PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (LIVE STOCK BRANCH) POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN No. 63 (SECOND EDITION) PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. VICTORIA, B.C.: Printed by WILLIAM H. CULLIN, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1918. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE, VICTORIA, B.C., January 28th, 1918. To His Honour Mr FRANK STILLMAN BARNARD. K.C.M.G., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of British Columbia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: I have the honour to submit herewith for your consideration Bulletin X<>. 63 (2nd Edition), on " Poultry -house Construction," prepared by H. E. Upton, Provincial Poultry Instructor, under the direction of Wm. E. Scott, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, JOHN OLIVER, Minister of Agriculture. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, VICTORIA. B.C.. January i>th. 11)18. Hon. J. Oliver, Minister of Agriculture. Victoria. B.< . SIR. — I have the honour to submit herewith for your approval Bulletin No. 63 (2nd Edition), entitled " Poultry house Construction," which has been compiled by H. E. T'pton. Poultry Instructor. In view of the rapid increase in the poultry industry throughout the Province, there is no doubt that the bulletin will be of material assistance to all engaged therein. I have the honour to b»\ Sir. Your obedient servant, W. K. SCOTT. Deputy Minifstf-r of Agriculture. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 'LIVE STOCK BRANCH). HOX. J. OLIVER. Minister of Agriculture. WM. E. SCOTT, />• inity Minister of 'Agriculture. W. T. MrPOXALD. B.S.A.. M.S.A.. >er. *H. KIVK i T. A. F. Chief Dairy Inttru Dairy Instructor. J. R. TKIilJY. II. E. UPTOX. • / Poultry Instructor. Poultry Instructor. *\VM. M-:WT"\. ]',S A II. O. ENGLISH. B.A.. B.S.A.. for. chief ,i*tii<-t Ayriculturixt. Kamloop*. A. KNK;HT. \ .s.. s A. K. WHITE, v.s. Chief Veterinary Inspector. t->r. W. W. ALTON. V - B. R. ILSLEY. V.S.. Veterinary Inspector. Veterinary Inspector. WM. J. BONAVIA. •\tary to the Department. * Granted leave of absence for overseas service. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. BY H. E. UPTON, Assoc.O.A.C., POULTRY INSTRUCTOR. INTRODUCTION. IIEIJE arc many essentials relating to the housing of poultry, quite a number of which apply only to certain parts of the Province. The plans oftentimes followed are either too mechanical or not applicable to all localities in the Province. Some have built houses which show that the first essential of housing poultry was not thoroughly known or given attention to before building. It is the intention of the writer to mention what should be done in order to get the best results from housing in all districts of the Province. The most economical way to secure cheap winter egg production is by the con- tinuous system of housing; that the stock be hatched at the proper time, which means from the 15th day of March to the loth day of May in most any part of The frames of houses may be made from trees about 3 inches in diameter, above shows a Tolman house in the course of construction. The British Columbia ; that the poultryman possesses a good knowledge of feeding his stock in order to secure good egg production and at the same time not force them ; that the stock be of a strain which is not susceptible to any harsh climatic change that may occur in any part of the Province ; and, further, that the stock has been given every, chance to progress without any set-back from lice, mites, or disease. Tnless these essentials have been attended to properly, one must not expect good, profitable egg production in any type of poultry-house. DEPARTMENT OF AOEICULTUEE. POULTRY-HOUSE ESSENTIALS. The house itself should be constructed as cheaply as possible, vet it in- convenient and provide a com' - mperature — a degree of temperature in which a man could work on the cold- - : winter and yet not feel the cold too much. It must be airy, so that if any moisture should gather and form a frost on walls or roof of the house at night it may become thoroughly dried out during the day. As much fresh air as possible should be allowed in the house at all times. joold always be kept in a sanitary condition. Droppings-boards should n< placed in the house onl- ss t ner -will <-;ean them often. Good poultry-homes can be made from :. | : >rest. THE SITE OF THE HOUSE. Do not build the house in a deep b" norning sun \\ shu: "!y drain*- -weltered from Trees on the north form a good A plant situated on :, - ope at POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 0 CONSTRUCTION OF THE HOUSE. There are many flocks which do exceptionally well in practically all types and sizes of houses, but for commercial work one desires a house which is cheap, prac- tical, and convenient. One sees instances where flocks of 200 birds do as well as flocks of twenty ; so, therefore, it is hard to lay down a hard-and-fast rule as regards the sizes of pens or numbers to be housed in the flock. For a general laying-house we may say that a house built 14, 16, or 18 feet deep, according to the districts (the colder the district, the deeper the house), 4 feet 6 inches at the back, 8 feet (or 9 feet in a house 18 to 22 feet deep) in the highest point of the gable, and 6 feet 6 inches in front, making what is termed a " combination roof," will give good success in any part of the Province. This house may be made in any length, and may be divided in pens to accommodate any number of birds the owner wishes to