^MVvf- 'M&''vSp 'l^.'JV-' ' 7' R D Marine Biological Laboratory Received FGP.IP., 19 ^i: Accession No. ooi>^2 Given By D^« A. 3. Foster and D. van No strand Co. Place, ^rr^' Tori: f'-^.t-r \ ^^= -0 ^^^ nj ^^= ru CD' - O — — m 0 Practical Plant Anatomy // By ADRIANCE S. FOSTER Associate Professor of Botany University of California NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Inc. 250 FOURTH AVENUE 1942 Copyright, 1942 l.y D. VAN XOSTRAXl) COMPANY, Inc. AU Ixif/Jils- Fmrrvt'd Tills })iiiik or iiiiij pint Ihereaf mai/ not he reprodiired in nni/ form fiHiniit vritti'ii iii'riiiixsinn iriiiii tlif piililixliers. PRINTED TX U.S.A. Preux of George S. Fkucu-sox Co. Philadelphi;!. Pa. To my wife PREFACE Since a realistic foundation in plant anatomy depends upon thorough laboratory practice, there appears to be a definite need for a guide which will both direct as w^ell as orient the student in his individual studies. The present book has been written from this standpoint and is therefore intended for use in the laboratory. Each exercise contains an introductory section in which an effort is made to summarize briefly but clearly the present status of knowledge of the subject for study. This "Introduction" is in no sense to be regarded as a substitute for collateral reading in the standard texts in plant anatomy and in the selected modern literature which are appended at the end of each exercise. But the author's experience has led to the conviction that a wholly unnatural and artificial gap may easily occur between ''theory" and "practice" in the teaching of plant anatomy. To quote from De Bary's classic of 1884, "On the anatomy of plants such an indescribable amount has been written that, in a' comprehensive treatise, one or many authors might be cited in reference to every word. ' ' The truth of this statement is of course self-evident today and the beginner in anatomy is often confused as well as discouraged by the wealth of detail and maze of controversy presented in many anatomical texts. In the present book, therefore, the aim has been to articulate as far as possible the practical study of laboratory material with the best of modern interpretation and theory. By this means the student, through his own work in the laboratory should be able gradually to acquire a practical basis for the critical evaluation of theory. The material suggested for study under each exercise has been selected, as far as possible, from types of plants readily available to most teachers. An effort has been made to avoid rare or unusual plants and frequent reference is made to forms of economic importance to man. Wherever it seemed desirable, alternative material has been listed. y vu Vlll PREFACE 111 view of the existence of several excellent texts in plant microtechnique, special methods for the preparation of macerated tissue and permanent mounts, as well as the use of microchemical reagents, receive only brief attention in this book. However, a few notes on these topics which may prove valuable to both the teacher and student in the use of this book are included under the "Appendix." Since teaching methods vary, especially with respect to the nature of the record which the student is required to make of his laboratory work, each exercise contains a list of suggested drawings and special topical reports. This, it is hoped, will per- mit of selection on the part of the teacher in accordance with the time and emphasis placed on a given topic. Whatever practical merits the present volume may possess are due to a large degree to the constructive criticisms of numerous students who used the book in its previous planographed form. The exercise on sieve-tube elements has been read and criticized by Dr. Katherine Esau and Dr. A. S. Crafts for whose assistance the author expresses his thanks. I am also grateful for the many helpful suggestions made by Dr. Ernest Ball who served as my laboratory assistant for the past three years. For all errors in fact or interpretation, however, the writer assumes full responsibility. a o xn A. o. F. Berkelcv, Talif. Oct., 1941 Special Acknowledgments Quotations from various texts are acknowledged as to pagina- tion and autiior at appropriate points in this book. For special ponnission to rei)i'o(luce these quotations, the author expresses his thanks to the foUowiiig: Professor T. E. Kawlins and John Wiley and Sons, for the quotation from Rawlins' Phytopathological and Botanical Research MetJwds; University of Chicago Press, for the quotation from Jeffrey's The Anatomy of Woody Plants; ]\lcfiraw-llill IJook Company, for the (piotations from Sliarp's Introduction to Cj/toloc/y and Eames and ^IcDaniel's Introduc- tion to Plant Anatomy : Longman's Green and Company, for the (piotations from Priestley and Scott's Introduction to Botany; The Mac.Milhiii Company, for the (|Uotations from Ilabei-Iandt's Physif)lo(jic(d Plant Aiiafomy. Strasl)urger's Tc.rfhooli of Botany and Hay ward's The Structure of Economic Phnifs. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface vii EXERCISE I. The Protoplast 1 II. The Cell Wall 7 III. Meristems 1^ IV. Problems in the Classification of Cell Types, Tissues and Tissue Systems in Vascular Plants (Including Tabular Summary of Main Cell Types in Seed Plants) 32 V. The Epidermis 45 VI. Parenchyma Cells 57 VII. Collenchyma Cells 62 VIII. Sclereides 67 IX. Fibers 73 X. Tracheary Elements 80 XI. Sieve-tube Elements 93 XTT. The Stem 101 XIIT. The Leaf 123 XIV. The Root 130 Appendix 139 Index 143 IX 56399 General References The books listed below constitute the most important general references in plant anatomy and are cited by the author, wher- ever useful, in the specific reference lists at the end of each exer- cise. Additional references including recent papers and compre- hensive review articles will be found at the end of most of the exercises. Bower, F. 0., Size and Form in Plants. London, Macmillan and Company, Ltd., 1930. Chamberlain, C. J., Gymnosperms, Structure and Evolution. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 193.1. , , Methods in Plant Histology. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1932. Committee on Nomenclature, International Association of Wood Anatomists, Glossary of Terms Used in Describing Woods. Tropical Woods 36:1-12. 1933. De Bary, A., Comparative Anatomy of the Vegetative Organs of the Phanerogams and Ferns. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1884. Fames, A. J., Morphology of Vascular Plants, Lower Groups. New York, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1936. , , and MacDaniels, L. H., An Introduction to Plant Anatomy. New York, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1925. Haberlandt, G., Physiological Plant Anatomy. London, Macmillan and Company, Ltd., 1914. Hayward, H. E., The Structure of Economic Plants. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1938. .Teffrey, E. C, The Anatomy of Woody Plants. Chicago, LTniversity of Cliicago Press, 1917. Johansen, D. A., Plant Microtechnique, New York, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1940. Mansfield, W., Histology of Medicinal Plants. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1916. Penhallow, D. P., A Manual of the North American Gymnosperms. Boston, (Jinn and Co., 1907. Priestley, J. II., and Scott, L. I., An Introduction to Botany. London, Longmans Green and Co., 1938. Rawlins, T. E., Phytopathological and Botanical Research Methods. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1933. Sachs, J., Te.xtbook o'f Botany. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1882. Sass, J. E., Elements of Botanical Microtechnique. New York, AIcGraw Hill Book Co., 1940. Sharp, L. W., Introduction to Cytology. Srd Ed. New Ycuk, McGraw Hill Book Co., I!t34. Smith, G. M., Cryptogamic Botany, Vol. II. Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. New York, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1938. Solereder, H., Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1908.' , , and Meyer, F. J., Systematische Anatomic dor Mono- kotyledonen. Berlin, (icl)riider Borntraeger (apparently as yet incom- plete. So far have appeared 1 Heft, 1 Teil, 1933; Heft III, 1928; Heft IV, 1929; Heft \l, 1930). Strasburger, E., Ilandlxiok of I'ractical Botany (trans, by W. Hillhouse). 7th Ed., New York, The MacmiUan Company, 1911. , , Textbook of Botany, 5th Eug. Ed. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1921. Exercise I THE PROTOPLAST I. Introduction. — It is now a well-known fact that protoplasm, which constitutes the physical basis of all life, is organized and "subdivided" in the higher plants into small microscopic units which are termed cells. Usually each living cell, reg-ardless of its position, form or function, consists of a wall which encloses a uninucleate protoplast. Exceptions to this typical condition are furnished by the multinucleate protoplasts of certain fibers, vessels and lactiferous elements. Such coenocytes are of con- siderable theoretical interest with reference to the problem of the origin and significance of the multicellular plant. The so- called "Cell Theory," propounded over a century ago, regards the organism both ontogenetically and phylogenetically as a "cell republic" which has arisen by "the aggregation of a vast number of elementary individuals" or cells (cf. Sharp 1934, pp. 20-24). In contrast, the "Organismal Theory" attaches less importance to the septate condition and regards cellular struc- ture as the result of the growth of the organism as a whole. The definitiveness of the cell wall in the tissues of all higher plants doubtless has encouraged the continued wide acceptance of the "Cell Theory" as the more useful concept, at least in any analyti- cal study of plant anatomy. The term "cell" was originally applied in 1665 by Robert Hooke to each of the numerous "cavities" observed by him in such material as charcoal and cork. Later, with the discovery of protoplasm, the major emphasis was placed upon the living protoplasmic body and the cell wall was regarded as a "lifeless" secretion of the protoplast. At the present time, however, it seems necessary and justifiable to include hoth the protoplast as well as its wall under the general term of "cell." Evidence in support of this viewpoint is furnished (1) by the apparently Z THE PROTOPLAST iiitiinato relationship existing between llie eell wall and the proto- l)Ia.sm (luring eell differentiation, (2) by the very common occur- rence of protoplasmic connections or plasmodesmuta which penetrate the wall at various points, and (3) by the peculiar behavior of the wall in certain algae (cf. Anderson 1935, pp. 71-72). ]\fany important cell types in vascular plants such as fibers, tracheids, vessel elements, and sclereides consist only of the wall at maturity. However, it is entirely appropriate to designate them as "cells" since the loss of their jirotoplasts occurs during the later stages of differentiation. II. The Cells of Plant Hairs. — The cells of many plant hairs furnish very useful material for a study of the protoplast. Be- cause such cells are usually highly vacuolated and hence semi- transparent, they may be easily studied without special prepara- tion or staining. Indeed, in the staminal hairs of Tnidcscantia, the brilliantly colored cell sap in the vacuome provides a splendid optical contrast for the gray cytoplasm and nucleus. Obtain a transverse section near the tij) of the stem of petunia or squash, mount it carefully in water and examine the prepara- tion under lov^ mugnification. A number of semi-transparent hairs, variable in size and in the form of their terminal cells, will be seen radiating from the edge of the section. Thin sec- tions will show the mode of attachment of the base or "foot" of the hair to the epidermis of the stem. Selecting an uninjured and straight haii-, examine its component cells under hi- l)e deposited. The secondary wall of plant PITS 11 cells is rarely coiiliiiuous (wcv ilie entire surface of tlie adjacent })riinai'y wail. In certain Iraciieary elements of llie i)riniary xyleni for example, the secondai-y wall is developed as discrete rings, si)irals, bars or as a complex network oi- mesh, while in other cell types, well-defiiied thin areas or pits occur. Secure prepared slides of transverse sections of the stem of basswood (Tilia) and geranium {Pelargonium) and examine the parenchyma tissue of pith and cortex under high magni^cation. Note carefully the thin, apparently unstratified "compound mid- dle lamella" of each cell and the prominent intercellular air spa-ces. Tlie very slightly thickened "walls" of these cells appear to represent the original intercellular substance and the two adjacent primary walls of the terminal meristem cells from which they originated. Examine under both low and high tnagnification the ex- tremely thick-walled hast fibers of Tibia noting the very thin, continuous compound middle lamella, the thick, obscurely strati- fied secondary wall and the much reduced lumen of each cell. Occasionally, in both transverse as Avell as longisections, very small canal-like pits will be visible in the secondary w-all. IV. Pits. — With few exceptions, the secondary wall of plant cells is interrupted by small cavities or recesses which are termed pits. These thin areas in the secondary wall vary widely in size, structure and arrangement and, since they exhibit some con- stancy depending upon the type of cell, they provide significant criteria in comparative studies, especially of xylem cells. Pits typically occur in pairs; i.e., a thin area in the secondary wall of a given cell normally lies opposite a similar recess in the ad- jacent cell. Hence the term "pit-pair" designates the usual condition and is contrasted in meaning with "blind pit" which is a pit "without a complement opposite to an intercellular space" (cf. Glossary of Terms Used in Describing Woods, p. 5). Each member of a simple pit-pair consists of (1) the pit cavity, which is the actual space within the secondary wall, and (2) the 2nt aperture or opening into the cavity. The members of a pit- pair are separated from one another by a common piit membrane w^hich represents a discrete portion of the presumably modified intercellular substance and the two primary walls. Compara- 12 THE CELL WALL lively little detailed iiit'ormatiuii is available regarding the ontogeny of pits. Possibly their usual paired character is asso- ciated with the fact that at least in living cells, the pit membrane is penetrated by plasmodesmata which thus may determine the opposite position of the pits. At any event it is clear that pit-pairs arise on the primary pit fields of meristematic cells. These pit fields which are defined (cf. Glossary of Terms Used in Describ- ing Woods, p. 4) as thinner areas of "the intercellular layer and primary walls" are observable in cambial initials as well as in the so-called i)rimordial meristem of the shoot apex of certain seed plants (cf. Foster, 1938, 1939a, in "References" to Exercise III). From the standpoint of function, pits are believed to facilitate the process of diffusion between adjacent cells. Pit-pairs may be conveniently classified under four major types, viz. : 1. Simple pit-pairs, which are typical of cells which retain a protoplast throughout their functional life, are particularly well developed in parenchyma cells. In face view, the aperture ap- pears as a circular, elliptical or even irregular area. In macer- ated tissue,^ simple pit-pairs in this view appear as refractive red points of light. A recognition of this optical characteristic will help to distinguish simple i)its from jiarticles of i)rot<)plasm or other substances lying free in the cell lumen. In sectional view, the cavity of each member of the pit-pair is usually of equal diameter throughout and there is no overarching rim or border produced by the adjoining secondary wall. Ohtaiii ii pi-eparation of macerated secondary xylem of the .stem of the trumpet-creeper (Tccrnna radicdiis) and examine it undei- l(/)r magnification noting the numerous wood parenchyma and xylem-ray parenchyma cells. These cells are box-like in form and occur singly or in groups depeiuliiig upon the extent to which the xylem has been macerated. Study a coiniected group of parenchyma cells under lii(/Jt niannification and investi- gate the size, structure and position of the simple pit-i)airs as seen in surface and sectional vieAvs. In nil studies of this kind, it is e.ssentijil to sccni-e ci-itical illuuiination and to use the fine adjust- ment of the mici-oscope constantly. ' Cf. Appoiulix, J)]). 140-141 for tlie t('(lmi(|ue of niacoiatiiiK i)iant tissue. PITS 13 2, Bordered pit-pairs are typical of dead water-conducting cells, notably tracheids and vessel elements. In contrast to the previous type, the cavity of each member of the pit-pair is over- arched by a rim-like development of the secondary wall which is termed the border. As seen in face view, the pit aperture is cir- cular or broadly elliptical. In median section view, the border over-arching' each pit member is apparent and, an additional structural peculiarity is observable, namely the to7-us. The latter is a discoid, central, thicker portion of the pit membrane which is slightly wider than the diameter of the pit aperture. The re- mainder of the membrane is much thinner and sufficiently pliable so that under certain conditions the torus may be pressed against one or the other of the two pit apertures. To understand clearly the structure of a bordered pit-pair, it must be visualized in both face and sectional views. Reference to Eames and MacDaniels (1925, pp. 27-30, Figs. 15, 16, 17 and 21) and to Jeffrey (1917, pp. 5-6, Figs. 4 and 5) will prove helpful. Obtain a preparation of macerated xylem of the stem of Pinus and examine it under low magnification. Bordered pit-pairs are large and obvious in the tracheids, which are elongated cells with acute or blunt tips. Select a suitable tracheid and study the ap- pearance of the bordered pits in face view under high magnifica- tion. Observe that each pit appears as three concentric outlines. The outermost circle demarcates the edge of the pit cavity, the intermediate circle represents the edge of the torus and the some- what refractive innermost circle is the pit aperture. In many tracheids, the successive bordered pits are more or less clearly set apart from each other by "eye-brow" or rim-like ridges, termed crassulae. These are interpreted as ** thicker portions of the intercellular layer and primary walls betw^een primary pit fields" and in the past have been designated as "Bars of Sanio" and "Rims of Sanio" (cf. Glossary of Terms Used in Describing Woods, p. 4). The structure of bordered pit-pairs in sectional view can be effectively studied in macerated material if the edge of the pitted walls are turned towards the observer. In order to study critically the pit membrane and the torus, it is neces- sary to examine thin, properly-stained radial sections of pine xvlem. 34 THE CELL WALL 3. Half-bordered pit-pairs represent "an intercellular pairing of a simple and a bordered pit" (Glossary of Terms I'sed in Describing Woods, p. 5) and occur when living parenchymatous cells develop in contact with dead tracheary elements. According to a frequent opinion expressed in texts, the pit-member on the side of the living cell is simple while its mate on the side of the tracheid or vessel is bordered. Frost (1929), however, in a study of the nature of pitting between tracheary and parenchymatous cells in angiosperm xylem. has found that this conception has no general validity. He concludes that "fully bordered, half- bordered and simple pits are characteristic features between tracheary cells and vascular parenchyma" and that "the type of pitting on the wall of the parenchyma cell is controlled largely by the degree of specialization of the vessel or fiber which lies next to it." Obviously the whole question of pitting in plant cells demands further investigation, from both a comparative as well as an ontogenetic point of view. Secure prepared slides of conifer and dicotyledonous sec- ondary xylem and investigate under high magnification the na- ture of the pitting between wood parenchyma or wood ray cells and the connected tracheary elements. 4. Vestigial pit-pairs are typical of thick-walled wood and bast fibers. Tn these cells, the secondary wall is greatly thickened and the pits are often so reduced in size and number as to appear truly "vestigial" or functionless. The vestigial pit-pairs of typical wood fibers are usually interpreted morphologically as reduced and highly modified bordered pit-pairs. This conclusion is based (1) on the belief that the wood fiber has developed phylo- genetically from the tracheid, and (2) on the fact that a closely graded series of intermediate conditions between typical "bord- dered pit-i)airs" and "vestigial pit-pairs" can be seen in com- paring the tracheids, fibcr-tracheids and fibers in the xylem of the same plant. In typical vestigial pit-pairs of wood fibers, the pit-cavities although circular are relatively small, the border is greatly reduced in size or absent and a torus is frequently lacking. The most distinctive feature of tliis type of pitting, however, consists in the elongated slit-like apertures which instead of being opposite fas is true of the circular apertures of the members of SUGGESTED DRAWINGS AND NOTES 15 a pair of bordered pits) are crossed. Furthermore, each slit- shaped aperture is connected with the pit cavity by a channel hav- ing the form of a flattened funnel (cf. Eames and MacDaniels, 1925, p. 33, Figs. 21-22). The vestigial pit-pairs of bast fibers are frequently less complex, and consist of small circular aper- tures and very narrow tubular cavities. Such pits are often regarded morphologically as specialized simple pits. Ohtain a preparation of macerated secondary xylem of the sycamore (Platanus) and examine it under low magnification, noting the numerous long, acuminate wood fibers. Careful study of these fibers under high magnification will reveal the character- istic arrangement of tlie vestigial pits with their narrow apertures and inconspicuous "halo-like" cavities. Occasional fibers may be turned in such a way that the vestigial pits or pit-pairs may be visible in sectional view. A study should also be made of pit structure as revealed in prepared and stained longisections through the xylem. Make a comparative study of the vestigial pit-pairs of the bast fibers of Tilia or Platanus with the use of macerated as well as stained and sectioned material. V. Suggested Drawings and Notes. — 1. Prepare drawings showing the arrangement and approxi- mate number of plasmoclesmata in a small group of connected endosperm cells of Diospyros. Briefl}- summarize the possible importance of the presence of plasmodesmata with reference to the trans-location of organic materials in plants. 2. Draw a group of pith or cortical parenchyma cells from the stem section of Tilia or Pelargonium showing and labeling the following: compound middle lamella, protoplast, intercellular air spaces. In what kinds of plant tissue are intercellular air spaces likely to be most prominent ? Explain, from a physio- logical viewpoint (cf. Ilaberlandt, Ch. IX). 3. Draw a group of bast fibers of Tilia as seen in the trans- section of the stem, showing and labeling the foHowing: com- pound middle lamella, secondary wall, and lumen. What might be the "cause" of the deeply-stained thickenings frequently vis- ible at the common point of contact between several bast fibers? 16 THE CELL WALL 4. Draw several connected wood-parenchyma or wood-ray cells from the macerated xylem of Tecoma radicans, showing clearly the size, structure and arrangement of the simple pit-pairs as seen in both face and sectional view. Label the following : compotmd middle lamella, secondary wall, pit aperture, pit cav- ity and pit membrane. 5. Draw, on a large scale, a single tracheid from macerated pine xylem, showing the form and arrangement of all pits (bor- dered and simple) as seen in face view. Label carefully. Pre- pare drawings based on the study of the longisections of pine wood showing sectioned vieivs of bordered pit-pairs as well as the type of pitting between tracheids and wood rays. In these draw- ings label the following: compounel middle lamella, secondary wall, border of pit, aperture of pit, cavity of pit, pit membrane, torus and crassidae. 6. Prepare drawings, based upon the study of macerated and sectioned wood and bast fibers of Platanus and Tiliu, shoAving the arrangement and structure of vestigial pit-pairs in both face and sectional views. REFERENCES 1. Anderson. D. B., The Structure of the Walls of tlio Higher Plants. Bot. Rev. 1 :52-76. 1935. 2. Bailey, I. W., and Kerr, T., The Visil)lo Structure of the Sec- ondary Wall and Its Significance in Physical and Chemical Investigations of Tracheary Cells and Fibers. Jour. Arnold. Arb. 16:273-800. 1935. 3. Bonner, J., The Chomistrv and IMn'siolotrv of the Pectins. Bot. Rev. 2:475-497. 1936". 4. Crafts, A. S. A Tecimic for dciuonstrating plasmodesmata. Stain Technology 4:127-129. 1931. 5. Eames and Mac Daniels, Ch. IT. i^p. 19-38. 6. Frost, F. II., Histology of the Wood of Angiosperms, I. The nature of the jutting between trachearv and parenchvmatous cIciiuMils. r.iill. T(invy P.ot. Club. 56:259-264. 19i29. 7. liaberhindl, Ch. I. pp. 43-50; Ch. XIII, pp. 635-638. 8. llavward, Ch. 1, pp. 5-11. 9. Jeffrey, Ch. I. REFERENCES 17 10. Kerr, T., and Bailey, I. W., The Cambium and Its Derivative Tissues, X. Structure, optical properties and chemical com- position of the so-called middle lamella. Jour. Arnold Arb. 15:327-349. 1934. 11. Livingston, L. G.. The Nature and Distribution of Plasmodes- mata in the Tobacco Plant. Amer. Jour. Bot. 22 :75-87. 1935. 12. Meeuse, A. D. J.. Plasmodesmata. Bot. Pvev. 7 :249-262. 1941. 13. Quisumbing', E.. Continuity of Protoplasm in Endosperm Cells of Diospyros. Bot. Gaz. 80:439-449. 1925. 14. Sharp, L. W., Introduction to Cvtology. 3rd ed. New York. 1934. 