PRACTICAL PLANT BIOCHEMISTRY CAMBEIDGE UNIVEKSITY PEESS C. F. CLAY, Manager LONDON : FETTER LANE, E.G. 4 LONDON : H. K. LEWIS & CO., Ltd. 136, Gower Street, "W.C. 1 LONDON : WHELDON & WESLEY, Ltd. 2-4 Arthur St, New Oxford St, W.C. 2 NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY •) CALCUTTA y MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. MADRAS J TORONTO : THE MACMILLAN CO. OP CANADA, Ltd. TOKYO: MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA ALL EIGHTS EK8EEVED PKACTICAL PLANT BIOCHEMISTEY BY MUEIEL WHELDALE ONSLOW FORMERLY FELLOW OF NEWNHAM COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND RESEARCH STUDENT AT THE JOHN INNES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION, MERTON, SURREY. AUTHOR OF THE ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENTS OF PLANTS. ^Ed'vtlOYl 1- ^ CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1923 \^:!^\'>'^ 1 \N^ /'/ rC 1^ First Edition 1920 Second Edition 1923 (951 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN PHEFACE THIS book is intended primarily for students of Botany. Such a student's knowledge of plant products is usually obtained, on the one hand, from Organic Chemistry, on the other hand, from Plant Physiology ; between these two standpoints there is a gap, which, it is hoped, the following pages may help to fill. It is essentially a text-book for practicai work, an aspect of Plant Biochemistry which has received up to the present time very little consideration in teaching. A number of experiments have been devised and have been actually tested in practical classes. These experiments should enable a student to extract from the plant itself the chemical compounds of which it is constituted, and to learn something of their properties. An elementary knowledge of Organic Chemistry on the part of the student has been assumed, as it appeared superfluous to incorporate the material which has already been so amply presented in innumerable text-books. My sincerest thanks are due to Dr F. F. Blackman, F.R.S., for criticism and many suggestions throughout the writing of the book. I am further indebted to Mr H. Raistrick, M.A., for help in various ways, especially in reading the proof-sheets. I wish, in addition, to express my gratitude to Professor F. G. Hopkins, F.R.S., for the great interest he has always shown in the subject and for his kind and stimulating advice in connexion with the scheme of teaching presented in the following pages. M. W. O. Cambridge, February, 1920. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION IN the present edition, some account, accompanied in most cases by illustrative experiments, has been given of a number of substances, or groups of substances, involved in plant metabolism, which were not in- cluded in the first edition. These are notably the "vegetable acids," waxes, sterols, lecithins, inositol, phytin, the "essential oils" and nucleic acid. Corrections have also been made in order to include more recent additions to our knowledge on certain problems, as, for instance, those connected with oxidizing enzymes. Since it is advisable to keep the book as short as possible, a few of the original experiments have been omitted to make space for others considered to be of greater value to the student. The chapter on the colloidal state is intended to give the student a preliminary conception, only, of the importance of such phenomena. Additional information, both as to theory and experiment, is to be found in text-books which deal more exclusively with this subject. Sufficient experience has not yet been gained to admit of the in- clusion, in the present edition, of quantitative class-work in Plant Bio- chemistry. I am much indebted to Dr F. F. Blackman, F.R.S., for kindly assist- ing with the proofs. M. W. O. Cambridge, Deeemher, 1922. CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE I. INTRODUCTION . 1 II. THE COLLOIDAL STATE 11 III. PLANT ENZYMES 18 IV. CHLOROPHYLL 27 V. CARBOHYDRATES . 42 VI. THE VEGETABLE ACIDS 81 VII. FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES ... 89 VIII. AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 101 IX. PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS . . . . 132 X. GLUCOSIDES 157 XL PLANT BASES 169 INDEX 183 Ml I CHAPTEE I INTRODUCTION This chapter should be re-read after the remaining chapters have been studied. All plants are made up of a complex organized mixture of chemical substances, both organic and inorganic. As a preliminary to the study of plant chemistry, the student should realize that the chemical com- pounds which make up the living plant may be approximately grouped into the six following classes. Thus, in later chapters, when reference is made to any plant product, it will be understood, broadly speaking, to which class it belongs, and what relationship it bears to other chemical compounds. The main classes may be enumerated as follows : (1) Carbohydrates. The simplest members of this class are the sugars, which are aldehydes and ketones of polyhydric alcohols of the methane series of hydrocarbons. The more complex carbohydrates, such as starch, cellulose, dextrins, gums and mucilages, are condensation products of the simpler sugars. The sugars are found in solution in the cell-sap of living cells throughout the plant. Cellulose, in the form of cell-walls, constitutes an important part of the structure of the plant, and starch is one of the most widely distributed solid "reserve materials." (2) Vegetable acids. This term is usually applied to acids and hydroxy- acids derived from the lower members of the methane, olefine and acetylene series of hydrocarbons. Such acids as formic, acetic, valeric and caproic are not readily detected in the plant. Nevertheless, it is more than likely that they play an important part in metabolism, for their amino derivatives, glycine, valine, etc. (see section 5) form con- stituents of practically all proteins. The dibasic and hydroxy-acids, e.g. oxalic, succinic, glutaric, malic, etc., are probably products of oxidation of the sugars in respiration. Aspartic (amino-succinic) and glutaminic (amino-glutaric) acids are also constituents of proteins. (3) Fats. Chemically these are glycerides, that is glycerol esters, of acids derived from the higher members of the methane and olefine series of hydrocarbons, and they usually contain a large number of carbon atoms. The fats occur as very fine globules deposited in the cells, especially in the tissues of seeds where they form reserve materials, though they also occur in other parts of plants. 2 INTRODUCTION [ch. The lecithins, which are compounds of fats with phosphoric acid, are probably present in all living cells and have an important metabolic significance. The above substances belong to the aliphatic series of organic com- pounds, that is to the series in which the carbon atoms are united in chains. (4) Aromatic compounds. These are characterized by having the carbon atoms united in a ring as in benzene. They may contain more than one carbon ring, and, moreover, aliphatic groupings may be attached to the carbon ring as side-chains. The number of aromatic substances is very great, and every plant contains representatives of the class. Some members are widely distributed ; others, as far as we know, are restricted in their distribution, and may be peculiar to an order, a genus or even a species. This class contains: (a) Phenols, i.e. hydroxy-derivatives of T^enzene, such as phloroglucinol. (h) Aromatic alcohols, aldehydes and acids derived from benzene ; various hydroxy-benzoic acids, such as gallic and protocatechuic acids, are important, since, by condensation, they give rise to tannins. Just as in the case of the carbohydrates, where simpler compounds may become more complex by condensation, the soluble crystalline acids condense to form the complex colloidal tannins. Of other aromatic acids, the amino derivatives, such as phenylalanine and tyrosine, form constituents of proteins, (c) Complex hydrocarbons, the terpenes, accompanied by derivative alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and esters. These form constituents of the "essential oils" obtained from plants by steam distillation, and are responsible for most of the plant scents, (d) Other members which contain more than one ring are the water-soluble yellow, red, purple and blue pigments of plants, the yellow being hydroxy -flavones and flavonols, the remainder, anthocyan pigments. (5) Proteins. This large class contains substances which are in many cases built up of groupings from both the aliphatic and aromatic series. It includes not only the proteins but also their simpler derivatives, the albumoses, peptones and polypeptides. In this case, as before, the simplest derivatives, known as the amino-acids, are synthesized by condensation to form the polypeptides, peptones, albumoses and proteins, in a series of increasing complexity. The amino-acids are compounds, either of the aliphatic, aromatic or heterocyclic (see 6) series, in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by the radicle NHg. They are soluble and crystalline, but after condensing together, the final product, the protein, only exists in either the solid or the colloidal state. Proteins, in the latter condition, constitute the bulk of the complex material, protoplasm ; i] INTRODUCTION 3 in the solid state, in the form of grains and granules, they occur as reserve material in the cell. (6) Plant bases. This class contains (a) the amines or substitution products of ammonia. Sometimes the hydrogen of ammonia is substi- tuted by a group of some complexity which leads to the production of a ■compound of the heterocyclic type, i.e. with a ring containing both carbon and nitrogen atoms. The pyrrole ring is an example which occurs in the amino-acid, proline, in certain alkaloids (see below), and in the pigment chlorophyll, (b) Purines. In connection with these substances we need to consider two more heterocyclic rings, i.e. the pyrimidine and the iminazole. The former may be regarded as the condensation product of urea, which is possibly present in small quantities in plants, and an un- saturated acid, e.g. acrylic acid. The pyrimidine ring is present in some purines, the iminazole in the amino-acid, histidine. The remaining purines contain a condensed pyrimidine and iminazole ring. Certain of the purines become condensed together, in combination with phosphoric acid and a pentose sugar, to form the nucleic acids. The latter, in com- l)ination with proteins, as nucleoproteins, form a constituent, as their name implies, of the nucleus, (c) The alkaloids are substances of con- siderable complexity, containing various heterocyclic rings. Unlike the simpler bases, they are restricted to a certain extent in their distribution. It is not possible to include all classes of plant substances in the above list and many others, such as the sulphur compounds, sterols, phytin, etc., are referred to in the later chapters. It should be borne in mind that the importance of a compound in plant metabolism is not estimated by the amount of it occuring in the plant. Frequently, most important substances occur in such small quantities that they are diffi- cult to detect. In order to appreciate the subject of plant chemistry, the plant, which is familiar as a botanical entity, must be interpreted in chemical terms. The principal classes of the more essential and widely distributed compounds found in plants have already been indicated on the broadest basis, so that they may now be referred to without additional comment. From the botanical point of view, the plant may be regarded as a structure composed of many living protoplasmic units enclosed in cell- walls and combined together to form tissues. There are also certain tissues, known as dead tissues, which assist in giving rigidity to the plant. All these structural elements may, in time, be translated into terms of chemical compounds. 1—2 4 INTKODUCTION [cr. One of the chemical processes most frequently met with in the plant is that of synthesis by condensation, with elimination of water, of large complex molecules from smaller and simpler molecules. The formation of cellulose, for instance, is a case in point. Cellulose has the composition (CeHioOs)^ and, on hydrolysis with dilute acids, it yields glucose as a final product. Hence it is concluded that the complex molecule of cellulose is built up from the simpler carbohydrate by condensation. The synthesis of proteins from amino-acids affords another example. These acids con- tain either an aliphatic or aromatic nucleus (let it be R), and one or more carboxyl and amino groups. Condensation takes place in the plant, with elimination of water, according to the following scheme: Ri Rii Riii Ra; i , I I I NHoCH— COiOH HInH-CH— COiOH HiNH • CH— COiOH HiNHCH— COOH The products of such condensation, the proteins, vary among them- selves according to the number and kind of amino-acids which take part in the synthesis. Two important results arise from this process. First, the substances formed by condensation have molecules of a very large size ; secondly, whereas the simple compounds, sugars and amino-acids, are soluble, crystalline and diffusible, the condensation products are either insoluble, e.g. cellulose, or exist in the colloidal state, as is the case of many proteins and other plant constituents. As these very large molecules do not dialyze> they remain where they are synthesized, and build up the solid structure of the plant, as for instance, the cell-walls. Matter in the colloidal state is of very great importance in the plant and is probably responsible for many of the properties of ** living'^ material. Thus it will not be out of place, though it will be referred to again in a later chapter, to make at this point a few remarks on the colloidal state. It has been known for some time that certain metals, e.g. gold and silver, and also certain metallic hydroxides and sulphides, e.g. ferric hydroxide and arsenious sulphide, though insoluble in water under ordinary conditions, can, by special methods, be obtained as solu- tions which are clear to the unaided vision. Such solutions are termed colloidal. Investigation has shown that the matter is not present in true solution, but in a very finely divided state, i.e. as particles many times larger than simple molecules, but smaller than the particles obtainable by mechanical means of division. Such solutions are known as artificial colloidal solutions, but there are a number of organic substances, with very large molecules, such as proteins, starch, gums, agar, etc., which at I] INTRODUCTION 5 once dissolve in water giving colloidal solutions. The main feature of the colloidal state is that the system consists of two phases, or conditions of matter. In the case of the artificial colloidal solutions first mentioned, one state is solid, the gold particles; the other state is liquid, the water. The solid is known as the dispersed phase, and the water as the continuous phase, and such colloidal solutions are termed suspensoids. In the case of proteins, starch, etc., both phases are liquid: the dispersed phase, a concentrated solution of protein, etc.; the continuous phase, a dilute solution of protein, etc. Such colloidal solutions are known as emulsoids. An important point in connexion with the colloidal state is that the molecules, or aggregates of molecules, forming the dispersed phase are so large that they exhibit some of the phenomena of surface energy, electrical charge, etc., associated with matter in mass. These properties come to be of considerable importance, when we consider how large a surface is presented by matter in this state in comparison with its mass. A material in the plant upon which much interest naturally centres is the protoplasm and the nucleus. It has been shown that the protoplasm consists, chemically, largely of proteins in the colloidal state. It is itself a liquid, and embedded in it are substances of various chemical constitu- tion, in the form of granules of solid matter and also liquid globules. Numerous chemical reactions are continually taking place in the proto- plasm throughout the cell, and since many of these reactions can take place both simultaneously and independently, the protoplasm must have some form of organized structure. Though many phenomena of "life" may be accounted for by the physical and chemical properties of such substances as proteins, it is impossible to say, with our present knowledge, how far all "living" phenomena may yet be explained in this way. Some of the main lines of metabolic S3nitheses which take place in the plant will next be considered. A fundamental fact which should be borne in mind is that the green plant synthesizes all the complex materials of which it is composed from the simple compounds, carbon dioxide, water and certain inorganic salts. The most important factor, perhaps, which figures in plant metabolism, is chlorophyll. The green pigments of chlorophyll are esters of complex organic acids containing the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and magnesium. They have the remarkable power of absorbing the radiant energy of the sun's rays and of transforming it into chemical energy, by means of which carbon dioxide and water are combined to form some organic compound, possibly formaldehyde, from which a simple carbohydrate is readily synthesized. 6 INTRODUCTION [ch. If now the initial and final products of carbon assimilation be con- sidered in detail, it will be seen that the process is one of reduction : 6C02 + 6H20 = C6Hi206 + 602. This is confirmed by the fact that oxygen is evolved in the process- Moreover, the plant accumulates a store of energy, since the final pro- duct, the carbohydrate, has a higher potential energy than the system^ water and carbon dioxide. Hence carbon assimilation, in addition to- providing a basis of organic material as a starting-point for all the main metabolic functions, also provides a source of chemical energy by mean& of which reactions in other directions are brought about. The setting free of this accumulated energy constitutes the process of respiration, which is, in reality, an oxidation of carbohydrate taking place in tissues throughout the plant. It is the converse of carbon assimilation, in that oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide and water are formed. Thus these two processes, both so fundamental and essential to the metabolism of the green plant, are constantly taking place side by side in the same cell. The first-formed carbohydrate, which is probably a hexose, is con- densed in the plant, on the general lines we have previously indicated^ to form more complex disaccharides and polysaccharides, such as maltose, cane-sugar, starch, cellulose, etc. Some of these products, such as the disaccharides, form true solutions and may be present in the cell-sap ; others, such as cellulose and starch, are present in the solid state, though they contain considerable quantities of water. Others, again, such as dextrin and gum, are present in the colloidal state. Thus, given an initial carbohydrate and a source of energy, we may proceed to indicate the other main lines of syntheses in the plant. The next most important line of syntheses is probably that which gives rise to the nitrogen-containing constituents of the plant. Nitrogen is absorbed by the green plant in the form of nitrates and ammonium salts, but the processes which lead to the synthesis of some of the simplest nitrogen-containing compounds, such as the amino-acids, are still very obscure. Aliphatic and aromatic acids of various kinds are abundantly present in the tissues, but the reactions by which the NHg groups are introduced are by no means clear. There is little doubt, however, that once the amino-acids are formed, condensation takes place as already indicated, and more complex molecules, termed polypeptides, arise. Such polypeptides have now been synthesized artificially by the condensation of amino-acids. From the polypeptides, by further stages of condensation, the albumoses, peptones, and finally proteins are produced. I] INTRODUCTION 7 Another line of syntheses is that which leads to the production of the fats and allied substances. The fats are mainly glycerides of acids of the methane and olefine series, such as butyric, palmitic and oleic acids. Like all other plant products the fats must either directly or indirectly arise from the carbohydrates. There is evidence that the origin is fairly direct, as, for instance, in fatty seeds when the fats take the place of sugars in ripening. The sugars, as we know, are aldehydes of the polyhydric alcohols of the methane series. It has been suggested, though the actual stages have not been ascertained, that by various oxidation and reduction processes, the sugars yield fatty acid residues which then condense to form the fatty acids of high molecular weights present in fats. By a converse process, the fats, especially when they are stored as reserve materials in seeds, are broken up, and sugars are again formed which pass to other parts of the germinating seedling, and are there used in other synthetic processes. A third main line of syntheses is that which gives rise to the aro- matics of the plant. Since no ring compound is absorbed by the green plant, it follows that by some process the aliphatic structure must be transformed into the aromatic. Thus, for instance, the trihydric phenol, phloroglucinol, might at some stage be formed from a hexose by conversion of the aliphatic chain into a closed ring : OH H OH OH OHO— C— C— 0— C— CH2OH — 3H2O = CO— CH2— CO— CH2— CO— CH2 H OH H H I I Glucose H2 H OC CO HOC COH = 11= II I H2C CH2 HC CH \c/ \c/ O OH Phloroglucinol There is evidence that aromatic compounds, such as phloroglucinol, tannins, flavones and anthocyanins are synthesized in the leaves, and that sugar-feeding, by floating leaves in sugar solutions, leads to the increase of aromatics in the tissues. When the ring structure has been once synthesized, further changes can take place either by the addition of side-chains to the ring or by the condensation of two or more rings. In this way the great multitude of aromatic products present in the higher plants may arise. 8 INTRODUCTION [ch. Thus the cell can be pictured as a colloidal solution of proteins endoAved with the properties of matter in mass and surrounded by a permeable cell-wall of cellulose. The colloidal solution contains liquid and solid particles of very varied chemical composition. In the proto- plasm are spaces, vacuoles, filled with cell-sap also containing many and various substances in solution. Throughout the protoplasm, which probably has an organized structure, many kinds of chemical reactions are continually in progress, some being the converse of others, as for instance those of oxidation and reduction which can take place side by side in the same cell. Next will be considered the chemical reactions by which the various metabolic changes in the plant are brought about. How are these pro- cesses controlled and how do they take place ? There is a large group of organic substances, termed enzymes, many of which are present in every plant. They have a certain characteristic in common, i.e. they bring about chemical reactions in the plant without undergoing any permanent change : in other words they are organic catalysts. Many of these reactions, which take place in the cell at ordinary temperatures with considerable rapidity, need prolonged heating at high temperatures when brought about by artificial means. Enzymes can generally be extracted from the plant by water, especially if the tissues are thoroughly disintegrated. Their chemical constitution is at present unknown, and they are usually destroyed by temperatures greater than 60° C. Moreover, many of the processes which they control in the plant can be brought about by them in vitro under suitable conditions, and it is by means of such experiments that information as to their role in plant metabolism has been ascertained. The majority of known enzymes control both hydrolysis and its converse, synthesis by conden- sation with elimination of water, but under artificial conditions hydrolysis most frequently occurs. The enzyme, diastase, for instance, found in all starch -containing plants hydrolyzes in vitro starch to dextrin and maltose. Similarly the enzyme, maltase, hydrolyzes maltose into glucose. Other enzymes hydrolyze proteins into amino-acids, and others, again, hydro- lyze fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Until fairly recently the fact escaped notice that such reactions are reversible, and that these enzymes in situ in the plant may, according to the conditions, control not only the hydrolytic but also the corre- sponding synthetic process. The latter may also be brought about, though not readily, in vitro. This, and other evidence, leads us to believe that enzymes in the plant control the reactions in both directions. I] INTRODUCTION 9 Hydrolysis, and synthesis with elimination of water are not however the only processes catalyzed by enzymes. There is another type of these •catalysts, the oxidizing enzymes, which bring about oxidation of sub- stances in the plant, notably of aromatics. In addition, there is the •enzyme, zymase, which decomposes sugar with the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide. The question which now arises is — How many reactions in the plant are catalyzed by enzymes ? It is conceivable that a greater number of enzymes may exist than are at present known, but that they are unable to be extracted by our present methods of isolation. A certain number of reactions probably take place in the cell-sap between the substances in solution ; others are catalyzed by enzymes which are supposed to be intimately connected with the protoplasm, but there are an enormous number to which there is at present no clue as to how they are brought about, such, for instance, as the synthesis of carbohydrates from carbon •dioxide and water, and the formation of the benzene ring from the open carbon chain. Such processes are usually said to be controlled by the " living protoplasm," but what exactly is the significance of this expres- sion is at present beyond our knowledge. Finally, also, little is known of the question as to how the various lines of metabolic syntheses in different parts of plants are regulated and correlated with each other. Some of the phenomena involved are shortly outlined as follows. There is undoubtedly, under suitable con- ditions, a constant synthesis of sugars in the leaves. In all probability aromatic substances are also synthesized in the same organs, for there is evidence that there is an increase of these compounds in the leaf if translocation through the petiole is prevented. It is possible that amino- acids also are formed in the leaf The above products are constantly translocated to the growing organs as material for growth. They may, nevertheless, be temporarily stored in the tissues where they have been synthesized, and of this there is evidence in at least one case, e.g. starch in the leaf. But, apart from the immediate use for growth, there is in practically every plant, some tissue where, owing to some unknown stimulus (causing probably changes in permeability of the cell-mem- branes), accumulation of compounds occurs. This accumulation is characteristic of organs from which growth will take place when it is impossible for the plant to obtain fresh supplies by carbon assimilation, as, for example, of bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, buds, seeds, fruits and woody tissues. In these cases, in due time, the products stored supply the growing shoots. 10 INTRODUCTION [ch. i During storage, simple sugars, amino-acids, etc. have been condensed to form insoluble, colloidal, or large molecules of starch, fats, aleurone, cane-sugar, etc. These will remain until they are hydrolyzed by enzymes when they can supply the growing shoots. Such stores are termed " reserve materials." The actual stimuli involved in bringing about and regulating this storage are unknown, but they are probably connected with the life cycle of the particular plant under consideration and its adaptation to external conditions. REFERENCES 1. Abderhalden, E. Handbuch der biochemischen Arbeitsmethoden. Berlin, 1910. 2. Abderhalden, B. Biochemisches Handlexikon. Berlin, 1911. 3. Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis. London, 1909-1917. 4. BertrandjG., and Thomas, P. Practical Biological Chemistry. Translated by H. A. Colwell. London, 1920. 5. Cole, S. W. Practical Physiological Chemistry. Cambridge, 1920. 6th ed. 6. Czapek, P. Biochemie der Pflanzen. Jena, Bd. 1, 1913, Bd. 2, 1920, Bd. 3, 1921. 7. Haas, P., and Hill, T. G. The Chemistry of Plant Products. London, 192L 3rd ed. 8. Palladin, V. I. Plant Physiology. Edited by B. E Livingston. Philadelphia, 1918. 9. Plimmer, R. H. A. Practical Organic and Biochemistry. London, 1918. 3rd ed. 10. "Wehmer, 0. Die Pflanzenstoffe. Jena, 1911. 11. Wester, D. H. Anleitung zur Darstellung phytochemischer Uebungs- praparate. Berlin, 1913. CHAPTER II THE COLLOIDAL STATE Many of the substances of which the plant is built up exist in the living cell in the colloidal state, and it is therefore important that some account should be given of this condition of matter. There are many organic products found in the plant (and also in the animal), such as starch, various proteins, gums, etc., that apparently dis- solve in water, giving a solution which, as a rule, only differs from an ordinary solution by being opalescent. In addition, it has been known for a long time that various inorganic substances, such as sulphides of arsenic and antimony, hydroxide of iron, and also certain metals (gold, silver), can, by special methods, be obtained in " solution," though in ordinary circumstances they are quite insoluble. The above examples are representative of colloidal solutions. A property which all the above solutions possess is that the substance dissolved will not pass through a parchment membrane, i.e. will not dialyze, whereas if a solution of sodium chloride in water is separated from pure water by a parchment membrane, the salt will pass through the membrane until the concentration of the sodium chloride is equal on either side of it. The conclusion drawn from investigations of various kinds is that in the colloidal solutions the substances dissolved exist in the state, either of aggregates of molecules, or of very large molecules, and hence are unable to pass through the pores of the parchment. Moreover, certain distinctions can be drawn between colloidal solu- tions : some, like those of gold, silver, metallic sulphides, hydroxides and in fact most inorganic substances, are very sensitive to the presence of small amounts of inorganic salts, i.e. electrolytes, and are precipitated by them, but will not as a rule go into solution again. Also such col- loidal solutions are very little more viscous than pure water. The organic substances, on the other hand, are only precipitated from colloidal solu- tions by comparatively large quantities of electrolytes. The viscosity, moreover, of these solutions is greater than that of water, and is, in fact, considerable, even if the percentage of dissolved matter is small. 12 THE COLLOIDAL STATE [ch. Hence two terms have been employed for the above-mentioned types of colloidal solutions : those of gold, silver, etc., are termed suspensoids (suspensoid sols): those of starch, proteins, etc., emulsoids (emulsoid sols). The essential feature of both forms is that they are systems consisting of two phases, or conditions of matter, known respectively as the " dis- persed " phase and the " continuous " phase. A suspensoid may be defined as having a dispersed phase composed of ultramicroscopic particles or aggregates of molecules suspended in a continuous phase composed of a liquid. An emulsoid may be defined as having a dispersed phase composed of ultramicroscopic drops of a highly concentrated solution of the sub- stance suspended in a continuous phase composed of a dilute solution of the same substance. As a rule, therefore, the difference between a suspensoid and an emulsoid is that, whereas in the former the liquid is restricted to the continuous phase, and the solid to the dispersed phase, in an emulsoid both phases are liquid, though containing different proportions of the dissolved substance. The terms suspensoid and emulsoid are used on account of the re- semblance of these states of matter respectively to suspensions and emulsions. If microscopic particles of a solid are shaken up in water, what is known as a suspension is obtained ; in time, however, the solid particles, if heavy enough, will settle and separate from the water, and the whole process can be repeated. Thus a suspension differs from a suspensoid solution in that the latter is stable, though, if precipitated, the reaction is usually not reversible. V If two liquids which are insoluble in each other, such as oil and water, are shaken up together, finely divided drops of oil in water are obtained. This is known as an emulsion. In time, however, the oil separates from the water, because the tension on the films of water separating the oil drops, when in contact, is too great, and they break, with the result that the oil drops coalesce. But if, instead of water, a solution of soap, saponins, or certain other substances is used, the surface tension of the water is so lowered that the films of soap solution separating the oil drops are permanent, and a system is obtained consisting of minute drops of oil separated by soap solution. This system resembles an organic colloidal solution, as, for instance, that of protein in which we suppose a concentrated solution of protein exists in drops separated by a dilute solution of protein. Milk and latex constitute natural emulsions. II] THE COLLOIDAL STATE 13 Expt. 1. Formatio7i of a suspension. Precipitate a solution of barium chloride with some sulphuric acid and shake up well the fine precipitate of barium sulphate. Note the gradual settling of the precipitate. Expt. 2. Formation of an eynulsi'on. Take a drop of olive oil in a test-tube and half fill the tube with alcohol. Shake well and pour into a beaker of water. A fine white emulsion of oil in water will be formed from which the oil will not separate. By this method the oil is obtained in such small drops that stability is ensured. Take about equal quantities of olive oil in two test-tubes and add an equal quantity of water to each. To one tube add a drop or two of 10 % caustic alkali solution. Shake both test-tubes well. An emulsion is formed in both, but in the tube without alkali the oil will separate out on standing. In the other tube the emulsion is permanent. This is due to the fact that the olive oil (unless specially purified) contains some free fatty acid. The latter forms soap with the alkali (see p. 93) and renders the emulsion permanent. Expt. 3. Preparation of suspensoid sols, (a) Gold. Take two 100 c.c. measuring cylinders and thoroughly clean them with nitric acid, and afterwards wash well with freshly distilled water. In one make a 0*5 % solution of tannic acid (using the purest sample obtainable) in water. In the other, 2 c.c. of commercial 1 % gold chloride are made up to 100 c.c. with water. Use freshly distilled water in both cases. Mix equal portions of the two solutions in a clean beaker. A purple colloidal solution of gold will be formed. If three parts of the chloride solution are mixed with one part of the tannin solution, and both solutions heated before mixing, a red colloidal solution is obtained. (6) Silver. Take 5 c.c. of a 1 % solution of silver nitrate and add dilute am- monia solution until the precipitate first formed just disappears, and then dilute with 100 c.c. of water. Mix equal volumes of this solution and the tannic acid prepared for (a). A colloidal solution of silver will be formed which is clear brown by trans- mitted light, but has a green fluorescence by reflected light, (c) Ferric hydroxide. Take 5 c.c. of a filtered 33% solution of ferric chloride and pour into 500 c.c. of boiling distilled water in a beaker. A colloidal ferric hydroxide sol is formed and the colour changes to a deep brown-red. The yellow solution of ferric chloride is de- composed by excess of water with the production of a soluble colloidal form of ferric hydroxide, and hydrochloric acid is set free, (d) Arsenic tristdphide. Take 2 gms. of arsenious acid and boil with 150 c.c. of distilled water, filter and cool. Then pass sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution. A colloidal solution of the sulphide is formed which is orange, with a greenish surface. The above sols should be kept for further experiment [see Expt. 8]. Expt. 4. Preparation ofemulsoid sols, (a) Starch. Weigh out 2 gms. of dry starch, and mix well with a little cold distilled water. Boil 100 c.c. of distilled water in a flask, and, when boiling, pour in the starch paste and boil for a few minutes longer, stirring well all the time. A colloidal solution of starch is obtained which is faintly opalescent. It is not afifected by heating and does not change its state on cooling, (6) Gum arabic. Make a 5 7o solution of gum arabic by boiling 5 gms. with 100 c.c. of distilled water. Note that a sticky or viscous solution is formed which froths on shaking, (c) Protein. Weigh out 10 gms. of white flour and add 100 c.c. of distilled water. Let the mixture stand for 2 or 3 hours and then filter. The extract contains 14 THE COLLOIDAL STATE [ch. protein. Note that the solution froths on shaking, {d) Soap. Make a 5-10 % solution of soap in distilled water. It is opalescent and froths strongly. The above sols should be kept for further experiment [see Expt. 9]. Expt. 5. Dialysis of starch and salt solution. Make a 2 % solution of starch in water, as in Expt. 4 (a), and mix it with an equal volume of a 2 ^f^ solution of sodium chloride in water. Pour the mixture into a parchment dialyzer and dialyze in a beaker of distilled water. (The dialyzer should first be carefully tested to ascertain of there be a leak.) Test the liquid in the beaker with solutions of both iodine and silver nitrate. Some precipitate of chloride will be given, but no blue colour with iodine. After 24 hours, test the liquid again. There will be an increased amount of silver chloride formed, but a negative result with iodine. On addition of iodine to the liquid in the dialyzer, a blue colour is obtained. Hence we may assume that the colloidal starch does not pass through the membrane. Some substances, such as gelatine (animal) and agar (vegetable), are only in the emulsoid condition at a raised temperature. When cold they set to form a " gel," in which the particles of the dispersed phase are no longer separate but united to make a solid. Silicic acid, the best known inorganic emulsoid, also sets to a gel on standing, either spontaneously or on addition of electrolytes. It is of classical interest since it was the substance largely used by Graham, the first worker on colloids. Expt. 6. Preparation of gels, (a) Agar. Weigh out 2 gms. of agar and put it to soak in 100 c.c. of distilled water for an hour or two. Then boil : the agar gives a thick opalescent solution (sol) which sets to a gel on cooling. On warming, the gel again becomes a sol, and, on cooling, again sets to a gel. Thus the change is a reversible one. Agar is a mucilage which is obtained from certain genera of the Rhodophyceae (see p. 51). (b) Silicic acid. Weigh out 20 gms. of commercial "water- glass" syrup ( a concentrated solution of sodium silicate) and dilute willh 100 c.c. of freshly boiled distilled water (free from carbon dioxide). Pour 75 c.c. of this solution into a mixture of 25 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 75 c.c. of water. Dialyze the mixture in a parchment dialyzer against running water for 3-4 hours. If to the dialyzed liquid a little very dilute ammonia is added, a gel will be formed in the course of a few hours. In this case, however, the process is irreversible, that is the gel cannot be reconverted again into the sol. An interesting point in connexion with the colloidal state is that emphasized by Ostwald, i.e. that this condition is a state, not a type, of matter. Further, substances in the colloidal state do not constitute a definite class. It is reasonable to suppose that all substances which exist in the colloidal state can, under suitable conditions, also exist in the crystalline state, and vice versa. Further, the continuous phase is not always water. Sodium chloride, which is a very definite crystalloid, can be obtained in the colloidal state in petroleum ether. Most metals, even the alkali metals, have been obtained in colloidal solution : also a great many metallic oxides, hydroxides and sulphides. II] THE COLLOIDAL STATE 15 The colloidal phases so far dealt with can be tabulated as follows^: disperse continuous liquid solid gels solid liquid suspensoids liquid liquid emulsoids Some of the properties of colloidal solutions may now be considered. A point that has already been emphasized in the previous chapter is that the surface of particles in the colloidal state is very great in pro- portion to their mass. Such particles, moreover, unlike ions and small molecules in true solution, possess the properties of the surfaces of matter in mass, as, for instance, those connected with surface tension, electrical charge, etc., and these are especially marked on account of the propor- tionately large surfaces involved. Other properties are their inability, as a rule, to exert an osmotic pressure, to raise the boiling point, and to lower the freezing point of water. Some of the metallic suspensoids are characterized by their colour, this being red, purple or blue as in the case of gold sols. An apparatus, by means of which the colloidal state can be demon- strated ocularly, is the ultramicroscope. This is a special form of micro- . scope in which apowerful beam of light is directed upon a colloidal solution, which is then seen to contain a number of particles in rapid motion. When analyzed by special methods, this motion has been found to be identical with that shown by much larger, though still microscopic, particles, which has been termed Brownian movement. Expt. 7. Demonstration of Brownian movement of microscopic particles. Mount a little gamboge in water and examine under the high power of a microscope. The particles will be seen to be in rapid motion. It has been shown that Brownian movement is the outcome of the movement of the molecules of the liquid in which the particles are suspended. This movement is one of the factors which keeps the sol stable and prevents the particles from " settling " as in the case of a true suspension. Another factor tending to keep the sol stable is the electrical charge borne by the particles. It is commonly known that there is usually a difference of potential between the contact surfaces of phases. If the 1 There are also the following combinations (Bayliss, 1) : disperse continuous gas liquid foam liquid gas fog solid gas tobacco smoke solid solid ruby glass (colloidal sol of gold in glass) . 