house. The front wall is solid board 1 foot down from the roof. Then there is a 3-foot wire opening extending within 1% feet of each end of the pen or house, whichever the case may be. Over this opening is built a frame curtain on hinges which will swing up snugly against the roof, and built so that it will fit snugly against the opening when closed over it to keep out the rain or snow. (See cut of front moNT CLCVATION Front section of one pen of the combination-pitch house, 14 feet long. In all districts where the temperature drops below 8° Fahr. we would advise 11$ feet of board at either end of opening in place of open front. eleTation.) For the distance beyond the opening in each pen one may substitute some glass instead of wood, as shown in the cut below, which will work to good advantage. To show the glass arrangement in place of all wood. The floor should be double-boarded. In the colder parts of the Province we advise not only breaking the joints, but laying one thickness of building-paper between the floors. 10 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FOUNDATIONS. There are many ideas relating to the correct foundation for a long continuous house, but there is no set rule to go by. An air-space is desirable under the floor to prevent rotting "of the floor-timbers and the floor." itself. If a house be built so that the floor-timbers are placed upon boulders at the ends and at short spaces between, or on 4-foot posts set 6 feet apart, with 8 or 10 inches above the ground, there would be a good circulation under the house in warm weather. In winter one can bank up around the house to keep the cold air from blowing under by ploughing a single furrow, throwing the dirt against the house. Although a little extra labour is involved in this method, the dirt banked against the house can be taken from the immediate back. In this way a ditch is formed which will carry the water away as it runs off the roof. A foundation of cement is strong and more durable than any other if constructed properly. When building a cement foundation it is advisable to dig a trench from 15 to 20 inches in depth directly under where the walls of the house are to be. It la necessary to keep the house on a level plane. We would suggest the hire of a team, man. and scoop shovel for a day in such an instance to take the dirt from the slope and level the same to a certain extent. The ditch should then be filled with coarse gravel to about 5 inches from the ground-level. Then construct the cement wall G or 8 inches thick to a level of 4 or 6 inches above the highest point of the ground-level on a level plant. The material should be well mixed in proportions of 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, and 5 parts coarse gravel, to withstand the weight of the building. Tiles may be placed in the concrete on the south side between the ground-level and the floor to allow air-circulation and thus prevent the floor-timbers from rotting. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 11 THE FLOORS. A good floor must be one which is dry and durable, with a good hard surface. If of earth, it must be well drained ; if of cement, the surface under the same must be well drained to prevent the dampness from coming up through the cement and affecting the birds. A damp floor will cause rheumatism in fowls. It must, also be rat-proof. It is advisable to lay tiles under and around the house, unless on a very sandy soil, or when the house is on an elevation well protected from winds. A cold, dry house can be more easily operated than a wet, damp house, which is undesirable. tipper : A correct foundation for a poultry-house. Notice the tiles, which should be placed every 3 feet for air-circulation. Lower left : A correct founda- tion for houses with cement floors. Lower right : A poor foundation for a board- floor house. A house built with an earth floor should be well drained, and the soil of a nature which will not pat down and draw dampness by capillary action, which would act as a drain on the soil surrounding the house. An earth floor can never give the same results when litter is placed thereon as will the board floor. The board floor is thought to be expensive, from the fact that matched lumber or shiplap is usually used. When the floor is constructed by breaking the joints 12 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and a layer of builders' paper laid between the two floors, it is no more expensive than the cement, and chances of success are as great or greater. Dampness can be more easily overcome by using a board floor with air-circulation underneath than by the cement or earth floor. Neither is there the danger of heaving by frost, or cracking, as with the cement floor. THE WALLS. Walls must be so constructed as to provide warmth, dryness, and strength for the house. They should be free from cracks and crevices to prevent mites and lice from accumulating in numbers, hence being easily cleaned and disinfected. Showing a poorly constructed wall. Openings such as are shown in this cut allow too many draughts. If a wall is made of single boards tightly fitted and covered with a eood roofing- paper, there will be little need of boarding the back wall inside. There is one exception to this statement, and that is, in a climate which is damp or where the ti'iHi-erature goes below zero for any length of time. When laying roofing-paper, always make the laps tight; have them well lapped over and thoroughly cemented together. Rather than use batten, we would suggest the double-boarding or boarding inside the plates and uprights on the north side of the house. THE ROOF. The roof in a house should be high enough to allow plenty of air-circulation and also ease of working. Single-boarded and tightly covered with good roofing-paper, shakes, or shingles is all that is required for a roof in a successful house. Shingle roofs should be one-third pitch, but roofing-paper will be satisfactory with almost no pitch. A shed roof does not require tie-beams, but with the combination pitch it is desirable to use them on account of the weight of the roof, especially when covered with snow. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 13 The boards on the roof should be brought together. In many instances dampness in the house is caused by allowing spaces between the boards. The heat of the fowls tends to draw the dampness through the two thicknesses of shingles, whilst the tight boarding helps to prevent this. We would further suggest that the roosting-quarters be sheathed on the inside of the house in the more damp sections of the Province. Showing a well-built wall. Notice the paper is well cemented. The same amount of material is required for either the shed, gable, or combina- tion-pitch type if the pitch and floor-plan are similar. Unless an alleyway and straw-loft is desired, one should not build the gable roof. The shed roof requires extra lumber to build nearly 6 feet higher in front than the combination-pitch type. TYPES OF ROOFS. 1. Shed roof. 2. Gable roof. 3. Combination roof. 4. Semi-monitor roof. WINDOWS AND OPENINGS. As all poultry-breeders advocate to day, the more fresh air we can allow in the house, the better results are to be obtained from the stock. The chief objection to DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. be raised is from the fact that the openings often embrace the whole of the front of the house, or the opening embraces the upper half of the front and the lower half is of solid boards. A good arrangement of glass and opening for curtain is shown in the cut on page Jfc The following cut shows a good arrangement of the amount of glass, openings, curtains, and interior arrangements in a pen of a continuous house. To show tie beams in combination-pitch house, b, feed-hopper : o, nests ; d, coop for extra males; h, place ; •. curtain; /, roost curtain (not needed); g, roosts. PARTITIONS. We have found quite frequently that ranchers have more or less trouble with colds amongst their stock. Though not always the case, we might state that often- times this trouble is due to the fact that there is too much frontage to a pen or pens in the house in comparison to the depth of the house. A house that is built 14 feet in depth should not have pens over 14 feet in length, unless there is a good wind-break near the roosts, or, say, covering the back half of the pen, running from back to front of house. Partitions should be tight at the back half of the house. If the builder does not desire to make the front half of the partition of solid board, a good heavy cloth could be used as a substitute. The strong objections to cloth are that it is less durable and collects dust very qui«-kly. Another suggestion might be that boards be used to the height of 2^4 feet from the floor up, with the exception of the roosting part of the house, and cloth be used to fill up the remaining distance. DOORS. The best place for doors seems to be in the centre of the partitions all through the house. All doors should be raised above the floor G inches, so that the. bottom will clear the litter. A 5-inch piece of inch board may be nailed permanently under the door. The doors should be hung evenly on hinges which are durable. A cheap hinge is an expensive nuisance when once it gets out of working order. \ _:<>od serviceable door is one which will allow ample room for the attendant to walk through with a pail in his hand. The writer prefers a single to a double door, except in cases where a trolly-car is to be u?ed in the house. The interior doors should swing both ways rather than one, and when once shut should be secured firmly. Continual swinging of doors means a draught, which one desires to overcome. POULTRY-HOU SE CONSTRUCTION. 15 ROOSTS. All interior fixtures of the house should be portable. The perches should be in the warmer part of the house, where no draughts can strike the stock, yet allowing them plenty of fresh air. They should run from east to west inside the back wall of the house. Perches may be made from trees of 3 inches in diameter, or by using 2x4 joists. The edges should be skived down evenly, then placed narrow edge up, and always built on the same level. The general working rule for roost-room is 6 to 8 inches per bird, and the perches placed 12 to 15 inches apart, having the first perch 15 inches from the back of the house. A poor open-front arrangement, showing too much wood and glass. DROPPINGS PLATFORMS. Drop-boards should not be used if the poultryman cannot give them the atten- tion required. It is better that a 12-inch piece of rough lumber be nailed across the back of the pen far enough out from the back wall to catch all the droppings. An absorbent, such as loam, sand, or slaked lime, should be used in this method to keep the house from smelling badly. In constructing the platforms the boards should be laid from the back towards the front of the house, rather than from wall to wall, to allow of easy cleaning. Many prefer building the drop-boards with a pitch to the front, instead of on the level plane, with a piece of 1 x 3 inch nailed edgewise along the front to keep the droppings from