) t5.Zic.64-. THE POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. A QUARTERLY MISCELLANY OF ENTERTAINING AND INSTRUCTIVE ARTICLES ON SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS. EDITED BY HENRY LAWSON, M.D. VOLUME VI. L 0 N D 0 N : KOBERT HARDWICKE, 192 PICCADILLY; AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1867. LONDON PRINTED BT SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE CONTENTS OF YOL. YI PAGE Ox the Mode oe Growth of some of the Alg^. Illustrated by a few of the Common Kinds. By J. Braxton Hicks, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Illustrated ... ... ... ... 1 The Geology of Sinai. By the Rev. E. W. Holland, M.A. ... 10 The Planet Mars in January, 1867. By Richard A. Proctor, B.A., F.R.A.S. Illustrated 22 On Water Filters. By Edward Divers, M.D., F.C.S. Illustrated 33 Our Fresh-water Entomostraca, Shell-Insects, or Water- Fleas. By W. Baird, M.D., F.L.S. Illustrated... 42 How to Photograph Microscopic Objects. By Edward T. Wilson, M.B. Oxon. Illustrated ... ... 54 Recent Discoveries in Insect Embryogeny. By Henry Fripp, M.D. Illustrated ... ... ... ... ... 110 On the Struggle for Existence amongst Plants. By J. D. Hooker, M.D., F.R.S 131 How to Study Meteorology. By G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S. Illustrated ... ... ... ... 140 On Sensitive Flames. By W. F. Barrett. Illustrated 154 Paraffin Lamps and their Dangers. By John Attfield, Ph.D., F.C.S 167 An Attempt to Approximate the Date of the Flint Flakes of Devon and Cornwall. By Spence Bate, F.R.S. Illustrated 169 Venus’s Flower-basket (Euplectella). By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. F.L.S. Illustrated 239 Jupiter without his Satellites. By Richard A. Proctor, B.A., F.R.A.S. Illustrated 248 Fitz-Roy Weather Forecasts. By G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S., Illustrated ... ... ... ... 258 On Life Insurance and Vital Statistics. By W. Hardwicke, M.D. 271 New Electro-Magnetic Machines. By. S. J. Mackie. Illustrated 281 The Botany of a Coal Mine. By William Carruthers, F.L.S. Illustrated ... ... 289 The Microscope in Geology. By David Forbes, F.R.S. Illustrated 355- Why the Leaves Fall. By Maxwell T. Masters, M.D., F.L.S. ... 369 ‘A Message from the Stars.’ By Robert Hunt, F.R.S 378 IV CONTENTS. On the Planarih: of our Ponds and Streams. PAGE By E. Ray Lankester. Illustrated ... 388 Ventilation and Ventilators. By the Editor. Illustrated ... 401 Physics of the Brain. By B. W. Bichardson , M.A., M.D., F.R.S. 415 Reviews of Books ... 66, 185, 299, 428 Scientific Summary — Agriculture ... 79 Astronomy ... 80, 196, 309, 441 Botany ... 87, 199, 313, 448 Chemistry ... 90, 202, 317, 453 Geology and Palaeontology ... 95, 207, 322, 459 Mechanical Science ... 98, 212, 327, 464 Medicine ... 100, 218, 330, 466 Metallurgy, Mineralogy, and Mining ... ... 104, 215, 335, 471 Microscopy ... ... 105, 223, 338, 477 Photography ... ... ... ... ... 106, 227, 339, 479 Physics ... 110, 230, 344, 483 Zoology and Comparative Anatomy ... ... 114, 234, 349, 487 T.Wejst sc. WNhst re POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. ON THE MODE OF GROWTH OF SOME OF THE ALGAE. ILLUSTRATED BY A FEW OF THE COMMON KINDS. BY J. BRAXTON HICKS, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. TT\ HE botanist who confines his attention to the study of the JL flov^ering (or, as they are called, phanerogamous) plants has a task relatively easier than he who devotes his attention to the so-called simpler forms of vegetable life. For, even if we exclude the fact that the principal portion of the phenomena of the former is visible to the naked eye, the changes which they undergo are considerably less and more regular than those of the lower order, and by far more easily observed. The term “ simple ” can only apply to the more simple composition of their component parts, while the number of changes which their forms undergo more than counterbalance this point in the time and trouble required for observation. Besides this, the tedium of watching the changes they pass through, and the difficulty of preserving them in their natural condition in order to secure the same changes, make their study one of much more arduous- ness than is to be found in observing the higher classes. Take, for instance, the growth from the seed : how easy it is to observe its construction and its germination, the formation of the various parts, the radicles, the ascending stem, the leaves with their various appendages, the flower and its parts, lastly, to the ovule. There is one rather difficult subject, however, which is not to be seen without care — namely, the fertilisation of the ovula, or young seed. Yret the difficulties attending the study of the lower (flowerless, or cryptogamia) forms are of a different class. Here the study requires protracted watching ; VOL. vi. — NO. XXII. B 2 rOPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. and as most of them are of aquatic habits, exceedingly suscep- tible of any change, whether in the amount of light or in the quality of the water, the trouble of keeping them under con- stant observation has done much to retard our knowledge of them, and to render the number of our observers small. Add to this that their outward forms change considerably, if not in some instances completely, and that the changes once induced may continue as long as the same external conditions which produced the changes remain. To this point I have already called attention in a former paper, and its importance in this study is of great moment. Formerly the old observers were content to consider each form as the permanent condition ; and in works of not many years since it may be read how this species of Protococcus or that of Oscillatoria, &c. were sent dried by post. This was un- avoidable in the infancy of the study, but now it is indefensible ; and nothing must be considered but as provisionally placed whose whole mode of growth has not been well observed. After these remarks, let us now pass on to the consideration of those phenomena which attend the propagation of the fresh- water algse, or, as they are also called, “confervoid algse.” And in examining these, we shall meet with some very interesting changes. But first of all it may be as well, for the benefit of those who have not as yet made themselves acquainted with the plants in question, to give an outline description of the forms in question. They may be formed of one or of many cells, but in the latter case there is generally very little difference between each. Some- times, indeed very commonly, the cells are joined end to end; each cell, like other vegetable cells, is composed of a cell- wall, or transparent external firm coat (fig. 1, a ), and of the cell-contents , or soft-coloured matter, generally of a green colour, and hence called u chlorophyl ” (fig. 1, b). Now the cell-wall has no active vitality, this is possessed by the cell-contents ; but as these in general would be injured readily, the cell-wall is for their pro- tection, and to increase their solidity. The green cell-contents are disposed in different manners in different plants, and in different times in the same plant. Very commonly there is a colourless transparent body near the centre of the green mass* and this is called the nucleus (fig. 1, c; fig. 9, a; fig. 12, a). This was supposed to be the most active vital part of the cell, and as it is frequently the first to be divided in the process of cell-division, it was considered of essential importance. How- ever, inasmuch as in some cells it is not found at all, and as in them cell-division goes on all the same, some doubt must be entertained in regarding it the essential part of the cell. Although the arrangement of the cell-contents is variable. ON TIIE MODE OF GROWTH OF SOME OF TIIE ALGyE. 3 both in the same genera and species, and at different phases in the same species, still in some the form it assumes is very con- stant for the same phase of its life, particularly in some species. Thus, in Spirogyra (fig. 8), it enables us to distinguish the plant at once, because it assumes the form of a spiral band attached to the inner surface of the cell-wall, giving it an exceedingly beautiful appearance. In some confervoids, it is more or less stellate. In the mature cells of the larger Drapar- naldise (fig. 2; a green branching seaweed-like plant, adhering to stones in running streams), it is disposed in a band round the equator of each cell. In many the contents are granular, in some homogeneous, or of uniform consistence. The number of cells in a single plant varies from one up to many hundreds ; indeed, as they are all derived from one by its division con- stantly, there is really no limit, except such as imposed by the time required for it, and by the change of external circum- stances, such as the seasons bring, which check the progress of that particular phase. The most remarkable phenomena of the freshwater algae are those which are concerned with the multiplication and the reproduction of the species. Broadly, it may be said that every cell of an alga is capable of living, growing, and multiplying, if separated from its neighbours. Still, nature has so arranged that there are cells frequently more especially devoted to this end ; and there are times in its life when the process more dis- tinctly goes on. In order to understand these processes, let us for a moment notice the mode in which this process takes place in the true algae, or seaweeds. In these is to be found the representative of that mode of fertilisation adopted in the higher orders by means of pollen. Now it will be remembered that when the pollen-grain (fig. 3, a) falls upon the moist end of the style, namely, the stigma, it produces from certain parts small delicate tubes. These tubes (fig. 3, b, b) penetrate the substance of the style, passing between their cells (fig. 3, c, c ) to ultimately reach the ovule, or future seed. Acted upon by it in some unknown way, the latter becomes fertilised, and ultimately ripens into the matured seed. Now, in the true algae, the representatives of the pollen are called “ antherozoids.” Each consists of a very minute cell, having one or two fine hairs, or cilia, spring from one end, or one from each end (fig. 4). These cilia have the power of moving in a screw-like manner, whereby the cell is propelled. In the common bladderwrack of our coasts, the process may be readily observed on the bulbous ends of the fronds. If a thin section is made, cavities opening on the exterior will be seen to have been divided. Placed under the microscope in water, branches (fig. 5, a) may be seen springing from the wall of the cavities, the VOL. vi. — NO. XXII. c 4 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. end cell, or antheridia (fig. 5, b), of which contains these anthe- rozoids, each of which has a yellow spot in the centre. When the cell-wall breaks up, the latter bodies become free (fig. 5, c), and come in contact with the spore, or ovule (fig. 5, a). These are also found in the same cavity, among the roots of the branching antheridia. These spores thus become fertilised, and thus the mode resembles very much the enclosed flowers of the common fig. Let us see how this is carried out in the freshwater algae. We will take a very common instance, Vaucheria. It is com- posed of green filaments ; growing in ponds, on damp earth, in ditches — it does not particularly dislike, as most of the algae do, those which are fragrant, but flourishes freely, becoming a tangled mass of very tough fibres on the surface of the water. Although it slightly branches yet it is not jointed, and by this it may be known from almost every form with which it grows. It is indeed only one cell, sometimes attaining many inches in length. The chlorophyl, which is of a deep-green colour, is generally applied to the inner surface of the cell-wall ; at one end is found a sort of root of colourless branches, whereby it attaches itself to any objects. The other end of the branches is rather club-shaped, of much darker green, and more dense. Now to those who rise very early in the morning in summer, the following facts may be revealed by nature. A short distance from the club-shaped end (fig. 6, a), a line of separation may be observed ; after a time, the end of the tube bursts, and the con- tents now escape (fig. 6, 6), and assume an oval form, covered with minute vibrating hairs, or cilia, which propel the mass in a rotatory manner in the water (fig. 6, c). This may be called a zoospore ; perhaps, as it has a number of cilia all over its sur- face, it may be considered rather as an aggregation of ordinary zoospores."* After a few hours, this zoospore falls to the bottom of the vessel, loses its cilia, its walls become thicker, and soon after, a process arises from it, which is the beginning of another tube. This is a good example of one, perhaps the most common, plan by which these common forms are multiplied. This pro- cess is repeated rapidly, and thus this species increases fast. But this is not the mode which is analogous to that of the seaweed. This is accomplished by the following arrange- ment : — * At certain parts of the tube, the observer may find elevations springing from it in pairs (fig. 7), one of which is in the form of a hook, or crosier (fig. 7, a), the other oval, with or without a stem (fig. 7, b). Sometimes on the same stem there are more than one oval process. Now it is in the hook-like process that the * See paper on lC Volvox ” in this Review, vol. v. ON THE MODE OF GROWTH OF SOME OF THE ALG.E. 5 antherozoids are formed, itself is the antheridium (like those before described in the seaweeds), from which they escape in due time. In the other process is matured an oval body (fig. 7, 6), which represents the ovule, or future seed of the higher orders.. An opening in the apex of the process leads down to it, and through this the antherozoids pass to fertilise it. After a time* this ovule escapes by the solution of the wall of the process, and acquires a firm external cell-wall. But unlike the other spore above described, it has no power of motion ; though ultimately it grows out, as the other spore, into an elongated tube like its parent. This plant can be observed in the early spring in a state of fructification, as soon as the frosts have abated ; the earlier the better. They can be preserved for observation on the surface of a pot filled with ordinary garden mould, or sand, kept well moistened. If placed in the sun, it will be best to invert a glass over it. It may be found fructifying very well on the shady sides of the furrows in fields. Thus, then, in this plant we have two forms by which multi- plication of the species takes place, one by throwing off a “zoospore,” the other by the fertilisation of a cell, which may be called the ovule, or 66 oospore,” or egg-spore. We will now direct our attention to a third form to be ob- served in a considerable section of the confervoids ; and in doing so, it will be well to watch the whole life-history of one of the plants in wThich it occurs, as far as at present known. Let us take the common Spirogyra, of the family Zygnemacese. From early spring to late autumn may be found in ponds and pools, the sweeter and clearer the better, a number of fila- ments of light-green colour, of an inch or two in length. Place these under the microscope, and you will at once recognise the plant by the beautiful green spiral band above-mentioned, to which the plant owes its colour. There are many species, but they all are very similar in pro- ducing the phenomena to be immediately mentioned. It will next be noticed that it is divided into a number of compartments or cells, joined end to end linearly (fig. 8). In some species there are more than one green band, two or three,, like a many-threaded screw. In a few there are two spiral bands, which run in opposite directions. In the active growth of the plant, it may be observed that the component cells divide into two by sending a process across, or, as some believe, it is effected by a separation of the contents into two equal halves, and then each half throwing a cell-wall around itself. However this may be, the one cell becomes nowr two. If this continues with rapidity, each cell is much shorter, but after a time the growth of each part goes on, and thus the- 6 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. filament becomes much longer. This is the ordinary mode by which the growth of filaments in the confervoids is effected. There is one more point of interest in the cell of this plant. In the centre (fig. 9) you may perceive, by a little trouble in 44 focusing,” a transparent colourless body, giving off arms to all parts of the cell, so that it is suspended in the centre. This is the nucleus, and allusion has been made to this body above. Through the centre of this nucleus passes the line of division above described. But the phenomenon which has attracted so much attention from observers is that which has been called 44 conjugation,” and thence the class of plants in which this takes place (for there are many) have been called the Conjugated. As the term implies, the process is a joining together of two cells. Ordi- narily, it takes place between two cells of two neighbouring filaments ; a projection is sent out by each, which meet and unite. During this time, the green spiral band of each cell losing its character, the coils melt together, and then those of one side pass over through the tube of junction into the other cell, mingling with the other green mass ; and they then are intimately blended into one large oval green mass, the spore (fig. 10, a, 6). Soon after this the spore becomes hardened on the exterior, a cell-wall is formed round it, and it is subsequently liberated upon the dissolution of the parent cell ; in the course of the next spring it elongates, the contents assume the form of the spiral band, and a cell is thus formed like those of last year ; in due time, it divides as before mentioned, and thus a filament of Spirogyra is reproduced. In some of the species of this genus, if there is no filament near enough with which to conjugate, the adjoining cells of the same filament conjugate, for a process is throughout from each cell round the joint, and then their con- tents fuse as above described. Now what is the exact meaning of this curious occurrence ? Opinions vary somewhat. Some see in it the analogue of the fertilisation affected by means of the pollen, and, as above shown, in the Vaucheria, only not carried to so complete an extent. Others look upon it as a mere vegetative action, because the contents of the cells involved have no visible difference before nor during conjugation, and that it is rather to sustain the vigour of growth in the plant, which it may lose by repeated division. However this may be, it is at present our safer plan to continue to watch the process, and also to observe whether, in the same plant, any real antherozoids can be found at any time of its life. A careful observation of this plant would be highly interesting to the observer, and doubtless add valuable facts to set at rest this question. Other changes have been observed in this plant. For instance, ON THE MODE OF GROWTH OF SOME OF THE ALGJ2. 7 the spiral contents coalesce so as to form a number of globular portions, each leaving tivo cilia at one end, possessing power of movement in the parent cell. When this latter breaks up, these bodies move about freely, and appear like the zoospores of other algge (fig. 11). Again, instead of the contents resolving themselves into the above form, they become converted into a star-like form, with firm cell-walls. These again, according to Pringsheim, bcome converted into active moving bodies, whose history has yet to be followed. Some plants conjugate which only consist of one cell (fig. 12, a). The contents of one cell wholly pass over into the other, or re- main in the tube of junction, distending it by its growth (fig. 12, 6). A good example is seen in Cylindrocystis Brebissonii (fig. 12). Now let us watch another of these lower forms which present, as far as at present investigated, a simpler, but more rapid, form than the above in its mode of increase. You may find, in autumn and early spring, at the foot of trees, walls, and palings, green wavy filaments, which readily mat together when taken up (figs. 13-17). This plant has been called Prasiola. Its early condition as a single filament was called Lyngbya (fig. 13), and the next stage Schizogonium (fig. 14), till the writer pointed out the unity of all these in the Microscopical Journal of 1861. The first stage consists of a green filament divided into many cells, the walls of which are rather thick. The green contents are sometimes uniform, sometimes granular (fig. 13). By con- stant division of these cells across the filaments, the length of the filament increases. But after a time another form of divi- sion arises, each cell dividing at right angles to the former line, so as to become quartered, and to make four new cells (fig. 14), and thus the fibre becomes by the growth of each wider, with the appearance of a colourless line down its centre (fig. 14). After a time, each of these divisions divides again in the qua- ternary fashion, and a broad strap is produced, which was called Schizogonium. By the still further extension of this process, large flat wavy bands are produced, generally wider at one end, retaining, however, in the arrangement of the green cell con- tents, evidence of its mode of origin. This latter form has been called Prasiola. But after a time this strap-shaped frond reverts to the filamentous forms (fig. 15), by the converse of the plan above named. The quaternary division ceases, the simple filamentous is substituted, and these separate from one another, ultimately becoming free; and thus the number of the species is increased. But this is also accomplished upon another plan. One of the cells of the filament sometimes grows three times its original size, and then, separating from the rest 8 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. (13, a')9 it appears like a green ball, becoming what has been called a gonidium, or spore. If this be kept on a slide in damp air, it will be found after a time to divide in various ways (see fig. 17). Some of these divisions become very small (fig. 17); all, however, after a time revert to the linear or filamentous form.* No zoospores have as yet been found in this alga, although they have been observed in a very closely allied form — namely, the Ulva, a saltwater alga. These confervoid algse of which we have been speaking exemplify the mode of growth and multiplication in these lower forms of vegetation. All of them, from their simple arrangement, can be readily observed ; but in order to observe them continuously, they should be placed in as natural a state as is possible, and that for a considerable period. When brought within doors, they ought, unless living in water, to be placed in a damp situation, covered over by a glass, with as much light as can be obtained ; because the reduction of light under cover and in a room is very great. A saucer with damp (not wet) sand, or a piece of sandstone will do well, covered over by a glass ; on the sand you can place the specimen, or, if under particular microscopical observation, on a glass slide, ready for instant use. But it is very important in the aquatic specimens to secure some water from the identical ponds from which they were taken. They are very sensitive to these apparently minute points, and the vessel in which they are kept should not be too deep. To have them ready for instant observation, the speci- men should be placed in a live-box made on purpose, having an apearture to admit air ; this can be obtained of most opti- cians. In this manner the conjugation of Spirogyra can be observed. Vaucheria and Prasiola can be kept best on damp sand. It may be mentioned that, of the plants above men- tioned, none require an object-glass above J-inch focus ; gene- rally, i-inch object-glass will suffice. Before closing, it may be well to call the attention of the reader to the circulation to be observed in the cells of Spirogyra ; it is best noticed near the ends of each cell, and near the cell-wall. Delicate streams are constantly flowing in varying lines, such as may be observed in the hairs of the Nettle, Achimenes, &c. and which has been called 66 cylosis.” To see this well, a high power should be used, either a J-inch object-glass, or, even better, a J-inch. * The same mode is seen in the "broad bands as shown at fig. 16. ON THE MODE OF GROWTH OF SOME OF THE ALG/E. 9 Fig. 1. o 3. 4. 5. 6. )> 7. V » } j a 9. 10. 11. 12. yy . 13. T) 14. )> yy ij 15. 16. 17. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. Simple cell — a, cell-wall ; b, green contents ; explain the process of life in plants \ we may hope that further research will remove a great deal of our present ignorance, but meantime we must wait ?” Does M. Figuier mean that life is the only power wielded by the Creator ? if not, then which does he especially instance, vital force as something which. “ God only bestows.” Where do the other forces come from P We have done with the author, and come now to the translator, who modestly announces himself as W. S. 0. He has no doubt had a difficult task to perform, and one which none but a translator is able thoroughly to appreciate ; he has had to preserve the author’s style, while rendering his meaning clearly intelligible 5 and, in addition, he has had to convert the Gallic scientific technicalities into English ones — a process utterly impossible for one unfamiliar with the subject treated upon in the original. In all cases, therefore, the impartial critic must lean toward the translator, and our sympathies extend too in this direction. But, making all allowances, we cannot award very high praise to W. S. 0. for his exertions. He has certainly given us a good translation of the work of a writer addicted to occasional indulgence in the u grandiloquent ” and “ ornate,” but he has many errors to account for, and these we hope to see removed in that second edition which the book is certain to go through. We need only allude to a few passages in which we find the rules of composition strangely violated. They are not special samples, but are typical of a general carelessness of style which pervades the volume. Thus, u They bear the name of sto mates from the Greek word oro/jur, ‘ mouth.’ A stomates of Cycas under the microscope is seen in fig. 126.” “ It must be added, however, that at the same time that leaves transpire they also reciprocrate and absorb water by their own surface.” a In every case hitherto mentioned the number of flowers- of the same generation are indeterminate in each group.” We would ask the translator also to revise his scientific terms, names of writers, &c. ; many of them are incorrect, as in the following instances: Uuger, Scaleform,. Destrin, D. purpusia, tracheii. The objections that we have raised are not serious ones 5 and when we consider the comprehensiveness, beauty of illus- tration, typography, and general accuracy of M. Figuier’s work, we are bound to say of it, that it is a book admirably adapted to the class for which it i& intended. ASTRONOMY.* . TT7E are sorry to be compelled to admit the truth of Mr. Chambers’s asser- T t tion, that astronomy is not cultivated in this country either as a study or as a recreation to the extent that it is on the continent of Europe and in America. We are not, however, prepared quite to consent to his explanation of the reason. There is no doubt something in the fact that astronomy has not been correctly popularized as a study, but still this hardly explains the circumstance. It is true that till of late we have not had a treatise which might be placed in the hands of those ignorant of mathematics — at * u Descriptive Astronomy,” by George F. Chambers, F.R.A.S., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press. 1867. REVIEWS. 191 least, such a treatise as would encourage the study of astronomy. But hooks have been published, which, whatever their shortcomings, ought to have engendered a love for astronomical pursuits, and we trust that to some slight extent they have been successful in this respect. May not the rea- son, or one of the reasons, lie in the supposition that our climate, cloudy skies, foggy air, and a condition of things productive of discomfort to the English amateur, is unfavourable to astronomical pursuits ? We merely ask the question in order that amateurs may be assured that they may engage to advantage in the study of the heavenly bodies even in this country. We feel positive that if it were generally known thkt even with a cheap telescope a patient observer may make most important discoveries, the field of workers would soon become enlarged. Now this effect we think, is likely to be achieved by the splendid volume which has been issued by the Clarendon Press. Mr. Chambers is one whose previous labours in the- departments of astronomy and meteorology highly qualify him for the task he has undertaken, and few we think will be disappointed with the work he has now given us. a Descriptive Astronomy ” is a large book, extending over nearly 900 pages, and abounding in excellent, and some of them novel, illustrations. There is hardly any division of his subject which the author has omitted the discussion of — unless, indeed, that of solar-spectrum- analysis — and he gives as his reason for this omission that the time has not yet come for regarding this branch of physics as a section of astronomy. There is some truth in this, and a good deal of sound sense, for it shows that the author wishes his treatise to be regarded as solid and accurate rather than sensational and startling. We wish we had room for a full analysis of Mr. Chambers’s book, of which we are able to give no more than the most outlinear notice. We therefore all the more strongly urge our readers to take it up and examine it for themselves. It deals with the sub- ject in its entirety. Abstract considerations are as much as possible, avoided, except where their introduction is absolutely necessary; but all phenomena are carefully described, and the most recent discoveries find a record in Mr. Chambers’s pages. The advice to workers is eminently good,, being simple and practical, and such as the “ intending” astronomer requires. The history of the science and the mode of construction of the several apparatus are also given. Finally, there is a well-arranged series of astro- nomical tables. With one of Browning’s cheap telescopes and a copy of Mr. Chambers’s “ Descriptive Astronomy,” even the amateur may look forward to establishing his fame as a student of the heavens. POPULAR SCIENCE, par excellence. SIR JOHN HERSCHEL is said to be our best popular scientific writer^ and certainly his volume of lectures bears high testimony to the accu- racy of the general belief. The lectures, which he has here reprinted, are certainly the most interesting, instructive, and intelligible essays on scientific * “Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects.” By Sir John F. W. Her- schel, Bart., K.H. London : Alexander Strahan. 1867. 192 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. questions which it has ever been our good fortune to read. There is a force of style in them, which bears the reader on, nolens volens, while the methods of illustration, the well-selected analogies, and the clear description, render subjects hitherto obscure and difficult, lucid and easily grasped. The lectures were originally delivered before various local philosophical societies, and published in some of our literary journals. Some would say, why reprint them ? We do not. It seems to us that the publisher has shown a wise discrimination in selecting them for reissue. They are upon several attractive subjects, and some of them rise so far in value above the merely popular, that we should like to see them enlarged and published sepa- rately. We refer especially to the three lectures on light, which extend over 180 pages of the present volume, and form a masterpiece which is certainly unrivalled. The other topics which Sir John takes up are — vol- canoes and earthquakes ; the sun j comets ; the weather and weather- prophets celestial measurings and weighings ; sensorial vision ; the yard, the pendulum, and the metre atoms ; the origin of force j the undulatory theory (this lecture ought to go with the three on light) ; and the estimation of skill in target-shooting. It is rare to find in combination so much literary skill, tutorial power, and scientific erudition as this volume presents. It is no flattery to say of it, that it may be read by the savant with pleasure, and by the amateur with profit. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.* IN our notices of Parts I. and II. of this work, we were compelled to give the author unqualified praise for the manner in which he had prepared his new edition. In this instance, too, we must do as we then did, for in no respect has the author left anything undone to render the volume on organic chemistry worthy of his own high reputation, and valuable both to chemical students and to manufacturing chemists. As a most comprehensive expo- sition of the theories and phenomena of modern organic chemistry it stands unmatched, and as a work of reference, not only upon the organic chemistry of the laboratory, but upon the complex organic chemistry of the manufac- tory, we know of no work which can equal it. The gas manufacturer, the dyer, the petroleum distiller, the soap and candle maker, the baker, the distiller, the wine merchant, will all do well to purchase Dr. Miller’s third volume ; and the physiologist and educated agriculturist will find in it much to interest and instruct them. This was true of the older editions, but it is trebly true of this one, which contains reference to all the results of recent research. The most striking feature of the volume is the introduction of the new notation ; this feature may prove a little objectionable to the older students, but its employment was inevitable. The new notation has esta- blished its claims to recognition ; it is beginning to be universally employed * u Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical.” By William Allen Miller, M.D., LL.D., &c. Third Edition. Part HE. Organic Chemistry. London: Longmans. 1867. EETIEWS. 193 by modern chemists ; it affords many advantages over the old system, and it is not difficult to master. The “ old school ” reader, too, will be a little confused at first to find that sulphate of soda is now sodic sulphate , and that the carbonic acid, so impressed on their minds (not physically), is now be- come transformed into carbonic anhydride ,• but he will soon get over these little difficulties, and then, with the help of Dr. Miller’s excellent powers as a teacher, he will walk over the field of organic chemistry without much stumbling. This third volume is the best of the three, and the most useful and suggestive. The physician, the chemist, and the manufacturer will all find something in its pages touching upon their respective pursuits and inquiries. THE WORLD BEFORE THE DELUGE* ANEW edition of this highly popular 'work has been issued. Need we say it is not less handsome than the first. When we look at its mul- titude of illustrations, its luxurious paper, and its good typography, we must give the publishers every credit for their labours. The next point to be considered is the matter of the book. In the last edition this was cer- tainly out of keeping with a good deal that modern geology has taught us. It is satisfactoiy therefore to find an improvement in this edition, which we are told was revised by Mr. Bristow. Few abler geologists could have been selected for the work, and we only wish that full play had been given to him ; but we fear that he has been sadly trammelled in the execution of his task of revision. This we conclude from the following passage in the preface : — “ Many points which are more or less inferential, and therefore matters of individual opinion , and especially those on which M. Figuier bases his speculations, Mr. Bristow has left in their original form, rather than make such modifications as would wholly change the character of the book.” What this statement means, and how far the abstract proposition it involves, can be justified, we leave the reader to j udge for himself. For our own parts we can only say, that while in some ways the book has been improved (especially by means of the additions made to it) it has been on the whole very little altered. M. Figuier describes the leading facts and phenomena of geology very well, and the profuse illustrations remove any obstacles that might otherwise meet the general reader ; but his speculations are, in our opinion, very often more visionary than well-founded, and we must entirely dissent from his mode of restoring pre-diluvial forms. The pictorial Bible is an admirable book, but we do not see that its noble teach- ings are more enhanced, or the facts of geology more elucidated, by abstract- ing its suggestive pictures of the Deluge and the Garden of Eden to illustrate a treatise on popular geology. The woodcuts intercalated with the text, are excellent of their kind, and are numerous and well-selected, but the “ ideal representations” are the badly-executed extravagances of a too- imaginative genius. * “ The World before the Deluge.” A new edition. By Louis Figuier. London : Chapman and Hall. 1867. 194 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. THE SCIENCE OF HEAT.* THIS excellent little manual was, through some oversight, left unnoticed in our last Number. It is clear, well written, and up to the date of modern discovery, and is so arranged as to he easily mastered by the intelligent student. The book is divided into three portions : in the first are described the various effects produced upon bodies by heat ; the second contains the laws which regulate the distribution of heat through space ; and the third relates to the nature of heat, its sources and its connection with other pro- perties of matter. Mr. Stewart is one of our highest authorities on the subject of heat, and this fact alone should insure the success of his manual ; but the book carries with it intrinsic elements of success ; for it contains exactly what the University-student wants, and it is so arranged that the reader is led to take an interest in the phenomena of heat before being in- troduced to the complex laws which govern them. Chemical Philosophy according to Modern Theories , by Dr. Adolphus C. Wurtz, F.R.S., translated by W. Crookes, F.R.S. London : Dutton. 1867. We could not possibly review this work in our columns, for it is such an advanced dissertation upon the modern philosophy of chemistry, that, even if we had the space at our disposal, the treatment of the subject would be too technical for our pages. We remember with pleasure seeing the lectures of Dr. Wurtz published in the Chemical News , and we congratulate the able editor of that journal upon his selection of the lectures, and on the ability with which he conducted the translation. The book is small, but it contains an able exposee of the modern theories ; and we confess, with its translator, that for breadth of view, lucidity of expression, orderly arrangement of facts, and shrewdness and fairness in reasoning, Dr. Wurtz’s treatise appears to be singularly distinguished. The Inductor ium, or Induction Coil, fyc., by Henry M. Noad, Ph.D., F.R.S. Second edition. London : Churchill. 1867. We direct notice to this, a second edition of Dr. Noad’s instructive little work on the induction coil. Those who are anxious to get an insight without much trouble into the wonderful phenomena connected with the operation of the induction coil should purchase this book. The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art , by John Timbs, F.S.A. London: Lockwood. 1867. This little volume is a resume of scientific progress during the past year. The difficulties of such a compilation render mistakes inevitable, but Mr. Timbs’s summary is more accurate than its class generally is. The cuttings are principally from the Illustrated London Neivs and Mechanics' Magazine. The Twin Records of Creation , or Geology and Genesis, by Geo. W. Victor Le Vaux. London : Lockwood. 1867. Adopting the extremely novel * u Elementary Treatise on Heat.” By Balfour Stewart, LL.D. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press, 1866. REVIEWS. 195 and anti-heretical maxim of u Magna est veritas et prevalebit,” Mr. Le Vaux, whose name we do not remember to have heard before in connection with science, treats ns to some of the late Hugh Miller’s conclusions. He has hashed the joint prepared in so savoury a way by the Scotch geologist; hut it has sadly lost flavour in recooking. Mr. Vaux has a very good object in view, and those who are anxious to see the records of nature and the Bible contrasted should read his book. He thinks he may be thought pre- sumptuous in offering a volume to the public, but the following explanation will doubtless be received as satisfactory : u From my childhood I have had a particular taste — indeed, I might say a passion — for the study of nature, and of geology in particular. The rugged mountain and lonely glen, the wild cascade and forest glade, have always had peculiar attractions for me.” The book was originally addressed to some private friends, and as occasionally does occur in such instances, its merit was appreciated and the author felt constrained to publish it. 196 SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. ASTRONOMY. mHE Deduction of the Mean Figure of the Farth from comparison of the -JL Anglo-Gallic, Russian, and Indian Arcs, is the subject of a communi- cation transmitted to the Philosophical Magazine for February, by Archdeacon Pratt. The paper is one of the highest importance ; but as the details are of too mathematical a nature for these pages, we merely call attention to the fact of the publication of the essay. Those especially interested can peruse the original memoir themselves. The Solar Spectrum. — M. Angstrom in a memoir recently published, calls attention to two important results arrived at from his researches. The first is the certain presence of manganese in the sun, he having observed the coincidence of at least thirty lines. The other is the discovery of a new hydrogen line. The spectrum of hydrogen, presents, as is well known, three lines — two of which coincide with C and F, and a third with a line near G. The fourth line which M. Angstrom has observed is near the middle of the interval between G and H ; it coincides with a very intense solar line, which he has called h. With Geissler’s tube this line is very distinctly seen, although it is very much less feeble than the three others. This result is the more satisfactory, as the line h was the only one among those of a certain intensity, whose origin still appeared mysterious. The explanation of it which M. Angstrom has found in the spectrum of hydrogen, acquires an additional interest from the fact that the line h occurs several times in the stellar spectra, drawn by Mr. Huggins. The cause of the Heat of the Sun and Heavenly Bodies. — On March 4, M. Patau called the attention of the French Academy to his memoir on the above subject. The memoir, however, has not yet been laid before the members. The Solar Spots. — Herr Kirchhoff has published a reply to M. Faye, relative to the course of the solar spots. He says, whatever be the consti- tution of the sun, the spots can only be explained by a local diminution of temperature approaching or exceeding incandescence. “My hypothesis supposes the cause of this diminution to lie in the radiation of clouds, toward planetary space, of clouds produced by the condensation and isola- tion of the photosphere.” Herr Kirchhoff admits that possibly other ex- planations of the cooling process, may better meet all the facts of the case, but he considers that the adoption of any of them which rejects the con- sideration of a diminution of temperature would be equivalent to asserting the natural law3 are quite different on the sun to what they are on the surface of the earth. — Comptes Rendus , March 4. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 197 Disappearance of a Lunar Crater. — Padre Secchi, writing from Rome, on February 14, states, in relation to tbe reports that the Crater Linne has dis- appeared, that he has recently had an opportunity of investigating this point. He says : On the evening of the 10th (February), between 8 and 10 o’clock, the Crater became lighted up, and one could see near the limiting circle a small point, and around it a very flat irregularly circular crown. The absence of proper illumination and the promoxity of the moon to the horizon, prevented further observation. On the 11th, in the evening, Linne was already pretty well illuminated ; and at 7 o’clock, one could see distinctly a very small crater, surrounded by a brilliant white crown, which shone brightly on the deep shade of the Mare serenitatis. The size of the orifice of the crater was about § of a second or more ; and the crown was a little larger than Sulpicius Gallus. Signor Secchi dwells upon this com- parison, because he says it shows us M.M. Moedler and Beer, whose map he employs, should never have figured a crater so large and well-defined as they assign to Linne , for a white spot such as that which exists at present ; in fact Sulpicius Gallus is actually much larger than the little crater which forms the centre of the spot. The Meteoric Shower of November in Mexico . — M. A. Poey writes to M. Elie de Beaumont concerning his observations in Mexico. He states that there was really no shower perceptible from his observatory. The following are the results of the inquiries made at the Observatory of Santa- Clara, by the French Scientific Commission under M. Poey : — Night of November 13 and 14. Northern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere. Total. From 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. 7 meteors. 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. 11 meteors . 18 1 a.m. to 2 A.M. 16 „ 1 a.m. to 2 A.M. 12 ;, . 28 Total . .',28 Total . 23 ~46 Night of November 14 and 15. Northern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere. Total. From 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. 13 meteors. 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. 17 meteors . 30 2 A.M. to 3 A.M. 16 „ 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. 10 meteors . 26 Total . . 29 Total . *27 ~56 It may be seen from the above figures : (1) That the number of meteors did not exceed the mean of ordinary nights ; (2) That there were ten millions more seen on the night of the 14th and 15th, than on the preceding even- ings ; (3) That the maximum number was seen between one and two. The probable Periodicity of the Comet observed at the Observatory of Mar- seilles on January 22. — This has received the consideration of M. Silloujelt. He has calculated — though with the assistance of very imperfect instruments — according to Cauchy’s method, the elements of this comet. It results from his calculation — necessarily approximative — that the comet is periodic. He has obtained for its elements almost analogous numbers to those figured under the number 27 in Arago’s Astronomy. This comet, therefore, would seem to be that which was discovered by Messier, in April 1771. M. Faye's Theory of the Solar Spots. — The views of Herr Kirchhoff, given already, have been answered by M. Faye, who maintains that Herr Kirch- 198 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. hoff’s explanation is in no way astronomical, and is unsupported by obser- vation. In referring to bis own theory of solar reflexion and parallax, he has confirmed the fact, which passed unnoticed up to the present time, that when, after the apparition of a beam or fillet of light thrown from one side do the other, a spot is divided into two parts, one of the halves, as if it had received an impulse in front, takes an abnormal motion of its own, while the other half continues alone its normal movement, with variations of velocity which only depend on the latitude. The Laws of Isolation. — M. G. Lambert read a paper before the French Academy on January 28. The memoir referred especially to the tempera- ture of the Arctic zones, and to the power exerted by the diurnal isolation ■of the sun, the principal cause of this temperature. The power of isolation in a certain place ought not to be confounded with the thermometric effect which is its consequence, but which depends upon a number of variable causes analysed by the author, and of which the technical details have been sent in an extended memoir upon isothermic lines, &c. Designating by L the heliocentric longitude of the sun, w = the obliquity of the ecliptic, w'= the angle formed by the axis of the earth with the circle of isolation, un angle which is equal to the declination, l = the latitude, we have the following equations to represent the graphic trace of the curve of isolation at each parallel and at each season: — Sin w'— sin w sin L x — L cos ( l—w ') y — L cos {l— tv') tan w' Sw ( l—w' ) in which x represents the power of the diurnal isolation. The French Academy's Prize for Astronomy has been awarded to Mr. MacLear, for the mensuration, at the Cape of Good Hope, of an arc of the meridian, and the publication of his great work, a Verification and Extension of La Caille’s Arc of Meridian at the Cape of Good Hope,” two vols., 4to. The celestial amplitude of the arc measured by Mr. MacLear differs only by a small fraction of a second from the amplitude found by La Caille, and this agreement contributes to maintain the reputation of the French astronomer. The Cometary Theory of Shooting- stars — to whom does it belong ? — The Abbe ^Moigno, who has broached this question, and who evidently feels -strongly on the point, makes the following observations in our contemporary, the Chemical News, of March 15 : u In a quite recent note inserted on March 3, in the International Bulletin of the Imperial Observatory, and on the 8th inst. in the Bulletin of the Scientific Association of France, M. Le Verrier resumes on the cometary theory of shooting stars, and persists in attributing the honour of it to himself, without condescending to mention the name of Schiaparelli, whose letters, however, have been published in a journal of great authority, the Meteorological Bulletin of the College of Borne, issued under the superintendence of the Bev. P. Secchi, and were translated by the writer before M. Le Verrier had published a single word of his researches. We are really frightened by this system of organized cool-blooded appro- priation, and more so by these lines, the effect of which has been even more coolly calculated : Sir John Herschel , who, along with his son, Alexander Herschel , has paid great attention to shooting-stars, gives his complete assent to SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 199- the theory of the swarms of November. Poor M. Schiaparelli ! Happily the Astronomische Nachrichten have collected the necessary papers, and he will soon he in a position of having his revenge.” The Difference of Longitude between Newfoundland and Valencia has re- cently been ascertained by means of the Atlantic Telegraph. It has been effected by Mr. Gould, who was sent to estimate it by the Coast Survey of the United States. A preliminary calculation gave longitude of Heart’s Content, Newfoundland, in respect to Valencia, 2h. 51m. 56’5s. Time occu- pied by the electricity to pass through the cable, 0-32s. BOTANY. Distinction of Species among the Algce. — In the last number of the Micro- scopical Journal there is an able paper upon this subject by Dr. Braxton Hicks. He continues the controversy with Mr. Archer of the Dublin Natural History Society. Mr. Archer believes very firmly, that certain forms, which he and other botanists have described, are distinct species, fixed and immutable. Dr. Hicks doubts this. He contends that, in order to be convinced that some of the organisms described by naturalists are undoubted species, it would be necessary to have a knowledge of the whole develop- ment-history. This knowledge we do not possess, and since certain of the temporary conditions of some algae resemble the forms called species there appears to be much force in Dr. Hicks’s arguments. In his last paper, Mr. Archer advanced several arguments in support of his opinions, and among others he adduced the fact of conjugation as the most certain test of the- fixity of species. He believes this phenomenon to be the analogue of pollen- impregnation, and therefore considers that it shows the maturity of the cells in which it occurs. But, in reply, Dr. Hicks asks, looking at the process itself, have we any direct evidence u that it is anything more than a direct fusion of the contents of two cells ? Whilst admitting the value of the analogy, ought we to ascribe more value to the act than really appears ? What, for instance, is it in Spirogyra ? A process, of one cell joins with the process of another, and their contents thus being able to come into contact, fuse into one mass. Before the change began, it was impossible to perceive any difference between the two cells. Further than this, we often find in some species that, should no second filament be near enough, two adjoining cells of the same filament conjugate, by throwing out processes round the joint which divides them, and then their contents fuse.” Dr. Hicks philosophically contends that, until we have proved that no true antheridia exist in Spirogyra, for example, we cannot look upon conjugation as anything more than a vegetative process, unconnected with the maturity of the cells in which it occurs. The Frond-cells of Lemna and Wolffia. — Our readers will remember that we, some time since, recorded the discovery of a new British species of Duckweed, by Dr. Henry Trimen. This diagnosis was formed upon the external characters of the plant. But Professor Gulliver has shown that microscopic examination of Lemna minor and Wolffia arrhiza shows YOL. VI. — NO. XXIII. Q 200 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. decided differences of structure between tbe two. The former abounds in raphides, while in Wolffa there are none. The Function of Barren Stamens. — Dr. Maxwell M. Masters, in a short paper recently published, gives a capital account of a plant now at Kew (in the palm-stove), and which he refers to Dombeya angulata. The most in- teresting part of the description, however, is that which relates to the barren stamens of this plant and their functions. Some light, he says, is thrown on the use of barren stamens by an examination of this plant. In the fully expanded flower the upper angle or point of each petal is about on a level with the stigma and the lip of the barren stamen, the outer flat surface of which latter, as well as the adjacent portion of the petal, are often dusted over with pollen, the two stamens, nevertheless, being a considerable dis- tance beneath these organs. In less fully developed flowers, the barren stamens may be seen curving downwards and outwards, so as to come in contact with the shorter fertile stamens, whose anthers open outwardly, and thus allow their contents to adhere to the barren stamens. These latter, provided with their freight of pollen, uncoil themselves, assume more or less of an erect position, and thus bring their points on a level with the stigma, whose curling lobes twist round them and receive the pollen from them. “ The use, then, of the long staminodes seems to be to convey pollen from the short fertile stamens to the stigma, which, but for their interven- tion, could not be influenced by it.” Yide The Journal of Botany, March. Is Calluna Atlantica a Neiv Species ? — This question is answered in the negative by Professor Asa Gray. In a recent communication, he says that an examination of specimens from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and New Eng- land, does not reveal the naked pedicels, broader sepals, and “tip of flower- ing branches, not continued into a leafy shoot while the flower lasts.” These, it will be remembered, were the features on which the foundation of the new species was based. Yide Silliman’s American Journal, January. Vitality of the Seeds of Medicago Americana. — Some experiments, proving the wonderful vitality of the seeds of this plant, were lately made by M. Pouchet, the great advocate of the theory of spontaneous generation. Some of these seeds, which had been submitted to uninterrupted boiling for four hours, successfully withstood the high temperature, the outer integu- ment resisting the water, so that, when the seeds were subsequently sown, the young plants came up in from ten to twenty days. A Barge Collection of Fossil Plants, prepared by the late Mr. Nicol, is said, by the Journal of Botany, to have been purchased by the Trustees of the British Museum. The collection is a most valuable one, and has cer- tainly fallen into the best hands for the interests of science. Fossil Botany. — Mr. Carruthers, of the British Museum, has published, in the Geological Magazine and Journal of Botany some extremely valuable papers on the Gymnospermatous fruits of the Secondary Rocks of Britain. These papers are interesting not only for the full and clear descriptions they contain, but because they show how much may be learned of the structure and affinities of extinct plants, by the microscopic examination of sections of fossils. It is very remarkable, that the conclusions arrived at by Mr. Carruthers bear out, in some measure, those of Professor Unger. It seems that the fossil vegetation of the Secondary Period finds its nearest existing SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 201 kindred in the present flora of Australia. This fact is all the more remark- able, because it happens also that the fauna of the Secondary Period has its nearest allies in the existing fauna of Australia. The Professorship of Botany in Trinity College, Dublin. — The chair vacant by the death of Dr. W. H. Harvey, our late greatest algologist, has been given to Dr. Alexander Dickson, of Edinburgh. Those of our readers who have noticed our references from time to time to Dr. Dickson’s various memoirs will agree with us in thinking that the selection made in this instance has been a judicious one. The Process of Fertilization in Fungi. — On this difficult subject a very elaborate paper appears, from the pen of Herr H. Karsten, in the Botanische TJntersuchungen. Herr Karsten’s observations tend to prove that several groups of fungi, whose fruits have hitherto been considered distinct, are produced in a manner common to all. We cannot here enter on an analysis of Herr Karsten’s essay, but it will interest fungologists who read it. The Examination of Menispermaceous Seeds. — Mr. J. Miers, whose valu- able Memoirs on the Menispermacese are being continued in the Annals of Natural History, gives the following as- a practical mode of examining the seeds of this order : — After macerating and freeing the putamen from its pericarpial covering, introduce the point of the dissecting knife along the peripheral line of suture. It is then easily separated into two valves, leaving the kernel in an entire state. u We thus see the true form of the cell, its position with regard to the condyle, and the mode of attachment of the seed, the embryo and the albumen, if present, being thus obtained whole and uninjured.” Chemical Reagents in Botanical Diagnosis. — The Pev. W. A. Leighton, so well known for his numerous contributions to the Science of Lichen-Botany, has accidentally discovered that if hypochloride of lime be immediately applied to specimens of Cladonice already moistened with hydrate of potash, some very curious reactions are produced. Eor instance, if only a very slight and scarcely observable reaction be produced by the hydrate of potash, the immediate application of the hypochloride of lime will bring out a full coloured yellow reaction, which colour may either remain permanent or be eventually obliterated. Mr. Leighton lays great stress on these chemical facts, and he contends that they afford a means of diagnosis better than any hitherto employed. Indeed, he asserts that, had Sir W. Hooker, and other great authorities, resorted to the chemical method, they would have achieved a better system of classification than that which they based upon mere “external characters and aspects.” Vide Annals of Natural History, February. A New Semper-vivum from the Salvage Islands is fully described in Scientific Latin in the Journal of Botany for January. The Leaves of the Dilleniacece. — In a memoir, laid before the French Academy on the 18th of February, M. Baillon describes very fully the anatomical features of this group of plants. The structure of the leaves appears to be peculiar. Generally, they are composed of a beteromorphous parenchyma. The cells beneath the upper epidermis are stick -like, and of tolerably equal size, but, as one descends through the substance of the leaf, Q 2 202 POPULAR SCIENCE REYIEW. they become more irregular. The lower epidermis is formed of cells of a very irregular outline, and, in certain species, bears stomata of an elliptical form. Bundles of raphides are present in large numbers, and give the leaf a sort of rough or rugose character. They consist of concretions of silica, and are unaffected by any acid save hydrofluoric. They are well seen in the leaf of Curatilla Americana , of which M. Baillon gives a minute account. Vide Comptes Rendus, February 18. The Nature of Sap-currents. — Herr Reichert has published an essay on this subject, and he states his opinions in a series of conclusions. Of these latter, the first three relate to the constitution of the sap-fluid. Herr Reichert says, that in all cells containing fluids which rotate, two distinct portions are present within the cellulose wall, viz., the central cell-fluid which occupies the axis, and the mantle layer which exists between the central cell-fluid and the cellulose capsule. The cell-fluid is generally transparent ( Tradescantia Virginica being an exception) ; its chemical con- stitution is not clearly understood, and it is the portion of the cell-contents which does not participate in the rotation. The mantle-layer consists of the gelatinous protoplasm, chlorophyll corpuscles, other smaller particles, the cell-nucleus, and certain microscopic crystals. CHEMISTRY. New Test for Cobalt in Solution. — Mr. William Skey, Analyst to the Geo- logical Survey of New Zealand, has communicated to a late No. of the Chemical News a new test for the presence of cobalt in solution. If, he says, ammonia in excess be added to a solution of cobalt in tartaric acid, then an addition of ferricyanide of potassium produces a very dark-red coloration. So intense is the colour thus produced by the ferricyanide, that it will reveal the presence of cobalt in solution when all other tests fail, its delicacy being about four times greater than that of carbonate of ammonia. A solution of cobalt, prepared as indicated above, so as only to contain part of cobalt, when placed in a f-inch test-tube, is very distinctly coloured by the addition of a soluble ferricyanide, and even when diluted down so as to contain but one part of cobalt in 400,000 parts of the liquid,, the coloration is still distinctly visible in a bulk of a few ounces. Action of Bismuth on Phosphoric Acid. — In the Zeitschrift fur Chetnie7 M. Brown states the effects of bismuth on phosphoric acid as very re- markable. When a fragment of bismuth is thrown into u glacial phos- phoric acid infusion ” the metal fuses to a bright globule, from which small flames are emitted. This phenomenon is sometimes so strong that particles of incandescent bismuth are thrown out of the vessel, forming a shower of sparks. There finally remains a spongy mass of bismuth, and a white powder, which is phosphate of bismuth. The flames which appear arise evidently from the phosphide of bismuth which would be formed, and which decomposes by giving up its phosphorus, or by forming phosphuretted hydrogen in contact with the water of constitution of the phosphoric hydrate. — Chemical News. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 203 Determination of Oxygen in Organic. Analysis. — At the meeting of the Chemical Society of London, held on the 21st of February, Mr. E. T. Chapman read a paper, entitled u Limited Oxidation : Determination of the Oxygen Consumed,” which contained a suggestion for a more facile method of estimating oxygen in organic analysis than that in general use. The details are much too technical for our pages, hut we call attention to the paper, as perhaps interesting to those who are pursuing organic chemical investigations. The Formula for Purpurine has at last been settled as C10H607, thus putting an end to the controversy between M. Schiitzenbergen and M. Bolley. The latter now agrees to the formula above, but, in other details, there is still considerable difference between the views of these chemists. New Petroleum Compound. — Chimogene is the name of a new substance procured by condensing the gases first coming over from petroleum. It has been produced by Prof. Van der Weyde, of Girard College, U. S. The new liquid boils at 40°, and produces intense cold by evaporation. The Preparation of Tinctures. — On this important point some valuable observations have recently been made in the Journal de Pharmacie , by M. Filhol. It appears, from his inquiries, that many of the tinctures kept in our druggists shops and dispensed to patients must have very different qualities from those assigned to them in the treatises on Materia Medica. M. Filhol makes the following statements : — “ A tincture prepared from the leaves of a plant will be of a beautiful green colour, due to the presence of chlorophyll, and will, under the in- fluence of hydrochloric acid, undergo transformations, which M. Fremy has described, and which I have studied myself. Now, these transforma- tions do not take place in a tincture which has been prepared for several months, and the most essential characteristics of chlorophyll disappear. “ The petals of the ranunculus, macerated in alcohol, give a golden- yellow tincture, which, on the addition of an equal volume of hydrochloric acid, turns green. After the liquid has been filtered, a yellow substance remains on the paper, and the filtered liquid is of a pure blue colour. Nothing of this kind takes place when the tincture has been kept some time. Then the liquid remains yellow in spite of the addition of hydrochloric acid. In this case the xanthine of the flowers has been altered, as well as the ■chlorophyll.” The Separation of Palladium and Copper. — A novel method for the separation of these metals has been discovered by Professor Wohler, and has been described by him in the pages of the Chemical News'. — The mixed liquids are dissolved in aqua regia, and the excess of nitric acid is driven off by heat. The liquid is then saturated with sulphurous acid gas, and a solution of sulphocyanide of potassium is added. This has no action upon the palladium, whilst it precipitates the copper in the form of a white subsulphocyanide, 0u2C2NS2. This may easily be changed into Cu2S or CuO, and the quantity of copper thereby ascertained. Amount of Carbonic Acid in the Air. — Some interesting observations have been carried out by Mr. T. E. Thorpe, and have been described to the Chemical Society (January 17). His experiments were conducted on the method of Pettenkofer, an aqueous solution of baryta being used to absorb 204 POPULAR SCIENCE EEYIEW. the carbonic acid from a known volume of air, the excess of baryta beinsr ascertained by tbe use of a standard solution of oxalic acid. Mr. Thorpe’s first experiments were made in tbe Irish Sea, in August, 1865, on board tbe “Bahama Bank ” light ship, which is situate seven miles from Douglas, Isle of Man, and consequently about equidistant from the shores of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The results and meteorological conditions are given in the form of a table, wherein it is seen that there is no perceptible varia- tion in the amount of carbonic acid during the day and night, the hours of 4 a.x. and 4 p.ir. having been selected for the observations, these times coinciding with the maximum and minimum temperatures. Similar ex- periments were made last year in many latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean during voyages to and from the Brazils. The results are nearly identical with the former, and the amount of carbonic acid is said to be 300 parts in 10,000 of air, as the general average of the whole series of seventy-seven observations. A Test for Wood-fibre in Paper has been suggested byM. Behrend. The suspected paper is touched with strong nitric acid. The presence of wood is indicated by the paper being turned brown, especially on the application of heat. This test is said to be more certain than the sulphate of aniline one. The Determination of the Nitrogen in Ammoniacal Salts. — Herr Knops’ method, which is a modification of Herr Wohler’s, which consists in treat- ing ammoniacal salts with bleaching powder, has been highly spoken of by M. Dietrich. According to an account in the Philosophical Magazine for February, the decomposing solution is prepared by precipitating good bleaching powder with carbonate of soda, and adding two to three grammes of bromine to a litre of the solution after it has been made strongly alkaline. Its strength is then estimated by a standard solution of arseniate of soda. Fifty cubic centim. of this solution had the power of liberating 200 milli- grammes of nitrogen. For the determination, 50 cubic centim. were always taken, and substance always dissolved in 10 cubic centim. of water, or stirred up with it, in case it was insoluble. Making the usual correction for the volume used off, and allowing for the gas which remained in solution in the liquid, M. Dietrich obtained very accurate results with this process of Wohler and Knops. The Reducing Action of Zinc has been recently studied by Herr Stahl- schmidt, who has published a paper on the subj ect in Poggendorff s Annalen. In the presence of a soluble alkali, finely divided zinc reduces nitrates to nitrites in the most rapid manner. Hence, as has been suggested, zinc may be employed for the conversion of the former into the latter. Commercially, it may be obtained at a cheap rate. It is to be found in all zinc- works, and consists of — zinc, 39-99 ; lead, 2-47 ; cadmium, 4*09 ; oxide of zinc, 49-76 ; and carbonate of zinc, 3-29. Washing this crude powder in acids is all that is required to prepare it for the reduction of nitrates. u The Laboratory ,” a new chemical and physical journal is, we believe, to make its appearance on the 5th of April. Its name affords a clue to the nature of the subjects on which it will treat. We trust the new venture may be a successful one, but we fear the commercial experience of those who have had to do with new technical and “ class,” scientific periodicals is SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 205 opposed to such experiments in publication. The new journal will, in form and size, resemble Notes and Queries , and rumour says it is likely to be ably conducted. Action of Potassium on Hydrocarbons. — M. Berthelot continues his re- searches on this subject. At a late meeting of the Chemical Society of Paris he stated, that not only acetylin, but also cumol and napthalin were attacked by potassium. The same effects were produced on anthracen, and most of the less hydrogenized hydrocarbons. Benzol and hydrocarbons rich in hydrogen are not easily attacked. Thorina in Euxenite. — Professor Chydenius, of Helsingfors, in Finland, states that he has detected the presence of thorina in euxenite. Chemical Analysis of Variegated Strata. — The relation between chemical composition and the variegated character of certain geological strata has been explored by Mr. George Mair, F.G.S. At a late meeting of the Geo- logical Society Mr. Mair gave the results of some analyses of the light and dark parts of various slates, sandstones, &c., in which iron was sought,, proving that the lighter blotches, spots, and stripes, contain a smaller pro- portion of the colouring oxide than the average mass — a proportion which implies an actual difference in the percentage of the metallic iron, and which could not be accounted for by any mere difference in the state of its combin- ation. This shows, he says, an actual departure of a part of the colouring oxide out of the colourless patches, and a dispersive process which seems to be the very reverse of the segregation of nodules of carbonate of lime and carbonate of iron out of a clayey matrix. Among the forms of variegation referred to were : (1st) that resulting from the segregation of dark blotches out of a lighter matrix, the evenness of colour of which does not appear to have been materially affected by the withdrawal of a part of its colouring matter ; (2nd) that resulting from the segregation of dark blotches out of a lighter ground, each of which is concentrically surrounded by a distinct and well-defined zone lighter than the general ground ; (3rd) strata variegated with light blotches containing a smaller proportion of colouring matter than the general ground, but not arranged concentrically round a darker nucleus ; (4th) the variegation of coloured strata with both light and dark blotches, containing respectively a smaller and larger proportion of the colouring oxide than the general ground, but which are not arranged, as in the second case, concentrically with each other. Conversion of Carbonic Oxide into Formic Acid. — This metamorphosis, which is certainly one of the wonders of modern organic synthesis, has been achieved by M. Berthelot. Of the method pursued by M. Berthelot the following description was given by Dr. Grace Calvert, in one of his lectures before the Society of Arts : — 11 Oxide of carbon,” said Dr. Calvert, u which is highly poisonous, is the gas chosen by M. Berthelot to produce formic acid. To arrive at this end, he pours, at the bottom of a large glass vessel, a strong solution of caustic lye of soda or potash, filling the vessel with oxide of carbon. After giving a rotatory motion to the glass vessel, the oxide of carbon is absorbed by the potash, and each two chemical proportions of oxide of car- bon, in fixing one chemical proportion of water, are converted into formic acid, which unites with the potash to produce formiate of potash or soda.” Chemical Manures. — All who are familiar with scientific agriculture are 206 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. aware How dependent upon the cHemist the Husbandman is. It may, there- fore, interest our readers to know the character of the mineral manures employed by our neighbours on the other side of the English Channel. The manure applied at the Emperor’s model farm, near Vincennes, by M. Ville, is prepared as follows : — Slaked lime ..... 200 kilos, cost 2 fr. Phosphate of lime 400 „ „ 80 „ Nitrate of soda .... 500 „ „ 200 „ Potasse raffinee (carbonate of potash) 200 „ „ 190 „ 1300 kilos. 472 fr. The above is the quantity required per hectare. Vide Chemical News , February 8. Labels for Reagent Bottles. — Now that the new notation and nomencla- ture are coming so much into general use, chemists can adopt no better method of familiarizing themselves and their pupils with the new system than by placing the new labels on their reagent bottles. In this way, their eyes being frequently turned on the bottles, they cannot fail to substitute the new formula and terms for the old ones. We are, therefore, glad to state that a very perfect set of new labels, well printed and gummed, has been issued by Messrs. Jackson & Townson, of Bishopsgate Street W ithin. Separation of Strychnine from Morphine. — Bichromate of potash, when used as a test for strychnine, is ineffective if morphine be present. This is a matter of great importance, and which toxicologists should bear in mind. However, a remedy has been proposed by M. Rodgers, who states, in the Journal de Chimie Medicale , that the two bases may be separated by chloro- form or by benzol, which dissolves the strychnine, but only partly dissolves the morphine. New Filtering Apparatus. — The Chemical News states that an economic filter and percolator, of an ingenious and useful kind, has been devised by Mr. F. W. Hart. By a peculiar combination of syphon-tube and filtering medium, any test-liquid may be drawn from a bottle in a state of limpidity, and, if necessary, returned again turbid to the stock for refiltration. By slight modifications, the apparatus is used for filtering alcoholic ethereal or caustic alkaline solutions out of contact with the air, and it can be adapted to a water bath, so as to admit of the filtration of gelatinous liquids. The apparatus is specially contrived for use amongst photographers, but it is evident that there are many uses in chemical, pharmaceutical, and manufac- turing laboratories to which this apparatus can be economically applied. Glycerine in Crystals. — Mr. W. Crookes, F.R.S., has described the singu- lar phenomenon of crystalline glycerine. The specimen in which the crystals were discovered had come by rail from Germany, and it is thought that the vibration of the railway journey and the extreme cold of the season con- duced to the production of a solid state. Mr Crookes gives the following account of a portion of the solid crystalline mass : — u A large block of this solid glycerine, weighing several hundredweight, suspended in a somewhat warm room, took two or three days to liquefy, and a thermometer inserted SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 207 in the fusing mass indicated a constant temperature of 45° F. In small quantities the crystals rapidly fuse when the bottle containing them is placed in warm water. The original glycerine was pale brown ; the crystals formed from it are nearly white, whilst the liquid which drains away from it is dark brown. In quantity, the solid glycerine looks very like a mass of sugar candy. The isolated crystals are sometimes as large as a small pea ; they are brilliant, and highly refracting j when rubbed between the fingers they are very hard, and they grate between the teeth. Their form appears to he octahedral, hut this is difficult to ascertain accurately, owing to the viscidity of the mother liquor which adheres to them.” The specimen examined was first discovered by Dr. W. S. Squire, of the firm of Burgoyne, Burbidges, and Squire, of Coleman Street. The Absorption of Hydrogen and Carbonic Acid by Melted Copper . — M. Caron has presented to the French Academy a memoir on this subject. The following is the account given of the mode of experimentation : — Copper of good quality, weighing about 200 grains, is melted in a vessel placed in a porcelain tube, and by degrees is passed over it a stream of hydrogen, the apparatus being so arranged that the copper could be seen during the whole operation. As soon as the metal fused it appeared to intumesce, and water was condensed on the cool part of the apparatus. When the oxide which the copper contains is completely reduced, the surface of the metal is as brilliant and mobile as that of mercury. On cooling, a little before solidification, the mirror-like surface becomes agitated and appears to boil up, the escaping gas projecting a multitude of fine drops of copper. The metal then swells, and the solidification terminates by a final incomplete eruption. The ingot of metal, after cooling, is found to be porous. Exactly the same phenomenon takes place when the hydrogen is replaced by carbonic oxide. GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Colliery Explosions and the Barometer. — Mr. J. Rofe writes to the Geo- logical Magazine , and shows that colliery proprietors have only to watch the barometer, and provide, in accordance with its indications, for the supply of air to the mines. Alluding to the well-known u Blowing well ” of Preston, in Lancashire, he states that, some time since, in a well recently constructed by him as a cesspool to some chemical works, he observed the phenomena characterising the 11 Blowing well.” When the atmospheric pressure diminished the air came from the well loaded, to a disagreeable extent, with the offensive vapour from the cesspool. On continuing his observa- tions with a barometer, he found similar results. He concludes, from these facts, that a coal-mine must be regarded as a gigantic well, from which, when the atmospheric pressure diminishes, the air expands, and rushes out with great violence. This circumstance is not, of itself, dangerous ; but if there be an excess of gas in the mine, and, at the same time, from accident or carelessness, a means of ignition, then, indeed, the consequences are very likely to be serious. Hence the barometer becomes the miner’s safest guide. 208 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Consolidated Blocks in the Drift of Suffolk. — At the meeting of the Geo- logical Society, on January 23, Mr. George Maw recorded the occurrence of large isolated masses of consolidated sand and gravel in the drift intervening between the chalk and boulder clay of the high ground of Suffolk. Many of the masses are several tons in weight. Although they occur at a general level, they do not form a connected band, loose drift, out of which they were evidently composed, forming a horizontal combination of their strata. The drift is largely charged with chalk-detritus, which also occurs in the softer blocks. Some of the blocks are extremely hard and compact, and in these the sandy agglomeration seems to have given place to a crystalline structure ; but the hardest of those found in situ were resolvable into sand by the action of hydrochloric acid, and appeared to be merely held together by a calcareous cement. A Fossil Myriapod from the Scotch Coal-Measures. — Mr. Henry Wood- ward lately presented a paper to the Geological Society of Glasgow, de- scribing a curious chilognathous myriapod, found by the late Mr. Thomas Brown in the upper coal-measures of Kilmaurs. The specimen described occurs in a nodule of iron stone coiled up somewhat in the form of the letter J, and measures about two inches. The body contains thirty seg- ments, each of which bears a slightly raised papilla, indicating the position of the tracheal openings ; while, to the sternum of each segment, a pair of slender feet appear to have been articulated. These feet are easily seen to be composed of a number of joints, as is the case with recent myriapoda. “ No soft-bodied annelid would be preserved in this condition,” the body- rings of worms which Mr. Woodward had examined, from Solenhofen, for example, being indicated rather by a stain upon the slab than by any re- lievo evidence of their presence, as shown in the specimen described. Mr. Woodward concludes that this myriapod possessed a chitinous exoskeleton sufficiently firm and strong to leave the impression of its limbs and joints in the soft clay in which it was buried. A new species of Plesiosaurus has been purchased by the British Museum. The specimen is from the Lower Lias, near Charmouth, and has been named, by Professor Owen, Plesiosaurus laticeps. It measures nearly 14 feet long, and, with the exception of the displacement of a few caudal vertebrae, the vertebral column is in a complete and natural state. It is mounted with the ventral surface toward the observer, and, with the exception of a portion of the paddles and part of the muzzle, the skeleton may be said to be complete. Foliation of Metamorphic Rocks. — Mr. G. H. Kinahan has written a very interesting memoir on the above subject, the gneiss and schist of Yar Connaught having specially received his attention; and, from Mr. Kinahan’s observations, it would appear that the foliation of these rocks seems generally to follow some variety of laminated and rarely the cleavage planes. Mr. Kinahan describes six varieties of foliation, one of which may follow the cleavage planes, while the five others follow the lamination ; the parallel foliation being caused by parallel lamination ; the oblique, by the oblique lamination ; the spheroidal, by the spheroidal lamination ; the crumpled, or wavy, by the crumpled lamination ; and the curled, by the lamination that is round the nodules. An instructive case is cited of this structure in the SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 209 to inland of Killaguile, where the foliation of the schist curls round nodules of gneiss, the latter being foimd to be obliquely foliated. A new specimen of Telerpeton Elginense. — A new specimen of this in- teresting fossil reptile, which is the property of Mr. James Grant, of Lossie- mouth, has been described by Professor Huxley. The casts described con- sisted of impressions of the bones of the skull, together with the lower jaw, the teeth, most of the vertebrae and ribs, the greater portions of the pelvic and scapular arches, and representatives of most of the bones of the fore and hind limbs. Professor Huxley concludes that the creature is a true reptile of the lizard group, and that it by no means belongs to the amphibia. The hind feet appear to be peculiarly anomalous, the fifth digit presenting only two phalanges — a structure which differs from that of all lizards, recent and fossil, which have been yet examined. Fossil Man in the Rhine Valley. — In the Lehm of the Valley of the Rhine, near Colmar, there is a marly deposit composed of a mixture of clay, fine sand, and carbonate of lime. It forms part of the diluvial beds, and in it M. Faudel has found a number of human and other remains. These consisted of shells, bones of a huge stag, teeth of Flephas primigenius , and a human frontal and right parietal bone of a man of middle size. M. Faudel concludes that man was contemporaneous with the mammoth fossil stag and bison. Varieties of Denudation. — In an able memoir which he has recently published, Mr. A. B. Wynne, after bringing forward an abundance of evidence to show that no one form of denudation can be supposed to have exclusively affected the outer form of the globe, draws the following con- clusion : — That the similarity of the general results , notwithstanding differ- ences in the causes from which they may have proceeded, and their close connection with geological structure, involves their origin in some obscurity, which may lead to error, if a prejudice exist in favour of either a marine or sub-aerial agency, and that while great changes are effected by the endless action of the sea, the equally continuous atmospheric agencies are sufficiently powerful to produce, in the lapse of time, results so enormous, that time also is required for their full appreciation. Fossil Fchinoderms from Sinai. — Dr. P. Martin Duncan, who has been examining the cretaceous rocks of Sinai, has written an interesting paper on the subject of his investigations. The existence of cretaceous rocks in the district of Sinai has been surmised for several years ; but, owing to the scarcity of fossils, they have not been correlated with any of the Asiatic formations. An examination of the Echinodermata collected by the Rev. F. W. Holland from the limestones of Wady Mokatteb and Wady Badera has enabled Dr. Duncan to show their parallelism with the red limestones in South-eastern Arabia, the fossils from which he described in a former paper. All the species not determined are well-known forms, characteristic ; of the typical Upper Greensand of Europe ; but those formerly described | from Sinai by MM. Desor and D’Orbigny seem to be peculiar to that region. Dr. Duncan states that by adding the Echinodermata from Sinai to those from South-east Arabia, we obtain a fauna eminently characteristic of the Middle Cretaceous period ; and, in conclusion, he drew attention to the in- teresting fact that the majority of the wide-wandering Echinoderms had a 210 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. tendency to vary from their types both in Europe and in Arabia, while the rest remained persistent in form. The Glacial Period in America. — Mr. Thomas Belt has sent us a reprint of a memoir published in the Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of N'atural Sciences [Vol. I. Part 4]. It is upon the above subject, and ex- presses the views of the author, who is evidently well acquainted with the .glacial geology of North America. The following are the principal conclu- sions which Mr. Belt has drawn : — 1. The arrangement of the heaps of granite in the flanks of hills, and the distribution in them of grain gold in Nova Scotia, are opposed to the theory of the submergence of the country, either during or since the Glacial period. 2. The submergence of part of eastern North America, during which the marine beds of the Champlain period were formed, was not participated in by the southern coast of Nova Scotia. 3. To explain the movement of land ice from the Arctic regions southwards, it is not necessary to suppose that the continent to the north must have been greatly elevated, nor do the facts connected with the distribution of the drift agree with such a supposition. 4. That there was some elevation of northern lands during the Glacial period is, however, probable : — Firstly , because all the oscillations of level of the lands in the Northern Hemisphere since the Glacial period, with which we are acquainted, have been greatest towards the pole ; and secondly , because a rise of land sufficient to prevent the entrance of heated currents to the polar basin, would occasion a great accumulation of ice in the circumpolar regions, by the heat of the tropical and sub-tropical waters being spent in evaporation instead of, as at present, in melting the ice within the Arctic circle. 5. The drift-beds were formed during the retreat of the ice, and not during its greatest development. 6. Terraces and stratified beds in lateral valleys, were formed when these were filled with water, dammed back by the glaciers that still flowed down the main valleys. The Glacial period , in its relation to the eccentricity of the" earth’s orbit, is the subject of a highly philosophical essay, which appeared in the Philo- sophical Magazine for February. The paper should be carefully studied by those of our readers who are interested in the point it deals with. The fol- lowing paragraph will give an idea of the author’s views. u When the ex- -centricity reaches a high value and one of the solstice points is in podhelion, the difference between the temperatures of the two hemispheres must be very great. The hemisphere which has its winter in aphelion , and mider a condition of glaciation, is much colder than the opposite hemisphere, which has its winter in perihelion and enjoying an equable climate ; and the con- sequence is, the aerial currents from the pole to the equator must be much stronger on the colder hemisphere than on the warmer, because the dif- ference between the temperature of the pole and the equator is greater on the former hemisphere than on the latter. When the northern hemisphere, for example, is under glaciation, the north-east trade-winds will be much stronger than the south-east. The medial line between the trades will con- sequently lie a considerable distance to the south of the equator. The effect of the northern trades blowing across the equator to a great distance will be to impel the warm water of the tropics over into the Southern Ocean. And this, to an enormous extent, will tend to exaggerate the difference between SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 211 the temperature of the two hemispheres.” Mr. Croll gives a long series of tables showing the different values of the excentricities, at different epochs and from them calculates the dates of the Glacial periods. Nests of altei'ed rock in the grey Granites of the Southern Uplands. — The subject of the metamorphosis of rocks is now occupying geologists, and the? memoir lately contributed to the Geological Magazine by Mr. James Geikie must therefore be of great interest to our readers. After dwelling at some length on the metamorphosis of aqueous rocks as shown in certain specimens which he examined, Mr. Geikie passed on to the above subject. These nests he says, must be familiar to all who have ever travelled over large granite districts. They consist of a fine-grained or semicrystalline dark baked-like rock, which is enclosed in a granitic basis. Frequently they are seen to show traces of lamination, but their most usual character is that of exceed- ingly fine-grained mica-schist whose dark or blackish hue is due to the large quantity of mica present. Most commonly, says Mr. Geikie, they are “ of very irregular shapes, and are by no means confined to those portions of the rock that abut upon the outlying bedded or aqueous strata, but are scat- tered indiscriminately throughout the granite. The granite and the rock of a nest are firmly knit together, so that when a suitable edge has been ob- tained, a smart tap with the hammer will fetch away a good specimen to show the junction. This is commonly so marked that one may place a knife-edge upon it ; but I have sometimes (though rarely) met with u nests ” the fine-grained or compact rock of which seemed to pass by insensible gra- dations, both of colour and texture, into the outside granite. As far as my observation goes, the “ nests ” are, as a rule, harder, tougher, and less easily weathered than the granitic matrix, so that on exposed surfaces the “nests ” usually stand out in relief. In some granites and granitoid rocks, however, the reverse is the case, the “ nests ” decomposing out and leaving behind them little pits and irregular hollows. When the granite and the contained nests are of the same or nearly similar hardness, it sometimes happens that decomposition has set in along the line that separates the one from the other, affecting both equally.” Vide Geological Magazine , No. 30. Origin of Petroleum. — Although nearly all geologists are agreed as to the organic origin of Petroleum, a great many are of opinion that the rock-oil is the result of a natural distillation of coal. Professor Hitchcock, however, no mean authority, comes to a different conclusion. Admitting, with all who have carefully studied the matter, that Petroleum is of organic origin, he says, that in his opinion it comes from plants, and that it is not, as some have suggested, a fish-oil or a substance altered to adipocere. It does not appear to be the result of a natural distillation of coal, since its chemical composi- tion is different from the oil manufactured artificially from the cannels, con- taining neither nitro-benzole nor aniline. Moreover, petroleum occupied fissures in the Silurian and Devonian strata long before the trees of the Coal period were growing in their native forests. The nearly universal associa- tion of brine with petroleum, and the fact of the slight solubility of hydro- carbons in fresh, but insolubility in salt water, excite the inquiry whether the salt-water of primaeval lagoons may not have prevented the escape of the vegetable gases beneath, and condensed them into liquids. The Rev. W. S. Symonds and the Belgian Bone Caves. — We are sorry to be 212 POPULAE SCIENCE EEYIEW. obliged once more to call our readers’ attention to an unpleasant subject. We allude to tbe controversy wbicb took place some time since in the pages of tbe now defunct Reader relative to tbe paper on tbe Belgian bone caves, read before the Cotteswold club by Mr. Symonds and Sir W. V. Guise. Briefly, we may say, that Mr. Carter Blake accused Mr. Symonds of publishing in- telligence wbicb be had received in tbe course of conversation with M. Dupont and wbicb tbe latter never intended to be made public. This was a very grave charge ; and in commenting upon it in our October No. we called on Mr. Symonds for an explanation or contradiction of Mr. Blake’s assertion. We were led to do this with more confidence from tbe circum- stance that we observed no reply to Mr. Blake’s letter in tbe Reader. Since then we received a communication on tbe subject from Mr. Symonds in wbicb be produces tbe evidence of M. Dupont in justification of tbe course pursued in tbe publication of tbe paper on bone caves. Unfortunately this letter arrived too late for insertion in our January No. We have now therefore, even at tbe eleventh hour, to grant what is due in all fairness to Mr. Symonds — to completely exonerate him from tbe serious accusations expressed in Mr. C. Blake’s letter. M. Dupont must know best whether be has been dealt with discourteously, and bis letter therefore is tbe most satisfactory explanation of tbe matter. We cannot print this letter in full, but we give tbe following quotation from it as an illustration of what M. Dupont thinks of tbe affair : — ‘ Je ferai seulement remarquer que Messieurs Guise et Symonds m’ont prete des opinions que je n’ai pas, sur l’bomme et les phenomenes quater- naires ; mais je suis convaincu que ces inexactitudes dans leur compte-rendu ne doivent etre attributes qu’a une erreur involontaire resultant de l’emploi, dans la conversation que j’ai eue avec eux, de la langue fran^aise, qui na- turellement ne leur est pas familiere.’ This decided disavowal of tbe views held by Mr. Symonds and Sir W. Guise is an adequate refutation of Mr. Blake’s statement. Rre-historic Settlements. — In a series of Essays published late last year, Dr. Oscar Fraas of Stuttgart describes a number of pre-bistoric remains wbicb be has discovered at tbe bead of tbe brook Scbussen, wbicb runs into tbe Lake of Constance. In tbe course of excavating for a mill-pond several specimens were found. Among others some gigantic horns of tbe reindeer from four to five feet long ; many of these were split to procure tbe marrow and some were converted into weapons, tools, &c., for agriculture, &c. MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Gas Engine. — A new form of engine worked by tbe explosion of coal gas has been recently introduced into this country by M. Hugon, who claims to be tbe original inventor of tbe Lenoir engine, wbicb has been in use for several years. In this engine tbe complicated and delicate arrangements of electric batteries employed for tbe ignition of tbe gas in tbe Lenoir engine SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 213 are dispensed with. The ordinary slide valve is enlarged, and by an inge- nious arrangement the ends of the valve, in its travel, project beyond the ends of the valve chest, so as to expose a gas jet, contained in a cavity of the valve. This jet is lighted at a fixed burner, and at the return of the valve ignites at the proper moment the mixed gases in the cylinder. M. Hugon introduces a jet of water into the cylinder at the instant of explosion which by its instantaneous evaporation diminishes the intensity of the tem- perature, keeps the cylinder cool, equalizes the pressure and assists in lubri- cation. He also provides separate pumps for maintaining the supply of the explosion compound and the gas for the exploding jets, at the requisite pressure. S 'team Rollers. — One of the great steam rollers recently introduced in Paris has exploded in the streets with fatal results. Chilled Shot. — A controversy has arisen between Mr. Nasmyth the well- known inventor of the steam hammer, and Capt. Palliser as to the invention of chilled shot. Mr. Nasmyth, it appears, proposed cast-iron chilled shot, for penetrating armour, at the meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, in October 1862. Capt. Palliser, on the other hand, claims that the ogival- fronted form of his shot is an equally important part of the invention as the material of the shot. And he has certainly been the first to show how shot of suificient hardness could be obtained, by the use of a particular quality of iron, and to demonstrate practically their effectiveness against iron armour. On the other hand, Mr. Whitworth, in a letter to the Times , whilst admitting the penetrative power of the ogival-fronted cast-iron shot when striking the target perpendicularly, still maintains that they are useless when striking obliquely, and that sound well-tempered steel shell with flat fronts are the only projectiles to be relied on under the varied conditions of naval warfare. Mont Cenis Railivay. — In a paper read before the Institute of Civil Engi- neers, Capt. H. W. Tyler has fully described the results of experiments with Mr. Fell’s locomotive, which has been adopted for surmounting the steep gradients and sharp curves of the Mont Cenis route. On Mr. Fell’s system an intermediate or centre rail is adopted, against which horizontal wheels worked by the engine are pressed by springs so as to yield any requisite amount of adhesion. The engine constructed for the Mont Cenis line is partly of steel ; its weight fully loaded does not exceed 17 tons. There are two 15-inch cylinders working both the four coupled horizontal, and the four coupled bearing wheels. The pressure on the additional horizontal wheels can be varied by the engine driver at pleasure ; during the experi- ments it amounted to from 2\ to 3 tons on each wheel, or 10 tons altogether, but provision was made for increasing this pressure to 24 tons if necessary. During the official trials, with a load of 24 tons exclusive of the engine, on an average gradient of 1 in 13, with curves of 2 to 4 chains radius, the speed of 6-65 miles to 7 ’46 miles per hour was attained in ascending. With a load of 16 tons the speed was 10 miles. Snow Ploughs. — In Engineering for March 1 are described and figured the snow ploughs which are employed by Mr. William Strandley, on the High- land Bailway of Scotland, for clearing a way for the trains through the heavy snow drifts to which that line is peculiarly liable. The largest of 214 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. these consists of a massive timber framing, carrying a sort of gigantic cut- water and mould-board. Driven by five or six luggage engines, this plough will clear a way through drifts 10 or 11 feet deep at the rate of 25 miles per hour. Dor smaller drifts a medium sized plough is used attached to a pilot engine running in front of the trains, when occasion requires ; and during the winter each engine is fitted with a still smaller plough, not rising above the buffer beam of the engine but capable of doing good service in drifts of 2 or 3 feet deep. Safety Valves. — We need not fear that the sphere of mechanical research is exhausted, when so simple a matter as an ordinary safety valve still re- quires and rewards investigation. Mr. Thomas Baldwin has communicated to the Society of Engineers some very interesting experiments on the dis- charging power of safety valves, or the influence of the form of the valve on the lift of the valve for any given excess of pressure in the boiler over the weight with which the valve is loaded. The valve employed in the experi- ments was one inch in diameter, and was fixed in the manhole lid of an or- dinary two-flued boiler. The following are some of the results. Pressure in Boiler Weight on valve in lbs per sq. in. Valve in lbs. per sq. in. in- when the valve lifted the under men- cluding atmosphere tioned fractions of its diameter. J_ ±_ 8 12 16 80 80 80 80 80 A . . . 65 . 58± 53i 52± 51* D . 65 . , . 53^ 49± 48f 48 L . . 67 . . 56i 52 49* 48.i M . . 67 . 