16 THE COLLOIDAL STATE [ch. particles in a colloidal solution all have the same charge, then they will tend to repulse one another mutually. It is found that the particles are charged, but the origin of the charge is not always clear. Sometimes if the substance in colloidal state is capable of electrolytic dissociation,^ the charge may arise in this way. Substances, however, as already mentioned, which are not dissociated may also bear a charge, and most frequently it is a negative one. It follows, then, that when an electrolyte is added to a colloidal solution, the charges on the colloidal particles are neutralized by the oppositely charged ions of the electrolyte, and they coalesce together and are precipitated. As regards their behaviour to electrolytes the two classes, suspensoid& and emulsoids, are very different. The suspensoids are very sensitive to- traces of electrolytes, and, as they usually have a negative charge, it is the cation of the electrolyte which is the active ion ; and of such, less of a divalent ion, than of a monovalent ion, is needed for precipitation and still less of a trivalent ion. The emulsoids are far less sensitive to electrolytes in solution than the suspensoids ; in fact, electrolytes, such as neutral alkali salts, must be added in very large quantities to emulsoids before precipitation takes- place. Also, as a rule, whereas the precipitation of suspensoids is irre- versible, that of emulsoids is reversible, that is, they pass into solution again on addition of water. In the case of an emulsoid in neutral solu- tion this form of precipitation, unlike that of the suspensoids, may be regarded as consisting of two processes. First, a process analogous to that of " salting out " of soaps, esters, etc., in organic chemistry, which is, in effect, a withdrawal of water from one phase into another. Secondly, the precipitation is also affected to some extent by the valency of the ions of the salt used in precipitation. When, however, a neutral solution of such an emulsoid as protein is made either slightly acid or alkaline, its behaviour towards neutral salts becomes altered. The precipitating power of salts in acid or alkaline medium is now in accordance with that on suspensoids. In alkaline solution the coagulating power of a salt depends on the valency of the cation ; in an acid solution it depends on the valency of the anion. The behaviour of proteins in acid and alkaline media is undoubtedly due to the fact that they are built up of amino-acids containing both amino and carboxyl groups. Such molecules may behave either as an acid or a base with the formation of salts. These are subject to electro- lytic dissociation and hence acquire an electric charge. Such substances have been termed " amphoteric electrolytes " (see p. 134). II] THE COLLOIDAL STATE 17 Expt. 8. Precipitation of suspensoid sols by electrolytes. The sols of gold, silver and arsenious sulphide carry an electro-negative charge : hence they are most readily precipitated by di- or tri-valent positive ions, such as Ba" or Al'". Add a few drops of barium chloride solution to the three sols (Expt. 3) respectively, and note that they are precipitated, though some time may elapse before the precipitation is complete. The ferric hydroxide sol, on the contrary, carries a positive charge. Hence it is most readily precipitated by a sulphate or phosphate. If a drop of sodium sulphate solution is added while the sol is hot, it is immediately precipitated. Expt. 9. Precipitation of emulsoid sols by electrolytes. Saturate the starch, protein and soap solutions prepared in Expt. 4 with solid ammonium sulphate. Precipitation takes place in each case, and it is seen how large a quantity of electrolyte is needed for the "salting out" of emulsoid sols. Filter off the protein precipitate and suspend in distilled water. It will go into solution again, showing that the reaction is reversible. REFERENCES 1. Bayliss, W. M. Principles of General Physiology. London, 1920. 3rd ed. 2. Burton, E. P. The Physical Properties of Colloidal Solutions. London, 1916. 3. Hatschek, B. An Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids. London, 1919. 3rd ed. 4 Philip, J. C. Physical Chemistry: its Bearing on Biology and Medicine. London, 1913. 2nd ed. 5. Taylor, W. W. The Chemistry of Colloids. London, 1915. o. CHAPT^E III PLANT ENZYMES Some indication has been given in the previous chapter of the large number of complex processes which take place in the plant, and it has been mentioned that many of these are controlled by enzymes. The most remarkable feature in connexion with the chemical pro- cesses of plant metabolism is the ease and rapidity with which, at ordi- nary temperatures, chemical reactions take place, when under artificial conditions they need a much longer time and higher temperatures. It has been found that many of the chemical reactions in the plant can be brought about in vitro on addition of certain substances which can be extracted from the plant. These substances are known as enzymes. It is the property of enzymes that they are able to accelerate reactions which, in their absence, would only take place very slowly. The enzyme cannot initiate these reactions and does not form part of their final products. Some inorganic substances have the same property of accelerating reactions, and such substances are termed catalysts. For example, when water is added to ethyl acetate, the latter begins to be decomposed slowly into ethyl alcohol and acetic acid : ethyl acetate + water — >- ethyl alcohol -|- acetic acid, but if, in addition, some hydrochloric acid is added, hydrolysis takes place with much greater rapidity, and at the end of the reaction the hydro- chloric acid is found unchanged. Hence in this case hydrochloric acid is an inorganic catalyst. Many other similar instances are known as, for example, the catalyzing effect of a small quantity of manganese dioxide which brings about the liberation of oxygen from potassium chlorate at a much lower temperature than by heat alone. By analogy, therefore, an enzyme may be defined as an organic catalyst produced by the plant. Another point in connexion with the above-mentioned reaction of water with ethyl acetate, is the fact of its being representative of the type known as reversible. After a certain amount of acetic acid and ethyl alcohol has been formed, these recombine to form ethyl acetate until in time a certain point of equilibrium is reached. Since the same CH. Ill] PLANT ENZYMES 19 point of equilibrium is reached whether hydrochloric acid is used or not, it is obvious that the hydrochloric acid accelerates the reaction in both directions : ethyl acetate + water :^ ethyl alcohol + acetic acid. Such a reaction is termed a reversible one. Many of the processes accelerated by enzymes in the plant are reversible, and there is reason to believe that the enzyme accelerates the reaction in both directions. The substance upon which, the enzyme acts is termed the substrate, and it is supposed that some kind of loose combination occurs between these two substances. The enzyme is unaltered when the reaction is complete, unless it is affected by the products formed. The enzymes are very widely distributed and form constituents of all living cells, though all tissues do not necessarily contain the same enzymes. There is no doubt that many enzymes are specific, in which case an enzyme can only accelerate one reaction, or one class of reaction. We cannot be sure that any enzyme is specific and different from all others, until it has been proved that it accelerates one process which is incapable of being accelerated by any other enzyme. It is possible that some enzymes, to which separate names have been given, are really identical. Most of the plant enzymes are soluble in water and dilute glycerol and sometimes in dilute alcohol. Some can be extracted by simply macerating the tissues with water; others are more intimately connected with the protoplasm, and are only extracted if the protoplasm is killed by certain reagents, of which those most frequently employed are toluol and chloroform. These substances kill the protoplasm and do not, in many cases, affect the enzyme. After the death of the protoplasm, the enzymes are more readily extracted from the cell. From aqueous solu- tions enzymes can usually be precipitated by adding strong alcohol. The majority of enzymes are destroyed by raising the temperature above 60° C. In vitro their reactions are generally carried out most rapidly between the temperatures of 35-45° C. In performing experiments with enzymes in vitrOy it is always neces- sary to add an antiseptic, otherwise the reaction to be studied will be masked or entirely superseded by the action of bacteria unavoidably present. Toluol and chloroform mentioned above, as well as thymol, may be used. These reagents prevent any bacterial action from taking place. Some enzymes, however, are susceptible to chloroform, as, for instance, maltase. 20 PLANT ENZYMES [ch. The chemical nature of enzymes is at present unknown, because it is difficult to purify them without destroying them, and hence to obtain them of sufficient purity for chemical analysis. They were originally thought to be proteins, but with the improvements in methods for puri- fication, it has been found that the protein reactions disappear, although the enzyme activity does not decrease. In solution they exist in the colloidal condition. The questions as to their origin and their relation to the protoplasm cannot yet be answered with any certainty. It is also impossible to say whether the majority of chemical processes in the plant are catalyzed by enzymes. A feature of enzyme action which is of considerable interest and which has already been mentioned is the question as to whether enzymes catalyze a reaction in both directions. Thus, in the case of hydrolytic enzymes which constitute by far the greater number of known enzymes, do they control the synthetic as well as the hydrolytic process ? There is evidence that this is so, since, in many cases, the hydrolysis is not complete. If the enzyme were a catalyst in one direction only, the reaction would be complete. Further evidence is supplied by the fact that, under suitable conditions, i.e. strong concentration of the substances from which synthesis is to take place, certain syntheses have been carried out in vitro. As an example may be quoted the synthesis of maltose from a concentrated solution of glucose by maltase (Bayliss, 2). In the living cell it is supposed that the hydrolysis and synthesis are balanced. On the " death " of the protoplasm, which may be caused by mechanical injury, vapour of chloroform or toluol, etc. (Armstrong, 7, 8), the reactions catalyzed by enzymes cease to be balanced and pro- ceed almost always in the direction of hydrolysis and the splitting up of more complex into simpler substances. This phenomenon is obvious when any of the products can be recognized by smell or colour, as, for instance, the smell of benzaldehyde on injuring leaves of plants containing cyano- genetic glucosides (see p. 161), or the production of coloured oxidation products when some of the aromatic glucosides are decomposed (see p. 124). If plant tissues are disintegrated, and the mass is kept at a tempera- ture of about 38° C, the above-mentioned hydrolytic processes continue to be catalyzed by the enzymes present until equilibrium is reached, which will be near complete hydrolysis, especially if water has been added. Such a process is termed " autolysis." The chief plant enzymes may be classified to a certain extent accord- Ill] PLANT ENZYMES 21 ing to the reaction they catalyze, e.g. hydrolytic, oxidizing, etc., as follows : Hydrolysis Enzyme Substrate Products Lipase (p. 94) „ (p. 99) Chlorophyllase (p. 34) Phytase (p. 102) Gly cerophosphatase (p. 99) Diastase (p. 75) Invertase (p. 78) Maltase (p. 77) Inulase (p. 60) Cytase (p. 71) Emulsin (p. 160) Myrosin (p. 164) Pepsin (p. 152) Erepsin (p. 152) Peroxidase (p. 122) Oxygenase (p. 122) Tyrosinase (p. 128) Catalase (p. 129) Reductase (oxido-re- ductase) (p. 129) Hexosephosphatase (p. 22) Zymase (p. 22) Carboxylase (p. 22) Urease (p. 181) Pectase (p. 67) Fats Lecithin Chlorophyll Phytin Glycerophosphoric acid Starch Cane sugar Maltose Inulin Hemicellulose Amygdalin Sinigrin Proteins Peptones Fatty acids and glycerol Fatty acids, glycero-phosphoric acid and choline Chlorophyllide and phytol Inositol and phosphoric acid Glycerol and phosphoric acid Dextrin and maltose Dextrose and laevulose Dextrose Laevulose Mannose and galactose Benzaldehyde, prussic acid and glucose Allyl isothiocyanate, potassium, hydrogen sulphate and glucose Albuminoses and peptones Polypeptides and amino -acids Oxidation and reduction Hydrogen peroxide Catechol, etc Tyrosine Hydrogen peroxide Water Atomic oxygen Peroxide Melanin, ammonia and carbon di- oxide Molecular oxygen Hydrogen and oxygen Respiration (and fermentation) Hexosephosphate Hexose Pyruvic acid, etc. Hexose and phosphoric acid Alcohol and carbon dioxide Acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide Other reactions Urea Soluble pectin Ammonia and carbon dioxide Cytopectic acid Most of these various classes of enzymes will be dealt with in detail in connexion with the chemical substances on which they react. An excellent demonstration of the fact that a single cell may contain all the various enzymes connected with the processes of metabolism is afforded by the unicellular Fungus, Yeast (Saccharomyces), of which many 22 PLANT ENZYMES [ch. species and varieties are known. The feature of special interest in con- nexion with the Yeast plant is its power of fermenting hexoses, with the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide, the process being carried out by means of an enzyme, zymase. The complete reaction is generally represented as follows : C6Hi206 = 2C02+2C2H50H though there is little doubt that several stages are involved, including oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis. It has been known for some time that phosphates are essential to the action of zymase, and the first stage is probably the formation of a hexosephosphate with the accompanying production of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide : 2C6Hi2O6-i-2R2HPO4=C6Hi0O4(R2PO4)2-i-2C2H6OH + 2CO2 + 2H2O, the hexosephosphate being continually decomposed by a hydrolytic en- zyme, hexosephosphatase, yielding free phosphate again : C6Hi0O4(R2PO4)2+2H2O = C6Hi2O6 + 2R2HPO4. In addition to zymase and hexosephosphatase, yeast contains the enzymes, invertase, protease, peroxidase, catalase, reductase, glycogenase, carboxylase, a glucoside-splitting enzyme, and some form of diastatic enzyme. The carboxylase decomposes a large number of aliphatic a-keto- acids, of which the most important is pyruvic acid CHg • CO * CXDOH. The reaction, which is also possibly concerned in fermentation, involves the formation of the corresponding aldehyde with the evolution of carbon dioxide : CHa- CO • C00H = CH3- CHO + CO2. Yeast also stores, as a reserve material, the polysaccharide, glycogen, which occurs in animal tissues though it is rarely found in plants : this is hydrolyzed by glycogenase into a monosaccharide. Finally, yeast con- tains invertase, and most species, in addition, maltase, but from a few species the latter enzyme is absent. Hence yeasts are able to ferment the disaccharides, cane-sugar and maltose, since they can first hydrolyze them to monosaccharides. As in the case of the enzymes of other tissues, those of yeast can be made to carry out their functions after the death of the living protoplasm. The method of demonstrating this is to " kill " the cells by means of drying at 25-30° C, by treatment with a mixture of alcohol and ether, or by treatment with acetone and ether. In this way the protoplasm is destroyed, but the enzymes remain uninjured. Yeast treated thus has been termed " zymin." in] PLANT ENZYMES 23 From zymin some of the enzymes, e.g. invertase and the glucoside- splitting enzyme, can be extracted with w«ater: other enzymes, e.g. zymase and maltase, are not so readily extracted. From the living cells the enzymes are only obtained with difficulty, the extraction of yeast juice, containing zymase and other enzymes, needing, by Buchner's method, a pressure as great as 500 atmospheres. In connexion with alcoholic fermentation by zymase, the following point is of special interest. For carrying out this process, another sub- stance is necessary in addition to the phosphate and enzymes already mentioned, i.e. a thermostable co-enzyme of unknown nature. The sepa- ration of zymase from the co-enzyme has been accomplished by filtering expressed (Buchner) yeast juice through a special form of gelatine filter under a pressure of 50 atmospheres,. The phosphate and co-enzyme can also be removed from zymin by washing with water. The washed residue is then found to be incapable of fermentation, as also are the washings. If, however, the boiled washings are added to the washed residue, the system is synthesized and can now carry out fermentation again. The chemical nature of the co-enzyme, which is thermostable, and the precise part played by it in the process, are as yet unknown (Harden, 4). Expt. 10. Preparation of zymin. Take 50 gms. of bakers yeast and stir it into 300 c.c. of acetone. Continue stirring for 10 minutes, and filter on a filter-pump. The mass is then mixed with 100 c.c. of acetone for 2 minutes and again filtered. The residue is roughly powdered, well-kneaded with 25 c.c. of ether for 3 minutes, filtered, drained and spread on filter-paper for an hour in the air. It can be finally dried at 45° C. for 24 hours. Expt. 11. Action of zymase, (a) Detection of carbon dioxide. It has been shown (Harden, 4) that the greater the volume of sugar solution used with a given weight of zymin, the weaker is its action. To demonstrate its activity, therefore, it is best to use not more than 5-10 c.c. of 10 7o glucose solution for every 2 gms. of zymin. Place the mixture in a test-tube and fit it with a cork and glass tubing, the latter dipping under a solution of lime water in a test-tube. Place the test-tube containing the zymin and glucose solution in a beaker of water and warm to 35-40° C. Bubbles of carbon dioxide will be evolved and will produce a precipitate of calcium carbonate in the lime water. A control experiment should be made using boiled zymin. (6) Detection of alcohol. Into a small flask put 8 gms. of zymin, 20 c.c. of 10 7o glu- cose solution and a little toluol. Keep the flask in an incubator at 37-40° C. for 12 hours. Then filter through filter-paper (or linen) into a small distilling flask. Distil over one half or two-thirds of the original volume. Add to the distillate in a test-tube, 3-5 c.c. of iodine in potassium iodide solution and then 5 % caustic soda until the colour vanishes. Shake up and warm gently in a beaker of water to 60° C. A smell of iodoform will be detected and a yellow crystalline deposit of the same substance will appear in the tube on cooling and standing. Examine the crystals under the microscope and note their characteristic star-like shape. 24 PLANT ENZYMES [ch. Expt. 12. Action of maltase. (Harden and Zilva, 12.) Into each of two small flasks, put 20 c.c. of a 2 7o solution of maltose and 0*5 gm. of zymin. Boil the contents of one flask. Then plug both flasks with cotton -wool, add a few drops of toluol and place in an incubator at 38° C. for 12-24 hours. Filter the liquid from both flasks and test by making the osazone (see p. 50), using at least 10 c.c. of the filtrate in each case. Glucosazone will crystallize out from the unboiled, maltosazone from the boiled, mixture. Expt. 13. Action of carboxylase. (Harden, 10.) The action of carboxylase on pyruvic acid is detected by the formation of carbon dioxide and acetaldehyde. Care- fully prepared zymin will still respire, but, after washing, some constituent essential to respiration is removed. Hence the zymin must be first washed and tested. Take 5 gms. of zymin and wash well on a filter with distilled water. Then suspend the zymin in 50 c.c. of water in a flask and draw a slow current of air (previously passed through two bottles of strong caustic soda and two bottles of saturated baryta solution) through the suspension of zyniin into a receiving flask of baryta solution. The flasks should be connected with pressure tubing and the apparatus must be air tight. Continue to draw the current of air through until it ceases to produce a milki ness in the receiving flask, due to any carbon dioxide in solution or to residual respiration. Then add quickly to the suspension of zymin 50 c.c. of 1 % pyruvic acid (by weight), 5 c.c. of normal caustic potash and 6 gms. of boric acid ; also a few drops of caprylic alcohol to prevent frothing. Place the flask in a beaker of water at 30-40° C. and again draw a current of air. A copious precipitate of barium carbonate will be formed in the receiving flask. The boric acid is used to prevent the solution from becoming too alkaline owing to the formation of potassium carbonate, and, being a weak acid, it has no inhibiting action on the enzyme. The contents of the flask containing the zymin are filtered into a small distilling flask and about 10 c.c. of distillate collected (cooled with ice if possible). To this add 1-2 c.c. of a freshly made 1 ^Jq solution of sodium nitroprusside, followed by a few drops of piperidine. A deep blue colour denotes the presence of acetaldehyde. Expt. 14. Action of peroxidase (Harden and Zilva, 12.) Into four small evaporating dishes, (a), (6), (c) and (c^), put the following : (a) A suspension of 0*5 gm. of fresh yeast in 10 c.c. distilled water -I- 1 c.c. of benzidine solution (1 o^ in 50% alcohol) + 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide (20 vols.). (5) A suspension of 0*5 gm. of zymin in 10 c.c. of distilled water + 1 c.c. of benzidine solution + 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide. (c) A suspension of 0*5 gm. of washed zymin in 10 c.c. of distilled water+1 c.c. of benzidine solution + 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide. (The zymin is washed by putting it on a double folded filter-paper in a funnel and adding distilled water from time to time. 50 c.c. of water should be used for 0*5 gm. of zymin.) {d) A suspension of 0*5 gm. of washed zymin in 10 c.c. of washings + 1 c.c. of benzidine solution + 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide. A blue colour will develop in (a) showing that fresh yeast contains a peroxidase (see p. 124). A blue colour will also develop in (c) but not in {h) and {d). This is explained by assuming that the zymin contains an inhibitor, not present in fresh yeast, but which is developed during the preparation of the zymin, and that this inhibitor can be washed away by water. On adding the washings to the washed zymin the reaction is inhibited again. Ill] PLANT ENZYMES - 25 Expt. 15. Action of catalase. (Harden and Zilva, 12.) Completely fill a test-tube with hydrogen peroxide (20 vols.) solution which has been diluted with an equal volume of water and add 0*5-1 gm. of zymin. Place the thumb firmly over the mouth of the tube, invert and place the mouth under water in a small basin, clamping the tube in position. A rapid evolution of oxygen takes place. When the tube is about three-fourths full of gas, close the mouth with the thumb while still under water and remove the tube. Plunge a glowing splint into the gas and it will re-kindle to a flame. Expt. 16. Action of protease. Weigh out 10 gms. of white flour, and allow it to extract with 100 c.c. of distilled water for one hour, shaking from time to time. Then filter on a filter-pump. The extract will contain the albumin, leucosin (see p. 138). Into small flasks {a) and (6) put the following : (a) 40 c.c. of the flour extract + 1 gm. of zymin -f 1 c.c. of toluol. {h) 40 c.c. of flour extract -\- 1 gm. of boiled zymin -j- 1 c.c, of toluol. Shake both flasks, plug with cotton-wool and place them in an incubator at 38° C. for 48 hrs. After incubation, boil the liquid in both flasks, in order to coagulate un- altered protein, and filter. Cool the filtrates from the respective flasks and add bromine water drop by drop (see p. 153). A pink, or purplish-pink colour, due to the presence of tryptophane, will be formed in tube (a). Hence hydrolysis of protein has taken place. Tube (6) will show no colour or only that due to bromine. Add a little amyl alcohol to both tubes and shake gently. The alcohol will be coloured pink or purplish in the tube giving the tryptophane reaction. Expt. 17. Action of reductase. (Harden and Norris, 11.) Take two test-tubes, {a) and (6), provided with well-fitting corks and put in the following : {a) 1 gm. of zymin -1- 20 c.c. of distilled water -\- 0-5 c.c. of methylene blue solu- tion (made by diluting 5 c.c. of a saturated alcoholic solution to 200 c.c. with distilled water). (6) 1 gm. of boiled zymin -|- 20 c.c. of distilled water 4- 0*5 c.c. of methylene blue solution. Cork both tubes after adding a few drops of toluol and place in an incubator at 38° C. for 1-3 hours. The blue colour will practically disappear from tube {a) but will remain in tube (6). The methylene blue is reduced to a colourless leuco-compound which will become blue again on re-oxidation. Expt. 18. Enzyme actions of an aqueous extract of zymin. Weigh out 2 gms. of zymin and place them. on a double folded filter-paper in a funnel and wash with 80 c.c. of distilled water. With the filtrate make the following experiments. (A) Action of invertase. (Harden and Zilva, 12.) Into two small flasks (a) and (b) put the following : {a) 10 c.c. of a 2 % solution of pure cane-sugar -f- 10 c.c. of the filtrate from zymin. (6) 10 c.c. of the same solution of cane-sugar -h 10 c.c. of the boiled filtrate from zymin. Put both flasks in an incubator at 38° C. After 30 minutes add equal quantities (about 1-2 c.c.) of Fehling's solution to both flasks and boil (see p. 54). Flask {a) will show considerable reduction of the Fehling. Flask {h) will show comparatively little reduction, that which does take place probably being due to the sugar previously formed by the action of glycogenase on stored glycogen. 26 PLANT ENZYMES [ch. hi (B) Action of the glucoside-splitting enzyme. (Caldwell and Courtauld, 9 ; Henry and Auld, 13.) This enzyme will act upon the glucoside, amygdalin, which is present in bitter almonds, with the production of glucose, benzaldehyde and prussic acid (see p. 160). Into two small flasks (a) and (6) put the following: (a) 20 c.c. of a 2 7o solution of amygdalin + 20 c.c. of the filtrate from zymin. {h) 20 c.c. of the same solution of amygdalin + 20 c.c. of the boiled filtrate from zymin. Add a few drops of toluol to both flasks and then cork, inserting, with the cork, a strip of paper which has been dipped in solutions of picric acid and sodium carbonate (see p. 161). Put both flasks in an incubator at 38° C. for 12-24 hours. The picrate paper in flask {a) will have reddened. Add a little Fehling's solution to the liquid in the same flask and boil. The Fehling will be reduced. The liquid in flask (6) will only reduce Fehling slightly [see Expt. A (6)] and the picrate paper will not be reddened. REFERENCES Books 1. Abderhalden, B. Biochemisches Handlexikon, v. Berlin, 1911. 2. Bayliss, W. M. The Nature of Enzyme Action. London, 1919. 4th ed. 3. Euler, H. General Chemistry of the Enzymes. Translated by T. H. Pope. New York and London, 1912. 4. Harden, A. Alcoholic Fermentation. London, 1914. 2nd ed. 5. Vernon, H. M. Intracellular Enzymes. London, 1908. 6. Wohlgemuth, J, Grundriss der Fermentmethoden. Berlin, 1913. Papers 7. Armstrong, H. B., and Armstrong, B. P. The Origin of Osmotic Effiects. III. The Function of Hormones in Stimulating Enzymic Change in Relation to Narcosis and the Phenomena of Degenerative and Regenerative Change in Living Structures. Proc. R. Sac, 1910, B Vol. 82, pp. 588-602. Ibid. IV. Note on the Differential Septa in Plants with reference to the Translocation of Nutritive Materials. Proc. R. Soc, 1912, B Vol. 84, pp. 226-229. 8. Armstrong, H. B., and Armstrong, B. P. The Function of Hormones in regulating Metabolism. Ann. Bat., 1911, Vol. 25, pp. 507-519. 9. CaldTvell, R. J., and Courtauld, S. L. Studies on Enzyme Action. IX. The Enzymes of Yeast: Amygdalase. Proc. R. Soc, 1907, B Vol. 79 pp. 350-359. 10. Harden, A. The Enzymes of Washed Zymin and Dried Yeast. I. Car- boxylase. Biochem. J., 1913, Vol. 7, pp. 214-217. • 11. Harden, A., and Norris, R. V. The Enzymes of Washed Zymin and Dried Yeast. II. Reductase. Biochem. J., 1914, Vol. 8, pp. 100-106. 12. Harden, A., and Zilva, S. S. The Enzymes of Washed Zymin and Dried Yeast. III. Peroxydase, Catalase, Invertase and Maltase. Biochem. J., 1914, Vol. 8, pp. 217-226. 13. Henry, T. A., and Auld, S. J. M. On the Probable Existence of Emulsin in Yeast. Proc. R. Sac, 1905, B Vol. 76, pp. 568-580. CHAPTER IV CHLOROPHYLL The fact has already been emphasized that the plant synthesizes all the complex organic substances of which it is built from the simple com- pounds, carbon dioxide, water and inorganic salts. The initial metabolic process and the one from which all others have their starting-point is that of a synthesis of a carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water. This synthesis can only be carried out in the light, and only in a green plant, i.e. a plant containing chlorophyll. Chlorophyll may almost be con- sidered the chemical substance of primary importance in the organic world, for upon it depends the life of all plants and animals. Animals depend for their existence on certain complex amino-acids, some of which they are unable to synthesize for themselves, and which they derive from plants. Plants in turn are unable to exist except by virtue of the pro- perties of chlorophyll. The property of chlorophyll which is so important is the power it possesses of absorbing the radiant energy of the sun's rays and converting it into chemical energy by means of which a carbohydrate is synthesized. This summarizes the whole process, which, however, can scarcely be very simple, and probably consists of several reactions at present undifferen- tiated. If the formula for carbonic acid is compared with that of a simple carbohydrate such as a tetrose, pentose or hexose, the following relation- ship is seen : H2CO3 -*■ (HaCO)^ where ^=4, 5 or 6, that is, in the synthesis of a carbohydrate a reducing reaction must take place. Many hypotheses have been formulated as to the nature of these re- actions. The one which has most frequently been advanced suggests that formaldehyde is the first product of the synthesis from carbon dioxide and water which takes place in the green plant ; that the reaction in- volves reduction with elimination of oxygen : H2C03=H2CO-}-02, and that this product is later condensed to form a hexose, 6H2CO = C6Hi206. 28 CHLOKOPHYLL [ch. As the concentration of sugar increases in the cell, further condensation may take place to form starch : X (C6Hi206) = (C6Hio05)^ + ^ H2O. The facts in agreement with these views are : first, in most plants a volume of oxygen is given off approximately equivalent to the volume of carbon dioxide absorbed; secondly, in some plants starch, in others sugar, is known to be produced during photosynthesis. The detection of formaldehyde, either in the plant or in certain systems containing chlorophyll, as a proof of its formation during photosynthesis, has been shown to be invalid (see p. 37) (Jorgensen and Kidd, 2). The value and significance of this reducing reaction is seen when it is realized that, by oxidation of the carbohydrates synthesized, energy is produced to supply the needs of the whole metabolism of the plant (see p. 6). In the chemical treatment of the subject of carbon assimilation, some of the chemical properties of chlorophyll will first be considered, and, later, its behaviour under certain conditons : the chemistry, however, of the phenomenon itself is as yet unknown. The following account, as far as it concerns chlorophyll, and the accompanying experiments are taken from a resume (Jorgensen and Stiles, 3) of the original work (Willstatter und Stoll, 1) upon which the entire knowledge of the subject is based. Chlorophyll. Our knowledge of the chemistry of chlorophyll has, within recent years, been set upon a firm experimental basis (Willstatter und Stoll, 1). The results which have been arrived at may broadly be summarized as follows : In all plants examined the chloroplastids contain four pigments, of which two (termed respectively chlorophylls a and h) are green, and two are yellow. They occur in about the following proportions in fresh leaves : (Chlorophyll a . . . C5gH,2 05N4Mg ... 2 pts per 1000 ^^^^"^ ]Chlorophyll6...C55H,oOeN,Mg...f „ Yellow 1^^^^*^^ •••• ^4oH56 i „ (Xanthophyll ... C4oH5«02 .:. J A point of great interest in connexion with chlorophyll is that it contains magnesium to the extent of 2'7 7o t>ut no other metal is present. Chlorophyll a, when isolated, is a blue-black solid giving a green-blue ly] CHLOROPHYLL 29 solution in the solvents in which it is soluble, i.e. ethyl alcohol, acetone, chloroform, ether, carbon bisulphide, pyridine and benzene. Chlorophyll b, when isolated, is a green-black solid giving a pure green solution : it has much the same solubilities as chlorophyll a. The two chlorophylls, however, can be separated by their different solubilities in methyl alcohol. Both can be obtained in microscopic crystals. Carotin crystallizes in orange-red crystals, and xanthophyll in yellow crystals. In the chloroplastids these pigments occur mixed with various colour- less substances, fats, waxes, and salts of fatty acids. When chlorophyll is spoken of, it will be understood to refer to the green pigments and not to the yellow. The pure pigments, when isolated, are readily soluble in acetone, ether and benzene. When very thoroughly dried nettle leaves are treated with pure acetone, no green colour is extracted, but if a few drops of water are added, the extract becomes green. Also if acetone is poured on to fresh leaves, the pigment is extracted. The explanation offered for these phenomena is that chlorophyll is present in a colloidal condition in the cell. This point will be considered again later (see p. 36). The Common Nettle ( Urtica) is the plant which has been used for material for the extraction of chlorophyll on a large scale, and it also forms very useful material for extraction on a small scale. The pigment has been found to be unaltered by drying, and, since dried leaves involve far less bulk and dilution of solvents, material should be dried before using. Some leaves (Elder and Conifers) are spoilt by drying. From dried leaves pure solvents, such as petrol ether, benzene and acetone, extract very little pigment for reasons which will be mentioned later, but if the solvents contain a moderate amount of water, the pigment is readily soluble. About 80 7o acetone is the best solvent. The nettle leaves are removed from the stalks and laid on sheets of paper to dry. When well air-dried they are finely powdered, and the powder further dried at 30-40° C. in an incubator. The leaf-powder can be kept for a considerable time in a well- stoppered bottle. Expt. 19. Extraction of pigment. Two grams of leaf-powder are sucked to a filter- paper on a small porcelain funnel and 2-3 c.c. of 85 % acetone are added. This is allowed to soak into the powder for a few minutes. The fluid is then sucked through with the pump, the flask disconnected and more acetone added. The operation is repeated until 20 c.c. of the solvent have been added, when the powder is sucked dry. A deep blue-green solution with a red fluorescence is obtained which contains all the four pigments from the leaf. The acetone extract thus obtained is then poured into double the quantity of petrol ether contained in a separating funnel. An equal D 30 CHLOROPHYLL [ch. quantity of distilled water is added, this being poured gently down the side of the unnel in order to avoid the formation of emulsions. In the course of a few minutes, the ether layer separates out and now contains the pigments. The lower layer, which is slightly green, is run off. The addition of distilled water and subsequent removal of the lower layer is repeated about four times, in order completely to remove the acetone from the ether solution. If the ether solution should have become at all emulsified, it can be cleared by shaking with anhydrous sodium sulphate and filtering. The whole process should be repeated with another 2 gms. of leaf-powder and the pigment transferred to ether^ since a solution in this solvent is required for later experiments. ^ i/ Expt. 20. Demonstration of the presence of chlorophylls a and h. Of the petrol ether solution from the last experiment, 10 c.c. are shaken with 10 c.c. of 92 7o methyl alcohol. Two layers are formed of which the petrol ether layer contains chlorophyll a, and the methyl alcohol layer chlorophyll h. The solution of chlorophyll a is blue- green, while that of chlorophyll 6 is a purer green, but the colour difference between them is diminished owing to the presence of the yellow pigments, of which carotin is in the petrol ether, and xanthophyll in the methyl alcohol. Keep the two extracts for Expt. 24. As will be explained later, the green pigments of chlorophyll can be saponified by alkalies and are then insoluble in ethereal solution. This method can be adopted to separate the green from the yellow pigments, xanthophyll and carotin. y Expt. 21. Separation of green and yellow pigments. Shake 5 c.c. of an ether solution of the pigments (Expt. 19) with 2 c.c. of 30 ^Iq caustic potash in methyl alcohol (obtained by dissolving 30 gms. of potassium hydroxide in 100 c.c. of methyl alcohol'}. After the green colour has reappeared, slowly add 10 c.c. of water and then add a little more ether. On shaking the test-tube, two layers are produced, of which the lower watery -alkaline one contains the saponified green pigments, while the carotin and xanthophyll are contained in the upper ethereal layer, Expt. 22. Separation of the two yellow pigments. The ether layer obtained in the last experiment is washed with water in a separating funnel, and evaporated down to 1 c.c. It is then diluted with 10 c.c. of petrol ether and next mixed with 10 c.c. 90 o/o methyl alcohol. The methyl alcoholic layer is removed and the petrol ether layer is again treated with methyl alcohol and the methyl alcohol again removed. This process is repeated until the methyl alcohol is no longer coloured. The methyl alcohol contains the xanthophyll, the petrol ether the carotin. Further accounts of the yellow pigments are given on p. 40. The best known reactions of chlorophyll are those which take place with acids and alkalies respectively. Chlorophyll is a neutral substance, and, on treatment with alkalies, it forms salts of acids, the latter being known as chlorophyllins. These salts are soluble in water forming green solutions which are not however 1 The methyl alcohol must be very pure, otherwise the alcoholic potash solution will become brown and discoloured. IV] CHLOROPHYLL 31 fluorescent. Chlorophyll a may be represented as the methyl phytyl -ester of an acid chlorophyllin (phytol is a primary alcohol, see p. 39): .COOCH3 COOH C32H3oON4Mg■ (C32H3oON4Mg) (COOCH3) (COOC20H39) J. (C32H32ON4) (COOCH3) (COOC20H39) chlorophyll a phaeophytin (C32H3oON4Mg) (COOH) (COOH) chlorophyllin a and isochlorophyllin a interme diate phyllins C3iH34N4Mg aetiophyllin ;C32H320N4) (COOH) (COOH) phytochlorin e and phytochlorins/and g intermediate porphyrins Scheme 1. — ^ C31H36N4 aetioporphyrin chlorophyll a ^=o \c=o iOH >Hi I 1 Arabinose Furfural This reaction, however, is also given by the hexoses but to a much less extent. (6) Warm a few c.c. of the sugar solution with an equal volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid in a test-tube, and add a small quantity of phloroglucinol. A bright red coloration is produced. (c) To a few c.c. of the sugar solution in a test-tube add an equal quantity of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and then a little solid orcinol. Divide the solution into two equal portions. Heat one portion. The solution becomes bluish changing to reddish -violet and finally deposits a blue precipitate. To the other portion, after heating for a time, add a few drops of 10% ferric chloride solution. A deep green colour is at once produced. On the addition of a little amyl alcohol, the green colour will be extracted by the alcohol. (d) a-Naphthol reaction. Add to a little of the sugar solution a few drops of a 1 % solution of Q-naphthol in alcohol. Mix the two solutions and then run in about 5 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid down the side of the test-tube. A violet colora- tion is produced at the junction of the two liquids. The coloration is due to a condensation product of a-naphthol with furfural, the latter being formed by the action of the acid on the carbohydrate. This reaction is likewise given by laevulose and cane-sugar (since it yields laevulose, see p. 54), and less strongly by glucose and maltose ; also by some proteins which contain a carbohydrate group. (e) Boil a little of the arabinose solution with a few drops of Fehling's solution. Keduction will take place. (/) Make the osazone of arabinose following the instructions given for glucosazone (see p. 50). A solution of arabinose which will give the pentose reactions can also be obtained by hydrolysis of Cherry Gum. The gum oozes from the bark of various species of Frunus, such as the Cherry (Prunus Cerasus) and the Bird Cherry (P. Padus), Expt. 40. Preparation of arabinose solution from Cherry Oum. The gum is heated, on a water-bath in a round-bottomed flask fitted with an air condenser \ with dilute sulphuric acid (1 pt. by wt. of gum: 7 pts. by wt. of 4% sulphuric acid) for about 5 hours. The solution is then neutralized with calcium carbonate and filtered. Perform the tests a, h and c of Expt. 39 on the solution. A positive result is obtained in each case. Since the solution contains other sugars as inpurities, it cannot con- i.e. a wide piece of glass tubing about 3 ft. long passing through the cork. V] CARBOHYDRATES 47 ■clusively be used for tests d, e and /. If a considerable quantity of gum is available, crystallization of arabinose should be attempted by concentrating the aqueous sugar solution, extracting this with 90 ^/q alcohol and again concentrating in a desiccator (see p. 55). If a very small quantity of gum only is available, the tests a, h and c should be performed directly on a small piece of the gum in a test-tube. A purer preparation of arabinose, which may be used for all the tests of Expt. 39, can be obtained by the hydrolysis of araban (see Expt. 48). Xylose. This sugar occurs very widely distributed in woody tissue a,s the pentosan, xylan (see p. 56). A solution of xylose which will give the pentose reactions can be obtained from the hydrolysis of straw, or the presence of xylan giving the pentose reactions can be directly de- monstrated in straw, bran or sawdust (see Expt. 49). A purer solution of xylose can be obtained from the hydrolysis of xylan (see Expt. 51). When xylose is oxidized with bromine, it yields xylonic acid which has a characteristic cadmium salt. The formation of this salt is used as a, method for identifying the sugar (see Expt. 51). The methyl pentoses are pentoses in which one of the hydrogen a-toms of the CH2OH group is replaced by the methyl group, CHg. Rhamnose, C5H9O5CH3, occurs as the constituent of many glucosides ■ (C6Hio05)a; + Ci2H220ii Dextrin Maltose Thus the final products under these conditions are dextrin and the disaccharide, maltose; and not glucose. It is reasonable to assume that cells which contain starch also either contain, or are capable of producing, diastase. But the amount of diastase present, or at any rate capable of being extracted, varies in different tissues. Diastase, like most enzymes, is soluble in water. In many cases, however, a water-extract from fresh crushed tissues in which diastase occurs, will not contain any appreciable amount of enzyme. This is sometimes due to the fact that the protoplasm does not readily yield up the enzyme until it has been killed. If the tissues are dried at a moderate temperature (30-40° C.) both the powdered leaves them- selves and a water extract are fairly rich in diastase ; or, if the living 76 CARBOHYDRATES [ch. tissues are macerated and extracted with water to whicli chloroform has been added, the cells die more rapidly and yield up the enzyme to the solvent. From such a water extract, a crude precipitate containing the enzyme may be obtained by addition of alcohol. For obtaining the maximum results with diastatic activity in leaves, a water extract should be made after they have been killed, either by drying, or by the action of toluol or chloroform. It has been shown (Brown and Morris, 6) that in leaves which con- tain tannin, the presence of the latter largely inhibits the action of the enzyme and may be the cause, in such cases, of an entire lack of activity in the extract. The diastatic activity of leaves appears to vary largely in different genera and species. The subject has been investigated (Brown and Morris, 6) and a list of their relative activities has been drawn up as follows. [The numbers represent the amount of maltose, expressed in grams, which 10 gms. of air-dried leaf will produce from soluble-starch (starch treated with dilute hydrochloric acid) by hydrolysis in 48 hrs. at 30° C] Pisum sativum 240*30 Helianthus annuus 3-94 Phaseolus multiflorus 110'49 H. tuberosus 378 Lathyrus odoratus 100*37 Funkia sinensis 5*91 L. pratensis 34*79 Allium Cepa 3*76 Trifolium pratense 89*66 Hemerocallis fulva 2*07 T. ochroleucum 56*21 Populus sp 3*79 Vicia sativa 79*55 Syringa vulgaris 2*53 V. hirsuta 53*23 Cotyledon Umbilicus 4*61 Lotus corniculatus 19*48 Humulus Lupulus 2*01-9*60 Lupinus sp 3*51 Hymenophyllum demissum ... 