WESTERN AUSTRALIA o¢ sey ary aE RE yen cepa tl gS BAe Pe me iste) Sar Oa #i% es *, ab anh Le ATPL IER SIRE SPSS VT BIE STD ETP Hy eee £ Att AEE ey ARATE. eee Ta This publication is under revision; male reprinting may not be vossiblie ror gome years. | : ‘: Althnouch written in 1922, the book is Meeill of practical valuc; but statistics me@uoucd in it. refer to the years prior to Pe 1922 and certain pages rejuire alteration, Deas forest manavement has been develored ' beyond the scope cf the examples given. "The importance of forestry to this ' State is vécomine widely reccmnised. Hu- rorean countries have troated their forests )scientifically so that they will remain as "a constant and permanent source of revenus. "Moreover, forests scientifically worked »)) provide a lasting industry which will afford recular exploymert to numbers of ) our citizens, end the whole State, there~ W fore, is directly interested in the con= “servation end economic management of our Forest wealth. | The workins of the forests by the Sar- “milling Industry has always been a first step in the development of any region in ‘the South i ¢st. “ith mills so located "and now certrolicd that vhey will operate © cortinuously in the forest, this savmill~ ins becomes a method of land settlement of [prime importance in a yeung country. | Strancely enouvh in ‘ester: Australia land settlement is cenerally regarded as a pro= | @ess of ringbarkin: the timber. crop to @rov other iand crops. — cae - £-There is a sreater demarid now for ‘inber than at any time in the past, and ». dit must be appreciated that Australia * oan =roduce in the immeciate future not more than two-thirds of her re juirenents. The need for a visorous policy ef refores— tation and afforestation is therefore ob- vious. aie ' ; | as oor, ema Eek aN i : - GONSER TOR. OF FORESTS. - ist February, 1946, _ Kia ara i: 3h “ WESTERN AUSTRALIA. A PRIMER OF FORESTRY With Illustrations of The Principal Forest Trees of Western Australia. Prepared under the supervision of C E. LANE-POOLE, Conservator of Forests. Issued by the Department of Education under the authority of the Minister, the Hon. H. P. Colebatch, M.L.C. PERTH : BY AUTHORITY: FRED. WM. SIMPSON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1922. © 9833/22. . CONTENTS. : PAGE ieremcer |... as HA oe ae CaN et: arte ae Bs a ae 5 Chapter 1.—The Meaning and Importance of Forestry sl ae ite 40 6 a IJ.—The Life-Story of a Tree sia ae See Le ak ons a I1J.—The Forest... ey, sae ase Za. he ar x3 aod Li a _ JV.—The Value of Forests nine ec = a bat eon =e 19 As V.—Forests and Climate ... 23 5s VI.—Undergrowth and Humus 25 i VII.—Fires and their Cost ... 26 WA Vill.—Sylviculture ... ee ey ve a ot oy Gat ae 29 mt JX.—Forest Management ... ae pt aoe Ht. aoe wate rhe 31 ng X.—Western Australian Trees ... A Sat a an de Mec 36 ifs XI.—Some Curious Forest Plants ae me as eek ae ee 94 Ss XJI.—Growing Trees from Seeds and Seedlings se ae a fat) LOO ' XIJII.— Birds and Forestry ... ‘ose ae a2 Me pe Me. pa 102 x XIV.—Insects and Forestry i Bey nies Mes uF ae an 104 Bs XV.—Animals of the Forest Rec ae Ae th ae wv BEG ON Ue 2 Appendix I.—Measuring Logs ... aes Sie Se oie Sie Jos tat sae lt » II.—The Forest Service of W.A., and the Training of Foresters... Bye) og: ON A PRIMER OF FORESTRY. PREFACE. The importance of Forestry to the State is becoming widely recognised. People are beginning to realise that our methods of dealing with our forests in the past have been unscientific and wasteful, and that, if these methods are con- tinued, in a few generations we shal! have no forests left. We are beginning to understand that there is a science of Forestry, and that other countries are treat- ing their forests scientifically, so that they will remain as a constant and _per- amanent source of revenue which will not diminish as the years go by. Forests scientifically worked will provide a lasting industry which will afford regular em- ployment to numbers of our citizens. The whole State is therefore directly in- terested in the conservation and economic management of our forest wealth. There is a greater demand now for timber than there ever has been in the past, so that the continuation of short-sighted and wasteful methods of utilsing our forests would be disastrous. Teachers in schools often find considerable difficulty in obtaining accurate information about such a subject as Forestry. When dealing with the industries of the country, in connection with geography lessons, or with the life-history of trees, in connection with nature-study, they feel the need of reliable and up-to- date books or pamphlets which are not unreasonably cumbersome and expensive. It is largely with the aim of meeting such a want that the Conservator of Forests has had this little Primer of Forestry drawn up. While it is primarily intended for teachers, it will probably prove of interest to many of the general public. The chapters on the birds and animals of the forests have been kindly sup- plied by Mr. L. Glauert, Acting Keeper of Biology in the Perth Museum, and the chapter on insects by the Government Entomologist, Mr. L. J. Newman, F.E.S. CHAPTER I. THE MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF FORESTRY. Forestry is the science which deals with trees in masses or “forests.” It takes cognizance of trees from the seed stage to maturity—a period which may cover any time from 10 to 100 years or more, according to the class of tree under notice. It has to do with trees during every period of their life, and explains and illus- trates the conditions that are necessary for healthy tree-life, and also the cireum- stances which tend to retard normal growth. It examines and weighs the different factors that make up what is called “the life history of trees,’ and determines the place of each in the general scheme. So far as all these matters are concerned | forestry is a science, and the successful carrying out of its work necessitates the calling in of some other sciences—such as botany, entomology, geology, ete. But forestry implies a good deal more than has already been indicated. There is a point at which forestry as a science and _ forestry as a policy meet, and at that point the forester’s occupation merges into that of the merchant and the econo- mist. The forester all throughout the time he is carefully tending the growing trees has one prime object in front of him, and that is the production of as great an amount as possible of good saleable timber from any given area, and the removal of it in such a way that the productive power of the area shall not be lessened. The whole science of forestry has for its objective the translation into actual facts of a forest policy that has been mapped out by the forester as the best for the community—not only for the community of to-day, but for the eom- munity of the future. A forest is a source of wealth to the country possessing it. If it be cut down recklessly and without thought of the morrow, the country must suffer, but if it be administered under scientifically ordered methods, and in accordance with a scientifically conceived policy, a forest may remain a source of wealth to a country for all time. Old English writers refer to the forester’s calling as an “art and mystery,” which is just a quaint way of saving that its practice calls for skill and an inti- mate knowledge of the habits of trees and of the conditions which are favourable or unfavourable to their propagation and growth. ‘To-day forestry ranks as a scienee, a term which in fact means very much the same as the “art and mystery” of Norman and Tudor times. When England was dependent. wholly upon her own forests for the timbers with which to build her ships, and, in great part, her houses, her forests were under the care of men carefully trained for the work. The protection of the forests against spoliation and destruction, the regulation of cutting, and the replanting to make good wastage from all sources were among the duties of those who practised the art of forestry. In modern times the forester has to possess the same skill as did his predecessor of centuries ago, but new conditions have arisen unknown to and undreamed of by the forester of the past. The demand for timber is very much greater now than it has ever been in the history of civilisation, and the forests of the world are daily growing less in volume. The problems which the modern forester has to solve are how to pro- duce a greater quantity of timber than was ever produced before, and how to produce it from a smaller area of forests than existed in the past. His science tells him how to do this, as will be explained later when we come to speak of “eulti- vated” and ‘“uneultivated” forest. The value of forests to a country should be realised clearly, for with such realisation also will come the conviction that their protection is the duty of every citizen. Of all the forms of natural wealth there is none so important, none so 7 essential to a country’s well-beimg as forests. A country may possess rich de- posits of valuable metals and ores, but, when once these deposits have been ex- liausted, they can never be replaced. With forests the case is quite different. Provided they are not wantonly destroyed or recklessly used, the forests will con- tinue to yield an annual crop of timber for all time and so remain forever a source of wealth to the community possessing them. There is no material more useful to man than timber, none that is more intimately connected with his well- bemg. Without it life would be shorn of most of its joys and comforts; without it man would never have emerged from barbarism; fire as a means of preparing food and providing warmth would have been unknown, and travelling that in- cluded the crossing of the wide rivers or of seas would have been impossible, and man must for ever have remained a cave dweller. But raw timber is by no means the only valuable product of the forest. There are quite a number of others, some obtainable direct and others after the raw material has been the object of certain processes. Timber itself may be converted into other substances. Under the process known as “destructive distillation” from wood there may be obtained pyroligneous acid, charcoal, gas and tar, and from these again, by further processes, wood alcohol (valuable as a fuel and for many other purposes) and quite a number of chemieals, all of them of commercial im- portanee. The barks of certain of our trees are used by tanners for converting skins into leather, and the marri (redgum) yields in large quantities a kino or resin which is also of service in tanning. Again, from the leaves of almost every tree in our forests an oil may be obtained. Some trees yield very little oil, others a quantity large enough to form the basis of an industry. Eucalyptus oil, which everyone knows, is distilled from the leaves of a member of the eucalypt family, but this particular tree is not found mm Western Australia. Then, again, the forests provide us with several gums and resins of value in certain trades—manna gum and blackboy gum are instances. For many years a great part of the paper used throughout the world has been made from wood. Hitherto the woods princi- pally used for papermaking are the various softwoods found in Northern Europe, Canada and the United States. But the forests from which these woods have been drawn are daily becoming smaller, and it has been found necessary to dis- cover whether hardwoods such as the eucalypts could not be used for the pur- pose. Experiments have been made and are still being made in Perth and else- where in Australia, and the results indicate that certain kinds of paper may be made from these trees.. It will be seen, therefore, that, besides timber, forests yield many other substances of use and value to man. Writing of the significance of trees to mankind, an American author says, “Before the earth could be peopled it was set thick with trees. Trees are the arms of Mother Earth, lifted up in worship to the Maker; where they are beauty dwells; where they are not the land is ugly, though it is rich, for its richness is but grassy flatness and its gaudy raiment is but cheap imitation of forest finery.” iv 2) CHAPTER II. MahDs IjUMaM SMO OP che MERI IIo, It 1s necessary, before speaking about trees in the mass, 7.e., forests, to say something of the individual tree. In most forests there are usually many different varieties of trees. Indeed, in what may be termed virgin or uncultivated forests, Jarrah Forest. 9 that is, forests that have had little or no assistaiice from man in the way of pro- moting tree-growth, it is seldom that a forest consists wholly of one variety of trees. There may be, and in most cases there actually is, one type of tree that greatly outnumbers all the others; this type is said to form the dominant species, and it is customary to use its name as generally descriptive of the whole forest. _ For instance, we speak of jarrah forests, but in every jarrah forest other kinds of trees are found, although the jarrah vastly outnumbers all these. In forests planted by man very often only one class of tree is to be found, for such planta- tions are usually made with the definite object of producing one class of timber only. All trees have some common features. All of them have roots, and a trunk or trunks, and branches and leaves or substitutes for leaves. A tree is a woody growth springing from the ground, with, as a rule, one straight bole or trunk only. Jarrah, karri, and many other Western Australian trees are examples in point. Others again have only a very short bole which divides at or near the ground into several large branches, each having all the appear- ance and functions of a trunk. York Gum is an example of ‘this class. Ther'e are still others which send up a large number of boles direct from the roots, giving the tree a shrubby appearance; such trees do not attain the size of the types already mentioned. Many species of trees growing in the Hastern Goldfields and the drier regicns of Australia adopt this habit of growth, and the mailee is the typical example of this class. The three kinds named may be regarded as the standard or general forms which trees take, but there are other forest growths usually called “trees” which differ so very much in appearance from the standard types that it seems searcely right to apply the terin “tree” to them. The “black- boy,” the “grass tree,’ and Zamia palm are cases in point. From the point of view of the botanist, however, these odd forest growths are very similar to trees, for they have roots and boles and branches and parts which perform the same functions as do the leaves in trees of the ordinary character. A tree is made up of three parts. Firstly, the roots, which extend into the eround to a depth and width of spread that depends very much on the kind 0° tree, and also upon the kind of soil in which the tree is growing. The roots are the great feeders of trees; they take up from the soil water and certain mineral substances that are essential to tree life. Secondly, the bole or trunk or stem, which supports the branches and crown and is the channel through which water and food are supplied to these. Thirdly, the branches and crown, with their network of foliage (leaves and buds). It is in the green portions of the foliage only that all the food taken up by the tree from the soil and air is worked over and trans- formed and made ready to assist in the growth of the whole tree. The crown of a tree has quite as much to do with its growth and healthy life as the other parte. Tf the crown be totally destroyed and not allowed to develop again, the tree will die just as surely as if its roots had been destroyed. In the crown the most im- portant processes in the reproduction of the tree and in the digestion of its food take place. For the reason that it is possible to control its size and shape, the crown is of much importance to those engaged in forestry work. When the forester is growing a crop of trees he can by skilful attention to the crown produce the class of tree that best suits the object he has in view. The Food of a Tree.—A tree has two storehouses from which it gets its food —the soil and the air. If the rootlets or root filaments—for many of them are no thicker than a thread—be examined, it will be noticed that they are thickly covered with minute hairs. These hairs have an important function, for it is they that take up water from the ground. At the same time, they absorb various substances, almost wholly mineral in character, which water holds in solution. These other substances are the earthy constituents of the tree, and when timber is burnt we have left them once more in the ashes. The water containing the mineral con- ce into the stem and form oots and then The leaves s which ¢ r he larger oh t asses throu stituents referred to p so throughout the b al 1¢ to . rfect chem a pe wn ® = as) wv —| oO fom — ore) © HS) in hes re carrie raneé hich a j= laboratory the tree. owth > or fe and h 1ve feb) mM M o 1) 2) foal (oh, o Ww fe) tel eos g fo) ae) In W ry Karri Forest. ale The leaves themselves take in from the atmosphere carbon dioxide gas, and this gas dissolves in the water contained in the leaves. In the leaves, as well as in some other parts of the tree, there is a green-coloured matter called chlorophyll, which has the remarkable property of using the energy contained in sunlight to cause the elements provided by water and carbon dioxide to become united into complex carbon compounds, which form the greater portion of the actual food of the tree. Chlorophyll is itself only found in the presence of hght, and an essential element in its composition is iron. The composition of the raw material used in the chemical laboratory of the plant is complex, but, in order that the plant may continue to live, the following elements must all be absorbed in the form of some soluble compound. The essential elements are:— Hydrogen. Oxygen. Carbon. Nitrogen. Potassium. Calcium. Phosphorus. Iron. Carbon and oxygen make up carbonic acid gas which is absorbed through the leaves, but all other elements must enter as soluble compounds through the minute hairs on the tiny rootlets. Even the largest tree must depend for its food on these fe hairs on its smallest rootlets. The large roots only seem to hold the tree up- right, and to convey the food materials in solution from the root hairs to the por- tion of the tree above the ground. The inorganic chemical compounds which are absorbed by the plant are trans- formed in the leaves into organic compounds, chief among which are ecarbo- hydrates. This process is known as “photosynthesis,” a word which means build- ing up through the action of light. The first stable carbohydrate formed is usually some form of sugar. Photosynthesis only goes on in the presence of light, and often in strong lhght the production of sugar proceeds at a faster rate than the product can be removed from the leaf to other parts of the tree. The stoppage of the life processes in this way is prevented by the fact that, when the concentra- tion of sugar reaches a certain point, new activities of the protoplasm of the living tree-cells are awakened and the formation of insoluble starch at the expense of the sugar begins. As the starch is insoluble, the action of photosynthesis ean continue unchecked seeing that the concentration of the sugar will not rise beyond a critical point. Sugars as they arise are also continuously passing away from the leaf to other parts of the tree. They have to be used up along with other materials in the formation of new living substance, wood and other materials, as well as to supply the chemical energy needed for vital processes. When the photo- synthetic activity of the leaf ceases at night time, the starch formerly preduced in the leaves is re-converted by special ferments into sugar, which thus continues to replace that which is being still withdrawn from the leaves till all the starch may be finally removed from them. This explains why it is that, towards the end of a summer’s day, the leaves may be full of starch, but next morning they contain little or none. In other words, the process of absorption of food by trees goes -on continuously day and night. Let us now turn to the mechanics of tree-food. The water from the roots, as has been said, passes upwards into the leaves, in the outer laver of the wood. The sugary sap already referred to travels from the leaves to the parts where it is required in the inner layers of the bark. Hence, if a tree be “rine’barked”’ all round the stem through the bark and the outer layers of the wood, it will be kilied, as no water can then pass upwards, and it follows, of course, that no life-giving 12 food can pass downwards. ‘This, in a few words, explains the action of ring- barking. The important part that leaves play in the life history of a tree is not e 7 ognised, but, as a matter of fact, the leaves are as essential to its health and progress as the roots. Karri Log and fallers. 