15. van Wisselingh. C, Die Zellmembran. Handbuch d. Pflan- zenanatomie. III. Berlin, 1924. Exercise 111 MERISTEMS I. Introduction. — A meristem may be defined as a specific re- gion in the plant body where cells are engaged chiefly in division and enlargement. Meristems thus represent emhrifonic areas and can be conveniently classified according to position as apical meristems and lateral meristems. The former type is illustrated by the apex or "growing point" of the root and the shoot, the latter by the vascular and cork eambia. In addition, many authors recognize "intercalary meristems" which are said to occur hetween areas of permanent or mature tissue, as for exam- ple at the base of the leaf in certain monocotjdedons. A more critical study of the so-called "intercalary meristems" is urgently needed, however, and attention will be again directed to this problem in the exercise dealing with the leaf (Exercise XIII). The maintenance of meristems at certain restricted regions of root and shoot is responsible for the distinctive "open system" of growth characteristic of all higher plants. This consists in the continuous formation of new tissues and new organs throughout the life of the individual. The magnitude of this type of "un- limited" ontogeny is most impressively shown in long-lived woody perennials in which each season's growth is accomplished by the formation of uew shoots, reproductive structures, and roots, as well as by an increase in diameter of the older roots and stems. When the open system of growth is further examined, it becomes clear that there are varying degrees of "permanence" in the various meristems of a plant. Thus the apical meristems of the shoot and root in many ]ierennials appear capable of indefi- nite life and activity. Actually, of course, various factors such as malnutrition, insufficient water, injury, etc., may result in the death of the shoot or root apex. Furtliermore, the phenomenon of correlation, in this case involving the relative growth of main stem or main root as compared with its laterals, becomes a com- 18 INTRODUCTION 19 plicatiiifr factor. Another example of a theoretically ' ' indefinite or "})ei-nianent" nieristem is furnished by the vascular camhium, which may continue to produce annual increments of phloem and xylem for hundreds or, in the ^'enus Sequoia, thousands, of years. Obviously, the maintenance of an indeterminate type of meristem, such as a shoot apex or the cambium, requires that there shall be a continuous new formation or " reii'eneration " of the meristem as development takes place. In other words, a certain restricted portion of such meristems remains indefinitely in the embryonic state and does not pass into the zone of maturation. In contrast, the meristems of determinate organs, such as leaves and fruits, function for only a comparatively restricted period, and even- tually all embryonic tissue passes into a state of maturity. Evi- dently these differences in the functional life of meristems are of fundamental morphological importance, but the nature of the factors, genetical and physiological, which control them are very poorly understood at present. From an histological standpoint, a meristem is a "tissue" composed of "undifferentiated" or meristematic cells. Accord- ing to the classical viewpoint, which is still retained in many textbooks, the tissue composing meristems possesses certain dis- tinctive juvenile characteristics which seem to demarcate it from the various types of functionally-mature "permanent" tissues. Among the "negative" characters usually assigned to meri- stematic tissue are: (1) the absence of intercellular spaces; (2) the absence of thickened or pitted walls; and (3) the absence of prominent ergastic materials in the cytoplasm. If, however, undue emphasis is placed upon such morphological features, a narrow and rather arbitrary concept of "meristematic tissue" inevitably results. A good example of the restricted concept of meristem is found in Priestley and Scott's recent (1938, p. 208) "An Introduction to Botany." They state: "It is customary to speak indifferently of any dividing tissues of the shoot apex as meristematic, but in view of the fundamental character of the dif- ferences in cell behavior, it is proposed in this book to restrict the terms meristem and meristematic to the dense cells which are devoid of obvious water vacuoles and have no intercellular spaces between them, whilst the vacuolating cells will be spoken of as 20 ■ MERIRTEMS exhibiting vacuolating cell growtli and division." Priestley's effort to demarcate meristems on the basis of the absence or lack of prominence of vacuoles is not supported by comparative studies. For example, the apical cell and its most recent segments in many lower vascular plants are highly vacuolate in character and it is only at some distance from the summit of the apex that small "dense" cells are found to occur (Eames and MacDaniels, 1925, Fig. 28; and Zirkle, 1932, taf III, Fig. 16). Likewise, in the shoot apices of Ginkgo hiloha and Cycos rcvoluta, Zamia, and Dioon cdule a more or less w'ell-defined central group of enlarg- ing vacuolated cells, surrounded by smaller and more densely- cytoplasmic cells is present (cf. Foster, 1938, 1939a, 1940, 1941b). These examples clearly show that the relative position and extent of "zones" characterized by the predominance of cell division or cell enlargement are variable in the shoot apex of vascular plants (Foster, 1941a; Boke, 1941). In short, cell division and con- spicuous vacuolation are not processes confined in Priestley's sense respectively to the summit and lower portion of a shoot apex. On the contrary, these processes may overlap at the same level in a growing apex. Doubtless the most significant evidence of the vacuolated character of meristems has been secured by recent studies on living tissue. The work of Bailey (1930) and Zirkle (1932) on the vascular cambium and primary meristems respectively has indicated that all meristems are vacuolated, and furthermore, that the form of the "vacuome" varies within wide limits at different seasons of the year and at dif!'ereiit stages of growth ill the same type of meristem. From the preceding brief critique it should be evident that it is imj)ossible in the light of present knowledge to frame an adequate "definition" of meristematic tissue. On the contrary, it seems increasingly clear as investigation jiroceeds, that we have to deal with various and i)ossibIy distinct types of "meristem," at least from a i)liysiological viewpoint. How the organization and growth of meristems is related to the orderly progressive differentiation of tissues from apical or latcM-iJ meristems consti- tutes one of the most challenging prol)lems in Tiiodcrn botany. Further insight will come when tlio results of comj^arative obser- vation ai-c checked by experimental studies. It seems likelv that APICAL MERISTEMS 21 the complex phenomena of regeneraiion or regressive differentia- tion, when they are better understood, may be expected to shed important light on the fundamental nature of meristems. (Cf. Bloch, VMl; Sinnott and Bloch, 1941a, 1941b.) In the present exercise, a preliminary study will be made of the apical meristems of root and shoot, and of the vascular cam- bium. Further experience with these meristems as well as with the cork cambium will be gained particularly in the exercises devoted to the anatomy of root, stem, and leaf. II. Apical Meristems. — 1. The shoot a per. The classical investigations of C. F. Wolff (1759) on bud development showed that new leaves and new stem tissues are traceable in origin to the delicate tip of the shoot. Wolff designated this region as the "punctum vegeta- tionis," a term which has been rather freely translated as the "growing point." Despite the widespread adoption by anatom- ists of the expression "growing point," this term carries an inac- curate implication and in the present book will be replaced by the more appropriate and non-committal designation of "shoot apex." This decision is based upon the fact that the chief signifi- cance of the so-called growing point is that it represents the region of initiation of the primary organization of the shoot, rather than a localized area or "point" of "grow^th." As a matter of fact, if ' ' growth ' ' is regarded as an increase in size of cells, tissues, and organs, this process is obviously at a minimum in the "growing point." Great variation obtains with respect to the form and dimen- sions of the shoot apex of seed plants. As seen in median longi- seetion view% the apex commonly has the form of a mound or low dome. In Elodea, Myriophyllum, and Hippuris, however, the shape of the shoot apex is that of a slender, blunt-tipped cone (cf. Louis, 1935, pp. 126-130 and PI. IX, Figs. 77-78). The apex of dicotyledons with decussate phyllotaxis (e.g., Syringa, Loni- cera, Ligustrum, etc.) is particularly suitable for developmental studies because the initiation of each pair of foliar structures is preceded by a notable and symmetrical expansion of the terminal meristem. Since this process is repeated each time a pair of leaves is produced, the apex exhibits a rhythmical alternation of 22 MERISTEa^IS -what Schmidt (1924) called "minimal" and "maximal" areas (cf. also Louis, 1935, PI. II, Figs. 20-21; and Cross, 1937, Figs. 10-11). This situation emphasizes the fact that the form and the dimensions of the shoot apex are likely to vary depending upon whether an active or dormant apex is measured as well as upon the particular phase in shoot development which is under examination. Extremely few careful measurements have been made of the shoot apex of seed plants, and no generalizations are possible at present. Apparently, however, the angiosperms typi- cally possess rather small apices which range in diameter from 90^ in certain grasses to 500,a in some of the palms. Possibly 130-200/1 may prove to represent a frequent range in diameter of the apex in dicotyledons (Boke, 1940). The width of the shoot apex of some conifers, of Ginl-go hiloha, and of Zamia slightly exceeds that of "typical" angiosperms. But in the Sago Palm {Cycas revoluta Thunb.), the shoot apex may attain the relatively enormous diameter of 3.5 millimeters, a dimension gi'eatly exceeding that recorded for any vascular ])laiit (cf. Fos- ter, 1940). The nature of the relationship between size and form of the apex, on the one hand, and the morphology and primary anatomy of the shoot, on the other, is obviously complex and awaits further comparative studies for its solution (Bower, ]9:)0, Ch. XII; Foster, 1939b, 1940, 1941a, 1941b). When a thin median longi-section of the shoot apex of (di angiosperni is examined under the microscope, two pi'incipal zones or regions are usually distinguishable, viz.: (1) the tunica, which consists of one or more discrete superficial layers of cells, and (2) the corpus, which is a "core" occupying the center of the apex and exhibiting an irregular or "i-andom" arrangement of cells.' The differences in cell arrangement in tunica and corpus ^ In both of these zones, the cells are relatively siiiall and in sectional view appear " isodianietric " in form. Jjittle is known, iiowever, al)out tlie shape of such cells when regarded as three-dimensional structures. Ac- cording to I'riestley and Scott (li)3S pp. 201-L'Oi2) macerated cells of the apex "appear as rather irregular, many-sided figures, the facets of which are mainly hexagonal or s(|iiare. " By compressing sidieres of plasticine, these investigators ohtained 12-sided liodics wliidi thi'y assume are simi- lar in form to nicristem cells. They conclude that "the shape of the cells is tlius exjdained as the natural result of the growth and division of plas- tic hodics miller mutual pressure." (For further information on the prob- lem of form in isoilianu't ric plant cells cf. Kx. \'l, i)p. 57-.i8. APICAL MERISTEMS 23 result from ditt'ereiiees in the direction of growth and plane of cell division in these zones. In the tunica, surface growth accom- panied by repeated antivlimd divisions predominates, resulting in the maintenance at the summit of the apex of a more or less regular and constant series of shell-lilve layers. On the sides or flanks of the apex, however, the distinctness of the inner tunica layers is somewhat lost, chiefly because of the periclinal and oblique divisions which appear in them during the initiation of foliar structures and lateral buds. In contrast to the tunica, growth in volume is characteristic of the corpus, and the sequence in the successive planes of cell division is variable and usually very irregular. Tunica and corpus thus represent two interdepend- ent zones in the shoot apex, and their extent and behavior may be expected to fluctuate, depending upon the systematic position of the plant in question as well as upon the phase of development of the plant itself. Modern studies have shown that the number of tunic layers varies from one in grasses and Scrophularia nodosa to as many as five or six in Hippuris. Unfortunately, no detailed survey along broad systematic lines has yet been at- tempted, so that the phyletic significance, if any, of differences in the number of tunic layers is quite obscure at present. The classical "Histogen Theory" of Ilanstein (1868) attempted to assign specific destinies or "prospective values" to the various layers and to the central core of the shoot apex. In contrast, the concept of tunica and corpus, which originated with Schmidt (1924), is non-committal wdth respect to the nature of the tissues produced by these two zones. Recent studies justify Schmidt's cautious viewpoint. In certain angiosperms [e.g.. Viburnum rufidulum. Cross (1937)], the corpus is exclusively concerned with the production of the pith, while in other plants Carya Bnckletji var. arkansana, Foster (1935) ; Morus alba, Cross (1936), the provascular tissue and inner region of the cortex, as well as the pith, originate from the corpus zone. In Hippuris and Myriophyllum, the corpus gives rise to the central pith-less stele of the axis (Louis, 1935, pp. 128-130, PI. IX, Figs. 77-78), simulating in this respect the histogenesis characteristic of many roots. The ' * prospective significance ' ' of the various layers of the tunica also varies, particularly with respect to their role in the 24 MERISTEMS initiation of leal: and bud priniordia (Foster, 1936). While the outermost tunic layer very eonnnonly behaves as a "dermatogen" and produces exclusively the epidermal system of leaf and stem, the apices of Triticuin and AL'cna furnish interesting- exceptions. In these grasses, the foliage leaf originates largely if not exclu- sively from the single tunic layer which exhibits both perielinal and anticlinal divisions at the early phases of foliar develop- ment. Doubtless similar conditions will be discovered in other angiosperms. A proper study of the form and structure of the shoot apex in seed plants and of the origin of primary stem tissues and leaves is only possible if both longitudiiidl and iniusversc serial sections are available. .Since the choice of bud material will depend upon many factors, no detailed description of a specific shoot apex will be made in this book. Instead, suggestions as to the advantages and special features of several available types of apices will be given. With the information presented in llie earlier portions of this exercise and in the literature cited, the student should have no difficulty in interpreting the general organization of any angiospermous shoot apex. The mound- or dome-shaped form of apex, with several tunic layers, is well illus- trated in such genera as Carya, Morns, Rhododcndroru Acacia, Syringa, Rosa, Sanibucus, and Hch'anthus. Aside from minor variations, the origin of leaves and the differentiation of provas- cular strands ("pro-cambium") and "i-ib meristem" are simi- larly shown in all of these genera. "/>'//> iiKrishiii/' a coiu-ept developed by Schiiepi) (1926), is a type of primary mei-istem which in a hmgi-seetional view of a shoot apex appears as a tissue composed of vertical filamentous gi-oujjs of vacuolating-dividiug cells. This mci'istem typically differentiates into the paiHMU'hyiu;i tissue of cortex and pith. The slender cone-shaped apices of Elodea or Hippuris are instructive, providing median longi-sec- tions are examined. Apices of these genei-a are jiarticnlarly use- ful in demonstrating the mode of origin of the small leaf ]n-i- mordia fi-om the tunica zone, as well as showing the early demar- cation between cortex and the pith-less stele. Preparations of the shoot apices of monocotyledons should also be studied. The apex of Tradcscaiilia is of intei'cst since the (leinarcation betAveen Al'ICAL MERISTEMS 25 tunica and corpus zones is not always clear. Furthermore, the relation of rib meristem and provascular areas to the young- nodes and internodes is clearly shown in this genus (cf. Kudiger, 1939, and Ball, 1941). For comparative purposes, a study should also be made of the shoot apices of various gymnosperms. Here the choice of material is often very limited and hence specific recommendations may be of little value. But the apices of vigor- ous growing shoots of Picca, Abies, or Cedrus are readily sec- tioned and all agree in the absence of the tunica-corpus type of zunation characteristic of angiosperms. Instead, a small group of initials is situated at the summit, from which arise two major tissue-areas or zones, viz.: (1) an outer peripheral zone, which produces the leaves, epidermis, cortex, and provascular tissue, and (2) an inner or central tissue zone which produces exclu- sively the pith. The possible phylogenetic significance of this type of apex is discussed in several recent papers (Foster, 1939b, 1941a; Cross, 1939, 1941). Apices of Ginl-cjo (Foster, 1938) and of some type of cycad (Zamia, Johnson, 1939; Cycas revoluta, Foster, 1939a, 1940; Bioon, Foster, 1941b) are also worthy of the student's time, particularly because of the interesting phylo- genetic as well as morphogenetic problems which are raised by their unique growth and structure. 2. The Boot Apex. The apex of the root differs funda- mentally from that of the shoot in the presence of a root cap. The latter is a thimble-shaped or conical structure which occupies the true physical apex of the root and which acts as a "buffer" for the delicate meristematic tissue which is thus suhtcrminal ill position. Great variation exists with respect to the histo- genetic relationships between the root cap and the subtermiiial meristem. Indeed, the differences are sufficiently evident to make necessary the designation of a number of "types" of root apices which are distinguished (1) by the mode of origin of the cap, and (2) tlie relation of the various so-called "histogens" to the origin of the primary tissue regions in the root proper. (Haber- landt, 1914, pp. 89-94, and Hay ward. 1938. pp. 44-48.) It is an interesting fact that while the highly deterministic scheme of Hanstein (1868) has been largely abandoned for the shoot apex, the structure and growth of the root apex is still generally inter- 26 MERISTEJVIS preted in terms of the "histogeii theory" (Hayward, 1938, pp. 44-48; vou Guttenberg, 1940). While it is true tliat the absence of foliar structures in roots makes it relatively easy to determine the point of origin of a given tissue, it may well be questioned whether Hanstein's concepts are any more justified for the root than for the shoot. It seems evident, at any event, that a broad systematic survey of the structure and behavior of the root apex in angiosperms and gymnosperms would remove the problem from the highly fortnalizcd i)o coihijoiumiI cells. Note in contrast the relatively short "zone of transition" from the "calyptrogen" (or its equivalent) to the outer senescent cells of the root cap. The marked differences in the rate and duration of THE VASCULAR CAMBIUM 27 cell division respectively in root cap and the body of the root, present an important but entirely obscure morphogenetic l)rttbleni. III. The Vascular Cambium.— The term "vascular cambium" is applied to vertical strips or narrow cylinders of enlargino- and dividing cells which are lateral in position and which give rise to the secondary phloem and secondary xylem tissue-systems. The vascular cambium is properly regarded as a " secondary meri- stem" since its activity is responsible for the addition, at some distance from the apex of root or shoot, of new or secondary vascular tissues to the original or "primary" conducting system which in turn had its origin in the provascular meristem or "procambium." In many herbaceous angiosperms, especially many of the monocotyledons, and in most of the lower vascular plants, cambial activity is reduced or absent and the vascular system is therefore largely "primary" in character. But in woody angiosperms and in the gymnosperms, the primary tissues of stem and root are short-lived and become destroyed or buried by the more massive secondary vascular system formed by the cambium. The most significant of modern studies on the structure and growth of the cambium have been made by Bailey (1920, 1923, 1930), who has studied both fixed as well as living cells in a wide range of gymnosperms and angiosperms. From a morpho- logical standpoint, the cambium may be regarded as a single layer of cells in which tangential (i.e., periclinal) divisions predomi- nate during the propagation of phloem or xylem. Two prin- cipal types of initials occur in the cambium, viz.: (1) the fusiform initial, which as seen in tangential longi-sectional view is prosenchymatous in form and in certain plants, according to Bailey, may attain the enormous length of 5,000//, and (2) the vascidar-ray initial, which is a much smaller cell and is more or less isodiametric in form. The fusiform initials form such ele- ments as tracheids, vessels, fibers, wood-parenchyma, and sieve- tubes, while the ray initials are points of origin and propagation of the radially-disposed phloem and xylem rays (cf. Barghoorn, 1940). One of the many interesting features of cambial cells is their highly vacuolate character, which is only evident when liv- 28 MERISTEMS ing- tissue is critically studied ^\ itli the aid of such vital stains as "Neutral Red." Bailey (1930, p. 677) states: " Xormal ram- bial initials are conspicuously vacuohited. Indeed certain of Ihcni are as highly vacuolated as plant hairs, which are commonly cited as illustrations of extreme specialization of the protoplast in fully differentiated cells. The classical conception of non-vaeuolated meristems. and the various physiological generalizations that have been deduced therefrom should be abandoned." Just how the form, Avail sti-ucture, vacuome, and peculiar methods of cytokine- sis in cambial initials are related to the derivation in opposite directions of such heterogeneous tissue syste7vs as i)hloem and xylem is not yet clear. Tt would seem evident, however, that here, as with comparable problems at the root ami shoot apex, experi- mental studies (e.g., tissue cultures and transplantation) may ultimately illuminate much of the o])scurity of this important problem. The most instructive and realistic views of the vascular cam- bium are secured from a study of living material whit-li may be stained with neutral red (cf. Appendix, j). 142). With the aid of a sharp, heavy knife and a sliding microtome, it is possible to obtain useful tangential, radial, and transverse sections of the cambium and its recent phloem and xylem dei-ivatives. The cam- bium of Piniis is a good gymnospermous type with gi'eatly elon- gated non-strati fie el fusiform initials while Rohiuia illustrates a dicotyledonous type with shorter, rather evidently sfres or tissues may be present. The funda- mental tissue system, as Ilabei-landt (1914. p. 712) states, in- cludes "green photosynthetic parenchyma, colorless water-tissue, SYSTEMS OP TISSUE CLASSIFICATION 35 storage-parenchyma, meehaiiieal strands and cell-masses, endo- dermal layers, and the mnltifarions tissues which make up peri- carps and seed coats. No one, therefore, will venture to maintain that "ground-tissue" constitutes a "whole of definite physio- logical character." 2. Haherlandt's classification. Probably no scheme for classi- fying plant tissues has been carried out so consistently from a single point of view or in such detail as Ilaberlandt's "Ana- tomico-Physiological Classification." According to Ilaberlandt's viewpoint, the "principal function" should be the sole guide in the designation of any specific tissue "system." The "principal function" of a tissue is defined as "that form of physiological activity with which its most obvious and important anatomical features are correlated." The application of this idea resulted in the distinction by Haberlandt (1914, pp. 71-72) of twelve "anatomico-physiological tissue systems," each of which is typi- fied by one major or "principal" function: e.g., absorption, con- duction, protection, support, etc. With reference to the merits of his scheme of classification, he contends that "the anatomico- physiological definition and arrangement of tissues provides the broadest and most natural of all systems of tissue classification, since from this point of view the plant-body is regarded not merely as a more or less complex aggregate of formal elements, but also as a living organism, composed of a number of functional units and engaged in a corresponding number of physiological activities, whch all contribute to the safety and welfare of the whole." Haherlandt's high estimate of the value of his method for classifying tissues has been amply justified by its wide adoption in elementary as w^ell as more advanced treatises on plant his- tology. Tsehirch (1889) and Palladin (1914), for example, follow Ilaberlandt's system with little modification and Molisch (1936) champions its merits for the advanced student. In this country, the anatomico-physiological classification has likewise proved popular and is utilized, in a somewhat simplified form, in such a recent compendium as Hayward (1938). But one of the most significant illustrations of the prestige and influence of Haherlandt's ideas and classification is furnished by the ambi- 36 CLASSIFICATION OF CELL TYPES, TISSUES, AND TISSUE SYSTEMS tious "llaiiclbucb der PHaiizenaiiatomie" which treats of the varied phases of anatomy in monographic fornL Linsbaiier, as the original editor, states in the first volume of this encyclopaedic Avork, that, aside from certain disagreement in details, the prin- ciples of Haberlandt's physiological anatomy will be adopted. In this same volume, an able and penetrating discussion of the various concepts and classifications of tissues is given by Lunde- gardh (1922). This author, while agreeing in principle witli the anatomieo-physiological method of classification, emphasizes the need for a cantions and critical api)roach to the problem, since "the physiological-anatomical systems only indicate the uoi-mal combination of structure and function and obviously do not permit of any teleological conclusions as to the method of their origin." Lnndegardh {op. cif., p. 175) i)roposes the fol- lowing anatomieo-physiological conspectus of tissue systems, viz. : 1. The Coherent Tissue Systems (comjiosed of c(Hi1i uncus cell aggregates). A. The Formative or IMeristematic Tissues. P.. The Mature Tissues. 1. Systems with dynamic j'um'tions, e.g., assimilation, respiration, storage, absorption, etc. 2. Systems with static functions, e.g., protection, nie- ciianical support, etc. II. The Disperse Systems (composed of isoJuial cells or cell- groups distributed as "islands'" in the midst of various ' ' coherent systems ") . A. Stomata (i.e., guard and accessory cells). 15. Organs of Perce])tion. ('. Peproductive Apparati. 1). Idioblasts (e.g., isolated stone cells found in lli(> nieso- pliyll of certain foliage leaves such as Camellia). Two |)i-in('ipal objections have been advanced against Ilaber- landl 's sclicnie of classification and the fundamental assumptions upon which any anatomieo-physiological system is based. First of all, Haberlandt's system is constructed with respect to the nature of the "principal function" of each tissue system. IIow- SYSTEMS OF TISSUE CLASSIFICATION 37 ever, many tissues or cell types carry on more than a single func- tion. In such instances, a distinction between "principal" and "subsidiary" function appears somewhat arbitrary. In other words, certain types of cells might with equal justification be classed in more than one of the anatomico-physiological "sys- tems." Furthermore, as Luiidegardh admits, the principal func- tion of a tissue (e.g., storage of reserve starch) can only rarely be deduced from observation only. Hence, any anatomico-physio- logical classification has a provisional character and is destined to be changed or modified in the light of new experimental data. In the second place, the objection is raised that in such a scheme as Ilaberlandt proposes, confusion results because of the disregard of the origin of cells and tissues. For example, in Ilaberlandt 's classification, epidermal and cork cells, although differing fundamentally in origin, are grouped for physio-topo- graphical reasons under the "Dermal" or protective system. Conversely, guard cells and root hairs, while having a common origin from the embryonic surface cell-layer or "protoderm," are classified because of functional differences in the "Ventilat- ing ' ' and ' ' Absorbing ' ' systems respectively. In short, as Ilaber- landt (op. cit., p. 70) emphasizes, to the physiological anatomist "the homologies of tissues are of no interest . . ." in defining and classifying the various tissues of the plant body; "... his concern is solely with analogy. " Whether such a viewpoint leads to a "natural" insight into the evolutionary development of plant tissues is open to serious question. Jeffrey (1917, p. 8) says in this regard that "from the point of view of the doctrine of descent, functional features are of less significance, since it is precisely these which are the most readily modified and as a con- sequence furnish the least valuable indications of the course of evolutionary development in any given large group." 3. Fames' and MacDaniels' classification. In contrast to the schemes of Sachs and Ilaberlandt, Fames and MacDaniels base their classification of tissues on method of development. From this standpoint, tissues "whicli are developed directly or indi- rectly at the growing points by cell division in several or many planes" are termed })rimary tissues. On the other hand, tissues which "are formed largely by cell division in a single plane. 