4*20 with Clover 27*92 Hydrocharis Morsus-ranae ... 0*267 Tropaeolum majus 3*68-9*64 From the above table it is seen that the leaves of genera of the Leguminosae are apparently very rich in diastase. Whether this is so, or whether in other plants the diastatic activity is inhibited by other substances, has not yet been ascertained. As mentioned above, tannins inhibit the action of diastase, and hence leaves rich in tannin, e.g. Hop {Hamulus), cannot be expected to yield good results. The tissues of germinating barley (Hordeum vulgare) also contain large quantities of diastase, and this material can be used to demonstrate the solubility, isolation and activity of the enzyme. The action on starch of diastase from the leaf of the Common Pea (Pisum sativum) and from germinating barley grains has already been V] CARBOHYDRATES 77 demonstrated [see Expt. 57 (a) and (b)] in connexion with dextrin. The following experiments have special reference to the enzyme. jEJxpt. 78. To demonstrate the activity of diastase from germinating barley. {See also Expt. 57.) Pound up 2-3 gins, of germinated barley grains in a mortar and extract the mass with 50 c.c. of water. Filter, and take two equal portions in two test-tubes. Boil one tube. To both tubes add an equal quantity of the starch solution prepared as in Expt. 55. Place the tubes in a beaker of water at 38-40° C. From time to time withdraw a drop from each tube with a pipette and test with iodine solution on a white tile. The starch in the unboiled tube will gradually give the dextrin reactions (see p. 59) ; that in the boiled tube will remain unchanged. This simple method may also be adopted for showing the diastatic activity of leaves. Instead of germinating barley, a few leaflets of the Pea {Pisum sativum) or Clover {Trifolium pratense) should be pounded up in a mortar and extracted with 50 c.c. of water and filtered. Maltase. This enzyme hydrolyzes maltose into two molecules of glucose: C12H22O11 + H2O = 2C6H12O6. Investigations upon maltase have, until recently, produced rather contradictory results, but later work (Davis, 14: Daish, 15, 16) has led to more satisfactory conclusions. The latter show that maltase is most probably present in all plants in which hydrolysis of starch occurs. It has been detected in leaves of the Nasturtium {Tropaeolum), the Potato {Solarium), the Dahlia, the Turnip (Brassica), the Sunflower (Helianthus) and the Mangold (Beta), and it is most probably widely distributed in foliage leaves. Its detection is not easy for various reasons which are as follows. It is not readily extracted from the tissues by water : it is unstable, being easily destroyed by alcohol and chloroform. Its activity is also limited or even destroyed at temperatures above 50° C. Hence the extraction of maltase, by merely pounding up tissues with water, does not yield good results : moreover, as an antiseptic, toluol must be used and not chloroform. Finally, if the enzyme is to be extracted from dried material, this must not be heated at too high a temperature previous to the extraction. Maltase occurs in quantity in both germinated and ungerminated seeds of cereals. If, in kilning, malt has not been heated at too high a temperature, the maltase may not be destroyed, and, in such cases, malt extract will contain both diastase and maltase. This would explain the fact that glucose, instead of maltose, has sometimes been obtained by the action of malt diastase on starch. In other cases, when a higher temperature has been employed, the maltase will be destroyed. Maltase 78 CARBOHYDRATES [ch. itself, of course, does not act directly upon starch but only on maltose. The use of chloroform, as an antiseptic, by some observers explains how they came to overlook the presence of maltase, thus obtaining maltose, and not glucose, as an end product in hydrolysis by malt extracts. The optimum temperature for the maltase reaction is 39° C. The presence of maltase in leaves is not readily shown for the following reasons. Since maltase is destroyed by alcohol, the prepara- tion of a crude precipitate of the enzyme by precipitating a water extract of the leaves is not satisfactory. If the water extract is added directly to maltose, and incubated, hydrolysis may be demonstrated by determining the reducing power of the sugars formed. A control experiment must, however, be made by incubating the water extract alone, and subsequently determining the reducing power of any sugars present. Invertase. This enzyme hydrolyzes cane-sugar into one molecule of glucose and one molecule of laevulose : C12H22O11+ H20 = C6Hi206-f-C6Hi206. Invertase is probably very widely distributed in plants. Its presence has been demonstrated in the leaves and stem, though not in the root, of the Beet (Beta vulgaris) (Robertson, Irvine and Dobson, 28). Also in the leaves of a number of other plants (Kastle and Clark, 22). Its de- tection, by its action on sucrose, is not easy on account of the presence of other enzymes and reducing sugars in leaf extracts. The absence of invertase from the root of the Beet raises a difficulty as to how the cane-sugar is synthesized from the hexoses supplied from the leaves (see p. 73). Some observers (Robertson, Irvine and Dobson, 28) incline to the view that cane-sugar is synthesized in the stems and travels as such to the roots. Others (Davis, Daish and Sawyer, 17) maintain that the cane-sugar is synthesized in the root, even though invertase is absent. V] CARBOHYDRATES 79 REFERENCES Books 1. Abderhalden, E. Biochemisches Handlexikon, ii. Berlin, 1911. 2. Armstrong, B. P. The Simple Carbohydrates and the Glucosides. London, 1919. 3rded. 3. Atkins, W. R. G. Some Recent Researches in Plant Physiology. London, 1916. 4. Mackenzie, J. E. The Sugars and their Simple Derivatives. London, 1913. Papers 5. Blackman, F. P. The Biochemistry of Carbohydrate Production in the Higher Plants from the Point of View of Systematic Relationship. N. Phytol.^ 1921, Vol. 20, pp. 2-9. 6. Bro"wn, H. T., and Morris, G. H. A Contribution to the Chemistry and Physiology of Foliage Leaves. J. Chem. Soc, 1893, Vol. 63, pp. 604-677. 7. Clay son, D. H. P., Norris, P. W., and Schryver, S. B. The Pectic Substances of Plants. Part II. A Preliminary Investigation of the Chemistry of the Cell- Walls of Plants. Biochem. J., 1921, Vol. 15, pp. 643-653. 8. Czapek, P. Ueber die sogenannten Ligninreactionen des Holzes. Zs. physiol. Chem., 1899, Vol. 27, pp. 141-166. 9. Davis, W. A., and Daish, A. J. A Study of the Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates, especially in Plant-extracts. A new Method for the Estimation of Maltose in Presence of other Sugars. J, Agric. Set., 1913, Vol. 5, pp. 437-468. 10. Davis, W. A., and Daish, A. J. Methods of estimating Carbohydrates. II. The Estimation of Starch in Plant Material. The Use of Taka-Diastase. J. Agric. Sci, 1914, Vol. 6, pp. 152-168. 11. Daish, A. J. Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates. III. The Cupric Reducing Power of the Pentoses— Xylose and Arabinose. J. Agric. Sci., 1914, Vol. 6, pp. 255-262. 12. Davis, W. A., and Sawyer, G. 0. The Estimation of Carbohydrates. IV. The Presence of Free Pentoses in Plant Extracts and the Influence of other Sugars on their Estimation. J. Agric. Sri., 1914, Vol. 6, pp. 406-412. 13. Davis, W. A. The Hydrolysis of Maltose by Hydrochloric Acid under the Herzfeld Conditions of Inversion. A Reply to A. J. Kluyver. J. Agric. Sci.^ 1914, Vol. 6, pp. 413-416. 14. Davis, W. A. The Distribution of Maltase in Plants. I. The Function of Maltase in Starch Degradation and its Influence on the Amyloclastic Activity of Plant Materials. Biochem. J., 1916, Vol. 10, pp. 31-48. 15. Daish, A. J. The Distribution of Maltase in Plants. II. The Presence of Maltase in Foliage Leaves. Biochem. J., 1916, Vol. 10, pp. 49-55. 16. Daish, A. J. The Distribution of Maltase in Plants. III. The Presence of Maltase in Germinated Barley. Biochem,. J., 1916, Vol, 10, pp. 56-76. 17. Davis, W. A., Daish, A. J., and Sawyer, G. C. Studies of the Forma- tion and Translocation of Carbohydrates in Plants. I. The Carbohydrates of the Mangold Leaf. J. Agric. Sci., 1916, Vol. 7, pp. 255-326. 80 CARBOHYDKATES 18. Davis, W. A. Studies of the Formation, etc. II. The Dextrose-Laevulose Ratio in the Mangold. J. Agrie. Sci., 1916, Vol. 7, pp. 327-351. 19. Davis, W. A., and Sa-wyer, G. C. Studies of the Formation, etc. III. The Carbohydrates of the Leaf and Leaf Stalks of the Potato. The Mechanism of the Degradation of Starch in the Leaf. J. Agric. Set., 1916, Vol. 7, pp. 352-384. 20. Davis, W. A. The Estimation of Carbohydrates. V. The supposed Pre- cipitation of Reducing Sugars by Basic Lead Acetate. J. Agric. Sci., 1916, Vol. 8, pp. 7-15. 21. Haynes, D. The Gelatinisation of Pectin in Solutions of the Alkalies and the Alkaline Earths. Biochem. J., 1914, Vol. 8, pp. 553-583. 22. Kastle, J. H., and Clark, M. B. On the Occurrence of Invertase in Plants. Amer. Chem. J., 1903, Vol. 30, pp. 421-427. 23. Neville, A. Linseed Mucilage. J. Agric. Sci., 1913, Vol. 5, pp. 113-128. 24. Parkin, J. Contributions to our Knowledge of the Formation, Storage and Depletion of Carbohydrates in Monocotyledons. Phil. Trails. R. Soc, B Vol. 191, 1899, pp. 35-79. 25. Parkin, J. On a Reserve Carbohydrate which produces Mannose, from the Bulb oiLilium. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc, 1900-1902, Vol. 11, pp. 139-142. 26. Parkin, J. The Carbohydrates of the Foliage Leaf of the Snowdrop {Galanthus nivalis), and their Bearing on the First Sugar Of Photosynthesis. Biochem. J., 1911, Vol. 6, pp. 1-47. 27. Priestley, J. H. Suberin and Cutin. N. Phytol., 1921, vol. 20, pp.17-29. 28. Robertson, R. A., Irvine, J. 0., and Dobson, M. B. A Polarimetric Study of the Sucroclastic Enzymes in Beta vulgaris. Biochem. J., 1909, Vol. 4, pp. 258-273. 29. Salko"Wski, B. Ueber die Darstellung des Xylans. Zs. physiol. Chem. 1901-2, Vol. 34, pp. 162-180. 30. SalkovTSki, B. Ueber das Verhalten des Arabans zu Fehling'scher Losung. Zs. physiol. Chem., 1902, Vol. 35, pp. 240-245. 31. Schryver, S. B., and Haynes, D. The Pectic Substances of Plants. Biochem. J., 1916, Vol. 10, pp. 539-547. 32. Schulze, E., Steiger, B., und Max-well, W. Zur Chemie der Pflanzen- zellmembranen. I. Abhandlung. Zs. physiol. Chem., 1890, Vol. 14, pp. 227-273. 33. Spoehr, H. A. The Carbohydrate Economy of Cacti. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, 1919, No. 287. 34. Tutin, P. The Behaviour of Pectin towards Alkalis and Pectase. Biochem. J., 1921, Vol. 15, pp. 494-497. CHAPTER VI THE VEGETABLE ACIDS Though the name "vegetable acids" might strictly be applied to all acids found in plants, it is, as a rule, restricted to certain acids and hydroxy-acids of the methane, ethylene and acetylene series. We may take first the acids of the methane series which biologically fall into two groups, the simpler members associated with fundamental metabolism and the more complex ones associated with fat formation. The first six members, at least, may be included among the vegetable acids in the narrow sense. They are liquids, readily volatile in steam, and several of them, without doubt, are closely involved in some of the most fundamental and important reactions of plant metabolism. In fact their relationships to certain of the amino-acids which are constituents of most proteins, cannot be too strongly emphasized. The higher members (with ten and more carbon atoms) are solids insoluble in water. The glycerol esters of certain of these higher members are important constituents of the plant fats and will be considered in the following chapter. The first six representatives of the series are : Acids of the methane series Corresponding amino-acids Formic acid H • COOH Acetic acid CH3 • COOH amino-acetic acid or glycine Propionic acid CH3 • CH2 * COOH amino-propionic acid or alanine Butyric acid CHg- CHg •CH2- COOH Valeric acid CH3 • CH2 ' CH2 * CH2 ' COOH amino-iso-valeric acid or valine Caproic acid CH3 • CH2 * CHg • CH2 • CH2 ' COOH amino-iso-caproic acid or leucine Formic acid can be obtained by submitting plants to steam distil- lation. This indicates that it probably exists in the free state in plants, though there is the possibility of its being formed from other substances during distillation. There is good evidence (Dobbin, 1), however, that it is present in the stinging hairs of the Nettle ( Urtica dioica). It is a liquid which is volatile with steam and can be readily reduced to formaldehyde with nascent hydrogen. o. 6 82 THE VEGETABLE ACIDS [ch. Expt. 79. Tests for formic acid. Make a solution of formic acid (1 c.c. acid : 100 c.c. water) and perform the following tests : {a) Acidify 10 c.c. with a few drops of strong hydrochloric acid and add a little magnesium powder. The formic acid will be reduced to formaldehyde. Filter and test for the latter by Schryver's test (see p. 39). (6) Neutralize a few c.c. of the solution with dilute caustic soda and add a few drops of 5 "/o mercuric chloride solution and heat. The mercuric salt is reduced to mercurous chloride which is precipitated, being insoluble. Expt. 80. Detection of formic acid in the Nettle (Urtica dioica). Take a strong filter-paper (about 10 cms. in diameter) of the best quality and soak it in a concen- trated solution of barium hydroxide. Allow the paper to dry in air, whereby the barium hydroxide is converted into carbonate. Take at least 200 Nettle leaves, and, with gloved hands, carefully blot both sides of the leaves between the folded paper. Break up the paper in about 40 c.c. of distilled water, warm and filter on the pump. Wash with 10 c.c. of hot water. To the filtrate containing barium formate add 0'5 gra. of glacial phosphoric acid and distil with a water condenser. Add about 20 drops of strong hydrochloric acid to the distillate and then magnesium powder. When hydrogen is no longer evolved, filter,and test for formaldehyde by Schryver's reaction. A positive result will be obtained. Acetic acid has been found to occur in plants, both in the free state and as salts and esters. Possibly, however, in some cases it may have arisen from the decomposition of other substances during distillation. Propionic acid has rarely been detected in plants. Butyric, isobutyric and caproic acids have been detected in a few plants. Isovaleric acid has been isolated from various plants, notably species of Valerian ( Valeriana). Esters of the above acids form important plant constituents since they are responsible for many fruit odours. Amyl acetate, for instance, occurs in the fruit of the Banana (Musa sapientum): amyl formate, acetate and caproate are probably present in the fruit of the Apple (Pyrus Malus), etc. Such compounds are frequently classed with the "essential oils" (see p. 108). The next group to be considered are the monohydroxy-acids of the methane series. Of these glycollic acid may be mentioned. GlycoUic acid, or hydroxy-acetic acid, CHg'OH'COOH, has been isolated from unripe fruit of the Grape and from the leaves of the Virginian Creeper (Ampelopsis hederacea). Also from the Sugar-cane (Saccharum ojfficinarum), the Lucerne (Medicago sativa) and the Tomato (Lycoper- sicum esculentum). Its relationship to the amino-acid, glycine (see p. 134), should be borne in mind. VI] THE VEGETABLE ACIDS 83 The dibasic acids of the methane series contain several important members : Dibasic acids Corresponding amino-acids Oxalic acid (C00H)2 Malonicacid CH2-(COOH)2 Succinic acid CH2 * CH2 * (C00H)2 amino-succinic or aspartic acid Glutaric acid CH2 ' CH2 * CH2 * (C00H)2 amino-glutaric or glutaminic acid Adipic acid CH2 • CH2 • CHg ' CH2 • (C00H)2 Oxalic acid occurs very frequently and widely distributed in plants, usually as the calcium salt, and apparently less frequently as the sodium and potassium salts. It has rarely been detected as the free acid. It is especially abundant in spp. of Oxalis, in the Rhubarb {Rheum Rhaponticum) and Sorrel (Rumeoo Acetosa). The calcium salt is precipitated on adding calcium acetate to a solution of the acid. Calcium oxalate is insoluble in acetic acid, but soluble in dilute mineral acids. Ea;pt. 81. Tests for oxalic acid. Take a 2% solution of oxalic acid, neutralize with caustic soda (or use a soluble oxalate) and make the following tests : (a) To 5 c.c. add a few drops of 5 % calcium chloride solution. A white pre- cipitate of calcium oxalate is formed. Divide the precipitate into two portions. To one add an equal quantity of strong acetic acid : the precipitate is insoluble even on heating. To the other add strong hydrochloric acid drop by drop : the precipitate is soluble. Hence the free acid can be precipitated with calcium acetate but not with calcium chloride. (6) To 5 c.c. add a few drops of 5 % lead acetate solution. A white precipitate of lead oxalate is formed. Add an equal quantity of strong acetic acid and warm ; the precipitate is insoluble. Ba:pt. 82. Preparation of calcium oxalate from leaves of the Sorrel (Rumex Acetosa). Take 100 gms. of fresh leaves of the Sorrel. Boil them in an evaporating dish with 200 c.c. of water and squeeze the boiled mass through linen. Boil the filtrate again and filter on a pump. Acidify the filtrate with acetic acid, and add a concentrated solution of calcium acetate until no more precipitate is formed. The precipitate cannot readily be filtered off" so that it should be allowed to settle for 12 hours. Then decant ofl:' the liquid and boil up the precipitate in the minimum amount of 10 ^/^ hydrochloric acid. On cooling, calcium oxalate will separate out in characteristic crystals. On examining under the microscope, these will be seen to be octahedra, giving the appearance of a square with a diagonal cross (envelope form). Leaves of Rhubarb {Rheum Rhaponticum) can also be used, taking about 250 gms. in 500 c.c. of water. It is stated that there is an enzyme widely distributed in plants (Staehelin, 3) which has the power of decomposing oxalic acid with the production of carbon dioxide. 6—2 84 THE VEGETABLE ACIDS [ ch. Malonic acid has been isolated from the Sugar Beet {Beta vulgariif var. Rapay, It forms insoluble calcium and lead salts. Succinic acid is probably widely distributed in plants. It has been isolated from the unripe Grape, from fruit of the Gooseberry, Currant, Apple and Banana, from Rhubarb {Rheum Rhaponticum), Greater Celandine {Chelidonium majus) and other plants. Succinic acid crystallizes well in rhombic prisms or plates. It is not very readily soluble in cold water, though more so in hot. Its salts with the alkali metals are readily soluble. Calcium succinate is deposited as acrystalline precipitate on adding calcium chloride to fairly concentrated solutions of the acid after neutrali- zation (or of a soluble succinate), but from a dilute solution it is not precipitated except on addition of alcohol. Barium succinate comes down as a crystalline precipitate even from dilute solutions. Ferric succinate is insoluble and its formation is used in the detection of the acid. The relationship of succinic acid to aspartic, or a-amino-succinic, acid which is an abundant constituent of many proteins (see p. 134) should be noted. Expt. 83. Tests for succinic acid. A. Take a 1 % solution of succinic acid> neutralize with caustic soda (or use a soluble succinate) and make the following tests : (a) To 5 c.c, add a few drops of 5 ^q calcium chloride solution. A slight precipitate is formed, especially on rubbing the sides of the tube with a rod. To another 5 c.c. add again calcium chloride solution followed by an equal volume of 96 % alcohol. A white precipitate of calcium succinate is formed. (6) To 5 c.c. add a few drops of 5 % barium chloride solution. A crystalline precipitate of barium succinate is formed and, again, its appearance is hastened by rubbing the sides of the tube. (c) To 5 c.c. add a few drops of 5 7o lead acetate solution. A white precipitate of lead succinate is formed. Add an equal quantity of strong acetic acid. The pre- cipitate is soluble. {d) To 10 c.c. add about 1-2 c.c. of 5% ferric chloride solution. A red-brown gelatinous precipitate of ferric succinate is formed. Filter oflf the precipitate, wash well and boil with about 20 c.c. of dilute ammonia. Filter off the ferric hydroxide, and to the filtrate, after boiling off any excess of ammonia, add 5 % barium chloride solution. A crystalline precipitate of barium succinate is formed. This test con- stitutes a method for identifying succinic acid. B. Make a cold concentrated solution of succinic acid, neutralize (or use a soluble succinate) and add 5 ^Jq calcium chloride solution. A crystalline precipitate of calcium succinate will separate out. Its appearance may be hastened by rubbing or shaking. 1 It should be noted that an exceptionally large number of chemical substances have been isolated from the Sugar Beet on account of their accumulation in the waste products from sugar manufacture. There is little doubt that the same substances could be isolated from other plants if sufficient quantity of material were employed. Yi] THE VEGETABLE ACIDS 85 Glutaric and adipic acids have been detected in extracts from the root of the Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris var. Rapa). It is probable that they also occur in other plants. The relationship of glutaric acid to glutaminic acid is important (see p. 134). Of the monohydroxy-dibasic acids, malic acid is the best known. Malic acid. It should be noted that in constitution malic acid is a hydroxy -succinic acid. It is widely distributed in plants, being found in many fruits, such as those of the Apple, Pear, Cherry, etc. ; also in leaves and vegetative parts, especially in some succulents (Crassulaceae, Mesembryq^nthemum). Malic acid crystallizes in colourless needles which are very deli- quescent and hence difficult to obtain. Its salts with the alkali metals are soluble. Calcium malate is only precipitated from a very concentrated solution of the acid (after neutralization) or of a soluble malate. Very few well-defined tests can be made for malic acid. Bxpt. 84. Tests for malic acid. A. Take a 2 o/q solution of malic acid, neutralize with caustic soda (or use a soluble malate) and make the following tests : («) Add a few drops of 5 o/o calcium chloride solution. No precipitate is formed, but the addition of an equal volume of 96 o/q alcohol will bring down a precipitate of calcium malate. (6) Add a few drops of 5 % lead acetate solution. A white precipitate of lead malate is formed. Add a little acetic acid and warm. The precipitate dissolves. B. Heat a little solid malic acid in a dry test-tube. It melts and then gives oflf fumes of maleic acid which condense in white crystals on the cooler parts of the tube. Expt. 85. Preparation of malic acid from apples. Take six apples (total weight from 500-700 gms.). Cut them into thin slices and drop the slices as quickly as possible into the minimum amount of boiling alcohol in a conical flask. In this way the oxidizing enzymes are destroyed, and brown oxidation products are avoided. After well boiling, filter through paper. Neutralize the filtrate to litmus with sodium hydroxide solution, and add concentrated calcium chloride solution until a precipitate ceases to be formed. Allow the precipitate of calcium malate to settle and then add alternately a few drops of calcium chloride solution and a little alcohol to ensure complete precipitation. Decant, and filter off the calcium malate. Dissolve the malate in the minimum amount of hot water, filter and add concentrated lead acetate solution until a precipitate of lead malate ceases to be formed. Filter off the lead malate, suspend it in a minimum amount of water, and pass in sulphuretted hydrogen until the malate is decomposed. Filter and concen- trate in a crystallizing dish on a water-bath. Crystals of malic acid are deposited. Test as in Expt. 84. 86 THE VEGETABLE ACIDS [ch. Of the dihydroxy-dibasic acids, tartaric acid is the best known. It should be noted that tartaric acid is dihydroxy-succinic acid. Thus the three acids are related as follows: Succinic acid COOPI • CHg • CHg ' COOH Malic acid COOH -CHOH 'CHa 'COOH Tartaric acid COOH • CHOH • CHOH • COOH Tartaric acid is widely distributed in plants, often in the form of the calcium or potassium salts. It occurs in many fruits, as for instance, those of the Grape (Vitis vinifera), Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum). Mountain Ash (Pyrus Aucuparia) and Pineapple {Ananas sativus); it has also been detected in the leaves and vegetative parts of many plants. Tartaric acid is easily soluble in water from which it crystallizes in colour- less prisms. Calcium tartrate is only slightly soluble in cold water, though more so in hot. On adding calcium chloride to a soluble tartrate, calcium tartrate is precipitated, more or less rapidly according to the strength of the solution, and sometimes as a crystalline precipitate. The crystals may occur as characteristic rhombic prisms with octahedral faces or as needles. The precipitate is soluble in acetic acid. The acid potassium salt of tartaric acid is soluble with difficulty in water and hejice is used in identification of the acid. Racemic acid, which is a combination of dextro- and laevo-tartaric acids, is also found in certain varieties of the Grape. Calcium racemate is insoluble in acetic acid. It is soluble in hydrochloric acid from which it separates out rapidly in a crystalline state on neutralizing with ammonia (tartrate only separates slowly). Expt. 86. Tests for tartaric acid. A. Take a 1 % solution of tartaric acid, neutralize with caustic soda (or use a soluble tartrate) and make the following tests r (a) Add a few drops of 5 % calcium chloride solution. A white precipitate of calcium tartrate is formed. Add an equal volume of glacial acetic acid and warm ; the precipitate dissolves. (6) Add a few drops of 5 % lead acetate solution. A white precipitate of lead tartrate is formed. Add acetic acid and warm ; the precipitate dissolves. (c) To 2-3 c.c. in a test-tube add a few drops of ferrous sulphate solution. Place the test-tube in a beaker of cold water, and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide followed by an excess of caustic soda solution. A deep violet or blue colour is obtained. The colour is due to the formation of dihydroxymaleic acid and the reaction of this with the ferric salt present. {d) To one drop of tartrate add 2 drops of a 2 % solution of resorcinol and then 3 c.c. of strong sulphuric acid. Heat gently. A rose colour is formed which deepens to a violet-red. VI] THE VEGETABLE ACIDS 87 B. Take 2-3 cm. of a strong solution of tartaric acid, acidify with glacial acetic acid and add a little potassium acetate solution. A white crystalline precipitate of potassium hydrogen tartrate will be formed. Expt. 87. Identification of tartaric acid in grapes. Take 150-200 gms. of unripe gi-apes (early July) and boil them well with the minimum amount of water in an evaporating dish. As they soften they should be well stirred and crushed. Then filter and squeeze the mass through strong linen. Neutralize the filtrate with caustic soda, heat to boiling and filter on a pump. Cool the filtrate, and add 2-3 c.c. of saturated calcium chloride solution. Allow the mixture to stand for 24 hours. A crystalline precipitate will separate out. Under the microscope this will be seen to consist of needles and octahedra. The needles are a double salt of ci?-tartaric and ^-malic acid (Ordonneau, 2) ; the octahedra consist either of tartaric acid or racemic acid or a mixture of both. Filter off" this precipitate and heat in 50 ^Jq acetic acid. The double salt and the tartaric acid will dissolve, but octahedra of racemic acid (if present) will remain undissolved. Filter and make the following tests with the filtrate : (a) Add to a small quantity in a test-tube, resoreinol and sulphuric acid as in Expt. 86 A{d); a positive result is given. (6) Evaporate down the remainder on a water-bath and add potassium acetate and acetic acid as in Expt. 86 ^ ; potassium hydrogen tartrate crystallizes out. If octahedra are left undissolved after treating with 50% acetic acid, racemic acid is present. Heat this residue with dilute hydrochloric acid. It will go into solution. Neutralize a portion with ammonia, and the acid will crystallize out at once. Test another portion with resoreinol as in (a) ; a positive result will be given. Of the tribasic acids, citric acid, C3H4 • OH * (C00H)3, is the most important. Citric acid occurs in large quantities in fruits of the genus Citrus, i.e. in the Orange, Lime, Lemon, etc. Also in many other fruits, such as the Gooseberry, Currant, Tomato, etc. Expt. 88. Tests for citric acid. A. Take a 1 % solution of citric acid, neutralize it with caustic soda (or use a soluble citrate) and make the following tests : (a) Add 5 o/^ calcium chloride solution. No precipitate is given. Heat to boiling and a white precipitate of calcium citrate is formed. Calcium citrate is soluble in cold water but insoluble in hot water. (6) Add 5 «/o lead acetate solution. A white precipitate of lead citrate is formed. Add an equal quantity of acetic acid and warm : the precipitate is soluble. B. Take 5 c.c. of a 2 % solution of citric acid and add 3 c.c. of Denig^s' reagent (prepared by dissolving with the aid of heat 1 gm. of mercuric oxide in a mixture of 4 c.c. of strong sulphuric acid and 20 c.c. of distilled water). Boil, and add a 2 % solution of potassium permanganate drop by drop. The permanganate is at first decolorized, but, on further cautious addition, the colour persists. Finally the liquid becomes turbid and a white precipitate forms. This is due to a mercury compound of acetone-dicarboxylic acid, resulting from the oxidation of citric acid by the per- manganate. 88 THE VEGETABLE ACIDS [ch. vi C. Heat gently a few crystals of citric acid for some time with an equal weight of resorcinol and a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. Add excess of alkali ; the solution shows a fine blue fluorescence due to the presence of a product, resocyan. Expt. 89. Preparation of citric acid from lemons. Squeeze the juice from three lemons and filter through muslin. Measure the volume of the juice, and add strong caustic soda solution, carefully, until the reaction is slightly alkaline. Filter and for every 10 c.c. of juice, add 5 c.c. of a 10% solution of calcium chloride. No precipitate is formed. Now heat to boiling and a copious precipitate of calcium citrate is formed. Filter off, while hot, on a filter-pump, wash with a little boiling water, drain well and dry in the air. Weigh and add the requisite amount of sulphuric acid (1 gm. of citrate=15 c.c. of normal sulphuric acid). Allow the mixture to stand for a short time, filter and concentrate the filtrate in a glass dish on a water bath. Crystals of citric acid separate out on concentrating considerably. (If, for any reason, insufficient sulphuric acid has been added, some calcium citrate may separate out first on con- centrating. If so, add a few drops of sulphuric acid, filter and continue to concen- trate.) Drain off the citric acid on a filter-pump, dissolve in water and make the tests in Expt. 88. The acids of the ethylene series have not as yet been very widely detected. Fumaric acid, COOH • CH = CH * COOH, occurs in the Fumariaceae (Fumaria, Corydalis) and Papaveraceae (Glaucium). Aconitic acid, COOH • CH^ * C • COOH • CH • COOH, is found in the Monkshood (Aconitum) and other genera of the Ranimculaceae. The best known acid of the acetylene series is sorbic acid, found in berries of the Mountain Ash {Pyrus Aucuparia). REFERENCES 1. Bobbin, L. On the Presence of Formic Acid in the Stinging Hairs of the Nettle. Proc. Roy. Soc, Edinburgh, 1920, Vol. 39, pp. 137-142. 2. Ordonneau, Ch. De I'acidit^ des raisins verts et de la preparation de I'acide malique. Bull, de la soc. ckim., 1891, Vol. 6, pp. 261-264. 3. Staebelin, M. Die RoUe der Oxalsaure in der Pflanze. Enzymatischer Abbau des Oxalations. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1919, Vol. 96, pp. 1-49. CHAPTER VII FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES A FAT may be defined as an ester or glyceride of a fatty acid. Just as an inorganic salt, such as sodium chloride, is formed by the reaction of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide, so a fat is formed by the reaction of the trihydric alcohol, glycerol, and a fatty acid. The word fat is not a familiar one in botanical literature, the term oil being more commonly used. It is generally met with in connexion with the reserve products of seeds. The oils of seeds are, however, true fats. The term oil may be misleading to some extent, because a fat which is liquid at ordinary temperatures is usually spoken of as an oil, and yet there are also many other substances, of widely differing chemi- cal composition, which have the physical properties of oils, and which are known as such. Most of the vegetable fats are liquid at ordinary temperatures but some are solids. The best-known series of acids from which fats are formed is the series CnHgnOa of which formic acid is the first member. The other members of the series are: Formic acid ^ Acetic acid Propionic acid ^ Butyric acid Valeric acid 1 Caproic acid (Enanthylic acid 1 Caprylic acid Pelargonic acid ^ Capric acid Undecylic acid 1 Laurie acid Tridecylic acid H-COOH CH3-C00H CaHs-COOH CsHr-COOH C4H,-C00H C5Hn • COOH CeHis-COOH C7H15 • COOH CgHn-COOH CgHig-COOH CioHgi-COOH CnHsa'COOH CiaHae-COOH 1 Myristic acid Isocetic acid 1 Palmitic acid Daturic acid 1 Stearic acid Nonadecylic acid 1 Arachidic acid 1 Behenic acid 2 Lignoceric acid] 2 Carnaiibic acidj Hyaenic acid 2 Cerotic acid 2 Melissic acid C13H27 • G14H29 CisHsi C17H35 C18H37 C19H39 C21H43 C23H47 C24H49 C25H61 CtMriKQ COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH COOH 1 Occur in fats. Occur in waxes. 