holt & Co. Price, 65 cents.) 710 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY PDBLICATIONS EECEIVED. Annual Keport of the Postmaster-General. Gov- ernment I'rinting-Otfiee. Pp. lS-3. With Maps. Bacteriological World. Paul Paquin and J. H. Kellog-g, editors. Battle Creek, Mich. Monthly. Pp. 40. $2 a year, 25 cents a number. Bolton, H. C. Scientific Correspondence of Jo- seph Priestley. Pp. '240. With Portrait. Butler, Amos W. The Birds of Indiana. Pp. 135. Calendar for 1892. Styles & Cash. New York. Carus, Paul. Homilies of Science. Chicago : Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 317. $1.50. Chaddock. C. G. Visual Imagery of Alcoholic Delirium. Pp. 5. Eeprint. Commissioner of Labor. Annual Report for 1890. Parts I, II, and HI. Government Printing- office. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin 33. Wire-worms. Pp. 82. Engineering and Mining Journal. Mineral Sta- tistics for 1891. New York: Scientific Publishing Co. Pp. 78. Geikie, Archibald. Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 332. $1.50. Green, C. H. Catalogue of a Unique Collection of Cliff-dweller Eelii-s. Chicago. Pp.35. 25 cents. Hart, A. B. Epoch Maps illustrating American EUstory. New Y'ork : Longmans, Green .k Co. Humanity and Health. Monthly. New York : Humanity Pubhshing Co. Pp. 14. .f 1 a year, 10 cents a number. Hunt, T. Sterry. Systematic Mineralogy based on a Natural Classification. New York: Scientific Publishing Co. Pp. 391. $5. Hutchinson. Eev H. N. The Storv of the Hills. New Y'ork : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 357. $1.50. Keller, Helen. Souvenir of the First Summer Meeting of the American Association to promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Washington : Volta Bureau. Illustrated. Langley. S. P. Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Government Printing- office. Pp. 63. Lethabv, W. E. Architecture, Mysticism, and Mvth. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 272. $1".75. Martin. G. H. Antidotes to Superstition. Lon- don : Watts & Co. Pp. 154. New York State Reformatory. Sixteenth Year- book. Illustrated. New York and the World's Fair. Pp. 59. Il- lustrated. Peirce. Dr. 0. N. Sanitary Disposal of the Dead. Philadelphia Cremation Society. Pp. 57. Philosophical Review. Bimonthlv. J. G. Schurman, Editor. Boston : Ginn & Co. Pp. 12S. 75 cents a number. $3 a year. Porter, Robert P. The Eleventh Census. New York : Engraving & Printing Co. Pp. 64. Powell, J. W. Tnnth Annual Report of i,he United States Geological Survey. 2 vols. Pp. 123 and 774. Government Printing-Offiee. Illustrated. Report of Board of Engineer Officers, TTnited States Navv, on Ward's Water-tube Marine Boiler, etc. Pp. 82. Illustrated. Roads Improvement. Papers by Isaac B. Pot- ter, Edward P. North, and Prof. Lewis M. Ilaupt. Pp. 30. Reprint. School and Ct)]loge. Ray Greene Hnling, Editor. Boston : Ginn & Co. Monthly. Pp.64. 20 cents a number, Sl-50 a year. School of Applied Ethics. First Year's Work. Pp. 15. Scott, Alexander. Introduction to Chemical Theorv. London : Adam and Charles Black. Pp. 266, $1.25. Shufeldt, R. W". Where Young Amateur Pho- tographers can be of Assistance to Science. Pp. 5. Reprint. Illustrated. Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Papers. Some Observations on the Hevasu Pai Indians and The Navajo Belt-weaver. By K. W. Shufeldt.— On the Characters of some Palseozoic Fishes. By E. D. Cope.— Condition and Progress of the United States National Museum. B3' G. Brown Goode. — The Genus Panopeus. By James A. Benedict and Mary J. Rathbun.— The Pito te henua. or Easter Island. By William J. Thompson. — Aboriginal Skin-dress- ing. By Otis T. Mason. — Animals recently Ex- tinct, etc. By Frederic A. Lucas.— The Develop- ment of the American R;iil and Track. By J. ElJreth W'atkins. — Department of Geology, United States National Museum. By George P. Merrill. Govern- ment Priniing-Office, 1891. Statistics of Railways. Part of Third Annual Report to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Government Prin ting-Office, 1891. Pp. 99. Ad- vance sheets. Texas Sanitarian. T. J. Bennett, Editor Month- ly. Austin, Texas : Sanitarian Publishing Co.. Pp. 72. $2 a year. Thornton. C. S. Report on the Condition of the Cook County Normal School. Chicago. Pp. 27. Trimble, Henry. The Tannins. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippiucott Co. Pp. 168. $2. United States (Geological Survey Bulletins No. 62. 65, 67 to 81, inclusive. Government Printing- office, iS90 and 1891. Wright. G. Frederick. Theory of an Interglacial Submergence in England. Pp. 8. Reprint. Wyatt, Francis. The Phosphates of America. New Y'ork : Scientific Publishing Co. Pp. 187. $4. POPULAR MISCELLANY. A Defense of Examinations. — Examina- tions are defended by W. H. Maxwell, in a paper which he read before the National Education Association at its meeting in 1890. To the question, " Is examination one of the means that occasion those mental activities which result in knowledge, power, and skill ? " Mr. Maxwell gives an aflSrmative answer, say- ing : " Knowledge is not knowledge when it has been merely taken in. It is not knowledge until it has passed through the mind and come out again in words or actions of our own. Until this is done, we can not be sure even that we possess knowledge. Every thorough-going student has been at some time or other, when confronted with exami- nation questions, amazed at his own igno- rance of subjects with which he fondly im- agined he was thoroughly familiar. There is probably no better test of a teacher's ability than his power to determine, during the giving of a lesson or after it has been given, whether it has been mastered by his pupils. And yet I have frequently seen teachers of great ability astonished at their pupils' ignorance of subjects which they (the teachers) thought had been completely POPULAR MISCELLANY. 711 mastered. In all these cases the examina- tion test proves that the knowledge in ques- tion has not been assimilated, has not been converted into faculty. The very ac:. of reproducing knowledge in the pupil's own words or acts is one of the best means of converting it into faculty ; but it is not the only means. The process is not complete when isolated facts, nor even when divisions of a subject, have passed through the mind and been reproduced. All this is necessary, but it is not enough. It is but a means to an end, and the end is the comprehension of a subject as a whole, and the comprehension of the relations of the various parts to one another and to the whole. . . . Nor is even this all. The process of learning is not com- plete till the pupil can apply his knowledge in some practical way. . . • Examination consists not merely in reproducing knowl- edge imparted or acquired, but in making practical application of knowledge, in test- ing power and skill. And hence on this ground also — the ground of practical appli- cation as well as that of reproduction — ex- amination, seeing that it is not only a test of application and reproduction, but an exer- cise in application and a means of the develop- ment of power and skill, must be regarded as an element of teaching what is good." Climate and Health. — The modifying effects of differences in age deserve more attention than they have received in the dis- cussion of the influence of climate upon health. The question is a practical one, and admits, according to the Lancet, of some fairly definite rules and principles. In gen- eral, children respond more readily to change than older persons. They commonly do well at the seaside ; they often benefit signally by a sea-voyage, and do not suffer severely from the discomforts attending one. They suffer more than grown people from the de- pressing influences of city life ; and, in a large proportion of cases, they are not spe- cially benefited by the climate of high alti- tudes. The explanation of the love of chil- dren for the sea is that they are benefited by it, because they are commonly in a condi- tion to bear stimulation, not having used-up nervous systems. They are attracted by the sea and its products, and by the amusements natural to the seaside ; and some of their most common ailments are among the affec- tions most amenable to sea influences. The advantages of mountain air to them are not so conspicuous, but much has yet to be learned on this subject before it can be dis- cussed with full intelligence. Elderly peo- ple in general do well with equabiUty and moderate warmth, bear cold badly, and are most benefited by abundant sunshine. High altitudes are rarely suitable to them, and often injurious; and they do best in level places, where there is abundant shelter. They may or may not benefit by the seaside or a sea-voyage, but these measures can not be recommended with the same confidence as to children. In nothing is the superior recuperative power of youth over age more apparent than in the greater readiness and certainty of its response to change of cli- mate. We can confidently recommend to the young measures which we suggest du- biously to the old. In fact, change is rarely at fault in the earlier years of life, whereas it is often a doubtful and sometimes a haz- ardous experiment for the aged. In the case of the old, we need to have solid rea- sons and tolerably definite prospects before we induce them to give up the comforts and safety of home for the uncertainties of travel. The United States Life-saying Seryice. — Systematic methods for the preservation of life from shipwreck were not adopted till very late in history. According to Mr. Horace L. Piper, of our Life-saving Service, the eighteenth century was " well in its twi- light " before any organized effort, and that private, was made for this purpose. The first life-boat was not invented till after our independence was achieved, and George Washington had been two years President when the first serious steps in that direc- tion were taken in England. The United States was abreast of other coimtries in this work. The Humane Society, organized in Massachusetts in 1*786, devoted itself to it in 17S9. The Life-saving Service of the United States was begun in 1848, was made more effective in 1871, and was organ- ized into a separate bureau in 1878. For its purposes, the coasts of the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes, and the Pacific (excepting Alaska), com- prising more than ten thousand miles, are 712 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. divided into twelve life-saving districts, designated by number, beginning with Maine on the Atlantic and ending with AVashing- ton on the Pacific. Each district is in charge of a superintendent chosen for his knowledge of the subject, business capacity, and executive ability. The districts are subdivided into stations, known by the names of their localities, and situated with regard to the special dangers of the coast. They are of two kinds : complete life-saving stations, and houses of refuge. In all there are about two hundred and forty stations of both kinds, but some of them are not yet fully completed and manned. A majority of them are on the Atlatrtic coast ; ten on the shores of Maine and New Hampshire ; six in Massachusetts, where the Humane So- ciety provides whatever other service is needed ; thirty-nine on Long Island ; forty in New Jersey ; seventeen between Cape Henlopen and Cape Charles ; twenty-three between Cape Henry and Cape Hatteras ; one station and ten houses of refuge in Florida ; eight on the Gulf of Mexico ; forty- nine on the Lakes ; and twelve on the Pa- cific coast. Every station is in charge of an oflicer who is really the captain of the crew, but whose technical designation of keeper is a survival from the time when only one person was constantly employed and depended on volunteers for help. The crews are technically known as surfmen, and are selected by the keeper from the best men in the neighborhood. The crews are under the control of the keepers, and above these are the district superintendent, who visits the stations quarterly; the assistant inspector, who makes monthly rounds ; and the general inspector, who reports periodi- cally to headquarters in Washington. The statements of the operations of the service show that it has been very effective in sav- ing life and property. The entire loss of lives on all the coasts of the United States under the present system since 18 VI has been only thirty-eight in excess of the loss on the Long Island and New Jersey coasts alone during the preceding twenty years. This efficiency is lax-gely due to the fact that politics "has not yet intruded into the service, while the principle of choosing and keeping the best men for their work has been stead- fastly adhered to. Organic Variation a Chemical Problem. — The laws of chemism are applied by Prof. A. E. Dolbear to explain the phenom- ena of protoplasmic growth and change. Since the discovery of the mechanical equiv- alent of heat there has been no alternative but to suppose those phenomena to be due to motion. Having shown that such motions of matter as constitute sound, heat, magnet- ism, and the rest, all produce fields external to themselves, and that within such fields other bodies are brought into similar states of position or of motion or both, the author would apply the same principle to proto- plasm and cell structure. " Imagine a cell with any degree of complexity, surrounded by material such as it is itself composed of, and what should one look for to take place if not that the same kind of a structure should be reproduced ? When this happens, we say growth has taken place, and it is at- tributed to life. As the new cell is similar to the old one that furnished the specific conditions for its development, we say it has inherited its form and functions. The bearings of this upon the fundamental prob- lems of biology are apparent. If the fore- going be true, heredity is explained as much as inductive magnetism is, and is no more mysterious. . . . Suppose that in such a complex molecule as protoplasm a single atom of a different substance should acci- dentally become imbedded, either as a con- stituent or not, it would bring its field along with it necessarily, and the resultant field of the whole would be modified. It could not be what it would be in the absence of this new constituent, and consequently the reaction upon other matter in its neighborhood would be different, and the next organic molecule formed would need to be a little differently organized. Mechanical conditions would ne- cessitate it. Again, if energy, radiant or conducted, should act for a short time upon one part of a molecule, it might easily bring about an exchange of positions among some of the less stable constituents without other disturbance, and this too would result in a change of the configuration of the field and the direction of growth. Every change in the collocation and motions among molecules exhibits itself in changed properties. Such conditions might properly be spoken of as changes in the environment, but it is mo- POPULAR MISCELLANY. 713 lecular environment, and the difference be- tween this idea and that heretofore com- mon is, that tlie molecule produces an en- vironment of its own — the space beyond its own geometric boundary, in which it is com- petent to act upon other bodies and compel other bodies to conform in a greater or less degree to it. More than that, a new con- stituent in a nearly saturated molecule could not have as firm a grip upon the structure as the older constituents could have, al- though it might so modify things while pres- ent as to organize other molecules in like manner, but slight changes in the neighbor- hood might slough off the new acquisition in a subsequent generation, so there might be a return to the form and qualities of the ancestry — that is, reversion to a former type would also be a mechanical consequence. Thus growth, heredity, variation, and rever- sion may be considered as the consequence of atoms vibrating in harmonic orders, each producing its own field in the universal ether, and each group of atoms constituting a molecule, large or small, having a field which is the resultant of all the fields of its constituents. All of them are molecular properties as much as any one of them can be, and growth has been believed for a long time to be a property of inorganic molecules. The cause of variation is therefore molecu- lar as truly as isomerism is a different collo- cation of atoms. It is a chemical problem." Snake-myths. — A great deal of nonsense has been published, and a great deal more is believed, about snakes. Some most thrill- ing stories turn upon a power which ser- pents are credited with of fascinating their victims. This appears to be a superstition. According to Mr. Vincent Richards, mice, birds, dogs, guinea-pigs, and other small animals, introduced into a rattlesnake's cage, show little fear, even at first, and after- ward none whatever. Smaller birds, after fluttering about till they are tired, end by becoming amusingly familiar with the snakes. Mr. Richards put two rats into a cage con- taining forty cobras. At the outset the rats' appetites were considerably affected, and they were evidently alarmed. In a short time, however, they recovered their spirits, and caused considerable commotion among the cobras by running all over their heads and bodies. The snakes resented this fa- miliarity by darting at each other and at imaginary foes. The rats lived and partook of food in the cage for ten or twelve days, when, one after another, they were found dead — " victims, no doubt, of misplaced confidence." It is still a matter of debate whether snakes are proof against their own poison. The remedies advised for snake- bite are of doubtful validity. Because a man recovers after being bitten by a snake, and dosed with opium, mercury, ammonia, or what not, we must not jump to the con- clusion that the treatment has effected a cure. A snake may bite without poisoning. Biting, though in appearance simple enough, consists really of a series of complex move- ments, following rapidly one upon another in ordered sequence, should any of which be inadequately performed, the victim may not be properly poisoned. Ammonia, alcohol, and making the patient move about, are worse than useless ; for they increase the ac- tivity of the circulation, and thereby pro- mote the absorption of the poison. Even permanganate of potash is of no effect un- less it is administered within four minutes. Researches into the nature of the poison have shown that it resides in some proteid, and that there are three toxic elements — globulin, serum albumen, and acid albu- men— but wherein the quality consists that gives to these substances, usually so harm- less, their poisonous power, is as much in the dark as ever. The Gems of the Ancients. —The gems of the ancients, according to Prof. J. H. Middle- ton's book on the Engraved Gems of Classi- cal Times, consisted chiefly of the varieties of quartz — including colorless rock crystal, amethyst, sard, carnclian, chalcedony, chrys- oprase, plasma, jasper, onyx, and sardonyx. Among the non-silicious stones were chryso- beryl, topaz, emerald, garnets, peridote, tur- quoise, opal, and lapis lazuli. The translu- cent stones are preferred, for artistic pur- poses, to the transparent ones. They admit the light, but not the forms of objects, and better reveal the charms of fine and noble workmanship. Many "gems" have been wrought or reproduced in paste and glass. Paste was a hard glass colored by various me- talHc oxides, such as those of manganese, iron, 7H THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. copper, and cobalt. Sometimes a piece of paste was treated by the gem-engraver just as if it were a natural stone, and sculptured by the aid of the same tools ; but inore gener- ally the glass was melted and pressed into a mold. Such a mold had been taken from an engraved gem by a pellet of clay which was afterward hardened by fire. Paste gems arc often beautiful in color and design, though the material lacks something of the optical properties which distinguish many of the true natural stones. The tools and processes employed in ancient times in en- graving gems were virtually the same as those in use to day— drills, wire saws, and files, re-enforced with emery, and gravers of dia- mond, sapphire, or rock-crystal. Courtship in Torres Strait.— The people living on the islands of Torres Strait are divided by Prof. Arthur C. Haddon into the eastern and western tribes, and customs differ considerably among them. While the usual course in marriage is followed by the eastern tribe, in the western tribe the girls propose — or did, till " civilization " overtook them — marriage to the men. " It might be some time before a man had an offer ; but should he be a fine dancer, with goodly calves, and dance with sprightliness and energy at the festive dances, he would not lack ad- mirers. Should there still be a reticence on the part of his female acquaintances, the young man might win the heart of a girl by robbing a man of his head. Our adventur- ous youth could join in some foray ; it mat- tered not to him what was the equity of the quarrel, or whether there was any enmity at all between his people and the attacked. So long as he killed some one — man, woman, or child — and brought the head back, it was not of much consequence to him whose head it was. . . . The girl's heart being won by prowess, dancing skill, or fine appearance, she would plait a strong armlet, tiajmruru ; this she intrusted to a mutual friend, pref- erably the chosen one's sister. On the first suitable opportunity the sister said to her brother, ' Brother, I have some good news for you. A woman likes you.' On hearing her name, and after some conversation, if he was willing to go on with the affair, he told his sister to ask the girl to keep some ap- pointment with him in the bush. When the message was delivered, the enamored damsel informed her parent that she was going into the woods to get some wood or food, or made some such excuse. In due course the couple met, sat down and talked, the proposal being made with perfect deco- rum. The following conversation is given in the actual words used by my informant, Maine, the chief of Tud. Opening the con- versation, the man said, ' You like me prop- er ? ' ' Yes,' she replied, ' I like you proper with my heart inside. Eye along my heart see you — ^you my man.' Unwilling to give himself away rashly, he asked, ' IIow you like me ? ' 'I like your fine legs, you got fine body — your skin good — I like you alto- gether,' replied the girl. After matters had proceeded satisfactorily, the girl, anxious to clinch the matter, asked when they were to be married. The man said, ' To-morrow, if you like.' They both went home and told their respective relatives. Then the girl's people fought the man's folk, ' for girl more big' (i. e., of more consequence) ' than boy ' ; but the fighting was not of a serious character, it being part of the programme of a marriage. 'Swapping' sisters in matri- mony was a convenient way of saving ex- pense in the way of wedding gifts, for one girl operated as a set-off to the other." V.alne of Photography. — The name of impressionists has been given to a school of painters who, abandoning all consideration of the arrangements and mechanism of pre- vious workers, have consulted only their im. pressions of natural scenes, and have painted to those impressions. " With one point of sight and one subject of supreme interest they have aimed to seize above all the action and first impression of that subject." The natu- ralistic school trust rather to a study of Na- ture, and make its truthful representation and perfect expression the criterion of their art. Mr. George Davison sees no reason why pho- tography should not be used to express our impressions of natural scenes as well as any other black-and-white method. Worked under the same conditions as the eye, or under conditions as nearly approximate as possible, nothing, he says, gives so truthful a record in drawing as photography, and nothing, when the proper means are used and the requisite knowledge is possessed by the POPULAR MISCELLANY. 715 photographer, gives so delicately correct a relation of tones. It is to the proper use of the proper means at their disposal that pho- tographers need stimulating. The most im- portant of these means are such as are directed to securing the proper light effect and relations of light values, and those which give the focusing and relative interests of the subject. Some of the simplest facts of light are overlooked by photographers, who have been governed by untrue and mislead- ing conventions and dogmas concerning gra- dation and brilliancy. Instead of deep black prints usually in favor among them, it is of first-rate importance in landscape pictures to keep the shadows light. To repeat the im- pression of outdoor light the whole picture must be luminous, and not heavy and dark, as is the effect of the ordinary style. Fur- ther, the shadows when the sun shines are lighter than when he is obscured. The printing medium employed is an important consideration. Mr. Davison finds excellent qualities in the newest extra rough-surfaced papers. Photography is good under suitable conditions of light for representing transient action and effects. Photography has pre- eminently more of painting qualities than any other monochrome process. It is not specially limited to nor compelled to empha- size facts of form. It gives form by means of tone against tone — the best means of ren- dering it — and its truth of form is unlimited. It is equal to any other black-and-white pro- cess. In nothing more than closed forms is the delicacy of its tonal discriminations shown. The quality of naturalness will tell in the long run. Men will weary of empha- sis, and graphic artists will leave past his- tory, archaeology, and fiction to literature or scientific drawing. A Voodoo Initiation. — A paper was com- municated to the International Folk-lore Congress in London by Miss Owen on Voo- doo Magic, to the mysteries of which she alone among white women had been initi- ated. The ceremony of initiation began with a walk at midnight, barefooted and bareheaded, to a fallow field. The author had to walk backward to the field, and when there, to pull up, with her hand behind her, a weed by the roots. She was then bidden to run home and throw the weed under her bed, to be left there till sunrise. Next, the weed had to be stripped of its leaves and made into a little packet, to be worn under the right arm for nine days. At the end of this time the leaves of the packet had to be scattered to the four winds, a few being thrown at a time over the right shoulder as the novice turned round and round, so that they might fall north, south, east, and west. When this was done the novice was ready for instruction. Slie learned that the pre- eminently lucky number which, when woven into incantations, was irresistible, was four times four times four; while ten was the unlucky number. After this a knowledge of the value of certain vegetable remedies and poisons had to be acquired. Charms were divided into four degrees. The first were good charms, the hardest to work, be- cause good is always more difficult to prac- tice than evil ; the second were bad charms and fetiches made in the name of the devil ; the third had special reference to bodily ailments ; and the fourth related to what were called "commanded things," such as earth and pieces of stick. After each lesson both pupil and teacher had to get drunk, either by drinking whisky or by swallowing tobacco-smoke. To be thoroughly equipped the novitiate must possess a conjuring-stone — a stone black, kidney-shaped, and very rare. These stones were supposed to oper- ate most rapidly when the moon was full or just beginning to wane. At other times, if the stones were not efficacious enough, their potency could be stimulated by a libation of whisky. Cremation in Japan. — We are indebted to a correspondent of the London Spectator for the following interesting account of this method of disposing of the dead in Meguro, Tokeigo. It appears that cremation is the general custom among the "Monto sect of the Buddhists," a highly enlightened branch of Japanese Buddhism, which holds to the immortality of the soul as one of its leading tenets. " The building is of plaster, with an earthen floor, with stone supports for bodies. The chimneys are wide, and are carried to a considerable height, and there is no escape of disagreeable effluvium over the neighbor- hood. The bodies in the ordinary wooden chests which are used for burial are placed 7i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. upon piles of fagots at 8 p. m., and are to- tally consumed by 6 a. m. The relations are admitted early in the morning, and the ashes are collected and placed in urns. The scale of charges is 3s. 6(/., Is. 6d., 15s., and 20s., the process in each case being the same, the only difference being that the highest charge insures a solitary chamber, while for the lowest the corpse may be consumed in com- pany with five others, each, of course, occu- pying a separate stone platform." Chinese Cookery. — It appears, from the Pall Mall Budget, that the great number of strange dishes spoken of in books of travel are seen only at official banquets, and do not constitute the meals even of the wealthy Chinese. These public dinners are usually given in restaurants, which are built two or three stories high, the kitchen and public rooms being on the first floor, the private rooms above. A correspondent of the Jour- nal des Dcbats gives the following as the bill of fare at a banquet given by a French official of the Chinese Government to Chen Pao-Chen, the Viceroy of the Two Kiangs : " Four large ' classical ' or stock dishes — swallows' -nest soup with pigeons' eggs, sharks' fins with crabs, trepang {beche de mer) with wild duck, duck with cabbage. Dishes served in cups placed before each guest — swallows' nests, sharks' fins, wild cherries, vegetables, mushrooms with ducks' feet, quails, pigeons in slices, dish of sun- dries. Four medium-sized dishes — ham and honey, pea-soup, vegetables, trepang. Four large dessert dishes — pea-cheese with bam- boo roots, bamboo roots, chicken, shell-fish ; four dishes of dried fruits as ornaments, four kinds of dry fruits, four kinds of fruits in sirup, four kinds of fresh fruit ; four dishes of Iiors d^cfuvre (two varieties in each dish) — ham and chicken, fish and gizzard, tripe and vermicelli, duck and pork chops. Dishes set before each guest — almonds and watermelon pips, pears and oranges. Sweet and salt dishes served in cups set before each guest — ^two kinds of salted cakes, ham- broth, a broth composed of pork, chicken, and crab boiled down, two sweet cakes, a cup of lotus fruit, a cup of almond milk. Roast and boiled meats — sucking pig, roast duck, boiled chicken, boiled pork. Entre- mets— a dish of cakes with broth, slices of pheasants. Last service — mutton broth, almond jelly, white cabbage, pork and broth, bowls of rice, cups of green tea." Notwith- standing this elaborate " bill of fare," the Chinese are generally an abstemious people. A coolie will subsist upon eight shillings a month, and live comfortably upon twice that sum. Boiled rice is the staple article of food. In the north of China wheat and ca- nary seed, boiled and made into small i-olls, are much used. Small cakes made of boiled wheat, together with a little fish or some vegetables, constitute an excellent dinner for a Chinaman. Some light refreshment is frequently taken between meals by the well-to-do Chinaman — " the kuo tsa lead- ing up to the morning, the kuo tsong to the midday, and the tien chen to the even- ing meal, while the chian ya and the kuo yia are partaken of during the night by those who can not get to sleep." A Defense of Opinm- smoking. — That there is no cause without its advocate is evident from the fact that Consul Gardner, in a trade report for the past year, plausibly defends the practice of opium -smoking. We gather the following from the Pall Mall Budget : About 12,000,000 pounds of opium are yearly consumed in China. The smok- ers are of thrfee classes — occasional smokers, habitual moderate smokers, and excessive habitual smokers. When a Chinaman is said to smoke opium, the recognized mean- ing is that he belongs to the third class, just as with us when we say that a man " drinks," excessive drinking is understood. In smoking, only part of the drug is con- sumed ; the ash when reprepared yields fifty per cent of opium. This accounts for the fact that the saloon-keepers sell opium at what appears to be cost price ; the ash yields the profit and pays for light, house- rent, and attendance. It is estimated that the immoderate smoker consumes not over four pounds a year, and the average annual consumption of all classes is half a pound. If, as this implies, half the adult popula- tion smoke, and opium-smoking is the evil it is represented to be, why are there not visi- ble inherited ill effects ? Consul 'Gardner, in reply, says : " The length of the intestines in man shows that a due admixture of ani- mal and vegetable food is the diet best suited POPULAR MISCELLANY. 717 to him. In China the population lives al- most entirely on vegetables. Opium-smok- ing slows the processes of digestion, and, in fact, has the same effect as long intes- tines, and consequently is highly beneficial." Again, the Chinese live in low, undraincd grounds, and are consequently liable to at- tacks of fever and ague. Under similar cir- cumstances the lowlanders of Lincolnshire took to laudanum ; the Chinese take opium in another form. Residents in China are struck with the comparative freedom of the people from pulmonary diseases. " That this immunity is not due to chmatic influ- ences is clearly proved by the fact that Euro- peans and Americans are not more free from the scourge in China than they are in their own countries." Morphia is an anaesthetic, and rarefied as smoke probably an antiseptic. " In this form it would tend to arrest the sup- puration of the lungs that takes place in consumption," Oscillations of Alpine Glaciers. — About thirty years ago, according to Herr von E. Richter, the glaciers of the Alps began a precipitate retreat. In 1870 the ti-aveler often found a stone-strewn plain or an un- dulating slope of polibhed rock where ten years before he had scrambled over crevassed ice. About five years later, a slight, tran- sitory forward movement was perceptible, while now the indications of an advance are becoming more marked. Similar changes, at earlier dates, are on record, and their his- tory has been studied by Prof. Forel, Ilerr von Richter, and others. The historical period of the oscillations of the glaciers ex- tends back about three centuries, while prior to this the notices are too sparse and vague to be of any real use. In this period eight marked epochs of glacier growth are on rec- ord. The first began in 1592, and the last, ex- cluding the slight one of 1875, in 1835. Each was followed by a period of diminution. The intervals between the epochs vary from twenty to forty-seven years. The observa- tions are not numerous enough to give trust- worthy indication of a law, but are supposed to hint at one. The changes are connected with climatic variations, but effects are pro- duced more quickly than is generally sup- posed. In the present century the curves representing the oscillations of the glacier and those of the annual temperature nearly correspond. Some traditions assert that in the middle ages the glaciers had almost melted away from many parts of the Alps, and passes were then crossed by women and children which are now left to experienced mountaineers. Their evidence relates to the cultivation of vines, cereals, etc., in locali- ties where they are no longer grown, and to the former use of passes which are now practically closed. To the former evidence, as Herr Richter shows, little weight can be given. Man and Nature are in constant con- flict in the Alps, and the position of the frontier line between their territories is de- termined by the convenience of the former. If a particular form of cultivation ceases to be remunerative all the advanced posts are abandoned. Herr Richter, likewise, does not give much force to evidence based on the disuse of passes. This is more than likely to have been brought about by the discov- ery of better ways or the making of new roads. In short, says the Saturday Review, under this author's treatment, " the tradi- tions, not the glaciers, become unsubstantial, and the warm epoch in the mediseval history of the Alps goes the way of many other legends." Origin of tlie Colors of Flowers. — Any one, says Mr. E. Williams Hervey, in Garden and Forest, can solve the problem as to the primitive color of flowers by a study of the native wild plants growing by the roadside or in the fields and woods. Two methods, he says, are employed by Nature in the de- velopment of colors, one of which he calls the imperfect or foliar development, and the other the normal floral process. In the former, the colors are apparently evolved directly from the green chlorophyl, as the reds, purples, and yellows of autumn leaves ; for from some green-colored flowers a rather limited number of dull reds, purples, and yellows are produced. The reds and reddish purples are, however, rare, and appear mostly on the scales of involucres, where they are common, on the spathes of several of the Aracece, in Salicornia of the salt marshes, which turns red in the fall, and in the castor- oil plant of gardens, which turns a reddish purple in all its parts. The author does not find a satisfactory example of yellow evolved 718 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. directly from green among our native plants, and doubts if any pure yellow ever immedi- ately succeeds green. But there are some greenish-yellow flowers. For illustration of the normal floral method of development by which he believes all the bright, attractive hues of the floral world are produced, the author takes up the Spiranthes gracilis, or ladies-tresses, an orchid which grows in all our fields, having small white flowers spirally disposed at the summit of the scape. The lip is green, fringed around the edges with white, and the other petals are wholly white. " A small section of the petals, placed under the magnifying glass, appears colorless and transparent, while the delicate network of the tissue glistens like crystal ; yet this colorless tissue, in a mass, reflects white. In the same manner a single leaf- like bract of Moiiot-opa unijlora, severed from the stem, appears colorless ; but two or more placed together, making a greater thickness, reflect a decided white color." Attention is called to the fact that in Sjcii- ranthcs the white color directly succeeds the dark rich green of the lip. The author then endeavors to demonstrate that the universal law of progression in color, as regards the floral structure, is first from gi'cen to white ; "or, differently stated, Nature, before she begins to paint the more rich and delicate tissue of the petals, by some secret chemical process completely eliminates the chloro- phyl and prepares a perfectly pure and white canvas upon which to essay higher flights of fancy." Twenty-eight wild and garden flowers are cited as illustrating this principle in the development of their colors, and numerous inconspicuous or weed-like plants in the coloring of their sepals ; while the hues of flowers of other colors are thus produced by transition through white, " with- out a single exception every flower that came to hand of a white color was developed directly from green, without any intervening color." €anaries> — A correspondent of the Lon- don Spectator writes chattily of his pet ca- naries, and seems to show that they are very human in their reason and unreason. Dur- ing some intensely hot weather, when the ben was sitting, she drooped, and it seemed as if she might not be able to hatch her eggs. The cock, however, showed himself an excellent nurse. After bathing in fresh cold water, he went every morning to the edge of the nest and allowed the hen to re- fresh herself by burying her head in his breast. A green and yellow canary hung side by side, and were treated exactly alike. One day three dandelion blossoms were given to the green bird and two to the yellow one. The latter showed his anger at the proceeding by " flying about his cage, singing in a shrill voice." But when one of the three flowers was taken away, both birds seemed quietly to enjoy their feast. Utilizing the Less-known Metals. — In closing his presidential address before the Chemical Section of the British Association, Prof. Roberts-Austen spoke of the great importance of extending the use of the less-known metals. He supposed that in the immediate future there would be a rapid increase in the number of metallurgical pro- cesses that depend on reactions which are set up by submitting chemical systems to electrical stress. Attention is at present concentrated on the production of alumi- num. Sodium, also, is of growing impor- tance, both for cheapening the production of aluminum, and as a powerful weapon of research. The manufacture of magnesium, which was a curiosity in 1849, has become an important industry. We may confidently expect to see barium and calcium produced on a large scale as soon as their utility has been demonstrated by research. Minerals containing molybdenum are not rare ; and the metal could probably be produced as cheaply as tin if a use were to be found for it. The quantities of vanadium and thallium which are available are also considerable ; but we as yet know little of the action when alloyed of those metals which are in daily use. The field for investigation is vast, for it must be remembered that valu- able qualities may be conferred on a mass of metal by a very small quantity of an- other element. The useful qualities im- parted to platinum by iridium are well known. A small quantity of tellurium obliterates the crystalline structure of bis- muth ; but we have lost an ancient art, which enabled brittle antimony to be cast into useful vessels. Two tenths per cent NOTES. 719 of chromium increases the strength of gold enormously, while the same amount of bis- muth reduces the tenacity to a very low point. Chromium, cobalt, tungsten, titani- um, cadmium, zirconium, and lithium are already well known in the arts, and the valuable properties which metallic chro- mium and tungsten confer upon steel are beginning to be generaUy recognized. NOTES. The Electrical Engineer begins the new year with the publication of the first of a series of articles on the electrical and mag- netic discoveries of Prof. Joseph Henry, by his daughter, Miss Mary A. Henry, of Wash- ington, with notes by Mr. Franklm Leonard Pope. Additional interest is given to these articles by the fact that the author will en- deavor in them to substantiate the claim that Prof. Henry was the original discoverer of magneto-electricity. A German physician, Dr. Krug, claims that he has discovered how to make an eat- able and nutritious cake with wood. His method consists in transforming the cellulose into grape sugar, a substance assimilable by the animal organism. The biscuit is made by adding to this about forty per cent of meal of wheat, oats, or rye. Phosphates and all the bone elements may also be nitro- duced. This bread of wood-glucose is in- tended to be fed to cattle, for which it will take the place of oil-cakes and other feeds composed of industrial wastes. TiiK Council of the School of Mines in England has determined that the room at South Kensington containing the library of research presented by Prof. Huxley to the institution, and in which he taught for nearly twenty years, shall be entirely set apart as the Huxley Laboratory for Biological Reseach. An endowment of one thousand pounds be- queathed for the establishment of a prize or scholarship in biology, has become avail- able, together with the scientific books and instrum"ents, and its proceeds will be appro- priated annually in aid of a student in this laboratory, which now has provision for two students. Ma. Albkrt Koebele, of our Bureau of Entomology, who is studying the enemies of insect pests in the Australasian colonies, was recently introduced by Sir James Hec- tor to the Wellington Philosophical Society, New Zealand, as a naturalist whose work in securing the'Vedalia lady-bird to destroy the Iceria pest of the California orchards is " one of the grandest things in the interest of fruit and" tree growers that have been effected in modern times." A CORRESPONDENT of the Gcncva (Switz- erland) Tribune relates that his family were disturbed one evening by a mysterious nng- ino- of the electric bells all over the house. Investigating the cause, the writer found that a large spider had established itself at a point where the bell and the electric light wires ran close to one another, with one leg on either wire, thus establishing a connec- tion. A SPECIMEN of prehistoric hatchets of pe- cuhar form was exhibited by M. Villanova, of Piera, at the meeting of the French Asso- ciation. About two hundred of them had been found at Elcho. They were simple em- blems or images of a hatchet, made of a thin blade of metal, ornamented on both sides from one end to the other, and without edges. At the top is a kind of cup suggest- in^ a socket that does not exist, and repre- senting, probably, the jet of the casting. Java is said to be the region of the globe where it thunders oftenest, having thunderstorms on ninety-seven days in the year. After it are Sumatra, with eighty-six days- Hindustan, with fifty-six; Borneo, with fifty-four ; the Gold Coast, with fifty- twe ; and Rio de Janeiro, with fifty-one. In Europe Italy occupies the first place, with thirty-eight days of thunder, while France and "southern Russia have sixteen days, Great Britain and Switzerland seven days, and Norway only four days. Thunder is rare at Cairo, being heard on only three days in the year ; and is extremely rare in northern Turkistan and the polar regions. The northern limit of the region of thunder- storms passes by Cape Ogle, Iceland, Nova Zembla, and the coast of the Siberian Sea. A PRIZE of four hundred kronen is of- fered by the Royal Danish Academy of Sci- ences at Copenhagen for investigations on the exact nature and proportions of the more important carbohydrates present at different stages of maturity, in the cereals in most general use. The use of aluminum is recommended by Mr. G. L. Addeubrooke, instead of brass, for the framing of photographic lenses and the metal parts of cameras ; for the revolving tripod heads fixed in the base-boards of cameras ; and for developing dishes, for which he regards it as very suitable, for the action of most of the chemicals used in pho- tography is very slight upon it, and, when there is any, the compounds formed would not be harmful. In the course of an account of various marriage customs. Dr. A. H. Post refers to a strange sort of symbolical marriage with plants, trees, animals, or inanimate objects, which is supposed to have originated m In- dia. If any one proposes to enter upon a union that "is not in accordance with tradi- tional ideas, it is believed that the ill luck which is otherwise sure to follow may be 720 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. averted by a marriage of this kind, when the evil consequences will pass over to the object chosen. In some regions a girl must not marry before her elder sisters, but in parts of southern India the difficulty is over- come by the eldest daughter marrying the branch of a tree. Then the wedding of the younger daughter may be safely celebrated. Facts well known to boys who are famil- iar with the woods are reported by Mr. C. Fitzgerald in The Zoologist. During many winters passed in the backwoods of North America, he has seen squirrels frisking among the trees in the coldest weather. On bright, sunny days especially, they delight in chas- ing one another from tree to tree among the evergreens, and cover the snow with their tracks. The chipmunks lay up in the au- tumn a store of provisions of grain, nuts, etc., for winter, and may be seen sunning themselves on laright days. Mr. Fitzgerald has on several occasions come across their hoards, and once saw two large bucketfuls of shelled buckwheat taken from the hollow of an old birch tree. FKriT-TREES are planted along the road- sides of several countries of Europe, but it has not been usual to attach great impor- tance to the value of their products. Recent estimates made in Germany show that this is considerable. The i-oadside trees of Han- over gave a gross return in 1890 of 270,000 francs, of which 187,000 francs were de- rived from the fruits. The roadside fruits of the Hildersheim region returned 64,000 francs, and those of Gottingcn 41,000 francs; and the district of Reutlingen, according to the Gartcnflora, derived 333,000 francs from the sale of these fruits. The trees of the Monheim district, first planted in 1858, yielded 9,500 francs in 1868, 22,000 francs in 1878, and about 36,000 francs in 1888. Old newspapers are said to make valu- able anti-moth wrappers for furs and winter clothing, the ink upon them being nearly as repulsive to all kinds of vermin as camphor or coal-tar paper. They are likewise good to lay on carpets for a like purpose. Being impermeable to air, they also form excellent envelopes for vessels containing ice and fresh liquors. Garden and Forest tells the story of two famous trees which were saved from de- struction, each by the sagacity and liberality of a man who appreciated their value. One is the giant Manzanita (Arcfostaphylos »n«?i- zanita), of St. Helena, Cal., which a wood- chopper in the employ of the Napa Valley Wood Company had begun to cut down when Dr. C. Hitchcock, passing by, paid two dol- lars to have it saved. The other is the fine red oak of Dedham, Mass., which Thomas Motley, father of the historian, who owned the adjoining place, paid its owner to have spared. Both of these trees are now owned by men who will preserve them. The names of the men to whom their continued life is due deserve to be remembered. OBITUARY NOTES. OcR French papers bring news, with no particulars, of the death, January 12th, of M. A. de Quatrefages, the eminent anthro- pologist, at the age of eighty-two years. M. Jean Servais Stas, the distinguished Belgian chemist, died at Saint-Gilles, near Brussels, December 13th, after a short ill- ness. He was born at Lou vain in 1813, studied in Paris under Dumas, and, return- ing to Belgium, became a professor in the Military School. He was afterward Commis- sioner of Moneys, a member of the Commis- sion of the Obsei'vatory, and, after the death of Houzeau, of the Committee of Direction, Belgian representative in the International Committee of Weights and Measures, mem- ber of many learned societies at home and abroad, and bearer of many honors. His chemical researches were numerous, and have been much quoted from. Dr. H. K. H. Hoffmann, Professor of Botany at Giessen, and Director of the Bo- tanic Institute there, died October 27th, in the seventy-third year of his age. Edouard Maillt, formerly aid at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, died October 8th, in his eighty-second year. He entered the Observatory as a computer in 1832, and occupied himself there with the reductions of the meridional observations. He published in the Annuaire of the Observatory, and in the Academical Collections, a number of works in the history of science which were highly prized. Among them were essays on the Scientific Institutions of Great Britain and Ireland, Spain, Italy, and the United States, a sketch of Astronomy in the Southern Hem- isphere and in India, papers on the history of the Belgian Academy, biographical notices of Adolphe and Ernest Quetelet, Van Ries, and Argclander, and a book of reminiscences. The Right Rev. Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle, who died in York, England, No- vember 25th, took a prominent part in the discussion of questions involving the inter- relations of science and religion. Being an eminent mathematician, as well as a distin- guished theologian, he enforced his arguments with mathematical methods and principles, which added greatly to their effect. He was clear, judicious, and temperate in argument, and rarely missed the essential point. The pa- pers by him which have been published in the Monthly attest his ability in this particular. Prof. Joseph Lovering, Hollis Professor Emeritus of Harvard College, died January 18th of heart-failure following grip, in the seventy-ninth year ot his age. A full sketch of his life and scientific activity till his re- tirement from work in 1888 was published in the Monthly for September, 1889. KhlS^ CONSTAKTINE SAMUEL TJAriNESQITE. For Sketch, see Vol. XXIX, p. 212 (June, 1880). THE POPULAR SCIEITOE MONTHLY. APRIL, 1892. AGASSIZ AT PENIKESE. Bt Peof. DAVID STAER JOEDAN, PRESIDENT OF THE LELAND STANFOED JUiaOE UNIVEESITT. AGASSIZ was above all else a teaclier. His mission in Amer- ica was that of a teaclier of science — of science in the broad- est sense as the orderly arrangement of all human knowledge. He would teach men to know, not simply to remember or to guess. He believed that men in all walks of life would be more useful and more successful through the thorough development of the powers of observation and judgment. He would have the student trained through contact with real things, not merely ex- ercised in the recollection of the book descriptions of things. " If you study Nature in books/' he said, " when you go out of doors you can not find her." Agassiz was once asked to write a text-book in zoology for the use of schools and colleges. Of this he said : " I told the publish- ers that I was not the man to do that sort of thing, and I told them, too, that the less of that sort of thing which is done the better. It is not school-books we want, it is students. The book of Nature is always open, and all that I can do or say shall be to ■ lead young people to study that book, and not to pin their faith to any other." He taught natural history in Harvard College as no other man had taught in America before. He was "the best friend' that ever student had," because the most genial and kindly. Camr bridge people used to say that one had " less need of an overcoat in passing Agassiz's house " than any other in that city. In the interest of popular education as well as of scientific re- search-, Agassiz laid the foundation of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology. Here, in the face of all sorts of discouragements, TOL. XL. 49 722 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lie worked with wonderful zeal, which showed its results in the success of everything with which he had to do. Of the older teachers of biology in America, the men who were born between 1830 and 1850, nearly all who have reached emi- nence have been at one time or another pupils of Agassiz. The names of Le Conte, Hartt, Shaler, Scudder, Wilder, Putnam, Packard, Clark, Alexander Agassiz, Morse, Lyman, Brooks, Whit- man, Garman, Faxon, Fewkes, Minot, and many others not less worthily known, come to our thoughts at once as evidence of this statement. Even as late as 1873, when Agassiz died, the Museum of Com- parative Zoology was almost the only school in America where the eager student of natural history could find the work he wanted. The colleges generally taught only the elements of any of the sciences. Twenty years ago original research was scarcely considered as among the functions of the American college. Such investigators as America had were for the most part outside of the colleges, or at the best carrying on their investigations in time stolen from the drudgery of the class-room. One of the greatest of American astronomers was kept for forty years teaching alge- bra and geometry, with never a student far enough advanced to realize the real work of his teacher. And this case was typical of hundreds before the university spirit was kindled in American schools. That this spirit was kindled in Harvard forty years ago was due in the greatest measure to Agassiz's influence. It was here that graduate instruction in science in America practically began. In an important sense the Museum of Comparative Zoolo- gy was the first American university. Notwithstanding the great usefulness of the museum and the broad influence of its teachers, Agassiz was not fully satisfied. The audience he reached was still too small. Throughout the country the great body of teachers of science went on in the old mechanical way. On these he was able to exert no influence. The boys and girls still kept up the humdrum recitations from worthless text-books. They got their lessons from the book, re- cited them from memory, and no more came into contact with Nature than they would if no animals or plants or rocks existed on this side of the planet Jupiter. It was to remedy this state of things that Agassiz conceived, in 1872, the idea of a scientific " camp-meeting," where the workers and the teachers might meet together — a summer school of obser- vation where the teachers should be trained to see Nature for themselves and teach others how to see it. The first plan suggested was that of calling the teachers of the country together for a summer outing on the island of Nantucket. Before the site was chosen, Mr. John Anderson, a wealthy tobacco AGASSIZ AT PEN IKE SE. 723 mercliant in New York city, offered to Agassiz the use of his isl- and of Penikese, together with a large yacht and an endowment of fifty thousand dollars in money, if he would permanently lo- cate this scientific "camp-meeting" on the island. Thus was founded the Anderson School of Natural History on the island of Penikese. Penikese is a little island containing about sixty acres of very rocky ground, a pile of stones, with intervals of soil. It is the last and least of the Elizabeth Islands, lying to the south of Buz- zard's Bay, on the south coast of Massachusetts. The whole clus- ter was once a great terminal moraine of rocks and rubbish of all sorts, brought down from the mainland by some ancient gla- cier, and by it dropped into the ocean off the heel of Cape Cod. The sea has broken up the moraine into eight little islands by wearing tide channels between hill and hill. The names of these islands are recorded in the jingle which the children of that re- gion learn before they go to school : *' Naushon, Nonamesset, Uncatena, and "Wepecket, Nashawena, Pesquiaese, Cuttyhunk, and Penikese." And Penikese, last and smallest of them, lies, a little forgotten speck, out in the ocean, eighteen miles south of New Bedford. It contains two hills, joined together by a narrow isthmus, a little harbor, a farm-house, a flag-staff, a barn, a willow tree, and a flock of sheep. And here Agassiz founded his school. This was in the month of June in the year 1873. From the many hundred applicants who sent in their names as soon as the school was made public Agassiz chose fifty — thirty men, twenty women — teachers, students, and naturalists of various grades from all parts of the country. This practical recogni- tion of coeducation was criticised by many of Agassiz's friends, trained in the monastic schools of New England, but the results soon justified the decision. These fifty teachers should be trained so far as he could train them in right methods of work. They should carry into their schools his own views of scientific teach- ing. Then each of these schools would become in its time a cen- ter of help to others, until the influence toward real work in sci- ence should spread throughout our educational system. None of us will ever forget his first sight of Agassiz. We had come down from New Bedford in a little tug-boat in the early morning, and Agassiz met us at the landing-place on the island. He was standing almost alone on the little wharf, and his great face beamed with pleasure. For this summer school, the thought of his old age, might be the crowning work of his lifetime. Who could foresee what might come from the efforts of fifty men and women, teachers of science, each striving to do his work in the 724 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. best possible way ? His tliouglits and hopes rose to expectations higher than any of us then understood. His tall, robust figure, broad shoulders bending a little under the weight of years, his large round face lit up by kindly dark- brown eyes, his cheery smile, the enthusiastic tones of his voice, all these entered into our first as well as our last impressions of Agassiz. He greeted us with great warmth as we landed. He looked into our faces to justify himself in making choice of us among the many whom he might have chosen. The roll of the Anderson School has never been published, and I can only restore a part of it from memory. Among those whose names come to my mind as I write are Dr. Charles O. Whitman, now of Clark University; Dr. William K. Brooks, of Johns Hop- kins ; Dr. Frank H. Snow, now Chancellor of the University of Kansas ; Dr. W. O. Crosby, of the Boston Society of Natural History, then a boy from Colorado interested in rocks and min- erals ; Samuel Garman, Walter Faxon, Walter Fewkes, and Charles Sedgwick Minot, all of them still connected with the work at Cambridge ; Ernest Ingersoll, then just beginning his literary work ; Prof. Scott, of the Normal School at Westfield ; Prof. Stowell, of the school at Cortland ; Prof. Apgar, of Trenton, N. J. ; Prof. Fernald, of Maine ; Miss Susan Hallowell, of Welles- ley College ; Miss Mary Beaman (Mrs, Joralemon) ; Mr. E. A. Gastman, of Illinois ; and other well-known instructors. With these was the veteran teacher of botany at Mount Holyoke Semi- nary, Miss Lydia W. Shattuck, with her pupil and associate. Miss Susan Bowen. Prof. H. H. Straight and his bride, both then teachers in the State Normal School at Oswego, were also with us. These four, whom all of us loved and respected, were the first of our number to be claimed by death. Among our teachers, besides Agassiz, were Burt G. Wilder, Edward S. Morse, Alfred Mayer, Frederick W. Putnam, then young men of growing fame, with Arnold Guyot and Count Pourtalfes, early associates of Agassiz, already in the fullness of years. Mrs. Agassiz was present at every lecture, note-book in hand, and her genial personality did much to bind the company together. The old barn on the island had been hastily converted into a dining-hall and lecture-room. A new floor had been put in, but the doors and walls remained unchanged, and the swallows' nests were undisturbed under the eaves. The sheep had been turned out, the horse-stalls were changed to a kitchen, and on the floor of the barn, instead of the hay-wagon, were placed three long tables. At the head of one of these sat Agassiz. At his right hand always stood a movable blackboard, for he seldom spoke without a piece of chalk in his hand. He would often give us a AGASSIZ AT PENIKESE. 725 lecture while we sat at the table, frequently about some fish or other creature, the remains of which still lay beside our plates. Our second day upon the island was memorable above all others. Its striking incident has passed into literature in the poem of Whittier, " The Prayer of Agassiz." AVhen the morning meal was over, Agassiz arose in his place and spoke, as only he could speak, of his purpose in calling us too-ether. The swallows flew in and out of the buildmg m the soft June air, for they did not know that it was no longer a barn but a temple. Some of them almost grazed his shoulder as he spoke to us of the needs of the people for better education- He told us how these needs could be met, and of the results which might come to America from the training and consecration of fifty teachers- , This was to him no ordinary school, still less an idle summer s outing, but a mission work of the greatest importance. He spoke with intense earnestness, and all his words were filled with that deep religious feeling so characteristic of all his thoughts. For to Agassiz each natural object was a thought of God, and trifling with God's truth as expressed in Nature was the basest of sac- rile^'e. What Agassiz said that morning can never be said again. No reporter took his language, and no one could call back the charm of his manner or the impressiveness of his zeal and faith. At the end he said, " I would not have any man to pray for me now," and that he and each of us would utter his own prayer in silence. What he meant by this was that no one could pray in his stead. No public prayer could take the place of the prayer which each of us would frame for himself. Whittier says : " Even the careless heart was moved, And the doubting gave assent "With a gesture reverent To the Master well beloved. As thin mists are glorified By the light they can not hide, All who gazed upon him saw, Through its veil of tender awe, How his face was still uplit By the old sweet look of it ; Hopeful, trustful, full of cheer And the love that casts out fear." And the summer went on with its succession of joyous morn- ings, beautiful days, and calm nights, with every charm of sea and sky, the master with us all day long, ever ready to speak words of help and encouragement, ever ready to give us from his own stock of learning. The boundless enthusiasm which sur- 726 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. rounded liim like an atmospliere, and wliicli sometimes gave the appearance of great acliievement to the commonest things, was never lacking. Essentially Latin in his nature, he was always picturesque in his words and his work. He delighted in the love and approba- tion of his students and his friends, and the influence of his per- sonality sometimes gave his opinions weight beyond the value of the investigations on which they were based. With no other in- vestigator have the work and the man been so identified as with Agassiz. No other of the great workers has been equally great as a teacher. His greatest work in science was his influence on other men. In an old note-book of those days I find fragments of some of his talks to teachers at Penikese. From this note-book I take some paragraphs, just as I find them written there : " Never try to teach what you do not yourself know and know well. If your school board insist on your teaching anything and everything, decline firmly to do it. It is an imposition alike on j)upils and teacher to teach that which he does not know. Those teachers who are strong enough should squarely refuse to do such work. This much-needed reform is already beginning in our col- leges, and I hope it will continue. It is a relic of mediteval times, this idea of professing everything. When teachers begin to de- cline work which they can not do well, improvements begin to come in. If one will be a successful teacher, he must firmly refuse work which he can not do successfully. " It is a false idea to suppose that everybody is competent to learn or to teach everything. Would our great artists have suc- ceeded equally well in Greek or calculus ? A smattering of every- thing is worth little. It is a fallacy to suj^pose that an encyclopaedic knowledge is desirable. The mind is made strong not through much learning, but by the thorough possession of something." " Lay aside all conceit. Learn to read the book of Nature for yourself. Those who have succeeded best have followed for years some slim thread which has once in a while broadened out and disclosed some treasure worth a life-long search." " A man can not be professor of zoology on one day and of chemistry on the next, and do good work in both. As in a concert all are musicians — one plays one instrument, and one another, but none all in perfection." " You can not do without one specialty. You must have some base-line to measure the work and attainments of others. For a general view of the subject, study the history of the sciences. Broad knowledge of all Nature has been the possession of no natu- ralist except Humboldt, and general relations constituted his specialty." AGASSIZ AT PENIKESE. 7^7 "Select such subjects that your pupils can not walk without seeing them. Train your pupils to be observers, and have them provided with the specimens about which you speak. It you can find nothing better, take a house-fly or a cricket, and let each one hold a specimen and examine it as you talk." " In 1847 I gave an address at Newton, Mass., before a Teach- ers' Institute conducted by Horace Mann. My subject was grass- hoppers. I passed around a large jar of these insects, and made every teacher take one and hold it while I was speaking. If any one dropped the insect, I stopped till he picked it up. This was at that time a great innovation, and excited much laughter and derision. There can be no true progress in the teaching of natu- ral science until such methods become general." "There is no part of the country where in the summer you can not get a sufficient supply of the best specimens. Teach your children to bring them in yourselves. Take your text from the brooks not from the booksellers. It is better to have a few forms well known than to teach a little about many hundred species. Better a dozen specimens thoroughly studied as the result of the first year's work, than to have two thousand dollars' worth ot shells and corals bought^ h^om a curiosity-shop. The dozen ani- mals would be your own." .. ^ . "You* will find the same elements of instruction aiJ about you wherever you may be teaching. You can take your classes out and o-ive them the same lessons, and lead them up to the same subjS^ts you are yourselves studying here. And this method of teaching children is so natural, so suggestive, so true. That is the charm of teaching from Nature herself. No one can warp her to suit his own views. She brings us back to absolute truth as often as we wander." " The study of Nature is an intercourse with the highest mind. You should never trifle with Nature. At the lowest her works are the works of the highest powers, the highest something in whatever way we may look at it." " A laboratory of natural history is a sanctuary where noth- ing profane should be tolerated. I feel less agony at improprie- ties in churches than in a scientific laboratory." " In Europe I have been accused of taking my scientific ideas from the Church. In America I have been called a heretic be- cause I will not let my church-going friends pat me on the head." Of all these lectures the most valuable and the most charming were those on the glaciers. In these the master spoke, and every rock on our island was a mute witness to the truth of his words. * In this paragraph, quoted by Mrs. Agassiz (Life and Letters of Agassiz, p. Y75), I have adopted the wording as given by her. 728 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. He often talked to us of the Darwinian theory, to which in all its forms he was most earnestly opposed. Agassiz was essentially an idealist. All his investigations were to him not studies of ani- mals or plants as such, but of the divine plans of which their structures are the expression. " That earthly form was the cover of spirit was to him a truth at once fundamental and self-evi- dent." The work of the student was to search out the thoughts of God, and as well as may be to think them over again. To Agassiz these divine thoughts were especially embodied in the relations of animals to each other. The species was the thought- unit, the individual reproduction of the thought in the divine mind at the moment of the creation of the first one of the series which represents the species. The marvel of the affinity of struct- ure— of unity of plan in creatures widely diverse in habits and outward api^earance — was to him a result of the association of ideas in the divine mind, an illustration of divine many-sidedness. To Darwin these same relations would illustrate the force of he- redity acting under diverse conditions of environment. Agassiz had no sympathy with the prejudices worked upon by weak and foolish men in oiDposition to Darwinism. He believed in the absolute freedom of science ; that no power on earth can give answers beforehand to the questions which men of science endeavor to solve. Of this I can give no better evidence than the fact that every one of the men specially trained by him has joined the ranks of the evolutionists. He would teach them to think for themselves, not to think as he did. The strain of the summer was heavier than we knew. Before the school came to an end, those who were nearest him felt that the effort was to be his last. His physician told him that he must not work, must not think. But all his life he had done nothing else. To stop was impossible, for with his temperament there was the sole choice between activity and death. And in December the end came. In the words of one of his old students, Theodore Lyman, " We buried him from the chajDcl that stands among the college elms. The students laid a wreath of laurel on his bier, and their manly voices sang a requiem. For he had been a student all his life long, and when he died he was younger than any of them." The next summer, the students of the first year came together at Penikese, and many eager new faces were with them. Wise and skillful teachers were present, but Agassiz was not there, and the sense of loss was felt above everything else. The life was gone out from Penikese, and at the end of the summer the authorities of the museum closed the doors of the Anderson School forever. The buildings stand on the island, just as we left them in 1874, a single old sea-captain in charge of them all these years, until last NEW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. 729 winter, wlien lie was lost in a storm. The blackboards in tbe lecture-ball* still bear tbe inscriptions left on them by the students and taken from the words of the master : " Study Nature, not books." "Be not afraid to say No. "A Laboratory is a sanctuary which nothing profane SHOULD ENTER." But, while the island of Penikese is deserted, the impulse which came from Agassiz's work there still lives, and is felt in every field of American science. With all appreciation of the rich streams which in late years have come to us from Germany, it is still true that " the school of all schools which has most influence on scientific teaching m America was held in an old barn on an uninhabited island some eighteen miles from the shore. It lasted but three months, and m effect it had but one teacher. The school at Penikese existed m the personal presence of Agassiz ; when he died it vanished !" NEW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. , XV. ASTRONOMY. By ANDREW DICKSON WHITE, LL. D., L. H. D., EX-PKESIDENT OF COBNELL TJNIVEESITy. PART II. WHILE news of triumphant attacks upon him and upon the truth he had established were coming in from all parts of Europe, Galileo prepared a careful treatise in the form of a dia- logue, exhibiting the arguments for and against the Copernican and Ptolemaic systems, and offered to submit to any conditions that the Church tribunals might impose if they would allow it to be printed. At last, after discussions which extended through eight years, they consented, imposing a humiliating condition ; — the preface written in accordance with the ideas of Father Ric- ciardi, Master of the Sacred Palace, and signed by Galileo, in which the Copernican theory was virtually exhibited as a play of the imagination, and not at all as opposed to the Ptolemaic doc- trine reasserted in 1616 by the Inquisition under the direction of Pope Paul V.f * According to Dr. Carl H. Eigenmann, who has lately visited the island. f As to the general style of the attacks, sec Fromimdus's book, cited above, pmsm, but especially the heading of chapter vi, and the argument in chapters x and xi. For inter- esting reference to one of Fromundus's arguments, showing, by a mixture of mathematics and theology, that the earth is the center of the universe, se,e Quetelct, Histoire des Sciences mathematiques et physiques, Bruxelles, 1864, p. 170; also, Madler, Geschichte der As- tronomic, vol. i, p. 274. 730 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. This new work of Galileo — tlie "Dialogo" — appeared in 1632, and met with prodigious success. It put new weapons into the hands of the supporters of the Copernican theory. The pious preface was laughed at from one end of Europe to the other. This roused the enemy. The Jesuits, Dominicans, and the great majority of the clergy returned to the attack more violent than ever, and in the midst of them stood Pope Urban VIII, most bitter of all. His whole power was now thrown against Galileo. He was touched in two points : first, in his personal vanity, for Galileo had put his arguments into the mouth of one of the persons in the dialogue and their refutation into the mouth of another ; but, above all, he was touched in his religious feelings. Again and again he insisted to all comers on the absolute and specific declara- tions of Holy Scripture, which prove that the sun and heavenly bodies revolve about the earth, and declared that to gainsay them is simply to dispute revelation. Certainly, if one ecclesiastic more than another ever seemed not under the care of the Spirit of Truth, it was Urban VIII in all this matter. Herein was one of the greatest pieces of ill fortune that has ever befallen the older Church. Had Pope Urban been broad- minded and tolerant like Benedict XIV, or had he been taught moderation by adversity like Pius VII, or had he possessed the large scholarly qualities of Leo XIII, now reigning, the vast scandal of the Galileo case would never have burdened the Church : instead of devising endless quibbles and special pleadings to escape responsibility for this colossal blunder, its defenders could have claimed forever for the Church the glory of fearlessly initiating a great epoch in human thought. But it was not so to be. Urban was not merely Pope, he was also a prince of the house of Barberini, and therefore doubly angry that his arguments had been publicly controverted. The opening strategy of Galileo's enemies was to forbid the sale of his work ; but this was soon seen to be unavailing, for the first edition had already been spread throughout Europe. Urban now became more angry than ever, and both Galileo and his works were placed in the hands of the Inquisition. In vain did the good Benedictine, Castelli, urge that Galileo was entirely respectful to the Church ; in vain did he insist that "nothing that can be done can now hinder the earth from revolving," Pie was dismissed in disgrace, and Galileo was forced to appear in the presence of the dread tribunal without defender or adviser. There, as was so long concealed, but as is now fully revealed, he was menaced with torture again and again by express order of Pope Urban, and, as is also thoroughly established from the trial docu- ments themselves, forced to abjure under threats, and subjected to imprisonment by command of the Pope ; the Inquisition defer- 2^EW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. 731 ring in this whole matter to the papal authority. All the long series of attempts made in the supposed interest of the Church to mystify these transactions haye at last failed. The world knows now that Galileo was subjected certainly to indigmty, to impris- onment, and to threats equiyalent to torture, and was at last forced to pronounce publicly and on his knees his recantation, as follows: ^ . . -, " I Galileo being in my seyentieth year, being a prisoner and on my knees, and before your Eminences, haying before my eyes the Holy Gospel, which I touch with my hands, abjure, curse, and detest the error and the heresy of the moyement of the earth " * He was yanquished indeed, for he had been forced, in the face of all coming ages, to perjure himself. To complete his dishonor, he was obliged to swear that he would denounce to the Inquisition any other man of science whom he should discoyer to be support- ing the " heresy of the motion of the earth." Many haye wondered at this abjuration, and on account ot it haye denied to Galileo the title of martyr. But let such gam- sayers consider the circumstances. Here was an old man-one who had reached the allotted threescore years and ten, broken with disappointments, worn out with labors and cares, dragged from Florence to Rome, with the threat from the Pope himself that if he delayed he should be " brought in chains " ; sick m body and mind, giyen over to his oppressors by the grand duke who ought to have protected him, and on his arrival in Rome threat- ened with torture. What the Inquisition was he knew well. He could remember but as yesterday the burning of Giordano Bruno in that same city for scientific and philosophic heresy; he could remember, too, that only eight years before this very time De Dominis, Archbishop of Spalatro, having been seized by the In- quisition for scientific and other heresies, had died in a dungeon, and that his body and his writings had been publicly burned. To the end of his life, nay, after his life was ended, the perse- cution of Galileo was continued. He was kept in exile from his family from his friends, from his noble employments, and held ri"-idly'to his promise not to speak of his theory. When, m the midst of intense bodily sufferings from disease, and mental suffer- ino-s from calamities in his family, he besought some little liberty, he^was met with threats of committal to a dungeon. When at * For various utterances of Tope Urban against the Copernican theory at this period, see extracts from the original documents given by Gebler. For punishment of those who had shown some favor to Galileo, see various citations, and especially those from the Vatican manuscript, Gebler, p. 216. As to the text of the abjuration, see L'Epmo.s; also Polacco, Aniicopcrnicus, etc., Venice, 1644; and for a discussion regardmg its publication, see Favaro, Miscellanea Galileana, p. 804. 732 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. last a special commission had reported to the ecclesiastical au- thorities that he had become blind and wasted with disease and sorrow, he was allowed a little more liberty, but that little was hampered by close surveillance. He was forced to bear contempti- ble attacks on himself and on his works in silence ; to see the men who had befriended him severely punished ; Father Castelli ban- ished; Ricciardi, the Master of ihQ Sacred Palace, and Ciampoli the papal secretary, thrown out of their positions by Pope Urban and the Inquisitor at Florence reprimanded for having given per- mission to print Galileo's work. He lived to see the truths he had established carefully weeded out from all the Church colleges and universities in Europe, and when in a scientific work he hap- pened to be spoken of as "renowned," the Inquisition ordered the substitution of the word " notorious." * And now measures were taken to complete the destruction of the Copernican theory, with Galileo's proofs of it. On the IGth of June, 1633, the Holy Congregation, with the permission of the reignmg Pope, ordered the sentence upon Galileo, and his recan- tation, to be sent to all the papal nuncios throughout Europe, as well as to all archbishops, bishops, and inquisitors in Italy • and this document gave orders that the sentence and abjuration be made known "to your vicars, that you and all professors of phi- losophy and mathematics may have knowledge of it, that they may know why we proceeded against the said Galileo, and recog- nize the gravity of his error, in order that they may avoid it, and thus not incur the penalties which they would have to suffer in case they fell into the same." f As a consequence of this, the professors of mathematics and astronomy in various universities of Europe were assembled and these documents were read to them. To the theological authori- ties this gave great satisfaction ; the Rector of the University of Douay, referring to the opinion of Galileo, wrote to the papal nuncio at Brussels, " the professors of our university are so op- posed to this fanatical opinion that .they have always held that it must be banished from the schools : in our English college at Douay this paradox has never been approved and never will be." Still -another step was taken : the Inquisitors were ordered, especially in Italy, not to permit the publication of a new edition of any of Galileo's works, nor of any similar writings. On the other hand, theologians were urged, now that Copernicus and It is not probable that torture in the ordinary sense was administered to Galileo, though it was threatened. See Th. Martin, Vie do Galilee, for a fair summing up of the case. For the substitution of the word "notorious" for "renowned" by order of the Inquisition, see Martin, p. 227. •f For a copy of this document, see Gebler, p. 269. As to the spread of this and simi- lar documents notifying Europe of Galileo's condemnation, see Favaro, pp. 804, 805. KEW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. 733 Galileo and Kepler were silenced, to reply to tliem with tongue and pen. Europe was flooded with these theological refutations of the Copernican system. -, , xi «t i ^^ f To make all complete, there was prefixed to the index ot the Church, forbidding " all writings which affirm the motion of the earth," a bull signed by the reigning Pope, which, by virtue of his infallibility as a divinely guided teacher m matters of faith and morals, clinched this condemnation into the consciences of the whole Christian world. From the mass of books which appeared under the auspices of the Church immediately after the condemnation of Galileo, for the purpose of rooting out every vestige of the hated Copernican theory from the mind of the world, two may be taken as typical The first of these was a work by Scipio Chiaramonti, dedicat^ed to Cardinal BarberinL Among his arguments against the double motion of the earth may be cited the following : "Animals, which move, have limbs and muscles; the earth has no limbs or muscles, therefore it does not move. It is angels who make Saturn, Jupiter, the sun, etc., turn round. If the_ earth revolves, it must also have an angel in the center to set it m mo- tion ; but only devils live there; it would therefore be a devil who would impart motion to the earth. . . . "The planets, the sun, the fixed stars, all belong to one spe- cies-namely, that of stars-they therefore all move or all stand still It seems, therefore, to be a grievous wrong to place the earth, which is a sink of impurity, among the heavenly bodies, which are pure and divine things." The next, which I select from the mass of similar works, is the AnUcopernicus Caiholicus of Polacco. It was intended to deal a finishing stroke at Galileo's heresy. In this it is declared : " The Scripture always represents the earth as at rest, and the sun and moon as in motion ; or, if these latter bodies are ever represented as at rest. Scripture represents this as the result of a great miracle." . . . " These writings must be prohibited, because they teach cer- tain principles about the position and motion of the terrestrial globe repugnant to Holy Scripture and to the Catholic interpre- tation of it, not as hypotheses but as established facts. . . . " It is possible to work with the hypotheses of Copernicus so as to explain many phenomena. . . . Yet it is not permitted to argue on his premises except to show their falsity." Speaking of Galileo's book, Polacco says that it " smacked of Copernicanism," and that, " when this was shown to the Inquisi- tion, Galileo was thrown into prison and was compelled to utterly abjure the baseness of this erroneous dogma." As to the authority of the cardinals in their decree, Polacco 734 THE POPULAR SCIEXCE MONTHLY. asserts that, since they are the " Pope's Council " and his " broth- ers/' their work is one, except that the Pope is favored with spe- cial divine enlightenment. Having shown that the authority of the Scriptures, of popes, and of cardinals is against the new astronomy, he gives a refuta- tion based on physics. He asks : " If we concede the motion of the earth, why is it that an arrow shot into the air falls back to the same spot, while the earth and all things on it have, in the mean time, moved very rapidly toward the east ? Who does not see that great confusion would result from this motion ?" Next he argues from metaphysics, as follows : " The Coper- nican theory of the earth's motion is against the nature of the earth itself, because the earth is not only cold but contains in itself the principle of cold ; but cold is opposed to motion, and even destroys it— as is evident in animals, which become motion- less when they become cold." Finally, he clinches all with a piece of theological reasoning, as follows : " Since it can certainly be gathered from Scripture that the heavens move above the earth, and since a circular motion requires something immovable around which to move, ... the earth is at the center of the universe." * ^ But any sketch of the warfare between theology and science in this field would be incomplete without some reference to the treat- ment of Galileo after his death. He had begged to be buried in his family tomb in Santa Croce; this request was denied. His friends wished to erect a monument over him ; this, too, was refused. Pope Urban said to the ambassador Niccolini that "it would be an evil example for the world if such honors were ren- dered to a man who had been brought before the Roman Inquisi- tion for an opinion so false and erroneous ; who had communicated it to many others, and who had given so great a scandal to Chris- tendom." In accordance, therefore, with the wish of the Pope and the orders of the Inquisition, Galileo was buried ignobly, apart from his family, without fitting ceremonj^ without monument, without epitaph. Not until forty years after did Pierrozzi dare write an inscription to be placed above his bones; not until a hundred years after did Nelli dare transfer his remains to a suit- able position in Santa Croce, and erect a monument above them. Even then the old conscientious hostility burst forth : the Inqui- sition was besought to prevent such honors to "a man condemned for notorious errors " ; and that tribunal refused to allow any epi- taph to be placed above him which had not been submitted to its * For Chiaramonti's book and selections given, see Gebler as above, p. 2'71. For Polacco, sec his work as cited, especially Assertiones i, ii, vii, x5, xiii, Ixxiii, clxxxvii, and others. The work is in the White Library at Cornell University. The date of it is 1644. NEW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. 735 censorship. Nor has that old conscientious consistency in hatred yet fully relented : hardly a generation since has not seen some ecclesiastic like Marini or De Bonald or Rallaye or De Gabriac, suppressing evidence, or torturing expressions, or inventing theo- ries to blacken the memory of Galileo and save the reputation of the Church. Nay, more, there are school histories, widely used, which in the supposed interest of the Church, misrepresent in the grossest manner all thege transactions in which Galileo was con- cerned. Sanda simpUcitas I The Church has no worse enemies than those who devise and teach these perversions. They are simply rooting out, in the long run, from the minds of the more thoughtful scholars, respect for the great organization which such writings are supposed to serve. Their work is just as futile as that of writers of school histories which in the supposed Protest- ant interest misrepresent the Roman doctrine of indulgences The Protestant Church was hardly less energetic against the new astronomy than the mother Church had been. The sacred science of the first Lutheran Reformers was transmitted as a pre- cious legacy, and in the next century was made much of by Calo- vius His great learning and determined orthodoxy gave him leadership in the Lutheran Church. Utterly refusing to look at ascertained facts, he cited the turning back of the shadow upon King Hezekiah's dial and the standing still of the sun for Joshua, denied the movement of the earth, and denounced the Copernican view as clearly opposed to Scripture. To this day his arguments are repeated by sundry orthodox leaders of American Luther- anism. As to the other branch of the reformed Church, Turretm, Cal- vin's famous successor, even after Kepler and Newton had estab- lished the theory of Copernicus and Galileo, put forth his compen- dium of theology, in which he proved from a multitude of script- ural texts that the heavens, sun, and moon move about the earth, which stands still in the center, f In England we see similar theological efforts even after they had become utterly futile : among the strict churchmen, the great Dr. South denounced the Royaf Society as "irreligious," and among the Puritans the emi- nent John Owen declared that Newton's discoveries were "built on fallible phenomena and advanced by many arbitrary presump- * For the persecutions of Galileo's memory after his death, see Gebler, Wohlwill, but especially Th. Martin, p. 243, and elsewhere. For the persecution of Galileo's memory, see Th Martin, chapters ix and x. For documentary proofs, see L'Epinois. For a collection of the slanderous theories invented against Galileo, see Martin, final chapters and appendix. Both these authors are devoted to the Church, but, unlike Monsignor Manni, are too up- right to resort to the pious fraud of suppressing documents or interpolating pretended """^ov Calovius, see Zoeclder, Geschichte, vol. i, pp. 684 and 763. For Calvin and Tur- retin, see Shields, The Final Philosophy, pp. 60, 61. 736 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tions against evident testimonies of Scripture." Even Milton seems to have hesitated between the two systems. At the begin- ning of the eighth book of Paradise Lost he makes Adam state the difficulties of the Ptolemaic system, and then brings forward an angel to make the usual orthodox answers : later, Milton seems to lean toward the Copernican theory, for, referring to the earth, he says : " Or she from west her silent course advance With inoffensive pace, that spinning sleeps On her soft axle, while she faces even And bears thee soft with the smooth air along." Yet English orthodoxy continued to assert itself. In 1794 John Hutchinson, professor at Cambridge, published his Moses' Principia, a system of philosophy in which he sought to build up a complete physical system of the universe from the Bible. In this he assaulted the Newtonian theory as " atheistic," and led the way for similar attacks by such Church teachers as Home, Dun- can Forbes, and Jones of Nayland. But one far greater than these involved himself in this view. That same limitation of his reason by the simple statements of Scripture which led John Wesley to declare that " unless witchcraft is true, nothing in the Bible is true," led him, while giving up the Ptolemaic theory and accepting in a general way the Copernican, to suspect the demon- strations of Newton. Happily, his inborn nobility of character lifted him above any bitterness or persecuting spirit, or any im- position of doctrinal tests which could prevent those who came after him from finding their way to the truth. But in the midst of this vast expanse of theologic error signs of right reason began to appear, both in England and America. Noteworthy is it that Cotton Mather, bitter as was his orthodoxy regarding witchcraft, accepted, in 1721, the modern astronomy fully, with all its consequences. In the following year came an even more striking evidence that the new scientific ideas were making their way in England. In 1722 Thomas Burnet published the sixth edition of his " Sacred Theory of the Earth." In this he argues as usual to establish the scriptural doctrine of the earth's stability; but in his preface he sounds a remarkable warning. He mentions the great mis- take into which St. Augustine led the Church regarding the doctrine of the antipodes, and says, "If within a few years or in the next generation it should prove as certain and demonstra- ble that the earth is moved, as it is now that there are antipodes, those that have been zealous against it, and engaged the Scripture in the controversy, would have the same reason to repent of their forwardness that St. Augustine would now, if he were still alive." Fortunately, too. Protestantism had no such power to oppose NEW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. 737 the development of the Copernicaii ideas as the older Church had enjoyed. Yet there were some things in its warfare against sci- ence even more indefensible. In 1772 the famous English ex- pedition for scientific discovery sailed from England under Cap- tain Cook. Greatest by far of all the scientific authorities chosen to accompany it was Dr. Priestley. Sir Joseph Banks had espe- cially invited him. But the clergy of Oxford and Cambridge interfered. Priestley was considered unsound in his views of the Trinity; it was evidently suspected that this might vitiate his astronomical observations; he was rejected, and the expedition crippled. The orthodox view of astronomy lingered on in other branches of the Protestant Church. In Germany even Leibnitz attacked the Newtonian theory of gravitation on theological grounds, though he found some little consolation in thinking that it might be used to support the Lutheran doctrine of consubstantiation. In Holland the Calvinistic Church was at first strenuous against the whole new system, but we possess a comical proof that Calvinism even in its strongholds was powerless against it. For in 1642 Blaer published at Amsterdam his book on the use of globes, and, in order to be on the safe side, devoted one part of his work to the Ptolemaic and the other to the Copernican scheme, leaving the benevolent reader to take his choice.* Nor have efforts to renew the battle in the Protestant Church been wanting in these latter days. The attempt in the Church of England in 1864 to fetter science, which was brought to ridicule by Herschel, Bo wring, and De Morgan; the assemblage of Lu- theran clergy at Berlin in 1868 to protest against " science falsely so called," are examples of these. Fortunately, to the latter came Pastor Knak, and his denunciations of the Copernican theory as absolutely incompatible with a belief in the Bible, dissolved the whole assemblage in ridicule. In its recent dealings with modern astronomy the wisdom of the Catholic Church in the more civilized countries has prevented its yielding to some astounding errors into which one part of the Protestant Church has tumbled heedlessly. Though sundry leaders in the older Church have committed * For the attitude of Leibnitz, Hutchinson, and the others named toward the New- tonian theory, see Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, chap. ix. For John Wesley, see also his Compendium of Natural Philosophy, being a Survey of the W' is- dom of God in the Creation, London, 1784. See also Leslie Stephen, Eighteenth Century, vol. ii, p. 413. For Owen, see his works, vol. xix, p. 310. For Milton, see place cited. For Cotton Mather's view, see The Christian Philosopher, London, 1721, especiallv pp. 16 and 17. For the case of Priestley, see Weld, History of tlie Royal Society, vol. ii, p. 56, for the facts and the admirable letter of Priestley upon this rejection. For Humboldt, see his Life, by Bruhns and LasscU, London, 1873, vol. ii, p. 411. For Blaer's book, see his L'Usage des Globes, Amsterdam, 1642. VOL. XL. — 50 738 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the absurd error of allowing a text-book and sundry review articles to appear which grossly misstate the Galileo episode, with the certainty of ultimately undermining confidence in her teach- ings among her more thoughtful young men, she has kept clear of the folly of continuing to tie her teachings, and the acceptance of our sacred books, to an adoption of the Ptolemaic theory. Not so with American Lutheranism. In 1873 was published in St. Louis, at the publishing house of the Lutheran Synod of Missouri, a work entitled Astronomische Unterredung, the author being well known to be a late president of a Lutheran Teachers' Seminary. No attack on the whole modern system of astronomy could be more bitter. On the first page of the introduction the author, after stating the two theories, asks, " Which is right ? " and says : " It would be very simple to me which is right, if it were only a question of human import. But the wise and truthful God has expressed Himself on this matter in the Bible. The entire Holy Scripture settles the question that the earth is the principal body {Hauptkorper) of the universe, that it stands fixed, and that sun and moon only serve to light it." The author then goes on to show from Scripture the folly not only of Copernicus and Newton, but of a long line of great as- tronomers in more recent times. He declares : " Let no one un- derstand me as inquiring first where truth is to be found^n the Bible or with the astronomers. No, I know that beforehand — that my God never lies ; never makes a mistake ; out of His mouth comes only truth, when He speaks of the structure of the universe, of the earth, sun, moon, and stars. . . . '* Because the truth of the Holy Scripture is involved in this, therefore the above question is of the highest importance to me. . . . Scientists and others lean upon the miserable reed (Eohrstab) that God teaches only the order of salvation, but not the order of the universe." Very noteworthy is the fact that this late survival of an ancient belief based upon text-worship is found not in the teach- ings of any zealous priest of the mother Church, but in those of an eminent professor in that branch of Protestantism which claims special enlightenment.* Nor has the warfare against the dead champions of science been carried on by the older Church alone. * For the amusing details of the attempt in tiie English Church to repress science, and of the way in which it was met, see De Morgan, Taradoxes, p. 42. For Pastor Knak and his associates, see the Revue des Deux Mondes, 1868. For the recent Lutheran works against the Copernican astronomy, see among others Astronomische Unterredung zwischen einem Licbhaber der Astronomic und mchreren beriihmten Astronomer der Neuzeit. J. C. W. L. St. Louis, 1873. NEW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. 739 On the lOtli of May, 1859, Alexander von Humboldt was buried. His labors bad been among tbe glories of tbe century, and his funeral was one of the most imposing that Berlin had ever seen : among those who honored themselves by their pres- ence was the prince regent, afterward the Emperor William I ; but of the clergy it was observed that none were present save the officiating clergyman and a few regarded as unorthodox.* We return now to the sequel of the Galileo case. Having gained their victory over Galileo, living and dead, having used it to scare into submission the professors of astrono- my throughout Europe, conscientious churchmen exulted. Loud was their rejoicing that the " heresy," the " infidelity," the " athe- ism " involved in believing that the earth revolves about its axis and moves around the sun had been crushed by the great tribunal of the Church, acting in strict obedience to the expressed will of one Pope and the written order of another. As we have seen, all books teaching this hated belief were put upon the Index of books forbidden to Christians, and that Index was prefaced by a bull enforcing this condemnation upon the consciences of the faithful throughout the world, and signed by the reigning Pope. The losses to the world during this complete triumph of theology were even more serious than at first appears : one must especially be mentioned. There was then in Europe one of the greatest thinkers ever given to mankind — Rend Descartes. f Mis- taken though many of his theories were, they bore a rich fruitage of truth. The scientific warriors had stirred new life in him, and he was working over and summing up in his mighty mind all the researches of his time The result would have made an epoch in history. His aim was to combine all knowledge and thought into a Treatise on the World, and in view of this he gave eleven years to the study of anatomy alone. But the fate of Galileo robbed him of all hope, of all courage ; the battle seemed lost ; he gave up his great plan forever. But ere long it was seen that the triumph was really a pro- digious defeat. From all sides came proofs that Copernicus and •Galileo were right ; and although Pope Urban and the Inquisition held Galileo in strict seclusion, forbidding him even to speak re- garding the double motion of the earth ; and although this con- demnation of " all books which affirm the motion of the earth " * See Bruhns and Lassell, Life of Humbol(lt, London, 1873, vol. ii, p. 411. f For Descartes's discourajrement, see Humboldt, Cosmo.«, London, 18.51, vol. iii, p. 21 ; also, Lange, Geschichte des Matcrialismus, vol. i, p. 222, where the letters of Des- cartes are given, showing his despair, and the relinquishment of his best thoughts and works in order to preserve peace with the Churcli ; also, Saisset, Descartes et ses Precurseurs, pp. 100 et seq. ; also, Jolly, Histoire du Jlouvement intellectuel au XVP Pifecle, vol. i, p. 390. 740 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. was kept on the Index ; and although the papal hull still bound the " Index ^' and the condemnations in it on the consciences of the faithful ; and although colleges and universities under Church control were compelled to teach the old doctrine ; — it was seen hy clear-sighted men everywhere that this victory of the Church was a disaster to the victors. New champions pressed on. Campanella, full of vagaries as he was, wrote his Apology for Galileo, though for that and other heresies, religious and political, he seven times underwent torture. And Kepler comes : he leads science on to greater victories. Copernicus, great as he was, could not disentangle scientific rea- soning entirely from the theological bias. The doctrines of Aris- totle and Thomas Aquinas as to the necessary superiority of the circle had vitiated the minor features of his system, and left breaches in it through which the enemy was not slow to enter ; but Kepler sees these errors, and by wonderful genius and vigor he gives to the world the three laws which bear his name, and this fortress of science is complete. He thinks and speaks as one inspired. His battle is severe. He is solemnly warned by the Protestant Consistory of Stuttgart " not to throw Christ's king- dom into confusion with his silly fancies," and as solemnly or- dered to " bring his theory of the world into harmony with Scripture '' : he is sometimes abused, sometimes ridiculed, some- times imprisoned. Protestants in Styria and Wiirtemberg, Cath- olics in Austria and Bohemia j^ress ujjon him ; but Newton, Hal- ley, Bradley, and other great astronomers follow, and to science remains the victory.