THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THR JU, POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY EDITED BY J. MCKEEN CATTELL VOLUME LXXXII JANUARY TO JUNE, 1915 NEW YORK THE SCIENCE PRESS 1913 Copyright, 1912 The Science Press PRESS OF The New Era Printing compact Lancaster, pa THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JANUARY, 1913 4 9Yi GOING THEOUGH ELLIS ISLAND By DR. ALFRED C. REED U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, ELLIS ISLAND IT is at least a question whether the visitor to Ellis Island looks at the newly landed immigrant with eyes any more curious than those with which the immigrant looks at the visitor. The one sees the timidity, the surprise, the fear and the expectation of the new-comer. The other sees what is to him a wonderful model of all that is American. Main Immigration Building. It is a husy island. Yet in all the rushing hurry and seeming con- fusion of a full day, in all the babel of language, the excitement and fright and wonder of the thousands of newly-landed, and in all the manifold and endless details that make up the immigration plant, there 6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY is system, silent, watchful, swift, efficient. Five thousand immigrants in a day is no uncommon figure. Five thousand six hundred passed through last Easter Sunday. Five hundred and twenty-five persons are employed on the island exclusive of the score of medical officers and the hundred or more attendants of the Public Health Service. It is an island crowded full of pathos and tragedy, of startling con- trasts and unexpected humor. A burly, laughing giant of a man came The Immigrant -Hospital at Ellis Island. down the line one afternoon, elated to have reached the land of his life- long hope. The next morning he lay stricken with meningitis and that evening was dead. A young mother was separated from her two-year- old baby because the baby had diphtheria. In a few days the baby died, and the mother went on alone to the father waiting in the west. The reunion of broken families, and the old folks coming to live in the home prepared by the pioneer children, constantly afford views of human nature unmasked and unrestrained. All races and conditions of men come together here and adjust themselves more or less amicably to each other. Children with no com- mon bond of race, language or religion, play together perhaps more happily for that very reason. Some have been here for months. In the New York room, a Flemish couple have waited seven long months for a little girl who is still sick in the hospital. Every morning on his rounds they ask the doctor how soon she can come to them, and thrice a week they visit her bedside. Perhaps by now their long waiting is GOING THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND 7 finished, and she has gone on with them happily to the new home in America. America is the land of the alien, and even now his mark is plain on all our institutions. But while the principal increase in population has been by immigration, the character of that immigration has changed markedly in the past thirty years. Previous to 1883, western and northern Europe sent a stalwart stock, 95' per cent, of all who came. They sought new homes and were settlers. Scandinavians, Danes, Dutch, Germans, French, Swiss and the English islanders, they were the best of Europe's blood. They were industrious, patriotic and far- sighted. They were productive and constructive workers. Where noth- ing had been, they planted, and mined, and built, and toiled with their hands, while yet finding time to educate their children and train them to love the new mother-country and appreciate the blessings she fur- nished. But for three decades the immigrant tide has flowed more and more from eastern and southern Europe. The others still come, but they are far outnumbered by the Jews, Slavs, the Balkan and Austrian A Polish Mother holding her Baby up to see the Doctor. races, and those from the Mediterranean countries. In contrast with the earlier immigration, these peoples are less inclined to transplant their homes and affections. They come to make what they can in a few years of arduous unremitting labor, and then return to their homes to spend it in comparative comfort and ease. It has been well 8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Examining Eyes on the Line at Ellis Island. said that America. is their workshop, Europe their home. Thirty per cent, of them return to their former homes. As a class, they contribute little of lasting value but the work of therr-'hands for which they are well paid. And from what they earn tifeyVskad home no small part. In 1907 they sent $275,000,000 out of the country. True, this money was earned, but its greater value in in- vestment and development was lost. In contrast to their predecessors, the immigrants since 1883 tend to form a floating population. They do not amalgamate. They are here in no small degree for what they can get. It is not always true that they come to supply a real demand. The periodical advertisement of a national demand for cheap labor does not spring from a true economic need, even though the influx of cheap labor might put more money in the employer's pocket. Such is the type of the newer immigration, and its changing and deteriorating character makes restriction justifiable and necessary. No one can stand at Ellis Island and see the physical and mental wrecks GOING THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND 9 who are stopped there, or realize that if the bars were lowered ever so little the infirm and mentally unsound would come literally in hordes, without becoming a firm believer in restriction and admission of only the best. The average citizen does not realize the enormous numbers of mentally disordered and morally delinquent persons in the United States nor to how great an extent these classes are recruited from aliens, and their children. Restriction is vitally necessary if our truly American ideals and institutions are to persist, and if our inherited stock of good American manhood is not to be depreciated. This restriction can be made operative at various points, but the key to the whole situation is the medical requirement. No alien is de- sirable as an immigrant if he be mentally or physically unsound, while, on the other hand, mental and physical health in the wide sense carries with it moral, social and economic fitness. The present United States immigration law (legislation of 1907) is very definite in its statement of medical requirements for admission. The law divides physically and mentally defective aliens into three classes. Class A includes those whose exclusion is mandatory under the law because of a specified de- fect or disease. In this class are idiots, imbeciles, epileptics, the feeble- minded, insane and those subject to tuberculosis, or a dangerous or loathsome contagious disease. When a medical diagnosis has been made Russian Girls. IO THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY of these conditions, that person is automatically excluded. In Class B are conditions which are not mentioned in Class A, but which make the person affected liable to become a public charge or affect his ability to earn a living. Class C includes defective and diseased conditions not included under A or B but which must nevertheless be certified for the information of the immigration officials. The medical inspection of all immigrant aliens is performed by officers of the United States Pub- lic Health Service. This service dates from an act of congress in A Chinese Girl in the Dentition Quarters. A Russian Jewish Boy, just landed. 1798 creating the original Marine Hospital Service, which conducted hospitals at all large ports and in- land waterway cities for seamen of the American merchant marine. The duties of the service have since been enlarged to include all fea- tures of national health protection. Its officers rank equal with those of the army and navy medical corps, and are found in all parts of the world pursuing their investigations and carrying out measures to pro- tect the public health of the United States. The medical inspection of immigrants is not the least impor- tant of their functions. The Bu- reau of Immigration is under the GOING THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND n Department of Commerce and Labor, while the Public Health Service is under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. There are 82 immigration stations embracing the entire coastline and frontiers of the United States as well as the entry of aliens into the Philippines, Porto Eico and Hawaii. During the fiscal year of 1911, the total number of immigrants examined was 1,093,809. Of these 27,412 were certified for some mental or physical defect. By far the most important point of entry is Ellis Island, where 749,642 aliens were examined. Nearly 17,000 medical certificates were issued here, and more than 5,000 of these were deported. The Ellis Island station of the Public Health Service has 25 med- ical officers attached, including 6 specially trained in the diagnosis and observation of mental disorders. Their work is divided into three sec- tions, the boarding division, the hospital and the line. The boarding division has its offices at Battery Park, N. Y. By means of a fast and powerful cutter, The Immigrant, these men meet all incoming liners as they leave the New York Quarantine Station and start up the bay. Their inspection is limited to aliens in the first and second cabins. Such as require a more careful and detailed examination are sent to Ellis Island. The others are discharged at the dock, after having passed the additional inspection of the Department of Commerce and Labor. At the dock, all third and fourth class aliens are transferred to barges, carrying about 700 each, and taken to Ellis Island. Ellis Island lies close to the Statue of Liberty on Bedloe's Island, about a mile from Battery Park. It is the most commanding location in New York Harbor. It consists of one small natural island and two additional artificial ones, connected with the first by a covered passage- way across the intervening strip of water. On the first island is the main immigration station. The other two are occupied by the hos- pital division of the medical service. On one of these is the general hospital and on the further one the contagious hospital, consisting of separate pavilions, connected with open covered passageways. Each hospital can accommodate close to 200 patients at once, and is usually fairly full. The service is limited strictly to aliens, and the expense of each immigrant receiving hospital care is charged to the steamship company which brought him. This hospital is excellently conducted and every method of most approved diagnostic, surgical and medical technique is practised. A rare variety of diseases is seen. Patients literally from the farthest corners of the earth come together here. Pare tropical diseases, unusual internal disorders, strange skin lesions, as well as the more frequent cases of a busy general city hospital pre- sent themselves. The variety of contagious diseases is unusual and ex- treme diagnostic skill is required of the physicians in charge. In the fiscal year 1911, over 6,000 cases were treated in the hospital, exclusive 12 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The Matron and some of her Charges on the Roof. of 720 cases transferred to the Quarantine Hospital at the Harbor en- trance before the completion of the present contagious hospital on Ellis Island. The third division of the medical inspection is " the line " or pri- mary inspection. This is the part that the visitor to the island sees, and has been often described. Suffice it to say that as the immigrants leave the barges they pass in single file before the medical officers who pick out all who present evidence of any mental or physical defect. They are turned aside into the medical examining rooms for more care- ful observation. Each defect or disease receives a medical certificate signed by three physicians, which places the bearer in one of the three classes already mentioned. Those who require immediate medical or surgical care for any reason are transferred to the hospital, as are also certain cases in which longer observation and more detailed examina- tion are necessary for diagnosis. Examples of this are tuberculosis, parasitic scalp diseases, mental disorders and trachoma. Having been certified or passed clear in the medical division, the immigrant goes together with those from the barge who have not been turned aside, to the upper or registry floor, for the inspection of the immigration authorities. These inspectors ask the same questions that the immigrant was required to answer when the ship's manifest was filled out before embarkation. This covers such information as name, age, destination, race, nativity, last residence, occupation, condition of health, nearest relative or friend in the old country, who paid his pas- GOING THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND 13 sage, whether in United States before, whether ever in prison, whether a polygamist or anarchist, whether coming under any contract labor scheme, and personal marks of identification such as height, and color of eyes and hair. Any discrepancies in the answers are noted. The immigrant is also required to show what money he has. All who do not meet these questions satisfactorily or who hold medical certificates of classes A or B, are held for a rigid examination before a Board of Special Inquiry, which decides whether or not they shall be admitted. Each of these boards consists of three members, the decision of two members being final. The hearings of the boards are private, but a complete copy of the proceedings is made and filed in Washington. Those who are to be deported are held on the island until the vessel on which they came is ready for its return voyage. In the event of de- portation being ordered, the alien may appeal from the decision of the board to the commissioner of the port, from him to the commissioner- general of immigration, and then to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Those immigrants who have passed satisfactorily and are bound for New York City are sent to the " New York room " to await friends or responsible parties who come for them. This is one of the most dra- matic and thrilling spots on the island, for it is the reunion place of friends, relatives and lovers. The Irish girl who came two years ago meets the sister and the old mother. The one is pale, nervous, and clad in New York garb: the others have never seen the ocean until their Theib first Photograph. 14 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY good ship sailed, and their bril- liant cheeks and country dress are in keeping with their dense igno- rance and shyness. They know the price of shoes and what spuds are worth at market, but it is beyond them to recall the date of their birthday, or what the pres- ent month may be. Those immigrants who are destined for points other than N"ew York City are sent to the rail- road room. Here they change their money for United States coin, and buy their railroad tickets under careful supervision. Their baggage is checked, they have a telegraph, cable and post office of A Servian Woman. A Genuine Harem Skirt. rhotograph, taken at Ellis Island, of a woman from Hindustan. their own, and may buy lunches whose contents are exhibited to all in glass cases. Special agents see that each one buys a lunch propor- tioned to the size of his family and the length of his journey. Cigars, cakes and fruits are also to be had. One day a stolid and emotionless Slavish woman opened her card- board lunch box at the bottom and extraced a piece of bologna cut on the bias, smelled it carefully from different sides, licked it, finally tasted it, and then broke into a flood of smiles as she pressed it forcibly into the mouth of her equally stolid two-year-old baby. And the baby sucked and munched on the new GOING THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND 15 world dainty in undiscerning pleasure ! But the greatest mystery in the lunch box is usually the small round fruit pie. Some carefully raise the crust and extract the contents with a much-used finger. Another whittles it off in slices with a murderous knife a foot in length, while another will carefully eat off all the crust and discard the interior. A bearded Cossack with great care and patience chewed a hole through one corner of a tin of sardines. Then with praiseworthy perseverance, he sucked out the oil ! From the railroad room, the immi- grants are taken in barges to the depot of the railroad on which their journey is to be made. Those immigrants Avho are to be deported, or who for any reason must be kept on the island some time, are placed in the detention quar- ters. These are not open to visitors. Tiers of beds are provided, ac- commodating 1,800 persons, but often this number is exceeded by 500. These quarters are among the most interesting points on the island. The women and children of all races and tongues are in one large room, and the men in another. In mild weather they are all sent on to the fine broad roof of the building. Not long ago a Danish woman who could speak no English and whose baby was in the hospital with diph- theria, became a second mother to a coal-black pickaninny, who had come up from Trinidad on a coffee-ship and whose mother was also in the hospital. Again race wars occur among the children, and Turks and Armenians will battle ferociously with Italians. Mention should be made of the large immigrant dining-room which seats 1,100, where the missionary societies hold a polyglot Christmas entertainment each year. But the observer at Ellis Island sees only the immigrant stream flowing in. He does not see what results when it has been distributed over the country. No graver questions are before the American nation to-day than those associated with immigration, and none whose correct solution demands more imperative attention. One of these vital ques- tions which is in special prominence just now, is the relation of immi- gration to mental disorders. This question concerns New York state more acutely than other states only because New York has the largest number of alien defectives. In February, 1912, there were 33,311 committed insane cases in New York state institutions. It is estimated that more than 8,000 of these or, roughly, 25 per cent., are aliens, and this is exclusive of those conditions of mental defectiveness listed under idiocy, imbecility and feeblemindedness. In the New York schools there are about 7,000 distinctly feeble-minded children, or about 1 per cent, of the school pop- ulation. Again this does not include idiots and imbeciles to an equal number, not attending school, nor border-line cases and morally defec- tive children. The total number of feeble-minded children in New i6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY A Pair op African Arabs, awaiting the Medical, Examination. York is about 10,000. According to the figures of the last census, 30 per cent, of the feeble-minded children in the general population throughout the country are the progeny of aliens or naturalized citizens. Thus the presence of 3,000 of New York's feeble-minded children can safely be laid to immigration. These figures show the extreme neces-, sity of careful medical inspection of immigrants. But there are many complicating factors. It is very difficult to recognize many types of insanity. It is almost impossible to detect feeble-mindedness in infants and young children. Yet in spite of this, the medical officers at Ellis Island are doing thorough and effective work, and do not at all deserve the ignorant criticism of those unfamiliar with the difficulties of that work. A point where criticism is unfortunately valid is in the matter of the deportation of aliens who within three years after landing show themselves subject to any of those conditions which the law excludes, or who become public charges from any cause, said condition or cause GOING THROUGH ELLIS ISLAND 17 having existed prior to landing. If the present entrance inspection was reinforced by a determined administration of these deportation laws, and if all cases whose exclusion the law makes mandatory, and which are now certified by the medical officers, were actually excluded, there would be little cause for complaint. But such a condition does not ob- tain. The medical officers have nothing whatever to do in passing judg- ment on whether an immigrant shall be admitted or not. Their prov- ince alone is to certify to his physical and mental status. The question of admission, as well as of deportation, rests with the officials of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Much easier is the control of organic physical diseases, as, for ex- ample, hookworm infection. A survey of the prevalence of hookworm disease throughout the world, made by the Eockefeller Sanitary Com- mission, shows that this infection belts the world in a zone 66° wide with the equator near its middle, and that practically every country in this zone is heavily infected. It is evident how grave a danger lurks in immigration from any country where the hookworm is prevalent. Among the worst afflicted countries is India, where it is estimated that from 60 to 80 per cent, of the population of 300,000,000 harbor this parasite. This leads peculiar interest to the movement of Hindu coo- lies into the United States in the last few years. A shipload of these coolies landing recently in San Francisco were found by the health au- thorities of that port to have 90 per cent, infected with hookworm. Berbers from Algeria, coming to fill an Engagement at a New York Theater. VOL. LXXXII. — 2. i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY An Italian Family. Every colony and camp of Hindus in California to-day is a dangerous source of infection to all the country around. A rigid quarantine has been established against further importation of this class of aliens. There are numerous other questions besides those which have been touched on here. Immigration presents one of the most serious prob- lems facing this country. Ellis Island is where the needs and dangers of the country in this regard are focused. Its ever-changing stream of humanity furnishes a fascinating realm for the student of human nature, as well as for study of the great question of economics and eugenics which are involved. THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD 19 SOME IMPRESSIONS OF THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD BY Pkofessob DOUGLASS HOUGHTON CAMPBELL STANFORD UNIVERSITY f MO most botanists in America a visit to the tropics is supposed to -*- be a difficult and expensive undertaking, involving much special preparation and also a good many risks. The fact is, a trip to the West Indies is a very simple matter, and even a few weeks are sufficient to give one an excellent idea of the main features of a most interesting and characteristic tropical flora, and is no more expensive than a journey of equal duration in Europe. If one extends the trip to include the Isthmus of Panama and Trinidad, one sees to great advan- tage the rich and beautiful flora characteristic of equatorial South America, one of the most individual floral regions of the world. There are various ways of reaching the West Indies and northern South America, especially since the great development of the fruit industiy, which employs many vessels plying constantly between the different ports of the Atlantic and Gulf States, and various ports of the West Indies and Central America. In addition, the Royal Mail (English), and the Dutch Royal Mail have steamers plying between New York and Europe via the West Indies and South America. It may be mentioned, also, that a trip to the tropics in summer is not at all the trying experience that many persons suppose. Of course, it is hot, and in most parts of the West Indies rainy in summer; but the heat never equals that sometimes experienced along our own Atlantic coast, and, moreover, there are none of the sudden changes that are so trying. The same clothing that is suitable for hot weather in New York will be found quite appropriate for the tropics. With the great improvements in sanitation of late years there is very little danger from the fevers which formerly gave this region such a bad name. With ordinary precautions, there need be little appre- hension on this score. Having a few weeks at his disposal, the writer decided to go to Europe via the West Indies, instead of by the shorter, but infinitely less interesting, route across the northern Atlantic. Wishing to see something of the South American mainland, it was decided to go first to Paramaribo, the capital of Surinam (Dutch Guiana), as it is possible to go there directly from New York, in about 2o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ten days. From Paramaribo it is two or three days to Trinidad, where one can catch the Eoyal Mail for England. The route from New York to the Guianas lies to the eastward of the larger West Indian Islands — the Greater Antilles — and passes close to the line of smaller islands, the Lesser Antilles. These are for the most part extremely mountainous, and the larger ones, like Dominica and Martinique, are exceedingly beautiful, and are also said to be most interesting botanically. Dominica, especially, with mountains rising some 5,000 feet above the sea, and evidently presenting great variety of conditions, made one wish that the ship would stop long enough to enable one to explore the luxuriant forest clothing the steep mountains to their summits. Passing close to Martinique the sinister bulk of Mt. Pelee domi- nated the view, and the ruins of St. Pierre could be plainly seen — now after ten years largely overgrown by the rank tropical vegetation which is rapidly covering up the evidences of the great catastrophe. No stop was made until Barbados was reached. This densely populated island is mainly devoted to the cultivation of sugar, and there is very little forest left. Moreover, unlike most of the West Indian islands, the elevations are comparatively slight, and the condi- tions much more uniform than in the other islands. To a newcomer in the tropics, however, no doubt the many striking cultivated plants will be a novelty. Some of the showiest flowering trees and shrubs, like the gorgeous flamboyant Poinciana regia and the beautiful frangi- pani (Plumiera), come to special perfection in the gardens of Barbados. Here one sees also the very striking mixture of races found in the West Indies — negroes form a large majority of the population, but there are many East Indian coolies ; and a considerable number of Chinese. The white population is insignificant compared with the various colored races. The next stop was made at Georgetown, the capital of British Guiana, or Demerara. The ship remained all day in port, and there was an opportunity to go on shore and visit the pretty botanical gar- dens. The town itself is attractively laid out, and the gardens full of luxuriant tropical growths testify to the thoroughly tropical climate. Fine avenues of tall palms are a striking feature of the town. These were apparently mostly the royal palm (Oreodoxa regia), but it is not always easy to distinguish this from the even finer cabbage palm (0. oleracea). The botanical garden is really an attractive park rather than a scientifically laid out botanical garden. It contains, however, many fine specimens of palms and other tropical plants which will interest the botanist. Perhaps the finest features of the garden are the extensive THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD 21 lily ponds, where one can see growing with wonderful luxuriance the Victoria regia and other tropical water lilies. A pond full of lotus (Nelumbo) with thousands of white, pink and crimson flowers, was a truly magnificent sight. Unfortunately, practically none of the original forest has been left in the immediate vicinity of the city, and one must go a long way before one can see the untouched native vegetation. A day's sail from Demerara brings the traveler to Paramaribo, the capital of Surinam (Dutch Guiana). Paramaribo is a picturesque town, the high-gabled houses with their quaint stoops and doorways looking curiously alien under the shade of great mahogany trees and royal palms. Some of the houses, the former residences of wealthy Dutch merchants, are fine examples of their kind, and recall the flourishing days of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the trade of Surinam was much more important than it is to-day. The streets are lined with rows of palms and other tropical trees, among which the finest are the gigantic old mahogany trees. The botanical gardens lie on the edge of the town, and are devoted principally to the cultivation of various economic plants — cocoa, iubber of various kinds, oranges, mangoes, bananas, coffee — and other less known tropical products. To the botanist, undoubtedly the most interesting feature of the garden is a tract of untouched forest immediately adjoining it. This is an excellent sample of the predominant forest of the region. The greater part of this forest is more or less submerged for much of the time, but at intervals in this swamp are low ridges of more sandy soil, and in these drier areas grow the largest trees, two of which, the silk- cotton (Ceiba pentandra) and the sand-box (Hura crepitans) are veritable giants. The trunks and branches of these great trees were covered with numerous epiphytes, among which the Bromeliaceae take first place. Several species of Tillandsia, including the familiar T. usneoides, the " Spanish moss " of our own Gulf States, were con- spicuous. Clinging to the giant trunks, or festooned from tree to tree, were many lianas, some of great size. Convolvulaceas, Bignoniacese, and especially the giant scandent Aroids — Philodendron, Monstera, Syngonium, and others — were noticeable among the tangle of creepers. An undergrowth of dwarf palms and many showy Scitamineae, especially species of Canna and Heliconia, gave the finishing touch to this truly tropical picture. Almost no ferns were to be seen, and bryophytes — especially liver- worts— were few and inconspicuous. Of the latter, only a few small leafy Jungermanniacea?, growing on the tree trunks, were noted. In the town, and about the garden, a few epiphytic ferns were common. 22 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 1. Forest adjoining the Botanical Garden, Paramaribo. THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD 23 These included species of Polypodium and Vittaria. This poverty of the fern flora is quite in accord with the account given by Spruce of the forests of the lower Amazon. Through the kindness of Dr. Cramer, the director of agriculture, and other members of the scientific staff, an opportunity was afforded of visiting a number of the most characteristic regions within reach of Paramaribo, and an excellent idea was thus obtained of the more salient features of the flora of this region. Excursions were made up the Surinam Eiver and some of its tributaries, as well as to one of the characteristic " savannas " occasionally met with in lower Surinam. Except in the immediate vicinity of Paramaribo there are no roads, and communication (except for one line of railway) is almost entirely by means of boats, which ply along the rivers, creeks and canals with which the whole country is intersected. Owing to the flatness of the country, the tide extends for a long way up the larger streams, and these rivers are everywhere bordered by an impenetrable mangrove swamp, in the lower reaches of the rivers composed almost exclusively of Rhizophora mangle, but higher up, where the salinity of the water is less, the Ehizophora is gradually replaced by Avicennia nitida, which sometimes becomes a large tree, whose aerial roots often develop from the upper branches and reach an enormous length. Back of the mangrove belt there sometimes occur slightly elevated ridges upon which the largest trees grow. Nearly all of the cultivated land in lower Surinam has been re- claimed by building dykes, and the old sluice gates, two or three hundred years old, in some cases, are a characteristic feature in the landscape. Two of the large plantations were visited, and an opportunity was thus given of seeing the methods in use in the cultivation of the various tropical productions of Surinam — cocoa, coffee, oranges, bananas, cas- sava, rubber, etc. On one estate there were extensive plantations of Para rubber (Hevea b raziliensis) , and the somewhat primitive, but apparently satisfactory, preparation of the sheets of merchantable rubber could be seen in all stages. In these large plantations the canals intersecting them in various directions were the principal means of communication, although along the dykes were usually footpaths, which were not always, however, in the best of condition — especially when the clay was slippery after one of the frequently recurring showers. As the salinity of the water decreases in the upper reaches of the rivers, the mangrove formation is gradually replaced by other trees and shrubs. Several Leguminosas, especially species of Inga, are com- mon, and great numbers of a big Arum (Montrichardia arborescens) , 24 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 2. Edge of a Forest on the Surinam River. The tall palms are Euterpe oleracea. THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD 25 a constant feature of the brackish and fresh-water swamps, form dense thickets, the crowded bare stems forming a close palisade fringing the margins of the rivers. With the decrease in the salinity of the water, also, palms of various kinds begin to appear, and these constitute quite the most striking growths of the forest along the fresh-water streams. They occur in immense numbers and great variety, and some of them are extremely beautiful. First in abundance — and perhaps also in beauty — is Euterpe oleracea, whose slender stems and graceful crowns of feathery leaves occur by thousands. Other conspicuous palms are species of Attalea, Maximiliana, Astrocaryum, Manicaria, and others. Several small palms, especially species of Bactris, occur in great num- bers as an undergrowth in these swampy forests. Another striking palm is a Desmoncos, whose flexible thorny stems and graceful pinnate leaves, armed with savage hooked thorns, were festooned from tree to tree. This palm closely resembles the rattan palms of the old world. Its large clusters of scarlet berries were conspicuous, and often attracted attention as the boat skirted the dense mass of vegetation along the shore. In addition to the many native palms, a number of exotic species are cultivated. Among these are the African oil-palm (Elceis gui- nensis), the royal palm and the cocoanut. The last, however, does not thrive, due perhaps to the excessive moisture in the soil. A very common and wide-spread member of the tropical American flora is the genus Cecropia, whose slender branches and big palmate leaves occur everywhere. As might be expected, the development of climbing plants is extremely luxuriant in these wet forests, and in many cases the lower trees and bushes were almost smothered by the dense curtain of creepers of various kinds with which they were draped. These creepers belong to very diverse families — Convolvulacese, Passifloracege, Apocynacese, Melastomaceas, etc., and many of them have flowers of extraordinary beauty, which add much to the attractiveness of these rich forests. Very different from the wet forests are the " savannas," one of which was visited. These savannas are in many respects like the moor- lands of more northern regions. The soil of the one visited was a coarse sand covered with a sparse growth of coarse grasses and sedges, with scattered clumps of low shrubs, among which were growing a number of orchids. Only one of these, a Catasetum with large greenish flowers, was found in bloom. There were here and there shallow pools, in which were growing tiny yellow Utrieularias and minute Eriocaulacese and Xyridacese. Under the clumps of shrubs were noticed small patches of Sphagnum, and a small species of Drosera closely resembling in form the common D. rotundifolia of 26 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 3. Grove of Mauritia Palms in a Savanna. Surinam. THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD 27 northern bogs. A very beautiful blue bell-gentian was common. This does not belong to the genus Gentiana, but to a related one, Chilon- anthus. A few ferns were noted, among them the ubiquitous Ptcris aquilina. The shrubby plants belonged mostly to the distinctly trop- ical families Malpighiaceae, Melastomacese, Bubiacese and others. Among the showiest flowers collected near the savanna, but at the margin of the forest, was an extremely beautiful rubiaceous shrub, which was not determined. Its large rose-colored bell-shaped flowers were produced in great profusion, and were most ornamental. A large purple Clitoria, an extremely showy papilionaceous creeper, was also common. Much the most striking plant of the savanna, however, is a mag- nificent fan-palm, Mauritia fiexuosa, which occurs in groves of con- siderable size, making a very imposing sight. Adjoining the savanna was a fairly dense forest, with compara- tively dry soil, although there were numerous clear streams, deep amber brown in color, and in places it was decidedly boggy. As in all the forests, the palms formed the most conspicuous feature of the undergrowth. Ferns and liverworts were more abundant than in the forests near Paramaribo, and at the base of some of the trees a small Trichomanes was not uncommon, the only Hymenophvllacege that were collected. An interesting tree of this forest was the " Balata," a species of Mimusops which yields rubber of fair quality, which is collected in considerable quantities by the natives. There also occurs a species of Hevea, which, however, is much inferior in its product to the Para rubber tree. A not uncommon plant of this forest — and also seen repeatedly elsewhere — is Ravenala Guianensis, much resembling the well-known " traveller's palm," R. Madagascariensis. There was also the usual profusion of other Scitaminese. The flora of Surinam is remarkable for the abundance of showy flowers — not a usual condition of things in the wet tropics. Among the most conspicuous of these are many splendid climbing plants — especially various Bignoniacese, Apocynacese, Convolvulacea? and Passi- floraceae. Some of these, like the golden yellow Allamandas and crim- son and rose-colored passion flowers, were truly magnificent. There were also many showy shrubs, especially various Bubiaceas, Malpighi- aceae and Melastomaceae. Of the herbaceous plants probably the showiest are the very abun- dant Heliconias. These look much like Cannas — or the larger ones like bananas — and their scarlet and yellow inflorescences are extremely brilliant. There were also great masses of red and yellow Cannas, and other showy Scitaminese — e. g., Costus, Maranta, Thalia, etc. These brilliant flowers occurred in great masses along the margins of the forest, and the railway embankment was a veritable botanical garden. 28 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Associated with these distinctly tropical plants were a number of more familiar aspect. The well-known red and yellow Asclepias curas- savica was extremely common, and several species of Verbenacese and Composite were quite like northern forms. Next to the palms, perhaps the most characteristic plants are the Aracea?, which occur in great number and variety. Besides those already referred to, perhaps the most noticeable were species of Calad- ium, whose brightly colored leaves were a common feature of low ground everywhere. Of the epiphytic plants, the Bromeliacese take first place. There are also many species which grow upon the ground and closely resemble pineapples in their general appearance. Surinam is not specially rich in orchids, and of these very few were in flower when the writer visited the country. The most interesting form encountered was a species of Catasetum (C. fuliginosum) , already referred to. As might be expected, aquatic plants are very numerous. Owing to an abnormally dry season prevailing during the early part of the year which dried up many bodies of water, comparatively few of these were in flower. Azolla was abundant in the ditches and canals, and also a species of Salvinia. The leaves of water lilies were abundant, but no flowers were seen. About the margins of ponds were sometimes seen the big white flowers of Hymenocallis oMusata, looking like white lilies. Although Trinidad is reckoned with the West Indies, its flora is very different from that of the Antilles, and is essentially South American in type. Trinidad is separated from the mainland of Venezuela by only a few miles and the plants are largely the same as those in the adjoining regions of Venezuela and have much in common with those of the Guianas. During a stay of two weeks the writer visited only the northern part of the island. This is, however, the most interesting portion of Trini- dad, as not only are the highest mountains here, but there is also a fine development of lowland forest, and a savanna formation much like that seen in Surinam. Port of Spain is perhaps the most attractive of the West Indian towns, and offers much of interest to the botanist — both in the town itself and in the environs. The botanical garden in Trinidad is the best in the West Indies, and in addition to the many fine examples of tropical plants cultivated in the garden there is adjoining it a consid- erable tract of practically untouched jungle, which is easily accessible and is full of interest to the visiting botanist. The garden is now under the direction of Mr. W. Freeman, to whom the writer is under obligations for much kind assistance during his stay in Trinidad. Close to the old botanical garden is the more recently laid out THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD 29 agricultural experiment station, where are to be seen many varieties of the principal tropical fruits, especially oranges and mangoes. The latter are especially fine in Trinidad. Among the most striking features of the botanical garden are the palms, of which there are many magnificent specimens, both native and exotic. In the town itself palms are planted in great numbers, espe- cially the stately cabbage palm " palmiste " of the French Creoles, prob- ably the finest of all palms. It is a common sight to see clumps of epiphytic orchids attached to the trunks of trees in the gardens of Port of Spain. These are said to be very beautiful during the early winter, but in July only a very few were in blossom. In Port of Spain there are magnificent trees in the parks and gar- dens and along the roads. These are often of enormous size, and their branches are frequently covered with epiphytes of various kinds, among which the most conspicuous are the Bromeliads, and the curious Rhip- salis Cassytha, a member of the Cactacese, but very different from most of the family. This plant grows in immense pendent masses, some- times ten feet or more in length, and is exceedingly common in Trini- dad. Of the numerous large trees, the silk-cotton (Ceiba), the West Indian cedar (Cedrcla odorata), and the sand-box {Hum crepitans) were the commonest of the native species; but mahogany trees of large size, and gigantic specimens of Pithecolobium Saman, are frequently seen. A very curious native tree, Couropita guianensis, is sometimes seen planted. This produces many short branches from the main trunk, upon which the large red flowers are borne in great numbers. These are followed by enormous globular fruits of such size as to fairly entitle the tree to its popular name, " cannon-ball " tree. Space will not permit of any further enumeration of the beautiful and curious plants with which the gardens are filled. Much of the country about Port of Spain is still but little disturbed, and even where it has been cleared, the neglected land soon reverts to jungle. The wetter lowlands abound in palms, Aroids, Scitaminea?, etc., much the same types that occur in the Guiana forest. The drier hillsides, however, show a good many forms different from those of the lower levels. A very common palm of the dry hillsides is Acrocomia sclerocarpa, a species common to the Antilles also, and very common in Jamaica. A very showy shrub of this region is a rubiaceous plant, Warscewiczia coccinea. In this plant, as in the related Mussaenda of the eastern tropics, one of the calyx lobes is much enlarged and petal- like in color and texture. In Mussaenda this is white, but in War- scewiczia it is a vivid carmine red, and the whole inflorescence strongly suggests the familiar poinsettia— indeed the plant is locally known as wild poinsettia. Ferns are much commoner in Trinidad than in Guiana, although 30 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY at the lower levels they are not especially notable. Two species of Schiza?acea3 were common near Port of Spain— a Lygodium sp. and Anemia phyllitidis. A visit to a small waterfall a few miles away yielded a considerable number of ferns, including some small Hymenophyllaceae and a Dancea, and also several interesting liverworts. In the botanical garden were also found two interesting liverworts, a large Eiccia and a Notothylas ( ?) . While driving to the waterfall a fine white arum (Spathiphyllum canncejolium) was seen in great numbers along the river, and the trail to the falls led through a fine forest with tall trees and a luxuriant undergrowth of large ferns, some of which were small tree-ferns. There were also many Aroids, some of great size — Montrichardia sp., Philo- dendron, Anthurium, etc. Some very showy Bromeliads, with fine scarlet bracts, were common as epiphytes, and also a good many orchids ; but some of the latter were in flower. These, with the gorgeous Warsczewiczia and masses of the fine Heliconia Bihce, made a magnifi- cent picture of tropical vegetation in its most luxuriant aspect. Small tree ferns (species of Alsophila and Hemitelia) were fairly abundant, and several young specimens of a Danaea were found on a wet bank, where there was also found a luxuriant growth of several inter- esting liverworts. The latter included species of Aneura, Metzgeria, Symphyogyna ( ?), Fossombronia and Dumortiera. In company with Mr. Freeman, assistant director of agriculture, a very interesting excursion was made to the Aripa savanna, some 25 miles from Port of Spain. This savanna was in many respects like the one visited in Surinam, but the vegetation was more luxuriant. There were similar groves of Mauritia, but even a finer species (M. setigera). A number of beautiful ground orchids were found in flower, and a small Drosera, different from that found in Surinam, was common. Tiny Utricularias with yellow and purple flowers were abundant, and as in the Surinam savannas, there were clumps of low bushes, largely Melastomaceas and Malpighiaceae, in the shelter of which was found a very interesting fern, Schizcea pennula, as well as several other ferns. Two species of Lycopodium., L. cernuum and L. Carolinianum, weie common. The forest adjoining the savanna was very beautiful, with fine palms — Euterpe, Bactris, Attalea, Maximiliana, and others. A Com- melynaceous plant with yellow flowers was very abundant (the same species was also seen in Surinam) and there were the usual abundant epiphytic orchids and Bromeliads, as well as a number of small Hymenophyllaceae. In these woods were many specimens of a Clusia, growing first as an epiphyte, and sending down aerial roots, which finally completely strangle the tree upon which the Clusia has fastened itself. These THE FLORA OF GUIANA AND TRINIDAD 31 parasitic trees, with their glossy magnolia-like leaves are extremely handsome, and much resemble in general appearance the species of Ficus, so common in the eastern tropics, which have the same habit of strangling the tree which gives them support. Trinidad has no very lofty mountains, the highest peak, Tucuche, being very little over 3,000 feet. The most interesting excursion made was to this mountain. In company with Mr. Freeman, Mr. Urich, the government entomologist, and Mr. Chandler, an English botanist visit- ing Trinidad, the writer made the ascent of the mountain which offers no difficulties, and many interesting plants not found in the lower country were seen. The route at first lay through extensive cocoa plantations, which occupy much of the lower forest lands in Trinidad. Along the mar- gins of the streams the showy Aroid, Spathiphyllum canncefolium, made a fine show, and another conspicuous and interesting plant was the curious Cyclanthus bipartitus, a member of the small family Cyclan- thacea?, whose systematic position is something of a puzzle to the systematist. Lygodium sp. and Anemia phyllitidis, characteristic ferns of the lower country, were abundant, and a number of other ferns were noted as well as a few liverworts. These, however, are much better developed at higher elevations where there are a number of species of tree ferns belonging to the genera Alsophila, Cyathea and Hemitelia. None of these attain large proportions, and neither in the number of species nor in the size of individuals can Trinidad compare with Jamaica. At an elevation of about 1,500 feet the primitive forest begins — characterized by magnificent tall trees, whose species in most cases could not be determined. The dense undergrowth comprised large ferns, palms, Heliconia, Aracese of various kinds, and many shrubs and lianas, the whole forming a magnificent example of a wet tropical for- est. That it was a "rain forest" we thoroughly appreciated, as we passed through it in a veritable tropical downpour which soon made every little ravine and gulley the bed of a torrent, and much of the time we had to wade through these small cascades when they crossed the trail. However, although thoroughly drenched, we finally reached the summit where there is a shelter hut in which we were to pass the night. The rain ceased for the time being, and after a change into dry clothes the afternoon was spent exploring the upper part of the mountain. Among the most noticeable plants of the summit were many Bromeiiacea?, mostly epiphytes, but some of them growing on the ground. The scarlet and yellow bracts of some of these were extremely showy. Several species of palms were abundant, and especially Geonoma sp. confined to the higher elevations. One of the most beauti- 32 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ful plants met with was a species of Utricularia, U. montana, some- times seen in cultivation. Unlike most of the genus, this is an epiphyte, and the drooping racemes of big white flowers might very well be mis- taken for an orchid. As is usual at the higher elevations in the tropics, the lower plants are relatively more abundant than at lower elevations. Besides, the tree ferns there were many others, including several HymenophyllaceEe and two species of Danasa, which were growing abundantly upon the wet banks, and whose large liverwort-like prothallia were found in quantity. The wet banks also yielded a fair number of liverworts, and at the very summit the ubiquitous Lycopodium cernuum was abundant. Mosses and lichens also abounded, but no notes were made of the species. To the botanist visiting this region for the first time, the abundance and variety of the palms will first attract attention. Many of them are exceptionally beautiful, and they often grow in large masses giving a characteristic stamp to the forest vegetation. Palms are a far more conspicuous feature in the South American tropical forest than in any part of the eastern tropics with which the writer is acquainted. The Aracese, also, are more numerous and varied than in the tropics of the old world, and none of the old-world forms can rival the giant scandent genera, like Philodendron and Monstera, which are so characteristic of the American tropical forests. Of the numerous Scitaminese the common Heliconias with their gorgeous inflorescences will first attract attention, and of course the peculiarly American family, Bromeliaceae, will be of special interest to the European visitor. The prevalence of showy flowers in Surinam was noteworthy, as this is not a common feature in the wet tropics, a fact frequently com- mented on by scientific travelers. Whether or not the two go together, it may be mentioned that in Surinam there is also an extraordinary abundance of brilliant butterflies, some of them of wonderful beauty. In Trinidad the prevalence of showy flowers was much less marked than in Surinam, although it is by no means deficient in striking flow- ers. As has already been stated, Trinidad in the main features of its flora belongs rather with the continental region of South America than with the other islands of the West Indies. A GRAIN OF WHEAT A GRAIN OF WHEAT1 By R. CHODAT PROFESSOR OP BOTANY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA, SWITZERLAND PEOPLES truly rich are those who cultivate cereals on a large scale. Scores of investigators in all civilized countries devote themselves unceasingly to a problem of great social significance, viz., the increase of the national wealth through progress in agriculture. The least dis- covery in this field, whatever the political journals may say, is more im- portant for a country than a change of the party in power. For it is the history of discoveries and inventions — in the domain of nature, as well as in the intellectual field — that constitutes the real history of civilizations. Thus the modern improvements in the industry of milling in con- nection with better transportation facilities have helped to provide better bread for all classes and have rendered famine impossible in the Europe of to-day. Is it then any wonder that since the most remote antiquity germi- nating wheat has been the symbol of mysterious and hidden life, that in their religious ceremonies the ancients attached so much importance to cereals offered on the altar, that our modern artists, putting aside the petty themes of political events, have glorified the beauty and nobility of harvests, the poetry and mystery of sowing, in justly renowned paintings? Eoty's admirable sower on the French coins, who symbol- izes the value of this idea, shows us the highest art seeking its inspira- tion at the very source of civilization — the culture of wheat. I do not wish to overtax your attention or indulge overmuch in scientific pedantry by enumerating to you, together with their botanical characteristics, the different kinds of wheat which have been and are still cultivated. I shall merely give you as much as is essential for my pur- pose. The most competent botanists in this field agree in recognizing at least three species of wheat: 1. Einkorn (Triticum monococcum). 2. Polish wheat (Triticum polonicum). 3. Wheat (Triticum sativum). These distinctions are based not only on morphological characters, but also on a character which is accepted on good grounds as usually 1 Presented before the General Meeting of the Soci^te" des Arts, Geneva, Switzerland. Translated from the French by Maude Kellerman. VOL. LXXXII.— 3. 34 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY separating species from varieties, that is, their sterility when crossed among themselves, or their failure to produce fertile offspring. At- tempts to cross these types have never given results. Ordinary wheat may be divided into numerous varieties or sub- species, reciprocally fertile, which are grouped about the following sub- species : Emmer (T. dicoccum). Spelt (T. spelta). Wheat proper (T. tenax). The first two subspecies differ from the third in that the ear has a fragile rachis and the grains remain covered by glumes which must be removed by a somewhat complicated process, whereas in the third spe- cies the grains on ripening fall from the ear the rachis of which is not articulated. I shall give here only what is most essential for the under- standing of what is to follow. Now, it is evident that emmer and spelt are inferior to true wheat because of the fragility of the rachis of the ear and because of their enclosed grains. Whenever it is possible wheat is grown instead of emmer or spelt. Not to prolong the discussion of these classifications, let us say at once that wheat proper is represented in cultivation in various parts of the world by a considerable number of varieties, but it is difficult even for the specialist to distinguish them. One of these varieties, having a non-articulated rachis (Triticum durum), the hard wheat of the Mediterranean countries, is so closely related to emmer that the systematic affinity of the wheats with an articulated rachis and those with a non-articulated rachis can not be questioned.2 Each year, in agricultural experiment stations organized according to the principles of Vilmorin, Eimpau or Svalof, new races are brought to light and are tested out in suitable soils and climates. I do not wish to tire you by a dry enumeration of all these forms; even had I the time for it I should not be competent to perform this task. Which of all these varieties of cereals first appeared in cultivation ? To this question we may reply that it is certain to-day that emmer was cultivated by the Egyptians from the time of the first dynasty, or about 6,000 years ago. The glumes preserved in the tombs show that the grain was already at that time freed from its envelopes by the use of special machines ; it was not simply flailed or tramped out by cattle. Einkorn and emmer have also been found among the debris of the granaries of the lake-dwellers of Switzerland. Hard wheat, which of all the kinds of wheat proper most nearly resembles emmer, has also been cultivated in Egypt since very ancient times. If we regard the 2Aaronsohn, Aaron, "Agricultural and Botanical Explorations in Pales- tine," Bulletin No. 180, United States Department of Agriculture, 1910, Bureau of Plant Industry, 64 pp., 9 pis., 12 text figures. A GRAIN OF WHEAT 35 matter from an evolutionary standpoint, according to which related races, varieties and species had a common origin, we can arrive logically at but one conclusion, namely, that the most ancient wheats were those with a fragile rachis. One arrives at the same conclusion on com- paring the cultivated barley, having an articulated rachis, with the wild barley which has a fragile rachis. The well-preserved emmer glumes in this bottle which I am going to have passed around were found at Abusir in the tomb of the king Newoser-re (Dyn. v. 2400 B.C.). This material was very kindly sent me by the Oriental Society of Berlin. If, on the other hand, we look to Europe and Asia to see in which countries these ancient cereals are still cultivated, we shall find them in the northern Jura, in the countries of the Basques, the Servians, the Swabians and the Bactrians of Persia. "We see that these cereals have maintained themselves only in mountainous countries or among the peoples most remote from the centers of civilization. The culti- vation of emmer has long since disappeared from the fertile plains of Egypt, where it was superseded by that of hard wheat. Knowing, therefore, that the wheats cultivated in most ancient times were those with a fragile rachis, we are confronted by a second question : Where is the home of this type of wheat ? In what country did our first parents, our prehistoric ancestors, find this plant, most precious of all plants? As for the einkorn, we know its home since the botanist Balansa found it in Asia Minor. It is true that Balansa's wild plant differs from the cultivated einkorn in certain characters and it has been named Triticum monococcum, var. cegilipoides. But it has already been noted that this species is too distinct from wheats to allow it to be considered as their prototype. For more than a century botanists and historians of civilization have sought for the home of wheat. In vain have all the resources of comparative morphology been employed, as well as those of history and philology. The origin of wheat remains shrouded in mystery. The ancients attributed its introduction into the world of men to some beneficent goddess, thus putting the mystery of its first cultivation back of all written history. A botanist of great merit, Count Solms Laubach, weary of this dis- cussion, finally advocated the idea that the wheat of the present day, with its numerous varieties, might be the descendant of plants which have to-day disappeared, either because their home was submerged by the sea or because they were the result of a convergence of several species deviating in the same direction or mixed in cultivation, which would make the determination of their origin almost impossible. In the universities the view has generally been held that the home 36 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY of the wheat would always remain unknown and that our cultivated species had been so greatly modified by cultivation that they scarcely resembled the wild species which served our prehistoric parents in their conscious or unconscious attempts at artificial selection. This trans- formation, it was said, had required ages of time, and it was not over- looked that it had also required extraordinary perspicacity on the part of these half savages who succeeded in producing from an insignificant grass the vigorous and precious cereal of to-day. It was admitted, thus, that prehistoric man was endowed with a divining sense more remarkable than that of the scientists of the present time, who, in the domain of agriculture, have never achieved results equal to this. To support this idea it might be maintained that the more primitive the people the more acute is its sense of observation. Book science very often sterilizes the excellent mentality natural to youth and also limits the imagination. However, I remember that when for the first time I found wild cabbage growing on rocks at the seashore remote from all cultivated fields, I was struck by the fact that even with my limitations of an educated man and with all the mental deformation attendant on scien- tific specialization which leads one away, they say, from common sense, I should nevertheless, it seemed to me, not have hesitated, in case of need, to try this plant as food, so inviting was its appearance. Last year, in my botanical trip along the coast of Portugal, I was able to see that the Portuguese peasant, who has kept so many vestiges of the past in his dress, his domestic animals (long-horned cattle), his cart and his customs, still uses the cabbage (Covo-gallego) as primitive peoples would; the flower tops are simply boiled. There is a far cry from this cabbage still so near its primitive state to the numerous varieties which the agriculturists have introduced into our European cultivation. There is, then, reason to believe that primitive man found the plants suitable for cultivation already showing the principal attributes which make them useful ; he found the cereals, he did not create them. In other words, cereals are the cause of civilization, not civilization the cause of cereals. Alphonse de Candolle, the illustrious father of the president of the Societe des Arts, in his classic work on the origin of cultivated plants, in 1883, says: The Euphrates region, lying about in the middle of the zone of cultivation [of wheat] which formerly extended from China to the Canary Islands, was very probably the principal habitat of the species in very early prehistoric times. Perhaps it extended towards Syria, as the climate is very similar, but to the east and to the west of western Asia wheat has never existed except in a culti- vated state, antedating, it is true, any known civilization. A GRAIN OF WHEAT 37 This brings us to the main issue of the question which I wish to study with you. About 1902 two German botanists, well known in Geneva, Ascherson and Schweinfurth, called the attention of a young agronomist, Mr. Aaron Aaronsohn, who was destined in later years to become director of the Haifa Agricultural Station in Palestine, to the scientific and his- toric interest of determining the truth of a suggestion made by Kotschy. This collector brought back from Syria a fragment of a wild plant which Kornicke, an authority on cereals, recognized as a form of Triti- cum dicoccum and which he made a variety under the name of T. dicoccum dicoccoides. From this mere indication Kornicke drew the same conclusions as those A. de Candolle had reached by another road, i. e., that wheat must be indigenous to Syria. In the course of a geognostic expedition in Upper Galilee to the north of Lake Tiberias, Mr. Aaronsohn gave his attention to this question, although he was very dubious about being able to answer it. As a matter of fact, modern botanists who have studied the flora of Syria, such as Dr. Post, have not confirmed Kotschy's doubtful indication. On the first expedition Mr. Aaronsohn found nothing, but urged by his friends in Berlin he went to this same region again, and this time his efforts were crowned with success. In June, 1906, being at the north of Lake Tiberias at Rosh Pinah, he found a single speci- men of the wild emmer (Triticum dicoccum dicoccoides) growing in a rocky fissure. Complete success came, however, only on leaving Easheya, where wild wheat abounded in uncultivated ground. Having climbed Mt. Hermon, he descended on the opposite side, and towards the village of Amy wild wheat was also very common and showed here an extraordinary variety of forms; black glumes or only partly black, black or colorless heads, smooth or hirsute glumes, glumes some- times resembling those of Triticum monococcum (einkorn) or Trit- icum durum (hard wheat), heads of the type of T. polonicum, etc. Among these plants there was also the wild einkorn (T. monococcum cegilipoides. This excessive variation, the abundance of these plants, their distribution on the slopes of Mt. Hermon from an altitude of 1,500-2,000 m., all show that the plant is certainly indigenous. It is a known fact that our cereals do not spread beyond cultiva- tion in any country and that however extended their cultivation may be they never become subspontaneous. In order to establish itself in any locality a plant must hold its own against competitors which, masters of the soil from time immemorial, have been selected to fit the soil and climate. Moreover, emmer is not cultivated anywhere in Palestine. This wild wheat is furthermore a different plant from any known in cultivation, a polymorphous race, no doubt, but a distinct 38 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY one, to which Kornicke had already given the varietal name dicoccoides. No intermediate form between this wild plant and those cultivated in Palestine has been found. Thus everything tends to show that wheat is indigenous to Mt. Hermon. Somewhat later, Mr. Aaronsohn dis- covered Secale montanum, the wild rye, in Antiliban. For philological reasons it had formerly been thought that this was indigenous to Europe. From now on we must bear in mind that this cereal also has its center of distribution somewhere in Asia Minor. That wheat was indigenous to Palestine was to be confirmed some- what later by the same explorer. In 1908, while on a mission for the Turkish government, Mr. Aaronsohn discovered wild barley, already known at other stations, in the Moab country on the left bank of the Dead Sea, above El Mazra-a; towards Wady Wahleh monoliths occur in large numbers and round about are many chipped flint implements. The Jewish savant could not keep his fancy from roaming. He went back in spirit to that far-away epoch, more ancient than all written history, when urged by hunger while crossing these steppes, primitive man first tried these savory grains and discovered cereals. A little later in this same region of the Dead Sea, while on a second expedition, Mr. Aaronsohn found emmer in great abundance, towards Tel Nimrim, in the valley of the Jordan, at Ain-Hummar, on the plateau of Es-Salt. "When one considers the fact that the grains of wild wheat are not inferior either in weight or size to those of the best cultivated species it would be impossible not to arrive at the conclusion that primitive man did not create cereals, he found them. One can imagine the nomads of the hills and mountains of Pales- tine, giving these precious seeds to the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, who were better situated than themselves for the testing of crops and who succeeded with them in their rich alluvial plains. Glancing at the Assyrian bas-relief, we are struck by the great importance given by this people in their ceremonies to the mystery of the seed which contains within itself the essence of life and, in consequence, the intense interest which they manifested in all agriculture. One of the most striking things in economic history is the rapidity with which a new food or useful plant spreads even to little-civilized countries. Schweinfurth, in his famous voyages to the heart of Africa, found tobacco grown by the most primitive peoples. Hooker, exploring the high valleys of the Himalayas, found the potato cultivated by the Lepchas and the people of Nepaul, scarcely half a century after its introduction into Europe as an important cultivated plant. I have told in detail of the important discovery of Aaronsohn. Let us see now what practical and scientific results can come from it. A GRAIN OF WHEAT 39 In order to do so it is necessary to explain to you as briefly as possible the present state of biological science and the modern way of consid- ering the problems relating to species. Modern botany, abandoning the ancient methods which depend more on metaphysics and speculation than on experiments, has given up the idea of discovering the origin of species by the prevalent method of comparison and reasoning. The separation of forms, of varieties and of species, as it is made by systematists, the herbarium specialists, is based on judgment; it depends essentially on the degree of intuition of the botanist who compares and draws conclusions. I do not mean to say here that the methods of this science are conjectural, but I may be permitted to say that it is only an outline of a science, that it is provisional knowledge, a first attempt at classification. More precise methods are necessary in order to resolve serious biological questions. The best representatives of contemporary biological science are much less hurried than their predecessors; they have acquired the conviction that there is no short cut to truth. The scientific highway is paved with difficulties. In this explanation, then, I shall not touch upon the evolutionary speculations of Darwin or others, but shall give my time exclusively to exact data. Contemporary biology accepts the constancy of types as a well- established fact. It has discovered that this constancy is experi- mentally demonstrable if the following facts, not known to Darwin and his followers, be taken into account. Every species in its natural state, and often even in cultivation, includes a large number of forms which were formerly considered variations, but which, analyzed by modern methods, appear to be con- stant types, all of which taken together form the Linnean species. In order to discover these small constant species which ordinarily live mixed together, it is necessary to segregate them. Vilmorin had already recognized that unequivocal results could not be obtained in the study of variation if one starts with an isolated plant or even with a single seed. A single grain of wheat may be the ancestor of innu- merable generations. If these isolated grains, carefully catalogued, be sown separately, it is seen that they give birth to constant races or lines which are called pure, because they are without mixture. To evaluate these lines and differentiate them from other lines, we must not consider the isolated individual, but rather note the character of the descendants as a whole by means of experimental pure cultures. The individuals of the same race, of the same line, may differ very much according to their age, nutrition, position during the embryonic or ontogenic development, but their descendants taken as a whole are identical. In a pure race, the dwarfs as well as the giants give birth 40 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY to a mediocre line having the same average size (and other values which I can not cite here). In other words, the sum of the descendants is identical with the sum of the ascendants. Each race differs from the others in form, stature, hardiness and chemical composition. The name population has been given to the mixtures of races, such as nature gives us in a meadow or such as we have in cultivation when segregation has not been carried far enough, that is to say, when pure lines which can be distinguished have not been separated grain by grain. This practise of selection, according to Vilmorin, has already been tested not only in the vast field of theo- retical botany, but also in that of applied botany. At Svalof, Sweden, cereals are selected according to this principle by evaluating the differ- ences by numerical methods. All agricultural Europe follows with special attention the classic experiments of Nilson and his collaborators. Except for the very rare phenomenon of spontaneous variation (mutation) we can by beginning with these pure lines operate in a practical way, with almost mathematical certainty, the probable error being minimal. In cereals, and especially in wheat, the characters to be studied which will be constant for a given race are : stooling, regu- larity of growth (that is, greater or less individual variation), average weight of the grains, resistance of the straw to lodging, length of the straw, form and length of the heads, composition of the grain (starch, sugar, nitrogen, fat, etc.), disease-resistance. In the short time at my disposal I can not explain to you the ingenious methods used to deter- mine with precision these different characters. I wish to add only one thing. Each of these characters or their combination in pairs or groups determines the probability of success and good harvest in a given locality, and, in consequence, the more constant forms, the more pure lines there are, the more prepared will scientific agriculture be to furnish to cultivators races which will suit their soils. Now if you consider that these problems are among those that chiefly interest mankind, which demands each day its daily bread, you will understand that the slightest discovery which makes for the betterment of cereals means a noticeable increase in the wealth of a nation. If France is one of the richest countries of the world it is because her wheat production is superior, in respect to her territory, to that of all her competitors. Now, modern agriculture, given new life by botany, has obtained in France, Germany and other civilized countries, a considerable num- ber of these varieties, starting from cereals introduced into our country in the course of the long history of civilization; that is, from times more ancient than any documents written on parchment or carved in stone. A GRAIN OF WHEAT 41 But let us remember the important results of Aaronsohn's discov- eries : Primitive man, even he who chipped the flints abounding about the menhirs of the Moab country, as he sought his food in the steppes, found fields of cereals waving in the breeze just as the graceful heads of Stipa sway in the breeze of our fields of our canton of Valais. The wild wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, with its large grains, must have immediately caught the attention of a primitive people, interested in nature as are all peoples whose eyes have not been closed and whose sense of observation has not been dulled by too much book learning. Is it not a singular coincidence that this young Jew, Mr. Aaron- sohn, should rediscover in Judea the origin of our cereals, of our civilization ? There is material in that for a philosopher or a historian to write a moving page. I have the pleasure of counting Mr. Aaron- sohn among my botanical friends, and I may say to you that rarely has an important discovery been made by a more genial and charming man. Those who say that man is master of his fate may well cite him as an example. But let us rather listen to him : Jewish Agricultural Experiment Station Haifa, Palestine 26 Jan., 1911 Monsieur Chodat, Professeur a la Faculty des Sciences, Geneve. Dear Sir: I have just received your kind letter of the 3d inst., which recalled to me our agreeable and interesting conversations during the Congress at Brussels. I am very much flattered to learn of the subject that you have chosen for the annual meeting of the Societe" des Arts. I shall be glad to send you the ' ' corps du d£lit ' ' which you wish ; I shall also take the liberty of sending some photographs taken last June which will give you an idea of the appearance of the fields where my Triticum flourishes. You will doubtless be glad to learn that we have this year sown more than an acre of Triticum dicoccoides. "We intend to study the value of this plant for forage, etc. I had the good fortune to discover in Upper Galilee this year a spontaneous hybrid of Triticum and Mgilops, and there also exists already a wheat with a non-articulate rachis, arising from a cross of my Triticum and a cultivated wheat. Thus you see that we are rapidly advancing towards the realization of our dream. In the different experimental fields where my Triticum has been grown it has resisted rust very well, and this for three or four successive years while many check varieties succumbed to this disease. In these times of ' ' unit characters ' ' it should not be difficult to fix this special property of disease-resistance, and you will at once realize the practical signifi- cance and the economic value of this character. As for the problem of the origin of civilization or the origin of wheat culture, I have resolved upon a new method of attack. I had first taken up the study of adventitious plants accompanying our cereals. Thus the discovery of Lolium temulentum, quite spontaneous in a given region, far from all cultiva tion, would be a sufficient reason, in my opinion, for inaugurating a search in this neighborhood for the cradle of our cereals. Now, I am on another trail. 42 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY I wish to study the cryptogamic diseases of my wild wheat in order to try to discover if among them there are any peculiar to wheat in other regions and which here would attack other plants. We could then say this or that cryptogam was carried by cereals and would be found in the same situation in relation to wheat, as certain phanerogamic satellites such as Lolium temulentum, Githago segetum, etc., etc. I am sending with this letter a small photograph showing our workmen sowing Triticum dicoccoides with a drill. I shall not conceal from you that I am very proud that when for the first time since prehistoric times man has again tried sowing the prototype of wheat, this work has fallen to Jews (escaped from the ignoble massacres of Russia), Jewish teams working on Jewish ground, the historic cradle of the race. Yours sincerely, A. Aaeonsohn You perceive- the wide field which this discovery has opened up. The utilization for new needs of new races of wheat to be segregated from this wild material, that is, from the polymorphic plant popula- tions of the hills of Judea, the extension of the cultivation of cereals to arid regions or mountainous zones, where it has hitherto not been possible. But there is more than that. We possess now, and Mr. Aaronsohn alludes to it in his letter, a second method of improving wheat by the method of selection, growing pure races from single seeds. We can, by crossing, create new races and in this domain modern methods have a startling precision. They say that the man who sud- denly had a new world revealed to him by the microscope lost his reason. To-day, placed in the presence of the facts brought to light by modern biological analysis, we can see in our minds an infinite line of discoveries which were not even suspected by the generations pre- ceding us. Here, in a few words, are the results already obtained: They lead us to suppose the existence of essential representative particles within the germ cells of plants. These particles may be com- pared to the atoms which chemists suppose to exist in the inanimate world. These are the biological elements, the " organic corpuscles " as Buffon would have called them. We call them " gens." The body of the plant with its diverse characters is then only the exterior mani- festation of these " determinants." We suppose, then, that each char- acter manifested is determined by a " gen," a " determinant." To constitute an organism with its characters there must be an association of gens. For the sake of similarity in studies on heredity plants belonging to the same systematic grouping, the same genus or the same species, are usually compared. Only the characters in which these two plants differ are taken into account. For example, a race X will differ from A GRAIN OF WHEAT 43 a race Y by three characters, i. e., by the gens ABC (for example, A ■= long head; B = a,wne& glumes; (7 = rust resistance), to which the race Y opposes ab c. These are antagonistic characters (a = short head; b = awnless glumes; c = capacity for rust infection). A is the antagonist of a, B of b, etc. But A is not antagonistic to b or c, nor B to a and c. As long as the plant is self-fertilized, the mosaic of its characters is maintained. But if it is fertilized by a distinct race several cases can arise in the course of successive generations. The product called a hybrid (Fx = films 1) is evidently the sum of the two parents (X -f- Y) ; if forms not closely related to each other are crossed, the hybrid generally takes a form intermediate between the two parents. We shall not speak of these hybrids here, for they are generally sterile and practically useless for cereal culture. If, on the other hand, closely related forms are fused in the hybrid (Fx) the characters of the father or the mother exclude those of the other parent; one of the parents seems to have been absorbed by the other. Then we say that the character of the father or of the mother dominates or vice versa. Let us take two parents X and Y , differing in the antagonistic char- acters A B C for X and a b c for Y. The hybrid (¥1 = X + Y) will have the appearance A, B, C, if the total gens of X dominate those of Y , or the appearance a, b, c in the contrary case. In other words, one of the parents may seem to be absorbed by the other. But it often happens that if A dominates a, b dominates B, c dominates C. But if this hybrid (Fx) is allowed to fertilize itself, its direct descendants, i. e., the second generation (F2), show that the character or characters which had disappeared reappear in a proportion which can be predicted with almost mathematical certainty. I can not take the time to explain to you the details of this phenomenon. But the most astonishing thing is that among the descendants of the second generation (F2) (that is, the descendants of the hybrid by self-fertiliza- tion) there are (1) those resembling the father exclusively (X), or the mother (Y) ; (2) new forms, i. e., those in which a part of the paternal and maternal characters are combined in a new mosaic. To choose a very simple example, if the two parents differed by their two pairs of characters A B and a b, the hybrid of the first gen- eration (Fx) would bear the apparent characters A B or a b, that is, it would resemble the father or the mother exclusively, according to the predominance; that of the generation (F2) would comprise indi- viduals of different sorts : AB, Ab, Ba, ab. The two combinations Ab and Ba are new. If, in a second case, the antagonistic gens are ABC for (X) and ab c for (F), the first generation might be A B C, but in the second 44 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY we should have a larger number of categories of types; now, of these types there would be eight categories which would be constant. These would be ABC, A B c, A~b C, aB C, Ah c, aB c, ab C, ale; two of these types repeat the primitive parents, the others are new. If these latter are not allowed to fertilize each other or to be ferilized by other forms, but are self-fertilized, they will be constant in their descendance, which will behave like a new stable species. From this we see that the mosaics of gens, which constitute the hereditary capital of species and varieties, are dissociable and that the gens, in the phenomena preceding or accompanying fecundation, execute a sort of chasse-croise, the final result of which is determined by the laws of probability. The number of types and new forms increases rapidly with the number of antagonistic characters. For 2 antagonistic gens there will be 4 types; for 3 gens, 8 types; for 4 gens, 16 types; for 5 gens, 32 types; for 6 gens, 64 types; for 7 gens, 128 types — and these types are constant from the second generation (in which they appeared) on. Here we have infinite perspectives which appear on our new scien- tific horizon. But to obtain these remarkable results with the desired mathe- matical certainty we must start with biological unity, with a pure line, with a single grain of wheat, the parent of a whole line similar to it. From this we see the importance of Aaronsohn's discovery; it will allow us to do methodically in a few years all that 6,000 years of culti- vation and unconscious selection have gained for us and perhaps also to combine and associate characters which escaped the intuitive observa- tions of primitive peoples. For example, we can associate the hardiness of the wild wheat with the vigor of growth of a cultivated wheat, the rust resistance of a wild variety with the seed quality of a cultivated variety, etc.3 But wheat is not for agriculture, wheat is to make bread. This making of bread is almost as old as the cultivation of wheat, and yet the conditions of fermentation necessary to raise the dough under the influence of leaven are still insufficiently known. We know that in this sour dough, the natural leaven, there are lactic bacteria which secrete an acid and give off a gas as well as alcohol. By means of this fermentation the dough, permeated by the gas which raises it, gives a lighter, more digestible bread. We are far from knowing all of the details of the process of bread fermentation. However that may be, for ages beer yeast has been introduced into the leaven, or, as in the time of the Eomans, the "must of fermenting wine." These yeasts 3Bateson, ' < Mendelism, " Cambridge, 1909. See "Mendelism," Punnet, E. C, ed. 7, Cambridge, 1909, p. 58. A GRAIN OF WHEAT 45 are minute fungi invisible to the naked eye which attack the sugar of the bread and transform it into carbonic-acid gas and alcohol. The course of this fermentation is controlled by the presence of lactic bac- teria which prevent the growth of putrefactive organisms. But here again there are lactic bacteria and lactic bacteria, yeasts and yeasts. These yeasts are again populations, mixtures of different races from which the microbiologist can select pure lines. Here Vilmorin's method must be used, i. e., filiation from a single isolated germ. Thanks to this process, Hansen and others have selected a large number of strains of yeasts, each with its particular character. For science of to-day beer yeast no longer exists, but in its place there are many distinct and constant species just as there are many distinct and con- stant species of lactic bacteria. The problem of the future will be, then, to regulate bread fermentation by means of these selected microorganisms. But certain flours do not rise well. Suitable ferments must be found for them. Others, like maize flour, do not rise at all. It is therefore impossible to make bread from maize alone. In 1900, at the time of the World's Exposition at Paris, I was asked this question : " How can we find a ferment to raise dough made from maize ? " No yeast tried up to that time had been able to accomplish this. I then thought of using ferment from India which I had procured through Colonel Prain, director of the Kew Botanic Garden. In applying these selection methods the late Mr. A. Netchich and I obtained from these ferments, which are employed in Sikkim and the Khasia Mountains for the alcoholic fermentation of rice and Eleusine, a leaven, which alone or associated with other yeast causes maize dough to rise and thus allows bread to be made from it. We dedicated this species to Dr. Prain {Amylomyces Prainii = Mucor Prainii). I take this oppor- tunity of announcing this discovery and putting it in reach of all those who wish to profit by it. 46 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERS By LELAND GRIGGS, Ph.D. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE THE variability of animal bodies is a very evident fact. The indi- viduals of every species show variety in color, form and size. Three types of variability have been discovered; fluctuating variation obeying the laws of chance, mutation appearing as sudden loss or gain of a color or other feature, and acquired characters gained by an indi- vidual in relation to its surroundings. Among these three types are sought the great factors of evolution. It is a singular fact that no great biologist has attempted to use all three of these factors as the basis of his system, but each author has sought to build his hypothesis upon some one all-important factor. Fluctuating variation is undoubtedly the greatest of these factors in the part it has played in the history of evolution. It was made by Darwin the corner-stone of his theory when he claimed that natural and artificial selection could produce almost unlimited effects by the elimination of all but the most favorable among thousands of variants in a species. In the debates over the general theory of evolution there has been no argument more often used than the plausibility of Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest. The public, in accepting the truth of the theory of descent, has come to look upon this factor of fluctuating variation as a necessary part of evolution. In fact, to many profes- sional biologists Darwinism has become synonymous with the survival of the fittest variations. The theory of mutation is the most serious opponent of the Dar- winian theory of selection of variations. Based at first on the evidence gathered by De Vries, it has grown in popularity with the growth of the knowledge of the inheritance of unit characters, and with the dis- covery of pure line inheritance. In the minds of many biologists it has the advantage of showing a method of rapid evolution more or less independent of the guidance of natural selection. The more ardent supporters of the theory have claimed for it the position formerly held by the theory of fluctuating variations, trying to show that all evolu- tion must be in the nature of loss or gain of unit characters. That the familiar acquired characters of animals should be inherited was once taken for granted, and, in fact, is still a general belief in the world at large. This theory was held by Lamarck to be a great law of evolution. It was defended by Spencer, and assumed occasionally even INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 47 by Darwin. In the light of careful experiment, however, it has been largely discredited. The verdict of "not proven" has been pro- nounced against it, and many biologists would go even further and claim with T. H. Morgan that the theory was " unnecessary." Yet, not content with such a verdict, a small number of workers have per- sisted in their attempts to establish the theory of acquired characters as one of the essential factors of evolution. Eecently the discussions of evolution have begun to take a new turn. The old attempt to find one single all-important factor is being aban- doned for a broader point of view that allows the possibility of many factors, some of them perhaps still unknown. V. L. Kellogg has pointed out the smallness of the number of observed mutations on which to base a comprehensive theory. Castle, a strong believer in mutation and unit characters, has affirmed his belief in the efficacy of selection in the production of new forms. Nowhere in the literature of the last year or two can be found any very dogmatic claim for a single all- important factor which will serve as the basis for all kinds of evolution. In this new atmosphere Lamarck's theory again receives serious attention, but not in its old form. To-day no one ventures to cite such examples as Spencer's famous illustration of the puppy that inherited from its mother the trick of begging for food. Such experiments as breeding away the wings of flies in small tubes, or breeding away the eyes of flies in dark chambers, attract but little attention. No great biologist is giving much time to experiments testing the inheritance of mutilations. On the other hand, there are many experiments to test the inherited effect of starvation, to test the effect of the application of chemicals directly to the germ plasm, and to test the effect of the appli- cation of extremes of temperature to animals with ripe germ cells. Several investigators have shrewdly seen the value of working with plastic types of animals like the amphibians, which present striking examples of dimorphism such as are found in axolotyl, Diemyctylus and various frog tadpoles. In this field a prominent worker is Kam- merer, a representative of a school of experimental evolution in Vienna. A short summary will be given of his researches on toads, tree frogs and salamanders. A few selected experiments will show very well the nature of the most recent work on the inheritance of acquired characters. Kammerer in his work on the toad, Alytes, tried to prolong the tadpole stage until sexual maturity. He exposed the young tadpoles to a number of conditions such as darkness, cold, perfectly still water, each of which acting by itself tended to prolong the larval period. By exposing tadpoles to all of these conditions acting at the same time, he succeeded in producing one sexually mature female with the usual form of a tadpole but with mouth, legs and sexual organs of an adult toad. This one example was mated to a normal male. The progeny 48 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY at the time the report was made, while not yet sexually mature, had been living in normal surroundings for six months longer than the usual larval period. Evidently the prolongation of the larval period had an inherited effect, and the new character was apparently a dominant factor. Strangely enough no inherited effect was seen in the offspring of those tadpoles which left the water before sexual maturity. Evi- dently the stimulus, whatever it may be, must act on the mature germ cells to produce an effect. Other experiments were tried on this same toad with the object of changing its peculiar instinct of caring for its young. The male, under normal conditions, plants the fertilized eggs on his back and carries them there until the embryos have reached a stage just prior to the appearance of the fore-limb buds. The tadpoles are then liberated in the water. This peculiar instinct was found to be easily modified by change of surroundings. The combined action of heat, dryness and darkness produced an egg called by Kammerer " a giant egg.'" The embryo from such an egg at the time of liberation was much larger than the normal type, fully twice as large, with well-developed hind limbs. Upon leaving the water the larva produced a small adult, a change in size due apparently to lack of water in the tissues. The new form of adult laid fewer eggs, which were larger and richer in yolk. Such eggs under normal condi- tions produced tadpoles which, in size and form at the time of hatching, were about half way between the old type and the derived type. The new character, then, was partly inherited. The stimulus in this case clearly did not act directly on the mature germ cells, but, if the dwarf form of the adult was due to lack of water in the tissues, there may have been an indirect action on the germ cells. The effect of keeping the eggs enclosed in their envelopes on moist earth for a considerable period of time produced a type of larva called by Kammerer " a land larva." This new type when placed in the water in its usual environ- ment appeared superficially like a water larva of the same age, but a closer examination showed that the new conditions of development on land had accelerated the growth of the lungs. The land larva had lungs with well-developed air cells, while the water larva had simple sac-like lungs. The inheritance of the newly acquired character was evident, in that the embryos of the second generation could be kept on land for a much longer period before they began to show any ill effects from their unusual environment. Thus there was, according to the author, a progressive adaptation to land life through the inherited effects of environment. In the presence of a relatively high temperature, the mature toads were constantly in and about the water, and in the breeding season mated in the water. The egg envelopes at once swelled up, and it was INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 49 impossible for the male to plant these " water eggs," as the author calls them, on its back. Therefore the early stages developed in the water as is the case with other amphibians. The habit of mating in the water became fixed, and persisted after the removal of the artificial conditions of temperature. The eggs, meantime, at each successive laying became smaller and smaller through the loss of yolk. The larvae hatched at a much younger stage than the larvae from normal eggs. The adults reared from the water eggs mated in the water at the first breeding season, even under normal conditions of temperature. Suc- ceeding generations showed intensification of the new characters in the decrease of yolk, and also in the development of more gills, which changed in number from one pair to three pairs. There was, therefore, as in the preceding case, an apparently progressive adaptation to environment through the inheritance of acquired characters. The effect of this change on the germ plasm was tested by a cross between the old type and the derived type. The new character, as judged by the instinct for mating in the water, behaved like a dominant Mendelian factor. Dominance, however, was of an unusual kind. The male, whether of the old or the new form, impressed its character on all the offspring of the first generation, but the second filial generation showed the usual kind of segregation of characters in the ratio of three individuals of the dominant form to one of the recessive. Clearly the unexpected feature in the behavior of the factors in this crossing lies in the peculiarity of the sex-limited potency, not in the isegregation of fac- tors. The most interesting fact in the experiment is the attempt to prove a change in the germ plasm by the modern method of applying the test of cross breeding. Another series of experiments was tried on the tree frog, Hyla. This frog lays its eggs in the water in bunches of 800-1,000, enveloped by the usual coats of gelatine. A number of frogs were kept away from the water, but were allowed to crawl about on a water plant which held small amounts of moisture in the bases of its leaves. During the mating season the frogs deposited their eggs in the moisture on the leaves, according to a habit which is common among some of the tropical representatives of the genus. The young remained in their envelopes until the gills had become enclosed, whereas the young under normal conditions begin a free swimming life before the gills appear. A new type of adult was produced marked by its small size. These dwarfs when reaching maturity laid their eggs in water after the usual manner. The new habit was not inherited. The offspring of the dwarf frogs, however, had external gills at the time of hatching, a stage half way between the old and the derived type, and, moreover, they grew into adults of a size half way between the two types. This experiment, therefore, showed results very similar to those shown by the experiment on Alytes. VOL. LXXXII. — 4. 5o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY A third series of experiments was tried on two European sala- manders, Salamandra ater and Salamandra maculosa. The former is a black mountain salamander which has the peculiar habit of bringing forth its young alive, always a brood of two with lungs already func- tional. The embryos pass through their early development in the body of the mother, nourished by the yolk of eggs that fail to develop. Salamandra maculosa is a yellow-spotted salamander of the lowlands which lays its eggs in running brooks. When kept away from the water the female of the spotted salamander at first dropped her eggs on the ground directly after fertilization. Such eggs failed to develop. In the course of two years, however, this salamander gradually ac- quired the habit of holding the eggs in the body for several weeks. The eggs became fewer in number and larger in size until the young were brought forth alive in a condition like that of the black sala- mander. Females of the latter were treated in an exactly opposite way. They were kept in or near the water until they acquired the habits of the spotted salamander. Inheritance was imperfect in each case. The new type of spotted salamander, under the usual normal conditions, deposited in the water a brood of five fairly well developed young. The new type of black salamander, under normal conditions, deposited in the water a brood of three young in a stage of develop- ment more advanced than that of the spotted salamander. When the artificial conditions of the experiments were continued through two generations the effect was greater. The author claims that his experi- ments show the inheritance of acquired characters influencing structure and instinct. A second experiment was tried on Salamandra maculosa to test the inheritance of acquired color due to change of background. A brood of young salamanders was divided into two lots, one of which was kept for six years on a background of yellow, the other on a background of black. The former showed a decided increase in yellow markings, the latter an increase in black markings. The young of the yellow type were allowed to begin their development on a background of neutral tint, but before reaching maturity the brood was divided as before into two parts and placed, one part on a yellow background, the other on a black background. The set on yellow, after two years, showed a great increase of the yellow markings as compared with their parents, in fact the yellow pigment nearly covered the body. The set on the black background showed more black than their parents, but less black than the previous set similarly treated but of normal parents. These experi- ments, according to the author, show the progressive effect of environ- ment in the inheritance of acquired colors. The evidence presented by these experiments, which have been briefly described in the preceding paragraphs, should be considered in INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 51 the light of the most recently discovered principles of heredity. A very important conception in this connection is the continuity of the germ plasm, another is the variability of the potency of unit characters. Admitting, then, that certain acquired characters have actually appeared in later generations, we should consider, first, whether or not the germ plasm has been changed by the stimulus which has produced the changes in the body. It has been shown that starvation in the larval stages of insects will produce dwarfs in later generations, but here it is assumed that the unfavorable conditions surrounding the germ plasm persist and that there is no real change in the composition of the germ plasm. Can Kammerer's results be explained in the same way? Of course a Lamarckian can not be asked to produce a form which will not revert. The only test that can be readily applied is that of Men- delian inheritance. It has been shown by the author that in one case at least the new factor behaved like a Mendelian factor. Tower also found this true in crossing a pale potato beetle, which he derived ex- perimentally, with a beetle of the normal color. Such a test to discover a change in the composition of the germ plasm is certainly very significant. Granted, then, that the germ plasm has been changed, we should next consider whether it has been changed directly or indirectly. The experiment of keeping tadpoles in water for an abnormally long time showed that in order to affect the next generation the stimulus must continue to act until the sex cells are mature. Tower also came to the same conclusion in his experiments on the potato beetle where heat was the stimulus. The changes, then, are probably due to the direct action of chemical and physical stimuli on the germ plasm contained in the ripe germ cells, exactly as MacDougal produces mutations, as he claims, by injecting chemicals into the ovary of a plant. But why should the stimuli not effect the germ plasm of the embryo as well, since, accord- ing to the theory of continuity, the same plasm is always present even in the youngest stages? It may possibly be claimed that, if any such effect is produced in the embryo, the change is repaired before repro- duction takes place. Granted, then, that the germ plasm in these cases is more or less directly affected by the environment, we should consider whether the change is more than a change of potency of a factor already present. According to Castle such potency may be increased by selection. Per- haps the new environment may increase in some way the potency of a factor which is present in a weak condition. For example, in the case of the spotted salamander, the potency of the factor represented by the yellow pigment may possibly be changed by the action of the yellow light, which actually increases the amount of the pigment in the body of the adult until perhaps the nature of the fluids of the body cavity 52 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY are affected and hence the germ cells themselves. Certainly such inter- pretations, while the merest speculations, are hard to deny from the known facts. In such theoretical discussions of the nature of germ plasm and the potency of factors biologists are very apt to lose sight of the true his- torical purpose of the hypothesis of the inheritance of acquired char- acters. The real question to be answered first is whether or not ac- quired characters actually appear in following generations to such an extent as to make real contributions to the course of evolution. Even if the so-called inheritance is really a change in potency due to the direct action of stimuli on the germ plasm, nevertheless, the Lamarckian factor may be a real factor. "We have not explained away any process by showing the method of its operation. The real question to be decided should be stated broadly. Do new habits and new environment produce changes in form which are of importance in organic evolution ? "While a final answer can not at present be given to the question, it may safely be stated that a renewal of interest in Lamarck's factor is justified by the results of recent research. A MIND DISEASED 53 CANST THOU NOT MINISTER TO A MIND DISEASED? By Dr. SMITH BAKER UTICA, N. T. WITH respect to this most pathetic question of the sick-room, the good Doctor in " Macbeth " seems to have exhausted the med- ical possibilities of his time, in his answer, " Therein the patient must minister to himself." Moreover, had he tried, though never so de- votedly, to remove from Lady Macbeth's mind the "thick-coming fan- cies that kept her from her rest," he would have almost ignominiously failed, not only to " cure her of that," but equally to Pluck from memory a rooted sorrow, Eaze out the written troubles of the brain, And with some sweet oblivious antidote Cleanse the stuff 'd bosom of that perilous stuff Which weighs upon the heart; and all this, in spite of the dangerous gravity of the case, and his royal employer's urgent need. Indeed, not only then but always, even until now, has the skill requi- site "to purge to sound and pristine health" the mind thus seriously troubled been so generally wanting, that it does not now seem amiss to point out once more some of the difficulties which lie in the way, and likewise to indicate wherein, to some extent at least, surer and more permanent means of success than those heretofore used may be looked for, if not just now, then in the near future. In this worthy undertaking, even Macbeth himself, by his remark- able diagnosis, may help us to make a more promising beginning than his contemporary physician could possibly make, at that time, and with- out necessarily becoming involved in so many of the mistakes which otherwise might seriously obstruct vision and paralyze action as well. To the king, stunned, remorseful, apprehensive as he was, the case pre- sented, notwithstanding, certain very definite characteristics, which, in his rather picturesque classification, may be noted as "thick-coming fancies," " rooted sorrow," " written troubles," and the " stuff'd bosom " that "weighs upon the heart." Looked at in the light of modern knowledge, this list of insistent ideation, deep grief, visual hallucina- tions, morbid apprehensions and fears, guilty conscience and depressed emotions, are seen to make up still a very large percentage indeed of the sufferings of those who are looked upon as having either potentially or 54 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY actually a " mind diseased/' and who have imperative need to be cured, if possible. Yet, frequent as this kind of disease is, great as is the suffering, so often prolonged indefinitely, and so often full of hindrance and atrophy and danger, it yet remains a matter of very common observation, that anything like a full understanding and appreciation of its real signifi- cance, or a desirable possession of efficient skill in its management and relief, is almost as unusual now as it was when Lady Macbeth's "amazed" physician so fumbled in his answer to Macbeth's demand, "Well, well, well. . . . This disease is beyond my practise. . . . More needs she the divine than the physician," but consoled himself so com- placently by adding, with by no means unfamiliar unction, " God, God forgive us all ! " and thus justified Macbeth's, " Throw physic to the dogs ; I'll none of it," with an unsuspected completeness ! Nevertheless, no matter how incompetent Macbeth's physician felt himself seriously to be, one now feels, especially in the presence of actual cases, that the acknowledged darkness respecting the more com- mon conceptions of a "mind diseased," or more definitely, "mental pain," and all its invaliding consequences should not continue indefi- nitely to prevail ; and also, with equal warmth, that with more accurate knowledge there ought to come a better and still better practical skill in dealing with it, both by way of cure and prevention. Much promise of this there certainly now is, especially in the rapidly accumulating reports of those who have recently devoted themselves to careful investi- gations of the varied substrata of consciousness, through certain in- genious yet well-considered processes known as "psycho-analysis"; through careful study of the effects of fright, whether experienced dur- ing waking hours or in natural dreams, and as recited by those who re- member and are competent to give them form ; through studies of auto- hypnosis, and various induced "hypnoidal" conditions and the records of what is thus revealed ; to which may be added a like study of the con- tents of certain waking trance-like or semi-hypnotic dreamy states ; the coming and going of " tunes in the head," and all the other distressing trains of "imperative" ideas and impulses ("obsessions") ; as well as, possibly, an entirely new series of results to be obtained through photo- graphic records of changes in facial expression — i. c, through accurate observation and interpretation of the "physiognomical (phiz) reflex" through all these, together with much other probable investigation along lines yet to be uncovered — all of which must before very long certainly add almost beyond calculation to our present knowledge of a "mind diseased " in itself, as well as of our means for its successful alleviation. In connection with this, there undoubtedly appears something like an imperative duty on the part of all to help on these investigations and thus serviceably pave the way for practical application of what may thus be A MIND DISEASED 55 gleaned as rapidly and as fully as possible ; while to any one who has per- sonally reached the point where he can carefully differentiate the essen- tial features of the more frequent cases of a mind diseased, as these ap- pear in different communities or families, and especially to one who has come more or less to fully appreciate some or all of its discouraging perplexities, depressions, fears and apprehensions; or its disappoint- ments, emotional perversions and interferences; or the accompanying loss of confidence and hope, inordinate sense of dependence, seemingly irrevocable detachment from human and divine fellowship; and per- haps something of the shame and degradation, the general unfitness for planning work, and the conscious inadequacy of power to do it, inci- dent thereto ; — who has in fact rightly comprehended what goes to make up dire mental pain, and the inevitable " sickness of soul " that centers in and clusters about the innermost selfhood in all these distressing cases — to such an one a prompting to further study and to more skilful practise, as well as to enthusiastic hope regarding it all, becomes so irresistible that any suggestion of apology for even intrusive interest and propaganda is not to be thought of. With respect to the manner in which this kind of suffering comes to be, it may be said that almost every unusual experience has in it one or more elements of causation of subsequent mental pain and derangement. Most certainly, even such experiences as broken bones may lead to it; likewise, post-infections as well as certain endogenous poisonings are sources not to be neglected; also, too many children, too heavy financial burdens, too prolonged hours of arduous labor, physical or mental; too overweening or unrealized ambitions ; or poorly cooked food and noxious air; disappointed love or social aspiration; financial reverses and other forms of "ill-luck"; as well as unsatisfied deeply implanted longings of every sort; weak will or over-emotionalism; gluttony and laziness; early impressive childish experiences, especially terrorizing dreams, frightful shocks, prolonged perversions of development; gloomy or in- adequate education; unpropitious parenthood; vicious or disturbing neighborhood — all these may contribute, in incalculable proportion, yet never except by their due share, either to the genesis of a mind pain- fully diseased, or to its prolongation and deepening, or worse still, in many instances, to most serious interference with cure. Thus, by way of particularizing in respect to our present purpose, let us consider an instance where the mental pain has developed in the course of recovery from some kind of not unusual physical injury, or of ordinary infection from without. In a certain proportion of such cases, it is to be noted, especially in the more impressionable constitutions, that long before the physical trouble or infection can be recovered from, even though most prompt and efficient measures have been resorted to, the tendency to the de'- 56 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY velopment of mental pain has become so marked and the results so deeply registered, that it is with great difficulty and only after much time that it can in turn be recovered from, if ever at all. Could we ever have accurate data or skilled experience enough to enable us truly and properly to differentiate the readily impressionable and weakly re- sisting, from the less impressionable and fully resisting, constitution, the problem of what to expect and consequently what to do by way of prevention in these cases would be much simplified. But here as else- where our knowledge respecting inherited traits and tendencies is so vague that practically it is not to be relied upon, at any rate very abso- lutely or very generally. Hence, it follows, beyond question, that the universally better way is to secure complete recovery from every sort of physical trouble, no matter of what nature or how severe or otherwise, as quickly as possible, and likewise during all the time required for this to sedulously guard against the invasion of mental invalidism with as much determination and skill as against renewal of the injury, or against contagious diseases or other purely physical complication ; and if, perchance, mental pain does appear, then promptly to apply such corrective measures as will prevent, so far as possible, its further de- velopment into a permanent after condition. Nipped thus at its in- ception mental disease as a concomitant and resultant of physical trauma or infection can often most surely be; and the outcome to the sufferer is of the nature of a benefit that is simply incalculable. Important, however, as this theoretically must appear to every one, how frequently, notwithstanding, is exactly the opposite seen. During the process of recovery from physical injury, not only is there incredibly often little or no thought given to the possibility of an original simul- taneous psychical " insult," or to subsequent consequences which may be owing to necessarily prolonged distress and confinement and weakening ; on the contrary, how often likewise does it seem as if everything un- toward was most unwittingly allowed, or made, day by day, to conspire to deepen the impressions of the original experience and whatever immediately follows, as well as to make doubly sure that what was at first but truly accidental and comparatively harmless, shall almost designedly be made to develop into something which in the end must prove to be as permanent and blasting as it was unexpected. Into this conspiracy, not only do the immediate friends and acquaintances of the sufferer often most thoughtlessly enter, but, and it is strange so fre- quently to note, do those higher in authority and responsibility likewise as unwittingly enter and remain, with a resulting summation of con- sequences to the sufferer, which in the given case simply defies antici- pation or even estimation. Nor in this connection should the rather too frequent untoward outcome of ordinary operative procedures and post-operative care be thoughtlessly passed by. Sometimes, even on the A MIND DISEASED 57 operating table, or more frequently during the period of recovery from anesthesia, or, in fact, at any time later, the sensitive mind may thus receive impressions which may persist permanently and prove to be sources of painful invaliding beyond all expectation. In fact, it is beyond question true that the real importance of psychical insult as a close fellow of physical injury, or the danger from the stresses and other conditions following, should in every case receive a much more thoughtful consideration from all those who have to do with it, than ever has been or is now the rule. We blame and punish those who do not provide against the consequences of the physical injury itself, or against the invasion and development of endangering infectious dis- eases. But often these, bad as they are, are of little consequence, com- pared with the results of inadequate or bungling care of the psychical insults, and subsequent untoward impressions and tensions, which so often accompany or follow physical conditions, whether accidental or designed. Certainly, it were better to have a pitted face or a crooked leg than to go through the remainder of life with irrecoverable mental imperfections and distresses. Better a weak back than a weak will ; the loss of a member than the loss of normal ambition and hope; better physical pain with the mind free than mental pain with the body useless because of it ! Everything that may be said about prevening the anticipation and prevention of mental invalidism in conditions that are naturally but incidental to physical trauma, may be said, also, and with even greater emphasis, with respect to its connection with the beginning or course of a large number of cases of ordinary illness, including, as these usually do, noticeable weakness, certain depressing autointoxications, incidental effects of use or abuse of various drugs, and more or less prolonged and nearly absolute isolation — favoring conditions that are almost always more or less necessarily experienced. Here the laity, especially if not checked, are liable as a rule to as unhesitatingly as unwittingly convert any sick-room into a fateful " gossip-room " of such a horrifying and dangerous character, that even a well person may wisely shun it for safety if not from choice ; while those in authoritative command likewise seem somewhat too frequently not to realize with anything like becoming fullness the deep and abiding injury which inexcusable thoughtlessness, as well as all manner of unwholesome speech and conduct, may so frequently lead to. More than once has life-long soul-sickness been traced to this kind of impression received during an illness, wherein the hapless victim was made to receive impressions of such a deeply searching and staying character, that for- ever after dire consequences have remained, to either primarily or sec- ondarily afflict with untold and irrecoverable mental pain. Undoubt- edly, it not infrequently happens, also, that certain chance speculative 58 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY remarks of physicians and nurses have altogether more to do in ini- tiating certain painful mental and emotional currents, which after- wards develop untowardly out of all proportion to their importance, than is commonly recognized. The chance remark of a doctor once caused a really well man to go about with his hand over his supposedly diseased heart in such constant painful fear and apprehension, that he almost "went insane," and this for fourteen years, until, in fact, he was relieved by practical demonstrations that he had no such heart- crippling whatever. Into no sick-room whatever, therefore, should any sort of lugubrious tale-bearer, conceited self-exhibitor, maudlin selfish sympathizer, or self- sufficient or careless professional poseur ever be admitted or allowed to remain, even when the sickness itself is of minor importance, and of inconsiderable duration, and the sufferer as yet appears to be normally minded. When ill, suggestibility is often much heightened or warped ; and it frequently does not take long for the sanest invalid to become so profoundly impressed — so stung, or probed, or strained, or painfully awakened — that this may prove, because of the lessened resistance at the time, to be the source of troubles which may develop literally and last forever. Of course the danger varies greatly with different people, as well as with the kind and duration of the shock and stress suffered. Some people are naturally too " thick-skinned " to be easily or much affected by any such thing ; but much more frequently than is suspected is it otherwise; so frequently, in fact, that it is by far safer always to keep the atmosphere of every sick-room, from beginning to end, so pure and bracing that the sufferer's mind, as never elsewhere, shall be quite exclusively impressed by what alone is of good report, and consequently uplifting and fortifying. As to the common practise, especially during the most susceptible period of all, that of convalescence, with a view chiefly to mental diversion, of reading or hearing read the common newspapers with all their tales of undermining horrors and wrong, or the " latest " novels which are so af ten but mere travesties of the higher human longings and thoughts and modes of living, scarcely too severe condemnation can be urged. One can never anticipate what untoward atavistic reminiscence may thus be called up, even in the strongest minded, or what former harmful personal experience may thus be made once again distinctively to renew its life ; nor can one in either case very probably estimate the permanent vitiation of mental strength and ease which may follow. Better by far most certainly to encourage, instead, the perusal of that literature only which is at once clean, strong, inspiring and rightly awakening, and thus to get the untold benefit of such a veritable " soul-bath " as can certainly be relied upon in so doing. Indeed, there is no question that, when such simple, strong, wholesome sentiments only are thus allowed regularly each day or hour to influence A MIND DISEASED 59 the susceptible mind, it may eventually prove to be more useful in obvi- ating and relieving the " mind diseased/' than almost any other simple measure that can be thought of. Third, let us now consider another different yet quite as prolific source of mental pain and its resulting invalidism, namely, that which is to be found in the ever-insistent consciousness of misfit into the ever- growing complexity and demands of the life of to-day, the necessarily consequent failure to realize what has been legitimately expected and striven for, and all the mental wear and tear which so necessarily fol- lows or accrues. For instance, when a sensitive man actually finds himself buffeted about in this world, with little or no ability to get anything like a sure foothold, and can think of no definite prospect of final prosperity for his encouragement, he naturally enough wears out his will-power as well as his sense of well-being long before his time, and consequently becomes the unresisting if not fully assenting prey to every depressing and perplexing influence about him. Or, when a woman finds that all her unique wealth of natural instincts and endowments promises to be of little demand in this conventional world, and so must go from day to day to tasks from which she derives little profit and no inspiration, she also rapidly develops a mental and emotional pain and weakness — a veritable soul-sickness — so deep and abiding, often, that the wonder is that either she or so many of her sisters ever have the courage requisite to go on and achieve so successfully as they do. Of course it were easy to say that the needed refitting in many of these cases is prac- tically impossible; or that, even ideally, it is altogether too elevated, in any case, to be within ordinary application. Of course, too, every step on the way to securing the necessary changes of attitude in the individual's mind toward the real possibilities of his unusued or wrongly used powers and toward full acceptation of suggested ideals, or toward the determined devotion that sees success from the beginning, no matter how far from the purposed end — every step of this long way may only too generally prove, not only very arduous, but quite too dis- couraging for weak and wavering humanity to progress therein, or to succeed in the end. Yet could everybody as well as the sufferer him- self once be led to see how such inappropriate fittings and placings and consequent failures necessarily contribute to the development of mental suffering and invalidism, and especially if they could once get an in- formed, vivid view of the interfering, destroying character of every such experience in its bearing upon ultimate success and happiness, not alone of the individual sufferer, but of the entire community, in every vital respect, there would undoubtedly result not only a prompt but effectual uprising against the common ineptitude and neglect in this respect. That such a true vision is widely needed is confirmed by the 6o TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTE LY fact that misfit, inadequacy and failure cause so many people to suffer from an inhibition of the powers of right perspective, and to such an extent that they necessarily come, in time, if slowly yet most surely, to the point where they can not see the comparative virtue of the strength they still have, and the work they still can do, even as they think upon and especially feel upon so uncomfortably, what they originally ex- pected of themselves in the great battle of life. From these and many another supporting observation, easily and everywhere to be had, it is perfectly legitimate to conclude, beyond reasonable doubt, that mental pain and its resulting invalidism is quite naturally the necessary outcome of a great variety of causes, which may be contributed to, usually, by almost every influence that either bad heredity, accident, disease, wrong education, personal over-stress, or failure, or future uncertainty, may happen to afford. Besides, in many instances, we may unhesitatingly believe that these causes may be almost viciously, if never so unwittingly, supplemented by parents, children, relatives far and near, neighbors and friends, clergymen and physicians, gossips, fools and scandal-mongers, and all others who may as potently as unwittingly conspire to produce and prolong it. More- over, we may note that there often exists constitutionally, or that there has been developed through disease or accident, certain definite phases of an imperative tendency toward an abnormal sensitiveness to every painful or unusual impression, so much so that when this comes to be actually coupled with an over-developed fear of consequences, it may most unexpectedly make the sufferer all too ready to fall in with almost every possible kind of trend toward this form of invalidism, and to gradually become most thoroughly a coward, or even quite panic- stricken, from the very first suggestion of subsequent trouble. That with such a constitution and with such a " push " from untoward influ- ences of so many kinds, every temporary attack of mental pain, from no matter how insignificant a cause, may help the sufferer eventually to slide into the chronic state of mental disease, especially when day by day serious measures for relief are unsuccessful, is plainly beyond ques- tion. Thus, a pain in the back, not overcome by sufficiently strenuous or prolonged measures, may quite as easily become evidence of " spinal disease," as pain nearer the front may become a surety of " ovarian cyst " ; or higher up, of " cancer of the stomach " ; or at the back of the head, of " disease of the brain." And once let such a wrong notion become fixed in the mind, especially of both patient and attendants, as it often does, and then be reinforced by reference to it, or by any set of persistent untoward circumstances, as all too often is the case, tem- porary or permanent disease of mind may follow, in the natural course of events, as surely as night the day, and with scarcely ever a bright morning in prospect. A MIND DISEASED 61 Such considerations as these, consequently, make the question as to what may be done to prevent the development of such a condition, or to successfully minister to it eventually, an altogether most serious matter, especially in cases where not only the sufferer's own conditions and tendencies, but those of the entire environment, have to be considered. In the first place, there can be no question that every case of a mind diseased should be as carefully investigated and as thoroughly understood as possible, and this from the very beginning. No sort of off-hand, " intuitive " pseudo-diagnosis should ever be relied upon as a basis either of prevention or remedy ; the " case " is always really too complex to admit of any such guess-work whatever. Yet it is owing to just such a want of adequate investigation and accurate diagnosis that many a sufferer from mental pain has not only not received needed prevention or relief from his would-be ministrant, but has adversely most ignorantly or presumptuously been given abundant time to sink deeper and more permanently into his misery — so deep, in fact, so over- whelmingly, many times, that afterwards the utmost skill can be but partially successful — every really opportune moment having thus been allowed to pass forever by ! Altogether and always, mental pain is too serious and dangerous a matter ever to be thus looked upon indiffer- ently or ignorantly, or to be foolishly and fatally experimented with by not fully prepared remedialists. In many instances, also, it seems to be altogether too readily assumed that what are called " imaginary " forms of this affection may be sim- ilarly slighted and mismanged — in fact, trifled with — without much thought as to what may be the consequence in the end. Indeed, it seems often to be considered as evidence of some kind of superior wis- dom, to pronounce the sufferings of a given case as " purely imaginary," and so not to be " encouraged " by any sort of attention whatever. As a rule, however, it may be absolutely taken for granted that sick people, including the uncounted number of but-half-sick people, and those too who are said to " imagine " their illness, do not repeatedly or persist- ently make complaints without reasons that, when once understood, are seen to be really good and sufficient ; and that every complaint of seem- ingly imaginary suffering has always something very real beneath it, which should at least be accurately ascertained and properly considered, before the sufferer is either condemned or ignored. Recent investi- gations into the true nature of the inner life, especially as this has been unsuspectedly determined by accidental shock and stress while yet in the plasticity of its very early stages, have thrown much light upon many of these perplexing types of mental invalidism in older people; and it is more than probable that further scientifically directed research will make still clearer much that is now so obscure and inexplicable. Hence, it must legitimately follow that every sort of shallow conception 62 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY of mental pain will in time give way to conceptions that will be much more nearly correct, as they will be less cruel and dangerous. However this may be, one need not hesitate to affirm to-day that we already know enough to make it absolutely unjustifiable in any case to make a " snap " diagnosis in favor of some " imaginary " disease which may be ignored or crudely managed, as ignorance, or whim, or presumption may dictate. If it be criminal to misinterpret or neglect physical ailments, it certainly is no less so thus to seriously neglect or bungle the more delicate matters of the diseased mind. At the outset, then, every sufferer from mental distress has one inalienable right as well as the greatest need, namely, that his trouble shall be thoroughly understood, and that this understanding shall be based upon adequate investigation of all the facts involved in its origin and development. This, for one very important thing, will reveal unmistakably that every one of these poor sufferers from dire inade- quacy, apprehension or discouragement, and from slowing and shallow- ing of faculties, and glooming of every outlook, are really experiencing a kind of suffering whose original and persisting causes are not less real than are those of physical suffering, although such causes may often, if not always, lie altogether too deep in the personality to be either self-discovered, or " intuitively divined," or superficially or too promptly judged. Again it will soon appear, even not less con- vincingly, that if such sufferers presume to rely upon self-investigation or self-treatment alone, or upon the offers of even the shrewdest igno- ramus or most devoted " curest," they will most likely find themselves from the first but painfully misled and thwarted at every step, and even- tually becoming more and more deeply sickened and more thoroughly discouraged than ever. It must be remembered that this kind of pain, the pain of mental disease, is always so indissolubly a part of the inner- most self and bound up with its every impulse and movement; is withal so unexpectable and incalculable, so dominant and threatening, so undermining and degrading, and positively intrusive ; in fact, so devilish and selfishly excluding; so monopolizing in all its tendencies and demands, that the sufferer must necessarily find himself, no matter how skilful in even his most resolute attempts at self-relief, much more fre- quently in the position of one who would lift himself by tugging at his boot-straps, than otherwise, and eventually not thus to be especially helped, no matter how much he tries; while as to the outcome of the hit-or-miss remedies and practises of every sort of unqualified remedi- alist, whether " regular " or otherwise, to which the discouraged invalid so often goes, it must be said that ultimate failure applies equally often, and with even more force. Practically speaking, it quite regularly occurs in these cases that there develops eventually the firm, almost immovable conviction of the futility of everything which might other- A MIND DISEASED 63 wise promise relief — a conviction that correspondingly adds to the peculiar kind of dejection and endangering, which, in turn, develops into a chronicity that may evade every attempt at remedy, later on. From what we have discovered as to the origin and development and character of mental invalidism, then, it must again be readily recognized that it does not help this sort of individual much, if any better, simply or most elaborately to have said to him, even by the best qualified, " Oh, brace up ; be a man ! " or anything else of like senten- tious order ; except, perhaps, as a " starter," when it is often undoubt- edly invaluable, as is also the temporary good influence of many another similar command, or prayer, or treatment. In respect of this acknowl- edged initial good, however, it must always be remembered that the sufferer from a mind diseased does not, can not, thrive for very long on any sort of " starter " alone, even when it is given with best intention and high emphasis, and by those otherwise skillful; indeed, it fre- quently appears that the very effort to " brace up " or otherwise yield to the dominating spirit serves not to secure anything like the promised relief, but simply more firmly than ever to glue attention to the insistent distress, and to contribute immeasurably to its vividness and persistency. Nor does the heartiest promise of " better times " in the future often do much more; for in such cases the sufferer himself sees altogether too clearly how near to pretense or fabrication such a promise probably is, to be able even deceptively to draw comfort or strength or other kind of remedy from it. The fact is, this species of even most authoritative remedial platitudes do not so often touch the real " spot " as is supposed ; and usually for the simple reason that the real " spot " is not even suspected by either the remedialist or the sufferer; while the reaction from ever so shrewd remedial adventuring, when it seems to promise the impossible or proves to be fallacious in the end, almost always contributes to a measurable increase of the original distress, or else to the development of some new form — " the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune " having been thus but refurbished and resharpened, rather than effectually blunted and broken, by the insufficiency of remedies and promises, which, being not properly supplemented by others appropriate to the subsequent needs, soon lose even their initial value. Practically, it is also found in many cases, that it is just a similar kind of wrong management on the part of even those who have hereto- fore been the most intelligently and skillfully concerned, which has led sufferers from mental invalidism to respond so very frequently, and often so very satisfyingly to themselves, for a time, at any rate, to the offerings and importunities of " irregular " practitioners, and of irregu- lar sects of almost every description. The " mind diseased," not getting expected, and perhaps promised, light through "instruments of pre- 64 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY cision," and not getting much-needed relief from remedies directed even legitimately to organs and functions of the body alone, often grasps naturally enough at shrewdly proffered " cures " or " healings " which promise satisfaction beyond doubt from no matter what irresponsible source, and with an avidity which, if "foolish," is certainly excusable, if nothing more. Nor can anything else be expected when such a suf- ferer so painfully remembers that in his great and anxious need he has been time after time to a " regular " physician, only to have the real significance of his mental distress misapprehended, or to have it char- acterized as " silly," or " imaginary," or " not for me," or of " no con- sequence whatever," or, as was the case with Lady Macbeth's physician, to hear him affirm that therein the sufferer " must cure herself " ; or, perhaps worse still, to be treated by heartless "bluff," placebos, or pos- sibly by hints of a normal defection that needs a priest rather than a physician ! Nor, again, can anything better be expected, when possibly in obedience to this same distracting hint, such a sufferer has sought his church, only, as it has seemed to him, to be fed with stones, to be treated with indifference, or to be poisoned with doubts and insincerity, to say nothing of the chill that so naturally comes from sham brotherli- ness, untrustworthy sisterliness, and all the pain that these mean to the hungry distressed soul. If in such a case the " unorthodox " either in medicine or religion can " make good " where the " orthodox " fails, let there not be unseemly surprise, or charges of foolishness or worse, against those who in spite of such neglect and misunderstanding actu- ally do need relief and must seek relief, even until they find it. Instead, let there prevail everywhere the full measure of righteous humility which is so often really due in the premises. The great " irregular " of all time, it must be remembered, was Jesus of Nazareth ; and it was He who is said to have healed the people up and down the whole land, in spite of the " regular " doctors, medical and ecclesiastical, of the time. Of course, this is no tribute to quackery as such, either within or without the " professions " ; it simply teaches that any one who would really do right in this important field must by every possible endowment and preparation be first and fully possessed, not only of the proper spirit, the needed sympathy, the untiring determination to understand the actual need and provide the real remedy, but addition- ally, of the most perfect knowledge of human nature and all its woes that can be obtained by patient, skillful investigation, and by most rational induction from well-authenticated facts. Mere one-sided, in- competent, or vain " irregularity " does not by itself suffice, any more than mere self-sufficient or negligent " regularity." In either case, the deeper the insight, the wider the comprehension, the truer the knowl- edge, the more direct the skill, the better the results achieved. When the rightly endowed, fully prepared ministrant to a mind A MIND DISEASED 65 diseased has once been given a case of mental suffering in hand — one whose investigations have led him as accurately as possible to differ- entiate it from the truly alienated cases that can only be cared for in protective institutions — he is at once often confronted with conditions that tax his insight perseverance and skill, not only to an almost unwonted degree, but far beyond the comprehension and consequently the sympathy of his employers. Frequently, also, he has to contend with varied and numerous and unexpected misleadings and coverings up of facts which may be mostly owing to a previous false diagnosis ; or, he finds the patient's normal ideation more or less in a state of irre- coverable atrophy or decay; or, that there is perverted emotionalism quite beyond understanding and of a continuously disastrous nature; or that the will power has been so frequently strained and wrongly directed that it can be relied upon for scarcely any good effort at all; or, so frequently, all these in most perplexing combination. In fact, the case is always one where the whole organism is more or less under the spell of the mental distress, and consequently has a minimum of recuperative forces at command. Even almost every physical function is apt to be so lowered and perverted that, in turn, they may contribute to the disease of mind and to the resistance to be overcome. In fact, the case is one of " sickness all through " ; and the remedy and manage- ment must be based upon this comprehensive vision, or failure will almost inevitably result. Hence the wise remedialist will never neglect to at once institute every sort of hygienic, sanitary and therapeutic measure, which may be rationally indicated. Failure here is folly unmitigated; and no as- sumed " special " or " exceptional " ability that presumes to get along without due attention to the physical as well as mental functioning can make it otherwise, try and promise as one may. Having first, then, given due consideration to the conditions and needs of the entire case, the wise ministrant to the mind diseased will next, and at once, seek to understand in detail the changes from the normal psychology which are the immediate sources of the distress. Here, again, ability to investigate with a penetration and thoroughness that only the trained scientist can comprehend is the next great duty which he owes both to his patient and to himself. To accomplish this, he will bring all that his life, his reading, his special training and expert ence have taught him; will exercise all the mental and moral qualities of which he is possessed; will devote himself in every manner prac- ticable, not only to relieving the present distress, but to arousing such latent and stifled mental functions as will in due season contribute of themselves to help to overcome that which is abnormal, and substitute normal thoughts and feelings in its stead. In all this he will need and should have the full confidence and intelligent help of those who are VOL. LXXXII. — 5. 