90 FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES [ch. Another series is the oleic or acrylic series CnHgn-aOa of which the members are: Tiglic acid CsHyOa Oleic acid C18H34O2 Elaidic acid C18H34O2 Iso-oleic acid C18H34O2 Erucic acid C22H42O2 Brassidic acid C22H42O2 Of these, oleic acid (as glyceride) is the most widely distributed. Yet other series are: The linolic CnH2„_402 The linolenic C„H2,i_602 The clupanodonic C„H2„_802 The ricinoleic C„H2„_203 The fat which occurs in an oil-containing seed is not composed of the glyceride of one acid, but is a mixture of the glycerides of several, or even a large number of different acids, often members from more than one of the above series. Thus the fat of the fruit of the Coconut (Cocos nucifera) consists of a mixture of the glycerides of caproic, caprylic, Capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic and oleic acids. Linseed oil from the seeds of Linum usitatissimmn again, is a mixture of the glycerides of palmitic, myristic, oleic, linolic, lin"6lenic and isolinolenic acids. Similar mixtures are found in other fruits and seeds. Since glycerol is a trihydric alcohol, it would be possible for one or more of the three hydroxyls to react with the acid to form mono-, di- or tri-glycerides. All these cases occur and, sometimes, one hydroxyl is replaced by one acid, and another hydroxyl by a different acid. When the distribution of fats among the flowering plants is con- sidered, they are found to be more w^idely distributed than the botanist is generally led to suppose. The following is a list of some of the plants especially rich in fats as reserve material in the fruits or seeds. It represents only a selection of the better known genera, since many other plants have fatty seeds. An approximate percentage of oil present in the fruit or seed is given. Gramineae: Maize {Zea Mays) 4 7o- Palmaceae : Oil Palm {Elaeis guinensis) 62 "/^^ : Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) 65 7o- Juglandaceae : Walnut (Juglans regia) 52 Yo- Betulaceae: Hazel {Gorylus AvelUma) 55 "/o- Moraceae : Hemp {Cannabis sativa) 33 7o- Papaveraceae : Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) 47 ^/o- VII] FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES 91 Cruciferae : Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) 25 "/o : Black Mustard (Sinapis nigra) 20 7o : White Mustard {Sinapis alba) 25 7o : Colza (Brassica rapa var. oleifera) 33 7o : Rape (Brassica napus) 42 Yo- Rosaceae : Almond {Prunus Amygdalus) 42 7o '- Peach (P. Persica) 35 Vo : Cherry (P. Gerasus) 35 Vo ; Plum (P. domestica) 27 7„. Linaceae : Flax (Linum usitatissimum) 20-40 °/o- Euphorbiaceae : Castor-oil (Ricinus communis) 51 Vo* Malvaceae: Cotton {Gossypium herhaceum) 24%- Sterculiaceae : Cocoa (Theobroma Gacao) 54 Yo- Lecy thidaceae : Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa) 68 "/o- Oleaceae: OMve {Glea euroimea) 20-1 0^1 q-. Ash (Fraooinus excelsior) 27%. Rubiaceae: Coffee (Goffea arabica) 12*'/o- Cucurbitaceae: Pumpkin (Gucurbita Pepo) 41 °/o- Compositae: Sunflower {Helianthus annuus) 38 "/o- The conclusion must not be drawn from the above list that the seeds of the plants mentioned have exclusively fats as reserve materials. In many cases fat may be the chief reserve product, but in others it may be accompanied by either starch or protein or both. Some of the best-known examples of fat-containing seeds which yield "oils" of great importance in commerce, medicine, etc., are Ricinus (castor oil), Brassica (colza oil), Gossypium (cotton-seed oil), Gocos (coconut oil), Elaeis (palm oil), Glea (olive oil). In the plant the fats are present as globules in the cells of the fat- containing tissues. Plant fats may vary from liquids, through soft solids, to wax-like solids which generally have low melting-points. They float upon water in which they are insoluble. They are soluble in ether, petrol ether, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, carbon bisulphide, etc.: some are soluble in alcohol. With osmic acid fats give a black colour, and they turn red with Alkanet pigment which they take into solution. Expt. 90. Tests for fats. Weigh out 50 gms. of Linseed {Linum usitatissimum) and grind in a cofFee-mill. Put the linseed meal into a flask, cover with ether, cork and allow the mixture to stand for 2-12 hrs. Filter off the ether into a flask, fit with a condenser and distil off the ether over an electric heater. (If a heater is not avail- able, distil from a water-bath of boiling water after the flame has been turned out.) When the bulk of the ether is distilled off", pour the residue into an evaporating dish on a water-bath and drive off the rest of the ether. With the residue make the following tests in test-tubes : (a) Try the solubilities of the oil in water, petrol ether, alcohol and chloroform It is insoluble in water and alcohol, but soluble in petrol ether and chloroform. 92 FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES [ch. (6) Add a little 1 o/o solution of osmic acid. A black colour is formed. (This re- action is employed for the detection of fat in histological sections.) (c) Add to the oil a small piece of Alkanet (Anchusa ojicinalis) root, and warm gently on a water-bath. The oil will be coloured red. Divide the oil into two portions in test-tubes. To one add a little water, to the other alcohol. The coloured oil will rise to the surface of the water in one case, and sink below the alcohol in the other. The Alkanet pigment being insoluble in both water and alcohol, these liquids remain uncoloured. Keep some of the linseed oil for Expt. 91. It is well known that the hydrocarbons of the unsaturated ethylene series CJi^n will combine directly with the halogens, chlorine, bromine and iodine to give additive compounds, thus: C2H4-|-Br2 = C2H4Br2 ethylene bromide The acids of this series also behave in the same way, and since many plant fats contain members of the series, the fats will also combine with the halogens. FxpL 91, To show the presence of unsaturated groups in a fat. To a little of the linseed extract add bromine water. Note the disappearance of the bromine and the formation of a solid product. . One of the most important chemical reactions of fats is that known as saponification. When a fat is heated with an alkaline hydroxide the following reaction takes place : CnHgsCO-O— CHg I C17H35CO • O— CH +3K0H =3Ci7H35COOK+CH20H • CHOH • CHgOH I glycerol CnHssCOO— CH2 tristearin The potassium salt, potassium stearate, of the fatty acid, stearic acid, is termed a soap. The ordinary soaps used for washing are mixtures of such alkali salts of the various fatty acids occurring in vegetable and animal fats, and are manufactured on a large scale by saponifying fats with alkali. The soaps are soluble in water, so that when a fat is heated with a solution of caustic alkali, the final product is a solution of soap, glycerol and excess of alkali. The soap is insoluble in saturated salt (sodium chloride) solution, and when such a solution is added to the saponified mixture, the soap separates out and rises to the surface of the liquid. This process is known as "salting out." If the saponified mixture is allowed to cool without salting out, it sets to a jelly-like substance. When caustic potash is used for saponification and the product is allowed to set, a ''soft" soap is formed. Hard soaps are prepared by using caustic soda and salting out. VII] FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES 93 The properties of soaps in solution are important. When a soap goes into solution, hydrolysis takes place to a certain extent with the for- mation of free fatty acid and free alkali. The free fatty acid then forms an acid salt with the unhydrolyzed soap. This acid salt gives rise to an opalescent solution and lowers the surface tension of the water with the result that a lather is readily formed. The property of soaps of lowering surface tension is the reason for their producing very stable emulsions when added to oil and water (see chapter on colloids, p. 12). Expt. 92. Hydrolysis of fat with alkali. Take 12 Brazil nuts, the seeds of Berthol- letia (Lecythidaceae). Crack the seed coats and pound the kernels in a mortar. Put the pounded nut in a flask, cover it with ether, and allow the mixture to stand for 2-12 hrs. Filter into a weighed or counterpoised flask and divstil off the ether as in Expt. 90. Weigh the oil roughly and add 4-5 times its weight of alcoholic caustic soda (prepared by dissolving caustic soda in about twice its weight of water and mixing the solution with twice its volume of alcohol). Heat on a water-bath until no oil can be detected when a drop of the mixture is let fall into a beaker of water. Then add saturated sodium chloride solution. The soaps will rise to the surface. Allow the soaps to separate out for a time and then filter. Press the soap dry with filter-paper, and test a portion to see that it will make a lather. Neutralize the filtrate from the soap with hydrochloric acid and evaporate as nearly as possible to dryness on a water-bath. Extract the residue with alcohol and filter. Test the filtrate for glycerol by means of the following tests : {a) To a Uttle of the solution add a few drops of copper sulphate solution and then some sodium hydroxide. A blue solution is obtained owing to the fact that glycerol prevents the precipitation of cupric hydroxide. (6) Treat about 5 c.c. of a 0*5 % solution of borax with suflBcient of a 1 7o solution of phenolphthalein to produce a well-marked red colour. Add some of the glycerol solution (which has first been made neutral by adding acid) drop by drop until the red colour just disappears. Boil the solution : the colour returns. The reaction is probably explained thus. Sodium borate is slightly hydrolyzed in solution and boric acid, being a weak acid, is only feebly ionized, and therefore the solution is alkaline. On adding glycerol, glyceroboric acid (which is a strong acid) is formed and so the reaction changes to acid. On heating, the glyceroboric acid is hydrolyzed to glycerol and boric acid, and the solution again becomes alkaline. (c) Heat a drop or two with solid potassium hydrogen sulphate in a dry test-tube ; the pungent odour of acrolein (acrylic aldehyde) should be noted,: C3H803=C2H3-CHO-f-2H20. In addition to Brazil nuts, the following material can also be used : endosperm of Coconut, ground linseed, almond kernels and shelled seeds of the Castor-oil plant (Ricinus): about 50 gms. should be taken in each case. 94 FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES [ch. Expt. 93. ReactioTis of soaps, (a) Take some of the soap which has been filtered off and shake up with water in a test-tube. A lather should be formed. (6) Make a solution of a little of the soap in a test-tube and divide it into three parts. To each add respectively a little barium chloride, calcium chloride and lead acetate solutions. The insoluble barium, calcium and lead salts will be precipitated. (The curd which is formed in the case of soap and hard water is the insoluble calcium salt.) Thirdly, take the remainder of the soap and acidify it with dilute acid in an evaporating dish, and warm a little on a water-bath. The soap is decomposed and the fatty acids are set free and rise to the surface. JExpt. 94. Reactions of fatty acids, (a) Try the solubilities in ether and alcohol of the acids from the previous experiment. They are soluble, (b) Shake an alcoholic solution of the fatty acids with dilute bromine water. The colour of the bromine is discharged owing to the bromine forming additive compounds with the unsaturated acids. The question of the metabolism of fats in the plant is a very com- plicated one and has not yet been satisfactorily investigated. All plants may have the power of synthesizing fats, and a great number, as we have seen, contain large stores of these compounds in the tissues of the embryo, or endosperm, or both. The point of interest is that of tracing the processes by which these fats are synthesized, and are again hydro- lyzed and decomposed. The products of decomposition may serve for the synthesis of other more vital compounds as the embryo develops, and before it is able to synthesize the initial carbohydrates, and to absorb the salts requisite for general plant metabolism. One fact seems fairly clear, namely that when fat-containing seeds germinate, an enzyme is present in the tissues which has the power of hydrolyzing fats with the formation of fatty acids and glycerol. Such enzymes are termed lipases. The lipase which has been most investigated is that which occurs in the seeds of the Castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis). It has been shown that if the germinating seeds are crushed and allowed to auto- lyze (p. 20) in the presence of an antiseptic, the amount of fatty acid increases, whereas in a control experiment in which the enzyme has been destroyed by heat, no such increase takes place (Reynolds Green, 13, 14). Investigation has shown the enzyme to be present also in the resting seed, but in an inactive condition as a so-called zymogen (Armstrong, 4, 5, 6, 7). The zymogen is considered to be a salt and, after acidifica- tion with weak acid, the salt is decomposed, and the enzyme becomes active. After the preliminary treatment with acid, however, the enzyme is most active in neutral solution. The effect of acid on the zymogen VII] FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES 95 may be demonstrated by autolyzing the crushed seed with a little dilute acetic acid; the increase of acidity will be found to be much greater l-han in the case of a control, experiment in which acid has not been added. It has not been found possible to extract the enzyme from the resting seed. An active material can be obtained by digesting the residue, after extraction of the fat, with dilute acetic acid and finally washing with water. This material can then be used for testing the hydrolytic power of the enzyme on various fats. There is little doubt that lipase catalyzes the synthesis of fats as well as the hydrolysis; the reaction, in fact, has been carried out to a certain extent in vitro. Expt. 95. Demonstration of the existence of lipase in ungerminated Ricinus seeds. A . Remove the testas from about two dozen Ricinus seeds and pound the kernels up in a mortar. Into three small flasks («), {h) and (c), put the following: {a) 2 gms. of pounded seed + 10 c.c. of water. (6) 2 gms. of pounded seed + 10 c.c. of water + 2 c.c. of N/10 acetic acid. (c) 2 gms. of pounded seed + 10 c.c. of water + 2 c.c. of N/10 acetic acid, and boil well. Add a few drops of chloroform to all three flasks, plug them with cotton-wool, and allow them to incubate for 12 hours at 37° C. Then add 2 c.c. of N/10 acetic acid to flask (a), and 25 c.c. of alcohol to all three flasks. Titrate the fatty acids present with N/10 alkali, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. A greater amount of fat should be hydrolyzed in (6) than in (a), and also slightly more in {a) than in (c). The addition of alcohol checks the hydrolytic dissociation of the soap formed on titration. B. Pound up about 15 gms. of Ricinus seeds which have been freed from their testas, and let the pounded mass stand with ether for 12 hrs. Then filter, wash with ether and dry the residue. Weigh out three lots, of 2 gms. each, of the fat-free meal and treat as follows : (a) Grind up the 2 gms. of meal in a mortar with 16 c.c. of N/10 acetic acid (i.e. 8 c.c. of acid to 1 gm. of meal), and let it stand for about 15 minutes. Then wash well with water to free from acid, and transfer the residue to a small flask. Add 5 c.c. of castor oil, 2 c.c. of water and a few drops of chloroform. {h) Treat the 2 gms. of meal as in (a), but, after washing, and before transferring to the flask, boil well with a little distilled water. Add 5 c.c. of oil, 2 c.c. of water and a few drops of chloroform. (c) Put the 2 gms. of meal into the flask without treatment and then add 5 c.c. of oil, 2 c.c. of water and a few drops of chloroform. Incubate all three flasks for 12 hours, and then titrate with N/10 caustic soda, after addition of alcohol as in ^. A certain amount of acetic acid is always retained by the seed residue, and this is ascertained from the value for flask (6). Flask (c) will act as the control. 96 FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES [ch. Another question to be considered is the mode of synthesis in the plant of the complex fatty acids which form the components of the fats. No conclusive work has been done in this direction, but many investi-; gators have held the view that the fats arise from carbohydrates, notably the sugars. In fact, it has been shown that in Paeonia and Ricinus, as the seeds mature, carbohydrates disappear and fats are formed. The sequence of events, however, in the synthesis of fatty acids from sugars is very obscure. If we examine the formulae, respectively, of a hexose : CH2OH CHOH CHOH -CHOH -CHOH CHO and a fatty acid, e.g. myristic acid : H3C — CH2 * CH2 ' CH2 ' CH2 ' CH2 * CH2 * CH2 * CH2 ' CH2 ' CH2 ' CH2 * CH2 ' COOH it is seen that three main changes are concerned in the synthesis of such a fatty acid from sugar, i.e. reduction of the hydroxyl groups of the sugar, conversion of the aldehyde group into an acid group, and finally the condensation or linking together of chains of carbon atoms. An inter- esting fact in connexion with this point is that all naturally occurring fatty acids have a straight, and not a branched, carbon chain and also contain an even, and not an odd, number of carbon atoms. It has been suggested (Smedley, etc., 15-17) that acetaldehyde and a ketonic acid, pyruvic acid, may be formed from sugar. By condensation of aldehyde and acid, another aldehyde is formed with two more carbon atoms. By repetition of the process, with final reduction, fatty acids with straight chains are produced. WAXES Waxes differ from fats in that they are esters of fatty acids with alcohols of high molecular weight of the methane series in place of glycerol. Such alcohols are cetyl alcohol, CigHgaOH, carnaiibyl alcohol, C24H49OH, ceryl alcohol, CaeHggOH, and melissyl (or myricyl) alcohol, CgoHeiOH, etc. Waxes occur as a deposit on the leaves, fruits and stems of many plants: they constitute, for instance, the "bloom" on the Grape, the Plum and the leaves of Aloe, Mesembryanthemum, etc., though they rarely occur in sufficient quantity to be readily collected. Nevertheless, the waxes of various plants have been isolated and analysed. The following are well known since they occur in considerable amounts: Carnatiba wax is produced by the leaves of a Brazilian Palm (Gopernicia cerifera). The leaves are detached and beaten, and the particles of wax collected and melted. About 2000-4000 leaves produce 16 kilos of wax. VII] FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES 97 Palm wax is obtained from the stem of the Wax Palm (Ceroxylon andicolum), a native of the Andes, and Raphia wax from the leaves of another palm {Raphia Ruffia). Pisang wax is produced by the leaves of a variety of the Banana {Musa Cera). Waxes from different plants contain mixtures of various esters, of which the component alcohols have been mentioned above. The most commonly occurring acids are myristic, lignoceric, carnatibic, cerotic and melissic acids (see p. 89). Expt. 96. Tests for wax. Take some commercial carnaiiba wax and make the following experiments : (a) Warm a small piece with alcohol in a test-tube. It goes into solution and separates out on cooling as a white crystalline deposit. Examine the crystals under the microscope. (6) Warm a small piece with ether. It is soluble. (c) Heat a small piece of wax with solid potassium hydrogen sulphate in a test- tube. There is no smell of acrolein, since glycerol is absent [see Expt. 92 (c)]. Phytosterols or Plant Sterols. These substances are unsaturated monohydric alcohols of high molecular weight of which the structural formulae are unknown. They are probably present in all parts of plants but the members most fully investigated have chiefly been obtained from seeds. The sterols are always found accompanying vegetable fats, and this connection is ac- centuated by the fact that they are soluble in the solvents used in fat extraction. When the fat is saponified, the sterols remain unaltered and are said to form the "unsaponifiable residue" of fats. Various sterols have been isolated from different plants: many are isomeric and a usual formula is C27H45OH. One of the best defined sterols is sitosterol which occurs in the grain of the Wheat {Triticum vulgare) and Rye (Secale cereale): also in seeds of the Flax (Linum usitatissimum) and the Calabar Bean {Physostigma venenosum). Expt. 97. Detection of sterol in the grain of the Wheat. Weigh out 300 gms. of grains and grind them in a coffee mill. Add 350 c.c. of ether to the ground mass in a flask, and allow it to stand for 24 hrs. Filter the extract through a pad of asbestos or glass wool in a funnel. Then wash the residue with another 150 c.c. of ether and filter. The ether extract is then saponified with sodium ethylate which is prepared as follows. Weigh out 2 gms. of metallic sodium, cut it into small pieces and add it slowly to 20 c.c. of 96-98% alcohol. When it has dissolved, add the solution of sodium ethylate to the ether extract in a separating funnel, shake well and allow the mixture to stand for at least 24 hours. Saponification takes place in the cold, and soap separates out. Filter, and shake up the filtrate several times with water in a o. 7 98 FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES [ch. separating funnel to remove alkali. Then evaporate off the ether in an evaporating basin on a water-bath after turning out the flame. Dissolve the unsaponifiable residue in a small quantity of hot 96-98 ^/o alcohol and cool. A crystalline deposit of sterol will separate out. Examine under the microscope and note the elongated six-sided plates. Make 5 c.c. of a chloroform solution of some of the unsaponifiable residue and test for sterols as follows : {a) To 2 c,c. of the chloroform extract add 2 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid. The chloroform layer develops a reddish-yellow to blood-red colour according to the amount of sterol present. The sulphuric acid layer shows a very characteristic green fluorescence. Pipette off the chloroform into a basin ; it shows a play of colours, blue, green and yellow due to absorption of water. (6) To 2 c.c. of the chloroform extract add 20 drops of acetic anhydride and then concentrated sulphuric acid drop by drop. A violet-pink colour appears which later changes to blue and green. Lecithins. These substances are probably present in all living cells. True (pure) lecithin can be isolated from the animal, but preparations from the plant have hitherto always been mixtures with other substances. Various plant lecithins with such impurities have been isolated from seeds of the Wheat (Triticum vulgare), Castor-oil Plant {Ricinus com- munis), Pea (Pisum sativum), Lupin (Lupinus) and others: also from leaves of the Horse Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum) and root of the Carrot {Daucus Carota). Lecithin is a complex substance in which one hydroxyl of the glycerol of a fat forms an ester with phosphoric acid, the latter being also combined with the base, choline (see p. 170). CHg • OOC • R I CH -OOCR i CH2— o I HO— P = 0 / o / C2H4 N = (CH3)3 OH Lecithins are yellowish wax-like substances which, on exposure to air, rapidly darken and become brown. They are hydrolysed by boiling with alkalies with the production of glycero-phosphoric acid, fatty acids and VII] FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES 99 choline. The same decomposition is effected by lipase. An enzyme, glycerophosphatase, which decomposes glycero-phosphoric acid into phosphoric acid and glycerol has been shown to be present in bran and the seed of the Castor-oil Plant {Ricinus communis). Unlike lipase it is soluble in water (Plimmer, 12). Expt. 98. Tests for lecithin. With commercial lecithin make the following tests : (a) Test its solubility in ether, chloroform, benzene and carbon disulphide. It is soluble in all these solvents. To the ether solution add acetone ; the lecithin is pre- cipitated. {b) Boil a little lecithin with alcohol in a test-tube. It is soluble. (c) To the alcoholic solution from (6), add an alcoholic solution of cadmium chloride. A white precipitate of a double salt of lecithin and cadmium chloride separates out. Filter this oflf and test its solubilities in chloroform, benzene, etc. It is soluble. The double cadmium salt has been employed in the preparation and purification of lecithin. (d) Heat a little lecithin with some strong caustic soda solution in a test-tube. Trimethylamine is evolved which can be detected by its smell. Acidify, and the fatty acids will separate out. (e) Test for phosphoric acid in the following way. Weigh out 0*1 gm. of lecithin a,nd mix it well with 1*4 gm. of potassium nitrate and 0*6 gm. of sodium carbonate. Incinerate the mixture in a porcelain crucible until it is coloiu-less. Then dissolve the residue in the minimum amount of hot water, neutralize with hydrochloric acid, acidify with a few drops of concentrated nitric acid and pour the solution into an equal volume of boiling 3 % ammonium molybdate solution. A yellow precipitate of ammonium phosphomolybdate is produced, REFERENCES Books 1. Abderhalden, E. Biochemisches Handlexikon, in. Berlin, 1911. 2. Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol. 2. London, 1910. 3. Leathes, J. B. The Fats. London, 1910. 4. Le'wko'witsch, J. Chemical Technology and Analysis of Oils, Fats and Waxes. 6th ed. London, 1921. 5. Maclean, H. Lecithin and allied Substances. The Lipins. London, 1918. Papers 6. Armstrong, H. B. Studies on Enzyme Action. Lipase. Froc. R. Soc, 1905, B Vol. 76, pp. 606-608. 7. Armstrong, H. E., and Ormerod, B. Studies on Enzyme Action. Lipase. II. Proc. R. Soc, 1906, B Vol. 78, pp. 376-385. 8. Armstrong, H. B., and Gosney, H. W. Studies on Enzyme Action. Lipase. III. Proc. R. Soc, 1913, B Vol. 86, pp. 586-600. 9. Armstrong, H. E., and Gosney, H. W. Studies on Enzyme Action. Lipase. IV. The Correlation of Synthetic and Hydrolytic Activity. Proc. R. Soc, 1915, B Vol. 88, pp. 176-189. 7-2 100 FATS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES [ch. vii 10. Ellis, M. T. Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plant Sterols. Part I. The Sterol Content of Wheat {Triticum sativum). Biochem. J"., 1918, Vol. 12, pp. 160-172. 11. Miller, B. C. A Physiological Study of the Germination of Belianthus annuus. Ann. Bot, 1910, Vol. 24, pp. 693-726. Ihid. 1912, Vol. 26, pp. 889-901. 12. Plimmer, R. H. A. The Metabolism of Organic Phosphorus Compounds. Their Hydrolysis by the Action of Enzymes. Biochem. J.^ 1913, Vol. 7, pp. 43-71. 13. Reynolds Green, J. On the Germination of the Seed of the Castor-oil Plant (Ricinus communis). Proc. R. Soc, 1890, Vol. 48, pp. 370-392. 14. Reynolds Green, J., and Jackson, H. Further Observations on the Germination of the Seeds of the Castor-oil Plant {Ricinus communis). Proc. R. Soc.y 1906, B Vol. 77, pp. 69-85. 15. Smedley, I. The Biochemical Synthesis of Fatty Acids from Carbohydrate. J. Physiol., 1912, Vol. 45, pp. xxv-xxvii. 16. Smedley, I., and Lubrzynska, B. The Biochemical Synthesis of the Fatty Acids. Biochem. ./., 1913, Vol. 7, pp. 364-374. 17. Lubrzynska, B., and Smedley, I. The Condensation of Aromatic Aldehydes with Pyruvic Acid. Biochem. «/., 1913, Vol. 7, pp. 375-379. CHAPTER VIII AROMATIC COMPOUNDS The aromatic compounds may be defined as substances containing the benzene carbon ring or a similar ring. A very great number occur among the higher plants but of these many are restricted in distribution, and may only be found in a few genera or even in one genus: others, on the other hand, are widely distributed. At present our knowledge of the part they play in general plant metabolism is slight. The more widely distributed aromatic plant products may be grouped as: 1. The phenols, and their derivatives. 2. Inositol and phytin. 3. The aromatic acids, alcohols and aldehydes. 4. The tannins. 5. The "essential oils" and resins. 6. The flavone, flavonol and xanthone pigments, known as the soluble yellow colouring matters. 7. The anthocyan pigments, known as the soluble red, purple and blue colouring matters. In connexion with the aromatic compounds it should be noted that many of them contain hydroxyl groups, and one or more of these groups may be replaced by the glucose residue, CeHnOg — , with elimination of water and the formation of a glucoside, in the way already described (see p. 50). The majority of such compounds are sometimes classed together as a group — the glucosides — regardless of the special nature of the substance to which the glucose is attached (this course has been followed to some extent in Chapter x with compounds, the chief interest of which lies in their glucosidal nature). In treating of the aromatic substances in the following pages, mention will be made when they occur as glucosides, this combination being in these cases only a subsidiary point in their structure. The various groups of aromatic substances will now be considered in detail. Phenols. There are three dihydroxy phenols, resorcinol, catechol and quinol, but only the two latter are known to exist in the £ree state in plants. Resorcinol frequently occurs as a constituent of complex plant 102 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. products, and may be obtained on decomposition of such complexes by fusion with strong alkali, etc. OH /\ OH OH ' OH OH Resorcinol Catechol Quinol Quinol has been found in the free state in the leaves and flowers of the Cranberry ( Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea). As a glucoside, known as arbutin, it occurs in many of the Ericaceae (see also p. 166). Phloroglucinol is the only member of the trihydroxy phenols found uncombined in plants. It is very widely distributed in the combined state in various complex substances (Waage, 23). /NoH HO K/ OH Phloroglucinol Inositol and Phytin. Inositol is widely distributed in plants, especially in young leaves and growing shoots. It has been isolated from leaves of the Walnut (Juglans regia), fruit of the Mistletoe ( Viscmn album) and the unripe seed-pods of various plants. It is a polyhydric alcohol derived from benzene: HOH /^\ HOHC CHOH HOHC CHOH HOH Inositol is soluble in water but crystallizes out on adding strong alcohol. It occurs also in seeds as the compound, phytin. The latter is an acid calcium and magnesium salt of inositol phosphoric acid which is a condensation product of inositol with six molecules of phosphoric acid (Plimmer and Page, 21). An enzyme, phytase, also occurring in seeds is able to hydrolyze phytin into inositol and phosphoric acid (Plimmer, 20). VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS Aromatic Acids, Aldehydes and Alcohols. 103 There are two important series of these compounds found in the plant which can be represented respectively by benzoic acid and cinnamic acid and their derivatives : COOH V Benzoic acid CH=CHCOOH Cinnamic acid Salicylic acid, or o-hydroxy-benzoic acid, occurs, both in the form of esters and in the free state, in various plants. The corresponding alcohol, saligenin or salicylic alcohol, in the form of the glucoside, salicin, occurs in the bark of certain species of Willow (Salix), and in the flower buds of the Meadow-sweet (Spiraea Ulmaria). Salicin is hydrolyzed by an en- zyme contained in the plant in which it occurs into saligenin and glucose (see also p. 167). Salicylic aldehyde occurs in species of Spiraea and other plants. COOH OH V CH=CH-COOH OH V o-Coumaric acid Salicylic acid The corresponding derivative of cinnamic acid, i.e. o-coumaric acid is widely distributed as the anhydride, coiimarin (see p. 165). The relationship of cinnamic acid to phenylalanine and of ^-coumaric acid to tyrosine (see p. 135) is important. Protocatechuic acid is a dihydroxy-benzoic acid. It has been found in the free state in a few plants, but is more widely distributed as a constituent of many plant products. As will be shown later it forms the basis of the series of tannins. COOH OH CH=CHCOOH OH OH Protocatechuic acid OH Caffeic acid 104 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. The corresponding derivative of cinnamic acid, i.e. caffeic acid (see also p. 123) is probably widely distributed. It is related to dihydroxy- phenylalanine (see p. 152). Coniferyl alcohol is related to caffeic acid (see p. 103). Coniferyl alcohol, when oxidised, yields the aldehyde, vanillin (so much used for flavouring) which occurs in the fruits of the Orchid (Vanilla plani- folia). (See also p. 166.) Gallic acid is a trihydroxy-benzoic acid : COOH HO V OH OH It occurs free in gall-nuts, in tea, wine, the bark of some trees and in various other plants. It forms a constituent of many tannins. It is a crystalline substance not very readily soluble in cold but more soluble in hot water. In alkaline solution it rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air and becomes brown in colour. Expt. 99. The extraction and reactions of gallic acid. Take 100 gms. of tea, dry in a steam oven and grind in a mortar. Put the powder into a flask and cover well with ether. The preliminary drying and grinding can be omitted, but if carried out will make the extraction more complete. After at least 24 hrs. filter off the extract, and either distil or evaporate off the ether. The ether will be coloured deep green by the chlorophyll present in the dried leaves, and a green residue will be left. Add about 20 c.c. of distilled water to the residue, heat to boiling and filter. Heating is necessary because the gallic acid is only sparingly soluble in cold water. Keep the residue for Expt. 103. With the filtrate make the following tests ; for (a), (6) and (c) dilute a few drops of the filtrate in a porcelain dish : (a) Add a drop of 5% ferric chloride solution. A blue-black coloration is given. (6) Add a drop or two of iodine solution. A transient red colour appears. (c) Add a drop or two of lime water. A reddish or blue coloration will be given. {d) To a few c.c. of the filtrate in a porcelain dish add a little 5 7o lead acetate solution. A precipitate is formed which turns red on addition of caustic potash solu- tion, and dissolves to a red solution with excess of potash. (e) To a few c.c. of the filtrate in a test-tube add a little 1 ^/o potassium cyanide solution. A pink colour appears, but disappears on standing. On shaking with air it reappears. (/) To a few c.c. of the filtrate in a test-tube add a few drops of 10% gelatine solution. No precipitate is formed. {g) To a few c.c. of the filtrate in a test-tube add a little 5 o/q lead nitrate solution. No precipitate is formed. VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 105 Tannins. This is a large group of substances, many of which are of complex composition. They arise in the plant from simpler compounds, such as protocatechuic, gallic and ellagic acids. Their formation takes place in various ways, either by condensation, accompanied by elimination of water, or by oxidation, or both ; there may also be condensation with other aromatic complexes. The tannins are widely distributed in the higher plants and, although no very systematic investigation has been made, it is obvious that some plants are rich in these substances, others poor, and others, again, apparently entirely without them. The tannins generally occur in solution in the cells of tissues of the root, stem, leaf, fruit, seed and flowers: sometimes they are confined to special cells, tannin-sacs, but after the death of the cell, the cell-walls of the dead tisssue become impregnated with the tannin. In tannin-producing plants, the tannin is generally found throughout the plant, and it probably tends to accumulate in permanent or dead tissues, such as the bark (dead cortex and cork), woody tissue, underground stems, etc. Tannins appear to be more frequent in woody than in herbaceous plants, though in the latter they naturally only accumulate in the persistent underground stems and root-stocks. In annuals, also, tannins seem to be more rare: this may be due to the fact that in a short-lived plant, comparatively little tannin is formed and is not so readily detected as in the tissues of a perennial. In certain plants which are highly tannin-producing and are also woody perennials, the bark becomes very rich in tannins. These barks are consequently of considerable commercial importance for tanning of leather. As examples may be taken species of Caesalpinia, Spanish Chestnut (Castanea), Eucalyptus, Oak (Quercus), Mangrove (Rhizophora), Sumac (Rhus). Tannins also occur in quantity in galls, especially on species of Quercus. As a class, the tannins are non-crystalline and exist in the colloidal state in solution. They have a bitter astringent taste. They have certain properties and reactions in common, i.e. they precipitate gelatine from solution, are themselves precipitated from solution by potassium bichromate, and give either blue or green colorations with solutions of iron salts. Many tannins occur as glucosides but this is by no means always the case. 106 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. It is possible to classify the tannins into two groups according to whether they are complexes derived from protocatechuic acid or gallic acid: 1. The pyrogallol tannins. These give a dark blue colour with ferric chloride solution, and no precipitate with bromine water. 2. The catechol tannins. These give a greenish-black colour with iron salts, and a precipitate with bromine water. Expt. 100. Reactions of tannins. Take three oak galls (the brown galls formed by species of Cynips on the Common Oak) and pound them finely in a mortar. Boil up the powder well with a small amount of water in an evaporating basin and let stand for a short time. Then filter. The filtrate will contain tannin together with im- purities. Make the following tests with the extract : (a) Put 2 c.c. of the tannin extract into a small evaporating dish, dilute with water, and add a drop or two of 5 % ferric chloride solution. A deep blue-black colour is produced. (6) Put 2 or 3 drops of the tannin extract into a small evaporating dish, and dilute with water: add a little dilute ammonia and then a few drops of a dilute solution of potassium ferricyanide solution. A red coloration will appear. (c) To 5 c.c. of the tannin solution in a test-tube add some strong potassium dichromate solution. The tannin will be precipitated. {d) To about 5 c.c. of the tannin extract in a test-tube add a little 5 ^(q lead acetate solution. The tannin will be precipitated. (e) Melt a little of a 10 ^j^ solution of gelatine by warming gently and then pour drop by drop into a test-tube half full of tannin extract. The gelatine will be pre- cipitated. For the above tests, in addition to galls, the bark stripped from two or three year old twigs of Quercus may also be used, and will give the same reactions. The bark should be cut into small pieces for extraction. It should be noted that although many tannins give the above reactions, it does not necessarily follow that all tannins will give all the reactions. Expt. 101. To demonstrate the existence of pyrogallol and catechol tannins. The existence of a pyrogallol tannin which gives a blue reaction with iron salts has been illustrated in the last experiment on the Oak galls and the bark from Oak twigs. The bark of the Sumac {Rhus Coriaria) and the fruit pericarp, leaves and bark of the Sweet Chestnut {Castanea vulgaris) may be used as additional material for pyrogallol tannins. For an iron-greening tannin strip off* the outer bark from two to three year old twigs of the Horse Chestnut {Aesculus Hippocastanum). Cut or tear the bark into small pieces and boil well with a little water in an evaporating dish. Filter and test the filtrate with ferric chloride solution as in Expt. 101. A green coloration will be given. Iron-greening tannins may also be extracted from the bark of twigs of the Walnut {Juglans regia) and of the Larch {Larix europaea). In the case of both classes of tannins, in addition to the ferric chloride reaction, the tests of Expt. 101 (c) and (e) should also be made on the extracts, in order to VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 107 confirm the presence of tannin, since other substances, such as flavones, may give a green colour with iron salts (see p. 111). Some of the individual tannins will now be considered. Gallotannic (or tannic) acid is one of the most important of the pyrogallol tannins. It occurs in Oak galls and Oak wood, in tea, in the Sumac (Rhus Coriaria), etc. According to recent investigations (Fischer and Freudenburg, 8) tannic acid may be regarded as a compound of one molecule of glucose with five molecules of digallic acid in which five hydroxyls of the sugar are esterified by five molecules of acid: CH2(0X) • CH(OX) • CH • CH(OX) • CH(OX) • CH(OX) 1-^ o ! where X= —CO • C6H2(OH)2 • O • CO • C6H2(OH)3 Tannic acid is an almost colourless amorphous substance. It has an astringent taste, is soluble in water and alcohol, only slightly soluble in ether, and insoluble in chloroform. It" is decomposed, by boiling with 2 Yo hydrochloric acid, into gallic acid. Expt. 102. Extraction and reactions of tannic {or gallotannic) add. By a crude method a solution of gallotannic acid can be obtained from tea. About 5 gms. of the residue, after the extraction with ether in Expt. 100, is again extracted with ether once or twice which will remove all but traces of gallic acid. Boil up the residue from ether with a little water and filter. With the filtrate make the following tests which differentiate between gallic and gallotannic acid : (a) To about 10 c.c. add a little IO^Iq gelatine. The gelatine is precipitated. (6) To a little of the filtrate add a few drops of 5 % lead nitrate solution. The tannic acid is precipitated. The remaining tests are given in common with gallic acid. If the extract is too coloured, dilute with water. (c) Dilute a few drops of the filtrate with water in a porcelain dish and add a drop of 5 % ferric chloride solution. A blue-black colour is given. {d) Dilute a few drops of the filtrate with water in a porcelain dish and add a drop or two of iodine solution. A transient red colour is formed. (e) To a little of the filtrate in a test-tube add a few drops of 1 7o potassium cyanide solution. A reddish-brown colour is formed which changes to brown but becomes red again on shaking with air. In addition to tannic acid, a great many other tannins are known, but their constitution is obscure. Expt. 103. To demonstrate that in tannin-containing plants the tannin may he also present in the leaves. Take about two dozen leaves of the Common Oak {Quercus Rohur) and pound them in a mortar. Then boil the crushed mass in an evaporating dish with a little water. Filter, and with the filtrate make the tests for tannin. Leaves of other trees also may be used, e.g. the Wig Tree {Rhus Cotinus), Sweet Chestnut {Castanea vulgaris). 