* Yet this did not end the war. During the seventeenth cent- ury, in all France, after all the splendid proofs added by Kepler, no one dared openly teach the Copernican theory, and Cassini, the great astronomer, never declared it. In 1672 the Jesuit, Fa- ther Riccioli. declared that there were precisely forty-nine argu- ments for the Copernican theory and seventy-seven against it. Toward the end of the seventeenth century, after the demon- strations of Sir Isaac Newton, even Bossuet, the great Bishop of *ror Campanella, see Amabile, Fra Tommaso Campanella, Napoli, 1882, especially vol. ill ; also, Libri, vol. iv, pp. 149 et scq. Fromimdus, speaking of Kepler's explana- tion, says, " Vix teneo ebnllientem risum." This is almost equal to the New lork Church Journal, speaking of John Stuart Mill as "that small sciolist," and of the preface to Dr. Draper's great work as " chippcring." How a journal, generally so fair in its treatment of such subjects, can condescend to such weapons, is one of the wonders of modern journal- ism. For the persecution of Kepler, see vol. i, p. 392 ; also Heller, Geschichte der Physik, vol. i, pp. 281 et spq. ; also Eeuschle, Kepler und die Astronomic, Frankfurt a. M., 1871, pp. 87 efseq.; also Professor Pigwart, Klcine Schriften pp. 211 pf seq. There is poetic justice in the fact that these two last-named books come from Wiirtemberg professors. See also the Xcw Englander for March, 1884, p. 1*78. NEW CHAPTERS IN THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE. 741 Meaux, the foremost theologian that France has ever produced, declared it contrary to Scripture. Nor did matters seem to improve rapidly in the following century. In England, John Hutchinson, as we have seen, pub- lished in 1724 his Moses" Pi-incipia maintaining that the Hebrew Scriptures are a perfect system of natural philosophy, and are opposed to the Newtonian system of gravitation ; and, as we have also seen, he was followed by a long list of noted men in the Church. In France, two eminent mathematicians published in 1748 an edition of Newton's Principia ; but, in order to avert the censure of the Church, they felt obliged to prefix to it a state- ment absolutely false. Three years later, Boscovich, the great mathematician of the Jesuits, used these words : " As for me, full of respect for the Holy Scriptures and the decree of the Holy In- quisition, I regard the earth as immovable ; nevertheless, for sim- plicity in explanation I will argue as if the earth moves ; for it is proved that of the two hypotheses the appearances favor that idea." In Germany, especially in the Protestant part of it, the war was even more bitter, and it lasted through the first half of the eighteenth century. Eminent Lutheran doctors of divinity flood- ed the country with treatises to prove that the Copernican theory could not be reconciled with Scripture. In the theological seminaries and in many of the universities where clerical influence was strong they seemed to sweep all be- fore them ; and yet at the middle of the century we find some of the clearest-headed of them aware of the fact that their cause was lost.* In 1757 the most enlightened perhaps in the whole line of the popes, Benedict XIV, took up the matter, and the Congrega- tion of the Index secretly allowed the ideas of Copernicus to be tolerated. Yet in 1705 Lalande, the great French astronomer, tried in vain at Rome to induce the authorities to remove Gali- leo's works from the Index. Even at a date far within our own nineteenth century the authorities of many universities in Cath- olic Europe, and especially those in Spain, excluded the Newton- ian system: in 1771 the greatest of them all, the University of Salamanca, being urged to teach physical science, refused, making * For Cassini's position, see Henri Martin, Ilistoire de France, vol. xiii, p. 175. For Riccioli, see Daunou, Etudes Historiqiies, vol. ii, p. 439. For Bossuet, see Bertrand, p. 41. For Hutchinson, see Lyell, Principles of Geology, p. 48. For Wesley, see his work, already cited. As to Boscovich, his declaration, mentioned in the text, was in l74fi, but in 1785 he seemed to feel his position in view of history, and apologized abjectly : Bertrand, pp. fiO, 61. See also Whewell's notice of Le Sueur and Jacquier's introduction to their edition of Newton's Principia. P'or the struggle in Germany, see Zoeckler, Geschichte der Beziehun- gen zwischcn Theologie und Naturwissenschaft, vol. ii, pp. 45 et seq. 742 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. answer as follows : " Newton teaches nothing that would make a good logician or metaphysician ; and Gassendi and Descartes do not agree so well with revealed truth as Aristotle does," Vengeance upon the dead also has continued far into our own century. On the 5th of May, 1829, a great multitude assembled at Warsaw to honor the memory of Copernicus and to unveil Thorwaldsen's statue of him. Copernicus had lived a pious, Christian life ; he had been be- loved for unostentatious Christian charity ; with his religious belief no fault had ever been found ; he was a canon of the Church at Frauenberg, and over his grave had been written the most touching of Christian epitaphs. Naturally, then, the people expected a religious service ; all was understood to be arranged for it ; the procession marched to the church and waited. The hour passed, and no priest appeared ; none could be induced to appear. Copernicus, gentle, charitable, pious, one of the noblest gifts of God to religion as well as to science, was evidently still under the ban. Five years after that, his book was still standing on the Index of books prohibited to Christians. The edition of the Index published in 1819 was as inexorable toward the works of Copernicus and Galileo as its predecessors had been ; but in the year 1820 came a crisis. Canon Settele, Pro- fessor of Astronomy at Rome, had written an elementary book in which the Copernican system was taken for granted. The Mas- ter of the Sacred Palace, Anfossi, as censor of the press, refused to allow the book to be printed unless Settele revised his work and treated the Copernican theory as merely a hypothesis. On this Settele appealed to Pope Pius VII, and the Pope referred the matter to the Congregation of the Holy Office. At last, on the 10th of August, 1820, it was decided that Settele might teach the Copernican system as established, and this decision was ap- proved by the Pope. This aroused considerable discussion, but finally, on the 11th of September, 1822, the cardinals of the Holy Inquisition graciously agreed that " the printing and publication of works treating of the motion of the earth and the stability of the sun, in accordance with the general opinion of modern astron- omers, is permitted at Rome." This decree was ratified by Pius VII, but it was not until thirteen years later, in 1835, that the condemnation of works defending the double motion of the earth was left out of the Index. This was not a moment too soon, for, as if the previous proofs had not been sufficient, each of the motions of the earth was now absolutely demonstrated anew, so as to be recognized by the ordinary observer. The parallax of fixed stars, shown by Bessel as well as other noted astronomers in 1838, clinched forever the doctrine of the revolution of the earth around the sun, and in INVOL VNTARY MO VEMENTS. 743 1851 the great experiment of Foucault witli the pendulum, showed to the human eye the earth in motion around its own axis. To make the matter complete, this experiment was publicly made in one of the churches at Rome by the eminent astronomer, Father Secchi, of the Jesuits, in 1852 — just two hundred and twenty years after the Jesuits had secured Galileo's condemnation.* INVOLUNTARY MOVEMENTS. By JOSEPH JASTROW, Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGT IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. QUITE a number of delusions find a common point of origin in the wide-spread belief that our thoughts and actions are to be completely explained by reference to what our consciousness tells us and what our will directs. The equally important realm of the unconscious and the involuntary is too apt to be over- looked. It is true that we are ready to admit that, in some un- usual and semi-morbid conditions, persons will show these unto- ward phenomena ; but we are slow to believe that they have any bearing upon the soundly reasoned and skillfully directed actions of our own intelligence. Accordingly, when from time to time there comes to the front some phenomenon diverging from the ordinary experience of mankind and apparently revealing obscure laws, we fly to some unproved and extreme explanation, and fail to recognize in our daily unconscious and involuntary activity the true source of the apparent mystery. While it is very reason- able to trust the verdict of our consciousness, yet it is equally * For good statements of the final action of the Church in the matter, see Gebler ; also Zoeckler, Geschichte dcr Beziehungen, etc., ii, 352. See also Bertrand, Fondateurs de I'As- tronomie moderne, p. 61 ; Flammarion, Vie de Copemic, chap. ix. As to the time when the decree of condemnation was repealed, there have been various pious attempts to make it earlier than the reality. Artaud, p. 307, cited in an apologetic article in the Dublin Re- view, September, 186.5, says that Galileo's famous dialogue was published in 1744, at Padua, entire, and with the usual approbations. The same article also declares that in 1818 the ecclesiastical decrees were repealed by Pius VII in full Consistory. Whewell accepts this ; but Cantu, an authority favorable to the Church, acknowledges that Copernicus's work remained on the Index as late as 1835 (Cantu, Histoire universelle, vol. xv, p. 483) ; and with this Th. Martin, not less favorable to the Church, but exceedingly careful as to the facts, agrees ; and the most eminent authority of all. Prof. Reusch, of Bonn, in his Index der verbotenen Biicher, Bonn, 1885, vol. ii, p. 396, confirms the above statement in the text exactly as I made it in 1871. For a clear statement of Bradley's exquisite demonstra- tion of the Copernican theory by reasonings upon the rapidity of light, etc., and Foucault's exhibition of the rotation of the earth by the pendulum experiment, see Ilocfer, Histoire de 1' Astronomic, pp. 492 et srq. For more recent proofs of the Copernican theory, by the discoveries of Bunsen, Bischoff, Benzcnburg, and others, see Jevons, Principles of Science. 744- THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY desirable that tins confidence should be accompanied by an under- standing of the conditions under which the evidence is presum- ably valid and when likely to mislead. Sense deceptions, faulty observation, exaggeration, neglect, fallacy, illusion, and error abound on all sides and emphasize the need of a calm judgment, a well-equipped intellect, a freedom from haste and prejudice, an appreciation of details and nice distinctions, in the determination of truth and the maintenance of mental health. For these and other reasons it is important to demonstrate experimentally the readiness with which normal individuals may be made to yield evidence of unconscious and involuntary pro- cesses. When, some years ago, the American public was con- fronted with the striking phenomena of muscle-reading, the wild- est speculations were indulged in regarding its true modi^s operayidi ; and the suggestion that it was due to unconscious indi- cations skillfully interpreted was ridiculed, mainly for the reasons that this explanation was hardly applicable to certain extreme instances involving considerable good fortune, other and subtler modes of interpretation, as well as some exaggeration in the ac- counts, and that so many worthy and learned persons were abso- lutely certain that they had given no indications whatever. For a time the view that mind-reading was muscle-reading rested upon rather indirect evidence, and upon modes of reasoning that do not The Automatograpr. — Wlieu in use a screen is interposed concealing the apparatus from the subject. There is also a sheet of paper on the upper glass plate, which has been removed to show the glass balls. carry great conviction to the ordinary mind. To supplement this evidence by a clear exposition of the naturalness and regularity of these involuntary movements is our present task. Inasmuch as the movements in question are often very slight, delicate apparatus is necessary, the description of which may properly precede an account of the results. There is first a strong IX VOLUNTARY MOVEMENTS. 745 "wooden frame, lidding a heavy plate glass, fifteen Indies square, and mounted on three brass legs, with screw adjustments by- means of which the plate may be brought into exact level. Upon the plate glass are placed in the form of a triangle three very per- fectly turned and polished brass balls, and upon the balls rests a thin crystal j)late glass fourteen inches square, set in a light wooden frame. Covering the upper glass is a sheet of paper, and upon the paper the subject lightly rests the finger-tips of one hand. When all is properly adjusted, and glass and balls are rubbed smooth with oil, it is quite impossible to hold the apparatus still for more than a few seconds ; the slightest unsteadiness or move- ment of the hand at once sets the apparatus going. If one closes his eyes and thinks intently of something, one readily forms the conviction that the glass remains quiet, but a bystander is equally convinced of the opposite. The rest of the apparatus is designed to give a permanent record of these movements. Fastened to the light frame containing the upper glass is a slender rod some ten inches long, bearing at its end a cork, and piercing the cork is a small glass tube that serves to hold a snugly fitting glass rod. The rod is drawn to a smooth rounded point, and when in position rests upon a piece of glazed paper that has been blackened over an oil- flame, and is smoothly stretched over a small glass plate. The point of the rod thus records easily and accurately every move- ment of the hand that is imparted to the upper plate, and by the manner of its adjustment accommodates itself to all irregularities of movement or surface. Inasmuch as the main purpose of the apparatus is to write involuntary movements, it may not be amiss to name it the " automatograph," and speak of the record it yields as an " automatogram." * Firt. 1. — (H-^ READiNa Colors. Time of reooni, 95 seconds. In all the fi(,nires A represents the beginning of the record, Z the end. In Fiofs. 4 and 6 the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 indicate the points of the record 15, 30, 45, (100 seconds— in Fig. 11, 30, 60, 90, 120 seconds — after the start. Tlie arrow indicates the direction in which the ohject attended to was situated. The tracings are permanently fixed by bathing them in a weak solution of shellac and alcohol. Various means may be employed to hold the attention of the subject in a definite direction, and in all he is instructed to thiuk as little as possible of his hand, making an effort, if he chooses, to * The apparatus was designed and the results were obtained in the PsycholoLncal Labo- ratory of the University of Wisconsin. The success of the investiijation and the labor of obtaining the rcsidts are to a great extent duo to the skill and industry of Miss Helen West, A. B., 1891, of the University of Wisconsin. 7+6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. keep it from moving. A large screen is interposed between tlie subject and tlie record to prevent him from indirectly seeing wliat is going on. On the wall facing him, some eight feet distant, are some small patches of color, the names of which he is asked to call out. The colors are small enough to necessitate close attention in their distinction, and the record of the hand, after the subject has been employed in this way for a minute or two, is usually quite significant. An average result is presented in Fig. 1. The hand moves clearly and directly toward the wall where the colors hang ; the move- ment is at times halting and uncertain, but its gen- eral trend is unmistakable. Moreover, the result can not in general be antici- pated, not alone because there are marked differ- ences between individuals in the readiness with which they will manifest invol- untary movements, but also because the intensity of the attention and the momentary condition of the subject are imjDortant and variable factors in the result. With very good subjects it becomes quite safe to j^redict the general nature of the re- sult, and the different trac- ings of the same subject 1 )ear a family resemblance to one another. A more unusual but very striking form of in- voluntary movement is shown in Fig. 2. As be- fore, the subject's atten- tion was fixed uj)on the colors on the wall, but these were arranged in three rows, the first being read from left to right, the second from right to left, and the third from left to right again. The record plainly indi- cates where the change of direction of reading took place ; the correspondence between the movements of the hand and of the Fio. 2. — Readino Colors arranged in Three Rows. Shows movement of the hand |)araliel with move- ment of the attention. Time of record, 90 seconds. The iirst line was read in this direction J, the sec- ond in this J, tlie tliird in this J. At the turn from the second to the third line the record is interrupted. IN VOL UN TAR Y MO VEMENTS. 747 attention is perfect, while the movements are unusually direct and extensive. The originator of this record is the best of our sub- jects, in the sense that the involuntary movements are largest and most predictable. We may substitute reading from a printed page for the naming of colors and obtain a very similar result. An example is given in Fig. 3, showing, as before, the movement of the hand toward the object of attention. Fig. 3. — )«-> Reading Printed Page. Time ot record, 45 &eeonds. The attention may be directed to a sound as well as to a visual impression; this may be conveniently done by listening to the strokes of a metronome. In order to further strengthen the at- tention the subject is required to count the strokes, the usual rate being one hundred and forty per minute. Fig. 4. — «-^ Counting the Strokes of a Metronome. Time of record, 70 seconds. It also illustrates slight hesitation before the movement toward the metronome begins. The result — a typical illustration is given in Fig. 4 — shows that the hand moves toward the metronome. If the metronome be placed in front of the subject in one experiment and behind him in the next, an interesting contrast may be observed. The effect of close attention to the regular strokes of a metronome may show itself in another way. We all appreciate how strong is the tendency to beat time to en- livening music, by tapping with the hands, or stampiiig with the feet, or nodding with the head ; and Dr. Lombard has shown that music is capable of effecting such thoroughly involuntary move- ments as a sudden rise of the leg when the patella of the knee is struck. It is not surprising, therefore, to find evidences of periodic movements in these automatograms, and in some instances, such Fig. 5. — Counting the Strokes of a Met- ronome. Shows tlie oscillation of the movements with the strokes of the metronome. 748 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY as Fig. 5, tliis pervades the whole record. Here the hand moves to and fro, keeping time — not accurately at all, but in a general way — Avith the strokes of the metronome. Fig. (i. — ■«H> Counting the Oscillations of a rExinLUJi. Time ot record, 45 seconds. To obtain similar results for a visual impression, a silently swinging pendulum is used, the subject watching the oscillations and counting them. The result is more frequently a movement toward the pendulum, Fig. 6, but occasionally there appear peri- odic movements due to the pen- dulum. A very excellent instance of the latter appears in Fig. 7. We may more closely approxi- mate the ordinary experiment of the muscle-reader by giving the subject some object to hide, say a knife, and then asking him to place his hand upon the autom- atograph and think intently of the place of concealment. As be- fore, there is a movement of the hand, and on the basis of the gen- eral direction of this movement one may venture a prediction of the direction in which the knife lies. The results will show all grades of success, from complete failure to an accurate localizing of the object, but as good a record as Fig. 8 is not infrequent. In this case the eyes are closed, and we have not the aid of the senses Fig. 7. — i)H» Counting Pendulum Oscilla- tions. Time of record, 80 seconds. Shows movement toward the pendulum at first, and then movements synchronous with its oscillations. Fig. 8.— w^ Thinking of a Hidden Object. Time, SO seconds. in maintaining a concentrated attention; moreover, the position of the subject may not be suited to a ready movement in the direction of the hidden object. A further interestiner mode of concentrating the attention con- IN VOL UN TAR V MO YEMEN TS. 749 sists in thinking of a building or locality in the neighborhood ; a very good record obtained in this way appears in Fig. 9. The peculiar line of Fig. 10 was obtained in an experiment in which a book was slowly carried about the room, the subject being required to continuously read from the page. It is evident that the hand followed the movement of the attention, not pre- ¥m. 9. — -^-Hf Thinking of a Locality. Time, 1^0 seconds. Also illustrates initial hesitancy followed by steady movement toward the object of thought. cisely in a circle, but in an irregular outline, closing in upon it- self. The great differences between individuals which the experi- ence of the muscle-reader would lead us to expect are not lacking here. Some movements are direct and extensive, others circuitous and brief. Fig. 11 is a good type of a small movement, though it is quite constantly toward the object of the attention. This may be contrasted with another record in which there is a movement of six and a half inches in forty-five seconds. In some cases the first impulse carries the hand toward the object of thought, and is followed by considerable hesi- tation and uncertainty. A marked example of this tendency may be seen in Fig. 12. There is, too, an op- posite type, in which the initial move- ments are variable, and the significant movement toward the ob- ject of thought comes later, when there is perhaps some fatigue. This tendency appears somewhat in Figs, 4 and 9.* How far these movements are involuntary or unconscious must be largely determined by the subjective experiences of those who execute them. While here, as elsewhere, there is some difference * A further point of importance for future research is the effect of the position of the subject upon the ease of the movement. A sufficient number of experiments were made to Bhow that such an effect exists, and as a result a position was chosen allowing as nearly as possible of equally easy movements in all directions. Fig. 10. KROM 1'kINTED J t KliAI)lN( *-HI Page, the page being moved about the subject. 750 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. among individuals, tlie consensus of opinion indicates that the subject exercises no essential control over the results ; and as a rule he is considerably surj)rised when the results are first shown to him. At times he becomes conscious of the loss of equilibrium of the apparatus, but the indication is rarely sufficiently definite to inform him of the direction of the movement. Not infrequently the movement is unconsciously per- formed, and is accompanied by a strong conviction that the appa- ratus has been stationary. In sev- eral cases an intentional simulation of the movements was produced for comparison with the other records ; the difference between the two is considerable. An objective mode of determining the precise nature of the movements is certainly desirable, but the subjective expe- riences are entitled to weighty consideration. No elaborate comment upon the significance of these results is necessary. They merely outline the initial steps in the study of involuntary movements, and leave much to be done to complete our knowledge of the details and variations of this interesting but Fig. n. — -w-^ Counting Penddlum Oscillations. Time, 120 seconds. Illustrates slow and indirect move- ment. Fig. 12. w-^ Counting Strokes of Metronome. Time of record, 90 seconds, initial directness of movement followed by hesitancy. Illustrates subtle phenomenon. The results go sufficiently far, perhaps, to indicate how readily one may obtain permanent records of invol- untary movements, and how closely related these are to the pro- cesses upon which the success of the muscle-reader depends. They bear a striking corroboration of the view that all thought is only more or less successfully repressed action, and that, as an eminent muscle-reader puts it, all willing is either pushing or pulling. The skin of tlie giraffe, according to M. II. Bryclen, is remarkably tliick, reacliing in some parts three centimetres. A complete specimen, for mounting, is worth from thirteen to twenty- three dollars. The author asserts that the ani- mal easily escapes detection in its natural condition by the resemblance of its long neck to the trunk of a tree. SCIENCE AND FINE ART. 751 SCIENCE AND FINE ART.* By EMIL DU BOIS-EEYMOND. WHEN we represent to ourselves the mental stature of the extraordinary man in whose honor we meet every year on this day, we are ever anew astonished at the boundless breadth of his view and the almost endless diversity of the subjects in which he was interested. It appears hardly comprehensible that the state paper which adjudged the principality of Neufchatel to the King of Prussia came from the same pen as the Protogea, the Analysis of the Infinite, and the true measure of force from the same head as the pre-established harmony and the Theodicy. Yet on closer examination a gap is revealed in this picture which at first sight appeared all-inclusive. Aside from tlie Latin poem in which Leibnitz extravagantly glorifies Brand's discovery of phosphorus, we seek in vain for any relation of our hero to art. That his Ars comblnaforia had nothing to do with fine art does not need to be said. Only occasionally and rarely do we meet in his writings and letters remarks on art and the beautiful. Once he permits himself to be heard at length on the pleasure we re- ceive from music, the causes of which he seeks in a uniform though invisible order in the movements of the trembling strings "which . . . produces in us ... a harmonious resonance, by which our vital spirits are also moved. "f But the world of feel- ing was only dimly visible to Leibnitz. He saw the Alps and the Italian art treasures with his eyes, but was, as we now say, soul- blind. The same lack of appreciation of fine art is seen in Vol- taire, who was comparable for his various learning with Leibnitz ; and we have to come down to a third generation, to Diderot in France, and Winckelmann and Lessing in Germany, to find de- cisive interest in fine art and appreciation of its position in the culture-life of the people. The period thus defined was, aside from a few phenomenal ex- amples, one of decline in art, while it was one of the most famous in science. When we regard the historical development of these two lines of human activity, we find no conformity in their courses. During the highest bloom of Grecian plastic art there was hardly any science. At the beginning of the art period which we are accustomed to call the cinque-cento stands out the giant figure of * Address on Leibnitz Commemoration-day in the Academy of Sciences at Berlin, July 3, 1890. f Die philosopliischen Schriftcn von G. W. Leibnitz. Published by C. J. Gerhardt. Vol. ii, p. 87. Berlin, 1890. 752 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Leonardo da Vinci, who, in addition to his immortal art-creations,, was a physicist of high rank, yet he was as such so far ahead of his time that the examjile can not be cited as evidence that the rise of science conditions also the rise of art. Michael Angelo died on the same day that Galileo was born. In the common emi- nence of art and science at the beginning of this century we see only a coincidence. Art has since then continued at best at the same height, while science is still careering on its course of irre- pressible victory. The two lines are in fact so different that it is easily to be seen that science can help art and art science only externally. " Na- ture," said Goethe, addressing Eckermann, without perceiving how sharply his words might be applied to a side of his own scientific efforts — " Nature knows no pastime ; she is always true, always earnest, always severe ; she is always right, and faults and mistakes are always man's."* In order adequately to perceive the correctness of this expression, one must be accustomed, when he applies his own hand to work as an experimenter or ob- server, to look into the inexorable face of Nature, and, we might almost say, to take upon himself the immense responsibility that is involved in the determination of even the most insignificant fact. What happens at this moment, under these circumstances, will also happen, under the same circumstances, for a negatively endless time, and will likewise happen after a positively endless time ; this is the pregnant significance of every rightly interpreted experiment. Only the matliematician, whose work is more nearly allied to that of the experimental investigator than we are used to conceive, can oppose eternally inviolable laws to the same feel- ing of responsibility. Sworn witnesses before the tribunal of reality, they both strive after knowledge of the world as it is, within the limits imposed upon us by the nature of our intellect. For this painful pressure under which he labors, the investigator is compensated by the knowledge that even the least of his achievements is a step forward above the highest stage reached by his greatest predecessors ; that it may contain the germ of immensely important theoretical knowledge and practical achieve- ments, as Wollaston's lines in the spectrum contained the germ of spectrum analysis; that such a prize invites not only the genius raised up by Nature, but also the conscientious industry of the moderately gifted ; and that science, bestowing upon the human mind the mastery of Nature, is the ruling organ of civilization : that without it there never has been a true civilization ; and that without it civilization, together with art and its works, might any day sink again hopelessly, as they did on the extinction of the ancient world. * Gespriiche mit Goethe, etc. Leipsic, 1836, vol. ii, p. 68 (1829). SCIENCE AND FINE ART. 753 The investigator can also be comforted witli the knowledge that a thoughtless multitude enjoying the benefits conferred upon it by him, hardly knows to whom it owes them ; that while the name of every musical virtuoso is in all mouths, and is certain of immortality in the Conversations-Lexicons of the fashionable classes, the name is substantially unknown among us of him who achieved that supreme triumph of inventive genius of making perceptible, through a copper wire stretched over wide regions and over mountain and valley, the sound of a voice as though it was speaking into our ears. " Knowledge is earnest, art is happy," we might paraphrase the poet's expression, without lessening its ap- plicability. Art is the empire of the beautiful ; of the creation of that which inspires in us a semi-sensational, semi-spiritual pleas- ure ; and saying this we also say that it is in its widest scope an empire of freedom. In it rule no stiff laws ; no strict causality binds the events of the present to those of the past and of the fu- ture ; no standard unconditionally warrants success. The chang- ing taste of times, peoples, and men assumes to praise and blame, as when the magnificence of Gothic church architecture became the sport of the eighteenth century. Here the definition of genius as the talent for patience goes to the ground ; its happy inspira- tion produces a picture that seizes us and lifts us up with an ele- mentary power which seems to mock the profound interpretation subsequently imposed upon it by art criticism ; and the favored hand which perfects it is also a benefactor of care-laden manhood. It unfortunately lies in the nature of things that such force is not developed in every age. Here at one time the highest development is attained in some one direction, in trying to reach which again generation after generation despondently exhausts itself. The finest art theories can neither lift the individual over the limits of his natural ability; nor in the great whole prepare a better destiny for a declining art period. Of what profit is the discussion con- cerning idealism and realism which has divided the art world for a considerable time ? Has it protected us against the hardly tolerable excesses of the latter? Seek for something new; the bold raising of a standard which the untaught multitude blindly follows, will bear the victory, till the antiquated is in some way supplemented by the fresh, or till a personality of commanding altitude unquestionably achieves the mastery. Still less can pure science help art; and thus, intrinsically alien to one another, without either materially influencing the other, they go each its own way — the one steadily rising, some- times more rapidly, sometimes more slowly, the other rising and falling in majestic waves. To desire to stamp one of the two, art alone, as the mark of the highest development of the power of the human mind, as not rarely occurs to persons unfamiliar with TOL. XL. — 51 754 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. science, is undoubtedly a mistake ; but tlie human mind really shines the clearest when the luster of art is joined with the luster of science. Furthermore, the same takes place here as in practical ethics. The lower the morals of an age or a people have sunk, the more talk there is about virtae. The more the native creative strength subsides and is dried up, the higher rises the flood of aesthetic theories. Hermann Lotze's History of Esthetics in Germany * affords a wearisome and discouraging picture of this long and fruitless movement. The philosophers of all schools have outbid one another in framing abstract formulas for determining exactly what beauty is. It is unity in diversity, or fitness without piir- pose, or unconscious rationality, or the absolute in sensual exist- ence, or the enjoyed harmony of the absolute spirit, and more of the same kind. But between these qualities ascribed to all beauty nominally constituting its essentials, and the perception of the beautiful, there is no more connection than there is between the ether and sonorous vibrations and the qualities made known to us by them. It would indeed be a vain undertaking to con- ceive an expression which shall equally cover the various kinds of beauty ; the beauty of the Cosmos in contrast to chaos, of a mountain view, of a symphony, of a poetical work, of Ristori as Medea, of a rose ; or in fine art alone, the beauty of the Co- logne Cathedral, of the Hermes, of the Sistine Madonna, of a genre picture, of a landscape, of a picture of still life, or of a Japanese vine-weaving. We prefer to say that we in this as in many other points meet something in our organism that is inex- plicable, something inexpressible, but something none the less certainly felt for all that, without which life would pass away grimly bare. There is in Schiller's works a discussion concerning the beauty of the human body.f He distinguishes between an architectonic beauty and one that depends upon grace. Twenty years ago on Leibnitz's day, in an address on Leibnitz's ideas in later science, I attacked the rationalism in aesthetics in which the past century had been much entangled, and I ventured among other things the remark that " as little as for the effect of melody is an expla- nation conceivable of the charm which handsome forms of one sex have for the other." | We can not in fact discern in close con- sideration, why this form which, according to Fechner, can be represented by a plain equation between three variables, should please us more than a thousand other possibilities. It can not be * The seventh volume of Die Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Dcutschland. Neuere Zeit. Munich, 1888. f In the essay on Anmuth und Wiirde. . :j: Reden, etc., vol. i, Leipsic, 1886, pp. 49, 50. SCIENCE AND FINE ART. 755 derived from any abstract principle or architectonics or Hogarth- ian wave-line. A year after my remark, appeared Charles Darwin's Descent of Man, in which the doctrine of sexual selection, which was only indicated in the Origin of Species, was treated in detail and followed out to its consequences. But I have, too, a lively recollection of how Dove, when I was once contending with him against the validity of vitalism, embarrassed me with the objec- tion that profusion prevails in organic nature, as, for example, in the feathers of a peacock, or of a bird-of -paradise, while Mauper- tuis's law of the least action excludes such waste in inorganic na- ture. The problem seems to be solved now, under the presumption that a kind of sense of beauty in their species exists among ani- mals. The brightly colored wedding garment of the male bird may have originated in the females giving the preference to the most highly decorated suitor, under which an ever more richly adorned posterity is developed. The male birds-of -paradise may be seen at pairing-time emulously displaying their beauty before the female. The nightingale's gift of song may likewise be accounted for if, instead of pleasure in colored feathers, we ascribe musical perceptions to the females. Darwin carries his idea further, to the extent of assuming that certain sexual marks in the human race, the grave beard of the man and the luxu- riant hair of the woman, may have been derived through sexual selection*. It is well known that the introduction of handsome Circassian slaves into the harems of prominent Turks has repeat- edly changed the original Mongolian type into a figure of nobler pattern. Rising to a higher level, we can now find in the same idea the answer to the question. Where are the roots of the charm which female beauty exercises on man ? According to our views, the woman was not made out of a rib of the first man, an assump- tion which encounters morphological difficulties, but it was tlie man himself who in the course of numerous generations made his woman by natural selection of such fashion as would please him, and, inversely, the woman her man. "We now call this type beau- * The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. London, 1871, vol. li, pp. 52, 89, 379, 400, 401. In his book on Darwinism, etc (second London edition, 1889), Mr. Wallace rejected the explanation of the decorative plumage and the song of the male bird through selection by the female, and proposed other interpretations. But a writer recog- nized by Mr. Wallace himself as equally a student in this line, Mr. C. B. Poulton, in his work, The Colors of Animals, their Meaning and their Use (International Scientific Series), has sturdily taken up the defense of the Darwinian view against this attack, and exposed the untenability of Wallace's later explanation. Mr. Wallace has not failed to reply to this (Nature, No. 1082, vol. xlii, July 24, 1890) ; while Mr. R. J. Pocock, resting on Mr. G. W. Peckham's investigations, joins Mr. Poulton (ibid.. No. 1086, August 1, 1890, p. 40.'5). This is not the place to enter into the question, especially as my conclusion concerning the doctrine of sexual selection still holds, even if Mr. Wallace should be right on the single points of feather ornament and song. 756 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tiful ; but it is only necessary to cast a glance upon a Venus by Rubens or Titian, and to think of the many races of men, to recognize bow little even this beauty is absolute. An instance in which beauty seems to have allowed itself to be dismembered to the best advantage is afforded by the beauty that might be called mechanical. It is the least considered, be- cause a peculiar training of the eye is required for its estimation. It is the beauty which a machine or a physical instrument can pos- sess, of which every part has the right measure, the right form and position for its perfection. The definition, unconscious ra- tionality, fits it well, for in this case the pleasure can with full right be traced back to the fact that we, by sufficient training, can unconsciously perceive how exactly that which was necessary has been done to connect firmness with lightness and as much mo- bility as is required, in order to obtain the most advantageous transference of force without useless expenditure of material. A driving-belt, it is true, looks neither beautiful nor unbeautif ul ; but since the strength of a connecting-rod needs to be greatest in the middle of its length, it pleases the educated vision to see it gradu- ally swelling out from the ends to the middle. This kind of beauty is of course of most recent origin ; and it should be lemarked that it was, so far as I know, first perceived and raised to a principle in the making of our physical instruments in Germany by Georg von Reichenbach in Munich. At a time when instruments of per- fect mechanical beauty were turned out of the shops of Munich and Berlin, there came to us from France and England only those on which stiff columns and fantastically ornamented cornices gave disagreeable reminders of the impure forms in the architecture and furniture of the Rococo. I do not recollect what French mathematician in the last cent- ury endeavored to account for the impression of perfect satisfac- tion to the eye which the view of the cupola of St. Peter's in Rome produced. He measured the curves of the cupola, and found that their form was precisely that which under the given conditions afforded, by the rules of the higher statics, the maximum of sta- bility. Thus, unconsciously, guided by a sure instinct, Michael Angelo solved in his model (the cupola was not built till after his death) a problem which was hardly comprehensible to his con- sciousness, and which had never, in his time, been mathematically discussed. The equation of beauty, if we may call it that, appears, moreover, in this case, to have had several roots ; for there is at least one other form of cupola, of which that of the Val-de-Grace in Paris occurs to me as a type, which makes quite as restful an impression, though perhaps not so elevating, as that of Michael Angelo's. Mechanical beauty comes in here in the building art, and the SCIENCE AND FINE ART. 757 more frequently at this time because the iron constructions of the later period give more occasion than stone structures for its exhibition. The change of material has, according to Anton Kallmann's expression, produced a changed statics of feeling.* In the Eiffel Tower mechanical beauty is in conflict with plastic want of beauty, and in this reveals itself for the first time to many who would not otherwise have had occasion to perceive its effect. The new Forth Bridge is certainly not without it. Yet there is no question that even in stone buildings, besides many traditions and conventional tastes, the pleasure in definite forms, in the gentle swelling and tapering of Doric pillars upward, their expansion into the echinus and abacus, and in the profile of the architectural members, depends on mechanical beauty, as well as on the absence from the agreeable impression they make of the repulsive, which the senseless ornamentation of vulgar styles in- flicts upon the refined taste. Mechanical beauty plays a part even in the forms of organic nature, to the degree that much that is repulsive to the untutored eye delights the educated eye and fills it with admiration. That it is which the anatomist is pleased to discern in the structure of the bones, particularly of the joints ; which on other grounds than its contradiction of the way the ancients painted death, makes a death-dance appear repulsive to him; which Benvenuto Cellini, to his credit, comprehended in a skeleton ; and which, if only our understanding was adequate, every organized form would illus- trate to us even in the aquarium and under the microscope. Even in the building up of the plant structure. Dr. Schwendener has demonstrated an economical adaptation of parts, characteristic of the organization, of which we can discern something in the sight of a broadly rooted oak pushing its massive head up toward air and light. Mechanical beauty comes into consideration in the contempla- tion of animal forms, particularly of beasts of prey. A greyhound and a bull-dog, a thoroughbred race-horse and a brewer's draft- horse, a South Down and a merino sheep, an Algau Mountain steer and a Dutch milch-cow, are all handsome, though some among them, like the bull-dog and the Percheron horse, may appear ugly to a stranger ; for in all of them the type of the species is modified for some adaptation. Although science can not, as we have seen, inspire art in its departing life, nor communicate a new impulse to it, it can still afford it an inestimable service of another kind, by increasing its insight and improving its technical means, teaching it useful rules, and guarding it against errors. We are not thinking here * Kunstbestrebungen der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1842, p. 71. 7s8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. of a thing so primitive as the preparation of pigments or of certain knacks in casting ; the less so because, as is well known, our colors are in a remarkable way poorer than those of an unscientific primi- tive time, and an unexcelled thinness of the metal is the mark of a genuine Greek bronze statue. It can hardly be necessary to recol- lect the long story of the benefits of this kind which scientific knowl- edge has conferred upon art. Linear perspective was discovered by the artists themselves, by Leonardo and Diirer. The laws of re- flection and shadow-construction, which were still unknown to the ancient painters, if we may judge from the Pompeiian Narcissus- pictures, followed. In the representation of the rainbow, which had better be left unpainted, many and serious mistakes have been made, notwithstanding the teachings of optics. Statics furnished the sculptor important instruction concerning what is called pon- deration. Aerial perspective owes its development, again, to the painters, particularly to those of northern lands. The advance of science has added to those ancient helps much of importance, although it is not so fundamental, and many natu- ralists, among them some of the first rank, have interested them- selves in making the new knowledge accessible to artists. The great masters of past centuries were guided by their feelings to the proper selection of colors, as, according to Johannes Miiller, women of taste of all times are correct in the choice of their cloth- ing ; * and the Oriental carpet- weavers are not behind them. But the significance of such unconscious success could be perceived only after the subjective physiology of the sense of sight had been created by the older Darwin, Goethe, Purkinje, Johannes Miiller, and others. These matters have been discussed by our fellow- member, Herr Ernst von Briicke, in his Physiology of Colors for industrial art, and his Fragments from the Theory of the Fine Arts,t with such special skill as only the rare combination of the artistic culture acquired in his father's studio with his own physio- logical knowledge could make possible. Chevreul pursued similar aims in France. Not less did Prof, von Helmholtz embody his pro- found knowledge of physiological optics in public lectures in the service of art, which owes to him likewise his fruitful conclusions concerning the nature of musical harmony. He explained among other things the relation in which differences of luster of real ob- jects stand to those which the painter controls, and showed what means he could employ to overcome the difiiculties growing out of them. I By imitation of the irradiation recognized by him in * Handbuch der Physiologic des Menschen, etc. Vol. ii, Part II, Coblentz, 1838, p. 375. f Physiologie der Farben, etc. First edition, Leipsie, 1866; second edition, 1887, Bruchstiicke, etc., Leipsie, 1877. \ Optisches ueber Malerei. Vortrage und Reden, vol. i, Brunswick, 1884. Concerning SCIENCE AND FINE ART. 759 its true meaning — a fault of our vision — the painter is even placed in a position to reproduce the dazzling impression of the solar disk. Of this the Castle Gandolf o of Roqueplan in the Raczynski Gallery, through its boldness, affords an interesting example. The representation of the stars as stars, in the shape in which the stars of decorations are drawn and from the resemblance to which star-fishes are named, rests likewise upon defects of our vision ; for the stars of the sky are only shining points without rays, as indeed a few favored eyes see them. The sacred halo, the phosphorescence of holy heads, which in Correggio's Night extends over the whole Christ-child, and objectively illuminates the scene, has nothing to do with this. The origin of that kind of representation, so far as it is not a free sport of fancy, is possibly traced by Herr Exner to the crown of light which one sees in a dewy field in sunshine around the shadow of his own head.* By another defect of the human eye, astigmatism, the more advanced grades of which, such as short-sightedness, belong to pathology, Herr Richard Liebreich was able to explain certain peculiarities long incomprehensible, which disfigured the later works of the distinguished English landscape-painter. Turner, f It would have been easy for a modern oculist to protect him from this fault by properly fitted glasses. Color-blindness, known of old, but thoroughly studied only in our own age, is another very frequent defect of our vision, to which corresponds, in the ear, an inability to distinguish between the tones. A color-blind painter is perhaps not so inconceivable as a musician without hearing. It might not be practicable to define the limits beyond which optical science can do no more good to the artist. In order to know the laws of the movements of the eyes, to understand wherein close vision is different from far vision, no painter will have reason to regret applying to himself Johannes Miiller's remarks in his early paper on the Comparative Physiology of the Sense of Sight. Yet it must be granted that an artist could paint an qjq very well with- out ever having heard of the Sansonian images, on which depends the soft glance of a mild eye as well as the wild fire of an angry, penetrating eye; just as the landscape-painter would paint the blue sky on his canvas no better if he had learned to take note of the yellow brush in every great circle of the heavenly sphere that passes through the sun, which continued unremarked through thousands of years, but has been familiar to physiologists since Haidinger's discovery. irradiation compare the Handbuch der physiologischen Optic, second edition. 5. Lieferung. Hamburg and Leipsic, 1889, pp. 394 et seq. * Physiologisches und pathologisches in den bildenden Kiinsten. Vienna, 1889, p. 17. f Proceedings of the Royal Institution, etc., weekly evening meeting, Friday, March 6, 1872. 76o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. In the mucli-debated question of the polychromy of the ancient statues and buildings, on the contrary, and of the propriety of adopting it, one observation of the physicists, as appears to me, has not hitherto been sufficiently considered. It is that all colors become whitish under a very strong illumination, so that, on the immediate view of the solar spectrum in the telescope, nearly every impression of color disappears, except for a light-yellow shimmer at the red end.* As the colors become whitish, their glar- ing contrast disappears, and they blend more harmoniously into one another. Therefore, under a clear sky, the fiery red petti- coat of the Contadina, which is repeated so often in Oswald Achenbach's Campagna pictures, as well as the white horse of Wouverman's war-scenes, make no disagreeable impression on the eye. Under the bright Grecian sky, on the Acropolis, in the Poikile, the more or less glaringly j^ainted fagades and pillars still had a pleasant effect; in the gray northern light, and in closed rooms, they are not happily introduced. Wheatstone has materially enriched the capacity of drawing and painting art from another side, by showing with his stereo- scope the different manner in which binocular vision distin- guishes nearer objects from monocular vision, and also from the binocular vision of objects so remote that the interval between the eyes vanishes before their distance. The impression of a solid body arises only when each of the eyes receives a different view of the object, and is produced by both views blending into one, the corporeal view. Therefore the painter, expressing dimen- sions of depth only through shading and air-perspective, has never been able to produce a real corporeal appearance on his canvas. While, then, Wheatstone's pseudoscope shows the hu- man face concave in an unusual way, Helmholtz's telestereoscope exaggerates the distance between the eyes, and, without aerial perspective, resolves the far-off forest or mountain into its vari- ous elements. The stereoscope with movable pictures, however, confirms old Dr. Robert Smith's explanation of the fact that the moon and sun appear larger by nearly two tenths of their diame- ters in the horizon than in the zenith, and reduces the problem to the question why we see the vault of the sky rather flattened like a watch-glass than as a hemisphere. Of vastly greater importance for art is photography, which originated at nearly the same time with the spectroscope. To fasten Delia Porta's charming pictures was indeed a dream of artists as well as of physicists, and after the discovery of chloride of silver the no longer unattainable object came in sight. One * Helmholtz, Handbuch der physiologischen Optic, A. a 0, Fourth Part, 1887, pp. 284, 285. SCIENCE AND FINE ART. 761 "would need to have witnessed Daguerre's discovery, and Ara- go's report upon it in the Chamber of Deputies, to realize the enthusiasm with which it filled the world. Daguerre's particular process, of only limited application, was soon cast in the shade by one which in its essentials is still in use. But it deserves, perhaps, to be remembered that when the first still imperfect Talbotype process reached us from England nobody foresaw its immense future, and the substitution for the silver plate of paper impreg- nated with a salt of silver was received with shaking of heads, and was looked upon as a step backward. Thus photography started upon its wonderful career of vic- tory. It soon assumed the relation to art that Arago had prom- ised for it. Not only has it lightened the work of the archi- tectural, interior, and landscape painter, and made the camera lucida superfluous even for panoramas; it has also furnished many useful hints relative to light and shadow, reflection and half-tone, and especially as to the way to give the most natural appearance of bodily projection to figures on a flat. It might be profitable, for the sake of forming a judgment in both directions, to inquire what part photography has had in the origin of the newer schools of painting, of the mannerism of the impressionists, and of the clear-light and free-light painters. It has taught the landscape painter how to reproduce rocks with geological and vegetation with botanical correctness, and to represent glaciers, which was rarely attempted before, and never successfully. It fixed the image of the clouds, although its. pictures of the sky were somewhat defective. Finally, it helped the portrait painter without exciting his envy, for, while it caught up only a single often long- while tense expression, it was not adequate to give an average picture of the man, and the unpleasant, stiff photograph was almost proverbially a bad portrait. It furnished painters, however, in many instances with an invaluable groundwork, although it had to be enlivened by the artistic touch. But the newer form of portrait photography is calculated to attract the attention of the artist in many points. Instantaneous photogra- phy catches the expression of the countenance and the attitudes during so short an interval that it makes good what escapes in the average expression, and thus leads to most valuable observa- tions. Duchenne and Darwin* recreated the doctrine of expres- sion in emotion ; the former by counterfeiting the various ex- pressions by means of electrical stimulation of the muscles of the face, and the latter by following their phylogenetic development through the series of animals. Both presented the artist with photographic images of such expressions by the side of which * The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. London, 1872. 