45 Valve A a disc valve, guided by outside pins j D, disc valve with inside wings ; L, ordinary conical valve with 3 wings, and seat § in. wide ; M, disc valve 1| in. diam. These experiments show that we cannot have the ordinary valve of suffi- cient area to allow the steam as rapid an exit as it ought to have unless the valves be very large. Mr. Baldwin proposes a spherical valve with a pro- jecting seating, so arranged, that when the valve opens, the steam acts on a larger area of the valve than when shut. Such a valve If inch diameter he considers twenty times as effective as a disc valve five times its diameter. Casting Steel under pressure. — Mr. Whitworth has invented a system of steel casting under enormous hydraulic pressure, with a view to produce a material of more uniform and ductile quality, and requiring less subsequent hammering or rolling. Steel shot of satisfactory quality have already been produced and the process i3 to be extended to the manufacture of ord- nance. Turret Ships. — A very important discussion has taken place at the Insti- tute of Civil Engineers on the American Monitor system which has found a most able and competent advocate in Mr. John Bourne. There appears to be little doubt that additions to our Navy will be made, in which a modifi- cation of Capt. Coles’s and Ericsson’s plans will be adopted, and which will carry armour 15 or 16 ins. thick and 20-ton guns. In these the hull will follow the Monitor type, with its low deck almost level with the water, but the turrets will be carried up through a raised breastwork rising 7 to 10 feet above the deck. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 215 METALLURGY, MINERALOGY, AND MINING. Iron Direct from the Ore. — M. C. Duprey proposes to adopt a new method of manufacturing iron direct from the ore. He takes the ore — which has been freed as far as possible from earthy matter— and, having crushed it, he places it along with pulverised charcoal in thin sheet-iron canisters ; the quantities employed being just sufficient when reduced to form a mass of iron of the usual weight of a puddle ball. An ordinary sand-bottom iron- heating furnace is brought up to a reducing heat, and with a thick clear fire the canisters are introduced. The furnace is carefully maintained at a re- ducing heat in the usual manner ; in fact the process is continued much in the same manner as when sheet-iron is being annealed. Soon after intro- duction the canister is annealed and toughened, so as to assume a polished appearance. It should be the aim to keep the heat in this condition until the metal is thoroughly reduced : should it be increased the canisters may be prematurely destroyed. Deoxidation commences immediately on the introduction of the ore, as proved by the blazing of carbonic oxide from vents made for the purpose, and, by occasionally rolling, and at the proper time compressing the canister, the oxidation is caused to continue without intermission, until reduction is completed. The heat should then be raised to weld or paste together the particles of iron, and then canister and con- tents, being withdrawn, are welded, in any of the ways puddle ball is usually treated. The saving by this method is estimated at something like 30 per cent, on the present method. — Vide the Artizan , January. What our Coal-measures yield. — At a late meeting of the Manchester Philosophical Society, Professor Page read a paper entitled “ What we owe to our Coal-measures.” In the course of this he gave the returns of the yield of coal in the years 1857 and 1865 respectively, and as the contrast of the figures show the enormous increase in the quantity of coal removed from our mines, we give the statistics for the benefit of those of our readers interested in the subject : — Durham and Northumberland . 1857. tons. 15,896,525 1865. tons. 25,032,694 Cumberland ..... 942,048 1,431,637 Yorkshire ...... 8,875,440 10,846,000 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire 3,687,442 4,200,350 Warwickshire ..... 398,000 859,000 Leicestershire 698,750 965,500 Staffordshire and Worcestershire 7,164,625 12,200,000 Lancashire ...... 8,565,500 11,962,000 Cheshire ...... 750,500 850,000 Shropshire 750,000 1,135,000 Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Devon- shire ...... 1,225,000 1,875,000 North Wales ..... 1,046,050 1,983,000 South Wales and Monmouth 7,132,304 12,036,587 Scotland ...... 8,211,743 12,650,000 Ireland 120,630 123,500 65,395,707 98,150,587 YOL. VI. NO. XXIII. R 216 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Ensuring the Purity of Silver. — It is no easy matter to make sure of the purity of silver. To those, therefore, who are working at this branch of metallurgy we commend the admirable memoir of M. Stas, in the Annales de Chimie, vol. lvi. p. 413. It has been translated into the Chemical News for February 22. Composition of Boronatrocalcite. — This peculiar mineral has had its com- position variously set down by different mineralogists. Lately, however, Mr. George Lunge has taken up this mineral for investigation. In a paper published in the Chemical News he goes fully into the history of the analyses given by his predecessors, and after explaining the method adopted in his own inquiries, he sets down the formula as follows : — 2(NaO,2B03(+5(CaO,2BO3)+42 aqu. This is very nearly exact ; there must, however, be a magnesium substi- tuted for a very small quantity of calcium. The Metal Manufacture of Prussia. — The forges and foundries in Prussia amounted in 1884 to 1,421. The total production amounted to 1,610,000 tons of common metals and 56,701 lbs. of silver, representing in money a sum of £5,816,187. Telegraphic Communication in Mines. — At the Trafalgar Colliery, in the Forest of Dean, Mr. Brain has exerted himself to provide electric communi- cation between the men descending the shaft and those in the engine- room, and above and below. The instrument is the same as one used on the Metropolitan Railway. It is fixed in the engine-room in front of the engineer. At the pit bottom the “ hanger-on ” is provided with a pair of electrical tappers, coloured respectively white and red. On touching the white tapper the bell in the engine-house is instantly struck, and the words go on” show themselves on the dial plate attached. On touching the red the bell is struck as before, and the word a stop,” in white letters on a red ground (as indicative of danger), is shown. By a repetition of the touch any number of knocks may be given. This also has been found to answer admirably. Electrical communication has also been laid in by Mr. Frost from Mr. Brain’s office to different parts of the works, so that he can be instantaneously communicated with on any matter affecting the colliery. The instruments employed are the common needle, and with bells attached. — Vide Mining Journal , February 23. Petroleum as Steam Fuel. — Mr. Richardson’s experiments, conducted under the auspices of the Lords of the Admiralty, appear to have met with more success than some people anticipated. The trials were made with the petroleum boiler in Woolwich Dockyard. Mr. Richardson succeeded, during the latter period of the experiments, in evaporating 18-91 lbs. of water per pound of creosote during a trial of seven hours. The new fuel gave off at times a great deal of smoke, which caused a most offensive effluvium, the construction of the boiler being such as to impede a full gaseous blast, sufficient to destroy and consume the smoke as intended. Mr. Richardson has, it is understood, in consequence, applied to the Admiralty for a large common marine boiler, for the purpose of future trials. It was stated, as the opinion of the local naval engineers and other officers who were present, that with such fuel the gunboats in the tropical seas would SCIENTIFIC SUMMAKY. 217 be rendered habitable and comfortable. The experiments were attended by a very large number of persons, representing the principal engineering and shipping firms, and also by many owners of steam yachts, who are desirous of using the new fuel instead of coal. — Vide the Times. Oil-io ells in Baden have been recently discovered, and are said to be as productive as the American springs. The oil is reported to be excellent. The locality of the wells is Wiesloch. Gun-cotton as a Blasting Material. — We learn that experiments have recently been made in one of the Yorkshire coal-mines as to the value of this substance as a substitute for gunpowder. It appears from the trials already made, that, besides the superiority in power of gun-cotton over gun- powder, it possesses — what in a coal-mine is most important — the property of emitting no flame. Hence it can be used in cases in which the employ- ment of gunpowder would be positively dangerous. The Separation of Lead from Argentiferous Lead Ore. — The French cor- respondent of the Chemical Neios , who displays a wonderful faculty for col- lecting and popularising the most recent scientific news, states thatM. Cordure has been more skilful than his predecessors, inasmuch as he has made use of the affinity which lead has for silver, in order to extract the former from the above-named ore. When the argentiferous lead is melted, a small quantity of zinc is added, and, after an energetic brushing, the mixture is allowed to repose. The alloy of zinc and silver, being lighter than lead, rises to the surface, and, as it is less fusible, it cools sooner. By watching the proper moment the silver can be skimmed off, united with zinc and a small quantity of lead. The zinc and the lead are separated by remelting the skimmed mass, and oxidising, by means of a current of hot air or super- heated steam, and treating afterwards with hydrochloric acid ; the residue is submitted to cupellation. Nothing hinders the chloride from being utilised in its actual state, or being transformed into carbonate of zinc. Prevention of Accidents from Fire-damp.— The explosions which now so often occur in our mines are terribly destructive of life and property ) but, strange to say, if they were much more frequent they would be less dan- gerous. If, in fact, the gases were caused to explode before they have collected in any large quantity, no serious damage would result. This is the principle of the remedy proposed to the French Academy by M. Somonet. He suggests the introduction into all the “ drifts ” of electrical conducting wires, so that the inflammable gases may be set on fire by interruption of the electric current before time has been given for them to collect to any dangerous extent. Neio Reactions of the Oxide of Tungsten. — It has been pointed out by Mr. Skey, of the New Zealand Geological Society, that there are other reactions of tungsten than those already indicated in books. If, for example, he says, tungstic acid is made red-hot, and then brought in contact with a cold sur- face, it becomes permanently black. This is due to the formation of an oxide. The hot acid dropped into kerosene oil gives rise to the same effect. The addition of acetic or tartaric acid prevents the blue precipitate of oxide (resulting from the deoxidising of the acid by zinc) from being thrown down and dissolves it, thus forming a characteristic blue solution. Crucibles for Metallurgic Operations. — For inquiries in which a very high r 2 218 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. temperature is employed lime crucibles are used, but there is much diffi- culty in preparing them, and when made they are often broken. One of the great difficulties in the way is that of obtaining blocks of lime of a sufficient size for scooping out a crucible, most large blocks being cracked. Clay crucibles lined with lime have been tried, but they too have failed, being often melted themselves. Under these circumstances the following method, suggested by Mr. D. Forbes, F.R.S., appears to be a good one. A clay crucible, of somewhat larger capacity than the desired lime one, is filled with common lamp-black, compressing the same by stamping it well down. The centre is then cut out with a knife until a mere shell or lining of lamp- black is left firmly adherent to the sides of the crucible, and about half an inch or less in thickness, according to the size of the crucible ; this lining is now well rubbed down with a thick glass rod until its surface takes a fine glaze or polish, and the whole cavity is then filled up with finely-powdered caustic lime and pressed down as before, and a central cavity cut out as before, or the lime powder may be at once rammed down round a central core of the dimensions of the intended lime crucible. The lime lining is soft before it is placed in the furnace, but it soon agglutinates, and forms a compact crucible, which is prevented acting on the outer one by the inter- mediate stratum of lamp-black. This crucible will stand the heat of melted wrought iron or cobalt without fusing or cracking. — Vide Chemical News , January 4. A Mineral of Yttria in the Alps . — In the Annalen der Chemie Herr W artha describes, under the title of Wiserine, an Yttriferous mineral which has been found in the Haut-Valaise. It crystallises in square-based prisms similar to zircon. It was supposed to contain silica and titanic acid, but M. Wartha has found this to be an error, and that, excepting a little iron, it contains only phosphoric acid and yttria. It is a phosphate of yttria, iden- tical with the xenotime of Berzelius. THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. The Structure of Muscle. — In a late No. of Siebold and Kolliker’s Zdt- schrift , Professor Kolliker publishes a paper on the subject of the compart- ments seen in transverse sections of muscle. These were described some years since by Herr Cohnheim, whose views have now been corroborated by Herr Kolliker. In the present paper, the author concludes that the muscles are really composed of fasciculi, and that the material which binds the fibres together is different from that which unites what Mr. Bowman has styled the sarcous elements. Distribution of the Rods and Cones in the Retina of Mammalia. — In the last No. of the Microscopical Journal there is a very able translation and con- densation of Herr Schultze’s recent memoir on the retina. Those who are interested in the comparative anatomy of the retina should read this paper attentively. It is full of interesting details, and, among other matters, -it gives an account of the distribution of the rods and cones of the retina in SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 219 mammalia. From tliis we learn, tliat among the lower mammalia there is a remarkable diversity with respect to the distribution of the rods and cores. Whilst most of our larger domestic animals, especially the horse, ox, sheep, pig, and dog, present an arrangement of those elements resembling that which is seen in the human subject and in apes [except, of course, in the absence of the macula lutea ], the cones, according to Herr Schultze’s obser- vations, are entirely wanting in bats, hedgehogs, mice, moles, and guinea- pigs. A sort of intermediate condition is met with in the cat, rabbit, and rat, in which animals are found either very slender true cones, as in the cat, or merely indications of them, as in the rabbit. But, in any case, the rods preponderate so much that the cones among them may readily be over- looked. In the rat, the rods are the longest and slenderest which Herr Schultze has yet found. Structure of the Liver. — Dr. Lionel Beale’s opinion as to the structure of the vertebrate liver has been recently substantiated by the researches of Herr Hering. This histologist states that the liver is constructed like the other secreting glands. It is of the tubular type, with canals, anastomosing in every direction, and having a tendency to form a series of networks. Like other secretions, the bile travels along glandular canals surrounded by glandular cells. It is easy (he says) to observe this arrangement in the livers of vertebrates. Five or more cells are disposed in simple layers around the circular and minute aperture of an hepatic utricle seen in transverse sec- tion. This arrangement loses itself insensibly in that variety of structure in which there are no utricles properly so called. Occasionally may be seen four, three, or even only two cells, uniting to form a biliary canal. The Russian anatomist denies the existence of hepatic trabeculae of biliferous capillaries, and believes that the biliary cells are persistent. He looks upon serpents’ livers as the only organs for minute inquiries upon the subject. — Vide Lancet Record of Science, March 2. Blood-poisoning after Surgical Operations. — The researches and experi- ments of M. Maisonneuve prove that nearly 95 per cent, of the sequelae of surgical operations result from the action of morbid products developed in the wound, and subsequently absorbed into the system. He puts forward his ideas in the following systematic fashion : — 1. The blood and other animal fluids, when exposed freely to the air, or in contact with aqueous substances, soon lose their vitality. 2. Once dead, they are liable to putrefy under the influence of heat, moisture, and air. 3. The products of such putrefaction are highly poisonous. 4. It is the same with such secre- tions as the urine, bile, and intestinal juices. 5. In infiltrating the permeable tissues with which they are in contact, these poisoned liquids give rise to gangrene, erysipelas, &c. 6. These same liquids, either by themselves or mixed with the special products of inflammation they provoke, can, in entering the circulation, alter the blood and disturb important functions. 7. After their expulsion from the general blood-vessels, they may remain in the capillaries, the parenchymata, serous tissues, &c,, and give rise to abscess, anthrax, &c. 8. The entirety of the disturbances constitutes surgical fevers. To prevent these terrible consequences of operations, M. Maisonneuve sug- gests the adoption of the subcutaneous method, and the employment of Ml means of preventing putrefactive processes. 220 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. The Cause of Colour-blindness. — In a paper, published in one of the American Medical Journals, Dr. M. A. Fallen states that this condition is divided into two classes, viz., Achromatopsy, or an insensibility of the eye to colours, and Dischromatopsia , which is a species of insensibility to colours. Of these, one is hereditary: the other is acquired and often subjective. Dr. Pallen believes that the colour-blindness depends upon some abnormality of the vitreous humour, whose function he believes to be the correction of prismatic refraction. It is well known that the vitreous humour is com- posed of a great number of irregular-shaped compartments, containing gelatinous-like fluid. These cells are separated by septa, and it is the disturbance or abnormal condition of these septa to which Dr. Pallen attri- butes the irregular refraction which gives rise to colour-blindness. — Vide The British Medical Journal, March 16. Intermittent Fevers produced by Vegetable Organisms. — Some time since, we called attention to Dr. Salisbury’s observations, tending to support the theory expressed above. More recently, these ideas have been, in some measure, confirmed by Professor Hannon, of the University of Brussels. In 1843, says M. Hannon, 11 1 studied at the University of Liege ; Professor Charles Morsen had created in me such an enthusiasm in the study of the fresh water algse, that the windows and mantlepiece of my chamber were encumbered with plates filled with vaucheria, oscillatoria, and confervse. My preceptor said to me : ‘ Take care at the period of their fructification, for the spores of the algae give intermittent fever. I have had it every time I have studied them too closely.’ As I cultivated my algae in pure water, and not in the water of the marsh where I had gathered them, I did not attach any importance to his remark. I suffered for my carelessness a month later, at the period of their fructification. I was taken with shivering ; my teeth chattered; I had the fever, which lasted six weeks.” — Ibid. February 23. Hyposulphites in Dysentery. — M. Paul records some cases of dysentery, in which great relief was given to the patient by the injection of solution of hyposulphite of soda. This substance also completely removed all smell. — Vide Bulletin de Therapeutique. Quantity of Bed Globules in the Blood. — Signor Mantegazza, of Pavia, has undertaken a number of researches on this subject. Having constructed a new form of instrument for estimating the number of the red corpuscles, he arrives at several important conclusions, of which the following are a few 1. The maximum number of red corpuscles in the blood of a healthy man is 5,625,000 per cubic millimetre of blood ; the minimum (found in the blood of an anoemic woman) being 2,250,000 in the same volume. 2. The colour of the face and lips does not indicate the presence of a large proportion of red globules in the blood. 3. Urea, injected into the veins, rapidly diminishes the quantity of blood globules, in seven days reducing the number to about one-fifth of the usual quantity. 4. The proportion of the corpuscles in rabbits is nearly the same as that of man. 5. The foetal rabbit has a larger proportion of red corpuscles than its parent. Medical Products of the Pine. — It is stated, by the Chemical Neivs , that these products are now being much used in Paris. We cannot vouch for the reported therapeutic importance of these substances, but, as it may SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 221 interest our readers, we quote our contemporary’s observations: — ^Vege- table wadding preserves all the properties of the pine ; it evolves an aroma eminently wholesome. Dr. Schillbach recommends it as a most harmless but efficacious remedy in cases of catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, etc. Raw vegetable wool is one-half cheaper than the ordinary wool mattresses. Those stuffed with this wool do not attract humidity; its odour and the ozone, due to its resinous principles, keep off or kill the insects. Schmidt-Missler’s flannel, by reason of the resin, the tannin, and the formic acid it contains, aids the exercise of the important functions of respiration, absorption, and perspiration, in a greater degree than ordinary flannel. It is, at the same time, a preservative and corrective agent, which merits to become popular in Europe, as it is in Germany, and can be woven into any of the forms for which flannel is used, such as mittens, waistcoats, drawers, socks, &c. Etherated pine-oil, employed in friction, has given un- expected results ; in the first commencement of paralysis and apoplexy, in the case of recent bums, etc.” The Formation of Cells in Animal Tissues. — This long-debated question does not appear likely to be answered satisfactorily by the recent researches of Dr. E. Montgomery. Dr. Montgomery lately presented a paper to the Royal Society on the above subject, and in it he endeavoured to prove that the formation of the animal cell is purely a physical process. This he believes to have demonstrated experimentally. The following experiment is the one which most strongly supports his opinions : — u When to myeline, in its dry amorphous state, water is added, slender lubes are seen to shoot forth from all free margins. These are sometimes wonderfully like nerve- tubes ; they are most flexible and plastic. From this curious tendency of shooting forth in a rectilinear direction, it was inferred that a crystallising force must be at work. To counteract this tendency, and to oblige the substance to crystallise into globules, it was intimately mixed with white of egg. The result was most perfect. Instead of tubes, splendid clear globules, layer after layer, were formed, resembling closely those of the crystalline lens formed under similar conditions. The remaining task was comparatively an easy one. By mixing the myeline with blood serum, globules were obtained, showing the most lively molecular motion. — Vide Proceedings of the Loyal Society. The Arrangement of the Lymphatics. — In a note presented to the French Academy M. Robin described the appearance of the lymphatics in Torpedos (animals which are admirably adapted for researches on the lymphatic system). In this class of fishes generally the network forming the origin of the lymphatics are directly applied against the capillary blood-vessels. Concerning the section of a capillary, the lymphatic vessel forms a canal which embraces one half, two-thirds, or even three-fourths of the circumference of this vessel. The lymphatic, in fact, represents a canal which has a proper wall only on one side ; for the rest of its extent it is bounded by the capillary — at least, the proper coat of the lymphatic adheres so to the capillary that it is impossible to distinguish this portion of it. Thus it may be seen that the lymphatic vessels are closely applied to the capillary vessels, and the same position is observed as regards the larger arterial vessels also. From the numerous anatomical facts which he adduces, M. Robin is led to conclude 222 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. that the chief use of the lymphatics is to charge themselves with the excess of that portion of the blood plasma which reaches and issues from the capil- laries at each beat of the heart. — Vide Comptes Bendus , January 7. The Brain of the Cuttle-fish. — Mr. Lockhart Clarke, F.R.S., has published a valuable memoir on the optic lobes of tb e cuttle-fish. In this he gives a general account of the brain of this creature. The brain, he says, consists of several ganglia closely aggregated round the upper part of the oesophagus. The foremost or pharyngeal ganglia, which is much the smallest, is bilobed, and somewhat quadrangular. The next is a large bilobed ganglia, which forms the roof of the canal for the oesophagus. Beneath the oesophagus is another large and broad mass, which is connected on each side with the supra-oesophageal masses by bands that complete the oesophageal ring. From each side of the cephalic mass springs a thick optic peduncle which ends in the optic lobe. Strange to say, each optic lobe is larger than all the other cerebral masses taken together. It resembles the human kidney. “It is completely enveloped in a thick layer of optic nerves, disposed in flat- tened bands which issue from all parts of its substance, and pierced to the back of the eye in a fan-shaped expansion, the upper and lower bands cross- ing each other in their course. The substance of each lobe consists of two distinct portions, which differ from each other entirely in appearance. The outer portion resembles a very thin rind or shell, is extremely delicate, and is very easily torn from the cerebral substance which it encloses. It con- sists of three layers — an external, an internal, and a middle pale and broader layer, containing thin and concentric bands of fibres. The Accoucheur's Air-pump. — M. Kaufmann says that the difficulties of parturition are often caused by the existence of a vacuum, which prevents the expulsion of the child. He therefore proposes to employ an air syringe with which to prevent so unfortunate an obstruction. This will no doubt astonish some of our medical readers. Tobacco Smoking Injurious to the Eyes. — In a recent number (February 15) of the Bulletin de Therapeutique , M. Viardin describes two cases of serious eye affection (Amblyopia) resulting from the habit of smoking. M. Viardin at once, on learning the habits of the patients, induced them to smoke a much smaller quantity of tobacco than usual, and the result was a complete restoration of vision in a few weeks from the date of their application. Ergotine after Operations. — M. Labat asserts that ergotine should be given after every surgical operation. He says that if completely prevents the development of morbid products likely to be detrimental. Action of the Curara Poison on the Human Body. — When not given in absolutely poisonous doses, the effects of curara on the human system are peculiar, and have been quite recently studied by MM. Voisin and Liouville. The therapeutic effects appear to be twofold, according to the dose adminis- tered. The doses producing these effects vary from 5 centigrammes to 135 milligrammes. In these doses the substance was administered (after filtra- tion) by subcutaneous injection. The rapidity of the appearance of the effects and their intensity were proportionate to the dose. They have been divided by the authors into two categories. The first of these is charac- terised by a disturbance of vision, a sense of weight in the eyelids, which SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 223 are kept half closed, and a feeling of obstruction in the frontal region. The second is characterised by diplopia, dilatation of the pupils, and subsequent heaviness of the head, tending to sleep and drowsiness. The second effects are produced by doses of from 5 to 9 centigrammes, and the first by doses of from 10 to 135 milligrammes. Influence of Respiration on the Circulation. — Dr. Burdon-Sanderson, who delivered the Croonian Lecture at the Royal Society on March 7, put forward opinions relative to the influence of the respiratory movements over the movement of the blood in the great vessels, which are different from those stated in most of the existing text-books on physiology. Dr. San- derson stated that so long as the air passages are open, each expansion of the chest is followed by increase of arterial tension, so that the effect of inspiration is to increase alike the pace and frequency of the heart’s contrac- tion. When, however, the respiratory apertures are closed, as in suffoca- tion, the relations are reversed, the pressure in the arterial system being then highest in expiration, and vice versa. MICROSCOPY. A Diaphragm Eye-piece. — This ingenious and .useful contrivance, the invention of Henry J. Slack, Esq., F.G.S., has been lately described to the Microscopical Society. Mr. Slack found that in viewing small objects by transmitted light, it frequently happens that there is such a large field of light external to the object, that not only are small details of structure obscured, but the eye is wearied by the influence of the luminous stream. To prevent this he requested Mr. Ross to adjust four movable shutters, so that an A eye-piece might be susceptible of all the changes in the form and size of its field that different objects would require. This change was soon effected. Mr. Slack has, therefore, provided microscopists with an eye- piece which will be found useful in research, and will tend to protect the eye from the injurious influence of the stream of bright light which usually falls upon it. Wire-spring Clip. — Those who have used Dr. Maddox’s wire-spring clip will be glad to learn that an improved form of it was exhibited by Mr. Jabez Hogg some time since, at a meeting of the Microscopical Society. It differs from the original form in having the point, which presses on the covering-glass, protected by a little disc of leather. The advantages of this addition are manifold. The pressure of the spring is distributed uni- formly over the covering-glass, and this latter is therefore not only less likely to be broken, but less liable to disturbance from its proper position. They are sold by all makers. Those we have seen were shown us by Mr. Charles Collins. The Amateur's 11 Mounting ” Case. — This is a case prepared by Mr. Collins, of Great Titchfield Street, and of which we give an illustration. It is intended for the use of those whose microscopic pursuits are of a general character, and is, so far as we can see, admirably adapted to the 224 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. purposes for which it is devised. It consists of a handsome polished deal case, with lock and key, and is divided in to several compartments, in which are placed all the appliances required by the general microscopist. To enu- merate the contents would be useless, but we may mention some of the apparatus supplied. These are: A spirit lamp, mounting table, turning table for cells, a set of wire-spring clips, bottles containing all the fluids (balsam, turpentine, gold size, &c.), tin cells, ground-glass slides, thin covering glass, &c. The whole case is so compact, so ingeniously arranged, and so full of all the materials required in mounting objects, that we have no doubt it will meet with the approval of our readers. THE AMATEUR’S “MOUNTING” CASE. The Student's u Mounting ” Case. — This case has been prepared by Mr. Collins at our suggestion, and we venture to think that it will meet the wants of those who are engaged in the study of animal tissues. The study of human histology is so different from that in which most micro- scopists are engaged, that it requires a set of contrivances and apparatus for investigation quite distinct from those generally employed in microscopic observation. The student is often at a loss to know what appliances he requires for his researches, and not unfrequently when this first difficulty is surmounted, he is ignorant as to where he may procure these appliances ; this last obstacle, being enhanced by the fact that he must go from one optician’s to another to get together his materials. Finally, he must bring a pre- scription to a chemist for his injecting fluids. Now, we know, from our own experience, that the earnest medical student has very little leisure at his disposal, and we have therefore caused to be put together the several fluids and instruments which we believe to be essential to his microscopical inquiries. The woodcut to some extent shows the nature of the new case, SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 225 which is a square polished deal box, with lock and key. The two large bottles to the right contain the blue and scarlet transparent injecting- fluids, recommended by Dr. Beale, and which we have found extremely useful. The smaller bottles contain glycerine, marine glue, asphalt, Dean’s fluid, balsam, turpentine, chromic acid, carmine fluid, bichromate of potash, solution of caustic potash, and acetic acid. The two latter bottles are pro- vided with stoppers which project nearly to the bottom, and thus enable the student without loss of time to obtain a drop of the reagent he requires. Most of the other bottles, too, have projections from their stoppers for a like purpose. In the lower part of the case is seen a syringe, with stop-cock and nozzles, glass slides, razor in fixed handle, Maddox’s spring clips, covering-glass, tin cells, American letter clips (for stopping up vessels), curved needles, silk, &c. Of course it is quite possible that, in very complex investigations, other ap- paratus than those mentioned may be required ; but we think that, for all the purposes of ordinary investigation, the student will find all that he wants in this case. The Travelling Microscope . — Mr. Moginie, of the firm of Messrs. Baker of Holborn, has just devised the microscope represented in p.226, and they term • it the travelling microscope. It is intended to be placed in the telescope case (in the cut) and to be slung upon the shoulders like a field glass. The three legs form a solid firm support, and being hollow in the interior are employed to contain dipping tube, &c. The rough adjustment is telescopic, but the fine adjustment is provided for by a spring and screw placed on the upper part of the central or largest leg of the tripod ; this adjustment, so far as we have seen, is uniform and efficient. When it is required to place the microscope in the vertical position, three smaller legs, enclosed in one of the tripod legs, come out, and may be screwed into the instrument, producing a tolerably 226 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. firm foot. There is a small mirror and stage. The instrument is provided with the universal screw, so that the objectives of one’s usual microscope may he attached to it. THE TRAVELLING MICROSCOPE. An ingenious Pond-stick , which will be found very useful by those engaged in collecting infusoria, &c., from ponds, has been constructed by Messrs. Baker. In appearance it resembles an ordinary walking-stick. When the ferrule is unscrewed a second stick may be drawn out from within the first, thus doubling the length. To the end of this is attached a brass ring, and into this can be screwed a dipping bottle. These bottles may be had of various sizes, and as the glass neck is worked into a screw they can readily be attached to the ring. The MicroscopisT s Air-pump. — Most of the air-pumps in use by micro- scopists are large, inconvenient, and expensive. Mr. Baker has, however, con- structed one which is especially intended for the preparation of microscopic objects, and which appears likely to prove useful. Beneath a solid table is fixed the pump in the form of a brass syringe. This communicates by an aperture with a smooth metallic plate fixed on the table. When required for use the object is laid on this plate and is covered with an oblong glass box whose edges are ground and greased (being thus rendered air-tight). The syringe being now worked, the air is rapidly removed. The plan was devised by Mr. W. Moginie. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY, 227 PHOTOGBAPHY. Sun- Painting in oil colours. — Mr. Pouncy of Dorchester read a paper under this title at a recent meeting of the Inventors’ Institute, wherein he de- scribed certain improvements in his process of permanent printing in photo- graphy calculated to widen its sphere of application, and give it more practical value and interest. The sensitive medium used, is that first intro- duced in connection with photographic experiments, viz., bitumen of Judea, which is dissolved in turpentine, or benzole, with which pigments ground in oil are mixed so as to produce any given colour, tint or shade. Brushed over a thin sheet of translucent paper and dried in the dark-room it is then exposed to the action of natural, or some powerful artificial, light under a negative, until the actinic influence renders the parts to which it has had access in various degrees proportionate to its degrees of action insoluble in the original solvent, the application of which of course produces the picture. This is then transferred by pressure in a lithographic press to cardboard, canvas, wood, stone, or when ceramic colours are used by hand pressure only, to potter’s “ biscuit” and burnt in. Mr. Pouncy illustrated his paper with a great variety of specimens and went through the different manipulatory processes with great ease and certainty. The Latent Image. — We have chronicled from time to time experiments intended to demonstrate the true nature of the photographic image, and last did so in connection with the efforts of Mr. Carey Lea published in The British Journal of Photography. A well known French experimentalist, M. Davanne, writing upon the theoretical researches of the above-mentioned gentleman (and those of Major Eussell and MM. Poitevin and Vogel) says although Mr. Carey Lea has certainly cleared up one important controversial point, viz. the sensitiveness of iodide of silver, when pure, to the action of light, yet he has done nothing calculated to show definitely whether the latent image is due to purely chemical or to purely physical action, and adds “ In presence of light the iodide of silver discovers a tendency to lose a por- tion of the iodine, especially where it is connected with a body which is capable of absorbing it. It seems therefore that light not only modifies the physical condition of the iodide, but brings about its chemical decomposition, having determined the elimination of iodine. ” M. Davanne is therefore strongly inclined to attribute the formation of the photographic image rather to chemical, than to physical conditions. In connection with this subject he also asks those who uphold the physical theory, how they explain a curious fact recently made known to him by M. Magny, who having put aside a negative as useless, from its want of detail in the less exposed portions of the plate found after it had been in darkness for about six months, that well defined details had positively become developed by the continued slow decom- position of the iodide of silver. Commenting on this statement, the Paris correspondent of the British Journal of Photography says : “ Without wishing to shirk the question put by M. Davanne, I would suggest that it is not philosophical to assume that ‘ time can produce the same action as light,’ because, had that plate been exposed to light six months before it was deve- loped the lines and half-tones would not have appeared, and if it had been 228 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. kept without the action of the developer for six months after the exposure the lines would have been equally invisible. It was not time, which pro- duced the image, and I think the question of physical versus chemical action is in no way touched by the fact. It seems to me that the iodide of silver on the plate was altered by light so as to he acted upon by the developer ; that the developing action was not continued sufficiently long under the in- spection of the operator for all the details to be produced, but the plate being considered useless was put away with some of the developer adhering to it, which, acting slowly upon the already altered iodide of silver, gradually continued the light’s action. This fact proves, I think, if it proves any- thing, that however weak the action of light may be upon a plate, it may be rendered visible if you develope long enough.” It is giving M. Davanne excessively little credit to suppose that he overlooked the above extremely simple explanation of M. Magny’s u curious fact.” We think it exceedingly improbable that M. Davanne did not satisfy himself upon the above points before he plunged into print and asked for an explanation of a very different nature than that based upon the above assumption. The Tannin Process . — Better pictures than those produced by the Tannin process we have not met with. Therefore, in common with most other photographers, we were grieved and annoyed to read in the Journal of the Photographic Society an ill-judged editorial article strongly condemna- tory of the process, sneering at its author, and insulting the many able and eminent amateur and professional photographers, who practise it. The following quotation, as a specimen, will, we fear, not convey a very favour- able impression of its author’s good-nature or impartiality. “ To clear the ground of rubbish is at all times a step in the right direction. For this reason the almost total abandonment of the tannin process must result in good. This process has vexed and irritated photographers ever since its first appear- ance. The best pictures ever exhibited by it have been of that mediocre class which pleases none but those most easily pleased. Much time would have been saved to amateurs if the process had remained in the chaos from which it ap- parently sprung ! ” The editor of one of our contemporaries says : “We are a little curious to know how such earnest workers as Messrs. Mathew Whiting, Le Neve Foster, Jabez Hughes, Warwick, King, Major Russell, and nume- rous other gentlemen, whose names have been honourably and intimately associated with the practice of the tannin process relish the impertinences thus flung at them.” Several gentlemen who were on the Council of the Society sent in their resignation in consequence of this uncalled-for attack, protesting against the admission of articles into the Society’s Journal , which are injurious to its character and to the best interests of the Society; and a letter from one gentleman whose name was introduced in the article as antagonistic to the tannin process has been published, in which he says that he has abandoned every other process and given in his adhesion to the tannin as the best he can employ. Hardness as a defect in Photographs , has received attention at a meeting of the South London Photographic Society in a paper read by one of its Vice-Presidents, Mr. A. H. Wall, who pointed out that the excessive in- tensity of the illumination given by a lens must necessarily produce images very different from those seen by the human eye. The smallness of the SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 229 aperture or pupil, the character of the humours composing the lenses and the field (or retina) covered, when compared with the photographic lens and camera, all showed how widely different were the conditions under which the two kinds of images were relatively formed. Looking at natural objects with the naked eye and then looking at them as thrown by a lens on the photo- grapher’s focussing screen was as if the objects had been suddenly conveyed into a purer and more strongly illuminated atmosphere. The lights, sha- dows, and colours appeared greatly more intense, minute detail became more prominently and sharply defined, varieties and degrees of difference in texture largely disappeared, distant objects seemed nearer; and however charming the effects thus seen might be on the ground glass, they were productive of anything but a proper natural effect in the finished photographs. This was due, Mr. W all believed, to the condensation of an excessive amount of light by large lenses constructed with a view to accelerating the exposure of the plate. The remedy Mr. Wall proposed was the adoption of lenses of longer focus with smaller apertures or stops and with the use of chemicals and other conditions calculated to render the exposures as short as, under such circumstances, was possible. A very animated discussion followed the paper, and various views were advanced, most of them being more or less favourable to the opinions above expressed. Mr. Dallmeyer's u New ” Portrait Lens. — This lens is so constructed as to give its user the option of either producing a sharp image or one softened, or blurred, by being put more or less out of focus. Some writers have argued as if this eminent optician, by introducing such a lens, advocated spherical aberration as an element of artistic success in photographing. We suspect the simple truth to be that Mr. Dallmeyer only desired to produce a lens for which there appeared to be a growing demand in the optical market. Photography and Electricity. — Mr. William H. Harrison informs us that at the present time more than one philosopher of eminence is experimenting pho- tographically on comparatively untrodden ground in connection with the rays thrown out by electricity in passing through vacuum tubes, such rays being rich in photogenic power. Photographs of Brass Rubbing. — Mr. 0. G. Rylander has recently giyen attention to a new photographic application, by which a large number of copies may be obtained from the rubbings from old brasses, it being his inten- tion, we believe, to publish them in a volume, for which purpose he solicits communications from those who may have a collection of such rubbings. Mr. Rylander’s address is 129 Malden Road, Kentish Town. A brass rubbing is effected by pressing a sheet of white paper in close contact with the monumental tablet and rubbing the upper surface with a small cake of shoe- maker’s u heel ball,” while care must be taken that the paper be not dis- placed during the operation. By these means the raised parts are blackened and rendered opaque and the white parts are more transparent. By using this as a negative on paper sensitive to light, a print is obtained in which the lines are black on a white ground. 230 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. PHYSICS. Changes of Temperature produced by Mixing different Liquids. — MM. Bussy and Buignet, to whose united researches we have already directed attention in an earlier number of this Review, have presented a second memoir to the French Academy, on the above interesting phenomenon. They have arrived at the following conclusions : — 1. In all the cases under examination, with one sole exception, the calorific capacity of the mixture is a little superior to the mean capacity of the elements. 2. By a singular opposition, the liquids for which the increase of bulk is the most considerable are exactly those which develope most heat at the moment of their union, such as ether and chloroform, alcohol and water, sulphuric acid and water. Meanwhile, the only instance hitherto noticed of a diminution of bulk is the mixture of chloroform and sulphide of carbon, at the same time the decrease of tempera- ture taking place at the moment of the union. 3. Independently of the loss of heat resulting from the changes of volume, there exists a cause which produces alone an absorption of heat — an absorption which can be sometimes equal, and even superior, to the heat given out by the combination of the liquids. — Comptes Rendus, February 25. Frozen Aerated Waters. — Mr. Tomlinson, of King’s College, who is one of our most indefatigable students of Natural Philosophy, has written to our contemporary, the Chemical News, explaining the curious phenomena resulting from the freezing of water, saturated with carbonic acid. He gives the following account of one of his first experiments : — During the recent cold weather I impregnated with carbonic acid, distilled water con- tained in eight-ounce and other phials, which were then corked and exposed to the air at temperatures ranging between 23° and 30° F. The first action of the cold was to produce long needles of clear transparent ice, as thick as the little finger, occupying aboukthe centre of the bottle, in some cases parallel with the sides, in others at an angle thereto. The further action of the cold was to enclose these transparent crystals in opaque ice, to thrust out the cork and break the bottle. In one case the bottom of the bottle was forced out ; in others the sides were cracked, and the cracks ran in lines from top to bottom, nearly parallel with the long axis of the bottle. Opaque ice filled the neck, and even overflowed, so that the ejection of the cork, the fracture of the bottle, and the overflow, of the ice, were simultaneous acts. New Form of Telegraphy . — An invention for the transmission of despatches by an automatic electro-chemical method has been devised by MM. Yavin and Fribourg. Its object is to utilise all the velocity of the current on telegraphic lines. The Abb6 Moigno, who has called attention to it in England, gives the following description of it : — It consists in the distribu- tion of the current through as many small wires, very short and isolated, as there are signals to be transmitted, all the. while only employing one wire on the main line. Each of these small isolated wires communicates, on the one hand, with a metallic plate, of a particular form, fixed in gutta-percha ; and, on the other, with a metallic division of a disc, which is also formed of an insulating substance. A group of eleven of those small laminae form a SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 231 sort of cypher, which will give all the letters of the alphabet by the suppres- sion of certain portions of the fundamental form. “Now,” says the Abbe, “ suppose rows of these compound characters to be placed on a sheet of pre- pared paper of a metallic nature, the words of the telegram to be sent are written on them with isolating ink, leaving the other parts of the small 1 stereotyped ’ blocks untouched. The consequence is that the current is intercepted at every point touched by the ink, and a letter is imprinted on the prepared paper at the other end of the line where the telegram is to be received.” The Magnetic Polarity of Rifles. — Mr. J. Spiller has lately made some very interesting observations respecting the magnetic power assumed by rifles. He finds that all the long Enfield barrels of the arms in the possession of the volunteers of his company exhibit magnetic polarity as the result of the violent and repeated concussions attending their discharge in a direction parallel to the magnetic meridian. The Royal Arsenal range runs nearly north and south, and the rifles, when in use, are always pointed either due north or a few degrees towards the west — in fact, nearly in the direction indicated by a compass needle — so that the repeated shocks brought about by the explosion of the powder may, Mr. Spiller thinks, be considered equivalent to so many hard blows from a hammer, which, as is well known, have a similar effect. Mr. Spiller goes on to say that the magnetic charac- ter appears to be permanent, which would not be the case if the gun-barrels Avere of the softest description of malleable iron, and the region of the breech is, in every instance, possessed of north polarity, since it strongly attracts the south pole of the compass needle. These effects should not be noticed at all, or only to an inferior degree, in arms ordinarily fired in directions east and west ; and I imagine that by reversing our usual practice, if it were possible, and firing towards the south, the indications of polarity would be changed. Electric Guns. — At a late meeting of the Society of Natural Sciences of Seine-et-Oise, M. He Brettes exhibited a rifle on the Fiobert system, and Avhich is fired by means of electricity. This new invention, with which the Emperor appears to be much pleased, has the folloAving characters : — Two small electric batteries are enclosed in the stock, their conducting wires arrive at the surface of the breech, and can be put in communication with the extremity of a platinum wire, which traverses the cartridge. A simple pressure of the finger upon the trigger closes the electric circuit ; the cur- rent passes ; the platinum wire becomes at once redhot, and inflames the powder which surrounds it. The cartridges prepared for the needle gun carry their own priming, and a shock might inflame them ; the cases are thus liable to explode, and deprive the troops of their ammunition. With the new system this danger is impossible. It can, as the expense is trifling, be easily applied to guns of the ancient model. This ingenious weapon does not, however, seem likely to come into general use. Though exhibited by M. He Brettes, it was invented by M. Trouve. — Tide French Correspondence of Chemical News. Elongation of Electric Conductors. — Mr. E. Edlund has noticed a very interesting phenomenon in connection with the passage of an electric cur- rent along a wire conductor. He has found that when a current is passing VOL. VI. — NO. XXIII. S 232 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. along a wire, that this latter becomes elongated to a greater extent than would he explained by the increase of temperature in the wire. This is his mode of experimenting : — Taking a wire the amount of whose expansion by heat is known with perfect exactitude, a current is passed through, and the elongation of the wire is measured ; if its temperature at the moment be known, it will be seen whether its elongation is in accordance with this temperature, or is greater. In order to estimate the temperature, M. Edlund measures the electric conductivity of the wire, and having arrived at this he deduces the temperature from it. This process of investigation always proves that the temperature is lower than would explain the elongation of the wire. Hence he concludes that the elongation is not the result of heat. It must therefore be produced by the passing currrent. — Vide PoggendorfF s Annalen , No. 9. The Physics of the Fire-damp Indicator. — One of the latest forms of Mr. Ansell’s Fire-damp Indicator is thus described by a contemporary : — It con- sists of an iron funnel, provided with an iron U-tube, the end of which is closed by a piece of glass tube, fixed in brass, to which one pole of a battery is attached ; the upper part of this glass tube carries a brass collar, through which passes an adjusting screw, to the lower end of which is fastened a piece of copper wire with a platinum point. Mercury is poured into the iron funnel till it rises in the glass tube to a convenient height. This mercury is allowed to find its level by the opening of a valve, when setting the instru- ment. The septum is a tile of Wedgwood’s ware, and closes the open part of the funnel, good sealing wax being the best cement for securing it in its place. The other battery wire is connected with the instrument, so that, if diffusion take place, the mercury is pressed up against the platinum point, and thus communication is established. Mr. Ansell has found that this in- strument gives warning in four seconds, if the mixture of gas be still below the point of explosion ; but, by adjusting the point so that there is not more than the thickness of a shilling between it and the mercury, a dangerous irruption may make itself known in two seconds. A Cheap and Ingenious Ice Machine. — M. Tonelli, says the Abbe Moigno has just devised an ice-making machine which bids fair to become very popular in this country, since it is convenient, cheap, and efficient. The inventor calls it the “ glacier roulante .” It is a simple metallic cylinder mounted on a foot. The salt of soda and the salt of ammonia are added in two operations, the smaller cylinder containing the water to be frozen is introduced into the interior, and the orifice is closed by an india- rubber disc, and then by a cover fastened with a catch ; the cylinder is then placed in a sac, or case of cloth, and it is made to roll on the table with a slight oscillatory movement given by the hand. After a lapse of ten minutes, the water in the interior of the cylinder becomes a beautiful cylinder of ice. Nothing is more simple, more economical, or more effica- cious than the new u glacier roulante ,” which costs 10 fr., and gives us, moreover, what could not hitherto be obtained with an apparatus containing freezing mixtures — the means of freezing a decanter of water or a bottle of champagne. The apparatus, in a case, packed for travelling, with 20 kilogrammes of refrigerating materials and a measure, costs, at present, only 1/. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 233 A New Meteorite. — It is stated that some very large and heavy meteorites, which fell during last summer in Hungary, have been recently examined. The circumstances under which the fall occurred are interesting, the sky being quite clear, between four and five in the afternoon. At the time of the fall, a violent detonation was heard, similar to that produced by the simul- taneous discharge of a hundred cannons. The meteorites appeared as a greyish cloud, about the size of the sun’s disc, uniting on all sides columns of greyish smoke, but without a trace of luminous appearance. Two or three minutes after this appearance, a noise was heard like that of a multitude of stones rattling together ; this lasted for ten or fifteen minutes, and, after it, the fall of stones took place. Several eye-witnesses, at localities six to twelve Austrian miles distant, describe the meteor as having presented the appearance of a yellow and orange luminous globe, followed by a train bordered with ultramarine blue. About sixty stones were collected, and were found to pos- sess the usual characters of meteors, being covered also with a layer of black enamel. The heaviest of these weighed 550 lbs. ; it was broken in two by the violence of the shock, and from the violence with which it fell to the earth, it passed into the soil to the depth of about eleven Austrian feet, in this way forming a hole or pit nearly four feet wide. At a temperature of 20° Reaumur, they had a specific gravity of 3-520. When first found, the meteorites were quite hot, and some of them retained their heat for several days. The Detection of “ Tears ” in Lenses. — The presence, in lenses, of spots of a different refracting power from the rest of the lenses, is a serious difficulty in optical experimentation. It is, therefore, interesting to know that Herr A. Topler has discovered a very useful method of detecting these portions [tears] in lenses. The mode which this physicist adopts is as follows : — The light proceeding from a bright lamp, through the aperture of a small shade, falls upon a system of lenses, which should be as achromatic and aplanatic as possible. The transmitted light concentrates in a focus, at a distance of from ten to twenty-five feet on the other side. A simple Keplerian telescope of two lenses is so set up that its optical axis coincides with that of the system of lenses above mentioned, and that the focus of the rays issuing from the system of lenses lies in front of the object-glass of the telescope. The tele- scope, moreover, is so drawn out that the rays issuing from the eye-piece have their point of junction at the pupil of the eye, and hence project on the retina the image of an uniformly illuminated field of view. If a screen be laterally pushed in front of the object-glass of the telescope, as soon as its edge passes by the place of the focus the field of view will at once be- come dark ; if, either in the glass of the system of lenses in question, or in media which are placed before or behind it, there are places of different densities ; some rays will, therefore, be deflected from their path — they will not pass through the focus, and hence will not disappear when the screen is pushed across. These rays then give an image of the u tears ” in the dark field of view. The Optical Analysis of Sound. — Herr A. Topler has pointed out an im- proved method of analysing vibrations by an optical method. We cannot here give any adequate explanation of the principle on which his apparatus is employed. We, therefore, commend the reader to the author’s paper on 234 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. the above subject. It will be found in the Philosophical Magazine for January. Standard Thermometers. — Perhaps there is no instrument which it is of more importance to the meteorologist to have perfectly corrected than the thermometer ; yet we learn, from a letter recently addressed to the Times , by Mr. H. 0. Kay, that even among the instruments of the first London makers there is a great want of uniformity. A correspondent of the Chemical News, writing upon the same subject, corroborates Mr. Kay’s remarks. Two years ago, he required a first-class maximum registering thermometer for scientific purposes, and he applied to Messrs. Negretti and Zambra for a standard instrument, with the Kew certificate. Not having one of them at the time, they sent him one of the instruments with Mr. Glaisher’s certifi- cate, which stated that the u reading ” was 05° too high throughout the range. Some time after, suspecting that the difference was greater than was represented, he made a comparison with some of the Kew certificated instruments, and found the following result : — Kew instrument, degrees. 574 704 79 Mr. Grlaisher’s instrument, degrees. 59 72 . . 81* We draw attention to these facts, because they are of serious importance. We trust, therefore, that some arrangements may be come to by which only one certificate shall be allowed, and which shall compel all standard ther- mometers to be registered. Vapour Density. — There is now being given a good deal of attention to this subject, especially upon the Continent. M. Deville, who, as well as M. Cahours, has given it especial consideration, considers that the objections which many chemists have to admit that the equivalents of elements and compounds correspond to one and eight volumes, being grounded on ana- logies, are supported by little better than gratuitous hypotheses. He has, in conjunction with Troost, taken the vapour density of NH4I,HgI at 350° and 440°, and obtained the numbers 6-49 and 6‘38, the density calculated for eight volumes being 6-44. ZOOLOGY AND COMPAEATIYE ANATOMY. A new Rotifer. — The Microscopical Journal, in its analysis of foreign me- moirs, often supplies us with valuable and interesting information. Not the least important of the matters recorded in its last chronicle is that which refers to the discovery and description of a new rotifer by Herr Elias Mecz- nikow. This observer states that when examining the under surface of some leaves of the Nymphcea lutea at Giessen he discovered a number of white lenticular bodies, which proved on examination to be forms of a new species of rotifer. The adult form of this remarkable species appears when expanded to consist of two nearly equal circular sacs, the anterior of which is open, forming the mouth, and is destitute of any wheel apparatus ; it possesses at SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 235 the same time a mastax, well-marked water-vessels, and reproductive organs. The young female differs totally from the adult in the possession of a ciliary apparatus, distinct eyes, and also in its free habit of life. The adult male is, as in other rotifers, quite unlike the female. He has a broad ciliated oval extremity, provided with eyes, and apparently a large prse-oral ganglion, while his body gradually tapers to a point posteriorly provided with a few cilia. New Myriapoda. — Sir John Lubbock, in a paper read before the Linneean Society at a late meeting, described a new genus of myriapoda, which he thinks ought to be the type of a new order of this class. It is called Pau- ropus, from the circumstance that it possesses far fewer legs than its fellow genera. The author of the paper met with two species, P. Huxleyi and P. pedunculatus. The first is the type of the genus : it is about — of an inch long. It occurs in considerable numbers among dead leaves and in other accumulations of decaying organic substances. Though not exactly sociable in its habits, it exhibits none of that extreme ferocity which characterises the chilopoda. It is very abundant in the author’s garden at High Elms. Sir John Lubbock wonders how it has been so long overlooked, but attributes it to the fact that its small size and few legs give it the appearance of some insect larva. The characters of Pauropus we cannot afford space for, but they deserve attention, for they are peculiarly exceptional and serve to show that Pauropus is allied to the Crustacea. The Fishes of the Amazon. — The district of the Amazon appears to swarm with all forms of organic life. Of the land animals a very able and graphic account has already been given by Mr. Bates, and now Professor Agassiz has given an account of his elaborate investigation of the fish of the Amazon. In a lecture delivered quite recently at New York, Professor Agassiz stated that he found that the Amazon has not one fish in common with any other fresh-water basin ; that different parts of the Amazon have fishes peculiar to themselves ; and, as an instance of the teeming variety that exists in the Amazon basin, he gave the result of his examination of a small con- tiguous lake or pool, of only a few hundred square yards, which showed !200 different kinds of fishes, which is three times as many as the Mississippi liver can boast. In the Amazon itself he found 2,000 different kinds, and when he began his investigation of the river only 150 were known to exist, and he said that in proportion as he found the larger number the difference between them seem to grow. He proceeded to a general classification of the fishes of the Amazon, and instanced one that might appropriately be called a very peculiar fish, inasmuch as it had the power of walking or creeping on dry land, one having been foimd five miles from the water, and the Professor himself kept one of them out of water half a day, and on putting it back into its natural element it showed as much of life as if it had never been removed. Moreover, it is an agile fish, worming its way up the inclined plane of the trunk of some old tree that had fallen, and twisting about among the branches, until finally a single shot has brought down a bird and a fish together. Professor Agassiz declared that the Amazon, for a river of turbid water and of so high a temperature, the average being 80 deg., nou- rishes an extraordinary number of delicious fishes for table use. Influence of Development in the Production of Pace. — M. C. Dareste has just 236 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. presented a memoir to tlie French Academy in which, he endeavours to prove that monstrosities, errors in development, may become the starting- point of new races. We do not know whether the learned author is strictly correct in stating that monstrosities are perpetuated in races. If, however, he means that natural variations become the starting point of new races he is merely following in Mr. Darwin’s steps. Vide Comptes Rendus , March 4. The Production of Male and Worker Bees. — M. H. Landois has presented, a most interesting note, on this subject, to the French Academy [March 4], This we translate in part. It is generally supposed, according to the observations of Dzierzon and Von Siebold, that the worker bees spring from eggs, fecundated by the queen that lays them, through the medium of the fluid in her receptaculum seminis ; whilst the male bees spring from unfe- cundated eggs. Siebold argues, especially, that the presence of zoosperms in the ova of the worker bees, and their absence in those of the males proves that, in bees at least, the formation of the sexes depends on fecunda- tion. But, says M. Landois, u the eggs from which the worker bees are hatched are placed in very different cells from those in which the eggs from which the males spring are laid. Hence arises the question, Could we, by placing the worker eggs in the cells of the male eggs, cause these eggs to be hatched into males P I have made this experiment on several occasions, at first unsuccessfully, because the bees defeated my efforts by restoring the eggs to their original positions ; but afterwards with perfect success. I was surprised to see worker bees hatched from the eggs that would otherwise have been males, and males from those which would have been workers.” This fact he proved repeatedly, and he, therefore, concludes that the sex of the insect depends, not upon fecundation or non-fecundation, but upon the conditions under which it is hatched — the food on which it is fed. The Organs of Parturition in the Kangaroo. — The relations of these parts which were described by Sir Everard Home, in 1795, were re-described by Professor Owen, and by M. Ed. Alix. The latter, in a memoir published some year or eighteen months since, alleged that Sir E. Home’s assertion of an aperture, leading from the parturition channel to the cloaca, was correct. This statement, however, was contradicted by Professor Owen, in a com- munication to the Comptes Rendus. In the Comptes Rendus , January 15, M. Alix re-asserts that such a condition of parts exists, and he denies that Professor Owen and Cuvier are correct. The Structure of the Heart in Fishes of the family Gadidce. — M. Jourdain, who has made a great number of dissections of the hearts of these fishes, shows that the heart of the Gadidae is an exception to the general rule in fishes. Like the heart of the Batrachian, it is devoid of the vascular element. Extremely fine injections, which were so thoroughly forced along the arteries as to return by the veins, failed to penetrate the walls of the ventricle or the auricle. The aortic bulb alone was found to possess a few slender branches, and these did not extend to the heart properly so-called. These arterioles are derived from the hyodean artery, and the veins open into the hyodean vein. To this absence of vessels in the heart corresponds a peculiar structure of the ventricular walls analogous to that seen in Batrachia. The muscular fibres, instead of forming a dense tissue^ are arranged in bundles, and have a series of spaces or trabeculae, which consti- SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 237 tute a sort of areolar or spongy tissue. What is the object of this P It is a substitute for capillaries. At each dilatation of the ventricle, the blood rushes into all these irregular cavities, thus providing for the nutrition of the muscle ; whilst, at each contraction, it is as rapidly expelled. The Development of Amphioxus Icinceolcitus has been well described by Herr A. Kovalevsky, in a paper in the Archives des Sciences, and which is translated in the Annals of Natural History for January. It would be quite impossible to give even an abstract of his observations, they are stated in such a condensed manner, and consist so exclusively of facts. Our readers are aware how important it is to have the development of this aberrant crea- ture worked out, and will consult the paper for themselves. Spontaneous Generation. — M. Donne comes forward once more as the sup- porter of spontaneous generation, and the opponent of the Pasteur. He quoted the following experiment in support of his opinions: — I took some hen- eggs, and, having made a minute aperture, I introduced a needle previously brought to a red heat, and allowed about a third of the contents to escape. I filled the cavity thus produced with boiling distilled water, and closed the aperture hermetically with wax. The eggs were then left exposed to a temperature of from 17° to 24° centigrade. Five days subsequently, I raised the wax seal, and, having examined the contents of the egg, found it swarming with vibriones.” Whence, asks M. Donne, came the germs of the vibriones P It is impossible to suppose they were originally in the egg, for M. Donne has shown that in eggs which decom- pose spontaneously they are not present. It is equally difficult to imagine that they were introduced in the boiling distilled water. To us (Ed. P. S. R.) there appears to be this objection to the experiment: — In remov- ing a portion of the egg-contents, and introducing the water, there was nothing to prevent the introduction of the atmospheric air, and, therefore, of organic germs also. See Comptes Rendus , January 7. One of the causes of Silk-worm Disease. — On the 31st of December, M. Bechamp stated to the Academy that his experiments during the summer disclosed one of the sources of silk-worm disease. He took a number of worms from good healthy eggs, and divided them into two batches. One of these he fed with carefully dried mulberry leaves, and to the other he gave leaves highly charged with moisture. He found that all those of the batch fed with dried leaves passed through their metamorphoses; whilst those in the other series perished. Hence, he supposes, leaves charged with moisture to be one of the causes of the silk- worm disease. In those speci- mens fed on the undried, unprepared leaves, he found the peculiar pebrine corpuscles abundant. The Muscular Force of Insects. — M. Plateau, whose various researches on this subject we have already called attention to, has replied to one of the objections raised against his comparisons. It will be remembered that M. Plateau illustrated the enormous relative muscular power of the insect by contrasting it with the horse. This comparison was objected to on the ground that the horse has only four legs, while the insect has six. To this M. Plateau replies, that, of those six feet, only the two front and the two hind legs are engaged in the maximum effort of traction, the two others being clearly perpendicular to the direction in which the traction is exerted. Comptes Rendus, December 24. 238 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. The Development of the Hydrozoa. — In an important memoir on the struc- ture of certain of the hydrozoa, Herr Reichert denies that these animals can he compared with the early phases of the vertebrate ovum. In one of his tabulated conclusions, he says, “'the comparison of the hollow body of the hydrozoa to the first stages of development of the organism of the higher vertebrata undertaken by Huxley, and afterwards by Kolliker, has no foundation, in fact ; it even proceeds from erroneous suppositions, both as to the nature and signification of the first foundation of the vertebrate animal, and with regard to the structure of the body of the hydrozoa.” This is a very decided assertion on the part of Professor Reichert, and we confess that we see some difficulty in the way of its acceptance. The Circulation of Helix Pomatia. — On this point an extremely valuable paper has been published by Mr. C. Robertson, Demonstrator at Oxford. Mr. Robertson states that he has proved the existence of a general capillary system of blood-vessels in this animal. We, ourselves, have not been able to discern such a condition of parts in Limax maximus. Dr. Robertson’s - memoir is an important contribution to molluscan anatomy. — Vide Annals of Natural History , January. 239 VENUS’S FLOWEE-BASKET (. EUPLECTflLLA ). By De. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., F.L.S., &c. IT is a truism that every created object is beautiful when properly examined. Even the toad has a cc jewel in his head.” But there are some objects, which from the symmetry of their form, the neatness of their structure, and the beauty of the material of which they are composed, attract the attention and excite the curiosity of the most inattentive. The^Venus’s flower- basket from the Philippines, which is now to be seen in most of the shops of the dealers in objects of Natural History and in almost every collection, is a production that combines all these attributes of beauty and is admired by all. The Venus’s flower-basket, Ewplectella , may be shortly described thus : as a siliceous sponge attached by its expanded base to some marine body, supported by a skeleton of a cylindrical tubular form, formed of numerous elongated fibres,,, consisting of fascicules of very long slender linear cylindrical spicules, and crossed by similar fascicules of spicules, forming a . square network which at length is covered by a finer network of fibres, producing concentric and oblique ridges across the- outside of the tube, and a broad expanded fringe round the edge of the upper end of the tubular cavity of the skeleton, and covered with a network lid formed of bundles of shorter spicula. The base of the tubular body is surrounded by a beard of elongated, free, siliceous filaments which have recurved hooks near the end, and which form a ring of recurved hooks at the top. See PL xi. and xii. The tube is generally gradually tapering and bevilled on one- side at the base, but some specimens are shorter and more ventricose, and more or less ovate or oblong cylindrical. The skeleton before it is perfectly formed, merely consists of a tube formed of longitudinal hoops of transverse fibres without any lid ; the lid is next developed and at length the frill round the end of the tube, and finally the oblique and cross ridges formed of the finer external network, are also developed. The score of specimens in the British Museum exhibit each of these states, proving that the absence of the lid or of the fringe or of the external ridges are not specific characters. The free filaments VOL. VI. — NO. XXIV. T 240 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. forming the frill round the base of the tube are found in the youngest and least developed specimens, but they are sometimes torn away by the dealers who send over the specimens, or perhaps destroyed in preparing them for the market. The history of the described specimens shows how gradually the real structure of a rare object becomes known. The specimen described by MM. Quoy and Graimard only consisted of the tube without any base or terminal fringe. Mr. Cuming’s specimen, described and figured by Professor Owen, was an adult specimen, with the dilated base, the netted lid, the fringe round the edge of the tube near the lid, the external ridges and finely netted outer coat that strengthens the tube, but it was destitute, or nearly so, of the free filaments that arise from the roots and surround the lower half of the tube like a large beard. Dr. Farre’s specimen, also described by Professor Owen, has the free filaments at the base well developed and preserved, and the cavity of the sponge is covered with a well-developed lid. But this specimen is not perfectly grown ; the fringe round the edge of the tube near the lid, and the outer netted coat and the transverse ridges on the outer surface of the tube are not developed. It is probable that all these differences only depend on age and the state of the specimen. But Professor Owen regarded Mr. Cuming’s specimen as distinct from those of MM. Quoy and G-aimard, because it had a fringe and netted lid ; and Dr. Farre’s as distinct from Mr. Cuming’s, because it was destitute of the fringe round the upper part and the ridges on the outer surface of the tube. The lightness, elegance, and rigidity of the tube, give the idea of a beautiful and complicated piece of lace work that has been suddenly petrified into a hard and transparent stone. The interlacing of the fibres of which the tube is composed has the same appearance as canework of the very different trans- verse and angular directions of the fibres leaving a round mesh. Professor Owen well observes to the question put by almost every one to whom the Euplectella is shown, as to how the threads could have been so regularly yet intricately interwoven : “ I have sometimes replied that there has been no such thing as interweaving in the case ; that no thread as such was ever laid across another in the construction of the Euplectella ; that the analogy of human textile fabrics does not apply to this beauti- ful natural object. In artificial network the several stages of a complex result must be taken in the succession indicated by painful aod equal calculation ; in organic lacework different stages are done at once ; thus it is the Divine work surpasses that of man’s utmost ingenuity. The threads of the Euplectella EUPLECTELLA. 241 were not first spun and then interwoven, but were formed as interwoven, the two processes going on simultaneously, or pari passu ; but as in the cancellous texture of bone, the plates of bone are not first formed and then fitted to one another, as in building a house of cards, but the forming and the fitting go on together in the course of the molecular growth, I pre- sume also that in the beautiful object which we call the Euplectella we have but the skeleton, and that in the living state the exquisite structure of the flinty framework may be veiled by the delicate gelatinous enveloping organic tissue.” — Lin. Trans, xiii. 121. This common jelly not only developes the beautiful cornu- copia-shaped vase, but if an accident occurs to it the rent is darned in a most workmanlike manner, as may be observed in a specimen which is in Mrs. Gray’s collection. The skeleton above described, is interspersed with abundance of stellate spicules of very varying forms which are not attached to the skeleton itself, but belong to the layer of thin flesh or sarcode with which it is covered when in a living state. These spicules are of three distinct forms, and they all have acute tips to their rays; the first form is the most variable, generally varying from a simple fusiform spicule to a well made six rayed one, and sometimes these rays are divided into divergent branches. A series of these forms is figured in Bowerb. Brit. Sponges , t. 7, f. 174-187, and the more branched t. 8, f. 188- 189, f. 5, 6. The second kind has only four rays, each of which are divided at the top into several short diverging rays like claws, figured also in Bowerb. B. Sponges , t. 8, f. 195, f. 8. The third kind has also only four rays but these soon divide into a number of elongated rays which converge together at the top and form a bell-shaped body, f. 7. See Bowerb. B. Sponges , t. 8, f. 193-194. Somewhat similar many-rayed stellate spicules have been observed occupying a similar situation in the beautiful coral- like siliceous sponge from Barbadoes, called Dactylocalyx Panicea , of which there are two or three beautiful specimens in the British Museum. But the spicules of this sponge differ from all the forms observed in Euplectella in having the top of each of the rays furnished with a small knob like the head of a common pin ; they are also figured in Bowerbank? s B. Sponges , t. 8, f. 190-192. The filaments forming the fibres are very long, slender, nearly of the same diameter through their whole length, and most of them have a smooth surface. They are solid, elastic, and less brittle than one would expect from their hardness, but this arises from their peculiar composition and external structure. 242 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. This structure is common to these filaments and to all the silicious spicules of other sponges. The elegant lightness of the flower baskets, one would think, must render them very liable to accident, but the strength and rigidity of their structure offer much more resistance than one might expect, and that this is the case is proved by the very few cases of injury that are to be found in the specimens that have been submitted to my examination. The hooks on the free fila- ments that form the fringe round the base of the tube and which diverge in every direction must be a great protection, as they would catch hold of and tear any sea animal that might attempt to approach it. The thin elevated ridges which more or less completely and regularly encircle the outer surface of the tube, add very considerably to its general strength, and it is to be observed that the fringe round the apex of the tube can only be regarded as one of these transverse ribs that is more regular than the rest, and placed at the edge of the aperture of the tubular body to give strength and security to the vase. Indeed, the more we study the structure, the more one is struck with the lightness, beauty, and admirable manner in which it is formed for the purpose of resisting injury. When the filaments are chemically examined, they are found to consist of nearly pure silica, mixed with a quantity of animal matter that has been called kerasote in other sponges. If they are placed in the flame of a spirit lamp, they become black,, from the charring of the animal matter, and then split up into numerous very thin laminae, and if submitted to the action of the blow-pipe, or charcoal, they form a globule of glass. The filament is solid and hard. If the long fracture is examined with a magnifying glass, it will be found to be formed of an immense number of very thin concentric coats, placed one over the . other round a centre ; but the coats are best seen when the filaments are placed over the flame of a spirit lamp, when the filament splits and the coat of animal matter being burnt, the coats or layers of siliceous matter separate from each other, and are easier seen. . All the perfect specimens that I have examined, have a base consisting of a thick mass of filaments, which enclose a quantity of earth and fragments of shells, showing that the sponge grows on the mud of the sea shore. Mr. Cuming’s specimen shows this structure in the state in which it is generally brought to this country, see Linn . Trans, xiii. t. 13, f. 1 & 3. Professor Owen- calls this root “the apical extremity,” and speaks of it as “the small end where they (the longitudinal fibres) begin to resolve themselves; into ;their constituent filaments.” In the description of Dr. Farre’s specimen, Professor Owen wM la^9| EUPLECTELLA. 243 observes : “ It appears in the first described species that the fine silky filaments into which the parietal fibres were resolved at the small end of the cylindroid have been torn or detached by violence from some other body. The subject of the present description has been fortunately preserved along with the foreign body to which it was attached, by the terminal filament ; such mode of attachment may now be therefore added to the generic character of Eujplectella as above defined. Further, he calls the end of the tube next the lid the last or lowest of the transverse fibres,” adding in a footnote, “ on the supposition that the Eujplectella hangs dependent from its filamentous attachment.” So that he evidently seems to think that the position in which he figured it on the plate in the Linnean Transactions , with the widest end of the tube (or base as he called it, downwards) is the natural position of the sponge in the sea, but he has never- theless figured it in the reversed position, in the second figure, in the Transactions of the Zoological Society , that is to say, with the root-like base downwards, and the wider part of the tube above. Dr. Bowerbank thinks that “some of them are apparently of a parasitic habit,” but the specimens lately re- ceived do not justify such a theory. They all seem to have lived attached to mud. M. De Blainville, in his very useful Manuel d' Actinologie, described a small tubular specimen with short blunt branches like a stunted shrub, Alcyoncellum gelatinosum , which had been discovered and brought home by M.M. Quoy and Graimard during their voyage, a calcareous sponge which they seem to have forgotten, for no account or figure of it occurs in their work. They quote De Blainville’s character of the genus literatim, and apply it to their Corbeil de Venus, to which it has not the slightest alliance, the one being a calcareous sponge, formed of a multitude of minute three-rayed spicules, and the other, a beautiful cornucopia, formed of woven fascicules of hard, brittle, glass-like fibres, so hard that they will scratch glass. They could never have compared the generic character which they extra, cted with their specimens, for the description, which is as follows, is very characteristic. “ Corps phytoide subpierreux solidifie par des spicules tricus- jpides a branches peu nombreuses, cylindrique fistulaire, termine par un orifice arrondi a parois epaisses, compose de granules reguliers polygones alveoliformes perces d’un pore a l’exterieur et a l’interieur.” Blainv. p. 302. M. Miln e-Edwards in his edition of Lamarck, Animaux sans Vertebres, placed at the end of the sponges an account of MM. Quoy and Giaimard’s Corbeil de Venus, and perhaps seeing that the character that they gave in their work did not fit the 244 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. specimen lie compiled a new character for the genus from the description and figure of MM. Quoy and Graimard, paying no attention to the fact that M. Be Blainville had already figured and described a very different sponge under the name of Alcyoncellum, so that in fact they were giving the same name to two very different sponges, a course of proceeding very puzzling to the student. Dr. Bowerbank, defiant of all the rules about priority, has chosen to retain the name of Alcyoncellum to the Corbeil de Venus, though M. Be Blainville had applied it to the branched calcareous species several years previously. Professor Owen, when he described Mr. Cuming’s specimen, properly applied the new name of Euplectella, or beautiful net, to the genus, but not because of the confusion caused by the mistake of MM. Quoy and Graimard and M. Milne-Edwards, which would have been a very valid argument, but because he and M. Milne-Edwards misread Be Blainville’s name of Alcy- oncellum for Alcyonella , observing that name had already been applied by Lamarck to a genus of fresh-water polypes. Professor Owen had evidently not observed the very decided difference between the genera named Alcyoncellum by Be Blainville and by M. Milne-Edwards, for in his paper he speaks of “ Alcyonellum gelatinosum ” of Be Blainville and “ Alcy- onella speciosum of Quoy and Graimard as if they were the same species, instead of two sponges as unlike as it is possible for two sponges to be from each other. All this may appear of little importance, but as the great use of Zoology is to enable the student to record his observations with accuracy, so that succeeding observers may understand them, and this can never be carried out if two very different animals or plants bear the same name, as one observer may be speaking of one animal and the other of the different one which has been called by the same name by some other describer. This has been the source of numberless errors. The name and synonyms of the species may be tabulated as follows. Euplectella speciosa. — Gray, Ann. and Mag. of N. II., 1866. Alcyoncellum; speciosum. — Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Astrolabe, Zoophytes , 302, t. 26, f. 3, 1833, imperfect. Euplectella aspergillum. — Owen, Trans. Zool. Soc., iij. 203, 1. 13, 1843, with basal filaments. Euplectella Cucumer. — Owen, Trans. Linn. Soc. xxi. 117, t. 21, a short specimen without apical fringe. Alcyoncellum orbicula and A. aspergillum. — Bowerbank, British Sponges, vol. i. 117, t. 29, f. 356-357, p. 257. Mr. Cuming obtained his specimen at the Island of Zebu, one of the Philippines, and all those that are now in the market are said to come from the same locality, and I believe that it is well known that they are sent from Manilla, the capital of the EUPLECTELLA. 245 Philippine Islands. They may be found in other parts of the Indian Ocean. MM. Quoy and Gaimard’s specimen was pre- sented to them by M. Merkus, the governor of the Moluccas and said to have been taken up by a sounding. Dr. Arthur Farre’s specimen was presented by the king of the Seychelle Islands to Captain Etheridge, K.N. and Captain Sir Edward Belcher, B.N. brought home a very much crushed specimen obtained during his last voyage, but the habitat was not marked ; indeed this specimen was picked from among the rejectamenta of the collection, and seems to have been unobserved when collected. It is to be observed that it is not decidedly stated that either MM. Quoy and Graimard’s specimen or Dr. Farre’s were obtained in the localities where they were given to their respective owners, and they might have been picked up as curiosities, and sent from other quarters. It would be interesting to discover how they have become so common all on a sudden. The Governor of the Moluccas who gave the specimen to MM. Quoy and Gaimard and the Governor of Manilla, to whom Mr. Cuming showed his specimen, each assured those gentlemen that the specimen was exceedingly rare, and the two specimens remained almost unique, one orna- menting the Paris Museum, and the other the collection of M. Cuming for some thirty years, and then they all at once became abundant and were sent to market as a regular object of trade, most of them having been specially prepared by being artificially bleached. Many of the specimens have a crab in the base of the tube and it is a general belief at Manilla that the case is spun by the crab ; that the male and female crab each forms a tube ; and therefore they do not consider a single specimen complete without it has its fellow. This may be only as a ruse to induce persons to purchase a couple of specimens. The specimens with a crab in them are valued much higher than those that are without it ; thus a Spaniard came from Spain with two speci- mens each containing a crab, and valued them at 400£. be- cause they had the crabs in them. He was much disgusted when I showed him that some of those we had in the museum also had crabs, but he could only answer that in his case there were a pair, male and female. The crab might easily get into the tube before the lid is completed and it would then be caged so that it could not escape. But I am informed that the crabs are always inserted by the Manilla dealers; that they break the specimen partially across just above the root and insert the crab, and then bend the root back again. Since I have been told this I certainly have observed that all the specimens that do contain crabs are cracked near the base. At first it was believed that only one kind of crab, an Isopode, was contained 246 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. in them, and a French author has promised to write a work to prove that the flower-basket is made by the crab and is not a sponge ! But I have seen several kinds of crabs in the different specimens submitted to my examination and one collecter wants a large price for his specimen because he says it has twins ; that is, there are two crabs in the same tube — I believe, of two kinds. The history of the Venus’s flower-basket is a good illustra- tion, showing how completely the price of a Natural History specimen depends on the rarity rather than the beauty of the article. Mr. Cuming sold his specimen to Mr. Broderip for 30k and after a time Mr. Cuming bought it back for the same price as he received for it. This specimen, which is now in the British Museum, is very much discoloured and not otherwise in a good condition. About a year ago a merchant in the city received twelve or fourteen specimens; he was informed what they were, but he declined to dispose of them until he received instructions from the person who sent them from Manilla. About four months ago he arranged with a Natural History dealer, who undertook to sell them so that he should receive 10Z. for each specimen. The specimens were scarcely all sold at prices ranging from 10Z. to 1 51. each, when a few specimens came into the market, that had been sent from Manilla to Hamburg. More and more specimens arrived, and the price rapidly decreased from 71. to 51. and to 3 Z., when a report was spread that 1,200, that is to say six boxes containing two hundred specimens each, had passed the custom house and were in London. The prices kept going down and it is expected that they may hereafter be sold at 10s. or even 5s. each ; for a friend from Manilla informs me that they are so numerous in that town that the hawkers go about with a quantity in a basket, selling them at one quarter dollar each. However common they may become, they will always be a most beautiful object and an ornament to any room that may contain them. The dealers like such beautiful objects to be rare and dear. On my mentioning the number that had arrived to one of them he observed, u I wish I had been present at the examina- tion, would I not have become suddenly drunk or excited and stumbled into one or more of the boxes ! ” I think if he had done so he would have paid for his temerity, for the fragments of the fibres would have severely punished him and have been difficult to extract from his skin; the irritation of cowage or of the spines of the “ crumb of bread sponge,” would have been slight in comparison. EUPLECTELLA. 247 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE XI. Venus’ Flower-basket of the natural size. PLATE XII. Fig. 1. Texture of the wall of the tube, magnified. , 2. The cover of the central tube. „ 3, 4. The filaments of the basal fringe with apical and lateral hooks, magnified. ,, 5, 6, 7, 8. Stellate spicula, highly magnified \ From Dr. Bowerbank’s u British Bpongiadce .” 248 JUPITER WITHOUT HIS SATELLITES. By RICHARD A. PROCTOR, B.A., F.R.A.S., Author of u Saturn and its System fyc. ON August 21, of the present year, the planet Jupiter will appear in telescopes of moderate power, to be unaccom- panied for the space of one hour and three quarters by the satellites usually seen in attendance upon him . This phenom enon has been so seldom observed that considerable interest is attached to it. Molyneux on November 12, 1681 (0. S.), Sir W. Herschel on May 23, 1802, Wallis on April 15, 1826, and Dawes and Griesbach on September 27, 1843, are, I believe, the only observers who have hitherto seen Jupiter without his comites. It cannot be doubted, however, that if the weather be favourable, the number of observers who have seen the phenomenon, wfill be very largely increased before midnight August 21. It will not be wholly as a matter of curiosity that observations will be made on that night. The record of phenomena presented by Jupiter’s satellites is a regular part of “ observatory work,” and is very necessary for the improvement of the theory of their motions, — an important astronomical subject A special value is attached to the record of phenomena separated by a small interval of time, so that the observations made are fairly comparable inter se, free from the errors arising from variations in clock rates, instru- mental changes, and the like. Now on the evening of August 21 there will be eight phenomena visible within six hours, — viz. the disappearances, and reappearances of four satellites. To ob- servers suitably armed there will, indeed, be no less than thirteen phenomena visible within the above-named interval ; since of the entrances and exits of the shadows of three satellites, six phenomena in all, five will be observable with good telescopes. Six months ago, I had occasion to treat of Mars, nearly the lowest in the scale of planetary magnitude, and interesting as presenting a charming miniature of our own earth. The con- trast between this orb, and the planet we are now to consider is marked indeed. Jupiter stands at the other end of the scale of planetary magnitude. He surpasses our earth more than 1400 times in volume. Saturn alone can be compared with him Plate XIII . ww.y.,. Jupiter and liis System. Aii£. 21^1867. 10^15“-P. M. JUPITER WITHOUT HIS SATELLITES. 249 in this respect, but even Saturn is but half as large as Jupiter. In mass, this superb planet is not merely a miniature of our earth, it is as a miniature of the whole solar system that he is to be regarded. The sun himself, does not so greatly exceed Jupiter in volume as Jupiter does our earth. And the bodies which circle round Jupiter travel with velocities comparable with those of the swiftest members of the solar system. While Mercury and Venus travel 100,000 and 80,000 miles an hour, and our earth travels 68,000 miles an hour round the sun, Jupiter’s inner satellite travels upwards of 40,000 miles an hour around its primary. Mars travels 55,000 miles an hour round the sun, the second satellite travels 32,000 miles an hour round Jupiter. Jupiter himself sweeps less swiftly round the sun than these satellites do around him, so that through a portion of their orbits they are actually retrograding. The third satellite also travels so swiftly round Jupiter, as to be reduced very nearly to absolute rest when its velocity acts in a contrary direction to that of Jupiter. The fourth satellite travels less swiftly than the third, but yet as swiftly as the planet Saturn in his orbit around the sun. Nearly every celestial object has an interest attaching to it, other than that derived from its physical aspect, — an interest which may be called historical. In the moon, for instance, we see an object without which (it is not too much to say) astronomy would never have approached its present state of exactness and accuracy. Mars, in like manner, afforded evidence such as no other planet could supply, when Kepler was engaged in the series of researches which rendered his name illustrious, and without which Newton’s views might never have been directed to gravitation as a universal principle. Venus is connected with the determination of the fundamental element of all astronomical measures, — the sun’s distance from the earth. Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, the sun, fixed stars, comets, asteroids, and nebulse, all have their historical interest, derived from the evi- dence which they have afforded on special questions of interest. Jupiter is second to none in this respect. At a critical period in the history of astronomy, when the world of science was divided on the subject of the Copernican Theory of the Universe, and when all without the world of science were steadfastly opposed : to the new views, the discovery that Jupiter was the centre of a miniature-system, circling around him as the theory in dispute taught that the planets circled around the sun,- — came oppor- tunely as an illustration, and to those who could grasp the I significance of the phenomenon, as a proof, of the views of the 250 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. German astronomer. Later came a yet more remarkable and important discovery, through the observation of Jupiter’s sys- tem,— the discovery that light does not travel as had been supposed instantaneously, but with a measurable, however in- conceivable, velocity. Through this discovery, supplemented by Bradley’s discovery of the aberration of the fixed stars, came a proof — which is absolutely beyond cavil or question — of the true theory of the solar system. Supplementary proofs of Newton’s views have been derived, also, as might be expected, from the influence exerted by a planet whose disturbing agency so largely exceeds that of all the other members of the solar system. Let us return to Galileo’s discovery of the satellite-system of Jupiter, and the influence of that discovery on the views of astronomers. It was immediately felt, by those who opposed the new views of Copernicus, that the discovery of Jupiter’s moons was fatal to their objections. Accordingly they spared no efforts in casting doubts on the observations of Galileo. Some asserted that the Tuscan had seen no such sights as he pretended. Others that he had indeed seen them, but in illu- sive dreams, that he was the sport of demons specially sent to punish him for a prying, inquisitive, and truth-doubting spirit. “We have looked,” they said “for hours through his telescope, and have seen no such sights as he and his friends have described.” When at length it was impossible to deny the existence of Jupiter’s moons, it became the fashion to dispute the real character of their movements. It was argued that these objects do not revolve around the planet, but, travel backwards and forwards behind its disc. Down to the middle of the seven- teenth century, many refused to believe that the satellites actually circulate around Jupiter.* The discovery by Cassini, in 1665, that the satellites can be traced wdien their orbital motions carry them between the planet and the earth, placed the true character of these bodies beyond a doubt. By means of Campani’s object-glasses of 100 and 136 feet focal length, Cassini was able to see the satellites projected as small bright spots on the disc of the planet. He found also that their motions when thus situated, are precisely those due to an orbital motion around the planet, and therefore very different from those of bodies attached to the planet. This * Por aught I know the motion of the satellites may he denied to the present day. In the preface to the last edition (1823) of the Principia , edited by the learned Jesuits Le Sueur and Jacquier, there occurs the fol- lowing remarkable passage : — 11 In adopting the theory of the earth’s motion, to explain Newton’s propositions, we assume another character than our own, for we profess obedience to the decrees of the popes against the motion of the earth.” It is, therefore, not wholly impossible that decrees may have been promulgated against the circulation of Jupiter’s satellites also. JUPITER WITHOUT HIS SATELLITES. 251 circumstance, and the fact that the bright spots remain un- changed in form as they pass over the disc, proved incontestably that he had not mistaken bright spots, such as are sometimes seen on the body of the planet itself, for the satellites whose ingress on the disc he had previously watched. But he was able to detect another evidence of the true nature of these bodies, since he discovered that the shadows which they cast upon the body of the planet, are visible as small dark spots upon the disc. Forty years later Maraldi observed that the fourth satellite does not always present the same appearance as it traverses the disc of the planet. Sometimes it appeared to him as a bright spot, at others it appeared darker than the planet. He noticed also that when the satellite seemed to be projected as a dark spot,, this spot was smaller than the shadow of the satellite. “ Accord- ing to the laws of optics,” he says, and others have followed him in the statement, u it ought to have appeared larger.” Assuming this view to be correct, and that the observations of Maraldi were rightly interpreted by him, we are led to a somewhat singular result. It has been proved, (incontestably, I think) by Sir W. Herschel’s observations, that all the satellites of Jupiter follow the law observed in the case of our own moon — turning constantly the same face towards their primary. He observed that each satellite varied in brightness in different parts of its orbit, but that when it arrived at the same position in its orbit, “ it exhibits always the same degree of brightness.” It would follow from this, that each satellite in transiting the disc of Jupiter should exhibit invariably the same appearance — since when so situated we always see the same half of the satellite, that half namely which is invisible from Jupiter. This at least, would always happen, unless a satellite were subject to transient variations of brilliancy arising from physical change occurring on its own face. Maraldi’s observation would seem therefore to point to the occurrence of such changes on the fourth satellite, and corresponding observations of variations of brilliancy in the other satellites, by Cassini, Maraldi, and Pound would lead to the same conclusion as respects these bodies also. The observation by Bianchini, that in other parts of their orbits the satellites are subject to considerable variations of brilliancy, would seem to confirm this result. How without asserting the impossibility that the above ex- planation is the true one, I cannot but consider that it is highly improbable that the satellites of Jupiter are actually subject to physical changes of the kind implied. The observations of Sir W. Herschel are decidedly opposed to Bianchini’s view, and scarcely less directly contradictory of Maraldi’s. It appears to me far more probable that the apparent loss of brilliancy 252 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. observed by Maraldi was relative only, and due to the projection of the satellite on a brighter part of Jupiter’s disc (which we know to be subject to partial variations of brilliancy) than that the whole or nearly the whole hemisphere of a satellite should suffer change in the manner imagined. The fact that the satellite appears smaller than the shadow, so far from being contrary to the laws of optics, as many have supposed, is directly deducible from those laws. The black umbra should indeed be smaller, but the complete shadow formed of umbra and pen- umbra together, should be larger than the satellite. I may notice in passing, that observations having reference to the relative brilliancy of celestial objects are at all times difficult, but that those made towards the end of the seventeenth, and in the earlier part of the eighteenth century, appear specially unreliable. Whether from the use of unwieldy focal lengths, or from imperfection in the single object glasses, or from a want of thorough appreciation of irregularities due to atmospheric causes, certain it is that there are recorded a mul- titude of observations of this sort in the interval named, which have not been confirmed by subsequent observation. Soon after his discovery of Jupiter’s satellites, Gfalileo per- ceived the use to which the phenomena they presented might be applied for the determination of the longitude. He was sanguine indeed, as to the use of this method for finding the longitude at sea, not being aware, it would seem, of the mecha- nical difficulties which render the method unavailable on ship- board. With the object of constructing tables of the satellites’ motions, he observed them for many years. The Tables he formed disappeared unaccountably on the death of his pupil Kimieri, to whom he had entrusted them for publication, and were accidentally discovered a 'few years ago in a private library at Eome. Notwithstanding the amount of labour bestowed upon them, the Tables are far from representing with, accuracy the motions of the satellites. Gfalileo, indeed, and those who followed him in attempting the work of tabulating these motions, altogether underrated the difficulty of the task. A long series of observations by Hodierna, Borelli, Passim, Maraldi, Bradley, and a host of other observers, the rigid theoretical scrutiny of the subject by Newton, Walmsley, Euler, Bailly, Lagrange, Laplace, and others, and a laborious comparison of the results of observation and theory, by Lalande, Wargentin, Delambre, and Woolhouse, have been required to bring the theory of the system to the exactness and accuracy it has now attained. The relations actually presented by the motions of the planets are very singular. They are partly exhibited by the following Table : — JUPITER WITHOUT HIS SATELLITES. 253 Sat. Sidereal Revolution Same in Seconds Sidereal Motion per Second Distance from Jupiter’s centre d. h. m. s. u miles 1 1 18 27 33-505 152853-505 8-478706 278,542 2 3 13 13 42 040 306822-040 4-223947 442,904 3 7 3 42 33-360 618153-360 2-096567 706,714 4 16 16 32 11-271 1441931-271 0-898795 1,242,619 It will be observed, at once, that the period of the second satellite is almost exactly double the period of the first, and the period of the third almost exactly double that of the second; and, of course, a corresponding relation holds amongst the sidereal motions of these bodies. This of itself is remarkable, but far more singular is the relation which regulates the extent to which the above relations differ from exactness. It is to exhibit this that I have added the column of sidereal motions, because the relation in question is masked when the sidereal periods only are given. It will be found that the sidereal motion of the first satellite, together with twice the sidereal motion* of the third is exactly equal to three times the sidereal motion of the second satellite. Thus : — (8"-478706) + 2 (2"-096567) = 12"-671840 = 3 (4"-223947). To show the effect of this singular relation, suppose the first and third satellites to start from conjunction, then after four re- volutions of the first satellite, the second has performed nearly one revolution, so that they are very nearly in conjunction again, but have in reality passed their conjunction by a small angle. At the actual moment of conjunction, the first has described three complete circumferences and an arc (A, suppose), wThich is nearly a complete circumference, while the third has described the arc A only; thus twice the motion of the third satellite added to the motion of the first gives us three complete circum- ferences, and three times the arc A ; and therefore by the above relation the second satellite has moved through one complete circumference together with the arc A. Hence neglecting com- plete circumferences the actual change of position of each of the three satellites is the arc A, very nearly equal to a complete circumference. They therefore hold the same relative position at the end as at the beginning of the interval considered. Now nothing was said as to the position of the second satellite. As a matter of fact when the first and third satellites are in con- junction the second is always in opposition to both. Thus the actual changes of position are those exhibited in fig. 1, in which it is to be understood that the dimensions of the satellites are largely exaggerated. Wargentin, who devoted a life to the examination of the 254 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. motions of Jupiter’s satellites, but who was no adept in the higher branches of mathematics, found as the result of observa- tion that the relation above described was so closely approxi- mated to, that 1,317,900 years would have to elapse before the three satellites could be in conjunction. This result affords an interesting measure of the accuracy of observation up to War- gentin’s day, since Laplace has shown that the relation is absolutely exact. Librations may take place on either side of the mean state (though the most careful modern observations exhibit no trace of such libration), but there is no possibility of accumulative change, save by the influence of effective agencies external to the system. It is somewhat singular that the comet of 1767 and 1779 passed through the middle of Jupiter’s system, without producing any observable derangement of the mean motions of the satellites, — a fact which proves conclusively that the mass of the comet must be small, its density incon- ceivably minute. In Ferguson’s astronomy it is stated that the motion of the fourth satellite presents no approach to a relation of commen- surability with those of the others. A simple relation exists, however, with a closeness of approximation which is quite remark- able. In fact, throughout the whole solar system there is no relation of commensurability which brings closely following conjunction-lines so near to each other as this does.* The relation is this three times the period of the fourth satellite is 50d. lh. 36m. 33*8 13s., and seven times the period of the third is 50d. lh. 57m. 53*520s. ; the difference 21m. 19*707s. is less than one-1 123rd part of the period of the fourth satellite. Thus when the third satellite has travelled round seven times from a given conjunction-line "with the fourth, the fourth has gone round three times and in addition one-1 123rd part of a circumference, that is less than 20', and the third overtakes the fourth before the latter has passed over 15' more (since 15 : 35 :: 3 : 7). This conjunction-line, then is separated from a preceding one (the fourth preceding) by less than 35'. The remarkable relation which causes the u Great Inequality ” of Saturn and Jupiter, brings neighbouring conjunction-lines nearly 8-J° apart, a distance fourteen times as great as the above. From the connection between the motions of the first three satellites, it follows of course that the periods of the two inner satellites also approximate to commensurability with the period of the fourth. We have, in fact, fourteen revolutions of the second, or twenty-eight revolutions of the first, nearly equal to * Since the above was written, I have found that some tables of elements of the Saturnian system give such periods to the satellites Dione and Ence- ladus as to produce a yet closer approach than that of the two satellites of J upiter whose motions are here discussed. JUPITER WITHOUT HIS SATELLITES. 255 three revolutions of the fourth: but the approach is not so close as in the case of the third satellite. From the relation holding between the motions of the first three satellites it is impossible that all these bodies should be eclipsed at once ; but (as will be seen by fig. 1 ) at regular intervals all three are in the same straight line with the planet’s centre. If this happen when the sun (and therefore the earth, which with reference to Jupiter may always be considered to be close to the sun) is near the same line, these three satellites will be invisible, one or two being eclipsed, two or one (as the case maybe) being projected on Jupiter’s disc. Such a phenomenon is not unfrequently visible. That the fourth satellite may be hidden at the same time it must be nearly in a line with the other three. This relation is not often presented ; and, as already stated, the concurrence of this relation with the requisite configuration as respects the sun and earth, is an occurrence very seldom to be observed. A circumstance that tends to render the simultaneous dis- appearance of the four satellites more uncommon than it other- wise would be, is the fact that the fourth satellite is not necessarily eclipsed or occulted at each conjunction with Jupiter. It may pass above or below his disc or shadow. In fact this happens on an average in more than one-third of the revolutions of this satellite. This is ascribed by Sir J. Hersehel to the greater inclination of his orbit; but this is not the correct explanation. In fact the inclination of the fourth satellite is at present less than that of any of the others, and the mean value of its in- clination is always less than that of the others. The true reason why this satellite so often escapes eclipse, is its superior distance from Jupiter. It is commonly stated that the third satellite cannot possibly escape eclipse or occultation as it passes behind its primary, and must necessarily transit Jupiter’s disc when passing before the planet. I find, however, that it is just possible for the third satellite to pass clear of Jupiter’s disc in the latter case. A conjunction of many favourable circumstances is, however, required, and the phenomenon must be a very uncommon one — much more so, indeed, than that which forms the subject of the present paper. It is necessary that Jupiter should be in op- position when not far from perihelion, at which time it happens (and but for this the phenomenon could never take place) that j the earth is at nearly her greatest distance north of the plane of Jupiter’s orbit. The satellite’s orbit must have its maximum ! inclination to Jupiter’s orbit, and the satellite must also be at its greatest distance from the last named plane. The other satellites must also be so situated that the third is at its maximum distance from Jupiter ; for it is noteworthy, that although the VOL. vi. — no. xxiv. u 256 POPULAH SCIENCE KEVIEW. orbits of the two interior satellites are described as circular, and that of the third as of small eccentricity, yet these orbits have an ellipticity due to the mutual attractions of the satellites. This ellipticity is wholly different from the ellipticity of the planetary orbits. The former is centric, the latter eccentric, the sun being in the focus of each planetary eclipse, while Jupiter is at the centre of the ellipse traversed by the inner satellites. The following facts combined with the information afforded by fig. 2, will suffice to enable the telescopist satisfactorily to observe the phenomenon of August 21. The planet rises at half-past seven, almost at the same moment that the sun sets. At 7h 44m Greenwich mean time, the shadow of the third satellite passes on to the disc, and the satellite itself passes on to the disc at 8h 14m. The first phenomenon will not be observable, as the sun will not be low enough beneath the horizon nor Jupiter high enough above the horizon. Neither will the second phenomenon nor the entry of the fourth satellite’s shadow on the disc, which occurs at 8h 17m,be easily seen. The remaining eleven phenomena will be readily seen, however. At 9h 10m the second satellite will disappear in the shadow of the planet. At 9h 28m the fourth satellite will enter on Jupiter’s disc. At 9h 57m the shadow of the first satellite will make its appearance, followed in seven minutes by the entry of the satellite itself on Jupiter’s disc. At this time (10h 4m) Jupiter will be without satellites in telescopes of moderate power, but large telescopes will exhibit three satellites on his disc, together with their three shadows. At llh 23m, the shadow of the third satellite passes off the disc, at llh 49m the satellite itself. At 12h 13m the second satellite reappears from behind Jupiter, at 12h 1 6m the shadow of the first satellite passes off the disc, the satellite itself seven minutes later. Lastly, at 12h 59m the shadow of the fourth satellite, and at 13h 54m the fourth satellite itself, pass off Jupiter’s disc. In fig. 2, the paths traversed by the satellites and their shadows, are indicated. The figure represents the appearance presented in an inverting telescope. It is only necessary to invert the figure to see the actual configuration. It will of course be understood that the apparent slope of the paths will vary with the hour of observation. I have made the planet’s equator horizontal, instead of estimating the slope for any assigned hour; because the planet’s oblateness being very observable, affords a natural feature of reference. It will be observed that the shadows of the four satellites are very different in appearance. I have drawn them, not as they have been seen in the telescope, but as it is certain that they would appear in telescopes of adequate power. The figure and extent of the penumbrse have been determined from the simplest optical principles applied to the known distances and magnitudes of the JUPITER WITHOUT HIS SATELITES. 257 satellites. The figures of the shadows will suffice to afford an easy explanation of Maraldi’s observation, that the shadow of the fourth satellite appears larger than the satellite. At 10h 15m p.m. August 21 the positions of the satellites and shadows are those shown in fig. 2, the second satellite being, of course, behind the disc. A little examination of the figure will show that a few minutes after half-past eleven the three interior satellites are in the same line with the planet’s centre. U 2 258 FITZ-ROY WEATHER FORECASTS. By G. F. CHAMBERS, F.R.A.S. IN the present article I propose to give a general account of that system of weather forecasting commonly associated with the name of the late Admiral Fitz-Roy, discussing it his- torically and practically. The importance of the subject can hardly be over estimated: all classes of the community are more or less benefited by fair weather and prejudiced by foul weather, and some prior knowledge, however general, of what is to be, would rarely fail to promote our convenience in the busi- ness and pleasures of daity life. Few sciences have been studied in a more desultory way than Meteorology, and though this remark is less true than it was a few years ago, the reproach is by no means removed. On this point Admiral Fitz-Roy felt very warmly and he seems to have been almost the first man who infused into the subject an element of practical application. In 1853 there was held at Brussels an international Maritime Congress at which Meteoro- logy as bearing on Navigation was discussed, and in 1859 the British Association recommended to the Board of Trade the adoption of storm-signals to be circulated by aid of the electric telegraph. This recital brings us at once to the question we have in hand. Consequent on the recommendation above alluded to, Admiral Fitz-Roy was directed by the Board to prepare a scheme for conveying to certain seaports, connected with London by telegraph, intelligence of approaching storms. Nothing in the way of prediction 'was contemplated, only announcements of storms at some places, which storms might be expected after short intervals of time to manifest themselves at others. The conductor of the new movement was not satis- fied with this moderate advance; he. thought that more could be done and ought to be done and that he would endeavour to do it ; in short that predictions or approximations to predictions two or three days in advance were fairly feasible. “ From the very first the project was more or less opposed by many, and the old sea-wolves of the North for some time looked upon it with contempt. One day however Admiral Fitz-Roy ordered up his ‘ south cone ’ meaning that a storm was approaching from the Fitz-Eoy’s Day Signals. Fitz-Eoy’s Night Signals. FITZ-ROY WEATHER FORECASTS. 261 south. The good folks of Newcastle laughed at the signal. Why shouldn’t they ? The sky was clear and c all serene.’ They could see nothing to warrant the probability of a coming tempest. The fishermen put out to sea as usual. On the fol- lowing morning, however, the coast was covered with wrecks, and many a family had to bewail the imprudence of the unfortunate men who had disregarded the signal. After that, people began to think that there was something in the system, and numerous subsequent fulfilments more and more confirmed the popular belief in the utility of the predictions.” * The first cautionary or storm-warning signal was issued early in 1861, being the one alluded to in the previous extract. In August of the same year the 'publication of forecasts was com- menced, and after six months had elapsed for gaining experience by varied tentative arrangements, the system was launched in its final form which, so far as Admiral Fitz-Eoy was concerned, remained in operation till his lamented death in 1865. The ultimate procedure was the reception by telegraph of about 18 weather reports every morning (except Sundays) from British coast-stations, besides a few from the continent. These reports gave (in cypher for the sake of brevity) the leading meteoro- logical elements of the place of observation ; such as height of the barometer, temperature, wind, rainfall in previous twenty- four hours, state of the atmosphere, sea, &c. The information thus conveyed to the London office was immediately reduced in the usual way by the application of the necessary corrections and written out in prepared forms. The first copy, with the original telegrams, was passed to the chief of the department or to the deputy appointed to act in his name, to be studied and discussed for that day’s forecasts. At about 11 a.m. expanded copies of the telegrams, together with the forecasts arrived at by the officer in charge, were sent to certain newspapers to be published in their next impressions. Copies of so much of the forecasts as related to the English Channel were also telegraphed to Paris (by special request) for the Ministry of Marine. The whole of this work was got through by about 12 o’clock. In the afternoon, from a few of the stations further telegrams were received and when , and so far as necessary, these were used to revise the forecasts of the morning, for the morning papers of the following day. In addition to this daily service occasional storm-warnings were sent to our own coasts, and to Paris and sometimes to Ham- burg, Hanover and Oldenburg, by the request and at the expense of the public authorities in those states. We shall presently discuss the basis on which these forecasts Steinmetz. 262 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. were framed and enquire into the value they were found to possess'; but, before doing so, let us describe the mechanical arrangements adopted for signalling them, and illustrate by actual examples from official sources the details of the modus operandi , of which an outline only is presented above. The necessary apparatus consists of a mast, .of any convenient height (thirty or forty feet) two yards from four to six feet in length with the necessary ship’s tackle, a cone, a drum and four signal lanterns. The cone and drum are wooden frames of those shapes covered with canvas and each about three feet high ; any sort of lanterns may be used, but they must be of good size and show the same colour ; what that colour be is not of great importance but red is to be preferred as the colour which is most conspicuous. When hoisted, the cone appears as a dark triangle, and the drum as a dark square, and the import of the various signals is as follows : — The cone with the point upwards, shows that a gale is 'probable ; at first from the northward . This is termed for brevity “North Cone,” fig. 1. The cone with the point downwards shows that a gale is pro- bable ; at first from the southiuard . “ South Cone,” fig. 2. The drum alone, shows that stormy winds may be expected from more than one quarter, fig 3. The cone and drum together give warning of dangerous winds, the probable first direction being indicated by the position of the cone and its apex : cone over drum and point of cone upper- most for northerly wind (fig. 4) : cone below drum and point downwards for southerly wind (fig. 5). When these signals were, in consequence of telegrams from London, made at the several stations warned, they were kept up till the dusk of that day only, and in the official instructions issued it was stated “ These cautionary signals advert to winds during some part of the next night and two or three days ; therefore due vigilance should prevail (until the weather is again settled) without deferring departures or any operations unnecessarily .” In night signalling, only one of the two signals was used ; drum or cone, but not both. This was for the sake of simplicity and saving of trouble. Let us now revert to the procedure at the Central Office in London. When the system was first instituted the British Isles were divided into 6 districts, viz.: — 1. “Scotland.” 2. “ Ireland,” around the coast. 3. “ West Central ” (from the Severn to the Solway). FITZ-ROY WEATHER FORECASTS. 263 4. “ South-West England ” (from the Severn to Southampton Water). 5. South East England ” (from the Isle of Wight to the Thames). 6. “ East Coast ” (from the Thames to the Tweed), the coast being in each case the points cVappui. These districts were subsequently consolidated, into four viz. : — 1. “ Northern” (Scotland). 2. “ Western ” (Ireland, Wales). 3. “ Southern ” (English Channel and Bay of Biscay). 4. “Eastern” (the East Coast of England and the North Sea.) The telegraph being the agency for the transmission of weather news, and telegraphic messages, especially those involving figures, being costly and peculiarly liable to error, it became a matter of leading importance both to simplify and abbreviate the messages in every way possible. As a first step it was decided to discard words as far as possible, except for special purposes, and to dispense with headings, using only figures disposed in groups, the position of the figures in the several groups being, by pre-arrangement, understood to refer to certain particular meteorological elements and none others. Thus : — Aberdeen to London; 1862, July 25, 8 a.m. 06041 . 93453 94663 21072 60420 05628 This message expanded, and written out in the style familiar to every daily newspaper reader, becomes : — 1862. July 25, 8 A.M. 1 B E D W F x c ! i H R s j Aberdeen . . 29.39 60 6 sw 5 8 6 r 6 0.46 8 Appended to every Table thus circulated was the following “ Explanation ” : — B. — Barometer corrected and reduced to 32° at mean sea- level; each 10 feet of vertical rise causing about th of an inch diminution , and each 10 degrees above 32° causing nearly th increase. E. — Exposed thermometer in shade. D. — Difference of moistened bulb (for evaporation and dew point). W. — Wind direction (true — 2 points left of magnetic). F. — Force. I. — Initials : b , blue sky; c, clouds (detached) ; /, fog; A, hail; l , lightning ; m, misty (hazy) ; o, overcast (dull) ; r, rain ; s, snow ; t , thunder; H. — Hours of B = Bainfall, or snow or hail (melted), since last report. S. — Sea-disturbance (1 to 9), Z calm. 264 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Eventually so much of this “ Explanation ” as could be so placed, was prefixed to the columns in the daily tables : hence their present form differs somewhat from the above, and they have become more convenient for perusal. The plan upon which the meteorological information is reported to head-quarters from the several stations may be thus epitomised. Each telegram consists of five or six groups of figures (each group containing five figures) and occasionally a few words. No alterations or reductions are made by the observer who transmits them as they are read off, except in a few special cases. The reductions are performed in London with the aid of data, furnished as occasion may require, by the several observers. The first group is Eainfall (R.) omitting decimal points. With each morning report, when rain enough has fallen to be measurable, its duration in hours from 1 to 24 (or to 48 after a Sunday or holiday) occupies the first two places of a 5-figure group, a cypher being prefixed before 1 to 9: quantity of rain (snow &c. melted) is shown by the last three figures of the five as inches and hundredths. Thus if rain has prevailed for four hours since the previous report and half an inch is the gauge, the group will be 04050; if for fifteen hours with one inch and three quarters, the group will be 15175. The second group of figures shows the highest or lowest extreme (the most remarkable) of the mercury in the barometer (B) and in the exposed thermometer (E) since the previous report by telegraph. B occupies the three first places of the group for the last integer and two first decimals ; and 2 the two final figures for whole degrees of the exposed dry thermometer. Thus if the extreme reading of the barometer has been 30T29, and that of the thermometer 54*3 the group for the telegram will be 01354, the reading of the barometer being in all cases taken to the nearest hundredth and of the thermometer to the nearest whole degree. The third group of five figures is devoted to the height of the barometer and of the attached thermometer at the regular observing hour be it 8 A.M. for a morning telegram, or 2 p.M. for an afternoon one, the method of enunciating which will be understood from the last paragraph. The fourth group expresses the extreme, not simply the general character of the wind and weather (D F I) since the last report. The first two figures are allotted to the direction of the wind (D) the third and fourth to the force (F) and the last figure to the character of the weather. The direction of the wind is repre- sented by figures 1 to 32, one for each point of the compass from N. round by E. S. and W. to N. again. North being 32, East 8, South 16, and West 24, and so proportionally for the interme- diate points. A cypher preceding the points numbered below 10 FITZ-ROY WEATHER FORECASTS. 265 ( = N. by E. to E. by S.) to keep the figures in their places. The scale for force of wind (F) is 1 to 12. The character of the weather is represented by a scale of figures from 1 to 9 as follows : — Thus, if we suppose the extreme direction of the wind since the last report to be S. the extreme force to be 8, and the general character of the weather gloomy and overcast, the tele- graphic group will be 16086. In the fifth group the first two figures show the reading of the exposed thermometer, (E) the third figure is difference above the damp one (wet bulb ; D) and the two last figures the true direction of the wind. Thus, if the dry bulb be 58° and the wet one 52° . (difference = 5°) and the wind W., the group of figures for telegraphing will be 58524. In the sixth and last group the first two figures belong to the estimated fforce of the wind (F) from 1 to 12, 1 standing for a faint breeze, and 12 for a hurricane, a cypher preceding one-figure quantities ; the third figure is devoted to the amount of cloud (C) from 1 to 9, 1 standing for a few clouds, and 9 for sky wholly overcast. The fourth figure gives the character of the weather according to the notation above, and the fifth figure the condition of the sea (S), also from 1 to 9. Thus, if the wind is blowing moderately, and the sky be very cloudy, the weather fine and the sea rough, the telegraph word will be 04217. *This system of reporting by telegraph the state of the weather at various widely separated stations, first set afoot by Admiral Fitz-Roy, has been maintained up to the present time, but its auxiliary, the digesting of this telegraphic news, and evolving from it some general conclusions as to the wTeather probably imminent, was summarily stopped by superior authority on the Admiral’s death : a triumph which I trust is only temporary was given to the party, who looked upon him as a meteorological poacher, and who unceasingly sought to run him down ; but all practical men who had watched with pleasure the progressively improving value of the forecasts, and especially those whose interests were most connected with the mercantile marine, learnt with great regret the decision of the (late) government, and increasing efforts have been made to procure its re- versal, but hitherto (May 1867) without success. The govern- ment it must be admitted did not give the Forecast system an unqualified quietus: they appointed a committee of scientific men to enquire into the whole administration of the meteoro- 1. Fine, clear. 2. Cloudy. 3. Fog. 4. Lighting. 5. Misty, hazy, obscure. 6. Gloomy, dart, overcast. 7. Rain. 8. Snow. 9. Thunder. 266 POrULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. logical department of the Board of Trade and to report thereon before the vacant directorship was filled up, and this committee was specially enjoined to consider the Forecasts as to their basis, and value. Their report was adverse, on the ground that sufficient data on which to found reliable predictions had not been ac- cumulated ; but this their expression of opinion was strangely at variance with the body of evidence to the contrary laid before them, and actually printed by them in their Blue Book. They addressed through one of the permanent officials of the Board of Trade to persons occupyiug official positions at various seaports, collectors of customs, secretaries to marine boards, and the like, the following very peculiarly worded question. “ What is the opinion of seafaring men concerning the value of the late Admiral Fitz-Boy’s signals? Can you help us by telling me what is thought of them by those most competent to judge.” [in your locality] ? The answers were, with one exception, highly favourable to the Fitz-Boy system. The following are some samples of them. . Y. M. 38 4 Y. M. 37 11 Y. M. 36 8 Y. M. 37 2 30 28 3 34 4 34 4 35 5 34 5 33 2 34 1 40 23 1 27 7 27 5 29 1 27 3 26 6 27 6 The mean expectation of life term in — London is 37 years, where there is one death annually in 41 persons-- Liverpool „ 26 „ „ „ „ „ 30 „ Surrey „ 45 „ „ „ » „ 52 „ This average duration and expectation of life are the elements on which payments are calculated, to carry out a contract for assurance. An office may insure for the risk of death during one year, or for the whole future years of a person's life, as shown by the annexed English Life table. At twenty-five, the full expectation of life is thirty-seven years; and 38£. Is. in- vested at three per cent, for that period will, yield 100£. ; but a man may agree to give only 16s. 102' . ff 14* » 28^ v 8f per 1,000 10f „ 16* » 31 „ 62* „ 10* per 1,000 134 „ 17 * 31* » 67 Some persons consider even the present mode of selection too severe, and that the field of life assurance might be ex- tended by more general assurance of persons having a standard average of general good health. The correlation of disease is a subject deeply interesting in a life assurance point of view. Scrofula, consumption, cancer, insanity, gout, diabetes, have, well-known hereditary tendencies; and, where one of these diseases has manifested itself, another in the category will, very probably, appear in the individual, or in the offspring. Hereditary taint cannot be lightly passed over, nor can any life be considered first-class where it has been well known to exist. Instead of rejecting, unconditionally and without explanation, a proposer whose life has been considered doubtful, and where there is an extra risk, a practice now exists of making surcharges, that is, to diminish the expectancy of life, and charge the higher ON LIFE INSURANCE AND VITAL STATISTICS. 279 premium — a practice which general experience appears to indi- cate to he both inefficient and unsatisfactory. There are companies which undertake special assurance against accidental death, in contradistinction to natural causes; and here subtle questions have arisen, to show how difficult it is to give any law a general application. Accidental death, in medical language, signifies mortal effects, produced by a blow, a fall, poisoning, suffocation, or by violent and sudden means. But legal difficulties not unfrequently arise, in contesting the nature of death resulting from sunstroke, lightning, exposure to cold and privation after or during shipwreck. Companies are exposed to all kinds of frauds. It may be gene- rally supposed, that a man has an interest in preserving his own life ; but experience has plentifully shown, that life assurance contracts have been deliberately entered into, with a view of securing for their family that provision which they believed themselves incapable of obtaining by the usual and legitimate mode. Numerous instances illustrate the importance of making a very exact official inquiry as to the cause of death, when it appears to have been sudden and unexpected. A coroner’s in- quest is usually a sufficient proof as to the cause of death ; but its verdict is not binding on any company, and when good rea- sons have existed for suspecting fraud, facts now and then come to light that show the death to have been brought about by poisoning, either accidentally, or from suicidal motives. In- teresting medico-legal questions, belonging to these cases, em- brace the many forms of homicide, suicide, and insanity. The practice, therefore, of making policies indisputable or un- changeable, after two or three years, adds much to their mer- cantile value ; for, where fraud, by duelling or suicide, has been meditated, the claims are early, whilst, in ordinary life policies* several years elapse. It frequently happens that a life assurance office meets with failure. Such a misfortune, however, could never occur under a prudent management. A guarantee fund need not be large ; but a provision should be made for rent, salaries, advertising, and agency, or the expenses will otherwise consume the whole of the first, and probably, much of the second year’s income from pre- miums. In a short period, however, the management expenses ought to bear only a proportion of 2 to 5 per cent, on the pre- miums, leaving, therefore, a sufficient margin for profit ; for, as we shall have to show, a charge, or loading, is added to the net calculated premiums of not less than 20 per cent. There are, too, circumstances that cause the disruption of a young office, or ne- cessitate its amalgamation with a more successful rival. In the first place, mismanagement, and an extravagant expenditure, with or without an adequate guarantee fund, may do it ; in the 280 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. second, an interested motive may induce directors, or share- holders, to effect an amalgamation with a rich and substantial office — a proposition in no way obj ectionable, when there exists the least doubt of success, or of permanent stability, to the affairs of a young company. Fraud, and various other kinds of irregularities in life as- surance offices, are to be attributed, when they do occur, to directors either being too much engrossed in their own affairs, or understanding too little of those of the company, to enable them to form an opinion upon its financial position. Hence the utility of that very useful class of men — actuaries, auditors, and accountants. A system of audit by men of great experience and sagacity is, indeed, most essential in every life assurance office. Experience also shows that legislative interference may wisely be used to protect the interests of private individuals, who are now so largely disposed to invest in our numerous mutual and co-operative associations. Auditors elected by shareholders themselves are often unsafe, their investigations not extending sufficiently into details. In calculating risk, and the many financial investigations contingent upon life, the highest mathematical and scientific education is necessary to get at true results ; and none but an experienced and trained actuary can, with a prospect of success, undertake these duties. We coincide with Dr. Farr, that a settled system of annual audit should be instituted, and such returns made to Grovernment as shall enable sound offices to establish, without a doubt, their ability to fulfil their engagements. Much more might be written to illustrate the connection of life assurance doctrines with co-operative industrial associations, investment of savings, freehold land and building societies, and their adaptability for the better regulation and security of friendly societies; and lastly, it' may be predicted that a time may arrive, when it will be considered a national duty to enforce a tax upon the whole population, to meet the social miseries arising from improvidence, sickness, accidents, sudden and un- expected emergency into the less favoured ranks of life ; rather than submit to the inequalities and unfairness of compulsory rates on the property and industry of a few. The poor rates are a burden upon the industrial energies of the middle class, and fail in their object ; for, neither in theory nor in practice will they keep large numbers of people from destitution, even in this rich country. Men should legally endow themselves ; for, just as security is the foundation of civilisation in a state, the adoption of measures by individuals to mitigate the effects of prospective misfortune, is the best foundation of social pros- perity. 281 THE HEW ELECTROMAGNETIC MACHINES. HE able disquisition upon the conversion of motive force into electro-magnetism made by Mr. Wilde in his paper last year before the Royal Society, gave an additional impetus to other electricians to make advances in the same direction, and both Mr. C. W. Siemens and Professor Wheatstone have since described original views and exhibited models of machines constructed upon their respective principles. Mr. Ladd, too, the eminent philosophical instrument maker, of Beak Street, also produced before the Royal Society, in a practical model, a long-conceived idea of his assistant, Mr. Tisley, a few evenings after the exhibition, at the president’s soiree, of the magnificent 10-inch machine of Mr. Wilde’s. Mr. Ladd has now a larger machine of two-horse power at the Paris Exhibition ; and at the recent soiree of the Civil Engineers there was at work one of Mr. Siemens’ beacon apparatus for flashing lights. Of all these plans, however, Mr. Wilde’s is the only one that has been practically put to the test on the large scale. We therefore begin our review with a description of that magnifi- cent machine we have had the opportunity of seeing develop such a torrent of electrical force. Whether this force be utilised in its intensity as light, or its quactity used as a heating power, what Mr. Wilde has shown causes the strongest convictions to arise in the mind that electricity generated by engine power will be amongst the practical operations of future industry, and will take a rank no one has hitherto conceived. We are all of us familiar with the electric light as supplied by the currents from various kinds of voltaic batteries in which chemical action gives rise to a continuous flow of electrical force. All of us, too, are familiar with the conversion of magnetism through its intensification in the induction-coil into luminous electric sparks. And, finally, very few indeed there must be who did not see Mr. Holmes’ magneto -electric light in the Great International Exhibition of 1862, in which the currents were gained from numerous keepers set on the periphery of a large wheel passing between the poles of a corresponding circle of By S. J. MACK1E. 282 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. fixed magnets. This fine light had before then sent its piercing rays for a considerable period across the English Channel, and its bright beams, projected from the lighthouse of Dungeness, had been the admiration of so many gazers on the shores of France. Mr. Holmes’ revolving wheel was a somewhat cum- brous way of getting the electric power, and some important modifications of this means have been made in France. After some years Mr. Wilde struck out a plan more powerful and less liable to derangement, and which, though ponderous as a machine, is far more compact than its predecessors. His principle is in one sense the reverse of Mr. Holmes’. Instead of an army of small keepers revolving against a circle of batteries of small magnets, he causes one gigantic keeper to revolve inside a huge electro-magnet — a revolving canal draining a saturated mountain — kept at the point of saturation by a separate charging battery of permanent magnets. The action and power of Mr. Wilde’s machine will be best understood by a general description of its parts and their separate and combined actions. The main and most prominent portion, that which not only does the most work but most attracts the eye by its massive dimensions, is the electro-magnet ( u , x , u). This consists of two vertical plates (u, u) of rolled iron, 4 feet in length and 3 feet 3 inches wide; in thickness 1^ inches. Each of these is coiled with 4,800 feet of insulated cable of 13 strands of copper wire 0T25 inch in diameter ( t , t), the total weight of the coils being over 1 \ tons. Instead of the soft iron core being turned over in an arch, as in the common smaller horse- shoe magnets, these two flat sides are connected together at the top by an iron slab or hollow bridge ( x , x), 1 foot 4 inches across. At the base of the electro-magnet and upon which its massive sides are secured, is the magnet-cylinder ( b ' b', c' c'), con- sisting of two large cast-iron segments ( b ' b' and c' c ') magneti- cally separated in their entire length by intermediate mechanical connections of brass ( d ' d'), which form with them one cylindrical case in the bore of which the enormous Siemens’ armature (s' s s' s'), 10 inches in diameter, is made to revolve. Upon the top of this powerful electro-magnet is stationed a battery (a) of 20 permanent magnets, each of which is capable of sustaining a weight of 20 lbs. The magnet-cylinder for this adjunct is formed in the like manner of two segments of cast-iron (6) mechanically joined by blocks of brass ( d , d), which metal not being a magnetic conductor effectually insulates the two iron segments, whilst it combines those two separate parts into one entire piece of machinery. The armature (g) which revolves within this magnet- cylinder is 3-| inches in diameter, and is wound round longitudinally about an iron core by 80 feet of covered copper wire. Such is the machine. Now the object of its action is to Dynamic Magneto-Electric Machines THE HEW ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MACHINES. 283 change common dynamic or motive power into electricity. To this end a steam-engine of 15-horse power is employed to drive, by means of leather bands, the armatures of the magneto- electric (a) and electro-magnetic (x, d) portions. The armature (i g ) is the first or magneto-electric machine ( a ) ; is driven at the rate of 2,000 revolutions per minute ; and as both portions of the armature are thus presented to the poles of the magnetic battery during each revolution, 4,000 waves of electricity are transmitted per minute to the steel studs of the great electro-magnet ( x , w, u) exciting it to intense action and keeping it constantly highly charged with magnetic influence. Whilst so excited its huge armature revolves with the rapidity of 1,500 revolutions per minute, thus supplying 3,000 waves of electrical force for any required practical purpose, such as the maintenance of a powerful light, or the heating of metal bars or wire, or the ex- ercise of magnetic attraction, this great electro -magnet being capable under the last condition of sustaining a weight of 50 tons. The armatures used in this electro-magnetic portion measure 52 inches in length and are of two kinds, one for intensity, used in the production of light, the other for quantity, used for the production of heat. The intensity-armature is wound round with 376 feet of insulated cable of 13 strands of covered wire the same as that wound round the electro -magnet itself ; the quantity-armature has an insulated conductor composed of 4 plates of copper, each 67 feet in length, 6 inches wide, and j^th of an inch in thickness, superposed in metallic contact. The weight of the armature-intensity coils is 232 lbs. ; that of the insulated plates in the quantity-armature 344 lbs., and its total weight more than a quarter of a ton. The principle developed by Mr. Wilde is that by charging the large electro-magnet by means of the magneto-electric battery with as nearly as possible the quantity of magnetism it is capable of imbibing, and by means of this adjunct maintaining constantly this full charge, the maxi- mum electrical current can be drawn off by the Siemens’ arma- ture (s' s') from the electro-magnet* ( x , u, u ). The increase of power so obtained is continuously as far greater than that which is obtainable from revolving the same armature in an uncharged or partially charged magnet as the cube of the saturation is to the cube of the residual magnetism naturally contained in the iron of the magnet. The experiments performed with Mr. Wilde’s large machine, during the time it was stationed in the lower library of the Eoyal Society, were most interesting and marvellous, although necessarily they were restricted in variety by the absence of auxiliary philosophical apparatus of anything like sufficient size or capacity for receiving such an unrivalled stream of electrical force, and consequently the chief display of its powers consisted 284 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. in developing its powerful light, and in the heating and fusing of bars and wires of various lengths of different metals. This light as shown in the library presented most remarkable features, and was strong enough to make itself powerfully supreme over the brighest daylight of that period of the year — February. It was generated from stout carbon points over a foot in length, and half an inch square ; and when concentrated by a polished reflector, a beam of white light, 2 feet in diameter, issued forth glittering upon every object in its gradually widening path with more than the brilliancy of sunshine. Around the white central beam was an outer cylinder of bluish light, within the region of which, blue, violet, and mauve coloured ribbons and dresses ex- hibited the like exquisite intensification of hue as when under the rich rays of magnesium. Only one feature in the light was even seemingly at all objectionable, and this was a certain exceedingly rapid flicker ; but scarcely noticeable when the back was turned upon the source. This flicker is, however, peculiar only to this particular machine, and is not observable in the smaller 7-inch or 5-inch machines which have been made by Mr. Wilde ; it could be overcome in the present one by an acceleration of the speed of the armature from 1,500 to 2,000 revolutions per minute, or by the use of a commutator to send the electrical currents in one direction. In no way is it a defect, for when the light is diffused out of doors, this tremu- lousness is not perceptible at a short distance away; as for example, when it was displayed from the top of Burlington House, the flicker was not noticeable at the gateway of the court-yard, where at night I distinctly read the small brevier print of one of the popular sixpenny editions of Cooper’s u Water- Witch,” and obtained distinctly the shadow of the flame of a lucifer-match on the back of my invitation card. The reason for not using a commutator, is that something of the force of the current would be lost ; opposite currents are therefore allowed to alternate at the carbon points with immense rapidity, and what we really see in the flicker of the light is the flash, first of a current downward from above, and then the flash upwards of a current from below. These reversals, accomplished 3,000 times a minute, are appreciable by the optic nerves, but at 4,000 times would not be so. It is, however, no defect, as we have said, in the penetration, volume, or practical value of the marvellous beam. It was also wonderful to see the actual flames dashing out around the incandescent points of the carbons. The spectrum of the arc of light between the carbons (which were kept by a Dubosq lamp within less than a quarter of an inch of each other), as seen through a Browning’s direct vision spectroscope, was most gorgeous, the lines of burning iron, sodium, and other impurities in the carbons coming out with the THE NEW ELECTRO-MAaNETIC MACHINES. 285 greatest brilliancy, as also did a splendid bluish line far in the violet portion, and probably due to the incandescence of the nitrogen of the air. When the carbons were placed horizontally between the actual terminals of the machine, without any reflector whatever, the light was diffused all over the room with the most agreeable softness, nothwith standing its intensity, and a modification of some such natural method would appear to be an excellent one for illuminating large squares and other public open spaces. Even in broad daylight Mr. Wilde’s electric light had the power of throwing the distinct and beautiful shadow of a burning wax candle on a screen upon the wall 50 feet distant, marking out with exquisite perfection the gaseous core of the flame, bordered by a bright outline of the section of the flame itself, whilst the small inner flame, at the extreme point of the wick, was also shown in darker shadow, outlined with a fainter line of light. It cast the shadow of the flame of burning magnesium as black as night upon a wall eight feet distant, an evidence unmistakeable of the superior intensity of the electric beam, for supposing the shadow to have been that of dense fumes within the flame, it must not be forgotten that one side of the magnesium fire was still throwing all its powerful rays upon the screen over its own shadow, produced by the more distant electric light. The heating power of the machine was shown by the fusion of a bar of iron, 15 inches in length, and more than a quarter of an inch thick ; whilst upwards of 7 feet of ordinary iron wire, such as is used for the fencing of fields, was brought to white- ness, and along its entire length tears of molten metal trickled fast and freely down, until the attenuated wire broke, and fell upon the floor. The most marvellous exhibition, however, was the actual fusion of a bar of platinum, 18 inches in length, and 0*21 inch in diameter. The high temperature at which platinum can only be melted is very well known. Indeed, it is by the oxy-hydrogen blast alone that platinum can be commercially prepared. A bar of platinum, 030 in diameter, was afterwards fixed to the terminals, 9 inches apart, and maintained for a short period at incandescent whiteness, but fusion was not allowed to take place, the platinum being rather too expensive a material to play freely with. The bar thus experimented upon was in value about £25. Of the effect of the current from Mr. Wilde’s machine when sent through an induction-coil, some indication was given in the effects produced upon a large instrument which had been prepared by Mr. Ladd for a smaller electro-magnetic machine. This coil consisted of four miles of No. 27 copper wire, 286 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. 0*017 inch diameter, the usual wire for ordinary large coils being No. 35, diameter 0’008 inch. The current from the intensity-armature of Mr. Wilde’s machine was sent through the primary wire, the induction current being then shown across the points without any condenser being used. The current was sent from the big armature for a few seconds only, Mr. Ladd being naturally afraid of damage to his instrument. The re- sult was a perfect arc of flame which, if measured in its full high bend, would be at least 4 inches, the carbon points attached to the terminals being 2 inches asunder. When a platinum break was used with this coil for but an instant, the combustion was so great that with about a dozen flashes it so fused the ends of the platinum rods as to make the distilled water in which they were immersed like ink with the solution of the metal. Mr. Wilde’s magnificent machine is a practically accomplished fact, and we are glad to know that a 7 -inch apparatus is about to be set to work for the Commissioners of Northern Light- houses. We have next to consider the several other important models and propositions. The first of these is the proposal by Mr. Siemens to take the electrical force direct from the electro- magnet without any previous separate charging by a distinct magneto-electric machine. Mr. Siemens has found that after imparting the slightest magnetism to an electro-magnet — and there is always sufficient residual magnetism for the purpose — the armature can be made to intensify it and to impart at each revolution a higher charge to the magnet, thus absorbing at each turn more and more magnetism and returning a more and more intensified current into the magnet, causing in this way, by its own action, an incessant augmentation of force until the power of the magnet would become sufficient to arrest the action of the machine by overpowering the force employed to drive it, or by heating the coil around it to a degree that would injure the insulating cover of the wire. Mr. Siemens’ machine consists of a battery of electro-magnets, within which a coiled armature is rapidly rotated in the same way as within Mr. Wilde’s large electro -magnet, the difference in the two machines being that Mr. Siemens’ periodically and alternately charges and discharges the accumulated magnetism, whilst Mr. Wilde continuously withdraws the full electric force from his electro-magnet and as constantly refurnishes the electro- magnet with electricity by a separate magnetic machine acting independently but simultaneously. Mr. Siemens proposes to utilise his invention by conveying the current from the machine ashore by a submarine cable to beacons and light-vessels afloat, on board which it will be accumulated and intensified in a suitable induction-coil. A keeper attached to one end of a THE NEW ELECTKO-MAGNETIC MACHINES. 287 lever is balanced at the other end by a heavy weight. When the induction-coil is fully charged, its magnetic attraction will drawdown the keeper, and the contact of a platinum point with a cup of mercury is broken at the opposite end of the lever, a bright flash being emitted. The accumulation of electricity again goes on in the induction-coil until the keeper end of the lever is again depressed, contact broken at the opposite weighted end, and the flash repeated ; and so on continuously. By means of clock-work arrangement, and an excentric plate • dipping periodically into the mercury contact, the transmission of the current from the land machine can be delayed for definite intervals, and by such periods, combined with the intermittent flashes, the beacon can be made to optically speak its name in unmistakable terms and to convey its needed warning to every mariner. The commissioners of Northern Lights and some of the authorities connected with the Southern Lights have already entertained the project. Professor Wheatstone has also proposed a similar method for the direct conversion of dynamical into electrical force founded on the like gradual augmentation of the slightest polarity into a powerful magnet. The construction of Mr. Wheatstone’s model is this. The case of the electro-magnet is a plate of soft iron 15 inches in length and half an inch in breadth bent into a horse-shoe form and coiled round by 640 feet of insulated copper (-jL-th inch) wire. Within it is a rotating Siemens arma- ture 8J inches long, coiled longitudinally with 80 feet of wire like that on the electro-magnet. Professor Wheatstone shows the existence of an energetic current by heating 4 inches of platinum wire *0067 inch diameter. This heating power is obtained by making a short circuit through the wire and is temporarily of great intensity but quickly subsides; and a current can then only be maintained equal to keeping one inch of the wire at a red heat. Mr. Ladd’s first model consisted of two plates of soft iron (A, B) about 7^ inches in length, 2J inches in breadth, and \ inch thick, placed horizontally, with a Siemens rotating arma- ture between them at each end (EE, HH). Over each of these plates about 30 yards of insulating wire (No. 10) is coiled [kkk k). The armature at one end ( h h) acts in connection with a magnet or piece of soft iron, having a slight quantity of residual magnetism. The current from this armature charges the electro-magnet (ab). The second armature (ee) at the other end of the electro-magnet takes off the electricity which is conveyed by copper wires to two fixed terminals (s s), whence it is applied to the practical purpose required. The power of this little model is very great, and sufficient to maintain three inches of platinum wire (*01 inch diameter) at a white heat. VOL. vi. — NO. XXIV. Y 288 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. A valuable suggestion has been made by Mr. Tisley for eoiling the armature rotating within an electro-magnet with two distinct wires so arranged that the terminals of one being in connection with the electro-magnet supplies a current to charge it whilst a current is carried off by the other wire to do the practical work required of the machine. The machine in the Paris Exhibition has two armatures measuring 12 in. long 2^ in. diameter; when arranged for quantity, it will give 250 cubic centimetres of mixed gases per minute. It has melted 18 in. of platinum wire 1 millimetre thick, and will maintain 4 feet 6 inches of wire 0*01 diameter persistently at white heat. In these machines the conversion of the dynamical or driving power is direct and seemingly suffers comparatively but very little loss, and this feature is well shown in the sensitive fluctua- tions of the incandescence of the platinum wire between the terminals in consonance with the variations of the speed. The final success amongst all these various and future plans will be in favour of that which will yield the most economic utilization of the primary dynamical power, and that will do this without inconvenience or delay from the swelling of the arma- tures, heated by the magnetic friction when rapidly rotated. The charge sent into the electro-magnet must almost be con- trolled within proper proportions, otherwise there will be a gain of resistance that will accumulate in the machine until it equals or overcomes the motive power. Something has been already done in this last direction by the magnetic shutter, pro- posed by Mr. Tisley and which being proportionately slid over the ends of the plates ( k 1c) partially cuts off the magnetism acting upon the generating armature, at the same time that it gives improved effect in the armature for external work by completing the horse-shoe form of the magnet. In this way the power to work it can be regulated from two men to two horses, the total result produced of course depending upon the power primarily applied. These practical electrical subjects are already deeply occupying men’s minds, and their pursuit must bring forth good fruit. In a few years, perhaps sooner, it will be our duty again to come forward to describe other new electrical machines. Botany of a Coal Mine THE BOTANY OF A COAL MINE. By WILLLAM CABEUTHEKS, F.L.S. IT is the practice to speak of the known plants of a particular geological period as a Flora, but the use of the word is apt to convey a very erroneous impression of the extent of our acquaintance with the plants that actually existed during the time that the rocks of the period were being deposited. No stranger would venture to designate the description of a hundred of our more common plants, collected during a visit of a few hours to our shores, as a “ British Flora.” He may have diligently employed his opportunities, and collected an unusually large number of species in the short time at his command, but at the best they would only be contributions to the greater work. One expects to find in a Flora some approach to a description of all the species found in the country. The list of plants which constitute the Coal Flora has been considered as giving a fair representation of the vegetation of that period, but a little reflection will convince us, that from the nature of the case only a small proportion of the plants then flourishing could have withstood the numerous agencies which produced their destruction. The chief of these agencies was water. The roof shales, in which have been preserved the great propor- tion of the determinable remains of the plants, were mud deposits, and the water which deposited this mud must have saturated the loose vegetable matter below. Water speedily breaks up and destroys vegetable tissues, reducing them in the end to an amorphous pulp. Lindley has by experiment shown that all plants do not yield in an equal degree to this influence. He placed 177 specimens belonging to various natural orders into a vessel of fresh water. At the end of two years 121 had entirely disappeared, and of the 56 that remained, the most perfect specimens were those of Coniferse, Palms, Ferns, and Lycopodiaceas. It follows then, that a varied vegetation placed in the conditions under which the coal beds were formed would leave no recognisable remains, while they nevertheless might contribute greatly to the amorphous coal mass itself. The record of the Flora of the coal measures is further 290 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. rendered defective, by the limited extent to which even those plants that are preserved in the rocks have been examined hy man. And if this is true of the carboniferous period, it is much more so of all the other life systems, whose only records are to be found in the crust of the earth, for the economic value of the plant products of this period have brought under observation a larger proportion of their remains than of those of any, we may almost say, of all the other geological epochs. Yet, how little of the 100,000 tons of coal annually brought to the surface in Britain, is ever scanned by the palaeontologist. It is often the merest accident that has led to the discovery of a new form, as for instance, fine and rare specimens have sometimes been disclosed by the splitting of the coal, when it was being con- sumed, and have been saved from destruction by the accidental glance of an educated eye. But, while the coal is brought to view, and a chance is given to examine its contents, the shales which contain the more perfect remains are left by the collier to form a secure roof to his mine. No less than 300 species of plants have been described from the rocks of the Coal period in Britain. Many of these are, however, established on imperfect materials. The specimens are so fragmentary that it is difficult to determine the various portions that belong to the same plant. The root is rarely connected with the stem, the stem with the branches, or the branches with the leaves or fruit ; consequently all these parts have been referred to different genera, and have received different names. With increased materials, and additional observations, the means are occasionally turning up, which enable us to reduce some of these genera, and while new forms are being described, the tendency of modern research is rather to decrease the number of genera and species. We shall have to adduce abundant evidence of this* in the course of our paper. Eliminating, as far as possible, the genera that have been thus erroneously founded on imperfect materials, it is remarkable to what a small number of forms the plants of the coal measures may be reduced. Ferns, and the fossils to which the generic names of Sigillaria , Lepidodendron, Catamites, and Dadoxylon , have been given, comprise almost the whole of the known Flora. Nearly half of the species described are ferns, but they do not seem to have contributed to any great extent to the formation of coal ; for while their vascular tissue does not easily decom- pose, their remains are extremely rare in coal, and they are chiefly known from the occurrence of their fronds in the roof shales. Two or three arborescent ferns have been' observed, but the great majority seem to have been herbaceous plants, which flourished on the margins of the lakes that covered the THE BOTANY OF A COAL MINE. 291 submerged forests, or on the banks of the rivers that brought down the mud in which they are preserved. The vascular tissues found in the coal, or seen in the film of charcoal, or so-cafled “ mother-coal,” that separates the coal into layers parallel to the surface of the seam, belong all to one or other of the genera mentioned. The absence of foliage, and of cellular plants might have been expected from the experiments of Professor Lindley, to which we have alluded. Many deposits of peat are composed almost entirely of cellular plants, and as the moist atmosphere, which necessarily prevailed in the extensive forests that covered the great areas now forming the coal fields of the Old and New Worlds, was specially fitted for the luxuriant growth of cellular parasites, such as lichens and mosses, it is probable that these simpler forms greatly helped to make up the amorphous substance of the coal. We could not expect the structure or forms of these to be preserved. The only cellular plants of the coal measures — species of polyporous fungi — have been shown by Mr. Binney to be the thick ganoid scales of a fish. Parasites having a higher position in the vegetable kingdom than cryptogams may have flourished on the trees of the carboniferous forests — parasites analogous to the orchids and aroids of tropical forests. A confirmation of this opinion may be found in the only certain specimen of an angiospermatous phanerogam which has been found in the coal measures, and which from its resemblance to the inflorescence of some recent Aroidese its discoverer Dr. Patterson named Pothocites. In examining the principal forms of the Coal Flora we need do little more than refer to the ferns. Not only do the fossil species obviously belong to this order, blit some of the forms do not apparently differ from genera now living. The fructification, when it is present, the venation, and the few specimens in which the circinnate venation has been preserved, show that in their structure and economy the palseozoic species agreed with their modern representatives. The chief difficulty that besets this study is the almost invariable absence of the fructification, upon which the modern classification of the order is chiefly based. Brongniart has employed the venation, and in the absence of fruit the best characters are to be obtained from it ; but the examination of a large series of recent species shows, that many forms widely separated systematically, have similar venation. The general outline of the frond has also been used for obtain- ing specific characteristics, but among living forms a great variety in this respect occurs. It is probable that on account of errors from the necessarily unsatisfactory materials for classi- fication, the number of species has been greatly overestimated. 292 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. and on the other hand that some really different plants have been united under a single species. • The plants which have contributed most largely to the formation of the coal, are those included in the genus Sigillaria. Their fluted trunks and tuberculated roots are among’ the first fossils that a student observes in a visit to a coal field. The roots ( Stigmaria ) were long a puzzle to botanists. They were observed to proceed from a large central and apparently perfect 66 cup or dome,” and, dichotomously dividing, they extended to a great distance in the shale in which they were preserved in a singularly perfect condition. Lindley and Hutton, after examining several perfect specimens, as they supposed, during the progress of their “ Fossil Flora,” gave up their original opinion, that it was a prostrate land plant, and considered it in the end, as a huge aquatic plant, growing on the soft mud at the bottom of still lakes. Brongniart, from a consideration of the structures of the two genera, suggested that Stigmaria might be the root of Sigillaria ; but the first step to a positive determination of the true nature of the plant was made by Sir William Logan, when he observed in the South Wales coalfield that every bed of coal rested on a layer of under clay, which was full of Stigmaria , and the relation suggested by Brongniart was established by Mr. Binney, who traced the connection between the sigillarian trunk and the stigmarian roots in a quarry at St. Helen’s, in 1843. The supposed leaves which are given off by the roots through- out their whole course and from every portion of their circum- ference, are rootlets composed entirely of cellular tissue, except a slender bundle of vessels which passes through them. These rootlets have been traced to a length of twenty feet. Although specimens of Sigillaria are so abundant, they are so imperfect that less is known of this genus than of almost any of the other coal plants. It is doubtful whether the trunk was simple or branched, and whether the foliage was composed of linear leaves or fernlike fronds, and nothing whatever is known of its fructification. It is consequently not to be wondered at that very different notions have been entertained of its systematic position. By Lindley and Hutton, and by Cordau, it was re- ferred to Euphorbiacece , by Schlotheim to palms, by von Martius to Cacti , by Sternberg to ferns, by Brongniart to a position in- termediate between Lycopodiacece and Cycadece , by Hooker to Lycopodiacece , by Dawson to Cycadece , and lastly, Groeppert who has spent a long life in the study of fossil plants, writes, within the last few months, that its true position has not yet been determined. Both Brongniart and Binney have described the internal structure of supposed species of Sigillaria , but the external THE BOTANY OF A COAL MINE. 293 markings, which are the only characters by which Sigillaria and Lepiclodendron can be separated, show that the fossils so de- scribed were nearer to, if not genuine species of, the latter genus. In the absence, however, of stems showing structure, several specimens of Stigmaria have been found in which the various tissues have been preserved. In a beautiful series forming part of the collection of the late Eobert Brown, I have traced the various parts. The axis was composed of elongated scalariform cells. Around this was a compact cylinder of scalariform vessels, perforated by bundles, which passed to the rootlets, but without any trace of medullary rays. This was surrounded by a con- siderable mass of cellular tissue, forming the great bulk of the root, through which passed the bundles to the rootlets. The scalariform tissue and the absence of medullary rays are of importance in estimating the systematic position of the fossil, and these both clearly point to its being a true cryptogam. As the structure of Stigmaria agrees with what is known of the stems of species described as Sigillaria elegans , S. vascularis , Lepiclodendron Harcourtii , &c., there can be no doubt that it exhibits the true structure of Sigillaria itself. It is true that Dawson refers to this genus a stem composed chiefly of disc- bearing woody fibre, but it is not evident from either the drawing or description, that this remarkable stem really belonged to Sigillaria ; and it differs so much from the known structure of the roots as well as of the allied forms named that we hesitate to place it there. The medullary rays described and figured by Brongniart have not been seen in any other specimen, and an examination of his beautiful drawings convinces me that the interspaces between the vascular tissue, which he has described as medullar}^ rays, are accidentally produced by the splitting up of the tissues. He found no indications of the walls of the medullary cells, which would certainly have been apparent in a fossil so perfectly preserved as his Sigillaria elegans . All that is certainly known of Sigillaria , tends to establish the opinion advanced by Hooker, that it is allied to Lepido- dendron , and consequently belongs like that fossil, as we shall presently see, to the order Lycopodiacece. The extent of our acquaintance with Lepiclodendron is in singular contrast with what we know of Sigillaria. The only part of the plant about which there is the least uncertainty is the root. The stem, branches, foliage and fruit are all well known. Lepiclodendron was a branching tree of considerable size. It is distinguished from the other genera of coal plants by the lozenge-shaped leaf scars being arranged spirally on the stem. The axis of the stem (pi. xvi. fig. 12) is composed of elongated utricles of various sizes, irregularly arranged, and having thin 294 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. walls marked with scalariform bars. This is so different a structure from the pith of a dicotyledon that it can only be compared to it from occupying the same position in the stem. It is surrounded by a compact cylinder consisting of long sca- lariform vessels, which somewhat increase in size from the inner margin to the outer, this increase being sufficient to meet the requirements of the enlarged circumference, with the addition of only a few series of vessels. As there is no true medullary cellular tissue in the axis, so there are no medullary rays passing through the woody cylinder ; it is however penetrated by the vascular bundles which supply the leaves which have been mistaken for or misnamed medullary rays. The woody cy- linder is surrounded by a great thickness of cellular tissue, which extends to the exterior of the stem and is composed of three distinct and separable layers. The inner zone has never, as far as I know, been perfectly preserved in any specimen, yet traces of it may be occasionally seen. Its absence arises from its extremely delicate structure. The cells of the middle zone have thicker walls, and have consequently more frequently resisted decomposition before fossilisation made them permanent. In the outer zone the cells are very much lengthened, and have a smaller diameter, resembling very closely true woody fibre. The cell walls of the three zones are without markings of any kind. The vascular bundles which pass through the woody cylinder traverse these cellular layers to the leaves and branches. Each bundle consists of scalariform vessels very much finer than those of the wood of the stem, surrounded by elongated cells like those of the outer zone, and probably still further by a delicate parenchyma, which disappeared before it was fossilised. The only evidence I have of the existence of this cellular tissue is that the bundles never fill the cavities in the tissues of the stem through which they pass. The vascular bundles terminate in the points seen on the areoles of the stem, which are the scars of the bases of the leaves. The woody cylinder is of different thicknesses in different stems, and appears to have increased with the growth of the tree; there is however no indication of interruption in the growth or of seasonal layers ; but the whole cylinder could not have been developed at the same time. It is very probable that the zone of slender and consequently rarely preserved cellular tissue which surrounded the woody cylinder was analo- gous in its functions to the cambium layer of phanerogamous stems, like a similar structure which occurs in recent Lyco- podiaceoe. The leaves were simple, lanceolate, acute and sessile. They had a single median nerve. The younger branches were THE BOTANY OF A COAL MINE. 295 densely covered with leaves ; and the scars left on the trunk after they perished give the beautiful markings by which the different species are distinguished. The leaves when found separately are called Lepidophylla. The fruit was a strobilus ( Lepidostrobus ) (pi. xvi. fig. 1) formed from a shortened branch, the leaves of which are converted into scales that support on their upper surface a single large sporangium (fig. 4), which appears to contain both macrospores (fig. 5) and microspores. These sporiferous strobili can scarcely be distinguished in general appearance and arrangement of parts from those of some recent Lycopodiacece , except in the great difference of size, but their containing two kinds of spores indicates an affi- nity rather with Rhizocarpece. Another cone (Flemingites, fig. 2), having the same external appearance, occurs in the coal measures though it has not yet been found connected with any supporting plant. Its sporangia (fig. 3) occur in enormous quantity in many coals, and the tree on which it was borne — probably one of the lepidendroid forms — must have been very abundant, and contributed largely to the formation of coal. It differed from Lepidodendron in having- numerous small sporangia supported on each scale. The structure of the stem also confirms the near affinity of 'Lepidodendron to our living vascular cryptogams. In general arrangement of parts they agree indeed more with Gycadece , and thus appear to support the views of Dawson in regard to Sigil- laria , but the minute structure of the vascular tissue and the absence of medullary rays are much more important characters than the modifications in the arrangement of the constituent parts of the stem, which is often very different in the same order of plants. A comparison of the fossil arborescent trunk with the slender stem of a modern lycopod shows that the prin- cipal differences are the existence of a pseudo-medulla, and the arrangement of the vascular tissue as a solid cylinder in the fossil genus as against the central position and loose structure of the vascular tissue in the recent plant. In both the recent and fossil stems the vascular tissues are surrounded by a zone of thin walled cells, which has disappeared in all the dried speci- mens of Lycopodium I have examined, leaving the axis free, and which, as we have seen, is very rarely preserved in Lepido- dendron. Perhaps more genera have been established for the different parts of Catamites than for the fragments of any other fossil genus. The stem has been described as Catamites , Calamitea , and Catamodendron ; the foliage as Aster ophyllites, Annu- laria , Hippurites and Sphenophyllum , and the fruit as Volk mannia, Aphyllostachys , Huttonia , &c. 296 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. The axis of the stem of Catamites (pi. xvi. fig. 13) was com- posed of cellular tissue, and this was surrounded by a solid cylinder of wood entirely composed of scalariform vessels, and without any trace of medullary rays. The vascular tissue was developed from a series of equidistant points near the circum- ference of the cellular tissue, and grew outwards and laterally until they united in a continuous cylinder fluted on the inner surface and with the flutings filled with the cellular tissue of the axis. A similar structure exists in the arborescent stems of some species of Cactus . There were constrictions at regular intervals in the woody cylinder, as in some recent Avtocarpece, The wood was covered by a thin epidermal layer of parenchyma, which is less seldom preserved than the cellular structure of the axis. The stem somewhat rapidly contracted at the base, the nodes shortening, and giving off long cylindrical roots which spread laterally through the soil. The main stem was simple, but at intervals gave off whorls of slender branches, and these again bore branches or leaves also arranged in whorls. The leaves were capillary (Astero- phy llites ) linear-lanceolate ( Annularia , and Hippurites ) or cuneate ( Sphenophyllum ) and each whorl contained, in different species, from five to twenty leaves. The fruit was a strobilus (fig. 7) composed of whorls of scales alternating with and protecting whorls of peltate leaves, which supported the sporangia (fig. 4). The spores were simple and not compound as in Lepidostrobus. Various opinions have been entertained regarding the sys- tematic position of Catamites . It was originally supposed that they were huge Equisetacece , from the jointed and fluted stems. But these characters, which have been always described as external, are really on the interior of the woody cylinder. Catamites occur fossil either as cylinders of coal, the empty cellular core filled with sand, clay, or other foreign substance, or more frequently as flattened stems with more or less foreign matter in the interior, or more rarely preserved in calcareous or ironstone nodules and preserving to some extent the original structure. When the plants were destroyed the cellular axis speedily disappeared, and the woody cylinder alone formed the layer of coal. The cast of the interior, which in time became harder than the vascular tissues of the stem, acted upon as it was by the water that saturated the deposit, resisted more success- fully the pressure of the superincumbent deposits which in compressing the stem produced on its outer surface a counter- part of the furrows and constrictions of the internal cast. The outer surface of the stem was entirely free from these markings, so that the affinity to Equisetece derived from them is valueless. THE BOTANY OF A COAL MINE. 297 Is is singular however, to find that after being referred by some to Grymnosperms, and by others placed among the incertce sedis, the structure of the fruit shows that they really belong to the family to which at first, though on false observation, they had been referred. The stem, which as in Lepidodendron and Sigillaria in respect of their modern representatives, is anomalous when compared with the slender stems of recent equisetums, is yet only such a modification as would be re- quired for arborescent forms of the order. While the remains of Coniferce as distinct and recognisable fossils are rare in the coal measures, the abundance of coniferous structures in the “mother coal” shows that they formed a considerable proportion of the forests which flourished during the Carboniferous period. Large trunks have been found in sandstone beds, and fragments in which the structure is more perfectly preserved, are occasionally met with in nodules in the shale or in the coal itself. These exhibit in transverse section (fig. 10) a large pith, and the annual rings of growth character- istic of perennial exogenous plants ; and when cut parallel to the medullary rays, not only are the cells of the rays distinctly seen, but the disc-bearing tissue which is present in all known Coniferce . The discs occur in several parallel rows, unlike the common conifers of the northern hemisphere, in which they are always in a single series. They have on this account been referred to the araucarian type in the woody structure of which the same arrangement exists. In some specimens, referred to Dadoxylon , the supposed discs are rather reticulations (fig. 9) on the wall of the vessel, without the central pore which is a necessary part of the true disc-bearing tissue. Hooker has further elucidated the affinities of these fossil conifers by de- scribing a Trigonocarpon (fig. 11) which was preserved so as to exhibit structure. He gives satisfactory reasons deduced from its external appearance as well as its internal structure for considering it to be rather a coniferous fruit like the drupe of a Salisburia , than related to palms or cycads as had previously been supposed. He also points out the probability that the species of Noeggerathia described as the fronds of ferns, may have been the foliage of the same trees. So that here, as in Catamites and Lepidodendron , we seem to be able to construct from the scattered fragments this Salisburia-like conifer of the coal measures, finding its trunk in Dadoxylon or Pinites, its pith in Sternbergia , its foliage in Noeggerathia or Cyclopteris , and its fruit in Trigonocarpon ! The small number of genera, and even of species which have contributed to the formation of the beds of coal, is remarkable ; and it is probable that the progress of research will even yet greatly reduce both, but especially the number of species. The 298 POrULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. characters by which the different stems are distinguished are derived from variations in the arrangement and forms of the scars produced by the bases of the leaves. In recent tree ferns these vary in different parts of the same stem, and this may be expected to have been the case in the coal plants ; and, indeed, Binney and Hooker have noticed the scars on which have been founded four species of Sigillaria existing on a single stem. The paucity of specific and generic forms reminds one of the extensive native forests of conifers, in the northern hemisphere, which consist of a very few, sometimes as in the Wellingtonia groves of only a single species, but the conditions under which they grew were very different. They covered extensive plains, growing on a wet, clayey soil. The temperature was not neces- sarily very high, nor the composition of the air different from what exists at present. The growth and decay of the forests were very rapid, and the changes indicated by the succession of coal, shale, and sandstone more speedily followed each other than one would at first suppose. Binney has observed an erect coniferous stem which has deposited around it some thickness of sandstone, a layer of under clay, a bed of coal, another of shale, and other successive deposits, all which were formed while it was a growing tree. Such a series of rapid changes, not pro- duced by violent volcanic agency, is unknown in the present day. Both physically and botanically the coal measures pre- sent many remarkable problems to the naturalist. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVI. Fig. V V 1. 2. Q O. if 4. 5. 6. v V V V V 1) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Strobilus of Lepidodendron. — Natural size. Two scales and sporangia of Flemingites. — Natural size. Single sporangium of ditto, showing the triradiate base. — Magnified. Two scales and sporangia of Lepidodendron. — Natural size. Spores of ditto. — Magnified. Section of Strobilus of Calamites showing the scales and the peltate scales, with sporangia. — Magnified. Strobilus of Calamites. — Natural size. Scalariform tissue from Lepidodendron. — Magnified. Reticulations on the woody fibre of JDadoxylon. — Magnified. Restored stem of Dadoxylon , with its large pith. — (Stembergia.) Trigonocarpon. — Natural size. Restored stem of Lepidodendron. ,, ,, Calamites. 299 REVIEWS. A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE.* TWO years ago the first issue of Dr. Brande’s Dictionary was commenced. The work is now completed, and we only wish we could add complete also. The general reader who looks at the long list of contributors to the Dictionary must feel satisfied that all that could he done to render the work perfect has been effected. When he finds that the various departments have been presided over by such distinguished authorities as Professor Owen, Dr. Frankland, Dr. Bindley, and Professor Hirst, he feels confident that no pains have been spared to meet the wants of those who consult a scientific dictionary. But when one conversant with the progress of modern science casts his eye over the pages of Brande’s Dictionary he detects many objectionable features which a careful revision ought to have obliterated. As we stated when noticing the first few numbers of this work, we are not at all satisfied with the manner in which the department of Natural History has been dealt with. This branch is in point of merit far below all others except that of microscopy (if we may use the term), which has practically received no attention whatever. Professor Owen and Mr. Carter Blake are the writers responsible for this division of the Dictionary, and of the labour of these gentlemen we regret to be obliged to speak in anything but com- mendable terms. Whether Professor Owen’s services have been merely nominal, or whether Mr. Blake’s have been executive, it is not for us to offer any opinion. But this we must state injustice to our readers, the natural history sections of the work by no means represent the views of modern zoologists. That our opinion is well founded the zoological reader may at once see for himself, by turning over the leaves of the Dictionary and reading the definitions of those terms which have reference to general Natural History and Physiology. Let us see for example what is stated under the heading of Animal. It is doubtless a very difficult matter to give an unimpeachable definition of an animal, and as this difficulty is appreciated by the zoologist, we should have expected nothing more from a writer than a very general and outlinear expression of the characters which serve to separate the animal from the plant. The writer of the article, however, does not experience the obstacles which most physiologists encounter \ his views, we must con- * “A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art.” Edited by W. T. Brande, D.C.L. F.R.S., and the Rev. G. W. Cox, M.A. In 3 vols. London: Longmans, 1867. 300 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. fess, are, at all events, clear and decided. It would be pleasant if we could say as mucb for their accuracy. Professor Owen or Mr. C. Blake, we know not on whom the paternity of the definition lies, defines the term u animal ” as follows : — “ The name of the higher division or kingdom of organised beings distinguished by endowments of sensation and voluntary motion, superadded to the organic functions which animals possess in common with plants.” The writer having given this cumbersome and valueless explanation, proceeds to deal with the objections which may be urged against it, and to our minds in a very unsatisfactory manner. He says that it might be thought that certain confervse have the power of locomotion, and that in some plants a species of irritability is found, but these faculties in the instances referred to are more imaginary than real. No one, he says, can mistake the locomotion of a vegetable for that of an animal organism ; the notion of vegetable sensation results from a confusion of the terms a irritability ” and u sensation.” Such an ex cathedra denunciation of the observant and discriminating power of those who are too cautious to pronounce at once as to the animality or vegetality of an organism, has a weight of its own, but its force is that of brutum fulmen. Is it possible that the writer can assert for one moment that the locomotion of the sponge — whose animal character is undoubted — is superior to that of the volvox or to that of the diatomacese as pointed out by Schultze P If so we must give up the argument. Then again, when he talks so flippantly about confounding sensation with irritability, can he inform us what exact significance he attaches to either of these terms ? If he can, he will do us a signal service by giving us the information, and he will confer a great boon on Modem Physiology. Of what value is zoological definition when dependent on asserted qualities which he who defines is unable to offer an intelligible account of? How, for instance, can we distinguish irritability from sensation when we know that in the case of a decapitated frog, the so-called property of irritability is to all appearance that of sensa- tion ? Professor Owen smiles at the untutored physiologist who can dream of comparing the movement of the sensitive plant with the motion of an animal, for, says he, u Experiment has shown that the intumescent parts of the mimosa , in which the irritable property is concentrated, move the leaf by an extension of cells and not by a contraction of fibres.” This is plausible enough but it does not stand the test of analysis. How can Professor Owen suppose his li extension of cells ” to take place without con- traction P Surely if the movement of a continuous mass displays extension in one direction it must exhibit contraction in another, unless we suppose — which we cannot in the case in point— that a general expansion as by heat occurs. Moreover we would ask Professor Owen to bear in mind that the so-called contraction of his animal “ fibres ” is attended with a lateral extension. However, if we yield all these objections to the writer’s dogma we still have the important fact that in the movements of the Amoeba, there is no contraction of fibres , for the simple reason that there are no fibres to contract. This one fact is quite sufficient to refute the writer’s argument. The other statements in the article in question are certainly opposed to our belief. We have yet to learn that every animal is provided with i( an internal cavity ” for digestion, as we know that certain species REVIEWS. 301 extemporise a stomach, by, as it were, pushing their food into the substance of their bodies. We were not aware either, that all plants exhaled oxygen, or that all animals gave off carbonic acid ; but it is well even in 1867 to have these hitherto debateable points clearly established. We must, however, raise our voice against the classification which places the Desmidice and Infusoria together as the lowest forms of animal life, and which ranges the former under the sub -kingdom Protozoa. Passing to another branch of the subject we find the Teredo described as “ a worm which enters wood in salt water, and there expands until it has attained the size of a finger.” It is true that this information is given under the head of Boring-worm, but then as the paragraph contains no allusion to the Mollusca, and as the definition of the Teredo in another volume is never referred to, the casual reader of course carries away the valuable instruction that the Teredo is an annulose creature — a very common mistake, and one which a dictionary like Dr. Brande’s should lose no opportunity of correcting. The cirripeds are defined to be “ a class of fixed homogangliate animals,” &c. Now what is the knowledge thus conveyed P the term homogangliate is seldom used now-a-days, and very few people under- stand that it refers to a symmetrical nervous system ; but even assuming this knowledge on their part, how erroneous an idea is conveyed of the history of the Cirripedia, by the statement that they are fixed animals. It is idle to say in excuse that in other paragraphs the fact is conveyed that in their early life these creatures are free. The definitions should have been carefully framed, and not given piece-meal, as disjecta membra , scattered over the 3,000 pages of three large volumes. The ' Ciliograda — a bad term, we admit — is certainly not properly said to be a 11 tribe of Acalephans.” By the term Acalephce the reader understands the functionally independent reproductive bodies of certain of the Hydrozoa, whereas if we mistake not, researches, not of a very recent character either, have determined the affinities of the Beroe and a Cy- dippe to be with the Actinozoa. On the same page on which this paragraph appears we notice one termed ciliary , in which to our utter astonishment we see no allusion whatever to the muscle of the name ; the old word ligament is used, and its attachments are very incorrectly and imperfectly given. Why, we would ask also, is the class JEchinodermata said to be a class of Radiate animals ? Surely enough has been written upon the structure and develop- ment of these interesting animals to show that they should be removed from the Hydra and Actinia, with which they have no more structure in common than a man has with cuttle fish ! Numerous similar examples of what we have alleged could be pointed out, but the few above given are sufficient, ex uno disce omnes. The orthography, too, is frequently very defec- tive, and shows carelessness on the part of the scientific 11 reader ;” of this we have instances, such as saccode for sarcode, Zapadidse for Lepadidce , Pali- nunus for Palinurus. As to the manner in which microscopy has been dealt with, we can only say that little or no attention has been given to the subject. There is an article of about two or three pages upon the general principles of the microscope, but it is obvious that the subject could not have been properly treated in so short a space. Elsewhere, we find one or two references to pieces of microscopic 302 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. apparatus, but the microscopist cannot fail to perceive that his interests have not received any consideration from the editors of the Dictionary. In the conduct of the other departments, we think the gentlemen employed to bring the dictionary up to £he standard of modern science, have discharged their several duties with intelligence and discrimination. The work is a very valuable one in all respects but those to which we have drawn at- tention, but in these it is certainly u behind the time,” and we cannot but regret that such a circumstance should exist to mar the usefulness of so admirably conceived a plan. ICELAND.