108 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. Expt. 104. To demonstrate that tannins ma.y he present in herbaceous as well as woody plants. Extract some leaves, as in the last experiment, of Scarlet Geranium {Pelargonium zonale) and test for tannin. Expt. 105. To demonstrate that tannins may he present in petals and fruits, in addition to other parts of the plant. Extract and test for tannins as in the last experi- ment, using petals of Pelargonium zonale. Common Paeony {Paeonia officinalis) or Kose (any garden variety), inflorescence of Flowering Currant {Rihes sanguineum), flowers of Horse Chestnut {Aesculus Hippocastanum) or pericarp of Sweet Chestnut (Castanea). The " Essential Oils" and Resins. When plant tissues are suspended in water, a current of steam passed through the suspension, and the distillate collected, a mixture of volatile substances will be found in the distillate and these can be separated from the water by various methods. Such a mixture of organic volatile pro- ducts constitutes an "essential oil." The classification is purely arti- ficial, as the mixture is heterogeneous and contains substances of very different chemical constitution. Since, however, the majority of "oils" consist largely of aromatic compounds, they are included in the present chapter. In many cases the " essential oil " contains some product of commercial value. About two hundred and fifty plants, representing between fifty and sixty Natural Orders, provide definite " oils," most of which are prepared commercially. The chemical substances found in "essential oils" can be broadly classed as follows (see also p. 82). 1. The terpenes, which are complex, unsaturated (usually aromatic) hydrocarbons frequently of the formula, CjoHig, e.g. pinene, limonene, caryophyllene and phellandrene. 2. Alcohols derived from the terpenes, e.g. borneol, menthol, citro- nelloP, geraniol^ and linaloP; corresponding aldehydes, e.g. citronellal^ and other aromatic aldehydes, e.g. cinnamic aldehyde. 3. Esters of the above alcohols, e.g. bornyl acetate, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate and menthyl acetate ; also esters of other aromatic acids, e.g. methyl salicylate. 4. Phenols of high molecular weight, e.g. thymol, carvacrol and eugenol. The following provide some examples of " essential oils " : " Oil of turpentine," from species of Pinus, Larix and Abies, contains pinene. The compound is aliphatic. VIII] AKOMATIC COMPOUNDS 109 *' Lavender oil," from Lavandula vera (Labiatae), contains limonene, linalyl acetate, linalol and others. " Peppermint oil," from Mentha piper ata (Labiatae), contains menthol, menthyl acetate and others. " Clove oil," from Eugenia caryophyllata (Myrtaceae), contains eugenol and caryophyllene. " Cinnamon oil," from Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Lauraceae), contains cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol and phellandrene. "Lemon oil," from Citrus Limonum (Rutaceae), contains limonene, citronellol and citral. " Thyme oil," from Thymus vulgaris (Labiatae), contains thymol and carvacrol. "Rose oil," from Rosa centifolia (Rosaceae), contains citronellol, geraniol and others. Camphor is a ketone derived from a solid terpene, camphene. The former occurs in the Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum Camphora), a genus of the Lauraceae. The resins are oxidation products of the terpenes. They are differentiated into balsams and hard resins. The former consist of resins dissolved in, or mixed with, liquid terpenes, e.g. Canada balsam and crude turpentine. Copal and dammar are examples of hard resins. £Ia:pt. 106. Preparation of ^^ clove oil" from cloves (Wester, see p. 10). Cloves are the dried flower-buds of Eiigenia caryophyllata (Myrtaceae). Take 100 gms. of cloves, pound them in a mortar and put the mass into a two litre flask one third full of water. Pass a current of steam through the flask, and collect the distillate cooled by a water condenser. The " essential oil " of Eugenia consists chiefly of the phenol, eugenol, C6H4(OH)(OCH3)CH2CH=CH2, together with small quantities of the terpene, caryophyllene. The latter distills over first, but cannot be isolated unless much larger quantities of material are used. The eugenol settles out as an "oil" at the bottom of the watery distillate. Continue the distillation for four hours, or more, till all the eugenol has distilled over. Then add 25 gms. of sodium chloride for each 100 c.c. of the distillate, and shake up the mixture in a separating funnel with small quantities of petrol ether until no more eugenol can be extracted. The petrol ether extract is then distilled on a water bath (after the flame has been removed) to 25 c.c. Then extract it three times with 20 c.c. of 5 7o sodium hydroxide solution in a separating funnel, whereby the sodium salt of the eugenol is formed and passes into the alkaline solution turning it yellow. The petrol ether now contains only the small quantity of the hydrocarbon, caryophyllene. Traces of the latter are now removed from the alkaline phenolate by extracting again with 20 c.c. of petrol ether. Then add dilute sulphuric acid to the phenolate. The eugenol separates out as a milky suspension, which gradually collects together as a yellow "oil." Then neutralise again with sodium carbonate solution (which does not form a phenolate), and extract the eugenol with petrol ether. Distil ofi' the ether, and the eugenol remains. no AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. The Flavone and Flavonol Pigments. These yellow colouring matters are very widely distributed in the higher plants (Shibata, Nagai and Kishida, 22). They are derived from the mother substances, flavone and flavonol, the latter only differing from the former in having the hydrogen in the central 7-pyrone ring substituted by hydroxyl : A.^°^P / \ /\/°N L CH K , COH Flavone Flavonol The naturally occurring pigments, however, have additional hydro- gen atoms replaced by hydroxyl groups, that is they are hydroxy-flavones and flavonols, and the various members differ among each other in the number and position of these hydroxyl groups. Some of the members are widely distributed, others less so. Quite often more than one repre- sentative is present in a plant. The flavone and flavonol pigments are yellow crystalline substances, and as members of a class they have similar properties. They occur in the plant most frequently as-glucosides, one or more of the hydroxyl groups being replaced by glucose, or, sometimes, by some other hexose, or pentose. In the condition of glucosides, they are much less coloured than in the free state, and, being present in the cell-sap in very dilute solution, they do not produce any colour effect, especially in tissues con- taining chlorophyll. Occasionally they give a yellow colour to tissues, as in the rather rare case of some yellow flowers {Antirrhinum) where colour is due to sqluble yellow pigment. In the glucosidal state, the flavone and flavonol pigments are, as a rule, readily soluble in water and alcohol, but not in ether. In the non- glucosidal state they are, as a rule, readily soluble in alcohol, somewhat soluble in ether, but soluble with difficulty in water. The flavone and flavonol pigments can be easily detected in any tissue by the fact that they give an intense yellow colour with alkalies (Wheldale, 24). If plant tissues be held over ammonia vapour, they turn bright yellow, showing the presence of flavone or flavonol pigments: the colour disappears again on neutralization with acids. (The reaction is especially well seen in tissues free from chlorophyll, such as white flowers.) This reaction will be found to be almost universal, showing how wide is their distribution. With iron salts, solutions of the pigments VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 111 give green or brown colorations. With lead, insoluble salts are formed. Several of the members are powerful yellow dyes, and hence some plants in which they occur, such as Ling {Erica cinerea), Dyer's Weld or Rocket (Reseda luteola), have been used for dyeing purposes. The value of these colouring matters as dyes has led to their chemical investigation, and as a result the constitution, etc., of the hydroxy-flavones and flavonols is well established. Ejcpt. 107. Demonstration of the presence offlavone or flavonol pigments in tissues without chlorophyll. Take flowers of any of the undermentioued species and put them in a flask with a few drops of ammonia. They will rapidly turn yellow owing to the formation of the intensely yellow salt of the flavone or flavonol pigments present in the cell-sap. If the flowers are next treated with acid the yellow colour will dis- appear. Also make an extract of some of the flowers with a little boiling water. Filter, cool and add the following reagents : {a) A little alkali. A yellow colour is produced. (h) A little ferric chloride solution. Either a green or brown coloration is produced. (c) A little basic lead acetate solution. A yellow precipitate of the lead salt of the flavone or flavonol pigment is formed. The flowers of the following species can be used : Snowdrop {Galanthus nivalis)^ Narcissus {Narcissus poeticus), white variety of Lilac {Syringa vulgaris)^ Hawthorn {Crataegus Oxyacantha), White Lily {Lilium candidum\ white var. of Phlox, double white Pink, white Stock {Matthiola) etc., etc., in fact almost any species with white flowers or a white variety. Expt. 108. Demonstration of the presence of flavone or flavonol pigments in tissues containing chlorophyll. Make a hot water extract of the leaves of any of the under- mentioned species. Make with it the same tests as in the previous experiment. Almost any green leaf may be used, but the following are suggested : Snowdrop {Galanthus nivalis), Dock {Rumex ohtusifolius), Goutweed {Aegopodium Podagraria\ Dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale), Violet ( Viola odorata), Eibwort Plantain {Plantago lanceolata), Elder {Samhucus nigra). The most important flavone pigments are apigenin, chrysin and luteolin. Apigenin has not yet been found to be widely distributed. Its formula is : HoA^/°^ OH OH It occurs in the Parsley {Garum Petroselinum) (Perkin, 12) and in the flowers of the ivory-white variety of Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) (Wheldale and Bassett, 25). 112 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [CH. Expt. 109. Extraction of apiin, the glucoside of apigenin^ from the Parsley (Carum Petroselinum). Take some Parsley leaves and boil in as little water as possible. Filter off the extract and make the following tests for apigenin : {a) Add alkali. A lemon yellow coloration is given. (6) Add basic lead acetate solution. A lemon yellow precipitate is formed. (c) Add ferric chloride solution. A brown colour is produced. {d) Add ferrous sulphate solution. A reddish-brown colour is produced. Apiin frequently separates out in a gelatinous condition from aqueous and dilute alcoholic solutions. Chrysin is a flavone occurring in the buds of various species of Poplar {Populus). It has the formula : HO A^^''^ CH OH Luteolin does not appear to be widely distributed, though possibly it occurs in many plants in which it has not yet been demonstrated. Its formula is represented as : HO /\/''\ OH K OH XO OH It occurs in the Dyer's Weld or Wild Mignonette {Reseda luteola) (Perkin, II), Dyer's Greenweed or Broom (Genista tinctoria) (Perkin, 17) and in the yellow variety of flowers of the Snapdragon {Antirrhinum majus) (Wheldale and Basse tt, 27). It has been much used as a yellow dye: hence the names of the first two plants (Perkin and Horsfall, 14). The most important flavonol pigments are quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin and fisetin. Quercetin is apparently one of the most widely distributed of the whole group of yellow pigments, and has the formula : HO /\^''\ P» OH OH ^' OH VIII] . AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 113 It occurs, either free, or combined with various sugars (glucose, rhamnose) as glucosides, in many plants, as for instance the following : in the bark of species of Oak (Quercus), in berries of species of Buck- thorn (Rhamnus), in flowers of Wallflower (Gheiranthns Gheiri), Haw- thorn (Grataegus Oxyacaniha) (Perkin and Hummel, 16), Pansy {Viola tricolor) (Perkin, 13) and species of Narcissus : in leaves of Ling {Galluna erica) (Perkin, 17), and the outer scale leaves of Onion bulbs (Perkin and Hummel, 15). Expt. 110. Preparation of a glucoside of quercetin fro7n flowers of either a species of Narcissus or the Wallflower (Cheiranthus Cheiri). The most suitable species of Narcissus is N. Tazetta, but N. incomparabilis or any of the common yellow trumpet varieties such as the Daffodil {N. Pseudo-Narcissus) can be used. Take about 50 flowers of Narcissus Tazetta or about 20 gms. of petals of the Wallflower of either the brown or the yellow variety. The brown colour is due to a mixture of yellow plastid and of soluble purple (anthocyan) pigment in the sap. Pound the flowers in a mortar and then extract in a flask with boiling alcohol. Filter off the alcoholic extract and evaporate to dryness on a water-bath. Then add a little water and ether to the residue and transfer the whole to a separating funnel. The ether takes up the yellow plastid pigments, but the flavone and, in the case of the brown Wallflower, the anthocyan pigment remain in the water. Very soon, however, at the plane of separation of the liquids, the glucoside separates out as a crystalline deposit. This can be filtered off ; with a dilute solution in alcohol make the following tests : (a) Add a little alkali. The yellow colour is intensified, but the intensification disappears on adding acid. (6) Add a little lead acetate solution. An orange precipitate of the lead salt is formed. (c) Add a little ferric chloride solution. A green coloration is produced. {d) Heat some of the alcoholic solution on a water-bath, acidify with strong hydrochloric acid and add zinc dust. A pink or magenta colour is produced (see p. 121). Kaempferol occurs in the flowers of a species of Larkspur {Delphi- nium consolida) (Perkin and Wilkinson, 19) and Pr units (Perkin and Phipps, 18) and in the leaves or flowers of several other plants. It has the formula: HO ^^^""^ \/ ■rC OH HO ^° \„^°" O. 114 AKOMATIC COMPOUNDS • [ch. Myricetin and fisetin are two other flavones which have been found in [species of Sumac {Rhus) and other plants. They have respectively the formulae : HO ^^\/''\ HO OH HO.^^/ \. OH \ OH OH Myricetin Fisetin The Anthocyan Pigments. These pigments are the substances to which practically all the blue, purple and red colours of flowers, fruits, leaves and stems are due (Wheldale, 3). They occur in solution in the cell-sap and are very widely distributed, it being the exception to find a plant in which they are not produced. As members of a group, they have similar properties, but differ somewhat among themselves, the relationships between them being much the same as those between the various flavone and flavonol pigments. They occur in solution in the cell-sap but occasionally they crystallize out in the cell. They are present in the plant in the form of glucosides, and in this condition they are known as anthocyanins ', as glucosides they are readily soluble in water and as a rule in alcohol [except blue Columbine (Aquilegia), Cornflower (Gentaurea Cyanus) and some others] but are insoluble in ether and chloroform. The glucosides are hydrolyzed by boiling with dilute acids, and the resulting products, which are non-glucosidal, are termed anthocyanidins (Willstatter and Everest, 30). The latter, in the form of chlorides, are insoluble in ether, but are generally soluble in water and alcohol. The anthocyanins can be distinguished from the anthocyanidins in solution by the addition of amyl alcohol after acidification with sulphuric acid. The anthocyanidins pass over into the amyl alcohol, the anthocyanins do not. The antho- cyanins and anthocyanidins themselves (with one exception) have not yet been crystallized, but of both classes crystalline derivatives with acids have been obtained (Willstatter and Everest, 30). In considering the reactions of anthocyan pigments the difference between those given by crude extracts and those of the isolated and purified substances must be borne in mind. With acids the anthocyan pigments give a red colour: with alkalies they give, as a rule, a blue or violet colour when pure, but if flavone or flavonol pigments are present vm] AKOMATIC COMPOUNDS 115 (as may be the case in a crude extract) they give a green colour, due to mixture of bhie and yellow. In solution in neutral alcohol and water many anthocyan pigments lose colour, and this is said to be due to the conversion of the pigment into a colourless isomer which also gives a yellow colour with alkalies (Willstatter and Everest, 30); hence even a solution of a pure anthocyan pigment may give a green coloration with alkali due to mixture of blue and yellow. The isomerization can be prevented or ^lessened by addition of acids, or of neutral salts which form protective addition compounds with the pigment. With lead acetate anthocyan pigments give insoluble lead salts, blue if the pigment is pure, or green, as in the case of alkalies, if it is mixed with flavone or flavonol pigments, or the colourless isomer. When anthocyan pigments are treated with nascent hydrogen, the colour disappears but returns again on exposure to air. It is not known what reaction takes place. Expt. 111. The reactions of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins. Extract petals of the plants mentioned below with boiling alcohol in a flask. Note that the anthocyan colour may disappear in the alcoholic extract. Filter off some of the alcoholic extract and make the following tests {a) and (6) with it : {a) Add a little acid and note the bright red colour. (6) Add a little alkali and note the green colour. The decolorized petals, after filtering off the extract, should be warmed with a little water in an evaporating dish. The colour is brought back if pigment is still retained by them. Evaporate the remainder of the alcoholic extract to dryness and note that the anthocyan colour returns. Dissolve the residue in water and continue the following tests, taking a little of the solution in each case : (c) Add ether and shake. The anthocyan pigment is not soluble in ether. (o?) Add acid. A bright red colour is produced. (e) Add alkali. A bluish-green or green colour is produced which may pass to yellow. (/) Add basic or normal lead acetate solution. A bluish-green or green precipitate is produced. {g) Add a little sulphuric acid and then amyl alcohol and shake ; the latter does not take up any of the red colour, indicating that the pigment is in the anthocyanin (glucosidal) state. (A) Heat a little of the solution on a water-bath with dilute sulphuric acid and then cool and add amyl alcohol. The colour will pass into the amyl alcohol, indi- cating that the pigment is now in the anthocyanidin (non-glucosidal) state. {i) Acidify a little of the solution with hydrochloric acid and add small quantities of zinc dust. The colour disappears. Filter off the solution and note that the colour rapidly returns again. For the above reactions it is suggested that the following flowers be used as 8—2 116 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. material : magenta Snapdragon {Antirrhinum majus)^ brown Wallflower {Cheiranthus Cheiri), crimson Paeony {Paeonia ojfficinalis\ magenta " Cabbage " Rose, Violet ( Viola odorata\ but the majority of coloured flowers will serve equally well. Though the above represent the reactions and solubilities given by the greater number of anthocyan pigments, it will be found that all are not alike in these respects. Thus, for instance, the pigments of certain blue flowers, e.g. blue Larkspur {Delphinium), Cornflower {Centaur ea Cyanus) and blue Columbine {Aquilegia) are neither soluble nor lose their colour in alcohol, but are soluble in water. There is a small group of plants belonging to some allied natural orders, of which the anthocyan pigments give chemical reactions still more different from the general type already described, though they nevertheless resemble each other. Such, for instance, are the pigments of various genera of the Chenopodiaceae [Beet {Beta), Orache {Atriplex)\ Amarantaceae {Amaranthus and other genera), Phytolaccaceae {Phyto- lacca) and Portulacaceae {Portulaca). These anthocyan pigments are insoluble in alcohol but soluble in water : they give a violet colour with acids, red to yellow with alkalies, and a red precipitate with basic lead acetate. Anthocyan pigments may also occur in leaves, and this is very obvious in red-leaved varieties of various species such as the Copper Beech, the Red-leaved Hazel, etc. Expt. 112. Extraction of anthocyan pigment from the Red-leaved Hazel. Extract some leaves of the Blood Hazel {Corylus Avellana var. rubra) with alcohol. Filter off and evaporate the solution to dryness. Add water. Pour a little of the crude mixture in the dish into a test-tube and add ether. There will be a separation into a green ethereal layer containing chlorophyll, and a lower water layer containing anthocyan pigment. Filter the extract remaining in the dish and with the filtrate make the tests already given in Expt. Ill ic)-{i). The leaves of the Copper Beech {Fagus sylvatica var. purpurea) can also be used. In many flowers, the cells of the corolla may contain, in addition to anthocyan, yellow plastid (see p. 40) pigments. The colour of the petals is in these cases the result of the combination of the two, and is usually some shade of brown, crimson or orange-red, as in the brown-flowered variety of Wallflower {Cheiranthus Cheiri), the bronze or crimson Chrysanthemum, the brown Gaillardia and the orange-red flowers of Nasturtium {Tropaeolum majus). The presence of the pigments can be demonstrated by their different solubilities (see Expt. 110). Anthocyanins and anthocyanidins have been isolated from various VIIl] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 117 species. The pigments themselves with one exception have not been obtained in the crystalline state, but crystalline compounds with acids have been prepared both of the glucosidal and non-glucosidal forms. All the pigments so far described appear to be derived from three fundamental compounds, pelargonidin, cyanidin and delphinidin, of which the chlorides are represented thus : CI CI HO OH HO OH H Pelargonidin chloride PH OH OH H Cyanidin chloride CI HO /N^ PH OH OH C-OH V^c/ OH H Delphinidin chloride It has been suggested, at least in the case of cyanidin, the pigment of the Cornflower {Centaurea Cyanus), that the pigment itself is a neutral substance, purple in colour and of the following structure ( Willstatter, 28,31): /N^ PH OH C~OH \^C^ OH H Further, that the blue pigment of the flower is the potassium salt of the purple, and the red acid salt, cyanidin chloride, depicted above, is a so- called oxonium compound of the purple. Pelargonidin, moreover, has been prepared synthetically (Willstatter and Zechmeister, 33) The above three pigments, either as glucosides or in the form of methylated derivatives, are found in a number of plants which are listed below (Willstatter, etc., 29, 32). The sugar residues or methyl groups may, of course, occupy different positions, thus giving rise to isomers : 118 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [CH. Pelargonidin. Callistephin Monoglucoside of pelargo- nidin Pelargonin Diglucoside of pelargoni- din Flowers of Aster {Callistephus chinen- sis) Flowers of Scarlet Geranium {Pelar- gonium zonale), pink var. of Corn- flower (Centaurea Cyanus) and cer- tain vars. of Dahlia {D. variabilis). Asteriu Chrysanthemin Idaein Cyanin Mekocyanin Keracyanin Peonin Cyanidin. Monogliicoside of cyanidin Monoglucoside of cyanidin Monogalactoside of cyani- din Diglucoside of cyanidin Diglucoside of cyanidin Rhamnoglucoside of cya- nidin Diglucoside of peonidin (cyanidin monoethyl ether) Flowers of Aster {Callistephus chinen- sis) ■ ■ .- Flowers of Chrysanthemum {C. indi- cum) Fruit of Cranberry ( Vaccinium Vitis- Idaea) Flowers of Cornflower {Centaurea Cyanus\ Rosa gallica and certain vars. of Dahlia {D. variabilis) Flowers of Poppy {Papaver Rhoeas) Fruit of Cherry {Primus Cerasus) Flowers of Paeony {Paeonia oficinxdis) Delphinidin. Violanin Delphinin Ampelopsin Myrtillin Althaein Petunin Malvin Oenin Rhamnoglucoside of del- I Flowers of Pansy ( Viola tricolor) phinidin Flowers of Larkspur {Delphinium con- solida) Diglucoside of delphini- din -f- jo-hydroxybenzoic acid Monoglucoside of ampe- lopsidin (delphinidin monomethyl ether) Monogalactoside of myr- tillidin (delphinidin mo- nomethyl ether) Monoglucoside of myrtilli- din Diglucoside of petunidin (delphinidin monome- thyl ether) Diglucoside of malvidin (delphinidin dimethyl ether) Monoglucoside of oenidin (delphinidin dimethyl ether) Fruit of Virginian Creeper {Ampelop- sis quinq%iefolia) Fruit of Bilberry ( Vaccinium Myrtillus) Flowers of deep purple var. of Holly- hock {Althaea rosea) Flowers of Petunia {P. violacea) Flowers of Mallow {Malva sylvestris) Fruit of Grape ( Vitis vinifera) VIIl] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 119 Of the methylated compounds, myrtillidin and oenidin may be re- presented thus: CI Ho fY^^ PH OH OH HO fV\ ^^^ C-OCH. HO H Myrtillidin PH OCH3 OH H HP Oenidin Expt, 113. Preparation and reactions of pelargonin chloride. Extract the flowers from two or three large bosses of the Scarlet Geranium {Pelargonium zonale) in a flask with hot alcohol. Filter ofi* and concentrate on a water-bath. Then pour the hot concentrated solution into about half its volume of strong hydrochloric acid. On cooling, a crystalline precipitate of pelargonin chloride separates out. Examine under the microscope and note that it consists of sheaves and rosettes of needles. Filter oflF the crystals, take up in water and make the following experiments with the solution : {a) Add alkali. A deep blue-violet colour is produced. (6) Take two equal quantities of solution in two evaporating dishes. To one add as quickly as possible some solid sodium chloride. The colour in the solution without salt will rapidly fade owing to the formation of the colourless isomer in neutral solution : this change is prevented to a considerable extent in the solution containing salt owing to the formation of an addition compound of the pelargonin with the sodium chloride which prevents isomerization (see p. 115). To portions of the water solution (without sodium chloride) which has lost its colour add respectively acid and alkali. The red colour returns with acid owing to the formation of the red acid oxonium salt : with alkali a greenish-yellow colour will be produced due to the formation of the salt of the colourless isomer. If alkali is added to the portion of the pigment solution containing the sodium chloride, it will be found that it still gives a violet colour. (c) Add sulphuric acid and amyl alcohol. The alcohol does not take up the colour. Add amyl alcohol after acidifying another portion of the solution with sulphuric acid and heating on a water-bath. The alcohol now abstracts some of the colour. This shows that the glucoside pelargonin exists in the first case, but is de- composed into the non-glucosidal pelargonidin after heating with acid. {d) Acidify with hydrochloric acid and add zinc dust : the colour disappears and returns again after filtering. Expt. 114. Preparation of the acetic acid salt of pelargonin. Make an alcoholic extract of petals as in Expt. 113. Evaporate down and pour into glacial acetic acid instead of hydrochloric acid. The crystals of the salt formed are smaller and more purple in colour than those of the chloride. In considering the anthocyan pigments, the question now arises — What is the chemical significance of the various shades in the living plant? Apparently the same pigment may be present in two flowers of totally different colours, as in the blue Cornflower and the magenta 120 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. Rosa gallica. It has been suggested that in such cases the pigment is modified by other substances present in the cell-sap: thus it may be present in one flower as a potassium salt, in another as an oxonium salt of an organic acid, and in a third in the unaltered condition. But exactly how these conditions are brought about is not clear. In one or two cases, moreover, where there is a red or pink variety of a blue or purple flower, the variety, when examined, has been found to contain a different pigment and one less highly oxidized than that in the species itself The above phenomena are exemplified in the Cornflower (Centaurea Gyanus). The flowers of the blue type contain the potassium salt of cyanin, the purple variety, cyanin itself, while those of the pink variety contain pelargonin. The mode of origin of anthocyan pigments in the plant is as yet obscure. It has been suggested ( Wheldale, 24) that they have an intimate connexion with the flavone and flavonol pigments, which can be seen at once by comparing the structural formula of quercetin with that suggested for cyanidin: Wo ^^ .O^ ^ .OH I ^ A , ,OH OH ^" OH H Quercetin Cyanidin All the anthocyan pigments so far isolated, however, have been found to contain the flavonol, and not the flavone, nucleus. Just as in the case of the flavone and flavonol pigments, some of the anthocyan pigments are specific, while others, on the contrary, are common to various genera and species. Also more than one anthocyan pigment may be present in the same plant. It will be pointed out later that small amounts of a substance iden- tical with cyanidin are said to be formed by reduction of quercetin with nascent hydrogen, but this does not necessarily prove that the formation of anthocyan pigments in the plant takes place on the same lines. If we compare the formulae for a number of anthocyan with flavone and flavonol pigments, it is seen that they may be respectively arranged in a series, each member of which differs from the next by the addition of an atom of oxygen : Luteolin, kaempferol and fisetin CigHioOa Pelargonidin C15H10O5 Quercetin C16H10O7 Cyanidin CisHjoOe Myricetin CieHioOs Delphinidin C15H10O7 VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 121 The relationship between these two classes of substances in the plant can only be ascertained by discovering which flavone, flavonol and an- thocyan pigments are present together^ and then to determine whether the relationship is one of oxidation or reduction, a problem which has not yet received adequate attention (Everest, 7). A reaction which is of interest in connexion with the relationship between the above two classes of pigments is that which takes place when solutions of some flavone or flavonol pigments are treated with nascent hydrogen. If an acid alcoholic solution of quercetin is treated with zinc dust, magnesium ribbon or sodium amalgam, a brilliant magenta or crimson solution is produced, and this solution gives a green colour with alkalies (Combes, 6). The red substance thus produced has been termed "artificial anthocyanin" or allocyanidin. The product is not a true anthocyan pigment but has, it is suggested, an open formation (Willstatter, 31): 9-\__ >o" OH H It is said, however, to contain small quantities of a substance iden- tical with natural cyanidin from the Cornflower (Willstatter, 31). The fact that small quantities of a natural anthocyan pigment can be obtained artificially from a hydroxyflavonol by reduction does not necessarily imply that one class is derived from the other in the living plant. From the above reaction of quercetin the result follows that when many plant extracts [most plants (see p. 110) contain flavone or flavonol pigments] are treated with nascent hydrogen, artificial anthocyan pig- ment is produced. Moreover, it seems probable that if the yellow^ pigments acted upon are in the glucosidal state, and if the reduction takes place in the cold, allocyanin (the glucoside of allocyanidin) is formed and the product is not extracted from solution by amyl alcohol. But if the flavone is non-glucosidal, or if the solution is boiled before or after reduction, then allocyanidin (non-glucosidal) is formed and is extracted by amyl alcohol. Ea^pt 115. Formation of allocyanidin from quercetin. Make an alcoholic solution of a little of the glucoside of quercetin prepared from %\ih.QY Narcissus or Gheiranthus 1 The only two satisfactory cases known are Delphinium consolida, which contains kaempferol and delphinidin, and Viola tricolor, which contains quercetin and delphinidin. Neither of these confirms the hypothesis of simple reduction. 122 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. (see Expt. 110). Acidify with a little strong hydrochloric acid and heat on a water- bath in an evaporating basin. Add a little zinc dust from time to time. A brilliant pink or magenta colour due to allocyanidin is produced. To a little of this solution add some alkali : a green colour is produced. If the alcohol and hydrochloric acid are evaporated off, and a little water and sulphuric acid added, on shaking up with amyl alcohol, all the allocyanidin passes into the amyl alcohol. (The distribution of the allocyanidin in the amyl alcohol is greater with aqueous sulphuric acid than with aqueous hydrochloric acid.) Expt. 116. Formation of allocyanin from quercetin. Make a suspension of the glucoside of quercetin from Cheiranthus or Narcissus (see Expt. 110) in about 2N sulphuric acid, and then add zinc dust (or a drop of mercury about the size of a pea and a little magnesium powder) in the cold. The pink or magenta colour is gradually developed. Divide the coloured solution into two parts in two test tubes. Boil one for 5-10 minutes. Then add amyl alcohol to each. In the unboiled test-tube the amyl alcohol extracts no colour, since allocyanin is present. In the boiled test-tube allocyanidin is taken up by the amyl alcohol as in Expt. 115. Expt. 117. Formation of allocyanin and allocyanidin from plant extracts. For this purpose the yellow varieties "Primrose" or "Cloth of Gold" of the Wallflower {Cheiranthus Cheiri) can be used. The flowers are pounded in a mortar, extracted with cold water, the water extract acidified with sulphuric acid, and zinc dust (or mercury and magnesium powder as above) added. A red coloration is slowly developed. To some of the red solution add amyl alcohol. The colour is not abstracted (allocyanin). Boil another portion. The allocyanin is thus converted into allocyanidin which is then taken up on addition of amyl alcohol. Oxidizing Enzymes. There are certain enzymes in the plant which are concerned with processes of oxidation and reduction (Chodat, 1). They are considered at this point since we have most information of them in their connexion with aromatic substances. Peroxidases. A peroxidase is practically always present in the tissues of the Higher Plants. These enzymes are able to decompose hydrogen peroxide with the formation of "active" or atomic oxygen: H2O2 -f peroxidase = H2O -f O. The tests for peroxidases will be considered later. Oxidases (synonymous with laccases or phenolases) are only present in about 63 "/o of the Higher Plants. A plant oxidase, moreover, is made up of three components, i.e. (1) an enzyme, termed an oxygenase, (2) an aromatic substance containing an ortho-dihydroxy grouping such as that in catechol and (3) a peroxidase as above described (Wheldale Onslow, 9). There are a number of substances with the catechol grouping, that VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 123 is two hydroxy! groups in the ortho position, found in plants, such as catechol, protocatechuic acid, caffeic acid, hydrocaffeic acid, etc., COOH CH=CH— COOH /\ OH /\ OH OH OH Catechol OH Protocatechuic acid \/' OH CafFeic acid When solutions of such substances are left in air, they slowly aut- oxidize with the production of brownish oxidation products, accompanied, at the same time, by the formation of peroxides, probably hydrogen peroxide (since organic peroxides . tend to decompose in the presence of water with the production of hydrogen peroxide). The oxygen in this form — O — O — can be detected by chemical tests in the solutions. In plants, moreover, which contain catechol compounds, there are present certain enzymes, the oxygenases, which catalyze the autoxidation of the catechol compounds, and these only, with rapid production of a brown colour and of a peroxide \ Since peroxidases are also universally present, these may decompose the peroxide with production of active oxygen: catechol substance + oxygenase + molecular oxygen — ►peroxide peroxide + peroxidase — »► active oxygen. This system, which constitutes an oxidase, is therefore capable of transforming molecular into active oxygen, and may in this way bring about oxidations in the plant which would not otherwise occur. Catechol substances with the accompanying oxygenases are only present, as mentioned above, in about 63 °/o of the higher plants. The}^ are present in about 76% of the Monocotyledons, in about 84^0 of the Sympetalae but only in about 50 "/o of the Archichlamydeae examined. Usually the genera of an order are all of one kind, either oxidase plants or peroxidase plants without the oxygenase and catechol elements. A few examples of oxidase orders are Gramineae, Umbelliferae, Labiatae, Boraginaceae, Solanaceae and Compositae: of peroxidase orders, Liliaceae, Cruciferae and Crassulaceae : of mixed orders, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae and Leguminosae. After death by inj ury, chloroform vapour, etc., the tissues of oxidase plants usually turn brown or reddish-brown in air, e.g. fruit of Apple, petals oi Anemone, Rosa, etc.; peroxidase plants, on the contrary, do not 1 The term oxygenase was originally applied by Bach and Chodat to ferment like com- pounds which form peroxides. 124 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. show this phenomenon. Since the oxidase provides an active oxidizing system, it is probable that a general oxidation of aromatic and other substances {in addition to catechol) takes place after death, in many cases leading to the production of dark pigments, e.g. the blackening of lacquer from latex of the Lacquer tree {Rhus verniciferay. In Schenckia hliimenaviana (Rubiaceae), also, the whole plant turns bright red in chloroform vapour, and blue pigments are formed in flowers of an Orchid (Phajus) after death. Tests for peroxidases are based on the property of a number of sub- stances (benzidine, a-naphthol, guaiacum, pyrogallol, etc.) of giving highly coloured oxidation products in presence of active oxygen. Hence solutions of the above substances in the presence of hydrogen peroxide provide tests for peroxidases: XD' HoNNH OH NH2 a-Naphthol Benzidine p-Phenylenediamine Expt. 118. Demonstration of the presence of a peroxidase. Pound' up a little Horse-radish root {Cochlearia Armoracia) with water. Filter and, taking a few c.c. each time in a small evaporating dish, make the following tests : {a) Add a few drops of a 10 % solution of guaiacum. No colour is developed. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide : a deep blue colour appears. Guaiacum gum is obtained from two West Indian species of Guaiacum trees, G. offi^cinale and O. sanctum^ partly as a natural exudation and partly by means of incisions. It gives a yellow solution with alcohol which contains guaiaconic acid, and the latter, on oxidation, yields guaiacum blue. As far as possible, inner portions of the resin lumps should be used, as the resin oxidizes in air, and then may give un- reliable results. It is best to make the tincture freshly before use, and, as a precaution, to boil it on a water-bath with a little blood charcoal (preferably Merck's) and filter. Guaiacum gum tends to form peroxides on exposure to air, and these are removed by the above treatment. (6) A 1 0/0 solution of a-naphthol in 50 % alcohol, followed by a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. A lilac colour is developed. (c) A 1 ^Iq solution of benzidine in 50 % alcohol followed by a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. A blue colour is developed. {d) A\ ^/q solution of jo-phenylenediamine hydrochloride in water followed by a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. A greenish colour is developed. Repeat the above experiments with an enzyme extract that has been boiled. No colour is given, showing that the enzyme has been destroyed by boiling. Other 1 The chief constituent of the latex, however, is a catechol derivative. VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 125 material which may be used for the above tests is fruit of the Melon and Cucumber and root of the Kadish and Turnip. Of the above substances only guaiacum, as a rule, is sufficiently sensitive to be oxidized by the amount of active oxygen produced by the plant oxidase. The juices and water extracts of oxidase plants will usually blue guaiacum immediately. If considerable quantities of sugars or tannins are present in the tissues, they may inhibit the guaiacum test. Another test which may be used is the following. A solution of dimethyl -jo-phenylenedidmine hydrochloride and a-naphthol in presence of dilute sodium carbonate gives a deep violet-blue colour in the presence of an oxidase. Expt. 119. Demonstration of the presence of an oxidase. Cut two or three thin slices from a fresh tuber of the Potato, pound well in a mortar, add a little water and filter. With a few c.c. of the extract in an evaporating dish make the following tests : (a) Add a few drops of 10 ^/o solution of guaiacum. A blue colour appears. (6) Add 2*5 c.c. of a 0*14 % solution of a-naphthol and 2 '5 c.c. of a 0*17 7o solution of dimethyl -jo-phenylenediamine hydrochloride and 5 c.c. of 0*1 °l^ solution of sodium carbonate. A deep violet-blue colour appears. Control experiments should be performed by using boiled enzyme extract. Other material which may be used is fruit of the Pear, Plum and Cherry. Expt. 120. To show the distribution of oxidases and peroxidases in various plants^ and the correlation between the presence of oxidase and browning on injury or in chloroform vapour. Take a selection of the plants given below, and in each case grind up a portion of the plant in a mortar with a little water and filter. Divide the filtrate into two parts in small porcelain dishes. Allow one part to stand in air, and note the darkening in colour in cases where an oxidase is present. To the other add a few drops of guaiacum. To extracts containing a peroxidase only, after 5-10 minutes, add in addition a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Further, small pieces of the plants to be tested should be placed in a corked flask containing a few drops of chloroform, and the development of browning noted in the case of plants containing an oxidase. For demonstration of oxidases the following plants may be used : Christmas Rose {Helleborus niger)^ Dandelion {Taraxacum offi^cinale), Forget-me-not {Myosotis), Hawthorn {Crataegus) and White Dead Nettle {Lamium album). For peroxidases : Arabis, Aubrietia, Pea {Pisum sativum), Stock {Matthiola\ Wallflower {Cheiranthus Chdri) and Violet ( Viola). The peroxidases, like other enzymes, can be extracted either with water or dilute alcohol and precipitated from solution by strong alcohol. Expt. 121. Preparation of peroxidase from Horse-radish (Cochlearia) roots. Mince up the Horse-radish roots in a mincing machine. The product is allowed to stand for 24 hrs. to enable the glucoside, potassium myronate, to be hydrolyzed by the enzyme, myrosin. Then extract with 80 % alcohol. The alcohol is decanted off, and the 126 . AKOMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. residue pressed free from alcohol in a press. The residue is next extracted with 40 % alcohol for 48 hrs., filtered and precipitated with 90 % alcohol. The precipitate, which contains the peroxidase, is filtered off". Dissolve up in water and make the test for peroxidases (Expt. 118). Peroxidase from the Horse-radish has been prepared on a large scale and very carefully purified (Willstatter and Stoll, 34). The purified t product was found to consist chiefly of a nitrogenous glucoside, a result which does not throw much light on its catalyzing properties. The oxidation of pyrogallol, in the presence of a peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide, has been used as a method for estimating the activity of these enzymes. Solutions of known strength of pyrogallol and hydro- gen peroxide are used, and to the mixture a solution of a known weight of prepared peroxidase is added. An oxidation product, termed purpuro- gallin is formed. After a definite time, the reaction is stopped by adding acid, and the purpurogallin extracted by ether. The ether extract is colorimetrically compared with an extract containing a known amount of purpurogallin (Willstatter and Stoll, 34). Expt. 122. Outline of method for estimating peroxidase hy formation of purpuro- gallin. Make a solution of 0*5 gm. of pyrogallol in 200 c.c. of distilled water, and add to it 1 c.c. of 5 o/o hydrogen peroxide. Then add about 5 c.c. of a solution of Horse-radish peroxidase from Expt. 121. After 5 minutes add to half the mixture 25 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid and extract the purpurogallin with ether in a separating funnel. The purpurogallin will be extracted by the ether, giving a yellow solution. Allow the other half of the mixture to stand. The colour will deepen, and a reddish deposit of purpurogallin will be precipitated. Examine a little of the deposit under the microscope. It will be found to consist of sheaves of crystals. A solution of peroxidase from Alyssum leaves [Expt. 124 (6)] can also be used. The fact that an oxidase contains an oxygenase and catechol substance may be demonstrated as follows. The tissue of an oxidase plant is rapidly pounded under alcohol (to avoid oxidation) and extracted several times with cold alcohol, by which the. catechol substance is removed. The two enzymes, oxygenase and peroxidase, remain in the tissue residue. This residue or its water extract will give no (or very little) reaction with guaiacum, since one of the components for producing the peroxide has been removed. If now a little catechol is added followed by guaiacum, a blue colour immediately appears. Moreover, from an alcoholic extract of the tissues the catechol substance can be precipitated as a lead salt, the lead removed as insoluble sulphate, and the aromatic compound set free again in solution. If the enzyme extract is then added to the solu- tion of the catechol substance, a brown colour is produced together with a peroxide, and the mixture will give a blue colour with guaiacum. viii] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 127 Expt. 123. Resolution of the components of the oxidase in the Potato tuber. (A) Separation of peroxidase and oxygenase. Cut a few thin slices from a peeled potato and put them in a mortar which contains sufficient 96 % alcohol to prevent, as far as possible, exposure to the air, and pound them thoroughly. Filter quickly on a filter-i)ump, and repeat the process several times until a colourless powder, consisting of cell-residues, starch, etc. is obtained. The enzymes (including the peroxidase and oxygenase) of the cells are precipitated by the alcohol and remain in the cell-residue. Make a water extract of the white powder and filter. To a portion of the filtrate add a few drops of guaiacum tincture ; no blue colour is given. Add further a few drops of dilute hydrogen peroxide: a blue colour appears. (B) Separation of the aromatic substance. Take about 500 gms. of freshly peeled potato tuber, cut it into thin slices and drop them as rapidly as possible into a flask containing 250 c.c. of boiling 96 <)/o alcohol on a water-bath. Continue boiling for 15 mins,, and then filter. Evaporate off the alcohol from the filtrate, take up the residue in a little water, warm and filter. To the filtrate add concentrated lead acetate solution until a precipitaoe ceases to be formed. Filter off the precipitate, which is pale yellow in colour, stir up in a little water and add 10 % sulphuric acid drop by drop until the yellow colour is destroyed, and the lead is converted into lead sulphate. Filter off the lead sulphate : the filtrate contains the aromatic substance in solution. Neutralize the solution carefully with 1 ^/o caustic soda and make the following tests with separate portions in small evaporating dishes : (a) Add a drop of ferric chloride solution : a deep green colour appears. Add further a few drops of 1 o/^ sodium carbonate solution. The green colour changes to a bluish- and finally, a reddish-purple. This reaction is characteristic of aromatic compounds containing the catechol grouping, i.e. two hydroxyl groups in. the ortho position (see p. 123). (6) Add a little of the enzyme solution prepared in (A). The mixture will gradually turn brown owing to the oxidation of the aromatic by the oxygenase. (c) To (6) add a few drops of guaiacum tincture. A blue colour is given owing to the presence of the peroxide formed in (6), the oxidase system being now complete. Expt. 124. Actio7i of oxygenase on catechol, (a) The oxygenase of the Potato tuber {or Pear fruit). Make a 1 o/q solution of catechol in distilled water. To some of this solution, in a small evaporating dish, add a little of the enzyme solution from Expt. 123 (A). Note that the catechol solution gradually turns brown. Add further a few drops of guaiacum tincture. A blue colour appears, (b) Enzyme extract of Alyssum leaves. Pound up 2-3 Alyssum leaves in a mortar with some 96 % alcohol, and filter on a filter-pump. Repeat the process until the residue is practically colourless. Extract the residue with a little distilled water and filter. Proceed as in (a). No browning of catechol takes place and no blue colour is formed on the sub- sequent addition of guaiacum. For section (a) the following material may also be used: fruits of Apple and Greengage, flowers of Horse Chestnut (Aesculus) and leaves of Pear, the method of preparation in (6) being employed. For section (6) flowers of white Arabis may also be used. If in the preparation of the enzymes from the Potato tuber, the tissue is allowed to brow^n before extracting with alcohol, the cell-residue 128 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. is tinged with brown and, on extraction with water, the filtrate will give an oxidase reaction with guaiacum. This is to be explained by the fact that the peroxide has been adsorbed by the tissue residue. This pheno- menon is probably the explanation of the preparation of some oxidases called "laccases." Such enzymes have been obtained by the precipita- tion with strong alcohol of the expressed juices (containing peroxide since they were obtained by crushing the tissues) of plants which brown on injury. The enzyme and other organic matter is precipitated and carries with it the peroxide. Such a product will readily oxidize phenols with other groupings, e.g. pyrogallol, quinol, etc. Tyrosinase. This enzyme is widely distributed in plants. It occurs in the Banana (Musa sapientum), Wheat {Triticum vulgar e), Beet {Beta vulgaris), Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale), Lacquer tree (Rhus vernicifera), Potato (Solarium tuberosum) and Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis). It has been demonstrated in about 16 natural orders and 21 genera. Tyrosinase oxidizes tyrosine with the evolution of carbon dioxide and ammonia and the production of a pink colour which darkens through red to black. The final black pigments are known as melanins. A solu- tion of ^-cresol CH3 V OH can be used as a delicate test for the enzyme. If the enzyme is present, a yellowish or orange-red colour is formed. Tyrosinase of the Potato tuber can be precipitated from a water extract with absolute alcohol: or if the potato tissue is extracted with cold 96 7o alcohol, the enzyme is precipitated and remains in the tissue residue, as does the peroxidase (Expt. 123(A)], but the tyrosine is almost entirely washed away. £Jxpt. 125. Demonstration of the presence of tyrosinase in the Potato. Take about half a potato and proceed as in the preparation of peroxidase [see Expt. 123 (A)]. Roughly dry the powder left on the filter and then add about 100 c.c. of water and allow to stand for 15 mins. Filter, and divide the filtrate into four portions a, 6, c and d. Make a suspension of a little tyrosine in water (tyrosine is only slightly soluble in cold water). To a add 5 c.c. of tyrosine suspension. To h add 5 c.c. of tyrosine suspension and boil. To c add some p-cresol. To d nothing is added. VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 129 Plug all the tubes with cotton-wool, put in an incubator at 38° C. for 2-3 hrs. Note that tube a fairly rapidly turns red, then brown and finally black. Tube d may darken a little owing to the action of tyrosinase and oxygenase on the traces of plant aromatics left in the tissue. Tube h remains unaltered. Tube c gives an orange-red colour. It is probable that tyrosinase is a mixture of enzymes, of which an oxidase is one component. It appears to be a fact that the plants which give the tyrosinase reactions are always oxidase, and not peroxidase, plants. Reductases. (Oxido-reductases.) These enzymes (Bach, 4) catalyze the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen, provided sub- stances are present which will accept the hydrogen and oxygen re- spectively. Such an enzyme has been shown to be present in the tuber of the Potato. It will reduce nitrates to nitrites, provided acetaldehyde is present, the latter being oxidized to acetic acid. Expt. 126. Demonstration of the presence of a reditctase in the Potato. Prepare a crude enzyme extract of the tuber as in [Expt. 123 (A)]. Take 10 c.c. of a 4 % solution of sodium nitrate in a test-tube, heat it in a beaker of water to 60° C. and then add 10 c.c. of the enzyme extract, followed by 3 drops of IOo/q acetaldehyde solution. Prepare a control tube with boiled enzyme extract. Keep the tubes at 60° C. for 2-3 minutes. Test for nitrite with a few drops of an alcoholic solution of indole and a few drops of strong hydrochloric acid. The unboiled tube should give a red colour. Catalases. These enzymes are probably present in all plants. They decompose hydrogen peroxide with the formation of molecular oxygen (see Expt. 15). The function of the peroxidases, reductases, catalases and tyrosinase in the living cell is not known. It would appear that the oxidase reaction (as detected by guaiacum, etc.) is the outcome of post-mortem changes after the death of the cell. It is probable, however, that the processes giving rise to it may take place to some extent, though under control, in the living cell and it has been suggested, in fact, that oxidases play a part in respiration (Palladin, 10). There is certainly reason to believe that the first stages of respiration in plants involve a fermentation of a hexose similar to that taking place in yeast. The enzymes, zymase and carboxylase have been shown to be present in the tuber of the Potato and the root of Beet (Bodnar, 5). Hexosephosphatase has also been demonstrated in the bran of Wheat and seeds of the Castor-oil Plant (Ricinus communis) (Plimmer, 20). Whether oxidases act upon the products formed by the preliminary action of zymase remains an open question. The fact that they are not universally present in plants presents a difficulty. o. 9 130 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [ch. REFERENCES Books 1. Chodat, R. Darstelkmg von Oxydasen und Katalasen tierischer und pflanz- licher Herkunft, Methoden ihrer Anwendung. Handbuch der biochemischen Arbeitsmethoden. E. Abderhalden, Berlin, 1910, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 42-74. 2. Perkin, A. G., and Everest, A. B. The Natural Organic Colouring Matters. London, 1918. 3. Wheldale, M. The Anthocyanin Pigments of Plants. Cambridge, 1916. Papers 4. Bach, A. Zur Kenntnis der Reduktionsfermente. IV. Mitteilung. Pflanz- liche Perhydridase. Biochem. Zs., 1913, Vol. 52, pp. 412-417. 5. Bodnar, J. Ueber die Zymase und Carboxylase der KartofFel und Zuckerriibe. Biochem. Zs., 1916, Vol. 73, 193-210. 6. Combes, R. Sur la presence, dans des feuilles et dans des fleurs ne formant pas d'anthocyane, de pigments jaunes pouvant dtre transform^s en anthocyane. C. R. Acad. scL, 1914, Vol. 158, pp. 272-274. 7. Everest, A. E. The Production of Anthocyanins and Anthocyanidins. Part III. Proc. R. Soc, 1918, B Vol. 90, pp. 251-265. 8. Fischer, E., und Preudenberg, K. Ueber das Tannin und die Synthese ahnlicher Stoffe. Ber. D. chem. Ges., 1912, Vol. 45, pp. 915-935. 9. Onslo-W, M. Wheldale. Oxidising Enzymes. II. The Nature of the Enzymes associated with certain Direct Oxidising Systems in Plants. Biochem. J. 1920, Vol. 14, pp. 535-540. IV. The Distribution of Oxidising Enzymes among the Higher Plants. Bioch. J., 1921, Vol. 15, pp. 107-112. 10. Palladin, W. Ueber das Wesen der Pflanzenatmung. Biochem. Zs., 1909, Vol. 18, pp. 151-206. 11. Perkin, A. G. Luteolin. Part I. J. Chem. JSoc, 1896, Vol. 69, pp. 206-212. Part II. Ibid., 1896, Vol. 69, pp. 799-803. 12. Perkin. A. G. Apiin and Apigenin. J. Chem. Soc, 1897, Vol. 71, pp. 805- 818. Ibid., 1900, Vol. 77, pp. 416-423. 13. Perkin, A. G. Robinin, Violaquercetin, Myrticolorin and Osyritrin. J. Chem. Soc, 1902, Vol. 81, pp. 473-480. 14. Perkin, A. G., and Horsfall, L. H. Luteolin. Part III. J. Chem. Soc, 1900, Vol. 77, pp. 1314-1324. 15. Perkin, A. G., and Hummel, J. J. Occurrence of Quercetin in the Outer Skins of the Bulb of the Onion. J. Chem. Soc. 1896, Vol. 69, pp. 1295-1298. 16. Perkin, A. G., and Hummel, J. J. The Colouring Matters occurring in various British Plants. Part I. ./. Chem. Soc, 1896, Vol. 69, pp. 1566-1572. 17. Perkin, A. G., and Newbury, P. G. The Colouring Matters contained in Dyer's Broom {Genista tinctoria) and Heather {Calluna vulgaris). J. Chem. Soc, 1899, Vol. 75, pp. 830-839. 18. Perkin, A. G., and Phipps, S. Notes on some Natural Colouring Matters. J. Chem. Soc, 1904, Vol. 85, pp. 56-64. 19. Perkin, A. G., and Wilkinson, E. J. Colouring Matter from the Flowers oi Delphinium Consolida. J. Chem. Soc, 1902, Vol. 81, pp. 585-591. VIII] AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 131 20. Plimmer, R. H. A. The Metabolism of Organic Phosphorus Compounds. Their Hydrolysis by the Action of Enzymes. Biochem. t/., 1913, Vol. 7, pp. 43-71. 21. Plimmer, R. H. A. and Page, H. J. An Investigation of Phytin. Biochem. J., 1913, Vol. 7, pp. 157-174. 22. Shibata, K., Nagai, I., and Kishida, M. The Occurrence and Physio- logical Significance of Flavone Derivatives in Plants. J. Biol. Chem., 1916, Vol. 28, pp. 93-108. 23. Waage, T. Ueber das Vorkommen uud die RoUe des Phloroglucins in der Pflanze. Ber. D. hot. Ges., 1890, Vol. 8, pp. 250-292. 24. Wheldale, M. On the Nature of Anthocyanin. Froc. Camb. Phil. Soc.^ 1909, Vol. 15, pp. 137-168. 25. Wheldale, M., and Bassett, H. LI. The Flower Pigments oi Antirrhinum majus, II. The Pale Yellow or Ivory Pigment. Biochem. J., 1913, Vol. 7, pp. 441- 444. 26. Wheldale, M., and Bassett, H. LI. The Flower Pigments oi Antirrhi- num majus. III. The Red and Magenta Pigments. Biochem. J., 1914, Vol. 8, pp. 204-208. 27. Wheldale, M., and Bassett, H. LI. The Chemical Interpretation of some Mendelian P'actors for Flower-Colour. Proc. R. Soc, 1914, B Vol. 87, pp. 300-311. 28. Willstatter, R. Ueber die FarbstofFe der Bliiten und Frlichte. SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1914, pp. 402-411. 29. W^illstatter, R., Bolton, E. K., Mallison, H., Martin, K., Mieg, W., Nolan, T. S., und Zollinger, B. H. Untersuchungen Uber Anthocyane. Liebigs Ann. Chem., 1915, Vol. 408, pp. 1-162. 30. Willstatter, R., und Everest, A. E. Ueber den Farbstoff der Korn- blume. Liehigs Ann. Chem., 1913, Vol. 401, pp. 189-232. 31. Willstatter, R., und Mallison, H. Ueber die Verwandtschaft der Anthocyane und Flavone. SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1914, pp. 769-777. 32. Willstatter, R., und Weil, F. J. Untersuchungen iiber Anthocyane. Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1916, Vol. 412, pp. 113-251. 33. Willstatter, R., und Zechmeister, L. Synthese des Pelargonidins. mzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1914, pp. 886-993. 34. Willstatter, R., und StoU, A. Ueber Peroxydase. Liebigs Ann. Chem., 1918, Vol. 416, pp. 21-64. 9—2 CHAPTER IX PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS No class of compounds is of more fundamental significance than the proteins. The matrix of protoplasm largely consists of proteins in the colloidal state, and, without doubt, they occur to some extent in the same condition in the cell-sap. They are also found in the cell in the solid state, in the form of either amorphous granules, termed aleurone, or crystalline or semi-crystalline bodies, termed crystalloids. Both solid forms constitute "reserve material" and are often found in seeds, tubers, bulbs, buds and roots. Plant proteins may be classified on the following plan: 1. The simple proteins. (a) Albumins. (b) Globulins. (c) Prolamins (Gliadins). (d) Glutelins 2. Conjugated proteins. (a) Nucleoproteins. 3. Derived proteins. {a) Metaproteins. (b) Proteoses ( Albumoses). (c) Peptones. (d) Polypeptides. Although they are present in every cell in all parts of plants, little, however, is known of plant proteins, except of those in seeds, because of the difficulties of obtaining them in sufficiently large quantities, and of separating them from each other. Proteins are in the colloidal state when in so-called solution, and are unable to diffuse through parchment membranes. The proteoses and peptones, however, which have simpler molecules, can diffuse through such membranes. The vegetable proteins are soluble in various solvents according to the nature of the protein; some are soluble in water, others in dilute salt solutions, others, again, in dilute alkalies, and a few in dilute alcohol. Vegetable albumins are coagulated from solution on boiling, but most CH. IX] PKOTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 133 of the globulins, unlike the corresponding animal products, are only imperfectly coagulated on heating and some not at all. The precipitate formed when coagulation is complete will not go into solution again either in water, acid, alkali or salts. Alcohol precipitates the proteins; in the case of animal proteins, the precipitate becomes coagulated and insoluble if allowed to remain in contact with the alcohol but this does not appear to be so with plant proteins. In addition, certain neutral salts, the chlorides and sulphates oi sodium, magnesium and ammonium, have the property of precipitating proteins (except peptones) from solution when added in sufficient quan- tity. The protein is quite unchanged in precipitation and can be made to go into solution again. The various proteins are precipitated by different concentrations of these salt solutions (see p. 138). The salts of calcium and barium and the heavy metals produce insoluble precipitates with the proteins, and in this case the reaction is irreversible. In regard to chemical composition, the proteins contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur. There is every reason to believe tfiat the protein molecule is constituted of amino-acids con- densed, with elimination of water, on the plan which may be depicted as follows: Ri Rii Riii NH2— CH— COjOH HjNH— CH— COiOH H:NH— CH— COiOH HiNH- -COjOH H;NH— CH— COOH Conversely, when the proteins are acted upon by hydrolyzing en- zymes, a series of hydrolytic products are formed which have smaller molecules than the original proteins. They may be enumerated as: 1. Albumoses. 2. Peptones. 3. Amino-acids. In the same way when proteins are boiled with acids, a number of the amino-acids are obtained as an end-product. The above amino-acids may be either aliphatic or aromatic, and they are characterized by having one or more hydrogen atoms, other than those in the carboxyl groups, replaced by the group — NHg. Thus they are acids by virtue of the carboxyl groups, and bases by virtue of the — NH2 groups: towards strong acids they act as bases, and towards 134 PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS [ch. strong bases as acids. The amino-acid, alanine, for instance, forms salts, sodium amino-propionate with a base, and alanine hydrochloride with an acid : CH3— CH— COONa CH3— CH— COOH I I NH2 NHg-HCI Substances behaving in this way have been termed "amphoteric" electrolytes (see also p. 16). In the proteins, which are formed by condensation, as explained above, there are always some NHg and COOH groups left uncombined. Hence a protein must, in the same way, have the properties of both an acid and a base. The amino-acids which are obtained by the hydrolysis of plant pro- teins may be classified as follows: Aliphatic compounds. Mono-carboxylic mono-amino acids : Glycine or a-amino-acetic acid CH2(NH2)COOH Alanine or a-aniino-propionic acid CH3-CH(NH2)-COOH Valine or a-amino-iso-valeric acid CH3^ >CHCH(NH2)C00H CH3 Leucine or a-amino-iso-caproic acid CH3V ■ >CH • CH. • CH(NH2) • COOH CH3^ Iso-leucine or a-amino-jS-methyl-^-ethyl-propionic acid CH3. ^CH •CH(NH2) COOH C2H6 Serine or a-amino-jS-hydroxy-propionic acid CH20HCH(NH2)COOH Dicarboxylic mono-amino acids : Aspartic acid or a-amino-succinic acid COOH • CH2 • CH(NH2) • COOH Glutaminic acid or a-amino-glutaric acid COOH •CH2-CH2 •CH(NH2)- COOH ixj PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 135 Mono-carboxylic di-amino acids : Arginiiie or S-giianidine-a-araino- valeric acid NH2 HN=:C— NH • CH2 • CH2 • CH2 • CH(NH2) • COOH Lysine or a-f-di-aniino-caproic acid CHaCNHa) ' CHg ' CHg • CH2 ' CH(NH2) ' COOH Dicarboxylic di-amino acid : Cystine (dicysteine) or di-/3-thio-a-amino-propionic acid CH2 — S — S — CH2 I I CH(NH2) CH(NH2) COOH COOH Aromatic compounds. Mono-carboxylic mono-amino acids : Phenyl-alanine or /3-phenyl-a-aniino-propionic acid C6H5-CH2CH(NH2)COOH Tyrosine or jo-hydroxy-phenyl-alanine OH • C6H4 • CH2 • CH(NH2) • COOH Heterocyclic compounds. Proline or a-pyrrolidine-carboxylic acid CH2 CH2 I I CH2 CHCOOH ^NH^ IJistidine or /3-iminazole-alanine CH NH N CH=C— CH2 • CH(NH2) ' COOH Tryptophane or ^-indole-alanine CgHoN • CH2 ' CH (NH9) ' COOH C'CH2CH(NH2)COOH CH Different proteins are formed by various combinations of the above acids and hence give different amounts on hydrolysis. There are certain properties and chemical reactions by means of which proteins can be detected. These are illustrated in the following experiment. 136 PKOTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. Expt. 127. Tests for proteins. Weigh out about 10 gms. of dried peas (Pisum), grind them in a coffiee-mill and then add 100 c.c. of water to the ground mass. Allow the mixture to stand for an hour. Filter, and make the following tests with the filtrate (see ix 147). (a) The xanthroproteic reaction. To a few c.c. of the protein solution in a test-tube add about one-third of its volume of strong nitric acid. A white precipitate is formed (except in the case of proteoses, peptones, etc.). On boiling, the precipitate turns yellow, and may partly dissolve to give a yellow solution. Cool under the tap, and add strong ammonia till the reaction is alkaline. The yellow colour becomes orange. The precipitate is due to the fact that metaprotein (see p. 143) is formed by the action of acid on albumins or globulins, and this metaprotein is insoluble in strong acids. The yellow colour is the result of the formation of a nitro-compound of some aromatic component of the protein, such as tyrosine, tryptophane and phenylalanine. (6) MUIotHs reaction. To a few c.c. of the protein solution add about half its volume of Millon's reagent^. A white precipitate is formed. On warming, the preci- pitate turns brick-red, or disappears and gives a red solution. The white precipitate is due to the action of the mercuric nitrate on the proteins. The reaction is character- istic of all aromatic substances which contain a hydroxyl group attached to the benzene ring. The aromatic complex in the protein to which the reaction is due is tyrosine. (c) The glyoxylic reaction {Hopkins and Cole). To about 2 c.c. of protein solution add an equal amount of "reduced oxalic acid 2." Mix the solutions, and then add an equal volume of concentrated sulphuric acid, pouring it down the side of the tube. A purple ring forms at the junction of the two liquids. If the liquids are mixed by shaking the tube gently, the purple colour will spread throughout the solution. The substance in the protein molecule to which the reaction is due is tryptophane. If carbohydrates are present in the liquid to be tested, the colour is not good, owing to blackening produced by the charring with the strong sulphuric acid. {d) The biuret reaction. To a few c.c. of the protein solution add about 1 #.0. of 40 0/0 sodium hydrate apd one drop of 1 % solution of copper sulphate. A violet or pink colour is produced. The reaction is given by nearly all substances containing two CONH groups attached to one another, to the same nitrogen atom, or to the same carbon atom. The cause of the reaction with proteins is the presence of one or more groupings formed by the condensation of the carboxylic group of an amino- acid with the amino group of another amino-acid (see p. 133). 1 This reagent is made by dissolving 30 c.c. of mercury in 570 c.c. of concentrated nitric acid and then adding twice its bulk of water. It contains mercurous and mercuric nitrates, together with excess of nitric acid and a little nitrous acid. 2 Keduced oxalic acid is prepared as follows: (a) Treat 500 c.c. of a saturated solution of oxalic acid with 40 gms. of 2 % sodium amalgam. When hydrogen ceases to be evolved, the solution is filtered and diluted with twice its volume of distilled water. The solution contains oxalic acid, sodium binoxalate and glyoxylic acid (COOH • CHO). (6) Put 10 gms. of powdered magnesium into a flask and just cover with distilled water. Add slowly 250 c.c. of saturated oxalic acid, cooling under the tap. Filter off the insoluble magnesium oxalate, acidify with acetic acid and dilute to a litre with distilled water. IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS 137 (e) The sulphur reaction. Boil a few c.c. of the protein solution with an equal quantity of 40 o/q sodium hydrate for two minutes, and then add a drop or two of lead acetate. The solution turns black (or brownish, if only a small amount of protein is present). This reaction is due to the formation of sodium sulphide by the action of the strong alkali on the sulphur of the protein. On addition of the lead salt, either a black precipitate, or dark colour, due to lead sulphide is formed. The sulphur in the protein molecule is mainly present as cystine. For the following tests, a purified protein solution is necessary, since the reactions may also be given by accompanying aromatic substances, carbohydrates, etc. For this purpose take 40 gms. of ground peas, add to the meal about 200 c.c. 10 ^jq sodium chloride solution, and allow the mixture to stand, with occasional stirring, for 3-12 hrs. (see p. 147). Then filter off the extract, first through muslin, and, subsequently, through filter-paper. Put the extract to dialyze for 24 hrs. in a collodion dialyzer^ until the protein is well precipitated. (Toluol should be added to the liquid in the dialyzer.) Then filter ofi" the protein. Reserve half, and dissolve the other half in about 50 c.c. of 5 o/q sodium nitrate solution. With this solution (after reserving a portion for Expt. 129) make the following tests : (/) Precipitation hy alcohol. To a few c.c. in a test-tube, add excess of absolute alcohol. The protein is precipitated. {g) Precipitation hy the heavy metals. Measure out a few c.c. of the protein solution into three test-tubes, and add respectively a little (1) 5% copper sulphate solution, (2) 5 o/^ lead acetate solution, (3) 5 o/o mercuric chloride solution : the protein is precipitated in each case. The following test cannot be demonstrated on the Pea protein, since carbohydrates are absent in this case. It can, however, be demonstrated in later experiments (see p. 145. {h) Molisch's reaction. To a few c.c, of the protein solution add a few drops of a 1 % solution of a-naphthol in alcohol. Mix, and then run in an equal volume of strong sulphuric acid down the side of the tube. A violet ring is formed at the junction of the two liquids. The reaction signifies the existence in a protein of a carbohydrate group which gives rise, on treatment with acid, to furfural. The latter then condenses with a-naphthol to give a purple colour (see also Expts. 39, 44, 46). (i) Precipitation by salts of alkaline earth metals. To a few c.c. of the protein solution add a little 5 /o tannic acid solution : the protein is precipitated. 1 The collodion solution is made by adding 75 c.c. of ether to 3 gms. of well-dried pyroxylin, allowing it to stand for 10-15 minutes and then adding 25 c.c. of absolute alcohol. The dialyzers are prepared by coating the inside of a large test-tube with the solution and then filling with water, after the film is sufficiently dried so as not to be wrinkled by touching with the finger. The sac can then be withdrawn from the tube. 138 PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS [ch. (l) Precipitation hy Eshach's solution ^ Add a little Esbach's solution : the pro- tein is precipitated. {m) PrecipitatiQ7i hy phosphotungstic acid. Add a little 2% solution of phos- photungstic acid in 5 % sulphuric acid : the protein is precipitated. The substances used in the tests ik)—{m) are termed "alkaloidal re- agents" because they also cause precipitation of alkaloids (see Chap. xi). We are now in a position to deal with the different groups of pro- teins in detail: Simple Proteins. Albumins. Very few vegetable albumins have been investigated. They can be best defined as proteins which are soluble in water and are coagulated by heat. Animal albumins are distinguished by the fact that they are not precipitated by saturating their neutral solutions with sodium chloride or magnesium sulphate; nor are they precipitated by half-saturation with ammonium sulphate. This distinction cannot be applied to vegetable proteins, since some are precipitated by the above treatment. It is often not easy to determine whether a plant protein is an albumin, on account of the difficulty of removing traces of salts, acids or bases which cause solubility, and also of separating the albumins from the globulins with which they occur. Albumins are however probably widely distributed in plant tissues. The best-known albumins are: Leucosin, which occurs in the seeds of Wheat (Triticum vulgare), Rye (Secale cereale) and Barley {Hordeum vulgare). Legumelin, which occurs in seeds of the Pea (Pisum sativum), Broad Bean (Vicia Faba), Vetch {Vicia sativa), Lentil (Ervuni Lens) and some other Leguminous seeds. Phaselin, which occurs in the Kidney-bean {Phaseolus vulgaris). Ricin, which occurs in the Castor-oil Bean (Ricinus communis). Expt. 128. Demonstraiion of the presence of an albumin {leucosin) in wheat or barley jiour {see also Expt. 135). Weigh out 10 gins, of wheat or barley flour, add 100 CO. of distilled water and allow to stand, with occasional stirring, for 2-6 hrs. Then filter off the solution. Slowly heat the solution to boiling, and note that a precipitate of coagulated protein is formed. Globulins. These may be defined as the proteins which are in- soluble in water but soluble in dilute salt solutions, the concentration of the salt solution necessary for complete solution (see p. 139) varying with the salt or protein under consideration. It should be noted that, 1 Esbach's solution is prepared by dissolving 10 gms. of picric acid and 10 gms. of citric acid in water and making the solution up to a litre. IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS 139 in making z(;a^er-extracts of plant tissues, it may happen that globulins pass into solution to some extent owing to the presence of inorganic salts in the tissues themselves. This has also already been illustrated in Expt. 127 in which an extract of the globulin of the Pea was obtained by treating ground Pea seeds with distilled water only. It is characteristic of animal globulins that they are precipitated by saturation of their solutions with magnesium sulphate. Many of the vegetable globulins cannot be precipitated by the above means, though they are all, as far as tested, precipitated by sodium sulphate at 33" C. Many also (like animal globulins) are precipitated by half-saturation with ammonium sulphate, though others are not precipitated until their solutions are nearly saturated with this salt [see Expt. 127 (j)]. Unlike animal globulins, vegetable globulins are, as a rule, only imperfectly coagulated by heat, even on boiling. Bxpt. 129. Demonstration of the coagulation of globulin. Heat a few c.c. of the solution of dialyzed Pea globulin (from Expt. 127) in a test-tube. Note that the protein is largely precipitated, but the solution does not become quite clear. One very important characteristic of the vegetable globulins is the ease with which a number of them can be obtain ed in crystalline form. This result may be achieved by dialyzing a salt solution of the globulin. The salt passes out through the membrane, and the protein is deposited in the form of crystals. An alternative method is to dilute the saline solution of globulin with water at 50 — 80° C. until a slight turbidity appears. Then warm further until this goes into solution, and cool gradually, when the protein will separate in crystals. The globulin, edestin, from seeds of the Hemp {Cannabis sativa) crystallizes very readily (see Expt. 139) and crystals can also be obtained of the globulins from the seeds of the Brazil nut {Bertholletia excelsa), the Flax or Linseed (Linum usitatissimum), the Oat {Avena sativa) and the Castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis); other globulins separate out on dialysis as spheroids, sometimes mixed with crystals. The solubilities of plant globulins are further complicated by the fact that some of these substances form acid salts which have different solubilities from the proteins themselves. Thus edestin is insoluble in water, but soluble in either dilute salt solution or acid. In the presence of acid it forms salts which are insoluble in dilute salt solutions. Thus edestin in dilute acid solution is precipitated by a trace of salt, or in dilute salt solution by a trace of acid (see Expt. 130). Legumin, on the other hand, from the Pea and other Leguminosae is soluble in water in 140 PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. the free state; combined with a small amount of acid as a salt, it is insoluble in water but soluble in neutral salt solution, that is, it has the solubilities of a globulin (see p. 147). Expt. 130. The formation of salts hy edestin. Grind up 5 gms. of seeds of the Hemp {Cannabis saiiva) in a coffee-mill. Extract with 50 c.c. of warm (not above 60° C.) 10% sodium chloride solution and filter. Add a drop of strong hydrochloric acid to the filtrate. Edestin chloride, which is insoluble in salt solutions, is precipi- tated. Filter and drain off all the liquid, wash once and then suspend the precipitate in distilled water. Add 1 or 2 drops of hydrochloric acid carefully and stir till most or all of the precipitate goes into solution. Filter, and to the filtrate add a few drops of saturated sodium chloride solution. The edestin acid salt is again precipitated. The following is a list of the principal known globulins (Osborne, 2): Pea (Pisum sativum). Legumin, in seeds of Broad Bean {Vicia Faha). Vetch ( Vicia sativa). I Lentil (Ervum Lens), Vignin, in seeds of Cow Pea ( Vigna sinensis). Glycinin, in seeds of Soy Bean {Glycine hispida). r Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Phaseolin (crystalline), in seeds of -| Adzuki Bean (P. radiatus). '^Lima Bean (P. lunatus). Conglutin, in seeds of Lupin (Lupinus). rPea (Pisum sativum), Vicilin, in seeds of ^ Broad Bean ( Vicia Faha). ILentil (Ervum Lens). Corylin, in seeds of Hazel Nut (Corylus Avellana). 'Almond (Pruniis Amygdalus). Amandin, in seeds of Peach (P. Persica). Plum (P. domestica). , Apricot (P. Armeniaca). ^European Walnut (Juglans regia). Juglansin, in seeds of - American Black Walnut (/. nigra). lAmerican Butter-nut (J. cinerea). Excelsin (crystalline), in seeds of Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa). Edestin in seeds of. Hemp (Cannabis sativa). Avenalin, in seeds of Oat (Avena sativa). Castanin, in seeds of Sweet Q\iQ^tnVit(Gastaneavulgaris). Maysin, in seeds of Maize (Zea Mays). Tuberin, in tubers of Potato (Solanum tuberosum). IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 141 Crystalline globulins have also been isolated from the following seeds but have as yet no distinctive names: Flax {Liniim usitatissimurn), Squash (Gucurbita maxima), Castor-oil Bean {Ridnus communis), Coconut (Cocos nucifera), Cotton-seed {Gossypium herbaceum), Sunflower {Helianthus annuus), Radish (Raphanus sativus), Peanut (Arachis hypogaea), Rape (Brassica campestris) and Mustard {Brassica alba). It will be seen that the majority of reserve proteins of seeds are globulins. It is probable that native and artificial crystalline proteins are identical in many cases. Prolamins. These proteins are characterized by the fact that they are insoluble in water and dilute saline solutions, but are soluble in 70-90 Yo alcohol. Such proteins are peculiar to plants, and are formed to a considerable extent in the seeds of cereals. The principal ones which have been isolated are : Gliadin found in the seeds of Wheat (Triticum vulgare). „ „ „ Rye (Secale cereale). Hordein „ „ Barley (Hordeum vulgare). Zein „ „ Maize {Zea Mays). The properties of the gliadins are demonstrated in Expts. 135, 136 and 137). Glutelins. The proteins of this group are insoluble in water, dilute saline solutions and in alcohol, but they are soluble in dilute alkalies. Glutenin of wheat is the only well-characterized member of this class which has so far been isolated, though other cereals most probably contain similar proteins. A protein of this nature has also been obtained from seeds of Rice {Oryza sativa). The properties of the glutelins are demonstrated in Expts. 