762 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the drawings used in the art schools for the same purpose ap- pear antiquated. Since then the English anthropologist, Mr. Francis Galton, has solved by photography a problem which was as much beyond the reach of the artist as the representation of the average expression of a person was of the photographer — namely, of collecting into a typical picture the average physiog- nomy and shape of the head of a considerable number of persons of the same age, race, like degree of mental development, or simi- lar pathological condition or criminal propensity. This is done by causing faint pictures of faces of the same category to cover one another on the same negative.* Prof. Bowditch, of the Har- vard Medical School, has in this way taken average (composite) pictures or the types of American students and girl students, drivers and conductors of horse-cars. In the last cases the supe- riority of the intellectual exjDression of the conductor type over that of the driver type is very plain. It would have been some- thing for Lavater and Gall. Again, pathology comes into the service of fine art. Dr. Char- cot has recognized, in the photographically fixed convulsive atti- tudes and distortions of hysterics, the classical representations of possessed persons, f It is indeed most wonderful to see how Raphael, otherwise dwelling only in the ideal, portrayed in his Transfiguration the figure of the possessed boy so realistically that one can with certainty, from the Magendian position of his eyes, diagnosticate a central disease. It is in harmony with this, as was recently remarked in New York, that his left hand is af- flicted with an athetoid cramp. J [To he concluded.'] Experiments by Herr Regel with reference to the influence of external factors on the odor of plants show that the most important is the indirect influence of light on the formation of etheric oils and their evaporation. Heat and light in- tensify the fragrance of strongly fragrant flowers, which in darkness is lessened without quite disappearing. "When the whole plant was darkened, those buds only which were before fairly well developed yielded fragrant flowers, the others were scentless. If, however, only the flowers were darkened, all were fragrant. Other plants open their flowers and are fragrant only by night. When these plants were kept continuously in the dark, they lost their scent, as they lost their starch. When brought into light again, both starch and fragrance returned. Besides light, respiration has a decided influence on the fragrance. In general, the open- ing of flowers coincides with their fragrance, but there is no necessary connection between these phenomena. * Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development, with Illustrations. London, 1883. f Compare Exner, a. a. 0. S. 21 et scq. \ Sachs and Peterson, A Study of Cerebral Palsies, etc. Journal of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, May, 1890. BACTERIA IN OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. 763 BACTERIA IN OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. Bt Pkof. H. W. conn. THERE have been no discoveries in the last half-century more startling than those which are now accumulating upon the subject of bacteriology. Every one knows to-day that bacteria have a causal connection with certain diseases, and the whole civ- ilized world has been recently agitated over the attempts that are being made to combat their effect in the human system. The study of the relation of these organisms to the animal body seems to be producing a revolution in the study of medicine, or rather perhaps is creating a science of medicine, for medicine of the past can hardly be called a science. "We have heard so much of the disease-germs and their evil effects that bacteria are usually looked upon as unmitigated nui- sances. It is a doubtful chance if any knowledge of their benefi- cial effects has passed beyond the reach of the scientist's laboratory and lecture-room. But science has for a long time known that even the bacteria which are not connected with disease are of im- mense significance in the processes of Nature. The non-pathogenic germs were studied long before the pathogenic forms; but the great attraction offered by the study of disease has led the larger number of bacteriologists in this direction. To-day, however, we are beginning to recognize more than ever the great part played by the harmless bacteria, and to find out that their value in the world far outweighs the injury produced by their mischievous relatives. There is hardly a process in Nature which is not in some way connected with bacteria growth. Fermentation, the raising of bread, the formation of vinegar, the germination of seedlings, the growth of plants, the ripening of fertilizers, the decomposition of animal and vegetable bodies by means of which they are again incorporated into the soil, are all to a greater or less extent depend- ent on the growth of micro-organisms, either bacteria or yeasts. Without the agency of these organisms to prepare the soil, plants could not grow, and life would soon disappear. There is no one who is not directly or indirectly connected with the dairy industry. The discoveries of the last twenty years, and more especially those of the last five years, have shown that dairy products are in a large measure connected with the growth of microscopic organisms — some dairy processes, indeed, being nothing more than gigantic breeding experiments. Each of the three chief products of the dairy — milk, butter, and cheese — ^has its own definite relations to bacteria growth and each must be considered separately. Milk. — The souring of milk is such a universal phenomenon 764 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that it has until recently been considered a normal character of milk. The last twenty years have, however, demonstrated for us that it is universally caused by bacteria growth. The souring of milk is simply the formation in it of a certain amount of lactic acid, and the acid precipitates the casein of milk just as any other acid would do, and thus forms the curd. But it is bacteria which produce the lactic acid. The presence of micro-organisms in milk was first noticed fifty years ago by Fuchs, but it was not till twenty years later that Pasteur succeeded in showing that these organisms could really produce lactic acid and thus might be the cause of the souring of milk. Fifteen years more were required to show that they were the sole cause of the souring of milk, and to demonstrate the further important point that milk when drawn from the healthy cow contains no bacteria and has therefore no tendency to sour or undergo other unpleasant changes. Since this was first shown by Lister, in 1873, numerous observers have so successfully verified the conclusions of Pasteur and Lister that no possibility of doubt longer remains, and we now know that under normal conditions the milk while in the mammary gland of the healthy cow is free from bacteria, and we have abundant proof that such milk will never sour nor ferment if kept free from bacteria contamination. Absolutely pure milk is, then, free from bacteria; but when we examine milk that has been standing for a few hours the number of bacteria found in it is almost incredible. By the time that it is five or six hours old milk will contain millions for each tumbler- ful, and by the time it has reached the city consumer it will fre- quently contain fifty millions to the quart. Now, if the milk while in the cow contains no bacteria, it follows that this numer- ous crop must have been planted in the milk during the milking or subsequently. At first thought it seems hardly possible to be- lieve that this immense number of bacteria could have found their way into the milk since the milking. But when we learn that they are abundant in the air ; that they are crowded in every particle of dust clinging to the hairs of the cow ; that they are always present in the milk-duct for a short distance from its open- ing, living there in the remains of the milk left from the last milking ; that the milk-pail in which the milk is drawn can not be washed clear of them by any ordinary methods ; that the milk- cans will always contain them in cracks and chinks even after the most thorough cleansing ; that they are always on the hands of the milker ; and when, in addition to all this, we learn that bacteria multiply so fast that by actual experiment a single individual may in the course of six hours give rise to three thousand progeny — it no longer remains a marvel that their number is so great in milk of a few hours' standing. BACTERIA IN OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. 765 Fortunately, this immense number of bacteria in milk need not especially alarm us, for they are not disease-germs and are harm- less to the healthy person. Nevertheless, they are undoubtedly a nuisance in the milk. They can not grow there without producing some effect upon it. Commonly the first change noticeable is the appearance of the well-known odor and taste of sour milk, followed shortly by its curdling. This souring is undoubtedly the result of bacteria growth, and it was at first supposed that there was a single definite species which alone had this power of producing lactic acid. So thought Pasteur and Lister at first, and such a species they described. The species of bacterium studied by them certainly had this power, and it was named Bacterium lactis by Lister. In later years the name Bacillus acidi lactici has been given to it. By the work of the last six years we have learned that more than one species has the power of souring milk by the formation of lactic acid. Lactic-acid formation is the character- istic of a class of bacteria comprising many species, and even in the ordinary souring of milk under normal conditions it is not always the same species of bacteria which produces the mis- chief. While it is true that any one of a number of species of bacteria may produce lactic acid by their growth in milk and thus cause its souring, in other respects these different species do not have the same effect. The formation of lactic acid is not the only change that occurs in the souring of milk. Sour milk has a well-known odor, but this is not due to the lactic acid, since lactic acid is odor- less. The formation of such an odor tells us, therefore, that there are other changes going on in the souring of milk. The fact is, that a decomposition of the albuminoids and other substances in the milk is going on, and it is these decomposition products that give the odor. Now, the different species of bacteria do not all pro- duce the same sort of decomposition products. All who are fa- miliar with milk will recall that the character of sour milk is by no means uniform. It differs in the hardness of the curd, in the amount of the whey, in odor, and even in taste. "When different specimens of milk are examined just before or just after souring, it is found that the species of bacteria are by no means the same in the different specimens. Each will contain some of the acid- forming class, but the particular species which happen to be present in the different specimens will vary with the different conditions. Different localities and different methods of handling the milk will affect the variety of bacteria that it contains. It will sour in all cases, since all have some of the members of the acid- forming class ; but the other accompanjdng phenomena may be different. Thus we have learned to attribute all the differences in the different specimens of sour milk to the fact that the souring 766 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. has been produced under the influence of different species of bac- teria. The souring of milk is therefore not a simple or a uniform phenomenon. While it is always the effect of bacteria growth, we recognize many varieties of souring corresponding to the variety of bacteria most abundant in the milk before souring. All this makes little difference to the consumer ; in any case the milk is ruined for his purposes, and he is more concerned in preventing such troubles completely than in learning their variety. A rem- edy seems simple enough. When we have once learned that the whole trouble is caused by bacteria, we see that it is only neces- sary to keep these organisms out in order to preserve the milk pure and sweet. From the standpoint of public health also the desirability of freeing milk from these organisms is becoming every day more apparent. It is true that the vast majority of the bacteria in milk are perfectly harmless to the healthy person, even when swallowed in such numbers as above indicated. But, at the same time, it not infrequently happens that disease-germs get into the milk and, finding there a suitable medium for growth, multiply rapidly. They are then served out to all the patrons supplied with the milk. Typhoid fever is certainly disseminated by means of the milk-supply, and there is a growing conviction that the fatal tuberculosis owes much of its prevalence to milk from diseased cows. Other epidemics have also been traced to the same source. Even if no definite disease-germ chances to be present in the milk, the vast number of harmless forms may render the milk dangerous to all having weak or sensitive digestive organs ; for they produce considerable lactic acid, and every one knows that acid is injurious in the food of infants and invalids. The pres- ence of lactic acid is probably a less serious matter than the pres- ence of certain decomposition products which are formed by the same bacteria. These are directly poisonous, and, although they are present in such small quantities that they have no effect on the healthy person, they may be injurious to one whose digestive organs are in a sensitive condition. For a long time doctors have recognized that boiled milk is a safer food for invalids than raw milk, supposing, however, the explanation to be that the cooking renders it more easily digested, just as it does other foods. Recent experiments have shown us that this is not true. On the con- trary, boiled milk is less easily digested and absorbed by the system than raw milk. The real reason for the greater safety in drinking boiled milk lies in the fact that it is thus deprived of the disturbing action of the millions of bacteria ordinarily present. To keep bacteria out of milk is a practical impossibility. Their presence in such quantities in all places renders their access BACTERIA IN OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. -jSj to it a certainty, and it lias only been by exercising the most extraordinary precautions that scientists have in a few cases succeeded in obtaining milk directly from the cow in such a way as to avoid its becoming contaminated during the milking. At the same time much may be accomplished by cleanliness in the barn and the dairy. The presence of disease-germs in the milk is always to be traced to filth or to carelessness in handling the milk, or to diseased cows. Typhoid-fever germs, for instance, can only get into the milk from some unusual source, and tuberculosis germs only from diseased cows. If it were possible to enforce cleanliness in the barns and dairies, and to obtain sufiicient care in the handling of milk, we should have no more epidemics spread through the milk-supply. But, in the present state of public igno- rance and carelessness as to health, such an enforcement is an impossibility. In our cities and large towns, therefore, the milk- supply must be looked upon as one of the fertile sources for the spread of disease, and it behooves every one to look carefully to the condition of the milk he drinks during times of epidemics, especially of those affecting the digestive organs. But even with the most extreme care it is impossible for our milkmen to avoid the presence of the more common forms of micro-organisms which will sour the milk. Recognizing, then, that bacteria are sure to get into the milk, we may next ask if there is no way of destroying them after they get in. If we can kill these bacteria, we can of course preserve the milk longer and render it more healthful. It is easy enough to kill the bacteria though every method is open to certain objections. Various chemicals have been suggested for poisoning the bacteria, or at least for delaying their growth, but they are one and all to be con- demned, as likely to do more harm than good. A safer and more effective method for preserving milk is by the use of heat. All bacteria may be killed by heat, and then, if the milk be kept in tightly closed bottles, it will keep sweet indefi- nitely. For this purpose many sterilizing machines have been invented in the last few years, all based upon the same principle, but differing much in detail. In all cases the milk is subjected to a high heat. Most of them simply heat the milk to a boiling temperature by means of steam or boiling water, but a few, by boiling under pressure, contrive to raise the temperature consid- erably above boiling water. Although many forms of apparatus have been devised for simplifying the matter, no apparatus is really needed for sterilization. All that is necessary is to put the milk into bottles and boil it for ten minutes with the mouth of the bottle open, then close the mouth and steam it for ten minutes more. This method of sterilization will not kill all of the bacteria in the milk, but it will kill all the disease-germs which are likely 768 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. to be in it, and it will so decrease tlie numbers of the other bac- teria that the milk will keep sweet for a long time. All methods of sterilization that are in use in this country have the disadvantage of giving to the milk the taste which is peculiar to boiled milk, and also of rendering it less easily ab- sorbed by the body. In France and Germany a method has been adopted which accomplishes the purpose without injuring the taste of the milk. Machines are in use in Paris and some other cities which will heat great quantities of milk to a temperature of about 155° Fahr. for a few minutes, and then cool it rapidly to a low temperature. The method has been called the pasteurization of milk. It does not kill all the bacteria, but it does destroy so many of them that it greatly increases the keeping properties of the milk. Moreover, it almost entirely destroys the danger from disease-germs in milk, since nearly all forms likely to occur in milk are killed by this temperature. The advantage of this method is that the temperature of 155° Fahr. does not give to the milk the taste of boiled milk, which most people find unpleasant, and does not render the milk difficult of digestion. These pas- teurizing machines have not yet been introduced into this coun- try, and the opportunity exists for some one to develop a thriving business by furnishing pasteurized milk in our large cities. A little experience with its superior keeping properties, and a little knowledge of its greater wholesomeness, would soon create a de- mand for it in America as it has already done in the larger cities of France and Germany. Butter. — If bacteria are the enemies of the milkman, they are the allies of the butter and cheese maker. The last few years have shown us that butter owes at least its flavor to bacteria growth in the cream. Butter is made by allowing the cream to separate from the milk by means of its less specific gravity, and then by shaking the cream vigorously until the butter collects in lumps. Now, it has been for a long time recognized that it is a difficult matter to churn sweet cream. It may be shaken for a long time without the separation of the butter, and a smaller amount of butter can be obtained from it than from cream that has been allowed to sour or "ripen" for a time before churning. This, at all events, is true of cream which is separated from the milk by the ordinary method of setting, though it seems less true of cream separated by means of a centrifugal machine. It has also been generally recognized that the butter made from sweet cream lacks the delicate flavor or aroma which is such an impor- tant factor in a first-class butter. Sweet-cream butter has a flat, creamy taste, which is not generally desired. For these reasons butter-makers have learned not to churn cream when fresh, but to allow it to stand awhile and sour, or BACTERIA m OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. 769 " ripen/' Tlie cream in a creamery is placed in large vats, and tlien kept at a constant warm temperature for about twenty-four hours. The cream is stirred frequently during this time, and at the end of the ripening it is seen to have changed its character. It is somewhat acid in taste, is slightly thickened, and has a pleas- antly sour odor, though one quite different from that of sour milk. The cream is now churned, and the butter is found to sepa- rate readily, the quantity is at its maximum, and the butter ob- tained has the proper butter aroma. Bacteriological study of the last few years has shown that this "ripening" is nothing more than a breeding of bacteria on a large scale. There were many bacteria in the cream at the begin- ning, and the ripening has been conducted at just the tempera- ture at which bacteria grow rapidly. The result is, that their multiplication is marvelously rapid, and the number of bacteria present in ripened cream is beyond comprehension and almost beyond calculation. Five millions in a drop would not be too high an estimate for some specimens. Now, what are the bacteria doing in the cream during their twenty-four hours' growth ? They can not multiply so rapidly without producing profound changes in the cream. So far as the butter-maker is concerned their action is twofold : 1. There is pro- duced in the cream a considerable amount of lactic acid, together with small quantities of other acids. 2. Various decomposition processes are going on which fill the cream with decomposition products, and these give rise to the odor and taste of ripened cream. To understand the effect that this ripening has upon the but- ter-making, we must first ask what happens to the cream during the churning. If we look at a drop of milk under the microscope, we find that the butter-fat is in the form of the most minute drops. So small are they that they can not be readily separated from the liquid part of the milk. In cream we simply have the great mass of these drops together, but still not at all fused, like a lot of snow-balls floating in water. In the churn, however, the cream is agitated until the drops are shaken together and made to fuse with each other. They now form masses of fat large enough to be removed from the liquid in which they float, and these masses form the butter. But, looking at the cream more closely, we find a mechanical difficulty in the way of their ready fusion. The fat-drops are not free to move at will, for they are bound together in groups by a sort of slimy substance. As we watch the cream with our microscope we see the fat-globules are not easily shaken together, for the slimy matter prevents their direct contact. This slimy substance must be broken down and the drops shaken into each other before the butter can form into VOL, XL. — 52 770 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the large masses necessary for their separation from the liquid. It requires a deal of shaking to accomplish it when the slime is intact, and sweet cream may sometimes be churned for hours without producing the butter. But the ripening prepares the way for the churning. The acid formed by the bacteria gradu- ally dissolves this slime, which is of an albuminous nature, and after it is thus dissolved the difficulty of the fusion is gone and a short shaking in the churn finishes the process. It is plain, too, that a larger amount of butter will be obtained from the cream, for in churning sweet cream much of the fat will be left behind in the form of small drops not to be separated from the slime even after the most vigorous churning. As mentioned above, the second advantage derived from ripen- ing is the development of the aroma of a first-class butter. Sweet- cream butter is tasteless, and the cause of the butter aroma is to be found in the decomposition products of bacteria growth. While growing in the cream they are splitting up the sugars and albuminoids present and producing decomposition products. Among them are many volatile products which have a prominent odor and taste, and these, as we have seen, produce the odor and taste of ripened cream. Now, of course, the butter obtained from such cream will be affected by these compounds, and thus we see that the delicate aroma of first-class butter is produced by the decomposition products of bacteria growth in the cream. These are volatile, and eventually pass away from the butter in large measure. It is well known that the delicate butter aroma is found only in fresh butter. Old butter is strong enough in its taste, but the peculiar delicate aroma is gone. When first made, how- ever, these volatile substances permeate the butter and explain its flavor. Of course, it is highly essential that only the proper de- composition products should be developed, and for this reason it is a matter of high importance that the ripening shall be stopped at just the right time. If it is not continued long enough, the proper decomposition will not take place ; and, on the other hand, if it is continued too long, the volatile products will approach those of putrefaction and give a strong-tasting butter. At just the right moment they are present in sufficient amount to give the butter a pleasant flavor without being so abundant as to give a disagree- able one. The experience of the butter-maker guides him in determining when to stop the bacteria growth, and here is one of the points of skill in butter-making. When the cream is ripe enough he churns it, and this ends the process, so far as the bac- teria are concerned, for they cease to grow when the butter is made. But why should they cease to grow ? Why do they not con- tinue to cause the decomposition in the butter ? What becomes BACTERIA IN OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. 771 of them after the churning ? The answer to these questions is simple. Many of the bacteria go off in the buttermilk; many more are removed by the water used in washing, but many of them still remain in the butter. Here, however, their active life is nearly over, for the salt added to the butter checks their growth and their numbers begin to diminish. Butter is not a good medium for their development, and, after a few weeks, they practically disappear. Their growth in the butter is thus so slight that it is of no importance and ordinarily produces no no- ticeable result. To be sure, the butter may subsequently become rancid, and until recently it has been supposed that the rancidity of butter was due to bacteria growth. Some species of bacteria certainly produce butyric acid, and this is one of the most promi- nent characteristics of rancid butter. But it has been recently shown that butter may become rancid independently of bacteria growth, the direct oxidizing power of the air producing the effect. Bacteria, it is true, may hasten the process, but they are probably not a necessary cause. After the butter is made, then, the bac- teria are of no further importance, and unless there should chance to be some disease-germs among them nothing further will result from their action. The butter-maker thus forces the bacteria to give to his butter a flavor for which he gets a good price in the market. Unfortu- nately for him, however, there is more than one species of bac- teria which may readily get into his cream and produce its ripen- ing, and not all of them are equally serviceable to him. Many species of bacteria give a very unpleasant flavor to the butter if they are abundant in the ripening cream. While they cut the slime that holds the fat-globules and thus make the churning easy, the aroma produced by different species is by no means always satisfactory. It has been found that many of the species which commonly grow in ripening cream will produce very dis- agreeable butter if they are allowed to act alone. Others acting alone produce good butter, and the latter must, of course, out- weigh the former, or the butter will be unsatisfactory. The fact is, that during the ripening of the cream a great bat- tle is going on among the different species of bacteria. Some of them find the conditions of the ripening cream favorable to their growth, while others find it less favorable. The favored species multiply rapidly, and may largely crowd out of existence those less favored. Some species may chance to get the start of oth- ers by being in greater numbers at the outset, while another spe- cies will make up for all drawbacks by having a more rapid rate of multiplication. The final result of the struggle will depend upon an infinite variety of conditions, which will be entirely be- yond our knowledge. The condition of the cow, the manner of 772 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. milking, the manner of setting tlie cream, the temperature, etc, will all be important factors favoring one form of bacteria and hindering others. If the battle results in favor of the beneficial species, a good-flavored butter will result, while, if the injurious species should get the upper hand, the butter will be bad. The results are at present beyond the control, of the butter-maker. By practice he has found the methods which will commonly re- sult in a good product ; but even with his greatest precautions he is occasionally unable to obtain the best butter. At certain sea- sons of the year failure to obtain good butter is about as common as success even in our best creameries. Now, bacteriologists would not pretend that the bacteria con- tent of the ripening cream is the sole reason of the variations in the quality of the butter product. Different conditions of the cattle, different food, etc., will all affect the butter, but beyond doubt bacteria have an important part to play. Now, uniformity in the product of the dairy is the great desideratum of the butter- maker. Usually he can make good butter, but sometimes he fails from unexplained causes. The complexity of the ripening pro- cess makes it impossible for him to be sure of uniformity in this respect, even though other conditions are constant. But what is to prevent the bacteriologist finding the right bacteria to produce a proper aroma to the butter and furnishing them in quantity to the butter-maker to use in time of trouble ? They may then be planted in the cream, and thus a ripening always assured which shall be of the best character. It seems to be entirely possible thus to produce uniformity in this direction. Already in Ger- many and Denmark and in this country experiments have been started looking in this direction with much promise of success. It is not unlikely, therefore, that before long the butter-maker will have at his command a method of assuring success in the aroma of his butter if he only exercises ordinary skill in the pro- cess of its manufacture. If such an artificial ferment may be obtained, uniformity in the ripening of cream will be easy. Per- haps the result will be to bring the different creameries into greater likeness to each other, enabling those which now are un- able to obtain a first-class product to improve its flavor by using the right species of bacteria for ripening in the place of the in- ferior species which are afforded by some localities. This would perhaps not improve the best qualities of butter, but would bring the inferior qualities to a higher standard. Cheese. — If bacteria are an aid to the butter-maker, they are absolutely indispensable to the cheese manufacturer. Some peo- ple do enjoy the taste of sweet-cream butter, and there has been for some time an evident tendency toward a desire for less strongly tasting butter. But no one desires to eat fresh cheese. When BACTERIA IN OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. 77 ^ first made, cheese is soft and tastes somewliat like milk curd. It has none of the palatable taste which we find in the cheese of our table. It is a long ripening which gives this taste to the cheese. Here, again, the ripening process is one of bacteria growth. The millions of bacteria that were in the milk are stored away in the cheese, and instead of being killed here, as they are in the but- ter, they begin to multiply immediately. Here, too, there is a bat- tle of bacteria, and now one species is in the ascendency and now another. If the wrong species gets the upper hand, the cheese be- comes bad, and cheese-makers have their greatest trouble from this source. The bacteria do not grow so rapidly as they do in cream, for the conditions are less favorable, but the ripening is kept up for months, and during the whole time the bacteria are growing. Under their action the character of the cheese slowly changes. Here, again, the decomposition products are responsible for the taste and odor. In some cases, such as Limburger cheese, the action is allowed to continue to the verge of putrefaction. Ordi- narily it is not continued so far, but in all cases the cheese-maker favors the growth of certain forms of bacteria by regulating the temperature at which the ripening is carried on. As the ripen- ing continues, certain parts of the cheese are digested and decom- posed by the bacteria growth, and, as the products of decomposi- tion accumulate, the taste grows stronger. After a time it is considered fit for the market, but the longer the ripening contin- ues the stronger th* taste becomes. Little is known yet as to the bacteriology of different kinds of cheeses. Whether the different tastes of Edam, Limburger, and other characteristic cheeses is largely due to the character of the bacteria ripening them can not yet be said. Cheese-makers do, however, have much trouble with various irregular forms of ripen- ing, and a great drawback in this business is the lack of uni- formity in this respect. Beyond doubt this is due largely, per- haps chiefly, to the variety and number of bacteria which succeed in gaining a foothold in the cheese and contribute to its ripening. Along the line of cheese manufacture our bacteriologists are promising us help from their researches. Of course, the cheese- maker has never paid any attention to the sort of bacteria which he plants in his cheeses, for he has never heard of them. Some- times he has unwittingly planted species which produce violent poisons, as is shown by the many instances of death from eating poisonous cheese. Now, our bacteriologists are suggesting that the ripening of cheese may be easily controlled. Artificial cult- ures of the proper sort may be furnished the cheese-maker, and if these are planted in the cheese not only will the danger from poisonous cheese be prevented, but at the same time the desired taste of the cheese be assured. More than this, when we recognize 774 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, the great variety of decomposition products which the different species of bacteria produce, we can see ahead a great development m the varieties of cheese. Who can tell what may he the numer- ous varieties of cheeses produced when our cheese-makers have learned to ripen their product with pure cultures of different spe- cies of bacteria, instead of depending as they do now upon '^ wiW species which get into the cheese by accident from the milk ' THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF PORT ROYAL. By Colonel A. B. ELLIS. rpHE popular notion of the great catastrophe which overtook -L the city of Port Royal, Jamaica, in the year 1692, is that the earth yawned open, taking in the unfortunate city, as it were at one gulp, and that the next minute the sea flowed several fathoms deep over the spot where it had stood. Connected with this notion is the belief, which has been sedulously inculcated by several generations of religious writers, that the catastrophe was a signal instance of divine wrath ; that, in fact, the city was swallowed up on account of the desperate wickedness of its in- habitants—the buccaneers and their associates. It is somewhat strange that in this age of investigation and research no one should have yet come forward to dispel some#f the illusions with which ignorance and superstition have clothed this great dis- aster ; for we may confidently affirm that the earth did not yawn open and swallow up the town of Port Royal, which was de- stroyed in a perfectly natural and comprehensible manner ; and to those persons who profess to be exponents of divine motives we may point out that Port Royal was not overwhelmed when it was the resort of the buccaneers and the dissolute and profligate of both sexes, but at least fifteen years after these gentry had been expelled from Jamaica, and had removed their headquarters to the French portion of Hispaniola. The former city of Port Royal stood where the present town now stands, at the western extremity of the long tongue of sand, called " The Palisades," which incloses the harbor of Kingston on the southern side. Its area in 1692 was much the same as it is now ; for, except on the northern side, where the church buoy marks the site of the submerged cathedral, the action of the tides has in a great measure repaired the damage committed by the earthquake. The accompanying map will enable the reader to see its situation and surroundings at a glance. The sand-spit, some nine miles in length, called " The Palisades," at the extremity of which Port Royal stands, owes its existence to THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF PORT ROYAL. 775 a number of small cays of ^olian formation, whicli, originally detached, have now been joined together by ridges of sand. This formation is still going on to the southward, and an outer line, similar to the Palisades, is gradually being built up on the nu- merous small detached cays which lie between East and bouth- east Cays. 1 t. v ;i ^ When the Spaniards discovered Jamaica the present Palisades were in much the same condition as the outer line is now-that is to say, there was a line of detached cays, connected by banks of loose, shifting sand, which were submerged at high water, with here and there channels of sufdcient depth to admit of the passage of small vessels. In 1635, when Colonel Jackson, KINGSTON the English adventurer, attacked and plundered St. Jago de la Vega, the capital of Jamaica, the small cay of calcareous rock, which ultimately became the nucleus of Port Royal, was sepa- rated from the Palisades by a channel sufficiently deep for his ships to pass through. Twentyjears later when Venables captured the island from the Spaniards, this channel was closed by a narrow bank of sand barely rising above the water, and those who had accompanied the former expedition remarked upon the change which had taken place From that date the sand seems to have accumulated rapidly, and before long the Palisades became one continuous tongue of sand, extending from the mainland of the island on the east to Port Royal Point on the west. , -.i. ,-. . xv -u ^A The Spaniards, during the century and a half that they held Jamaica, never erected any buildings upon Cagua, or Punto de Caguaya, as the cay at the western extremity of the Palisades was termed by them.* Indeed, in their day the site was not at all suitable, for during the prevalence of strong breezes the sand was swept hither and thither by the sea, and a great portion of the cay submerged. After, however, the cay had become .|oined to the Palisades, and the sand ridge had risen two or three feet above high water, Cagua, or Careening Point, as the English called it, became a good position from which to defend the en- trance of the harbor. The first work, which mounted twenty-one small guns, but consisted merely of a stockade with a wall ot * This name is supposed to be a corruption of caragua, the Indian name for the aloe. 776 THU POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, loose stones, was erected in 165G, and in 1G57 this was replaced by a round tower of stone. The requirements of the small garri- son gradually led to houses being built, and Governor Brayne formed a naval and military depot. Thus by degrees a town sprang up, which at first was limited to the rock area of the origi- nal cay, but which gradualy overflowed those limits and spread along the sand which had drifted up against the rock. In 1G60, at the accession of Charles II, the royal commission confirming in the office of Governor of Jamaica Colonel D'Oyley, who had been appointed under the Commonwealth, was proclaimed at Careening Point, and the town was named Port Royal, in com- memoration of the event. In 1662 the stone tower, which had been enlarged and added to, was similarly renamed, and hence- forward was known as Fort Charles. At about this time the buccaneers began to frequent Port Royal, bringing there their prizes and plunder, and the prodi- gality and excess of these gentry drew a number of dissolute characters to the town. The buccaneers themselves formed no inconsiderable number. Morgan, the English (or, rather, Welsh) leader, had under his command , twenty-eight English vessels, carrying one hundred and eighty guns and thirteen hundred and twenty-six men, and eight French vessels with fifty -nine guns and five hundred and twenty men, and there were several other inde- pendent leaders. The wealth they brought into Port Royal was enormous. After the sack of Puerto Velo, the successful buccaneers returned to Jamaica and divided the spoil on Port Royal beach. " Two hundred and fifty thousand pieces of eight were divided among them, and plate, jewels, and rich effects were piled up beneath the eaves of the houses for want of warehouse room. This quickly changed hands, and after a few weeks of riotous debauchery the buccaneers were again poor, and clamor- ing to be led to sack another town. . . . Many of the inhabitants of Port Royal were literally rolling in wealth. Their tables and dinner services were of silver, and their horses were sometimes shod with plates of the same metal, loosely nailed, so as to drop off and show their contempt of riches. Vast wealth, intermingled with the sound of arms and the riot of intemperance, filled the streets.'^ Esquimeling, the historian of the buccaneers, who was bond- servant to the notorious Morgan, has left us a strange picture of Port Royal at that day. After narrating a successful exploit, he continues : " All these prizes they carried into Jamaica, where they safely arrived, and, according to their custom, wasted in a few days in taverns and stews all they had gotten by giving them- selves to all manner of debauchery, with strumpets and wine. Such of these pirates are found who will spend two or three thou- THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF PORT ROYAL, j-jj sand pieces of eight in one night, not leaving themselves, perad- venture, a good shirt to wear on their backs in the morning. . . . My own master would buy on like occasions a whole pipe of wine, and, placing it in the streets, would force every one that passed by to drink with him, threatening also to pistol them in case they would not do it. At other times he would do the same with bar- rels of ale or beer. And very often, with both his hands, he would throw these liquors about the streets and wet the cloaths of such as walked by, without regarding whether he spoiled their apparel or not, were they men or women." To Port Royal, consequently, flocked thousands of people, all anxious to profit by the wild extravagance of the buccaneers, and new houses sprang up until all the available space was covered. Then rows of palisades were driven a few feet into the sand at the water's edge, sand was brought from a distance and banked up behind them, and houses built on the foundation thus made. As the demand for greater space increased, such encroachments became more common, until the greater portion of the town was built upon made ground, which was merely kept in position by a succession of rows of stakes or palisades, and which any severe shock of earthquake would inevitably shake down. And this was done, not on a flat beach shelving gradually through shallow into deep water, but on the brink of a harbor so deep that the largest ships of the day could lie close in shore, sometimes even with their yards projecting over the roofs of the houses. It was simply courting destruction. However, we are anticipating, for the end was not yet. The buccaneers continued to frequent Port Royal, in spite of orders sent out by the British ministers to the Governor of Jamaica to restrain their excesses, and the plunder of Maracaibo, Panama, and scores of less important places was brought into the town. The buccaneers were in fact the masters of the situation, for the Jamaica government had no force with which it could compel respect for its orders — that is to say, if it gave any orders, for there are good reasons for supposing that everybody was disposed to connive at a system by which everybody profited. At last, however, the remonstrances of the court of Spain took effect : in 1672 all commissions and letters-of -marque that had been granted to buccaneers were revoked, and Port Royal ceased to be their chief resort, though for the next two or three years occasional prizes were brought in by stealth. With the departure of the buccaneers the town declined ; and when Sir Hans Sloane visited it in 1687, although it contained some two thousand houses, the population was only between three and four thousand. The bulk of the inhabitants had no doubt followed the fortunes of the buc- caneers, but the town was still the largest and most populous in 778 THE POPULAR SCIEN'CE MONTHLY. Jamaica, all the otiiers, with the exception of Spanish Town, be- ing mere hamlets. Let us now take a general view of the town as it was a year or two before the earthquake. In the center, approximately speak- ing, built on the solid rock of the original cay, was Fort Charles and about five streets of houses, while all around, but principally to the north, and to the east, where the ship-channel had been when Colonel Jackson visited the island, the greater part of the houses were built upon ground that had been won from the sea, and was retained in position by rows of palisades. These latter were most numerous to the east, and that part of the town was called the Palisadoes, whence we get the modern name "The Palisades." Several batteries and other works had been built on the brink of the water on land similarly won from the sea. Of these the principal were Fort Rupert, a hexagonal work, defend- ing the approach along the sand-spit from the east ; Fort James, which mounted thirteen guns, and was situated at the northwest- ern angle of the town ; Walker's Lines, which commanded the en- trance to the harbor; and Morgan's Lines, which defended the sea front. The ground-floors of the houses were, generally speak- ing, of brick; the upper portions of wood. Four fifths of the town was thus built upon sand, heaped up on the verge of deep water, and it is marvelous how the inhabitants could have been satisfied to live in so perilous a position, for earthquakes fre- quently took place, and they had ample warning of what might at any time occur. On October 20, 1687, a shock of earthquake was felt which caused the bells in the church to ring and a tidal wave to sweep along the streets nearest the harbor, while the sand in other streets, sucked out by the waters beneath, fell away into crater-like pits. Nobody, however, seems to have inquired what would have been the result had the shock been of longer duration. The 7th of June, 1692, the day of the great earthquake, was exceedingly hot ; not a cloud was in the sky, and not a breath of air stirred. At about 11.40 a. m. a slight trembling of the earth was felt, and this was shortly followed by a second shock, some- what stronger than the first, and accompanied by a hollow rum- bling noise like distant thunder. At this most of the people began to run out of their houses, but a third shock at once supervened, and in about a minute — for it is said to have lasted nearly a min- ute— four fifths of the town was in ruins and the sea rolling over it. The streets on the north side, on the brink of the harbor, where the sand had been most steeply banked up, were the first to fall, sinking at once into four or five fathoms of water ; next fell the church and tower ; and then Morgan's Lines, on the south side, on the verge of the sea, to which many had fled for safety. THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF PORT ROYAL. 779 suddenly disappeared, the sea rolling completely over the . place where it had stood. Then the whole of that portion of the town where the ship-channel had been sank at once into deep water, while the houses nearer the central rock sank, some up to the eaves, others up to the first floor, and others again one or two feet only, according to the distance at which they were situated from the water's edge. The shock of the earthquake, in fact, shook down the artificially sustained bank of sand ; as the sand shook down and spread out, the houses subsided, while the sea, rushing in underneath as well as above, gushed up in spouts in the streets and completed the ruin. Fort Charles and the houses that stood on the rock foundation alone remained, and of these the greater number were terribly shattered. About sixteen hundred persons are said to have perished. The following sketches, showing roughly a section of Port Royal, before and after the earthquake, will help to explain what occurred. Befokk. Abteb. The amount of damage done by an earthquake to buildings depends very largely upon the nature of the foundations, for the shock-waves of earthquakes travel at different rates of speed through different substances. As a rule it may be said that the more compact the substance the quicker the rate. Thus they travel fastest through solid rock and slowest through loose sand. The duration of the shock has everything to do with the amount of damage ; consequently, in Port Royal, the sand gave way, and the houses built on it collapsed, while those built on the rock, though evidently shaken and thrown out of the perpendicular, remained standing. We are able to append the following curious map, which is said to be an exact plan of Port Royal before the earthquake, and which shows what remained afterward. It must be observed, however, that the cathedral-church, which stood near the build- ing known as King's House, is unaccountably omitted. The original is to be found in the library of the Institute of Jamaica, at Kingston. The dotted line shows the area of rock. ySo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. A few descriptions of the earthquake by eye-witnesses are still extant. "We take the two following, which may be of inter- est, from the Philosophical Transactions, vols, xvii, xviii, 1694: 1. " This part of Port Royal which is now standing, is said to stand upon a rock. ... It seems strange that the force of the earthquake did not dissipate and dissolve the very foundation of it, and that it did not fall to pieces and scatter under the water, as the rest of the place did ; for the shock was so violent that it threw people down on their knees, and sometimes on their face, as they run along the street to provide for their safety ; and it was a very difficult matter to keep one's legs. The ground heaved and swelled like a rolling, swelling sea ('tis a strange comparison, but everybody here using it, I venture to do so likewise), by which means several houses now standing were shuffled and moved some Ak Exact Plan of the Towk of Pobt Eoyal before the Earthquake in 1692 ; the past within the dotted line being all that was left after the shock. A, Fort James ; B, Fort Carlisle ; C, Fort Eupert ; D, Fort Charles : E, Walker's Lines ; F, Morgan's Lines ; G, White's Lines ; H, Church Lines ; I, King's House ; K, School ; L, New Dockyard ; M. Storehouse. 