66 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY related to or responsible for the one afflicted. On the contrary, every attempt on the part of these latter to assume or restrict his proper functions, or to cover up that which should be told, or to interpose with their own cross purposes and perverting schemes, will only serve to embarrass him, and to hinder his patient's recovery. This needs to be said everywhere and repeatedly ; for it has not even yet come to pass that such a necessary harmony of opinion and action is always to be relied upon. In general, it should always be remembered that the problem presented by instances of a mind diseased is really so complex, and often so unresolvable at best, that the intuitions, the careful watch- ing, the knowledge and the devoted skill of every one concerned, are none too much for obtaining the best possible results. With respect to all the " newer " and promisingly better methods of management of a mind diseased, with respect to its own especial needs — those that have been devised by more recent investigators — it may be said, in a word, that they all seek to be based upon strictly scientific methods, and so to become more and more reliable and eventually trustworthy to an extent heretofore unknown. The first thing one notes is that it seems settled beyond question that in all these cases there shall be secured at once a most complete and searching, yet of course judicious, " scientific confession," or more properly scientific riddance through confession, of all the deeply hidden harmful feelings, thoughts and habits, that so often are really the basis of the painful mental superstructure which has supervened. In almost all this class of sufferers some such kind of revealing of the underlying sinful, or shocking, or stressful life, is found to be the best method of preparing the way for the subsequent, constructive measures which may then seem necessary. Hence, for this purpose, much attention is now given, for instance, to invoking the recollection of all the startling and harassing dreams which so often give darkness and pain to the easily impressed mind, and then to their true interpretation as affecting the waking life. Likewise, even though it be through hypnotic and allied means, it is often sought thoroughly to recall and expunge from the uttermost depths of being any and every other sort of earlier experience, whether these may have been sinful, accidentally shocking, or freighted with some kind of awful stress, in order that the sufferer shall no longer remain the unconscious victim of these " subliminal," most vicious enemies, as sorely as before. In fact, the " new method " implies that most of these cases have, to begin with, profound need of what may well be termed a " drastic psychical catharsis " ; and considerable experience shows that, once having secured this, such people are, at least for the time being, very apt to be relieved from their pain, begin to be noticeably ambitious and vigorous, beget new hopes and enter- A MIND DISEASED 67 prises, and otherwise to astonish both their friends and themselves with unexpectedly rapid, at least temporary, improvement. But it must always be remembered that even the most intelligent use of even this most scientific initiatory method does not often serve other than as a very serviceable prerequisite to imperatively needed subsequent measures, whose main object should be, not only as thor- oughly to fill the vacancy thus made by evulsion of the destructive evil as possible, but also to put something more constructive and permanent in its place. Closely investigated, the human mental activities seem largely to be built upon a system of self -mimicries ("auto-mimesis"), which fact may often be very wisely taken advantage of in dealing with its abnormalities, especially of the curable order. If through some un- toward experience or constitutional "predisposition," a painful and dangerous " copy " has some time been deeply set in the mind, and sub- sequently this has got into the vicious habit of being reproduced in endless repetition, and so beyond self-correction, not only has this im- portant fact a most imperative need to be duly noted, and considered, and acted upon, from first to last, but also has the equally important fact, that almost every remediable instance of a mind diseased actually has this peculiarity, and attention to this may often reveal the right clue as to what will eventually do the most good and do it most promptly and permanently. Remembering these facts, then, it is soon found that in very many cases indeed the most practical thing to do, after the preliminary men- tal cleansing has been effected, is at once almost obtrusively to proceed to introduce into the sufferer's mind a greater or less number of most definite, clear, interest-laden, moving, and if possible unusual ideas, which, being by the sufferer supposed to emanate from the mind of some one whom he looks upon as more of an authority than he is ca- pable of being by and for himself, will be allowed to make their way unhindered, so deeply as to become an efficient counter-effecting force, and thus bring about the thoroughly neutralizing and substitutive effect required. In this way, a new copy, which is at once characterized, both by fresh interest and constructive imagery, may be so powerfully and timely, and likewise so aptly, repeated, that duly the mind will almost unconsciously begin to imitate this instead of the old copy, and thus in time will become both successfully refurnished and reinvigorated, and consequently relieved, as well. Undoubtedly such a course, especially if unremittingly enlarged upon and enriched by all such determined, luxurious effort on the part of the sufferers themselves, as will per- petuate the original effect, even until such time as their dried-up mental soil shall be made once more to teem as it should with spring-like re- juvenescence of every old activity, as well as with the germination and growth of as many new interests as possible — undoubtedly such a course 68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY will succeed where many another may fail. In this there will often be surprisingly exemplified the fact that it is the inner, emotional and in- tellectual life, rather than the outer physical life, which pulls men and women down, as well as keeps them up; and that in connection with a decided change in the character and direction of these there may al- ways he expected, whenever possible, a corresponding constructive re- sponse to whatever change in environmental conditions may be con- sidered useful, in addition. Having thus made a right beginning and got well on the road to practical success, it is simply wonderful what a capable, intelligent, wholesome " minister to a mind diseased " can thus do, for many of these cases, where there is such a malign and persisting interference with the life of all the affective as well as effective faculties of the sick- soul, as is here to be found. Like the gentle dew from heaven is his mere coming and presence often; often, too, like a strong tower of de- fense and offense, is the "presence" he leaves behind; like a veritable "new birth," does it soon amount to; like a complete regeneration in the end, in many instances. Of course, it might be naturally supposed that the first and surest step toward securing recovery, especially from the woes peculiar to the misfit, would be simply to get them out of their inappropriate environ- ment and wrong calling into a place and work more suitable for their endowment and preparation. And so it would be and is, in a compara- tively few or perhaps many cases. But with the rest it is almost uni- versally the fact that for so long a time have they been bred and trained in the midst of unrealization and unsatisfaction and conse- quently of rebellion and despair, and not less important in the direc- tion of atrophy and negation of powers, that even when their outward circumstances have once been most wisely mended they do not respond nearly so constructively as might naturally be expected. Mostly, such people need a change of life within before they can satisfactorily ap- preciate and constructively respond to a change of life without. Until this change is accomplished — until the intellect and emotions and ex- pectancies have been given at least a new direction — outer changes are much more likely, particularly in adults, to result in some or all of the unexpected disappointments which every other kind of unwise experi- mentation is everywhere so apt to see. Having, then, as thoroughly cleared the sufferer's mind of every affecting and destructive idea and feeling as possible, and skillfully filled it with certain other ideas and feelings, which should be selected entirely for their own constructive, curative and inspiring qualities, it follows with equal necessity that the good work should not stop here, by any means, but rather should be supplemented unremittingly by most persistent use of every such well-selected, strong, wholesome, com- A MIND DISEASED 69 prehensive measure, such as change of environment, work, study, read- ing, etc., as will naturally effect, step by step, the completion and fixity of the mental and emotional reorganization so obviously needed. For, no matter how effective the initial catharsis and substitution may be, if the remedialist does not know enough or has not spirit enough to follow up this concededly important ministry by subsequent adaptive effort, persisted in until the end is attained, his labor will be mostly in vain. Here it is, undoubtedly, that so many of the "practitioners" of the various systems of "transcendental medicine," pseudo-science, rampant humbuggery, "queer" theology, and vicious imposition generally, are not able to secure the permanent results predicted of them from their temporary success. Many of these can give and often do give a good enough start toward relief to warrant the confidence which such a course engenders ; but they break down entirely as soon as anything additional is required, and so, either lose their influence at once, or else are forced, by maintaining a series of illusions which in time fatefully show them- selves to be such, to continue to doggedly sustain some other sort of equally temporary measure, if not base imposition, which deservedly brings its dire reward upon their heads in the end. In these cases a single measure or practise of any kind, no matter how good or true, when persistently inculcated or exercised without timely and appropri- ate variation or addition, soon comes to the end of its chief usefulness; for the nature of the human mental and nervous organization prede- termines that atrophy and decay in the realm of feeling and willing just as surely follow closely upon the over-exercise which produces an initial hypertrophy, as it does similarly in the physical realm. But the igno- rant or indifferent practitioner does not consider this ; and so pushes on unvaryingly with his initiatory measures only, or with others of simi- lar or greater misleading import, and consequently finds that the orig- inal condition of his patient often comes to have duly added thereto, certain other abnormalities, which, although newly acquired, may yet prove to be not less distressing or less persistent than the original ones. So trite an injunction, then, as " Overcome evil with good " when ap- plied to the needs of a mind diseased, is thus seen to necessitate a right kind of persistent overcoming, wherein the void repeatedly secured by eliminating the evil is continuously filled with restorative "good," the strength gained from time to time is constructively exercised, and all the psychic pathological conditions are thus led or made to give way eventually to normal states and activities. Perhaps this is quite sufficient to enable us to conclude, finally, that permanent satisfactory results in this important field of remedial min- istry can seldom be secured, unless due attention be given, first, to get- ting at the real sources of the sufferer's breakdown; second, to correct- ing, contributing and hindering physical diseases; third, to purging 70 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY offending mental imagery, and eliminating the deeper origins of patho- logical fears and distrusts and consequent exhaustion and pain; fourth, to making, and from time to time, remaking, as profoundly construc- tive impressions as possible; and, fifth, to reeducating and repractising every mental and emotional factor in such a sure way that eventually comprehensive reorganization is permanently effected, and the deeper, truer self is made to regain its normal attitude towards the world in which it finds itself, as well as the strength and habitual new activities which will enable it to maintain itself against subsequent insult and stress — in fact until the mind is once more as full of ease, as it was at the beginning full of dis-e&se. THE POSITION OF WOMEN IN CHINA 7 1 THE POSITION OF WOMEN IN CHINA By Dr. L. PEARL BOGGS URBANA, ILLINOIS SOME sage has said "A nation stands as high as its women." In making up an estimate of China at a time when she is earnestly desiring recognition as a republic, it may not be out of place to consider the position of women with a view to judging the chances which the new government has for stability. Every one is familiar with the story and the personality of the late Empress Dowager, who, for nearly half a century, swayed the destiny of China's 400,000,000 people at perhaps the most critical times in their country's history. It was during the first years of her regency that the formidable Taiping rebellion was finally put down, thus insuring the integrity of the empire from within. It was also during her term of power that China suffered many humiliating experiences at the hands of foreign countries, including Japan, but nevertheless China as an empire was left practically intact. During her last term of regency, the government committed itself to modern western educa- tion and to constitutional government. It was a powerful personality that could hold the empire to the old way when a vigorous young party was striving to uproot old customs and law, and in turn could bring the old conservative party to heel when the change to new ways was finally determined upon. This could not have happened where women have no rights, honor or privileges. What the empress did in her exalted station, any strong woman can do in whatever station she may be born. We hear, therefore, of women occasionally becoming the head of a family or clan, for some- thing of the old-style patriarchal family is the prevalent form in China and is composed of grandparents, married sons and their families, and perhaps also younger brothers or cousins. The three submissions of which one hears so much in the orient, means that a woman must submit to the authority of the head of the family, be he her father, husband or son. A woman does not usually become the head of a family unless she is the widow of the former head and she rises to this position only if she is the strongest personality by far in the group. The writer does happen to know a forceful young Chinese woman who is known all over the country side as " the Christian girl who runs a farm alone and is the head of a family." Before her, the grandmother had been the ruler of the clan and had been honored by the erection of a " pailow," or three stone arches, by order of the emperor. But in the main it is due to her position as the mother and grand- mother of sons that she is honored, and every Chinese woman prays 72 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY for the gift of male offspring as Hannah of old must have prayed for Samuel. In reading the legends, biographies and anecdotes of Chinese life, one is struck with the respect paid to the mother as well as with the love rendered her by her children. In the works of the two great sages, Confucius and Mencius, love, reverence and obedience are en- joined as the due of both parents. The funeral rights of both parents are to be duly celebrated, and the ancestral tablet of the mother is always placed by that of the father and reverence is given to both. In the history of China we read of several great empresses and empress dowagers who added to the luster of the renowned people of Han. In the ancient Book of Poetry, which is one of the great classics of the world, many women are celebrated in song for their piety and virtue, their wifely devotion, or motherly tenderness. There is a book of memoirs of distinguished women written about 125 B.C. and I know of no other book in any language at that time dealing with the great- ness and goodness of women. Likewise the first book on the education of women is said to have been written in this language about two cen- turies later by a celebrated poetess and historian, Pan Chao, who for her learning and piety was appointed preceptress of the empress and honored by the emperor with the title of the Great Lady Tsao. Thus we see that in olden times the women of this country held a relatively high position, perhaps as high as the women in any pre-Christian civilization ever held. But there is a somewhat darker side to be shown, when we come to speak of the modern Chinese woman as other than a mother. The childless wife of a rich man, or one who has borne him no sons, lives in fear lest he will take other wives. The presence of secondary wives, for according to law it is impossible for a man to have more than one legal wife, does not make for harmony in the household, especially if they succeed in alienating the affections of the husband. Divorce of the first wife is almost unheard of, and as the greatest crime a man can commit is to bear no sons, the practise of polygamy is defended on the highest ethical and religious grounds. The secondary wife is said to have no legal standing, but her children are considered just as legitimate as those of the first wife, to whom indeed they are said to belong. "We have to picture to ourselves conditions somewhat as shown in the Biblical story of the patriarch Jacob and his wives and their handmaidens. If the lot of the first wife is not always enviable, one can imagine that the concubines are not exactly happy. They are expected to be obedient to the headwife who rules the inner apartments, or women's quarters. In some cases they are little more than high-class servants and are often drawn from a class of society lower than the husband. Sometimes they are secured at brothels where they have captured the fancy of a rich man by their beauty and accomplishments. In some THE POSITION OF WOMEN IN CHINA 73 families, however, the wives are said to live in happiness and harmony, and it has been the writer's privilege to know a Chinese Christian lady who showed the greatest kindness to the wives whom her Confucian husband had brought home, although his conduct had almost broken her heart. On the whole, Chinese women are raising their voices against polygamy, as are the modern educated young men. It is difficult to see how a radical change can be effected very rapidly without entailing great suffering on helpless women, for the organization of a govern- ment may be changed quickly, but not that of domestic life. With the greater education of women which will make them to a certain extent economically independent, and with the example of western life, which every year is making more impression on the people, we may confi- dently expect the ultimate decision of this oriental people will be in favor of monogamy. It is needless to say that Christianity will teach this, as the missionaries are committed to an uncompromising opposi- tion to all secondary marriages. As everywhere, perhaps, the great middle class are the happiest in their domestic relations. The husband is too poor to buy other wives and maintain them, so that a male child is often adopted, from the clan if possible, to carry on the ancestor worship and perpetuate the name. The wife among the very poor may be sold as a slave and the money taken to buy another wife. If left a widow without grown sons, she may be sold as a wife again by her husband's relatives before the grass has grown green on his grave. Nowadays, there is a law to prevent a woman's being sold against her will, but often among the poor there is no alternative. But the burden of all China's poverty seems to me to rest most heavily on the young girl. As an infant, if there are too many mouths to feed, her life is snuffed out in its first hours. In times of poverty and stress of famine, the first resort is to sell the little girls. If not as a wife, then as a slave or concubine. It does not require much imagination to picture what a little slave girl may suffer if her owners are unkind and she is sold about from one to another. On the other hand, she may come into a good family and occupy a useful and hon- orable position. There is a law that no maid slave shall be denied the right of marriage, and if she is attractive it may be to one of the men of the family. If the little girl is sold as a child wife, her lot may be very unhappy, for her mother-in-law is likely to make her the drudge of the family, and her husband, if he feels any affection, is never sup- posed to interfere in her behalf, as that only makes matters worse. The birth of a son is the great alleviating factor, for then a woman has performed the chief function in life. One is not to suppose that the evils here mentioned, such as infanti- cide and girl slavery, denote any particular cruelty of nature on the 74 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY part of the Chinese people. Nearly all nations at some time in their history have practised infanticide, and slavery has not long been ban- ished from our midst. The factors which have combined to keep up these practises may be traced back perhaps to the religion of the country which is that of ancestor worship. To this is due the over-population of the country in part; to this is due the marked preference for male rather than female offspring, as it is only through the former that the ancestor worship may be maintained; to this is due the early child marriages and secondary marriages, both of which tend to crush the young girl. It is knowing these facts, which impell the thinking people of Christian lands to feel the burden of sending to non-Christian countries those apostles who shall preach a religion of the spirit which knows no distinction of sex, or class, or race. To the teaching of a spiritual religion must be added the teaching of modern science and economics, for the practical mind of the Chinese can sometimes be reached by scientific laws and cold statistics where prayer and preach- ing fail. The life of the daughter of the rich is not so bad, aside from the suffering of that ridiculous and antiquated practise of footbinding. So far as I know, no explanation has ever been found of this cruel custom and, besides the real suffering which the child undergoes, the individual is maimed for life and suffers not only the inconvenience of crippled feet, but also in general health from lack of exercise. In some families the daughters are given a little education in books as well as music and embroidery and, since the desire for the modern learning is spreading, it is said that every palace and official residence in Peking is filled with girls and women anxious to learn and who are studying as best they can. It is certainly true that the educated women of China are making a name and a place for themselves and are working hard to better the condition of women as a whole. A visitor to that country to-day will find Chinese women as the heads of hospitals and in some cases also conducting nurses' training schools. They are principals of large gov- ernment or private schools for girls, and many of them are doing excellent work. A few young women have graduated from American colleges, but the majority of principals and teachers are the products of mission or government schools. The very wealthy of course have private tutors and some of the most zealous women in founding schools for girls have been from princely families. The ladies in their homes are also working for reforms and thou- sands signed petitions sent to England protesting against the opium trade which that country forces on China. They are forming anti- cigarette leagues and holding meetings at which some of them preside and speak with great intelligence and dignity. They are zealous in the anti-footbinding societies and take an active part in church and phil- THE POSITION OF WOMEN IN CHINA 75 anthropic work if they are Christians. Nor should one forget to speak of the women in the church who go about as teachers of the Bible or on errands of mercy to the poor and suffering. Some of these are ladies of fine families and great learning, while others are poor country women, whose chief qualifications are a tender heart and a sympathetic mind rather than literary attainments. During the late revolution the women bore no inconsiderable part. They were active in plotting and many women dedicated their fortunes and their lives to the dangerous work of propagating revolutionary doctrines or smuggling in arms from foreign countries. Young women everywhere were determined to enlist as soldiers, and in a few places " Amazon corps " were formed. Many others offered their services as nurses and the trained nurses and Bible women are said to have done effective work. Public meetings were held in all the large cities at which women spoke in behalf of the revolution, and wealthy women pledged their jewels to raise the much needed funds. One of the most hopeful signs of all is the fact that the government promises to provide educational advantages for all girls in the same schools with the little boys until the age of ten, and afterwards by a separate system which is to end for the present in a higher normal school for girls. There seems to be a really awakened conscience on the matter of the education of women and there is something pathetic in the pleas which the educated young men of China are making that their wives and sisters may be educated. With their modern educa- tion, they are beginning to realize what it means to a man to have an uneducated woman for a wife or as the mother of their children. They are not ambitious therefore for an education which shall fit women for public positions so much as for good home makers. They realize that in China's present condition woman's greatest work lies in establishing new ideals of home life. China has always been a moral rather than a religious nation, which means that the family rather than the individual sense has been devel- oped. This may militate against the rapid growth of freedom for women in public life, but in the end will give her a secure and honored position. Perhaps the greatest problem in that country at present is the struggle which is on between family loyalty and individualism. It is hoped that this agitation will not so shake the moral foundations of the people that it will bring on a demoralization before it has had time to adjust itself to that broad socialism which is founded on indi- vidualism rather than is opposed to it. In the trying time that is coming, we believe that the women may hold the power to regulate the pace of the change which is inevitable. For the women of China are strongly moral, and the power of women in moral things has been recognized by the Chinese. One writer says : " Purification of morals, from the time of creation until now, has always come from woman." 76 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE SOCIALIZATION OF THE COLLEGE By Pkofessob WALTER LIBBY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY THE expression socialization of the college is here used not to indi- cate a process to be set going at some time in the future, but to denote a development which can be observed in the history of institu- tions of higher learning and which educational leaders as the conscious guides of evolution may now further, direct, and render consistent with itself. A comparison of the Oxford clerk of the fourteenth century, ascetic, other-worldly, sententious, immersed in scholastic logic, with some of the alert, yet philosophical, public men produced by the English universities of to-day, shows the line that academic evolution has fol- lowed during the intervening centuries. On this continent these con- trasted types of university man find their analogies in the Harvard man of the middle of the seventeenth century, a clergyman trained by the clergy for the clergy, and the Harvard man of the twentieth century, educated under more democratic and less clerical influences. The tendency of colleges to change in adapting themselves to changed social conditions is obvious enough. At the same time it is generally admitted that through economic and other changes society is marked by greater and greater complexity. How must we shape the college curriculum, methods, administration, etc., in order that our graduates may prove themselves efficient in the complex social condi- tions of the present day? This is the problem whose solution we and all interested in the progress of higher education have to discover. To the settlement of this question as it presents itself at this time I wish to offer a slight contribution from the standpoint of the college pro- fessor of pedagogy. In the first place, for an American college to -adopt at this time the narrow curriculum that two centuries ago introduced the student to professional studies would be a reversion dictated by despair. Funda- mental as Latin, Greek and mathematics are to our civilization, our culture, our science, they do not of themselves afford an adequate prepa- ration for life under modern conditions. Helpful as Latin and Greek are to our esthetic appreciation and sense of ethical values, filled with illumination and bristling with suggestions as are the ancient litera- tures, they could not mean so much for us had our minds not been formed and informed by other studies. Even as a step toward the dif- THE SOCIALIZATION OF THE COLLEGE 77 ferentiation of colleges the adoption of the old curriculum would seem unwise, for the preparation needed for professional study to-day is quite other than it was in the seventeenth century. One change entailed in the college curriculum by the growing com- plexity of modern social conditions is some recognition in the courses of instruction of those conditions themselves. In a democratic country we should all know how the other half lives. Social problems and needs must be learned. I wish to emphasize the truth that if they are to be known they must be taught. People who appear callous and cruel, indifferent to private needs and public welfare, are often merely unin- formed. That the undergraduate years offer the opportunity for the presentation of such matter there is sufficient evidence. During the last few years my department has taken up with the students in pedagogy the educational aspects of the university settle- ment, child-labor legislation, juvenile crime, the home, defectives, primitive peoples, eugenics, morals and hygiene, the immigrant, the new schools, open-air schools, etc. The work is conducted in seminar style, each student choosing a topic for intensive treatment. The response to these subjects from juniors, seniors and graduates is very cordial and very immediate. They cover, if you like, the romantic and sentimental phases of social activity, and the appeal is no less powerful on that account. On the other hand, there is no attempt on my part to suppress a discussion of the futility of some forms of philanthropy. I think the ultimate effect of such a course is to give content to the idea of good citizenship, to check latent snobbishness, and to increase a sense of the sanity and worth of the ordinary daily activities, especially the activities of the teaching profession. There are other approaches to this same end, of which our professors are availing themselves. Courses in ethics are being given in many of the American colleges with excellent effects, and in these courses par- ticular pains are taken to study the relation of the college to the com- plex social conditions in which we live. The teacher of ethics has the advantage that he can treat with authority the question of moral stand- ards, such as the relative claims of benevolence and justice, trained, hard-headed thinking on which is one of the present needs of the democracy. But from what particular department the advocacy of the social claim comes, is a matter of indifference so long as it comes with conviction and force. History, sociology, economics, ethics, pedagogy, English, other modern languages, Latin and Greek in a marked degree, as I have implied, offer the mature mind an opportunity of broadening the social sympathy and deepening the moral consciousness of the stu- dents. It is impossible, without going into the details of class work, to indicate fully the intimate, subjective value to character of the quiet presentation of social facts. We are enlisting the interest, the thought, 78 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the sympathy and ultimately the activity of the students in the cause of social progress and public welfare. That the students recognize and cordially respond to the changing tone of college instruction many gratifying signs indicate. The excellent article in the number of The Atlantic Monthly for November, 1911, on "The College: an Undergrad- uate View " saves me from the need of bearing further testimony on this point. If I might state the educational problem of the college in- structor as it here presents itself to my mind, I should say: How can the esthetic appreciations of adolescents be transformed into the ethical judgments of the manly and womanly mind ? Naturally, in a really educational process such as I am briefly out- lining the personality and ideals of the instructor must play a large part, and the change in the social efficiency of the college toward which some of us are groping our way seems to imply a shifting in the con- ception of academic culture. It is difficult to arraign any type of cul- ture, and almost ungrateful to imply that the eighteenth-century idea that the finest type was secured by reading a little good poetry, hearing some good music and speaking just a few words of sense daily is from our present point of view untenable. A comparison of two Oxford men of the nineteenth century, Lewis Carroll and T. H. Green, will help me in my statement. Lewis Carroll was a thoroughly cultured gentle- man, presentable in the best society, a delightful companion, an in- genious writer, whose pages have delighted thousands in need of inno- cent entertainment. In addition he was for long years a college instructor and a contributor to the literature of mathematics. Green was a man of different stamp. He lacked something of the grace and charm of Lewis Carroll. He was less popularly known, but no less socially important. His contributions to the literature of philosophy were weighty. He was the leader of a great movement in the history of the thought of our race. He exerted an immense influence on the minds and conduct of the college men with whom he came in contact. Through Mrs. Humphry Ward's presentation of him as the Mr. Grey of " Robert Elsmere," he gained recognition with the reading public as one of the great forces in modern social progress. Lewis Carroll was extremely conservative, opposed to the rights of women, complacent about children's acting on the stage, hostile to the advance of science study at the university. Green succeeded in the conciliation of town and gown, became a member of the municipal council, was instrumental in establishing a local secondary school, and had his university duties permitted it, might have become representative of the city in the coun- cils of the nation. He extended his sympathy to the cause of human liberty beyond the sea, and received the news of Gettysburg and Vicks- burg with the enthusiasm becoming a large man. Can we not say that he represents a type of culture as worthy as any, and increasingly de- THE SOCIALIZATION OF THE COLLEGE 79 sirable in the colleges of a democratic country and race ? The changed conception of culture I have tried here to indicate as increasingly char- acteristic of the academic mind must impress college students with the reality, the robustness, of our ethical aims, and make of great educa- tional value any instructor, no matter in what department, who holds and embodies it. When young people leave college halls with dreams of the betterment of the human race, they should in the first place make sure that they do not prove a burden to their own families. An up-to-date, democratic culture should not interfere with their earning their own living. In fact, if properly educated, they will see in the choice of a calling a ques- tion of the greatest moral moment. To fit oneself for a vocation, to adapt oneself in a business way to society, is not hostile to true culture. It is in recognizing the real bearings of our daily task, and taking satis- faction in it that we grow into the only culture that seems worth while to the adult mind. Is it too much to say that one of the dangers of our age is the dilettante pursuit of scraps of the arts, and crumbs of the foreign languages? In the years of maturity the cultivation of these interests has something of the pathos of arrested development recurring to the styles and ideals of the teens. The change in the attitude of professors and students towards the needs of the people and the welfare and progress of society, so intimately educational in its nature, seems to me the most promising factor in the movement for college and university reform. As a professor of peda- gogy I would here lay the chief emphasis ; but this change in the con- ception of academic culture implies further changes to which I must hasten. Space does not permit me to speak of all that American colleges are doing, all that is still left them to do, in laying the cultural foundation, as I understand the term, for the learned and other professions. If our doctors were all true guardians of the public health, if all our engineers were bent on furthering hygienic conditions, if all lawyers were zealous in the cause of social justice, if all clergymen appreciated the larger aspects of the people's needs, the cause of human welfare would be secure. I must pause a moment, however, to say something concern- ing the relation of the college to the schools. In the American college that I know most intimately about four hundred students are received annually from the secondary schools and other colleges. About one hundred and fifty are graduated every June. Of the graduates, seventy or seventy-five return as teachers to the schools. The secondary school affords the college, therefore, one of its most important points of social contact. It is largely through the high schools and academies, which in turn influence the grades, that the col- lege makes its culture tell on the lives of the poor and common people, 8o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY from whom the majority of us are sprung. If we seek an aim, and are not blinded by academic pride, here is one right at hand. You will not be surprised to hear that the policy of the modern department of pedagogy is to help, not to exploit, the high school. The social point of view is capable, perhaps to a greater degree than one might at first expect, of modifying our procedure in dealing with the lower schools. The chief function of a college department of pedagogy is to turn out well-prepared teachers, enthusiastic, and with the right attitude toward their work. It should not, in my judgment, lend itself to cheap adver- tising, or drumming up students, or making a hit with the high schools and academies. Those imbued with the social spirit will find the hun- dred problems of adjustment of the college to the secondary schools too vital to be dealt with in a narrow or commercial spirit. The relation of the college to the rich is no less important than the question just discussed, if the college is to preserve the right tone towards the social needs and aspirations of the whole people. The history of European universities shows that these institutions have been used to further the political views of their founders. In Prance and Germany, for example, universities have been used almost like fort- resses to hold territory gained in war, as can be shown by reference to Breslau, Strasburg, Bonn, Bordeaux, Caen and Poitiers. The numerous universities organized by Napoleon were designed to carry out his policy of government. In view of this background afforded by history one can not be indifferent to the influence of founders and patrons upon their universities. Just how the millionaire founder or the millionaire trustee affects the social relations of the college calls for more extended statement than space here permits. In a few glaring instances in this country there have been serious infringements by the wealthy sup- porters of a university upon the spirt of academic freedom. But the predominance of the rich in the councils of the college has acted more insidiously in the social ideals that they perhaps unconsciously put upon the institution. One might mention briefly the expenditure of money from the business standpoint of the advertiser rather than from the educational standpoint of the professor ; the treatment of the instructors as employees rather than as a body of self-respecting gentlemen working in a great social cause ; and finally, the character of the officers likely to be chosen by trustees filled with a commercial rather than an academic spirit. A glance at the constitutions and administration of the uni- versities in monarchical Europe as compared with these features of American universities causes no small wonder that in this country insti- tutions of higher learning are comparatively aristocratic, not to say autocratic. The University of Oxford, for example, is governed by three bodies, council, congregation and convocation. The first, council, is made up of six heads of colleges, six leading professors, and six THE SOCIALIZATION OF TEE COLLEGE 81 representatives of the alumni. This is the cabinet of the academic state. The second, congregation, consists ideally of the teaching force of the university. It has important legislative powers. Convocation is made up of the M.A. alumni who have maintained close relations with their alma mater. This body chooses the chancellor of the uni- versity, exercises the right of veto, elects members of Parliament. Even this scheme is now undergoing reform along even more democratic lines. How far behind we are, with many of our colleges and universities governed by a secret conclave of wealthy men and a president not responsible to the teaching force or to the alumni ! To prepare citizens for a democracy the organization of the college itself must be democratic. If it be true that we learn to do by doing, the student should learn at college to be a citizen of a free state, not alone by precepts or academic instruction, but by the experience of membership in a free college community. Wherever there is an absence of social aim and organization on the part of college officers it is little wonder that the student body is lacking in purpose and does not rise above a community consciousness of a very primitive sort. With the colleges filled with the right social spirit the students feel themselves the members of a great republic of letters, or rather, of a democracy of science, possessed of a truth too vital to be merely individual and aca- demic. The utilization of the ethical and social life of the school as a means of moral education, which, since Arnold's day, has been a recog- nized feature of the great English public schools, where, as Haklane remarks, English boys are permitted and encouraged to govern one another, is still almost unknown in some of the American colleges. If the president and the professors take the students into their confidence in the discussion of general aims as regards the welfare and progress of the people, then the corporate life of the school can be organized on a higher basis, discipline becomes more and more self-discipline, and anti-social types feel themselves condemned by the judgment of their peers in academic standing. A measure of the change for want of which many American insti- tutions of higher learning are suffering to-day was wrought out in the German universities by Fichte and others over one hundred years ago. It can be described briefly as a greater measure of freedom, spontaneity, self-activity. One should not, however, forget that increased freedom must mean an increased sense of responsibility and that self-activity must be activity of social import under social stimulation. When the members of the college understand their true social end and aim, athletics will occupy a more subsidiary place, and our institutions of higher learning will be more than mere clubs for wealthy young men. It is only in the absence of the enunciation of serious purposes that the college shows the tendency to triviality and puerility of which some vol. lxxxii. — 6 82 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY complain. The youngest freshman knows that success on the athletic field is not the chief end of man, and he is quick to note the falsetto in the football enthusiasm of the middle-aged and elderly professors when they pretend that the scores of the teams are the chief topic of academic interest. Lack of appreciation of the educational value of college organization has blinded some educators to the merits of college fraternities. These organizations have a long and interesting history which can be traced back to the medieval nations at Bologna, Paris and the other early European universities. At present the college officer is likely to regard them rather as an administrative danger than as an educational oppor- tunity. In our present system the fraternities are in effect if not in fact the vestigial remains of a university constitution in which the student body and the alumni played a vastly more important part than they do with us. A revival of academic freedom would restore the fraternities to their healthy functions. Now, as Birdseye and others too plainly show, a college fraternity, like other rudimentary organs, is liable under unfavorable conditions to deterioration and disease. Again, if the students and the college in general with a fuller measure of academic freedom and an increased sense of their social responsibility would reconsider the curriculum and methods of instruc- tion in the light of democratic principles, many wholesome changes could be brought about. Besides instruction in sociology and the social aspects of pedagogy, economics, history, English and foreign literature already spoken of, I wish to mention here only one other subject, namely, physiology. Recent developments in natural science, above all, progress in bacteri- ology, have made the pursuit of this subject in college a pressing need. In addition to courses in scientific physiology we should have in every college popular courses on applied physiology for all the students, deal- ing with the vital questions of hygiene. Such courses are necessary for the guidance of the undergraduates in reference to diet, sleep, habits of study and of personal health in general. For, keeping our social pur- pose in view, it is not hard to see that one of the chief endeavors of the college should be to disseminate through the schools and in the homes the knowledge of hygienic science that is so necessary for the comfort and welfare of the people. The social test of college culture would suggest many changes in the content and method of other college courses. The spirit of pedantry, to which all academic life is liable at times to fall victim, would be recti- fied by the challenge : " What is the social value and import of this ? " If every college course were in its content socially important, then the students taking part would work more spontaneously, and the present methods of dictation and exact prescription would give way to greater THE SOCIALIZATION OF THE COLLEGE 83 activity and initiative on the part of the student and greater freshness of response and cooperation in general. The best methods, however, and the best results from college work can only be obtained when all college students and professors are engaged on some real, useful work instead of busying themselves with mere exercises. The tragedy of college life as seen by the up-to-date educator is that we in many cases are attempting to train for life activity by a series of exercises that can be regarded only as remote approximations to actual activities. This fault shows not merely in the college of liberal arts, but, where one would least expect it, in pro- fessional, and in spite of the rapid introduction of practical work, even in many engineering schools. In four or five years the engineering school as a rule does not undertake to teach engineering, but only to give preliminary exercise work to form in the future the basis for acquiring the profession of engineer. The remoteness of academic training from the real goal to be attained is naturally more marked in the other departments. One phase of this weakness is found in the endless theme work produced by students in compulsory English com- position. As has been wittily said, there is a great difference between having something to say and having to say something, and in the work of composition the student is, indeed, placed in a notoriously artificial attitude. This serves here, however, merely as an illustration of a general defect observed in college work, which in the opinion of the writer results from our failure to demand for our work a social aim and purpose. How to provide real work and real activities for a thou- sand students on the college campus is a matter calling for some exercise of ingenuity. I must content myself with a single illustration of the work that might engage the scholarly activities of our undergraduates. The need of good translations of French, German, Italian, Spanish and other scientific works, our college and university men will readily join with me in recognizing. With, let us say, five hundred students in French, six hundred in German and a proportionate number in the other foreign languages, something of social value could surely be done in this matter under the direction of capable instructors. The transla- tion last semester by eleven students in one of my classes of a complete French book of over three hundred pages opens up a vista of possibili- ties of real cooperative work of public importance. If we held consistently to a distinct social purpose, most of the valid criticisms one hears of the college would be met. One of the severest critics of higher schooling of all sorts complains especially of the lack of effort at moral improvement. He emphasizes the futility of the college in helping the young man of limited means in the funda- mental social matter of earning his own living. Others join him in pointing out the tendency of some of the colleges to become mere play- 84 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY grounds for the leisure classes. Many critics within and without the college comment on the lack of serious purpose among the students, the failure of the heads of colleges to formulate for their institutions a definite aim and program. Others concentrate their attention on administrative questions, the lack of responsibility of the trustees, the helplessness of the faculties, the autocracy of the president. Finally, it is admitted by an eminent educational authority that a fair equivalent of a college training can be gained through correspondence or even a brief course of reading. Such pessimistic comment falls away from a college or university animated by such social spirit as I have sought here to indicate and advocate. Such a spirit will entail not a narrow, but a broad curriculum to answer the needs of an increasingly complex civilization, and a more liberal discipline with more guidance, and less repression, more freedom and an increased sense of responsibility, in order to fit for citizenship in an enlightened and self-disciplined democ- racy. Great changes in administration are inevitable, an autocratic university is incompatible in a free democracy, but the essential change needed is an educational rather than an administrative one. The typical American college has been necesarily denominational to maintain the doctrines and faith that to its constituency seemed vital. In the present great diversity of belief many of the colleges show little or no sectarian bias. Unless these institutions are, with increased liberalism, to be marked by laxity of principle, and flabbiness of moral purpose, they must gain a new motivation worthy of the times, they must work under the inspiration that a hope and faith in human prog- ress gives. To show how the minds of students can be affected educa- tionally so that the college may be touched with this spirit of modern democratic culture is the main purpose of these pages. In conclusion we may say that the change we seek to further in harmony with an evolution already under way is designed to make the college responsive to the social need of the present, to render it more publicly significant, possibly less denominational, certainly not less religious. In a word, one might say, more democratic and less sectarian. MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 85 MODEKN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT AND ITS INFLUENCE ON PHILOSOPHY By Professor HARRY BBAL TORREY REED COLLEGE TO enter upon a discussion of the influence of modern scientific thought upon philosophy is to find one's self beset by temptations to a discursiveness not possible within the given conditions of time and space. Under such pressure, one might be led easily into a considera- tion of relative values — efficacy of methods, seriousness of limitations, ultimate soundness of criteria, the final significance of present tend- encies. As I write, however, these problems seem so turgid with poten- tial misunderstanding as to embarrass rather than facilitate the dis- cussion that, as a student of biology, I had planned. To avoid such embarrassments, attention will be focused on the general theme through an examination into the nature of scientific truth. This procedure not only will put into my hands an instrument whose uses are relatively familiar to me, but will serve, I believe, to illuminate some of the most significant phases of modern philosophic thought. • Poincare has somewhere made a suggestive comparison between the Gallic and Anglo-Saxon genius. Characteristic of the one is a feeling for form, for symmetry, for logical completeness, for finality; charac- teristic of the other is a feeling for substance, development, function, change. For the one, truth lies in the result; for the other, in the process. One is represented by a deductive, the other by an inductive type of mind. I have no desire to raise here a national issue. Whatever the merit of this characterization of these ethnic groups, it will serve my purpose if it give vividness to the statement that the same general differences distinguish certain philosophers and scientific investigators. Wherever one finds a faith in final causes, a hope in the revelation of ultimate truth, there one finds a philosopher who, like the Frenchman of Poincare, has drawn the essential elements of his inspiration from the philosophy characteristic of ancient Greece. Modern science may have supplied his convenience with the telephone and the electric light, the automobile and the thoroughbred, aniline dyes and serum therapy ; but it has done little more. Until he views the truth as nothing final, as existing in 86 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the process rather than in the result, as a growing, expanding, changing vision, blooming with youth as long as human life can use it, it can hardly be said that his eyes have felt the touch of the spirit of modern science. Wherever modern science has affected characteristic changes in the trend of philosophic thought, the result has been achieved by lessening the influence of that ancient legacy which may be conveniently referred to as the doctrine of final causes. It must not be inferred, however, that the influence of this doctrine has been confined to philosophy alone. It has been felt in every field of human inquiry that presents a speculative aspect, an opportunity to reach by means of the imagination into the unknown. The history of science is one long record of struggle between just those types of mind that Poincare has sketched. In none of the sciences, however, has the conflict been more prolonged and bitter than in biology. There the fight has been waged about the four great problems of evolution, indi- vidual development, vitalism and adaptation. None more than these offer speculative opportunity — abundantly accepted. None more con- vincingly than these show the inexorable incompatibility of faith in final causes and scientific progress. I present them, therefore, as my chief aids in developing, if I may, a fruitful conception of the nature of scientific truth. Having reached such a conception, we will proceed to discuss its relation to the philosophic thought of the day. II Faith in final causes is not a necessary product of a particular civilization, of civilization at all. Though it may persist in the midst of sophistication, it is born of inexperience. Under one form or another, it has existed among peoples of all sorts, wherever they have possessed sufficient intelligence to hazard an interpretation of their universe of experience. Of these peoples, the Greeks and Hebrews claim our especial attention, since it is from them that the main streams of our philosophy and science and religion flow. Compared with the sophistication of Aristotle's theories of life, the cosmology of the Mosaic record is strikingly anthropomorphic and naive. In spite of this naivete, however, there is no question of its astounding control over the history of scientific thought; the more so, since it is to the second and far cruder story of the creation, in fact, in the second chapter of Genesis that the church chiefly pinned its faith in its long struggle with the doctrine of evolution. The struggle has been at times debased with bitterness and violence. One grows heart- sick at the sad spectacle of a Galileo swearing away his scientific probity as he groveled in fear of torture before the Inquisition. MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 87 But it has not been through such violence alone that the influence of the Hebrew tradition has been felt. More subtly did it discourage the great anatomist, Vesalius, who, in the flower of his young manhood, filled with the spirit of the pioneer, linked his fortunes to the throne of Charles and Philip. It is significant that, while he idly fretted out his life on Spanish soil, Suarez, the Spanish Jesuit, was born, destined to create the doctrine of special creation in its modern form by reaffirm- ing in detail the Mosaic account of the creation — even the episode of the rib. The fact carries a suggestion of the reason why the productive years of that great progressive in biological science were limited to five, and ended with his thirtieth anniversary. It was against this anachronistic doctrine of special creation, crystal- lized out of the civilization of the seventeenth century, that Darwin launched his great argument in the shape of the " Origin of Species." But, in doing so, he found in his opponents Hebrew tradition mixed with Greek. Evolution was not a conception hostile to the mind of Aristotle, though what we now recognize as phenomena of evolution did not espe- cially engage his attention. The two rather ambiguous passages in which he arranges living creation in a series of closely intergrading types might be interpreted in terms of evolution without doing essential violence to his general conception of life. The origin of species of organic beings was not with him an issue. He was unaffected by the Mosaic record. Historical problems were to him of less moment than essential relations of structure and function. His especial interest in the ultimate analysis of truth was not, however, incompatible with an admission of the trans- formation of organic types. Indeed, under the influence of Aristotelian philosophy, St. Augustine himself sought to interpret the Mosaic cos- mology with its conception of an external Creator, in naturalistic terms that should harmonize with the Greek conception of forces and poten- tialities inherent in the universe itself. It is this mixed derivation that complicates to some extent attempts to trace to their origins the ideas of the modern world. There was no fundamental incompatibility then, between Greek tradition and the doctrine of descent with modification. As an evolu- tionist, Aristotle was at least as modern as Charles Bonnet. "Were he alive to-day, I should confidently look for him in the foremost ranks of biological thinkers. His biological contributions, however, have been largely obscured by his versatility of interest in final causes. This interest I am disposed to believe was a product of his time, of the age into which he was born, of his education, his companionships, rather than a fundamental tendency of his mind. However it may be inter- preted, there is no doubt that his ideas on transformism in organic nature were definitely limited thereby. If he was an evolutionist, he was also a teleologist. Adaptation in nature spelled for him design. 88 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Organic types might change, but in accordance with a perfecting prin- ciple that should lead finally to the crowning glory of the evolutionary series, the human species. Perfecting principles are not unknown — witness Lamarck and Nageli — in the speculative biology of the last century. In the hands of no one, however, have they proved to be in- struments by means of which discoveries are made. Their influence has been conspicuously negative. It was essentially Aristotle's teleology that Darwin, as late as 1859, overmastered with the doctrine of natural selection. It was Aristotle's evolutionary series, ending with man, that, fashioned into the semblance of a pine tree by Lamarck, was finally displaced by Darwin's conception of a genealogical tree without a central axial trunk flowering at the tip in man, but branching polychotomously in all directions from a common center. This modern conception harmonizes with the fact that there is no evidence that man has been fashioned, whether by special act of an external creator as in the old Hebrew account, or by the less direct process of evolution under the guidance of a final principle inherent in nature, as in the Aristotelian tradition, to be the lord and highest product of organic creation. The Hebrew tradition embodies too naive a conception of final causes for the philosophic as for the scientific minds of to-day, although it still lingers in various forms of religious doctrines that typically compose themselves, as President Jordan has somewhere aptly remarked, out of the debris of our grandfathers' science. Aristotelian evolution still lingers, though negative and barren on the fertile soil of modern ex- perience, in the minds of those who admit with Aristotle the evolution of the physical man, but view, with him, the mind as a thing apart. It is characteristic of a faith in final causes that it permits distinctions of this sort. To the average biologist, however, to admit the validity of the distinction would be to question the validity of organic evolution itself. For the evolution of the body is neither more nor less certain than the evolution of consciousness. Both, for the student of objective science, rest upon evidence of the same order. It was to be expected that Aristotle, a pioneer in science, would over- estimate the simplicity of his problem of creating order where order had not reigned before, that he would seek for final causes with a suggestion of the simple confidence of the woodsman who traces smoke to fire or hunts his quarry to its lair. He was, scientifically, of necessity unsophis- ticated. It is on other grounds that we must seek an interpretation of the persistence of this phase of his influence in contemporary thought; a phase which I suspect he would now agree was the portion of his legacy least worthy of our regard. There is something foreign to the spirit of Aristotle, something savoring of a sophistication born of conflict he MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 89 could not have known, in the following passionate challenge of a modern defender of the faith in final causes : "Let not science contrive its own destruction by venturing to lay profane hands, vain for explanation, on that sacred human nature which is its very spring and authorizing source." Modern developments in philosophy itself indicate that the challenger need have no fear. What- ever the inevitable expansion of human knowledge may accomplish for human nature will not be by means of violent or profane hands. Conceptions of human nature, like all other conceptions of the human mind, adapt themselves quietly, impersonally, without anguish, to suc- cessive discoveries of truth. Ill Passing now to the problem of development, one is struck by the modern aspect of Aristotle's contribution. Have you ever seen an egg grow? Have you perhaps followed the frog's egg, as it splits up into a group of segments ; seen a cleavage fur- row spread across it, new furrows succeeding each other with every half hour; observed the segments rhythmically swell and flatten with each cleavage; felt the mystery of this marvelous plastic process of develop- ment? Here is life; here is activity. And the juxtaposition of these phrases is not accidental. Aristotle knew nothing of the cleavage of the frog's egg. He had no knowledge of the segments thus formed — which are now called cells. He did not know that the egg, is a cell also, comparable with the cells that make up, as fundamental structural units, the various organs and tissues of the body ; that the egg like these other cells, possesses a char- acteristic body called the nucleus, which, as in all nuclei, contains a substance (chromatin) now generally understood to be most intimately concerned with the phenomena of differentiation and heredity. He was ignorant, also, of the nature of the male sex element, vastly smaller than the egg and differing from it remarkably in form, being adapted to a life of great activity. Otherwise, he would have known that the sperm, like the egg, is, in spite of its size and form, a cell, furnished with a nucleus and chromatic substance. And had he lived as late as 1875, he might have known that the essential facts of fertilization consist not only in the stimulation, the activation of the egg by the single sperm which penetrates its substance, but in the fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei and the mixture of the chromatin thus derived from the two sexes. Nothing of this Aristotle knew. But he had observed the develop- ment of the chick. Without the microscope he had failed to note the early stages one sees so readily in the frog. But he had seen the embryo gradually appear on the upper side of the inert yolk, and he had seen 9o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the heart begin to beat on the third day of incubation. It all impressed him to an extent that led to a treatise on generation. To account for what he saw, he conceived the egg — the female con- tribution— to be essentially passive, containing elements that could be wakened into life by the active principle of the male. This he con- ceived to be a sort of enzyme, a ferment, which acted upon the female germinal substance like rennet upon milk. From this simple beginning he believed the development to progress, organ following organ; and since the spermatic fluid, the active principle, was itself unorganized, he rejected the possibility that parts should preexist. Crude as all this is, it was an approximation to the truth, based on the facts as Aristotle had observed them. To this extent, his theory of development has a modern look. On a second glance, however, one dis- covers signs of the same eagerness for final explanations that we have already observed in our discussion of the problem of evolution. How, from so simple a beginning, was the remarkable complexity of the adult structure to be differentiated? And how was the fact to be explained that chick eggs, when they develop, always produce chicks, turtle eggs turtles ; that animals reproduce after their kind ? These were problems that at once engaged his attention, and were answered with character- istic promptness and confidence. Though the germ may be substantially simple, it is subject to two transcendental potentialities that constrain its development with reference to species and form. And here Aristotle lapses out of the company of objective scientists. To say that an egg reaches a certain form because it possesses the poten- tiality to reach that form, is like defining a word in terms of itself. It is hardly the type of interpretation to commend itself to modern inves- tigators. Yet it has been the refuge of many minds throughout the ages, and in a more refined and subtle form is used to-day by the dis- tinguished author of " The Science and Philosophy of the Organism," to mask the hopelessness in his retreat from the firing line of experi- mental biology. It is the ugly function of final explanations, causes, elements, prin- ciples, in biology, to call a halt. Trust them and, like the genii of old, they whisk one swiftly out of the current of scientific thought. One ceases to ask questions that are amenable to objective tests. And science itself stagnates until such questions germinate again in the minds of men. From Aristotle to Caspar Friedrich Wolff extend two thousand years barren of inspiration. Harvey, the famous author of the " Exercitation on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals " ; Malpighi, his great Italian contemporary; and the indefatigable Dutchman, Swammerdam, had each made serviceable observations on the development of mam- mals, birds and insects, but had contributed no new ideas. By the MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 91 middle of the eighteenth century, there had still been no advance upon Aristotle, but there had developed a sharp contrast between two theories of development. On the one hand, Wolff supported the Aristotelian theory — now dubbed, since Harvey, epigenesis. On the other, Charles Bonnet, Albrecht von Haller and others elaborated its direct opposite in their theory of preformation. Again, in Wolff's restatement of it, epigenesis takes on a modern aspect. The parts follow each other in development, and each part is primarily an effect of another preceding part and thereupon becomes the cause of another part that succeeds it. This is essentially the modern doctrine that one stage of development is conditioned by the stage pre- ceding it as it conditions the stage that follows. It is crowded with suggestions ; that bear no fruit, however, for lack of knowledge, in Wolff's imagination. Just as Aristotle endowed the simple germ with control- ling potentialities that had no objective existence, Wolff achieved the same differentiation of the homogeneous germ by means of a vis essen- tialis, that sent him sailing also through the airy altitudes of final causation. Contrary to the belief of Wolff, Bonnet and Haller found it impos- sible, on philosophical grounds, to conceive the beginning of the parts of an individual. For them, the germ contained the whole preformed in every part. While Bonnet insisted that man's body was not made like a watch, of added parts, but existed from the beginning as a whole, Haller was emphasizing the absurdity of believing that such a compli- cated apparatus as the eye could be formed as the epigenesis of the day demanded, out of crude materials by mechanical forces. Malebranche brought forward the clever device of infinite divisibility to overcome the patent objection that ordinarily the parts, whether present or not in the germ, could not at first be seen. And Bonnet admitted the obvious qualification that the parts need not exist in just the same form in the germ as they possessed in the adult. For him they belonged in the germ to a sort of invisible meshwork. To this theory of development which sought to substitute for Aris- totelian entelechies and Wolffian essential forces the conception that differentiation merely consisted in the expansion, with a push here and a pull there, of a structurally preexisting whole, numerous objections arose both in logic and in objective fact. If an individual were pre- formed in the germ, all the offspring of that individual must be pre- formed in it also. Which meant that, encased in the body of Mother Eve, one within the other, were all the germs of all the individuals of possible future generations — a sufficiently grotesque result. Wolff him- self contributed one of the most telling facts against it when he described the formation of the tubular gut of the chick by the folding 92 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY up of a flat layer of tissue on the yolk. Obviously in this case the gut did not exist as such in the germ. It is unnecessary to multiply objections to this interesting bit of metaphysic. Both the epigenetic and the preformationist theories of the eighteenth century are dead and buried under the relentless logic of events. Essential forces and preformed miniatures, alike in their finality, were unable long to withhold the attention of naturalists from the more potent suggestions of a rapidly growing body of new obser- vations. With the discoveries that organisms are built up of morphologically equivalent protoplasmic units, or cells; that both egg and sperm are cells, also; that the nucleus, especially the chromatic substance, is the part of the cell chiefly if not wholly concerned with the inheritance of the individual and specific characters and their distribution in the developing organism; more than all, with the discovery of the essential nature of fertilization, new theories were devised to interpret the still puzzling problem of individual and specific differentiation. These, like their prototypes of the previous century, fall into two contrasting classes. Both of these classes of theories recognize that individual differentia- tion can not be interpreted without regard to race development. The germ from which the individual springs has history behind it, is com- posed, indeed, of two fragments of two preexisting individuals, the parents, who, in turn, sprang similarly from a previous generation. It is at once apparent that all modern theories of development must reckon with these facts ; which means that, however simple we may con- ceive a given germ to be, the probabilities are overwhelmingly opposed to the conception that it is homogeneous ; and they are equally in favor of the conception that it possesses from the start, in view of its relation to a preexisting parent, some degree of differentiation. In perfect accord with these requirements, modern epigenesis and modern preformation nevertheless exhibit characteristic differences. On the one hand, is the preformationist theory of determinants devised especially to explain the persistence, through many generations, of very trifling characters, such, for instance, as a small pit on a human ear, recognized as a family trait, or a spot on one surface of a butterfly's wing, or a lock of white hair on a particular area of an otherwise dark-haired head. Such characters appear to come and go without effecting in any way the other characters of the organism. TJiis independent variability is interpreted on the assumption of fundamental living units in the chromatin of the germ nucleus that represent and determine all the various characters of every individual. The germ chromatin is accord- ingly conceived to contain the determinants of all the heritable charac- ters; and these are further conceived to be so associated, that in the MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 93 course of development the determinants are parceled and reparceled by the repeated divisions of the nuclear chromatin, an element in the cleav- age process that, we have seen, is so striking a phenomenon in develop- ment. Differentiation thus depends not upon the literal expansion of a preexisting whole, but upon the distribution of the preformed deter- minants in the germ that have been inherited from preexisting indi- viduals. And this distribution takes place, by nuclear division, in such a way that the right determinant always finds itself ultimately in the right place, that is, in the same relative position that that sort of deter- minant occupied in the parent. The germ, then, is not only the abiding place of an enormous and complex assemblage of determinants, but these determinants are living morphological units. Not only that. They struggle for existence, according to the conception, just as organisms do. The basis of this struggle lies in inequalities in the food distribution in the germ, whereby some determinants will obtain less nourishment and weaken correspond- ingly, while others will obtain more nourishment and correspondingly strengthen. As the determinants in the germ, so the organs, the char- acters which they determine, vary. By means of this ingenious application of the theory of natural selection to the vital units of which living substance is composed, the determinant hypothesis obtains a theory of variation which at once dis- tinguishes it from the preformation theory of Bonnet. It goes still farther. Even the biophors vary — those ultimate vital units of which the determinants are the first aggregates. With this liberal provision for variation, the determinant hypothesis would appear to have approached very close to modern conceptions of epigenesis. Certain fundamental differences, however, still persist. Whatever the provision for variation in the germ, differentiation pro- ceeds, according to the determinant hypothesis, by the segregation of determinants already present in the germ; and these determinants are vital morphological units. According to the most advanced epigenetic theory, differentiation proceeds from a relatively simple germinal organi- zation, not by the segregation of hypothetical vital units, but by means of progressive changes of a physico-chemical nature. Just here appears the characteristic of the determinant hypothesis most significant for us. While the great inventor of the determinants finds it fundamentally necessary to assume a structure for living sub- stance that is based upon ultimate vital units that have individuality, grow and reproduce, various investigators are discovering no such neces- sity in the facts. What is necessary is a hypothesis that will work. One of the strongest objections to the determinant hypothesis is, that, paradoxically enough, the chief researches it has stimulated are those which have been guided by the assumption that it would not work. 94 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY One need not fail to appreciate its logical completeness, its symmetry, and the skill with which it has been defended, and yet one need not be blind to the fact that it has not been a stimulating guide for its friends. It has been conservative rather than progressive. Founded on a definite morphological conception of the ultimate constitution of living sub- stance, it has not adapted itself plastically to the rapidly changing con- ditions in biological science. The considerable amendment it has received in the last eighteen years has only made it so cumbersome and complex that it is now little more than a mere formulation of the facts it attempts to explain. Time will not permit us to explore thoroughly the mass of evidence on which this criticism has been based. While differentiation according to the determinant hypothesis assumes qualitative divisions of the chro- matin in the nucleus, numerous investigations have shown that at least five divisions of the egg in some animals may occur before there is any recognizable difference between the cells thus formed. Each of the first sixteen is competent to develop the entire adult structure. The only way to account for such a result in terms of morphological determi- nants is to assume that a complete outfit passes to each cell with each division of the nucleus, obviously a serious burden for the determinant hypothesis to bear. Further, among these phenomena of development which are conveniently investigated under the head of regeneration, similar difficulties have so constantly recurred, requiring similar as- sumptions of reserve determinants, that the theory has long since ceased to interest investigators in this field. It follows, rather than leads, investigation. Finally, in the field of heredity, just that characteristic of Mendelian inheritance — namely, the segregation of parental charac- ters in second generation bjbrids — which at first seemed to give the strongest support to the conception of a germ plasm composed of mor- phological determinants, has now been resolved far more satisfactorily, because more simply and workably, in terms of chemical substances. These cases lay emphasis upon the distinction between morphological and physiological conceptions that defines the essential difference be- tween modern preformation and modern epigenesis. Instead of a con- geries of morphological determinants, the epigenesist finds in the germ a problem in physical and chemical relations. He is interested in the dynamic aspects of development, in the energy transformations. He does not seek to construct a scheme of the ultimate organization of living substance, but he does seek to control its operations, to predict its behavior. In this new form, the problem of differentiation presents many interesting aspects and is being encouragingly developed. By way of illustration, recent investigations indicate that color differentiation is based essentially on a well-known chemical process, the oxidation, MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 95 namely, of a chromo-gen or color base in the presence of an oxidizing enzyme or oxidase. Tyrosin, for instance, a colorless chemical com- pound and a product of the decomposition of tissue proteids, can be oxidized, in the presence of the enzyme tyrosinase, through a series of colors : pink, red, deep brown to black, the color depending, other things equal, on the concentration of the enzyme and the duration of its activ- ity. Tyrosinase has been isolated from many organisms, and has been definitely connected with pigment formation in many cases. We are dealing here with known substances, not hypothetical vital units; with chemical processes that can be followed in the laboratory test tube. That an organism may develop a color characteristic of its parents, in the light of these facts which are representative of a considerable num- ber, it is only necessary that in the course of its development tyrosinase be formed under conditions that make a reaction with the tyrosin in the tissues possible. Local production of tyrosinase would lead to local coloration, to spotting or characteristic marking. The amount of tyro- sinase— that is, its concentration — in connection with local conditions that might favor or inhibit the reaction in varying degrees, would deter- mine the characteristic shade of color. It is impossible in the brief time at my disposal to consider the various complications of this type of problem. The difficulties are very great in the way of investigations which as yet have hardly begun. Enough may have been said, however, to indicate the direction of some of the most recent and most promising work. If color characters are dependent upon chemical reactions, other characters probably are also. In fact, recent work upon the old problem of the heritability of acquired characters has brought to light interesting chemical possibilities in inheritance, and lifted the incubus of presumption laid by Weismann upon the whole subject in the shape of the determinant hypothesis almost twenty years ago. Modern epigenesis recognizes an organized germ, more or less dif- ferentiated, but vastly simple in comparison with the preformed germ. That color may be produced at a given stage in the development of an organism, it is not necessary that the tyrosinase, upon which the forma- tion of the color may depend, should be present as such in the fertilized ovum. It is only necessary that the conditions for its ultimate produc- tion be present — relatively simple conditions, that bring about a series of reactions of the type known in physiological chemistry as autocatal- yses, in which one phase in the reaction determines the succeeding phase. Not only is this sort of conception more simple than the deter- minant hypothesis, but it is stimulating. It is workable. It leads to results that are sympathetic with the most advanced scientific work of the day. It is not a final explanation. It is an implement of research. 96 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY IV The problem of vitalism need be very briefly examined. Vitalism, if it means anything in biology, interprets life in terms of forces or agencies or processes that are not found in inorganic nature. Accord- ing to this definition, Aristotle was a vitalist when he conceived the development of the germ to be guided by the entelechies that determined specific and individual form in organisms. Wolff was a vitalist when he accounted for the differentiation of a homogeneous germ by the aid of a vis essentialis. Vital forces have long since lost their grip. They began to weaken when Wohler, in 1828, produced in the laboratory the compound urea, till then supposed to be formed only in the bodies of organisms. They broke into full retreat under the fire of calorimetric researches of the last century which demonstrated that oxidation was oxidation, whether it took place within or without the body, and that vital heat was as surely due to chemical reaction as the heat generated by the reaction between sulphuric acid and zinc. So Wolff's vitalism is dead. The Aristotelian vitalism, however, has a representative at the present day in the neo-vitalism of Driesch. The Aristotelian entelechy has been revamped and applied to the unex- plained residuum that has escaped Driesch's experimental analysis. It is interesting that Driesch was a metaphysician first, an experimental biologist second; and that after about fifteen years of unusual activity in this second role, he returned to his first love. In these fifteen years he developed what he has called three proofs of vitalism. But he has not succeeded in persuading many biologists to accept his criteria of demonstration. It is difficult to take seriously his conception of en- telechy, a non-substantial, non-energetic principle which yet is com- petent to control the developmental energies of the organism. It is but another final cause, an ultimate term in the analysis of the activities of organisms. And it has weakened Driesch's interest in biological research just as the formulation of final explanations has led to stagna- tion wherever we have met them along the line of biological inquiry. In contrast with Driesch, there is a large and eager group of experi- mental biologists who unite in deprecating his interest in entelechies and, undaunted by its enormous complexity, in investigating the organic mechanism in the hope of reducing more of it than he was able, to terms of physics and chemistry. How far they may go is not, from the standpoint of modern biology, a pertinent question. How they may keep moving is more to the point. To this end the Drieschian entelechy offers not the slightest suggestion of encouragement. V Three of the four problems to which attention was invited at the beginning of this paper have now been considered. If I have succeeded MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 97 in presenting intelligibly the actual development of modern ideas, it has been shown that science lias progressed, with respect to these prob- lems, by abandoning a faith in final causes for a faith in the hypotbesis that works, by draining off every stagnant suspicion of ultimateness in explanation, in the light of the conviction — the product of experience — that the ideas that serve us change with our knowledge of objective fact. I shall now attempt to show that this statement applies with equal force to the development of modern conceptions of adaptation in nature. The problem of adaption possesses a peculiar fascination for the imaginations of men. It inheres in every mechanism that meets a human end. Watches, beehives, steamships, reciprocating engines, foci- balls, blackboards, fountain pens and yellow paper — all are obviously fashioned toward ends. Why not that all-inclusive mechanism, the universe itself, and all that in it is? When Darwin came upon the field in 18-50, the widespread opposi- tion which evolution theories had already experienced lay intrenched behind an affirmative answer to this question. These were the works, first of all, that Darwin stormed with his "Origin of Species." The struggle did not center about the problem of species, though one may well gather a contrary impression from the familiar abbreviation of the title of that epoch-making book. It is in the sub-title — "the preserva- tion of favored races in the struggle for life" — that one discovers his real objective — a mechanical theory of adaptation in organic nature. It was just because the supporters of organic evolution had lacked such a theory that they had failed to impress, not only the thinking public; but most of their biological brethren. Darwin was not reviled as an atheist because he believed in evolution ; nor for that reason did he revo- lutionize the whole course of modern thought, it was because his; doctrine of natural selection menaced the traditional Hebraic concep- tion of the creation that he was anathematized by the standpatters of his generation. It was because he raised such a powerful presumption against all doctrines of design in organic nature that he was able effect- ively to substitute for doctrines of fixity and finality the fruitful con- ception of change, lie did destroy the doctrine of fixity of species. He did establish the doctrine of evolution in its place. But he did so by eliminating teleological theories from the list of useful hypotheses in science. The solution of the problem of adaptation is being sought with diminishing faith in teleological formularies. These are going the way of the other final explanations that have failed to fulfill in modern science the one prime requisite — active leadership. Since Darwin's time the attention of biologists has been shifting from those secondary adaptations which provide the material for natural selection, to the direct or primary adaptive responses of the organism to given condi- VOL LXXXU. — 7. 98 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tions. The phenomena of immunity, especially to bacterial poisons that are so conspicuous in modern medicine, are adaptations of this type. It is still too early to state with any certainty the exact nature of the processes involved in such cases. That they are physico-chemical processes of great complexity seems to be clear. In this respect they ally themselves with the well-known equilibrium reactions in chemistry, and the form changes that certain crystals undergo in response to changes in temperature. Here, in the inorganic world, are relatively simple analogues, at least, of the physiological processes that are asso- ciated with adaptation in organisms. It is significant of the present attitude toward problems of adaptation, that suggestions for their solu- tion are being thus eagerly sought among the facts of physics and chem- istry. VI Scientific truth, then, is not concerned with final solutions. Nothing perhaps has been more conspicuously characteristic of it, in this dis- cussion, than its incompleteness, than its plasticity, than its capacity for indefinite expansion, than its stimulating power. To my mind, this last is its crowning glory. We dwell in a world of hypotheses, and we estimate them according as they are more or less workable. To those hypotheses that approximate most closely to the demands of wide ranges of fact, we give the name of laws. It is obvious, however, that such laws nave varying degrees of certainty. Scientific truth is never absolutely certain, but there are always ways of determining what it may do. For one who seeks a basis of criticism for a contribution to science, three obvious tests may be applied. (1) It may contribute new facts; (2) it may contribute a formulation of old facts; (3) it may contribute a new idea that, in the presence of facts, may lead to a new point of departure for explorations into the unknown. If one were to apply these tests to what seem to me to be the two most significant developments in the philosophic thought of to-day, they might be said to fall, very roughly speaking, under the second and third categories. In the former might be placed the synthetic philosophy of Spencer, an avowedly scientific philosophy, whose essential problem was to formulate the known facts of science in term of principles of evolu- tion. This stupendous project, remarkable alike for the powers of its author and the wide range of his interests, ended in a system of philoso- phy, into which just enough metaphysics succeeded in creeping to justify the criticism that, in spite of all good intentions, he had not been able completely to disentangle himself from the habits of thought to which his critics were happily accustomed. In the third category may be placed that interesting application of MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT 99 the scientific method to problems of conduct which is known as prag- matism. Pragmatism distinguishes itself at once from the synthetic philoso- phy in that it is non-systematic. Instead of an interest in a formulated body of knowledge it appears to possess an insatiable desire to determine practical choices. Given a problem of conduct, the solution unknown; what shall be the line of action ? Here one perceives a strictly scientific situation that emphasizes the practical value of the hypothesis. The problem is to find a satisfactory path into a new region. And the an- swer that pragmatism gives is, trust to luck and your past experience. The truth, says James, is the hypothesis that will work. The truth, says Dewey, if I rightly apprehend him, is the hypothesis that you can work with. There is a suggestion of permanency, of stability, of future significance in the latter phrase that makes it, to my mind, more felici- tous. But I do not care to dwell upon that point. What comes closer to my purpose is to point out that here is no faith in final causes, here is no suspicion even of that innocuous phantom, the unknowable. Here is no. distinction between science and philosophy — if indeed pragmatists are philosophers, in spite of the fact that, in one form or other, they fill several of the chairs of philosophy now in our universities. Here is a faith that facts will tell their tale — will inevitably condition the move- ment of ideas, that one's imagination content is derivable from one's effective experience. Here is a philosophy that is working a transfor- mation on the thought of the day. How? By abandoning the search for lofty peaks of final causation, from which to triangulate the uni- verse according to logical necessity ; by emphasizing ideas that shall not only square with the facts as we find them, but shall create others. Such I conceive to be the most significant effects of modern scientific thought upon philosophy. They are characteristic tendencies of the present day. How one may evaluate them, however, is a problem which, for the purposes of this discussion, I have already promised to avoid. THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE IOI THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE THE CLEVELAND MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOB THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE The sixty-fourth meeting of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, and the eleventh of the "convocation week" meetings, will be held in Cleveland from December 30 to January 4. Between twenty -five and thirty national scientific societies meet during the same week in affiliation with the association. These include the American Society of Naturalists and the societies devoted to anatomy, an- thropology, astronomy, biological chem- istry, botany, entomology, horticulture, mathematics, physics, physiology, psy- chology and zoology. There will conse- quently be a large gathering of scien- tific men at Cleveland and the tradition of convocation week will be worthily maintained. The geologists meet at New Haven and the bacteriologists in New York, and the chemists have decided to meet hereafter in the spring and autumn instead of in the summer and winter. This change has been made by the chemists owing to the fact that those engaged in industrial work find the end of the year an inconvenient period and interiok of the aliasa stone memorial c'hapel of Western Reserve University. 102 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY are besides not concerned with academic holidays. Similar conditions have led the engineers to meet apart from the American Association, and the societies devoted to economics, history, philology and other sciences which have been called "unnatural" and "inexact" meet separately. The convocation week meetings have consequently never fully represented the whole weight of science in America, and it is probably unde- sirable that they should attempt to do so every year. Such a gathering can only be held in one of the great cities, and there are advantages in small meet- ings as well as in a large congress. It would, however, be an admirable plan if once in five years all organizations concerned with research, higher educa- tion and the applications of knowledge could come together in order to demon- strate to themselves and to the world the great part that science plays in modern civilization. Cleveland is perhaps the most central city in the United States for a scientific meeting. It is north and east of the center of population, but very close to the center of scientific population. A radius of 500 miles may include nine tenths of the scientific men of the coun- try. The city has good hotel accommo- dations and, what is even more impor- tant, institutions which offer excellent places for the sessions and themselves add an attraction to the meeting. The adjacent main buildings of the West- ern Reserve University and the Case School of Applied Science are shown in the accompanying illustration. West- ern Reserve College opened in Hudson in 1827 and removed to Cleveland in 1882. As Western Reserve University since 1804, it has enjoyed a prosperous history, to the original Adelbert College there having been added a college for women and a graduate school, and in addition to professional schools of medicine and law, there are a dental school, a school of pharmacy and a library school. The medical school is one of the strongest in the country. having ten years ago adopted the re- quirement of three years of college work for entrance and having an en- dowment of one and a half million dol- lars, two thirds of which has been re- cently obtained. What is of even more consequence, it has on its faculty men of high distinction both in the scien- tific and clinical departments. The Case School of Applied Science in like manner takes a leading position among our technical schools. It enjoys an educational affiliation with Western Reserve University by which students may complete their course by taking the first three years at the university and the last two years at the technical school. It will be a pleasure to physi- cists and chemists to meet in the labo- ratory named in honor of Professor Edward W. Morley, for many years professor in the university, a past president of the American Association and one of the most active of its sup- porters. There are other personal asso- ciations with the meeting in the fact that the vice-president of the section of mechanical science and engineering, Dr. Charles S. Howe, is president of the Case School, and Professor George T. Ladd, vice-president for the section of anthropology and psychology, is a graduate of Western Reserve Univer- sity and has been a lecturer there. The other vice-presidents of the association and the presidents of the affiliated so- cieties will give addresses of general interest, and there will be a number of discussions and general meetings that will bring together men of science working in different departments and should be attractive to those who are not professionally engaged in scientific work. The president of the association, Professor Charles E. Bessey, of the University of Nebraska, has chosen as the subject of his address "Some of the Next Steps in Botanical Science." At the opening session he will intro- duce the president of the meeting, Dr. Edward C. Pickering, director of Har- vard College Observatory. THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 103 .. Ml u 1 IMS;' ill M* ill : ':sl wi .-el. a 1 1 w ■ 1 ffii 0> r'A -*! mjaJHW j§ HI IS ► ?* ■ - "%\ The Morley Laboratory of Western Reserve University. T-ff.E S PEE AD OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS In an article by Mr. Charles T. Brues, of the Bussey Institution of Harvard University, on insects as agents in the spread of disease, pub- lished in the last issue of the Monthly, a footnote was added to the effect that since the article had been written ex- periments with monkeys by the author and Dr. Eosenau showed that infantile paralysis, poliomyelitis, can be trans- mitted from one monkey to another by the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. A brief account of the experiments was presented before the International Con- gress on Hygiene and Demography in September and has been printed in the Monthly Bulletin of the Massachusetts State Board of Health. Monkeys were infected by injecting virus from man into the central nervous system, and large numbers of stable flies were permitted to bite them. Tablet in the Morley Laboratory. io4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Twelve healthy monkeys were then ex- posed to the bites of the same flies. Six of them contracted the disease and of these three died from it. The au- thors state that they would like to emphasize the fact that this does not appear to be simply a mechanical transference, but rather a biological one, requiring a period of extrinsic in- cubation in the intermediate host. Details are, however, lacking concern ing the period of incubation and the precautions used to avoid passive con- tamination. Dr. Flexner had in one ease obtained infection by a filtrate from bedbugs which had fed on the blood of inoculated monkeys. The preponderance of infantile pa- ralysis in August, September and Oc- tober, its prevalence in rural districts and its failure to spread in schools, asylums and the like, suggest an insect carrier, and the fact that the virus is a filterable parasite, invisible with the microscope, suggests an analogy with yellow fever and dengue known to be inoculated by mosquitoes. Dr. Flexner and his fellow workers at the Rocke- feller Institute have, however, adduced strong experimental evidence that the mucous membrane of the nose is the site both of egress and ingress of the virus. While the problem in the case of infantile paralysis is not yet com- pletely solved we may take satisfaction in the progress made by experimental methods in discovering the causes and preventing the occurrence of many of the most terrible diseases. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS We record with regret the death of Sir George Howard Darwin, Plumian professor of astronomy and experi- mental philosophy at Cambridge Uni- versity; of Dr. Elie de Cyon, formerly professor at the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg and the author of important contributions to physiology; of Dr. Oliver Clinton Wendell, assistant professor of astronomy in Harvard University; of Eben Jeuks Loomis, for a half century in the Nautical Almanac Office; and of Edwin Smith, connected with the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey since 1870, known especially for his work on determinations of the force of gravity. The Royal Society has awarded its medals as follows: a Royal medal to Professor William Mitchinson Hicks, F.R.S., for his researches in mathemat- ical physics and investigations on the theory of spectroscopy; a Royal medal to Professor Grafton Elliot Smith, F.R.S., for his researches on the com- parative anatomy of the brain; the Copley medal to Professor Felix Klein, of Gottingen, For.Mem.R.S., for his researches in mathematics; the Rum- ford medal to Professor Heike Kamer- lingh Onnes, of Leyden, for his re- searches at low temperatures; the Davy medal to Professor Otto Wallach, of GOttingen, for his researches on the chemistry of the essential oils and the cyclo-olefines; the Darwin medal to Dr. Francis Darwin, F.R.S., for his work in conjunction with Charles Dar- win, and for his researches in vegetable physiology; the Hughes medal to Mr. William Duddell, F.R.S., for his in- vestigations in technical electricity; the Buchanan medal to Colonel William C. Gorgas, of the United States Army, for his sanitary administration of the works of the Panama Canal. By the will of the late Morris Loeb, ' formerly professor of chemistry in New York University, large sums are left to scientific, educational and charitable institutions, mainly subject to the life interest of Mrs. Loeb. Harvard Uni- versity will receive $500,000 for th:3 advancement of physics and chemistry; $25,000 is given to the American Chem- ical Society for a museum and $2,500 to the National Academy of Sciences. Part of the residuary estate goes to the Smithsonian Institution and to the American Museum of Natural History. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. FEBRUARY, 1913 THE GEOLOGIC HISTOKY OF CHINA AND ITS INFLUENCE UPON THE CHINESE PEOPLE By Professor ELIOT BLACKWELDER UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN THE Chinese empire includes an area larger than the United States with the addition of Alaska and our insular possessions. A large part of this vast area, however, is made up of dependencies which are but loosely joined to China proper, and are not essential to its integrity. She has lost and regained these dependencies from time to time in the past, and the same process may continue. The accompanying map will serve to show the relation of these component parts of the empire to each other and to surrounding countries. Divested of its outlying possessions, China consists of eighteen Fig. 1. Sketch Map of China, showing its outlying dependencies and its relations to other countries. io6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY provinces, which may be compared in a general way to our states. The provinces are, however, generally larger than the states and on the whole much more populous. There is still greater dissimilarity in gov- ernment because, whereas our states are representative democracies, the Chinese provinces were, at least until within a year or two, satrapies ruled absolutely by imperial governors or viceroys. Not a few people in America picture China as a vast fertile plain, perhaps like the upper Mississippi valley, densely populated and in- tensively cultivated. In fact, however, it is so generally mountainous, that less than one tenth of its surface is even moderately flat. On the west, especially, it is ribbed with cordilleras from which its two great rivers, the Yang-tze-Kiang and the Huang-ho flow eastward to the Pacific. south-wcst NORTH-CAST PRE-CAflBRIAN ^^^M^mmimimmM CARBONIFEROUS CRETACEOUS- EOCENE MIOCENE SltCHUAN Air* SltCHUAH BA%IN CLNTAAl RAHGIS SHAVSI PtfiTEAUS HUANG-HO PLAIN SHANTUNG MTS PRESENT Fig. 2. Diagrams to illustrate Geological Conditions in China at Different Periods in its History. The features are necessarily much generalized and in part hypothetical. THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA 107 Fig. 3. Relief Map, showing in the enclosed part how the Yellow River, by its frequent changes of course, has spread over all parts of its vast alluvial fan. In addition to this diversity of surface there is also much variety of climate. In the northwest the conditions are dry and severe like those of Montana and central Wyoming; while in the southeast they are humid and sub-tropical, approaching those of the Philippine Is- lands. Such are the extremes. • It is a fact well known to geologists that continents, and therefore countries, have not always existed in their present state, but that they have been built as a result of successive events and changes of condi- tions. If we were to dig beneath the surface in any part of China, we should find first one stratum and then another, and we should see also that these strata have been bent, cracked and otherwise disturbed. Some of these structures are old and some young. It would be somewhat like excavating in an ancient city, where one house or temple has been built upon the ruins of its predecessor, and each affords a crude record of its time. The geologic structure of such a country as China has been de- io8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY J£^~£z~"'% ■ *f-' Fig. 4. Low Isolated Mountain Geoup in Northeastern China. Pig. 5. Two Farmers Raising Water from the Grand Canal into the Head of an Irrigating Ditch by means of a Wicker Basket slung between them. Fig. 6. A wide River Plain among the Mountains of Shan-tung. The bridge of stone slabs across the sand- laden river is part of the principal wheel-barrow road of the valley. Fig. 7. A Typical City Wall, with Gate Tower. termined largely by the rocks of which it consists, partly by the climate to which it has been subject, but chiefly by the geologic events which have occurred during its history. Of course the beginnings of that his- tory are unknown, just as the human history of China shades into darkness when we attempt to trace it back into the remote ages. But the present features of the land are chiefly due to the later events in its life, and these have been partly worked out by the geologists who have explored its surface. "We may take as a convenient starting point for our interpretation a time far back in geologic chronology1 when China was a land surface which had been exposed to erosion so long that nearly all the hills and mountains that may have existed there before had been worn away, leaving a relatively flat plain with groups of low hills here and there. The rocks beneath this plain were of various kinds, most of them highly folded. Eventually this surface was submerged beneath a compara- tively shallow inland sea, and although the uneasy movements of the earth's body caused the sea bottom to emerge occasionally, it remained below the water nearly all through the geologic periods which consti- tute the Paleozoic era. By the end of that time we may picture China as a shallow sea bottom rising very gradually to a marshy coastal plain on the east. During the long intervening ages the accumulation of sedi- ments upon the sea bottom had formed successive layers of limestone, 1 Just before the Cambrian period. 2 Jurassic period. THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA 109 shale, and sandstone, which eventually reached a thickness of 5,000- 10,000 feet. This condition did not hold without end, for eventually2 strong compressive forces, engendered in the underlying body of the earth, squeezed the superficial rocks into folds, and thus bulged the surface high above sea level in the region so affected. By the prompt attack of streams, winds, glaciers, and the other agencies which are incessantly sculpturing the surface of the earth, these elevated districts were, even while rising, carved into rugged mountains and deep valleys, so that the original folds were greatly disfigured even before the compressive forces ceased to operate. It is a fact generally recognized among geologists, that in terms of geologic time such episodes of compression and folding are short-lived. They are soon followed by much longer periods during which the in- ternal forces of the earth are quiescent, but in which the erosive agen- cies have free play. If any land remains indefinitely above sea level, and is not disturbed by movements from below, the mountains and hills will eventually be worn away and there will be left only a broad almost featureless plain. It is believed that China, in consequence of such a period of quiescence,3 was reduced to a lowland from which almost all of the preexisting mountains had been removed. In this condition it probably remained for more than one geologic period, and the western part may even have been submerged beneath the sea which at that time Fig. 8. Heavily Loaded Freight Fig. 10. Freight Wheel-barrows Wheel-barrows with Mules for Mo- rigged to take Advantage of a Favob- tive Power. able Wind. Fig. 9. A Typical Passenger Cart. Fig. 11. A Medium-sized House- boat USED ON THE YANG-TZE-KIANG AND its Tributaries. 3 Cretaceous and Eocene periods. no THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 12. Soil Reservoirs on a Hillside in the Loess Country. covered northern India and part of Thibet. In that sea were deposited the thick beds of limestone which are now found in some of the west- ern mountain ridges. Again in the Miocene period, the forces of distortion within the earth accumulated to such strength that they were able to repeat the mashing and folding, but this time the area affected lay farther to the west and south. At the same time, or perhaps earlier, the eastern part of China was cracked in various directions ; and the intervening blocks, settling somewhat unevenly upon their bases, left a group of escarp- ments and depressions comparable to those now to be found in western Nevada and southern Oregon. As before, the work of erosion and the leveling of the surface was at once accelerated, so that even before the deformation had spent itself the blocks were deeply scarred. It is un- certain how far this period of erosion succeeded in reducing China to base-level. The consummation may have been prevented by gentle warpings of the surface, rising very slowly here and sinking there. When compared with the great breadth of the areas affected, these changes of level seem very slight, but they are nevertheless sufficient to cause great changes in the aspect of the country. It is one of the basal principles of physiography that streams tend to produce in their channels an almost uniform slope from their head- waters to the sea. If any part of the channel is so flat that the stream is too sluggish to carry sediment, it is built up until it reaches the re- THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA hi quired gradient; and on the other hand, if any part has too steep a declivity, it is gradually worn down to the proper slope. In conse- quence of this law, the parts of China which were slightly bulged above their original level were re-attacked by the branching systems of rivers with renewed vigor. By carving out the softer rocks, these have made deep valleys with intervening mountain ranges. Some of the larger rivers, such as the Yang-tze-kiang, maintained their courses in spite of the slow uplifts directly athwart their courses. A result is the magnifi- cent series of gorges along the central Yang-tze where the great river has sawed its way through a slowly rising mass of hard complexly folded rocks. On the other hand, the broad areas which were depressed not only below the general level of stream action, but below sea-level, were rap- idly filled with sand, loam and clay washed down out of the adjacent mountains by the streams. The process of filling the depressions is the exact complement of the process of etching out the highlands. No doubt the rivers have been able in large measure to keep pace with the sinking movement of the ground, so that great rivers like the Huang-ho may have maintained perfectly graded courses across the region of depression from the mountains to the sea. While thus engaged in building up its channel, the river in time of flood frequently breaks through its low banks, shifts its channel, and then begins to fill up a Fig. 13. Mountain Slopes in Northwestern China, terraced to prevent the erosion of the loess. I 12 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY new and hitherto lower part of its surroundings. By the long contin- uance of this process of repeated shiftings and fillings, the great eastern plain of China and many smaller plains have been produced. It is here, where the population is densest and the rivers least confined, that the devastation by floods and their attendant famines is greatest. By this succession of events the surface of China is believed to have reached its modern . condition. We may now consider it piece- meal and see how the existing geologic conditions, which are the re- sult of this long series of past changes, influence the habits, occupations and even mental traits of the people. Because space is limited and also because I have not seen all the physiographic divisions of China, it will not be possible for me, even briefly, to describe each of them. A few are therefore selected to show the range of variety of the whole. Fig. 14. Cave Houses in the Loess, faced with stone. Fig. 15. Men and Donkeys carry- ing Coal from the Mines in Shansi. Fig. 16. A Pack Train of Donkeys, on the Imperial Highway over the Loess Plateau. Fig. 17. A Roadside Village and small Fields at the Bottom of the Mountain Valley. The mountains of northeastern China, typified by the province of Shantung, are unlike those of the rest of the country in several respects. Although the individual peaks are often sharp and rocky, they are gen- erally separated by wide, flat-bottomed valleys. The process of erosion has here gone so far that the rivers have already carried away most of the land, leaving only isolated groups of low mountains. The broad valleys accommodate a relatively large number of people, who congre- gate in the villages dotting the intermontane plains. In contrast with most mountainous regions, travel between the different valleys is com- paratively easy here, because many of the passes are but little higher than the plains themselves and constitute scarcely any obstacle to prog- THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA 113 ress. Roads are plentiful, and so the cart and the wheel-barrow are the principal vehicles for through traffic. This is one of the few parts of China where boats can be but little used. The streams are shallow and full of sand bars, and on account of the pronounced wet and dry seasons many of them are intermittent. For these reasons the majority of them are not navigable. The deeply eroded land of Shan-tung has, however, suffered a relatively recent Fig. 18. A Roadway sunk deep into the Loess by Centuries of Travel. movement — apparently a sinking of the land — which has allowed the ocean to penetrate the mouths of many of the coastal valleys. This marginal drowning has produced some excellent harbors — such as that of Chee-fu, the great silk port, and Tsing-tau, the German stronghold. On the west, and encircling the Shantung hills, lies the great plain of the Huang-ho or Yellow Eiver, which will serve as the type of many much smaller plains in various parts of China. As explained before, this vast gently sloping plain has been built by the Yellow River and some of its tributaries in an effort to preserve a uniform gradient across H4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 19. A two-man Wheel-barrow carrying a merchant and his stock of Goods. Fig. 20. A River Junk. Fig. 21. A Friendly Crowd in an Inland Town. Fig. 22. Mongolian Camels in Northwestern China. Fig. 23. Irrigating with Water pumped from a well. Fig. 24. A Sedan Chair swung be- tween two Mules. Fig. 25. Getting his Initiation into Farming, with Grub-hook and Basket. Fig. 26. Coolies Fording a Moun- tain River. the sunken portion of eastern China. Like the lower Mississippi and all other rivers which are building up rather than cutting down their beds, the Huang-ho is subject to frequent floods and occasional sniff- ings of its channel. Its course between the mountains and the sea has thus been changed more than fifteen times in the last 3,000 years. THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA 115 In these incessant shiftings, the river has strewn all over an enormous area, 500 miles from north to south by 300 miles from east to west, layer after layer of fine yellow loam or silt; the very name "Yellow Eiver," which is a translation of the Chinese " Hwang-ho," suggests the close resemblance to our own mud-laden Missouri. Almost every square foot of this vast alluvial fan is of course underlain by a deep and fertile soil and is intensively cultivated by the industrious Chinese inhab- itants. One sees no large fields of grain, such as those on our Dakota prairies, but instead, thousands of small truck gardens belonging to the inhabitants of the hundreds of little mud-walled villages with which the plain is dotted. The ever-present town walls have doubtless been built because the inhabitants have no natural refuges, as their moun- tain cousins have, and their very accessibility has made them in the past the frequent prey of Mongol and Tartar invaders, or of rebels and rioters from within their own country. Since the water supply of the plain is not lavish, but little rice is grown there. The dry-land grains, and such vegetables as cabbages and potatoes, are the staple crops. The small gardens are sparingly irri- gated, however, in times of drought, by water taken from the canals or wells with the help of various types of crude pumps, operated by men or by donkeys. In this densely populated alluvial plain there is practically no pas- turage and no woodland. From the very nature of the plain it could not yield coal, which is always associated with the solid rocks. To bring fuel, as we do, from distant parts of the country is impossibly ex- pensive for the Chinese, without an adequate railroad system, and that is still a thing of the future. When the harvest has been gathered in the autumn, the village children are therefore sent out to gather up every scrap of straw or stubble that can be used either for fodder or for fuel. The fields thus left perfectly bare in the dry winter season af- ford an unlimited supply of fine dust to every wind that blows. This is doubtless the explanation of the disagreeable winter dust-storms with which every foreigner who has lived in northern China is only too familiar. Although carts and wheel-barrows are much used on the Huang-ho plain, their traffic is chiefly local. That may be due in part to the fact that the numerous wide and shifty rivers are difficult to bridge, while ferrying is relatively expensive. Another, and perhaps more important, reason is that the rivers, and particularly their old abandoned courses, afford natural waterways which are available nearly everywhere. By taking advantage of these, or by deepening them, and in some places by actually digging canals through the soft material of the plain, the Chinese have put together the wonderful system of interlaced canals for which they have been renowned since Europeans first visited them. n6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 27. A Valley in the Tsin-ling Mountains op Central China. Small cultivated fields may be seen on benches high above the river. THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA 117 The thousands of junks which ply these waterways maintain a volume of inland commerce, which is inferior only to that of the great railroad countries, such as the United States. The relative freedom of com- munication in this great plain of the Yellow Eiver has helped to bring about a greater homogeneity in the people than in any other equally large part of China. Here we find a single dialect in use over the en- tire region, whereas in some parts of southern China the natives of even adjacent valleys speak languages almost unintelligible to each other. The other common effects of isolation, such as the lack of ac- quaintance with the customs of outside peoples, the hatred of foreign- ers, the peculiar local usages, and many other things, are less promi- nent here than in other parts of the empire. Excepting the coastal cities, there is no safer part of China for foreigners to travel through. West and northwest of the Yellow Eiver plain lie the more rugged plateaus and mountains of northwest China, with their sub-arid climate presaging the approach to the deserts of Mongolia. Over much of this region the ancient limestones and sandstones are still horizontal or are gently folded, with occasional dislocations along faults. On ac- count of the comparatively recent uplift and differential warping which this part of China has suffered, the streams have been greatly accel- erated in their work, so that they have hollowed out canyons in the raised portions and have filled in the depressed basins with sand and silt. This is the region celebrated among geologists on account of the loess, or yellow earth, which lines the basins and mantles the hillsides everywhere. It is believed that this is very largely a deposit of wind- blown dust, although it has been worked over considerably by the streams from time to time. No doubt Baron von Eichthofen, the dis- tinguished German explorer, was near the truth when he concluded more than forty years ago, that the " yellow earth " was the dust of the central Asian deserts carried into China by the northwest winds. The presence of the loess determines, in large measure, the mode of living adopted by the inhabitants. Because of its fertility and moisture-con- serving properties, it is well adapted to dry farming, and there is little water for irrigation. The Chinese are not content with using the level bottom lands, but successfully cultivate the hillsides wherever a de- posit of the loess remains. In order to prevent the soil from washing off from these steep slopes, they build a series of stone walls, thus form- ing soil reservoirs or terraces. In this way nearly all of the soil is utilized. In such a country rivers are not numerous and those which exist have many rapids and shoals. Boats are therefore but little used in northwest China. For both passenger and freight traffic, pack animals or rude vehicles are the chief reliance. For passengers there are also the palanquin or sedan-chair and the mule-litter. Where the country is not too rough, the two-wheeled cart is the usual conveyance for mer- n8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 28. Coolies carrying Freight along a Mountain Trail which has been partly washed out by a turbulent stream. chandise. Over the mountain passes, however, and in many of the smaller valleys, roads are so narrow that carts can not be used, and so here pack animals, particularly horses and mules, are substituted. The traveler in this part of China is often reminded of his proximity to Mongolia by the frequent sight of camels. They are nevertheless not indigenous beasts of burden and the inhabitants themselves do not use them. In consequence of the swampy state which prevailed in this part of China far back in the Carboniferous period, thick deposits of coal were formed. These are now exposed in the deep valley slopes between beds of limestone and sandstone, and the circumstance has made Shansi province the principal coal-producing district of China. The coal is mined by very primitive methods and as there is still no adequate system of railroads in this or any other part of the empire, the product can be transported only in carts or on pack animals. Either of these modes of carriage is so expensive that it becomes unprofitable to trans- port the coal more than 60 to 100 miles from the mine, and so the denizens of a great part of northern China, where fuel is scarce and the winters are severe, are no more able to obtain it than as if the United States contained the only coal fields in the world. The advantages that will accrue from the building of railroads in northern China are many, but one of the greatest will be the wide distribution of this essential fuel. THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA. 119 In going, south by west from the plateau country, one enters a re- gion of warmer climate and more generous rainfall, which, for want of a more distinctive name, I have called the Central Ranges. This is the part of China which was particularly affected by the rock-folding move- ments of the Jurassic period, and which in a much more recent time has been reelevated and therefore newly attacked by the streams and other erosive agencies. Broadly regarded, it is a complex of sharp mountain ridges and spurs with narrow intervening valleys. The ridges are not so high, however, but that they are clad with vegetation, and the scenery is therefore not alpine. The surface is nevertheless very rugged and its internal relief averages at least 3,000 feet. The rough- est parts of our Carolinas resemble it in a measure. In such a region obviously, there is no room for a dense population. Wherever there is a little widening of the bottom of the valley, there is a farm or oc- casionally a small village; and even the scattered benches high up the mountain sides are reached by steep trails and diligently cultivated. But even when all of these are combined, the total area of land under settlement is relatively small. In this region there are no railroads whatever, and although wagon roads could be built in some places, they would be expensive, and the Chinese have not yet attempted to make them. All travel and com- :..«j%r_~:.- V. --■->-_»; Fig. 29. River Skiffs in one of the Limestone Gorges of the Central Ranges. a V w N m o tn M « O « h a « o vx M o w O O CO 6 M fa THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA 121 merce, therefore, depend on the agency of pack animals or coolies, and the roads they follow are mere trails winding around the steep moun- tain sides or threading the bottoms of narrow valleys, where swift streams must be forded at frequent intervals. Under such circum- stances it is evident that there can be but little effective traffic. Only comparatively light and expensive articles can be transported long dis- tances. Around the edges of the mountain mass where the populous cities of the adjoining plains can be reached with one or two days' travel, there has been for centuries an important trade in lumber. The moun- tains have now been so largely deforested, however, that it is necessary to go farther and farther back into the heads of the valleys to find large trees. Hence, only the more expensive kinds of lumber such as coffin boards — which are absolutely indispensable, even to the poorer classes, — can profitably be brought out. These are often carried for 20 or 30 miles on the backs of coolies — a costly mode of transportation. The smaller trees and brush the mountaineers convert into charcoal, which they carry on their own backs down to the towns along the foothills. Lack of transportation facilities is doubtless the chief reason why the opium poppy has in the past been widely cultivated in this part of China, although the practise has lately been prohibited by the govern- ment. The advantage in poppy culture was that it could be carried on in small scattered fields and the product was so valuable for unit of weight that it would pay for long-distance transportation across the mountains. The inhabitants of the region themselves were not, how- ever, generally addicted to the use of the drug. The rainfall of the central mountain region is sufficient to supply the many springs and tributary brooks of which the people have made use in irrigation. The mildness of the climate here permits the growing of rice, and by terracing the hillsides they are able to make a succession of narrow curved basins in which the aquatic crop may be grown. For the cultivation of rice it is necessary that the fields be com- pletely submerged during part of the season, and so there must be a plentiful supply of water. On the larger rivers such as the Han and the Yang-tze, and their chief tributaries, boats are successfully used. In fact, the Chinese river boatmen are so skilful in the handling of their high-prowed skiffs, that they navigate canyons full of rapids which most of us would con- sider too dangerous to attempt. The descent of one of these rivers is an easy although exciting experience. The return trip, however, is slow and laborious, for the boats must be dragged upstream by coolies har- nessed to a long bamboo rope, which has the advantage of being very light as well as strong. In the many places where the river banks are so precipitous that it is impossible to walk along them, it becomes neces- VOL. LXXXII. — 9. 122 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 31. A Valley in the Central Ranges. In the foreground are a series of terraced rice fields now filled with water. sary for the boatmen to pole around the cliff or to zigzag from one side of the river to the other to take advantage of every foothold. Through the central part of this mountain uplift, the great Yang-tze River, which in its lower course readily accommodates large ocean- going vessels, has carved a succession of superb gorges. In many places the gray limestone walls rise from 3,000 to 4,000 feet above the river, and the stream is compressed into less than a tenth of its usual width. Difficult and dangerous as are these canyons, beset with rapids and whirlpools, they afford the only ready means of communication between eastern China and the fertile basin of Sze-chuan, which lies west of the Central Eanges. Without the highway of the Yang-tze, this great province, four times as large as Illinois and with more people than all of our states east of the Mississippi Eiver, would be unable to export its many rich products or to enjoy the commerce of outside provinces and nations. It has been effectually barred off from India and Burma by the succes- sion of high ranges and deep canyons which appear to be due primarily to the great epoch of folding in the Miocene period. Sze-chuan is a broad basin which has never been depressed low enough to force the streams to level its bottom with alluvial deposits, as in the Yellow Eiver plain to the east; nor does it seem to have been elevated into a high plateau which would have been carved by many streams into a THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF CHINA 123 rugged mountain country. The soft red sandstone beds which underlie it have therefore been sculptured into a network of valleys with inter- vening red hills or buttes. With a climate as mild and moist as that of Alabama, and a diversified topography, there is opportunity for many industries, and for the cultivation of a great variety of crops. Sze-chuan leads all the provinces in the exportation of silk. Here grow the lacquer and oil nut trees and a wide range of field and garden fruits, grains and vegetables. Ample water for irrigation and espe- cially for rice-culture is supplied by the many perennial streams which descend from the encircling mountains. These uplifted and now mountainous tracts have also served as a barrier to invaders from all directions, so that this has been less subject to wars than almost any other part of China, and hence has been more stable in development. Its inhabitants are among the most substantial and progressive com- ponents of the Chinese nation. We now come to the last of the geologic divisions which were laid out for consideration. From the Sze-chuan basin southwest to the Fig. 32. One of the great Limestone Gorges through which the Yang-tze-kiang pierces the Central Ranges. i24 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY confines of India there extends a series of high mountain ranges sepa- rated by deep and narrow valleys, all trending in a south or south- easterly direction. Although not so high above sea-level as the moun- tains north and south of Thibet, these ranges are an even more effective barrier to travel because they are so continuous and the relief is so great. Not only is there no waterway, but there are no wagon roads, and the building of a railroad would be a stupendous and expensive engineering task. Such a road would necessarily involve the making of a succession of long bridges and tunnels. Here, as in the Central Eanges, settlements are limited to the rare open spots in the bottoms of valleys, and so the population is sparse indeed. The total commerce is very small in volume, because goods must be carried almost entirely on the backs of coolies. The rugged characteristics of the region are evidently the direct result of the recency of the compressive movement which produced the tremendous mountain folds, and perhaps are still more due to the renewed uplifts which have permitted the streams to continue the carving of their deep gorges. This part of China is geo- logically very young, and to quote the words of the distinguished old geologist of California, Joseph LeConte, " the wildness of youth (here) has not yet been tempered by the mellowness of age." FRENCH GEODESY 125 FEENCH GEODESY By the late HENRI POINCARE Translated by GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED \j\ VEEY one understands our interest in knowing the form and di- -L^ mensions of our earth; but some persons will perhaps be sur- prised at the exactitude sought after. Is this a useless luxury? What good are the efforts so expended by the geodesist? Should this question be put to a congressman, I suppose he would say : "I am led to believe that geodesy is one of the most useful of the sciences ; because it is one of those costing us most dear." I shall try to give you an answer a little more precise. The great works of art, those of peace as well as those of war, are not to be undertaken without long studies which save much groping, miscalculation and useless expense. These studies can only be based upon a good map. But a map will be only a valueless phantasy if con- structed without basing it upon a solid framework. As well make stand a human body minus the skeleton. Now, this framework is given us by geodesic measurements ; so, with- out geodesy, no good map ; without a good map, no great public works. These reasons will doubtless suffice to justify much expense; but these are arguments for practical men. It is not upon these that it is proper to insist here ; there are others higher and, everything considered, more important. So we shall put the question otherwise : can geodesy aid us the better to know nature? Does it make us understand its unity and harmony? In reality an isolated fact is of slight value, and the conquests of sci- ence are precious only if they prepare for new conquests. If therefore a little hump were discovered on the terrestrial ellipsoid, this discovery would be by itself of no great interest. On the other hand, it would become precious if, in seeking the cause of this hump, we hoped to penetrate new secrets. Well, when, in the eighteenth century, Maupertuis and La Conda- mine braved such opposite climates, it was not solely to learn the shape of our planet, it was a question of the whole world-system. If the earth was flattened, Newton triumphed and with him the doc- trine of gravitation and the whole modern celestial mechanics. And to-day, a century and a half after the victory of the Newton- ians, think you geodesy has nothing more to teach us? We know not what is within our globe. The shafts of mines and borings have let us know a layer of 1 or 2 kilometers thickness, that is to say, the millionth part of the total mass ; but what is beneath ? 126 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Of all the extraordinary journeys dreamed by Jules Verne, perhaps that to the center of the earth took us to regions least explored. But these deep-lying rocks we can not reach exercise from afar their attraction which operates upon the pendulum and deforms the terrestrial spheroid. Geodesy can therefore weigh them from afar, so to speak, and tell us of their distribution. Thus will it make us really see those mysterious regions which Jules Verne only showed us in imag- ination. This is not an empty illusion. M. Faye, comparing all the measure- ments, has reached a result well calculated to surprise us. Under the oceans, in the depths, are rocks of very great density ; under the conti- nents, on the contrary, are empty spaces. New observations will modify perhaps the details of these conclu- sions. In any case, our venerated dean has shown us where to search and what the geodesist may teach the geologist, desirous of knowing the interior constitution of the earth, and even the thinker wishing to spec- ulate upon the past and the origin of this planet. And now, why have I entitled this chapter French Geodesy? It is because, in each country, this science has taken, more than all others perhaps, a national character. It is easy to see why. There must be rivalry. The scientific rivalries are always courteous, or at least almost always ; in any case, they are necessary, because they are always fruitful. Well, in those enterprises which require such long efforts and so many collaborators the individual is effaced, in spite of himself, of course ; no one has the right to say : this is my work. Therefore it is not between men, but between nations, that rivalries go on. So we are led to seek what has been the part of France. Her part I believe we are right to be proud of. At the beginning of the eighteenth century long discussions arose between the Newtonians who believed the earth flattened; as the theory of gravitation requires, and Cassini, who, deceived by inexact measure- ments, believed our globe elongated. Only direct observation could settle the question. It was our Academy of Sciences that undertook this task, gigantic for the epoch. While Maupertuis and Clairaut measured a degree of meridian under the polar circle, Bouguer and La Condamine went toward the Andes Mountains, in regions then under Spain which to-day are the Eepublic of Ecuador. Our envoys were exposed to great hardships. Traveling was not as easy as at present. Truly, the country where Maupertuis operated was not a desert, and he even enjoyed, it is said, among the Laplanders those sweet satisfac- FRENCH GEODESY 127 tions of the heart that real arctic voyagers never know. It was almost the region where, in our days, comfortable steamers carry, each summer, hosts of tourists and young English people. But in those days Cook's agency did not exist and Maupertuis really believed he had made a polar expedition. Perhaps he was not altogether wrong. The Eussians and the Swedes carry out to-day analogous measurements at Spitzbergen, in a country where there is real ice-cap. But they have quite other resources, and the difference of time makes up for that of latitude. The name of Maupertuis has reached us much scratched by the claws of Doctor Akakia; the scientist had the misfortune to displease Voltaire, who was then the king of mind. He was first praised beyond measure; but the flatteries of kings are as much to be dreaded as their displeasure, because the days after are terrible. Voltaire himself knew something of this. Voltaire called Maupertuis, my amiable master in thinking, marquis of the polar circle, dear flattener out of the world and Cassini, and even, flattery supreme, Sir Isaac Maupertuis ; he wrote him : " Only the king of Prussia do I put on a level with you; he only lacks being a geom- eter." But soon the scene changes, he no longer speaks of deifying him, as in days of yore the Argonauts, or of calling down from Olympus the council of the gods to contemplate his works, but of chaining him up in a madhouse. He speaks no longer of his sublime mind, but of his despotic pride, plated with very little science and much absurdity. I care not to relate these comico-heroic combats ; but permit me some reflections on two of Voltaire's verses. In his " Discourse on Moderation" (no question of moderation in praise and criticism), the poet has written: You have confirmed in regions drear What Newton discerned without going abroad. These two verses (which replace the hyperbolic praises of the first period) are very unjust, and doubtless Voltaire was too enlightened not to know it. Then, only those discoveries were esteemed which could be made without leaving one's house. To-day, it would rather be theory that one would make light of. This is to misunderstand the aim of science. Is nature governed by caprice, or does harmony rule there ? That is the question. It is when it discloses to us this harmony that science is beautiful and so worthy to be cultivated. But whence can come to us this revelation, if not from the accord of a theory with experiment ? To seek whether this accord exists or if it fails, this therefore is our aim. Consequently these two terms, which we must compare, are as indispen- sable the one as the other. To neglect one for the other would be non- i28 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY sense. Isolated, theory would be empty, experiment would be blind; each would be useless and without interest. Maupertuis therefore deserves his share of glory. Truly, it will not equal that of Newton, who had received the spark divine ; nor even that of his collaborator Clairaut. Yet it is not to be despised, because his work was necessary, and if France, outstripped by England in the seven- teenth century, has so well taken her revenge in the century following, it is not alone to the genius of Clairauts, d'Alemberts, Laplaces that she owes it; it is also to the long patience of the Maupertuis and the La Condamines. We reach what may be called the second heroic period of geodesy. France is torn within. All Europe is armed against her ; it would seem that these gigantic combats might absorb all her forces. Far from it; she still has them for the service of science. The men of that time re- coiled before no enterprise, they were men of faith. Delambre and Mechain were commissioned to measure an arc going from Dunkirk to Barcelona. This time there was no going to Lapland or to Peru; the hostile squadrons had closed to us the ways thither. But, though the expeditions are less distant, the epoch is so troubled that the obstacles, the perils even, are just as great. In France, Delambre had to fight against the ill will of suspicious municipalities. One knows that the steeples, which are visible from so far, and can be aimed at with precision, often serve as signal points to geodesists. But in the region Delambre traversed there were no longer any steeples. A certain proconsul had passed there, and boasted of knocking down all the steeples rising proudly above the humble abode of the sans-culottes. Pyramids then were built of planks and covered with white cloth to make them more visible. That was quite another thing : with white cloth ! What was this rash person who, upon our heights so recently set free, dared to raise the hateful standard of the counter-revolution? It was necessary to border the white cloth with blue and red bands. Mechain operated in Spain; the difficulties were other; but they were not less. The Spanish peasants were hostile. There steeples were not lacking: but to install oneself in them with mysterious and per- haps diabolic instruments, was it not sacrilege? The revolutionists were allies of Spain, but allies smelling a little of the stake. "Without cease," writes Mechain, "they threaten to butcher us." Fortunately, thanks to the exhortations of the priests, to the pastoral letters of the bishops, these ferocious Spaniards contented themselves with threatening. Some years after, Mechain made a second expedition into Spain : he proposed to prolong the meridian from Barcelona to the Balearics. This was the first time it had been attempted to make the triangulations FRENCH GEODESY 129 overpass a large arm of the sea by observing signals installed upon some high mountain of a far-away isle. The enterprise was well con- ceived and well prepared; it failed however. The French scientist encountered all sorts of difficulties of which he complains bitterly in his correspondence. "Hell," he writes, per- haps with some exaggeration, "hell and all the scourges it vomits upon the earth, tempests, war, the plague and black intrigues, are therefore unchained against me ! " The fact is that he encountered among his collaborators more of proud obstinacy than of good will and that a thousand accidents re- tarded his work. The plague was nothing, the fear of the plague was much more redoubtable; all these isles were on their guard against the neighboring isles and feared lest they should receive the scourge from them. Mechain obtained permission to disembark only after long weeks upon the condition of covering all his papers with vinegar ; this was the antisepsis of that time. Disgusted and sick, he had just asked to be recalled, when he died. Arago and Biot it was who had the honor of taking up the unfin- ished work and carrying it on to completion. Thanks to the support of the Spanish government, to the protection of several bishops and, above all, to that of a famous brigand chief, the operations went rapidly forward. They were successfully completed, and Biot had returned to France when the storm burst. It was the moment when all Spain took up arms to defend her inde- pendence against France. Why did this stranger climb the mountains to make signals ? It was evidently to call the French army. Arago was able to escape the populace only by becoming a prisoner. In his prison his only distraction was reading in the Spanish papers the account of his own execution. The papers of that time sometimes gave out news pre- maturely. He had at least the consolation of learning that he died with courage and like a Christian. Even the prison was no longer safe; he had to escape and reach Algiers. There, he embarked for Marseilles on an Algerian vessel. This ship was captured by a Spanish corsair, and behold Arago carried back to Spain and dragged from dungeon to dungeon, in the midst of vermin and in the most shocking wretchedness. If it had only been a question of his subjects and his guests, the dey would have said nothing. But there were on board two lions, a present from the African sovereign to Napoleon. The dey threatened war. The vessel and the prisoners were released. The port should have been properly reached, since they had on board an astronomer ; but the astronomer was seasick, and the Algerian seamen, who wished to make Marseilles, came out at Bougie. Thence Arago went to Algiers, traver- sing Kabylia on foot in the midst of a thousand perils. He was long 130 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY detained in Africa and threatened with the convict prison. Finally he was able to get back to France; his observations, which he had pre- served and safe-guarded under his shirt, and, what is still more remark- able, his instruments, had traversed unhurt these terrible adventures. Up to this point, not only did France hold the foremost place, but she occupied the stage almost alone. In the years which follow she has not been inactive and our staff- office map is a model. However, the new methods of observation and calculation have come to us above all from Germany and England. It is only in the last forty years that France has regained her rank. She owes it to a scientific officer, General Perrier, who has successfully exe- cuted an enterprise truly audacious, the junction of Spain and Africa. Stations were installed on four peaks upon the two sides of the Mediter- ranean. For long months they awaited a calm and limpid atmosphere. At last was seen the little thread of light which had traversed 300 kilo- meters over the sea. The undertaking had succeeded. To-day have been conceived projects still more bold. From a moun- tain near Nice will be sent signals to Corsica, not now for geodesic determinations, but to measure the velocity of light. The distance is only 200 kilometers; but the ray of light is to make the journey there and return, after reflection by a mirror installed in Corsica. And it should not wander on the way, for it must return exactly to the point of departure. Ever since, the activity of French geodesy has never slackened. We have no more such astonishing adventures to tell ; but the scientific work accomplished is immense. The territory of France beyond the sea, like that of the mother country, is covered by triangles measured with pre- cision. We have become more and more exacting and what our fathers ad- mired does not satisfy us to-day. But in proportion as we seek more exactitude, the difficulties greatly increase ; we are surrounded by snares and must be on our guard against a thousand unsuspected causes of error. It is needful, therefore, to create instruments more and more faultless. Here again France has not let herself be distanced. Our appliances for the measurement of bases and angles leave nothing to desire, and I may also mention the pendulum of Colonel Defforges, which enables us to determine gravity with a precision hitherto unknown. The future of French geodesy is at present in the hands of the Geo- graphic Service of the army, successively directed by General Bassot and General Berthaut. We can not sufficiently congratulate ourselves upon it. For success in geodesy, scientific aptitudes are not enough; it is necessary to be capable of standing long fatigues in all sorts of cli- mates; the chief must be able to win obedience from his collaborators FRENCH GEODESY 131 and to make obedient his native auxiliaries. These are military quali- ties. Besides, one knows that, in our army, science has always marched shoulder to shoulder with courage. I add that a military organization assures the indispensable unity of action. It would be more difficult to reconcile the rival pretensions of scientists jealous of their independence, solicitous of what they call their fame, and who yet must work in concert, though separated by great distances. Among the geodesists of former times there were often discussions, of which some aroused long echoes. The Academy long resounded with the quarrel of Bouguer and La Condamine. I do not mean to say that soldiers are exempt from passion, but discipline imposes silence upon a too sensitive self-esteem. Several foreign governments have called upon our officers to organ- ize their geodesic service: this is proof that the scientific influence of France abroad has not declined. Our hydrographic engineers contribute also to the common achieve- ment a glorious contingent. The survey of our coasts, of our colonies, the study of the tides offer them a vast domain of research. FinaHy I may mention the general leveling of France which is carried out by the ingenious and precise methods of M. Lallemand. With such men we are sure of the future. Moreover, work for them will not be lacking; our colonial empire opens for them immense ex- panses illy explored. That is not all: the International Geodetic As- sociation has recognized the necessity of a new measurement of the arc of Quito, determined in days of yore by La Condamine. It is France that has been charged with this operation; she had every right to it, since our ancestors had made, so to speak, the scientific conquest of the Cordilleras. Besides, these rights have not been contested and our government has undertaken to exercise them. Captains Maurain and Lacombe completed a first reconnaissance, and the rapidity with which they accomplished their mission, crossing the roughest regions and climbing the most precipitous summits, is worthy of all praise. It won the admiration of General Alfaro, Presi- dent of the Eepublic of Ecuador, who called them "los hombres de hierro," the men of iron. The final commission then set out under the command of Lieu- tenant-Colonel (then Major) Bourgeois. The results obtained have justified the hopes entertained. But our officers have encountered un- foreseen difficulties due to the climate. More than once, one of them has been forced to remain several months at an altitude of 4,000 meters, in the clouds and the snow, without seeing anything of the signals he had to aim at and which refused to unmask themselves. But thanks to their perseverance and courage, there resulted from this only a delay and an increase of expense, without the exactitude of the measurements suffering therefrom. 