13 How a Tree Breathes.—Plants breathe, although not quite in the same way as animals. Both inhale the air, keeping the oxygen and expelling the carbon dioxide gas. The difference is that a tree has no lungs, but breaths over its whole surface, leaves, branches, trunk and roots. Even though the roots are covered with soil, they breathe the air which is present in the tiny air-spaces between the soil particles. A plant will be just as surely drowned if its roots are kept under water for long periods as a man will be if his head is kept under water for a certain time. A few plants have special adaptations to enable them to grow in swamps and wet places, but they are exceptional. This process, which is called “respiration,” 1s the exact opposite of photosynthesis. The difference between the two processes may be set out as follows:— Photosyuthesis. Respiration. 1. Is a feeding process. 1. Is a breathing process. 2. Carbon dioxide gas is retained. 2. Oxygen is retained. 3. Oxygen is returned to the air. 3. Carbon dioxide gas is returned to 4, Purifies the air. the air. 5. Only takes place in green parts. 4. Fouls the air. 6. Only takes place in sunlight. 5. Takes place in all parts. 6. Goes on day and night. These two processes—photosynthesis and respiration—go on together, but, whereas respiration goes on always in all the livings parts of the tree, photosyn- thesis only takes place in the green parts and in the day time. During the day the photosynthesis is the more active process and more oxygen is returned to the air than is retained. At mght respiration alone is going on. Trees therefore have the effect, through the giving off of oxygen, of purifying the air in the day time and of vitiating it at mght, but, upon the whole, the purifying action is much greater than the other. Transpiration.—lit has already been explained that the leaves of trees breathe or respire. They have another function: they transpire; that is, certain matter passes out through them into the atmosphere. We know already that trees suck up water and certain other substances through their roots, but, under normal con- ditions, the quantity taken up by the roots and sent up the trunk and through every part of the tree is in excess of its requirements. A tree requires certain min- eral substances for its nutrition, and, as these are present only in very small quan- tity in the water, the roots have to suck up a large quantity of water in order to get sufficient of these mineral substances for the use of the tree. The tree does not need all the water its roots supply, and the excess is evaporated through all parts of the tree above ground, but principally by the leaves. This process is called “transpiration.” It can be readily perceived that a good deal of power must be exerted to drive the water from the roots to all parts of great trees. What that power is, is still a question for final decision. It is known, however, that the roots exercise some kind of pumping function and that there is above ground a sucking action due to transpiration from the leaves and other parts. These two forces, the latter in particular, may be the main factors in producing a steady flow of water from lowest root to topmost leaf. The Growth of a Tree—tThe source of growth of a tree lies in the additions to it made by the food which it has drawn from the ground and absorbed from the atmosphere. But the food does not increase the bulk of the whole tree in the same way. Exeept in the case of leaves, buds, fruit and twigs of less than a year’s age, the digested food material is deposited in the form of a thin layer over the whole tree between the wood and the bark. This layer is made up of wood cells, or wood fibre. Year by year these successive layers of wood cells are deposited and the tree increases in size. The new twigs grow in length by a kind of stretching, but only 14 during the first year. After that they grow by the same process as the trunk and branches. It is obvious, therefore, that it is only by means of the youngest twigs that a tree increases in height, and in the spread of its branches. After the first year the length of young twigs is fixed; younger twigs stretch from new buds and the older twigs continue to grow by the deposition of wood-cells as in the old parts of the tree. Between the wood and the bark there is a very thin layer of living cells called the cambium. This cambium is nourished by the food sap and grows in thickness, its inner layers producing wood-substance and its outer layers pro- ducing bark, and yet between the two there always remains a thin layer of cam- bium. The production of cells inwards which turn into wood is greater than that outwards of cells which turn into bark, and for this reason the layer of wood formed annually is thicker than the layer of bark. In this way every year a new layer of wood is added on the outside of the older wood, and a new layer of bark is added on the inside of the older bark. The ovtecome of this latter process is that the bark, as its older parts become stretched to breaking point, cracks or peels. It will be noticed that the process of bark production is even more complicated than that of wood. What is usually called bark is made up of two parts. All that is outside of the latest formed layer is dead matter, because no water or food supply can get to it from the interior of the tree. The purpose of this dead matter is to protect the true bark and the wood from damage from the outside. The Structure of Wood.—The structure of wood is the main element which determines its class and its value. Trees differ from each other owing mainly to the differences in the size, shape and form of the cells which make up the fibre of wood. These differences give a particular character to each kind of wood, and are also the means by which it may be readily and surely identified. The structure of wood explains why some kinds are harder and stronger than others, why some are eross-grained and some straight-grained, why some have a tendency to crack or split, and why some wood, when eut, has a more or less beautiful pattern, and some has seareely any pattern, or, indeed, none at all. Jarrah and banksia, for example, when cut are quite different in appearance, and this is due entirely to the differ- ence in the structure of their wood. All wood is composed of very small tubes and cells. In the latest formed wood the tubes act as pipes through which the water flows up the tree. In this part the wood is usually soft and light in colour, and is known as the “sapwood.” Inside the bark lies the sapwood, and, as has been said, it is usually light in colour. This is particularly noticeable in almost all the eucalypts in the West Australian bush, jarrah and karri being notable examples. It varies in width from half an inch to several inches, according to the age of the tree and the species. Inside the sapwood and continuing to the centre of the tree is what is known as the “heart- wood.” The heartwood has practically no other function than that of mechanical support. On the other hand, the sapwood is a living part of the tree, serving’ largely to store up the starch and other food and to conduct the unelaborated sap from the roots up to the leaves. The extreme outer portion of the sapwood is the cambium already referred to. | | | On cutting across the trunk of a tree we may see the annual rings, but these rings are not equally visible in every tree. In some kinds of trees they stand out quite clearly and may be counted easily. In other kinds of trees they are very difficult to detect, and in some they are non-existent. In most of the eucalypt trees the rings are faint or non-existent. In jarrah, for instance, it is quite impossible to detect them. . In looking for the reason for this difference, we note that trees which come from a country having a severe winter usually show far more distinct rings than those which grow in countries which have a mild winter. Broad-leafed trees in cold countries usually shed their leaves in winter and consequently photosynthesis can- 15 not go on; even evergreens, such as pines and firs, he dormant during the cold weather. In such cases the annual ring is clearly defined. Other trees—and the whole eucalypt family is included amongst them—are not entirely dormant through the winter, but continue to grow throughout the year, although their rate of growth in cool weather is certainly smaller than in warm weather. But this intermittent erowth has the eftect of either partially preventing the formation of rings or caus- ing more than one indistinet rmg to be formed in the same year. Hauline Jarrah Loe. ec o 16 When the leaves sprout afresh in the spring on trees that have lain dormant or shed their leaves in the winter, there is a great demand by the trees for water, and the pipes and cells which are then formed have thin walls and large open- ings. Later on, in summer, there is not so much want of water, and smaller openings will do; at the same time the bark begins to press on the wood, so. that the cell walls must be capable of resisting this pressure. Therefore in summer the pipes have thick walls and small openings. In winter growth stops, as has been said, and it begins again next spring with the pipes with large openings. These being formed next to the thick-walled ones give the appearance of a ring when the wood is cut across. Running across the annual rings from the centre of the tree to the bark there are some thin lines. These are called the medullary rays, and to them mainly is due the figure possessed by many woods. In order to see these medullary rays at their best, one has to cut the wood in a particular way, that is, along a radius, or as the timber man says “on the quarter.” The breadth of the rays varies in different species of trees, being difficult to see in euecalypts and pines, but in some others, such as Casuarinas, Sheoaks and Banksias, standing out quite clearly. These medullary rays consist chiefly of soft cells which keep up a connection through the harder timber from the centre of the tree to the bark. They, as well as some other parts, are used by the tree as storehouses for any excess of starch that may be in the food, and, it is believed, are concerned | in the series of changes whereby sapwood is ultimately converted into _heart- wood. Reproduction—Nature makes plentiful provision for the preservation of tree growth. All trees when they come to maturity bear flowers, although some- times these are not very conspicuous. ‘These flowers in due time develop into fruit and seeds, which fall to the ground and give birth to new trees. Besides reproduction by means of seeds, many trees are able to spring up again by means of shoots from the stump after the tree has been cut down, or by suckers from the roots. This power varies in the different species, and upon it depends the pro- duction of coppice woods, about which something will be said when we come to speak of forests. CHAPTER III. THE FOREST. The forest 1s a community and has a character of its own, just as each tree in it possesses its own individuality. It may be likened to a populous city. very person in the city has many things in common with all the other individuals» but he also has a character entirely his own. A forest holds many trees, per- haps nearly all of the same kind, but none the less the forest itself has a character that is not wholly shared by any other. A forest is more than a great collection of trees, since it includes not only the trees, but the soil and the undergrowth and natural features peculiar to itself. ‘The trees bear the same relationship to each other as do the people in a town—they are mutually dependent and at the same time in competition with one another. Forests are primarily of two kinds, natural forests and planted forests. The one kind are those with which Nature has endowed the country possessing it, and the second are those which have been planted by man with the definite object of producing timber. Natural forests are of two kinds, cultivated and uneultivated. An uncultivated forest is one which has received no attention from man, except as a storehouse of timber to be cut down and carried away; the cultivated natural forest 1s one in which man has done something to repair the damage caused by the removal of tim- ber or by fire or any other destructive agency. It will be shown later that a culti- vated forest not only produces a very much larger crop of timber than an uneulti- vated one, but is to a large degree protected against loss from fire and other agen- cies disastrous to tree life. The “cultivated” forest already referred to is the ideal of modern scientific forestry. In France, Belgium, and Germany the whole of the forests are culti- vated, and in other Kuropean countries the process of converting “wild” or ‘“un- cultivated” forests to “cultivated” ones is proceeding apace. In Australia, with the exception of certain plantations, mainly of exotic trees, the forests are still un- cultivated, but in every State the process of conversion is being pushed on. The effect of cultivation upon a natural forest is to increase very materially the amount of timber which the forest can yield annually without in any way diminishing its productive power. It has been stated by a high authority: on forestry that “four year of ‘cultivated’ forest growth equals a century of virgin forest growth.” In South Africa, where scientific forestry methods have been in operation for a leneth- ened period, the results abundantly prove that care and attention bestowed on forests reap a rich reward. The following paragraph on the subject is taken from the writings of an eminent forester :— “South Africa—Yields of ‘wild’ and ‘cultivated’ forests—In South Africa, Euealypt plantations, Hogsback, ete., worked at a rotation of 12 to 18 years, yielded 600 cubic feet per acre per year; the Nilgiris maximum, we have seen, was 700 eubie feet. This is about the quantity of timber obtained when all the mature material is worked, on an average acre of indiginous virgin forest at the Cape of Good Hope (Amatolas). We do not know how long it has taken to produce the stand of timber in the indigenous forest—not less than 100 years, perhaps 200. If we take the mature timber as half the gross yield, and these special Eucalypt yields as half average yields, that would show a yearly yield from the cultivated as about one-quarter the “stand” of timber in the wild forest; or, in other words, the cultivated forest makes in four years what the wild forest does in from 100 to 200 years!” 18 When a forest is composed wholly of one species of tree, it is said to be a “oure” forest. If trees of several varieties grow within its borders it is called a “mixed” forest. Both classes are found in Western Australia. There are great stretches of forest in the South-West, where jarrah trees only are to be seen, others containing nothing but karri. Tuart, too, is found in a “pure” state, and so are some other trees. Outside these areas where ‘pure’? forests exist, are regions of mixed forest, where one type of tree may be most plentiful, but growing with it are others of different varieties. Trees, like man, have habits or likings, and they grow best where the conditions are favourable for the indulgence of these habits or likings. For instance, some trees are “light-demanders,” that is, they need plenty of light if they are to become big and productive. The eucalypts are of this class. If, in walking through a jarrah forest, one looks around for young jarrah seedlings, it will be observed that they are found very seldom inedeed under the shade of, or in close proximity to, grown jarrali trees. But they will be observed in plenty in the clear spaces upon which the sun’s rays directly fall between the trees. Others, again, will thrive under more or less shade and attain their best when they receive this shade from trees of other species. Many of the acacia family are of this type, and many of the tall shrubs of our karri country provide good examples of “shade bearers.” ay CHAPTER IV. THE VALUE OF FORESTS. Direct Value.—Go back as far as you like in the history of the world and you will find that the forests have always piayed a very important part in the national welfare of every country. The forests yield a number of products which, before the dawn of civilisation, were indispensable to the tribes that inhabited them. The negro in the tropical jungle of Africa, prehistoric man in the oak and beech forests of the old world, the aboriginal in the eucalypt forests of Australia, ali lived on the products of the forests and on the game that they sheltered. As man became civilised and began to outgrow his environment and to find a diffi- eulty in supplying himself with the necessities of hfe, he was gradually forced to supplement the natural products with food, raiment, ete., grown under cultiva- tion. He no longer relied on barks of trees and skins of wild animals, but he set to work to domesticate animals which yielded him meat and skins and wool; he grew cereals for his bread, and flax and cotton for weaving into cloth to cover his body. The growth of civilisation, while causing a decrease in the use of some wild vaw products, also resulted in an increase in the use of other products, the chief one being timber. As civilisation developed, the use of timber increased until a seareity of this essential commodity was felt in every land. The higher the civilisation, the greater the industrial development, the greater the use of wood. One of the most important uses to which wood has been put from the earliest of times is fuel, and to-day, except in localities where coal is cheap, we see wood fuel used. In Western Australia firewood still forms a very large part of the output of our forests. Perth, for instance, consumes no less than 150,000 tons of firewood a year, Greenbushes requires 15,120 tons a year for its tin mining industry, but the largest amount of all is used by the mines of the Eastern Gold- fields, which require between 500,000 and 600,000 tons a year for their boilers. In 1915-14 Western Australia produced about 450,000 tons of sawn wood. It will be seen then that the gold mines actually used more wood than was sawn in all the mills in the South-West. It must, of course, be said that the value of the sawn wood is much greater than the value of the firewood. Fuel at the Kalgoorlie mines is worth 15s. a ton, while a ton of sawn wood aboard a ship in Bunbury is worth to-day at least £8. The importance of firewood supply both to the house- holder and the factory or mine is often overlooked. Timber is the main preduct and the humble firewood takes a second place, but without it there are many industries that could not exist in Western Australia to-day. From a forestry standpoint the importance of firewood is very great, as will be shown when we come to deal with the cultural operations necessary to improve the Jarrah and karri forests. Suffice it to say here that it is only when the forester has a fuel market to absorb the abundance of overmature trees, which are inevitably in the majority in a wild forest, and the crowns and branches, that he can hope to convert those wild forests into cultivated or normal forests. Timber.—“‘From the eradle to the coffin we are surrounded by wood,” or, as Kvelyn wrote in 1664:— ‘“Since it is certain and demonstrable that all arts and artisans whatsoever must fail and cease if there were no timber and wood in a nation (for he that shall take his pen and begin to set down what art, mystery or trade belonging any way to human life, could be maintained and exercised without wood, will quickly find that I speak no paradox), I say when this shall be well considered, it will appear that we had better be without gold than without timber.’’ 20 Hirst the axe, maul and wedge, then the pit-saw, then the waterwheel and vertical saw, then the steam engine vertical and circular saw, and finally the band-saw. Thus grew and developed the machinery used to fashion trees into timber. In Western Australia we have seen the evolution from pit-saw to band- saw, and the expansion of the timber milling business from the early part of the. 19th century until to-day. The total amount of timber exported to date amounts to 3,897,849 Icads valued at £15,693,989. This timber exploitation in Western Australa consisted mainly of jarrah, until the opening of the Karridale mills near the Leeuwin in 1879, and of the Torbay and Denmark mills some years later. Those mills cut a great deal of karri. Again of late years there have been four mills cutting karri. It is unfortunate that there is no record of the quantities of karri cut from Karridale and Torbay and Denmark in the early days. From the time from which data are available, the volume of sawn karri turned out by these four mills has been over 1,000,000 cubic feet. Minor Forest Produce.