falling in the litter. An opening is allowed every 4 feet 10 DKI-AKT. \IKXT OF AGRICULTURE. measuring 2x8 inches through which the droppings fall into a box as they are scraped from the boards. This does away with holding the box or basket continually while scraping the boards. Cut showing Tc NESTS. Many houses about the Province have nests constructed on the front wall of the house. Though little trouble is given as a rule, there is danger of germination and too great evaporation in the egg itself, while the nests become too warm to be comfortable for the layer. One must cater to the needs and likes of the stock in order to secure all possible profits from them. A strong objection is also made against placing nests under the drop-boards. Lice, mites, etc., are always more prevalent in this part of the pen. If nests be placed here, they should be high enough from the floor so the stock will not lay on the floor in corners. They should also be near the front edge of the drop-boards, and should be portable, removing and cleaning them often. Perhaps the most desirable place to locate the nests is shown in the cut detailing the inside arrangement of a commercial poultry-house. Orange or apple boxes may be made to fit in a cabinet, as is shown in the same cut. N-- feet wide. As con- structed. this two-box house has approximately 40 square feet of floor surface, which is doubled if the structure is set up on posts 4 to 6 feet above the ground to permit the birds to run underneath the floor. This is an excellent scheme in the warmer parts of the Province, enabling one to keep a larger number of fowls, oi^give a small flock much more space, but should never be practised in the mountainous sections. In building, proceed as follows: Have two boxes of the same size. Remove the boards from the back and top of each box. working carefully to avoid splitting. Set the boxes back to back 3 feet apart on three pieces of 2- x 4-iuch material, and nail them in place. Nail boards on the 2 x 4's sufficient to fill the space between the boxes, to complete the floor. Then secure two boards 8 or 10 inches wide, and long enough to reach from shoulder to shoulder of the boxes. Mark the centre of POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 29 one side of each board, and then saw from that point to the lower corner of the opposite side. When nailed in place on top of each end of the pair of boxes, these boards will support the roof, the points forming the peak. Complete the roof by nailing on enough boards to cover, taking care to make joints smooth at the shoulders. Board up the opening between the boxes on the back, or north side, tightly. Showing front view of piano-box bouse. The frame of the building is now complete, excepting the south side, in which the door is placed, and windows if desired. The latter need not be provided with glass sash, as cloth-covered frames will serve the purpose well, furnishing both light and ventilation and saving money. The opening for the windows should be cut in the centre of the end of each box. Each opening should be covered with wire netting. Half-inch mesh wire is recom- mended. Showing side view of piano-box house. 30 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The door may be made by nailing on to two cross-strips enough boards to fill the opening between the boxes. It should then be hung on strong hinges and swing outward. If the fowls are to be permitted to go out of the house, a small door should be arranged for in the lower west end of southern exposure. This additional opening should be so placed as to avoid cross-draughts. The frames for each window should fit tightly, and each should be covered with one thickness of thin muslin or cotton cloth. Unbleached sheeting is commonly used for this purpose. These frames maybe buttoned on the front or hinged inside. If hinges are used, they should be placed on the top so the frames may be swung up out of the way t<> the roof, to prevent the hens roosting or laying on them when not in i> The building should then be covered to make it wind and weather proof, using one-ply roofing-pa per. This material should be put on as smoothly as possible in warm weather and should lie well cemented and nailed. For winter use the house must be kept free from cross-draughts.- It is also important that good ventilation be provided during hot weather. Tight poultry- houses litM-i.iiu- uncomfortably hot in the summer, and birds confined in them do not remain string and active. One may either arrange to face the house north during the summer months, and so prevent the sun from shining in. or cut a good- : door high up in the rear, keeping the same tightly closed until hot weather. when it may be ojn-ned to provide the necessary ventilation. A type of colony house which would work well on a city lot for 15 hens POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 31 CHIEF TYPES OF HOUSES. The combination-pitch house is one that the writer can advise being built in any part of the Province. Where the temperature drops to zero for any length of time, this house should be built 18 or 20 feet in depth ; but where the temperature goes below zero, the house should be built 20 or 22 feet in depth. The material needed for a unit of this house built 14 x 16 feet is as follows : — No. Pieces. Dimensions. Rough Lumber. Sills 3 8 4 6 5 4 •> 4 8 s 1 9 3 3 10 26 24 32 24 5 29 4" x 4" x 14' 2" x 4" x 16' 2" x 4" x 16' 2" x 4" x 6' 8" 2" x 4" x 5' 2" x 4" x 10' 2" x 4" x 14' iy2" x 6" x 12' 2" x 4" x 8' 2" x 4" x 12' 1" x 12" x 14' 8" x 8" x 3' 2" x 4" x 14' 1" x 12" x 14' 2" x 4" x 10' Boards, 8 x 14' long. 8 x 16' , 8 x 10' , 8x6', 8 x 14' , 8 x 16' , Floor-joists Floor-pads Front studs Back studs Side studs 'Wall-plates Roof-collars Front roof-joists I Jack roof -joists Front plank Posts Perches Drop-boards , Extra Shiplap. Floor ( double ) Sides Back Front Roof Cost of Material.