38 CLASSIFICATION OF CELL TYPES, TISSUES, AND TISSUE SYSTEMS individual cells consecutively forming many neAv cells, -which because of this method of formation lie in definite rows," are designated as secondary tissues. They originate from canibia of various types (e.g., the vascular cambium and the cork cam- bium). Tliis ontogenetic viewpoint is based on the idea that since "parench^'ma" is phjdogenetically the primitive tissue, meristem, which is likewise "unspecialized" and "parenchyma- like," constitutes the natural foundation upon which to base a classification of adult specialized tissues. This ontogenetic scheme of classification is very useful in emphasizing the difference between the "primary" and "secondary" growth and structure of the stem and root in gymnosperms and many dicotyledons. But, from the point of view of cell structure, there is often little or no morphological difference between certain cell types com- mon to both primary as well as secondary tissues. Thus, for example, fibers which differ little in form or structure occur in the cortex and pericycle ("primary tissue" regions) and in the secondary phloem. Eames and MacDaniels further attempt to subdivide "perma- nent" tissues into two main groups, viz.: (1) simple tissius, such as parenchyma and collenchyma, which consist of a single cell type and are thus structurally homogeneous; and (2) com- plex tissues, such as xylem and i)hloem. which consist of several distinct types of cells and hence are structurally heterogeneous. Such a distinction appears to have a very restricted practical value, although it may be theoretically justifiable on phylogenetic grounds. First of all, very few of the cell types present in higher vascular plants occur as "simple tissues." Parenchyma, it is true, is often "homogeneous," but not infrecpiently idiohlasts, in the form of branciied sclereides, are scattered among this "tis- sue." From Lundegardh's standpoint, these idiobhtsts would collectively compose a separate "diffuse tissue system." Further- more, the elements of a "simple tissue" (e.g., fibers or par- enchyma cells) may likewise be present as components of a "com- j)lex tissue" (e.g., "phloem jiarenciiyma," "phloem fibers," "xylem parenchyma," "xylem fibers"). The preceding critical resume has attempted to point out briefly the advantages as well as the apparent defects of certain SYSTEMS OF TISSUE CLASSII'H ATION 39 outstanding schemes of tissue classification. Future progress may be expected when our insight into the developmental and functional potentialities of the various types of cells has been increased. It seems clear that the fields of pathological and ex- perimental plant anatomy are destined to contribute largely to a more natural grouping of cells and cell aggregates. Weber (1929), who has characterized all previous anatomy as "cell wall anatomy," contends that a firm basis for the distinction of cell types and tissues must depend upon a better knowledge of proto- plasm, with less attention to the morphology of dead and fixed cell walls. In his view, this requires the careful observational and experimental investigation of living protoplasts, which may be "physiologically" distinct although "morphologically" identi- cal. This new approach, which Weber terms "Protoplasmic Plant Anatomy, ' ' is still in its infancy, but undoubtedly a better knowledge of structure will appear as our knowledge of the behavior and potentialities of living cells and cell groups increases [cf. the reviews by Bloch (1941) and White (1941)]. Since all methods for classifying plant tissues are open to objection, the writer has adopted a non-committal and "practi- cal ' ' attitude in this book. Instead of following any one scheme of classification, the emphasis is placed first of all upon the salient morphological features of the principal types of plant cells. These cell types recur in various regions, "tissues" and organs of the higher plants, and a thorough knowledge of their form, structure, development, and presumable function (s) must con- stitute the necessary analytical approach to anatomy. If such knowledge is gained through practical laboratory studies, the student should be in a position to study with some degree of independence the comparative anatomy of such organs as the stem, root, and leaf. In the appended table an effort is made to summarize the important features of the main types of plant cells. Reproduc- tive cells (spores and gametes) as well as specialized secretory or sensitory cells have been deliberately omitted. No pretense of "completeness" is therefore made, but it is hoped that the table may serve its purpose as a basis for the analytical study of plant structure. 40 CLASSIFICATIOX OF (ELL TYPES. TISSUES, AND TISSUE SYSTEMS CO < Ah Q H H 02 Ph a o < •Si s ^ i - S -r -£ i t i ii- M+j M -J; X " a- ^ c3 2 "-111 5^ ^^ .S c a^ i; :^ V s ■|_ .S " i — ^ "S 'w ^ — ^ :^ S ^ c *> ^- a a — =^ 3 t- fc. 2 c I; c = CL, o ^ n -_ Ah-^ bi S -S ^ r. *7~* Oj - O O '^ "k c JJ • <_. o — _^ ^ -4- • ^ +-* ■^ *^ ^ ^ '"' ^ -2 i - "i 1 S C3 .;;^ c ^ ^ .2'*-'^ o 2; .2 S s '""' C » ?* Niv' I' o 2 S S ■£•5 o^-^ .S • C3 o ~ .2-- ^ i i 3 r br G •s *■" £ ^"iJ ^ ~ -M £9 ^ IK -- ,^ •" -M i: _r m C 3 O 5 "" K "5 "S s t« +|2 = i^i ^^■^+iii. +|S 11= pi 2 g S o i s =*j O 1^ - O X ^ >j — 'i; ^ a. -tf ^'^ ? L. 2 "; +r C3 C3 5c "S 5: ^ C p. tit p o =*^ -t^ cs._2 ^ O -^ K .- a. •^ O _ - > ^-' — o 2 O K ^ ~ ;:: -= ~ ?^ i' - CO O ^ <^=ss>. ^ x-Ei^^^z- ;^'H. i2 6 1^ — c 3 C i rt 54 u a £ "t; s 0-3 ? 11:1 ^ OJ Z -L o O - c -* .§"• <^ 2 - ,■ CO ij p _ _x .1^.2 :: ? r^. -*-• -^ - *"** ^^ !B " ^ ., r* r— • "-^ £^ _ -So — -— X -= & ^- s « "o 0 « J3 a r C X r- .- -5 £ .2 P 2 >. £ <;> 3 a. 11 C8 be t^' .2 - t3 ^ ^ S ,*o 1- 0^ "^ a u^ Cel 00 2 3 "E. 0^ SUMMARY OF MAIN CELL TYPES IN SEED PLANTS 41 ^ protec- tion of ; aeia- ans of rage of ? "^ S S O ex - ^ ? .= ^ £ ij z ID o -r "^ -2 S ^ •;= « 2 ^. 1 <^ -4— +- -♦— X ? c .^^ '+_ 111! Ill Ct tM ^ O ^ S rt >^ 1^. M s o; -^ "S 1^ — -a 7^ 0^ o g 5 ^ -^ S = ^ o = 'ro > c: n 'x ^ ^ " S ^ o o ,^ ^ rt — TT « i» ^* '"'■*"' O ?^ C o o .:: _2 .t; £■ = = 5.15 -• .i; .s S ;: "I' •-'*-' ° £r- a? 5|I3 O^ ^^ a« ° p- . j.S.5^ =^"-.2 it p t> C '^ c 5 2'5 ■K^ -:ti-| = >" C ^ rv IB ^►/^■X: ? - o ^ c s s cs c t: i:-5 .n -*-■ "^ o i C3 ™ — ^'^ '~^ X S ■^ & ^ '=^ o P- 1 5^ - a? ==M 5: o M »3 g o ^ ■" o o o bt •: «=-"'r 03 t^ « '-' o ,„• " — . o 0/ :: ^ ■ oj ■^ • rl ^ — ,^^ ,^j O — 2 ^ = ! ^ MI ■+- o - 1> X; ^ ^ & a c: lii' ^ ^ 5 'I •^ 'w (» 03 re S ;. „ O — Gj ^ -^- SC i. 0; 03 :^ 03 "t:; ■rH .rH 03 ^ ^ ;-, 0* •"^ S "i S "^ 3 -■ fl ^ s Cw J-. 8 ■13 w T5 '-V >H — to Nw V S « S 4-4 f^ r^ c: o ■^ "^ QJ -*j O P O '^ p - "^ F^ ?H o §'i o^S ^ ^ ri S :5^ ^^ p S E-i' s J5 ■fl j^ ^s "u u «i « a a o ■« « « •l-t ^ »— 1 A CS "o H ^ o 42 CLASSIFICATION OF CELL TYPFS. TISSUES, AND TISSUE SYSTEMS 2 s ft* i ^ ^ "n -. »- 5^ -^ J -^ ^ 1 . CO 'm '- o O X c! .-H 3 t< "^ ai ii -o =- - S ^ 2 § £.2 2 £/ aa *-. o :; •*-* •5 ^ =t^ ® o "» a a .2« ^ S 5 5 v. "o ^ CO o = « *^ K 5 2 ^ j^ O ^ -"^ = 5^2 = " 5 P ^ , . - ^ -^ 'T, a^ .. 2 •C -^ ■- .£ r rr ^ > O +j O »^. •-' ^*-i fi "1111 "^ a ■' "" ~ = >> n5 Tl-i-^-.^ — — — ^i: 5 ?-« -5 . sr^ 5 ^.s o S " « l^U'llill 1 i 'i^ ^ « 1 ■;^ 5 ? "B ~ £" a O ^ T. K o - = t: " j; x ■- - a. o = »- .« ~ IS "^ -r^ ■- ^ ° i g " - s ^ 1— 1 s.a.~+-+-*^c «c t. >i CO t: i C3 O O & a »: K = .5j =4-1 V ' ^ =t-t i- g '-^ ^ »3 g Cj _ C ^ ,-, g ^ a o g, a a a -^ ._r r- -^ "+i O d ^^ . , — - o -^ -' o 3 o 2J " a i = - >■ S c o '^ -r t. c3 1— I X ^ s ca a s « p . isi O tn i. —1 a a Ol u 12 SUMMARY OK MAIN CELL TYPES IN SEED I'LANTS 4;] _ Ol CO o 2^.2 ■>-> 0) ■*^ Z' TL -*-• P o s ^B. =t-i S-'S o ^ o " o . CO ^ fl ri r- -J-j 15 ^ - 2-S •r- 1^3 OJ i; -. -►-' O CO ^ 5 Oj j; la § « ci cs o a- ^ --t_i ■- 5 ^ O g s M S ., o S ""^S ? S -s 1? -^ f ^■ oj -r ? 3 i i- o " !S o :: a< a1 ^ ^ - ?« ^■■S £ " ^ ^ £ =4^ S- o £ o cj o .S -t^ n ^ a CO r*"i rj S ^^ 5 2 a 00 ti -g C3 CO c3 iS &a a a S «'a -2 S a 2 "5 5 -r; -M &t 02 c3 §§1^£^ O ^ 03 -r^ s jh ^j Oi a< oj !» 03 _N __ ., _. "«— ■*-' t- '^ ij -'-' S r » > .=; -r i^ c^ s ^iic2^^ S 1 1 ;i = •^' - 52 S ^ — ^^ aa o -; o Qi — r- ^ £- a g o 3 C"* m P' O -4-* c ■::; =^ =s .S •" o o s a* o '- M -x: .2 •- ^ -^s .Si - >- ^ S *-. k "" == :5 i ci s - " 5: o o.2i oj •So P ^ , -s ^ <„ ^ Si. t- •-' r^ ■:; fi '^ (u c O C •■" S ""• '"^ © -" ^ ^ a CO « CS q; - ;„ — =^ .2 b a "^ &H c S ■" ^ ^ ri ««-t o > > O C ^H „ K, 5P, O . ":: a- -1^ .t- S ^H ^ n S oi a P--S &^ ajcMo&osaao-o^ Ch O O O b£.S =*H o o 'T3 'd ^* ^^ a rH c3 3 « § —t -2 a S: 5 rt ^ Cu i^ •^ "^ .^ V s s o 03 3 P CO £2 'iii fe. ' :s^ © fri' ^ -*-:> --. -*-^ -d !=1 f^ T, ^ ; '^ O' rH 0^ rH t> > a a; 0* O >\A i^W O 44 CLASSIFICATION OF CELL TYPES, TISSUES, AND TISSUE SYSTEMS REFERENCES 1. Bloeh, R.. Wound Healing in Higher Plants. Bot. Rev. 7:110-146. 1941. 2. Eames, A. J., and MacDaniels, L. U., An Introduction to Plant Anatomy. New York, 1925. 3. Ilaberlandt, G., Phj'siologieal Plant Anatomy. Trans, of 4th German Ed. London, 1914. 4. Havward, H. E., The Structure of Economic Plants. New York, 1938. 5. Jetfrev, E. C, The Anatomy of Woody Plants. Chicago, 1917."^ 6. Lundegardh, II. Zelle und Cytoplasma. Ilandb. d. Pflanzen- anatomie. I. Berlin, 1922. 7. Molisch, II., Anatomic der Pflanze. Jena. 1936. 8. Palladia, W. I., Pflanzenanatomie. Trans, of 5th Russian Edition. Leipzig u. Berlin, 1914. 9. Sachs, J., Text-Book of Botany. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1875. 10. Sinnott, E. W., Botany, Principles and Problems. New York, 1935. 11. Strasburger's Textbook of Botany. 5th English Ed. Lon- don, MacMillan and Co., Ltd., 1921. 12. Tschirch, A., Angewandte Pflanzenanatomie. Wieii u. Lci))- zig, 1889. 13. Weber, F., Proto])lasmatisclie Pflanzenanatomie. Proto- plasma 8 :291-306. 1929. 14. White, P. R., Plant Tissue Cultures. Biol. Rev. 16:34-48. 1941. Exercise V THE EPIDERMIS I. Introduction. — From a purely topographical viewpoint, the term epidermis may be applied to tiie superficial layer of cells in young- stems and roots, and in foliar structures. Since the epidermis represents, in this sense, the point of clireet eontaet between the plant and its external environment, it is not surpris- ing that this "tissue" exhibits considerable diversity in its structure and functions. Haberlandt (p. 102) has proposed a restricted physiological definition of the epidermis which would include only "those superficial cells or cell-layers, the histologi- cal features of which clearly indicate that their principal function is that of a primary tegumentary or dermal system." Accord- ing to this viewpoint, absorbing hairs and stomata would be excluded on physiological grounds from the epidermis. But as Linsbauer (1930, pp. 4-5) has clearly pointed out, it seems hardly justifiable to place the chief emphasis on the function of "pro- tection" in the definition of the term epidermis. On the con- trary, the cells which are morphologically a part of the epidermis may perform varied functions, important among which are me- chanical protection, restriction of transpiration, water storage, aeration, storage of various metabolic products, absorption and photosynthesis. To subdivide such a "continuous" layer as the epidermis into various "anatomico-physiological systems" is more likely to result in confusion than is the retention of the broader topographical -morphological concept expressed above. The ontogenetic development of the epidermis likewise justifies its interpretation as a "morphological unit," since its origin is traceable to an external embryonic layer or "protoderm." In lower vascular plants and in many gymnosperms, the protoderm of the shoot appears some distance from the summit of the apex as a superficial layer derived from the periclinal division of the segments of the apical initial or initials. But in many angio- 4.5 V / 46 THE EPIDERMIS sperms the protoderm is directly continuous with the outermost tunica layer or "dermatogen" of the shoot apex (for further tletails, ef. Exercise III). In roots, the ])rotoderm likewise is demarcated from the internal meristems in the vicinity of the apex. Hay ward (pp. 45-47) has recently summarized the more important "types" of root apices from the standpoint of the way in which the protoderm ("dermatogen") is related to the devel- opment of root cap, cortex and stele. In the majority of seed plants, the epidermis is a uniseriate layer of cells which clothes the "primary body." Aside from the epidermal appendages or trichom.es, which will be studied later in the exercise, the common cell types composing this layer are epidermal cells and the guard cells. The epidermal cells, although exhibiting considerable variation in size, shape and arrangement, are usually closely joined with one another, thus forming a sheet of cells which is pierced only by the intercellular spaces or pores found between the guard cells. An exceptional type of epidermis occurs in petals, however, since here inter- cellular spaces are found between ordinary epidermal cells. According to Eames and MacDaniels (pp. 284-28")) these "spaces do not open to the outer air, however, since they are covered in all cases by the cuticle." Epidermal cells are roughly "tabular" in form and especially in the laminae of dicotyledonous foliage leaves, have a characteristic undulate contour when seen in sur- face view. A protoplast is normally retained and a great variety of ergastic substances such as anthocyanin pigments, tannins and oils occur in the cells. Epidermal cells exhibit to a notable extent an a])ility for regressive diffen idiaiion. This is shown not merely by the origin in certain plants of the jihellogen in this layer (Eames and IMacDaniels, p. 210) but es])ecially by the important role of epidermal cells in the ])roducti()n of adventi- tious bud-primordia (cf. Crooks, 1933, Naylor and Johnson. 19.37, McVeigh, 1938, and Naylor, 1940). With the exception of roots and the submersed portions of aquatic plants, the outer walls of the epidermis are covered by a sheet of waxy material which is termed the cuticle. This waxy layer is continuous, except for (lie stomatal openings, and serves to restrict the loss of water fi-om plant organs. The thickness of INTRODUCTION' 47 the cuticle is highly variable, in some organs being a hardly per- ceptible "film" while in other instances (e.g., fruits and certain types of leaves) it is extremely prominent (Eames and Mac- Daniels p. 37, Fig. 24). The imtUs of epidermal cells vary in their structure and chemical composition. Typically, the outer tangential vxill directly beneath the cuticle, is the most heavily thickened of all the walls and the irmer-tmigential wall the thin- nest. Often the radial tmill tapers in thickness towards the inner tangential wall. Simple pits are common in the radial and inner walls of epidermal cells. According to Ilaberlandt (p. 102) the innermost zone of the outer wall usually consists of "unaltered cellulose" and is followed externally by layers of wall substances which contain varying amounts of cutin. The recent work of Anderson (1934), however, has shown that in the leaf of CAivia nobilis, the thick outer wall of the epidermal cells shows "two distinct zones of cutinization." The outermost zone is devoid of cellulose or pectin while "the inner zone of cutinized wall consists of a series of cellulose lamellae separated by layers of pectic material, both of which are impregnated with cutin. The inner cutinized zone may be in direct contact with the protoplasm of the cell or may be separated from the protoplasm by a second zone of cellulose and pectic materials." It is clear from this Avork that a thorough study of the process of cutinization in epi- dermal walls of various plants is urgently needed. The continuity of the epidermis, especially of foliage leaves and young stems, is interrupted by minute openings or pores which are termed stomata.. Each stoma represents an intercellu- lar space between a pair of highly specialized epidermal cells known as guard cells. As seen in surface view, guard cells are very frequently crescent-shaped with their concave surfaces adjacent to the slit-like pore. In contrast to ordinary epidermal cells, the walls of guard cells are uneven in thickness, often with ridge- or flange-like extensions at the edges of the pore. Further- more, guard cells usually contain prominent chloroplasts. Since stomata play such an important role in the processes of respira- tion, photosynthesis and tranpiration, much attention has been devoted to the "mechanism" by which the stomata are "opened" and "closed." In general, changes in the width of the stoma 48 EPIDERMIS are regulated by the relative degree of turgor in the guard cells, which in turn causes slight alterations in their shape. When the guard cells are turgid, the width of the pore is at a maximum while closing of the aperture occurs when the turgor of the cells decreases. A discussion of the variation in the construction of the walls of guard cells and of the physiological factors influenc- ing the turgor movements of these cells, however, is beyond the scope of this book (cf. Ilaberlandt pp. 445-477). Guard cells originate by the anticlinal division of certain protoderm cells into two dissimilar daughter cells. In the simplest condition, one of these cells functions as an initial cell and by an anticlinal division directly produces the two guard cells; the other daughter cell meanwhile differentiates into an ordinary epidermal cell. But many deviations from this simple type of stomatal develop- ment occur, especially with reference to the formation of the subsidiary cells. The latter differ in form and arrangement from the neighboring epidermal cells and are believed to cooperate physiologically with the guard cells in regulating the width of the stoma (for information regarding the various modes of stomatal development cf. De Bary, pp. 39-45, Porterfield, 1!).'}7, and Yarbrough, 1934). A study will be made first of the structure of the uniseriate epidermis. Later in this exercise a brief explanation and direc- tions for study of the multiple epidermis and of t)ichomes will be given. II. Material for the Study of the Uniseriate Epidermis— 1. The bull)-sc{ile of the onion (Allium Cepa). Keniove, with foi'ccps. a small strip of epidermis from the outer or abaxial surface of the bulb-scjile and mount it carefully in w.ilci-. rnder low magnification, note the rather orderly arrangement of the "rectangular" or tabular epidermal cells. Stomata. which may be abortive or "abnormaT' in appearance, are occasionally pres- ent in this mntei-ial. Fndei- high magnification, it will be seen that the radicysts will be seen, protruding into the adjacent palisade parenchyma. These distended cells have arisen directly from the original sur- face cells of the leaf blade. Each lithocyst, unless injured in sectioning the leaf, contains a cystolith with its knob-like end covered by a crystalline mass of calcium carbonate. Introduce a few drops of hydrochloric acid under the cover-glass and observe the rapid dissolution of the calcium carbonate. This is accompanied by the evolution of small bubbles of carbon dioxide. V. Trichomes. — This term may be used in a collective sense to designate the diversified types of epidermal appendages such as hairs, scales, colleters and water vesicles. Despite the "end- less" variation in the form and structure of trichomes (cf. De Bary, pp. 54-66, and Netolitzky, 1932), these structures originate from the extension or subdivision of protoderm cells. Trichomes are therefore, morphologically, a part of the epi- dermis in contrast to emergences (e.g., the prickles on the stem of Rosa, Rihes, etc.) which consist of cells derived not only from the protoderm but also from deeper hypodermal layers (cf, De Bary, p. 58, and Eames and MacDaniels, p. 1 and p. 2, Fig. 1). 52 THE EPIDERMIS The inurphological distim-tioii between trielioiiie>s and emergences is of further interest in those eases where hairs or scales are borne upon an emergence (Cooper, 1932). Trichomes furnish a rich fiehl for morphogeiietic investiga- tions because of their great diversity and because their super- ficial position and relatively simple structure facilitate onto- genetic studies with living material. As an introduction to the problems in this field, a brief characterization of the four com- monest "types" of trichomes is now given, viz. : 1. Hairs. In form, hairs are thread-like in appearance and are either uniceUular (e.g., root hairs) or muliiceUulay. The latter type of hair may consist of a single series of cells, terminat- ing in an acute terminal cell or a (jlandular cell; or the hair may be branched in various ways. In some jilants, the hairs are composed of several layers of cells and are termed shag-haivs. Such multiseriate hairs are often borne upon an emergence (De Bary, pp. 64-6."), and Pig. 21c). Two general regions may be distinguished in a hair, viz.: (1) the foot, which is the por- tion lying within the epidermal surface and Avhich is often dif- ferent in form from the adjacent epidermal cells, and (2) the ho(h) which is the portion extending away from the epidermal surface. Occasionally, a given epidermal surface develops but a single type of hair (e.g., root hairs). ]More commonly, especially in leaves, several different morphological types of hairs occur side by side on the same ei:)idermal area. 2. Scales. These trichomes consist of a plale of cells and arc eithei- pelf ale (as in certain angiosi)ernis ) or are attached to llic epidei'mis only a1 one edge (e.g., tlic chaffy scales or /xthai so characterisi ic of numy ferns). Scales in the gcnci-a SJieplu rdia and ElaeagnuH ai'e so closely crowded on the surface of the young stem and 1h(> leaves tlial Ihcy i)ro(]ucc a lypical "scurfy" appearance. 3. Collefers. On many foliar oi-gans, ])ailicnlai-ly on bnd scales and stipules and on Ihc foliage leaves of certain genera (e.g.. Rho(l(Hl( n(lro)i, Carifa) ghnidnlai- Iriclionics occur. These structures W(>re oi-iginally termed collcters by Ilanstein (1868). Colleters consist of a short, often niulticellnhir stalk bearing an expanded disc oi- knob of secretory cells. The characteristic MATERIAL FOR STUDY OF TRICHOMES 53 sticky exudation found on certain foliar structures is secreted from colleters (cf. Foster, 1929. pp. 457-458). 4. Water vesicles or bladders. Triehonies of this type con- sist of greatly distended epidermal cells which presumably are of physiological importance as reservoirs for water (cf. Ilaber- landt, p. 116). In the so-called "Ice Plant" {Mesemhrijanthe- mum crystallhium) , the water vesicles are so large and so numer- ous that the leaves and young stems appear to be covered with minute translucent beads of "ice." VI. Material for the Study of Trichomes.— 1. Hairs. Obtain thin trans-sections of the petiole of the ger- anium (Pelargonium) and after mounting them in water/ study carefully the structure of the unicellular and the multicellular unhranched hairs. Note the relatively thick outer walls of the body of these hairs. The foot, especially of the multicellular hair, consists of an enlarged bulbous cell, separated by a transverse wall from the body, and surrounded by a circular group of more or less elevated subsidiary cells. The true relationship of th& subsidiary cells to the foot of the hair is clearly seen in thick trans-sections of the petiole as well as in strips of epidermis removed from the lower surface of the lamina. Note that cer- tain of the hairs are (jlandular, terminating in a single large secretory cell filled with dense, yellowish-brown ergastic mate- rial. Excellent material for a study of multicellular branched hairs is atforded by the leaves of various members of the Ma\- vaceae, where typical stellate hairs occur. Each hair of this type consists of a number of radiating unicellular "branches" which have arisen from the subdivision of a single epidermal cell. Fur- ther illustrations of multicellular branched hairs are provided by the leaves of mullein (Verbascum Thapsu.'^). Scrape a small amount of hairs from the leaf into water, carefully tease them apart with dissecting needles and examine under low magnifica- tion. Note that these complex hairs are "dendroid" in form; i.e., each hair consists of a main "axis" (made of a vertical series of cells) and whorls of radiating unicellular or bicellular "branches." Trans-sections of very young mullein leaves are 1 Cf. Appendix, pp. 130140. 54 THE EPIDERMIS very instructive in showinji' various stages in tlie ontogeny of these hairs. Tlie Jeaf-blade of the sycamore or buttonball tree {Platanus) likewise will provide examples of dendroid multi- cellular hairs. 2. Scales. Scrape a small (juantity of trichomes from the leaf of Sheplwrdia or Elaeagnus into a drop of water on a slide and examine under low magnification. In Shepherdia two extreme types of peltate trichomes will be seen, viz.: (1) Stellate hairs, consisting of a delicate stalk bearing ten or more distinct radiat- ing unicellular "branches," and (2) Scales which are gray-yel- lowish brown in color, lobate and consist of a plate of many cells. Note under high magnification that not all of the cells composing the disc-like scale radiate from a common center. According to the recent ontogenetic studies of Cooper (1932) this condition results from niiequal arid oblique divisions which may occur near the outei" end of certain of the cells early in the development of the scale. 3. Colleters. The bud scales of the horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastaniim) ])rovide excellent material for a study of typical colleters. Cut thin trans-sections of the inner scales of a winter bud and mount them in water. Under low magnification note that the abaxial surface of the scale in particular is densely covered with colleters. Additional or alternative material for a study of colleters is furnished by the bud scales of various species of Bhododendron. 4. Water vesicles. Obtain several thin trans-sections of the petiole of the "Ice-Plant" {Mesemhryanthemuin crystallinum) and examine them in water under low magnification. The adult water vesicle appears as a large clear hemisjiherical cell which projects outwardly from the genei-al eindermal surface. Under high nuignification, a nucleus, scanty cytoplasm and small plas- tids may be detectable in the bladders. If the concave adaxial surface of the petiole of immature leaves is examined, various stages in the origin and expansion of the water vesicle may be seen. VII. Suggested Drawings and Notes, — ]. The nniseriate cpid(riiiis. Prepai-e carefully labeled draw- injis to show the sti'ucturc. in both surface and trans-sectional REFERENCES 55 views, of the epidermis of Alliitiii, Pclargoniuin (or Senecio) and Iris. Ill drawings of the surface view, emphasize the shape and arrangement of the stomata with reference to the epidermal cells. In drawings of trans-sections, indicate clearly the extent and relative thickness of the cuticle, the thickness and pitting of the walls of the epidermal cells and the relation of the epidermal cells to the underlying tissues of the leaf. Also draiv a' single stoma from stained trans-sections of the leaf of Syriviga or Zea to show the structure of the guard cells and the form and extent of the substomatal cavity. 2. Multiple epidermis. Prepare a large drawing to show in detail the structure of the multiple epidermis of the leaf of Ficus elastica. Include in this drawing a lithocj'st with its cystolith. Label all essential structures. 3. TricJiomes. Prepare drawings, to illustrate the structure and relationship to the epidermal layer of various types of hairs. If time permits, also prepare drawings of a scale from the leaf of Shepherdia or Eloeagnns, of colleters as seen in trans-sections of a bud scale, and of the water vesicle of the "Ice-Plant." 4. Describe, by means of diagrammatic drawings, the ontog- eny of a water vesicle in the petiole of the "Ice-Plant." Sum- marize, from information given in Ilaberlandt, the most important functions performed by the various types of trichomes. REFERENCES 1. Ajello, L., Cytology and Cellular Interrelationship of Cysto- lith Formation in Ficus elastica. Amer. Jour. Bot. 28:589- 594. 1941. 2. Anderson, D. B., The Distribution of Cutin in the Outer Epi- dermal Wall of Clivia nohilis. Ohio Jour. Science 34 :9-18. 1934. 3. Cooper, D. C, The Development of the Peltate Hairs of Shepherdia canadensis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 19:423-428. 1932. 4. Crooks, D. ]\I., Histological and Regenerative Studies on the Flax Seedling. Bot. Gaz. 95 :209-239. 1933. 5. De Bary, pp. 29-107. 6. Barnes and MacDaniels, pp. 107-112. 7. Foster, A. S., Investigations on the Morphology and Com- parative History of Development of Foliar Organs, I. The foliage leaves and cataphyllary structures in the horse-chest- 56 THE EPIDERMIS nut {Aescidus Hiiypocasianum h.) . Amer. Jour. Bot. 16: ■441-501. 1929. 8. Haberlandt, pp. 101-133. 9. Hansteiii, J., Uber die Orgaiie der Harz-und Schleimabson- derung' in den Laubknospen. Bot. Zeit. 26: 697-713 et seq. 1868. 10. Hayward, pp. 15-18. 11. Linsbaiier, K., Die Epidermis. Handbiieh d. Pflanzenanato- mie, IV, 2. 1930. 12. McVeigh, I., Regeneration in Crassula multicava. Amer. Jour. Bot. 25 :7-ll. 1938. 13. Naylor, E. E., and Joinison, B., A Histological Study of Vege- tative Reproduction in Saintpanlia ionaniha.. Amer. Jour. Bot. 24 :673-678. 1937. 14. Naylor, E., Propagation of Hyacinthus by Leaf Cuttings. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 67 :602-666. 1940. 15. Netolitzky, F., Die Pflanzenhaare. Handbuch d. Pfi«nzen- anatomie, IV. 1932. 