1, Thames Street ; 2, Queen's Street; 3, High Street ; 4, Broad Street ; 5, New Street ; 6, Cannon Street ; 7, York Street ; 8, Tower Street ; 9, Church Street ; 10, Parade ; 11, Lime Street ; 12, Fisher's Street, yards from their places. One whole street (a great many houses whereof are now standing) is said to be twice as broad now as be- fore the earthquake ; and in many places the ground would crackle and open, and shut quick and fast : of which small openings I have heard Major Kelly and. others say they have seen two or three hundred at one time, in some whereof many people were swallowed up ; some the earth caught by the middle and squeezed to death ; the heads of others only appeared above ground ; some were swallowed quite down, and cast up again by great quan- tities of water; others went down and were never more seen. These were the smallest openings ; others that were more large, swallowed up great houses ; and out of some gapings would issue whole rivers of water, spouted up a great height into the air. THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF PORT ROYAL. 781 which seemed to threaten a deluge to that part of Port Royal which the earthquake seemed to favor, accompanied with ill stenches and offensive smells. . . . The sky, which was before clear and blue, was in a minute's time become dull and reddish, looking (as I have heard it compared often) like a red-hot oven : all these dreadful circumstances occurring at once, accompanied all the while with prodigious loud noises from the mountains, occasioned by their falling, etc. ; and also a hollow noise under- ground, and people running from one place to another distracted with fear, looking like so many ghosts, and more resembling the dead than the living, made the whole so terrible, that people thought the desolation of the whole frame of the world was at hand. Indeed, 'tis enough to raise melancholy thoughts in a man now, to see the chimneys and tops of some houses, and the masts of ships and sloops, which partak'd of the same fate, appear above water ; and when one first comes ashore, to see so many heaps of ruins, many whereof by their largeness shew that once there had stood a brave house ; to see so many houses shatter'd, some half fallen down, the rest desolate and without inhabitants ; to see where houses have been swallowed up, some appearing half above ground, and of others the chimneys only ; but above all to stand on the sea-shore, and to look over that part of the neck of land which for above a quarter of a mile was quite swallowed up ; there where once brave streets of stately houses stood^ appearing now nothing but water, except here and there a chimney." 2. '" What you desire concerning our earthquake in Jamaica, I will answer as near as I can to what I saw and heard ; Port Royal being the place where I lived. I shall begin with what I met with there. On Tuesday, the 7th of June, 1693, betwixt eleven and twelve at noon, I being at a tavern, we felt the house shake, and saw the bricks begin to rise in the floor, and at the same in- stant heard one in the street cry, 'An earthquake ! ' Immediately we run out of the house, where we saw all people with lifted-up hands begging God's assistance. We continued running up the street, whilst on either side of us, we saw the houses, some swal- lowed up, others thrown on heaps ; the sand in the street rose like waves of the sea, lifting up all persons that stood upon it, and immediately dropping down into pits ; and at the same instant a flood of water breaking in and rowling those poor souls over and over ; some catching hold of beams and rafters of houses, others were found in the sand that appeared when the water was drained away, with their legs and arms out ; we beholding this dismal sight. The small piece of ground whereon sixteen or eighteen of us stood (praised be God) did not sink. As soon as the violent shake was over, every man was desirous to know if any part of his family were left alive. I endeavoured to go towards my house 782 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ■upon the ruins of the houses that were floating upon the water, but could not ; at length I got a canoa, and row'd up the great sea-side towards my house, where I saw several men and women floating upon the wreck out to sea ; and as many of them as I could I took into the boat, and still row'd on till I came to where I thought my house had stood, but could not hear of neither my wife nor family. But seeing all people endeavouring to get to the Island, I went among them, in hopes I might hear of my wife, or some part of my family, but could not. Next morning I went from one ship to another, till at length it pleased God that I met with my wife and two of my negroes. I then asked her how she escaped. She told me, when she felt the house shake, she ran out and call'd all within to do the same. She was no sooner out but the sand lifted her up ; and her negro woman grasping about her, they both dropped into the earth together ; and at the same in- stant the water coming in, rowl'd them over and over, till at length they catch'd hold of a beam, where they hung, till a boat came from a Spanish vessel and took them up. The houses from the Jews' street end to the breastwork were all shak'd down save only eight or ten that remained from the balcony upwards above water. And as soon as the violent earthquake was over, the water- men and sailors did not stick to plunder those houses ; and in the time of their plunder one or two of them fell upon their heads by a second earthquake, where they were lost. . . . Several ships and sloops were over-set and lost in the harbour. Amongst the rest the Swan-Frigat that lay by the wharf to careen, by the violent mo- tion of the sea and sinking of the w^harf, was forced over the tops of many houses : and passing by that house where my Lord Puke lived, part of it fell upon her, and beat in her round-house : she did not over-set, but helpt some hundreds in saving their lives.'' The shocks of earthquake continued, but with decreasing vio- lence, for a period of nearly three weeks, and the survivors of the catastrophe at Port Royal fled to the plain of the Liguanea and encamped where the city of Kingston now stands. Here they were attacked by a pestilence, occasioned by exposure, scarcity of food, and the effluvium from the corpses which were floating up and down all over the harbor. Jamaica historians tell us that this epidemic " slew thousands of the survivors," but as they have limited the population of Port Royal to thirty-five hundred, and sixteen hundred of these perished in the earthquake, there were no thousands left to be slain. From a letter, dated Jamaica, Sep- tember 20, 1G02, it appears that about five hundred died. Other portions of the island were more sensibly affected by the shock than was even Port Royal, and it is said that the eleva- tion of the entire surface was considerably diminished. More houses were left standing in Port Royal than in all the rest of THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF PORT ROYAL. 783 the island put together, for scarcely a planter's house or sugar- works withstood the shock anywhere. • Not one house remained standing in the village of Passage Fort, one only in the Liguanea, and none in Spanish Town but a few low and substantial struct- ures that had been built by the Spaniards. From the Saltpond Hill, opposite Port Royal, water rushed out from some twenty or thirty openings, twenty feet above the sea-level, and continued running abundantly for two days. Vast land-slips stripped the mountain-sides of their forest, and left bald and bare scarps sev- eral miles in extent. Rivers were choked up and driven into new channels, and the entire appearance of the Blue Mountain Range was changed. As far as Port Royal was concerned, the earthquake had re- duced it to a cay of about the same dimensions as it presented in 1635 when Colonel Jackson visited Jamaica, and the work of fifty- seven years had been undone in one or two minutes. Although Port Royal is now again connected with the Palisades, the process of silting up does not appear to have proceeded so rapidly after the earthquake as it did before. In 1698 there was still a navi- gable channel over the ruins, for on the 8th of November of that year a committee of the House of Assembly reported : " That it is necessary to have a close fort of about sixteen guns erected upon the easternmost part of Port Royal, where the old church and King's House stood, which will not only secure the passage which the late dreadful earthquake made on that part of the town, but very much annoy any ship that may break into the harbour." As late as 1783 — that is, ninety-one years after the earthquake — Port Royal is referred to in official documents as a " cay." Sixty years ago the ruins of the submerged town were said to have been plainly visible in calm weather, and at the present day irregular masses of masonry can be discerned near the conical red buoy which marks the spot where the church stood. The popular belief, derived from the works of old authors, such as Martin's British Colonies, was that incalculable wealth was to be found among the ruins ; for, according to these writers, " the wharves were laden with the richest merchandise, and the markets and stores displayed the glittering spoils of Mexico and Peru," at the time that the earthquake occurred. This, no doubt, was only meant for fine writing, as we know very well that the wealth and glory of Port Royal had departed some fifteen years before the catastrophe ; but it served to inflame the public imagination, and in 1861 an American diver requested aid from the Government to explore the remains of the old city, offering to divide the treas- ure he might find. One trial was allowed him. He stated, on coming to the surface, that he had entered what was apparently a blacksmith's shop, and that he had found the remains of a fort. 784 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. presumably Fort Carlisle, but that he had been unable to enter it, it being entirely overgrown with coral, which had imbedded the guns in the embrasures as firmly as if they had been fixed in solid masonry. It was probably at this time that one of the bells of the old church, which is now in the Museum of the Jamaica Institute, was recovered. At Green Bay, opposite Port Royal, concealed in dense bush, is the tomb of Lewis Galdy, a member of the Assembly of Port Royal, who fell into one of the crater-like pits caused by the subsidence of the sand, and was washed out again by the water gushing up from beneath. The inscription, which is rapidly becoming illegi- ble, is as follows : " Here lies the body of Lewis Galdy, Esquire, who departed this life at Port Royal, the 22d of December, 1736, aged eighty years. He was born at Montpellier, in France, but left that country for his religion, and came to settle in this island ; where he was swallowed up in the great earthquake in the year 1693 ; and, by the Providence of God, was, by another shock, thrown into the sea, and miraculously saved by swimming, until a boat took him up. He lived many years after in great reputation, beloved by all who knew him, and much lamented at his death." As we have said, owing to the action of the tides and currents, the sand has again accumulated round the nucleus of rock at Port Royal, which presents, physically, much the same appearance as it did before the earthquake ; and, notwithstanding the lesson of the past, the surface is again crowded with buildings. But what has happened once may at any time happen again; shocks of earthquake frequently occur in Jamaica, and it only requires one of sufficient violence to bring upon the new town the fate which overtook the old. Let us hope, however, that it will not occur. Among the marked characteristics of the Melanesians, as described in Dr. R. H. Codrington's book about them, is the universal prevalence of secret societies, like the Duk-dnk of New Britain, the Matarabala of Florida Island, the Quatu of the New Hebrides, and the Tamate of the Banks Islands, which celebrated certain mysteries and peculiar dances, kept secret from the uninitiated and from women and girls, but having nothing religious, obscene, or idolatrous about them. The Banks Islands are considered by Dr. Codrington the cliief seat of these societies, •which are there called " The Ghosts." All these Tamate associations have as their particular badge a leaf or flower. The lodge or secret resort of the Tamate is the salagoro, established in some secluded place, generally amid lofty trees, in the neighborhood of every considerable village or group of villages. The whole place is set apart, not sacred, by sufficient authority, and no woman or uninitiated per- son would tliink of approaching it ; yet foreigners are admitted without difficulty. These Tamate liave survived the introduction of Christianity. All belief in the supernatural character of the associations has long since disappeared, but the societies occupied so important a place in the social arrangements of the people that they have held their ground as clubs. RAPID TRANSIT. 785 RAPID TRANSIT. LESSONS FROM THE CENSUS. VI. By CARKOLL D. WEIGHT, A. M., UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. WE have seen that the population of cities is rapidly gaining in proportion to the increase of population in the whole country, and also that this growth in cities is largely suburban in its character. The suburban growth is fed from without and from within. As business is extended, and the room and area formerly occupied by people are taken for great mercantile houses and for manufacturing, the population of such areas is sent out to the suburbs of necessity, while many seek suburban residences as a matter of choice. From without the suburban population is augmented by the rush to cities from the country. Owing to the improvement in methods of agriculture, by which production from the earth becomes in some sense a manufacture, a less num- ber of persons is required for agricultural purposes than of old. The question is often asked why, if population increases, there is not an increasing necessity of supplying food products ; and if there is such a necessity, why can great numbers be spared from the rural districts to engage in the business undertakings of the cities ? Improved methods of production offer an answer to this question, the result being that the labor of the country not being in so great demand, even to supply the vast increase required in food products, seeks remunerative employment in centers of pop- ulation. As the contraction of labor through invention goes on, the expansion of labor through invention grows to a greater ex- tent ; and it is probably true that through inventions, or through great industries which have come into being in recent years, a larger number of people are employed relatively than are deprived of employment through improved methods. The great indus- tries associated with electrics, railroad enterprises, the building of new kinds of machinery, and the absorbing in various ways of laborers in occupations not known until within a few years, ena- bles manufacturing centers to furnish gainful work to those com- ing from the country, where, relatively speaking, they are not needed. These people take up their residence in the suburbs, though they may find their occupations in the crowded areas of the cities themselves. The question of rapid transit in cities, therefore, becomes one not only of great interest in the study of the movement of population at the present time, but one of prime necessity for the consideration of municipal governments. It is something more than a question of economics or of business con- venience ; it is a social and an ethical question as well. VOL. XL. — 53 786 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Tlie bulletins of the census furnisli, to some extent, the sta- tistics relating to rapid transit in cities, and of the relative econ- omy of different motive powers used on street railways. These bulletins have been prepared by Mr, Charles H. Cooley, special agent for rapid transit facilities in cities, under the immediate direction of that skillful statistician and economist, Mr. Henry C. Adams, special agent for transportation, and from them we learn the growth of rapid transit facilities during the ten years from 1880 to 1889, inclusive, in cities having over fifty thousand in- habitants. The special experts have selected cities on a basis of an estimate of population made at the time the compilation of the tables was begun. The full reports of the statistics of the equipment of all roads furnishing rapid transit facilities, and of their operations for the single fiscal year ending 1890, are being collected, and the census authorities will present them in future exhibits. Prof. Adams announces, and with truth, that street railways have never before been brought within the scope of the census statistics of transportation, and he points out the peculiar difficul- ties which were met with in collecting the facts already presented. Some of these difficulties arose from the ambiguity of designa- tion, as " length of line," " length of single track," and " length of double track," when applied to street railways ; and on account of such ambiguities the attempt has been made to fix upon some definite nomenclature by which careful returns can be secured. The conclusion is, that " length of line " means length of road- bed, or, in case of railways running entirely upon streets, the length of street occupied ; that " length of single track " means the length of that portion of the road-bed or street laid with one track only ; and that " length of double track " means the length of that portion of the road-bed or street laid with two tracks. In determining the total length of tracks, switches and sidings have been included, and thus double track has been reckoned as two tracks. On December 31, 1889, 476 cities and towns in the United States possessed rapid transit facilities, the total number of rail- ways in independent operation being 807. Many railroads, how- ever (and the number is stated at 286, having a total length of 3,150-93 miles, and 13, having a total length of 13575 miles), have as yet made no report ; while in six the returns received were so imperfect that it was necessary to supplement them by approxi- mations. This statement accounts for the bulletins not present- ing statistics for a series of years for the whole number of rail- roads in the country, and m cities have been selected for which the reports are comparatively complete. Suburban lines tribu- tary to large cities, but without their corporate limits, as well as RAPID TRANSIT. 787 those actually within the cities, are included in the statement ; as, for instance, where cities situated close together have a com- mon street-railway system, it has not been thought best by the experts to attempt a separation in the tables. Therefore, Pitts- burg and Allegheny, in Pennsylvania, are treated as one city, as are also Newark and Elizabeth, in New Jersey. The street-rail- way lines comprehended in Boston traverse also Lynn, Cam- bridge, and other suburban places. The aggregate mileage of the fifty-six cities selected for each year from 1880 to 1889, with the increase and percentage of in- crease, is shown in the following table : Total mileage. Incebasb. Tbab. Miles. Per cent. 1880 1,689-54 1,765-95 1,875-10 1,941-49 2,031-84 2,149-66 2,289-91 2,597-16 2,854-94 3,150-93 1881 76 109 66 90 117 140 307 257 295 41 15 39 35 82 26 25 78 99 4-62 1882 6-18 1883 3-54 1884 4-65 1885 5-80 1886 6-52 1887 1888 13-42 9-93 1889 10-37 Total 1,461 39 86-50 It is only fair to state that in order to make the foregoing statement, the statistics of some of the cities have been re-enforced by information from sources other than the census returns. By the above table it will be seen that from 1,089*54, total mile- age in the fifty-six cities selected in 1880, the growth has been to 3,150"93 miles in 1889. This is an increase of 1,461*39 miles, or 86'50 per cent. These figures show conclusively the rapidly in- creasing wants of cities. The five leading cities of the country have a mileage assigned them as follows : Philadelphia, 283-47 ; Boston, 200*86 ; Chicago, 184*78 ; New York, 177*10 ; Brooklyn, 164*44. These are figures for 1889, and they show the total length of line ; but the total length of all tracks, including sidings, for the same cities, is as follows : New York, 368*02 ; Chicago, 365*50 ; Boston, 329*47 ; Brooklyn, 324*03 ; Philadelphia, 324*21. From these figures we find that the position of Philadelphia in the last statement is re- versed, and that New York steps from the fourth place in the five cities named to the first place ; and this brings out a peculiarity of the Philadelphia roads and, to some extent, the roads of Boston, the tracks in these cities, to a large extent, occupying different streets in going to and from a terminus instead of being laid upon the same street. 788 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. The motive power used on the total mileage given is divided as follows : Motive POWEK. Miles. Per cent. Animal power 2,351-10 260-36 255-87 61-79 221-81 74-62 Electricity 8-26 Cable 8-12 Steam (elevated roads) 1-96 Steam (surface roads) - 7-04 Total 3,150-93 100-00 The relative economy of cable, electric, and animal motive power has been brought out by the census officers, but the super- intendent remarks, in issuing the bulletins on this subject, that it is still too early to form a final judgment regarding the value of electric motive power for street railways ; yet he feels that the statistics presented, being, as they are, a record of actual experi- ence, throw considerable light upon the matter of economy. The lack of uniform accounts of railways prevents the use of the data already collected for the formation of a final judgment ; while, again, the electric railways, being nearly all new, have not been in operation a sufficient length of time to afi'ord final conclusions as to economy of service ; and, as Prof. Adams points out, most electric railways are the successors of roads operated by horses, the horses being still retained on a part of the lines and the ex- pense incurred for horse power being intermixed with that in- curred for electric power. For these reasons a final judgment on the figures given must not be reached ; yet the facts presented are indicative of what may be expected. The bulletin relating to the relative economy of different mo- tive powers embraces fifty lines of street railway, ten of which are operated by cable, ten by electricity, and thirty by animal power ; and from the various tables presented, showing length, steepest grade, number of cars, car mileage, number of passen- gers carried, operating expenses, etc., a crystallized statement (which statement, it should be remembered, is not a complete and accurate one) is drawn, showing that the operating expense per car mile of cable railways is 14-13 cents ; of electric railways, 13'21 cents ; and of animal power, IS'IG cents ; while the operating ex- pense per passenger carried is, for cable railways, 3*22 cents ; for electric railways, 3-82 cents ; and for railways operated by animal power, 3'G7 cents. It will surprise many to learn that in opera- tion both cable and electric railways show a greater econo- my than railways operated by animal power ; but in the full tables given in the bulletins it is noticeable that electric rail- ways which have the least expense per car mile have the greatest expense per passenger carried. So the statement of the ratio be- RAPID TRANSIT. 789 tween passengers carried and car mileage becomes essential, and from this it appears that electric railways show a less number of passengers per car mile than either of the other classes, the num- ber of passengers carried per car mile being, for cable railways, 4"38 ; for electric railways, 3*46 ; and for railways operated by ani- mal power, 4'95. Thus the electric railways carry a less number of passengers per car mile than either of those operated by cable or by animal power. The assumption is made in the census report that this variation is explained by the fact that electric roads, being new, occupy lines over which the passenger traffic has been but partly developed. The expense per car mile and per passenger, the cost of road and equipment, and the volume of passenger traffic are essential for a full understanding of the financial side of the question. From the statistics reported it is seen that the total cost of road and equipment per mile of line (meaning thereby street length) is, for cable railways, $350,324.40 ; for electric railways, $46,697.59 ; and for railways operated by animal power, $71,387.38 ; and the number of passengers carried per mile per year is, for cable rail- ways, 1,355,965 ; for electric railways, 222,648 ; and for railways operated by animal power, 596,563. From these figures it appears to be true that cable railways attain their greatest efficiency where an extremely heavy traffic is to be handled, and that elec- tric railways and those operated by animal power are used where the traffic is not so heavy, or is more generally diffused. The operating expense per car mile is: For cable railways, 14'12 cents ; for electric railways, 13'2l cents ; for railways oper- ated by animal power, 18'16 cents ; and the operating expense per passenger carried is, for the different powers as named, respect- ively, 3*22 cents, 3*82 cents, and 3*67 cents ; but, including interest charge per car mile at assumed rate of six per cent, the sum of operating expense and interest per car mile is : For cable railways, 20*91 cents ; for electric railways, 17*56 cents ; and for railways operated by animal power, 21*71 cents. These charges, both act- ual and estimated, show a somewhat greater expense for cable roads per car mile than for electric roads ; but when the interest charge is considered on the basis of passengers carried, and added to the operating expense, the sum of operating expense and inter- est per passenger is as follows : For cable railways, 4*77 cents ; for electric railways, 5"08 cents ; for railways operated by animal power, 4*39 cents, showing a less cost for operating expense and interest charge per passenger for cable railways than for electric railways. In the first instance, the greater charge for cable rail- ways is on account of the much greater cost and equipment per mile ; while the greater number of passengers carried by cable rail- ways per mile reduces the ratio of expense on the passenger basis. 790 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. It is to be hoped that the complete statistics relating to rapid transit in cities will enable the public to determine, with reason- able accuracy, the relative economy of the different powers used. This is a question which is vital to the interests of city and subur- ban communities, and which leads to the ethical consideration of the problem of rapid transit. That power must eventually be used by which passengers can be transported from their homes to their places of business and return at the least possible expense, and the greatest possible safety commensurate with high speed. The necessity of living in sanitary localities, in moral and well-regulated communities, where children can have all the ad- vantages of church and school, of light and air, becomes more and more evident as municipal governments undertake to solve the problems that are pressing upon them. If it be desirable to dis- tribute the population of congested districts through country dis- tricts, means must be provided for safe, rapid, and cheap transit to the country districts; or,- inversely, if it be desirable to build up the suburban areas, the jjeople must be supplied with cheap and convenient means of reaching the localities within which they earn their living. The reduction of fares, through improved means of rapid transit, however desirable, is really a minor question. It is prob- ably true that by a slight reduction from a five-cent fare the head of a family engaged in mechanical labor, earning perhaps five or six hundred dollars per annum, might save enough to pay taxes, or to offset church and society assessments, or to furnish his family with boots and shoes, in any event extending his power 'pro ianio for the elevation of his family; but he does more than this when speed is taken into consideration. By the old methods of transit from suburbs to the heart of a city a working-man going into the city of Boston was practically obliged, while working ten hours at his usual occupation, to spend an hour on the horse- railway, when now, on one line, by the use of the electric car, he can go to and return from his place of work in half that time, thereby actually adding to his own time half an hour each day, practically reducing his working time from eleven hours to ten and a half hours without reduction of wages and without in- creased expense for transportation. The question of raj^id transit, therefore, as seen by this simple illustration, becomes an ethical consideration ; for if there is anything to be gained by adding to the time which men have at their disposal for their own purposes, for intercourse with their families, for social improvement, for everything for which leisure is supposed to be used, then the question of rapid transit is one of far greater importance than that of saving money either to the man who uses transportation or to the company that secures dividends upon its stock. I be- RAPID TRANSIT. 791 lieve, therefore, that all the efforts that are being made to secure convenient and cheap rapid transit in great cities are those which should bring to their support the help of all men who are seeking the improveraient of the condition of the masses. Business extension in cities is crowding the street area. This area is precisely the same in old cities like Boston, New York, Philadelphia, etc., for the present population and business opera- tions that existed a century ago. The crowding of streets with the transportation essential for the movement of goods increases with great rapidity, but when the crowding is augmented, per- haps doubled, by the presence of the means of transporting pas- sengers, the difficulties involved are almost appalling. With every increase of population the companies having in charge transportation facilities must, in order to accommodate the pub- lic, add more cars and more animals — if animals are the motive power — and so rapidly add to the already crowded condition of streets. This process is one which attacks the health and the safety of the people. The presence of so many horses constantly moving through the streets is a very serious matter. The vitia- tion of the air by the presence of so many animals is alone a suffi- cient reason for their removal, while the clogged condition of the streets impedes business, whether carried on with teams or on foot, and involves the safety of life and limb. It is a positive necessity, therefore, from this point of view alone, that the prob- lems connected with rapid transit should be speedily solved, and this feature demands the efforts and the support of sanitarians. With the removal of tracks from the surface, and with tunnels built in such a manner as to be free from the dampness of the old form of tunnel, as has been done in London, and to secure light and air and be easy of access, all the unsanitary conditions of street-railway traffic will be at once and forever removed ; and if private capital can not be interested to a sufficient extent to undertake such measures, then municipal governments must see to it that the health of the community is not endangered by sur- face traffic. When this question is allied to the ethical one, and when one considers the advantages to be gained, first, through securing rapid transit from the crowded portions of cities to the suburbs, and, second, by removing rapid transit traffic from the surface to underground viaducts, the importance of the whole problem becomes clearly apparent, and not only the importance of the problem but the necessity of its solution. The statistics given by the census officers seem to indicate that as a matter of economy the very best equipment can be used with- out increasing the tax upon individual passengers. If under- ground roads can be used without at first increasing such tax, and still offer a reasonable compensation for capital invested, the 792 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. gains to the people at large offer an inducement to capital, while the many considerations of health and morals oft'er men who de- sire to use their means for the benefit of their kind an opportunity that has not existed in the past. From my knowledge of some of the men who have been foremost in projecting lines of rapid tran- sit, but who have been accused of doing it for entirely selfish motives, I learn that public benevolence has influenced them to a sufficient extent to induce them to take the great risks which are apparently involved. I believe that could the real, underlying patriotism of such men be known, and the confidence of the public in their willingness to do work for the public benefit gained, the solution of the rapid transit problem would be much easier. Capital is securing less and less margin of profit through its investments, whether in manufacturing or in other enterprises. The capitalist is satisfied with a safe and sure return of from three to five per cent, and the spirit of altruism, which seems to be growing more and more rapidly among our millionaires, and which is leading them to the establishment of great institutions for public good, will lead them ultimately to such operations as those essential to secure the best results of rapid transit. Private capital, encouraged and protected by public sentiment and mu- nicipal enactments, may be capable of solving this problem. If it is not, then public sentiment, interested in the welfare of the peo- ple at large, not only from an economic point of view, but from sanitary and ethical considerations, will insist uj3on a public solu- tion of the question. It is an important study, and the officers of the eleventh census are entitled to great credit for their efforts to bring out the partial results they have published, and, later, to give to the country the full data relative to rapid transit in cities. In a piiper on the Meteorological Results of the Challenger Expedition in rela- tion to Physical Geography, Mr. Alexander Biichan expresses the conclusion that the isobaric maps show in the clearest and most conclusive manner that the dis- tribution of the pressure of the earth's atmosphere is determined by tlie geographi- cal distribution of land and water, in their varying relation to the heat of tlie sun through the months of the year ; and since the relative pressure determines the direction and force of the prevniling winds, and these, in their turn, the temper- ature, moisture, and rainfall, and in a very great degree the surface currents of the ocean, it is evident that there is here a principle apidicable, not merely to the present state of the earth, but also to different distributions of land and water in past times. In truth, it is only by the aid of this principle that any rational at- tempt, based on causes having a purely terrestrial origin, can be made toward the explanation of those glacial and warm geological epochs through which tlie cli- mates of northern countries have passed. Hence the geologist must familiarize himself with the nature of these climatic changes, which necessarily result from different distributions of land and water, especially those changes which influence most powerfully the life of the globe. ORCHESTRAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 793 ORCHESTRAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. By DA^'IEL SPILLANE. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN INDUSTRIES SINCE COLUMBUS. XIV. THE most profound and intellectual works of the great mas- ters in the symphony and other forms of " instrumental " music — as they are classified in musical nomenclature — are in- terpreted through the orchestra, and through forms partly dra- matic and vocal, such as opera and oratorio, in which the orches- tra and various combinations of orchestral instruments play an important and inseparable part. Orchestral music is also an in- dispensable auxiliary to the proper representation of melodrama and in other departments of dramatic art. Within the past forty years, especially since the close of the civil war, the progress of music in America has been most re- markable. This is manifest to-day in the large number of fine orchestras, musical societies and bodies throughout the country, and in the intelligent and generous support given to representa- tions of the best class of music. A great demand has in conse- quence grown up for instruments for orchestral and band pur- poses. Many of these — for instance, the harp, violin, flute, violon- cello, and cornet — being also largely used for private amusement at home and in small musical circles, their production gives em- ployment to a large number of skilled workmen, and maintains a comparatively new and expanding American industry. Though bands do not serve the high artistic purposes of or- chestras— some full military bands, such as Gilmore's, Cappa's, and Sousa's, may be excepted — they fill an acknowledged place in the domain of the art. Bands have been associated with popu- lar demonstrations since the earliest times, though originally in crude forms. In the illustrations of ancient Assyrian and Egyptian sculptures, given in the February issue in relation to the article on the piano-forte in this series, may be seen the pre- cursors of modern band musicians marching in procession with lyres, dulcimers, harps, double flutes, and pulsatile instruments to commemorate some notable event, which indicates the fact that the human instinct which finds its expression in the main- tenance of bands at this date is as old as the most remote chap- ter in the history of civilization. As compared with our instru- ments of music, however, these products of the Assyrians, Egyp- tians, and other nations of the far-away past were little more than toys. This remark applies equally to the instruments in use among the Greeks and Romans of a more recent period. I fancy that Plato, Aristotle, and other philosophers of those VOL. XL. — 53* 794 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. times must have had a fashion of drawing largely upon their imagi- nation, or else some elements of human nature must have changed since then, for they all remarked the influence of music upon the manners of a people. If the crude musical system they were ac- quainted with, with its primitive instruments, was capable of such effects as they claimed, an interesting proposition is suggested for some student to elaborate — namely, are the people of the present less sensitive and less open to the influence of music — though having an incomparably superior system — than the ancients ? This remains for some speculative and subtle mind to deter- mine. Lyres, cithares, and incidental stringed instruments of that order have meanwhile become obsolete, while the dulcimer has no place in art. The harp has, however, come down to us through the centuries in an enlarged and vastly improved form as the most honored and most historic of all musical in- struments. It is not so important, indeed, as the piano and parlor organ, and consequently could not have been treated in our previous articles with - consistency, although it was a precursor, in its primitive forms, of the piano -forte and entitled to mention. Tlie harp in its present form is capable of fine artistic effects, and is in most respects far different from the rude instrujnent of that species known in remote centuries. There are many kinds of harps produced, namely, the Welsh harp, which contains three rows of strings ; the double harp, having two rows; the single-action pedal instrument and the double-action pedal harp, with one set— the latter being the most successful and artistic instrument of all. In fact, the single- and double-ac- tion pedal harps are generally used in musical circles to the ex elusion of the two former. Fig. 1. — Modern Docble-pedal Harp. ORCHESTRAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 795 Among the races identified with the improvement of this an- cient instrument the Celts are entitled to first mention, the Irish and Welsh being in particular associated with it in the pages of history and romance. It still occupies a place in the festivals of the hitter nation. Owing to the use of gut strings, the tones pro- duced are more mellow and sympathetic than those of the piano, but this one advantage can not compensate for the various other disadvantages on its side as compared with the piano ; that is, for popular use. What is not the case with the piano, the performer must be able to string and tune the harp. It gets out of tune rapidly, while the method of playing it calls for consid- erable expertness in the performer, owing to the absence of finger-keys and other mechanical conditions fa- miliar in the piano. The harp only became worthy of a place in the orchestra toward the end of the last century, when Southwell, of Dublin, and Erard, of Paris, invent- ed the modern pedal -action system. Hochbrucker and Volter, German makers, made some notable changes in its construction about 1730, but until the invention of the system referred to it was not acceptable to musicians of culture. The name of Erard ranks first in Europe to-day, after the lapse of a century, among harp-makers, but there are several other manufacturers of note in Berlin, Paris, and London, who produce instruments of the first grade. The pedal-action system of Erard en- ables the performer to raise the pitch of each string two semitones mechani- cally, which facilitates execution and effect to a wonderful degree. Harps were made in this country ' as far back as 1790. In that year Charles Watts, of New York, exhibited in- struments of his own construction, but they met with little de- mand. For over a half-century harp-makers have existed here in a few cities, but up to about fifteen years ago the instrument had a very limited circle of ])atrons. Brown and Buckwell are the Fio. 2. — VioLix, Amati Model. 796 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. most time-honored names of American harp manufacturers — names best known to persons interested in this artistic branch. Comparatively little in the way of radical inventions has been introduced into the instrument since Southwell's and Erard's im- provements were adopted, but a gradual development has taken place, the present concert harp being capable of larger and more extended tones and art possibilities than those instruments used in past years. Many native artists, among whom Miss Maud Morgan and Miss Inez Caruzi may be mentioned, have already appeared in America, while in the leading conservatories through- out the country j)rofessors of the harp are also engaged, and this educational work is steadily widening the circle of its admirers and patrons. James F. Buckwell, of New York, has introduced some improvements in the instruments of his manufacture ; these can not be very readily described, however. Lyon & Healy, of Chicago, have also begun the manufacture of harps containing many patented points of improvement. One of the chief points of originality in the Lyon & Healy harps is the adjustment of tlie pedal-rods. These work in solid metal bearings in the column, and are a remarkable improvement over ordinary methods. In these instruments many other original features in the action and parts are also evidenced, and these permit the performer to make the most perfect mechanical adjustment of the scales in the vari- ous pedal positions ever made possible in the harp. A comparison of American harps on the whole with foreign instruments will go to show that they are equal in every respect, if not superior in some details. Orchestral and Band Instruments. — The violin and in- struments of that order rule in the orchestra. Although bow instruments somewhat similar were known long before Christ, the violin of the familiar shape only came into use about the mid- dle of the sixteenth century. One Baltazarini gave performances to wondering listeners in England in 1577, which is the earliest record known. The elder Amati began business in Cremona, Italy, in 1 600, and is said to have founded that famous school. The Stradivari and Guarneri families subsequently appeared and bequeathed to the world instruments which are famous to-day. Germany, which claims to have first produced the violin, is rep- resented by the names of Klotz and Steiner, who flourished dur- ing the same century. The violin became the leader in the orches- tra, and still holds the foremost place there. The violoncello and other larger forms of the instrument were evolved between the middle of the sixteenth and the end of the seventeenth century, but nearly all efi'ort has been concentrated on the violin, or " little viol," from which the familiar title came. Dr. F. W. Adams, of Montpelier, A^ermont, was perhaps the ORCHESTRAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. jgj most noted of early American makers. He was in the field in 1820, The first makers of instruments of the violin family were Benjamin Chrehore, of Milton, Mass., spoken of in connection with pianoforte-making, also Clement Clans, of New York, who came from London in 1790. Samuel Long, of Hanover, N. H., won considerable notoriety from 1812 to 1825 in that field; while Abraham Prescott, of Concord, N. H., took the place of the latter and became equally esteemed. Among the most famous were Warren A. White, of Boston, and Calvin Baker, of Weymouth, Mass., both more recent makers than Long and Prescott. Nearly all the violins turned out by those domestic violin-makers men- tioned went among amateurs and into unpretentious orchestral circles. The professional musicians had always a preference for old instruments, and these of necessity came from abroad. But within the past thirty years American violins fully equal to the best European instruments of modern times have been pro- duced, some of which will be ranked with the finest examples of the Cremona masters in future years. These have come from the workshops of the Gemunders. George Gemunder is a native of Fig. 3.— Improved Flfte, Boeiim Model. Germany, where he was born in 1810, but he has lived here since 1847, almost a half-century, and is the only American violin-maker that exhibited in the musical instrument department of the fa- mous World's Fair in London in 1851. He learned the art of violin- making from his father, and at nineteen became a pupil of Voil- laume, in Paris, where he stayed four years. He began business in Boston in 1847, and in 1851 removed to New York, where he has since been located. August Gemunder is equally a renowned maker, his instruments being in the hands of some of the leading soloists. He was also born in Germany, but has been here since early manhood. Lesser makers in various cities produce good violins, while nearly all manufacture violcis, violoncellos, and basses as well. The modern transverse flute, passing over its precursors, was invented in Germany in the seventeenth century ; hence the term " German flute." It was first used by Handel in orchestral scores, and speedily achieved a leading place, although up to recent years a very imperfect instrument. In its present perfected state it is very satisfactory, and capable of producing excellent artistic effects. The piccolo, a smaller species, has also come into being, and is employed in conjunction with the other in orchestras and bands. The latter is capable of producing the sharpest and high- est tones known in the compass of any instrument. The flageolet 798 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. is the ancient form of the flute — with some differences — and is also used very widely. The flute was first made acceptable for artistic requirements by Theobold Boehm about 1834. Not only did this celebrated inventor contribute to the flute, but his system of key adjust- ment, fingering, and tube-boring materially assisted the further development of the clarionet and other wood wind-instruments. He was anticipated in this country, however, in many points by Edward Riley, one of the earliest American musical instrument makers of the century. Boehm was a native of Munich, Ger- many, where he had a shop devoted to the making of wood wind- instruments. Captain Gordon, a Swiss military officer of Scotch extraction, was the inventor of the Boehm system of fingering, but Boehm applied it practically with modifications in 1835, and thus earned the credit of being the inventor. He crossed to Lon- don in that year and introduced his instruments to musicians, meeting with great success. These were made with the cylindri- cal instead of the conical bore and created much attention. Their appearance led to a revolution in the methods of flute-making practiced up to that period. Boehm took out no patent, hence the general adoption of his method of boring and other particu- lars soon after their introduction. His system of fingering in itself, however, involved a radical departure which musicians and students were loath to take iip at once, but it is now firmly established. Common flutes without keys were made in America before the Revolution, but Riley was the first maker of standing to appear in the field. He had a factory in Franklin Square, New York, as early as 1810, where he produced wood wind-instruments of va- rious kinds for orchestral and band purposes. The firm of Firth & Hall came into existence about 1817, and was devoted to the Fig. 4.— Clarionet, with Impkoved System of Fingering and Key Construction. manufacture of wood wind-instruments and music-publishing. Thaddeus B. Firth, of Maspeth, Long Island, a grandson of John Firth, yet carries on flute-making as a special branch, in which he has won some distinction. Flutes, flageolets, and piccolos of excellent quality are manufactured by various makers in this country at present, in connection with clarionets and other wood wind-instruments. The clarionet, which plays a most important part in the domain of musical art, is a product of Germany, where it was invented in ORCHESTRAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 799 1690 by Deniier, of Nuremberg. It resembles the oboe in the structure of the tube, but sound is produced in it by means of a single instead of a double reed. Like all the instruments treated, it was very imperfect up to thirty years ago. It occupies the place of the orchestral violin in reed — ordinarily called military — bands. Meanwhile, the clarionet was not an " invention " in the exact sense, owing to the fact that it had a predecessor of the oboe family known as the schalmey or ciialamean (from calamus, a reed). J. C. Bach, son of the master, first introduced it to Fio. 5. — The Bassoon, an Important Auxiliary in Orchestras and Military Bands. notice in his opera of Orione, in 1760, and its general adoption followed. It was given a leading place, in military bands in par- ticular, as a treble instrument from the moment of its inception. Within the past half-century larger forms of the instrument ap- peared— alto, tenor, barytone, and bass — for military band pur- poses, their artistic use being to soften the brasses and lend color to the ensemble and to special effects. Saxophones are a production of this cent- ury, and indispensable in full reed or military bands. They are played with a clarionet mouth- piece, and resemble the clarionet, only that they are made of brass instead of wood. Saxophones are the invention of the celebrated Antoine Sax, of sax-horn and musical-instrument fame. While working in his father's shop, in Dinant, Belgium — in which city he was born in 1814 — he conceived the idea of their construction. Settling in Paris in 1842, Sax won a leading place as a maker of wood and brass wind-in- struments. He secured a patent for his saxo- phones in 1846, and in time introduced them into the French military bands, other nations acquiring them subsequently. They have been improved largely since their production, and, though not ranking high as solo instruments, they enjoy an important place in large bands as instruments essential to artistic aims in ensemble. We arrive now at brass instruments, such as the horn and cornet, in which sound is produced by means of the lips vibrat- ing in the moutli-piece. To readers acquainted with the common bugle the principle will be easily apparent. The origin of the Fig. 6. — Saxophone. 