* 800 feet rough lumber @ $14 $11 20 1.100 feet shiplap @ $16 17 60 Three rolls roofing-paper @ $1 3 00 One window 3 00 Hinges and fastenings for door 50 Nails 1 70 Wire front 3 00 Cost of material only $40 00 The reason that this house is called the " combination-pitch " house is due to the fact that the point of the gable makes a slope of one-third to the north and two- thirds to the south in the roof. Detailed measurements are given in conjunction with the cuts. THE WOODS HOUSE. This type of fresh-air house is used quite extensively by many poultrymen to good advantage. It entails a little more labour in building than does the combination- pitch house. The objection in a continuous house of this type .is the disadvantage one has in cleaning the same, but this could be overcome by having part of the front in the form of a door, so that the litter could be removed from each individual pen and carried away from the outside of the house. * Add on 50 per cent, of the cost price to all these prices for 1918. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. • _-___ J^z .: - ,=, "I t_. 1 — :.-.- -' • k " k ! i i_ B ' I --- i • — — ~~ — _. 4 --- m 1 * . : • i " 4 t I 4 H- 4 Combination-pitch house. (For front elevation see p. 9.) POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 33 The material for a unit of a Woods poultry-house 14 x 14 feet is as follows : — • No. Pieces. Dimensions. Rough Lumber. Sills 3 4" x 4" x 14' Floor-joists 3 2" x 4" x 14' Floor-plates 5 2" x 4" x 14' Studs, front 6 2" x 4" x 4' ., centre 5 2" x 4" x 7' .. centre 2 2" x 4" x 9' .. back 5 2" x 4" x 5' Wall-plates 4 2" x 4" x 14' Side-rails 4 2" x 4" x 7' Rafters 14 2" x 4" x 10' Front board 1 1" x 12" x 14' Drop-board 3 1" x 12" x 14' Perches 4 2" x 4" x 14' Etc 4 2" x 4" x 10' Shiplap. Floor ( double ) 44 Planks 8" x 14' long Roof 27 8" x 14' Back 22 8" x 6' Sides 42 8" x 10' Cost of Material.* 550 feet rough lumber @ $14 $ 7 70 1,100 feet shiplap @ $16 17 60 Two transoms 3 00 One side-window 2 00 Four pairs hinges and one hasp 2 00 Wire for front 50 Three rolls tar-paper 3 00 T^aths 50 Nails 3 00 Nine posts 2 25 Cost of material only THE TOLMAN HOUSE. $41 55 The Tolman house is one which is used more for a colony system of housing than for continuous housing. It should, however, give fair success when built deep enough, providing that plenty of light is allowed inside by having muslin or glass doors in between the pens. This, of course, adds to the expense of the house con- siderably. A type of this house which is called "the automatic hen-house" was originated by Professor W. R. Graham, of the Ontario Agricultural College, and was built 20 x 20 feet. We believe this house to be very good where persons are housing 75 or 100 fowls in one flock in the more dry sections of the Province, especially during the winter-time. * Add on 50 per cent, of the cost price to all these prices for 1918. 34 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SECTION ^ /^ "~L" *^--***--- ! — E; umm i -..- 4 ril 1 i - ... •' * £- - f . — . i m^~ - '•• --a • •- • m , . v i ; i ^ ' _ _ _ . i ms< • -.. «• »• * j s^-^ .,. V-V e ^ „.— • i ._._ i i >~. .-..-.4 a „=. —" t ^. .r- ..V s., ..V. 1 m~ - ._-___ « . TLOOR PL A M _ _ j I — •• ^ Woods house. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 35 Front section cut through Woods house. The material for a unit of the Tolman house, which in the original is 8 x 14 feet, is as follows : — No. Pieces. Dimensions. Rough Lumber. Skids 2 8 1 2 2 2 4 4 3 10 5 4 1 8 3 22 27 6 42 2" x 8" x 17' 2" x 4" x 8' li/o" x 12" x 8' 2" x 4" x 14' 2" x 4" x 8' 2" x 4" x 8' 2" x 4" x 8' 2" x 4" x 8' 2" x 4" x 5' 2" x 4" x 10' 1%" x 6" x 10' 2" x 4" x 10' 1" x 12" x 8' 2" x 4" x 8' 1" x 12" x 8' Boards, 8" x 14' long. „ 8" x 8' „ „ 8" x 10' „ „ 8" x 12' „ „ 8" x 10' „ Floor-joists Step Floor-plates Wall-plates Side studs Front studs Back studs Roof-joists Collars Bars, etc Front board Perches Drop-boards Shiplap. Double floors Roof Back . Two sides 36 ]>I-:i'AKTMEXT OF AGRICULTURE. Cost of Material.* 343 feet rough lumber @ $14 < 5 01 738 feet shiplap @ $16 '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 11 80 Two windcrws \ 3 00 Two rolls tar-paper 2 00 One bundle laths 60 Two door-hinges and one hasp 1 50 Wire for front 25 ' ._ 2 00 Cost of material only £26 16 SHED-ROOF HOUSE. If one prefers to build the shed-roof house instead of any of the foregoing, there perhaps can be no better plan than that of the Cornell type of house, 16 x 16 feet. This house, being built 9 feet at the front, or south elevation, and 5 feet at the back, has hardly enough pitch to be used in the colder sections of the Province, but should work well in any other sections. For the benefit of those who desire to build such a house, making two pens 16 x 16 feet, the material needed for such a house, 16 x 32 feet, is as follows : — ' 15 pieces 2" x 4" x 10'. 15 „ 2" x 4" x 14'. 6 .. -2" x 3" x 12'. 13 .. -I" x r," x 18'. 2 - .. 2" x 4" x VI'. 405 square feet shiplap for roof, 18-foot lengths. 360 .. shiplap. 16-foot leusrhs. 220 .. rough lumber for back, 12-foot lengths. 300 .. rough lumber for ends, 16-foot lengths. 150 .. rough lumber for partition, 16-foot lengths. 700 .. shiplap for miscellaneous work, 16- foot lengths. 