135 and 136. Conjugated Proteins. Nucleoproteins. Though these proteins probably form constituents of all cells, the only members of the class investigated are those of the wheat embryo. This has been possible since nuclei form a large propor- tion of the tissue of the embryo. They may be regarded as protein salts of nucleic acid, i.e. protein nucleates. On hydrolysis with acids or enzymes they split up into various proteins and nucleic acid. The nucleoproteins are also connected with the purines (see p. 179). Nucleic acid. Plant nucleic acids have so far only been investigated from two sources, namely from the embryo of Wheat and from the Yeast cell. These two products appear to be identical, and, on analogy with 142 PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. animal nucleic acids, it is probable that all plant nucleic acids may prove to have the same composition. The nucleic acid investigated is a complex substance formed by the condensation of four nucleotides, each of which consists of phosphoric acid, a pentose sugar and a purine. Thus yeast nucleic acid is represented as: HOv O^P- HQ/ -0 • C5H7O2 •C5H4N50 1 guanine group 0 HOx 1 o=p- HO/ -0 • C5H6O • ■C4H4N3O 1 cytosine group 0 HO^ 1 \ 1 So/" -0 • C5H6O ■ C5H4N5 1 adenine group 0 HOv 1 O^P- HO/ -0 • C5H702 •C4H3N2O2 uracil group On hydrolysis, nucleic acid yields phosphoric acid, rf-ribose and the four purines as ultimate products. Nucleic acid is insoluble in water but soluble in dilute alkalies: owing to the difficulty of obtaining other suitable material, nucleic acid is usually prepared from Yeast. Expt. 131. Preparation of nucleic acid from Yeast (from Bertrand, see p. 10). Take 40 gms. of baker's yeast and add 30 c.c. of 30 % caustic soda solution. Break up the mass thoroughly and allow it to stand for fifteen minutes. Then add 20 c.c. of water, shake well and at the same time add 10-20 c.c. of 10 ^/q solution of ferric chloride which will produce a gelatinous precipitate. The mass, which should be homogeneous, is drained upon a cloth placed in. a funnel, so that the almost clear liquid can be collected in a beaker. The residue is washed with 50 c.c. of warm water (at 60-70° C.) and again drained on a cloth. The brownish filtrate is added to an equal volume of alcohol and enough hydrochloric acid is added to render the mixture slightly acid. A precipitate of nucleic acid is produced. The liquid should be allowed to stand until the precipitate has settled well. The supernatant fluid is then decanted, and the precipitate filtered off on a small porcelain funnel using, if possible, a hardened filter-paper. The precipitate is washed with a little alcohol and dissolved in the minimum amount of 10 % caustic soda solution. This is re- precipitated by pouring into acid alcohol and finally collected on a small funnel, again using hardened filter paper. The nucleic acid is tested for the pentose (ribose) and the phosphoric acid com- ponents as follows : (a) A portion of the precipitate is shaken up with a few c.c. of strong hydro- chloric acid in a test tube, a little orcinol is added and the liquid tested for pentoses (see Expt. 39). i IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 143 (6) The remainder of the precipitate is boiled for a few minutes with dilute nitric acid (1 part acid : 1 part water) in a test-tube. Then add an equal volume of 30 **/y solution of ammonium nitrate and 3-5 drops of concentrated nitric acid. Heat to boiling and add 2 c.c. of a 3 ^/q solution of ammonium molybdate. A yellow pre- cipitate of phosphomolybdate is produced. Derived Proteins. Metaproteins. These are hydrolytic products of albumins and glo- bulins formed by the action of water or dilute acid or alkali. They are insoluble in water, strong mineral acids and all solutions of neutral salts, but are soluble in dilute acids and alkalies in the absence of any large amount of neutral salt. Expt. 132. Reactions of metaprotein. Dissolve about 1 gm. of edestin (see Expt. 139) in 50 c.c. of a 2^0 hydrochloric acid and keep on a boiling water-bath for 2 hrs. Neutralize with dilute sodium carbonate solution. A copious precipitate of meta- protein separates out which is insoluble in water. Filter off the precipitate and wash. Make with it the following tests : {a) Dissolve up some of the precipitate again in 0*4% hydrochloric acid. To portions of the solution add : (i) Dilute sodium carbonate : the metaprotein is pre- cipitated again and redissolves in excess, (ii) Concentrated hydrochloric acid : the metaprotein is precipitated, (iii) Boil some of the acid solution. No coagulum is formed : the metaprotein is not precipitated by boiling when in solution, and can still be precipitated by neutralizing with sodium carbonate. (6) Suspend some of the precipitate in water and boil. Cool and add 0'4o/o hydrochloric acid : the precipitate is now insoluble, since the metaprotein is coagu- lated when boiled in suspension. (c) To some of the precipitate suspended in water, add gradually saturated ammonium sulphate solution : the metaprotein is insoluble in all concentrations of the salt. Proteoses (albumoses) and peptones. These substances are formed as products of hydrolysis by enzymes. When present in extracts from seeds, however, it is sometimes uncertain whether they formed original constituents of the seeds or resulted from hydrolysis. As a result of the enzyme hydrolysis of proteins a mixture of several proteoses is usually produced which can be separated by various methods, such as different solubilities in ammonium sulphate, alcohol, etc. The albumoses are soluble in water, salt solutions, dilute acids and alkalies. They are all precipitated by complete saturation with ammonium sulphate, and some by half-saturation with the same salt. On the whole, they give the general colour reactions of the proteins, and are precipitated by the protein precipitants, though some groups of proteoses show certain exceptions. Their solutions are not coagulated on boiling. 144 PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. The peptones are the only proteins not precipitated by complete saturation with ammonium sulphate. They give the protein colour reactions and are precipitated by tannic acid and lead acetate. Expt. 133. Separation and reactions of proteoses. Prepare about 20 gms. of gluten from 50 gms. of flour as in Expt. 135 {d). Put the gluten into a small flask, add 100 c.c. of 0*2 % hydrochloric acid and 0*5 gm. of commercial pepsin : add also a little toluol, shake and plug with cotton-wool. Leave in an incubator at 38° C. for two days. (A control experiment should also be made with 100 c.c. of 0*2 % hydro- chloric acid and 0*5 gm. of pepsin. Since pepsin itself gives a biuret reaction, a control is necessary for comparison in the next experiment.) After two days, the incubated mixture is neutralized to litmus with dilute sodium carbonate solution, filtered and saturated while boiling with solid ammonium sulphate. A precipitate of proteoses is formed, which can be gradually collected together as a sticky mass and removed with a glass rod. Dissolve the precipitate i u some hot water, filter and make the following tests : {a) Xanthoproteic reaction. A positive result is given. A modification of this reaction is characteristic of most proteoses. Add a few drops of nitric acid : a white precipitate is formed which disappears on heating gently and reappears on cooling. (6) MillonJs reaction. A positive result is given. (c) Glyoxylic reaction. A positive result is given. id) Biuret reaction. A pink or pinkish-violet colour is given. (e) Sulphur reaction. A positive result is given. (/) Add a little 3 ^Iq tannic acid solution. A precipitate is formed. {g) Add a drop of 5 % copper sulphate solution. A precipitate is formed. (A) Add a drop of strong acetic acid and then a couple of drops of 5 «/o potassium ferrocyanide. A precipitate is formed which disappears on heating gently and re- appeifcrs on cooling. ^ ^' (^) Boil some of the solution. No coagulum is formed. Expt. 134. Detection of peptone. The saturated solution, from which the proteoses have been precipitated, is then filtered and to a measured quantity (about 5 c.c.) twice the volume of 40 % sodium hydroxide is added and a drop of 1 % copper sulphate solution. A pink colour appears, due to the presence of peptone. A test should be made with the control solution containing hydrochloric acid and pepsin only. An adequate amount should be saturated with ammonium sulphate, filtered and 5 c.c. tested for peptone. The reaction is less marked than in the actual hydro- lytic product. Concentrate the remainder of the peptone solution on a water-bath and pour off from the excess of ammonium sulphate crystals. Filter and make the following tests : (i) Xanthoproteic, (ii) Millon's, (iii) Glyoxylic, (iv) Tannic acid. A positive result is obtained in each case. The Seed Proteins of Certain Plants. The proteins present in the seeds of certain genera and species, upon which special investigations have been made, may now be considered. It should be borne in mind that there are always several proteins present in the seed. Some are reserve proteins of the cells of the IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 145 endosperm or of the storage tissue of the cotyledons : others are proteins of the protoplasm and nuclei of the tissues of the embryo and of the endosperm. Proteins of Cereals {Gramineae). As far as investigations have gone it may be said that the starchy seeds of cereals are poor in albumins and globulins. The chief reserve proteins belong to the peculiar group of prolamins, and a considerable portion also consists of glutelins. The grain of Wheat (Triticum vulgare) contains some proteose and a small percentage of an albumin, leucosin. A globulin occurs only in very small amount. The bulk of the protein consists of gliadin (a prolamin) and of glutenin (a glutelin). Nucleoproteins are present in the embryo, but there is no gliadin or glutenin (Osborne and Voorhees, 16). The gliadin of wheat has the peculiar property of combining with water to form a sticky mass which binds together the particles of glutenin, the whole forming what is termed gluten. It is this phenomenon which gives the sticky consistency and elastic properties to dough. JSxpt. 135. Extraction of the proteins of the Wheat grain, (a) Extraction of albumin {leucosin) and proteose. Take 100 gms. of white flour (the same quantity of wheat grains which have been ground in a coflfee-mill may be used, but the extraction in this case is slower), put the ground mass in a large flask or beaker and add 250 c.c. of distilled water. Let the mixture stand for 1-4 hrs., shaking occasionally. Filter off some of the liquid, first through muslin and then on a filter-purap. Reserve the residue on the filter and test the filtrate for proteins [Expt. 127, (a)-(fl?)]. Boil a second portion of the filtrate. A precipitate of the albumin, leucosin, is formed. Filter off this precipitate, cool the filtrate and make the protein tests again. All the above tests are given by the proteose in solution. Also make the following special tests for proteoses (Expt. 133). (i) Add a few drops of strong nitric acid. A white precipitate is formed which disappears on heating gently and reappears on cooling, (ii) Add one drop of strong acetic acid and two drops of 5 7o potassium ferrocyanide solution. A white precipitate is formed which disappears on heating gently and reappears on cooling. (6) Extraction of the globulin. Take the residue of ground wheat and drain on a filter-pump. Then extract with 250 c.c. of 10 % sodium chloride solution for 12-24 hrs. Filter off, first through muslin, and then through paper on a filter-pump. Put the extract to dialyze in a collodion dialyzer for 24 hrs. (toluol should be added to the liquid in the dialyzer). Filter off the precipitate, which will be very slight, and dissolve it in a little 10 7o sodium chloride. (Though so little globulin is present, the experiment is instructive for comparison with the large amount of globulin ob- tained from many other seeds.) Make the tests for protein [Expt 127, (a)-(ciO] with the solution (Millon's cannot be used on account of the presence of chlorides). Also try the effect of (i) boiling the sodium chloride solution : coagulation is not complete, (ii) adding a little acid : a precipitate is formed as in the case of edestin. o. 10 146 PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS [ch. (c) Extraction of gliadin. Take 100 gms. of flour (or ground wheat) and add 125 c.c. of 70 % alcohol. Warm on a water- bath and filter. Repeat the process with another 125 c.c. of alcohol. Evaporate the filtrates, which contain gliadin, on a water-bath (or better distil off" the alcohol in vacuo). When reduced to about half its bulk, take a little of the filtrate and filter. Divide this filtrate into two parts in test- tubes. To one add water : to the other absolute alcohol. A white precipitate of gliadin is formed in each case, since it is insoluble in both water and strong alcohol, though soluble in dilute alcohol. The remainder of the gliadin extract is evaporated almost to dryness, and then poured slowly into a large volume of distilled water. A milky precipitate of gliadin is formed which may be made to settle by adding a little solid sodium chloride and stirring. Filter off the gliadin and dissolve in 10 ^Jq acetic acid. With the solution make the tests for protein [Expt. 127, (a)-(o?)J. {d) Extraction of glutenin. Take 100 gms. of flour, make it into a firm dough with water in an evaporating dish and allow this to stand for half an hour. The dough consists of gluten (gliadin and glutenin) to which the starch adheres. Then put the dough into a piece of fine muslin and knead and wash thoroughly in a stream of water until all the starch is removed. Collect some of the washings in a beaker and to this suspension of starch add a few drops of iodine solution. It will turn a deep blue-black colour. When the starch is completely washed away, an elastic rubbery mass of gluten will remain. Take about 10 gms. of the gluten, divide it into small pieces and heat it in a flask on a water-bath with small quantities of 70 % alcohol until the extract gives no, or very little, milkiness (due to gliadin) on pouring into water. Decant ofl" the alcohol from the residue of the glutenin, as it can only be filtered with difiiculty. Dissolve the glutenin in 0*2 % caustic potash solution. Neutralize a portion of this solution with deci-normal sulphuric acid, drop by drop. A precipitate of glutenin is formed. Test the remainder for proteins [Expt. 127 {a)-{d)'\. Expt. 136. To demonstrate the fact that gluten formation depends on the presence of gliadin. Repeat Expt. 135 {d) with flour that has been extracted with 70 o/q alcohol for two or three days. (The alcohol is allowed to stand on the flour in the cold. It is then poured ofl", and more added, and the process repeated. The flour is now dried again, first in air, then in the steam-oven and finally is ground in a mortar.) No gluten will be formed on account of the absence of gliadin. In the Barley (Hordeum vulgare) grain, small percentages of an albumin, apparently identical with leucosin, and of a globulin, barley edestin, are present, together with some proteose. The main protein is a prolamin, hordein, very similar to, but not identical with, gliadin. There is no well-defined glutelin (Osborne, 11). In the Rye (Secale cereale) grain there are small percentages of proteose, and of leucosin and edestin. The greater part of the protein is gliadin, said to be identical with that in wheat. In the Maize {Zea Mays) grain there is apparently no true albumin, though there is some proteose. There are small quantities of globulin, but the greater part of the protein is a prolamin, termed zein, and a glutenin (Osborne, 12). IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 147 Expt. 137. Extraction of the prolamin^ zein, of the Maize grain. Grind up 100 gms. •of maize grains in a coffee-mill, or preferably use maize meal. Add 250 c.c. of hot 95 o/o alcohol. Filter, and concentrate the filtrate, which contains the zein, on a water-bath (or, better, distil in vacuo). Pour a few drops of the concentrated extract into (1) absolute alcohol, (2) distilled water. As in the case of gliadin and hordein, a precipitate of zein will be formed. Then pour the whole extract, after evaporating to a small bulk, into excess of distilled water, and add a little sodium chloride. The precipitate of zein will slowly settle, and can be filtered off. Zein is not readily soluble in acids and alkalies. Hence Millon's and the xanthoproteic tests should be made on the solid material. Zein does not contain the tryptophane nucleus. To demonstrate this, the glyoxylic reaction should be made by shaking up some solid jzein in reduced oxalic acid and adding sulphuric acid and mixing. No purple colour is formed. Proteins of Leguminous Seeds {Leguminosae). In the Leguminosae, which are starchy seeds, the chief reserve proteins, as contrasted with those of cereals, are globulins. The various proteins occurring may be enumerated as: Legumin. A globulin which forms the chief protein in the seeds of the Broad Bean (Vicia Faba), the Pea (Pisum sativum), the Lentil {Ervum Lens) and the Vetch (Vicia sativa). Legumin itself is soluble in water, but occurs as salts which are insoluble in water and soluble in saline solutions. Some portion can be extracted from the seed by water only. Vicilin. A globulin occuring in smaller quantities than legumin and found only in the Pea, Bean, and Lentil seeds. Phaseolin. A globulin forming the bulk of the protein of the Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Conglutin. A globulin forming the bulk of the protein in Lupin {Lupinus lute us) seeds. Legumelin. An albumin found in small quantities in the Pea, Broad Bean, Vetch and Lentil. Phaselin. An albumin found in small quantity in the seeds of the Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Small quantities of proteoses are found in most of the above seeds. Expt. 138. Extraction of the proieiris of the Pea (Pisum sativum) (Osborne and Campbell, 13, 14 ; Osborne and Harris, 15). As we have seen (Expt. 127), a certain amount of protein, including globulin, goes into solution when ground peas are ex- tracted with water. A more complete method of extraction is as follows. Grind in a coffee-mill 20-30 gms. of peas, add to the ground mass 50-60 c.c. of 10 % sodium chloride solution and allow the mixture to stand for 1-2 hrs. Then filter off and 10—2 148 PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. saturate the filtrate with solid ammonium sulphate. The globulins, legumin and vicilin, are precipitated out. Filter off" the precipitate, and then take up in dilute ammonium sulphate (y^Q saturated) and add saturated ammonium sulphate in the proportion of 150 c.c. to every 100 c.c. of the solution {^jj saturation). The legumin is precipitated and can be filtered off". Saturate the filtrate with ammonium sulphate : the vicilin is precipitated and can be filtered off. Dissolve up a little of each preci- pitate in 10 °/o sodium chloride, and boil. The vicilin is coagulated, but the legumin is not. Then dissolve up the remainder of the precipitates in dilute ammonium sulphate, and test both the solutions for protein by the usual reactions [Expt. 127, {a)-{d)]. The albumin, legumelin, which occurs only in small quantities in the seeds, can be obtained by dialyzing a water extract of the ground peas until all the globulin is precipitated. On filtering and heating the filtrate, a coagulum of legumelin is formed. Proteins of Fat- containing Seeds. Of the seeds which contain fat as a reserve material, those investi- gated have been found, in contrast to the cereals, to contain largely globulin as reserve protein. In many cases these globulins have been obtained in crystalline form after extraction from the plant. The Hemp-seed (Cannabis sativa) contains one of the best-known crystalline globulins, namely edestin. Pure neutral edestin is insoluble in water but soluble in salt solutions. In the presence of acid, however^ edestin forms salts which are insoluble in salt solutions. Hence a solution of edestin in sodium chloride is precipitated by even small quantities of acids, and, conversely, a solution of edestin in acid is precipitated by small quantities of salt (Osborne, 10). Expt. 139. Extraction and crystallization of edestin from Hemp-seed. Take 50 gms. of hemp*seed and grind in a cofiee-mill. Put the ground seed in a large evaporating dish and add 200 c.c. of 5 ''/o sodium chloride solution. Heat with a small flame and stir constantly. A thermometer should be kept in the dish, and the liquid must not rise above 60° C. Filter oflf, in small quantities at a time, keeping the solution in the dish warm. On cooling, the edestin separates out from the filtrate more or less in crystals. To obtain better crystals, filter off the edestin that has been deposited, and pour the filtrate into a dialyzer; add a little toluol, and suspend the dialyzer in running water. As soon as it is cloudy, examine the dialyzed solution for crystals under the microscope. Add a little 5% sodium chloride solution to the original precipitate of edestin in the filter. Make with the filtrate the following tests: (i) The tests for proteins [Expt. 127, {a)-{d\ except Millon's]. (ii) Boil a little of the solution: it is imperfectly coagulated, (iii) Add a little acid: edestin chloride i& precipitated. In the Castor- oil seed {Ricinus communis) there is also present a globulin which can be obtained in a crystalline form by the method of Expt. 139. In addition, there is present an albumin, ricin, which has- peculiar toxic properties (Osborne, 10). IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 149 A well-crystallized globulin can be obtained from the Linseed {Linum usitatissimum) (Osborne, 9, 10), and a globulin, excelsin, from the Brazil nut {Bertholletia excelsa) (Osborne, 10) also in crystalline or semi-crystalline form. Similar globulins can be extracted from a number of other seeds, i.e. Coconut (Cocos nucifera), Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), Cotton-seed {Gossypium herbaceum), Mustard-seed (Brassica alba) and many others. The fat is first removed from the ground seed by either ether or benzene; the residue is then extracted with dilute sodium chloride and the extract dialyzed. The Amino- Acids. There is every reason to believe, since they always arise in hydrolysis of proteins, that amino-acids are universally distributed in the plant. It is, however difficult to isolate and detect them, except in certain special cases, as, for instance, in germinating seeds when a large store of protein is being rapidly hydrolyzed and translocated. A point of interest in connection with amino-acids is the high per- centage of glutaminic acid in many proteins especially those of the Oramineae (35-40 7o) and Leguminosae (15-20 7o)- Moreover, since glutaminic and aspartic acids have two carboxyl groups, only one will be combined in the peptide linkage, the other being free. It appears that the free carboxyl groups of these acids are, even in the protein, combined with ammonia forming an amide, — CONHg. Consequently, when pro- teins containing a high percentage of glutaminic acid are hydrolyzed they yield a correspondingly high percentage (18-23 "/o) of "amide" nitrogen, as ammonia, compared with other proteins (6-7 "/o)- Moreover, as a result of hydrolysis in the plant itself the respective amides, glu- tamine and asparagine, are formed and not the free acids. The following is a short account of the occurrence of some of the amino-acids in the free state (see also p. 134). Valine has been isolated from seedlings of the Vetch ( Vicia), Lupin (Lupinus) and Kidney Bean (Pltaseolus). It is present in larger amounts in etiolated seedlings of Lupin than in the green plants. Leucine is widely distributed. It has been isolated from, seedlings of Vicia, Vegetable Marrow (Cucurbita), Lupinus, Pea (Pisum) and Goosefoot (Chenopodium), It has also been found in Phaseolus, Water Ranunculus {Ranunculus aquatilis), buds of Horse Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum) and in small quantities in Potato tubers and other plants. 150 PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch, Isoleucine has been extracted from seedlings of Vicia sativa. Aspartic acid. The amide of this acid, i.e. asparagine, CONHa'CHg-CHNHg-COOH is widely distributed in plants. It is present in shoots of Asparagus from which it derives its name. It has also been extracted in very con- siderable quantities from etiolated seedlings of Vicia, Lupin, and from various plants such as Potato, Dahlia, Garden Nasturtium (Tropaeolum),. Cucurhita and Sunflower {Helianthus). Expt. 140. Preparation of asparagine from shoots of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis). Weigh out 500 gms. of shoots of asparagus and pound them in a mortar. Put the mass in a large evaporating dish, add 500 c.c. of water and heat on a water- bath. Squeeze the mass through linen and heat the fluid to boiling in a dish. Filter off" the coagulated protein and to the filtrate add tannic acid (to precipitate the remaining proteins, proteoses and peptones) until no more precipitate is formed. Filter and remove any excess of tannic acid by adding a concentrated solution of lead acetate drop by drop. Filter oflf the precipitate and remove any excess of lead acetate with dilute sulphuric acid. Again filter and finally precipitate the asparagine by adding a concentrated solution of mercuric nitrate (acidify the solution when making with a few drops of nitric acid) until no further precipitate is formed. Filter off" the mercury precipitate, suspend it in 150-200 c.c. of water, warm slightly and pass sul- phuretted hydrogen through until the precipitate is decomposed. Filter oflF the mercuric sulphide, and suck air through the solution until it ceases to smell of sulphuretted hydrogen. Neutralize the solution and concentrate on a water-bath to a small bulk. Then add about an equal volume of 98 'Yo alcohol. Crystals of asparagine will separate out. Filter off" these on a small conical porcelain funnel, wash with alcohol and dry. Make a solution of the asparagine (or use the commercial substance) in water and perform the following tests : (a) Add a saturated solution of copper acetate. A blue crystalline precipitate of the copper salt of asparagine separates out. Its appearance is hastened by shaking or rubbing. (6) Boil 2-3 c.c. of the solution with one c.c. of 40% caustic soda solution. Ammonia is evolved and may be detected by holding red litmus paper in the mouth of the test-tube. Fumes of ammonium chloride will also be formed by introducing a glass rod moistened with strong hydrochloric acid into the tube. Glutaminic acid. The amide, again, of this acid, i.e. glutamine, CONH2CH2'CH2-CHNH2COOH is widely distributed. It has been isolated from seedlings of Cucurhita^ Lupinus, Helianthus, Castor-oil plant (Ricinus), Spruce Fir (Picea excelsa) and a number of Cruciferae. Bxpt. 141. Preparation of glutaminic acid from gluten (from Cole, see p. 10). Prepare gluten from 100 gms. of flour. This should give about 20 gms. of the dry product. Divide the gluten into small pieces and dissolve it in 150 c.c. of concen- IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO-ACIDS 151 trated hydrochloric acid in a round bottomed flask heated on a water-bath. Then add 10 gms. of good blood charcoal (Merck's if possible) and boil on a sand-bath with a reflux condenser for six hours. Filter, and evaporate the filtrate in vacuo to about 75 c.c. Put the residue into a narrow cylinder, stand this in ice and saturate with dry hydrochloric acid gas. (This is prepared by slowly dropping strong sulphuric acid from a separating funnel fitted into a flask containing strong hydrochloric acid, and then passing the gas evolved through a second flask of strong sulphuric acid.) Keep the liquid in a cool place for 24 hours, then cool with ice. Crystalline gluta- minic hydrochloride will separate out. Add an equal volume of ice-cold alcohol and allow the mixture to stand. Filter on a porcelain funnel through hardened filter- paper or linen. Wash with ice-cold strong hydrochloric acid. Dry in a desiccator over potash and sulphuric acid. Glutaminic acid can be prepared from the hydro- chloride by dissolving this in the minimal amount of water and adding 5*3 c.c. of normal caustic soda solution for every gram of product taken. If the solution is then evaporated and cooled, glutaminic acid will separate out. Arginlne has been isolated from seedlings of Lupinus, Gucurhita^ Vicia, and Pisum. It is especially abundant in the seedlings of some Coniferae, i.e. Picea eoocelsa, Silver Fir (Abies pectinata) and Scotch Fir (Pinus sylvestris). It also occurs in roots and tubers, as for instance in those of the Turnip (Brassica campestris), Artichoke (Helianthus tubero- sus), Chicory (Cichorium Intybus), Beet (Beta vulgaHs), Potato and Dahlia, and in the inner leaves of the Cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Lysine has been isolated from seedlings of Lupinus, Vicia and Pisum. Also from the inner leaves of the Cabbage and tubers of the Potato. Phenylalaline has been isolated from seedlings of Lupinus luteus, Vicia sativa and Phaseolus vulgaris. Tyrosine is very widely distributed. It is present in seedlings of Vicia sativa, Gucurbita, Lupinus, Tropaeolum and tubers of Potato, Turnip, Dahlia, Beet and Celery. Also in berries of Elder (Sambucus), in Clover (Trifolium), Bamboo (Bambusa) shoots and other plants. Proline has been isolated in very small quantities from etiolated seedlings of Lupinus albus. Histidine has been isolated from seedlings of Lupinus and tubers of Potato. Tryptophane is an important amino-acid and is the one most readily detected on account of the characteristic pink or magenta colour given in its free state with bromine water. The glyoxylic reaction (see p. 136) is given by tryptophane in either the combined state in the protein molecule or in the free state. It has been isolated from seedlings of Lupinus albus and Vicia sativa. 152 PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. Dihydroxy phenylalanine. This amino-acid, which contains two hydroxyl groups in the ortho position, has not been detected as a con- stituent of proteins. It occurs in the free state in all parts of the plant of the Broad Bean ( Vicia Faba) (Guggenheim, 8) and it has also been found in the Velvet Bean (Stizolobium). It readily oxidizes in air and is doubtless responsible for the intense black coloration which appears in all parts of the Broad Bean plant after death of the tissues. Bxpt. 142. Extraction of dihy droxyphenylalanine fromthe Broad Bean (Vicia Faba). Take one kilo, of green pods of the bean and put them through a mincing machine. Put the minced mass immediately into boiling water, boil for a few minutes and filter through linen, squeezing the residue thoroughly. Then add lead acetate solution to the filtrate until no further precipitate (consisting of lead compounds of proteins, amino-acids, flavones, etc.) is formed, avoiding an excess of acetate. Filter off and discard this precipitate. Then add ammonia to the filtrate until it is distinctly alkaline to litmus. A yellow precipitate of the lead compound of dihydroxy- phenylalanine comes down. Filter, and suspend the precipitate in 500 c.c. of water and pass in sulphuretted hydrogen until the precipitate is decomposed. Filter, and evaporate the filtrate to a small bulk in vacuo preferably in a current of carbon dioxide. Crystals of dihydroxyphenylalanine will separate out. Make a solution of the crystals and perform the following test. Add 5 ^j^ ferric chloride solution. A green colour is formed. Then add a little 1 % sodium carbonate solution ; the green colour changes to violet. The Proteases. We have seen in the previous pages that proteins can be hydrolyzed artificially with the intermediate production of proteoses and peptones, and the final production of a number of amino-acids. There is no doubt that this process of hydrolysis takes place in the living plant, and it is believed that the converse process, the synthesis of these proteins from amino-acids, also takes place in the cell. There is evidence that this hydrolysis of proteins is catalyzed by certain enzymes which have been termed proteases. On analogy with other enzymes, we may suppose that these enzymes also catalyze the synthesis of the proteins. It seems highly probable that the proteases are of two types: 1. Pepsin-like enzymes, which catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins to peptones, and, in all probability, the reverse process. 2. Erepsin-like enzymes, which catalyze the hydrolysis of albumoses and peptones to amino-acids, and, in all probability, the reverse process. We now turn to the evidence for the existence of proteases. In autolysis (see p. 20) the hydrolytic activity of many enzymes is un- controlled, and in the case of the proteins, the amino-acids are formed IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 153 as end-products. Amino-acids are rarely present in plants in sufficient quantity to be detected readily, at any rate in small quantities of material, but if the tissues are put to autolyze at temperatures of 38-40° C, the ^mino-acids then accumulate and can be detected. Of all the amino-acids the one which is most readily identified is tryptophane. If the autolyzed product is boiled, acidified and filtered to remove the remaining proteins, and, to the filtrate, bromine is added, drop by drop, the formation of a pink or purple colour will indicate the presence of free tryptophane, and hence it may be assumed that protein-hydrolysis has taken place. Probably the formation of amino-acids in autolysis is a universal property of plant tissues, for tryptophane has been detected on autolysis of many different parts of plants. Examples are the germinating seeds of the Bean (Vicia Faba), Scarlet B,unner (Phaseolus rrmltiflorus), Pea (Pisuvi sativum), Lupin (Lupinus hirsutus) and the Maize {Zea Mays): and in ungerminated seeds of the above, though less readily. It is also said to be formed on autolysis of leaves of Spinach (>Sfpi?iacm), Cabbage (Brassica), Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), Scarlet Geranium {Pelargonium zonale), Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis) and others: also of fruits of Melon {Cucumis Melo), Cucumber {Cucumis sativus), Banana {Musa sapientum), Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) and others: of bulbs of the Tulip (Tulipa), Hyacinth {Hyacinthus orientalis) and underground roots of Turnip (Brassica), Carrot {Daucus Carota) and Beet {Beta vulgaris) (Vines, 17-19; Blood, 3; Dean, 5, 6). Expt. 143. The formation of tryptophane on autolysis of resting seeds. Grind up in a coffee-mill 15 gms. of Mustard {Brassica alba) seed. Transfer to a flask, and add 100 c.c. of distilled water and about 2 c.c. of toluol. Plug the mouth of the flask with Qotton-wool and put in an incubator for 3 days. Then filter off" the liquid, boil the filtrate and add a few drops of acetic acid. Filter off" any precipitate formed, cool the filtrate and add bromine water slowly and carefully drop by drop, shaking well after each drop. A pink or purple colour denotes the presence of tryptophane. Excess of bromine will destroy the colour. Then shake up gently with a little amyl alcohol. The purple colour will be extracted by the amyl alcohol which will rise to the top of the water solution. A control experiment should be made using 10 gms. of seed which has been well boiled with water in an evaporating dish. It has been assumed that the formation of amino-acids from proteins on autolysis is the outcome of two .processes, the hydrolysis of proteins to peptones by pepsins, and the hydrolysis of peptones to amino-acids by erepsins. The next point to be considered is the possibility of detecting these two classes of enzymes separately. If either the pulp, or water extract, of various plant tissues be added to peptone solution and allowed to 154 PKOTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. incubate at 38° C, tryptophane can be readily detected after a day or two. This has been found to be true for the tissues of many seeds^ seedlings, roots, stems, leaves and fruits (such as those already mentioned above and others); the result indicates the wide distribution of an erepsin type of enzyme. The detection of this enzyme is facilitated by the addition of the artificial supply of peptone. Expt. 144. The detection of erepsins in plants. (a) In resting seeds. Grind up 10 gms. of seeds in a coffee-mill, and add 100 c.c. of water, 0'2 gm. of Witte's peptone ^ and a little toluol. Incubate for 2-3 days. The following seeds may be used : Hemp {Cannabis sativa\ Castor-oil {Ricinus communis)^ Pea {Pisum sativum), Scarlet Runner {Phaseolus multifiorus\ Broad Bean {Vicia Faha) and fruit of Wheat ( Triticum vulgare). Test for tryptophane. Controls should be made in these and the following cases. (6) In germinating seeds. Take 10 germinating peas, pound in a mortar, add 100 c.c. of distilled water, 0-2 gm. of Witte's peptone, and a little toluol. Incubate for 3 days. Test for tryptophane. (c) In leaves. Pound up a small cabbage leaf, add 100 c.c. of water, 0*2 gm. of Witte's peptone and a little toluol. Incubate for 3 days. Test for tryptophane. {d) In roots. Pound up about 20 gms. of fresh carrot root. Add about 100 c.c. of water, 0-2 gm. of Witte's peptone and a little toluol. Incubate for 3 days. Test for tryptophane. The pepsin type of enzyme is less readily detected. It has long been known that the pitchers of the Pitcher-plant {Nepenthes) secrete an enzyme which digests fibrin. A few other cases of protein-digesting enzymes are well known, such as the so-called "bromelin" from the fruit of the Pine-apple {Ananas sativus), "cradein" from the latex and fruit of the Fig {Ficus) and "papain" from the fruit and leaves of the Papaw tree {Carica Papaya). Such enzymes were formerly termed "vegetable trypsins" as they were thought to be of the type of animal trypsin which, alone, hydrolyzes proteins to amino -acids. On analogy with the results of research with other enzymes, it seems likely that "papain," "cradein" and "bromelin" are all mixtures of pepsin and erepsin. In addition to these better known cases, it has also been stated that fibrin is digested by extracts or pounded pulp of the fruits of the Cucumber and the Melon, the "germ" (embryo) of Wheat, the bulbs of Tulip and Hyacinth, the seedlings of the Bean, Pea, Scarlet Runner, Lupin and Maize, and the ungerminated seeds of the Pea, Lupin and Maize. These have also been shown to contain erepsin. ^ Is prepared from fibrin and consists of a mixture of proteoses and peptone. It is free from tryptophane. IX] PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS 155 A separation of pepsin from erepsin has been achieved in the case of the seeds of the Hemp (Cannabis sativa) by means of the different solubilities of the two enzymes in water and salt solutions. Expt. 145. ^The extraction and the separation of the two enzymes^ erepsin and pepsin^ from Hemp-seed (Cannabis sativa) ^ Weigh out 50 gms. of hemp-seed, grind it in a coffee-mill and extract with 250 c.c. of 10 % sodium chloride solution. Allow the mixture to stand all night and then filter. Both operations should be carried out at as low a temperature as possible. Measure the filtrate, and add acetic acid to the extent of 0*2 %. A dense precipitate is formed. Filter again, keeping as cool as possible. The acid filtrate contains the erepsin, but not the pepsin. Measure out 40 c.c. into each of three small flasks, and add the following : (i) 0*2 gm. of Witte's peptone, (ii) the same, only boil the whole solution, (iii) 0*2 gm. of carmine fibrin 2. Add a little toluol to all three flasks, plug with cotton-wool, and incubate for three to four days. Test for tryptophane in flasks (i) and (ii) ; the first gives a marked reaction, the second little or no reaction. The fibrin in (iii) will remain unaltered. The precipitate produced by the acetic acid is then washed on the filter twice with 100 c.c. of 10 % sodium chloride solution, containing 0*2 % acetic acid, to remove traces of erepsin. The precipitate is then treated with about 70 c.c. of water, allowed to stand for a time, and then filtered. The filtrate is divided into three equal portions. Add the following respectively : (i) O'l gm. of carmine fibrin, (ii) the same, but the solution is boiled, (iii) 0'2 gm. of Witte's peptone. Add a little toluol to all three flasks, plug with cotton-wool and incubate for 3-4 days. The fibrin will be seen to digest slowly in flask (i) : (ii) will show no digestion, and (iii) will give no tryptophane reaction. REFERENCES Books 1. Abderhalden, B. Biochemisches Handlexikon, iv. Berlin, 1911. 2. Osborne, T. B. The Vegetable Proteins. London, 1909. Papers 3. Blood, A. F. The Erepsin of the Cabbage [Brassica oleracea). J. Biolog, Chem., 1910-1911, Vol. 8, pp. 215-225. 4. Chibnall, A. C, and Schryver, S. B. Investigations on the Nitrogenous Metabolism of the Higher Plants. Part I. The Isolation of Proteins from Leaves. Biochem. J., 1921, Vol. 15, pp. 60-75. 5. Dean, A. L. On Proteolytic Enzymes. I. Bot. Gaz., 1905, Vol. 39, pp. 321-339. 1 Vines, S. H. Ann. Bot., 1908, Vol. 22, pp. 103-113. 2 Freshly washed and finely chopped fibrin is placed in carmine solution (1 gm. carmine, 1 c.c. of ammonia, 400 c.c. of water) for 24 hrs. Then strain off and wash in running water till washings are colourless. 156 PROTEINS AND AMINO- ACIDS [ch. ix 6. Dean, A. L. On Proteolytic Enzymes. II. Bot. Gaz., 1905, Vol. 40, pp. 121-134. 7. Fisher, B. R. Contributions to the Study of the Vegetable Proteases. Biochem. J., 1919, Vol. 13, pp. 124-134. 8. Guggenheim, M. Dioxyphenylalanine, eine neue Aminosaure aus Vicia faha. Zs. physiol. Chem. 1913, Vol. 88, pp. 276-284. 9. Osborne, T. B. Proteids of the Flax-seed. Amer. Chem. J., 1892, Vol. 14, pp. 629-661. 10. Osborne, T. B. Crystallised Vegetable Proteids. Amer. Chem. J., 1892, Vol. 14, pp. 662-689. 11. Osborne, T. B. The Proteids of Barley. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1895, Vol. 17, pp. 539-567. 12. Osborne, T. B. The Amount and Properties of the Proteids of the Maize Kernel. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1897, Vol. 19, pp. 525-532. 13. Osborne, T. B., and Campbell, G. F. Proteids of the Pea. J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 1898, Vol. 20, pp. 348-362. 14. Osborne, T. B., and Campbell, G. F. The Proteids of the Pea, Lentil, Horse Bean and Vetch. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1898, Vol. 20, pp. 410-419. 15. Osborne, T. B., and Harris, I. F. The Proteins of the Pea {Pisum sativum). J. Biol. Chem., 1907, Vol. 3, pp. 213-217. 16. Osborne, T. B., and Voorhees, C. G. The Proteids of the Wheat- " Kernel. Amer. Chem. J., 1893, Vol. 15, pp. 392-471. 17. Vines, S. H. Tryptophane in Proteolysis. Ann. Bot., 1902, Vol. 16, pp. 1-22. 18. Vines, S. H. Proteolytic Enzymes in Plants. I. Ann. Bot., 1903, Vol. 17, pp. 237-264. II Ibid. pp. 597-616. 