8oo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY horn is lost in antiquity. It is the parent — in its native form without pistons — of tlie numerous family of piston and slide in- struments which have been evolved within the past century, and it is one of the relics of the past, which has maintained a place in the modern orchestra or military band through the addition of valves. The instrument in question is known at present as the French horn, to distinguish it from the sax-horn and the Fig. 7. — Slide Trombone. JIT Fig. 8. — Valved Trombone. English horn. When Beethoven first wrote for it in the orchestra it was in its primitive state, the tones produced being those of the harmonics of the open tube. These are doubtless familiar to most readers who have heard military bugles. Intermediate tones were produced by the insertion of the hand in the bell of the instru- ment at first, which mufiled the tone and so rendered the efi^ect uneven in timbre and not acceptable for solo purposes. The in- troduction of pistons, about 1840, obviated the former drawbacks, but its normal tone-character renders it useful merely as an acces- sory, for it is too soft, subdued, and lacking in individuality to win a place as a solo instrument. The slide trombone and trump- et are equally ancient in their primitive shape. The former yet maintains a leading place. Be- sides the harmonics of the open tube referred to, intermediate semitones, so as to complete the range of the accepted octave, are easily produced in the trombone by means of the slide, which lengthens or decreases the tubing as required. Since valves were invented, they have lieen applied to the latter, but the slide trom- bone is yet jH'eferred, owing to the superior purity of its tones. Fig. 9. -Duty Bugle, the Precubsor of THE Cornet. ORCHESTRAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 80 1 which, however, hardly compensates for defectiveness in phrasing and other drawbacks. Up to about 184U the keyed or " Kent bugle " held the place now occupied by the cornet, although in being only since 1807. That now obsolete instrument was the familiar duty or field bugle, to which keys had been added so as to allow the pro- duction of intermediate tones in addition to the harmonics indi- cated. Halliday, an Irish gentleman, who invented that instrument, discovered by accident that, by boring holes in an old field bugle, extra tones could be produced. EUard, a musical instrument maker of Dublin, made him a model after some experiments, and the latter having added further improvements, it was submitted to the Duke of Kent, who introduced it into his band, whereupoa it took the name of the " Kent bugle." When the allied armies entered Paris after Waterloo, the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia heard the bugle for the first time. Through Distin— father of the modern family of that name —then soloist in the Coldstream Guards band, he secured a copy, and on returning to Russia had it adopted in all the imperial bands. It had a short existence, however, for within a few years the cornopean — as the cornet was at first named — succeeded it. This was not merely an incidental step beyond the Kent bugle, for it resulted in the production of a complete family of brass instru- ments within a few years, name- ly sax-horns, besides influencing the French horn, trombone, and trumpet, and art generally. It appeared first in Russia, but its invention was claimed by the elder Sax, and by a Mr. Adams, an American. The latter had no patent and never proved his right to the claim advanced, while the representations of Sax stand equal- ly discredited. The real author is yet unknown. The chief features of originality in the cornopean or cornet over the keyed bugle consist in the use of three pistons, which, on being pressed singly, or in combination, shut off, or add, certain lengths of tubing, so as to raise or lower the pitch, these valves being perforated to assist that end. Antoine Sax, of Paris — the greatest inventor of the age in that field — in addition to his feats in relation to the saxophone, took VOL. XL. — 54 Fio. 10.— Soprano Cornet. Fig. 11. — Cornet, showing Kotart Valve System. 802 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. tlie cornet in its crude state, regulated the tube lengths, cut away rough angles in the air-passages of the valves, and made it more acceptable for artistic needs. It became popular immediately, the great Koenig and other artists appearing before 1850 to give it notoriety. In 1846 Sax also introduced his sax-horns, from so- prano to bass, which were adopted in all countries, with special improvements and modifications. The brass bands of modern character — called " cornet bands " in some parts of this country — therefore became a possibility. In sax-horns and more recent adaptations of these instruments, such as the circular basses and euphonium, the same piston system prevails as in the cornet. Bands were chiefly used for mili- tary purposes up to about 1840, wlien amateur and professional organiza- tions for public celebrations appeared. Fig. 12.— Tenor Sax-horit. Fig. 13.— Bass Sax-horn. ■Previous to the appearance of the clarionet they were composed of hautboys, sackbuts, trumpets, flutes, serpents, horns, and various other olDSolete instruments, all of a crude character, besides drums, cymbals, and pulsatile accessories. Yet the invention and adop- tion of sax-horns in military bands gave rise to an entirely new order of instrumentation in the abstract, but without disturbing the clarionet from the position it has always occupied. The manufacture of brass wind-instruments in America was be- ORCHESTRAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 803 gun about 1835, but the few bands then in the country constituted the market to be relied upon. American bands, and the spread of the cornet and other brass instruments among private parties which increased after the war period, helped to maintain a few small manufactories devoted to the cheaper variety, until about the great Centennial Exhibition year, when Henry Distin, son of John Distin spoken of above, removed from England and began to manufacture the justly celebrated " Distin " instruments in the United States. The Distins had been previously in business in London for a great many years, and had won a leading place in that sphere. Henry Distin's arrival here practically established that industry in this country. A notable sign of the progress going forward in this art and industrial channel is the town of Elkhart, Indiana, the mainstay of which is a manufactory founded by C. G. Conn, devoted to mili- tary band instruments of a high order, which are fast winning a leading place. Mr. Conn established himself in business in 1883 upon an enlarged scale after being burned out ; he had been only a few years in the field at the time. The Distin factory is situated in Williamsport, Pa. Several other smaller makers of the cheaper class of musical instruments are scattered throughout the country. Fio. 14. — Modern Valved Trumpet. In addition to the branch treated, Lyon & Healy, of Chicago, Haynes & Co., of Boston, and Stratton & Co., of New York, main- tain factories devoted to the production of guitars, mandolins, and small instruments of that order, which give employment to a large number of hands. These industries being of very recent growth, it is impossible to give any comparative estimate of their progress in the absence of the statistics for 1890, which has not yet appeared. The table for 1880 would in itself be no guide, for the above reason. Meanwhile it is a source of satisfaction to know that such activity prevails in relation to musical art in America as the articles throughout indicate. It also shows that Americans, as a people, are wonderfully versatile, and capable of establishing industries which are maintained as specialties in countries abroad, while capable of improving almost everything which they under- take to manufacture. That has been distinctly shown in the music industries at least. 8o4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. VARIATIONS IN CLIMATE. By W. H. LAERABEE. SPECULATIONS concerning changes of climate have an in- terest that never flags. It rarely happens in the succession of seasons that two of an identical character come in succession ; and any more than usually marked variation easily prompts the fancy that some modification in the character of the climate is impending. The subject of climatology is a difficult one. The data for the proper study of it have hardly begun to be collected. We are embarrassed when we undertake to define climate and what marks to accept as its characteristics. Hann and Humboldt de- fine it as comprising the whole of the meteorological phenomena characterizing the state of the atmosphere at any place, particu- larly as they affect our organs or have an influence on animal or vegetable life. The general character of the conditions can not be determined by the observations of one year, for they are liable to be contradicted by those of the next year ; nor by those of any short term of years, for a similar reason. A period must be taken long enough to furnish the data for composing a type ; and the more the years vary, as between one another, the longer must the period be. Many factors enter into the composition of a climate and form complicated combinations, all of which must be unrav- eled so as to give each factor its true force and position ; and then the determination of their relative importance affords another source of embarrassment. Temperature and moisture are ac- cepted as the most important factors, and temperature as the dominant one; and the climate is deduced by considering the average mean temperature for a term of years. Equal yearly averages do not, however, signify identical climate. A place where the summer heat and the winter cold are extreme has not the same climate as one where the range is relatively narrow, though the yearly averages may be the same in both. Hence we need separate determinations of summer and winter averages. The combinations of conditions of temperature and moisture may be endless, while the averages of either may be hardly disturbed. These facts make it hard to compare climates even when they are steady for long periods. In the capricious climates of our tem- perate latitudes a just determination and comparison form a baffling task. Observations, more or less systematic, with instruments, have been made of climatological features for about a hundred years, but on a general co-operative plan they have been carried on imperfectly for less than a third of that time, or about the period VARIATIONS IN CLIMATE. 805 within which some observers suppose a round of meteorological changes is accomplished for a single locality. Popular opinions are founded most largely on hap-hazard recollections of vague impressions that can not be depended upon ; and even if we had accurate records in place of these, they could not be used to deter- mine the trend of climate on account of the short time they cover. It has hapj)ened more than once during that time that a series of seasons of a peculiarly marked character has been followed ab- ruptly by a series of opposite character, nullifying the conclusions that may have been taking shape from the former series. The speculations concerning a decrease of rainfall in the United States in consequence of the removal of the forests have been disturbed by the recent prevalence, in part of the disforested area, of a suc- cession of seasons of heavy and continuous rains. Cosmical revolutions and changes taking place on the surface of the earth have been mentioned as causes by which climates may be permanently modified, and have been brought in to account for the changes which geology shows have taken place in the past. Among the theories of cosmical causes, one, which supposes the solar system to be carried through parts of space having dif- ferent constitutions or different temperatures, may be dismissed as being purely hypothetical. No fact has been adduced in sup- port of it, and no valid reason has been presented for supposing that there are differences in the parts of space. Other theories, which refer climatic changes to astronomical cycles affecting the earth's orbit and its position therein, have a more substantial basis. They have been considered by sober authors and have a hold on the minds of intelligent students; and the cycles have a real existence and are capable of producing effects that can be calculated. They comprise a secular variation in the obliquity of the ecliptic ; the precession of the equinoxes, with the attendant revolution of the apsides ; and an oscillation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit— all conforming to regular and well-defined periods. The variation in the obliquity of the ecliptic affects the dis- tance to which the sun departs from the equinoctial at midsum- mer and midwinter. Its action is to heighten or reduce the con- trast between those seasons according as its measure is greater or less. By precession the equinoctial points shift their places back- ward along the ecliptic, accomplishing a revolution in 21,500 years. It entails the revolution of the apsides, which is equiva- lent to a displacement in relation to the seasons of the points of the earth's greatest and of its least distance from the sun. By the vari- ation in the eccentricity of tlie earth's orbit these distances, called the aphelion and perihelion distances, are lengthened and short- ened, the difference between them is increased and diminished. 8o6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. and the quantity of heat received from the sun by the earth in different parts of its orbit is supposed to be correspondingly modi- fied. These differences are greatest when the eccentricity is greatest. If with this is combined such a position of the equi- noxes that summer in one hemisphere shall correspond with the perihelion and winter with the aphelion, the contrast of the sea- sons in that hemisphere will be most marked, and we shall have the conditions, according to one theory, for a glacial period. Such, according to M. Jean Reynaud, was the case in the northern hemisphere about 9500 B. c, when, he thinks, our last glacial period was at its height. From that time the differences were gradually reduced till about 1250 a. d,, when they became least, and the northern seasons were mildest and most equable. The differences then began to enlarge again, and we are now ad- vanced a little more than six hundred years toward another gla- cial period. According to this theory, the seasons were growing milder all through human history till 1250 A. D,, and have been tending to become more severe since then. A question of fact is here presented, evidence respecting which is sought, in the absence of exact observations, in such records as may happen to exist of the character of seasons in the j^ast. M. Arago several years ago collected a considerable list of mentions in the literature and documents of former times of periods of un- usual cold, of long or cold winters, unusually hard freezing of rivers, and remarkable heat, drought, or rain, which constitutes our principal source of information on the subject. Parts of this list have been used by M. Jules Peroche and M. Amad^e Guille- min to establish opposite conclusions as to the validity of M. Rey- naud's hypothesis. Latin poets furnish some of these data, as when Ovid com- plains of the inclemency of his place of exile on the Black Sea, in what is now pleasant southern Russia ; or Horace and his com- peers describe terrible storms in Rome; or Juvenal tells of a Roman lady having to break the ice of the Tiber to wash her face. Cicero and some of the historians speak of the severe cli- mates of Gaul and other outlying provinces, evidently contrast- ing them with the pleasures of life in Italy. The discomforts ex- perienced by Hannibal in crossing the Alps were what an army from the south would suffer in any age in crossing those mountains in winter, if they were roadless and inhabited by barbarians. To a candid critic, these representations mean nothing on one side or the other, and such is the conclusion which M. Angot has reached after carefully examining the subject. Of fifty-six instances of extreme winter severity cited by M. Peroche from M. Arago's list, fourteen occurred before the sup- posed "Great Summer" year, 1250. There seem to be more of VARIATIONS IX CLIMATU. 807 them as we approach the nineteenth century, but we have a right to assume that that is because the records are fuller near our times, not necessarily because extremes are growing more fre- quent or marked. None of the instances, ancient or modern, betoken greater severity than the frosts of 1234 — sixteen years before the " Great Summer " year — when " the Po and Rhone were frozen, and loaded wagons crossed the Adriatic on the ice opposite Venice" ; 1236, when " the Danube was frozen to the bottom for a considerable time " ; or 1305, fifty-five years after it, when " the Rhone and all the rivers of France were frozen." With all the greater completeness and systematic organization of modern ob- servations, the records of the nineteenth century contain no men- tion of such seasons as those of 1323, 1333, 1349, 1402, and 1407, when the southern part of the Baltic was frozen so hard that men could ride on horseback from Copenhagen to Lubeck and Dantsic. These occasional winters of exceptional severity can not be taken as typical of the general character of the seasons, any more than we can characterize a winter by an extreme day in January, or a summer by an unusually sultry July day winding up in a thuuder-shower. A surer guide to the habitual climate would be afi'orded by regarding the development of jjlant growth and the maturing of crops. Of these the vine has been taken as a type. It is said that, cultivated in the time of Julius CaBsar only in the southern parts of Gaul, or France, it was gradually carried north- ward to the fullest expansion in the thirteenth century, when there were vineyards and wine was made as far north as Flanders and England. Since then it has retired from the most northern points it had reached, where the grape is now ripened under glass. So the cultivation of the olive is said to be falling back toward the south ; the sugar-cane has disappeared from Provence, where it once grew ; less tender plants are taking the place of the orange in some quarters ; and a depression of the zone of forest vegetation is mentioned as taking place in the Alps and the Car- pathians. There are many other causes than climate, as the present operations of agriculture and horticulture amply demonstrate, by which the cultivation of a crop in any place is determined. It may be found after some years of experiment to be unprofitable or of poor quality there ; or may be supplanted by new and bet- ter varieties growing in more favored localities, or superseded hj the introduction of new and more profitable products, which the cultivator is always ready to take up. Such causes have more force now than they ever had before, because of the great in- crease in the facilities for exchange under which it is no longer necessary to cultivate anything except in the places where it will do best. M. Angot has, moreover, found, by consulting the offi- 8o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. cial records of the times of the opening of the vintages as far back as to the fourteenth century, that there has been no real change. The times have varied in the same places, in different years or series of years, during all this period, as much as two months, but there has been no regular variation, or any of a char- acter to support the hypothesis of a constant, secular movement. M. Arago undertook, about fifty years ago, to measure the value of these cosmical influences on climate, and declared that they were not competent to produce an effect within the period of historical time worthy to be regarded. He found that the present effect upon the surface of the cooling of the earth's in- terior, which some were disposed to regard, could be comprised within a thirtieth of a degree. Sir William Thomson makes it still less, and limits it to one seventy-fifth of a degree. M. Arago saw no reason for supposing there were differences of temperature in the parts of space, while, if there were, they would affect all the earth alike and not one hemisphere more than another. The variation in the obliquity of the ecliptic, small in its total at the most, could not cause a change of more than a quarter of a degree in two thousand years. M. Arago likewise depreciated the importance of the preces- sion of the equinoxes and the variation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit as climatological factors, because, as he showed, during a period of long eccentricity with summer at the peri- helion, while the hemisphere may receive a more intense heat during the summer part of the revolution the excess is balanced by the season's being shorter; but the winter will under those conditions be both colder and longer. Sir John Herschel and M. Reynaud have answered him as to this point by saying that char- acter IS given to the season, not by the absolute quantity of heat received, but by its distribution ; not its mean temperature but its maxima and mimima of temperature are to be considered, and the greater or less rapidity of the ascent and descent of thermic movements. A difference of four and a half times in eccentricity, such as is possible, might work great changes in these properties ; so that in the case considered by M. Arago " half the annual heat would be concentrated into a summer of very short duration, while the other half would be distributed through a long and gloomy winter, made intolerable by the intensity of the cold, in- creasing in proportion to the distance of the sun." M. Arago thinks tliat it would take ten thousand years for variation in eccentricity to effect a change of temperature in the earth meas- urable by the thermometer. No evidence is produced that it has had any effect within the historical period. Thus, whatever may be the importance of these astronomical causes in determining the climatic features of geological periods, VARIATIONS IN CLIMATE. 809 it is usually agreed tliat they may be disregarded in accounting for such clianges as may have taken place within man's memory. Mr. James Croll, who has discussed this question with consider- able fullness, and is inclined to allow them all the force they are entitled to, ascribes less importance to their direct operation than to the secondary effects they induce through their influence on the currents of the ocean and air and upon features of the earth's surface. M. Woeikoff allows them still less agency in the mat- ter than Mr. Croll, and ascribes the greatest influence upon cli- mate to the elevation and configuration of the land, as Mr. Lyell did in the earlier days of geology ; and M. A. Blytt, of Chris- tiania, has shown, by pertinent contemporaneous examples, how climate in Scandinavia may be influenced by slight differences in situation, soil, and exposure. The whole subject has just been reviewed by Sir Robert S. Ball, Astronomer Royal of Ireland, one of the most eminent living mathematicians, in his book on The Cause of an Ice Age. Speak- ing particularly of Glacial periods, he shows that changes in the intensity of solar radiation, relatively unimjiortant to the sun, may produce enormous climatic effects on the earth. By an exact calculation he finds that, with the present obliquity of the ecliptic, while the earth as a whole receives equal amounts of heat from the sun during the two halves of the year, the distribution as to a single hemisphere is extremely unequal — a fact which previous writers seem to have overlooked — the exact distribution being sixty-three per cent of the whole amount of heat during the sum- mer and thirty-seven per cent during the winter half. When the line of the equinoxes is perpendicular to the major axis of the earth's orbit and the eccentricity is at its maximum — the condi- tions establishing the greatest possible difference in the length of the seasons — the sixty-three per cent of heat is distributed over a very short and therefore intense summer, and the thirty-seven per cent over a long and therefore cold winter. The northern hemisphere, when placed in such a condition, will have a summer of one hundred and sixty-six days, during which the sun is at its least possible distance, and a winter of one hundred and ninety- nine days, with the sun at its greatest possible distance. This Prof. Ball regards as a condition favorable to glaciation. The ice and snow will accumulate during the rigors of the long winter, while the succeeding brief summer has not power enough to thaw as much water as has been solidified in the winter, and the ice will grow from year to year. All this time the southern hemisphere would be enjoying a widely different condition. Its summer would contain as great a number of days as it is possible for that season to possess, while the fierce heat of the sun would be abated from its average amount, because the sun would be at 8io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. the greatest distance from the earth it is possible for it to attain. The winter would be short and warm. The present difference in the length of the seasons is seven days, and the position of the perihelion is such that it is near its maximum for the present eccentricity. The directions in which the precession of the equi- noxes and the variation of the obliquity of the ecliptic are tend- ing are for reduction of the inequality, and ice ages are not to be expected from vicissitudes such as are now possible. It is not denied that climates have been, and are, changing ; but the changes are believed to be special, local, temporary, and oscillatory, and most largely determined by causes that may be found on the surface of the earth. M. Arago thought they might all be attributed to agricultural works, to the clearing of woods from plains and mountains, to the drying up of marshes ; and he doubted if it could be proved that the cli- mate had become warmer or colder in any place the physical aspect of which had not been perceptibly changed during a series of ages. The present drift of the opinion of many careful students of the subject seems to be that exaggerated ideas have been held of the extent of climatic variations, both in the present and the past. M. Woeikoif, whose opportunities for studying climato- logical phenomena over a large extent of territory have not been surpassed, believes that this is so, even when the application is made to the Glacial period ; that not intense cold, but those con- ditions of temperature and moisture most conducive to the pre- cipitation and accumulation of snow, formed the chief factors of its characteristic phenomena. Chief among these were proximity of the sea and a temperature of the surface-water rather below than above the freezing-point. The effect on glacial accumula- tion of the conditions commonly supposed to correspond with the combination of high eccentricity and an aphelion winter would, in his opinion, be the opposite to what is attributed to it ; for the greater cold assumed to j^revail in winter would not be conducive to the precipitation of snow, while the more intense heat of mid- summer would probably melt the snow at heights where the pres- ent temperature rises but little above the melting-point. Hence the conditions in the interior and eastern part of a continent like Asia would be less favorable than they are now to marked glacia- tion. The western parts of continents and islands would be more fully under the influence of the sea; and as there is no reason to suppose that its surface temperature would be lower than now, it follows that there would not, all other things being equal, be more snow than now in countries where rain is the rule, even in winter. The effect of the combination would be in any case but slight, and not by far, in M. Woeikoff's opinion, to be compared VARIATIONS IJY CLIMATE. 8ii to that of such geographical conditions as the distribution of land and sea, and of mountains and lowlands. The idea that glaciation was dependent on extreme cold has been rejected by other students. J. de Charpentier recognized the conditions as inconsistent. Lecoq, of Clermont, '*' affirmed a cor- relation between a great solar heat, provoking a powerful evapo- ration, and the formation of glaciers." Tyndall has shown that the ice of the Alps " derives its origin from the heat of the sun," and that if that were diminished their source of supply would be cut off. The thoughts of some other writers, as Le Blanc, Forbes, and Charles Martins, have been turned to showing that the depression of temperature, if there was any, need not have been great. Another group of writers, whose views have been summarized by M. Millot,* of Nancy, hold that warmer climates than now pre- vail were more favorable to glaciation, and gave character to the Glacial period ; and that the present conditions of limited glaciation are the result of the sun's cooling, whereby the supply of evapo- rated moisture has fallen off. They claim that their theory fur- nishes the simplest explanation of the presence of warmth-lov- ing plants and animals along with evidences of ice-action. The hot and the glaciated region were so close to one another that the mixture easily took place. Prof. G. F. Becker, of the United States Geological Survey, has also expressed the opinion (Popular Science Monthly, February, 1884) that the Glacial period was one of higher mean temperature at the sea-level than the present ; that while the formation of gla- ciers may have been affected by all contemporaneous changes, including secular revolutions, it is not necessary to have recourse to such causes ; the question is chiefly one of differences between the temperatures at the sea-level and those at the level where the glacier was formed. M. Blytt, studying the distribution of the Scandinavian fauna, has found it subject to considerable local variations at short dis- tance, which have relation to differences in conditions of exposure and the character of the soil. He concludes that no great changes, but only small variations in the extremes of temperature and rainfall, are required to explain these departures. Such variations may be produced, for his country, by fluctuations in the direction, force, and temperature of ocean currents and winds that need in no case be great ; but he believes that these variations are coinci- dent with periodical changes of climate corresponding with secu- lar incidents. The considerable effects of exposure on local climates are * Popular Science Monthly, August, 1885. 8i2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. exemplified at the winter seaside resorts on tlie south coast of England, where certain spots enjoying conditions of shelter from cold winds, combined with exposures favoring the concentration of the sun's rays and the warm winds upon them, enjoy a spring- like mildness through much of the winter. Prof. W. Mattieu Williams * speaks of Torbay, Torquay, Broadstairs, and Hastings as possessing these characteristics. A considerable difference has been noticed in the winter temperatures of places east and west of a certain point on the coast, though all are nearly in the same latitude. Dr. D. Hart Merriam has described a succession of tempera- ture zones in descending from the plateau level to the bottom of the Colorado Canon equivalent to those stretching from the conif- erous forests of northern Canada to the cactus plains of Mexico, with marked variations of climatic conditions under apparently very slight diversities of exposure. A variation of only 5'3° Fahr. in the mean annual temperature at Uskfield, England, is shown by Mr. C. Leeson Prince f to be sufficient to exert an enormous influence on the general character of the seasons, the produce of the soil, and the health of the pop- ulation. The fact of changes in climate being admitted, discussion turns upon their extent, and the laws by which they are governed. In many cases they are brought about by changes in local conditions, of which the removal or replacement of forests, or the relations of land and water, are among the most important. In other cases a periodical law is supposed. The attempt has been made by some meteorologists and astronomers to show that there is a con- nection between such changes and an eleven-year period of abun- dance and scarcity of sun-spots. It was believed by an observer in Ceylon in 1872 J that that island was on the eve of an impor- tant change of climate depending upon a cycle of thirty or thirty- five years. The previous thirty years, he asserted, had shown a complete contrast to the thirty years preceding them, with mani- festly different effects on animal and vegetable life. It had been a period of relatively lighter rainfall, and the next cycle of thirty years was expected to be, above the average, wet. This theory of changes by thirty or thirty-six years is often met in following the discussions on this subject. A paper published recently in the Ar- chives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles * deduced from a total of twenty thousand years of observations, at about five hundred stations, that the climates of all the continents, excepting only a few maritime coast regions, were subject to simultaneous varia- * Popular Science Monthly, March, 1886. J Nature, vol. v, p. 412. f Nature, vol. xx, p. 419. * Ciel et Terre, January 16, 1889. VARIATIONS IN CLIMATE. 813 tions, wliich became more and more pronounced toward the in- terior regions. The years 1815, 1850, and 1881 came about the middle of relatively wet periods, and 1830 and 18G0 of dry periods. The mean period of the oscillations was deduced from records of vintages, going back to the year 1400, to be thirty-six years. The changes appeared to be dependent on certain relations of atmos- pheric pressure, the wet jieriods being characterized by lesser dif- ferences, and the dry periods by increased differences, in that factor. The theory of a period of thirty-five or thirty-six years is fully elaborated by Prof. E. Bruckner, of the University of Basle, in his book Klimaschwankungen (Vienna and Olmutz, 1890). Approaching the question from nearly every conceivable point of view — of temperature, precipitation, atmospheric press- ure, the rise and fall and freezing and thawing of rivers, vintages and harvests — he is led to the same conclusion in every case. The period is nearly equivalent to three of the supposed eleven- year sun-spot periods. Herr G. Hellman has counted thirty-four seasons since 1755 when December and January in Berlin were warmer than the average ; but the warm seasons came at irregu- lar intervals, and did not suggest any law. Dr. W. Koppen, of Hamburg, records, as the outcome of an investigation which he made of the periodicity of weather- changes, " that for certain intervals strongly marked periodical influences make their appearance and then vanish entirely, at times being replaced by others of a totally different character. No law has, as yet, been discovered for these changes." The presence of forests has not been shown to contribute di- rectly to the increase of rainfall, nor their removal to diminish it. Yet their influence on climate must be considerable. This is confessed when the farmer on the prairies plants belts of trees between his fields and the quarters from which cold winds and destructive storms are expected. They stand like a wall to pro- tect the localities they overhang against sudden extremes of tem- perature and other accidents of violent weather. Although they may not increase the amount of precipitation to a perceptible extent, they, by means of their matted roots and the under- growth which they promote, and by their beneficent shade, con- vert the ground on which they stand into a kind of reservoir, and husband the moisture which, without them, would run off or dry up at once. Thus they contribute to prevent sudden floods in the wet season, and, permitting a slow exudation of moisture into the streams, to keep them lively and the rivers to which they are tributary full during dry seasons. Many persons believe, too, that they diffuse a coolness and vaporous moisture in the atmos- phere, the presence and influence of which, although they are not manifested in rain, are nevertheless real. Whether they may 8 14 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. not exert an influence on tlie distribution of rain through the seasons, as tliey certainly do on that of ground moisture, does not appear to have been yet adequately investigated. In connection with the influence upon climate of the relations of land and water, the speculations respecting the probable effect upon the climate of Europe of flooding the Desert of Sahara de- serve to be noticed. It has usually been taken for granted that a cooler condition would follow. But Prof. Hennessey argued several years ago that, as vapor, rather than dry air, is the chief vehicle of wind-borne heat, the result would be the opposite of this. While the midday heats of the desert are intense, the nights are cold. Hence a uniformly warm breeze can not come from there. The warm southwest winds of central and southern Europe have been found to be connected with the currents of the Atlantic, and not to come from the desert. The substitution of water for barren sands and rocks would be followed by the stor- ing up of the heat of the sun which is now jjartly dissipated by radiation at night, and would furnish a source of constant warmth. BAD AIR AND BAD HEALTH. By HAEOLD wager and AUBEEON HEKBEET. THE purpose of this paper is to utter a warning against the careless way in which the great mass of people, poor and rich, ignorant and learned, allow the air of their living-rooms to be in an impure condition, and to point out the great sacrifice of energy and health which results from this carelessness. We shall try to show that there is strong ground for believing that not only a large part of the ever-increasing trouble of bronchial and lung affections, but also a very large part of that vague and subtle ill-health which troubles our modern lives in varying forms, is to be placed to the account of the impure air which we so habitually breathe. As we wish to make the paper plain to every one, we shall oc- casionally go back to the A B C of certain matters involved. The air which we breathe is made up of two gases, one active, one in- different. The active gas, oxygen, on which life depends, is in the proportion of about one fifth (twenty-one per cent) of the whole ; the indifferent gas, nitrogen, which tempers and dilutes its active partner, is in the proportion of four fifths (seventy-nine per cent), and with these two gases is found a small quantity — varying according to the purity of the air — of carbonic acid, about three to four parts in 10,000 parts, or 0-04 per cent, and in addition a minute quantity of a peculiarly active form of oxygen. BAD AIR AND BAD HEALTH. 815 called ozone, which is rarely found in the air of towns. Of this gas-mixture (which we call air) we breathe enormous quantities. Of it we breathe in the twenty-four hours, according to Prof. M. Foster, over 2,600 gallons, that is about 425 cubic feet; and as it returns from our lungs the proportions of the mixture are changed, the oxygen being reduced, and the carbonic acid in- creased.* But in all ordinary cases the quantity of oxygen in a room in which people are meeting is only slightly decreased, while the increase of the carbonic acid is not sufficient to cause bad effects. How, then, arises the mischief ? The truth is that, in taking air into the lungs and breathing it out again, we breathe out with it certain organic poisons. About the existence and presence of these poisons there can be no doubt, though very little is known about their nature. Of them Dr. Foster writes (page 552) that they may be formed in the lungs, or may be products of putrefactive decomposition allied to a class of poisons known as ptomaines, which are found in the system. Dr. A. Ransome (Health Lectures, 1875-76, page 160) says : The aqueous vapor arising from the breath, and from the general surface of the body, contains a minute proportion of animal refuse matter, which has been proved, by actual experiment, to be a deadly poison. ... It is this substance that gives the peculiar, close, unpleasant smell which is perceived on leaving the fresh air and entering a confined space occupied by human beings or other animals, . . . and air thus charged has been fully proved to be the great cause of scrofulous or tubercular diseases, and it is the home and nourisher of those subtle microscopic forms of life that have lately become so well known under the title of germs of disease, or microzyms. It is probably the source of a large part of that increase of mortality that seems inevitably to follow the crowding together of the inhabit- ants of towns. Galton says (Our Homes, page 497) : " This organic matter (given off from the lungs), on an average, may be estimated at thirty or forty grains a day for each adult " ; f and both Dr. Car- penter and Sir Douglas Galton notice that if breath be passed through water (and then kept in a closed vessel at a high tempera- ture), putrefaction is set up, and a very offensive smell is given off. J * It must be remembered that the act of breathing consists in bringing the blood of the system in contact with air, through a delicate membrane in the lungs. Here an ex- change takes place — oxygen being yielded up from the air to the blood, and carbonic acid from the blood to the air. f We do not know on what exact grounds this calculation rests. X Foster (p. 552) states that " when the expired air is condensed . . . the aqueous product is found to contain organic matter, which, from the presence of micro-organisms, ... is very apt rapidly to putrefy." L. P. writes : " If a globe be filled with ice and taken into a close, badly ventilated room, the dew which forms outside is found to be con- taminated with these organic impurities." L. T. writes: ''It is more than likely that it is this animal poison which is the direct cause of typhus fever as that follows overcrowding with mathematical precision." 8i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Now let us take the case of a person who sits in a closely shut up room, ten feet high, ten feet broad, and fifteen feet long, for five hours.* At the end of that time he is breathing air which contains 1*2 i^er cent less oxygen than it ought to contain, but, what is far more serious, he is breathing some air which has already passed through his lungs, and which is charged with this special poison. Here is the great secret of the fatal mischief. Nature has got rid of the poison, thrown it out of the system, but the perverse occupant of the room insists on thwarting Na- ture, and, by means of his closed doors and windows, breathes in again, it may be a second time or a third time, the poison that has once been safely got rid of. Say that in twenty-four hours 500 cubic feet have passed once through the lungs, then in six hours our friend will have vitiated one quarter of that quantity, or 125 cubic feet — i. e., one twelfth of the whole air in the room (1,500 cubic feet). If he still goes on sitting in his study, at the end of nine hours he will have vitiated 187*5 cubic feet, or one eighth of the whole ; or, if he has been unfortunate enough to have a friend sitting with him, then in six hours they will have tainted one sixth of the air ; and of every mouthful of air they breathe after that time, one sixth of it must be supposed to be charged with poisons that have been already once got rid of, but are now being retaken into the system. Of course, this proportion of one sixth will not remain constant. Each breath expired will make the matter worse. A few words seem necessary here for those who have never followed the changes going on in the body. We know that we are constantly building up new tissue of difl'erent kinds, and that this building up makes it necessary that the old tissue should be got rid of. The larger part of our food measures this change which is going on. If we take our daily food, liquid and solid, for twenty-four hours, as weighing about five pounds eight ounces (Hermann, page 233)— a large proportion being water— we may look upon about five pounds three ounces of this quantity as used for the making of new tissue, the other five ounces forming what is spoken of as exhausted ferments, and which, passing along the alimentary canal, is eventually rejected. Now, all the suitable part of the food, after undergoing various changes, which are necessary to prepare it for its passage from dead food into living tissue, finds its way into the blood ; and when by means of the larger blood-vessels it reaches the very minute blood-vessels, called capillaries, it pours a part of itself out through the per- * A considerable quantity of air, however, is always entering through window frames, under doors, even through brick walls. On the other hand, we have made no allowance either for space occupied by furniture or for the (probably) tainted condition of the BAD AIR AND BAD HEALTH. 817 meable walls of these minute vessels, batliing and feeding the whole surrounding tissue. Thus, as somebody has said, the whole of the new and living body is in solution in this wonderful food- stream of the blood, which, by a very subtle mechanism of nerves, distributes its good gifts in proportion to the needs of each sepa- rate part. But the blood is not simply a food-stream, it is also a sewage-stream, and it is as such that we are specially interested in it. Where no growth or storing of flesh material of any kind is taking place in the system, it is evident that that part of the daily food which is turned into tissue measures not only the daily construction that is taking place within us, but also the daily de- struction or waste. In fact we — if we may so speak of the parti- cles of which we are composed — are forever living and dying within ourselves — making a new self, and getting rid of an old self ; and just as the new living body is in solution in the blood, so also is the old dead body, that has done its work and has to be got rid of. Now, of this dead body a large part has to escape through our lungs and through our skin. About this process of waste very little is known. "We know, while certain temporary forms of waste are found in muscle, such as kreatin (Gr. Tcreas, flesh), which, whether again made use of or not (M. Foster, page 154), is supposed to be eventually changed in some complex manner into urea in the liver (M. Foster, page 755), and an acid called sarcolactic (Gr. sarx, flesh ; gala, milk), which is also supposed to be decomposed in the liver into car- bonic acid and water (M. Foster, page 836), that all our dead tis- sue is, with a certain slight but most important exception, got rid of safely at last, as urea, carbonic acid, and water.* These are the final forms which the waste that passes from the tissue into the blood takes — the urea being separated from the blood and got rid of by the kidneys, the carbonic acid both by the skin and the lungs, and the water by all three channels of separation. f But we said that urea, carbonic acid, and water did not ac- count for quite all the waste tissue ; and among the part not so accounted for are the very hurtful poisons which escape from lungs and skin. What are these poisons ? Have they a connec- tion with or a resemblance to the poisons which, as we know, ex- ist at all times within the system on a large scale. Dead or waste tissue probably passes through many forms before it reaches the safe final forms of carbonic acid and water, and we must conclude * We are not taking into account certain other substances discharged from the skin in small quantities. \ " The natural waste of the body appears in two simple forms of carbonic acid — the gaseous form having the chemical formula C0,0, while that which is got rid of in solution is urea, that is, C0,(NH2)', in which the second atom of oxygen in the carbonic acid is re- placed by a nitrogenous body termed amidogen." — (L. P.) VOL. XL. — 55 8i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. that some of these forms are highly poisonous. We see this hy what happens to a man when he is drowned. A drowned man is in reality a poisoned man. The waste which is going on everywhere and at every moment in his tissues is producing a poison of so deadly a character that when it can not be oxidized by receiving oxygen from the blood (as it does under ordinary circumstances by means of the two gallons (nearly) of air he breathes in a min- ute) death ensues in a few minutes. In this case the poison pro- duced all over the system has been no longer rendered harmless by oxygen, and goes as poison to the brain. Now, this poisoning does not appear to be primarily or necessarily due to an excess of carbonic acid, which also accumulates in the blood when a man is drowned. As Dr. Foster shows, even where carbonic acid is got rid of and no oxygen available the same result follows. Thus we have a pretty clear indication that the poisoning which re- sults is the non-oxidization of certain active poisons. Other indi- cations point to the same conclusion. When a man faints from loss of blood he probably faints because the diminished stream of blood does not carry a sufficient quantity of oxygen with it to neutralize the poisons which reach the brain.* It is also notice- able that in both these cases convulsions occur — that is, oxygen being denied, the poisons (which retain all their virulence, from being non-oxidized) act as a very powerful stimulant on a part of the nervous center, which, in turn acting through the nerves, throws one set of muscles after another (connected with the re- spiratory system) into action, in order to obtain the oxygen that is absent ; ending at last in that general violent movement which is called convulsions. After a short time the poisons overpower the nerve-centers and death ensues, f Both fevers and violent exercise seem also to illustrate the same thing. In fever the tissue rapidly wastes, and great quan- tities of waste poison are poured into the blood. These poisons affect the nerves, and are the cause of quickened respiration, and often of quickened circulation, % which are necessary in order to * One of the writers was informed by a friend in Africa that he was present when a man cut himself badly with a bill-hook and was carried into a cabin. Each time the door was closed the roan fainted ; each time the door was thrown open he came back to his senses, indicating pretty clearly that the supply of oxygen, which was unduly diminished by the loss of blood, was increased when the door was open, and was just sufficient to neu- tralize the effect of the waste poisons and prevent unconsciousness. •)• It Is interesting to remark here that this reaction of the nerve-center under the effect of the poison seems to be of that " protective character " which occurs so often, and to which Prof. Foster more than once has referred — that is to say, that it produces a vio- lent movement of the muscles in the effort to obtain air, which can alone neutralize the mischief. \ In certain cases, however, the heart and circulation are slowed, not quickened. This is the case, Dr. Foster says, in drowning after a slight quickening has taken place. May BAD AIR AND BAD HEALTH. 819 get the excess of poison oxidized ; when, therefore, unconscious- ness supervenes, we may say pretty confidently that the rapid circulation and the rapid breathing have not been sufficient to oxidize and neutralize the mass of poison which is being carried to the brain.* So, again, in pneumonia the quickened breathing shows both the effort of Nature to make up for the loss of that part of the lung which is ineffective, and also the stimulus which the increased waste poison in the blood (increased owing to di- minished lung capacity, and therefore diminished oxygen) exerts upon the respiratory machinery. So, again, when less blood is carried to the lungs, owing to the artery which leads from the heart to the lungs being partially blocked with a clot, the same effect is produced. Probably a somewhat similar condition arises after hard work, either in old age or in a feeble state of health. The tissue, not being in the firm condition of the tissue of a vig- orous person accustomed to daily work, breaks down in large quantities, while at the same time the circulatory and respiratory machineries are no longer at their best, and therefore the oxida- tion is imperfect. On the next day the infirm man is poisoned by the unusual quantity of waste in the system, and feels discohi- fort in many parts of his body or limbs. So, also, the discomfort acutely felt by some persons during east winds probably arises from the poison that ought to have been got rid of by the skin, but, owing to the closing of the pores, has been thrown back into the system. So also with ordinary violent exercise. When we take violent exercise an unusual quantity of waste is thrown into the blood, requiring an unusual quantity of oxidation. Here also the waste stimulates the nerve-centers, increasing action of heart, and of respiratory muscles, so that the blood charged with waste and the air may come into quicker contact. The successful ath- this not be explained by the supposition that, where oxygen is altogether denied, an in- crease in the rapidity of the circulation would carry the poison quicker to the brain, and therefore hasten the end ? A different effect seems to occur in the case of vitiated air. In this case Miiller asserts (as quoted by Mr. Angell, Manchester Health Lectures, p. 33, IS'ZO-'SO) that the circulation is slowed. Is this — if correctly stated — a consequence of the depressing action of these peculiar poisons, which escape with the breath, and are re- breathed in vitiated air ? The case of flies which died in foul air with unexhausted tissue, alluded to later on, and some other evidence, seem to point in this direction. In exercise, on the other hand, the effect is, as one would expect, different : both respiration and cir- culation are quickened in order to increase the supply of oxygen required to meet the large increase of waste; thus it would appear as if the ordinary waste poisons stimulated, while the special poisons of vitiated air depressed. The whole subject calls for very care- ful consideration. A friend remarks that Dr. Burdon Sanderson, of Oxford, has long been and Is working out these questions. * This indicates very clearly that the purest and freshest air should flow through the room of a person suffering from fever. It would be almost as necessary to him as to the person suffering from loss of blood. Such treatment is confirmed by experience (see case of Austrian army, further on). 820 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. lete is, therefore, first the good oxidizer (see M. Foster, page 628), the person who has good lung capacity, and especially a powerful heart to drive the blood swiftly ; and, secondly, the person who trains well, whose tissue is healthy and firm and does not break down rapidly into waste — waste in his case not outstripping the powers of oxidation, and thus causing distress. On the other hand, the untrained man, who breaks down in the race with every symptom of distress, is the poisoned man — the man who formed waste quicker than he could oxidize it.