* THIS work is the account of a tour made in exploration of the north-west peninsula of Iceland and the Yatna Jokul, and it would doubtless interest those of our readers who are of an exploring turn and are at a loss for a country in which adventure may be combined with a sufficient amount of danger to make it piquant and attractive. One of the author’s objects was to investigate the ornithology of the island, and he has to a certain extent carried it out successfully. The bulk of the volume is occupied by the details of the trip. This is usual in books of travel, but for what earthly reason it is so, we cannot divine. We doubt if any one ever cares to wade through this part of a book. It is very tedious to read on page after page through a volume, and learn nothing except the number of eggs eaten by the author at his breakfast, or the difficulties which attended his repose. Mr. Shepherd, however, evidently thinks otherwise, and though one of his aims related to scientific investigation, the greater part of his book is filled with those u notes from my diary” which are so distressingly dreary to the — well we shall only say — reviewer. Passing by this portion of the author's lucubrations, we find toward the conclusion of the volume, a few details of scientific interest which we think may be profitably “ crystallised out” from the rest of the letter-press. The following description of the sulphur- mountains is of interest : u These large hills are a very wonderful sight. They are of various colours, a variety of mixtures of red and yellow. From their sides are emitted numerous jets of steam, and masses of bright yellow sulphur are strewed all round them. At the foot on the eastern side are the mud-geysers — huge caldrons of blue mud in different states of solution. Some bubble and spurt like filthy water j others are so gross that they can scarcely heave the massive bubbles to the surface. They are the centres of broken and dilapidated cones, raised by their own sputterings. The highest part of their cones, which was that part towards the mountains, was about three feet. They are however continually changing in shape ; and I ob- served that these portions of the cones themselves was (sic) different from what they were when I visited them in 1861. All around the soil was * The “ North-West Peninsula of Iceland.” By C. W. Shepherd, M.A. F.Z.S. London : Longmans, 1867. REVIEWS. 303 very treacherous, consisting- of hot mud with a covering of sulphur about an inch in thickness, which in most places was about sufficient to bear a man’s weight. When this crust was broken, steam issued forth, strongly impreg- nated with sulphur. The clouds of steam, the roaring, the spluttering, and the splashing of these loathsome pits, the sickening smell and the desolate ■country had somewhat of an awe-inspiring effect.” Mr. Shepherd gives some instructive details of the habits of the Icelandic birds, and he has given some happy sketches of Icelandic scenery, which have been chromo-litho- graphed in Hanhart’s best style. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.* THE excellent and well-known treatise of Lardncr has been carefully revised and rewritten in accordance with the advance made of late years in the department of electrical physics. The task of editor was en- trusted to Mr. Edward Bright, and the publisher may congratulate himself on the selection. The book is in most respects a good, sound, intelligible, practical treatise on the electric telegraph. It deals with the elementary principles on which the application of electricity to telegraphic purposes is based, the modifications of the original apparatus employed in various ■countries, the different forms of conducting cable, and finally of the uses — commercial, social, and political — to which the electric telegraph has been applied. There is one feature however, against which we must raise our voice : Electricity is described in the language of the popular lecturer as a 11 subtle fluid.” This is extremely objectionable, and the more so as the editor is fully aware that the modern view of the force is opposed to such a mode of expression. Mr. Bright urges that the term fluid is the most convenient for the purpose of explaining electrical phenomena. In this we totally differ from him. In the first place the term so applied is erro- neous, and in the second, the word wave would answer every purpose which is served by fluid. For the merely practical electrician, there may be no harm in employing the word fluid, but it must be remembered that Dr. Lardner’s work as the chief popular treatise on the telegraph, goes into our schools and families, and is thus calculated to do a certain amount of mischief. Mr. Bright may not be familiar with the history of other sciences, but if he be, he must know how injurious to the progress of knowledge it is to hamper a branch of science with a term implying an hypothesis which has not one tittle of evidence to support it Such expressions as “ vital force ” and “electric fluid,” and such like, are stumbling-blocks to the progressive student. We have little doubt that had it not been for the adoption of such techni- calities as electric-fluid, tonicity, and irritability, the action of the muscles * The “Electric Telegraph.” By Dr. Lardner. A new edition revised and rewritten. By E. B. Bright, F.R.A.S. Secretary of the British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company. London : James "Walton, 18G7. VOL. VI. — NO. XXIV. Z 304 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. in animals would long since have been admitted to be due to electric con- ditions, but scientific progress has been prevented by these barbarisms of hypotheses. The descriptive portion of the book is, as might have been expected, re- markably clear and correct, and is full of anecdotal matter of an interesting and amusing character, so that pleasure and profit may be gained in its perusal. We would refer especially to the accounts given of the modem appliances by which the telegram is electrically printed at the u receiving station.” No form of apparatus is omitted, and those varieties described are carried home to the reader’s mind by the assistance of the admirable woodcuts which accompany the text. The chapter on the application of the telegraph in railway signalling, should be read by all who wish to know how it is that trains may follow each other at full speed, and at short intervals of time without the least danger of accident by collision. Of the immense advantage of the telegraph in railway operations, the following facts recorded in the present volume will amply demonstrate. “ On New Year’s day 1850 a catastrophe which it is fearful to contemplate, was averted by the aid of the telegraph. A collision had occurred to an empty train at Gravesend; and the driver having leaped from his engine, this latter started at full speed for London. Notice was immediately given by telegraph to London and other stations, and while the line was kept clear, an engine and other ar- rangements were prepared as a buttress to receive the runaway. The superintendent of the railway also started down the line on an engine ; and on passing the runaway he reversed his engine and had it transferred at the next crossing to the up-line so as to be in the rear of the fugitive ; he then started in chase, and on overtaking the other he ran into it at speed, and the driver of his engine took possession of the fugitive, and all danger was at an end. Twelve stations were passed in safety ; it passed W oolwich at fifteen miles an hour ; it was within a couple of miles of London before it was arrested; had its approach been unknown the mere money value of the damage it would have caused might have equalled the cost of the whole line of telegraphs. They have then . paid, or in a large part paid for, their erection.” Dr. Lardner’s book is full of other similar facts, illustrating the benefits which the telegraph has conferred on humanity at large. The de- scription of the telegraph from the House of Commons to the Opera, shows what curious services electricity is made to perform. The progress of busi- ness in parliament is regularly reported in the Lobby. So that “ Young England has only to lounge out between the acts to know if Disraeli or Lord John Russell is up, and whether he may sit out the piece or hasten down to Westminster.” We have said enough to show the highly interest- ing character of Dr. Lardner’s volume, and we now therefore leave it, trust- ing that our readers will take it up and judge of it for themselves. REVIEWS. 305 HOSPITALS.* THOUGH this work hardly comes within the scope of the Popular Science Reviewer, we venture to call attention to it because of its high intrinsic merits, and from the circumstance that many of our readers are interested in hospitals or other charitable institutions, and will, we believe, be glad to know upon what general sanitary principles, hospitals and such like public buildings should be cultivated. All the information which can be desired on these points is to be found in the fine volume before us. Dr. Oppert not only goes into the minutest questions of hygiene, as relating to hospitals, but he discusses the points on which he dwells with candour and earnestness, and so far as we can discern, he leaves no views unnoticed, no matter whether they be opposed to his own independently formed opinions or not. It is impossible for us to attempt even the briefest analysis of his labours, but we may state the nature of the division which he has adopted for his subject. We may say that his book is divided into three portions ; in the first the principles on which hospitals should be constructed are minutely detailed, then follow an expression of opinion as to the Administration of hospitals, and finally we are given a succinct account of the hospitals of the United Kingdom and of the Continent. There is only one point which we desire to bring under our readers’ notice, and that is the question of venti- lation. Dr. Oppert explains fully the different forms of natural and artificial ventilation which are used in European Hospitals, and then proceeds to offer his own opinions as to the mode to be preferred. He advocates neither the strictly natural nor the artificial means, but considers that the juste milieu is the best. His remarks are of much importance, for what he asserts of hospitals must within certain limits be true of private dwellings. The conclusions at which Dr. Oppert arrives are thus formulated. (1.) Venti- lation by doors and windows cannot at any time be dispensed with in hospitals. (2.) Hospitals may rely on ventilation by windows and doors in summer time, but if an artificial system is to be instituted, none but that by forcing in the air is efficient in summer. (3.) In winter time some of the artificial systems may operate with advantage, and cannot be dispensed with in clinical wards or consumption or fever hospitals during the cold season. (4.) No channels for withdrawing air should be formed, unless a continuous draught is caused in them. A ventilating fire is a more powerful agent than a hot cistern, and for the lower floors it is better to have the fire in the basement. If there is a second or third the fire should be as near them as possible, and not in the basement. (5.) Where hot-water pipes or stoves are used for warming, the outer air may pass over or through them into the wards by channels communicating with the atmosphere ; where there are only chimneys, they may be surrounded by an air-chamber to the same purpose. Such an arrangement is indispensable with the new improved fire grates. (6.) Open chimney fires are capital aids to ventilation, and can be combined with every other system. (7.) The construction of the windows * u Hospitals, Infirmaries, and Dispensaries : their Construction, Interior Arrangement, and Management.” By F. Oppert, M.D. London : Churchill, 1867. 306 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. is most important; and should be considered well whenever a new hospital is erected. It is not necessary that they should be on a uniform plan. No large entrance door should be without a large louvre above. (8.) Two zinc plates or tablets should be placed in the upper part of or above some of the windows; in order to break the air current, the inner plate sliding over the other, so that the apertures may be closed. The nurse to keep a rod for this purpose. THE SCIENCE OF A CYCLONE.* FROM year to year we receive abundant testimony of the activity with which Indian scientific workers carry on their researches, and the latest result in this direction which we have to record is embodied in the valuable volume which we have just received from the Bengal Government. This work is a veritable chef d'oeuwe of scientific acumen; earnest labour, persevering energy, and skilful discrimination. It would be creditable to any country, but it is doubly creditable to a country wherein civilisation is as yet incomplete and where climatal conditions are so eminently unfavourable to intellectual pursuits. Indeed we should be glad to find so excellent and elaborate an account of any important meteorological phenomenon occurring in Great Britain. Some of our readers may remember what a dreadful catas- trophe the cyclone described in this report was. The storm raised a wave which poured over the country for miles, breaking down embankments, sweeping away whole villages, and with them their inhabitants. It was one of the most remarkable natural phenomena on record. Destructive of population and property, to an almost inconceivable extent, it yet might have been anticipated had meteorology been more carefully studied. As it was it produced a loss of life which is estimated below the mark at 48,685 souls. To investigate the phenomena which preceded, accompanied and followed this cyclone is the task which the editors of the admirable work before us have set themselves to perform and which they have so successfully achieved. It is quite astounding to see the mass of evidence which has been collected from all quarters reached by the inundating wave, the more so, as the phenomenon was unexpected and was of so terrific a character that in many instances the self-registering instruments were destroyed and the meteorologists fled in horror from buildings which threatened every moment to bury them in their ruins. Numerous maps, charts, plans, and carefully compiled schedules accompany the letter-press and give adequate support to the editors’ conclu- sions. For these latter we must refer the reader to the book itself, but the u suggestions ” which are offered, are we think of sufficient interest for quotation. These are to the effect that the cyclones in the bay are pre- ceded by a strong damp stormy wind from south-west or west-south- west to * Report on the Calcutta Cyclone of the 5th of October 1804, by Lieut.- Col. J. E. Gastrell and Henry Blanford, A.R.S.M. Calcutta Military Orphan Press, I8C6. REVIEWS. 307 tlie south-west of their origin. It is found that the barometer ranges lower than usual on the part of the hay in which they originate. This depression takes place during a slight general fall of the barometer over the bay, such as occurs normally at intervals of a few days to a fortnight, at all seasons of the year. The formation of the cyclonic vortex appears to be preceded by a general recurvature of the southerly current around the place of low baro- meter. When the vortex forms the barometer falls still lower over the vortex and continues to fall while the cyclone gathers strength. The re- curved south-westerly current being the chief feeder of the cyclone, and the vortex being formed more or less towards its western limit, the weather to the east and north-east of a cyclone is more stormy than that to the west and north-west of it. In and around the cyclonic vortex there is a strong in- draught of the wind-currents so that their direction is spiral, not circular, but more nearly circular within ten or fifteen miles of the centre than at greater distances from it. Finally the editors say that “the cyclones do not in all cases (perhaps in any P) move forward steadily on their track, but one vortex may break up while another is forming at some distance in advance.’’ The duration of a central calm cannot therefore (even if its diameter be known) be taken as a measure of the rate of progress of the storm (the suc- cessive vortices being considered as one storm). It will be seen by the above suggestion-conclusions, if we may use such a term, what good work Indian meteorologists have done. Let it be an ex- ample for those who so energetically decry the Fitzroy weather signals, and decline to give us even substantial facts in their stead. Let some English meteorologists follow in the footsteps of their Indian brethren and give us on the subject of “Storm-signals” a treatise of which we may say, as we do honestly affirm of the one before us, that it is a model meteorological monograph. POPULAR ASTRONOMY* PERHAPS the reader may say we are overdosed with lectures on Astro- nomy. There appears too, to be some truth in the remark, but though of late years the works on this branch of science have been very numerous, some of them have been works whose many technicalities and references to the higher mathematics placed them at once beyond the comprehension of the amateur. It is, however, the special feature of all Dr. Lardner’s books that they address themselves to the general public/and we may observe also that while they are tolerably accurate in point of fact they are written in a language at once terse and untechnical, and which is easily intelligible to those whose mathematical knowledge is of the usual elementary character. It happens, however, that a good deal of advance has been made in the several branches of science which Dr. Lardner endeavoured to popularise * Handbook of Astronomy, by Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L., 3rd edition. Edited by Edwin Dunkin, F.R.A.S. London: James Walton, 1867. 308 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. since the period at which his various essays were published ; Mr. Walton has therefore been engaged in bringing Dr. Lardner’s works up to the present condition of scientific knowledge. In one of our late numbers we called attention to a new edition of Dr. Lardner’s Natural Philosophy, and we have now the pleasure of bringing another of Dr. Lardner’s books under our readers’ notice. The work before us, even in its first edition, was an excellent general treatise, and the present edition is as fully in accordance with modem dis- covery as its predecessor was with the science of its time. Those who are acquainted with the second edition will not find many novelties in the present work. There are some new features, however, which are of interest and importance. One of the chief points in which this differs from the second edition relates to the horizontal parallax of the sun, which in conformity with the opinions of the leading astronomers has been increased from 8"-5776 to an alteration which necessarily involved other important numerical corrections. Among other points referred to for the first time in this volume are notices of the discovery of thirty-three minor planets. The illustrations are of an excellent character, the woodcuts intercalated with the text, being clearly executed and simple, and the plates, especially those of the comets and nebulae, being carefully and skilfully executed. The work commends itself especially to junior students, schools and families, and deserves an extensive circulation. Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham , Yol. I. Part II. Dodsworth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. — This the second part of this well-conducted publication is full of important contributions and contains a series of illustrations which would do credit to a London publisher. All the articles deserve to be read, but there is one which is worthy of careful attention, that “On an Ancient British Burial at Ilderton, Northumberland, with notes on the Skull.” In this the writers, the Bev. W. Greenwell and Dr. Embleton, give a minute account of the interesting archaeological district of old Berwick, and of an ancient British skull found therein. The drawing of this latter, which accompanies the paper, is certainly a master- piece of artistic skill. We doubt whether we have ever seen a better anatomical illustration than this. The zygomatic processes stand out with an almost stereoscopic effect. The following description of this skull shows it to have belonged to a man of about forty-five years of age, and who must have possessed (so far as we can judge) a more than average degree of intelligence. The skull is robust, well-arched and symmetrical, its supra- ciliary arches are very prominent, and its external angular processes well developed. The forehead slightly recedes. The occipito-parietal region is large and rounded. The mouth is rather large and well-formed, and con- tained a full set of fine teeth. The lower jaw has a strong square and some- what projecting chin, the angle is not far from being a right angle, and the distance across from angle to angle is considerable. The frontal sinuses appear to join together and form a projection over the root of the nose. The temporal fossae are wide and large. The coronal saggital and lambdoidal sutures are partially obliterated. — The other papers in this number are full of interest. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. ASTRONOMY. IN our summary for January, it was recorded that Professor Adams liad seen reason to doubt the correctness of the period assigned by Professor Newton to the November meteor-ring. The rigid mathematical scrutiny of the nodal motion due to the actions of Venus, Jupiter, and the Earth — the planets which would be the principal perturbers of the meteoric Orbit on Newton’s hypothesis — has resulted in showing that 354-6 days is not the true period of the orbit. In like manner a period of 377 days — another view suggested by Newton — must be abandoned. Either theory gives to the node an annual motion of about 2F', whereas to account for the observed change in the epoch at which the November shower occurs, a motion of 52//*4 is required. It remained to calculate the motion of the node when a period of 33*25 years is selected — that being the only other period, besides those considered, which fairly accounts for the interval observed to separate successive recurrences of brilliant meteoric displays. This period, which gives (by Kepler’s law) an elliptic orbit, having a major axis 20*7 times as great as the earth’s distance from the sun, presents many difficulties. The formulae adapted to the nearly circular planetary orbits are here inapplicable. Adams applied the method given by Gauss in his “ Determinatio Attractionis, &c.” In this method the long ellipse is broken up into small parts, and the perturbing effects of the planets on the motion of a meteor in each part is considered, the change in the node as the meteors move over each section being separately examined. The calculation is very laborious, though Professor Adams simplified the work to some extent by introducing several ingenious modifications. He found that during a period of 33*25 years the longitude of the node is increased 20' by the action of Jupiter, nearly 7' by the action of Saturn, and about 1' by that of Uranus. The other planets produce no appreciable perturbations. Thus the observed increase of longitude is about 28' in 33*25 years, or 50"*2 in one year. We have already stated that the observed motion of the node is 52//*4. The accordance is close enough to leave no doubt that the true period of the November meteors is 33*25 years. This result very largely enhances the interest with which the phenomenon of periodic November displays must be viewed. On Newton’s hypothesis one could understand the recurrence of brilliant showers during two or three successive years ; since the earth was assumed to pass for two or three years in succession through parts of the ring not very far separated from each other. But with meteors travelling in an elongated ellipse, extending beyond the 310 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. orbit of Uranus, the case is far different. The part of the meteoric ring- traversed at one passage has travelled away more than a 100,000,000 of miles, when the earth next crosses the stream. Therefore to understand the recurrence of star-showers during two successive years only — and we have well authenticated instances of showers occurring three or four years suc- cessively— one must conceive a stream of meteors extending more than a 100 miles in length. This being the case it is the more remarkable to find the important November shooting-star displays, which have continued for at least 600 years, associated with a telescopic comet which has escaped discovery until quite recently. Yet it results from Adams’ discovery that the orbit of the November shooting-stars accords in the most remarkable manner with the orbit of Comet I, 1866 — a minute tailless comet discovered in January of that year by M. Tempel. Professor Adams’ elements of the November meteors are here compared with Dr. Oppolzer’s elements of Tempers comet : — Period . Mean distance Eccentricity . Perihelion distance November Meteors. Comet 1, 18G6 33-25 (assumed) 33-18 10-3402 10-3248 0-9047 0-9054 0-9855 0-9765 o / o / Inclination 16 46 17 18 Longitude of node . . . 51 28 51 26 Distance of Perihelion from node . 6 51 9 2 Direction of motion Petrograde. Retrograde. This evidence following on Schiaparelli’s proof of the close accordance between the orbits of the August meteors, and that of Comet II, 1862, seems- all but decisive. The association of comets — and especially of comets of eccentric orbit — with shooting stars, is certainly one of the last that would have occurred even to the most speculative astronomer, yet it is now esta- blished on a foundation that will not'be readily shaken. Mr. Cleveland Abbe has discussed in an interesting paper the important question of the distribution of nebulae in space. He exhibits in a table the number of irresolvable nebulae contained in each space of the heavens ex- tending 10 in declination and half an hour in right ascension. The result is- confirmatory in some respects of that deduced by Sir John Herschel from the tabulation of a smaller number of nebulae of all classes. There is a de- cided paucity of nebulae in the region traversed by the Milky Way and its- outliers, and an equally marked aggregation towards the poles of the Galactic circle. Mr. Abbe therefore follows Herschel in the opinion that the irresolvable nebulae are independent universes similar to the Milky Way in. character, and that the magellanic clouds are members of this 11 system of universes,” which happen to lie somewhat nearer than the others to our own universe, the Galaxy. Without pronouncing a decided opinion against these views we must point out that the method of tabulation adopted by Mr. Abbe is not very well adapted to exhibit any tendency there may exist to sys- tematic distribution. The method described in Sir John Herschel’s Cape observations seems better fitted for this purpose, and perhaps if applied tor SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 31 1 Mr. Abbe’s materials might lead to somewhat different results. The subject is one which, in the present stage of astronomical progress, deserves to be most carefully studied. W e do not hear that any views have been obtained of Mars during the recent opposition which add much to our knowledge of the features of this planet. At a late meeting of the Astronomical Society, Mr. Browning exhibited a series of .views which he had obtained with Mr. Barnes’ 8§-inch silvered glass reflector. Nearly thirty sketches were made. These agree well with those made by Mr. Be la Hue with his 13-inch metal speculum, and fairly with the exquisite drawings b}r Mr. Dawes. We have seen series of views, by the way, equalling the last named in fullness of detail, and in consistency. Mr. Huggins has renewed his observations on the spectrum of Mars. Using a direct vision spectroscope, he found lines in the spectrum which he was enabled to assign to the atmosphere of Mars ; since, while resembling lines produced by our own atmosphere in the solar spectrum when the sun is low — the situation of Mars precluded the possibility of their being ascribed to the earth’s atmosphere. He ascribes the colour of Mars to the nature of the soil — a view confirmed by the definite outlines of regions tinted with the peculiar ochreish colour characterising Mars, and by the circumstance that the polar regions appear white, though they are seen through a greater depth of atmosphere than the equatorial regions. The views of Dr. Zollner, quoted with favour by Mr. Huggins, do not appear quite so well worthy of confidence as those resulting from Mr. Huggins’ own observations. The opinion, for instance, that the increased light near the edge of the disc is due to the existence of hills having a slope of 76° (as great as that of the Peter Botte Mountain) and distributed all over the surface of Mars, appears to us bizarre in the extreme. Mr. Dawes appends to a valuable paper on the micrometrical measurement of double stars, a series of observations most instructive and interesting to the telescopist. Our space will not permit us to enter at length into the discussion of these, but some results are too remarkable to be passed over without comment. The effects produced by changing the figure of a tele- scope’s aperture have been carefully studied by Mr. Dawes. A round disc placed centrally before the aperture increases the separating power of a telescope, but increases both the number and the brightness of the rings round the brighter stars. Thus the smaller components of a brighter star may be hidden by one or other of the rings. And in this connection another observation of Mr. Dawes is noteworthy ; viz. that a larger aperture may fail (in appearance) to separate stars clearly divided by a smaller aperture, owing to the circumstance, that within the larger instrument, one of the rings of light round a star may happen to pass directly through the com- panion. A perforated whole aperture may frequently be employed with advantage. It has the effect of considerably diminishing the star discs owing to the loss of brilliancy, while the full effect of the whole aperture in reducing the diameter of the disc is also preserved. A triangular aperture, produces an hexagonal star-disc, with bright rays from each side ; these rays have an inconvenient effect, sometimes obliterating or distorting a small companion. A hexagonal aperture has the power of effectually cor- 312 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. rupting the tendency sometimes observed in telescopic star-disc to become triangular. An interesting discussion arose at a late meeting at the Astro- nomical Society, on this singular tendency. It has been observed by Mr. Dawes to occur only when the wind is from the east. The Astronomer Royal ascribed it to the effects of an easterly wind on the health, an opinion, how- ever, in which many experienced observers do not coincide with Mr. Airy. The fact that a particular aperture corrects the tendency seems, also, decisive on this point. A kindred phenomenon, the circumstance that a shorter focus is required for objects near the horizon or seen through a haze, was discussed in connection with the other. Here again the Astronomer Royal held an opinion not accepted by several distinguished observers. He ascribed the phenomenon to the difference between direct and skew vision. We believe that Mr. Dawes never uses skew vision, his observing chair being ingeniously contrived so as to give in all cases direct (and com- fortable) vision. The fact that a short focal length is required for parts of the sun near the limb, and a long focal length for the moon, seems to show that the question is merely one of distinctness of objects. In proof of which we may quote Mr. Dawes’ observation, that young observers, in their anxiety to see perfectly well while setting the focus, use nearly always too short a focal length. Here our comment on Mr. Dawes’ valuable paper must cease ; but we commend the whole of it to the most careful study of the telescopic observer. An error in M. Leverrier’s calculation of the sun’s distance from the earth’s parallactic inequality has been detected by Mr. Stone. The result is to reduce the estimate by 400,000 miles, or to give the value already obtained by M. Hansen. Mr. Stone has himself obtained a new estimate. His calculation, founded on the observation of Mars/ gave, as our readers are aware, 8" ^4, for the sun’s equatorial horizontal parallax — the same value, nearly, as had resulted from Leverrier’s faulty calculation. Mr. Stone’s examination of Greenwich lunar observations, bearing on the lunar pa- rallactic inequality, gives a parallax of 8"‘85. The values now being obtained by different astronomers cluster closely round M. Hansen’s value 8/A916. Mr. Stone has examined the question of the sun’s motion in space, with results confirmatory of those already obtained. But he considers that the sun’s motion is not so great as that of most stars. He has also examined the interesting question of possible changes in the earth’s axis of rotation, accruing from the action of the tides. He finds no evidence pointing to the possibility of appreciable change, even in long intervals of time. The eclipse which occurred on the morning of March 6, was observed by several astronomers. One observer noticed that the penumbra of a spot on the sun appeared to grow indistinct as the moon’s limb approached it, an observation suggesting the existence of a lunar atmosphere of small extent. Mr. Browning and Mr. Lassell noticed that a snow storm occurred in the upper regions of air during the progress of the eclipse. We find nothing else worthy of special record. From India we hear that the November meteors were well seen at Kishnagur, fifty miles north of Calcutta. Places from which the shower is now known to have been seen range over a full fourth of the earth’s surface. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 313 We hear, also, of a meteor shower observed on October 25, 1866, at noon in West Australia. On August 21, Jupiter will appear for an hour and three quarters without visible satellites. The occulations, eclipses, and transits of the several satellites will doubtless be watched with interest by the telescopist. BOTANY. The affinities of Erica carnea. — Dr. H. F. Hance has contributed a paper on this subject to the Journal of Botany , in which he gives some very useful comparisons of E. carnea with the allied European species. The specimen examined by him had been collected in Devon, and had lain unnoticed for several years in his herbarium. It seems to be most closely related to E. Mediterranean so closely, indeed, that Mr. Bentham unites the two. This view is, however, opposed by Mr. H. C. Watson, the accomplished editor of the Cybele Britannica , who explains what he considers an error, by supposing that Mr. Bentham must have confined his examination to herba- rium specimens, “ which are much alike, although in a living state the whole habit of growth of the two species as well as their climatal require- ments are widely dissimilar.” Nyman gives the following as the distribution of the species : — E. carnea : Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Dalmatia, Croatia, Hungary, Transylvania, and Greece. E. Mediterranea : Inland France, Spain, France, and Portugal. Dr. Hance seems to have given the matter some attention, and his conclusion is as follows : — SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 325 as far as it has already been explored, gives an area of four miles long, by about eighty yards in width — this being the depth to which it is worked at Cwmgwynnen, in the nearly vertical strata, and at all points hitherto ex- amined it maintains much the same dimensions. The Origin of Petroleum. — The last number of the Canadian Naturalist contains an abstract of a recent paper by Dr. Hunt, in which the author alluded to the subject of the origin of petroleum. Dr. Hunt regards the process by which animal and vegetable hydrocarbonaceous tissues have been converted into solid or liquid bitumen, as a decay or fermentation, under conditions in which atmospheric oxygenation is excluded, so that the maxi- mum amount of hydrogen is retained by the carbon ; and as representing one extreme of a process, the other of which is found in anthracite and mineral charcoal, the two conditions being antagonistic, and excluding each other, and the production of petroleum implying, when complete, the disappearance of the organic tissue. Hence pyroschists, the so-called bituminous shales, and coal, are not found together with petroleum, but in separate formations, and it is to be borne in mind that the epithet bituminous applied to the former bodies i3 a mistaken one, since they seldom or never contain any bitumen, although, like all fixed organic bodies, they yield hodrocarbons by destructive distillation. The fallacy of the notion which ascribes petroleum to the action of subterranean heat on coal was exposed by Dr. Hunt, who stated that the oil of the Trenton limestone occurs below the horizon of any pyroschists or other Hydrocarbonaceous rocks. Dozoon Canadense. — Dr. Dawson lately presented a paper on certain discoveries in regard to the above fossil, before the Montreal Natural History Society. He also exhibited a photograph of a remarkable specimen of JEozoon Canadense, found during the past summer in the Laurentian limestone of Tudor, Canada West, by Mr. Vennor. The rocks at Tudor and its vicinity, which, according to the observations of Mr. Vennor, are Lower Laurentian, have experienced less metamorphism than is usual in formations of that age. And this peculiarity gives especial interest to the present specimen, which is contained in a rock scarcely altered, and in a condition not essentially different, from that of ordinary Silurian fossils. The matrix is a coarse laminated limestone of a dark colour, and containing much sand and finely comminuted carbonaceous matter. The fossil itself is of a flattened clavate form, about six and a half inches in length, and with the septa of its chambers perfectly preserved, exhibiting on one side a well-defined marginal wall, produced by coalescence of the septa, and apparently traversed by small orifices. Under the microscope the minute structures of Dozoon Canadense can be detected, though less distinctly perceived than in some of the speci- mens mineralised by serpentine. In some of the chambers there are small amorphous bodies containing pointed silicious spicules, which seem to be the remains of sponges that have established themselves in the cells after the animal matter of Eozoon had disappeared. The Classification of the Drift Deposits. — Mr. Binney writes to the Geological Magazine for May, to comment on Mr. Hull’s attempted classi- fication of the drift deposits of Lancashire and Cheshire. He states that 25 years since he gave the following classification of these deposits to the Manchester Geological Society: — 1. Beds of stratified and unstratified 326 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. gravel and sand, containing well rounded pebbles of primitive Primary and later Secondary rocks. 2. Till, a thick deposit of marl or brown clay, mixed with angular or rounded pebbles of various sizes without any order of deposition. 3. Beds of stratified fine rolled gravel and forest sand, often containing beds of clay or loam. 4. Deposits of gravel and sand, both stratified and unstratified, found in the beds of valleys and low lands adjoining rivers and brook courses. In addition to the above a bed of rich loam is frequently found in the valleys, covering the last named deposit. Still he thinks it very difficult to arrive at any satisfactory classification. In evidence of this opinion he gives the following section of the deposits at Broadstairs Colliery, near Hyde, which we confess it would be difficult , to classify satisfactorily : — ft. in. ft. in. 1. Clay . 11 0 8. Quicksand and Loam . 6 0 2. Quicksand . 2 6 9. Gravel .... 3 0 3. Strong Marl . . 22 6 10. Loam .... 7 6 4. Quicksand . 2 6 11. Gravel and Sand . 3 0 5. Loam with Pebbles . 12 6 12. Clay and Loam 15 6 6. Buck-leaf Marl . 19 0 13. Gravel and Soft Marl 7. Dry Sand . 9 0 containing Pebbles . 10 0 Local Sandstones. — At a late meeting of the Geological Society of Glasgow Mr. J. Wallace Young read a paper on this subject, in which he expressed the following conclusions : 1. That in the greater number of sandstones examined, the cementing material consisted of carbonates. 2. That very considerable quantities of the carbonates of iron and magnesia frequently accompanied the carbonate of lime, although no definite ratio seemed to exist between them. 3. That these sandstones were harder the greater the pro- portion of carbonates they contain. 4. Mica was found to be present in nearly all those examined, and, with one exception, was of the white variety. 5. Soluble silicates were only found in three varieties, in any quantity, all three belonging to the Old Red Sandstone ; 6. That the different shades of. colour seen in those sandstones belonging to the last-mentioned rocks appeared to be due solely to the peroxide of iron, and that the white rings and spots so often observed have resulted from the reduction and subsequent removal of the greater part of this iron. Hungarian Oligocene Deposits. — Herr Hantken has presented a paper to the Viennese Geological Institute on the subject of some oligocene strata which have recently been exposed in a shaft sunk at Sarisap in Hungary. The strata are about 160 feet thick, and are of marine and brackish origin. The beds due to the latter are composed of a sandy plastic clay, containing shells and seeds of Char a. The marine strata overlie the brackish water ones, a bed of clay intervening between the two : 60 feet of sandstone are above the clay, and contain the remains of Echinidce. Cycadoidia Yatesii is the name given to a newly discovered cycad, which has been carefully examined by Mr. Carruthers of the British Museum. The specimens from which the description has been given, were found in the iron and green sands of Potton which rest on the Kimmeridge and Oxford clays and are covered by the Gault. The specific name has been given in compliment to Mr. Yates, whose name is well and favorably known in con- SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 327 nection with the order of plants to which the species now founded belongs. The fossil belonged to an arborescent cycad resembling in aspect the tall cylindrical stems of Cycas or Macrozama, and differed in this respect from the spherical or ovoid trunks belonging to the genus, which were described by Buckland and Lindley. The cellular axis was relatively very large. The pith has disappeared, except in one of the specimens, where there are still some indications of it, and of the vascular bundles which abounded in it. The woody cylinder surrounding the pith consists of two rings, everywhere pierced by medullary rays, which are often so large as to separate the rings into numerous series of woody wedges, as in recent Cycadece. The presence of discs on the woody vessels has been detected both by Professor Morris and Mr. Carruthers. The inner surface of the woody cylinder is marked by numerous narrow grooves and perforations, formed by the vascular bundles, as they passed from the pith into the wood. The outer surface has similar scars, produced by the vascular bundles, which passed from the wood to the leaves j but they are here larger and more regularly disposed than on the inner surface. Between the wood and the bases of the petioles there inter- posed a very thin layer of cellular tissue, through which the vascular bundles passed in an upward direction towards the petioles. MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Institute of Naval Architects. — During the month of April this Institute held its annual meeting, and, as in preceding years, some of the papers were of the highest scientific interest. Mr. I. B,. Napier read a paper on some steel tug- boats constructed for the Godaverv, having the extraordinary propor- tions of 140 ft. length, 25 ft. breadth, and only 1 foot draught. The plating is of galvanised steel with a view of reducing to the utmost the weight and frictional resistance and securing durability. An awning or roof, also plated with steel is provided, forming an integral part of the structure, being con- nected with the bottom by lattice-frames, so as to increase the depth, resisting bending strains, and thus to render the vessel rigid. The engine has a pan of 11-inch cylinders, 4-ft. stroke, supplied with steam at 150 lbs. pressure, from a tubular boiler, of the locomotive type. The paddles are at the stern, and the propelling surface is not less than of the augmented surface. It is thought that the speed may reach 12 miles an hour. In a paper on the Stowage of Merchant Vessels by Mr. Barnaby, a practical plan was suggested for ascertaining the crankness or stiffness of the vessel, due to loading. Mr. Barnaby suggests the securing the ship to the wharf-side, by a chain with a slip, when she is lifting with the tide. Having thus been heeled over a few degrees she is to be suddenly released and the oscillations in a given time counted. In some experiments on the u Madeline ” yatch, the shifting of a weight of 86 cwt. on the mast caused the time of 5 oscillations to vary from 21 to 26 seconds. Mr. Bourne described a system of designing the water lines of ships, soi that the lateral displacement of the water for a given progress of the vessel should obey the same law as to velocity as a pendulum. 328 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Two very important papers on apparent negative slip of screw propellers were read, one by Professor W. J. M. Rankun, and the other by Mr. W. Froude. In the former, the existence of negative slip is explained by the fact, that the position of the propeller places it in the crest of a following or filling wave under the ship’s counter, so that the water which the screw lays hold of has a temporary forward velocity over and above the permanent velocity of the wake ; that temporary forward velocity may be many times greater than the permanent velocity of that current whose momentum is equivalent to the resistance of the ship ; and thus any amount of negative slip may be accounted for. In Mr. Froude’s paper the negative slip is attri- buted to the action of the screw on the dead-water carried by the ship in front of the stern-post, and which water has to be suddenly removed twice at least in each revolution of the screw. The block of dead-water thus carried, in the screw-well of a timber line-of-battle ship, is estimated at from 5 to 6 tons. Its dispersion, as the blade of the propeller sweeps past the stern-post, is accompanied with a violent shock on the screw-shaft, whilst the dispersed dead-water is instantaneously replaced by a fresh volume, to which the velocity of the ship must be rapidly imparted ; and the communication of velocity to the water of replacement forms an adven- titious addition to the ship’s resistance. In this struggle between the propeller and the dead-water, although a precise balance is maintained between the propulsive shock delivered and the adventitious resistance called into play, yet a great deal of force is exerted to no purpose by the propeller and the mean speed of rotation of the propeller must undergo great reduction, in such a manner as to be capable of exhibiting, in almost any degree, the phenomenon of negative slip. In other words, whilst in reference to the speed of the propeller whilst acting in the free-water outside the dead-wood, the slip is always positive ; in reference to the mean speed, including the retardations in passing the dead-wood, the slip is negative. Mr. Froude suggests as a means of testing his theory, the chrono- metric registration of the speed of rotation of the screw shaft, and as a means of obviating the sources of loss which his theory indicates, he would place the propeller not merely abaft the rudder but at some tangible distance clear of it. In some small scale experiments Mr. Froude obtained a result from thus removing the propeller equivalent to doubling the horse power. Captain L. G. Heath R.N., who has had great opportunities of observing the effect of shot on targets, proposed a new system of armour-plating, in which the more or less perishable wood-backing is entirely dispensed with. He places the armour-plate, made as heavy as possible, on horizontal girders, so as to carry it about 14 inches in front of the ordinary skin of the ship, leaving an air space of that depth between. He anticipates that shot will be broken up in passing through the armour-plate, and will merely splash the vital part. During the meetings drawings of a self-registering floating apparatus, for measuring the height of waves, was exhibited ; the instrument having been contrived and used with success by Admiral Paris, of the French Navy. Channel Ferry. — We mentioned in our last number, the proposed tunnels between this country and France. Messrs. A. and I. Inglis have now published, as a more feasible scheme, the details of a ferry steamboat of SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 329 440 feet length, and 57 ft. beam, on which the railway cars could be run bodily, and which, from her great size, would be steady enough to obviate the danger of sea sickness. The engines proposed are oscillating engines of 1500 collective horses’ power, and the passage between Dover and Calais would be made in one hour. Mechanics of Flight. — An extremely interesting paper on this subject was read by Mr. Wenham to the Aeronautical Society. The subject is too difficult and complex to be explained briefly, and therefore we will only say that Mr. Wenham has brought into the explanation of flight, the effect of the forward motion in retarding descent. Imagine a parallelogram 10 ft. long by 2 ft. broad, weighing 20 lbs. Such a body would descend in still air at the limiting rate of 1,320 ft. per minute, the resistance of the air put in motion by the plane balancing at that velocity the effect of gravity. If now a force be applied horizontally so as to carry the plane with its long side forwards at a speed of 30 miles per hour, then the motion of the plane being both downwards and forwards, a great volume of air will pass under the front margin of the plane, and will be carried downwards before leaving the hinder margin. The weight of air thus put in motion will be enormous, and the descending velocity of the plane proportionately reduced. Mr. Wenham calculates that the velocity of descent would in these circum- stances be reduced to of the passive rate of descent, or would not exceed 83 ft. per minute. Each particle of air would then be moved downwards t8o of an inch by the passage of the plane, and conversely if this inclination were given to the plane it would move forwards without descending. Mr. Wenham finds that few birds can raise themselves vertically in the air, the exertion in that case being excessive. The eagle can only lift itself from the ground, by running with outstretched wings till its velocity having become sufficient, it glides into the air as if sliding on a frictionless plane. Electric Loom . — In one of the looms in the Paris Exhibition, electricity has been applied in a most ingenious manner to effect the immediate stoppage of the loom on the breakage of a thread, the emptying of a bobbin, or other trifling accident requiring the notice of the attendant. Type Writing Machine. — Mr. John Pratt, of Alabama, U. S., has recently brought out a machine for type writing, which was exhibited at the recent Soiree of the Institute of Civil Engineers, and which promises to be of much service. The writing is effected by pressing a series of keys like those of a piano-forte, which move into the necessary position a square frame carrying the type, and the letter is then impressed on the paper, by the stroke of a hammer, pressing the paper and an interposed carbonised sheet against the type. A document can be printed by the machine in about half the time necessary to write it in the ordinary way. Mr. Pratt thinks that if the machine comes into use it can be manufactured for three guineas, so simple and compact has it been made. A machine for stereotyping on a similar method, also the production of American ingenuity, is exhi- bited at Paris. Steel Armour Plates. — Renewed experiments have been made on steel as a material for armour-plating, and have been attended with more success than heretofore. The plates tested were 9 ft. by 4 ft. by 7 ins. They consisted of interposed laminae of iron and steel, and appeared to be welded 330 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. perfectly solid. In almost every case they were completely perforated by the 7 -inch gun, with Palliser chilled shot, and charges of 15 to 20 lbs. of powder. One iron and one steel-faced plate resisted complete perforation, with the smaller charge, and the most that can be concluded at present is, that the laminated steel and iron plates exhibit equal resisting powers to the best rolled iron plates hitherto produced. It is remarkable that the chilled hot which penetrated but did not get through the plates remained perfect and unbroken. Flow of Solids. — M. Tresca has explained to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, now holding a meeting at Paris, his views on the flow of solids, to which we have before alluded. The experiments on which M. Tresca’s theory is founded are of this nature. If a hollow cylinder closed at the bottom end, have a cylindrical block of lead fitted to it, and the hollow cylinder have a round hole in the centre of the bottom, a powerful pressure on the top of the block will produce a cylindrical jet of metal, having a section equal in area to the hole in the cylindrical vessel. If the solid block be replaced by a series of parallel laminae of the same substance, and a section of the block be made after the pressure has been applied, it will be found that the laminae, though compressed, remain parallel and flat over all the surface excepting that affected by the formation of the jet, and the jet itself will be found to consist of a series of cylindrical envelopes or tubes, one for each lamina of the original block. The same results have been obtained by M. Tresca with tin, silver, copper, aluminum, iron, steel, and other substances. If a series of holes be made in the bottom of the containing vessel, then a series of jets are formed, but each jet more or less affects the formation of the others. M. Tresca has similarly studied the flow through lateral orifices and the unequal distribution of pressure in the mass, due to the flow, and he has applied these results to explain the opera- tions of forging and rolling. By oxidising specimens of rolled and forged iron, he found that all the elements of the original piece are drawn out in parallel lines, from the surface to the centre of the bar ; precisely as in the case of the jets produced by pressure ; so that, the changes of form produced by forging may be considered as the results of successive flowings, effected by each of the individual forces exerted on the work forged. These changes of form take place from particle to particle according to a geome- trical order which admits of mathematical calculation. And the theory may thus supply definite rules for metallurgical operations. An abstract of the paper, which is extremely interesting, will be found in the Engineer of Jure 7. MEDICAL SCIENCE. Development of Fungi in the Kidneys. — In the last number of Beale's Archives , Dr. M. Tonge gives the details of a curious case of Phthisis, ac- companied by the development of fungous growths in the substance of the kidney. The pelvis of the left kidney was filled with a yellowish-white SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 331 pultaceous substance adherent to the apices of many of the pyramids. Micro- scopical examination of this proved it to consist of the sporules and mycelium of a microscopic fungus, apparently a species of oidium, which had the fol- lowing characters : — 1. Round or oval vesicles, single or grouped, containing one or more globules (probably oil globules or minute sporules), and some- times granular matter. 2. Elongated vesicles united at their ends so as to form continuous cylindrical tubes branching dichotomously, sometimes ter- minated by strings or groups of round or oval cells, lateral development of these cells being also not uncommon. The tubes contained oil globules and granular material. In some instances it could be perceived that the tubes were empty, the liquid material having escaped. Action of Hydrosulphuric Acid on the Blood. — The observations which were some time since made by Herr Hoppe-Seyler have been fully corro- borated by the more recent inquiries of Herren Kaufmann and Rosenthal. These physiologists assert that the action of the above gas is simply to asphyxiate. The remedy suggested in case of poisoning is introduction of oxygen into the blood by means of artificial respiration. Absorption of Fat — According to the observation of Herr Letzerich, fat and albumen are not absorbed by the epithelium of the intestine, but by vacuoles between the epithelial cells, which lead directly from the intestine into the lacteals. Eat in the epithelium he considers pathological, and generally due to excess of fat in the food. — Vide Virchow's Archiv, xxxvii. Cervical Bibs. — In one of the late numbers of Virchow's Archiv , M. Stieda of Dorpat, describes an interesting case of the above. The case was that of a woman, aged 30, and has been reported in the Journal of Anatomy, No. 2. Except that the left cervical rib was ossified to its vertebra, whilst the right was articulated to it by a moveable joint, both ribs closely resembled each other. In each a head, neck, tubercle, and body, were found ; the anterior end of the body was pointed and connected by a ligament to a plate of cartilage attached to the anterior end of the first thoracic rib. The subclavian arteries had been removed, so that M. Stieda could not determine their relations. The thoracic vertebrae and ribs, and the lumbar vertebrae, were normal in number. Absorption by the Skin. — A memoir on this subject has been laid before the French Academy, by M. Ch. Hoffmann. His experiments have been' made on digitalis, iodine of potassium, and chloride of sodium. He comes to the following conclusions: — 1. Chemical and other agents, dissolved in water, penetrate slowly but obviously into the animal economy, by the external integument, and it is only when the blood and other fluids are saturated by them that the organism expels them. 2. All medicaments are not absorbed in the same degree. 3. The contradictory results hitherto obtained result from the insufficient length of the time devoted to the experiments. Action of Compressed Air on the Circulation and Respiration. — M. Yivenot concludes from his experiments that the action of compressed air is to diminish the frequency of the pulse. This slackening is, on the average, about six and a half pulsations per minute. The cause is purely mechanical: the increase of pressure on the surface of the body diminishes the calibre of the small vessels, and increases the obstacle which the vascular walls oppose to the current from the heart. This diminution of the vessels may be seen 332 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. on the conjunctiva, on the ear of the rabbit, and on the vessels of the retina. Rarified air gives opposite effects. On the respiration, it produces a double effect ; 1. an augmentation of capacity of the lungs — a mechanical dilatation ; 2. the introduction of a larger quantity of air, since not only the lung has greater capacity, but the air is compressed. Compressed air, the author thinks, therefore, a useful agent in the treatment of certain diseases (emphysema, atelectasis, tuberculosis, pleuritic effusions, etc.) ; and so much the more valuable, that no other agent is calculated to fulfil the same indication. — Virchow's Archiv , 1866. Obituary. — We regret to have to announce the death of two of the most illustrious members of the French profession, M. Jobert (de Lamballe), and M. Civiale, the inventor of lithotrity. Crystals in the Blood , in Leukamia. — Professor Neumann of Konigsberg, communicates a paper on this interesting pathological subject to Max Schultze’s Microscopical Journal. The formation of the crystals did not occur until long after the blood had been drawn. A large number of crystals were formed on each drop of blood. These were brilliant delicate symmetrical needles, which were found on minute examination to possess the form of an elongated octahedron. Some which appeared to be incompletely formed represented merely a four-sided pyramid with a rounded base. The length of the perfect crystals varied between 0*016 and 0*075, and the angles of the optical longitudinal section were between 18° and 162°. The crystals were insoluble in cold water; in boiling water they disappeared, but whether by solution or disintegration the author could not decide, but is inclined to think the latter, as he never observed any recrystallisation on cooling. Neither alcohol, ether, chloroform, nor glycerine, even after long exposure, had any effect upon them. Acetic, tartaric, and phosphoric acids slowly dissolved them, as did also very weak solutions of soda and potass. The action of the mineral acids was peculiar ; hydrochloric and nitric acid in strong solutions dissolved the crystals, which withstood the same acids in the concentrated form, in which, however, they become apparently softened and were usually bent into an S form, or became crescentic. Strong sul- phuric acid destroyed the crystals, which remained unaltered only in a moderately weak solution. Ammonia dissolved the crystals very slowly ; they were unaffected by the putrefaction of the blood even after several weeks. — Vide Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, No. xxvi. The Removal of Opacity of the Cornea. — Some very curious facts relative to the action of sulphate of soda on the cornea, are pointed out in a memoir just read before the French Academy by M. De Luca. This savant had tried the Vinum Opii and other remedies so much employed in treating opacity of the cornea, but found their results unsatisfactory. It then oc- curred to him that as sulphate of soda retains the fibrine of blood in solution, it might have the effect of dissolving away opaque portions of the cornea. At first he tried the experiment with solution of the sulphate in distilled water. This fluid he dropped into his patient’s eyes, and the results were found, to a certain extent, satisfactory. Believing that the solid sulphate would produce still better results, he employed it in the state of very fine powder; dropping it into the eye of the patient. This method proved to be the most effectual, and if we are to believe M. De Luca, it was most sue- SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 333 cessful. In one or two cases where the opacity was so decided as to produce nearly total blindness, a considerable amount of vision was restored to the patient. — "Vide Comptes Pendus , May 27. Isolation of Pseudomorphine. — Pseudomorphine was discovered about thirty years ago by Pelletier, but from the exceedingly small quantity ob- tained by him, he was unable to give an exact method for its preparation. This, however, has now been done by Herr Hesse, who has published a paper on the subject in the Annalen der Chemie. Hesse finds that it accompanies morphine in Gregory’s method, and may be separated from that body by adding excess of ammonia to the alcoholic solution of both alkaloids ; the morphine is precipitated, the other remains in solution. Pseudomorphine is tasteless, insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, carbonic bisulphide, and dilute sulphuric acid, easily soluble in potash, soda, or lime solutions, and in alcoholic solution of ammonia, sparingly so in aqueous solution of ammonia ; it does not neutralise the acid reaction of even the smallest quantity of chlorhydric acid ; it dissolves in concentrated sulphuric acid with an olive green, in concentrated nitric acid with an in- tense orange red, in ferric chloride with a blue colour. At 120° it loses 2 eq. water of crystallisation ; at higher temperatures it turns yellow and decomposes without melting. The Physiological Action of Digitalis has recently been very fully investigated by M. Legroux, who has thus formulated the conclusions at which he has arrived : — 1. If given in a poisonous dose, digitalis acts directly on the heart ; in a therapeutic dose, it excites primarily the contractility of the capillary vessels, and only secondarily influences the circulatory centre by re-estab- lishing the equilibrium of the circulation. If this theory be adopted, digitalis is a sedative of the circulation, inasmuch as it calms its irregular action ; but, if it really possess this power, it is by an exciting and tonic action. 2. The influence of digitalis on the temperature, the secretions, nutrition, the uterine contraction, haemorrhages, &c., can only be explained by its exciting action on the ultimate filaments of the great sympathetic. This theory explains and justifies the favourable results obtained by the employment of digitalis in fevers, cerebral affections, haemorrhages, and dysmenorrhoea, as well as in congestions, dropsies, and the circulatory affec- tions, accompanying cardiac lesions. — Vide Gazette Medicate de Paris, April 27. The Study of Human Histology is greatly facilitated, according to the recent statements of Herren Kolliker, and Cohnheim, by employing chloride of gold to stain the tissues. This substance appears to have a very peculiar effect on the histological elements. Tissues which have been soaked for some time in a weak solution of it, and afterwards exposed to light, are found to ex- hibit certain parts, ex gr. nerve-fibres, connective-tissue corpuscles and cells in general, stained of a bluish, violet, or reddish colour, while other parts, ex gr. intercellular substance, &c., are untouched. The fresh tissue should be covered with a little of a solution of from 1 to *2 per cent, of chloride of gold in distilled water (the strength must be made to vary according to the thickness of the object and other circumstances), and allowed to stand until it assumes a straw-yellow colour. It should then be washed and placed in very dilute acetic acid (1 to *2 per cent.). The colour will in the course of 334 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. some hours gradually develop itself. Nerve-fibres and connective-tissue corpuscles are exceedingly well shown by this method, which will probably come into very general use as a sort of correlative of the 11 silvering ” method with dilute solutions of nitrate of silver. As a general rule, what the silver stains the gold does not, and vice versa. — Vide Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Development of striped Muscular Fibre. — Herr Eckhard has published a paper in Henle und Pfeuffer’s Zeitschrift, in which he points out, as Huxley and others have done before him, that this species of muscular fibre is not developed from cells, but from a blastema. This blastema is nucleated, but the nuclei takes no share in the produce by which the internuclear matter is converted into fibre. Eckhard has also made observations on development of the heart of the chick, and states that at no period can cells be seen, but here, as in the muscles of the skeleton, the earliest stage is a nucleated blastema which rhythmically contracts before fibres make their appearance, the latter are developed from the internuclear matter directly. Lockhart Clarke had previously pointed out the fact that the development of the cardiac muscular fibre is the same as that of the voluntary muscles. What is Hippuric Acid ? — An abstract of the Researches of Shepard and Meissner, appeared in the Centralblatt , and has been again abstracted in the last number of our well-edited contemporary, the Journal of Anatomy. The inquiries of these savants throw much valuable light on the above question. However, Shepard and Meissner .having entirely failed to find hippuric acid in the blood of herbivora, conclude that it is formed in the kidneys. This conclusion is supported by previous experiments of Meissner, who could find no hippuric acid in the blood even after the kidneys had been extirpated. After introducing benzoate of soda into the stomachs of dogs, they found benzoic acid in the blood and saliva, and succinic acid in the sweat ; but hippuric acid could only be found in the urine. In opposition to Kiihne and Hallwachs, they assert that they have satisfactorily proved that the conversion of benzoic into hippuric acid takes place quite independent of the liver. After ejecting hippuric acid into the stomach of rabbits, they found extremely little hippuric acid in the blood, though abundance was found in the urine ; on the other hand, benzoic acid and urea were abundantly found in the blood. When, on the other hand, hippuric acid was injected subcutaneously, hippuric acid was found in the blood in large quantities, but no benzoic acid. Hence it appears that hippuric acid is decomposed in the digestive tract into benzoic acid and glycocoll, the latter of which, according to Kiithe and Horsford, is easily transformed into urea. Meissner and Shepard have found in the cuticle of plants a substance having the following formula C14II12O10, which is nearly identical with the formula for cinchonic acid C14H12012. From this substance they suppose the hippuric acid found in the urine of the herbivora to be derived. Civiale's Collection of Calculi. — Shortly before his death, M. Civiale pre- sented his splendid collection of calculi to the French Academy. At the same time he offered some important remarks upon the various forms, physical and chemical, of calculi. — Vide Comptes Rendus, May 13. A useful form of Poultice , the invention of M. Genevoix, is now on view at the Paris Exhibition. It consists of an impermeable tissue, enclosing SCIENTIFIC SUMMAKY. 335 a double layer of swanskin, which is wetted with a decoction of marsh- mallow, linseed, or poppy heads, and which maintains a temperature of 70° centigrade for more than twelve hours. Termination of the Ne?'ves in Muscle. — The views expressed by Dr. Lionel Beale in the several admirable memoirs he has published on this subject continue to be confirmed by their author’s further researches. In the last number of his Archives of Medicine , Dr. Beale gives some very beautiful drawings of the plexuses of dark-bordered fibres, and those who desire to see the relations of ultimate nerve-fibre to ultimate muscle-fibre can do no better than consult these drawings. The cause of Muscular Contraction. — The numerous and convincing experi- ments of Dr. C. B. Badcliffe, have already converted most of our modern physiologists to the doctrine that muscular contraction is nothing more than electrical discharge. While the muscles are at rest, the electric charge causes a condition of repulsion among the muscular elements by virtue of which the muscle is increased in length. The instant this electricity is discharged the repulsion ceases, and the natural attraction of the muscular particles coming into play, the muscle shortens. That such a discharge ac- companies the muscular contraction is now one of the admitted facts of physiological science. The state of things in Rigor mortis , where there is the most complete degree of discharge, is a very powerful argument in favour of Dr. Badcliffe ’s views, but an appeal to the ordinary phenomena of nervous pathology puts the discharge theory of muscular contraction beyond all question. We call attention to these circumstances, because we notice in the last number of Dr. Beale’s Archives , a paper by Mr. Baxter, on muscular contraction, in which the author makes a wholesale appropriation of Dr. Badeliffe’s theory, but carefully avoids allusion either to Dr. Badcliffe’s treatise, or to his papers read before the Boyal Society. Perhaps Mr. Baxter is unfamiliar with Dr. Bacliffe’s researches. If such be the case, the sooner he informs himself upon them, the better. . METALLURGY, MINERALOGY, AND MINING. Iridium in Canada. — In one of the Canadian journals, it is stated that a Mr. Meves of Madoc, has found iridium among the materials which exist with gold in the Bichardson mine. This is not in accordance with the report of Dr. Sterry Hunt, and Mr. Michel $ but as Mr. Meves’ specimens were derived from a different portion of the vein, it is possible that the existence of iridium may be a fact. Iridium is a hard metal, and exists in the Californian gold ; its presence in the gold coined at the United States’ mint caused the destruction of several valuable dies, and thus led to its discovery. A New Fuel. — This is a modified peat-fuel for which Mr. Lee has taken out a patent. It is said to possess many advantages over coal, as regards economy and production of steam-power. The Shipping Gazette gives the following account of some experiments lately made with this fuel : — u The results arrived at were considered to prove that peat, when properly dried YOL. YI. — NO. XXIV. B B 336 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. and submitted to a certain process, and then saturated in oil, has greater heating power than the best Welsh coal. The advantages possessed by this peat fuel are the rapidity with which a fire can be lighted, and economy in working and space. Put a few blocks in the furnace, apply a match, and in an instant the whole is in a mass of flame. Very little stoking is required.” Electro-Magnetism in Iron Smelting. — An experiment has been tried at Sheffield to test the action of electro-magnetism, on the smelting of iron, and if we are to believe reports the results were highly satisfactory. The following account is given of the experiment: — A fixed electro-magnet is placed opposite an opening in the side of the furnace : the magnet is excited by means of a Smee’s battery, and the current of magnetism is directed into the molten metal. The effect is described as being surprising. The metal appears to bubble and boil ; and the quality of the iron is so much improved that for toughness and hardness it can hardly be equalled. Gun-cotton in Mining — It is stated that by combining ammonia with gun- cotton, its liability to spontoneous combustion is removed without injuring its explosive qualities. Pozzolana. — A late number of the Mining Journal contains a letter from Naples announcing the discovery of a valuable deposit of this cement. It has been found at the foot of Vesuvius, on a property called Torre Bassano. The strength of this cement is said to be equal to, if not greater than that of the celebrated pozzolana of S. Paolo, of Rome, whence England has generally drawn her supplies. In 1852 there was a “ find ” of the same material, and the Government of that day were so satisfied as to its merits that they used it in the construction of the only dry dock in Naples. On making some alterations in this dock recently it was with the greatest difficulty that any impression could be made on the pozzolana above mentioned, proof being thus given of its great excellence. The Government has already contracted for a considerable quantity of it for the construction of the new mole, and for other public works in Palermo, and much has been exported to Alexandria. Bismuth in Australia. — We learn from the Melbourne Age that a discovery has recently been made in South Australia of a lode of bismuth, samples of the metal being now to be seen at the Melbourne Exchange, to which place it has been sent from the neighbouring colony. This metal is very valuable if found in quantity, and it is stated that the lode discovered contains abund- ance of rich u stuff,” but being situated about 200 miles in the interior, some serious difficulties in the cost of carriage have been encountered. Trouble was also experienced in getting the metal smelted, but a quantity of it was sent to England in ingots some time since, and it is expected the supply will be kept up. A Botary Blower , deserving the attention of all who are engaged in tc blast ” operations, is now exhibited in the French Exposition. It is the invention of Messrs. Roots of Connersville, Indiana, and is, we believe, extensively used in America. It is an improvement upon the ordinary system of a cylinders,” and has not the drawbacks either of the cylinder or the fan. It requires less than half the power to run it of even a fan ; its speed is not excessive, being only from 200 to 300 revolutions per minute, whilst the ordinary speed of a fan is ten times greater j and at the same time it can SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 337 force air at any pressure whatever, if sufficient steam power be used, without any of the friction and loss of power incidental to a blowing cylinder. The principle is that of two irregularly-shaped blowers revolving in an oval cylinder. These blowers are so arranged that as they revolve, the air which enters is pent up between them, and driven with any required force through the escape-hole. Japanese Alloys , their Nature and Nomenclature. — The Builder gives the following abstract of a paper which appeared some time since in an American scientific journal: — The first alloy given maybe regarded as a weak Japanese imitation of jewellers’ gold. This Shakdo is an interesting alloy of copper and gold, the latter metal in proportions varying between 1 per cent, and 10 per cent. Objects made from this composition, after being polished are boiled in a solution of sulphate of copper, alum, and verdigris, by which they receive a beautiful bluish-black colour. 1 Gin shi hu icliij (‘ quarter silver ’) is an alloy of copper and silver, in which the amount of silver varies between 30 per cent, and 50 per cent. Ornamental objects made from this composition take, when subjected to the action of the above solution, a rich grey colour, much liked by the Japanese. Mokume is a mixture of several alloys and metals of different colours associated in such manner as to produce an ornamental effect. Beautiful damask work is pro- duced by soldering together, one over the other in alternate order, thirty or forty sheets of gold, shakdo silver, rose copper, and gin shi hu ichi, and then cutting deep into the thick plate thus formed with conical reamers, to pro- duce concentric circles, and making troughs of triangular section to produce parallel, straight, or contorted lines. The plate is then hammered out until the holes disappear, manufactured into the desired shape, scoured with ashes, polished, and boiled in the solution already mentioned. The boiling brings out the colours of the shakdo, gin shi hu ichi, and rose copper. Of brasses (Sin ehu) the finest quality of brass is formed of 10 parts of copper and 5 parts of zinc. A lower quality, of 10 parts copper and 27 parts zinc. Kara kane (bell metal) varies from first quality — copper 10, tin 4, iron f, zinc If, to fourth quality — copper 10, tin 2, lead 2. The best small bells are made from the former quality, and large bells from the latter. Iridium from Blende. — Herr Boettger has pointed out that the flue-dust which condenses in the chimneys of the zinc works of Goster contains oxide iridium in the proportion ~th per cent. He gives the following directions for its extraction. Boil the deposit for half an hour with hydrochloric acid, and digest the clear liquid with pieces of zinc for six hours at the ordinary temperature. There is then deposited a black metallic powder, which is washed with water, and which contains copper, arsenic, cadmium, thallium, and iridium. By boiling this with a concentrated solution of oxalic acid, a solution of cadmium, thallium, and iridium is obtained ; the latter is precipi- tated by ammonia, and the precipitate is then boiled with ammonia and afterwards with water, until the washings contain no more thallium. The oxide of iridium is then almost pure, and only contains traces of iron. — Vide Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Motive Power in Mines. — M. Tresca made a recent communication on this point to the Society of Encouragement. Works in mines require a motive power, either sudden and discontinued or continuous and slow. In the first B B 2 338 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. case, the best motor is compressed air ; in the second, water under pressure. As in tunnel work there can he no admission of fire, combustion, or the en- gendering of steam. Compressed air has been happily employed by M. Sommelier for the engines used by him in the tunnel of the Alps. Water under pressure was employed by M. Perret in the works of the South of France railways, to give a rotatory movement to the rings or circles of M. Deschaux, armed with diamond points for cutting the hardest rocks. — Vide Foreign Correspondence, Chemical News. The Chatham Ballast-iron. — The Admiralty having at last perceived the value of the ballast-iron and having determined on its sale, orders for several thousands tons of this material have been already sent in. The examination of the ballast-iron in use at Chatham dock -yard showed that there are four or five different qualities, the best kind being very valuable. The quality of the iron, however, can only be ascertained after each pig has been split asunder, to allow of the crystals being seen ; and as the method in which the iron is broken has been found to materially affect its quality, the duty of breaking each of the pigs of the quantity of iron sold will be undertaken by Messrs. Kyland, who will be paid at the rate of Is. 6d. per ton for this work, in addition to their commission on the sales. The Admiralty order also directs the sale of 2,000 tons of the ballast-iron in store at Sheerness Dockyard, on the same conditions. The circumstance of the iron requiring to be broken before it is sold will render the entire 4,000 tons useless as ballast-iron, should the Admiralty terms not be accepted. It is worthy of remark that, notwithstanding the comparatively high value of the ballast-iron, the experience of the last few years has completely proved that in a dockyard like Chatham, in which the traffic of enormous armour-plates, with the heavy slabs, plates, and iron beams used in the construction of iron ships is going on all at hours of the day, the granite tramways laid down require re- newing and repairing at intervals of a few months; while, on the other hand, the passage of the heavy weights has no perceptible effect upon those portions of the yard where the tramways are laid with pigs of iron. — Vide The Artizan , June. MICROSCOPY. Under this section we have little to record for the past quarter. Mr. Stokes has written to the Microscopical Journal on the subject of u slides by post,” and as the matter is of interest we shall give a short account of the method he proposes to avoid breakage of slides when travelling through the post office. He says, cut two narrow slips of card-board, and gum them across the slide on each side of the cover, so as to prevent a slide or the side of the box from touching the cover ; roll up four or five slides in paper, and place them in one of the ordinary postal boxes. The box should be left bare and an ordinary parchment label attached to it, by lacing a cord round it. On this label the direction should be written and the stamp affixed. New Objects for the Microscope. — Mr. Dancer has read a paper before the Manchester Philosophical Society, in which he says that the coal ash from SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 339 the flue of a furnace supplies some interesting objects for the Microscope. Besides other bodies contained in this coal ash may be seen a number of curious-looking objects which vary in size and colour. The majority of these bodies are spherical, and when separated from the irregularly shaped particles forming the bulk of the dust they become interesting objects for the microscope. Some of these are as perfect in form as the most carefully turned billiard balls, and have a brilliant polish. The various colours which these globules exhibit give additional interest to their examination. Some are transparent crystal spheres, others are opaque white, many are yellow and brown, and variegated like polished agates or cornelian of different shades. The most abundant of the highly polished balls are black ; there are others which look like rusty cannon balls — some of these have an aper- ture in them like a bombshell, and many are perforated in all directions. To obtain these objects the dust should be washed in a bowl and all the lightest particles allowed to float away; the remainder consists of fragmentary crystalline and ferruginous substances ; mixed with these are the polished balls described, which, under the microscope, by a brilliant reflected light, look like little gems. To separate the spherical bodies from the irregular ones, it is only necessary to sprinkle some of this material on an inclined glass plate, and by gentle vibration the balls roll down, and can thus be collected. — Vide Chemical News, June 21st. PHOTOGRAPHY. Photography at the Paris Exhibition. — On the whole, the art-science of photography plays its part well at the great French International Exhibition, and in the collective displays of various nations we find its numerous and diverse applications, improvements, and modifications fairly represented. The Austrian collection is a very attractive one and contains some of the very best specimens of photo-lithography yet produced ; its specimens of portraiture from life-size downward are of a very excellent character, and, like those of France, Prussia, and Russia, are decidedly superior to the English. In the Darmstadt contributions are some interesting specimens by Dr. Reissiz exhibited to illustrate his theory of photogenic action. In the Prussian department a large portrait lens attracts attention ; it is four- teen inches in diameter and covers a square of thirty inches. The French department contains some interesting specimens of photographic-engraving process, of enamelled photographs, and of enlargements from microscopical photographs, amongst which is one of a flea enlarged to the size of a small pig. Amongst the novelties and applications of photography to decorative art are photographs of a singular character, illustrative of a new process called “ Chrysoplasty.” They represent goldsmiths’ work, ancient armour, draperies embroidered with gold and silver, bronze statuary, philosophic instruments, &c., and are apparently in the same metals as the originals. This process is a secret one, but the inventor, Mr. Bceringer, is prepared to produce such photographs from any negatives which may be sent him for that purpose. He is at present making a large collection of specimens from antique curi- 340 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. osities and works of art in metal dispersed in tlie public and private museums of various nations, and with this end in view appeals to the owners and guardians of such collections, and those who have negatives of the required description, to render him assistance. In photographic portraiture, by uni- versal consent, the French stand prominently foremost, so much so that as the Times says u amongst those articles which are specially called articles de Paris , a good photographic portrait is now to be placed.” In the English department we miss most of our foremost photographers, amongst them Air. 0. Gr. Reglandes, Air. T. R. Williams, and but too many others. Air. Alayall, AI. Claudet, Lock and Whitfield, Ross and other of our chief portraitists exhibit largely, but all show but weak and mean when contrasted with their rival portraitists as represented in the French collection. As landscapists English photographers, like English painters, carry off the palm. Why landscapes by English operators so far surpass others we cannot explain, but no one with any artistic taste or j udgment, would hesitate to attribute the superiority of the French portraits purely and simply to a more refined taste and greater knowledge of pictorial science in their producers. The English photographs display little merit beyond such as belongs exclusively to the skilful management of good tools, while the French photographers are evidently, as a rule, artists studying such things as lighting, posing and arranging, exposing and developing with considerable artistic knowledge and preconceived design, the former with a view to putting a picture before the lens, and the latter with a view to its faithful reproduction in the operating room. Two of the great secrets of their greater success will, we believe, be found to reside in the much longer exposures they give their plates in the camera and in the use of a developer not so rapid in its action as to escape control during development. The great cry in England has been* for short exposures and powerful developers, things which war against the subtle delicacies of gradations from light to dark, and from darks into reflected lights, which constitute one^ of the most special and striking pecu- liarities of the best French portraits. Refer back to past volumes of the English photographic journals and this craving for extraordinary rapidity coupled with frequent mention of the extraordinary long exposures given on the continent, where the light is more powerful and the atmosphere more pure, will be found. You will also perceive that while articles tending directly and indirectly to give mechanical manipulation and good tools all the credit of increased success crowd their pages to a wearying degree of sameness and repetition, papers of a truly art-educational character are extremely rare, in consequence, we have been informed, of the little real appreciation they meet with from English photographic students. Hence probably the inartistic and tasteless character displayed by their photographs when contrasted with those of our more artistic and tasteful neighbours. The Due de Luynes Prize. — In 1859 the French Photographic Society distri- buted the sum of 2,000 francs as prizes for the best researches in producing unalterable photographs, and as part of the sum of 10,000 francs devoted to that purpose by the Due de Luynes. The society then fixed upon the 1st of April, 1864, for the further award of the remaining sum. The decision of the jury was however postponed and the decision announced on the 5th of last April awarded the 8,000 francs to AI. Poitevin for his photo-lithographic process published in 1855. According to this decision all the claims made SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 341 by M. Poitevin’s rival competitors, Talbot, Niece de St. Victor, Lemercier, Charles Negre, Placet, Woodbury, Pouncy, Paul Pretsch, Cole, James, and others, have achieved nothing,* having greater pretensions to permanency than a process extant in 1859 had. And yet good and truly permanent photographs are almost as much a want of the age now as they have been since the art’s discovery, and all our best experimentalists are still hard at work in this identical direction. Preservation of Photographs. — In a paper read before the Glasgow Photo- graphic Association on the 11th of April, Mr. J. Stuart recommended the saturation of prints with collodion as a means of ensuring their permanency. Since then others have strongly recommended this process as a very valuable one, well calculated to effect the desired end, and Mr. Valentine Blanchard in a paper read before the London Photographic Society, gave the result of some experiments in carrying out Mr. Stuart’s idea. On this occasion the Rev. J. B. Reade, F.R.S., who occupied the chair, gave the entire credit of the idea to Mr. Blanchard as others have done since, and said the process really conferred immunity from fading. Mr. Belton, at the June meeting of the North London Photographic Association, stated that it was best according to his experience to apply the collodion to the prints somewhat sparingly, both before and behind, with a brush, and to immerse them in hot water before mounting, so as to render them more plastic. He had used starch for mounting, but thought good glue would prove the better material. The Collodio- Albumen Process. — Mr. Maxwell Lyte, whose excellent photographs have been so often and widely admired, and from whom we have so frequently derived hints of great practical value, has introduced a modification of the collodio-albumen process, by which it is said to be rendered more sensitive. The iodides and bromides he employs are those of sodium, and he does not advise the use of salts of cadmium. After sen- sitising, the plates are washed and rewashed in a weak solution of salt to remove the free nitrate of silver. The albumen is prepared by an ammo- niacal solution of chloride of silver, and the plate allowed to dry over a capsule of sulphuric acid, in order to absorb all the free ammonia. The developer is a solution of protosulphate of iron without acid. The albumen used should not be thick, and all the ammonia should have evaporated before exposure. Photographs in Colours. — M. ‘Poitevin’s photographs in natural colours, described in these pages, were recently stated by that gentleman to fade even in the dark. Oxalic Acid in the Negative Bath. — An editorial article in the u British J ournal of Photography,” speaks of the presence of pin-holes in the film and insensitive streaks on its surface as frequently due to the presence of crystals consisting of oxalate of silver. After explaining how oxalic acid may be present in the collodion, the article attributes thereto the formation of the above crystals, and says their nature may be readily proved by two very simple tests. One is to heat over a spirit-lamp a few of the crystals previously washed in a little water and then dried in a small tube closed at one end, when if oxalate of silver they will detonate almost like a few grains gunpowder, and the other is the placing of a few of the crystals in powder on a watch glass, adding a little water with a drop of sulphide of ammonion. 342 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. If then stirred, and allowed to stand for an hour or so the black sulphide of silver will be produced, and oxalate of ammonium contained in the liquid. The latter is then filtered off into a test tube and boiled with the addition of a drop or two of dilute acetic acid, and solution of sulphate of lime added when the production of a white precipitate insoluble in acetic but easily dissolved in nitric acid. This at once indicates the presence of oxalic acid. The writer then gives as the best remedy with which he is acquainted, the adding of a drop or two of solution of nitrate of lime to the bath, when the precipitate can be removed by filtration. Any slight excess of the nitrate of lime will not injure the bath. The Bromized Collodion Process. — This process of Major Bussells is de- scribed by the : editor of Photographic Notes , as 11 the first in point of absolute merit ” of all the “ dry collodion processes ; ” and he continues, “Nothing can surpass the beauty of its specimens produced by the Major himself. We have never seen foliage in all its depths so admirably rendered as in some of these specimens ; ” and moreover adds, that they are “the most sensitive plates ever exposed in a camera up to the present time.” Knowing these to be the opinions of a good practical and scientific photographer we give our readers the process, which is briefly this : — “ The collodion contains about 8 grns. of bromide of cadmium to the oz. and no iodide. The plates are immersed for ten minutes to a quarter of an hour in a 70 grn. nitrate bath, acidified with nitric acid, and they are then washed excessively .” This is a point of primary importance. The washed plate is then coated with tannin, or some other suitable organic matter, and is allowed to dry spontaneously. The exposure is the same as in the wet process, and the development is effected by means of a solution of pyrogallic acid, to which carbonate of ammonia is added. No subsequent intensifica- tion is necessary, because any degree of density can be obtained by increasing the proportion of carbonate of ammonia added to the solution. To retard the action of the developer, which .would otherwise be too energetic, add bromide of cadmium, which must be very nicely proportioned to the quantity of alkali, a slight excess tending to enfeeble the image and too little to produce fog. The exact balance can only be hit by frequent experi- ment, and when attained, care should be taken always to preserve it. With this additional care the process is one of exceeding value both as regards the artistic value of its result and scientific accuracy of principle. We must add that the plates do not keep so long after exposure as others do. The Photographic Society. — The Photographic Times commenting on the present unpromising position and gloomy prospects of the London Photographic Society says, “ Only fancy an association having less than 300 members, and an income of as many pounds (if every member pays), paying its secretary JloO per annum. This sum will seem the more inordinate when it is considered that the society holds but eight meetings per annum, and when it is considered that many competent men would be glad to hold the post as an honorary, appointed for the mere love of an art which they practise a3 a scientific recreation. Photography in London. — The offlcial catalogue of the Paris Exhibition, British department, gives the following statistical account of the number of persons engaged in photographic trade in London, exclusively of workmen. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 343 Photographic artists," 284 ; apparatus makers, 38 ; album makers, 38 ; chemists, 17 ; moimters, 6 ; paper makers, 15 ; publishers, 16 ; dealers in materials, 28. New Photo-Engraving Process. — The Chemical News asserts that a new process of photo-engraving by M. Baldus is about to be introduced, far surpassing in simplicity, certainty, and beauty of result, the best works produced by Messrs. Woodbury, Swan, and others, and at a price fabu- lously low. The process is a secret one but is said to be exceedingly simple. Long-kept Plates. — At a meeting of the Philadelphia Photographic Society a member exhibited a print from a tannin negative which had been kept five years previous to exposure, and a tannin negative developed one year after exposure. The Nature of the Latent Image. — Mr. Carey Lea has advanced what he considers “ some entirely new views,” on the nature of the latent image : he says : “When light considered in reference to its illuminating power falls upon any surface, we are accustomed to regard the effect of that illumination as passing away at the same instant of time that the illumination terminates. But there are a vast number of well recognised exceptions to this rule which we know under the name of phosphorescence and fluorescence,” which proves, says Mr. Lea, “ that bodies may by light be thrown into a state of vibratory motion, lasting for a longer or shorter, sometimes for a very considerable time after the exciting cause is removed, and that, so long as this vibratory movement continues they will themselves emit light.” The writer then proceeds to argue that there is no reason to doubt the property we con- veniently call actinism may have similar power on certain bodies and that the latent image “ is simply a phosphorescence of actinic rays. . . Pure iodide of silver undergoes no decomposition by light when thoroughly isolated from all substances, organic and inorganic, which are capable of aiding in effecting a reduction. But, if exposed to light, it continues for a certain time there- after to retain the vibrations it received ; and just for so long as these vibra- tions continue will it be instantly decomposed if brought into contact with any substance which would have caused its decomposition had the two been subjected to the action of light together. . . For this property of light I propose the name of * Actinescence.’ The more we examine these phenomena the more we shall perceive that actinescence must, so to speak, exist j for different phosphorescent bodies emit light of very different colours, showing that their respective capacities of prolonged impression are confined to rays of a certain refrangibility, differing from each other in each case. Now we know that the actinic influence accompanies rays of a certain refrangibility, especially the violet, the indigo, and the rays immediately beyond the visible. The permanence therefore of these actinic rays, under suitable circumstances is no more difficult of conception than that of other rays, a fact which has been known and recognised for centuries.” Mr. Lea then argues that the faculty of receiving a latent developable impression depends on the posses- sion of two properties, viz. sensitiveness to light, and actinescence ; that a body may be actinescent without being sensitive to light, and therefore unable to retain the latent image, and that on the other hand substances may be merely sensitive to light when brought in contact with others, but which not retaining the impressions made by light until the decomposing agent be 344 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. brought in contact -with them, are likewise incapable of receiving latent images. But these capacities may exist conjointly, as we see in the case of large numbers of silver compounds. This new theory rests upon these facts, namely, the sensibility to light of pure iodide of silver and the spontaneous resensilising of pure iodide of silver, and will, as Mr. Carey Lea believes, (( dispel all the mystery that has seemed to some to envelope the idea of a physical image and bring all the most obscure facts of photo-chemistry into parallelism with well understood and very simple phenomena.” We quote from the British Journal of Photography, in which, unless we are much mistaken, similar views were put forth some time since.* A New Camera has been introduced in America for producing simul- taneously any number of portraits of a sitter with one lens. This is ob- tained by the adjustment of a number of movable mirrors fastened on blocks of wood and so contrived as to throw the reflected images each on the proper part of the plate or focussing screen. PHYSICS. The Physics of Chemical Reaction. — According to the researches of M. Berthelot, a chemical reaction, which is capable of setting free an appreciable quantity of heat, will always accompany the following conditions : — 1. The reaction is one which reaches its limit within a very short time from its commencement ; this condition is fundamental. 