—The rapid development of the saw-milling business in this State has operated adversely in the matter of minor forest produce. Forestry © has been sacrificed to the sawmiiler and the demands of an export trade. In older lands, where the local demand for wood is so heavy that the utilisation of the whole tree is the practice, the tree is felled level with the ground and the bark, if it contains tannin, is removed and sold to the tanner. The small branches are converted into faggots for hovsehold kindling, the larger branches are split into fuel, and the big limbs into sleepers. Waste from the mill is converted by destructive distillation into charcoal, acetic acid, wood alcohol, tars and other valuable distillates. Some wocds, whose structure particularly fits them for the purpose, are used for the manufacture of paper pulp, artificial silk, ete. In tan barks Western Australia possesses the valuable mallet, which contains no less than 45 per cent. of tannin, and of which since 1903 we have exported an amount vaiued at £929,808. It has been a case of “killing the goose that laid the golden egg,” and to-day we have very little mallet left. Then there are gums and resins. The forests of the old world and the new yield us turpentine and varnish gums, such as kauri from New Zealand, copal from West Africa, and gum arabic. Then there are the oils, eucalyptus oil being one of those produced in largest quantity; the drugs, e.g., quinine from South America, camphor from Formosa, kola from West Africa; and foods, such as cocoa and the many nuts and fruits. Indirect Value of the Forests—-Yorests, as well as having a direct value, have an indirect value. In the first place, they have an influence on the climate of the district or province in which they grow. Research work covering a long period in France has shown that in the first place the temperature of the air is lower ina fovest than in the surrounding country. The mean annual forest temperature is lower and also the mean monthly forest temperatures are lower. The mean winter forest temperatures do not show, however, svch a difference as do the average summer temperatures. Taking the daily mean temperatures, we find on the hottest day in the year a much lower mean temperature in the forest than outside, and a lower maximum. This equalising of the temperature is a very valuable function of the forest. Unfortunately no work has yet been done in Australia to find the exact effect of forests on the temperature of the air. There is no reason to suppose that the forests of eucalypts should differ fundamentally in their action in this regard from the forests of the Old World. It is right, however, to point out that there is a difference between the actions of different species. The action is more marked, for instance, under broad-leafed deciduous (i.e., shedding their leaves annually) trees than under pines, spruces and firs. Forests in the growing season exert more influence than during the dead season, whether they are evergreen or not. Until a thorough investigation into forest meteorology has been carried out in Western Australia, we cannot say how great is the influence of our forests on al the temperature of the air. While the reason for the equalising effect of the for- ests on the temperature has not been fully explained, it would seem to be due to the blanketing effect of the branches and tips, which shelter the soil from the heat of the sun. If temperatures are taken from the ground upwards to the crowns of the trees, then the effect of the forest 1s more noticeable near the ground than in Karri on Trucks réady for powellising. 22 the crown. ‘That this action of the forests is felt at distances from the forests is another important point in the chain of evidence proving the indirect value of for- ests, for it means that districts possessing a high percentage of forests have a more equable climate than those possessing a low percentage or no forests at all. A most interesting research was made in Europe to investigate this very matter. A belt of country nght through Europe along the 46th parallel of latitude, from La Rochelle in France to the mouth of the Volga in Russia, was examined, and it was found that, wherever there were large areas of forest, the extremes of tem- perature were not so marked, while over regions where the forests had been des- troyed or where no forests existed, the extremes were very great. Work done in India has shown the same results, only the actual figures were more remarkable. In Assam, for instance, it was found that the mean temperature in July within the forests was 36.5° centigrade, while in the country where the forests had been destroyed, though the latter region is situated nearer the sea-board, it was 57.4° centigrade. 23 CHAPTER V.. FORESTS AND CLIMATE. Reference has already been made to certain aspects of the indirect value of forests. But beyond these ways in which forests are indirectly of great moment, there is one whose importance must be specially stressed. In every part of the world where forests are great, there is a constant annual rainfall, sometimes spread with fair evenness over the whole year, and sometimes occurring as seasonal rains. Again, wherever forests are absent or tree-life sparse, comparatively little rain falls. The presence of forests implies a sufficient rainfall; their absence often means little or no rain and desert country. The world furnishes many examples of this. There are no forests in Arabia, and the rainfall is of the scantiest. The same may be said of North-Central Africa, where there stretches over vast arid distances the Sahara Desert. Central Austraha has no great forests, and such trees as there are are few in number and stunted in size, and the rainfall there is very small. History tells us quite clearly that the destruction of forests alters the climate of a country by reducing the rainfall to a point that makes the growing of food-crops impossible. Time was when Mesopotamia was a well-wooded covntry and when grains of various kinds were produced in abundance. Many centuries ago its forests were almost wholly destroyed. The rainfall diminished to such a degree that agriculture could not be é¢arried on except in the immediate neighbour- hood of the two great rivers—the Euphrates and the Tigris—and such crops as were erown owed their existence to irrigation. Sicily, at one time, was one of the eranaries of ancient Rome—that is, it grew and sent to Rome large quantities of wheat every year—but its forests were almost wholly cut down and it ceased to be a great wheat-growing country. The island of Cyprus is another instance in proof of the fact that the wholesale destruction of forests has a disastrous effect upon a country’s productive power. But forests are in other ways of inestimable value so far as moisture 1s con- cerned. When rain, especially heavy rain, falls upon a hard, bare country, much the greater portion of it immediately runs off into the streams and rivers and on into lakes or into the sea. When the country, however, is forested, the case is different. Much of the surplus water runs off of course, but a great deal is re- tained by the forest. In every forest there is upon the ground an accumulation of what is known as “humus,” made up of the leaves and twigs that have fallen from the trees. This humus has to become thoroughly soaked before any water begins to run off. Further, the ground within a forest is more porous than ground that has no forest cover. The reason is obvious, for beneath the surface of the forested ground are vast masses of roots, and these break up the sub-soil, per- mitting the absorption of water. Experiments in various parts of the world have proved beyond question that forests have a beneficial effect on streams and springs. Rivers that are fed from forested watersheds have a more uniform discharge and carry less debris than streams coming through an unforested watershed. It has also been proved conclusively that extensive damage from floods occurs less fre- quently in streams coming from forested watersheds than in streams rising in poorly forested or treeless watersheds In forested country, too, streams run throughout the year, because the forest eradually gives off the water it holds, while in unforested regions, the water passes quickly to the streams, and, in the absence of further rain, these dry up. Springs also are favourably influenced by the presence of forests, as their flow is regulated and made continuous by the water conserved by the forest and given off gradually. Ringbarking large areas of tree-covered land has much the same effect on streams and springs as does cutting down the trees, and more particularly is this the case if fire sweeps through the ringbarked country and destroys the humus. When the Mundaring Weir was formed, a considerable part of the water catchment area 24 was ringbarked, with the result that some small streams that used to carry water all the year round now run only during a portion of the year. In some parts of the world, and more especially in France, inquiries have been conducted into the question whether forests influence the amount of the rainfall. The evidence adduced by these French experiments showed that within a forest the rainfall is appreciably greater than in outside bare country. More than a century ago in a forested region in France vast forests were cut down for war purposes. The result was disastrous. In the absence of the trees the heavy:rains, which fall at certain seasons, washed away much of the soil on hill sides and caused floods in the rivers that did much damage. The position was so serious that the inhabitants of the district petitioned the Government to have the forests replanted, and this was done. New forests in time occupied the place of the old ones, and the flooding and damage ceased. Forests also influence the temperature of the soil at varying depths. Forest soil is warmer in winter and cooler in summer than bare land. The effect of this is that the degree of humidity within a forest is always greater than outside. Growth of Forests as infiuenced by Soil and Climate—lt is the very general rule that such crops as are grown by farmers give better results on good soil than on poor soil. With the trees the rule is not quite so general. Some trees demand a really good class of land to exhibit their best results: marri (redgum) may be quoted as an instance. Others prefer a second or third class soil: banksia is an example of this class. It may be stated here that the trees of which Western Aus- tralia possesses the largest number and the trees upon which her reputation as a producer of timber rests, grow upon soil that is unsuited for agricultural purposes. Broadly speaking, jarrah is seen at its best on poor soil or in country that is purely laterite or largely of ironstone gravel. Such soil is of no value for farm- ing. To this fact and this fact alone the belt of jarrah forests owes its preserva- tion. Even when land settlement policies have alienated areas of jarrah country for agricultural purposes, these areas have sooner or later reverted to the Crown, the settler having failed to effect the necessary improvements or to make a living. In places in the jarrah belt and further south, where the Darling fault country breaks up, dykes of diorite are met with, and the soil disintegrated from this rock forms valuable agricultural land. Except in the valleys of the Capel and Black- wood rivers, and around Bridgetown, the areas of diorite soil are very small indeed. In the karri country the soil is of a better quality than in the jarrah belt, and particularly is this the case when the karri and marri are found growing mixed. The soil on which karri grows in a pure or almost pure state is disappointing agri- culturally, it being of a light snuffy nature, easily washing away when cleared of timber. The soil on which wandoo grows is, generally speaking, of poor quality. It is, however, more valuable than jarrah land, and all the best of the forests have been alienated in fee simple. Tuart is entirely confined to the limestone formation along the coast. The rock lies very close to the surface, and is covered by a loose sand. It has.a value for grazing purposes, but is poor agriculturally. The savannah forest of the drier regions grows, generally speaking, on excellent heavy soils, and is in consequence necessarily fast disappearing before the wheat farmer in the assured rainfall belt. Further eastward and northward, where the rainfall is too scanty for agriculture, the savannah forest is intact, except around all min- ine centres, where it is being rapidly converted into firewood. Rainfall, it goes without saying, influences forest growth very greatly, in fact, in the case of many species, an ample rainfall spread with fair regularity over the year is essential. But the eucalypt family in Western Australia have adapted themselves to their environment, and are at their best where the rainfall is large in the winter months and almost entirely absent in the summer. The eucalypts possess marvellous powers of accommodating themselves to climatic conditions. Many varieties of these trees have been planted abroad, as has already been stated, and in most of their new homes they thrive remarkably well. In California, where 25 they have been introduced, it has been ascertained that they grow at a greater rate than in their native land, and it is supposed that is because the rainfall in Cali- iernia is fairly well spread over the year. Jarrah, karri, marri, blackbutt, yate, tuart, and certain other varieties of eucalypts are found only in the South-West part of Western Australia, that is, in the region where the rainfall is greatest. Some other varieties—wandoo for instance—-are abundant in the South-West, but they are also found in the districts to the eastward, where the rainfall is much less. On the Hastern Goldfields, where the rainfall is very scanty, salmon gum and =imlet grow to a considerable size, producing timber that is of great use in mining and for other local purposes. Certain of the eucalypts have developed a marked resistance to extremes of heat and cold. Baron von Mueller mentions that one variety of eucalypt—the coolibah of tropical Western Australia, the Northern Verritory, and Queensland—-withstands unseorched a frequent heat of 156° Fahr. in Central Australia, nor is this tree affected by exceedingly severe trosts (18° F.). oil and climate are among the determining factors in tree growth, but there are some varieties of trees which flourish well under conditions that are widely diver- gent from the normal. CHAPTER VI. UNDERGROWTH AND HUMUS. Trees are not the only members of the vegetable world that grow in forests. One cannot enter a forest without at once being attracted by the undergrowth, consisting of shrubs and herbs of many kinds that are growing side by side with the trees. Another thing that one notices is that the ground is covered with a soft carpet of leaves and small branches that have dropped from the trees, and this earpet, is thick or thin according to the class of trees in the forest. When this decays, it forms the rich leaf-mould known as humus. It will be readily seen that deciduous trees (those which shed their leaves annually) must form a thicker humus than those trees that do not so lose their leaves every year. Both the undergrowth and the humus are essential to the healthy life of a forest, and anything that des- troys or reduces it below its natural quantity is an enemy of the forest. It is the humus which provides much of the food of the trees. In the course of time, through ithe action of the sun and rain and wind, it is gradually decomposed and mixed with the upper layers of the soil and becomes available as plant food. The con- tinual decomposition of humus forms several important products. In the first place, the soil receives all the mineral matter contained in the humus; secondly, large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced, which accelerates the decomposi- tion of the mineral part of the soil rendering it soluble; finally the decomposing numus renders many important substances such as potash, magnesia, and lime soluble in water, so that they become available for the use of the tree. So it will be seen that humus plays an important role in the healthy growth of a forest. Un- _ dergrowth has also a special value. It sheds leaves, which add to the stock of debris that falls from the trees, and when the undergrowth dies off, it decomposes, and adds to the amount of food available for the production of essential nourishment for the tree. When a fire passes through a forest, even when it may do apparently ittle damage to the trees, it may destroy part or all of the humus, and thus indir- ectly cause serious damage to forest. growth. 26 CHAPTER VII. FIRES AND THEIR COST. The forest, like every other natural object, has its enemies as well as its friends. Among the latter may be mentioned birds and small marsupials who destroy in-| sects that are injurious to trees, especially young trees. These friends of the trees carry on their beneficent work all the year round, and without them great forests of fine trees would be impossible. The only enemies of the forest that work contin- uously during the year are harmful insects and fungoid growths of many kinds. — Nature has provided means for keeping the noxious insects in check, and the skill ot the forester combats successfully a great number of the diseases due to fungi. But of all the destructive agencies that afflict forest-growth none is more serious, none is accompanied by greater loss and damage, than fire. A fire through a forest may undo years of hard work on the part of foresters. The seriousness of such a disaster can only be estimated by those who have given close study to forest questions. Let us see in what way fire inflicts untold harm on a forest. In the first place it destroys the humus and undergrowth, and it has already been explained how essential these are to healthy vigorous forest life. In the second place, the fire damages the bark of trees that have passed the sapling stage, with the result that. the trees are killed off, or, if they continue to live, they develop “greedy-growths” (small branchlets on the trunk and limbs), and other defects which render them - useless as producers of good timber, or they become stunted and deformed and of no value except as firewood. There are hundreds of thousands of such deformed and valueless trees in the forests of Western Australia; these, if fire had not in- jured them, would have been of value and would have added to the State’s timber production, whereas now it will cost money to remove them in order that others may grow in their places. Another and particularly serious aspect of the destruc- tive work of fire is the havoc caused among saplings and seedlings. Few saplings escape damage when a fire sweeps through the bush, and far fewer still are the seedlings that escape. The disastrous effects of the ravages of fire are apparent to even the most casual observer in the bush. In every jarrah or karri forest will be noticed great vacant spaces bare of large trees and seedlings, but showing evidences of more or less recent visitations by fire. These vacant places tell with a plainness that cannot be misunderstood that the young trees have been destroyed, and that Nature’s efforts to keep the forests full of fine trees have been frustrated by fire. Seme peop!e will tell you that a fire through a forest does good. That view is utterly fallacious, for the exact contrary is the truth. It is true that after a fire some rough feed suitable for grazing stock may spring up, but no one who has given even a slight attention to the subject can maintain that this indifferent herb- age has a value in the smallest degree approaching that of the trees destroyed or rendered useless, nor can it be set against the diminution in the future productive power. of the forest through the destruction of seedlings. In every country in the world possessing valuable forests the fire menace is being earnestly combated. Measures have been taken to prevent fires as far as possible, and to reduce the extent of their ravages. : Investigation not only in Western Australia, but in other parts of Australia and in foreign countries, has proved, beyond a doubt, that the vast majority of bush fires are preventable. They almost always arise from the careless use of fire. A eamp fire is left alight when the campers leave, and the wind does the rest. Kvery person in the bush hghting a fire should be careful to see that it is thoroughly 