* Reviewing, then, what we have said, we seem to see three things : first, that so long as we have a sufficiency of oxygen, we get rid of a large amount of daily waste in safe and harmless forms ; secondly, that when oxygen is withheld from us there are poisons in every part of our tissue of so deadly a character (either abnormally formed because oxygen is absent, or under ordinary circumstances neutralized by the supplies of oxygen present) as to take life in a few minutes ; thirdly, that even when all is well, and our system is functioning under healthy conditions, we are still always breathing out from ourselves, through lung and through skin, certain dangerous poisons, which poisons, when we are living in bad air, we perpetually reabsorb into ourselves, to our own great hurt. Nothing, however, that we have said satisfactorily explains the presence of these poisons which escape from the lungs and the skin. It seems hard to explain why, when Nature so successfully * In such a case it may be asked, Why are not the waste poisons passing into the blood from the tissues safely got rid of in the form of carbonic acid and water when the blood reaches the lungs ? It seems difficult to escape from the conclusion (see Foster, p. 603) that these unoxidized waste products may, on occasion, pass the lungs without being got rid of. In the case of violent exercise, it would seem that the quickened heart and quickened breathing must come from the action of waste poisons, which, passing the lungs, reach the medulla and stimulate the nerve-centers, there not having been time, owing to the excessive quantity of waste produced, to reduce all the waste to the safe final prod- ucts of water and carbonic acid, and therefore some part of the waste in an unoxidized state being carried past the lungs on to the nerve-centers. As regards the poisons we re- breathe from the air, it is, of course, rather a surprising thing, if they entered the circu- lation, that they should not be oxidized in the blood when we think of how they must be surrounded by the oxygen that the blood has received from the air. But active as oxygen is— in its " nascent " state, just released from haemoglobin— in the tissues after leaving the blood, there are reasons for thinking that this activity does not exist in the blood itself. Thus we are told that pyrogallic acid, which is an easily oxidizable substance, may pass through the blood without undergoing any change ; and fresh blood, as we are told, has little oxidizing effect. This strange powerlessness of the oxygen in the blood increases the danger of these waste poisons. If they were oxidized in the blood we should be able probably to got rid of them quite harmlessly, as they would not be in the condition of poisons when they escaped from lungs and skin ; but we may feel sure that there is some good reason why this can not take place. When they are once carried to the tissues, ex- cept in the case of persons taking plenty of exercise and leading a healthy life, there may be no superabundance of oxygen, but rather a deficiency, for all the work to be done. BAD AIR AND BAD HEALTH. 821 breaks down the great mass of waste into harmless products, there should be this comparatively slight residue left over — re- minding one of a lawless fraction of people in an orderly state — which can not be got rid of on the same easy terms. As we have seen, we have about five pounds three ounces of daily waste that is safely got rid of as urea, carbonic acid, and water, by means of kidneys, skin, and lungs ; but accompanying this safe discharge we have a few grains of poison — a sort of surplus of evil — which in some way or other seems to resist the oxidation to which all the other mass of waste has been subject. What, then, is this poison? How far is it the same, how far does it differ from the normal poisons of the tissues, which, as we see, in a few minutes destroy life when oxygen is withheld? Where and how is it formed ? Are we to look upon it as a putrefactive poison formed at the sur- face of the lungs and the skin, when waste of some kind is escap- ing through these channels ? Dr. Klein tells us (pages 61 and 241) that septic bacteria* (the authors of putrefactive change) are to be found in those parts of the body into which air penetrates, as the mouth, the air-passages, the whole alimentary tract; but it seems diflBcult not to believe, whatever changes take place as these poisons reach the air, that they must at all events have existed as chemical poisons when still in the tissues. Are we, then, to look upon these poisons as derived from putrefactive decompositions taking place in certain parts of the body ; or as poisons derived from the tissues ; or as in turn possessing both characters ? At present, both within and without the body, their nature is sur- rounded with mystery, and many are the interesting questions that remain to be solved about them. When they have passed out- side the body, are they the food of any of the bacteria which are found so plentifully in foul air? f If so, are the ordinary bacteria (excluding the case of certain bacteria producing disease) our friends or our enemies ; do they render the poison itself harmless ; or do they themselves produce an excretion which is of a poison- ous character ; or should they be looked on as neutral, destroying one poison and producing another; are the poisons themselves simply removed by currents of air, or are they oxidized in the air ; if so, are they oxidized only when ozone is present (see Our Homes, page 11) ; and if in the air, why not in the blood, after we have rebreathed them and surrounded them with oxygen, in loose combination with haemoglobin ? J * For a different view, see De Bary on Bacteria, p. 44. f Bicteria (Gr. hakterion, a staff) are the smallest livin, fills up the measure of our life, nay! hal- lows it." In closing his essay on Life and Death he says : " Life is continuous, and not peri- odically interrupted : ever since its first appearance upon the earth, in the lowest organisms, it has continued without break ; the forms in which it is manifested have alone undergone change. Every individual alive to-day — even the very highest — is to be derived in an unbroken line from the first and lowest forms." It is impossible within the limits of a brief review to make even an abstract of the writer's arguments. The low price of the work enables every student to possess it. To the few remaining opponents of evolu- tion among thoughtful students who are un- familiar with the facts and details cited, this hot discussion between the Weismanni- ans and the Neo-Lamarckians must seem fratricidal, whereas it may be compared to a band of earnest travelers perfectly united in their efforts to reach the same goal, and, coming to a number of cross-roads, heated- ly discuss which is the right road, firmly re- solved to follow that when demonstrated, even if many have to finally retrace their steps in order to do so. The acrimony and satire which have been excited by these dis- cussions are in consequence of the fact that there is no half-way ground upon which the combatants can unite. It must end in abso- lute defeat to one or the other side. Great credit is due to Edward B. Poulton, Selmar Schonland, and Arthur E. Shipley, all accom- plished biologists, for their connection with the work as editors. The Story op the Hills. By Rev. H. N. HuTcniNSON. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 357. Price, $1.50. The simple description on the title-page of this work — " a book about mountains for general readers" — nptly characterizes the contents and style of the volume. The au- thor has written especially for those who enjoy mountain scenery, and has aimed to heighten their enjoyment by increasing their understanding of what they see. He has 848 THE POPULAR SCIEJ^rCB MONTHLY. not, however, put so strong an infusion of science into the book as to make it distaste- ful to those who read cliiefly for pleasure. The first part of the book is descriptive, dealing with "the mountains as they are," and in the latter part is told " how the mountains were made." Throughout the volume are scattered bits of picturesque description quoted from enthusiastic lovers of mountains, illustrative anecdotes, and fragments of verse. The style is every where clear, and the language is simple, few terras being employed that are not in the vocabulary of every cultivated person. The text is illustrated with sixteen full-page pictures from photographs by W. Donkin, J. Valentine, and others. The Story of the Hills will add much to the reputation which the author has gained through his Autobi- ography of the Earth. Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad. By Archibald Geikie. New York : Mac- millan & Co. Pp. 3b2. Price, $1.50. These fourteen papers consist of popular accounts of geological explorations, with a few essays and addresses on geological sub- jects. Several of them have been thought of sufficient general interest for publication in the popular periodicals Good Words and Macmillan's Magazine. The first of these sketches describes the author's earliest geo- logical excursion, and contains some striking testimony as to how science was taught when Prof. Geikie was a boy. Other papers de- ecribe excursions in Scotland, France, Nor- way, the Yellowstone Park, and Wyoming. The text is iUustrated with views of many of the places visited, and with geological diagrams. School and College. Edited by Rat Greene HuLiNG. Jlonthly. Boston : Ginn & Co. Price, $1.50 a year. The first number of an educational maga- zine with the above name appeared in Janu- ary. It starts as a periodical of high grade, under the editorship of the principal of the high school at New Bedford, Ifass., who is well known as an educator and a writer on educational topics. The opening article of the January number is by E. Benjamin An- drews, President of Brown University, on Some of the Next Steps forward in Educa- tion, and is characterized by a fullness of progressive spirit. James H. Blodgett, of the Census Office, contributes a statistical paper on Secondary Education in Census Years. There is a descriptive article on The Greek Method of performing Arithmetical Operations, by John Tetlow, head master of the Girls' High and Latin Schools, of Boston, which is illustrated with diagrams. B. C. Burt, of Ann Arbor, discusses the question When should the Study of Philosophy be- gin ? There is also an editorial department, in which Co-operation in Entrance Exami- nations and Compulsory Greek in England are discussed ; departments of News from Abroad, and Home News, the latter contain- ing statistics of college attendance in 1890- '91 ; also departments for Letters and Re- views. Star-land. By Sir Robert Stawell Ball, F. R. S. New York : Cassell & Co. Pp. 388. The Royal Institution of Great Britain provides at each Christmas season a course of juvenile lectures. In 1881, and again in 188T, the course was given by the Royal Astronomer of Ireland, who has embodied his lectures in the present volume. The several lectures deal with the sun, the moon, the inner planets, the giant planets, comets and shooting-stars, stars, and to these has been added a chapter, with the title How to name the Stars, telling how to recognize the constellations. Since the lectures were pre- pared for an audience of children, their style is simple, though not childish, and many adults could get a better understand- ing of the outlines of astronomy from this little book than from more dignified treatises. The text is illustrated with nearly a hundred pictures. The Microscope and its Revelations. By the late William B. Carpenter, M. D., F. R. S. Seventh edition. Pieviscd by W. II. Pallinger, F. R. S. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son h Co. Pp. 1117. The great advances in the application of mathematical optics to the construction of microscopes since the appearance of the sixth edition of this cyclopedic work have made necessary a recasting of a large part of the treatise. The editor states in the preface, somewhat paradoxically, that the first five chapters of the last edition are rep- LITERARY NOTICES. 849 resented in this one by seven chapters, two of which "are on subjects not treated in any former edition." In the second chap- ter, on the Principles and Theory of Vision with the Compound Microscope, the results of the past twenty years' labors of Dr. Abbe, of Jena, have been summarized in a manner that has received Dr. Abbe's hearty com- mendation. In treating many of the other topics Dr. Dallinger has had the aid of emi- nent specialists. The book is increased by two hundred and fifty pages over the size of the last edition. Great pains have been taken to bring the text up to the most recent knowledge of experts, and the illustrations have been increased by the addition of nine- teen new plates, many being colored, and three hundred woodcuts, making the whole number over eight hundred. The Phosphates of America. By Francis Wyatt. New York : The Scientific Pub- lishing Company. Pp. 187. Price, $4. The best evidence of the usefulness of this book is that a second edition was re- quired within a week from the publication of the first. After setting forth the value of phosphates in producing fertility of soils, the author describes in successive chapters the deposits of phosphates and the modes of mining them employed in Canada, South Carolina, and Florida. Lists of companies engaged in phosphate-mining, with their capitalization, are given, also the expenses of working, the equipment required, and the selling prices of the products. These chap- ters are illustrated with many views of mines, drying-sheds, and machinery for handling and treating the ores. The manufacture of sulphuric acid is then described, after which the making of superphosphates is treated, and a final chapter contains methods of an- alysis of the materials and products of these manufactures. The author states that the volume embodies many facts, figures, and suggestions resulting from long observation and an extremely varied practical experience, and he trusts that it will prove highly profit- able to all classes of persons interested in the production, manufacture, sale, and con- sumption of commercial fertilizers. He has aimed to couch the information in common language, avoiding, as far as possible, chemi- cal formulas and technical terms. VOL. XL. — 57 The first volume of a monograph on Tlie Tannins has been published by Prof. Henry Trimble (Lippincott, $2). It contains chap- ters on the discovery, general characters, and the detection and estimation of tannins, followed by a detailed treatment of gallo- tannic acid. An index of authors, an index, or more properly a chronological table, of the literature of tannin, and a general index to the volume, are appended. The Experiment's arranged for Students in General Chemistry, by Profs. Edgar F. Smith and Harry F. Keller (Blakiston), has reached a second and enlarged edition. It is adapted to beginners, and is not intended to displace the instructor, but rather to as- sist him. Pieferences are made to Richter'a Inorganic Chemistry, but any other suit- able book may be used instead. Thirty- seven diagrams of apparatus are given, and questions and problems arc interspersed throughout the directions for experiments. The volume is interleaved with blank leaves for notes. Radical Wrong;; in the Prfccpts and Prac- tices of Civilized Man, by /. Wilson (the author, Newark, N. J., $1), is devoted to condemning practices of modern social life that, in the opinion of the author, are wrong. Mr. Wilson denounces war, cruelty to animals, capital punishment, private ownership of land, tak- ing payment for the use of money, dis- posing of property by will, etc., with equal emphasis. The second volume of the exposition of the Hermetic Philosophy, by an editor who signs himself in an enigma (Slyy, of the "/T. B. of Z."), is published by the J. D. Lippin- cott Company, Philadelphia ($1). The work as a whole includes lessons, general dis- courses, and explications of " fragments " from the schools of Egypt, Chaldca, Greece, Italy, Scandinavia, etc., designed for students of the Hermetic, Pythagorean, and Platonic sciences, and Western occultism. The pres- ent volume contains the second lesson on the Principles and Elements of Things, and a discourse from Porphyry on Auxiliaries to the Perception of Intelligible Nature. The introduction comprises a notice of Sanchonia- thon, the ancient Phoenician philosopher and historian, and the text of the fragment of his Cosmogony and Theogony which has been preserved by Eusebius ; and the dis- 850 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. course by Porphyry is preceded by a notice of that writer, Mr. Andrew J. Rid-off^ in preparing the First Lessons in Arithmetic (American Book Company, price, 36 cents), has endeavored to promote clear, accurate, and thorough worii in the four fundamental rules and the training of the judgment in the proper ap- plication of those powers. It is divided into three parts, of which the first is de- voted to exercises — each number being stud- ied in all combinations — in numbers not greater than ten. All the processes are graphically illustrated with diagrams ar- ranged so as to resemble the dots on domi- noes. Part II deals with units and tens, with the graphic method continued. After the study of the number fifty, equal parts — halves, fourths, and eighths — are considered. Pamiliar measures are introduced. In Part III the treatment of numbers up to one hundred is completed, the pupil is carried through the four fundamental rules in the higher orders, and is familiarized with their application to simple business transactions. No abstract reasoning or intricate problems are introduced. Training to reckon rapidly and accurately is mainly sought, and the book is intended to systematize and facilitate rather than to supersede oral instruction. A useful manual of Cookery for the Dia- betic has been prepared by W. TI. and Mrs. Foole, and is published by Longmans, Green & Co. (price, $1). In explanation of its purpose Dr. F. W. Pavy says, in a preface which he has written for it, that it is neces- sary to frame the dietary in diabetes so as to exclude as far as practicable certain prin- ciples of food which enter considerably into the dietary of ordinary persons. The basis or material part of a dish placed upon the table may be permissible, but accessories in- troduced in the cooking of it may render it objectionable. Diabetics are often in this way deprived of many of the properties which render food palatable and attractive, and reduced to a monotony of a few dishes of the plainest character, Mr. and Mrs, Poole seek to relieve them from this incon- venience by furnishing them with recipes by which their food may be given pleasant seasoning and at the same time harmless to them, and its variety may be increased. The distinctive features of the Inductive Latin Frimer (American Book Company) of William R. Harper and Isaac B. Burgess are that the lessons are shorter than those of the Inductive Method of the same authors} formal grammar is reduced to a minimum, and is introduced more slowly ; no reference is made to the grammar during the early les- sons ; the exercises are easy and copious ; prominence is given to conversation upon the text ; maps, plans, and pictures are in- troduced ; and a treatment of English gram- mar, inductive in character and adapted to these who never studied English grammar before and to the needs of those studying Latin, is bound with the Latin lessons. The work is based upon the connected text ol Cffisar. Russian Traits and Terrors are vividly portrayed in a book of that name, which professes to be a faithful picture of the Russia of to-day ; published by B. R. Tucker, Boston (85 cents). The author's name, if it can be called that, is E. B. Lanin, which we are told, however, is the collective signature of several writers in the Fortnightly Re- view. An unpleasant picture enough is given of lying, fatalism, sloth, and dishonesty as Russian characteristics ; of the condition of Russian prisons; of a low stage of sexual morality ; of the miserable situation of the Jews; of Russian finance, which is repre- sented as a " racking of the peasantry." To all this is added an ode by Swinburne, writ- ten after reading the account of the prisons. Homilies of Science (Open Court Com- pany, Chicago) is a collection of papers on subjects related to religion, which were first contributed by the author, Dr. Paul Carus, as editorial articles in The Open Court. The principle that pervades the papers is to preach an ethics that is based upon truth and upon truth alone. The homilies are de- clared not hostile toward the established religions of traditional growth, but toward the dogmatic conception only of those re. ligions. They are also not hostile toward free thought, but, standing upon the princi- ple of avowing such truths alone as can be proved by science, they reject that kind of free thought only which refuses to recognize the authority of the moral law. The author accounts for his position on these matters by relating that in childhood he was a devout and pious Christian ; on growing up, he re- LITERARY NOTICES. 851 solved to be a missionary ; studying for that, he lost his faith in dogmatic Christianity, but found his religious ideals purified, and became a missionary of a religion which knows no dogmas ; which is not in conflict with Christianity ; which can never come in conflict with science, and is not in conflict with any other religion ; " for it is the goal and aim of all religions." Very different from the reverential spirit of Dr. Carus's Homilies is the tone of Mr, G. H. Martinis Antidotes for Superstition, which comes to us from Watts & Co., Lon- don, and which we can only describe as a vehement attack on Christianity, its origins and purport. In the first chapter — on Christian Veracity — the charge is made that the method of teaching biblical history and chronology in the seminaries " is one of organized misrepresentation and systematic concealment of facts," and that the rest of Christian instruction is of the same kind. In the second chapter the essential spirit of Christianity is described as " a most malign, subtle, and Protean spirit." The assignment of other similar traits is followed by at- tempts to show, in Christianity before Christ and Pre - Christian Gospels, that what is good in Christianity is of more an- cient origin and is common to pagan re- ligions ; and by " ammunition for our re- cruits " in the shape of supplied answers for persons unskilled in debate, to the argu- ments of the apologists for Christianity. The Commission of Fish and Fisheries has issued the Beport of the Commission for 18S7, which covers the whole of that year and the first half of 1888. Future reports will cover the fiscal year of the Government instead of the calendar year, as heretofore. In the summer of 1887 occurred the death of Prof. Baird, who had been commissioner since 1871. The duties of the office were performed for about six months by Dr. G. Brown Goode, and the Hon. Marshall McDon- ald was then appointed commissioner. The work of the eighteen months covered by this volume is reviewed in the commissioner's report, and to it are appended an account of the Fisheries of the Great Lakes, by H. M. Smith, M. M. Snell, and J. W. Collins; a Report upon the Division of Fisheries, by J. "W. Collins ; reports on the distribution of fish and eggs by the commission, and on the work of the steamer Albatross ; reports on the construction and equipment of the schooner Grampus, by J. W. Collins ; on the operations of the Grampus, by J. W. and D. E. Collins ; a Review of the Labroid Fishes of America and Europe, by David Starr Jordan ; a paper on Lake Superior En- tomostraca, by S. A. Forbes ; and one on Entozoa of Marine Fishes of New England, by Edwin Linton. All these papers are fully illustrated. The Sixth Annual Report of the Commis- sioner of Labor, being the report for 1890, is devoted to statistics of the cost of pro- ducing iron and steel. It makes a volume of fourteen hundred pages, and is divided into three parts, of which the first gives the cost of labor, raw materials, and other ele- ments that enter into the total cost of pro- duction ; the second is devoted to the time and earnings of laborers, and the efficiency of labor; while the third part, comprising eight hundred pages, shows the cost of the laborers' Uving, in detail. Establishments in Great Britain and on the continent of Europe, as well as in the United States, were included in the investigation. This is one of the reports on the cost of producing dutiable articles which are called for in the act of Congress establishing the Department of Labor, and throws a vast amount of light upon the question of how much protection the iron and steel industries need in order to continue the present wages of American workmen. The fifth of the lists of special classes of novels, compiled by W. M. Grisivold, is a Descriptive list of British Novels (the au- thor, Cambridge, Mass., $2), comprising over nine hundred titles. Each entry is accom- panied by from a few lines to half a page of description, which in most cases is taken from a review in some prominent literary periodical. We can join heartily with Mr Griswold in the hope that " the publication of this and similar lists will lessen, in some measure, the disposition to read an inferior new book when superior old books, equally fresh to most readers, are at hand." There are no antiquated books in the list before us — the oldest that we note arc some of George Eliot's which appeared in 1859 and 1860. Surely no apology is needed for go- ing back far enough to include these. 852 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The Bactei'iological World and 3fodcrn Medicine, formed )3y the fusion of the two journals whose united names it bears, issued the first number of its new series in Novem- ber, 1S91. It is edited by Paul Paquin, M. D., and /. II. Kcllogj, M. D., with a large staff of collaborators (Battle Creek, Mich. $2 a year). Among the contents of the three numbers before us are continued arti- cles on Influence of the Continuous Current on Microbes, by Mil. Apostoli and Laguer- riere, with illustrations ; The Influence of Dress in producing the Physical Decadence of American Women, by J. II. Kellogg, M. D., illustrated with pncumographic tracings, out- lines of natural and constricted forms, etc. ; Lessons in Bacteriology, by Paul Paquin, M. D. ; and The Application of the Microscope in Medical, Medico-legal, and Legal Difiicul- tics, by Frederick Gaertner, M. D. There are also shorter articles, notes, reviews, edi- torials, etc. The journal has as a depart- ment the bulletins of the Medical and Sur- gical Sanitarium, and of the Laboratory of Hygiene connected with it. In addition to the other illustrations, each number contains one or two colored plates. A Ilistorij of Circumcision has been pub- lished by P. C. Pcmondlno, M. D. (F. A. Davis, $1.25 and 50 cents), extending from the earliest times to the present. The au- thor describes the Hebraic and other modes of performing this operation, and argues strongly in favor of the practice, setting forth a great many annoyances and diseases to which the presence of the prepuce con- tributes, both in early and in later life. The book contains also descriptions of infibula- tion, muzzling, and other operations that have been practiced on the prepuce, and his- tories of castration, eunuchism, hermaphro- dism, and hypospadias. The work gives abundant evidence of having been carefully prepared, and can not fail to be of service to the surgeon. It contains much informa- tion, moreover, that would benefit lay read- ers, and the author's declared intention of making the volume " readable " has been very successfully carried out. Over a hun- dred notes to the text, a list of works quoted, and an index are appended ; there arc also two illustrations, one of He- braic and the other of Egyptian circum- cision. I'CBLICATIONS EECEIVED. Allen, Harrison, M. D., University of Pennsyl- vania. Addresses on Anatomy. Pp. 19. Aver, N. W. & Son, Philadelphia. Calendar for 1892.' Bacon. Benjamin "Wisner. The Genesis of Gene- sis. Hartford: Ihe Student lublishing Co. Pp. 352. $2.50. Ballanoe, George A., and Edmunds, "W alter. The Ligation of the Great Arteries in Continuity. Jlac- miilan & Co. Pp. 56S. $10. Black, George Asbton. History of Municipal Ownership of Land on Manhattan Island. .New York: University Faculty of Political Science. Pp. S3, with Plates. 50 cents. Brocknoy, Frederick J., M. D. Essentiiils of Medi- cal Phvsics. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders. Pp. SSO. $1. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Astro- nomical Hand-book for 1SU2. Pp. 38. 20 cents. Coltmar, Pobert. The Chinese. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. Pp. 212. With Plates. Cdlumbia College. New York. Statement of the Committee on Site. Pp. 9. Comstock. Theodore B. Eeport on the Geology and Mineral Re^oiu-ces of the Central Mineral Legion of Texas. Pp.128. AYith .Maps. Davis, N. S., Jr., M. D. Consumption. Philadel- phia : F. A. Davis. Pp. 14.S. 75 cents. Draper, Andrew S. Thirty-eighth Report as State Superintendent of Public' Instruction of New York. Pp. CO.— Points in Favor of the Township System of Schools. Pp. 4.— Address to New York State Teachers' Associ.ation. Pj). 22. — American Schools for American Citizenship. Pp. S". Engineering News, New York. Manual of Amer- ican Water Works. Pp. 3S4. Flower, William Henry. The Horse. Modern Science Series. D. Appleton & Co. I'p. 204. $1. Fliigel, Ewald. Thomas Carlyle's Moral and Ee- ligious Development. New York : N. L. Holbrook &. Co. Pp. 140. Glazier, Wilhard. Source of the Mississippi. Broad sheet. Gordon. H. L. The of the Virgins, and other Poems. Chicago: Laird & Lee. J p. 3GC, with Plates. Gorton. Pev. James. Sharpsville, Pa. The Sab- bath Question and the World's Fair. Pp. IG. Greer, Henry. Eecent Advances in Electricity. Pp. 55. Hale, George E. Eecent Results in Solar Promi- nence Photography. Pp. 9. Hasting.-;. C. W. Chicago. Chart of the Ele- ments and Proportions of Soaring Flight. 75 cents. Ives. J. E.. Philadelphia. Reptiles and Batra- chians from Northern Yucatan and Mexico. Pp. 6. James, William. Psychology. New York : Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 479. Japan Journal of the College of Science, Im- perial University. Yolume II. Part I. Pp. 130, with Plates. Jastrow Joseph. The Natural History of Anal- ogy (Anthropological Address, A. A. A. S.) Pp. 23. Keen, W. W.. M. D . Philadelphia. Congenital Tumors of the Head and Spine. Ledger, Public, Philadelphia. Almanac for 1S92. Pp. 73. I,e Favre. Carrica. Delsartian Phy.oical Culture. New York : Fowler & Wells Co. Pp 108. 25 cents. Marine Biological Laboratory. Foiu-th Annu'il Report. Boston. Pp. 40. Merrill, Frederick J. H. Quiitemary Geology of the Hudson River Valley. Pp. 54. Mills. Chnrles, M. D, and Keen, W. W., M. D. Jacksonian Epilepsy, etc. Pp. 13. POPULAR MISCELLANY. 853 Munro, J. Heroes of the Telegraph. New York and Chicago: Fleming U. Kevell. Pp. 28S. $1.4Ll. National Educational Association. Journal of Proceedings and Addi-ess. Session of 1S91. To- ronto. Pp. 892. Netto, Ladislao. Le MusSum National de Rio de Janeiro. Son Influence sur les Sciences Naturelles au Bresil. Paris : Ch. Delagrave. Pp. S3. Payne, W. W., Nonhfield, Minn., and Hale. George E., Editors. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 'I'en times a year. January, iS92. Pp. 96. $4 a year. Pickering, Edward C. Cambridge, Mass. Forty- sixth .\nnual Report of the Director of the Astro- nomical Observatory of Harvard College. Pp. 11. Robinson, John. Our Trees. Salem, Mass. : Es- sex Institute. Pp. 120. Sheldon, W. L., St. Louis. The Meaning of the Ethical Movement. Pp. 41. Shepard, Charles H., M. D., Brooklyn, N. T. Rheumatism and its Treatment by Turkish Baths. Shufeldt, R. W., Tacoma. Wash. Taxonomy of the North American Pygopodes. Pp. 6. Stallcrop, John 0. Of Matter, the Laws and the Life thereof. Pp. 50. Thorne, R. Thome. Diphtheria. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 266. *2. Thomas, Cyrus. Catalogue of Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky Mountains Washington: Amer- ican Bureau of Ethnology. Pp 246. with Maps. Turner, Frederick J. The Character .and Influ- ence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press. Pp. 94. 50 cents. Tyndall, John. New Fragments. D. Applston & Co. Pp. 500. $2. United States National Museum, Washington : Explorations in Newfoundland and Labrador. By F. A. Lucas. Pp. 20. — On a Bronze I5uildha in the United States National Museum. By Charles DeKay. Pp. 8. — The Puma, or American Lion. Bv F. AV. True. Pp. 20.— The Musetuns of the Future. By G. Brown Goode. Pp. 20. University of the State of New York, Albany. University Extension Bulletin, No. 1. Pp. 50. 10 cents. University of Pennsylvania. Courses in Me- chanical and Electrical Engineering for lS91-'92. Pp. 38. Ward, Lester F. Principles and Methods of Geo- logic Correlation by Means of Fossil Plants. Pp. ^.~ 'I'he Plant-bearing Deposits of the American Lias. Pp.7. Winslow, Arthur. Preliminary Report on the Coal Deposits of Missouri. Jeflterson City. Pp. 226, ■with Map. Wolif, Alfred R. The Ventilation of Buildings. New York. Pp. 32. 25 cents. POPULAR MISCELLANY. The Peabody Mnseom of Archaeology.— The Peabody Museum of American ArchaB- ology has received for current expenses since 1881, when the first gift was made to it, $27,801. The gifts amounted to an av- erage of $3,089 a year. The permanent fund for the support of the museum gives an income of $2,376 a year. At no time has so much interest been talcen in the work of the museum or in aid of its explo- rations as during the past two years. Im- portant additions have been made to the building, and improvements in the arrange- ment of the collections. Among the results of the various works arc additional discov- eries of p alaeolithic implements in the Tren- ton gravel by Dr. Abbott, and of others from the older or Columbian gravel by Dr. Cresson ; discoveries by Mr. Ernest Volk in relation to the early people of the Delaware Valley ; explorations by the curator of burial- places of Massachusetts Indians at Win- throp; of Seneca Indians in the Genesee Valley ; and of village sites of Indians in the Potomac Valley, with recovery of chipped stones and implements in various stages of manufacture from an ancient workshop. The Serpent Mound Park has been completed, and the hay crop and the discriminate cut- ting of timber from parts of the land will help bear the expense of maintaining it. A collection and several important objects have been received from Mexico, Yucatan, and Santo Domingo ; crania of Zufii and of a Tierra del Fuegian ; the sacred pole of the Omaha Indians, with the scalps of noted ene- mies of the tribe, the sacred pipe, arrows, etc.; Peruvian pottery and pottery vessels, stone implements, and carved stones from Chiriqui ; implements, weapons, masks, etc., from New Guinea and several islands of the Pacific; casts of M. Desire Charnay's collections of the Lorillard Expedition to Yucatan and Mexico ; and copper implements from the province of Tobasco, Mexico, which will form an important link in the chain of evi- dence upon the working of stone in Mexico and Central America. Continued explora- tions in the Little Miami Valley have re- sulted in the discovery of some ancient hearths half a mile below the Turner earth- works, which furnish evidence of the occu- pation of the bottom lands at different in- tervals during the formation of the deposit that fills the valley. The Turner earthwork has now been thoroughly explored ; more so, perhaps, than any earthwork in the country. In the last mound examined, large flint points of peculiar shape, handles made of antlers, and specimens of the objects called gorgets made from a stalagmitic or fibrous gypsum, were found — all unique. Another curious work has been examined at Foster's, about twenty miles above the Turner group. It is a circumvallntion more than half a mile in extent, made up of a carefully laid wall of flat stones, loose 854 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. stones behind it, and beliind and over these a mass of clay burned to all degrees of hardness. The curator pronounces it one of the most remarkable structures he has ever seen. Lectures and instructions have been delivered on some of the subjects cher- ished by the museum, and an outline of a course of American archaeology and eth- nology for advanced students is published in the report. The most important of the later gifts is one by Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, of Pittsburg, for a fellowship fund, of which Miss Alice C. Fletcher is to be the first beneficiary. The Harvard Obseryatory Time-Serv- ice.— In giving notice of the discontinuance, after the end of March, of the time-service furnished by Harvard College Observatory, Prof. Pickering has taken occasion to give a brief history of the operation of this branch of the observatory's work. It has been maintained for nearly twenty years, and has given continuous signals — that is, signals throughout the twenty-four hours, instead of for a short time each day — to the cities of Boston and Cambridge, the railroads center- mg in Boston, and the Western Union Tele- graph Company. Through the latter agen- cies the signals were distributed over a large part of New England and to New York city. The subscriptions of the city of Boston and the railroads, and the receipts from jewelers who timed their clocks by the signals, were sufficient to defray the cost of furnishing the exact time, and for some years formed a source of revenue to the observatory, while no charge was made to the city of Cambridge or the Western Union Telegraph Company. The observatory was one of the foremost and most earnest pro- moters of the adoption of standard time, al- though its revenues were likely to be dimin- ished by it. One of the greatest advantages of the time-service to the observatory was that it kept before the public the practical value of astronomical work. Many thou- sands of persons, who take no interest in a work of a purely scientific character, realize the great financial value to the public of an accurate standard of time. The observatory desired to confer this benefit on the public, and would have been ready to do so, even at a financial loss ; but recently the time sig- nals of the United States Naval Observatory have been offered to the public at very low rates, through the Western Union Telegraph Company, and the Harvard College Observa- tory is relieved of the duty. The expense of furnishing the time is borne by the peo- ple through a Government appropriation. A time-service, under which the people at large within its sphere were supplied at the ex- pense of a few who received special benefits from it, gives way to a system under which these special interests are supplied free by taxation of the whole people. Preservation of Delicately Colored Speci- mens.— A mounting fluid for specimens compounded by Mr. Haly, of the Colombo Museum, Ceylon, proves to be also an excel- lent medium for preserving the colors of fish and other animals. It is composed of cocoanut oil and carbolic acid. The most tender frogs and snakes, the delicate plum- like bloom on the geckoes, the fugitive red- dish tint on certain snakes, are not injured but are beautifully preserved by it. Pre- served fish-skins can be packed away in it for an indefinite period, and, although they do not preserve their sheen like fish in the oil itself, they maintain a silvery and nat- ural appearance, very different from that of ordinary museum specimens. It appears to be an excellent preservative for crustacca, the higher orders of arachnids and centi- peds, but has hitherto proved a failure for marine invertebrates in general. The per- fect miscibility of the two liquids opens up endless possibilities. The absolutely une- vaporable nature of the liquid, apart from its other qualities, makes it invaluable in a tropical climate. The acid makes it possi- ble to mix cocoanut oil and turpentine, and thus is formed a splendid microscopic fluid, in which objects may be allowed to soak, without any previous preparation, and in which they become very transparent. Cnltivation of tlie Bermuda Onion. — The Bermuda onion is raised, according to Mr. Russell Hastings, in Garden and Forest, in a temperature which from November to June ranges from 50° to 75°, never higher, never lower, with never a greater monthly range than 25°, or a greater daily range than 14°. Its value lies in its mild and dehcate flavor. POPULAR MISCELLANY. 855 a3 well as in the unusual season at which it is fresh. The seed is all grown in TencrifEe Island, of two varieties, one producing white and the other red bulbs. The white bulbs are a little earlier, but the red ones are Bweeter. The seed is so^vn very thickly in seed-beds — the soil of which has been pre- pared with special care and highly enriched — from the last of September till early in November. The plants are transplanted in December and January. The fields are little pockets of earth scattered here and there over the island, in depressions between the rocks. They seldom contain an area of more than two acres, and the larger propor- tion of them contain less than half an acre. The soil is carefully prepared and laid out, by treading paths into beds about three feet wide, into which the little plants, about as large as a goose-quill, are transplanted from the seed-beds. The whole number of acres cultivated on the island of Bermuda in the winter of 1890-'91, in onions, potatoes, to- matoes, and beets, was 2,422. Hannfactnre of Silk Gauzes. — Silk gauzes are manufactured by a special method dis- tinct from all other modes of weaving, in which, according to M. G. Hennebcrg, of Zurich, the first consideration is the selec- tion, from among the best brands of raw silk, that which will give the most uniform and the firmest twist. The twist is obtained by spinning two threads, one upon the other, about a thousand turns to the metre of length. When the threads intended for the chain have been stretched uniformly with the most delicate care, to prevent a pre- mature wearing away (which occurs when the tension is unequal, by the two light threads snapping) each of the threads of the chain is passed separately between two meshes of the weaving harness, and between the teeth of the comb or of extremely fine steel. To show how carefully this work must be done, we mention that a steel comb used in weaving a gauze one metre wide, No. 17, has 6,517 teeth, with as many spaces be- tween them. Next is the preparation of the chain for the operation of weaving, by moistening it with soft brushes. Some of the valleys of eastern Switzerland, on ac- count of their elevated position and special climatic and atmospheric conditions, seem particularly well adapted to the weaving of a strong twist, exceptionally brittle and hard. The weavers do their work in couples or threes in specially constructed cellars abun- dantly lighted and aired, the temperature of which should be kept nearly the same — about 50° Fahr. — through the whole year, and the moisture seventy-five per cent. Whenever a notable variation in temperature takes place, the weaving should be stopped till a favorable change occurs. The weaver should be a strong, hearty man, because the management of the loom demands much skill and a more than ordinary toughness of body. When the piece is done, it is washed, stre'ched on a frame to dry, and dried by drawing a pan of hot coals back and forth under it. Silk gauze must be kept in per- fectly dry and well-aired places. Habits of the Wandering Albatross. — Of the wandering albatross {Dlomcdca cxulans) a Mr. Harris, who has carefully studied it, says that at a certain time of the year, be- tween February and Juno, the old birds leave their young and go to sea, not to return till October, when they arrive in large num- bers. During their absence the young birds never leave the breeding-ground. Immedi- ately after the return of the old birds, each pair goes to its old nest, and, after a little fondling of the young one, turns it out and prepares the nest for the next brood. The deserted young ones are in good condition and very lively, being frequently seen off their nests exercising their wings ; and when the old birds come back, a young bird will often remain outside of the nest and nibble at the head of the old one, until the feathers between the beak and the eye are removed, and the skin is made sore. The young birds do not go far from land till the following year, when they accompany the older ones to sea. Railway Accidents for 1889-'90.— Ac- cording to the statistics of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the total number of passengers, employes, and other persons not trespassers, who suffered death or injury on railroads in the United States during the year ending June 30, 1890, was 29,196, of whom about five sixths were employes. The num- ber of casualties to employes was greater by 856 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. 2,845 than in 1SSS-'S9, and greater by 2,627 than in ISS'Z-'SS. The number of casualties to passengers was 255 greater than in 1888- 'S'J, and 258 greater than in ISSV-'SS. In each class the number killed is about one tenth of the number injured. The largest number of casualties occur to employes engaged di- rectly in handling trains. Thus, while train- men represent but 20 per cent of the total number of employes, the casualties sus- tained by them account for 58 per cent of total casualties. A passenger riding contin- uously at the rate of 30 miles an hour might expect immunity from death by railway ac- cident for 158 years; but an engineer, a brakeraan, or a conductor, under the same conditions, is liable to a fatal accident at the expiration of 35 years. The most common accident to which railway employes are liable results from coupling and uncoupling cars. Railway travel is found to be least safe in the States south of the Potomac and Ohio Elvers. In the Western territory rail- way employment and travel are slightly safer than in the Southern States, while the smallest proportion of accidents occur in the States east of Illinois and north of the Poto- mac and Ohio. Th? Power of Water in Motion. — After an elaborate series of computations. Prof. Samuel B. Christy, of the University of California, concludes that if a nozzle of from six to nine inches diameter were specially arranged to throw a stream of water verti- cally upward against a spherical bowlder of quartz weighing 1,000 pounds, the vertical head being anywhere from 100 to 500 feet, the bowlder would be forced up until the di- minished velocity of the stream established an equilibrium of pressures. There would be a point at which the upward pressure of the stream would exactly balance the gravity pressure of the bowlder, holding the rock suspended. In practice, of course, the bowl- der could not be balanced accurately upon the axis of the stream, but would fall to one side or the other. But if a large conical basket of iron bars were arranged about the nozzle so as to catch the bowlder whenever it should be deflected from the stream, and return it to the nozzle, the 1,000 pounds of quartz would be kept in play like a ball in a fountain. As to cutting these streams. Prof. Christy says that he has often tried to drive a crowbar into one of them. The stream felt as solid as a bar of iron, and, although he could feel the point of the crowbar enter the water for perhaps half an inch, the bar was thrown forward with such force that it was almost impossible to retain it in the grasp. An axe swung by the most power- ful man could not penetrate the stream ; yet, it might be cut by the finger of a child, provided the child were seated in a railway train moving parallel with the stream in the same direction and with the same velocity, which would be considerably more than a mile per minute. Chinese Roads. — According to a com- munication by the United States minister in Pekin, road-making has not been brought to great perfection among the Chinese. The country abounds in water-ways, and roads receive the less attention. Human carriers being cheaper than beasts of burden, the need of roads over the mountain passes Is not so seriously felt as it otherwise would be. In southern China, at the centers of the tea trade, the long string of coolies bearing down from the hills the leaves, in deep baskets slung on poles, is a familiar sight. In northern China, where water-ways are not so numerous as in the south, inter- communication has always presented serious difficulties, which no attempt has been made to overcome. Bridges have been built over some smaller streams, but are not kept in repair. The large rivers are to be crossed by ferries only, the smaller ones to be forded. In some places there are bridges, too narrow to be crossed by carts, where the mules are taken out and led singly, while the carts are carried over on men's shoulders. In times of flood there is frequently no way of cross- ing. Intelligence is conveyed between the capital and outside provinces by an elaborate system of post stations thirty miles apart, where relays of horses are kept in readi- ness for the imperial courier. By these means dispatches have been sent to distant capitals at the rate of two hundred and fifty miles a day. The express courier from Gar- tok to Lhara, in Thibet, a distance of eight hundred miles, travels night and day, and is not relieved. His clothes are sealed on him, and can be removed only after the seal has POPULAR MISCELLANY. 857 been broken by the proper official. The messengers are lifted at the post station from one horse to another, and sometimes die on the way from exposure and fatigue. Over some mountain roads, which would otherwise be impassable, considerable work has been done and money expended. In some places the paths have been paved for foot-passengers, and in others provision has been made for the passage of carts. Most of these roads date from very remote periods, but there are occasional instances of recent construction and repair. Forest Growth after Fire.