132 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE EOLE OF MEMBEANES IN CELL-PEO CESSES Br Professor RALPH S. LILLIE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA THE importance of membranes in vital processes has long been rec- ognized. From the earliest times anatomists have been impressed with the frequency with which thin sheets of solid material occur as elements of structure in organisms. Even elementary methods of analysis show that the materials composing the most various organs often tend to dispose themselves in thin, continuous layers. Thus the entire body is enclosed in an extremely resistant and impermeable layer, the skin. Each of the internal organs has its own characteristic enclosing membrane; the peritoneum lines the body-cavity and invests the intestine and its associated glands, the heart is enclosed in the peri- cardium, the lungs in the pleura, the central nervous system in the pia mater; the muscles are closely surrounded by thin connective tissue sheaths, or perimysia ; the walls of the blood-vessels and of the intestine and other hollow viscera consist of several distinct concentric layers. Various products of animals, like the eggs of birds and reptiles, often show this tendency. Plants also deposit a great part of their structural materials in layers; the wood forms concentric circles; leaves and fruits have thin and often waterproof membranous coverings; the orange is partitioned by a system of membranes and each smaller por- tion of pulp has a membrane of its own. The instances, in fact, are in- ' numerable. Evidently the tendency to deposit material in thin con- tinuous sheaths is highly characteristic of organisms. This much was clear at a time when anatomists were limited to direct and unaided vision. When the microscope came into use the ex- istence of a similar tendency soon became evident in the minutest tissue- elements. The living substance exhibited itself everywhere as mi- nutely subdivided by innumerable thin partitions, or membranes, giv- ing it a characteristic honeycomb-like or cellular structure. These par- titions isolate the enclosed portions of living substance and render them at least mechanically separable. Hence the conception that each of these minute membrane-enclosed masses of gelatinous or viscid " pro- toplasmic " material is an independently living entity, or elementary physiological unit, gained ground, and, as all know, has been univer- sally adopted in biology. The name " cell," originally applied to the minute spaces themselves, has been transferred to the protoplasmic mass within, by whose activity the enclosing membrane is itself formed. Thus it was early recognized that cells tend to separate materials MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 133 from their surfaces and deposit them in the form of definite coherent layers or membranes. Similar membranes may also be formed in the cell-interior. Of these, the best known is the nuclear membrane. Hence, in considering the general organization of the cell, cytoplasm and nucleus are usually described as bounded by definite structurally distinct layei:, plasma-membrane and nuclear membrane. Vacuole- membranes, sphere-membranes and plastid-membranes may also exist in certain cells. To all of these structures it has been customary to ascribe a more or less mechanical or simply protective or isolating func- tion. On the other hand, many cells show no optically distinguishable membranes, either at their surfaces or in their interior; certain ameboid cells and the blood-corpuscles of vertebrates are apparently without membranes and are often described as "naked masses of proto- plasm." Yet in such cases the nakedness is only apparent, for it can readily be shown that these cells have membranes which are highly defi- nite in character, but whose existence can be demonstrated only by cer- tain forms of physiological experimentation. The membranes whose physiological role forms the subject of this article are not to be identified with those more or less conspicuous lay- ers separated at the surfaces of many animal and plant cells. The cellulose membranes of plant cells and the various cuticular structures of animal cells are dead structures, whose function is typically passive and mechanical. They are to be sharply distinguished from the mem- branes about to be considered, whose role is a characteristically active one, and, as I believe, fundamentally important in the life of all cells. These membranes are present in all living cells without exception, whether a visible external layer is present or not. Thus red blood cor- puscles, though typically naked cells, show by their behavior in salt- solutions of varying concentration that they are bounded by a difficultly permeable surface-layer which is different in its physical properties from the internal protoplasm — having in fact the essential properties of a semi-permeable membrane. Plant cells, like those of Spirogyra, also behave in such solutions as if the surface-layer of the protoplasm were semi-permeable; the visible cellulose membrane plays no part whatever in the osmotic process (plasmolysis) observed under such conditions, while the invisible surface-film of the protoplasm is all-im- portant. Hence in the case of plant cells the conceptions of cell-mem- brane—i. e., the hardened secretion of cellulose — and of plasma-mem- brane— or semi-permeable surface layer of the living protoplasm — have to be kept sharply distinct. It is the plasma-membrane, the most ex- ternal layer of the living protoplasm, with which I shall be chiefly con- cerned in the present article, and I propose to discuss briefly various questions which arise in reference to this structure: what is its phys- ical and chemical nature? what are the conditions of its formation? and how does it influence the characteristic activities of the cell ? i34 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Before dealing with the case of the living plasma-membrane, it will be necessary briefly to describe some of the methods by which artificial membranes, similar in many of their osmotic and other physical prop- erties to plasma-membranes, may be prepared, and to consider some of the properties of these membranes. The tendency of the living cell (or living system) to surround itself with a membrane will then be seen to be in no sense a distinctively vital peculiarity, but one which it ex- hibits in common with a great many non-living systems. There is little doubt that the formation of membranes at the surface of small masses of living protoplasm is a particular instance of the general class of phe- nomena known collectively as " surface-processes "—processes, that is, occuring as manifestations of the special form of energy, surface-energ}r, which resides at the surface of separation between materials which do not freely intermix. Consider any material system consisting of various kinds of matter in various states of aggregation, i. e., what the physical chemists call a heterogeneous system, or a polyphasic system. Such a system may be analyzed into a certain number of components, each of which is physically and chemically homogeneous. Each such compo- nent is a phase. Oil-drops in a permanent emulsion form one phase, the water a second phase, the soap films at the surface of each droplet a third. Living protoplasm is a good instance of such a polyphasic sys- tem. It is — at least in certain forms, e. g., the protoplasm of egg-cells — an emulsion-like or foam-like mixture consisting of various fluid droplets or alveoli (which are supposedly droplets of oil or other fluid containing dissolved substances), separated by another fluid which is typically an aqueous colloidal solution of proteins and lipoids with various additional substances — salts, sugars, amino-acids — in solution. Each droplet or alveolus is a phase ; so also is each colloidal particle, or each surface-film, or the interstitial suspension-medium or solvent. At the surface of contact between any two phases a certain tension exists, acting tangentially to the surface ; this is the " surface-tension " which (if positive in value) tends to minimize the area of the surface. Each surface, or phase-boundary, is thus the seat of a particular form of energy, surface-energy, of which the intensity-factor is the surface-ten- sion (T), the capacity-factor the total area of the surface (A). The total surface-energy (E) resident at any surface thus equals TA. The tension varies according to the nature of both of the contiguous phases : for water in contact with air it is ca. 75 dynes per linear centimeter, i. e., the pull of a ribbon-shaped portion of water-surface one centi- meter wide is about one twelfth of a gram; for water in contact with oil it is ca. 23 dynes per centimeter ; for oil in contact with air it is ca. 33 dynes. Now the distribution of the substances present in any such system is influenced in a remarkable manner by these surface-energies. Every one is familiar with the fact that oil spreads over the surface of pure water. This is a case in point : why does the oil not simply float MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 135 in droplets on the surface instead of spreading out in an extremely thin continuous layer? A consideration of the conditions of surface-tension at once explains this (Fig. 1). An oil-drop placed on the surface of water is subjected to the pull of three tensions, viz. : those at its air own two surfaces (t± and t2), where it touches air and water, respectively, and which tend to round it off, and that of the pure water at its margin (ts), which tends to spread it. But the tensions tx and t2 are together less than the tension tz ; the oil is thus rapidly drawn out over the sur- face by the superior pull of the water-air tension at its margin. Hence the water-air surface, that with high tension, disappears and is replaced by a surface with lower tension. The total surface-energy has been di- minished, part having been transformed into mechanical energy and heat. If, instead of the case of a floating oil-drop, we take that of some soluble substance which is produced locally within the water near the surface — e. g., a soap or a protein, a solution of which has a lower ten- sion than pure water — we find essentially the same phenomenon; the substance is spread out over the surface, and this effect will continue so long as the addition of further quantities of the substance to the sur- face-layer continues to lower the surface-tension. The end-effect will be to concentrate the substance at the phase-boundary. This phenom- enon is the expression of a general law, the law of Willard Gibbs and J. J. Thomson, which describes the part played by surface-energies in the distribution of soluble substances in a polyphasic system. In the present case, the process of surface-concentration will go on until some equilibrium is reached, c. g., where the loss of substance from the sur- face by diffusion balances its collection there under the influence of the surface-energy. But in many cases, as with proteins, soaps and certain lipoids, the substance separates at the surface as a continuous solid film before this stage is reached. The formation of solid surface-films is hence highly characteristic of the solutions of such substances. Casein films form on warm milk, soap films form about droplets of rancid oil in the presence of alkali, and protein films about drops of chloroform or oil suspended in protein solutions. Thin solid membranes formed in this manner at phase-boundaries are called "haptogen membranes." In all of these instances we have to do with a surface-condensation, known under certain conditions as " adsorption," of substances which lower the surface-tension at the phase-boundary. Among the colloidal constituents of protoplasm the proteins and the lipoids belong to this class of substances. Hence it is not surprising that isolated portions of living protoplasm should delimit themselves by membranes. The vari- 136 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ous cell-membranes are to be regarded as essentially surface-films, or haptogen membranes. Not only do such thin films form about the re- constituting nuclei of dividing cells, but they are also deposited about various cell-inclusions, and even about division-spheres, chromatophores and other cell structures under certain conditions. It is well known that portions of protoplasm cut off from living cells — such as egg-cells, protozoa, root-hairs, etc. — exhibit the same osmotic properties as the intact cells, showing that new semi-permeable membranes are quickly formed at the cut-surfaces. The surface of contact of the living substance with its medium thus becomes the seat of deposition of certain protoplasmic constituents or products which form membranes, often of a high degree of impermea- bility. This impermeability is a property of fundamental physiological importance. Speculation on the evolutionary origin of living cells usually leads to little result, but we may at least infer that the early protoplasmic systems which survived and became the ancestors of liv- ing organisms must have consisted in part of colloids like proteins and lipoids which had the property of forming surface-films sufficiently impermeable to limit or prevent free diffusive interchange with the surroundings. Only systems thus isolated to a sufficient degree from the surroundings could preserve the requisite complexity and constancy of composition, and hence be enabled to develop the properties of so- called living beings — properties which are so widely different from those shown by other natural systems. The surface-films, or plasma-mem- branes, of living cells at the present time are in fact typically charac- terized by a remarkably high impermeability to simple crystalloid sub- stances like sugars, neutral salts and amino-acids, all of which are im- portant constituents of protoplasm. Zangger expresses the situation concisely when he says that living cells can contain as permanent con- stituents only such substances as are not free to diffuse into the sur- rounding medium. The existence of this diffusion-preventing or insu- lating surface-film, the plasma-membrane, is thus a necessary condition of the stability of the living system and hence of the continuance of the life-processes. The living condition is in fact incompatible with marked and permanent increase in surface-permeability. During life the semi-permeable condition is retained; on death there is always a marked increase in the permeability of the plasma-membrane; the cell then undergoes a ready and rapid dissolution or cytolysis, and the con- stituents serve as food to bacteria. It is probable that the various intracellular membranes — nuclear membranes, vacuole-membranes, sphere-membranes, chromatophore-membranes — subserve a similar insulating or differentiating function. Hofmeister has indeed con- ceived of the protoplasm of living cells as subdivided in this manner into a many-chambered system, which accordingly permits of a high degree of chemical differentiation. A variety of independent processes MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 137 might coexist side by side in such a system, as appears, for example, to be the case in liver-cells; in this way a "chemical organization," dis- tinct from and yet dependent upon a structural organization, becomes possible. Haptogen membranes formed thus by deposition of proteins at phase-boundaries may show considerable density and impermeability. The protein in such surface-films may undergo an alteration resem- bling coagulation, assuming a relatively resistant and insoluble form, Thus Eamsden was able to coagulate protein solutions by prolonged shaking, and Robertson obtained thin films of coagulated casein, gela- tine and protamine at the surface of chloroform droplets. Solid films of, saponin, and other substances are formed at the free sur- faces of their solutions — the readiness with which such solutions are thrown into foams depends in fact on this condition. The condensed and insoluble protein films formed on chloroform droplets are strikingly similar in many respects to those visible at the surfaces of cells like sea- urchin eggs, and which apparently correspond to the outer layer of the true plasma-membranes. To come now to more directly biological considerations : what is the nature, chemical and physical, of the surface-film of living cells ? There are few direct chemical analyses bearing on this question. Liebermann found the vitelline membrane of the hen's egg to consist largely of a keratin-like albuminoid. There is good reason to believe that modified proteins belonging to this class enter very generally into the composi- tion of the surface-films of cells. The tendency to deposit horny or albuminoid material at the cell-surfaces is in fact remarkably wide- spread in animals. Cuticular and epidermal structures, to which chem- ical resistance and impermeability are physiologically essential, consist typically of proteins belonging to this class; such proteins have re- cently been called " scleroproteins " on account of their frequent pres- ence in skeletal or cuticular structures. They are also abundant in the intercellular materials of bone, cartilage and connective tissue. The surface-films of many cells apparently have this composition. Thus in echinoderm eggs the characteristic fertilization-membranes, which Pro- fessor Jacques Loeb has shown to arise by separation of a surface-film, consist apparently of modified protein. They are at least non-lipoid in character and are remarkably resistant to reagents, resembling in these respects the protein films formed at the surface of chloroform drop- lets. The fertilization-membrane, after separation from the cell, proves however to be much more permeable than the true plasma-mem- brane, or semi-permeable external layer of the unaltered egg, so that it probably corresponds to only a portion — probably the outer layer — of this membrane. The presence of protein in the plasma-membrane of , (j sea-urchin eggs is also indicated by the fact that the cytolytic action of VOL. LXXXII.— 10. '~S 4 " x 138 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY acids may be lessened or counteracted by neutral salts like sodium or calcium chloride. Such antagonistic actions between acids and salts, while not shown by colloids in general, are peculiarly characteristic of certain proteins. Thus the rate of swelling of gelatine (a typical selenoprotein) in water is greatly increased by the addition of a little acid; this effect is prevented by the addition of neutral salts, and the basis of this form of anti-cytolytic action may possibly lie here — i. e., the disruptive action of the acid on the proteins of the membrane is checked or prevented by the salt.1 Yet the plasma-membrane undoubt- edly contains other constituents, and among these the substances be- longing to the group of lipoids appear to be fundamentally important. These substances, fat-like in their solubilities and colloidal in their physico-chemical character, are always present in cells. Much light has been thrown on their physiological significance by the investigations of Overton and his successors, which have shown that ready permeability to lipoid-solvents is highly characteristic of both animal and plant cells. Alcohols, esters, ethers, hydrocarbons and similar compounds, all of which are soluble in lipoids, enter living cells rapidly, in contrast to neutral salts, sugars, amino-acids — the chief crystalloidal constituents of protoplasm — which diffuse into resting cells (with unmodified plasma-membrane) either imperceptibly or with extreme slowness. Overton's results thus indicate that lipoids enter into the composition of the plasma-membrane. This is to be expected. The structure prob- ably consists of a mixture of all those protoplasmic constituents which have marked effect in lowering the surface-tension of the cell-boundary. Lipoids are conspicuous among this group of substances. That they form part of the plasma-membrane is also indicated by the readiness with which the permeability and other properties of this structure may be altered by lipoid-modifying substances. Lipoid-solvents as a class, when present in certain concentrations, have a specific action in in- creasing, often irreversibly, the permeability of the plasma-membrane. In lower concentrations many appear to decrease this permeability. Their influence on irritability, which is probably a function of the con- dition of this membrane, also indicates their importance as membrane- constituents. Narcotic action is highly characteristic of lipoid-solvents, and there is good evidence that this action depends on an alteration of the plasma-membrane. I shall refer to this possibility later, in connec- tion with the problem of the relation of membranes to stimulation. All of these facts taken together indicate very clearly that the colloids composing the semi-permeable surface-film of living cells consist of 1 This consideration, however, is not demonstrative. The precipitation of lecithin by acid can be prevented by salts in concentrations which in themselves do not precipitate, as Handowsky and Wagner have recently shown. Lecithin, which seems always to be present in cells, probably forms an important part of the plasma membrane, in which case changes in its physical condition would influence the properties of the latter. MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 139 both lipoids and proteins, which are probably intermixed or combined in some characteristic manner and vary in their relative proportions in different cells, according to the specific constitution of the latter. What are the chief peculiarities in the physical properties of these membranes, on which their physiological importance depends? Two properties appear especially significant. One of these is the semi- permeability which the membranes preserve during life, i. e., the abil- ity to transmit water freely while holding back dissolved substances. The other is their ability to undergo reversible changes in their perme- ability to such .substances, either in the direction of increase or de- crease. These changes of permeability may in some cells be very rapid ; and there is evidence that this is especially the case with irritable tis- sues, and that the power of rapid response to stimuli is directly de- pendent on this peculiarity. How essential the semi-permeability of the plasma-membranes is to living organisms may be realized with especial clearness in the case of plants. In many of these organisms the rate of growth, the normal form and habit, and the characteristic movements and reactions are intimately dependent on the peculiar con- dition known as turgor, which is the expression of the outward pres- sure of the dissolved molecules of the cell-contents against the mem- branes which enclose them and which they can not pass. The diffusing molecules hence press against these membranes, often with the force of many atmospheres, and keep the cellulose cell-walls stretched and rigid. It is on this condition that the maintenance of the normal form often depends. The entrance of the water into the cell in growth is also largely due to this osmotic pressure. Thus the confinement of the mole- cules within the cells by membranes impermeable to their outward diffusion is an indispensable condition of the continuance of normal life-processes in these organisms. The same is true of animal cells, al- though here the condition of turgor is usually unimportant in itself. But, as we have already seen, the preservation of the normal proto- plasmic composition in the case of any cell involves the prevention or restriction of any free or unselected diffusive interchange of materials between the cell and its surroundings. The semi-permeability found during life is the expression of the all-importance of this condition. We must therefore ascribe to the insulatory or semi-permeable character of the plasma membrane, not only the existence of conditions like turgor in plants, but even the very possibility of the existence of a stable or permanent chemical organization in any cell. This being the case, it is not surprising to find that simple modifica- tion of permeability may profoundly modify many cell-processes. To take first a relatively simple instance: if the semi-permeability of the plasma-membrane is a necessary condition for continued life in any cell, it ought to be impossible to increase this permeability beyond a certain limited degree for any length of time without inflicting permanent in- 140 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY jury on the cell and eventually causing death. Loss of essential cell- constituents through the altered membrane would have this effect. Now there is evidence that a large class of injurious or toxic substances exert their destructive action by altering the surface-films of cells and permanently increasing the permeability. When this occurs in such a cell as a blood-corpuscle or a sea-urchin egg — which is normally in osmotic equilibrium with its medium — the cell first swells (an effect showing loss of osmotic equilibrium) and eventually dissolves or dis- integrates, an effect known as cytolysis. Lipoid-solvents, like chloro- form or ether, have this effect in concentrations above certain minima : they disrupt the membrane, presumably by altering the condition of the lipoids, and disintegration follows. Many toxic alkaloids and gluco- sides — like saponin, digitalin, aconitin, etc. — and certain bacterial prod- ucts— cytolysins and hemolysins — have similar effects. Other sub- stances, as inorganic salts, acids, or alkalis, may cause cytolysis by alter- ing the state of the colloids of the membrane. In certain typical in- stances there is direct evidence that the toxic action is primarily due to a surface-alteration, and consists in a destruction of the semi-perme- able properties of the membrane. Certain fluorescent substances like eosin exert a cytolytic action on many cells in the presence of light, though inactive in the dark (photodynamic action). Harzbecker and Jodlbauer found that blood-corpuscles so treated began to swell before there was any perceptible entrance of the dye into the cell, i. e., the initial stage of cytolysis, involving a loss of osmotic equilibrium, oc- curred previously to the entrance of the toxic substance. But loss of osmotic equilibrium, unless soon reversed, involves destruction of the cell. The essential or critical toxic action in this case is thus super- ficial, and what is true of eosin is probably true of many other — possibly most — cytolytic substances. The peculiar antagonisms existing between the physiological ac- tions of various substances (e. g., muscarin and atropin, toxin and antitoxin, etc.) are probably in many cases to be explained on this basis. The toxic and antitoxic actions of neutral salts form a case in point. Pure solutions of sodium salts, even sodium chloride, are strongly toxic to many cells, particularly those of marine organisms, as the work of J. Loeb and his successors has shown with especial clear- ness ; but if to the pure solution a little calcium salt is added, this toxic action is prevented or greatly diminished; the calcium (or other favor- able salt) counteracts the toxic action of the sodium salt — in other words, has an antitoxic action. Now it can readily be shown in certain organisms that the toxic action of the pure sodium salt solution is associated with a strong permeability-increasing action. As test-ob- jects or physiological indicators in the investigation of these effects I have used the pigment-containing eggs of the sea-urchin, Arbacia, and the larva? of a marine annelid, Arenicola, whose cells contain a water- MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 141 soluble yellow pigment. The eggs or larvae die rapidly in pure isotonic solutions of sodium salts, and this toxic action is associated with a loss of pigment (more or less rapid according to the particular salt em- ployed), i. e., with a marked increase in permeability. But if a calcium or other antitoxic salt is previously added to the solution, both the per- meability-increase (as indicated by loss of pigment) and the toxic ac- tion are prevented or greatly retarded. Apparently, a pronounced and persistent permeability-increasing action is equivalent to a toxic action ; the calcium' prevents or retards this destructive action of the sodium salt on the plasma-membrane, and hence has an anti-cytolytic or anti- toxic effect. Professor Osterhout's experiments disclose similar con- ditions in plant cells ; pure solutions of sodium chloride increase perme- ability— as shown by loss of turgor and increase of electrical conductiv- ity— and have a well-marked toxic action ; both of these effects may be prevented by adding a little calcium to the solution. In all of these cases the antitoxic action apparently consists in protecting the surface- film against the permeability-increasing action of the pure sodium salt solution. I have found that not only salts of metals, like calcium and magnesium, but also various lipoid-solvents or anesthetics may prevent the cytolytic action of pure solutions of sodium salts in an essentially similar manner. Evidently certain changes in the state of the lipoids in the membrane render the latter more resistant to the disruptive ac- tion of the salt solution. Cytolysis by substances like saponin may also be checked by neutral salts. It seems probable that the relations be- tween bacterial cytolysins and anti-cytolysins are of the same essential nature. The theory of antagonistic salt-actions may thus become of the greatest importance as a guiding principle in practical therapeutics. Such surface-actions as those just described constitute only one form of toxic action, but they are among the most important because of the ex- ternal position of the plasma-membrane in the cell and its consequent direct accessibility to modification by changes in the surroundings. The integrity of the plasma-membrane thus appears to be essential to the normal living cell. Injury to this membrane thus means toxic action: prevention of this injury is antitoxic action; restoration of the normal permeability after injury is therapeutic action. But the plasma- membrane does not play only the purely passive role so far indicated. It is intimately concerned in many active cell-processes; and there is evidence that many of the distinctive energy-manifestations of the cell are determined or controlled by changes — largely changes of permeabil- ity— which have their seat in this structure. This appears to be true of many forms of cell-movement, of cell-division, and of the stimulation- process in general. Permeability-changes are also concerned in secre- tion, in the fertilization of the ovum, and probably in the general proc- ess of intake of food-materials by cells. The stimulation of irritable tissues is a process which exhibits a peculiarly intimate dependence on 142 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the semi-permeable membranes of the irritable elements. Perhaps more is known of the relations of membranes to the stimulation-process than to any other cell-activity, and I shall accordingly consider its condi- tions in some detail. There is evidence that a rapid and reversible increase in the general permeability of the plasma membrane is an accompaniment and indeed a primary condition of stimulation in irritable tissues. This evidence comes from many sides and is partly direct and partly indirect. Per- haps the clearest indications of this kind are afforded by the motile mechanisms of certain plants, like the sensitive plant {Mimosa pudica) or the Venus's fly-trap (Dioncea) . In Mimosa the characteristic move- ment, which consists of a dropping of the leaves and a folding together of the leaflets, is due to a collapse of certain turgid cells which form the so-called pulvini, or cushion-like masses of parenchyma at the bases of the leaves and leaflets. A fluid containing dissolved substances rapidly leaves these cells on stimulation; evidently the membranes, semi-per- meable during rest, become suddenly permeable to the osmotically ac- tive intracellular substances which maintain the turgor. This expla- nation— first put forward in its essentials by Sachs — is accepted by the majority of plant physiologists, and there is little doubt of its substan- tial correctness. We have here, therefore, an instance where stimula- tion depends directly upon a sudden increase in permeability. Now in this case the primary or critical change is apparently the same as in irritable animal tissues; an electrical variation similar to that shown by an active muscle or nerve accompanies the movement, and the con- ditions which call forth the response are essentially the same in the plant as in the animal. In the case of animals the evidence that in- crease of permeability is a condition of stimulation is, as a rule, less direct. Yet in certain organisms a sudden increase of permeability may readily be shown to be the equivalent of stimulation. My own ob- servations on the pigmented larvae of Arenicola illustrate this very clearly. When these organisms are suddenly brought from sea-water into pure isotonic solutions of sodium salts (e. g., m/2NaCl) the muscles contract with extreme vigor and persistency, causing the larvae (which are small worm-like trochophores about 0.3 millimeter long) to shorten to half their normal length; at the same time the yellow pig- ment contained in the cells of the organism diffuses into the solution and colors the latter yellow. The exit of pigment is the expression of a rapid permeability-increasing or cytolytic action ; this is equivalent to a strong stimulation. If by the addition of any substance to the solu- tion we check or prevent this permeability-increase, we find that stimu- lation is checked or prevented at the same time. Thus, if instead of the pure m/2~Na,Cl we use m/2NaCl to which a little calcium or magnesium chloride, or other appropriate salt, has been added, the strong stimula- tion and loss of pigment are no longer seen — both are simultaneously MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 143 prevented. The same effect may be produced by various anesthetics; these also protect the cells against the permeability-increasing action of the ra/2NaCl, and at the same time prevent stimulation. Thus, if Arenicola larvae are exposed for a few minutes to an isotonic solution of a magnesium salt and are then brought into w/2NaCl, neither stimula- tion nor loss of pigment follows. The same is true if they are brought from ether-containing sea-water into ether-containing m/2NaCl; and other anesthetics in appropriate concentrations show a similar inhibi- tory and protective action. These and similar experiments point to the conclusion that a membrane-alteration, in the direction of rapid increase of permeability, is constantly associated with stimulation. It is of course apparent that such increase in permeability must in normal stimulation be perfectly reversible. If the reversibility is incomplete, permanent injury results; and this is in fact the case when Arenicola larva? are stimulated by immersion in pure isotonic sodium salt solu- tions. We have already seen that this injurious action, as well as the stimulating action, is greatly diminished by the presence of calcium chloride, or some other antitoxic salt. Anesthetics also show an anti- toxic as well as an anti-stimulating action. It is impossible within the limits of this article adequately to dis- cuss the physiology of stimulation. A few of its aspects ought, how- ever, to be touched on here, since otherwise the above relation between permeability-increase and stimulation may appear as a merely empirical or detached observation, without any general or theoretical significance. The most striking physical peculiarity of irritable tissues is their sensi- tivity to electrical changes in their surroundings. Most persons are accustomed to think of electrical currents as laboratory phenomena par excellence, and as playing little part in nature outside of laboratory walls. Yet living cells are profoundly influenced by such currents. We can in fact imitate the normal conditions more closely by using electrical currents as stimuli, than in any other manner. This precon- ception is however a completely mistaken one. Not only do irritable tissues respond to electrical currents, but certain electrical changes in the tissues themselves are invariably associated with stimulation, whether normal or artificial, and form perhaps the most constant and essential feature of the stimulation-process. Such a statement may sound like a truism to any one versed even slightly in modern physical chemistry : ions — charged molecules and atoms — are present everywhere in protoplasm, and it would perhaps be surprising if electrical changes did not accompany protoplasmic activities. We have, hoAvever, to inquire more particularly into the nature and conditions of the response of irritable tissues to the electrical current, and of the electrical proc- esses originating in the tissues themselves, and to relate these processes, if possible, to the total effects produced by stimulation. i44 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY These processes again, like some of those already referred to, appear to be a function of the changing permeability of the plasma-membrane. When we take a tissue consisting of a parallel bundle of cells, like a frog's sartorius muscle, cut it across, place one electrode in contact with the normal uninjured surface of the muscle, and the other with its cut surface, and connect the two with a galvanometer, we find that an electrical current passes — the so-called demarcation-current. The ex- posed interior (or cut surface) of the cells always shows a lower poten- tial than the exterior; the potential-difference lies usually between a tenth and a twentieth of a volt. This potential-difference depends on the living condition of the cells. It is absent or insignificant in dead muscle. It diminishes when the muscle-surface is treated with cytolytic substances — i. e., with substances which increase the permeability of the plasma-membrane. The evidence, in fact, indicates that the existence of a normal demarcation-current potential is dependent on the semi- permeability of the plasma-membrane. When the permeability is arti- ficially increased, the potential-difference is invariably diminished; its degree thus appears to be dependent on the degree of permeability of the membrane; hence its increase on death or under the influence of membranolytic substances. Now during stimulation the demarcation- current potential always undergoes a marked decrease; this is the change known as the negative variation or action-current, which is an inseparable accompaniment of stimulation. Normally, this change is completely reversible, and when stimulation ceases, the original poten- tial-difference is regained. What is significant from the present point of view is that the direction of the electrical variation accompanying stimulation is the same as in that resulting from death or cytolytic action and associated with an increase of permeability. The phenom- enon is thus intelligible on the assumption that during stimulation there is a sudden and marked increase in the permeability of the plasma membrane. This permeability increase, with the accompanying electro- motor variation, differs from that associated with death or cytolysis chiefly in being rapidly and completely reversible. Stimulation may, however, be so excessive under some conditions as to lead to irreversible alterations in the membranes, or even to the death of the cell ; i. e., the degree of reversibility is limited, and this consideration explains why excessive stimulation is so injurious — it is in effect equivalent to a cytolytic action or any other action where permeability is irreversibly increased. Why should a change in the permeability of the membrane produce electrical effects of this kind? The phenomenon becomes intelligible when we remember that membranes act by limiting or preventing dif- fusion, and that they may limit the diffusion of ions — the mobile, elec- trically charged atoms and atomic groups present in salt solutions — just MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES i45 as they do that of uncharged molecules. The ions formed by the dis- sociation of any electrolyte have as a rule unequal diffusion-velocities, and presumably unequal solubilities and other physical properties, in correspondence with their chemical differences ; and hence we may infer that they possess unequal abilities to pass through membranes. If this is so, a membrane separating two electrolyte-solutions becomes the seat of a potential-difference; i. e., a potential-difference, which may be considerable, will exist between its opposite faces. This suggestion, first made by Ostwald in 1890, has formed the basis of the chief pre- vailing view — the so-called " membrane-theory " of the nature of the bioelectric processes. Ost- wald's suggestion, modified to suit the conditions in cells, was essentially as follows. Imagine the cell enclosed in a plasma-membrane freely per- meable to the cations (positive ions, e. g., hydro- gen ions or potassium ions) and impermeable to the anions (negative ions) of a certain elec- trolyte (which we may suppose to be lactic or carbonic acid) contained in the protoplasm (Fig. 2). The cations then pass outward, carrying their positive charges, while the anions remain behind; this will proceed until the potential- difference thus arising is sufficient to compen- sate the diffusion-tendency (equivalent to the osmotic pressure) of the cations. A condition of equilibrium with outer surface positive and inner negative thus results. The membrane becomes the seat of an electrical polarization (normal or physi- ological polarization) which is dependent on its impermeability to anions. If the permeability of such a membrane were to increase sufficiently to transmit the anions, a fall of the potential-difference between the exterior and the interior of the cell would at once follow. An effect of just this kind is seen in muscle and nerve during stimula- tion, and is attributed by Bernstein and other upholders of the mem- brane-theory to the changing ionic permeability of the membrane. The selective permeability to ions of different sign, on which the potential- difference between exterior and interior depends, disappears along with the general increase in permeability accompanying stimulation: hence a negative electrical variation is always associated with this process. The precise arrangement imagined by Ostwald has not yet been satisfactory realized, although, according to Briinings, precipitation- membranes of copper ferrocyanide show sorre of the properties required by this theory. But certain natural membranes present a much closer approach to the theoretical requirements; thus the surface-membranes of apples, which Beutner and Loeb have recently studied, behave as if Fig. 2. Illustra- ting the supposed conditions of polar- ization of the plasma membrane. The elec- trolytes are lactic and carbonic acids ; the membrane is sup- posed to be perme- able only to H-ions. 146 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY decidedly more freely permeable to cations as a class than to anions, and it is possible that this condition is typical for the plasma-mem- branes of cells. The membranes of irritable tissues, however, may belong to another type; certain membranes (consisting of thin films of glass) whose electrical polarization depends on the relative hydrogen- ion concentrations in the solutions which they separate, have recently been investigated by Haber; and in some respects the phenomena pre- sented by these membranes appear to correspond more closely to the conditions in irritable tissues. Hydrogen-ions would be the polarizing cations in the case of these membranes; and in fact irritable tissues are as a rule remarkably sensitive to changes in the H-ion concentra- tion of their medium. We are not yet in a position to decide between such alternatives. But for the present purpose it is sufficient to recog- nize that a membrane which interferes unequally with ionic diffusion may become the seat of a potential-difference when it separates two solutions; and the evidence that plasma-membranes and other cell- membranes are of this kind appears very strong, even at the present time. In general, phase-boundaries are the seat of electrical energies, and these largely depend on the ionic content of the adjoining media. Membrane-polarization is a special instance of this general class of phenomena. The precise conditions of the normal physiological polar- ization in irritable tissues have to be determined by future investigation. Membranes in their electrochemical aspect are to be regarded, on the present theory, as ion-transmitting surfaces, just as the metallic plates in ordinary electric batteries are ion-forming or ion-combining surfaces. The electrical properties exhibited by all of these surfaces are conditioned in essentially the same manner, and Nernst's theory applies to all. A system composed of solutions separated by mem- branes may thus, under the proper conditions, show the same essential properties as a system of batteries connected in series. The potential- differences of the individual elements may be summed by appropriate arrangement so that the electric tension between the terminals may be very large. In the electrical organs of Gymnotus and other fish, sys- tems of this kind have actually been realized in nature, and have been applied to defensive or other purposes. Let us now consider in a little more detail the conditions of stimu- lation of an irritable tissue by an external electric current. The sur- face-film of the muscle-cell or the nerve fiber is to be regarded as electrically polarized in the sense already indicated. Why does the tissue respond in its characteristic manner to the electric current? The first fundamental suggestion as to the mode of action of the cur- rent was made by Nernst in 1899. He pointed out that the current in passing through a living tissue — a system equivalent to a solution containing electrolytes and subdivided by semi-permeable membranes — MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES i47 nz a cr cr can produce decided changes of condition only at the semi-permeable surfaces, where the movement of ions is blocked; changes of electrical polarization would be produced at such surfaces; ions of a given sign would be carried against one face of the membrane by the current and would concentrate there until the back-diffusion equalled the current-transport ; the same effect, with the signs of the ions changed, would result at the other face (Fig. 3). He conceived that in electrical stimulation something of the kind occurs. The essential or critical change occurs at the semi-permeable membrane, and consists in carrying to this mem- brane sufficient ions to produce a given ionic concentration-difference corresponding to a given electrical polarization. This is the deter- mining condition of stimulation. A certain time will be required for the process, depending on the strength of the current, and on the specific diffusion-rate of the ions. Nernst estimated that on this hypothesis the stimulating action (S) of a given current ought to vary directly with its strength {%), and with the square root of its duration (t) (S = Kiyft, K being a constant characteristic of the tissue). The experimental data show that a more intense current requires for stimulation a shorter time than a weaker current, and in approximately this proportion. The more recent work of Lapicque, Lucas and Hill has confirmed and amplified Nernst's theory. There is therefore strong evidence that a current stimulates by producing an electrical polarization at the membranes. During life, however, the membranes are apparently already the seat of a preexistent polarization, as we have seen. The polarization pro- duced by the external current must, therefore, modify this. Now it appears that in most, if not all irritable tissues, stimulation results when the physiological polarization is diminished suddenly, but not when it is increased. This is the simple inference from the law of polar stimulation. When a current is passed through a tissue the external positivity of the irritable elements is lowered on the side directed toward the cathode and increased on the side directed toward the anode, as may be seen by reference to Fig. 3. Now it has long been known that the stimulus originates on the cathodal side of an irritable tissue when the current is made, and on the anodal side when Fig. 3. Illustrating the polarization of the current on a membrane difficultly permeable to ions. The anions and cations of the electrolyte, NaCl, move in the di- rection indicated by the arrows. The cur- rent, passing from left to right, carries cations toward and anions away from the left face of the membrane ; at its right face the conditions are reversed. The membrane thus becomes electrically polar- ized, with its left face at the higher potential. 148 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the current is broken ; i. e., we obtain stimulation when the preexisting polarization of the irritable elements is rapidly diminished — in other words, when there is a depolarization. We may formulate the essen- tial relations thus: stimulation is equivalent to depolarization, i. e., to a rapid decrease of the already existing or physiological polarization of the plasma-membranes. Stimulation, however, is also connected with a change in the per- meability of the membrane, as we have seen. We must therefore con- clude— since a sudden change of polarization stimulates — that simple alteration of the electrical polarization alters the permeability of the membrane. Decrease of the potential-difference between the opposite faces of the membrane — i. e., depolarization — apparently increases per- meability, and often to a remarkable degree. Irritability seems, in fact, to be an expression of this peculiar relation. The electric current thus alters the polarization of the semi-permeable membranes of the irritable tissue, and in so doing alters the permeability. This change becomes the condition of the characteristic electrical variation of the tissue; the latter is self-propagating, and thus the effects of the local stimulus are transmitted to other regions of the cell. These appear to be the essential changes in the stimulation-process as such. According to this point of view we must conceive of the plasma- membrane of an irritable element as possessing during rest a charac- teristic impermeability or semi-permeability to which corresponds a definite polarization, or potential-difference between its outer and inner surfaces, of the value of (e. g.) one tenth volt. Now the permeability of the membrane is determined by a number of conditions, some of which are, its chemical composition, the temperature, the chemical changes in the protoplasm and the surroundings, and probably the state of- mechanical tension of the membrane. Another factor is, how- ever, of fundamental importance : this is the existing state of electrical polarization of the membrane. Alteration of this polarization alters the permeability; if we decrease it we increase the permeability and stimulation may follow; if we increase it we presumably alter the per- meability in the inverse direction — hence in all probability the lowered irritability at the anode (anelectro tonus) during the passage of a con- stant current through a muscle or nerve. Such a view ascribes peculiar properties to the plasma-membrane, but the facts lead directly to this interpretation. Girard has shown experimentally that changing the electrical polarization of a membrane of bladder or parchment alters the permeability to neutral salts. The electrical state of a membrane may thus determine its permeability. The plasma-membrane of irritable tissues has apparently acquired extreme sensitiveness to changes in its electrical polarization, such that slight electrical dis- MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 149 turbances in the surroundings may lead to a large increase of per- meability, and hence to marked stimulation.1 On this hypothesis we can also understand why the state of excita- tion is transmitted from one region of the irritable element to another. It is highly probable that the effect of a local stimulation is propagated over the surface of the muscle-cell or nerve-fiber because of the elec- trical variation which the permeability-change at the excited region itself produces. This electrical variation affects the adjacent regions of the membrane, and alters their permeability, with corresponding electrical effects, and so the effect spreads. The explanation of the conduction-process in a nerve or other irritable tissue is on this view identical with that of the stimulation-process. There is, in fact, good evidence that the region in a state of excitation simply excites the adjoining regions electrically by means of its action-current, and that the effect is transmitted in essentially this manner. It is possible to change the polarization of the membrane, and hence its permeability, in other ways than by passing an electrical current. Or we may alter the permeability directly, by acting on the cell by chemical substances, or by suddenly changing the temperature, or by mechanical action. When such treatment produces a sufficient increase of permeability, we may suppose that all ions become free to pass the membrane, and that a polarization-change then occurs, with consequent stimulation which, like other forms of stimulation, is self- propagating. On such a view the ordinary forms of mechanical and chemical stimuli are at bottom electrical in their nature. Such stimuli act by directly altering the permeability of the membrane and hence its electrical polarization. On the other hand, the properties of the membrane may be so modi- fied under certain conditions that it fails to respond to changes of polarization by changes in its permeability. This occurs, for instance, in narcosis. I have found that narcotics, in the concentrations at which they anesthetize the musculature of Arenicola larvae, also check or prevent the permeability-increasing action of isotonic sodium chlo- 1 The assumption of a permeability-increase at the time of stimulation 1 is the only hypothesis, so far as I know, that accounts at once for the two charac- teristic and invariable accompaniments of stimulation, (1) the negative electrical variation, and (2) the temporary loss of irritability (refractory period) during the electrical variation. The time-relations of these two outwardly diverse phe- nomena coincide, as Tait has shown, and both are to be regarded as expressions or consequences of the same change, namely, a temporary increase in the per- meability of the limiting membranes. This increase involves a temporary loss of the semi-permeability which is essential to the maintenance of the normal polar- ization of the membrane, and also — according to Nernst's theory — essential to electrical stimulation. I therefore regard the existence of a refractory period as furnishing strong support to the general theory of stimulation and conduction outlined above. IS© THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ride solution on the pigment-containing cells of this organism; at the same time they decrease or prevent the stimulating action of this solu- tion. They also protect the organism against its toxic action, as we have already seen. An anesthetic action is thus the equivalent of both an anti-stimulating and an anti-cytolytic action. Both effects depend upon a modification of the plasma-membrane; under the influence of the anesthetic this structure becomes more resistant than normally to conditions that otherwise increase its permeability. We may infer in general that the degree of responsiveness of an irritable tissue is dependent on the state of its plasma-membranes; and that anesthesia corresponds to a condition of decreased susceptibility, and hyper- irritability to one of increased susceptibility, to the action of per- meability-increasing agencies. Sensitization and desensitization, on this view, are primarily surface effects, dependent on alteration of the limiting membranes. The polarization-changes accompanying stimulation may be ex- tremely rapid in some cases. During the contraction of a man's vol- untary muscle under the influence of the will, the existence of a rhythmical electrical variation with an average rhythm of about fifty vibrations per second has recently been demonstrated by the thread-gal- vanometer. The negative variation accompanying a single muscular twitch occupies from one hundredth to one two-hundredths of a second in a frog's voluntary muscle at ordinary temperatures ; that accompany- ing a single nerve impulse lasts about one thousandth of a second ; while more slowly reacting tissues, like heart-muscle or smooth muscle, show correspondingly slower electrical variations. On the membrane- theory the corresponding permeability-changes in the membrane must occupy similar times; and this consideration indicates the extreme delicacy of the adjustment between permeability and electrical polariza- tion that must exist in the membranes of highly irritable tissues. The electrical phenomena of stimulation are, however, relatively inconspicuous — if we except the case of the electric eel or torpedo. The characteristic and biologically important " response " of the tissue varies with its special nature. A muscle contracts, for instance; a gland secretes. The relation between the rapid change of polarization, which is the primary event in stimulation, and the resulting mechanical and chemical effects remains to be inquired into. The problem is a difficult one, and insufficiently investigated. The energy of muscular contraction is derived from the oxidation of energy-yielding compounds, like sugar. We must conclude that the polarization-changes at the cell-surface influence the chemical processes in the muscle-cell. Stim- ulation is known to increase many times the rate of oxidation in muscle- cells. I have lately attempted to modify the rate of formation of indo- phenol (a deeply colored organic oxidation-product) in the blood cor- MEMBRANES AND CELL-PROCESSES 151 puscles of the frog by passing induction-shocks ; and I find that the rate of formation of this compound through intracellular oxidation can be greatly accelerated by this means, especially in leucocytes, where the oxidation-rate is relatively rapid. I am inclined, therefore, to attribute to the variations in the electrical polarization of the membranes an important general role in varying the rate and possibly the character of the energy-yielding intracellular oxidations. On this view, intra- cellular metabolism would be largely controlled by membrane-processes. How this is possible may be illustrated by the case of anesthesia just discussed. The ether-impregnated plasma-membrane is relatively un- affected, as compared with the normal membrane, by isotonic sodium chloride solution; and consequently the stimulation, with its resultant increase in oxidation, is prevented by thus altering the membrane. The precise nature of the conditions in these and similar phenomena can be elucidated only by further study. I had hoped to discuss the role of membrane-processes in other cell- activities, such as fertilization, cell-division and development, but the space at my disposal is insufficient. Before closing, however, I wish to refer briefly to the large class of physiological processes in which a regular rhythmical repetition of the same change, e. g., contraction, is the essential characteristic. Such processes include ciliary activity, the action of contractile vacuoles, the action of the heart and of nerve-cells like those of the respiratory center or the heart-ganglia of certain ani- mals. In the division of cells during early development, a definite though slower rhythm is also seen. Now an electrical rhythm accom- panies the physiological rhythm in muscle and nerve cells, probably in cilia, and almost certainly in dividing cells, as indicated by the experi- ments of Miss Hyde on dividing fish-eggs. The existence of a chem- ical rhythm — of carbon dioxide production — has been demonstrated in dividing cells (sea-urchin eggs) by Dr. Lyon, and we may infer its presence in the other rhythmical processes. The electrical rhythm indi- cates a rhythm of changing permeability, and of this there is some direct evidence in dividing egg cells. In all of these cases we have to do with automatic processes whose rhythm proceeds of its own accord, provided the external conditions remain normal. Each cycle in the rhythm furnishes itself the conditions for its own recurrence. The question arises : from what physico-chemical point of view is it best to regard this class of phenomena ? In the case of a rhythmical contractile tissue three interdependent and synchronous rhythms may be distin- guished— a chemical, a mechanical (presumably the expression of sur- face-tension changes), and an electrical. An elementary model of these phenomena is, I believe, furnished by the experiments of Bredig and his pupils on the rhythmical catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in contact with metallic mercury. When a ten per cent, solu- 152 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tion of hydrogen peroxide is poured over the surface of pure mercury, a film of peroxidate at once forms over the surface of the metal. Its formation alters the surface-tension of the mercury by changing the po- tential-difference between the metal and the solution. Consequently, the form of the mercury-surface changes. Under appropriate conditions this deformation causes a mechanical rupture of the film at some por- tion of its surface; there follows on this an electrolytic decomposition of the peroxidate at the margin of the fissure, an effect which spreads over the whole surface and involves the dissolution of the film, and its reduction to metallic mercury, together with the liberation of oxygen. The film then reforms, and the process is repeated. Thus a regular rhythm, involving a form-change, a chemical decomposition, and a change of electrical polarization, is started and continues automatically. The rate of rhythm may be altered, just as in organic processes, by altering the chemical character of the medium, e. g., by changing its alkalinity, or by the addition of various other chemical substances. The velocity with which the film is laid down and dissolved may thus be in- fluenced, and the whole rhythm correspondingly affected. Graphic records showing the variation in the rate of oxygen-liberation present a marked resemblance to the records of rhythmical organic processes like the heart-beat. Now the general conditions determining the rhythm in this phenomenon are strikingly like those which, on the foregoing theory of stimulation, determine the physiological rhythms. The surface- film of peroxidate may be compared to the plasma-membrane. Its rup- ture is equivalent to a local increase of permeability. This change is the direct condition both of the chemical change and of the electro- motor change, on which last depends the variation of surface-tension conditioning the form-change. While the living system is indefi- nitely more complex than the mercury-peroxide system, yet in its rhythmical character and in the essential nature of the controlling con- ditions this automatic rhythmical catalysis bears an undeniable and striking resemblance to the action of living tissues like the heart, in which a rhythmical autostimulation is the distinguishing characteristic. In both cases an alteration of a surface- film is the critical change; and the rate of this change determines the rate of the other rhythmical events of the cycle. We may infer that if we could control the condition of the plasma-membranes of cells we could control the entire range of cell-processes. But I do not wish to prejudge these questions; I make the above comparison chiefly in order to suggest possibilities, and to indicate the desirability of devoting more careful study to the surface- films of cells. Investigation of the conditions of their formation, their permeability and their physical and chemical nature is certain to lead to results of far-reaching importance for biology. THE EFFICIENCY OF LABOR 153 THE PEOBLEM OF THE EFFICIENCY OF LABOE By HOWARD T. LEWIS, M.A. HIEAM COLLEGE, HIRAM, OHIO IT may truthfully be said that industrial evolution is little else than the progressive development of economic efficiency, and the vari- ous stages in the story of the evolution of industrial society have been largely based upon man's control over nature as indicated by his indus- trial efficiency. The transition from one stage to the next has ofttimes been imperceptible; at others it has been very marked. The modern period, with its great aggregations of capital and its machine-made products, is so far superior to the handicraft stage that comparisons are made merely for the sake of measuring that development. Yet even before we are thoroughly accustomed to the change, significant facts are presenting themselves which would seem to indicate that we are on the verge of still another era of industrial expansion. And though it is al- ways rash to prophesy, yet it may be safe to say that the effect of this transformation upon society in general and especially upon the relation of employer to employee, will be far greater than we may at first think. This much at least seems certain, that tremendous strides are about to be taken from a purely productive point of view which will at the same time materially affect the condition of the working classes. If we eliminate from consideration the element land, and we may safely do so in the present discussion, the production of wealth is the result of two factors, labor and capital, both of which are more or less variable in character. The development of modern power-driven machinery has in recent times been remarkable, and no one would for a moment maintain that the end is in sight. Greater care in the con- struction and location of mechanical devices already invented will immensely increase their efficiency. Yet it is very questionable if in the future any such radical changes will occur as were witnessed between 1750 and 1850. Perhaps, indeed, it was because of that prog- ress that attention has been in the past chiefly centered upon man's control over nature through the means of mechanical devices. Be that as it may, this much can scarcely be contravened, that those engaged in the active work of production (as well indeed as many theorists) seemed until very recently to have forgotten that capital in the form of machines is only one of the factors upon which the production of wealth depends. VOL. LXXXII. — 11. 154 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The reason for this undue emphasis is not far to seek. As has been suggested, the enormous strides which have been taken in the invention and development of various forms of power and of labor-saving machinery has in itself, no doubt, been a potent reason why the labor factor should temporarily be neglected. Moreover, the universal con- fusion among practical men of affairs between labor and capital un- doubtedly helped to obscure the importance of the former. Even to-day the manufacturer is prone to place his labor supply in the same category as his supply of raw materials, and to think no more about it than to be sure that there are men enough to run his machines and to do the work demanded. To the consideration of the relative cost and efficiency of two machines he will give hours; to the choice of men to run the machine he will devote scarcely ten minutes. It is these and similar facts that have lain at the bottom of the failure to appreciate properly the importance of efficiency of labor as contrasted with the effi- ciency of machines. Not that labor unions and the backers of progres- sive labor legislation have been negligent, but their work lies in the main within the scope of the last half or even quarter century, and their labors are just beginning to bear full fruit. As one of our great railroads says to its employees in a recent bulletin: There are so many things of the past, so many things of the present, to persuade us to the opinion, if not indeed to the assumption, that man has been so intent upon improving and developing and helping toward perfection the things over which he was given dominion in Eden that he has left the matter of his own intelligently directed evolution until the last. The result of all this has been that even up to the present, though to the standardization of nearly everything in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms and a goodly portion of the lower orders in the animal king- dom men have worked with earnest and often enthusiastic cooperation, when it came to standardizing men and developing efficiency in them, there has existed a confusion and lack of cohesion equal to that of Babel. Efficiency in machinery has been taken for granted by those interested in production, efficiency in labor has been largely overlooked until the modem efficiency engineer appeared upon the scene. But times are changing, and men generally are slowly coming to realize the full significance of the term " labor efficiency." Part of this has been due unquestionably to the influence of labor unions. The increasing stress given by economists upon the distinction between labor and capital, as economic concepts, has not been without its effects. The natural and inevitable failure of mechanical invention to keep abreast of the pace set at the outset of the industrial revolution has also served to detract attention from the purely mechanical aspect as soon as something else arose which demanded attention. To all this we must add the exhaustion of the frontier and the other influences THE EFFICIENCY OF LABOR 155 called attention to by Professor John E. Commons, which tend to strengthen and emphasize the labor problem generally.1 A moment's reflection will reveal the significance of this modern movement toward greater efficiency. When we realize that according to experts only from 20 to 60 per cent, efficiency has up to the present time been secured in the average industrial plant we are almost stag- gered when we think, not only of the effect that has been wasted in the past, but of what will be possible in the future when this energy is rightly directed in the actual work or production. In fact, it would seem that, were one half the effort and thought we make to secure efficiency in things outside of ourselves directed toward the securing of greater efficiency of human units, there would evolve within a few generations a race almost of supermen. So with the rise of those whose business it is to secure efficiency from labor — whose specialty is the gaining of cooperation, frankness and well-directed efforts through a study of what has been called " shop psychology " it is wholly pos- sible, if not indeed probable, that a combination with mechanical effi- ciency may be affected that may well alter the entire aspect of industry, and, mayhap, usher in a new stage in industrial evolution.2 Treatments of industrial efficiency up to the present time have, in the majority of instances, been lacking for one of two reasons, either they have overlooked the very human instincts of the employer or they have assumed an inherent antagonism between the interests of the laboring class, as typified in unionism, and efficiency systems that could not be overcome. Let us examine efficiency systems from the point of view of these facts. The apathy (or active opposition in some instances) on the part of many employers to modern systems of industrial efficiency may be traced to one of two causes. On the one hand, there frequently exists a confusion between low individual wage cost with low total wage cost. Or, on the other hand, the difficulty that has hitherto existed of meas- uring with any degree of accuracy the efficiency of individual workmen has undoubtedly worked against a more universal adoption of the plan. Each of these facts will bear some notice beyond mere mention. The costs of a manufacturing concern may be roughly separated 1 See also the writer's "Economic Basis of the Fight for the Closed Shop," Journal of Political Economy, November, 1912, especially p. 952. 2 The truth of this statement will appear when the full intent of the meas- ures to develop labor efficiency are considered. The efficiency engineer has more in mind than the mere invention of a new wage system — his work consists equally in securing good housing, relief from monotony, a fair living wage — in a word, in what may be termed social, labor legislation. The fact that he is interested from the point of view of the employer does not alter the significance of his work. More will be said of this later. 156 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY into (1) wages, (2) raw material, (3) operating expenses, (4) overhead charges. Taking these four items into account, the producer has, log- ically enough, proceeded on the assumption that the less he has to pay for any one of them, the selling price remaining constant, the greater will be his net profit. When in the earlier stages of industry, production was carried on in small workshops, and hired help was uncommon because unnecessary, the only direct costs were those for raw material and for overhead charges. The lower the price per unit the producer had to pay, the lower were his total costs of production. When he came to need help in the shop, he assumed, rather than figured it out, that the less he had to pay an assistant per day, the lower would be his wage cost. If the thing were true of raw material, obviously, he reasoned, it would also be true of labor cost. The fact that his help was trained and worked under his personal supervision and hence was actually more efficient than would otherwise be the case probably explains why the fundamental error in his assumption passed unnoticed. When shops became factories and power-driven machinery replaced the old hand processes, the question of the competency of labor was never raised, for reasons already noted, save in unusual cases, and attention was centered upon capital. With their minds still on the mechanics of production, competing employers began to unite, and the modern concentration and integration of industry commenced. With its development, aided perhaps by those who had the time to analyze theoretically the costs of production, was evolved the monopoly prin- ciple of price, namely, that the price should be fixed at that point where the difference between the total income and the total cost was the greatest. And it was merely a question of time before some progressive individuals came to apply the same principle to wages and the labor cost. The added attention unionism had forced people generally to give to labor undoubtedly caused the idea to develop sooner than it would otherwise have done. It is, however, in some respects a surprising thing that this prin- ciple has not come to have a more general recognition, since it is applicable in industries other than monopolies. In theory, it is almost universally conceded that the efficient man — he who produces most and best — is always the most profitable, even though he demands a some- what higher wage. The truth of this statement has always been the reason ascribed for the successful competition of American industry with that of Europe, despite lower wage cost per unit on the continent. But employers have been prone to accept this greater efficiency of the American workman as a thing in the natural order of events, and so drew the conclusion that if he could get this greater efficiency at European rates, his profits would be doubly increased, failing utterly to see that the efficiency largely depended upon the higher wage, or, in TEE EFFICIENCY OF LABOR 157 other words, that efficiency and low wage can not, in the very nature of things, be compatible. In America, the higher wage was for a long time a thing the employer could not avoid, but in Europe it could be avoided. The recognition of the principle and its application to prac- tise has hitherto been left to Germany, who has clearly demonstrated in her mills that it is " the improved workman who is accountable for efficient workmanship," and that it is the totality of the effect of this fundamental economic and educational movement that has brought Germany to the front in the present industrial competition. Dr. Eliot has put it : We now know that the most efficient labor and the cheapest in proportion to its product is found where the laboring classes live comfortably, are well housed and fed, develop their intelligence and widen their prospects. The cheapest labor is no longer considered the most profitable. Unfortunately, Dr. Eliot's conclusion is, though inevitable, some- what premature so far as the United States is concerned, for it is still largely the rule in practise, though not in theory, to confuse low labor cost per unit with low total cost. Happily, the theory is becoming more and more the practise, and it is well, unless we are willing to be hopelessly outclassed by our neighbors in the competition for the world market. There is, however, another factor, and one for which the employer is not so directly responsible, that assists in explaining why modern efficiency systems are not more universally adopted. This is in the fact that until quite recently no means has been available by which the employer could with any degree of accuracy measure the relative efficiency of men or of various systems of organization. The employer, of necessity, has paid one scale of wages to one class of workmen, because, as a rule, he had no means of gauging the amount of work of each man. It is exceedingly difficult to determine exactly what each of a number of workmen does each day, and even if he does know, the difficulty of comparing them is very great unless the work done by each man was of the same nature and done under the same conditions. The result has been that the emplo}rer has kept no individual records, and instead treats all workmen of a class as equals, and pays them the same wage. There may be 20 per cent, who are more efficient than the rest, but he has no means of distinguishing them from the others with any degree of accuracy. The result is that he declines to increase the wages, or makes such increases so small as to be insignificant as com- pared with differences in efficiency. In hiring men he offers the wage for which he can obtain the cheapest man, and if the good man stands out for a higher wage, he usually gets none at all. If the efficient man is to get a higher wage, his entire class must get it, and then the employer is paying the men more than they are worth. If the efficient 158 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY workman be a unionist, he must, if he be consistent, slacken his pace to that of the poorer one's, and hence in such shops the employer usually gets the efficiency he pays for. The question, therefore, which must be settled before all others, if the efficiency scheme is to be adopted, is : how shall differences in efficiency be measured ? Obviously to base a wage scale upon mere personal judgment as to the relative efficiency of men working within a shop would be out of the question, not only because it opens the way for charges of personal favoritism and consequent labor difficulties, but also because the com- plexity of modern shops would make such a plan physically impossible. The introduction of the simple piece-work plan was hailed as a great advance, as it unquestionably was from certain points of view, but here, too, failure was inevitable. Pace setting with the regular " trimming down " of wage scales was certain to produce bad feeling amongst the men, if no worse evils resulted, which was improbable. The workmen, too, were held responsible for all errors, which is obviously unfair — and bad policy for the employer, besides. Moreover, the plan is based upon a fundamental fallacy, namely, that a just scale of wages based on piece-work can be made which will at all times and under all condi- tions be just. The universal objection on the part of labor unions to simple piece-work has both theoretical and practical justification. In view of these facts, modifications were suggested, notably in the Halsey, Eowan, Emerson and Taylor systems.3 Space does not permit a discussion of the relative merits of these systems, even though it might fall within the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that a scheme had to be devised of accurate, concise individual records that could be used so as to be fair to the employer, yet that should recognize and encourage the good workman while it did not discourage the poor one. This has been done after considerable experimentation by effi- ciency engineers, and has proven satisfactory. The Holerith Service Eequisition card4 is a fair sample of what can be done along this line, and makes it possible to measure relative efficiency of workmen, not only with each other, but with whatever standard existing conditions justify. We are now in a position to consider the other side of the question. What is the attitude of the laboring man to these efficiency schemes? It must be admitted that so far as organized labor, at least, is con- cerned its opposition is almost universal, and that this opposition has been the source of much criticism. Two questions naturally present themselves at this juncture: why does unionism oppose the efforts of the efficiency engineer, and second, what will be the ultimate outcome of such opposition ? Let us consider these queries in their logical order. 3 See Bender, "Systems of Wages and their Influence on Efficiency," Engineering Magazine, 26: 498. 4 See Engineering Magazine, 36 : 820. THE EFFICIENCY OF LABOR 159 The opposition of unionism to efficiency schemes is based upon two facts ; the persistence of bad economic theory and the remembrances of bitter experiences. The theory that the various methods of restric- tions of output, such as the refusal to follow pace-setters and the like, will make more work for other unionists has long been held by the ardent union followers, and the Bureau of Labor has said that the idea is almost universal among laboring men, whether members of a union or not.5 The fallacy of such a doctrine has long since been exposed, and needs no repetition here. A more fundamental error, and possibly the real source of the one just mentioned, is the failure to recognize that wages are paid from total product and that labor's share in the national income is proportional to its share in the production of that income. The old wage fund doctrine still lingers. But unless we do entertain that abandoned theory it is difficult to escape the conclusion that increased efficiency results in added product and a consequent higher wage scale. This much at least is true that, as society is at present constituted, the laborer can not in the long run get more wages unless he also produces more. Doubtless, however, the chief source of difficulty between the unionist and the efficiency advocate grows out of the experience of organized labor in the past with piece-work, bonus and premium plans ; nor can it be said that the unionist is to be greatly blamed for being suspicious. The practical (and it has sometimes seemed almost in- evitable) consequences following the institution of these plans in the past are too well known to be repeated here. The horizontal cut in the wage scale following what the employer has termed the earning of " excessive bonuses," time after time has made unionism perhaps unreasonably wary of all like schemes in the future. Be that as it may, this fact remains, that after having been trapped into being com- pelled to work at a killing pace to earn a decent wage, organized labor, pointing to this experience, objects to the point of desperate struggle the adoption of any form of " wages on the basis of efficiency " without giving them the chance even of a trial. Note the attitude of the Metal Polishers Union at the Rock Island (Illinois) government arsenal toward the introduction of the Taylor cards. Unquestionably, the crux of the whole matter is in the relation of these efficiency schemes to the laborer and their effect upon him. Some writers have argued that since unionism is primarily interested in high wages, and the employer in low costs of production, that unionism and efficiency are inherently antagonistic. Others contend that because of its persistent fight against it, unionism will eventually compel industry to adopt " democratic measures " just as the evils of standing armies 5 See Eeport of Bureau of Labor on Restriction of Output (1904). i6o TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY compel nations to arbitrate their differences. Still others maintain that the most effective weapon against unionism is the proper reward of efficiency, since by that means all reasonable discontent is quieted. Thus H. L. Gantt in an article noted above says : If you keep an exact record of what each fellow does, surround the men with conditions under which they can work at high efficiency and compensate the efficient one liberally, no man will spend his spare time trying to find out how to raise the wages of the other fellow. Workmen as a rule will do more if their earnings are increased by so doing, and you will have great difficulty in getting the efficient ones into the labor unions if they are not benefited by joining. In passing judgment upon these criticisms, two facts stand out preeminently before the thoughtful student of this question. The first is that some kind of an efficiency system, constructed upon a cost basis, is to become inevitably an integral part of the industrial organization of the future. Men may be apathetic about it, mistakes will be made in its application, labor unions may strive against it, but it is as inevitable as the industrial revolution. Time was — and traces of the spirit still linger — when labor organizations struggled against the introduction of modern labor-saving devices. The Knights of St. Crispan might unite against the use of pegging and sewing machines in the shoe industry; printers might protest against the introduction of the linotype, but it was of no avail — these things were a part of industrial evolution — they increased man's efficiency in production, and they could not be stayed. Exactly the same thing is true of modern efficiency systems — attention has been shifted from capital to labor, but the result will be the same. The employer demands it because his profits are thereby increased; the efficient laborer demands it because it increases his compensation and he feels, rightly, that superior skill should be rewarded; and society as a whole demands it, because in its totality it tremendously increases social wealth and welfare. The sooner unionism recognizes this fact and acts accord- ingly, the better it will be for its cause, both directly and indirectly. For we are loathe to admit that labor and capital are, and must remain, inherently antagonistic. The second fact that requires recognition is that no plan which tends to increase the dependence of the laborer upon the employer or that fails to take cognizance of the real, vital well-being of the employee can in the long run prove successful. Because of this, it is essential that the employees in their collective capacity be given a voice in the direction of the shop. With human nature as it is, the temptation to cut piece-rates, to speed up machinery, and the utilization of similar methods must be, so far as possible, removed. In time the employers will undoubtedly come to see that the lack of hearty cooperation that TEE EFFICIENCY OF LABOR 161 must be expected from men who are driven instead of led will wreak its own evil consequences, but in the meantime something else must be substituted. The details must needs vary with the individual shop and trade. It is necessary, however, that in some manner the em- ployees in their collective capacity be recognized. From this point of view the plans of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the United States Steel Corporation and the National Biscuit Company, who offer a limited stock to their employees at reasonable prices, are weak. Few men can buy a sufficient quantity of stock to insure an effective interest, or if so, they can not hope to exercise the faintest semblance of influence upon the policy of the concern. The plan of the William Filene Sons' of Boston is far better. According to it the employees have a perma- nent shop committee, with certain privileges of recommendation regard- ing shop condition, methods of manufacture, and so forth, to a similar committee representing the employers. A combination of these two plans would undoubtedly be still more satisfactory wherever practical. Nothing is better established than that arbitrary, dictatorial methods on the part of the employer are fatal to the real interest and coopera- tion that an efficiency system demands. Such an attitude can result in nothing else than suspicion and antagonism. Whatever plan be adopted, therefore, it is essential that a channel be provided through which the workmen can express themselves. It will be seen, therefore, from what has been said up to this time, that the question of efficiency is a far more complex one than appears at first sight. Perhaps, indeed, the efficiency expert is himself not entirely blameless in the matter, in that he has seemingly placed undue emphasis upon some system of wage payment and not enough upon the deeper significance of such a reform. For after all the introduction of some new plan for paying wages is but a superficial thing, if con- sidered by itself. True, output may be tremendously increased by artificially stimulating the workmen through some form of piece-work; " speeding " increases output, despite the fact that it also kills men. The permanent, vital results of efficiency schemes appear after a man's wages have been increased as a result of added output. It is the things a man buys with his increased income and the improvement in his environment which it makes possible that constitutes the real basis of efficiency. Additional wages are of no value unless they bring to the earner better food and clothes, better housing conditions, relief from the monotonoy of factory toil, reasonably safe and sanitary places in which to work — in short, unless they mean a higher standard of living. There is probably no efficiency expert worthy of the name who does not realize all this or who does not appreciate its full significance. It i62 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY is probably equally true that he does not strive for these things out of any consideration for the employee, but rather because it increases pro- duction. He sees, however, that the one necessarily implies the other. His first step in the attainment of his end has been the invention of a new system of wage payment, and he has been increasingly successful in this direction. But in doing so, he has so far neglected to purposely emphasize the ultimate aim that his critics have lost sight of it alto- gether. The result is that in many instances the unionist fails to under- stand his motive, and the employer does not see its necessity. The problem of the efficiency of labor is therefore but a phase of the far wider problem of distribution. What the advocates of labor legislation and reform are striving to do from the point of view of the wage-earner, the efficiency expert is endeavoring to secure, though he may not realize it, from the standpoint of the employer. It would be well if this fact were more generally understood, for then the diffi- culties would be solved the sooner, and there would be less working at cross-purposes. And, after all, it is as Theodore Roosevelt said recently at Columbus: We have no higher duty than to promote the efficiency of the individual. There is no surer road to the efficiency of the nation. BERGSON' S ORGANIC EVOLUTION 163 BERGSON'S VIEW OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION By De. HERVEY W. SHIMER MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY THE French philosopher Henri Bergson has most appropriately chosen as the title of his book on development the name " Cre- ative Evolution." As the name implies, to the inevitableness, the in- variability of evolution as developed through physico-chemical laws, this philosophy adds the spontaneity, the indetermination of creation. The English translation of this book by Arthur Mitchell is a masterpiece of such work, and he is to be highly commended for the sympathetic manner in which the translation has been carried through. All views of evolution divide naturally into two groups, the mech- anistic— that all life can be accounted for through the application of the laws of physics and chemistry — and the vitalistic — that while the laws of physics and chemistry explain much, they do not explain all. The principal radical views of these two groups are the following: Mechanistic Vitalistic Neo-Lamarckian. Neo-Darwinian. ( Creative Evolution (Bergson). 1 Teleology. The Neo-Lamarckians hold that characters acquired during the lifetime of an individual are transmitted to its offspring. The Neo- Darwinians deny this utterly, holding that the germ cell, the reproduc- tive tissue, is set apart for its generative work while the animal is in its embryonic state, that is, the reproductive tissue is not the product of the animal's own soma cells, but of its parents' germ cells. This school of Neo-Darwinians explains evolution by the theory that the germ cells are continually changing in every possible direction permitted by their stage of development and that those of these changes shown forth in the adult animal or plant which are beneficial to the organism are selected by nature for preservation. To the adherents of the former school, environment gives rise to variations; to the adherents of the latter it merely selects. To the former the long neck of the giraffe is due to the necessity that successive generations get their food from higher and higher bushes, a process of stretching illustrated by the ani- mals in Kipling's " Just So Stories " ; to the latter, those changes in the germ cell leading to neck elongation in the adult were selected by nature in times of drought. Teleology in its most radical form holds that life is carrying out a 164 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY pre-arranged plan, that at the beginning everything was determined in detail and that all life is now following out the lines of that plan. Comparing this with the other two theories, the rabbits have long hind legs according to the Neo-Lamarckians because of the exercise they received when running to escape the fox; their ears likewise became longer because of the intentness with which they must guard against enemies. To the Neo-Darwinian the elongate ears and hind legs are due to changes in this direction in the germ cell, which changes nature selected by means of the fox who ate all individuals failing to make this change. To the teleologist it was planned in the beginning that as the fox became swifter the rabbit should likewise become swifter and more acute of hearing so that a proper balance should always be pre- served between them. Bergson's view of creative evolution is vitalistic in that it, with teleology, postulates a psychical force, which he calls the life impetus. But it differs from teleology especially in its belief that life is not bound by any prearranged plan, that it is free at all times to modify its course, to change its direction. Life, according to this view, is like a shell bursting as it flies, each fragment again bursting, and so on. The life impetus is thus continually dividing. Just as the way a shell bursts depends both upon the explosive force of the powder and the resistance of the metal surrounding it, so the direction of life depends upon the unstable balance of tendencies which it bears within itself and the re- sistance it meets with from inert matter. It is as if the vital impetus were trying to graft on the invariableness of matter the largest possible amount of instability. According to the view of creative evolution, then, environment is a force evolution must reckon with, but not its cause, as with the mech- anists, while adaptation of the organism to its environment will explain the sinuosities of the course of evolution, but not the general direction and still less the cause of the movement itself. The problem confronting this vital impetus as it enters matter is somewhere to gather energy with which to counteract the retarding force of matter. At the surface of this earth the most available source of energy is the sun's rays. So the problem before life was this — to store this energy in suitable reservoirs so that it could be drawn upon at any time and for any need such as movement or reproduction. It succeeded in this by causing the kinetic power of the sun's rays to break up the inorganic compounds into their separate elements and then re- combine them into the potential energy of organic foodstuffs. At first, doubtless, an organism thus gathered for itself the energy which it later expended in free movements; this form may be symbolized in a crude way by the infusorian, Euglena. This organism expends kinetic energy in motion like any animal, but in addition to the ordinary animal BERGSON' S ORGANIC EVOLUTION 165 method of deriving potential energy from plant reservoirs it likewise stores up potential energy for itself by the direct action of the sun's rays on its chlorophyll. But in the course of higher development it was found that these two functions, that of storing up energy and its expenditure in free movements, were incompatible in the same or- ganism. There thus opened out before the organism two lines of development, one of greater movement, but with all the hazard of an uncertain food supply, the other of fixity, but with a certainty of food supply; the former resulted in the animal kingdom, the latter in the vegetable. Since, however, these two kingdoms are branches of the same life im- petus each contains something of the other. The difference lies merely in the tendencies upon which each lays emphasis, while it leaves the other tendencies lying dormant. So that plants and animals can not be defined by mutually exclusive characters, but rather by the accentuation of certain tendencies. Plants take their food as a rule from the inor- ganic, animals from the organic ; as a result plants are usually fastened to the earth, immobile ; animals get their food through movement. As a consequence of this differing method of food getting the plant cell surrounds itself with a hard coat of cellulose through which external stimuli can with difficulty affect the organism, and there is hence made possible but a very slight consciousness. Since to the animal cell movement is essential to food getting, it can not completely encase itself in a hard external skeleton ; it thus follows that external stimuli readily affect the organism and there is hence rapidly developed an ever higher type of consciousness. Consciousness, as used by Bergson, is not limited to self-conscious- ness, but is the kind of consciousness that Jennings in his " Behavior of Lower Organisms " is inclined to believe is possessed by all animals from the highest to the lowest. Bergson relates it to mobility. " The humblest organism is conscious in proportion to its power to move freely." The elements into which a tendency splits do not possess the same power to evolve. The truly elementary tendencies continue to evolve, leaving behind the residual, split-off tendencies. This is illustrated in the development of the plant kiDgdom, where it is the carbon-fixers which carry on the main line of evolution. Along the animal pathway, three of the main branches are those of the mollusks, arthropods and vertebrates. During the middle Paleozoic all had run into the blind alleys of stagnancy, of torpor, since most forms of these phyla had become enclosed in a hard external skeleton; but before this condition had become universal, some of the arthropods assumed, instead of the hard external skeleton of the crustacean, the soft one of the insect, and among the vertebrates the armored fish gave place to the unarmored. 1 66 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Bergson here makes one of his most suggestive contributions, for he makes intellect and instinct divergent instead of linear characteristics. Intellect is not derived from instinct, but they are both present in all life. The former is emphasized by the vertebrates, reaching its cul- mination in man; the latter is especially developed by the arthropods and finds its highest expression in the Hymenoptera — bees, wasps and ants. The awakening from torpor could be effected in two ways; life, i. e., consciousness launched into matter, could fix its attention either upon its own movement or upon the matter it was passing through, and it would thus be turned either in the direction of intuition, or of intel- lect. Apparently, on the side of intuition consciousness could not go far; it found itself so restricted by its envelope that intuition had to shrink into instinct, i. e., to embrace only that portion of life upon which its continued well-being depended. Instinct is a prolongation of the life principle (vital impulse). We call that the life principle which in a living body coordinates the thousands of cells to work towards a common end and to divide the labor of feeding, reproduction and preservation among them, but we call that instinct which causes the bees of a hive to work towards a common end, and to divide the labor of feeding, reproduction and preservation among them. The most essential of the primary instincts are really vital processes. Instinct only carries further the work by which life organizes matter. When the little chick is breaking its shell with a peck of its beak it is acting by instinct, and yet it merely carries on the movement which has borne it through its embryonic life. When the digger-wasp, Ammophila, stings its caterpillar victim in just the right places to ensure paralysis without death it acts by instinct, it must not be con- sidered to have any knowledge like that of the learned entomologist who would know the vulnerable places from the outside — from detailed observations of all parts of the caterpillar body. The insect's knowl- edge, instinctive, proceeds from its inner identification with the same life principle as that of the caterpillar — from a sympathy (in the ety- mological sense of the word) between the two organisms which teaches the insect from within the vulnerability of its victim, whereas the intel- ligence of the entomologist goes all around the caterpillar instead of entering into it, making itself one with it. On the other hand, consciousness concentrating its attention upon the matter it was passing through succeeded in evading the barriers raised by it, and now in man, freed to some extent from matter, it can turn inwards on itself and awaken the powers of intuition which still slumber within it. Intuition as thus used is instinct that has become disinterested, self-conscious, capable of reflecting upon its object. Bergson makes freedom the corner-stone of his theory. The vital impetus has for its goal the acquirement of an ever fuller volume of BERGSON' 8 ORGANIC EVOLUTION 167 free, creative activity. Man shows that forth in himself in the creation, improvement and pursuit of ideals. He follows no prescribed path ; he is perfectly free to choose, except that he may not go contrary to the broad course of evolution, i. e., the direction of flow of the vital impetus. While consciousness (vital impetus) is thus creation and choice, it is also memory. Beings advance in time, treading, as it were, upon a carpet which they weave with whatever colors and texture they wish, but they are ever rolling this carpet up behind them and carrying it with them. Thus all of the past is preserved, though not indeed all as self- conscious memories. It is this whole past which, "gnawing into the future, swelling as it advances," Bergson calls duration. The biologic law of recapitulation takes cognizance of a part of this memory. Thus instead of a finalistic or a mechanistic universe with its course known or foreseeable, Bergson postulates one creating itself endlessly along an indeterminable course, constantly enlarging with the volume of its past experiences. 1 68 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE ABILITIES OF AN "EDUCATED" HOESE By Profbssob M. V. O'SHEA THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN DURING the last few years a number of " educated " horses have been prominently before the public, alike in this country and in the old world, and they have received enthusiastic praise from all sorts of people. Doubtless some readers of this article saw and admired Blondine, who exhibited his " marvelous " powers continu- ously during the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo. Many distin- guished people paid him a visit; and observing his performances, they went away to tell astounding tales of his intellectual acumen. The testimonies of men eminent in politics, in war, in business, and in the professions were daily published at the door of Blondine's pavilion; and the writer remembers reading the hearty commendations of this "educated" horse by President McKinley, Admiral Schley, and a long list of persons celebrated in various walks of life. The press of the country described the readiness and accuracy with which Blondine could add, subtract, multiply and divide large numbers; how he would interpret commands given to him, such as to take a handkerchief to a particular lady in a company; how he could spell words given him by members of his audience; how he could read simple sentences; and how he could perform other mental feats which we have been accus- tomed to think are impossible except for an intelligent human being. Leaving aside the " educated " horses of other days and of other countries, it is the intention here to describe the intelligence of King Pharaoh, which has probably attracted more attention than any other horse of recent times. He has appeared before notable people and vast audiences in every section of this country. He has received unqualified praise for his abilities from newspaper and magazine writers, and from such persons as Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Governor Eberhardt, of Minnesota, and others of like distinction. His trainer, Dr. Boyd, of Columbia, South Carolina, claims that we have at last an animal with genuine human intelligence, as shown in his interpretation of oral and written language, his mathematical calculations, his read- ing of human character, and similar achievements. The writer, who had made some observations respecting Blondine's powers as revealed in his exhibitions in Buffalo, was able to make an investigation of King Pharaoh's abilities in November, 1911. An educational convention was in session in Miles City, Montana. King Pharaoh with his trainer and retinue of attendants happened to be AN "EDUCATED" HORSE 169 passing through to the Pacific coast at the time. The train was halted at Miles City, and Dr. Boyd was asked whether he would permit the writer to make a test of King Pharaoh's reputed human intelligence, and he readily consented to this. It was stipulated that the trainer should first exhibit the horse in the presence of a body of twenty-five observers, these to be chosen mainly from the educators in attendance at the convention, after which the writer would take control of King Pharoah, and his trainer and care-takers should leave the building, so that they could not influence the horse in any way during his perform- ances. These conditions were agreed to by Dr. Boyd. King Pharaoh is a small pinto stallion. He has an unusually large head for his size. The trainer called special attention to this trait before beginning his performance with the horse. He also dwelt upon the remarkable success which King Pharaoh had had in all of his exhibitions. He mentioned the people of prominence who had " studied " him, and who had commended him, putting special emphasis upon the testimony of Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Governor Eberhardt. Whether the trainer intended it or not, it was apparent that his remarks predisposed the observers in the horse's favor. One could see that they were much interested in King Pharaoh's large head, which indicated, of course, in accord with popular belief, that he must be intelligent. " Large head = superior intelligence " is the simple logic of the un- critical observer; and such a person will be partially convinced before he sees the horse in action at all. Then when great men, no matter in what department they may have achieved distinction, testify in favor of anything, the majority of people no longer maintain a genuinely critical attitude toward it. This is the result which the trainer must have known would issue from his remarks, though he may not have made them for this explicit purpose. It should be stated at this point that the trainer had carefully arranged the setting of the stage before King was brought in. He had placed a blackboard on an easel; and at four or five yards to the left there was a rack ten feet long on which could be placed in upright position ten letters or ten numbers printed on blocks that could be easily knocked down. The letters and figures were printed on both sides of the blocks, so that the horse and the trainer could see them, and the audience could also observe them. Throughout the exhibition the trainer stood between the blackboard and the rack so that the horse would always be in front of him, and he could see what was taking place. Por the first experiment, the writer put on the blackboard the fol- lowing figures 8 5 7 6 6 3 9 4 VOL. LXXXII. — 12. • '"■■ '■■ 170 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY and said to the horse : " King, add these figures." The trainer then said : " King, do as the gentleman bids you. Go to the rack and show what is the sum of the first two figures. Go along and do it quickly." Then turning to the audience he remarked : " King is mischievous to-day, perhaps because it is so cool, and he may not do just as he should unless I compel him to. Usually I never have to take a switch to him, but sometimes when he is too mischievous, I have to correct him, and urge him to attend to his business." It was interesting to note the effect of this statement upon the observers. It put them at once into sympathy with the horse, and predisposed them to explain King's lack of responsiveness and his mistakes to his " mischief," and not to his inability to understand what was wanted of him. The remarks served effectively to divert many of the observers from study- ing the commands and actions of the trainer as possibly affording a clue to the reactions of the horse. They just naturally concluded that so much talk by the trainer was necessary in order to control the horse's " mischief," and it did not occur to them that verbal clues were mixed in with the commands. Meanwhile the horse was standing at the rack without indicating any interest in the proceedings. He was not " studying " the figures on the board. He did not appear to understand what Dr. Boyd was saying about him. At least it was impossible for the writer, who was carefully noting King's reactions at short range, to detect any recog- nition on King's part of the trainer's remarks or commands, though it was claimed he understood every word. Turning to the horse again the trainer said, " King, why don't you do as the gentleman asked you ? Find the first number. Come on, behave yourself, and find the first number," and he picked up a stick as if to slap him. The horse then walked over to the rack on which the number 10 had been placed near the lower end. He moved down to this number, and pushed it off. However, just as King came to the number 10, the trainer said, " Show the gentleman what the first number is." After having pushed off the right number, he pushed off the number 6 which was next to it. The trainer then said, "What is the number you carry? Find the number which you should carry." The horse moved along the rack, and while the trainer was talking to and commanding him, stamping occasionally to impress King with the necessity of "cutting out" his "mischief," he pushed off the number 1 and the number next to it. Then the trainer said, "What is the next number in this addition? Find it for the gentleman." The horse moved along the rack, and at the com- mand, " Show the gentleman," he pushed off the number 13, and the one next to it. The trainer then had some one in the audience put the number 1 on the rack, though it could not be determined whether the horse was looking at the moment; and being commanded to show the AN "EDUCATED" HORSE 171 number which should be carried, King moved up to the rack, and ap- parently went directly to the right number, and pushed it off. So he went through with the entire addition, making no mistakes, except that for most of the numbers he pushed off both the right one and the one next to it. The trainer in each case would take two or three steps toward him and say, "He knows perfectly well what is right, but he is mischievous to-day. Sometimes he does that, but very rarely." Then the trainer would call out to the horse, " King, if you do not behave yourself, I will whip you for it. Now you go and do as I command you." The effect of these remarks on the observers was evi- dent ; they were siding with the horse in all his " pranks," though he appeared to be in earnest, according to equine standards. The writer could detect no evidence of " mischief " in the horse's expression or ac- tion. But the observers showed sympathy with King, and delight in his evident intelligence. The writer, who did not participate in the demonstrations of admiration when King pushed off the numbers, was said by certain of the observers to be rather cold and blase in regard to "educated" horses. One newspaper reporter who was in the audience told the writer later that he thought King would have done much better than he actually did do, if he (the writer) had not been eyeing him so coldly and unsympathetically. "I couldn't have done so well myself under such conditions," said the reporter. The writer next wrote on the board the figures 7 5 9 2 5 13 8 and said to the horse, "King, subtract." The trainer then called to him to perform the process, using, so far as one could follow him, sub- stantially such language as he did during the addition process. The horse in this experiment always pushed off the right number, but he also pushed off one or two other numbers in each instance. He would stop in the vicinity of the right number, while his trainer was talking to him, but apparently he could not discriminate between the correct one and those on either side of it. The trainer kept telling the audi- ence that King knew perfectly well what was right, but he was " out of sorts to-day." So far as one could tell, the horse was utterly indiffer- ent to his repeated verbal chastisements, even though, according to the trainer, he comprehended everything said to him and about him. Next, the writer put on the board a problem in division, and one in multiplication, and the horse solved each problem in the way in which he did the first two ; but in most of his attempts he pushed off more than one number, which the trainer uniformly ascribed to the cold weather, or to some similar cause, and not to lack of intelligence. His most re- markable arithmetical work, judging from the expressions of the audi- i72 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ence, was his correct solution, in the same sense that his other solu- tions were correct, of the problem, — "If I must pay 35 cents for one dozen oranges, how much must I pay for 224 dozens ? " King " solved " this " in his mind," which is more than the average high-school gradu- ate can do. Also, he apparently carried the solutions of all the other problems "in his mind" after "studying" them once, which would be regarded as " some " feat for a mathematician even. Stopping a moment for comments, it may be noted first that the trainer while commanding the horse saw the numbers on the rack, and that the horse passed along the rack, instead of walking up straight to a number. It was impossible to keep tab on all of the trainer's talk so as to determine whether he always used a given word or phrase when the horse was opposite a particular number; but some observers in the audience believed that this was true, and that the phrase he used was " Show the gentleman." It was thought by some members of the audi- ence that the trainer always stamped his foot when the horse was to move back on the rack in order to find the right number. The writer, who remained at the blackboard while the horse was "studying" the figures, noted that he did not appear to concentrate upon them at all. The trainer would say to him as the numbers were being written, " Now, King, study these numbers, so that you can do your work quickly." The horse on at least two occasions nibbled at the writer's fingers while the numbers were being written. Once he looked out of the window; and from the focus of his eyes, which were specially observed, it appeared impossible for him to be attending to the numbers which had been written. If a child had been doing this work he would have shown in his bodily adjustments that he was concentrating upon the situation before him, but it was just the other way with King. The trainer would tell him to figure a problem all out before he went to the rack, so that he could do his work fast; and assuming that he did this, it indicated a higher degree of numerical imagery and retentiveness than the majority of human beings possess. After the arithmetical tests, the writer introduced King to three of the observers situated in different parts of the room. Then five ribbons of different colors were put on the rack, after which the writer said to the horse, — "King, take the orange ribbon to Miss W." The trainer followed with, " King, do as the gentleman bids you. Find the orange color." The trainer was constantly talking to King, and stamping to make him obedient, and the horse soon picked out the orange ribbon and apparently went directly with it to Miss W., throwing it at her. The writer next said, " King, find the blue ribbon and take it to Mr. X." Again the trainer talked to the horse while he was performing the task, with the result that he found the blue ribbon, and took it to Mr. X. Miss W. threw her ribbon onto the floor, and the trainer said, " King, AN "EDUCATED" HORSE 173 pick up the orange ribbon and take it to Dr. 0." The horse picked up the ribbon, turned around, and did exactly as he was commanded; and in this case, neither the writer nor the observers could detect anv cue word or signal which was used to guide the horse. It should be said that all the observers were much impressed with the directness with which the horse appeared to go to the individual whose name was men- tioned in any of these tests, though when King was being introduced to a person he did not seem to pay any attention to him. A human being would look at any one to whom he was being introduced, so that in the future he could recognize him through having focalized some of his characteristics; but King's eyes never once focused on the person to whom he was being presented. During the ceremonies of introduction, King might be sniffing at the writer's hand, or nibbling at his coat, which would cause the trainer to exclaim, — " King, why don't you be- have yourself ? I will have to whip you." But still when the test came King seemed to most of the observers to have recognized each individ- ual to whom he was introduced, and to have remembered his name. Next the writer asked King to spell the word " horse." The trainer took him in hand, talking to him and stamping; and the horse went along the rack and, as with the figures, pushed off in order the letters h-o-r-s-e, pushing off also letters next to the correct ones in each case. Several other words were given him, all of which he "spelled" under the guidance of his trainer. Lastly the writer printed on the black- board the words, "Take my gloves, and give them to Miss "W." The horse apparently searched around the body of the writer, but could not locate the gloves. The trainer gave the audience the impression that King was trying to find them; but while they could be seen extending out of the pocket, yet the horse did not take them. The effect created on the audience was that the horse was actually hunting for the gloves. It was noticed that as he was sniffing up and down the body, the trainer was repeating, " Do what the gentleman has asked you to do." It should be noted further that the writer stood directly before the horse, and it would be a simple matter for him to associate such a word as "gentleman" with taking something from his person. It is a frequent test for exhibitors with horses to have them take something, usually the hat from a man's head, and give it to some one in the audience. These experiments having been concluded, the trainer and his as- sistants were asked to leave the building, and the horse was turned over to the writer. Before leaving, the trainer said, "The horse is very mischievous to-day, and you will have to look out for him." This had the desired effect, or at least it caused many of the observers to seek places of safety, which put them in a non-critical attitude toward the experiment. In this connection it should be mentioned that the trainer gave the writer before he took charge of King, and apparently in an incidental manner, a newspaper article which ran as follows : i74 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ' ' King Pharaoh, " an " educated horse ' ' who made his initial bow at Wonderland Park yesterday, vindicated his honor at the close of one of the performances of the day. There was a "doubting Thomas" in the audience who thought the horse must have been given signals of some sort to perform the mathematical and other wonders which were revealed during the performance. The man of inquiring and suspicious nature was told by Dr. J. M. Boyd, the owner and trainer of the horse, that after the audience had left he could remain and see for himself in the absence of the horse 's trainer. The ' ' doubting Thomas ' ' was left alone with ' ' King Pharaoh. ' ' Shortly the man made his exit with much expedition, with the horse a close second. The animal, the man said, had obeyed several commands but seemed to become offended and "went" for him, as if knowing he was confronted by a doubter. It seemed apparent that the object of this was to impress the writer with the desirability of his not being skeptical about King Pharaoh's abilities, or the horse might attack him and do him harm. After the trainer and his assistants had left the hall, the writer re- peated every one of the experiments which had been performed by King when his trainer was present. It may be stated in brief that he failed to perform a single test satisfactorily. When told to go to the black- board, without any gesture or sign other than the mere words of the command, he did not respond. He could not react even to the word "blackboard." But when urged with the uplifted hand in the act of striking, and guided in the right direction, he would go and "study" the numbers. But when invited to go to the rack and perform the so- lution, he seemingly had no idea of what was said to him. But when urged and threatened, he would pass along the rack without knocking off any number. It was impossible to get him to remove a number by telling him simply to find the correct one. It was the same in regard to the spelling. In some cases when he was commanded in a threaten- ing voice and manner to find numbers, he would paw, indicating that he seemed to think the command was to count. The only reaction that could be got from him was to stand before the blackboard, walk along the rack when urged and threatened with a stick, but without any dis- position to solve problems, and paw when a command such as " Go and find Miss W." was continually repeated in an increasingly austere voice. It was evident that the horse had no imagery whatever for the words " Miss W.," and no notion of what was wanted of him. The trainer, who after a considerable period had come to the build- ing to find out the progress of events, and who stood on the sidelines while the writer was trying the horse out on some of his feats, finally could not endure it any longer, and came into the ring, saying to the audience, " Once in a while King will come across a man for whom he will do nothing; but he will readily do it for most people." This re- mark had the desired effect. Some persons in the audience were led to think that the writer was not in sympathetic accord with the horse, and AN "EDUCATED" HORSE 175 so could not induce him to perform his usual tasks. At once the writer called upon Professor Cooley, an expert on horses, who was in the audi- ence, and who had seen the performance from the start, to take charge of the horse, which he did, with exactly the same result as the writer had. Next the principal of the high school in Miles City, who could not be accused of any skepticism regarding the horse's ability, or any want of sympathy for him, was asked to put King through his paces, but he could not get a single intelligent reaction from him. It ought to be added that the writer was simply neutral in his attitude toward the horse throughout the trainer's performances; he did not praise or censure; he simply took notes on each event, which impressed both the trainer and some of the observers as denoting a too critical and un- sentimental relation. It was to be expected that the trainer of King would explain his disappointing behavior as due to the paralyzing influence of strange personalities, and indisposition of some sort, for he had "never acted that way before." So another experiment was determined upon, and it was agreed that Dr. Boyd should handle the horse himself next time, and the writer would simply tell him what tests should be made. Now, it was mentioned above that in the language and arithmetic tests, the trainer as well as the audience saw the letters and figures, which made it impossible to eliminate the trainer's influence in guiding his horse, even though he might be unconscious of it. In order to try out this point it was decided, and it was thought without the trainer's knowl- edge, to prepare new blocks with letters and figures only on one side, and to arrange them on the rack so that the trainer could not see them while directing King, but so that the horse and the observers could see them. It was also decided to blindfold the trainer while the horse was being tested on his ability to discriminate colors, and to select special ones to give to persons to whom he had been introduced. Strangely enough, just before the tests were to be made the trainer declared that King had suddenly been taken sick, and could not be tested, though " nothing like it had ever happened to him before." To clear up the situ- tion, which looked very bad, Dr. Boyd promised to bring King to Madi- son, Wisconsin, for further experiments before January 15, 1912; but from that day to this (October 1, 1912) it has been impossible to get any response from him, though King is still amazing people with his " hu- man intelligence." Any one familiar with horses knows that they are capable of keen responses of a particular kind. They can very acutely distinguish tones of voice in respect to their denoting gentleness, or harshness, or weak- ness, or sternness in their possessors. Dogs have the same sort of keen- ness. Very young children, before they understand a single word as a symbol of meaning, can discriminate a number of shades in vocal qual- 176 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ity. A horse can learn the significance of certain words which denote pimple, definite reactions, as " gee," " haw," " get up," " whoa," and the like. He can be taught to respond in special cases to a considerable range of visual and auditory signs or cues, as may be observed in any circus. He can discriminate strangers from his caretakers, alike by smell and by sight, and also by the "feel" of the rein in driving him. The dominant emotion of the horse is fear, and he is keen in noting the characteristics of persons or places or objects which have been associated in his experience with pain or terror. He is extremely cautious, which keeps him ever on the alert, with the result that he will respond to simple stimuli in the form of "lessons" much more readily than the cow or the sheep, for instance. King is undoubtedly an average horse in this respect. As a result of repeated "lessons," he has associated a few visual and auditory signs with definite responses, and he has prob- ably connected particular reactions with specific words, as " gentleman," or " show the gentleman " which is, of course, but one word to him, de- noting a specific reaction, just as "whoa" does. Unquestionably much of his performance depends upon the peculiar vocal and bodily manner- isms of his trainer. When these are removed, King is at sea, hopelessly befogged when he is requested to do anything. Those who exploit the intelligence of the horse, and other animals as well, usually try to show that they possess the traits of the human mind, in that they can understand sentences in ordinary speech, can read and spell and calculate numerically, can learn the names of people and discriminate their character, can interpret facial expression, and so on. Now, all these acts and processes demand a synthesis of particular ex- periences which it is safe to say the equine brain is incapable of under any kind or degree of education. If a horse could do these things, it would cease to be a horse. The reason a horse is a horse psychically is because it is limited to certain types of intellectual synthesis and affective reaction, all of which have been determined by its ancestral history. It would be just as sensible to say that a man could be educated to follow the trail of a fox from the scent of its track, as to say that a horse, or any other animal, can be trained to read or calculate sums or discern a skeptic in an audience. This is not reflecting in any way upon the in- telligence of the horse; it is simply discriminating between the char- acteristic types of equine and of human intelligence. But if it were not financially profitable for some persons to possess horses with " hu- man intelligence," we probably should never be called upon to wonder about them. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 177 THE ADVANCEMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE Br FREDERIC LYMAN WELLS, Ph.D. MCLEAN HOSPITAL, WAVERLEY, MASS. TEACHING and research are the coordinate ways upon which any body of knowledge advances. Though we are apt to think first of the former, the latter is indeed the more basic, since before we can talk of teaching we must acquire something to teach; as, to a large extent, it is still the task of psychological medicine to do. It is neither a difficult nor an especially effective matter to urge in generalities the desirability of medical training in psychology in the hundred trite phrases that are current to every one ; the abstractly favorable judgment is now of little meaning except as the basis of constructive ideas. We can best decide the place of psychology in medical education in exam- ining what is the best that psychology has to give it. This question could indeed be dealt with more simply if there were greater unanimity of opinion as to what this best may be ; for, as the recent addresses at Washington plainly showed, divergent opinions still reflect the different angles from which the subject is approached. The discourse of the medical man is one of problems, of the psychologist, one of methods; which under present conditions could scarcely be otherwise. The diffi- culty is that the methods of normal psychology and the problems of pathological psychology do not fit. One could well read this in and between the lines of Franz's remarks,1 deprecating certain inadequacies in the methods of pathological psychology, as well as the aloofness from practical issues on the psychological side. The doubtful attitude of the psychiatrist towards the psychological Problemstellung is of long stand- ing. " They ask for a psychology . . ,. applied toward a solution of their own problems, one which is aimed at practical ends. It has been assumed that psychology as it is being taught and investigated deals with matters of no concern, or of too abstract a nature for practise " ; which assumption indeed has some measure of truth.2 Psychologists may not be scientifically at fault for this failure of application, but the medical justice of demanding it can scarcely be gainsaid, and such expressions are fair warning that in our natural wish to extend the scope and influence of psychological science, we do not lose sight of the fact that if psychology is to be successfully taught to medical students, it must afford them something they can use. The test of concrete experience is one that psychology has never been seriously called upon 1 Journ. Am. Med. Assoc, March 30, 1912, 909-911. a Cf. Hollingworth, Psych. Bull, May 15, 1912, 204-206. 178 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY to face, in the sense that other natural sciences have been. I am fully mindful of Professor Titchener's3 cogent apologia for the failure of the contemporary psychology to " hold its men/' who tended either to leave it for more frankly speculative departments of thought, or sought the concreter fields of education, or physiology and therapeutics. But the fact seems to be that psychology has not been over-forward in seeking the test of concrete experience. A somewhat definite program for the medical course in psychology has been discussed by Watson.4 It seems, not unnaturally, determined more by the place of the methods in experimental psychology than by direct consideration of their applications to the study of psychopatho- logical conditions. From this standpoint, one might in minor detail suggest some modification of Professor Watson's plan ; thus in any work on sight, campimetry should probably occupy an equal place with color vision. The skin and kinesthetic sensations have a psychopathological importance quite equal to that of hearing. Watson's plan is for a sys- tematic experimental course; I must confess that what seem the most fitting topics do not coordinate themselves so readily in my mind, and my own tendency would be to make such a course less one in experi- mental psychology than in psychological experiments. The content of the laboratory course may indeed change with the progress of the sci- ence, in accordance with the principle that properly governs it; but as we are not trying to make psychologists, but medical men, we must subordinate the desideratum of the academic system to a series of those experiments and methods most likely to be made use of in actual medical practise. It is evident that in the determination of the proper subject matter of such a course, there enters not only the available stock-in-trade, so to speak, of experimental psychology, but also the con- sideration of those particular clinical exigencies in which they are likely to be of service. Only such experiments and methods should form a part of such a course for which definite value in special situations can be indicated ; and the understanding of the application is on a level of importance equal with that of the experiment itself. The application of experimental methods will, of course, be practically confined to the study of individual cases, and the procedure which should be followed in the laboratory is thus an intensive study of each experimental method with individual subjects; group experimentation or methods which involve it are out of place in such a course.5 In an enumeration of the experimental methods which would seem, from the writer's particular experience, to best deserve place, would be included the study of the 8 Am. J. Psych., XXI., 1910, 406-407. 4 Journ. Am. Med. Assoc, March 30, 1912, 916-918. 8Cf. Kraepelin, "Ueber Ermudungsmessungen," Arch. f. d. Ges. Psychol., I., 1903, 28. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 179 free association experiment, the technique of the " psychogalvanic " reflex, or some allied method, the properties of the work-curve and a few of the less equivocal methods for determining it, and the better developed forms of memory experimentation. Nor should I question the inclusion of the Binet- Simon tests, though without personal experi- ence with them. It would lead too far afield to explain just why these particular experimental methods have been spoken of and not others, but suffice it to express every assurance that they are among the methods most helpful to the better understanding of those cases with which psychiatric clinics are replete. It is true that such division would form practically separate units in the course, and they could be taken up in any desirable order, save that, e. g., certain phases of the association experiment and the " psychogalvanic " reflex are best considered to- gether. Whether the content of a laboratory course were as above or something totally different, it must be governed essentially by its medical usefulness, and those features included which best justify themselves in this light. How much time can be given, and when, depends of course on administrative factors; all the time that Watson suggests could be profitably used, and it should be so ordered as to be convenient for those who take up the special work given in mental diseases. Such, in principle, is the writer's conception of a laboratory course likely to be of most value to students of medicine, nor would it be claimed that its subject matter could be effectively dealt with under other than laboratory conditions. There yet remains that considerable body of psychological problems whose concern with medicine is not less immediate than those above, but whose relation to experimental, or indeed in any way objective, methods, is at present very indefinite. They are essentially problems of psychogenesis — the development of the various mental reactions and tendencies of which individual char- acter and temperament are built up. It is readily discernible that a growing emphasis is laid in psychopathology upon the determining if not conditioning role of psychogenic factors in a variety of conditions, ranging from hysteria to the manic-depressive group ; though the scien- tific development of methods, or their application to the study of normal mental reaction types, has been largely conspicuous in absence. It is this phase of the situation that looms largest in Meyer's vision,6 with especial regard to its problems. The point of view goes back to some basal concepts of " mental reaction " 7 and the remarks repre- sented a none the less forceful, if indirect, criticism of the conventional Fragestellung in its relation to the problems on the pathological side. While at various times psychological writers have deprecated the tend- encies inherent, from a scientific standpoint, in many doctrines associ- *Journ. Am. Med. Assoc, March 30, 1912, 911-914. 7 Most simply outlined in the Psychological Clinic, June, 1908, 89-101. i8o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ated with the name of psychoanalysis, it would be difficult to deny that the responsibility for psj^choanalysis rests to some extent with the psychologists ourselves. The neurologist found himself confronted with certain problems psychological in their nature, with which the academic psychology had largely thought best not to concern itself. It is true that we have an " individual " psychology ; one of the differences in simple reaction time, in color vision, or in memory for nonsense syllables, various elementary traits among which it has been difficult to establish relationships or other than superficial interpretation. From a medical standpoint it is better to give up this Problemstellung of individual differences in functions, for one, so to speak, of individ- ual differences in individuals. The medical requirement is rather for a psychology that shall seek the correlation of objective methods for studying the personality with the mental reactions of that personality in the greater laboratory of mundane experience. The key-word to what medical psychology should be, and what academic psychology has not been, is, in fact, "personality." To our conventional chapter- headings of imagination, will, habit, experience and the like, let us mentally add the words as they affect the 'personality, if we wish to reach the standpoint of the greatest help in the medical relation. We shall study the mental evolution of the individual, rather than the genetic psychology of different mental faculties. Our psychology will be one of conduct, reactions, adjustments. As such we shall pay greater heed to feeling as a disturber of these adjustments. We shall start from the standpoint of the " mind as an adaptive mechanism " ;8 the personality as a sum of various tendencies in mental adaption or reaction-type. We shall study the various mental means through which different personalities react upon, or adjust themselves to, the vital situations they meet. We shall learn how some personalities react in ways that involve mental good, others in ways that involve mental harm, and we shall inquire into the modifiability of these reaction types, with the view to their possible amelioration. Though having a somewhat different outlook upon the matter, and expressing it in different terms, it appears that the things which Prince9 finds to criticize in the pathological relations of the academic psychology are essentially the same. The problems with which normal psychology has chosen to deal are exceed- ingly interesting from the point of view of the higher culture, but they scarcely touch the vital questions which the disturbed, distressed human organism pre- sents to the physician. . . .If normal psychology is to become an applied science and in particular to become of help to medicine, ... it must occupy itself more than it has done with problems of dynamics, of mechanism, of function. 8 Cf . a lucid but uneven article by White, ' ' The Theory of the ' Complex, ' ' ' Interstate Med. Journ., XVI., 1909, No. 14. Also in "Mental Mechanisms," Ch. 4, pp. 48-70. 9 Journ. Am. Med. Assoc., March 30, 1912, 918-921. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 1S1 ITg goes further, however, in formulating a definite scheme of in- struction. This is governed in certain details by its author's special psychology; some rearrangement of headings, if not also some altera- tions of terminology, might well prove desirable. Yet it is quite evi- dent that in a number of the titles we have at least an enumeration, in greater detail, of the phases which a course along the lines above indi- cated would take up. When Dr. Prince was reading this summary in Washington, I turned to some one sitting next to me and rather lightly remarked that this was all very well, but Prince was the only man who could give such a course, my neighbor promptly assuring me that I was alto- gether mistaken, that he knew many persons who could give such a course. It was not meant, of course, that there was no one who could talk about these subjects for the number of hours the course would specify. But we can not consistently reproach psychology for our lack of knowledge in these matters, and at the same time propose their im- mediate fitness as a teaching subject. As a matter of fact we have very little systematic information about the majority of the topics pre- sented in Prince's summary. It is most likely to increase if the stu- dent be brought to observe and study in his cases in these terms, but this side of the course could to-day no more than reflect the subjective reactions of certain original and more or less critical intellects upon the most adequate clinical experience. The interest and import of these questions most thoughtful persons will admit, though any psychological critic would probably be quick to ask how such matters are to be in any part submitted to objective, not to say experimental, inquiry. jSTot with the color-wheel probably, or through the tonvariator, or the sound-hammer. Could the question now be satisfactorily answered, the proper psychology for medical schools would not be long under discussion. We are not in a position to say, however, that no progress towards a solution is possible. Our experi- mental inquiries have not been directed along lines that would develop such methods. We must also know with greater exactitude the ques- tions our experimental methods are to be put to answer, and shall need to experiment with our experiments a good deal. There is to-day only one experimental method whose direct value in the dynamic psychology seems comparatively assured; this is the ordinary "free" association experiment, especially evaluated.10 There are also some possible adap- tations of the method of " measurement by relative position " X1 as well 10 Cf. the " Diagnostische Assoziations studien" of Jung; Kent and Eosanoff, "A Study of Association in Insanity," Am. Jr. Ins., LXVIL, 1910, 37-96, 317-390. 11 Cf . the early work of Sumner and the more recent studies of Hollingworth and of Strong; also, in pathological reference, G. G. Fernald, Am. Jr. Ins., LXVIIL, 1912, 545-547. i82 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY as other quite specialized tests, that hold out promises of value in these directions. It will be appreciated that a dynamic psychology has no exclusive relation to the pathological, but rather seeks the recasting of psycho- logical problems into a form more applicable to the uses not only of pathological psychology, but of normal psychology and society in general. It is in no way specificially referred to pathological material. Because psychiatry has to deal, on the mental side, with personality, it desires a psychology of personality. The study of normal personality, as such, has its obvious and necessary relation to the pathological. The uni- versity is in quite as favorable position to make essential contribution to a psychology of personality as is the hospital or clinic. Research in this direction encounters certain difficulties that are avoided in the customary lines of psychological investigation, but this is so by very virtue of its having personal applicability, its bearing upon more inti- mate and vital issues. To adequately cover the teaching field of psychological medicine one should therefore, on the one hand, be conversant with and able to judge of the methods of experimental psychology in reference to their application to the analysis and interpretation of symptoms ; and, on the other hand, able to recognize and elucidate the more general questions now stated dynamically. First-hand acquaintance with psychiatric conditions and problems is everywhere implicit, which involves the close and continual association with clinical material that is also neces- sary for research. Here then the problem of research merges with the problem of teaching, and we shall consider some phases of the subject also from this standpoint. It is proposed to discuss in this connec- tion not the further special topics of investigation,12 but the practical conditions under which such research takes place, and the most effec- tive means of furthering it. The essential clinical material of psychopathology is derived from various sources, approachable from different angles. According to social stratum, the neuroses and various border-line and neurological conditions are most seen either in the private practise of the specialist, or in the appropriate departments of the general hospitals; the psy- choses, as the term is generally understood, in the state or private hos- pitals devoted to their care and treatment. Special institutions, as a rule, care for the graver congenitally defective (feeble-minded) while in some instances it has been found advisable to provide special insti- tutions for the management of such conditions as epilepsy and alcohol- ism. Much the greatest amount of material, and in its most accessible form, exists therefore in the institutions; though it does not so greatly 12 Some of which the writer has dealt with elsewhere ; cf . " The Experimental Method in Psychopathology," N. Y. State Hospitals Bulletin, December, 1910. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 183 surpass in psychological interest the smaller group of neurotic condi- tions that do not regularly come under institutional care. It is not now easy to say how this latter group of cases will to any extent be brought under the observation of the psychologist. Except in isolated instances, the material of private practise may be systemat- ically observed only by the physician who treats it. For our psycho- logical understanding of these cases, we shall presumably remain de- pendent upon such studies as the specially interested physician is able to make in the course of his practise. These researches should improve in number, if not also in quality, as medical students acquire more knowledge of psychopathological problems, and of the means by which to approach them. The case is more favorable with that part of this material than is seen in general hospitals, or in small private institu- tions, but the obvious economic difficulty of providing for the system- atic psychological study of this material is one which it has not yet been attempted to meet. If these conditions are thus less accessible as a group, it is partly compensated for by their greater accessibility as individuals, owing to the generally better preservation of the intellect and cooperative faculties, so far as these enter. In the comparative study of the neuroses and psychoses, these factors to some extent bal- ance each other. The most practical means to further the accessibility of psycho- pathological material for psychological research, has been through the establishment of research positions in the institutions whose facilities are adequate to them. The past decade has witnessed the inception of a considerable amount of this work, under various state and private auspices. The conspicuous success of Franz at Washington and of Goddard at Vineland may be mentioned. These positions have been regularly rilled by persons of the university training in psychology, who are expected to devote their time to original investigation. Whatever the special character of the material investigated, the main responsibil- ity for psychopathological investigation will rest — and perhaps it may be added that it ought to rest — with the men in these positions, re- lieved of the perpetual penalty of therapeutic promise. As the suc- cess of these positions depends upon the men whom they will draw, and this in turn upon the opportunities they offer, it may be well to briefly analyze from both standpoints the external conditions under which this work is done. Institutions that make scientific appointments are presumably ready to devote themselves in some measure to work of a purely research character, the immediate practical realization of whose benefits is likely to be a matter of more than ordinary good fortune. The creation of such positions therefore implies in the administration a fair degree of sympathy with scientific motives. Institutions inadequate to this de- i84 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY mand are scarcely suited for such positions, nor are good men for the work likely to be drawn to them. The salaries vary somewhat from place to place, and according as the incumbent lives within the institu- tion or out of it ; but a fair average compensation for work of this na- ture has been $1,200 a year plus maintenance. The teaching positions which psychologists ordinarily enter do not, of course, provide training of any particular technical value for these research activities; in some cases they might even lessen fitness for research. As Wallin13 put it, the only adequate training in this respect is an apprenticeship with one of the experts in the field, which is very rare at present. On the other hand, much might be said for the value of direct experience in allied fields, and their additional contacts with the broader problems of so- cial psychology. In Titchener's ever-apt phraseology "the best work will always be done by the best men," who, with a mature outlook upon the psychological situation and its problems, enter the pathological field because of exceptional interest, or are selected at the outset of their careers through evidence of fitness and promise in these special ques- tions of research. With the above reservation, the candidate is the fitter for the position the less the time since his Ph.D., and the posi- tions should be made attractive to those at the outset of the psycholog- ical career. If qualified men are to be drawn to these positions, they must be given a standing in keeping with the class of work expected of them. It should be commensurate with that accorded to the pathologist, who forms an integral part of the institution staff. Discrimination will simply exclude the more competent men. It is doubtful if the scale of salaries needs to be altered greatly. The additional cost of carrying on such work would include not less than $150 for annual library expenses, the remainder being dependent on the sort of work done, and the special equipment it requires. Many fruitful lines of inquiry require but little apparatus beyond stationery; some important problems, e. g., those concerned with the expressive movements, require elaborate and somewhat costly installations. Administrative direction of the precise subjects of research is not usually advisable, however, since it can seldom be guided by an adequate knowledge of the limitations of methods. In no case should the attempt be made to equip a general laboratory, but only to provide such equipment as is necessary for the investigations in hand. At some time in most investigations a certain amount of clerical assistance is an all but absolute requirement, and no holder of such a position should be expected to do his work properly without it. The greatest possible latitude should exist in regard to questions of printing; if an investigator is not to be trusted to publish when, where and what he thinks best, something is wrong with him or his position. aJourn. Educ. Psychol, April, 1911, 208. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 185 As the worker in an institution laboratory does not have the same op- portunity to place his work before Fachgenossen as is the case with his university colleagues, the institution may well accord some facility in the distribution of offprints. From the standpoint of the young Ph.D., these research positions are economically quite superior to anything to be expected of the earlier years of a teaching career. As maintenance is provided, a very large part of the salary can, if desired, be saved ; the conditions of living vary with the character of the institution, but may bring the actual value of a $1,200 position well towards $2,000. Vacations are short, compared with academic ones, but this may be quite compensated for by the ab- sence of routine obligations and various other agreeable features of insti- tution surroundings. The tremendous advantage, to him who is able to use it, lies in the freedom for original research; the possible disadvan- tages are the lack of library facilities, and the intellectual danger of iso- lation from colleagues. Absolved from routine activity, deprived of the immediate competitive and critical presence of others in the same field of work, the lack of energy and devotion means mental dry rot. How- ever, being not only free, but expected to devote one's entire time to original research, one can obviously be more productive than his equally capable fellow-worker whose time is swamped by the routine activities of teaching; and, so far as personal advancement is based on the char- acter of work done, the advantage seems to lie distinctly with the re- search position as against the teaching one. Still neither standing nor salary in these positions equals the professorial grade in the important universities, which is, practically speaking, the material end to which those following the career of psychologist now look forward ; and once having abandoned the teaching side of the profession one is not likely to reenter it at a higher level, save upon evidence of altogether distin- guished merit, probably more than would be necessary should the candidate follow the routine of academic promotion. For the greatest abilities these positions should then offer the greatest rewards; to mediocrity they spell destruction. The cause of research in psychological medicine will prosper the better, the longer its special class of investigators can be held to their work. At present, the best men may not remain in it permanently, but be taken away at a time when their growing experience makes them in- creasingly valuable in it. It can not, of course, be questioned that this same experience, with the facilities of the position, places one in a peculiarly advantageous situation as regards teaching the subject, which it might be advisable also to do, in so far as it were possible without hampering research. University association with clinical research further offsets the possible difficulties of inadequate libraries and iso- lation from colleagues. An additional advantage of university associa- VOL. LXXX1I. — 13. 