27 extinguished before he leaves it. Nobody who has been IN the bush should go away without making sure that his fire is OUT. The forests of Western Aus- ' tralia are part of a great inheritance of natural resources; they belong to the people, and anything that diminishes their value reduces the store of national wealth. It is the duty of every citizen to protect the forests, and in so doing he is protecting his own property. Under the “Forests Act, 1918,” regulations for the prevention of fire have been made, and certain penalties prescribed. The chiet of these regulations runs as follows:— 101. (1.) If any person— (a) lights, kindles, or assists to light or kindle, or aids or abets another person in lighting or kindling, any fire within the boundaries or within twenty yards of any boundary of a State forest or timber reserve; or (b) leaves, without taking due precaution against its spreading or causing injury, a fire lighted or kindled by him as aforesaid, or in the light- ing or kindling of which he has aided or abetted; and in either case any forest produce is burnt or injured,.or is in danger of being burnt or injured, such person shall be guilty of a forest offence, and lable, on convic- tion, to imprisonment for not exceeding one year, or to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds. (2.) A reward of not exceeding fifty ane may be paid by the Department to any person, not being a forest officer, who shall give such information as may lead to a conviction under this section. e pus zg MO}toquag ‘S[[IpT 23819 ‘SON 1e Surpuery Sor] ; CHAPTER VIII. SYLVICULTURE. Sylviculture literally means the culture of forests. Although business man- agement and the utilisation of timber occupy a great deal of the forester’s time, his real work is growing trees. Sylviculture is the science of growing trees in such a manner that they shali most econcmically realise the desires of the owner of the forest land. The owner may be a private individual or a Government, and it remains with the owner to indicate to the forester the purposes which he desires the forest to serve. The forester adopts these proposals as his “objects of management.” The following list serves to show that the treatment of a forest must depend largely on the “objects of management” which govern if. A forest may be man- aged with the object of providing— (1) the largest possible annual income; or (2) the largest possible yield of timber each year; or (3) a special class of forest-produce such as turpentine; or (4) shelter for man and beast and beautifying the landscape; or (5) protection against excessive floods, droughts, and extremes of tem- perature. As soon as the objects of management are fixed the forester must decide upon the species of tree and the method of growing it-which will give the best results. To decide upon the species of tree to be grown a close study of the “factors of the locality” is necessary. The next consideration is the “method of regeneration” to be adopted, and linked with it the ‘“‘sylvicultural system” under which the forest is to be managed. The factors of the Locality which influence trees are numerous, and interact to such an extent that it is impossible in many cases to discover why one species of tree should flourish in a certain position, and other specimens of the same species show poor development on apparently similar soil in the same neighbourhood. The factors in the locality may be divided into factors dependent on climate and factors dependent on soil and subsoil. The climate of a given locality depends on its geographical position, and it is no use trying to introduce trees from Canada, Kngland, or Seandinavia into Western Australia on a large scale. In order that trees may grow here with any degree of success: they must be either indigenous or brought from some country, such as certain land bordering the Mediterranean Sea, which has a similar climate to Western Australia. Within Western Australia itself the main climatic factor is rainfall. It is not sufficient to refer to the average rainfall; the minimum rain- fall and its distribution throughout the year are of vital importance. Certain parts of England have less rainfall than many parts of this country, but it is evenly distributed over the twelve months of the year, whereas in Western Aus- tralia trees have to withstand nearly six months’ drought each year. Soil and Subsoil.—In countries where rainfall is distributed more or less evenly throughout the year the soil is of greater importance than the subsoil, for the roots of a tree flourish and continue to flourish in the top soil layers. In southern Australia, however, most trees are forced to go to the subsoil for the necessary moisture, especially during the summer months, and consequently the subsoil is there of major importance. 30 In studying soil or subsoil in relation to tree growth, the degree of porosity and its water-retaining capacity is of far greater importance than chemical com- position. : The chemical composition of soil and subsoil is of far less importance in for- estry than in agriculture, for trees as a general rule take only about one-twelfth of the mineral substance required for the successful growth of field crops. Trees have their likes and dislikes, but few soils are so poor that they cannot support a crop of some species or other of tree. For example, Pinus pinaster (Cluster pine) will grow practically anywhere except on limestone, whereas Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) flourishes on the poorest of limestone ridges. The only sate method of assessing the quality of a locality is by a close study of the trees which have previously grown on the same area and the conditions under which they have developed. The forester may decide that in order to fulfil his objects of management more than one species of tree are necessary, in which case he has the alternative of grow- ing the different species in “pure forest” on separate areas, or together in a “mixed forest”? on the same area. In the case of a mixed forest the management is more difficult and great care must be taken to see that one species does not outgrow and suppress another. Certain species known as “ight demanders,” require full en- joyment of direct sunlight. Other species, known as “shade bearers,” are content with much less light, and will flourish under the shade east by a lght-demanding species. Method of Regeneration.—\f the forester has decided to continue growing a species already established on the area, he will seek to establish the new crop by some system. of ‘‘natural regeneration.” It is more economical and satisfactory to start a fresh crop of trees with seed from “mother trees” already established on the area than to employ “artificial regeneration.” If it is necessary to resort to artificial regeneration, then the seed must be collected, and it may be sown directly on to the area where it is desired to establish the new crop, or it may be sown in a nursery and the young plants carefully tended until they become large enough to plant out. In this country the forester is often blamed for sowing or planting his trees too close together, but in this he is simply following the example set by Nature. In a virgin forest from which fires are excluded Nature fills up open spaces with many thousands of seedlings to the acre; as they develop, the stronger suppress the weaker, and this struggle goes on throughout the whole life of the forest. The forester steps in and, working on the principles laid down by Nature, causes a struggle between the individual trees in order that they may grow into fine straight timber trees without side branches, but hastens their development by thinning out the crop at intervals. A “sylvicultural system” sets out the method by which the formation, regenera- tion, tending and exploitation of the woods which compose a forest are effected. Every forest requires individual treatment, so that the sylvicultural system only sets out the general lines of working. The main consideration in the management of any forest is to ensure that the sylvicultural system adopted will at least main- tain the fertility of the soil on which the forest is growing. Herein les the great distinction between forestry and the general practice of agriculture. Field crops rob the soil of essential mineral salts and make the use of fertilisers and manures necessary. Forest crops, if properly managed, increase the fertility of the soil by returning to it rich organic matter in the form of humus. all CHAPTER IX. FOREST MANAGEMENT. It is seldom that a forester reaps the crop which he sows; consequently the management of a forest must be very definitely laid down if the efforts of one man are to be successfully carried on by his successor. It is equally important that a people becoming possessed of a forest growing on a soil suitable only for the growing of trees should not cut out that forest any faster than new trees can erew up to take the place of the trees they are felling. This principle has not yei received recognition in Western Australia, with the result that big mills have been established and big towns have grown up around them. The timber was wastefully cut with no thought of future requirements, with the result that before the new crop was ready the old crop was exhausted, and the mills have had to close. In many places in the South-Western Division of this State, the ruins of townships can be seen where young trees are springing up among the charred foundations of the mill buildings and houses. The basis of forest management is forest mensuration. It is a simple matter to measure logs lying on the ground, and the volume of timber growing on an acre of forest land can always be determined by chopping down the trees. This is seldom possible, but various systems have been devised whereby the volume of a standing forest may be calculated by measuring up a small number of sample trees which are felled for the purpose. Where forestry has been practised over long periods, as in Germany, the forester is enabled by a series of measurements to determine the volume of timber which a forest of a certain species growing on certain class of country should yield at various ages. By tabulating and aver- aging the results of many thousands of measurements he compiles “Yield Tables.” By comparing the condition of a forest under iis charge with the particulars concerning a “normal forest” of the same age which he finds in the yield tables, he is able to judge the success or failure of the manner in which he has tended the forest. Yield tables also enable the forester to determine when his forest crop is economically mature. He should know the revenue which each acre of his grow- ing forest must be accumulating in order to be fully utilising the land which it occupies. The yield table shows him the average annual increment in volume which the forest is putting on at various ages, and when the value of this inere- ment drops below the compound interest charges which the forest must bear, then the trees should be felled in order to make way for a fresh crop. The involved calculations by which the forester tests the financial soundness of a forest crop as an investment comes within the study of ‘‘Forest Valuation.” Detailed calculations of forest valuation are not possible in a young country such as this, where very little is yet known about the rate of growth of our indigenous species, but sufficient is known to prove that trees are the most valuable crop that can be grown on certain classes of soil. In order that the practice of forestry may be conducted on sound business lines, there must be a regular “stock taking” of the land comprising a forest and the trees growing upon it. Land surveys and timber surveys form a very essen- part of forest management, and the first step towards organising sylvicultural work and fire protection is to have a survey of the country made. In order that forest management may serve to improve the condition of a forest and cause it to yield the highest possible returns on the money invested, there must be a continuity of policy regulating the management. The main object of a “Working Plan” is to ensure continuity of working over long periods. 2 The first “Working Plans” which were laid down for continental forests set out tne detailed management of the forests for very long periods, such as one hundred years. But it was found that long before these plans expired conditions altered so much that it was at times absolutely essential to alter portions of the “Working Plan.” Modern forest ‘W cuking Plans” lay down the eeneral lines of working for the average time taken by the main species of tree to reach marketable size, and they only set out in detail the work to be done during a short period, such as five to ten years. At the end of the specified period, the plan is brought up to date, and the detailed working laid down for another period. A working plan report is a document embodying working plan proposals in the following order :— Chapter I.-—General introduction and he history of the ferest. Chapter I1.—Present condition of the forest, giving particulars concerning the species of trees and the volume of timber in the existing forest. Chapter i]].—Future treatment of the forest, showing how it is proposed to give effect to the objects of management. Chapter 1V.—Utilisation of the present crop and particulars concerning the method of disposing of it. Chapter V.—Vlorest protection, setting cut the steps to be taken to protect the forest from damage by fire, animals, insects, fungoid diseases, and other harmful phenomena. Chapter VI.—dAdministration, in which is set out the manner in which the proposals which make up the Working Plan are to be carried out. A Working Plan sets out all the operations necessary to make the forest fully productive, and the Forests Act of Western Austratia, which became law in 1918 contains a wise provision whereby every Working Plan, after it has received the approval of the Governor, can only be altered on the recommendation of the Conservator of Forests. A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF FOREST MANAGEMENT. When a farmer desires to settle in a new country and buys bush land with the object of converting it into a farm, he must do months and even years of hard work hefore the first crops are reaped. He must start by clearing, burning, and fencing. Stumps have to be grubbed and the soil broken with a plough. If his efforts are to succeed he must not waste his time digging up a small tree here and a sapling there, but he must settle down to regular work and clear the land acre by acre, taking the large trees with the small. A forester is a farmer of trees on a large scale, and his treatment of the forest may be compared to regular working of a well managed farm. Let us take an example and see in simplest terms how a forester would set about converting a “wild” into a “cultivated” forest. A forester is placed in charge of an area of fifty thousand acres covered with a forest of jarrah. A limited amount of money is provided each year and the forester is in- structed to supply as much jarrah timber annually as the forest is capable of yielding. There is only one stipulation which he must observe, and that is that the amount of timber cut each year must not decrease in volume, although any inerease in volume which will mean an inerease in revenue owing to improved management will be welcomed. The forest of 50,000 acres is a solid block of ironstone country which was lightly evt over some years ago, but still carries a fair crop of marketable jarrah distributed evenly over the whole area. ip) 33 If the forester is to maintain a continuous supply of timber he must know how many years it takes a jarrah tree to grow from seed to a mature tree large enough for commercial purposes. He learns from measurements which have been taken to ascertain the rate of growth of existing jarrah trees of various sizes, that it will probably take one hundred years for a tree to grow to the required size. Consequently, he divides his total area of 50,000 acres by 100 and finds that he ean afford to cut the timber on 500 aeres each year. If he cuts 500 aeres this year and makes provision for a new crop to take the place of the trees removed and continues this procedure each year, by the time that the last 500 acres are to be cut the first 500 acres which were cut will be carrying a crop of trees 99 years old. The trees on this area will be 100 years old the following year and the forest will then be ‘normal,’ for it will consist of 100 compartments each of 500 acres in extent and each carrying trees. of one age. A regular series of compartments is thus established in which there will always be one in process of regeneration, and one in process of being cut out, and between the first and last 98 compartments in order of age, from the one one year old to the one 100 years old. The “normal forest” is the aim of: every forester, but although he seldom reaches his objective the success of his efforts may be judged by the degree of normality of cultivated forests under his control. In practice the forester is never allowed a full rotation of 100 years to convert an abnormal into a normal forest, but for the sake of illus- tration we will follow the probable procedure of the forester in charge of the 50,000 acres already referred to. His first care would be to choose the 500 acres to be cut over during the com- ine year. On this area all the sound trees will be sawn into timber; many faulty trees will be suitable for firewood only. Before felling operations commence the forester must mark certain trees which, although the trunks may be damaged, have strong healthy tops, and these must be left standing as “mother trees.” One or two mother trees to the acre will shed sufficient seed to establish a fresh crop on the area. When all the timber and other forest produce are cleared off the area the remaining tops and debris must be roughly stacked and a strong’ fire run through the compartment towards evening. Before the fire is started a firebreak must be cleared around the outer boundary of the compartment to prevent the fire spread- ing through the remainder of the forest. The burning over of the area and the dropping of seed by the mother tree will result in a crop of seedlings springing up in the compartment. As soon as this new crop gives indication of being established by surviving one summer, the mother trees which have served their purpose may then be ringbarked. For the next ten years the forester will have no worry other than keeping the fires out. A thinning may then be necessary, but this and subsequent thin- nines must leave sufficient trees to maintain a continuous canopy of leaves over the area during the whole life of the forest. When the trees have finished their main height growth and are not likely to develop side branches, a large number of trees may be taken out in the periodic thinning to enable those remaining to grow to a larger size. Height must, how- ever, be secured before diameter growth is encouraged. The value of the final crop will depend on the length of clean timber free from knots in the trunk of the trees. Another very important matter which must be attended to as rapidly as funds permit is the complete fire protection of the whole forest. Fires have effects other than the more apparent scorching of the leaves and the burning of the butts of the older trees. The running of a hot surface fire over the root system of trees, which are often necessarily shallow rooted owing to impermeable layers of iron- stone, must have an injurious effect on the finer absorptive roots. The burning of oF all leaf litter must also prevent any increase in soil fertility which would other- wise result from the decomposition of humus. Such results of surface fires in the jarrah bush which are not commonly recognised must have the effect of slowing up the rate of growth of existing jarrah as well as preventing the development of healthy young trees in any open spaces which may chance to exist. There are very many operations connected with the management of even such a simple forest which have not been mentioned, but the object of this chapter is to point out that the forester is essentially a sylviculturalist who raises crops of trees according to some recognised system with the object of maintaining a constant supply of timber for all time. Like a farmer who seeks to establish a farm in uncleared «Seu country, the forester must be given time to convert the “wild” into the “cultivated” forest, and criticism of his methods must be withheld until such time as he has had opportunity to bring order out of chaos. If the making of a farm takes a farmer many years of hard work and oft- times bitter experience, how much longer must it take a forester whose crop may take one hundred vears instead of one year to mature, but is correspondingly more valuable at the end of that time? : : : u oie eo fo Sees 9 oO Or log, aryl oeelK mba rosscutt 1 J C CHAPTER X. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TREES. The forests of Australia contain a large number of different kinds of indig- enous trees. By indigenous is meant trees that are native to the State. There are alsc some exotic trees, that is, trees that belong to other countries and have been brought here and planted. The principal exotic trees belong to the pine family, but not many have so far been planted. It is hoped that in the time to come there will be large plantations of pimes in Western Australia, as there is much local demand for their wood. [xcept for two or three, all the indigenous trees of West- ern Australia are peculiar to the State, not being found elsewhere in Australia. The following list includes the principal trees of the State :— Common Name and Scientific Name. Jarrah (EHucalyptus marginata) Karri (Hucalyplus diversicolor). Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala), Wandoo (Hucalyptus redunca, var. elata). Marri (Eucalyptus calophylla). Blackbutt (Hucalyptus patens). Yate (Hucalyptus cornuta). Red Tingle Tingle (Eucalyptus Jacksoni). Yellow Tingle Tingle (Hucalyptus Guilfoylec). Crimson Flowering Gum (Hucalyptus ficrfolia). W.A. Peppermint (Agonis flexuosa). Cedar (Agonis juniperina). Native Pear (Xylomelum occidentale). loool ges INE SOHN SR we i whe 14. River Banksia (Banksia verticillata). 15. Sheoak ‘Casuarina Fraseriana). 16. Mallets, four species. 17. Salmon Gum (Eucalyptus salmonophloia). 18. Gimlet (ZLucalyptus salubris) 19 Morrell (Eucalyptus longicornis). 20. Goldfields Blackbutt (Hucalyptus le Souejit). 21. Grey Gum (Eucalyptus Griffithsit). 22. Redwood (Eucalyptus transcontinentalis). 23. Goldfields White Gum (Hucalyptus Flocktonie) 24. Goldfields Yellow Flowering Gum (Eucalyptus Stricklandi). 25. Goldfields Red Flowering Gum (HLucalyptus torquata) 26. York Gum (Kucalyptus foecunda var. loxophleba). 27. Kurrajong (Sterculia Gregoriz). 28. Goldfields Pine (Callitris glauca). -29. Raspberry Jam (Acacia acuminata). 30. Sandalwood (Santalum cygnorum). 3L. Flooded Gum (KHucalyptus rudis). 32. Red Flowering Mallee (Hucalyptus pyriformis). 33. Bullich (Hucalyptus megacarpa). 34 Paperbark (Melaleuca raphiophylla). 35. Coastal Wattle (Acacia saligna, also Acacia cyclopis). 36. . Seaside Banksia (Banksia littorals). : 37. Narrow-leaved Banksia (Banksia attenuata). 38. Menzies Banksia (Banksia Menziesit). 39. Holly-leaved Banksia (Banksia ilicifolia). 40. Buil Banksia (Banksia grandis). 41. Toothed Banksia (Banksia dentata). 42. Christmas Bush (Nuytsia floribunda). 43. Karri Oak (Casuarina decussata). 44, Rottnest Cypress Pine. This list only includes the commonly known species. There are many more which have no common names as yet, and are only distinguished by botanists. The botany of that large region known as the North-West has been very little studied, of ‘and it is expected that many interesting new trees will be discovered there. The South-West is the region in which are found the great forests upon which the State’s reputation as a producer of the highest class of timber depends. The col- oured map at the end of this booklet shows the areas occupied by the main tim- bers. It must be understood, however, that in any area coloured as being occu- pied. by a certain class, other trees of different classes are also found. Jarrah, for instance, exists in abundance in the region coloured pink; it is there the dominant tree, and for miles, with the exception of Marri, no other kind of tree is to be found. But in other parts other trees occur, mostly in single specimens or in small groups, and more especially is this the case towards the outer limits of the jarrah area. And jarrah itself is not absolutely confined to the area marked as its own; scattered spec_mens are found for long distances outside that area. The same is true in a lesser degree of karri, wandoo, and some other eucalpyts. Tuart, on the other hand, confines itself strictly to the region marked as its own—that is the long narrow limestone ridge near the coast extending from the neighbourhood of Bus- selton in the South, to about 30 miles north of Perth. Tuingle-tingle is very re- stricted in its habitat, not being found outside an area of about 350 square miles in extent, running from the Bow river on the East to the Deep river on the West of Nornalup Inlet. Wandoo is found as a fringe all round the prime jarrah belt and to the eastward of it in single trees or clumps. At Clackline on alienated land there are considerable stretches of wandoo, sufficiently dense to deserve recogni- tion aS a prime wandoo forest. Salmon gum and gimlet are spread over a wide area, particularly in the Hastern Districts and on the goldfields, and she-oak is confined to the jarrah belt and gives place to karri oak in the karri belt. It is not usual in-Western Australia to apply the term “forest” to trees other than jarrah, karri and tuart; the other eucalypts, as wel! as the casuarinas, acacias, banksia, ete., not occurring in masses large enough and dense enough to render the term applheable. SHORT DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL TREES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA AND THEIR USES. Most of the trees in the Western Australian forests are distinctive; that is, each has a character of its own, differentiating it in appearance from the others, so that once anyone has seen it it is not difficult again to recognise and name it. ‘There are others which, in many respects so far as the uninitiated are concerned, resemble each other and can only be readily identified after some practical bush knowledge has been gained. Identification from the scientific point of view is quite another affair. The scientist 1s not prepared to admit that, because trees look very much alike, therefore they belong to the same family and are identical. The botanist has methods of determining trees which leave no room for doubt. The trunk of a tree to all outside appearance may be precisely similar to one standing some yards off. Its branches may appear to be the same also, as well as ihe bark, but any doubt on the question can be instantly set at rest by an exam- ination of the flowers, fruit and leaves. It igs they that tell the true story of the tree, and the story they tell is one that never goes astray. But it is not possible without a considerable amount of scientfic trainmg to undertake, or to understand for that matter, the botanical enquiries which are necessary. Most people in the bush identify trees by an experience born of a longer or shorter period, and in the vast majority of cases such people correctly name the trees. It would be beyond the scope of this publication to deal with the question from the botanist’s point of view. The most that can be done is by short descriptive matter and by illus- trations. 38 The pictures of many of the principal trees included here will go a long way towards their identification when taken in conjunction with the letterpress. But, for the benefit of those who may desire more intimate knowledge, there are also included drawings of the fruits and flower-buds of certain of the trees. It should be added that identification by the bark only is not satisfactory. It will be gathered from what has been said previously that only the imner layers of the bark of a grown tree are alive. The outer layers are dead and the eracks in the surface of the bark of old trees are caused by the expanding of wood inside. In very old jarrah, for instance, the bark is deeply indented. In a younger speci- ren of the same class it is not so deeply indented nor so rough, whereas in sap- lings and very young trees the bark is quite smooth. Sinee it is impossible to identify many of our EKuealypts without a knowledge of their reproductive organs, the following notes contain brief descriptions of the flowers and more particularly of the fruits of our commoner trees. Many of these trees are very similar in general appearance, and even in their bark; but any doubt as to their identity can generally be settled by examining the fruits or “nuts.” The majority of our flowers consist of the following parts: The calyx, which is the outer covering, usually green in colour, and which possesses lobes or sepals which fold over and protect the more delicate portions when in the bud stage. The corolla, which is usually brightly coloured, consisting of petals which serve to attract insects by their bright colonr, and also to protect the innermost parts. The corolla lies inside the calyx, and is larger when fully expanded. The stamens, which are arranged inside the corolla, are ike small pins. They are arranged in a. circle, and consist of two parts; the stalk or filament, which bears on its summit the anther, which is the male portion of the flower. The anthers are covered with pollen. The centre of the flower is occupied by the ovary, which bears a stalk or style on its summit. On the top of the style is the stigma, which is generally shaped like a pin-head, and is shghtly sticky. The ovary, style, and ‘eee col- lectively form the gynoecium or female portion of the flower. In the case of Euecalypts, however, the sepals and petals are missing, or rudi- mentary. In a few species the sepals remain as small teeth, on the calyx, or floral receptacle, and in all the species the petals have become united into the cap or operculum, that little lid which fails off when the bud bursts into bloom. There- _ fore the operculum performs the protective functions of the sepals of common flowers. The stamens of the Eucalyptus are large and usually coloured, and be- sides performing their usual functions also serve as petals, insomuch that they are coloured and attractive. The fruit of the Eucalyptus consists of the enlarged calyx, which encloses and is adherent to the capsule, and is hard and woody, as- suming various forms. So diversified are these forms that they offer the best means of identifying this large genus. It is very probable that the Eucalyptus once had large sepals and petals, like those of its near relatives the tea-tree and bottle-brush, and that these parts have been reduced as being unnecessary. OW \ Ni aK Naty Ay C A Gardnet. PLATE 1.—TREES OF THE SOUTH-WEST. 1. Jarrah (Huc. marginata). 6. Blackbutt (Huc. patens) 2. Karri (Huc. diversicolor). 7. Yate (Huc. cornuta). 3. Tuart (Huc. gomphocephala). 8. Red Tingle Tingle (Euc. Jackson). 4. Wandoo (Huc. redunca var. clata). 9. Yellow Tingle Tingle (Luc. Guwilfoylei). 5. Marri ‘Huc. calophylla). 10. Crimson Flowering Gum (Hue. ficifolia). l6a. 16b. l6e. 16d WH 18. 19. 20. Pally, 399 snl hod 23. 40) C_A Gardner. —< PLATE 2.—TREES OF THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS AND GOLDFIELDS. Brown Mallet (Huc. occidentalis, var. astringens). Blue Leaf Mallet (Huc. redunca, var. oxymitra). Silver Mallet (Huc. falcata). Swamp Mallet (Huc. spathulata). Salmon Gum (Hue. salmonophloia). Gimlet (Huc. salubris). Morrell (Huc. longicornis). Goldfields Blackbutt {Huc. le Souefiz.). Grey Gum (fHuc. Griffithsir). Redwood (Huc. transcontinentalis). Goldfields White Gum (Huc. Flocktoniae). Al C.A Garaver. - PLATE 3.—TREES oF THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS AND GOLDFIELDS—continued 24. 25. 26. Goldfields Yellow Flowering Gum (Luc. Stricklandi). Goldfields Red Flowering Gum (Huc. torquata). York Gum (Luc. foecunda, var. loxophieba). 42 1.—JARRAH (Eucalyptus marginata). This is the principal timber tree of the State. Owing to its resemblance to a Honduras timber, in the early days it was called mahogany, but about 1860, as it was realised that this was a better timber and that it has so many fine qualities as to deserve a name of its own, the tree was given its aboriginal name of Jarrah. Attaining a height of from 100 to 120 feet, the tree has a bole of about half this amount, and a diameter of six feet. The bark, which is furrowed and flaky, but which ean be stripped off in long pieces, is rough, fibrous, and in colour dark erey. The flowers are of a yellowish-white. In accordance with an identifyimg characteristic of all Eucalyptus trees, when the flowers wither the calyx (2.e., the basal portion, as opposed to the coloured portion, the filaments) remains and forms the fruit. In the case of the Jarrah, the fruit or persistent calyx is half-inch in diameter, and almost globular, but slightly flattened on the top with a broad rim or ring. Inside this ring is the ovary, which opens when the seeds are ripe. Weight per cubie foot (green)—68lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—ddlbs. Transverse strength—15,000lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—15,500lbs. per square inch. A hard wood, but easily worked, and therefore used for almost every purpose. It is strong enough to be used for beams, and its colour and texture are such that it is daily becoming more and more prominent as a cabinet wood. One of its remarkable qualities is its durability when expesed to the worst conditions. The timbering in the first houses built when the Colony was established is still sound to-day, and the post-and-rail fences erected by the earliest settlers are still stand- ing. Its extraordinary durability has, however, rather cheapened it in the eyes of the outside world, where it has commanded a readier sale as a sleeper or paving block wood than for purposes where most expensive wood is generally used. It is to be regretted that the exploitation of the jarrah forests has been conducted practically solely for the sleeper market. Since 1836, the export of timber from the State amounted to 3,992,997 loads, valued at £16,199,342, the bulk of which consisted of jarrah. It is on Lloyd’s list of shipbuilding woods, and jarrah ships in the early days pled between Western Australia, India, and other parts of the world. Its dura- bility has made it renowned for bridge, wharf, and harbour work, while the telegraph service of the State is dependent upon supplies of jarrah poles. It is to be found seattered throughout the South-West over some 13,000,000 acres of country within the 25 to 45in. rainfall belt. The main belt of timber, however, stretches from Chidlow in the North, along the Darling Range to the extreme South of the State, in the neighbourhood of Albany. The total area of prime jarrah forests is probably not more than 2,500,000 acres, and is all on this laterite-capped range of hills. It regenerates itself well, but the constant firmg of forests has resulted in the destruction of the young growth in many parts of the forests. The recovery in milling operations is from 35 to 45 per cent. of the round log. Jarrah. 44 2.—KARRI (Huc. diversicolor). The second most important tree of the State; it grows to a great height (trees i of 280 feet having been measured), with a bole of 100 to 140 feet, and diameter of 8 to 10 feet. The bark is smooth, bluish-white in colour to start with, and yellow-white or pink-white at the end of the season. It is not persistent like that of the Jarrah, but peels off every year, leaving the fresh new bark underneath. The leaves are a dark shining green in colour from three to six inches in length. The flowers are of a yellowish white or cream colour, and not so large as those of the Jarrah. The calyx or “knob” of the flower is somewhat egg-shaped, but tapers eradually into the stalk. The fruits are of the same shape as the calyx, but larger, being about Yin. diameter.at the top. This tree, however, can always be distinguished by its bark, and locality which is given below. Weight per cubic foot (green)—72lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—58lbs. Transverse strength—17,300lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—18,750lbs. per square inch. A hard, strong wood. It closely resembles jarrah timber, but the grain is longer, and it is a much stronger wood. It is beyond doubt a splendid super- structural timber, and is strongly to be recommended for heavy beams, roof pur- poses, ete. It is not durable in the ground, and does not resist white ants. Tt is on Lloyd’s list of shipbuilding timbers, and is suitable for all purposes where large sections of great strength are necessary. It has\been found very satis- factory for wooden pipes, and it makes a good wagon spoke, but its main use up to now has been for railway wagon seantling, and telegraph arms. The English Railway Companies and the London Post Office authorities are strong im their praise of the timber for these purposes. It has suffered very much through its being so easily confounded with jarrah. As in all young countries, timber in Western Australia has in the past been valued according to its durability as a fence post or sleeper, and karri, though immeasurably superior in other respects, has been condemned owing to its failure when put to such uses. It is confined to the wettest portion of the South-West of the State, and its Northern limit is Nan- nup and the upper waters of the Donnelly, whence it spreads Southwards and South-Eastwards to Denmark. There is then a gap in the belt, and it is to be met with again near the Porongorup Range; another isolated patch occurs on the extreme South-West near the Leeuwin; this was the place whence the first karri was exported from the State, and is more commonly known under the name of Karri- dale. In all it is doubtful whether more than 500,000 acres of prime karri forest can be reserved. It regenerates itself well, and it forms the only forest of the State that carries a dense undergrowth ‘of shade-bearing species. . The saw-miller recovers from 28 to 35 per cent. of the round log. ae er : 46 3.—TUART (Huc. gomphocephala). A tree attaining a height up to 100 feet, with a bole 35 to 45 feet, and a dia- meter seven to eight feet. The bark is of a greyish-white colour and is smoothly crinkled. There are only two trees with which it can be confused, these being the Flooded Gum (Hue. rudis) and the coastal White Gum (Huc decipiens). The difference from the former is that the bark of the Tuart is persistent, while that of the Flooded Gum peels off from the topmost branches. The coastal White Gum has a rougher bark which usually peels off from the upper branches, but is thicker than that of the Tuart, and more flaky. The fruits or “nuts” of the Tuart are very distinctive. They are bell-shaped, over half an inch in length, and half an inch in diameter at the top, which is quite flat. The stalk on which the fruits are arranged is broad and wedge-shaped. Weight per cubic foot (green)—78lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—68lbs. Transverse strength—17,900lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—16,500lbs. per square inch. The timber is hard and dense with an interlocked grain; its colour is yellow. It vies with wandoo in strength and toughness. The timber is used for wheel- wright work, especially for the large naves required for the 9ft. wheels of the timber whims. Its main use, along with wandoo, is for railway wagon and truck construction. The Chief Mechanical Engineer.in Western Australia, Mr. E. S. Hume, has reduced the maintenance of his trucks from £3 7s. 6d. to 10s. per year per truck by substituting for steel tuart and wandoo in the under earriages. Like that of wandoo, the cutting of tuart, except for departmental purposes, is for- bidden, and its export prohibited. It is confined to the limestone formation, and on this formation it stretches in scattered lines from Lake Pinjar southward along the coast as far as Sabina River, some three miles east of Busselton. Curiously enough it is not to be found anywhere else in the State, although limestone oceurs all round the coast line. The best tuart is to be found between Sabina River and Capel, and it is doubtful whether it will be possible to reserve more than 5,000 acres of first-class tuart country. Between Sabina River and Capel River the distance is about 12 miles. 47 Tuart. 48 4—WANDOO (Kuc. reduneca var. elata). A tree attaining a height up to 100 feet, with a bole of 30 to 40 feet, and a diameter of four feet. The bark has a yellowish-whitish, blotchy look, and is not a clean white like the Karri, but always more or less speckled, though still smooth. It is well-balanced, sturdy tree, and is at all times a bright object in the landscape. Like that of the Karri, its bark is not persistent. The flowers are white, and small, compared to most EKuecalypts, and the bud is long and tapermeg. The fruits are about 14in. long, and narrow. Weight per cubic foot (green)—79lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—7llbs. Transverse streneth—16,100lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—16,100lbs. per square inel:. This wood is hard, strong, and durable. It is used for bridge construction, wharf planking, wheelwright’s and millwright’s work, knees of boats and ship- building generally. It makes an exeellent trenail.