16. Porterfield, W. M. Jr., Histogenesis in the Bamboo witii Spe- cial Reference to the Epidermis. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 64:421-432. 1937. 17. Yarbi'ough. J. A., History of Leaf Development in Bri/o- phyllum calycinuin. Amer. Jour. Bot. 21 :467-484. 1934. Exercise VI PARENCHYMA CELLS I. Introduction. — The term "parenchyma" is used in a rather abstract or loose sense to designate a wide variety of living cells -which occur in many dilt'erent regions of the plant body. Parenchyma cells may appear in groups scattered among highly specialized conducting elements, as for example the cells of vas- cular rays and the vertical files of phloem and xylem parenchyma cells. Often, however, parenchyma cells form homogeneous or "simple" tissues which may constitute a large part of the softer regions of leaves, stems, roots and fruits. From these illustra- tions it should be clearly evident that under the concept of "parenchyma" are included cells which differ markedly in their position, origin and functions. For this reason, "parenchyma" is merely a convenient and long-established anatomical category within which are included cell types which are not necessarily either homologous or analogous. In an effort to characterize parenchyma tissue more precisely, it is commonly described as being composed of cells essentially isodiametric in form, separated by more or less conspicuous inter- cellular air spaces, and with thin walls and active protoplasts. To appreciate the merits as well as the limitations of this set of characteristics, the following critique will be found useful. 1. Form of cell. The recent work of Marvin (1939) and of Marvin and Matzke (1939) has shown that the form of paren- chyma cells in some regions (e.g., the pith of Enpatorium) is approximately isodiametric and that with respect to the number of faces of contact made with neighboring cells, "the cells show an economy of surface to volume approaching, and in some cases equaling, that of an orthic tetrakaidecahedron or a rhombic dodecahedron of equal volume." This conclusion is particularly interesting in view of Tupper-Carey and Priestley's (1924) state- ment that the cells of the apical meristem approach the form 57 58 PARENCHYMA CELLS of twelve- or fourteen-sided polyhedra. But, not all cells desig- nated as "parenchyma" are isodiametric in shape. As exam- ples, the following may be cited: the narrowly "cylindrical" form of palisade parenchyma cells, the lobed form of "arm-pali- sade" cells (cf. Meyer, 1923, p. 16) and the elongated shape of the cells in vascular rays. 2. Structure and chemistry of the wall. During the differ- entiation of the parenchyma cells in the cortex and pith of stems and in the mesophyll of leaves, little or no appreciable increase in Avail thickness occurs and a true secondary wall, clearly defined from the original primary wall, may be absent. In such cells, the thin primary wall seems to consist largely of cellulose. Sim- ple pits are present but they are often restricted to certain local regions of the wall (cf. De Bary, p. 117, Fig. 46). In contrast, Avood-parenchyma cells and the cells of xylem rays are often pro- vided with relatively thick walls, which are abundantly pitted. According to Eames and MacDaniels (p. 68), the parenchyma cells of secondary wood often have "thick, more or less strongly lignified walls." Whether the thick areas of the walls of these cells are "secondary" or "primary" in nature apparently con- stitutes an open problem at present. 3. The protoplast . The retention at maturity of an active protoplast represents one of the most important characteristics of parenchyma cells. Indeed, because of this fact, parenchyma cells perform many of the most fundamental physiological proc- esses, notably photosynthesis, food and water storage and secre- tion (Meyer, 1923; Netolitzky. 1935; Sperlich, 1939). In addi- tion to their important metabolic activity, however, parenchyma cells possess to an exceptional degree the ability to revert to a meristematic state (Ilayward. 1938, p. 14) . This is clearly shown by the i-apid response of parenchyma tissue to tlic^ ])liysical and chemical effects of artificial or natural wounding. The nature of such responses is highly variable and complex, ranging from the production of "callus" or of cork tissue, to the regressive forma- tion of root or bud primordia [cf. Priestley and Swingle (1929) and Bloch (1941)]. It may be argued that the ease with which parenchyma cells can be induced to divide and to produce new tissues and organ primordia is evidence of their "primitive" or MATERIAIv FOR STUDY OF PARENCHYMA 59 ''unspecialized" nature. ])ut it is evident that many factors, hereditary as well as environmental, influence the process of "re- gressive differentiation" in parenchyma and that our knowledge of the "potentialities" of such tissue is still in an exploratory stage. II. Material for the Study of Parenchyma.— At this point suggested material for a preliminary study of storage and photo- synthetic parenchyma is described. Additional examples of parenchyma are given in several of the later exercises in this book. 1. Storage parenchyma. As noted above, parenchyma tissue often serves as a region for storage of many different substances, particularly starch. The cotyledons of bean embryos, during the early stages of seed germination, provide useful material. Examine thin sections as well as partially macerated tissue, not- ing the closely-packed starch grains in the parenchyma cells. Under high magnification, the type and distribution of the simple pits on the various faces of the wall may be clearly studied. Additional examples of storage parenchyma are furnished by the cortical parenchyma of the young root (e.g., Ranunculus) and the parenchyma tissue of the potato tuber (Solannm tuberosum). 2. Photosynthetic parenchyma. In the subepidermal region of young stems and in the mesophyll of leaves, the thin-walled parenchyma cells contain chloroplasts and perform the function of photosynthesis. Obtain a thin transverse section of the stem of Begonia, and, after mounting it in water, examine the prepara- tion at low magnification. Notice that the cortex (i.e., the region between the epidermis and the cylinder of vascular bundles) and the pith are composed of large, thin-walled "isodiametric" cells. (Note: Several layers of small collenchyma cells are found at the outer edge of the cortex and may be disregarded in this study.) Under low magnification observe that large, solitary prismatic crystals as well as druses occur in many of the parenchyma cells. Frequently, the form of the crystals is highly irregular. Under high magnification, the cytoplasm, vacuole and small chloroplasts can be readily studied especially if the sections are mounted in .1% solution of neutral red.^ Because of the large size of the cells, the nucleus is only seen occasionally in trans-sections of the 1 Cf . Appendix, p. 142, 60 PARENCHYMA CELLS parenchyma tissue. Small simple pits may be visible in certain walls of the cells. In order to understand the shape and propor- tions of the parenchyma cells, as well as the intercommunication between the prominent intercellular spaces, longi-sections of the stem should be studied under low and high magnification. Ob- serve that the intercellular space system in the longi-section appears "black" because of the included air. This optical effect is of great assistance in distinguishing between walls and longi- tudinally exteuded air spaces. III. Suggested Drawings and Notes. — 1. Prepare an enlarged drawing of a single cell from the cotyledon of the bean seedling, showing its shape, wall structure and the included starch grains. For comparison, draw several cells from the cortex of the root of Bn'}n(nc}dus and the potato tuber. Prepare notes on the differences in the form and structure of the starch grains in these different examples. 2. Prepare drawings, from both transverse and longi-sections, showing-ihe structure of the photosynthetic parenchyma of the cortex of the Begonia stem. Include cells which show crystals, cytoplasm and chloroplasts. What conclusion do you reach as to the shape of the parenchyma cells? Summarize, from the refer- ences you have read, the method of origin and functions of inter- cellular spaces in parenchyma tissue (cf. especially Turrell, 1936). REFERENCES 1. Rloch, P., "Wound Healing in Higher Plants. Pot. Peview 7:110-146. 1!)41. 2. De Bary, pp. 115-119. 8. Eames and MacDaniels, pp. 52-54. 4. Hay ward, p. 14. 5. Marvin, J. W., Cell Shape Studies in the Pith of Eupatorium purpurcum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26 :487-504, 1939. 6. Marvin, J. W., and Matzke, E. B., A New IMethod for the Con- struction of Three-dimensional Cell IModels. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26:101-103, 1939. 7. Meyer, F. J., Das trophische Parenchym. A. Assimilations- gewebe. IIandl)ucli d. Pflanzenanatomie. IV. 1923. 8. Netolitzky, P"., Das trophische Parenchym. C. Speieher- gewebe. Ilandbuch d. Pflanzenanatomie. IV. 1935. REFERENCES 61 9. Priestley, J. H., and Swingle, C. F., Vegetative Propagation from the Standpoint of Plant Anatomy. U. S. D. A. Tech. Bulletin No. 151. 1929. 10. Sperlich, A., Das trophische Parenchym. B. Exkretions- gewebe. Handbuch d. Pflanzenanatomie. IV. 1939. 11. Tnpper-Carey, R. M., and Priestley, J. H., The Cell Wall in the Radicle of Vicia faha and the Shape of the Meristematic Cells. New Phytol. 23:156-159. 1924. 12. Tnrrell, F. IM., The Area of the Internal Exposed Surface of Dicotyledon Leaves. Amer. Jour. Bot. 23 :255-264. 1936. / Exercise VII COLLEXCIIYMA CELLS I. Introduction. — The subepidermal region of many stems, peti- oles and ribs of leaves is occupied by a more or less "simple" or homogeneous tissue which is termed collenchyma. Frequently this tissue occurs as a continuous hypodermal cylinder but in some stems and in the petioles of leaves, distinct strands of col- lenchyma may be present. An interesting example of the strand- like arrangement of collenchyma is furnished by the familiar "strings" present in the abaxial ribs of celery petioles (cf. Esau, 1936, pi. 2 and 6). In certain respects, collenchyma is remarkably similar to cortical parenchyma. Indeed Hay ward (p. 22) regards collen- chyma as a derived form of parenchyma, a viewpoint also ex- pressed by De Bary (pp. 119-120) who stated that "it is then to a great extent a matter of taste how far one Avill extend the term Collenchyma." The parenchymatous character of collen- chyma is shown by the fact that it is a tissue composed of living cells, the protoplasts of which, like parenchyma, are able to revert to a meristematic state. This feature is illustrated by the origin of the phellogen or cork cambium in the outermost collen- chyma cells in many stems. Furthermore, collenchyma. although primarily a "mechanical tissue" in its function, presumably car- ries on some photosynthesis as evidenced by the frequent occur- rence of chloroplasts in its cells. The shape of collenchyma cells, especially those adjacent to parenchyma elements in the cortex or petiole, may be more or less "isodiametric." Typically, how- ever, collenchyma cells are elongated, prismatic elements Avith obtuse, pointed or oblique ends. The most definitive characteristic of collenchyma cells is found in the irr< (juJar and often mnssii'e fhirkeninr/a of the cell wall. These wall thickenings, which are deposited by the proto- plast in the form of extensive longitudinal .strips, vary in their 62 INTRODUCTION 63 })ositioii according to several definable types of patterns when the cells are examined in trans-section. In perhaps the commonest type, the thickened areas of the wall are largely restricted to the corners where the cells meet. Collenchyma of this type is termed "angular." In certain plants, the thickenings are confined to the tangential walls of the cells, resnlting in the so-called lamellar collenchyma. Ordinarily, intercellnlar spaces are small or even absent in collenchyma tissne but in certain Compositae the thick- ened areas of the walls of the collenchyma cells border upon large and prominent air-spaces. The term "tubular'" has been applied to this type of collenchyma. These "types" of collenchyma, however, are not rigidly distinct, because in some instances transi- tions from one to the other may occur in successive radial portions of the same zone of collenchyma. The structure and chemical composition of the wall-thicken- ings in collenchyma cells have recently been studied by several investigators. Anderson (1927), in his studies on the angular collenchyma of tomato {Solanum lycopersicum), concluded that the thickenings, which have a high content of water, consist of alternating lamellae of cellulose and pectin. When viewed under crossed Nicols, the walls appeared bi-refringent. Esau (1936) found that the walls of collenchyma cells in celery petioles "are chiefly of cellulose and contain a high percentage of water. ' ' She interprets the wall thickenings as representing a special develop- ment of the primary w^all. Simple pits are found in the walls of collenchyma cells but are not necessarily restricted to either the thin or thickened areas. The thorough study of Esau (1936) has shown that the ontogeny of collenchyma tissue in celery petioles exhibits many interesting and important features. In the mature petiole, the collenchyma occurs in the form of distinct strands which corre- spond in position to the abaxial ribs. The origin of these collen- chyma bundles is traceable to the localized periclinal and anti- clinal subdivision of ground meristem cells in the young petiole. Procambial-like strands of somewhat elongated, thin walled cells are thereby produced and it is from such cells that the adult collenchyma eventually differentiates. At first the young collen- 64 COLLENCHYMA CELLS chyma cells are relatively small in diameter but as the rate of cell division slows down, the cells expand and gradually acquire the characteristic angular wall thickenings. The relative prominence of intercellular air spaces in the mature collenchyma strand de- pends in general upon the time of origin of the tissue. Air spaces are only present when the divisions leading to collenchyma devel- opment occur in loosely-arranged ground meristem cells. Functionally, collenchj-ma tissue provides considerable strength as well as elasticity to young stems and to leaves. Ac- cording to Esau (1936), the collenchyma of celery petioles mechanically "is much stronger than the vascular tissue. The breaking load of collenchyma may be two to four times that of the entire vascular bundles or the bundle cap." II. Material for the Study of Collenchyma. — The clearly de- fined angular collenchyma in the petiole of Datura stramonium provides excellent material and its general structure will now be described. (Note: If Datura is not available, the angular collen- chyma in the cortex of the stems of Solanum lycopersicum, Cucurhita, or Begonia, or the collenchyma strands in celery peti- oles, may be used.) Obtain a trans-section of the petiole of Datura and after mounting it either in water or a .1% solution of neutral red, examine under low magnification. The epidermis possesses char- acteristically thickened outer walls covered by a prominent cuti- cle; a protoplast and small scattered ehloroplasts should be vis- ible in some of the epidermal cells. Note the })rominent multi- cellular mihranched hairs and study carefully the structure of their component cells. Beneath the epidermis are found six or more "layers" of typical angular collenchyma cells, the irregu- hirly thickened walls of which exhibit, when viewed in water, a characteristic pearly-white lustre. Tn sections mounted in dilute neutral red solution,^ the wvalls are brilliantly stained and their relationships more readily investigated. Select a Ihin well-cut area in the collenchyma and study llie cells under hiizh magnifica- tion. The cell cavities have a more or less undulate outline which is the i-esnlt of the alternation of thin and greatlv thickened 1 Cf. Appendix, p. 142. REFERENCES 65 areas of the primary wall. These thickened areas will be seen to be restricted largely to the cell-corners, hence the term "angu- lar" collenchyma. Especially in sections stained with neutral red, the wall thickenings exhibit evidence of a lamellated struc- ture. Observe that "spaces," varying greatly in size and dis- tribution, occur throughout the collenchyma tissue. Some of these apparent "spaces" represent the trans-sectional appear- ance of the narrow tapering ends of collenchyma cells ; others are true intercellular air spaces. The distinction between these two conditions is best appreciated, however, by a study of longi- sections of the tissue. Note the highly vacuolate cytoplasm and the chloroplasts in the collenchyma cells. To understand thoroughly the shape of collenchyma cells and the distribution of the thickened areas of their primary walls, examine under low and high magnification longi-sections of the Datura petiole. Study carefully the band-like thickenings of the wall and note their relationship in adjacent cells. The inter- cellular spaces should now be more evident. Simple pits may be seen in both face and section views. Observe that individual cells are often subdivided by thin transverse or sloping walls. III. Suggested Drawings and Notes. — 1. Draw on a large scale a sector of the trans-section of the petiole of Datura (or of the substitute material previously listed) about 5 to 6 cells in width, extending from the epidermis to the cortical parenchyma tissue. Label carefully all important structures. 2. Prepare a drawing of a small portion of the collenchyma tissue as seen in longi-sectional view. Show clearly the distribu- tion of the thickened areas of the wall, the pitting and the inter- cellular spaces. Fill in the contents of a single collenchyma cell. 3. Summarize, in the form of laboratory notes, the evidence discussed by Esau (1936) which shows that the walls of collen- chyma cells are rich in water. REFERENCES 1. Anderson, D., Ueber die Struktur der Kollenchymzellwand auf Grund mikrochemischer Untersuehuiigen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.— Natur. Kl. 136 .-429-440. 1927. 66 COLLENCnYMA CELLS 2. De Baiy, pp. ll'J-12U. 3. Eames and ^lacUaiiiels, pp. 54-56. 4. Esau, K., Ontogeny and Structure of Collenchyma and of Vascular Tissues in Celery Petioles. Ililgardia 10:431-467. 1936. 5. Ilaberlandt. i^p. 155-158. 6. Hay ward, p. 22. Exercise VIII SCLEREIDES I. Introduction. — From tlie standpoint of function, two gen- eral types of strengthening or "mechanical" tissues are conven- tionally distinguished, viz.: (1) collenchyma, which is composed of living cells and which is the first strengthening tissue to appear in the development of the stem and leaf, and (2) sclerenchyma which is made up of thick-walled cells, usually lacking a proto- plast at maturity and which represents the "permanent" and more important of the supporting tissues in the older portions of the plant body. From a morphological standpoint, many authors (e.g., Eames and INIacDaniels, Ilayward) adopt the viewpoint of De Bary (pp. 126-184) and recognize two main "forms" of sclerenchyma; namely, "stone cells" which are short, more or less isodiametric elements and fihers which are prosenchymatous cells, often extremely long and with pointed or oblique ends. Despite the convenience of this morphological subdivision of sclerenchyma it seems hardly justified when the numerous struc- tural and ontogenetic differences between so-called stone cells and fibers are clearly understood. For this reason, the term "sclerenchyma" appears vague and highly abstract and, as will appear in the resume to follow, has been used to designate cell types which are definitely unrelated in wall structure and method of development (cf. Ilaberlandt, p. 721, note 92). The expression "sclereide" was originally proposed by Tschirch (1885, p. 308) for the variously formed thick-walled cells which occur so commonly in the bark of woody seed plants, in the hard shell of fruits, and in seed coats. In contrast to typical "bast fibers," the thick walls of sclereides often appear yellow in color, are usually highly lignified and possess tubular pits which may branch in a complex fashion. On the basis of form and structure, Tschirch (1889, pp. 301-302) distinguished four principal types of sclereides which he named and described 67 68 SCLEREIDES as follows: (1) Brachysclcreides, or "stone-cells" which are roughly isodiametric in form and which occur in the fleshy por- tion of the fruits of Pijnis and Cyclonia and in the bark of numer- ous woody dicotyledons; (2) Macrosclereides, or "rod-cells" which are columnar in form and often constitute an outer con- tinuous palisade-like layer in the coat of seeds, especially in the family Leguminosae. Here they are also referred to as "Mal- pigliian Cells"; (3) Osteosdereides, or "bone-cells" which are likewise columnar in form but possess dilated or knob-like ends. Such cells occur within the palisade parenchyma in certain leaves (cf. Haberlandt, p. 160, Fig. 52) ; and (4) Asirosclereides or "branched sclereides," w^hich are highly irregular in form and size with pointed "arms." Astrosclereides are well developed in the leaves of certain dicotyledons (e.g., Thca, Camellia) and also occur in the bark of Abies and Larix and in certain fruits (e.g., Carya). The ontogeny of sclereides presents many distinctive and peculiar features. Aside from the macrosclereides, which are traceable in origin to the surface cells or "protoderm" of the integument of the ovule (cf. Zimmerman, 1936), sclereides usu- ally develop by the "secondary sclerosis" of parenchymatous cells (cf. De Bary, pp. 539-544). This curious process involves the marked centripetal increase in thickness of the cell wall, the deposition of lignin within the cellulosic matrix and the produc- tion of the characteristic "pit-canals" or "ramiform pits." The physiological factors which induce these changes in a living par- enchyma cell or cell group in the cortex or the bark of stems or roots are obscure. Tschirch (1889, p. 303) states that in woody dicotyledons, the process of secondary sclerosis occurs to such an extent that sclereides may eventually constitute the major porticm of the bark. A further interesting aspect of the process of secondary sclerosis is exhibited by the development in many stems of the so-called "composite cylinder" formed of both brachysclcreides and bast fibers. In this case, an originally continuous cylinder of bast fibers becomes ruptured at various points as a result of the increase in thickness of the stem. Neigh- boring parenchyma cells then intrude into the gaps, divide and eventuallv become transformed into sclereides thus "repairing" INTRODUCTION 69 the broken cj'linder (for details cf. Tschirch, 1885, p. 323 et seq., and llaberlandt, p. 159). With respect to the ontogeny of osteo- selereides and astroselereides, little information appears to exist. In the husk of the fruit of hickory (Carya) a comparison of young and old material clearly suggests that the irregular astro- selereides arise much like brachysclereides from the secondary sclerosis of parenchymatous elements. But the details of the development of the huge astroselereides occurring in the leaves of such plants as Camellia (Ilaberlandt, p. 162, Fig. 54) deserve careful investigation. The statement is frequently made that stone-cells are devoid of a protoplast at maturity. This idea requires further proof because Alexandrov and Djaparidze (1927) contend that it is possible to demonstrate, by staining with safranin and methyl green, the presence of nuclei in the mature brachysclereides of the fruits of quince (Cydonia) and pear (Pyrus). These inves- tigators further maintain that during the ripening of the fruit in Cydonia, the sclereides experience a process of " delignifica- tion" consisting in the reduction in thickness of the wall, the dis- appearance of lignin, and the obliteration of the ramiform pits. This reversible change suggests enzymatic activity on the part of the protoplasm within the stone cells. However, Crist and Batjer (1931) reached a different conclusion in their detailed study of the stone-cells of Pyrus. They state that the delignification re- ported by Alexandrov and Djaparidze for Cydonia does not occur in Kieff'er and Bartlett pears . . . ''without exception, the downward trend of the cellulose curve is strictly parallel to that of lignin and each one of the two is parallel to the ligno-cellulose trend." Further study is obviously needed to determine more precisely the chemical relations between the sclereides and the neighboring parenchyma tissue during fruit ripening. From a functional standpoint, sclereides undoubtedly impart hardness to the organ in which they occur. Haberlandt (p. 158) states that brachysclereides "serve to increase the incompressi- bility of the bark ; their action may be compared to that of the sand which a mason uses to increase the tenacity of his mortar, or to that of the powdered glass which is added to gutta-percha in order to render it less compressible." The functional signifi- 70 SCLEKEIDES eaiice of the groups or ' ' nests ' ' of brachysclereides in fleshy fruits is less evident. It has been suggested that phylogenetieally they may represent the remains of a former continuous shell of stone cells. II. Material for the Study of Sclereides. — 1. Bruchysdereides or "stone-cells" in the fruit and fruit stalk of Ptjrus. Obtain a small fragment of the fruit of pear and mount it in water under a cover glass. Imbedded in the thin- walled parenchymatous tissue will be found small groups or "nests" of stone-cells which appear yellowish-brown in color. Examining one of these groups of stone-cells under high magnifi- cation note the form of tlie cells, their greatly thickened walls and the characteristic ramiform piis. After this preliminary examination, remove the cover-glass, add several large drops of a saturated solution of pliloroglucinol ^ followed by a drop or two of hydrochloric acid. Note the brilliant red color assumed by the walls of the sclereides. Often this color change, which occurs when lignin is present in the walls, aids in the study of the branching and the relationship of the ramiform pits. Study carefully the form of the pits in both sectional as well as face view. Secure a trans-section of the fruit stalk of Pyrus and treat it with phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid as described above. Add a cover slip and examine the sectiou under both high and low magnification. The edge of the section is formed of several layers of cork the innermost cells of which are in contact with the phcllogen or cork cambium. Internal to the phellogen occurs the cortex which is composed of thick-walled parenchyma tissue in which are imbedded nests of stone-cells. Progressing inwards, there next occurs a "ring" of fihrovascular hundUs. Each of these bundles consists of an external ca]) of phcrs (which are usually less brilliantly stained than the stone-cells of the cortex), a strand of phloem, and a strand of xylem. The pith of the fruit stalk is composed of botli i);irone]iyma as well as groups of stone cells. 2. Astrosclerridrs. Obtain a pi-eiiaration of nuicerated "husk" of the fruit of (Uirya or Juylans and examine it under low mag- 1 Of. Appendix, p. 141. SUGGESTED UKAWINCS AND AOTES 71 iiifieatioii. The two most abundant cell ty})e8 are (1) parenchyma cells which vary from nearly isodiametric elements to irregular forms, and (2) astrosclereides which exhibit remarkable varia- tion in the form and proportion of the "arms." The thick stratified wall and branched pits show very clearly in these sclereides. It is instructive to note the frequent similarity be- tween certain of the parenchyma cells and the sclereides, indicat- ing the origin of the latter from parenchyma by the process of secondary sclerosis w^hich has been described in the Introduction of this exercise. For comparative purposes, examine trans-sections of the petiole of the leaf of Camellia after staining them in phloroglu- cinol and hydrochloric acid. Study the sections under high magnification and note the elaborately branched areas of astro- sclereides. Sections through the lamina of the leaf should also be stained and examined for the huge branched sclereides which occur in the midst of the mesophyll. 3. Macrosclereides. Obtained a small amount of macerated bean testa and examine it under low magnification noting the small, tightly packed groups of columnar macrosclereides. Note that the lumen of each macrosclereide is widest near the base of the cell, being reduced to a narrow% virtually occluded channel above. For illustrations of macrosclereides in situ in the testa of seeds of the Leguminosae refer to Eames and MacDaniels (p. 294, Fig. 134c), Hay ward (p. 342, Fig. 174), and Netolitzky (1926, p. 159). III. Suggested Drawings and Notes. 