1 86 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tion is that advanced students, academic or medical, may be brought into direct contact with research problems in psychopathology and means thus provided for the carrying on of much additional investiga- tion. Under the present circumstances the clinical psychologist might often occupy his time very effectively with the combination of research and the training of others in its methods and problems; while from a practical standpoint it also tends to retain him longer in the work to do so. The optimum of teaching in medical psychology involves, therefore, a unification of instruction and research. It deals, on the one hand, with the clinically useful procedures of experiment; on the other, with the broader problems of personality and psychogenesis. Its contempo- rary sources are, on the one hand, the university laboratory, on the other, hospital clinic, and it is best served by the experience of both. Throughout, it has been apparent that the subject matter of psycho- logical medicine is one of particular appeal to students specializing in mental diseases, and should for the present be elective. It would be rather unwise to now seek the required study of psychology in medical schools, as psychology is not yet in a position to make sufficiently defi- nite contributions of general value. Only through the encouragement of research, and its direction through proper teaching, are its great and obvious deficiencies to be supplied, and the endeavor has been to indi- cate how psychology and medicine can best meet upon grounds of mutual helpfulness towards this end. IMMENSE SALT CONCRETIONS 187 IMMENSE SALT CONCBETIONS By Professor G. D. HARRIS CORNELL UNIVERSITY Crystalline salt masses may be a mile in diameter! "Where are they? How were they formed? Who said so? Interrogations like these are sure to be forthcoming from layman, chemist and geologist alike whenever such startling assertions are made. Salt is a common substance. Its occurrence in the waters of the ocean, as well as those of land-locked, mouthless seas is a matter of common knowledge. Interesting articles too, have been written re- garding the immense layers of rock salt within the earth's crust. They have told of the hundreds of years required in excavating the great chambers and galleries in the Austro-Hungarian mines at Hallstadt, Ischl and Weiliczka. Such mines have been the chose-a-voir for travel- ers in this monarchy for the past two or three centuries. The Stass- furt mines have become known throughout the world for the richness of their potassium deposits. The Salt Mountain of Cordova, Spain, and the Salt Cliff at Bahadur Khel, in the Trand Indus region of India, are among the notable rock-salt occurrences. All these salt accumulations have been explained (and perhaps properly) by supposing that they represent the residue of evaporated saline waters, waters that occurred in cut-off bays or sounds, receiving but occasionally supplies from the neighboring ocean, scarcely equaling the vapors lost by evaporation. Of late an entirely new method of accumulation or growth of rock salt masses has been discovered. Here the salt no longer occurs in thin but wide-extended sheets, layers or strata, but in huge lumps, concre- tions we may say, with vertical and horizontal diameters approximately equal. These are the masses we wish here to bring to the attention of the reader. We do not have to go to Spain or India to see these marvels. They are, so to speak, right at home. They occur encysted in the sands and clays of the later geological formations along our gulf coast, from east Texas to south Alabama inclusive. Not all are immediately along the gulf border, to be sure, but the majority are but a few score miles from this line. All have doubtless a general conception of the low, grassy marsh-lands of southern Louisiana with its intricate system of tidal bayous beset here and there with dark green live oaks giving the appearance of old-time great apple trees in a great meadow, when viewed from a distant vantage ground. Doming up here and there in 1 88 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY these monotonous marshlands are great swells of terra-firma, one hun- dred or more feet in height and a mile or more in diameter. They are seen from a great distance, and strike one at once as being something out of the ordinary, surely formed by no common method of uplift, less yet by circumdenudation. Of these coastal mounds the so-called " Five Islands," lying to the east of Vermilion and Atchafalaya bays are splendid examples. Belle Isle is just to the west of the Atchafalaya Eiver, between Morgan City and the Gulf, Cote Blanche, Grande Cote, Petite Anse and Cote Carline follow to the northwestward in the order named. The first, or Belle Isle, is famous as the fabled residence of Lafitte, the great Gulf pirate, Grande Cote and Petite Anse for their salt mines and Cote Carline for the southern home of Joe Jefferson, the actor. The drill has demonstrated the fact that these rounding hills are the surface indices of salt masses below. Down one, two or three thousand feet drills have penetrated with but little variation of matter and structure, making, as already observed, the salt masses perhaps as deep or deeper (thicker) than they are in horizontal diameter. Just off the mound one may drill two thousand feet and encounter nothing but soft clays and sand of Quaternary or " Recent " age. Below are similar materials belonging to the Miocene Tertiary; there is no salt, some- times not even salt water. Such strangely local salt lumps naturally have troubled the philosophical geologist not a little. Some have said they must have been formed in the crater of some dying volcano, sea- waters having oozed in and evaporating deposited salt for years and years in a streaming caldron. But alas for this explanation, these salt masses are not simply the residue of evaporated sea water, they are 99 per cent, chloride of sodium and without the admixture of crater debris. They are pure and solid. Again, though careful magnetic surveys have been made about them, they fail to show any of those erratic local vari- ations sure to occur in volcanic regions. Finally there is proof positive they were never deposited in a hole or depression, but on the contrary have even moved upward bodily through hundreds of feet of surround- ing deposits! This seems at first absolutely impossible and as certainly absurd. Nevertheless, we can demonstrate the point beyond doubt. Note that we have said that certain of these salt lumps occur some dis- tance from the Gulf coast, up country, so to speak, where the terranes are of Tertiary and Cretaceous age and are more or less consolidated. For example, in north central Louisiana salt comes near the surface of the soil in circular areas. Surrounding these areas are rings of highly tilted Cretaceous deposits, still outside are the lower Tertiaries, 1,000 or 1,200 feet thick. Clearly then these salt punches, so to speak, have pushed themselves from amongst Cretaceous rocks right through the Lower Tertiaries, bending these strata up on all sides of the mass, to a height of 1,000 or 1,200 feet. The case then seems clear that the salt IMMENSE SALT CONCRETIONS 189 masses have come from below and have moved upwards. This is as clearly demonstrated as the fact that the battleship Maine was wrecked from a force without "because the plates were bent inwards." Were the Tertiary and Quaternary beds removed from the flanks of these salt masses we should see a cylinder or perhaps more accurately a truncated cone of salt standing upon mid-Cretaceous rocks towering upwards half a mile or perhaps a mile, though the upper end of the cone might not be over |- mile across. Some one will say that is certainly similar to the church-spire spur that was lifted out of the crater of Mt. Pelee after its recent destructive eruption. Others will be reminded of Bogoslof Island in Alaskan waters. But here again, in endeavoring to explain the phenomenon there is no need of invoking vulcanicity. For the past ten years we have had exceptional chances to study all these interesting salt masses and are prepared to confidently affirm that the origin of both salt masses and their movements has nothing to do with volcanic action. The true explanation of the origin, growth and movement of these salt masses seems simple when once we have a clear understanding of certain structural features of the lower Mississippi region. Observe on any geological map that Quaternary and older rocks back to the medi- eval or Cretaceous beds all slope Gulf-wards at a much greater angle than the surface of the ground makes with the horizontal. In other words, if water should enter a pervious Cretaceous or older bed in Arkansas and follow the same to the latitude of the Gulf border it would find itself several thousand feet below the Gulf level. Such waters would naturally become very warm as compared with water at or near the surface. They would take soluble substances in solution. If a break or point of weakness occurred in the superincumbent beds such hot waters would ascend after the manner of water in an artesian well. If the waters were saturated with salt at a high temperature they would be obliged to part with some of their saline burden as they ap- proached the upper, cooler strata. The amount of salt held in solution by water at various temperatures, it is true, increases not greatly with increased heat; nevertheless, it is appreciable, and in the end the giving up of salt by lowering temperature would produce notable results. Again, though salt masses might tend to accumulate as just outlined at a certain place in the crust of the earth, would not pressure prevent such a growth, and even if growth takes place what would tend to push the salt up bodily say 1,000 feet or more ? Here again we need none of Vulcan's aid, for we all know that when once crystallization com- mences each little crystal will have its growth in spite of almost any resistance. Witness the growth of ice crystals in our water pipes in zero weather. In other words, the force exerted by growing crystals is known to be at least of the same order of magnitude as the crushing iqo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY strength of the grown crystal. Therefore we are sure growing crystals of salt can lift a column of Gulf coast deposits at least 3,500 feet thick. If brine is supplied to a salt mass from below, crystallization will take place mainly on the bottom of the mass. Therefore the mass will grow from bottom up. The top will be thrust through the superincumbent beds, bending and tilting them up at high angles. Some growth would doubtless take place on the sides of the mass till it attained consider- able dimensions; afterwards it would be confined to the base, for the column of rock salt would be a better conductor of heat than the sur- rounding clays and sands, hence the marked change of heat, hence the salt deposition would take place at the base of the salt column. The mass would therefore be of comparatively small diameter, though its depth might be great. We see from the above considerations how salt masses might be formed and how they would by receiving their growth increments from the bottom seem, to move upwards and pierce the superficial layers of the earth's crust and there be truncated by atmospheric agencies if they actually reached the surface, or how they might produce great weales on the surface in case they did not quite pierce through. Now we wish to give a few facts indicating that the process outlined above is truly that by which these salt masses were formed and pushed up. Eeferring again to Gulf-coast structural features, noting the location of all the salt masses known to date, we have little difficulty in satisfying our- selves that such masses are located in a rectilinear manner, row after row as we approach the Gulf border. These lines are parallel in a gen- eral way to fault lines farther up country in Arkansas and Texas. A movement along a fault line, similar to these, most readers will re- member caused considerable trouble in the region of San Francisco but a few years ago. Where such lines cross (for in Louisiana there are two sets) points of weakness occur permitting the upflow of artesian waters. In several of the " mounds " these waters are saline and " hot." Finally the source of the salt itself has been a subject of much spec- ulation. However, it is a matter of no serious concern for us here. We know that artesian conditions occur in the general region we are dis- cussing, we know that there are breaks or fault lines and points of weakness through which artesian flows may take place, we know that deep artesian waters are always regarded as " hot." We know that cooling saturated solutions of salt in water must be continu- ally giving up salt; and as this crystallizes it forces aside and up- wards superficial rock strata even to depths of several thousand feet. Not only do we know it has strength to do this, but, best of all, there in the Gulf region are the salt masses and there are the bent-up and folded-back rocks. Still we may be permitted perhaps to speculate re- IMMENSE SALT CONCRETIONS 191 garding the source of the brines that have fed these growing crystalline masses. It is well understood that the thick coal-bearing rocks of west central Arkansas derived their material from the south. The Carbon- iferous continent extended Gulf-wards doubtless as far as the southern limits of Louisiana and perhaps considerably beyond. These old lands were eroded and swept northward into the Carboniferous seas of west Arkansas already referred to. In Permian or slightly later times this continental area was base-leveled, standing on a par with west Kansas and north Texas, receiving deposits of salt and gypsum in shallow sun- baked seas. After considerable accumulation of these saline materials the Gulf region was depressed at the south and covered by later and later deposits and the Gulf invaded the Mississippi valley to Cairo, Illi- nois. This was in late medieval geological times (late Cretaceous). Since then the central part of the continent has gradually raised, the Gulf border has sunk so that, through the Tertiaries and recent ages, the formations have been tilted more and more to the south till the salt- bearing Permian beds are doubtless 5,000 to 8,000 feet beneath these younger deposits. Hence in all probability the source of the artesian flow of brines that produce the salt masses under discussion. ">-^^,. 3RARYk 20 \ J*. ■;'& £ 192 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY? By De. STEWART PATON PKINCETON, N. J. WHAT is the difference between the college and the university? There is no blinking the fact that many of the students, most of the alumni, as well as a large proportion of the members of the faculties and administrative boards, including presidents, have very nebulous views in regard to the fundamental distinction that exists between these two classes of institutions. The successful administra- tion of a college or university depends upon the recognition of the existence of a vital principle which distinguishes the functions of one from those of the other. Many colleges during the last thirty years have assumed the title of " university," having first given a promissory note to the public expressing their intention some day to make good their claim to the title. Thinking people have already begun to express doubts as to the satisfactory fulfilment in many cases of such a promise made before the conditions and, responsibilities of the trust had been fully understood by either faculties or trustees. The time has now come for a clear understanding of the nature of the difference which distinguishes the university from the college. The evils of the laissez-faire policy of administration which to-day prevails in the councils of our universities have at last aroused more than one faculty and not a few trustees to a realization of the fact that while a ship at sea without chart or compass may, if the fates are propitious, be brought safely into port, the mere accomplishment of such a difficult task does not increase our sense of confidence in those responsible for providing for the safety of the voyagers. A trustee of one of our eastern universities has recently affirmed that the greatest need of these institutions is not money, but the services of men who have just and definite ideas of the essential characteristics of a university. If our higher institutions of learning are ever to keep pace with the intellec- tual progress of the nation (the question of actual leadership can not yet be considered), there is immediate need of a statement emphasizing the distinction existing between university and college, in order that such an institution may develop a healthy independent existence. What is a university? There are two ways of attempting to answer this question. First there is the method usually employed of approaching the subject by indicating the lines of historical develop- ment; or we may try, and this is the object for which this paper was written, to define this institution in terms which will indicate the rela- tions it should present to the development of human thought and COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY 193 activity. So many institutions have assumed the name without justi- fication by deeds that it is necessary to lead up to our definition by a preface of negation. The university is not, as some people believe it to be, an overgrown college with an increased number of students, a larger faculty, and greater material resources. Neither is the prin- ciple upon which it is administered one that is based upon an expres- sion of merely local or parochial interests. Chauvinism and insularity do not thrive in the true university atmosphere. On this account, it is impossible to conceive of any university as an institution which is solely dependent upon the support of its own alumni. In order to understand the positive attributes distinctively charac- teristic of a university, we must have some clear conception of what constitutes an education; inasmuch as the institution under considera- tion represents the acme of the entire educational system. Education, according to the original usage of the word, is a leading out process, marked first by an attempt to measure the individual's capacity and then to direct his energies along lines where growth is possible. From this it is obvious that the chief aim of education is the cultivation of good mental habits and not the imparting of informa- tion. Modern educational reforms have for their object instruction in methods of work, the information incidentally supplied being of sec- ondary importance. The older system put the chief emphasis upon the imparting of information. First one set of correctives or tonics and then another was administered to students, and if they survived the treatment they were classed with those " who had received an educa- tion." Fortunately, there are signs that the age of this form of drug- giving is rapidly passing away. A few pedagogues still have faith in cultural specifics and liberalizing studies, with virtues as well advertised and as highly extolled as any of the life-giving tonics and nostrums of the quacks, but the general public is beginning to appreciate that the original use of the word education, or intelligent effort to e-duct, not a forcible attempt to ad-duct, expresses the modern trend of our educa- tional system. Recently the suggestion has been made that mental training is the only remedy for most of the evils connected with our present system of education. How often the cart is put in front of the horse ! How often cause is mistaken for effect ! People possessing special mental qualities have predilections for certain subjects and these choices are the expression of a complex individuality largely made up of factors acquired, not by training, but by heredity. ' The doctrinaire often attempts to reverse the natural order and attributes the characteristics of the personality to the subjects studied. If the humanizing and cultural potency of an education depends upon the proper selection of subjects of study, what a poor showing is made by the human race after centuries of expectant treatment! How long will the old superstition that all 194 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY mental disorders, as well as all bodily ailments, can be cured by admin- istering the proper combination of drugs continue to delude a credulous public ? Modern education starts from quite a different standpoint, first taking into account the biological or inherited trends of the individual, and then trying to estimate his latent capacity or brain-power in the expectation of giving the assistance needed to help the student in the task of self-government and self-improvement. We talk so glibly about " hereditary influences," " individual capacity," " individualism as opposed to collectivism," that, if we had a keen sense of humor the ridiculousness of a system of tutelage which attempts to treat stu- dents en masse, without any reference to their inherited traits and nat- ural capacities, would strike us as farcical. This method has been described as " education by cram and emetic." In the model school or college the different subjects should not be taught as ends in themselves, but in order to train the student how to observe intelligently, concen- trate his attention, repress unhealthy instincts and cultivate those quali- ties making for a broader, saner life. From kindergarten to the day of graduation from the university the mental training of students is dominated to so great an extent by the servile preparation for examina- tions that a special degree of B.E. (bachelor of examination) might be conferred on all applicants who require written evidence of having satisfactorily " passed " in order to be assured of their right to be classed as " educated persons." An education should, as Goethe expressed it, make it possible for the individual to live his life to the fullest. Only after the idea has been clearly set forth that education and mental training should be synonymous terms are we ready to comprehend the relationship of the college to the university. Having grasped this principle, we are then in a position to realize that in the school and college every effort should be directed to the formation of good mental habits, while in the uni- versity the student should be given, under general direction, an oppor- tunity to practise these habits, and, in addition, to develop to the fullest extent possible the spirit of intelligent curiosity. Without the presence of universities, whose chief aim should be to cultivate the spirit of investigation and of open rebellion against con- ventional teaching-authority, the intellectual vigor of the entire nation is seriously impaired. Political freedom can never atone for the loss of intellectual liberty which should be faithfully guarded by the uni- versity. In a democracy there is constant danger of forgetting that the loftiest ideals of freedom are not those associated with the political life of the nation, but are indissolubly connected with the search for the truth that alone makes its possessor free. How strange that in a nation which boasts of the freedom of its political institutions so little is done by our universities to encourage and protect the agencies which COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY 195 are the basis of both intellectual and individual liberty, from the par- alyzing influences that follow an attempt to meet the conventional social requirements in education. Intellectual liberty often thrives best in states where political freedom is restricted. The collegiate university is so much occupied in distributing ready- made educational suits cut upon a single pattern to applicants for academic honors, that individualism is almost completely hidden by a garb which may conceal both the iniquities of mediocrity and the virtues of genius. The American college graduate is so accustomed to the evils of a system in which he is pulled and pushed about by " trainers " that he is constantly in danger of losing his personal identity. His patience is often exhausted by listening to sermons on the advantages of scholar- ship, while he prays in vain for the opportunity to learn by observing living examples. Many of the crudities in our intellectual life as a nation are directly attributable to the failure to appreciate the impor- tance of university ideals to the community and the nation. This oversight also emphasizes our reluctance to recognize that the spirit of enquiry is a normal instinct which if repressed is followed by serious consequences such as the loss of placticity, of intellectual vigor and of the highest forms of intelligent and sympathetic interest in one's own profession. The vision of those who are fortunate enough to possess the spirit of investigation, one of the surest signs of mental health and vigor, is towards the future, while the fate of individuals and insti- tutions which turn to look back is the same as that of Lot's wife. "Denn wer nicht vorwarts kommt der geht zunick; So war es immer so bleibt es." Unless the spirit of enquiry is developed deep and abiding intellectual interests are impossible. In its absence we become mere gatherers-in of knowledge with but a slightly higher degree of intelligence than that possessed by collectors, but lacking genuine in- terest in progress. The spirit of discovery is generally accompanied by a childlike freedom from bias. Without the inspiration that comes from prosecuting research, our gaze is directed down into the valleys and not upwards to the peaks whither our aspirations lead us. The failure of our universities to encourage more extensively than has yet been attempted enquiries in the field of knowledge is largely responsible for our diffuse and shallow interests. We are prone to estimate the mental qualities of a student by counting the number of subjects he has studied without attempting an analysis of his mental traits. Any institution which publicly assumes the right to be the bestower of a liberal education should be prepared to forfeit its claim to the title of university, as this should be a function of the school and not of the university. The essence of a liberal education is to be sought for in the quality of mind of the individual and not in the character of the infor- mation he possesses. The futility of any institution solemnly prom- 196 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ising to be the dispenser of these special mental traits during the latter years of the educational curriculum is quite obvious to those who know that mental habits are, to a large extent, definitely and permanently formed much earlier than this period. If the qualities commonly designated as balance, interest and sympathy, the dominant character- istics of those who actually possess a liberal education have not budded in the school period, they can not be successfully grafted during the university years. The formation of mental habits belongs to the school and not to the university period. To-day the university unfortunately limits its sphere of usefulness in our intellectual life to frittering away energies and resources in attempting to reeducate those who have failed to develop intellectual interests during the school years. At the age of seventeen or eighteen, when the average student enters the univer- sity, his mental habits are already formed to such a degree that the catalogued promises made to him of the efficacy of liberalizing studies smacks more of the east wind of authority than of common sense. If those who defend the present conditions of affairs as a necessary form of compromise are correct, then we may well be pessimistic of our future intellectual development, inasmuch as the university is revealed to us as a nurse for the sick rather than as a counselor and aid to the strong. The dominance of that kind of mediocrity which imperils the life of democracy is very plainly indicated in the present organization of our universities that make ample provision for the day-nursery treat- ment of those who are devoid of intellectual interests and ambitions, and take little cognizance of the great numbers of students possessed of mental health, vigor and praiseworthy ambitions. Many parents and teachers have the unfortunate habit of assuming a semi-apologetic attitude when referring to courses of studies, as if they were tasks to be undertaken merely in order to satisfy the conven- tional demands of society, while all manly virtues are commonly re- ferred to as if they could only be exercised by training the biceps and were quite independent of brain development. At school attention should be directed to the value of constant con- tinuous effort, emphasizing the fact that a desire to work with one's brain is just as much a sign of health as the wish to excel in physical exercises. The importance of mental habits and the formation of thought processes should be emphasized not only as a means of attain- ing success in practical issues, but as the essential factors in the pres- ervation of mental balance. The silly conventional values commonly attached to an education should be replaced by substituting those intellectual interests in work that add so materially to the pleasure of living. The success of an education and the intelligent interest of an individual in his occupa- tions may often be directly measured by estimating the degree of pleasure taken in " talking shop." The devitalizing influences of our COLLEGE OE UNIVERSITY 197 present system of educational ideals is seen in the urgent desire of many college graduates to lead a double sort of existence, one half of the day with, and the other without, their professional interests. The attitude of so many college graduates to their profession is of such a nature that " hobbies " and " outside interests " are essential for the restoration of the mental balance which has been destroyed by the daily occupation. This " double life " necessitating a daily shift in ideals and ideas may become a prolific source of nervous disorders, varying in degree from boredom, even at the mention of intellectual topics, to pronounced mental derangements. The failure of our present collegiate-university to show that the real pleasure of life depends upon the association and not upon the divorce of intellectual interests from the daily occupation of the individual is one of the most serious defects in a system that sets a man adrift in his profession without any intelligent interest in it. The American student is so thoroughly imbued with the idea that "to be educated " is a condition or state of mind induced by teachers that he seldom realizes any of the pleasures associated with learning; and so in later years the practise of his profession becomes for him merely a method of making a living instead of being at the same time a source of enjoyment. By exhortation, backed up by a vigorous policing, the American collegiate university has endeavored to drive students to the choice of high ideals, which are emphasized merely in order to satisfy conven- tional requirements. This is one of the most serious defects in our entire educational system, as it frequently becomes necessary in after life for the individual at a critical period to readjust fundamental mental mechanisms in order to meet the real issues of life. On the other hand, the cultivation of the spirit of intelligent and candid scep- ticism has been sadly neglected in our American universities. Students are taught to think only in accordance with the " cast iron rules " given them as guides to thought and conduct, while the more important les- sons of searching diligently for the truth, and of being continually on the guard lest the rising mists of authority completely blind their vision, are seldom emphasized. The ideals of the alma mater more often suggest submission to a corporal than to the admonitions of a parent. In many of our universities to-day the doubts of the weak are crushed out of existence, while the resistance of the strong to a system of passive intellectual oppression breeds a spirit of rebellion. High ideals can not be maintained in an atmosphere where the value of intel- lectual honesty is not appreciated, or where the advice is not infre- quently given, " Do not express your doubts in public." Pater's affirmation, "What we have to do is to be forever curiously testing new opinions and courting new impressions, never acquiescing in a facile orthodoxy of Compte, or of Hegel, or of our own," expresses a well-known law of physiology seldom referred to in our universities. 198 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The spirit of the real university should reflect the characteristics of youth in its love of testing new opinions and courting new impressions. Without the presence of a large body of investigators an institution ceases to live or, if vitality is prolonged, it is merely of the vegetative type. The spirit of investigation leads men to conquer difficulties which would terrify them if they were driven into the breach solely by the voices of authority. The spirit of investigation is as important to the artist, the business man and the writer as it is to the scientist in his laboratory. The American university has not yet succeeded in injecting the energy proportional to its resources into our intellectual life, because it has not yet attempted to develop the driving power which alone can save us from the disastrous results of having so reck- lessly sacrificed the heritage of youth. The majority of the graduates who yearly go out from the doors of our higher institutions of- learning without any definite intellectual interests have passed directly from the period of adolescence to that of old age. The intellectual vigor of the average college graduate has been dwarfed by the conventional system of education, in which the spirit of dogmatism in teaching crowds out most of the natural impulses to learn. He is not given a moment in which to develop any ardor for the pursuit of knowledge. Little emphasis is given in the curriculum to the value of research, and this lack destroys initiative and smothers individuality by catering to the wishes of those educational promoters who are always eager to gain prestige by organizing personally con- ducted parties in search of liberal education and general culture. Another very serious defect in the curriculum of our universities is shown in the effort made to protract the period of training the acquisi- tive functions at a time when the initiating and productive capacity of the student should be developed to the highest degree possible. The most productive years of the average student in our universities are now wasted in copying models at a time when they should be encour- aged " to block out their own ideas." There is no civilized nation which should be as optimistic of its intellectual development as the United States. The fact that ideas and ideals have not been completely crushed out of existence by the per- petuation of school methods during the university years is the best testimony that the innate qualities of the American mind have extraor- dinary powers of growth even among most unfavorable environments. The relation of the alma mater to the majority of college students is that of the governess to pupils, deliberately sacrificing vigorous mental traits for drawing-room accomplishments. Our American higher insti- tutions of learning pay far too much attention to the cultivation of mere forms of thought, and have neglected the study of the mechanism and laws of thought production. The period of vigorous manhood is, as has already been indicated, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY 199 characterized by a keen interest in the advancement of learning. Those who do not comprehend or sympathize with the investigator are defi- cient in the mental traits which are preeminently characteristic of the normal individual during the prime of life, and express the highest aspirations of our race. The chief value of research to a university is to be found in the presence of a body of men who, in spite of their years, retain their interest and progressive ideas longer than those who have more sympathy with the methods of the pedagogue than with those who are desirous of learning. We may best maintain the tradi- tions and the highest instinctive tendencies of our race by encouraging productive scholarship. In a brilliant passage, the author of the "Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" has shown that the spirit of discovery is the conscience of Teutonic learning. When our ener- gies are restricted merely to familiarizing ourselves with the learning of the past, or in attempting to enter the domain of speculative thought in which the Greek intellect reigned supreme, we throw away our heritage and precipitate conflicts between inherited and acquired trends of thought that often end in intellectual apathy. In order to vitalize the knowledge of a dead past, we must inject into it the spirit of dis- covery which alone reflects the highest aspirations of our race. The lack of idealism and the spirit of indifference so often characteristic of the graduates of many of our universities is in a large measure the product of an educational system which, by ignoring objectivity in teaching and failing to cultivate the spirit of enquiry, has ignored the underlying trends of thought that, if properly directed, can bring us nearer to the ideals compatible with our social traits. To endeavor to satisfy the intellectual needs of our race by continually repress- ing the spirit of enquiry and by driving students to contemplative reflection upon the accumulated stores of knowledge, is equivalent to exchanging the driving force or spirit, that is born in us, for a suit of clothes. When the specific racial tendencies reflected in the spirit of discovery are not intelligently directed they find expression in utilitarian motives. By attempting, as does our educational system, to force American students to become passive recipients of knowledge, we are asking them to sell their heritage for a mess of pottage. When once the essential distinction that exists between university and college is grasped, it is necessary to determine to what extent the present system of organization is favorable or antagonistic to the devel- opment of these two different types of institutions. An impartial examination of the facts such as is given in the excellent exposition of this entire subject by Cattell1 shows how extremely difficult it will be for most of the older institutions which have assumed the name of university to prove their right to this title. As has already been pointed out, the present system of administration is adapted merely to 1 Science, May 24 and 31, 1912. 2oo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the perpetuation of the college spirit and traditions. We have seen that the college without radical administrative reorganization can not " grow into " the university. The supposition that the natural devel- opment of the former will, according to the laws of growth, expand into the latter, is an assumption that has resulted in an unnecessary conflict of ideals ; as those of the two institutions are not interchangeable. The unfortunate state of affairs is exemplified in more than one of our eastern universities, where we see the members of administrative boards, thoroughly imbued with the collegiate idea, attempting to carry out educational policies that do not conform with the ideals of members of the faculties, who have had greater opportunities for familiarizing themselves with university standards. When the attempt is made to effect a compromise, the efficiency of both institutions is seriously impaired and results in an interminable conflict of interests. The trustees who, as a rule, are unfamiliar with the nature of the university problems, often control its policy through the administration of the finances, even determining the election of presidents and the distribu- tion of sums for educational purposes. As a result of this usurpation of powers the faculty is in danger of becoming merely a body of employees of the trustees, without any power to shape the educational policy of the institution. The increased emoluments and the excessive prominence bestowed upon executive officers have had a disastrous effect in detracting from the appraised value of the work of scholar and investigator. The great eagerness with which administrative offices are sought for by members of the faculty show how extremely superficial are their intellectual interests. One can not imagine a Momsen, Pasteur or Darwin delib- erately putting aside his special investigations in order to become an administrator. The present system of organization has resulted in a temporary but, nevertheless, serious depreciation of the estimated value of scholarship ; and has also given rise to an extreme spirit of Chauvinism, inimicable to the development of those mental qualities that underlie true culture. In executing a plan for the development of the university, boards of trustees defer largely to the wishes of the alumni of the institution. On account of the great and constant influence exerted by the large body of alumni, the older institutions in the east will find that it is increasingly difficult for them to identify their interests with those of the national life. Admirable as are a few of the influences which grow out of the " college spirit," there is a great deal that is objectionable and affords a suitable medium for the development of fixed ideas. The intense emotional reactions of the undergraduates and their more or less absurd sentimental devotion to the standards of a single institution give rise to conditions not specifically different from those that give fixity and undue valuation to many of the ideas characteristic of hys- COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY 201 terical or paranoid states. When the public fully realizes that the development of the spirit of intelligent criticism should be one, if not the chief, end of education, it will become obvious that it is very diffi- cult to attempt to bestow the elements of a liberal education in the collegiate atmosphere. One may quite as well expect the spirit of truth-telling to be acquired in an atmosphere permeated by falsehood as to believe the acquisition of mental balance is possible in surround- ings in which feeling and sentiment dominate judgment and reason. The extreme partisanship cultivated in undergraduate life dominates many of the undertakings of the post-graduate, and its evil effects are particularly noticeable in the parochial character of administration of the professional schools (theology, law and medicine). The entire intellectual life of our higher institutions of learning, and in time of the nation, would be revivified if the administration of these institutions were reorganized in order to meet the following con- ditions. (1) A clear understanding of the essential difference between college and university. (2) The determination by the administrative boards of these institutions to adopt a policy which shall be compatible with the ideals of either college or university, and not represent an unfortunate series of compromises ending in hopeless mediocrity. (3) A public confession of faith as to the value of intellectual ideals by repeated public affirmations, as expressed in words and deeds, to the effect that it is always more difficult to secure the services of great scholars than it is to obtain funds to be expended in bricks and mortar. (4) The establishment of democratic ideals of government in a form of organization which shall not be dominated by the autocracy of president and deans nor by an oligarchy of trustees; and finally (5) The substi- tution of national ideals of efficiency for the narrow local prejudices which so frequently restrict the life and sphere of usefulness of our universities. Many of these reforms may readily be introduced by bringing the trustees and overseers into closer touch with the faculty, so that there may be a more direct exchange of views on important questions; and by the reorganization of the former bodies, so that the members may be made familiar with the aims and ideals of the university. If our eastern universities persist in continuing their present parochial forms of administration, within the next decade we shall see a multiplication of independent foundations forming the nuclei or centers of university work. Half a century hence there will probably be a resurrection of the older and privately endowed colleges as state universities. VOL. LXXXII. — 14 Peofessok Edmund B. Wilson, Professor of Zoology, Columbia University, President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 203 THE PEOGEESS OF SCIENCE THE CLEVELAND CONVOCATION WEEK MEETING There was an excellent meeting of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science and of the affili- ated national scientific societies at Cleveland during the week of January first. The scope and magnitude of their work can be indicated by a state- ment of the number of papers on the program for the different sciences, namely : Mathematics 49 Astronomy 35 Physics 52 Engineering 40 Geology 27 Zoology 84 Entomology 73 Botany 60 Phytopathology 49 Horticulture 53 Anthropology 27 Psychology 56 Biological chemistry and phar- macology 63 Anatomy 63 Physiology 67 Education 11 Economics and Sociology 13 Total 822 In no other country except Germany could there have been brought together such an extensive series of papers nearly every one of which was based on research work and contributed to knowledge. Such a program demon- strates an extraordinary extension of scientific work in the United States in the course of the past twenty years. It may appear that men of great dis- tinction and contributions of note- worthy importance were not repre- sented in proportion to the total number of those who read papers. But this is in part due to the circumstance that one does not see the trees on account of the forest. If the only advances made in science during the past year were represented by a dozen of the papers taken at random from the Cleve- land program, each one of them would appear to be an important scientific contribution. It is noticeable that the different sciences represented on the program contributed papers not far from equal in number, even though the sciences themselves may vary greatly in impor- tance and in the number of its workers. Fifty to seventy papers are about as many as can be presented in a three- days' meeting, and most of the socie- ties had about so many. Thus phyto- pathology was as largely represented as botany, entomology as zoology, physiol- ogy as physics. This seems to demon- strate the value of scientific organiza- tion, for if there had not been societies for the presentation of these papers, it may be that the work would never have been done. There are several cases in which the program does not adequately represent the scientific work of the country. Thus the engineering societies do not meet with the association and the sec- tion of engineering is weakened. This year the chemists decided to meet sepa- rately like the engineers, partly because New Year's week, chosen as a time when college and university men can be present, is inconvenient for those engaged in industrial work. It seems desirable to increase rather than to decrease the contact of the pure and applied sciences, and it may be hoped that joint meetings may be arranged, perhaps at periods of three years. In that case the national societies devoted to economics, history and philology might also join in a great convocation 204 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Dr. E. B. Van Vleck, Professor of Mathematics at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin, Vice-president for Mathematics and Astronomy. iveek meeting, which would impress on those present and on the public the magnitude and weight of the work be- ing accomplished for science and schol- arship. The American Association for the Advancement of Science and its affili- ated societies have failed to accomplish as much as the British Association for the diffusion of science and in bringing together those engaged in scientific research and those who are or might become interested. Programs of gen- De. J. A. Holmes, Director of the Bureau of Mines, Vice- president for the Section of Geology. De. William A. Locy, Professor of Zoology at the Northwestern University, Vice-president for the Section of Zoology. eral interest were arranged at Cleve- land by nearly every section, but the attendance was practically confined to scientific men. Such meetings should be brought to general attention by full accounts in the local press and by re- ports throughout the country, but here almost complete failure must be con- fessed. The council of the association took several steps intended to improve it* THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 205 organization. The members on the Pacific coast, who number about 500, were authorized to make arrangements for a general meeting at the time of the Panama Pacific Exposition of 1915, and if they see fit to hold annual sec- tional scientific meetings. All institu- tions engaged in scientific research were requested to send delegates to the con- vocation-week meetings, paying their expenses when possible. In addition to the permanent secretary and the assistant secretary there was made pro- vision for an associate secretary, who Dr. Duncan S. Johnson, Professor of Botany at the Johns Hopkins University, Vice-president for the Section of Botany. shall devote his entire time to the asso- ciation and to the organization of sci- entific men. The high scientific standing of the men responsible for the conduct of the work of the association is shown by the officers annually elected. We are able to reproduce here portraits of several of those who presided over the sections at the Cleveland meeting. The president of the association, Professor Edward C. Pickering, director of the Harvard College Observatory, is able to transfer this high office to Professor John Hays Hammond, LL.D., Vice-president of the Section of Social and Economic Science. De. J. J. R. McLeod, Professor of Physiology at the Western Reserve University, Vice-president for the Section of Physiology. 206 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Reconstruction of Eoanthropus dawsoni. E. B. Wilson, professor of zoology at Columbia University. So long as the association is able to select presidents such as these, it bears witness to the fact that this country possesses men who unite scientific genius with per- sonal distinction. The next convoca- tion-week meeting will be at Atlanta; two years hence Philadelphia is pro- posed. AN EXTINCT SPECIES OF MAN An anthropological discovery, rival- ling in importance the discovery of Pithecanthropus erectus in Java by Dr. Du Bois twenty years ago, was communicated to the London Geolog- ical Society last month by Mr. Charles Dawson and Dr. A. S. Woodward, the keeper of the Geological Department of the British Museum. It appears THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 207 Condv/e Sigmoid notch which hinges fhejatvto Jlj'cending 2"~mo/ar^ Canine f/lC(S0/* ..-Chm Jaw of Eoanthropus daicsoni. that some four years ago Mr. Dawson noticed that a road had been recently mended by peculiar flints, and on tracing them to their source, he found that the laborers had dug out an object looking like a cocoa-nut, which they had thrown on a rubbish heap. This proved to be part of a human skull, and excavations of the undisturbed gravel where it was found discovered part of the jaw bone. A somewhat absurd cablegram was sent the news- papers in this country reporting the discovery of a fossil man who could reason before he could speak. But it is the case that the cranium is on the whole human in its characteristics, while the jaw tends to be simian. A restoration of the jaw by Dr. W. P. Pycraft, of the British Museum, is here given, and a more fanciful recon- struction of the primitive man, drawn under his direction by Mr. Forestier for the Illustrated London News. The remains were found on a plateau 80 feet above the river bed, to which ex- tent denudation had taken place since the gravel was formed. In it were also found the remains of extinct mammals and many water-worn, iron-stained flint artifacts, to which the term eoliths has been applied. The gravel is early pleistocene, near enough to pliocene to make it almost certain that the imme- diate ancestors of the pleistocene man must have lived during that period. The cranium is fragmentary, but typically human, with a capacity of over a thousand cubic centimeters, indi- cating a brain about four fifths that of the average European and twice as large as that of the highest apes. The . bones are remarkably thick and the temporal muscles extend higher up on the skull than in any recent or fossil man. The jaw bears some resemblance to the Heidelberg jaw, but it is less massive, with a still more negative chin and other simian features. As restored it is much like that of the chimpanzee. Dr. Woodward regards the remains as belonging not only to a hitherto unknown species, but has erected for it a new genus to which the name Eoanthropus dawsoni has been given. Becent discoveries prove that primitive man at a period from one hundred thousand to a million years ago was widely spread over Europe and apparently as far as Java, and that different species and perhaps genera may have lived simultaneously in different regions. THE SEALS OF THE PBIBILOF ISLANDS President Taft has sent a special message to the congress recommending the repeal of the law passed on Febru- ary 15 of last year prohibiting the killing of seals on the Pribilof Islands for five years. His recommendation and that of the experts of the govern- ment should certainly be followed by the congress. A clear statement of the whole situation, drawn up by Dr. David Starr Jordan and Mr. G. A. Clark, has been recently given out by the Bureau of Fisheries of the Department of Com- merce and Labor. The Pribilof Islands in Bering Sea came into the possession of the United States in 1867, and our 208 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY government has received about ten mil- lion dollars in royalties paid on seal skins. At the time of the transfer to the United States, the herd numbered about two and a half million animals, but has now been reduced to about one tenth of that number. The decline was due to pelagic sealing which took ad- vantage of the migration journeys and distant feeding habits of the seals to kill them in the open sea. In 1894 about 60,000 animals from the Pribilof herd were killed in this way, mostly females with unborn young or with pups in the rookeries. It is said, fur- ther, that from a half to three quarters of the seals shot in pelagic sealing are never recovered. Many efforts were made to do away with the evils of pelagic sealing, and finally in 1911 a treaty was dTawn up according to which the United States and Russia, as owners of the principal fur seal herds, agreed to pay to Great Britain and Japan fifteen per cent, each of the product of their land-seal- ing operations, on condition that pel- agic sealing be abolished by those na- tions for fifteen years. If no seals are killed on the Pribilof Islands, the treaty would be practically made of no effect, and one might expect pelagic sealing to be resumed. It is also true that those best informed on the subject hold that the killing of superfluous bulls is a real advantage to the herd. The seal is a polygamous animal, each bull having an average family of fifty cows. Fear of the adult males causes the young males to herd by themselves, and they may be driven away and handled like cattle. If there are too many bulls, there is continuous fight- ing, and the pups are killed. The con- ditions are somewhat similar to those in the raising of cattle, the experts wishing to use the methods commonly in vogue, whereas the suspension of the killing of superfluous males would lead to the condition in which calves are being raised in a field in which there are a hundred cows and a hundred bulls. It is certainly to be hoped that the congress will accept the recommenda- tion of President Taft and its own experts and not interfere with the proper interpretation of the treaty of 1911 and the best treatment of the seal herd of the Pribilof Islands. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS We regret to record the death of Dr. Lewis Swift, formerly director of Mt. Lowe Observatory, known for his discoveries of comets and nebulas; of Mr. Samuel Arthur Sanders, a British astronomer, and of Mr. William G. Tegetmeier, the English naturalist. The national scientific societies at the recent convocation-week meetings elected presidents, as follows: the American Physical Society, Professor B. O. Peirce, of Harvard University; the Geological Society of America, Pro- fessor Eugene A. Smith, professor emeritus of the University of Alabama and state geologist; the Society of American Bacteriologists, Professor C. E.-A. Winslow, of the College of the City of New York; the American Botanical Society, Piofessor D. H. Campbell, of Stanford University; the American Anthropological Association, Professor Roland B. Dixon, of Harvard University; the American Psycholog- ical Association, Professor C. H. War- ren, of Princeton University; the So- ciety of the Sigma Xi, Professor J. McKeen Cattell, of Columbia Univer- sity; the American Society of Nat- uralists, Professor Ross G. Harrison, of Yale University; the American Eco- nomic Association, Professor David I. Kinley, of the University of Illinois; the American Historical Association, Professor William A. Dunning, of Co- lumbia University. It has been proposed to municipal authorities of Paris that the memory of Henri Poincare should be honored where he taught, and it is suggested that the portion of the Rue Vaugirard between the Boulevard St. Michel and the Odeon should be named after him. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. MARCH, 1913 HENRI POINCARE AS AN INVESTIGATOR1 By Professor JAMES BYRNIE SHAW UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IT has not seemed to me appropriate, nor would there be time, nor should I be able, to enter into an exhaustive study of the life-work of a master-mind like Jules Henri Poincare. Indeed, to analyze his con- tributions to astronomy needs a Darwin ; to report on his investigations in mathematical physics needs a Planck; to expound his philosophy of science needs a Royce; to exhibit his mathematical creations in all their fullness needs Poincare. Let it suffice that he was the pride of France, not only of the aristocracy of scholars, but of the nation. He was in- spired by the genius of France, with its keen discernment, its eternal search for exact truth, its haunting love of beauty. The mathematical world has lost its incomparable leader, and its admiration for the mag- nitude of his achievements will be tempered only by the vain desire tc know what visions he had not yet given expression to. Investigators of brilliant power for years to come will fill out the outlines of what he had time only to sketch. His vision penetrated the universe from the elec- tron to the galaxy, from instants of time to the sweep of space, from the fundamentals of thought to its most delicate propositions. In his funeral oration, Painleve, speaking for the Academie des Sciences, said :2 He was only twenty-four years of age, when after four years of silent and sustained reflection, he began the series of mathematical publications which leaves us in doubt whether to admire most its surprising profundity or its sur- prising fecundity. Whether he attacked the ascension, step by step, of the truths of arithmetic discontinuity, or unloosed the tangle of geometric form, or followed the subtlest 1 For a biographical sketch of Poincare^ see Revue des deux Mondes, 1912, September 15. Also the second edition of Lebon's book on Poincare has appeared. 2 Revue du Mois, Vol. 7 (1912), p. 133. VOL. LXXXII. — 15. 2io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY windings and caprices of the continuous laws that join quantities together, there is not one of his works which has not the masterly touch, not one of his fifteen hundred publications which does not show the lion's claw. At the age of twenty-seven, the Faculty of Sciences offered this young conqueror its chair of physical mechanics. At thirty-three the Academy of Sciences opened its door, an example soon followed by the learned academies of the entire world; for there was no body of scientists in Europe or America which did not feel that it honored itself in adjoining the cooperation of Henri Poincare\ But the mathematical sciences were for this illustrious analyst only a mani- fold and prodigious measuring instrument admirably adapted to the comparative etudy of the phenomena of the universe. This instrument he set himself to use, and what skill he displayed! At the age of thirty, he astonished the physicists by his critique of the general principles of their science; that was but the beginning of bold speculations which led him year by year up to the very edge of the unknown, to the constitution of matter, to the paradoxical mechanics that sprung up after the unexpected discovery of the mysterious radioactivity. Yet this was only part of his activity: geodesy, cosmogony, astronomy, philosophy of science, he included them all, penetrated all, explored all. His celestial mechanics would be glory enough. It was this that revealed him first to a wide public. King Oscar II. of Sweden, Maecenus of science, enlightened and generous, in 1887 opened an international competition in mathematics. In 1889, at the end of the contest, France learned with joy that the great gold medal, supreme prize of this new tournament, had been awarded to one of her children, a young scientist thirty-five years of age, for a marvelous study of the mechanical stability of our universe; and the name of Henri Poincare' was famous. Gentlemen, the Theban hero dying after two victories said: "I leave two immortal daughters. ' ' This hero of the world of thought who has just suc- cumbed, leaves in the ideal world, as real as the other world, an immortal pos- terity which will guide the future researches of men. Indeed his life will remain an example as harmonious in its faultless lines as the orbits of those stars whose eternal past and eternal future he desired to know. To this eulogy of Professor Painleve certainly I could add nothing, and it does not seem necessary to enumerate the many other honors of Poincare's. I shall undertake only to consider briefly his conception of science in its chief phases, and in the light of this conception to con- sider at more length in particular his ideas of research. As an investi- gator his opinions carry extraordinary weight, as he was a subtle phi- losopher and a skilled psychologist. We may treat three phases of sci- entific activity as distinct, pure science, industrial science and what we may call euthenic science. In speaking of the death of Brouardel,3 who did much for the study of hygiene, and had helped in preventing three invasions of cholera, without disturbing commerce, Poincare said before the Academie des Sciences : In this direction scientists can scarcely count on the satisfaction of dis- covering general laws, exterior as it were to space and time, but there are other lC. B., 143 (1906), p. 996. HENRI POINCARE AS AN INVESTIGATOR 211 joys and above all that of doing good immediately to humanity and correcting evils without forcing the remedy to wait. The scientist is accustomed to conquer truth only by degrees; for him all certainty should be bought by long hesitations, by perpetually feeling his way. He suspects what comes too easily, and accepts it only after submitting it to numerous and diverse proofs. The man who must act can not embarrass himself by such scruples. He cares little for a truth which must wait so long, because it may arrive too late, and after the moment for action has passed. He must make rapid conquests; sometimes these are not the most durable nor those we should esteem. He also has to avoid reefs which we know not, we for whom time does not count, and sometimes we are tempted to say a true scientist ought not to risk them; how much better on the contrary to congratulate ourselves that there are men skilful enough to avoid them. Towards pure science his attitude was almost adoration. It is best set forth by extracts from his " Value of Science " and " Science and Method": The search for truth should be the goal of our activity; it is the only end worthy of it. . . . When I speak here of truth doubtless I mean primarily scien- tific truth, but I wish to speak also of moral truth, one of whose aspects is what we call Justice. ... To find one as well as to find the other, it is necessary to struggle to the utmost to free ourselves from the bonds of prejudice and passion, to attain absolute sincerity. The best expression of the harmony of nature is Law. Law is one of the most recent conquests of the human mind. Man demands that his gods prove their existence by miracles, but the eternal marvel is that there are not miracles all the time. And the world is divine because it is harmonious. Were it ruled by caprices what could ever prove it due to aught but chance? But does this harmony which the human intellect believes it finds in nature exist outside the intellect? Doubtless not; a reality completely independent of the mind that conceives it, sees it, feels it, is an impossibility. What we call objective reality is, in the last analysis, what is common to many thinkers and could be common to all; this common part, we shall see, can be only the harmony expressed by mathematical laws. So we conclude that this harmony is the sole objective reality, the sole truth we can ever attain, and if I add that the universal harmony of the world is the source of all beauty, it becomes comprehensible how we should prize the slow and painful progress by which we learn little by little to know it. The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because it pleases him, and it pleases him because it is beautiful. Were nature not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, life would not be worth living. I do not mean here, of course, that beauty which impresses the senses, the beauty of qualities and appearances; not that I despise it — far from it; but that has nought to do with science; I mean that subtler beauty of the harmonious order of the parts which pure intellect appreciates. This it is which gives a body, a skeleton as it were, to the fleeting appearances that charm the senses, and with- out this support the beauty of these fugitive dreams would be but imperfect, because it would be unstable and evanescent. On the contrary intellectual beauty is self-sufficient and for its sake, rather than for the good of humanity, does the scientist condemn himself to long and tedious labors. 212 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY In connection with this view of the scientist in his own domain, I desire to quote also from the preface of the recent second German edi- tion of " Value of Science/' which expresses his attitude towards indus- trial science : Science has always had to contend with skeptics and scoffers who were quite ready to draw conclusions from relative failures and temporary inactivity, and to note the confessions of scientists who admit that the field of science is bounded, but fail to add that inside its own realm it is supreme. He who views scientific work from the outside is often amazed to see yester- day's truth so easily become to-morrow's error. He believes then, that our conquests are over-confident, that the principles so proudly paraded are only novelties, and he does not see that beneath these necessary changes of form scientific truth is always one and the same. It remains eternally unchanged and only the clothing in which we deck it out changes with the fashion. Fortunately science is needed in applications, and this silences the skeptic. If he desires to use some new discovery, and convinces himself of its success, he must indeed admit that it is more than an idle dream. We thus perceive the blessing which lies in the development of industry. I do not wish to say that science is created for its applications, far from it; one must love it for its own sake; but the recognition of its applications pro- tects us from the skeptic. Poincare's conception of science can be summed up in these terms : Science consists of the invariants of human thought. In the field of investigation, the important thing for Poincare was the discovery of the real relation between isolated facts. The important facts are those that suggest relations. We select facts from this stand- point. The world of relations was as real to him as the world of phe- nomena, and so far as we know the real relations, in whatever language we express these relations, just so far we know the actual world, the ob- jective world. Even absolute space and absolute time do not exist, these two are relations furnished by our own minds.4 Thus the term energy, and our notion as to the existence of energy, may change in the course of time, but the persistent relation that gives us our present notion of energy is real and does not change. It may be true, as Herschel said, that in the twinkling of an eye a molecule solves a differential equation which if written out in full would belt the globe, but the molecule knows nothing of the equation — that is created by the mind, and as the modern discontinuous physics develops, it may be that we shall have to use dif- ference equations rather than differential equations. But the differen- tial equation expresses certain persistent relations between phenomena, and is thus real, and is the replica of an objective reality. The differen- tial equation means that the phenomenon is one such that each state is the result of the immediately preceding state; the new integro-differen- tial equation of Volterra means that the state is due to all the preceding states; the difference equation means that the states follow each other 4 Scientia, 12 (1912), 159-171 (posthumous). HENRI POINCARE AS AN INVESTIGATOR 213 abruptly; and integro-difference equations would mean that they de- pend on all preceding states discontinuously. Each is able to account for certain relations in the states. In the same sense the word atom is the name for a set of relations, and though it may change and the atom itself become a solar system, yet what we really mean by the atom is permanent and represents an objective reality. We are witnesses too of an evolution in science and mathematics from the continuous to the dis- continuous. In mathematics it has produced the function defined over a range rather than a line — a chaos, as it were, of elements — and the calculable numbers of Borel. In physics it has produced the electron, the magneton, and the theory of quanta,5 about which Poincare said shortly before his death : A physical system is capable of only a finite number of distinct states; it abruptly jumps from one state to another without passing through the inter- mediate states. In biology we have the corresponding theory of mutations. Yet despite this apparent reduction of old ideas into dust, contradictory to our hopes of its permanence; as Poincare put it: this is right and the other is not wrong. They are in harmony, only the language varies; both set forth certain true relations. Just as Maxwell and Kelvin were able to invent mechanical models of the ether, so Poincare is perhaps the most profound genius the world has ever known in devising the more subtle machinery of thought to represent the relations he found not only between numbers and geo- metric figures, but between the phenomena of physics. His mind seemed to create new structures of this kind continually, finding expression for the most intricate relations. Nowadays this is the same as saying that he was a mathematician, for this ideal world of relations is the one with whose structure mathematics is concerned, and which mathematics claims sovereignty over, verifying Gauss's assertion : " Mathematics is Queen of all the Sciences." In the address of Masson when Poincare was made one of the forty immortals, he said : You were born, you have lived, you will live, and you will die a mathe- matician; the vital function of your brain is to invent and to resolve more cases in mathematics; everything about you relates to that. Even when you seem to desert mathematics for metaphysics, the former furnishes the examples, the reasoning, the paradoxes. It is in you, possesses you, harries you, dominates you; in repose, your brain automatically pursues its work, without your being aware of it — the fruit forms, grows, ripens, and falls, and you have yourself told us of your wonder at finding it in your hand so perfect. You furnish an admirable example of the mathematical type. Since Archimedes it is classical but legendary. Earely will historian have found an occasion so fit to note in life its external characters, and in place of relating your works, rather is not this 6 See Jour, de Physique, 1912 (5), 2; pp. 5-34; 347-360. 2i4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the occasion to see how mathematical genius manifests itself, whether it is the result of atavism, or the product of a special culture, at what moment and under what conditions it sees light, at what epoch of life it is most active and brilliant ? Fortunately the answer to Masson's question is to be found in Poin- care's own writings, and it becomes the more interesting when taken in connection with his further thesis that the method of research in mathe- matics is precisely that of all pure science. This method I desire to con- sider at some length, for I conceive that such a consideration will be entirely appropriate in this place. The first research mentioned by Eados in the report of the com- mittee to the Hungarian Academy in 1905, when Poincare was awarded the first Bolyai prize as the most eminent mathematician in the world, is the series of investigations relating to automorphic functions. These functions enable us to integrate linear differential equations with ra- tional algebraic coefficients, just as elliptic functions and abelian func- tions enable us to integrate certain algebraic differentials. With regard to these researches, Poincare tells us that for a fortnight he had tried without success to demonstrate their non-existence. He investigated a large number of formulae with no results. One evening, however, he was restless and got to sleep with difficulty ; ideas surged out in crowds and seemed to crash violently together in the endeavor to form stable combi- nations. The next morning he was in possession of the particular set of automorphic functions derived from the hypergeometric series; he had only to verify the calculations. Having thus found that functions did exist of this kind, he conceived the idea of representing these functions as the quotients of two series, analogous to the theta series in elliptic functions. This he did purely by the analogy, and arrived at theta- fuchsian functions. Having occasion to take a journey, mathematics was laid aside for a time, but in stepping into an omnibus at Coutances, the idea flashed over him that the transformations which he had used to define these automorphic functions were identical with certain others he had used in some researches in non-euclidean geometry. Eeturning home he took up some questions in the theory of arithmetic forms, and with no suspicion that they were related to the fuchsian functions or the geometric transformation, he worked for some time with no success. But one day while taking a walk, the idea suddenly came to him that the arithmetic transformations he was using were essentially the same as those of his study in non-euclidean geometry. From this fact he saw at once by the connections with the arithmetic forms that the fuchsian functions he had discovered were only particular cases of a more general class of functions. He laid siege now systematically to the whole prob- lem of the linear differential equations and the fuchsian functions and reached result after result, save one thing which seemed to be the key- HENRI POINCAEE AS AN INVESTIGATOR 215 stone of the whole problem was stubborn. He was compelled to go away again to perform military duty, and his mind was full of other things. But one day while crossing the boulevard the solution of the last diffi- culty suddenly appeared and upon verification was found to be correct. In this account of the birth and growth of mathematical develop- ment, which he assures us is practically the same as for all such de- velopments, it is obvious that the central notion is that of generaliza- tion. Elliptic, abelian and theta functions are in turn generalized into a new class of transcendents. Inversion of differentials is generalized into inversion of differential equations. This notion of generalization we need to inspect a little closely. Mathematical generalization consists of two types of thought, often not discriminated, and often scarcely to be discriminated from each other. One type consists in so stating a known theorem that it will be true of a wider class than in its first state- ment, and the predicate asserted has a wider significance. In such gen- eralization the first statement of the theorem becomes a mere particular case of the second statement. Examples will occur readily to every one. There are two forms of this type : in one, many known cases are brought together under one law; in the other form, the law thus found is made to apply to other known cases, perhaps never before suspected to be re- lated to the first set. It is the guiding threads of analogy that usually bring about these forms of generalization. This kind of generalizing power Poincare had in high degree. In his memoir on " Partial Dif- ferential Equations of Physics " 6 he says : If one looks at the different problems of the integral calculus which arise naturally when he wishes to go deep into the different parts of physics, it is impossible not to be struck by the analogies existing. Whether it be electro- statics, or electrodynamics, the propagation of heat, optics, elasticity or hydro- dynamics, we are led always to differential equations of the same family; and the boundary conditions though different, are not without some resemblances. . . . One should therefore expect to find in these problems a large number of common properties. Also in his " Nouvelles Methodes de la Mecanique Celeste " he says : The ultimate aim of celestial mechanics is to solve the great question whether Newton's law alone will explain all astronomical phenomena. In his address awarding Poincare the gold medal of the Eoyal Astro- nomical Society, G. H. Darwin7 said: The leading characteristic of M. Poincare 's work appears to be the immense wideness of the generalizations, so that the abundance of possible illustrations is sometimes almost bewildering. This power of grasping abstract principles is the mark of the intellect of the true mathematician; but to one accustomed rather to deal with the concrete the difficulty of completely mastering the argu- ment is sometimes great. 8 Amer. Jour. Math., Vol. 12. T" Scientific Papers," Vol. 4, p. 519. 216 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY In the account of the creation of the fuchsian functions we see this power of finding examples of his generalizations, that is to say, of ap- plying them. By these functions he could solve differential equations, he could express the coordinates of algebraic curves as fuchsian func- tions of a parameter, he could solve algebraic equations of any order. Humbert put it succinctly thus : " Poincare handed us the keys of the world of algebra." Again, from the simplification of the theory of algebraic curves he was able to reach results which led to a generaliza- tion of the 'fuchsian functions to the zetafuchsian functions, which he afterward used in differential equations, the starting point of the prob- lem. He applied the theory of continuous groups to hypercomplex num- bers and then applied hypercomplex numbers to the periods of abelian integrals and the algebraic integration of differential equations of cer- tain types. He applied fuchsian functions to the theory of arithmetic forms and opened a wide development of the theory of numbers. He applied fundamental functions to the potential theory of surfaces in gen- eral, showing how the Green's function could be constructed for any surface, permitting the solution of the problem. He developed' integral invariants, which persist through cycles of space and time. He dared to apply the kinetic theory of gases and the theory of radiant matter to the Milky Way itself, suggesting that probably we are a speck in a spiral nebula. He analyzed mathematically the rings of Saturn into a swarm of satellites, and the spectroscope confirmed his conclusions, a piece of work ranking with the mathematical discovery of Neptune. He found a generalization for figures of equilibrium of the heavenly bodies, dis- covering an infinity of forms and pointing out the stable transition shapes from one type to another, of which the piriform was quite new ; at the same time throwing light on the problems of cosmogony. He applied trigonometric series, divergent series, and even the theory of probabilities, to show that the stability or instability of our universe has never been demonstrated, but that if probability is measured by continu- ous functions only, the universe is most probably stable. There is no essential difference between generalizations of this type in whatever realm they appear. It is generalization to see that projec- tive geometry merely states the invariancies of the projective group, and elementary geometry is a collection of statements about the invariants of the orthogonal group. Expansions in sines and cosines, or Legendrian polynomials, or Bessel functions are particular cases of expansions in fundamental functions, and these arise from the inversion of definite integrals. It is also generalization to reduce the phenomena of light to a wave-theory, then the phenomena of light, electricity and magnetism to ether-properties. It is generalization to reduce physics and physical chemistry to the study of quanta of energy, and, I might add, to reduce all the physical sciences to a study of the kinematics of four-dimensional HENRI POINCARE A8 AN INVESTIGATOR 217 space. When we say natural law, we mean generalization of this type. The laws of science are generalizations of the relations between phenom- ena. According to Poincare there are three classes of hypotheses in science: (1) Natural hypotheses, which are the foundations of the mathematical treatments, such as action decreases with the distance, small movements follow a linear law, effect is a continuous function of the cause, physical phenomena are discontinuous functions; (2) Neutral hypotheses, which enable us to formulate our ideas, and are neither veri- fiable nor unverifiable, such as the hypothesis of atoms or of a continu- ous medium; (3) Generalizations, invariantive relationships, which are valuable, may be verified by experiment and lead to real progress. In " Science and Hypothesis " his thesis is, that science consists of ob- served facts organized according to these three classes of hypotheses. In "Value of Science" the thesis is, that the objective value of science consists in the laws, that is, in the generalizations, discovered. In " Science and Method " the thesis is, that the discovery of laws is by methods substantially the same as those of mathematical investigation, deducing from a significant particular a wide-reaching generalization, selecting our facts because of their significance. This type of generalization, however, is only a part of the mathe- matical generalization. It might in broad terms be characterized as the purely scientific type. The second type, which might be broadly char- acterized as the purely mathematical type, is that in which there is a distinct widening of the field of a conception, usually by the addition of new mathematical entities. Examples are the irrational numbers, negative numbers, imaginary numbers, quaternions and hypercomplex numbers in general. The name imaginary indicates the fact that the actual existence of these was once open to question in the minds of some. Other examples are the non-euclidean geometries, the non-archimedean continuity, transfinite numbers, space of four and of iV dimensions. The ideal numbers of Kummer and the geometric numbers of Minkowski are generalizations mainly of this type. It is not possible to separate sharply this kind of generalization from the other, and it would often be difficult to say whether a given mathematical investigation belongs primarily to the one kind or the other. However, when an investigation does not merely utilize material that is already known, but introduces new objects for study whose properties are not known, we can classify it under the second type. Usually the second type arises from inversion processes. We have given certain properties to find the class of things satisfying them. If they do not exist we create them. Whether we con- sider that the new objects have (in mathematics) been created or dis- covered, is merely a matter of psychologic point of view. For example, in one of Poincare's last papers8 he explains the apparently irreconcil- sScientia, 12 (1912), pp. 1-11. 2i8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY able difference of opinion which there is among mathematicians regard- ing the existence of a definable infinity as due to the difference in the psychology of the two classes. One, the idealistic, feeling that every- thing we define is due to the mind, and finite; the other, the realistic, feeling that there is an external world which may well contain an in- finity. The idealistic class, to which Poincare belonged, would consider that these extensions to which we referred are in a sense creations. It is scarcely necessary to enumerate the creations of Poincare. They are many, for he was gifted with extraordinary originality. The account given above of the creation of the fuchsian functions is an ex- ample of one of his most important. It opened an immense field of in- vestigation. He created a type of arithmetic invariants expressible as series or definite integrals, which opened a new field in theory of num- bers. His investigations of ordinary differential equations which are not linear, such as those in dynamics and the problem of N bodies, cre- ated an extensive class of new functions which (I believe) are yet with- out special names, as well as suggesting the existence of classes of func- tions for which we have, as yet, even no means of expression. The in- vestigations of asymptotic expansions opened paths to dizzy heights. Fundamental functions in partial differential equations also open a re- gion now under development. We may say that the most marvelous of his creations rise from the general field of differential equations. We might cite further his researches in analysis situs, the realm of the in- variants of a battered continuity. His double residues and studies in functions of many real variables are creations from which will spring a noble progeny. Even the lectures in which he presented the results of others scintillate with original thoughts. To generalize in mathematics and science it is not enough simply to get together facts or ideas and to put them into new combinations. Most of these combinations would be useless. The real investigator does not form the useless combinations at all, but unconsciously rejects the un- profitable combinations. It is as if he were an examiner for a higher degree ; only the candidates who have passed the lower degrees ever ap- pear before him at all. Often domains far distant furnish the useful combinations, as in the account given of the genesis of the fuchsian functions, the theory of arithmetic forms through the roundabout route of non-euclidean geometry furnished the generalization of the first fuchsian functions to the complete class. This was of the first type. But how are those of the second type born ? We come thus to the heart of the matter. Merely to say that we dis- cover laws is not sufficient. How do we discover extensions? How devise new formulas? Make new constructions? The answer to this question is, for Poincare, found in psychology. It is necessary to get together many facts, but this does not insure that we shall build with HENRI POINCARE AS AN INVESTIGATOR 219 them any more than that a collection of beams and stones will make a cathedral. Mere haphazard construction does not produce the cathedral either. To reach the end it is necessary to have the end in view from the beginning. It is not only necessary to choose a route, but we must see that it is the route to be chosen. This implies a power of the mind which Poincare calls intuition. It is that power which enables us to perceive the plan of the whole, to seize the unity in the matter at hand. This power is necessary not only to the investigator, but it is also neces- sary— in less degree, perhaps — to him who desires to follow the in- vestigation. Why is it, he asks, that any one can ever fail to understand mathematics? Here is a subject constructed step by step with infallible logic, yet many do not comprehend it at all. Not on account of poor memory — that may lead to errors in calculation, but has little to do with comprehension of the subject. Sylvester, for example, was notorious for his inability to remember even what he himself had proved. It is not due to lack of the power of attention, for while concentration is neces- sary in the development of a demonstration, or in following a piece of logic, it does riot give this appreciation of mathematics. A mathematical demonstration is a series of inferences, but it is above all a series of inferences in a certain order. The important thing is the order, just as in chess the mere moving according to the rules is not enough, it is the plan of the game that counts. If one appreciates it, this order, this plan, this unity, this harmony, he need have no fear of a poor memory, nor need he weary his concentration. The student deficient in this power may learn demonstrations by heart, he may assent to each step as logically proved, yet he will know little of the theorem itself. Those who possess this kind of insight which reveals hidden relations, this divining power for the discovery of mines of gold, may hope to become investigators, creators. Those who do not have it must find it or give up the task. The great educational question of the day is the problem of the development of the intuition. If we learn to cultivate this spirituelle flower it will open all doors of invention and discovery of Jaws. It is an interesting problem for even the grade teacher. If it be true, as Boris Sidis and others have claimed, that there are superior methods of edu- cation (which seem really to lie along this line) then they must become the methods of future education. We will begin to educate for genius. One thing seems evident, that too prolonged adherence to the methods of rigid reasoning leads to sterility. In mathematics at least both logic and intuition are indispensable, one furnishes the architect's plan of the structure, the other bolts it and cements it together. Logic, says Poin- care, is the sole instrument of certitude, intuition of creation. Yet even the steps of a logical deduction are planned in their entirety by the intuition. In discussing the partial differential equations of physics9 • Amer. Jour. Math., Vol. 12. 2 2o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY and their solutions, he points out that one often has to content himself with the guidance he can get by physical considerations. An example of this was the use made by Klein of electrical considerations in hand- ling Dirichlet's problem on a Eiemann surface. In the physical aspect of the problem this would usually be sufficient, for the physical data are at the best only approximate. The mathematical necessities of converg- ence demand, however, that the problems be handled purely analytically and deductively. In one of his lectures he compares the process with the formation of a sponge. When we find it fully formed it is only a delicate lace-work of needles of silica. But the really interesting thing is the form it has taken, and this can be fully understood only by know- ing the life-history of the sponge which has impressed its form, its will, so to speak, on the silica. In the same way a logical development of a theorem can really be understood only through a study of its living de- velopment. Need we point out the significance of this to the research student? Just as a painter who would become great must sit at the feet of a master and see his creations grow on the canvas, so the student does well to watch a master at work on scientific creations. This is the good he gets at the university. No compendium of results of the great creators will suffice. Nor is a too detailed study of the history of a problem, or too extensive a list of its bibliography, of assistance to the intuition. These might assist the later logical development, but not the inventive power. Poincare rarely did more than to acquaint himself with the present status of a problem he desired to consider. It is evi- dent too that the intuition is sui generis, and guidance of it in the seminar must simply stimulate, not undertake to determine its form. The investigator must set his own problem and work it out in his own way. The director of research should furnish favorable surroundings and set forth the matter of his lectures in as genetic form as possible, as for example, Poincare' s and Klein's masterly courses. But he should not prescribe forms of development, nor methods of attack for the novitiate. The types of intuition are numerous. We leave to the psychologist their enumeration and description. For example, we should expect a visualist to think in pictures, for in this direction his imagination would be vivid. Such a mind would make use of diagrams and mechanical forms to embody his ideas. We think at once of Faraday and his lines of force, of Kelvin and his models of the ether. Poincare compares Bertrand and Hermite, schoolmates educated at the same time in the same way. Bertrand when speaking was always in motion, apparently trying to paint his ideas. Hermite seemed to flee the world, his ideas were not of the visible kind. Weierstrass thought in artificial symbols, Eiemann in pictures and geometric constructions. Poincare is spoken of as belonging to the audile type, for he remembered sounds well. HENRI POINCARE AS AN INVESTIGATOR 221 He seems from his memoirs and papers, however, also to be equally of the visual and the symbolic types. He valued words highly, and his style is a mountain brook descending from rarefied heights, its clear current here falling over rocks, there gliding smoothly down. His thought is a penetrating ray that illuminates the deepest recesses of the wilderness of phenomena. But in any case, whether one be analyst, physicist, biologist or psychologist, the characteristic trait of the intuition is the direct appre- ciation of relationships between the objects of thought, which unite them into a complete structure, unitary in character and harmonious in form. We might define intuition as that power of the mind by which we build the great theories and fit phenomena into a plan designed along the lines of unifying principles. To be more exact, the mind creates a world of its own. This world is conditioned by what we call the outside world, but in many respects we are free to make it what we please, just as the architect is free to create his build- ing although his material limits him. However, we endeavor to create this world with the maximum simplicity, mainly because simplicity implies harmony, that is, beauty. We are not satisfied with what William James called the " blooming confusion of consciousness " but we construct a replica of this consciousness which is simpler. Of two ways we can construct the replica, we choose the simpler. Thus we choose Euclidean geometry instead of Lobatchevskian, on account of its simplicity, although either might be applied to the world of phenomena. We choose to say the earth rotates on its axis, for that makes astronomy possible. This replica must have a plan, a design, a symmetry, a coherence. Intuition is the perception of this idealized structure. It is akin to the dream of the artist, or the vision of the prophet. Indeed the eminent literary critic, Emile Faguet, calls Poincare a poet. Was it not Sylvester and Kronecker who said that mathematics was essen- tially poetry ! That was as far as they ever got in defining it. In his address on " Analysis and Physics," Poincare says : Mathematics has a triple end. It must furnish an instrument for the study of nature. But that is not all, it has a philosophic end; and, I dare to say it, an esthetic end; . . . these two ends [physical and esthetic] are inseparable, and the best way to attain the one is to keep the other in view. The mathematician does not build in stone, nor paint on canvas, nor construct a symphony, though his harmonies are in and through all these; his medium is more ethereal; but is his creation therefore the less beautiful? Since the intuition is necessary, the first problem of education becomes the conservation and development of this power. Poincare points out that in mathematics, for example, we should not begin with general definitions and laws, nor with rigorous logic in the proofs of 222 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the theorems. Thus he recommends that in the special mathematics of the secondary school and in the first year of the Ecole Poly technique, there should not be introduced the notion of functions with no deriva- tives. At most we should content ourselves with saying " there are such, but we are not concerned with them now." When integrals are first spoken of, they should be defined as areas, and the rigorous defini- tion should be given later, after the student has found many integrals. He says:10 The chief end of mathematical instruction is to develop certain powers of the mind, and among these the intuition is not the least precious. By it the mathematical world comes in contact with the real world, and even if pure mathematics could do without it, it would always be necessary to turn to it to bridge the gulf between symbol and reality. The practician will always need it, and for one mathematician there are a hundred practicians. However, for the mathematician himself the power is necessary, for while we demonstrate by logic, we create by intuition; and we have more to do than to criticize others' theorems, we must invent new ones, this art, intuition teaches us. We turn finally to the research student. How is he to bring the intuition to bear on his problem effectively ? If creative work is to be hoped for only through this agency, how do we set it to work? This question Poincare answers in his analysis of his creation of the fuchsian functions. He holds that the intuition does its work unconsciously. We can not use the term " subconsciously," for he had a repugnance to the doctrine of the superiority of the subliminal self. He points out that our unconscious activity forms large numbers of mental combina- tions, as an architect, we will say, makes many trial sketches, and of these combinations some are brought into consciousness. These are selected, he believes, by their appeal to the sentiment of beauty, the intellectual esthetic sense of the fitness of things, the unity of ideas, just as the architect from his haphazard sketches selects the right one finally by its appeal to his sense of beauty. Poincare admits that this explanation of the facts is a hypothesis, but he finds many things to confirm it. One is the fact that the theorems thus suggested in mathe- matical creation are not always true, yet their elegance, if they were true, has opened the door of consciousness to them. It was Sylvester who used to declare : Gentlemen, I am certain my conclusion is correct. I will wager a hundred pounds to one on it; yes, I will wager my life on it. But it often turned out the next day that it was not true. How- ever, it led eventually to things that were true. The direct conclusion from Poincare' s hypothesis would be that we must conserve and develop the esthetic sense of our field, whether mathematics, physics, chemistry, or what not. And we may well pause to consider whether the young 10 L'Enseignement Math., 1899, p. 157. HENRI POINCARE AS AN INVESTIGATOR 223 investigator should not include some course in design in his work, in painting, architecture, music, poetry or sculpture. Courses in the appreciation of art, rather than the criticism of art, might also be very serviceable indirectly. The constructive philosophers, like Plato or Bergson, might furnish valuable indirect training. Eeading that leads to an appreciation of the beauty and sublimity of the universe is of the same value. In any case whatever would intensify the esthetic sensitiveness would be worth while. When the intuition does not favor us, the golden butterfly fails to emerge from its chrysalis, what is to be done? Here is his answer for whom time did not count, taken from one of his most recent papers.11 There is a note of pathos in it as well as a hint of premonition. He presents some incomplete results of a new and very important theorem in geometrical transformation, which he is convinced is true, yet the proof of it encounters great difficulties. Every particular case he has been able to settle is favorable to the theorem. After explaining why he is publishing an incomplete paper for the first time, he says : It would seem that in this situation I should abstain from all publication bo long as I have not solved the problem, but after fruitless efforts for many months it seems to me wisest to let the whole problem ripen during several years. That would indeed be well, were I sure of some day being able to take it up again, but at my age I can not go bail for this. On the other hand, the impor- tance of the subject is great . . . and the totality of results so far obtained is too considerable for me to resign myself to definitively allowing them to become unfruitful. I may hope that the mathematicians who interest themselves in the problem and who will be more fortunate than I without doubt will find some means to resolve it. Again, Poincare points out that these flashes from below the horizon of consciousness must be preceded by periods of prolonged attentive work. It is like setting Pegasus to plowing corn, but this conscious effort is necessary. This discouraging wandering over the hills and rocks, examining the promising paths and the fragments that point to a nearby mine, day after day, is indispensable to success. It is the weary search over the face of the mountain and the driving of many fruitless drifts that eventually lead the prospector to his mine of gold. On this kind of drudgery Poincare spent two periods of two hours each daily. The unconscious action of his mind did the rest of his work. Neither does the discovery of the mine develop it. After the unconscious power has led us to our eldorado, it has done all it can. The deductions, the demonstrations, the applications, must be carried out at the expense of prolonged effort again. The intuition can not do this kind of work. Its region is the nebulous part of thought where the mental ions unite, dissolve, and whirl away, — or we may say that " Bend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 33 (1912), p. 375. 224 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY it is found where the breakers surge against the shores of the unknown. But in the consciousness, the stable, the crystallized, the permanent combinations are formed; the new world is organized, surveyed, mapped, and the frontier is widened. Here everything proceeds under hard supervision. Finally, the research student, the investigator, must have a burning love for the search for truth, as well as for the truth itself. And when in his somber moods he asks, what does it signify in the end? he finds the answer at the close of Poincare's " Value of Science." He expresses the significance of science in these clear terms : Civilizations are measured only by their science and their art. Some per- sons are surprised at the formula: science for science's sake; yet it is quite as good as life for life's sake, if life is only misery; and even as happiness for happiness' sake, if one does not place all pleasures on the same level, if one does not admit that the end of civilization is to furnish more alcohol to people who like to drink. Every action must have an aim. We have to suffer, we have to work, we have to pay for our seat at the show, but it is in order that we may see, or at least that others may sometimes see. What is not thought is nought ; since we can think only thoughts, and every word we use in talking about things stands for a thought, to assert there is anything else than thought is a senseless affirmation. Meanwhile — a strange contradiction for those who believe in time — geologic history teaches that life is only an episode between two eternities of death; and even in this episode conscious thought has endured and will endure but a moment. Thought is but a flash in the midst of a long night. Yet this flash indeed is everything. A CHRONICLE OF THE TRIBE OF CORN 225 A CHRONICLE OF THE TRIBE OF CORN1 By Professor EDWARD M. EAST HARVARD UNIVERSITY ALEXANDRE DUMAS maintained that he weaved more history into his romances than the contemporary chroniclers did into their histories. Perhaps he did. At least the reader may lose himself in the marvelously interesting fancies of the great Frenchman, and if he gleans some points of fact they are gratuitous — features for which he has not paid. But when he finds that his cherished enmity toward Aaron Burr is founded on the fictions of political opponents, that the reformation was largely politics and not ethics, he feels in much the frame of mind as when in earlier days he was robbed of his belief in Saint Nicolas. These statements are not intended as a libel on the political his- torian. They serve only to defend the title of this article. The mod- ern historian depends, first upon the records of writers contemporary with the epoch under consideration, second, upon the corroboration or refutation of these records by circumstantial evidence. The biological historian uses precisely the same method. His contemporary records are the records set down by the plants or animals themselves — auto- biographies, as it were. He has this advantage over the transcriber of written records, however, the plant autobiographies are true. There is no boasting, no glossing of faults, no exaggeration. The transcriber may misinterpret the record, but this is not the fault of the record. He has but to read it aright. The written record, on the other hand, may be false at the outset. The story of the birth and evolution of maize, the plant at the basis of our national prosperity, is of interest not only to agriculturists and botanists but to historians and philosophers, for it is one of the crops whose cultivation is linked with the beginnings of civilization. It has taken some years to fit the puzzle together, but now the gaps are but few. Of course the proofs are not absolute. No proof is. But it may be left to the judgment of the reader whether the case is beyond the reasonable doubt of the lawyer. At least, it is typical of the reasoning 1 An endeavor to trace the exact path of the evolution of maize is beset with more difficulties than are indicated here. I agree with many of the conclusions of both Montgomery and Collins, whose excellent researches have given us a remarkable insight into the probable phylogenetic history of maize. I have endeavored to present in this paper only the probable way in which certain important jumps occurred, facts that might be supposed to be of more popular interest than a strictly botanical discussion. VOL. LXXXLI. — 16. 226 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 1. A Typical Maize Plant as DESCRIBED BY THE BOTANISTS. (After Bonafous.) Fig. 2. A Reproduction of the Chinese Drawing upon which Rested the Argument for Asiatic Origin of Maize. (After Bonafous.) of the botanical historian and has been carried further than that of any other plant that has been cultivated since before recorded time and of which the wild prototype is unknown. The clues upon which the botanical detective works are many, and it is only by dovetailing numerous facts that the probability of a correct conclusion is increased until it is beyond question. That criminal de- tectives can establish a reasonable proof by circumstantial evidence was shown long ago by Poe. Mathematics does not recognize a series of coincidences. Coincidences do occur but not in series. If a series of facts point to the same conclusion, the probability that that conclusion is correct increases by multiplication, not by addition. If the probabil- ity that one throws heads with a coin is one half, the probability that he throws a pair of heads with two coins is one half times one half, or one quarter, not one half plus one half which would be a certainty. Thus the fictitious reasoners of Poe and Doyle have argued that if a series of independent circumstances point in a single direction, that direction is the proper one. If certain facts seem to be outstanding, they must be looked to, for their fallacies will sooner or later come to light. The same is true in botanical history as the following incident shows: A CHRONICLE OF THE TRIBE OF CORN 227 The sagas of Iceland show unquestionably that some time about the year 1000 the Norsemen landed in North America. Where they landed has been a question. The sagas describe the natives they met, the Skrellings, as small and ugly, great of eye and broad of cheek. "And they came in skin canoes." The description fits only the Esquimaux. The sagas relate further, however, that the Norsemen found mosurr wood and self-sown wheat and that in the spring they filled their boats with " wine berries." Students of the sagas have taken the wineberries to be grapes, the self-sown wheat to be wild rice and the mosurr wood to be maple. There were discrepancies here. The ethnologists say the Esquimaux have not wandered south, and the botanists find that the grape and the wild-rice do not grow in the northeast. It may also be pointed out that grapes are not gathered in the spring even in the most flourishing circumstances. Some have ridiculed the sagas, some have brought the Esquimaux as far south as Boston, others have turned the Skrellings into Indians in spite of their description. It remained for a botanist, Professor M. L. Fernald, to show that the mosurr wood is birch, that the wild wheat is the Strand wheat (Elymus arenarius) a plant familiar to the Ice- landers, and that the wineberry is either the mountain cranberry that is in its prime in the spring or one of the wild currants, both plants being known to the Norsemen as vinber or wine berries. The plentiful occur- rence of these species north of the St. Lawrence River straightens out all the inconsistencies and makes the geography, ethnology and biology of the old sagas perfectly plausible. This short illustration typifies the method of the botanical his- torian, though perhaps the details of his work had best be explained. Foremost in the significance of its evidence is the geographical distri- bution of the wild plant and its subvarieties. From this knowledge one may sometimes locate the point of origin with surprising definitenoss. But often an important cultivated species has no known progenitor in the wild. This lack of information is unfortunate for the investigator, but not prohibitive of results. It makes the problem only that much more interesting. The next point of attack is to discover the distribu- tion of the wild species nearest related by their structure and character- istics to the material under investigation. The fact that an organic evolution has occurred is the master key that unlocks many problems. Classification along natural lines was made possible by establishing the fact of evolution. The relatives of plants are hall-marked in a manner not often mistakable, and if the general family group is not too widely distributed, the problem may be considered as fairly well along. If there are no near relatives extant, if the plant is the last leaf upon the family tree, one must turn to the evidence of the plant itself. By this I mean he must study the inheritance of the various characters 228 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 3. An Ancient Indian Flint Type Above, with its Modern Successor Below. by which its varieties are differentiated and endeavor to find out how the features peculiar to it have originated. He may then be able log- ically to connect it with very distant relatives. Now to turn to the collateral evidence. Collateral evidence on dis- tribution and relationship is furnished by paleontology. Such data are really direct and important when fossil remains occur in sufficient quantities, but this is not often the case. It is usually fragmentary and can be classed with that of archeology. Neither archeology nor history furnishes certain proof of plant origin, however, as we shall see. Their evidence must simply be given the weight it deserves when considered with other facts. Lastly, philology furnishes indications as to the his- tory of a species, for common names of cultivated plants are well pre- served in the languages of the people who have used them. But, like other evidence, it must be accepted with caution. The cashew is called by the French pomme de Maliogani, which is all right except that it is not an apple and has nothing to do with mahogany. This shows how much worse a compound name is than a simple name, since with a simple name there can be but one error. We shall endeavor to construct our history and evolution of maize along these lines, though not keeping the same order. Maize has not been found in the wild state, although it is such a remarkable plant it seems improbable that with our present knowledge of plant distribution it should remain undiscovered if in existence. This fact has made the problem of its nativity very difficult, even though Americans have been satisfied of its new-world origin for some time. Competent critics have skillfully argued old-world origin, and from the strictly historical point of view there was earlier much to be A CHRONICLE OF THE TRIBE OF CORN 229 said in their favor. The word maize (mays) itself is strictly Ameri- can, but this name has been in use only since adopted by Matthiole in 1570. In modern European languages the common name has been one purporting to show eastern origin, in English Indian corn, in French blS de Turquie or Turkish wheat. Since maize is not wheat, it might almost be concluded it was not Turkish. The trouble was. one could not prove it. As a matter of fact, such names only show the tendency of a people simply to indicate the foreign origin of an introduced art- icle, as when the French gave the name coq d'Inde or Indian cock to the American turkey. According to De Candolle maize was called Roman corn in Lorraine and Yosges, Sicilian corn in Tuscany, Indian corn in Sicily and Spanish corn in the Pyrenees. The Turks call it Egyptian corn and the Egyptians, Syrian dourra, which prove it to be neither Egyptian nor Syrian. It has been generally agreed by historians that there was no Hebrew or Sanskrit word for maize and that there was no Egyptian representa- tion of the plant. It is true, Rifaud found an ear of maize in a tomb at Thebes, but this was the work of a modern impostor, for if maize had been a crop of ancient Egypt, pictures of it would have been as plentiful as they are of other Egyptian plants. The plant certainly was not known in Europe in early times, but the question ever arose whether or not it could have been introduced from the East during the Middle Ages. Bonafous, who was the foremost writer on the subject in the early nineteenth century, took this view and was responsible for long- continued doubt on the subject. The principal evidence on the ques- tion was that obtained from a charter drawn up between two crusaders in 1204, according to which seeds thought to be maize and brought from Anatolia were presented to the town of Incisa. Historians of the crusades made much of this charter, although botanists thought from Fig. 4. A Giant Flour Corn from Peru compared with a Dwarf Pop Corn from the United States. 23° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. A Prize-winning Sweet Corn. their description that the seeds might be sorghum instead of maize. The absurdity of relying on such isolated clues came out with the dis- covery that the whole charter of Incisa was a modern fabrication. The only other evidence of eastern origin that there has been any trouble in demolishing is a picture of an ear of maize together with its ideograph in a Chinese book written some time between 1578 and 1597. Since the Portugese came to China in 1516 and to Java 20 years earlier, it is plain this is not good evidence of Chinese origin. During the half- century between this date and the date of the article, nothing could be more probable than Portugese introduction of maize into China. Furthermore, the fullness of early Chinese records is such that they would hardly have remained silent on an important agricultural crop until 1578. Pig. 6. A " Champion " Sample of our Greatest Economic Treasure, the Improved Dent Corn. A CHRONICLE OF THE TRIBE OF CORN 231 This dearth of early records of the plant in the old world shows convincingly the American origin of the plant, for after the discovery of America its cultivation became rapidly diffused, a proof that if in- digenous to Asia it would have been important agriculturally for cen- turies. On the other hand, no one has ever questioned the fact that maize was widely cultivated in America at the time the country was discov- ered by Europeans. It was the staple crop in both continents and had names in all the native languages. Its antiquity and importance are evidenced by its prominence in the religious rites of the people. The North American burial mounds, the tombs of the Incas and the temples of Mexico were made depositories of the seeds just as the tombs and temples of Egypt treasured wheat and barley. These facts do not indi- cate antiquity in cultivation equal to that of Egypt, however, for the Fig. 7. An Ear of the Mexican Podded Corn (Zea mays tunicata). civilization of the Peruvians and Mexicans is known to be of a much later era. At the same time, one may assume a history much longer than that indicated by these data for two reasons : from its wide dis- tribution and numerous ancient varieties, and from Darwin's discovery of its seeds mixed with shells buried in soil along the Peruvian shore that had become raised by natural action 85 feet above sea level. The American origin of maize being assured, interest in our prob- lem narrows. The Americas are large. To what particular part was the plant indigenous? First let me say that it is a peculiar fact that the vast territory now known as the United States produced no culti- vated plants of first importance. Excluding the Jerusalem artichoke, some comparatively unimportant berries and some relatives of the apple, our country gave man no agricultural treasures. It merely accepted with thanks the lavish generosity of the tropics. As far as maize is con- cerned, the physiology of the plant itself corroborates this statement. It germinates and grows best in hot climates. We must look for the home of maize, therefore, in the plains or plateaus of tropical North 232 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 8. A Reversion to the Ancient Branched Ear Type. or South America — the plains because annuals do not develop in forested regions. Under the circumstances, our search need only be the less troublesome absentia search in botanical records, since the regions have been combed by botanical explorers for three hundred years. The result as far as maize is concerned was nil. Perhaps though the word nothing is too exclusive. First cousins of our interesting family were discovered in Mexico and Guatemala, the plant called teosinte; and experimental evidence indicates a sufficiently near relation to justify these regions as the original home of the emigrant. This evidence, which gives us a picture of the original plant, is now to be considered. Maize varieties differing slightly from each other are now numbered by the hundred. Of these, five or six differ by very distinct characters and have come to be thought of as subspecies. Those known as dent, flint, pop, sweet and flour corns are familiar to every one. One known as Curagua with toothed leaf edges, one with very hairy leaves known as hirta and one in which each seed is covered with husks or glumes known as tunicata are not so common. These varieties are our heritage from the aboriginal inhabitants, for each was known and cultivated some- Pig. 9. A Common Reversion having Seeds on the Tassel. A CHRONICLE OF THE TRIBE OF CORN 233 where on the continent before the arrival of Europeans. They are con- sidered by botanists as one species. The wild relative teosinte has been thought to be not only a distinct species but a member of a different genus. There is good evidence, however, that there is not a much greater difference between teosinte and the maize nearest like it than there is between a number of the most distinct maize varieties. These facts make it reasonable to suppose that both types arose from a com- mon ancestor slightly different from each. Teosinte and maize belong to the tribe Maydese, a division of the Gramineas or true grasses. Our final problem is to connect the steps in the evolution of maize that distinguish it from the more typical grasses and if possible to picture the restored original form. The data from which one can do this come from observations of thousands of crosses between the different maize varieties. JMll** f*^j it i\J V w r T _■ ^^BE|* ^ii, -,'* :- s-S^ Fig. 10. A Rare Reversion to Perfect Flowers. Note the stamens around the seeds. Sweet corn is probably the most recent type. Sweet corns are simply dent, flint, pop and floury types that have lost the ability to mature starch grains. This is proved by crossing it with starchy kinds. For example, dent corns crossed with certain sweet corns produce flint types in the second hybrid generation. Starchiness is put into the hybrid by the dent variety and the latent flintiness of the sweet variety appears. In the same way crossing indicates that as the pop or poplike va- rieties increased in size by numerous slight variations, the flint, the dent, and the floury kinds were produced through the correlation be- tween the structure of the seeds and their size. This brings us back to a many-branched pop-like variety, examples of which are common enough to-day. Most maize varieties have naked seeds, a feature unlike other grasses including teosinte. The remaining members of the familv have 234 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. 11. Teosinte. (Photo by L. H. Smith.) the seeds protected from animal marauders by husks or glumes. This is again a simplification caused by the loss of a character, as is proved by crossing the ordinary maize varieties with the variety tunicata in which the character still remains. This gives us a grass-like corn with each seed covered — a plant in many ways like teosinte. It still differs from it by but one important and several unimportant characters, and the difference can not be particularly significant, for maize and teosinte cross freely and give fertile hybrids. The difference is this: The female or pistillate spike of maize, the part which we call the ear, consists apparently of several two-rowed Fig. 12. A Teosinte-Maize Hybrid showing the Dominance of the Teosinte Characters. (Photo by Webber.) A CHRONICLE OF THE TRIBE OF CORN 235 •spikelets grown together; the same part in teosinte consists of bundles of distinct two-rowed spikelets with jointed axes. It takes two steps to bring maize to something like this condition. Ordinary maize va- rieties often produce individuals that have ears branched in much the same manner as the tassel or male spike. This is probably a reversion toward a former type. At least, pure varieties of this kind can be iso- lated. Furthermore it can be shown by crossing that the branched con- dition is due to a single hereditary character that has been lost by the cultivated kinds. The other step is the increase in number of rows, giving us the fine ears with from 18 to 24 rows that take the prizes in the agricultural shows. This feature is probably not due to the grow- ing together of the spikelets. It is much more likely that increased number of parts came about through progressive variations, much as the increase of petals has brought the horticulturist so many double flowers. This type of variation is very common and still continues in maize, for the prize ears of the exhibitions contain many more rows than the more ancient little flints that were grown by the east coast red men. The fact that but two essential variations, kinds that continue to occur, separate teosinte2 from the maize nearest like it, combined with the fact that the two are fertile in crosses lead me to believe that the two plants are simply diverse types of the same polymorphic aggrega- tion, although they may be called species if one desires. Perhaps we should stop here and not follow the path of speculation to its uttermost limit; still there are two more backward steps indi- cated by studying the cultivated plant. The plant is monoecious; that is, the male organs and the female organs are borne in separate flowers, though both are found on the same plant. This condition is not un- common among the grasses although it is not the primitive condition. The unique fact is that the female flowers that form the ears are borne on short branches in the axils of the leaves of the maize stalk, while the male flowers are borne in a terminal spike, the tassel. This method of flowering is not so peculiar if the ear branch is examined. The husks that surround the ear are merely the leaves of the lateral branch upon which the ear is borne as a terminal spike. The lateral branch has simply shortened. It is telescoped together until the distance between the nodes is sometimes not more than an eighth of an inch. It seems just to conclude from the number of these internodes that the ear branch was at one time as long as that portion of the main stalk above the ear, that the flower spikes of the ancestral plant were once more or less level topped, bringing them into a horizontal plane. What caused the change 2 There are a large number of characters of less importance separating maize and teosinte that show that the two plants have developed along different lines after their separation from an ancestor more like both. 236 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY we do not know, but if the plants were already monoecious before the change, and such a variation occurred, it would have been likely to have continued to exist in competition with the parent form on account of the greater chance for perfect fertilization of the silks. The last step in our history is to make ancestral maize a perfect flowered species ; that is, a form in which each flower has both male and female organs. There is no question but that this was once the case. "We know it by the characters possessed by the more ancient wild grasses and by the ease with which the plant reverts to the former con- dition. No one has isolated a race that breeds true to the older type, but every one who has raised corn has seen hundreds of tassels contain- ing little seeds. It would seem that kindly external conditions alone are sufficient to bring back to the corn the memory of its old habit. When moisture is plentiful and the soil fertile, one can see these freaks by the hundreds in almost every field. The production of male flowers or their essential parts, the stamens, on the ears is much more rare, but it does occur. Onr history is complete. We can picture to ourselves the wild promaize growing on the plateaus of Mexico and Central America thousands of years ago. A towering prince of grasses it was, bearing its tiny seeds on loose spikes at the ends of the branches. Conditions changed. The perfect flowers separated into two kinds, bearing organs of the different sexes. A type with shortened side branches appeared, giving the seeds greater protection from feathered and furry enemies. This was probably the grain that some wise man among the forerun- ners of the Toltecs discovered and made the foundation of American agriculture. From that time forth cultivation made possible the selec- tion of variations that would not have survived in the wild. Variation must have been plentiful, and our aboriginal corn breeders less foolish in agriculture than they were in commerce, as is demonstrated by the numerous varieties improved by long selection presented to the white man in return for a few paltry beads of colored glass. THE NITROGEN OF THE AIR 237 THE UTILIZATION OF THE NITROGEN OF THE AIR By ARTHUR A. NOYES PROFESSOR OF THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY IN THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A GERMAN geographer has estimated that the world contains 1,700 million people, and that they are increasing at the rate of twelve million a year. During each succeeding decade, therefore, provision must be made for feeding a new population greater than the present population of the United States. This demands an enormous, steadily growing increase in the world's output of agricultural products. How to provide for this increase is one of the largest material problems that confronts our generation and the generations to come. Many factors must contiibute to its solution. New land must be brought under cultivation by a wider distribution of population, by increased facilities of transportation, by better utilization of the available water- supply through storage and irrigation. A larger yield per acre must be secured by improvement of the varieties of food-yielding plants through biological selection and breeding, through the adoption of more economical methods of farming, and especially through increasing and maintaining the fertility of the land by the scientific use of fertilizers in adequate amount. This last aspect of the problem is the one with which this article is concerned. It is a vital part of the food problem, one which can not be eliminated by advances in any of the other directions just referred to; for plants can not live on water and air alone. They consist, to be sure, in largest proportion of compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; and they have the marvelous power of producing these compounds under the influence of sunlight from the carbon di- oxide of the air and the water of the soil. But they contain also as essential constituents certain other elements, especially nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which they can not obtain from the air, which they must therefore extract from the soil. These elements are, however, present only in small quantity even in virgin soil; and they soon become exhausted through the harvesting of successive crops. It is therefore necessary, in the long run, to return to the soil the quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that are contained in the vegetable products taken from it. The sources from which we can obtain these three plant-foods cheaply and abundantly is so large a question that only one of them, nitrogen, will be here considered. Of the three this is by far the most expensive — by far the most difficult to obtain in sufficient quantity at low cost. 238 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Before discussing the present and prospective sources of supply of useful compounds of this element, it should be mentioned that, though the consumption of these compounds in fertilizers exceeds all other uses of them, yet enormous quantities are required in other industries. Thus, the powerful modern explosives which have made practicable great engineering works, like the Panama Canal and the Hudson River tunnels, are all nitrogen compounds — made by the action of nitric acid on glycerin, cotton, or some other material. Most of the so-called coal-tar products, the artificial clyestuffs, drugs and perfumes, are also prepared from the substances distilled out of the tar by first treating these substances with nitric acid. Ammonia, too, a compound of nitrogen with hydrogen, is used in large quantity in refrigerating plants and in various chemical industries. Up to a few years ago, there were only two important commercial sources of nitrogen-compounds — the great natural deposits of sodium nitrate (the so-called Chili saltpeter) in Chili, Peru and Bolivia; and the crude ammonium sulfate obtained in the manufacture of gas and coke from coal. But the saltpeter deposits will, at the present rate of exploitation, become exhausted within a period variously estimated at from 30 to 100 years; and, in the meantime, owing to increased cost of production, the price of the saltpeter is steadily rising, thus restricting its availability as a fertilizer. The ammonia produced in gas and coke works is only a by-product; and the quantity of it can not of course be increased beyond that corresponding to the demand for the main products, gas and coke. The total quantity of ammonia thus produced is in fact entirely insufficient to furnish the nitrogen used in fertilizers; and by far the larger proportion of commercial nitrogen is still derived from the saltpeter deposits of South America. The nitrogen from these sources costs to-day in American or Euro- pean markets not far from 15 cents a pound — a price which is causing a nitrogen famine among the crops of the world; for the cost is too high to admit of spreading it in adequate quantity over the millions of acres of land under cultivation. This condition of things offers a challenge to the scientific investigator. For, though nitrogen is one of the commonest elements, forming as it does, four fifths of our atmosphere, yet we are drawing nearly all our nitrogen from South American mines or from gas works and are paying fifteen cents a pound to get it in a form available for plant life. It might seem as if the problem of converting the nitrogen of the air into compounds that can be assimilated by plants was essentially a chemical one; but recent discoveries have opened also to the biologist a great field of investigation in this direction. For it has been found that, although the higher plants can not utilize directly the nitrogen of the atmosphere, there are certain common kinds of bacteria, which THE NITROGEN OF THE AIR 239 make their homes on the roots of leguminous plants, such as the pea, bean and clover, which have the power of absorbing nitrogen from the air and of converting it within the roots of the plant into organic nitrogen compounds. This discovery explains for the first time the fact long known to farmers that the richness of the soil can be increased by rotation of crops — a fact so extraordinary, till its explanation was understood, that one might well have wondered whether it was not one of the fallacious traditions which are so common among farmers and sailors. This increased fertility is now readily accounted for as follows. Sup- pose that a crop of wheat is first grown on a piece of land, and that thereby the nitrogen compounds in the soil are largely consumed in producing the nitrogen compounds contained in the grain. Suppose now that the next year the same land is planted with clover. As it , grows, the bacteria referred to develop upon its roots, absorb nitrogen from the air, and store up in the roots an abundant supply of nitro- genous compounds. After the clover crop is harvested, these roots decay in the soil, yield up to it their nitrogen-content, which becomes available for the nourishment of a new wheat crop during the follow- ing year. An interesting illustration of these considerations has been fur- nished within recent years by the vegetation of the island of Krakatoa. It will be remembered that this island was overwhelmed in the year 1883 by an eruption of its volcano, which destroyed all vegetation and buried the original soil beneath a thick layer of volcanic ashes. It might have been expected that this new soil of ashes, which was of course free from all nitrogenous organic matter, would not be able to support plant life ; yet the island soon became covered with an abundant growth. This vegetation was found, however, to be of an unusual character, in that it consisted very largely of leguminous plants — that is, of those plants which, with the aid of bacteria, can take their nitrogen directly from the air. These facts suggest that the problem of supplying plants with the nitrogen needed by them may ultimately be solved most simply and directly by the biologist. For through further study of the conditions determining the activities of different species of nitrogen-absorbing bacteria, considered in relation to the kind of crop, the character of the soil and other agricultural conditions, it may prove practicable, by inoculating the soil with the proper kind of bacteria and by treating it in such ways as will best regulate bacterial growth, to secure all the needed nitrogen from the air. Already, government agricultural sta- tions are furnishing pure cultures of nitrogen-absorbing bacteria which have a limited value in the case of certain soils. Until such a perfect solution of the problem can be worked out by 24o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the biologist, we shall, however, be dependent on nitrogenous fertil- izers; and one of the great tasks of the chemist is to cheapen such fertilizers by obtaining the nitrogen contained in them directly from the air. During the last ten years great progress has been made in this direction; and it remains to describe briefly, without entering into technical details, the general lines along which this problem has been successfully attacked. Two kinds of processes have been developed. One of these has the object of producing nitric acid, a compound of water with one of the oxides of nitrogen. The other kind of process has for its object the production of ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. For use in a fertilizer the nitric acid, which is a liquid, or the ammonia, which is a gas, must of course be converted into a solid salt. This is most cheaply done by neutralizing the nitric acid with lime or the ammonia with sulfuric acid, yielding calcium nitrate or ammonium sulfate, respectively. Whether the nitrate or the ammonium salt is made the constituent of the fertilizer makes little difference ; for, though plants directly assimilate the nitrogen only in the form of nitrate, yet there are always present in soils the so-called nitrifying bacteria, whose function it is to convert ammonium compounds into nitrates. Xitric acid is a compound whose constituents, nitrogen, oxygen and water, are present in unlimited quantities in the air. The raw ma- terials are available free of cost. The problem is therefore only to make them combine under economic conditions. The difficulty arises from the fact that nitrogen is an extremely stable substance; so that, instead of tending to form compounds with oxygen, the nitrogen oxides tend rather to break down into their elements, nitrogen and oxygen. Thus, scientific investigations have shown that if a mixture of these two gases in the best proportions is exposed to a temperature of 1500° centigrade, that is, to a white heat, only one third of one per cent, unites to form nitric oxide, however long the mixture be heated. But these investigations have also shown that while most compounds decom- pose with rise of temperature, this one, nitric oxide, becomes more stable, the higher the temperature. Thus at 3000° five per cent, of the mixture of nitrogen and oxygen will unite to form nitric oxide. To get a fair yield of our product we must therefore expose air to an enormously high temperature. But this isn't all ; for we must cool off the gas without causing the nitric oxide which has been formed to break up again into nitrogen and oxygen. To do this, we must call to our aid another chemical principle, which is this : although the quantity of a product finally formed in a chemical piocess sometimes increases and sometimes (as in this case) decreases with falling tem- perature, yet the rate at which that product forms or decomposes always decreases very rapidly as the temperature is lowered. We must, THE NITROGEN OF TEE AIR 241 therefore, expose the air to a very high temperature and then very suddenly cool it to a temperature so. low that the nitrogen oxide already formed does not decompose at an appreciable rate. These conditions have been practically realized in only one way — by causing an electric discharge, similar to that in an ordinary arc lamp, to take place in air. The temperature of the arc is enormously high, but the air just outside of it is comparatively cool; so that any nitrogen oxide formed at the boundaries of the arc mixes at once with the colder air and thus escapes decomposition. The excess of air con- taining the oxides of nitrogen is then passed into towers filled with quartz over which water is trickling, whereby nitric acid is formed. It is not necessary to enter further into details; for these are the essential features of the commercial process for the manufacture of nitric acid which is now being carried out on a large scale at Notodden in Norway. Aside from the cost of installing and maintaining the electrical and absorbing apparatus, the only large expense involved in the process is the cost of power used in producing the electric discharge. The works must therefore be located where water-power is obtainable at the lowest possible cost; and Norway was naturally chosen as the seat of the industry in Europe. The saltpeter factories there are already utilizing 200,000 horse-power; and thousands of tons of their product have been shipped to this country, for use in fertilizing the fruit orchards of California and the sugar plantations of Hawaii. Almost simultaneously with this process for the manufacture of nitrate there is being developed a process for the artificial production of ammonia, its competitor in the fertilizer field. The aim is to pro- duce this compound also from its elementary constitutents, nitrogen and hydrogen. Nearly pure nitrogen can now be obtained cheaply from the air by a commercial process which up to twenty years ago had been carried out only on the smallest laboratory scale; namely, by liquefying air with the aid of a liquid-air machine, and then distilling the mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, much as a mixture of alcohol and water is distilled in the rectification of spirit. The nitrogen, having a much lower boiling-point, passes off first, yielding a gas containing less than half a per cent, of oxygen, which can readily be removed from it by chemical means. Pure hydrogen can be obtained cheaply by the decomposition of water in two or three different ways. The raw ma- terials needed for the production of ammonia, although not costless like the air and water used in making nitric acid, are therefore obtainable at low cost; and the main problem again consists in finding a practical way of causing them to combine. It is a curious fact that difficulties are met with here which are just the reverse of those encountered in the synthesis of nitric acid. Ammonia is a compound on which temperature has the opposite effect : VOL. LXXXII.— 17. 242 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY instead of forming in larger proportion as the temperature is raised, it forms in smaller proportion; thus, if a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen be heated for a long time to 800° centigrade, only one hun- dredth of one per cent, of ammonia forms, while it can be calculated that at 400° one half of one per cent, of ammonia must finally result. We ought therefore to work at as low a temperature as possible; but we then meet the difficulty that the rate of combination becomes extremely slow. Thus, owing to the extreme inertness of nitrogen, no detectable quantity of ammonia is produced, even when nitrogen and hydrogen are heated together for several hours at 400°. When, how- ever, it is known that a chemical change tends to take place in a certain direction and when the only difficulty is that it is going on too slowly, there is always a reasonable hope of overcoming this difficulty; for we know that chemical changes are often greatly accelerated by mere con- tact with suitable solid substances. Such substances are called catalyz- ers, and Professor Wilhelm Ostwald, one of Germany's distinguished scientists, predicted a dozen years ago that the great advances in the chemical industries within the next few decades would be made through the more extensive employment of catalytic processes. This prediction has found one of its many fulfilments in the commercial development of the method for the production of ammonia here under considera- tion. For after many years' investigation, certain metals have been found which cause a rapid combination of nitrogen and hydrogen even at comparatively low temperatures. The first metal that was found to have this power in a marked degree was osmium, a metal similar to platinum. As the total quantity of this element in our possession is estimated to be 200 pounds, and as it is valued at about $1,000 a pound, this discovery was hardly a practical one. Later it was found, however, that under special conditions some of the commoner metals, such as uranium, manganese, and even iron, when extremely pure, can be made to serve the purpose. Without entering into further details, it may be stated that a satisfactory yield of ammonia can be attained by carefully purifying the hydrogen and nitrogen gases, by highly compressing them (up to 50 or 100 atmospheres) and then passing the compressed gases slowly over one of these metals at 500-600° ; and that a large factory for the manufacture of ammonia by this process is now being erected in Germany. Certain other chemical processes for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, less direct than those already described, but nevertheless commercially practicable, have also been developed and put into opera- tion within the past ten years. There is therefore little doubt that from these sources a large additional supply of nitrogen-compounds will soon be available and that their cost will be gradually lowered. To the vital problem of feeding the human race the chemist is there- fore making an important contribution. THE LABORATORY METHOD 243 THE LABORATORY METHOD AND HIGH SCHOOL EFFICIENCY By Professor OTIS W. CALDWELL THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IT is a striking fact that for twenty years there has been no increase in the percentage of pupils who complete a high school course. In the period between 1900 and 1910, the number of pupils in public high schools in the United States has increased over 76 per cent, (from 519,251 to 915,061). * During this same period the number of high school teachers who teach these pupils has increased over 100 per cent, (from 20,372 to 41,667). The number and value of high school prop- erties has increased proportionately during this period, including im- provement in the quality and quantity of facilities for work in libraries, laboratories, gymnasia, etc. But for twenty years, approximately twelve per ceut. of the enrollment of the high schools has been graduated. Re- gardless of the increase in facilities, and of an increase in teaching force, which is one third greater than the increase in the number of pupils, and of an assumed increase in the relative efficiency of this teaching force, and regardless of the increased public belief in second- ary education, there has been no increase in twenty years in the per- centage of high school pupils that take a full high school course. The fact that they begin the work indicates clearly that some one in con- trol regards it as worth while for some reason for these pupils to engage upon the work of the secondary schools, though they may at the outset expect to do but one or a few years of the work. But the fact that ap- proximately 88 per cent, do not complete a course indicates that most of those who thought it worth while to enter the high school, for some or many reasons do not find it possible or perhaps not worth while to follow out the course, even if at the outset they intend doing so. Failure to carry school work is one prominent factor in the elimina- tion of pupils from school, though doubtless the content of the curric- ulum, and social and economic conditions may often be determining or contributing factors. In one large high school 432 pupils entered the freshmen class in the autumn of 1909. Of these 432, 338 left school before completing the third semester, thus leaving 94 of the original 432 in school. Of those who left, 124 made no passing credit in the school and 121 others failed to receive passing credits in 43 per cent, of the subjects which they took. The remaining 93 pupils who left school made average grades above 80 per cent. (75 being the passing grade in 1Ann. Rep. U. S. Com. of Ed., 1911, p. 9. 244 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY this school) though the pupils failed to secure credit in 22 per cent, of their subjects. There were, therefore, 245 of the 338 pupils who had a percentage of failure from nearly half to all of their subjects, and 93 pupils who failed in 22 per cent, of their work. The 94 pupils who remained in school failed to receive credit in slightly less than 5 per cent, of their subjects. It seems possible that this case is more striking than would usually appear from such investigations since the problems associated with this particular school may be peculiarly difficult. In a careful study made by Mr. G. E. Johnson, of St. Louis, and covering records from twelve high schools with a total number of 18,- 926 pupils, he finds that approximately 90 per cent, of those pupils who were failing in their work left school, while but ten per cent. ■of those who were making 90 per cent, or better in their work left school. This percentage of those who failed and left school re- mains almost constant throughout the four years, with the exception that in the Chicago and Kansas City schools rather a larger percentage of the failures drop out in the earlier years than in the later years, while in the smaller schools the percentage of dropping out of those who fail remains about the same throughout the whole high school course. Doubtless the compulsory attendance law and the sixteen-year labor law often are factors in continuing for a time the attendance of pupils who do poorly, and that with the close of the sixteenth year economic •and social necessity takes many pupils out of school. But we must note i;he fact that the percentage of failures who leave school remains al- most the same for all the years of the high school. Possibly the termi- nation of the period when pupils must attend school may operate to re- lieve those who are failing, from the necessity of further attendance in an institution in which they do not "make good/' School methods (of dealing day by day with the series of topics that make up a given study) are often contributing causes to the failures which lead pupils to leave school. The present situation is interesting. In the elementary schools from which these pupils have come to the high school, the school day runs from 8 :30 or 9 :00 o'clock to 3 :30 or 4 :00 o'clock and the greater part of all study is done during school hours, under direct or indirect -supervision of the teacher. The teacher is present to correct any mis- understandings in assignments, to give a directing question or sugges- tion, or to quicken the endeavor, when such is needed. The work of one year is fairly well connected with that of the preceding years and partially new and partially old ground is covered each year. In the high school, particularly, in the first year, the subjects of study are largely or wholly new, often so new as to constitute fields quite un- known to the pupils. Even when some of the subjects are not new, we TEE LABORATORY METHOD 245 have a larger change than occurred between any two elementary grades. Pupils in a given subject go to the special room of the teacher for their recitations, recite and receive their assignment and then go to another class room for another subject, or return to their assembly room or to their homes with their assigned work for the next clay. The teacher in the elementary school ordinarily meets the pupils of a given grade for most or all of their work, and knows them as they appear in all their work. In high school each teacher is especially interested in one or a few subjects and this one or few are the only ones in which the teacher knows his pupils. In the elementary schools the teacher usually stands as representative of one grade of pupils. In the high school the teacher usually stands as representative of a subject. Not only does the first-year high school student encounter a new content of subject matter, but usually a new kind of school day. Many high schools begin work at 8 :30 or 9 :00 o'clock and close at 1 :00 or 1 :30 or 2 :00 o'clock. In many high schools all of the hours in school are occupied in recitation or laboratory work, all individual study or assignments being done away from school. The conditions for home study present all the possible variations, but most home study must be done under discursive influences — a little study, a little conversation about irrelevant matter, an intermittent discontinuance for small household duties, a prolonged intermission for recreation, with the half-consciousness of wrong-doing because of un- finished and overhanging lessons, even interrupted sleep because of a number of unfinished tasks, a final effort to secure categorically such facts regarding the assignment as are essential to enable the pupil to meet the teacher, a consciousness of incompleteness of preparation and a hope that, if called upon at all, the call may come for the facts that are in the pupil's meager store. Often the pupil's own initiative to home study must be supplemented by commands or entreaties from parents, and sometimes parents must do pupil's work for them, under penalty of family chagrin due to impending failure of the child. In most cases poor habits of study and an essentially immoral attitude toward study result from purported home study, though some pupils of good ability and strong individuality may do quite effective or superior work through home study. The habit of dawdling, waste of time in getting to work, wondering whether the work really must be done, whether a lexicon, cyclopedia, or parental answer to questions may not be found, leaves an entirely improper attitude toward real study. Sham work, at first as a makeshift, later becomes the only kind of which some individuals are capable. Some important experiments have been made to determine the rela- tive value of directed and individual class-room study. It has seemed to several teachers to be worth while to see if more 246 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY carefully directed class-room study, less so-called recitation and less home work might not yield better results. Experiments in mathematics have been carried on by Mr. Ernest E. Breslich, of the University High School (Chicago), Department of Mathematics. At the outset Mr. Breslich found that some pupils who did poorly on their assigned work did not understand the suggestions that had been given regarding good ways for undertaking the home work. Parents insisted that the assignments made were impossible, whereas for one reason or another the pupils had failed to get essen- tial suggestions regarding the assignment. Even with assignments clearly understood certain habits of home study which did not exist had been assumed. A series of visits to other classes showed similar conditions. Pupils reported poor results from their home study, various excuses or no excuses being offered. The teacher explained away the pupil's difficulties and, in most cases, the pretense of having the work done at home was continued. To ascertain the ways in which the members of one class attack their work, Mr. Breslich assigned a lesson, taking unusual care to make clear all phases of the assignment. The class was then told that the next fifteen minutes would be given to studying the lesson assigned. All pupils were slow in beginning the work and some occupied all of the fifteen minutes in getting ready to go to work. Some who ordinarily came to class with well-prepared lessons looked about to see how others were undertaking the work, and followed them. Few really accom- plished anything in the fifteen minutes. To investigate more carefully these individual habits of study, Mr. Breslich told his classes that at a certain hour each day the class room would be open to students who had difficulty with assignments or wished to make up back work, and good use was made of this oppor- tunity. The teacher passed about among the pupils as they worked, making suggestions, but rarely answering questions directly. It was then decided to make more prolonged trial of this supervised study with all members of one class. In one section of the class no home work was assigned and in the other section home work was as- signed and in the usual way. The two sections had the same work. Both spent fourteen lessons on simultaneous linear equations, at the end of which the same test was given to both sections. The relative standings in grades which these two sections received upon the same examination, at the close of the preceding semester in mathematics, that is prior to beginning these experiments, are: Section A, average 81.4; Section B, average 79.4, B being slightly weaker than A. In Section B 5.9 of the class had failed in the preceding semester and none in Section A. Section A was given home work with no class room supervised THE LABORATORY METHOD 247 study. Section B was given supervised study and no home work. Upon the test following the fourteen lessons their standings were: Section A — with home work and no supervised study averaged 62.8, with 50 per cent, receiving the failure mark. Section B — with supervised study and no home work averaged 65.5, with 31.2 receiving the failure mark. It is to be noted that Section B, a somewhat weaker section, surpassed Section A, and that its lower number of failures indicates that the poorer pupils profited most from the supervised study. Section A reported an average of 1J hours spent on each lesson, while in Section B the actual time of class work was 36 minutes per day. Section B solved an average of two problems more to each pupil than did Section A. With the supervised class work as a basis, too much time was spent on the home assignments. Section B worked slowly during the first three lessons, but with the development of independence and confidence they soon worked rapidly. The interest and pleasure of Section B, some of whom had failed in the preceding semester, were noticeable. In the following topic to which six lessons were given, the methods were reversed, Section A being given supervised class-room work and Section B home assignments, and class recitations. At the close of this series of lessons the same test was given both sections with the result that Section A with supervised work and no home work averaged 77.5, and Section B with home work and recitations averaged 86.4. 