19. Vines, S. H. The Proteases of Plants. I-VII. Ann. Bot., 1904-1910 Vols. 18-24. CHAPTER X GLUCOSIDES Attention has been drawn (Chapters v and viii) to the fact that in the plant, compounds containing hydroxyl groups often have one or more of these groups replaced by the CeHnOg — residue of glucose. Such com- pounds are termed glucosides. The substances in which this substitution most frequently occurs are of the aromatic class, and the glucosides may be regarded, on the whole, as ester-like compounds of carbohydrates with aromatic substances. The non-sugar portion of the glucoside may vary widely in nature, and may be, for instance, an alcohol, aldehyde, acid, phenol, flavone, etc. The sugar constituent is most frequently glucose, but pentosides, galactosides, mannosides and fructosides are also known. Sometime^ more than one monosaccharide takes part in the composition of the glucoside. (These various relationships are shown in the accom- panying table.) The inclusion of all glucosides in a class is in a sense artificial: the character held in common (with very few exceptions) is that, on boiling with dilute acids, or, by the action of enzymes, hydrolysis takes place, and the glucoside is split up into glucose (or other sugar) and another organic constituent. A number of compounds occurring as glucosides have already been dealt with, for example, the tannins and flavone, flavonol and anthocyan pigments, but, in these cases, the sig- nificance of the compounds lies rather in the nature of their non-sugar constituents than in the fact of their being glucosides. There are, however, a number of glucosides which have been grouped together and are more readily classified in this way than in any other. Some of them, doubtless, have come into prominence as glucosides on account of their association with well-known and specific enzymes, as, for instance, the glucoside amygdalin associated with the enzyme emul- sin, and the glucoside sinigrin with the enzyme myrosin. The hydrolyzing enzymes are by no means always specific, for in vitro one particular enzyme may be able to hydrolyze several glucosides. Many glucoside- splitting enzymes have been described, though there is no reason to suppose that each glucoside is only acted upon by an enzyme specific to that glucoside. It is likely moreover that some of the different enzymes described will probably prove to be identical. In some cases where more than one monosaccharide is attached to 158 GLUCOSIDES [CH. the glucoside, the different sugar groups are removed separately b}^ different enzymes (see later, emulsin, p. 160). The glucosides as a whole (except flavone, flavonol and anthocyan pigments) are colourless crystalline substances. When extracting them from the plant, it is usually necessary to destroy the accompanying enzyme by dropping the material into boiling alcohol or some other reagent (see autolysis, p. 20). In Chapter v it has already been mentioned that c?-glucose exists in two stereoisomeric forms, the a and the /3 form. It was also pointed out that the glucosides can be classed either as a- or y8- glucosides, according to whether the a or the yS form of glucose combines with the non-glucose residue. RO— Cr- H H— C^^OR H HO H C— CH I C— H 0 I H_C— OH I CH2OH CH2OH a-glucoside /3-glucoside Maltose, for instance, is regarded as an a-glucoside of cZ-glucose. It has been further shown that the enzyme maltase can only hydrolyze a-glucosides, whereas other enzymes, e.g. the prunase component of emulsin, only act on yS-glucosides. The various glucosides considered in detail in this chapter together with some others are grouped under the following headings (Arm- strong, 3): Products of hydrolysis Alcohols Glucose 4- coniferyl alcohol Glucose + saligenin + benzoic acid Glucose + saligenin Glucose + syringenin Aldehydes Glucose -f benzaldehyde -|- prussic acid Glucose 4- parahydroxy benzaldehyde 4- prussic acid Glucose -H acetone + prussic acid Glucoside Coniferin Populin Salicin Syringin Amygdalin Dhurrin Linamarin Plant in which commonly found (Coniferae, Beta^ Asparagus^ Scorzonera) . {Populus) (Salix, Populus) {Ligustrum, Syringa^ Jasmi- num) {Prunus^ Pyrus) {Sorghum) {Linum^ Phaseolus) ^] GLUCOSIDES 159 Glucoside Prulaurasin Prunasin Sambunigrin Vicianin Oaultherin Strophanthin Arbutin Hesperidin Naringin Phloridzin Aesculin Fraxin Olucotropaeolin Sinalbin Sinigrin Apiin Isoquercitrin Lotusin Myricitrin Quercitrin Kobinin Rutin •Cyanin Delphinin Malvin Oenin Peonin Pelargonin Aucubin Digitalin Indicaa Plant in which commonly found (Prunus) {Cerasus^ Prunus) (Sambucus) ( Vicia) (Gaultheria^ Spiraea) (Strophanthus) (Ericaceae) {Citri(s) {Citrus) (Rosaceae) {Aesculus) \Fraxinus) {Tropaeolum, Lepidi {Brassica alba) {Brassica nigra) (Carum) {Oossypium) {Lotus) {Myrica) {Quercus, Fraxinus, Thea) {Robinia) {Ruta^ CappariSj Polygonum) {Centaurea^ Rosa) {Delphinium) {Malva) { Vitis) {Paeonia) Pelargonium, Centaurea) {Aucuba, Plantago) {Digitalis) {Iiydigofera) Products of hydrolysis Aldehydes (cont.) Glucose + benzaldehyde + prussic acid Glucose + benzaldehyde + prussic acid Glucose + benzaldehyde + prussic acid Vicianose + benzaldehyde + prussic acid Adds Glucose + methyl salicylate Mannose -|- rhamnose + strophanthi- din Phenols Glucose + quinol Glucose + rhamnose -f hesperetin Glucose + rhamnose + narigenin Glucose + phloretin Coumarin derivatives Glucose + aesculetin Glucose + fraxetin Miistard-oils Glucose + benzyl isothiocyanate + potassium hydrogen sulphate Glucose + sinapin acid sulphate -|- acrinylisothiocyanate Glucose + allyl isothiocyanate + potassium hydrogen sulphate Flavone andflavonol pigments Apiose 1 4- apigenin Glucose + quercetin Glucose + prussic acid+lotoflavin Rhamnose + my ricetin Rhamnose + quercetin Rhamnose + galactose + kaempferol Glucose + rhamnose + quercetin Anthocyan pigments Glucose + cyanidin Glucose + oxy benzoic acid + delphi- nidin Glucose + malvidin Glucose + oenidin Sugar + peonidin Glucose + pelargonidin Various constituents Glucose + aucubigenin Glucose + digitalose + digitaligenin Glucose + indoxyl 1 An abnormal sugar, C5H10O5 , containing a branched chain of carbon atoms. 160 GLUCOSIDES [ch. Cyano PHOBIC Glucosides. The characteristic of these substances is that they yield prussic acid as one of the products of hydrolysis. They are fairly widely distributed: the following list (Greshoff, 15) includes most of the natural orders in which such glucosides occur: Araceae, Asclepiadaceae, Berberidaceae> Bignoniaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Celastraceae, Compositae, Convolvulaceae, Cruciferae, Euphorbiaceae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Linaceae, Myrta- ceae, Oleaceae, Passifloraceae, Ranunculaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Saxifragaceae, Tiliaceae and Urticaceae. Amygdalin. This is one of the most important of the cyanophoric glucosides. It occurs in the seeds of the bitter Almond (Prunus Amygdalus) but it appears to be almost entirely absent from the sweet or cultivated Almond. It also occurs in the seeds of the other species of Prunus — the Plum (P. domestica), the Peach (P. Perdca), etc. — of the Apple {Pyrus Malus) and the Mountain Ash (P. Aucuparia). It occurs sometimes in leaves, flower and bark. By the action of an enzyme, originally termed emulsin, which occurs in both the bitter and the sweet varieties of Almond, the glucoside is broken up as follows in two stages: CaoHarNOn + H2O = CeHiaOg + C14H17NO6 mandelonitrile gkicoside (prunasin) C14H17NO6 + H.O = CgHiaOe + HON + CgHgCHO benzaldehyde It should be noted that the sweet Almond contains emulsin although it is almost entirely free from amygdalin. Recently (Armstrong, Armstrong and Horton, 8) emulsin has been shown to consist of two enzymes, amygdalase and prunase: amygdalase hydrolyzes amygdalin with formation of mandelonitrile glucoside and glucose, whereas prunase hydrolyzes mandelonitrile glucoside (prunasin) with formation of benzaldehyde, prussic acid and glucose. On the basis of these reactions amygdalin is represented as: I ° — I i CH2OH CHOH CH CHOH CHOH CH • O ' CH2CHOH CH CHOH CHOH CH • O • CH I o I I CN Prunasin occurs naturally in the Bird Cherry {Cerasus Padus), and it is found that prunase may exist in a plant, e.g. Cherry Laurel (P. Laurocerasus), which does not contain amygdalase. X] GLUCOSIDES 161 Prulaurasin {laurocerasin) is a glucoside occurring in the leaves of the Cherry Laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus). It has been represented as racemic mandelonitrile glucoside, prunasin being the dextro form. Sambunigrin is a glucoside occurring in the leaves of the Elder (Sambucus nigra). It has been represented as laevo mandelonitrile glucoside. When tissues containing cyanophoric glucosides and their corre- sponding enzymes are submitted to autolysis, injury, or the action of chloroform, hydrolysis takes place (see autolysis, p. 20). A rapid method (Mirande, 17; Armstrong, 5) for detecting the prussic acid is to insert paper dipped in a solution, of sodium picrate into a tube containing the plant material together with a few drops of chloroform. In the presence of prussic acid the paper becomes first orange and finally brick-red owing to the formation of picramic acid. In addition to those previously mentioned there are other British plants, the leaves of which give off prussic acid on autolysis (presumably fi-om cyanophoric glucosides), as for example the Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris). Arum (Arum maculatum), Hawthorn {Crataegus Oxyacantha), Reed Poa {Glyceria aquatica), Bird's-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus). Alder Buckthorn (Rhamnus Frangula), Black and Red Currant and Gooseberry (Rihes nigrum, R. rubrum, R. Grossularia), Meadow Rue (Thalictrum aquilegifolium) and the Common and Hairy Vetches (Vida sativa and V. hirsuta). It has been shown (Armstrong, 7) that of the species L. corniculatus there is a variety (L. uliginosus) (taller and growing in moister situations) which does not produce cyanophoric substances and hence does not give off prussic acid on autolysis. Ea^pt. 146. Method of detection of cyanophoric glvx;osides in the plant. Take three flasks : in one put a whole leaf of the Cherry Laurel {Prunus Laurocerasus) : in the second a leaf which has been torn in pieces and then either pricked with a needle or pounded in a mortar : in the third a leaf with a few drops of chloroform. Cork all three flasks, inserting with the corks a strip of sodium picrate paper. (The paper is prepared in the following way : strips of filter-paper are dipped in a 1 % solution of picric acid, are then suspended on a glass rod and allowed to dry in air. Before using, the paper is moistened with 10% sodium carbonate solution and is suspended in the moist condition just above the material to be examined. In the presence of prussic acid, the paper first becomes orange-yellow, then orange and finally brick-red.) In a short time the paper in the flask containing the leaf and chloroform will turn red : in the flask with the injured leaf, the reddening will take place rather more: slowly, whereas in the case of the entire leaf, the paper will remain yellow. o. 11 162 GLUCOSIDES [ch. The above experiment may also be carried out, usually with success, on leaves of the Columbine {Aquilegia vulgaru)^ the Arum {Arum maculatum) and plants of the Bird's-foot Trefoil {Lotus corniculatus) : also with bitter almonds and apple pips, and young shoots of Flax {Linum perenne). In the case of the seeds, these may be used crushed, both with and without chloroform, the uninjured seed being used as a control. Expt. 147. Preparation of amygdalin. Weigh out 100 gms. of bitter almonds. Kemove the testas by immersing them for a short time in boiling water. Then pound up the almonds well in a mortar and transfer to a flask. Add about 200-300 c.c. of ether and allow the mixture to stand for 2-12 hours. Filter off the ether and extract again with fresh ether. The greater part of the fat will be removed in this way. Then dry the residue from ether and, as rapidly as possible, extract twice or three times with boiling 90-98% alcohol which removes the amygdalin. The residue, after ether extraction, contains both amygdalin and emulsin, and, if allowed to stand, the emulsin will hydrolyze the amygdalin : hence the necessity for rapid extraction with alcohol. Evaporate the filtered alcoholic extract on a water- bath or, better, distil in vacuo to a small bulk. Then add an equal volume of ether and allow the mixture to stand for a time. The amygdalin separates out on standing. Filter off the precipitate, dissolve in a little hot water and allow to crystallize in a desiccator. Expt. 148. Preparation of emulsin (Bourquelot, 10). Weigh out 25 gms. of sweet almonds. (Bitter almonds can also be used. The sweet variety is preferable ; since from them the emulsin can be more readily prepared free from amygdalin.) Plunge them for a moment into boiling water and remove the testas. Pound thoroughly in a mortar, and extract the bulk of the oil with ether as in the last experiment. Then grind up the residue with 50 c.c. of a mixture of equal parts of distilled water and water saturated with chloroform and allow the whole to stand for 24 hours. Filter by means of a filter-pump, and to the filtrate add glacial acetic acid (1 drop to 15 c.c. of the filtrate) whereby the protein is precipitated. Again filter, and to the filtrate add 3-4 times its volume of 96-98 o/^, alcohol. The emulsin is deposited as a white precipitate. Filter off the precipitate and dissolve it in about 100 c.c. of cold distilled water. Expt. 149. (a) To demonsti^ate the hydrolysis of amygdalin by emulsin. Into each of two flasks put 50 c.c. of a 1-3 % solution of amygdalin. To one flask add 25 c.c. of the emulsin solution prepared in the last experiment. To the other flask add 25 c.c. of enzyme solution after it has been well boiled, and again boil the mixture after adding the enzyme. Fit each flask with a cork and sodium picrate paper. The paper in the flask containing the unboiled enzyme will rapidly turn red, the control remaining yellow. Unless both the enzyme and the amygdalin solution are well boiled in the case of the control, the paper may show reddening in time on account of traces of prussic acid present in both solutions. (6) Simplified method for extraction of amygdalin and emulsin^ and demonstration of hydrolyds of amygdalin by emulsin. Take 12 bitter almonds. Remove the testas by immersing them for a short time in boiling water. Then pound up the almonds well in a mortar and transfer to a flask. Add about 50 c.c. of alcohol and heat to boiling on a water-bath. Filter off the extract, and evaporate it to dryness on a water-bath. The residue will contain amygdalin. X] GLUCOSIDES 163 Take six sweet almonds and remove the testas as before. Pound in a mortar and transfer to a flask. Add a little ether and allow to stand for a short time. Pour off the ether, and add a little more which should again be poured off. This removes some of the fat and makes extraction of the emulsin easier. Then extract the residue with about 40c.c. of distilled water and filter. The filtrate contains the enzyme emulsin. Take lOc.c. of the emulsin solution, and divide it into two portions in two test- tubes. Boil one well (see Expt. 149 a), and to both add equal quantities of a water extract of the amygdalin prepared above. Cork the tubes and insert picric paper with the cork in each case. It has been found, as previously mentioned, that emulsin can hydrolyze other glucosides, as for instance, salicin (see pp. 50, 167). On hydrolysis, salicin splits up into salicylic alcohol (saligenin) and glucose. Salicin, itself, gives no colour with ferric chloride but saligenin gives a violet colour, and by means of this reaction the course of the hydrolysis can be followed. Expt. 150. To demonstrate the hydrolysis of salicin by emulsin. To 10 c.c. of a 1 ^/o solution of salicin in a test-tube add 10 c.c. of the emulsin solution prepared in Expt. 148 or 149. As a control, boil in a second test-tube another 10 c.c. of the emulsin solution and add 10 c.c. of salicin solution. After about an hour, add to both test-tubes a few c.c. of strong ferric chloride solution. A purple colour will be given in the first test-tube but no colour in the control. The process of hydrolysis will be accelerated by placing the tubes in an incubator. A modification can be made as follows. A second pair of test-tubes should be prepared as before and to both sufficient ferric chloride should be added to give a faint yellow tinge. The unboiled mixture will gradually acquire a purple colour at ordinary temperature. Other cyanophoric glucosides are dhurrin, phaseolunatin (linamarin), lotusin and vicianin. Dhurrin occurs in seedlings of the Great Millet {Sorghum vulgare). On hydrolysis it yields glucose, prussic acid and parahydroxybenzaldehyde {C6H4 • OH • CHO). It is hydrolyzed by emulsin. Phaseolunatin occurs in seeds of the wild plants of Phaseolvs lunatus and in seedlings of Flax (Linum). It is associated with an enzyme which hydrolyzes it into acetone, glucose and prussic acid. Lotusin occurs in Lotus arabicus. On hydrolysis by an accompanying enzyme (lotase) it gives glucose, prussic acid and a yellow pigmen'* lotoflavin. Vicianin occurs in the seeds of a Vetch {Vicia angustifolia). It is hydrolyzed by an accompanying enzyme into prussic acid, benzaldehyde and a disaccharide, vicianose. 11—2 164: GLUCOSIDES [ch. Mustard-oil Glucosides. These are glucosides containing sulphur and they have been found chiefly among the Cruciferae. Sinigrin and sinalbin, the glucosides of mustard, have been most investigated. Sinigrin. This glucoside occurs in the seed of Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) and other species of Brassica. Also in the root of the Horse-radish (Cochlearia Armoracia). Sinigrin is hydrolyzed by the enzyme, myrosin (Guignard, 16; Spatzier, 18) (which occurs in the plant together with the glucoside), into allyl isothiocyanate, potassium hydrogen sulphate and glucose: C10H16O9NS2K + H2O = C3H5NCS + CeHisOe + KHSO4 Expt. 151. Extraction of sinigrin from Black Mustard. Weigh out 100 gms. of Black Mustard seed. Grind the seed in a coffee-mill and afterwards pound in a mortar. Heat 175 c.c. of 85 % alcohol to boiling in a flask on a water-bath and add the pounded mustard, and after boiling about \ hour, filter and press out the alcohol. Then put the dried cake of residue into 300 c.c. of water and allow the mixture to stand for 12 hours. Press out the liquid and after filtering and neutralizing with barium carbonate, concentrate in vacuo to a syrup. Then extract with 90 % alcohol and filter. On concentrating and exposing in a crystallizing dish, the sinigrin separates out in white needles. Sinalbin occurs in the seeds of White Mustard {Sinapis alba). By myrosin it is hydrolyzed to p-hydroxybenzylisothiocyanate, acid sinapin sulphate and glucose: C3oH420i5N2S2 + H2O = CgHiaOe + C^H.ONCS -f- CJ6H24O5NHSO4 Expt. 152. Extraction of sinalbin from White Mustard. Weigh out 100 gms. of White Mustard seed. Grind and pound well and extract the fat with ether. Then extract with twice its weight of 85-90 % alcohol several times and well press out the alcohol. The extract is evaporated to half its bulk and filtered. On cooling, the sinalbin separates out in crystals. Expt. 153. Preparation of myrosin. Weigh out 50 gms. of White Mustard seed and grind in a coffee-mill. Add 100 c.c. of water and allow the mixture to stand for 12 hours. Then filter and allow the filtrate to run into 200 c.c. of 95-98 % alcohol. A white precipitate is formed which contains the myrosin. Filter off the precipitate and wash on the filter with a little ether. Expt. 154. Action of myrosin on sinigrin. Put into two test-tubes equal quantities of a solution of the sinigrin prepared in Expt. 151. Dissolve some of the myrosin prepared in the last experiment in water and divide the solution into two parts. Heat one part to boiling and then add the two portions respectively to the two test- tubes of sinigrin. Plug both test-tubes with cotton-wool. After about ^ hour a strong pungent smell of mustard oil, allyl isothiocyanate, will be detected in the unboiled tube. A more simple method of demonstrating the action of myrosin is as follows. X] GLUCOSIDES 165 Pound about 5 gms. of Black Mustard seed in a mortar and then boil with water. Some mustard oil will be formed before the myrosin is destroyed, so that boiling should be continued until no pungent odour can be detected. Then filter and cool the solution and divide into two parts. To one add some myrosin solution. To the other an equal quantity of boiled enzyme solution. After h hour the smell of allyl isothiocyanate should be detected in the unboiled tube. Saponins. These substances are very widely distributed, being found in the orders: Araliaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Combretaceae, Compositae, Cucurbi- taceae, Gramineae, Guttiferae, Lecythidaceae, Leguminosae, Liliaceae, Loganiaceae, Magnoliaceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Piperaceae, Pitto- sporaceae, Polemoniaceae, Polygalaceae, Primulaceae, Proteaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Rutaceae, Saxifragaceae, Thymelaeaceae and the majority of the orders of the cohort Centro- spermae. On hydrolysis with dilute mineral acids the saponins yield various sugars — glucose, galactose, arabinose, rhamnose — together with other substances termed sapogenins. The saponins are mostly amorphous substances readily soluble in water (except in a few cases) giving colloidal solutions. These solutions froth on shaking, and wdth oils and fats they produce very stable emulsions. By virtue of this property they have been used as substitutes for soap. The Soapwort (Saponaria) owes its name to the fact that the root contains a saponin. COUMARIN GlUCOSIDES. These substances are hydroxy derivatives of coumarin, which itself may be represented as: CH=:CH— CO Ao I V . AescTilin is one of the best known of these glucosides. It occurs in the bark of the Horse Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). On hydro- lysis with dilute acids it yields glucose and aesculetin, the latter being represented as: CO J 166 GLUCOSIDES [ch. Aesculin is characterized by giving in water solution a blue fluor- escence which can be detected even in great dilution. The fluorescence is increased in alkaline, and decreased in acid, solution. Expt. 155. DemoTistration of the presence of aesculin in Aesculus hark. Strip off the bark from some young twigs of Aesculus and boil in a little water in an evaporating dish. Filter and pour the filtrate into excess of water in ^a large vessel. A blue fluorescent solution will be formed. Glucosides of Flavone, Flavonol and Anthocyan Pigments. These substances have already been considered in Chapter viii. Glucosides of vakious Composition, Coniferin. This glucoside (see also p. 104) occurs in various members of the Coniferae and also in Asparagus. On hydrolysis with mineral acids or emulsin, it breaks up as: /X Coniferin OH Coniferyl alcohol Arbutin. This glucoside is found in the leaves of the Bearberry (Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi), Pyrola, Vaccinium, and other Ericaceae and also of the Pear (Pyrus communis). On hydrolysis with acids arbutin yields quinol and glucose: C12H16O7 + HaO;^ CfiHeOa + CeHjoOe The same hydrolysis is brought about by the enzyme emulsin. It has been suggested that the darkening of leaves of the Pear (Bourquelot and Fichtenholz, 11, 12, 13) either on autolysis or injury, or at the fall of the leaf, is due to the hydrolysis of the arbutin by a gluco- side-splitting enzyme in the leaf, and subsequent oxidation of the hydroquinone so formed by an oxidase. Expt. 156. Extraction of arhutin from leaves of the Pear (Pyrus communis). Weigh out 100 gms. of fresh leaves (without petioles). Tear the leaves into small pieces and drop them as quickly as possible into about 500 c.c. of boiling 96-98 0/ alcohol in a flask. Boil for about 20 mins., adding more alcohol if necessary. Then filter off the alcohol and pound up the leaf residue in a mortar and extract again with boiling alcohol. Filter and distil off the alcohol from the extract in vacuo. Extract the residue with 100-200 c.c. of hot water and filter. Warm the filtrate and precipitate with lead acetate solution until no more precipitate is formed. This removes flavones» X] GLUCOSIDES 167 tannins, etc. but the arbutin is not precipitated. Filter and pass sulphuretted hydrogen into the filtrate to remove any excess of lead acetate. Filter and concentrate the filtrate in vacuo to a syrup. Then extract twice with small quantities of ethyl acetate. Concentrate the ethyl acetate on a water-bath and cool. A mass of crystals of arbutin will separate out. This should be filtered off on a small filter, and re- crystallized from ethyl acetate. Take up a little of the purified glucoside in water and add a drop or two of ferric chloride solution. A blue coloration will be given. Salicin. This substance occurs in the bark of various species of Willow {Salix) and Poplar (Populus): also in the flower-buds of the Meadow- Sweet (Spiraea Ulmaria). On hydrolysis with acids, or on treatment with emulsin, salicin is decomposed into saligenin or salicylic alcohol and glucose : CisHiaOv + H2O = CgHpH • CH,OH + C^HiaOe Saligenin gives a violet colour with ferric chloride solution and in this way the progress of the reaction can be demonstrated (see also p. 168). Indican. This glucoside occurs in shoots of the so-called "Indigo Plants," Indigofera Anil, I. erecta, I. tinctoria, I. sumatrana: also in the Woad (Isatis tinctoria), in Polygonum tinctorium and species of the Orchids, Phajus and Galanthe. When boiled with acid or hydrolyzed by an enzyme contained in the plant, it gives glucose and indoxyl: /\ -c-o .^\ + H,0 CH Indican -C'OH + CeHisOe CH Indoxyl The colourless indoxyl can be oxidized either artificially or by an oxidase contained in the plant to a blue product, indigotin or indigo. /\ C'OH HO-C- + 20+ II ,. n CH Indoxyl "^ ,Ay /\ 2HoO + -CO OC /S NH' '^NH^^ \NH Indoxyl Indigo The relationship between indoxyl and tryptophane (see p. 135) should be noted. V 168 GLUCOSIDES [ch. x REFERENCES Books 1. Abderhalden, B. Biochemisches Handlexikon, ir. Berlin, 1911. 2. Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis. Glucosides (E. F. Armstrong), Vol. 7, 1913, pp. 95-135. 3. Armstrong, B. P. The Simple Carbohydrates and the Glucosides. London, 1919. 3rded. 4. Van Rijn, J. J. L. Die Glykoside. Berlin, 1900. Papers 5. Armstrong, B. P. The Rapid Detection of Emulsin. J. Physiol.^ 1910, Vol. 40, p. xxxii. 6. Armstrong, H. B., Armstrong, B. P., and Horton, B. Studies on Enzyme Action. XII. The Enzymes of Emulsin. Proc. R. Soc, 1908, B Vol. 80, pp. 321-331. 7. Armstrong, H.B., Armstrong, E.P., and Horton, B. Herbage Studies. L Lotus cornkulatus, a Cyanophoric Plant. Proc. R. Soc, 1912, B Vol. 84, pp. 471-484. II. Variation in Lotus cornicidatus and Trifolium repens (Cyanophoric Plants). Proc. R. Soc, 1913, B Vol. 86, pp. 262-269. 8. Armstrong, H. E., Armstrong, B. P., and Horton, E. Studies on Enzyme Action. XVI. The Enzymes of Emulsin. Proc R. Soc, 1912, B Vol. 85. (i) Prunase, the Correlate of Prunasin, pp. 359-362. (ii) Distribution of /3-Enzymes in Plants, pp. 363-369. (iii) Linase and other Enzymes in Linaceae, pp. 370-378. 9. Armstrong, H. B., and Horton, B. Studies on Enzyme Action. XIII. Enzymes of the Emulsin Type. Proc R. Soc, 1910, Vol. 82, pp. 349-367. 10. Bourquelot, B. Sur I'emploi des enzymes comme reactifs dans les re- cherches de laboratoire. J. pharm. chim., 1906, Vol. 24, pp. 165-174 ; 1907, Vol. 25, pp. 16-26, 378-392. 11. Bourquelot, B., et Pichtenholz, A. Sur la presence d'un glucoside dans les feuilles de poirier et sur son extraction. J. pharm. chim., 1910, Vol. 2, pp. 97-104. 12. Bourquelot, B., et Pichtenholz, A. Nouvelles recherches sur le gluco- side des feuilles de poirier : son rdle dans la production des teintes automnales de ces organes. J. fharm. chim., 1911, Vol. 3, pp. 5-13. 13. Bourquelot, B., et Pichtenholz, A. Sur le glucoside des feuilles de poirier. C. R. Acad, sci., 1911, Vol. 153, pp. 468-471. 14. Dunstan, W., and Henry, T. A. The Chemical Aspects of Cyanogenesis in Plants. Rep. Brit. Ass., 1906, pp. 145-157. 15. Greshoflf, M. The Distribution of Prussic Acid in the Vegetable Kingdom. Rep. Brit. Ass., 1906, pp. 138-144. 16. Guignard, L. Sur quelques proprietds chimiques de la myrosine. Bui. soc hot., 1894, Vol. 41, pp. 418-428. 17. Mirande, M. Influence exercee par certaines vapeurs sur la cyanogenese vegetale. Precede rapide pour la recherche des plantes k acide cyanhydrique. C. R. Acad, sci., 1909, Vol. 149, pp. 140-142. 18. Spatzier, W. Ueber das Auftreten und die physiologische Bedeutung des Myrosins in der Pflanze. Jahrh. wiss. Bot., 1893, Vol. 25, pp. 39-77. 19. Winterstein, B., und Blau, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Saponine. Zs.physiol. Chem., 1911, Vol. 75, pp. 410-442. CHAPTER XI PLANT BASES There are present in plants a number of substances which form a group, and which may be termed nitrogen bases, or natural bases. These sub- stances are of various constitution but they have the property in common of forming salts with acids by virtue of the presence of primary, secondary, or tertiary amine groupings. Such groupings confer a basic property upon a compound and, as a result, salts are formed with acids on analogy with the formation of ammonium salts : NH3+ HCI = NH4CI (NH3 • HCI) CH3NH2+ HCI = CH3NH2 • HCI methylamine (CH3)2 NH + HCI = (CH3)2 NH • HCI diraethjlamine (CHgJg N + HCI = (CH3)3 N • HCI trimethylamine The hydrogen atoms of ammonia can also be replaced by groups of greater complexity, as will be seen below. Complex ring compounds in which nitrogen forms part of the ring are termed heterocyclic, such as the alkaloids, purines and some amines, for instance pyrrolidine (see below). The plant bases can be conveniently classified into four groups and this is also to a large extent a natural grouping. They are: 1. Amines ) ci- 1 .11 ^ ^ . . y bimpler natural bases. 2. i3etainesj ^ 3. Alkaloids. 4. Purine bases. The first two groups have been termed the simpler natural bases. They are much more widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom than the alkaloids and purines, since they have probably much more significance in general metabolism. The isolation of the simpler bases is a matter of much greater difficulty than that of the alkaloids: the former are soluble in water but insoluble in ether and chloroform, and so are not readily separated from other substances. The alkaloids, however, occur in the plant as salts of acids and if the plant material is made alkaline the free bases can be extracted with ether or chloroform. 170 PLANT BASES [ch. The betaines are ainino-acids in which the nitrogen atom is com- pletely methylated, and, with one or two exceptions, this grouping does- not occur in the true alkaloids. The betaines have only feebly basic properties. The alkaloids, in contrast to the simpler natural bases, are rather restricted in their distribution, many being limited to a few closely related species or even to one species. The purine bases are a small group of substances intimately related to each other and to uric acid. Amines. Methylamine, CHg * NHg, occurs in the Annual and Perennial Dogs- Mercury {Mercurialis annua and M.perennis) and in the root of the Sweet Flag {Acorus Calamus). Trimethylamine, (6113)3 " N, occurs in leaves of the Stinking Goose- foot (Chenopodium Vulvaria), in flowers of the Hawthorn (Crataegus Oxyacantha) and Mountain Ash (Pyrus Aucuparia), and in seeds of Mercurialis annua. Putrescine, NH2(CH2)4*NH2, occurs in the Thorn Apple {Datura) and tetramethylputrescine in a species of Henbane (Hyoscyamus muticus), Hordenine occurs in germinating Barley grains. It is represented as : H0<<; 3>CH2'CH2' N(CH3)2 Pyrrolidine is said to occur in small quantities in leaves of the Carrot (Daucus Carota) arid Tobacco (Nicotiana) leaves. It is repre- sented as: CH2 CH2 I I CH2 CH2 \nh/ Other amines occur among the lower plants (Fungi). Choline is sometimes classified with the betaines. It is however intimately connected with lecithin (see p. 98) which is not the case with the betaines. It may be represented as: .OH (CH3)3: N<( XHo-CHoOH XI] PLANT BASES 171 Choline is very widely distributed in plants. It is a constituent of the phosphatide, lecithin, and is probably thereby a constituent of all living cells. It has been found in seeds of the Bean ( Vicia Faba), Pea (Pisum sativum), Strophanthus spp., Oat {Avena sativa), Cotton (Gossypium herbaceam), Beech {Fagus sylvatica). Fenugreek {Trigonella Foenum- graecum) and Hemp {Cannabis sativa): in seedlings of Lupins, Soy beans, Barley and Wheat: in Potatoes and Dahlia tubers and in the subterranean parts of Cabbage (Brassica napus), Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), Scorzonera hispanica, Chicory (Cichorium Intybus), Celery (Apium graveolens) and Carrot {Daucas Carota); aerial parts of Meadow Sage (Salvia pratensis) and Betony {Betonica officinalis)^ and many other tissues. It can only be isolated in very small quantity. Betaines. The betaines, as previously stated, are amino-acids in which the nitrogen atom is completely methylated. Most betaines crystallize with one molecule of water; thus betaine itself in this condition probably has the following constitution, from which its relationship to glycine or aminoacetic acid is indicated: OH (CH3)3| N<' HsN-CH.-COOH XHa'COOH Betaine or hydroxytrimethyl- Aminoacetic acid aminoacetic acid When dried above 100^ C, the betaines lose water and are represented as cyclic anhydrides; thus betaine becomes: (CHj),: N CO \ch/ The individual betaines, probably on account of their close connexion with proteins, are more widely distributed than the individual alkaloids. Further investigation may show an even more general distribution of betaines. Betaine or trimethylglycine occurs in all species of Chenopodiaceae so far examined including the sugar Beet {Beta vulgaris) from which it derives its name: in some genera only of the Amarantaceae : in the "Tea Plant" {Lycium barbarum): in seeds of Cotton {Gossypium herbaceum), Sunflower {Helianthus annum) and Oat {Avena sativa): in tubers of Artichoke {Helianthus tuberosus), shoots of Bamboo {Bambusa), leaves of Tobacco {Nicotiana Tabacum) and in malt and wheat germs. 172 PLANT BASES [ch» Stachydrine, though a betaine, is included by most writers among the alkaloids, and this classification has been followed here (see p. 176); it is probably a derivative of proline (see p. 135). Betonicine, C7H13O3N, is also, like stachydrine, found in the Betony (Betonica officinalis). It is a derivative of oxyproline. Hypaphorine or trimethyltryptophane, C14H18O2N2, occurs in the seeds of a tree, Erythrina Hypaphorus, which is grown for shade in Coffee plantations. Trigonelline, like stachydrine, is usually classed with the alkaloids (see p. 175) but it should probably be included among the betaines on account both of its structure and of its wide distribution. Other betaines, trimethylhistidine, ergothioneine, occur in the Fungi. Alkaloids. The plant alkaloids, so-called because of their basic properties, have attracted considerable attention on account both of their medicinal properties and, in many cases, their intensely poisonous character. They were also the plant bases to be first investigated. As previously men- tioned they are not widely distributed, some being, as far as is known, . restricted to one genus, or even species. Moreover, several closely related ^alkaloids are frequently found in the same plant. The orders in which they" largely occur are the Apocynaceae, Leguminosae, Papaveraceae, Ranunculaceae, Rubiaceae and Solanaceae. The alkaloids may be present in solution in the cell-sap in the young tissues, but in older and dead tissues they may occur in the solid state ; they may be found throughout the plant or more abundantly in the seed, fruit, root or bark (quinine). The alkaloids are, as a rule, insoluble in water, but soluble in such reagents as alcohol, ether, chloroform, etc. The majority are crystalline solids which are not volatile without decomposition, but a few, for example coniine, nicotine, which contain no oxygen, are volatile liquids. The alkaloids occur in the plant as a rule as salts of various organic acids, such as malic, citric, succinic and oxalic, and sometimes with an acid peculiar to the alkaloid with which it is united (e.g. quinic acid in quinine and meconic acid in opium). Artificial salts, i.e. sulphates, chlorides and nitrates, are easily prepared and are readily soluble in water, and from these solutions the free base is precipitated again on addition of alkali. XI] PLANT BASES 173 The alkaloids themselves belong to various classes of compounds, though the basic character always preponderates. Thus, for example, piperine is an amide and can be hydrolyzed into the base piperidine and piperic acid : atropine is an ester made up of the base tropine and tropic acid. Various methods are employed for the extraction of alkaloids but the exact course of events depends on the alkaloid in question. On the whole the method is either to treat the plant material with alkali and then extract the free alkaloid with ether or chloroform and finally purify by making a salt again; or to extract the alkaloid from the plant with dilute acid, set free the insoluble, or difficultly soluble, base with alkali, and then prepare a salt of the base. Though individual alkaloids have distinctive reactions, the group as a whole has certain reactions in common, namely the precipitation by the so-called "alkaloidal reagents." These reagents are tannic, phospho- tungstic, phosphomolybdic and picric acids, also potassium-mercurio- iodide solution and iodine in potassium iodide solution. Expt. 157. General reactions of alkaloids. Make a 05 ^/q solution of quinine sulphate in warm water and add a few drops of each of the following reagents : {a) Tannic acid solution. A white precipitate is formed. (6) Mercuric iodide in potassium iodide solution [Briicke's reagent : 50 gms. of potassium iodide in 500 c.c. water are saturated with mercuric iodide (120 gms.) and made up to 1 litre]. A white precipitate is formed. (c) Phosphotungstic acid (50 gms. of phosphotungstic acid and 30 c.c. of cone, sul- phuric acid are dissolved in water and made up to a litre). A white precipitate is formed. {d) Iodine in potassium iodide solution. A brown precipitate is formed. (e) Picric acid solution. A yellow precipitate is formed. ExpL 158. Extraction of the free base from quinine sulphate. Add strong sodium carbonate solution drop by drop to some of the quinine sulphate solution until a white precipitate of quinine is formed. Then add ether and shake up in a separating funnel. The precipitate will disappear as the quinine passes into solution in the ether. Separate off the ethereal solution and let it evaporate in a shallow dish. The quinine is deposited. Take up the quinine again in dilute sulphuric acid and test the solution with the alkaloidal reagents. The alkaloids are classified into five groups according to the nucleus which constitutes the main structure of the molecule. These five groups are: 1. The pyridine group. 2. The pyrrolidine group. 3. The tropane group. 4. The quinoline group. 5. The isoquinoline group. 174 PLANT BASES [CH. Pyridine Nn^ Pyrrole \^ Tropane n V Iminazole Quinoline ./N L^«> Isoquinoline Pyriinidine Iminazole Purine 1. The pyridine alkaloids. These are, as the name implies, derivatives of pyridine. (Pyridine is a colourless liquid which boils at 115° C. It is a strong base and forms salts with acids.) CH /\ CH CH II I CH CH \^ N Pyridine The more important members of this group are: arecoline, coniine, nicotine, piperine and trigonelline. Arecoline occurs in the "Betel Nut" which is the fruit of the Areca Palm (Arecha Catechu). Coniine occurs in all parts of the Hemlock (Conium maculatum), but more especially in the seed. Nicotine occurs in the leaves of the Tobacco plant {Nicotiana Tahacum). It is a colourless oily liquid which is intensely poisonous. Its constitution may be represented as: CH CHo— CH2 ^\ i ' 1 CH C- -CH CHa 1 11 \/ CH CH N \/^ 1 N CH, It is readily soluble in water and organic solvents. XI] PLANT BASES 175 Expt. 159. Extraction and reactions of nicotine. Weigh out 100 gms. of plug tobacco and boil up the compressed leaves with water in an evaporating dish or in a saucepan. Filter off' the extract and concentrate on a water-bath. The concentrated solution is made alkaline with lime and distilled from a round -bottomed flask fitted with a condenser, the flask being heated on a sand-bath. The distillate has an un- pleasant smell and contains nicotine in solution. Test the solution with the alkaloidal reagents employed in Expt. 157. A precipitate will be obtained in each case. The nicotine can be obtained from solution in the following way. Acidify the •aqueous distillate with oxalic acid and concentrate on a water-bath. Make the con- •centrated solution alkaline with caustic soda, pour into a separating funnel and shake up with ether. Separate the ethereal extract and distil off" the ether. The nicotine is left behind as an oily liquid which oxidizes in air and turns brown. The alkaloidal tests should be made again with the extracted nicotine. Piperine occurs in various species of Pepper {Piper nigrum). The fruit, which is gathered before it is ripe and dried, yields a black pepper, but if the cuticle is first removed by maceration, a white pepper. Piperine is a white solid which is almost insoluble in water but soluble in ether a,nd alcohol. Expt. 160. Extraction and reactions of piperine. Weigh out 100 gms. of black pepper. Put it into an evaporating dish, cover well with lime-water and heat with ■constant stirring for 15-20 minutes. Then evaporate the mixture completely to