1. Prepare drawings to show the form and pit relationships of a small group of stone-cells in the fruit of the pear. How may the fact be explained that some of the ramiform pits or their branches fail to terminate at the "edge" of a stone-cell at a given level of focus? 2. Make a diagrammatic drawing of the trans-section of the fruit stalk of the pear, showdng and labeling all the important tissues and regions. Summarize, in the form of notes, the posi- tions and mechanical significance of the stone-cells and fibers in this organ. 72 SCLEREIDES 3. Draw several types of astrosclereides from the macerated ' ' husk ' ' of the fruit of Carya or Juglans. For comparative pur- poses, draw a parenchyma cell resembling in its form one of these sclereides. 4. Prepare a diagrammatic drawing of the trans-section of the petiole of Camellia, showing the position of the astrosclereides with reference to other tissues. Draw a single astrosclereide, as seen under high magnification, from the petiole and from the lamina of the leaf. 5. Draw a few connected macrosclereides from the testa of the bean seed. Show carefully the wall structure and the form of tlie lumen. REFERENCES 1. Alexandrov, W. G., and Djaparidze, L. I., Uber das Enthol- zen und Verholzen der Zellhaut. Planta 4 :467-47o. 1927. 2. Crist, J. W. and Batjer, L. P., Tlie Stone Cells of Pear Fruits, Especially the Kieffer Pear. Ag. Expt. Station Michigan State College. Tech. Bulletin 113. 1931. 3. De Bary, pp. 126-128. 4. Eames and MacDaniels, pp. 57-59. 5. Haberlandt, pp. 158-161. 6. Hayward, p. 25. 7. Netolitzky, F., Anatomic der Angiospermen Samen. Iland- buch d. Pflanzenanatomie. X. 1926. 8. Tobler, F., Die mechanischen Elemente und das mechanische System. Handbucli d. Pflanzenanatomie. IV. 1939. 9. Tschirch, A., Beitrjige zur Kenntniss des mechanischen Gewebesvstems der Pflanzon. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 16:303-335. 1885. 10. , Angewandte Pflanzenanatomie. Wien und Leipzig. ]889. 11. Zimmermann, K.. Zur })hysiol()gisc]ier Anatomic der Legu- minosentesta. Landw. Versuchs-stat. 127 :l-56. 1936. Exercise IX FIBERS I. Introduction.— In the strict sense, the term "fiber" shonld be applied only to certain prosenchymatons cells found in the inner tissues or tissue systems of the plant body. Cells of this type are not to be confused with the so-called cotton "fibers" which morphologically represent epidermal hairs of the seed coat (ef. Anderson and Kerr, 1938). The term "fiber" is em- ployed in the present book in the above restricted anatomical sense. Fibers are the most important type of mechanical cell which occur in higher plants where their great tensile strength, flexi- bility and elasticity serve to enable plant organs successfully to withstand a variety of strains and tensions resulting from the action of gravity, wind. etc. (Cf. Haberlandt, pp. 161-164.) From a commercial standpoint, many plants are cultivated largely or exclusively for the fibers which they produce. Among the more prominent of such textile plants may be mentioned Agave sp., the source of "Sisal Hemp," Musa textilis from which "Manila Hemp" is derived, Cannabis sativa or the "true" hemp plant, and Limnn usitatissimnni which furnishes the commercial flax from which linen is derived. According to Hayward (p. 371), "there is evidence that flax was grown during the Stone Age" and that the annual form of Linum usitatissimum "has been grown in Mesopotamia for at least 4000 years." Because of the considerable economic importance of fibers, a very extensive literature has developed. The limited scope of this book however precludes any effort to discuss in detail the many involved problems of wall structure and methods of de- velopment of fibers. Instead, a brief resume is given now of the salient features of fibers which may serve as an introduction to 73 74 FIBERS the subject. For students wishing cidditional technical informa- tion, reference should be made to the literature cited by Hayward under Caiinahis (pp. 244-245) and Linuni (pp. 409-410). 1. Classification. Fibers, either singly or more commonly in the form of strands or cylinders, are widely distributed in the plant body. In stems and roots, fibers are commonly found in the cortex, pericycle, phloem and xylem. In the leaves of many monocotyledons (e.g., Miisa, palms, Agave, etc.), fibers are very prominently developed, occurring as strands or sheaths which accompany the vascular bundles; they may also appear inde- pendently of the vascular strands, either as distinct bundles or as massive hypodermal cylinders. (Cf. Ilaberlandt, pp. 168-184, and Meeuse, 1938.) From a iopographical standpoint, two prin- cipal "types" of fibers may be recognized, at least in stems and roots which experience secondary growth in thickness, viz.: (1) Bast or extracambial fibers, and (2) Wood fibers or intracambial fibers. As Ilaberlandt (p. 155) has clearly emphasized, such a distinction is quite arbitrary since bast fibers, as a class, cannot be distinguished on a structural basis from wood fibers. Fames and MacDaniels (p. 57) and Hay ward (p. 23) suggest that fiber types should be more specifically designated according to the tissue or tissue region in which they occur, e.g., cortical fibers, pericyclic fibers, phloem fibers, etc. A classification of this kind, however, necessarily depends upon accurate information on the origin and development of the fibers in each particular case. This is very clearly shown l)y the recent investigations of Esau (1938b, pp. 367-369) on the origin and development of the fibers in the stem of tobacco. In this plant, Esau interprets the fibers morpho- logically as part of the primary phloem rather than as "peri- cyclic fibers," as has been done by certain workers. It is evident from Esau's discussion of the literature that there is a great need for a complete re-examination of the concept of "pericycle" from an histogenetic point of view. Under such circumstances, the classifications of fibers into "bast fibers" and "wood fibers" will be followed in this book largely for the sake of simplicity and convenience. 2. Form and length of fihcrs. Fibers are classical examples of typical prosenchymatous cells. Tlie ends are either acute or STRUCTURE AND CHEMISTRY OK CELL WALL 75 acuminate or, as in certain bast fibers, variously "lobed" or "branched" (Mansfield, p. 22, Fig. 2). In short fibers, the ratio of the diameter of the cell to its length may average 1 :10 to 1 :20 while in extreme cases (e.g., in the Urticaceae) the ratio may reach or exceed 1:4000. These data, taken from De Bary (p. 13), emphasize the fact that certain bast fibers may represent the largest of all cells in higher plants. According to Hay ward's (p. 241) discussion of the literature, hemp (Cannabis sativa) fibers vary in length from 1-10 em. In flax (Linnm) the length of the fibers likewise varies from 2.5 cm. to as high as 12 cm. Apparently the longest bast fibers which have been accurately measured occur in the stem of Boehmeria nivea, a member of the Urticaceae. In this species, Aldaba (1927) succeeded, by means of a special maceration technique, in isolating individual fibers, the five longest of M'hich measured ' ' respectively 400, 500, 520, 540, and 550 mm." 3. Structure and chemistry of the cell wall. Mature fibers characteristically possess a well-defined secondary wall which is often so thick that the cell lumen may be almost or entirely occluded at various points. The thick secondary wall exhibits typically slit-like vestigial pits which in bast fibers are disposed obliquely in a left-handed spiral series. Haberlandt (p. 154) contends that this arrangement of pits indicates a "corresponding arrangement of the micellar rows" and that "an obliquely pitted bast-fiber may therefore be regarded as an aggregate of exceed- ingly numerous and delicate fibrillae twisted together into a spiral coil of many turns which surrounds a longitudinal canal consist- ing of the cell cavity. ' ' Because of the great economic importance of certain fibers, many studies have been devoted to the chemical composition of their walls. Ilayward (p. 23), while admitting that the degree of lignification of the cell wall may vary even within the same zone of fibers, distinguishes between (1) non- sclerotic fibers, which occur commonly in the pericycle of stems and w'hich possess secondary walls with a relativelj^ high propor- tion of cellulose (e.g., Linum), and (2) sclcrenchymatoiis fibers, which are part of the xylem and which exhibit highly lignified secondary walls. According to Ilayward, lignification tends to render fibers rather brittle while the high cellulose content of 76 FIBERS the walls of certain bast fibers is related to the greater tensile strength and durability of such elements. 4. Ontogeny of fibers. Regardless of their location in the plant, fibers arise from initial cells which are very short as com- pared with the length of the mature element. An impressive example of this fact is furnished by Aldaba's (1927) work on fiber development in Bochmeria. In this plant, the fiber initials "are approximately 20 microns in length" and "the increase in the longitudinal dimension of the longer bast fibers is of the order of 2,500,000 per cent, but the process of elongation is gradual and extends over a number of months." The mechanics of the process of elongation in fibers and the accompanying development of a thick secondary wall has attracted much attention as well as speculation. The investigations of Aldaba (1927) and An- derson (1927) on flax fibers have revealed many peculiarities but our knowledge of fiber development in other forms is still meagre. It is apparent that in certain bast fibers, the upper end of the element remains delicate and active during the phase of cell elongation. Whether the necessary adjustment between such greatly extending cells and tiieir neighbors is achieved by "sliding" growth or by "differential" growth, however, is not clear. (Cf. Anderson 1927, Meeuse 1938 and Ilayward 1938, pp. 395-400.) The behavior of the protoplast during the growth and differentiation of certain types of fibers offers a number of points of interest. In a recent study, Esau (1938a) has shown that during the elongation of the primary phloem fibers in tobacco, the protoplasts become multinucleate as a result of repeated mi- totic divisions of the nuclei. Cell plates, howevei-, do not form at the end of the successive nuclear divisions and "the spindle fibers are less persistent than in ordinary division figures." At the final stages in fiber ontogeny, usually after secondary walls have developed, the nuclei appear to fuse or clumii and in nearly mature fibers "the nuclear material frequently occurs as one large degenerating mass." The physiological significance of this multinucleate condition in young phloem fillers is quite obscure. Ilaberlandt (p. 154) wiio has observed a multinucleate protoplast in the bast fibers of TAnmn and certain members of the Legu- minosae maintains that "the presence of several nuclei appears MATERIAL FOR STUDY OF FIBERS 77 advantageous when the very considerable length of many bast-cells and their active growth in length and thickness are taken into account." In certain types of w'ood fibers, however, mitosis is followed by cytokinesis, resulting in a chambered or septate fiber. This condition has been observed and described by Vestal and Vestal (19-40) in a recent study of the septate fiber-tracheids of Hypericum Androsaeminn. In this species, the fiber-tracheid retains its protoplast after the thick secondary wall has been laid down. Mitosis may then occur in such a cell, the division figure being oriented parallel to the long axis of the cell. Cell plate formation then occurs in the normal manner and a thin transverse septum is formed across the lumen, intersecting the inner edge of the secondary wall of the "mother cell." Because of the delicacy of this septum it Avas not possible to determine whether it is "formed only of intercellular cement substance or whether it consists of the intercellular substance and two adjacent primary walls." II. Material for the Study of Fibers. — 1. Bast fibers. Examine, under low and high magnification, macerated bark of the twig of the basswood or linden tree (Tilia sp.). The numerous prosenchymatous cells present are bast fibers from the phloem region. Select an unbroken fiber and study carefully its form and wall structure. Note especially the channel-like lumen and the small vestigial pits. According to Eames and MacDaniels (p. 57), the pits in bast fibers represent modified simple pits. To appreciate fully the arrangement and mechanical significance of the fibers in the phloem of Tilia, strip off a small portion of the bark from a twig or young branch and scrape off the outer tissues (i.e. epidermis, periderm and cortex) with a scalpel. Then mount the fibrous tissue which has been exposed in water and examine it under low magnification, noting the closely-joined strands of grayish-white bast fibers. In order to determine the degree of lignifieation of the secondary walls, treat separate portions of the fibrous network with (1) IKI and sulphuric acid,^ and (2) phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid.- 1 Cf. Appendix, p. 141. 2 Cf. Appendix, p. 141. 78 FIBERS If time permits, make similar studies and microehemical tests of the bast fibers of various economically important textile plants, such as "hemp" (Agave sp. and Ca7inabis sativa) and flax (Linum u.sitatissimuni). 2. Wood fibers. (a) Lihriform fibers. The fibers present in the secondary xylem of woody dicotyledons often show massively thickened secondary walls provided with scattered and rather small vestigial pits. In such cells, which were termed "libriform" because of their structural resemblance to phloem fibers, the lumen varies in width and may be entirely occluded at certain points (cf. Eames and MacDaniels, p. 63, Fig. 34, c, f, g). Study the form and structure of the libriform fibers as shown in macerated wood of oak (Qucrcns sp.). (&) Septate fibers. This type of wood fiber is characterized by the subdivision of the lumen into a series of compartments which are separated from each other by transverse walls or septa. The work of Vestal and Vestal (1940) discussed in the Introduc- tion of this exercise has shown that in Hypericum, the septa of the fiber-tracheids arise, after the formation of the lateral second- ary wall, as a result of repeated mitoses accompanied by cyto- kinesis. Doubtless the septate fibers in other genera of the angiosperms pursue a similar ontogeny. Secure a small amount of macerated xylem from the stem of the grape-vine {Vitis sp.) and study under high magnification the form and structure of the numerous septate fibers. Note that the septa in these cells extend to the inner edge of the secondary wall but are independent of the compound middle lamella of the "mother cell." If the septa are examined with the aid of an oil-immersion lens, it is apparent that they have a laminated as well as a "pitted" struc- ture. III. Suggested Drawings and Notes. — 1. Prepare careful drawings to illustrate the form, character of the lumeu and the type and distribution of pits in the bast fiber of Tilid and the libriform fiber of Qucrcus. Label all im- portant structures. 2. Prepare a diagram to illustrate the arrangement of the strands of bast fibers in the stem of Tilia. REFERENCES 79 3. Draw a single septate fiber from the secondary xylem of Vitis showing its form, pitting and the position and structure of the septa. 4. Prepare a brief resume of the commercial process of "ret- ting" fibers in hemp or flax (for literature and information ef. Hayward, pp. 242, 244-245 and 409-410, and Anderson, 1927). REFERENCES 1. Aldaba, V. C, The Structure and Development of the Cell Wall in Plants, I. Bast fibers of Boehmeria and Linum.. Amer. Jour. Bot. 14:16-24. 1927. 2. Anderson, D. B., A Microchemical Study of the Structure and Development of Flax Fibers. Amer. Jour. Bot. 14 -187- 211. 1927. 3- , and Kerr, T., Growth and Structure of Cotton Fiber. Indus, and Eng. Chemistry 30 :48-54. 1938 4. De Bary, pp. 128-134. 5. Fames and MacDaniels, pp. 56-57, 62-64 and p. 75. 6. Esau, K., The Multinucleate Condition in Fibers of Tobacco. Hilgardia 11 :427-434. 1938a. ^- , . Ontogeny and Structure of the Phloem of Tobacco. 7i/f/., 11:343-424. 1938b. 8. Haberlandt, pp. 152-155. 9. Hayward, pp. 23-25. 10. Mansfield, pp. 89-106. 11. Meeuse, A. D. J., Development and Growth of the Scleren- chyma Fibers and Some Remarks on the Development of the Tracheids in Some ^lonocotvledons. Rec. trav bot neer- landais 35 : 288-321. 1938. 12. Vestal, P. A. and Vestal, M. P., The Formation of Septa in the Fiber-tracheids of Hypericum Androsaemuin L. Harvard Bot. Mus. Leaflets 8 :169-180. 1940. Exercise X TRACHEARY ELEMENTS I. Introduction. — One of the most characteristic features of the sporophyte of the "Tracheophyta" is the presence of a well- defined conductive or vascular system. This system is his- tologically complex in that its two component "tissues," i.e., phloem and .rylem, are formed of a variety of cell types differing- in their arrangement, form, protoplasts and wall structure. While the functions of storage and mechanical support are performed to varying degrees by both the phloem and the xylem, these "complex tissues" are concerned first of all in the trans-location of water and solutes between root and shoot. This conductive function is possible not only because of the structural character- istics of the cells themselves but also because the vascular tissues in the root, stem and leaves are interconnected and form a con- tinuous system. From this standpoint, the vascular system may be visualized as an internal "skeletal" framework to which new increments are added during growth by the activity of the apical meristems and, in plants with secondary growth, the vascular cambium. This exercise is devoted to an introductory study of the xylem, with particular emphasis upon the structure and development of its definitive tracheary elements, viz. : the tracheid and the vessel. In the exercise dealing with the anatomy of the root, stem and leaf, additional information regarding xylem aiul directions for studying it will be given. 1. Structure and morphology of tracheary elements. The ex- pression "tracheary elements" is used in this book to designate collectively the tracheid and the vessel element which represent the two chief types of water-conducting cells present in the xylem of vascular plants. The following characteristics are com- mon to both tracheids and vessel elements, viz.: (1) they are typically prosenchymatous in form with oblique or pointed ends. An exception to this is furnished by tiie cylindi-ical form of vessel 80 INTRODUCTION 81 elements in certain angiosperms. (2) The secondary wall of ma- ture traclieary elements consists of lignified cellulose and is deposited as rings, spiral bands, bars, a reticulum or as pitted layers upon the thin primary wall; (3) at maturity, traeheary elements lack a protoplast and the lumen is occupied by gas or fluids. The principal distinction between the two types of traeheary elements consists in the fact that the tracheid is an imperforate cell with a continuous primary wall, while a vessel element is provided with distinct openings or perforations which are usually located in the end-walls of the cell. When longi- sections of the xylem are examined, it is evident that inter- communication between adjacent tracheids is possible by means of the bordered pit-pairs on their lateral walls. In contrast, vessel elements occur in more or less distinct vertical series in which the perforations of adjacent elements exactly coincide. Thus, collectively regarded, a series of vessel elements constitutes an open "pipe-like" structure which is termed a vessel. The literature devoted to the structure and pitting of traeheary ele- ments is so extensive that it will only be possible to outline below some of the most salient features of tracheids and vessel elements. (a) The tracheid. From a phylogenetic standpoint, the tracheid is usually regarded as the "fundamental" cell type in the xylem of vascular plants. According to Eames and Mac- Daniels (p. 62), "tracheids alone probably made up the xylem of very ancient plants." Among living plants, tracheids con- stitute the only type of traeheary element in the xylem of most lower vascular plants and, except for the Gnetales, are the dominant cell type in the wood of gymnosperms. Tracheids are also characteristic of angiospermous xylem where together with vessel elements, fibers and parenchyma they contribute to pro- duce the great histological complexity typical of the wood in this group. Structurally, the tracheid is an elongate cell, the second- ary wall of which is laid down in a variety of patterns. In primary xylem, i.e., the xylem which develops first in the ontogeny of the root, stem and leaf, the secondary wall has the form of rings, spiral bands, bars, a network or else is provided with dis- tinct pits. A more detailed discussion of the "fibrous" types of secondary wall-thickening in the traeheary elements of primary 82 TBACHEARY ELEMENTS xylem will be jiiven later in this Iiitrocluetioii. In secondary xylem, i.e., the wood produced by the vascular cambium, the walls of the tracheid are provided either with transverse, slit-like scalariform bordered pits (as in ferns, and club mosses) or with circular or oval bordered pits (as in most gymnosperms and angiosperms) . The type and arrangement of the pits of tracheids seem to be determined in part by the nature of the cell or cells bordering the tracheid. Thus when two tracheids are in contact, bordered pit-pairs occur while, if a wood-parenchyma or wood- ray cell crosses the tracheid, half-bordered pit-pairs are developed. Frost (1929) in a study of angiosperm xylem, however, has called attention to the fact that the type of pitting in a given tracheary element depends to a large extent upon the degree of phylogenetic specialization of the cell itself rather than upon the type of neighboring cells. Frost finds that the pit-pairs between tracheary elements and parenchyma cells may be either bordered, half- bordered, or simple, according to the species and that this situa- tion constitutes a reliable criterion for distinguishing the xylem of various plants. It seems clear that the whole question of tracheary pitting demands more study both from a comparative as well as an ontogenetic point of view. Indeed, considerable diversity of opinion prevails as to the nature of the most primitive type of pitting in seed-plants (cf. Jeffrey Ch. IV and VII, Brown 1918 and Bliss 1921). (6 ) The vessel clement. This type of tracheary element is gen- erally interpreted as having evolved, phylogenetically, from some primitive type of tracheid. In the genus Ephedra for example, the sloping end walls of certain of the tracheary elements are provided with circular bordered pits, the membranes of some of which disappear during ontogeny. Cells of this type may typify one of the ways in which the perforations, distinctive of vessel elements, may have orginated (cf. Jeffrey, pp. 94-95, Figs. 72- 73). Further evidence of the derived nature of vessel elements is afforded by their distribution in extinct and living vascular plants. According to Jeffrey (p. 93), vessels are absent from the secondary wood of Paleozoic cryptogams. Among existing lower vascular plants, vessels are known to occur in certain species of Sclaginella (Duerden 1934) and in two species of Pteridiitm ONTOGENY OF TRACHEARY ELEiVlENTS 8') (Bliss 1939). Save for these examples, and the Gnetales, vessel elements seem to be restricted in their occurrence to the xylem of angiosperms. The recent survey of Cheadle ( 1939 ) has brought out the interesting fact that while vessels occur consistently in the roots of monocotyledons, this type of tracheary element is comparatively infrequent in the xylem of the stems and leaves of this class of the angiosperms. The significance of this condi- tion remains to be explained. In the dicotyledons, vessels appar- ently are of widespread occurrence in both primary and second- ary xylem, and have only been reported absent in Drimys, Trochodcudron, Tetraccntron (cf. Bailey and Thompson 1918) and certain members of the Crassulaeeae and Cactaceae. Two principal types of perforations occur in vessel elements, viz.: (1) the simple perforation, which appears as a single large oval or circular hole in each of the end-walls of the cell, a;nd which is interpreted as the more advanced condition, and (2) the sealariform perforation or perhaps more accurately the scalariform perforation plate, which appears as a series of elon- gated parallel openings separated by transverse bars, and which is usually regarded as the more primitive type of perforation. Simple perforations occur in vessel elements with either sloping or transverse end-walls while scalariform perforations are typical of elements with oblique or strongly-inclined end-walls (cf. Eames and MacDaniels p. 65, Fig. 35). According to the in- A-estigations of Cheadle (1939), in the majority of monocoty- ledons examined the vessel elements possess the scalariform type of perforation plate. A full discussion of the possible evolution- ary history of the perforation-plate in vessel elements of the seed plants is given by Jeffrey (pp. 92-102) and Bliss (1921). 2. Ontogeny of tracheary elements. (a) The formation of perforations in vessel elements. Re- cent studies of this problem have centered about two important questions, viz. : (1) the exact period or time in vessel differentia- tion when the dissolution of the end-walls occurs, and (2) the physical and chemical nature of the portion of the end-wall which becomes perforated. According to Eames and IMacDaniels (p. 151), the perforation of the transverse end-walls of the vessel ele- ments in the secondary xylem of the black locust {Rohinia 84 TRACHEARY ELEMENTS Pseudo-Acacia) occurs after the cells have reached their full size and have developed secondary walls over all portions of the ele- ment. Perforation in this species therefore involves the dissolu- tion of a portion of hoth the secondary as well as the primary layers from the central region of the end-walls. Esau (1936), however, in her study of vessel development in the primary xylem of celery, found that the secondary thickening', in the form of spiral bands, is restricted to the lateral walls and to a thin peripheral region of the transverse end-walls. The perforation in this case involves the breakdown of a distinct central region of the end wall which is interpreted as primary in nature. Tliis area in section view appears as a lenticular thickening and is "similar to the torus tliickening in bordered pits." In a later publication. Esau and Hewitt (1940) investigated the nature of the end-walls and the development of perforations in the vessel elements of Cucurhita pepo, Zea mays, Nicotiana tahaciim, Daucus carota and Beta vulgaris. The end-walls of Beta, Daucus and Nicotiana agree with those in celery in possessing a conspicuous lens-shaped thickening which breaks down to form the simple perforation during the final stages of vessel development, after secondary walls have been formed. Perforation of tlie vessel elements in Cucurhita occurs at a similar period in ontogeny but in this form the portion of the end-wall to be dissolved is not lens-shaped in sectional view. As a' result of careful microchemical and optical tests of the end-walls. Esau and Hewitt conclude that "two superimposed vessel elements are separated from each other by two cellulose layers — the two pi-iniary walls — cemented together by isotropic intercellular substance." (h) The nature and origin of "fibrous" thicl-eni)igs in pri- mary xylem tracheae. The secondary wall of the tracheary ele- ments in ])i"imai'y xylem is deposited ujion the delicate ju-imary wall in a number of well-defined patterns. In the proto.rylem or first-formed jiortion of the ]U'imary xylem, the secondary wall ap- pears in the form of separate rings (annular elements), one or more spiral bands (spiral elements) or as transverse, intercon- nected bars (scalariform elements). These distinctive types of tracheary elements usually originate successively in provascular tissue ("procambium") in the order named above, although the ONTOGETSTY OF TRACHEABY ELEMENTS 85 proportion of each t.vi)e varies within wide limits in different or- gans and diff'erent plants. The assnmption is frequently made that the significance of these various wall-patterns in protoxylem tracheae is to permit the elements to "accommodate themselves" to stretching. In the metaxylein or last-formed portion of the primary xylcm, there is a marked increase in the relative extent of secondary wall deposition, and elements with net-like thick- enings {reticulate elements) and with pitted walls {pitted ele- ments) are formed. A sharp transition does not exist, however, between these varied wall-patterns and consequently the limits between protoxylem and metaxylem can only be rather arbitrarily established. Indeed, it is common to find tracheary elements with several types of intergrading wall-patterns. Such transitional types were early recognized and termed "vasa mixta." (Cf. De Bar}', p. 156.) Apparently very little intensive study has been devoted to the origin and mode of development of the fibrous type of secondary wall thickening in primary xylem tracheae. Stover (1924) con- tends that in Calamovilfa "the annular and spiral thickenings are the direct result of elongation." He finds that the "first thickening is laid down in the pitted form" and that "the division and enlargement of the surrounding cells tears apart this wall thickening and the cell becomes annular, spiral or reticulate, depending upon the amount of stretching." This interesting mechanical interpretation, however, could not be confirmed by the work of Barkley (1927) on the differentiation of tracheary elements in Trichosanthes. According to Barkley. the future pat- tern of the secondary wall is determined early in ontogeny by a peculiar distribution of vacuoles in the peripheral cytoplasm of the procambial initial. She states that "the spiral vessel of the protoxylem in its early stages has bands of peripheral cytoplasm which precede the spiral markings and have the same arrange- ment, and become the basis of the lignified spiral. The position of the cytoplasmic bands is determined by rows of vacuoles in the cytoplasm immediately preceding and during the formation of the cytoplasmic bands." In a similar way, the annular and reticulate types of thickenings are predetermined by the pattern of vacuolation in the cytoplasm. It is evident, however, that a 86 TRACIIEARY ELEMENTS careful eytologieal .study of this problem from an extensive as Avell as an intensive standpoint is needed in advance of any generalizations. With the aid of recent improvements in plant microtechnique, it should be possible to investigate successfully the precise relationships between the cytoplasm and the develop- ment of specific wall-patterns in tracheary elements. 