2. The reaction is one which begins without foreign aid at the temperature of the commencement of the experiment ; reactions excluded by this condition act in conformity with the principle enunciated if they are caused to set in either by raising the temperature or by other means. 3. The parent substances and the products possess similar functions. He is of opinion that the inverse re- actions of iodhydric acid and argentic chloride might be foreseen from the basis of this general principle, and that the analogous action of iodhydric acid on potassic chloride, which he has experimentally verified, is a further proof of the correctness of his view. — Vide Chemical Neivs. A 11 Standard” Spectrum, which promises to be exceedingly useful, and * Since the above was written, Mr. W. H. Harrison has written to the paper in which Mr. Lea’s articles appear, expressing u unbounded astonish- ment ” to find that gentleman republishing his ideas as new ones of his own, without any alteration whatever, except a guess, unsupported by experiment, 11 that the moving molecules vibrate with a motion which throws off chemical rays.” Both Mr. Lea and Mr. Harrison have long been constant contribu- tors to the British Journal of Photography, in which the papers on u The Mechanical Action of Light,” to which the latter gentleman alludes, were published not longer ago than last autumn. Our own impression is that these ideas were published long before either Mr. Lea or Mr. Harrison ad- vanced them in Hunt’s (C Researches,” but between this and our next issue we shall give the matter further attention. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 345 seems likely to be conducive to discovery in this department of physics, has been devised by Mr. H. C. Sorby. Mr. Sorby proposes that it shall be used as a scale in all descriptions of spectra as seen by the micro-spectroscope. The following is Mr. Sorby’ s description of the new scale. It is an inter- ference spectrum, produced by a plate of quartz -043 inch thick, cut parallel to the principal axis of the crystal, and placed between two Nicol’s prisms. In this the whole visible space is divided by dark bands into twelve regular divisions, having in all parts the same relation to the physical properties of the light. These are counted from the red end towards the blue, their centres being reckoned as 1, 2, 3, &c. and the thickness of the plate is so adjusted that the sodium line exactly corresponds to 3 a. The intensity of the absorption is expressed by the following types : — Not at all shaded Very slightly shaded Decidedly shaded More shaded Strongly shaded, but so that a trace of colour is still seen Still darker Nearly black Blank space . . Dots trith wide spaces . . . Dots closer together . . . Very close dots Three hyphens close — Single dash Double dash Except when specially requisite, only the symbols . . . — — are employed for the sake of simplicity, and then as signs of the relative rather than of the absolute amount of absorption, and it is assumed that there is a gradual shading off from one tint to the other, unless the contrary is expressed. — Chemical New s, May 3. The Contractions and Dilatations of Iodide of Silver. — At a meeting of the French Academy on April 15, M. Fizeau returned to this subject. He found that with iodide of silver, whether in its amorphous or crystalline state, the action of heat established by him is reversed ; its dilatation is negative, contracting instead of expanding on the increase of temperature. But this negative dilatation is not quite the same in the amorphous state, in the state of compressed precipitate, as in the crystalline state ; — 000000137 in the first case, —0-00000139 in the second. The Determination of the Density of Ozone. — A note on this subject was com- municated to the Academy of Science by Mr. Soret, of Geneva. Experi- ments by means of absorption lead to the conclusion that the density of ozone is one and a half times that of oxygen. lie applied Graham’s law of diffusion — viz. that the diffusion takes place in the inverse proportion of the square of the density. He then diffused two mixtures — one of oxygen and chlorine ; the other of oxygen and ozone. Thus compared, the density of ozone to that of chlorine or oxygen was found to be 1 : 5. Development of Ozone during the present year. — A correspondent of the Chemical News gives an acconnt of the development of ozone since the first of January. In January there were two well-marked periods of scarcely a trace of ozone — namely, from the 1st to the 5th, culminating on the 4th, when the test was colourless, and from the 10th to the 19th, culminating on the 13th, 14th, and 18th. Both these periods were followed by 346 POPULAE SCIENCE EEYIEW. equally well-marked periods of a large development of ozone. In February no such well-marked and settled periods occurred. On some days there was but little ozone, as, for instance, on the 2nd, and the afternoons of tbe 21st and 28th, especially on the afternoon of the 21st ; while on other days there was a good deal, as on the 16th, 18th, and 20th. But the periods of increased and decreased development were short and unsettled, often lasting not more than a few hours, and at most a day or two. In March there was scarcely a trace of ozone on the 1st and 2nd, and very little on the 3rd, 8th, 9th, and 16th ; considerable quantities on the 13th, 25th, 27th, and 30th, especially on the 25th and 30th. Speaking generally, there was a period of scanty development of ozone till the middle of the month, and then a period of more plentiful development towards the end ; but neither of these periods was well defined or settled. — Vide Chemical News, April 19. The Measurement of the Magnetic Dip. — A paper was lately read before the Manchester Philosophical Society by Sir William Thomson, on a new form of the dynamic method for measuring the magnetic dip. Seven years ago, an apparatus was constructed for the natural philosophy class of the University of Glasgow, for illustrating the induction of electric currents by the motion of a conductor across the lines of terrestrial magnetic force. This instru- ment consisted of a large circular coil of many turns of fine copper wire, made to rotate by wheelwork about an axis, which can be set to positions inclined at all angles to the vertical. A fixed circle, parallel to the plane containing these positions, measured the angles between them. The ends of the coil were connected with fixed electrodes, so adjusted as to reverse the connections every time the plane of the coil passed through the position perpendicular to that plane. When in use, the instrument should be set as nearly as may be in the magnetic meridian. The fixed electrodes being joined to the two ends of a coil of a delicate galvanometer, a large deflection is observed when the axis of rotation forms any considerable angle with the line of magnetic dip. On first trying the instrument, Sir William perceived that its sensibility was such as to promise an extremely sensitive means for measuring the dip. Accordingly, soon after he had a small and more port- able instrument constructed for this special purpose ; but up to this time he had not given it any sufficient trial. On the occasion of a recent visit, Dr. Joule assisted at some experiments with this instrument. The results have convinced both observers that it will be quite practicable to improve it so that it may serve for a determination of the dip within a minute of angle. The Movement of Solids under Pressure. — M. Tresca, whose fine researches we have before noticed in these pages, has presented a second part of his memoirs to the Academy. This portion of his memoirs relates to the flowing of solids through simple or multiple circular, polygonal, and lateral orifices, and described a great number of interesting particulars which confirm the results of his former experiments, and undoubtedly prove that the mole- cules of substances of the stiffest nature in appearance possess the property of moving independently, generally in parallel directions. The flowing takes place in concentric zones. — Vide Comptes Rcndus, April 22. The Pei'iodical Variations of Tempei'ature. — M. St. Claire Deville has been publishing a second series of his investigations in the above interesting meteorological subject. He has established, in one of his former memoirs, SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 347 that there exists a certain depending connection in the movement of the mean temperature of four days, placed on the ecliptic at an angle of 90° one from the other, for the four months (opposed two by two) of February, May, August, and November, which contain the critical days, known by the ancients under the name of the three saints of ice (May 11, 12, 13), and the summer of Saint Martin (November 11). In this new work he shows that the fact is general, and that this connection or mutual dependence of the four opposite days exists during the whole of the year ; whether we take into consideration a considerable cycle — 110 years at Berlin, 90 years at Vienna, 50 at London, 40 at Prague and Edinburgh, 30 at Brussels, 24 at Toulouse, 21 at Paris — or that we take in this point of view an isolated year (1864) on several European stations. The former, depending upon the same data, establishes, in fine, that this connection is evident also when we com- bine twelve by twelve the days separated one from the other by 30° of the ecliptic. The latter phenomenon constitutes the meteorological month , as the season was established by the consideration of the quadruple days. Alteration of the Freezing-point in Thermometers. — Dr. J. P. Fowler, F.B.S., has recorded an important fact in connection with the alteration of the freezing-point in thermometers which have been for some time in use. Having had in his possession, and in frequent use, for nearly a quarter of a century, two thermometers, of which he has from time to time taken the freezing-points, he thinks the results of some interest. Both thermometers are graduated on the stem, and are, he believes, the first in this country which were accurately calibrated. Thirteen divisions of one of them cor- respond to one degree Fahrenheit. It was made by Mr. Dancer in the winter of 1843-44. His first observation of its freezing-point was made in April 1844. Calling this zero, his successive observations have given 0 April 1844. 5' 5 February 1846. 6'6 January 1848. 6-9 April 1848. 8- 8 February 1853. 9- 5 April 1856. 11T December 1860. 11-8 March 1867. The total rise has been, therefore, -91 of a degree Fahrenheit. The other thermometer is not so sensitive, having less than four divisions to the degree. The total rise of its freezing-point has been only *6 of a degree ; but this is probably owing to the time which elapsed between its construction and the first observation being rather greater than in the case of the other thermo- meter. The rise of the two thermometers has been almost identical during the last nineteen years. Crystalline Refraction. — M. A. Cornu has written a memoir on this sub- ject, in which he propounds a new theory of Fresnel’s law of crystalline refraction. The principal conclusions of the report in his memoir were, that the luminous vibrations were normal to the plane of polarisation, as Fresnel and Cauchy announced a long time ago, though the direct proofs hitherto proposed are open to discussion. 348 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. How to Drill Glass. — An ingenious method of drilling glass, which was first described in Hardwicke’s Science Gossip and quoted by the Chemical Neivs , has elicited from Dr. Lunge an account of another means which he has found extremely simple and efficient. It is simply the employment of dilute sulphuric acid — and he found it, on trial, to answer much better than the method referred to. Not only, it appears, is the efficacy of the cutting tool more increased by sulphuric acid than by oil of turpentine, but also, strange as it seems, the tools (files, drills, &c.) are far less rapidly destroyed by being used with the acid than with the oil. He also found it stated that, in the engineering establishment of Mr. Pintus, at Berlin, glass castings for pump barrels, &c., were drilled, planed, and bored, just like iron ones, and in the same lathes and machines, by the aid of sulphuric acid. As to drilling, Dr. Lunge can fully testify to the efficacy of that method. Whenever he wants, say, a hole in the side of a bottle, he sends it, along with some dilute (1 : 5) sulphuric acid, to the blacksmith, who drills in it, with a hand-brace, a hole of ^-inch diameter. This hole is then widened to the required size by means of a triangular or round file, again wetted with the acid. He also finds a great help in the latter when making graduations on litre flasks, &c. There is hardly any smell perceptible during the work, which proves how little the acid acts upon the tools, undoubtedly owing to their being tempered ; but each time after use, he takes the precaution to wash and dry the files at once, and he has so far observed no sensible deterioration in them. ~ Transparency of Metals at a bright Red Heat. — Dr. Adriani has written a letter to a contemporary relative to the reported discovery of Father Secchi, that metals at a red heat are transparent. He states that the fact that iron, steel, and also platinum and copper, are transparent while at a bright red heat, has been known long since not only to practical engineers, but, as re- gards iron, steel, copper, and platinum, to workers in these metals. The account given of the manner in which M. Secchi found out this property of iron is as follows : — The reverend Father hadjordered a strong iron tube to be made. As it was intended for an apparatus requiring a vacuum, it was essential that this tube should be perfectly airtight : and as Father Secchi had some doubts about its soundness in this respect, in order to set these at rest, the tube was made red-hot and taken into a dark place, when he clearly perceived through the iron, which was half a centimetre thick, a crack inside the tube, and which did not reach to the outer surface. It is rather curious that the fact of the metals above alluded to (to which Dr. Adriani says he has reason to believe that gold may be added) becoming- transparent at red heat should have escaped the notice of scientific men. It requires, however, a good bright red heat ; but the transparency of the metals is, he says, evident thus even in daylight, as he knows from his own experience, while working many years ago in an engineering establishment attached to a large sugar refinery. The Bisulphide of Carbon in Coal-gas. — The valuable researches which have just been published by Professor Alfred Gr. Anderson, demonstrate beyond all question the imperfection of the apparatus at present employed in the estimation of bisulphide of carbon in coal-gas. We cannot here enter into details of this chemist’s enquiries, but we may state that they support two conclusions, which are thus stated by the author .- — 1. That in SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 349 determining the sulphur of coal-gas, the a single ” (fish-tail) burner, caused to consume the gas at the rate of cubic feet in five to six hours, effects its combustion most completely. That even under these circumstances 2 per cent, of its sulphur cannot be burned into sulphurous acid. 2. That in no case can the sulphurous products of the combustion be wholly recovered where condensing receivers open to the external atmosphere are employed. The best arrangement of apparatus set up on this principle loses 40 per cent, of sulphur. And the arrangement given by Dr. Letheby, I find, from the same cause, always entails a loss varying from three-fourths to four - fifths of the bisulphide sulphur of the gas. Professor Anderson has already given evidence upon the subject of coal- gas before various Committees of the House of Commons, and we trust that, in the event of the passing of the new Act, the Government will select men of his practical experience for the proposed offices of Inspectors. ZOOLOGY AND COMPAEATIVE ANATOMY. The Australian Timber-boring Insect , Tomicus monographus. — The last-named species which is stated to be new to Australia, has, we believe, been recently introduced into that country. It is a most destructive creature, which seems to prey on casks and barrels with a voracity almost unequalled in the class to which it belongs. The T. typographic, a species more familiar to ento- mologists, is said to have destroyed no less than a million and a half of pines in the Hartz forest in the year 1783. An Australian paper gives the follow- ing description of this species, and of its ravages among the casks in some of the local breweries : — The proboscis forms an excellent gimlet, with which the little insect penetrates the hardest wood in an incredibly short time, while the hinder portion is shaped like a shovel, and is employed in getting rid of the sawdust. They make clean holes through the staves ; and some of the full barrels are leaking in fifty places. In a wine-cellar, thousands burrow into the wine and spirit casks. As soon as they get nearly through the wood, the liquor begins to ooze out, and the animal, of course, gets killed. Every description of box or barrel is full of them, also the doors and timber in the building. Almost every store in the township is infested with these mischievous insects. The head is red, with a proboscis somewhat resembling a parrot’s bill ; and the body is like a small black glass bugle broken off at the end ; the whole length, one quarter of an inch. The silk-worm disease has this year shown itself at Grenoble, under a new form, and is doing extensive damage. According to the reports, the worm does not present any of the symptoms such as blackish spots, noticed in former years, but when it has arrived at the third change, it cannot go any further, and dies of exhaustion. This is attributed to the yellowish leaves of the mulberry, which do not furnish sufficient nourishment. The evil has not been so great in fact in the Ardeche or the Gard, where the weather has been less rainy. Too much rain, it is known, proves injurious to the nutritive qualities of the mulberry leaf. The Crested Agouti, — Mr. St. George Mivart, of St. Mary’s Hospital, has 350 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. reprinted his fine monograph upon the Crested Agouti. His investigation of the Dasyprocta cristcita was conducted jointly with Dr. J. Murie, of the Zoological Society, and the facts arrived at may be thus briefly stated : (1) The unconstricted condition of the stomach of D. cristata, as compared with that of D. aguti j (2) the tendency towards a double apex of the heart ; (3) the approximation of the ureters to the fundus of the bladder,- (4) the presence of a superficial long femoral artery. As regards the comparison between the crested Agouti, guinea-pig, hare and rabbit, Messrs. Mivart and Murie find that the first differs from all the others and stands alone in the following particulars : (1) The number and arrangement of the pads of the pes and manus; (2) the greater extension of the levator clavicuke,- (3) the absence of the rhomboideus capitis muscle : 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, refer to peculiarities of other muscles, which we fear are unfamiliar to our readers. The Osteology of the Insectivora has also been very carefully studied by Mr. Mivart, but as the memoir in which his observations on this subject are stated appears in the May number of the Journal of Anatomy , we must refer our readers to that periodical for the particulars. The Movement of Flight in Birds , fyc., is the subject of a paper read in June last before the Linnean Society by Dr. J. B. Pettigrew. After pointing out the nature of the various forms of locomotion in animals, and showing the relation between the surface moved upon and the organs of locomotion, Dr. Pettigrew states that the body, or parts of the body, in all animals are presented and withdrawn from the several media by rotatory and spiral movements. These movements are for the most part produced by a judicious combination of ball-and-socket and hinge joints, the former occurring as a rule at the shoulder or pelvis, the latter in the limbs when present. The spiral movements are least perceptible in the extremities of land animals, but a careful examination, of the structure of the joints, particularly the elbow and knee joints, and of their movements, will convince even a casual observer of their presence. They are more marked in animals which swim, the sea-bear twisting its flappers about with incredible dexterity, so as to present them obliquely to the water the one instant, and non-obliquely, or with their thin edge, the next. The same happens in the lower portions of the body in the seal and fish, the latter applying its tail to the water very much as an oar in sculling. The rotatory and twisting movements are still more perceptible in the application of wings, the pinions of the insect, bat, and bird being for this purpose twisted upon themselves. Dr. Pettigrew attaches considerable importance to this circumstance, and shows that but for the spiral conformation of the wing, and the fact of its being rotated on and off the wind during extension and flexion, the air could not be rendered subservient to the purposes of flight. He further shows that the more the wing is twisted, and the greater the number of its oscillations, the greater is its elevating and sustaining power. It would, therefore, seem that the screw, or a modification of it, enters into the structure of the bodies and extremities of all vertebrates, and that these are presented to the land, the water, and the air by spiral movements whicn remarkably resemble each other. Dr. Pettigrew’s paper is illustrated by upwards of 70 original draw- ings, a large proportion of the figures being from living animals. Blood Corpuscles of the Two-toed Sloth. — Professor Jtolleston lately tested SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 351 the accuracy of Kiihne’s assertion that the sloth contains nucleated blood corpuscles ; and the result of his observations has been the disproval of the German physiologist’s assertion. The specimen examined was placed at Professor Rolleston’s disposal by Mr. H. N. Moseley, of Exeter College, and was carefully examined under the microscope. Professor Rolleston states that the employment of a twelfth-of-an-inch 'object-glass by Messrs. Powell & Lealand has convinced Mr. Moseley and himself that, though a certain number of the dried blood-corpuscles of the sloth do contain one or more nuclei more or less roughly hewn, and irregularly and eccentrically placed, still the immense majority of them possess the non -nucleated character ordinarily assigned to the mammalian red blood-cell. The large size of the blood-cells of the two-toed sloth, the largest next to those of the elephant put on record amongst mammalian blood-cells by Mr. Gulliver, may, in more ways than one, have rendered an examination of them by a low power amenable to fallacy, and recourse to those of a higher power necessary. In the smaller corpuscles of the camel neither power enabled the observer to detect the presence of nuclei in the coloured blood-cells.” — Vide Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science , April. Gregarine Parasites in JBorlasia. — A paper was read some time since before the Royal Microscopical Society of London by Dr. W. C. McIntosh on the above subject. The author describes the parasite in general terms, and gives a more minute account of certain ova which accompany the gregarinaform body and are often extruded from the posterior end of the Borlasia under pressure. These ova measured about jJ-^th of an inch in diameter, and each contained an embryo that, for some time after the extrusion of the egg, made very evident movements. They have two coats, an inner, faintly (concen- trically) striated under pressure, and an external, without markings. The contained embryo is finely granular, and has a large pale nucleus ; its various postures may be distinctly seen. When an ovum is ruptured between the glasses the contents spread abroad as a vast number of dancing granules. A new species of (Ecistes has been discovered and described by Mr. Henry Davis, who has made some curious experiments upon certain specimens. These experiments appear to demonstrate that in the species which he terms CE. intermedins the ciliated “chin” is employed in manufacturing tire tube which the animal inhabits. In proof of this belief Mr. Davis says that he has on several occasions noticed minute particles in suspension in the water drawn across and from the buccal aperture and directed by the cilia over the chin into a slight depression beneath it. The granules were not rotated nor formed into pellets, but they simply collected in a spot agreeing with the position of the pellet-cup in Melicerta. There was evidently a viscid excretion at the spot which held the extraneous matters loosely together in a clot; in about half a minute the rotifer would jerk down, leave the floccose deposit on the edge of its case, then rise immediately and repeat the process. On mixing a little carmine with the water, the process became very striking ; an irregular crimson edge to the tube was made under Mr. Davis’ observation, and, oil leaving a number of specimens of both species in a zoophyte trough, charged with carmine, for forty-eight hours, he found that a few had continued building, and made red tops of different sizes to their habitations ; nearly one fourth of the entire structure in two instances YOL. YI. — NO. XXIY. C C 352 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. was composed of the mixture of the red atoms and gelatinous excretion. One. infant rotifer/ whose first efforts at building he had distinctly marked, seemed to have made his entire nest of the glowing pigment. — Vide Transactions of the Microscopical Society, No. 26. A curious larva has been described to the Dublin Microscopical Club, by Mr. John Barker. It was found in boggy ground in the Co. Wicklow. As we have ourselves met this interesting form in large colonies, in some of the Irish bogs we give the description of it for our entomological readers. The larva was in great part enveloped in a compressed quadrangular case, expand- ing towards the posterior end, elliptic in section j the aperture elliptic, semi- trumpet-shaped, everted and a little flattened. Through this the larva protruded its head and three pair of legs, which were long and, with the exception of the first pair, which were short and ended in a forceps, were armed with long and slightly curved unequal hooks. By means of its legs the creature crawled along the bottom and sides of the vessel, carrying the case swinging obliquely above. The two valve -like sides of the case approximated towards the base, so as to present a slit ; it seemed composed of structureless chitine, with a few hairs on its surface. It was about in length, and I*/' broad at the base. The larva, after it had been in confinement about a fortnight, anchored itself . by a sort of byssus to the sides of the vessel. First, a mucous substance was deposited on the glass at four different points ; then four sets of cords (about fifty in each) united these attachments, two to the long axis of the mouth of the case, and two to the angles of the base. The animal lay much shortened, with its head curved round, its legs close together, entirely within the case. The animal nature of sponges is demonstrated very clearly in a paper by Prof. H. J. Clark, in a late number of Silliman’s American Journal. The American naturalist considers that the ciliated sponges are most closely allied to the monociliate Infusoria flag ellata. How to observe the reproduction of Zoophytes. — Dr. T. Strethill Wright, in a paper on u British Zoophytes,” gives some valuable advice to those who wish to study the mode of reproduction of zoophytes. His remarks have especial reference to the Naked-eyed Medusce. He says that the greatest care must be taken that the sea- water used in the experiment is perfectly free from the presence of the planuloid larvae of other forms, which are frequently contained in water recently brought from the sea. The water must be slowly passed through filtering paper into a glass vessel capable of containing not less than three or four gallons, in which are placed a few fronds of Chondrus crispus or Enteromorpha. A few of the medusae only should be placed in the vessel, amongst which it is advisable, but not necessary, that one should be a male with white and opaque, not transparent, spermatic sacs. The animals should be frequently fed with minute pieces of mussel or oyster. As soon as the planulae appear they should be removed with a dipping- tube into a round glass shade inverted and filled with sea-water from the larger vessel, to which a few drops of mussel-juice must be added daily until it appears crowded with minute protozoa to serve as food for the future hydroids. The internal surface of the shade, and the surface of the water, should be examined often from without with an inch lens, and as soon as each planula adheres to the inside of the glass, a thin disc of microscopic SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 353 glass should be attached externally over its site with an interposed drop of glycerine, to ensure a flat surface, and the microscope, placed on a proper support, should be brought up to it armed with a power of about eighty diameters. The light, the quantity of which must be regulated by a diaphragm of blackened card or metal, should be reflected from a plane mirror, and carefully adjusted so as to pass through the water directly in the axis of the tube of the microscope. By this means the whole development of the planula into the hydroid zoophyte, with the successive development of the polypary, and the budding of the polyps, may be seen in a very beautiful manner. — Vide Journal of Anatomy , No. ii. Newspaper Zoology. — The ’ Pall Mall Gazette has published the fol- lowing interesting note : — u The Courier de Saigon reports some extraordinary items of natural history from the land of the Anamites. There is a certain fish, called Ca-ong in the language of the country, which has distinguished itself to that degree that the King has bestowed upon it the proud title of “ Nam hai dui bnong gnan,” which, as everybody knows, means u Great General of the South Sea.” It appears that this laudable fish is in the habit of quietly paddling round the ships near the coast until somebody tumbles overboard. He then seizes him instantly, and, instead of eating him, gently carries him in his mouth to the shore. At Wung-tau, near St. James’s Cape, they keep a skeleton of this extraordinary philanthropist. It is about thirty-five feet long, possesses front teeth like an elephant, very large eyes, a black skin very smooth, a tail like a lobster, and two wings on the back.” The Salmon in Australia. — There can be no longer any doubt of the success of the experiment in introducing the Salmon into Australia. The eggs were hatched, and the young were turned into the sea. From the sea they have returned, and are mounting the River Derwent. So states a recent letter from Dr. Officer, of Hobart Town. This is a great fact for fish- hatchers. Pisciculture is no longer a science simply, it is an useful art. Inffen "West ad.nat.3el .& sc . WWQst imp. Plate RVTI Microscopic Stracttire of Rocks. 355 THE MICROSCOPE IN OEOLOOY. By DAVID FORBES, F.R.S. THE more searching and exact method of investigation now demanded by the advancing state of geological enquiry, neces- sitates that the student of that science shall in his researches avail himself of all possible means which the collateral sciences place at his disposal, and, amongst others, of those which can enable him to extend his powers of observation beyond the limits to which his unassisted eyesight can convey him. As long as he encounters in the field only rocks of so coarse or simple a structure as to admit of their being resolved by the naked eye into their constituent mineral species, or of distinguishing the fragments of previously existing rocks, of which they may have been built up, he may speculate with a fair chance of suc- cess as to their probable origin or mode of formation. When, however, as is more often the rule than the exception, rocks are everywhere met with presenting so fine-grained and appa- rently homogeneous a texture as to defy such attempts at ocular analysis, all speculations as to their nature and formation based merely upon observation in the field, can but be compared to groping in the dark, with the faint hope of stumbling upon the truth. In these cases the geologist must call in the aid of chemistry and the microscope ; by chemical analysis he learns the per- centage composition of the rock in question, and the microscopic examination informs him how the chemical elements are mine- ralogically combined, and at the same time affords valuable information as to the physical structure and arrangement of the components of the rock mass, tending to elucidate its formation and origin. The microscope, employed some thirty years back by Ehren- berg in the examination of minute fossil organisms, is now recognised as having already done good service to palaeontology, but was quite unknown to the geologist proper until within the last few years, when the admirable labours of Sorby have demonstrated the importance of the microscope as an indispen- VOL. VI. — NO. XXV. D D 356 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. sable instrument of research in the study of physical geology and petrology, as well as indicated how much more may be expected from its more extended application. The application of the microscope in these enquiries is as yet, however, quite in its infancy, for with the exception of Sorby’s invaluable memoirs on some special points of enquiry, literally nothing has as yet been made public which could even serve as an introductory guide to the geologist who might wish to com- mence the study of the subject. It is therefore with great hesi- tation, and only after much solicitation, that the author of these remarks has now ventured into print, with the hope that by once breaking the ice, others more capable than himself may be induced to communicate the results of their researches on the same subject.* In the present communication it is not intended to go into the details of any special microscopic investigation, but, as far as the space at disposal will allow, to attempt a short sketch of some of the results already obtained, in order thereby to illus- trate the use of the microscope in similar enquiries, and to place the same before our readers in as plain and untechnical language as possible. When applying the microscope to the examination of rock structure and composition, it is necessary to prepare the speci- mens previously, in order to be enabled to make full use of transmitted light in their investigation, since a mere inspection of their outer surface, viewed as an opaque object, although sometimes of considerable value, does not, however, give a tithe of the information which their examination by transmitted light will afford. When in sufficiently thin splinters or laminae, by far the larger proportion of mineral compounds allow light to pass through them with more or less facility, and amongst these, most silicates, chlorides, fluorides, carbonates, sulphates, borates, and other salts, as well as many oxides, and some few sulphides, sulph- arsenides, &c. On the other hand, all native metals, alloys, and most of their combinations with sulphur, arsenic, antimony, &c., along with some few oxides and other compounds, are opaque, even when in the thinnest laminse, and consequently when pre- sent, as they often are, in minute quantity in rocks, although sometimes recognisable by their external crystalline form, are * In 1852 the author commenced the study of the microscopic structure of rocks and minerals by means of sections prepared by Ochatz of Berlin, but soon after commenced the preparation of the sections himself, in which he was under many obligations to the kind aid and advice of Mr. Sorby. At present his collection of sections of rocks, and their constituent minerals, amounts to above two thousand, and represents a wide geographical dis- tribution. 357 % THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGY. not to be distinguished by their optical properties, as in the case of those bodies which, as before mentioned, are translucent. When a mineral or rock under examination is entirely in the vitreous state, as, for example, obsidian, it appears when viewed under the microscope, merely as' a more or less transparent or coloured glass, presenting, if perfectly in the vitreous condition, no evidence of crystalline or other structure, except perhaps traces of the strise of viscid fusion. It is usually found on inspection, however, that some part of the mass is sufficiently de vitrified to allow of its structure and mineral composition being recognised. In some cases, when the glassy appearance presented to the eye would discourage any hopes of structure being discovered, the microscope proved the reverse most con- clusively ; as, for example, the section of glassy pitchstone from Arran, shown in PI. XVII. fig. 4, in which the pyroxenic and felspathic constituents of the rock are beautifully apparent, not- withstanding that the rock itself looks like so much dirty green bottle glass. In many cases, however, where the specimens are so perfectly in the vitreous state as to show no trace of structure whatsoever, this may be developed by carefully acting upon the surface by gaseous or liquid hydrofluoric acid. The rock sections may be prepared for the microscope as fol- lows : a fragment, from one-quarter to three-quarters of an inch square, and of convenient thickness, is chipped off the rock specimen in the direction of the required section, and ground down upon an iron or pewter plate in a lapidary’s lathe with emery, until a perfectly flat surface is obtained. This surface is then worked down still finer by hand on a slab of black marble, with less coarse emery, then upon a Water of Ayr stone with water alone, and, lastly, finished by hand with water on a slab of black marble. By these means the surface acquires a sufficient polish without being contaminated with rouge or other polishing powder or oil, as is sometimes the case with purchased sections of rocks. This side of the rock is now cemented by Canada balsam on to a small piece of plate glass about 1^- inch square and J- thick, which serves as a handle when grinding the other side on the emery plate as before ; this grinding is con- tinued until the section is so thin as to be in danger of breaking up from the roughness of the motion, upon which it is com- pleted, by further grinding with emery by hand on marble, and finished first upon Water of Ayr stone with water, and after- wards upon black marble, as before described. The section is now removed from the plate-glass, and mounted in Canada balsam on a slide, covering its upper surface with a thin glass as usual. The thickness to which such sections need be reduced is, of D D 2 358 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. course, entirely dependent upon the transparency of the rock constituents, and is commonly from to of an inch. Thin splinters of rocks and powdered fragments, mounted in Canada balsam, may also be examined with advantage, but can- not replace the above-described sections. The examination of such a rock section enables a mineralogi- cal analvsis to be made, even of the most compact and apparently homogeneous rock, and generally leads to the discovery of other mineral constituents previously unsuspected, from their being invisible to the eye, and also, as Sorby has observed, allows those minerals, formed at the time of solidification of the rock, to be distinguished from such as are the products of subsequent alteration. Arranging rock species according to their structure, it will be found that most rocks fall naturally into one or other of two great classes — I. Primary or Eruptive Rocks ; II. Secondary or Sedimentary Rocks; and it will be seen that the microscope is of special value when applied in cases where the external appearance renders it doubtful as to which of these classes a rock may pertain. The terms 'primary and secondary are here used quite inde- pendently of geological chronology. Primary rocks (of all ages) might be called “ingenite or subnate rocks” (i.e. such as are born, bred, or created within or below),* whilst the term “ derivate rocks ” would be appropriate for the latter, since directly or indirectly they are all derived from the destruction of the former. I. Primary or Eruptive Rocks. This class includes rocks which have made their appearance in many, if not in all epochs, from the most ancient to the most recent, from the old granitic outbursts to the eruptions of the now active volcanoes; and if, as is now generally admitted, the earth be regarded as having been once a molten sphere, the consolidated original crust of the globe would pertain to this class of rocks. Mineralogically they consist of crystallised silicates, with or without free quartz, and usually containing many other minerals in minor quantities, especially metallic compounds, as magnetite, * These rocks are indiscriminately called volcanic, igneous, plutonic, cry- stalline, &c. The term crystalline, although characteristic of these rocks, is not exclusively so, and is consequently less appropriate ; many normal sedimentary beds, as rocksalt, gypsum, &c., are perfectly crystalline, and others when altered by metamorphic action, become more or less so. THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGY. 359 titanoferrite, iron pyrites, &c., which last are frequently present in so minute a quantity as only to be detected by the microscope. Whatever be their geological age, or from whatever part of the earth’s surface they be taken, the microscopical inspection of such rocks shows immediately that they possess certain general and definite structural characters, distinguishing them at once from all other rocks. The mineral constituents of such rocks are seen to be de- veloped as more or less perfect crystals, at all angles to one another, thereby indicating that the entire mass must have been one time in a state of liquidity or solution (aqueous or ig- neous), sufficient to allow of that freedom of motion absolutely essential to such an arrangement of the particles.* It would be impossible to do justice to this subject without more space, and many other illustrations, than are at disposal in this communication ; some, however, which will serve to point out the general features of the structure of this class of rocks, are attempted in PI. XVII. figs. 1 to 8, and PI. XVIII. figs. 9 to 12. The microscopic examination already made of many hundred sections of eruptive rocks, differing widely in geological age and geographical distribution, shows that in all rocks of this class, whether of the most compact, hard, and homogeneous appear- ance, or occurring in the softest and finest powder, like the ashes and dust frequently thrown out by volcanoes ; a similar crystallised arrangement and structure is present and common to them all. Lavas, trachytes, dolerites, diorites, porphyrites, syenites, granites, &c., all possess the same general structural features, serving to distinguish the eruptive rocks as a class from all others. In the examination and discrimination of the minerals which compose these rocks, especially when close-grained, the micro- scope is quite indispensable, since without it no such enquiry could be attempted. In these examinations, the assistance of polarised light is most valuable ; but the space, unfortunately, * Experiments show that analogous structure can be produced by at least three different methods, all of which, however, agree in the necessity of the mass being in a state of complete liquefaction previous to crystallisation ; from — 1. Their solutions in water or other menstrua. 2. Aqueous fusion or melting of hydrated bodies in their water of crystallisation. 3. Igneous or hydro-igneous fusion. Crystalline structure may nevertheless develop itself by a molecular movement in solid bodies without change of external form or previous liquefaction ; as will be hereafter explained, this is frequently the case in nature. The structure so developed is, however, very distinct from the crystallisation after liquefaction, characteristic of the eruptive rocks. 360 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. only allows of a mere mention of its application. In distin- guishing dolerites from diorites, when fine-grained, as is often of considerable geological importance, the fibrous structure of the hornblende of the latter is generally so well developed (PI. XVII. fig. 6), even when present in very minute quantity, as to distinguish it readily from the augite of the former, which pos- sesses no such structure. Even in the case of Uralite, a mineral characteristic of certain porphyritic rocks, which has the ex- ternal form of augite, although its chemical composition is that of hornblende, the fibrous structure characteristic of hornblende is distinctly visible (PI. XVII. fig. 7). The microscopic struc- ture of some minerals, however, varies with their origin ; thus Sorby has shown that the structure of augite, and some other minerals in meteorites, is quite distinct from that of the same minerals occurring in eruptive rocks, and demonstrated, in a very striking manner, how the study of such peculiarities is likely to clear up the mystery in which the origin of these bodies is involved. When, as is often the case, especially with translucent, colour- less minerals like quartz, leucite, calcite, felspar, &c., the appear- ance presented under the microscope is alike, their optical properties and the use of polarised light afford the means of distinguishing between them with certainty; as, also, in the event of one substance being present under two forms, as calcite from aragonite, monoclinic from triclinic felspars, &c. In a similar manner, the structure, whether crystalline or vitreous, is determined, and valuable information obtained, elucidating the mode of formation and origin of the rocks themselves. The alterations produced in eruptive rocks subsequent to their solidification, by the action of water, atmospheric or other agencies, are studied with advantage under the microscope. For want of space, a single example can only be here given, and is depicted on PI. XVIII. fig. 12. In this section, the skeleton of labradorite is seen remaining as evidence of the original crystallised structure, whilst the interstices contain the products of the alteration of the more easily decomposable augite, the structure of which is nearly ob- literated, and part of its lime converted into carbonate. The rock in question is the so-called “ white horse ” of Staffordshire, found embedded in or breaking through the coal measures, which are frequently burnt or altered at points of contact with this rock, which itself often has the appearance of a whitish clay. The origin of this rock, whether sedimentary or igneous, was disputed until the more recent geological and chemical examina- tions of it have proved satisfactorily its identity with the Eowley basaltic rock, very similar to that of Poukhill (PI. XVII. fig. 5). PI. XVIII. fig. 13, is a section of a crystalline slag produced in THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGY. 361 silver smelting, and is here given for the sake of comparison with the structure of eruptive rocks. In formation it is so nearly identical with what is seen in sections of more felspathic basaltic rocks, the mass of which consists of a framework of interlaced crystals of labradorite with the interstices filled up with the other mineral constituents confusedly crystallised, that this section might easily be mistaken for such. The Eowley rag, when fused and very slowly cooled, presents a similar appear- ance ; and, in general, the structure of crystalline slags presents many features in common with that of ordinary eruptive rocks. Before proceeding to the next class of rocks, the discovery by Sorby of the numerous minute fluid cavities in the quartz of granites should be alluded to, as proving the great value of the microscope in the study of these rocks. The result of this gentleman’s researches * proves that granites have solidified at a heat far below the fusing points of their constituent minerals, and at such a pressure as to enable it to entangle and retain a small amount (J to J per cent.) of aqueous vapour, which naturally must have been present during its liquefaction. The presence of these fluid cavities in the quartz of granite was immediately blazoned forth as proof positive of the non-igneous origin of granite ; whereas if Mr. Sorby’s memoir had actually been read, it wTould have been seen that he had found fluid cavities, perfectly identical with those in granite, not only in the quartz of volcanic rocks, but also in the felspar and nepheline ejected from the crater of Vesuvius; and that the presence of fluid, vapour, gas, and stone cavities, are common both to the volcanic quartz-trachytes and to the oldest granites ; and the inference drawn by Mr. Sorby from the results of his researches, is that both these rocks were formed by identical agencies. He therefore classes them together under one head as rocks of similar origin, f II. Secondary or Sedimentary Eocks. The rocks pertaining to this class are all, directly or indirectly, formed from the breaking up, or debris, of previously existing * Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. vol. xiy. pp. 453 — 500. t These researches tend to confirm the theory of the igneous origin of granite and eruptive rocks in general. It must not he forgotten that by igneous action , as used by the Piutonist, was always understood the action of heat as developed in volcanoes (the study of which was the basis of the theory itself), in which the agency of water was always recognised. Nearly half a century ago, Scrope not only insisted on the important part played by water in vol- canic action, but specially pointed out the difference between such volcanic fusion and ordinary melting. The term hydro-igneous action might not be inappropriate for such, but hydro-thermalism does not at all express what is intended. The idea of a true dry fusion in nature exists only in the brains of the ultra-Neptunist or lukewarm hydrothermalist. 362 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. rocks, and, for that reason, might, as before mentioned, not inappropriately be termed derivate rocks. When found in the normal state of sedimentary deposition, they may be conveniently subdivided into — 1. Eocks formed of the immediate products of the breaking- up of eruptive rocks. 2. Eocks built up of the more or less rounded or angular debris of previously existing sedimentary or eruptive rocks. 3. Eocks composed of mineral substances extracted from aqueous solution by crystallisation, precipitation, or the action of organic life. 1. Rocks composed of the immediate products of the breaking up of eruptive rocks. — The little attention paid by geologists in general to the study of rocks of this class, has introduced the elements of confusion into many of their enquiries, and frequent!}7 has led to very erroneous opinions being formed as to the nature and origin of certain rocks, which could never have been enter- tained had microscopic investigation gone hand in hand with field observation. Eocks of this class may either be of subaerial or subaqueous origin; in the former case, for example, volcanic ashes may have been deposited as beds on the surface of the land, and afterwards been covered by lava streams poured out over them ; or, from having been depressed below the sea level, may have had sedimentary beds of aqueous origin subsequently superposed on them. Yv7hen of subaqueous origin, as is by far the most common case, subaerial or subaqueous outbursts may force into the sea eruptive rocks, which, being at once broken up into a state of division, more or less fine, in proportion to the greater or lesser cooling power of the water mass in immediate contact, may be spread out into beds by the action of the waves : the texture of these rocks may vary from that of the coarsest breccia down to the finest mud, and, as is usually the case, such deposits may present themselves as alternating beds of coarse and fine character. Upon the consolidation of such formations, rocks are formed, identical in chemical and mineralogical composition with the original eruptive rock from which they were derived, and which, particularly when close-grained, often present an external ap- pearance so like the original rocks as to be frequently undis- tinguishable from them by the naked eye ; in such deposits it is often easy to pick out specimens having all gradations in appear- ance from the above described down to such as would be attri- buted to the consolidation of mere detrital mud. No wonder, therefore, if the field geologist finds himself *200 YTWest Plate JVU] Microscopic Structure of Hocks THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGY. 363 bewildered under such circumstances, and inclined to settle down in the comfortable belief of the transmutation or transition of sedimentary rocks into eruptive, &c., and even the chemist feels puzzled, when he finds that a rock taken out of apparently normal stratified deposits has the same chemical composition with one of undoubtedly intrusive nature. The microscopic examination, however, soon shows that, however similar the external appearance of two such rocks might be, their internal structure is totally different ; showing in the primary rock the crystallised structure and arrangement previously described, whilst the secondary rock is resolved into a mere agglomeration of more or less broken fragments of the same minerals consti- tuting the former. In beds formed from the consolidation of volcanic ashes, the microscopic examination occasionally affords evidence as to whether such ashes had been deposited on land, or had fallen into water. 2. Rocks built up of the more or less rounded or angular debris of previously existing sedimentary or eruptive rocks. — Where sufficiently coarse-grained, these rocks constitute ordinary conglomerates, breccias, grits, sandstones, &c., and are easily analysed by the eye; but if fine, as shales, slates, &c., the microscope must be appealed to, in order to resolve them into their constituent mineral or rock particles, and by this means it will be seen that even the most compact and homogeneous specimens are a mere aggregate of more or less rounded and water-worn grains of quartz, weathered felspar, mica, chlorite, soft and hard clays, clay slate, oxide of iron, iron pyrites, carbonate of lime, fragments of fossil organisms, &c., arranged without any trace of decided structure or crystallisation, even when the highest powers of the microscope are employed in their examination. The physical structure and optical properties of the mineral components enable them, however, to be recognised with great certainty, even when in grains of less than YoVo an ^EL diameter. PL XVIII. fig. 14, shows the appearance of a section of a fine- grained (uncleaved) Silurian clay slate from Sorata, in Bolivia, magnified 400 linear. This rock is composed of irregular grains of quartz sand, weathered felspar, and waterworn mica, along with specks of oxide of iron and iron pyrites, all promiscuously mixed. In the case of roofing slate, however, the microscope shows that the constituents, instead of being distributed at random throughout the mass, possess a definite arrangement, as may be seen in the section of lower Silurian roofing slate from the Festiniog quarries (PL XVIII. fig. 15), where they are disposed in parallel lines, thus constituting lines of weakness or the cleav- age of the slate. The researches of Sharpe and Sorby have con- 364 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. clusively proved that this has not resulted from any chemical or crystalline action whatsoever, the particles being in themselves perfectly unaltered ; and that the arrangement is solely due to the effects of pressure, applied at right angles to the structure itself, thereby causing an elongation or flattening out of some, along with a sliding movement of other of the particles. The amount of compression to which an ordinary roofing-slate has been subjected in one direction, has been calculated, approxi- mating from the elongation or distortion of the particles, to be about equal to one-half of its original volume. Besides the cleavage structure, so produced by the compression of rocks whilst in a more or less plastic state, Mr. Sorby has shown that another system of minute jointing may also be present in these rocks, the serrated edges of which, as seen by the micro- scope, prove it to have been the result of force applied to the rock subsequently to its having been in a perfectly rigiT condition. Kocks of this class, when somewhat close-grained and much indurated, have not unfrequently, from their external appear- ance, been mistaken for intrusive rocks : thus the rock shown in section, PI. XVIII. fig. 16, an upper oolitic, highly-inclined shale bed, has been mapped by D’Orbigny as an eruptive green- stone ; the microscopic structure proves the contrary most con- clusively. 3. Rocks composed of mineral substances extracted from aqueous solution by crystallisation , precipitation , or the action of organic life. — Under this class are included most beds of gypsum, rock salt, and other saline bodies, as well as travertine, siliceous sinter, flint, infusorial slates and earths, limestones, &c., many of which have been as yet but very superficially examined. In the microscopic investigation of such rocks as owe their origin to the development of organic life, very considerable pro- gress has been made, with correspondingly important and in- teresting results. As early as 1836, Ehrenberg proved that large rock masses were built up of the carapaces of minute siliceous infusorise, and, more lately, Sorby has done good service by his investigation of limestones ; these he has proved not to have originally possessed any crystalline structure whatsoever, but to have been deposited as mere mechanical aggregates (aptly termed by him, organic sands or clays) formed of the debris of calcareous organisms, which admit frequently, not only of being recognised, but of having their relative proportions determined. The comparison of the microscopic structure of the organisms in chalk, with those now forming in the depths of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, indicates that there is an immense deposit now in course of formation, quite analogous to what had previously taken place THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGY. 365 in the seas of the cretaceous period ; and the same able observer has shown that the reason why certain calcareous organisms are found so well preserved, whilst others had disappeared or become entirely disintegrated, was from the carbonate of lime in the first being in the form of the stable calcite, whilst in the latter it was present as instable Aragonite. When a calcareous rock has undergone cleavage, the micro- scope shows a distortion of its particles and organisms, just as in a cleaved slate, though in much less degree; the measurement of such distortion serves as a basis for estimating the amount of compression undergone. With the exception of having briefly referred to the alterations in igneous rocks, subsequent to their solidification, and the cleavage of sedimentary beds, all the classes of rocks treated of have been considered in their normal or unaltered condition ; it remains now to direct attention to the use of the microscope in the study of subsequent alteration or metamorphism of rocks. Many sedimentary beds become more or less indurated, at points where they are cut through by eruptive dykes ; thus the coal-shales and clays of Staffordshire are found altered into a hard rock with conchoidal fracture, or even into porcellanite, when in immediate contact with basaltic dykes. An examination shows no change in mineral or chemical composition beyond the expulsion of the water always contained in such beds, and sections of such rocks are often seen to be quite identical in structure with those of common stoneware made from the same clays, the only difference being that the latter is usually more porous from not having been submitted to the pressure which rocks baked in situ would experience. The alteration of rocks produced by infiltration may or may not be accompanied by chemical changes ; thus a section of calcareous grit often shows that the calcite filling up the inter- stices between the grains of sand has been merely deposited from a solution of carbonate of lime which has percolated through it, and in otherwise unaltered limestones it is common to find microscopic veins of calcspar, due to minute cracks or fissures, filled up in a similar manner. Frequently, however, such infil- tration is accompanied by an entire change in the chemical composition of the rock itself ; thus the beds of Cleveland iron- stone have been proved by Sorby’s microscopical researches to have been originally shell limestones converted into carbonate of iron by the action of ferruginous solutions, the fragments of the original shells being still distinguishable in all stages of conversion ; in the same manner he has proved the magnesian limestones of the Carboniferous and Devonian ages, as well as the Permian dolomites, to have been originally common limestones, or aggregations of organic debris, the particles of which, by the 366 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. use of the microscope, can be traced back to their original un- altered state, from which they have been changed by the action of magnesian solutions. The metamorphism of rocks produced by gasolytic action, as, for example, carbonate into sulphate of lime, &c., has, as yet, not been made the subject of microscopical enquiry. The foliated schists, quartzites, &c. form by themselves a distinct and well-defined class of metamorphic rocks, charac- terised by structural peculiarities differing from all previously treated of. This appears to be due to their crystalline development having originated in a solid body, and not from liquefaction ; the minerals composing them differ greatly in structure from the same minerals when found in eruptive rocks. Instead of, as in the latter case, presenting themselves in more or less defined crystals, occurring in all positions and at all angles to one another, in the foliated rocks they are developed only in one general direction, not characterised by well-defined bounding planes, but forming a string of drawn-out and irregularly bounded crystalline aggregations, presenting a general parallelism to one another, as is illustrated by PI. XVII. fig. 8, which shows a section of hornblende schist from Connemara. The microscopic examination of these rocks proves their original sedimentary origin, often showing the contours of the original sand grains, and, as Sorby has pointed out, the existence of ripple-drift and wave-structure, peculiar to sedimentary rocks alone. These rocks appear to have been micaceous and argilla- ceous sandstones, the constituents of which have been recrystal- lised in situ, owing to molecular action developed in the solid rock. The quartz of these schists frequently contains numerous fluid cavities, indicating that they have been exposed to a pressure under which the water, always present in more or less quantity in sedimentary rocks, has been entangled and retained during the recrystallisation of the quartz. The direction of the lines of foliation or crystalline develop- ment is that of the lines of least resistance in the rock, which commonly will be the lines of stratification, but in cleaved rocks will doubtless be those of cleavage. Sorby has alluded to this fact by the names of u stratification foliation ” and u cleavage foliation.” In conclusion, the author of this short sketch hopes that it may be the means of attracting attention to the subject, and thereby of causing a hitherto almost unexplored field of micro- scopic enquiry to be more cultivated ; and leaves it to his readers to form a correct estimate of the justness of the sneering assertion that “ mountains should not be looked at through microscopes.” THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGY. 367 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE XVII. Fig. 1. Section of greyish black slaggy lava from Etna, magnified 25 linear. Although this rock appears perfectly amorphous to the eye, it is here seen to he composed of crystals of greenish brown augite, colourless felspar, and opaque magnetic oxide of iron ; the interstices being filled up with an admixture of the same minerals less distinctly crystallised. This specimen was, by means of a pole, lifted by the author, on the 21st of May, 1865, out of the grand current of lava then flowing out from the north side of the crater of the volcano. Fig. 2. Section of lava from Vesuvius, magnified 12 linear. This speci- men was taken by the author from the current of a.d. 79 covering Hercula- neum, and was a somewhat porous, but hard dark grey rock, containing abundant crystals of augite, which are well shown in section. Fig. 3. Section of a volcanic rock, magnified 12 linear, consisting of felspar with some olivine and magnetic oxide of iron, with numerous crystals of a pyroxenic mineral, all well shown in this section. The specimen was taken by the author from the Valley ^of Papenoo, in Tahiti. Fig. 4. Section of the pitchstone occurring in dykes breaking through the new red sandstone in the island of Arran, magnified 75 linear. In external appearance it resembles a dirty green bottleglass, but under the microscope shows a beautiful arborescent crystallisation of a green pyroxenic mineral, embedded in the colourless and transparent felspar base. Fig. 5. Section of a portion of a basaltic column from Poukhill Quarry, near Walsall, Staffordshire, magnified 30 linear. This rock intrudes into and disturbs the coal measures, and is seen to be composed of crystals of felspar, augite, and titanoferrite, with a little of a green mineral, probably the variety of augite called seladonite. Fig. 6. Section of diorite (auriferous), taken by the author from near Tres Puntes, in the Desert of Atacama, Chili, magnified 30 linear. It con- sists of felspar with hornblende, and, in the section here represented, groups and isolated crystals of iron pyrites are seen, which frequently accompany this rock, and with which the gold is associated. Fig. 7. Section of uralite porphyry, from Predazzo, Tyro], magnified 12 linear. It is composed of felspar with uralite, a mineral having the ex- ternal crystalline form of augite, with the chemical composition of horn- blende. Fig. 8. Section of hornblende schist, cut at right angles to the plane of foliation, and magnified 12 linear. It is composed of hornblende and quartz, the latter recrystallised, but still showing traces of the outlines of the original sand grains : upon examination under a higher power, the quartz will be seen to contain numerous fluid cavities. The parallelism of the foliation, although perfect when viewed on the large scale, is naturally somewhat indistinct in a fragment so small as can be taken into the field of the microscope. It is evident, upon inspection, that the structure of such a rock is totally different from that seen in the sections of eruptive rocks. 368 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. PLATE XVIII. Em 9. Section of granite from St. Just, Cornwall, magnified 25 linear. It consists of crystals of ortlioclase, hexagonal ditto of brown mica, and of colourless quartz ; the latter, when examined by a higher power, is seen to contain fluid cavities. Fm 10. Section of volcanic quartz trachyte from Jacna, Peru, magnified 10 linear. It consists of quartz crystals, often large and well defined, along with smaller hexagonal plates of black mica, scattered through a felspathic mass indistinctly crystallised. The quartz of this trachyte also contains fluid cavities (seen by employing a higher power), similar to those occurring in the quartz of granite. This rock is developed very extensively along the volcanic range of the Andes of South America. Fig, 11. Section of a volcanic rock, taken by the author from the foot of the volcano of Ariquipa, in Peru, magnified 6 linear. This rock is of a grey colour, and has a porphyritic structure, arising from crystals of white felspar, scattered through a grey base, which the microscope shows to be composed of felspar, dark brown-black crystals of augite, hexagonal crystals of almost black mica, and a little magnetic oxide of iron. Fig. 12. Section of the so-called a white horse ” dykes, intersecting and altering the coal measures of Staffordshire, magnified 35 linear. The frame- work of felspar crystals still remains unaltered, whilst the other mineral constituents are decomposed so far as to be frequently unrecognisable. Its chemical composition, in conjunction with the microscopic structure, show this rock to be similar to that from Poukhill (PL XVII. fig. 5), more or less altered by the action of water. Fig. 13. Section of a crystalline slag from smelting silver ores, magnified 30 linear. The structure is seen to be very similar to that found in many of the more felspathic doleritic rocks. Fig. 14. Section of fine-grained Silurian (uncleaved) slate, from Sorata, in Bolivia, magnified 400 linear. It is seen to be a mere mechanical aggre- gate of minute, irregularly weathered, or rounded particles of sand, clay, mica, oxide of iron, &c., without any trace of arrangement or crystalline structure being visible. Fig. 15. Section of Lower Silurian roofing-slate, from Festiniog, North Wales, cut at right angles to the cleavage, and magnified 200 linear. This shows that the parallel structure of cleavage is due entirely to the mechanical arrangement of the unaltered particles of the rock, and not to the develop- ment of any crystalline structure. Fig. 16. Section of a highly indurated bed in the upper oolitic series at Iluaylillos, Peru, magnified 30 linear, and in external appearance so much resembling an eruptive rock as to have been mapped as such by D’Orbigny. The microscopical examination, however, at once shows its true sedimentary character, and resolves it into a mere mechanical aggregate of quartz, "sand, &c., without any of the crystalline character peculiar to eruptive rocks. 369 * f WHY THE LEAVES FALL. By MAXWELL T. MASTERS; M.D. F.L.S. SCARCELY less wonderful than the gradual advent of the leaves in spring, is their successive disappearance at the close of autumn. In every age moralists and poets have found illustrations for their themes in the hopeful bursting into leaf of the tree in spring, or in the inevitable fate which in early winter breaks up the rich billowy masses of foliage, and sends a The sere leaves flitting on the blast.” It is remarkable how many analogies may be drawn between natural phenomena and the attributes of human nature. Now we find the life of man compared to a river, at another time to a glacier, it may be to a cloud ; but however apposite these comparisons may be, they are certainly not more so than is the analogy that may be drawn between the life of the leaf and that of the human race. Both have an innate power of growth, in both equally are the seeds of decay early implanted, which develop and fructify in due time, counterbalance the powers of growth, and ultimately bring the worn-out structure to the ground. u Like leaves on trees the race of man is found, Now green in youth, now withering on the ground ; Another race the following spring supplies, They fall successive, and successive rise ; So generations in their course decay, So flourish these, when those have passed away.” But now-a-days we are not content merely to draw analogies, however correctly ; we leave the poet to make his own use of the facts presented to him by adorning a moral or pointing a tale, but more prosaic people seek to know the why and the where- fore of the facts presented to their notice, and thereby, in spite of what may be said to the contrary, to increase the store of illustrations for the poet by opening up to him new marvels and deeper and more comprehensive analogies. 370 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Why, then, do the leaves fall ? is the query to which we purpose in the present article to supply a response as far as we are able to do so. In attempting to give an answer to the question, it maybe as well to go a little into detail, which will serve the more clearly to render intelligible what really is known about the fall of the leaf, and will also indicate certain points which up to the present time have scarcely received a satisfactory explanation. We may premise that all the many reasons that have from time to time been given to account for the process of defoliation may be ranged into those which are of a purely mechanical nature, and which are very much under the influence of external conditions of climate and the like, and those which are of a structural or organic character, being only secondarily mecha- nical in their action, and less directly influenced by external conditions. There are such differences in the length of time that leaves remain attached to the stem, such variation in the method of detachment, that it would seem probable that the causes pro- ducing these varied results may themselves be diverse, that in one case one cause may be potent, in another instance the result may be due to some other agency, while in a third series, per- haps, the effect may be the result of the joint action of more than one factor. Thus, while some leaves fall off comparatively soon after their expansion, such as those which are technically termed caducous or deciduous, others are persistent, while to a few, which seem never to be shed, the term evergreen, which is generally inappropriate, may fairly be applied. Where leaves fall off very early, it will be found generally that they serve the purpose of protection merely ; such are the small rudimentary scaly leaves which envelop the leaf-buds in most of the trees and shrubs of this country. Formed at the close of the year around the young bud, they shield and protect it during winter, and when the returning warmth of spring urges the dormant bud into growth, the scales are pushed off by the constantly increas- ing pressure of the rapidly enlarging bud. On the other hand, where, as in the Araucaria, the leaves are never shed, their in- ternal organisation approaches in many respects to that of the stem ; indeed, it becomes a question in such a case whether the so-called leaves are not merely portions of the stem. Between these extremes there is a large class of deciduous trees or shrubs, which shed their leaves, some sooner, some later, but at a toler- ably regular, determinate period, according to the particular species, and according, as we shall see presently, to external circumstances. Thus, while the lime, in the southern parts of Britain, loses its leaves early in September, the walnut soon after- wards, to be followed in their turns by the elder and the horse- WITT THE LEAVES FALL. 371 chestnut, there are others, such as the beech, the hornbeam, and some varieties of oak, which retain their leaves for the greater part of the winter, though generally in a dried, withered state, and do not part with them till forced to do so in spring by the gradual distension of the newly awakened buds. Gardeners were wont at one time, much more than at present, to make use of hornbeam hedges to afford shelter to their plants in winter, just as they do now with hedges of yew. In Holland, it is not unfrequent to see the brown withered foliage of the beech, or the hornbeam, contrasted with the rich dark green of the ivy, and making a screen at once useful and agreeable to the eye. It is noteworthy, that, in the case of the beech at least, the petiole becomes quite woody in its texture, and is not so easily cast off as some wherein the tissues are softer. Plants, too, have their idiosyncrasies as well as other creatures. There are some which will develop their leaves a fortnight or so earlier than their brothers of the same species, others that will retain their foliage long after it has fallen from other plants of the same specific form. This did not escape the notice of the old Greek naturalists, for Theophrastus, in his work “ De Plantis,” mentions a plane-tree in Crete, which never shed its leaves, and he adds, that that was the identical tree beneath whose shade Jupiter carried on his flirtation with Europa. Be that as it may, it is quite certain that, apart from individual peculiarities, such as we have just mentioned, plants of the same species will shed their leaves sooner or later according to the locality in which they grow. In the Canary Islands the vine only sheds its foliage very gradually, so that new leaves often appear before all the old ones are thrown off. The cherry-tree in Ceylon, and the peach in Brazil, are said to become almost completely evergreen. On the other hand, in colder latitudes than ours the leaves fall earlier, in consonance with the earlier advent of winter. In the tropics, although there is in general not so well-marked a period of defoliation, yet the dry season seems to act in a similar way to the winter season here. Travellers tell us that there is scarcely a month in the year in which young shoots and leaves may not be seen on the trees, so that the formation of the young leaves, as well as the fall of the old ones, is * spread over the whole year, as it were, and is not so much confined to particular periods as in temperate latitudes. The fall of the leaf cannot, however, be attributed solely to the change in the seasons from wet to dry, or from hot to cold, for it not unfrequently happens that if a tree be stripped of its leaves in summer, it forms during the autumn new ones, which remain on the tree during the greater part of the winter, or at any rate until long after the usual period. A similar occurrence was noticed in the Calcutta VOL. VI. — NO. XXV. E E 372 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Botanic Garden by Dr. Anderson, after the terrific cyclone of October 1864. Several trees which were denuded of their foli- age by the wind produced new leaves, which, in place of falling off as they do under ordinary circumstances in winter, remained on the trees throughout that season. These trees did not, how- ever, flower in the following spring, as they would have done had there been no interruption to their ordinary course of proceedings. On the other hand, some others, although they produced a second crop of leaves after the cyclone, lost them again in the winter, and flowered as usual n the spring. These facts are very suggestive as to the relative interdependence of leaves and flowers ; a subject which we must not, however, dilate on in this place. Drought seems to have as potent an effect in bringing about the fall of the leaf as cold. In some of the Brazilian forests during the dry season the trees are as bare as with us in the depth of winter ; and a few summers since, when there was a long period of drought, the trees on the sandy dry soil about Bromley in Kent were as bare as in winter. Reasoning upon facts such as these, it is not unnatural to conclude that the fall of the leaf is in some way or other connected with evaporation or exhalation of fluid from their tissues. This, as is well known, takes place to a large extent, being regulated partly by external circumstances, partly by internal organisation ; and it has been proved experimentally by Lawes and others, that the so-called evergreens, as a rule, evaporate less in proportion to the extent of their leaf surface, than do ordinary plants ; and coupling this fact with the known effects of drought on deciduous trees, it is reasonable to suppose that the fall of the leaf is, in a measure at least, dependent on the evaporation from the surface. This explanation, however, is only partially satisfactory, for it will at once be seen that in most cases the leaves fall not at a period of drought, but in early winter, a time of comparative humidity, when heat or drought, at any rate, would not give rise to dis- proportionate exhalation. Adverting now to the external configuration of the leaf, let us see whether there may not be some mechanical cause for the separation of the leaf from the trunk. In most cases the leaf- stalk is attached by a broad base to the stem, so that when it falls off it leaves a scar more or less like a horseshoe in shape : on this scar may be seen the traces of the bundles of woody tissue, which passing from the trunk traverse the petiole or leaf- stalk on their way to the blade of the leaf, where they break up into the so-called veins. Now an observation of the shape of the scars, and of the disposition of the bundles of woody tissue in them, in different plants, throws some light on the causes of defoliation ; for instance, it is reasonable to surmise that where WHY THE LEAVES FALL. 373 the leaf-scar is circular, in other words, where the leaf-stalk is cylindrical, and the bundles of woody tissue are arranged in a ring, the leaf would be less easily detached than in cases where the bundles form a half-circle, merely leaving the upper surface of the leaf-stalk comparatively weak from the presence of cellular tissue only. In any case, the leverage exerted by the flat surface of the leaf, acted on by every wind that blows, must be taken into account. Another reason that has been suggested for the removal of the leaves, is the pressure exerted on the base of the leaf-stalk by the axillary buds, which swell and increase in size notably in the autumn ; but there are many things which show that the swelling of the bud at this time of year has but little to do with the shedding of the foliage ; for see how carefully pressure is provided against by the flattening of the leaf-stalk at its base, or even by its being scooped out spoon fashion to receive the bud. Again, notice how often, when there is a chance of injurious pressure being exerted, the stem bends away from the leaf at an angle, as in what are called “ flexuose ” stems, so that no hurtful pressure can take place. For the purpose of testing this notion, we have, while writing these notes, observed a young lime, which even thus early (August 7) is shedding its leaves. The lime is a good tree to notice for this purpose, because its stems are often more or less flexuose, and because its leaf-buds are placed a little on one side of the leaf-stalk, and not im- mediately in their axil ; moreover, as happens of course with other trees, only a small proportion of the leaves foster in their axils buds large enough to exert any possible pressure. The vast majority of the axillary buds remain u latent.” Now it might be expected, if it were true that the newly formed buds pushed off the old leaves in autumn, that the lime- tree would retain its leaves longer than most other trees, seeing that its buds are not so placed as to be able to exert much pressure, and that the stem is more or less flexuose. But what is the case ? The lime is one of the earliest trees to part with its leaves, and as the writer has observed, not only in the lime, but in other trees, the presence or absence of an axillary bud does not seem to make the slightest perceptible difference, either in the period at which the leaves fall, or in the amount of force requisite to detach them artificially. For experiments of this kind, the common and the Neapolitan alder are suitable, inasmuch as some of the buds in these trees are raised upon short stalks, which, growing comparatively fast just before the fall of the leaf, might be supposed to exert some influence on that phenomenon. But here, again, the comparison of those leaves which are provided with stalked buds, and those in which no bud or only a rudimentary one is visible, does not show any E E 2 374 FOPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. difference as to the period when they fall, or as to the weight requisite to detach them. The influence, then, of the axillary buds in detaching leaves in autumn (a very different matter from the separation of the persistent leaves in spring by the same organs), would seem to be nil, and we may turn to other assigned causes. Among these are the formation of earthy or mineral materials in the tissues of the leaf, to such an extent as to block up the cells and impede their action. That such an accumulation does take place, is easily proved by chemical analysis and microscopical observation. The latter shows a much larger proportion of raphides or crystalline deposit in the cells in the leaves about to fall than at other times. The falling leaves of the common cherry laurel, Prunus lauro- cerasus , may be cited as affording a good illustration of this accumulation of raphides, the more so as the leaves of this plant, as of most of the so-called evergreens, are not shed in greater numbers at the approach of winter than at any other time, but are irregular in this respect. The accumulation of earthy matters in the leaves serves to restore to the ground in some measure the mineral ingredients taken from it by the growing plant ; hence the impolicy of the practice, so often followed in gardens to the detriment of the shrubs, &c., of re- moving the fallen foliage from the soil ; if such be necessary for purposes of neatness, some other provision should be made to supply the soil with what is requisite for the growth of plants. The storage in largely increased quantities of starch granules in the cells, has also been noted by Dr. Inman and others, as taking place in leaves just previous to their fall; and it is easy to conceive that the distension of the tissues, and the impedi- ment offered to the due discharge of their functions, might facilitate the separation of leaf and stem. But in the face of the facts already mentioned, and especially when it is recollected how very “ clean ” is the fracture between the leaf-stalk and its attachment, how it is nearly as even and smooth as if the severance had been made with a knife, it be- comes evident that whatever influence the circumstances before mentioned on the phenomena in question may have, they can but be secondary and indirect, and we are driven to seek some cause in the organisation of the leaf itself. At one time it was considered that the varying direction of the several layers of tissue in the leaf-stalk would account for their separation, and this would seem borne out by the very common arrangement of the wrood cells of the leaf-stalk, nearly at a right angle to the cellular tissue. This arrangement may be seen in many leaves, as in Rhus typhinum, Gleditschia , &c., but according to Von Mohl, it is far from being general. Schacht’s notion was, that the fall of the leaf was due to the gradual intrusion of a layer of cork WHY THE LEAVES FALL. 375 or periderm cells, which, passing through the leaf-stalk at nearly a right angle to the other tissues, prevented the passage of the sap from the stem to the leaf, and ultimately caused the detach- ment of the latter, pretty much in the same way as that by which the removal of the large slabs of bark from the plane- tree is effected. Yon Mohl, however, shows that this statement of Schacht’s is too general ; that the periderm layer is as often absent as present ; and so far as we have ourselves noticed, the periderm cells are often not formed till after the fall of the leaf, when they gradually extend over the wound, and close it as by a plaister. Yon Mohl’s account of what happens is as follows : — Shortly before the fall of the leaf, there begins to be formed a very delicate layer of cells, the growth of which is from above downwards, so that, beginning from the axillary side of the leaf, and gradually extending downwards and outwards nearly at right angles to the long diameter of the cells of the leaf-stalk, at any rate at right angles to the plane of the leaf, it effects a gradual separation between the stem and the leaf as effectually as a knife would do. The layer in question does not sepa- rate, as might be supposed, the comparatively dry distal portions of the leaf, from the still active cells of the stem, which are filled with juices, but it is formed in the midst of soft tissue, the cells of which are turgescent with fluids. It is, therefore, not so much a separation of dead from living tissue, as a passage of an active “ line of demarcation ” through living, still active tissue. This “ separating layer,” unlike the periderm cells of which Schacht speaks, is composed of young tissue endowed with a large share of vitality ; its cells are usually filled with starch and with albuminoid matters, indicative of a young and active tissue. The vessels of the petiole, according to Yon Mohl, are not affected at all by these changes ; they simply become broken through as the leaf falls. We allude to the spiral and pitted vessels especially, and not to those “ vasa propria ” which have of late been so minutely studied by M. Trecul. The latter ob- server, in the Gomjptes Rendus , July 1, 1867, p. 25, mentions the formation, in the vasa propria, of a layer of cells, just prior to the fall of the leaf, in several plants. The effect of this forma- tion of new cells is to fill up and completely obstruct the reser- voirs of secretions. These cells are said by M. Trecul to be formed from the subdivision and growth of those forming the boundaries of the channels in question, and thus are wholly dif- ferent from those constituting the separating layer of Yon Mohl, though it is obvious that they must have a similar effect in promoting the detachment of the leaf from its support. It may be as well to point out that the circular constriction so often seen at the base of a leaf-stalk, forming the joint, or articulation, as it is called, exists from the beginning, and while it indicates 376 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. nearly the ultimate position of the cc separating layer,” yet it is not itself to be considered as the commencement of that layer. The constriction may readily be seen throughout the whole summer, and by microscopical examination it may easily be noticed to be purely superficial; moreover, it is much more marked on the lower than on the upper surface ; while the “ separating layer,” on the other hand, travels, as we have seen, from within or from above downwards and outwards. The reader will find it easier at any time to detach a leaf from the stem by bending it downwards than by forcing it upwards, a result that would be reversed if the constriction were really, as it is so often considered to be, the provision made aforetime for the ultimate removal of the leaf. What, then, is this constriction ? To answer this question, we must refer to Eichler’s thesis on the development of leaves, of which Dr. McNab * has given an abstract in English with comments and additional observations of his own. According to these observations, the first stage in the formation of the leaf is the production of a little pimple of cellular tissue on the side of the stem ; this receives the name of o.s£-ganglionic region. I say probably, for certainty is very hard to obtain. The proboscis was so long thought to carry the mouth, that the true postganglionic aperture has been overlooked ; and this may even yet prove to he the case with the genus Acmostomum, observed by both Schmarda and Mecznikow. The large-paired ganglia, I believe, in- variably mark off an anterior region carrying the eyes, and a posterior carry- ing the mouth. This anterior region may he variously modified into an expanded frontlet ( Planaria ), or a jointed and spine-hearing proboscis ( Nemertians , Alaurina, and Prostomium). This view is taken by Professor Rolleston, and has much in its favour. But even since writing the above, my friend Dr. McIntosh, who is preparing a work on Turbellaria for the Ray Society, tells me that everybody is wrong about the mouth in Nemer- tians— that the postganglionic orifice exists in a few genera only — and hence the above homological views will he upset ! PLANARIAN WORMS. 391 generative organs (PI. XIX. figs. 3, 4, 6pe). They differ notably from both the Trematode and Cestode Flat- worms in the complete and permanent ciliation of the surface of their bodies, which is one of their most characteristic features; also in having no suck- ing discs or 'prehensile hooks, such as both these other orders pos- sess, used for locomotion and adhesion, but only a sucker-like mouth. In their mode of life they present the most striking contrast to both Trematodes and Cestodes ; for whilst the mem- bers of these orders are one and all parasitic (chiefly internally), no Turbellarians are ever so, though they are found in the sea, in ponds, and fresh-water streams, and in moist earth and decay- ing wood. The integument of the Turbellaria is remarkable not only as being densely covered with cilia, but as containing very numerous oblong corpuscles and clear cells, some of which have been compared to the “ nettle-cells ” possessed by the Polyps, jelly-fish, and Nudibranchiate Molluscs. The muscular fibre is not separate or collected into masses apart from the skin and viscera, is in some cases faintly striated transversely, and pre- sents, with the rest of the worm’s organs, a most singular softness and fluidity ; so that while living most Turbellarians are almost incredibly elastic, and when dead decompose and become a watery mass in the course of one or two minutes. The digestive organs are very simple : the suckqr-like mouth, placed in almost any position (except terminally) on the ventral aspect of the body — towards the front, centrally, or quite posteriorly — opens into a pharynx, which is very frequently muscular and everti- ble ; from this a straight or arborescent cavity extends through- out the body, opening in an obscure terminal anus in the Nemertines, but having no outlet in the Planarians. Little glandular masses, assisting by their secretion in digestion, sur- round the digestive tract ; and by Leydig are said to act as kidneys also. In both Nemertians and Planarians the region in front of the mouth is often (but not always) modified to form what is called the proboscis, a most extraordinary organ, which has caused the greatest differences of opinion, and has prevented and does still prevent the proper understanding of the anatomy of these animals. The real mouth varies so much in its position, and is often so very backwardly placed (especially in the Planarians), that for a long time it was thought to be a sucker like those of the Fluke-worms, and the proboscis being in front was thought to carry the true mouth. It is now ad- mitted by Schmidt and Schultze (though themselves at one time mistaken) that no Turbellaria have any sucking discs; and that the proboscis is quite separate from the mouth, though it may be perforated in some cases. It is probably in most cases a prehensile appendage, but its use is very obscure. Suppose you have a Turbellarian as I have described — with ventrally 392 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. placed month, an alimentary canal, and a large flat expanse of body (always carrying the eyes) in front of the mouth — to form the proboscis, you must draw out this prseoral region to a length sometimes equal to that of the whole animal, arm it in some cases with stylets or spines, and tuck the muscular tube thus formed into the body, making it overlie the alimentary canal, as the finger of a glove might be tucked into its hand. Thus you may conceive the “ proboscis ” of Turbellarians to be formed, with muscles so that it can be drawn in and out at pleasure. Its doubtful use has caused various mistakes. Many have not got it, but only an expanded or simpler modifica- tion of the prseoral region (Dendroccel Planarians); all the Nemertians, however, are thus armed, and many of the Rhab- docoel Planarians. De Quatrefages regarded the proboscis of Nemertians as the alimentary canal, no doubt reminded by it of the eversible pharynx which the marine Annelids possess. Oersted took it for the main organ of copulation, led into this error by the frequent presence of little hard spines, which are also found in the penis of some Turbellaria (Opistomum). Leuckart was one of the first to recognise the presence of the proboscis in the straight-gutted Planarise, in which most of all there had been a eonfusion with the mouth (even till within the last three or four years), and now the latest and most reliable writers (e. g. Victor Carus) are of his opinion. The nervous system of Turbellarians is very simple ; it con- sists essentially of two large ganglia placed in front (often very far in front) of the mouth, and joined by a short sort of commis- sure, which passes always over the dorsal surface of the proboscis when it is present. Twigs pass in various directions from these ganglia, two principal lateral stems being often present. There is no representative of the cord and ganglia placed beneath the alimentary canal which is found in Annelids and Arthropods. The eyes , which are very simple, often only pigment spots, vary in number from two to sixteen or more ; and being always close to the great ganglia (the equivalents of the sensory or supra- oesophageal ganglia of higher animals), are always in front of the mouth. In some Turbellarians a supposed audi- tory capsule is present, and the Nemertians are peculiar in possessing two ciliated clefts in the prseoral region, which may be sensory. Th q vascular system is closed in adult Nemertians, and contains red blood in some species ; in Planarians, its stems, which are disposed laterally, communicate by two or more con- tractile apertures with the exterior, and water is thus admitted. We have now to speak of the generative organs and methods of reproduction and development in these creatures ; and here a word may be said as to the strange and anomalous position of the mouth in relation to the fore and hind extremities, and the PLANARIAN WORMS. 393 shapeless ovoid form of many Planarian species. They are in- stances of what is called 66 retrograde development;”* and we must not look at the modified shape and disposition of parts in the adult, so much as at the history and early condition of those parts, if we wish to see what are the true relations of the animal. The resemblance between Nudibranchs and Planarians is, when thus examined, found to be more apparent than real ; both live under the same conditions, beneath rocks and stones in the water, and exhibit identical modifications, but of very different types. They agree chiefly in their ramified intestine, flattened form, and nettle-cells in the skin. The relation to the Infusoria and to the Hairy-backed Animalcules (Chaetonoti) is a much truer one. Copious cilia, occasional stiff hairs, nematophores or trichocysts, pulsatiug water- vessels, and parenchymatous viscera are important characters met with in all three, while no corre- sponding differentiating characters exist. The young larval forms of some Turbellaria very closely resemble Infusoria and Chsetonoti too, whilst they approach the Annelid type as well. Turbellaria are either bisexual, or alternately male and female, or hermaphrodite. The Nemertians are believed all to be bi- sexual, whilst no Planarians are known to be permanently so. The female organs are an ovary, a vitellarium, a receptaculum seminis, and a uterus : the male organs are testes, vesiculse se- minales, a duct and penis, armed sometimes with a style. In the Nemertians, which are bisexual, only the essential organs are developed ; it is in the hermaphrodite species (Planarians) that here as elsewhere the most complex development of organs is found, of which we shall see more hereafter. The Turbellarians propagate either by eggs deposited and fertilised in the water, several eggs being often deposited in one mass of yelk (like what was observed by Dr. Carpenter in the Dog- Whelk), or by the growth of young from internal buds or pseud-ova, like the larvae of Cecidomya, or by transverse fission. Both Nemertians and Planarians exhibit these three methods. The young either develope directly, becoming similar to their parents at once ; or they exhibit a jointed ringed structure (like Annelids), sometimes too carrying bristles, as has been lately shown by Mr. Alexander Agassiz, both in Planarians and Ne- mertians, and then, as they grow older, lose their jointed appear- ance and setae ; or the egg-hatching results in a larva (Pilidium) which is totally unlike the parent, and from the body-wall of which a small worm-like animal grows and separates, leaving the bulk of the Pilidium to perish (fig. 2). This last case is very similar to that observed by Johannes Muller in certain star-fishes. As in the Echinoderms, so in the Turbellarians there appears to be The Cirripedes, Lernseans, and Linguatuli are similar instances. 394 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. no rule as to the method of development ; nearly allied forms may present the most diverse conditions, the one passing through a larval stage, and the other developing directly in the most capricious manner (figs. 9, 13). And now that we have reviewed the group of Turbellarians generally, we have to speak of one of its two divisions. Leaving for a future period the long, almost snake-like Nemertians, we pass to the small flattened Planarians, and have to attempt to make some of their commonest fresh-water forms known. The Planarians or Aproctous (without an anus) Turbellarians are found on the sea-shore, in fresh waters, and in the earth. The marine species of our own coasts are not abundant, but occur on most rocky shores. Some of the fresh-water species occur in almost every pond and ditch, whilst one earth-living species is known in Europe, and may be expected to occur in Britain. It is quite impossible to give a list or descriptions of the British species, as no one knows how many there are, so little attention has been paid to them. I think, however, a diagnosis of the genera which may be expected to occur in ponds or streams, will be useful, and a brief description of one or two fresh-water species, which, though much smaller and far less brilliantly coloured # than the marine forms, are more readily accessible. After examining these, the reader will be able readily to trace the anatomy of others for himself. On account of the homo- logies of the proboscis, mouth, and prseganglionic region in Planarians, at present so greatly needing further investigation, the genera as they now stand are in many cases based upon error. Even in Victor Cams’ Handbuch der Zoologie (1863), I find the confusion of mouth and proboscis maintained in the generic names, though in the chapter on anatomy it is re- nounced. The value of the u proboscis ” as a classificatory cha- racter is rendered doubtful by the fact that when absent or rudimentary in the adult, it may* be present in the young state. Duges and Oscar Schmidt have both made generic names in- tended to indicate the position of the mouth, but the meaning of these names must now be disregarded. F or the determina- tion of species , the reader must do the best he can with the papers of Duges and Schmidt ; they are by no means definite, and anyone who will devote a few years to the study of our British species will do valuable work. * Some fresh-water forms were stated "by Max Schultze to contain chloro- phyl as a colouring matter, as also Hydra and Stentor. This I have lately verified by spectrum-analysis. PLANARIAN WORMS. 