* It is very satisfactory for all turnery work, such as jute and cotton bobbins, telegraph insulator pins, ete. Its main use, however, is for wagon scantling for the railway stock cf the Government Railways of the State. It gives a lite of 25 years in under-carriages of trucks. The top plank of these trucks 1s always made of wandoo, which stands the wear of the unloading and loading better than steel; also, the stanchions of the trucks are of wandoo. A remarkable quality which this timber possesses is that when used in conjunction with steel there is no chemical action between. the wood and the metal. Bolts have been taken from under-frames of trucks after 20 years’ use and been found to be quite as clean as when put there, while the auger marks were still visible in the holes. The value of this timber is so well recognised by the Govern- ment of this State that permits for cutting it can only be obtained if the timber is to be used by State Departments; in other words, the timber may not be exported. (See Tuart.) It is to be found growing in the South-West portion of the State on the edges of the jarrah belt. It does not grow in close forests, but in open savannah forests. and is to be found mixed with jarrah and marri. The soil is usually a clay subsoil, though oceasionally it is to be met with on the sand-plain country. The wandoo is often known as white gum. This name, however, is also applied to other species; to avoid confusion it is better to use the name wandoo always. * Wooden bolts used in ship-building. 49 Wandoo. 50) 5—MARRI (Mucalyptus calophylla). A tree attaining a height of 90 to 100 feet, with a bole of 40 to 50 feet, and diameter of six to seven feet. The bark is persistent, and is of a hard, rough, and irregularly furrowed or broken appearance, giving a rugged aspect to the tree, it is also very often stained through the kino exuding from the tree running over it. The branches of the Marri are widely spreading and drooping, and for this reason it 1s one of our. best shade trees, and among the most beautiful of our forest trees. The leaves of the Marri are broader than is usual with our timber Eucalypts, they are of a deep shining green, and the veins which cross the leaf from the midrib to the margin are straight and closely parallel. The flowers are large, and usually of a creamy- white, though sometimes pink, and hang downwards. The fruit, which forms after the flowers have withered, is frequently two inches in length and 1% inches in diameter, and is roughly globular in shape, with a distinct neck at the top. The ovary is sunk some distance below this neck, thus leaving a bowl-shaped cavity below the rim. ‘The seeds are large and black. Weight per cubic foot (green)—72lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—o6lbs. Transverse strength—16,600lbs. per square inch. Tensile streneth—20,200lbs. per square inch. This tree yields a light-coloured strone wood. It is easily worked, and were it not for the presence of gum veins would be among the most valuable timber in Western Australia. Unfortunately, the gum or kino occurs in such quantities that it is difficult to find a tree free enough from gum to make it profitable to saw it up. It is used for all purposes where strength and elasticity are required. Timber hewers always take out the hickory shafts from their carts and replace them by marri shafts. Heavy poles used in the large whims which carry the great jarrah and karri logs to the mills are of marri. In the whim itself the fetchels, which are trusses to connect the pole with the axle bed, are also of marri. It makes a good axe and tool handle, and there would seem to be a future fer it for all smaller turnery work. It oceurs throughout the jarrah belt, but like blackbutt 1s to be found gener- ally on the better alluvial soils in the valleys between the laterite-capped ridges. Marri soil is generally considered from an agricultural point of view a degree better that jarrah soil, which from an agricultural standpoint is of little use. » The marri is generally known as red gum. As this name is commonly applied to a quite distinct species which grows in the Eastern States, it is better to use the name marri and avoid confusion. While the presence of gum reduces the value of this timber, the gum self has a special value for tanning purposes. From the earliest days of the Colony it has been used for tanning leather. Unfortunately, however, it imparts a red colour to the leather which is not appreciated by buyers overseas. Investigations have been carried out by the Forest Products Laboratory into the problem of the utilisation of this forest product for commercial purposes. It has been found that the tannin content is as high as 68 per cent. In addition to the fact that the liquors obtained from the kino were a very red colour, it was found very difficult to get the kino into solution. After a great deal of research work on the part of the Leather Chemist attached to the labora- tory, not only was the difficulty of getting the kino into solution overcome, but the objectionable red colour was reduced considerably. Jt is expected that in the near future commercial developments will take place in the direction of establishing tannin extract works in the State. Marri has an advantage over all other tannin-bearing trees in that the product rich in tannin can be obtained without destroying the tree. The actual formation o1 of the kino is a very interesting subject. It would seem that it grows after the attacks of a large grub of the longicorn beetle family, and is probably due to bacterial infection following the exposure by this grub of the tissues that he just under the cambium layer of the tree. If it is possible to prevent the inroads of the insect pest, then it is certain that marri timber will become an exceedingly valuable product of the forests. On the other hand, should this prove impossible, we have in the kino a valuable tanning yaterial which may prove of greater worth than the timber. Marri. 6.—BLACKBUTT (uc. patens). A tree attaining a height up to 100 feet, with a bole of 40 to 50 feet, and up to six feet in diameter. The bark is persistent, hard, fibrous, deeply fissured and dark grey in colour. Considerable difficulty is experienced by most people in distinguishing this tree in the forest from Jarrah. The two trees are certainly very similar in general appearance. The bark of the Blackbutt is more deeply fissured than the Jarrah, and has the appearance of having been combed. ‘The ridges of these fissures are usually black, while the indentations are of a brownish ervey. The leaves are smaller than the leaves of the Jarrah, and of a bluish-green. In ease of doubt, it is advisable to refer to the fruits. These are somewhat smaller than the Jarrah fruits, but the rim which forms the top margin of the fruit is quite narrow, and the ovary is shghtly sunk and flatter. Weight per cubic foot (green) —69|bs. At 12 per cent. moisture—d4lbs. Transverse strength—14,200lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—15,700ibs. per square inch. About the same weight and strength as jarrah, but a pale yellow-coloured wood. It is not plentiful, but is to be found in small patches in the gullies and pockets of alluvial soils, between laterite crests of hills. It is useful for many pur- poses and particularly for farm implements and railway truck building. 53 Blackbutt. 7.—YATE. (Huc. cornuta). A tree attaining a height of 50 to 60 feet, with a bole of 25 to 35 feet, and diameter of three feet. The bark is persistent, dark, rough, and of dirty, untidy appearance on the trunk; it peels off the branches, often hanging down in strips, leaving the branches white hke those of the karri. This species is easy to recognise by its flowers. These are united in dense clumps on short stalks. The buds are almost one inch long and very narrow, and are pointed lke horns. The filaments (or coloured part) are a vellowish-white colour, and the flowers when fully out resemble fluffy balls of about two inches in diameter. The fruits are united (or apparently so) in clusters of about eight, and have sharp points at their ends. Weight per cubic foot (green)—79lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—71lbs. Transverse streneth—16,700lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—24,200lbs. per square inch. | This species yields a light-coloured timber of exceptional strength. It is pro- bably the strongest timber in the world, and in one test for tensile strength the breaking load was 1714 tons per square inch, 344 tons less than that usually specified for wrought iron of ordinary quality. It is used for wheelwright work generally, and is preferred where the strongest shafts for frames of carts are required. It occurs at Busselton, Donnelly River coast, Lake Muir, and Mount Barker district. That it is not used more generally is due to the fact that it is found in open savannah forests at a distance from centres of population. 5 Yate. 8.—RED TINGLE TINGLE. (Huc. Jacksoni). A tree which grows up to a height of about 180ft. and has a diameter of 10 to 13 feet. It occurs between the Bow, Frankland, and Deep Rivers, but does not extend inland very far. It grows down to the water’s edge at Nornalup Estuary. Elsewhere it is separated from the sea by sand plain formation. It is usaally associated with yellow tingle tingle and marri. Owing to the isolated position of the country in which tingle tingle grows, the timber has not yet been put to any use except fence posts. It appears to have all the qualities necessary to make it good structural timber. This magnificent timber is lighter in colour than jarrah, and very tough. When dried it is much hghter in weight than either jarrah or karri, and should be very valuable for cabinet-making. Weight per cubic foot (green)—73lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—62lbs. Transverse strength—14,780lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength 15,680Ibs. per square inch. The bark is persistent, grey-brown, with longitudinal fissures, and not unlike jarrah bark in general appearance. The leaves are of a bright green on both sides. The flowers are apparently small. The fruits im general outline are somewhat like those of the jarrah, spherical, but only a quarter of an inch in diameter. Tdi ol Red Tingle Tingle. (The tree on the extreme left is Karri 9—YELLOW TINGLE TINGLE (Euc. Guilfoylez). A tree which grows to the height of about 100 feet and is three to four feet in diameter. It grows in the same district as the red tingle tingle, but isolated speci- mens may also be found near Denmark. It forms a lower storey under the red tingle tingle. The timber has not been tested, but from an examination that has been made it appears to be suitable for all purposes for which tuart 1s now used. The bark is persistent, grey-brown, but more fibrous than that of red tingle tingle. : The tree resembles the jarrah in general appearance, but the bark is less rough. The fruits are also smaller, and narrower, or more contracted at the top. They are also more pear-shaped. 59 Yellow Tingle Tingle. central treé is a Red Tingle Tingle; the smaller dark-stemmed trees are Yellow Tingle Tingle.) 50 10.—CRIMSON FLOWERING GUM (uc. ficifolia). A tree indigenous to Western Australia only. Found growing on a very re- stricted area near the mouth of the Bow River in the extreme South-West. It is a particularly handsome tree, and both in its native State and in the Eastern States is very much used as an ornamental tree. It is one of the most showy of the eucalypts, as the flowers are of gorgeous colour and stand out very prominently above the dark green foliage. There is in King’s Park, Perth, an avenue of these very handsome and attractive trees. It is closely related to, but quite distinct from, Euc. calophylla, and does not attain the large proportions of that tree. It is very difficult to distinguish it from the latter, the only sure way being an examination of the seeds. The seed of Euc. ficifolia bears a wing, while marri seed has no wing. 61 ‘ Crimson Flowering Gum. J1—W.A. PEPPERMINT (Agonis flexuosa). This tree attais a height of about 25 feet, and has rather a drooping habit- As an ornamental and shade tree it has much to recommend it. The leaves are long and narrow, and of a pale green, the flowers, which are white, being situated in small clusters at the bases of the leaves. The leaves also have a characteristi¢ scent of peppermint. -Z quimstedde qT . Vv M 64 12—CEDAR (Agonis juniperina). A tree growing to a height of 50ft. with a diameter of 2ft. Gin. It is found growing only in the karri country, alongside the running streams and rivers. It is usually associated with river banksia and peppermint. The wood is light brown or yellow in colour. It is very strong and most suitable for axe handles and other uses where hickory or ash is generally used. The bark is persistent, brown, fibrous, and spirally fissured. May be distinguished from the W.A. Peppermint by its much smaller leaves which are about 4% inch long, and by the flowers being in small dense clusters near the ends of the branches. ‘1B pe?) 66 13._NATIVE PEAR (Xylomelum occidentale ) . A small tree attaining a height of 20 to 25 feet, with a short bole, and a diameter of about 12 inches. The bark is persistent, grey or almost black, and lightly fissured. The leaves of this tree are characteristic. They are about three inches long and two inches wide, with rounded ends. All around the margins are a series of prickly teeth, which gives the leaf a holly-like appearance. The flowers are large and beautiful, and are arranged in spikes, which are clustered at the ends of the branches. They are a light sulphur-yellow in colour and covered with a short, silky wool. The fruits are distinctly pear-shaped, over three inches long, 184 inches wide, and when ripe split open dewn one side. Hach fruit contaims two seeds, which lie closely together, and are provided each with a long wing. There is also a native pear of the sand-plains of the Avon district, which can easily be dis- tinguished from this species by its long narrow leaves. The fruits are similar but somewhat smaller. Its botanical name is Xylomelum angustifolium. Weight per cubic foot (green)—d6lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—46lbs. Transverse strength—7,669lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—7,000Ibs. per square inch. A tree yielding a most ornamental and dark brown wood, with a beautiful figure. It is hght, and makes up into very fine furniture wood; finished with a wax surface it resembles moiré silk. It is to be found growing all along the sand-plain country, between the Darling Range and the sea coast. Like sheoak, it suffers very badly from fire, and it is therefore very hard to get in sizes greater than 12 inches in diameter. It is 1m- portant that thorough fire-protection measures be taken in order to prevent the extinction of this beautiful furniture wood. Native Pear. 68 14—RIVER BANKSIA (Banksia verticillata). A tree attaining a height of 50 to 60 feet, with a bole of 15 to 20 feet, and a diameter of 2 feet 6 inches. The bark is persistent, grey, and completely fissured longitudinally; when cut it shows red. The flowers are a yellowish-brown, and the leaves are arranged in whorls at intervals along the branches, and are usually about three inches long. Weight per cubie foot (green)—59lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—3dlbs. Transverse strength—10,300lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—8,000lbs. per square inch. This tree yields a hght-coloured timber with a particularly beautiful grain. | The medullary rays are wide, so that when cut on the quarter it shows a beautiful oak-like figure, and is much prized for furniture work. It is the lightest of all timbers of the State. It occurs along the side of the larger rivers and streams in-the South-West, and is rarely to be found growing far away from running water. ssa, | meen | S a r 15.—_SHE-OAK (Casuarina Fraseriana). A tree attaining a height of 40 to 45 feet, with a bole 10 to 15 feet, and a diameter of two feet six inches. Weight per cubic foot (green)—60lbs. OM: 12 per cent. moisture—d2lbs. Transverse strength—12,000lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—9,000lbs. per square inch. A sound wood with broad medullary rays, which show up ana make the timber particularly beautiful when eut on the quarter. It takes a good polish and stands up well, and therefore makes an excellent cabinet wood. It makes a good ox yoke. It splits well, and was used almost exclusively in the early days of the colony for roofing shingles. A shingle taken from one of the first-erected houses in Perth (after 83 years’ use) was found to be in a splendid state of preservation. Bush fires have played havoe with this species, and it will only be by a sound system of fire control that the future supplies of this valuable timber ean be assured. It grows scattered through the length and breadth of the jarrah belt, but is not to be found in the drier regions. The bark is persistent, greyish, and deeply channelled longitudinally. The fruits of the Sheoak are known as “Cones.” These, in the cease of Casuarina Fraseriana are almost globular, about an inch in diameter, slightly flattened on top, and the valves, or openings which let out the seeds are a light brown inside, and open widely. (Gl ae. Sed rad Pak i Me ae She-oak. ~I bo TREES OF THE EASTERN DISTRICTS AND THE GOLDFIELDS. The foregoing trees are found in the Southern and South-Western portions of the State. Other trees, some of them closely related to those already mentioned, are found on the Goldfields and in the Eastern Districts. The principal of these are as follows:— | 16.—MALLETS. Brown Mallet (Euc. occidentalis var. astringens); Blue Leaf Mallet (Hucaly»tus sp. ind.); Silver Mallet (Hue. falcata); Swamp Mallet (Huc. spathulata). These four mallets appear chiefly in the savannah country between York and Mount Barker, in the South-Eastern District of the State. These trees grow to a height of 50ft. with a diameter of two feet. The bark has been in the past the subject of an extensive export trade, but lack of proper regulation has resulted in its being depleted over very large areas. The bark contains from 36 per cent. to 47 per cent. tannin. 17--SALMON GUM (Euc. salmonophloia). A tree ranging from 80 feet to 100 feet in height, with a bole of 40 to 50 feet,. and about 244 to 3 feet in diameter. Weight per cubic foot (green)—70lbs. ‘At 12 per cent. moisture—66lbs. Transverse strength—17,900 lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—19,200lbs. per square inch. j An exceedingly dense wood, the second strongest in Australia. It has up to now been used for mining purposes only. It is questionable whether the goldfields of Western Australia, which have up to date yielded £143,000,000 of gold, would - have been developed had it not been for this tree and the Muiga (Acacia aneura and stereophylla) and Gimlet (uc. salubris). The region in which it thrives has an average rainfall of 12 inches. Its gleaming salmon-coloured bark makes it the inost conspicuous tree of the savannah forest. This tree is one of, the most easily recognised of our trees. The bark, which is quite characteristic of the species, is shed every year during the summer months. The leaves which are usually arranged in a flat crown at the summit of the tree hang vertically and are particularly bright and shiny. The flowers are very small, and of a yellowish-white colour, and much sought after by bees and other insects. The fruits too are very small; they are cup-shaped or hemispherical, and only slightly over 1/16th of an inch in diameter. (iG SE ger or isan ane an BOP nso Bcc ce Salmon Gum. 18.—GIMLET (uc. salubris). A small tree which at full age attains a height of 30 feet, or occasionally even of 40 feet; the stem is tall in comparison with the few and scattered main branches of the tree. Bark smooth, yellowish-green, shining, green inside. Branchlets some- times with a white bloom. Leaves of thin consistence and scattered. The name is derived from the highly fluted, or longitudinally twisted, char- acter of the stem of the tree. This is very peculiar in appearance and is a unique and special feature of the species. The wood is very hard and is extensively used for building purposes in the districts in which it grows. It is also well adapted for the making of tool handles. This tree is usually associated with the Salmon Gum, and frequently the two trees exclusively form extensive forests. Its range, however, is not as extensive as that of the Salmon Gum. Its Western limit is Goomalling; it does not occur south of Bruce Rock, and its northern limit is at present unknown, but is probably in the vicinity of Dalwallinu. It extends to the east along the Transcontinental Railway. The flowers are white and occur profusely. The fruits are larger than those of the Salmon Gum, being 14 of an inch in diameter with broad points pro- truding above the top when the fruit is ripe. These fruits are arranged in umbels or clusters of usually seven. Gimlet. 