— In an article in Zoe, quoted in Garden and Forest, Mr. T. S. Brandagee describes the vegetation that grows on ground over which forest fires have run, particularly in Colorado, Montana, and on the Pacific coast. Trees have a power of resisting fire proportioned to the thickness of their bark. The redwood trees of the forests of the California coast, when they are killed or burned to the ground, send up new shoots from their roots, which soon surround the old stems with a luxuriant growth ; the parent stem disappears in time, leaving only the circular groves characteristic of the redwood. The forests of Douglas fir in the coast region of Oregon and Wash- ington destroyed by fire are in time replaced by countless seedlings which under favorable conditions grow very rapidly. The mountain- ous region is usually more commonly covered with a new growth than regions of lesser al- titudes, although the new growth is not al- ways at first the same as that of the original forest. Fire is very apt to destroy in the mountain regions the seeds of conifers, for seedlings do not appear immediately on the site of a coniferous forest, although trees of the original species gradually appear grow- ing under the shade and protection of bushes, aspens, and other plants which first cover the burned ground. That fire is the principal cause of this change of forest composition is shown by the fact that, when the original trees arc cut and fires are excluded, young trees of the same species appear at once. Many of the trees that grow in the regions where fires prevail have the power of repro- ducing themselves by root-suckers strongly developed. The soil loosened by fire, and enriched by the ashes of the destroyed for- ests, provides excellent seed-beds for the germination of the seeds of many annual and perennial plants. Hence these Califor- nia burns often afford the best botanizing grounds in the State ; and several otherwise rather local plants are appearing in such situations in much greater numbers and growing much more luxuriantly than they have ever been known to do before. It is not difficult, therefore, to imagine how great an influence this periodical burning of vast forest areas must have upon the composition and spread of the flora of the region. A Hnndred Miles an Honr. — New York Railroad Men publishes a symposium on the possibility of reaching a speed of a hundred miles an hour, and on the modifi- cations in railroad appurtenances that will be required to promote such a result. Mr. J. D. Layng, of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railroad, sees no more difficulty in raising speed to a hun- dred miles an hour than has been met in in- creasing it from thirty to sixty ; and believes that it will be more difficult to get a track clear for the train than to develop a speed greater than now seems possible. Mr. George H. Thompson, of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, believes that a wide gauge will be necessary to secure the desired speed ; " but, after the principles of railroad- ing become better known, an ultimate rail- road constructed and operated upon ultimate ideas will obtain. Forces now at work, part- ly physical, partly ethical, point to a broad gauge, say eight to ten feet. This gauge, outside of its adaptation to economical freight-work, will admit of large drivers, and consequent high-speed acceleration and low piston speeds." Further, Mr. Thompson be- lieves, as a deduction from the doctrine of evolution relating to progress, that high speed will some day be in the usual order of things. Another general manager is hope f ul as to high speed ; but three other officers do not believe that a hundred miles an hour will be reached in this generation, if ever. An Ant Mineralogist. — A curious coinci- dence is observed by M. A. Vercoutre be- tween a statement of Pliny's and the habits of an American species of ant. The Roman naturalist relates that among a tribe in 858 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. northern India, called the Dardes, ants ex- tract gold from mines, and adds that " metal which they have extracted during the winter, the Indians steal from them in summer when they have retired to their holes to escape the heat." The American ant {Pogonomyrmex occidentaRs\ which was studied by McCook in 1881, betrayed a similar disposition. When the colony have built their hill as a dome over their galleries, they cover the whole with small stones — fragments of rocks, fos- sils, minerals, etc., well fitted together in the style of mosaic, for which they go down, after the fashion of miners, to the depth of more than a yard below the surface. Now, as gold sometimes occurs in the region in- habited by these ants, we can easily suppose that their roofs will sometimes glisten with bits of that metal, which the natives might discover and take from them. The curious fact about the matter is, that these American ants are the only species known that correspond with Pliny's description. Had Pliny heard of them, and consequently of America ; or did they once inhabit Asia also, and afterward disappear so completely as to be no longer known there ? Or did Pliny repeat a trav- eler's tale, that has waited till this time for verification ? Mediscval Instrnments of Torture. — A curious exhibition was held in London last fall of instruments of torture from the royal castle at Nuremberg which had been bought by the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot. With one or two exceptions, such as the " scav- enger's daughter," no mediasval instrument of torture appeared to be unrepresented. The principal object of interest was the " iron maiden " {ciserne Jungfrau), which is pi'obably the most terrible instrument of torture ever invented. It is the figure of a woman made of strong wood, bound with iron bands, opening with two doors to allow the prisoner to be placed inside. The in- terior is fitted with long, sharp iron spikes, which, when the doors are pressed to, forced their way into various parts of the victim's body and inflicted inexpressible agonies up- on him till he died a lingering death. A trap-door was then opened in the base, and the body was allowed to fall into the moat or river below. The Scotch "maiden" of the sixteenth century was different from this, and was not an instrument of torture, but a kind of guillotine. Other objects were the racks ; the " Spanish donkey," which cut the body into halves ; the wheel on whicli malefactors were broken alive ; the small lever with a sharp-toothed thumb and fin- ger screw ; the ducking-cage for bakers de- tected in giving short weight ; the iron tongue-tearer, in the shape of a pair of tongs with screw; the Spanish "mouth-pear" or gag ; and the yoke in which couples found guilty of acts of immorality were pilloried in the market-place. Of a different kind of interest are the copper mask worn by the judge of the Vehmgericht, the " drunkard's cloak and helmet," and carvings of Satan that were supposed to have been worshiped by witches. There were also manacles, body- rings, hand -screws, scourges, branding-irons, pillories, stretching-gallows, garters for tor- turing the legs, spiked collars, heavy chains for fastening prisoners to the wall, " mouth- openers" for slitting the tongues of blas- phemers, sieves through which boiling water was poured on to the body, iron rings for fastening up criminals in public places, masks for the punishment of scolds and others, crucifixes which condemned crimi- nals carried on their way to execution, iron mail chain gloves that were made hot before being put on, settles belonging to a torture- chamber, and many other things. A num- ber of old prints accompanying the collec- tion illustrated the application of some of these instruments. Religions Ideas of Savages. — Having re- marked that the conception of the Great Spirit of the North American Indians has been found not to be original with them, but suggested by the early Christian mission- aries. Dr. E. B. Tylor proceeded, in a paper before the Anthropological Institute, to show that the mistaken attribution to barbaric races of beliefs really belonging to the cul- tivated world, as well as their development among these races under civilized influence, are due to several causes. Among them are direct adoption from foreign teachers ; the exaggeration of genuine native deities of a lower order into a god or devil ; the conver- sion of native words, denoting a whole class of minor spiritual beings, such as ghosts or demons, into individual names, alleged to be POPULAR MISCELLANY. 859 those of a supreme good deity or of a rival evil deity. Detailed criticism of the names and descriptions of such beings in accounts of the religions of native tribes of America and Australasia was adduced, which gave in many cases direct proof of the beliefs in question being borrowed or developed under foreign influence. The problems involved in the discussion are of great diiSculty, and the only hope for their full solution in many cases lies in the researches of anthropolo- gists and philologists minutely acquainted with the culture and languages of the dis- tricts. Such researches should be carried out without delay, before important evidence, still available, has disappeared. Character and the Voice. — Mr. Louis C. Eison remarks in the Boston Musical Herald on the effect of character or race upon the human voice as a subject that has never been well studied. It is a fairly well-known fact, he says, that certain kinds of voice prevail in certain countries : thus America produces many fine sopranos, Russia is the land of phenomenal bassos, and the sweet, high tenor must be sought chiefly in Spain ; but it has not yet been quite determined as to whether climate, or diet and general mode of life, or actual distinction of race, is the cause of this definite distribution of vocal compass and timbre. The female voice in America is sharper and shriller than that of the Englishwoman or Frenchwoman, and this is especially noticeable in the conver- sational tone. The Englishwoman is more usually a full-toned alto than anything else ; the Frenchwoman almost always is a mezzo- soprano. The peculiar style of singing a full falsetto, called jodlinff, which is chiefly heard in mountain districts, is another in- stance of race characteristics in vocal music. So perfectly is this singing done by the Tyrolese that the theory was held for a time that the throat of the Tyrolean might have some peculiar formation of its own, super- induced by peculiar diet and the drinking of snow-water. This has been shown by in- vestigation to be erroneous ; but since a simi- lar style of singing is practiced in the Nor- wegian mountains, the Engadine, and other similar districts, it may be inferred that it re- sults from a mode of calling the cattle, which is peculiarly high, characteristic, and penetra- ting, to which these people are accustomed from childhood. Peculiar types of voice may be found, upon investigation, to be rather the result of ages of peculiar usage, which finally produce traits that become hereditary, than of climate. The proba- bility that diet may have some effect in the matter is mentioned. The voice of the American negro is distinguishable from that of the white singer, and here, perhaps, an- atomy may afford a partial clew, for thick lips and a flat nose must influence the tone production in a certain degree. When these traits are absent, the tone of the colored singer is more akin to the ordinary standard of the singing of other races ; and the au- thor speaks of having heard some finely formed male Caffres sing, whose voices were not distinguishable from those of white sing- ers. The loss of sight seems to have an ap- preciable effect on the voice, and, as a rule, one will find the intensely passionate charac- ter absent from the singing of the blind. Sanitary Mistakes. — There is much in popular errors, says Dr. P. C. Redmondino, of San Diego, Cal., that helps to bring about our condition of physical degeneracy. For example, people look upon cold as their great and dreaded enemy, whereas cold — except in an extreme degree — does not and can not hurt any one primarily. To shut out the cold, which is harmless, they shut themselves in with ochlesitie poisons, as morbific and fatal in the end as the effects of alcohol and fusel oil. They have a vague idea that " catching cold " is to be avoided, but they have not the least idea of the lasting poison of ochlesis or in fomites. A man will give a friend a wide berth during the critical period of typhoid fever, but as soon as that period is passed he and his whole family will troop into the room, in blissful ignorance of the researches of Uffelmann and others into the wonderful tenacity of life possessed by the typhoid bacillus ; or, so that they avoid the immediate breath of a consumptive, they live in fancied security. That this infection, as well as that of typhoid and other disease- germs, is longer lasting in a dark or north room, is not of any importance. The lady of the house, on the departure of her consump- tive visitor, will at once draw the curtains and close the windows of her parlor that the 86o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. light and dust may not affect her carpets and bric-d-brac, perfectly unmindful that the care she bestows to protect these things is fraught with risk to the health and life of a son or daughter. She does not know, nor has she taken the pains to learn, nor has any one undertaken to instruct her, that the bacillus of such diseases as typhoid fever, diphtheria, phthisis, and most diseases which have a specific germ, can not exist and hold their identity in solar light and air, which, as has been demonstrated by Koch, kills them in from a few moments to a few hours, whereby no room is left for doubt that, by the construction of our houses and by the studied exclusion of light and air, we do most for the retention of these disease- germs, and at the same time contribute to the preservation of their vitality. Earliest Use of the Mariner's Compass. — The history of the discovery of the mariner's compass by the Chinese is lost in their an- tiquities. It is supposed to have been acci- dental, in a province where there is much magnetic iron ore, from the observation that a needle made from that ore, when by any means it was caused to float on water, as- sumed a north and south direction. The earliest author who mentioned the " south- pointing needle " lived in the fourth century B, c. It probably came into use when the professors of fung shue or geomancy began to study landscape, about the eighth century of the Christian era. Their instrument was made of hard wood, about a foot wide, with a small well in the middle, in which a mag-netized needle floated in water. On the compass were inscribed several concentric circles, as on the wooden horizons of our globes. They embraced the twelve double horns, the ten denary symbols, eight dia- grams, and other marks. This compass was used in preparing a geomantic diagram of any spot where a house or tomb was to be constructed, so that the construction might not be upon an unlucky site, or planned in an unlucky manner. At the same time there was living a Chinese who had studied Hin- doo astronomy, and was the imperial astrono- mer and also a Buddhist priest. He noticed that the needle did not point exactly north, but varied by 2° 5'. The variation went on increasing till a century later, or the ninth century. Shenkwa, writing in the eleventh century, mentions that any iron needle could be given polarity by rubbing it on a piece of loadstone. After this, in 1122, an ambassa- dor to Corea described the use of the float- ing needle on board ship while he made the voyage. This is the earliest instance, by more than a century, of the use of the mari- ner's compass on board ship found in any book. At that time the needle was floated in water, supported by a piece of wood ; but in the Ming dynasty some Japanese junks engaged in piracy were captured by Chinese, in which the needle of the compass was dry and raised upon a pivot. The Japanese hud i learned this from the Portuguese. The Chinese from that time also hung their compass-needles on a pivot. An American Exhibition in Spain. — The Spanish Government is preparing to estab- lish at Madrid, in honor of the fourth cen- tennial of the discovery of America, an ex- hibition of every kind of American objects, so constituted as to give an idea of the civil- izations of the American world, both previ- ous to and coeval with the epoch of the dis- covery and the European conquests. For this purpose the commission solicits contri- butions of American objects illustrating prehistoric America — plans, models, and re- productions of drawings of cave dwellings, megalithic monuments, and lake dwellings, and of objects of all kinds of the palfeolithic and neolithic ages, and of the bronze and copper ages. Of the historical period are wanted models or representations of build- ings and architectural fragments, specimens of polychromatic architecture, representa- tions of restored monuments, and works of fine art of every kind. In the department of industrial arts, etc., clothing and adornments of aboriginal uncivilized or only partly civil- ized Indians are asked for, implements of war of wood, copper, bronze, and iron ; gold, silver, bone, and ivory jewels, necklaces, ear- rings, bracelets, etc. ; pottery, household utensils, and furniture; tissues and textiles from which they are made; apparatus for manufacturing purposes ; articles used in transportation ; native documents ; Indian portraits and effigies ; models of Indian dwellings, crania, etc. Old maps, articles relating to cartography, whatever relates to POPULAR MISCELLANY. 86i Columbus, etc., constitute another class ; and the collection will be completed with representations of fine-art works, literary and scientific publications, and manuscripts, charts, and plans from the discovery to the middle of the eighteenth century. Prizes and diplomas are offered for the contribu- tions. The Royal Tombs of Uganda. — Dr. Carl Peters gives the following description of the more modern royal tombs of Uganda : " On approaching them from a distance the trav- eler thinks he sees pyramids before him, but in reality they are in the form of large cones, and are built of wood in Uganda fashion. On entering, the visitor finds him- self in a dusky hall, supported by a row of columns. In the background of this hall is a painted curtain, before which are ranged the weapons and favorite movables of the deceased. On putting aside the curtain the dark area is entered, from which shafts and corridors have been excavated in the ground. In these passages textile stuffs, covv^rie shells, and other articles of value, which in Uganda represent money, are heaped up. At the farthest extremity of these passages is de- posited the coffin, with the embalmed corpse of the dead person. It appears that the regular procedure for preserving the corpse is by drying it, and swathing it tight in wrappings ; but the Waganda also told me that they understood the art of preserving the body from decomposition by injections into the blood. In front of the curtain twelve girls watch day and night on behalf of the last one departed ; at present, there- fore, for Mtesa. From time lo time all the great men of the land come to the dead man, with drums and fifes, to pay him a visit, as if he were alive." Excess in Ornamentation. — In his book on the Planning of Ornament, Mr. Lewis F. Day recognizes as among the {esthetic faults of modern architecture its too free use of ornament without reference to its fitness to the other details of the structure, and rela- tive neglect of proportion. A writer who timidly suggested lately that by a proper attention to proportion ornament might be economized, found himself out of fashion, as he doubtless apprehended. The Saturday Review enforces the precepts of the two authors, with a comparison of two buildings that stand near one another in London. Of one, the "front is composed of arches and columns — the arches of colored marbles, the columns of polished granite, the capitals of bronze, heavily gilt. Not far from it is another elevation, partly in brick and plas- ter, painted drab and wholly devoid of any ornament ; yet the eye lingers lovingly on it. The proportions are like those of, say, one of Gray's odes, or one of Mendelssohn's songs without words. The whole fa9ade cost perhaps seven or eight hundred pounds ; but, then, it was designed by Wren. The bank front cost, at a moderate estimate, sev- enty or eighty thousand pounds, yet, because the architect, or, to speak more exactly, the builder, did not mix his design with a single ounce of brains, had not, in fact, so much brains to bestow upon it, all the money spent has produced so hideous a pile that one instinctively turns from it as one turns from a sudden glare or a street accident." Like contrasts may be found in almost any large town. Amnsements of Animals. — A writer in the London Spectator suggests as a logical order in which to consider some of the pow- ers of enjoyment possessed by animals, with- out exaggerating or depreciating them, is to observe their development as the animal itself grows up. The faculty of amusement comes early in them. Many animals are aware of this, and make it part of their ma- ternal duties to amuse their young. A fer- ret will play with her kittens, a cat with hers, and a dog with her puppies. A mare will play with her foal, though the writer from whom we quote has never seen a cow try to amuse her calf, nor any birds their young. If their mothers do not amuse them, the young ones invent games of their own. A flock of ewes and lambs were observed in the Isle of Wight in adjoining fields, sepa- rated by a fence with several gaps in it. " Follow my leader " was the game most in favor with this flock, the biggest lamb lead- ing round the field and then jumping the gap, with all the others following in single file ; any lambs that took the leap unusually well would give two or three more enthusi- astic jumps out of sheer exuberant happi- 862 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. ncss when it readied the other side. Anoth- er flocli of lambs, confined in a straw-yard, had steeple-chases over a row of feeding- troughs stuffed with hay, right down the yard and back again. On a Yorkshire moor they have been seen to race, for a quarter of an hour, round a spring, and back to the ewes. Fawns play a kind of cross-touch from one side to the other, the " touch " in each case being given by the nose. Little pigs are also great at combined play, which gen- erally takes the form of races. Emulation seems to form part of their amusement, for their races seem always to have the win- ning of the first place for their object, and are quite different from those combined rushes for food or causeless stampedes in which little pigs are wont to indulge. Rac- ing is an amusement natural to some ani- mals, and, being soon learned by others, becomes one of their most exciting pastimes. Many horses, and all racing-dogs, soon learn to be as keen at winning as public-school boys in a half-mile handicap. It is a com- mon impulse with horses to pass, or at least to keep up with, any other horse in their company, and this instinct, developed by training, makes the professional race-horse eager to v/in. Animal enthusiasm for racing is well — the writer in the Spectator says best — seen in a dog-race. Birds especially delight in the free and fanciful use of their wings. There is all the difference possible between the fiight of birds for " business " and pleas- ure ; and many kinds on fine days will soar to vast heights for pleasure alone. In any comparison of the games and sports of ani- mals with our own enjoyment of the same amusements, it must not be forgotten that imagination, the make-believe which enters into so much of the best play of children, is also the basis of much of the play of young animals. "Watch a kitten, while you tap your fingers on the other side of a cur- tain or table-cloth, imitating the movements of a mouse running up and down. She knows it is not a mouse. But she enters into the spirit of the game, and goes through all the movements proper to the chase. Or perhaps she has a ball. If you set it in mo- tion, so much the better — that helps " the make-believe." The ball is " alive,'' and she catches it, claws it, and half kills it, taking care all the while to keep it moving herself. The beautiful young lion, given by the Sultan of Sokoto to Queen Victoria last year, would play in exactly the same way with a large wooden ball, growling and set- ting up the crest, and pursuing the ball across the cage. Durability of Oil Paintings. — Much time has been devoted by Mr. A. P. Laurie to the study of the means of insuring the du- rability of oil paintings. Some of the paint- ings of the old masters are still remarkably brilliant in coloring. A Van Eyck in the National Gallery is especially mentioned in M. Laurie's paper before the Society of Arts as having its colors all fairly well preserved, and a green — one of the most difficult of colors — wonderfully so. The quality is found not to reside in the pigments used, which were not superior to those of the present. It must, therefore, lie in the ve- hicle. It has been shown by Prof. Russell and Captain Abney that most fugitive pig- ments are permanent if protected from moist- ure, and a still larger number if protected from both air and moisture. If, therefore, we can obtain a vehicle which will really protect the particles of the pigment from moisture, we may use safely many pigments that are now regarded as fugitive. Mr. Laurie tested the qualities of linseed and wal- nut oils, the resins, and mixtures of oil and resins. His experiments showed that linseed oil, no matter how carefully refined, or in what way it is converted into boiled oil, can not be depended upon to protect a surface from moisture. Walnut oil proved no better. Solutions of resins in spirits of turpentine or benzol give as varnishes sufiicient preser- vation from moisture for all practical pur- poses, but, forming a brittle and not very durable surface, are not fit to be used as mediums in place of oils. Eastlake's theory that the Flemish painters secured perma- nency by grinding their colors in oil and adding a little varnish, was tested and found not correct. No preparations of that kind experimented upon resisted the attacks of moisture ; but a good mastic varnish was more efficient, and proved superior to any other substance tried. The use of copal or amber dissolved in spirit is also objection- able, because the varnish is difficult to re- move. By using mastic, we have a varnish POPULAR MISCELLANY. 863 which, while it affords the best protection to the picture from moisture, is easily re- moved and renewed. A source of danger to pictures to which not enough attention has been given is that which arises from the development of moisture by chemical action within the substance of the paint- ing itself. An old medium of remarkable qualities has been recently discovered, con- cerning which nothing more is said at pres- ent, till its qualities are proved. Appar- ently the most durable surface that can be produced with modern mediums is that ob- tained with a mixture of copal oil varnish and linseed oil ; and, until the proper me- dium is discovered, the best we can do is to paint our pictures with this medium and a carefully selected group of pigments, and then, as a further precaution, coat the pict- ures, when thoroughly dry, with a layer of mastic dissolved in turps (or turpentine). Illnstration of Cnstoms.— The Pitt Rivers collection in the University Museum at Ox- ford is designed to illustrate the customs, life, and religious observances of primitive and semi-civilized races. The contents are arranged with a view to showing the various stages of development among different races and at different times, and to establishing direct relationship between the primitive and the modern types. The collection has also many European objects of antiquarian interest. Among them are specimens of the hornpipe, the instrument that gave its name to the dance performed to its music, and of the pipe and tambour used by the mummers at their performances. Among the exhibits relating to savage races is a collection of masks from Fiji, New Britain, and else- where, such as were worn at funerals by the male relatives of the deceased. In some cases the very skull of the dead man was made into masks, with the idea that he should as- sist at his own obsequies. The jew's-harp in many forms and developments — none, how- ever, dating beyond the sixteenth century — has a place in the museum, together with a collection of primitive reed instruments, some of which were blown by the mouth and others by the nostrils. Of fire-kindling ap- paratus, the frictional fire-sticks of savages, the rather elaborite mechanical contrivance of the Brahman r)riests, and the apparatus used by the Vestal Virgins to kindle the sacred lamp if it should be extinguished, are shown, Medixyal Gnilds. — According to a paper in the Archjeological Institute by the Rev. J. Hirst, on the Guilds of the Anglo-Saxon Mon- asteries, a regular system of communica!ion was kept up between the various religious houses by means of messengers, who, being men of the world, were able to supply the news of passing events, even in the most distant countries. Other visitors to the abbeys were pilgrims, who were often ad- mitted as brothers, and were thus enabled to participate in the benefits derived from the prayers of the community. From these sources no doubt the monldsh chroniclers de- rived much of their information, which they so carefully recorded. The author said these ancient guilds threw a light on the origin, rapid increase, and organization of the Eng- ish trade-guilds at a later period. Mr. J. T Micklethwaite pointed out a difference be- tween these two sorts of guilds. The trade- guilds kept a common purse, whereas those attached to the monasteries did not ; the ab- sence also of the word guild in the Saxon manuscripts led him to believe that the trade- guilds were not derived from the monastic ones. Spiders as Marplots. — A curious account is given in Engineering of the way in which the accuracy of engineering work is often impaired by spiders and their webs. When plumb lines are sunk in shafts, the spiders sometimes attach their webs to them and draw them to one side. The accuracy of a certain work in the Hoosac Tunnel was de- stroyed until the lines, 1,028 feet long, were inclosed in cases. It has been suggested as a remedy to apply electricity to the lines so as to burn off the spider-threads. The writer in Engineering once found his vision when using the level distorted by the appearance of curved lines in its field. After consulting an oculist and paying his fees, he discovered that the whole trouble was caused by a little spider which had settled itself in the eye-glass of the telescope of the level. An electric- light metre, of the revolving fan type, was found doing imperfect work, as it recorded only a small fraction of the electricity that was known to be used. It was found that 864. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. a spider had entered the case through a screw-hole and spun a web in such a man- ner as to prevent the free use of the fans. NOTES. We published in the Monthly for June, 1886, a sketch, by Prof. David Starr Jor- dan, of the eminent early American natural- ist C. S. Rafinesque, for which we were not able at the time to secure an authenticated poi'trait. We have since found such a por- trait, which was published several years ago in Potter's American Monthly, and now have the privilege, by permission of Messrs. Pot- ter & Co., of presenting it to our readers, as a supplement to Prof. Jordan's delightful sketch. It comes in opportunely at this time to supply the lack of the portraits of the Bartrams, of neither of whom have we been able to find an authenticated likeness. As the object most closely associated with the Bartrams, we give in connection with the sketch of them a view of the house built by the elder Bartram, as it appeared in 1887, from a photograph furnished us by Mr. Thomas Meehan. A NEW star, not marked on any map, was observed February 1st in the constella- tion Auriga, slightly in advance of the star 26 of that constellation, and of about the same, or the sixth magnitude. It is described as yellowish, and somewhat fuzzy in appear- ance. OBITUARY NOTES. Dr. Thomas Sterry Hunt, a distinguished American geologist and chemist, died at the Park Avenue Hotel, in this city, February 11th, of mitral disease of the heart, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. A sketch of his life and scientific activity, and a portrait, were given in the Monthly for February, 1876. He retired from public professional life in 1878, but had made since then many important contributions to theoretical chem- istry and geology. One of the organizers of the International Geological Congress, he was its first secretary, and was a vice-presi- dent at the meetings in Padua, 1878; Bo- logna, 1881; and London, 1888. He was a member of the International Juries at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876. Dr. Hunt had been in feeble health for many months previous to his death. Sir George Biddell Airy, English As- tronomer Royal from 1836 till 1881, died on January 2d, after a few months' illness, in the ninety-first year of his age. A sketch of his life and works up to that time, with a portrait, were given in The Popular Science Monthly for May, 1873. He after that made the preparations for the equipment of the British expedition for the observation of the transit of Venus of 1874, a subject on which he had been engaged since 1836. He retired from his office in the Greenwich Observatory in 1881, after forty-five years of service. M. Emile de Lavelete, the eminent Bel- gian economist and publicist, died at Liege, early in January, of pneumonia, following in flueuza, just after the publication of his latest work. Government in Democracy. He was born in Bruges in 1822, studied law in the University of Ghent, and engaged in histori- cal and philological labors, and aftei'ward in works on political economy and kindred sci- ences, which gave him a world-wide reputa- tion. In 1864 he was appointed Professor of Political Economy in the University of Liege. His principal works were on the Rural Economy of Belgium and of Holland, on Property and its Primitive Forms, and Natu- ral Laws and the Object of Political Economy. He was the most conspicuous advocate of bimetallism. According to the Academy, the death of the Duke of Devonshire, in December, 1891, was a greater loss to the learned world than (directly) to politics or society. The duke had been intimately associated with academi- cal affairs ever since he took his degree at Cambridge in 1829. "The Cavendish Lab- oratory at Cambridge bears witness to his munificence, while science acknowledges no less gratitude to him for serving as chairman of the Royal Commission on Scientific In- struction and the Advancement of Science." Prof. John Couch Adams, the English astronomer and mathematician, who shares with Leverrier the honor of having pi-e- dicted the place where the planet Neptune would be found, has recently died. He was the son of a farmer, and was born near Bodmin, Cornwall, in 1818. He began his investigations of the irregularities in the motions of Uranus in 1841, and completed them as early as Leverrier did his, but suf- fered himself to be anticipated in the pub- lication. In 1858 he succeeded the late Dean Pcacocke as Lowndean Professor of Astronomy at Cambiidge. The death is announced of Colonel James Augustus Grant, a famous African explorer. He was the sou of a Scottish clergyman and was born in 1827 ; served in the war of the Indian mutiny ; accompanied the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868 as a member of the In- telligence Department; and in 1860 to 1863, with Captain Speke, explored the sources of the Nile and discovered the Victoria Ny- anza. He described this expedition in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, and its botany in those of the Linna:an So- ciety ; and published in 1874 a supplement- ary account of the expedition, of which a joint account by the two explorers had al- ready appeared. It was entitled A Walk across Africa. He received medals from the Royal Geographical Society, the Pope, and King Victor Emanuel. I ]sr D E X. ARTICLES MARKED v:nil AN ASTERISK ARE ILLUSTRATED. PAGE Abbott, Emerson, T. Ways, The, of Bees. (Corr.) 840 Aber, Mary Ailing. Experiment, An, in Education 377, 517 Agassiz at Penikese. D. S. Jordan 721 Air, Bad, and Bad Health. H. Wager and A. Herbert 814 " Breathe Pure. J. W. Quinby 192 Albatross, the Wandering, Habits of. (Misc.) 855 Allotropism in Alloys. (Misc.) 568 Animals, Amusements of. (Misc.) 861 " Domestic, in India.* J. L. Kipling 597 " in the Desert of Gobi. (Misc.) 141 " tlie Lower, Progress and Perfectibility in. E. P. Evans 170 Ant Mineralogist. (Misc.) 857 Artesian Wells and their Flow. (Misc.) 135 Ashley, Charles S. Progress, The, of the Silver Question. (Corr.) 413 Association of Official Geologists. (Misc.) 281 Astronomy. A. D. White 577, 729 Atlantic Coast, Changes in Level of the. (Misc.) 281 Atkinson, Edward, and Edward T. Cabot. Personal Liberty 433 Bacteria, Determination and Cultivation of. (Misc.) 427 " in our Dairy Products. H. W. Conn 763 Baldness, Causes of. (Misc.) 284 Barber, Edwin Atlee. Recent Advances in the Pottery Industry* 289 " Rise, The, of the Pottery Industry * 145 Baths of the Accursed, The. (Misc.) 565 Bartrara, John and William, Sketch of* 827 Bees, The Ways of. (Corr.) E. T. Abbott. E. P. Evans. 840 Benton, Warren G. Ethics, The, of Confucius 87 Bicycle, Righting the.* (Corr.) F. A. Fernald 267 Birds, The, of the Fame Islands. (Misc.) 1 38 Blanchard, E. Recent Oceanic Causeways 540 Bogy-hunting. (Editor's Table) 845 Books noticed 126, 272, 416, 556, 701, 813 Agora, The, 'TOO. Atkinson. J. C. The Last of the Giant- American Journal of Psychology, April, killers, 561. 1891, 130. Bacteriological "World and Modern Medi- Anderson, Edward L. The Universality cine, 853. of Man's Appearance and Primitive Ball, Robert. The Cause of an Ice Age, 550. Man, 422. Ball. Sir Robert S. Star-Land, 848. Arkansas. Report of the Geological Sur- Bandelier, A, F. Contributions to the vey for 1888. J. C. Branner, State Geolo- History of the Southwestern Portion of gist, 560. the United States, 422. VOL. XL. — 58 866 INDEX. Books noticed : Bardeen, C. W. The Teacher as he should be, 709. Bien, H. M. Ben Beor, a Story of tlie Anti-Messiah, 500. Blair, Andrew A. The Chemical Analy- sis of Iron, 278. Blanchard, Rafael. Los Animales Par4- sitos introducidos por el Agua en el Or- gauismo, 131. Bodington, Alice. Studies in Evolution and Biology, 128. Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen V. The Positive Theory of Capital, 704. Bolles, Frank. The Land of the Lingering Snow. 560. Brainard, F. R. The Sextant and other Reflecting Mathematical Instruments, 562. Bronson, Thomas Bertrand. Colloquial German, 709. Brooklyn Institute. Third Year-book, 1890-'91, 422. Burton, Charles V. Introduction to Dy- namics, 131. Carpenter, William B. The Microscope and its Revelations, 848. Carus, P. HomiUes of Science, 850. Chamberlain, A. F. Blodern Languages and Classics in America and Europe, 562. Chamberlain, Montague. A Popular Hand book of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada, 702. Chart of the Metric System, 423. Charts showing the Average Monthly Cloudiness in the United States. 563. Charts showing the Probabihty of Rainy Days, 563. Cobb, John Storer. The Torch and the Tomb, 422. College of Science of the Imperial Univer- sity of Japan. Journal, Vol. IV, Part I 1.30. Cooke, Josiah P. Laboratory Practice, 277. Crummell, Alexander. Africa and Amer- ica, aio. Davis, J. TVoodbridge. Dynamics of the Sun, 423. Dole, Charles F. The American Citizen, 1.32. Dufferin and Ava, The Marchioness of. My Canadian Journal, 1872-'78, 701. Educational Papers by Illinois Science Teachers, 134. Egleston, T. Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms, 419. Emtage, W. T. A. An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, 421. Evolution in Science and Art, 272. Fall, Delos. An Introduction to Qualita- tive Chemical Analysis, 708. Fiske, Amos K. Beyond the Bourn, 279. Foster, Michael. Text-book of Physiolo- gy, 277 Geikie, Archibald. Geological Sketches, 848. Geografla per Tutti. A. Ghisleri, Editor, 133. George, Henry. The Condition of Labor, 562. Gibbins, H. DeB. The History of Com- merce in Europe, 419. Goss, John Dean. The Histoi-y of Tariff Administration in the United States, 131. Griswold, W. M. Descriptive List of Brit- ish Novels, 851. Guillemin, Amed6e. Electricity and Mag- netism, 705. Hamilton, Claude C, Editor. Muter's Blanual of Analytical Chemistry, 278. Harper, "William Rainey, and Herbert Curling Tolman, Editors. Eight Books of Cassar's Gallic War, 133. Harper, W. R., and I. B. Burgess. Induc- tive Latin Primer, 850. Hemstreet, William. Mind is Matter ; or, the Substance of the Soul, 419. Herbart, Johann Friedi-ich. A Text-book in Psychologj-, 417. Hermetic Philosophy, Vol. II, 849. Hinton, Richard J. Progress Report on Irrigation in the United States, 129. Howard, John R. Henry Ward Beecher : a Study of his Personality, Career, and Influence in Public Affairs, 280. Huling, Ray Greene. School and College, 848. Hunt, Thomas Steri'y. Systematic Miner- alogy, based on a Natural Classification, 557. Hutchinson, H. N. Story of the Hills, 847. Jones, Alonzo T. The Two Republics ; or, Rome and the United States of America, 704. Jones, D. E. Elementary Lessons in Heat, Light, and Sound, 278. Jom-nal of American Archteology and Ethnology. J. Walter Fewkes, Editor, 133. Journal of Morphology, Vol. IV, No. 3, 421 ; Vol. V, No. 1, 422. Journal of Physiology. Michael Foster, Editor, Vol. Xll, 702. Kinmont, Alexander. The Natural His- tory of Man and the Rise and Progress of Philosophy, 274. Kittredge, A. O., Editor. The Metal- Work- er Essays on House-heating by Steam, Hot Water, and Hot Air, 420. Kolkin, Nils. Ethereal Matter ; Electrici- ty and Akasa, 709. Langley, S. P. Studies in Aerodynamics, 701. Lanin, E. B. Russian Traits and Terrors, 850. Leighton, Caroline C. Intimations of Eternal Life, 420. Little Tour in Ireland, A, 561. Loewy, Benjamin. A Graduated Course of Natural Science, Part H, 707. INDEX. 867 Books noticed : Lyons, Daniel. Christianity and Infalli ty; Both or Neither, 703. SlacQueary, Howard. Topics of the Times, 270. Martin, G. H. Antidotes for Superstition, Maurice, F. War, 132. Merrill, George P. Stones for Building and Decoration, 418. Mills, Wesley. How to keep a Dog in the City, 562. Mitchell, Ellen M. Study of Greek Phi- losophy, 500. Moulton, Richard G. Address on the University Extension Movement, 279. Nettleton, Edwin S. Report of Artesian and Underflow Investigation, 129. New York Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin, No. 33, 708 ; Report for 1890, 422. Nissen, Hartvig. The A B C of the Swedish System of Educational Gym- nastics, 709. Ochorowitz, J. Mental Suggestion, 706. Olmsted, Denison. An Introduction to Natural Philosophy, 275. Osborn, Herbert. The Pediculi and JIal lophaga affecting Man and the Lower Animals, 278. Ostwald, W. Solutions, 706. Parker, William W. Instinct in Animals and Intelligence in Man contrasted, 130. Parsons, James Russell, Jr. Prussian Schools through American Eyes, 133. Peterman, Alexander L. Elements of Civil Government, 279. Peters, Edward Dyer. Modern American Methods of Copper-smelting, 707. Pick, Edward. Dr. Pick's Method applied to acquiring the French Language, 563. Pierson, Arthur T. Stumbling-stones re- moved from the Word of God, 133. Plympton, George W. How to become an Engineer, 5C2. Poole, Joseph. The Practical Telephone Hand-book, 707. Poole, W. H. and Mrs. Cookery for the Diabetic, 8.50. Postmaster - General. Postal Savings- Banks ; an Argument in their Favor, 709. Putnam, George Haven. The Question of Copyright, 120. Quarterly Register of Current History. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, 133. 563. Railway Law and Legislation. W. P. Canaday and G. B. West, Editors, 709. Randall, J. E. Practical Treatise on the Incandescent Lamp, 562. Reeve, Charles A. The Prison Question, 127. Remondino, P. C. History of Circum- cision, 8.52. Ribot, Th. The Diseases of Personality, 138. Richter, Victor von. Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds, 275. Rickoff, A. J. First Lessons in Arithme- tic, 850. Ryder, John A. The Sturgeons and Stur- geon Industries of the Eastern Coast of the United States, 127. Sadtler, Samuel P. A Hand-book of In- dustrial Organic Chemistry, 418. Schuchardt, C. Schliemann's Excava- tions : An Archaeological and Historical Study, 558. Scientific American Cyclopaedia of Re- ceipts, Notes, and Queries. Albert A. Hopkins, Editor, 559. Shaler, N. S. The Story of our Conti- nent, 708. Sheldon, Samuel. Chapters on Electrici- ty, 275. Siebel, J. E. Original Communications of the Zymotechnic Institute, 278. Silberstein, S. J. The Universe and its Evolution, 278. Sloane, T. O" Conor. Electricity sunpli- fled, 707. mith, Edgar F., and H. F. Keller. Ex- periments in General Chemistry, 849. Society for Psychical Research. Pi-oceed- ings. Parts X^^U and XES, 130, 708. Stewart, Seth T. Plane and Solid Geome- try, 421. Swift, Morrison I. Problems of the New Life, 132. Terry, James. Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads, 423. Texas. Second Annual Report of the Geological Survey. E. T. Dumble, State Geologist, 420. Thomas, H. J. Slide -Rule Perpetual Calendar, 422. Tolstoi, Leo. Ivan the Fool. 561. Trevert, Edward. Electricity and its Ap- plications, 131. Trimble, Henry. The Tannins. R49. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Report for 1887. 851. United States Commissioner of Labor. Re- port for 1890, 851. Vis Medicatrix. Woods Hutchinson, M. D., Editor, 279. Weed, Clarence M. Insects and Insecti- cides, 130. Weinberg, A. How to make a Trial Bal- ance, 563. Wei.smann, August. Essays upon Hered- ity and Kindred Biological Problems, 847. Westermarck, Edward. The History of Human Marriage, 416. Wliiting, Harold. Short Course of Ex- periments in Physicnl Measurements, Parts in and V<1 . 278, .'561. Wilcox, Walter F. The Divorce Prob- lem. 1.31. Wilson. Daniel. The Right Hand : Left- handedness, 276. INDEX. Books noticed : Wilson, J. Radical Wrongs in the Pre- Wright, John A. The Practical Working cepts and Practices of Civilized Man, 849. and Results of the Inter-State Com- Winslow, J. O. The Principles of Agri- merce Act, 279. culture, 279. W^right, Lewis. Optical Projection, 1.31 . W^ood, Henry Trueman. Light, an Ele- W^yatt, Francis. Phosphates of America, mentary Treatise, 562. 849. Worthington, Slack. Politics and Prop- Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Sta- erty or Phronocracy, 133. tion. Bulletin, No. 1, 708. Booth, James Curtis, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 116 Botany, Economic, Some of tlie Possibilities of. G. L. Goodale 57, 207 Bowlders, Remarkable.* I>. A. Wells 340 Branner, John 0. Cotton Industry, The, in Brazil 666 British Association, The. (Misc.) 424 Canaries. (Misc.) 718 Carpet- weaving in Persia. (Misc ) 285 Caste, Origin of. (Misc.) 428 Census, Lessons from the. C. D. Wright 75, 368, 459, 607, 785 Central Asian Phenomena. (Misc.) 142 Ohapin, J. H. Colors of Names. (Corr.) 414 Chinese Cookery. (Misc.) 716 " Emigration, Cause of. (Misc.) 575 " View of it, A. (Misc.) 138 Churchill, William. Reef-knot Nets * 83 Cities, Social Statistics of. C. D. Wright 607 Climate and Health. (Misc.) 71 1 " Variations in. W. H. Larrabee 804 Clocks and Watches, Evolution of. (Misc.) 282 Colors of Letters. (Corr.) J. S. Stevens 697 " Names. (Corr.) J. H. Chapin 414 Compass, the Mariner's, Earliest Use of. (Misc.) 860 Conn, IL W. Bacteria in our Dairy Products 763 Cotton Industry, The, in Brazil. J. C. Branner 666 Courtship in Torres StraH. (Misc.) ' ^"^ Cremation in Japan. (Misc.) Crookes, William. Electricity in Relation to Science 497 Customs, Illustration of. (Misc.) ^^^ Cyclopean Structures in Oceania. (Misc.) ^^'^ Darwinism in the Nursery. L. Robinson "'"* Davis, William Morris. Lost Volcanoes, The, of Connecticut* 221 " Sketch of William Ferrel. (With Portrait) 686 Denudation, Different Effects of. ^Misc.) • ^^^ Dog's Tail, The Wagging of the. (Misc.) • ^"^^ Dogs, The Training of.* W. Mills 236 Dress and Adornment.* F. Starr 44, 194 » Religious.* F. Starr ^^^ Du Bois-Revmond, Emil. Science and Fine Art 'J'51 Durfee, William F. Manufacture, The, of Steel* "^5 Dust. J. G. McPherson 251 Duthiers, De Lacaze. New Observations on the Language of Animals 528 INDEX. 869 PAGE Earthquake, The, of October, 1891, in Japan. (Corr.) J. K. Goodrich 696 " The Great, of Port Royal.* A. B. Ellis 774 Education and Ethics. (Editor's Table) 698 " An Experiment in. M. A. Aber 377, 517 " The Preparatory Stage in, (Misc.) 568 Egj'ptian Identifications. (Misc.) 283 Electricity in Relation to Science. "W. Crookes 497 Ellis, A. B. Great Earthquake, The, of Port Royal * 774 Eskimos, Stolidness of. (Misc.) 141 Ether, Nature of the. (Misc.) 430 Ethics, The, of Confucius. W. G. Benton 87 Evans, E. P. Progress and Perfectibility in the Lower Animals 170 " Ways, The, of Bees. (Corr.) 841 Evolution and Intelligence. (Editor's Table) 700 " and its Assailants. (Editor's Table) 414 " Intelligence and the Belief in. (Corr.) J. R. Thurston 696 Examinations, A Defense of. (Misc.) 710 Exhibition, An American, in Spain. (Misc.) 860 Fernald, Frederik A. Righting the Bicycle.* (Corr.) 267 Ferrel, William, Sketch of. (With Portrait.) W. M. Davis 686 Flowers, Origin of the Colors of. (Misc.) 717 Flying-machine, The Aviator.* G. Trouve 392 Folk-lore Tales, Origin of. (Misc.) 430 Forest Reproduction in New England 283 " Growth after Fire. (Misc.) 857 Forests, Offices of. (Misc.) 566 Fossil Insects. (Misc.) 567 Gems, The, of the Ancients. (Itlisc.) 713 Geology, Do we teach ? R. T. Hill 41 Glacial Formations, Classification of. (Misc.) 430 " Groovings, Remarkable. (Corr.) D.S.Marvin 842 Glaciers, Alpine, Oscillations of. (Misc.) 717 Goodale, George Lincoln. Some of the Possibilities of Economic Botany. . 57, 207 Goodrich, J. King. Earthquake, The, of October, 1891, in Japan. (Corr.). . 696 Grammar-school Programme, Changes in the. (Misc.) 424 Graveyard Soil, Contamination of. (Misc.) 570 Guilds, Medieval. (Misc.) 863 Gnillemin, Amddee. Communication with the Planets 361 Guyot-Daubes. Stilts and Stilt- walking* 467 Gymnastics, Homely. A. B. Tweedy 524 Harvard Observatory Time-Service. (Misc.) 854 Health, Little Annoyances and. (Misc.) 428 " Safeguards of. (Editor's Table) 844 Henderson, C. H. Nationalization, The, of University Extension 500 " University Extension 1 Herbert, Auberon, and H. Wager. Bad Air and Bad Health 814 High Life 108 870 INDEX. FAGB Hill, Robert T. Do we teach Geology ? 41 Holy Stones of the East and the West. (Misc.) 286 Hundred Miles an nour. (Misc.) 857 Iceberg Formation, An Overlooked Mode of. (Misc.) 570 Instincts, The, of Cattle. (Misc.) 568 Intellectual Liberty, The Attack on, in Germany. (Editor's Table) 842 Involuntary Movements.* J. Jastrow 743 Jackson, Edward Payson. Moral Educability 647 Jade, Native, in Europe. (Misc.) 284 Jastrow, Joseph. Involuntary Movements 743 Jordan, David Starr. Agassiz at Penikese 721 " Story, The, of a Strange Land * 447 Jupiter and the Comets. (Misc.) 565 Kelley's Island Groove, The. (Corr.) M. C. Younglove 267 Kipling, John Lockwood. Domestic Animals in India* 597 Language of Animals, New Observations on the. De Lacaze Duthiers. .... 528 Larrabee, W. H. Variations in Climate 804 Lepers in the Middle Ages. (Misc.) 566 Liebig, Justus von : an Autobiographical Sketch 655 Life-saving Service, The United States. (Misc.) 711 Life, Wild, in the Snow. (Misc.) 139 Lightning, Artificial Globular. (Misc.) 570 Lobster-fishery, The Future of the. (Misc.) 142 Loomis, EUas, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 405 Lost Volcanoes, The, of Connecticut.* W. M. Davis 221 Marvin, D. S. Pvemarkable Glacial Groovings. (Corr.) 842 McPherson, J. P. Dust 251 Mann, J. B. Silk Dresses and Eight Hours' Work 245 Marsupial Mole, The Australian.* E. Trouessart 650 Martin, Horace T. Musk Ox, The* 364 Melanesian Ghosts. (Misc.) S*^^ Mendeleef, Dimitri Ivanovitch, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 261 Mesopotamian Desert, The. (Misc.) 284 Metals, Utilizing the Less-known. (Misc.) '^18 Mills, Wesley. Training, The, of Dogs* 236 Monkey Language, The. (Misc.) 137 Moral Educabihty. E. P. Jackson 647 Musical Instruments— The Organ.* D. Spillane 623 " The Piano-forte.* D. Spillane 473 " Orchestral.* D. Spillane 793 Musk Ox, The.* IT. T. Martin 364 New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. A. D. White 323, 577, 729 Numismatics, Astronomy and. (Misc.) 283 INDEX. 871 PAGE Obituary Notes. WUliam Ferrell, Martin Duncan, L. Just, Francis Brunnow, Dr. Barclay 288 Cardinal Haynald, Edouard Lucas, F61ix H6ment, Charles Smith Wilkinson 432 William B. Watson, Percy W. Mjles, Thomas Wharton Jones, Philip Herbert Carpenter 576 A. de Qaatrefages, Jean Servais Stas, H. K. H. Hoffmann, Edouard Mailly, Harvey Goodwin, Joseph Lovering 720 Thomas Sterry Hunt, Sir George Biddell Airy, Smile de Laveleye, Duke of Devonshire, John Couch Adams, James Augustus Grant 864 Oceanic Causeways, Recent. E. Blancbard 540 Oil Painting^i, Durability of. (Misc.) 862 Onion, Bermuda, Cultivation of the. (Misc.) 854 Opium-smoking, A Defense of. (Misc.) 716 Optics, Wayside.* C. A. Wood 616 Organic Variation a Chemical Problem. (Misc.) 712 Ornament.* F. Starr 44 Ornamentation, Excess of. (Misc.) 861 Painting, The Origin of. L. Popoff 100 Paper, Tests of. (Misc.) !• 425 Peabody Museum of Arcbseology. (Misc.) 853 Peroxide of Hydrogen, Properties of. (Misc.) 427 Personal Liberty. E. Atkinson and E. T. Cabot 433 Phosphorus in Plants and Animals. (Misc.) 285 Photography, Value of. (Misc.) 714 Planets, Communication with the. A. Guillemin 361 Playing-cards, Japanese. (Misc.) .... 136 Political Justice. (Editor's Table) 270 Popoff, Lazar. Origin, The, of Painting 100 Poppy, Cultivation of the. (Misc.) 571 Population, Our, and its Distribution. C. D. Wright 368 " . The, of the Earth 400 " Urban. C. D. Wright 459 Potlach, The Uses of. (Misc.) 569 Pottery Industry, Recent Advances in the.* E. A. Barber 289 " The Rise of the.* E. A. Barber 145 Preservation of delicately Colored Specimens. (Misc.) 854 Quinby, J. W. Breathe Pure Air 192 Races, Two Ancient. fNIisc.) 286 Railroad, Evolution on the. (Misc.) 572 Railway Accidents for 1889-'90. (Misc.) 855 Railroads, South American. (Misc.) 281 Rainfall by Explosion. (Misc.) 573 Rapid Transit. C. D. Wright 785 " Rare Earths," The, in America. (Misc.) 571 Reasoner, Is Man the only ? J. Sully 506 872 INDEX. PAGE Reef-knot Nets.* W. Churchill 83 Religious Ideas of Savages. (Misc.) 858 River Channels, Ancient. (Misc.) 564 Roads, Chinese. (Misc.) 850 Robinson, Louis, M. D. Darwinism in the Nursery 674 Ross, P. D. Type-casting Machines * 180 Sanitary Mistakes. (Misc.) 859 Scharf Library, The, of Johns Hopkins. (Misc.) 136 Science and Fine Art. E, Du Bois-Reymond Y51 Scientific Meetings, A Group of. (Editor's Table) 125 Sewage, Purification of. (Misc.) 282 Sheep and Cows, Non-drinking. (Misc.) 287 Silk Dresses and Eight Hours' Work. J. B. Mann 245 " Gauzes, Manufacture of. (Misc.) 855 Silver Question, The Progress of the. (Corr.) C. S. Ashley 413 Slavic Marriage Forecasts. (Misc.) 429 Snake-myths. (Misc.). 713 Species, Man's Agency in the Extermination of. (Misc.) 426 Spiders as Marplots. (Misc.) 863 Spillane, Daniel. Musical Instruments— The Organ* 623 " " , The Piano-forte* 473 " " Orchestral * 793 Starr, Frederick. Ornament * 44 " Religious Dress * 194 Stars, The Universe of 545 Steel, The Manufacture of.* W. F, Durfee 15 Stevens, James S. Colors of Letters. (Corr.) 697 Stilts and Stilt-walking.* Guyot-Dauhes 467 Story, The, of a Strange Land.* D. S. Jordan 447 Strong Man, The. (Editor's Table) 268 Sully, James. Is Man the only Reasoner ? 506 Sulphur in Sicily. (Misc.) 575 Superstitions, Ancient, in Italy. (Misc.) 567 Swords, Famous Japanese. (Misc.) 137 Tail-like Formations in Men * 347 Theology and Political Economy. A. D. White 323 Thurston, John R. Intelligence and the Belief in Evolution. (Corr.) 696 Time-reckoning on the Congo. (Misc.) 572 Tombs, Royal, of Uganda. (Misc.) 861 Torture, Medifcval Instruments of. (Misc.) 858 Tramp Colonies. (Editor's Table) 271 Trouessart, E. Australian Marsupial Mole, The* 650 Trouv6, G. Aviator Flying-machine, The * 392 Tweedy, Alice B. Homely Gymnastics 524 Type-casting Machines.* P. D. Ross 180 University Extension. C. H. Henderson 1 " (Editor's Table) 123 " and the State. (Editor's Table) 654 INDEX. 873 University Extension Lectures on Scienr^A. m\.. ^ The Nationalization of. C. H. Henderson." --^ on Science. (Misc.) I. Henderson 500 Voice, Character of the. (Misc.) Voodoo Imitation, A. (Misc.) ^^'^ 715 Vager, Harold, and A. Herbert. Bad Air and Bad Health ... Water m Motion, Power of. (Misc.) ^^ Waves, Some Characteristics of. (Mi'sc) ^^^ Weber, William Edward, Sketch of. (wiih Portrait)'. ! ! ." fj' Weddings among the Shushwap Indians. (Mi^c ) Weeds, The Travels of. (Misc.) ^"^^ Wells, David A. Eemarkable Bowlders'* ^^'^ White, Andrew Dickson. Astronomv ^^^ 44 •' 577 729 yrx. , Theology and Political Economy. . ' " " '090 Women, Where, rule. (Misc.). ^^^ Wood, Casey A., M. D. Wayside 'opti'cs'* ^^^ Woods, Tests of. (Misc ) ^^ ^ Wright, Carroll D. Lessons ^om ;he'cen;us;.-.'.'.'.'.-.-.-.VV5,' 368; '459,- 007; ?85 Our Population and its Distribution . . qr« Urban Population '^ Social Statistics of Cities. ff! ^ " Rapid Transit.... ^^^ Wright, Prof., in the British Association. '(Mi'sc') !?J '^ 426 Younglove, M. C. Kelley's Island Groove, The. (Corr.) 267 END OF VOL, XL. MBI. WHOI LIBRARY UH law Y