THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE PRINCIPLES O F AND VEGETATION. By FRANCIS HOME, M. D. Feljow of the Royal College of Phyficians in Edinburgh. The THIRD E D I T I O N, with Additions. LONDON: Printed for A. MILLAR in the Strand, And A. KINCAID and J. BELL, at Edinburgh. MDCCLXIL T A T H E f/75/b DESIGN." TH E Edinburgh fociety, eftablifhed in the year 1755, for the improvement of arts and manufactures, named, amongft other articles, the following : For the beft differ tation on vegetation and the principles of agriculture, a gold medal. IN order to promote fo ufeful an infti- tution, the following papers were compofed, and delivered in to the fociety, according to the rules laid down. The judges named for that article, determined, on a competi- tion, in their favour. Some few additions have been made to them fince they were given in to the fociety. IN fo neceflary an art, where the terms are inaccurate, confufed, and differ fo much in different counties, to fix thefe terms, A 2 and - '"000835 [iv] and afcertain their meaning; where there is nothing fyftematic, to lay down a regular planj where the different parts are gene- rally looked on as complete, to mark the deficiencies, and mow that there is much wanted 5 where the means of improvement are unknown or neglected, to point out the only road that can lead with certainty to it 5 where there are few experiments to build on, to relate fome, and on thefe to lay a foundation for more; where the reafonings are, in general, fo very unphi- lofophical, to fettle fome fund for difcourfe and argument; where the proper helps have not been called in, to make ufe of thefe, and introduce a new fcience to the affiftance of this art ; in fhort, where there is but little afcertained, to fix fome general principles on which the artift may depend : this is the defign of the following papers. That no more has been done, will be moft readily excufed by thofe who are beft acquainted with the difficulty of the un- dertaking. A A PLAN of the whole. PART I. SECT. I. Caufes of the Jkia progrefs of agriculture j connection of chymiflry 'with it 5 and divi- fan of the fubjecJ. SECT. II. Of different foils. SECT. III. Of the rich black foiL SECT. IV. Of the clay foil. SECT. V. Of the fandy foil. SECT. VI. Of the chalky foil. SECT. VII. Of till. SECT. f vi J SECT. VIII. Of the mojfy foil. SECT. I. ffle natural methods of providing vegetable food. SECT. II. Of manures, or the artificial methods of pro- viding vegetable food. SECT. III. Of marl. SECT. IV. Of unburnt calcaricus bodies , and quick-lime. SECT. V. Of vegetables in an entire and in a corrupted Jlate, and of dunghills. SECT. VI. Of manures which arife from burning ve- getables. SECT. SECT. VII. Of animal manures. PART III. SECT. I. effects of different fubjtances with regard to vegetation. SECT. II. Of the food of vegetables. PART IV. SECT. I. Of opening and pufoerifing the foil. SECT. II. Efe&s of the atmofphere* SECT. III. Change offpecies. SECT IV. Of ploughing. SECT. [ viil ] SECT. V. Of compojls. SECT. VI. Of vegetation. PART v, SECT. I. Of weeds. .SECT. II. Of a wet foil. SECT. III. . Of rains. SECT. IV. Of faulty feeds. SECT. v. Difeafes of plants. SECT. VI. Plan for the further improvement of agri- culture. THE THE PRINCIPLES O F Agriculture and Vegetation, PART I. SECTION I. Caufes of the Jlow progrefs of agriculture ; connexion of chymiftry with it-, and divi* fan of the fubjett. AGRICULTURE, though the moft necefTary, has been, per- haps, the moft neglected of all the arts. Every other art has undergone confiderable improvements in this and the laft century; but we cannot affirm the fame of agriculture. It feems to be little better underftood in 'Europe at prefent, B than 2 the Principles- of Part X. than amongft the anrients; and I believe Virgil and Columella may ftill be reckoned the bell authors on that fubject. Does this proceed from the earth lofmg, like a mo- ther, her fertility, becaufe of her age ? as Ibrae of the antients alledged : or does it arife from an impoffibility of reducing the culture of the ground to a regular art, as the effects of that culture depend more on chance than fettled principles ? Daily experience mows, that none of thefe can be the cafe:, for the earth, though ex- haufted, attains again, under proper ma- nagement, a great degree of fertility ; and the regularity with which affairs are con- ducted, fhows,, that it is in fome meafure- akeady reduced to an art THE flow progrefs of hufbandry may be accounted for from more obvious rea- fons. This art is, in general^ carried on by thofe whole minds have never been im- proved by fcience, taught to make obfer- vatious, or draw conclufions, in order to attain Seel. I. Agriculture and Vegetation. J attain the truth ; or by thofe who, although Nature has been very bountiful, cannot carry their fchemes into execution, from the narrownefs of their fortunes. The former can never know more than what they have learned from their fathers; the latter dare rifk nothing, as their daily bread depends on the certainty of fuccefs. What can be expected from that clafs ? LET us fuppofe the fortune eafy, and the judgment improved, the difficulty of the art itfelf is fufficient to retard its pro- grefs. How delicate the circumftances that muft attend each experiment! What a number of different obfervations on heat and cold, dry and wet, difference of foils, grains, feafons, &c. muft be exactly made, before one can be certain of the general fuccefs of an experiment ! What a dif- agreement from a fmall difference in one of thefe circumftances ! How feldom can thefe experiments be repeated, which take a whole year before they can be brought to B 2 a 4 Tfo Principles of Part I. a conclufion ! how unequal for fuch a talk are the few years of judgment and activity we enjoy ! How liable are obfervations to die with the obferver when not made public ! and how averfe is human pride to do it, unlefs it could erect a fyitem ! Agriculture, feemingly fo eafy, appears, from the fcarcity of good authors, to be the mofl difficult of all arts. BUT thefe are not the only obftacles that hufbandry has met with. It has yet had a greater to ftruggle with. It does not, like moft arts, lead to an account of itfelf; or depend on principles which its practice can teach. Something beyond this art is necefiary to the knowledge of the art itfelf. The principles of all external arts mud be deduced from mechanics or chymiftry, or both together. Agriculture is in the lafl clafs j and though it depends very much on the powers of machinery, yet I'll venture to affirm, that it has a greater dependence on chymiftry. Without a knowledge in the Sect. I. Agriculture and Vegetation. 'r the latter fcience, its principles can never be fettled. As this fcience is but of late invention, and has not yet been cultivated with that regard to utility, and the im- provement of trades and manufactures, as it ought and might, agriculture is hardly feniible of its dependence on it. The de- fign of the following flieets is to make this appear ; and to try how far chymiftry will go in fettling the principles of agricul- ture. I don't intend in the following remarks to fettle fads, or teach the practical part of farming. That I leave to farmers. My defign is only to fketch out the great out- lines of this art, and fhow, that it is ca- pable of being reduced, like others, to a regular fyftem. If in this way we can fix fome fettled principles from the facts which are already afcertained, thofe who apply to practice will find their benefit in it. The juft theory of an art leads directly to its im- provement, as it leads to thofe experiments B 3 which 6 T^be Principles of Part I. which yet remain to be tried. Without this guide we may Humble on truths by accident ; but when led by it, we have the fecret fatisfaction of thinking, that we are indebted to ourfelves for the happy ilTue of the experiment. LET us try to find ibme fixed point from which we may have a full view of this extenfive art, and from which we may proceed, in a methodical manner, to the divifion of our fubjec~t. All organized bodies receive their increafe from the recep- tion and application of certain particles, which are defigned by the Author of na* ture for their nourishment. Without thefe nutritive particles there could be no in- creafe. As plants belong to the clafs of organized bodies, they thrive in proportion to the quantity of nourishment they receive at their roots. Hence arifes a fimple, but very comprehenfive, view of hulbandry. The whole of the art feems to centre in this point, viz. nourHhing of plants. BUT Sect. I. Agriculture and Vegetation. j BUT how can the farmer understand the art of nourishing plants, unlefs he knows the nature and qualities of each kind of foil, whether it be proper or improper for that office ; unlefs he can provide fuit- able food for the nourishment of plants, and difcovers what that food is -, unlefs he affifts the plants in reaching and acquiring that food, by rendering the foil loofe and open ; unlefs he knows, and endeavours to remove, Ib far as lies in his power, all im- pediments to this nourishment ? Thefe are the great outlines of agriculture. In fol- lowing thefe, then, we (hall divide our fub- jedl: into five parts. i. The nature and qualities of different foils. 2. The nature and qualities of the different compofls. 3. Their manner of adling. 4. The diffe- rent methods of opening the foil. 5. The impediments to vegetation, and their cure* THE operations of bodies are to be ac- counted for only from their known qualities afcertained by experiment. Reafoning on i 84 any 8 - The Principles of Part 1. any other plan, can never certainly lead to truth. I mall not, therefore, proceed a fingle ftep without fact and experiments; and when I am not fupplied with them from others, mail endeavour to make them rnyfelf. It is laborious, but it is necelTary. SECT. II. Of different foils. AS the earth is the matrix to which all feeds are committed, and from which all vegetables take the whole, or at leaft the greateft part of their nou'rim- ment, it is proper to begin with an exami- nation of it. As it nourifhes plants with- out the affiftance of art, it mufl contain the food of plants. If we can difcover what is the natural food of vegetables, we fhall the eafier difcover wherein confifts their artificial food, or that given by art, and how it operates. EARTHS Sect. II. Agriculture and Vegetation. 9 EARTHS are found to differ very much from one another in their qualities ; far- mers have therefore divided them into fe- veral different kinds, and perhaps have run into too minute divifions. It is dif- ficult indeed to fettle the exact limits be- twixt the different foils -, but fuch difficulty we find in all the divifions of natural bo- dies. The Author of nature has connect- ed different bodies by intermediate ones; he has chpfen to act by different grada-- tions, and not by ftarts, that nature may appear one connected whole. The great divifion, or the fpecific difference of earths, may be reduced to thefe fix, viz. rich black foil, commonly called loam or ha/ley foil} clay ; fandy j moffy -, chalky ; and till. WHEN farmers treat of thefe foils, they generally diftinguifh them from one an- other by the colour, or fome other fuper- ficial quality, which immediately (hikes the fenfes. But colour can never lead to the compofition or principles of bodies, on which io The Principles of PartL which alone their effects depend. Such fuperficial qualities as that, depend them- felves on the conftituent parts of bodies. We mall then endeavour, by experiment, to detecl: the conftituent parts of thefe dif- ferent foils, and (how wherein they differ from one another. SECT. III. Of the rick black foil. 1 Begin with this foil, as it is found to contain the greateft quantity of vege- table food, and as all other foils arc richer or poorer in proportion as they contain more or lefs of this. THIS foil, when frefh dug up, and fufficiently moift, has a very agreeable fmell, which is not felt when it is too dry .or too wet. We are very fenfible of an agreeable fmell in the fields after a gentle Shower of rain, efpecially if a drought has preceded. Sed. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 1 1 preceded. This we attribute to the efflu- via of the plants : but it belongs to the earth, as it is to be felt every where, and ilronger the nearer the nofe approaches the ground. This is probably owing to the volatile falts and oils, which rife toge- ther, in greater plenty, as the natural fer- mentation of the earth is increafed by a « * due proportion of moifture. i/. tf • To crumble when dug up, is a quality peculiar to this foil. In this it differs very much from the clay and fandy foil. The former does not feparatej the latter falls into a powder like fand ; but this feparates into fmall bits. It feems to enjoy that de- gree of cohefion which is fitteft for fup— porting vegetables, and ;at the fame time allowing their fibres to fpread in fearch tif their food. The particles of this foil feem to be in a continual tendency to re- cede from one another j for it is obferved, that when dug up, and expofed to the air, the hole from which it was taken, will not again 1 % ^Ls Principles of Part I. again contain the quantity taken out. This muft be owing to a fermentation of the putrefactive kind, carried on, in a fmall degree, in thefe rich foils, whenever the o ' air is admitted to them : for without air there can be no inteftine motion. This continual tendency to putrefaction, in Ibme of the particles of this foil, will appear more plain from its colour, and quantity of oil, the only fubject of corruption. Hence it follows, that there muft be a de- gree of heat in this foil, in proportion to the progrefs of the putrefactive fermenta- tion, and independent of the fun, or na- tural heat of the internal parts of the earth. THIS foil admits the water eaiily, and fwells like a fptinge after it has taken the rnoiflure in. This quality is peculiar to good foil. It contracts again when dried. Hence naturalifts conclude, that this foil confifts of fpungy and fwelling particles. I rather chufe to attribute this fwelling to the fer- Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 13 fermentation, or interline motion, which continually goes on in this foil, being , inr creafed by the addition of the water : for all bodies muft have a certain degree ol \vatry particles, in order to make the fer- mentation go on properly. IT is obferved of all foils, the moiTy and boggy ground excepted, that the blacked are the richeft. This' colour gives it§ a ftrong prefumption, that thefe foils con* tain much fat and oleaginous matter; for all foffil and vegetable oils, when they have a great admixture of eartl;, are of this co- lour. It is owing likewiie to thefe oils, that all vegetable or animal fubftances gain a black colour when in the road to putre- faction, The unctuofity too of this foil, a quality of it which is remarked by farrjnr ers, is a proof of its oleaginous nature. This black colour will make it reflect fewer of the fun's rays, and fo make it tible of a greater heat, than .foils are of a lighter colour, Bt 14 *flx Principles of Part I. BUT we have a certain method of know- ing, whether a body contains any oleagi- nous particles or not, by the means of nitre melted in the fire. Nitre, though not in- flammable of itfelf, becomes, in this fitua- tion, inflammable, or, as the chymifts chufe to call it, deflagrates with bodies which contain any oily particles. Exp. i. Some rich mould taken up three or four inches deep from the border of a garden where no dung had ever been laid, deflagrated very much with nitre in fufion. Hence it appears, that this foil contains much oil. To difcover if this earth contained any abforbent or alkaline particles, I tried the following experiment. Exp. 2. Some ftrong vinegar, diluted with twice its quantity of water, being poured on this fat earth* raifed a gentle fer- mentation, from whence many air-bubbles arofe ; Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation 1 5 arofe ; the acid tafte was at leaft deftroyed, and the vinegar reduced to a neutral body. From this experiment we learn, that rich mould contains a great many particles which attract acids, and with them make a neutral fait. I have learned from many different trials, that all foils fit for the nou- rimrnent of plants, contain more or lefs of thefe antacid particles. To difcover what we mould get from this earth by diftillation. Exp. 3. I diftilled half a pound of it with a gentle heat j I got in two hours an ounce of a yellow empyreumatic liquor, which was of an alkaline nature. The ftrongeft fire continued for nine hours longer, gave half an ounce more of a yel- lowilh empyreumatic liquor, which had feveral oleaginous filaments fwimming in it. It fmelt like ipirit of hartfliorn, turned fyrup of violets green, and effervefced firongly with vinegar, FROM j 6 ^Tbe Principles of . Part I. FROM this experiment it appears, that the falts of this foil are of the volatile al- kaline kind ; and that thefe falts naturally exift in it, as they rife with a fmall degree of heat. From this likewife we have an- other proof of oil being contained in this foil, as it tinged the firft water with a yel- lowifh colour, gave it a burnt fmell, and was plainly to be difcovered in the fecond floating about in a filamentous way. SECT. IV. Of -the day foil. THE clay foil is very different from the former ; and as it is a compofi- tion of clay with a mixture of the former foil, we mail inquire into the properties of clay. THE diftinguiihing and char act eriftical property of this body is, that having al- ready got a certain quantity of moifture, it refills, S£ct. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 17 refifts, in fbme meafure, the entrance of more water into its pores, is very flowly pe- netrated by that fluid, and therefore is not in any great degree foftened, loofened, or otherwife affected by it. Clay, when preff- ed by external force, or firmly compacted by its natural fubfidence, as we find it at the bottom of many of our foils, and of moft of our moiTes, will even fuftain water, and become impenetrable to it. Hence foils, in proportion to the quantity of clay they contain, will hinder the water from paffing through them j will keep the vege- tables continually fbaked in moifture ; will not be fb much heated by the rays of the fun as if they were dry; and, therefore, are juftly deemed of a cold nature. WHEN expofed to the degree of heat of a fummer fun, clay dries, and turns very hard, fo that it requires a confiderable force to feparate its parts. This quality of clay is the more obfervable, if it has been full of moifWe, and dried fuddenly. Hence C clay 18 *fl>6 Principles of Part I. clay grounds are fo apt to cake with heat, especially if they have been ploughed wet, and will, in that flate, hinder the roots of vegetables from paffing through them. THE SE qualities of clay feem to depend on the fame caufe, viz. the ftrong adhefive power of its particles. Its great ductility fhows, that its particles adhere very firmly. But whence this adhefion ? Is it from a certain figure of its particles, by which they are intangled, and can it be fo eafily feparated ? or is it from oleaginous particles mixed with the earthy, as we know that oil is adhefive, and rejects water ? I incline to the latter opinion, as I have found that clay contains an oil, not fo loofe indeed as in the former foil, but intimately con- nected with its earth, and fcarcely fepara- ble from it. Exf. 4. I mixed forne clay with vinegar; but there was no fermentation, and the acid tafte was not blunted. It feems then to have Sect. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 1 9 have neither alkaline nor abfbrbent parti- cles in its competition. In this it differs very much from the former foil. CHYMISTS generally affert, that clay contains an acid of the vitriolic nature, and an oil. From this acid they account for its diftilling the acids of nitre and fea-falt, and for its vitrefcible nature, as falts are the great affiftants of vitrification. LEMERT le fls, in the Mem. acad. de Selene, four /' annee 1708, has thefe words. Comme il y a dans ? argllle de par- ties huilleufes, acidesy et terreufes. And again, Car en la poujfent par une feu plus confide- rable, il sen cchappe des acides et de parties huilkufes. Let us fee how far this is true, THAT I might difcover its contents by diftillation, Exp. 5. I put into the retort half a pound of dry clay, taken up feven feet below the C 2 furface Principles of Parti, furface from a clay-pit then employed in a brick manufactory ; and as much fand was mixed with the clay, it feemed to be of a pure nature. After it had been diftilled for two hours with a gentle fire, I got half an oz. of pure water. After it had fuffered the ftrongeft heat that I could give it in a port- able furnace for nine hours, I found in- the receiver two drams of a pellucid liquor, which fmelt like the fpirit of hartfhorn, ef- fervefced ftrongly with vinegar, and turn- ed fyrup of violets green. The remainder was very red. THUS, inflead of getting an acid, as the chymifts aflert, I have got an alkaline vo- latile fpirit. No oil appears from this ex- periment j and, therefore, we may con- clude, that if there is any oil in it, that oil is intimately united and combined with its earthy parts, analogous to what happens in metals. THAT Sect. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 2 1 THAT there is fuch an oil, feveral rea- fons induce me to think -, its nourifhing ve- getables, which require oil, when opened by mere fand ; its unctuofity -, its igniting, like metals, when put in the fire. Exf. 6. I tried fuch clay as I ufed in the former experiment with melted nitre. When fmall pieces were put in, no fire was pro- duced betwixt it and the nitre : but I evi- dently perceived fparks of fire when it was put in powdered. Hence I conclude^ tha$ clay contains an oil intimately and clofely combined with its terreftrial parts. THE oleaginous nature of clay is clearly demonstrated by an experiment of Mr. Eltcrs, in the jth Vol. of the Berlin Me- moirs. He boiled fome clay in an alka- line lye; this lye when decanted was fa- turated with ol. vitriol. After the liquor had flood fome time, he found at the bot- tom a vifcid matter which deflagrated with melted nitre, and reduced the calx of lead C 3 to 22 The Principles of Part I. to its metallic form By this experiment the oil was got in a feparated ftate from the earthy parts, which after this feparation had loft their tenacity. This gentleman's experiments {how us how ftrongly the oil and earth adhere ; for the oil was fcarcely feparable by fpirit of wine. Exp. 7. When a piece of the clay was kept in the kitchen-fire for fome time, it turned red like a live coal, and when taken put, had a high red colour, which feemed owing to the particles of iron that it con- tained. Very few particles indeed were at- tracted by the magnet. But it muft be re- membered, that this quality depends upon the inflammable part of that metal, which is always given it by art, and that I had not added oil in the calcination. Very few ores have this quality naturally. All thefe experiments were made on the fame clay. :. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. SECT. V. Of the fandy foil THi s foil gets its name from the quan- tity of fand which it contains. The qualities of this foil depend on the qualities of fand. This body differs much from the two former j from the latter, as it eafily admits the entrance of water; from the former, as it does not detain the water like it, which feems to attract moifture with con- fiderable force, and to refift its efcape again ; while fand allows it to pafs eafily through its body, and does not fwell, but, on the contrary, turns lefs in bulk, when wet. Sand cannot detain the water fo long as the rich foils, becaufe it does not contain thofe faponaceous and mucilaginous juices which thefe do, and with which the water is combined and detained. Hence fandy foils often want a fufficient quantity of moi- fture for the nourishment of plants. Hence C 4 they i£ *fhe Principles of Part L they are very hot, becaufe fand is fufcep^ tible of a greater heat from the influence of the fun, and will retain it longer than water does. SAND cannot fwell by the addition of water -, becaufe that quality in rich foils is owing to an intefline fermentation, which goes on in them. But in fand there are no particles, and in fandy foils too few, which are capable of fermentation. Hence a de-^ feet of nutritious particles in fandy foils, Inftead of fwelling, it diminishes in bulk when wet 5 becaufe the water rufhing in, difpofes the particles more regularly, fb that the interftices are better filled up than before, and its bulk leflened. THE faults, then, of the fandy foil are, that it lets water pafs through it too eafily, and that it contains too few nutritious particles. Whatever compofl is ufed to this foil, muft correct one or both of thefe faults. Clay will help it to retain the wa- ter 5 Sect. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. ft 5 ter ; but then it is not richly ftored with ve- getable food. Woollen rags anfwer both purpofes very well, as they contain a great quantity of mucilaginous juice, which ferves equally well in nourifhing plants, and in detaining moifture, THE compoft that appears to me to be one of the fitted is mofs : for it is as im- pervious to water as clay, nay perhaps more fo j and as it is a vegetable, contains more oil than any other that I know. This reafoning is confirmed by fact. A gentle- man laid fome of this manure on a fmall part of a field, confifling of a very light fandy foil. The oats which grew that year, and the clover which grew the following, were much better on that part than on the reft of the field. 7f* . THE following experiment was tried on equal portions of about three feet fquare, in a very light fandy foil, during the laft fummer, 26 T&? Principles of Part. I, fummer, which being very dry makes the experiment more conclufive. Exp. 8. N° i. was covered and incorpo- rated with two inches deep of clay. N° 2. with three inches. N° 3. with four inches. N° 4. had two inches of clay with the common quantity of lime laid on ground. N° 5. had three inches of clay with the fame quantity of lime. N° 6. had four inches of clay with the fame quantity of lime. N° 7. had two inches of clay with the ufual quantity of dung. N° 8. had three inches of clay with the fame quantity of dung. N° 9. had four inches of clay with the fame quantity of dung. N° I o. had fix inches of clay. N°. 1 1 . had the fame with lime. N3 12. had the fame with dung. N° 13. was the light poor fandy foil without any addition. N° 14. had the ufual quantity of lime added to the foil. N° 15. had the ufual quantity of dung added to the foil. July 2. Sect. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 27 July 2. N° i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. are all bad. N° 7. very good. N° 8, 9. exceeding good. N° 10, 1 1. very bad, N° 12. ex- ceeding good. N° 13. is the worft of all, and fcarcely bears any thing, N° 14. bad. N° 15. pretty good. Augul 13. N° i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. bad. N° 7, 8, 9. exceeding good and heavy grain. N° 10, n. are all withered. N° 12. exceeding good. N° 13, 14. carries no- thing, N° 15. pretty good. FROM this experiment the following ufeful conclufions arjfe, Corol. i. A poor fandy foil, when of itfelf it was able to produce no grain in a dry feafon, was fructified to a confiderable de- gree by dung alone ^ but clay alone, and lime alone, did it but very little fervice, Cor. 2. Light fandy foil is not much benefited by a mixture of clay and lime; but Principles of Part I. but clay and dung enrich it to a prodigious degree, and make it capable of bearing a dry feafon, which of itfelf it can fo little (land. While all vegetation was ftopt in the foil alone, an addition of clay and dung produced one of the beft crops that I ever faw. Cor. 3. Though thefe conclufions agree in general with regard to all forts of grain, yet as different kinds were fown, I ob- ferved that oats agreed better with clay, and clay and lime, than either barley or peafe ; but that the two laft agreed better with the clay and dung than the oats. SAND, however hard it is, feems to be moftly compofed of a mucilaginous, oily fubftance; as appears by the following trial. Exp. 9. February 9. I put ten gr. of pure fea-fand, pounded in a mortar, into a phial with one drachm of oil of vitriol ; the fame quantity Sedl. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 29 quantity of fand with the fame quantity of fpirit of nitre, in another glafs ; the fame with fpirit of fea-falt, in a third. March 28. the acids appeared turbid. I mixed with each fome water, that I might get the fand eafier away by itfelf, and that the particles mixed with the acids might be more eaiily feparated. The fand in the firft glafs weigh- ed 7 gr. 5 and that in the fecond and third, 64: gr- That I might precipitate from the liquors whatever was diffolved by the acids, I mixed with each as much pearl ames as was necelTary to faturate the acids. After the efFervefcence was over, there was a brownifh oozy powder at the bottom of the ol. vitriol, and an oily fubflance at the bot- tom of the other two, which was quite dif- tincl: from the water. What was precipi- tated from the fpirit of nitre, was yellow ; from the fpirit of fait, was white. The for- mer, when feparated from the water, defla- grated with melted nitre, which mowed it to be of an oily nature ; but the latter did not. 30 ¥he Principles of Part I* not. I muft obferve here, that the fine powder of flint has a fenfible deflagration with melted nitre. As lime is a powerful diflblvent, eipe- cially of oily bodies, I imagined that lime might have fome fuch effect on fand, dif- folve it into a mucilage in the earth, and in this way fand might be converted into a fit nourimment for vegetables. This per- haps might be, I thought, the reafon why lime and fand took fo firm a bond toge- ther, when lime alone does not adhere. This appeared to me yet ftronger, when I confidered, that any mucilaginou's or oily fubftance, fuch as whites of eggs, train-oil, &c. when mixed with quick-lime, make it take bond. I therefore tried the following experiment. Exp. 10. I took a certain number of fmall pieces of flint, which is allowed to be of the fame nature with land, weigh- ing i dr. 52ir gr. and added a quantity of lime Sect. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 3 1 lime and water to them. They lay amongft the lime from the 9th of February to the 23d of March. When taken out, and dried, they weighed the fame as when put in. Exf. 1 1. That I might fee what effect the mucilage extracted from fand by the acids, would have on quick lime, I added a very fmall quantity of the mucilage from both acids to quick-lime, and baked them together into a pafte. Some of the fame, lime was made into a pafte with water alone. After they had lain for four weeks, and were entirely dry, neither of them had taken bond. THESE experiments would feem to be in oppofition to the former theory. The queftion, however, is of fuch ufe, efpecially with regard to building, that it deferves to be further confidered. SECT, 32 "The Principles of Part I. SECT. VI. Of the chalky foil. I SHALL fay little about this foil, becaufe, as it is to be found only in few counties in England, I have not yet met with it; and I (hall relate nothing on the faith of thofe who reafon without the afliftance of experiment. CHALK is an abforber of acids, and has no oleaginous particles in its compo- fition, but is a powerful attracter of them. Hence the proper manure for this foil muft be thofe bodies which contain moft oil, as hair, rags, &c. It feems to have but a very weak attraction to water ; and, there- fore, will be generally too dry. This foil is obferved by farmers to cake after heavy rains. SECT. Seel. VII. Agriculture and Vegetation. 33 SECT. VII. Of till. FARMERS call thofe foils til/, which have a reddifh, gray, or yellowifli co- lour, are poor, will bear nothing, nor can be fertilized fo eafily or fpeedily as the for- mer foils. Sometimes they render all at- tempts fruitlefs. This icil muft, therefore, not only contain no vegetable food, but it muft often contain a vegetable poifon; elfe it would always become fruitful by the ap- plication of comports. What this poifon is, muft be the lubjecl of our prefent inquiry ; for unlefs we know it, we cannot know whether there is a remedy for it or not. THE following experiments were per- formed on iome of this unfruitful earth mown me by an experienced farmer. Exp. 12. It efFervefced vifibly with vine- gar and oil of vitriol diluted with water, D but 34 *the Principles of Part L but had a peculiar irony tafte, and turned black with galls, Exp. 13. Some of this earth calcined in a ftrong fire for two hours, was almoft all attracted by the magnet. Exp. 14. It did not deflagrate with melt- ed nitre. Exp. 15. Four ounces of brown till well dried, being diftilled, in fix hours gave two drams of a phlegm, which {hewed no acid or alkaline nature. FROM thefe experiments it appears, that this fpecies of till contained neither falts nor oils, but was a competition of earth and iron. The poifonous quality of this foil muft then have depended on the latter bo- dy, which we may obferve by the firit ex- periment is diflblvable in all acids, and in that ftate may enter the veflels of plants. We fhall afterwards fee that it will meet with Se but they ought not therefore to be called marl. Surely bodies which do, and bodies which do not effervefce with acids, are very dif- ferent in their nature, and ought to have different names. As the name of marl, then, is generally, fo let it be only applied to the former clafs. The latter mould have fuch names as will diftinguifh them from the former. This mews what con- fufion there is in the terms of agriculture, and how much they ftand in need of being defined. Exp. 22. Another quality belonging to marl, by which it is diflinguilhed from clay, is, that it cannot be converted to brick. It is indeed very much altered by a ftrong heat; it lofes its antacid quality while it remains unpowdered ; and is no longer difiblvable in water, as it was be- fore: Seft. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 53 fore : but {till it is very different from a half-vitrified fubftance ; and I much quef- tion, whether or not it can, without any addition, be turned into glafs. This is a ftrong proof, that it contains no falts, acid, alkaline, or neutral ; for thefe are capable of vitrifying lime when added to it. Exp. 23. I could not get any fait from thefe marls, either by fimple lixiviation, or diftillation, though I urged them with the ftrongeft fire. The fire feparated nothing but a little water, which appeared to be gently alkalefcent j owing perhaps to fome of the finer marly particles, which were carried up by the water. No oil appeared in the diftillation. When the powder of marl was thrown on fufed nitre, it fparkled a very little. This, and the fulphureous fmell arifing when it was diffolved by the oil of vitriol, would incline me to think, that it has a fmall proportion of an oleagi- nous matter in its compofition. 4 £3 BUT 54 - TZtf Principles of Part II. BUT though perhaps it contains none, yet it ftrongly attracts all oils. This is a quality which the chymifh know belongs to all abforbent earths ; thefe they make ufe of to feparate oils from other bodies. Hence it will attract and fix the oils which it meets with in the ground, which fall with the fnow and rain ; and even thofe which, floating in the air, touch its furface. To inquire a little further into its na- ture, and feparate its antacid parts from the others, that we might difcover both ; Exp. 24. I took half an ounce of ftone marl in powder, and faturated it widrfpirit of nitre, by adding the acid in fmall quan- tities for five days j the faline liquor was filtred through brown paper. There re- mained in the paper three drachms of a bluifh adheiive earth, which, on trial, ap- peared to be a fine clay. To recover the other part from the faline liquor, I added oL tart. p. del. till no more lactifcency ap- peared -3 Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 55 peared j a white fubftance fell to the bot- tom, and was feparated from the liquor by filtration. This powder being wafhed with water, that all the falls might be feparated from it, and calcined in a ftrong kitchen-fire for five hours, gave me a quick lime, which afforded good lime-water. FROM the fame quantity of clay marl, treated the fame way, I got three drachms and twenty-eight grains of clay, and thirty- two grains of a calcarious earth. FROM the fame quantity of clay marl, faturated with vinegar, and treated the fame way, I got two drachms and fifty-nine grains of clay ; and the remainder was a calcarious earth, which, being burnt, afford- ed good lime-water. THE fame quantity of a different clay marl, treated the fame way, afforded two drachms and fifty-four grains of clay, and one drachm fix grains of a calcarious earth. E 4 THE 56 Tloe Principles of Part II. i THE fame quantity of ftone marl, treat- ed the fame way, afforded juft the fame proportion of clay and calcarious earth. MARL, then, is a body compofed of lime and clay in different proportions, according to the different kinds of marl, and generally about one fourth of lime and three fourths of .clay. FROM this experiment we may eaiily account why marl falls in water, as lime ftrongly attracts water -, and why it lofes this property when burnt, as clay becomes more tenacious by fire ; why it cannot be converted to brick, as the lime hinders that clofe adhefion of the particles of clay which is neceiTary to conftitute brick ; why it will not vitrify, as lime is an enemy to all vitrifi- cation j and why it mews a fmall portion of oleaginous matter, as clay contains fome oil. By mixing quick or rather effete lime with clay, or a clay foil, we imitate, in fome Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 57 fome meafure, this production of nature, but fall vaftly fhort of her in the equality of the mixture, and perhaps to in the fub- tility of the particles. THERE is a body very ilmilar to marl in its appearance, but very different from it in its effects, and often found in the fame bed with the beft marl. It is of a darkim lead colour. Inftead of fertilizing ground, it renders the beft foils incapable of bearing any kind of vegetables for many years. I have feen the fpots on which it was laid entirely barren three years after. I have heard of its effects continuing in other places for a much longer time j nor is it certainly known when its bad effects' will end. A body fo very deftru&ive to agriculture, de- ferves to be well charadterifed, in order to be munned ; and well examined, that we may know whence proceeds this noxious quality, and how to cure it when it has taken place. THOSE $S The Principles of Part II. THOSE who have been much ufed to marl, have already difcovered a difference betwixt it and this body. The former, they obferve, takes a fmooth polifh from the inftruments with which it is wrought, but the latter does not. As this quality alone is fcarcely fufficient to diftinguim thefe two bodies from one another, let us apply to experiment for more. Exp. 25. If a piece of ijt is taken up which has not been much expofed to the influence of the air, it differs very much in tafte from marl. Inftead of the fmooth unctuous tafte of the latter, it is acid, and remarkably aftringent. IT agrees with marl in falling down into a powder in water ; but then it differs re- markably from it, in raifing no affervefcence with acids, nor in the leaft deftroying their acidity. IT Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 59 IT turns the fyrup of violets red j which (hows, that it contains an acid : whereas marl, like all abfbrbent earths, gives it a green colour. THESE qualities are fufficient to teach the farmer how to diflinguifh this poifon- ous body from marl, and how to fhun it. Let us now try if we can difcover on what principles this poifonous quality depends ; for if we can inveftigate its nature, we may perhaps find out a cure for it. Befides, all purfuits of this kind lead us directly to the true fyftem of vegetation. The vegetable is like the animal body, whofe nature is afcertained as well by what does it harm, as by what does it good. FROM my experiments in die fedtion on till, I imagined that its poifonous quality might depend on its containing fome fait of iteel. I, therefore, directed moft of my trials on this body with that view. Exp, 60 'The Principles of Part II. Exp. 26. Some of it was infufed in warm water. The water had a greenim colour, tafled gently acid, and very aftringent. It gave the fyrup of violets a pale-red colour. OL tart. p. d. dropt into it made no (enfible erfervefcence, but feparated fome air-bubbles, difcoloured it, and precipitated a pale-red powder from it. Some of this powder was put into a .crucible, and kept in the fire for half an hour. I could recover but little of it again, and that not quite free from the fubftance of the crucible j yet the magnet attracted fome of its particles, and fhewed that it contained iron. The liquor evapo- rated gave me a tartarus vitriolatus. THE pure infufion did not alter its co- lour much on an admixture of galls. But this was no proof that the liquor did not contain fait of fteel : for an acid deftroys this efFecl: of the galls ; and the liquor, as we have already found, contained an acid. To deftroy the acid, I poured in ol. tart. p. d. Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 6 1 p. d. into the mixture of the infufion, and galls ; it took immediately a brownifli co- lour, and afforded a plentiful precipitation, which, in twenty-four hours, had taken a purple colour. I boiled a quantity of the earth for half an hour in water, flrained and evaporated it. A white faline fubflance remained in the proportion of 6 grains to each ounce, which tafled exactly like fait of fleel. This fait difTolved in water, turned fyrup of vio- lets green, as does fait of fleel ; and took a deep black colour with galls : Sufficient proofs of its being fait of fleel. Nor cart its white colour be any objection ; for fait of fleel reduced by trituration, evaporation, &c. to a powder, is white ; and the fait which I procured, was a powder. IT appears, then, beyond all doubt, that this fubftance confifls of an earthy body like clay, about an eightieth part of (alt of fleel, and a fmall proportion of the « vitriolic 62 TZtf Principles of Part II. vitriolic acid. From other experiments which I have made, the bad effects do not feem to arife from the vitriolic acid ; elpe- cially as the acid here appears to be very volatile. But we have already difcovered the pernicious quality of fait of fleel. Nor is it any wonder, that it mould exert itfelf fo powerfully here, coniidering the quan- tity of this body laid on ground inftead of marl, and the great quantity of this fait in it. The foil muft be perfectly faturated with it. BUT how mall we correct the poifonous quality, if, by miftake, this or fuch like bodies mould be ufed ? For coal produces the fame effects from the fame caufe. There feems to be no other method but that of decompoiing the fait -t fo that the fteely part may be no longer diffolvable in water. The air, by volatilizing the acid, and leaving the chalybeate particles behind, has that ef- fect, by gentle degrees, on fait of fleel, when it is diffolved in water. But, in the prefent cafe, the acid would not reach the fait, Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 63 fait, unlefs the foil were frequently turned over; and even then much of the fait would be defended by the oleaginous par- ticles of the foil. Marl appears to me to be the proper cure j for that abforbent earth, having a ftronger affinity to the acid of vitriol, than what the iron has, will unite itfelf with the acid, feparate the chalybeate particles, render them infoluble in water, and confequently unfit to enter the vefiels of plants. A conliderble mare of the good effects of marl in all grounds, may, perhaps, be owing to this fpecial effect, viz. the deftruction of a body, which, in proportion to its quantity, deftroys all vegetation. THERE is another foffil body very fimi- lar to marl in its appearance, and fome of its qualities, and may be miftaken for it. It is called by fome writers foap- rock, from its fimilitude to foap, and its being often found in rocks -, though I have known it lying on the furface in great quan- 64 Vfe Principles of Part II. quantity. As none has yet analyzed it, we fhall undertake that tafk. Exp. 27. It is fometimes of a bluifh, fometimes of a reddifh colour ; and when moifr., feels exactly like hard foap betwixt the fingers. IT falls like marl when put in water: if it is well mixed with the water, it fepa- rates into different parts from their diffe- rent fpecific gravity j at the bottom there is a layer of large grey particles -, above that are fome darker ; next thofe of a dark brown colour ; and the uppermoft is a light white powder ; a great deal of which was fufpended in the water for 20 hours. IT effervefces with none of the acids. In this it differs from marl. Exp. 28. Some of it was lixiviated in water 5 which being evaporated, gave a very little fea fait. Exp. Sect. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 65 SOME of it was calcined for four hours in a flrong kitchen fire. The bluifh remained of the fame colour 5 but the red turned lighter in its colour. The firft contained a few particles, which were attracted by the magnet j the laft almoft none. It fell as foon as the unburnt in water, and with the fame appearances. I dim' lied four ounces of it in a flrong heat for eight hours, and it gave me only one ounce of pure water. IT did not detonate with nitre in fuiion, but fome few fparks appeared, which mews that it contains oil. THIS oil I extracted, by boiling four ounces of it with two ounces of potames for many hours ; to this decoction I added fpirit of nitre, and got a precipitation of a red heavy oil, which detonated with nitre in fufion. F I took 66 The Principles of Part IL I TOOK, four ounces of it, and warned off the light earthy parts by mixing water often with it ; in this way I got ten drachms of a whitifh powder, which appeared to be clay. The remainder was compofed of two parts, a fine grey powder, which ap- peared to be fand; and fome large parti- cles, white and green. Thefe did not ef- - fervefce with acids, nor yielded a tindure of fpirit of wine ; but felt foft and undtuous in the mouth, and when boiled with fbap- afhes, and fpirit of nitre added to the lixive, afforded a heavy oil. This mews them to be of an oily nature. SOAP-ROCK appears from thefe experi- ments to contain near a third of clay, a much greater proportion of fand, and a body of an oily heavy nature. THAT I might go a little further, and difcover its effects in vegetation, and with what foils it would agree beft, the follow- ing Sed. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 67 ing experiment was tried, though late in the year. Exp. 29. A pot was filled with the pooreft earth that I could find 5 this I (hall call N° i. N° 2. fame earth with a third of foap-rock. N° 3. very ftrong clay with a third of fand. N° 4. the fame clay with a third of foap-rock. N° 5. foap-rock alone. In thefe pots I fowed barley. THE plants feemed to grow beil at firfl in N° 2 : but afterwards N° 4. produced the moft. In N° 5. the plants were longer of appearing, and feemed more fickly than the others. SECT. IV. Ofunburnt calcarlous bodies , and quick-lime. CHALK is reckoned, by the generality of writers, a good manure for all wet clay grounds j for it makes the earth loofe F 2 and 68 *fhe Principles of Part IL and hollow; keeps it dry; and, as the farmers exprefs it, fweetens the foil. The foft un&uous kind is thought the befL Farmers think that it exhaufts the foil very much; and therefore they generally advife dung to be laid on along with it. Lime-ftone gravel is much ufed in Ireland as a manure. THESE calcarious bodies are not difTol- vable in any way but by acids. With thefc a great efFervefcence Jiappens, a folution of the calcarious body is made, and a neu- tral fait is formed from that conjunction. This neutral fait is always foluble in water,, unlefs where the acid of vitriol is ufed. THESE calcarious ftones, when burnt in a ftrong fire, turn to quick-lime, a body much ufed in farming. It attrads acids much more than it did before, and is now in a fmall degree foluble in water, without their afiiftance. It is not, however, on thefe foluble parts that its frudifying power depends ; Sect. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 69 depends ; becaufe it has no fenfible effect, except in killing vermin the firft year, when thefe parts are moft foluble in water. Lime is probably effete, and no longer foluble, when it begins to aft on the ground, and affift vegetation. The lime of old houfes, which is quite effete, is reckoned better than frefh quick-lime. THERE is a very great attraction betwixt quick-lime and all oily bodies j it unites intimately with expreffed oils. With this intention it is ufed in the manufacture of foap, to help the junction of the alkaline falts and oils. It mutt, therefore, attract the oils powerfully from the air and earth, dif- folve them, and render them mifcible with water: it muft, from this reafbn, loon ex- hauft the foil of all its oleaginous particles, if the farmer does not take care to fupply them by dung or animal fubflances. Farm- ers have by experience difcovered it to be a great impoveriflier of lands, but they did not know how it acted. Its operation is, F 3 to 70 17je Principles of Part II. to exhaufl the earth of its oils, Lime laid on ground wore out by continual crops, rather hurts it than improves it ; becaufe it does not meet with oil or oleaginous bodies to aft upon, and blunt it. The proper cure for this is, to mix dung with the lime, fo that it may have fomething to aft on. LIME is a great difiblver of all bodies, both vegetable and animal, but particularly the latter. We know how foon it difiblves hair and woollen rags into a pulpy fub- ftance. This effect is fo flrong, that, in the common method of fpeaking, it is faid to burn them. In this way it certainly ope- rates in the earth, by dilTolving all animal and dry vegetable fubftances, and converting them to the nourimment of vegetables, at leaft fooner than otherwife they would be. LIME powerfully refifts putrefaction, as is difcovered by many experiments. It does not appear, therefore, very judicious, to mix quick- Sect. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 71 quick-lime with dunghills, which are not yet fufficiently putrefied, as it muft flop that procefs. When once that procefs is finifhed, many good effects may arife from their junction, and particularly that of hin- dering the oils to be volatilized, and of fix- ing them. 9 IT is obferved of lime, that it is conti- nually falling downwards, fo that, in a few years, the greatefl part of it is to be found lying together as deep as the plough goes. This is owing to its great fpecific gravity. IT is like wife obferved by farmers, that lime has a better effect on light foils than oa ftiff, for the firft three years, but, after that time, its operation turns much weaker. Light foils are moft pervious to the air; and as the good effects of all manures de- pend on the influence of the air, that in- fluence muft be ftronger in open foils than in thofe which are more compact : but as F 4 that *fbe Principles of Part II. that foil has the loofeft texture, the lime falls quickly through it, BESIDES; by mixing itfelf with the ole- aginous particles of the foil, and convert- ing them to the nourifhment of plants, lime becomes in this fenfe a provocative to the foil. In promoting the work of vege- tation, it will foon exhauft all the oils of the light foils, which contain them but in fmall quantity, and when they are all ex- traneous, for fand can afford none. But a clay foil, containing in itfelf a confide- rable quantity of oil, and that not fo eafily foluble, is not foon exhaufted. An addi- tion of an animal or putrefied vegetable fubftance to thefe light foils, would remedy this defect. SECT. Sect. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. y 3 SECT. V. :. Of vegetables in an intire and in a corrupted Jlate^ and of dunghills. WE come next to treat of thofe ma- nures which are drawn from the vegetable kingdom. All vegetables, unlefs fome noxious ones, nourifh plants. Malt- duft is reckoned a good manure. Bark of trees, and faw-duft, are recommended by fome writers. We learn from Columella that the ancients laid the lees of their olive oil on the ground, and found it of great benefit. And, indeed, it is not to be won- dered at, that the juices of vegetables al- ready concocted, mould prove a nourimment to other vegetables. But it requires much time, before thefe can be reduced to Ib fmall parts, and fo duTolved, as to be ca- pable of entering the minute veflels of plants. This is moil expeditioufly and moil effec- tually performed by the means of corrup- tion. Hence we may fee the reafon, why the ctke Principles of Part II, the bun or woody part of flax has no good efTed: on ground, as the juices are already extracted, by the previous putrefaction which the flax has undergone in the procefs of fteeping, and little now remains but mere earth, THE different fpecies of fea-weed, efpe- cially the kelp, are found very ferviceable to land. Thefe weeds are of a foft pulpy texture, and eafily diflblve. Befides, there are no plants which contain fo much fait, and fo much oil, in proportion to their earthy parts. The falts are in fuch quan- tity, that the kelp, though very dry, will not burn ; as all falts, nitre excepted, are enemies to fire. The oils are difcovered to be in great plenty, becaufe this plant, not- withftanding thefe falts, putrefies very foon. The afhes of this plant * confifl of about equal parts of alkaline fait, fea-falt, an oily fubftance, and an earth. * Vid. Experiments on bleaching, part 3. fe£h 6. DUNG Seel. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 75 DUNG probably was the manure firft ufed by farmers, as all vegetables fponta- neoufly turn to it, and as accident mufl foon have difcovered its good effects. It is the manure at prefent moft ufed. The manner in which it is made, is, therefore, a fpeculation worthy of our attention, and may lead to fome ufeful hints in the ma- nagement of dunghills. PUTREFACTION is defined by chymifts to be an inteftine motion of a body, whereby the union, texture, colour, fmell and tafte are deftroyed. THERE is no change fo common in na- ture, as that of bodies from an entire to a corrupted flate. All vegetables, whether acid, acefcent, alkalefcent, auftere, aroma- tic, infipid, cold or hot, are liable to cor- ruption, and generally end in it. The al- kalefcent, fuch as onions, celery, &c. run immediately into corruption, without un- dergoing 76 Tfo Principles of Part II. dergoing the other two fermentations ; but the acefcent can be made fir/I to ferment into wine, and generally of themfelves un- dergo the acetous fermentation, before they fall into the putrid. Animals are conti- nually in the very confines of putrefaction ; and when death flops the circulation and admiflion of frefh juices, they fall imme- diately into it. Animals, and alkalefcent plants, as they want that acid which abounds in the acefcent plants, have a greater ten- dency to putrefaction, which every one knows is greatly retarded by acids. Next to the excrements, which are already in a ftate of high putrefaction, the blood is the moft putrefcible fluid in the whole body 3 then the urine ; and afterwards the folids. THERE are three circumftances necefTary to the procefs of putrefaction, viz. moifture, heat, and the admiffion of the external air. Moillure is necefTary to foften the fibres of plants, that they may be capable of the in- teftine motion 5 for. we fee that dry flraw Ml will '.-,:> . .-'••<> Sect. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 77 will not corrupt. Heat is likewife necef- fary, in order to excite and promote that in- ternal motion of the particles which coiifti- titutes putrefaction. As cold checks this motion, it is a great enemy to all corrup- tion. The admiffion of the external air is likewife neceflary, as no intefline motion can begin without its affiftance. Hence bodies preferved from the immediate con- tact of the external air, by being put in an exhaufted receiver, or covered over with greafe, are kept from corruption. BESIDES drinefs, cold, and want of air, there are many other things which refift corruption. But there are no fpecies of bodies which are fo much in oppolition to it as falts in general, whether alkaline, neu- tral, or acid, but particularly the laft. THE particular feat or fubject of corrup- tion, feems to be in the mucilaginous or oily particles ; for the more of thefe fat oily particles a body has, it corrupts, ceteris faribtf, and if they fufpect any hardnefs, endeavour to foften it as much as they can, by letting it ftand expofed for fome time to the heat of the fun. In this, however, they are miftaken. This expo- fition may make water harder j but can never foften water which is confiderably hard. The hardnefs of this water which I ufed, and indeed of all hard waters * which I have met with, was difcovered, by experiments, to be owing to the acid of nitre, joined to an abforbent earthy bafe. The bafe in this water was a calcarious earth $ in moft hard waters it is only an abforbent. Cor. 4. Oil of olives, in the proportion * Vid, Experiments on bleaching, fe&. on hard waters. Of Sect. I. Agriculture and Vegetation. 105 of i oz. to 3lb. of earth, appeared to have very good effects at firftj but thefe afterwards declined. The ears were good, though not many. Was the oil in too great quantity? Was it not fufficiently attenuated by the falts in the earth; and, by that means, did it not block up the mouths of the radical veflels ? Had it not fufficient time to incorporate with the earth ? Thefe are queftions which I cannot refolve. Cor. 5. It appears, that faltpetre, in the proportion of i oz, to 6 Ib. of earth, rather retarded than promoted vegetation. This indeed furprifed me, as I generally believed nitre to be of a very fruitful nature ; nay, the very caufe of fertility. It does not feem to have been employed in too great quantity neither. Its great reputation for fertility would make one cautious in doubting that efFecl:, without a fufficient number of experiments to fupport that opinion. Cor. io6 £ 'm a " Turkifh town on the frontiers of Perjia^ " that they carefully lay up in heaps the " dirt of the great roads, which are fre- poured water on it, and filtered that water through brown paper. This liquor, when boiled up, was yellow, and tafted faline. The fait ap- peared plainly to be nitrous ; as brown paper, dipt in this liquor, and dried, burnt like a match. On an addition of ol. tart. p. d. the liquor turned milky, and let fall a white powder ; which mows the fait to be of the fame nature with that of hard water. At firft, I could get no fait by cryftallifation, as the liquor was very unctuous, and in fmall quantity* But on treating it in the fame manner as the manufacturers do the materials of nitre, viz, adding fome quick- lime to feparate the oil from the falts, and allowing it to (land fome days, I got from it a true faltpetrc. This experiment mows the faline part of the vegetable food to the eye. Sed. II. Agriculture and Vegetation. 153 FROM what has been faid we may learn, Cor. i. That as hot weather hurts the formation of nitre, by exhaling it, and as the winter and fpring is the time in which it is moftly generated, all dung fhould be laid out in thofe feafons. Cor. 2. As thefe manures become fer- tile by the action of the air, the longer they are expofed on the furface of the earth, fo much the fafter will they be converted to the nitrous fait. Farmers are now con- vinced of this from experience : but fuch bodies as contain a nutritive juice already formed, as woollen rags, hair, horn-ihav- ings, leather, faw-duft ; or thofe which already exifl in the form of a neutral fait, fuch as fea-falt, cannot be benefited by the influence of the air. Experience has like- wife confirmed this obfervation. Thefe are ftrong proofs of the juftnefs of the pre- ceding reafoning. Cor. The Principles of Part III, Cor. 3. As the north wind is obferved to bring moft of the nitrous acid, it would feem to follow, that banks which have a north afpect mould receive moft of it. It is obferved, that they are, in general, richer than thofe of a fouthern afpeft. As the former have not fo much fun as the latter, they mould be lefs fruitful : but our theory of vegetation affords a fufficient reafon for this fadt. Cor. 4. It appears, from the manufacture of nitre, that all thofe abforbent meagre earths ufed in agriculture, will be rendered more capable of anfwering their purpofe, by an addition of fome putrid fubftance, vegetable or animal, to open their texture, and make them more pervious to the in- fluence of the air. Hence the advantage of mixing animal or putrefied vegetable fubftances with chalk, marl, lime, or the afhes of vegetables. Cor. Setf. II. Agriculture and Vegetation. \ 5 5 Cor. 5. As the procefs for preparing ve- getable food is the fame with that for making nitre, farmers mould imitate the manufacturers of nitre, and the nearer they approach to the methods found moil: con- venient to increafe the proflucT: of nitre, the more will they multiply the vegetable ali- ment. In France all old walls and houfes belong to the King, and are made ufe of for the extraction of faltpetre. The King of Pritjjia> by a regulation of confummate policy, has eafed his fubjedts of this bur- then, fhortened the procefs, and increafed the quantity of faltpetre. He has ordered walls of certain dimenfions to be built near every village ; they are compofed of the earth of granaries, ftables, or cellars, mixed with other fat earth. They are built to ftand fome years, till they are fuf- ficiently impregnated with faltpetre. It is obferved by Dr. Pietfch in his Penfesfur k generation de nitre, that the people employ- ed in thefe works, are yet very ignorant, that 156 the Principles of Part III. that they might meet with much fat earth below the furface, very fit for their pur- pofe, and that there mould always be a proportion of abforbent or calcarious earth in thefe walls. He fays, that there is al- ways leaft nitre on the fouth fide of the wall. He orders, that all vegetables mould be pulled from the walls, as they confume the nitre j that no cattle mould be allowed to come near them, as they are fond of it -, and that they mould be covered with ftraw, to hinder the rains from warning off the nitre : what ought then to hinder our farmers from making fuch walls of fat earth, dung, efpecially that of pigeons, ftraw, which will take a time before it rots, and a fmall proportion of lime, marl, or fhells ? Moft of thefe materials will be found every where. In two years they would become a very rich manure. They would operate inftantly j whereas, it takes two years before many of our manures have a fenfible effecl: on the foil. Although heavy rains warn off the nitre, yet a gentle moifture Se6t.II. Agriculture and Vegetation. 157 moifture of the materials is of ufe, as it is neceflary to the attraction of all falts. It has been obferved, that the fbuthern fide of thefe walls has lefs nitre. To remedy thefe defects, I would propofe, that the wall fhould be (hadowed on the fouth by a hedge, which will keep off the rays of the fun, hinder it from turning too dry, and allow the air a free paflage. The putrefac- tion, which goes on in fuch a fituation, will be of great advantage to the procefs. PART 1 158 ] PART IV. SECT. I. Of opening and pufoerifmg the foil. IT is not only the bufinefs of the farmer to provide food for plants, but to take care that they are able to reach that food. It is of no ufe if the roots cannot pierce the ground, to get at it. Hence the ne- ceffity of opening or pulverifing the foil. Plants are fed moftly by their roots ; nor do they begin to grow, until thefe roots are fo numerous as to nourHh both themfelves and the ftem. The wider thefe roots are fpread, the more nourimment will the plant receive, the ftronger will it be, the larger will it grow, and the better will it anfwer the defign of nature. BUT this is not the only view with which we fhould favour the growth of the root, Se&. I. Agriculture And Vegetation. 159 root. That part feems to be the great caufe of fecundity; for it not only nouriihes the plant, but fends up many moots and plants itfelf. A fmall piece of the root of many different plants will breed a plant. Many ftalks arife from the roots of all the different grains, long after the grain itfelf is corrupted. Hence, the more roots the more chance of plants : but the quantity of roots feems to depend, in a great meafnre, on the opennefs of the foil. THE foil may indeed be too loofe; for it muft have a certain confiftency and cc- hefion to fupport plants. The gravelly foil is the worfe of being often ploughed. It is obferved, that a light foil, when much dunged, produces a worfe crop of peafe than when not dunged. But too great loofenefs is a rare fault, and is fooner re- medied. Too great ftiffnefs of the foil is what the farmer has moft frequently to ftruggle with. LET j6o ¥ke Principles of Part IV. LET us, then, examine the methods by which it is kept loofe. Thefe may be di- vided into natural and artificial. S *E C T. II. Effetfs of the atmofpbere. THE alternate viciflitudes of the air, are the chief means that nature makes ufe of to attain this end. Heat and cold, moifture and drought, contract and dilate it by turns j and, by thefe alternate motions, (hake the particles afunder. But there are no means fo efficacious as froft and thaw. Every one muft have obferved, how loofe the foil is after a froft. Many vegetables are at this time ejected out of the earth altogether. FROST feems to act in different ways. ift, By changing into an elaftic ftate much of the fixed air, which muft fhake and open the ground, to gain, an exit. 2dly, By Hi. Agriculture and Vegetation* 1 6 1 By the dilatation of the water, as it freezes In the earth, the adhering particles mufl be feparated. 3dly, The particles of water (hooting out in the manner of falts, muft cut and divide the foil. Cor. That the ground may receive, in the ftrongeft manner, the good effects of froft, it would appear reafonable, that it mould get one ploughing before the froft comes on. One furrow at this time will attenuate it more than two afterwards. Re- gard muft always be had to the climate; for where much rain falls in the winter, this practice would prove pernicious, by expofing the foil to be warned away. SECT. III. Change of fpecles. THERE are fome plants defigned by the author of nature to fix the foil j there are others defigned to open it. One M great i6a We Principles of Part IV. great divifion of plants is into the fibrous and carrot rooted. The fibrous-rooted di- vide directly into fmall fibres, which run in all directions, but moftly horizontally; the carrot-rooted fend one great item di- rectly down, which has lateral fibres. The former, in which clafs are reckoned all the white grains, rye-grafs, &c. confolidate the ground ; while the latter, in which clafs are reckoned the liguminous plants, carrots, turnips, clover, &c. attenuate and loofen the foil exceedingly. The clover is often ejected altogether out of the ground after a froft. THIS effect muft depend on the nature of the roots. The fibrous roots muft bind the foil together like fo many threads, while the carrot root defcends like a wedge, and by its mere mechanical force cuts the earth; perhaps the latter may operate, likewife, by feparating more moiflure from Jt$ root to keep the earth loofe. Some plants appear to have this quality. A fprig Sed. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 163 fprig of mint, which has fome roots in water, and fome in earth, will, according to 7#//'s experiment, moiften the earth from its roots. The liguminous plants, by covering the foil, keep it moift, hinder the fun to confblidate it, and deftroy the weeds which help fo much to bind it. Hence the reafon why a change of fpecies meliorates the foil fo much. When the ground is often fowed with white grain, it turns ftiff. A crop of peafe, beans, or clover, pulve- rizes it again. FA R M E R s have difcovered, by expe- rience, that all the fibrous-rooted plants impoverish the ground, and do not thrive when they fucceed one another ; while the carrot-rooted enrich the foil, and may fol- low one another with fuccefs. The latter, by opening the ground, make the influ- ence of the air on it reach deeper, and con- fequently help to produce more of the ve- getable food ; while the former, by conib- lidating the ground, fhut out in a great •'". M 2 mea- 1 64 The Principles of Part IV. meafure, the influence of the air, and make the ground lefs fertile. It is remarked, that not only a change of fpecies, but alfo a change of grain, is necef- lary : for the fame grain fown in the fame ground is obferved to degenerate. This de- pends on another caufe. It feldom happens, I believe, that the vegetable food is of a due mixture and confiftency. As foils are ge- nerally either too wet or too dry, too light or too ftiff; fo muft the vegetable food be either too thin and watry, or too thick and gluy. The vegetable muft at laft be hurt from a conftant fuccemon of one fort of food, and can only be recovered by a foil poflefTed of oppolite qualities » SECT. Sect. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 165 SECT. IV. Of ploughing* PLOUGHING is the artificial method of pulverizing moft known and moil practifed. It ads in two ways ; by an im- mediate mechanical divifion and trituration of the foil, and by a more frequent and extenfive expofition of it to the influence and viciffitudes of the atmofphere. I believe the latter operation is the principal one j for fo grofs an inftrument would feem very unfit to prepare the earth to enter the capillary veiTels of plants. Its effects, however, are very remarkable. They are beautifully and ftrongly illustrated by the ftory related by Pliny of Cairn Fiirius Crc- fmus. That farmer, having better crops than his neighbours, fell under the fufpi- cion of witchcraft, was accufed before the people, and faw himfelf ready to be con- demned to death. When the tribes were M 3 going 1 66 The Principles of Part IV. going to vote, he at once produced his ruftic inftruments, of a greater fize than common, larger oxen, and heavier ploughs ; and added thefe remarkable words: Vene- faiamea,Qu£zrites>h(Zcfunt; nee pojum rcobls oftendere, aut in forum adducerey lucubra- tions meas3 vigilias^ et fudores. He was unanimoufiy abfolved. THE good effects of ploughing depend entirely on the drinefs of the ground: for if it is wet, the ground is confolidated in- ftead of being opened 3 and remains in that ufelefs ftate till the next winter's froft loofens it again. None but dry bodies can be re- duced to a powder. THE farmer mufl open the ground as deep as the roots of his corn penetrate, that they may find an eafy paffage : and yet he muft take care not to go below the foil in ploughing, elfe he will bury what has been benefited by the air, and expofe to the air what perhaps cannot. Hence the plough mufl Seft. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 167 muft be proportioned to the depth of good foil, IT feems flrange, that there is not a more certain way of fixing the depth of the plough, and preferving it in that precife fituation which the foil requires, than the attention of the ploughman. That muft be often fufpended by external objects and fatigue ; and then the cattle and foil fuffer. Does not the wheel-plough remove this objection ? THE ftiffer the foil, the oftner mould it be ploughed. Clay cannot be ploughed too often i lighter foils perhaps may. It is allowed by many farmers, that the gravelly foil may be hurt by too frequent ploughing. As this operation depends on the prin- ciples of mechanics, and not on thofe of chymiftry, I mail leave it almoft untouched to the confideration of fome other perfon. It is a fubject worthy of attention j and al- M 4 though 1 68 Vie Principles of Part IV. though well enough underftood, perhaps, for common practice, yet has it not been reduced to that mathematical exaclnefs which all mechanical agents are capable of. I wifh that fome practical farmer, fkilled in mechanics, would lay down the principles on which ploughs ought to be conftru&ed, and ploughing conducted. He would merit much from the community. SECT. V. Of compofts. THERE is another method which art ufes to keep the foil loofe ; and that is, by the admixture of putrid and fer- menting bodies. We have feen that thefe bodies have a ftrong intefline motion before they are laid on the ground : they continue that afterwards, though in a fmaller degree. The fat foil of church-yards fwells fo much when expofed to the air, by its fermenta- tive power, that it will not go altogether into Sect. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 169 into the fame hole out of which it was dug. Clay, which has fo few putrefcent particles, is the moft adhefive foil of any. We have feen already how much (hells, when they begin to putrefy, open the foil. BUT there are other comports, though not of the putrefiable fort, which have this attenuating power in a flrong degree. In this clafs are all the marls, but efpecially the fofteft, fuch as the clay marl. We have found how readily they lofe all ad- hefion in water, and fall down into a powder. The fame power they commu- nicate to other earth, even to the moft ad- hefive. The following experiment is a proof of this. Exp. 38. Take equal parts of marl and clay, mix them well together, and dry them -, when this compounded fubftance is put into water, it falls by degrees to the bottom of the glafs in the fhape of a powder, while a ball of pure clay remains quite 1 jo The Principles of Part IV. quite undiflblved in water. This ihovvs the ftrong attenuating power which marl has, and which no other body can come up to. It is obferved, that all clay grounds, after they are marled, dry fourteen days fooner than what they did before. This is owing to the foil being more loofe, by which means the water pervades it more eafily. I KNOW that this opinion contradicts the common "one, that marl is not fit for clay grounds. From whence the latter has taken its rife, I know not, if it is not that bodies of fuch a limilar appearance cannot be allowed to benefit one another. But the experience of many counties where marl is ufed, and where the foil is generally a deep clay, contradicts this vulgar opinion. The following experiment puts it beyond all doubt. Exp. 39. 1 filled a pot with clay of the fame kind I had ufed in the former experi- ments, Sedt.V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 171 ments, which had been expofed to the air for four months, and feemed to have no mixture of any other earth with it, as it made good brick, with the addition of fand; and had been taken up feven or eight feet below the furface. This pot I mall call N° i. Pot N° 2. was filled with equal parts of clay and marl j N° 3. with equal parts of clay and foured lime 5 N° 4. with equal parts of clay and fea-fand well warned j N° 5. with equal parts of clay and dung. Thefe different compofitions were turned daily. On the 2 6th of April fix grains of barley were fown in each. May 14. N° 2. had two plants, above ground ; N° 3 . had four. May 17. N° 2. had fix ; N° 3. had feven, two of which were from one grain 3 N° 4. and 5. had one each. May 21. N° i. had five, of which two were an inch and a half high -, N° 2. had fix j 72 *rbe Principles .of Part IV. fix two inches high ; N° 3. were about the fame height 3 N° 4. had two, one of which was one inch high j N° 5. had three, each two inches high. June 4. N° 2. talleft and greeneft ; N° 3. very near it; N° i. and 5. of an equal height, but the latter of a very light colour , N° 4.worftofall. Aug. 20. N° i. about nine inches tall, and much withered. The roots feem not to have pierced the clay, but to have funk along the cracks. N° 2. has nine ears, and thofe of a very deep green colour. N° 3. has eight, but not of fo deep a green. N° 4. has five, and thofe much fmaller. N° 5. has nine, almoft as good as N° 2. I had no opportunity of feeing them after- wards, Cor. i . By this experiment it appears, of what great advantage it is to manure clay $ for, of itfelf, pure clay is not capable of pro- Sect. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 173 producing good plants, becaufe their roots are not able to penetrate it. Cor. 2. Sand appears, in oppofition to the common opinion, to be the worft manure of thofe ufed. It cannot indeed feparate the minute particles of the clay, which is the only ufeful feparation for the growth of vegetables. A little fand rather feems to increafe the union of the particles of clay, as appears from the manufacture of brick. Cor. 3 . Lime feems to be a good manure for clay. What I ufed had been foured for fome time. The effect which the air has on it, in changing it from quick-lime to effete lime, muft open the ground con- fiderably. Cor. 4. Dung and marl appear to be the beft manures for clay. The former has a flrong fermentation ; the latter lofes all co- hefipn when water is added. SECT. 174 ¥ke Principles of Part IV. SECT. VI. Of vegetation. IT is worth our pains to take a fhort view of what muft happen to the vege- table food in the vefiels of plants. To enter into a difcuffion of the anatomy of plants, would be foreign to the fubject. I mall take that as demonftrated by botanifts. THE nitrous fait being formed on the furface of the foil, will be warned down by the dews and rains. It will difTolve what oils it meets with in its way, and conftitute with them a faponaceous juice, containing, befides the former principles, fixed air and fixed fire. This juice will be retained in the foil ; becaufe I mowed by experiment, that fertile foil a&ed like a fpunge with refpect to water. This na- tural defcent from gravity, and the natural afcent from the heat of the earth and in- fluence Sect. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation. 175 fluence of the fun, muft keep the nutri- tious juice in a continual motion ; fo that it muft be continually applied to the roots of plants deftined for the admiffion of nou* rifhment. THE firft queflion which can raife any doubt here is, In what manner do the juices arife to the tops of plants and trees ? Mal- pighius thinks, this is owing, in a great meafure, to the air-bladders which he difco- vered in the fkucture of plants, and which he thought behoved to dilate and contract, according to the different changes of heat and cold which happen in our atmofphere. To me it does not appear, that the dilatation of fuch vefTels would force it more upwards than downwards. I mould rather imagine, that fuch a dilatation would ftop the motion altogether. THE .caufe commonly afcribed, viz. the action of capillary veflels, appears to me fufficient for that end. Hales has demon- ftrated 1 76 The Principles of Part IV* ftrated the fact to the eye, by feveral experi- ments, in which a part of a branch, being cut at both ends, and having its under part immerfed in water, a moifture was imme- diately perceived in its upper part. This effect of capillary tubes muft arife from the attraction betwixt the fubflance of which they are compofed and water. THE attraction betwixt wood and water appears to be very ftrong, by an experi- ment related by Dr. Taylor, In the Philofo- phical Tranfatfions, N° 368. He hung at a pair of fcales a piece of fir board, foak- ed it in water, weighed it, and then im- merfed it again in water. To raife this piece of wood, which had a furface of an inch fquare in contact with the water, fifty grains over and above its former weight were required. The additional weight in the different trials, he fays, was always proportional to the furface. The diftance of the under furface of the board from the furface of the ilagnating water, at Sect. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation. 