3. The distinction between primary and secondary vascular tissues. In practice, great difficulty is experienced in attempting to distinguish the boundaries between the primary and secondary vascular tissues especially in leaves and young stems. Protoxy- lem, because of the definitive characters of the secondary wall patterns, is usually readily demarcated but the limits between metaphloem and secondary phloem on the one hand, and meta- xylem and secondary xylem on the other hand, are often difficult or indeed impossible to draw on the basis of adult structure. One of the criteria often employed is based on the idea that the con- ducting elements of secondary vascular tissues, since they orig- inate from periclinal derivatives of the cambium, are arranged in more or less regular radial rows in contrast to their irregular arrangement in primary phloem and primary xylem. In a recent review of this whole problem, Esau (1938, pp. 356-361) has shown, however, that according to many ontogenetic studies, the first- formed or "primary" vascular tissues "may be arranged in an orderly manner." A good illustration is furnished by the radial alignment of both "primary" and "secondary" tracheary ele- ments in the vascular bundle of Trifolium (Eames and Mac- Daniels, p. 255, Fig. 117A). Evidently then, the method of ar- rangement of tracheary cells does not provide a consistent basis for demarcating pi-imary and secondary xylem. However, when certain differences are analysed between the so-called procam- bium, wliich produces the primary vascular tissue and the "cam- bium" which forms secondary vascular tissues, it appears tiiat the distinction between the two tissues may have some justifica- tion ontogenetically. According to Esau, four significant differences can be recog- nized, viz.: (1) in organs with well-defined secondary growth, two kinds of initials, the /v/// and fusiform types, are character- istic of the cambium. These initials produce respectively the STUDY OF TKACIIEARY ELEMENTS IN PRIMARY XYLEM 87 vascular rays, aiiel the sieve-tubes, vertical i)areiichyma, fibers and traclieary elements. Usually procanibial cells are very much alike in form and structure. (2) As seen in trans-section, pro- canibial cells tend to be polygonal in form in contrast to the rectangular or "box-like" shape of cambial cells. (3) The maturation, especially of tracheary elements, from the cambium is more abrupt than is the case in the procambium, and (4) the radial walls of cambial cells are often noticeably thicker than the tangential walls, a distinction which is not apparently char- acteristic of procambial cells. In view of the above differences and because of the exploratory state of the problem, the terms "primary" and "secondary" will be utilized in this book as convenient designations for the vascular tissues derived re- spectively from the procambium and the cambium. But the author is in full agreement with Esau's statement that procam- bium and cambium are to be regarded "not as two distinct meristems, but as two developmental stages of the vascular meristem." II. Material for the Study of Tracheary Elements in Pri- mary Xylem. — 1. Transverse and lo7igi-sections of the hypocotyl of hean seedlings. Treat the sections with phloroglucinol and hydro- chloric acid,^ mount in water and examine under low and high magnification. Note carefully the irregular arrangement of the tracheary elements in the differentiating primary xylem as shown in the trans-sections. The longi-sections, if cut in the radial plane with respect to the primary xylem, will show the order of appear- ance and the types of secondary wall-patterns in the tracheary elements of the protoxylem and metaxylem. 2. Prepared and stained transverse and longi-sections of the stem of Trifolinm,. Examine the trans-sections noting partic- ularly the regular arrangement of the tracheary elements in the primary xylem of the collateral vascular bundles. A study of the longi-sections will reveal not only the various types of wall- patterns in the successive tracheary elements, but will also show the effects of stretching on the primary and secondary walls of the annular and spiral elements of the protoxylem. 1 Cf. Appendix, p. 141. 88 TRACIIEARY ELEMENTS 3. Maceruicd primary .rtjlein of ihc liypocotyl of hean ami the ston of Trifolium. Ol)taiii small quantities of the macerated tissue and study the form and wall-patterns of tlie various types of isolated tracheary elements. Although many of the elements may be broken or injured in the process of maceration, it is possible to find intact tracheids or vessel elements. Note especially the intergradations in certain elements between several different types of secondary wall thickening. It is also instructive to contrast the appearance of the rings and spiral bands in short and elongated protoxylem elements. 4. Macerated primary xyleyn of the rhizome of the bracken fern {Ptericlium latiusculum) . Obtain a small amount of macer- ated primary xylem of Pteridium, mount it in water and add a cover-glass. The individual tracheary elements are large cells, clearly visible to the naked eye, and vary in form from broadly- fusiform or obovate to narroAvly-acuminate. Examine these cells under low and high magnification, noting that one or both end- walls are oblique with reference to the lateral walls. The latter are provided with vertical series of typical scalariform bordered pits. The presence of well-defined scalariform perforation plates on the sloping end-walls of certain of these cells indicates that they represent vessel elements. According to the recent work of Bliss (1939, p. 620) "there are many cells that may be inter- preted as transitional between the tracheid and the vessel ele- ment." III. Material for the Study of Tracheary Elements in Sec- ondary Xylem. — 1. Tracheids of (jymuosperms. Obtain a small quantity of macerated wood of Finns and study the form and pitting of the tracheids. Three types of elements are present, viz. : (1) tracheids from the "spring wood," characterized by their relatively wide lumina and by the restriction of pits to the radial walls; (2) tracheids from the "sununer wood," distinguished by their much narrower lumiiui and by having the pits confined to the tangential walls, and (3) fiber-tracheids which in their thickened walls and reduced pits are intermediate in character between "typical" fibers and tracheids. Note, especially in the spring tracheids, that at certain points in the cell there occur groups of large, in- STUDY OF TRACIIEARY ELEMENTS IX SECONDARY XYLEM 89 distinctly bordered pits whieli mark tiie point of contact between the tracheid and the living cells of a wood-raj'. As seen in face view, the large circular bordered pits of a spring tracheid are separated from one another by bars of wall substance (cf. Eames and MacDaniels, p. 29, Fig. 17A). These wall-sculpterings are termed "Bars of Sanio" and have occasioned much speculation as to their significance. The Committee on Nomenclature of the International Association of Wood Anatomists, however, sug- gests that the term "Bars of Sanio" should be replaced by the term "crassulae" which are defined as "thicker portions of the intercellular layer and primary walls between primary pit fields." To appreciate fully the form and distribution of pits in conifer tracheids, a study should also be made of stained trans- verse, radial and tangential sections of pine wood. 2. Traclieids of angiosperms. INIount a small quantity of macerated oak wood in water and study carefully the form and pitting of the tracheids. These cells are distinguished from the very abundant wood fibers by their somewhat shorter length, wider lumina and more obviously bordered pits. Many of the tracheids will appear very irregular in contour with forked or lobed ends. (Cf. Eames and MacDaniels, p. 60, Fig. 33D). Under high magnification, note that the bordered pits are oval in form, often crowded and somewhat smaller than the larger circular bordered pits characteristic of the spring tracheids of Pin us. 3. Vessel elements with sealariform perforations. Macerated wood of birch (Betula) and of the tulip-tree {TAriocUndron) will provide instructive examples of this primitive type of vessel element. Note the variation in the number and relative width of the slit-like openings in the oblique perforation plates of these two plants, and the variety in type and arrangement of pits on the lateral walls. 4. Vessel elements with simple perforaiions. As stated in the Introduction of this exercise, the simple type of perforation may occur in vessel elements with either oblique or more or less trans- verse end-walls. The first condition is shown by certain of the vessel elements in macerated oak wood. Note in this material that the pointed ends of the vessel element extend beyond each of the 90 TRACIIEAKY ELEMENTS large, oval terminal perforations. As in the vessel elements of Bctula and Liricxlendron, various types and patterns of pits are characteristic of the lateral walls. A study of the short cylindrical type of vessel element, with greatly-enlarged simple perforations in the transverse end-walls, may be made Avitli the aid of stem- sections and macerated xylem of the pumpkin {Cucurbit a) . As seen in macerated tissue, the individual vessel elements are some- what drum-shaped with densely-pitted lateral walls. The enormous diameter of these vessel elements and their union to produce vessels may readily be studied in hand-sections stained with phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid. For a description and illustrations of the development and structure of vessels in Cucurhita reference should be made to the work of Esau and Hewitt (1940). 5. The cellular composition of paper. A large proportion of paper is obtained from the wood of certain gymnosperms (e.g., Abies, Picea) and angiosperms (e.g., Populus, Betula). The first stage in the manufacture of pai)er from wood consists in the mechanical and cliemical maceration of the x.ylem which re- sults in the partial dissociation of its component cells. This macerated xylem is commercially known as tvood pulp and after being bleached, colored or "sized," according to the required use, is compressed under great pressure into paper sheets (cf. Kellog, 1923 for further details). It is interesting to note, however, that despite the drastic treatments involved in the production of wood pulp, many of the tracheary elements are well preserved and their structure and pitting is recognizable if small pieces of soaked paper are carefully teased apart in water and examined under the microscope. ]\Iake a study of the various types of cells found in newspaper, blotting-paper and some cheap grade of writing-paper. IV. Suggested Drawings and Notes. — 1. Prepare drawings to show llie shape, structure, and ar- rangement of the ])riniary xylem tracheae in the vascular bundle of the bean hypocotyl or the stem of Trifoliuw. as seen in trans- and longi-sectional view. These diawings shouUl be supple- mented by showing, on a l;irge scab', the details of small jjortions of the secondary wall-patterns of isolated elements of the proto- REFERENCES 91 xylem and metaxylem drawn from macerated primary xylem of the liypoeotyl of the bean seedling. 2. Outline, on a large scale, the form of a single vessel ele- ment from the macerated primary xylem of Pteridmm, indicating by horizontal lines the pattern of scalariform bordered pits on the lateral walls. Draw, as seen under high magnification, a scalari- form perforation plate of one of these tracheary elements. 3. Prepare drawings of spring and summer tracheids of macerated pine wood, showing the type and arrangement of the pits as seen in face and sectional view. For comparison, draw a single tracheid from macerated oak wood. 4. Make drawings of vessel elements of macerated wood of Liriodendron (or Bctida), QnercKs and Ciicnrbita, to illustrate differences in the form of the elements and the type of perfora- tion. Fill in the pits on a small portion of the lateral wall of each vessel element. 5. Summarize, in tabular form, the various types of cells observed in the specimens of paper studied. Indicate whether differences in the kinds of tracheary elements observed can be used to deduce the source of the paper in each case, i.e., from conifer or angiosperm wood. 6. Prepare a' resume, based upon the conclusions of Jeffrey, Brown (1918) and Bliss (1921) of the evolutionary development of the vessel in seed plants. REFERENCES 1. Bailey, I. W., and Thompson, W. P., Additional Notes upon the Angiosperms, Tetracentron, Trochodcndron and Drimys in which Vessels Are Absent from the Wood. Ann. Bot. 32:503-512. 1918. 2. Barkley, G., Differentiation of Vascular Bundle of Tricho- santhes anguina. Bot. Gaz. 83 :173-184. 1927. 3. Bliss, M. C, The Vessel in Seed Plants. Bot. Gaz. 71 :314- 326. 1921. 4. , , The Tracheal Elements in the Ferns. Am. Jour. Bot. 26 :620-624. 1939. 5. Brown, F. B. II., Scalariform Pitting a Primitive Feature in Angiospermous Secondary Wood. Science 48 :16-18. 1918. 6. Cheadle, V. I., The Occurrence of Vessels in the Monocotyl- edonae, Amer, Jour. Bot. 26. Supplement p. 9s. 1939. 92 TRACHEARY ELEMENTS 7. De Baiy, pp. 155-171. 8. Duerde'ii, 11., On the Occurrence of Vessels in Selaginclla. Ann. Bot. 48 :459-465. 1984. 9. Eames and MacDaniels, pp. 59-62, 64-67, 86-97, 150-153, 162-188. 10. Esan, K., Vessel Development in Celery. Hilgardia 10 :479- 488. 1936. 11. , , Ontoo-env and Structure of the Phloem of ' Tobacco. liilcjardia 11 :343-424. 1938. 12. Esau, K., and Hewitt, W. B., Structure of End Walls in Dif- ferentiatintj Vessels. Hilgardia 13:229-244. 1940. 13. Frost, F. II., Histology of the Wood of Angiosperms, I. The nature of tlie pitting between tracheary and parenchymatous elements. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 56 :259-264. 1929. 14. Haberlandt, pp. 302-325. 15. Jeffrey, Ch. IV and VII. 16. Kellog, E. S., Pulpwood and Woodpulp in North America. N. Y., 1923. 17. Stover, E. L., The Vascular Anatomy of Cahnnovilfa longi- folia. Ohio -Jour. Sci. 24:169-179. 1924. Exercise XI SIEVE-TUBE ELEMENTS I. Introduction. — The phloem of vascular plants, like the xylem, is a "complex tissue" which may consist of four or five dif- ferent types of cells. Nevertheless, the phloem is morphologi- cally well defined by the consistent presence of a highly special- ized kind of cell know^n as a sieve-tube element or sieve-cell. This definitive cell type lacks a nucleus at maturity and in addition possesses other structural and physiological properties which are apparently unique. In many angiosperms, the sieve-tube ele- ments are clearly arranged in definite vertical series, to each of which the collective term "sieve-tube" may be applied. The term sieve-tube has also been given to the individual enucleate cells typical of the phloem in gymnosperms. Such cells, how- ever, are not arranged in linear series. Abbe and Crafts (1939) refer to these structures in conifers as "sieve elements." As Esau (1939) has pointed out in a thorough review of the litera- ture on phloem structure, the word "sieve-tube in its original meaning had reference to a series of superposed cells with trans- verse or somewhat inclined end walls bearing sieve-plates." Under such circumstances, the term "sieve-tube" will be reserved in this book for definable vertical cell-series and the term "sieve- tube element" used for the individual members of such a series. Similar cells of the phloem of gymnosperms, not arranged in vertical superposed series, will be designated as ' ' sieve-cells. In angiosperms, the sieve-tube elements are usually accom- panied on one of their lateral walls by small prismatic or tubular cells. These cells, which are intimately connected with the sieve- tubes, are termed companion cells and differ from the sieve-tube elements in possessing nuclei and in lacking definite sieve plates. Companion cells are to be regarded as sister cells of the sieve- tube elements since both types of cells originate by the division of a common mother cell (cf. Esau, 1939, pp. 409-410). Sieve- 93 94 SIEVE-TUBE ELEMENTS cells ill the gymnosperms lack companion cells in the above sense, but specialized "albuminous cells" occur and have been regarded as equivalent to the companion cells in angiosperms. However, Abbe and Crafts (1939, p. 710) have questioned this analogy since the albuminous cells "do not arise from a common fusiform initial with the sieve-tube but from separate ray initials." The primary phloem is usually relatively simple in structure, con- sisting of sieve-tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma as in Cucurbit a or only the first two types of cells may be present (e.g., Zca Mays). But secondary phloem may be very complex because of the presence of fibers, stone cells, vertical phloem parenchyma and rays in addition to sieve-tubes and companion cells. (Cf. Eames and MacDaniels, Ch. VIII, and Esau, 1939, pp. 411-413.) Aside from the secondary functions of food storage and sup- port, the chief physiological role of phloem is the conduction of various organic solutes. Experimental studies on translocation (cf. Crafts, 1939a and 1939b) seem to indicate clearly that the main channels of transport for organic materials, and also of certain viruses are the sieve-tube elements. As to the mechanism of this movement in sieve-tubes there is, however, considerable disagreement. Crafts (1939a) on the basis of a wide series of recent studies on this problem has developed a "pressure flow" theory which he summarizes as follows: "In the pressure flow mechanism, solvent and solute are assumed to flow together as a solution thi-ough elements of specialized structure or per- meability, the i)rotop]asm of which plays an entirely passive role in the process. The sources of energy in this mechanism lie in the osmotic activity of the products of assimilation in green por- tions of the plant and in the accumulative ability of cells in grow- ing and storing tissues." Other explanations of the mechanism of transport in sieve-tube elements assume that protoplasmic streaming or highly-active protoplasm is concerned in some way with the process. One result of the lively interest in the function of phloem has been a series of exploratory studies on the structure and deveh)pment of sieve-tube elements (cf. Esau, 1938). The recent literature in this field, as well as tlic historical background of the various problems, have been discussed recently by Esau PROTOPLAST OF SIEVE-TUBE ELEMENTS 95 (1939) and tlie following resume on sieve-tube elements is in- tended simply as an introductory guide. 1. The protoplast of sieve-tube elements. One of the most typical characters of the mature sieve-tube element is the absence of a nucleus. Numerous developmental studies (cf. Esau, 1939, p. 375 and 1941, pp. 452-454, PL 7) have shown that while the yoking element possesses a normal nucleated protoplast, matura- tion is accompanied by the eventual disintegration of the nucleus. Prior to its breakdown, the nucleus has been observed to increase significantly in size and to lovse its chromaticity. Crafts (1939a, p. 176), in particular, has stressed the physiological significance of the enucleate condition in the sieve-tube element as follows : "The whole history of the sieve-tube portrays the intimate rela- tion of the nucleus to the structure and function of the elements. No student of ontogeny can fail to sense the influence that the loss of nucleus has upon subsequent activity. From the begin- ning of its functioning period to its death, the sieve-tube element is doomed to a passive role, conditioned by its lack of nucleus and consequent permeability." A peculiarity of the cytoplasm of mature sieve-tube elements consists, according to the investi- gations of Crafts, in its highly permeable nature. Following the disappearance of the nucleus, Crafts finds that cytoplasmic streaming ceases and the cytoplasm "fails to plasmolyse in hyper- tonic solutions." Furthermore, the cytoplasm in the mature ele- ment loses its former ability to accumulate neutral red, a vital stain. Crafts (1939a, p. 175) interprets these facts as indicating the highly permeable character of adult sieve-tube elements. As Esau (1939, p. 403) has pointed out, the enucleate and permeable cytoplasm of mature sieve-tube elements is not to be regarded as "dead." This appears to be demonstrated by the continued deposition of callus on the sieve-plates during late stages in ontogeny. The contents of mature sieve-tube elements of certain species (e.g., Cucurhita) consist of slimy proteinaceous material which, in sections of phloem treated with heat or alcohol, may coagulate on the sieve-plates and in the lumen to form funnel- shaped structures known as slime-plugs. (Cf. Eames and Mac- Daniels, pp. 193-194, Figs. 90C and 91C ; and Esau, 1939, pp. 379-383). The most recent evidence supports the belief that 96 SIEVE-TUBE ELEMENTS slime-plugs are artifacts rather than structures peculiar to nor- mal uninjured sieve-tube elements. The slime in sieve-tube ele- ments originates from the disintegration of the slime-drops which are commonly present in angiosperms as inclusions in the cyto- plasm of 3'oung cells ; the disintegrated nucleus and the sieve-tube sap also become part of the slimy contents of the sieve tubes. In many plants, Icucoplasts and starch grains may be observed in the sieve-tube elements (cf. Esau, 1939, pp. 384-386). 2. Sieve-plates and sieve-fields. In addition to the ultimate loss of the nucleus, the mature sieve-tube element is characterized by the presence of sieve-plates which occur in various regions of the cell wall. The origin of the term "sieve-tube" rests upon the erroneous idea that, in such a plant as Cucurhita, the end- walls of the elements are perforated like a sieve. But modern studies agree in showing that sieve-plates are not literally open, perforated areas in the wall. On the contrary, the so-called pores in the sieve-plate appear to be penetrated by either delicate or rather coarse plasmodesmata. Crafts (1939a) has concluded that these cytoplasmic strands, which thus connect the protoplasts of adjacent sieve-tube elements, are solid rather than tubular in structure as was maintained by certain earlier workers. Con- siderable variation occurs with reference to the distribution of sieve-plates in sieve-tube elements. In highly specialized sieve- tubes (e.g., in Cucurhita), the transverse end-wall is occupied by a single large plate with rather coarse plasmodesmata while the lateral walls are provided with smaller, less distinct plate-like areas. But several sieve areas forming a "compound sieve-plate" may be present in end-walls which are inclined or sloping. In the gymnosperms, very numerous small sieve-i)lates or "sieve- pits" occur on the radial lateral walls (Abbe and Crafts, 1939). The term ^'sieve-field" was originally applied by Niigeli to the apparently reduced sieve-plates present on the lateral walls of angiospermons sieve-tube elements. However, as Esau (1939, p. 395) has clearly indicated, sieve-plates and sieve-fields may intergrade in structui-e so that oidy an arbitrary distinction can be made between them. The morphologiad nature of the sieve- plate is still, to some extent, an unsolved problem. This is largely the case because of the many gaps in our knowledge as to the LATERAL WALLS OF SIEVE-TUBE ELEMENTS 97 method of development of tliese stractures. P'urthermore, the terminology used in describing the adult sieve-plate and its homologues is, as Esau (1939) has shown, in a confused state. It does seem evident, however, that in some respects, sieve-plates are fundamentally similar to simple pits (Esau, 1939, pp. 397- 399). In conifers, the sieve-plates arise directly from the large primordial pits which are present on the radial walls of the young sieve-cells. Also in many angiosperms, it is possible to trace the origin of the sieve-plate to a primordial pit of a meristematic cell. In some plants, however, such as Rohmia and Cucurhita, it does not appear possible to refer the large solitary sieve-plates on the end-walls to development from a single primary pit area. Esau suggests that in Rohinia "one might assume that several shallow primordial pits together form one sieve-plate, the single or numerous plasmodesmata of one pit giving rise to one connecting strand of a sieve-plate." During the development of the sieve- plate, each plasmodesma or in gymnosperms each group of plas- modesmata becomes surrounded by a cylinder of callus. The chemical nature of this substance is still in question but callus- cylinders are readily stained and differentiated by treating sec- tions with aniline hluc. As the maturation of the sieve-tube ele- ment progresses, the amount of callus on the sieve-plates increases so that the originally separate cylinders become confluent or fused and the plate becomes coated on both sides with callus. According to Esau (1939, p. 391) this final accumulation is " depiitive-c alius" and indicates "the approach of a functionless state of the sieve-tube." There appears to exist no conclusive evidence that definitive-callus blocks up the pores of the sieve- plate. On the contrary, the plasmodesmata are noticeably stretched and eventually die. In many plants, the definitive- callus becomes dissolved away from the plate prior to the death of the sieve-tube elements and their companion cells which even- tually become obliterated or crushed by neighboring cells. 