395 PlAXARIAXS, OR TeRBELLARIA ApROCTA. Intestine without a posterior opening . — Hermaphrodite. Sect. A. — Hhdb docoda. Intestine a straight sac. Usually two eyes on the ganglia. Body generally of an elongate oval form. (a) With a muscular pharynx, usually exsertile. Genus 1. Prseganglionie region in the form of a conical muscular pro- boscis. Mouth circular. — Prostomem, Duges ( Rhynchopro - bolus, Acmostomum , Schmarda). „ 2. Prseganglionie region well developed, broad and blunt. Pharynx tub-shaped. — Vortex, Ehr. ( Derostomum of Duges). „ 3. Prseganglionie region not muscular, and reduced in size. Mouth circular, near the centre of the body. — Mesostohem, Duges ( Strongylostomum Typhloplana of Oersted). „ 4. Prseganglionie region small. One eye. Body long and worm- like. Mouth central. (Marine.) — Moxocelis, Oerst. „ 5. Prseganglionie region reduced to a minimum. No eyes. Mouth towards the posterior end of the body. — Opistomem, 0. Schm. (0) A muscular pharynx is ivanting. ,, 6. Mouth an oval opening, placed lengthwise near the fore end. Prseganglionie region small and flat. — Macrostomexi, Oerst. „ 7. As the last, but mouth a long slit. — Orthostomem, 0. Schm. „ 8. Mouth a cross slit. No eyes. (Marine.) — Coxvoleta, Oerst. „ 9. Prseganglionie region pinched off as a kind of head, carrying two tentacular processes. Mouth round, behind the eyes. — Vorticeros, 0. Schm. Sect. B. — Dendroccda. Intestine an arborescent or multiramose cavity. Eyes often numerous. Prseganglionie region broad and flat, often tentacular, forming a frontlet. Body flat, broad. (a) Digonopora. With double genital openings. All marine ; often bril- liantly coloured. (p) Monogonopora. With a single genital opening. Nearly all fresh- water or terrestrial. All with a large muscular pharynx. Genus 1. Body oblong, flat. Mouth subcentral. Frontlet* three-cornered, or with tentacula-like comers. Eyes two, with lenses. — Plaxaria ( Dendrocodum ). „ 2. Frontlet small. Eyes many. The rest as Planaria. — Polycelis, Ehr. (not De Quatrefages). „ 3. Body elongate and vermiform, often brilliantly coloured. Prseganglionie region (frontlet) large and broad, sometimes expanded as a hammer-head. Animals all terrestrial. — Geoplaxa. This synopsis of genera is no doubt in many ways imperfect, but I believe it gives a fair view of the principal divisions of the fresh-water forms. The Rhabdocoels are minute, and abound * This name is proposed by Professor Rolleston for the prsegangiionic region of Dendroccels. 396 POPULAK SCIENCE REVIEW. in most ponds and streamlets. They are best observed first with a lens — in a bottle of the water containing them, and then afterwards picked up in a tube drawn out to a fine opening. The commonest forms belong to the genera Mesostomum, Vortex, and Prostomum (figs. 5, 6, 7, 8). The species are at present quite undefined. The marine Dendrocoels I have omitted. They are very beautiful in colour and graceful in form — many species are figured in the memoirs by De Quatrefages and Claparede (fig. 14). The commonest little black fresh- water Planaria belongs to the genus Poly cells, having many eyes ; species of true Planaria are, however, abundant enough with them (figs. 17, 18). All these Dendrocoels are much larger than the Rhabdocoel forms, being often more than half an inch in length, and very conspicuous by their dark colours. Duges, in his memoirs ( 1828-1830), de- scribes several species, and also the wonderful power of repara- tion of injuries they possess. By slicing them with scissors, individuals may be produced with two heads or two tails, and otherwise modified. It is Oscar Schmidt, however, who within the last seven years has described their anatomy. Duges found the very remarkable Geoplana terrestris (fig. 16) in France in Languedoc, and it ought to occur in England. Will the readers of the Popular Science Review hunt it out ? I now propose to speak of the anatomy of Opistomum , a Rhabdocoel, and Polycelis , a Dendrocoel, in greater detail. Having caught sight of an Opistomum (fig. 5) or Me- sostomum (fig. 7) swimming over the surface of a bottle of pond-water, you may conveniently catch the minute creature by making use of a dipping tube with a fine orifice, and then place it on a compressorium or under a glass cover. The first thing to note is the ciliation of the whole surface of the body, excepting the sucker-like mouth, which in Opistomum will be readily seen lying very far back near the posterior extremity (fig. 6). A little closer examination of the clear transparent skin will disclose the presence of very numerous clear ob- long corpuscles, which are scattered all over it, and belong to that group of organs which is represented by the “ trichocysts ” * of Infusoria and the nettle-cells of Polyps and other animals. Examining now the digestive organs, it is not difficult to trace the large cylindrical and muscular pharynx (ph) opening from the mouth and leading into a capacious but simple sac which has no other opening — this is the stomach and intestine both. Coloured granular masses are crowded on its surface, and some of these, perhaps, act as a sort of bile-forming organ. Overlying this stomach are other masses of cells and muscular fibres, of the * See Allman, Jour. Micros. Sci. (1855), vol. iii. p. 177. PLANARIAN WORMS. 397 simplest form, which form a body-wall of unlimited powers of movement. The large accumulations of cellular masses belong to the generative system, and may often obscure other parts. Quite in front is the pair of nervous ganglia (g) which send out their minute and invisible branches in all directions. In Opi- stomum there are no eyes to guide one in finding the ganglia, and hence the task is not so easy as in Mesostomum , Prostomum, and Vortex (figs. 7, 6, 8), in which the eyes lie just in front of the ganglia ; nor is there any expanse in front of the gan- glia— the “proganglionic region” is reduced to the smallest amount. Winding in and out among the contents of the body, sending out branches here and there, you will observe two indistinct tubes, running lengthwise, one on each side of the body ( nn ). These vessels are the main stems of the water- vascular system, and may be traced to two pores or openings placed far back on the ventral surface. Their internal surface is ciliated, but they are not contractile. The reproductive organs are the most curious and most im- portant points to make out in the straight-gutted Planarians ; and, indeed, in the Dendrocoels also they have been used as specific and generic characters. Although hermaphrodite, Opi- stomum , like other Rhabdoccels, has only one outlet for the ova and the seed. The Dendroccel Planarians are well divided into two groups, according as the generative opening is single or double (a male and female); and Elias Mecznikow* thinks that this may some day be done with the Rhabdoccels. The testes (fig. 5 t , f) in Opistomum form a large sac on each side of the body, opening into a middle seminal vesicle placed quite pos- teriorly ; leading from this is the very long coiled penis, which is covered with spines. In Prostomum (fig. 6pe ) there are in this position large and hard stylets, like the dart ” of the common snail, which some writers have considered as belonging to the male generative apparatus, and others have regarded as stinging organs. The ovaries ( ov ) are seen nearer the genital pore than the testes , and are smaller bodies ; they open into a cavity (ut) which has been called the uterus; into this also open two large glandular masses (vi) called n V )) V )) V » V 7. Mesostomum sp., observed at Hampstead : p, praeganglionic region, showing a tendency to become muscular and proboscidiform ; g , nerve ganglion ; m, moutb ; n n, water- vessels. 8. Vortex (of Scbmidt) sp., observed at Hampstead : g, nerve gan- glion ; m, moutb ; gn, genital orifice. 9. Microscopic larva of a marine Turbellarian ( Alaurind ), observed by Claparede. 10. Anterior portion of Poly cells cornuta, after Oscar Scbmidt: p, praeganglionic region ; g, nerve ganglion ; ov, ovary ; i, part of tbe ramifying intestine ; e e, eyes. 11. Planaria torva (Miiller) : g, nerve ganglion ; m, moutb ; ph, pharynx ; ov ov, ovaries ; 1 1, testes ; df, efferent ducts ; pe, penis ; h, supposed spermatopborej x, uterus (P) ; va, vagina; gn, genital opening. 12. Planaria lactea , showing tbe Dendroccel character of tbe intestine : m, moutb. 13. Microscopic larva of a marine Dendrocoel Planarian, after Alex- ander Agassiz. 14. Eurylepta vittata, a marine Dendrocoel ; nat. size. 15. Bipalium, an eartb-planarian from Ceylon ; nat. size. 16. Geoplana terrestris, after Duges ; nat. size. 17. Planaria gonocephala, after Dug6s ; nat. size. 18. Planaria tremellaris, after Duges ; nat. size. 19. Planaria cceca, after Duges ; nat. size. 20. Planaria cut so as to produce two beads, after Duges. 21. Part of tbe genitalia of Poly cells nigra : m, moutb; df, seminal efferent ducts ; pe, penis, with prickles ; gn, genital vestibule ; x, supposed uterus (see fig. 11). 401 VENTILATION AND VENTILATORS. By THE EDITOR. IF we may be permitted to define cant as the current expression of unintentional insincerity, we believe that there is no species of cant more general than that which people talk about ventila- tion. Go where we may, whether into the houses of the wealthy or into the miserable dwellings of the poor, we hear the same cry about ventilation and its advantages ; but in no cases, or at least in few, do we see any reason to think the cry a genuine one. How many people tell us of the healthy influence of pure fresh air, but how few ever take proper steps to introduce it into their houses ! How seldom do we see anything like a rational system of ventilation in public buildings ; and where are the private dwellings in which vitiated breathing-air is not abun- dantly present ? It is not our intention, in the observations we are about to make, to dwell upon the elementary facts that human beings contaminate air by the exhalations from their lungs, and that the respiration of such air is eminently injurious to health. These have already been fully and forcibly pointed out by Dr. Edwin Lankester.* Indeed, we think it is now pretty generally admitted that the influence of a greater proportion of carbonic acid in a breathing atmosphere than that of *6 per 1000 is both adverse to comfort and obnoxious to health. We purpose, therefore, to lay before our readers, as clearly and withal as briefly as possible, the principles on which ventilation should be conducted, and to describe the more important methods by which such thorough ventilation as can be adopted may be achieved. At the outset we may state, in very general terms, that the word ventilation simply expresses the passage in and out of air. The regulation of this inlet and outlet, in such a manner as to be least productive of discomfort and disease, is one of the highest aims of hygiene. We may add, too, that it is by far its most difficult problem. In an ordinary room it is clear that air is constantly entering and leaving by some of the apertures in * See Popular Science Review , vol. iii. p. 6. 402 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. the doors and windows, and through the chimneys. This may be easily proved, experimentally, by holding a lighted taper near any of these points. But it is equally true a priori. It happens generally that the inlet is not sufficient to remove the carbonic acid rapidly enough to reduce its proportions to the standard above given. The question then arises, How are the con- ditions necessary for the production of this standard ascertained ? This is exactly what we propose to discuss, for it supplies the key to the whole principle of ventilation. There is the less difficulty in popularising this subject, that of late it has received the studious attention of some of our ablest chemists and sanitarians, who have laid their, opinions before the public.* Before, however, we plunge in medias res of ventilation, we must ask the reader to remember that the physical law known as that of “ mutual diffusion,” plays an important part in all questions relating to the mixture of different gases, such as of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid, which make up our atmosphere. By virtue of this law, it occurs that two gases when brought together, no matter what their relative weights, become thoroughly mixed together, in proportions which are stated as being inversely as the square roots of their densities. Carbonic acid is a gas so heavy that it may be decanted from one vessel into another ; and hydrogen is so light that a balloon filled with it ascends, as we all know, into the air. Yet if a vessel filled with the latter be inverted over one containing the former, and a piece of membrane be placed between the mouths of the two, it will be found that, after a while, some of the carbonic acid has ascended into the upper vessel, and the hydrogen has descended into the lower one, and mingled with the carbonic acid. A mixture will be thus formed in both vessels. It is the same in nature. Animals are perpetually exhaling carbonic acid into the atmosphere, and were it not for this wonderful property of . “ diffusion,” a stratum of foul air would lie over the earth, and would possibly extinguish animal existence. This, then, is one of the great facts of venti- lation, as it is in nature. There is, however, another point in which natural ventilation is superior to all other forms — viz., that plants use up the carbonic acid as food, setting free the oxygen which helped to form it, and thus, as it were, manufacturing air for the use of animals. The law of diffusion the reader must consider as the starting-point in all ventilation problems. With this law as his guide, he is prepared for the consideration * See Papers by Dr. A. Smith, F.R.S., Dr. E. Smith, F.R.S., Professor Donkin, F.R.S., and Dr. Parkes, F.R.S., in the “Report of the Committee appointed to consider the Cubic Space of Metropolitan Workhouses.” Pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament, 1867. VENTILATION AND YENTILATOBS. 403 of the other principles of this branch of hygiene. Concerning the extent of its operation, however, the student encounters his first difficulty, for it must be confessed that all writers are not agreed as to whether, in the case of the atmosphere of dwelling-rooms, the diffusion which takes place is com- plete or partial. Decision in regard to this is “ a consum- mation most devoutly to be desired,” for in its absence we are driven to accept one of two alternatives. For instance, it being known how much aii* one individual vitiates per minute in breathing, if it were admitted that complete diffusion occurs, we could calculate with tolerable precision what quantity of fresh air should be introduced per minute into a room of known capacity, in order to enable healthy respiration to take place. But if we admit that the diffusion is only partial, and that atmospheric currents may sweep away the foul air as it issues from the lungs, and before it has had time to mingle thoroughly with the air of the chamber, then our basis of calculation is so uncertain and variable that nothing short of practical demon- stration can give us a clue to the quantity of air which it is necessary to supply for the purposes of health. These may not at first sight appear serious objections, but it must be borne in mind that the end of all efficient ventilation is the removal of exactly so much vitiated air as will leave the remaining atmosphere fit for healthy respiration, and no more than this, and the achievement of this without inconvenience or discomfort. It follows, then, that if any system of ventilation be based on erroneous calculation, either too much or too little air will be introduced into the apartment ventilated, and thus the inmates will either be supplied with impure air or be exposed to unpleasant draughts. The necessity for the establishment of a rigid elementary principle, as the starting-point of all systems of ventilation, is therefore obvious. It may be as well, before going further into the subject, to lay before the reader the views of two able writers, whose opinions are somewhat materially in conflict. Dr. Angus Smith and Dr. Parkes, of Netley, have both devoted much time and skill to the investigation of the conditions of ventilation, but they come to very different conclusions as to the question, Gan a small room be more thoroughly ventilated with a given sup- ply of air than a large one ? Dr. Smith advocates the em- ployment of the small room under the circumstances referred to. He says : “ Let us imagine a man in a small box, or having his head in a small box, in which he would be supplied with air sufficient for an inhalation as often as he required it. The total amount would be about 12 to 20 cubic feet in an hour. The stream of air is so rapid that the impure is removed as rapidly as the pure is supplied. Put the same man in the VOL. VI. — NO. XXV. G G 404 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. space of 500 cubic feet of air, and supply him with the same amount of air as he received in the small box, and it becomes rapidly noxious. We see, then, that the mode of supplying the air is one of the most important points. In a very small space a man may find a very little air to be enough by rapid venti- lation. In a considerable space a man may find himself un- comfortable from the want of ventilation, even although the amount of air supplied by ventilation is many times greater than in the small space.” No further quotation is necessary to show the nature of Dr. Smith’s views. The writer evidently be- lieves that in small spaces the heated air from the lungs ascends from the mouth, and is borne away by currents before it has had time to mingle intimately with the air of the chamber. This is, in fact, nothing less than a denial that thorough diffusion takes place. To accept Dr. Smith’s views, we must admit a partial diffusion only, and we fancy that the author’s system must admit draughts. Let us see, then, what Dr. Parkes has got to say in reply, for we could not state the argument against Dr. Smith in a more concise or intelligible form than it has been expressed by the distinguished Professor of Hygiene in the Army Medical School. Dr. Parkes first points out that the man in the box must not be supposed to draw in the air he requires from a supply-pipe, and to simply breathe it out by an exit- tube. If such were the case, the experiment would be equivalent to a man breathing in the open air ; but evidently this is not what Dr. Smith supposed. The man’s head being once more placed in the box. Dr. Parkes supplies him with 16 cubic feet of air for an hour, and he thus describes the result : “ At his first inspi- ration the man draws in 30 cubic inches of air from the box-air (which is at once replaced from outside), and then expels it, so that 30 cubic inches pass out of the box. These 30 cubic inches will be partly derived from the air of the box which has not gone into the lungs, and partly from the air from the lungs; con- sequently all the air from the lungs will not pass out , but some will remain in the box and render the air there slightly impure. ... At the next inspiration 30 cubic inches are drawn into the lungs [the void being replaced from outside], and are then breathed out, and simultaneously 30 cubic inches of air pass out from the box. The 30 cubic inches which pass out are again made up of a mixture of the box-air and the lung-air. It is evident that the box-air must at every expiration become more and more impure, although at the end of the hour the 16 cubic feet stated by Dr. Angus Smith to be sufficient will have been supplied.” We cannot afford space for further extract, but we may mention that Dr. Parkes makes a very simple arithmetical calculation of the quantity of carbonic acid accu- mulated in the box at the end of the hour, and shows most VENTILATION AND VENTILATORS. 405 conclusively that long before this time the man would commence to be poisoned with his carbonic acid alone, to cc say nothing of the organic matter evolved from his lungs. It seems to us that in all respects Dr. Parkes’ explanation of the state of things in the supposititious case selected by Dr. Smith, is in accordance with theory and experience. However much we may be disposed to admit that complete diffusion does not occur, we cannot deny that there is considerable admixture of the gases, and this is adequate to bring in a verdict for Dr. Parkes. We see, then, that in calculating the quantity of air to be supplied to an individual, we must not be guided alone by the number of cubic feet of pure air consumed per hour. We must take diffusion into account. The proposition may be fairly laid down, however startling it may appear, that in order to make the conditions of respiration in a room as healthy as they are in the open air, the whole air of the room should be renewed at each respiration . Put this would not be possible, for in order to do so, we should have to produce a series of air-currents which would be perfectly intolerable. Our object, then, must be to prevent the vitiation of the air beyond a point which can be borne without injury to health. In the air which we breathe out of doors, we find that there is *4 part of carbonic acid in 1000 parts; and we know from expe- rience that an atmosphere which contains *6 per 1000 of carbonic acid may be breathed with impunity. Our aim, then, must be — admitting diffusion — to supply such a quantity of air per hour as will keep down the pollution of the air to this standard. Here, again, arises the question, Can this be effected more easily in a small room than in a large one ? This is a problem of some gravity ; and, in our opinion, its only correct solution is that given by a mathematician — Professor Donkin, F.R.S. On this point we differ from both Dr. Smith and Professor Parkes. The former would, of course, allege that the smaller space is the more convenient ; the latter contends that a larger apartment is more easily ventilated. According as we view the matter from dif- ferent standpoints, each is right, though both, in our opinion, are in some respects in error. In a small room, with a very powerful out-draught, the quantity of air demanded per minute might be smaller than that demanded for a larger one. Again, in a large room we have the advantage of a large supply of air to dilute the poisonous gas. A little reflection, however, will show that in both cases, unless the increasing impurity be kept under, the rooms will, at a certain period, become uninhabitable. This, we think, is a point which has been overlooked by Dr. Parkes. Those who read Professor Donkin’s observations on the subject can decide whether we are right or not ; but we con- fess that we cannot see what the size of the room has to do 406 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. with the quantity of air to he supplied per hour. It is a matter for arithmetical calculation, but it seems to us by no means difficult to show that, whether the room he large or small (assu- ming it to be constantly in use), the quantity of air introduced must be the same in order to reduce its atmosphere to the standard demanded by hygiene. The quantity of carbonic acid developed per hour is a constant quantity ; and as it diffuses itself thoroughly through the room, it is evident that the quan- tity of air required to dilute it to innocuity must also be definite. Of course, in applying this in practice, it is necessary to assume that the room will ultimately arrive at a certain degree of pol- lution by carbonic acid. And this is just the particular which shows that if the room he not constantly occupied, Dr. Parkes’ view is correct. It takes a much shorter time to effect the pollution of the air to the required standard in a small room than in a large one. Hence in a room of great capacity the air might not become impure in the few hours during which it was in occupation. In hospitals and suchlike institutions it would, of course, be different. We cannot afford space to go into the calculation by which Professor Donkin arrives at his conclusion, hut we may state that he believes 3,000 cubic feet of air to be the minimum which should be supplied per hour to each indi- vidual; this being, of course, independent of the size of the room. The question of size, however, cannot he passed over as unimportant, for the simple reason that in rooms of small size the necessary supply could not be introduced without the employment of strong currents of air, which would he not only troublesome, but might be even dangerous to health. But it must never he forgotten, that though a smaller supply of air may suffice to ventilate a larger than a smaller room for a short space of time, at a certain period, sooner or later according to the capacity of the apartment, the same quantity of air per hour must be supplied to both, and this must invariably be 3,000 cubic feet per hour for each person present. Having arrived at the determination of the principle which should guide us in ventilation, and having established a rule for the quantity of air which must be introduced per head per hour into a room constantly occupied, we can now proceed with the second part of our enquiry — the methods by which the introduction of fresh air is effected. This part of our subject is of the highest importance, and, we might add, also of the greatest difficulty. It is obvious that in all arrangements for ventilating an apartment, it is the same thing whether we pro- vide for the removal of a definite amount of foul air, or for the introduction of the same quantity of fresh. “ Nature abhors a vacuum,” and the elimination of the consumed or partially consumed air involves the introduction of an equivalent VENTILATION AND YENTILATOES. 407 volume of the outer atmosphere. It is, however, sometimes con- venient to distinguish the two modes, especially in describing mechanical arrangements, and hence we find it usual to designate the “ removal” the vacuum method, and the “ introduction ” the plenum mode. It may, at first sight, appear to the reader that the introduction of 3,000 cubic feet per head per hour into any ordinary room would be attended with serious inconvenience ; but practically it is not found so. Indeed, if we take any room provided with a chimney and fire, we find that the quan- tity of air introduced per hour is much greater than we should have supposed. By means of a sort of scientific windmill, technically styled an anemometer , we are enabled (by counting its revolutions per minute) to estimate the velocity of currents of air ; and then, the calibre of the shaft through which the draught passes being known, we obtain, by a little calculation, the exact quantity of air per minute supplied by any aperture. We mention this here because the anemometer has been placed in the chimney of an ordinary room when the fire was burning, and its revolutions showed beyond all question that 1,004 cubic feet of air per minuxe, or upwards of 60,000 cubic feet per hour, passed out of the room, and must have been replaced by an equal amount which entered by the usual channels. Thus, in this case at least twenty people might have been supplied with a healthy atmosphere, provided the air was not heated to too high a point. It is customary with writers on ventilation to speak of natural and artificial systems of ven- tilation ; but as in most cases a fire exists in what is termed the natural arrangement, the division is more empirical than cor- rect. Without, then, employing this distinction, let us consider the condition of one of our sitting-rooms in winter. The fire burns brightly, and, as a consequence, several thousand cubic feet of air are hourly drawn up the chimney. Whence comes the air to replace this loss? The chinks in the door and windows are constantly admitting a stream of cold air, and thus ventila- tion is effected at the expense of draughts, which produce chilled feet, catarrhs, and so forth. Still, ventilation takes place. We are now supposing that the lamps have not been lighted ; and we think everyone’s experience will show that most rooms in which a fire burns well are tolerably well ventilated ( quoad the amount of air) till, say, the gas is lit. The moment the chandelier comes into operation (supposing it to contain five ordinary fish-tail burners), the state of things is changed, and in the course of half-an-hour or so, this change becomes distress- ingly perceptible. Why ? — People never ask themselves this question. Because more than twenty additional pairs of lungs have begun to use up the air, each burner in use being equiva- lent to nearly five persons. This is the great defect of our modern 408 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. dwellings. In olden times ventilation must have been far better than it is nowadays, when our demand for light is followed by so large a consumption of our breathing-air. And why, again, is there this distinction between the fire and the gas ? The fire uses up air, but it also acts on the vacuum principle, and produces a draught of fresh air in the room ; but the gas does n ot. What, then, is the remedy ? Convert the gas into a fire, provide it with a chimney to convey out the pro- ducts of combustion, and compel it thus to ventilate the room as thoroughly as the fire does. Many methods of doing this have been suggested, but the one which has been found most satisfactory in operation, and of which we ourselves can speak in high terms of praise, is that which has been invented by Mr. Eicketts, and is known as the Ventilating Globe Light. We have only one fault to find with it, and that is its costliness ; but we confess we cannot see how, under existing conditions, it could be sold at a cheaper rate. The accompanying dia- gram explains its construction. It consists of an Argand burner, enclosed in a globe of large pro- portions, whose only aperture for admission of air is at the top. A shows the burner and chimney in section, and the letters D D and the arrows indicate the mode of admission of air from the room. The gas- pipe is enclosed in a tube of larger dimensions, B B, which passes from, the portion of the globe immediately above the chimney of the burner to the ceiling of the room. Here it communicates with a shaft, which passes under the joists of the room above, and discharges the foul air into the chimney. The letters C C indicate a funnel, whose mouth communicates also with a portion of the shaft, and which draws off the heated air of the room, throwing it — as in the case of the products of combustion from the burner — into the chimney. Thus far, Mr. Eicketts5 contrivance is theoretically excellent. Our examination of it in these respects confirms the inventor’s anticipations ; it not only carries off the products of its own combustion through VENTILATING GLOBE-LIGHT. VENTILATION AND VENTILATORS. 409 the outlet tube, but the funnel removes much of the heated air of the room — tobacco-smoke, vapour, and such like, passing up with great rapidity through the apertures in the “ ceiling- flower.” It will be observed that the diagram shows a pair of tubes external to the funnel and communicating with an inlet tube, the arrows here indicating a passage of air inwards. This is an addition to Mr. Ricketts’ lamp, which was suggested by Mr. J. P. Seddon, Hon. Secretary to the Royal Institute of British Architects, and which strikes us as more ingenious than effi- cient. Its object is the introduction of cool fresh air from without, thus converting the lamp into an apparatus for venti- lating perfectly closed rooms. It is only fair to say that we have not gone carefully into the examination of this addition ; but our observations, so far as they went, tended to prove its utter inutility ; indeed, so far as we could perceive, it acted more as an outlet than anything else ; but on this point we are desirous of further experience. In every other particular, Mr. Ricketts’ plan seems to meet a great want ; and we doubt whether in winter (when fires are used) any other mode of get- ting rid of foul air is required. But for those who do not care to go to the expense of purchasing one of the globes, we should recommend the employment of an outlet-shaft, expanding at one end into a cone, situated over the ceiling-flower, and opening at the other extremity into the chimney. This we have seen in some houses, and its effect has been admirable. A somewhat similar contrivance is shown in the adjoining cut. Indeed, the 6e sun-light ” method of illumination is generally one of the best modes of ventilation ; and gas-lamps, provided with the above arrangement, approach them in usefulness. No system of ventilation can be considered perfect in which the gas-lamp is not made to carry away the air vitiated by its use.* We come now to another consideration, which, if of not so grave a nature, at all events demands every attention. We refer to the mode of introduction of pure air. At present, in most * We have not noticed Arnott’s chimney- valves and other similar con- trivances, because we have no faith in their efficiency. They occasionally interfere with the draught of the chimney, and in some instances allow smoke to pass out, and thus injure ceilings, cornices, and such like. 410 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. sitting-rooms the fresh air comes in at the windows and doors, and when no other arrangement exists, we are sure to have draughts more or less injurious, according to the size of the interstices, apertures, &c. The question of where to introduce the cold air has always been a vexed one with hygienists. Even now, it cannot be looked on as definitively decided. Some writers say, introduce it through the floor, as in the House of Commons; others suggest a middle point between floor and ceiling ; while the latest researches seem to show that the ceiling itself is the best point. Whether the air be introduced at the level of tne ceiling, or at a sufficient height above the door to prevent unpleasant draught, is, in our opinion, immaterial. The great points to be attended to are the distribution of the air by causing it to pass through an immense number of aper- tures, and the employment of adequate means to bring it to a suitable degree of temperature. In most of the existing ar- rangements for the introduction of fresh air into rooms, the mistake is made of using a few small apertures (Sherringham’s ventilators et id genus omne). Hence, we often find in the houses of persons who pride themselves on the perfect ventila- tion of their rooms, that these latter have abominable draughts, whose course is defined with the greatest nicety, and which often appear to select one’s ears as the most convenient medium of transit.* This production of keen, sharp draughts has been the opprobrium of nearly all the vaunted ventilators hitherto employed. The method suggested by M. Morin, a French savant, who has paid much attention to such questions as these, obviates in a great measure these defects. His plan is somewhat similar to that recommended by the Commissioners for Improving the Sanitary Condition of Barracks and Hos- pitals, so that a description of the latter will represent both. At the level of the ceiling a number of perforated bricks are introduced into the wall, the area of the aperture being in the proportion of 1 square inch to every 60 cubic feet of the capacity of the room.f In order to prevent the discomfort which might arise from a down-draught from these openings, a cornice is so arranged as to cover them. PERFORATED ZINC CORNICE. * Such draughts recall the sailor’s saying, that he u didn’t mind a fresh sou-wester, hut he was blowed if he’d sit in the ‘wake’ of a key-hole.” t A room 25 feet long by 18 feet wide and 10 feet high would have a capacity of 4,500 cubic feet. Its apertures for entrance of fresh air would therefore be 4,500-r-60=75 square inches. How large an area compared with the apertures now occasionally found oyer our doors, and misnamed ventilators ! VENTILATION AND VENTILATORS. 411 The upper side of this cornice is composed of perforated zinc, which thus causes the air to be evenly distributed over the room. The holes are generally from to inch in diameter, and the area of the zinc perforated is to that of the air-spaces as about 6 to 1. Few systems are better adapted for the introduction of fresh air than that of the Barrack Commission above referred to, provided it is not required to heat the air before it is intro- duced. When the air has to be heated, a new set of contrivances is necessary. For ourselves, we think that, provided the cold air is brought into a well-heated room at such a level as to increase its temperature before it is breathed, and so distributed as to prevent draught, there is little necessity for any special device for warming it. In some cases, however, it appears to be necessary ; and various appliances have been employed in rais- ing it to its proper temperature. Of closed stoves for warming the air, there have been legion ; but, we think, in all cases they have proved objectionable, for they either burn the air which passes through them, and thus render it most unwholesome, or they impart to the heated air certain metallic impurities, which are not only offensive, but hurtful. There may be exceptions to this rule ; but, if so, we have not had the good fortune to meet with them. Of hot-water and steam apparatus, for the same purpose, we cannot speak in favourable terms ; they may, doubtless, be economical, but they are unsatisfactory from the two facts, that — 1. They produce an atmosphere which contains impurities arising from the heated tubes, and which is extremely distressing and unwholesome; and 2. That they are not un- attended with danger, from the circumstance that rupture of one of the pipes is likely to severely scald those in its proximity. The open fireplace seems in all cases to be the best means of warming, but it may be constructed so as to give out more heat than the average grate does, and may be contrived to supply warm air to a room. The following description of the open grate recommended by the Barrack Commissioners will demon- strate this. Though this grate is not absolutely new in prin- ciple, it is not constructed on any one of the old plans, but appears to be, as stated by Mr. Tomlinson, a combination of all the good points in the older inventions : tc The grate is placed as much forward in the room as possible. The part in which the fire is contained is of firebrick ; the bottom being partly solid, checks the consumption of fuel; a supply of air is admitted from behind the grate, and is thrown on the top of the fire to assist the prevention of the smoke. The sides are splayed so as to throw the heat, by radiation, as much as possible into the room. The opening into the chimney has no register. There is a chamber behind the grate into which air is brought 412 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. from the outer air, and warmed by the large heating surface of the back of the grate, increased by flanges, and, after being BARRACK COMMISSIONERS’ OPEN GRATE. heated from 65° to 70° Fahr., the air passes into the room by a shaft cut out of the wall, and which terminates in a louvred opening placed ” near the ceiling. This is, we believe, one of the best devices yet in operation, and it is the only one we should venture to recommend. The plan of heating the air of a house by placing a closed stove in the lowest chamber, and causing the fresh supply to enter each room at some point above the door, is thought satisfactory and efficient by those who have tried it, and is said to work thoroughly well in Sir John Robin- son’s house at Edinburgh, of which the adjoining woodcut represents a section. The air is heated in the basement storey by what is known as a “ cockle stove.” Thence it ascends along the staircases, and enters the various apartments through ventilators above and below the doors. The vitiated air passes through apertures in the ceiling of each room, and into a shaft- whose outer opening is above the roof of the house. We have no personal knowledge of the efficiency of this plan of ventila- tion, but it is alleged to be perfect. It remains for us to say a word or two about the ventilation of sitting-rooms in summer. In warm weather it frequently happens that the ventilation of rooms is a matter of some diffi- culty. In the daytime, the only natural mode of ventilation is VENTILATION AND VENTILATORS. 413 through the open window, and unless this be supplemented by an artificial contrivance, we know of no other better method. At night, the employment of gas, with a central air-shaft, is likely to produce a tolerably good in-draught by removing the foul air. The chimney, too, is thought to assist in producing a current outwards, but this does not always happen ; indeed, it not un- frequently occurs that the draught through the chimney is into, not out of, the room. A convenient mode of remedying this, but one which is seldom used, is to keep a small gas-jet burning 414 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. in the grate. This is quite sufficient to produce a very power- ful out-draught of air, while it adds nothing to the temperature of the room ; its expense, too, is slight compared with the benefit it confers, and there is little difficulty in arranging it, as a flexible varnished tube may easily be carried to the burner from a joint fixed in the neighbouring gas-pipe. Had we not already transgressed the limits originally assigned to our remarks, we should have entered on the subject of mechanical systems of ventilation — such arrangements as the steam-fan employed in the Eeform Club House, the furnace of the House of Commons, the air-ffiters of the Post Office, the steam-jet employed by Dr. Edmonds in ventilating the lower decks of ships, the heated-tube system of Mr. Sutton for a similar purpose, and various other contrivances, whose names alone constitute a formidable list ; but we must draw our obser- vations to a close. What we have said, has been said rather with a view to draw the attention of the thoughtful to a subject of the most vital interest, than to convey the idea that any per- fectly satisfactory scheme of ventilation has yet been proposed. Our aim has been to lay before our readers a general expression of the conditions as to the quality of air necessary for healthy ventilation. This, we think, has not hitherto entered suffi- ciently into the considerations of those who have pursued the study of methods instead of principles. It must, nevertheless, be admitted that no system of ventilation can be satisfactory unless it be in accordance with the laws of hygiene. Of these laws, as they relate to ventilation, we have given our readers a general idea ; and we would, in conclusion, assure them that since they are capable of mathematical demonstration, they must inevitably form the basis of every efficient plan for the main- tenance of a healthy atmosphere in our private dwellings and public buildings.* * With one or two exceptions, the woodcuts illustrating- this article have been borrowed from Weales’ excellent treatise on “ Warming and Ventila- tion.” For the stereotypes we are indebted to the courtesy of Messrs. Virtue. 415 PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN. By B. W. RICHARDSON, M.D., F.R.S. I HAVE recently been carrying out some new researches on the brain, with the view to discover its several seats and places of function, and the Editor of this Review thinks that I may be able to make the nature of the research so simple that all who may read will follow. I do not see why I should not ; for, after all the terrible obscurities thrown about it, the ' brain is an organ not very difficult to understand. It comes sharply enough under the Grladstonian definition of flesh and blood, and when we have the courage to approach it, and look into it, it gives way to inspection with moderate facility. Thomas Willis, M.D., and his Part. I find in books of learning and knowledge no glimpse of satisfactory thought, guess thought or real, respecting the brain, up to the time of Thomas Willis. Willis lived in the reign of Charles Mutton, sometimes called Charles the Second, and Willis died in the same reign, his death accelerated, it is said, by a cruel joke of the mutton-king. I have at this moment before me a small portrait of this first physical philosopher of the brain, the man who had the courage scientifically to open the skull-casket and find out what was the nature of that rounded structure which, like a world within a man, takes in all that is outside the man and binds him bodily with the universe. The face of Willis, as it looks up at me through the long gap of two hundred years, is strikingly singular. It is a pensive face with a meaning in it, determinate to a fault, and yet with a modesty of expression that shows a sensitive soul behind : — the face ex- actly of a man who under the smart of a king’s joke resounding everywhere would feel acutely and break his heart in silence rather than reveal the pang. What nonsense was talked about the brain prior to the time of Willis, I need not stop now to state ; except one fact which illustrates many more. There was a notion that a common cold was the phenomenon of the direct distillation of brain-stuff through the nose, and it is wortlry of note that men of the 416 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Willis school had as much trouble in disposing of this mild delusion as they had in setting forth positive discovery. The discoveries of Willis were indeed very grand when mea- sured by what they dispelled and by what they proved. That the brain was an organ of actual flesh and blood ; that it was nourished by blood, and was specially well supplied with blood ; that it was covered with membranes and divided into distinct parts ; that animals had brains built of the same matter as human, but of less magnificent quantity; and that the quality of mind had relation to the quality of brain with varying gradations through the scale of living organic being — these, in the rough, were certain of the gigantic truths taught by the dutiful and right loyal subject of Charles Mutton. Aeter Willis. G-all, and his Part. After Willis, the brain became a fine field of study for anato- mists of all schools ; but, with a few exceptions, anatomists have never been more than industrious men, painstakers, with some hard observance and little insight ; and so it happened that the poor brain, cut up after the fashion of cutting up a Dutch cheese, was subjected, long after it was discovered as an organ, to infinite anatomical torture and fearfully insulting misnomer. To this day, the names given to certain parts of the brain are painfully absurd : it is made to have valves and writers’ pens, fissures and roads, bridges and canals, beds, curtains and floors, hard bodies which are really soft, and white bodies which are not white, to say nothing of two approximate parts really not mentionable, even in simile, in polite society. At length the phy- sical metaphysical labours of Gall helped somewhat to render the study of the brain less nominal and less obscure. Gall, by his dissections, by his careful tracing out of the diverging fibres, and by his happy and, in many respects, correct and simple divisions of the organ into centres, placed observers on a train of research which was full of promise. Unfortunately his dis- ciples, not excluding the distinguished Spurtzheim, followed in the metaphysical direction to which their master had led them, rather than to the physical. This tendency was in every sense natural. It was the continuous road of enquiry, much widened and more soundly paved, while the physical highway was doubt- ful from its newness, and especially from the labour- demanded for traversing it. The metaphysical path was luxurious, open, and tempting even to fascination ; the physical was hard, narrow, and unpromising, nay threatening, to the beholder. Thus sprang up the system of Phrenology, a system in advance of facts, and therefore, though containing many truths, a system based largely on belief, and fluctuating as belief itself. PHFSICS OF THE BRAIN. 417 After Gall. Majendie and others, their Parts. Meanwhile, to a large extent, the old anatomy of the brain has remained but little changed ; still exist the absurd names, meaningless, bewildering, and so adhered to, that within the last five years two of the greatest lights in comparative anatomy of this age have been holding desperate contest on one poor nodule, the physiological value of which is altogether unknown, and indeed little cared for, in respect of its function, throughout the controversy. At the same time, it is right to explain that the progress of rational physical discovery, into the nature and function of the brain, has been advancing with some determinate casting-off of the fnystical and hypothetical. The classification of the brain into ganglia or centres of power, and into com- missures or connecting bands, and the tracing of nerves into the brain-structure, a study which the late Mr. Grainger so admirably and industriously promoted, have all been aids of no mean value to the direct and positive appreciation of function. In the way of minute anatomy, also, a wonderful field of truth has been laid open, especially by the labours of Swan and Lockhart Clarke: while the chemists have been indefatigable in determining the chemical constituents of the organ and their relation to each other. Finally, the pathologists, in a quiet and unassuming research, have added a long array of new facts on this vast subject. Observing the phenomena of disease in instances where the functions of the brain have been disturbed, they have sought, after the death of the subject in whom the symptoms were presented, to find the precise seat of the disease, and so to trace the living phenomena to their true cause. In this direction our accurate and philosophical countryman, Dr. Wilks, of Guy’s Hospital, has taken a part which is beyond all commendation. I must linger no longer on these matters, but must proceed to note some purely physiological facts, for the illustration of which this paper is specially intended. To Dr. Philip, Majendie and Fluorens we owe the first real steps in advance for exploring, by physical experiment and analysis, the functions of the brain. It was unfortunate for these observers that their work was laid out before they had the necessary means for conducting it with satisfactory exactitude. Their experiments, often singularly accurate, were, from the mode of their performance, open to criticism. Knowing nothing of any methods for modify- ing brain-function short of actual removal of portions of the brain of the inferior animals, they proceeded by what is called ablation, or cutting away, of the living structure. Hhe result was that they took what they could not restore, and, as a conse- quence, left it often doubtful whether the symptoms they 418 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. elicited were those of mere shock, injury and pain, or of actual dismemberment of function. Dr. James Arnott. His Part. The great leading discovery that the brain of a living animal could be frozen and afterwards could recover was made by Dr. James Arnott, who solidified the brain of a pigeon by exposing it to a freezing mixture. Here research stopped, because with an ordinary freezing mixture it was not possible to act on indi- vidual parts of the organ : but the importance of the discovery is not the less on that account. It was a marvellous revealing. Think what it was ! Here was a living organ of mind, a centre of power — of all guiding power, of all volition. It took in every motion of the universe to which it was exposed. It took in light and form and colour by the eye ; it took in sound by the ear, sensation and substance by the touch, odour by the nos- tril, and taste by the mouth : it gave out, in return or response, animal motion, expression, all else that demonstrates a living animal. With it the animal was an animal; without it the animal was turned into a mere vegetable. And this organ, the very centre and soul of the organism, was, by mere physical experiment, for a time made dead — all its powers ice-bound. And this organ, again set free, received its functions back again, and, as we know now by further observation, its functions un- impaired. Surely this was the discovery of a new world ! The discoverer of such a world needs no praise, for to him comes honour as a birthright, the noble birthright of an interpreter of natural truths deep from the depths of nature in her most sacred treasury. Recent Research. Freezing the Whole Brain. Recently, by the advancement in the means of application of extreme cold, we have had laid before us a new line of enquiry ; we have been enabled to destroy portions of the brain, as well as the whole organ, temporarily, and we have been also enabled to observe the process of recovery from this form of brief death. Thus we have witnessed death of parts of the brain, and their restoration from death, and by comparing functions lost with functions regained, have traced out, with singular correctness, many facts which by no other means could have been so certainly revealed. I was myself so favoured as to learn a simple mode of producing an intense cold with volatile fluid in the form of spray, and of so adapting this that even the brain could be PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN. 419 temporarily destroyed in parts or sections. Then I and another physiologist, Dr. Weir Mitchell, of Philadelphia, took up simul- taneously and independently the study of brain function by destruction of part. The truths thus learned, in so far as they relate to my own work, I would now record. I put them for- ward as being yet limited, but not valueless. I shall begin the narrative best by stating that the brain matter contains two substances which admit of solidification by cold, viz., water and fatty matter. These solidify at different temperatures, but both are entirely frozen by reducing the temperature to 16° Fabr. or 16° below freezing point. At this degree all the water of the nervous structure, amounting to 84 per cent, of the whole, is crystallized as ice ; in this condi- tion the structure is for the time dead, it is as though it were removed from the body altogether. Suppose, then, that we bring into this state of temporary death the front part of the brain, the two lobes or hemispheres of the cerebrum or larger brain, which mainly fill the skull. The phenomena produced are those indicating entire loss of volition, of sensation, of all that may be considered intelligence. To appearance the animal profoundly sleeps, it is as if it were under the( influence of chloroform or ether, and an operation of any kind may be performed upon it without pain. It may, nevertheless, move when handled, and it may show a kind of involuntary life due to what is called spinal action, to some power resident in the spinal cord. A frog thus circumstanced will sometimes leap ; but warm-blooded animals, as a general rule, will remain like as in catalepsy, always retaining the position in which they last were left. In cold-blooded animals, as in the frog, when the functions of the brain are entirely suspended, the freezing process may be carried to and through the spinal cord, and every portion of the nervous system may thus be deprived of force, the animal re- maining motionless, rigid, and indeed like stone. In this state it would remain, I believe, for an unlimited period of time if it were kept under the same condition of temperature ; but from this extreme condition of shrunk death it will, nevertheless, re- cover on gradual restoration of warmth. In some warm-blooded animals we see an approach to this same state, naturally brought about in the period when they are hybernating, in the profound sleep of the cold season ; but there is this difference, the animal, during hybernation, still breathes, and still takes in some air for respiration, without which it could not recover with the return of warmth. And we find by experiment that if the pro- cess of freezing artificially be carried on in a warm-blooded animal, from the brain into the spinal system, so as to stop VOL. VI. — NO. XXV. H H 420 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. the function of respiration, the living action is put an end to for good. The statement of this fact will naturally suggest the ques- tion, Why is there this difference between warm and cold- blooded animals ; between a frog, for instance, and a pigeon ? The answer to the question is simple ; the frog requires only, for its best life, a comparatively low temperature, and its outer covering or skin is a fair conductor of heat. Hence the frog, after being entirely frozen, can take up sufficient caloric from a warm air to become recharged directly with force throughout all its nervous organism ; but the warm-blooded animal, living always by the heat it developes in its own body, is protected by a skin covered also with a good wow-conducting surface of feathers, or fur, or hair: it cannot, therefore, so receive heat from without as to be able to recharge its nervous centres from any external source of heat ; it dies outright whenever its in- ternal and radiating force is cut off. To return to our animal made lethargic and insensible by the direct abstraction of caloric from the cerebrum. I have said that it resembles an animal sleeping after the inhalation of chloroform, and this is indeed what is observed. A pigeon will lie motionless and insensible for long periods of time, breathing slowly, but regularly, and with the heart beating in even time. By allowing the temperature to be gradually raised to 60° or 65° Fahr. there follows steady recovery and return of living function ; but the order of recovery is not always the same, variations being introduced dependent upon the parts in which re- storation begins. Usually, however, when the whole mass of the cerebrum, or larger brain, is frozen, recovery of intelligence is the first sign exhibited ; then there are attempts at motion, which are propulsive forwards, and soon afterwards there is sensation. I have, however, seen this order, reversed, the sensation returning- before the return of motion. Finally, the animal entirely re- covers, and with the recovery memory and all the spell-bound faculties return into active play. The brain has been crystallised, and it has been loosened back to the fluid state, but it has lost as little as it has gained ; all impressions it held it has retained, and the light, and the sound, and the touch, and the odour, strike again to reach and endow the now impressionable matter. Freezing Sections of Brain. So far we have seen the effect of removing force from the cerebral part of the brain substance as a whole ; let us next enquire what is the effect of removing force from special parts of the organ. As preliminary to this description I should explain, that the brain substance being a bad conductor of PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN. 421 caloric it is quite possible, by using a fine ether jet and a low boiling fluid, to isolate parts with great minuteness. Thus we can remove the force from the two large front cerebral hemi- spheres without removing it from the smaller hemispheres which lie behind, and which form the little brain or cerebellum ; it is possible again to remove the force from one hemisphere with- out removing it from the oth£r, or from the spinal cord without interfering either with the large or the small brain. In the superior and front part of each hemisphere of the cerebrum there lies a mass of nerve matter very distinct in form, and, as it would seem, very distinct in function. The older anatomists called this the striated body ( corpus striatum ), because in section it appears to be marked by faint lines of grey and white colour. It is now more correctly called the superior cerebral ganglion. With very little difficulty, and without pain, we can expose this ganglion in one or both hemispheres, and remove the force from one or from both. When we have removed the force from both — when, that is to say, we have solidified them, and, for the time, destroyed their function — there is presented this singular phenomenon: the animal falls forward, or sometimes rushes forward with unmean- ing impetuosity, and these symptoms will last until the relaxa- tion and restoration of the ganglia is complete. We change the line of experiment; we turn from these front cerebral ganglia to the lower large ganglia which lie at the back of the skull, and form the smaller brain or cerebellum. We lock up these, by taking from them their force by cold, and at once the animal marches backwards, and turns backward sum- mersaults, and in the most determinate manner shows that it has no control over these movements until its cerebellum is set at liberty by the restoration of caloric. If the anterior cerebral ganglia, together with the cerebellum, be simultaneously deprived of force, there is neither backward nor forward movement, but prostration of movement for the time, with equal restoration of power consequent on equal restoration of force. Throughout all these induced changes on the great centres of nervous power, it is observed that however much the volition, the perception, and the sensibility of the animal are reduced, the semi-voluntary and involuntary acts, the acts of respiration and the motions of the heart, are not prevented. To say they are not affected is not strictly true, for they are rendered slower after a time and feebler ; but this is an indirect retardation of function, and would occur if any other large surface of the body were for a long period deprived of caloric ; but we may say, con- fidently, that the removal of force from the large and small brain does not seriously interfere with the functions named. H H 2 422 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. When, however, we pass beyond the great and little brain and approach that part of the spinal column which is in immediate connection with them, we are introduced to new phenomena. The part immediately leading from the brain is called the medulla oblongata, and as we subject that part to the influence of the extreme cold we instantly interfere with, and even stop, respiration, so that the animal, if it be a warm-blooded animal, will die, as suddenly as dies the Spanish bull from the short sword-thrust of the skilled Torero ; but the heart still continues in action, and, if the breathing be sustained by artificial means, the heart will remain in action even though the influence of the cold be made to extend to the wThole of the spinal cord. When only the upper surface of the cerebrum or large brain is superficially frozen, the power to move remains, although the perception and sensation are entirely destroyed. Indeed, in this condition there is often active movement of the body, but altogether without will or desire. The motion in this case is not motion of one particular and exaggerated type, but general, uncontrollable motion, such as is seen in some forms of insanity in man. I might extend these observations respecting the removal of force from the brain, but I see I am already trespassing on the pages of the Review, and I feel that I have given enough of experimental fact to illustrate as much as I can this time put down upon paper. Deductions. — The Force and the Matter. On reviewing the facts disclosed in the experiments that have been described, we learn that the force by which all the mani- festations of brain function are sustained is the force we call caloric, or commonly, and by -incorrect speech, heat. Two evidences lead to this truth : the first, that all the manifesta- tions are withheld when caloric is withdrawn ; and the second, that all the manifestations return when the caloric is restored. But inasmuch as with the restoration of action, there is continu- ance of the impressions which were made on the brain before any force was drawn out of it, it follows that the extant force in the brain at any given moment, is not the seat of the impres- sion, nor the cause of it, but the means by which the matter of the brain is held ready for the reception of the impression, and for the production of those manifestations which we denominate functions. We are bound, therefore, to infer that impressions are physical realities, stamped as it were on brain matter, each distinct and perfect when the matter on which it is set is in condition for motion. Everything we remember is, I doubt not, thus imprinted on the brain, on infinite points of brain PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN. 423 substance, each independent, free, and capable of motion when the whole mass is charged with force. The brain, in fact, is a world within of the world without, a camera of all from the wTorld without that it has received in the course of its waking life. Until recently the idea of such a physical microcosm could not have been conceived ; now it comes forward strengthened by physical truths of human invention so called. I hold a piece of transparent glass in my hand and see nothing upon it. Nay, says my friend the micro-photographer, look again. Still no- thing there? No! Then he slides the glass under his lenses and adjusts, and repeats, “ Look again.” I obey, and lo ! before me on an infinitesimal space of matter is the Pater Noster, as legible as it used to be in an old church I well remember, where it covered half a wall, and, with the ten commandments to balance it, enframed the Lion and the Unicorn, and Greorgius Eex, and the Grarter, like a holy family. When we see v7hat the micro-photographer can thus do in putting physical impressions on what seem infinitesimal points of matter, and when we know that there is no assignable limit to his art, it is no crude inference that in the vast surface of the grey matter of the brain, in those cerebral lobes of which I have spoken, myriads of points of matter are thus impressed — points of matter floating in that eighty-four per cent, of water of which the brain is made up. I call up to remembrance a ridge of hills which were often before me in childhood. I see them in all the distinctness of that time, their height, their breadth, their length, their divisions, the structures upon them, all their belongings. Why do I see them ? Because they are actualities still in my brain, imprints on points of matter there. But twenty yehrs elapse, and I look on those hills again, and they are and yet are not what they were. They seem to my present view smaller, that is certain ; and one of them was barren, and now it is cultivated; and one had a mill on its sum- mit, and the mill is gone ; and one had two or three trees on its side, which in the distance looked like the flint and steel of an old-fashioned gun, but now in place of those trees is a copse. These are not the hills, in fact, which I have carried so many years, for now as I take them in once more my capacity for taking has changed and the hills have changed. I must have therefore a new picture altogether ; and from this time forward I must carry two pictures of those hills, the child’s picture and the man’s picture ; for the old is not put out by the new, nor the new by the old. Physical points of brain for physical impressions are then essential ; but to reveal their impressions they must have force and condition for motion. Let us remove that force, abstract it, as it comes to the part, by cold, or crush it out b}7 firm mechanical pressure, or cut it off at its source by putting out 424 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. the animal fire, and then the impressed molecules, losing condi- tion for activity, and coming to rest, cease, functionally to exist. But they do not cease actually to exist ; because, whether they be bound in ice or bound by pressure, we see that when they are unloosed they can return, if the body can supply them with caloric, to ’full vigour. Indeed, the images of the brain, once well developed and fixed, can only be obscured by derangement of brain matter, and can only be destroyed by disintegration of brain matter. Cases have occurred in which, under pressure of brain, a man has been for months dead to the outer world, and, on recovery has remembered what preceded his accident, show- ing thus that the imagery of his brain remained intact ; and, as I have said already, an animal with a frozen brain, when it is restored, will not show an evidence of a lost faculty. By dis- integration of brain matter the world within of the world with- out only dissolves. This disintegration is, in all men and ani- mals, going on slowly, and thus memory becomes defective. In second childishness this gradual metamorphosis, this natural mode of removing the world and its past from the man, is completed ; it is the dissolving view of nature. In the vigorous the imagery of the brain is finally destroyed by death alone, and by death not of necessity immediately, but with the after disintegration of structure. A brain frozen in a living animal, and with the animal crystallised in ice, would retain, in that condition, the imagery with which it was replete for any grasp of time ; for time is no element when there is no change, nor is it recog- nisable by aught except change of matter by force. When I wind up my watch I put into it so much force, which force is expended in moving so much matter, and the measure of that movement is the measure of motion, — time. The force called caloric, then — the force we liberate in the combustion of blood — is the sustaining force of the brain, but it is not the only form of force to which the brain is im- pressionable when its natural condition is maintained. Through the eye calorific force does not pass to the brain but is cut off, yet the form of force called light, and probably the actinic force, make way ; while through the ear and tactile skin common mechanical force finds ingress. We see, we hear, we feel, in fine, by the direct action of forces other than caloric, but without caloric as the base these are unavailing, for an animal with a frozen brain cannot be awakened neither by light, nor by noise, nor by touch ; if it could a dead animal could be awakened by the same means. Sleep and Dreams. The course of our research leads us, as we have seen, to con- template the condition of the brain in its active state, and under PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN. 42* artificial states in which its functions have been suppressed. But we are led also to another subject, I mean the natural iner- tia or rest of the brain, which we call sleep. Physically the brain asleep is the brain exhausted of its force — force expended during waking hours in the production of its equivalent of animal motion. As the sleep creeps on, the natural imagery of brain rests. During sleep, motion being suspended, the brain and nervous centres altogether are recharged, and natural awaking is the index of the fact. But it is not always that the brain centres rest as a whole, or work as a whole. Sometimes one part of the brain works while the rest sleeps, and then we dream in sleep, sleep being the major phenomenon. Carmichael, many years ago, well taught that there are seven distinct stages of waking and sleeping. 1. When the entire brain and nervous system are buried in sleep , then there is total exemption from dreaming. 2. When some of the mental organs are awake , and all the senses are asleep , then dreams occur and seem to be realities. 3. When the above con- dition exists , and the centres of voluntary motion are also awake , then may occur the rare phenomenon of somnambulism. 4. When one of the senses is awake with some of the mental organs , then, during our dream, we may be conscious of its illu- sory nature. 5. When some of the mental organs are asleep , and two or more senses awake , then we can attend to external impressions, and notice the gradual departure of our slumbers. 6. When we are totally awake and in full possession of our faculties and powers. 7. When , under these circumstances , we are so occupied ivith mental operations as not to attend to the impressions of external objects, then our reverie deludes us like a dream. These are faithful observations, and define with ex- actitude the fluctuations of force in the brain under different conditions. In experimental research, and in disease, we have the same phenomena brought before us, and they all accord as to cause. Intoxication. There are various modes of producing insensibility artificially. The insensibility of intoxication from alcohol is an illus- tration at hand. The insensibility thus produced is the same as that from cold ; the agent taken, that is to say, interferes with the distribution of force through the brain substance, and is carried away at the expenditure of so much force as shall be required for its elimination. At the late meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Dundee, I showed that the period of action of alcohols of different kinds could be determined by the force required to lift them out of the organism. Moreover, various of these intoxicating substances, 426 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. which all act in the same manner as cold, pressure, or exhaus- tion, affect differently sections of the brain matter, producing various phenomena analogous to dreams. Lastly, some other external influences, by causing concentration of force on one particular part of brain, may so reduce other parts to rest as to cause that inertia which Carmichael calls reverie. This is a disturbance of the equilibrium of force in the brain which can be intensified by practice; and there is no difficulty in tracing the phenomena of mesmerism, such as they are, to their physical source when the nature of reverie, or waking dream, is explained and understood. Balance of Power in the Brain. One more fact relating to the physics of the brain, as taught by experiment, and I have done. We have seen that when the anterior cerebral ganglia are destroyed for a time, an animal moves impulsively forward, and that, when the cerebellum is destroyed, the animal moves impulsively backwards. This in- dicates the existence of a balance of power between these centres — a balance which is also detectable between other centres. It is therefore a fair inference, that every centre of power in the brain is, during healthy states, physically balanced, and that what is called a well-balanced mind is really a properly ba- lanced brain. By this reading we explain many phenomena of living action otherwise inexplicable. By constant overaction one centre of the brain may gain undue power, which shall be so persistent as to distinguish the man throughout life. Or a centre of power may be suddenly prostrated, and the balancing centre, no longer controlled, may overcome all for the moment, and produce phenomena not before observed in the same organism. Impulses — sudden, vehement, propulsive, onward, under the influence of any im- pression which for a moment paralyses the cerebrum, are thus ex- plained. Whenever the cerebrum alone is overcome with sudden shock, it fails in power the same as when its structure is de- prived of force by the direct action of cold or by pressure: then the propulsive cerebellum unaffected shows its force un- checked, and there is forward rush. In some stages of disease of the cerebrum and specially of disease induced by alcohol, there is this break of balance. I lately pulled out from under a railway train the headless trunk of a man. Passing into a tunnel out of which the train had emerged, I found the brain of this man entire, and while the servants of the company were fetching the police, I read in the brain his physical history, and interpreted it to the Inspector by my side. I discovered that while the cerebellum was quite sound the anterior lobes of the cerebrum were intensely con- PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN. 427 gested with blood, and had undergone previous disease. I found the anterior cerebral ganglia specially involved, and from the whole of this dumb but forcible evidence, I learned that the man was insane, that he had been insane before this time, that his insanity had taken the impulsive character, and that in a fit of extreme and uncontrollable impulse, he had committed suicide by throwing himself under the train. When the facts of this man’s life were brought out before the coroner, Dr. Lankester, they gave the same evidence to the letter, nor less nor more. In the heat of battle it is not the cerebrum but the cerebellum which propels the man on ; in the chase in the race it is the same. The vehement tendency to rush forward, which nearly all persons feel when they look over a deep precipice, is of the same nature. The cerebral ganglia, overcome by the impression made upon them, are, for the moment, deprived of power, and the cerebellum, acting with sudden and uncontrolled force, gives the initiative propulsive start towards what is sometimes a deadly fall. But I must cease. If in the physics of the brain I have shown that some things, deeply interesting in their social as well as their physiological meanings, are known, what have I not unintentionally shadowed forth of that which has yet to be discovered, by the bold, the diligent, the truthful disciple of nature ? Who shall show how the imagery of the brain is phy- sically cast; who shall disclose that imagery as a world to be visibly seen ? Yet in the days to come even these things, simple as known as wonderful when unknown, shall be revealed. 428 REVIEWS. THE, SCIENCE OE SOUND.* HPHOSE w]io witnessed the admirable series of experiments given by -A. Professor Tyndall, in bis late course of lectures on Sound, will be glad to learn that the facts and theories then brought under their notice have been reproduced in a work whose method, as a scientific handbook, is only excelled by the grace and terseness of its literary style, and the clearness and abundance of its illustrations. Very few of us have paid attention to the science of acoustics, and the reason of this is, we apprehend, the circum- stance that our teachers, through ignorance or design, have universally passed the subject over as one of little interest, and of still less scientific im- portance. Even a cursory glance at Dr. Tyndall’s book will convince the student that a splendid field of research and experiment has been left un- noticed by writers on Natural Philosophy. The phenomena of Sound offer for solution some of the most complex problems which the whole range of physics present ; and the laws which regulate them, display an order and correlation unsurpassed in any department of Natural Science. The author of the present work does not pretend to offer many original views upon the fact3 of Sound-Science, his object having been rather to bring together all that is known concerning the laws which regulate vibration, and to discuss the curious facts connected therewith, which have been recorded by various continental writers. This he has done most thoroughly, and, in addition, he has brought his own powers, as our greatest and most successful experimenter, to illustrate theories which without this aid would have been difficult of comprehension to ordinary readers. As performed in the leetures, some of the author’s experiments had the rare quality of bringing conviction home to the minds of his pupils : as gone through on paper, in the book before us, they have lost little of their original force. The woodcuts intercalated in the text are so numerous and well executed, and the explanations are so lucid and forcible, that no well-educated man can fail to make himself acquainted with acoustics, if he has a real desire to learn. The book is divided into eight chapters, in accordance with the number of lectures originally delivered, and each chapter is followed by a summary, which will be found useful by the student, whom it enables, in a brief space of time, to travel over ground whose features might be otherwise forgotten. We have * “Sound.” A Series of Eight Lectures, delivered at the Poyal Institu- tion of Great Britain. By John Tyndall, LL.D., E.R.S. London : Longmans. 1867. REVIEWS. 429 not space for an analysis of the contents, but we may offer a few of tbe head- ings of tbe chapters, as indicative of tbe wide range of subj ects discussed : — Nature of sound, its propagation ; Newton’s and Laplace’s formulae ; influence of beat, density, and elasticity ; vibration of sound in various bodies ; distinc- tion between music and noise ; periodic and unperiodic impulses ; vibration of tuning-fork 5 tbe syren ; wave-lengtbs of tbe human voice ; vibration of strings j sound-boards j nodes and ventral segments j timbre ; overtones j clang-tint ; special harmonics and their abolition ; vibrations of rods ; kaleidopbone ; musical box ; harmonica ; disks and bells ; longitudinal vibration of wires ; vibration of pipes, stopped and open ; resonance reeds ; tbe organs of voice ; sounding and sensitive flames, &c. ; vibratory motions in water and air ; destruction of sound by sound ; theory of beats ; optical illustration ; resultant tones ; combination of musical sounds ; theories of consonance and dissonance ; interference of primary tones and overtones ; musical chords ; mechanism of hearing, etc. Those above all who are in- terested in music, and desire to appreciate the cause of the singular effects so well known to musicians, should read Dr. Tyndall’s volume, in which they will find a veritable mine of wonderful facts. The description of the Syren alone is a dissertation on the theory of music. For clearness of diction, and simplicity of explanation, this book stands unmatched. It is the best popular treatise on sound ever published, and it is withal the most comprehensive and accurate student’s handbook on the science of acoustics. ASTRONOMICAL HETERODOXY.* OUR readers, of course, accept the ordinary doctrine of astronomers, that the earth moves round the sun : indeed, we are disposed to think that many would resent any attempt to turn their faith on this point as a piece of insanity. There are few of us so calm as the metaphysician who alleged that if a man bearing a reputation for common sense came to him and said that two and two make five, and not four, he would listen to him and hear his arguments. But, after all, the acceptance of a faith, no matter how general or implicit it be, is no criterion of its soundness. It must be remembered that when it was first asserted that the earth moves round the sun, and not the sun round the earth, the assertion was not only listened to with doubt, but was rejected with derision. Besides, it must be confessed that the demon- stration of the absolute movement of the earth round the sun is by no means the easiest matter in astronomy. To prove a relative movement is no dif- ficult task ; but to decide which of the two, the sun or the earth, is the fixed and which the moving body, is a problem which is certainly none of the simplest. The author of the brochure before us, tries to show not only that this is difficult; but that it is impossible. He does not deny for a moment the fact of a relative movement of the sun and earth ; but he contends that there is no mathematical evidence to prove that it is the earth, and not the sun, which performs the orbital circuit. The arguments he adduces to show the fallacy of our present proofs are both numerous and * 11 The Theories of Ptolemy and Copernicus.” By A Wrangler. London: Longmans. 1867. 430 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. powerful ; but at tbe same time, while they show that the author has given serious attention to the question, they give us the idea rather of the “ special pleader ” than of one in search of truth. We, however, have no right to enquire into motives. The chief evidence in support of the current doctrine, is that which relates to Newton’s law of the gravitation of masses, to aber- ration, and to parallax. The value of each of these is discussed by A Wrangler, and, in his opinion, “ found wanting.” The law of gravitation he objects to on the ground that it is in great measure an hypothesis, since we cannot tell what may be the peculiar constitution of the heavenly bodies, and cannot therefore infer how gravity may act in each particular case : for it must be stated that A Wrangler has a pet hypothesis of his own, to the effect that the specific force of gravity may be different for different sub- stances. Aberration is, in his opinion, useless, because he thinks that it may be explained upon either supposition — that the earth moves round the sun, or the sun round the earth. Parallax is, he considers, equally unreliable, because it depends for correction on aberration ; and thus he annihilates all the testimony in which our poor credulous philosophers have been relying for so long a period. What, then, the reader will inquire, is the ultimate conclusion of this Iconoclast P We answer, none : he is merely an intel- ligent sceptic, who says you believe too much, for there are no logical grounds for your belief. We cannot afford the space to meet A Wrangler seriatim on all the points which he has raised ; but even admitting the possibility of both parallax and aberration being explicable on either hypothesis, we can fall back on Newton’s grand law, which A Wrangler has done nothing whatever to disprove, and we can say that it at once removes all of those doubts which the peculiarities of parallax and aberration tend, we confess, to engender. The way in which Sir John Herschel lays down the evidence on this grave question is characteristically lucid, and we cannot do better than refer our readers to the first chapter of his u Outlines,” for a simple and convincing expression of the evidence in support of the Copernican doctrine. In concluding his 77th paragraph, where he refers to the deficiencies of the testimony, he observes : “ The Newtonian theory of gravitation supplies this deficiency, and by showing that all the motions required by the Copernican conception must , and that no others can, result from a single intelligible and very simple dynamical law, has given a degree of certainty to this conception as a matter of fact, which attaches to no other creation of the human mind.” A Wrangler has failed to shake our belief in Newton’s law, since he has done nothing to show that the principle of gravitation is not universal ; and so long as we accept this law, so long must we give our faith, so far, to the system of Copernicus. MUSHROOMS AND TOADSTOOLS.* "1/FU SIIROOM-EATING humanity owes a never-ending debt of gratitude to Mr. W. G. Smith for the admirable work which he has just given * il Mushrooms and Toadstools : how to Distinguish easily the Difference between Edible and Poisonous Fungi.” With two large sheets, containing coloured figures of 29 edible and 31 poisonous species. By Worthington G. Smith. London: Ilardwicke. 1897. REVIEWS. 431 it. Henceforth, assuredly, accidental poisoning by fungi should be made penal, for with the assistance of the beautiful plates and the excellent little volume before us, no such cases need occur. The author has spent a consider- able portion of his life in the study of our larger fungi • and his attention has not been confined to their botanical properties, but has been freely — indeed, in some instances, too freely — given to the consideration of their dietetic qualities. By this means he has acquired a fund of information, and a com- bination of different varieties of facts, such as no other English fungologist can be asserted to possess. This union of the structural and toxicological methods of investigating the larger fungi is just what was wanted by those who desired to extend the list of edible mushrooms beyond the one or two species now eaten. No better instructor, therefore, than Mr. Smith could be found, and with him as our guide we may fearlessly and agreeably indulge in fungi- dishes, which to the less initiated might appear not only unwholesome but even dangerous. The botanical or the gastronomic test, taken separately, is almost useless ; but in combination they are unassailable and trustworthy. We should be loath to eat a mushroom with which we were unacquainted solely because the botanist assured us, a priori, that its structure guaranteed its wholesomeness. In like manner, we should doubt even the man who, though ignorant of its structure, asserted from his general experience the good qualities of a fungus, for we should very naturally say to ourselves, this fungus may resemble those which he has frequently eaten, yet may be poisonous, for he knows nothing of its structure, and mere outward resem- blances are deceptive. But in the case of our author it is different. Every fungus which he states to be wholesome food he himself has eaten over and again ; and of the action of the poisonous species he speaks with an equal, though more painful, certainty, for on more than one occasion he narrowly escaped death through his gastronomic experiments. Of the plates which accompany Mr. Smith’s book it would be difficult to speak too highty. They constitute two large sheets, about 36 by 18 inches each, one being devoted to the poisonous and the other to the edible species. On these all the fungi are figured, of life-size and in the natural colour. We perceive, too, that the position of each has been so arranged that the mode of con- struction of the gills — a very important point in diagnosis— is distinctly shown. Whether we look upon these illustrations as the creations of the highest artistic skill, or as the expression of the most thorough botanical knowledge, we are compelled to confess that they are typical of excellence : they cannot be surpassed in beauty or fidelity. For the purpose of field work they are made (in a special edition) to fold and unfold like a map, so that they may be carried in the pocket, and employed, sur place , in the process of identification. The author’s introductory observations suggest many important points to the amateur fungologist ; and though they can hardly be styled scientific, they contain no inaccuracies. So far as the writer goes his statements are correct, and his remarks on fungus cookery we dare not pretend to criticise. We have derived both pleasure and profit from the perusal of this work, and as we desire to see it as perfect as possible, we would offer a few suggestions to the author, which we trust he may adopt in the first of the many editions his work is likely to pass through. There are two points in which we think Mr. Smith might add to the value and im- 432 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. portance of his hook : (1) by giving ail analytical key — like Mr. Bentham’s scheme for the identification of phanerogams — with the assistance of which the student could with safety refer a specimen to its species ; and (2) by stating in every case the exact period of the year at which each species may be found. According to the existing arrangement, the mushroom- hunter, having found a specimen which he desires to investigate, is either obliged to read the description of various species till he hits upon the proper one, or else has to search through both plates till he has found some illustration which corresponds to the specimen in question. This is all well enough for those who are incapable of grasping minute details of structure, and who therefore deserve to submit to the penalty of delay ; but some more perfect provision should be made for the better class of student. With reference to the second point, the deficiency can easily be met, and we think it is important that it should be provided against. We notice various species whose habits and character have been clearly stated by the author, but whose seasons of growth have not been mentioned. Of these the following are a few : — the variable mushroom, the furrowed clavaria, the chantarelle, the fir-cone mushroom, the orange-milk mushroom, the purple cobweb mushroom, the curled helvella, &c., which are edible. The same may be said of the poisonous mushrooms. We dwell upon this point of season because it not only is of interest to those who may wish to seek a particular specimen, but because it appears to us the knowledge of the period at which a particular species of fungus appears may be of value to the student when he finds a difficulty in referring a specimen to its proper place, &c. The collateral information which Mr. Smith lays before his readers is curious, and will not a little astonish some Londoners. Those who derive their supply of mushrooms from Covent Garden Market, and who fancy that they obtain the common mushroom, Agaricus campestris , will be surprised to learn that the species supplied to them is what is known as the horse-mushroom, A. arvensis. The latter not unfrequently is found growing with the former, and is often mistaken for it ; nevertheless, it is usually larger, coarser, and possesses a less delicious flavour. The top, in perfect specimens, is smooth and snowy white ; the gills are not the pure pink of the meadow-mushroom, but are of a dirty brownish white, which changes to black ; its stem is disposed to be hollow, and is surrounded by a large ragged u floccose ” ring. Now, this species is almost the only one to be seen in Covent Garden Market. 11 Indeed,” says Mr. Smith, u after knowing the market for many years, I have rarely seen any other species there ; when the true mushroom, however, is there, it is frequently mingled with horse-mushrooms, which seems to show that the dealers do not know one from the other. In the wet days of autumn, children, idlers, and others go a few miles from town into the meadows to gather whatever they can find in the mushroom line. They then bring their daily stock to market, where it is sold to fashionable purchasers, stale, vapid, and without taste — unless it be a bad one.” Our author’s general remarks on each of the species are as interesting as those we have quoted, and they have afforded us a good deal of agreeable reading. The fungus season is now almost at its height, and we advise all who are interested — gourmets and fungologists — to make Mr. Smith’s book their field companion. We can say nothing more favourable of his plates than that they are likely to be productive of very delicious dishes. KEYIEWS. 433 A POPULAR FERN BOOK * WE have been so inundated during the last few years with, books on Ferns, that we felt at first disposed to be angry with Mr. Cooke for providing us with another treatise. The work, however, is so good a one, and its price is so low, that we welcome it as a means of spreading a taste for a branch of botany, which, though much cultivated, is by no means exhausted. There is, too, a completeness about this little volume which gives it a superiority over some others of its class. No question connected with ferns is left un- answered in its pages, unless it be the question of distribution, which, in our opinion, has hardly received as much attention as the author might have given it. But, perhaps, in a popular treatise, this point is not of much import- ance. After all, the chief requirements of the botanist are, a knowledge of the natural history of the class he is about to study, and a clear and accurate account of those structural characters by which the several species may be identified. In these respects there is nothing wanting in Mr. Cooke's little volume. The titles of the introductory chapters give a good idea of the subject-matter of the book. They are as follows General properties and uses of ferns ; Structure ; How to grow ferns ; Pests and parasites (a point on which the author is one of our highest authorities) ; How to form an herbarium • classification. Then comes the description of the various species, the common name being given above, and the scientific description being- placed in a foot-note. The author’s classification is a convenient one, and, so far as we can perceive, there need be no difficulty in its employment. He divides all ferns into two primary groups ; those in which the spore cases are deprived of a ring — Exannulate, and those in which a ring is present — Annulate. The former include the Osmunda, Moonwort, and Adder’s- tongue;. the latter contains two subdivisions, those in which the ring is oblique embracing the filmy ferns and the Trichomanes, and those in which it is cir- cular including all the other species. The other groups are based on the character of the spore tufts and their covers. This classification is not merely convenient, it is eminently a natural one, since it brings together the Hymenophyllum and Killarney ferns, which all who are familiar with them must admit to be very near relations. The particular to which we object in this work is that to which we have already called attention, viz. that of distribution. More stations might, we think, have been given. This is especially true in regard to the distribution in Ireland, the Maiden-hair being the only rare fern whose 11 stations ” in the sister island are fully given. The statement which Mr. Cooke quotes, from the u Proceedings of the Dublin Natural History Society,” is perfectly correct. We have ourselves seen the Maidenhair covering the sea-cliffs of Clare and the islands of Arran, and growing as luxuriantly as the royal fern at Killarney. Both the filmy ferns may be found in great abundance in Killarney, especially in the neighbourhood of O’Sullivan’s Cascade, where they grow to a size which prevents even an ordinary passer-by mistaking them for mosses. In addition to the distinction between the two species, H. Wilsrni and H. Tunbridgense , given by the * “ A Fern Book for Everybody.” By M. C. Cooke. London : Frederick Wame & Co. 1867. 434 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. author, may "be mentioned the fact, pointed out first by Professor Gulliver, that in one species the cells are considerably larger than the other, a point which even a good Coddington lens enables one readily to discover. The statement that the Sea-spleenwort is only to be found on the south-west coast (England), must be accepted with some qualification. We have found it in great abundance in various parts of the south-east of Ireland. The illustrations to Mr. Cooke’s book are divided between the plates and the text, and are carefully executed. BRITISH CONCHQLOGY.* IN this the fourth volume of his British Conchology, Mr. Jeffreys continues his description of the Marine Gastropoda, commencing it with the genus Rissoa, and bringing it down to the genus Bulla. Of the general plan of the work we have spoken in our notice of the earlier volumes ; we need only say, therefore, that in the present instance the general scheme has been carried out fully and faithfully. The genera described are in all cases as comprehen- sively treated as the most earnest conchologist can desire, and the accessory details are such as are not always to be found in systematic works on the mollusca, unless indeed in the splendid treatise of Forbes and Hanley. The plates in the volume now issued are nine in number ; the first one, which forms a frontispiece, being an exquisite, coloured representation of the singular Ianthina, and the remaining eight being carefully-drawn sketches W Sowerby, of the genera referred to in the text. The table of geographical distinctions shows the different areas of the recent and fossil gastropods, and is valuable for purposes of reference. As a specimen of how the author deals with a genus, we should wish our readers to take up his description of Ianthina ; this, which relates to all points in the natural history of this singu- lar creature, extends over nearly fifteen pages, and is a miniature monograph literally crammed with facts; so well has the author condensed his observa- tions. The fifth volume will complete the work, and will contain an account of the remaining Pleurobranches, the Nudibranches (by Mr. Alder), the marine Pulmonobranches, the Pteropods, and the Cephalopods. It will also include a supplement and a series of plates, plain and coloured, depicting all the species and remarkable varieties of British shells. When completed, the work will be the most complete and compact treatise in our language. GOLDING BIRD’S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, f THE old friend of our student days, our companion in the lecture-room and the physical laboratory, is about to undergo a change of name, in fact, has * “ British Conchology ; or," an Account of the Mullusca which now in- habit the British Isles and the surrounding Seas.” Vol. IV. Marine Shells. By J. Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S., F.G.S. London: Van Voorst. 1867. t “The Elements of Natural Philosophy; or an Introduction to the Study of the Physical Sciences.” By Charles Brooke, M. A,. F.R.S. Based on the REVIEWS. 435 undergone it. The u Golding Bird,” as we used to term it at College, is no longer to he Golding Bird, hut Brooke. The change is hut a just one. The science of Bird’s time has passed, like Bird himself, from among us, and the writer who has successfully carried the work through so many editions, and has so thoroughly altered its matter, is, in truth, the author. It is not too much to say of the volume before us that it is virtually Mr. Brooke’s compo- sition. A wonderful hook it is, too. Doubtless there are defects, hut there are very few treatises which include every department of that terribly wide science, Physics, which can boast fewer errors or omissions. Extending as it does over nearly 900 pages of small print, containing more than 700 woodcuts, and dealing with Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Sound, Magnetism, Electricity, Light, and Heat, in regard to both their principles and ancient and modern application, this manual is a model of careful compilation. It treats of every question in Natural Philosophy which can be discussed without reference to a mathematical physics,” and thus forms an excellent textbook for the student, while its clear description of philosophical apparatus, and its embodiment of the most recent results of physical research, render it a useful book of reference for the man of education. We think Mr. Brooke has spared no pains to seek out the most novel applications of science for description in his work, and that his efforts have been decidedly successful. In all that relates to the recent physical discoveries — such as, for example, Wilde and Siemen’s electro -magnetic machines, Brown- ing’s spectroscope, Powell and Lealand’s binocular — for high powers, and so forth, this manual gives complete details. There is only one feature we find fault with, and that is part of the introduction. Why did Mr. Brooke indulge in a discussion of the moral aspects of Physics P His observa- tions, though well intended, are as out of place as they are petulant and illogical. We allude to the remarks, and not to the aim which prompted them. THE FIELD-NATURALIST’S COMPANION.