280 .. shiplap for front. 12-foot lengths. 24 pieces 1M>" stuff. 12-foot lengths, for inside fixtures. For sills. 4 pieces 8" x 8" x 16', rough lumber. For floor. 64 pi<-.-es 1" x 12" x 16', rough lumber. Hardware, including roofing-paper and glass. $40. NOTE. — The dimensions given on the cuts are applicable to the Lower Mainland, Lower Gulf Islands, and the southern part of Vancouver Island. In other parts of the Province, according to the coldness and dampness of the atmosphere, the houses should be altered to meet the conditions. From Chill iwack to Kamloops and from Cowichan to Comox we would suggest that houses be built at least 16 feet in depth. For other parts of the Province where we have extreme cold the houses should be built at least 18 feet in depth. In constructing poultry -houses, one should never build them under 12 feet in depth nor over 22 feet ; the former would allow too much air-circulation in the house, and the latter would allow too much dampness to collect that would not dry out during the day. * Add on 50 per cent, of the cost price to all these prices for 1918. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 37 f--*l — ruooR •TRONT ELEVATION Tolman house. 38 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. POULTRY-HOUSE ( !O.\STW <-TION. 39 40 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. CONSTRUCTION OF BROODER-HOUSES. The coal-burning brooder-stoves seem to give the best results by operating them on the colony-plan system. This division recommends a colony house built 10 x 12 feet, with the back -5 feet 6 inches inside and the fronb 8 feet over all. We recom- mend that the door be placed in the centre of the front and to swing outward. This will allow the attendant to operate the stove with greater ease, and also without disturbing the chicks, by going direct to the stove rather than walking from the side of the house to the front of the stove when shaking, filling, and doing the various things that one must do at night. Two six-light sashes should also be made to swing outward by hinging at the top. These should be at the front of the house, one on each side of the door. The bottom of the sash should be at least 2% feet from the floor. Inside the sash-opening should be two cotton sashes made to swing in from the top by hinging at the bottom. By having the glass and cotton frames so hinged no direct current of cold air will strike the chicks, and at the same time a good amount of fresh air will always be accessible. The operator must so fix the sashes that the wind will not cause them to fly back and forth. Colony brooder-house, 14 feet long and 10 deep ; curtain-fronted. This house is built on skids and can be easily hauled by a team. The house can be made of single boards and shingled, with building-paper between. In the colder sections of the Province we would recommend double-boarding by boarding on both the outer and inner side of the frame timbers, then using either shingles or good building-paper. The majority of the breeders prefer shingles to building-paper on the brooder-houses. The floor should be double-boarded in all sections of the Province and built on skids. The skids should be placed IS inches from either wall, and should run from wall to wall rather than from back to front. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of rounding off the corners and leaving no cracks for chicks to get in between during the night. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. Plans are usually given by brooder-manufacturers to persons desirous of using the oil-burning stoves. CONSTRUCTION OF FRESH-AIR BROODERS. The problem of securing better results from brooding has been studied and experi- mented with by many different experiment stations and individuals for several seasons past. There have been so many difficulties to contend with that the work has been left mainly in the hands of communities rather than individuals for results. The following detailed description is the result of the work done by Dr. R. Pearl, of the Maine Experiment Station, in conjunction with his poultry staff. The above station had used many different types of brooders, but each had its objectionable features. Therefore, before the brooder which is described below was known to any one outside of the station staff, it was experimented with under all difficulties, in order to improve any mediocrity which might exist. It is from the above results that the writer feels thoroughly justified in recommending the brooder to the poultrymen of this Province. Practical experience has been exactly as outlined in the following lines, and the advantages are needed by many who are engaged in the business. To point out the benefits derived there- from, the main faults of the regular brooder are designated as follows : — - Firstly : The mortality in the old type of brooder is found to be exceptionally high within a few days after the chicks are placed therein. For example, if the hover be situate in the centre, placed on a closed projection whereinto the heat was conducted, invariably, on a cold night, the chicks would crowd in towards the heated projection. The result was that one would pick from five to ten chicks out each morning which had been trampled to death, until the number- was small enough for all around the projection to get an even amount of heat. From this point, we arrived at the conclusion that the heat was not evenly distributed, so, therefore, one must first choose a hover which will throw out the heat to all parts of the brooder. 