3. Lateral walls of sieve-tuhe elements. The lateral walls of recently differentiated sieve-tube elements are frequently thick and glistening in untreated sections. They have been termed "nacre" because of this appearance. Chemically, these walls appear to consist of cellulose and probably are, morphologically. yS SIEVE-TUBE ELEMENTS primary walls. In various members of the Abietineae, however, Abbe and Crafts (1939) reported true secondary walls in the sieve-elements of the secondary phloem. According to Esau's review, the nature of the pits or protoplasmic connections of sieve-tube elements with companion cells and phloem parenchyma cells is not yet definitely established. In some cases at least, the wall between the sieve-tube element and its companion cell is penetrated by numerous scattered plasmodesmata. II. Material for the Study of Sieve-Tube Elements. — 1. The phloem of Cucurbita. Obtain a thin transverse sec- tion of the stem of pumpkin and examine its structure under low magnification. In progressing from the edge of the section toM'ards the center the following tissues may be observed, viz. : (1) a typical uniseriate epidermis, certain cells of which have developed into hairs; (2) a rather narrow eortex, consisting of an outer, discontinuous zone of angular eollenchyma followed by a region of parenchyma the innermost layer of which may contain abundant starch grains and appear as a starch-sheath if the sec- tion is stained in iodine; (3) the stele, the outer boundary of which is clearly indicated by a continuous cylinder of thick- walled pericyclic fibers. Internal to the fibers occurs a' broad parenchymatous zone in tlie innei- portion of which are found two "rings" of vascular bundles. Each bundle consists of a median strand of xylem (characterized b}^ its large vessels) flanked on both sides by a strand of phloem. A bundle of this type is designated as a bicoUateral vascular bundle. Clear evi- dence of a cambial zone may be seen between the xylem and each of the phloem strands, especially in the larger inner bundles. The center of the stem is occupied by an irregular cavity which was produced by the collapse and disintegration of the pith. To investigate the styurture of th( phloem, remove the cover-gla'ss mid mount the section in a .1% aqueous solution of aniline blue.^ This dye "will stain the callus depositions on any of the sieve- plates which may be present in the section. A careful study, vnder high magnification, of the phloem of the various bi-col- lateral bundles will usually reveal a number of large sieve-plates. These structures in Cucurbita occupy virtually the entire end- 1 Cf. Appendix, p. 142. SUGGESTED DRAWINGS AND NOTES 99 wall of the cylindrical sieve-tube elements. In critically stained sieve-plates, each "pore" is occupied by a dark central spot, representing- the large plasmodesma and is surrounded by a dis- tinct callus-cylinder stained a light blue. If definitive-callm has not yet appeared, the portions of the plate between the callus- cylinders should appear unstained. Note that in addition to the sieve-tubes, smaller companion cells appear and are distinguished by their nucleated protoplasts and their triangular or quad- rangular form as seen in trans-section. Phloem parenchyma is also present but is difficult to distinguish from sieve-tube ele- ments unless the latter exhibit sieve-plates. This study of phloem should be continued with the aid of longi-sections which likewise should be stained in aniline blue. Note carefully the appearance and structure of the sieve-plates as seen in sectional view, and the relation of the sieve-tube elements to the companion cells and the phloem parenchyma. Often slime-plugs will appear in certain of the sieve-tube elements. They can readily be induced by treat- ing the section with 709^ alcohol. 2. The phloem of Rohinia and Finns. Mount thin radial and tangential sections cut from living twigs of these genera in a .1% aqueous solution of aniline blue and study under high magnifica- tion the structure and distribution of the sieve-plates and the form and relationship of the sieve-tube elements and sieve-cells. III. Suggested Drawings and Notes. — 1. Diagram the general structure of a bicollateral bundle from the stem of Cucurbit a as seen in trans-section. Label all essential parts and indicate by circles the position of the largest vessels of the xylem. 2. Draw small portions of the phloem tissue of Cucurhita as seen in both trans- and longi-sectional views. Show carefully the structure of at least one sieve-plate in each drawing. Label all cell tj'pes and structures. 3. Prepare drawings of small portions of the phloem of Eolinia and Pinus to show the form and structure of the sieve- tube elements and sieve-cells. 4. Summarize the evidence which indicates that plant viruses may move and be transmitted through phloem tissue (cf. Crafts, 1939b, and Esau, 1941). 100 SIEVE-TUBE ELEMENTS 5. Outline briefl}' the experimental evidence as to the role of the phloem in the trans-location of organic solutes (cf. Crafts, 1939b). REFERENCES 1. Abbe, L. B., and Crafts, A. S., Phloem of White Pine and Other Coniferous Species. Bot. Gaz. 100 :69r)-722. 1939. 2. Crafts, A. S., The Relation between Structure and Function of the Phloem. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26 :172-177. 1939a. 3. , . iMovement of Viruses, Auxins, and Chemi- cal Indicators in Plauts. Bot. Rev. 5 :471-504. 1939b. 4. Eames and MacDaniels, pp. 69-76 and Ch. VIII. 5. Esau, K., Ontoojenv aud Structure of the Phloem of Tobacco. Hilgardia 11 :343-424. 193S. 6. , , Development and Structure of the Phloem Tissue. Bot. Rev. 5 :373-432. 1939. 7. , , Phloem Anatomy of Tobacco Affected with Curly Top aud I^Iosaic. Ililo-ardia 13 :437-490. 1941. 8. Hayward, pp. 614-616. Exercise XII THE STEM I. Introduction. — In this and the two following exercises, a brief study will be made of the comparative anatomy of the three principal vegetative "organs" of the sporophyte of seed plants, viz. : the stem, leaf, and root. Paleobotanical evidence shows clearly, however, that this conventional subdivision of the plant body cannot be applied to the Psilophytales which are generally regarded as the most primitive of all tracheophytes. Indeed, in the Psilotales, which are the living representatives of this ancient group, roots are absent and the aerial portion of the sporophyte is not clearly demarcated into stem and leaves. Furthermore, it is clear that even in seed plants the boundary between stem and leaf can only be made rather arbitrarily. Both of these "organs" arise from a common terminal meristem (i.e., the shoot apex) and their further differentiation and growth is reciprocal and inter- dependent to a large extent. For these reasons, it seems prefer- able, from a morphological standpoint, to include both the axis (i.e.. the stem) and its foliar appendages under the broader con- cept of the shaot. This concept has found application not only to the vegetative region but has also been widely adopted in the anatomical interpretation of the flower of angiosperms (cf. Eames, 1931, and Foster, 1939). Hence, in this book, the sepa- rate treatment given to the stem and the leaf is largely a matter of practical convenience and its limitations on morphological grounds should be constantly borne in mind. (Cf. Arber, 1941, for a penetrating discussion of the problem.) The root, which is axis-like in form, clearly deserves separate discussion and study and its anatomical features will be outlined briefly in Exer- cise XIV. In the followng resume of the basic aspects of stem anatomy, the histology of the iniernodal regions of this structure is the principal consideration. The nodal regions of stems, because of 101 102 THE STEM the complications in vascular anatonn- resulting from the devel- opment of leaves and buds, offer a series of problems which are bej'ond the scope of the present book. In general, however, it may be stated that in gymnosperms and dicotyledons, the cylin- der of vascular tissue is interrupted at or near the node by the development (early in ontogeny ) of leaf gaps, which are paren- chymatous areas in the siphonostele situated above the point of divergence of the leaf traces. Depending upon the nature of the foliar structure as well as upon the plant, the anatomy of the node is described as unilaeunar (one gap), trUacunar (three gaps) or multilacunar (more than three gaps). There appears to be some evidence that in angiosperms the trilacunar node is the primitive condition. (For further details cf. Eames and MacDaniels, pp. 114-120.) The development of the axillary bud results in additional complications in the vascular anatomy of the node. The earliest vascular bundles of the bud are known as branch traces and their "divergence" from the main axis likewise is associated with parenchymatous areas in the stele which are termed branch gaps. Wide application of the prin- cipals of nodal anatomy has been made in the study of the vas- cular anatomy of the flower (cf. Eames, 1931, and Wilson and Just, 1939). 1. The primary structure of the stem. In man}' of the k)wer vascular plants and in certain herbaceous angiosperms (particu- larly monocotyledons), all the stem tissues are primary, i.e., they originate directly from the progressive differentiation of cells derived from the apical meristem of the shoot. Despite the great variation in the kinds and patterns of tissues, a common plan of primary structural organization is found in the stems of most gymnosperms and angiosperms. This consists in the existence of three more or less well-demarcated zones or regions which now' may be described briefly as follows : {a) The epidermis. Stems possess a well-defined epidermis in which stomata and various types of trichomes may be present in addition to typical epidermal cells (cf. Exercise V). (b) The cortex. Beneath the e]ndermis of stems is found a cylindrical zone, variable in its radinl dimension and in the Idnds of cells which occur. This region is the cortex and in the simplest THE STELE 103 condition is formed of thin-walled parenchyma tissue. Often, however, the cortex is more complex histologically and exhibits an outer, subepidermal area of collenchyma (which occurs as a continuous c^dinder or as separate strands) and an inner region of parenchyma. Other cell types may also appear in the cortex, particularly sclereides, fibers and secretory cells. {c) The stele. This region of the stem includes the primary vascular tissues as well as variable amounts of parenchyma. Since the original formulation of the "Stelar Theory" by Van Tieghem and Douliot in 1886. comparative studies on the stem have largely centered upon the organization aiul phylogeny of the stele, particularly with reference to the distribution of phloem and xylem and the morphological nature of the pith. It is now rather generally held that two principal types of steles occur in the sporophyte of vascular plants, viz.: (1) the proto- stele, which consists of a central core of xylem ensheathed by phloem, and (2) the sipJionostele which is characterized by the presence, internal to the protoxylem, of a central mass of paren- chyma known as the pith. The evidence from comparative anat- omy, including the facts of paleobotany, supports the idea that the protostele is the primitive type. This type of stele is found in both the stem as well as the root of many lower tracheophytes but is restricted to the root of seed plants. The order of matura- tion of the tracheary elements of the xylem in a protostele is centripetal and primary xylem of this kind is termed exarch. In contrast, the protoxylem in a siphonostele is situated at the outer edge of the pith and the order of maturation of the xylem is centrifngal. Primary xylem in the stems of seed plants is thus endarch. A discussion of the involved controversy as to the way in which the siphonostele may have originated from the proto- stele is beyond the scope of this book and the student is referred to the excellent resumes given by Eames and MacDaniels (pp. 112-114 and 337-340) and Smith (1938, pp. 124-131). In the writer's opinion, however, the evidence from ontogeny appears to favor the idea that at least in seed plants the pith region is morphologically a part of the stele and represents the paren- ehymatization of potential vascular tissue. As seen in trans- section, the vascular tissue of the siphonostele appears either as 104 THE STEM a continuous cylinder, broken only by the short leaf gaps in nodal regions, or as a "ring" of vascular bundles. A stele of the latter type should be visualized as a tubular network, the "meshes" representing the long vertical leaf gaps or parench^-matous rays. This kind of stele is termed a dictyostele and its component bun- dles are either collateral or hicollateral. In gymnosperms and dicotyledons, the siphonostele is specifically designated as ecto- pliloic if there is only an external area of phloem, or as ainphi- phloic if both internal as well as external phloem occurs. This latter t^'pe of siphonostele is restricted to certain families in the dicotyledons and also appears in the stems of some ferns. The nature of the houndary between stele and cortex has produced much discussion among anatomists. A common view is that the cndodermis represents the innermost layer of the cortex and that hence all tissues internal to it, including the peincycle, vascidar tissues and pith, constitute the stele. Such a demarcation is practical in roots which typically develop a well-defined cndo- dermis, and the evidence of ontogeny indicates that at least in some plants, the endodermis is morphologically a part of the cor- tex (cf. Esau, 1941). In the stems of seed plants an endodermis or its equivalent (i.e., the so-called ^'starch sheath'^) may be present. Under such circumstances it should be clear that until further ontogenetic evidence becomes available, only an approxi- mate and somewhat arbitrary demarcation can be made in many stems between the innermost region of the cortex and the adja- cent pericycle. 2. The ontogeny of the srele in vascular plants. Within recent years there lias been a inai-ked revival of interest in the origin and differentiation of the ])rimary vascular system. Among the more important contributions may be cited the work of Helm (1932), I>ai'thelmess (1935), Louis (1935), Kaplan (1937), and Gregoire (1938). One of the principal objectives in these investigations has been to determine how the jn-ovaseular tissue or procambium is produced from the tissue of the shoot apex. In view of the involved aspects of this process, it will only be possible to outline certain important steps. Ill a iium])er of dicotyledons, the first stage in tlie determina- tion of the position of the provascular tissue consists in the early ONTOGENY OF STELE IN VASCULAR PLANTS 105 differentiation of the jiifJi. This sets apart, near the base of the shoot apex, a peripheral zone of tissue which shows little or no evidence of specific differentiation. The next step, as one pro- ceeds away from the summit of the apex, is concerned with the effects produced by the developing leaf primordia. These struc- tures early assume a dorsiventral character and their abaxial regions begin early to develop as parenchymatous tissue. As a result, at least in many dicotyledons, trans-sections below the base of the shoot apex, show a more or less distinct "ring" of embryonic tissue demarcated on the outside by the united bases of the leaves and on the inside by the developing pith. This tis- sue zone has been designated by Helm as the "meristem ring" and by Louis as the "prodesmogen." From it there is produced the provascular or procambial cells which ultimately give rise to the primary vascular system of the stem. Divergent ideas are held as to the way in which procambium arises from the meristem ring or prodesmogen. According to one view, the procambium arises as isolated strands in the bases of the young leaf primordia, from which points its further differ- entiation proceeds acropetally towards each leaf apex and basi- petally towards the prodesmogen tissue in the axis. However, a number of recent studies (e.g., Boke, 1940, 1941) suggest that this may be an erroneous interpretation and that the develop- ment of provascular tissue in the region of the shoot apex may be exclusively acropetal. One of the important aspects of recent studies has been to emphasize the interrelationship which exists between stem and leaf in the building up of the stele. This is shown by the fact that in conifers and many dicotyledons, the first vascular bundles in the young siphonostele are leaf traces or so-called "common bundles. ' ' The interfascicular areas in the ' ' meristem ring ' ' may either produce additional procambial tissue from which addi- tional primary xylem and phloem arise, or as in dictyosteles, progress towards the formation of parenchyma. In the latter case, the interfascicular strips either mature as typical medullary rays or give rise to an interfascicular camhium. The question of the differentiation of primary phloem and primary xylem in leaf traces has apparently received only meagre 106 THE STEM stud}'. According to the work of P]sau (1938, p. 396) on tobacco, the primary xylem differentiates both upwardly into the leaf and downwardly into the axis. But "the phloem of a leaf trace fol- lows a different course of development from that of xylem. It differentiates, at least in the species considered in these studies, acropetally from the stem into the leaf." 3. The secondary structure of the stem. In gymnosperms and many angiosperms, the so-called primary tissue regions are rela- tively short-lived and eventually are destroyed or embedded by the development of secondary tissues. As pointed out in Exer- cise X, the distinction between primary and secondary vascular tissues is rather arbitrary and depends fundamentally upon the way in which "procambium" is distinguished from the "vascu- lar cambium." The process of secondary growth in stems is extremely complex and the following outline is intended merely as an introductory guide. (For a detailed treatment cf. Eames and MacDaniels, Ch. VI.) The vascular cambium, theoretically regarded, is a uniseriate meristem composed of ray initials, which produce the vascular rays, and fusiform initials which give rise to the "vertical" cell types in the secondary phloem and secondary xylem. In examin- ing developing siphonosteles in trans-section, iiowever, it proves difficult or impossible to distinguish the cambial initials from their most recent derivatives. For this reason, the term "cambial zone" may be used collectively to designate the cambial initials and their adjacent undifferentiated phloem and xylem mother cells. The vascular cambium may be thouglit of as the direct continuation of the undifferentiated procambial tissue situated between the metaxylem and the metaphloeni. If one is concerned with a dictyostele, a distinction is made between the caml)ium witliin each bundle (the fascicular camhium) and the cambium Avhich arises fi-om i)arenchyma — like tissue l)etween the bundles (interfascicular camhium). The latter may pi-oduce additional phloem and xylem or as in certain vines, broad rays of "sec- ondary" pai-enchyma. The effects of sustained cainl)!;!! activity upon the ])riinai-y tissue i-egioiis is jirofound. All cxt i-a-cambial tissues, i.e., ]n-imary plilocin, pcricycle, coi-tex and epidermis, are affected and eventually, through the added activity of the SECONDARY STRUCTURE OF THE STEM 107 phellogen or cork cambium, are sloughed away. Their place is gradually taken by the bark which consists in many gymnosperms and dicotyledons of dead or dying secondary phloem and of areas of i^eriderm. The intra-cambial primary tissues, i.e., primary xylem and pith, are completely buried within the cylinder of secondary xylem and, as a result of stretching and compression, may be crushed or even destroj'ed. The early phases in development of secondary vascular tis- sues in woody stems are usually accompanied by the formation of a periderm or corky tissue beneath the epidermis. Func- tionally, the periderm acts as a protective layer, replacing in this respect the epidermis which is eventually killed and sloughed away. Structurally, the term periderm is applied to the phello- gen or cork cambium and its two derivative tissues, viz. : cork or phellem, and phclloderm. The first-formed phellogen in the stem appears to arise as a result of the regressive differentiation of epidermal, cortical or pericyclic parenchyma cells. Its initiation is indicated by the tangential division of certain cells. In some species, these first tangential divisions appear in the epidermis. Most commonly, perhaps, the phellogen originates in the outer- most cells of the cortex. There is evidence that in some stems, the cortical phellogen first makes its appearance beneath the sto- mata, at which point lenticels are produced. Continued spread of the phellogen from these structures may result in the forma- tion of a cylinder of cork cambium. As a result of the repeated tangential division of the phellogen cells, the derivative tissues exhibit alignment of the cells in radial rows. Cells differentiat- ing towards the outside of the phellogen lose their protoplasts, acquire suherin in their unpitted walls, and finally mature as cork cells. The phelloderm tissue, which is usually much less in extent than the cork, originates from the inner derivatives of the phello- gen. Phelloderm eells are described as being parenchyma-like in retaining their protoplasts and in having simple pits in their cellulose walls. The functional life of the first-formed phellogen in woody stems is short and new layers of cork cambium arise successively from deeper regions of the cortex and pericycle until, finally, the living eells of the secondary phloem participate in periderm formation. The ultimate result is the production 108 THE STEM in many species of shell-shaped layers of periderm which enclose masses of dead or dying phloem tissue (cf. Eames and Mac- Daniels, p. 212, Pig. 96). The first-formed as well as later developed periderm layers in stems are usually provided with aerating structures termed lenticels. As stated above, lenticels are usually initiated by the appearance of a phellogen beneath a stoma (cf. Eames and ]\Iac- Daniels, p. 219, Fig. 100). In the development of a lenticel, the phellogen, instead of producing typical cork, forms a mass of loosely-arranged cells with unsuberized walls which make up the complementary tissue. This tissue in many lenticels may be sub- divided by layers of smaller more compact cells which are termed closing layers. The pressure exerted by the outwardly-developed mass of complementary tissue is sufficient to rupture the epi- dermis which, together with the underlying layers of adjacent cork, curls back from the edges of the lenticel as flaps of broken tissue. In many plants (e.g., SamJ)ucus), the extruded comple- mentary tissue is very prominent. According to De Bary (p. 561) the i)uffy swelling of lenticels in trees during wet weather may be the result of the "hygroscopicity " of the complementary tissue. II. Material for the Comparative Study of the Stem. — The choice of material for the study of stem anatomy will depend upon the forms available as well as upon the points to be illus- trated. The following stem types have proved useful and are recommended. Free-hand sections of stems stained with phloro- glucinol and hydrochloric acid are of considerable use. l>ut for the finer details of structure and development, permanent mounts of critically stained sections are necessary.^ 1. The si (III of the gcr tissues and regions. 2. Prepare a drawing similar t(^ 1lie jibovo of the trans-section of the stem of Tilia. 3. Di-aw a lenticel (of Samhucus. or Aristolocliia) as seen in median longi-sectional view showing carefully the complementary tissue and the closing layers and the relation of Ihese tissues to the adjacent periderm of the stem. Label all important struc- tures. REFERENCES 121 4. Prepare enlarged drawings of the periderm of the stem of Pelaryoniuin. Tilia or Smnbucu!^ showing the arrangement and structure of the ceils of tlie phellem, phellogen and phelloderm. Examine macerated bottle-corlv (i.e. the phellem of the cork oak, Quercus siiber) and sketch several of the individual cells. 5. Draw in detail the resin canals as seen in trans-sections of the stem of Pitius. 6. Show, by a diagram, the arrangement of the vascular bundles as seen in the trans-section of the corn stem. Draw in detail a: single vascular bundle showing the fibrous bundle-sheath and the structure of the primary phloem and primary xylem. 7. Prepare diagrams of the trans-sections of the stem of Aristolochia. These diagrams should illustrate the effects of secondary growth on the primary structure of the stem. 8. Examine the demonstrations of various types of nodal anatomy and prepare diagrams to illustrate them. 9. Outline the processes of mitosis and cytokinesis as they occur in the fusiform initials of the cambium in gymnosperms (cf. Bailey 1920 and 1928). 10. Outline the methods of secondary growth in the stem of woody monocotyledons (cf. Chamberlain 1921 and Cheadle 1937). REFERENCES 1. Arber, A., The Interpretation of Leaf and Pioot in the Augio- sperms. Biol. Rev. 16 :81-105. 1941. 2. Bailey, T. W., The Cambium and Its Derivative Tissues, III. A reconiuiissance of evtological phenomena in the cambium. Amer. -lour. Bot. 7:417-434. 1920. 3. , , The cambium and Its Derivative Tissues, IV. The increase in girth of the cambium. Ibid. 10:499- 509. 1923. 4. Barthelmess, A. TIeber den Zusammenhang zwischen Blatts- tellung und Stelenbau unter besonderer Beriichsichtigung der Konifereu. Bot. Archiv. 37 :207-260. 1935. 5. Boke, N. II., Histogenesis and Morphology of the Phyllode in Certain Species of Acacia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 27 :73-90. 1940. 6. Boke, N. II. Zonation in the shoot apices of Trichocereus spachianm and Opuntia cyUndrica. Amer. Jour. Bot. 28 :656- 664. 1941. 122 THE STEM 7. Clieadle, V. I., Secondary Growtli by Means of a Thickening Ring' in Certain Monocotyledons. Bot. Gaz. 98 :535-555. 1937. 8. Chamberlain, C. J., Growth Rings in a Monocotyl. Bot. Gaz. 72:293-304. 1921. 9. De Bary, Ch. XIV, XV. 10. Eames, A. J., The Vascular Anatomy* of the Flower with Ref- utation of the Theory of Carpel Polymorphism. Amer. Jour. Bot. 18:147-188. 1931. 11. Eames and MacDaniels, Clis. V, VI, IX. XI. 12. Esau, K., Ililgardia, Ontogeny and Structure of tiie Phloem of Tobacco. Ibid., 11 :343-424. 1938. 13. , . Phloem Anatomy of Tobacco Affected with (^urly Top and Mosaic. Ililgardia 13:437-490. 1941. 14. Foster, A. S., Problems of Structure, Growth and Eyolution in the Shoot Apex of Seed Plants. Bot. Rey. 5 :454-470. 1939. 15. Gregoire, V., La morphogenese et 1 'autonomic morphologique de I'appareil floral. La Cellule 47:287-452. 1938. 16. Hay ward, Ch. III. 17. llehn, J., IJntersuchungen iiber die Differenzierung der Sprossscheitelmeristeme yon Dicotylen unter besonderer Beriichsichtigung des Procambiums. Planta 15:105-191. 1932. 18. Jeffrey, Ch. XIII. 19. Kaplan, R., Ueber die Bildung der Stele aus dem TTrmeristem von Pteridophyten und Spermatophyten. Planta 27 :224-268. 1937. 20. Kiister, E., Sekundares Dickenwa'chstum ; IIolz und Rindc. Allgemeine Einletung. Handbuch d. Pflanzenanatomie. IX. Berlin. 1939. 21. Louis, J., L'ontogenese du systeme conducteur dans la pousse feuilh'e des Dicotylees et des Gynniosiiermes. La Cellule 44: 87-172. 1935. 22. Smith, G. M., Cryptogamic Botany. Vol. IT. Ch. V. Xew York. 1938. 23. Sperlich, A., Das trophische Parenchym. B. ?]xcretionsge- webe. Ilandb. d. Pflanzenanatomie. I\'. Berlin. 1939. 24 Stover, E. L., Development and Differentiation of Tissues in the Stem Ti])s of Grnsses. Ohio Jour. Sci. 34:150-160. 1934. 25. Wilson, C. L. and -Just, T., The Morphology of the Flower. Bot. Rev. 5 :97-131. 1939. Exercise XIII THE LEAF I. Introduction.— As stated in the previous exercise, it is diffi- cult, on both theoretical as well as practical grounds, to de- marcate rigidly the leaf from the stem. If, as. several mor- phologists have suggested, the "leaves" of higher plants arose phylogenetically from determinate branch systems, this difficulty at once becomes understandable. Indeed, perhaps the most useful character which distinguishes the leaf from the stem, apart from its origin at the shoot apex, is the early cessation of apical growth. The leaves of ferns retain an apical meristem for a relatively long period in their development, but in seed plants the final size and form of the leaf is largely determined by intercalary growth. Leaves are without much question the most diversified of all the "organs" produced by higher tracheophytes (cf. Troll 1938- 1939. and Arber 1941). The foliage leaf, which is the most familiar type, varies from the small scale-like structures found in certain gymnosperms and angiosperms to the enormous and com- plex leaves of palms. In addition to foliage leaves, other types of foliar organs must be considered under the morphological con- cept of "leaf." As illustrations may be mentioned cotyledons, bud scales, bracts, and according to classical theory, the appen- dages of the flower. In view of such morphological and functional diversity, it is obviously impossible to generalize with respect to the histological structure of "leaves." From an anatomical standpoint, the leaf may be regarded as an "expansion" of the axis in which all the fundamental primary tissue regions (i.e., epidermis, cortex and stele) may be recognized. But the ar- rangement and structure of the photosynthetic parenchyma (i.e., the 7nesophyll), the vascular system (i.e., the major and minor veins) and the mechanical tissues (e.g.. collenchyma, sclereides and fibers) vary within extremely wide limits. 