76 19.—MORRELL (Fue. longicornis). This tree attains a height of 60 to 90 feet, with a bole of 30 to 40 feet, and diameter up to four feet. Tolbs. Weight per cubic foot (green) At 12 per cent. moisture—64lbs. Transverse strength—16,S00Ibs. per square inch. Tensile strength—18,000lbs. per square inch. It is a strong, hard, dense wood, and has an interlocked grain. It is of a dark-brown colour, and is used for wheelwright work, tool handles, ete. It is also used for mining timber. It occurs in the dry country in the rainfall belt of about 10 to 20 inches, and is scattered throughout the length and breadth of country be- tween Three Springs on the North, Katanning on the South, and Southern Cross’ on the East. It does not grow in dense forests, but occurs in savannah forest tcrmation. The bark is rough and somewhat like that of Yate, and is red inside. It also peels off the branches and often for a distance down the trunk. This bark is fairly distinctive, but in case of doubt it is advisable to refer to the fruits. These are hemispherical, about 14 inch in diameter, flat or sunken at the top, with long awl- lke points protruding from the opening. They have each a slender stalk of nearly a 4 of an inch in length. The flowers are white. 4 Loe | Morrell. 20.—GOLDFIELDS BLACKBUTT (Euc. Le Souefii). A tree of 30 to 50 feet in height. The bark is of an orange-brown colour, with a collar of flaky black dark at the base of the trunk two to six feet in height, otherwise smooth. The branches are more spreading.than in the preceding species, and the leaves of a grey-green colour. The timber is light brown and very dense, but is useless for anything except firewood, as the trees of any size are nearly al- ways eaten by white ants. | This tree occurs to the south of Coolgardie, and is very common in the vicinity of Widgiemooltha. The trunk is usually short and thick, and the line between the two classes of bark very distinct. The flowers are yellow and about 44 inch across. The fruits are well-shaped, a little over a 14 of an inch across, and about as long and with about 10 to 12 prominent ribs running from the stalk to the flat top. The buds are pointed, and are likewise ribbed. Goldfields Blackbutt. 80 21—GREY GUM (Euc. Grifithsii). Is quite unlike E. Le Souwefiz, having a dark grey flaky bark almost over the whole trunk, and is seldom over 25ft. high. In general appearance it is intermedi- ate between Fuc. Le Souefit and E. longicornis. The leaves of this tree are a brighter green than those of Huc. Le Souefii, the flowers are about the same size and yellowish, but the fruits are larger, bell-shaped, and nearly °4 inch long with a flat top. There are no prominent ribs, and the flower-buds are wide, and flat. The range is the same as that of the Goldfields Blackbutt. 81 Grey (umn. al 22—_REDWOOD (Eucalyptus transcontinentalis). A tree not unlike the Salmon Gum, except that it is more slender, has a silver-grey bark, yellow flowers, and the young branches and leaves are powdery and a bluish-green colour. The timber is reddish-brown in colour. The fruits are egg-cup-shaped, 34 of an inch long, narrowed towards the top, with long fine points protruding from the orifice, and are covered with a grey powder. It is a common tree south of Coolgardie. Goldfields Redwood. 83 23.—GOLDFIELDS WHITE GUM (Eucalyptus Flocktoniae). A tree resembling the “Wandoo” of the Darling Range, but smaller, more slender, and with a much whiter bark. This tree grows in low-lying places in forests of Salmon Gum. The fruits are inverted pear-shaped, and about the size of a small pea, green and wrinkled. The flower-buds have a long narrow point, and are nearly half an inch in length. The leaves are narrow, under three inches long, and bright green. It is confined to the southern portions of the Hastern Goldfields. Goldfields Whitegum. 84 24.—GOLDFIELDS YELLOW FLOWERING GUM (uc. Stricklandt). A tree of 20 to 30 feet, with a light brown bark covered with grey flakes which peel off. The branches are very widely spreading or even drooping. The young branches are covered with a white powder, and the leaves are large, thick, and of a blue-green colour, usually above six inches long. The flowers are very handsome, being of a bright yellow, and one and a-half inches across. The buds are blunt, nearly half an inch long, and the freits are distinctly bell-shaped, half an inch long, and as broad, clustered at the end of a broad flat stalk. The tree occurs to the south of Coolgardie and near Norseman, and is found on gravelly hills. Goldfields Yellow Flowering Gum. 85 25.—GOLDFIELDS RED FLOWERING GUM (Luc. torquata). A small stout tree of 20 to 30 feet, wich always occurs on rising ground in gravelly soil. The bark is dark grey or black, rough and persistent throughout. The flowers are of a bright coral pink or scarlet, or occasionally white, and when fully out exceed an inch in diameter. It is one of the most beautiful of our trees, and ranks with the red flowering gum of the South-West for scenic effect. It flowers in December, and for that reason is also known as the Christmas tree. It is well worthy of a place in our public gardens. The buds and fruits are very distinctive. The buds have a broad base which is ribbed, and are contracted in to a narrow beak of half an inch in length. The fruits are egg-shaped, with a frill-hke base. This tree is confined to the goldfields. ; ‘ peti Goldfields Red Flowering Gum. cal S6 26—YORK GUM (Eucalyptus foecunda, var. loxophelba). A tree which attains a height of 40 to 60 feet, and a length of bole of 10 to 15 feet, and a diameter of 18 to 24 inches. | The bark ot this species is rough, varying from a light to a dark grey, and persistent. Inside the bark is reddish. The branches are more spreading than is the case with most trees; the leaves thick and shining, and the flowers small and white. Flowers in the summer months. Weight per cubie foot (green)—77lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture—67lbs. Transverse strength—14,500lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—13,000lbs. per square inch. A dense hard, heavy wood, with very much interlocked grain. The wood is by far the best nave, maul, and mallet wood in Australia, while it may be used very successfully for felloes and other wheelwright and wagon-building purposes. The wood is of a yellow-brown colour, and carries a beautiful figure. It grows in open or savannah forests, and is to be found in the 20-inch rainfall belt. It is most common about Bolgart, Toodyay, Northam, York, Narrogin to Broomehill. Its presence is regarded by farmers as an indication of good agricultural soil for wheat-growing and also good grazing country for sheep. York Gum. 88 27.—ISURRAJONG (Sterculia Gregori). A tree attaining 25ft. with a thick straight trunk and widely spreading dense branches. The bark is rough and persistent, and of a light grey colour. The wood is spongy, and may possess qualities which will make it useful for paper-making. The cambium ring: yields a strong fibre. This is an excellent shade tree, being very densely branched. ‘The leaves: are divided into finger-hke segments, and the flowers are ereenish red, broadly bell-shaped. Occurs freely throughout the goldfields, par- ticularly in the “mulga” area. Kkurrajong. 89 28.—THE GOLDFIELDS PINE (Callitris glauca) is the-largest of the pine shrubs of the goldfields. This tree attains 30ft. in height, and has more or less spreading branches which give it a cedar-like appearance. The leaves are of a bluish-green, the bark almost black and fibrous. This tree is very much like its sister the Rottnest Pine (Callitris robusta), and cecurs on the mar- gins of salt lakes in open country. It is particularly valuable as a fencing timber, since it resists white ants. i : E i a: : i: i Tt | : i ‘ , : i Sree rs Goldfields Pine. 90 29—_ RASPBERRY JAM (Acacia acuminata). A small tree 15 to 25 feet high, with a short bole, and up to 12 inches in diameter. Weight per cubic foot (green)—73lbs. At 12 per cent. moisture— 62lbs. Transverse strength—15,300lbs. per square inch. Tensile strength—12,000lbs. per square inch. - A fairly heavy wood, possessing a remarkably strong scent, resembling that of pressed raspberries. It is very durable indeed; fence posts 70 years in the ground show no signs of decay. The grain, like its Victorian sister, the Blackwood, is very beautiful, and it is therefore much prized for cabinet work. It is regarded by. farmers as an indication of good wheat-growing and sheep-raising land, and is beimg rapidly destroyed. gl « erry Jam. 6 Rasp 30—SANDALWOOD (Santalum cygnorum). A small tree attaining a height of 12 to 16 feet, with a diameter of six to eight inches. Until some, few years ago it was used solely by the Chinese for ceremonial purposes. It may be said that the development in Western Australia in the early days was to a large extent dependent on the sandalwood trade. . Since 1845 there have been exported 331,205 tons, valued at £5,061,661. The supply close to the seaboard has long since been exhausted, and the source 1s now away back in the goldfields district. It thrives in as low a rainfall as eight inches per annum. Lately there has been a development in the distillation of sandalwood oil. The yield of oil from the Western Australian wood is not so heavy as that obtained from San- talum album, and the content in santol is lower. It is, however, used in Australia for medical purposes, and found to be as efficacious. Sandalwood is a fragrant wood, and this is one reason for the demand for it by the Chinese. In addition to ceremonial purposes mentioned above, it is manu- factured into boxes of various kinds, such as glove boxes, into ecard eases, fans, napkin rings, children’s blocks, and many-other articles. The joss stick burnt in Chinese temples 1s made from sandalwood dust mixed with a paste with some ad- hesive substance, and rolled round a very thin piece of bamboo. ) ‘ Sandalwood. 94 CHAPTER XI. SOME CURIOUS FOREST PLANTS. The forested regions of Western Australia contain a number of strange growths to which it is rather difficult to apply the term “tree,” if the word is to earry its popular meaning. These growths sometimes have branches, but they are quite unlike the branches of ordinary trees; their outer covering cannot correctly be described as bark, and their trunks yield no timber. The most prominent, as well as the most common, of these odd-looking members of the forest community are the “blackboy” (Xanthorrhoea Preissii), the “grass-tree’ (Kingia Australis), and the “Zamia” palm (Macrozamia Fraseri). It is certain, according to the evidence adduced by botanists and geologists who have studied the subject, that the three plants named flourished in Western Australia long before it contained the eucalypt trees, as we know them now. How they managed to survive through the long ages of forest development from lower to higher forms, and whether they are precisely the same in size, formation, and qualities as they were in that far- back past, are questions we cannot answer to-day with absolute certainty. All we can assert with confidence is that the black-boy, the grass-tree, and the zamia grew in Western Australia before the eucalypts had reached the stage at which we now find them. Blackboy.—This plant is a familiar object in the South-Western portions of the State, and once seen is always remembered. The majority of those met with in the bush average about seven to eight feet in height, but they may be met with of all heights up to 15 feet. The bole or barrel may range in diameter from five or six inches up to about a foot. The outside portion of the bole is composed of layers of hardened masses of the persistent bases of old leaves. This outer layer is heavily impregnated with a gum or resin which is highly inflammable; when fire sweeps through the bush, the blackboy is readily attacked, with the result that the trunks of these trees are always found in a blackened condition. The central core is of fibrous material which is sometimes of a hardness that would almost permit of its being termed ‘‘wood.” From this core under proper treatment sugar may be obtained, as well as a number of chemicals of commercial value. The gum or resin of blackboy is used for several trade purposes, but mainly in the manu- facture of varnish. In some parts of South Australia blackboy grows freely, and is there known as yacea or “grass-tree.” The South Australian variety is very similar to that of Western Australia. 7 Grass-tree.—The grass-tree is not quite so common in the West Australian forests as the blackboy, but it is quite as distinctive. Botanists class it as well as the blackboy in the lily family. It is found only in Western Australia. In appearance it is very like blackboy, but the properties of the two trees and their commercial possibilities are quite dissimilar. The grass-tree may be readily dis- tinguished from the blackboy by the flowering stalk. In the grass-tree the flowers and seeds are borne on short stalks about a foot long, many of which stand out from the centre of every plant like drum sticks. The blackboy, on the other hand, has one long flowering stalk only, of quite a different type, arising from each mass of leaves. Like the blackboy it is found scattered over a considerable portion of the South-West, especially between the Darling Range and the sea, and in the karri country. It reaches a height of from 6 to 25 feet, and the bole has an average 95 diameter of from 9 to 10 inches. The outer portion of the bole is made up of hardened masses of leaf bases and the trunk is very often black like that of the blackboy and from the same cause—fire. Between the outside layer of pressed leaves and the core or pith is a layer of fibrous material running the whole length Blackboy. ? of the tree. This fibre is now used to a considerable extent in the manufacture of brooms for street-sweeping, and of various classes of brushes of finer grade. The core, on proper treatment, yields chemicals of commercial value, just as does that of the blackboy. 96 Zamia.—The zamia palm commonly reaches a height of three feet, although specimens up to 15 feet high are to be found in certain localities. It is not peculiar to Western Australia, but is found also in slightly altered form in New South Wales and Queensland. In Western Australia this forest growth sometimes attains Grass Tree. a weight of over a ton. When roughly trimmed these larger specimens have given as much as 40 per cent. of starch, weighed when the plant is moist. This starch, after undergoing certain processes of refining, is suitable for laundry work and 97 may be used ‘also as a food for livestock. In the early days of settlement zamia meal was sometimes used as a substitute for tapioca. The plant also yields a wool suitable for stuffing pillows, mattresses, and the like. Zamia Palin. Sandalwood.—The timber of this tree has been already described, and the uses to which it is put in China have been mentioned. What we are now concerned with is a peculiarity of its growth. The sandal tree is of the kind called “parasitic” by botanists. It is never found in large masses, like most other trees, but only singly or in small groups intermingled with other trees, generally eucalypts, acacias, or oaks. It will not thrive unless in close proximity to these trees, which are known as its “hosts.”’ The reason for this is that the roots of the sandalwood become attached to the roots of other species by a peculiar type of sucker, through which the sandalwood absorbs certain food materials from the roots of the host plant. 98 Christmas Tree—This tree, which is known botanically as Nuytsia floribunda, received its common name from the fact that it flowers about the Christmas season. When in flower it is one of the most gorgeously dressed trees in the Western Aus- tralian bush. When in fiower it 1s a mass of orange-coloured flowers in erect clusters. The wood of the Christmas tree, which is of no value, is soft and spongy and white in colour. The tree is usually found among the jarrah and banksias Jarrah Regrowth. oe erowing on the flats lymg between the hills and the coast. It is a parasite, like the sandalwood. This fact was established recently by Mr. D. A. Herbert, B.Sc., Government Botanist and Plant Pathologist, who, after careful investigation, found that the Christmas Tree from its roots throws out shoots underground, which may travel considerable distances before they meet the roots of a “host,” but having done so, they attach themselves to the roots of this host and draw nourishment from them. The curious thing about the parasitism of the Christmas Tree is its wide range of hosts. Trees and shrubs of various species have been found bearing: the suckers of the Christmas Tree, also grasses and even the common carrot. Mistletoe.—The Mistletoe is a very common object in the forests of the world. - It is found all over Europe, in Asia, including Japan, in America, and in Australia. There are a great many groups or genera of Mistletoe and each genus has a scien- tific name which distinguishes it from the others. The European genus species is named Viscum, and the Australian genus Loranthus, of whieh there are a number of species in the States of the Commonwealth. Mistletoe does not spring from the eround hke most other plants. It has roots, however, which are embedded in the bark or wood of trees, and from these trees the Mistletoe draws its nourishment. Mistletoe is a parasitic growth and the tree on which it feeds is called its “host.” Mistletoe is found attaching itself to many kinds of trees and does not seem to have any marked preference for a particular kind. It may be said generally that it is found much more frequently on rough-barked trees than on those with smooth barks. The mistletoe is distributed by those birds that feed upon its berries, the hard seeds ‘pass through the birds’ alimentary canal and are deposited on the branches of other trees: thus the Mistletoe gets distributed all over the forest. The seeds, which germinate in Spring, first of all develop a kind of sucker from whose centre a fine root appears, which pierces the tissues of the bark. This main root penetrates to the wood of the branch or stem, which it is too delicate to enter. It, however, holds its position and the end becomes covered when the branch or stem forms new wood. As time passes the root seems to have gone deeper into the wood, but in reality it is the growing thickness of the wood that gives the appear- ance of penetration. In time the parasite becomes firmly attached to it “host,” and secures the nourishment it requires. The effect of Mistletoe on forest trees is to reduce their vitality and to decrease the production of flowers and fruit. Mistletoe, however attractive it may be in itself, and however picturesque the ap- pearance it imparts to woodland scenery, must be regarded as an enemy of the forests. 