1 *^ >*• •*$£- •• J i WT-- ' P^5^^^8^1-S Cut 1. Showing house suitable for installing two of the described brooders. Secondly: The difficulty in obtaining the required amount of heat could be overcome only by having a higher flame. The flame being turned up, one would get l»ottoin heat, which is not desired. Again, if a draught happens to strike a too-high Hame, one would have a fire to contend with. Thirdly: One must also consider that the lamp-fumes and vitiated air must be taken from the interior of the house, especially so when two brooders are oper- ated in a small space. Fourthly : There is too much labour involved in the moving-about of the small brooders of the box type. They are not only heavy and clumsy, but have to DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. be carried from the house on the range to the storehouse, thus entailing too much time in the busy season. With the brooder outlined the above faults are overcome. It I* so constructed that it may be dismantled in five minutes, the hover and its parts put in one place. and the different frames, etc., placed in under the floor of the brooder. Any plan which is shown to be of a labour-saving nature should be welcomed by every poultry- man in the Province. The advantages which we found to accrue from the use of this brooder are as follows: — It was found possible to rear a larger number of chicks in proportion to the number originally put in than in any other brooder, and the mortality was much lower. Furthermore, the chicks not only lived and grew quicker, but were more thrifty than those raised in any other type. We must not let the problem of tuberculosis pass unnoticed. Although we do not see it in so much young stock, the main way to help prevent this disease is by allowing more fresh air to the young chicks from the time they leave the shell until they are put into the laying-house. The Construction of the Brooder. With the idea in mind of obtaining a fresh-air brooder, it was deemed advis- able to use a wall which is permeable to air. In meeting this requirement, the outer side and front walls, as also the top \>t the brooder, were made of cloth. Collectively speaking, the brooder is a cloth box containing a hover of the type in which the lamp-fumes are conducted outside of the building by an exhaust-pipe. These brooders may be built permanently into the house which they occupy. If the house be 6 x 6 feet, we would not place more than one brooder in the same. If it be 12 x G feet (as shown in Cut 1 i. two brooders may be run to their full capacity. When two brooders are placed in the buildii:g. a part of the end wall and part of the back wall of the building form two of the sides of each brooder. The remaining side, front, and cover are made of cloth tacked firmly on light wooden frames, as are shown in <'ut 2. The floor of the brooder stands 10 inches above the floor of the house. From the front of the brooder a sloping walk extends down to the floor of the house, reaching in width clear across the whole front of the brooder. A small piece of burlap may be tacked on this runway to allow the chicks to run up and down from the hover more easily. The cloth front and side of the brooder are not permanently fixed in position, but are removable panels, which are held together to the framework by hooks and eyes, cleats also being placed on the floor and sides, as shown in Cut 3. The cover is hinged in the middle in such a way that it can be either half or entirely open, and folded back out of the way. The advantage of having it jointed in the middle is that the degree of heat may be fixed more regularly, and that by folding over it is possible to turn up against the back and roof, thus leaving no small holes for the chicks to fly into and get lost, as shown in Cut 6. A hover of the circular type must be used in this kind of brooder. The lamp is placed inside the house, underneath the brooder, on the floor. Two little of wood should be nailed securely on the floor, to prevent the lamp from sliding about. By having the lamp inside the house, we do not have any trouble from winds or rains when we wish to light it. In the old type of brooder it often requires a box of matches to light the lamp in the outdoor box. Heavy insulation is also required on the inner side of the top of the hover or drum, to reduce the of heat by radiation in the early spring. Detailed working drawings are given, as seen in the cuts. Fig. 2 shows the end elevation of the brooder. Fig. 3 shows a section through the middle of the brooder. Fig. 4 shows the floor-plan and arrange- ment of the hover. Fig. 5 shows the brooder in operation. Fig. 0 shows its appear- ance when dismantled, with the parts stored in the base, yft the house is in use by the larger chickens. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. There is no roost provided in Cut (5, but two scantlings may be laid across the house, on top of the wall side of the brooder, which will accommodate about fifty good-sized birds. Material of any sort of planed lumber may be used, though it is well to secure lumber which has been thoroughly dried, and which will not swell too quickly from T" —. I - - 15 - A to* — A : 12" be\d by b. b • Cut 2. End elevation of brooder. Note sloping run to floor, hinged cover, remov- able side panel AA on base of brooder. In the centre of this is a small door made of % -inch mesh galvanized wire. Through this door the lamp is withdrawn for filling and cleaning. The panel AA is removed from the brooder, is dismantled, and the whole superstructure is then packed away under the base. See text for further explanation. Cut 3. Section through middle of brooder. Note cloth cover and side, large space between floor of brooder and floor of house, in which the lamp is placed while the brooder is ia operation, and which serves as a storage place for the whole upper part of the brooder when the latter is not in use. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. wetting. Where the joints hare to be connected in the frames, the material calls for lumber of even width, also tending to keep the muslin firm and straight. Burlap may be used in the place of muslin, but it does not allow light to enter the brooder uld white material. » 8 B R««woWe erx* ond frttnT held by Hooks KH teufar^Kts PP &B or-* Go«-»vci5 oo >«-ood Cut 4. Floor-plan of brooder. A few measurements would, perhaps, make the above a little more clear, as follow? : — The height with the cover up is 4' 4" The height of the back is 2' 1" The width of the floor is i1' 10" :th of run i." 1" Length all over 3' 1"" Length of end 2' ',»" x 1' 11" Canvas top frame 3' 7 l ^ " x _ Canvas front frame 3' 6" x 1' 11" Canvas end frame I - x 1' 11" Pieces of wood about S or 8% inches are used for elevating the floor of brooder from the floor of the house. Use inch stuff for cleats. Where tongue and groove lumber or shiplap cannot be used, we would recommend breaking the joints. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. Hovers may be purchased from firms in the Province that can easily be adapted for utilization in an arrangement of the above-mentioned type. We would suggest to the poultrymen that they substitute more cotton and muslin in the place of so much wood and glass. Cut 5. Showing brooder installed and ready for operation. Cut 6. Showing brooder dismantled and parts stored in base. 46 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (PUBLICATIONS BRANCH). BULLETINS. Lire Stock and Mixed Farmimj. No. 60. Hog-raising in British Columbia. .. t'.4. Angora and Milch Goats. .. •)<;. Silns and Silage. .. <>7. Feeding and Management of Daii'y Cattle. .. 71. Butter-making on the Farm. 72. Milk-testing and Dairy Records. „ 73. Field-crop and Seed Competitions, 1917. .. 7". Boys' and Girls' Competitions, 1917. Poultry-raising. No. 26. Practical Poultry-raising. (4th Edition.) ., 39. Natural and Artificial Brooding and Incubating. (3rd Edition.) .. 49. Market Poultry. (3rd Edition, i .. .". ('arc and Marketing of Eggs. (2nd Edition.) .. »>:>. Poultry-house Construction. (2nd Edition.) ,. 74. Breeding and Selection of Commercial Poultry. Women's Institutes. No. 54. British Columbia Women's Handbook (1913-14). Fruits and Vegetables. No. 33. Fruit-growing Possibilities, Skeena River. (Reprint.) „ 4S. Exhibiting Fruits and Vegetable*!. (2nd Edition.) .. <;>. Diseases and Pests of Cultivated Plants in British Columbia. Miscellaneous. No. 44. Irrigation in British Columbia. „ 59. Agricultural Statistics for Year 1913, including Special Reports on Agricul- tural Conditions in the Province. „ 65. Agricultural Statistics of British Columbia, Year 1914. ., 7<;. Agricultural Statistics <»f British Columbia, Year 1916. CIRCULARS. No. 9. Honey Production in British Columbia, 1915. „ 31'. Seed-growers' Directory. „ 13. Instructions re Co-operative Variety Tests. ,, 14. Community Breeding. .. ir>. The B.C. Fanner and his Silo. CIRCULAR BULLETINS. No. 1. Thousand-headed Kale. (2nd Edition.) „ 4. Management of Turkeys. „ 5. Clover Dodder. „ 6. Seed Improvement. „ 7. Keeping Poultry Free from Lice. „ 10. The Care of Milk and Cream. „ 11. Poultry-keeping on a City Lot. (2nd Edition.) „ lli. Management of Geese. „ 13. Root-seed Growing. .. 14. The Use of Agricultural Lime. POULTRY-HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. 47 CIRCULAR BULLETINS — Concluded. ,. 15. Profitable Ducks. ., 18. Noxious Weeds, their Identification and Eradication. ., 19. Poultry Rations and their Practical Application. „ 20. Chicken-pox in Poultry. HORTICULTURAL CIRCULARS. Xo. 4. Insects Injurious to Orchards. (5. Spray Calendar. 7. Fungous Diseases of Orchard and Garden. ,, 8. Packing Orchard Fruits. „ 9. Sprays and Spraying. .. 12. Orchard Intercrops. „ 14. Practical Irrigation. ., 15. Cabhage, Celery, and Tomato Culture. ., 17. Planting Plans and Distances. ., 19. Propagation and Selection of Nursery Stock. .. 22. Thinning Tree-fruits. .. 24. The Home Vegetable Garden for Southern Interior Sections. ., 27. Methods of Fruit Picking and Handling. .. 28. Fertilizers for Fruits and Vegetables. .. 29. Varieties of Fruit recommended for Commercial Planting. REPORTS. Department of Agriculture, Annual Report, T.tir. Department of Agriculture, Annual Report, T.tlf,. P.ritish Columbia Fruit-growers' Association, Annual Report, 1915. British Columbia Fruit-growers Association, Annual Report, 1916. Fanners' Institute Report, 1915. Women's Institute Report, 1915. British Columbia Dairymen's Association Report, 1915. Third International Egg-laying Contest at Victoria, B.C. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 191G. MlS( KLLAMCOUS. The Agricultural Journal (monthly). (Subscription $1.00 per year.) List of Agricultural Books recommended for Farmers. Revised Rules and Regulations, Board of Horticulture. Finance in Relation to Women's Citizenship. By A. C. Flumerfelt. Rules and Regulations, Women's Institutes. List of Books and Magazines recommended for Women's Institutes. Rules and Regulations, Farmers' Institutes. Stock-breeders' Directory. VICTORIA, B.C. : Printed by WILLIAM H. CULLIN, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1918. \UG £ p rr r , -:OOd i 1