177 at the time of reparation, meafured up- wards of of an inch. This additional \ weight is the real meafure of the attraction betwixt that furface of wood and water in, contact. THERE is another force that muft con- tribute to raife the fap, viz. the natural at- traction betwixt the conftituent parts of thq fluid. This muft certainly be the cafe, when the fap moves quickly, as in the vine in the bleeding feaibn. Both thefe caufes acting, and the evaporation going on con- tinually from the fuperior parts of the vef- fels, the fap rifes from the roots of the plants to the extremity of their branches. t BUT nature does not intend that this (hall be done too quickly. There are many fpiral veffels, and many cells into which the fap is depofited, and by which it muft be retarded. In thefe the fap will be much altered in its nature, by the mo- tion of the plants, by the continual mo- N tions 178 eHe Principles of Part IV; tions of the air-veflels, and perhaps by the particles of light taken in at the leaves. The juices are rendered richer by the expul- fion of the watery particles. The remaining ones are partly applied to the extremities of the veflels, which run in all directions, ho- rizontally as well as perpendicularly, and make the plant increafe in breadth and length j and partly go to the formation of leaves, flowers, fruit, &c. IT is eafily conceived how plants, by the different combinations of the five principles of which their food is compofed, and the combination of thefe in different de- grees, mud differ very much in their juices and products. If their groffer particles are to be feparated for any ufe, the fub- tiler are all carried off by lateral veflels, until none are left but what are wanted ; if the fubtiler particles are to be ufed, they are to be feparated by fmall veflels fitted to receive them, implanted in the larger, or in the cells where the juices are depo- pofited Sed. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation. 179 iited. In this way particles of any fize may be lodged in any part of the plant. Hence all that variety in the falts, oils, cmd figures of plants. Hence all that va- riety of fmells, taftes, virtues, and other qualities. How ftrong the power inherent in the veffels of plants to change and alter thofe fubflances which are taken in> appears from an experiment of Homberg. He filled two pots of earth mixed with fome falt- petre. Into one he put creffes, which is an alkalefcent plant, and affords a volatile alkaline fait, but no acid ; into the other fennel, which is an acefcent plant, and affords an acid on diftillation, and no al- kaline volatile fait. He filled two other pots with earth, which had all its falts warned out, if there were any in it. Into one he planted fennel, and into the other creffes, as in the former. The two plants in the nitred pots grew much better, and weighed much more than in the pots with- N 2 out i So 'The Principles of Part IY» out nitre. The creffes in the nitred pot, when diftilled, gave no acid felt, though fed on a fait which contained an acid. The fennel fed in the wa/hed earth gave an acid,, though there was none in the earth. This experiment mows, that the veffels of plants have a power of changing the falts taken in from the earth, into their own particular natural one, probably by combining them with different proportions of water, oil, earth, air, and the particles of light which iflue from the fun, BUT how fhall we account for die diffe- rent external forms of plants ? Shall we fly to the immediate hand of the Supreme Being ? or, as this ought to be the laft ftep in philofophy, can we find no chymical agents capable of this effect ? From many experiments, which mow the natural inhe- rent power in falts, efpecially the nitrous kind, to run into vegetations, as they are called, and to take the figure of plants, with branches, leaves, nay even an appearance of Sect. VT. Agriculture and Vegetation. of fruit, owing to the ftrong attachment fubfifting between them and water, I have often been led to think, that the vegetative power of plants, nay their particular forms of vegetation, were owing to that vegetative power inherent in their falts. In effect, we fee that vegetative power ftrongeft when moft fait enters their veffels ; that is to fay, in the fpring. THUS I have endeavoured to account for the effects of manures on the different foils, and for the rife and changes of the vege- table food in the veflels of plants, from thofe remarkable attractions and affinities which the Author of all has endued the fmaller particles of matter with, Thefe are not, as is commonly imagined, mere paffive bodies; but active, vigorous, and capable of producing thole changes by which nature is fupported. I have de- monftrated thefe affinities by experiment j I have afTumed no other principles ; I have built my whole plan on thefe; I hope, N 3 there- 1 82 "The Principles of Part IV. therefore, that its fimplicity will be a ftrong proof of its truth. BUT whence thefe elective attractions which move the whole ? Whence acquires matter the power of acting without itfelf? for that muft be the cafe, unlefs we fup- pofe an endlefs chain of material agents. Whence but from an immaterial being, who, by his order, firfl fixed thefe proper- ties to matter, and, by his immediate will, conftantly fupports them in the fame tenor ? Jt is on particles too minute for human eyes, that the omnipotent hand chufes to exert itfelf, and on their powers to erect this beauteous fyflem. Hence the origin of all motion, adhefipn, increaTe, and or- ganifed matter, BUT as all individual forms were defign^ ed to be. of finite duration, he eftablim- ed other particles with repulfive powers, and mixed the feeds of dnTolution with the firft rudiments of organical life. Sect. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation. 1 83 the veflels are pervious, and the motion of the fluids fubfifts, the attractive overba- lance the repulfive powers, and the vege- table or animal life continues. But when that motion ceafes, and other circumftances concur, the repulfive become too ftrong for the attractive powers, duTolve the compo- fjtion, and reduce the body to thole par- ticles of which it was at firfl made up. This is the great circle that Omniicience has marked out, and Omnipotence circum- fcribes itfelf to, for the greateft good of the whole. N 4 PART 1 84 tte Principles of PartV, PART V. SECT. I. Of weeds* THE laft article which we propofed to confider was, what impediments there were to vegetation, and the methods of removing them. Thefe impe- diments are fuch as either belong to the foil or to the plants. We mall treat of them according to this divifion. AMONGST the impediments of the foil, J clafs all fuch vegetables, as, being of no ufe to the farmer, are called weeds, or /«- utiles herbce. Thefe become hurtful to the growth of more valuable plants, by con- fuming part of the nourishment. I here clafs alfo thofe roots called wreck in this country, which run through the ground often in fuch plenty, that they bind the foil, £ec~h I. ' Agriculture and Vegetation. 185 foil, hinder the roots of the corn to fpread, and draw up a great deal of nourishment. Thefe are generally the roots of the quick grafs. The reft harrow has a large root, which goes very deep. THESE weeds, and the roots belonging to them, are deftroyed, I. By fummer fal- lowing. They are torn up by the plough when they begin to fhoot, their roots are expofed to the fun, they fopn wither, and are killed ; or elfe they are juried below the furface. 2. A METHOD much analogous to the former, is trenching eighteen inches deep. This buries the plants fo deep that they die ; but this can only be put in practice where the foil is good to that depth. 3. ANOTHER method of killing ufelefs plants is, to hoe them when young. That effectually roots them out. 4. No 1 86 the Principles of Part V. 4, No plants can grow without a fuffi- cient quantity of frefh air, which is as ne- ceflary to the vegetable life as to the animal. Whatever plants cover the ground clofely, deftroy all thofe which grow below. Hence a good crop of peafe kills all weeds by overshadowing them ; in fo much that the farmer aflures himfelf of a good crop of wheat if the peafe are good. If they are not, a greater quantity of weeds comes up than ufual; and he never can expedl any of the three following crops to be good, wnlefs he gives the ground a fallowing. . IT is in this way, likewife, that fog is deftroyed. The inclpfure is fhut up from the middle of May to the beginning of De~ cember, and then fed from that time to April, After that it is faved for a crop of hay. The fog being fo long covered by two fucceeding crops of grafs, is cut off from the benefit of the air, and fo di-es., 5. THERE Sett. II. Agriculture and Vegetation. \ 87 5. THERE is yet another way of deftroy- ing thefe weeds ; and that is, by marl. I have feen broom effectually killed by marl. I have feen a crop of wheat growing on a field which was partly marled and partly not. That part of the field on which marl had been laid, was free from all weeds, while the other unmarled part was full of them. The fame wheat was fowed over the whole field. I can account for this effeft of marl in no other way than this, that the grain is brought up fo fpeedily as to be able to choke and deftroy thefe weeds. SECT. II. Of a ivef foil. THERE is not a greater enemy to ve- getation than the too great moifture of the foil. It is always owing either to a ftratum of rock, or of clay, generally the latter, below the furface, which not allowing the rains to pafs through, they can Principles of Part V. can get off in no other way than by evapora- tion; a very flow method, when compared to filtration. Farmers exprefs the effects of water by faying, that it fours the ground. It is not meant by this, that the ground becomes really acid, but only that it is changed in its nature, and rendered unfit for vegetation. The natural product of this foil are, rufhes and four grafs; which lafl appears in the furrows, but feldom in the crown of the ridge; is dry and taftelefs like a chip of wood ; and feels rough, when ftroked back- wards. The natural effect of ftagnating water I take to be, its putting an entire flop to the admiffion, and confequently to the influence of the air. THIS excefs of moifture is carried of? by a proper difpofition of the furrows, accord- ing to the natural defcent of the ground, by which the water will have an eafy paf- fage to get away. It is likewife material that the furrows mould be ftraight : for the flraighter the furrow, the morter time will the Sed. III. Agriculture and Vegetation. 189 the water remain in the. ground. It would appear likewife* that the narrower the ridges were made, provided they were above the ftagnating water, the fooner would the water fall through them, to get at the furrow. The furrow mould be made with a double mouldebread plough, that both its fides may flope. Marling the ground, as I faid before, makes it drier, by opening and loofening the foil. A field manured in this way, will be fit fourteen days fooner in the Ipring for ploughing. If thefe me- thods do not fuceeed, on account of water arifing from fprings, open or hollow drains muft be made at different diftances. Open drains feems beft, if the fprings be not toq many, SECT. III. Of rains. GREAT rains are considerable impe- diments to the proper concodlion of the juices in the veffels of plants, and alter very 190 The Principles of Part V* very much the nature of thefe juices. Says a French author: Rn /' armee 1705, // tie plu prefque pas en Juin et en Jiiillet, et ks bleds etoient excellent. Mais en 1707, quoi* quil y ait eu de chaleurs extraordinaires, i I plu ft abondamment pendent les deux mots, que le bles riont rien valu, et ces font pref- tout cchaujfcs. I? is obferved, that all plants grow very faft after rains j not only the tefreftrial, but the aquatic. The latter can never be fup- pofed to want water ; fo that this effect muft proceed from fome other caufe, than the increale of nourimment by the roots. The fame effect is obferved to happen, when the fky, from being clear, grows cloudy and ftormy. Perhaps their too great perfpiration may be flopped: perhaps the moifture is fucked up by the pores of the leaves and wood : perhaps, as their nou- rimment depends on the circulation of their juices, and that circulation on the contrac- tion of the trachea or air-veffels, according to Sect. IV. Agriculture and Vegetation. 191 to MalpigbiuS, the fudden contraction fills the fmalleft and remoteft veffels with nou- rifliing juices ; and does it with Ibme force, which may lengthen the vefTels. As the veflels are more full of water, and the per- fpiration lefs than ordinary, it is no wonder that the juices are not well concocted, and the grain bad. SECT. IV. Of faulty feed. HAVING confidered the impediments to vegetation which arife from the ground, let us next take a fhort view of thofe which arife from the feed. To pro- duce ftrong plants, we muft chufe ftrong feed, Grain which has been ftarved in meagre grounds cannot thrive. OLD grain will not grow; and there- fore, farmers always chufe the laft year's .corn. It is thought that grain will not grow *rke Principles, of Part V. grow when it paffcs the age of five years : but the time cannot be precifely fixed, for that muft depend on the drinefs and oili- nefs of the feeds. All the oily feeds keep long, fome of which will lie in the earth for fifteen or twenty years. Two months after the great fire in London there ap- peared a great crop of a Ipecies of eryfi- mum> where there had been houfes for a thoufand years. Mr. Reaumur fbwed fome of the grain which had been preferved in the citadel of Metz for one hundred and thirty years; and which made very good bread. In three weeks fome of the grains were fwelled, and fome not. In fix weeks no grains were to be found. THE caufe of ilerility in old grains feems to confift in the vefiels lofing that fupple- nefs which is neceffary for their extenfion, and filling with water; and in the con- tained liquor lofing that gluinefs which is neceflary for nutrition. This appears from the brittlenefs of the grain, which becomes fo Sect* V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 193 fo by the evaporation bf the mucilaginous parts. SECT. V. Difeafes of plant s> ALL organized bodies, confining of containing veffels, and contained fluids in motion, are fubjecl: to have thofe fluids altered, and that motion vitiated. Hence the difeafes of plants. Bourne- fort has, therefore, judicioufly clafled thefe difeafes into thofe which arife, i. from too great an abundance of juice; 2. from too little j 3. from its bad qualities ; 4. from its unequal distribution ; 5. from external accidents* Too great abundance of juices muft caufe ftagnations, corruptions, too great a quantity of water-moots, varices, cariofities, &c. It feems to be in this way that too much rain operates. The fmut, which is a corruption of the grain, ought to be clafTed O here i 194 *The Principles of Part V. here; becaufe it happens moft to weak grain, and in rainy feafons. It may, like- wife, be communicated by infection, if I may fo fpeak ; and the fmut, like other con- tagious difeafes, may be transmitted from the infected to the healthful grain. The ex- periment, I was informed, has been tried. Some fmutty grain was fown along with very good feed j and the produce appeared very fmutty. Nor ought it to furprize us, that this mould happen to the juices of plants, when we find, by daily experience, that the juices of animals aflume the nature of the contagious ferment communicated to them. This difeafe is prevented, in a great meafure, by fteeping the grain in a pickle of fea-falt. This operates in two ways. It firengthens the feed, and fits it for expelling the fuperabundant watry juices -, and, by its great weight, fufpends all the faulty grain ; fo that none but the heavieft and ftrongeft fall to the bottom, and are made ufe of.: DUNG Se£t. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 195 DUNG feems to prevent other difeafes arifing from too great a quantity of moif- ture. An experiment, performed by a gentle- man of my acquaintance, will fhow this effecl: of dung in a flrong light. He fal- lowed two acres of poor ground, which had never got any manure, with a defign to fow wheat on it j but altering his fcheme after- wards, he laid feme dung on a fmall part of it, and fowed the whole, after it had got five furrows, with barley. A great quantity of rain fell. The barley, on that part which was dunged, was very good j but what was on the reft of the field turned yellow after the rains, and when ripe, was not worth the expence of reaping. This experiment {hows, that the moifture and poverty of the foil was the caufe, and that the dung was the cure of this difeafe. PLANTS and trees certainly decay for want of proper nourishment. This is the caufe why the leaves fall ofT at the approach of winter. It appears plainly from the fol- O 2 lowing 1 g6 The Principles of Part V. lowing experiment. Ingraft an almond tree on the black damafk plumb : for the firft year the almond tree thrives very well ; but after that they both decay (lowly and die. The reafon is, becaufe the former vegetates much fooner than the latter ; and, therefore, requires nourishing juice when the former has it not. While young, it is eafily fupplied ; but when it grows larger, it exhaufts the plumb, and is ftarved itfelf. If the plumb is ingrafted on the al- mond, the juice rifes in the latter, when the former is not fitted to receive it, and it dies of repletion. DU HA MEL, in Mem. acad. des fciences for the year 1728, mentions a difeafe, called le morf, which attacks the faffron in the fpring ; and is owing to a plant of the fpecies of trefoils, that has no ftem, fixing fome violet-coloured threads, which are its roots, to the roots of the faf- fron, and fucking out its juice. This difeafe is prevented by digging a trench, which faves Se6t. V. Agriculture and Vegetation. 1 97 laves all the unaffected. All difeafes from defeat of nourishment, are cured by the ap- plication of manures. THE juices may be, likewife, faulty from their bad quality. When the turpentine juices of the pine and fir turn too thick, the tree is fuffocated. Sugar canes, it is faid, do not thrive fo well in rich new foil, be- caufe it affords too oily a juice, which is not fo good for fugar : if they are cut when fix months old, the leaves burnt, and the ames laid round them, they afford better fugar. The alkaline fait, from the ames of the leaves, attenuates the oils, and makes a better faccharine juice. Plants or feeds tranfported from warmer countries to cold, decay gra- dually, becaufe the juices are not fufficiently attenuated for want of heat. THE unequal diftribution of the juices fcems to be another caufe of vegetable dif- eafes. In corn, the juice fometimes runs too much to the leaves ; cutting or eating O 3 the i 98 The Principles of Part V. the corn is a remedy for this, as it fends the juice to the ftalk. EXTERNAL accidents, fuch as froft, hail, flies and their eggs, vermin, Gfc. give rife to many difeafes. There is a fmall white hard worm very common in new ground, which deftroys plants by eating their roots. Thefe worms are killed by quick-lime or Jime-water. THE mildew is to be ranked here, as it feems to be owing to a gluy faccharine matter falling with a fummer fhower, and blocking up the perfpiration of the plant. This matter may be felt and tafted on the furface of the leaves. That it operates in this way, appears from the following fact. There is in the Brian^on, a fpecies of nut- tree, which has all its leaves covered with a faccharine fubflance, arifing from the per- fpiration of the juices of the plant. If it is in very great quantity, the trees often die, AMONGST Se&.V, Agriculture and Vegetation. 199 AMONGST the clafs of external accidents we may place the ef&dts which arife from the contiguity of certain plants. There are fome plants which do not thrive in the neighbourhood of others. This is obferved of the cabbage and cyclamens, of hemlock and rue, of reeds and fern. We have many examples of fuch like antipathies amongft animals. Thefe effects feem to be produced by the effluvia which are emitted by all organised bodies. IT is furpriling that the prefent fubjed:, fo highly neceflary to the proper culture of plants, mould have been almoft entirely neglected ; fo that an inquirer finds too few fads and obfervations to be able to lay down any regular fyftem. Befides, the difeafes of vegetables feem to require more amftance, and therefore demand more at- tention, than thofe of animals ; if we regard the cure alone, and fet afide the higher rank in the fcale of creation, and confequently O 4 the 2oo *The Principles of Part V. the higher value of the latter. Animals have a fentient power within, which, irri- tated by the caufe of a difeafe, quickens the motions of the heart and arteries, and con- tinues thefe mechanical agents till the mor-* bific particles are expelled, or the animal fyftem overpowered by them. But there is no fuch power inherent in vegetables. Unlefs a remedy is applied from without, they muft continue to labour under the difeafe. Whoever removes the difeafe of an animal, does it by directing thefe natural and mechanical motions aright, and in the way that the motive power feems to point out. But whoever removes a vegetable difeafe, muft look on the work as entirely his own, as he has got no affiftance from $he vegetable itfelf. E c T; 5ect. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation, io t SECT. VI. Plan for the further improvement cf agri- culture. THUS I have endeavoured to fhow, that agriculture is not fo uncertain and un- fcientifical an art as is commonly thought; but is reducible, like other arts, to fixed unalterable principles. I have already look- ed back, and confidered the impediments which have lain in the way of its progrels to fome degree of perfection. I mall now look forward to fee how thefe may be beft remedied, and in what manner we can aflift it in its progrefs. AGRICULTURE does not take its rife originally from reafon, but from fact and experience, It is a branch of natural phi- lofophy, and can only be improved from the knowledge of facts, as they happen in nature. It is by attending to thefe facts that the other branches of natural philo- fophy Principles of Part V; fophy have been fo much advanced during thefe two laft ages. Medicine has attained its prefent perfection only from the hiftory of difeafes and cafes delivered down. Chy- miftry is now reduced to a regular fyftem, by the means of experiments made either by chance or defign. But where are the experiments in agriculture to anfwer this purpofe ? When I look round for fuch, I can find few or none *. There, then, lies the impediment in the way of agriculture. Books in that art we are not deficient in; but the book which we want is a book of experiments. AND, indeed, as things ft and at prefent, it muft always be fo. Mankind are my in attempting any thing, or at leaft render- * Since thefe papers were wrote, I have read three volumes of experiments publifhed by Du Hamel^ on Tw/Ps fyftem of agriculture. They are diftinct, exact, conclufive, fo far as they have gone, and ftand a model for experiments in agriculture. What a fhame for Great-Britain^ where agriculture is fo much cultivated, and where that fyftem took its rife, to leave its exact value to be determined by foreigners ! ing Sett. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation. ing it public, unlefs they can make it com- plete, or erecl: fbme plaufible iyftem. This they may do in all other arts, but they cannot in agriculture. The time fo feldom comes about, and the progrefs of the ex- periment is fo flow, that one perfon can make but very few during his life. A number of experiments are to be found, not in the pofTeffion of one, but in the hands of many. The fault, then, lies not in the deficiency of fads j for chance and deiign muft have been able to furnifh many ; but of a certain, proper, and eafy channel, through which they might be conveyed to the world, without wounding the natural vanity of mankind. « HITHERTO thefe fadts and experiments have been confined to converfation alone, and have died along with thofe who made them. I would propoie a fimple remedy for this. Let a committee of the Edin~ burgh fociety, not exceeding five perfons, be named for the branch of agriculture alone, 204 The Principles of Part V. alone, whole duty mall be, to receive fingle and detached experiments, put them in a proper drefs, if they ftand in need of it, and publifh them to the world at ftated times, like a public paper. This manner of appearing feems well calculated to raife a fpirit of experimental farming over the country. THE narrator, on his part, fhould deli- ver the experiment in the plaineft and moft diftinft manner, and feparate the facts from his reafonings. Peripicuity and exa&nefs are the chief beauties in experi- mental writing. The plain fad mould be firfl told, with all its concomitant circum- ftances ; fuch as, the fituation of the ground, nature of the foil, previous cul- ture of it, quality of the feed, country where the experiment is made, ftate of the air, at fowing and after, with regard to heat and cold, drought and rain, wind, &c. The reafoning on the experiment fhould then follow, and fhould be fuch as arifes Seft. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation. 205 arifes naturally from the experiment. Al- though it is not necefTary to mention any name to the public, yet the experiment, when delivered, mould be fubfcribed by the perfon who made it, to avoid all im- pofition. IN order to increafe the fpirit of experi- ment-making over the country, I would propofe, that this committee mould have it in their power, to grant one or more honorary or lucrative premiums, to thole who mall have delivered the moft inge- nious and ufeful experiments in agricul- ture. It is in this way, I think, that the premiums defigned for agriculture mould be eftablimed. They ought to be, not on fiich fubjects as the farmer is naturally led by his own gain to purfue ; for fuch he will generally follow, to the utmofl of Ms knowledge and abilities j but on fuch as are not fo nearly connected with gain, and make him go out of the common road. .This confinement may, however, be too great 206 The Principles of Part V. great at the firft fetting out 5 and it may be more advifable, to admit all experi- ments for fome time, till the fpirit be once raifed. . THE happy confequences of this fcheme are very evident. Farmers will begin to fee the only method of cultivating this art with fuccefs ; they will attend to minute circumftances to which they never did be- fore j they will be fond to communicate the iffue of their experiments to the public, when they can do it in that eafy and con- cealed way $ they will have a dictionary of facts to confult opon occafion ; and will be able to draw advantage from both the 0 good and bad fuccefs of others. • IN time this plan may afford fund fuffi- cient for fome future compreheniive genius, who, laying the different, and often feenf* ingly oppofite experiments together, and confidering all their concomitant circum- ftances, may be able to reduce the practice to Seft. VI. Agriculture and Vegetation. 207 to fixed and permanent rules. This good fortune feldom happens to the firft experi- menters in any art ; for they fee things in too narrow a view, and often with too prepofTefTed a mind. It is referved for that unbiaffed and found judgment, which can take from every opinion whatever truth it contains j and, from the whole united together, raife one regular, beneficial, and lafting fyflem. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. APR r;£C'DYRL SEP^flO 3 1158 01187 3824 ». D 535 HT5P 1762 A"«"IIIIIUIIIIII mi 000 286 443 7