12.5 per cent, of Section A failed on the test and 5.7 of Section B failed. 31.2 per cent, of Section A secured a mark of A, and 52.9 per cent, of B secured the A mark. This seems to show that the pupils in Section B, by means of their previous fourteen supervised lessons, had learned enough about inde- pendent study to enable them to do their home work in such a way that Section A even under supervision did not surpass Section B in six les- sons. The ability of Section B, gained under supervision, persisted in home study through six following lessons. In the Detroit Central High School a different plan has been fol- lowed in some experiments in algebra and Latin. Principal David Mc- Kenzie writes : We have experimented somewhat with a plan to give additional direction to the weaker pupils of the ninth grade. I cite the two cases of first course in Algebra and Latin. At the end of ten weeks all pupils who were marked failing in these subjects were grouped together for special work in addition to their regular recitation periods. They were given twenty lessons each, on the ground covered during a period of six or seven weeks. Each pupil was treated as a pathological subject. In the final test they were marked as follows: 248 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Latin Total number of pupils 15 Number marked ' ' Excellent " 1 Number marked ' ' Good " 6 Number marked ' ' Fair " 3 Number marked ' ' Weak " 1 Number ' ' Not passed " 3 Number "Left" 1 Algebra Total number of pupils 20 Number marked ' ' Excellent " 2 Number marked ' ' Good ; ' 4 Number marked ' ' Fair " 3 Number marked ' ' Weak " 5 Number marked ' ' Not passed " 3 Number marked ' ' Left " 3 It is plainly evident that a large number of ninth grade pupils need greater direction than they receive at present, and I am convinced that we must resort to some plan to give them this additional help, if we are to eliminate excessive mortality in this grade. The double period plan is in use in many schools. In the Joilet Township High School for some years two periods per day, ten hours per week in all, have been given to all science work, manual training, domestic science and mechanical drawing, this period being used both for study and recitation. This school has also used this plan with be- ginning algebra, beginning geometry and beginning history. In Joilet the consensus of opinion of teachers is that the plan is successful. Prin- cipal J. Stanley Brown states that by such a scheme " the percentage of failures may be reduced to a minimum, and that is a compensation for the slight increase in teaching force and extra amount of money spent for teaching." At Murphrysboro, 111., an experiment (in manual training) has been under way which, while not bearing directly upon our question, has a collateral bearing upon it by indicating that even single periods and more prolonged periods of class instruction may sometimes be used in such ways as to make the shorter and not the longer period de- sirable, though doubtless longer periods usually are desirable. A small class of boys in manual training was divided, one section being given single periods for this work, the other the same number of double periods. The principal, Mr. G. J. Koons, stated that the single period pupils were not above the double-period boys in their general class standing nor in ability. All were given piece work and records were kept of the hours used by each boy in completing each piece of work. Eleven pieces of work were completed by each pupil. The single period pupils used approximately 25 per cent, less time on an average for each piece than the double-period boys, and on the test given to all THE LABORATORY METHOD 249 at the close of the work, the single period pupils averaged 7 per cent, above the double-period pupils. This experiment suggests a possible waste of time in longer periods, possibly lack of readiness in attack- ing work, of attention and high tension of effort throughout the period. It is well known that appreciation of relative shortness of time avail- able usually results in higher alertness, readiness of attack, higher tone and more constant prosecution of the work in hand. It must be kept in mind that the Murphrj^sboro experiment involves a small number of pupils and withal may be more of a suggestion of method than of the value of any particular length of period given to a study. Most teach- ers who have tried class-room directed study find double periods, part for study and part for general discussion, most effective. Variations of the above experiment are under way in other schools. Throughout the whole United States there has been a significant attempt to introduce courses in general science into the first year of the high school. While in different schools these courses vary largely in their content, length and in many details of method, they agree in their purpose of being less formal, less rigid and abstract than the highly differentiated sciences, and in selecting and treating topics in science in such ways that the pupils think through these topics with good methods of thinking and with a knowledge content that appeals to the pupils as being worth while. The dominant method is that of class study of real things and real situations. An active attempt is made to secure individual experimentation or individual study from every pupil. The whole general science movement is an attempt to secure a scientific method of work, upon concrete problems, the significance of which ap- peals to the worker. We have been putting first-year pupils into formal sciences which were beautifully organized and orderly, possibly even ele- mentary from the point of view of the adult science and the research student, but which are an abstract field to the pupil who has not been led to rationalize the common phenomena of his surroundings. This general science course has met a splendid response and its method has resulted in more effective work in subjects other than science during the first year and in the sciences in the following years. It is stated by teachers and principals that where significant laboratory courses in general science are given, fewer pupils fail in their work, more remain in school in the second year, and there is a much larger demand in subsequent years for courses that utilize laboratory methods, similar to those of general science courses. The method and significant content of the general science course seems to prepare in ability to work and in desire to work in other laboratory courses. My own observation leads me to conclude that the oft-made statement that pupils are naturally averse to work, is much exaggerated. If properly guided to inde- pendent, purposeful study, really significant work becomes a pleasure to most pupils. 250 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY General science is an attempt to get back to the valuable parts of the natural history of our fathers, the purposeful, dynamic, thoughtful but elementary interpretation of common significant problems. The kind of interpretation which physiography promised to give when it first came into secondary schools and which physiography may still serve to unify better perhaps than any other single branch of science. The more fully directed study in general science and in other labo- ratory sciences presents an opportunity for individual, first-hand study of concrete things for experiment and interpretation of phenomena. But, as is true in other high school subjects, it is wasteful for the science teacher merely to assure himself that the pupils and materials are enclosed within the same room. Science in which we boast of con- crete studies, of the laboratory method and of the possible significance of content that is unsurpassed, has sometimes become as formal in its home assignments as unlikely of achievement, its recitations as free from individual dynamic activity as any other subjects. It as well as the other subjects needs to be revived by use of its own concrete labo- ratory method. Laboratory teaching in science or other subjects may rise to the highest level of excellence or may descend to a meaningless mechanical manipulation that is deadening. But it is believed that -the laboratory method offers us an important method greatly needed in all our high school subjects, most seriously needed in the first years of the high school. It must be obvious that if such methods of high school work as suggested by the experiments cited above are used, some important changes must be effected. Most important is wider recognition of real teaching, real development of pupil-power, as compared with assigning and hearing lessons and telling facts to pupils, in case they have not understood them. Eecitations and class discussions and home assign- ments should not be wholly omitted, but these may profitably be much reduced. Then, when teachers direct their pupils in individual study of real situations, assignments may be expected to become more appro- priate, more carefully planned, less frequently made at the close of the period as the class is starting from the room. The assignment is a highly important part of the period's work, and it is an educational misdemeanor to make an incomprehensible assignment. The extension of these methods of study would help to eliminate some of the abuses of the ordinary class room recitation. With directed individual study, each would have fuller opportunity for work, and each must learn to work independently. It does not follow that all general discussion should be omitted, but in directed work there are ample opportunities for general discussions. Nor does it follow that no home work should be assigned. A more intimate interest in each pupil is possible through class- THE LABORATORY METHOD 251 room study. The ordinary assignment of home work and class-room recitation method tends to reduce all the class to a base level. Class- room study enables the teacher better to teach both weak and strong pupil, to his highest efficiency. The ordinary class recitation method — a sort of vermiform appendix on our educational system — often con- sists either in allowing the best students to do the work or in having them sit idly by, developing habits of low tension while the teacher attempts to pull up the weaker ones to a fair understanding of the point at hand. It requires a higher order of ability to teach genius than mediocrity, and our present class-room methods often ignore genius, through an illy balanced sense of duty to the mediocre, or may neglect the majority in the interests of the few brighter pupils. Well- balanced study should enable the teacher to stimulate all to a high degree of effort. Class-room study means a longer school day and more teaching force or longer hours for the present teaching force. The school day should be longer. Germany has approximately thirty school hours per week to our approximate twenty hours per week in secondary schools. Almost all high-school work should be done at school in school hours under guidance of teachers. Less assigned home work will mean less carrying of responsibility for school duties during the hours at home when often such responsibilities can not be met and under conditions which often foster ineffective habits of study. There will always re- main plenty of good home work; good reading, some assignment, upon work in line with school work; but our pupils should no more carry home with them the larger burden of their school work than a good business man should take home with him his major business duties. The longer school day is not to be feared, but welcomed, if by means of it adequate time for proper study is secured. We have cheapened our schools by shortening them. Even longer hours for teachers, the time being given to more prolonged and more effective teaching in a reduced number of classes, is not undesirable, if by means of these longer hours more effective teaching and less wreckage through failure in high school may be secured. 252 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY HOW EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE IS FINANCED By Professor H. C. PRICE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY THE American farmer is ahead of the European in many things, particularly in the use of labor-saving machinery. But in the application of business principles in their financial operations, the European farmers have perfected systems that are in advance of any- thing yet attempted in America. This has been largely brought about by the force of circumstances necessitating an economic transformation. During the last century the competition of new countries with immense areas of virgin soil flooded the European markets with agricultural products and forced the European farmers to reorganize their business methods. As a result they have organized to make available abundant credit at low rates of interest and on favorable terms of repayment. By credit, it is not meant that the farmer gets everything he buys on time without paying anything on it, and that he is in debt on every hand, but just the reverse. It means he has money available at all times, so that he may pay cash for everything he buys, thus getting the benefit of the lowest cash prices and discounts. His credit is at the bank and not at the store, and through the bank he gets the loans that he needs at rates of interest just as low and in many cases lower than secured by other industrial enterprises, no difference how large or how much business they do. But to accomplish this the farmers have had to take a hand in the banking business themselves. They have organized on a coop- erative basis to secure the credit they need and to supervise its distribu- tion rather than leaving it to private interests to supply the same. By so doing they have reduced rates of interest, lengthened the time for which loans are made, provided for the repayment of loans by annual installments, and they keep the money in the rural districts and prevent its accumulation in the large cities. Sources of Capital The sources from which the capital is drawn that is thus made available to the use of the farmers may be classified under three heads : (1) subvention from the government, (2) savings deposits of the farmers and rural population, (3) from the sale of bonds secured by mortgages on farm land. EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE 253 The relation of the governments in furnishing agricultural credit has varied greatly. In France the rural banks have been established for the most part on funds advanced by the government without in- terest. This policy was begun in 1894 and in 1910 the working capital at the disposal of the rural banks which had state aid amounted to 71 million francs (between 14 and 15 million dollars), of which 40 million francs had been advanced by the government. In Austria the provincial governments have actively assisted in the establishment of rural banks to furnish credit for farmers and have advanced loans without interest to them. In Germany the government has indirectly aided the rural banks by establishing central banks founded on capital advanced by the government, in most cases at 3 per cent, interest. The central banks in turn furnish credit to the rural banks and the rural banks to the farmer. The Prussian Central Bank at Berlin now has a capital of 75,000,000 marks from the Prussian government. How- ever, its business is not confined to agricultural banks, but is open to all kinds of industrial cooperative associations. It receives deposits and makes loans to the cooperative banks throughout the kingdom of Prussia, and serves as a compensating medium between the different cooperative institutions. For example, if a rural bank has large deposits and a surplus of funds, it deposits them in a central bank to be loaned to some other bank in need of funds. The desirability of government subvention is a disputed point, and in Germany which has the best developed system of agricultural credit in the world, many are opposed to it as being entirely unnecessary and think that a better system can be developed without it. The second source of capital, savings and deposits of the farmers and rural population, is the most important. It has the advantage of developing the habit of saving among all classes in the country and it keeps the money in the rural districts in which it is earned. In Ger- many alone there are over 16,000 rural savings and loan banks with one and one half million members and deposits of over $250,000,000. Instead of being deposited in savings banks to be loaned out in the cities, as is the case in America, or deposited in postoffice savings banks to be loaned to city banks, the money is kept in the rural districts and loaned out at a rate of interest that the farmer can use it to advantage. The third source of capital, obtained by the sale of bonds secured by mortgages on farm lands, was the first form of cooperative agricul- tural credit established in Europe and was begun in Germany in 1770. Its most rapid development, however, has been within the last thirty years, and at the present time the German farmers have over $1,000,- 000,000 borrowed in this way, none of it costing them more than 4 per cent, interest and in some cases it is as low as 3 per cent. 254 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Agricultural Credit in the Province of Saxony The agricultural credit institutions of the province of Saxony in the kingdom of Prussia are as highly developed as in any place in Europe and are typical of the German system. The province of Saxony lies in central Germany, contains an area of 9,750 square miles and in 1910 had a population of 3,088,000, equal to 315.7 per square mile. The largest cities in the province are Halle and Magdeburg with 180,000 and 280,000 population, respectively. It is the heart of the sugar-beet district of Germany and the richest agricultural section of the entire empire. It contains 97,000 farms of over five acres in size. The estimated worth of the land per acre is $300 (for the whole of Germany it is $150 per acre). It is a typical agricultural province, in which the most intensive systems of agriculture have been developed, necessitating the investment of a large working capital per acre, which has been made available through the development of agricultural credit institutions. These may be divided into two classes: (1) the institutions furnish- ing real credit, that is, loans secured on farm mortgages made through the public land mortgage bank — the so-called Landschaft of the prov- ince of Saxony, (2) institutions for furnishing personal credit, that is, working capital on short time loans and on personal security which is provided through the farmers' cooperative banks. The Land Mortgage Association The German Land Mortgage Association {Landschaft) was first established in 1770 by the nobility of eastern Germany, with the ap- proval of Frederick the Great, for the purpose of securing loans on their farm real estates. Instead of borrowing individually they or- ganized an association and issued a common mortgage bond against all of the real estate owned by the members of the association. Furthermore, the management of the association was under the direct control of the government and the officers were quasi-public officials. Other similar institutions were soon established, but confined their members to the nobility and large landowners. However, the results secured were so satisfactory, the rates of interest so low and terms of the loans so favorable that the plan extended and the farmers of the middle classes organized in a similar manner. The province of Saxony, in which the farmers of the middle class predominate, did not organize a land mortgage association until 1864. A few years later came the war between France and Prussia (stopping industrial development) so that in reality the association did not make real progress before 1880. To-day the total mortgage indebtedness of the province is 830,000,000 marks, and over 220,000,000 marks of these loans have been made through the Provincial Land Mortgage EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE 255 Association. The proportion of the loans made through the associa- tion is constantly increasing and within the last six months they have increased 10,000,000 marks, but the time probably will never come when all of the outstanding mortgage loans will be made through the land mortgage associations, as in many cases mortgages are given by members of families in settlements of estates, loans are made within families and through other private interests, so that in no case is it likely that over two thirds of the mortgage indebtedness of a province will be made through a public credit institution. The Business of the Land Moktgage Association The Land Mortgage Association of the province of Saxony, which is typical of all other similar institutions in Germany, is a cooperative union of the landowners of this province for the purpose of securing loans for its members on their land by issuing bonds {Pfandbrief en) against the same. The association is not a stock company. ISTo profits are declared to individuals, but go to the reserve funds of the associa- tion. Any one may become a member who is a landowner in the prov- ince and pays a land tax of at least 90 marks per year, which means owning from 10 to 25 acres of land, depending upon its value. The articles of the incorporation for the association were approved by the Prussian government and the oversight of the business is under the direction of the Minister of Agriculture of the kingdom of Prussia. The association is independent to conduct its own affairs and to elect its own officers, but the election of the higher officers must be approved by the government. A farmer wanting to borrow through the as- sociation makes his application. After examination of the title of his farm and finding it satisfactory he has the privilege of borrowing to two thirds the assessed value of his farm for taxation by giving first mortgage to the association for the amount he borrows. The associa- tion does not have the money on hand to make the loan, but secures the same, not by selling the mortgage, but by issuing what is known as a Pfandbrief or mortgage bond of equal amount to the mortgage and selling the bond. There are several features of the Pfandbrief that are characteristic. First, it is not secured alone by the mortgage of the farmer for whom it was issued but by all the mortgages and property of the land mortgage association. Second, it is transferable without endorsement at any time and is an impersonal security payable to bearer. Third, it is not a bond in the sense that it runs for a definite length of time, for there is no fixed time at which it matures. Fourth, the holder does not have the right to demand payment of the face of the bond — that is, to call in the loan — but the issuer — the land mort- gage association — has the privilege of paying it at any time. For example, the bond may be called in and paid six months after it is 256 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY issued or fifty years, at the pleasure of the land mortgage association. But under no conditions is the amount of bonds outstanding per- mitted to exceed the amount of mortgages held by the land mortgage association. The business of the land mortgage associations has been done so conservatively that their bonds are regarded as the very best of security and are favorite investments for trust funds, savings banks and any capital seeking a perfectly safe investment negotiable at all times. In fact, these bonds sell next to government bonds, and in case of war, or even threatened war, they sell better. The government may be over- thrown or compelled to suspend payment of interest, but the farm real estate that secures the bonds can not lose its value. The rate of interest the bonds bear is 3 per cent., 3^ or 4 per cent., at the option of the farmer securing the loan, but the price at which they sell depends upon the condition of the money market. At the present time (July 1, 1912) 3 per cent, province of Saxony Pfand- brief en are selling at 81.00, 3^ per cent, at 90 and 4 per cent, at 99.80, while the 4 per cent, national bonds of Germany are selling at 100. In case a farmer borrowing $1,000 chooses a 3 per cent, interest rate and the 3 per cent, bond are only selling for 81.00, he gets only $810 and pays $30 per year interest, that is, 3 per cent, on the face of the bonds, and gives his note and mortgage for $1,000. But on the other hand, if 4 per cent, bonds are selling at par and he chooses a 4 per cent, loan, he gets his $1,000 in cash for his Pfandbrief and pays $40 per year interest and gives his mortgage and note for $1,000. It is always regarded as the best policy for the borrower to choose the class of bonds selling nearest par, unless they are selling above par, in which case the farmer securing the loan gets a premium over and above the amount of his liability and it is to his advantage to take such loans. When the bonds go above par they are called in and paid off by the farmers refunding their debts at lower rates of interest. Here comes the advantage that the farmers reserve for themselves in the privilege of paying off the bonds at will. Just such a thing happened when in the seventies the rate of interest advanced to 5 per cent., due to the scarcity of money and the enormous demand for it in building railroads on the continent and ten years later the rates of interest sank until 3 per cent, bonds sold close to par and the farmers rapidly paid off their loans made at the high rate of interest by using new bonds at the lower rate of interest and selling them to pay off the old ones. Central Land Mortgage Association In order to widen the market for the Pfandbrief en a central land mortgage association was established in Berlin in 1873. By this means it was thought to make them an international security and to give them EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE 257 a larger market. The bonds of the central association are secured by all the mortgages of the provincial associations belonging to the central association. The results attained through the central association, how- ever, have. not fulfilled expectations. The Pfandbriefen in no consid- erable extent have found their way into the international money mar- kets. The offering of them in such large quantities on the Berlin Bourse reduced the price below what they could be sold for in home markets through the local banks. Furthermore, there is a sentiment among investors buying bonds that as long as the provincial bond is equally as secure as the central they prefer to invest in Pfandbriefen of their own province. In the province -of Saxony, with its 220,000,000 marks of Pfandbriefen outstanding, the director of the Landschaft estimates that 75 to 80 per cent, of the total amount invested in them is capital of the province of Saxony. So far as security was concerned, nothing was to be gained by consolidation into a central association, since the provincial association bonds are as secure as bonds can be made. Of the total amount of bonds in circulation at the present time only about 10 per cent, of them are central association bonds. The latest statistics show that the provincial and central association of Prussia have the following amounts of outstanding bonds. Land Mortgage Association of Prussia Association Founded Outstanding Bonds East Prussia 1788 426,152,350 M. West Prussia 1787 123,074,405 M. New West Prussia 1861 186,278,210 M. Berlin 1868 449,563,500 M. Pomerania 1781 252,007,525 M. New Pomerania 1871 19,006,900 M. Posen - 1857 301,525,300 M. Silesia 1770 608,634,180 M. Saxony 1864 126,675,600 M. Celle 1790 15,579,100 M. Hanover 1825 24,706,650 M. Bremen 1826 10,360,425 M. Westphalia 1877 74,554,300 M. Central 1873 433,255,000 M. Total 3,093,493,545 M. Mark equals 23.8 cents. Amortization of Loans One of the most valuable features of the loans made through the land mortgage associations from the standpoint of the farmer is the gradual amortization through annual payments made with the interest. This is obligatory on the part of the borrower and usually is -| per cent, to f per cent, of the face value of the loan. In the land mortgage vol. lxxxii.— 18. 258 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY association of the province of Saxony the amortization is £ per cent, per year. On a loan made at 4 per cent, is added the f per cent, amortization and ^ per cent, to cover the operating expenses of the association, making a total of 5 per cent., and by paying this amount annually for between forty to forty-five years the loan will be paid off. The farmer in the meantime also has the privilege of paying it all or in part at any time. After the loan has been made the rate of interest can not be raised or the loan called in, so if the farmer has secured his loan at a low rate of interest he can carry it until it has been amortized by his annual payments. The Saxon farmers who in the nineties borrowed at 3 per cent, and got par for their bonds are relishing this feature now that the rate of interest has advanced to 4 per cent. However, many of the better farmers make no attempt to pay off their loans any faster than is required through the annual amortization payment, finding that they can get their credit cheaper in this way than any other and can make more interest on the money used in their business than they have to pay for it. The association also has the provision that when 10 per cent, of the original loan has been paid an additional loan can be made and in this way a farmer can continue to carry indefinitely practically the same amount of loan on his property if he finds it advantageous to do so. The average length of time loans run in Saxony is about twenty-five years. By this method the farmer gets all the advantages of the money market if money is tight — the rate of interest goes up and the price of the Pfandbriefen go down when money is abundant and interest rates low the price of Pfandbriefen go up. The farmer through his bank watches the money market and takes advantage of the low points in interest rates to secure his loan, and once made he is safe from hav- ing his loan called in or his interest rate raised. Decentralizing the Business A practical point in the operation of such a business is to make it as convenient as possible for the farmer to do business with the land mortgage association. The province of Saxony is a territory nearly 100 miles square and the association is located in Halle, a relatively large city. For all of the farmers to come to the central association to negotiate their loans would be impracticable and would diminish the business very much. This problem has been solved by dividing the province into districts 10 to 15 miles square and in each district is a local officer of the association elected by the members in their annual meeting. This officer assists the members in getting their loans, sends in their applications, gives information concerning the association and looks after the business in his district. When property is appraised for loans, he is chairman of the committee making the appraisement. EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE 259 When interest is not paid or a member is neglecting his farm, the local deputy, as he is called, serves as the medium between the association and the delinquent member. In this way the advantages and economy of a centralized organization and at the same time the benefits of a de- centralized association — that is, one close to the individual farmer — are secured. Personal Credit While the land mortgage association is sufficient to provide the long-time credit that is needed by the landowner, it does not suffice to furnish the short-time loans that are needed to supply working capital, to buy seeds, fertilizers, livestock to be fattened, to pay for labor to grow crops and such operations as require capital for six to nine months. To the farm renter or any farmer who does not own land, the land mortgage association has nothing to offer. To meet this need the rural banks have been established. The work of this class of banks had its beginning particularly with William Eaiffeissen among the peasant farmers of western Germany about the middle of the last century. Eaiffeissen saw the dire straits of the small -farmers who were without credit and at the mercy of the usurer. He began by establishing cooperative associations to do their own bank- ing, and there were four fundamental principles that he insisted upon that have been retained in the true Eaiffeissen banks of the present time. First, unlimited liability of the members. This was necessary in the beginning in order to get any credit at all. All the members were practically without means and the question of limited or unlimited liability was of little moment to them. Second. A restricted area of operation for the bank. This was confined to the district in which the members were all personally acquainted with one another. In European farming it is customary, especially for the peasants, to live together in small villages and not on single farms as in America, so that the boundaries for the operation of the bank were generally confined to a single village. Third. No dividends to members. A low rate of interest, usually 4 per cent., was paid on the capital stock each member had invested in the bank, but all profits made over that amount were set aside in a reserve fund. Fourth. No salaried officers were employed in the banks except the bookkeeper. The management of the bank was made a matter of honor, the work to be done without any mercenary compensation. The business was done in the most democratic manner possible. Every member was given a voice and made to feel he was personally respon- sible for the success of the business. Loans were made for specific purposes, for example, to drain a field. The committee considered the 26o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY advisability of the proposed expenditure in making the loan, the mem- bers of the bank all knew the plan of the member and were interested in his success, because in case the member failed and was unable to repay his loan to the bank they would all be losers. EaifTeissen did another thing that is of utmost importance in rural banking. He adjusted the loans of the bank to meet the needs of agri- culture. The farmer needs a longer time loan than the merchant or manufacturer. City loans for three and four months do not fit the business of farming. With the farmer 6 to 9 months is the shortest time for which he needs a loan. The time from planting a crop till it is harvested and ready to market is at least six months. The city mer- chant will turn over his money four or five times during the year but the farmer only once, so that the rural banks must make the loans for longer periods than is customary in the city. In case of crop failure in bad seasons loans must be allowed for still longer periods and in Eaif- feissen banks these provisions were made. From their beginning in the Ehineland the Eaiffeissen banks have spread not only over all rural Germany, but almost all rural Europe. They have been modified to meet local conditions but with it all have kept in view the purpose of serving the needs of the farmer. In studying the agricultural banking or credit system of a country the condition of the individual farmer must be taken into consideration. A system applicable to peasant farmers with small holdings, such as are found in many parts of Europe, is not likely to offer much of value for American farmers. But in a section in which the average wealth and stand of the farmers is on the same level as in America, a svstem that is proving successful may afford some good lessons. Eukal Banks in the Province of Saxony Such a section is to be found in the province of Saxony where the rural banks are splendidly organized and doing a business of $100,- 000,000 per year. The first striking difference between these rural banks and the orig- inal Eaiffeissen banks is that they are organized on a limited liability basis. The farmers of Saxony for the most part are well to do, but they vary greatly in their financial worth. The man whose property is worth a hundred thousand marks is not willing to become a member of a rural bank or a cooperative association of any kind with members who are worth only five thousand marks and agree to an unlimited liability for its members. Consequently the Saxon banks are organized limiting the liability of the members in proportion to the interest they have in- vested in the bank. The fundamental object of the rural banks is to furnish credit to their members for working capital at the lowest rates of interest possible and not to make a profit on their business. In the EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE 261 province of Saxony there are 660 rural banks. These are small village savings banks with an average membership of about 100 farmers. They are the units of the farmers' cooperative organizations of the province. At Halle there are three central cooperative organizations, with all of which the local banks stand in relation and are members: (1) The Cen- tral Cooperative Bank, which does nothing but a banking business and whose members are cooperative associations instead of individuals. (2) The Central Cooperative Association for the purchase and sale of agricultural products. This, like the central bank, has for members associations instead of persons and does a wholesale business in buying and selling agricultural products. (3) The Union of Cooperative So- cieties, which oversees the management of the local societies, audits their books, furnishes uniform systems of bookkeeping and looks after the organizing of new societies and does the propaganda work in pro- moting agricultural cooperative work in the province. In order to become a member of the Central Bank at Halle the local association or bank must take a share in it which is 300 marks. The number of shares that the local bank or association hold is in propor- tion to the amount of business it does. By virtue of holding shares in the central association it is entitled to make loans from it. The farmer goes to his local bank, of which he is a member and to whom he is known, and makes his application for a loan. The bank in turn ap- plies to the Central Association with which it has credit and secures the money and it costs the farmer -J per cent, more interest than the local society pays the Central in order to cover the local costs of the society. The average interest rate charged by the Central Bank in 1909 was 3.92 per cent., in 1910 it was 4.34 per cent, and in 1911 was 4.39 per cent. The rate of interest paid for deposits is 3 to 3^ per cent.., depending upon the current interest rate. Credit is the first requisite of successful cooperation. When a coun- try has a well-established system of agricultural credits it is almost cer- tain to be thoroughly organized on a cooperative basis in other lines. This is the case in the province of Saxony, particularly in the purchase of agricultural supplies, such as fertilizers, feeding stuffs, coal, seeds and agricultural machinery. The local banks serve the farmers both as the societies through which the purchases are made and furnish the credit for making the purchases. In this way there is a saving in the cost of doing the busi- ness and the bank knows how the money is spent. Moral Effect of Cooperation The development of the cooperative credit systems among the farm- ers of Europe has had an important influence on their social life. Aside from the independence gained in their business affairs by being 262 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY freed from the money-lenders which for the most part were usurers, they have been united in a community of interest that has widened their circle of acquaintance, given them a sympathetic interest in each other's welfare and has largely displaced the jealously so commonly ex- isting in rural communities. Among the peasant classes where the Eaiffeissen savings and loan banks were established with unlimited liability of the members, min- isters have frequently testified that they have been as important factors in the moral life of the people as the church itself. Intemperance and immorality is not permitted among the members. If a farmer takes to intemperate drinking his loan is called in by the bank. If he is neg- lecting the work on his farm the loan is called in. So that every •farmer feels he is under the constant watch of the other members and since they are united together in a cooperative association, where if one man fails the others must pay his losses, they are all interested in each •other and anxious to see every one succeed. The application of the cooperative principle of "one for all and all for one" serves as an incentive to the individual farmer and inspires him to do his best. Need in the United States The farmers of the United States as yet have not appreciated the value of organizing to improve their credit. In the southern states the cotton crop must be marketed as soon as harvested to meet outstanding loans that the farmers have made at exorbitant rates of interest. The grain dealers throughout the central states know that they will be flooded with wheat and corn just before tax-paying time by farmers who .are compelled to sell in order to raise money to pay taxes. Intensive systems of farming that must be adopted to adjust American agricul- ture to present needs means a larger working capital for the farmer, he must use more labor, more commercial fertilizers, better seed and he .must drain his land. The European farmer gets twice as large a crop yield per acre as the American farmer because he spends twice as much •capital in producing it. He cultivates better, fertilizes better and he takes better care of his land. Interest rates in general are lower in the United States than they are in Germany and yet the German farmer is able to secure his credit through his cooperative organizations at two thirds the rate of interest ordinarily paid by the American farmer. In addition the loans are made on much more favorable terms and the times and methods of re- payment are adjusted to suit the business of the farmers. The advantages of the farmers organizing to sell their credit for what it is worth are not all on the part of the farmer. But for the capitalist seeking a safe investment for his money they offer a security EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE 263 that can be bought at any time and is always negotiable. Such organi- zations serve as an economic saving between borrower and lender. The man in America at the present time who wishes to invest his money in farm mortgages must seek out such loans personally or through an agent. The punctuality with which the interest will be paid and the loan when it falls due will depend upon the personality of the farmer. But such is not the case when the loans are made through a land mort- gage association and the investor instead of lending direct to the farmer buys the bonds of the association; he then knows that his interest will be paid as punctually as on a government bond ; that his security has a market value and can be sold for cash any clay through his bank. The establishment of the land mortgage association and selling its bonds on the open market opens up a field for investment that is now practically closed to a large class of investors. One thing to be emphasized in regard to the success of the European systems is the fact that it has been largely due to the direct oversight that the governments have had over them. Without this government relationship they could not have commanded the confidence of the public that they have. It is hopeless to expect an equal degree of success for similar institutions in America unless they are also organized under government control, at least to the extent that the public will have absolute confidence in their solvency. 264 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY A STUDY IN JEWISH PSYCHOPATHOLOGY By Dr. J. G. WILSON A. A. SURGEON, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, ELLIS ISLAND THIS is preeminently the day of preventive medicine. The cam- paign started many years ago to educate the people in the man- ner of avoiding contagious diseases has gradually been extended to other fields, until now the prophylaxis of insanity is almost as freely discussed as that of puerperal fever. And this is as it should be. Though the recovery of the already insane and the feeble-minded is seldom permanently accomplished, the outlook for the final prevention of these conditions among the potentially insane is by no means hope- less. The work undertaken by such organizations as the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, and the various allied state organiza- tions and societies having the same general end in view are well known, and although the good already accomplished in the way of educating the people in those habits of life and thought which tend to make the development of mental afflictions less likely, is as yet inconsiderable, it promises, in the long run, to bring forth excellent results. More and more we are coming to a realization of the importance of a good heredity. All medical men are practically agreed upon this subject. In the prevention of feeble-mindedness it is the one essential factor. It is of hardly less importance in the prevention of insanity. In an article on the hygiene of the mind, a recent writer has said " An individual who comes from normal stock, abstains from alcohol, and is free from syphilis, and escapes accidental head injury is not threatened with mental alienation." 1 Conklin in the " Mating of the Unfit " refers to the offspring of one normal man by two separate women, one a feeble-minded girl and the other a perfectly well-balanced individual. The descendants of the feeble-minded woman were 480 in number, and of these 143 in- herited the tainted mentality. The normal woman had 365 descendants and not one of them was to be classed among the mentally defective.2 It is also universally agreed that the propagation of tainted stock is much more likely when there is a close inbreeding of such stock. The best should be bred to the best, but different types of the same strain and close blood affinities should be avoided. A fact so generally conceded should be applied as far as possible to the principles of marriage between individuals of both the same and 1 A. J. Rosanoff, reprint from New York State Hospital Bulletin, November, 1911. 2 Editorial, The Lancet Clinic, March 7, 1912. JEWISH PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 265 different races. If the science of eugenics deserves any practical appli- cation at all, it should insist upon a careful study of the every-day violation of its cardinal principle by a whole race who persistently refuse to practise the very doctrine which is essential to the preserva- tion of a sound and healthy mentality. I refer to the Jews. In order to further elucidate the subject and to make good this rather bold assertion, I propose to prove the following propositions: First, the Jews are a highly inbred and psychopathically inclined race. Second, the prevalence of mental affections among them is almost en- tirely due to heredity. That the Jews are as a matter of fact racially pure is a statement that must not be taken absolutely in a literal sense. All races have received admixtures of some outside blood, but it is undoubtedly true that, since the time of the prophet Ezra and his campaign for racial purity which was begun at the time of the return from the Babylonian captivity, 536 years before Christ, the central stem of Judah has remained practically free from admixture with other races. Any stu- dent of the old testament can easily substantiate the statement that violations of the law against marriage with the heathen races, by which they were surrounded, were, from that time on, most summarily pun- ished. The feeling against such procedure grew in intensity until, at the time of the fight for the maintenance of Jewish independence under the Maccabees, it had reached such a degree of fervor-? that rabbinical decrees forbade friendly social intercourse with the Gentile on any pretext whatever. There is no doubt but that the Jews inter-married and inbred among themselves on an ever increasing scale clear up to the time of the fall of Jerusalem. After the Dispersion, there is some difference of opinion as to the degree with which they maintained the racial purity which they had been over 600 years in establishing. The weight of evidence, however, is all in favor of the view that they did not abandon the time-honored doctrine of racial solidarity. During Eoman times and the dispersion throughout the Mediterranean littoral, the rabbinical decrees were still vindictive in their treatment of the subject. To such extreme lengths did they go, that the Goy or Gentile party to the contract was regarded as having no right at all, but was considered like the slave, as having a status that rendered him incapable of connubium with the Jews.3 Those anthropologists who cite the fact that there were a great many converts to Judaism immediately after the fall of Jerusalem, and that the Jews thus received a great deal of Eoman blood into their veins, overlook the fact that these converts were the very ones from whom the Christians in turn drew the majority of their converts. Thus the Judaized Eomans were almost immediately lost to Judaism. * Ephraim Feldman, ' ' Intermarriage, Historically Considered, ' ' p. 19. 266 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Likewise the alleged conversion of the Chazars, a Tartar tribe of Bussia, was in reality confined to the ruling classes and their immediate court dependents, the main body of the people remaining free from the admixture with the Jewish proselytes.4 During the middle ages the Christians themselves put a ban on intermarriage and thus the rule against its practise was doubly enforced. Since the time of Napoleon and the consequent removal of the political disabilities of the Jews, there has been no increasing tendency to take outsiders into the Jewish fold. Even in New York, where the social and business relations between Jew and Gentile are perhaps closer than in any other city in the world, there is practically no tend- ency to encourage mixed marriages. Although it is manifestly impos- sible to obtain exact figures upon this subject, all the obtainable data go to support the view that the inbreeding is going on here as much as in any other place in the world. M. Victor Safford, who has investi- gated extensively the results of immigration upon the ethnic composi- tion of our population, has said that a study of the marriage certificates in New York City, while not giving sufficient grounds to absolutely prove the contention that intermarriage between Jew and Gentile is rare, does, nevertheless, justify the belief that such is the case.5 The children resulting from such marriages almost invariably marry either Jews or persons who, like themselves, are only half Jews. Thus, what little departure*there is from the principle against mixed marriages has no tendency to introduce fresh blood into the central stem. Hirsch has said that if all the Jews had remained Jews since the time of Christ that there would be 100,000,000 in the world to-day.6 If we grant the truth of this rough approximation, it only serves to show that the result of all this "marrying out" has been an ever-increasing practise of inbreeding in the pure central stock. "When we consider that the total number of the race is small, being probably not much over 12,000,000 altogether, we can easily see that there is not enough variety of blood among the members of the different Jewish families to avoid frequent consanguineous marriages. Theoretically, the Jews are compelled to observe marriage customs which result in racial incest. Practically, it is well known that they really do marry their own cousins much more than do the people of other races. Jacobs says that they are probably three times as guilty in this respect as others.7 I think we must concede the point that they are a highly inbred and closely related race. This fact undoubtedly accounts for the very strong racial characteristics which they possess. * W. D. Morrison, ' ' The Jews under Eoman Bule, ' ' p. 413. 8 M. Victor Safford, private communication, June 29, 1912. •William Hirsch, "Keligion and Civilization," p. 579. 7 Joseph Jacobs, ' ' Studies in Jewish Statistics, ' ' Appendix, p. 4. JEWISH PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 267 I am not here concerned with any of those characteristics except the psychopathic ones. If they are endowed with exceptionally great mental gifts, it is beyond the scope of this paper to consider them. What I now propose to show is that they suffer from constitutional mental inferiorities, or psychopathic tendencies to a degree entirely out of proportion to the occurrence of such infirmities among the general population. First we will consider our own country. As fully two thirds of the Jews in the United States are in New York, it will be unnecessary to go out of that state to procure the evidence. In the year ending September 30, 1909, out of a total of 5,222 admissions to all the New York State hospitals for the insane, 488 were Jews.8 While these statistics do not show the total number of Jews insane from all causes to be greatly in excess of the ratio which they bear to the general population, they plainly indicate that they do not fall below the general average, and when we come to analyze them in detail we find that they show a disproportionate number of cases due to consti- tutional mental inferiority. Taking those insanity groups which in all classifications are universally admitted to be due to bad heredity, the total number among the non-Jews was 2,297 or 48 per cent, of the total number of non- Jewish admissions. On the other hand, 65 per cent, of the Jewish insane belonged to the constitutionally inferior groups.9 Table of Admissions to the Manhattan State Hospital fob the Insane Classified by Eace and Nature of Psychosis for the Year ending September 30, 1908 u Psychoses Senile psychoses General paresis Alcoholic psychoses ( Dementia prsecox) (Manic-depressive insanity). Epileptic psychoses . Other psychoses | 22.58 Total number of each race Irish Jewish German U.S. Italian 9.80 2.87 6.70 7.14 3.70 7.59 14.05 20.10 17.46 9.87 27.69 .32 11.85 11.90 8.64 13.48 27.47 14.95 16.66 23.44 16.66 28.43 12.89 18.25 13.58 2.20 1.59 4.64 3.17 4.93 22.58 25.27 28.87 25.42 35.84 408 313 194 126 81 Negro 9.80 29.41 7.82 13.72 9.80 3.92 25.53 51 The practical freedom of this race from the alcoholic psychoses is a matter of common knowledge. Now alcohol was responsible for over ten per cent, of the insanities admitted to the New York state hospitals for the year ending September 30, 1909. But the Jews ad- mitted for alcoholic psychoses for the same period constituted less 8 Twenty-first Annual Report of the State Commission in Lunacy, Statistics of the Insane, tables 4 and 14. 8 These percentages are deduced from tables 4 and 14, Statistics of the Insane, State of New York, 1908-09. 11 De Fursac and Eosanoff , quoting Dr. Kirby in ' ' Manual of Psychiatry, ' ' p. 6. 268 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY than one per cent, of the total Jewish admissions. Notwithstanding the fact that the Jews are thus almost entirely uninfluenced by the greatest of the acquired or accidental causes of insanity, their total number of insane does not fall to the level of the average for the general population. Thus out of 1,762 admissions to the Manhattan State Hospital for 1910-11, there were 455 Jews; that is to say, they made 25.9 per cent, of the total admissions. This is nine tenths of one per cent, more than their usually estimated relation to the general popula- tion of the community from which they were recruited. Reliable data from foreign countries serves to show that, notwith- standing his freedom from alcohol, the Jew still contributes more than his share to the general insane population. Thus in Germany for the period 1890-1902 there were to the 100,000 of population, an annual average number of 67 insane and feeble-minded Jews as against 49 of the non-Jewish population. The congenital idiocies and congenital imbecilities showed an especial disproportion against the Jews, they having 4.51 as compared to 2.75 among the non-Jews.10 That the proportion of the constitutionally inferior is especially large is shown by a reference to the subjoined table, which is taken from De Fursac's and Eosanoffs latest work on psychiatry. It will be noted that not- withstanding the fact that they have practically none of the psychoses which are due to alcohol, the Jews come second in point of number of admissions. In this connection the percentage of the Irish admitted for alco- Table of Mental Defectives among Immigrants (Idiots, Imbeciles, Feeble- minded). Annual Eeport Commissioner General of Immigration, 1911. Rejected for the Year 1911 Finnish Russian Spanish Magyar Greek Dutch and Flemish. Scandinavian Bohemian (Czech).., Ruthenian Pole Slovak Italian (North) Croatian, Slovenian . Italian (South) English German Scotch Irish Hebrew French Total Mental Defectives Per 100,000 9.779 0 0 18,721 0 0 8,068 0 0 19,966 1 5 37,021 2 6 13,862 1 8 45,859 4 9 9,223 1 11 17,724 2 11 71,446 9 12 21,415 3 15 30,312 5 16 982 2 22 159,638 36 23 57,258 13 23 66,471 15 23 25,625 6 23 40,246 11 27 91,223 26 28 18,132 6 32 Maurice Fishberg, ' ' The Jews : A Study of Race and Environment. ' ' JEWISH PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 269 holic psychoses exactly equals that of the Jews admitted for dementia prsecox. Now, dementia praecox is classed as one of the insanities depending upon a constitutionally inferior mental make-up, as is like- wise manic-depressive insanity. These two constitutional inferior groups which are universally agreed to rest upon a bad heredity, alone account for over 55 per cent, of the insanities among the Jews in the above table. Statistics could be multiplied almost indefinitely to show similar results. Among the frankly feeble-minded, the Jews stand next to the top of the list of those immigrants who are deported on this account. The report of the Commissioner General of Immigration for 1911 shows that the French are the only ones who surpass them. In this connec- tion it is well to note that over one half of the French immigrants for the year 1911 was recruited from the ranks of the French Canadians, who are a notoriously inbred and defective stock. If it be objected that the foregoing table represents one year alone and can not be properly used to aid in drawing such wholesale con- clusions, the answer is two-fold. In the first place this was a year in which the general average of Hebrew defectives was proportionately smaller than in other years. For instance, in 1907 nearly one third of those certified at Ellis Island as mentally defective were of this race, although they did not average over 14 per cent, of the total number of arrivals. In the second place the number of feeble-minded children in the public schools of New York City is disproportionately large among the Jews. Thus of 317 mentally defective children selected at random from ungraded classes, Miss Anna Moore in 1911 found that there were 130 Hebrews, 40 Italians, 35 Germans, 20 Irish and 9 negroes.12 An attempt has been made to deny the ethnic or racial relation with the greater prevalence of feeble-mindedness and insanity, which the foregoing data would naturally seem to indicate. Thus it has been said that the birth-rate among the Jews being lower than that of the general population, there is consequently a larger proportion of adults among this race as compared with others, and insanity being chiefly a disease of adults, it follows that its greater prevalence among the Jews is apparent rather than real. To explain the large number of feeble-minded the argument runs in this wise : Although the birth-rate among the Jews is low, Jewish parents take better care of their children than others, consequently more survive those illnesses which result in mental deterioration. The chief fallacy in this argument lies in the fact that those who use it neglect to state that feeble-mindedness is overwhelmingly a dis- 12 Miss Anna Moore, Keport published by State Charities Aid Association, 1911. 270 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ease of childhood, death for one cause or another intervening in, the majority of instances long before the age of the natural expectation of life is reached. When we consider this universally admitted fact, it becomes apparent that at least one of the aforesaid explanations must be wrong. For, if children of Jewish parents survive in such dispro- portionately large numbers as to account for the seeming excess of feeble-rnindedness, it naturally follows that this survival must offset the diminished birth-rate and serve to maintain the normal relation between child and adult population. If the difference in the relation of adult to child population really exists in a sufficient degree to be a factor at all in the explanation of the degree of prevalence of insanity and feeble-mindedness, the logical argument would be as follows : 1. The proportion of Jewish adults to the general population is greater than among others, consequently the proportion of the child population is less. 2. Feeble-mindedness is a disease of childhood. 3. Conclusion: Being fewer Jewish children there are fewer feeble- minded among Jews than among others. If we reverse the argument and assume the premise that more Jewish children survive than among others we should have the follow- ing syllogism : 1. The proportion of Jewish children to the general population is greater than among others, consequently the proportion of the adult population is less. 2. Insanity is a disease of adults. 3. Conclusion : Being fewer Jewish adults there are fewer Jewish insane. A consideration of the foregoing examples of reductio ad absurdum only serves to confirm the belief that, after all, there must be some intimate relation existing between the racial, or inherent ethnic char- acteristics of the Jews and the greater prevalence of insanity and feeble-mindedness among them. In no instances shall we find any reliable data that show the proportion of feeble-minded and insane among the Jews to be less than among the general population; in most countries it is undeniably larger, and in every instance the num- ber of Jews suffering from mental defects are recruited from the ranks of the congenitally inferior in a far greater proportion than is the case among the non-Jews. In the light of our knowledge of the laws of heredity, there can be but one thing responsible for the above-described condition. It must necessarily have been brought about by too close inbreeding. That the excessive number of constitutional inferior insanities has a partial explanation in the fact that long centuries of inbreeding have JEWISH PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 271 produced a race with a paranoid make-up seems not altogether improb- able. The general paranoid attitude of the race is shown in an almost universal tendency to assume the possession of superior racial mental qualifications, and when these are denied or in any way gainsaid, to fail to appreciate the point of view of the one who opposes them. This idea of superiority to other people is so inbred that it has probably become a hereditary character for which the individual is entirely irresponsible. But a paranoid make-up is not particularly dangerous to its possessor who is otherwise normal, unless by great stress or a very unusual combination of disagreeable experiences this tendency be diverted into abnormal channels. The chief danger lies in the accentuation of the character by too close inbreeding with those having a like tendency. In fact, the gen- eral attitude of the person who has this paranoid make-up in a mild degree may be said to be an enviable one rather than otherwise. He is aggressive in upholding his rights, suspicious of attempts to thwart him in the pursuit of the same, and strives constantly to reach the goal of his ambitions. These are all admirable traits. It is only when they become accentuated to the point where they are pervaded by delusions of grandeur and persecution, that they render the person possessing them a menace to society. To return to the thought expressed at the beginning of this paper, that the prevention of mental diseases is quite the most important part of their treatment, it would seem that the Jews have it in their power to ultimately stamp out the feeble-minded and insane from among their race. The way in which they can do this must be plain to whoever has followed the gist of my argument. It is all a question of eugenics. A little more care in the matter of consanguineous marriages and a quick and thorough departure from the old beaten tracks which forbid the introduction of non-Jewish blood into their veins, will, in the course of a few generations, redeem them from the unhappy mental state info which they have fallen. 272 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE LANGUAGE OF METEOROLOGY By CHARLES FITZHUGH TALMAN, U. S. WEATHER BUREAU f~N discussing the vocabulary of any branch of science one is embar- -*- rassed by the fact that scientific language in general is a neglected subject. The principles of scientific terminology and nomenclature (on the etymological side) are not, to my knowledge, taught in modern cur- ricula; their formal exposition belongs to the scholarly literature of a past generation; and the writings of our contemporaries bear evidence of the fact that philology does not now enter to so large an extent as formerly into the equipment of the average man of science. The student of to-day is, as a rule, left to make his own generaliza- tions on this subject from the transformations in the technical vocab- ulary that happens to come under his observation; and his inductions suffer in proportion as these transformations become less orderly. When he arrives at the creative stage, and is called upon to label his contributions to knowledge, he is apt to still further increase the dis- order of the language; and thus an interaction is going on that would speedily lead to chaos, if it were not checked by powerful though un- recognized laws governing the development of human speech — a per- vasive " Sprachgef iihl " that saves the language from falling into rapid ruin, though it can not protect it from gradual deterioration. The fact that the underlying principles of terminology and nomen- clature are not, to say the least, clearly formulated in the minds of most men of science makes it desirable, in discussing a particular group of technical terms or names, to begin far back of one's subject — just as it is desirable for a newspaper writer on Halley's comet to begin by en- lightening the public in regard to the heavenly bodies in general. How- ever, it is not practicable to follow such a plan within the limits of a brief paper. In the present case I shall cut the Gordian knot by simply referring my readers to the two statements of fundamental principles that I have myself found most illuminating — viz., the fourth book of William WhewelPs " Novum Organon Eenovatum " and Dr. Lereboul- let's article " Etymologie " in the " Dictionnaire encyclopedique des sciences medicales " — and proceed at once to a discussion of some salient features of the language of meteorology. One curious fact about this language is that a considerable part of it is unknown to meteorologists. Hundreds of useful terms have been introduced to fill the gaps in its vocabulary — some highly felicitous, others at least tolerable — only to sink into speedy oblivion, leaving their places unfilled. Take, for example, the names of the isograms — and THE LANGUAGE OF METEOROLOGY 273 the name " isogram " itself. The latter, denoting a line that repre- sents equality of some physical condition on a map or diagram (the isotherm and the isobar being the most familiar examples, is a con- venient generic term, the need of which must have been often felt long before it was invented, in the year 1889, by Francis Galton. Yet to this day it is unknown to most meteorological writers, who continue to use an awkward periphrasis to express this every-day idea. Several meteorologists have drawn lines connecting places of equal evaporation ; very few have ventured to give these lines a name. There is no inconvenience in referring once or twice in a scientific memoir to a " line of equal evaporation." Suppose, however, one needs to mention the same thing fifty times. One is almost driven to the necessity of substituting a single word for this long phrase; and thus certain writers have, in fact, coined the terms " isoatmic line " and " iso- thyme " ; but neither of these has gained currency in the habitual vocabulary of meteorologists. In all, some eighty meteorological isograms have been named; but of their names less than a score are generally familiar, and many are almost completely forgotten. During the last two or three years the recognition of the importance of the " barometric tendency " in weather forecasting has made us tol- erably familiar with the " isallobar " ; but what of the " isallotherm " ? Lines of equal temperature-change have been drawn on forecast charts for a great many years. Their name, however, has just been invented, and is hardly yet known to the practical forecaster. There is a marked reluctance on the part of contemporary men of science to contribute to the scientific vocabulary. This is perhaps due to the growing ignorance of the principles of etymology to which I have already referred ; though it may be also the token of a reaction from the pedantry of an older generation, which cumbered the language with terms too labored for daily use, and often with names of things that might well have been left nameless. I have in mind a number of lexical curiosities that furnish diver- sion to any one who chances to read a memoir by A. Piche, " La Meteorologie dans le Departement des Basses-Pyrenees." From this work we learn that " meteorologistotheory " is the branch of science dealing with meteorologists ; that " meteorologistopiry " has to do with experiments in the training and organizing of meteorologists; that " meteorologistonomy " relates to meteorological administration ; that " meteorologistotechny " is the art of applying the laws relating to the production of meteorologists, their arrangement into groups, and the development of their labors ; that " meteorologistosophy " is the philo- sophical study of meteorologists; etc. In short, M. Piche has stuck pins through his meteorologists as if they were so many butterflies, and has made them the subject of a new branch of natural history. His vol. lxxxii — 19. 274 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY terminology is so terrifying that we are thankful the meteorologists had individual names before he got hold of them ; otherwise we shudder to think what he might have done in the way of nomenclature! The same ingenious Frenchman invented an instrument for measuring the sensible temperature which he called at first the " calorisoustractom- eter " ; but later he took pity on humanity and changed its name to " deperditometer." Of the two evils — a clumsy term or none at all — the former is cer- tainly to be preferred. There can be no progress in ideas without a corresponding progress in language. This fact is emphasized by Whewell; and he cites in illustration the cases of Caesalpinus in botany, and Willughby in ichthyology, each of whom introduced excellent sys- tems of classification which failed to take root or produce any lasting effect among naturalists because they were not accompanied by corre- sponding nomenclatures. No one recognized this truth more clearly than Linnaeus, whose great contributions to botany were surpassed by his contributions to the language of botany. Whewell quotes a maxim from Linnaeus's " Botanical Philosophy," Nomina si nescis perit et cognitio rerum, which ought to be taken to heart by the many scientific men of to-day who are conspicuously shirking their obligations to the technical vocabulary. In the history of meteorology there are innumerable instances of important ideas that led a precarious existence for years, almost ignored by meteorologists at large, because no one had crystallized them by giv- ing them names. Think of the number of conceptions that owe their present defmiteness in our minds to the felicitous terminizing of Ealph Abercromby ! The seven typical forms of isobars are familiar ex- amples. Another is the generalization " recurrence," under which term Abercromby united the many cases of the supposed tendency of particular types of unseasonable weather to occur from year to year at about the same period — Indian summer, the " Ice Saints," the " Lammas floods," the " January thaw," the " borrowing days," and a number of other similar interruptions in the regular march of the sea- sons— all of them more or less elusive when submitted to a rigorous analysis, but none the less deeply-rooted conceptions in the popular mind. Individually these supposed occurrences are familiar to all meteorologists, but we should probably sometimes lose sight of their generic similarity had not Abercromby given them a handy generic name. Probably in no branch of science is the vocabulary more confused than in atmospheric optics ; especially in English. This particular sub- ject affords so many examples of the vices of the existing language of meteorology that we may profitably consider it at some length. THE LANGUAGE OF METEOROLOGY 275 In a publication which, I regret to say, bears the official imprimatur of the Weather Bureau,1 I find a definition of the " solar aureole, corona, or glory." These names are stated to belong to the familiar phenomenon of diffraction rings around the sun; and the question arises — Why three names for one thing? Etymologically one is as good as another ; but the single term " corona " was long ago appropri- ated to the phenomenon in question. If we consult Pertner's " Meteorologische Optik," we shall find that, according to this authority at least, the aureole is not identical with the corona. A separate name was desired for that inner portion of the complete corona which is, as a rule, the only part visible ; extending from the blue-white zone around the luminary to the reddish brown circle adjacent, but not including either indigo or violet. Pernter was, I believe, the first person to dis- tinguish this part of the corona under the name " aureole." The glory, again, is something quite different. This is not seen around a heavenly body, but surrounds the shadow of the observer's head — strictly speak- ing, of the observer's eye — cast upon a cloud or fog-bank. In the phe- nomenon of the Brocken specter the glory constitutes the " Brocken bow " — though the specter and the bow are persistently confused in the dictionaries and in the literature of meteorology. This leads us to a further hopelessly confused statement in connec- tion with the definition above quoted, reading as follows : " A smaller circle surrounding the shadow of the observer's head is called an anthelion, aureole, glory, or fog shadow." The word " anthelion " has, indeed, been used persistently in this sense in English literature; though such a use has never been countenanced in French or German. Bravais and his successors applied the name " anthelion " to what is sometimes called in English the " countersun " ; viz., a white image of the sun seen at the same altitude as that luminary, but opposite it in azimuth — one of the rarer phenomena of the great halo family. Although this, the preferable, use of the name is absolutely ignored in the English dictionaries — which uniformly confuse the anthelion with the glory — it is not quite unknown to English writers. I find the "anthelion," in this sense of the term (as observed in the year 1762), described and figured in the "Philosophical Transactions" (abridged), Vol. 11, p. 532. A similar use of the term occurs in Howard's " Climate of London," 2d ed. (1833), Vol. 1, p. 222. As to " aureole," we have already seen how Pernter has desynonymized this term. " Fog shadow " is obviously a most inappropriate name for a ring of light. In short, the sentence above quoted, revised in accordance with the requirements of accurate terminology, would read : " A smaller circle surrounding the shadow of the observer's head is called a glory." The three other names are untenable. 1 Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 33, p. 527. This is, however, substantially a quotation from the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. 276 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Although I have quoted a Weather Bureau publication — because it happened to lie nearest at hand — the example selected is a fair specimen of the loose language of a majority of writers on atmospheric optics. In fact, the vocabulary is so confused that one can hardly write of any but the commonest of the photometeors without defining each term he uses; and I am not sure that even the names of the commonest are wholly unequivocal. In a recent number of Nature — a journal which is usually a purist in scientific English — the beautiful circumzenithal arc, Mascart's " upper quasi-tangent arc of the halo of 46 degrees," was referred to as a " zenith rainbow." Still more startling is it to find the new edition of Wood's " Physical Optics " ignoring the term " corona " altogether in describing the diffraction rings around the sun and moon. In contrast to the prevailing confusion in the English vocabulary of this subject, we find that the labors of Pernter have led to the adoption of a nearly uniform terminology in recent German literature; but this writer shares with his compatriots a prejudice in favor of native terms that detracts much from the value of his contributions to the universal language of science. Thus, while he has adopted the Greek word " halo," he prefers to call a corona a " Kranz," and he clings to " Hof " as a general name for the heliocentric circles of all kinds. In fact, very few Greek or Latin names appear anywhere in his great treatise on atmospheric optics. Of course, this fact is merely typical of the almost universal preference of German science for linguistic isolation ; a subject too large to enter upon here. In French, the complicated terminology of halos was set in order by Auguste Bravais, and his labors have been admirably seconded in our own time by Louis Besson. Fortunately French science still pre- fers a Grasco-Latin vocabulary, and the terms it introduces are easily taken over into English. No adequate account of halos has yet ap- peared in our language. Whoever undertakes to write one will hardly err in adopting the Bravais-Besson terminology en bloc, with only the necessary idiomatic modifications and without regard to the practise of earlier English writers on the same subject. In the brief space remaining at my disposal I think I can not do better than to refer specifically to a few meteorological terms, of more or less recent origin, that deserve a wider use in scientific literature than they now enjoy. Beginning at the top of the alphabet, I find that the branch of meteorology dealing with upper-air research is not yet known to all meteorologists as " aerology." This term, proposed by Koppen, and officially adopted at the Milan meeting of the International Commis- sion for Scientific Aeronautics in 1906, is so well adapted to fill a serious gap in our vocabulary that one is surprised at the slow progress it has made in English. This is all the more surprising because, in THE LANGUAGE OF METEOROLOGY 277 spite of its Greek etymology, it was promptly accepted by the Germans, and is now fully established in their language. The expression " scien- tific aeronautics," still incorporated in the name of the international commission that has the oversight of aerological matters, is an obvious misnomer as applied to the exploration of the free atmosphere, notwith- standing the fact that aeronautical methods and appliances are largely used in this field of research. The most remarkable occurrence in the history of aerology was the discovery, in 1902, of a region of the atmosphere originally called by its discoverer the " isothermal layer " ; a name that he has since aban- doned in favor of " stratosphere." A number of other names have been proposed as alternatives — in some cases for reasons that, to any one familiar with the natural history of scientific terms, seem decidedly frivolous. Thus, some of our English confreres objected to the original name because there was no certainty that the so-called " layer " had an upper boundary — an objection that has perhaps been disponed of recently by Dr. Alfred "Wegener. Mr. Dines, one of the ablest of aerologists. prefers to speak only of "isothermal columns" in the atmosphere; but this plan leaves the important stratum as a whole without a name. There is every indication at present that Teisserenc de Bort's second term, " stratosphere," will ultimately prevail. It commends itself by its consonance with the term " troposphere," ap- plied by the same investigator to the region of clouds and convective disturbances, and with Wegener's recent tentative names for supposed higher strata of the atmosphere — " hydrogensphere " and " geoco- roniumsphere " ; and all of these conform to the well-established ter- minology of " atmosphere," " hydrosphere " and " lithosphere." Meteorology has recently profited, as to terminology and otherwise, by the writings of Henryk Arctowski, who, though a Pole by birth and a Belgian by adoption, wields a very facile pen in English. M. Arc- towski is responsible for the convenient words " pleion " and " anti- pleion," denoting, respectively, regions of positive and negative depar- ture from a normal. Thus, a temperature pleion. or " thermopleion,"2 lay over western Europe during most of the summer and early autumn of 1911. Lines of equal positive and negative departure from normal temperature (not " anomalies," which are departures of local means from the means of latitude circles) were unnamed until Arctowski called them, respectively, " hypertherms " and " hypotherms." All these terms are correctly formed from Greek roots, are easily assimilable into our language, and are well fitted to give definiteness to a group of ideas that formerly suffered in this respect by the lack of a terminology. 2 M. Arctowski 's terminology is not quite consistent, since he does not speak of " thermoantipleions, " but of " thermomeions. " As ' ' antipleion ; ' is an awkward form in combinations, it is unfortunate that it was adopted as the generic term. ' ' Meion ' ' is preferable. 2 78 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Nevertheless, their use has not spread since they were proposed, two or three years ago. It is to be hoped that they are not destined to share the oblivion of some analogous terms relating to atmospheric pressure proposed about forty years ago by Prestel ; viz., " pleiobar," " mesobar " and " meiobar." Purely English terminology has received some useful amendments at the hands of Dr. Hugh Robert Mill, who in this respect is carrying on the worthv traditions of " British Bainfall." Thus he has balanced %j Symons's terminology of droughts — the "absolute" and the "partial" drought — by introducing the term " rain spell " for a period of more than 14 successive days with rain. This expression, however, like the term "rain day," is one that would need to be redefined in other coun- tries. Dr. Mill has rendered an even more useful service to precise terminology by distinguishing between the words " mean," " average " and "general." He speaks, for example, of the mean temperature at Camden Square during the month of June, 1900 ; the average tempera- ture at the same place in June during a ten-year period; the general rainfall over the whole county of London in May, 1910, and the average general rainfall over the same region for a term of years. British meteorologists have also succeeded in establishing a work- ing terminology in English for the various deposits of frozen moisture that have occasioned so much fruitless discussion at international meteorological meetings. The Meteorological Office now applies the term "rime" to the rough deposits due to fog, and "glazed frost" to the transparent smooth coating usually caused by rain which freezes as it reaches terrestrial objects. The ambiguous expression "silver thaw" has been discarded in British meteorology. The endless subject of cloud terminology and nomenclature can not be discussed in this paper; but I wish to call attention to one term in this connection recently introduced by M. Besson. This is the name "nephometer" for an instrument used in measuring the amount of cloudiness, as distinguished from the familiar " nephoscope," by which we observe the positions and movements of individual clouds. German meteorologists have lately introduced the all-Greek names " chionometer " and " chionograph," and the hybrid "nivometer," for the instruments used in measuring snow. Although these terms will hardly displace "snow-gage" in English, we shall probably find it con- venient to use their derivatives ; e. g., " nivometric " ; just as we use " pluviometric," though we generally avoid " pluviometer." The name " ceraunograph " applied by Odenbach in 1891 to his variety of the thunderstorm-recorder now seems destined to become the generic and international designation for the numerous instruments of this class. Particular forms have been known as "thunderstorm-re- corders," "lightning-recorders," " brontometers," " brontographs," " ceraunometers," "electroradiographs," etc. " Ceraunophone " will. THE LANGUAGE OF METEOROLOGY 279 accordingly, be the natural designation of the modification of the cerau- nograph in which a telephone-receiver takes the place of a recording pen. Our Weather Bureau has recently contributed to the meteorological vocabulary the name " kiosk/' applied to a little pavilion in which work- ing meteorological instruments are displayed for the benefit of the public. Although the connotations of this word are hardly consistent with the style of architecture adopted for these structures in America, no better designation has been proposed, and it is safe to assume that " kiosk," as well as the object so named, has come to stay. It is rather curious that, although " Wettersaulen " have been familiar objects in Germany for half a century, their use has only recently spread to Eng- lish-speaking countries, and the need of an English name for them has only recently made itself felt. When the first complete English meteorological dictionary makes its appearance it will need to take account of fully ten thousand words and plirases; and in connection with hundreds of these much work must be done in tracing their vicissitudes and in bringing them into something like conformity with a systematic and workable language. The terms I have mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs are, in the language of the day, " a drop in the bucket." In closing, I wish to repeat a recommendation that I recently made to the International Meteorological Committee, through the kind inter- mediation of the chief of the Weather Bureau, in behalf of the creation of an international commission on terminology, analogous to the com- missions already established by the committee on various other meteoro- logical subjects. The utility of such a step is well attested in the his- tory of other sciences. In electricity, for example, the useful names of the electrical units — "ohm," "volt," "ampere," "coulomb," "farad," " joule," " watt " and " henry " — were all promulgated by formal inter- national agreement. The International Meteorological Committee and Conferences have, it is true, given us official definitions of a few terms; but such work can not be done on an extensive scale save by a body especially created for the purpose and having far more time at its disposal than is available at the ordinary triennial assemblies of meteorologists. Pending the consummation of this wish, let me urge meteorologists to familiarize themselves with the neglected language of their science; to avoid coining needless synonyms of terms that already exist; and, when a new term is really needed, to create one with due regard to the analogies of the language and its availability for international use. Generally speaking, only Greek and Latin derivatives answer the latter requirement. If a meteorologist feels himself unequal to framing a valid word from the classical vocabularies, he can always appeal for aid to some friendly colleague of philological attainments. 28o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE SWEDEN VALLEY ICE MINE AND ITS EXPLANATION By MARLIN O. ANDREWS LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. THE Sweden Valley Ice Mine, one of the unexplained mysteries of nature, is located about four miles east of Coudersport, the county seat of Potter County, Pa. A similar phenomenon is situated on Dingman Eun, about three miles west of Coudersport. These are natural ice-manufacturing plants, running under full head during the warm season of the year, but shutting down entirely during the cold months of winter, when there is plenty of ice and snow to be had else- where and when it would seem to be the most natural time for the formation of ice at these places. To learn something of the history of the Sweden Valley Ice Mine we must go back to the time when the Indians were the chief inhabit- ants of this particular section of the country. A certain tribe knew the location of deposits of silver and lead, which they carefully guarded against discovery both by other bands of Indians and by the few white settlers in that vicinity. As the whites became more numerous the Indians were driven farther west, taking their mineral secrets with them, as well as the scalp of one white hunter who accidentally discovered one of their lead mines. For years accounts of these mines were handed down from one generation to another, until, having become partially civilized, the Indians returned to recover, if possible, some of their lost wealth. They came in bands of five or six and searched the country thoroughly in the vicinity of Coudersport and Sweden Valley, but without success. The country had been so changed by the advance of civilization that they were unable to follow the direc- tions given them by their ancestors and were finally obliged to abandon the undertaking. These strange, unexplained actions on the part of the Indians nat- urally aroused considerable curiosity among the residents. They sur- mised that the Indians were searching for minerals, and the ground was again thoroughly gone over, but with no better success. A year or so later, in 1894 or 1895, a Cataraugus Indian came to Coudersport, got a lunch and walked off into the woods. After some time he returned with some fine specimens of silver ore which he exhibited to the amazed loungers who gathered around him. He then disappeared without telling any one where he was from, where he secured the ore or where he was going. The result of this visit was only natural. Silver mining was the THE SWEDEN VALLEY ICE MINE 281 topic of conversation whenever two or more persons got together. Another search was organized which resulted in the discovery of the Sweden Valley Ice Mine. Mr. John Dodd and Mr. William O'Xeil were prospecting near Sweden Valley when, underneath four or five inches of moss, they found a thin layer of solid ice. After leveling off a space about fifteen or twenty feet square they dug a shaft about six feet square by twelve feet deep. At a depth of nine feet they found petrified wood, impres- sions of leaves, ferns and other vegetation, also bones which were pro- nounced to be human. At a lower depth a peculiar kind of rock was found which they thought might contain gold or silver. Some of this Showing the Opening at the Top of the Shaft. was assayed and found to be of no value. At a depth of twelve feet an aperture was found from which came a cold draught. This was thought peculiar, but nothing was done to investigate farther and the work was abandoned. The following spring Mr. Dodd found a considerable amount of ice in the mine, but thought that it had gathered there during the winter and had not yet melted. However, as the warm weather ad- vanced, the quantity of ice^ instead of melting as was expected, began to increase, and by the middle of July the sides of the shaft were covered with a coating of ice a foot or more thick and large icicles were form- ing from the opening at the top. As winter again came on, the ice began to disappear until the cave 282 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Looking down the Shaft, showing the Ice-covered Steps. was nearly free from the summer's product. This phenomenon has regularly been repeated each year since its discovery. Mr. Dodd, who owns the land; had a small building erected around the mine, leaving the roof, directly over the shaft, open so as to allow the rays of the sun to beat in upon the ice formation. The beautiful woods surrounding this spot make an ideal place for picnics and it has become a favorite place for visitors to spend an afternoon, and inci- dentally cool off. Two years ago (1910) the bottom of the shaft settled eighteen inches, leading to an experiment by Mr. Dodd. He says that two sticks of dynamite were placed about eight feet back into a crevice at the bottom of the shaft and fired without turning a stone or dislodging any earth in the shaft. A possible conclusion is that there is a cave under- neath the mine large enough to absorb the shock of the explosion. Nothing more has been done in the way of investigation. The Dingman Run Ice Mine is a more recent discovery, being found on June 15, 1905, on Dingman Run on the farm of Mr. Pelchy. Mr. Pelchy, with the help of another man, was clearing up some brush- land for farming when, in order to get a better foothold on the steep hillside, he tore away a little of the moss, which was several inches deep at that place, and found pieces of ice. Having heard of the ice mine at Sweden Valley he began to dig in the hope of discovering a similar phenomenon on his own farm. He made an opening in the hillside ten feet deep by twenty across, THE SWEDEN VALLEY ICE MINE 283 finding crevices in the rock from which he took chunks of ice weighing twenty and twenty-five pounds. Nothing moie was done to bring this mine to the notice of the public and consequently it is known to but very few people even in Coudersport. Although the Sweden Valley Ice Mine was discovered in 1898, it is practically unknown to-day. It is astonishing how many people within a few miles have never visited it nor heard of it. Recent inquiry (March, 1912) at the United States Geological Survey, Washington, brought forth the following response : There are in northern Pennsylvania, on the high plateau, several localities where, during the winter, snow and ice accumulate in large quantities under the protection of cliffs and caves, so that ice is obtainable from these sources during the succeeding warm season, but the Geological Survey has no knowledge of any ice mine in which ice is actually forming during the warm season. The reason the U. S. Geological Survey has no record of these phe- nomena is that their survey in Potter County has never been completed and no atlas of the county has ever been published. Further inquiry brought the following reply: Icicles forming from the Top of the Shaft. 284 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY We find that phenomena similar to that described by you are not unknown and have been discussed in numerous papers. One of the best of these is the article on the Decorah Ice Cave and its explanation by Mr. Alois F. Kovarik, Scientific American Supplement, November 26, 1898, pp. 19158 and 19159. Dr. Samuel Calvin in his geology of Winneshiek County, Iowa (Iowa Geological A View of the Inside of the Mine, showing Ice-covehed Steps at the eight. Survey, Vol. 16, 1905, pp. 142 to 146), describes this phenomenon and quotes at length from Mr. Kovarik 's article, with approval. See also ' ' Glaciers and Freezing Caverns," by Edwin Swift Balch, Philadelphia, 1900, pp. 88, 89, 177, 136 to 161; also "Ice Caves and Frozen Wells as Meteorological Phenomena," by H. H. Kimball, Monthly Weather Eeview, Vol. 29, pp. 366 and 509, 1901. The writer looked through these references hastily and from Balch's "Glacieies or Freezing Caverns" the following is taken: The natives and peasants in the neighborhood of Glaciere caves generally believe that the ice of caves is formed in summer and melts in winter. I have met with this belief everywhere in Europe; in the Eifel, Jura, Swiss Alps, THE SWEDEN VALLEY ICE MINE 285 Tyrolese Alps, and Carpathians: and also occasionally in the United States. Peasants and guides tell you with absolute confidence : ' ' The hotter the summer the more ice there is. ' ' The strange thing is that any number of writers — sometimes scientific men — have accepted the ideas and statements of the peasants about the formation of ice in summer, and have tried to account for it. The belief of the peasants is founded on the fact that they scarcely ever go to any cave except when some tourist takes them with him, and, therefore, they rarely see one in winter, and their faith is not based on observation. It is, however, founded on an appearance of truth: and that is on the fact that the temperature of glaciere caves, like that of other caves or that of cellars, is colder in summer than the outside air, and warmer in winter than the outside Another View of the Inside. air. Possessing neither reasoning powers nor thermometers, the peasants simply go a step further and say that glaciere caves are cold in summer and hot in winter. Professor Thury tells a story to the point. He visited the Grand Cave de Montarquis in midwinter. All the peasants told him there would be no use going, as there would be no ice in the cave. He tried to find even one peasant who had been to the cave in winter, but could not. He then visited it himself and found it full of hard ice. While the writer does not claim, as these peasants, that the heat of summer is the direct and only cause of the formation of ice, he does hold that it is an indirect cause and that the ice to be seen in the Sweden Valley Ice Mine is formed after the temperature outside the mine is far above the freezing point, and it is when the temperature outside is the highest that the ice is formed the most rapidly. The cause of this will be explained shortly. 286 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The general skepticism regarding the existence of this phenomenon has been illustrated many times of late and has furnished the people of Coudersport with an endless source of amusement. In the eaily part of the summer of 1911 a certain man of Detroit, Michigan, came to visit relatives in Coudersport. He was, of course, taken to see the ice mine, which was in its prime at that season of the year. Upon his return to Detroit he wrote a short article for one of the Detroit papers in which he told of this wonder that he had seen near Coudersport and offered to bet any one and every one $100 or more that his fictitious-sounding story was true. A millionaire ice manu- facturer took the bet and eight other business men of Detroit followed suit. Two newspaper men were selected as stake-holders to decide the Petrified Wood taken from the Sweden Valley Ice Mine. bets. They visited the mine and, of course, verified the newspaper story, much to the disgust of the nine losers. It is claimed by a great many persons who hear of this phenomenon, never by those who actually see it, in the summer time, that the ice is not formed during the summer, but is only an accumulation from the preceding winter. It was to prove the falsity of this claim that the writer visited the mine many times during the winter and spring of 1912. The existing conditions were found to be as follows: The pit or shaft is about eight feet in diameter by twelve feet deep and, as shown in the sketches, is located at the base of a steep hill. In the winter time the pit is comparatively dry and free from ice. The temperature inside is the same as that prevailing outside. In the THE SWEDEN VALLEY ICE MINE 287 winter circulation spring of the year, as the snow on the hillside begins to melt and the frost comes out of the ground, water naturally begins to trickle down the sides of the shaft, where, strange as it may seem, it is frozen in the form of small icicles. This freezing process continues, until by July the sides of the pit are completely covered with a coating of ice a foot or more in thickness. In the early fall the process stops and the forma- tion of ice gradually melts. The sides of the shaft are of loose shale, in which there are numerous crevices extending back and up into the hill, the rock strata being rather sharply inclined. A draught of cold air, which at some places is strong enough to extinguish the flame of a small taper, issues from these fissures in the summer time. This draught is variable, being stronger on hot than on cool days. A heavy mist may also be seen rising out of the pit and floating off clown the hill close to the ground. The temperature of the pit during the past summer varied between 25 and 32 degrees Fahren- heit. The explanation of this phe- nomenon appears to lie in the cold currents of air issuing from the crevices of the rocks along the sides of the shaft. The air must wmmer circulaHm gain access to these fissures at some other point, which must be at a higher altitude than that of the pit, as will be seen from the following discussion. This being true, it is evident that in the winter time the column of air directly over the pit is cooler and consequently heavier than that in the rock passages. Therefore, it forces its way down into the pit and up through the rock strata, chilling the rocks to a great depth and storing up a vast quantity of " cold." We see, then, that the amount of " cold " which is stored up, or the depth to which the rocks are chilled at the beginning of warm weather in the spring, depends upon the length and severity of the winter. As the warm weather comes on the column of air over the pit be- comes heated and is displaced by the cold, heavy air flowing down out of the passages. This cold current of air freezes any surface water which flows over the edges of the pit and maintains a freezing tempera- ture as long as the supply of " cold " in the hill lasts, after which the circulation of air ceases and the ice formation melts. 2 88 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The place at which air gains access to these passages need not be a single opening, but consists, in all probability, of numerous small aper- tures, covered possibly by a thin coating of moss, loose shale or other porous substance. In the summer time the warm outside air entering these apertures comes in contact with the rocks which have been chilled by the reverse currents of the preceding winter and in doing so gives up its heat to them, becoming specifically heavier. It then forces its way on down, displacing the warmer and lighter column of air above the pit. It is evident that the rapidity with which this circulation takes place depends upon the difference in temperature of the two air col- umns. That is, the cold outward current is much more noticeable on hot days than on cool days in summer, and in winter the strongest in- ward current is noticed on the coldest days. This fact accounts for the common belief that the freezing takes place more rapidly and that the mine is colder on hot than on cool days. The temperature of the mine, or, in other words, of the air as it issues from the crevices, remains practically constant throughout the summer, which is proved by thermometer readings. However, the dif- ference between this constant temperature and the temperature pre- vailing outside the mine is obviously greatest on the hottest days and therefore, as one enters the mine, the contrast is more noticeable. This causes one to believe that the mine is colder when it really is not. It is true, however, that the ice is formed most rapidly during the hottest weather. This is not because the temperature of the mine is lower, as is generally supposed, but is due to the fact that the circulation of air is more rapid; that is, a greater quantity of cold air issues from the numerous apertures and consequently a greater amount of "cold" is available for the formation of ice. As soon as the supply of '" cold " in the rocks is exhausted the inter- nal and external air columns become gradually equal in temperature and weight, the circulation ceases and the ice begins to melt. This gen- erally occurs about September of each year. If this is the true explanation of this phenomenon, we may say, with truth, that in this particular instance it is the heat of summer which causes the ice to form, but, at the same time, we can not disre- gard the fact that it is the severity of the preceding winter and the nat- ural arrangement of the rock strata which make it possible for the heat of summer to produce this peculiar phenomenon. THE LIGHT OF THE STARS 289 WHAT BECOMES OF THE LIGHT OF THE STARS? Br FRANK W. VERY WESTWOOD OBSERVATORY ONE of the most astounding things in nature is the enormous energy which the sun is continually dispensing as radiation to surround- ing space. The earth, as viewed from the sun, is a mere point in space, and receives no more than 1/2,200,000,000 of the radiant energy which the sun is outpouring so lavishly. Yet out of this small fraction of the total radiation, practically all the terrestrial activities of wind and wave, tropical hurricanes and avalanches of ice on alpine slopes and the no less potent but milder forces which clothe the earth with verdure, originate. If we include all the planets in the solar system, and assess the out- going solar rays at the maximum tariff imposed by the obstructions in their path, it still remains true that only 1/100,000,000 of their power is directly utilized in maintaining the thermal equilibrium and life of the attendant orbs, dependent from day to day for these gifts upon the dispenser of all of this bounty. The solar outpouring for even a single day is inconceivably great, yet the same flux of energy has been going on ceaselessly and with very little change in its absolute intensity for at least a hundred million years, as the records of geologic time attest. If only one part of solar radiant energy in one hundred million is directly utilized, what becomes of the other ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thou- sand, nine hundred and ninety-nine? Remember, also, that our sun is but one among hundreds of millions of stars made known to us by our photographic telescopes, all outpouring similar torrents of energy, and the question comes home to us accentuated with many million- fold intensity. Professor Comstock1 has shown that the theoretical and observed distributions of luminosity among the brighter stars may be reconciled, if we suppose either that the intrinsically brightest stars have a " dis- tinct tendency to cluster about the sun," or else that " there is a sensible absorption of light in its transmission through space, of such average amount that a star having a parallax of a tenth of a second appears one magnitude fainter than it would appear in the absence of absorption." Other modes of attacking the problem must be invoked in order to decide between these alternatives. 1 George C. Comstock, ' ' The Luminosity of the Brighter Lucid Stars, ' ' Pub- lications of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, Vol. 1, p. 307. VOL. LXXXII. — 20 2 9o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The much more searching analysis of Professor J. C. Kapteyn2 favors an actual absorption of light from the more distant stars, but a very much smaller one than that demanded by Comstock's result. Kapteyn's method, however, when applied to bodies more remote than the nearer stars, gives about the same amount of absorption for the easily resolvable clusters, IST.G.C. 7078 and 7089, and for the irre- solvable and very much more distant Andromeda nebula, which indi- cates that his absorbent medium is a local adjunct to these stellar masses, and that it is perhaps a meteoritic envelope of somewhat greater volume than the stellar agglomeration, but not a universal medium filling all space. The circumferential absorption or scattering deple- tion of light by a limited envelope can not be taken as an indication of nebular distance, but will vary with the constitution of the en- shrouding meteoritic swarm. To make apparent any general absorption of radiation by the inter- stellar medium, it becomes necessary to investigate the properties of space far beyond the limits of the Galaxy and its outlying shells of sparsely distributed stars, and, crossing the immense voids of surround- ing ether, to inquire whether they contain other galaxies of dimensions comparable with our own, and whether these afford any evidence of a gradual absorption of luminous energy by the intervening medium. The first scientific enunciation of the doctrine that there are such external galaxies was given in 1734 by Emanuel Swedenborg in his Principiorum Berum Naturalium,3 and Herschel's nebular discoveries lent some support to the doctrine; but it was not until after 1864 that further evidence really bearing on the question came. Then, spectro- scopic examination at the hands of Huggins and his successors divided the nebulas into two great classes of the gaseous nebulas with spectra of a few bright lines, and the white nebulas with continuous spectra. This furnished the first real criterion for a fundamental distinction. The gaseous nebulas are so closely associated with the Milky Way that they obviously belong to our galactic system; and Eanyard's recognition of wide, dark lanes or spots, often branching or dendritic in form, blotting out extensive regions on Barnard's photographs of the Milky Way, showed that not all of the gaseous bodies in its neigh- borhood are luminous, but that some are to be compared to a dark smoke or mist, obscuring the glories of the brightness which lies back of the widely extended and absorbent cosmic cloud.4 Among the con- 2 Contributions from the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, No. 42. 8 ' ' Emanuel Swedenborg-Opera quasdam aut inedita aut obsoleta de rebus naturalibus nunc edita sub auspieiis Regias Academise Scientiarum Suecicag. Holmise, 1908." II Cosmologiea-Pars tertia, Paragraphus prima, N. 8 et 11, pp. 271-272. 4 See A. Cowper Eanyard's completion of Proctor's "Old and New Astron- omy," where the subject is discussed at some length, pp. 739-746. THE LIGHT OF THE STARS 291 spicuously vacant spaces in the Milky Way may be noted those running east from Rho Ophiuchi, others east of Theta Ophiuchi, and mingled star clouds and vacancies in Sagittarius near 18^ hours right ascension and 11° south declination. Since there exist these enormously extended masses of gaseous or misty material, capable, whether themselves luminous or dark, of exert- ing a strong absorption upon the light of any bodies beyond them, and intimately associated with the Milky Way; and since, further, it is inevitable that the broad disk of the galactic accumulation must have gathered into its vicinity great swarms of meteoritic material,5 acting after the manner of a general, widely distributed mist, forming an envelope analogous to an atmosphere having its greatest depth in the direction of the galactic plane; it follows that this extensive quasi- galactic atmosphere and its associated, but locally limited, gaseous bodies must especially absorb the light from those distant galaxies which lie in or near the plane of the Milky Way. This, it seems to me, is the probable explanation of the extraordinary increase in the numbers of the white nebulae near the poles of the Galaxy, namely, that the galactic quasi-atmosphere being thinnest along a diameter at right angles to the plane of the swarm, the light of external galaxies is best able to pene- trate through the obstructions if coming from this direction. Kapteyn's recognition of absorption by an interstellar medium also supports the above explanation, since he finds that the absorption di- minishes in extra-galactic latitudes.6 Professor Comstock, it is true, reaches a different result, finding that stars of the 10.5 magnitude have larger proper motions as their galactic latitude increases, whence he concludes that " at right angles to the Galaxy the limits of the stellar system fall within the range of vision," which may be correct, but his explanation that this is so because "the transmission of light through and that this medium offers little obstruction in the direction of the galactic plane does not necessarily follow. The simple ex- planation that the Galaxy is a discoidal aggregation of stars with limits less remote than is sometimes assumed, permits the suppo- sition that the 10.5-magnitude stars in the galactic plane comprise many relatively bright stars at a double distance and having a mean annual proper motion of 0".01, whereas the extra-galactic stars are the extra-galactic spaces is impeded by some absorbing medium," 7 5 The central regions of a galactic accumulation of stars may be expected to be relatively free from meteoritic material, for here we have a space swept clean by the stellar attraction which gathers in the material and places it where it can be readily absorbed. In the more distant intergalactie spaces, the meteoritic material is widely dispersed, but upon the borders of the galaxies there are accumulations of finely divided matter, not yet incorporated in the stars. 6 Contributions from the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, No. 42, pp. 23-24. 7 Publications of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America Vol. 1, p. 282; see also Astronomical Journal, No. 558. 29 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY soon cut off by the external galactic limits and have a mean distance one half as great, represented by a double proper motion of 0".02. This hypothesis fits the observations and reconciles the conflicting results of the two investigators. Among the many spiral or discoidal nebulae there are some which have the plane of the disk presented edgewise, and which are fore- shortened into long and narrow shapes, sometimes with a central globular condensation. Several of these elongated objects are centrally divided by a dark band. I take it that these dark bands represent the quasi-atmospheric element in question. One of the best examples is the nebula Herschel II 240 Pegasi, which is a fusiform object (as seen in projection) with a strong central condensation, and fading gradually towards the extremities. The bright mass is almost exactly bisected by a longitudinal black band, sharply defined, and about one fourth' of the width of the bright part near the ends. It appears to be an equatorial belt of absorbent material, outside of, or an extension of, the margin of a luminous lenticular mass. Other examples are: HV 19 Andromeda, HV 8 Leonis, HV 41 Canum Yenaticorum, HV 24 Comce Berenices and HI 43 Virginis. It is very probable that our own Galaxy is a similar disk-like aggregation of stars, involving spiral star- streams, and surrounded or interpenetrated by an absorbing medium which is most extensive in the plane of the disk. In considering the absorption of light in space beyond the farthest reaches of the Galaxy, the investigation is best limited to luminous bodies of the galactic order which are neither themselves involved within the coils of our own starry system, nor situated in an extension of its plane, that is, we must exclude those objects whose galactic latitude is small. The latter, by the hypothesis, will consist of only a few near and relatively brilliant objects whose light has sufficient in- tensity to penetrate the galactic absorbent medium; but lest the dis- tinction should be considered too fine, or too hypothetical, it may be waived in the present test. I find only one nebula among those pictured by Mr. Isaac Eoberts which is in a conspicuously vacant region. Of this nebula, H IV 74 Cephei = G.C. 4634 — N.G.C. 7023, Eoberts says: "The nebula appears in a region almost devoid of stars." It is situated near the border of a branch of the Milky Way. Sir William Herschel has recorded his impression that nebula? are apt to be found in regions which are poor in stars. This may be so, but an impartial examination of the photographs seems to indicate that the supposed connection between nebulae and stellar vacuities is mainly a myth. It will require more extensive material than we now have to decide the point. Where such connection does undoubtedly exist, two different causes may be assigned for it: (1) a gaseous nebula between the Milky Way and our- selves may have a wide border of non-luminous absorbent material THE LIGHT OF THE STARS 293 which blots out the light of the more distant stars; and (2) the misty matter associated with the more condensed star-groups may obscure the light of external galaxies which therefore are better seen through the thinner places in our own stellar mass. Either of these causes would account for the stellar voids which Sir William Herschel describes as even a warning of the proximity of nebulas; but it will be seen that there is no foundation for the inference which Mr. Herbert Spencer has built upon the supposed fact, namely, that none of the nebulas can be external galaxies, because " thousands of nebulas . . . agree in their visible positions with the thin places in our own Galaxy," and that they are necessarily most intimately linked with its structure. The connec- tion, if established, will in no wise invalidate the wider generalization that external galaxies must appear to be most numerous in those regions where the mists or gaseous masses attendant on our Galaxy thin out and permit the light from the outside to penetrate the starry walls. Mr. Eoberts bears this testimony to the fact that the larger part of the nebulas are situated beyond the confines of the Galaxy: There are " to be seen," he says, " stars apparently in a complete state of develop- ment, scattered over the surfaces of the most prominent of the nebulas, but it will be observed that they do not conform with the trends of the spirals nor with the curves of the nebulous stars [or stellar condensa- tions8?] involved in them. This fact I apprehend to be strong evi- dence that they are independent of the nebulas — that they are not in any way involved in the nebulosity, but are seen by us either in front, or else in space beyond the nebulas. If they were beyond them, their light would have to penetrate through the nebulosity, and we should therefore expect it to be duller in character and the margins of the stars to be surrounded by more or less dense nebulous rings; but these effects are not traceable in the photo-images, and we are consequently led to adopt the alternative inference that they are between us and the nebulas. If they were involved in the nebulosity, they would conform with the trends of the convolutions and appear like nebulous stars." 9 The dark lanes in the Milky Way are sometimes called " rifts," a term which implies that the stars are distributed in a relatively thin sheet which can be rent asunder. Moreover, the word is not used in a merely metaphorical or descriptive sense, but in its full significance, as in the following quotation from " Worlds in the Making " by Svante Arrhenius (p. 173) : "The presumption that these rifts represent the tracks of large celestial bodies which have cut their way through widely expanded nebular masses has been entertained for a long time." And 8 Of the larger spiral nebulse, Professor G. W. Ritchey says (Astrophys. J., Vol. 32, p. 32, July, 1910) : "All of these contain great numbers of soft star-like condensations which I shall call nebulous stars. ' ' It appears not improbable that these represent irresolvable stellar groups. 9 ' ' Photographs of Stars, Star Clusters and Nebula?, ' ' Vol. 2, pp. 23-24. 294 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the same author explains the dark ring around the nebula near Rho Ophiuchi on the supposition that " the smaller and more slowly moving immigrants . . . are stopped by the particles of the nebulae," and are detained by the gathering crowd. But even if it could be demonstrated that the stars are arranged in thin sheets, and that celestial bodies exist of sufficient size and momentum to plow their way through great aggre- gations of stars, demolishing everything in their track, it would still be exceedingly improbable that only one layer of stars should exist in a given direction, or that several rifts should coincide. On the other hand, the presence of widely extended masses of dark absorbent matter in the shape of branching streams, sheets or rings, situated between us and the depths of star-strewn space, is not unlikely. The gaseous nebulas which form a part of the galactic structure are often very extensive, and are of a great variety of shapes, being fre- quently strangely irregular; but the more numerous white nebulas are formed more nearly after a common pattern, although still with infinite variation as to details.10 In general, what is common to nearly all of the white nebulas is a tendency to form a two-branched spiral, the branches issuing from opposite sides of a central condensation, and coiling either within the boundaries of a plane circular disk, or forming a helix around a cylindrical directrix. The former figure is the more characteristic, and is well exhibited in the Great Nebula in Andromeda. Another very remarkable and at present unique type is the transient nebulosity which appeared around Nova Persei, issuing from the star as a center, and expanding into the commencement of a vortical ring. It was an electric phenomenon, an exhibition of canal rays, or positive ions, on a grand scale. Facts from the history of these two bodies will be found useful in preparing one of the necessary means for our quest. It is obvious that we require for this investigation of external galaxies some scale of distances, and equally obvious that at present such a scale can be only approximate. Indeed, it is probably this uncertainty as to the scale on which the universe is constructed which deters astronomers from attempting to discriminate between different galactic orders. I propose to see if this uncertainty can be, in part, removed. I propose to take the distance of the Andromeda nebula as our celestial " yardstick," which may be called one andromede, and assuming that when we consider a large number of nebulas, the average size does not vary with the distance, and that consequently the average distances may be taken inversely proportional to the angular diameters of the objects, I shall classify the nebulas according to apparent size and brightness. It is essential that the subdivision shall not be too minute. 10 The class of white nebulae exhibits various stages of development, and includes objects of mixed type. See E. A. Fath, "The Spectra of Spiral Nebulae and Globular Star Clusters," Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 33, p. 58, January, 1911. THE LIGHT OF THE STARS 295 There is in nature a tendency to wide variation, coupled with a coor- dinate tendency to uniformity in averages, when the number of classes is limited. Thus the land mammals range in size from elephants, say 15 feet long, to mice and shrews of a few inches. If we divide the earth into a good many faunal regions, the average sizes of the mam- mals in the different provinces may vary considerably; but if we divide the earth into only two halves, the averages will be almost identical. For the present research, I take Sir John Herschel's " General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars," which, coming from a single hand, and that the hand of a master, may be considered fairly homogeneous; and excluding the clusters which are known to be asso- ciated with the Milky Way, and are therefore comparatively near, I divide the remaining objects into two classes: (1) large nebulae, or those having a diameter greater than 2'; and (2) small nebulae, or those which are less than 2' across; and I shall assume that the small nebulae are on the average farther away than the large nebulae in the ratio, x : 1, leaving the value of the ratio to be determined by consid- erations to be drawn from the result, and which will appear in the sequel. A point-source of light diminishes in brightness as the square of its distance increases; but light from a large number of points so close together that they can not be discriminated must be treated as a luminous surface; and since the angular area of a surface also dimin- ishes proportionally to the inverse square of the distance, the intrinsic brightness, or the brightness of the unit of angular area, does not change with the varying distances of the nebulae. We must therefore inquire : Is the intrinsic brightness of a small, and therefore presumably distant, white nebula equal to, or less than that of a large one ? If the average brightness of the unit of angular area is less for the smaller white nebulae the presumption is that the light of the smaller and more distant objects has been absorbed in passing through space. To apply this test, I further subdivide each class into three groups — (vf) very faint, (/) faint and (b) bright, or, if desired, the last two may be combined into a single group. Dividing the nebulae in Herschel's catalogue into groups of four hundred each, and taking the ratios of the small to the large nebulae in each of the thirteen groups, I find that without exception the faint and small nebulae are more numerous than the bright and small in a rela- tively very much larger ratio than occurs in the corresponding divisions of the large nebulae. With only three exceptions the same relation is obtained by comparing the very faint and the faint nebulae. Treating the groups separately, and taking the mean of the ratios, I find Small divided by large: vf, 8.38; /, 6.83; b, 1.48. The sums for the entire catalogue are 296 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Small: v/=1765, /=897, b = 241. Large: t;/= 235, f— 172, & = 204. The division into separate groups with the result that the same gen- eral law is given by every one of the groups is of course the more severe test ; but taking the ratios for the sums as answering our present purpose, we have for the ratio of Small nebute . Large nebulas or approximately v/:/:6 = 6:4:l; that is, the very faint nebulas are in excess over the bright ones among the small nebulas in the ratio 6 : 1, but are of nearly equal frequency among the large nebulas. In other words, the large nebulas are intrinsically much brighter than the small ones. I next performed the same operation with the 744 objects in a " Catalogue of New Nebulas Discovered on the Negatives " taken with the Crossley reflector at the Lick Observatory, dividing them into two groups : ( 1 ) very small, or not over one half minute in diameter, and (2) those which are above this size and which may be called "large." These groups were divided into two classes: (a) very faint, including those which are described as " very faint " and " very very faint," and ( b ) pretty bright, or those given in the catalogue as " faint " to " bright." The result of this examination is that three fourths of the large nebulce are pretty bright, and one fourth very faint; while the very small nebulas have just the opposite distribution of brightness, three fourths of them being very faint, and only one fourth pretty bright. In comparing the two catalogues, it must be recognized that the photographic method is far more delicate. Most of the objects in the photographic catalogue could not be detected by visual examination. The photograph also includes faint margins and therefore increases the apparent size of such nebulas as are visually perceptible. Conse- quently, Herschel's small nebulas are about equivalent to the " large " nebulas of the photographic catalogue, and we should expect that the photograph would include a much wider range of brightness — all of which is confirmed by a discussion of the observations. Let us suppose that the average distances of the several classes of nebulas are given in andromedes, and denoted by the letter a, and that the coefficient of transmission of light through space is ta; also that the mean distances are inversely proportional to certain assumed apparent diameters which are fairly typical. Each class of nebulas includes objects having a considerable range of actual diameter, that is, the variation of distance is not as great as that of the apparent diam- eter. Instead of taking a mean value of 4/ to represent the diameter of that class which includes nebulas less than A/ in diameter, I take THE LIGHT OF THE STARS 297 the upper limit of £' as representing the class of very small nebulae. For the intermediate class which includes those objects called " small " by Herschel and " large " in the Lick catalogue, and which may be designated as medium, I take a diameter five times as great, or 2^'; and for Herschel's " large " nebula?, I take a diameter of 5'. The reason for these selections shall now be given. I take for the diameter of the Andromeda nebula, 110'. This sub- tends the longer axis of the oval figure of the more condensed spiral arms. The fainter extensions are omitted because these are seldom included in the more distant nebula?. Taking a suitable value for the coefficient of transmission, the curves giving the relation between brightness and distance become congruous for the two catalogues, if we take x, the unknown ratio of distance for large and small nebula?, equal to 2 for Herschel's catalogue, and x = 5 for the Lick catalogue. This gives the following sequence: Nebular Class Diameter Distance Transmission Andromeda IIO'.O, fl1 = 1.0 andromede, t = 0.996 Large nebulas 5'.0, a2= 62.5 andromede, ta= 0.778 Medium nebulae 2'.5, a3= 125.0 andromede, ta= 0.606 Very small nebulas 0'.5, c4 = 625.0 andromede, ta= 0.082 The statement which was made for the ratio of brightness among the groups in the Lick catalogue (vf and / -J- b for large and small nebula?) can be repeated in identical language for Herschel's catalogue by merely substituting the fraction f instead of f ; that is to say, Herschel's nebula? are not only nearer than the Lick nebula?, but are more nearly at a common distance; and the fraction expressing the ratio of brightness for the two groups of near and distant objects among the Herschelian nebula? approaches nearer to the value of equality which it would have if all of the nebulae were at the same distance, for then there would be equal absorption, and large and small objects should be equally grouped about a mean value. Eatio of brightness for large and for small nebulas If equidistant, 1 : 1 Herschel, 2 : 1 Lick Obs'y, 3:1" The absorption exerted by the medium between us and the nebula? is in the main a non-selective one. If it were not so, but resembled the ordinary selective absorption of the planetary atmospheres, the most distant nebula? should be deep red instead of white. Some selective absorption may, however, be exercised by the misty quasi-atmospheric envelopes which we have reason to believe are associated with some or 11 For the details of this investigation reference may be made to my paper, "Are the White Nebulas Galaxies?" Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 4536, Bd. 189, 441-454, November, 1911. 298 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY all of the galaxies; but these effects will be local and independent of the distance separating us from the galaxy in question. If the intergalactic absorption is non-selective, and therefore not to be attributed to diffraction from particles comparable in size with the wave-lengths of light, nor to selective scattering produced by gaseous molecules, to what shall we refer it? We believe, on what seems to be good scientific evidence, that meteoric stones and meteoritic dust particles are strewn through the celestial spaces. Can they produce the depletion of the nebular light ? In part, no doubt, the light is absorbed by meteoritic material; but there is a fatal objection to the supposition that all, or even a large part, of the absorption can be produced in this way. If there were enough meteoritic dust to reduce the light from the most distant nebulae to a small fraction, only this fraction could escape absorption. The rest of the radiant energy from the stars would be absorbed and reradiated from particle to particle, but without being able to escape, and the entire mass of meteoritic material accumulated in the untold depths of space must eventually glow. Long before this, the skies would become a scorching envelope. The universe would be a prison house. There would be no escape from its brazen walls. Is there any other solution of the problem ? I think that there is ; but first let us get an approximate conception of the dimensions of this universe of galaxies. By combining the rate at which the nebulosity around Nova Persei expanded, with established principles from known physical laws, and noting further that the nova, like all of its kin, was a galactic object — a member of the condensed swarm of stars which constitutes our Milky Way — also that it was on the more distant branch of that mighty ring, I have deduced a first approximation to the dimen- sions of the more condensed portion of our Galaxy. Next, I have passed from the Milky Way to the Great Nebula in Andromeda by asking how much farther the nebula must be in order that a new star which appeared almost at its very center in August, 1885, should have been comparable in brightness with a nova of moderate size in our own Galaxy. The answer is that approximately 1 andromede = 1600 light-years, or 15,000,000,000,000,000 kilometers.12 An entirely independent computation, on somewhat different lines, by Mr. J. Ellard Gore, leads to a result of the same order. Mr. Gore is not quite as explicit as I have been ; but the general agreement between our results makes me feel confident that we are not far from the truth. No other of the white nebulas compares with the Andromeda nebula 12 In Knowledge for September, 1912, I conclude that Lord Kelvin's esti- mate of the diameter of the Galaxy, which was five times as great as mine, is probably the better of the two, whence it follows that 1 andromede = 8,000 light- years. But we are concerned at present with rough estimates of an order of magnitude only, and may waive all minute details. THE LIGHT OF THE STARS 299 in size, and their average distance apart may perhaps be ten times as great. We will suppose that each galaxy is at the center of an other- wise unoccupied cube 10 andromedes on an edge. The radius of a sphere containing 450,000 such cubes is 760,000 light-years. Now Perrine estimates that there are at least 500,000 nebulae in the heav- ens within reach by the Crossley reflector, and probably nine tenths of these are white nebulae or galaxies. It is therefore safe to say that the light of the stars can travel for one million years before becoming so much reduced by intergalactic absorption as to be beyond the grasp of this powerful instrument. The view which I now wish to present is that it is the ether itself which absorbs the radiation from the stars. Considered merely as to its volume, the ether is so overwhelmingly immense that all other bodies shrink into nothingness in comparison. The radius of the sun is r0=7 X (10)5 kilometers. Half the distance to the nearest star is r#==2 X (10) 13 kilometers. An ethereal sphere which may be called the sun's own, being bounded by the similar spheres of neighboring stars, may be drawn with the latter radius. The radius of the sun bears to that of its interstellar sphere the ratio r0 : r* = 1 : 30,000,000, and the volume of the associated ether exceeds that occupied by the solar substance in the ratio (r )3: (r0)3 = 2.7X (10)22 : 1. Since there are vacant spaces between neighboring galaxies, something must be allowed for these. Let us suppose that the ethereal volume is four hundred times greater than that just given, or that its volume ratio is Ether volume : Matter volume = (10) 2i : 1. This allows a considerable extension of thinly scattered stars around each galaxy, and places the galaxies at relatively smaller distances from each other than the stars, if distances are expressed in terms of diam- eters, an arrangement which is indicated by the evidence already presented. The next step in the argument demands an estimate of the total light from all of the stars. Call this L. Newcomb gave us such a photometric measurement, and found L = 600 stars of zero magnitude. The brightness of the sun is 3oo TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY L' = 3.3 X (10)10 stars of zero magnitude. Hence U = ^ X ^^ * - = 5.5 X (10)7 X L. The average illumination in intergalactic space is very likely less than one one-hundred-millionth of that of sunlight; but a majority of the stars have less absorbent atmospheres than our sun, and as sunlight at the earth's distance must be increased in the ratio 1 : 46,000 to give the light emitted by the surface of the solar sphere, the average radiant energy at stellar surfaces may be assumed as (10) 12 times the average radiant energy in the star-lit ether. If V and L are the volume and average illumination of the ether, V = the total volume of stellar material, and L' = the total light from the combined surfaces of all of the stars, an instantaneous image of the relation between the two bodies — ether and matter — that is to say, a representation of the relation if there were an instantaneous emission of light with an infinite velocity, would give VL : V'L'= (10)12 X 1 : 1 X (10)12, or equality. But if the element of time enters, and also the actual velocity of light, the illumination at a given point in the ether will increase with the time. Let the year be the unit of time. After one billion years, supposing that the stellar radiation can have endured as long as this, instead of unity for the ratio VL/V'L' as in the pre- ceding equation, we shall have VL = V'L'X (10) 12. Considering the limiting surface of the ether to be, not an imaginary circumscribing sphere, but the sum of the combined stellar surfaces across which the sum total of stellar radiant energy is being constantly transferred from matter to ether, the case stands about like this : Total Radiant Energy Volume Radiation (Superficial) (Volumftriei 12 Stars = 1 Stars = (10)12 Stars = (10) Ether=(10)12 Ether = (10)12 Ether =(10) 24 The large amount of the total radiant energy of the free ether, com- pared with that of the stars may seem surprising, but it results from the fact that the average illumination of the ether is due to the accu- mulation of radiant energy from depths of space which are greater as the ether is more transparent. Unless the radiant energy were ab- sorbed, it could not do otherwise than accumulate. The accumulation represents the combined radiation of an immense number of stars whose average distance is to be measured in millions of light-years — how many millions depends upon the time that the stellar radiation remains in the ether before it is all absorbed. According to what precedes, the average ethereal energy can hardly be less than the radiant energy from the stars within a range of a million light-years, and may amount to many times this figure; and as TEE LI GET OF TEE STABS 3°i the absorption is a gradual one, the actual duration of luminous propa- gation may have to be reckoned in thousands of millions of years. Now the radiant energy of the ether represents its temporary mass. If we knew the relation between mass energy and radiant energy, we could give the ratio between the permanent energy of mass of the stars and the luminous energy of the ether. For example, if the mass energy of a star is on the average (10) 12 times its radiant energy, then the total energy of the universe is always equally divided between ether and matter, because the same radiation comes forth from unit volume of matter, and is distributed to (10) 12 units of ether. Or, if mass energy bears a larger ratio to radiant energy than this, energy may remain longer in its material than in its ethereal form, only a small fraction of the total energy residing in the ether. To conjoin stellar centers and ethereal expanses, an intermediate order of existence is needed: An order which faces both ways, having relations with the ether and with the stars. Viewed from the side of ether, we begin to dimly apprehend an electric substance, not yet matter, although possessing many of its properties, seeming to be both a sub- stance and a force, mobile, energetic, viscid enough to be localized and to take on intricate forms, a world-plasm, waiting to be incorporated. Meteorites circulating around a galactic center remain for enormous periods in the neighborhood of their apogalacteum, and moving with extreme slowness, they have time to gather to themselves the scattered atoms of space, even though the attracting masses may average only a few grams. A meteoritic mass of 1 gram which, if quiescent, will at- tract to itself the particles within a radius of 1 meter in about 2 months, may be expected to leave a clean-swept track of considerable width through that part of its revolution which occurs in intergalactic space. Possibly the meteoritic chondri have thus grown by accretion in the depths of space, even if, as some suppose, their nuclei may have orig- inated by condensation from masses of heated mineral vapor. Such a slow growth is not incompatible with various vicissitudes, and an even- tual consolidation of many such masses into compound chondritic com- plexes, after the manner of the formation of large hail stones. Particles which are thrown off from luminous stars, or from fine cosmic material near the stars, being driven away by the pressure of light, are not necessarily of dimensions much larger than molecular, and although the swiftness and small mass of such light-repelled par- ticles must prevent them from acquiring additions by attracting the atoms near which they pass, some increase of size is to be anticipated by chance collisions with atoms, the particles being slowed down and reabsorbed by massive attracting bodies. But these are the last steps of an intergalactic process. We must go farther back to reach its in- ception. If we attribute the absorption of light in space to the ether itself, 3o2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the radiant energy absorbed performs work upon the ether, presumably the generation of minute ethereal vortex-rings — the elementary par- ticles from which electrons are derived, or possibly the positive and negative electrons themselves out of which the atoms are formed. From associations of electrons to atoms, from atoms to molecules, from molecules to the first tiny beginnings of a cosmical crystalline subli- mate, there is a continual progression and increase of size. Finally, this widely dispersed material must be gathered from the immense voids of space into the germs of future worlds, and for this task the meteorites appear to be the appointed instruments. A process which goes on forever in one direction is inconceivable. For every swing of the pendulum there must be a counter swing. If atoms have been built up by the action of light, they can be torn apart, and the energy of their formation will be once more set free. We may assume that a certain proportion of the atoms disintegrate, a very mi- nute proportion ordinarily in planetary bodies, but a much larger one under solar conditions. The following facts suggest a relation : ( 1 ) The known radioactive elements disintegrate with the production of helium, and the evolution of enormous thermal energy. (2) The stars which are, at least externally, the hottest, since they have effective tempera- tures which have been rated in a few cases as high as 40,000° C, are surrounded by extensive atmospheres of helium. These relations favor the hypothesis that the helium stars contain an exceptional amount of peculiarly unstable elements, and owe their high temperature to the heat set free in the gradual elimination and destruction of these substances. The energy of formation of the atoms is being slowly dissipated as radia- tion from the stars, but is eventually reabsorbed by the ether, and is thus restored to the material phase of its existence by the formation of new atoms. A plausible inference may be formed from the behavior of radium. In 1,000 years, 4 grams of radium will have been nearly one third transformed into other forms of matter of less intrinsic energy, the radium being reduced to about 2.8 grams. During this interval of. time, the four grams of radium will have emitted, according to Euther- ford's measurement of the annual production of heat from radium, (4.0 + 2.8) x 876?000 x lj000 = 3.0 X (10) 9 gram-calories of heat. This is, of course, only a first approximation. The progression is not strictly linear. Since the gram of substance transformed has not, in this case, been annihilated as matter, but has simply been transmuted into other forms of matter, the 3 X (10)9 gram-calories of thermal energy do not represent the total mass-energy of the gram of matter, but only that portion of the mass -energy which has been lost in this partial transformation. If we suppose that the total original energy is 1,000 times as much as that which has been lost THE LIGHT OF THE STARS 3°3 in 1,000 years by radio-active transformation, or enough to last at the same rate for 1,000,000 years, the thermal energy corresponding to the mass-energy of one gram is 3 X (10) 12, which is very nearly the same as the 5 X (10) 12 water-units, computed by De Volson Wood for the specific heat of the ether.13 We seem, at any rate, to be approaching limiting values which are perhaps connected with the transition from ether to matter, or the reverse. If a volume of rotating ether, having a specific heat of 5 X (10)12, can be condensed, or in any other way transformed into a volume of matter with specific heat unity, since specific heat is capacity for absorbing thermal energy, the tremendous shrinkage of this capacity during the formation of matter out of ether represents the absorption of so much energy, and the almost complete saturation of the original capacity. It follows that if the process is reversed, the thermal energy of atomic formation must be set free. Since radium decays far more rapidly than most elements, the one million years suggested in the preceding illustration must be greatly extended in order to represent the average duration of matter. Simi- larly, the one million light-years deduced for the distance of the fainter nebulae on the Lick Observatory plates is not a limiting distance be- yond which light can not penetrate, but it is a distance at which light is reduced to perhaps eight per cent, of its original intensity, or a quan- tity of that order. It is evident from the phenomena connected with the decay of the radio-active elements, that different elements have dif- ferent durations. The rarer elements are either those which require a very long time and a long process of successive ethereal modifications in their development, or else they are elements which are relatively un- stable, and which decay more rapidly than the others. Eutherford gives the radius of an electron as 1.4 X (10)~13 cm., on the supposition that the electron is a sphere, in which case its surface will be 2.5 X (10)"25 sq. cm., and its volume 1.1 X (10)-38 cub. cm. The mass of an electron being, according to Sir J. J. Thomson, 1/1700 times that of a hydrogen atom, and the latter weighing 1.1 X(10)~24 gram, the density of an electron works out /11V 10_24\ Z> = (l.7X103)"f" (L1 X 10_38) =5'9 X 101° nating are but recombinations of the characters in the parent — the com- bination is new but not the characters. Thus one parent of a hybrid grape may contribute color, size, flavor and practically all of the char- acters of the fruit and the other parent vigor, hardiness, resistance to disease and in general the characters of the vine. Or, of course, these and the other items in the make-up of the grape may be intermingled in any mathematically possible way. New characters probably appear as variations, and of these plant-breeders now recognize two kinds. Nothing is more certan than that all offspring differ from their parents in many details — individual variation. Plant-breeders have long believed that by selecting desirable variations we have an efficient means of improving plants just as evolutionists have held and many continue to hold that evolution goes forward by means of natural selec- tion from these variations. But there is a new school, headed by the Dutch botanist, De Vries, who believe that these variations do not pro- duce anything new, but that they always oscillate around an average, and if removed from this for a time, they show a tendency to return to it. Whether the orthodox Darwinians or the De Vriesians are right does not matter here. The point is that the fluctuating variations of individuals, upon which Darwin chiefly founded his principle of natural selection, cut but a small figuie in the breeding of grapes. It is not certain that such, variations are heritable, nor whether they are capable of cumulative increase generation after generation, and, besides, as we have seen, selection must be consistent and persistent for too long a while to make it effective with grapes. Evolution and plant-breeding have taken a fresh start through the recent amplification by De Yries of the theory that marked changes take place in plants through mutations, or characters which arise in a plant at once, with a single leap, and are stable from the time they arise. If this theory hold for grapes, it may be that there is a possi- bility of absolutely new characters arising in this fruit. It is well known that bud-sports, which in most cases must be called mutations, now and then arise in grapes. But these mutations have not as yet played an important part in producing new varieties. Not more than two or three of the fifteen hundred sorts now under cultivation are sus- pected of having arisen in this way. Until the causes of these muta- tions are known and they can be produced and controlled, but little can be hoped for in the amelioration of grapes through mutations. Hybridization, then, has been and continues to be the chief means of domesticating grapes. " Fluctuations " and " mutations," produced other than by hybridizing, are too vague as yet for the grape-breeder to lay hands on. Even should the theory of De Vries be true, that noth- ing new — in the strict sense of the word — comes except through muta- tions, with more than a score of species of grapes, each with manifold distinct characters, all capable of fluctuating variations, there are many 352 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY surprises in store for lovers of grapes in the new varieties that may be produced by hybridizing. Whatever method of improvement is followed very much depends upon the immediate parentage. Some varieties, whether self-fertilized or crossed, produce much higher averages of worthy offspring than others. There is so much difference in varieties in this respect that to discover parents so endowed is one of the first tasks of the grape-breeder. Unfortunately, no way is known of discovering what the best progeni- tors are except by records of performance. The reasons for this pre- potency, seemingly well established in plants and animals alike, are not well explained by present knowledge. Often varieties of high cultural value are worthless in breeding because their characters seem not to be transmitted to their progeny, and to the contrary a variety good for but little in the vineyard may be most valuable from which to breed. What are the results of a century's work in domesticating the wild grapes of America? There are approximately in eastern America at the present time 240,000 acres of grapes, the product of which is largely sold for dessert purposes, but from it is manufactured yearly in the neighborhood of 10,000,000 gallons of wine, of which about 1,000,000 gallons are cham- pagne. The making of grape juice, an industry possible only with native grapes, has grown so rapidly that it is hard to estimate the out- put, but certainly not less than 2,000,000 gallons were sold in the mar- kets last year. It is doubtful if any other cultivated plants at any time in the history of the world has attained such importance, in so short a time from the wild state, as our native grapes. Fifteen hundred varieties from twelve of the native species of grapes are now under cultivation. Almost every possible combination between these species has been made; they have been so mixed and jostled that species can no longer be recognized in the majority of varieties and the future breeder must work with characters rather than species. The methods of the past in domesticating the native grapes have been wholly empirical and extremely wasteful. Many have been called, but few chosen. But with the new knowledge of breeding and with the experience of the past, domestication ought to proceed with greater certainty. It is not too much to say that in this immense country, with its great differences in environment, we shall, some time, everywhere be growing grapes and of kinds so diverse that they will meet all of the purposes to which grapes are now put and the increasing demands for better fruits made by more critical consumers. UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 353 UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE1 By ALFRED C. REED, M.D. ASSISTANT SURGEON, UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE THE wide-spread ignorance of the various means employed by the federal government to promote the well-being of its citizens is nowhere better exemplified than in the common ignorance of the func- tions and important work of the Public Health Service. This ignorance is the more lamentable inasmuch as the Public Health Service is the sole national agency operating to combat and prevent epidemic diseases among human beings, and to improve public sanitation and hygiene, in the United States. The awakening national conscience in public health affairs lends peculiar interest at this time to a consideration of the va- ried arid important functions exercised by this service, and the fasci- nating history of its achievements. The Marine Hospital Service is one of the oldest and most pecul- iarly American of all our institutions. Its beginning was in an act of congress of July 16, 1798, which put a. tax of twenty cents a month on every seaman of the United States, to be taken from his wages. The occasion for this procedure had been well explained by Hon. William Williamson in the House of Representatives away back in 1792. Wherever it is probable that sailors may be sick, there I would make pro- vision for their support and comfort. Hospitals should he erected or lodgings hired at every port of entry in the United States, for sick and infirm seamen, where they may be properly attended during their indispositions. The money to be collected at the several ports as hospital money should be expended in those same ports alone, under care of such a person as may be designated for that purpose. The first hospital owned by the government was at Washington's Point, Norfolk County, Virginia. This was purchased in 1800. Three years later a Marine Hospital was completed at Boston. At about the same time, the money collected by taxation of seamen was transformed into a general fund for medical relief work among sailors. The same legislation made provision for the establishment of the service in New Orleans, which was not then a part of the United States. After a time the seamen's tax was not sufficient to maintain the constantly broadening work, which had to be correspondingly restricted in its usefulness. No chronic or incurable diseases were treated, nor was any patient kept longer than four months. Sailors in those days fared poorly," and their life was a hard one indeed. Especially was this true on the Mississippi River system, which was a great water-highway 1 The author is indebted to Surgeon George W. Stoner, Chief Medical Officer at Ellis Island, for many facts concerning the earlier history of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. o a o > « H 02 w iJ ■0 B a M Hi 02 « o H 5j K O pa UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 355 and the principal means of commerce and communication over a vast territory. Often a flatboat starting from the upper river would lose its entire crew of five or six men by disease before reaching New Or- leans. During the severe cholera epidemic of 1832 and 1834 the lot of the rivermen was especially severe. It became necessary for congress to assist the service work by an- nual appropriations. In 1837 the original Marine Hospital was built in New Orleans and provision was made for purchasing sites for hos- pitals in three inland zones. Along the Mississippi River stations were located at Natchez, Miss. ; Napoleon, Ark., and St. Louis, Mo. On the Ohio, the chosen points were Paducah, Louisville and Pittsburgh. The center for the Lake Erie sailors, was at Cleveland. The first Marine Hospital at Chicago dates from 1848 and was built on land adjacent to old Fort Dearborn. The second hospital, the present one, was author- ized in 1864 and opened for patients in 1873. It occupies a beautiful location on the lake shore five miles north of the harbor. The first service establishment on the Pacific Coast, at San Fran- cisco in 1851, was on the contract basis. A hospital was erected three years later, a commodious and well-built structure, doomed to serious injury in the severe earthquake of 1868. The contract system with other hospitals was then resumed and continued until the completion of the present building in 1875. During the Civil .War many marine hospitals in both the north and the south were converted into military hospitals. Those at Boston and Norfolk were used in this capacity in the war of 1812. In 1870 congress reorganized the service and Dr. John M. Wood- worth, of Illinois, was appointed supervising surgeon. Within the next three years, the service began to attract considerable attention in for- eign countries. London medical journals bestowed lavish praise on this uniquely American institution. At this time service officers were re- quested by the supervising surgeon to inform themselves fully as to local health regulations and to assist, when requested, in their enforce- ment. Upon Dr. Woodwortlrs death in 1879 President Hayes appointed Dr. John B. Hamilton to succeed him. The year before Dr. Wood- worth's death marked the occurrence of a terrible epidemic of yellow fever in the Mississippi Valley. With this freshly in mind, congress added quarantine control to the growing functions of the Marine Hos- pital Service, but failed to make any appropriation for its operation. Then a year later, in 1879, a law was passed creating a National Board of Health to exercise quarantine functions for four years. At the end of that period, the law of 1878 was revived, and national quarantine passed permanently into the hands of the Marine Hospital Service. The entire development of the quarantine service took place under the wise guidance of Dr. Hamilton. 356 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Marine Hospital, Staten Island, N. Y. In June, 1891, Dr. Hamilton resigned to be succeeded, by the ap- pointment by President Harrison, of Dr. Walter Wyman, who had been chief of the quarantine division in the administrative bureau. In 190? the enlarging and changing functions exercised, necessitated a change in name from the old Marine Hospital Service to the cumbersome but expressive Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. In 1893 addi- tional quarantine powers were added and additional responsibilities im- posed, such as the medical inspection of immigrants. In 1875 the super- vising surgeon became the supervising surgeon general, and was com- missioned. By the legislation of 1889 commissions were conferred on all the regular officers of the corps. The old seamen's tax was finally abolished in 1884 and since then the service has been supported entirely by Congressional appropriation. Examinations are held annually at Washington for candidates for admission to the corps. N"o more rigorous test is to be found for any medical appointment than this, lasting from a week to ten days or more. The examination covers the physical condition, literary and academic preparation, and practical and theoretical training. It in- cludes a practical laboratory and hospital bedside examination. After four years assistant surgeons are eligible to be examined for promotion to the next grade of passed assistant surgeon. After from fifteen to twenty years' service, further examinations are held for promotion to the grade of surgeon. There are now 135 commissioned officers. This service offers one of the most attractive openings in the country for young physicians. The splendid institution known as the Hygienic Laboratory, now recognized the world around for its excellent contributions to the knowledge of scientific medicine and of public health and sanitation, UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 357 was founded just twenty-five years ago as a laboratory of pathology and bacteriology in the old marine hospital at Stapleton, Staten Island. At first all of the work was done by one officer in the intervals of his at- tendance in the hospital wards. After four years the work was trans- ferred to Washington, where it has been ever since, and until 1894 was housed on one floor of the service office building. About this time the advantages began to be realized of using this laboratory as a training school for officers, supplemented with details abroad affording oppor- tunity for visiting the great centers of London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna and other cities. Among the earlier subjects taken under consideration were disin- fecting methods as applied to quarantine and epidemic practise. Tbese investigations resulted in the elaboration of a system of disinfecting apparatus, together with disinfecting agents and a method for their application, which now stands unrivaled. This laboratory was prob- ably the first to recommend formaldehyde in place of the older disin- fectants, steam, carbolic acid and sulphur dioxide. The first authorita- tive publication on the use of diphtheria antitoxin was issued by the Marine Hospital Service, and the first diphtheria antitoxin made in the United States was produced in the Hygienic Laboratory. Both resulted from personal instruction received by an officer from Behring and Eoux, who had separately announced their discovery at a meeting of the Inter- national Congress of Medicine at Budapesth. In March, 1901, congress appropriated $35,000 for the necessary buildings, and directed the cession of five acres of land from the old naval observatory site by the secretary of the navy for the use of the Hygienic Laboratory. After the legislation of July, 1902, which in- creased the functions of the Marine Hospital Service and changed its name to the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, the scope, or- Chicago Marine Hospital. 35§ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ganization and personnel of the laboratory were greatly extended. An advisory board was created, consisting of officers from the Army and Navy Medical Corps, a scientist from the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture, and five men from civil life, who were to be skilled in laboratory work bearing on public health problems. These five at present are Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the School of Medicine of the University of Michigan ; William Welch, professor of pathology at Johns Hopkins University; Frank Wesbrook, professor of pathology at the University of Minnesota ; Simon Flexner, of the Eockef eller Institute ; and William T. Sedgwick, professor of biology at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. Rear of Stapleton Marine Hospital, showing Tents for Tuberculosis Patients. Three additions were made to the original divisions of pathology and bacteriology. These were medical zoology, chemistry and pharma- cology. Medical zoology embraces the study of parasitic diseases of man. Under pharmacology, drugs are examined as to purity, potency and action, and important work is done on the standardization of drugs. By another act of July, 1902, provision was made for the licensing of all establishments engaged in interstate traffic in viruses, serums, toxins, antitoxins and analogous products. Samples of such products are bought in the open market and tested for purity and strength. The manufacturing establishments are inspected by medical officers, both before and after the license is granted. Fines and suspensions or with- drawal of license are the penalties for false labeling or faulty methods of production. The laboratory makes a practise of assisting health officers of states and communities which have no reliable laboratory facilities, by analyz- ing samples of water, as to impurities, infection and potability. In- UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 359 vestigation has likewise been made of the hygiene and sanitary ar- rangements of railroad coaches and sleeping cars. The question of the dissemination of malaria by mosquitoes has been another productive field of research. Closely connected with lines of work already outlined, is that of the leprosy investigation station on Molokai, Hawaii. Here, with unlimited material at their disposal, the director and his able assistants are ma- king careful studies of the lepra bacillus, with the ultimate ambition of producing some means for the prevention and cure of the disease. A good example of the thorough and painstaking study of epidemic disease which characterizes the service work, is the exhaustive research made by Stiles of the distribution and results of hookworm infection in the south and especially in the rural sandy districts of Georgia and Florida. What Stiles did for the south, Ashford and King did for Porto Eico, and the result has a large economic, social and sanitary value in both places. Eelief stations of the service are divided into four classes. The first-class stations, numbering 23, consist of a marine hospital under the command of a commissioned officer. Among these is included the tuberculosis sanatorium at Fort Stanton, N". M. After the subjugation of the Apache Indians, the old army post at Fort Stanton, which for forty years had been a frontier protection for ranchmen, was no longer necessary, and in 1896 it was abandoned. For three years the post was deserted, except for the wild desert prowlers, and sagebrush and decay replaced the busy military life which had known it so long. In 1899 the property was acquired by the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, and again the martial spirit took possession, and once more the stars and stripes floated over the parade ground, fanned by the health-bearing breeze of the New Mexican plateau. But the foe to be conquered under the new regime was not the fierce red warrior whose 'merciless and invincible spirit had been supreme against the Spaniard and the American for three hundred years. The new foe, more deadly and terrible by far than the old, was the silent and merciless white death, the relentless destroyer of thousands, the plague of tuberculosis. In situation Fort Stanton is admirably adapted to its present pur- pose. At an altitude of 6,200 feet, it has winter snows, and moderate heat in the summer. The reservation includes about forty-five square miles, and has resources which, when fully developed, will go far toward making the institution self-supporting. Natural water power is avail- able. Two thousand cattle can be pastured on the range, which now supports almost that number of beef cattle, besides a large dairy herd. Poultry raising will soon supply an abundance of turkeys, chickens and eggs, and hog raising is another industry which promises much. The daily number of patients averages about two hundred, under the care of seven medical officers. Sixty attendants find employment 36° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Tuberculosis Camp on the reservation. No unimportant function of the sanatorium is that which finds its result in the influence of the education in hygiene and tuberculosis prevention, upon those who leave after having been cured or benefited by the treatment. These men spread their new-found knowledge among their associates and so extend the actual good ac- complished. Patients come to Fort Stanton largely from sailor boarding houses and other crowded districts of the large sea ports. Some are old incurable cases, but their lives are prolonged and made more comfortable, and incidentally the Sanatorium is in effect a quarantine station, not in restraining men from liberty, but in that it keeps from the large centers of population a daily average of over two hun- dren consumptives who in all probability would have continued as sources of infection to innumerable others. Over half the cases admitted have been returned to active life either cured or near enough cured to resume their occupations. Outside of Fort Stanton, the larger marine hospitals are located in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Detroit, Buffalo and New Orleans. The second-class stations are under the command of commissioned officers, but have no hospital accommodations of their own. Patients are kept in private or other hospitals, under the exclusive professional care of the medical officer, and the government pays for the hospital facilities under a definite contract. Third-class stations are under the charge of contract acting assistant surgeons, and patients are cared for under government contract with local hospitals. All other relief stations come under the fourth class. Certain of these have a contract surgeon in charge, but have no hospital facilities available, and the UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 361 for Summer, Port Stanton. functions of the others are exercised by the Collector of Customs at the place. Persons entitled to the benefit of medical relief from the Public Health Service are those employed on board in the care, preservation or navigation of any registered or licensed vessel of the United States, or in the service on board of any so engaged. Officers and crews of vessels in the service of the Mississippi River Commission are included with those entitled to marine hospital relief. This commission has to do with the engineering and inspection of the Mississippi levees, and the removal of snags and obstructions to ship- ping. Its concern is to maintain the navigability of the Mississippi and its larger branches. The Revenue Cutter Service., the Army Engineering Corps, to- gether with keepers and surfmen of the Life-Saving Service, are all beneficiaries, as well as the men of the Light House Service, including light ships. A provision not generally known is that foreign seamen ma}r utilize the Marine Hospital accommodations, if written security is given for the payment of the small fees fixed by the department, by the master of the vessel or the consul of the nation under whose flag the vessel sails. In the year ending June 30, 1911, a total of 52,209 patients were treated at the various relief stations of the service, of whom 15,442 received hospital care. At the Fort Stanton Sanatorium, 322 consumptive patients were under treatment. A large number of physical examinations of seamen in the various government services are necessary, as of candidates for entrance, for promotion and for retirement. Such examinations are conducted by VOL. LXXXII.— 25. 362 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Officers' Quarters. Fort Stanton. New Mexico. Marine Hospital Service officers for the Keveime Cutter, Coast-Survey, Life-Saving and Lighthouse Services. Instruction is given, when properly applied for, in methods of resuscitation of persons apparently drowned. Applicants for a pilot's license are examined as to their hearing, color perception and visual acuity. The total of such physical examinations for the last fiscal year was 4,610. There are many foreign details filled by service officers besides their varied and extensive activities at home. The American consulates have medical officers attached in Yokohama, Habana, Guayaquil, Naples and Hong Kong. Contract surgeons are kept at the principal ports of China, Eussia, Japan, India, Italy, Mexico and tropical America. Eight United States Revenue Cutters have a medical officer on board. Through all these various and widely separated posts, information is constantly being collected and collated as to health conditions all over the world. This information is issued in the Public Health Bulletins published weekly by the Bureau of the Public Health Service in Wash- ington. Service officers are detailed to attend certain congresses and conventions on scientific and medical lines, in this country and abroad, and many exhibits are prepared for scientific and popular conventions, of an educative nature and illustrative of the service work. No more important feature of national health protection can be named than the quarantine service. The history of quarantine meas- ures takes us back to the time of the Milanese and Lombardians, late in the fourteenth century. At that period the great and lucrative Ital- ian commerce had been responsible for the introduction of the black plague from the Levant into Europe and terrible fear was on all the people. Persons coming in with the plague were taken into the midst of large fields and left alone to recover or die as best they could. The penalty for disobedience of the stringent rules was death and confisca- tion of the victim's property. In 1475 Venice established a Sanitary UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 36; Council of three nobles, who were directly charged with preventing the entry of epidemic disease. The Council constructed lazarettoes on two islands, and instituted a rigid inspection of incoming crews, and the letters of health from the place of departure. The time of detention was forty days (quarante diei), hence our term quarantine. Venice was therefore the first to practise systematic quarantine. Similar arrange- ments were adopted by other countries, and have developed into our modern institution of quarantine. The first quarantine disregarded humane and medical considerations, for the sake of commerce. The latest quarantine disregards commerce but only if it stands in the way of public health and real humanity. Quarantine stations are maintained at forty-five points of entry into the United States, besides eight stations each in Hawaii, Porto Kico and the Philippines. The quarantine control of the Canal Zone is also exercised by the Public Health Service. A fully equipped quarantine station has adequate provision for boarding and inspecting vessels, apparatus for mechanically cleansing them, and suitable equipment for disinfection with steam, sulphur, formaldehyde and various solu- tions. It must include a clinical laboratory, hospitals for contagious and doubtful cases, a steam laundry, detention barracks for suspects, bathing facilities, a crematory, sufficient supply of good water and a proper system for the disposal of sewage. Vessels from domestic ports are also subject to quarantine, if quarantinable disease prevails in the port of their departure, or if there is sickness on board. No persons other than quarantine and customs officers, and pilots, are permitted to board vessels subject to quarantine, until they have been given free pratique. In case a vessel carrying immigrants develops quarantinable disease in transit, after Bed Shelter, Hospital Annex, Fort Stanton. 364 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the full quarantine regulations have been satisfied, the health officers of the several states to which the immigrants are bound are notified of the circumstances that they may keep close supervision to detect any later development of the disease. Those vessels are placed in quarantine which have had quarantinable disease on board in transit or which the inspecting officer considers to be infected, also vessels arriving during the summer months from tropical American ports, which are not known to be free from yellow fever. Vessels in quarantine may have no direct communication with any person or place outside, and no communication of any nature except Immigration Station, Pelican Island, Galveston, Texas. under the supervision of the officer in charge. The persons detained from such a vessel are divided into small isolated groups, and inspected twice daily by the physician. No intercourse is allowed between these groups. No convalescents are discharged from quarantine until free from infection, and whenever possible this is determined by bacteriolog- ical examination. The United States quarantine regulations provide for inspection of but six diseases, yellow fever, typhus fever, bubonic plague, leprosy, smallpox and cholera. A few facts relative to these will make plain the nature of the special precautions necessary to exclude them. Yellow fever is the great sanitary curse of the tropical Americas. It is an acute non-contagious fever of unknown causation. Its extreme fatality is shown by a death rate which varies from 1 to 95 per cent. The causative agent, whatever it may be, is found in the patient's blood and is transferred to others by one agency alone, a certain type of mosquito, Stegomyia fasciata. The area where yellow fever is endemic corresponds exactly with the geographical distribution of the Stegomyia. It was due to the magnificent work of the Army Yellow Fever Commis- sion in Cuba in 1898 that responsibility for the spread of the disease was definitely laid to the role of this mosquito. Too much honor can not be paid to those brave physicians who risked their lives to discover a UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 365 means of checking this yellow scourge and above all to Drs. Walter Reed and Lazear, whose lives helped to pay the price for the knowledge which finally vanquished yellow fever. Their associates on the board, Drs. Carroll and Agramonte, as well as Dr. Finlay, of Havana, are no less deserving of praise. The work of the Army board completed the excel- lent pioneer work of Surgeon Henry E. Carter on the incubative period of yellow fever. It follows that yellow fever can only be successfully combated by destruction of the mosquitoes by means of which it spreads. Quarantine measures against the disease are therefore concerned with isolation of all cases and very careful exclusion of every possible contact with mosquitoes by screening and elimination of all breeding places. Cholera presents an entirely different picture from the standpoint of quarantine. Here we have a disease proved to be caused by an intestinal infection with a definite and characteristic microbe, the so- called "comma" vibrio of Koch. The infection is limited absolutely to the intestinal tract, consequently the entire danger of spread of the disease is limited to the alvine discharges. The bacteria are taken into the system chiefly through the ingestion of infected drinking water, the contamination having arisen from sewage infection or other polluting contact with infected intestinal discharges. Uncooked vegetables and fruits are a secondary source of danger for like reasons. Preventive measures must also be extended to exclude articles of diet such as fresh fruits, for instance, which may tend to excite a tropical diarrhea and so produce a point of lowered resistance where the cholera germs can take effect. Quarantine measures, therefore, aim to isolate all frank cases and suspects, and to detain all who have been exposed, in small groups under close observation for at least five days,' covering the incubation period of cholera. Water and food supply must be above suspicion of carrying the germs, and strict cleanliness of person and quarters must be strictly enforced. It is absolutely essential that intestinal discharges from frank cases and suspects alike be thoroughly disinfected. Before convalescent cases are released from detention the intestinal discharges must be proved free from cholera germs by microscopical examination and bacteriological culture. Smallpox is more familiar than the diseases just described, as are also the circumstances embodied in its quarantine control. Vaccination or proof of immunity by having had the disease are required of all per- sons exposed, which, of course, means all on board an infected vessel. Typhus fever, the old time " ship " or " famine " fever, is very rare now in the United States, probably because of improved ship hygiene and sanitation, conditions always inimical to the disease. The last epidemics in this country were in Philadelphia in 1883 and in New York in 1891-92. Very rarely is a case seen at quarantine, but it is controlled by isolation, and disinfection of articles and quarters exposed to infection. Drs. Anderson and Goldberger, of the Hygienic Labora- 366 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Disinfecting Wharf., Tampa Quarantine Station, Florida. tory, have recently proved the identity of typhus and " Brill's disease/' a disease fairly often seen in large cities. They have also shown the role of the body louse in transmitting typhus. The isolation period for sus- pects is fourteen days. No more terrible epidemic has ever threatened this country than bubonic plague and against the entry of no disease are more rigid pre- cautions taken. It exists constantly in oriental countries, especially in China and India, and the great danger of introduction here always con- fronts us. There are several forms of plague, of which the pneumonic type is the most deadly. This was the prevailing type in the recent epidemic in northern China. The bacillus of plague lives and multi- plies in the blood of the victim. It also causes an epizootic in rats and certain other rodents, and from these, as well as from human cases, the bacilli are carried to human victims through the agency of fleas and bedbugs. In addition pneumonic plague is highly infectious directly, spreading from man to man by aerial convection. It is very easily seen how important is the eradication of plague epizootic among rats, ground squirrels and other rodents as is being done now in California. An epizootic is a powder magazine waiting only for the match of proper local conditions to explode in all directions in an epidemic of the greatest virulence. Quarantine measures against plague first of all aim to prevent in- fected cargo, baggage or ballast from being shipped. To this end rat guards are used, all suspicious articles going on the vessel are thor- oughly disinfected and special efforts are made to destroy all rats on board. Cases of plague reaching a domestic quarantine station are isolated and the surroundings and belongings thoroughly disinfected. UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 367 A period of fifteen days must elapse after the last possible exposure before release of suspects. Leprosy is only mildly contagious, at least in this country, and is an instance of a disease made quarantinable more because of its loathsome nature and the abhorrence in which it is popularly held than because of actual infective danger from it. The immigration law absolutely excludes all alien lepers. Others must be removed from vessels at quarantine, and the quarters disinfected. No small feature of the activity of the Public Health Service is its conduct of the medical examination of immigrants. No argument is necessary to convince every thoughtful patriot of the vital importance of this work. The immigration laws are explicit, and while the medical examiners have no authority to pass judgment on the admissibility of aliens, they have the basic function of supplying medical evidence against mental and physical defectives, which evidence under the law has a determining influence with the inspectors of the Immigration Bureau of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The methods of medical inspection of incoming aliens and laws concerned, have been discussed and described by the author elsewhere,2 and will not be taken up here. By far the largest port of entry for immigrants is through Ellis Island, N. Y. During the year ending June 30, 1911, 749,642 aliens were inspected there, as against a total of 303,007 for all other points of entry combined. At Ellis Island are stationed 23 medical officers, Quarters at Tampa, Fla. 2 "Medical Aspects of Immigration," The Popular Science Monthly, April, 1912; "Going through Ellis Island," The Popular Science Monthly, January, 1913. 368 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Detention Baeeacks, Maeivales Quaeantine, Philippine Islands. and a larger force would be able to do even better work. The immi- grant hospital on Ellis Island during the year mentioned cared for 5,141 aliens, in addition to 720 cases of acute contagious disease which were transferred to the State Quarantine Hospital at the entrance to the harbor pending completion of the present excellent contagious disease hospital on Ellis Island. There is possibly no place in the United States where a similar variety of interesting and unusual cases can be seen as at the Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital. Drawn from every race, nation and climate, one can see there all the usual varieties of disease and, in addition, peculiar tropical affections, unusual skin lesions and obscure internal disorders of the most diverse description. This hospital is excellently conducted and reflects credit on the profes- sional skill of the officers in charge, as well as being a godsend to the immigrants who constitute its sole source of patients. Next to Ellis Island the larger immigration points are Boston, with 45,865 entries; Philadelphia, with 45,0'23; Baltimore, with 22,866; and then San Francisco, Galveston, Seattle, Honolulu and Tampa. Medical examination of incoming aliens is conducted at forty-five points besides the preliminary advisory, inspections made by medical officers detailed to consulates in foreign countries. The annual report of the surgeon general for the last fiscal year contains an account of many valuable and interesting lines of investiga- tion conducted by service officers. One of the most notable achieve- ments was the transmission of measles from man to monkeys, the first time this has ever been accomplished. Contrary to the erroneous pop- UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 369 ular belief, measles is one of the most fatal of common diseases, largely because of complications. Ability to produce it experimentally in animals opens the way for the discovery of the causative agent, as well as of a curative or prophylactic serum. Assistance has been given to the Bureau of Chemistry of the Agri- cultural Department by officers of the Hygienic Laboratory in the scien- tific investigation of certain food products, and in giving testimony in court in trials arising under the Pure Food and Drugs Act. About one hundred proprietary medicines have been examined as to composi- tion, strength and action. Treatment for rabies was successfully administered to 128 persons, and 777 treatments were sent out into 14 different states. Examina- tions are made at the Hygienic Laboratory for tuberculosis in govern- ment employees. At the request of state authorities, officers have been detailed to determine the cause of the prevalence of typhoid fever in several states. A sanitary survey has been made of towns bordering on Lake Erie and the Niagara Elver and the work is being continued on all of the Great Lakes to collect data relative to their contamination with typhoid germs. The results will be applied directly to the pre- vention of sewage pollution, and the conservation of a pure water supply in those communities dependent for their supply on the Great Lakes. Much work has been done on the subject of pellagra and patients Disinfecting Wharf and Bathhouse, Marivales Quarantine Station, Philippine Islands. 37° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY with this disease have been admitted to the Marine Hospital at Sa- vannah for special observation and study. Similarly patients have been admitted to the Wilmington, N. C, Marine Hospital for the study of hookworm infection. Two laboratory officers were detailed with the mine rescue car of the Bureau of Mines to investigate hookworm disease among miners in southern states and lung diseases among Colorado miners, and also to report on the general sanitation and hygiene of mines. ■ Service Quarters, Marivales Quarantine, Philippine Islands. The San Francisco plague laboratory has continued its work of examining rodents for the germs of bubonic plague. It has also made studies on the penetrating power of various gases used in disinfecting ships, on rat leprosy and on the role of fleas in transmitting the plague. At the Leprosy Investigation Station in Hawaii, the bacillus of leprosy has been successfully grown on artificial media. Monkeys have been inoculated with leprosy from human beings, and thus the way has been opened for the development of a curative or preventive serum. Special studies have also been made by service officers on such subjects as the sanitary disposal of night soil ; the growth of animal tissues out- side the body; the role of oysters in the propagation of typhoid fever; the longevity of the typhoid bacillus on vegetables ; and the influence of poisonous gases on health. During the summer of 1912, plague broke out in Porto Rico and Passed Assistant R. H. Creel was detailed to direct the work of control UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 37* and eradication. In all five officers were engaged in the duty and the outbreak was limited to a small section. As at San Francisco, special emphasis was placed on rat eradication and the rat-proofing of build- ings and docks. A general clean-up and enforcement of sanitary meas- ures have been instituted. What might have been a situation full of deadly peril for this country was averted by the prompt and effective work of the service. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the fiscal year of 1911 presents an optimistic picture of the operations of the Public Health Service and recommends certain features which should be further encouraged. Attention is called to the necessity of enlarging ■■■m§m **w. f i»s. Isolation Hospital, Cebu Quarantine, Philippine Islands. the available fund for fighting epidemic disease. There should be ample provision for emergency measures which may be necessitated at any time by the sudden appearance of epidemic disease, before there is time for Congress to pass special appropriation legislation. Special appropriations are requested for the investigation of pellagra, a disease of serious menace which is spreading widely in the United States, and which threatens to become endemic at terrible cost in lives and money, as it has already done in Italy. Another building is required for the Hygienic Laboratory to provide more room for special researches, dis- infection experiments and the housing of small laboratory animals. The secretary invites particular attention to the " Personnel Bill '; 372 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY designed to make the pay of Public Health Service officers equal to that of the Army and Navy Medical Corps. This hill was passed by the Senate and reported favorably and unchanged to the House by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Every argument strongly favored its passage. As stated by Mr. Fletcher in the report of the Senate Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine, when the bill was before the Senate : In the opinion of the Committee, there exists no such difference in the char- acter of the duties performed and responsibilities assumed, the hazards to which the officers are exposed, or the professional and scientific attainments required in the several services, as to warrant the existing disparity in compensation. The committee recommended the bill to the Senate, " believing that the maintenance of the present efficiency of the Service, as well as justice to its officers, demands the equalization of pay proposed by the bill." This bill in an amended form, passed congress and was approved by the President on August II, 1912. It provided for increased salaries, and changed the name from the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service to the more accurate and less cumbersome title, the Public Health Service. The public health functions and duties of the Service were extended. " The Public Health Service may study and investi- gate the diseases of man and conditions influencing the propagation and spread thereof including sanitation and sewage and the pollution either direct or indirect of the navigable streams and lakes of the United States and it may from time to time issue information in the form of publications for the use of the public." Quarters of Medical Officer, Cebu, Philippine Islands. UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 373 Office of the Public Health Service, Kobe, Japan. On January 13, 1912, the Senate confirmed the President's appoint- ment of Dr. Rupert Blue to succeed the late Dr. Wyman as surgeon- general. Dr. Blue is a comparatively young man, but comes to this responsible post well prepared and with prospects bright for an admin- istration strongly conducive toward maintaining the present high standard of the Public Health Service in personnel and efficiency, and increasing its prestige and value to the nation. Dr. Blue was born in South Carolina in 1868, graduated from the University of Maryland in 1892, and was commissioned an assistant surgeon in the Marine Hospital Service the following year, after serving an interneship in a Marine Hospital. Four years later he passed the examination for passed assistant surgeon. He attained the rank of surgeon on May 1, 1909. His first eight years in the service were spent in the usual round of routine duties at various points in the United States. In 1903-04 Dr. Blue was detailed as executive officer under Surgeon Joseph H. White, who was in charge of the operations directed toward the eradication of bubonic plague in San Francisco. The following year he assisted in the suppression of yellow fever in New Orleans. At the Jamestown Exposition in 1907 Dr. Blue was made director of sanitation and showed ability above the ordinary in organization and in reconciling the various interests represented at the exposition and making a conspicuous success of its sanitation. He 374 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY went from Jamestown to San Francisco, where the plague had reap- peared, where lie handled the situation admirably, allaying friction and working in noteworthy harmony with the municipal and state officers. Later he spent some time in Europe, studying emigration, preventive medicine and quarantine management. In May, 1910, Dr. Blue was detailed to represent the service at the International Congress on Medi- cine and Hygiene at Buenos Ayres, and took advantage of the oppor- Surgeon-General Rupert Blue. tunities there offered to study possible routes by which yellow fever and plague might be imported into the United States. The last detail before he became surgeon-general was in Honolulu, where he was sent to act in an advisory capacity to the Hawaiian board of health and other branches of the territory government in carrying out a sanitary program designed to decrease to the smallest possibility danger of invasion by yellow fever or bubonic plague after the opening of the Panama Canal, and to make their spread impossible, if intro- duced. The appointment to the surgeon-generalship made necessary the assumption of this work by Passed Assistant Surgeon McCoy, who thus takes up the role of adviser to the Civic Sanitation Committee of THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY 375 Hawaii. This committee is particular]}' concerned with perfecting sanitary measures to prevent propagation of disease-bearing insects and rodents, and its work is being carried on in conjunction with the terri- torial board of health. Dr. Blue has always been especially strong in the field of preventive medicine and quarantine, rather than in the line of hospital service. He is a man of engaging personality, an excellent executive, a skillful organizer and judge of men, and above all, he has in full measure the happy quality of making friends and reconciling opposing interests. The Public Health Service stands to-day on its record and its as- pirations, a monument to the men who have made it, a memorial to the gallant officers whose lives have been laid down in devotion to their duty and the principles of their corps, and the strong bulwark of the American people against the deadly foieign foes of epidemic disease, and the insidious domestic perils of poor sanitation, ignorance and prej- udice. Of more vital though prosaic importance to the nation than either army or navy, it has been less generally known and its work less com- pletely understood. But this is rapidly being changed as the great wave of enlightenment and interest in public and national health affairs sweeps over the country, and as the knowledge is slowly in- creasing that prevention of disease is the primary and essential work of the physician. 376 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE INCREASING MORTALITY FROM DEGENERATIVE MALADIES By E. E. RITTENHOUSE CONSERVATION COMMISSIONER, THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE I'N'ITED STATES IT is quite generally believed by those who have studied American morbidity and mortality tendencies that there has been a marked increase in recent years in the death rate from chronic diseases of the important and hardest worked organs of the body. They also believe that this increase is reflected in the upward trend of the general mortal- ity rate in middle life and old age. There are those, however, who as- sert— obviously without investigation or analysis of the public statistics bearing upon the subject — that neither of these increases has taken place. And there are still others, some of them prominent in the health movement, who express the opinion — also apparently without reference to the records — that the increase is natural and to be expected. Their theory is that the increase, whatever it may be, is due to the saving of lives in the younger ages, chiefly from communicable disease ; that these lives passing into the older periods — many of them with weakened power of resistance — have given us more old people to die than we formerly had. Such an increase in the number living in the later ages would merely lead to a correspondingly increased number of deaths, and not to an increase in the death rate at these ages, which is the ratio between the number dying and the number living. The areas where the most dependable vital statistics are to be had, show but a trifling increase in the group above age 40 in each 1,000 of the population, while the death rate in the same group shows a very marked increase. While the mortality experts of a number of the more important life insurance companies have recognized the increasing mortality in the older ages, and in some instances increased the severity of medical examinations, and in others increased premiums at those ages, only one of the larger companies and one of the smaller ones have given especial attention to the excessive life waste in these ages in their health con- servation work. Mortality Statistics Much progress has been made in recent years in popularizing our vital statistics, but still much valuable information which should be THE INCREASING MORTALITY 377 placed before the public in concise and popular form lies buried in our official records and in the files of our statisticians and scientists who have analyzed them for their own or scientific use. Owing to the incompleteness of mortality statistics, especially in former years, it is frequently necessary in making comparisons to insert personal estimates to fill gaps. The rates in such instances are, there- fore, deduced partly from statistics and partly from personal judgment. The statistics used in arriving at the comparisons given below were, however, sufficiently complete to render unnecessary the interpolation of estimates to fill omissions, with one unimportant exception.1 The rates deduced are the direct product of existing official reports, which are accessible to any one desiring to look them up. The purpose of submitting these ratios is not primarily to fix a specific rate of increase, but to indicate the trend of mortality in middle life and old age in the area named. Those interested in the subject will judge the measure of the actual increase by the value they may place upon the original data from which these rates are extracted. Degenerative Diseases That the ratio of deaths from the more important degenerative affections has increased sharply in recent years is so generally known that it is needless to present in this brief paper the indicated advance Degenerative Diseases Massachusetts 1880-1909? Increase in the Death Bate (per 10,000 Population) by Age Periods Ages 1880 1909 Increase PerCent of Same All 23.21 43.26 20 05 86.38 30 8 7.92 10.36 2.44 5- 9 2.91 3.95 1.04 35.7 10-14 2.85 4.72 1.87 65.6 15-19 3.10 5.43 2.33 75.2 20-29 4.95 8.09 3.14 63.4 30-39 10.13 18.79 8.66 85.5 40-49 19.70 37.84 18.14 92.1 50-59 39.01 91.30 52.29 134 60-69 102.05 212.93 110.88 108.7 70 and over 261.1 558.2 297.1 113 in the rate for each disease separately. They are, therefore, grouped by age divisions. By this method the disturbing effect on the rates of 1 In the absence of the official figures of the age divisions of the population for 1910, the ratios of distribution of 1900 were used. Inasmuch as the change in the percentage of living at the different age periods is very slight in one decade, the actual ratios for 1910 will make no appreciable change in the mor- tality rates here given. 3 Massachusetts State Eegistration Reports. VOL. LXXXII. — 26 378 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY any changes in classification or improvement in diagnosis is largely overcome. The most reliable records available for this purpose, giving age divisions in 1880, are those of Massachusetts. While the death rates in childhood and early adult life are relatively small, they too show a significant increase. Included in this group are apoplexy, paralysis and diseases of the heart, circulatory system, kidneys and liver.2 The most important of the other diseases of middle life and old age that has increased is cancer. Comparing 1910 with 1880, the cancer death rate has increased in Massachusetts 66 per cent.; since 1900 it has increased 31 per cent. External cancer alone has increased in the entire registration area 55 per cent, since 1900. 4 In 16 cities the mortality rate from organic heart, apoplexy and kidney affections alone has increased in 30 years from 17.94 to 34.78,' or 94 per cent.; during 10 years (1900-1910) it increased from 29.4 to 34.78, or 18 per cent. In New Jersey, 1880-1910, it increased from 16.5 to 34.3, or 108 per cent. The curves vary in different states and cities, but the same general trend is observed wherever statistics relating to these causes of death are available. General Death Eate — Older Age Groups In 1880 the comparisons are confined to Massachusetts and New Jersey, and to 16 registration cities, because in these areas we have the most reliable statistics5 of that time, from which these comparisons can be carried through to 1910. Both of these were normal mortality years,6 and, it is believed, represent a fair average of the preceding five- year periods. That this upward tendency has continued is indicated by a com- parison of ten registration states8 1900-1910. Increases: ages 45-49, 2 The estimated deaths in 1910 from these diseases in the United States (based upon the Beg. area) were 367,700. "U. S. Mortality Statistics, 1900, Census Bulletin 109, 1910. 6 ' ' The state and municipal registration records were copied and are used in the tabulations instead of the enumerators ' schedules. These state and municipal registration records are based on a system of burial permits, and are therefore, probably very nearly accurate. This fact should be borne in mind in comparing the reported mortality of these with that of other localities." (U. S. Census Beport, 1880.) 6 ' ' The census year 1879-80 was probably a fair average year as regards mortality. No great epidemic occurred during this period, unless we may con- sider a marked prevalence of diphtheria as such." (U. S. Census Beport, 18S0.) 8 Begistration states in 1900 were: Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Bhode Island, Vermont, District of Columbia and Indiana. Indiana is omitted in comparisons owing to lack of uniformity in age distribution records. THE INCREASING MORTALITY Sixteen7 Registration Cities. 1880-1910 Decrease and Increase in General Death Rate (per 1,000 Population) by Age Periods 379 Ages 1>.R. 1880 D.R. 1910 Dec. and Inc. in Rate Per Cent, of Same All 22.09 21.4 13.6 18.3 29.3 80.3 16.36 11.36 12.29 22.07 37.54 89.30 — 5.73 —10.04 — 1.31 + 3.77 + 8.24 + 9 —26 Under 35 —47 35-44 — 9.6 45-54 55-64 +20.6 +28.1 +11.2 65 and over and unknown 32 48.44 40.10 58.82 + 8.10 +10.38 +25.31 +21.43 Above 55 Above QO 48.44 58.82 +10.38 +21.43 .61, or 4.5 per cent.; ages 50-54, 1.16, or 6.7 per cent.; ages 55-59 (decrease), .13, or .5 per cent.; ages 60-64 (increase), 1.48, or 4.6 per cent. ; ages 65-69, 3.23, or 6.75 per cent. ; ages 70-74, 3.45, or 4.9 per cent. ; age 75 and over, .82, or .6 per cent. Massachusetts ani> New Jersey. 1880-1910 Decrease and Increase in General Death, Rate (per 1,000 Population) by Age Periods Ages All Under 30 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 and over. Above 40. Above 50. Above 60. D.R. 1880 D.R. 1910 Dec. and Inc. Per Cent. in Rate of Same 17.63 15.80 — 1.83 —10.38 16.3 11.3 — 5.0 —30.6 9.12 6.99 — 2.13 —23.3 10.1 8.90 — 1.20 —11.8 10.20 10.95 + .75 + 7.35 12.20 13.79 + 1.59 + 13.0 13.70 18.35 + 4.65 +33.9 20.49 24.28 + 3.79 +18.5 25.69 34.85 + 9.16 +35.6 40.5 53.16 +12.66 +31.2 55.4 75.96 +20.56 +37.1 123.68 143.66 +19.98 +16.1 25.10 30.42 + 5.32 +21.20 35.24 44.07 + 8.83 +25.06 53.81 67.73 +13.92 +25.87 To summarize, the public records under consideration indicate that : 1. The mortality rate from apoplexy, paralysis, diseases of the heart, circulatory system, kidneys and liver has heavily increased in the younger as well as in the older groups. The total deaths were 367,700 in 1910. 2. In Massachusetts the death rate from these causes has increased 86.4 per cent, in 30 years. 3. In 16 important cities the death rate from organic diseases of the 7 Sixteen cities: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, St. Louis, Baltimore, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Cleveland, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Washington, Milwaukee, Louisville, Providence, Indianapolis. 380 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY heart, and from apoplexy, Bright's and nephritis has alone increased 94 per cent, in 30 years. 4. In Massachusetts the death rate from cancer has increased 66 per cent, in 30 years, and 31 per cent, during the past 10 years. 5. In the entire registration area the death rate from external cancer alone has increased 55 per cent, in 10 years, from 1900 to 1910. 6. The increase in mortality from diseases of middle life and old age is reflected in the general death rate by an increase commencing in Massachusetts and New Jersey in age group 40-44; in 16 cities group 45-54. 7. The death rate of the total population age 40 and over has in- creased, 1910 over 1880 : In Massachusetts and New Jersey, 30 years .... 5.3, or 21.2 per cent. In sixteen cities, 30 years 8.1, or 25.3 per cent. In ten states, 10 years (1900-10) 89, or 3 per cent. The increase in the proportion of older lives in our population has been very slight and could not account for the increase in the death rate. To what extent are these adverse mortality tendencies reflected in our total population ? In estimating the probable increase in the entire country, many factors must be considered, the discussion of which would consume many pages. The rate of increase in Massachusetts and New Jersey (21 per cent.) doubtless approximates that of all of the populous states of the east. This rate would, however, be reduced if merged with the rate of increase for the agricultural population of the western and north- western states. On the other hand, this reduction would be largely, if not totally, neutralized by the heavy urban and rural mortality in the south. It would seem an entirely reasonable conclusion that while the average length of life has advanced, the extreme span of life has not done so — in fact, the indications are that it has been shortened. Our failure to adapt ourselves to the extraordinary changes and strains of modern existence is commonly accepted as the cause for this excessive mortality in the later age periods. Even though the statistics indicated no increase, the urgent need for correcting our living habits would still exist. We may agree that in the long run the trend of humanity is ever upward, and that this is but a temporary reaction, but can we afford to rest wholly upon the hope that race deterioration will automatically cease when our people have had time to adjust themselves to modern conditions? "Wise men doubt it. This problem will not solve itself; this adverse tendency will be checked only when our people are made to see conditions as they actually exist, and are aroused to the need of correcting them. TEE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 381 THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AS A DYNAMIC IN THE MOVEMENT FOR PHYSICAL WELFARE By EUGENE LYMAN FISK, M.D. MEDICAL DIRECTOR, POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK THE average careless liver, although he may be perfectly willing to swallow some "magic" elixir, exhibits uneasiness tinged with suspicion when approached on the subject of prolonging his life by means of adjusting him to his environment. He is more than likely to regard the span of life as fixed by some immutable, if not divine, law, and while comfortably optimistic about attaining the limit fixed by such law, cherishes but little hope of "beating the game." In other words, that convenient individual, the " man on the street," is sceptical about materially prolonging his life without surrendering some of the indulgences which he thinks make life worth living. It is this attitude of mind which leads him frequently to characterize the health-reformer as a "kill-joy," who is "against everything." Now it is unquestionably true that the health-conservation activities that have lately arisen in a few of the leading life-insurance companies have for their business ob- ject a mere mathematical increment to the years of life. Indeed, the only legal warrant for the expenditure of the policyholders' money in this work is the probability of attaining such a result, and thereby low- ering the cost of insurance. But it is far from the minds of those di- recting this new force for human betterment, to advocate a mere nig- gardly or parsimonious hoarding of existence, without regard to its qual- ity, color or meaning. The real warfare is against needless misery, pre- ventable disease, mental and physical inefficiency, and the pitiable handicaps that not only shorten life, but take out of it the color and the satisfaction that make it worth living. Using the term in no sin- ister Nietzschean sense, the superman should not only live long, but live well, deriving his joy in life from the normal hormones circulating in his tissues, and not from the fleshpots or narcotic indulgences of our friend the careless liver. The prolongation of life is the end that justi- fies the financial expenditure, but the immediate work in hand is to make life more livable. Let it be understood, then, that the health-conservationist who is not himself in need of mental hygiene is "against" many things, in favor of many things, and out to kill only the kind of " joy " that kills. The belief that the death-rate, especially among selected insured lives, is a fixed quantity, is still held by many experienced insurance 382 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY men, notwithstanding much recent evidence to the contrary. The con- stant use of actuarial tables, both in business practise and in the statutes governing the maintenance of reserves by life-insurance companies, tends to give a certain fixity -and authority to such tables which they derive from no natural law. The recent medico-actuarial investigation of the experience of 43 American companies, for example, shows a marked improvement since the quinquennium 1885-1890, among the younger-age groups, and a distinct deterioration among those over age 60. Any assumption that either the death-rate or the span of life is a fixed quantity necessarily involves the postulate that either the condi- tions affecting the mortality are unchanging, or that each change is neutralized and balanced by some other change, thus keeping the rate in equilibrium. As a matter of fact, the general death-rate throughout the civilized world has been falling for several centuries, although there is no evi- dence that the span of life has increased within recent years, the low- ered death-rate resulting largely from the saving of lives in the younger age-groups. That these movements of mortality are not beyond the control of man is shown by this lowering of the death-rate in the age-groups most affected by the communicable diseases which have recently yielded to the attacks of science. That science can likewise influence the mortality from diseases resulting from faulty living-habits or the mere wear and tear of existence, can not be questioned, and the alleged mysterious fixity of the death-rate or of the span of life should not be held up as a bugaboo to restrain such efforts. That the mortality in the average life-insurance company is far higher than it need be, and could be lowered, even among good, aver- age insured lives, by improved living-habits, is shown by the experience of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution. This remarkable exhibit shows that in the institution mentioned, two large bodies of lives, almost equal in numbers, and homogeneous except for the use of alcohol, moved alongside of each other for forty- four years, and that one group, the abstainers, at all times exhibited a markedly superior vitality to the other group — the non-abstainers — the total difference in favor of the abstainers during the period covered being 27.4 per cent., although the mortality among the general, or non- abstaining class was only 91 per cent, of that expected according to the British Om Table, representing the experience in 63 British offices. This is not an isolated experience, as recent British and American ex- periences show an even greater difference in favor of the abstainer. Now it is fair to assume that if, by educational methods, a company could influence 10 per cent, of its policyholders to lead a careful hy- THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 383 gienic existence, the mortality in such a group would be lowered at least to the degree exhibited by the abstainers in the British company above referred to. Inasmuch as the net premium for an abstainer at age 35, under an average distribution of endowment and whole-life policies, would be $3.03 per thousand of insurance in force less than for a non-abstainer, we have here a figure representing the actual saving on such lives, the net premium being comparable to the cost of manufacture in trade. Apply- ing this factor to the old-line insurance in force in the United States — about $18,000,000,000 — a saving would result, over and above the cost of carrying on the work, of $5,000,000 annually. There would also be an annual saving of approximately 10,000 lives. These are the mini- 1866-70 1871-5 1876-80 IG81-8S I806-9O 1891-95 1896-00 190105 I9061O 100^ 90% 80% 60% N \ \ \ ,-'' -" \ v \ \ \ \ V -•««* s ,' *' *' 1 N N « N 1 - . « • - . 0 * * J 0 » ♦ 50* Fig. 1. Experience of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution of London. Healthy males ; whole-life policies ; amounts ; 1866-1910. Expected mortality, British Om table 100.00? Ratio actual to expected mortality, non-abstainers 91.27? Ratio actual to expected mortality, abstainers 66.25? Mortality among abstainers 27.4 per cent, less than among non-abstainers. mum figures that can be derived from any scientific ground of experi- ence. They can be increased according to one's confidence in the abil- ity of hygienists to guide the public into conservation methods of living. No effort is here made to compute the enormous reflex benefits to the public at large from these activities among insured lives. Is the work worth while? If so, how can it be carried on to the best advantage? The answer is found in a brief survey of the re- sources of the life-insurance companies. 25,000,000 old-line policy- holders pay annually, to about 250 companies, more than $600,000,000 in premiums; these companies hold $4,000,000,000 in assets to protect $18,000,0000,000 of insurance in force; they employ 20,000 agents and 80,000 medical examiners, in addition to home-office employees, banks 384 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY of deposit and collection, etc., and they pay out more than $400,000,000 annually in death-claims, endowments, etc., to policyholders, all of which is evidence of the vast and intricate ramifications of the business throughout the social structure. Every policyholder is in touch with at least two other individuals, thereby affording the life-insurance com- panies seventy-five million points of contact with the public, and con- stantly open channels of communication through which educational material may be transmitted. We may summarize the reasons why life-insurance companies should engage in health conservation work as follows : 1. The machinery is at hand. 2. It can be utilized without loss, and with probable gain to both company and policyholder. 3. The very nature and extent of the life-insurance business im- poses a public obligation to exercise this power for the welfare of the people. The medical and scientific staff of a life-insurance company is trained in the consideration of disease-tendencies, rather than active diseased conditions. The influence of living-habits and the significance of physical disabilities and abnormalities, and especially of personal and family history, upon large masses of insured lives, form the body of the rapidly developing science of medical selection. By combining this in- trinsic knowledge with the readily available extrinsic data relating to personal hygiene, the medical officers of a life-insurance company are, or should be, especially well equipped to guide their policyholders toward safe and sane living-habits. Furthermore, experience shows that the policyholder will listen to the advice of his life-insurance office on such matters, because he discerns the practical business motive that prompts it, however liberal an admixture there may be of normal, genuine interest in human betterment. The lines along which such work may be carried on are too numer- ous to permit of minute description in this article. Briefly, they may be summarized as follows: health-hints and instructions distributed with premium-notices; periodical bulletins covering the fundamental principles of healthful living; cooperation with boards of health and other welfare-agencies, by furnishing statistical and other information accumulated by the company's bureau of research ; the creation of pub- lic sentiment where needed, for the enforcement of health-laws and proper equipment and support of health-departments; persistent effort in favor of legislation for the proper registration of vital statistics; persistent publicity to the need for national, state and local warfare against preventable disease, not only of the communicable class, but of those conditions arising from wear and tear, maladjustment and faulty living-habits. These are a few of the many activities that could readily be carried on by well-equipped life-insurance companies. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 385 The best way to learn this game is to play it. There is such a wealth of opportunity that after the work is once commenced, organization and development will soon follow. Probably the most important and direct way to benefit the policy- holder, and — by force of example — the public at large, is through a system of free, annual, medical examinations, for the purpose of detect- ing disease or disease-tendencies at the earliest possible moment. This principle of periodic inspection or examination, which seems so radical as applied to man, is accepted as commonplace when applied to the in- stitutions or machines employed by him, such as banks, insurance com- panies, steam-boilers, elevators, life-preservers, etc., none of which can compare with the human organism in value, complexity or capacity for going wrong. Why not examine the human machine every year? Is there any important objection, except man's silly, subconscious feeling that he is a thing apart from the rest of nature. The bacillus typhosus has no such illusions regarding mams apartness, and, however difficult it may be to apply the law of the conservation of energy to man's mental processes, there is no doubt but that it applies to his body, and that the violation of physical and physiological laws is followed by damage and degeneration which are not always manifest until they are beyond the power of science to repair. Many a life has been saved by the warn- ing of incipient disease gained through a life-insurance examination. Why should such benefits be casual instead of systematic ? So much for theory. In a modest way, the company with which I have the honor to be associated has for several years been trying out these theories in the laboratory of practical business experience. Our Health Bureau was established in 1909, and has covered the following activities : periodical bulletins have been issued, dealing with such sub- jects as the causation of degenerative affections of the heart, blood ves- sels and kidneys; affections of the nose, throat and lungs, with preven- tive measures ; hygiene of the eye ; dental and oral hygiene ; obesity and its prevention ; drug addiction ; physiological effects of alcohol and to- bacco ; causation and prevention of typhoid, yellow fever, malaria, pneu- monia, etc. ; increase in the death-rate from cancer, and how to meet it by general and surgical methods ; courage as a health-asset ; diet-hints ; summer and winter hygiene, etc. Statistical pamphlets, addresses, etc., have been issued, showing the increase and decrease in mortality from various diseases, and practical lessons have been drawn therefrom. Many thousands of such monographs have been distributed to boards of health, schools, colleges and other centers of social influence. The privilege of free annual medical examination has been extended to policyholders since 1909. Although less than 10 per cent, of the policyholders have annually availed themselves of this privilege, the results more than justify the company's action. Forty per cent, of the risks examined were found impaired, as some misinterpreted the system as an emerg- 386 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ency relief plan for the sick, rather than a measure of disease pre- vention. Nevertheless, of those found impaired, 44 per cent, were abso- lutely unaware of their impairment, showing the positive need for such a system. The following analysis of the impaired lives may prove of interest : Analysis op Eisks Found Impaired Free Annual Health Bureau Examinations Average age, 49 years, 9 months. Amount of insurance, $1,590,635. Per Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages 70 Cent. 29-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, Over, Total Per Per Per Per Per Per Num- Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. ber Ex- * amined Affections of heart, blood ves- 4.98 13.85 21.65 31.60 23.37 4.54 28 Per cent, at each age-period una- 65.21 57.81 63.00 60.27 56 48 57.14 4.76 35.71 33 33 14 29 11 90 25 6.82 1.66 22.72 33 33 38.63 25 00 22.72 31 66 9.09 8 33 27 36 2.22 17.77 42.22 22.22 13.33 2.22 2.7 Distribution of all impairments by age-periods 4.59 17.91 25.11 29.09 19.60 3.37 39 5 The above should be interpreted as follows: Of the risks showing affections of heart, blood-vessels, kidneys and diabetes, 4.9 per cent, were between 20 and 30, 13.8 per cent, between 30 and 40, etc. 63 per cent, of those between 40 and 50 affected with diseases of heart, blood-vessels, kidneys and with diabetes were unaware of impairment. 4.5 per cent, of all impairments found occurred in the age-group between 20 and 30, 17.9 per cent, between 30 and 40, etc. 96 per cent. of those unaware of impairment exhibited affections of heart, blood-vessels, kidneys and diabetes. 39.5 per cent, of those examined were found impaired. Attention is called to the large percentage of degenerative affections found at middle life, among those who supposed that they were in sound health. The mortality experience, although derived from a comparatively small group, has extended over a sufficient period to prove instructive, and is set forth in the following charts : /SAI- JE""1A OL0T0LL SYlW w V-^ ■* i- «l M- d •■ 69. Chart I. The Two Lines of Descent Founded by Martin Kallikak. D ^Xj^ Lnxu •*»»*« D iPF^^i* 1 — 1 — 1 — r ■""^ .I, ^"^ A HORST V*/ f ' ^.o Galen had said, done with library or arm-chair physiology. / ° -^ > 456 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY I sought to discover the motions and uses of the heart from actual inspec- tion and not from the writings of others; at length, and by using greater and daily diligence and investigaion, making frequent inspection of many and various animals, and collating numerous observations, I thought I had attained to the truth, etc. He says he has gone to work, " in order that what is false may be set right by dissection, multiplied experience and accurate observation." No short cuts, no shirking of trouble : no royal road to physiology. He goes on : Doctrine once sown strikes deep its root, and respect for antiquity influences all men. Still ' ' the die is cast, ' ' and my trust is in my love of truth and in the candor of cultivated minds. Harvey was a gentleman. Harvey demonstrated to any one who wished to see; to Hoffman at Nuremberg, to Vesling at Padua, to King Charles I., to whom he showed much : the king went with his physician to see a patient, a son of a Lord Montgomery, whose heart was congenitally exposed (ectopia cordis). Harvey dedicated his "De Motu" to the king. Harvey did .not apparently think of injecting the vascular system with some kind of colored liquid, as was done shortly after his death by several observers, notably by Euyseh of Amsterdam. But even had he so filled the vessels and therefore the capillaries, he could not, in the absence of all histological technique, have seen them in the opaque tissues. Harvey made the capillaries a logical necessity, Malpighi made them a histological certainty. But Harvey did much more than discover the mechanism of the circulation. He attempted with all the assiduity of his nature to discover the mechanism of reproduction and the course of development of the embryo. Inexorably hampered by having no microscope wherewith to explore the ultravisible, Harvey nevertheless reached conclusions which have stood the test of time. He insisted that that small white speck on the surface of the yolk (the cicatricula) was the precursor of the chick, that the whole future animal came from a fertilized germ, and that every living being came from an egg (ovum). Such were by no means the views held by the majority of naturalists in his day; he was once more ahead of his time. Not until 1827, by von Baer, was the full truth of these things substantiated. Harvey when Warden of Merton College, Oxford, where he was for two years when Oxford held out for Charles, associated himself with a Dr. Bathurst in experiments on development. Dr. Bathurst had hens laying eggs in bis rooms in college, so that the embryo chick might be studied at any stage of its evolution. Harvey furthermore wrote a treatise on respiration and one on insects; these, along with notes of post-mortem examinations (patholog- ical anatomy), were all destroyed when his rooms in Whitehall were ransacked by the soldiers of the Parliament in 1642, an indelible stain THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 457 on the records of that assembly. With Newton and Carlyle, Harvey is in distinguished company as regards the destruction of manuscripts. William Harvey, the eldest of the nine children (seven sons and two daughters) of Thomas Harvey and Joan Halke, was born at Folke- stone on the south coast of England on April 1, 1578. Queen Eliza- beth was at this time on the throne. His father was a prosperous yeoman, and in 1600 mayor of Folkestone. The Harvey family had not been a medical one ; William was the only son who did not go into business. There still exists a memorial brass to Harvey's mother in the parish church (St. Mary's) at Folkestone: she was only fifty years old at the time of her death. From a nephew, Daniel Harvey, are de- scended the noble families of Winchelsea and Aylesford. One of William's brothers was called Eliab; he became a Turkey merchant in London and managed his brother's affairs; for, like many geniuses, William was " constitutionally incapable of making a bargain." Eliab managed his money matters so well that William was always quite comfortably off. One of Eliab's descendants was Sir Eliab Harvey, G.C.B., who commanded the Temeraire at the battle of Trafalgar. In 1588, when ten years old, Harvey was sent to the King's School at Canterbury, where he remained five years. It is thus perfectly pos- sible that from his home on the English Channel he may have witnessed some of those engagements which led to the overthrow of the Spanish Armada, which occurred in August, 1588. When sixteen years old he entered Gonville and Cams College, Cambridge, on May 31, 1593. The entry is still to be seen in the records of that notable seat of medical learning founded by John Keys, the man who introduced into England from Italy the academic study of anatomy and the dissection of the human body as an essential means thereto. Harvey took his B.A. degree in 1597. As Harvey's father was a man of means, he could afford to send his son to study at the great University of Padua in north Italy, at that time and for long afterwards the most famous of the European schools of medicine. Harvey entered the University of Padua in 1598, and left it as doctor of medicine in 1602. The original of his doctor's diploma is in a glass case in the library of the Eoyal College of Physicians in London. I have had this priceless document in my hand; it is printed in the Latin language on vellum; the margins have been beautifully decorated by some artist in colors which are still perfectly fresh. As an undergraduate, Harvey seems to have been a representative student, for he was elected three years in succession concilarius of the English nation, as it was called. The students at Padua were divided into nations for the purpose of voting for their rector, a system, for instance, only just abolished in the University of St. Andrews, Scot- 45§ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY land. Padua recognized the English and Scottish nations as late as 1738. The MSS. lists of students for the sessions 1600-01 and 1601- 02 begins with a " Gulielmus. Arveius. Anglus." These representa- tives of voting nations had the privilege of having their " stemmata " painted up somewhere within the university precincts. After a most laborious search, Harvey's stemma was found covered with whitewash on the concavity of the roof of the lower court-yard of the university. The master and fellows of Caius College have had it restored in its original colors; and very fine it is with a red ground, a white sleeve and green serpents ; above it is the one word, " Anglica," and below it the three words, " Gulielmus. Harveus. Anglus." Precious words, for this is undoubtedly our William Harvey, then a youth of twenty-three years, who a little later was to reveal something which was to place his name beside the greatest names in the history of human discovery. He was soon to become an epoch-maker. But as a doctor of medicine later on he would be entitled also to have his coat-of-arms emblazoned somewhere in his alma mater. In March, 1893, after a most tedious search, the rector of that time discovered the shield with Harvey's arms, but so damaged that the inscription which accompanied it was lost for ever. A few details are preserved to us of the social conditions at Padua in Harvey's time, and they show us a very miserable state of affairs. Food was scanty and bad, there was no glass in the windows, which were of linen; artificial light was extremely costly, and there were no public entertainments. The professor of anatomy was the venerable Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendente, surgeon, anatomist and his- torian of medicine, a great favorite with the Venetian senate, who were the patrons of the chairs at Padua. The little theater in which he lectured at nine each morning from October to August still exists. It is of oval form, lined with oak, with steep-pitched, narrow platforms (instead of seats) with low rails to lean over to watch the dissection. There is a small cupola in the roof. It was not without some emotion that the present writer stood one September morning on the very spot where there came to Harvey the illuminating thought about the venous valves. Harvey returned to Cambridge in 1602, when he at once took the M.D. degree at his English alma mater. By 1604 he had entered upon medical practise in London in St. Martin's parish; and on November 24 he was married in St. Sepulchre's church, Newgate, to Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Dr. Lancelot Brown, who had been one of the physicians to Queen Elizabeth. It was the bells of this same church that for many years were tolled on the morning of an execution in the prison of Newgate over the way. The Harveys had no children; his wife predeceased her husband. THE CIRCULATION OF TEE BLOOD 459 In June, 1607, Harvey was elected a fellow of the College of Physi- cians, not yet Eoyal; and by 1609 he had been appointed one of the physicians to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, a charity justly proud to remember the fact. In 1615 he was made Lumleian lecturer at the College of Physicians, a post he held until 1656. In 1618 Harvey was appointed physician to King James I. and VI., and in 1631, physician- in-ordinary to King Charles I. Lecture notes of Harvey's dated 1616, now in the British Museum, show that by that time he was teaching the doctrine of the circulation, but it was not till 1628 that he published with William Fitzer at Frankfort-on-the-Main a quarto entitled "Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus." An epoch-making essay this ! and I am not forgetting either Schwann on the cell-theory or Darwin on the " Origin of Species." The " De Motu " is a good example of a great book which is not necessarily a large one; it has only 72 pages. Harvey published his book at Frankfort because of the important book- fair held there annually, so that the work might have a better chance of being rapidly taken up than if brought out in England, then vastly more isolated from the Continent than it is nowadays. Possibly no epoch-making book had a worse reception. Previously to publishing the " De Motu," Harvey's practise was very large, for he was a skillful surgeon and obstetrician; but Aubrey tells us that after 1628 He fell mightily in his practise; 'twas believed by the vulgar that he was crack-brained and all the physicians were against him. Harvey was quite alive to the possibility of opposition and even dislike, so truly did he know that anything new is objected to, so diffi- cult is it to overcome mental inertia. Listen to him : These views as usual pleased some more, some less; some chid and calumni- ated me, and laid it to me as a crime that I had dared to depart from the pre- cepts and opinion of all anatomists. I tremble lest I have mankind at large for my enemies, so much doth wont and custom become a second nature. He got what he expected, the usual treatment meted out to those who dare to upset what has been believed for a long time; people do not like to be disturbed physically or mentally. From 1628 onwards, Harvey's spare time may be said to have been occupied in defending and expounding his so-called " doctrine " of the circulation, for both at home and abroad all the professors of anatomy were at first disbelievers. Harvey is most long-suffering towards that " tympanitic philistine," as Huxley called him, Eiolanus of Paris. He is most courteous to him, he calls him " a learned and skillful physi- cian, and the Corypheus of anatomists." Riolan was physician to Marie de Medici, mother of Louis XIII., and of Queen Henrietta Maria. Harvey met him once at Whitehall. The great discovery had plenty of opposition everywhere, but I am 46o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY particularly sorry to have to say that the first person to write formally against Harvey was a Scotsman, a Dr. Primrose. He had been a pupil of Riolanus; he published his feeble tract in 1630. Harvey never replied to Primrose, probably because his book was sheer Galenism and because he had only just been admitted into the College of Physi- cians, Harvey being one of his examiners. This Dr. James Primrose was of the same family that gave rise to that of the Earls of Rosebery. A longer, but still weaker, protest was made in 1635 by one Parisanus, of Venice ; Harvey did not reply to this, either ; there was nothing new in it. Caspar Hoffman of Altdorf was, in point of time, the next objector, as we gather from Harvey's letter to him dated May, 1636. Hoffman's difficulty is one very typical of the prescientific spirit, the spirit of the middle ages ; it is this : Harvey has made out nature to be a clumsy and inefficient artificer in causing the blood to return again and again to the heart to be reconcocted. This objection we should now call teleological ; Harvey's reply virtually is, that teleological difficulties must not prevent our drawing conclusions from facts observable in the living animal. Blood constantly pours through the heart in one direc- tion only; if we can not explain this, that must not prevent our admitting that it does so. Harvey virtually says : you must not weight your physiology with a teological load. The difficulty of Professor Vesling of Padua was neither frivolous nor antiquated, it was a real one: how is it possible for the blood in arteries and veins to be the same blood when it is scarlet in the one and purple in the other? This would be a difficulty to us still, if we did not know the physico-chemical reasons for the change of color. Nat- urally, Harvey's answer is not any explanation of the change of color; he can only emphasize the arguments of the "De Motu," which are so full and so convincing to those capable of appreciating the experi- mental method. It can not be said that Harvey's life was destitute of incident, for his appointment as physician to Charles brought him into contact with many interesting and distinguished people, and led him into many stirring scenes. He accompanied Charles at least on one visit to Scotland, namely, that for his coronation in 1633. We know this, because there exists in the records of St. Bartholomew's Hospital a request for Harvey to absent himself, and that a substitute be allowed to act for him. Harvey was a very great deal with the king and accompanied His Majesty on his hunting expeditions, when he had opportunities of examining the bodies of deer, observations he turned to good account in his work on development (" De generatione"). It can not but be interesting to some of us to know that William Harvey was in Edinburgh. As personal attendant on the king, he THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 461 must have been at Holyrood and present at the banquet in Edinburgh Castle given by the Earl of Mar on June 17, 1633, in honor of the king. Charles remained two months in Scotland, from the middle of May to the middle of July, and we have a curious piece of incidental evidence that Harvey was with him all the time. In his book on development, Harvey has left on record the appear- ance of the Bass rock " during the months of May and June " in a description he wrote of that island, which he visited for the purpose of studying the embryo in the eggs of the solan goose. His description of the myriads of these birds on the rock would be quite true to-day. Harvey was at least once actually under fire in a battle of the civil war, namely, at the battle of Edgehill, where he had charge of the royal children, afterwards Charles II. and James II. Aubrey tells us that " a shot from a great gun " made them seek better shelter ; we are also informed that Harvey read Fabricius on generation during the battle. Harvey traveled a good deal on the continent of Europe; from 1631 to 1633 in Spain with the Duke of Lennox; while in 1636, in company with the Earl of Arundel, who was sent on a diplomatic mission to Vienna, he made an extensive tour which included Eome. They visited The Hague, Leyden, Cologne, Nuremberg, Lintz on the Danube, Baden, Eatisbon, Treviso and Venice. The records are still extant of the visit of the party to the English college at Eome; Lord Arundel was a Eoman Catholic. To Dr. Weir Mitchell, F.R.S., of Philadelphia, we owe only this very year the publication of a number of previously unpublished letters written by Harvey on this journey to the Lords Feilding and Dorchester. They cast very interesting sidelights on men and manners; but we must not be tempted to linger over them. At Florence Harvey and the Earl's party were entertained by that celebrated patron of learning, Ferdinand II., Grand Duke of Tuscany. At Nuremberg on this tour it seems almost certain that Harvey's por- trait was painted by William van Bemmel. It is the portrait in which the heart and arteries are displayed in a dissection on the right of the figure. He was fifty-eight years old at this date. A few of Harvey's more notable patients were: King James I., the Lord Chancellor Bacon, the Earl of Arundel, Prince Maurice, brother of Prince Eupert, a son of the Viscount Montgomery, Sir William and Lady Sandys and Sir Adrian Scrope. Of his friends in England we know the following were of the num- ber: the aged philosopher Hobbes, of Malmesbury; the Hon. Eobert Boyle; Eobert Hooke, F.E.S., the natural philosopher; Dr. Argent, Sir George Ent, Aubrey the antiquary, and Selden the lawyer. Of three of his medical pupils — Scarborough, Willis and Highmore 462 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY — two have left their names embedded in anatomical nomenclature: in the circle of Willis and the antrum of Highmore. It was in conversation with Boyle that Harvey admitted that the idea of the circulation came to him after pondering on the way in which the valves of the veins were placed with reference to the heart. Boyle's words are: When I asked our famous Harvey, in the only discourse I had with him, what were the things that induced him to think of a circulation of the blood, he answered me, that when he took notice that the valves, etc. Now it is a very remarkable thing that Bacon in all his writings has not one word on the circulation, though its discovery was such an admirable example of the success of the inductive method he so labori- ously recommended. One other very great Englishman was a contemporary of Harvey, I mean the author of the plays and poems known as Shakespeare's. It has been conjectured that this very gifted person did know of the circulation and made allusion to it in his writings. Having looked into the question pretty carefully, I have come to the conclusion that this writer did not understand the circulation of the blood, although he had some acquaintance with anatomical terms and with the medicine of his day. The champions of the Harveian " doctrine " were all foreigners, I suppose on the principle that a prophet hath no honor in his own country. The great philosopher Descartes convinced himself of the truth of Harvey's assertions by making a large number of dissections; but Descartes was not a medical man and not a teacher. Professors Sylvius of Leyden, Trullius of Borne and Bartholinus of Copenhagen were all ardent defenders of the Harveian faith. So enlightened a con- temporary as Sydenham, the English Hippocrates, was not a convert. An admirable observer, he had, nevertheless, not a receptive mind; it was strong enough, but it was narrow. Alluding to Harvey and his school — the experimental one — he said: We may know the larger organs of the body, but its minute structure will always be hidden from us. No microscope will ever show us the minute passages by which the chyle leaves the intestine or show by which the blood passes from the arteries to the veins. This is in his " De podagra" and his "De Hydrope" published in 1683. Sydenham was a little behind the times, for twenty-three years before Malpighi had, by the despised microscope, found the capillaries by which the blood of the arteries of the lung reaches the veins of that organ, and only five years after this statement was made, namely, in 1688, Leeuwenhoek, the Dutchman, discovered the capil- laries of the general vascular system. So much for prophecy in biology when it is not based on a direct study of nature ! THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 463 Some of Harvey's experiences were unique; he dissected the body of one of the oldest men that ever livedo Thomas Parr. Old Parr, a native of Shropshire, died in 1635, aged 152 years; he had lived under nine British monarchs. Harvey found no physical signs of senility in the body, no lime in the costal cartilages. He suggests that the sudden change from the old man's simple fare to the rich food of Lord Arundel's establishment was the cause of death. Harvey tells us that old Parr lived on sour milk and rancid cheese; he thinks he survived in spite of this diet, the followers of Metchnikoff would tell us that he lived so long on account of it. Another of Harvey's curious experiences was the affair of the Lan- cashire witches. This reveals the gross superstitions that could flourish in 1634 and engage the attention of the king, a bishop or two, a secre- tary of state and the Lord Privy Seal. A boy playing truant in the woods in Lancashire swore that he had been carried off by a witch, Mother Dickenson. She bore him over fields and forests till she came to a barn where seven other witches were having supper when, he said, they assumed the shapes of all sorts of animals. This rigmarole and a great deal else was actually believed. The king commanded the Earl of Manchester to order a commission of medical men, one of whom was Dr. Harvey, to empower certain midwives to examine the bodies of these women, to see whether they had any marks on them indicating anything unnatural. The examination was carried out in Dr. Harvey's presence, and, of course, nothing was found. "We have no scrap of evidence to make us think that Harvey in any way shared the popular superstition as to these women; he was merely carrying out the royal commands. In personal appearance Harvey was of short stature ; " of the lowest stature " and " little Dr. Harvey " are the phrases used to describe him. At thirty-seven years old, his hair was black; his eyes small and black. He seems to have been restless, full of energy, rapid of utterance, given to gesture and to playing with the handle of a small dagger he wore. His handwriting was exceptionally illegible even for that time. From all we can gather, his temper was irritable ; " choleric " is the word used of him again and again. If this was so, Harvey wrote very cour- teously to his most tiresome opponents, as Professor Huxley has remarked. Seeing that he lived to the age of seventy-nine, and came through the fatigues that he did, he must have had a fairly good constitution. Harvey was very fond of coffee, a beverage in his day by no means universally taken; and on his own confession he occasionally drank freely of spirituous liquors. In later life he suffered from sciatica and gout, that disease of the intellectual hierarchy. His grandniece told Dr. Heberden in 1761 that her great ancestor, in his later years, sub- 464 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY stituted sugar for salt in his food. This observation is rather inter- esting in the light of the modern notion that excess of common salt leads to a retention of sodium urate in the tissues; it looks as though Harvey had found this out by experience. As regards portraits of this epoch-maker, we are fortunate in pos- sessing more than one. I have mentioned the van Bemmel, the engrav- ing of which by Houbraken is well known. The oil painting in the upper Library Hall of the Royal College of Physicians, represents Har- vey in later life. It was painted by Cornelius Jansen and survived the fire of London. There is also a head by an unknown artist in the Na- tional Portrait Gallery in London ; this is the portrait reproduced in the memorial edition of the " De Motu" (Canterbury, 1894). In the rooms of the Royal Society in Burlington House, there hangs another head, a portrait of Harvey done by Jan de Reyn ; it is undated. My learned friend, Sir James Sawyer, M.D., of Birmingham, Eng- land, points out an interesting difference between the styles of dress in the two portraits, the Jansen and the de Reyn ; in the former the collar is that of a cavalier, in the latter of a Cromwellian. Harvey lived eight years under the commonwealth; and Sir James's inference is that he altered his dress to accord better with the more solemn taste prevailing during the period of Cromwell's power. As regards statues of Harvey, there are only two in the open air in England, as far as I know. One in stone is high up on the pediment of the building of the College of Physicians in Pall Mall where he stands between Linacre and Sydenham : the other is of bronze on a high ped- estal on Folkestone Leas ; there he stands looking out across the Chan- nel away to those lands where he received his inspiration and where he was first sympathetically understood. In connection with Harvey's religious position, we have hardly any facts to go on. Some have surmised that because he travelled with the Earl of Arundel, Harvey also must have been a Roman Catholic. I hardly think that a papist would have begun his will in the words he does In the name of the Almighty and Eternal God. Amen! I do most humbly render my soul to Him that gave it, and to my blessed Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus; and my body to the earth to be buried. In any case, the prince of biologists can not be accused of irrever- ence, far less of atheism. Harvey was the very opposite of irreligious. Once and again in his writings he alludes to divine purposes and de- signs. He says when he first looked at the beating heart, its move- ments were so tumultuous as to be comprehended by God alone. Re- ferring to the valves in the veins, he says they were so placed by divine purpose. William Harvey died at Roehampton in Surrey, on the third of THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 465 June, 1657. From the only account we have of his last days, there is no question that he died of left cerebral hemorrhage, for he had aphasia and paralysis. In a death-mask made from the old bust in the church, the right eye is more closed than the left, which would agree with right- sided paresis. He was buried on June 26 in the Harvey vault which his brother Eliab had constructed below the parish church of Hempstead only two years before. Hempstead is an ancient village seven miles southeast of Saffron Walden in Essex. The funeral was attended by the president of the College of Physicians and a deputation from the same, and by Aubrey, his biographer, who helped to place the body in the vault. Aubrey says he was " lapt in lead," and on his body in great letters his name, "Doctor William Harvey." Quite a number of the members of the Harvey family were buried in these curious mortuary cases. In 1847 the late Sir B. W. Richardson, on visiting the church, found the window of the vault broken and rain gaining access to the floor: the case containing Harvey's remains was cracked and a frog jumped out of it. Eichardson rightly thought that this state of things was not as it should be. In 1878 the conditions were still worse; by aid of magnesium light and a mirror he managed to reflect some light into the case and convinced himself that some remains were there. Accord- ingly he obtained permission from Dean Stanley to have the shell re- buried under a glass slab in the pavement of Westminster Abbey be- side the grave of John Hunter, Hunter his descendant, not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit of a seeker after truth. Owing to the Dean's death, the project fell through. In 1882 the tower of the church fell through the roof, and so Eichardson thought the sooner that Harvey's remains were put into a place of safety the better. At the expense of the College of Physicians, a beautiful sarcophagus of white Sicilian marble was built in the north transept of the church just above the vault, and on St. Luke's Day, 1883, Eichardson and seven other Fellows placed the old shell in the sarcophagus which bears this inscription. The remains of Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation of the blood, were reverently placed in this sarcophagus in 1883 by the Eoyal College of Physicians of London. On the wall of the chapel close to the tomb there is a bust above the family coat-of-arms and a Latin inscription, a translation of which I shall give here, as it is in no account of Harvey's life and because it is always interesting to know what the competent contemporary opin- ion of a man was. The translation I owe to the kindness of my learned friend, Professor Wallace Lindsay, M.A., LL.D., of the University of St. Andrews: William Harvey, to whose honorable name all academies rise up out of respect, who was the first after many thousand years to discover the daily move- VO L. LXXXII.— 32. 466 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY ment of the blood, and so brought health to the world and immortality to himself, who was the only one to free from false philosophy the origin and generation of animals, to whom the human race owes its acquirements of knowledge, to whom Medicine owes its very existence, chief Physician and friend of their Serene Highnesses James and Charles, Monarchs of the British Isles, a diligent and highly successful Professor of Anatomy and Surgery at the College of Medicine at London; for them he built a famous Library and endowed it and enriched it with his own patrimony. Finally after triumphal exertions in observation, healing and discovery, after various statues had been erected to him at home and abroad, when he had traversed the full circle of his life, a teacher of Medicine and of medical men, he died childless on June 3 in the year of grace 1657, in the eightieth year of his age, full of years and fame. The Royal College of Physicians, of which he had been president in 1654, benefited greatly under Harvey's will, but it had already found him a noble benefactor during his life. In 1651 he had built a library and a museum for the college at Amen Corner; and, as acknowledg- ment, the Fellows erected a statue of him in their hall which was de- stroyed in the fire of London. Harvey assigned to the college his patri- monial estate of Burmarsh in Kent, a donation which provided the sal- ary of the librarian and keeper of the museum. He also instituted an annual oration in praise of the benefactors of the college, and provided for an honorarium to the orator and for the expenses of an annual banquet. The Harveian oration has been delivered each year since that time; it is considered one of the greatest honors that can be paid to a Fellow to appoint him Harveian orator. Curiously enough, there is no biography of Harvey that can be called authoritative. The only contemporary account of him, for it can not be called a biography, is by his friend, John Aubrey, the anti- quary, the same iVubrey who has left us some facts about Shakespeare. This is an unsatisfactory, slight, gossiping account written by a medical layman. Quite the best life of Harvey is from the pen of Mr. D'Arcy Power, F.S.A., F.E.C.S., in the "Masters of Medicine" series. To it I have been indebted for many facts. Although, there- fore we have no complete contemporary biography of the greatest epoch- maker in medicine, we can glean enough to show us in what esteem he was held by certain very different kinds of persons. Hobbes, of Malmes- bury, placed him alongside Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, and de- clared "he first gave the true science of the human body." In another book Hobbes wrote of Harvey, as " the only man I know that, conquer- ing envy, hath established a new doctrine in his life time." The highly acute and ingenious natural philosopher Eobert Hooke, F.E.S., mentions Harvey's discoveries alongside those of Pecquet, Bartholinus, Willis and Glisson. The great Descartes in one of his let- ters writes of Harvey, thus : As to the circulation of the blood, there he has his triumph, and the honor of first discovering it, for which medicine owes him much. Thomas Bartholinus, of Copenhagen, said: THE CIRCULATION OF TEE BLOOD 467 The English physician to whom belongs the honor of having first shown that the course of the blood is nothing less than a kind of perpetual movement in a circle. Elsewhere Bartholinus declared : To have had the glory of discovering the movements of the heart and blood was enough for one man. Haller, a very learned and discriminating authority, called the De Motu, " libelhis aureus." I must refrain from any references to allusions to Harvey in con- temporary English verse : both Dryden and Cowley have lines on him, but they are very poor stuff indeed. Nor have we to-night time to discuss the large question of the claims of the Italian naturalist, Cassalpino, to the honor of the discov- ery, important as this undoubtedly is. Harvey's life and work, is rather too large a topic for one evening hour, but perhaps enough has been said to let us have some idea of both. The " De Motu " is the greatest single essay on a biological or med- ical subject ever given to the world. It ranks on an equality with those other epoch-making monographs of Jenner, Schwann, Darwin, Simp- son, Pasteur and Lister. Harvey did for physiology what Newton did for astronomy : gave a generalization which put many isolated facts into their places. It revealed an astonishing unity of plan amid manifold diversities of type. So grand was the simplicity of the mechanism of the circulation that that alone was enough to tell him he had attained to a great truth. He saw the one design everywhere, in the heart of the chick as yet unhatched, in the humblest insect, in the stately deer in the Eoyal park at Windsor. Harvey's work was epoch-making, because he broke with tradition and because it was founded on an experimental basis. Although his name is not in the original charter-book of the Eoyal Society (it could not be as its date is 1664), all Harvey's intimate friends were Fellows, and there is no possible doubt but that Harvey would have been in the Boyal Society, as he was in that earlier unor- ganized nucleus of it at Oxford. Though a professional anatomist, he studied structures to discover their uses. Just as one of Galen's books is the " De usu partium," so Harvey's masterpiece is " Concerning the Motion and Uses of the Heart and Arteries." Harvey is always physio- logically-minded. Harvey was a great man in an age that produced many great men ; he was not dwarfed by his contemporaries because they too were great. What Shakespeare and Moliere are to the drama, what Milton is to poetry, Bacon to prose, Bunyan to allegory, Murillo and Bembrandt to painting, Wren to architecture, Grotius to interna- tional law and theology, Galileo and Newton to terrestrial and celestial physics (and these, all his contemporaries, are masters), such is Wil- liam Harvey in the realm of the knowledge of the most important system in the bodies of living beings. 468 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY GREAT EROSIONAL WORK OF WINDS By De. CHARLES R. KEYES DES MOINES, IA. AS in the eighteenth centuiy marine planation was one of the notable discoveries in earth-study, and as in the last century the theory of general peneplanation through stream-corrasion was one of the grander conceptions of the age, so the recognition of desert wind- scour as the principal among erosional agencies seems destined to take its place among the first half-dozen great and novel thoughts which shall especially distinguish geologic science of the twentieth century. Under conditions of arid climate, by which more than one half of the land-surface of our globe is profoundly influenced, eolian erosion ap- pears to become, as recently aptly stated, more potent than stream- corrasion, more constant than the washings of the rains, more extensive and persistent than the encroachments of the sea. Both as a sculptur- ing power and as a sedimentative agent the wind is thus in every way comparable to erosion and deposition by river and by ocean. That it is possible for the universal disintegration of the rocks to go on by means of insolation instead of through ordinary chemical decay, that general and rapid exportation of rock-waste takes place through the agency of the winds instead of through the movement of waters, and that on the land deposition of wind-borne dusts in terranes ?■■. '^4- ^sag^j^ .;>s- Fig. 1. Typical Enisled Landscape, neah Wonder, Nevada ; displaying differential effects of general wind erosion. GREAT EROSION AL WORK OF WINDS 469 Pig. 2. Wind-graved Cliffs of the Mokattam Iln.i.s ; on the borders <>C tlio Arabian desert opposite Cairo, Egypt. as mighty as any swept into the seas by streams or laid down on the floor of the ocean, are new and important generalizations belonging dis- tinctly to the first lenstrum of our new century. Prior to the year 1900 wind-action had been alw.iys regarded as merely one of the minor geologic agents of erosion — a mere idler in its manifestations, and a denuding power at all times negligible. That its real role in geologic economy had been so long so completely overlooked L *&r '■■■ -'• • <■ Fig. 3. Sharp Meeting of Hard Mountain ROCK and Soft Plains Stisaia; Torreon, Mexico — a characteristic feature of regional eolation. 47° THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY o O a o H Q I s a £ — H — H eS gg " a 2 fa o « H H P a o iz; u o fa o a o •4 & 02 H < fa 55 6 GREAT EROSION AL WORK OF WINDS 471 appears to be due to the recency and enthusiasm with which by the sci- entific world the great law of the base-level of erosion had been received and to the vast dynamic possibilities which it had opened up. Scant indeed is the attention given in the text-books on earth-history to the geologic effects of wind-action. A good and concise summary of our prevailing notions on the subject a decade ago is given by Udden. The great significance and value of the newer generalization lies not alone in the recognition of the geologic potency of wind-power as an agency of erosion, or as a means of forming such vast continental deposits as the loess, but of its tremendous efficiency as a general or regional denuding force. In far-reaching importance it compares fa- vorably with the enunciation of the glacial theory of the last century. It has long been the custom not only to treat the subject of general land -sculpturing independently of climatic considerations, but as if the molding of all landscape features was controlled by the same laws. The fertility of suggestion arising from the conception of a definite cycle of development through which all land-forms must pass has tended to exaggerate the evolutionary aspects of the theme at the expense of the genetic means by which the physiographic changes have taken place. Even the latest and most authoritative treatise on physical geography has premised the same deiivation of physiognomy for the glacial Alps and the arid-high plateaux of western America, for the forest-clad Appalachians and the barren South African veldt, for the jungle-matted eastern Andes and the desert Australian interior. Ordinary stream- corrasion is made to account for all. Rain is regarded as the universal and sole graving-tool of land-sculpturing. A full comprehension of the pregnant idea that wind-action under the favorable physical conditions imposed by arid climate is a general erosional agent may be said to date from the year 1904 — the time of the appearance of Passarge's brief but quite remarkable essay on " Die Inselberglandschaften im tropischen Afrika." In various parts of the world during the decade previous the conception had in one way or another begun to assume form. The Trans-Caspian region had already furnished some facts bearing upon the new generalization. The vast deserts of the Dark Continent had supplied others. Our American arid lands had brought forth a host of still different suggestions. Indeed, as a definite working hypothesis the general scheme appears to have been first successfully formulated and applied in the great dry region of our own Southwest. Whether first definitely outlined by American on the Girghiz steppes, by German on the South African plateau, or by Yankee on the Mexican tableland, it is certain that, as McGee astutely observes, the satisfactory disposal of the rock- waste of the deseit by prodigious wind exportation furnishes the missing link to a rational explanation of all the long puz- zling phenomena presented by arid regions throughout the world. 472 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY sj at a a _o "m o •o 0. 3 o o o o a. 4) c a c be © o o o o u « O fa GREAT EROSION AL WORK OF WINDS 473 The distinctive feature of this great new conception of regional eola- tion is that under the favorable climatic conditions of aridity such as effect more than one half of the entire land-surface of our globe wind- scour is the chief agency of provincial lowering and leveling, far more rapid and efficacious than any general work by rain, river or ocean. To it are ascribed all the larger lineaments characteristic of arid lands. By it are graved the majority of desert details. It is the dominant sculpturing power in all excessively dry regions. In a district undisturbed by mountain-making forces even plains are produced, smoother than any peneplain possibly can be, and yet Fig. 6. Panorama of Lava-waste on Edge of New Mexican Desert ; viewed from point 8,000 feet above plain ; central butte 15 miles distant. standing at a level high above that of the sea; such are the Kalihari and elevated South African veldt, recently so graphically described by Passarge, Bornhardt and others. Elsewhere, when open-patterned oro- genic structure prevails, broad valleys and lofty flat-topped highlands persist, as in Turkestan, lately noted by Davis, Huntington and Fried- erichsen. Our own southwestern country, with its close-patterned structure, presents still other phases, remarkable as the most perfect of all typical Inselberglandschaften. Singularly enough, the great law of the base-level of erosion, the most useful in all geologic science, had its birth under the cloudless skies of desiccated lands where in reality no vestige of its operations is discernible. The grand generalization applies strictly to land-surfaces under humid climates. Doubtless for this reason it is that none of our numerous government experts, in their fifty years' experience covering every part of the vast arid domains of the West, failed to perceive any- 474 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Fig. i. Expanse of Vast Dunes in Hueco Bolson ; the white sands of purest gypsum are blown out of great desiccating salinas. tiling of the potency of wind-action in the general leveling and lowering of the country. Of late years others who have traversed this field have caught occasional glimpses of deflative activity. Spurr notes certain minor aspects of it in the intermont basins of Nevada. Davis mentions others in Utah and Arizona. Cross calls attention to some notable phenomena in the San Juan district of southwestern Colorado that he mainly ascribes to wind-action. Hill describes still other features in northern Mexico. Free summarizes the liteiature on the action of the wind in the formation of soils. In none of these records of observation is the great principle of regional eolation recognized or even suggested. Through all of them the influence of the idea of peneplanation by water is overpowering. No phase of land-sculpturing by water explains the peculiarities of desert relief. Where in humid lands are there such vast and even sur- faces as the intermont plains of arid regions? Where under conditions of moist climate do such lofty mountains stand out so isolated as in our southwestern country — ideal monadnocks only theoretically and faintly suggested elsewhere? Where but in a dry climate does entire absence of foothills characterize the mountain ranges? Towering desert emi- nences lise out of elimitable expanse of level plain as volcanic isles jut from the sea. Plain meets mountain as sharply as the strand-line of the ocean. The rock-floor of the desert is often a plain itself worn out on the beveled edges of the strata beneath. The remarkable plateau- plains clearly represent former plains-levels. The soil-mantle is gen- GREAT EROSION AL WORK OF WINDS 475 erally thin and gravelless; and all surface materials are transported. There is almost total absence of distinct waterways in the broad valleys. None of these relief characters bespeak of water-action of any kind. They all bear testimony of some erosive agency other than the one with which most of us are most familiar. Water can not do such geologic work. It seems to be a great advance in earth-study to be able at last to account satisfactorily for the formation of all those wonderful ex- pressions on the face of the deseit that have been so long so manifestly little understood or misinterpreted. As in the case of ordinary general erosion, there are involved the three major processes of rock-weathering, transportation of rock-waste, and deposition of sediments, so in eolation there are the three corre- sponding phases termed insolation, deflation and aeroposition. Kock- weathering in the desert is peculiar in that there is practically no chem- ical decay going on at the surface. The destruction of rock-masses is accomplished by means of a process known as insolation — a constant fiaking-off of rock fragments due to the great diurnal range of tem- perature so prevalent in dry climates. The movement and exportation of fine rock-waste through deflation Fig. S. Desolate Main Street in Mexican Adobe Town in the Desert. 476 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY is now measurable to something of its true proportions. A " sand-storm " or " dust-storm " is really a strong desert air-current two or three hun- dred miles in width instead of a mile wide as in the case of the largest rivers, running forty miles an hour instead of three or four miles, and sweeping along a thousand times as much sedimentative materials. Only by such comparison is the enormous erosive potency of deflative action fully comprehended. Wind-formed deposits are mainly laid down far outside the confines of deserts — in the moist verdure-clad lands, or in the sea. Their mag- nitude is very great, as the enormous loess formations, the vast expanses of black soils of the steppes and prairies, and the extensive adobe clays Fig. 9. An Oasis in an American Desert (Southern New Mexico). of many parts of the world amply attest. Continental deposits of this origin are just beginning to receive from scientists the attention which they merit. The law of regional eolation will rank high among modern geolog- ical discoveries. What William Smith's discovery of characteristic fossils for identifying geologic terranes was to stratigraphy and his- torical geology, what Bunsen's theory of magmatic differentiation was to modern petrology, what Agassiz's hypothesis of continental glaciation was to recent geologic history, and what Powell's law of the base-level of erosion was to physiography of to-day, so the general theory of defla- tion, or regional eolation, is to the sciences of desert landscape sculptur- ing, and the formation of continental deposits as vast as any laid down on ocean borders. The theory adequately explains a grander host of GREAT EROSION AL WORK OF WINDS Ail perplexing phenomena concerning the larger features of earth than any one of the great themes mentioned and perhaps more than all of them combined. It projects the imagination backward to the beginnings of geologic history; and it carries it forward to the end of time. In the lineaments of our dead moon it may be we behold the final effect of eolic powers. Although perhaps not wholly the unaided work of any one man or group of men, the generalization of regional eolation is first distinct- ively American in origin. As such it seems not too much to say that it is allotted to stand as one of the far-reaching achievements of our century. It is doubtless the last of the great discoveries in geologic science to be attained by purely observational methods. The future advancements in earth-study must be quantitative instead of qualitative in character. They must be the direct outcome of mathematical inves- tigation, of the rigid application of the new physico-chemical laws, and of the complete evolution which the discovery of radio-activity has imposed. This, then, is briefly a statement of the theory of regional eolation. 47§ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY HOSPITALS, THEIE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION By JOHN FOOTE, M.D. WASHINGTON, D. C. THE story of the birth and evolution of the hospital is a record of the conquest of barbarism by civilization and of the tiiumph of Christian altruism over the selfishness of the pagan ideal. Bargaining, trading, warring, the nations of the earth have struggled upward along the difficult highway of achievement, making slow but certain progress in the betterment of humanity. Always this approach toward the ideal has been characterized by an increased interest in the welfare of the public as opposed to the individual, and exemplified in unselfish efforts to befriend the sick and friendless. No better index, therefore, of the progress of any nation in ethics and altruism can be obtained than a repoit of its work in the building and management of hospitals. In its origin the word hospital comes from early Christian days when it was used to designate a place where strangers and visitors were received and cared for. Whether or not hospitals proper existed in pre-Christian time is a much-debated question. The fact has been established that the Egyptians studied medicine and that the sick were brought to their temples to be healed by the priests. To some extent this practise was observed by the Greeks and by the Romans in their temples of iEsculapius. There is certain evidence of the existence in pagan Rome of Vale- tadinaria, or dispensaries, for sick soldiers and slaves; but of the exist- ence of hospitals proper, houses of refuge for the poor and the ill, we have no proof. Something more than mere civilization was necessary for the establishment of these tokens of man's regard for his fellow man. In India, a country whose ancient moral code was less pagan, if not more Christian, than that of either Greece or Rome, hospitals for men and animals are described by two early Chinese explorers. Pres- cott states that hospitals existed in Mexico before the Conquest, but his documentary proof is indefinite. Gaelic literature is rich in traditions concerning the House of Sorrow, a hospital for the wounded of the Red Branch Knights who lived about 300 b.c. at Tara, the palace of the kings of the heroic age of Ireland. But on sifting the evidence, we are justified in assuming that the claim of the pre-Christian hospital rests largely on tradition, while proof is abundant that these institutions were liberally encourgaed by the Christian Church. HOSPITALS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION 479 There are many allusions in the New Testament concerning the healing of the sick, and Christ himself commanded his disciples to care for the ill and indigent. The practise of hospitality was enjoined as a virtue upon the early Christians; bishops, presbyters and deacons were especially obliged to practise this virtue and references to it are found in the Acts and most of the early commentaries. These docu- ments tell us that in the bishop's house was a room set apart for the use of poor and ill travelers, designated as the hospitalium, or rest room. Harnack1 states that the bishop was also required to act as a physician. In this hospital inn, therefore, in name as well as in function, we find the legitimate, though remote, ancestor of the modern hospital. The many epidemics occurring in the Soman empire, as the epidemic of Carthage in a.d. 252, described by St. Cyprian,2 gave those who would care for the sick abundant employment. Many a wealthier Christian imitated the bishop's good example and established a hospitalium in his own house. But, hunted and persecuted as the sect was, there could be no organization of this work; their efforts must remain desultory and scattered until the ban was removed. So it is that the advent of the public hospital comes after the reign of Constantine, when a great increase in the number of Christians and the spread of poverty had made adequate individual effort by the bishops difficult if not im- possible.3 More than one writer has asseited that hospitals originated from three supposedly antagonistic influences, religion, war and science. This statement is not true for several reasons, but chiefly because history is opposed to it. There was plenty of fighting in pre-Christian days, but hospitals did not result from it. The Greeks had far more sci- entific knowledge than the Goths, yet the former did not build hospitals, while the latter did. Indeed, the real situation is outlined if we say that in the social ebullition produced among the nations of Europe by the introduction of Christianity, hospitals were the distillate and war and science the by-products. The Christianity of the Lombards, the Goths and the Franks was a militant one. Scarcely had Clovis, the Prankish king, renounced his old gods than he commenced a holy war upon his unorthodox neighbors with the twofold object of converting them and obtaining dominion over their lands. In the dream of empire of the first great Charles the sword and the cross were close companions. Yet these early Frankish monarchs in the intervals between their wars were earnest in the building of hospitals. Long indeed after the hospital made its 1 Harnack, "Medicinisches aus d. altesten Kirchengesch, " in " Texte u. TJntersnehungen," VIII., Leipzig, ]892. 2 Cyprian, "De Mortalitate," XIV., in "Patres Latinae" of Migne, IV, 591-593. 3 Rom. XII., Heb. XIIL, Peter IV., John III. Ep. 480 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY appearance came the university — so long, in fact, that the statement that the origin of the hospital owed much, if anything, to science is dis- proved chronologically. And this, too, without in the least minimizing the influence of the great medieval schools, such as Salerno and Mont- pellier, upon the hospitals of the middle ages. But now to consider in brief detail the hospitals of early Christian era. We must first give our attention to the east, where the conversion of Constantine gave an impetus to the spread of Christian religion. Eatsinger4 asserts that a hospital was established at Constantinople by St. Zoticus during the reign of the first Christian emperor, but his authority for this statement is mythical. We have, however, document- ary proof in the writings of St. Gregory,5 of Nazianus — whose brother; by the way, was a physician — of the establishment of a hospital by St. Basil at Csesarea, in Cappadocia (a.d. 369). According to Gregory, it was a veritable city with streets separating pavilions for various diseases and also workshops, industrial schools, convalescent homes and residences for attendants, nurses and physicians. Indeed, the plan seems not unlike our most modern pavilion sys- tem; the ancient writer waxes enthusiastic in his praise of it, declaring it to be " a heaven upon earth." Alexandria boasted a hospital in 610, founded by St. John the Alms- giver, and at about this same time Bishop Brassianus established one at Ephesus. Contemporaneous was the foundation in Constantinople of three hospitals, one by St. John Chrysostom, one by St. Pulcheria, sister of the Emperor Theodosius II., and one by St. Sampson. Thirty- five hospitals were erected in this one eastern city alone before the tenth century, according to the Constantinopolis Christiana of Du Cange. An orphanotrophium was established in the tenth century by Alexis I., and the Hospital of the Forty Martyrs by Isum II. in the eleventh century. Such was the influence of these Eastern institutions that we find their Greek terminology influencing the names of early institutions of the west. In all the writings of later days concerning hospitals a house for sick people is called a "noscomium," for found- lings a "orphanotrophium," etc. Perhaps one of the best proofs we have of the activity of the Christians in hospital building is the fact that the Emperor Julian, called the Apostate, decreed that hospitals should be built to offset the influence of similar institutions which the Christians had inaugurated. St. Jerome6 tells us of the hospital builded by Fabiola in Eome during the fifth century. Fabiola, a wealthy Roman lady, is probably our first Christian philanthropist. Pope Symmachus (495-514) built 4Ratsinger, "Gesch. d. kirehlichen Armenpflege" (Freiburg, 1884). 5 ' ' Patres, ' ' Migne. 6"Patres Lat,, " Migne. HOSPITALS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION 481 three hospitals in Eome during his pontificate, and these were main- tained and additional ones built by his successors. But Stephen II. surpassed his predecessors in the eighth century by restoring four an- cient institutions and building three new ones. The Arabs, speedily changing from a barbaric army to a cultivated and civilized people through their contact with Greek thought in the countries conquered by them, were not long in proving their enlighten- ment by the standard of hospital building. The first Arabian hospital was built at Damascus a.d. 707 by the Caliph el Welid. Virtually the real rise of Arabian science came with the accession to power of the Abbasides (a.d. 750). The Arab by this time was a mixed nation, in which the Persian element seemed to predominate. Hospitals under medical supervision were not uncommon, although infirmaries predom- inated. Nuburger states that infirmaries existed in no less than fourteen cities, including Bagdad, Antioch, Jericho, Medina, Mecca — in short, throughout the entire empire. The part played by pilgrimages to places of devotion among Christian nations in the evolution of the hospital was perhaps even more pronounced among the followers of Mohammed. Clinical teaching was done in several of the large hospitals of Da- mascus, special attention being given to medicine and diseases of the eye. The hospital, mosque and orphanage founded by al Munsur in the thirteenth century was one of the most notable Arabian charitable institutions and is said to have had a staff of forty-two physicians. Probably the earliest hospital in France was the " Xenodochium " for pilgrims, established by King Childebert in the sixth century. The practise of making pilgrimages to the shrines and holy places was a custom of the pious coming more and more into vogue, and the mon- arch's action was a much-needed charity to the sick and weary travelers. The Council of Orleans (549) gave this establishment hearty approval. Many hospitals arose in France during this and the succeeding cen- tury. For at just this period the Franklish empire, more than any other European country, was slowly tending toward the conditions which made it eventually a nation of city dwellers, dimly foreshadowing what came later with the establishment of industries, the foundation of guilds and the influence of trade and commerce on national life. At Autin, at Athis, at Paris, Aries and Eheims, we have records of the establishment of hospitals by kings, nobles and churchmen. The oldest hospital in the world still enduring, the famous Hotel Dieu, is attrib- uted to Landry, Bishop of Paris, and its origin has been variously placed between a.d. 660 and 800. Lallemand's "Histoire de la Charite"7 finds the first extant written mention of it in a document of 829. This began as a cathedral hospital, and was one of a group of institutions growing up about the old churches, which, developing into small com- ■"'L'Histoire de la Charite," II., 112, Paris, 1902. VOL. LXXXII.— 33. 482 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY munities, formed the nucleus of many of the larger cities of the feudal period. Undoubtedly of much earlier origin was the Hospital Scotho- rum, which was built on the continent at a remote period by missionary Irish monks. This was destroyed and later was restored by order of the Council of Meux (a.d. 845). These were probably the same monks who founded the monasteries of Bobbio and St. Gall, and carried the art of illuminating manuscripts as well as the gospel itself to the semi- barbarous peoples beyond the Alps. The idea of medical missionary work is not a new, but a very old, idea. Barbarous Europe was converted by medical missionaries ; prac- tically all of the monasteries of the monks of the west did hospital work. This monastic influence reached its zenith in the tenth century, and the most famous hospital-monastery of that day was the Benedic- tine abbey of Cluny, founded in 910, and commanding not only a local reputation, but famed through Italy and France. Originally each monastery had its infirmary for inmates, and this under the laws of hospitality was open to sick travelers. Before long the crying need of medical aid extended the ministrations of the in- firmary to the people of the neighborhood, or to any who might seek it. The monastery was the repository of medical as well as all other written knowledge of that period, and it has been proved that among the pro- fane authors copied by the monks in their scriptoria were some of the classical authors on medicine. We must not imagine that the cathedral hospital languished during the preponderance of monastic medicine; according to Virchow, 155 hospitals were founded in Germany alone from 1207 to 1577. With the growing importance of the hospital it is no surprise to find religious communities springing up whose chief and surpassing occupation was to be the care of the sick. The first of these was organized in Siena, a cradle of Italian genius, during the ninth century. Soror, the founder of the hospital of Santa Maria de la Scala, drew up the rules for its administration with his own hands. The management was largely in the hands of citizens, subject to the bishop's control. Many such communities were established in Italy and lived under the rule of St. Augustine. From this time onward the religious orders strongly influenced hos- pital development. In the twelfth century the Beguines and Beghards were hospital orders which flourished especially throughout Belgium, France and Germany, while the Alexians and Antonines established and managed hospitals in various parts of Italy as well. Leprosy fol- lowing in the wake of the crusades, special communities were formed to care for lepers. Thousands of leper houses arose in all parts of Europe — it is estimated that 2,000 existed in Germany alone. The plague was eventually stamped out, an achievement in a public health HOSPITALS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION 483 campaign which would do credit to a much more enlightened age. Special communities also isolated and nursed cases of erysipelas known as St. Anthony's fire, St. Francis's fire, etc. But the most important event in the history of hospitals in the period we must now consider, the middle ages, was the foundation of the order of the Holy Ghost, resulting, as it did, in a golden age of hospital building extending from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century and not equaled again till the hospital renaissance of the nineteenth century. In the middle of the twelfth century Guy of Montpellier established the Hospital of the Holy Ghost in the city of his name. Montpellier was at that time the medical mecca of Europe and attracted students from remote cities. Not only the reputation of the hospital, but the order itself spread rapidly through France, building and managing hospitals. Innocent III., the great militant pope, who did so much to strengthen the temporal power of the pontiff, had recently builded a hospital in Rome. It was characteristic of his genius that he foresaw the need of hospitals and the great work they might accomplish. He determined to promote their building not only in Rome and the Papal states, but also wherever his influence extended. To this end he summoned Guy to Rome and gave him charge of the new hospital of Santo Spirito. Visitors from all parts of the world were shown this hospital and en- couraged to establish similar ones in their own communities. The ob- ject lesson served such a useful purpose that very soon hospitals were arising in every city of importance in Europe. The " Benificienza Romana" of Querini gives the names of thirty hospitals founded in Rome itself from the eleventh to the fifteenth century. The part played by the crusades and the military and hospital orders in the evolution of hospitals can not be overlooked. Disease and pesti- lence were more potent in defeating the crusaders than the swords of the Saracens, and the military hospital orders found abundant em- ployment. The Knights of St. John, an order founded to care for the sick and wounded, maintained after the conquest a hospital at Jeru- salem said to accommodate 2,000 patients. Many priories were estab- lished in various parts of Europe while the order flourished. At first the knights acted as nurses and physicians to the sick crusaders; the military features of the order developed later. The organization be- came very rich and powerful in the course of time, and, swerving from its original purpose, degenerated and finally fell into disrepute. The Teutonic order, an organization of German knights banded together for labor in the Holy Land, did splendid work in building and man- aging hospitals. Many German hospitals were under its control and, unlike the Knights of St. John, it adhered closely to its original pur- pose. War and consequent financial reverses caused its dismemberment. 484 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY With all these institutions builded by popes, bishops, monks and crusaders, it would seem too soon to look for city hospitals. Yet very many such arose after the first crusade. Eastern commerce flowing in the wake of the crusaders, an increased national wealth and an increased population furnished both the resources for and the need of municipal and privately endowed institutions. Privately endowed hos- pitals are found first in Italy, and during the twelfth century Monza had three and Milan eleven such institutions. During the fourteenth century Florence had thirty private foundations. Some of the founders were notable people; the Santa Maria Annunziata in Florence was founded by Falco Portinari, father of Dante's Beatrice, and one of the Milan institutions by the Duke Francesco Sforza. In Germany during this period fifty-two city hospitals existed, sixteen being situated in Cologne, the remainder in about thirty smaller cities, the names of which are enumerated by Virchow.8 Various abuses began to creep into hospital administration during this period of prosperity which later caused trouble to ecclesiastical authorities, until some of the hospitals, while still conducted by re- ligions orders, were placed under civil authority, the church still paying for their maintenance. In Italy, toward the end of the middle ages, this tendency grew more marked ; in France it came considerably later, although the same conditions existed. It was in the fifteenth century that the Hotel Dieu showed such gross mismanagement that the eccle- siastical chapter of Notre Dame, feeling its inefficiency to cope with the situation, requested the civil authorities to take over the hospital (April, 1505). It was thereafter managed by a board of eight trustees. The ancient hospitals in Great Britain and France were for a long time under the control of the monastic orders. According to Harduin, a large hospital was founded at St. Albans in a.d. 861. Alcuin, the great scholar, who afterwards was called to the court of Charlemagne to preside over the School of the Palace, wrote to the Archbishop of York (796), and urged the foundation of hospitals for the poor and for pilgrims. The oldest hospital existing to-day as a foundation is St. Bartholomew's in London. This was established in the twelfth century by Eahere, at one time a jester to King Henry I., who later joined a religious community and secured a grant of land near London. Until its disestablishment under Henry VIII. this was the leading London hospital. St. Thomas' hospital, founded in 1215 by Peter, bishop of Winchester, suffered a similar fate, but was reestablished by Edward VI. Among other important hospitals of London belonging to the thirteenth century were Bethlehem, which later became an insane asylum and had its name contracted to Bedlam, Christ's Hospital and the Bridewell, the latter later becoming a prison and the former a school. 8 Virchow, "Abhandl.," Vol. II., 16. See footnote 10. HOSPITALS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION 485 There were many other hospitals in England during the middle ages outside of London, and Dugdale in his Monasticum Anglicanum enu- merates 460 and gives the charters of many of them. Prior to the sixteenth century seventy-seven hospitals were founded in Scotland and over twice that number in Ireland. The green island gives testimony as to the existence of hospitals not only by her law- code, the Brehon laws, but also by the perpetuation of such place-names as Spidal, Spital and Hospital. The Brehon laws are specific regard- ing hospitals, stating that the hospital must be free from debt, must have four doors for ventilation and that a stream of water should run through the middle of the floor. Dogs, fools and scolding women must be kept away from the patient. Whoever injures another must pay for the maintenance of the injured one in the hospital or private house and also for the maintenance of the mother of the injured one, if she should be living.9 The Knights of St. John established several priories in Ireland, the most important one being Kilmainham priory, founded in 1174 by Strongbow. The Crutched Friars or Crossbearers flourished during the twelfth century and erected many hospitals. There are records of thirteen hospitals founded from this time onward which were confiscated in the strife following the reformation. That a number of leper-houses existed is attested by documentary references as well as by place-names. Before we pass on to the modern epoch, a consideration of the char- acter and discipline of these medieval hospitals will be of value. With a view probably toward facilitating drainage many of these hospitals were built near a river, as the Hotel Dieu, on the Seine; the Santo Spirito of Borne, on the Tiber ; St. Francis, in Prague ; on the Moldan ; and Mainz, on the Ehine. Many of these early hospitals were small, especially those privately endowed, and contained only about fifteen beds ; others were planned by able architects, and on a large scale. The main ward at Santo Spirito, in Eome, was 409 feet X 40 ; at Tonnere 260 X 60; at Frankford 130 X 40. All these hospitals had numerous windows for ventilation, and some a cupola. The interior was usually decorated with great skill and care. Says Gardner, in his history of Siena: The hospital at Siena constitutes almost as striking a bit of architecture as any edifice of the period and contains a magnificent set of frescoes, some of the fourteenth century, others later. The Tonerre hospital, previously referred to, founded in 1293 by Margaret of Burgundy, sister-in-law of Louis IX., was situated between the branches of a small stream, and its ward was lighted by many large windows extending high up in the walls. A narrow gallery ran along the wall twelve feet from the floor for the regulation of ventilation 9 Joyce, "A Social History of Ancient Ireland," London, 1903, I., 616 et sq. 486 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY through the windows and the seating of convalescent patients in the sun. The beds were separated by low, wooden partitions which were portable, making the alcoved recesses part of one large hall at will, so that when mass was celebrated in the center of the building the altar was visible from all parts of the ward. Mr. Arthur Dillon, an architect, whose scholarly article on this hospital appeared in 1904, says of its construction : It was an admirable hospital in every way, and it is doubtful if we to-day surpass it. It was isolated, the ward separated from the other buildings, it had the advantage we so often lose of being one story high, and more space was afforded each patient than we can afford. Now as to the management of these medieval hospitals. In the monasteries the superintendency was in the hands of the abbot or prior and the institution was subject to monastic rule. Even in the privately endowed hospitals practically all the hospital attendants were members of some religious community. How well these communities did their work and with what real humanitarian zeal is attested by Virchow.10 In the military orders, the knights called their chief administrative officer commander; in the city hospitals this officer was called magister or rector. The rector was appointed by the bishop, the municipality or the patron. Laymen were eligible for this position and in many legacies lay control was stipulated as a condition. This rector was obliged to take inventories, render and keep accounts, act as trustee for hospital property and frequently to receive and assign patients. Usually the attendants were males, although in some hospitals male nurses had charge of surgical cases, while females conducted the ob- stetric and children's wards. Board and clothing were provided these nurses, but no salary. Details of dress, food and recreation were rigidly prescribed, with appropriate penalties for infractions of the rules. Patients were admitted from all classes and beliefs without quali- fication, and once admitted the patient was treated as a master of the house, " quasi dominum secundum posse domus," to quote literally from the regulations. He was bathed, his ills attended to, and if a Christian was confessed by the chaplain. The regulations specified that the sick should never be left unat- tended, that nurses should be on duty at all hours of the day and night, and that patients dangerously ill should be removed from public wards to a private room. Santo Maria Nuova, at Florence, had a separate ward for delirious patients, and maternity cases were attended in a separate pavilion and kept in the hospital for three weeks after delivery. Sound hygiene is evidenced in numerous regulations concerning changes of bedding, ventilation, and heating by stoves and braziers. 10 ' ' Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus dem Gebeite der "Offentlichen Medecin und der Seuchenlehre, " von Eudolph Virchow, Berlin, 1879, tr. in "The Popes and Science," Jas. J. Walsh, Fordham University Press, 1911, pp. 256, 263. HOSPITALS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION 487 The revenues of the hospitals were derived usually from endowments, either given as private bequests or by church authorities. In times of unusual need special taxes were levied on commodities such as oil, salt, wheat, etc. Some hospitals owned houses, farms, vineyards and even whole villages as sources of income. Various societies and guilds were also established in aid of hospitals, and frequently diocesan laws re- quired the clergy, especially the canons of cathedrals, to contribute. The complete foundations for hospitals, as well as the establishment of beds and contributions for heating and lighting, etc., were frequently made by lay persons. As the hospitals increased in wealth and the religious orders grew lax in their discipline various abuses arose. Inefficient supervision by ecclesiastical authorities, too many attendants, too few beds, and impo- sition on the hospital by malingerers were among the evils which ulti- mately resulted in a loss of efficiency in these institutions. In spite of these drawbacks, however, says Virchow, "we have much to learn from the calumniated middle-ages, much that we with far more abun- dant means can emulate for the sake of God and man as well." Pastoral medicine predominated up to the twelfth century and medi- cal as well as surgical treatment was administered by monks and clerics. But with the rise of the university schools of medicine — Salerno, Mont- pellier, Bologna and Eome — and the development of such surgeons as Wm, Salicetto or Salicet, Henry Mondeville, Lanfranc and Guy de Chauliac during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, clerical medi- cal practise began to wane. It was deemed improper that a priest should shed blood and the church discouraged the practise of surgery by clerics as well as the prac- tise of medicine for fees. Penalties for violating the,se precepts were laid down at the Council of Clermont (1130), Eheims (1131) and the Second and Fourth Lateran Councils (1134-1215). The influence of the university-trained physician and surgeon on the hospital dates from this period. More and more we find lay prac- titioners called to attend hospital patients. In the sixteenth century we find the lay physician's connection with the Italian hospitals to be essentially the same as that in vogue at the present day. In 1524 Henry VIII. received a letter from the rector of the Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova in Florence, answering a request for information concern- ing the management of that hospital. From this letter we learn that three adstantes, or internes, attended patients and reported on their con- dition daily to six visiting physicians from the city. These six visiting physicians then outlined treatment and gave directions for the care of patients. Attached to the hospital was a dispensary for ambulatory cases. This was attended by an eminent surgeon and three assistants, all of whom gave their services without charge. Lallemand in his 488 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY " Histoire de la Charite "" gives a list of the many drugs used, and an outline of the pharmacist's duties. Abuses in management and the civil and religious strife following the Eeformation interrupted for a time the progress of the hospital movement. Eevenues were cut off and hospital organizations disestab- lished, especially in England and Germany. It is true that attempts were made to carry on the work by parishes and municipalities, but with indifferent success. Luther in his letters from Italy shows that he realized the importance of hospital work and he praised the Italian hospitals for their excel- lence. Meanwhile, a counter-reformation within the church organiza- tion was mindful of the hospital. Vives, the humanist of Bruges (1526), made a plea for a census of the inhabitants of cities, the regulation of vagrancy and hospital economy, whereby medical attendance was made more complete and the richer institutions were obliged to share their revenues with the poorer.12 These salutary reforms were put into practise in Belgium and later were extended by Charles V. to his entire empire. In addition the Council of Trent passed rigid ordinances con- cerning hospital management and placed hospitals under episcopal supervision in order to prevent abuses and loose practises in administra- tion. With these enactments improvement soon followed, and it is worthy of note that in the hospital at Milan, founded by St. Charles Borromeo, the rules sought to prevent malingering and obliged a strict accounting of its management. In France the control of hospitals had passed to the king. Louis XIV. founded a special hospital at Paris for invalids, convalescents and incurables, as well as the great Hospital General for the poor. It was at this time that St. Vincent de Paul began his work and established the Sisters of Charity, a community destined to be famous for its work in camp and battlefield and to exert a tremendous influence on the devel- opment of nursing and the building and management of hospitals in all parts of the world. An increasing number of communities of women's nursing orders were formed from the sixteenth century onward until to-day they practically dominate this field of endeavor. During the reign of Louis XVI. the Hotel Dieu showed gross mis- management and a frightful mortality. Sometimes as many as 5,000 patients were crowded there in utter neglect and abandonment. An eminent commission, including in its membership Tenon, Lavoisier and Laplace, was appointed by the king to formulate plans for remedying existing conditions. This board reported in 1788, recommending that certain wards be abandoned and that the pavilion system as exemplified in the hospital at Plymouth, England, be adopted. But the French u See 7, II., 225. 