123 124 THE LEAF In llii.s exercise, a bi-iet' study will l)e made of a few represen- tative leaf tyi)es, with particular emphasis upon the anatomy of the leaf-blade or lamina. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss the process of leaf origin and the differentiation of the various leaf tissues in seed plants. For information on these matters, reference should be made to Foster (1936), Ilaywa'rd (Ch. Ill, pp. 77-8.-)), Troll (1938), and Cross (194{). 1941). II. Material for the Study of Leaf Anatomy. — 1. Tliv himhia of the foliage leaf of lilac {Syriiuja viilgari.'^). Obtain a stained trans-section of the lamina and study its histology mider low magnification. Note first of all the clear distinction between tlie midrib and the two thin latei'al flaps of tissue. An examination of the midrib reveals a large collateral vascidar bundle in which the phloem is directed towards the ahaxial or lower leaf-surface while the xylem is situated beneath the adaxial or upper leaf surface. With this orientation in mind, it will now be clear that the lamina exhibits a typical dorsiventral character, shown not only by the relative positions of xylem and jihloem in the larger veins but also by the differentiation of the mesophyll, into palisade and spongy parenchyma. Since the anatomy of the lamina in the region of the veins differs somewhat from the iiiter- veinal areas, it will be more convenient to describe briefly the various tissues and then to point out their topographical varia- tions. In the lamina of this leaf, three principal tissues are present, viz. : {a) The epidermis. The adaxial epidermis consists of some- what oval cells, the outer walls of which are covered by a thin cuticle. Although exact measurements are lacking, there seems to be relatively little difference in the thickness of the inner, outer and radial walls of the epidermis. Observe that many of the epidermal cells possess a protoplast which is peripheral in i)osi- tion. Stoma fa ai'e not unconnnon in the adaxial epidermis. Note partieularl.N' the I'elatively small size of the guard cells and the air chamber pi-esent beneath each stomate. Trichomes, represented by capitate i. Branching of the stem normally originates from lateral buds which develop at or near the shoot apex from superficial cells or cell layers. In marked contrast, the hranchinej of fhe root 7.s stricthf endogenous. The origin of lateral root primordia usually occurs through the renewed growth and division of certain cells in the pericych of the stele distal to iSKCOXDAUV GUOWl'll IX liOOTS 133 tlie zone of root hairs. According to Ilayward (p. 51), in some plants the adjacent cells of the endoderinis may contribute to the formation of the lateral root primordinm. Arnold (li)40) has shown that in the water hyacinth {Eichhornia crassipes) lateral roots arise in the "innnature i^ericycle" and "at the forward end of the region of elongation." Because of its internal origin, the further develoi^ment of the lateral root involves its penetration through the endodermis, cortex and epidermis of tlie mother root to the outside. Just how this occurs is not entirely clear. The suggestion has been made that the mechanical pressure exerted by the emerging lateral root may also be accompanied by some kind of chemical dissolution of the tissues interposed in its path. In roots with three or more xylem plates, lateral root primordia typically a])pear opposite each of the protoxylem points. Con- sequently, ludess injuries or abnormalities occur, the lateral roots tend to emerge in vertical rows which are equal in number to the xylem groups. T>ut in diai-ch steles, lateral roots may appear at each side of tlie two phloem groups. In this case there w^ould be four vertical rows of lateral roots (cf. Esau, 1940, pp. 190-194). 2. Secondarji (jroirth in roofs. The roots of many herbaceous dicotyledons and of all woody plants exhibit secondary growth in thickness. However, because of the radial, alternate arrangement of the primary vascular tissues, the cambium first appears as sepa- rate bands of periclinally-dividing cells which originate from ])arenchyma cells internal to each phloem group. At these points formation of secondary phloem outwardly, and secondly xylem inwardly, occurs as in a typical stem. In woody plants, the orig- inally separate strips of cambium finally become united laterally as a result of tangential divisions in the pericycle external to each xylem group. Thus at an early stage, the vascular cambium in this type appears lobed in trans-section. Ultimately, by the formation of secondary phloem and xylem external to the xylem plates, the contour of the cambium becomes cylindrical. In roots of this type, the primary xylem eventually becomes completely surrounded by a cylinder of secondary xylem. In certain her- haceous plants, in contrast, the cambium, at points opposite the protoxylem points, forms broad parenchymatous rays so that a 134 THE ROOT dissected type of secondary vascular cylinder results (Jeffrey, pp. 156-157 and liayward, pp. 48-51). When secondary growth is pronounced in a root, the primary phloem, cortex and epi- dermis soon become crushed and slough away. In trees, a typical "bark" is produced and, save for the exarch primary xylem in the center, all structural resemblance with a root is lost. The first periderm layer of the root arises by the formation of a phellogen in the pericycle. Later-formed phellogen layers may subsequently appear, as in the stem, from living cells in the sec- ondary phloem. II. Material for the Study of the Root. 1. The root of buttercup (Ranunculus sp.). Obtain a stained trans-section of the root and study the following tissues and regions beginning at the edge of the section : (a) The epidermis, a nniseriate but broken layer of collapsed and partially destroyed cells. The imperfect condition of the epidermis presumably is due to the abrasive effect of the soil on the root. Notice that a more or less disorganized protoplast is visible in some of the epidermal cells. (h) Within the epidermis occurs the rather broad, homo- geneous cortex which is composed entirely of rather thin-w^alled, "isodiametric" parenchyma cells most of which are separated from one another by prominent intercellular air spaces. Observe that while the outer layers of the cortex are composed of rather tightly joined empty cells (forming a **hypodermis"), the inner cortical cells contain prominent starch grains. Large, somewhat irregidar simple pits are visible on the end walls of the cortical parenchyma cells. (r) The center of the root is occupied by tiie stele which is externally separated from the cortex by a uniseriate cylinder of cells, the endodcrmis. Study the endodermis under high power, noting the presence of a protoi)last in many of the cells. The salient feature of tlie endodermis (in llic primary condi- tion) is the presence of a suberized or cutinized band which extends comi)le1cly ;il)()ii1 1h(> inner surface of tlie radial and end walls of each cell. These band-like thickenings of the wall are known as Casparlan strips and in i-ecent years have received MATERIAL FOR STUDY OF THE ROOT 135 a great deal of attention because of the apparent physiological importance of the endodermis as a cellular layer which regulates the entry of water and mineral salts into the vascular system of the stele. The assumption is made that the suberized nature of the Casparian strip renders it impermeable to water so that diffusion must take place through the tangential walls and the protoplasts of the endodermal cells, i.e., through a semi-perme- able membrane. However, the exact function and significance of the endodermis is in need of much further investigation. In the endodermis of Ranunculus, the presence of the Cas- parian strip is indicated by the red color of the short radial walls. Individual cells of the endodermis may have uniformly and heavily thickened walls, a phenomenon previously recorded by Caspary in the case of Ranunculus Ficaria (ef. De Bary, p. 123). In the roots of certain plants, all of the cells of the endodermis may be thick- walled in character (cf. Eames and MacDaniels, p. 102, Fig. 51). Within the endodermis occurs a single layer of living cells which is known as the pericycle. The most con- spicuous portion of the stele is represented by the primary vascu- lar tissue which shows the characteristic radial arra7igement of the xylem and phloem goups. It will be seen that four radial plates of xylem (which join in the center of the root, thus form- ing a protostele) are present; the stele is therefore designated as tetrarch. The protoxylem (which presumably consists of annular and spiral elements) is represented by several very small "polygonal," thick-walled cells found at the outer edge of each xylem plate. The metaxylem (which probably is composed of pitted elements) consists of much larger cells and as stated previ- ously forms a homogeneous tissue in the center of the root ; a pith is thus absent. Laterally adjacent to each xylem plate near its outer edge, you will find one or two rather thick- walled cells, which are approximately hexagonal as seen in transverse section and which appear distinct from the xylem because of their lighter-staining walls and the possession of a more or less disin- tegrated protoplast. The shape and structure of these cells sug- gest that they are sieve-tubes ; their exact morphology is difficult to interpret but they seem to belong to the phloem. Each of the four phloem groups is sepai-ated laterally and internally from 136 THE ROOT the xylem by one or more layers of parenchyma. The phloem consists of thin-walled living cells which, as in many plants, are distinguished with difficulty from the surrounding i)arenchyma. 2. The root of Smilax, Zea or some other monocotyledonous type. Examine earefulh' the trans-section, noting particular!}' the polyarch stele and the central pith-like region. 3. The origin of lateral roots. Study transverse and longi- sections of the root of the water hyacinth (EichJwrnia crassipes) and observe the method of origin and early ontogeny of the lat- eral root primordia. For comparative jnirposes. make a similar study of lateral root development in bean or willow. 4. Secotidary growth in roots. Study a series of trans-sections of the root of a woody oi- herbaceous plant cut at levels suc- cessively distal to the region of maturation of the primary vascu- lar system. Observe the method of origin of the cambium and the formation of secondary vascular tissues and the periderm. III. Suggested Drawings and Notes. — 1. Prepare diagrammatic drawings of trans-sections of the root of Banunculus and of some monocotyledonous type showing the position and extent of all the primary tissues. Draw in detail a portion of the stele in each type to illustrate the structure of the primary phloem and xylem. 2. Prepare diagrams based upon both transverse and longi- sections to illu.strate the origin of lateral roots and their emer- gence to the surface of the mother root. 3. Prepare a series of diagrams based upon material studied in the laboratory to illustrate the origin of the cambium and the effects of secondary growth upon the primary tissues of the root. REFERENCES 1. Arber. A., The Interpretation of Tioaf and Root in the Angio- sperms. Biol. Kev. K; :81-10:). 1941. 2. Arnold. C. A.. A Note on the Origin of the Lateral Kootlets of Eichhornia crassipes (]\Iart.) Solms. Amer. Jour. Bot. 27 :728-73(). 1940. 3. De Bary, pp. 348-360. 4. Eames and MacDaniels, Ch. X. REFERENCES 137 5. Esau, K., Developmental Anatomy of the Fleshy Storage ih'ij^-dn ot DaucHs carota. llilgardia 13:175-226. 1940. 6. , , Phloem Anatomy of Tobacco Affected with CuHv Top and .Alosaic. //;/>/., 13 :437-49(). 1041. 7. Ilavward. Ch. J I. 8. Jeffrey. Ch. XII. 9. Von Gnttenbero', H. Der primare Ran der Ano'iospermen- wnrzel. Ilandb. d. Pflanzenanatomie. VIII. P>pi-lin. 1940. 10. , Der primai'e Ban der Gymnospermenwnrzel. Ibid.: Berlin, 1941. APPENDIX The following brief notes on certain phases of microtechnique are given here to facilitate the use of this book by the teacher and student. For full information on the various procedures used in preparing tissue for microscopic study, reference should be made to the publications of Chamberlain (1932), Rawlins (1933), Johansen (1940), and Sass (1940), cited under "General References. ' ' Free-hand Sections In many of the exercises in this book, directions are given for the study of sections cut by hand from living stems, leaves or other plant structures. To prepare such material requires only simple technique and in addition provides a realistic picture of cells and tissues which should precede the examination of micro- tomed and permanently-stained preparations. In the laboratory the student can acquire the necessary skill with a sectioning- razor to enable him to explore the structure of such tissues as the epidermis, parenchyma and collenchyma. Sections cut by hand should be carefully mounted on a clean slide either in distilled water or in the various reagents designated and the cover-glass lowered gently into place. For more resistant cells, such as sclereides or fibers and for the critical study of the sieve-plates in phloem elements, the nse of the carbon dioxide freezing micro- tome is highly desirable. With the aid of this instrument, a large number of thin sections may be jirepared by the instructor in advance of class use. The student must learn to check free-hand preparations at frequent intervals so that the sections are not allowed to dry out. Cells immersed in fluid are not only easier to study from an optical point of view but they also retain a more or less normal structure over a relatively long period of observation. Sections of hairy objects, such as many leaves or stems, are often dii^icult to mount in water without the formation of numerous air-bubbles. This difficulty may be removed by 139 140 APPENDIX inuiuitiiig .sueli sections in a weak .sululion of aleuliol. This may act as a Ivilling reagent for the protoplasm but it does mal^e pos- sible the accurate study of the shape, arrangement and character of the walls of cells. Prepared Slides The use of permanent slides is essential in the study of many of the topics outlined in this book. This is particularly ti'iie for the work to be done under Exercises III, X, XII. XIII. and XIV. Suitable preparations as a basis for class study are obtain- able from commercial supply houses or may be prepared for the student directly. With reference to the latter possibility, detailed suggestions for the collection, fixation, sectioning, and staining of tissues and organs are presented systematically in the I'eeent manuals on microtechnique by Johansen (1940) and Sass (1940). Macerated Tissue One of the most important skills which the student must develop in laboratory practice is the ability to visualize cells as three-dimensional bodies. This is often extremely difficult on the basis of the examination of sections which tend to create a two- dimensional concept. Furthermore, many definitive features of cells, particularly the structure and arrangement of pits and fibrous thickenings in traeheary elements, and the character of perforations in vessel elements, can best be studied in isolated cells. For these reasons, a study of macerated tissue is recom- mended for many topics in this Ijook and is especially d(»sirable in connection Avith Exercises II, VIII. IX, and X. The macera- tion of plant tissue is most effectively accomplished by the use of certain reagents which dissolve the intercellular substance and thus cause the sei)aration of a piece of tissue into its comp(ment cells. Jeffrey's method is usually satisfactory. Sm
r(jtoiilasts of, 58-59 regressive differentiation of, 58- 59 storage, 59 structure and chemistry of Avails of, 58 Pear, stone-cells of, 70 Pelargonium,, cell walls in pith and cortex, 11 druses in, 5 multicellular unbranched hairs of, 53 study of epidermis of, 49 study of stem of, 108-111 J^eJIioiiia, starch-containing- cldor- oplasts of, 4 Tepcromia, nmltiple epidermis of, 50 l-'erforation-plate, in vessel ele- ments of Pferidiuni, 88 types and evolution of, 83 Perforations, distinctive of vessel elements, 81 evolution of, 82-83 ontogeny of, 83-84 types of, 83 Pericycle, critique of, 74 functions of in root, 132-134 Pericyclic fibers, in stem of Ciicur- ^ bit a, 98 in stem of Pelargonium, 109 Periderm, function of, 107 origin of in roots, 134 structure and development of, 107-108 Persimmon, endosperm of, 8 Petunia, study of stem hairs of, 2-3 Phellem (see also Cork), origin and structure of, 107 Phelloderm, origin and structure of, 107 Phellogen (see also Cork cam- bium), origin and func- tions of, 107-108 origin of in roots, 134 Phloem, complex structure of, 93 fibers in, 74, 76, 94, 113 functions of, 94 of Cucurbita, 98-99 jiarenchyma, of Cucurbita, 99 rays, in stem of Tilia, 114 origin of, 27 structure of, 94 Phloroglucin and hydrochloric acid, use as stain, 141 Phloroglucinol, use for bast fibers, 77 use for sclereides, 70-71 use for tracheary elements, 87 Picea, structure of shoot apex, 25 Pine, resin canals of, 117 secondary xylem of, 117 Piniis, bordered pit-pairs in, 13, 88-89 resin canals of, 117 study of cambium of, 28 study of leaf of, 128 study of phloem of, 99 study of tracheids of, 88-89 Pit aperture, use of term, 11 150 INDEX Pit cavity, use of term, 11 membrane, general structure of, 11 Pith, origin of, 23 phylogeny of, 103 Pit-pairs, between tracheae and living cells, 14 bordered, 13, 88-89 general structure, 11 half -bordered, 14 simple, 12 types of, 12-15 use of term, 11 vestigial, 14-15, 75, 77 Pits, function of, 12 in epidermal cells, 47 ontogeny of, 12 ramiform type in selereides, 68, 70 use in comparative study, 11 use of term, 11 Pitted elements, of metaxylem, 85 Plasmodesmata, functions of, 8 in pit membranes, 12 in sieve-plates, 9(5 in tobacco, 8 in walls of jihloem cells, 98 nature of, 7 relation to "Cell Theory," 2, 8 secondary, 7-8 study of in Diospyros, 8 Plastids, meaning of term, 3 types of, 3-4 Plataniis, dendroid hairs of, 54 vestigial pit-pairs in, 15 Polarized light, appearaiu'c of walls under, 9-10 Pores, in sieve-plates, 96 Potassium iodide and sulphuric acid, use as stain, 141 use for bast fibers, 77 Potato, storage parenchvma of, 59 Prepared slides, importance of, 140 Primary jihloem, cell types in, 94 differentiation of in leaf traces, 105-106 radial arrangement in roots, 131-132 pit fields, definition of, 12 in cambial initials, 12 in primordial meristem, 12 tissues, in roots, 130-133 in stems, 102-104 vascular system, ontogeny of, 104-106 tissues, arrangement in roots, 131-132 arrangement in stems, 103- 104 contrasted with secondary. 86-87 Avail, of collenchyma cells, 63 of primary xylem tracheae, 81, 84, 87 of sieve-tube elements, 97-98 structure and origin of, 9-10 xylem, differentiation of in leaf traces, 105-106 endarch type of, 103 exarch in roots, 132 exarch type of, 103, 132 material for study of, 87-88 radial arrangement in roots, 131-132 radial alignment of cells in stem, 86 secondary wall-tliickenings of, 84-86 ' vessels of in celery, 84 Primordial meristem, primary ])it fields ill, 12 l)i(s, origin of sieve-jilates from, 97 Prismatic crystals, in Begoiiia, ."i9 in Tilid, 5-6 occurrence of, 5, 59 Procjuiibium (see also j^rovascular meristem) INDEX 151 Procaiubium, characteristics of, 86-87 origin and development of, 23, 104-106 origin of primary 2)hloem from, 105-106, 132 origin of primary xylem from, 84-86, 105-106, 132 produces primary vascular sys- tem, 27 Prodesmogen, use of term, 105 Progressive differentiation, from meristems, 20 of primar}^ stem-tissues, 102 Protoderm (see also dermatogen), origin of epidermis from, 45-46 origin of tridiomes from, 51 Protophloem, in carrot, 132 Protoidasmic plant anatomy, 3!) Protoplast, 1-6 Protostele, general structure of, 103 Protoxylem, traclieary elements of, 84-85 use of term, 84 Pro vascular meristem (see also procambium), produces primary vascular system, 27 tissue, origin and development of, 23, 104-106 origin of primary i)hloem from, 105-106, 132 origin of primary xylem from, 84-86, 105-io6, i32 Psilotales, sporophyte of, 101 Pteridiuui, primary xylem tra- cheae of, 88 Pi/rKs, brachysclereides of, 70 stone-cells of, 70 QUEECrS, libriform tibers of, 78 tracheids of, 89 Quercus, vessel-elements of, 80-90 RANUNCULUS, storage paren- chyma of, 59 study of root of, 134-136 Raphides, form and structure of, 5 in Lemna, 5 in Tradescantia, 5 Ray initials, 27, 106 Rays, origin of from cambium, 27, 106 origin of in roots, 133-134 Regeneration, with reference to meristems, 21 Regressive differentiation, and concept of meristematic tissue, 21 and origin of phellogen, 107 and "i^ermanent" tissues, 32 of collenchyma, 62 of epidermis, 46 of parenchyma, 58-59 Reserve food, examples of, 4 Resin canals, origin and structure in pine, 117 Reticulate elements, of metaxylem, 85 Rib meristem, concept of, 24 in roots, 26 origin of cortex and ])ith from, 24 structure and growth of, 24 Rims of Sanio (see Crassulae), 13, 89 Jxuhiiiia, ontogeny of vessels in, 83-84 study of cambium of, 28 study of phloem of, 99 Root, branching of, 132-133 cortex of, 131 endodermis of, 131 epidermis of, 131 general features of, 130 material for study of, 134-136 152 INDEX Root, ontogeny of primarj^ vascu- lar tissues in, 132 primary tissue regions in, 131- 133 secondary growth in, 133-134 study of in Banuncidus, 134-13G study of in Smila^r, 136 Root apex, contrasted witli shoot apex, 131 histogens in, 25-26 structure and gi'owth of, 25-27, 130-131 study of types of, 26 suhterniinal nieristeni of, 25, 130-131 types of, 26, 130-131 zones in. 26 Root cap, function of, 25 methods of origin, 26 Root hairs, position of, 131 Rubber jilarit, multiple epidermis of, 50-51 SCALARIFORM elements, of protoxylem, 84 perforation, 83, 88, 89 Scales, ontogeny of, 54 tyix's and structure of, 52 Sclereides, dcliunification of Avails of, 6!) function of, 60-70 material for study of, 70-71 ontogeny of, ()8-69 origin and use of term, 67 protophists of. ()!) types of, 67-()8 wall slructure of, 67 Sclereiicliymn, ci'iticiue of term, 6^ Secondary growth, in roots, 133 134 in stems, 106-108 study of in roots, 136 studv of in stems, 110-111, 113- 116, 119-120 Secondary meristem, illustrated by cambium, 27 phloem, cell types in, 94 sclerosis, descrijjtion of. 68-6i) in stem of Aristulocliia, 120 vascular tissues, contrasted with prinuiry, 86-87 wall, discontinuous character of, 10-11 in sieve-elements, 98 of primary xylem tracheae, 84-86 origin and structure of, 10-11 study of, 11 three-layered type of. 10 use of term, 10 xylem (see tracheid and vessel) cell-arrangement in, 86 nuiterial for study of, 88-90 Secretorv cells, of resin canals, ii7 Sclaginelld, vessels of, 82 Senrcio, study of epidermis of, 49 SejDtate fibers, structure of in VUix, 78 Sliepherdia, scales of, 54 Shoot, morphology of, 101 Shoot apex, central vacuolated zone in. 20 diameter in angiosperms, 22 diameter in gynniospei'ins, 22 form of cells in, 22 in species with decussate phyllo- taxis, 21-22 of angiosperms, 21-25 of Ci/ciis rrrohitd, 20, 22 of I)i()o)i fdiilp. 20 of Giiil:(/)iia, 4 in storage tissues, 4, 109, 111, 117, 134 sheath, relation to stele, 104 Stelar theory, application of, 103 Stele, boundary of, 104 morpliology of in roots, 132 ontogeny of in roots, 131-132 ontogeny of in stems, 104-106 principal types of, 103 structure and development of, 103-106, 131-132 structure of in roots, 131-132 structure of in stems, 103-104 types of in roots, 132 Stem, anatomy of in Cnciirhifa, 08 cortex of, 102-103 epidermis of, 102 material for study of. 108-120 morphology of, 101 nodal anatomy of, 101-102 ])rinuiry structui'e of, 102-104 secondary structure of, 106-108 stele of, 103-106 structure of in gvnuiosperms, 117-118 study of in A n'sfolnrJn'ti, 119- 120 study of in corn, 118 study of in monocotyledons, 118 study of in PcJurgoniinn, 108- 111 study of ill pine, 117-118 study of in Tilia. 111-117 study of viiu^-type of, 118-120 Stoma, action of guard cells of, 47-48 functions of, 47 ontogeny of, 48 use of term, 47 154 INDEX Stomate (see Stoma) Stone cells, structure and occur- rence of, 68, 70 Suherin, in walls of cork cells, 107 Subsidiaiy cells, of hairs, 53 of stoma, 48 Sudan IV, use for e]»id('rinis, 4!) use of, 142 Suuaner tracheids, of 7^';;»n, 88 wood, of annual ring-, 115 Sycamore, dendroid hairs of, 54 vestigial pit-pairs in, 15 Si/ringa, guard cells of leaf, 4!) study of leaf of, 124-127 TECOMA raflicans, simple pit- pairs of, 12 Textile ])lants, fibers of, 73 Tilia, bast fibers of, 77-78, 113 cell walls in pith and cortex, 11 study of stem of, 111-117 walls of bast fibers in, 11 Tissue, various definitions of, 32- 33 Tissues, complex, 38 difficulty of classifying, 32, 3!) Eames and MacDaniel's classifi- cation, 37-38 Haberlandt's classification, 35- 37 T.undcgardh's classification, 30 permanent, 32 primary, 37, 86-87 Sach's classification, 33-35 secondary, 38, 86-87 simjile, 38 systems of classification, '.V.]-[V.) Tobacco, multinncleate fil)ers of, 76 Tomato, coliencliyma of, 63 Torus, in bordered pit-pairs, 13 Tracheae, ontogeny of fibrous thickenings of, 84-8() Traclx'ary elements, ontogeny of, 83-86 Tracheary elements, structure and morphology of, 80-83 study of in paper, 90 use of term, 80 Tracheid, bordered pits of, 13, 82, 88-89 disti'ibution of, 81 fil)r()us tliickenings in, 81, 84-86 general characters of, 80-81 imperforate character of, 81 in secondary xylem of oak, 89- 90 in secondary xylem of l'i)ius, 88-89 phylogenetic nature of, 81 study of, 88-89 types of ])itting in, 82 Tradescantia, raphides in, 5 staminal hairs of, 2 structure of shoot apex, 24-25 Ti'ansfusion tissue, in leaf of Pinns, 128 Ti'ans-loeation. in vnsculnr system, 80 mechanism of in phloem, 94-95 Trichomes, material for study of, 53-54 origin of, 51 types of, 52-53 use of term, 51 Trichosantlies, ontogeny of tra- cheae in, 85 Tn'foJiiim, primary xylem of. 86, 87, 88 vascular bnndle of. 87 Triticum, origin of leaf in. 21 Ti'um])et-creeper, simple pit-pairs of, 12 Tnlip-tree, vessel elements of, 8!) Tunica, method of growth. 23 role in leaf and bud initiation, 23-24 role in tissue differentiation, 23- 24 variation in nnm})er of layers of, 23-24 INDEX 155 VACUOLES, and wall-thicken- ings of tracheae, 85 in cells of shoot apex, 20 Vacuome (see also orgastic sub- stances) in cambial initials, 20, 27-28 in hair cells, 2 in meristems, 20, 27-28 Vasa mixta, use of term, 85 Vascular bundle (see also leaf traces), 86, 87, 08, 110-111, 118-120 of AristoJovhia, 110-120 of corn, 118 of Cncurbita, 98 of Pelargnw'iini , 110-111 of Trij'oliiiDi, 8(J, 87 Vascular cambium, concept of, 106 fusiform initials of, 27, KXi initials of, 27-28, 106 study of living cells in Pi)iiist, 28 study of living cells in h'i>hiiii(i, 28 vacuolated cells of, 27-28 vascular-ray initials of, 27, 106 use of term, 27 Vascular system, functions of, 80 general structure and develop- ment, 80 in bud-scales, 128 in leaf of P/»»,s, 128 in leaf of Si/riiigii, 126-127 in leaf of Zea, 127-128 Vascular tissues, primary and sec- ondary, 86-87 Vcrbascum, dendroid hairs of, 53 Vessel, use of term, 81 Vessel eli'iiieiit, evolution and dis- tribution of, 82-83 formation of perforations in, 83-84 general characters of, 80-81 of Betula, 80 of Cucnrhita, 90 of Liriodendron, 89 Vessel elements, of oak, 89-90 of Pteridimn, 88 ontogeny of, 83-84 pitting of, 82, 88, 89-90 structure of end walls of, 84 study of, 89-90 Vessels, distribution in vascular plants, 82-83 in ferns, 82, 88 Vestigial pit-pairs, in fibers, 14- 15, 75, 77-78 in wood fibers of Plat anus, 15 morphology of, 14 morphology of in bast fibers, 77 study of, 14-15 Vitis, septate fibers of, 78 WATP]R, in walls of collenchyma cells, 63 vesicles, structure of in Mesem- brij(nithenni)n, 53, 54 Wood fibers, of oak, 78 of PJatanits, 15 of Vitis, 78 AVood parenchyma, of Tilia, 116 simple pit-pairs in, 12 Wood pulji, production of, 90 XYLEM, definitive cells of, 80 plates, use of term, 131 Xylem-ray parenchynm, simple pit- pairs in, 12 Xylem rays, of Tilia, 116 origin of, 27 ZA3IIA, shoot apex, 20 Zra, guard cells of leaf, 49 study of leaf of, 127-128 Zonal structure, of angiospei'mous shoot apices, 22-25 of gymnospermous shoot apices, 20, 25 Zonation, of angiospermous shoot apices, 22-25 of gymnospermous shoot apices, 20, OP,