* HEBE is a little book sui generis. We know of no other of its kind. Translated from the German of Nave, by the Rev. W. Spicer, a naturalist well qualified for the task, it tells us how we may search for, when we may find, how we may preserve, and in what manner we may prepare, all the cryptogamic beauties which lie in myriads round us, but which so few of us know aught of. Those who have got a microscope, and wish to spend a twelvemonth of pleasant u evenings ” at it, should procure this u handy- book ” and begin their excursions. The author will tell them how to provide themselves in order to carry on their labours to advantage. We doubt whether one requires all the apparatus which Herr Nave describes •, but we treatise of the late Golding Bird, M. A. Sixth edition, London: Churchill. 1867. * “ A Handy-book to the Collection and Preparation of Fresh-water and Marine Algae, Diatoms, Desmids, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses, etc.” By Johaun Nave. Translated and Edited by the Rev. W. Spicer, M.A. London : Hardwicke. 1867. VOL. VI. — NO. XXV. I I 436 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. suppose that he considers his hook would have been incomplete did not all the paraphernalia of the field-naturalist find a place in his volume. But whatever view our readers may take on this point, we can assure them that they will find all the information they require in Herr Nave’s Handy-hook, and what the text may he deficient in, will he met by the twenty-six ex- cellent page-plates which are dispersed through the letterpress. The editor’s notes, though they are not numerous, are concise and useful. The publisher, it seems to us, would have consulted the convenience of readers more, had he distributed the illustrations over the text, instead of grouping them in plates. What is gained in beauty by the better working of cuts when printed in plates, is lost in time to the student, who is obliged to turn over leaves oftener than he requires in order to find the figure to which what he is reading refers. This is the only point which, in our opinion, needs amendment, and, after all, it is not a very serious one. SANTONIN: A VOLCANIC CRATER.* THE islands of the Santorin group have for many years attracted the attention of those geologists who sought to discover the origin of volcanoes — who tried to solve the problem of the construction of craters. Since the recent eruption, so fully detailed in these pages by Professor Ansted, Santorin has had many European visitors, especially French and German. These have not only carefully investigated the topographical features of its islands, but have brought the most subtle instruments of science to bear upon the volcanic phenomena, in order to arrive, if pos- sible, at the conditions which govern eruptive discharges. Magnetism has been especially employed, and has given some startling results. It will be understood, therefore, that those islands are objects of the highest interest to the philosophic geologist, who hopes by a careful study of them to unfold the now mysterious laws controlling the development of volcanoes. The work which Messrs. Triibner have issued in an English dress comes in good time, and though its text is neither particularly original nor comprehen- sively embracing, it is suggestive, and the admirable photographs which accompany it are invaluable to those who would study this singular series of islands. These photographs are birdseye views of the Kaimeni (or burnt islands), and having been taken from carefully-prepared models, they give an excellent idea of the outline and general conformation of the rocks. The maps, too, show at a glance that the islands Af Santorin, Thera, and Therasia are really but portions of a gigantic crater, the remainder of which is now submerged. This is the opinion held by the authors, and expressed in somewhat stilted and Germanised English in the work before us. u The semicircular island of Thera, which, with Therasia and Aspronisi, encloses a sea-basin of more than five miles in diameter, containing in its centre three islands of historical date, the Kaimenis (or burnt islands), resemble com- * 11 Santorin. The Kaimeni Islands, from Observations by K. v. Kritsch, W. Reiss, and A. Stiibel.” Translated from the German. London : Triibner. 1867. REVIEWS. 437 pletely tlie most celebrated volcanoes of Europe, and many of tbe American continent, as well with regard to its internal structure as concerning its relation to the modern eruptions. There exists between Thera and the Kaimeni islands the same relation as between Somma and Mount Vesuvius — between the Serra di Fogo and a wider cone of 9,000 feet — a relation which we find again recurring between the Pic of Tenerif and the Canadas mountains, by which it is surrounded.” This opinion is supported by many analogies, and is doubtless correct ; but it is not original, having been long ago pronounced by the great geologist, Von Buch, who looked upon the whole crater as one of u elevation” rather than of deposition. No one who has read the history of the late eruption, and who glances at the photographs and maps of Messrs. Reiss and Stiibel’s work, can fail to be impressed with the belief that Kaimeni stands in the same relation to Thera and the sur- rounding islands as Vesuvius does to the Somma ; that is to say, it is the modern and active eruptive centre, situate within the ancient and extinct eruptive centre which surrounds it. The maps have been prepared upon the plan of those published by our Admiralty, but have been drawn to a con- siderably larger scale, and help to clear up the ideas suggested by the photographs. We have much pleasure in commending this work to the notice of our geological readers. MEDICAL BIOGRAPHY.* THE work, which was begun in 1865 by the late Dr. Herbert Barker, is being continued by his friend, Dr. Tindall Robertson. Its object is to present the public with a series of photographs of the more celebrated phy- sicians and surgeons of this and other countries, accompanied by short sketches of the various incidents which have characterised their lives. We regret that we can only speak from our experience of a single number, but, in so far as our own judgment goes, the editor and photographers have discharged their respective duties with credit to themselves and satisfaction to their subscribers. Dr. Robertson appears to show no partiality either in the selec- tion of his biographical subjects or in his method of treating them. The examples chosen in the number before us, — Drs. William Augustus Grey, Robert Gardiner Hill, and Mr. R. W. Dunn, — are all distinguished members of the profession ; and the history of the successive labours by which they raised themselves from mediocrity to fame, has been truly and pleasantly given by the editor. Dr. Robertson avoids, as far as possible, those lauda- tory digressions in which so many biographers indulge, and endeavours to state facts without giving them more than their natural colours. In this he has been successful, and the result is therefore eminently satisfactory. In the pages of this work readers will find all the important facts in the history of our “eminent medical men” stated with clearness, accuracy, and * 11 Photographs of Eminent Medical Men of all Countries, with Analytical Notices of their Works.” No. 5, Vol. II. London : Churchill. I I 2 438 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. honesty ; and when they turn from the letterpress to Mr. Ernest Edwards* excellent photographs, they can put the seal of association upon the facts they have gathered from Dr. Robertson’s ably- written memoirs. THE CONSTELLATION SEASONS.* MR. PROCTOR here gives us a series of thirteen carefully-drawn maps, re- presenting the relative position of the various constellations for nearly every night in the year. These maps do not, of course, contain all those astronomical details which are to he found in a perfect star-map. Such details would have been out of place ; the object of the author being to supply the amateur astronomer with a picture of the heavens at certain hours, so that he may study the more important star-groups. Each map contains the whole of the visible heavens at the hour and date mentioned beneath it, the centre being the point over the head of the observer, and the outline indicating the horizon. Each star is marked in its proper direction as regards the point of the compass, and is placed at its true geographical distance from the centre. Hence the student commencing observations at the hour and date of the map, soon makes himself familiar with all the constellations. The maps include stars of the fourth magnitude, and by an easy calculation they may be employed for other nights than those for which they are intended. In our early studies of the constellations we had only the assistance of Lardner maps, and we can therefore fully appreciate the value of Mr. Proctor’s excellent series. HOW TO MAKE A STEAM-ENGINE, f nET7E remember that one of the earliest and one of the most cherished * ' ambitions of boyhood was the construction of a model steam-engine. This desire is by no means an uncommon one, and may, we believe, be classed with that all-pervading fancy of some boys, that to be a sailor is to enjoy the very acme of mortal happiness. The little book before us is intended to supply ambitious youth with the information necessary to understand a working locomotive, and to manufacture a model steam- engine. The elementary sketch of the history of the discovery of steam as a motive power is simple and tolerably free from error, but we fear that boys will find it difficult to understand a “ stoker’s” explanation of the principle on which u Barker’s mill ” revolves. To say that the rotation is dependent on u the well-known principle in mechanics that action and reaction are equal and in contrary direction,” is simply to put a stumbling- block in the young reader’s path. It is even worse, for it is no explanation * u The Constellation Seasons : an Easy Guide to the Knowledge of the Stars.” Edited by Richard A. Proctor, B.A., F.R.G.S. London : Longmans. 1867. t u The Model Steam Engine : How to Buy, How to Use, and How to Make it.” By a Steady Stoker. London : Houlston & Wright. 1867. IIEYlEVrS. 439 at all, the key to the movement being the inequality of pressures. The description of the method of making a model steam-engine, however simple it may seem to a stoker, could not be followed even hv a boy who possessed considerable mechanical skill. We think, therefore, that however laudable the aim of this little work, the author has failed completely in its execution. ARITHMETIC SIMPLIFIED.* TPIE four rules of simple arithmetic, and vulgar and decimal fractions, are dealt with most intelligently by the author. The book is intended as a supplement to Dr. Arnott’s treatise on Physics, and for the use, not of be- ginners,but of those who have in some measure forgotten what they have learned. We know a good many well-educated people who cannot, never- theless, add together half-a-dozen vulgar fractions, and to whom a decimal fraction is somewhat of a mystery j to those we commend this volume. It is very simple and intelligible. WEATHER SCIENCE. f OF the degeneration of weather-students since the death of Admiral Fitz- roy, we have ample proof in the abundance of works like the present one which come under our notice. In the book upon our table we find a number of papers, some with authors’ names and some without, but all expressive of the ignorant dogmatism and flippant presumption which are characteristic of senility in its most intolerable stage. The intense imper- tinence and utter superficiality of their composition is evinced in the following quotation from a paper by a lady whom an adoring editor styles the “ pioneer of modern physical astronomy — “When good sense has banished pedantry, and astronomy details celestial movement according to fact , the noble simplicity of the science will become apparent; and the object of most of the phenomena within our solar system will form one and the same with the actuating principle of the universe — viz., the accumulation of renovating repro- ductiveness. The planets then, ceasing to be considered as mere retrograding or stationary puppets, will be registered as independent orbs in the constant interchange of mutual renovations.” We pause in astonishment to think what would become of Miss Burton’s “ accumulation of renovating repro- ductiveness,” were common sense even now to banish pedantry. There must indeed be a 11 noble simplicity ” of mind in those who, like our editor, can believe in such disgusting and inane verbiage as the above. There is only one word in our language which expresses its value, and that word is Rubbish ! HANDBOOK OF PRACTICAL TELEGRAPHY. % IN our notice of the first edition of this work we spoke in favourable terms of the method pursued by the author in the treatment of his subject. * “Arithmetic Simplified.” By Neil Arnott, M.D., F.R.S. London: Long- mans. 1867. t “ The Science of the Weather ; in a Series of Letters by several Authors.” Edited by B. Glasgow : Laidlaw. 1867. t “ A Handbook of Practical Telegraphy.” By R. S. Culley. Second edition. Longmans. 1867. 440 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. In the present edition we perceive that many new features have been intro- duced, and that the hook has been considerably enlarged. Dealing as it does with the construction of the different varieties of telegraph, and with the most approved means of constructing lines and supplying galvanic force, it is a work which must be especially valuable to electric enquirers and tele- graph superintendents. It will be found the textbook of reference, indeed the only one, on its subject. Beliquce Aquitanicce , Contributions to the Archceology and Palceontology oj Perigord. By Edouard Lartet and Henry Christy. Part IV. London : Bailliere. 1867. — This number reached us too late for notice in our last issue. Like the former, it is edited by Professor Rupert Jones. It continues the subject dealt with in No. III., and treats also of the geology of Vezere. The wood- cuts in the text are good, and the plates, six in number, are admirable works of art. They are brought out in Paris by Louveau and Becquet, and surpass in excellence illustrations produced in this country. The American Naturalist. Essex Institute, Salem, U.S.A. — Of this monthly periodical we have received the numbers from March to August, with the exception of that for May. It is a new venture, devoted to the interests of General Natural History, and is creditable alike to its editor and publisher. The papers, though not upon strikingly original questions, are of much popular interest, and are, we perceive, written with a due avoidance of technicalities. The illustrations to the paper on Polyzoa and Jelly-fishes are accurately and artistically executed ; the plate accompanying Dr. Packard’s article on the Dragonfly being a perfect type of Natural History drawing. The reviews are written with care, and display a thorough im- partiality. We welcome our new contemporary, and we hope to profit by his gleanings from the vast American fields of Natural Science. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Skin. By Balmanno Squire, M.B., F.L.S. London : Churchill. 1867. — Mr. Squire is issuing a new and larger edition of his valuable photographs of skin diseases. The work will be com- pleted in thirty- six monthly parts, and the first four numbers are now before us. Each photograph is coloured, and refers to a particular case, typical of the disease it represents, and is accompanied by two pages of letterpress, which give the clinical history of the affection. For ourselves, we are dis- posed to think that the uncoloured photograph is more useful than the coloured one, and infinitely more reliable, but doubtless on this point we are at issue with most dermatologists. The series is, in any case, most creditable to the author, and will be equally servicable to the physician. We have received Readwin’s Index to Mineralogy. Spon. — Summary Notes of Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology. By Louis C. Miall. Simpkin & Co. — Causes of Motion in Matter. By Thomas Ayers. Simpkin. — The Quad- rature and Rectification of the Circle. By James Smith, Esq. Liverpool : Howell. — The Alleged Hydrothermal Origin of Rocks. By D. Forbes, F.R.S. — The Development and Succession of Teeth in the Mammalia. By W. H. Flower, F.R.S. — Remarks on the Genus Pyrula. By T. Graham Ponton. — On the Change in the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, and its Effects. By James Croll, Esq. — A Technical Institution for Leeds. By G. N. & A. Nussey. — The Akazga Bean. By Dr. T. R. Fraser, F.R.S.E. 441 SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. ASTRONOMY. nnilE Meteors of the 10 th"of August , 1867. — Tlie 'observations wbicb were made at Rome have been reported to the French Academy, in a paper communicated by Father Secchi on the 2nd of September. The author regrets that his observations are not so complete as they might have been, owing to the fact that the epidemic of cholera caused many of his assistants to leave Rome. The following are the results arrived at when the Moon’s light was sufficiently dim to allow observations to be made : — h. m. August 11th. 2 11 2 25 2 46 3 00 3 20 3 30 to b. m. Number of meteors. „ 2 25 15 „ 2 46 16 „ 3 00 15 „ 3 20 21 „ 3 30 8 ., 3 45 11 Thus 86 meteors were seen in ninety-four minutes. On the following day the numbers were as follows : — b. m. to b. m. Number of meteors. 3 15 „ 3 30 15 3 30 „ 3 45 11 3 30(F),, 3 46 3 “Thus, there were 29 meteors observed in thirty-one minutes.” The hourly numbers of the two days were respectively 54-9 and 42-6. The meteors seemed to radiate from the space between Perseus and Cassiopeia, but many of them were sporadic. A Stellar Spectroscope of extreme simplicity, and which may be adapted to any ordinary telescope, has been devised by Signor Secchi. Amateurs may henceforth, therefore, pursue spectroscopic investigation of the stars with a considerable degree of accuracy. The combination he has devised consists of a prism and cylindrical lens, and forms a spectroscopic eyepiece. M. Secretan adapted it to a telescope with an aperture of only 95 millimetres, and with this arrangement Signor Secchi was able to observe and examine the principal spectral bands of stars of the 1st and 2nd magnitude. a-Herculis and /3-Pegasus were examined with ease, and the atmospheric rays of the planet Jupiter were clearly seen. The August Meteors have also been examined by MM. Coulvier-Gravier and Chapelas, who have come to a different conclusion to that of M. Secchi as to their relative number in this and in former years. These observers 442 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. gave the result of tlieir observations on the sliooting-stars during the nights of the 9th, 10th, and 11th of August of this year. They showed, by a tabular statement, that from the 5th of August, the mean hourly number at midnight in a clear sky — that is to say, corrected for the lunar light and the presence of clouds — was 16'2 stars; this became 33-7 on the 9th, 49-9 on the 10th, and 28’7 on the 11th, giving an average of 374. Comparing this with the year 1848, which had given, for the mean hourly number, 110 meteors, it seems that the quantity diminishes very sensibly. Behaviour of the Aneroid Barometer. — On this subject a very valuable paper was read by Dr. Balfour Stewart at the recent meeting of the British Association in Dundee. Experiments had lately been made with the view of ascertaining to what extent an aneroid may be considered a reliable in- strument when exposed to considerable changes of pressure, such as occur in mountain districts. By means of an air-pump, the aneroids, when placed in a receiver, may be subjected to any pressure. A method of tap- ping the aneroids had also been devised, and by this means the experiments as to the deviation of the results given by these instruments were conducted with comparative ease, and with the greatest accuracy. The experiments are still going on. Sir William Thomson, in commenting on Dr. Ste- wart’s communication, said the aneroid had become so popular an instru- ment, that many had satisfaction in learning that it was capable of giving results with scientific precision. Dr. Stewart had shown that in taking a barometer up a mountain of 12,000 feet, the error would only be about 300 feet, and had also shown how to correct this error. By carefully using these instruments, therefore, they had a probability of determining, with much less probability of error, the height of a mountain of 12,000 feet. Lunar Maps. — Mr. Birt recently issued two lunar maps, in red outline, with all the present known objects marked, in order that those who find any variation in the objects may mark them in black. These maps, which contain 203 objects, are on a scale of 200 inches to the Moon’s diameter, and comprise the space included between 0° and 6° West longi- tude, and 0° and 10° South latitude. The Memoirs of the Astronomical Society. — It is stated that the Council of the Boyal Astronomical Society have resolved that in future the Memoirs of the Society shall be given to all Fellows applying for them, and that this regulation will commence with the volume preparing for the current year. The subject has occupied the attention of the Council on several occasions before, but the expense was considered too great. The Dusky-ring of Saturn. — Mr. G. E. Chambers, having made a mis- statement in regard to the history of the discovery of the u dusky-ring,” writes to the editor of the Astronomical Register to correct his mistake. The erroneous paragraph appears on page 129 of Mr. Chambers’s Descriptive Astronomy, and is as follows : — u On December 3, Lassell, while on a visit to Dawes, saw 1 something like a crape veil covering a part of the sky within the inner ring.’ This observation, it would stem, was not made in consequence of any hint given by Dawes as to what he himself had seen, so Lassell must be regarded as a third or (reckoning Galle) a fourth inde- pendent discoverer.” Mr. Chambers makes the following explanation : — “I have satisfied myself that the passage italicised is entirely the reverse of SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 443 the truth, and that Mr. Lassell has no claim to he regarded as an indepen- dent discoverer. I was misled "by depending on the Monthly Notices of the period, and by the phraseology adopted by Mr. Lassell in communicating to the Society his account of certain observations made by him in company with Mr. Dawes.” The Lunar Crater Alhazen has often been a puzzle to selenographers, from the various appearances it has presented to observers, and from its general indistinctness. Recently, however, it has been very satisfactorily observed by Mr. W. R. Birt, F.R.A.S., who had previously (vide Monthly Notices, vol. xxii., p. 230) given considerable attention to the subject. In his earlier account of the appearance, Mr. Birt was unable to give a descrip- tion of the crater. On the 5th of July last, however, at 9 p.m., he saw the crater under very favourable circumstances with the Royal Society’s achromatic of 4| inches aperture, power 230, Schroter’s pair of craters y and $ in its neighbourhood being very distinct (see Astronomical Register , No. xliii., July 1866, p. 188). He then ascertained that Schroter’s Alhazen is really a crater situated on the surface between the two ranges of mountains, and but slightly depressed below it. Although not greatly depressed, it is sufficiently so to present, under this illumination and visual angle, the true crater-form. It would seem, says Mr. Birt, that its apparition as a crater is rare , probably from a variety of causes. It is quite of sufficient magnitude to have been seen with an aperture of 2| inches, and it would be very im- portant to ascertain if, under nearly similar circumstances to those of July 5, 1867, it would present a similar aspect. “ The selenographical conditions of its visibility on July 5 were as follows Morning illumination, after Perigee, 102 hours ; before Apogee, 215 hours. Eastward of its mean position in longitude, Moon’s latitude, S. 0° 43' 55", a little southward of its mean position in latitude. For illumination, longitude of termination, W. 42° 12' 54", angle of terminator and meridian — 1° 23'. South pole of the Moon in sunlight 25 days after the winter solstice in the Moon’s northern hemisphere.” Neivly-discovered Comes of Vega. — An observer (R.C.) states that Mr. Buckingham, of Walworth Common, has discovered two new comes, much closer than those so well known to astronomers. R. C., who ought to have given his name in full, states that, on being asked by Mr. Buckingham to examine Alpha Lyra, and in turning the telescope to the star, he saw one of the stars which Mr. Buckingham had already discovered, and described the position and the distance by comparison with the known distance of the companion-star, fixing it at five or six seconds. These data coincided with Mr. Buckingham’s. But, owing to the fitful and unsteady atmosphere, it was some time before he was able to catch up the second companion, which seemed fainter and somewhat more distant. He believes that Mr. Bucking- ham first discovered these two companions with his 20-inch refractor, and was able afterwards to verify his discovery with the 9-inch equatorial in which he saw them ; but, though he recorded the fact at the time, he did not publish his discovery. As he was also able to see the companions clearly, and tested the sight by turning consecutively half-round the eye- piece and object-glass with the same result, and as he has no doubt pos- sessors of similar telescopes will be able to make them out easily, it seemed 444 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. to him that a discovery of such a system attending Yega should he made known, as of course it would he invested with an interest second to none in the list of double stars. The total Solar Eclipse of 1863. — At the meeting of the British Association, Sir Andrew Waugh read a paper by Major Tennant, regarding the steps that are being taken by the Indian Government- to ensure extensive and correct observations of the coming eclipse. The eclipse in question will he seen to great advantage, and the arrangements that were being made gave promise of valuable results. The Secretary of State had sanctioned the proposal to send out to India some of the best instruments in this country. It was intended, among other obaservtions, to photograph the appearances presented, and for this purpose a large telescope was to he erected. Provision had been made for obtaining a considerable field of view, in order that, if possible, some record might be obtained of the structure of the corona. The Astronomer Royal had lent a 42 -inch telescope, with an eyepiece, for the examination of the lines of the corona, and altogether the preparations which Major Tennant was now in London superintending led them to believe that valuable results would be obtained by the observation of this eclipse. It was stated by Mr. W. Ladd, who was present, that the arrangements of Major Tennant for the polarising eyepiece for the telescope were very simple. He had been constructing one of these for Major Tennant, and also for Mr. Huggins, and he thought that no astronomer should be with- out this polarising apparatus. It might be easily attached to the eyepiece of ordinary telescopes. The Kew Photo-Heliograph. — According to the recent Report of the Kew Committee, it appears that the heliograph, which is in charge of Mr. De la Rue, continues to be worked in a most satisfactory manner. During the past year 204 negatives have been taken on 144 days. Pictures of the Pagoda in Kew Gardens are regularly taken by this instrument, in the hope that by this means the angular diameter of the Sun may be satisfactorily determined. Since the meeting of the British Association in 1866, a second series of solar researches, in continuation of the first series, has been pub- lished (the expense of printing having been defrayed by Mr. De la Rue), entitled 11 Researches in Solar Physics, Second Series, Area Measurements of the Sun-spots observed by Mr. Carrington during the seven years 1854 -1860 inclusive, and Deductions therefrom 5 by Messrs. De la Rue, Stewart, and Loewy.” The heliographic latitudes and longitudes of all the spots recorded by the Kew Photo-heliograph during the years 1862 and 1863 have been calculated, and it is hoped that the results may soon be published, forming a third series of Polar Researches. It is believed that these results will demonstrate the superiority of photographic pictures over all other methods of observation. The sum of 60/. has been obtained from the Government Grant Fund of the Royal Society to be applied to the discussion of Hofrath Schwabe’s long and valuable series of sun-spots at present in the possession of Kew Observatory. These pictures are now being examined with this object. Sun-spots continued likewise to be numbered, after the manner of Hofrath Schwabe ; and a table, exhibiting the monthly groups observed at Dessau and at Kew, for the year 1866, has already ap- peared in the Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society, vol. xxvii., No. 3. SCIENTIFIC SUMMAKY. 445 The late Lunar Eclipse. — A partial eclipse of tlie Moon took place on tlie 13th. of September. It commenced at about twenty minutes to ten. The following was the order of appearances : — h. m. First contact with the penumbra 9 43-3 Greenwich mean time. First contact with the shadow . 10 57*4 Middle of the eclipse . .12 26-2 Last contact with the shadow . 13 55 -0 Last contact with the penumbra 15 9T Magnitude of the eclipse (Moon’s diameter=l), 0693. Aqueous Vapour in the Stars. — M. Jansenn announces an important dis- covery which he has just made — viz., that in a spectrum-analysis of some of the stars, he has seen bands which indicate the presence of aqueous vapour in these bodies. He observed this especially in the case of the spectrum of Antares. In order to avoid any error through the presence of atmospheric vapour, M. Jansenn conducted his experiments at Etna, where the air is remarkably rare and dry. Researches made at Palermo and Marseilles lead him to conclude that there is water-vapour in the atmosphere of both Mars and Saturn. The labours of the Lunar Committee have formed the subject of some interesting comments by Mr. Glaisher. The method in which the work is distributed among the several observers is admirably adapted to meet the ends aimed at by the Committee. The areas are divided into subzones of 1 deg. of latitude, and they are allotted to observers in such a way that, by each pair overlapping and dovetailing into the adjoining pairs, every object shall be brought under the eyes of two independent students. It is proposed that the returns which the Committee may receive shall be ex- amined by Mr. Birt, with the aid of a telescope of superior power, after which the state of the objects so examined is to be regarded as authorita- tively fixed for the epoch of examination. The most difficult part of the study of the Moon’s surface is that of delineation. No two drawings of the same object will ever agree in all the details, and a series of drawings of the same object will manifest very considerable departures from one made at the period of mean libration, which occurs once only in three years. In arranging the formulae for the computation of the librations of the centre of the apparent disc, Professor Challis, of Cambridge, has rendered this Com- mittee essential service. In preparing Appendix II. in the last volume of reports, which includes libration, Mr. Birt has given (from tbe Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch fur 1843), the derivation, as arranged by Professor Challis, of the Formulae for Libration, inserted on p. x. of the Nautical Almanac, and also the formulae employed by Lohrmann in the computation of points of the first order, including those for libration. The difficulties attendant upon the delineation of the surface being so great, the Committee has not ventured beyond the simple outline of the two areas already issued. The Crater LJnne. — The observations upon this singular crater which have been made from December 12, 1866, up to June 11, 1867, have now been published, and show how advanced is our knowledge of seleno- graphy. As Mr. Birt stated at the British Association, three features in 446 rOPULAll SCIENCE REYIEW. Linne are especially to be noticed : — 1. A large ill-defined white spot ; 2. A shallow saucer-like depression, very rarely seen; and 3. A small crater, first Seen December, as a white hill or black spot — the white hill being tlie edge of the crater just catching the sun’s rays, and the black spot the shadow. In the Circular No. III. of the Lunar Committee, there is an account of the observations of this small crater, or fine black point, as seen by Schmidt, Buckingham, Secchi, Respighi, and Wolf. The largest estimation (Secchi’s) of the diameter of this crater previous to April 1867 (viz., Feb. 11, 1867), is 033", or 2-352 English feet. It appears from Respighi’s communication ( Bulletin Meteorologique de V Observatoire du College Homain , 31st May, 1867), that he observed in April and May, with the equatorial of the Capitoline Observatory, Rome, by Merz, of 4-5 inches (French) aperture, all the main features that have been recorded by Schmidt and others since Oct. 16, 1866 — viz., the whitish cloudlike spot of nearly the same extent as the crater Sulpicius Gallus ; the ring of a large crater of small depth, probably the ring seen by Messrs. Knott and Webb ; the bright point west of the centre of the large white spot, which he found (as the English observers) to be the western border of the small crater ; and the small crater itself, to which he gives a diameter of 4-0", or 28,224 English feet. Wolf estimates the diameter at a little less than DO", or 7,056 English feet. Whatever may be the truth in the midst of the conflicting opinions which have been expressed on the state of Linne (there are no discrepancies in the evidence), it is certain that no lunar spot has received so much attention from so many observers as Linne , and that its features are so well determined (with the exception of the diameter of the small crater, 0-33" in February, 4-0" in April and May, DO" in June, which, by the way, are not contra- dictory), for the early half of the year 1867, as to furnish reliable evidence of its condition at this epoch. It must be mentioned that Mr. Rutherford, whose observations have been carried on at the other side of the Atlantic, and whose photographs are said to be larger than ours, states that he has been unable to detect any change in the brightness of the locality in question. The Spectrum of Meteors. — It was stated by Professor Herschel at Dundee, that though the spectroscope showed a yellow light in the case of meteors, it was impossible to say what was the composition of this light. As observers multiplied, however, with telescopes armed with spectroscopes, this difficulty would no doubt be resolved. The connection between comets and meteors had this year been established without doubt, and that connection gave wide scope for speculation as to the origin and character of meteoric bodies. Mr. Huggins had made an observation of the light of a comet, and although that observation was not perfect, still it was sufficient to identify the light of the nucleus of the comet with that of the meteoric bodies. There were two theories as to these meteors. Leverrierhad shown that their orbit extended from that of Uranus to that of the Earth, while an Italian astronomer believed that they came from the utmost fields of space. Fifty-six showers were well established ; and it was by the study of these showers that they hoped to continue, and possibly confirm and extend, their researches by the assistance of those zealous observers who had hitherto been their supporters and constant assistants among the members and other observers of this Association. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 447 A new Planet, which, has been named Undina, has been simultaneously discovered by Peters, of Hamilton College, U. S., and Tietjens, of Berlin. Its magnitude is between the 10th and 11th, and it was first seen on the 7th of July last. This is, then, the 100th or> according to those who believe in the existence of a planet within Mercury’s orbit, the 101st planet. Jupiter without his Satellites. — In our last number Mr. Proctor gave our readers ample notice of this singular phenomenon, and we are glad to find that many of them availed themselves of the opportunity noted. The editor of the Astronomical Register says that when the five black spots were pro- jected in the line of the belts, they gave one the idea of “a bar of printed music.” The Meteorlike Bodies near the Sun , which were described by Mr. Lowe and Mr. Bird, are alleged by Mr. C. L. Prince to have been nothing more than seeds of dandelion, floating through the atmosphere. The direction of these pseudo-meteors will be always found to coincide with that of the wind. Change of Focus in observing Stars. — The change of focus which is said to be requisite in the examination of stars widely separated in altitude, has been inquired into by Captain Noble, who lately laid a paper on the subject before the Boyal Astronomical Society. We conclude, from his observations, that in the finest state of the atmosphere the foci of all stars are identical. But he says that when, as in the normal state of things, there is an appreci- able amount of vapour near the horizon, a shortening of the focus of a telescope, directed to objects in its neighbourhood, may take place. — Vide Monthly Notices, June 14. The Expansion of Brass Pendula. — Major Tennant publishes a singular paper on this point. It would seem, from the evidence adduced by the author, that at a pressure of only five inches of mercury the coefficient of expansio11 of the brass pendulum must not only be increased, but appears to be 13 per cent, greater than ever before has been assigned to brass. Comets and Meteors. — In a paper on this subject, laid before the last meeting of the Astronomical Society, Mr. G-. J. Stoney, Secretary to the Queen’s University in Ireland, make the following interesting observations, which tend to show, as Schiaparelli has already pointed out, that there is a very natural relationship between comets and meteors. If interstellar space, external to the Solar System, be, as is most probable, peopled with innumer- able meteoric bodies independent of one another, a comet while outside the Solar System would in the lapse of ages collect a vast cluster of such meteorites within itself. Each meteorite which approached the comet would in general do so in a parabolic orbit ; and, if it came near enough to pass through a part of the comet, this parabolic orbit would, by the resistance of the matter of the comet, be converted into an ellipse. The meteor would therefore return again and again, and on each occasion that it passed through the comet its orbit would be still further shortened, until at length it would fall in, and add one to whatever cluster had been brought together by the previous repetitions of this process. In this way a comet, while moving in outer space, beyond the reach of the many powerful disturbing influences which prevail within the Solar System, would inevitably accumulate within itself just such a globular cluster of meteorites as the November meteors must have been before they became associated with the Solar System. 448 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. The Nebula of Orion. — Father Secchi has presented to the French Academy a drawing of the nebula of Orion, which was lately prepared at the Roman College, and which he proposes to publish on his return to Rome. Spectrum-analysis of the nebula proves it, like its fellows, to be composed essentially of some gaseous compound. The Pascal-Newton controversy still continues. Mr. Chasle still contends that the documents in his possession are genuine. On the other hand, Sir D. Brewster and Mr. Faugere hold that they are forgeries. The arguments of Sir David seem invincible, but Mr. Chasle’s most recent communications to the Academy show that he is undaunted. The question whether Newton or Pascal discovered the law of gravitation cannot, therefore, be regarded as definitely decided. BOTANY. The Moving Corpuscles of Vdllisneria. — In a paper read before the Philoso- phical Society of Manchester on the 18th of July, Mr. J. Gr. Lynde describes some recent observations made by him with a view to discover the cause of the motion of the corpuscles. The result arrived at seems to be that cilia are most probably present. Mr. Lynde does not positively assert that this is the case, but he contends that it is most probable. After various fruitless experiments, he determined to try the effect of polarised light. Having produced a dark-blue ground by one of Darker’s selenites, he put on a ^-inch object, and examined a portion of the leaf, in which the circu- lation was rather sluggish. All over the surface of the cells he perceived “ brilliant gold-coloured scintillations which had all the appearance of cilia in motion, and repeated observations showed precisely the same phe- nomena.” Notwithstanding all that he has seen, he cannot say that he is convinced the appearances can be attributed to nothing else but cilia ; it is possible they may be due to the presence of active corpuscles — as suggested by Mr. Wenham in his paper on the Leaf-cells of Anacharis Alsinastrum, published in the Microscopical Journal for 1855 — which corpuscles may be Vibrions, described by Dr. Cohn in his u Researches on the Development of the Microscopic Algae and Fungi/’ as representing the developmental condition of a plant, but it is only by further research that this point can be definitely settled. The result of his observations so far appears to be that in addition to the wave of light already seen, the separate objects causing that wave may now be observed in the manner described. "What these objects are is still a matter to be determined, but at present Mr. Lynde is inclined to believe them to be cilia on the cell- wall, while at tfip same time there are also independent moving corpuscles within the cell ; some of these bodies have the appearance of crystals, and in one specimen a great number of starch-granules in the cells were observed. A Cure for Dry-rot. — The terrible destruction of timber caused by the spread of the fungus known as Merulius lachrymans leads us to record any suggested mode of preventing the propagation of the fungus. The mode most recently recommended is that which Mr. Lunge refers to in a letter in the Chemical News. Mr. Lunge thinks that the dry-rot is generally intro- duced into houses with the clay which is so often employed for filling the SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 449 spaces between the joists and branding of a chamber-floor. He thinks, therefore, that by filling this space with a material which destroys the fungus, the prevention of dry-rot may be effected. The substance which he considers especially effective for the purpose is the tank-waste from alkali-works. This, he says, u may be had at all alkali- works for carting away.” Hawaiian Plants. — A critical list of the plants of the Hawaiian Islands is being brought out in the Proceedings of the American Academy by Mr. Horace Mann. This is not, however, the first. Indeed, it must only be regarded as a supplement to the fine work which was executed by Dr. Berthold Seemann, the editor of the Journal of Botany. No new Genera of Plants in the year 1900 ! — In a curious statistical paper read by M. de Candolle at the International Botanical Congress, the author expressed his belief that by the end of this century botanists will have become acquainted with every genus of plants on the face of the globe, and will thenceforth occupy themselves with only species and varieties. The facts on which M. de Candolle bases this opinion is, that the number of new genera has diminished in a certain arithmetical order, while the number of plant-seekers has proportionally increased. The Fall of the Leaf. — M. Trecul has recently presented to the French Academy a most valuable series of memoirs on the structure of the u proper vessels ” of the order Terebinthaceee. In concluding one of his recent memoirs, he calls attention to a phenomenon which occurs just before the fall of the leaf, and which is not unlike the process which accompanies the shedding of horns in animals. It consists in the obstruction of the li proper ” vessels at the base of the petiole (foot-stalk). This obstruction is effected by the multiplication of cells, which first shows itself in the parietes of the vessels. The cells increase and multiply until at last the vessels are completely choked up in the neighbourhood of the insertion of the leaf, although in other portions the vessels retain their normal characters. The Contractions of the Sensitive Plant. — These have formed the subject of two essays published in the Comptes Bendus for July and August, and written respectively by M. P. L. Bert and M. de Blondeau. The chief conclusion at which Mr. Bert arrives is, that the natural and regular move- ment of the leaves is produced by a different cause from that of sudden contraction resulting from contact with the fingers. Ether seems to have no effect upon the former, but it produces an anaesthetic effect which prevents the latter. M. Blondeau’s enquiries are more important. M. Blondeau experimented on the plants with the induced galvanic current of a B.uhm- korfi’s coil. He submitted three plants to the influence of the electric current. The first was operated on for five minutes ; the plant when left to itself seemed prostrated, but after a while (a quarter of an hour), the leaves opened, and it seemed to recover itself. The second was acted on for ten minutes. This specimen was prostrate for an hour, after which it slowly recovered. The third specimen was galvanised for twenty-five minutes, but it never recovered, and in twenty-four hours it had the appearance of a plant struck by lightning. A fourth plant was etherised, and then exposed to the current. Strange to say, the latter had not any effect, the leaves remained straight and open j thus proving, says M. Blondeau, that 450 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. the mode of contraction of the leaves of the sensitive plant is in some way allied to the muscular contraction of animals. The International Botanical Congress was held at Paris on the 16th. The meeting was held in the rooms of the Imperial Society of Horticulture, and was presided over by M. Alphonse de Candolle. Almost every European country was represented. The Fossil Plants of Bilin. — Herr Ettingshausen has published the third part of his fossil flora of the Tertiary basin of Bilin, in Bohemia. He treats of about thirty-four orders of plants belonging to the locality, and alleges that in great part the genera are the same as those which are now found living in the neighbourhood. A new Conifer from Arctic America is described by Mr. Andrew Murray, in the Journal of Botany for September. The plant, which was referred to Abies alba by Hr. B. Seemann, was first found by him and Lieutenant Bedford Pirn, and specimens of its wood may be seen in the Museum at Kew. It is the most northerly tree met with in the north-west coast of America, being found in a latitude nearly seven degrees farther north than the limit of trees on the eastern side of the American continent. Some of the trees measured from twenty to fifty feet in height, and from four to five feet in circumference. Adiantum Capillus-Junonis. — This rare species of maidenhair fern has been hitherto imperfectly described. "We are glad, therefore, to receive a more accurate and complete description of it from Dr. H. F. Hance, who has lately found some fine specimens growing in’ the interstices of the bricks in the vails of the city of Canton. It seems to resemble rather closely A. lunulatum, but is nevertheless quite distinct from it. The species was originally described by Dr. Hana (in Annales des Sciences Naturelles) as the A. Cantonense ; but the fact that an identical species found at Pekin had been styled by Dr. W. S. Williams A. Capillus-Junonis , induced the author to employ this latter specific name instead of Cantonense. An edible Fungus from Tahiti is described by Mr. Brander as being an article of commerce in the South Pacific Islands. It grows upon decayed trees, and is called Teria iore , or rat’s ear, by the natives. This fungus was first collected in 1863, and is said to fetch twenty cents per pound in China, where it is used in preparing certain soups. A Memorial of Sir W. Hooker is about to be erected in Kew Church. It consists of a tablet enclosing a cast in Wedgwood- ware of Mr. Woolner’s medallion of the late Sir William Hooker. The medallion occupies the centre of a composition of panels that are decorated with ferns, etc., in relief, the fronds being arranged so that their lines harmonise with their position on the monument ; the panels are divided and mounted in mould- ings of white marble. The tablet is the work of Mr. It. Palgrave, and is considered exquisite in design and execution. The presence of Gases in Plant-tissues. — At a recent meeting of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, a most interesting paper was presented by Messrs. Faivre and Dupre. The plants especially examined by the authors were the mulberry and the vine, and the following are the conclusions arrived at : — 1. The presence of gases in the interior of the root, of the stem, and of the branches in the mulberry and vine, is a normal and constant fact. — 2. The SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 451 ■composition of these gases changes with the epochs of vegetation. — 3. During the period of inactivity, carbonic acid is in very small proportion, and is scarcely appreciable. Oxygen is present to the same extent as in atmospheric air. During the phase of activity the contrary takes place, and the changes are more marked in proportion as the vegetation is more energetic ; with the progress of vegetation, the proportion of oxygen diminishes. — 4. In the roots, during the epoch of vegetation, the quantity of oxygen is not so great, while that of carbonic acid is greater than in the branches examined under the same circumstances. — 5. In the branches, as in the roots, there is an inverse relation between the oxygen and the carbonic acid ; by adding to the normal oxygen that disengaged under the form of carbonic acid, we obtain a number which is scarcely above the proportion of oxygen in the air. — 6. In the mul- berry and the vine, injections do not penetrate the pith or the bark, whether in the branches or roots. The ligneous layers are alone permeable to mercury. The more the formation of vessels increases, the easier and more complete are the injections. The injections are fuller in the roots than the branches ; they are also more in the branches than in the young herbaceous shoots. In the old stems of the mulberry, the central layers cease to be permeable. — 7. Microscopic examination proves that the injection specially penetrates the’ pitted and reticulated vessels, and also the spiral vessels in the young herbaceous shoots. — 8. The pitted vessels show distinctly the mercury in the areolae, as if in so many little pouches formed by thin portions of the wall ; the same observations have been made in regard to the reticulated vessels. Aphyllostachys. — Professor H. It. Goeppert’s fine memoir on this singular fossil plant, has been translated in the Journal of Botany for August. The author makes it the text of a sermon on Darwinism. In the course of his remarks he urges that no arguments in favour of the theory of Natural Selection are to be found in the order in which plants present themselves as regards their geological succession ; for it is known that the highest and lowest algge existed at the same period. Herr Goeppert’s arguments are not, however, quite conclusive : how, indeed, could they be so in the brief space he allots for the discussion of a question which hangs on so large a mass of botanical evidence P Plis observations on the character of Aphyllostachys are much more important than his theoretical abstrac- tions. He describes the specimen very minutely, and the plate which accompanies the paper gives one a clear notion of the character of the plant ; still he feels unable to decide on its affinities. He cannot find an analogous form in either recent or extinct florae, and he now, after fifteen years, is compelled to lay the matter before other botanists, in order that they may settle it. Botany at the British Museum. — The Annual Report shows that the officials in the Botanical Department have certainly not been idle during the past twelve months. The addition of specimens to the Museum amounts to several thousands ; and of microscopic slides of Diatomacece no less than 5,000 have been purchased. In fact, the whole of the valuable collection of the late Dr. Greville and the late Dr. Gregory are now to be seen in the British Museum. A new South African Senecio has been discovered by Mr. M'Owan, of YOL. YI. — NO. XXY. K K 452 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Grahamstown, and lias been identified by Dr. F. Mueller, of Melbourne. The species is styled S. tropceolifolius. Dr. Mueller, in commenting on this discovery, makes the following very interesting remarks on the geographi- cal distribution of the genus : — Senecio is not merely more widely distributed over the globe than any other existing genus, from the polar to the equinoctial regions of both hemispheres (though almost absent in North Australia), but it embraces more species than any other — nearly a thousand being on record, some, however, but ill- defined. The genus almost as rich in species, and almost as extensively diffused, is Solarium, and then seemingly follow Panicum , Carex, and Euphorbia, though in Australia Acacia largely surpasses all others. The species of Senecio , as representatives from almost every part of the globe, become thus of the greatest possible interest, and are certain to be always among the first which come under the notice of any photographical observer. The Groundsels, though generally of the more humble forms of vegetation, present, in a recently discovered species from the Chatham Islands ( Senecio Huntii: “Vegetation of the Chatham Islands, sketched by F. M., p. 23, plate 3) ; and in the Victorian and Tasmanian S. Bedfordii (F. M., Deport, 1868, p. 26), fair-sized trees, perhaps the only truly arborescent species of the globe. The Arctic Cladonice. — On this group of plants an essay, which we hope to see printed in full, was read before the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, by Dr. W. Lauder Lindsay. The Arctic regions include vast level, generally treeless, barren tracts of country, whose vegetation is frequently exclusively lichenose ; sometimes, indeed, consisting of a single species, the cosmopolite Cladonia rangiferina. The author enumerates the different species and their forms, belonging to the Cladonice, found in Arctic countries, and remarked that, whether these may be regarded as consisting of many or few species, their importance to man cannot be estimated by their mere numerical rela- tions ; one species at least (C. rangiferina) is not only superior in economical and even political importance to the better- known u Orchella-weed,” but it is even on a footing with the valuable grains, timber trees, and other phanerogams of more favoured regions. The author considered the econo- mical value and applications of the Arctic Cladonice under the following heads : — 1, as fodder or forage to animals, domesticated or wild ; 2, as an ingredient of man’s food ; 3, as medicines, being used as tonics, astringents, febrifuges, emetics ; 4, in the arts — e. g., perfumery and dyeing. The Parasites of a Desmid. — Mr. W. Archer, who is one of our most industrious students of microscopic Algae, records that he has found Asteridia parasitic in the common Desmid, Penium digitus. In a collection containing a number of the Penium digitus, Mr. Archer observed that a considerable number of them showed “ some individuals one, the majority two, and a few three, quite identical stellate bodies in the interior of each cell.” These seemed to him evidently to have been formed at the expense of the individual Penium in which they occurred. These stellate bodies Mr. Archer identifies as the Asteridia. He lays down the following general propositions in concluding his paper : — (1) The strictly parasitic nature of the Asteridia seems probable, from the destruction of the Penium during their formation ; (2) The observation is of interest as being the first record of the occurrence of “ Asteridia ” in Desmids ; and (3) from their being of a form and size not before noted in any of the Asteridia recorded. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 453 The Movement of the Oscillarice, according to the researches of Dr. Ferdi- nand Cohn, depend on three facts : — 1st, a steady hut changeable rotation around the long axis of the plant ; 2nd, the power of being able to push itself variably backwards and forwards ; 3rd, the power of being able to bend, to stretch, and to twist — in one word, its flexibility. — Vide Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science , July. CHEMISTRY. New Method of Organic Analysis. — Herr A. Mitscherlich describes a new mode of organic analysis, which he states is applicable to all organic, and many inorganic, compounds, and one of whose especial features is the direct determination of the oxygen. Those who wish to pursue the method must consult the original paper, the following being only a general account of the process ; — Oxygen and hydrogen are determined together by heating the substance in a current of chlorine, passing the products of combustion over red-hot charcoal, and absorbing the chlorhydric acid, carbonic anhy- dryde, and carbonic oxide formed by a saturated solution of plumbic nitrate, a solution of potassic hydrate, and a solution of cuprous chloride in chlor- hydric acid respectively. Chlorine, bromine, iodine, and sulphur, are deter- mined simultaneously with carbon and nitrogen, by volatilising the substance in a current of hydrogen, burning the mixed gases and vapours with oxygen, removing the water by means of sulphuric acid, and collecting the products of combustion in weighed vessels — with the exception of nitrogen, which is measured. The products of combustion, besides the water, may consist of carbonic anhydride, chlorhydric acid, bromine, iodine, sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid, and traces of brom- and chlorhydric acid. A residue of carbon also may be left in the combustion-tube. The water is absorbed by sulphuric acid, the chlorhydric acid by plumbic nitrate, bromine by mercuric oxide, iodine is weighed as such, sulphurous acid is absorbed by potassic bichromate, carbonic anhydride by potassic hydrate, nitrogen is measured, and the residual carbon weighed. — Yide Roggendorjfs Annalen, cxxx. 536. A Syphon for the Laboratory. — It so often happens that in using the ordinary syphon, acid and hurtful substances are introduced into the mouth, that a new syphon, invented by M. Zaliwski Mikorski, will be gladly em- ployed by chemists. The new syphon is not set at work by suction. One of its legs is provided with an accessory tube, by blowing through which the current becomes established. Chemical Relations of Cafeic Acid. — At a late meeting of the Academy of Sciences of Vienna, Herr Hlasivetz read a paper on this subject. He found that by treating the acid with sodium-amalgam he produced a hydracid by the addition of two atoms of hydrogen. This shows that there is an analog}’- between cafeic acid and cinnamonic and coumaric acids. The three thus belong to one series, each term of which possesses an atom of oxygen more than the preceding one. Cafeic acid is isomeric with umbellic , eveminic , and veratic acids. Cheap Mode of obtaining Oxygen. — M. de Motay has suggested an econo- mical method of producing oxygen, which is said to prove easy and efficient k x 2 454 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. in practice. The substance used is manganate of soda, which M. de Motay hopes to be able to sell to the trade at fourpence per kilogramme. Fifty kilogrammes of manganate give, according to calculation, from 400 to 450 litres of oxygen per hour. An Illustration of the Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid, which is very simple, and may be found useful by lecturers as an experiment, has been described by a correspondent of the Chemical Neivs. It is a modification of an experi- ment described by Dr. Miller. Three tubes are passed through the cork of a wide-mouthed bottle, the largest being connected by an india-rubber junction with a pint funnel, and the small one to the left with a test-tube generating NO by means of copper turnings and nitric acid. The middle tube admits air. A little water is poured into the bottle first, to combine with S03 for the production of H2S04. The funnel is covered in with a metal cap, to which a small pan is suspended. This pan is a miniature furnace. A bit of sulphur is placed in it and lighted. The fumes of S02 immediately flow down in a conspicuous stream into the bottle. Here they encounter NO, and the usual reaction takes place. Any S02 which the water may dissolve is expelled by boiling, when the solution answers to all the tests for the presence of sulphuric acid. An extra cover, which slides on the metal lid, conceals some air-holes, useful at the beginning of the experiment. The Estimation of Organic Matter in Water. — This is a subject of the utmost importance, and it is much to be regretted that it has not received the attention it deserves. At least we judge so from the fact that till recently we have had no reliable method of distinguishing between the organic matter present in water or ammonia and that present as excremen- titious substance. It has lately been shown by Messrs. Wanklyn and Chapman that the methods pursued by Drs. Frankland and Letheby hardly compass this end. These chemists have therefore suggested the employment of a new method of estimating organic matter. This method has been fully described in their joint paper, read before the Chemical Society on the 20th of June last; but the following account gives an idea of the nature of their method : — Direct experiments were made upon known quantities of urea, albumen, and gelatin dissolved in water, and the singular fact was disclosed that, whilst the first of these bodies is completely changed into ammonia by boiling with carbonate of soda, the two latter substances resist decomposition until caustic soda (or potash) is introduced, when one-third of the nitrogen contained in them is evolved in the form of ammonia. The remaining two- thirds of this constituent are finally liberated in the same form upon adding some crystals of the permanganate of potash and continuing the distillation. The authors employ Nessler’s test for indicating the proportion of ammonia originally contained as such in the water, as well as that subsequently formed. The Density of Ozone. — M. Soret, who sometime since stated the density of ozone to be 1 1 times that of oxygen, now has given convincing proof of the accuracy of his opinion. By causing the two bodies to u diffuse,” he has found that the velocities of transmission give the same value for the density of ozone as that already expressed, viz. times that of oxygen. Detection of Bromine and Iodine in same Solution. — A paper has been pub- SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 455 listed in the Comptes Rendus from the pen of Dr. T. L. Phipson, in which the author points out what he considers to he a simple mode of ascertaining the presence of bromine and iodine in the same solution. The method is based on the fact that in the presence of sulphide of carbon and free chlo- rine, iodides are first decomposed and afterwards the bromides, and further, that the chlorine acts upon the iodine dissolved in the sulphide of carbon to form quinti-chloride of iodine, which dissolves, and leaves the sulphide of carbon colourless. If bromides be present, the sulphide of carbon as- sumes an orange colour. Chlorine and Manganese have been combined by M. Nicies in such pro- portions as to form a deuto-chloride, which is, however, a less permanent salt than the other haloid combination of this base. The Impurities of the New (?) Ancesthetic. — In a paper read before the British Medical Association at its meeting in August, Dr. Protheroe Smith read a paper on Tetrachloride of Carbon, in which he gave the following directions for the detection of its three impurities. These are as follow : — 1. Bisidphide of Carbon. — This is easily detected by evaporating over a spirit-lamp a portion of the suspected fluid in a deep cup, when, if it contains bisulphide, a slightly bluish flame will appear, whereas if free from this impurity it would be entirely uninflamable. 2. Free Sulphur. — Should such exist, after spontaneous evaporation of some of the tetrachloride on a watch-glass, a fine opaque film will remain, which when heated would give off the well-known fumes of sulphurous acid. 8. A peculiar sul- phur-compound, which is discovered by dipping in the suspected fluid some clean blotting-paper, which when dry will give a peculiar unpleasant smell of dirty linen. A New Cement — Oxychloride of Magnesium. — At a late meeting of the Drench Academy, M. Dumas called attention to a new manufacture of M. Sorel’s, a cement produced by combining chloride of magnesium with oxide of magnesium, and possessing, as does the oxychloride of zinc, in a degree incomparably greater than plaster of Paris, the property of not only taking all variety of forms, but of solidifying and taking a high polish. Experi- ments made two years ago leave no doubt as to the good quality of stones prepared by this process, and the absolute resistance, of objects so fabricated and moulded, to the deleterious action of water. u Industry and art will therefore enter into possession of new elements of construction and trans- formation. The chloride of magnesium that can be extracted from sea- water, or which is found in great quantities solidified in interior seas as that of Stassfurth, does not require to be entirely pure, and costs less than the oxychloride of zinc.” Estimation of Lime in Analysis. — At a meeting of the Drench Academy, M. Boussingault communicated a new mode of finding the quantities of lime in analysis. The process consists in precipitating the lime in the state of sulphate, which is decomposed either by a Bunsen gas blowpipe, or by one of Schlosing’s furnaces, the sulphuric acid being vaporised, and the lime remaining pure. In several experiments on the decomposition of earthy or metallic sulphates, M. Boussingault remarked frequent anomalies, the quan- tity of the base remaining often being less than it ought to be. The fact is not easy to account for. 456 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Manager of the French Mint. — The post of Director of the Paris Mint, vacant by the death of M. Pelouze, has been given to M. Dumas, the eminent chemist. M. Dumas had previously resigned his appointment of professor in the faculty of science of the University of Paris, and inspector-general of the high schools of France. Cause of the JDecolorisation of Iodine Starch. — In a paper, published in the Bulletins de la Societe Chimique , M. Pellet states the following conclusions as the results of his experiments in the cause of the deeolorisation of the iodine starch, and the reappearance of colour on cooling : — 1. Deeolorisation is caused by the solution of iodine starch in an excess of hot starch ; the solu- bility being less in the cold, the colour reappears again on cooling. — 2. Iodine starch is decomposed at 100°C,'aud iodine volatilises. — 3. Iodine starch remains unchanged in alcohol, being equally insoluble in that liquor whether hot or cold. — 4. Iodine starch may be regarded as a salt, which in certain solvents is more readily soluble when hot, than when they are cold. Silicates of Methyl. — In a recent number of Silliman’s American Journal , there appears the following account of the mode of preparing the above compound. It was first attempted, by Messrs. Friedel and Crafts, to prepare the silicate by reacting on methylic alcohol with chloride of silicium ; like Ebelmen, they obtained a product impossible to purify, turning brown in the air, and possessing a foetid odour. They noticed that this product always contained chlorine. Wood-spirit was purified by treatment with chloride of calcium ; the chloride of calcium compound decomposed with water, and the alcohol rectified several times with sodium. The alcohol thus prepared was sealed in a tube with silicate of ethyl, and the mixture heated during 20 hours at 210°C. After several fractional distillations, the principal product isolated from the contents of the tube was a liquid boiling at 143° to 147°. This liquid gave on analysis numbers which correspond with the composition of a mixed silicate, diethylic, dimethylic, silicic ether. There being reason to believe that a minute trace of water contained in the methylic alcohol interfered with the success of the processes in which it was employed, this alcohol was distilled twice with sodium, then with a small quantity of anhydfous phosphoric acid. Thus prepared, it boils at 65*5°, has not the disagreeable odour it usually has, smells like common alcohol, and does not turn brown with soda. Methylic alcohol purified in this way, when added to chloride of silicium, reacts like ordinary alcohol. When the theoretical quantity of the alcohol has been added, the product is distilled, and after a small number of fractional distillations two principal products are obtained, one boiling at 120° to 122°, and the other at 201° to 202-5°. The first is the normal silicate of methyl •, the second is the hexamethylic disilicic ether. The normal silicate of methyl is a colourless liquid, has rather an agreeable odour, is soluble in a considerable quantity of water. Moisture or aqueous alcohol gives rise to condensed products, ultimately silica. It burns with a white smoke composed of silica. Crookesite , a Neio Thallium Mineral. — A mineral, rich in thallium, has been discovered by M. Nordenskiold, in Mosander’s collection, and has been named Crookesite, in compliment to Mr. W. Crookes, F.D.S., the discoverer of thallium, and the accomplished editor of our contemporary the Chemical News. Crookesite forms small, coherent, opaque masses, of metallic lustre, SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 457 has a lead-grey colour, and sufficiently compact to admit of its ready separa- tion from the grains of eukairite and the powder of berzelianite. I have observed no trace of crystallisation in the mineral. In tenacity and hardness it resembles chalkosine. Its specific gravity = 6-9. Before the blowpipe crookesite fuses easily, forming a lustrous green-black enamel j the flame is coloured intensely green. It is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but nitric acid dissolves it readily and completely. Analysis showed it to contain Copper .... 45-76 Thallium .... 17-25 Silver .... 3-71 Selenium .... 33-28 100-00 Street Bust a Poison. — The chemical analysis of W. Tichborne, of Dublin, would* serve to show that street dust, which we all take less or more into our nostrils, may be the means of propagatin; g various epidemic diseases. At all events, the following results of analysis show that street-dust contains a very large proportion of organic matter : — Moist Dust from Grafton Street, Dublin, October 1866. Moisture . . . . , . . 33-3 Organic matter . . , , . 25-1 Inorganic matter . . , . . 41-6 100-0 Street Dust, October 1866. Soluble salts ... . . 1-3 per cent. Organic matter . . . . 25-1 „ Soil from a well-made Poad upon which Sea-water had been used. Soluble salts . . . . . 7*5 per cent. Organic matter . . . . 21-1 „ Here it will be seen that the salts are about f the weight of the total organic matters present. — Vide Chemical News, July. The Calculus of Chemical Operations. — The important and philosophic views which Sir Benjamin Brodie recently expressed on this subject have been considered by "Dr. A. Crum Brown. In a paper by the latter, read before the British Association at Dundee, the author stated that there were two points which might be taken up for examination (1) The idea of a fractional relation between chemical substances ; and (2) the manner in which Sir B. Brodie had worked this out. He confined his remarks to the second, and stated that his conclusion was that while the two s}rstems are equally con- sistent, and may both be treated mathematicaly, Sir Benjamin’s was yet, notwithstanding its elegance, simplicity, and consistency, to be rejected, on the grounds that his fundamental hypothesis is wholly arbitrary, while 458 POPULAIi SCIENCE REVIEW. change in this would involve considerable change in formulae, and further, that the present formulae were quite convenient. Atomic Weights of Cobalt and Nickel. — These have been investigated by Winkler, who has determined them in the following manner : — The metals were prepared in a state of perfect purity ; the cobalt, by reduction of re- peatedly recrystallised purpureo-cobaltic chloride in a current of hydrogen at a high temperature. The nickel, by adding to a solution of the commercial carbonate in chlorhydric acid sodic hypochlorite, and treating the liquid in this manner again so long as any cobalt could be detected in it ; the solution was then purified from traces of copper and arsenic and precipitated with sodic carbonate. The carbonate was converted into chloride, and sublimed in a current of chlorine, and lastly reduced in a current of hydrogen. Weighed quantities of the metals were then immersed in a perfectly neutral, concentrated, cold solution of sodioauric chloride, and the weight of the pre- cipitated gold determined. The mean of five experiments with cobalt gave the number 29496. The mean of four with nickel, the number 29'527. Blowpipe Reaction of Manganese and Chlorate of Potass. — In a recent number of the Chemical News , it is stated that if chlorate of potash be heated by means of a blowpipe, in a tube closed at one end till oxygen is evolved, and then a trace of manganese added, the potash-salt will assume a purple colour, owing to the production of permanganate of potash. This re- action of manganese is quite as delicate as the one proposed by Berzelius. How to test the Purity of Quinine. — In these days of pharmaceutical adul- teration, a reliable test for the purity of a drug is of the utmost value. The method, therefore, which M. Stoddart recommends for the detection of quinidine when mixed with quinine, may be of interest to our readers. Six: grammes of the suspected quinine are dissolved in a test-tube in 5 grammes sulphuric acid, diluted with 3 grammes water; to this are added 7’5 grammes ether, 18 grammes alcohol, and 2 grammes of a solution of sodic hydrate con- taining about 8 per cent. The mixture is well shaken, and left to itself for 12 hours. If quinidine, cinchonine, or cinchonidine are present, they will be found in a layer below the ether— quinidine as an oily liquid, cinchonidine in crystals. The second method consists of a microscopic examination of the crystalline precipitate produced in a saturated and neutral solution of quininic sulphate by potassic sulphocyanide. — Vide Journal Pharm. iv. 50. Death of Dr. Thomas Richardson. — The death of Dr. Richardson has been so fully announced in the weekly and monthly journals, that we are only fol- lowing a routine custom in reporting it. Few English chemists were better or more favourably known to science than Dr. Richardson. He was Reader in Chemistry at the University of Durham, as well as a Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, and member of the Royal Irish Academy. He died somewhat suddenly, at Wigan, of congestion of the brain. Of late years Dr. Richardson was best known to the chemical world by his work in connection with u Richardson and Watts’s Chemical Technology.” Several papers of his are to be found in the volumes of the Chemical News and Chemical Gazette. Neiv Method of Qualitative Analysis. — A method in which neither sul- phuretted hydrogen nor ammonic sulphide is employed, has been suggested in Poggendorff s Annalen (cxxx. 324) by Herr E. Zetnow. The following are SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 459 the reagents employed, and the substances they help to throw down and separate from an aqueous solution : — 1. Chlorhydric acid precipitates lead, mercury, and silver. — 2. Sulphuric acid precipitates lead, barium, strontium, and calcium. — 3. Baric hydrate sets free ammonia ; the filtrate is used for the detection of sodium and potassium. — 4. Zinc is added to the filtrate- from 2, the hydrogen ignited and tested for antimony and arsenic ; antimony, arsenic, tin, mercury, copper, cadmium, and bismuth are precipitated. — 5. Baric carbonate precipitates, from the filtrate of 4, iron, chromium, and aluminium. — 6. Ammonic carbonate, after removal of the baryta, precipi- tates, from the filtrate of 5, manganese and calcium ; the filtrate is tested for magnesium, cobalt, and nickel. — 7. Zinc is tested for in the original solution. GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY. The Osteology of the Mesotherium forms the subject of a fine series of memoirs presented to the French Academy by M. Serres. In the first com- munication, he treats of the structure and relation of the several parts composing the vertebral column, and supplies tables in which are recorded the exact measurements of the various bones examined. The atlas axis, fifth dorsal, eighth lumbar, and fourth cocygeal vertebrae have been especially dwelt on by the author. M. Serre3 remarks that, in determining the true osteogenical relations of the parts of the skeleton, it is necessary to study the bones in their foetal state. This is, of course, impossible in the case of fossil skeletons. He suggests, therefore, that the palaeontologist should examine the state of solidification and the density of the different parts of the compound bones. This, he says, will give a clue to their developmental relations. This rule applied to the Mesotherium shows that in the development of its spinal column, the laminae, as in all mammalia, were the first to ossify ; the ossification of the centres took place subse- quently.— Yide Comptes Rendus, July and August. The Volcanic Disturbances at Santorin. — A letter published in a late number of L’lnstitut reports that the disturbances of the Santorin group of islands continue. New portions of the sea-bottom have been elevated, and some of them have appeared above water. The raised portions are within four or five metres of Micra-Kammeni. Formerly the channel was twenty-one inches deep, but it is now not more than three. The island of Aphroessa remains stationary, but Yattia is now divided into two islands. Around the newly-formed lands the sea is of a yellowish-green colour, and has a temperature varying, according to the locality, from 25° to 75° centigrade. M. Cigalla, who has studied the volcanic phenomena very carefully, thinks another great eruption will soon occur, and that a true volcanic crater will be formed at the top of the George island. The Magnetic Needle in the study of Volcanic Districts. — A theory of some novelty, and which appears to have been put to a practical test, has been started by M. Jansenn, who has been exploring the Santorin region. This eminent physicist alleges that the magnetic needle may be employed to detect disturbances which take place at such a depth that they are not recognisable 460 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. by the ordinary methods. With regard to his experiments in Santorin, he says that the observations made show that there is a very powerful magnetic influence in the direction of the volcanic lines already mapped out by M. Fouque, and indicated by the eruptive centres Micra , Georges , and Aphro- essa. He found the magnetic needle dip very much less in those parts beyond the volcanic region than in others. M. Fouque’s study of the district in the neighbourhood of Aphroessa led him to suspect the existence of a secondary fissure. M. Jansenn has brought his magnetic tests to bear on this question, and he has found that the magnetic records tend very strongly to bear out M. Fouque’s suspicion. M. Jansenn recommends Government to insist on general magnetic observations during surveys, &c., as he says they afford us a means of sounding the depths of solid strata, and possibly of anticipating earthquakes. Fossil Foraminifera of Austria. — At one of the late sittings of the Im- perial Academy of Vienna, Herr Reus presented his treatise on the Fora- miniferous Faunae of the country. He recorded several new species, most of which are referred to the family Miliolidse. Spectroscopic Examination of the Flames of Stromboli. — This curious inves- tigation has been conducted by M. Jansenn, who has made known his results in a letter to M. Saint-Claire Deville. There was considerable difficulty in conducting the observations, owing to the quantity of fine powdery matter thrown up with the flame. But M. Jansenn was able to demonstrate the presence of sodium in large quantity, and of copper, chlorine, and carbon in lesser proportions. The flame, as usually occurs in such cases, resulted from hydrogen. The Amazon Valley. — Professor Agassiz has written a letter to M. Elie de Beaumont, describing the geological character of the Amazon Valley. He states that the valley consists of a species of mud, of which portions are extremely hard ; it extends from Para to Peru, and appears to rest on a cretaceous deposit. The river has cut its bed through the mud, and this latter has, in some instances, a depth of nearly a thousand feet. The Fossil Plants of Wolfgang have been described by Herr Unger in a communication to the Vienna Academy. The species belong to the lower cretaceous beds. The Pone-caves of Belgium. — In a la'te number of the Bulletin of the Royal Academy of Brussels, a note appears from M. Dupont, in which this geologist states that he has been examining a new bone-cavern known as the Trou-madame. In the stratified mud he found a series of human bones, remains of pottery, bones of deer, and other animals. The human remains include a perfect skull and lower maxilla. Photographs of the Sierra Nevada. — A set of photographs of this moun- tain-chain has been sent to Paris by a geologist of California. They exhibit various marks of striation resembling those of the Alps. These are found to occur at a height of 3,000 metres above the sea-level. Volcanic Eruptions near Portugal. — M. Deville has called attention to a statement which recently appeared in a Portuguese journal, announcing that Tersira and Graciosa, two islands near Lisbon, have been subjected to continual volcanic eruptions •, very strong shocks of earthquakes have been felt, and have produced many islets, one after the other, analogous SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 461 to those of Santorin, in Greece. On the 1st June a submarine volcano cast up igneous matters in such quantity, that a tongue of land has been formed with the continent. This ground is as yet unapproachable, on account of the incandescence of the rocks, as well as the sulphurous vapours from the fissures. M. Deville asked that the Academy should take an interest in these new eruptions, as it did in those of Santorin. — Vide Comptes Bendus , July 1. A Burning Well. — While some artisans were engaged in making borings for an artesian well at Narbonne, the water rushed forth with great vio- lence, and soon burst into flame. The flame, which arises from the combus- tion of carburetted hydrogen, is reddish and smoky, and does not emit a smell either of bitumen or sulphuretted hydrogen. The u sinking ” for the spring was made on the left branch of the Aude, in a plain situate about two metres above the sea-level, and composed of alluvial mud. The alluvial mud extends to a depth of six metres ; then follow tertiary lime- stones and marls, with the remains of marine shells. At the depth of 70 metres, the spring containing the inflammable gas was met with. The Plant-beds of North Greenland. — From the report made by the Sec- retary of the Committee on this subject to the British Association at its recent meeting, it would seem that nothing has as yet been published on the points investigated. Mr. Whymper started from Copenhagen on the 20th of April, but no intelligence has since been received from him. The Leaf -beds of Hampshire. — The report on this subject was presented to the British Association by Mr. W. Stephen Mitchell, who pointed out that there was a better chance of determining the remains from these beds than those from many others. He laid stress on the fact that we know the age of the beds from stratigraphical evidence not depending on botanical testimony. The Internal Heat of the Earth forms the subject of a memoir by Dr. J. Schwarez, who arrives at the following conclusions : — The different corol- laries of the central-fire doctrine were not adequate to explain the different groups of natural phenomena, for the sake of which these corollaries were deemed essential fifty years ago. The whole system of the central-fire doctrine, the alleged dubious moment of the increase of underground tem- perature alone excepted, was bound up merely by artificial ties j and as soon as the question of the supposed increase of underground temperature will be, by direct empirical argument, decided in the negative, then the ruin of the whole central-fire system would be inevitable. The memoir concludes with some suggestions as to how experiments should be made in order to ascertain the temperature of the earth, at different depths, simultaneously in different quarters of the globe. — British Association : Dundee Meeting. Palceozoic Insects of Nova Scotia. — Professor Dawson, of McGill’s College, Montreal, has a paper in the Geological Magazine, in which he describes some interesting insect-remains from the palaeozoic rocks of Nova Scotia. In the Nova-Scotian coalfields insects have not hitherto been discovered, except in some fragments found by the author some time since. Last year, however, a very beautiful wing was found by Mr. J. Barnes, of Halifax, in a bed of shale at Cape Breton. This specimen has been ex- amined by Mr. S. Scudder, of Boston, who pronounces it to be a member 462 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW of the Ephemeridse, and gives it the name of Haplophlebium Barnesii in compliment to its discoverer. It must have belonged to an insect measuring at least seven inches across the wing. Commenting on the conditions under which it lived, Dr. Dawson says : u When we consider that the larvae of such creatures inhabit the water, and delight in muddy bottoms rich in vegetable matter, we can easily understand that the swamps and creeks of Carbonife- rous Acadia, with its probable mild and equable climate, must have been especially favourable to such creatures ; and we can imagine the larvae of these gigantic Ephemeras swarming on the deep black mud of the ponds in these swamps, and furnishing a great part of the food of the fishes inhabit- ing them ; while the perfect insects, emerging from the waters to enjoy their brief space of aerial life, would flit in millions over the quiet pools and through the dense thickets of the coal-swamps.” — Vide Geological Maga- zine, September. Zone of Ammonites Transversarius. — A paper on this subject, by the late Dr. Oppel, has been communicated to the Imperial Geological Institute of Vienna. This zone of the Tipper Jurassic series is limited above by the zone of Terebratula impressa. It may be traced from South-west Poland, through the Carpathians, Moravia, Bavaria, the Schwiibische Alps, the Swiss Jura, the Alps, France, and Spain, as far as Algeria. The number of fossil species known to occur in it amount to 217 ; among them are microscopic remains of Crustacea and Radiata, and many new species af Foraminifera. Hungarian Fossil Mammals. — Herr Hantken records the discovery of the following remains from the Post-pliocene deposits of Fiinfkinchen: — Ur sics spelceus , many fragments of lower jaws, loose teeth, and vertebrae ; Hycena spelcea , Goldf., a fragment of a jaw belonging to a young animal, with the first teeth and protruding canines ; Fquus fossilis , Cuv., a fragment of a lower jaw with a tooth ; JBos priscus, Boj., a second collar vertebra; Rhino- ceros tichorhinus , Cuv., a single tooth. The /Sulphur Springs of Formosa. — At the last meeting of the Geological Society, Mr. C. Collingwood, M.B., presented a paper on the sulphur-springs of Northern Formosa. These springs are situated amongst the hills near Tamsuy, in the north-eastern corner of the island of Formosa, and indicate the existence of volcanic action near the surface of the region — a phenomenon otherwise afforded by the frequent occurrence there of earthquakes. One spring possessed the character of a mountain-torrent, and had a temperature of about 130°. The spot containing most of the springs occupies about two acres of ground, is quite barren of vegetation, and is covered with low hillocks of friable rocks and debris, interspersed with shallow pits containing mud, sand, and sometimes water. From cracks and fissures in these depres- sions arose clouds of steam ; and around them was strewn a quantity of sublimated sulphur, the yellow colour of which was visible from a distance. Shells in the Ruins of Pompeii. — Among the objects to be seen at the Museo Borbonico at Naples, is a collection of shells taken from some of the ruined houses of Pompeii. These shells have been carefully examined by Mr. R. Damon, who states that they are all those of recent species. He further remarks that some of them are shells only found in Eastern seas, the Indian Ocean, &c. Hence he thinks it not unlikely that they formed part of a Pompeian Museum, and he asks, u Did the original proprietor form one of a SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 463 Natural History Society, of which the distinguished naturalist Pliny, who perished at Pompeii, was a member P ” — Yide Geological Magazine , July. A Hycena Den in Carmarthenshire has been described by Dr. Henry Hicks. The cavern is known as the Crygan Cave, and is near Langharne. The bones found by Dr. Hicks were those of Hycena speloea, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Elephas primigenius , Equus, and Cervus. It is remarkable that most of the bones are gnawed exactly in the same manner as those from Wookey Hole. Coalfields in St. Catherines , Brazil. — Mr. Edward Thornton has transmitted to London a communication on this subject. The existence of coal in this district has for many years been an established fact ; but no practical ex- ploration had been made until the years 1861-63, when Viscount Barbacena, having purchased a tract of land containing the best seams, ascertained the existence of a series of coal-beds at nine different levels, underlying a sand- stone formation, horizontally disposed, and varying in thickness from 1£ to 10 feet. Analyses of specimens of the coal prove it to be of good quality, its profitable working depending solely upon the facilities for transport. — Geological Society , June 19. Cretaceous Flora of Belgium. — Mr. E. Coemans has published an essay on the fossil flora of the first stage of the cretaceous strata of Hainault. The plants consist almost exclusively of Conferee and Cycadece. Banded and Brecciated Concretions. — Mr. John Buskin, who has returned to the field of geology, has given us, in the Geological Magazine , a most in- teresting paper on the origin of the above forms of concretionary growth. The illustration which accompanies the paper is also most instructive. Mr. Buskin thinks that the transformations of solid into fragmentary rocks may be ranged under the following heads : — 1. Division into fragments by con- traction or expansion, and filling of the intervals with a secreted, injected, or infused paste, the degree of change in the relative position of the frag- ments depending both on their own rate and degree of division, and on the manner of the introduction of the cement. — 2. Division into fragments by violence, with subsequent injection or secretion of cement. The walls of most veins supply notable instances of such action, modified by the influence of pure contraction or expansion. — 3. Homogeneous segregation, as in oolite and pisolite. — 4. Segregation of distinct substances from a homogeneous paste, as of chert out of calcareous beds. My impression is that many so- called siliceous a breccias ” are segregations of knotted silex from a semi- siliceous paste ; and many so-called brecciated marbles are segregations of proportioned mixtures of iron, alumina, and lime, from an impure , calcareous paste. — 5. Segregation, accompanied by crystalline action, passing into granitic and porphyritic formations. — Geological Magazine , August. Relations of the Upper and Lower Silurians. — This difficult problem has been solved by Mr. T. Mc’K. Hughes, who, from a very large practical know- ledge, arrives at the conclusion long since (1846) stated by Sedgwick — viz., that “ on the evidence both of mineral structure and of fossils, we are com- pelled to separate the coniston flags from the coniston limestone and calcareous slates, placing the former at the base of the Upper Silurian series of the lake district.” Becidiar Stratum in Arbroath Cemete)'y. — In the Geological Section of the British Association, Mr. Carruthers called attention to specimens of a 464 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. ferruginous layer, common in several districts in Scotland, which he had obtained from the new cemetery at Arbroath. It was a thin compact layer, following the surface of the ground, independent of the nature of the soil, and forming a serious barrier to cultivation. It had never been noticed in systematic works, and, as far as Mr. Carruthers knew, no satisfactory expla- nation had been given of its origin. Ancient Glacier in the Pyrenees. — M. Chas. Martens, who was present at the meeting of the British Association, read a paper on the ancient glacier of the Valley of Argelez. This glacier and its affluents descended from the crest of the Pyrenees, whose summits now reach an altitude varying from 6,000 to 9,000 feet. The roots of the glacier were in the cirques of Gavarnie, Troumouse, Pragneres, &c., and the glacier extended into the plain as far as the villages of Peyrouse, Loubajac, Ade, Juloz, and Arcisac- les- Angles. Along the valley, polished and striated rocks, scratched pebbles, glacial mud, moraines, and erratic boulders, are the proofs of its existence. At Argelez the thickness of the glacier was about 2,100 feet, and, at the opening of the valley at the foot of the Pic de Geer, near Lourdes, 1,290 feet. Between Lourdes and the village of Ade, the railway runs across seven moraines ; and the railway from Lourdes to Pau is cut, as far as the village of Peyrouse, through glacial deposits. The Lake of Lourdes is a glacial lake, barred by a moraine, and surrounded by numerous erratic boulders proceeding from the high Pyrenean mountains. Some of the boulders are of large dimensions : thus one of them, between the lake and the village of Poueyferre, is thirty feet in length, twenty-three feet in width, and eleven feet in height. This lake of Lourdes, surrounded by hills covered with briars, reminds one in many respects of the small lakes of Scotland. MECHANICAL SCIENCE. Water Supply of London. — Mr. Ormsby, C.E., has proposed a plan for obtaining the water-supply of London, perhaps more remarkable for its originality than for its practicability. Starting from the idea that all water which has passed through strata of earth is more or less contaminated, ®Mr. Ormsby proposes to construct non-absorbent receiving beds, by which' the entire rainfall will be collected in the same condition of purity as when it reaches the earth. “ The arrangement of the collecting surfaces may be illustrated by a chess-board, where each square would represent a collecting basin, the centre of which would be two feet lower than the sides. The lines between those squares would represent walls 12 inches thick, 'built about 2 feet high, and filled in behind with earth to such a height as to admit a bed of concrete being laid upon it, so that its upper surface may slope from the edge of the wall to the centre of the basin. Upon this bed of concrete, Bangor or other equally good and durable slates are proposed to be laid, set in cement ; and when this is done, the waterworks are completed, so'that the jsntire rainfall will immediately flow off into the central pipe or chamber which communicates with the receiving reservoir.” Thus, in place of being- driven to the sources of the Severn or Thames, or to the lakes of Westmore- land, for his supply of water, Mr. Ormsby would erect his collectingNbeds SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 465 anywhere in the neighbourhood of London, where the atmosphere is suffi- ciently pure, and obtain his water direct and uncontaminated from the clouds. Dynamical Transmission of Power. — Of all the recent mechanical inven- tions exhibited at Paris, probably none is destined to more important appli- cations, or has required a greater amount of practical skill in its development, than the system for the transmission of motive power to great distances, by means of bands of endless wire rope, exhibited by M. Hiru. The single novelty of principle, if such it can be termed, is the substitution of velocity for weight in the rope ; but the devices by which the system is carried out, so a3 to obviate losses of power on the one hand, and injurious wear on the other, are of the highest merit. For transmitting 120 h.p., M. Hiru adopts a rope only 0*4 inches diameter, passing over pulleys 13 or 14 feet diameter, and making 100 revolutions per minute. With these proportions, inter- mediate supports are not required for less distances than 160 yards. He estimates the loss of power in transmitting 120 h.p. a distance of 12 miles at only 21 h.p. The system has received considerable development in France, having been applied already in 400 instances. An interesting account of the invention will be found in Engineering for June 14. Rifled Small Arms. — The Government have now experimented upon up- wards of 80 breech-loading rifles, sent in for competition with the Snider gun. In the trials for rapidity of fire, the time required to discharge at a target 12 rounds of ammunition varied from 39 seconds (Soper rifle, with Boxer cartridge) to 123 seconds. Gunpowder Magazines. — In reply to the Commission, appointed by Govern- ment after the Erith explosion in 1864, to report on the measures which ought to be taken for the safe storage of gunpowder in magazines, Mr. Mallet has written a most interesting letter on the effects of the explosion of large masses of gunpowder, and on the laws of the propagation of the aerial and earth waves which carry destruction to neighbouring objects. The letter will be found in the Engineer of June 14. Mr. Mallet does not think that great destruction is likely to be caused by the elastic wave of shock propa- gated through the earth, except within a very limited area round the focus. To protect the surrounding country from the effects of the aerial wave, he suggests the construction of a large permanent traverse or bank, in the shadow of which surrounding objects would be secure from the direct action of the aerial wave. In order that this traverse may stand, it must be with- out the sphere of explosion, within which the effect of the explosion is to form a paraboloidal crater in the earth on whose surface it is exploded. The inner slope should have an inclination fixed by the asymptotes of the curve representing the section of the excavated crater. In fact, the magazine should stand in the centre of a conic frustum, or etonnoir. Hot Air Engine. — An interesting and novel form of air-engine, exhibited by Mr. Shaw at Paris, has been experimented upon with the following results : — Duration of experiment, 7 hours. Average work (indicated), 22 h.p. Total fuel used (deducting 20 lbs. remaining unburnt, and 18 lbs. wood for lighting), 222 lbs. Average quantity of fuel per h.p. per hour, l#41bs. 466 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. It will "be seen, that, so far as economy of fuel is concerned, this engine ■attains an efficiency hardly ever reached in a heat-engine, ordinary steam- engines requiring 4|- bs. of coal per h.p. per hour, and the best marine engines 2| lbs. The common vice of air-engines, of inefficiency in the trans- mission of heat from the furnace to the air, Mr. Shaw obviates by passing the whole of the products of combustion through the cylinder ; and to this, doubtless, is to be attributed much of the efficiency of this engine. It re- mains to be seen whether the practical difficulties which beset the use of air at a high temperature have been overcome. The engine has been working for two months in the Exhibition, apparently without any irremediable •defect. Professor Pankin e has contributed to the pages of the Engineer a mathematical investigation of the action of engines of this kind. Solid and Laminated Armour Plates. — We have from time to time noticed those results of the experiments against armour-plates which can more strictly be considered as new scientific facts ; we may, therefore, mention that recent experiments have given a distinct measure of the relative resist- ance of solid armour as used universally in this country, and the laminated armour, or armour of superposed plates, generally adopted in America. In the earlier English experiments with cast-iron Armstrong shot, the laminated armour proved to be most materially weaker than solid armour, but in the recent experiments with chilled iron Paliiser shot with ogival formed heads, the difference, although still marked, is not so great. Three 7-inch targets were erected, one consisting of a solid plate, another of two 3^-inch plates, the third of three 2^-inch plates. With the 7-inch gun and Paliiser shot, a charge of 15 \ lbs. was required to penetrate the solid plate ; 14 lbs. to pene- trate the target of two plates ; and 13 lbs. to penetrate the target of three plates. The work done in each case is proportional to the charge. Strength of Iron and Steel, when subject to Vibration and repeated Changes o f Load. — M. Wohler has made some important experiments on this subject, some of the results of which, with diagrams of the apparatus employed, may be found in Engineering , August 23. When bars were placed so as to be strained alternately by tension and compression, as is the case with axles, the iron bars broke ultimately with 8 to 9 tons per square inch, and the steel bars with 12 to 15 tons. When the repeated strains were in one direction only, the iron required 15 to 18 tons, and the steel 22^ to 25 tons tension. These bars were strained transversely. Bars subjected to simple tension gave similar results. Mont Cenis Railway. — This railway, to which reference has already been made in these notes, is now nearly complete, the first engine and train having successfully made the passage from St. Michel to Susa, crossing the mountain barrier between France and Italy at an elevation of 6,700 feet above the sea. MEDICAL SCIENCE. Muscular Contraction studied under the Microscope. — The myograph which M. Marey employed in investigating the nature of muscular contraction is said by M. Eouget to give very unsatisfactory results. The opinion which SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 467 M. Rouget expresses is that muscular contraction does not consist of a series of successive shocks or vibrations. On the contrary, he says, the muscles of living animals in a state of sustained contraction, appear perfectly motion- less when examined by the microscope. The undulations traced by the myograph exist, according to M. Rouget, only during the period of variable contraction, when the exciting influence has not displayed sufficient in- tensity to call the muscle into complete contraction. When, for example, a powerful electric current is substituted for a weak one, the vibrations, before evident, entirely disapear, the muscle remaining in a perfectly rigid state. The Relation of Cow-pox to Small-pox. — The report which M. Danet presented to the Trench Academy of Medicine contains the following conclusions: — 1. Cow-pox and small-pox are two distinct maladies. 