12 Vives, J. L., "De subventione pauperum, " Bruges, 1526. HOSPITALS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION 489 revolution intervened, and the needed improvements were not made until the nineteenth century. When we consider the growth in population and wealth of nations and vaunted increase in knowledge, we can not look upon the eighteenth century as a period fruitful in hospital progress. Many new institu- tions were erected, it is true, but they were inadequate to the needs of the times in many respects. Among the most important establishments of this period were, in England: Westminster (1719), Guy's (1722), St. George's (1733); in Germany: the Charite in Berlin, established by Frederick II. (1710), and the Bamburg Hospital, by Bishop Van Erthral (1789) ; in Austria: the famous General Hospital, founded by Joseph II. (1784). Overcrowding, the prevalence of hospital gan- grene and erysipelas, and the frightful mortality in many institutions made the very name hospital synonymous in the public mind with suf- fering and death. Yet, in spite of all this, it is from this very period that we see the development of the idea of the hospital as a necessary adjunct to medical and surgical teaching. The history of American hospitals begins with the hospital erected by Cortez in the City of Mexico in 1524. It was remembered by the conqueror in his bequests, is still in existence as the Hospital Jesus Nazerino, and the ducal family descended from Cortez, the Dukes of Terranova y Monteleon, still exercise their prerogative of appointing its superintendents. A decade after its establishment came the Hos- pital of San Lazaro, accommodating 400 patients and, in 1540, the Eoyal Hospital, both in the City of Mexico. Bancroft states that the law of 1541 ordered that hospitals be estab- lished in all Spanish and Indian towns. The Council of Lima (1583) made provision for the support of hospitals, and two distinct religious orders of men were founded in Mexico for hospital work. In Canada, the Duchess of Aiguillon founded, in 1639, the Hotel Dieu, at Sillery, afterwards transferred to Quebec. The Hotel Dieu, in Montreal, was founded in 1664; the General Hospital at Quebec in 1693. The first hospital in the United States territory was erected about 1663 on Manhattan Island to care for ill soldiers and negroes of the East India Co. Early in the eighteenth century pest-houses for con- tagious diseases were established in various towns on the Atlantic coast. A permanent hospital for these ailments was built in Boston in 1717. One of the petitioners for the incorporation of the Pennsylvania Hospital was Benjamin Franklin. The corner stone was laid in 1755, its charter having been obtained four years previously, but the struc- ture was not completed until 1805. The first privately endowed hospital established in the United States was the Charity, in New Orleans, founded about 1720 by a sailor named 49o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Louis, afterwards an officer in the company of the Indies, who left a small fortune as a foundation. It was destroyed by fire in 1779 and the new Charity Hospital, now the City Hospital, was endowed in 1780. This is now one of the most important hospitals in America and receives over 8,000 patients annually. The oldest hospital in New York City is the New York Hospital, founded in 1770 by private subscriptions. It was allowed £800 for a period of twenty years by the Municipal Assembly. The state legislature was more generous, allowing it £4,000 annually in 1795 and increasing it in 1796 to £5,000. Bellevue originated in the infirmary attached to the New York City Alms House. It was erected on its present site in 1811. Among the most important sectarian hospitals in New York are St. Vincent's, 1849, St. Luke's, 1850, and Mt. Sinai, 1852. Fifty-six men of Boston in 1810 addressed a circular letter concern- ing the establishment in that city of a hospital for the poor. Jackson, Warren, and other medical lights of the day, worked out plans, and the institution, known as the Massachusetts General Hospital, was opened in 1821. Of existing Baltimore institutions, St. Joseph's was established by the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1864; the Hebrew Hospital in 1867. The Johns Hopkins Hospital, chartered in 1867, was opened in 1889. The District of Columbia had four hospitals during the cholera epi- demic of 1832. The Washington Infirmary received congressional aid and it was proposed to enlarge it into a hospital, but it was burned during the Civil War. The Government Hospital for the Insane was established in 1852 to care for insane cases. Providence Hospital was established in 1861, largely through the efforts of Dr. Toner. Freed- man's Hospital was opened in 1862 and Columbia Hospital in 1866. During the war sixty military hospitals were located in Washington and in the vicinity. In the last half century the spread of hospitals throughout the world received a marvelous impetus. The role of bacteriology as applied to preventive medicine, surgery and therapeutics is one that must be ac- corded first place in advancing modern hospital efficiency. And in this connection the part played by Virchow's teaching of cellular pathology is a factor of much importance in its influence on medical thought reflected in hospital laboratory methods. The Franco-Prussian and our own Civil War had much to do with directing men's attention to the problem of hospital construction and military surgery. Improved technique in nursing evolved the modern training school and created a distinctly new profession. Even before Lister's time, Florence Nightingale believed that soap and water and plenty of fresh air and sunlight would lessen mortality from hospital HOSPITALS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION 49* gangrene. Pastor Fleidner, with his training school at Kaiserworth, and the Sisters of Charity in Paris and at the great General Hospital in Vienna, had practised, if they had not preached, this doctrine for a long time. It remained for the Crimean War and the dramatic demon- stration of her doctrine by Miss Nightingale to convince the profession at large and the public. How it was accomplished is an oft-told tale. The later teaching of bacteriology in medical schools confirmed the claims for hospital cleanliness; hospital gangrene and epidemic ery- sipelas have disappeared. Now is the golden age of the hospital ; we need no statistics to con- vince us of this. Every American community of any size has not only a hospital, but a training school, and the old public distrust of the insti- tution is on the wane with the improvement in methods and adminis- tration. To-day the patient approaches it with confidence instead of apprehension, with alacrity instead of with reluctance, and with the hope of life rather than with the fear of death. De Gerando "De la bienfaisance Publique" (Paris, 139), IV. Hauser. "Gesch. Christlicher Krankenpflege ' ' (Berlin, 1857). Eatsinger. "Gesch. d. Kirchliehen Armenpflege" (Freiburg, 1880). Lallemand. "Histoire de la Charite"' (Paris, 1902). Wylie. "Hospitals, their History, Origin and Construction" (New York, 1877). Virchow. "TJeber Hospita'ler U Lazerette" in "Ges. Abhandlungen, " II. (Berlin, 1879). Burdette. "Hospitals and Asylums of the World" (London, 1893). Walsh, Jas. J. "The Thirteenth, the Greatest of Centuries; do-Hospitals," Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 7 (New York, 1910). Mumford. "Medicine in America" (Philadelphia, 1903). Walsh, Jas. J. "The Popes and Science" (New York, 1911). Nuburger. "Gesch. Medizen," Vol. I., tr. by Playfair (London, 1911). 492 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE NEW OPTIMISM By Professor G. T. W. PATRICK STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WE may distinguish three stages in the development of optimism. There was first the old a priori optimism of St. Augustine and Leibniz. One hears no more of this now. You may prove from the good intentions of the Creator that this world must be the best possible one, but the whole argument rests upon presuppositions that have less weight than formerly. Browning, when he cries, " God's in his heaven, all's right with the world," fails likewise to convince us. We prefer to look about the world and in so doing we have little difficulty in seeing many things that are not right. Then, there is a second kind of optimism which follows the opposite method, the inductive, and arrives at the conclusion that the world is good and beautiful and full of happiness. It may not, indeed, be the best possible world, but it is good and fair and perhaps growing better and fairer. This is the natural, buoyant, hopeful attitude of the normal, healthy individual who enjoys his food, his sleep, his work and his play and who delights to say with Euskin, There really is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. Of this class are the sane and helpful writings of Sir John Lubbock or the exultant songs of Walt Whitman, which refresh us with the optimism of youth, health and springtime. Dickens, likewise, compels us to a bright view of things by his contagious good cheer. Life can not be so very bad as long as there is a tavern near by with a pot of ale and a juicy joint. Critics may call this the shallow optimism of the eupeptic man, but it is better and more natural than the dismal croakings of Schopen- hauer or the songs of sorrow of Leopardi or James Thompson. The truth is, however, that this kind of optimism, as well as that first men- tioned, implies a certain blindness to the actual evils and miseries of the world, or, perhaps more often, mere ignorance of them. Our faith in it is rudely shaken by a walk through the hospitals or prisons, the smell of anesthetics, a day's journey with a country doctor, a visit to the slums, a tour of the factories and mines, or a campaign in the regular army. But now it can not escape the careful observer that there is at the opening of this century a third kind of optimism appearing, which we may call the new optimism. It might also be called dynamic, or prac- tical, or psychological optimism. It concerns itself with no theoretical questions as to whether this world is the best possible one or not. It THE NEW OPTIMISM 493 has for its motto — The world is pretty good, and we will make it better. In the first place, this view repudiates wholly the theory of the good old times and is able to show the fallacy upon which the theory depends. In the museum at Constantinople the writer saw an inscrip- tion upon an old stone. It was by King Naram Sin of Chaldea, 3800 years B.C., and it said, We have fallen upon evil times and the world has waxed very old and wicked. Politics are very corrupt. Children are no longer respectful to their parents. This old and ever-recurring complaint does not depend upon any actual deterioration of the times, for the times are constantly growing better. It comes usually from older people whose outlook may be biased by subjective conditions due to decaying powers and by the tendency to regard all changes as changes for the worse, the only really good times being the bright days of our own youth. It is encouraged also by the fact that, since the springs of progress are in the human mind itself, it comes about that the present times are always below the standard set by our ideals and are regarded, therefore, as bad, being compared not really with the past, but with the ideals of our constructive imagination. Careful historical comparison leads us to the result that there has been a rather steady progress forward in all things which conduce to human happiness. Anthropologists tell us that the health of the primi- tive man was nothing to boast of. He had little reserve force and slight power of sustained attention. His daily sufferings from hunger and thirst, from heat and cold, from dangers from wild animals and human enemies, from constant warfare, from loss of property by theft, from sickness and accident unalleviated by surgical care, and, worst of all, from never-ceasing fear of supernatural agencies, make his life seem in comparison with ours as one of extreme hardship and unhappiness. In the palaces of the Homeric heroes, life was far too simple to seem to us very comfortable. Apparently they had commonly no nuts or fruits to eat, no green vegetables, no butter and usually no milk, no sugar, sweets or cakes, no boiled meats, no fish, no potatoes, no relishes, perhaps not even salt in the inland places, no tea, coffee, chocolate, or tobacco. Coarse bread with roasted meat, and sometimes cheese, honey, and wine, constituted the diet of the wealthy, and what the poor had to eat it is unsafe to say. The meat, which was their chief article of food, had to be killed just before it was eaten and right on the premises. This latter circumstance, together with their perpetual sacrifices of animals to the gods, must have made their homes most untidy, to say the least. If, rather than the Homeric heroes, we consider the most highly civilized of the ancients, namely, the Athenians of the fourth and fifth centuries B.C., their daily life seems to us hardly more attractive. 494 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Their comforts were few and their hardships many. Their food was like that of the Homeric Greeks. Their houses were gloomy and fragile and commonly shared by domestic animals. Their streets were unpaved and filthy. There was relatively little security either of life, property or reputation. Wars were almost incessant, bringing death, dishonor or slavery to both men and women. The reign of terror which pre- vailed throughout the cities of Greece during the long Peloponnesian war was too terrible for detailed description. If we were to continue this study through the days of Eome, through the middle ages, through the centuries preceding our own, we should find that there has been a pretty steady growth in all the things which we usually regard as making life worth living. If by the good old times we mean the "days of Queen Bess in England, the days of our Puritan forefathers, or the more recent }^ears of our own fathers and grandfathers, history shows us that they were uninviting. There were more and harder work, fewer comforts, less cleanliness, coarser and less varied food, less security of person and property. The good old times are therefore a myth pure and simple. The Golden Age is not in the , past, but in the present. But, some one may say, a new list of evils has come to take the place of the old ones. It is true that material comforts were lacking in the other times, but people were more hardy then. They were more robust and wholesome and less sensitive to mere inconveniences. They lived, to be sure, on brick floors and wore homespun and went often to war, but they did not consider these things as hardships. They were brave and strong-shouldered and the very battles of life were a joy to them. Now we are weak-spirited and degenerate. Our young men are not so brave and our girls are not so modest. Our children, as Stanley Hall says, have limp and collapsed shoulders and chests, bilateral asymmetry, weak hearts, lungs and eyes, puny and bad voices, muddy or pallid complexions, tired ways, automatisms, dyspeptic stomachs, showing the lamentable and cumulative effects of long neglect of motor abilities. We live in an overworked, serious and tense age. We have for- gotten how to fight, to laugh, to eat, drink and be merry, but we have learned how to worry. Furthermore, they continue, our manners and morals have deterio- rated. Boodlers and bribers abound. A new bunch of grafters springs up for every one that is indicted. Jurors are fixed and voters bought and sold. Justice miscarries in our courts of law. Courts are domi- nated by shrewd attorneys more anxious for victory than for justice, urging delays and appeals based on mere technicalities. Then, there are the greedy trusts, the do-nothing congresses, the corruption of legis- latures, jack-pot and bathroom politics, extravagance among the rich, increased frequency of divorce, smoking and drinking among women, THE NEW OPTIMISM 495 increased consumption of alcoholic drinks, adulteration of food, senti- mentalism towards condemned criminals, yellow journals, comic sup- plements, and all the rest, not to speak of the wresting of lands from weak nations by strong ones, as in the case of France and Morocco, Italy and Turkey, England and the Transvaal, and the United States and Spain. That these evils exist no optimist may deny, but that they offer any evidence that the present times are degenerate may be very seriously doubted. It may be doubted whether the young men of the olden times were any braver or had any broader shoulders, or that the girls were more modest or more virtuous. It may be doubted whether the chil- dren were of old any sounder or more robust. As regards each and all of the other indictments of the present times, it may well be doubted whether there has been any deterioration, on the whole ; but rather it is probable that the farther back we go ; the more weakness and deformity we shall find ; the more graft, the more miscarriage of justice, the more dishonesty, the more drunkenness, the more wresting of lands from weak nations by strong ones. The mere picturing of the evils of the present points to progress, for in times past not only were these evils present, but their presence was not much noticed. The more rare becomes crime the greater its interest for the headlines of our dailies. The muck rakers, if they had lived a few centuries ago, would have needed no rake to bring evils to the surface. No one, of course, would maintain that there has been a uniform progress or a constant decrease of evils, nor that all the sins of the present were found in the past, but on the whole the world has been getting better age by age and, sometimes, as at present, pretty fast. But, it may be said, all this only proves that the world is getting better, not that it is intrinsically good. It might still be thoroughly bad and pessimism triumphant. With James Thompson we might still say : Speak not of comfort where no comfort is, Speak not at all: can words make foul things fair? Our life's a cheat, our death a black abyss. Hush, and be mute, envisaging despair. As regards this question of the absolute goodness or evil of the world, the new optimism, as has already been intimated, does not greatly concern itself with it. It is rather disposed to see the good that there is and put shoulder to wheel and help it on. If, however, one were con- cerned with this question, it could no doubt be shown on sound psycho- logical and biological principles that there must be a large balance of pleasure over pain wherever life forces are triumphant. But the sum- mum bonum is not pleasure nor happiness, but, rather, abundance of life. Life is the key to the problem. So long as there is growth, move- ment, struggle, onward rush, conquest or noble defeat, there is little 496 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY pessimism. The fundamental things in our psychic life are not thought, deliberation, judgment, nor yet pleasure and pain, but rather, will, impulse, restless striving, love, aspiration, progress. It is only when these fundamental things are checked and one is forced to think and feel and examine one's feelings, that pessimism arises. Pleasures un- earned are no guaranty of inward peace. As President Jordan says : There is no permanent state of happiness. Its joys must be won afresh with each new happy day. What we get we must earn, if it is to be really ours. But now let us examine more carefully some of the aspects of the new optimism and some of the grounds upon which it rests. In this new philosophy of life, man is the central and determining figure. He can make the world good. This is a new thought in the history of optimism. We are not blind to the evils and the miseries of life, but we are conscious of a new inner force which can relieve them and redeem them. The old optimism said, Cheer up, for the world is good and beautiful. The new optimism says, Cheer up, for you can make the world good and beautiful. This view is a part of the powerful reac- tion which has been taking place for many years against the mechanical philosophy of life which prevailed in the latter part of the nineteenth century under the influence of Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin. It came to be generally believed at that time that the world is merely a redistribution of matter and motion, that mechanical laws are suffi- cient to account for every phase of human life, including mental, moral and social phenomena, that at certain stages of organic evolution con- sciousness appears as a kind of by-product having no agency in the life drama itself, and that it is not necessary to take any account of it in explaining life, whether in its physiological, psychological or social aspects. But now this disheartening philosophy is buffeted from every side, not more from the side of the psychologists and sociologists than from that of the biologists themselves. Grave doubts are cast upon the adequacy of natural selection to explain either the products or the direction of evolution, and it is now believed that there is some other determining factor which is spoken of now as consciousness, now as an initiatory psychic energy working towards definite ends, now as a vital impulse, a wellspring of progress or an original profound cosmic force. Whether consciousness itself be this original cosmic force, or whether, as some believe, it is a product of evolution, makes little difference in our prob- lem, for human consciousness is here present in the world and it is a power which is changing not only the very face of the earth, but chang- ing the direction of evolution itself. It would appear that conscious- ness has at this time reached a sort of adolescent or rapid growth stage in its development in which it has become conscious of its own powers, and this consciousness of itself increases tenfold its inherent force. We are, indeed, surrounded by mystery. Life is a puzzle and we may or THE NEW OPTIMISM 497 may not be able to solve it. But we find ourselves possessed of a certain power to mould our fate and to mould to a high degree the forms of nature about us. The world is plastic to the human will. In the last century, Hegel sounded this true note of human conquest, obscured as was his message by a fanciful metaphysic. Heine had the same thought when he spoke of "liberating the imprisoned energies of the human spirit." More recently, a whole group of writers, like Ibsen, for in- stance, have proclaimed their belief in a glad trust in nature and in human instincts. In America, William James, in his remarkable essay on "The Energies of Men" has shown the almost unlimited powers of accomplishment possessed by the human mind and the human body. In France, Bergson is showing to eager hearers from every part of the world that nature is a vital, not a mechanical, process, and that creation is something which we experience in ourselves in the freedom of action. Politically we see the same spirit exhibited in the twentieth century movements for freedom in Turkey, Portugal, Persia, Mexico, and even in China, where new and more liberal forms of government have been gained or demanded. We may, then, say that the present epoch represents the emergence of consciousness as a determining and self-conscious factor into the progress of evolution, able in some measure to direct the evolutionary movement itself to the advantage of mankind and able to an indefinite extent to mould the forces of nature to the same end. The directions in which this powerful ^conscious force is operating to further human well being are threefold. First, it improves our material environment by the control and man- agement of natural forces. In this direction tremendous advance is now being made in the invention of new machinery, in the discovery and utilization of new forms of energy, in improved methods of agri- culture, in renewing impoverished soils by bacterial agencies, in creating new plants bearing useful fruits, in reclaiming arid lands by great sys- tems of irrigation, in facilitating transportation by digging great canals, in making the air as well as the land and water viable, and in many other familiar ways. Second, it is attempting with apparent success to improve the human constitution, both physical and mental, by intelligent use of the forces both of heredity and of environment. For instance, both the cause and the cure of tuberculosis have been discovered and we have hopes of eliminating entirely this cruel disease. Other diseases which in former times devastated whole regions have been practically conquered, while still others are now in process of control. Mortality has been lessened and longevity definitely increased, so that the population of nearly every country has risen, even where the birth rate has remained sta- tionary or declined. Furthermore, consciousness itself has been made VOL. LXXXII. — 34. 493 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY a powerful instrument in directly enhancing human health and happiness in a group of movements of which the New Thought and Christian Science may be mentioned as examples. These movements have passed the experimental stage and are proving potent means in preventing and curing disease and promoting personal peace and har- mony. Again, health leagues, committees on national vitality, scien- tific studies in nutrition, the warfare against insects and a host of such movements are all working towards increased happiness and increased health. But now it is proposed to go still farther in promoting human welfare by the direct application of the laws of heredity to the improve- ment of the race. Eugenics is the name of this new science and its aim is to teach us to be not merely well nourished and well nurtured, but also well born. Eugenics is defined by Galton as the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally. In eugenics we see consciousness arriving at sufficient maturity to control race culture. The possibilities of this new science are unlimited. The third direction in which intelligence is working to further the welfare of man is in social and political relations. Here the advances are too many and too rapid for any one to catalogue. One might recall such gains as the abolition of slavery, religious toleration, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of opportunity, the limitation or abandonment of the death penalty, the humanizing of prisons, the restriction of child labor, and the substitution of wise charity and help- fulness for injurious almsgiving. The rights of labor are now recog- nized and the whole laboring class more justly remunerated and ac- corded a position of dignity and respect. The rights of the working- man, his welfare and his comfort are secured by workingmen's unions, protective insurance, factory laws, eight-hour laws, pure food laws, free schools, free public libraries and many other agencies, while the general spirit of social progress and social improvement is shown by lend-a-hand movements, worth-while movements, Christian Endeavor societies, civic art clubs, the conservation movement, movements for the promotion of civic righteousness, of the square deal, and of universal peace, neighborhood and social centers, social surveys, social settle- ments, and kindred efforts having in view the greater happiness of all the people. In the event of famine, earthquakes or disasters of any kind in any part of the world, abundant charity cheerfully given and economically administered is immediately forthcoming. Finally, we are seeing the beginning of the custom of distributing colossal pri- vate fortunes in establishing and maintaining free public libraries, great educational and humanitarian institutions, and institutions for medical research and scientific investigations. In particular there are four aspects of modern life and society which are distinctly optimistic. First, the elimination of fear. Second, THE NEW OPTIMISM 499 the advance in the position of woman. Third, the gradually lessening frequency of war and its possible abolition. Fourth, the agitation against alcohol. So free are we from fear that we do not realize the bondage of men in former times to both supernatural and political tyranny. Virgil represents -ZEneas as pulling up a little bush and finding clots of blood clinging to the roots, whereupon his terror was so great that his hair stood on end and his voice stuck in his throat. Fear is the greatest source of human suffering. Until comparatively recent times nature has been something unknown and the unknown has been a source of constant terror. It is believed to be full of supernatural and possibly hostile agencies. Devils and demons and indignant deities, an angry and jealous God, possible future and retributive punishments, earth- quakes, and eclipses, all have contributed to make the life of man mis- erable. This burden of woe has now been lifted. Another view of nature prevails. Man has cast off fear and finds himself master of nature and perhaps of all her forces, while in religion the gospel of love is casting out the dread monster of fear. But it is not alone fear of supernatural agencies that we have escaped, but also fear of political tyranny and of sudden political upheavals connected with despotic gov- ernments and social instability. Few of us appreciate the profound security that we now enjoy, security of life, property and reputation. The wonderful advance in the domestic and social position of woman and her corresponding happiness sounds a strong optimistic note in the present. In Queen Elizabeth's time a married woman and all her possessions almost belonged to her husband, very much as did his horse. He could take away her property or her wages or even pound her with a stick. Gradually she has secured the right to her own property, to her own earnings, and to her own children, and is now rapidly gaining the right to hold office, the right to an equal voice in public affairs and the right to equality of industrial opportunity. Woman's suffrage, for instance, partial or complete, is a fact in large portions of the United States, in New Zealand, New South Wales, South and West Australia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and other countries. Another ground of optimism is found in the decreasing frequency of war. The cruelty of war, the physical and mental suffering, and the immediate and remote social consequences, all together represent only a part of its ultimate evils. In his little book on "The Human Harvest," David Starr Jordan has shown how war in the past has oper- ated to produce human degeneracy by removing the best and strongest men and leaving at home the sick and the maimed, the lazy and ineffi- cient, the slaves and the commonest laborers to become the fathers of the next generation. Now the conditions are different. Even in the event of a war in this country, the conditions are such that no serious depopulation could happen and in Europe wars are already too far 5oo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY apart to have this effect. It is true that only a too sanguine optimism can see the immediate abolition of war, but it is equally beyond dispute that there are now powerful forces at work in the direction of universal peace. Still another optimistic factor of the present is the crusade against alcohol. This is a determined and persistent opposition and in the end will eliminate its use. Hitherto the opposition has been largely sentimental and has been directed not so much against alcohol as against drunkenness. Eecent studies in the psychology and physiology of alcohol lead us to believe that it is a race poison. It is the most deadly form of the downward or recalcitrant action of matter. So far back as history goes it has acted as -one of the most serious impeding forces to the upward progress of the human spirit. It is in spite of alcohol that progress has continued from century to century. It is impossible to estimate the damage it has done to the human race. Its elimination will be a far more difficult problem than the abolition of war. The psychological cause of the universal desire for alcohol lies deeper than has been supposed, and it is only when this cause is understood that successful headway will be made against it. But it is undoubtedly true that alcohol will have to go. The emergence of woman into political and social affairs will add new vigor to the opposition to it and psycho- logical, physiological and sociological studies will solve the problem of method. But, now, it may be said, while these optimistic views of life and society are most cheering and suggestive, still they are in a certain way superficial and particularly so as regards the economic outlook for the future. There are deep-lying causes at work, it may be said, which look towards human degeneracy rather than towards human uplift. Our present prosperity is due very largely, for one thing, to the fact that there have been ever to the westward rich unoccupied lands to relieve the congestion of our population and react as an invigorating influence upon our eastern civilizations. These lands are now nearly all occupied, and henceforth, remembering Malthus's doctrine of the increase of population and the law of diminishing returns in agriculture, we may look for trouble. In the United States, it may be said, our present flamboyant prosperity is due to the fact that we are reveling in the wasteful use of a by no means inexhaustible supply of bituminous and anthracite coal, petroleum, natural gas, timber and soil fertility. The end of all these rich supplies can not be far away. If we could per- chance find a substitute for our coal and timber, yet there is no way of supplying the combined nitrogen necessary to renew our soil when the present sources are exhausted. Again, in other directions, it is said, the social forces put into operation by man are Lilliputian and a single convulsion of nature may overthrow them all. Take, for in- stance, our war against contagious diseases. When we have eliminated them, we have destroyed nature's social scavengers and she will take a THE NEW OPTIMISM 501 1 terrible revenge. In former days, tuberculosis, typhus, typhoid fever and smallpox swept through the land, removing crowds of the unfit and those not immune to these diseases, leaving the sound, the hearty, and the immune to become the fathers and mothers of the next generation. Perhaps the clearest statement of these views is found in an article on " Decadence and Civilization," by W. C. D. and Catherine D. Whet- ham in a recent number of The Hibbert Journal. These writers point out that in all our sympathetic care for the unfit we are sacrificing heredity to environment. "It is conceivable," they say, for instance, " that a wilderness of sanatoria may serve as easily to increase tubercular disease in the future as to diminish it in the present." As regards our warfare against alcohol, they continue, we are only laying up for our- selves future trouble. The races of southern Europe, where wine is abundant, have gradually become immune to alcohol, those families not able to use it moderately having perished, so that drunkenness, while formerly common in these countries, is now rare. Hence it is urged that, if by restrictive measures we make alcohol unattainable for the present, in the future a demoralizing wave of alcoholism will overcome all barriers, showing again that we are sacrificing heredity to present environment. Again, still further and still worse, it is said, the emergence of woman into industrial and political life, while it will purify and ennoble society for the present, means race deterioration in the future. Say the same writers : Apparently, for a time we can shift a great part of the burdens of the country on to women, who can undersell their husbands and brothers and we probably effect thereby a distinct temporary improvement in our own genera- tion, for a woman of better education and character can always be secured for a lower rate of pay ; but we are devouring our one essential form of life capital, female humanity and the process must end in disaster. A man may be a hard worker in industrial or political fields and at the same time the father of a robust and numerous family. On the contrary; a woman's "essential function is motherhood," and partici- pation in industrial or political activity invariably interferes with this function. It is not a mere coincidence that the women whose names are best known and most distinguished for social, artistic and literary services were for the most part unmarried or childless, so that the special gifts which brought them fame died with them. So much, then, for the voice of the pessimist. We must admit that there is force in these arguments and that some of the dangers referred to are real dangers, but the spirit of the new optimism affirms that all these difficulties as they arise will be successfully met by the uncon- querable power of the human mind, as others have been met before. There may be, it is true, no more rich unoccupied lands to the westward, but scientific agriculture is showing that there are almost infinite unoc- cupied possibilities in the soil under our feet. Malthus's law of popu- 50 2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY lation is a mere bugbear and agricultural science is turning the law of diminishing returns into a law of increasing returns. As regards the exhaustion of our forests and mines and the impoverishment of our soil, the conservation movement is already here to protect them. Our forests may be renewed as they are in other countries and substitutes may be found for our coal which will be as superior to it as the electric light is superior to the old candle or lamp. Few will be sorry to see the passing of the coal with its dirt and its smoke. As regards the exhaustion of the combined nitrogen of our soils, science even now is learning how to imprison the free nitrogen of the air. In an article by W J McGee in Science, October 6, 1911, on the " Prospective Population of the United States," we have a painstaking study of this subject, based on all kinds of data, including not only the observed decrease in human productivity, but also the relation of our natural resources to the increase of population. He finds the only real limitation of our natural resources to be in the water supply, and talcing this fully into account, he estimates the population of the United States to be doubled in 1950, trebled in 1980, quadrupled in 2010, and so on to the year 2210, when we shall be supporting over eleven times our present population, or 1,017,000,000 people. His view is wholly opti- mistic, showing how movements already initiated are likely to overcome great apparent evils. As regards the action of tuberculosis and other diseases of this class in purifying society by removing the unfit, it may be answered without hesitation that sanitary science can provide methods of purification far superior to these filthy diseases. An unsanitary medieval city might perhaps need dogs as scavengers. A well-kept modern city needs none such. So in regard to any possible racial deterioration as the result of the participation of mothers in industrial and political occupations, it is the business of society to consider just as much the conservation of human health and human vitality as the conservation of our forests and our soils. It is by no means impossible that society in the future will find means of preventing the production of the unfit and providing for the production of the best. The present movement in advancing the position of woman may go farther than equality of rights. It may give to the future mothers of the nation superior rights and superior privileges. The notion, however, that work and motherhood are incom- patible has no foundation in experience. . Small families and weak children are more often found among the idle and luxurious than among the workers. The fact is that pessimism finds its explanation not in objective, but in subjective conditions. The psychological grounds of pessimism are not obscure. It springs usually from one of three sources. The first of these is lowered vitality. Optimism is the natural and necessary accompaniment of health. It flows from it as naturally as light from the sun. It is just the mental reflex of that normal physical activity THE NEW OPTIMISM 503 which belongs to the healthy body. Pessimism is the mental reflex of disturbed function, sometimes of the nerves, commonly of the liver or kidneys. Then, secondly, pessimism comes in part from the over-seriousness and over-sensitiveness of the age, the incidental accompaniment of what we have called the adolescent stage in the development of human con- sciousness. The childhood of the race has past. We have become self- conscious, reflective, conscientious, a little careworn. The boyish, rol- licking, happy-go-lucky abandon and exuberance of spirit exhibited in the writings of Shakespeare's times are absent now. In those days social conditions were relatively bad and comforts few, yet they did not care so much. They did not take life too seriously. They ate, drank, laughed, and died when their time came. Now we worry more. "Writers like Tolstoi take life very seriously. Conditions in Eussia are no doubt bad, but they are not worse than they have been and they are not sufficiently bad to fill a man's soul with such bottomless gloom as they did the soul of Tolstoi. His was an extreme case of the over- sensitiveness and over-conscientiousness of the age. He was unhappy because he had bread when others hungered, a condition which in former times has usually been the occasion of rejoicing. Our own sins and the sins of our legislators, our political leaders, and our masters of capital lie like an incubus on our spirits. Thus we have already anticipated the third ground of pessimism. It is that we compare our present condition not with the past but with the ideal future, or rather with an ideal state which consciousness itself creates. Our physical condition, could it have been foreseen by Francis Bacon, would have seemed a veritable paradise. But we are not happy. Our workmen have better wages and fewer hardships than ever work- men had before, yet they are not satisfied. The New Atlantis is ever in the future. Thus, we come back to the position already indicated, that human consciousness is a wellspring of progress. It creates ideals and it is with these ideals that we compare our present attainments and pronounce them imperfect. This is what makes progress possible. It is the eternal unrest, the eternal aspiration of the human mind, which is never satisfied with the good, but urges us ever forward to something better. We often hear reference made to "political unrest," as if it were some inherent social defect, a mere petulant, purposeless fault finding. But it is not a defect. It is the voice of progress proclaiming its dis- content with the present and demanding improvement; not an idle but a rational discontent, recognizing the real evils of the times and per- ceiving more or less clearly the direction of the upward way. What, therefore, appears as pessimism is really the ground of the highest opti- mism. There is no static happiness, no happiness of mere content and satisfaction. What we require is growth, movement, struggle, aspira- tion, conquest. 5o4 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY WELFAEE AND THE NEW ECONOMICS By Professor SCOTT NEARING UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ECONOMIC thought is undergoing a profound and rapid trans- formation. Linked, as it must ever be, with the problems of government, economics has been drawn into the maelstrom of progres- sivism which has gripped the western world. Vainly do the classicists protest. Futility grips the throats of the doctrinaires. Economic science is being wrenched from its eighteenth-century setting and thrown bodily into the arena of twentieth-century discussion. How sound is this tendency? With what disquietude or satisfaction should men view the efforts of economists to take their places " on the firing line of progress " ? Society was ruled during the middle ages by arbitrary laws, enacted by the church, or by the state, acting (theoretically) for the church. The light of the semi-democratic civilization of Greece and Eome had faded from the political horizon. Despotism, the patron saint of the time, reigned supreme with fate, her next of kin. Here and there a bold spirit arose, contending with authority, questioning theological dogma, and calling men to thought and free- dom. Cells and gibbets harbored many such. Above them, the bul- warks of social tradition loomed stolidly, proclaiming abroad the noisome doctrine that, while a true believer might slay twenty Moham- medans in the name of Jesus, he might not think one original thought in the name of truth. Yet the light broke. From questioning the infallibility of a cor- rupt and dissolute church, men turned to question the infallibility of the Scripture. They would at least read for themselves. So theolog- ical dogma was thrust aside here and there, by the braver hearts who began to ask of all things: 1. What is it? 2. Why is it? 3. How can we employ it for our advantage ? Similar questions had arisen in classical days, but the age of Scrip- ture had overshadowed them. Now they were asked again, with re- doubled vigor. Gradually the answers were formulated. The first question re- sulted in classification, which is the foundation of constructive thought. The question "Why?" gave rise to evolutionary science. The world, WELFARE AND THE NEW ECONOMICS 5°5 demanding fact as well as faith, was replacing theological dogma by scientific deduction. Although it was freed from theological dogma, the progressive thought of the seventeenth and eighteen centuries was still dominated by the idea that laws of some kind were a human necessity. The social atmosphere still tingled with the spirit of past despotism. Hence, without a protest, men passed from the dominion of theological to the dominion of natural law. Even the ablest thinkers sought for prin- ciples which, like Newton's law of gravitation, would underlie and con- trol all phenomena. The protest, " back to nature " was merely a demand that the world leap from the frying pan of theological absolu- tion into the fire of nature-tyranny. Yet the thought of the eighteenth century teems with this demand. The Physiocrats voiced it; the nat- ural theologians preached it; Eousseau popularized it. Its logical flower was the French Revolution, which was a blind effort to pour the new wine of emancipated thought into the old bottles of political pedantry. In the process much wine was lost. " Natural law " dogma bound the thought of eighteenth-century thinkers in exactly the same way that the " divine right " dogma had bound the thought of their ancestors. Economics was born in the eighteenth century — born of natural theology and physiocratic philosophy. Hereditarily, economics suffered from inbreeding. Environmentally, it was hedged in by the narrowest of narrow concepts — that of subjection to " higher powers." Was economics to become a science? Adam Smith and his con- temporaries hoped that it was. How well marked, then, was the path ! All sciences were founded on natural laws. If economics was to be raised into the hierarchy of sciences, a greater natural law must be found which would explain economic phenomena. The economists, therefore, applied the tests of science to their doctrines in order to establish their scientific nature. To the question, " What is it ? " they replied, " A science of wealth." To the question, " Why is it ? " they answered, " because of intelligent self-interst," " the law of supply and demand," " competition," and the like. The third question they did not ask because the eighteenth century accepted and obeyed nature's laws instead of trying to utilize them for human advantage. Nevertheless, the third question must be answered. Of all things men will ultimately ask, " How can we employ these for our advan- tage ? " The basis of the answer was laid in the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries, when free thought had largely escaped from theolog- ical dogma ; when knowledge had ceased to be the right of the few and had become the privilege of all. In the eighteenth century the question was asked of the government. Men challenged the divine right of kings, and on both sides of the Atlantic democracy replaced monarchy. 506 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY During the nineteenth century experimental science asked the same question of natural law; established the power of human thought; forged the tools with which the work must be done; and bent immu- table nature to the service of man through applied science. Thus knowledge, government and natural phenomena have been turned to human service. The twentieth century voices a demand that eco- nomics undergo the same process of transformation from a science which serves laws, to a science which serves society. The claim of economics for conversion to social service is a double one. On the one hand, science has demonstrated that all so-called laws may be employed to serve men, or else, if their influence is harmful, counteracted and offset. Gravitation has ceased to be an enemy; the lightning holds few terrors ; the waterfall is harnessed ; the plague stayed ; the desert blooms ; time and space have lost their vastness ; men have triumphed everywhere through the mastery of human thought. Whatever laws economics may depend upon are no more changeless than these overwhelmed laws of nature. On the other hand, men have learned that the laws of economics differ from the laws of natural science in that the whole subject matter of economics is man made — the product of human activity. The laws of physics and chemistry are laws of a universe, which man had no part in creating. Economics, however, is the result of a man's creative energy, for man has made the economic world. Interest, wages, com- petition, monopoly, capital and private property are all the products of his ingenuity. The concept of law presupposes a law giver. Who gave the laws of the universe? We answer, God. Who made the laws of political economy? Man, because he constructed the economic system to which alone the laws of economics apply. We are no more subject to the laws of economics than our ancestors were subject to the law of military tactics; than we are subject to the laws of education; or than our descendants will be subject to the laws of the sanitary science which we are creating. There are formulas of thought called " laws " in all sciences, but Napoleon overthrew and remade the laws of military tactics ; Eroebel restated the laws of educa- tion; and Pasteur created the science of sanitation. There is an eco- nomic law giver — man, who can unmake or remake that which he has made. The laws of economics are in truth mere incidents in social evolu- tion. Queen Elizabeth and her successors granted trade monopolies to favorites. The eighteenth-century economists enunciated the laws of competition and equal freedom as the great law of economics — the cure- all for economic woes, and lo, the Standard Oil Company, employing the law of competition as its most fearful weapon, has created a mon- opoly as complete as any ever granted by an absolute monarch. If we WELFARE AND THE NEW ECONOMICS 5° 7 lived under a barter economy, we should work out its laws. We broke away from the domestic system of industry when inventors made pos- sible the factory system. The economic world is still in the making. Men are doing the work. So long as men regard the laws of political economy as immutable, so long will they be in the grip of the powers which these laws express. It is in vain that Karl Marx argues regarding economic determinism; it is futile for Henry George to " seek the law which associates poverty with progress " ; the future is hopeless so long as men believe that political economy is " as exact a science as geometry." Under the domination of economic law, the exploiter will continue to exploit, and the exploited to suffer. Not until men realize that they are the creators and arbiters of economic laws will economic laws subserve human welfare. The dawning lies beyond the fetish of economic determinism ; the hope for the future rests upon man's ability to make of political economy an eclectic philosophy. The economists in the past have asked " What ? " and " Why ? " of economic phenomena. The time has now come when they must face the third question and discover how economics may be made to serve mankind. Progress in other sciences has led plain men to question the validity of the fatalistic philosophy of Eicardo ; the gloomy forebodings of Malthus; and the necessity for poverty, overwork, untimely death and the devastations wrought by the brutal hand of cut-throat competi- tion. The discovery that opportunity largely shapes the life of the average man, determining whether he shall be happy or miserable, has led to an insistence that the economists part company with the ominous pictures of an overpopulated, starving world, prostrate before the throne of " competition," " psychic value," " individual initiative," " private property," or some other pseudo god, and tell men in simple, straight- forward language how they may combine, reshape or overcome the laws and utilize them as a blessing instead of enduring them as a burden and a curse. The day has dawned when economists must explain that welfare must be put before wealth ; that the iron law of wages may be shattered by a minimum-wage law; that universal overpopulation is being prevented by a universal restriction in the birth rate; that over- work, untimely death and a host of other economic maladjustments will disappear before an educated, legislating public opinion ; and that com- bination and cooperation may be employed to silence forever the savage demands of unrestricted competition. In short, the economists, if they are to justify their existence, must provide a theory which will enable the average man, by cooperating with his fellows, to bear more easily the burden and heat of the day. How shall this be? What relief may economics — "the dismal sci- ence"— afford? Perhaps the matter can best be stated in an analogy 5o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY suggested by Euskin. Suppose that five men were to take a tract of a thousand acres for the purpose of running a general farm. Learned in the art of scientific agriculture, these men provide the necessary tools, equipment, fertilizers and seeds, prepare the ground, sow the crops, har- vest the grain, potatoes, fruit and vegetables, and take them to market. Where they find their land too wet, they drain it ; if, perchance, the tract is too dry, they irrigate; and if a test shows that a certain field needs lime, they promptly apply lime. These men are farming the land. They do not wait for the land to produce a living for them, but instead, they use the land in every conceivable way. Suppose that, instead of fertilizing, irrigating and draining, these men upon discovering that one plot was very fertile, farmed only that plot, leaving the less fertile parts of the farm untilled; suppose that, when water stood in a field, they invoked the aid of physics and mathe- matics, ascertained that this field was low, and therefore bound to be wet; suppose that they abandoned a hill plot which would not raise to- bacco without even attempting to ascertain whether it would grow buckwheat; suppose that after venturing timidly to try a few minor ex- periments, these men, discouraged and forlorn, should assemble around a stone, and, raising their hands to the sky, should beseech some higher power to make water run up-hill or tobacco grow on buckwheat land. Or, instead of praying, imagine their hopeless, hang-dog air as they gazed dejectedly over their thousand acres, exclaiming: "Alas, the law of gravitation makes our low land wet; tobacco will not grow on the highland; yonder field contains no lime for our clover crop; and even the cattle in the hill pasture suffer from lack of water." What a picture ! You sneer, contemptuously. " What sane man would talk so ? " you demand. " The illustration approaches the ridic- ulous. Beseech a higher power? Bemoan the law of gravitation? Fiddlesticks ! Irrigate, drain, lime, water, fertilize, and the land will bring forth in abundance." True, true, but listen ! Ninety million people, some of them intelli- gent men and women, living in one of the most fertile regions of the whole earth, possessed of boundless natural resources, of knowledge and of energy, have suffered for a century from devastating industrial depressions; have watched little children work their fingers raw in the coal breakers; have witnessed an exploitation of women that has re- quired two hundred thousand of them to sell their bodies; have tol- erated sodden misery, poverty, vice, criminality; have permitted one small group in the community to possess itself of the natural resources on which all depend, and to exact a monopoly price, from all, for the use of those resources ; and now, after generations of this gruesome mo- tion picture, these sane, strong men and women raise their hands to a higher power, or slink dejectedly into their caricature homes, making WELFARE AND THE NEW ECONOMICS 5°9 scarcely an effort to throttle their taskmasters — hunger and emulation — or to stay the hand of the grim reaper who annually sends seven hun- dred thousand of them to premature graves. Irrigate ! Drain ! Lime ! Fertilize ! Aye, farmer, do these things, and you will reap a plenteous harvest. You possess the knowledge and the tools — then bend enthusiastically to your task. Educate ! Legislate ! Eeorganize ! Adjust ! Aye, citizen, do these things and you will gain a satisfying livelihood. You possess the knowledge, the wealth, the tools — then bend enthusiastically to your task. The time has passed when the man with the hoe, "bowed with the weight of centuries," "gazes on the ground," toiling that he may pay an eternal tribute to the feudal overlord. To-day he looks the future full in the face, and, with the faith of a freeman, applies natural sci- ence to the solution of the heretofore inscrutable agriculture problems. The time is coming when the man at the machine — striving, frantically hurrying through the long reaches of the ten-hour day — that he may obtain the wherewithal to buy for him and his bread, books, shoes and pleasure trips — servile to economic laws which he can neither under- stand nor master — will look the present system of industrial society full in the face, and with the faith of an emancipated soul will consign its laws to the devil and use the knowledge and the tools which the past has given him, to provide himself with the means whereby he may live. Political economy is not a science founded on eternal principles, but a philosophy of livelihood. Its aim is not to astound us with its mathe- matical premises, or to frighten us with its threats of world disaster, but to outline a method by which men may raise the heavy yoke of tra- ditional servitude and secure a more satisfactory living. 5io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY SCHOLAESHIP AND THE STATE By Professor F. C. BROWN THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA FEOM time to time articles appear from the press and more fre- quently still words are passed from person to person, which indi- cate that a great many citizens of our American states believe that scholarship exists only for the pleasure and profit of those who seek it. It is believed that this attitude arises more from lack of information and thought on the subject than it does from the general bad practises of those who proclaim scholarship. Consequently this paper shall pur- pose to set forth one simple, and it is believed irrefutable, argument for state support to scholarship. The state may be regarded as an expression of the continuity of human life, and we may therefore postulate that it is its first duty to perpetuate itself. In spite of the fact that science shows that it is highly improbable that any state can live forever, it is nevertheless gen- erally agreed that if the state so conducts itself as though it intended to live forever, it will live the longest and be the happiest while it does live. Unfortunately there are many people who seem to think that the only duty of a state is to look after the welfare of the present genera- tion. They somewhat seriously ask, " What has posterity ever done for us ? " Perhaps we may compromise with these, for the sake of our dis- cussion, on the basis that neither the present nor the future welfare of the community can exist independent of the other. In general there is a lack of far-sightedness among American citizens. H. G. Wells calls it, "state blindness." He says: "The typical American has no sense of the state." President Vincent, however, believes that the state is coming to stand for a common life which seeks to gain ever higher levels of efficiency, justice, happiness and solidarity. Ambassador Bryce, who seems to know us better than we know ourselves, declares: The state is not to them (Americans), as to Germans, or Frenchmen, and even some English thinkers, an ideal moral power charged with the duty of forming the characters and guiding the lives of its subjects. I wish to present in this paper an ideal for the permanent and in- creasing betterment of the state and to suggest means for carrying out the ideal, for, as Arnold Toynbee once said : Enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things, first an ideal which takes the imagination by storm and second a definite intelligible plan for carrying the ideal into practise. SCHOLARSHIP AND THE STATE 5^ The future welfare of the state depends on economic and moral conditions. If the natural resources are used up and new resources are not discovered to supplant them, if the soil is worn out, the coal and other minerals are used up and wasted, the rivers are allowed to fill up, then organized human life will be almost impossible. On the other hand, if all the natural wealth were preserved and the coming genera- tions should not be taught so as to appreciate proper moral standards, then obviously the natural wealth would be of no use. The postulates naturally lead us to declare that it is the state's duty to investigate how it may best safeguard its future, and also to take what action best judgment may dictate. The first question that arises is whence is this best judgment to come. Plato's ideal state was to be provided with seers or wise men selected and trained according to the judgment of the wise men of the previous generation. But this idea is fundamentally at variance with the ideals and practises of our democ- racy. The people of the states of our time do not believe that any wise man, or any set of wise men, have the ability or the right to know be- forehand what youths will when matured fully be best suited to direct the welfare of a single generation, much less the ability to select the future men of best judgment. The idea is pretty well grounded in the American states, particu- larly in the west and the middle west, that the state should with all its power endeavor to see that every youth within its bounds should have equal opportunities to make the most with his native ability. No human power can distinguish a Lincoln before he has well matured. It is the privilege of the state, yes, it is even its duty, to see that every person shall do as much as possible, leaving it in a large measure to the indi- vidual to know what he should do. We must therefore admit that it is the duty of the state to offer educational assistance to all who will take it, and that this education must usually partake of two ideals which are apparently diametrically opposite. The ideal education will fit the individual to be proficient in some useful line of activity, and at the same time give him such a general education that he may be morally sound. The first is the element of the professional education and the second is the element of the liberal education. Excellence in the first requires, providing the number of individuals are properly distributed, essentially a narrow life, and gives a high efficiency with large immedi- ate rewards both to the individual and to the state. Excellence in the latter gives a broad view of the functions of the individual and of the relative values of the various activities. So long as we maintain our democratic habits and insist on selecting our wise men fully developed from among the masses, the state should insist, as far as its wealth and its power will permit, that all the individuals should have a liberal edu- cation. No method of reasoning or no experience of the past can show 5i2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY that the state can wisely permanently entrust the education of the individuals to any group of men or any group of interests. Logically this could only happen when the group interests become identical to the interests of the state. The danger of permitting commercial interests to provide all educa- tion would be probably as great as the danger of extending that privi- lege to religious denominations. The commercial interests are not fearing a dearth in their supply of presidents and directors of their companies. These high offices can willingly be handed over to the friends and sons of the controlling millionaires. What they do want is trained labor. They want the stenographers who can give the great- est numbers of words for their money. They want draughtsmen who can give the most and best designs for a particular machine. They want in every case experts who can give the best judgment on a partic- ular line of goods. It is of less than secondary interest to the factory owner, whether any of his employees can vote intelligently and con- scientiously, or it may be stated more broadly that he little cares whether the men of his corporation are morally sound. Although it may seem a little inconsistent, he does want men who will not rob his cash register, or purposely endanger the owner's life. Consequently there are organized commercial interests at work in this country trying to get the universities to give the professional students a more narrow education than they now receive. They call it a more efficient educa- tion. They insist that it is scandalous that an engineering graduate is not worth more than twenty cents an hour to start, forgetting that the ideals and practises of society should be raised »to a higher level by the work of the university. The late Mr. Crane recently, in criticizing the professional education of the University of Illinois, stated that the cost of training was out of all proportion to the product. He figured that the really successful electrical engineer cost the state upwards of $18,000. My reply is that the electrical engineering profession to-day stands as a monument to good investment of money and energy in pure and applied science, and this without calling especial attention to the betterment of society by the better class of engineers. On the other hand, if the church controlled education, the training would perhaps be so idealistic that there might be considerable doubt if any of the practical needs of the professions would be met. A really successful electrical engineer would not be produced at any cost. Church education, naturally conservative, would be entirely inadequate for the needs of our changing democracy, even if it should try to elim- inate creed. The conclusion is that even if the preachers, the doctors, the dentists, or the engineers would furnish all the money to educate their kind, the state can not afford to risk giving them this privilege. The plea is that the state university, as the only fit organ of the SCHOLARSHIP AND THE STATE 5*3 state, must first of all not merely consent to train men for the profes- sions that serve the masses, but that it must demand this right. Of course we are assuming that the state is not a poverty-stricken one, and that it is not fighting for a bare existence. Secondly, the state's uni- versity must insist on giving its students a broad education. By this is meant that all students should not only be trained toward a profes- sional career, but that they should also have the elements of a liberal education. They should by all means appreciate the value of scholar- ship in most lines of endeavor. President James says : I believe that the proper way to train a man or woman who is going to practise one of these learned professions, so far as a school can train him, is to prepare him for independent work in the sciences underlying his profession. I understand that to mean that a graduate in electrical engineering should be prepared to carry on research work in physics. And what is scholarship? It is the discovering of new knowledge and the proper dissemination of this knowledge. The discovery is the most important because it is the basis and the inspiration. There can be no permanent scholarship without research. I believe that it is more difficult to keep a semblance of scholarship alive without research, than it is to keep religion alive without spiritual leadership. In how far is it wise to expect the state to foster research? To answer this question we may first inquire into the economic importance of investigation. A few years ago the members of the agricultural col- lege of the University of Illinois went before the legislature and showed that they could make it possible to increase the yield of corn in Illinois by one bushel per acre, and that thereby they would repay all the money to run their college, if they did nothing else. This argument was so plain that the legislators could understand it and they gave practically all the money asked for. The money showed such good results in such a short time, that the engineering departments were then emboldened to lobby before the legislature, trying to show that money expended on re- search in engineering would be of great benefit to the state. They said that in ceramics they would investigate all the clays of the state to find building materials to replace the fast vanishing supplies of wood and iron. In mechanics they would investigate reinforced concrete so as to make it possible to construct buildings that would last for generations at a small cost. The legislature could understand this argument and so it gave bounteously to the engineering experiment station. The ex- periments in this station attracted attention over the whole world. The president then asked for an unheard-of lump sum of money for the graduate college in arts and sciences, merely to further knowledge in those subjects which were not of immediate value to the masses. This also was granted. The result of all this movement was that at the last legislature the University of Illinois was granted a sum of money in vol. Lxxxir.— 35. 514 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY excess of any one sum ever before in the history of the world by a single legislative enactment. This was in Lorimer's state and in Lorimer's time, strange as it might seem. According to Dr. W. E. Whitney, in charge of the General Electric Company research laboratories, the advances in incandescent lighting alone in this country in the last ten years represent a saving of $240,000,- 000 a year or nearly a million dollars a day. He also calls attention to the fact that as a result of investigations with the mercury arc, his com- pany has already had a sale of over a million dollars extra. There are a great many concerns in this country spending over a hundred thou- sand dollars annually on research. And why do they do it? Because it pays the company. Dr. Whitney believes that the advances of Ger- many over the other countries is largely traceable to their apparent over- production of research men by well-fitted universities and technical schools. My argument is very simple. If an electrical concern that must at all odds pay dividends to the present generation, can afford to pay over a hundred thousand dollars annually for research, how much can the state afford to pay for research in pure science, in physics, in mathematics and chemistry, which will be absolutely essential to rad- ical progress a century hence. The law governing the relation between visible radiation and temperature has been the guiding principle to most of the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by present day com- mercial firms for more efficient lighting. New laws by the physicists of to-day will set new guiding principles for the millions of the future. The laws of induction as discovered in pure physics had to precede the most wonderful development in electrical engineering that this age or any age has witnessed in any line. My whole argument can be summed up here briefly as follows. Knowledge is the source of all power. If the state would get more power it must gain more knowledge. No wonder President E. J. James has been led to exclaim, Why, research is the life of the state university! It (research) is funda- mental to it! Without that it could not be a university in any proper sense of the term. If its professors are not doing this, they are not qualified to give the training which we have in mind for the youth of the state who go there. So that research, investigation, is a fundamental quality of the state university, which is going to do for the people of the state the service which they have a right to expect. ■ Perhaps the moral status of the state is as important as food and shelter. I believe that the moral condition can be improved only by a further acquisition of the facts as to what promotes and what hinders well-being. Thus all knowledge improves moral conditions. The in- telligent investigation of the results of alcoholic drinks is doing more toward driving out the drink habit than all the hatchets. The intelli- gent and unbiased investigation of the moral status of small towns SCHOLARSHIP AND THE STATE 515 can not help but improve conditions. The man whose researches have shown him definitely what can be done to improve morals will always mark progress. The man who can point out just how the practise of the simple virtues of honesty and faith can better any particular condi- tions is certain to better social conditions. It may be mentioned that all research in the right spirit has a moral value, which, however, it is difficult to evaluate in simple units. Any man who is striving to extend the bounds of human knowledge is thus far a source of inspiration to all who know him, and a lesson in faith and hope to those who know of him. Particularly in a university the teachings of a man of research are those that are most likely to in- spire the spirit of wonder and high ideals among the students. It has hardly been the province of this paper to point out how the installation of the proper ideals, free from tawdry sentiment, among university stu- dents, permeates the whole society of the state. Why must not a state entrust the seeking after knowledge to insti- tutions outside the state? One university professor once said that it was useless for a state to try to build up a respectable graduate school near Chicago University. The inference was that the state could well let Mr. Rockefeller's millions seek after new knowledge and then help itself. Of course it might, but this attitude when looked into carefully is ridiculous. It is just as bad as for a citizen to depend on his generous neighbor's parlors to entertain his company. If a state would be a parasite and depend upon forces outside itself to develop new knowledge, then by the laws of nature it must take the chances of a parasite. But I believe that with a healthy, wealthy and vigorous body of people, state pride will forever demand that the state shall do its share toward productive scholarship. Adam Sedgwick, late professor of zoology at Cambridge and London, by whose death at the age of fifty-seven years science has suffered a serious loss. THE PRO GE ESS OF SCIENCE 5i7 THE PEOGEESS OP SCIENCE THE NUMBER OF SCIENTIFIC MEN IN THE WORLD The second edition of the interna- tional "Who's Who in Science" (edited by H. H. Stephenson, London, 1913) gives a classified index, from which can be counted up the number of scientific men in different countries and in different sciences. The compilation favors Great Britain in the first in- stance and the United States in the second, and is not very critical. It gives, however, some idea of the rela- tive numbers of scientific men in other than English-speaking countries. The United States is given first place in the possession of scientific men of the degree of distinction proposed for ad- mission to the book, the figures for leading nations being as follows: United States, 1,678; Great Britain, 1,472; German Empire, 1,280; France, 423; Austria-Hungary, 348; Italy, 215; Switzerland, 214; Holland, 155; Canada, 146; Sweden, 109; Eussia, 97; Denmark, 93 ; Belgium, 90 ; Norway, 88. The German Empire has thus about three times as many scientific men as France, which nation is now but little superior to Austria- Hungary, or the three Scandinavian nations. Italy and Switzerland have each about one half as many scientific men as France. Sweden, Eussia, Denmark, Belgium and Norway have each about a quarter as many. About one half of our scientific men hold the doctorate of philosophy from American universities and about three fourths of those receiving this degree continue to do scientific work. Accord- ing to the compilation printed annu- ally in Science, the average number of degrees conferred in the natural and exact sciences from 1898 to 1907 was 124; from 1908 to 1912 it increased to 212. As the number of scientific men j added each year is about 50 per cent, above those who receive this degree, the total number added to the ranks of scientific men in this country during the past fifteen years would be about 3,500. The number of degrees of doc- tor of philosophy given in the sciences i by the 21 German universities to Ger- mans in 1909-10 was 564, which prob- ably about represents the increase in the number of scientific men. It fol- lows that at present we are producing about half as many scientific men as Germany; twenty years ago it was in the neighborhood of one fourth as many. If we make the assumption that the numbers of scientific men entered in the international "Who's Who in Science" for the continental nations should be increased fourfold to corre- spond with the entries for the United States and the United Kingdom and that there are 6,000 scientific men in the United States, the numbers for the different nations would be approxi- mately: Germany, 18,000; France, 6,- 000; United States, 6,000; Great Britain, 5,000; Austria, 5,000; Italy, 3,000; Switzerland, 3,000; Holland, 2,000; Sweden, Eussia, Denmark, Bel- gium and Norway, 1,500; Canada, Spain, Portugal, 500; Bulgaria, Eou- mania, 150; Servia, Greece, 25. For the other continents the figures would be roughly: Asia, 2,000; Central and South America, 500; Australia, 500; Africa, 300. The number of men now living who have made contributions to the advancement of science is conse- quently in the neighborhood of 60,000, of whom about one tenth live in the United States. The number of scien- tific men per million population in 1860 (the approximate average date of their birth) would be for the sev- eral countries: Switzerland, 1,200; Si8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Denmark, 938; Norway, 938; Holland, 606; Germany, 472; Sweden, 395 Belgium, 320; United States, 191 Great. Britain and Ireland, 172 France, 163; Italy, 120; Austria-Hun- gary, 73; Eussia, 22. The number for Massachusetts is 654, placing that state above Holland. As De Candolle has shown, the supremacy of Switzer- land has been maintained for 200 years. He gives political and social causes which he holds would account for it. These also apply in large meas- ure to Denmark, Norway and Holland. TEE SCIENTIFIC CAREER IN TEE UNITED STATES The number of scientific men of distinction would tend to be in pro- portion to the total number of scien- tific men a generation ago rather than at present, and the United States can not expect to have nearly one tenth of the eminent scientific men of the world. Professor Pickering found (The Popular Science Monthly, October, 1908, and January, 1909) that of the 87 scientific men who were members of at least two foreign acad- emies, six were Americans, as com- pared with 17 from Prussia, 13 from England and 12 from France. In so far as our scientific production is so measured, the reference is to a genera- tion ago when our universities wove only beginning to develop and research work was only beginning to be appre- ciated. It is a striking fact that of the six distinguished Americans, three are astronomers; and astronomy is the only science in which thirty years ago the facilities for research work in this country were equal to those of the leading European nations. Of the re- maining three, two have not been en- gaged in teaching, and the third has been practically freed from teaching for his research work. It is not possible for men to earn their livings by scientific research. Like other work for the benefit of so- ciety as a whole, and unlike business or professional service which can be sold to individuals, it must be re- warded by society. In the past repu- tation, social recognition, titles, prizes degrees, membership in academies and the like have been used as rewards, but these form a fiat currency which is now debased and scarcely passes in this country. It presupposes that the scientific man has independent means of support, and the group from which he can come is comparatively small. The method has succeeded in Great Britain, but in our democracy we can not afford to keep a leisure class for certain desirable bye-products. It is in every way better and cheaper to pay for our science. Germany owes its leadership in the nineteenth century to the provision of highly regarded university chairs given as a reward and as opportunity for research. Such opportunity for scientific re- search as exists in the United States is also chiefly due to the universities. Of our thousand leading scientific men, three fourths earn their livings by teaching, nearly all in a few universi- ties. These institutions deserve credit for what has been accomplished and responsibility for the fact that we have failed to equal Germany, England and France in the production of scien- tific men of high quality. There are many positions and many scientific men, many students and many execu- tive officers. But our colleges and professional schools are not of univer- sity grade, our graduate students are not the men of exceptional ability selected from the whole people, but, as a group, men preparing to follow a safe and humble career; safe, so long as no offence is given; humble, unless it leads to an administrative position. The professor is subjected to official routine and executive machinery; his salary, at best but meager, his work and even his position are dependent on the will of a superior official. We may hope that this is only a temporary phase in university development, corre- sponding to similar conditions in poli- THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 5*9 A Water-hen rising tu the Surface. A Seal plunging under Water. Photographs of animals under water taken by Dr. Francis Ward and reproduced from a series in the Illustrated London News. 520 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tics, business and society, not unnat- ural under rapid material exploitation in the childhood of a democracy. The danger is that great men may be lack- ing in our universities when the time comes for them to assume the place they should hold in the community. Of our thousand leading scientific men, 739 are in educational institu- tions, 110 in government work, 59 in applied science, 38 in museums and gardens, 36 in research institutions, 18 are amateurs or in other profes- sions. The conditions in the govern- ment service are somewhat similar to those in the universities. There are men and money in abundance, but mediocrity is favored rather than genius. In the establishment of en- dowed research institutions the United States has taken a forward step which may give to us the world's leadership in scientific research. In our research establishments, in our universities, in government, state and municipal serv- ice, in discovery through the applica- tion of science, we have possibilities never before presented to any nation. It will be well for us and for the world if these are realized in per- formance. SCIENTIFIC ITEMS We regret to record the deaths of Professor Eobert Woodworth Prentiss, who had held the chair of mathematics and astronomy in Eutgers College since 1891 ; of Dr. George McClellan, a Phil- adelphia surgeon, known for his re- searches in anatomy, and of Dr. Adolf Slaby, professor of electrotechnics in the Berlin Technical School and the University of Berlin, known for his work in wireless telegraphy. It is announced that Dr. H. B. Fine, professor of mathematics in Princeton University, has been offered by Presi- dent Wilson the ambassadorship to Germany. — Dr. David F. Houston, sec- retary of agriculture, will retain the chancellorship of Washington Univer- sity on leave of absence. — Professor Willis Luther Moore, who has been chief of the United States Weather Bureau since 1895, has been retired from this office. The Bruce medal of the Astronom- ical Society of the Pacific has been awarded to Professor J. C. Kapteyn, of Groningen, for his work on the proper motions of the stars. — The Har- ris lecture committee of Northwestern University has announced that the Norman Waite Harris lectures for 1913-14 will be delivered by Dr. Edwin Grant Conklin, professor of zoology at Princeton University. The general subject of his lectures will be heredity and eugenics. The university faculty of Cornell University passed on March 14 the following resolution : Whereas: Professor Willard C. Fisher, a distinguished alumnus and former fellow of the university, has been dismissed from the chair of eco- nomics and social science at Wesleyan University on grounds stated in the letters of January 27, 1913, exchanged between the president of Wesleyan University and Professor Fisher; therefore, 'Resolved, That the faculty of Cor- nell University extend to Professor Fisher greetings and assurance of re- gard, with the message that his alma mater still seeks to maintain and ex- tend the spirit of liberality, toleration and loyalty to truth, illustrated by the principles and lives of its founders, Ezra Cornell and Andrew D. White. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. JUNE, 1913 » SOME FUETHEE APPLICATION'S OF THE METHOD OF POSITIVE EAYS1 Professor SIR J. J. THOMSON, O.M., LL.D. D.Sc, F.R.S. CAVENDISH PROFESSOR OF EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, CAMBRIDGE, AND PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, ROYAL INSTITUTION THE method to which I shall refer this evening is the one I described in a lecture I gave here two years ago. The nature of the method may be understood from the diagram given in Fig. 1. A is a vessel containing the gases at a very low pressure; an electric discharge is sent through these gases, passing from the anode to the cathode C. Fig. 1. The positively electrified particles move with great velocity towards the cathode; some of them pass through a small hole in the center, and emerge on the other side as a fine pencil of positively electrified par- 1 Address before the Eoyal Institution of Great Britain, Friday, January 17, 1913. VOL. L.XXXII.— 36. 522 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tides. This pencil is acted on by electric forces when it passes between the plates L and M, which are connected with the terminals of a battery of storage cells, and by a magnetic force when it passes between P and Q, which are the poles of an electro-magnet. In the pencil before it passed under the influence of these forces there might be many kinds of atoms or molecules, some heavy, others light, some moving quickly, others comparatively slowly, but these would all be mixed up together. When they are acted on by the electric and magnetic forces, however, they get sorted out, and instead of traveling along the same path they branch off into different directions. No two particles will travel along the same path unless they have the same mass as well as the same velocity ; so that if we know the path of the particle we can determine both its mass and its velocity. In chemical analyses we are concerned more with the mass than with the velocity, and we naturally ask what is the connection between the paths of particles which have the same mass but which move with different velocities. The answer is that all such paths lie on the surface of a cone, and that each kind of particle has its own cone; there is one cone for hydrogen, another for oxygen, and so on. Thus one cone is sacred to hydrogen, and if it exists there must be hydrogen in the vessel; so that if we can detect the different cones produced from the original pencil, we know at once the gases that are in the tube. Now, there are several ways of identifying these cones, but I shall only refer to the one I have used in the experiments I wish to bring before you this evening. These moving electrified particles, when they strike against a photographic plate, make an impression on the plate, and a record of the place where they struck the plate can be obtained. Thus, when a plate is placed in the way of the particles streaming along these cones, the sections of these cones by the plate (parabolas) are recorded on the photograph, hence we can identify these cones by the parabolic curves recorded on the photograph, and these parabolas will tell us what gases are in the vessels. The first application of the method which I shall bring before you this evening is to detect the rare gases in the atmosphere. Sir James Dewar kindly supplied me with two samples of gases obtained from the residues of liquid air; the samples had been treated so that one might be expected to contain the heavier gases, the other the lighter ones. I will take the heavier gases first. The photograph for these is shown in Fig. 2. When the plate is measured up it shows a faint line corre- sponding to the atomic weight 128 (xenon) ; a very strong line corre- sponding to the atomic weight 82 (krypton), a strong argon line 40 (argon) and the neon line 20. There are no lines unaccounted for, and hence we may conclude that in the atmosphere there are no unknown gases of large atomic weight occurring in quantities com- parable with those of xenon or krypton. This result gives an example THE METHOD OF POSITIVE RAYS 523 Fig. 2. of the convenience of the method, for a single photo- graph of the positive rays reveals at a glance the gases in the tube. I now turn to the photograph of the lighter constituents shown in Fig. 3 ; here we find the lines of he- lium, of neon (very strong), of argon, and in addition there is a line corresponding to an atomic weight 22, which can not be identified with the line due to any known gas. I thought at first that this line, since its atomic weight is one half that of C02, must be due to a carbonic acid molecule with a double charge of elec- tricity, and on some of the plates a faint line at 44 could be detected. On passing the gas slowly through tubes immersed in liquid air the line at 44 completely disap- peared, while the brightness of the one at 22 was not affected. The origin of this line presents many points of interest; there are no known gaseous compounds of any of the recognized ele- ments which have this mo- lecular weight. Again, if we accept Mendeleef's periodic law, there is no room for a new element with this atomic weight. The fact that this line is bright in the sample when the neon line ' is ex- traordinarily bright, and in- visible in the other when the neon is comparatively feeble, suggests that it may possibly be a compound of neon and hydrogen, N"eH„, though no direct evidence of the com- bination of these inert gases has hitherto been found. I fig. 3. have two photographs of the 524 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY discharge through helium in which there is a strong line, 6, which could be explained by the compound HeH2, but, as I have never again been able to get these lines, I do not wish to lay much stress on this point. There is, however, the possibility that we may be interpreting Men- deleefs law too rigidly, and that in the neighborhood of the atomic weight of neon there may be a group of two or more elements with similar properties, just as in another part of the table we have the group iron, nickel and cobalt. From the relative intensities of the 22 line and the neon line we may conclude that the quantity of the gas * giving the 22 line is only a small fraction of the quantity of neon. Let me direct your attention again to the photograph of the heavier gases in the atmosphere. You will notice that the parabolas correspond- ing to many of the elements start from points which are all in the same vertical line; this indicates that the atoms or molecules which form these parabolas all carry the same charge. Several of these lines, how- ever, do not follow this rule; you will notice, for example, that the neon line has a prolongation which comes nearer than the normal line to the vertical line drawn through the undeflected spot. Measurement of the photograph shows that the neon line begins at a distance from this vertical line which is only half the normal distance; this shows that some of the neon atoms in the positive rings possess two charges of electricity; the majority of them, however, only possess one. If you examine the argon line you will find that it comes even nearer to the vertical than the neon line, in fact, it begins at a distance from the vertical only one third of the normal distance; this proves that the argon atom can have as many as three charges of electricity. If now you examine the krypton line you will find that it comes nearer to the vertical line than even the argon ; its least distance is one fourth of the normal distance, showing that the krypton atom may have as many as four charges. The mercury line comes so close to the vertical line that it is only on large photographs that it can be seen that there is in reality an interval; this interval is only one eighth of the normal interval, showing that mercury may acquire eight positive charges, i. e., that it may lose eight corpuscles. The mercury atom when it is on this line must have only the normal charge, i. e., it must have regained all but one of the corpuscles it previously lost; if it had retained two positive charges it would have been on the line corresponding to the atomic weight 200/2 or 100 : if it had retained 3, or 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 on the lines corresponding to the atomic weights, 200/3, 200/4, 200/5, 200/6, 200/7, 200/8 respectively. All these except the last have been detected on the plate. The lines corresponding to the multiple charges on krypton, argon and neon have also been detected. It appears, then, that in a vacuum tube a mercury atom, for example, may be ionized in two ways; in the one way the atom loses one corpuscle, in the other it loses eight. THE METHOD OF POSITIVE RAYS 525 I would suggest that these two types of ionization may result from the two different types of collision which the atom must experience. The first type is collision with a corpuscle ; since the corpuscle is an exceed- ingly small hody moving with a very great velocit}*, it can pass freely through the atom, and the collision it makes with the atom is really a collision with a corpuscle inside the atom; this may result in the cor- puscle it strikes acquiring such a great velocity that it is able to escape from the atom ; this type of collision will result in the detachment of a single corpuscle. The second type of collision is when the atom collides with another atom and not with another corpuscle; the result of this collision may be that the atom suffers a sudden change in its velocity. This change is not at first shared by the corpuscles, so that these just after the collision may have a very considerable velocity relative to the atom. If there are several corpuscles which are comparatively loosely attached to the atom, these may all be detached from it and leave it with a positive charge corresponding to the number shaken out. It is this type of collision which we regard as giving the multiply-charged ions, and we see that the magnitude of the charge is a measure of the number of corpuscles in an atom which are readily 'detachable from it. We have seen that the greater the atomic weight the greater the charge it can acquire, the maximum charge being roughly proportioned to the square root of the atomic weight, hence the heavy elements have a larger number of detachable corpuscles than the lighter ones. Another application of the method I should like to bring before you is the use of it for the discovery and investigation of a new substance. I have in previous lectures said that sometimes there apj)eared on the plates a line corresponding to a particle with an atomic weight 3 ; this must either be a new element or a polymeric modification of hydrogen, represented by H3. The other possibility that it is a carbon atom with four charges is put out of court by the fact that it frequently occurs when the carbon line is exceedingly faint, and when there is not a trace of a carbon atom with even two charges, though the doubly-charged car- bon atom occurs readily under certain conditions. In addition to this, the carbon atom parabola never approaches the vertical near enough to allow of its having four charges. I thought the study of the sub- stance producing this line would be of interest, and I have for some time been working at it. and although the research is by no means completed, I have obtained some results which I should like to bring before you. At first I was greatly hindered by not knowing the conditions under which the line occurred ; although it appeared from time to time on the plates, its appearance was always fortuitous and sometimes for weeks together the plates would not show a trace of the line. The line some- times appeared, but why it did so was a mystery, and I could not get it when I wanted it. I began an investigation, which proved long and 526 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tedious, to find the conditions under which the line appeared. I tried filling the discharge-vessel with all the gases and vapors described in the books on chemistry without success. At last I tried bombarding various substances with cathode rays. Under this treatment the substances give off considerable quantities of gas the greater part of which is hydrogen, carbonic acid or carbon monoxide. When I came to analyze by the positive rays the gases given off in this way, I found that with a large number of substances these gases contained the substances giving the three lines, so that I was now in a position to get this line whenever I wanted it, and investigate the properties of the gas to which it owes its origin. The question of the gases absorbed and given off by solids is an extremely interesting one, and a considerable number of investi- gations have been made on it. In all these, as far as I know, the method has been to heat the solid to a high temperature, and then measure and analyze the very considerable amount of gas which is driven off by the heating. As far as I know, no experiments have been made in which the gases were driven off by bombardment with cathode rays. This treatment, however, will cause the emission of gas even when ordinary heating fails to do so. Belloc, who has recently published2 some interesting experiments on this subject, after spending about six months in a fruitless attempt to get a piece of iron in a state in which it would no longer give off gas when heated, came to the conclusion that, for practical purposes, a piece of iron must be regarded as an inexhaustible reservoir of gas. There are some interesting features about the emission of gas from a heated solid. If the body is kept for a long time in a vacuum at a high temperature, the emission of gas becomes too small to be detected; if after this treatment the temperature is raised considerably, there will be a further copious emission of gas, which again diminishes as the heat- ing continues. After it has fallen to zero, all that is necessary is to raise the temperature again and you will get a fresh supply of gas ; and as far as my experience goes, after you have got all the gas you can out of the solid by heating it, you have only to expose it to cathode rays to get a fresh outburst. This effect of increased temperature in renewing the stream of gas from the solid seems to me to be too large to be ac- counted for merely by an increase in the rate of diffusion of the absorbed gas from the interior to the surface; it seems to be more analogous to the case of the emission of the water of crystallization from some salts. There are some salts, for example, copper sulphate, which when heated lose their water of crystallization in stages ; -thus, if the temperature is raised to a certain value, some of the water of crystallization comes off, but the rest remains fixed, and you may keep the salt at this tempera- ture for ever without getting rid of all the water of crystallization ; on 2 Ann. de Chimie et cle Physique (8), XVIII., p. 569. THE METHOD OF POSITIVE BAYS 527 raising the temperature, however, fresh water of crystallization is given off. Something of this kind seems to take place in the case of gases ab- sorbed in metals, and there seem to be indications that there is some kind of chemical combination between the gas and the metal. This ab- sorbed gas may influence the behavior of the substance. For example, an ordinary carbon filament gives off, when raised to a white heat, large quantities of negatively electrified corpuscles; but Pring and Parker3 have shown that when great precautions are taken to get rid of the ab- sorbed gas, the emission of these corpuscles falls to less than one mil- lionth of their previous value. It is in the gases given off by certain metals when they are bombarded by cathode rays that I have found an unfailing source of the substance, which I shall denote by X3, giving the line corresponding to the atomic weight 3. The arrangement I have used for investigating the presence of this gas is shown in Fig. 4. Ca-mera. Fig. 4. A is a vessel communicating with the bulb B in which the positive rays are produced by two tubes, one of which is a very fine capillary tube, while the other one is five or six millimeters in diameter; taps are in- serted so that one or both of these vessels can be closed, and the vessels A and B isolated from each other. A is provided with a curved cathode such as are used for Eontgen ray focus tubes, and the cathode rays focus on the platform on which the substance to be bombarded is placed. [It is not absolutely necessary to focus the cathode rays in this way, but it makes the supply of the gas X3 more copious.] After the metal or other solid to be examined has been placed on the platform, the taps between A and B being turned so as to cut off the connection between 3 Phil. Mag., XXIII., p. 192. 528 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY them, A is exhausted until the vacuum is low enough to give the cathode rays; the discharge is then sent through A, and the cathode rays bom- bard the solid. The result of this is that in a few seconds so much gas, mainly C02 and hydrogen, is driven out of it that the pressure gets too high for the cathode rays to be formed, and unless some precautions to lower the pressure were taken the bombardment would stop. To avoid this, a tube containing charcoal cooled by liquid air is connected with A, and this absorbs the C02 and enough of the hydrogen to keep the vacuum in the cathode ray state. To see what new gases are given off in consequence of the bombardment, a photograph is taken while the connection between A and B is cut off. After this is finished, and when the bombardment has gone on for about four hours, the tap is turned and a little of the gas from A is allowed to go into B ; another photograph is taken, and those lines in the second photograph which are not in the first represent those gases which are liberated by the bombardment, and which have escaped being absorbed by the charcoal. I have here a slide (Fig. 5) representing the result of bombarding nickel. There are two Pig. 5. photographs, one (a) before turning the tap and the other (/?) after; in the second you see the three line very distinctly, while it is absent from the first, showing that the gas giving the three line has been lib- erated by the bombardment. I have got similar results to these when, instead of nickel, iron, copper, lead, zinc have been bombarded. I have tried two specimens of meteorites kindly lent to me from the Minera- logical Museum, Cambridge, and found there the three line. Nearly every substance I have tried gives, the first time it is bombarded, the helium line as well as this line due to X3 ; if, however, the same sub- stance is bombarded a second time, the helium line is in general absent (occasionally it is still to be detected, though exceedingly faint) ; and THE METHOD OF POSITIVE RAYS 529 on the third bombardment is invisible in all the substances I have tried except monazite sand, where it is given off in exceedingly large quanti- ties as long as the bombardment continues. It is remarkable that mon- azite sand, which contains so many elements, gives no trace of the three line when bombarded. I have also obtained the X3 line and also the helium line when the tube A was replaced by one containing a Wehnelt cathode; with this the current of cathode rays through the tube was much larger than with the other cathode, though the velocity of the rays was smaller. The Wehnelt cathode gives the line without placing pieces of metal in the tube, so that in this case nothing is bombarded by the cathode rays but the glass walls of the tube; the strip of metal forming the cathode is, however, bombarded by the positive rays. The three line when present at all continues even though the bom- bardment is very prolonged. In some cases the bombardment has been prolonged for twenty hours, and at the end of that time the line seemed almost as bright as at the beginning ; indeed I could not feel certain that there was any difference. This might lead one to suspect that X3 was manufactured from the lead or other metal by the bombardment rather than stored up in it, and this view might be regarded as receiving some support from the fact that very little of the X3 is liberated by heating. The following experiment is an illustration of this. I took a piece of lead, and instead of bombarding it with cathode rays I placed it in a quartz tube connected with vessel A, and heated the tube to a bright red-heat for several hours. Large quantities of C03 and hydrogen were driven off by this process ; this was absorbed by charcoal, and the resid- ual gases, which had accumulated in A, were admitted into the vessel B ; the X3 line and helium line could just be detected, and that was all. I then gave the lead a second heating, raising this time the temperature until the quartz was on the point of softening. The lead was boiling vigorously; the heating was kept up for about three hours. In this time about three quarters of the lead had boiled away. I then let the gases which had been given off at the second heating into the vessel B, and took another photograph ; no trace of the line due to X3 or helium could be detected. The fraction of the lead which had not been boiled away was now placed in A and bombarded by cathode rays. It now gave the three line quite distinctly ; the helium line was visible, but faint. By the bombardment with the cathode rays the lead was only just melted, so that the average temperature was much less than when it was heated in the quartz tube. This rather suggests that the X3 might be due to a kind of dissociation of the metal by the cathode rays, and not to a liberation of a store of that substance. Another experi- ment shows, however, that for lead, at any rate, this view is not tenable. I took some lead which had just been deposited from a solution of lead 53Q THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY acetate by putting a piece of zinc into the solution, and forming the well-known lead-tree. When I bombarded this freshly precipitated lead, I could get no trace of the X3 line; the helium line, too, was absent. I then tried another experiment. I took a piece of lead and divided it into two parts. The first of these I bombarded by the cathode rays: it gave the X3 line quite distinctly. The other part I dissolved in boiling nitric acid, getting lead nitrate. The nitrate was heated and converted into oxide, and this was bombarded by the cathode rays : it did not give the X3 line, showing that the X3 is not produced by the bombardment, but is something stored up in the lead, which can be detached from it when the lead is dissolved. I have tried several samples of lead; the one which gave the X3 line most distinctly was a piece of lead from the roof of Trinity College Chapel, several hundred years old. A sample of Kahibaum's chemically pure lead, which must, I suppose, at no distant date have been subjected to severe ordeals by fire and water, showed the line quite distinctly, though not so well as the older lead. I have tried similar experiments with iron, and found that iron which gave the three line very distinctly ceased to do so after it had been dissolved in acid. As the most obvious explanation of X3 is that it is H3, bearing the same relation to hydrogen that ozone does to oxygen, and produced in some way from the hydrogen dissolved in the metal, I tried if I could produce it by charging metals with large quantities of hydrogen, and then seeing if the hydrogen coming from the metal gave any traces of H3. Thus, for example, I tested the hydrogen given off from hot palladium, but found no trace of X3. I then charged nickel at a tem- perature of about 355° C. with hydrogen in the way recommended by Sabatier, but found no increase in the brightness of the X3 over nickel that had not been deliberately exposed to hydrogen. I tried if the brightness of the line would be increased by adding hydrogen to the bulb A, in which the bombardment took place, but found no effect. I also tried adding oxygen to this bulb, thinking that if it was H3 it would combine with the oxygen, and thus be eliminated, but no great diminution in the intensity was produced by this treatment. The gas seems quite stable, at least it can be kept for several days without suf- fering any diminution that can be detected; indeed, when once it has got into a bulb, there is considerable difficulty in getting the bulb free from it. It must be remembered, too, that by the method it is produced the gas is subjected all the time to electric discharges which would break it up unless it possesses very great stability. Thus if X3 is a polymeric modification of hydrogen, it must possess the following properties : 1. It must be very stable. 2. It must resist the action of oxygen. THE METHOD OF POSITIVE RAYS 53 J 3. It must not be decomposed by long-continued exposure to the electric discharge. These are properties which a priori we should hardly have expected an allotropic modification of hydrogen to possess. Mendeleef predicted the existence of an element with an atomic weight 3. According to him this element should be intensly electro- negative and possess the properties of fluorine to an exaggerated extent. The gas X3 can, however, be kept in glass vessels, which we should not expect to be possible if it possessed more than fluorine's power of com- bining with glass. I prefer to defer expressing any opinion as to the actual nature of the gas until I have had the opportunity of making further experiments upon it. It is only about two months ago that I found how to get the gas with any certainty, and, as the method in- volves long bombardments, each experiment takes a considerable time. This has prevented me from making several experiments which suggest themselves, and which ought to be made before coming to a final de- cision. I thought, however, that the investigation, though incomplete, might not be unsuitable for a Friday evening discourse, as the gas, whatever its nature, is certainly one of considerable interest, and its detection illustrates the delicacy of this new method. THE ABALONES OF CALIFORNIA 533 THE ABALONES OF CALIFOKNIA By Professor CHARLES LINCOLN EDWARDS MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFOBNIA, ASSISTANT, CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME COMMISSION THE abalone belongs to a family of marine snails, the HalioticUe, which has many representatives in the waters about Africa, India, Japan and the neighboring islands. Six species and one variety have been described from the Pacific coast of North America, but none from the Atlantic coast. Under the name of ormers, sea-ears, or ear- shells, this gastropod occurs on the coast of France and among the Channel Islands, but the species are most abundant in tropical and semi-tropical regions. The abalone is of importance because of its beautiful shell, polished as an ornament, or manufactured into many kinds of novelties and jewelry. Gleaming with the iridescence of the rainbow and the aurora this lovely shell is fit to be the chalice of Eos. Pearls may be secreted around foreign particles accidentally, or designedly, introduced between the mantle and the nacreous layer of the shell. The mollusk PJiola- didea may bore through the shell and cause the formation of the blister- pearl, or we may bring about the same result by inserting a prepared form. Then the meat, either fresh or dried, is of much, food value. In the commercial fishery of abalones, one or more crews are employed, generally made up of Japanese, but sometimes of Chinese or American fishermen. The boat containing a crew is either rowed, or driven by motor, from the camp to the fishing grounds. The crew consists of the diver and his six assistants. When over the right bot- tom the diver is clothed with his suit, the helmet screwed upon the brass collar, the heavy lead breast and back weights adjusted, and the anvpump manned. One man takes the diver's signal rope, another the hose from the air-pump, and the diver, with a net attached to a rope and his shucking-chisel in hand, is assisted over the side, climbs down the short ladder and drops through the water to the bottom. If he finds the abalones plentiful, work is continued in depths of from twenty to sixty-five feet, in four-hour shifts. The man on the boat with the signal rope in hand follows the course of the diver by the constant stream of air-bubbles rising to the surface. When the kelp is thick one man has a knife on a long pole, with which he cuts the sea-weed and keeps the air-tube clear. The diver finds it an easy task to detach the abalone from the rock 534 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The Diver going down the Ladder. if he pushes the shucking-chisel under the expanded foot before the animal is alarmed. If, however, the diver hesitates and the abalone contracts its muscular foot a powerful pressure is exerted. One or two cases have been reported of the drowning of Chinese fishermen who have had their hands caught by the abalone and thus held until over- come by the rising tide. The diver secures a net full of abalones, gives the signal and the mollusks are hoisted aboard and stowed below. The net, filled with about fifty green and corrugated abalones may be hauled up every six or seven minutes. During his shift below the diver gathers from thirty to forty basketfuls, each containing one hundred pounds of meat and shell, or altogether one and one half to two tons. At Santa Catalina Island and later at San Clemente Island in company with a Japanese diver, I donned a diving-dress for submarine exploration. On one occasion the assistant failed to tighten the waist- belt which is designed to keep the air in the upper part of the diving- dress. The men at the pump worked with especial assiduity and as I dropped off the ladder the inflated rubber trousers turned my feet uppermost. Head down I went through sixty-five feet of water and then, not in a position for quiet reflection, remained some moments before the Japanese assistants concluded that my signals were not being made just for the fun of it. After being pulled to the surface, reversed and relieved of inferior inflation, a successful descent was made. The submarine journey is a wonderful experience. The bottom of the sea THE ABAL0NE8 OF CALIFORNIA 535 seems made of grains of gold and silver, shimmering in the penetrating sunlight. Upon the face of a precipice, large specimens of the green and corrugated abalones rest. The shell of each is covered with a luxuriant growth of algae, hydroids and tentacled tube-worms, which mask the creature from its enemies. All about are large fish which swim close and peer through the glass window of the helmet. An enormous sting-ray indifferently floats by. One has a fellow feeling with these unfrighted denizens of the deep in the fascination of ob- serving their behavior under natural conditions. In gathering abalones sometimes a crew is composed of six divers who work without suits up to a depth of twenty feet and some of them remain under water for as long as two minutes. These expert swim- mers protect their eyes with glasses and wear cotton in their ears. They pry off the abalones with a shucking-chisel, often filling their arms on the way to the boat. Every two hours they return to the launch to be warmed at the fire. It takes the united efforts of these six men to equal the catch of one diver in a suit. The abalone has a well-developed head and a powerful, adhesive, creeping foot. The shell is flattened, and the spire, which is such a prominent conical structure in most snail shells, is depressed and incon- spicuous in this form. The last greatly enlarged whorl contains the body, especially characterized by the enormous columellar muscle, whose fibers run from their origin upon the muscle scar, or center of the shell, into the foot. Numerous contractile tentacles arise from the fringed epipodial fold, or ruff, around the base of the foot. The gills, alimen- tary system, reproductive glands, kidneys, heart and blood vessels and the pallial and visceral sections of the nervous system lie to the left of In Diving-dress Ready for the Descent. 536 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The Green Abalone Shell with Mask Black Abalone. Shell removed, of Algje. showing visceral mass terminating in the spiral CGecum posteriorly and the opened gill cavity to the left anteriorly. and behind the columellar muscle and foot. From the mouth cavity the gullet leads backward to the enlarged stomach, which is divided into two compartments, and receives the digestive juices from the large digestive gland at the hind end of the body. Two pairs of salivary glands pour their secretions into the buccal cavity. The intestine runs SNOUT ^OILFACTORY TENTACLE SALIVARY GLAN RADULA v INTESTINE MANTEL -COLUMELLAR MUSCLE -EPIPODIAL FOLD REPRODUCTIVE GLAND STOMACH IGESTIVE GLAND SPIRAL COECUM Green Abalone Dissected. The gills, kidneys, heart and dorsal parts of mantle and columellar muscle have been removed and spiral ccecum turned over to the right. THE ABALONES OF CALIFORNIA 537 anteriorly to the side of the head, there turns on itself and proceeds back to the stomach, where it again goes forward, passing through the ventricle of the heart, to terminate in the anus, which opens into the gill cavity. The shell is perforated, toward the left, by a series uf openings lying above a slit in the mantle fold leading into the gill cavity, whence issues a stream bearing the excrement, respiratory and excretory wastes. Three tentacular processes from the edges of Feeding Abalones from the Hand, a, h, grasping kelp with anterior processes of foot ; c, drawing kelp under foot ; d, eating hole in kelp. the mantle cleft project through these holes. As the animal grows the apertures in the shell behind the respiratory cavity are closed up and new ones are formed at the anterior edge. The head terminates in a short snout on either side of which is a somewhat slender olfactory tentacle and slightly lateral to this a shorter and broader optic tentacle. Two elongated ganglia lying above the mouth cavity may be called the brain because they form the center for nerves from the eyes, olfactory tentacles, snout, lips and other parts of the head. The eye is a simple cup-shaped depression of the epithelium on the end of the tentacle. The cup is filled with a gelatinous lens and it has clear and pigmented retinal cells connected with fibrils from the VOL. LXXXIT.— 37. 53§ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The Abalone Drying Frames of the San Clemente Island Japanese Camp. optic nerve. The shadow of a hand passing over the abalone in an aquarium causes the animal to contract the head end of the body. Hence the abalone differentiates various intensities of light and thus possesses a primitive sense of sight. The contractile tentacles running out in every direction from the ruff are end-organs of touch. Each has a nerve connected with either the right or left pedal cord. These two centers of innervation run through the middle of the foot for the greater pait of its length and are connected by cross fibers. They not only recive stimuli from the sense organs of the ruff, but govern the multitude of muscle fibers which form the foot. Scattered all over the exposed parts of the body are long spindle- shaped cells which may respond to such mechanical and chemical stimuli as to make of them indefinite end-organs of touch and smell. In the floor of the mantle cavity a water-testing sense organ, the osphradium, extends along the base of each gill. The cells of this simple end-organ are chemically stimulated in such manner that the abalone has sensa- tions of smell, warning it to shut off the incurrent water, when foul or containing some poisonous matter. If a piece of kelp is held motionless in front of the body, the animal soon responds by reaching out the cleft anterior portion of the foot. These finger-like processes grasp the sea-weed and pull it back beneath the mouth and foot, where it is firmly held. Cells in the mucous lining of the mouth cavity are stimulated so that the animal gets the sensa- tion of taste. Covering the tongue is a long horny, file-like structure, the radula, with many thousands of chitinous teeth symmetrically ar- THE ABALONES OF CALIFORNIA 539 ranged in transverse and longitudinal rows. The teeth are pointed backward, and as the tongue is thrust out and drawn in, the radula rasps a hole in the succulent kelp, carrying the fragments of food to the opening of the gullet. Two chitinous jaws, one at either side within the mouth, but united in the midline, serve as scrapers to hold back in the mouth cavity the particles of food adhering to the radula. This method of feeding abalones individually by hand is of importance in easily earing for the animals in confinement in aquaria or in enclosed pools, or live-boxes in marine farming. As food the abalone is one of the best of our marine mollusks. Detached from the shell, the visceral mass and mantle fringe are trimmed off from the large central muscle, which is then cut trans- versely into slices. These small steaks, when beaten four or five times with the flat side of a meat-cleaver and then fried in butter, are tender and delicious. The meat is also equally delectable when served as a chowder or minced. Besides supplying the local market the mollusks may be shipped across the continent, for when individuals are placed one on top of the other, in a sort of a living nest, they will survive for as long as six days without water, feeding upon the organisms and organic slime covering the shells upon which they rest. While the American market is not sufficiently developed to create an active demand Dipping Abalones from the Boiling Tank. 54o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY for fresh abalones yet in a dried state many are shipped to China. After being gathered from the rocks by the diver and taken into camp, the shells are removed and the abalones thrown into vats of salt water and left for two or three days. In this manner, the pigmented mantle fringe is removed and the meat preserved. The abalones are next washed in large tubs by means of wooden paddles and then cooked for one half hour in water almost at the boiling temperature not only for sterilization, but to give the meat the desired rounded shape. With dip-nets the Japanese workmen remove the abalones to baskets and Meat of the Green Abalone Drying in the Sunshine at San Clemente Island. carry them to the drying frames, where they are laid out in trays in the sunshine. After four or five days, or longer, if the temperature falls, the partly dried abalones are cooked in water for the second time for one hour. Next they are smoked in charcoal smoke for from twelve to twenty-four hours, and then for the third time placed in boil- ing water mainly for rinsing. Now the}r are dried for a period of six weeks and after a final cleansing bath in luke-warm water made ready for shipment. During the process of drying the meat loses nine tenths of its original weight. While hard and tough, like dried beef, it may be sliced with a sharp knife and eaten with relish. When dried the meat brings from twelve to fourteen cents a pound for the green and corrugated species, and from eight to ten cents for the black abalone. Most of the dried abalone goes to China and there finally, at retail, brings seventy-five cents per pound. A camp of fourteen Japanese fish- ermen brings in thirty tons, or more, of the fresh abalone in a month. There is considerable business in canning abalone for the California markets as well as for New York and Honolulu. The abalone of Japan, THE ABALONES OF CALIFORNIA 54i the awabi, is a smaller species and the holes of the shell are relatively large, so that only the central part is of value, chiefly for use in inlay- ing. Gathering abalones is especially carried on by women divers, who swim out to the fishing grounds and work in depths of from six to eight fathoms. Pearls are not often found, but the meat is dried and sold as dark red disks strung on sticks. The familiar polished abalone shells have gone all over the world and everywhere are highly esteemed as ornaments. The shell is pol- ished by grinding it first on a carborundum wheel until the desired colors are reached. The shell is then surfaced by a wheel of felt sprinkled with carborundum dust glued to the wheel. Finally it is Polished Black Abalone Shell. Shell ov the Coukugated Abaloxe. The unpolished posterior half showing incrusting worm tubes. polished with a wheel made of many layers of cotton on the edges of which tripoli has been rubbed. This wheel is revolved about twenty- two hundred times per minute. The quality of being easy, or hard, to grind and polish is spoken of by the manufacturers as the texture of the shell. The shells are Sorted into two classes, but ordinarily classes one and two are mixed together. At Avalon, in 1870, when the meat sold for five cents a pound, the green shells brought eighty dollars a ton. At the present time the green shells are sold at one hundred and twenty- five to one hundred and eighty dollars a ton, the black, at eighty to one hundred dollars a ton, and the red, at forty to seventy-five dollars a ton. The black shells, with especially good pearly centers, bring from three hundred to five hundred dollars a ton. Owing to the increasing scarcity 542 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY f^Sr * ^^H^^H Bl " t m wfl 1 Wfc-f ' 1 ■ ■ - ', - A Portion of the Red Abaloxe Shell with Four Blister-pearls and Two Free Pearls. of good green shells, there is a growing tendency to use the centers of the red shells for jewelry. When the shells are cut into ornaments, as many as fifteen pieces, including one scimitar-shaped paper-knife made from the lip, or rim, may be produced from one shell of about twenty-two inches in circum- ference. At an average retail price of fifty cents for each of these pieces the products of the shell would realize seven dollars and fifty -cents. The blister-pearls are more or less extended elevations of the inner, Shell of Red Abalone Opened to show a Razor-clam Shell Forming a Blister-pearl Nucleus. THE AI1AL0XFS OF CALIFORNIA 543 pearly layer of the shell, formed by the secreting cells of the mantle in defense of the invading, boring mollusk, Pholadidea parva. They occur mostly in the red abalone, with only one blister-pearl in about a thou- sand shells of the green or black species. A crab, which infests the abalone at certain seasons, may be the cause of such formations, and one exhibited the complete outline of such a crab. Frequently the blister- pearls are formed over sea-urchin spines, chiton or razor-clam shells, Blistek-peakl Formed over a Diseased Visceral Hump. pebbles and other foreign bodies retained beneath the mantle. Some- limes a diseased visceral hump is cut off and covered by nacre, making a huge blister-pearl. The free pearls have the color of the inside layer of the shell, vary- ing from white, to green, or pink, according to the species. They sell from fifty cents, for the smaller ones, to one hundred and twenty-five dollars for one of twenty-five grains. Occasional pearls are so large and of such fine quality as to sell for five hundred, or even one thou- sand dollars. The free pearls are frequently found within the stomach. During the year 1912, over eighty-six thousand blister pearls and four thousand free pearls have been obtained from the abalone fishermen. The origin of pearls has been a matter for speculation during many 544 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Free Pearls from the Abalone. The central pearl large and valuable. From the collection of C. B. Linton. centuries. As related in ancient folk-lore, the pearl-oyster, rising to the surface of the sea in the early morning, opens wide the valves of its shell, so that dew-drops may fall within. Under the influence of the air and warm sunshine lustrous pearls develop from these glistening drops of dew. The pearls are white when the weather is fair, hut dark if it is cloudy. This belief was held from the first to the fifteenth centuries, when the theory was advanced that the eggs of the pearl- oyster serve as nuclei for pearls. About the middle of the sixteenth century Eondelet concluded that pearls form from diseased concretions, and then, in 1600, Anselmus de Boot demonstrated that they are made of the same substance as the shell. Eeaumur, in 1717; showed by aid of the microscope that the pearl is composed of concentric layers of THE ABAL0NE8 OF CALIFORNIA 545 («) Black abalone shell with pearl form inserted, (b) Head of shell pearl form on inner side of black abalone shell, (c) culture pearl formed in the green abalone in seven months. nacre which we now know serve as minute prisms to split up the white light into the rainbow tints so beautiful when reflected from the surface of the pearl. In the middle of the nineteenth century from an investi- gation of the fresh-water mussels of Turin Lake, Eilippe proved that the stimulus for pearl formation in that species is a trematode worm. Other naturalists, Kiichenmeister, 1856, Mobius, 1857, Kelaart and Humbert, 1859, Garner, 1871, Dubois, 1901, and Giard, 1903, have contributed to our knowledge of the origin of pearls from parasitic nuclei. In 190'?, Jameson traced the life history of a Distomum from its first host, a duck, to a clam as its second host, and he succeeded in Interior View of the Red Abalone Shell, showing pearly center within the muscle scar. Shell of the Green Abalone. The anterior portion polished. 546 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The Concrete Live-box above Water at Low Tide. inoculating the edible mussel, Mytilus, by placing it with parasitically infected mollusks and thus artificially induced the formation of pearls. Herdman, in 1903, found in the pearl-oysters of Ceylon that a tape- worm larval cyst may become a pearl nucleus, or that in some cases the secretions may he deposited around sand grains, bits of mud or a fish or some other small animal, in pockets of the mantle epidermis, or again about calco-spherules near the muscle insertions. The surface finally becomes polished, or takes the " orient," and thus reflects the opaline and nacreous tints so highly prized. The production of culture pearls dates back to the fourteenth cen- tury in China and it is probable that the Arabs had a similar industry. The Chinese open the shell of the river-mussel, push back the mantle and introduce metal images of Buddah which are covered with nacre in the course of six months. Linne drilled a hole through the shell and inserted a pellet of limestone on the end of a silver wire so that the nucleus might be kept free from the shell during the secretion of nacre. In more recent times the secretion of culture pearls has been induced in pearl-oysters by similar methods in various countries. Bouton, in 1897, at Boscoff, France, bored small holes through the shell of the abalone and inserted forms made of mother-of-pearl. After THE ABALONES OF CALIFORNIA 547 some months beautiful pearls were secreted, their size being in propor- tion to the length of time of the culture. In our red abalone a boring mollusk, Plioladidea, penetrates the shell from the outside. It files its way, by means of sharp teeth on its shell and possibly by the secretion of sulphuric acid. The burrow enlarges, as the Plioladidea, growing in size, digs its way in. When near the inner pearly layer of the abalone shell, the host resists the oncoming Plioladidea by secreting more nacreous matter. Thus the defensive wall, eaten by the Plioladidea, grows inwardly as a mound- shaped projection, the blister-pearl. In imitation of this natural process, a hole is drilled through the abalone shell and a form is inserted. This form, made of shell, is shaped like a long-shanked collar- button and so placed that the expanded curved base lies against the pearl-secreting mantle. The shank projects from the outer surface of the abalone shell and is there made fast by aluminum wire, to which a metal tag, bearing the serial number, is attached. In some cases the wire has corroded, with the loss of the tag. In later experiments the numbers have been filed upon the shell. The black abalone has been used in most cases, although a few experiments have been made upon the green abalone. Holes have been drilled through various parts of the shell and different numbers of forms inserted. In addition, spher- ical forms, without shanks, have been placed beyond the mantle cavity near the visceral hump. I have succeeded in raising abalone culture The Japanese Abalone Camp at White's Point, California. S4« THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY pearls in one hundred and thirty-three days. These pearls, however, are thin layers of nacre, foimed over a horny basis, which is the first material to be secreted. In the natural process of continued deposi- tion they increase in thickness and solidity and consequently in value. One produced in a green abalone in seven months shows good form and luster. My average time for drilling a hole in the abalone shell, inserting the form and wiring it in place with the numbered metal tag, is eight minutes. This working time might be decreased by an expert laborer doing nothing else, so that the business of raising pearls would be of interest and profit. Mr. C. B. Linton has succeeded in producing similar culture pearls by drilling a hole through the shell center, push- ing in a round ball, made from shell, and filling the outside end of the hole with beeswax and cement. Based upon the fact that each ton of abalone shells represents a certain value of manufactured jewelry and novelties, it is possible to estimate the value of the abalone industry. Shells of the black abalone are sorted into two classes. Each ton of those with fine, pearly centers will make novelties and jewelry worth, at retail, four thousand dollars. The class known as button shells, with plain mother-of-pearl surface, represents a final value of one thousand dollars and the shells of the green abalone, three thousand dollar?. For the fiscal year ending in July, 1912, the following shipments were made from Long Beach and represent the given valuations in manufactured products : thirteen tons of pearl center black abalone shells, fifty-three thousand dollars; forty tons of button black abalone shells, forty thousand dollars; fourteen tons of dried abalone meats at two hundred dollars a ton, twenty-eight hundred dollars ; a total of ninety-five thousand eight hundred dollars. The shipping statistics are not complete for the other California ports, but it is demonstrable that the abalone industry may be developed into one of great value. Much has been said recently in the newspapers concerning the threatened extermination of the abalone. That this is a real danger, and not an idle theory, is apparent to any one familiar with the facts. For instance, near Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, not more than twenty years ago, the green and corrugated abalones were so thick that they rested upon one another four or five deep, all over the rocks. After much searching in this locality during the last year I was unable to find a single specimen. The shells brought up by the divers of the glass-bottomed boats, and eagerly bought by the tourists, have been placed in position previously by the enterprising management. Great shell heaps on San Clemente, San Nicholas and other islands prove the abundance of abalones during the centuries of Indian occupation. Some of the red shells found are unusually large, measuring from twenty to thirty inches in circumference. Necklaces of large abalone THE AB ALONE S OF CALIFORNIA 549 pearls have been found with the remains of Indians. If only well preserved, some of these pearls at present would be worth as much as five hundred dollars. In many places where the abalone was formerly abundant, the large individuals of legal size are taken and it may be true, as in the case of the American lobster, that in this manner the most prolific breeders are sacrificed. We do not yet know anything about the breeding habits and embryology of any species of abalone, and hence are not certain as to the best months for a closed season. In time, without doubt, we shall be able to artificially propagate the abalone, as has been done with the oysters, clams, lobsters and other useful animals. The government breakwater, at the mouth of Los Angeles harbor, at San Pedro, has become a natural breeding ground for black abalones which creep back under the great stone blocks and thus escape the gatherers, who are stripping every accessible niche and cranny along the coast at each low tide during the open season. Eeservations have been established at Monterey Bay and Venice, but the present laws are inadequate for their best development. By act of the city trustees, the Venice breakwater has been made a biological reservation under the control of the marine biological station of the University of Southern California and guarded by a deputy of the State Fish and Game Commission. As an aquacultural experiment I have placed colonies of several hundred black abalones and seventy-five of the green species upon the submerged rocks. A large concrete live- box has been suspended by a block and tackle hoisting apparatus at about the mid height of the tide. The open top is covered by heavy galvanized iron meshwork, while through several holes in the botton the dirt is cleaned out by the flow of the tide. The box is so heavy that one may stand upon any part of it and do the necessary work in feeding and observing the animals within. Forty abalones under ex- perimentation and for growth records are kept in the live-box and a group of two or three times that number might easily be maintained in good condition. Xear Venice the ocean is shallow, for it is three miles out to the sixteen-fathom line. The trawling of our motor-sloop, the Anion Bolim, has demonstrated that in most places the fauna of the sandy bottom is poor. Better results may be looked for when reservations are located on the rocky coast, where great beds of kelp thrive just within the deep-water line. The kelp is not only important as food for abalones, but within its wide spreading fronds a world of living things thrive. In such a region the plankton is richer and these microscopic plants and animals generate food for the larger swimming and bottom-dwelling forms. The establishment of laws for the regulation of aquaculture and the concomitant protection of marine and fresh-water organisms is of 550 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY primary importance. The formation of reservation districts for abso- lute closure during successive periods of years, within which we may have, every five or ten miles, smaller perpetual biological reservations for breeding centers, will solve the problems of preservation in a better manner than the present laws for closed and open seasons. In Ger- many the Elster Eiver pearl mussel beds and in France the marine mussel and oyster fisheries have been saved and developed by proper legislation and governmental supervision. In this country the business of oyster propagation and farming has been profitably established under such well-developed laws as those of Connecticut. It would be difficult to attempt an estimate of the remarkable achievement of the Bureau of Fisheries in the field of aquaculture. The shad, the salmon and now the fur-seal have been saved from extermination. So abalones may be raised in the sea as easily as chickens upon the land. The coastal waters must be surveyed for leasing by the state and then a police force organized to guard the marine farms from all the poaching pirates. It can not be emphasized too often that in direct ratio with the increase of population the neglected food resources of land and sea must be conserved and developed. The company manufacturing rub- ber and fertilizer and extracting iodine from kelp should only be allowed to cut the seaweed under such restrictions as will preserve the natural home and food supply of all the countless dependent organisms. The inherent tendency of man to rob the earth and sea in order to pro- mote his own selfish interests must be restrained for the larger benefit of his fellows and the salvation of his descendants from want. The sea is the last great field for human exploration and exploitation. We know so little of its vast resources that we can scarcely dream of the possible future industries which will arise under a wisely administered system of aquaculture. CONGRESS OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY 551 THE PRESIDENT OF THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY By Dr. GEORGE FREDERICK KUNZ NEW YOKK CITY M^HE newly elected president of the Ninth International Congress -*- of Applied Chemistry, Professor Paul Walden, was born near Eiga in the Russian province Livonia July 27, 1863. Hence, although of German blood, he is by birth a Russian. He first attended the Real School in Riga, and then the Polytechnicum there, where he was one of the most apt and brilliant pupils of the great Ostwald. In Riga, he was assistant in the department of physics in 1885, and in 1888 in that of chemistry; in 1892 he became Privat-docent, and in 1894 pro- fessor of analytical and physical chemistry. Since 1896 he is assistant professor of inorganic and physical chemistry, and at the same time director of the Polytechnicum. When Ostwalcl lesigned his professorship of chemistry at the Poly- technicum, Walden became his successor, and the latter still holds this position at the present time. He received his degree of doctor of philosophy at Leipzig in 1891, that of master of chemistry at Odessa in 1893, that of doctor of chemistry at St. Petersburg in 1899 and that of doctor of engineering at Riga. The remarkable work performed by Professor Walden has been officially recognized by the bestowal of many important Russian orders ; he is a commander of the Order of Vladimir and also of those of St. Anne and of Stanislaus. He is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, and has labora- tories both in Riga and in St. Petersburg. He is an honorary member of the London Chemical Society and of many other societies, and was selected as the Imperial Russian delegate to the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Professor Walden speaks Russian, Livonian, French and German fluently, and is familiar with English and Italian as well. In manner he is quiet, dignified and gentle, but alert and quick in his movements. He is about five feet eight inches in height and weighs some 175 pounds. His brown hair is brushed high on his forehead ; he has light blue-gray eyes and fine teeth. He is a very fluent and ready speaker, and his delivery is at once easy and impressive. Always speaking directly to the point, his words are so well chosen and effective that invariably he holds the attention of his audience ; there never can be any doubt as PROFESSOR l'ATL WALDKX. CONGRESS OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY 553 to his meaning. The directness of his thought finds corresponding expression in his words and they carry conviction to the minds of his hearers, while his kindly smile serves to enlist their sympathies and approval. His greatest work has been in stereochemistry. His work on the atomic transformation, the theory of solutions and other great problems is now classic. His literary activity has covered a wide field and he is the author of more than two hundred original scientific articles or books, nearly all on the subject of chemistry: physical chemistry, bio- chemistry and stereochemistry. For many years past his contributions to periodical publications such as the Berichte der deutschen chem- ischen Gesellschaft, Ostwald's Zeitschrift fur physicalische Chemie, Lorenz's Zeitschrift fur anorganische Chemie, etc., have been of the very highest value to science. The biographical memoirs he has written of the eminent French chemist Berthelot, whose name is indissolubly associated with the sci- ence of thermochemistry, of the great Pasteur and of the celebrated propounder of the periodic law, the renowned Russian chemist Men- deleef, testify eloquently to Walden's intimate knowledge of the life and work of these great leaders of modern science. Together with Carl Adam BischofT, Professor Walden published his monumental work, the " Handbuch der Stereochemie," ably treating of this intricate and fascinating department of science. On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the doctorate of Professor Ostwald, whose most brilliant and successful pupil he is, Walden issued his excellent biographical sketch of that great physical chemist and philosopher, and, we may add, enthusiastic Esperantist. Ostwald has said that he owes fifty per cent, of his reputation to Walden's biography. At this time Ostwald was appointed a director of the Polytechnicum, an honor enjoyed only by himself and three others, namely, Aristes, Arrhenius and Teppler. Besides his original work, Walden has translated into the Russian language Fischer's " Organic Preparations," and also the renowned Lowell lectures by J. H. van't HofT, delivered in Boston. Russians are the best hosts in the world. Whereas, in the United States the expenses of the congress were born by the American com- mittee and their friends, in Russia, where the railroads are owned by the government, during the late International Geological Congress the freedom of the railroads was offered to the visiting guests. St. Petersburg, a magnificent city with its great museums, universi- ties, art galleries and other institutions, will be a splendid meeting place, and the excursions that can be made from it will prove of the greatest interest and value to the visiting guests. VOL. LXXXII.— 38. 554 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY In accepting the office of President of the Ninth International Con- gress of Applied Chemistry, Professor Walden made the following re- marks : The choice which has just fallen upon me is a distinction of an altogether exceptional kind, and also a task of an exceptional kind. On behalf of Professor Konovaloff, who is absent, and who will assuredly regret his inability to take part in our common celebration, I can only express to you his thanks and his undoubted acceptance. In my own case, however, I realize mixed emotions. I say to myself: "Much honor, much work; many disappointments, many gray hairs! " In accepting this choice, we are fully aware that our powers will prove insufficient to do full justice to the duties entailed, but we see therein an honor rendered to our fatherland and to the great men, the great chemists of our country. I need only recall to your minds a few names; that of Lemonossoff, who one hundred and sixty years ago laid the foundation Qf modern chemistry; that of Grotthus, a Eussian chemist of a century ago; that of Hessen, also a chemist, and finally I name to you our great fellow-countryman, recently deceased, Mendeleef, the creator of the periodic system of the elements. I assume that the honor you have just accorded to our fatherland is also addressed to these great men. We are the inheritors of the deeds these men accomplished. It is not the mind alone that rules congresses, the heart also must have its say. Of the scope of my mind, I am, naturally, not qualified to speak, but in what concerns my heart, in what concerns my ardent wish to do my best, to give you the best possible reception, as to this I believe I can safely speak, as to this I shall willingly and gladly compete with the gentlemen who have received us in former congresses, and if three years hence, in transmitting my office into other hands, I may perhaps be able to speak in my turn with the sunny humor of our president of to-day, then I shall be content. I thank you. As the leader, director and presiding officer of the Ninth Congress of Applied Chemistry, Professor Walden possesses many notable quali- ties which must aid in rendering that congress a success. With its complex composition, made up as it is of as many, or perhaps more countries than there are known chemical elements, we might say that no one was better qualified than Professor Walden, with his intimate knowledge of the art of combining and ordering the various chemical elements, and we have no doubt that he will be equally successful with the various and eminently individual human equations in the congress, and that they will be so welded as to constitute a thoroughly homo- geneous assembly, which will be brought to a close in a manner satis- factory to all, after the members shall have given free and full expres- sion to their views. The eighth congress had to decide whether four or but three official languages should be recognized, and the action finally taken favored the recognition of four — English, Prench, German and Italian. At the ninth congress many interesting matters will have to be discussed and determined ; one of the most important contemplates the securing of an agreement among scientists to accept a standard determination of atomic weights by successive congresses, the weights recognized as au- CONGRESS OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY 555 thoritative by any one congress to be regarded as such until changed by a succeeding congress. By this means a general rule would be estab- lished which would govern the use of atomic weights both industrially and scientifically. The eighth international congress strongly advo- cated and recommended the adoption of standard governmental exami- nation of ores, metals and fuels. This is highly important for the avoidance, or at least for the decision, of disputes as to the relative rich- ness of the various deposits, and also for the proper and consistent utilization of national resources in such materials. For the ninth congress will remain the question as to the proper placing of the international delegates. Then the proper assignment of the papers to be read is to be considered, so as to determine and define the priority of one nation over another in regard to recent scientific or industrial discoveries in any one of the hundred or more special fields of experiment and research so ably exploited by the industrial giants who make up a congress such as the eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, which has just closed with absolute harmony. This was due in great measure to the splendid leadership of the retired presi- dent, Dr. William H. Nichols, who was the cornerstone as well as the central figure of this congress, and who with remarkable tact and ability steered the ship of this great congress safely into the port of the ninth international congress. The following is a list of all the International Congresses of Applied Chemistry : No. of Congress Date Place First 1894 Brussels Second 1896 Paris Third 1898 Vienna Fourth 1900 Paris Fifth 1903 Berlin Sixth 1906 . Eome Seventh 1909 London Eighth 1912 New York City Ninth 1915 St. Petersburg 1 For a further discussion of the chemical and other international congresses, see "International Congresses," by B*r. Charles Baskerville, Science, N. S., Vol. XXXIL, No. 828, pp. 652-659, November 11, 1910. 556 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY THE AMEEICAN COLLEGE, AS IT LOOKS FEOM THE INSIDE By Professob CHARLES HART HANDSCHIN MIAMI UNITEESITY THE future of higher education in America depends upon the position we shall grant to the college and university professor. The growing conception that the faculty — not buildings, nor advertise- ments, nor pyrotechnic display — but the faculty, makes the school is bound eventually to be accepted. But before a faculty can make a school, it must be a real collegium, a corporation of teachers, besides whom everything and every one in the school is insignificant, their wards excepted, who, however, are wards. On the other hand, it is all very well for professors to talk about being the big part of the show, bigger than the students, the equip- ment and the administration. We believe they should be, but we do not believe they should be, unless they are. A weak faculty can not direct the course of a school nor wisely elect additional members to their own body. To qualify to do this, there must be, first, thorough scholarship — not $800 to $2,000-a-year scholarship, but $2,500 to $5,000-a-year learn- ing. A mercenary view, you say. Granted. But it is the only one that has any weight with the majority of your good constituency. In our day a professor, as well as any other man, is respected according to the salary he can command. Gainsay it who can. But you say, " Where does the college professor's idealism come in ? " Why, it doesn't come in ; it's gone, and you drove it out of the back door. You have respected him as he has been able to have a fine house, and all talk of his working for the love of learning — and poverty - — is fol-de-rol. $2,500 to $5,000-a-year scholarship it must be, or be held in disdain by the butcher, the baker and the candlestick-maker, and any one else who can " sport " a " machine " and dress his women folk in the latest creations. But beyond scholarship the faculty needs a sense of dignity as a body. Professors, as a rule, nowadays, are not overburdened with per- sonal dignity. In our democratic rage to level all classes downward, we have levelled the college professor from his one-time dignified man- ner and station to the niveau of the untrained and unfinished student and the unmannered and illiterate townsman. Your professor slaps his darky laborer on the back with the manner of a pal, he addresses his students as " fellows," he puts his feet upon the table in his class- THE AMERICAN COLLEGE 557 room, he howls and even cusses on the foot-ball field — and if he does not do these things, you and your callow sons will rise up to boycott him and dub him " uppish." But if professors are not overburdened with personal dignity, the sense of dignity and the right to be respected and heard as a body in the faculty is positively wanting. This is true not only in a few schools, but, almost without exception, in all. The trouble, as indicated, lies as much with the professors themselves as with others. Faculties have failed to demand respect for their views and findings. The average faculty does not respect its own decrees. As Americans, I assume, our (respect for law may be taken to be nil, but the intelligence of the all- wise faculty should dictate some respect at least for their own laws. But they have none. Oh, there are a few schools which have codified the rulings passed from time to time by the faculty, but in the great majority of cases no one in the school knows anything about past legis- lation. It might be found, possibly, by running through the faculty minutes of the past years, but who would be so foolish as to do that when it is so easy simply to " knock off " a new law whenever the need arises, and thus make the law von Fall zu Fall, as Bismarck made politics. What the college " senate," as we sometimes proudly call the faculty, needs is a sense of dignity as a body, after the fashion of the original " senate " which wrote its own name first in the proud phrase Senatus Populusque Romanus. Far be it from the American college senate to write its name ahead of anything ! This is the style it employs : The Students, Administration, the Janitors and the Senate of So and So. Most faculty men are too jealous of each other and of their " stand in " with the administration ever to pull together in anything that makes for strength in the faculty. Then there are, of course, the inverte- brates and the weak whom ye have with ye alway; but that brings me to another chapter. It is the chapter entitled: Scholarship not wanted in America! There are various reasons for this ukase which has gone forth. First, men of real scholarship might some time take it into their heads really to make the sons of fond parents study. Such old-fashioned notions would mean calamity — calamity to culture, because to get culture you must do nothing for at least four years. As the average small college has it : a four-years' loaf makes a well-bred man. Calamity to educa- tion for citizenship, for education for citizenship, as the cry is now penetrating to the small college, means, I fear: athletics, social inter- course, random talks by lawyers, politicians ; a lot of frothy stuff about the glory and responsibility of citizenship, without the first idea of obedience to law and institutions, the very crown and cornerstone of good citizenship, without that most essential asset in the citizen; the power to do prolonged hard work. 558 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY And then it is fashionable to be in administrative work. Young men come to college asking for a course leading to the college presi- dency. Why not? The administrative officers are mentioned in the local paper oftener than any one else. The professor gets no notice unless it be the college green-goods man who sells intellectual gold bricks to the woman's club. Consequence : Did you ever hear of a college fledgling whose supreme passion was to become a great scholar? Exhibit him, if you have, for he is a rarissima avis indeed. No, the premium is not on scholarship, as it is, for example, in the German universities. T4ius it comes about that more and more rarely the really capable scholar does not go over to administrative work. How shall we ever rear a race of scholars when there is neither pay nor honor in scholarship? The scant money compensation is patent, and honor is more than money to the idealist, and such, after all, the college professor is. There was a time when the highest ambition of every German youth was to be a poet. Why ? Because two great world-poets were the most honored men in Germany. To-day it is different — every German youth burns to become a soldier, a politician — because these are the honored personages of the realm. Who upholds scholarship as a great and valuable possession in America ? Do we do it even in the colleges ? In the smaller colleges the stimulus to scholarship is often wanting. The college library con- sists of some few thousand volumes of, in great part, antediluvian literature, presented perhaps by some alumnus of that early period, a few books for class readings, and a couple dozen journals. And should the faculty ask for more, the trustees answer them like they answered Oliver Twist: Why there's the Encyclopedia Britannica and the whole of the World's Best Literature : What more do you want, you snobs? What shall Oliver, do? Oh, occasionally a lively one works hard during vacations and at other times to get something done. But more often he chokes down his intellectual hunger, gets to tinkering with real estate, rubber stock, subsides into nocuous desuetude, and chews his little denominational cud. This brings me to chapter the last, which relates to Eousseau's dictum that a slave can not educate free men. Students, especially immature ones, will imitate and model after their teachers. I am aware that the present plan of college studies, which, like a hotel dinner, gives you a lot of scraps, the whole not amounting to anything substantial, precludes a student's getting really interested in any branch of study or in any professor. Nevertheless, students will emulate their teachers. The greater the model now, the better for your boy and girl, and anything or anybody that undermines the respect, dignity and worth of the teacher, that makes him " unf ree " is a drawback to education. ALPINIST OF THE HEROIC AGE 559 EDWAED WHYMPER: ALPINIST OF THE HEROIC AGE Br Professob B. E. YOUNG TANDEEBILT UNIVEBSITY ON September 16, 1911, there died suddenly at Chamonix, France, a man who made a most unusual figure in his specialty. Most of us must have thought of Edward Whymper as long since dead and gone to the limbo of travelers, for he did his work a generation ago, reached his fame and enjoyed it, and had lately been forgotten, in the general commercialization of sports that has taken place in the last two decades. Any one who has sojourned in the Alpine region for any length of time has been struck with the enormous number of tourists and sports- men visiting this chief playground of the nations, and with the extraor- dinary perfection of the system of taking care of them and meeting their every whim. There are few centers, even the small ones, without their Club Alpin. It was not so when Whymper went to the Alps on a professional errand in 1860 and began his career as a climber. By neither heredity nor environment did Whymper come by his mountaineering. Born in London, April 27, 1840, he was the son of an artist and engraver on wood, who gave him a good education at Clarendon House School and by private tutor, and then trained him carefully and with excellent results in his own profession. By 1860 young Whymper had become an artist of sufficient ability to be sent to Switzerland by a London publisher to make some sketches of the great Alpine peaks, and more particularly to prepare some illustrations which were intended to celebrate the triumph of an English party, headed by Professor Bonney, who intended to make the ascent of Mont Pelvoux in Dauphiny. Whymper states that at this time he had only a literary acquaintance with mountaineering, and had not even seen, much less set foot upon, a mountain. The party of distinguished Englishmen failed in their attempt to conquer this virgin mountain. A very agreeable Frenchman, who accompanied the party, was charmed with Whymper, and begged him to return with him to the assault. In 1861 he did so, and with his friend made the first ascent of Mont Pelvoux ; thus was he infected with the love of high places ! In 1861, Edward Whymper found in the Alps none of the modern machinery of mountaineering; there were no railroads to the top of Jungfrau; no railings on the Matterhorn and no hotels on the Mer de Glace; travel was slow, mostly on foot, or by the unreliable diligence, 56o THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY which took a traveler only to the foot of the lower valleys. Although De Saussure, the Swiss pioneer, had done his work on Mont Blanc as early as 1787, he had had so few successors that he seemed almost a contemporary. Professional guides were few, not especially experi- enced or adventurous when new territory was contemplated, so that we must not be astonished to find that Whymper, Tyndall, Forbes, Ken- nedy, Sir Alfred Wills, Sir Leslie Stephen sometimes dispensed with guides or used them more as porters or servants than as advisers. It was the heroic age of Alpinism. The vast flood of development and facilitation — vulgarization, let us say — did not come until the seventies or eighties. Almost every ascent was a geographical achieve- ment, accomplished by the bitterest toil. The early sixties were a school in which were educated some of the great climbers and explorers of the nineteenth century. Having learned his first lesson on the Pelvoux, Whymper dallied for no further lessons, but attacked the Matterhorn at once, in his vacation of 1861. The Matterhorn was then the last great Alpine peak that remained unsealed; less on account of the difficulty of the feat than by the doubt inspired by the invincible appearance of the mountain. It was regarded with terror by the climbers and with affrighted superstition by the natives. Even to-day it is dreadfully impressive to the casual tourist ; it never seems commonplace and stands almost alone among mountains. It still has no rivals in the Alps for difficulty, and but few in the world. To-day it is curious to read of Whymper's fruitless searchings here and there to find guides for the Matterhorn. There was apparently only one man in the Swiss valleys who believed that the mountain could be ascended, and that was Jean-Antoine Carrel, destined later to become the most famous of guides. With him Whymper made his first attack upon the peak, in August, 1861. One other guide, J.-J. Carrel, accompanied them. They failed, but learned valuable lessons. Similar attempts were made in 1862 and 1863 without success, but all the time Whymper was making marvelous progress as a scientific mountaineer. Whymper's impatience with his guides led him in 1862 to make another attempt on the mountain alone. Many of us read in our first readers the story of his solitary scramble on the Col du Lion, termi- nating in a terrific fall down an ice slope. Here he was saved only by a hair from a fall on to the Glacier du Lion, a thousand feet below. This early experience seems to have been a valuable one for him. In 1864 Whymper turned aside from the Matterhorn to make what seems to the writer one of his chief feats — the ascent of the Pointe des Ecrins. This is the highest of the French Alps, and in 1864 was still unconquered. It is an exceedingly steep and smooth tooth of rock. ALPINIST OF THE HEROIC AGE 561 It was one of the severest climbs that Whymper ever had in his career, full of peril and physical suffering. The party reached the summit by the glacier of the Ancula. Bead again Whymper's description of this glacier : Imagine a triangular plane 700 or 800 feet high, set at an angle exceeding 50 degrees; let it be smooth, glassy; let the uppermost edges be cut into spikes and teeth, and let them be bent some one way, some another. Let the glassy face be covered with minute fragments of rock, scarcely attached, but varnished with ice. Imagine this, and then you will have a very faint idea of the face of the Ecrins, on which we stood. It was not possible to avoid detaching stones, which, as they fell, caused words unmentionable to rise. The greatest friends would have reviled each other in such a situation. A few days afterward he climbed the Aiguille VeTte, a considerable feat in itself, though "Whymper, in his modesty, makes little of it. This was the first of the great Chamonix Aiguilles to be ascended. It was not until his eighth attempt on the 13th of July, 1865, that Whymper finally attained the summit of the Matterhorn. He left Zermatt at 5 :30 in the morning with three guides, Michel- Auguste Croz, whom Whymper loved as a brother, old Peter and young Peter Taugwalder, Lord Francis Douglas, the Rev. Charles Hudson and Mr. Hadow, a young man of nineteen. After long study, Whymper had rejected the usual route up the Matterhorn by the southwest or Italian ridge. Professor John Tyndall and he, in their fruitless emulation of each other, had stuck to this traditional route. Mr. Whymper now determined to try the eastern face, convinced, as he says, that its almost perpendicular appearance from Zermatt was an optical illusion and that the dip of the strata, which on the Italian side formed a continuous series of over-hangs — "ghastly precipices" — on the opposite side would become a great natural staircase with steps inclining inward. This apparently trivial deduction was the key to the ascent of the Matterhorn, and this route has since become the usual one. All readers of adventure are familiar with this ascent. Sleeping over-night on the mountain, they reached the summit, with severe rock- work just before the finish. On the descent, however, came what is perhaps the most sensational accident, everything considered, in the history of mountain climbing. Let us quote Whymper's own words: A few minutes later (that is, just after the descent was undertaken) a sharp-eyed lad ran into the Monte Eosa Hotel (at Zermatt), saying that he had seen an avalanche fall from the summit of the Matterhorn on to the Matter- horngletscher. The boy was reproved for telling idle stories: he was right, nevertheless, and this was what he saw. Michel Croz had laid aside his axe, and in order to give Mr. Hadow greater security was absolutely taking hold of his legs and putting his feet, one by one, into their proper positions. As far as I know, no one was actually descending. I can not speak with certainty, because the two leading men were partially hidden from my sight by an intervening 562 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY mass of rock, but it is my belief from the movements of their shoulders, that Croz, having done as I have said, was in the act of turning round to go down a step or two himself; at this moment Mr. Hadow slipped, fell against him and knocked him over. I heard one startled exclamation from Croz, then saw him and Mr. Hadow flying downward: in another moment Hudson was dragged from his steps, and Lord F. Douglas immediately after him. All this was the work of a moment. Immediately we heard Croz's exclamation, old Peter and I planted ourselves as firmly as the rocks would permit: the rope was taut between us, and the jerk came on us both as on one man. We held, but the rope broke midway between Taugwalder and Lord Francis Douglas. For a few seconds we saw our unfortunate companions sliding downward on their backs, and spreading out their hands, endeavoring to save themselves. They passed from our sight uninjured, disappeared one by one, and fell from precipice to precipice on to the Matterhorngletscher below, a distance of nearly four thousand feet in height. From the moment the rope broke it was impossible to help them. So perished our comrades. Only Whymper and two of the guides were saved by the breaking of the rope. For the space of half an hour we remained on the spot without moving a single step. The two men, paralyzed by terror, cried like infants. . . . Old Peter rent the air with exclamations of "Chamonix! Oh, what will Chamonix say?" He meant, "Who would believe that Croz could fall?" The young man did nothing but scream or sob, ' ' We are lost ! we are lost ! ' ' Fixed between the two I could neither move up nor down. It was hours afterward before they descended the mountain and some days before the bodies of three of the unfortunates were Tescued; that of Lord Francis Douglas was never found. Some day, perhaps, it will come forth fresh and life-like from the foot of the glacier. Such were the difficulties of Alpine climbing in 1865. Scarcely can we realize to-day what an achievement this was. Says Javelle in his " Souvenirs d'un Alpiniste " : After the first ascent of Mont Blanc and until that of Everest the most beautiful conquest of the climbers is certainly the Matterhorn. Besides his own trials, Whymper describes seven other well-organ- ized attempts to scale the mountain that had been made during the half-dozen years preceding his achievement. The fearful cold, snow storms and almost cyclonic winds of the upper reaches, contributed to the discomfiture of these earlier parties. One might add that while these other climbers were fine, bold mountaineers, they lacked the extraordinary preparedness and resourcefulness, amounting almost to luck, of Edward Whymper. It may be said that this ascent made little direct contribution to the sum of knowledge. It did have the effect, however, of awakening a widespread interest in the Alps. Of course, the terrible accident con- tributed not a little to this result. The next few years witnessed the ALPINIST OF THE HEROIC AGE 563 outburst of British energy, which brought the subjugation of all the higher Alps, until the ascent of the Meije in 1877. This was the last great Alpine peak to be conquered. From the pioneering of Whymper and his brethren came the widespread efforts which have left only a few great summits on the globe still unconquered. These and other achievements of Mr. Whymper in the Alps are set forth in his famous book, " Scrambles among the Alps in the Years 1860-1869." The beautiful illustrations were engraved by the author himself, and they have been copied numerous times in books of travel. This absorbingly interesting little volume now commands a premium among collectors. It is at once a thrilling tale for children about the family fireside: a guide-book for the amateur; a style book for the writer of travels. Forty years have improved its flavor but have not dimmed its charm or usefulness. Whymper returned to England to find himself grown famous in a night. The sad fatalities of his expedition did not shake his nerve. He was soon on the road again, this time visiting Greenland on an important expedition in 1867. The fine collection of fossil plants and Eskimo relics which he made on this occasion and upon a later visit in 1872, are now preserved in the British Museum. He also proved, by the discovery of magnolia cones, that Greenland was once covered by luxurious vegetation. His able review of this work was published in the Report of the British Association for the year 1869. Though the Greenland expedition was not the success that Whymper hoped it would be, for he was hampered by lack of financial backing and by the prevalence of an epidemic among the natives, yet he not only made important Tesearches in the fauna and flora of Greenland, but he proved that the interior could be explored by the use of properly constructed sledges, and thus contributed to the advance of Arctic exploration and to the ultimate discovery of the pole. The expedition of 1872 was devoted to a survey of coast line. Although a busy artist, he found sufficient vacation every year to do some valuable climbing or exploration. It was in 1879 that Whymper undertook his notable journey to the Ecuadorian Andes. He had contemplated going to the Himalayas, and in 1874 had projected a scheme which would have taken him to this, probably the most difficult mountaineering ground on the globe. He proposed to carry his exploration and research up to the highest attain- able limits. Just at the time it was possible to start, the British Gov- ernment entered upon the construction of a " scientific frontier " for India, and rendered that region unhealthy for any but soldiers. Whymper then turned to South America. Perhaps he would have pre- ferred to go to Peru or Chile, but owing to unhappy local dissensions 564 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY he turned to the Republic of Ecuador, the most lofty country which remained accessible. Since his achievements in the Alps he had turned more and more toward the scientific side of mountaineering. The main objects of his South American journey were to observe the effects on the human body of low pressure and to attain the greatest possible height in order to experience it; to determine the relative altitudes and positions of the chief mountains of Ecuador; to make comparison of boiling-point observations and of the aneroid barometer against the mercurial barom- eter; and to make collections in botany, zoology and geology at great heights. He concerned himself neither with commerce nor politics, nor with the natives and their curious ways, except incidentally. He had not the means to project a great scientific expedition; his staff was modest, consisting of his old Alpine guide, Jean-Antoine Carrel ; a cousin, Louis Carrel, with a third man picked up in Ecuador. Landing at Guayaquil on December 9, 1879, he proceeded at once up the Guayas River to Bodegas, and thence to the plateaus of the great extinct volcano ChimboTazo. After a careful examination of the mountain — referring to the accounts of Humboldt in 1802 and Bous- singault in 1831, from which he did not, after all, receive much aid — he attacked the mountain on December 27. On December 28 he and his two European guides were stricken with mountain-sickness for the first time, with intense headache, feverishness and disturbance of respiration. Fighting this off and triumphing over constant delays due to inefficient help, he finally reached the top of Chimborazo on January 4, 1880. On this ascent he took constant readings of the barometer and thermometer, and of the variations of the weather. He fixed the height of the summit at 20,545 feet. This is all set forth in the most interesting fashion in his " Travels Amongst the Great Andes of the Equator," New York, 1892. Whymper met few of the greater perils of mountain-climbing in Ecuador that he had suffered in the Alps. He suffered more from annoyances, such as snow-blindness, frost-bites, inefficiency and thievery on the part of the natives, almost incredible sanitary conditions in the inns and tambos. All his party developed complaints of one kind and another. From Chimborazo he went on to the conquest of Corazon, Cotopaxi — where he spent the night on the cinder cone in the very edge of the crater — Illiniza, Sincholagua, Antisana, Cayambe, Sara-Urea and others. His description of the sojourn on Cotopaxi makes thrilling reading. His own beautiful engravings add great interest to this account. Whymper enjoyed adventures when they came, but above all he ALPINIST OF THE HEROIC AGE 565 tried to make this visit a scientific one. He secured extremely valuable collections of the earthworms, beetles, centipedes, dragon-flies, butter- flies, ants, moths, scorpions, Crustacea and the ferns and lichens of the greatest altitudes. He was a man who knew just what was worth col- lecting, and brought back numerous totally new species. He was able also to collect quite a number of unusual ornaments, weapons and implements made by the tribes of prehistoric days, and choice speci- mens of volcanic rocks and dust. He had the good fortune to be on the top of a near-by mountain at the time of an eruption of Cotopaxi; he saw its very beginning and observed its progress; and has left us admirable notes of the phenomena. His observations on mountain-sickness led him to conclude that it was caused by diminution in atmospheric pressure, operating in at least two ways : by lessening the value of the air that can be inspired in any given time, and by causing the air or gas within the body to expand and to press upon the internal organs. In the second case, the effects may be temporary and pass away when equilibrium has been restored between the internal and external pressure. The publication of his work on Ecuador was recognized by the Eoyal Geographical Society, which made him a fellow, and gave him the "Patron's Medal." The Eoyal Society of Edinburgh made him a fellow and the Italian King made him a Knight of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazare. Honorary memberships in geographical and mountain-climbing clubs of Europe and America were thrust upon him. His experiences in South America convinced him that the aneroid barometer was unreliable at high altitudes, and he published a work on " How to Use the Aneroid Barometer," 1891, and succeeded in causing important improvements in the construction of this instrument. His extensive observations of glaciers led him to attack those who claimed for glaciers great powers of erosion. He considered them of secondary importance to the great forces of expansion and contraction in the breaking-down of rock structures of the mountains. He con- ceded that glaciers carried down large quantities of material, but would not concede that they created much of this material. Everywhere he went he set down interesting geological observations. Whymper's reputation as a mountaineer put him in demand for articles on the Alps. In 1896, at the instance of John Murray, the London publisher, he gathered a great quantity of information into a "Guide-book to Chamonix and Mont Blanc" (206 pp.). This book soon became the standard of its kind. It has had an immense sale, reaching its fifteenth edition in 1910. In 1897 Murray brought out Whymper's " Guide Book to Zermatt and the Matterhorn," which is, if 566 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY anything, a still more ambitious work in two hundred and twenty-four pages, profusely illustrated, and filled with the most interesting and advantageous information. In 1911 this also attained its fifteenth edition. The same scientific spirit that made his earlier books so attractive and reliable is inevitably present even in a popular guide book. The oncoming of old age did not retire Whymper to a chimney corner. In 1901 he made an exploring expedition in the Great Divide of the Canadian Rockies. He repeated this visit four times, also push- ing on to the Selkirk Mountains. We have no record that he ever undertook a voyage to the Himalayas after his disappointment in 1874. It is significant that his death took place at Chamonix. It may be that, feeling the approach of dissolu- tion, and unwilling to die in his bed, he was about to undertake another ascent of Mont Blanc, " the great White Mountain " of which he never grew tired. Edward Whymper was not a transcendentalist or an esoteric in mountain climbing. He employed his best descriptive talents and his charming humor of the best British variety in his descriptions ; he knew the mountains in their secret moods; but he seldom broke out into poetry. There is no record of revelry by night, or of singing Alpine paeans before breakfast. He seems to have gone about mountain climb- ing seriously, yet pleasantly withal. No dangers affrighted him, but, on the other hand, he did not seek extraordinary gymnastic feats. It is safe to say that he had ingrained in him true love for the mountains, and a great delight in the views from above the clouds, but he was also imbued with the savage lust of exploration and pioneering. We may live to see a school of climbers that may accomplish more things than his, but we shall not see one of more heroic spirit. The world owes him something more than a reputation of an undaunted climber of mountains or a fame that can be assessed in worldly terms. Zermatt owes him a statue, no less than Chamonix owed to De Saussure and Balmat. ALCOHOL 567 ALCOLOL FROM A SCIENTIFIC POINT OF VIEW By Dr. J. FRANK DANIEL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOME problems permit of a ready and satisfactory solution with but little difficulty, while in fullness others remain obscure for generation upon generation, being resolved slowly and at great pains. In the latter class stand the problems involved in the study of alcohol. Some of these, although investigated for centuries, have been but recently solved or are still in the process of solution. Other associated problems remain which are but little better understood to-day than they were in the time of Aristotle. Of this group of problems, solved or in the process of solution, I should like to consider in order the following parts : Alcohol: I. Its Discovery and Nature. II. The Eelative Toxicity of the Various Alcohols. III. The Destiny of Alcohol in the Body. IV. The Action of Ethyl Alcohol on the Body -and on its Output of Physical and Mental Work. I. The Discovery and Nature of Alcohol Through many ages nature has been elaborating a substance which has come to affect human progress most profoundly. This substance we to-day call alcohol. Although the existence of alcohol was surmised almost four centuries before the Christian era, yet practically twelve centuries intervened before its extraction, and ten centuries more elapsed before its nature and the biological significance of its origin were fully made out. To appreciate the conditions confronting men who attacked prob- lems of the sort in the infancy of science, we should look back to those ages in which natural phenomena called forth extravagant explanations, a day when apparatus and laboratories were unknown and, above all, a time when the scientific momentum, which is ours because they labored, was yet unborn. Under such conditions the work on alcohol was begun. Alcohol Early Detected in Wine Two important observations were early made concerning wine. The first of these was that wine, unlike water, if thrown into the fire emits a flame. When questioned as to the cause of the phenomenon Aristotle answered that the flame was due to an exhalation contained in the wine. Later, Pliny related that the wine from Falernus Ager blazed up at the contact of a flame — a wine, as Berthelot remarks, evi- dently rich in inflammable exhalation. Since men of that period knew that sea water vaporized and con- 568 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY densed was drinkable, we might expect that it was but a step to the extraction of the inflammable exhalation. But a long step it proved to be! An attempt at condensation was in fact made at that time with the result that wine upon evaporation became water. It was not until the fourth century of the Christian era that an adequate distilling apparatus was perfected; and this, although used in the distilling of various substances, seems not to have been employed for the production of alcohol. Not until the writings of Marcus Grsecus, in fact (twelfth or thirteenth century),1 do we get unmis- takable evidence of the distillation of alcohol — the distillate obtained being called " aqua ardens." An explicit account of the process of distillation and a description of the characteristics of the alcohol thus obtained occur in a Latin manuscript published about 1438 — but which according to Berthelot contained older excerpts. In this the preparation of alcohol is de- scribed as follows : Take good old wine, any color; distil it over a slow fire (in a still and an alambic closely joined). The product of distillation is called "aqua ardens." To " aqua ardens " are ascribed the following characteristics which we to-day associate with alcohol. Moisten a linen cloth in it, and light it. It will produce a great flame; when it has gone out the cloth will remain intact. If you put your finger in this aqua (ardens) and light it, it will burn like a candle without causing injury. If you put a lighted candle in it the candle will not be extinguished. Thus from the time of Aristotle to the period immediately follow- ing that of Marcus Graacus there elapsed an interval of considerably more than a thousand years in which through extended effort, the exhalation of wine was eventually obtained. As time passed methods were devised by which aqua ardens was procured in greater concentra- tion. It should be stated, however, that the word " alcohol " as apply- ing to present-day alcohol was not used until the sixteenth century and further that alcohol in the purity in which it is now obtained is a product of the century just passed. The second of the early discoveries made in the study of wine was that of its stimulating effect on man. An interpretation of this effect in later years greatly influenced the use of alcohol. Prominent in this interpretation stands the name of Arnaldo de Villaneuva. In his work entitled "The Conservation of Youth" (1309) after speaking of the delicacy of the nature of the spirit of wine, and enumerating the various maladies cured by it, he adds that the spirit of wine should be called " eau de vie,"2 for it prolongs life. From the time of Arnaldo de Villaneuva to the present there has been growing a counter belief in the minds of many that the prolonga- tion of life is not one of the characteristics to be associated with " eau 1 Some give the date of Marcus Grsecus in the eighth century. 8 Eau de vie — The elixir of life. ALCOHOL 569 de vie." Indeed, some believe that "eau de vie" curtails rather than prolongs life, and some there are who go so far as to maintain that " eau de vie " should be called " eau de mort."3 But this is aside from the subject ! It is of interest, however, to note that out of the opinion expressed by Arnaldo de Villaneuva probably grew the prevailing belief in Europe in the efficacy of the daily use of brandy, and to the latter may be attributed the custom of the mint julep or so-called old-age drink prevalent in parts of our own south. Alcohol Discovered in Substances other than Wine Man, seeking ways of producing alcohol from substances other than wine, early made the important observation that fermentation and the production of alcoholic liquids go hand in hand. This discovery, as time passed, became common knowledge, with the result that fermented liquids from different sources came to be looked upon as characteristic national drinks — thus in France mine from grapes, in Jamaica rum from cane, in Eussia vodka from rye, in Japan saki from rice, in Ger- many beer from barley and in America whiskey from Indian corn. But some substances long used in the formation of alcohol, unlike the juice of grapes, are themselves unfermentable. Some of these we shall consider more in detail. Common or cane sugar, although of itself incapable of undergoing alcoholic fermentation, by the action of a ferment invertase, takes up a molecule of water, splitting into glucose and fructose, both of which are fermentable. Thus cane sugar, C12H22011 -f- H20, becomes C6H1206 (glucose) and C6H1206 (fructose). From the fermentation of glucose and fructose alcohol results. The starch of cereal grains when converted into fermentable sugar likewise becomes an effective source for alcoholic fermentation. It has long been known that a starch paste, to which malt or malt extract (containing diastase) has been added, becomes transformed into a sugar maltose. Now maltose itself is not subject to alcoholic fer- mentation, and so it must be acted upon by another ferment, maltase. This converts the maltose into dextrose and glucose, the latter of which we have seen to be produced in the case of cane sugar. In 1837 Cahours employed potatoes as a source for alcoholic fer- mentation. The starch of potatoes is insoluble in cold water, but upon heating it in the presence of dilute sulphuric acid the starch is con- verted into fermentable sugar. In this process in addition to the ethyl alcohol produced a considerable amount of one of the higher alcohols, amyl alcohol, was discovered. Two years earlier than the discovery of amyl alcohol another alcohol was obtained. This was produced not by fermentation, but by the destructive distillation of wood, and was therefore called wood or methyl alcohol. 8 To be seen on the walls of one of the well-known sanatoria of France. 570 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY This alcohol is obtained by distilling the wood in iron retorts at a high temperature (about five hundred degrees C). The vapors thus driven off when condensed are found to contain, in addition to a large percentage of methyl or wood spirit, acetone, acetic acid, etc. Upon being freed from these foreign substances methyl alcohol is obtained in purity. Concentration and Purification of Alcohol The alcohol obtained at the time of Marcus Grascus contained a relatively large amount of water and in addition numerous foreign substances. To remove these was the task set for succeeding workers. It was found that the percentage of aqua ardens could be perceptibly raised if the alcohol collected be redistilled. If the process of redis- tillation be repeated a number of times, a concentration approximating 90 to 95 per cent, was possible. In the preseijt-day commercial manufacture of alcohol the appa- ratus has been so perfected that by a single distillation an equally high percentage is obtainable. By neither of these methods, however, is it possible to render alcohol anhydrous, or free from water. But alcohol of a relatively high percentage placed in contact with a chemical, such as caustic lime or baryta having a strong affinity for water, and then redistilled may be rendered practically free from water. The foreign substances present in the alcohol were found to be principally glycerin, succinic acid and higher alcohols, traces of several of the latter, such, for example, as propyl, butyl and amyl alcohol, being found in ethyl alcohol. To separate amyl alcohol from ethyl it is necessary to employ a physical property which in the different alcohols is perceptibly different — that is, the boiling points. While ethyl boils at 78.4° C, propyl at 97° and butyl at 117°, amyl does not reach its point of ebullition until it is elevated to a temperature of 132° C. It would therefore appear that the separation of amyl alcohol from ethyl would be easily effected by raising the temperature of the mixture to 78.4° C. and thus driving off the ethyl alcohol. This is in fact the method used, but it is found that while the first part of the distillate is largely ethyl, later amyl is also given off at a temperature far below its boiling point. In a word a single distillation is by no means sufficient to separate the two. By a process known as fractional distillation, it has been found (Roscoe and Schorlemmer) that when a temperature of 80 to 90° C. is employed 88.1 per cent, of ethyl alcohol is distilled off and that 11.9 per cent, of amyl also passes over. In the case when the temperature is raised from 131 to 132° C. 0.2 per cent, of ethyl is still obtained and 99.8 per cent, of amyl. Since the boiling points of propyl and butyl alcohol approximate ALCOHOL 57i more nearly that of ethyl, it is practically impossible, even by repeated fractional distillation, to remove all traces of these. The alcohols with a higher boiling point are also found to differ from ethyl alcohol in another respect — that is, in their chemical form or molecular weight. The molecular weight of ethyl alcohol taken as a standard is 46; that of propyl, 60; that of butyl, 74; and that of amyl, 88. It is thus seen that in both molecular weight and boiling point, alcohols of fermentation fall into a regular series ascending from ethyl to amyl. In addition to the above alcohols of fermentation is wood or methyl alcohol which reaches its boiling point at only 66° C. (or 66.5°) and has a molecular weight of 32. The molecular weights and boiling points found for the primary alcohols named may be briefly summarized as follows : Alcohol Molecular Weight Boiling Point Methyl 32 66.0° C. Ethyl 46 78.4° C. Propyl 60 97.0° G. Butyl 74 117.0° C. Amyl 88 132.0° C. The Biological Significance of Fermentation While the production of alcohol has long been associated in the minds of all peoples with the process of fermentation, yet the exact nature of the process was unknown until the significant work of Pasteur appeared. Pasteur in his work on fermentation, as in all his work, was unwilling to accept blindly an interpretation of the meaning of the process until he had examined in detail and elucidated step by step the actual occurrences taking place. By taking the juice of the grape he observed, as had often been observed before, that upon leaving it for a time at a warm temperature, bubbles of gas arose. This gas was evidently the result of a chemical process going on within the mixture. But to Pasteur is due the credit of showing for the first time that within the mass of grape juice the thousands of living organisms (which Latour, Schwann and others had already seen) were busily engaged in the process of digesting a part of the sugar contained in the juice. Pasteur believed that these living organisms, by taking oxygen from the sugar, caused the splitting up of the sugar into two substances. One of these he had seen arising as bubbles of gas — carbon dioxide — the other remained in the mixture, gradually increasing in strength as more and more was produced. The latter substance Aristotle had spoken of as the exhalation of wine. Marcus Grsecus denominated it aqua ardens. We call it alcohol. The organisms which thus produce alcohol are the yeasts, many kinds of which are now known. To Pasteur fermentation was life without air. That is, the yeasts 572 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY living in a liquid medium in order to secure sufficient oxygen procured it from the sugar, thus, as we have said, producing from the latter C02 and alcohol. The production of alcohol hence resulted as a product of metabolism in the body of a living organism. It has been more recently shown, however, that the active cause of fermentation is to be found not in the yeast itself, but in a ferment (or enzyme) produced by the yeast cell. This ferment Buchner has suc- ceeded in freeing from the cell, so that it is now possible to produce alcoholic fermentation without the presence of the living yeast. But this discovery does not detract from the work of Pasteur, to whom is due the great credit of definitely showing the importance of living organisms, the yeasts, in the production of alcohol, since without the yeast cell the ferment or enzyme would not be produced. The nature of the experiments by which Pasteur demonstrated the importance of the yeast is of interest. In the first place he showed that grape juice filtered and kept from contact with the air is not subject to alcoholic fermentation. In the second case he demonstrated that grape juice sterilized by heat is, if similarly protected, unferment- able. In the third case he showed that if the yeasts caught on the filter used in the first series of experiments be added to the sterile juice of the second series, fermentation ensued. Pasteur was asked the origin of the yeasts which make the alcohol in wine. The question was answered by an experiment. Taking the grapes and completely removing from them the fuzz or " bloom," he extracted the juice free from contact with the air. No fermentation followed, consequently no alcohol resulted. From this it was learned that the yeasts necessary for the production of the alcohol of wine live in nature in the air and are found in abundance on the outside of the grape. If the grapes be crushed the sweet juices serve as food for the yeast plants. These when well fed grow rapidly and, by a simple process of budding, produce myriads of yeast plants. These, like their parents, give rise to ferments which break down the sugar into C02 and alcohol. It was later found that although these yeasts may increase greatly in numbers, a strong percentage of alcohol is impossible in nature. This is due to the singular fact that when the strength of alcohol increases perceptibly the organisms forming it are unable to thrive in their own product. Hence they increase more slowly. "When a strength of 12 per cent, of alcohol is reached reproduction is manifestly checked, and at 14 per cent, all cell activity ceases. To increase the strength and purity of the alcohol thus formed in nature, man, as we have seen, has resorted to the processes of distilla- tion and rectification by which alcohols practically free from impurities may be obtained in concentration. TEE MULATTO 573 THE BIOLOGICAL STATUS AND SOCIAL WOKTH OF THE MULATTO By Professor H. E. JORDAN, Ph.D. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA THE United States has something more than a "negro problem"; it has a mulatto problem. Our 10,000,000 colored fellow-citizens comprise somewhat less than 8,000,000 full-blooded negroes; approxi- mately 2,000,000 contain varying percentages of "white" blood. This "white man's burden" has several cardinal aspects, notably, social, economic and political. The fundamental aspect, however, is the bio- logic. Does the presence of this vast company of "half-breeds" com- plicate or facilitate the "problem"? Certain it is that they must be reckoned with. Are they an aid or a hindrance to a permanent satis- factory adjustment of full relationship between the white race and the colored? To one man their presence is a source of black despair, to another of radiant hope. Which is the more rational attitude? It de- pends upon the scientific facts in the case. The first point concerns the biological status of this mulatto hybrid. It may help the subsequent discussion to note at this point the fact that Jamaica does not have a "negro problem" as we know it in the United States. And on the face of things it would appear that it might well be present there in even more aggravated form. For in Jamaica there are only about 15,000 whites among a colored popula- tion of about 700,000, including about 50,000 mulattoes. It should be noted that in this " Queen of the Greater Antilles " the mulattoes, as a class, are more nearly at the level of the whites than at that of the pure negroes. The mulattoes contribute the artisans, the teachers, the business and professional men. They are the very backbone of wonder- ful Jamaica. To be sure, Jamaica has had 30 years more than the United States during which to "solve" her "negro problem." But perhaps the perfect adjustment between the races in Jamaica and the elimination of any "problem" of this kind finds its explanation in a more rational and more consistent political treatment made possible by the absence of any constitutional prescription. We may well sus- pect that the inconsistency of according to the negro legal (constitu- tional) equality and withholding it practically (politically and so- cially) has had a morally harmful effect upon both black and white. To stultify oneself as between one's theory and practise is always sub- versive of high moral tone. We shall return to this point below. 574 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Suffice it to note here that the Honorable Mr. Olivier, governor of Jamaica, recognizes in the presence of the mulatto only a past bless- ing, a present advantage, and a future promise of great good. In the beginning we shall need to raise the question once more as to whether the Negro and Caucasian are actually different man-species, as was held by the eminent zoologist, Louis Agassiz, and as is still held by many, as, for example, the noted French psychologist, Le Bon; or whether they simply represent different "races" or varieties of the same species homo, as is more commonly believed. Le Bon quotes with approval : If the Negro and the Caucasian were snails, all zoologists would affirm unanimously that they constitute excellent species, which could never have de- scended from the same couple from which they had gradually come to differ.1 However, simply external gross appearance is no infallible criterion by which to judge of species. And the more highly developed the or- ganism the wider do the individuals differ within the species. Two human brothers may differ infinitely more than two true snail-species. Zoology can furnish many examples where a larval form, or individuals of opposite sex, or the same form modified by peculiar environmental conditions, have been mistaken for separate species. The real scien- tific test is that of impossibility of effecting a cross, or of infertility inter se of hybrids of a possible cross. A cross between the horse and the ass produces a mule. But mules are infertile if interbred. Hence horse and ass are separate species. A very valuable cross can also be effected between the cow and the buffalo. But the offspring are barren bred among themselves. Hence cow and buffalo are at least of different species. The mulatto is the product of a negro-white cross. He is as fecund with his own kind, or when he mates with white or negro, as either pure-breeding negroes or whites are. As a matter of fact, the mulatto is probably more prolific than the normal average of either white or negro. During the past twenty years he has increased at twice the rate of the Negro. The Negro is then simply a black variety of the human species. He is the white man's brother; and we may both be cousins of the apes. The second question that presents itself is this : Is the mulatto nec- essarily degenerate? The idea has been and is very eminently and widely held that the crossing of races is intrinsically bad, biologically harmful; that it inevitably and inexorably works deterioration. Agassiz noted in Brazil a decadence that results from cross-breeding which goes on in this country to a greater extent than elsewhere. This cross-breeding is fatal to the best qualities whether of the white man, the black, or the Indian, and produces an indescribable type whose physical and mental energy suffers. !"The Psychology of Peoples," New York, 1912, p. 4. TEE MULATTO 575 Humboldt and Darwin held the same opinion. Hilaire Belloc in "The French Revolution" notes regarding Marat Some say . . . that a mixture of racial types produced in him a perpetual physical disturbance: his face was certainly distorted and ill-balanced (p. 78). Schultz claims to have noted an intrinsic deterioration in Gentile- Jew crosses. Le Bon expresses himself as follows : To cross two peoples is to change simultaneously both their physical con- stitution and their mental constitution . . . the first effect of interbreeding between different races is to destroy the soul of the race, and by their soul we mean that congeries of common ideas and sentiments which make the strength of people, and without which there is no such thing as a nation or a fatherland ... a people may sustain many losses, may be overtaken by many catastrophes, and yet recover from the ordeal, but it has lost everything and is past recovery, when it has lost its soul (pp. 53-55). Le Bon explains this supposed necessary degeneration in half- breeds as due to the "influence of contrary heredities" which "saps their morality and character." We shall return to Le Bon's idea of a loss of "soul" as consequent of inter-racial crosses. This same idea of necessary degeneracy in crossbreeds is the main motive of much opposition to foreign immigration. We shall see that this is the very least element of danger; in fact, it may be a real panacea to other actual evils of immigration, otherwise (i. e., without neutralization through cross-breeding) a serious menace. Note here the superb products of the English, German, Dutch, French and Span- ish crosses of late and post-colonial days. The superiority of especially the English- German crosses, very generally noted, finds its reason in the initial superiority of the crossing stocks. And this is the secret of the entire matter. Offspring take after their parents, whether these be of the same or different race. The production of the Boer race, one of well-marked physical and mental characteristics, notwithstanding that it is of mongrel immigration, Dutch, French, and in some degree, British, is sufficient disproof of inherent hurt in inter-racial crosses. The more progressive of " white " nations have been produced by European interbreedings, for example, the English and the Bulgars. Furthermore, Davenport reminds us of probably even Ethiopian con- tributions to our European stock, "when we stop to consider the slaves, not only white and yellow, but also brown and black, that were brought to Rome, became free there and contributed elements to the population of Italy and to all Europe." Indeed, this may well have been a partial source of the pigment of European brunets. Thoroughbred parents produce similar progeny. Inferior or de- generate parents have only defective children. In proof of which the following : Probably the most brilliant student I have ever known is the son of a high-class Chinese woman by an American missionary. There is probably as great a difference, from a general anatomical viewpoint, 576 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY exclusive of skin-pigment, between a Chinese and Caucasian as between a Negro and Caucasian. Similarly with respect to a number of Cau- casian-Japanese crosses. There is no instinctive revulsion against such alliance; hence they are frequently made by superior individuals; and the offspring are of the same superior type, without evidence of de- terioration. Indeed, it frequently happens that an unusually fortunate combination of the best racial characteristics of both races appears in an offspring of such cross, resulting in an extraordinarily endowed hu- man being. I admit the general inferiority of black-white offspring. Defective half-breeds are too prevalent and obtruding to permit denying the ap- parently predetermined result of such crosses. But I emphatically deny that the result is inherent in the simple fact of cross-breeding. There are not a few very striking exceptions among my own acquaint- ances. Absolutely the best mulatto family I have ever known traces its ancestry back on both the maternal and paternal side to high-grade white grandfathers and pure-type negro grandmothers. The reason for the frequently inferior product of such crosses is that the better ele- ments of both races under ordinary conditions of easy mating with their own type feel an instinctive repugnance to intermarriage. Under these usual circumstances a white man who stoops to mating with a colored woman, or a colored woman who will accept a white man, are already of quite inferior type. One would not expect superior offspring from such parents, if it concerned horses or dogs. Why should we expect the biologically impossible in the case of man? If the parents are of good type, so will be the offspring. And even with the handicap of frequently degraded white ancestry, the mulatto of our country, as in Jamaica, forms the most intelligent and potentially useful element of our col- ored population. The fact then is established, beyond all possibility of disproof, it seems to me, that a negro-white cross does not inherently mean de- generacy; and that the mulatto, measured by present-day standards of Caucasian civilization, from economic and civic standpoints, is an ad- vance upon a pure negro. In further support of the potency of even a relatively remote white ancestry may be cited the almost unique in- stance of the Moses of the colored race, Booker T. Washington. As one mingles day by day with colored people of all grades and shades, one is impressed with the significance of even small admixtures of Caucasian blood. What elements of hope or menace lie hidden in these mulatto millions ? How can they help to solve or confuse the " problem " ? Let us see clearly what we are dealing with. What are the large dis- tinctive characteristics of the three types, white, mulatto and black, forming our civic and social complex ? As to the negro — I quote from Le Bon: TEE MULATTO 577 Above the primitive races axe found the inferior races, represented more especially by the negroes. They are capable of attaining to the rudiments of civilization, but to the rudiments only. They have never been able to get beyond quite barbarian forms of civilization, even where chance has made them the heirs, as in Saint Domingo, of superior civilization. . . . The inferior races further display but an infinitesimal power of attention and reflection; they possess the spirit of imitation in a high degree, the habit of drawing inaccurate general conditions from particular eases, a feeble capacity for observation and for deriving useful results from their observations, an extreme mobility of character, and a very notable lack of foresight. The instinct of the moment is their only guide (pp. 27-30). The common European estimate of the negro, according to Olivier, is that he is brutish, benighted and unprogressive, . . . "half -devil and half -child" ("White Capital and Coloured Labour," London, 1910, p. 2). My own experience compels me to accept Le Bon's estimate as applicable to our American pure negro in perhaps slightly less extreme form, and with occasional exception ; but " devil " is no more applicable to him than to white "brutes." Le Bon's description would seem to describe fairly accurately the racial characteristics of the negroes. The opinion of many men with whom I have discussed this matter confirms me in this judgment. The average of the Caucasian race is by impli- cation characterized by the opposite traits of the typical negro. The negro differs from the Caucasian in several well-marked ana- tomical characteristics. Any one who has associated with negroes detects even more striking mental or temperamental differences. These are quite obvious to teachers of mixed schools, fairly common in certain northern states. Where negro, mulatto and white are jointly concerned the teachers are unequivocal in their opinion that mental alertness and the development of the higher psychical activities corresponds in degree quite uniformly with the amount of " white " blood as judged by color of the skin. Le Bon also is quite emphatic on this point : Each race possesses a mental constitution as unvarying as its anatomical constitution (p. 6). and The mental abyss that separates them (negro and white) is evident (p. 28). This " mental constitution " is the source of a race's " sentiments, thoughts, institutions, beliefs and arts," its " soul." Where does the mulatto stand with respect to negroes and whites? In general, as a race, approximately midway. But it includes types combining the best as well as the worst of both races. The former almost certainly predominate at the present time. In Jamaica, according to Governor Olivier, In practise it is the fact that the pure negro does not show the business capacity and ambition of the man of mixed race, and there are few, if any, 578 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY persons of pure African extraction in positions of high consideration, authority or responsibility (p. 34). Kespecting the status and worth of the mulatto in Jamaica, Gov- ernor Olivier expresses the opinion that he is an acquisition to the community, and, under favorable conditions, an advance on the pure-bred African ... an indispensable part of any West Indian com- munity, and that a colony of black, colored and whites has far more organic efficiency and far more promise in it than a colony of black and white alone. . . . The graded mixed class in Jamaica helps to make an organic whole of the community and save it from the distinct cleavage (p. 38). The mulatto has appeared through the white man's acts. He will greatly increase in the coming generations, by breeding with both his kind and with pure negroes. A high fertility is increased relative to the negro by a lessening death-rate. It is fortunate that he represents an advance on the negro, and a real national advantage in our efforts to adjust the negro " problem/' Three further questions must be considered before a summary can be given of the mulatto's social and civic value. (1) Are there fairly well-fixed upper limits of mental capacity for negroes and mulat- toes? (2) What are the known and established principles of inherit- ance of racial traits of negroes and whites; in other words, will it be possible by some control of hybrid and inter-racial crosses to produce a colored stock in which a majority may combine the desirable traits of both white and negro? (3) Will it be possible under the constitution and its present amendments to deal with the problem in accordance with the dictates of science and common sense ? With respect to the first point then: We have here only opinion; but it is absolutely unanimous: the negro can not undergo mental development beyond a certain definite maximum.2 The curious thing 3 Since this was written I have seen practically the contrary conclusion stated by Professor Herbert Adolphus Miller, of Olivet College, Michigan, in a work which he has kindly permitted me to read in manuscript and from which he allows me to quote. This is a splendid investigation, unique from the stand- point of its materials, and marked especially by originality and caution. In essence it is exactly the sort of research I am pleading for in my paper. "Psychophysical tests" were "given to 2,488 Negroes, 520 Indians and 1,493 Whites, including 596 Mountain Whites in the Tennessee and Kentucky Moun- tains." Six tests were employed for (1) Memory (a) discontinuous; (b) log- ical; (2) Rational Instinct; (3) Imagination; (4) Color Choice; and (5) Reac- tion Time. He summarizes his conclusions as follows: (1) There is no sharp line of demarcation between the races within the range of the given tests; (2) the differences are of degree, not of kind; (3) this degree is not a race- limitation, for many whites are inferior to many negroes, even in logical mem- ory; (4) from the standpoint of original endowment there is nothing in kind to differentiate the negro from the Caucasian; (5) no faculty is lacking in the negro, and there are some that are especially strong; (6) limits of capacity do not follow race lines (italics my own.) The question arises as to how far these THE MULATTO 579 is that no attempt is made to establish this opinion on a scientific basis, and to definitely determine that limit of mental development beyond which the law of diminishing returns dictates cessation of effort; and furthermore, that in flat contradiction to this common opinion educa- tion is planned in apparent utter disregard of it. "We are now in possession of a fairly precise and very simple method of determining innate mental capacity in the Binet-Simon series of mental tests. These tests ought at once to be applied to several thou- sand each of negro and colored school children. The results should yield a fairly accurate idea as to the relative capacity for education and the limits for each. This is of very practical importance. If it can be shown that the negro brain has definite, relatively low limits of flexibility and development, money should not be spent in attempting the impossible. This is the more serious in view of the common inade- quacy of educational facilities. The limit of economical educative return being determined, the negro should be given the best possible opportunities for reaching the uppermost range. This would be to the best interest of white and negro alike. If the returns indicated, as is commonly assumed, that mulattoes are endowed with a higher educable limit, national interests again demand that they be given means of attaining the maximum capacity. The point is that our activities along educational lines, seeing that the financial resources of the states most intimately concerned are relatively meager, should follow clearly indicated paths as determined by scientific facts. Even with our present knowledge it would seem that wisdom and foresight should take more practical heed of Booker Washington's keen suggestion and example, namely, that the education of the negro be for the present chiefly along industrial, and secondly moral lines. The Binet tests would also early detect the feeble-minded and mentally defective, an especially serious menace in an already naturally handicapped race. "Very rigid safeguards should be pro- vided against the reproductive liberty of these unfortunates, so that the race suffer no internal contamination. A first step in the scien- tific approach of this fundamental aspect of the " problem " would certainly seem to be the very extensive study of colored mentality by the Binet measuring scale. We shall work largely in the dark until we have this information. With respect to the second point: Until recently it was believed that mulattoes generally bred true and became progressively lighter conclusions follow from neglect, or inability, to differentiate the mulatto from the negro. Moreover, the Binet tests seem to me superior for the purpose in hand to those employed by Professor Miller, and for this reason, and also because scientific work touching so important and serious a matter needs con- firmation and reconfirmation, should be used in further more extensive similar investigations. 580 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY with succeeding generations. We now know that skin color in inherit- ance follows in general Mendelian laws of inheritance, frequently giving rise to white and black " sports " in every large family of mulatto children. In accordance with Mendelian principles, the result of a white-negro cross is always brown-skinned, the dark skin color dom- inating. " White " and " black " skin colors are a pair of unit char- acters. White color means the absence of the determiner for deep pigmentation in the germ-plasm; dark skin is due to the presence of such determiner. When first generation hybrids intermarry, in an appropriately large family there will appear invariably one or several children lighter than either parent, and one or several darker; that is, the " lighter " and the " darker " have reverted to the grandparental character for skin color. This reveals the fact of a segregation of the determiners of skin color in the germ-cells, producing a purity of gametes. We are now in possession of facts, thanks mainly to the labors of Professor Karl Pearson and his collaborators at the Galton Eugenics Laboratory, and to Professor Davenport and his staff of assistants at the Eugenics Eecord Office, showing that the inheritance of several scores of human physical and mental traits are in close conformity with Mendelian formula?. There is no countervailing fact, and there is much precise and yet more suggestive data, to the assumption that many of the really desirable negro traits (e. g., physical strength, resistance or relative immunity to certain infections, capacity for routine, cheerful temperament, vivid imagination, rhythmic and melodic endowment, etc.) are of the nature of unit characters and as such may be transmitted according to fixed laws by simple control of matings. If a demi-god could thus experiment with human crosses, as biol- ogists now do with animal breeds, a pure race could undoubtedly be established combining the best elements of the negro and the white. I am well aware that little could probably be actually accomplished under present social conditions, even if it were not morally inimical, to make the experiment by legal control of negro and mulatto crosses. But some little could be accomplished by education and the arousing of the sentiment of colored racial pride. The point seems clear that in the presence of 2,000,000 mulattoes, steadily increasing in number, of relatively superior worth to the pure negro, we have a key to the solution of our problem. The mulatto is the leaven with which to lift the negro race. He serves as our best lever for negro elevation. The mulatto does not feel the instinctive mental nausea to negro mating. He might even be made to feel a sacred mission in this respect. The negro aspires to be mulatto, the mulatto to be white. These aspira- tions are worthy, and should be encouraged. Possibility of marriage TEE MULATTO 581 with mulatto would be a very real incentive to serious efforts for devel- opment on the part of the negro. The logical conclusion may follow in the course of the ages. At any rate from present indications our hope lies in the mulatto. A wise statesmanship and rational patriotism will make every effort to conserve him, and imbue him with his mission in the interests of the brotherhood of a better man. The problem seems possible of solution only as the mulatto will undertake it, with the earnest help of the white. But Le Bon tells us the cross-breed has no " soul." Surely a soul- less race would be a world calamity! But these words are poetical, not scientific. A mulatto has no more lost his soul in being hybrid or a descendant thereof than I should if I were to take up my abode in Fiji. This would surely hurt. But I should be no less a man for all my mental pain. The experience might conceivably work to the expan- sion of my soul. The mulatto is as loyal to his country, his friends and his conscience, according to his lights, as a "white" man. He is just as sensitive. He feels as deeply, experiences the same thrills of happiness as other rational human beings. He has a soul in as true a sense as the word is used by Le Bon as any man. He has more truly a soul in this sense than the " thoroughbred " professor who has lost his childhood's religious faith. Olivier says on this point : Whereas the pure race in its prime knows one man only, itself, and one God, its own will, the hybrid is incapable of this exclusive racial pride, and inevitably becomes aware that there is something, the something that we call human, which is greater than the one race or the other, and something in the nature of spiritual power, that is stronger than national God or will. What were, to each separate race, final forms of truth, become, when competing in the focus of our human consciousness, mutually destructive, and each recognizably insufficient. Yet the hybrid finds himself still very much alive, and not at all extinguished with the collapse of his racial theories (p. 25, italics my own). The truth is that the hybrid finds himself alive and human, with all that this signifies in terms of capacity for soul development. The pure-bred has no better initial equipment. In the matter of human fundamentals they come to differ only as a different nurture plays upon a very similar human nature. There surely are no real data for the support of Le Bon's notion that contrary heredities sap the vitality of hybrids and leave them barren of soul. The last point is equally difficult, but, like the preceding two, not forbidding. It may be briefly more or less summarily disposed of. The negro can not afford to surrender aught granted him under the constitution. It would be harmful to both colored and whites at this stage of progress to have such alteration achieved as would give the governing powers the free hand exercised by the English in their treat- ment of the negro of Jamaica. A comparison of conditions as between 582 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the United States and Jamaica with reference to its negro population, however, shows us floundering far in the distance. How can English colonial conditions be paralleled without violence to our constitution? By a simple method, apparent to all, the adoption of which would work incalculable benefit to our nation. The canker of our present political condition as it affects the negro is the moral sore of a stultified con- science. Very naturally when the negro realizes that the constitution makes him politically the equal of any white man, while he knows he is an inferior individual, if indeed only in the sense that a child is inferior to an adult, he detects a first inconsistency. This he accepts; and views equal suffrage as a gift. But when he further realizes that equality of suffrage is a theory, which is disregarded in practise, he sees an inconsistency which he resents, and which moves him to loss of respect. This is the root of distrust and dissimulation and antag- onism, which is at the source of the troubles which constitute our " negro problem." Skin color among mulattoes is no scientific index of potential civic worth. In brief, a state's right of suffrage should be based upon reasonable and uniform qualifications applied actually, as verbally, to all alike of whatever color (and finally sex). No ballot is free from the poten- tiality of great ill, unless it be cast by an honest, thrifty and intelligent hand. Appropriate educational and property qualifications uniform for all members of a state, and probably as between states, is a reason- able, just and right requirement. This is a first step, for which we already have the light of reason. Further steps must be taken more or less cautiously coincidently with accumulating scientific data. The " problem " is bright with hope ; but it must be approached with charity and consistency and with scientific skill and courage. EVIDENCE OF INORGANIC EVOLUTION 583 THE EVIDENCE OF INORGANIC EVOLUTION By SIDNEY LIEBOVITZ WHEN we consider the marked resemblances and striking inter- relations of the elements as expressed by the Periodic System, the conviction grows more and more strongly upon us that this system is the external expression of a fundamental process in nature, to which are due the general properties, as well as the individual characteristics, of the elements. On the present occasion I shall endeavor to point out that between the Periodic classification and the ordinary zoological classification, such analogies exist as tend to indicate an identity in fundamental principle. We shall then consider some of the phenomena which are at the foundation of the law of organic evolution, and here, too, we shall find among the elements conditions exactly corresponding. A Family of the Elements Compared with a Homologous Series Before proceeding farther, however, it is of interest to note the simi- larities which exist between a family of the elements and a homologous series of organic compounds. For the purpose of this comparison it is most useful to select the homologous series of fatty acids, C„H2n+1C00H. If we should arrange the normal acids of this series in order of molec- ular weight, we should find that between such a series and a family of the elements there exist certain close analogies, which are tabulated below in parallel columns. Fatty Acids (CnH^^COOH) 1. There is a constant difference in molecular weight between consecutive members of 14, due to the constant group difference CH2. 2. The first member of the series, formic acid, differs somewhat in properties from the other members of this homologous series. Thus, it manifests the characteristics of an aldehyde, reducing ammoniacal solu- tions of silver nitrate, etc. It has no corresponding chloride or anhydride, is readily decomposed into CO and H20, etc. Family of the Elements 1. There is a fairly constant differ- ence in atomic weight between con- secutive elements of the same family of about 45, except between the first and second (and in some cases be- tween the second and third), where it is about 16. 2. The first member in each family of the elements differs somewhat from the other members. Thus, lithium dif- fers from the other elements of its family in forming an almost insoluble carbonate and phosphate. Oxygen, again, differs from sulphur, selenium and tellurium in that its hydride is a colorless and odorless liquid, while those of the others are gases of dis- agreeable odor; in that it is seldom, if ever, more than divalent; in being gaseous under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure, etc. 584 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY 3. Several compounds of this series, which theoretically may exist, are un- known. Thus, between arachidic and behenic acids there is no acid corre- sponding to Ch). Between behenic and lignoceric there is none corre- sponding to C22. Similarly, several acids are missing between cerotic and melissic. 4. The vacant places are all found in the lower part of the series, i. e., among the heaviest molecules. 5. Isomeric forms occur in the se- ries, e. g., butyric and isobutyric, ca- proic and isobutyl acetic acids. 6. In a homologous series in gen- eral, the melting points, boiling points and specific gravities change uniformly and progressively with in- crease in molecular weight. In this particular series (considering, as be- fore, only the acids with normal struc- ture) the boiling points and specific gravities show this progressive change, and the melting points do also from caprylic acid on.1 7. The acidity decreases with in- creasing molecular weight. 3. Many elements which theory pre- dicts should exist are unknown in the Periodic Table. Thus, elements are missing between silver and gold, be- tween cadmium and mercury, etc. 4. The vacant places all occur in the lower part of the Periodic Table, i. e., among the heaviest atoms. The first four periods are complete (ex- cepting the manganese family). In the last three periods many empty places appear. 5. Allotropie forms occur in several of the families, e. g., the various forms of phosphorus, of sulphur, of carbon. 6. Generally speaking, the melting points, boiling points and specific gravities change progressively and uniformly in each family of the ele- ments with increase in atomic weight. 7. The oxides of the elements be- come successively less acidic (or more basic) in each family with increasing atomic weight. The above relations show that a family of the elements possesses all the characteristics of a homologous series. There is evidently some identity of principle in the two things compared. We know that in the one case there is in the whole series a common plan of molecular structure, the differences in the structures of the successive normal acids being due to the constant and progressive addition of the same group of atoms, CH2; and hence it seems reasonable to suppose that there is likewise in each family a common plan of atomic structure,2 to which are due the properties common to a family. 1 The physical constants here used (as well as the tabulation of the acids) are those given by Leathes, ''The Fats," pp. 10-11. Other authors include several acids (e. g., pelargonic, undecylic) not mentioned by Leathes. 3 For example, grouping of electrons, according to the well-known theory of J. J. Thomson. EVIDENCE OF INORGANIC EVOLUTION 585 The Arguments from Classification The fact that the groups of organisms fall naturally into a certain classification is in itself evidence of their origin by evolution.3 Now, the most salient characteristic of this classification is a division into groups, and a subordination of groups within groups. There is a breaking up into groups and sub-groups, and sub-sub-groups, which do not admit of being placed in serial order, but only in divergent and re- divergent order. . . . The Alliances are subdivided into Orders, and these into Genera, and these into Species.4 . . . The conception finally arrived at, is, that of certain great subkingdoms, very widely divergent, each made up of classes much less widely divergent, severally containing orders still less divergent, and so on with genera and species.5 If we examine the characteristics of the Periodic classification, we shall find there the same peculiarities as have been observed in zoological classifications. Thus, there are the nine groups of elements, each quite distinct from the others, and each, as we have shown, very probably having a distinct plan of atomic structure common to all the members of the group. These nine groups correspond to the twelve phyla of organisms. Each group, again, is divided into two families, corre- sponding to the classes into which organic phyla are divided. That we have no further subdivisions corresponding to those in the organic clas- sification is doubtless due to the circumstance that the number of ele- ments is extremely small as compared with the number of species of animals. When we remember that even with this small number of ele- ments, the Periodic classification presents many irregularities — as forc- ing into the same family elements with widely different properties (e.g., the copper family) ; creating a group of " transitional elements " dif- ferent in the principle of its arrangement from the other groups; the breaking of the periodic sequence by argon, which is greater in atomic weight than potassium, yet precedes it in the series, and by tellurium, which bears a similar relation to iodine; and the irregularities pre- sented by the rare earths — when these facts are considered, it can scarcely be doubted that if the number of the elements were at all comparable to that of organic species, the classification of the ele- ments would necessarily present a subdivision of group within group as extensive, perhaps, as that found among organisms. Moreover, the periodic relation would probably be largely obscured by the great number of its irregularities and contradictions. Since the classification into which organisms are naturally arranged, of group subordinated to group, is regarded as an indication of evolu- tion, as previously stated; the fact that a similar arrangement is found in the classification of the elements suggests (when we consider also 3 For a detailed discussion of this point, which can not be given here for lack of space, see Spencer, "Principles of Biology," Vol. I., pp. 356-359. 4 Spencer, loc. cit., p. 297. 6 Spencer, loc. cit., p. 358. YOL. Lixxn.- 40. 586 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY the other evidence to be presented) that we may regard the latter system in the same light. Another peculiarity of organic classification, which, as shown by Spencer, is important because of its indication of evolution, is the var- iable degree of differentiation between corresponding groups and sub- groups. . . . The successively subordinate classes, orders, genera and species, into which zoologists and botanists segregate animals and plants have not, in reality, those definite values conventionally given to them. There are well-marked species, and species so imperfectly defined that certain systematists regard them as varieties. Between genera, strong contrasts exist in many cases; and in other cases, contrasts so much less decided as to leave it doubtful whether they con- stitute generic distinctions. So, too, it is with orders and classes; in some of which there have been introduced intermediate sub-divisions having no equiva- lents in others. Even of the sub-kingdoms the same truth holds. The contrast between the Molluscoida and the Mollusca is far less than between the Mollusca and the Annulosa, and there are naturalists who think that the vertebrata are so much more widely separated from the other subkingdoms, than these are from one another, that the Vertebrata should have a classificatory value equal to that of all the other subkingdoms taken together.6 Although at first thought this peculiarity may not seem to be of much importance, yet Spencer showed, by comparison with the case of languages, in which exactly analogous characteristics are observable, and in which evolution is known to have taken place, that it is an additional indication of evolution.7 If, then, the classification of organisms results in several orders of assem- blages, such that assemblages of the same order are but indefinitely equivalent; and if, where evolution is known to have taken place, there have arisen assem- blages between which the equivalence is similarly indefinite; there is additional reason for inferring that organisms are products of evolution.8 It will be evident that these observations concerning the organic clas- sification apply with equal force to the Periodic classification. For in- stance, the elements of the alkaline earth family are not as sharply sepa- rated from those of the alkali family as they are from the inert gases or the halogens, and similar remarks apply to the other families. Within each group, too, the extent to which the two families comprising it differ from each other varies in the different cases. Thus, the elements of the chromium family are not as sharply distinguished from those of the oxygen family as the members of the copper family are from the alkalies. In the case of the elements, as in that of the organisms, the various groups and sub-groups differ from each other in the extent to which they are distinct from corresponding groups and sub-groups ; and since in the latter instance, as we have seen, this peculiarity affords an additional indication of evolution, we have reason (when we consider 6 Spencer, loc. cit., p. 361. ' For a detailed discussion of this point, see ' ' Principles of Biology, ' ' I., 361-362. 8 Spencer, loc. cit., p. 362. EVIDENCE OF INORGANIC EVOLUTION 587 also the other evidence) for so regarding it in the case of the ele- ments also. One other analogy demands recognition. Although, as previously stated, the phyla of organisms differ widely from each other, yet animals belonging to different phyla often show marked resemblances to each other in particular features. This phenomenon is a consequence of " the identity of plan, under the most diverse conditions of organization and habits of life (which prevails) not only among animals of the same group, but also between those of different groups."9 For instance, regarding the affinities of the Eotifera (Phylum Trochelminthes) Parker and Haswell10 state that Their general resemblance to the free-swimming larvae of Annelids is extremely close. . . . The excretory organs recall those of Platyhelminthes, and also resemble the provisional nephridia or head-kidneys of Annulate larvae. Resemblances are also noted between the Class Gephyrea (Phylum Annulata) and Phoronis (Phylum Molluscoida).11 The Crustacea (Phylum Arthropoda) "belong to the same general type of organiza- tion as the articulated worms [Phylum Annulata] ." 12 Of the Phylum Mollusca it is stated that The Mollusca . . . form an extremely well defined phylum, none of the adult members of which approach the lower groups of animals in any marked degree. There are, however, clear indications of affinity with "worms," especially in the frequent occurrence of a trochosphere stage in development, in the presence of nephridia, and in the occurrence, in AmpMneura and some of the lower Gastropods, of a ladder-like nervous system resembling that of some Turbellaria and of the most worm-like of Arthropods, Peripatus. Rhodope, moreover, shows certain affinities with flat worms.13 Similarities are also pointed out between the sponges (Phylum Porifera) and the Ccelenterata.14 Corresponding to these counter-resemblances in structure among organisms, we have counter-resemblances in properties among the ele- ments. Thus, mercury (Group II.) resembles copper (Group I.) in that both form two series of compounds, monovalent and divalent re- spectively, both form halides insoluble in water and decomposed by light, etc. Aluminum (Group III.) is similar to chromium (Group VI.) in that the hydroxides on heating give the oxides Cr203 and A1203, re- spectively, in that they form no stable sulphide or carbonate, etc. Thallium (Group III.) resembles, on the one hand, lead (Group IV.) in its metallic properties, in forming a chloride with properties similar to those of lead chloride, while, on the other hand, it resembles the alka- 9Claus and Sedgwick, "Zoology," Vol. I., p. 54. 10 "Zoology," Vol. I., pp. 309-310. 11 Parker and Haswell, loc. tit., p. 461. The zoological classification fol- lowed throughout is that given by these authors. 12 Parker and Haswell, loc. eit., p. 556. 13 Parker and Haswell, loc. tit., pp. 750-751. "Parker and Haswell, loc. tit., pp. 215-216. 5 83 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTE LY lies (Group I.) in forming a hydroxide which is soluble in water and strongly alkaline in reaction. Other examples, concerning which it is unnecessary to enter into detail, are the resemblances between phosphorus and sulphur; between beryllium and aluminum ; between manganese and chromium ; between boron, carbon and silicon; between gold and the platinum metals. It will be observed from the zoological examples above cited that the mem- bers of a phylum, while showing a greater or less similarity to each other, will often markedly resemble members of different phyla. The examples I have given show that a similar phenomenon is often char- acteristic of the elements of a family — the elements compared are in most cases similar to the other elements of the same family, while having at the same time the points of resemblance with each other described; and since the relationships referred to between distinct groups of organ- isms are believed to indicate a common origin, we may, perhaps, consider the analogous phenomena among the elements as of the same import. Did space permit, other analogies might be pointed out between the Periodic and the zoological classifications ; but enough has already been indicated to show that the Periodic classification possesses the main characteristic features of the zoological classification.15 Now, the fact that these characteristics of the latter system are in themselves an indi- cation of organic evolution suggests that the Periodic classification may be regarded in the same light, as I have already indicated. This sug- gestion is strengthened by the further evidence now to be considered. The Homologue of the Embryological Evidence ; the Phenomena of Kadioactivtty The study of comparative embryology has brought to light certain facts which constitute important evidence of organic evolution; for many of the higher animals, in their immature forms, pass through stages in which they resemble more or less the adult forms of other animals, lower in the scale of differentiation. Moreover, animals of distinct but related species, in the progress of their development, often show marked similarities of structure. Von Baer found that in its earliest stage, every organism has the greatest number of characters in common with all other organisms in their earliest stages; that at a stage somewhat later, its structure is like the structure displayed at corre- sponding phases by a less extensive multitude of organisms; that at each sub- sequent stage, traits are acquired which successively distinguish the developing embryo from groups of embryos that it previously resembled — thus step by step diminishing the class of embryos which it still resembles; and that thus the class of similar forms is finally narrowed to the species of which it is a member.18 " The periodicity factor in the classification of the elements will be consid- ered later (p. 97). 18 Von Baer, quoted by Spencer, "Principles of Biology," Vol. I., p. 365. EVIDENCE OF INORGANIC EVOLUTION 5S9 This statement is now known to be too broad, but is true in general principle.17 Again, The embryos of the most distinct species belonging to the same class are closely similar, but become, when fully developed, widely dissimilar.18 To cite a few examples: The human embryo, at one stage of its development, possesses the rudiments of gill arches and gill clefts. The larva? of most insects, no matter how diverse, pass through a worm- like stage. The larva? of most crustaceans, at corresponding stages of development, closely resemble each other, however different the adults may become, and so it is with very many other animals.19 It is with the latter of the two embryological peculiarities mentioned above, viz., the resemblances between the embryos of different related species, that we are at present concernd. In the radioactive transformations, we have not the advantage of witnessing a building up of elements from simple to complex forms, as in the process of embryology we observe the formation of complicated organisms from the egg. But, what is almost as good, we observe a devolution of elements, from complex forms to simpler. In the course of their disintegration, the three distinct elements, radium, thorium and actinium give rise to products (i. e., elements) which have very similar properties. The substances thorium, radium and actinium exhibit many interesting points of similarity in the course of their transformation. Each gives rise to an emanation whose life is short compared with that of the primary element itself. Such experiments as have yet been made, indicate that these emanations have no definite .combining properties, but belong apparently to the helium-argon group of inert gases. In each case, the emanation gives rise to a non-volatile substance which is deposited on the surface of bodies and is concentrated on the negative electrode in an electric field. The changes in these active deposits are also very similar, for each gives rise to a rayless product, followed by a product which emits all three types of rays. In each case, also, the rayless product has a longer period, or, in other words, is a more stable substance than the ray product which results from its transformation. The disintegration of the corresponding products, thorium B, actinium B and radium C is of a more violent character than is observed in the other products, for not only is an a particle expelled at a greater speed, but a j3 particle is also thrown off at great velocity. After this violent explosion within the atom, the resulting atomic system sinks into a more permanent state of equilibrium, for the succeeding products thorium C and actinium C have not so far been detected by radioactive methods, while radium B is transformed at a very slow rate. This similarity in the properties of the various families of products is too marked to be considered a mere coincidence, and indicates that there is some underlying law which governs the successive stages of the disintegration of all the radioelements.20 17 Cf . Spencer, loc. cit. 18 "Origin of Species," Tol. II., Ch. XIV. 19 Loc. cit. 20 Eutherf ord, ' ' Eadioactive Transformations," pp. 169-170. 590 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY Starting out, therefore, with three distinct elements, we find them going through a process of change, in the course of which all three evolve products of very similar properties. If we regard this process of disintegration as in the main a reversal of a process of evolution which once took place, i. e., as a process of devolution, we may say, taking, for instance, KaG, ThD, and Act C as the starting points, that these elements commenced a career of spontaneous change, in the course of which transition products were produced which were quite similar to each other ; but ultimately three distinct elements were gen- erated. In the case of the elements, therefore, as in that of organisms, forms which were ultimately to be more or less dissimilar, passed, in the course of their development, through stages in which they closely resembled each other. It is still more instructive if we consider the stages in the ontogeny of various animals in reverse order. We should then find, taking the Crustacea, for instance, as examples, that starting out with even the most diverse forms of these animals, and imagining them to go through the stages of their development in reverse order,21 they would grow more and more similar as they approached the larval stage, and when they reached that condition, would be very much alike at corresponding stages of development ; just as radium, thorium and actinium are much alike at corresponding stages in their degeneration. Now, the significance of the embryological phenomena referred to is that these resemblances between animals of quite distinct groups are believed to indicate an ultimate common ancestry for the organisms so related; and since we have observed a condition which we may con- sider comparable to this among the elements, it seems probable that those radioactive elements which exhibit such close similarities as we have described as their disintegration progresses, originated by evolu- tion from a primary simpler substance ; it seems probable, that is, when taken together with the other evidences of evolution herein adduced. Even if we disregard analogies, the fact that three distinct elements consistently show marked similarity in properties in the course of their disintegration would lead to the presumption that, if we could follow them back far enough, they might prove to be identical. This pre- sumption is strengthened by the analogy we have considered. It may be remarked that the changes occurring during radioactive disintegration are further similar to those which take place in ontogeny, in that in the former, as in the latter, the various stages are not perma- nent, but change continuously into other stages; and these changes are in both cases spontaneous, taking place without the aid of any external agency. 21 Such a process need not be wholly imaginary, however ; phenomena com- parable to this are found in the instances of so-called retrograde development. EVIDENCE OF INORGANIC EVOLUTION 59* The Homologue of the Geological Eecord; Spectroscopic Evidence Another source of evidence for the evolution of organisms is that derived from the study of paleontology; for the successive geological strata constitute a record of the organic forms which have successively inhabited the earth; a record which shows that in all the forms of life there is a considerable degree of continuity, and a (more or less) gradual transition from one form to another. The homologue of this geological record in inorganic evolution is to be found in the series of stars arranged in order of decreasing tem- perature; for what the unknown cause of organic evolution has done for organisms, leaving the record in the geological formations, tempera- ture (and perhaps other agencies) have done for the elements, leaving the record in stars of different heat intensities. Lockyer has shown that the spectroscopic study of the stars, as carried on by himself and others, has revealed evidence of a very impor- tant kind for inorganic evolution. Here the results can only be briefly indicated. As pointed out by Sir Norman Lockyer, the simplest elements appear first. ... In the hottest stars we are brought in the presence of a very small number of chemical elements. As we come down from the hottest stars to the cooler ones the number of spectral lines increases, and with the number of lines the number of chemical elements. ... In the hottest stars of all we deal with a form of hydrogen which we do not know anything about here (but which we suppose to be due to the presence of a very high temperature) hydrogen as we know it, the eleveite gases, and magnesium and calcium in forms which are difficult to get here. ... In the stars of the next lower temperature we find the existence of these substances continued in addition to the introduction of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. In the next cooler stars we find silicium added; in the next we note the forms of iron, titanium, copper and manganese, which we can produce at the very highest temperature available in our laboratories; and it is only when we come to stars much cooler that we find the ordinary indications of iron, calcium and manganese and other metals. All these, there- fore, seem to be forms produced by the running down of temperature. As certain new forms are introduced at each stage, so certain old forms disappear.22 The stellar evidence, like the geological record, is incomplete, be- cause, as stated by Lockyer, of the very small range of the photographs of stellar spectra, and also because It does not at all follow that the crucial lines of the various chemical substances will reveal themselves in that particular part of the spectrum which we can photograph.23 But whatever has been gleaned from the stellar evidence, though incomplete, is, like the information contained in the geological record, very significant in its indications of evolution. 22 Lockyer, ' ' Inorganic Evolution as Studied by Spectrum Analysis, ' ' p. 159. 23 Lockyer, loc. tit., p. 161. 592 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY The close analogies which we have shown to exist between the periodic and the zoological classifications would seem to point toward a fundamental identity of principle in these two systems. I have en- deavored to show that there are in the inorganic world the exact homo- logues of some of the most important facts upon which the law of organic evolution rests, L e., the evidence of the geological record and of the embryological resemblances; to emphasize the importance of the spectroscopic evidence ; and to show that the Periodic classification is in its main aspects identical in its nature with the zoological classification. These facts tend to indicate that the groups of the elements correspond to the phyla of the organisms, in being the outward expression of a process of evolution. The periodicity in the arrangement of the ele- ments is expressive of the fact that in each family there is the same plan of atomic structure, and a gradual and progressive change in this structure as we traverse the groups from the inert gases to the halogens. That it is an imperfect relationship is shown by its numerous contra- dictions, already mentioned. These facts, however, harmonize en- tirely with the evolutionary view, for zoological classifications show just such irregularities. Moreover, according to the evolutionary view, an element need not necessarily be smaller in atomic weight than the next in the same series. The evolutionary view is entirely compatible with those phenomena, which seem to be out of harmony with the Periodic classification. If the species of organisms were few enough and their structure simple enough, it seems likely that it would be possible to select some common characteristic which would serve as a basis of periodicity cor- responding to that in the elements. Conversely, as has already been indicated, if the number of the elements were at all comparable to that of organic species, it is probable that the Periodic relation would be largely obscured by the great number of its exceptions. Without the knowledge of the fact of organic evolution, the arrange- ment of animals and plants into classes, with their numerous group resemblances and counter resemblances, must have seemed a purely arbitrary one, having no basis in nature.24 Similarly, when we con- sider the characters of the elements of the same families, their close resemblances to each other, and their minor resemblances to members of other families, the irregularities of the Periodic classification, etc., it is evident that we can coordinate these seemingly contradictory phenomena into a coherent whole on the basis of the evolution of the elements. The extraordinary relations disclosed by the Periodic classification are the outward and manifest signs of the process to which atoms, like organ- isms, owe their individual natures. The process begun in the one (the atom) continues in the other (the organism). 24 ' ' The propinquity of descent — the only known cause of the similarity of organic beings — is the bond, hidden as it is by various degrees of modification, which is partly revealed to us by our classification." Darwin, quoted by Spencer, "Principles of Biology," Vol. I., p. 364. STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 593 A STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN Bl CORA SUTTON CASTLE, A.B., MX. COLUMBIA DNIVEESITY THE word eminent as used in this study covers the range of mean- ing designated by the Century Dictionary which defines the term as " high in rank, office, worth or public estimation ; conspicuous, highly distinguished." According to the same authority, the word is rarely used in a bad sense. Dr. Francis Galton,1 who made the first statistical study of distinguished men, defined his use of eminent thus : When I speak of an eminent man, I mean one who has achieved a position that is attained by only 250 persons in each million of men, or by one person in each 4,000. While my selection is closer, mathematically, than Galton' s, among the 868 women whom I have designated as eminent, some are included because of circumstances over which they had no control, such as great beauty, or congenital misfortune. Many were born to their positions ; to others is due but little credit for the fact that they married men sufficiently eminent to accord them a place in history. Some led spec- tacular lives and were notorious rather than meritorious. Many of them were women of unusual intellectual ability and were eminent in the ordinary connotation of the term. More or less biographical data are at command concerning these 868 women, and to the extent that reputation may be considered a just index of ability, they are entitled to a place in a catalogue of the distinguished of earth. In selecting the group I have followed precisely the objective method devised by Professor J. McKeen Cattell2 in his " Statistical Study of Eminent Men." My method, in detail, was as follows: I went through the Lippincott Biographical Dictionary, the Americana, Nouveau La Eousse, Brockhaus's Konversations-Lexikon, Meyer's Kon- versations-Lexikon and the Encyclopaedia Britannica and noted the name of every woman mentioned in each. I retained for my list the name of every woman noted in any three out of the six encyclopedias or dictionaries. My original intention was to eliminate from the lower end of the group until I had 1,000, a convenient and sufficiently large number with which to work. But when the twenty-three Biblical char- acters were excluded, the entire number was only 868. It is a sad commentary on the sex that from the dawn of history to the present day less than one thousand women have accomplished anything that 1 " Hereditary Genius," p. 10, 1869. 2 "A Statistical Study of Eminent Men," Pop. Sci. Mo., Vol. 62, p. 359, 1903. 594 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY history has recorded as worth while. One can not evade the question, is woman innately so inferior to man, or has the attitude of civilization been to close the avenues of eminence against her? When the list of names was completed, the amount of space ac- corded the women by the different encyclopedias was reduced to a com- mon standard, and the names arranged in order of merit. According to our standard of measurement Mary Stuart is the most eminent woman of history. She has no close competitor. Queen Victoria is the most recent of the preeminently gifted women, and therefore has a large probable error of position. George Sand is the most distinguished literary woman, and we may say that the chances are even that her position as fifth in the order of merit is correctly determined. The most eminent woman of American birth is Mrs. Stowe, who ranks twentieth. Had additional or different encyclo- pedias been used in compiling the list, the chances are one to one that her position would be between 17 and 21. It must be borne in mind that had other sources been used in selecting the eminent women, the position of certain ones might have shifted more or less. However, we must concede that the women who are ranked in this list as the most eminent are the ones most familiar to us in literature and history, and they unquestionably deserve their position. The twenty preeminently gifted women of history are Mary Stuart, Jeanne d'Arc, Victoria of England, Elizabeth of England, George Sand, Madame de Stael, Catherine II. of Russia, Maria Theresa, Marie Antoinette, Anne of England, Madame de Sevigne, Mary I. of England, George Eliot, Christina of Sweden, Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing, Madame de Maintenon, Josephine of France, Catherine de Medici, Cleopatra and Harriet Bcecher Stowe.3 A list of this sort makes possible comparisons which are not ordi- narily evident and could not otherwise be made, and the known prob- able error makes it possible to determine within what limits the com- parisons are true. Charlotte Bronte and Charlotte Corday seemingly have nothing in common, yet their respective numbers in order of merit are 21 and 22. Marie Brinvilliers, whose mania for poisoning makes it impossible to classify her as anything but a criminal, just pre- cedes Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris. Joanna Baillie, the poet; Mrs. Siddons, the actress, and Beatrice Cenci, whose beauty and tragic fate have been preserved for us in the colors of Guido Reni and in the lines of Shelley, are numbered 89, 90 and 91, respectively. The range of eminence covered by these 868 women is wide. Mary Stuart, with 607.67 lines, is more than one hundred and eighty-eight 3 The complete list of the 868 eminent women together with detailed and technical discussion of the data will be found in a thesis accepted for the degree of doctor of philosophy by the department of psychology, Columbia University, to be published in Archives of Psychology (The Science Press, New York). STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 595 times as eminent as Constance Bonaparte with 3.23 lines. There are forty-nine women who are given one hundred or more lines in the en- cyclopedias, and there are twenty-seven that are given less than ten lines. The average amount of space accorded is 43.2 lines. This group of eminent women is spread over a long period of time. From the seventh century before Christ to the nineteenth century after Christ, inclusive, the light of feminine genius has never been extin- guished, though sometimes it has burned but dimly. Beginning with three cases in the seventh century before Christ, we observe that the Golden Age of Greece records a rise in the curve. Who knows but that her women were potentially as great as her men, and if Plato's theory regarding the education of women had been universally applied, the curve might not have risen higher? In the second century before Christ, Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, is the sole representative. The period of Roman supremacy is clearly depicted, as is also that of the religious persecutions in the third century, eleven of the fourteen representatives of that century being martyrs. Through the Dark Ages, the level of the curve remains almost stationary. There is a little rise in the twelfth century, but a subsequent fall in the thirteenth. This, however, is insignificant because of the few cases. The curve rises considerably in the fourteenth century, almost doubles its height in the fifteenth, and does not drop again. The eighteenth century pro- duces 213 cases, or 24.5 per cent., of the eminent women of history. We must bear in mind the fact that the records for the nineteenth cen- tury are neither complete nor accurate. The youngest woman on my list was born in 1880, therefore one fifth of the century is not repre- sented, and one half of it but partially. Ability in woman is more readily and willingly recognized at the present time than formerly, so names of women whose reputation for eminence may not prove endur- ing may be included in the nineteenth-century group. On the other hand, the eminence of a large group of women is now in the process of making, and subsequent biographers may accord them a more important place than their contemporaries. While the figures for this last cen- tury are in no respect accurate, they are in many respects interesting. The century furnished 335 cases, or 38.5 per cent., of the total number of eminent women. Sixty-three per cent, of the eminent women of his- tory were born in the last two centuries. If we were able to compare the number of cases in each century with the population of that period, as Professor Cattell pointed out in his study, the curve would, in some respects, be different from this one. For a partial comparison we have used a modified form of the table of growth of population given by Mulhall4 and have found that while the number of eminent women produced by England, France, Russia, Austria, Italy, Spain, Germany 4 "Dictionary of Statistics," 4th edition, 1898, p. 441. 596 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY and the United States increased from 28 in the fifteenth century to 187 in the eighteenth century, the ratio of eminent women per ten million of population also increased from 6.1 to 15.3 in the same period. Those who refuse to lose faith in woman's ability may find encouragement in the fact that the gain of the rate per ten million of population of the sixteenth century over the fifteenth was 19.6 per cent. ; of the seven- teenth over the sixteenth, 27.3 per cent.; of the eighteenth over the seventeenth, 64.5. An interesting conjecture is whether the complete record for the nineteenth century will give a gain per cent, over that of the eighteenth correlative with the increased social and educational ad- vantages which women have attained. ff€J Z7Z &n \ '' 1 BO r 'I /so i /so •*f3 /. 0 i | - so .' 1 i .w *, * I | 73 ' * 1 1 ;v ,' \l J Efi • * 1 eo • X & \ ' ■rg ' \J » 42 $G io / / 24 »' „/\ 1 /* r~^ J / /2 •' '--. .■'•• < -^^--^^--■-'h/K^-^^^ It Curat; I. Distribution of Eminent Men and Eminent Women in Periods of Half Centuries. Curve I. shows the distribution of distinguished women and dis- tinguished men in periods of half centuries, the figures for the men being taken from the previously quoted article by Professor Cattell. In comparing the distribution of eminent men and eminent women through the centuries, three facts must be borne in mind. (1) One thousand eminent men were studied, and only eight hundred and sixty- eight women, so the male curve might be expected at all points to rise higher than the female. (2) The eminent men represent a much higher degree of selection than the women. (3) The study of eminent men was made in 1903 and no living persons were included. These facts do not, however, make it impossible for us to note certain simi- larities and dissimilarities. STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 597 The curves are similar during the period of Greek supremacy. The male curve for the Eoman period is much more regular than the female. The last half century of the pre-Christian era which produced more eminent Roman men than any other, produced but one eminent Eoman woman. The lines cross for the first time in the second half of the third century after Christ. From the sixth to the eleventh century the number of women equals or exceeds the number of men. With few ex- ceptions, the eminent women of these centuries are sovereigns, abbesses and saints, or belong to the groups " Marriage " and " Birth." If the eminent women were selected as rigidly as the eminent men, the posi- tion of the curves through these centuries would undoubtedly be re- versed. Of the later period, Professor Cattell writes, In our curve there are three noticeable breaks. . . . Thus, in the fourteenth century there was a pause followed by a gradual improvement and an extraor- dinary fruition at the end of the fifteenth century. . . . There was then a pause in progress until a century later England and France took the lead. . . . The latter part of the seventeenth century was a sterile period, followed by a revival culminating in the French Eevolution. If we except the first half of the sixteenth century, when the male curve fell and the female rose, the identical words might have been written of the eminent women. Whatever the factors in these centuries that cooperated to produce genius, they were effective in both sexes, though to a lesser degree in the one than in the other. The 868 eminent women are natives of forty-two different nations. England has furnished eight more distinguished women than France. Germany ranks third with 114; America, only two centuries old, is fourth. Italy produced 60, Eome 41, Austria 24, and Spain 23, emi- nent women. Eussia claims 20, Sweden 16, Greece 15 and Scotland 14. Twelve of the eminent women belong to the Byzantine Empire, 11 to Holland, and 9 to Ireland. Twenty-seven nations each produced fewer than ten eminent women. The relative number of women of ability produced by England, France, Germany, America and Italy, at different periods, is shown in Curve II. In the fifteenth century, France and Italy were leading in the number of eminent women. By the beginning of the sixteenth century France was declining and England had surpassed them both. But England had a subsequent fall, and France a rapid rise, at the be- ginning of the seventeenth century. Later in the century, France de- clined again; England gained; the German curve rose rapidly; and the Italian remained very low. Of the five modern nations which have contributed the largest number of eminent women, France is the only one for whom the incomplete records of the nineteenth century show a decline in the number of eminent women over the eighteenth century. We quote as peculiarly applicable what Professor Cattell said regarding the eminent men: 59§ THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY < Z O t-t 55 « H fa fa fa O o H t-H H fa o K H M & K « D STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 599 The French Kevolution brought into prominence many men not truly great, and the position then attained by France is not held in the nineteenth century. The figures for the last century reveal a third period of Italian ac- tivity, chiefly in music and literature. In so far as the data for the nineteenth century are reliable, America gives greater promise for the immediate future than any other nation. Cases 7$ yo 66 60 55 50 45 40 5$ 30 Z5 W 15 H> 5 France — Stely 6/er/7iariy- 15 16 if 18 19 CvntitAy .Cueve III. The Ndmbeb of Eminent Women of Different Nationalities on the Basis of Population. Curve III., which shows the record of these same five nations through the same centuries on the basis of population, is, in one sense, more significant. From the point of view of the number of eminent 6oo THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY women per ten million of population, France is not the only nation whose nineteenth century ratio fails to equal that of the eighteenth. Germany, and especially England, have failed signally in this respect. Italy is the only one of the five modern nations which at present shows a gain in ratio of eminent women according to population, in the last century over the previous one. She seems to be rising out of the trough of a curve, the crest of which was reached in her sixteenth century Renaissance. These figures emphasize the promising situation in America, In another half century, it will undoubtedly be seen that while our population increased from 3,930,000 in 1790 to 50,155,783 in 1880, there was a corresponding increase in the number of Ameri- can women of ability per ten million of population. No more vital problem in connection with the social and educational life of woman could be propounded than the one revealed by these curves. Is the racial difference an important factor, or must one look to the social con- ditions and educational opportunities of the time for an explanation? Why is it that England, starting in the fifteenth century with the same ratio as Italy (8 eminent women per ten million of population) should rise in the eighteenth century to 73, while Italy fell to 5 ? Or, why has the English curve, which started lower than the French, and equal with the Italian, towered, since the sixteenth century, so far above the re- maining four? How explain the fact that while France was so promi- nent in the eyes of the world in the eighteenth century, and her women had unusual opportunity to come into public notice, the number of eminent women on the basis of population being produced by Germany, and especially by England, was far in advance of the number being produced by France? In America, the youngest of the five nations, what is there to explain our present position above Italy, Germany and France, and second only to England? Or, to be more insistent, what would a comparison of modern English and American conditions reveal that would determine that the latter should be second, instead of first, in the ratio of eminent women per ten million of population? Accustomed as we are to thinking of the sphere of woman as a limited one, it is interesting to note that the 868 women became emi- nent in twenty-nine lines of activity, if some of the following classifi- cations can be so designated. The distribution is as follows: Litera- ture 337; Marriage 87; Religion 64; Sovereign 59; Actress 56; Music 49; Birth 39; Mistress 29; Scholar 20; Political Influence or Ability 19; Artist 17; Philanthropy 12; Tragic Fate 11; Heroine 10; Mother- hood 10; Reformer 9; Dancer 6; Immortalized in Literature 6; Patron of Learning 6 ; Beauty 6 ; Educator 3 ; Revolutionist 2 ; Misfortune 2 ; Traveler 2; Adventuress 2; Physician 2; Fortune Teller 1; Conjugal Devotion 1 ; Criminal 1. Of the entire group of women 38.8 per cent, won their eminence by STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 60 1 the use of the pen. It is probable that woman has had more oppor- tunity in literature than in any other line of work. Her actions have been restricted in various degrees at different times, and in different localities, and, to a certain extent, her thought has been regulated. It is, undoubtedly, her innate right to reign supreme over her feelings. An analysis of the group of 337 writers shows a large per cent, of feminine literature to be of an emotional or imaginative nature. If, to the group of writers we add the women classed under " Religion," the actresses and the musicians, we note that we have 506, or 58.2 per cent., of the entire group of eminent women before we reach the small group of scholars who have exercised the power of reason. Add to this the artists and dancers as further illustrations of emotional activity, and we still see that the common concept of a woman as a creature of feeling rather than a creature of reason may not be without foundation. If this con- ception is just, our classification tends to show that when woman has attained eminence, it has not been in spite of her femininity, but rather because of it. As remote as the seventh century before Christ women became emi- nent in literature. This early work is poetry and undoubtedly repre- sents the outburst of genius rather than the result of training. In the early centuries, a woman might be born to eminence, and in a few in- stances she was allowed to govern, but a large percentage of the names that have come down to us as late as the sixteenth century are those of women who were wives of men more distinguished than themselves. The Christian religion made a strong appeal to womanhood, and no century has been without its representative in this field. In the group of 64 eminent women classed under " Religion " in our study, five were founders of sects known respectively as Christian Science, the Bnchan- ites, the Southcottians, the Countess of Huntingdon's Connection, and the Shakers. In addition, Saint Clara founded the Franciscan Order of Nuns; Saint Theresa, the Barefooted Carmelites; Angela Merici, the Hrsuline Order; and Jeanne Chantal, the Order of Visita- tion. Sixteen, or one fourth of the group, suffered martyrdom. Motherhood, heroism and beauty occur- occasionally without reference to time or nationality. Actresses date only from the seventeenth cen- tury, and musicians from the eighteenth. The reformers, dancers, edu- cators, revolutionists, travelers and physicians are products of the last two centuries. For those who are interested in the problem of the modern woman the record for the nineteenth century ought to be of interest. Of the 335 women of the century, 184 are writers. The stage has been the stepping stone to eminence for more than eight times as many women as became noted because of their religion. If, however, we allow a broad interpretation of religion to include social service, and thus combine the groups " Reformers " and " Philanthro- VOL. LXXXLI. — 41. 6o2 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY pists" with the group "Religion," the ratio is 33 to 19. Forty-three of the eminent women of the century are musicians; eight are artists. There are five scholars. Of the seven women born to eminence in the last century, five are near relatives of Napoleon I., the most eminent man of history. Of the 337 writers, 108 were English, 58 German, 56 French and 41 American. Rome furnished 10 of the Christian martyrs. Aside from Rome, England, France and Italy have produced most of the saints of history. Seven of the great queens were Spanish, and 7 Russian. Twenty-one of the 56 actresses were French, and 13 Eng- lish. It has been in France more than in any other country that women have been born to greatness. Only seven nations are repre- sented in the group "Mistresses," France producing 16 of the 29. England, Germany and Italy each claim 3 scholars; America has one, the astronomer, Maria Mitchell. French women have become eminent through politics more than the women of any other nation. The artists are scattered, France and Italy leading with 3 each. Germany and Italy have led in musicians with 9 each. England has led in philan- thropy as the work of woman. The social reformers comprise the largest group, which belongs entirely to one nation. These 9 women were Americans. Although 38.8 per cent, of the entire group of women became emi- nent in literature, it does not follow that in this line of work they at- tained the highest degree of eminence. The following table shows the average number of lives given to the different groups. The averages may be considered as indices of merit for the various occupations. The number of cases on which the average is based is indicated in each in- stance. The results show very clearly that it has been as sovereigns that women have become the most eminent. Second in rank, but re- duced to almost one half the degree of distinction attained by the sov- ereigns is the group of politicians. Motherhood, based on fewer cases than either of the two previous groups, ranks third. This group of mothers does not include women, who, besides having eminent sons or daughters, were themselves distinguished in some line of activity. Such women fall in the several groups in which they achieved fame. This group is comprised of those women whose only claim to eminence is their motherhood. Undoubtedly, they were very capable women. Typical illustrations are Saint Monica, the mother of Saint Augustine, and Lsetitia Bonaparte, the mother of the first emperor. The mis- tresses— which group includes the early Greek courtesans — rank high, and justly so. Our standards have changed, and while our moral sense may be offended at seeing twenty-nine women so classified, we are led to believe that, in many instances, these women, whatever their morals, were intellectually among the most capable of their sex. Restricted by STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 603 the social customs of their times, they found in this relation an oppor- tunity to meet and associate with men of their own intellectual power. Were it not so, it scarcely seems probable that mere beauty or pleasing personality which, fascinated some weak-minded king could have been sufficient reason for the high degree of merit which history has ac- corded them. The artists rank comparatively low in merit. However, if we con- sider the groups of activity in which women have actually done things — attained their eminence by genuine labor — of the groups sufficiently large in size to expect accuracy in results, we note that the artists rank higher than the actresses, writers or musicians. A possible explanation of the very low degree of merit accorded the musicians is the fact that 43 of the 49 belong to the nineteenth century, and of these 43, 20 are living at the present time, so their merit is not yet accurately de- termined. The merit of George Sand, Madame de Stael, Madame de Sevigne, George Eliot, Mrs. Browning, Mrs. Stowe and Charlotte Bronte is not sufficient, when grouped with so many writers of less abilit}r, to bring the average for the group "Literature" to more than 29.74. Index of Merit for Occupations Average No. No. Cases on which of Lines Average is Based Sovereign 112.10 59 Political influence 62.13 19 Motherhood 46.14 10 Mistress 46.09 29 Beauty 44.62 6 Religion 43.58 64 Tragic fate 42.83 11 Marriage 38.09 87 Patron of learning 37.60 6 Heroine 35.46 10 Scholar 35.35 20 Artist 34.54 17 Reformer 32.29 9 Actress 32.02 56 Literature 29.74 337 Immortalized in literature 29.30 6 Music 27.46 49 . Birth 27.45 39 Considerable interest always attaches to the wives of eminent men, and to the husbands of eminent women. Personally, we do not be- lieve that, with rational people, love is blind, hence it seems that a study of the marriage relations of this group of eminent women ought to reveal information, not only interesting, but valuable in throwing light on certain social and psychological problems. "We must remember 6o4 TEE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY in this connection, however, that one current definition of genius docs not always grant the rationality of the individual. Only lawful mar- riages are considered in this study; liaisons are not recognized. Four morganatic unions are included. Owing to lack of information, ninety- three eminent women are unclassified as either married or unmarried. One hundred and forty-two, or 16.3 per cent., of the entire number of women of ability, have not married. Of this group, 72.5 per cent, were born in the last two centuries, and 49.2 per cent, of the unmarried eminent women of history belong to the nineteenth century. There is, of course, the possibility that some of our contemporary women of dis- tinction may yet marry, and thus reduce this ratio. England and America have produced 59.8 per cent, of the unmarried women of abil- ity. The former country has twenty-one more unmarried eminent women than the latter, but the figures for America are the more signifi- cant, since in terms of per cent, they mean, that of the total number of distinguished women produced by England, 29.7 per cent, of them have not married ; whereas, in America, the ratio is 42.6 per cent. It is a pertinent question whether our women realize that in attaining emi- nence nearly one half the number sacrifice their own homes and fam- ilies. Our figures do not show that any one line of activity has ap- pealed particularly to the unmarried group. Neither were they, in their freedom from the duties and responsibilities of wifehood and motherhood, able to attain a higher degree of eminence than the mar- ried women ; nor was their average length of life found to be longer. Two hundred and fifty-nine of the distinguished women married men sufficiently eminent to be recorded in three or more of the six encyclopedias used in collecting the list of women. The number of lines accorded these husbands was counted and submitted to the same system of standardization as that used for the women. Napoleon I., Peter the Great, Henry IAr. of France, Philip II. of Spain, Mark Antony, Nero, Philip II. of France, Claudius, Louis XII. of France, Ptolemy I. and Chilperic I. were each married to two of the eminent women. Five of the wives of Henry VIII. of England are included in our list of distinguished women. On the other hand, twenty-two of the women married more than one husband sufficiently eminent to fall within our classification. Our knowledge of the relative eminence of the husbands and wives makes possible some interesting comparisons. Eight of the husbands, namely, Napoleon I., Mohammed, Julius Cassar, Martin Luther, Alex- ander the Great, Frederick the Great, Socrates and Napoleon III. are more eminent than Mary Stuart, the most eminent woman of history. Jeanne d'Arc and Queen Victoria*are less eminent than the poet Shelley, but more eminent than the first Roman emperor, Augustus Caesar. Mary 1. of England is of equal eminence with Philip IV. of France. STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 605 Rosa Bonheur and Antoninus Pius are accorded the same number of lines. Thirteen eminent women are less distinguished than King Ilakon of Norway, the least eminent of the husbands. We have here an exact means for telling whether Robert Browning is more or less eminent than his gifted wife, and how much; whether the joint sov- ereigns of England, William and Mary, are equally distinguished; whether Cornelia, the mother, and Tiberius Sempronius, the father, of the Gracchi are equally famous; and whether Otto Goldschmidt is more or less distinguished than Jenny Lind. The two hundred and fifty-nine eminent women who married men of sufficient distinction to come within our criterion of eminence were natives of thirty-one different nations, but France, England, Germany and Rome produced the larger number of them. Julia Ward Howe, Julia Marlowe and Elizabeth Drew Stoddard are the only noteworthy American women who married husbands sufficients eminent to be included in our list. The average age at which eminent women have married (based on 459 cases) is 23.4 years. This means, in each instance, the age when married for the first time. Three of the women wen1 married under ten years; thirty were married before they were fifteen; five married later than fifty. The youngest bride was Joan of Naples, who at the age of six was married to Andrew, Prince of Hungary. The oldest bride was Angela Burdette-Coutts, who at sixty-seven married Mr. Ashmcad-Bartlett. The following table shows a fairly regular tendency through the centuries to postpone marriage from 16.2 years in the twelfth century to 26.2 years in the nineteenth. The range of age of brides has also varied, particularly in the maximum limit. Through the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries no eminent woman was married Later than thirty. In the last four centuries the maximum limit has varied from forty- three to sixty-seven. In other words, we may say that the maximum age of marriage during the last four cen- turies (nineteenth, eighteenth, seventeenth, sixteenth) averaged 53.3 years; for the preceding four centuries (fifteenth, fourteenth, thir- teenth, twelfth) it averaged 25.8 years. Age at Marriage in Different Centuries Century Average Age at No. of Cases on which Range of Age of Brides, Marriage Average is Based Years 19 26.2 1 N'.l 15-67 18 23.1 127 13-53 17 20.0 50 13-43 16 21.7 28 12-50 15 17.0 20 13-26 14 13.8 11 6-18 13 16. 6 5 12-29 12 10.2 5 8-30 6o6 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY There is considerable variation in the average age at which women of ability have married in different nations. Considering only those countries for which we have record of nine or more cases, it has been found that the average age at which American women of ability marry is 27.7 years, which is 9.3 years later than the average age at which Russian women of eminence marry. Distinguished women of English birth marry three years younger than American women, but 1.8 years later than German, and 3.5 years later than French women of ability. The average age at marriage of Italian and French eminent women is practically the same (21.3 and 21.2 years, respectively). The average age at which eminent women engaged in thirteen dif- ferent activities married is shown in the following table. Though we have record of only five reformers we feel fairly confident that the group is justly placed. Only a few American women of the nineteenth century have achieved eminence as social reformers; but American women of ability marry later than those of any other nation, and the average age at marriage in the nineteenth century is later than in any other period of history. The fact that musicians marry 3.1 years later than actresses, and 4.4 years later than artists, seems to indicate that, in many instances, marriage was postponed until a musical reputation had been won. The women who inherited or wedded their right to eminence, that is, the members of the groups " Marriage," " Sovereign " and " Birth " married earlier ; where the cases are sufficiently numerous to justify a conclusion it seems that the women who have won by per- . sonal effort their right to distinction — the actresses, writers, musicians and reformers — married several years later. Age at Marriage by Occupation Average Age No. Cases on which at Marriage Average is Based Keformer 27.4 5 Music 26.7 35 Mistress 26.4 7 Literature 25.7 180 Actress 23.6 32 Eeligion 22.4 14 Artist 22.3 6 Scholar 21.3 8 Political influence 19.5 14 Mother 19.3 6 Birth 19.3 24 Sovereign 18.9 40 Marriage 18.8 62 Of the eminent women, 520 are known to have married once, 89 married twice, 21 married three times, and Catherine Parr, Joan I. of Naples, Jacqueline of Holland, Lola Montez and Zoe II. were each STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 607 married four times. Though the numbers are small, it is of interest to note that 42 per cent, of the group of women who became eminent because of political influence or ability were married more than once. Of the total group of musicians, 30.6 per cent, had more than one husband. Eminent women have not, on the whole, made particularly success- ful wives, since 11.6 per cent, of the 781 unions of which we have record have ended in separation or divorce. 36 of the 91 cases of dis- solution occurred in families where both husband and wife were famous. Divorces have been most frequent among distinguished women of German birth. It is barely posible that we have found these results, not because of actual conditions, but because the German encyclopedias are more inclined to give details of domestic life than are those of other nations. The German divorce rate, however, is known to be high. Though much is said about the alarming increase of the rate of divorce in America, it does not hold in the case of eminent women (3 cases). I have tried to discover whether divorce has been more or less fre- quent when the husband and wife have been engaged in the same occu- pation than when their interests were more or less diverse. I hoped to learn whether a singer has been more apt to run into matrimonial shipwreck if she married a composer than if she chose a lawyer for a husband. Has it been safer for a literary woman to marry a scholar or a banker? My figures are not very conclusive, owing to the small number of cases in each occupation, but where a conclusion is war- ranted, our table tends to show that artists and musicians are safer matrimonially when married to men whose interests are in fields dif- ferent from their own. In other words, it is better when the husband and wife are not both engaged in an activity which is controlled by temperament and inspiration rather than by reason. In the case of actresses, the percentage of divorce is just the same when the husband is an actor as when he is engaged in some other occupation. With writers, the divorce rate is slightly smaller when the husband is a lit- erary man. Eoyal divorces are recorded as remote as the fourth century before Christ. Eminent women not of aristocratic birth have obtained di- vorces only in the last three centuries. It has been impossible to discover at what age these women became eminent, but in 670 cases I have been able to ascertain the age at death. Curve IV. represents the age distribution graphically. Both ends of the curve are interesting. Nine women died before they were twenty; nineteen lived to be over ninety. The average length of life is 60.8 years. The slight rise in the curve for eminent women in the twenties, and again in the forties, tends to confirm Galton's conclusion that " among the gifted men there is a small class who have weak and 6o8 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY excitable constitutions, who are destined to early death, but that the remainder consists of men likely to enjoy a vigorous old age." 5 Our cases are so few that we can not lay stress on these periods as being particularly precarious in the case of eminent women. 15 20 £5 30 3f> 40 45 50 55 60 65 7" 73 ISO 85 00 f>5 Years Cukve IV. Distribution of Ages of Eminent Women at Death. In spite of the fact that in a number of instances the data are too meager to be reliable, it seemed worth while to compute the average age of the eminent women for the different centuries. For the first two centuries after Christ I have only three cases each, but these tend to show that in this remote period, eminent women died early. The martyr's block has left its record in the third century, the average, based on seven cases, being only 28.2 years. Saint Helena escaped a violent death and lived to be 77. If her case were excluded, the average age for the century would be 20.1 years. During the fifth, sixth and seventh centuries the average length of life seems to have been longer. For the remainder of the Middle Ages the figures are so meager as to render them valueless, but from the fourteenth century the numbers are sufficiently large to at least represent a tendency. The average age at dcalii iu the case of eminent women of the fourteenth century was 48.7 years; in the fifteenth century, 49.3 years; in the sixteenth cen- tury, 49.8 years; in the seventeenth century the average was increased to 60.6 years; in the eighteenth century it was 64.1 years; in the nine- teenth century, 62.7 years. This, however, is not a final figure for those of this century who are to be the longest lived and who will tend to increase this average arc yet living. It is probable that these aver- 5 "Hereditary Genius," p. 332, 1869. STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 609 ages have no special relation to eminent women, but they seem to show that the advancement of civilization with the increased knowledge of hygiene and the art of living, together with the modern development of medicine and surgery, have cooperated to make it more probable that the days of woman will be prolonged to three score years and ten. It is of interest to note that the women who have been engaged in social service, the reformers and philanthropists, were the longest lived. The average age of the artists is 66.7 years, and of the actresses 64.5 years. In addition to these, the writers, scholars, politicians and mothers all lived to an average age exceeding that for the entire group. The musicians average 58.4 years; those famous by birth, as sovereigns, mistresses, in religion and by marriage all average less than the group average. American women of ability are noticeably longer lived than those of any other nation. While this average results in part from the fact that we are a young nation and hence our figures are not affected by early deaths in remoter centuries, it also speaks well for the physical vigor of American women, for our respect for sanitation, and for the skill of American physicians and surgeons. In addition to the Amer- ican women of eminence, those of Scotland, Germany, Austria and Eng- land have lived to more than 60.8 years, the average for the entire group. The women of the Byzantine Empire, of France, Sweden, Hol- land, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Eussia and Borne have failed to attain this average. Sixty-two, or 7 per cent., of the eminent women of history are known to have suffered violent or unnatural deaths. This bloody chapter began with the tragic death of the Eoman girl, Lucrctia, in the sixth century before Christ and nineteen centuries are represented in the record. Nineteen of these sixty-two women were Romans; France contributed eight, leading the modern nations in this respect. Sover- eigns, or the wives of sovereigns, have been the most frequent victims. Seventy-two, or 33.1 per cent., of the 217 fathers of the eminent women regarding whom we have been able to collect information, belonged to the so-called learned professions — medicine, teaching, law and the ministry. Our figures tend to show that an eminent daughter has been more apt than not to become distinguished in a line of work similar to that of her father. For example, in the case of sixteen fathers who were musicians, nine of their daughters who achieved fame were also musicians, and two were in the closely related field of acting. Of fifteen fathers who were literary men, fourteen of their eminent daughters were also writers. In considering the similarity of occupa- tion between eminent daughter and father, women of aristocratic extraction have been excluded. "Regarding the cases of relationship that were found to exist be- 6io THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY tween the eminent women not of noble birth, eighteen of the thirty- eight instances are in the first generation between sister and sister. Fifteen cases occnr in the second generation, eight between mother and daughter, and seven between aunt and niece. In the third generation, there are four cases, and in the fifth generation, one case. The figures show a marked tendency for the woman in the younger generation to become eminent in the same, or closely allied line of activity as that in which her eminent relative won distinction. An interesting and suggestive group for consideration is that of the contemporary eminent women. Of these there are 107. The first item of interest is that this group is so large. 12.3 per cent, of the eminent women of history are living at the time this study is made. It required over twenty-five hundred years to produce the remaining 87.7 per cent. This group represents nineteen nationalities, and twelve lines of activity. England, with twenty-two cases, leads in the number of distinguished women of the present generation; Germany and America each claim eighteen ; France has twelve, and Italy seven. Austria has six; Sweden, four; Holland, Spain and Hungary, three each; Eussia and Poland, two each; and Denmark, Canada, Venezuela, Belgium, Roumania, Scotland and Norway, one each. Canada and Venezuela are represented for the first time in history in the present generation. In the Old World it is probable that woman will always be able to acquire fame with the wedding ring, and to reign as a sovereign, thus being assured a place in history. If we eliminate those two groups, the fields in which contemporary women are acquiring eminence are, in spite of greater social and educational advantages, and freedom from restriction in many lines, practically limited to three. Fifty-five are writers, twenty are musicians and fourteen are actresses. We wish that we might not have found Jane Addams working alone in the great field of social reform, and that Madame Curie might not have been the only scientist of her generation. In America, where women enjoy greater freedom than in any other part of the globe, there is little evidence of any special results of these advantages. The nation and generation are proud of the achievements of Helen Keller, but one expects that our great educational institutions would produce feminine scholars and teachers of great ability. Possibly, they are in our midst, but like the prophets of old, are without honor in their own generation as well as in their own country. In order to do justice to this group of eminent women a number of lines of inquiry not yet touched upon deserve to be investigated. Per- haps the most important of these is a study of their children. A knowledge of the number of children born to or reared to maturity by these 634 wives will determine whether in attaining eminence they STATISTICAL STUDY OF EMINENT WOMEN 6n sacrificed the function universally accepted as the noblest. It may, perhaps, be shown that whatever they did to perpetuate themselves in history was not at the expense of, but rather in addition to the duties of motherhood. Some correlation, either positive or negative, may be revealed between the size of family and the degree of eminence attained. The number of children who became famous is also of great importance from the standpoint of heredity, and it will at least be interesting to know whether more of them were sons or daughters, and how their fields of life activity agreed with or differed from that of their mothers. A study of the state of health and cause of death may reveal much needed information as to whether female genius differs physically or physiologically from others of her sex. The relative variability of the sexes is a matter of prime importance in a study of female ability, as is also the question of psychical sex differences. Thorough examination of the social and educational environment of this group of eminent women is not only desirable, but essential in understanding them as the historical representatives of their time. The relative productivity of the aristocracy, and a careful social classification ought to be made. Women have not always had the advantages they now enjoy. It is not probable that the female voice has varied in sweetness through the ages, yet it was not until the eighteenth century that we have record of a noted songstress. Have we any reason to believe that when women have gained all the rights and privileges for which they now clamor that any significant results will follow? Is there a biological limita- tion which says to the female, " Thus far shalt thou go and no farther " ? While we may never be able to settle these questions definitely, a just and thorough consideration of all the points of approach will, we trust, enable us to answer with some degree of certainty the question which we propounded at the beginning of our study, and which has haunted us throughout the research, namely, has innate inferiority been the reason for the small number of eminent women, or has civilization never yet allowed them an opportunity to develop their innate powers and possibilities? THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 613 THE PKOGKESS OF SCIENCE THE ANNIVESSAEY MEETING OF ! THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES The National Academy of Sciences celebrated the semi-centennial anniver- sary of its foundation on April 22, 23 and 24, exactly fifty years after its ; first meeting. It was a most successful meeting with the largest attendance of members in the history of the academy. There was no program of technical , papers, but in its place a series of addresses. Dr. Ira Eemsen, the presi- dent of the academy, at the first session read an address on the history of the academy, and then introduced Presi- dent Arthur T. Hadley, of Yale Uni- versity, who spoke on "The Eelation of Science to Higher Education in America." In his usual happy style he traced the increased part played by science in modern education and pointed out that his father, James Hadley, taught Greek at Yale more in accord with the methods of modern science, than was the case with physics, chemistry and biology in those days. James Hadley was elected to member- ship in the academy the year after its foundation, followed two years later by the election of another distinguished Yale philologist, William Dwight Whit- ney. There were also eminent econo- mists in the academy, and the question may fairly be raised, though President Hadley did not do so, whether it would not be better for the academy to in- clude in its scope the philosophical, his- torical and political sciences, instead of confining the membership to the nat- ural and exact sciences. The second formal address was read by Dr. Arthur Schuster, secretary of the Royal Society of London, who discussed ' ' International Cooperation in Research. " He stated that the strength of modern science lies not so much in the production of commanding genius as in an army of competent investigators. Problems in which use- ful results have already been obtained by international cooperation were re- viewed, but scarcely in the ' ' great variety" promised at the beginning of the address, for only those were men- tioned in which the speaker was per- sonally interested; all those concerned with the biological sciences, and most of those concerned with the exact sci- ences and their applications being ig- nored. The three categories of scien- tific cooperation mentioned — namely, the agreements on units of measure- ment, the distribution of work between different nations for ecenomy and the making of similar observations with similar instruments — cover but a small part of the field. Still the subjects reviewed — the Star Catalogue; the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature; Geophysics, and the Solar Union — illustrate sufficiently the advan- tages, and, it may be added, the diffi- culties, of international cooperation. Dr. Schuster perhaps went out of his way to ridicule the Belgian scheme for international associations and is too hopeful as to what the International Association of Academies may accom- plish. Academies, national and inter- national, must be placed on a represen- tative democratic basis before they can represent the scientific men and the scientific work of the nation or of the world. The two other addresses were on special scientific problems to which their authors have made distinguished contributions. Dr. George E. Hale, director of the Mt. Wilson Solar Ob- servatory, had as his subject "The Earth and Sun as Magnets ' ' ; Dr. J. C. Kapteyn, director of the astronomical laboratory of the University of Gron- ingen, ' ' The Structure of the Uni- verse. ' ' Both of these addresses 614 THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY treated with admirable clearness wide- reaching theories to which the writers had in large measure contributed both the facts and the deductions. Dr. Hale's address will be printed in The I'upular Science Monthly. The other addresses have been or will be printed in Science. Dr. Theodor II. Boveri, of the Uni- versity of Wiirzburg, was to have spoken on "The Material Basis of Heredity," but was unable (o be pres- ent owing to ill health. Otherwise the program would have represented educa- tion and the sciences of conduct, the organization of science, and the exact and biological sciences, with two ad- dresses from home and three addresses from abroad. The fact that three out of the four addresses were given by men working in astronomy and geo- physics represents a real popular in- terest, though perhaps a survival from a more superstitious period, when the THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE 615 motions of the stars were supposed to exert more control over human welfare than, for example, the prevention of disease by scientific research. The program left ample time for social events, which were admirably arranged. Luncheons were provided each day and there were evening recep- tions at the National Museum and the Carnegie Institution. The afternoon of April 24 was devoted to an excursion to Mt. Vernon on the U. S. S. May- floxoer. On the afternoon of April 23, there was a reception at the White House, when the President of the United States conferred medals, and afterwards, with Mrs. Wilson, received and entertained the members of the academy and their guests. The Wat- son medal for astronomical research was presented to Dr. J. C. Kapteyn, the Draper medal for astrophysieal research to the French Ambassador for M. Henri Deslandres, the Agassiz medal for oceanographical research to the Norwegian minister for Dr. Johan Hjort, and the Comstock prize of the value of $1,500 for research in radiant energy, to Professor R. A. Millikan, of the University of Chicago. At the din- ner on the evening of April 24 speeches were made by the vice-president of the 1tKV, 0 i^§ca6QOQa«< W3QQO ^.tqcb: ^^^^^^'■'A) tS'.iyZKt i'vv %£*0-t 12vC 2jgg ™? vV:m;vv V SB •' V V 1 '..v. i-.;>.;t.-.- .^ .'./.:■-.' ,'■•■'.•