100 CHAPTER XII. GROWING TREES FROM SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS. The practice of growing trees in school grounds is one that should be followed at every school where the requisite facilities are present. The following instrue- tional notes will be of service to teachers and pupils. The chief advantages of raising trees from seed over obtaining them as small plants from a distant nursery may be summarised as follows :— (a) The cost is less. (b) Varieties especially suited to the district may more easily be obtained. (c) The trees, when ready for planting out, are acclimatised. (d) The time which must elapse between removing a tree from the pot or bed where it has been growing and planting it in its permanent place is very much reduced, and the tree, consequently, suffers less check. (e) It is possible to sow some seeds in the places where the trees are to re- main, and so to avoid the necessity for transplanting. (f) The most suitable weather for planting may be chosen. (2) Greater interest is taken by the children in trees which they have raised from seed. (h) The educational value of the work is far greater, and the practice of tree-raising and tree-planting is more likely to spread from the school to the children’s homes. These advantages are so great that any teacher desiring to improve his school surroundings by tree-planting will be amply repaid if he adopts this method. Care of the Young Trees. With a little experience and reasonable care, trees can be raised successfully at schools. The seeds should be sown thinly and not too deeply, in a box, or bed, of light sandy loam. When the plants are a few inches high, they can be pricked out, and replanted in pots or tins which are well drained. ‘There is a great ad- vantage in thus having them ready for planting out in their permanent positions. Transplanting. - Acacias and Eucalypts—As soon as seedling acacias and eucalypts begin to get their second pair of leaves, they should be removed from the seed bed, care being taken not to break the roots, and transplanted singly into the tins or pots which have been prepared for them. The tins or pots should be placed side by side on a piece of very hard ground or asphalt over which a thin layer of gravel or coarse sand has been spread, and shall be filled with a mixture of light soil and leaf mould, if the latter is obtainable. A hole should be made with the finger or a pointed stick in the centre of each tin, and the seedling should be held by one of its leaves with the roots hanging down this hole. LIight, slightly damp soil should then be sifted around and between the roots until the hole is full, and the soil should be pressed very firmly down. A space of half an inci or more should be left above-the soil for watering. The newly potted plants should be watered as soon as possible and kept shaded from the sun fer a few days. Subsequent water- ings should be given only when the surface of the soil in the tins begins to get dry, but every watering should be a thorough one, the tins being filled to the top two or three times, if necessary. Protection from frosts will be needed during the first winter, but the plants should get as much sunshine as possible, once they have recovered from the transplanting. As soon as the plants have reached a height of three or four inches, they may be planted out in their permanent places if the season is suitable. This may be done by removing the tin, taking care not to break the ball of earth containing the 101 roots, and planting the little tree in the place prepared for it. .A thorough water- ing’ should follow. Although the holes which are to receive the trees may be deeply dug, the trees should not be planted too deenly, especially in stiff clay soils. Care should be taken to see that the holes do not hold free water during the winter; good drainage is as necessary for the successful growth of trees as for that of farm and garden crops. During the first year or two of the life of the tree, the soil surrounding it should be kept loose by shallow digging, or hoeing; this will facilitate the entrance of air and water, and will lessen the amount of evay ora- tion of soil moisture during the dry weather. In dry districts, when water is available, the water should not be applied too close to the trunk of the tree. The feeding rocts are gradually extending over a larger area, and this extension of the root system is encouraged if the water is applied some feet away from the tree. A thorough watering occasionally is much better than frequent light applications; in fact, very ight waterings do more harm than good by making the capilliary connection between the subsoil water and the surface of the soil. After every watering, as soon as the soil is dry enough, stir it well with the hoe, and cover it with a grass or straw mulch. Wattles—The wattle is one of the commonest objects in the Australian bush, and more so perhaps in the Eastern States than in Western Australia. Everyone knows it and everyone admires it, and its golden glory of bloom has led to its being chosen as Australia’s national floral emblem. There are many wattles indigenous or native to Western Australia, but most of them are only shrubs. There are a few, however, which attain the size that entitles them to be called “trees.” Among these are the Coastal Wattle (Acacia saligna), the Raspberry Jam (Acacia acumin- ata), and the Manna Gum (Acacia microbotrya). There are other wattles now growing freely in Western Australia, such as the Black or Green Wattle (4. de- currens), the Golden Wattle (4A. pyenantha), the Silver Wattle (A. dealbata), and the Cootamundra Wattle (4. Baileyana), but these have been introduced from the Eastern States and cannot be included amongst our forest trees. Wattles at their best do not grow to any great height, but their spreading habits give them a handsome and graceful appearance and make them conspicuous wherever they are found. More especially is this the case when they are covered with a rich dress of bloom. They are very suitable as ornamental trees in avenues and the like. Wattles are not found in Western Australia outside the South-Western portion of the State. The Badjong is a comparatively tall species, the stem sometimes attaining a diameter of one foot or even more. This variety is generally found lining the banks of rivers. The other kind (the Weeping Wattle) is also found in similar situations, but it does quite well too on sandy soil. This variety has been made use of in South Africa for the purpose of stopping the inroads of drift sands, for which purpose it is admirabiy adapted. But the wattles, beyond their handsome appearance, are also of great value in industry. The barks of all wattles contain a certain percentage of a compound ealled tannin, which is used in converting skins and hides into leather. Since the earliest date of settlement in Western Australia the barks of native wattles have been used for this purpose, but the barks of the native trees are not so rich in tannin as those of the two mentioned above as having been imported from the Eastern States—the Black Wattle and the Golden Wattle. The wattle is easy to cultivate, and in some of the other States it is cultivated regularly as a crop for the sake of its bark. The adoption of a similar practice here is very desirable, for it would go some way to keep in the State the considerable sums of money sent away every year to other countries for tanning material. It is easy to recog- nise the wattle from the peculiar manner in which its leaves or leaf fronds are arranged. The drawings on another page illustrate the two West Australian varieties mentioned. 102 - CHAPTER XIII. BIRDS AND FORESTRY. Birds play a most important part in the economy of Nature and, as a conse- quence, their activities often come in contact with the interests of man. ) Flocktoniae, Maiden. Merrit (Blackbutt). . Clelandi, Maiden. Blackbutt. Woodwardi, Maiden. Blackbutt. Clelandi, Maiden. Blackbutt. . corrugata, Luehm. Le Souefiit, Maiden. Blackbutt. . intertexta, R. T. Baker. ” . Sargenti, Maiden. 9 . Stricklandi, Maiden. Goldfields Yellow-flowering Gum. . Dundasi, Maiden. Dundas Blackbutt. 9? Stricklandi, Maiden. Goldfields Yellow-flowering Gum. . rudis, Endl. Flooded Gum. ” . celastroides, Turez. . Griffithsii, Maiden. Grey Gum. oP] . striaticalyx, W. V. Fitzg. Cue “York Gum.” ” pruinosa, Schauer. Apple Gum. * 3939 3232 3232 -3311 -3311 -3311 *+.3311 3312 3322 -3322 * 3322 3322 -3322 + +3322 3322 *. 3332 3332 - 3332 * 3339 A211 4211 4211 4211 4211 *. 4991 *.499) * 4991 *. 499) A994 4234 -4934 4311 4311 -4311 4311 -4311 -4311 -4311 -4311 -4321 *. 4391 *.4391 -4321 -4321 -4321 4321 4131 8211 8281 3361 Sel 4131 6361 4141 1351 1361 2341 2301 2361 2362 7362 4111 4182 5241 6111 1121 3411 4141 5241 5251 1251 1351 6251 6351 2235 2112 2132 4121 1132 sou: 2113 2133 6111 6411 7133 1141 1153 1163 2121 2131 | 7121 les Ry coRcs Bee & Es BR & BS Se eS 12 . celastroides, Turez. . Griffithsii, Maiden. Grey Gum. ” . occidentalis, Endl. Swamp Yate. 9) ” . foecunda, var. loxophleba, Benth. . cornuta, Labill. . foecunda, var. loxophleba, Benth. . longicornis, F.v.M. Red Morrel. 9) . oleosa, F.v.M. Sr et36l EF. oleosa, F.v.M. *.11 1362 HE. eremophila, Maiden. *.11 2341 LE. oleosa, F.v.M. *.11 2361 E. oleosa, F.v.M. -11 4131 EH. foecunda, Schau. -11 4141 EF. foecunda, Schau. -11 4151 £E. calycogona, Turez. -11 4152 E. redunca, Schau. ine4i/i ff. grossa, F.v.M. -11 4422 E. Sheathiana, Maiden. -11 4462 FH. redunca, Schau. *.J1 5271 HE. annulata, Benth. *-11 5451 HH. conglobata, (R. Br.) Maiden. -11 6152 HE. redunca, Schau. ‘11 6231 EH. dumosa, A. Cunn. ‘11 6371 E. Stowardi, Maiden. ‘ll 6441 ZL. platypus, var. nutans, Benth. *.11 6461 E. platypus, Hooker. -11 6452 HE. redunca, Schau. -11 6462 LH. redunca, Schauer. *.11 7481 EH. Flocktoniae, Maiden. ‘11 8422 EH. Sheathiana, Maiden. -l1 8461 E. erythronema, Turez. -11 8481 E. erythronema, Turez. ‘11 9151 EH. Forrestiana, Diels. t-14 2241 E. salubris, F.v.M. (72 Sy 95 *.14 4111 E. gracilis, F.v.M. ‘14 4132 E. celastroides, Turez. *.14 4362 £. eremophila, Maiden. *.14 5431 E. diptera, Andrews. *.14 6111 EL. gracilis, F.v.M. -15 4152 HE. Kruseana, ¥.v.M. *.15 6461 EH. platypus, Hooker. -16 4171 £E. grossa, F.v.M. -21 1111 E. buprestium, F.v.M. -21 1212 E. Ebbanoensis, Maiden. 1-21 (1251 EH. decipiens, Endl. er 18 -21 1282 H. Hbbanoensis, Maiden. 21 1351 E. decipiens, Endl. -21 1361 E. falcata, Turez. ‘21 148x E. gomantha, Turez. -21 2111 E. angulosa, Schau. ‘21 2131 #. decurva, V.v.M. -21 2151 FE. angulosa, Schau. -21 246x EF. macrandra, F.v.M. -21 3261 E. occidentalis, Endl. -21 3271 FE. occidentals, Endl, -21 4121 E. Comitae-Vallis, Maiden. | -21 4131 EE. foecunda, Schau. . ; ‘21 4141 E. foecunda, Schau. | | 21 4422 E. Sheathiana, Maiden. | -21 4451 2. merassata, Labuill. 7 ‘21 4461 E. incrassata, Lahbill. : -21 4462 EH. Gardneri, Maiden. in -21 5262 E. pyriformis, Turez. var. Kingsmilli, Maiden. -21 5422 EH. pyriformis, Turez. -21 543x E. micranthera, ¥.v.M. -21 5452 EH. pyriformis, Turez. ‘21 6212 E. Ebbanoensis, Maiden. -21 6251 #. decipiens, Endl. -21 6282 E. Hbbanoensis, Maiden. -21 6351 FH. decipiens, Endl. -21 635x EH. angusta, Maiden. -21 6371 EH. astringens, Maiden. 21 6462 E. Gardner, Maiden. -21 7111 FE. angulosa, Schau. -21 7151 E. angulosa, Schau. Ale els oh astringens, Maiden. -21 8422 KE. Sheathiana, Maiden. -21 9112 E. eudesmioides, ¥.v.M. -21 9191 E. tetraptera, Turez. -21 x361 E. Lehmann, Preiss. -22 1222. EH. Oldfieldu, F.v.M. -23 1441 E. angustissima, F.v.M -23 3372 EH. spathulata, Hook. -23 xx5x EH. Jutson, Maiden. ‘24 1161 E. doratoxyion, V.v.M. -24 1252 E. leptopoda, Benth. -24 1411 E. pachyloma, Bentham. 1451 1452 3191 5191 6141 635x 6451 6452 6462 (asa 2112 5222 3412 5451 LED: 1161 1221 1222 2122 1161 5212 5442 XXDxX " 3241 411 7241 * Mallees which sometimes have a tree form. t Trees which sometimes have a Mallee form (see Arborescent Key). & & Sl 19 . uncinata, Turez. 33 erythrocorys, F.v.M 39 . leptophylla, F.v.M. . angusta, Maiden. uncimata, Turez. ) zanthonema, Turez. sepulcralis, F.v.M. . tetragona, F.v.M. . macrocarpa, Hooker. . Preissiana, Schauer. Kalganensis, Maiden. . marginata, Sm. 49 ” megacarpa, F.v.M. Ewartiana, Maiden. caesia, Bentham. doratoxylon, F.v.M. . erucis, Maiden. Websteriana, Maiden . orbifolia, F.v.M. . Herbertiana, Maiden. . odontocarpa, F.v.M. . Herbertiana, Maiden Albany Blackbutt Apple Gum Bastard Bloodwood Blackbutt : Pah - Albany » Cleland’s be Dundas ... ee Goldfields 2. Le Souef’s oe Coastal Blackheart Black Morrel Cae 2 (worrel) Black Vate 5%. ae Bloodwood 399 Blue Gum Blue Mallet ... Blue-leaved Mallet Brown Mallet Bullich Cabbage Gum : Cleland’s Bacon e Coastal Blackbutt Coastal White Gum Coolibah Se Coral-flowered Cates, Desert Blackbutt Desert Gum .. Dundas Blackbutt Dundasi, Maiden Flat-topped Yate _ occidentalis, Endl. Flooded Gum . rudis, Endl. Gimlet Se a salubris, F. v. M. : » wsilver-topped campaspe, Spencer Moore >» swam spathulata, Hooker Goldfields Blackbutt—(See Blackbutt, Goldtields) a4 Yellow-flowered Blackbutt E. Siricklandi, Maiden a Gum ... KH. Stricklandi, Maiden 3 Red- flowered Gum E. torquata, Leuhm. Grey Box EH. Spenceriana, Maiden ... >» Gum E. Griffiths, Maiden Illyarrie E. erythrocorys, F.v. M. ... Ironbark ee AD E. terminalis, F. v. M. a Isdell River EL. melanophloia, F. v. M. i Silver-leaved E melanophloia, F. v. M. Jarrah E. marginata, Smith Karri es E. diwersicolor, F. v. M. ... o Swamp E. megacarpa, F. v. M. Kimberley Red Gum E ptychorarpa, F.v. M. . ‘ ss White Gum FE. Houseana, (W.V.F.), Mendent Le Souef’s Blackbutt index of Vernacular 20 Names. by . Clelandi, . wmtertexta, Cliftoniana, W. V. Fitzg. ae . papuana, F. v. M. (an inland form) ... Se Si Sols pisses SESE SSS ESSE SEES eae ay . Staerr, Maiden pruimosa, Schauer . perfoliata, R. Brown ... patens, Bentham Staert, Maiden, Ms Clelandi, Maiden Dundasi, Maiden Clelandi, Maiden Dundasi, Maiden Le Souefii, Maiden . intertexta, R. T. Baker . transcontinentalts, Maiden Le Souefit, Maiden Todtiana, KF. v. M. microtheca, KF. v. M. melanoxylon, Maiden ... graciis, KF. v. M gracilis, F. v. M. ies Foelscheana, F. v. M. latifolia, F. v. M. : pyrophora, Bentham ... megacarpa, F.v. M. . Gardneri, Maiden ardnert, Maiden astringens, Maiden megacarpa, EF. v. M. papuand, F.v. M. Maiden Bey MM. Endl. FE. v. M. Todtiana, decipiens, microtheca, . torquata, Leuhmann ... R. T. Baker . Le Souzfii, Maiden 21 INDEX OF VERNACULAR NAMES—continued. Mallet, Blue ... » Brown a Oe... » Swamp » White Marri aie Messmate Micum Mirret Moich ~ Moort ee $54 » Round-leaved Morrel, Black a Red .. Mountain Gum poet et AULETT Parker’s Gum Poot Bowder-bark Powder-bark Wandoo. Prickly-bark . sie Red-flowering (ie as a ss ‘f » Goldfields = Gum Bat a4 5, Morrel’ ... aae » Lingle Tingle . Redwood Be Sa Ribbon tree ... Ridge Gum River Gum ... : Round-leaved Moort Salmon Gum , oe White Gann Silver-leaved Ironbark ,, topped Gimlet Snap and Rattle Stringybark ... Swamp Gimlet ; ° Gam 3 Karri » Mallet ; ao. . Mate Tingle Tingle Red ... » Yellow Tuart (or Tooart) Wandoo ee = me Powder bark G Salmon-bark Weeping Gum . White Gum (Kimberley 29 ”? (Wandoo) ee (Coastal » Mallet Woolly butt Yate ee », flat-topped » Black » Swamp.. ae Y cllow-flowered Blackbutt ie Gum Yellow Tingle Fingle. York Gum i Yorrell . Gardneri, Maiden . astringens, Maiden astringens, Maiden . spathulata, Hooker falcata, Turcz. v. ecostata, Maiden calophylla, R. Br. tetrodonta, F.v.M. ... pallidifolia, F.v.M. ... celastroides, Turcz. rudis, Endl. platypus, Hooker platypus, Hooker melanoxylon, Maiden ... longicornis, F. v. M haematoxylon, Maiden haematoxylon, Maiden foecunda, Sch. v. eh uceurnee™ Benth . longicornis, F.v.M. . Lane-Poolet, Maiden ... accedens, W. V. Fitzg. Todiiana, F.v.M. ... ficifolia, F. v. M. torquata, Leuhm, calophylla, R. Brown ptychocarpa, F. v. M. haematoxylon, Maiden longicornis, F. v. M. Jacksoni, Maiden transcontinentalis, Maiden celastroides, Turcz. alba, Reinwardt rostrata, Schlecht platypus, Hooker salmonophloia, F. v. M. Lane-Poolei, Maiden melanophloia, F. v. M. campaspe, Sp. Moore gracilis, F. v. M. tetrodonta, F.v. M. .... Sie spathulata, Hooker rudis, Endl. megacarpa, F. v. M. spathulata, Hooker occidentalis, Endl. Jacksoni, Maiden Guilfoylei, Maiden ... gomphoecephala, A.D.C. redunca, Schau. v. elata, Benth. accedens, W. V. Fitzg. Lane-Poolei, Maiden ... sepulcralis, F. v. M. Houseana (W.V.F.), Maiden — .. redunca, Schau. var. elata, Bentham ... decipiens, Endlicher ... falcata, Turez. v. ecostata, Maiden miniata, A. Cunningham cornuta, Labill occidentalis, Endl. gracilis, F. v. M. occidentalis, Endl. Stricklandi, Maiden Stricklandi, Maiden Guilfoylei, Maiden . foecunda, Schau. v. lovophleba, Benth, . gracilis, F. v. M. eas Alphabetical List of Western Australian EKuealyptus Trees. Eucalyptus accedens, W. V. Fitzg. alba, Reinwardt argillacea, W. V. Fitzg. astringens, Maiden ; brachyandra, F. v. Mueller caesia, Bentham e calophylla, R. Brown campaspe, Spencer le M. Moore S celastroides, Turezaninow .. clavigera, Allan Cunningham Clelandi Maiden Cliftoniana, W. V. Fitzgerald collina, W. V. Fitzg. confluens, (W. V. Fitze.) Maiden Cooperiana, F. v. Mueller.. cornuta, Labill corrugata, Luehmann decipiens, Endlicher dichromophloia, F. v. M. ... diversicolor, F. v. Mueller... Drummondu, Bentham Dundasi, Maiden ... erythrocorys, F. v. Mueller... falcata, Turcz.; var.. ecos- tata, Maiden’ 43 ficifolia, F. v. Mueller Flocktoniae, Maiden foecunda, Schau.; var. loxo- phleba, Bentham 2 Foelscheana, F. v. Mueller... gamophylla, F. v. Mueller... Gardneri, Maiden _gomphocephala, A. De Can- dolle a id gracilis, F. v. Mueller a grandifolia, R. Brown Griffiths, Maiden ... Guilfoylei, Maiden... haematoxylon, Maiden fi Houseana (W. V. Mie ) Maiden intertexta, R. T. Thalees - Jacksoni, Maiden . Eucalyptus Lane-Poolei, Maiden Trees which occasionally take on a Mallee form— . astringens; Maiden ... celastroides, Turcz. ... cornuta, Labill decipiens, Endl.. diptera, C. Andrews falcata, Turez. Flocktoniae, Maiden . Gardnerr, Maiden E E E E. E E latifolia, F. v. Mueller Le Souefit, Maiden 40h lirata (W. V. Fitzg.), Maiden longicornis, F. v. Mueller ... margmata, Smith ... NS megacarpa, F. v. Mueller... melanophloia, F. v. Mueller melanoxylon, Maiden microtheca, BS veeNle mimata, Allan Cunningham Mooreana (W.V.F.), Maiden Mundijongensis, Maiden ... occidentalis, Endlicher oleosa, WW. av. Meee oligantha, Schauer pallidifolia, F. v. M. iG papuana, FE. v. Mueller ... patens, Bentham ... perfoliata, R. Brown platypus, Hooker ... pruinosa, Schauer ptychocarpa, F. v. Mueller... pyrophora, Bentham redunca, Schau. ; var. elata, Bentham rostrata, Schlecht . rudis, Kndlicher salmonophloia, F. v. M. salubris, F. v. Mueller’ Sargent, Maiden ... sepulcralis, F. v. Mueller .. setosa, Schauer spathulata, Hooker Spenceriana, Maiden Staeri, Maiden, Ms : striaticalyx, W. V. Fitagorales Stricklandi, Maiden i terminalis, F. v. M. tetrodonta, F. v. M. Todtiana, F. v. M. torquata, Luehmann transcontinentalis, Maiden Woodwardi, Maiden . gracilis, F. v. M. . marginata, Smith . megacarpa, F. v. M. oleosa, F. v. M . salubris, F. v. M. . spathulata, Hooker See also Mallees occurring as trees Mallees, which sometimes have a tree form— Midipepbpaciaeidaie te oh 23 Alphabetical List of Mallees and Marlocks. . angulosa, Schauer ... angusta, Maiden angustissima, F. v. M. annulata, Benth buprestium, F. v. M. calycogona, Turcz. ... Comitae-Vallis, Maiden d conglobata (Rk. Br), Maiden crucis, Maiden eS oe decurva, F.v.M. ... diptera, Cecil Andrews doratoxylon, EF. v. M. dumosa, A. Cunn Ebbanoensis, Maiden eremophila, Maiden ‘ eremophila var. grandiflora, Maiden erythronema, 'Turcz. : erythronema, var. marginata, “Benth. eudesmioides, F. v. M. ie " Ewartiana, Maiden falcata, Turcz. foecunda, Schauer ... Forrestiana, Diels ... goniantha, 'Turcz. grossa, F. v. M. Herbertiana, Maiden . incrassata, Labill Jutsoni, Maiden Kalganensis, Maiden . Kruseana, F. v. M. E. annulata, Bentham E. conglobata (R. Br.), Maiden EL. diptera, Cecil Andrews E. E E E doratoxylon, F. v. M. (?) ... . eremophila, Maiden . eudesmioides, F. v. M. (?) . falcata, Turcz. By Authority : eRe Ope aie BSS SSSShes Lehmanmi, Preiss . leptophylla, F. v. M. . leptopoda, Benth. macrandra, F. v. M. macrocarpa, Hooker micranthera, F. v. M. a occidentalis, Endl. var. stenantha, Diels ; sa odontocarpa, F. v. M. Oldfieldit, F. v. M. oleosa, F. v. M. af orbifola, FE. v. M. ... pachyloma, Benth ... a platypus, Hooker; var. Benth. SG : Preissiana, Schau. ... pyriformis, Turez. *:.. pyriformis, var. minor, Maiden . pyriformis, var. elongata, Maiden ... pyriformis, var. Rameliana, Maiden pyriformis, var. Kingsmilli, Maiden redunca, Schauer. redunca, var. melanophloia, Beate redunca, var. oxymitra, Maiden Sheathiana, Maiden tetragona, F. v. M. nutans, . tetraptera, Turez. uncinata, Turez. Websteriana, Maiden xanthonema, Turcz. EH. Lehmann, Preiss. . EL. leptophylla, F. v. M. E. E E oleosa, F. v. M. . platypus, Hooker . spathulata, Hooker See also list of trees sometimes oc- FRED, WM. SIMPSON, curring as Mallees Government Printer, Perth. it AER Mo we we - f tee tie e 7 = * ir ‘ 1% q x , P <5 ae Bs “art ‘s eZ / ) f. e >. = 2 AY r " ; ‘ 28 | i i i , RO aD Bes) Seg SIRT oe + ke * ra, % i tae ceuns een hs hea SS * ; Soy Cae : P a “ & bs 4 ES Fg ra Bid i . s 5S + | hs « & ‘ bf Lh hea, ai i 2 : re e i m " a i ; re i 3 + ¢ oS Ss eve 4 ay a> ‘ Fea! fen iy - 0 tet ‘ | 3 7 > é - at i ely Grogan Se 5 eee y SB " Ly 5 & ‘ t v2 + l ; git * * Pa ; F ia d Pea of : pte » oO ” & wa) i ; . ) i 2 P fe) " 31 7 v " ae ‘ 3 - +o SPN. Vi - + 1 a oo ue | <7 ty % ‘ ‘ p y nm ate , - . x 7 a - . 5 - “ o- uy, + + ’ i 7 > =. Pei , wy th Fa # s } 0 +e \ qa ky ot | i a © ‘ - |. i . * h ; ¢ , y : . er a4 . 4 > . ¢ hag? ybhiekl 4! es Lee s 2 Lye ; 4 ves i cheyd's = et piles ae rs r Be } 3 Ts ties f ny tiie . << * : : ‘ 6 Maar. Shek Ub Seppe ss { 5 3 i 2 ait ; M , 2 : ~j ; * vi + a n : e ri 2 ; 4 i < y ae i ; : te is 4: A r site * eimai “ te ; ee ies ; pert Sais 4 i “4 t. 4 ; ‘ Me ay CO . ry —_ bf 7A, 2,2 coc irk Say ¢ Wat Lae » Ae ‘ ae, ree U . Von : Ai y ‘ ‘aie 1 i po A ” re J " ia A Ee Fi» ‘Ls i ~ ee ry ‘ 4 Vi ; Ll ; ‘4 ; fit OY ae Eee Cee ae ie eee bear ee, h - i > Wie J Te A 4A NM iG " f \ a . “ i RIES i | Hy 00 nhbot SD111.A89L26 <= a 2 a z o = =] a = ” z Zz =< Zz ce) ” x = = a” A primer of forestry,