2. Cow-pox does not predispose the patient to any affection. 3. There is no relation between typhoid fever and small-pox. 4. The vaccine matter after a time loses its anti-variolic properties. 5. The vaccine matter is a better preventative of small-pox than the variolous matter. 6. Vaccine matter should be renewed. 7. Predisposition to small-pox is greater among the young and aged than among the middle-aged. 8. Re- vaccination is essential. 9. Even those who have had small-pox should be vaccinated. 10. In passing through the organism, the vaccine matter borrows certain of the matters from the constitution ; vaccination, therefore, from arm to arm may be objectionable. 11. The febrile state is unfavourable to the satisfactory action of the vaccine matter. — Vide I? Institute July 3. Secondary Electro-motive Rower of Nerves. — The memoir which Signor Matteucci has published is likely to throw light on some of the obscure phenomena of secretion. The Italian physiologist finds that this secondary force is far more powerful, and exerts a more decided influence, in chemico- vital operations than is generally believed. Section of the Pneumoyastric Nerves. — In a paper read before the Societe Philomathique of Paris, M. Vulpian has shown that unless both nerves are divided at the same time the consequence is not fatal. He states that no danger follows section of the pneumogastric nerves when an interval of a few weeks is allowed to elapse between the section of the right nerve and that of the left one. He reports the following experiment : — On October 5, 1865, I divided the right pneumogastric nerve of a dog in the middle of the neck, and then brought the two ends together with a suture. On March 15, 1866, 1 performed a similar operation on the left nerve. The results of the operation were vomiting for about a fortnight, and restoration to health in a month after the operation. — Report of Meeting of Societe Philomathique , August 3. A New Theory of Tuberculosis. — M. Lebert has just stated the singular hypothesis that tuberculosis is caused by a constriction of the pulmonary artery. Experiments on Inflammation of the Liver. — The experiment of Herr Holme is an erroneous one. He draws a silk thread through a living animal’s liver. After a few days he removes it, and examines the cells adherent to and entangled in its filaments. From the results obtained by microscopic examination of these he comes to the conclusion that, in the liver, YOL. YI. — NO. XXY. L L 468 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. inflammation makes most progress along the line of hepatic cells, and is less or more impeded by the connecting tissue. — Vide L'Institut, August 28. Experiments on Inflammation of the Trachea. — M. W. Reitz, of St. Peters- burg, has published a paper on the croup-like inflammation of the trachea (windpipe) produced artificially. The experiments made by the author are of interest. The membrane was irritated artificially, and the inflammation followed the irritation in about half an hour. The first effect was the production of a series of new cells, which, according to the author, were evidently derived from the epithelium of the trachea. Subsequently there occurred coagulation of fibrine in the interstices of these cells. Thus there was formed a network of delicate filaments, whose meshes contained cells. These cells, when separated by means of needles, and examined under the microscope, were found to be simple spherical bodies unprolonged into filaments, as is sometimes seen. It was found that at a later period the tracheal rings became also more or less affected. Poisonous Action of Bromide of Potassium. — The experiments of MM. Eulenberg and Guttman show that the action of bromide of potassium is upcn the heart, which, in larger doses, it paralyses. These physiologists injected a solution of the bromide, containing 2 to 4 grammes (from 30 to 40 grains troy) beneath the skin of dogs, and found it produce considerable disturbance of the heart, together with diminution of sensibility, and of the power of voluntary movement. Death followed in from ten to forty minutes, being caused invariably by paralysis of the heart. This result was confirmed by a large number of experiments on frogs and other animals. Liebig' s Food for Infants. — The statement made to the French Academy some weeks since concerning Baron Liebig’s soup for children was likely to injure the reputation of this excellent form of artificial diet. M. Depaul alleged that four children, fed from their birth with Liebig’s food, had all died from its effects. The Academy, having communicated with Baron Liebig, received the explanation of the deaths. The food had been improperly prepared. As the preparation is, therefore, one of importance, we are glad to see that all the difficulties and possible errors are fully gone into in a recent paper by Herr Pfeuffer. This paper is styled Liebig's iSuppe fur Sauglinge , and is published in Aerztliches Intelligenz-Blatt , No. 31. Foes Mercury produce Increased Secretion of Bile? — This was the question asked, but not answered, by a committee formed last winter in Edinburgh. The committee was composed of Professors Christison and Maclagan, of the Edinburgh University ; Dr. Rogers, formerly of St. Petersburg ; Drs. Rutherford, Gamgee, and Erazer, assistants in the Edinburgh University; and Professor Bennett, the Chairman and Reporter. After studying all that had been previously published *by authors (an account of which was fur- nished by Dr. Rogers), the Committee proceeded to make further experi- ments on dogs, the animals which had been found best fitted for the purpose. These experiments were carefully conducted by Drs. Rutherford and Gamgee, occasionally assisted by Dr. Erazer, and superintended by the Committee. Professor Bennett gave the results of four series of experiments as to the amount of bile secreted, with and without mercury. In each case the weight of the animal was ascertained, a tertiary fistula formed, the amount of food ascertained and analysed, and the secretion of bile for twenty-four SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 469 hours measured, and its solids and salts ascertained. Tables were exhibited in which the results arrived at were estimated in relation to each kilogramme of dung and of food. The greatest variations were found to exist in the amount of bile secreted daily, independently of the amount of food or other obvious cause. The same fact was observed when mercury was given. No conclusions, however, were drawn, as further researches were required before so intricate and difficult a subject could be sufficiently investigated. — Vide Report presented to British Association. Influence of Heat on Muscular Contraction. — A very valuable paper has been laid before the French Academy by M. Chmoutevitch, in which the author shows that heat has a greater effect on the determination of muscular contraction than is generally supposed. M. Chmoutevitch conducted his experiments on the gastroenemius of the frog, and has arrived at these con- clusions : — 1. The mechanical power of the muscle increases up to 30° to 33° (Centigrade P), according to its length and tension. 2. If the temperature be raised above 33°, the power of the muscle diminishes, until, as the tempe- rature becomes higher, a point is arrived at which may be called the zero of work. 3. In experimenting with two muscles which, in all but temperature, are under like conditions, it is found that the one Submitted to the higher temperature loses its power of contraction more rapidly than the other. 4. The total work of a muscle (represented by the weight it can sustain) is always greater at a low than at a high temperature. 5. The explanation of the increase of mechanical work during the elevation of temperature is found in this fact, that the elasticity of the muscle increases with the temperature. Is there Animal Electricity ?■ — M. Schultz-Schultzenstein answers, there is not. According to this savant, the researches of Matteucci, Dubois, Reymond, Remak, Radcliffe, and others are valueless, and arose out of a blunder (!). M. Schultzenstein believes that the electric indications which have been attributed by physiologists to the vital action of the tissues, are simply the consequence of the salt and water used in their experiments. He is somewhat dogmatic in the expression of his opinions, and among other startling statements occurs the assertion that a Velectricite animate est une illusion .” He lays down the following conclusions : — 1. The supposition that living muscle produces electricity is incorrect. If needles be plunged into the foot of a living animal and be placed in communication with the galvano- meter no deflection of the needle occurs. — 2. Muscles removed from the body give evidence of electricity, but this is because of the combination of the decomposing tissue with the oxygen of the air. — 3. Salt water causes the galvanometer needle to be very decidedly deflected. This explains why meat like pork which is salted gives evidence of electricity. — 4. The supposed electric current in the human muscle is solely caused by the salt water in contact with the tissue. — 5. In diseased structures the electric current is derived from the decomposing tissues. — 6. The electricity of the secretions is similarly produced. — Vide Comptes Rendus , August 26. A Photo-sphymograph. — At the meeting of the French Academy, on the 19th of August, M. Ozanam gave a description of a new contrivance, some- what like that employed in an observatory, for registering the movements of the pulse. It is a modification of M. Masey’s Sphymograph, a tube of mer- cury being substituted for the indicator. The pulsations being communicated L L 2 470 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. to the column of mercury, the elevation and depression of this latter throw shadows on a revolving sheet of photographic paper and are thus re- corded. The Coagulation of the Blood. — With a degree of moral courage which we fear few of our savants would venture to show, Dr. Richardson has with- drawn his theory of the coagulation of the "blood. At the meeting of the British Association he announced that recent research showed the ammonia hypothesis to be no longer tenable, and he therefore begged to withdraw it. Experiments which he had lately made on the influence of extremes of heat and cold on albuminous and fibrinous fluids, have shown to him that the process of coagulation in these fluids is due to a communication of caloric force to them, and to a physical or molecular change, determined by the condition of their constituent water. Thus all substances which possess the power of holding blood in the fluid condition, through fixed alkalies, various soluble salts, and volatile alkali, in every respect act after the manner of cold. They render latent so much heat, and in the absence of that heat the fibrine remains fluid. In the opposite sense, every substance which combines with water and produces condensation, with liberation of heat, quickens coagula- tion. The direct effects of heat and cold illustrate the same truth, and upon these facts turn the differences of coagulation in animals of different temperatures. Those of our philosophers who work for reputation alone (not a few), may think a recantation like that of Dr. Richardson’s rather a perilous proceeding. To some small minds it may seem so. We venture to believe, however, that the step Dr. Richardson has taken redounds in the highest manner to his credit, and we believe that it will only add another honour to a name which has always been associated with that honest pursuit of science which results from an earnest desire to discover truth. VulpiarHs Experiments on the Heart. — M. Vulpian lately described to the Societe Philomathique his curious experiments on dogs. These experiments were conducted with a view to ascertain the mode of origin and cause of inflammation of the heart. In each case the animal was laid on its back, and the flesh having been opened with a scalpel just over the point at which the apex of the heart strikes the chest, a trochar was driven into the cavity of the heart. This being effected, small portions of copper wire, pieces of wood, and so forth, were introduced into the heart, and the instrument was then removed. The animals being then released, some of them died and some recovered. Post-mortem examination showed that in both cases the wires had penetrated the substance of the heart, and in others had been forced by the blood-current into the arteries, in some of which their further passage was obstructed. In one instance, the copper wire lodged in the subclavian artery, and produced a well-marked endo-arteritis, consisting of a softening of the walls, fissure of the inner membrane, and a sort of vegetation. — Report of meeting of the Societe Philomathique , July 6. The cause of Osteomalacea is thus explained by M. Drivon in a paper published in the Gazette Medicate de Lyon , for July : — The diseased bones contain lactates, and probably lactic acid in considerable quantity ; these help to dissolve the earthy carbonates and phosphates, which being then resorbed, produce the softened condition characteristic of this malady. The Poison of the Spotted Salamander. — The poisonous substance of the SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 471 secretion of the Salamandra maculata has been chemically examined by M. Zalesky. M. Zalesky has succeeded in isolating the active principle, which is an amorphous colourless mass soluble in water. M. Zalesky calls it salaman- drine , and states that it possesses, in an intense degree, the poisonous properties of the secretion from which it is extracted. METALLURGY, MINERALOGY, AND MINING. Aluminium Bronze in Machinery. — M. Hulot, of the French Imperial Mint, has called attention to the fact that the perforating tools employed in the division of postage-stamp st are rapidly blunted by the gum used to render the stamp adhesive. Indeed, so rapidly is the effect produced, that after a few hours’ work the tools, instead of piercing the paper, only crush it. M. Hulot replaces the steel by aluminium-bronze at 10 per cent., and the new tool, striking 126,000 blows per day, or 180,000,000 holes, has worked for several months without need of repairs. Aluminium-bronze does not unite freely with spider by the old process ; but if we take equal quantities of zinc-amalgam and common solder, aluminium-bronze can be admirably sol- dered together by it. This solder becomes better, again, if it is alloyed with once or twice its weight of tin. Thus there are three excellent solders — 1st, solder with half its weight of amalgam ; 2nd, with a fourth ; 3rd, with an eighth. The Manufacture of Zinc. — A paper on the relative value of the Belgian and Silesian processes for the manufacture of zinc has lately appeared in the Berg- und llutten-Zeitung (1867, No. 24). From this it appears that the Belgian furnaces, with sixty retorts, in seven or eight horizontal rows, require less fuel, have a more intense heat, a quicker process, and a greater yield, than the Silesian apparatus. On the other hand, the Silesian furnaces require less skilful workmen, but burn a smaller quantity of coal. The Silesian process extracts more zinc from the ore, whilst the Belgian furnaces have for a given time a greater productiveness. When the ore forms tough slags, the Silesian method is preferable. The Economisation of Sulphurous Acid in Copper Smelting. — At the late meeting of the British Association, Mr. P. Spence gave an account of a pro- cess for saving the sulphurous acid, which seems likely to come into use. The following is the plan adopted : — In the calcining furnace sulphur and arsenic are dissipated into the air, but a portion of the sulphur remains, which in the smelting furnace sinks below the silicate of iron, to be run off with the copper, and afterwards, when the regulus is again calcined, more of the sulphur is given off. By catching this vapour of sulphur in a draught of heated air passed along the furnaces, the sulphurous acid which is formed is introduced into the leading chambers, when it is converted into sulphuric acid. The Perseberg Iron Mines , Sweden. — Dr. C. Le Neve Foster read a paper on the above, before the British Association at Dundee. The author de- scribed some important deposits of magnetic iron-ore which are now being worked near Philipstadt, in Sweden. The ore occurs in beds, which follow 472 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. the various contortions of the surrounding rocks. It is found in Halleflindt — a rock which is considered by the Swedish geologists to be a compact variety of gneiss. The ore is always accompanied by a rock consisting of garnet, hornblende, augite, and epidote. The author compared the large deposits of Perseberg to "a deposit at the Crown’s Pock, Botallack Mine, near St. Just, Cornwall, where magnetite is accompanied by the same minerals, and occurs under the same conditions as at Perseberg, only on a much smaller scale. Analysis for Black Spindle. — At one of the recent meetings of the French Academy, M. Pisani gave the results of his analysis of a black spinelle from the Haute Loire. The specimen was remarkable from its crystalline form, which was that of an octohedral pyramid, and it is found also in the igneous rocks of Auvergne. The following is its composition : — Alumina 59*06 Ferric oxide 10-72 Ferrous oxide * 13-60 Magnesia ........ 17-20 Copper'- Nickel Alloy. — The following method for the production of this alloy has been described by M. Stromeyer in a late number of the Chemical News, and is that in general use at Dittenburg Nassau : — 1. Bate melting : roasting the ore, and smelting it to coarse metal. 2. Concentration melting : roasting the coarse metal, and smelting it to concentration of a regulus. 3. Refining melting : separation of the iron from the concentrated regulus. 4. Roasting and reducing process : transformation of the regulus into oxides of copper and nickel by roasting, and the reduction of the latter to copper- nickel. The further details of the processes will be found in the Chemical Neivs, August 2. Composition of Specular Iron. — The following result of the analysis of the iron used for cast-steel cannons has been given in a German chemical journal. The specimen was dissolved by electrolysis in hydrochloric acid : — Carbon # . . . 3-758 Iron ......... 87*997 Manganese 6-555 Phosphorus . . 0-578 Silicon . . . 0-497 Sulphur 0-171 Calcium 0-127 Copper 0-120 Arsenic 0*118 Magnesium 0-052 Antimony 0*027 Silver, lead, bismuth trace. Vide Annalen der Chemief bd. 140, p. 180. Russian Mineralogy. — The French Academy has been presented by M. Kokscharow with the fifth volume of his Materialien zur Mineralogie Russ- lands. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 473 Petroleum for Steam Engines. — Some experiments have been lately made in America which seem to show that petroleum has many advantages as a fuel oyer coal. A gunboat called the Palos was used for the experiments. She had been built for the Government, to make a speed of eight knots an hour, and with coal could never be forced beyond that. First she was tied to the dock, and the possibility of getting-up steam with petroleum was demonstrated. She was then sent on a trial trip down the harbour. Steam was got up with petroleum in 25 minutes, and the Palos steamed down the harbour and back, a distance of 25 nautical miles, in 1 hour and 55 minutes. In making this trip she consumed but four barrels of petroleum. The fires are reported to be kindled and extinguished with nearly the same ease as lighting and extinguishing a gas-burner. The furnaces of the Palos, originally built for burning coal, were fitted at comparatively small expense with burners, to which the petroleum was led by pipes from the tanks on deck. The burners, by their own heat, turn the petroleum in the pipes into gas, and in this form it is burnt. The flames produced are intensely hot, and the petroleum burnt on the trip produced as much steam as 20 times its bulk in coals — a great saving of room in ocean voyages. The dangerous properties of the petroleum appear to be the only drawback to its use in this way, for coal-burning furnaces can be adapted to its use at but a trifling- expense. The supply of petroleum is now so much greater than the demand that, even with three-fourths of the wells in the producing regions aban- doned, it can be bought for 2d. a gallon. Its cheapness is, therefore, another strong inducement to use it for generating steam. Anticrustation Mixture for Boilers. — The following recipe is given in a number of Eisner's chemisch-technische Notizen: — 125 kilos, of crystallised chloride of barium dissolved in 50 kilos, of water with addition of 25 kilos, of hydrochloric acid (specific gravity T20). To every 1000 litres = 1 cubic metre = 35 -5 cubic feet English, 15 litres of this acid solution should be applied. Constitution of Fire-Clays. — In a paper published in a late number of Silliman's Journal , Messrs. Johnson and Blake state that compounds, such as pipe-clay, fire-clay, and kaolin, all contain a peculiar crystalline substance, which they term kaolinite. Seen under the microscope by reflected light these clays appear white, but when the light is sent through them they appear translucent. Interspersed among the particles may be seen curiously plate- shaped particles 0*0001 of an inch in breadth. Blast Furnace. — It is stated in the Bevue Universelle that Morgan’s method of increasing the production of ^blast-furnaces sixfold, is by giving them greater dimensions, for instance, 9| metres in diameter, blowing into the furnace by 12 tuyeres. A hollow cone is besides constructed in the middle part of the bottom of the furnace, by means of which a blast is also intro- duced into the furnace. Artificial Gold. — The alloy bearing this name has recently attracted some attention in this country from the supposition that its employment is likely to benefit on tin and copper workers. A contemporary gives the following account of it : — It is composed of pure copper, 100 parts; pure tin, 17 parts ; magnesia, 6 parts ; tartar of commerce, 9 parts ; sal ammoniac, 3-6 parts ; and quicklime, T6 part. The copper is first melted, then the 474 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. lime, magnesia, sal ammoniac, and tartar are added, little at a time, and the whole is briskly stirred for about half-an-hour, so as to mix thoroughly, after which the tin is thrown on the surface in small grains, stirring until entirely fused. The crucible is now covered, and the fusion kept up for about thirty-five minutes, when the dross is skimmed off, and the alloy found ready for use. It is quite malleable and ductile, and may be drawn, stamped, chased, beaten into powder, or into leaves, like gold-leaf. In all of which conditions it is not distinguishable from gold even by good judges, except by its inferior weight. The alloy has already been largely applied in the United States, and requires only to be known in Great Britain to become & favourite. — Vide the Engineer , July 19. METEOROLOGY. Classification of Meteorites. — A classification of meteorites which will be found useful by those engaged in the study of these bodies, has been given by M. Daubree in a paper read before the French Academy in July. M. Daubree divides all meteorites into two primary groups, Siderites and Aside- rites — the former being characterised by the presence of metallic iron, and the latter by its absence. The Asiderites contains one group only, which is termed Asideres. The Siderites are divided into two sections : in the first the specimens do not enclose stony particles, and in this we find the group of Holosideres ; in the second both iron and stony matter are present. This, then, includes two groups : Syssideres, in which the iron is seen as a con- tinuous mass 5 and Sporadosideres, in which the iron is present in the form of scattered grains. A Town without Ozone. — From the experiments which have been made since 1852 by the Hydrometric Commissioner of Lyons it would appear that the atmosphere of this town is devoid of ozone. The results more recently arrived at by the officials of the Imperial Observatory point to the same fact. The observations conducted by these workers have not yet been published in full. Meanwhile, M. Fournet gives the conclusions arrived at by his resumed observations at Lyons and the suburbs, with the co-operation of M. Lambert and Rassinier. While ozone was very abundant at Sauvage, on the heights of Tararae, a range of hills separating the basins of the Loire and Rhone, traces were barely perceptible once or twice a month at Lyons. It is well known that it has been often maintained that the arrival of the cholera was coincident with the disappearance of ozone in the air. The example of Lyons does not agree well with this assertion ; this city is not subject to cholera, and, at the same time, its atmosphere is always deprived of oxygen. — Vide Foreign Correspondence, Chemical News, July. Rainfall of the 1 6th July. — In his “ Magazine ” for August, Mr. Symons dwells upon the more remarkable features of this severe rainfall. Without attempting to explain the fact that in some localities the rainfall was twice that of others, at a distance of a few miles, he gives the more striking examples. For instance, twice as much rain fell at Deptford as at Camden Town, one having 4 inches and the other 2|, the distance between the two being only seven miles. Again, at Maidstone, the fall was equal to 2'7 SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 475 inches, while at Linton Park, seven miles off, the fall was P5 inches. At Hartlip the guages recorded over 5 inches of rain j hut at Tong, a distance of six miles, the records show a fall of only 1*64. As we have said, Mr. Symons does not explain these singular differences between the rainfall of contiguous stations, but we think the fact may depend on the same principle as the ordinary snow-drift. Hurricanes of the Indian Ocean. — At the meeting of the British Associa- tion, Mr. Meldrum read a paper pointing out facts of considerable meteorolo- gical interest. After showing how these hurricanes originated between the S.E. trade wind and N.W. monsoon, how the wind in them rotated from left to right, or with the hands of a watch, how they travelled at first to S.W. and then curved to S. and S.E., Mr. Meldrum alluded to their form, showing that the wind blew spirally, and illustrated the subject by interesting quo- tations from the log-book of the Earl of Dalhousie, a vessel which, he believed, belonged to the port of Dundee, and which in May 1863 had scudded round and round the centre of a revolving storm three times, at the rate of 10 to 13 knots, nearing the centre as she went round it. As the S.E. trade wind frequently blew strongly over many degrees of longitude during a hurricane, with a falling barometer, it was impossible to know the bearing of the centre when a vessel was in front of a storm, and at some distance from the centre, and Mr. Meldrum could adduce instances of great loss of life and property arising from vessels in those circumstances adopting the recommendation usually given of running to the westward or north-west. In could not also be made too widely known that a large portion, perhaps the largest, of the losses caused by hurricanes in those seas arose from the fact that homeward bound vessels took apparent advantage of increasing N.E. winds between 10° and 16° S. and, running to the south-west, got in front of the storm, in which they were often dis- masted, if they did not founder ; whereas, by lying to for a few hours, or proceeding cautiously to the southward, the storm would have been avoided. S ingidar Effects of Lightning. — Sir David Brewster has published an account of the effects of lightning in Forfarshire which is of much interest. In the summer of 1827 a hay-stack was struck by lightning. The stack was on fire, but before much of the hay was consumed the fire was extin- guished by the farm servants. Upon examining the hay-stack, a circular passage was observed in the middle of it, as if it had been cut out with a sharp instrument. This circular passage extended to the bottom of the stack, and terminated in a hole in the ground. Captain Thomson, of Mon- trose, who had a farm in the neighbourhood, examined the stack, and found in the hole a substance which he described as resembling lava. A portion of this substance was sent by Captain Thomson to Sir David’s brother, Dr. Brewster, of Craig, who forwarded it to Sir David, with the preceding state- ment. The substance found in the hole was a mass of silex obviously formed by the fusion of the silex in the hay. It had a highly greenish tinge, and contained burnt portions of the hay. Sir David presented the specimen to the museum of St. Andrews. Observations on Atmospheric Electricity. — The observations made at Kew on this subject have been contrasted by Professor Everett, of Nova Scotia, with those made at Windsor, N.S. The Kew observations referred to ex- tended from June 1862 to May 1864, inclusive, and were taken with Sir 476 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Wm. Thomson’s self-recording apparatus, specimens of the'photographic curves thus taken being exhibited at the meeting. The Windsor observa- tions, taken by Dr. Everett with apparatus of a different kind, also invented by Sir Wm. Thomson, but not self-recording, extended from October 1862 to August 1864. Monthly averages which had been taken showed that at Kew there had in every month been two maxima in the day — one of them between eight and ten A.M., and the other, which was more considerable, between eight and ten p.m. At Windsor, on the contrary, the electricity between eight and ten p.m. had in every month been weaker than either between eight and ten a.m. or between two and three p.m. The annual curve for Kew had its principal maximum in November, and another in February or March. At Windsor the principal maximum was in February or March, and the minimum in June and November. The annual curves for the two places agreed pretty well from January to October, but were curved in opposite directions from October to January. A New Test for Ozone. — In the Comptes Rendus for July, Admiral Berigny records numerous experiments upon the correct methods of detecting ozone in the atmosphere, and states that he has found protoxide of thallium the most delicate test. While, for example, ordinary oxygen produces little effect on papers saturated with solution of this substance, ozone instantly reveals its presence by giving a brown tint to the paper. Unfortunately, li owever, for the practical usefulness of the new test, it is found that car- bonic acid affects the protoxide of thallium in the same manner as ozone. Hence, the discovery has little more than a purely theoretical value. Relation of Ozone to Direction of Wind. — The results arrived at by obser- vations made at sea by Mr. W. F. Moffat, B.N., and reported by Dr. Moffat to the British Association, are very remarkable. It was found that as the wind veered with increasing readings of the barometer from south points of the compass through W. to N., ozone disappeared, and continued absent while the wind was in points between N. and E., and that it re- appeared as the wind veered with decreasing readings of the barometer to S. points. The disappearance and reappearance of ozone with those con- ditions were so regular, that the changes appeared to be the result of an invariable atmospheric law, and Mr. Moffat was induced to examine the law of rotation of the wind, so clearly developed by Dove, and the results of the examination led him to believe that the polar current is the non-ozoniferous, or that of minimum of ozone, and that the equatorial is the ozoniferous, or that of the maximum of ozone. According to the rotation theory, the N. polar current forms the N.E. “ Trade,” and the S. polar the S.E. “ Trade,” while the equatorials form the northern and southern hemispheres to upper or returning “ Trades.” These returning “Trades ” come to the earth’s surface in the northern and southern hemispheres about the 28° or 30° of latitude — the latitude varies with the season — N. and S. of the equator. If these deductions are to be relied upon, the N.E. and S.E. 11 Trades ” ought to be the minimum of ozone currents, and the returning (t Trades” the maximum of ozone currents, the one in the northern hemisphere forming the S.W. wind, and the other in the southern hemisphere a N.W. wind. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 477 MICROSCOPY. New Class and Demonstrating Microscope. — In teaching histology to large classes of students, two forms of microscopes are required : one for the laboratory, with which the student himself works, and one for the class-room, which the lecturer hands to the nearest student, who passes it to his neighbour, and so on till it travels round the class. The idea of combining these two forms in a single microscope occurred to us as being both economical and convenient. The instrument represented in the adjoining cut was therefore prepared for us by Mr. Collins, of Titchfield Street. Pig. 1 represents the microscope as used in the laboratory, with a double nose-piece bearing a 1 -inch and i-inch object- glass. Fig. 2 shows the microscope as used in the Pig. 1. As used in the Pig. 2. As used in the Lecture-room. Laboratory. NEW CLASS AND DEMONSTRATING MICROSCOPE. lecture-room : the leg is drawn out from the sliding tube, which works in the knuckle joint in the solid metal foot, and bears the mirror; on this there is fitted a small oil-lamp, and the instrument being grasped by the curved portion between the body and stage, and used like a telescope, trans- parent objects placed on the stage are seen with the greatest distinctness. It is remarkable, but it is no less true, that no amount of ordinary flickering of the flame is perceptible by the observer. The instrument is provided with a good 1-inch and also 5-inch objective, which show the markings on Pleurosigma formosum most satisfactorily. The instrument is intended to meet the want of teachers in medical schools and public institutions, and has just been selected for the histological laboratory at St. Mary’s Hospital. An Adjustable Notating Microscope-table has been devised by Messrs. Loam and Fearns, and is likely to be useful to those who use a circular table when exhibiting NEW rotating microscope table. microscopic objects to a number of persons. It is triangular in form and, when placed in position, its apex corresponds to 478 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. the centre of the table on which it rests ; at its base it rests on two rollers, and its apex swings on a vertical pivot. When, therefore, the microscope and lamp are placed on this u rotating table ” and adjusted to each other, the two may be sent round from one observer to another, as in a roulette- board. The pivot being movable, the rotating table can be made of any radius, and can then be adapted to the size of the loo-table on which it is placed. Amateur microscopists will do well to provide themselves with this little addition to the list of microscope accessories. A Telescopic Lamp. — A microscope lamp, which may be found convenient, has been constructed by Messrs. Murray and Heath, of Jermyn Street. In the form of the lamp itself there is little new ; but the stand is peculiar. It consists of three telescopic sliding tubes, the innermost of which is the cylinder which contains the oil. The object of this arrangement is that, without the ordinary contrivances, the light may be elevated or depressed. The tubes are provided with a screw-thread which prevents the lamp from descending from the point at which it is fixed. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 479 A Pocket Microscope of a very cheap description has been constructed by Messrs. Frith. It is intended to be used by amateurs in the examination of mites and “ wheel insects.” It is simply an extremely small lens, whose cor- rections are imperfect. This is approximated by a screw to a glass disc on which the object is placed. The makers’ description will interest readers who are versed in microscopical terminology. It states that the instrument is divided into four parts, viz., “the Eye-piece, composed of two screws in the centre, between which is placed the lens, or magnifying glass ; 2nd — the Object-glass, on the centre of which the objects are placed, and which is fixed to No. 3, or the body or tube ; 4th — the Condenser of natural light, at the extreme end, which must be used only by daylight and taken off by gaslight, when the observer must point the open end of the tube towards the gas or candlelight, to receive the rays direct.” We may state that the condenser is simply a diaphragm, with an aperture of £ inch diameter. PHOTOGRAPHY. Improved Process for making Photographic Transfers. — Amongst recent patents connected with photography is one taken out by Mr. G. Morvan, of New Jersey, U.S., for making transfers to lithographic stone, &c. A nega- tive being obtained from the design, it is printed by light on paper prepared as follows : — A suitable paper, albumenised or not, is placed in a] bath of sour milk, for the purpose of giving it greater strength and solidity. When taken from this, it is allowed to dry at an ordinary temperature, and is coated with the following material : half a pound of French glue dissolved in a pint of water, added while boiling to a solution of one-third of an ounce of permanganate of potash in a quart of water, and used cool. The paper thus coated is dried in the dark, and exposed under the negative. After removing, and before developing, cover the first coating with another com- posed of equal parts of bitumen, white wax, and Burgundy pitch, dissolved in a sufficient quantity of essence of lavender to allow of its being spread smoothly over the surface. Let this also dry in the dark j after which place it with the black side upwards in a bath of cold water, which dissolves those parts on which the light has not acted, and carries with it the super- incumbent mixture of wax, bitumen, and Burgundy pitch. The proof is finished by a few strokes of a sponge, and, when dry, can be transferred to lithographic stone, or to zinc or other metal, by contact and pressure in the ordinary manner ; to be printed from, if on stone, and to be engraved with acids on the metal, the composition protecting the parts it covers from the action of the etching fluid. Photography by Artificial Light. — Professor Falkland, in the course of some lectures on coal gas, delivered at the Royal Institution, pointed out the value of a new and intensely brilliant light to which photographers have recently had their attention directed, as being very actinic and manageable, and in other ways peculiarly fitted for photographic uses. Bisulphide of carbon warmed until it gives off vapour freely, is ignited, when it burns 480 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. •with a pale blue flame giving a feeble light. A jet of g as, obtained by the action of nitric acid on copper, being allowed to play through this burning vapour, the result is a very brilliant actinic light, which can be kept up for a considerable time with a very small amount of trouble. It must be remembered, in using this light, that the burning bisulphide of carbon gives off fumes of sulphurous acid. The Nature of the Latent Image. — In our last we gave what were called 11 some entirely new views” on this subject, as advanced by an American, Mr. Carey Lea. This gentleman has since been very active in promulgating his theory; and although it has been very clearly shown in the English j oumals to which he contributes that, as we suspected (see note page 344), he has no claim to be regarded as the originator of such views, still, in the American journals, he continues to assume the position of one who first com- municated them to the public, and to strangely exaggerate their importance. Air. W. H. Harrison laid claim to having first published the ideas Air. Lea pertinaciously claims as his own, and a controversy ensued, in which the latter gentleman strove to show that Mr. Harrison’s views entirely differed from his own, and that they were false, basing his argument upon the assumption that Air. Harrison held the action of light to be simply an augmentation of the amplitude of the ordinary vibrations of molecules com- posing the sensitive surface — an assumption not warranted by Air. Harrison’s remarks. At an early stage of the controversy, Air. Harrison gracefully withdrew his claims to priority of publication in favour of Air. Alungo Ponton, F.R.S.E., who, in reply to Air. Lea, says * u The vibrations which we (himself and Air. Harrison) suppose to be effected by the light, are not the ordinary vibrations between molecule and molecule of the sensitive compound incident to its temperature ; but a totally distinct set of very minute vibrations established between atom and atom of the constituent of each molecule 'of the substance. Whether such minute vibrations exist at all before exposure to the light, is unimportant ; but it is evident that the greater the motive energy of the light brought to bear upon them, the greater will be the amplitude of those vibrations ; consequently the greater will be the facility for effecting a separation between the atoms. The rate of vibration is a different affair, and will depend on the nature of the constituent atoms, and the strength of the chemical attraction by which they are held together. The more nearly the natural rate at which these atoms tend to vibrate approaches to the rate of the violent waves, the more readily will they take up the motion from those waves and have their amplitude thereby enlarged. But their rate will not be altered by the energy which they absorb from the ethereal waves ; while, even if it were quickened, such acceleration of the rate could not produce any increased tendency to decomposition. An increase of motive energy can affect a vibration in only one of two ways : it must either quicken its rate, or enlarge its amplitude. Now the doubling or even the trebling of the rate of vibration between two heterogeneous atoms constituting a compound molecule, could have no effect in promoting their permanent^separation : but every increase in the amplitude of the vibration In the British Journal of Photography. SCIENTIFIC SUMMAKY. 481 removes the one atom to a greater distance from the other, at the moment of farthest departure from the point of rest ; while such an increase of distance must produce a corresponding momentary weakness in the attrac- tion by which the two atoms are held together, so rendering more easy their permanent separation. The tendency to separation would also be increased by a lowering of the rate of vibration simultaneously with the increase of amplitude, because it would prolong the moment of weakest attraction. It is obvious that no augmentation in the amplitude of those ordinary vibra- tions of the molecules of a compound body which are incident to its temperature could produce the same effect ; because the atoms of each molecule are not in this manner made to vary their distance one from an- other. ... In order that the vibrations between the atoms constituting a compound molecule may have their motion amplified by those of the lumineferous ether, it is not necessary that the latter should be exactly synchronous with the natural rate at which the atoms tend to vibrate, although the more nearly they are synchronous the more effective they will be. Where we have 800 billions of vibrations in a second, a few millions more or less can be of little importance.” Mr. Ponton concludes that the action of light in fluorescence, is quite different from what it is in photo- graphy. u In fluorescence, the molecules, or their constituent atoms, on taking up the motion from the ethereal waves, change its rate. The incident light is absorbed and a new set of ethereal waves is propagated by the vibrat- ing atoms or molecules, and these new waves have a rate of vibration slower than that of the incident waves ; hence the colour corresponds to these more leisurely vibrations ; hence, also, incident ethereal waves too rapid in their rate of vibration to affect the optic nerve, may stimulate the molecules or atoms to propagate waves of that slower rate of vibration which is capable of exciting the nerve into action. The waves whose vibrations are thus appropriated and lowered in their rate by the fluorescent body, are those most active in photography ; and hence fluorescent surfaces are photographically inert, the waves which they propagate being of too slow a period to be effective in this manner. The continuance of the vibratory action, after the exciting light has been removed, is similar to phosphorescence. Every motion once begun has a tendency to continue till checked by some retarding force. It is, therefore, not at all wonderful that the vibrations between the constituent atoms of the molecules of the sensitive substance should continue for a considerable time after being re- moved from the excitement of the light. The phenomenon is of the same nature as the retention of its heat by a body for a considerable time after it has been taken out of the fire.” * At an earlier stage of the controversy, other views were advanced, but we have not space for further particulars. Awards of Photographic Jurors at the Paris Exhibition. — We give a list of the English photographers who have carried off honours at the Paris * E. C., writing in the British Journal of Photography , in reply to the above statement, asks : u How is it, then, that dry plates have been developed several years after exposure, and commonly months' afterwards, without more than ordinary difficulty P It is evident that in the film the c excitement ’ must still be kept up without appreciable diminution .” 482 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. International Exhibition. Messrs. Bedford, England, Mudd, Thurston, Thompson, and Robinson were each awarded a silver medal for landscape photographs. Figure and portrait photographers were not recognised as worthy the silver medals, and therefore received medals in bronze. The names of those thus distinguished are Messrs. Blanchard and Mayall, the latter award being for enlargements from small negatives. Bronze medals were also awarded to Messrs. Grigg3, Col. Briggs, Bourne and Shepherd, Macfarlane, Heath, Col. Stuart Wortley, and White, for landscape photo- graphy. For cabinet work a bronze medal was awarded to Meagher, and for lenses to Mr. T. Ross ; Mr. Cherril received a bronze medal for carbon prints, Caldesi one for medallion photographs, and M. Joubert one for his enamel process. A silver medal was awarded to Mr. Swan for an improved carbon -printing process, to Mr. Woodbury for a new mode of printing, and to Mr. Dallmeyer for a triplet object-glass. The following names were associated with “ honourable mention ” : — Beasley, Bean, Brownrigg, Cameron, Coghill, Cramb, Cruttenden, Grisdale, Hemphill, Hosmer the Pantoscopic Company, Pouncy, Ross (of Edinburgh), Rouch, Royal Artil- lery, Soloman, H. Swann, Thomas, S. Thompson, Verschoyle, Wardlv, and Wilson. There have been, as was to be expected, perhaps, many charges of unfairness and undue partiality brought forward in connection with these awards, and some very striking inconsistencies have been noted ; but the worst case published is that which Mr. Thomas Ross has called public attention to, viz., the jurors deciding upon giving a medal for excellence in lenses which they had not examined, simply because they were exhibited by a manufacturer of known repute. This medal, the only one awarded for general excellence in photographic lenses, Mr. Ross generously declined to receive, upon the ground of the injustice of a mode of proceeding which deprived every young and unknown optician of that fair chance in honour- able competition which each exhibitor has a right to demand and to expect. Photography at the British Association. — Photography has not played a very prominent part at the meeting at Dundee, although its productions were used to illustrate papers in most of the sections. Professor J. C. Maxwell, F.R.S., introduced a new stereoscope in section A. The effect of looking through this instrument was very novel and striking. In the ordi- nary stereoscope the observer applies his eyes to the two lenses, seeing one picture with the left, and the other with the right eye. In Professor Max- well’s the observer stands a short distance from the apparatus and looks with both eyes through the large lens. The instrument consists of a board about two feet long, on which is placed — 1. A vertical frame, to hold the side turned upside down. 2. A sliding piece near the middle of the board, containing two lenses of six inches focal length placed side by side, with their centres about 1| inch apart. 3. A frame containing a lens of about eight inches focal length and three inches diameter. The eye should be placed about two feet from the large lens. With his right eye he sees the real image of the left-hand picture formed by the left-hand lens in the air, close to the large lens, and with the left eye he sees the real image of the other picture formed by the other lens in the same place. The image may be magnified or diminished at pleasure by sliding the piece containing the two lenses nearer to or farther from the pictures. ' SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 483 M. Claudet called attention to an improved instrument which is used to equalise the focus of a lens on different planes. Sir David Brewster made some remarks on the enamel photographs of Mr. McCraw, of Edinburgh, and M. Claudet read a short communication on the result of some experi- ments with non-achromatic lenses of rock-crystal and topaz, the results of which, he said, were very promising, which experiments he had been in- duced to make by the theory Sir David Brewster published many years since. In Section B, Mr. J. Spiller, F.C.S., read a paper on certain new processes in photography. These processes were the various modifications of Mr. Woodbury’s, micro-photosculpture, photolithography as practised in the Boyal Arsenal at Woolwich, and a process of printing on silk, satin, or cambric, practised by Mr. H. B. Pritchard, of the War Department. Action of Light on Honey. — M. Scheibler has attributed the crystallisms of honey to the photographic action of light, and thus explains why bees carefully exclude light from their hives, as, if light obtained access, the syrup on which the young bees feed would, by becoming more or less solid, seal up the cells, and probably prove fatal to the inmates of the hive. PHYSICS. Action of Glass Rods in Liberating Gases from Solution. — Mr. Chas. Tom- linson’s researches on this point show that the phenomena of liberation of the gas depend, not on any peculiar action in air or gas, but on whether the rods are clean or not. The theory that he proposes to substitute rests on the distinction between a chemically clean solid and one that is clean in the ordinary sense of the word. If the solid be chemically clean, there is perfect adhesion between it and the solution, and there is no liberation of gas ; if the solid be not chemically clean, then the adhesion is imperfect, and there is a separation of gas. If the water is not attracted by the solid, the gas is ; for although the rod may not be clean enough for water to adhere to it, yet gas will adhere to a dirty or a greasy rod. If the rod be made chemically clean, it soon ceases to be so by exposure to the air ; and this circumstance, accord- ing to Mr. Tomlinson, has led the numerous writers on supersaturated solutions of salts into error as to the action of nuclei , &c., in inducing crys- tallisation. If the nucleus be chemically clean, the solution wets it perfectly, and there is no separation of salt from the water ; if the nucleus be not chemically clean, there is separation. — Vide Philosophical Magazine , August. Lnfluence of Capillary Action on Chemical Decomposition. — M. Becquerel continues his researches on the action of capillarity in chemical decomposi- tions. In his third communication he gave a new set of illustrations of the law already expressed by him. He stated that the phenomena described by him in his earlier papers are due to the influence of three agencies — affinity, capillarity, and electricity. To demonstrate the intervention of electricity, M. Becquerel has made the following experiment: he immersed his split bell-glass, containing nitrate of copper, in a second bell containing a solution of monosulphide, as in the first experiments ; then he dips the two extremities of a silver wire, one into the nitrate, and the other into the monosulphide. A YOL. YI. NO. XXY. M M 484 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. constant electric current is formed : (1) The deposit of silver is made not in the capillary slit, hut on the iron ; (2) When the wire is removed the deposit is formed in the slit and on the edges along the side of the split hell- glass. The capillary action is as powerful as an electrical action. M. Becquerel continues to improve his experiments ; for the split hell-glass he substitutes prisms of crystal glass pierced with a small hole ; the slit or fissure is replaced by plates of glass with edges in contact, or even by sand ; and he has thus obtained effects of silvering, gilding, and platinising. — Vide Comptes Rendus , July 1, and Chemical News . A new Polarising Photometer was described by its inventor, Mr. W. Crookes, F.B.S., at the British Association meeting at Dundee. He was unable to exhibit the instrument itself, but he gave the following description of it : Two discs, emitting natural — not polarised — light, are placed in front, and at a considerable distance behind is a doubly-refracting prism of Iceland spar, rendered achromatic by a piece of glass, which will separate the light emitted by the two discs into three ; but, for the purposes of the instrument, the outer two must be disregarded. The difference of intensity between the original self-emitting discs is proportioned to the free polarised light found in the central disc of light. This is again split up, and the difference of intensity between the first discs is ascertained from the difference between these final ones. In comparing the light of two stars, Mr. Crookes makes use of Arago’s Polarimeter, which, twisted in one direction, gradually cuts off one kind of light, and when twisted in the opposite direction, cuts off the other kind of light, so that the intensity of the light is measured by the angle through which the instrument must be turned. Recent Memoir on Optics. — Herr Dove, the celebrated physicist and me- teorologist, has presented to the Academy of Berlin a memoir in which he discusses the following important points : — 1. The formation of white by uniting the colours of the spectrum; 2. The subjective colours in the electric spark ; 3. The inversions in monocular or binocular vision of per- spective drawings or transparent bodies; and 4. The polarization of light by successive reflections. — PInstitut, August. Improvements in Voltaic Piles. — Certain improvements have been sug- gested by M. Zaliwski Mikorski. The latest experiments of the physicist show that by increasing the height of the elements without altering their base, a current proportionate to the height may be obtained. He recommends the following method for increasing the energy and permanency of a Bunsen’s battery Place two porous vessels one within the other : into the first, con- taining the carbon, pour nitric acid ; into the second, sulphuric acid ; finally, into the outer vessel, containing the zinc, pour sal-ammoniac. There is no effervescence, and the zinc undergoes no useless destruction. An excellent Popular Illustration. — Sir W. Thomson, in describing a small electrical machine to the British Association, employed the following happy analogy to convey an idea of the purpose and mode of action of the new in- strument : — The principle of the machine is that of the u Successful Mer- chant ” who commenced life with a capital of \d., and, after a month’s per- severing industry, realised the handsome sum of 1/., and continued to go on increasing his capital at a compound rate of interest. The object of the in- strument referred to is not indeed to increase money but electricity, and SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 485 that increase was at a compound rate. Precisely in conformity to the law which applied to compound interest and the increase of the successful mer- chant’s capital is the increase of electricity by this machine. Given the smallest quantity of electricity, and the instrument increased it at the rate of compound interest, and this increase went on at a perfectly uniform rate. But just as the capitalist finds that he cannot always go on getting higher and higher interest for his money, but must ultimately, perhaps, be content with per cent, instead of 5, so was it to some extent with thi3 machine. When a very high charge was reached, the increase of the quantity of avail' able electricity was not so great, owing to sparks passing in various parts of the machine, preventing the operator from retaining the full quantity of electricity which was got by it. There is great necessity for an easy- going electric machine, and that shown fulfilled this condition. How the Earth's Rotation affects Gunnery. — Some may be found to doubt that the movement of the earth affects the direction of a ball expelled from a cannon ; nevertheless, the fact is correct. In the Astronomical Register Mr. Kincaid says that a simple illustration of this effect may be made by attaching to the same axis two wheels of different diameters, so that both shall rotate together. If the one have a diameter of 3 feet, and the other of 1 foot, it is evident that any point on the circumference of the larger will, during a revolution, move through three times as much space as a similar point on the periphery of the lesser circle, and will, therefore, move with three times the velocity. The figure of the earth may be considered as made up of an infinite number of such wheels, diminishing in size from the equator to the poles, and all revolving in 24 hours. Now, if a gun be fired from the equator in the direction of the meridian, which is obviously that of maximum deviation, at an object nearer the pole, it is plain that that ob- ject, being situated on a smaller circle than the gun, but revolving in the same interval of time, will move, during the flight of the projectile, through less space eastwards than the shot, which will have imparted to it the greater velocity of the larger circle from which it started, and the latter will therefore tend to strike eastwards from its butt. — Astronomical Re- gister, August. The Physics of a Soap-bubble. — That the physics of a soap-bubble is a diffi- cult problem to work out has been shown by Sir David Brewster’s repetition of Plateau’s experiments. The changes of form which the films undergo are especially difficult to explain, the ordinary theory being insufficient. Sir David Brewster thinks that the colours of the soap-bubble are not produced by different thicknesses of the film itself, but by the secretion from it of a new substance flowing over the film, expanding under the influence of gravity and molecular forces into coloured groups of various shapes, and returning spontaneously when not returned forcibly into the parent film. Production of Inductive Currents. — It has been discovered by Signor Blaserga, of Padua, that inductive currents are not produced instantaneously. Their development requires a definite period of time, which he has estimated at about ^ of a second. He also states that when established an appreciable time is occupied in arriving at the maximum. The Luminosity of Phosphorus. — Dr. Moffat read a paper before the British Association, and describes a number of experiments on the above. m m 2 486 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. From these experiments it was shown that phosphorus in a luminous state produced phosphorous and phosphoric acids, and ozone also ; that it was non-luminous in a degree of temperature below 39° (F.), and that it was lu- minous above 45° (F.) ; but the temperature of luminosity and non-luminosity varied with the pressure of the atmosphere, and also with the direction of the wind. A series of experiments, extending over four years, had been made on the luminosity of phosphorus in connection with atmospheric con- ditions, and from the results it would appear that the equatorial or sea wind is that of phosphoresence and ozone, and that the polar or land wind is that of non-luminosity and no ozone. As the ocean is the reservoir of ozone, Dr. Moffat asks if it is not probable that its phosphorescence is the chief source of its development — a probability strengthened by the fact that the polar and land winds, in the shape of the NE. and SE. nodes, seem to modify its development as the land-current does. Expansion of Limestone when burnt. — Herren Dorlhan and Saminn point out that two cylinders formed out of the same piece of limestone measured 27 millimetres in length and 17 millimetres in diameter. After being com- pletely burned, their volume had increased nearly — viz., to 28 millimetres and 17-7 millimetres. Measuring the Transparency of the Air. — M. de la Dive, of Geneva, lately sent a note to the French Academy, describing an apparatus for measuring the transparency of the air. According to M. de la Rive, the great trans- parency of the air before rain is due to the presence, in the air, of a quan- tity of invisible vapour, which renders transparent the numerous germs floating in the air, to whose presence light mists are attributed. — Vide Comptes Rendus, tom. lxiv., No. 23. The Electro-deposition of Copper. — It very frequently occurs that the copper which is deposited by electric means is so brittle as to render it unfit for manufacturing purposes. A very simple and ingenious method of preventing this has been described by M. Bouillet, which we give our readers. M. Bouillet has found that a small quantity of gelatine dissolved in the water of the bath gives a copper of extensive malleability and nearly equal to rolled copper. A Telegraphic Thermometer has been, constructed by Professor Wheatstone, and was described at the British Association meeting. The details of its ar- rangement are too numerous for our columns, but the instrument is likely to be of immense value in meteorological inquiries. Professor Wheatstone gives the following account of its application to the purposes of meteoro- logy : — In this class of instruments the indications are not spontaneously conveyed to the observer, but they must be asked for j and whenever this is done, the indications will be immediately transmitted to him, however frequently the question is put. The uses to which this telegraphic thermo- meter may be applied are, among others, the following : — The responder may be placed at the top df a high mountain and left there for any length of time, while its indications may be read at any station below. Thus, if there should be no insuperable difficulties in placing the wires, the indications of a thermometer placed at the summit of Mont Blanc may be read as often as required at Chamouni. A year’s hourly observations under such circum- stances would no doubt be of great value. If it be required to ascertain SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 487 during a long-continued period tlie temperature of the earth at different depths below its surface, several responders maybe permanently buried at the required depths. It will not be requisite to have separate questioners for each, as the same may be applied successively to all the different wires. The responder, made perfectly watertight, in which there would be no difficulty, might be lowered to the bottom of the sea, and its indications read at any intervals during its descent. In the present mode of making marine thermometric observations, it is necessary that the thermometer should be raised whenever a fresh observation is required to be made. ZOOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Where to place Cryptoprocta ferox. — Since the singular carnivorous animal Cryptoprocta ferox was described by Bennet, there has been a difficulty as to referring the creature to its proper place in the order Carnivora. Bennet’s specimens were all those of young animals, and the dentition being incomplete, of course they offered no reliable characters for the zoologist. The problem is now solved. MM. Milne-Edwards and Grandidier have laid before the French Academy a tine memoir on this species ; in this they describe minutely the anatomical character of Cryptoprocta , which they place not in the family Viverridce , but in that of the Felidce. The Cryptoprocta is a plantigrade animal, and therefore it is determined to divide the Felidce , like the Carnivora, into two groups, Plantigrada and Digitigrada, as is the case with the order. The Cryptoprocta will then be placed in the first division, being the only representative ; while the other genera will come under the second section. — Vide Comptes Rendus, August 5. The Muscular Systems of Birds and Mammals have been contrasted in a paper laid before the Society Bhilomathique by M. Alix. The author arrives at the not very novel conclusion, that the muscular system of birds presents elements absent from that of mammals, and that the muscular system of mammals presents elements absent from that of birds. — L'lnstitut, June 29. Rearrangement of Asiatic Salamanders. — Mr. St. George Mivart professes to place one of the Asiatic salamanders, the Plethodon persimilis of Gray, in an entirely new genus, for which he proposes the name of Pectoglossa. The Fore-limb of the Great Anteater has been submitted to a careful dis- section by M. Pouchet, who enters into many important details. M. Pouchet states that in regard to the shoulder, wrist, and elbow-joints the Myrmeco- phaga presents many analogies with the Primates. — See the Comptes Rendus , July 1. Mammalian Blood Disks. — We have received proofs from Professor Gulli- ver, F.R.S., of a paper on this subject, which will appear in the Journal of Anatomy for November. In this the author reiterates his belief that the classification of Vertebrates, founded on the character of the blood-corpuscles, still holds good. He divides Vertebrata into two groups: — (1) Pyrencemata, those whose blood-disks are nucleated ; and (2) Apyrencemata, those whose corpuscles contain no nuclei. The former division includes the birds, reptiles, batrachians, and fish. The latter includes the mammalia only. Professor Gulliver concludes by stating that the corpuscles are as valuable indications 488 POPULAR SCIENCE REYIEW. of specific characters in animals as are the raphides in plants, and he refers his readers to the article on the latter, which he wrote for the Popular Science Review some time ago. Birds' Nests and Birds' Plumage. — One of the finest papers ever published on this most interesting point in Natural History, was that read by Mr. Wallace before the British Association at Dundee. It would he impossible to condense it into a paragraph, and we hope, therefore, that the author will print it in full in some of the periodicals. It described the peculiarities of plumage which protect birds when sitting on their eggs, and was another convincing argument in favour of Mr. Darwin’s hypothesis. New Fishes. — At a meeting of the Vienna Imperial Academy of Science, Herr Steindacher recorded the discovery of several new species of fishes, which he ranges under the genera of Glyptosternon , Caranx , Batrachus , Arius, Batistes, Eeros, and Ctenolabrus. The Ray Society' s future Publications. — The books issued by the Bay Society are always so well selected, and so admirably executed, that naturalists are glad to know what a treat they have to anticipate. We therefore give the names of the works in preparation for future years, which are as follow : — Professor Allman on the u British Corynidse.” The volume of plates to the edition of the works of the late Bobert Brown, edited by J. J. Bennett, Esq., E.B.S. Bev. 0. P. Cambridge, a supplementary volume on “ British Spiders.” Messrs. Douglas and Scott on the “ British Hemiptera Homoptera.” Dr. Gsertner on “ Hybridism in Plants” (Bastarderzeugung), translated from the German by W. Carruthers, Esq., F.L.S. Mr. Hancock on the “ British Tunicata.” Sir John Lubbock on the u British Thysanura.” Dr. MTntosh on the u British Annelids.” Dr. Masters on u Vegetable Teratology.” Mr. St. George Mivart, u Monograph of the Tailed Amphibia.” Mr. Andrew Murray on the “ Coniferse.” u A Synopsis of the Pauna and Flora of Palestine,” by the Bev. H. B. Tristram, F.L.S. Professor Westwood on the “ Mantidas,” with illustrations by Mr. E. A. Smith. The Council have also under consideration a proposition for an important and expensive botanical work, with reference to which the only difficulty is the financial element. The Boring of Annelids. — Mr. E. Bay Lankester read a paper before the British Association on the mode by which annelids make borings in rocks. The conclusion at which he arrived, which seems supported by probability, is that worms like the Echinus lividus make their borings by means of carbonic acid. Worms bore only rocks composed of carbonate of lime, which, though insoluble in water, are readily dissolved by solution of car- bonic acid. Mr. Lankester thought the subject of the boring of worms quite uninvestigated, and instanced two genera which perforate rocks extensively. The Anatomy of the Pilot Whale formed the subject of a paper read by Professor Turner. The anatomy of the stomach and of the great arteries was described by the author. Professor Turner compared the stomach of the pilot whale with that of the porpoise, and stated that the former con- tained a greater number of compartments than the latter. Dodo-like Birds of the Mascarene Islands. — The Committee appointed in 1865 to investigate this group, has produced little result beyond the col- SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY. 489 lection of a number of bones from Rodriguez. Professor Newton made some general remarks upon tbe specimens collected, and be especially dwelt on an unexpected confirmation of tbe testimony of Leguat, by tbe discovery of an extraordinary bony knob near tbe extremity of tbe wing. Leguat, whose account of tbe u Solitaire’s ” babits was tbe only one we possessed, mentioned a curious u ball,” as big as a u musket bullet,” wbicb the male birds possessed under their wing feathers. Now, the existence of this ball was proved by tbe bony knob exhibited, and thus tbe veracity of old Leguat — who was a Huguenot refugee — on this point, as on so many others, was confirmed. In conclusion, Professor Newton called attention to tbe fact that at present we only knew of the didine bird of tbe island of Reunion, that it was white. In tbe course of last year, Mr. Tegetmeier bad shown him an old watercolour painting of a white dodo, and this, be was inclined to be- lieve, might represent this lost species, of wbicb be trusted tbe French naturalists in that island would succeed in obtaining actual relics. The Shetland Dredging Committee. — Mr. J. G wyn Jeffreys read the prelimi- nary report of tbe Committee for tbe present year. From this it seems that tbe further investigation is carried on in tbe Shetland seas, tbe more deeply interesting does tbe study of tbe fauna of that portion of tbe country become. Dredging in tbe depths of those northern seas, in wbicb there is, almost in- variably, a heavy sea — at one time sweeping across tbe Atlantic, at another rolling away from Greenland, at another (as was tbe case for many weeks to- gether during tbe present summer) running for Spitzbergen and tbe ice-floes of tbe Arctic Oeean, accompanied by a keen cutting north-east wind — is not altogether pleasant work for tbe naturalist. Yet, trying and difficult though tbe dredging be, there is none to be compared with it in the British Islands, and every fresh summer tbe Dredging Committee have spent in investigat- ing tbe marine fauna of Shetland, they have returned home only tbe more convinced of tbe greatness of the field of research wbicb remains to be ex- plored. Every square mile of tbe sea seems to have treasures to give up unknown before, and tbe extent of tbe riches wbicb lie there — one, two, three, four hundred fathoms deep — will perhaps never be known in our day. Tbe extreme interest wbicb attaches to tbe Shetland sea is tbe circumstance that it is tbe trysting-place of tbe northern and southern faunas. Tbe wave influence of the Gulf Stream, infringing on tbe western coast, coaxes on many a species of sunnier climes to extend its migration northwards ; while tbe cold winds and waves wbicb issue from tbe Pole, and come drifting- round tbe West Cape, account for tbe many Arctic forms wbicb, stunted in size and numerically scarce, are yet able, in tbe equable temperature of tbe abyss of tbe Shetland waters, to bold out against those southern influences so detrimental to their constitutions. Development of the Dye in Fishes. — Herr Schenk lately sent in a paper to the Imperial Academy of Vienna, in wbicb be described tbe development of tbe eye of tbe trout. He stated that tbe lens is developed from tbe external germinal lamella, and that tbe retina is produced from tbe thick inner wall of tbe ocular vesicle, the thin inner wall contributing to tbe formation of tbe pigment layer of the choroid. Embryology of Pelobates fuscus. — The development of F.fuscus , a tailless amphibian, has been watched by M. Van Bambeke. Some of tbe author’s 490 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. conclusions have a special embryological interest. He has found that (as pointed out by Quatrefages in other animals) the disappearance of the ger- minal vesicle takes place independently of fecundation. The other points are as follows : — 1. The ovarian ovum has no vitelline membrane ; 2. The embryos adhere to one another on leaving the egg ; and 3. The ovum presents a yei'minal fossa which is not an aperture, but which the author compares to the micropyle. — Vide H Institut, August 28. How to detect the Silkworm, Malady. — M. Pasteur’s method, which con- sisted in selecting a number of worms, pounding them in a mortar, and then submitting the mass to the microscope, was neither simple nor economical. The method which M. Balbiani suggested recently seems a better one. When in the chrysalis state, a very small portion of the projecting process which re- present the future wing is snipped off with a pair of scissors, and is placed under the microscope ; if now the larva be diseased, the peculiar pebrine corpuscles can be distinctly seen. The advantage of M. Balbiani’s method is that it does not involve the death or injury of the silkworm. Reproduction of Limbs in the Axolotl. — The axolotls (specimens of which may now be seen at the Zoological Gardens in Regent’s Park) have lately formed the subject of experiments by M. Dumeril. M.Dumeril found that in these animals, as in the newt, there is no regeneration of amputated limbs unless the basilar segment (scapular or ilium) is left untouched by the knife. M. Vulpian’s recent observations, recorded to the Societe Philomathique, also prove the fact of regeneration. M. Vulpian finds that when a number of axolotls are together, it not unfrequently happens that, from bites and other injuries, portions of the young limbs are destroyed. The consequence of this is not simply the reproduction of the part destroyed, but the formation of even a greater number of parts than were normally present before the injury. This, he says, is the reason why we so often find specimens of axolotls whose fore-limbs have five or six digits, instead of four, and whose hind ones have as many as six or seven extremities, instead of five. INDEX Acalephje in a Fossil State 97 Acari, Development of, in Potatoes 117 Acarns in the Pigeon 115 Acetic Acid, Detection of Free Sul- phuric Acid in 92 Acetylene, Description of 318 Acidity, Blue Litmus-paper a Test for 9 1 Aconitine, Action of 104 Acoustic Sand-figures, their Appli- cation to determine Velocity of Sound, &c Ill Adiantum Capillus-Junonis 450 Africa (South), Dinosaurian Rep- tiles of. 96 African Discoveries. By P. P. Du Chaillu 185 Agouti (The Crested) 349 Agriculture.. 79 Air (compressed), Action of, on the Circulation and Respiration 331 Air-pump, the Accoucheur’s „ Microscopist’s 226 Algae, Diagnosis of. 90 „ Distinction of Species 199 „ Growth of. By J. Braxton Hicks 1 Alkalies, Pure Caustic, Preparation of 90 Alkaline Sulphides, Electrolysis of 319 Alloys (Japanese), their Nature and Nomenclature 337 Alum Crystals, how to cover Flowers with 321 Aluminium Bronze in Machinery ... 471 Amazon, Fishes of... 235 „ Valley 460 America, Glacial Period in 210 American Naturalist 440 Ammonites Transversarius, Zone of 462 Amphioxus lanceolatus, Develop- ment of 237 Anaesthetic (New ?), Impurities of 455 Analysis (Qualitative), New Method 458 Anencephalic Monsters, Production of. 101 Aniline Colours from Flesh 321 Animal Tissues, Formation of Cells in 221 Annelids, Boring of 488 Aphyllostachys -451 Araliacise, Vascular System of 314 Archaeological Congress, Interna- tional 323 Arithmetic Simplified 439 Armour Plates, Solid and Laminated 466 Arnott, N., Arithmetic Simplified... 439 Astronomical Heterodoxy 429 „ Society, Memoirs of 442 Astronomy 80, 196, 309, „ French Academy’s Prize for „ Popular Atmospheric Electricity Attfield, J., Paraffin Lamps and their Dangers Australia, Bismuth in „ Salmon in Australian Timber Boring Insect, Tomicus monographus Baird, W., Freshwater Entomos- traca Banca, Tin Mines of Barometer (Aneroid), Behaviour of Barrett, W. F., on Sensitive Flames Bate, Spence, the Date of Flint Flakes of Devon and Cornwall... Bees, Production of Male and Worker Belgian Bone Caves and Rev. W. S. Symonds Bile, Secretion of, increased by Mercury Birds, Movement of Flight in Birds’ Nests, Artificial ,, and Plumage Bismuth, Action of, on Phosphoric Acid ,, in Australia Bisulphide of Carbon in Coal Gas Bituminous Gneiss, Deposit of. Black Spine, Analysis for Blanford, H., Report on the Cal- cutta Cyclone Blast Furnace Blood, Action of Hydrosulphuric Acid on ,, Coagulation of „ Corpuscles of the Two-toed Sloth „ Crystals of, in Leukamia ... „ Disks, Mammalian „ Poisoning after Surgical Operations „ Quantity of Red Globules in Blower (A Rotary) Blowpipe Reaction of Manganese and Chlorate of Potass Boilers, Anticru station of Bone- Caves of Belgium Bones (a Book on) Borneo, Nature of Earth eaten by the People of Boronatrocalcite, Composition of . . . Botanical Congress (International) 441 190 198 307 475 167 336 353 349 42 323 442 154 169 236 211 468 350 114 488 202 336 348 322 472 306 473 331 470 350 332 487 219 220 336 458 473 460 74 31S 216 450 492 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Botanical Diagnosis, Chemical Re- agents in 201 „ Lectureship, St. Mary’s... 313 Botanists, Deceased 89 Botany 87, 199, 313, 448 ,, at British Museum 451 „ of a Coal Mine. By W. Car- ruthers 289 „ Professorship of, in Trinity College, Dublin 201 Bothriocephalus latus, Development of. 118 Bowerbank, J. S., Monograph of British Spongiidse 76 Brande, Dr., Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art 299 Brass-rubbing, Photographs of. 229 Bromine and Iodine in same Solution 454 ,, of Potassium, Action of... 468 Bromized Collodion Process 342 Brooke, C., Elements of Natural Philosophy 434 Burning Well 461 Cafeic Acid, Chemical Delations of 453 Calculi, Civiale’s Collection of 334 Calluna Atlantica, a New Species? 200 Camera (a New) 344 Canada, Gold Mines in 323 Cancer (Epithelial), Development of, in Internal Organs 101 Caoutchouc, Diffusion of Grapes through Ill Capillary Action and Chemical De- composition 320 Carbonic Acid, Amount of, in Air 203 „ and Hydrogen, Ab- sorption of, by Melted Copper ... 207 Carbonic Oxide, Conversion of, into Formic Acid 205 Carboniferous Coal of Russia 324 Carruthers, W., The Botany of a Coal Mine 289 Cedars of Lebanon 87 Cereals, Strength of Stalks not de- pendent on Silica 315 Cervical Bibs 331 Chambers, G. F., Descriptive As- tronomy 190 „ Fitzroy’s Weather Forecasts 258 „ How to Study Meteorology 140 Channel Bridge, 99 „ Ferry 328 Chapman, John, Diarrhoea and Cholera 72 Chatham Ballast-iron 338 Chemical Analysis of Variegated Strata 205 „ Manures 205 ,, Operations, the Calculus of 457 „ Philosophy 194 Chemical Reaction, Physics of. 344 Chemistry, 90, 202. 317, 453 „ (Modern) for Students... 73 „ Organic 192 Chilled Shot 213 Chinese Coalfields, Age of 98 „ Soap Seeds 89 Chlorine and Manganese 455 Cholera treated by Ice 72 Circulation, Influence of Respira- tion on 223 „ and Respiration, the Action of Compressed Air on ... 331 Cladonise, the Arctic 452 Coal, Discovery of, in South Aus- tralia 104 „ Measures (Our), What they Yield 215 „ Question (the Yorkshire) ... 323 Coalfields in St. Catherines, Brazil 463 „ (Chinese), Age of 98 Cobalt and Nickel, Atomic Weights of. 458 ,, in Solution, New Test for ... 202 Colchicia, Chemical Properties of..- 319 Colliery Explosions and the Baro- meter 207 Collodio- Albumen Process 341 Colocasia esculenta, Spontaneous Movement of 316 Colour-blindness, Cause of 220 Comet observed at Marseilles, pro- bable Periodicity of 197 Comets and Meteors 447 Conchology, British 434 Concretions, Banded and Brecciated 463 Conic Sections 78 Conifer (A New) from Arctic America 450 Constellation (The) Seasons 438 Cooke, M. C., A Fern Book for . Everybody 433 Copper and Palladium, Separation of 203 „ Electro-deposit of 486 „ Nickel Alloy ;. 472 „ Ores (Grey) Roasting of, in Hungary 104 „ Presence of, in the Animal Organism 103 „ Smelting 471 Cornea in Reptiles, Structure of ... 117 ,, Removal of Opacity of 332 Cowpox and Smallpox 467 Crater (The) Linne 445 Crookesite, a new Thallium Mineral 456 Crumlin Viaduct 99 Cryptoprocta ferox 487 Culley, R. S., Handbook of Practi- cal Telegraphy 439 Cuttlefish, Brain of 222 Cybele Hibernica 87 Cycadoidia Yatesii 326 Cyclone, the Science of 306 INDEX. 493 Darwin, C., Origin of Species Darwinian Theory and Heliconidse Denudation, Varieties of Desmid, Parasites of Dew Diaphragm Eyepiece Diatomacese, Distribution of. Digitaline, Poisonous Action of ... Digitalis, Physiological Action of. . . Dilleniacese, Leaves of Dinosaurian Reptiles of South Africa Divers, Edward, on Filters Dodo-like Birds of Mascarene Is- lands Dog, the Ara, and the Frog Dredging Committee, Shetland Drift Deposits, Classification of. Dry-rot, a Cure for Du Chaillu, P. P., Journey to Ash- ango Land, &c. Dynamical Transmission of Power Dysentery, Hyposulphites in • •• Earth, Deduction of Mean Figure of „ Internal Heat of „ and Moon in Collision „ Nature of, Eaten by People of Borneo ••• Echinoderms (Fossil) from Sinai... Echinus Li vidus Eclipse, Lunar, the late „ Solar, of 1863 Ede, G., Management of Steel- Electric Conductors, Elongation of ,, Guns „ Loom „ Telegraph Electricity, Action of, in Noctiluca „ and Photography „ Dynamical Theory of ,, for Students „ Machine for Increasing ... Electro-deposition of Copper Electro-magnetic Machines (the New). By S. J. Mackie Electro-Magnetism in Iron Smelting Elements (the) Engineering Topics, Essays on Entomostraca. By W. Baird Eozoon Canadense Ergotine after Operations Erica Carnea, Affinities of Euplectella. Eye in Fishes, Development of „ State of, in Hemeralopia Eyes, Tobacco-smoking injurious to Fairbairn, W., Useful Information for Engineers Fat, Absorption of Fecundation of the Floridese Fern Book (A Popular) Fevers (Intermittent) produced by Vegetable Organisms Field Naturalist’s Companion 435 Figuier, L., The Vegetable World . 188 ,, World before the Deluge 193 Fiji Islands, Flora of. 87 Filtering (New) Apparatus 206 Filters. By E. Divers 33 Fire-clays, Constitution of 473 Fire-damp Indicator, Physics of ... 232 ,, Prevention of Accidents from 217 Fishes of the Amazon 235 , , of the Family Gadidse, Struc- ture of the Heart in 236 ,, New 488 Flame, Passage of an Induction Coil Spark through 94 Flames, Sensitive. By W. F. Barrett 1 54 Flint Cores from India 97 ,, Flakes of Devon and Cornwall, Date of. By Spence Bate 169 Flora, Cretaceous, of Belgium 463 Floridese, Fecundation of 89 Foraminifera (Fossil) of Austria ... 460 Forbes, D.,The Microscope in Geo- logy 355 Fore-limb of Great Anteater 487 Formosa, Sulphur Springs of. 462 Fossil Botany 200 „ Echinoderms from Sinai 209 ,, Mammals, Hungarian 462 „ Man in Rhine Valley 209 „ Myriapod, from Scotch Coal Measures 208 „ Plants, Collection of 200 ,, Plants of Bilin 450 Fossiliferous Deposits of New South Wales 96 Fossils (British), Figures of 97 Frankland, E., Lecture Notes for Chemical Students 73 French Mint, Manager of 456 Fripp, H., Recent Discoveries in Insect Embryogeny 119 Fruit, Ripening, Proportions of Acid and Sugar in 321 Fuel (A New) 335 Fungi, Development of, in Kid- neys ••• 330 „ Process of Fertilization in .. . 201 Fungus (an Edible), from Tahiti ... 450 Gas Engine 212 ,, of various Cities, Illuminating Power of. 317 Gases in Plant Tissues 450 Generation, Spontaneous 237 Geology and Genesis, Twin Records of Creation 194 ,, and Palaeontology 95, 207, 322, 459 Glacial Period 210 „ ,, in America 210 Glacier (ancient) in the Pyrenees... 464 Glass, a Chemical Method for effec- tually cleaning 32o 66 114 209 452 77 223 316 104 333 201 96 33 488 115 489 325 448 185 465 220 196 461 112 318 209 115 445 444 75 231 231 329 303 118 229 112 69 484 486 281 336 71 74 42 325 222 313 239 489 100 222 74 331 89 433 220 494 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Glass, How to Drill 348 ,, How to Silver 94 , , Eods, Action of, in liberating Gases from Solution 483 Glauber’s Salt, Deportment of Solu- tions of, on Deduction of Tem- perature 94 Glycerine, How to know Pure 320 „ in Crystals 206 Gold, Artificial 473 „ Mines in Canada 323 Granites (Grey) of the Southern Uplands, &c 211 Gray, Dr. J. E., Venus’s Flower- basket (Euplectella) 239 Gregarine Parasites in Borlasia ... 351 Gun-cotton as Blasting Material ... 217 „ in Mining 336 Gunnery, Effect of Earth’s Botation on 485 Gunpowder Magazines 465 „ Hew Form of. 92 Guns (Electric) 231 Gypsums and Dolomites, Formation of 322 Halo, On the 113 Hardwicke, Dr. W., On Life Insu- rance and Vital Statistics 271 Heart, Duality of 102 ,, Movements of. 100 Heat, Cause of, in Sun, &c 196 „ Influence of, on Muscular Contraction 469 ,, the Science of 194 Heather, Newfoundland 88 Helix Pomatia, Circulation of 238 Helleborine and Helleboreine, Phy- siological Action of 103 Hemiptera, Secreting Organs of. 116 Herschel, Sir J. F. W., Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects ... 191 Hicks, J. Braxton, Growth of Algae 1 Hippuric Acid ? What is 334 Holland (Bev. E. W.), Geology of Sinai 10 Hooker, Dr. J. D., on the Struggle for Existence amongst Plants ... 131 „ Sir W., a Memorial of 450 Hospitals 305 Hot-air Engine 465 Human Body, Action of Curara Poison on 222 „ Histology, Study of 333 Hungarian Oligocene Deposits 326 Hunt, B., “A Message from the Stars” 37S Hunter, Bev. Jno., on Conic Sections 7 8 Hurricanes of Indian Ocean 475 Hyaena Den in Carmarthenshire ... 463 Hydrocarbons, action of Potassium on ••• 205 Hydrogen and Carbonic Acid, Ab- sorption of, by Melted Copper ... 207 Hydrosulphuric Acid, Action of, on Blood 331 Hydrozoa, Development of 238 Hyposulphites in Dysentery 220 Ice, Cholera treated by 72 Iceland 302 „ Plants of 315 Ice Machine, Cheap and Ingenious 232 Induction Coil 194 „ „ Spark, passage through Flame 94 Inductive Currents, Production of. . . 485 Insect Embryogeny, Becent Dis- coveries in. By H. Fripp 119 Insectivora, Osteology of 350 Insects, Muscular Force of 237 „ Nerves in 117 ,, Palaeozoic, of Nova Scotia 461 Iodide of Silver, Contractions and Dilations of 345 Iodine, Chloride of Silver in the Estimation of 320 ,, Detection of 93 ,, Starch, Decolorisation of ... 456 Iridium from Blende 337 „ in Canada 335 Iron and Steel, Strength of, &c. ... 466 „ Composition of Specular 472 „ direct from the Ore 215 ,, Smelting, Electro-Magnetism in 336 Irrigation, Effects of, with certain Plants 79 Isolation, Laws of 198 Japanese Allots, their Nature and Nomenclature 337 Jeffreys, J. G., British Conchology 434 Jordan, W. L., The Elements, &c. 71 Jupiter without his Satellites 447 „ without his Satellites. By B. A. Proctor 248 Kangaroo, Organs of Parturition . in 236 Kew Photo-Heliograph 444 Kidney, Structure of 101 Kidneys, Development of Fungi in 330 Labels for Beagent Bottles 206 Laboratory, The 204 Lamp, Telescopic 478 Lankester, E. Bay, on the Plan arise of our Ponds and Streams 388 Lardner, D., Handbook of Astro- nomy 307 Lardner, Dr., the “Electric Tele- graph” 303 Larva (A Curious) 352 Latent Image 227 ,, ,, Nature of 343-480 Lawson, H., Ventilation and Venti- lators 401 Lead, Separation of, from Argen- tiferous Lead Ore 217 Leaf, the Fall of. 449 I Leaf-beds of Hampshire 461 INDEX. 495 Leaves, Why they Pall. By M. T. Masters Lebanon, Cedars of Lenina and Wolffia, Prond-cells of Lenses, Detection of “ Tears” in... Le Vaux, Twin Becords of Creation Liebig’s Food for Infants Life Insurance and Vital Statistics. By Dr. W. Hardwicke Lightning, Singular Effects of Limbs of Axolotl, Beproduction of Lime in Analysis Limestone, Expansion when Burnt Liver, Inflammation of „ Structure of. Locomotive (Fairlie’s) for Steep In- clines London University, Chemical Ex- aminers Longitude, Difference of, between Newfoundland and Valencia Lunar Committee, Labours of „ Crater Alhazen „ Crater, Disappearance of ... „ Eclipse, the Late „ Maps Lymphatics, Arrangement of Lymph Vessels, Origin of Mackie, S. J., The New Electro- Magnetic Machines Madrepores of the Infra-Lias of South Wales Magic Cigar Tubes Magnesium, Action of, on Neutral Metallic Salts ,, Bods for Toxicological Purposes Magnetic Dip, Measurement of. „ Needle in the Study of Volcanic Districts Man (Fossil) in Bhine Valley Manures, Chemical ,, Nitrogen of, its Accumu- lation in Soils Mars (The Planet) in Jan. 1867. By B. A. Proctor Masters, M. T., Why the Leaves Fall . Mastodon, Entire Skeleton of Maunder, S., Scientific and Literary Treasury Mechanical Engineers, Institute of „ Science ...98, 212, 327 Mechanics of Flight Medical Biography Medicine 100, 218, 330, Mesotherium, Osteology of Metallurgic Operations, Crucibles for Metallurgy, Mineralogy, and Mining 215, 335, Metals, Transparency of, at a Bright Bed Heat Metamorphic Bocks, Foliation of... 208 Meteoric Shower in Mexico 197 Meteorite (A New) 233 Meteorites, Classification of 474 „ Physics of. 113 Meteorlike Bodies near the Sun ... 447 Meteorology 474 „ how to Study. By G. F. Chambers 140 Meteors and Comets 447 „ August 10th, 1867 441 ,, f Spectrum of 446 Methyl, Silicates of. 456 Microscope, Collins’, New Class and Demonstrating 477 Microscope, Frith’s Pocket 479 „ Improvement of 105 „ New Objects for 339 „ (the), in Geology, by Dr. Forbes 355 Microscope (the Travelling) 225 Microscopic Objects, Handy Cabinet for 106 Microscopic Objects, how to Photo- graph. By E. T. Wilson 54 Microscopic Table adjustable 477 Microscopy 105, 223, 338, 477 Miller, W. A., Elements of Che- mistry 192 Mineralogy, Bussian 472 Mines, Motive Power in 337 „ Telegraphic Communication in 216 Mining, Gun-cotton in 336 Mounting Case, the Amateur’s 223 „ „ the Student’s 224 Muscle, Structure of 218 Muscular Fibre (striped), Develop- ment of 334 Muscular Contraction, Cause of ... 335 „ „ by Heat 469 „ „ studied under the Microscope Muscular System of Birds and Mammals 487 Mushrooms and Toadstools 430 Myriapod (Fossil), from Scotch Coal Measures ..... 208 Myriapoda (new) 235 Narcotic, Wrightia antidysenterica 103 Natural History Transactions, Nor- thumberland and Durham 308 Natural Philosophy (Golding Bird’s) 434 Naval Architects, Institute of 327 Nave, J., Handybook to the Collec- tion, &c., of Marine Algrn, Dia- toms, Desmids, &c 435 Nerves in Insects 117 „ in Muscle, Termination of... 335 „ Pneumogastric 467 ,, Secondary, Electro-motive Powder of 467 369 87 199 233 194 468 271 475 490 455 486 467 219 100 317 199 445 443 197 445 442 221 102 281 98 109 90 90 346 459 209 205 79 22 369 95 78 99 464 329 437 466 459 217 104 471 348 496 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Newfoundland Heather 88 New South Wales, Secondary Fos- siliferons Deposits of. 96 Newt, Reproduction of the Limbs 117 Niobium, Compounds of 92 Nitrogen, Determination of, in Am- moniacal Salts 204 Nitrogen of Manures in Soils, Ac- cumulation of. 79 Nitroglycerine, How to Use 105 Noad, H. M., Induct orum or Induc- tion Coil 194 Noad, M. D., Textbook of Elec- tricity 69 Noctiluca, Action of Electricity on 118 Northumberland and Durham, Na- tural History Transactions 308 Norton, A. T., Osteology for Stu- dents 74 Obituary 332 (Ecistes, A New Species of ...: 351 Oil Wells in Baden 217 Oppert, E., Hospitals, Infirmaries, and Dispensaries : their Con- struction, Arrangement, and Management 305 Optics, Recent Memoir on 484 Organic Analysis, New Method of 453 Origin of Species 66 Orion, Nebula of 448 Oscillariae, Movement of 453 Osteology of Insectivora 350 Osteomalacea, Cause of. 470 Oxalic Acid in the Negative Bath 341 Oxide of Tungsten, N ew Reactions of 2 1 7 Oxychloride of Magnesium, a New Cement 455 Oxygen, Cheap Mode of Obtaining 453 „ Determination of, in Or- ganic Analysis 203 Ozone, A Town Without 474 „ Density of 454 ,, Determination of the Den- sity of 345 Ozone, Development of, during the present Year 345 Ozone, New Test for 476 „ Relation of, to Direction of Wind 476 Paleozoic Insects of Nova Scotia 461 Palladium and Copper, Separation of 203 Palm, A Hybrid 313 Parabolic Governor 100 Paraffin Lamps and their Dangers. By J. Attfield 167 Parasites of a Desmid 452 Pascal-Newton, Controversy 448 Pelobates fuscus, Embryology of... 489 Pendula (Brass), Expansion of. 447 Pergeze, Analysis of the Waters... 92 Perseberg Iron Mines 471 Petroleum as Steam Fuel 216 ,, for Steam Engines 473 Petroleum, (New) Compound 203 ,, Origin of 211, 325 ,, Production of Steam by Employment of 104 Phosphate of Lime Bed in North Wales 324 Phosphates (Soluble) in Cotton-fibre and Seeds 319 Phosphoric Acid, Action of Bismuth on 202 Phosphorus, Luminosity of 485 Photographic Awards at Paris Ex- hibition 481 „ Lens (another new ?) ... 107 ,, Medals, Presentation of 109 „ Paper (a New) 108 ,, Prize, Due de Luynes ... 340 „ Process, Claudet’s 108 „ Society 342 „ Transfers 479 Photographs, Hardness a Defect in 228 „ in Colours 341 „ in N atural Colours ... 108 „ of Brass-rubbing 229 „ of Fossil Plants 315 „ of Medical Men 437 „ of Sierra Nevada ... 460 „ Preservation of 341 ,, Permanent 109 Photography 106, 227, 339, 479 ,, and Electricity 229 „ and Navigation 110 „ at the Paris Exhibition 339 „ by Artificial Light 47 9 „ in London 342 „ Submarine 113 Photo-Engraving Process (New) ... 343 ,, Heliograph, Kew 444 Photosphymograph 469 Physics 110, 230, 344, 483 ,, of the Brain. By B. W. . Richardson, M.D., F.R.S 415 Pig, Specific Relations of 115 Pine (the), Medical Products of ... 220 Planarise of our Ponds and Streams. By E. Ray Lankester 388 Planet, A New 447 Plant Beds of North Greenland ... 461 Plants (Fossil) ofBilin 453 ,, „ of Wolfang 460 „ ,, Photographs of. 315 „ Hawaiian 449 ,, Hybridization of 314 „ of Iceland 315 „ Illustration of Natural Se- lection in 316 „ No New Genera of, in 1900 449 ,, Starchy Matter of 89 „ Struggle for Existence amongst. By Dr. J. D. Hooker.. 131 Plant-tissues, Gases in 450 Plates, Long-kept 343 Plesiosaurus, New Species of 208 INDEX. 497 Polarising Photometer, New Pompeii, Shells in Ruins of Pond-Stick (An Ingenious) Popular Botany „ Science, par excellence ... Portrait Lens (New), Dallmeyers... Potassium, Action of, on Hydro- carbon Potato, History of Poultice, Useful Form of Pozzolana Prehistoric Settlements Proctor, R. A., Guide to the Stars ,, Jupiter without his Satellites ,, The Planet Mars in January 1867 Prussia, Metal Manufacture of Pseudomorphine, Isolation of Ptolemy and Copernicus. By A Wrangler Purpurine, Formula for Quinine, How to test the Purity of Race, Influence of Development in the Production of Railway, Mont Cenis Rainfall, July 16 Ray Society, Future Publications... Refraction (Crystalline) Reliquse Aquetanicse Resorcine, Synthesis of. Respiration, Influence of, on the Circulation Retina of Mammalia, Distribution of Rods and Cones in Reviews of Books 66, 185, 299, Richardson, B. W., Physics of the Brain Richardson, Dr. Thomas, Death of Rifled Small Arms Rifles, Magnetic Polarity of. Rocks Distribution of Life of ,, of North Devon and Somerset „ (Metamorphic), Foliation of Rooms, How to equalize the Tem- perature of Rotifer (A New) Russia, Carboniferous Coal of Saeety Vaeves Salamander, Spotted, Poison of ... Salmon in Australia Sandstones (Local) Santorih: a Volcanie Crater ,, Volcanic Disturbances... Sap-currents, Nature of Saturn, The Dusky-ring of Scapula and Ilium, Homological Relations of Science, Dictionary of. „ of the Weather „ Treasury of. Scientific Summary ... 79, 196, 309, Seeds, Medicago Americana, Vitality of 200 Seeds, Menispermaceous, Examina- tion of 201 Sempervivum (a new) from the Salvage Islands 201 Senecio, a new South African 451 Sensitive Plant, Contractions of ... 449 Serpents, Liguatulse of 118 Shells in the Ruins of Pompeii ... 462 Shepherd, C. W., North-west Pen- insula of Iceland 302 Ships, Corrosion of 105 Shooting Stars, Cometary Theory of 198 Silkworm Disease 340 „ „ One of the Causes of 237 „ Malady, How to Detect... 490 Silkworms (Diseased), Corpuscles found in 315 Silurians (Upper and Lower), Rela- tions of 463 Silver, Chloride of, in the Estima- tion of Iodine 320 Silver, Ensuring Purity of 216 ,, Hardness of 105 Sinai, Geology of. By Rev. E. W. Holland 10 Skin, Absorption by 331 ,, Clinical Lectures on Diseases of 440 Sloth (the Two-toed), Blood Cor- puscles of 350 Smallpox and Cowpox 467 Smith, W. G., Mushrooms and Toad- stools 430 Smith’s New Growing Slide 106 Snow Ploughs, 213 Soap-bubble, Physics of a 485 ,, Seeds, Chinese 89 Solar Eclipse of 1863 444 „ Spectrum 196 „ Spots 196 ,, ,, Faye’s Theory of. 197 Solids, Flow of 330 „ under Pressure, Movement of 346 Something Sensational 110 Sound, Optical Analysis of 233 „ the Science of 428 Spectroscope, a Stellar 441 Spectroscopic Examination of the Flames of Stromboli 460 Spectrum (A “ Standard”) 344 „ of Meteors 446 Spirifer Cuspidalis, Perforations in 324 Sponge (a rare) 115 Sponges, Animal Nature of 352 „ British 76 Stamens (Barren), Functions of ... 200 Starchy Matter of Plants 89 Stars, Aqueous Vapour in 445 „ Change of Focus in observing 447 484 462 226 188 191 229 205 88 334 336 212 438 248 22 216 333 429 203 458 235 213 474 488 347 440 93 223 218 428 415 458 465 231 95 97 208 114 234 324 214 470 353 326 436 459 202 442 102 299 439 78 441 498 POPULAR SCIENCE REVIEW. Stars, (The), “A Message from.” By B. Hunt Steam-Engine, How to Make it ... „ Hollers Steel Armour Plates „ Bridge ,, Casting under Pressure , , Management of . . . Stewart, B., Treatise on Heat Stomata of Leaves, Punctions of ... Strata (Variegated), Chemical Ana- lysis of Stratum (peculiar) in Arbroath Cemetery Street Dust a Poison Strychnine, its separation from Morphine Sulphuric Acid, Manufacture of ... Sulphurous Acid, Economisation of Sulphur Springs of Formosa Sun-painting in Oil Colours Supersaturation, Means of Utilising the Phenomena of Swan’s Carbon Process Syphon for the Laboratory Taenia echinococcus, Hearing the Tannin Process Telegraphic Communication in Mines Telegraphic Thermometer Telegraphy, New Form of. „ (Practical), Handbook of Telescopic Object-glasses, Means of Weakening the Intensity of Sun’s Hays at Focus of Temperature, Changes of, produced by mixing different Liquids Temperature, Periodical Variations of Thermometers, Alteration of the Freezing-point in Thermometers, Standard Thorina in Euxenite Timbs, J., Year-Book of Facts, Science, and Art (1867) Tinctures, Preparation of Tin Mines of Banca Tobacco-smoking injurious to Eyes Tomicus monographus, Timber- boring Insect of Australia Trachea, Inflammation of Transparency of Air, Measuring of Tuberculosis, New Theory of Turret Ships Tyndall, J., on Sound Type-writing Machine END Urine, Crystalline Fatty Matter in 91 Vaixisneria, Moving Corpuscles of 448 Vapour Density 234 V ega, newly-discovered Comes of. . . . 443 Ventilation and Ventilators. By H. Lawson 401 Venus’s Flower-Basket (Euplectella) By Dr. J. E. Gray 239 Volcanic Eruptions near Portugal... 460 Volcano (New) in South Seas 322 Voltaic Piles, Improvements in 484 Water, Determination of Organic Impurities in 317 ,, Estimation of Organic Matter in 454 „ in Bronze Vase found at Pompeii 322 „ Organic Matter in 91 ,, Supply of London 464 Waters, Frozen Aerated 230 Waterwitch, H.M.S 98 Weather Forecasts (Fitzroy). By Gr. F. Chambers 258 ,, Science 439 Wells, W. C., An Essay on Dew... 77 Whale, Anatomy of 488 White Ant 115 Wilson, E. T. How to Photograph Microscopic Objects 54 Wind, New Instrument for Register- ing Speed and Pressure of 110 Wine and Wine Sickness 93 Wire-spring Clip 223 Woodbury’s Printing Process 106 Wood Fibre in Paper, a Test for ... 204 World before the Deluge 193 Wrightia Antidysenterica, a new Narcotic 103 Wurtz, Dr. A. C., Chemical Philo- sophy 194 Xiphosura, Some Points in the Structure of 96 Year Book of Facts, Science, and Art 194 Yorkshire Coal Question 323 Yttria, a Mineral of, in the Alps.. 218 Zambesi, Silicified Vegetable Re- mains from 315 Zinc, Manufacture of 471 „ the Reducing Action of 204 Zoology and Comparative Anatomy 114, 234, 349, 487 Zoophytes, How to Observe the Reproduction of 352 VOL. VI. 378 438 213 329 99 214 75 194 88 205 463 457 206 454 471 462 227 112 109 453 116 228 216 486 230 439 111 230 346 347 234 205 ] 94 203 323 222 349 468 486 467 214 428 329 OF LONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE . f