GIFT OF SEELEY W. MUDD and GEORGE 1. COCHRAN MEYER ELSASSER DR. JOHN R. HAYNES WILLIAM L. HONNOLD JAMES R. MARTIN MRS. JOSEPH F. SARTORI to tin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN BRANCH JOHN FISKE This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 1 THE PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY BY HERBERT SPENCER IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. II REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION 1899 NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1900 9803 COPYRIGHT, 1867, 1899, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. f O H 3oq S "4 PREFACE TO THE REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION OF VOL. II. To the statements made in the preface to the first volume of this revised edition, there must here be added a few hav- ing special reference to this second volume. One of them is that the revision has not been carried out in quite the same way, but in a way somewhat less com- plete. When reviewing the first volume a friendly critic, Prof. Lloyd Morgan, said : — " But though the intellectual weight has also been augmented, it is an open question whether it would not have been wiser to leave intact a treatise, &c. . . . relegating corrections and additions to notes and appendices." I think that Prof. Morgan is right. Though at the close of the preface to volume I, I wrote : — "in all sections not marked as new, the essential ideas set forth are the same as they were in the original edition of 1864," yet the reader who has not read this statement, or does not bear it in mind, will suppose that all or most of the enunciated conceptions are of recent date, whereas only a small part of them are. I have therefore decided to follow, in this second volume, a course somewhat like that suggested by Prof. Morgan — somewhat like, I say, because in sundry cases the amend- ments could not be satisfactorily made by appended notes. vi PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. But there has been a further reason for this change of method. An invalid who is nearly eighty cannot with pru- dence enter upon work which will take long to complete. Hence I have thought it better to make the needful altera- tions and additions in ways requiring relatively moderate time and labour. The additions made to this volume are less numerous and less important than those made to the first volume. A new chapter ending Part V, on " The Integration of the Or- ganic World," serves to round off the general theory of Evolution in its application to living things. Beyond a new section (§ 289#) and the various foot-notes, serving chiefly the purpose of elucidation, there are notes of some signifi- cance appended to Chapters I, III, IV, and Y, in Part IY, Chapters Y and VIII, in Part Y, and Chapters IX, X, and XII in Part VI. Moreover there are three further appen- dices, Ds, F, and G, which have, I think, considerable sig- nificance as serving to make clearer some of the views expressed in the body of the work. Turning from the additions to the revisions, I have to say that the aid needed for bringing up to date the contents of this volume, has been given me by the gentlemen who gave me like aid in revising the first volume : omitting Prof. Perkin, within whose province none of the contents of this volume fall. Plant-Morphology and Plant-Physi- ology have been overseen by Mr. A. G. Tansley. Criti- cisms upon parts dealing with Animal Morphology I owe to Mr. J. T. Cunningham and Prof. E. W. MacBride. And the statements included under Animal Physiology have been checked by Mr. W. B. Hardy. PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. vii For reasons like those named in the preface to the first volume, I have not submitted the proofs of this revised second volume to these gentlemen : a fact which it is need- ful to name, since one or other of them might else be held responsible for some error which is not his but mine. It is the more requisite to say this because while, in respect of matters of fact, I have, save in one or two cases, accepted their corrections as not to be questioned, I have not always done this in respect of matters of inference, but in sundry places have adhered to my own interpretations. Perhaps I may be excused for expressing some satisfac- tion that I have not been obliged to relinquish the views set forth in 1864-7. The hypothesis of physiological units — or, as I would now call them, constitutional units — has been adopted by several zoologists under modified forms. So far as I am aware, the alleged general law of organic symmetry has not called forth any manifestations of dissent. The suggested theory of vertebrate structure appears to have become current ; and from the investigations of the late Prof. Cope, has received verification. The conclusions drawn in Part YI on " The Laws of Multiplication," have not, I believe, been controverted. And though only some works on botany have given currency to the doctrine set forth in Appendix C, " On Circulation and the Formation of Wood in Plants," yet I have met with no attempt to dis- prove it. The only views contested by certain of the gen- tlemen above named, are those concerning the origin of the two great phsenogamic types of plants, and the origin of the annulose type of animals. I have not, however, — perhaps because of natural bias — found myself compelled viii PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION. to surrender these views. My reasons for adhering to them will be found in notes to the ends of Chapters III and IV in Part IV, and in Appendix D9. On now finally leaving biological studies, it remains only to say that I am glad I have survived long enough to give this work its finished form. BRIGHTON, October, 1899. PREFACE TO VOL. II. THE proof sheets of this volume, like those of the last volume, have been looked through by Dr. Hooker and Prof. Huxley ; and I have, as before, to thank them for their valuable criticisms, and for the trouble they have taken in checking the numerous statements of fact on which the arguments proceed. The consciousness that their many duties render time extremely precious to them, makes me feel how heavy is my obligation. Part IV., with which this volume commences, contains numerous figures. Nearly one half of them are repeti- tions, mostly altered in scale and simplified in execution, of figures, or parts of figures, contained in the works of vari- ous Botanists and Zoologists. Among the authors whom I have laid under contribution, I may name Berkeley, Car- penter, Cuvier, Green, Harvey, Hooker, Huxley, Milne- Edwards, Ralfs, Smith. The remaining figures, numbering 150, are from original sketches and diagrams. The successive instalments which compose this volume, were issued to the Subscribers at the following dates : — No. 13 (pp. 1—80) in January, 1865 ; No. 14 (pp. 81—160) in June, 1865 ; No. 15 (pp. 161—240) in December, 1865 ; No. 16 (pp. 241—320) in June, 1866 ; No. 17 (pp. 321—400) in November, 1866 ; and No. 18 (pp. 401—566) in March, 1867. LONDON, March 23rd, 1867. CONTENTS OF VOL. II. PART IV.— MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. CHAP. PAGE I. — THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY . . . ... 3 II. — THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS .1 . 17 III. — THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS — Continued . 37 IV. — THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS ... 85 V. — THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS — Continued 111 VI.— MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN PLANTS . . .128 VII. — THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS 134 VIII.— THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES . . . . ' . . .145 IX. — THE SHAPES OF LEAVES . . . . . ^ . . . . 152 X.— THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS .;.... . .161 XL— THE SHAPES OF VEGETAL CELLS . . . . . . 175 XII.— CHANGES OF SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED . . . .178 XIII. — MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN ANIMALS . . . 183 XIV.— THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS . ... .186 XV. — THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS .... 209 XVI. — THE SHAPES OF ANIMAL-CELLS 228 XVII.— SUMMARY OF MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT . . 231 PART V.— PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. I.— THE PROBLEMS OF PHYSIOLOGY 239 II. — DIFFERENTIATIONS BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER TIS- SUES OF PLANTS 244 III. — DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS . 251 IV. — DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS . 272 xi xli CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE V. — PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN PLANTS 292 VI.— DIFFERENTIATIONS BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS 299 VII.— DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE OUTER TISSUES OF ANIMALS . 309 VIII. — DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS . 323 IX.— PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS . . . .373 X. — SUMMARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT .... 384 XA.— THE INTEGRATION OF THE ORGANIC WORLD .... 396 PAET VL— LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. I.— THE FACTORS ......... , .411 II.— A PRIORI PRINCIPLE . . .... .,...- .417 III.— OBVERSE A PRIORI PRINCIPLE . . . . , . 424 IV.— DIFFICULTIES OF INDUCTIVE VERIFICATION . . , , .432 V. — ANTAGONISM BETWEEN GROWTH AND ASEXUAL GENESIS . 439 VI.— ANTAGONISM BETWEEN GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS . . 448 VII. — THE ANTAGONISM BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT AND GENESIS, ASEXUAL AND SEXUAL .461 VIII.— ANTAGONISM BETWEEN EXPENDITURE AND GENESIS . . 467 IX. — COINCIDENCE BETWEEN HIGH NUTRITION AND GENESIS . . 475 X.— SPECIALITIES OF THESE RELATIONS . . ... 486 XI. — INTERPRETATION AND QUALIFICATION . . . . . 497 "XII.— MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE 506 XIII.— HUMAN POPULATION IN THE FUTURE 522 APPENDICES. A.— SUBSTITUTION OF AXIAL FOR FOLIAR ORGANS IN PLANTS . . 541 B.— A CRITICISM ON PROF. OWEN'S THEORY OF THE VERTEBRATE SKELETON 548 C.— ON CIRCULATION AND THE FORMATION OF WOOD IN PLANTS . . 567 D.—ON THE ORIGIN OF THE VERTEBRATE TYPE 599 D8.— THE ANNULOSE TYPE 602 E.— THE SHAPES AND ARRANGEMENTS OF FLOWERS . . . .608 F.— PHYSIOLOGICAL (OR CONSTITUTIONAL) UNITS . . . .612 G.— THE INHERITANCE OF FUNCTIONALLY-CAUSED MODIFICATIONS . 618 PART IT. MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, 47 CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. § 175. THE division of Morphology from Physiology, is one which may be tolerably-well preserved so long as we do not carry our inquiries beyond the empirical generalizations of their respective phenomena; but it is one which becomes in great measure nominal, when the phenomena are to be rationally interpreted. It would be possible, after analyzing our Solar System, to set down certain general truths respect- ing the sizes and distances of its primary and secondary members, omitting all mention of their motions ; and it would be possible to set down certain other general truths respect- ing their motions, without specifying their dimensions or positions, further than as greater or less, nearer or more re- mote. But on seeking to account for these general truths, arrived at by induction, we find ourselves obliged to consider simultaneously the relative sizes and places of the masses, and the relative amounts and directions of their motions. Similarly with organisms. Though we may frame sundry comprehensive propositions respecting the arrangements of their organs, considered as so many inert parts; and though we may establish several wide conclusions respecting the sepa- rate and combined actions of their organs, without knowing anything definite respecting the forms and positions of these organs; yet we cannot reach such a rationale of the facts as 4 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the hypothesis of Evolution aims at, without contemplating structures and functions in their mutual relations. Every- where structures in great measure determine functions; and everywhere functions are incessantly modifying structures. In Nature the two are inseparable co-operators; and Science can give no true interpretation of Nature without keeping their co-operation constantly in view. An account of organic evolution, in its more special aspects, must be essentially an account of the inter-actions of structures and functions, as perpetually altered by changes of conditions. Hence, when treating apart Morphological Development and Physiological Development, all we can do is to direct our attention mainly to the one or to the other, as the case may be. In dealing with the facts of structure, we must consider the facts of function only in such general way as is needful to explain the facts of structure; and conversely when deal- ing with the facts of function. § 176. The problems of Morphology fall into two distinct classes, answering respectively to the two leading aspects of Evolution. In things which evolve there go on two processes — increase of mass and increase of structure. Increase of mass is primary, and in simple evolution takes place almost alone. Increase of structure is secondary, accompanying or following increase of mass with more or less regularity, wher- ever evolution rises above that form which small inorganic bodies, such as crystals, present to us. As the fundamental antagonism between Dissolution and Evolution consists in this, that while the one is an integration of motion and dis- integration of matter, the other is an integration of matter and disintegration of motion ; and as this integration of mat- ter accompanying disintegration of motion, is a necessary antecedent to the differentiation of the matter so integrated ; it follows that questions concerning the mode in which the parts are united into a whole, must be dealt with before THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 5 questions concerning the mode in which these parts become modified.* This is not obviously a morphological question. But an illustration or two will make it manifest that fundamental differences may be produced between aggregates by differences in the degrees of composition of the increments : the ultimate units of the increments being the same. Thus an accumula- tion of things of a given kind may be made by adding one at a time. Or the things may be tied up into bundles of ten, and the tens placed together. Or the tens may be united into hundreds, and a pile of hundreds formed. Such unlike- nesses in the structures of masses are habitually seen in our mercantile transactions. Articles which the consumer re- cognizes as single, the retailer keeps wrapped up in dozens, the wholesaler sends in gross, and the manufacturer supplies in packages of a hundred gross. That is, they severally in- crease their stocks by units of simple, of compound, and of doubly-compound kinds. Similarly result those differences of morphological composition which we have first to consider. An organism consists of units. These units may be aggre- gated into a mass by the addition of unit to unit. Or they may be united into groups, and the groups joined together. Or these groups of groups may be so combined as to form a doubly-compound aggregate. Hence there arises respecting each organic form the question — is its composition of the first, second, third, or fourth order? — does it exhibit units of a singly-compounded kind only, or are these consolidated into units of a doubly-compounded kind, or a triply-com- pounded kind? And if it displays double or triple composi- * It seems needful here to say, that allusion is made in this paragraph to a proposition respecting the ultimate natures of Evolution and Dissolution, which is contained in an essay on The Classification of tJie Sciences, pub- lished in March, 1864. When the opportunity comes, I hope to make the definition there arrived at, the basis of a re-organization of the second part of First Principles: giving to that work a higher development, and a greater cohesion, than it at present possesses. [The intention here indicated was duly carried out in 1867.] 6 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. tion, the homologies of its different parts become problems. Under the disguises induced by the consolidation of primary, secondary, and tertiary units, it has to be ascertained which answer to which, in their degrees of composition. Such questions are more intricate than they at first ap- pear ; since, besides the obscurities caused by progressive inte- gration, and those due to accompanying modifications of form, further obscurities result from the variable growths of units of the different orders. Just as an army may be augmented by recruiting each company, without increasing the number of companies; or may be augmented by making up the full complement of companies in each regiment, while the num- ber of regiments remains the same; or may be augmented by putting more regiments into each division, other things being unchanged; or may be augmented by adding to the number of its divisions without altering the components of each division; or may be augmented by two or three of these processes at once; so, in organisms, increase of mass may result from additions of units of the first order, or those of the second order, or those of still higher orders ; or it may be due to simultaneous additions to units of several orders. And this last mode of integration being the general mode, puts difficulties in the way of analysis. Just as the structure of an army would be made less easy to understand if companies often outgrew regiments, or regiments became larger than brigades; so these questions of morphological composition are complicated by the indeterminate sizes of the units of each kind: relatively-simple units frequently becoming more bulky than relatively-compound units. § 177. The morphological problems of the second class are those having for their subject-matter the changes of shape which accompany changes of aggregation. The most general questions respecting the structure of an organism, having been answered when it is ascertained of what units it is composed as a whole, and in its several parts; there come the more THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 7 special questions concerning its form — form in the ordinary sense. After the contrasts caused by variations in the process of integration, we have to consider the contrasts caused by variations in the process of differentiation. To speak speci- fically— the shape of the organism as a whole, irrespective of its composition, has to be accounted for. Reasons have to be found for the unlikeness between its general outlines and the general outlines of allied organisms. And there have to be answered kindred inquiries respecting the propor- tions of its component parts: — Why, among such of these as are homologous with one another, have there arisen the differences that exist? And how have there been produced the contrasts between them and the homologous parts of organisms of the same type ? Very numerous are the heterogeneities of form presenting themselves for interpretation under these heads. The ulti- mate morphological units combined in any group, may be dif- ferentiated individually, or collectively, or both : each of them may undergo changes of shape; or some of them may be changed and others not; or the group may be rendered mul- tiform by the greater growth of some of its units than of others. Similarly with the compound units arising by union of these simple units. Aggregates of the second order may be made relatively complex in form, by inequalities in the rates of multiplication of their component units in diverse directions; and among a number of such aggregates, numer- ous unlikenesses may be constituted by differences in their degrees of growth, and by differences in their modes of growth. Manifestly, at each higher stage of composition the possible sources of divergence are multiplied still further. That facts of this order can be accounted for in detail is not to be expected — the data are wanting. All that we may hope to do is to ascertain their general laws. How this is to be attempted we will now consider. § 178. The task before us is to trace throughout these 8 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. phenomena the process of evolution; and to show how, as displayed in them, it conforms to those first principles which evolution in general conforms to. Two sets of factors have to be taken into account. Let us look at them. The factors of the first class are those which tend directly to change an organic aggregate, in common with every other aggregate, from that more simple form which is not in equi- librium with incident forces, to that more complex form which is in equilibrium with them. We have to mark how, in corre- spondence with the universal law that the uniform lapses into the multiform, and the less multiform into the more multi- form, the parts of each organism are ever becoming further differentiated; and we have to trace the varying relations to incident forces by which further differentiations are entailed. We have to observe, too, how each primary modification of structure, induced by an altered distribution of forces, becomes a parent of secondary modifications — how, through the neces- sary multiplication of effects, change of form in one part brings about changes of form in other parts. And then we have also to note the metamorphoses constantly being induced by the process of segregation — by the gradual union of like parts exposed to like forces, and the gradual separation of like parts exposed to unlike forces. The factors of the second class which we have to keep in view throughout our interpret- ations, are the formative tendencies of organisms themselves — the proclivities inherited by them from antecedent organ- isms, and which past processes of evolution have bequeathed. We have seen it to be inferable from various orders of facts (§§ 65, 84, 97-97<7), that organisms are built up of certain highly-complex molecules, which we distinguished as physio- logical units [or constitutional units as they might otherwise be called] — each kind of organism being built up of units pe- culiar to itself. We recognized in these units, powers of ar- ranging themselves into the forms of the organisms to which they belong; analogous to the powers which the molecules of inorganic substances have of aggregating into specific crystal- THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 9 line forms. We have consequently to regard this proclivity of the physiological units, as producing, during the development of any organism, a combination of internal forces that expend themselves in working out a structure in equilibrium with the forces to which ancestral organisms were exposed; but not in equilibrium with the forces to which the existing organ- ism is exposed, if the environment has been changed. Hence the problem in all cases is, to ascertain the resultant of inter- nal organizing forces, tending to reproduce the ancestral form, and external modifying forces, tending to cause deviations from that form. Moreover, we have to take into account, not only the characters of immediately-preceding ancestors, but also those of their ancestors, and ancestors of all degrees of remoteness. Setting out with rudimentary types, we have to consider how, in each successive stage of evolution, the structures acquired during previous stages have been ob- scured by further integrations and further differentiations; or, conversely, how the lineaments of primitive organisms have all along continued to manifest themselves under the superposed modifications. §179. Two ways of carrying on the inquiry suggest them- selves. We may go through the several great groups of organisms, with the view of reaching, by comparison of parts, certain general truths respecting the homologies, the forms, and the relations of their parts; and then, having dealt with the phenomena inductively, may retrace our steps with the view of deductively interpreting the general truths reached. Or, instead of thus separating the two investigations, we may carry them on hand in hand — first establishing each general truth empirically, and then proceeding to the ra- tionale of it. This last method will, I think, conduce to both brevity and clearness. Let us now thus deal with the first class of morphological problems. [NOTE. — In preparation for treating of morphological de- 10 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. velopment, sundry other general considerations should have been included in the foregoing chapter when originally pub- lished. This seems the most appropriate place for now nam- ing them. Some were implicitly contained in the first vol- ume, but it will be well definitely to state these, as well as the others not yet implied. Interpretation of the forms of organisms and the forms of their parts, must depend mainly on the conclusions pre- viously drawn respecting their phylogeny; and the drawing of such conclusions must be guided by recognition of the various factors of Evolution, as well as by recognition of certain extremely general results of Evolution and certain concomitants of Evolution. A primary one among these is that no existing species can exhibit more than approximately the ancestral structure of any other existing species. As all ancestors have disappeared, so, in a greater or less degree, the traits, specific, generic, or ordinal, which distinguished the earlier of them have disap- peared. Setting out with the familiar symbol, a tree, let us regard its peripheral twigs as representing extant species; let us assume that the interior of the tree is filled up with some supporting substance, leaving only the ends of the living twigs projecting; and let us suppose the trunk, main branches, secondary branches, tertiary branches, &c., have decayed away. Then if we take these decayed parts to stand for the divergent and re-divergent lines of evolution which are represented by fossils in the Earth's crust, it will be manifest, first, that no one of the living superficial twigs (or species) exhibits the ancestral organization whence any other of the living superficial twigs (or species) has been developed; it will be manifest, second, that the generic structure in- herited by any existing species must be a structure out of which came sundry allied species — the fork, as it were, at which adjacent twigs diverged; and third, that the ancestor of an order must, in like manner, be sought at some point deeper down in the symbolic tree — a place of divergence of THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. H the sub-branches representing allied genera. Similarly with the ancestral types of classes, still deeper down in the tree or further back in time. So that phylogeny becomes more and more speculative as its questions become more and more radical. And the difficulty is made greater by the deficiency of palasontological evidence. One obvious corollary is that an ancestral type from which sundry allied types now existing diverged, was, speaking generally, simpler than these; since the divergent types be- came different by the superposing of modifications, adding to their complexities. There is a further reason for inferring that the least specialized member of any group is more like the remote ancestor than any of the others; for every adap- tation stands in the way of subsequent re-adaptations: it presents a greater amount of structure to be undone. To get some idea of the ancestral type where no extant member of the group is manifestly simpler than the rest, the method must be to take all its extant members and, after letting their differences mutually cancel, observe what remains com- mon to them all. But there are difficulties standing in the way of phylogeny, and consequently of morphology, much greater than these. Returning to our symbolic tree, it is clear that it would be far from easy to say of any one twig which extinct sub- branch, branch, and main branch it belonged to, even sup- posing that the growths of all parts had been uniformly out- wards. Immensely more perplexing, then, must be the affiliation if various of the branches, sub-branches, &c., have sent out backward-growing shoots which have come to the surface only after prolonged retrograde courses, and if other branches have sent shoots into regions occupied by alien branches — shoots bearing twigs which come to the surface along with those to which they are but remotely allied. The problems of origin and of structure which organisms present, are met by Both of the difficulties thus symbolized. One of them arises from the prevalence of retrograde 12 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. metamorphoses. Throughout the animal world these are variously displayed by parasites, multitudinous in their kinds; for most of them belong to types much higher in organization. Changed habits and consequent changed struc- tures have so transferred them that only by study of their embryonic stages can their kinships be made out. And these retrograde metamorphoses, conspicuous among parasites, have, in the course of evolution, affected some members of all groups; for in all groups the struggle for existence has com- pelled some to adopt careers less trying but less profitable. Not only by forcing on many kinds of organisms simpler ways of living, and consequent degeneracy, has the universal competition caused obscuring transformations. It has done this also by tempting many other kinds of organisms to adopt ways of life not simpler than before but merely different. Pressure continually prompts every type to in- trude on other types' spheres of activity; and so causes it to assume certain structural characters of the types whose spheres it invades, masking its previous characters. Modifi- cations hence arising have, in the great mass of cases, been superposed one on another time after time. The aquatic animal becomes through several transitions a land-animal, and then the land-animal through other transitions becomes now an aerial animal like the bat and now an aquatic animal like the whale. Certain kinds of birds furnish extreme illustrations. There was the change from the fish to the water-breathing amphibian and then to the air-breathing amphibian; thence to the reptile living on the Earth's sur- face; thence to the flying reptile and the bird; then came the diving birds, joining with their aerial life a life passed partly in the water; and finally came a type like the penguin, in which the power of flight has been lost and the water has again become the almost exclusive medium, except for breathing. Of course the mouldings and re-mouldings of structure resulting from these successive unlike modes of life, in many cases put great difficulties in the way of ascer- THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 13 taining which are the original corresponding parts. Some parts have become abnormally large; others have dwindled or disappeared; and the relative positions of parts have often been greatly changed. A bat's wing and a bird's wing are analogous organs, but their frameworks are but partially homologous. While in the bird the terminal parts of the fore-limb do little towards supporting the wing, in the bat the wing is mainly supported by enormously-developed termi- nal parts. The effects of the struggle to survive, which here prompts a simpler life with resulting degeneracy and there a different life with resulting new developments, are far from being the only causes of morphological obscurations. Fulfilment of certain highly general requirements gives certain common traits to plants of widely divergent classes ; and fulfilment of certain other highly general requirements gives certain common traits to animals of widely divergent classes. It was remarked in the first volume (§ 54/) that the cardinal distinc- tion between the characters of plants and animals arises from the fact that while the chief food of plants is universally present the food of animals is scattered. Here it has to be added that to utilize the universally distributed food the ordinary plant needs the aid of light, and has to acquire structures enabling it to get that aid; while the ordinary animal, to utilize the scattered food, must acquire the struc- tures needful for locomotion. Let us contemplate separately the traits hence resulting in the vegetal world and the traits hence resulting in the animal world. The familiar plantain meets the requirement by growing stiff leaves enabling it to press down the competing grasses around which would else shade it; but the great majority of ordinary plants meet the requirement by raising themselves into the air. Hence the need for a stem, and hence the fact that plants of widely unlike natures similarly form stems which, in achieving strength enough to support the foliage and resist the wind, acquire certain adaptive structures hav- 14: MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ing a general similarity. Here from the edge of a pool is a reed, and here from the adjacent copse is a hemlock: the one having grown tall in escaping the shade of its com- panions and the other in escaping the shade of the surround- ing brushwood. On being cut across each discloses a tube, and each exhibits septa dividing this tube into chambers. In either case by the tubular structure is gained the greatest strength with the least material; but there is no morpho- logical kinship between the tubes nor between the septa. Still more marked is the simulation of homology by analogy in another plant which the adjacent ditch may furnish — the common Horsetail. In this, again, we see an elongated ver- tical-growing part, raising the foliage into the air; and, as before, this is tubular and divided by septa. A type utterly alien from the other two has, by survival of the fittest, been similarly moulded to meet mechanical needs. Passing now to the obscurations in the animal world caused by alterations favouring locomotion, we note first that the locomotive power is at the outset very slight. Among many orders of Protozoa, as also among many low types of Metazoa, vibratile cilia are the most general agents of loco- motion— necessarily feeble locomotion. Eegarded in the mass, the Ccelenterata, when not stationary like the Hydra or higher types in the hydroid stage, usually possess only such small self-mobility as the slow rhythmical contractions of their umbrella-disks effect, or else such as is effected by bands of cilia or of vibratile plates, as in the Beroe. Even among these low tpes of Metazoa, however, in which ordinarily the radial structure is conspicuous, or but slightly obscured by an ovoid form as in the Ctenophora, we find, in the Cestus veneris, extreme obscuration caused by an elongation which facilitates movement through the water; alike by the actions of its vibratile plates and by its undulations, which simulate those of sundry higher animals. And here we come upon the essential fact to be recognized. Elongation favours locomotion in various ways that are THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 15 severally taken advantage of by different types of creatures. (1) To a given mass of moving matter the resistance of the medium decreases along with decrease in the area of its transverse section, and this implies increase of length : a given force will move the lengthened mass along with greater facility. (2) Eeaching a certain point the elongated form enables an animal to progress by undulations, as in the water fish do, and even some ccelenterates and turbellarians do, and as on land snakes do: lateral resistances serving in either case as fulcra. (3) Lengthening of the body serves otherwise to aid locomotion in the creeping or burrowing worm, which, utilizing the statical resistance of its hinder part thrusts onwards its fore part, and then, holding fast its fore part by the aid of minute setae, draws the hinder part after it. But elongation, doubly advantageous at first, while the body is itself the chief instrument of locomotion, gradually loses its advantageousness as special instruments of locomo- tion are developed. (4) This we see in that locomotive action effected by limbs, which, many and small in the lower Arthropoda and becoming few and larger in the higher, at length give great activity to a shortened and consolidated body: a stage reached only through stages of decreasing elongation accompanying increase of limb-power. (5) In the Vertebrata locomotion by undulations comes, along cer- tain lines of evolution, to be replaced by that limb-locomo- tion which accompanies the rise from water-life to land-life: the evolution of Amphibians exhibiting the transition. (6) Further, we see among mammals that as limbs become effi- cient the elongated body ceases to be itself instrumental in locomotion, but that still some elongation remains a charac- teristic. (7) Finally, where limb-locomotion reaches its high- est degree, as in birds, elongation disappears. These classes of familiar facts I have recalled to show that, in the course of evolution, achievement by plants of the all-essential elevation into the air and by animals of the all-essential power of movement have developed this trait 16 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. of elongation in various types; and that in each kingdom acquisition of the common trait has had a tendency now to obscure morphological equivalence, and now to give the ap- pearance of kinship where there is none. A further pur- pose has been to prepare the way for a question hereafter to be discussed — whether, in the various types of either king- dom, the elongation is effected in the same ways or in dif- ferent ways. We shall have to ask whether the vertically growing part is always, like that of Lessonia, a simple in- dividual, or whether, as possibly in Phasnogams, it is a united series of individuals; and similarly whether the elongated body is always single, like that of a mollusc, or whether, as possibly in annulose animals, it is a series of united in- dividuals.] CHAPTER II. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. § 180. EVOLUTION implies insensible modifications and gradual transitions, which render definition difficult — which make it impossible to separate absolutely the phases of organization from one another. And this indefiniteness of distinction, to be expected a priori, we are compelled to recognize a posteriori, the moment we begin to group morpho- logical phenomena into general propositions. Thus, on inquiring what is the morphological unit, whether of plants or of animals, we find that the facts refuse to be included in any rigid formula. The doctrine that all organisms are built up of cells, or that cells are the elements out of which every tissue is developed, is but approximately true. There are living forms of which cellular structure cannot be asserted; and in living forms that are for the most part cellular, there are nevertheless certain portions which are not produced by the metamorphosis of cells. Supposing that clay were the only material available for building, the proposition that all houses are built of bricks, would bear about the same relation to the truth, as does the proposition that all organisms are composed of cells. This generalization respecting houses would be open to two criticisms: — first, that certain houses of a primitive kind are formed, not of bricks, but out of unmoulded clay; and second, that though other houses con- sist mainly of bricks, yet their chimney-pots, drain-pipes, and 48 17 18 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ridge-tiles, do not result from combination or metamorphosis of bricks, but are made directly out of the original clay. And of like natures are the criticisms which must be passed on the generalization, that cells are the morphological units of organisms. To continue the simile, the truth turns out to be, that the primitive clay or protoplasm out of which organisms are built, may be moulded either directly, or with various degrees of indirectness, into organic structures. The physiological units which we are obliged to assume as the components of this protoplasm, must, as we have seen, be the possessors of those proclivities which result in the structural arrangements of the organism. The assump- tion of such structural arrangements may go on, and in many cases does go on, by the shortest route; without the passage through what we call metamorphoses. But where such structural arrangements are reached by a circuitous route, the first stage is the formation of these small aggre- gates which, under the name of cells, are currently regarded as morphological units. The rationale of these truths appears to be furnished by the hypothesis of evolution. We set out with molecules some degrees higher in complexity than those molecules of nitrogenous colloidal substance into which organic matter is resolvable; and we regard these very much more complex molecules as having the implied greater instability, greater sensitiveness to surrounding influences, and consequent greater mobility of form. Such being the primitive physio- logical units, organic evolution must begin with the formation of a minute aggregate of them — an aggregate showing vitality by a higher degree of that readiness to change its form of aggregation which colloidal matter in general displays; and by its ability to unite the nitrogenous molecules it meets with, into complex molecules like those of which it is com- posed. Obviously, the earliest forms must have been minute ; since, in the absence of any but diffused organic matter, no form but a minute one could find nutriment. Obviously, too, THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP PLANTS. 19 it must have been structureless; since, as differentiations are producible only by the unlike actions of incident forces, there could have been no differentiations before such forces had had time to work. Hence, distinctions of parts like those required to constitute a cell were necessarily absent at first. And we need not therefore be surprised to find, as we do find, specks of protoplasm manifesting life, and yet showing no signs of organization. A further stage of evolution is reached when the imperfectly integrated molecules forming one of these minute aggregates, become more coherent; at the same time as they pass into a state of heterogeneity, gradually increasing in its defmiteness. That is to say, we may look for the assumption by them, of some distinctions of parts, such as we find in cells and in what are called uni- cellular organisms. They cannot retain their primordial uniformity ; and while in a few cases they may depart from it but slightly, they will, in the great majority of cases, acquire a decided multiformity: there will result the comparatively integrated and comparatively differentiated Protophyta and Protozoa. The production of minute aggregates of physiological units being the first step, and the passage of such minute aggregates into more consolidated and more complex forms being the second step, it must naturally happen that all higher organic types, subsequently arising by further integrations and differentiations, will everywhere bear the impress of this earliest phase of evolution. From the law of heredity, considered as extending to the entire suc- cession of living things during the Earth's past history, it follows that since the formation of these small, simple organ- isms must have preceded the formation of larger and more complex organisms, the larger and more complex organisms must inherit their essential characters. We may anticipate that the multiplication and combination of these minute aggregates or cells, will be conspicuous in the early develop- mental stages of plants and animals; and that throughout all subsequent stages, cell-production and cell-differentiation 20 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. will be dominant characteristics. The physiological units peculiar to each higher species will, speaking generally, pass through this form of aggregation on their way towards the final arrangement they are to assume; because those primordial physiological units from which they are remotely descended, aggregated into this form. And yet, just as in other cases we found reasons for inferring (§131) that the traits of ancestral organization may, under certain conditions, be partially or wholly obliterated, and the ultimate structure assumed without passing through them; so, here, it is to be inferred that the process of cell- formation may, in some cases, be passed over. Thus the hypothesis of evolution prepares us for those two radical modifications of the cell- doctrine which the facts oblige us to make. It leads us to expect that as structureless portions of protoplasm must have preceded cells in the process of general evolution; so, in the special evolution of each higher organism, there will be an habitual production of cells out of structureless blastema. And it leads us to expect that though, generally, the physio- logical units composing a structureless blastema, will display their inherited proclivities by cell-development and meta- morphosis; there will nevertheless occur cases in which the tissue to be formed, is formed by direct transformation of the blastema.* * Let me here refer those who are interested in this question, to Prof. Huxley's criticism on the cell-doctrine, published in the Medico- Chirurgical Review in 1853. A critic who thinks the above statements are " rather misleading " ad- mits that the lowest types of organisms yield them support, saying that "there are certainly masses of protoplasm containing many nuclei, but no trace of cellular structure, in both animals and plants. Such non-cellular masses may exist during development and later become separated up into cells, but there arc certain low organisms in which such masses exist in the adult state. They arc called by some botanists non cellular, by others multi-nucleate colls. Clearly the difference lies in the criteria of a cell. There are also some Protozoa, and the Bflc'eria, in which no nucleus has certainly been demonstrated. But it is usual to consider the bodies of such organisms as cells nevertheless, and it is supposed that such cells represent THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 21 Interpreting the facts in this manner, we may recognize that large amount of truth which the cell-doctrine contains, without committing ourselves to the errors involved by a sweeping assertion of it. We are enabled to understand how it happens that organic structures are usually cellular in their composition, at the same time that they are not universally so. We are shown that while we may properly continue to regard the cell as the morphological unit, we must constantly bear in mind that it is such only in a qualified sense. § 181. These aggregates of the lowest order, each formed of physiological units united into a group that is structurally single and cannot be divided without destruction of its individuality, may, as above implied, exist as independent organisms. The assumption to which we are committed by the hypothesis of evolution, that such so-called uni-cellular plants were at first the only kinds of plants, is in harmony with the fact that habitats not occupied by plants of higher orders, commonly contain these protophytes in great abund- ance and great variety. The various species of Pleurococ- cacece, of Desmidiacece, and Diatomacece, supply examples of morphological units living and propagating separately, under numerous modifications of form and structure. Figures 1, 2, and 3, represent a few of the commonest types. Mostly, simple plants are too small to be individually a stage of development in which the nucleus has not yet been evolved, though the chemical substance ' nuclein ' has been formed in some of them " Perhaps it will be most correct to say that, excluding the minute, non- nucleated organisms, all the higher organisms — Metazoa and Metaphyta — are composed throughout of cells, or of tissues originally cellular, or of materials which have in the course of development been derived from cells. It must, however, be borne in mind that, according to sundry leading biologists, cells in the strict sense are not the immediate products either of the primitive fissions or of subsequent fissions ; but that the multiplying so-called cells are nucleated masses of protoplasm which remain connected by strands of proto- plasm, and which acquire limiting membranes by a secondary process. So that, in the view of Mr. Adam Sedgwick and others, the substance of an organism is in fact a continuous mass of vacuolated protoplasm. 22 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. visible without the microscope. But, in some cases, these vegetal aggregates of the first order grow to appreciable sizes. In the mycelium of some fungi, we have single cells developed into long branched filaments, or ramified tubules, that are of considerable lengths. An analogous structure char- acterizes certain tribes of Algae, of which C odium adhcerens, Fig. 4, may serve as an example. In Botrydium, another alga, Fig. 5, we have a structure which is described as simu- lating a higher plant, with root, stem, bud, and fruit, all produced by the branching of a single cell. And among fungi the genus Mucor, Fig. 6, furnishes an example of allied kind.* Here, though the size attained is much greater than that of many organisms which are morphologically compound, we are compelled to consider the morphological composition as simple; since the whole can no more be separated into minor wholes, than can the branched vascular * In further illustration, Mr. Tanslcy names the fact that in the genus Caulrrpa we have extremely complicated forms often of considerable size produced in the same way. The various snocics simulate very perfectly the members of different crrouns amonrr the higher plants, such as Horse-tails, Mosses, Cactuses, Conifers and the like. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 23 system of an animal. In these cases we have considerable bulk attained, not by a number of aggregates of the first order being united into an aggregate of the second order, but by the continuous growth of an aggregate of the first order. § 182. The transition to higher forms begins in a very unobtrusive manner. Among these aggregates of the first order, an approach towards that union by which aggregates of the second order are produced, is indicated by mere juxta- position. Protophytes multiply rapidly; and their rapid multiplication sometimes causes crowding. When, instead of floating free in the water, they form a thin film on a moist surface, or are imbedded in a common matrix of mucilage; the mechanical obstacles to dispersion result in a kind of feeble integration, vaguely shadowing forth a combined group. Somewhat more definite combination is shown us by such plants as Palmella botryoides. Here the members of a family of cells, arising by the spontaneous fission of a parent- cell, remain united by slender threads of that jelly-like sub- stance which envelops their surfaces. In some Diatomacece several individuals, instead of completely separating, hold together by their angles; and in other Diatomacece, as the Bacillaria, a variable number of units cohere so slightly, that they are continually moving in relation to one another. This formation of aggregates of the second order, faintly indicated in feeble and variable unions like the above, may be traced through phases of increasing permanence and de- finiteness, as well as increasing extent. In the yeast-plant, Fig. 7, we have cells which may exist singly, or joined into groups of several; and which have their shapes scarcely at all modified by their connexion. Among the Desmidiacece, it happens in many cases that the two individuals produced by division of a parent-individual, part as soon as they are fully formed; but in other cases, instead of parting they compose a group of two. Allied kinds show us how, by subsequent fissions of the adherent individuals and their progeny, there 24 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. result longer groups ; and in some species, a continuous thread of them is thus produced. Figs. 8, 9, 11, exhibit these several stages. Fig. 10 represents a Scenedesmus in which the individuation of the group is manifest. Instead of linear aggregation, many protophytes illustrate central aggregation ; as shown in Figs. 12, 13, 14, 15. Other instances are fur- nished by such forms as the Gonium pectorale, Fig. 16 (a being the front view, and b the edge view), and the Sarcina ventriculi, Fig. 17. Further, we have that spherical mode of aggregation of which the Volvox globator furnishes a familiar instance. Thus far, however, the individuality of the secondary ag- gregate is feebly pronounced: not simply in the sense that it is small; but also in the sense that the individualities of the primary aggregates are very little subordinated. But on seeking further, we find transitions towards forms in which the compound individuality is more dominant, while the simple individualities are more obscured. Obscuration of one kind accompanies mere increase of size in the second- ary aggregate. In proportion to the greater number of the morphological units held together in one mass, becomes their relative insignificance as individuals. We see this in the irregularly-spreading lichens that form patches on rocks; and in such creeping fungi as grow in films or laminae on decaying wood and the bark of trees. In these cases, how- ever, the integration of the component cells is of an almost THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 25 mechanical kind. The aggregate of them is scarcely more individuated than a lump of inorganic matter : as witness the way in which the lichen extends its curved edges in this or that direction, as the surface favours; or the way in which the fungus grows round and imbeds the shoots and leaves that lie in its way, just as so much plastic clay might do. Though here, in the augmentation of mass, we see a progress towards the evolution of a higher type, we have as yet none of that definiteness required to constitute a compound unit, or true aggregate of the second order. Another kind of obscuration of the morphological units, is brought about by their more complete coalescence into the form of some structure made by their union. This is well exemplified among the Confervoidece and Conjugates. In Fig. 18, there are represented the stages of a growing Mougeotia genuflexa, in which this merging of the simple individualities into the compound individuality, is shown in the history of a single plant; and in Figs. 19, 20, 21; 22, 23, are represented a series of species from this group, and that of Cladophora* in which we see a progressing integration. While, in the lower types, the primitive spheroidal forms of the cells are scarcely altered, in the higher types the cells are so fused together as to constitute cylinders divided by septa. Here, however, * It may be objected that in Cladophora the separate compartments of the thallus severally contain many nuclei, making it doubtful whether they descend from uni-nucleate cells. If, however, they do not they simply illus- trate another form of integration. MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the indefiniteness is still great. There are no specific limits to the length of any thread thus produced, and there is none of that differentiation of parts required to give a decided in- dividuality to the whole. To constitute something like a true aggpegate of the second order, capable of serving as a compound unit that may be combined with others like itself into still higher aggregates, there must exist both mass and definiteness. § 183. An approach towards plants which unite these characters, may be traced in such forms as Bangia ciliaris, Fig. 24. The multiplication of cells here takes place, not in a longitudinal direction only, but also in a transverse direction; and the transverse multiplication being greater towards the middle of the frond, there results a differ- ence between the middle and the two ex- tremities— a character which, in a feeble way, unites all the parts into a whole. Even this slight individuation is, however, very indefinitely marked; since, as shown by the figures, the lateral multiplication of cells does not go on in a precise manner. From some such type as this there ap- pear to arise, through slight differences in the modes of growth, two closely-allied groups 9f plants, having individualities somewhat more pronounced. If, while the cells multiply longitudinally, their lateral multiplication goes on in one direction only, there results a flat surface, as in the genus Ulva (Sea-lettuce) or in the upper part of the thallus of Enteromorpha Lima, Fig. 25 ; or where the lateral multiplication is less uniform in its rate, in types like Fig. 26. But where the lateral multiplication occurs in two directions transverse to one another, a hollow frond may be produced — sometimes irregularly spheroidal, and sometimes THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 27 irregularly tubular; as in Enteromorpha intesiinalis, Fig. 27. And often, as in Enteromorpha compressa, Fig. 28, and other 2S species, this tubular frond becomes branched. Figs. 29 and 30 are magnified portions of such fronds, showing the simple cellular aggregation which allies them with the pre- ceding forms. In the common Fuci of our coasts, other and somewhat higher stages of this integration are displayed. We have fronds preserving something like constant breadths and dividing dichotomously with approximate regularity. Though the subdivisions so produced are not to be regarded as separate fronds, but only as extensions of one frond, they foreshadow a higher degree of composition; and by the com- paratively methodic way in which they are united, give to the aggregate a more definite, as well as a more complex, in- dividuality. Many of the higher lichens exhibit an analogous advance. While in the lowest lichens, the different parts of the thallus are held together only by being all attached to the supporting surface, in the higher lichens the thallus is so far integrated that it can support itself by attachment to such surface at one point only. And then, in still more developed kinds, we find the thallus assuming a 28 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. dichotomously-branched form, and so gaining a more specific character as well as greater size. Where, as in types like these, the morphological units show an inherent tendency to arrange themselves in a manner which is so far constant as to give characteristic proportions, we may say that there is a recognizable compound individual- ity. Considering the Thallophytes which grow in this way apart from their kinships, and wholly with reference to their morphological composition, we might not inaptly describe them as pseudo-foliar. § 184. Another mode in which aggregation is so carried on as to produce a compound individuality of considerable definiteness, is variously displayed among other families of Alga. When the cells, instead of multiplying longitudinally alone, and instead of all multiplying laterally as well as longitudinally, multiply laterally only at particular places, they produce branched structures. Indications of this mode of aggregation occur among the Confervoidece, as shown in Figs. 22, 23. Though, in some of the more developed Algce which exhibit the ramified arrange- ment in a higher degree, the component cells are, like those of the lower Algce, united together end to end, in such way as but little to obscure their separate forms, as in Cladophora Hutcliinsice, Fig. 31 ; they nevertheless evince greater sub- ordination to the whole of which they are parts, by arranging themselves more methodically. Still further pronounced becomes the compound individuality when, while the com- ponent cells of the branches unite completely into jointed cylinders, the component cells of the stem form an axis dis- tinguished by its relative thickness and complexity. Such types of structures are indicated by Figs. 32, 33 — figures representing small portions of plants which are quite tree- like in their entire outlines. On examining Figs. 34, 35, 36, which show the structures of the stems in these types, it will be seen, too, that the component cells in becoming more THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP PLANTS. 29 coherent, have undergone changes of form which obscure their individualities more than before. Not only are they much elongated, but they are so compressed as to be pris- matic rather than cylindrical. This structure, besides dis- playing integration of the morphological units carried on in two directions instead of one; and besides displaying this higher integration in the greater merging of the individuali- ties of the morphological units in the general individuality; also displays it in the more pronounced subordination of the branches and branchlets to the main stem. This differentia- tion and consolidation of the stem, brings all the secondary growths into more marked dependence; and so renders the individuality of the aggregate more decided. We might not inappropriately call this type of structure pseud-axial. It simulates that of the higher plants in cer- tain superficial characters. We see in it a primary axis along which development may continue indefinitely, and from which there bud out, laterally, secondary axes of like nature, bearing like tertiary axes; and this is a mode of growth with which PhaBnogams make us familiar. § 185. Some of the larger Algce supply examples of an integration still more advanced; not simply inasmuch as they unite much greater numbers of morphological units 30 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. into continuous masses, but also inasmuch as they combine the pseudo-foliar structure with the pseud-axial structure. Our own shores furnish an instance of this in the common Laminaria; and certain gigantic Laminariacece of the Ant- arctic seas, furnish yet better instances. In Necrocystis the germ develops a very long slender stem, which eventually expands into a large bladder-like or cylindrical air-vessel; and the surface of this bears numerous leaf-shaped expan- sions. Another kind, Lessonia fuscescens, Fig. 37, shows us a massive stem growing up through water many feet deep — a stem which, bifurcating as it approaches the surface, flattens out the ends of its subdivisions into fronds like ribands. These, however, are not true foliar appendages, since they are merely expanded continuations of the stem. In Egregia branches of the thallus not only take the form of leaves, but these are differentiated into several categories in accordance with a division of labour. In any of these Lamin- ariacece the whole plant, great as may be its size, and made up though it seems to be of many groups of morphological units, united into a compound group by their marked subordination to a connecting mass, is nevertheless a single thallus, which is added to by intercalary growth at the " transition-place," at the junction of the stem-like and leaf-like portions. The aggregate is still an aggregate of the second order. But among certain of the highest Algce, we do find some- thing more than this union of the pseud-axial with the pseudo-foliar structure. In addition to pseud-axes of com- parative complexity; and in addition to pseudo-folia that are like leaves, not only in their general shapes but in hav- ing mid-ribs and even veins; there are the beginnings of a higher stage of integration. Figs. 38, 39, and 40, show some of the steps. In Rhodymenia palmata, Fig. 38, the THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 31 parent-frond is comparatively irregular in form, and without a mid-rib; and along with this very imperfect integration, we see that the secondary fronds growing from the edges are distributed very much at random, and are by no means specific in their shapes. A considerable advance is displayed by Pliylloplwra rubens, Fig. 39. Here the frond, primary, secondary, or tertiary, betrays some approach towards regu- larity in both form and size; by which, as also by its partially-developed mid-rib, there is established a more marked individuality; and at the same time, the growth of the secondary fronds no longer occurs anywhere on the edge, in the same plane as the parent-frond, but from the surface at specific places. Delesseria sanguined, Fig. 40, illustrates a much more definite arrangement of the same kind. The fronds of this plant, quite regularly shaped, have their parts decidedly subordinated to the whole; and from their mid- ribs grow other fronds Avhich are just like them. Each of ? these fronds is an organized group of those morphological units which we distinguish as aggregates of the first order. And in this case, two or more such aggregates of the second 32 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. order, well individuated by their forms and structures, are united together; and the plant composed of them is thus rendered, in so far, an aggregate of the third order. Just noting that in certain of the most-developed Algce, as the Sargassum, or common gulf-weed, this tertiary degree of composition is far more completely displayed, so as to pro- duce among Thallophytes a type of structure closely simulat- ing that of the higher plants, let us now pass to the considera- tion of these higher plants. § 186. Having the surface of the soil for a support and the air for a medium, terrestrial plants are mechanically circum- stanced in a manner widely different from that in which aquatic plants are circumstanced. Instead of being buoyed up by a surrounding fluid of specific gravity equal to their own, they have to erect themselves into a rare fluid which yields no appreciable support. Further, they are dis- similarly conditioned in having two sources of nutriment in place of one. Unlike the Algce, which derive all the mate- rials for their tissues from the water bathing their entire surfaces, and use their roots only for attachment, most of the plants which cover the Earth's surface, absorb part of their food through their imbedded roots and part through their exposed leaves. These two marked unlikenesses in the rela- tions to surrounding conditions, profoundly affect the respec- tive modes of growth. We must duly bear them in mind while studying the further advance of composition. The class of plants to which we now turn — that of the Archegoniatce — is nearly related by its lower members to the classes above dealt with : so much so, that some of the inferior liverworts are quite licheniform, and are often mistaken for lichens. Passing over these, let us recommence our synthesis with such members of the class as repeat those indications of progress towards a higher composition, which we have just 6b-* served among the more-developed Algce. The Jungerman- niacece furnish us with a series of types, clearly indicating the THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 33 transition from an aggregate of the second order to an aggre- gate of the third order. Figs. 41, and 42, indicate the struc- ture among the lowest of this group. Here there is but an in- complete development of the second order of aggregate. The frond grows as irregularly as the thallus of a lichen : it is in- definite in size and outline, spreading hither or thither as the conditions favour. Moreover, it lacks the differentiations required to subordinate its parts to the whole : it is uniformly cellular, having neither mid-rib nor veins; and it puts out rootlets indifferently from all parts of its under-surface. In Fig. 43, Pellia epiphylla, we have an advance on this type. There is here, as shown in the transverse section, Fig. 44, a thickening of the frond along its central portion, producing something like an approach towards a mid-rib; and from this the rootlets are chiefly given off. The outline, too, is much less irregular; whence results greater distinctness of the individuality. A further step is displayed in Metzgeria furcata, Fig. 45. The frond of this plant, comparatively well integrated by the distribution of its substance around a decided mid-rib, and by its comparatively-definite outlines, produces secondary fronds. There is what is called prolifer- ous growth ; and occasionally, as shown in Fig. 46, represent- ing an enlarged portion, the growth is doubly-proliferous. In these cases, however, the tertiary aggregate, so far as it is formed, is but very feebly integrated; and its integration is but temporary. For not only do these younger fronds that bud out from the mid-ribs of older fronds, develop rootlets of their own ; but as soon as they are well grown and adequately rooted, they dissolve their connexions with the parent-fronds, 49 34 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and become quite independent. From these transi- tional forms we pass, in the higher Jungermanniacece, to forms composed of many fronds that are permanently united by a continuous stem. A more-developed aggregate of the third order is thus produced. But though, along with in- creased definiteness in the secondary aggregates, there is here an integration of them so extensive and so regular, that they are visibly subordinated to the whole they form; yet the subordination is really very incomplete. In some instances, as in Radula complanata, Fig. 47, the leaflets develop roots from their under surfaces, just as the primitive frond does; and in the majority of the group, as in J. capitata, Fig. 48, roots are given off all along the connecting stem, at the spots where the leaflets or frondlets join it: the result being that though the connected frondlets form a physical whole, they do not form, in any decided manner, a physiological whole; since successive portions, of the united series, carry on their functions independently of the rest. Finally, the most developed members of the group, whether lineally de- scended from the less developed or from an early type com- mon to the two, present us with tertiary aggregates which are physiologically as well as physically integrated.* Not lying * The great mass of early ancestral types— plant and animal— consisting of soft tissues, have left no remains whatever, and we have no reason to suppose that those which left remains fell within the direct ancestral lines of any existing forms. Contrariwise, we have reason to suppose that they fell with- in lines of evolution out of which the lines ending in existing forms diverged. We must therefore infer that the difficulties of affiliation which arise if we THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 35 prone like the kinds thus far described, but growing erect, the stem and attached leaflets become dependent upon a single root or group of roots; and being so prevented from carrying on their functions separately, are made members of a compound individual: there arises a definitely-established aggregate of the third degree of composition. The facts as arranged in the above order are suggestive. Minute aggregates, or cells, the grouping of which we traced in § 182, showed us analogous phases of indefinite union, which appeared to lead the way towards definite union. We see here among compound aggregates, as we saw there among simple aggregates, the establishment of a specific form, and a size that falls within moderate limits of varia- tion. This passage from less definite extension to more definite extension, seems in the one case, as the other, to be accompanied by the result, that growth exceeding a certain rate, ends in the formation of a new aggregate, rather than an enlargement of the old. And on the higher stage, as on the lower, this process, irregularly carried out in the simpler types, produces in them unions that are but temporary ; while in the more-developed types, it proceeds in a systematic way, and ends in the production of a permanent aggregate that is doubly compound. contemplate divergent types now existing, would not arise if we had before us all the early intermediate types. The Mammalia differ in sundry respects from all other kinds of Vertebrata— Fishes, Reptiles, Birds; and if the absence of hair, mammae, and two occipital condyles, in these other verte- brates were taken to imply a fundamental distinction, it might, in the absence of any known fossil links, be inferred that the Mammalia belonged to a sepa- rate phylum. But these differences are not held to negative the assumed relationship. Similarly among plants. We must not reject an hypothesis respecting a certain supposed type, because the existing types it must have been akin to present traits which it could not have had. We are justified in assuming, within limits, a hypothetical type, unlike existing types in traits of some importance. Hence results the answer to a criticism passed on the above argument, that it implies relations between the undeveloped and devel- oped forms of the Jungermanniaccce such as the facts do not show us. Thia objection is met on remembering that the types in which the supposed transi- tion took place disappeared myriads of years ago. 36 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Must we then conclude that as cells, or morphological units, are integrated into a unit of a higher order, which we call a thallus or frond; so, by the integration of fronds, there is evolved a structure such as the above-delineated species possess? Whether this is the interpretation to be given of these plants, we shall best see when considering whether it is the interpretation to be given of plants which rank above them. Thus far we have dealt only with the Cryptogamia. .We have now to deal with the Phanerogamia or Phaenogamia. CHAPTER III. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS, CONTINUED. § 187. THAT advanced composition arrived at in the 'Arcliegoniatce, is carried still further in the Flowering Plants. In these most-elevated vegetal forms, aggregation of the third order is always distinctly displayed; and aggregates of the fourth, fifth, sixth, &c., orders are very common. Our inquiry into the morphology of these flowering plants, may be advantageously commenced by studying the develop- ment of simple leaves into compound leaves. It is easy to trace the transition, as well as the conditions under which it occurs; and tracing it will prepare us for understanding how, and when, metamorphoses still greater in degree take place. § 188. If we examine a branch of the common bramble, when in flower or afterwards, we shall not unfrequently find a simple or undivided leaf, at the insertion of one of the lateral flower-bearing axes, composing the terminal cluster of flowers. Sometimes this lea«f is partially lobed ; sometimes cleft into three small leaflets. Lower down on the shoot, if it be a lateral one, occur larger leaves, composed of three leaflets; and in some of these, two of the leaflets may be lobed more or less deeply. On the main stem the leaves, usually still larger, will be found to have five leaflets. Sup- posing the plant to be a well-grown one, it will furnish all 87 8 n R i\ % 38 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. gradations between the simple, very small leaf, and the large composite leaf, containing sometimes even seven leaflets. Figs. 50 to 64, represent leading stages of the transition. What determines this transition? Observation shows that the quintuple leaves occur where the materials for growth are supplied in greatest abundance; that the leaves become THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 39 less and less compound, in proportion to their remoteness from the main currents of sap; and that where an entire absence of divisions or lobes is observed, it is on leaves within the flower-bunch : at the place, that is, where the forces which cause growth are nearly equilibrated by the forces which oppose growth; and where, as a consequence, gamogenesis is about to be set in (§78). Additional evidence that the degree of nutrition determines the degree of composition of the leaf, is furnished by the relative sizes of the leaves. Not only, on the average, is the quintuple leaf much larger in its total area than the triple leaf; but the component leaflets of the one, are usually much larger than those of the other. The like contrasts are still more marked between triple leaves and simple leaves. This connection of decreasing size with de- creasing composition, is conspicuous in the series of figures: the differences shown being not nearly so great as may be frequently observed. Confirmation may be drawn from the fact that when the leading shoot is broken or arrested in its growth, the shoots it gives off (provided they are given off after the injury), and into which its checked currents of sap are thrown, produce leaves of five leaflets where ordinarily leaves of three leaflets occur. Of course incidental circum- stances, as variations in the amounts of sunshine, or of rain, or of matter supplied to the roots, are ever producing changes in the state of the plant as a whole; and by thus affecting the nutrition of its leaf-buds at the times of their formation, cause irregularities in the relations of size and composition above described. But taking these causes into account, it is abundantly manifest that a leaf-bud of the bramble will develop into a simple leaf or into a leaf compounded in different degrees, according to the quantity of assimilable matter brought to it at the time when the rudiments of its structure are being fixed. And on studying the habits of other plants — on observing how annuals that have compound leaves usually bear simple leaves at the outset, when the assimilating surface is but small ; and how, when compound- 40 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. leaved plants in full growth bear simple leaves in the midst of compound ones, the relative smallness of such simple leaves shows that the buds from which they arose were ill- supplied with sap; it will cease to be doubted that a foliar organ may be metamorphosed into a group of foliar organs, if furnished, at the right time, with a quantity of matter greater than can be readily organized round a single centre of growth. An examination of the transitions through which a compound leaf passes into a doubly-compound leaf, as seen in the various intermediate forms of leaflets in Fig. 65, will further enforce this conclusion. 65 Here we may advantageously note, too, how in such cases the leaf-stalk undergoes concomitant changes of structure. In the bramble-leaves above described, it becomes compound simultaneously with the leaf — the veins become mid-ribs while the mid-ribs become petioles. Moreover, the secondary stalks, and still more the main stalks, bear thorns similar in their THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 41 shapes, and approaching in their sizes, to those on the stem; besides simulating the stem in colour and texture. In the petioles of large compound leaves, like those of the com- mon Heracleum, we see still more distinctly both internal and external approximations in character to axes. Nor are there wanting plants whose large, though simple, leaves, are held out far from the stems by foot-stalks that are, near the ends, sometimes so like axes that the transverse sections of the two are indistinguishable; as instance the Calla palustris. One other fact respecting the modifications which leaves undergo, should be set down. Not only may leaf-stalks assume to a great degree the characters of stems, when they have to discharge the functions of stems, by supporting many leaves or very large leaves; but they may assume the charac- ters of leaves, when they have to undertake the functions of leaves. The Australian Acacias furnish a remarkable illustration of this. Acacias elsewhere found bear pinnate leaves; but the majority of those found in Australia bear what appear to be simple leaves. It turns out, however, that these are merely leaf-stalks flattened out into foliar shapes: the lamina of the leaves being undeveloped. And the proof is that in young plants, showing their kinships by their embryonic characters, these leaf-like petioles bear true leaflets at their ends. A metamorphosis of like kind occurs in Oxalis bupleurifolia, Fig. 66. The fact most deserving of notice, however, is that these leaf- stalks, in usurping the gen- 66 eral aspects and functions of leaf-blades, have, to some extent, also usurped their structures : though their venation is not like that of the leaf- blades they replace, yet they have veins, and in some cases mid-ribs. Reduced to their most general expression, the truths above shadowed forth are these: — That group of morphological units, or cells, which v/e see integrated into the compound 4:2 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. unit called a leaf, has, in each higher plant, a typical form, due to the special arrangement of these cells around a mid- rib and veins. If the multiplication of morphological units, at the time when the leaf-bud is taking on its main outlines, exceeds a certain limit, these units begin to arrange them- selves round secondary centres, or lines of growth, in such ways as to repeat, in part or wholly, the typical form: the larger veins become transformed into imperfect mid-ribs of partially independent leaves; or into complete mid-ribs of quite separate leaves. And as there goes on this transition from a single aggregate of cells to a group of such aggregates, there simultaneously arises, by similarly insensible steps, a distinct structure which supports the several aggregates thus produced, and unites them into a compound aggregate. These phenomena should be carefully studied; since they give us a key to more involved phenomena.* § 189. Thus far we have dealt with leaves ordinarily so called: briefly indicating the homologies between the parts of the simple and the compound. Let us now turn to the homologies among foliar organs in general. These have been * There is much force in the criticism passed on the above paragraph, and by implication on some preceding paragraphs, that though in plants which tend to produce compound leaves the production is largely dependent on the supply of nutriment, yet the unqualified statement of this relation as a gen- eral one, is negatived by the existence of plants which bear only simple leaves, however much high nutrition causes growth. But mostly valid though this objection is, it is probably not universally valid. I am led to say this by what occasionally occurs in flowers. The flowering stem of the Hyacinth is single; but I have seen a cultivated Hyacinth in which one of the flowers had developed into a lateral spike. Still more striking evidence was once supplied to me by Agrimony. All samples of this plant previously seen had single flowering spikes, but some years ago I met with one, extremely luxuri- ant, in which some flowers of the primitive spike were replaced by lateral spikes ; and I am not sure that some of these, again, did not bear lateral spikes. Now if in plants which, in probably millions of cases, have their flowering stems single, excessive nutrition changes certain of their flowers into new spikes, it is a reasonable supposition that in like manner plants which are thought invariably to bear only single leave?, will, under kindred condi- tions, bear compound leaves. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 43 made familiar to readers of natural history by popularized outlines of The Metamorphosis of Plants — a title, by the way, which is far too extensive; since the phenomena treated of under it, form but a small portion of those it properly includes. Passing over certain vague anticipations which have been quoted from ancient writers, and noting only that some clearer recognitions were reached by Joachim Jung, a Ham- burg professor, in the middle of the 17th century; we come to the Theoria Generationis, which Wolff published in 1759, and in which he gives definite forms to the conceptions that have since become current. Specifying the views of Wolff, Dr. Masters writes : — " After speaking of the homologous nature of the leaves, the sepals and petals, an homology consequent on their similarity of structure and identity of origin, he goes on to state that the ' pericarp is manifestly composed of several leaves, as in the calyx, with this differ- ence only, that the leaves which are merely placed in close contact in the calyx, are here united together ' ; a view which he corroborates by referring to the manner in which many capsules open and separate ' into their leaves/ The seeds, too, he looks upon as consisting of leaves in close combina- tion. His reasons for considering the petals and stamens as homologous with leaves, are based upon the same facts as those which led Linnaeus, and, many years afterwards, Goethe, to the same conclusion. ' In a word,' says Wolff, ' we see nothing in the whole plant, whose parts at first sight differ so remarkably from each other, but leaves and stem, to which latter the root is referrible/ " It 'appears that Wolff, too, enunciated the now-accepted interpretation of compound fruits: basing it on the same evidence as that since assigned. In the essay of Goethe, published thirty years after, these relations among the parts of flowering plants were traced out in greater detail, but not in so radical a way; for Goethe did not, as did Wolff, verify his hypothesis by dissecting buds in their early stages of development. Goethe appears to have 44 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. arrived at his conclusions independently. But that they were original with him, and that he gave a more variously- illustrated exposition of them than had been given by Wolff, does not entitle him to anything beyond a secondary place, among those who have established this important generaliza- tion. Were it not that these pages may be read by some to whom Biology, in all its divisions, is a new subject of study, it would be needless to name the evidence on which this now- familiar generalization rests. For the information of such it will suffice to say, that the fundamental kinship existing among all the foliar organs of a flowering plant, is shown by the transitional forms which may be traced between them, and by the occasional assumption of one another's forms. " Floral leaves, or bracts, are frequently only to be distin- guished from ordinary leaves by their position at the base of the flower; at other times the bracts gradually assume more and more of the appearance of the sepals." The sepals, or divisions of the calyx, are not unlike undeveloped leaves: sometimes assuming quite the structure of leaves. In other cases, they acquire partially or wholly the colours of the petals — as, indeed, the bracts and uppermost stem-leaves occasionally do. Similarly, the petals show their alliances to the foliar organs lower down on the axis, and to those higher up on the axis. On the one hand, they may develop into ordinary leaves that are green and veined; and, on the other hand, as so commonly seen in double flowers, they may bear anthers on their edges. All varieties of gradation into neighbouring foliar organs may be witnessed in stamens. Flattened and tinted in various degrees, they pass insensibly into petals, and through them prove their homology with leaves; into which, indeed, they are transformed in flowers that become wholly foliaceous. The style, too, is occasionally changed into petals or into green leaflets; and even the ovules are now and then seen to take on leaf-like forms. Thus we have clear evidence that in Phaenogams, all the THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 45 appendages of the axis are homologues : they are all modified leaves. Wolff established, and Goethe further illustrated, another general law of structure in flowering plants. Each leaf commonly contains in its axil a bud, similar in structure to the terminal bud. This axillary bud may remain unde- veloped; or it may develop into a lateral shoot like the main shoot; or it may develop into a flower. If a shoot bearing lateral flowers be examined, it will be found that the internode, or space which separates each leaf with its axillary flower from the leaf and axillary flower above it, becomes gradually less towards the upper end of the shoot. In some plants, as in the fox-glove, the internodes constitute a regularly-diminishing series. In other plants, the series they form suddenly begins to diminish so rapidly, as to bring the flowers into a short spike : instance the common orchis. And again, by still more sudden dwarfing of the internodes, the flowers are brought into a cluster; as they are in the cow- slip. On contemplating a clover flower, in which this clustering has been carried so far as to produce a com- pact head; and on considering what must happen if, by a further arrest of axial development, the foot-stalks of the florets disappear; it will be seen that there must result a crowd of flowers, seated close together on the end of the axis. And if, at the same time, the internodes of the upper stem- leaves also remain undeveloped, these stem-leaves will be grouped into a common involucre: we shall have a composite flower, such as the thistle. Hence, to modifications in the developments of foliar organs, have to be added modifications in the developments of axial organs. Comparisons disclose the gradations through which axes, like their appendages, pass into all varieties of size, proportion, and structure. And we learn that the occurrence of these two kinds of metamor- phosis, in all conceivable degrees and combinations, furnishes us with a proximate interpretation of morphological com- position in Phaenogams. 46 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. I say a proximate interpretation, because there remain to be solved certain deeper problems; one of which at once presents itself to be dealt with under the present head. Leaves, petals, stamens, &c., being shown to be homologous foliar organs; and the part to which they are attached, proving to be an indefinitely-extended axis of growth, or axial organ; we are met by the questions, — What is a foliar organ ? and What is an axial organ ? The morphological com- position of a Phaenogam is undetermined, so long as we can- not say to what lower structures leaves and shoots are homo- logous; and how this integration of them originates. To these questions let us now address ourselves. § 190-1. Already, in § 78, reference has been made to the occasional development of foliar organs into axial organs: the special case there described being that of a fox-glove, in which some of the sepals were replaced by flower-buds. The observation of these and some analogous monstrosities, raising the suspicion that the distinction between foliar organs and axial organs is not absolute, led me to examine into the matter; and the result has been the deepening of this suspicion into a conviction. Part of the evidence is given in Appendix A. Some time after having reached this conviction, I found on looking into the literature of the subject, that analogous ir- regularities had suggested to other observers, beliefs similarly at variance with the current morphological creed. Diffi- culties in satisfactorily defining these two elements, have served to shake this creed in some minds. To others, the strange leaf-like developments which axes undergo in certain plants, have afforded reasons for doubting the constancy of this distinction which vegetal morphologists usually draw. And those not otherwise rendered sceptical, have been made to hesitate by such cases as that of the Nepaul-barley, in which the glume, a foliar organ, becomes developed into an axis and bears flowers. In his essay — "Vegetable Morph- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP PLANTS. 47 ology : its History and Present Condition," * whence I have already quoted, Dr. Masters indicates sundry of the grounds for thinking that there is no impassable demarcation between leaf and stem. Among other difficulties which meet us if we assume that the distinction is absolute, one is implied by this question : — " What shall we say to cases such as those afforded by the leaves of Guarea and Tricliilia, where the leaves after a time assume the condition of branches and de- velop young leaflets from their free extremities, a process less perfectly seen in some of the pinnate-leaved kinds of Herberts or Mdhonia, to be found in almost every shrubbery ? " A class of facts on which it will be desirable for us here to dwell a moment, before proceeding to deal with the matter deductively, is presented by the Cactaceaz. In this remark- able group of plants, deviating in such varied ways from the ordinary phsenogamic type, we find many highly instructive modifications of form and structure. By contemplating the changes here displayed within the limits of a single order, we shall greatly widen our conception of the possibilities of metamorphosis in the vegetal kingdom, taken as a whole. Two different, but similarly-significant, truths are illustrated. First, we are shown how, of these two components of a flowering plant, commonly regarded as primordially distin- guished, one may assume, throughout numerous species, the functions, and to a great degree the appearance, of the other. Second, we are shown how, in the same individual, there may occur a re-metamorphosis: the usurped function and appearance being maintained in one part of the plant, while in another part there is a return to the ordinary appearance and function. We will consider these two truths sepa- rately. Some of the Euphorbiacece, which simulate Cactuses, show us the stages through which such abnormal structures are arrived at. In Euphorbia splendens, the lateral axes are considerably swollen at their distal ends, so as often to be club-shaped: still, however, being covered with bark * See British and Foreign Medico- Chirurgical Review for January, 1862. 48 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. of the ordinary colour, and still bearing leaves. But in kindred plants, as Euphorbia neriifolia, this swelling of the lateral axes is carried to a far greater extent; and, at the same time, a green colour and a fleshy consistence have been acquired: the typical relations nevertheless being still shown by the few leaves that grow out of these soft and swollen axes. In the Cactacece, which are thus resembled by plants not otherwise allied to them, we have indications of a parallel transformation. Some kinds, not commonly brought to England, bear leaves; but in the species most familiar to us, the leaves are undeveloped and the axes assume their functions. Passing over the many varieties of form and combination which these green succulent growths display, we have to note that in some genera, as in Phyllocactus, they become flattened out into foliaceous shapes, having mid-ribs and something approaching to veins. So that here, and in the genus Epiphyllum, which has this character still more marked, the plant appears to be composed of fleshy leaves growing one upon another. And then, in Rhipsalis, the same parts are so leaf-like, that an uncritical observer would regard them as leaves. These which are axial organs in their homologies, have become foliar organs in their analogies. When, instead of comparing these strangely-modified axes in different genera of Cactuses, we compare them in the same individual, we meet with transfor- mations no less striking. Where a tree-like form is pro- duced by the growth of these foliaceous shoots, one on another ; and where, as a consequence, the first-formed of them become the main stem that acts as support to secondary and tertiary stems; they lose their green, succulent character, acquire bark, and become woody. In resuming the functions of axes they resume the structures of axes, from which they had devi- ated. In Fig. 71 are shown some of the leaf-like axes of Rhipsalis rhombea in their young state ; while Fig. 72 repre- sents the oldest portion of the same plant, in which the foli- aceous characters are quite obliterated, and there has resulted THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 49 an ordinary stem-structure. One further fact is to be noted. At the same time that their leaf-like appearances are lost, the axes also lose their separate individuali- ties. As they become stem- like, they also become inte- grated; and they do this so effectually that their origi- nal points of junction, at first so strongly marked, are effaced, and a consolidated trunk is produced. Joined with the facts previously specified, these facts help us to conceive how, in the evolution of flowering plants in general, the morphological components that were once distinct, may become extremely disguised. We may ration- ally expect that during so long a course of modification, much greater changes of form, and much more decided fusions of parts, have taken place. Seeing how, in an individual plant, the single leaves pass into compound leaves, by the development of their veins into mid-ribs while their petioles begin to simulate axes; and seeing that leaves ordinarily exhibiting definitely-limited developments, occasionally pro- duce other leaves from their edges; we are led to suspect the possibility of still greater changes in foliar organs. When, further, we find that within the limits of one natural order, petioles usurp the functions and appearances of leaves, at the same time that in other orders, as in Ruscus, lateral axes so simulate leaves that their axial nature would by most not be suspected, did they not bear flowers on their mid-ribs or edges; and when, among Cactuses, we perceive that such metamorphoses and re-metamorphoses take place with great facility; our suspicion that the morphological elements of Phffinogams admit of profound transformations, is deepened. And then, on discovering how frequent are the monstrosities which do not seem satisfactorily explicable without admitting the development of foliar organs into axial organs ; we become 50 50 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ready to entertain the hypothesis that during the evolution of the phasnogamic type, the distinction between leaves and axes has arisen by degrees. With our preconceptions loosened by such facts, and carrying with us the general idea which such facts suggest, let us now consider in what way the typical structure of a flowering plant may be interpreted. § 192. To proceed methodically, we must seek a clue to the structures of Phanerogams, in the structures of those inferior plants that approach to them — Archegoniatce. The various divisions of this class present, along with sundry characters which ally them with Thallophytes, other charac- ters by which the phaenogamic structure is shadowed forth. While some of the inferior Hepaticce or Liverworts, severally consist of little more than a thallus-like frond, among the higher members of this group, and still more among the Mosses and Ferns, we find a distinctly marked stem.* Some Archegoniates (or rather Ehizoids) have foliar expansions that are indefinite in their forms; and some have quite definitely-shaped leaves. Eoots are possessed by all the more developed genera of the class; but there are other genera, as Sphagnum, which have no roots. Here the fronds are formed of only a single layer of cells; and there a double layer gives them a higher character — a differ- * Schleiden, who chooses to regard as an axis that which Mr. Berkeley, with more obvious truth, calls a mid-rib, says : — " The flat stem of the Liver- worts presents many varieties, consisting frequently of one simple layer of thin-walled cells, or it exhibits in its axis the elements of the ordinary stem." This passage exemplifies the wholly gratuitous hypotheses which men will sometimes espouse, to escape hypotheses they dislike. Schleiden, with the positiveness characteristic of him, asserts the primordial distinction between axial organs and foliar organs. In the higher Archegoniates he sees an undeniable stem. In the lower Archegoniates, clearly allied to them by their fructification, there is no structure having the remotest resemblance to a stem. But to save his hypothesis, Schleiden calls that " a flat stem," which is obviously a structure in which stem and leaf are not differ- entiated. He is the more to be blamed for this unphilosophical assumption, Bince he is merciless in his strictures on the unphilosophical assumptions of other botanists. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 51 ence exhibited between closely allied genera of one group, the Mosses. Equally varied are the developments of the foliar- organs in their detailed structures: now being without mid- ribs or veins; now having mid-ribs but no veins; now having both mid-ribs and veins. Nor must we omit the similarly-sig- nificant circumstance, that whereas in the lower Archegoniates the reproductive elements are immersed here and there in the thallus-like frond, they are, in the higher orders, seated in well-specialized and quite distinct fructifying organs, having analogies with the flowers of Phsenogams. Thus, many facts imply that if the Phasnogamic type is to be analyzed at all, we must look among the Archegoniates for its morphological components, and the manner of their integration. Already we have seen among the lower Cryptogamia, how, as they became integrated and definitely limited, aggregates acquire the habit of budding out other aggregates, on reach- ing certain stages of growth. Cells produce other cells endogenously or exogenously; and fronds give origin to other fronds from their edges or surfaces. We have seen, too, that the new aggregates so produced, whether of the first order or the second order, may either separate or remain connected. Fissiparously-multiplying cells in some cases part company, while in other cases they unite into threads or laminae or masses; and fronds originating proliferously from other fronds, sometimes when mature disconnect themselves from their parents, and sometimes continue attached to them. Whether they do or do not part, is clearly determined by their nutrition. If the conditions are such that they can severally thrive better by separating after a certain develop- ment is reached, it will become their habit then to separate; since natural selection will favour the propagation of those which separate most nearly at that time. If, conversely, it profits the species for the cells or fronds to continue longer attached, which it can only do if their growths and subse- quent powers of multiplication are thereby increased, it must happen, through the continual survival of the fittest, that 52 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. longer attachment will become an established characteristic; and, by persistence in this process, permanent attachment will result when permanent attachment is advantageous. That disunion is really a consequence of relative innutrition, and union a consequence of relative nutrition, is clear d posteriori. On the one hand, the separation of the new indi- viduals, whether in germs or as developed aggregates, is a dissolving away of the connecting substance ; and this implies that the connecting substance has ceased to perform its function as a channel of nutriment. On the other hand, where, as we see among Phanogams, there is about to take place a separation of new individuals in the shape of germs, at the point where the nutrition is the lowest, a sudden increase of nutrition will cause the impending separation to be arrested; and the fructifying elements, reverting towards the ordinary form, thereupon develop in connexion with the parent. Turning to the Archegoniates, we find among them many indications of this transition from discontinuous development to continuous development. Thus the Liverworts give origin to new plants by cells which they throw off from their surfaces; as, indeed, we have seen that much higher plants do. "According to Bischoff," says Schleiden, "both the cells of the stem (Jungermannia [now Lophocolea] biden- tata) and those of the leaves (J. exsecta) separate themselves as propagative cells from the plant, and isolated cells shoot out and develop while still connected with the parent plant into small cellular bodies (Metzgeria furcata), which separate from the plant, and grow into new plants, as in Mnium andro- gynum among the Mosses." Now in the way above explained, these propagative cells and proliferous buds, may continue developing in connexion with the parent to various degrees before separating; or the buds which are about to become fructifying organs may similarly, under increased nutrition, develop into young fronds. As Sir W. Hooker says of the male fructification in Metzgeria furcata, — " It has the appear- ance of being a young shoot or innovation (for in colour THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 53 and texture I can perceive no difference) rolled up into a spherical figure." On finding in this same plant, that sometimes the proliferously-produced frond buds out from itself another frond before separating from the parent, as shown in Fig. 46, it becomes clear that this long-continued connexion may readily pass into permanent connexion. And when we see how, even among Phae- nogams, buds may either detach them- selves as bulbils, or remain attached and become shoots; we can scarcely doubt that among inferior plants, less definite in their modes of organization, such transi- tions must continually occur. Let us suppose, then, that Fig. 73 is the frond of some primitive Archegoniate, similar in general characters to Pellia epiphylla, Fig. 43 ; bearing, like it, the fructifying buds on its upper surface, and having a slightly-marked mid-rib and rootlets. And suppose that, as shown, a secondary frond is proliferously pro- duced from the mid-rib, and continues attached to it. Evidently the ordinary dis- continuous development, can thus become a continuous development, only on con- dition that there is an adequate supply, to the secondary frond, of such materials as are furnished by the rootlets: the re- maining materials being obtainable by itself from the air. Hence, that portion of the mid-rib lying between the secondary frond and the chief rootlets, having its function increased, will increase in bulk. An additional consequence will be a greater concentration of the rootlets — there will be extra growth of those which are most serviceably placed. Observe, 54: MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. next, that the structure so arising is likely to be main- tained. Such a variation implying, as it does, circumstances especially favourable to the growth of the plant, will give to the plant extra chances of leaving descendants; since the area of frond supported by a given area of the soil, being greater than in other individuals, there may be a greater production of spores. And then, among the more numerous descendants thus secured by it, the variation will give advantages to those in which it recurs. Such a mode of growth having, in this manner, become established, let us ask what is next likely to result. If it becomes the habit of the primary frond to bear a secondary frond from its mid-rib, this secondary frond, composed of physiological units of the same kind, will inherit the habit ; and supposing that the supply of mineral matters obtained by the rootlets suffices for the full development of the secondary frond, there is a likelihood that the growth from it of a tertiary frond, will become an habitual characteristic of the variety. Along with the establishment of such a tertiary frond, as shown in Fig. 74, there must arise a further development of mid-rib in the primary frond, as well as in the secondary frond — a development which must bring with it a greater integration of the two; while, simultaneously, extra growth will take place in such of the rootlets as are most directly connected with this main channel of circulation. Without further ex- planation it will be seen, on inspecting Figs. 75 and 76, that there may in this manner result an integrated series of fronds, placed alternately on opposite sides of a connecting vascular structure. That this connecting vascular structure will, as shown in the figures, become more distinct from the foliar surfaces as these multiply, is no unwarranted assump- tion ; for we have seen in compound-leaved plants, how, under analogous conditions, mid-ribs become developed into sepa- rate supporting parts, which acquire some of the characters of axes while assuming their functions. And now mark how clearly the structure thus built up by integration THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 55 of proliferously-growing fronds, corresponds with the struc- ture of the more developed Jungermanniacece. Each of the fronds successively produced, repeating the characters of its parent, will bear roots; and will bear them in homologous places, as shown. Further, the united mid-ribs having but very little rigidity, will be unable to maintain an erect posi- tion. Hence there will result the recumbent, continuously- rooted stem, which these types exhibit : an embryo phaenogam having the weakness of an embryo.* A natural concomitant of the mode of growth here de- scribed, is that the stem, while it increases longitudinally, increases scarcely at all transversely: hence the old name Acrogens. Clearly the transverse development of a stem is the correlative, partly of its function as a channel of circula- tion, and partly of its function as a mechanical support. That an axis may lift its attached leaves into the air, implies thickness and solidity proportionate to the mass of such leaves; and an increase of its sap-vessels, also proportionate to the mass of such leaves, is necessitated when the roots are all at one end and the leaves at the other. But in the generality of Acrogens, these conditions, under which arises the necessity for transverse growth of the axis, are absent wholly or in great part. The stem habitually creeps below the surface, or lies prone upon the surface; and where it grows in a vertical or inclined direction, does this by attach- ing itself to a vertical or inclined object. Moreover, throwing out rootlets, as it mostly does, at intervals throughout its length, it is not called upon in any considerable degree, to transfer nutritive materials from one of its ends to the other. •To this interpretation it is objected that "the more developed Junger- manniacece " do not appear to have arisen from the lower forms of Junger- manniacece — that is to say, from such lower forms as are now existing. It may, however, be contended that this fact does not exclude the interpretation given ; since the higher forms may well have been evolved, not from any of the lower forms we now know, but from lower forms which have become extinct. This, indeed, is the implication of the evolutionary process as pointed out in the note to Chap. I. If then we assume some early type of intermediate structure, the explanation may not improbably hold. 56 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Hence this peculiarity which gives their name to the Acrogens, now called Archegoniates, is a natural accompaniment of the low degree of specialization reached in them. And that it is an incidental and not a necessary peculiarity, is demonstrated by two converse facts. On the one hand, in those higher Acrogens which, like the tree-ferns, lift large masses of foliage into the air, there is just as decided a transverse ex- pansion of the axis as in dicotyledonous trees. On the other hand, in those Dicotyledons which, like the common Dodder, gain support and nutriment from the surfaces over which they creep, there is no more lateral expansion of the axis than is habitual among Acrogens or Archegoniates. Con- cluding, as we are thus fully justified in doing, that the lateral expansion accompanying longitudinal extension, which is a general characteristic of Phanerogams as distinguished from Archegoniates, is nothing more than a concomitant of their usually-vertical growth ; * let us now go on to consider how vertical growth originates, and what are the structural changes it involves. § 193. Plants depend for their prosperity mainly on air and light : they dwindle where they are smothered, and thrive where they can expand their leaves into free space and sun- shine. Those kinds which assume prone positions, conse- quently labour under disadvantages in being habitually inter- fered with by one another — they are mutually shaded and * I am indebted to Dr. Hooker for pointing out further facts supporting this view. In his Flora Antarctica, he describes the genus Lessonia (sec Fig. 37), and especially L. ovata, as having a mode of growth simulating that of the dicotyledonous trees, not only in general form but in internal struc- ture. The tall vertical stem thickens as it grows, by the periodical addition of layers to its periphery. That even Thallophytes should thus, under certain conditions, present a transversely-increasing axis, shows that there is nothing absolutely characteristic of Phanerogams in their habit of stem-thickening. Mr. Tansley gives me further verification by the state- ment that "it is also now certain that members of the Equisetinece and Lycopodinece, as well as some Ferns which flourished in Carboniferous times, had secondary thickening in their stems quite comparable to that of modern Dicotyledonous trees." THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 57 mutually injured. Such of them, however, as happen, by variations in mode of growth, to rise higher than others, are more likely to flourish and leave offspring than others. That is to say, natural selection will favour the more upright- growing forms. Individuals with structures which lift them above the rest, are the fittest for the conditions; and by the continual survival of the fittest, such structures must become established. There are two essentially-different ways in which the integrated series of fronds above described, may be modified so as to acquire the stiffness needful for maintaining perpendicularity. We will consider them separately. A thin layer of substance gains greatly in power of resist- ing a transverse strain, if it is bent round so as to form a tube : witness the difference between the pliability of a sheet of paper when outspread, and the rigidity of the same sheet of paper when rolled up. Engineers constantly recognize this truth, in devising appliances by which the greatest strength shall be obtained at the smallest cost of material; and among organisms, we see that natural selection habit- ually establishes structures conforming to the same principle, wherever lightness and stiffness are to be combined. The cylindrical bones of mammals and birds, and the hollow shafts of feathers, are examples. The lower plants, too, fur- nish cases where the strength ' needful for maintaining an upright position, is acquired by this rolling up of a flat thallus or frond. In Fig. 77 we have an Alga which ap- proaches towards a tubular distribution of substance ; and which has a consequent rigidity. Sundry common forms of lichen, having the thallus folded into a branched tube, still more decidedly dis- play the connexion between this structural arrangement 77 58 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and this mechanical advantage. And from the particular class of plants we are here dealing with — the Archegoniates — a type is shown in Fig. 78, Riella helicophylla, similarly char- acterized by a thin frond that is made stiff enough to stand, by an incurving which, though it does not produce a hollow cylinder, produces a kindred form. If, then, as we have seen, natural selection or survival of the fittest will favour such among these recumbent Archegoniates as are enabled, by variations in their structures, to maintain raised postures; it will favour the formation of fronds that curve round upon themselves, and curve round upon the fronds growing out of them. What, now, will be the result should such a modification take place in the group of proliferous fronds represented in Fig. 76? Clearly, the result will be a structure like that shown in Fig. 79. And if this inrolling becomes more complete, a form like Jungermannia cordifolia, represented in Fig. 80, will be produced. When the successive fronds are thus folded round so completely that their opposite edges meet, these opposite edges will be apt to unite: not that they will grow together after being formed, but that they will 79 80 develop in connexion; or, in botanical language, will become " adnate." That foliar surfaces which, in their embryonic state, are in close contact, often join into one, is a familiar fact. It is habitually so with sepals or divisions of the calyx. In all campanulate flowers it is so with petals. And in some tribes of plants it is so with stamens. We are therefore well warranted in inferring that, under the conditions above described, the suc- cessive fronds or leaflets will, by union of their remote edges, first at their points of origin and afterwards higher up, THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 59 form sheaths inserted one within another, and including the axis. This incurving of the successive fronds, ending in the formation of sheaths, may be accompanied by different sets of modifications. Supposing Fig. 81 to be a transverse section of such type (a being the mid-rib, and 6 the expansion of an older frond ; while c is a younger frond proliferously developed within it), there may begin two di- vergent kinds of changes, leading to two contrasted struc- tures. If, while frond continues to grow out of frond, the series of united mid-ribs continues to be the channel of circu- lation between the uppermost fronds and the roots — if, as a consequence, the compound mid-rib, or rudimentary axis, con- tinues to increase in size laterally; there will arise the series of transitional forms represented by the transverse sections 82, 83, 84, 85; ending in the production of a solid axis, everywhere wrapped round by the foliar surface of the frond, as an outer layer or sheath. But if, on the other hand, circumstances favour a form of plant which maintains its uprightness at the smallest cost of substance — if the vascular bundles of each succeeding mid-rib, instead of re- maining concentrated, become distributed all round the tube 60 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. formed by the infolded frond; then the structure eventually reached, through the transitional forms 86, 87, 88, 89, will be a hollow cylinder.* And now observe how the two structures thus produced, correspond with two kinds of Monocotyledons. Fig. 90 represents a species of Dendrobium, in which we see clearly how each leaf is but a continuation of the external layer of a solid axis — a sheath such as would result from the infolded edges of a frond becoming adnate; and on examining how the sheath of each leaf includes the one above it, and how the successive sheaths include the axis, it will be manifest that the relations of parts are just such as exist in the united series of fronds shown in Fig. 79 — the successive nodes answering to the successive points of origin of the fronds. Conversely, the stem of a grass, Fig. 91, dis- 90 plays just such relations of parts, as would result from the de- velopment of the type shown in Fig. 79, if instead of the mid- ribs thickening into a solid axis, the matter composing them became evenly distributed round the foliar surfaces, at the same time that the incurved edges of the foliar surfaces united. The arrangements of the tubular axis and its ap- pendages, thus resulting, are still more instructive than those * Sec note at the end of the chapter. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP PLANTS. 61 of the solid axis. For while, even more clearly than in the Dendrobium, we see at the point b, a continuity of structure between the substance of the axis below the node, and the substance of the sheath above the node: we see that this sheath, instead of having its edges united as in Dendrobium, has them simply overlapping, so as to form an incomplete hollow cylinder which may be taken off and unrolled; and we see that were the overlapping edges of this sheath united all the way from the node a to the node &, it would constitute a tubular axis, like that which precedes it or like that which it includes. And then, giving an unexpected collusiveness to the argument, it turns out that in one family of grasses, the overlapping edges of the sheaths do unite: thus furnishing us with a demonstration that tubular structures are produced by the incurving and joining of foliar surfaces; and that so, hollow axes may be interpreted as above, without making any assumption unwarranted by fact. One further correspondence between the type thus ideally constructed, and the monocotyledonous type, must be noted. If, as already pointed out, the transverse growth of an axis arises when the axis comes to be a channel of circulation between all the roots at one of its extremities and all the leaves at the other; and if this lateral bulging must increase as fast as the quantity of foliage to be brought in communication with the roots increases — especially if such foliage has at the same time to be raised high above the earth's surface; what must happen to a plant constructed in the manner just described ? The elder fronds or foliar organs, ensheathing the younger ones, as well as the incipient axis serving as a bond of union, are at first of such circum- ference only as suffices to inclose these undeveloped parts. What, then, will take place when the inclosed parts grow — when the axis thickens while it elongates ? Evidently the earliest-formed sheaths, not being large enough for the swelling axis, must burst; and evidently each of the later- formed sheaths must, in its tiirn, do the like. There must 62 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. result a gradual exfoliation of the successive sheaths, like that indicated as beginning in the above figure of Dendro- bium; which, at a, shows the bud of the undeveloped parts just visible above the enwrapping sheaths, while at &, and c, it shows the older sheaths in process of being split open. That is to say, there must result the mode of growth which helped to give the name Endogens to this class. The other way in which an integrated series of fronds may acquire the rigidity needful for maintaining an erect position, has next to be considered. If the successive fronds do not acquire such habit of curling as may be taken ad- vantage of by natural selection, so as to produce the requisite stiffness; then, the only way in which the requisite stiffness appears producible, is by the thickening and hardening of the fused series of mid-ribs. The incipient axis will not, in this case, be inclosed by the rolled-up fronds; but will con- tinue exposed. Survival of the fittest will favour the genesis of a type, in which those portions of the successive mid-ribs that enter into the continuous bond, become more bulky than the disengaged portions of the mid-ribs: the individuals which thrive and have the best chances of leaving offspring, being, by the hypothesis, individuals having axes stiff enough to raise their foliage above that of their fellows. At the same time, under the same influences, there will tend to result an elongation of those portions of the mid-ribs, which become parts of the incipient axis; seeing that it will profit the plant to have its leaves so far removed from one another, as to prevent mutual interferences. Hence, from the recumbent type there will evolve, by indirect equilibration (§ 167), such modifications as are shown in Figs. 92, 93, 94; the first of which is a slight advance on the ideal type represented in Fig. 76, arising in the way described; and the others of which are actual plants — Haplomitrium Hoolceri, and Plagiochila decipiens. Thus the higher Archegoniates show us how, along with an assumption of the upright atti- tude, there does go on, as we see there must go on, a separa- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP PLANTS. 63 tion of the leaf-producing parts from the root-producing parts; a greater development of that connecting portion of the successive fronds, by which they are kept in communica- tion with the roots, and raised above the ground; and a con- sequent increased differentiation of such connecting portion from the parts attached to it. And this lateral bulging of the axis, directly or indirectly consequent on its functions as a support and a channel, being here unrestrained by the early-formed fronds folded round it, goes on without the bursting of these. Hence arises a leading character of what is called exogenous growth — a growth which is, however, still habitually accompanied by exfoliation, in flasks, of the outer- most layers, continually being cracked and split by the accu- mulation of layers within them. And now if we ex- amine plants of the exogenous type, we find among them many displaying the stages of this metamorphosis. In Fig. 95, is shown a form in which the continuity of the axis with the mid-rib of the leaf, is manifest — a continuity that is con- spicuous in the common thistle. Here the foliar expansion, running some distance down the axis, makes the included portion of the axis a part of its mid-rib; just as in the ideal types above drawn. By the greater growth of the internodes, 64 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. which are very variable, not only in different plants but in the same plant, there results a modification like that de- lineated in Fig. 96. And then, in such forms as Fig. 97, there is shown the arrangement that arises when, by more rapid development of the proximal end of the mid-rib, the distal part of the foliar surface is separated from the part which embraces the axis: the wings of the mid-rib still serving, however, to connect the two portions of the foliar surface. Such a separation is, as pointed out in § 188, an habitual occurrence; and in some compound leaves, an actual tearing of the inter-venous tissue is caused by extra growth of the mid-rib. Modifications like this, and the further one in Fig. 98, we may expect to be established by survival of the fittest, among those plants which produce considerable masses of leaves; since the development of mid-ribs into footstalks, by throwing the leaves further away from the axes, will diminish the shading of the leaves, one by another. And then, among plants of bushy growth, in which the assimilating surfaces become still more liable to intercept one another's light, natural selection will continue to give an advantage to those which carry their assimilating surfaces at the ends of the petioles, and do not develop assimilating surfaces close to the axis, where they are most shaded. Whence will result a dis- appearance of the stipules and the foliar fringes of the mid- ribs; ending in the production of the ordinary stalked leaf, Fig. 99, which is characteristic of trees. Meanwhile, the axis thickens in proportion to the number of leaves it has to carry, and to put in communication with the roots; and so THE MOKPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 65 there comes to be a more marked contrast between it and the petioles, severally carrying a leaf each.* § 194. When, in the course of the process above sketched out, there has arisen such community of nutrition among the fronds thus integrated into a series, that the younger ones are aided by materials which the older ones have elaborated; the younger fronds will begin to show, at earlier and earlier periods of development, the structures about to originate from them. Abundant nutrition will abbreviate the intervals between the successive prolifications ; so that eventually, while each frond is yet imperfectly formed, the rudiment of the next will begin to show itself. All embryology justifies this inference. The analogies it furnishes lead us to expect that when this serial arrangement becomes organic, the growing part of the series will show the general relations of the forthcoming parts, while they are very small and un- specialized. What will in such case be the appearances they assume? We shall have no difficulty in perceiving what it will be, if we take a form like that shown in Fig. 92, and dwarf its several parts at the same time that we generalize them. Figs. 100, 101, 102, and 103, will show the result; t03 and in Fig. 104, which is the bud of a dicotyledon, we see how clear is the morphological correspondence: a being the rudiment of a foliar organ beginning to take shape; 6 being the almost formless rudiment of the next foliar organ; and * Since this paragraph was put in type [this refers to the first edition], I have observed that in some varieties of Cineraria, as probably in other plants, a single individual furnishes all these forms of leaves — all gradations between unstipulated leaves on long petioles, and leaves that embrace the axis. It may be added that the distribution of these various forms is quite in harmony with the rationale above given. 51 66 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. c being the quite-undifferentiated part whence the rudiments of subsequent foliar organs are to arise. And now we are prepared for entering on a still-remaining question respecting the structure of Phsenogams — what is the origin of axillary buds? As the synthesis at present stands, it does not account for these; but on looking a little more closely into the matter, we shall find that the axillary buds are interpretable in the same manner as the terminal buds. So to interpret them, however, we must return to that pro- cess of proliferous growth with which we set out, for the pur- pose of observing some facts not before named. Delesseria hypoglossum, Fig. 105, represents a seaweed of the same genus as one outlined in Fig. 40; but of a species in which pro- liferous growth is carried much further. Here, not only does the primary frond bud out many secondary fronds from its mid-rib; but most of the secondary fronds similarly bud out several tertiary fronds; and even by some of the tertiary ses fronds, this prolification is repeated. Besides being shown that the budding out of several fronds from one frond, may become habitual; we are also shown that it may become a THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 6? habit inherited by the fronds so produced, and also by the fronds they produce: the manifestation of the tendency being probably limited only by failure of nutrition. That under fit conditions an analogous mode of growth will occur in fronds of the acrogenic type, like those we set out with, is shown by the case of Metzgeria furcata, Figs. 45, 46, in which such compound prolification is partially displayed. Let us suppose, then, that the frond a, Fig. 106, produces not only a single secondary frond &, but also another such secondary frond &'. Let us suppose, further, that the frond b is in like manner doubly proliferous: producing both c and c'. Lastly, let us suppose that in the second frond &' which a produces, as well as in the second frond c' which & produces, the doubly-proliferous habit is manifested. If, now, this habit grows organic — if it becomes, as it naturally will become, the characteristic of a plant of luxuriant growth, the unfolding parts of which can be fed by the unfolded parts; it will happen with each lateral series, as with the main series, that its successive components will begin to show themselves at earlier and earlier stages of development. And in the same way that, by dwarfing and generalizing the original series, we arrive at a structure like that of the terminal bud; by dwarfing and generalizing a lateral series, as shown in Figs. 107 — 110, we arrive at a structure answer- ing in nature and position to the axillary bud. Facts confirming these interpretations are afforded by the structure and distribution of buds. The phasnogamic axis in its primordial form, being an integrated series of folia; and the development of that part by which these folia are held together at considerable distances from one another, taking place afterwards; it is inferable from the general G8 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. principles of embryology, that in its rudimentary stages, the phaanogainic shoot will have its foliar parts more clearly marked out than its axial parts. This we see in every bud. Every bud consists of the rudiments of leaves packed to- gether without any appreciable internodal spaces; and the internodal spaces begin to increase with rapidity, only when the foliar organs have been considerably developed. More- over, where nutrition falls short, and arrest of development takes place — that is, where a flower is formed — the inter- nodes remain undeveloped: the unfolding ceases before the later-acquired characters of the phaBnogamic shoot are assumed. Lastly, as the hypothesis leads us to expect, axillary buds make their appearances later than the foliar organs which they accompany; and where, as at the ends of shoots, these foliar organs show failure of chlorophyll, the axillary buds are not produced at all. That these are in- ferable traits of structure, will be manifest on inspecting Figs. 106 — 110; and on observing, first, that the doubly- proliferous tendency of which the axillary bud is a result, implies abundant nutrition; and on observing, next, that the original place of secondary prolification, is such that the foliar surface on which it occurs, must grow to some extent before the bud appears. On thus looking at the matter — on contemplating afresh the ideal type shown in Fig. 106, and noting how, by the conditions of the case, the secondary prolifications must cease before that primary prolification which produces the main axis; we are enabled to reconcile all the phenomena of axil- lary gemmation. We see harmony among the several facts — first, that the axillary bud becomes a lateral, leaf-bearing axis if there is abundant material for growth; second, that its development is arrested, or it becomes a flower-bearing axis, if the supply of sap is but moderate; third, that it is absent when the nutrition is failing. We are no longer committed to the gratuitous assumption that, in the phsno- gamic type, there must exist an axillary bud to each foliar THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 69 organ; but we are led to conclude, a priori, that which we find, a posteriori, that axillary buds are as normally absent in flowers as they are normally present lower down the axis. And then, to complete the argument, we are prepared for the corollary that axillary prolification may naturally arise even at the ends of axes, should the failing nutrition which causes the dwarfing of the foliar organs to form a flower, be suddenly changed into such high nutrition as to transform the components of the flower into appendages that are green, if not otherwise leaf -like — a condition under which only, this phenomenon is proved to occur. § 195. One more question presents itself, when we con- trast the early stages of development in the two classes of Phsenogams; and a further answer, supplied by the hypo- thesis, gives to the hypothesis a further probability. It is characteristic of a monocotyledon, to have a single seed-leaf or cotyledon; and it is characteristic of a dicotyledon, to have at least two cotyledons, if not more than two. That is to say, the monocotyledonous mode of germination every- where coexists with the endogenous mode of growth; and along with the exogenous mode of growth, there always goes either a dicotyledonous or polycotyledonous germination. Why is this? Such correlations cannot be accidental — cannot be meaningless. A true theory of the phanogamic types in their origin and divergence, should account for the connexion of these traits. Let us see whether the foregoing theory does this. The higher plants, like the higher animals, bequeath to their offspring more or less of nutriment and structure. Superior organisms of either kingdom do not, as do all inferior organisms, cast off their progeny in the shape of minute portions of protoplasm, unorganized and without stocks of material for them to organize; but they either deposit along with the germs they cast off, certain quantities of albuminoid substance to be appropriated by them while they 70 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. develop themselves, or else they continue to supply such substance while the germs partially develop themselves before their detachment. Among plants this constitutes one dis- tinction between seeds and spores. Every seed contains a store of food to serve the young plant during the first stages of its independent life; and usually, too, before the seed is detached, the young plant is so far advanced in structure, that it bears to the attached stock of nutriment much the same relation that the young fish bears to the appended yelk- bag at the time of leaving the egg. Sometimes, indeed, the development of chlorophyll gives the seed-leaves a bright green, while the seed is still contained in the parent- pod. This early organization of the phasnogam must be supposed rudely to indicate the type out of which the phagnogamic type arose. On the foregoing hypothesis, the seed-leaves therefore represent the primordial fronds; which, indeed, they simulate in their simple, cellular, un- veined structures. And the question here to be asked is — do the different relations of the parts in young monocotyledons and dicotyledons correspond with the different relations of the primordial fronds, implied by the endogenous and the exogenous modes of growth? We shall find that they do. Starting, as before, with the proliferous form shown in Fig. Ill, it is clear that if the strength required for main- taining the vertical attitude, is obtained by the rolling up of the fronds, the primary frond will more and more conceal the secondary frond within it. At the same time, the secondary frond must continue to be dependent on the first for its nutri- tion ; and, being produced within the first, must be prevented by defective supply of light and air, from ever becoming syn- chronous in its development with the first. Hence, this infolding which -leads to the endogenous mode of growth, implies that there must always continue such pre-eminence of the first-formed frond or its representative, as to make the germination monocotyledonous. Figs. Ill to 115, show the transitional forms that would result from the infolding of THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 71 the fronds. In Fig. 116 (a vertical section of the form repre- sented in Fig. 115) are exhibited the relations of the succes- sive fronds to each other. The modified relations that would result, if the nutrition of the embryo admitted of anticipatory development of the successive fronds, are shown in Fig. 117. And how readily the structure may pass into that of the monocotyledonous germ, will be seen on inspecting Fig. 118; =T HF^QJBSS /=! <^> vf which is a vertical section of an actual monocotyledon at an early stage — the incomplete lines at the left of its root, indi- cating its connexion with the seed.* Contrariwise, * Since these figures were put on the block, it has occurred to me that the relations would be still clearer, were the primary frond represented as not taking part in these processes of modification, which have been described as giving rise to the erect form ; as, indeed, the rooting of its under surface will prevent it from doing in any considerable degree. In such case, each of the Figs. Ill to 117, should have a horizontal rooted frond at its base, homologous with the pro-embryo among Acrogens. This primary frond would then more manifestly stand in the same relation to the rest, as the 72 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. where the strength required for maintaining an upright atti- tude is not obtained by the rolling up of the fronds, but by the strengthening of the continuous mid-rib, the second frond, so far from being less favourably circumstanced than the first, becomes in some respects even more favourably circumstanced: being above the other, it gets a greater share of light, and it is less restricted by surrounding obstacles. There is nothing, therefore, to prevent it from rapidly gaining an equality with the first. And if we assume, as the truths of embryology entitle us to do, an increasing tendency towards anticipation in the development of subsequent fronds — if we assume that here, as in other cases, structures which were originally produced in succession will, if the nutrition allows and no mechanical dependence hinders, come to be produced simultaneously; there is nothing to prevent the passage of the type represented in Fig. Ill, into that represented in Fig. 122. Or rather, there is everything to facilitate it; seeing that natural selection will continually favour the pro- duction of a form in which the second frond grows in such way as not to shade the first, and in such way as allows the axis readily to assume a vertical position. Thus, then, is interpretable the universal connexion be- tween monocotyledonous germination and endogenous growth ; as well as the similarly-universal connexion between exoge- nous growth and the development of two or more cotyledons. That it explains these fundamental relations, adds very greatly to the probability of the hypothesis. § 196. While we are in this manner enabled to discern the kinship that exists between the higher vegetal types themselves, as well as between them and the lower types; we cotyledon does to the plumule — both by position, and as a supplier of nutri- ment. Fig. 117a, which I am enabled to add, shows that this would com- plete the interpretation. Of the dicotyledonous series, it is needful to add no further explanation than that the difference in habit of growth, will permit the second frond to root itself as well as the first ; and so to become nn addi- tional source of nutriment, similarly circumstanced to the first and equal with it. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 73 are at the same time supplied with a rationale of those truths which vegetal morphologists have established. Those homo- logies which Wolff indicated in their chief outlines and Goethe followed out in detail, have a new meaning given to them when we regard the phaenogamic axis as having been evolved in the way described. Forming the modified con- ception which we are here led to do, respecting the units of which a flowering plant is composed, we are no longer left without an answer to the question — What is an axis? And we are helped to understand the naturalness of those cor- respondences which the successive members of each shoot display. Let us glance at the facts from our present stand- point. The unit of composition of a Phaenogam, is such portion of a shoot as answers to one of the primordial fronds. This portion is neither one of the foliar appendages nor one of the internodes; but it consists of a foliar appendage together with the preceding internode, including the axillary bud where this is developed. The parts intercepted by the dotted lines in Fig. 123, constitute such a segment; and the true homology is between this and any other foliar organ with the portion of the axis below it. And now observe how, when we take this for the unit of composition, the metamorphoses which the phaenogamic axis displays, are inferable from known laws of development. Embryology teaches us that arrest of development shows itself first in the absence of those parts that have arisen latest in the course of evolution; that if defect of nutrition causes an earlier arrest, parts that are of more ancient origin abort; and that the part alone produced when the supply of materials fails near the outset, is the prim- ordial part. We must infer, therefore, that in each seg- ment of a Phasnogam, the foliar organ, which answers to the primordial frond, will be the most constant element; and that the internode and the axillary bud, will be successively less constant. This we find. Along with a smaller size of foliar surface implying lower nutrition, it is usual to see a 74 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. much-diminished internode and a less-pronounced axillary bud, as in Fig. 124. On approaching the flower, the axillary bud disappears; and the segment is reduced to a small foliar surface, with an internode which is in most cases very short if not absent, as in 125 and 126. In the flower itself, axillary buds and internodes are both want- ing: there remains only a foliar surface (127), which, though often larger than the immediately preceding foliar surface, shows failing nutrition by absence of chlorophyll. And then, in the quite terminal organs of fructification (129), we have the foliar part itself reduced to a mere rudiment. Though these progressive degenerations are by no means regular, being in many cases varied by adaptations to par- ticular requirements, yet it cannot, I think, be questioned, that the general relations are as described, and that they are such as the hypothesis leads us to expect. Nor are we without a kindred explanation of certain remaining traits of foliar organs in their least-developed forms. Petals, stamens, pistils, &c., besides reminding us of the primordial fronds by their diminished sizes, and by the want of those several supplementary parts which the preceding segments possess, also remind us of them by their histological charac- ters: they consist of simple cellular tissue, scarcely at all differentiated. The fructifying cells, too, which here make their appearance, are borne in ways like those in which the lower Acrogens bear them — at the edge of the frond, or at the end of a peduncle, or immersed in the general substance ; as in Figs. 128 and 129. Nay, it might even be said that THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP PLANTS. 75 the colours assumed by these terminal folia, call to mind the plants out of which we conclude that Phasnogams have been evolved; for it is said of the fronds of the Jungermanniacece, that, " though under certain circumstances of a pure green, they are inclined to be shaded with red, purple, chocolate, or other tints." As thus understood, then, the homologies among the parts of the pha?nogamic axis are interpretable, not as due to a needless adhesion to some typical form or fulfilment of a pre- determined plan; but as the inevitable consequences of the mode in which the phanogamic axis originates. § 197. And now it remains only to observe, in confirma- tion of the foregoing synthesis, that it at once explains for us various irregularities. When we see leaves sometimes pro- ducing leaflets from their edges or extremities, we recognize in the anomaly a resumption of -an original mode of growth : fronds frequently do this. When we learn that a flowering plant, as the Drosera intermedia, has been known to develop a young plant from the surface of one of its leaves, we are at once reminded of the proliferous growths and fructifying organs in the Liverworts. The occasional production of bul- bils by Phasnogams, ceases to be so surprising when we find it to be habitual among the inferior Acrogens, and when we see that it is but a repetition, on a higher stage, of that self- detachment which is common among proliferously-produced fronds. Nor are we any longer without a solution of that transformation of foliar organs into axial organs, which not uncommonly takes place. How this last irregularity of de- velopment is to be accounted for, we will here pause a moment to consider. Let us first glance at our data. The form of every organism, we have seen, must depend on the structures of its physiological [or constitutional] units. Any group of such units will tend to arrange itself into the complete organism, if uncontrolled and placed in fit conditions. Hence the development of fertilized germs; and 76 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. hence the development of those self-detached cells which characterize some plants. Conversely, physiological units which form a small group involved in a larger group, and are subject to all the forces of the larger group, will become sub- ordinate in their structural arrangements to the larger group — will be co-ordinated into a part of the major whole, in- stead of co-ordinating themselves into a minor whole. This antithesis will be clearly understood on remembering how, on the one hand, a small detached part of a hydra soon moulds itself into the shape of an entire hydra; and how, on the other hand, the cellular mass that buds out in place of a lobster's lost claw, gradually assumes the form of a claw — has its parts so moulded as to complete the structure of the organism: a result which we cannot but ascribe to the forces which the rest of the organism exerts upon it. Con- sequently, among plants, we may expect that whether any portion of protoplasm moulds itself into the typical form around an axis of its own, or is moulded into a part subor- dinate to another axis, will depend on the relative mass of its physiological units — the accumulation of them that has taken place before the assumption of any structural arrange- ment. A few illustrations will make clear the validity of this inference. In the compound leaf, Fig. 65, the several lateral growths a, b, c, d, are manifestly homologous; and on comparing a number of such leaves together, it will be seen that one of these lateral growths may assume any de- gree of complexity, according to the degree of its nutrition. Every fern-leaf exemplifies the same general truth still bet- ter. Whether each sub-frond remains an undeveloped wing of the main frond, or whether it organizes itself into a group of frondlets borne by a secondary rib, or whether, going further, as it often does, it gives rise to tertiary ribs bear- ing frondlets, is determined by the supply of materials for growth; since such higher developments are most marked at points where the nutrition is greatest; namely, next the stem. But the clearest evidence is afforded among the Algce, THE MOPvPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 77 which, not drawing nutriment from roots, have their parts much less mutually dependent; and are therefore capable of showing more clearly, how any part may remain an append- age or may become the parent of append- ages, according to circumstances. In the annexed Fig. 130, representing a branch of Ptilota plumosa, we see how a wing grows into a wing-bearing branch if its nutrition passes a certain point. This form, so strik- ingly like that of the feathery crystallizations /j* of many inorganic substances, implies that, as in such crystallizations, the simplicity or complexity of structure at any place depends on the quantity of matter that has to be arranged at that place in a given time.* Hence, then, we are not without an interpretation of those over-developments which the phaenogamic axis occasionally undergoes. Fig. 104, represents the phasnogamic bud in its rudimentary state. The lateral process 6, which ordinarily becomes a foliar appendage, differs very little from the terminal process c, which is to become an axis — differs mainly in having, at this period when its form is being determined, a smaller bulk. If while thus undifferentiated, its nutrition remains inferior to that of the terminal process, it becomes moulded into a part that is subordinate to the general axis. But if, as sometimes happens, there is supplied to it such an abundance of the materials needful for growth, that it becomes as large as the terminal process; then we * How the element of time modifies the result, is shown by the familiar fact that crystals rapidly formed are small, and become relatively large when left to form more slowly. If the quantity of molecules contained in a solution is relatively great, so that the mutual polarities of the molecules crowded together in every place throughout the solution arc intense, there arises a crystalline aggregation around local axes ; whereas, in proportion as the local action of molecules on one another is rendered less intense by their wider dispersion, they become relatively more subordinate to the forces exerted on them by the larger aggregates of molecules that are at greater distances, and thus are left to arrange themselves round fewer axes into larger crystals. 78 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. may naturally expect it to begin moulding itself round an axis of its own: a foliar organ will be replaced by an axial organ. And this result will be especially liable to occur, when the growth of the axis has been previously undergoing that arrest which leads to the formation of a flower; that is when, from defect of materials, the terminal process has almost ceased to increase, and when some concurrence of favourable causes brings a sudden access of sap which reaches the lateral processes before it reaches the terminal process.* § 198. The general conclusion to which these various lines of evidence converge, is, then, that the shoot of a flowering plant is an aggregate of the third degree of composition. Taking as aggregates of the first order, those small portions of protoplasm which ordinarily assume the forms under which they are known as cells ; and considering as aggregates of the second order, those assemblages of such cells which, in the lower cryptogams, compose the various kinds of thal- lus; then that structure, common to the higher cryptogams and to phaenogams, in which we find a series of such groups of cells bound up into a continuous whole, must be regarded as an aggregate of the third order. The inference drawn from analysis, and verified by a synthesis which corresponds in a remarkable manner with the facts, is that those com- pound parts which, in Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons are called axes, have really arisen by integration of such simple parts as in lower plants are called fronds. Here, on a higher * It is objected that these transformations should be much commoner than they are, were they caused solely by the variations of nutrition described. The reply is that they are comparatively rare in uncultivated plants, where such variations are not frequent. The occurrence of them is chiefly among cultivated plants which, being artificially manured, are specially liable to immense accessions of nutriment, caused now by sudden supplies of fertilizing matters, and now by sudden arrival of the roots at such matters already deposited in the soil. It is to these great chanffes of nutrition, especially apt to take place in gardens, that these monstrosities are ascribed ; and it seems to me that they are as frequent as may be expected. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 79 level, appears to have taken place a repetition of the process already observed on lower levels. The formation of those small groups of physiological units which compose the lowest protophytes, is itself a process of integration; and the con- solidation of such groups into definitely-circumscribed and coherent cells or morphological units, is a completing of the process. In those coalescences by which many such cells are joined into threads, and discs, and solid or flattened- out masses, we see these morphological units aggregating into units of a compound kind: the different phases of the transition being exemplified by groups of various sizes, various degrees of cohesion, and various degrees of definite- ness. And now we find evidences of a like process on a larger scale: the compound groups are again compounded. Moreover, as before, there are not wanting types of organi- zation by which the stages of this higher integration are shadowed forth. From fronds that occasionally produce other fronds from their surfaces, we pass to those that habitually produce them; from those that do so in an in- definite manner, to those that do so in a definite manner; and from those that do so singly, to those that do so doubly and triply through successive generations of fronds. Even within the limits of a sub-class, we find gradations between fronds irregularly proliferous, and groups of such fronds united into a regular series. Nor does the process end here. The flowering plant is rarely uniaxial — it is nearly always multiaxial. From its primary shoot there grow out secondary shoots of like kind. Though occasionally among Phsenogams, and frequently among the higher Cryptogams, the germs of new axes detach themselves under the form of bulbils, and develop separately instead of in connexion with the parent axis; yet in most Phffinogams the germ of each new axis maintains its con- nexion with the parent axis : whence results a group of axes — an aggregate of the fourth order. Every tree, by the pro- 80 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. duction of branch out of branch, shows us this integration repeated over and over again ; forming an aggregate having a degree of composition too complex to be any longer defined. [NOTE. — A criticism passed on the general argument set forth in the foregoing sections, runs as follows : — " I have already pointed out that the process of evolution by which you believe the Liverworts with a distinct axis and append- ages to have been produced from the thalloid forms is not founded on sound evidence either in comparative morphology or development. But even if we admit that such an inte- gration of a proliferously-produced colony might have given rise to the leafy Jungermanniacece, there are even more weighty objections to the supposition that the same process produced the shoot structures of the flowering plants. In the first place the flowering plant-body is not homologous with the liverwort plant-body, since they represent different genera- tions. The liverwort plant-body or gametophyte, i.e., the generation bearing sexual organs, is homologous with the prothallus of ferns and other Pteridophytes, and in the Flowering Plants with reduced structures contained within the spores (embryo-sac and pollen-grain) but still giving rise to sexual cells. The liverwort spore-capsule and its accessory parts (in fact everything produced from the fertilized egg) is homologous with the sporogonium of the mosses, and, as most botanists think, with the leafy plant-body of Pteridophytes and Phanerogams. This generation is called the sporophyte and from the spores which it produces are developed the gametophytes of the next generation. These generalizations were first established by Hofmeister, and all subsequent work has tended to establish them more firmly. The only doubtful question is (and the doubt is mainly, I think, peculiar to myself, certainly not being shared by the majority of botanists) whether the sporophyte of Mosses and Liver- forts is really homologous with that of Pteridophytes and THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 81 Phanerogams, whether it may not rather be regarded as a parallel development along another line of descent from the Green Alga?. " Hence we must look for the origin of the shoot-structure of flowering plants in the sporophytes of the Pteridophytes, from which group there is no reason to doubt that the phanerogams have arisen in descent. The various groups of Pteridophytes vary much in the organization of these shoot- systems, as a mental glance at the types exhibited by the Ferns, Horse-tails, Club-mosses, Ophioglossacece, and the iso- lated Isoetes will convince you at once. It may be that some of these groups are independent in descent, i.e., that the Pteridophyta are polyphyletic, and the current hypothesis with regard to the phanerogams is that they have arisen by two, if not three, separate lines of descent from different groups of Pteridophytes (this is indicated in the classificatory diagram on p. 377 of vol. I). I should not, however, care to pin my faith to these or to any such lines of ancestry. Still I think we must look for the ancestors of the Flowering Plants among the Pteridophytes, and the latter always have a good distinction between axis and appendages. The problem of the evolution of these differentiated sporophytic shoots is undoubtedly the - great outstanding problem of morphology. Various attempts have been made to solve it, of which probably the most important is the theory of Profs. Bown and Campbell, who derive the Pteridophytes from some Liverwort like Anthoceros, but the sporophyte of course from the sporophytic portion of the plant (not much more than a spore-capsule), the prothallus of the Fern representing the vegetative thallus of Anthoceros. I am not wholly con- vinced by these undoubtedly ingenious hypotheses, in support of which an immense amount of facts have been collected; but my position would, I know, simply ' put us to ignorance again ' on this question. " I have discussed this at some length in order to bring out clearly the immense difficulty of constructing a well- 52 82 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. grounded theory of the origin of the differentiated shoot- system of the higher plant. I confess I don't think it can be done at all with the materials at present at our disposal. Of course it is just possible to suppose that some ancestral sporophyte had the structure of a proliferous thalloid liver- wort gametophyte, and that from it was evolved the phanero- gamic shoot in the ways you suggest. This gives us abso- lutely no clue, however, to any Pteridophytic shoot, which ought to be intermediate (more or less) between the hypo- thetical ancestor and the Phanerogam, and is furthermore, as far as I can see, not supported by an atom of evidence of any kind. It is true that your theory fits in well with the phenomena exhibited by phanerogamic shoots themselves, but this fact you will see must lose much of its significance if the hypothesis lacks foundation. "With regard to your method of explaining the funda- mental characters of ' Exogens ' and ' Endogens,' this of course is part of the same hypothesis; but I may point out that since Von Mohl and Sanio, between 1855 and 1865, showed (1) that the growth at the stem apex of a mono- cotyledon was not endogenous, and (2) that the 'thickening ring ' near the apex of a dicotyledon was not to be confused, as had been done up till then, with the ring of secondary meristem or true cambium, which arose lower down, and only in woody or practically woody stem, the terms ' Exogen ' and ' Endogen ' have necessarily fallen into disuse, since they imply a false conception of what happens. Both monocotyl- edons and dicotyledons have a ' thickening ring,' which gives- rise to the primary vascular cylinder of the stem. When the stem is of considerable thickness, as in Palms, &c., it grows by the active cell-division of its outer layers, so that both classes are ' exogenous ' in this sense ; while the addition of a centrifugal zone of secondary wood is confined to certain Dicotyledons (Trees, shrubs, &c.). " The distinction between the embryos, moreover, is not absolute. The single cotyledon is usually terminal in mono- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP PLANTS. 83 cotyledons, but not always (Dioscoracece have lateral cotyl- edons), but the plumule may push through it (Grasses) or make its exit sideways (Palms), or be formed at the side (Alisma) ; and Dicotyledons very similarly. " The occurrence of completely sheathing leaves in grasses is perhaps correlated with the absence of cambium, but grasses are an aberrant type among monocotyledons, and secondary thickening is only found in very few genera of this class, so that the correlation is, so to speak, negative and indirect It is clear that the greater part of the dis- cussion will have to be re-written." For the reasons assigned in the preface I cannot undertake to re-write the discussion, as suggested. It must stand for what it is worth. All I can do is here to include along with it the foregoing criticisms. I may, however, indicate the line of defence I should take were I to go again into the matter. The objections are based on the structure of existing Liverworts and Phanogams. But I have already referred to the probability — or, indeed, the certainty — that in conformity with the general principle set forth in the note to Chapter I, we, must conclude that the early types of Liverworts out of which the Phasnogams are supposed to have evolved, as well as the early types of Pha?nogams in which the stages of evolution were presented, no longer exist. We must infer that forms simpler than any now known, and more intermediate in their traits, were the forms concerned; and if so, it may be held that the incongruities with the hypothesis which are presented by existing forms, do not negative it. The scepticism my critic himself expresses respecting the current interpretation is a partial justification of this view. Moreover, his admission that the theory set forth " fits in well with the phenomena exhibited by phanerogamic shoots," must, I think, be regarded as weighty evidence. On the Evolution-hypothesis we are obliged to suppose that the Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons respectively arose by integration of fronds; and if to the 84: MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. question after what manner the integration took place, there is an hypothesis which renders it comprehensible, and agrees both with the structures of the two kinds of shoots and the structures of the two kinds of seeds, as well as with various of the other phenomena the two types present, it has strong claims for acceptance. Eegonsideration suggests the following remarks. 1. Alternation of generations is a means of furthering multiplication. To be effective each member of either genera- tion must be a self-supporting centre of growth or diffusion or both. Hence if, as in the Liverworts, one of the so-called alternating generations is not independent, but a permanent growth on the other — a parasite — it is a misuse of words to call the arrangement Alternation of generations. (Since this was written I have found that Sir Edward Fry takes the same view. He approvingly quotes Professor Bower, who says that "the alternation of generations is not an accurate statement of facts or a useful analogy.") 2. The alternating of sexual and non-sexual processes is not fundamentally distinctive; for, as shown by sundry Archegoniates, it is an inconstant trait, and as shown by Klebs' experiments on Vaucheria, the conditions may be varied so as to determine its occurrence or non-occurrence. Nay, the same individual may reproduce in either way. 3. Still more significant is the fact that in some of the marine Thallophytes, there is a process like that which in a moss or a fern is considered an alternation of generations, whereas in others, as the Brown Wrack (Fucus), each genera- tion is sexual. Thus the presence or absence of this mode of genesis cannot be a cardinal distinction. 4. With these facts before us, it is not only a reasonable supposition but a highly probable supposition, that there have existed plants of the Liverwort type in which the so-called alternation of generations did not take place. If so, nearly all the foregoing objections to my hypothesis fall to the ground.] CHAPTER IV. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. § 199. WHAT was said in § 180, respecting the ultimate structure of organisms, holds more manifestly of animals than of plants. That throughout the vegetal kingdom the cell is the morphological unit, is a proposition admitting of a better defence, than the proposition that the cell is the mor- phological unit throughout the animal kingdom. The quali- fications with which, as we saw, the cell-doctrine must be taken, are qualifications thrust upon us more especially by the facts which zoologists have brought to light. It is among the Protozoa that there occur numerous cases of vital activity displayed by specks of protoplasm; and from the minute anatomy of all creatures above these, are drawn the numer- ous proofs that non-cellular tissues may arise by direct meta- morphosis of mixed colloidal substances.* * Since this paragraph was published in 1865, much has been learned con- cerning cell-structure, as is shown in Chapter VI* of Part I. While some assert that there exist portions of living protoplasm without nuclei, others assert that a nucleus is in every case present, and that where it does not exist in a definite aggregated form it exists in a dispersed form. As remarked in the chapter named, " the evidence is somewhat strained to justify this dogma." Words are taken in their non-natural senses, if one which connotes an indi- vidualized body is applied to the widely-diffused components of such a body ; and this perverting of proper meanings leads to obscuration of what may perhaps be an essential truth. As argued in the chapter named (§§ 74c, 74/), jclear matter is, as shown by its chemical character, an extremely unstable substance, the molecular changes of which, perpetually going on, initiate 85 86 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Our survey of morphological composition throughout the animal kingdom, must therefore begin with those undiffer- entiated aggregates of physiological units [or constitutional units], out of which are formed what we call, with consider- able license, morphological units. § 200. In that division of the Protozoa distinguished as Rhizopoda, are presented, under various modifications, these minute portions of living organic matter, so little differenti- ated, if not positively undifferentiated, that animal individu- ality can scarcely be claimed for them. Figs. 131, 132, and 133, represent certain nearly-allied types of these — Amoeba, Actinophrys, and LieberJcuhnia. The viscid jelly or sarcode, comparable in its physical properties to white of egg, out of which one of these creatures is mainly formed, shows us in various ways, the feebleness with which the component physiological units are integrated — shows us this by its very slight cohesion, by the extreme indefiniteness and mutability of its form, and by the absence of a limiting membrane. It is no longer held even by unqualified adherents of the cell-doctrine that the Amoeba has an investment. Its outer surface, compared to the film which forms on the surface of paste, does not prevent the taking of solid particles into the mass of the body, and does not, in such kindred forms as Fig. 133, prevent the pseudopodia from coalescing when they meet. Hence it cannot properly have the name of a cell-wall. A considerable portion of the body, however, in Difflugia, shocks, producing changes all around. In the earlier stages of cell-evolution this unstable substance is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm; whereas in the more advanced stages it is gathered together in one mass. If so, instead of saying there is a dispersed nucleus we should say there are the materials of a nucleus not yet integrated. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 87 Fig. 134, has a denser coating formed of agglutinated foreign particles ; so that the protrusion of the pseudopodia is limited to one part of it. And in the solitary Foraminifera, like Gromia, the sarcode is covered over most of its surface by a delicate calcareous shell, pierced with minute holes, through which the slender pseudopodia are thrust. The Gregarina exhibits an advance in integration, and a conse- quent greater defmiteness. Figs. 135 and 136, exemplifying this type, show the complete membrane in which the sub- stance of the creature is contained. Here there has arisen what may be properly called a cell: under its solitary form this animal is truly unicellular. Its embryology has con- siderable significance. After passing through a certain qui- escent, " encysted " state, its interior breaks up into small portions, which, after their exit, assume forms like that of the Amoeba; and from this young condition in which they are undifferentiated, they pass into that adult condition in which they have limiting membranes. If this development of the individual Gregarina typifies the mode of evolution of the species, it yields further support to the belief, that frag- ments of sarcode existed earlier than any of the structures which are called cells. Among aggregates of the first order, there are some much more highly developed. These are the Infusoria, constituting the most numerous of the Protozoa, in species as in individuals. Figs. 137, 138, and 139, are examples. In them we find, along with greater definiteness, a considerable heterogeneity. The sarcode of which the body consists, has an indurated outer layer, bearing cilia and sometimes spines; there is an opening serving as mouth, a permanent resophagus, and a cavity or cavities, temporarily formed in the interior of the sarcode, to serve as one or more stomachs; and there is a comparatively specific arrangement of these and various minor parts. Thus in the animal kingdom, as in the vegetal kingdom, there exists a class of minute forms having this peculiarity, that no one of them is separable into a number of visible 88 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. components homologous with one another — no one of them can be resolved into minor individualities. Its proximate units are those physiological units of which we conclude every organism consists. The aggregate is an aggregate of the first order. § 201. Among plants are found types indicating a transi- tion from aggregates of the first order to aggregates of the second order; and among animals we find analogous types. But the stages of progressing integration are not here so dis- tinct. The reason probably is, that the simplest animals, having individualities much less marked than those of the simplest plants, do not afford us the same facilities for obser- vation. In proportion as the limits of the minor individuali- ties are indefinite, the formation of major individualities out of them, naturally leaves less conspicuous traces. Be this as it may, however, in such types of Protozoa as the compound Radiolaria, we find that though there is reason to regard the aggregate as an aggregate of the second order, yet its divisibility into minor individualities like those just described, is less manifest. Fig. 140 representing Sphcsrozoum punctatum, one of the group, illustrates this. The sceptic- ally-minded may perhaps doubt whether we can regard the " cellffiform bodies " contained in it, as the morphological units of the animal. The jelly-like mass in which they are imbedded, is but indefinitely divisible into portions having each a cell or nucleus for its centre.* Among the * This statement seems at variance with the figure ; but the figure is very inaccurate. Its inaccuracy curiously illustrates the vitiation of evidence. When I saw the drawing on the block, I pointed out to the draughtsman, THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 89 Foraminifera, we find only indefinite evidence of the coal- escence of aggregates of the first order, into aggregates of the second order. There are solitary Foraminifers, allied to the creature represented in Fig. 134. Certain ideal types of combination among them, are shown in Fig. 141. And setting out from these, we may ascend in various directions to kinds compounded to an immense variety of degrees in an immense variety of ways. In all of them, however, the separability of the major individuality into minor indivi- dualities, is very incomplete. The portion of sarcode con- tained in one of these calcareous chambers, gives origin to an external bud; and this presently becomes covered, like its parent, with calcareous matter: the position in which each successive chamber is so produced, determining the form of the compound shell. But the portions of sarcode thus budded out one from another, do not become distinctly individualized. Fig. 142, representing the living net-work which remains when the shell of an Orbitolite has been dis- solved, shows the continuity that exists among the occupants of its aggregated chambers.* In the compound Infusoria, the component units remain quite distinct. Being, as aggregates of the first order, much more definitely or- ganized, their union into aggregates of the second order does that he had made the surrounding curves much more obviously related to the contained bodies, than they were in the original (in Dr. Carpenter's For- aminifcra); and having looked on while he in great measure remedied this defect, thought no further care was needed. Now, however, on seeing the figure in the printer's proof, I find that the engraver, swayed by the same supposition as the draughtsman that such a relation was meant to be shown, has made his lines represent it still more decidedly than those of the draughts- man before they were corrected. Thus, vague linear representations, like vague verbal ones, are apt to grow more definite when repeated. Hypothesis warps perceptions as it warps thoughts. * Though the subdivision into chambers of the shell does not correspond to the subdivision into cell-units it may still be held that since in the solitary types the subdivision of the nucleus is followed by formation of new indi- viduals which separate, and since in the compound types the subdivision of the nucleus is followed by growth and formation of new chambers, the com- pound type must be regarded as an aggregate of the second order. 90 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. not destroy their original individualities. Among the Vorti- cellce, of which two kinds are delineated in Figs. 144 and 145, there are various illustrations of this : the members of the community being sometimes appended to a single stem; sometimes attached by long separate stems to a common base; and sometimes massed together. Thus far, these aggregates of the second order exhibit but indefinite individualities. The integration is physical; but not physiological. Though, in the Polycytharia, there is a shape that has some symmetry; and though, in the Fora- minifera, the formation of , successive chambers proceeds in such methodic ways as to produce quite-regular and toler- ably-specific shells ; yet no more in these than in the Sponges or the compound Vorticellce, do we find such co-ordination as gives the whole a life predominating over the lives of its parts. We have not yet reached an aggregate of the second order, so individuated as to be capable of serving as a unit in still higher combinations. But in-the class Ccslenterata,, this advance is displayed. The common Hydra, habitually taken as the type of the lowest division of this class, has specialized parts performing mutually-subservient functions, and thus exhibiting a total life distinct from the lives of the units. Fig. 146 represents one of these creatures in its contracted state and in its expanded state; while Fig. 147 is a diagram showing the wall of this crea- ture's sac-like body as seen in section under the microscope: a and b being the outer and inner cellular layers; while be- tween them is the " mesogloea " or " structureless lamella," the supporting or skeletal layer. But this lowly-organized tissue of the Hydra, illustrates a phase of integration in which the lives of the minor aggregates are only par- tially-subordinated to the life of the major aggregate formed by them. For a Hydra's substance is separable THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 91 into Amoeba-like portions, capable of moving about inde- pendently. If we bear in mind how analogous are the extreme extensibility and contractility of a Hydra's body and tentacles, to the properties displayed by the sarcode among Khizopods; we may infer that probably the move- ments and other actions of a Hydra, are due to the half- independent co-operation of the Amceba-like individuals composing it. § 202. A truth which we before saw among plants, we here see repeated among animals — the truth that as soon as the integration of aggregates of the first order into aggregates of the second order, produces compound wholes so specific in their shapes and sizes, and so mutually dependent in their parts, as to have distinct individualities ; there simultaneously arises the tendency in them to produce, by gemmation, other such aggregates of the second order. The approach towards definite limitation in an organism, is, by implication, an ap- proach towards a state in which growth passing a certain point, results, not in the increase of the old individual, but in the formation of a new individual. Thus it happens that the common polype buds out other polypes, some of which very shortly do the like, as shown in Fig. 148: a process paralleled by the fronds of sundry Algae, and by those of the lower Jungermanni- acece. And just as, among these last plants, the pro- liferously-produced fronds, after growing to certain sizes and developing root- lets, detach themselves from their parent fronds; so among these animals, separation of the young ones from the bodies of their parents ensues when they have acquired tolerably complete organizations. There is reason to think that the parallel holds still fur- MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ther. Within the limits of the Jungermanniacece, we found that while some genera exhibit this discontinuous develop- ment, other genera exhibit a development that is similar to it in all essential respects, save that it is continuous. And here within the limits of the Hydrozoa, we find, along with this genus in which the gemmiparous individuals are pre- sently cast off, other genera in which they are not cast off, but form a permanent aggregate of the third order. Figs. 149 and 150, exemplify these compound Hydrozoa — one of them showing this mode of growth so carried out as to pro- duce a single axis; and the other showing how, by repeti- tions of the process, lateral axes are produced. Integrations characterizing certain higher genera of the Hydrozoa which swim or float instead of being fixed, are indicated by Figs. 151 and 152: the first of them representing the type of a group in which the polypes growing from an axis, or coenosarc, are drawn through the water by the rhythmi- cal contractions of the organs from which they hang; and the second of them representing a Physalia the component polypes of which are united into a cluster, attached to an air-vessel. A parallel series of illustrations might be drawn from that second division of the Calentcrata, known as the Actinozoa. Here,' too, we have a group of species — the Sea-anemones — the individuals of which are solitary. Here, too, we have agamogenetic multiplication : occasionally by gemmation, but more frequently by that modified process called spontaneous fission. And here, too, we have compound forms resulting from the arrest of this spontaneous fission before it is com- plete. To give examples is needless; since they would but show, in more varied ways, the truth already made suffi- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 93 ciently clear, that the compound Ccelenterata are of the third order, produced by integration of aggregates of the second order such as we have in the Hydra. As before, it is manifest that on the hypothesis of evolution, these higher integrations will insensibly arise, if the separation of the gemmiparous polypes is longer and longer postponed; and that an increasing postponement will result by survival of the fittest, if it profits the group of individuals to remain united instead of dispersing.* § 203. The like relations exist, and imply that the like processes have been gone through, among those more highly- organized animals called Polyzoa and Tunicata. We have solitary individuals, and we have variously-integrated groups of individuals : the chief difference between the evidence here furnished, and that furnished in the last case, being the absence of a type obviously linking the solitary state with the aggregated state. This integration of aggregates of the second order, is car- ried on among the Polyzoa in divers ways, and with different degrees of completeness. The little patches of minute cells, shown as magnified in Fig. 153, so common on the fronds of sea-weeds and the surfaces of rocks at low-water mark, display little beyond mechanical combination. The adjacent indi- 153 IS* 155 I * A critic says the question is " what are the forces internal or external which produce union or separation." A proximate reply is — degree of nutri- tion. As in a plant new individuals or rudiments of them are cast off where nutrition is failing, so in a compound animal. The connecting part dwindles if it ceases to carry nutriment. 94 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. viduals, though severally originated by gemmation from the same germ, have but little physiological dependence. In kindred kinds, however, as shown in Figs. 154 and 155, one of which is a magnified portion of the other, the integration is somewhat greater: the co-operation of the united indi- viduals being shown in the production of those tubular branches which form their common support, and establish among them a more decided community of nutrition. Among the Ascidians this general law of morphological composition is once more displayed. Each of these creatures subsists on the nutritive particles contained in the water which it draws in through one orifice and sends out through another; and it may thus subsist either alone, or in con- nexion with others that are in some cases loosely aggregated and in other cases closely aggregated. Fig. 156, Phallusia mentula, is one of the solitary forms. A type in which the individuals are united by a stolon that gives origin to them by successive buds, is shown in Perophora, Fig. 157. Among the Botryllidce, of which one kind is drawn on a small scale in Fig. 159, and a portion of the same on a larger scale in Fig. 158, there is a combination of the individuals into an- nular clusters, which are themselves imbedded in a common gelatinous matrix. And in this group there are integrations even a stage higher, in which several such clusters of clusters grow from a single base. Here the compounding and re- compounding appears to be carried further than anywhere else in the animal kingdom. Thus far, however, among these aggregates of the third order, we see what we before saw among the simpler aggre- gates of the second order — we see that the component indi- vidualities are but to a very small extent subordinated to THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 95 the individuality made up of them. In nearly all the forms indicated, the mutual dependence of the united animals is so slight, that they are more fitly comparable to societies, of which the members co-operate in securing certain common benefits. There is scarcely any specialization of functions among them. Only in the last type described do we see a number of individuals so completely combined as to simulate a single individual. And even here, though there appears to be an intimate community of nutrition, there is no physio- logical integration beyond that implied in several mouths and stomachs having a common vent.* § 204. We come now to an extremely interesting question. Does there exist in other sub-kingdoms composition of the third degree, analogous to that which we have found so prevalent among the Codenterata and the Polyzoa and Tuni- cata? The question is not whether elsewhere there are tertiary aggregates produced by the branching or clustering of secondary aggregates, in ways like those above traced; but whether elsewhere there are aggregates which, though otherwise unlike in the arrangement of their parts, never- theless consist of parts so similar to one another that we may suspect them to be united secondary aggregates. The various compound types above described, in which the united animals maintain their individualities so distinctly that the individuality of the aggregate remains vague, are constructed in such ways that the united animals carry on their several activities with scarcely any mutual hindrance. The members of a branched Hydrozoon, such as is shown in Fig. 149 or Fig. 150, are so placed that they can all spread their tentacles and catch their prey as well as though separately attached to stones or weeds. Packed side by side on a flat surface or * It has been pointed out that I have here understated the evidence of physiological integration. An instance of it among ffydrozoa is shown in Fig. 151, but by a strange oversight I have forgotten to name the various cases furnished by the Siphonophorn in which the individual polypes of a com- pound aggregate are greatly specialized in adaptation to different functions. 96 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. forming a tree-like assemblage, the associated individuals among the Polyzoa are not unequally conditioned: or if one has some advantage over another in a particular case, the mode of growth and the relations to surrounding objects are so irregular as to prevent this advantage re-appearing with constancy in successive generations. Similarly with the Ascidians growing from a stolon or those forming an annular cluster: each of them is as well placed as every other for drawing in the currents of sea-water from which it selects its food. In these cases the mode of aggregation does not expose the united individuals to multiform circumstances; and therefore is not calculated to produce among them any structural multiformity. For the same reason no marked physiological division of labour arises among them; and consequently no combination close enough to disguise their several individualities. But under converse conditions we may expect converse results. If there is a mode of integration which necessarily subjects the united individuals to unlike sets of incident forces, and does this with complete uniformity from generation to generation, it is to be inferred that the united individuals will become unlike. They will severally assume such different functions as their different positions enable them respectively to carry on with the greatest advantage to the assemblage. This heterogeneity of function arising among them, will be followed by heterogeneity of structure; as also by that closer combination which the better enables them to utilize one another's functions. And hence, while the originally-like individuals are rendered unlike, they will have their homologies further obscured by their progressing fusion into an aggregate individual of a higher order. These converse conditions are in nearly all cases fulfilled where the successive individuals arising by continuous devel- opment are so budded-off as to form a linear series. I say in nearly all cases, because there are some types in which the associated individuals, though joined in single file, are THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 97 not thereby rendered very unlike in their relations to the environment; and therefore do not become differentiated and integrated to any considerable extent. I refer to such Asci- dians as the Salpidce. These creatures float passively in the sea, attached together in strings. Being placed side by side and having mouths and vents that open laterally, each of them is as well circumstanced as its neighbours for absorb- ing and emitting the surrounding water; nor have the in- dividuals at the two extremities any marked advantages over the rest in these respects. Hence in this type, and in the allied type Pyrosoma, which has its component indivi- duals built into a hollow cylinder, linear aggregation may exist without the minor individualities becoming obscured and the major individuality marked: the conditions under which a differentiation and integration of the component individuals may be expected, are not fulfilled. But where the chain of individuals produced by gemmation, is either habitually fixed to some solid body by one of its extremities or moves actively through the water or over submerged stones and weeds, the several members of the chain become differently conditioned in the way above described; and may therefore be expected to become unlike while they become united. A clear idea of the contrast between these two linear arrangements and their two diverse results, will be obtained by considering what happens to a row of soldiers, when changed from the ordinary position of a single rank to the position of Indian file. So long as the men stand shoulder to shoulder, they are severally able to use their weapons in like ways with like efficiency; and could, if called on, similarly perform various manual processes directly or indirectly conducive to their welfare. But when, on the word of command " right face," they so place themselves that each has one of his neighbours before him and another behind him, nearly all of them become incapacitated for fighting and for many other actions. They can walk or run one after another, so as to produce movement of the file in 53 98 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the direction of its length; but if the file has to oppose an enemy or remove an obstacle lying in the line of its march, the front man is the only one able to use his weapons or hands to much purpose. And manifestly such an arrange- ment could become advantageous only if the front man pos- sessed powers peculiarly adapted to his position, while those behind him facilitated his actions by carrying supplies, &c. This simile, grotesque as it seems, serves to convey better perhaps than any other could do, a clear idea of the relations that must arise in a chain of individuals arising by gemma- tion, and continuing permanently united end to end. Such a chain can arise only on condition that combination is more advantageous than separation; and for it to be more advan- tageous, the anterior members of the series must become adapted to functions facilitated by their positions, while the posterior members become adapted to functions which their positions permit. Hence, direct or indirect equilibration or both, must tend continually to establish types in which the connected individuals are more and more unlike one another, at the same time that their several individualities are more and more disguised by the integration consequent on their mutual dependence. Such being the anticipations warranted by the general laws of evolution, we have now to inquire whether there are any animals which fulfil them. Very little search suffices; for structures of the kind to be expected are abundant. In that great division of the animal kingdom at one time called An- nulosa, but now grouped into Annelida and Arthropoda, we find a variety of types having the looked-for characters. Let us contemplate some of them. § 205. An adult Chastopod is composed of segments which repeat one another in their details as well as in their general shapes. Dissecting one of the lower orders, such as is shown in Fig. 160, proves that the successive segments, be- sides having like locomotive appendages, like branchiae and THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 99 sometimes even like pairs of eyes, also have like internal organs. Each has its enlargement of the alimentary canal; each its contractile dilatation of the great blood-vessel; each its portion of the double nervous cord, with ganglia when these exist ; each its branches from the nervous and vascular trunks answering to those of its neighbours; each its simi- larly answering set of muscles; each its pair of openings through the body- wall; and so on throughout, even to the organs of reproduction. That is to say, every segment is in great measure a physiological whole — every segment con- tains most of the organs essential to individual life and mul- tiplication: such essential organs as it does not contain, being those which its position as one in the midst of a chain, prevents it from having or needing. If we ask what is the meaning of these homologies, no adequate answer is supplied by any current hypothesis. That this "vegetative repetition" is carried out to fulfil a prede- termined plan, was shown to be quite an untenable notion (§§ 133, 134), On the one hand, we found nothing satis- factory in the conception of a Creator who prescribed to him- self a certain unit of composition for all creatures of a par- ticular class, and then displayed his ingenuity in building up a great variety of forms without departing from the " arche- typal idea." On the other hand, examination made it mani- fest that even were such a conception worthy of being enter- tained, it would have to be relinquished; since in each class there are numerous deviations from the supposed " archetypal idea." Still less can these traits of structure be accounted 100 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. for teleologically. That certain organs of nutrition and re- spiration and locomotion are repeated in each segment of a dorsibranchiate annelid, may be regarded as functionally ad- vantageous for a creature following its mode of life. But why should there be a hundred or even two hundred pairs of ovaries? This is an arrangement at variance with that physiological division of labour which every organism pro- fits by — is a less advantageous arrangement than might have been adopted. That is to say, the hypothesis of a designed adaptation fails to explain the facts. Contrariwise, these structural traits are just such as might naturally be looked for, if these annulose forms have arisen by the in- tegration of simpler forms. Among the various compound animals already glanced at, it is very general for the united individuals to repeat one another in all their parts — repro- ductive organs included. Hence if, instead of a clustered or branched integration, such as the Ccelenterata, Polyzoa and Tunicata exhibit, there occurs a longitudinal integration; we may expect that the united individuals will habitually indi- cate their original independence by severally bearing germ- producing or sperm-producing organs. The reasons for believing one of these creatures to be an aggregate of the third order, are greatly strengthened when we turn from the adult structure to the mode of develop- ment. Among the Dorsibranchiata and TubicolcR, the em- bryo leaves the egg in the shape of a ciliated gemmule, not much more differentiated than that of a polype. As shown in Fig. 162, it is a nearly globular mass; and its interior consists of untransformed cells. The first appreciable change is an elongation and a simultaneous commencement of seg- mentation. The segments multiply by a modified gemma- tion, which takes place from the hinder end of the penultimate segment. And considerable progress in marking out these divisions is made before the internal organization begins. Figs. 163, 164, 165, represent some of these early stages. In annelids of other orders, the embryo assumes the segmented THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 101 form while still in the egg. But it does this in just the same manner as before. Indeed, the essential identity of the two modes of development is shown by the fact that the seg- mentation within the egg is only partially carried out: in S6S all these types the segments continue to increase in number for some time after hatching. Now this process is as like that by which compound animals in general are formed, as the different conditions of the case permit. When new individuals are budded-out laterally, their unfolding is not hindered — there is nothing to disguise either the process or the product. But gemma3 produced one from another in the same straight line, and remaining connected, restrict one another's developments; and that the resulting segments are so many gemmiparously-produced individuals, is necessarily less obvious. § 206. Evidence remains which adds very greatly to the weight of that already assigned. Thus far we have studied only the individual segmented animal ; considering what may be inferred from its mode of evolution and final organization. We have now to study segmented animals in general. Com- parison of different groups of them and of kinds within each group, will disclose various phases of progressive integration of the nature to be anticipated. Among the simpler Platylielmintlies, as in some kinds of Planaria, transverse fission occurs. A portion of a Planaria separated by spontaneous constriction, becomes an inde- 102 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. pendent individual. Sir J. G. Dalyell found that in some cases numerous fragments artificially separated, grew into perfect animals.* In these creatures which thus remind us of the lowest Hydrozoa in their powers of agamogenetic multiplication, the individuals produced one from another do not continue connected. As the young ones laterally budded-off by the Hydra separate when complete, so do the young ones longitudinally budded-off by the Planaria. Fig. 166 indicates this. But there are allied types which show us a more or less persistent union of homologous parts, or individuals, similarly arising by longitudinal gemmation, f The cestoid Entozoa furnish illustrations. Without dwelling on the fact that each segment of a Tcenia, like each separate Planaria, is an independent hermaphrodite; and without specifying the sundry common structural traits which add probability to the suspicion that there is some kinship be- tween the individuals of the one order and the segments of the other; it will suffice to point out that the two types are so far allied as to demand their union under the same sub- class title. And recognizing this kinship, we see significance in the fact that in the one case the longitudinally-produced gemmaa separate as complete individuals, and in the other continue united as segments in smaller or larger numbers and for shorter or longer periods. In Tcenia ecliinococcus, * Recently Mr T. H. Morgan has made elaborate experiments which show that Planaria Maculata may be cut into many pieces from various parts and of various shapes — even a slice out of the side — and each, if not too small, will produce a perfect animal. t Since this was written in 1865 there has come to light evidence more completely to the point than any at that time known. In the subdivision of Plaiyhelminthes known as Turbellaria, there are some, the Microatomida which, by a process of segmentation form "chains of 4, then 8, then 16, and sometimes even 32 individuals." "Each forms a mouth [lateral] and for some time the chain persists, but the individuals ultimately become sexually matured and then separate." (Shipley, Zoology of the Invertebrata, p. 92.) Here it should be remarked that the lateral mouths enable the members of a string to feed separately, and that nutrition not being interfered with they doubtless gain some advantage by temporary maintenance of their union — probably in creeping. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP ANIMALS. 1Q3 represented in Fig. 167, we have a species in which the number of segments thus united does not exceed four. In Echinobothrium typus there are eight or ten; and in cestoids generally they are numerous.* A considerable hiatus occurs between this phase of integration and the next higher phase which we meet with; but it is not greater than the hiatus between the types of the Platyhelminthes and the Chcetopoda, which present the two phases. Though it is doubtful whether separation of single segments occurs among the Annelida,\ yet very often we find strings of segments, * I find that the reasons for regarding the segment of a Tcenia as answering to an individual of the second order of aggregation, are much stronger than I supposed when writing the above. Van Beneden says : — " Le Proglottis (segment) ayant acquis tout son developpement, se detache ordinairement de la colonie et continue encore a croitre dans 1'intestin du me'me animal ; il chance menie souvent de forme et semble doue d'une nouvelle vie ; ses angles s'effacent, tout le corps s'arrondit, et il nage comme une Planaire au milieu des muscosites intestinales." f Though this was doubtful in 1866 it is no longer doubtful. In an indi- vidual Ctenodrifus monosfylus, which multiplies by dividing and subdividing itself, " parts arise which are destitute of both head and anus and at times consist of only a single segment." In another species, C. pardalis, there is separation into many segments ; and each segment before separating forms a budding zone out of which other segments are afterwards produced, com- pleting the animal (Korschelt and Heider, Embryology, i, 301-2). 104 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. arising by repeated longitudinal budding, which after reach- ing certain lengths undergo spontaneous fission: in some cases doing this so as to form two or more similar strings of segments constituting independent individuals; and in other cases doing it so that the segments spontaneously separated are but a small part of the string. Thus a Syllis, Fig. 168, after reaching a certain length, begins to trans- form itself into two individuals : one of the posterior segments develops into an imperfect head, and simultaneously narrows its connexion with the preceding segments, from which it eventually separates. Still more remarkable is the extent to which this process is carried in certain kindred types; which exhibit to us several individuals thus being simultaneously formed out of groups of segments. Fig. 169, copied (omit- ting the appendages) from one contained in a memoir by M. Milne-Edwards, represents six worms of different ages in course of development: the terminal one being the eldest, the one having the greatest number of segments, and the one that will first detach itself; and the success- ively anterior ones, with their successively smaller numbers of segments, being successively less advanced towards fitness for separation and independence. Here among groups of segments we see repeated what in the previous cases occurs with single segments. And then in other annelids we find that the string of segments arising by gemmation from a single germ becomes a permanently united whole: the tendency to any more complete fission than that which marks out the seg- ments, being lost; or, in other words, the integration having become relatively complete. Leaving out of sight the question of alliance among the types above grouped together, that which it here concerns us to notice is, that longitudinal gemmation does go on; that it is displayed in that primitive form in which the gemma? separate as soon as produced ; that we have types in which such gemma? hang together in groups of four, or in groups of eight and ten, from which however the gemmae successively separate as individuals; THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 105 that among higher types we have long strings of similarly- formed gemma? which do not become individually independ- ent, but separate into organized groups; and that from these we advance to forms in which all the gemmae remain parts of a single individual. One other significant fact must be added. There are cases in which annelids multiply by lateral gemmation.* That the longitudinally- produced gemma? which compose an annelid, should thus have, one of them or several of them, the power of laterally budding-off gemma?, from which other annelids arise, gives further support to the hypothesis that, primordially, the seg- ments were independent individuals. And it suggests this belief the more strongly because, in certain types of Coden- terata, we see that longitudinal and lateral gemmation do occur together, where the longitudinally-united gemma? are demonstrably independent individuals. § 207. Though it seems next to impossible that we shall ever be able to find a type such as that which is here sup- posed to be the unit of composition of the annulose type, since we must assume such a type to have been long since extinct, yet the foregoing evidence goes far towards showing that an annulose animal is an aggregate of the third order. This repetition of segments, sometimes numbering several hundreds, like one another in all their organs even down to those of reproduction, while it is otherwise unaccountable, is fully accounted for if these segments are homologous with the separate individuals of some lower type. The gemma- tion by which these segments are produced, is as similar as the conditions allow, to the gemmation by which compound * In place of those originally here instanced about which there are dis- putes, I may give an undoubted one described by Mclntosh, the Syllis ramosa, a species of chaetopod living in hexactinellid sponges from the Ara- fura Sea, which branches laterally repeatedly so as to extend in all directions through the canals of the sponge. In most cases the buds terminate in oval segments with two long cirri each. But male and female buds were found, provided each with a head, and containing ovaries and testes. Sometimes these sexual buds had become separate from the branched stock. 106 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. animals in general are produced. As among plants, and as among demonstrably-compound animals, we see that the only thing required for the formation of a permanent chain of gemmiparously-produced individuals, is that by remaining associated such individuals will have advantages greater than are to be gained by separation. Further, comparisons of the annuloid and lower annulose forms, disclose a number of those transitional phases of integration which the hypo- thesis leads us to expect. And, lastly, the differences among these united individuals or successive segments, are not greater than the differences in their positions and functions explain — not greater than such differences are known to pro- duce among other united individuals: witness sundry com- pound Hydrozoa. Indirect evidence of much weight has still to be given. Thus far we have considered only the less-developed Annu- losa. The more integrated and more differentiated types of the class remain. If in them we find a carrying further of the processes by which the lower types are here supposed to have been evolved, we shall have additional reason for be- lieving them to have been so evolved. If we find that in these superior orders, the individualities of the united seg- ments are much less pronounced than in the inferior, we shall have grounds for suspecting that in the inferior the individualities of the segments are less pronounced than in those lost forms which initiated the annulose sub-kingdom. [N"OTE. — Partly from the wish to incorporate further evi- dence, and partly from the wish to present the evidence, old and new, in a more effective order, I decide here to recast the foregoing exposition. Significant traits of development are exhibited in common by two groups otherwise unallied — certain of the PlatyJiel- minthes and certain of the lower Annulosa. Of the Platyhel- minthes the ordinary type is an unsegmented creature: a THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 107 Planarian or a Trematode exemplifying it. Among the free forms, as in some Planarians, there occurs transverse fission, and prompt separation of the segments; while among some other free forms, as the Microstomida, the two segments first produced, themselves become segmented while still adherent, and this process is repeated until a string is formed. Another group of the Platyhelminthes, the Cestoid Entozoa, exhibit analogous processes. There are unsegmented forms, as the Caryopliyllaeus, and there are forms in which the segments, now few now many, adhere together in chains; the terminal members of which, however, eventually separate, and having before separation approached the trematode structure, become independent individuals which grow, creep about, and con- tinue the race. In both of these types the condition under which the gemmiparously-produced members remain con- nected, is that they shall be able to feed individually: in the one case by lateral mouths, in the other case by absorp- tion through the integument. It is further observable that in both cases separation of the component individuals occurs at sexual maturity, when advantage in nutrition has ceased to be the dominant need and dispersion of the species has taken its place in degree of importance. Among Annelids, higher though they are in type, we find parallel- isms. Usually in its first stage an annelid is unsegmented, but as fast as it elongates lines of segmentation indent its surface. This segmentation proceeds in various ways, and the segments exhibit various degrees of dependence. In some low types, spontaneous fission goes on to the extent of producing single segments, each of which has such vitality that it buds out anterior and posterior parts at its two ends. Thus alike in the simple form which exists before segmenta- tion and in the form exhibited by a detached segment, we have a unit analogous to each of the units which are joined together in certain free Turbellaria and in the Cestoids: the difference being that in the Annelids the sexually-mature units do not individually disunite. But though there does 108 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. not take place separation of single completed segments, there takes place separation of groups of segments, which are either sexually mature at the time they drop off or presently become so. And the groups of segments which have become sexually mature before they drop off, have simultaneously acquired swimming organs and developed eyes, enabling them to spread and diffuse the species. Sundry biologists recognize a parallelism between that detachment of developed segments which goes on in the cestoid Entozoa, and that which goes on in the Scypliomedusce. The successively detached members of the strobila are sexually-matured or maturing individuals which, as medusae, are fitted for swimming about, multiply- ing, and reaching other habitats; while each detached pro- glottis of the cestoid is, by the nature of its medium, limited to creeping about. Clearly this fissiparous process in such Annelids as the Syllidce, which has similarly been compared to the stabilization of the Scypliomedusce, differs simply in the respect that single segments are not adapted for locomo- tion, and it therefore profits the species to separate in groups. All these facts and analogies point to the conclusion that the remote ancestor of the Annelids was an unsegmented crea- ture homologous with each of the segments of an existing Annelid. This conclusion is supported by other kinds of evidence here to be added. The Iarva3 of Annelids are very various ; but amid their differences there is a recognizable type. " The Trochophore is the typical larval form of the Annelid stem " : a trochophore being a curious spheroidal ciliated structure suggestive of ccelenterate affinities. And this unsegmented larva, representing the remote ancestor from which the many Annelid types diverged, is similar to the larvaa of the Rotifera and the Mollusca : a trochophore is common to all these great classes. Moreover since, among the Rhizota (a sub-class of the Rotiferce), there is a species, Trochosphcera, solitary and free-swimming, resembling in form and structure a trocho- phore, though it is not a larva but an adult, we get further THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP ANIMALS. 109 evidence that there was a primitive creature of this general character, of which the trochophores of Mollusca, Rotifera, and Annelida are divergent modifications, and which was unsegmented: the implication being that the segmentation or the Annelida was superinduced. That this segmentation resulted from gemmation is implied by what are called poly- trochal larvae. These " sometimes appear as a stage succeed- ing other larval types. Thus those of Arenicola marina arise from larva? which at first were monotrochal, later became telotrochal, and finally, by the appearance of new ciliated rings between those already present, assumed the stage of polytrochal larvas. . . . This condition warrants the assumption that the segmented forms are to be looked upon as the younger, the unsegmented, on the other hand, as the phylogenetically older." (Korschelt and Heider, i, 278.) And that the above-described rings of cilia mark off segments is shown by the case of Ophryotrocha puerilis, which " remains, as it were, in a larval condition, since the segments retain their ciliation throughout life." (/&., 277.) Yet one more significant fact must be named. In early stages of develop- ment each segment of an archiannelidan has ccelomic spaces separate from those of neighbouring segments, but in the adult the septa " generally break down either partially or completely, so that the perivisceral cavity becomes a con- tinuous space from end to end of the animal." (Sedgwick, Text Boole, 449.) While this fact is congruous with the hypothesis here maintained, it is incongruous with the hypo- thesis that the annelid was originally an elongated creature which afterwards became segmented; since in that case the implication would be that the ccelomic septa, not arising from recapitulation of an ancestral structure, but originated by the process of segmentation, were first superfluously formed and then destroyed. Various lines of evidence thus converge to the conclusion that an annulose animal is an aggregate of the third order. In June, 1865, when No. 14 of my serial containing the 110 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. foregoing chapter was issued, I supposed myself to be alone in holding this belief respecting the annulose type, and long continued to suppose so. Over thirty years later, however, in M. Edmond Terrier's work, La Philosophic Zoologique avant Darwin, I found mention of a lecture delivered by M. Lacaze- Duthiers at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, and re- ported in the Revue des Cours Scientifiques for January 28, 1865, in which he enunciated a like belief. Judging, how- ever, by the account of this lecture which M. Perrier gives (he was present), it appears that M. Lacaze-Duthiers simply contended that this view of the annulose structure as arising by union of once-independent units, is suggested by certain a priori considerations. There is no indication that he assigned any of the classes of facts above given, which go to show that it has thus arisen. For further facts and arguments concerning the genesis of the annulose type, see Appendix D 2.] CHAPTEK V. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS, CONTINUED. § 208. INSECTS, Arachnids, Crustaceans, and Myriapods, are all members of that higher division of the Annulosa * called Articulata or now more generally Arthropoda. Though in these creatures the formation of segments may be inter- preted as a disguised gemmation; and though, in some of them, the number of segments increases by this modified bud- ding after leaving the egg, as it does among the Annelids; yet the process is not nearly so dominant: the segments are usually much less numerous than we find them in the types last considered. In most cases, too, the segments are in a greater degree differentiated one from another, at the same time that they are severally more differentiated within them- selves. Nor is there any instance of spontaneous fission taking place in the series of segments composing an articu- late animal. On the contrary, the integration, always great enough permanently to unite the segments, is frequently carried so far as to hide very completely the individualities of some or many of them; and occasionally, as among the Acari, the consolidation, or the arrest of segmentation, is so * The name Annulosa, once used to embrace the Annelida and Arthro- poda, has of late ceased to be used. It seems to me better than Appen- diculaia, both as being more obviously descriptive and as being more exclusive. Ill 112 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. decided as to leave scarcely a trace of the articulate struc- ture: the type being in these cases indicated chiefly by the presence of those characteristically-formed limbs, which give the alternative name Arthropoda to all the higher Annulosa. Omitting the parasitic orders, which, as in other cases, are aberrant members of their sub-kingdom, comparisons between the different orders prove that the higher are strongly dis- tinguished from the lower, by the much greater degree in which the individuality of the tertiary aggregate dominates over the individualities of those secondary aggregates called segments or " somites," of which it is composed. The suc- cessive Figs. 170 — 176, representing (without their limbs) a Julus, a Scolopendra, an isopodous Crustacean, and four kinds of decapodous Crustaceans, ending with a Crab, will convey at a glance an idea of the way in which that greater size and heterogeneity reached by the higher types, is accom- panied by an integration which, in the extreme cases, nearly obliterates all traces of composite structure. In the Crab the posterior segments, usually folded underneath the shell, alone preserve their primitive distinctness. So completely confluent are the rest, that it seems absurd to say that a Crab's carapace is composed of as many segments as there are pairs of limbs, foot-jaws, and antenna attached to it; and were it not that during early stages of the Crab's develop- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OP ANIMALS. H3 ment the segmentation is faintly marked, the assertion might be considered illegitimate. That all articulate animals are thus composed from end to end of homologous segments, is, however, an accepted doc- trine among naturalists. It is a doctrine that rests on careful observation of three classes of facts — the correspondences of parts in the successive " somites " of an adult articulate animal; the still more marked correspondences of such parts as they exist in the embryonic or larval articulate animal; and the maintenance of such correspondences in some types, which are absent in types otherwise near akin to them. The nature of the conclusion which these evidences unite in supporting, will best be shown by the annexed copies from the lecture-diagrams of Prof. Huxley; exhibiting the typical structures of a Myriapod, an Insect, a Spider, and a Crust- acean, with their relations to a common plan, as interpreted by him. Insecf Treating of these homologies, Prof. Huxley says " that a striking uniformity of composition is to be found in the heads of, at any rate, the more highly organized members of these four classes; and that, typically, the head of a Crustacean, an Arachnid, a Myriapod, or an Insect, is composed of six 54 114: MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. somites (or segments corresponding with those of the body) and their appendages, the latter being modified so as to serve the purpose of sensory and manducatory organs." * Thus even in the higher Arthropoda, the much greater con- solidation and much greater heterogeneity do not obliterate all evidence of the fact, that the organism is an aggregate of the third order. Comparisons show that it is divisible into a number of proximate units, each of which is akin in certain fundamental traits to its neighbours, and each of which is an aggregate of the second order, in so far as it is an organized combination of those aggregates of the first order which we call morphological units or cells. And that these segments or somites, which make up an annulose animal, were origin- ally aggregates of the second order having independent in- dividualities, is an hypothesis which gathers further support from the contrast between the higher and the lower Arthro- pods, as well as from the contrast between the Arthropods * The fusion of the segments forming the Arthropod head and the extreme changes, or perhaps in some cases disappearances, of their appen- dages, put great difficulties in the way of identification ; so that there are differences of opinion respecting the number of included segments. Prof. MacBride writes: — "It is highly probable that a primary head (prseoral lobe or praestomium) has been derived from annelid ancestors, but the secondary fusion of body-segments with this head, in other words the forma- tion of a secondary head, has gone on independently in the different classes of the phylum Arthropoda, viz., Arachnida, Crustacea, and Tracheata (including Insects and Myriapods). Judged by the number of appendages (which gives an inferior limit) the head of a malacostracous Crustacean consists of praestomium and 8 segments ; the head of an insect of prsesto- miurn and 4 segments; the head of a Myriapod of prsestomium and 8 segments ; and the head of an Arachnid of praestomium and 3 segments." Again, the comment of Mr. J. T. Cunningham is : — " According to Claus and most modern authorities there are only 5 segments in the head of an Arthropod, the eyes not counting as appendages ; and further it should be noted that the second pair of antennas are wanting in Insects." Of course difference of opinion respecting the number of somites in the head involves difference of opinion respecting the number constituting the entire body, which, in the higher Arthropods, is said by some to be 19 and by others 20. But those who thus differ in detail, agree in regarding all the segments of head and body as homologous, and this is the essential point with which we are here concerned. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. H5 in general and the Annelids. For if that masking of the individualities of the segments which we find distinguishes the higher forms from the lower, has been going on from the beginning, as we may fairly assume; it is to be inferred that the individualities of the segments in the lower forms, were originally more marked than they now are. Eeversing those processes of change by which the most developed Annulosa have arisen from the least developed; and applying in thought this reversed process to the least developed, as they were described in the last Chapter; we are brought to the conception of attached segments that are all completely alike, and have their individualities in no appreciable degree sub- ordinated to that of the chain they compose. From which there ' is but one step to the conception of gemmiparously- produced individuals which severally part one from another as soon as they are formed. § 209. We must now return to a junction whence we diverged some time ago. As before explained under the head of Classification, organisms do not admit of uni-serial arrangement, either in general or in detail; but everywhere form groups within groups. Hence, having traced the phases of morphological composition up to the highest forms in any sub-kingdom, we find ourselves at the extremity of a great branch, from which there is no access to another great branch, except by going back to some place of bifurcation low down in the tree. There exist such similarities of shape" and structure be- tween the larval forms of low Molluscs and those of Annelids and Rotifers, as to show that there was an early type common to them all; and its probable characters, suggested by com- parison, seem to imply that it had arisen from some coelen- terate type, intermediate between the Cnidaria and the Cteno- phora. But there is this noteworthy difference between the molluscan larva and the allied larvae, that it gives origin to only one animal and not to a group of animals, united or 116 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. disunited. No true Mollusc multiplies by gemmation, either continuous or discontinuous; but the product of every ferti- lized germ is a single individual. It is a significant fact that here, where for the first time we have homogenesis holding throughout an entire sub-king- dom, we have also throughout an entire sub-kingdom no case in which the organism is divisible into two, three, or more, like parts. There is neither any such clustering or branch- ing as a ccelenterate or molluscoid animal usually displays; nor is there any trace of that segmentation which charac- terizes the Annulosa. Among these animals in which no single egg produces several individuals, no individual is separable into several homologous divisions. This connexion will be seen to have a probable meaning, on remembering that it is the converse of the connexion which obtains among the Annulosa, considered as a group. A Mollusc, then, is an aggregate of the second order. Not only in the adult animal is there no sign of a multiplicity of like parts that have become obscured by integration ; but there is no sign of such multiplicity in the embryo. And this unity is just as conspicuous in the lowest Lamellibranch as in the highest Cephalopod. It may be well to note, however, more especially because it illustrates a danger of misinterpretation presently to be guarded against, that there are certain Molluscs which simu- late the segmented structure. Externally a Chiton, Fig. 188, appears to be made up of divisions substantially like those of the creature Fig. 189; and one who judged only by externals, would say that the creature Fig. 190 differs as much from the creature Fig. 189, as this does from the preceding one. But the truth is, that while 190 and 189 are closely-allied types, 189 differs from 188 THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 117 much more widely than a man does from a fish. And the radical distinction between them is this : — Whereas in the Crustacean the segmentation is carried transversely through the whole mass of the body, so as to render the body more or less clearly divisible into a series of parts which are simi- larly composed; in the Mollusc the segmentation is limited to the shell carried on its upper surface, and leaves its body as completely undivided as is that of a common slug.* Were the body cut through at each of the divisions, the section of it attached to each portion of the shell would be unlike all the other sections. Here the segmentation has a purely functional derivation — is adaptive instead of genetic. The similarly-formed and similarly-placed parts, are not homologous in the same sense as are the appendages of a phasnogamic axis or the limbs of an insect. § 210. In studying the remaining and highest sub-king- dom of animals, it is important to recognize this radical dif- ference in meaning between that likeness of parts which is produced by likeness of modifying forces, and that likeness of parts which is due to primordial identity of origin. On our recognition of this difference depends the view we take of certain doctrines that have long been dominant, and have still a wide currency. Among the Vertebrata, as among the Mollusca, homogene- sis is universal. The two sub-kingdoms are like one another and unlike the remaining sub-kingdoms in this, that in all the types they severally include, a single fertilized ovum pro- duces only a single individual. It is true that as the eggs of certain gasteropods occasionally exhibit spontaneous fission * Prof. MacBride corrects this statement by saying that " The ctenidia or gills (which in Mollusca generally are represented only by a single pair) are here represented by a large number of pairs ; they do not, however, correspond in either number or position to the shell plates." It may, I think, be con- tended that if these had any morphological significance, they would not differ in arrangement from the shell plates, and would not be limited to this special type of Mollusc. 118 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. of the vitelline mass, which may or may not result in the formation of two individuals; so among vertebrate animals we now and then meet with double monsters, which appear to imply such a spontaneous fission imperfectly carried out. But these anomalies serve to render conspicuous the fact, that in both these sub-kingdoms the normal process is the integration of the whole germ-mass into a single organism, which at no phase of its development displays any tendency to separate into two or more parts. Equally as throughout the Mollusca, there holds through- out the Vertebrata the correlative fact, that not even in its low- est any more than in its highest types, is the body divisible into homologous segments. The vertebrate animal, under its simplest as under its most complex form, is like the mollusc- ous animal in this, that you cannot cut it into transverse slices, each of which contains a digestive organ, a respiratory organ, a reproductive organ, &c. The organs of the least- developed fish as well as those of the most-developed mammal, form but a single physiological whole; and they show not the remotest trace of having ever been divisible into two or more physiological wholes. That segmentation which the vertebrate animal usually exhibits throughout part of its organization, is the same in origin and meaning as the segmentation of a Chiton's shell; and no more implies in the vertebrate animal a composite structure, than do the successive pairs of branchiaa of the Doto, or the transverse rows of branchiffi in the Eolis, imply composite structure in the molluscous animal. To some this will seem a very ques- tionable proposition; and had we no evidence beyond that which adult vertebrate animals of developed types supply, it would be a proposition not easy to substantiate. But abundant support for it is to be found in the structure of the vertebrate embryo, and in the comparative morphology of the Vertebrata in general. Embryologists teach us that the primordial relations of parts are most clearly displayed in the early stages of evo- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. H9 lution; and that they generally become partially or com- pletely disguised in its later stages. Hence, were the verte- brate animal on the same level as the annulose animal in degree of composition — did it similarly consist of segments which are homologous in the sense that they are the prox- imate units of composition; we ought to find this funda- mental fact most strongly marked at the outset. As in the annelid-embryo the first conspicuous change is the elongation and division into segments, by constrictions that encircle the whole body; and as in the arthropod embryo the blastoderm becomes marked out transversely into pieces which extend themselves round the yelk before the internal organization has made any appreciable progress; so in the embryo of every vertebrate animal, had it an analogous com- position, the first decided change should be a segmentation implicating the entire mass. But it is not so. Sundry im- portant differentiations occur before any divisions begin to show themselves. There is the defining of that elongated, elevated area with its longitudinal groove, which becomes the seat of subsequent changes; there is the formation of the notochord lying beneath this groove; there is the growth upwards of the boundaries of the groove into the dorsal lamina?, which rapidly develop and fold over in the region of the head. Eathke, as quoted and indorsed by Prof. Huxley, describes the subsequent changes as follows : — " The gelatin- ous investing mass, which, at first, seems only to constitute a band to the right and to the left of the notochord forms around it, in the further course of development, a sheath, which ends in a point posteriorly. Anteriorly, it sends out two processes which underlie the lateral parts of the skull, but very soon coalesce for a longer or shorter distance. Posteriorly, the sheath projects but little beyond the noto- chord ; but, anteriorly, for a considerable distance, as far as the infundibulum. It sends upwards two plates, which embrace the future central parts of the nervous system laterally, prob- ably throughout their entire length." That is to say, in the 120 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Vertebrata the first step is the marking out on the blastoderm of an integrated structure, within which segments subse- quently appear. When these do appear, they are for some time limited to the middle region of the spinal axis; and no more then than ever after, do they implicate the general mass of the body in their transverse divisions. On the contrary, before vertebral segmentation has made much pro- gress, the rudiments of the vascular system are laid down in a manner showing no trace of any primordial correspondence of its parts with the divisions of the axis. Equally at variance with the belief that the vertebrate animal is essentially a series of homologous parts, is the heterogeneity which exists among these parts on their first appearance. Though in the head of an adult articulate animal there is little sign of divisibility into segments like those of the body; yet such segments, with their appropriate ganglia and appendages, are easily identifiable in the articulate embryo. But in the Vertebrata this antithesis is reversed. At the time when segmentation has become decided in the dorsal region of the spine, there is no trace of segments in the parts which are to form the skull — nothing whatever to suggest that the skull is being formed out of divisions homologous with vertebrae.* And minute observation no more discloses any such homology than does general appearance. " Eemak," says Prof. Huxley, " has more fully proved than any other observer, the segmentation into ' urwirbel,' or proto-vertebrae, which is characteristic of the vertebral column, stops at the occipital margin of the skull — the base of which, before ossification, presents no trace of that segmentation which occurs throughout the vertebral column." Consider next the evidence supplied by comparative mor- phology. In preceding sections (§§ 206, 208,) it has been * Though it is allcjred that at a later stage the posterior part of the skull is formed by fusion of divisions which are assumed to represent vertebrae, yet it is admitted that the anterior part of the skull never shows any signs of such division. Moreover in both parts the bones show no trace of primitive segmentation. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 121 shown that among annulose animals, the divisibility into homologous parts is most clearly demonstrable in the lowest types. Though in decapodous Crustaceans, in Insects, in Arachnids, there is difficulty in identifying some or many of the component somites; and though, when identified, they display only partial correspondences; yet on descending to Annelids, the composition of the entire body out of such somites becomes conspicuous, and the homology between each somite and its neighbours is shown by the repetition of one another's structural details, as well as by their common gemmiparous origin: indeed, in some cases we have the homology directly demonstrated by seeing a somite of the body transformed into a head. If, then, a vertebrate animal had a segmental composition of kindred nature, we ought to find it most clearly marked in the lowest Vertebrata and most disguised in the highest Vertebrata. But here, as before, the fact is just the reverse. Among the Vertebrata of developed type, such segmentation as really exists remains conspicuous — is but little obscured even in parts of the spinal column formed out of integrated vertebras. Whereas in the undeveloped vertebrate type, segmentation is scarcely at all traceable.* The Amphioxus, Fig. 191, is not only without tff* ossified vertebrae; not only is it without cartilaginous repre- sentatives of them; but it is even without anything like distinct membranous divisions. The spinal column exists as a continuous notochord: the only signs of incipient seg- mentation being given by its membranous sheath, in the upper part of which " quadrate masses of somewhat denser * See note at the end of the chapter. 122 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. tissue seem faintly to represent neural spines." Moreover, throughout sundry groups of fishes and amphibians, the segmentation remains very imperfect : only certain peri- pheral appendages of the vertebrae becoming defined and solidified, while in place of the bodies of the vertebrae there still continues the undivided notochord. Thus, instead of being morphologically composed of vertebral segments, the vertebrate animal in its primitive form is entirely without vertebral segments; and vertebral segments begin to appear only as we advance towards developed forms. Once more, evidence equally adverse to the current hypothesis meets us on observing that the differences between the parts supposed to be homologous, are as great at first as at last. Did the vertebrate animal primordially consist of homo- logous segments from snout to tail; then the segments said to compose the skull ought, in the lowest Vertebraia, to show themselves much more like the remaining segments than they do in the highest V ' ertebrata. But they do not. Fishes have crania made up of bones that are no more clearly arrangeable into segments like vertebrae, than are the cranial bones of the highest mammal. Nay, indeed, the case is much stronger. The simplest fish possessing a skeleton, has a cranium composed of cartilage that is not segmented at all! Besides being inconsistent with the leading truths of Embryology and Comparative Morphology, the hypothesis of Goethe and Oken is inconsistent with itself. The facts brought forward to show that there exists an archetypal vertebra, and that the vertebrate animal is composed of archetypal vertebrae arranged in a series, and severally modi- fied to fit their positions — these facts, I say, so far from proving as much, suffice, when impartially considered, to dis- prove it. No assigned, nor any conceivable, attribute of the supposed archetypal vertebra is uniformly maintained. The parts composing it are constant neither in their number, nor in their relative positions, nor in their modes of ossification, THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 123 nor in the separateness of their several individualities when present. There is no fixity of any one element, or con- nexion, or mode of development, which justifies even, a suspicion that vertebrae are modelled after an ideal pattern. To substantiate these assertions here would require too much space, and an amount of technical detail wearisome to the general reader. The warrant for them will be found in a criticism on the osteological works of Prof. Owen, originally published in the British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Re- view for Oct. 1858. This criticism I add in the Appendices, for the convenience of those who may wish to study the question more fully. ( See Appendix B. ) Everything, then, goes to show that the segmental compo- sition which characterises the apparatus of external relation in most Vertebrata, is not primordial or genetic, but function- ally determined or adaptive. Our inference must be that the vertebrate animal is an aggregate of the second order, in which a relatively superficial segmentation has been pro- duced by mechanical intercourse with the environment. We shall hereafter see that this conception leads us to a con- sistent interpretation of the facts — shows us why there has arisen such unity in variety as exists in every vertebral column, and why this unity in variety is displayed under countless modifications in different skeletons.* § 211. On glancing back at the facts brought together in these two chapters, we see it to be probable that there has gone on among animals a process like that which we saw reason to think has gone on among plants. Minute aggregates of those physiological units which compose living protoplasm, * A qualifying fact should be named. When the production of vertebral segments has become constitutionally established, so that there is an innate tendency to form them, there arises a liability to form supernumerary ones ; and this, from time to time recurring, may lengthen the series, as in the body of a snake or the neck of a swan. This qualification, however, affects equally the hypothesis of an ideal type and the hypothesis of mechanical genesis. 124 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. exist as Protozoa: some of them incoherent, indefinite, and almost homogeneous, and others of them more coherent, de- finite, and heterogeneous. By union of these nucleated parti- cles of sarcode, are produced various indefinite aggregates of the second order — Sponges, Polycytharia, Foraminifers, &c. ; in which the compound individuality is scarcely enough marked to subordinate the primitive individualities. But in other types, as in Hydra, the lives of the morphological units are in a considerable degree, though not wholly, merged in the life of the integrated body they form. As the primary aggregate, when it passes a certain size, undergoes fission or gemmation; so does the secondary aggregate. And as on the lower stage so on the higher, we see cases in which the gemmiparously-produced individuals part as soon as formed, and other cases in which they continue united, though in great measure independent. This massing of secondary aggre- gates into tertiary aggregates, is variously carried on among the Hydrozoa, the Actinozoa, the Polyzoa, and the Tunicata. In most of the types so produced, the component individu- alities are very little subordinated to the individuality of the composite mass — there is only physical unity and not physio- logical unity; but in certain of the oceanic Hydrozoa, the individuals are so far differentiated and combined as very much to mask them. Forms showing us clearly the transi- tion to well-developed individuals of the third order, are not to be found. Nevertheless, in the great sub-kingdom Annu- losa, there are traits of structure, development, and mode of multiplication, which go far to show that its members are such individuals of the third order; and in the relations to external conditions involved by the mode of union, we find an adequate cause for that obscuration of the secondary indi- vidualities which we must suppose has taken place. The two other great sub-divisions, Mollusca and Vertebrata, between the lower members of which there are suggestive points of community, present us only with aggregates of the second order, that have in many cases become very large and THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 125 very complex. We find in them no trace of the union of gemmiparously-produced individuals. Neither the molluscous nor the vertebrate animal shows the faintest trace of a seg- mentation affecting the totality of its structure; and we see good grounds for concluding that such segmentation as ex- ceptionally occurs in the one and usually occurs in the other, is superinduced. [NOTE : — A critic calls in question the statement on p. 121 respecting the Amphioxus. At the outset, however, he admits that in the Amphioxus " the central nervous system and the notochord are not segmented." In the Annelid, however, the central nervous system is segmented, and there is segmentation of the part which, as a supporting structure, is analogous to the notochord in respect of function — the outer part which represents the exo-skeleton in contrast to the endo-skeleton. He goes on to say that " the gut is not involved [in the segmentation] and exhibits in Amphioxus just as it does in worms differentiations entirely independent of the segmentation of the mesoblast." Part of this state- ment is, I think, not congruous with all the facts. In Proto- drilus, one of the lowest of the Archiannelida, " the intestine is moniliform, there being a constriction between each seg- ment" and the next. (Shipley.) Complete segmentation of the intestine is obviously impossible, since, were the canal divided into portions by septa, no food could pass. But the fact that the gut has these successive expansions and con- strictions, corresponding to the successive segments, and giving to each segment a partially-separate stomach, shows that segmentation has gone as far as consists with the carrying on of the lives of the segments. No such partial segmentation exists in the Amphioxus. Thus, then, three fundamental structures — the directive structure, the sup- porting structure, and the alimentary structure — are respec- tively simple in the lowest vertebrate and segmented, or 126 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. partially segmented, in the lowest Annelid. Again, while it is said that the gill-clefts exhibit segmentation, it is admitted that this has no relevance to any constitutional segmenta- tion : " they are segmented on a plan of their own " irre- spective of other organs. Another allegation is that the ovaries of Amphioxus are segmented. Their segmentation, however, like that of the gills, is isolated, and may be con- sidered as illustrating those repetitions of like parts seen in supernumerary vertebrae in various creatures — a repetition which becomes habitual if the resulting structure is advan- tageous to the species. On the statement that while the Amphioxus has no rudiments of a renal system the Elasmo- branch embryo has such rudiments, which are as distinctly segmented as the nephridia of a worm, two comments may be made. The first is that if in these Vertebrates the nephridia bear a relation to the general structure like that which they do in Annelids, then one would expect to find the segmental arrangement shown in the lowest type, as in Annelids, rather than in a type considerably advanced in development. Should it be replied that in the Amphioxus an excretory system had not yet arisen, though one is re- quired for the higher organization of an Elasmobranch, then the answer may be that since the segmental arrangement in the Elasmobranch corresponds with that of the myotomes, it has no reference to any primordial segmentation, since the myotomes have been functionally generated. The second comment is that whereas the nephridia of the Annelid have independent external openings, the nephridia in the Elasmo- branch have not. These discharge their secretions into cer- tain general tubes of exit common to them all; showing that each of them, instead of being a member of a partially inde- pendent structure, is united with others in subordination to a general structure. That is to say, the segmentations are far from being parallel in their essential natures. The asser- tion accompanying these criticisms, that there is " no differ- ence in principle between the segmentation of Amphioxus THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS. 127 and Annelid " is difficult to reconcile with the visible con- trast between the two. Whatever local segmentations there are in an Amphioxus appear to me quite unlike " in prin- ciple " to those which an Annelid exhibits. Could its portion of gut be duly supplied with nutriment, the segment of a low Annelid could carry on its vital functions independ- ently. In the parts of the Amphioxus we see nothing approaching to this. Cut it into transverse sections and no one of them contains anything like the assemblage of struc- tures required for living. The Amphioxus is a physiological whole, and in that respect differs radically from the Annelid, each segment of which is in chief measure a physiological whole. No occurrence of local segmentation in the Am- phioxus can obliterate this fundamental contrast. An accompanying contrast tells the same story. On as- cending from the lowest to the highest annulose types we see a progressing integration, morphological and physiologi- cal; so that whereas in a low annelid the successive parts are in large measure independent in their structures and in their lives, in a high arthropod, as a crab, most of the parts have lost their individualities and have become merged in a consolidated organism with a single life. Quite otherwise is it in the vertebrate series. Its lowest member is at the very outset a complete morphological and physiological whole, and the formation of those serial parts which some think analo- gous to the serial parts of an Annelid, begins at a later stage and becomes gradually pronounced. That is to say, the course of transformation is reversed.] CHAPTER VI. MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN PLANTS. § 212. WHILE, in the course of their evolution, plants and animals have displayed progressive integrations, there have at the same time gone on progressive differentiations of the resulting aggregates, both as wholes and in their parts. These differentiations and the interpretations of them, form the second class of morphological problems. We commence as before with plants. We have to con- sider, first, the several kinds of modification in shape they have undergone; and, second, the relations between these kinds of modification and their factors. Let us glance at the leading questions that have to be answered. § 213. Irrespective of their degrees of composition, plants may, and do, become changed in their general forms. Are their changes capable of being formulated? The inquiry which meets us at the outset is — does a plant's shape admit of being expressed in any universal terms? — terms that remain the same for all genera, orders, and classes. After plants considered as wholes, have to be considered their proximate components, which vary with their degrees of composition, and in the highest plants are what we call branches. Is there any law traceable among the contrasted shapes of different branches in the same plant ? Do the rela- tive developments of parts in the same branch conform to any law? And are these laws, if they exist, allied with one 128 MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN PLANTS. 129 another and with that to which the shape of the whole plant conforms ? Descending to the components of these components, which in developed plants we distinguish as leaves, there meet us kindred questions respecting their relative sizes, their rela- tive shapes, and their shapes as compared with those of foliar organs in general. Of their morphological differentia- tions, also, it has to be asked whether they exemplify any truth that is exemplified by the entire plant and by its larger parts. Then, a step lower, we come down to those morphological units of which leaves and fronds consist; and concerning these arise parallel inquiries touching their divergences from one another and from cells in general. The problems thus put together in several groups cannot of course be rigorously separated. Evolution presupposes transitions which make all such classings more or less con- ventional; and adherence to them must be subordinate to the needs of the occasion. § 214. In studying the causes of the morphological differ- entiations thus divided out and prospectively generalized, we shall have to bear in mind several orders of forces which it will be well briefly to specify. Growth tends inevitably to initiate changes in the shape of any aggregate, by altering both the amounts of the inci- dent forces and the forces which the parts exert on one another. With the mechanical actions this is obvious. Matter that is sensibly plastic cannot be increased in mass without undergoing a change in its proportions, consequent on the diminished ratio of its cohesive force to the force of gravitation. With the physiological actions it is equally obvious. Increase of size, other things equal, alters the rela- tions of the parts to the material and dynamical factors of nutrition; and by so affecting differently the nutrition of different parts, initiates further changes of proportions. 55 130 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. In plants of the third order it is thus with the proximate components: they are subject to mutual influences that are unlike one another and are continually changing. The earlier-formed units become mechanical supporters of the later-formed units, and so experience modifying forces from which the later-formed units are exempt. Further, these elder units simultaneously begin to serve as channels through which materials are carried to and from the younger units — another cause of differentiation that goes on increasing in in- tensity. Once more, there arise ever-strengthening contrasts between the amounts of light which fall upon the youngest or outermost units and the eldest or innermost units; whence result structural contrasts of yet another kind. Evidently, then, along with the progressive integration of cells into fronds, of fronds into axes, and of axes into plants still more composite, there come into play sundry causes of differen- tiation which act on the whole and on each of its parts, whatever their grade. The forces to be overcome, the forces to be utilized, and the matters to be appropriated, do not remain the same in their proportions and modes of action for any two members of the aggregate: be they members of the first, second, third, or any other order. § 215. Nor are these the only kinds and causes of hetero- geneity which we have to consider. Beyond the more general changes produced in the relative sizes and shapes of plants and their parts by progressive aggregation, there are the more particular changes determined by the more par- ticular conditions. Plants as wholes assume unlike attitudes towards their environments; they have many ways of articulating their parts with one another; they have many ways of adjusting their parts towards surrounding agencies. These are causes of special differentiations additional to those general differen- tiations that result from increase of mass and increase of com- position. In each part considered individually, there arises MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN PLANTS. 131 a characteristic shape consequent on that relative position towards external and internal forces, which the mode of growth entails. Every member of the aggregate presents itself in a more or less peculiar way towards the light, towards the air, and towards its point of support; and according to the relative homogeneity or heterogeneity in the incidence of the agencies thus brought to bear on it, will be the relative homogeneity or heterogeneity of its shape. § 216. Before passing from this a priori view of the morphological differentiations which necessarily accompany morphological integrations, to an a posteriori view of them, it seems needful to specify the meanings of certain descriptive terms we shall have to employ. Taking for our broadest division among forms, the regular and the irregular, we may divide the latter into those which are wholly irregular and those which, being but partially irregular, suggest some regular form to which they approach. By slightly straining the difference between them, two cur- rent words may be conveniently used to describe these sub- divisions. The entirely irregular forms we may class as asymmetrical — literally as forms without any equalities of dimensions. The forms which approximate towards regu- larity without reaching it, we may distinguish as unsymmetri- cal: a word which, though it asserts inequality of dimensions, has been associated by use rather with such slight inequality as constitutes an observable departure from equality. Of the regular forms there are several classes, differing in the number of directions in which equality of dimensions is repeated. Hence results the need for names by which sym- metry of several kinds may be expressed. The most regular of figures is the sphere : its dimensions are the same from centre to surface in all directions; and if cut by any plane through the centre, the separated parts are equal and similar. This is a kind of symmetry which stands alone, and will be hereafter spoken of as spherical symmetry.. 132 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. When a sphere passes into a spheroid, either prolate or oblate, there remains but one set of planes that will divide it into halves, which are in all respects alike; namely, the planes in which its axis lies, or which have its axis for their line of intersection. Prolate and oblate spheroids may severally pass into various forms without losing this pro- perty. The prolate spheroid may become egg-shaped or pyri- form, and it will still continue capable of being divided into two equal and similar parts by any plane cutting it down its axis; nor will the making of constrictions deprive it of this property. Similarly with the oblate spheroid. The transition from a slight oblateness, like that of an orange, to an oblateness reducing it nearly to a flat disc, does not alter its divisibility into like halves by every plane passing through its axis. And clearly the moulding of any such flattened oblate spheroid into the shape of a plate, leaves it as before, symmetrically divisible by all planes at right angles to its surface and passing through its centre. This species of symmetry is called radial symmetry. It is familiar- ly exemplified in such flowers as the daisy, the tulip, and the dahlia. From spherical symmetry, in which we have an infinite number of axes through each of which may pass an infinite number of planes severally dividing the aggregate into equal and similar parts; and from radial symmetry, in which we have a single axis through which may pass an infinite number of planes severally dividing the aggregate into equal and similar parts; we now turn to bilateral symmetry, in which the divisibility into equal and similar parts becomes much restricted. Noting, for the sake of completeness, that there is a sextuple bilateralness in the cube and its derivative forms which admit of division into equal and similar parts by planes passing through the three diagonal axes and by planes passing through the three axes that join the centres of the surfaces, let us limit our attention to the three kinds of bilateralness which here concern us. The first of these is triple MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN PLANTS. 133 bilateral symmetry. This is the symmetry of a figure having three axes at right angles to one another, through each of which there passes a single plane that divides the aggregate into corresponding halves. A common brick will serve as an example ; and of objects not quite so simple, the most familiar is that modern kind of spectacle-case which is open at both ends. This may be divided into corresponding halves along its longitudinal axis by cutting it through in the direction of its thickness, or by cutting it through in the direction of its breadth; or it may be divided into corresponding halves by cutting it across the middle. Of objects which illustrate double bilateral symmetry, may be named one of those boats built for moving with equal facility in either direction, and therefore made alike at stem and stern. Ob- viously such a boat is separable into equal and similar parts by a vertical plane passing through stem and stern ; and it is also separable into equal and similar parts by a vertical plane cutting it amidships. To exemplify single bilateral symmetry it needs but to turn to the ordinary boat of which the two ends are unlike. Here there remains but the one plane passing vertically through stem and stern, on the oppo- site sides of which the parts are symmetrically disposed. These several kinds of symmetry as placed in the foregoing order, imply increasing heterogeneity. The greatest uni- formity in shape is shown by the divisibility into like parts in an infinite number of infinite series of ways; and the greatest degree of multiformity consistent with any regularity, is shown by the divisibility into like parts in only a single way. Hence, in tracing up organic evolution as displayed in morphological differentiations, we may expect to pass from the one extreme of spherical symmetry, to the other extreme of single bilateral symmetry. This expectation we shall find to be completely fulfilled. CHAPTER VII. THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS. § 217. AMONG protophytes those exemplified by Pleuro- coccus vulgaris are by general consent considered the simplest. As shown in Fig. 1, they are globular cells presenting no obvious differentiation save that between inner and outer parts. Their uniformity of figure coexists with a mode of life involving the uniform exposure of all their sides to incident forces. For though each individual may have its external parts differently related to environing agencies, yet the new individuals produced by spontaneous fission, whether they part company or whether they form clusters and are made polyhedral by mutual pressure, have no means of main- taining parallel relations of position among their parts. On the contrary, the indefiniteness of the attitudes into which successive generations fall, must prevent the rise of any unlikeness between one portion of the surface and another. Spherical symmetry continues because, on the average of cases, incident forces are equal in all directions. Other orders of Protophyta have much more special forms, along with much more special attitudes: their ho- mologous parts maintaining, from generation to generation, unlike relations to incident forces. The Desmidiacece and Diatomacece, of which Figs. 2 and 3 show examples, severally include genera characterized by triple bilateral symmetry. A Navicula is divisible into corresponding halves by a trans- 134 THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS. 135 verse plane and by two longitudinal planes — one cutting its valves at right angles and the other passing between its valves. The like is true of those numerous trans- versely-constricted forms of Desmidiacece, exemplified by the second of the individuals represented in Fig. 2. If now we ask how a Navicula is related to its environment, we see that its mode of life ex- poses it to three different sets of forces : each set being resolvable into two equal and opposite sets. A Navicula moves in the direction of its length, with either end foremost. Hence, on the average, its ends are subject to like actions from the agencies to which its motions subject it. Further, either end while moving exposes its right and left sides to amounts of influence which in the long run must be equal. If, then, the two ends are not only like one another, but have corresponding right and left sides, the symmetrical distribu- tion of parts answers to the symmetrical distribution of forces. Passing to the two edges and the two flat surfaces, we similarly find a clue to their likenesses and differences in their respective relations to the things around them. These locomotive protophytes move through the entangled masses of fragments and fibres produced by decaying organisms and confervoid growths. The interstices in such matted accu- mulations are nearly all of them much longer in one dimen- sion than in the rest — form crevices rather than regular meshes. Hence, a small organism will have much greater facility of insinuating itself through this debris, in which it finds nutriment, if its transverse section is flattened instead of square or circular. And while we see how, by survival of the fittest, a flattened form is likely to be acquired by diatoms having this habit; we also see that likeness will be maintained between the two flat surfaces and between the two edges. For, on the average, the relations of the two flat surfaces to the sides of the openings through which the 136 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. diatom passes, will be alike; and so, too, on the average, will be the relations of the two edges. In desmids of the type exemplified by the second individual in Fig. 2, a kindred equalization of dimensions is otherwise insured. There is nothing to keep one of the two surfaces uppermost rather than the other; and hence, in the long succession of individuals, the two surfaces are sure to be similarly exposed to light and agencies in general. When to this is added the fact that spontaneous fission occurs transversely in a constant way, it becomes manifest that the two ends, while they are maintained in conditions like one another, are maintained in conditions unlike those of the two edges. Here then, as before, triple bilateral symmetry in form, coexists with a triple bilateral symmetry in the average distribution of actions. Still confining our attention to aggregates of the first order, let us next note what results when the two ends are permanently subject to different conditions. The fixed unicellular plants, of which examples are given in Figs. 4, 5, and 6, severally illustrate the contrast in shape arising 6 between the part that is applied to the supporting surface and the part that extends into the surrounding medium. These two parts which are the most unlike in their relations to incident forces, are the most unlike in the forms. Observe, next, that the part which lifts itself into the water or air, is more or less decidedly radial. Each outward growing tubule of Codium adhcerens, Fig. 4, has its parts disposed with some regularity around its axis; the upper stem and spore- vessel THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS. 137 of Botrydium, Fig. 5, display a lateral growth that is approxi- mately equal in every direction; and the stems of the Mucor, Fig. 6, shoot up with an approach to evenness on all sides. Plants of this low type are naturally very variable in their modes of growth : each individual being greatly modi- fied in form by its special circumstances. But they neverthe- less show us a general likeness between parts exposed to like forces, as well as a general unlikeness between parts exposed to unlike forces. Eespecting the forms of these aggregates of the first order, it has only to be added that they are asymmetrical where there is total irregularity in the incidence of forces. We have an example in the indefinitely contorted and branched shape of a fungus-cell, growing as a mycelium among the particles of soil or through the interstices of organic tissue. § 218. Ee-illustrations of the general truths which the forms of these vegetal aggregates of the first order display, are furnished by vegetal aggregates of the second order. The equalities and inequalities of growth in different directions, prove to be similarly related to the equalities and inequalities of environing actions in different directions. Of spherical symmetry an instance occurs in Eudorina elegans. The ciliated cells are here so united as to produce a small, mulberry-shaped, hollow ball which, being similarly conditioned on all sides, shows no unlikenesses of structure. An allied form, however, Volvox globator, presents a highly instructive, though very trifling, modification. It is not absolutely homogeneous in its structure and is not absolutely homogeneous in its motions. The waving cilia of its compo- nent cells have fallen into such slight heterogeneities of action as to cause rotation in a constant direction; and along with a fixed axis of rotation there has arisen a fixed axis of progression. A concomitant fact is that the cells of the colony exhibit an appreciable differentiation in relation to the fixed axis. There is an incipient divergence from 138 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. spherical uniformity along with this slight divergence from uniformity of conditions. Vegetal aggregates of the second order are usually fixed : locomotion is exceptional. Fixity implies that the surface of attachment is differently circumstanced from the free sur- face. Hence we may expect to find, as we do find, that among these rooted aggregates of the second order, as among those of the first order, the primary contrast of shape is between the adherent part and the loose part. Sea-weeds variously exemplify this. In some the fronds are very irregular and in some tolerably regular; in some the form is pseudo-foliar and in some pseud-axial; but differing though they do in these respects, they agree in having the end which is attached to a solid body unlike the other end. The same truth is seen in such secondary aggregates as the com- mon Agarics, or rather in their immensely-developed organs of fructification. A puff-ball, Fig. 192, presents no other obvious unlikeness of parts than that between its under and upper surfaces. So too with the stalked kinds that frequent our woods and pastures. In the types which Figs. 193, 194, 195, delineate, the unlikenesses between the rooted ends and the expanded ends, as well as between the under and upper surfaces of the expanded ends, are obviously related to this fundamental contrast of conditions. N~or is this relation less clearly displayed in the sessile fungi which grow out from the sides of trees, as shown at a, b, Fig. 196. That which is common to this and the preceding types, is the contrast between the attached end and the free end. THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS. 139 From what these forms have in common, let us turn to that which they have not in common, and observe the causes of the want of community. A puff-ball shows us in the simplest way, the likeness of parts accompanying likeness of conditions, along with the unlikeness of parts accompanying unlikeness of conditions. For while, if we cut vertically through its centre, we find a difference between top and bottom, if we cut horizontally through its centre, we find no differences among its several sides. Being, on the average of cases, similarly related to the environment all round, it remains the same all round. The radial symmetry of the mushroom and other vertically-growing fungi, illustrates this connexion of cause and effect still better. But now mark what happens in the group of Agaricus noli-tangere, shown in Fig. 195. Eadially symmetrical as is the type, and radially symmetrical as are those centrally-placed individuals which are equally crowded all round, we see that the peri- pheral individuals, dissimilarly circumstanced on their outer sides and on their sides next the group, have partially changed their radial symmetry into bilateral symmetry. It is no longer possible to make two corresponding halves by any vertical plane cutting down through the pileus and the stem; but there is only one vertical plane that will thus pro- duce corresponding halves — the plane on the opposite sides of which the relations to the environment are alike. And then mark that the divergence from all-sided symmetry towards two-sided symmetry, here caused in the individual by special circumstances, is characteristic of the race where the habits of the race constantly involve two-sidedness of conditions. Besides being exemplified by such comparatively undifferentiated types as certain Polypori, Fig. 196, a, &, this truth is exemplified by members of the genus just named. In Agaricus Jiorizontalis, Fig. 196, c, we have a departure from radial symmetry that is conspicuous only in the form of the stem. A more decided bilateralness exists in A. sub- palmatus, shown in elevation at d and in section at d'. And 140 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Lentinus flabelliformis, of which e and e' are different views, exhibits complete bilateralness — a bilateralness in which there is the greatest likeness of the parts that are most simi- larly conditioned, and the greatest unlikeness of the parts that are most dissimilarly conditioned. Among plants of the second order of composition, it will suffice to note one further class of facts which are the con- verse of the foregoing and have the same implications. These are the facts showing that along with habitual irregularity in the relations to external forces, there is habitual irregularity in the mode of growth. Besides finding such facts among Thallophytes, as in the tubers of underground fungi and in the creeping films of sessile lichens, which severally show us variations of proportions obviously caused by variations in the amounts of the influences on their different sides, we also, among Archegoniates of inferior types, find irregularities of form along with irregularities in environing actions. The fronds of the Marcliantiacece or such Jungermanniacece as are shown in Figs. 41, 42, 43, illustrate the way in which each lowly-organized aggregate of the second order, not individuated by the mutual dependence of its parts, has its form deter- mined by the balance of facilities and resistances which each side of the frond meets with as it spreads. § 219. Among plants displaying integration of the third degree, and among plants still further compounded, these same truths are equally manifest. In the forms of such plants we see primary contrasts and secondary contrasts which, no less clearly than the foregoing, are related to contrasts of conditions. That flowering plants from the daisy up to the oak, have in common the fundamental unlikeness between the upward growing part and the downward growing part; and that this most marked unlikeness corresponds with the most marked unlikeness between the two parts of their environ- ment, soil and air; are facts too conspicuous to be named THE GENERAL SHAPES OP PLANTS. 141 were they not important items in the argument. More instructive perhaps, because less familiar, is the fact that we miss this extreme contrast in flowering plants which have not their higher and lower portions exposed to conditions thus extremely contrasted. A parasite like the Dodder, growing in entangled masses upon other plants, from which it sucks the juices, is not thus divisible into two strongly-distinguished halves. Leaving out of consideration the difference between the supporting part and the supported part in phaenogams, and looking at the supported part only, we observe between its form and the habitual incidence of forces, a relation like that which we observed in the simpler plants. Phasnogams that are practically if not literally uniaxial, and those which de- velop their lateral axes only in the shape of axillary flowers, when uninterfered with commonly send up vertical stems round which the leaves and flowers are disposed with a more or less decided radial symmetry. Gardens and fields supply us with such instances as the Tulip and the Orchis; and, on a larger scale, the Palms and the Aloes are fertile in ex- amples. The exceptions, too, are instructive. Besides the individual divergences arising from special interferences, there are to be traced general divergences where the habits of the plants expose them to general interferences in anything approaching to constant ways. Plants which, like the Fox- glove, have spikes of flowers that are borne on flexible foot- stalks, have their flowers habitually bent round to one face of the stem: an unlikeness of distribution probably caused by unlikeness in the relation to the Sun's rays. The wild Hya- cinth, too, with stem so flexible that its upper part droops, shows us how a consequent difference in the action of gravity on the flowers, causes them to deviate from their typically- radial arrangement towards a bilateral arrangement. Much more conspicuous are these general and special rela- tions of form to general and special actions in the environ- ment, among phasnogams that are multiaxial. That when 142 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. standing alone, and in places where the winds do not injure them nor adjacent things shade them, shrubs and trees develop with tolerable evenness on all sides, is an obvious truth. Equally obvious is the truth that, when growing together in a wood, and mutually interfered with on all sides, trees still show obscurely radial distributions of parts; though, under such conditions, they have tall taper stems with branches directed upwards — a difference of shape clearly due to the different incidence of forces. And almost equally obvious is the truth, that a tree of this same kind growing at the edge of the wood, has its outer branches well developed and its inner branches comparatively ill-developed. Fig. 197, which taa inaccurately represents this difference, will serve to make it manifest that while one of the peripheral trees can be cut into something like two similar halves by a vertical plane directed towards the centre of the wood — a plane on each side of which the conditions are alike — it cannot be cut into simi- lar halves by any other plane. A like divergence from an indefinitely-radial symmetry towards an indefinitely-bilateral symmetry, occurs in trees that have their conditions made bilateral by growing on inclined surfaces. Two of the common forms observable in such cases are given in Fig. 198. Here there is divisibility into parts that are tolerably similar, by a vertical plane running directly down the hill; but not by any other plane. Then, further, there is the bilateralness, similar in general meaning though differently caused, often seen in trees exposed to strong prevailing winds. Almost THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS. 143 every sea-coast has abundant examples of stunted trees which, like the one shown in Fig. 199, have been made to deviate from their ordinary equal growth on all sides of a vertical axis, to a growth that is equal only on the opposite sides of a vertical plane directed towards the wind's eye. From among vegetal aggregates of the third order, we have now only to add examples of the entirely asymmetrical form which accompanies an entirely irregular distribution of inci- dent forces. Creeping plants furnish such examples. They show, both when climbing up vertical or inclined surfaces and when trailing on the ground, that their branches grow hither and thither as the balance of forces aids or opposes ; and the general outline is without symmetry of any kind, because the environing influences have no kind of regularity in their arrangement. § 220. Along with some unfamiliar facts, I have here set down facts which are so familiar as to seem scarcely worth noting. It is because these facts have become meaningless to perceptions deadened by infinite repetitions of them, that it is needful here to point out their meanings. Not alone for its intrinsic importance has the unlikeness between the attached ends and the free ends been traced among plants of all degrees of integration. Nor is it simply because of the significance they have in themselves, that instances have been given of those varieties of symmetry and asymmetry which the free ends of plants equally display: be they plants of the first, second, third, or any higher order. Neither has* the only other purpose been that of showing how, in the radial symmetry of some vegetal aggregates and the single bilateral symmetry of others, there are traceable the same ultimate principles as in the spherical symmetry and triple bilateral symmetry of certain minute plants first described. But the main object has been to present, under their simplest aspects, those general laws of morphological differentiation which are fulfilled by the component parts of each plant. 144 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. If organic form is determined by the distribution of forces, and the approach in every case towards an equilibrium of inner actions with outer actions; then this relation between forms and forces must hold alike in the organism as a whole in its proximate units, and in its units of lower orders. For- mulas which express the shapes of entire plants in terms of surrounding conditions, must be formulas which also express the shapes of their several parts in terms of surrounding conditions. If, therefore, we find that a plant as a whole is radially symmetrical or bilaterally symmetrical or asymme- trical, according as the incident forces affect it equally on all sides of an axis, or affect it equally only on the opposite sides of one plane, or affect it equally in no two directions; then, we may expect that, in like manner, each member of a plant will display radial symmetry where environing influences are alike along many radii, bilateral symmetry where there is bilateralness of environing influences, and unsymmetry or asymmetry where there is partial or entire departure from a balance of surrounding actions. To show that this expectation is borne out by the facts, will be the object of the following four chapters. Let us begin with the largest parts into which plants are divisible; and proceed to the successively smaller parts. CHAPTER VIII. THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES. §221. AGGREGATES of the first order supply a few examples of forms ramified in an approximately-regular manner, under conditions which subject their parts to approximately-regu- lar distributions of forces. Some unicellular Algae, becoming elaborately branched, assume very much the aspects of small trees; and show us in their branches analogous relations of forms to forces. Bryopsis plumosa may be instanced. Fig. 200 represents the end of one of its lateral ramifications, above and beneath which come others of like characters. Here it will be seen that the attached and free ends differ; that the two sides are much alike; and that they are unlike the upper and under surfaces, which resemble one another. The more highly developed members of the same group of Algce, the Siphonea, show a marked radial symmetry coexisting with very elaborate branching, e.g., Neo- meris, Cymopolia, and others. § 222. Fig. 201 shows us how, in an aggregate of the second order, each proxi- ^ mate component is modified by its rela- tions to the rest; just as we before saw a whole fungus of the same type modified 56 145 14:6 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. by its relations to environing objects. If a branch of the fungus here figured, be compared with one of the fungi clustered together in Fig. 195, or, still better, with one of the laterally-growing fungi shown in Fig. 196, there will be per- ceived a kindred transition from radial to bilateral symmetry, occurring under kindred conditions. The portion of the pileus next to the side of attachment is undeveloped in this branched form as in the simpler form ; and in the one case as in the other, the stem is modified towards the side of attach- ment. A division into similar halves, which, as shown in Fig. 196 e, might be made of the whole fungus by a vertical plane passing through the centre of the pileus and the axis of the supporting body, might here be made of the branch, by a vertical plane passing through the centre of its pileus and the axis of the main stem. Among aggregates of this order, the Algae furnish cases of kindred nature. In the branches of Lessonia, Fig. 37, may be observed a substantially- similar relationship. As their inner parts are less developed than their outer parts, while their two sides are developed in approximately equal degrees, they are rendered bilateral. § 223. These few cases introduce us to the more familiar but more complex cases which plants of the third degree of aggregation present. At a, 6, c, Fig. 202, are sketched three homologous parts of the same tree: a being the leading THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES. 147 shoot ; b a lateral branch near the top, and c a lateral branch lower down. There is here a double exemplification. While the branch a, as a whole, has its branchlets arranged with tolerable regularity all round, in correspondence with its equal exposure on all sides, each branchlet shows by its curve as much bilateral symmetry as its simple form permits. The branch b, dissimilarly circumstanced on the side next the main stem and on the side away from it, has an approxi- mate bilateralness as a whole, while the bilateralness of its branchlets varies with their respective positions. And in the branch c, having its parts still more differently conditioned, these traits of structure are still more marked. Extremely strong contrasts of this kind occur in trees having very regular modes of growth. The uppermost branches of a Spruce-fir have radially-arranged branchlets: each of them, if growing vigorously, repeats the type of the leading shoot, as shown in Fig. 203, a, 6. But if we examine branches lower and lower down the tree, we find the vertically-growing branchlets bear a less and less ratio to the horizontally- growing ones; until, towards the bottom, the radial arrange- ment has wholly merged into the bilateral. Shaded and confined by the branches above them, these eldest branches develop their offshoots in those directions where there is most space and light: becoming finally quite flattened and fan-shaped, as shown at Fig. 203, c. And on remembering that each of these eldest branches, when first it diverged from the main stem, was radial, we see not only that between the upper and lower branches does this contrast in structure hold, but also that each branch is transformed from the radial to the bilateral by the progressive change in its en- vironment. Other forces besides those which aid or hinder growth, conspire to produce this two-sided character in lateral branches. The annexed Fig. 204, sketched from an example of the Pinus Coulterii at Kew, shows very clearly how, by mere gravitation, the once radially-arranged branch- lets may be so bent as to produce in the branch as a whole a 148 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. decided bilateralness. A full-grown Araucaria, too, exhibits in its lower branches modifications similarly caused; and in each of such branches there may be remarked the further fact, that its upward-bending termination has a partially- modified radialness, at the same time that its drooping lateral branchlets give to the part nearer the trunk a completely bilateral character. Now in these few instances, typical of countless instances which might be given, we see, as we saw in the case of the fungi, that the same thing is true of the parts in their relations to the whole and to one another, which is true of the whole in its relations to the environment at large. Entire trees become bilateral instead of radial, when exposed to forces that are equal only on opposite sides of one plane ; and in their branches, parallel changes of form occur under parallel changes of conditions. § 224. There remains to be said something respecting the distribution of leaves. How a branch carries its leaves constitutes one of its characters as a branch, and is to be considered apart from the characters of the leaves them- selves. The principles hitherto illustrated we shall here find illustrated still further. The leading shoot and all the upper twigs of a fir-tree, have their pin-shaped leaves evenly distributed all round, or placed radially ; * but as we descend we find them beginning to assume a bilateral distribution; and on the lower, horizon- tally-growing branches, their distribution is quite bilateral, f Between the Irish and English kinds of Yew, there is a con- trast of like significance. The branches of the one, shooting up as they do almost vertically, are clothed with leaves * Here and throughout, the word radial is applied equally to the spiral and the whorled structures. These, as being alike on all sides, arc similarly distinguished from arrangements that are alike on two sides only. f It should be added that this change of distribution is not due to change in the relative positions of the insertions of the leaves but to their twisting?. THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES. 149 all round; while those of the other, which spread laterally, bear their leaves on the two sides. In trees with better- developed leaves, the same principle is more or less manifest in proportion as the leaves are more or less enabled by their structures to maintain fixed positions. Where the foot-stalks are long and slender, and where, consequently, each leaf, according to its weight, the flexibility and twist of its foot- stalk, and the direction of the branch it grows from, falls into some indefinite attitude, the relations are obscured. But where the foot-stalks are stiff, as in the Laurel, it will be found, as before, that from the topmost and upward-growing branches the leaves diverge on all sides; while the under- most branches, growing out from the shade of those above, have their leaves so turned as to bring them into rows hori- zontally spread out on the two sides of each branch. A kindred truth, having like implications, comes into view when we observe the relative sizes of leaves on the same branch, where their sizes differ. Fig. 205 represents a branch of a Horse-chestnut, taken from the lowermost fringe of the tree, where the light has been to a great extent intercepted from all but the most protruded parts. Beyond the fact that the leaves become by appro- priate growths of their foot-stalks bilaterally distributed on this droop- ing branch, instead of being distributed symmetrically all round, as on one of the ascending shoots, we have here to note the fact that there is unequal development on the upper and lower sides. Each of the compound leaves acquires a foot-stalk and leaflets that are large in proportion to the supply of light; and hence, as we descend towards the bot- tom of the tree, the clusters of leaves display increasing contrasts. How marked these contrasts become will be seen on comparing a and &, which form one pair of leaves that 150 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. are normally equal, or c and d, which form another pair nor- mally equal. Let us not omit to note, while we have this case before us, the proof it affords that these differences of development are in a considerable degree determined by the different con- ditions of the parts after they have been unfolded. Though those inequalities of dimensions whence the differentiations of form result, may be in many cases largely due to the inequalities in the circumstances of the parts while in the bud (which are, however, representative of inequalities in ancestral circumstances) ; yet these are clearly not the sole causes of the unlikenesses which eventually arise. This bi- lateralness resulting from the unequal sizes of the leaves, must be considered as due to the differential actions that come into play after the leaves have assumed their typical structures. § 225. How, in the arrangement of their twigs and leaves, branches tend to lapse from forms that are approximately symmetrical to forms that are quite asymmetrical, need not be demonstrated: it is sufficiently conspicuous. But it may be well to point out how the tendency to do this further enforces our argument. The comparatively regular budding- out of secondary axes and tertiary axes, does not usually produce an aggregate which maintains its regularity, for the simple reason that many of the axes abort. Terminal buds are some of them destroyed by birds; others are bur- rowed into by insects; others are nipped by frost; others are broken off or injured during gales of wind. The envi- ronment of each branch and its branchlets is thus ever being varied on all sides: here, space being left vacant by the death of some shoot that would ordinarily have occupied it; and there, space being trenched on by the lateral growth of some adjacent branch that has had its main axis broken. Hence the asymmetry, or heterogeneity of form, assumed by the branch, is caused by the asymmetrical distribution THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES. 151 of incident forces — a result and a cause which go on ever complicating. § 226. One conspicuous trait in the shapes of branches has still to be named. Their proximal or attached ends differ from their distal or free ends, in the same way that the lower ends of trees differ from their upper ends. This fact, like the fact to which it is here paralleled, has had its significance obscured by its extreme familiarity. But it shows in a striking way how the most differently-conditioned parts become the most strongly contrasted in their struc- tures. A phaenogamic axis is made up of homologous seg- ments, marked off from one another by the nodes; and a compound branch consists of groups of such segments. The earliest-formed segments, alike of the tree and of each branch, serve as mechanical supports and channels for sap to the successive generations of segments that grow out of them; and become more and more shaded by their progeny as these increase. Hence the progressively-increasing con- trasts which, while mainly due to the unlikenesses of bulk accompanying differences of age, are in part due to the un- likenesses of structure which differences of relation to the environment have caused. § 227. Thus, then, it is with the proximate parts of plants as it is with plants as wholes. The radial symmetry, the bilateral symmetry, and the asymmetry, which branches dis- play in different trees, in different parts of the same tree, and at different stages of their own growths, prove to be all con- sequent on the ways in which they stand towards the entire plexus of surrounding actions. The principle that the growths are unequal in proportion as the relations of parts to the environment are unequal, serves to explain all the leading traits of structure. CHAPTEK IX. THE SHAPES OF LEAVES. § 228. NEXT in the descending order of composition come compound leaves. The relative sizes and distributions of their leaflets, as affecting their forms as wholes, have to be considered in their relations to conditions. Figs. 206, 207, represent leaves of the common Oxalis and of the Marsilea, in which radial symmetry is as completely displayed as the small number of leaflets permits. This equal development of the leaflets on all sides, occurs where the foot-stalks, grow- ing up vertically from creeping or underground stems, are so long that the leaves either do not interfere with one another or do it in an inconstant way: the leaflets are not differently conditioned on different sides, as they are where the foot-stalks grow out in the ordinary manner. How un- likeness of position influences the leaflets is clearly shown in a Clover-leaf, Fig. 208, which deviates from the Oxalis-leaf but slightly towards bilateralness, as it deviates from it but slightly in the attitude of its petiole; which is a little in- clined away from the others borne by the same procumbent axis. A familiar example of an almost radial symmetry along with almost equal relations to surrounding conditions, occurs in the root-leaves of the Lupin, Fig. 209 b. Here though we have lateral divergence from a vertical axis, yet the long foot-stalks preserve nearly erect positions, and carry their leaves to such distances from the axis, that the development of the leaflets on the side next it is not much 152 THE SHAPES OF LEAVES. 153 hindered. Still the interference of the leaves with one another is, on the average, somewhat greater on the proximal side than on the distal side; and hence the interior leaflets are rather less than the exterior leaflets. In further proof of which influence, let it be added that, as shown in the figure, at a, the leaves growing out of the flowering-stem deviate towards the two-sided form more decidedly. Two-sidedness is much greater where there is a greater relative proximity of the inner leaflets to the axis, or where the foot-stalk approaches towards a horizontal position. The Horse-chest- nut, Fig. 205, already instanced as showing how the arrange- ments and sizes of leaflets are determined by the incidence of forces, serves also to show how the incidence of forces deter- mines the relative sizes and arrangements of leaflets. Fig. 210, which shows a leaf of the Bombax, further illustrates this relation of structure to conditions. Compound leaves that -are completely bilateral, present us with modifications of form exemplifying ' the same general truth in another way. In them the proximal and distal parts have none of that resemblance which we see in those intermediate forms just described. The portion next the axis and the portion furthest from the axis are entirely different; and the only likeness is between the wings or leaflets on opposite sides of the main foot-stalk or mid-rib. On turning back to Fig. 65, it will be seen that the compound leaf there 154 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. drawn to exemplify another truth, serves also to exemplify this truth: the homologous parts a, b, c, d, while they are unlike one another, are, in their main proportions, severally like the parts with which they are paired. And here let us not overlook a characteristic which is less conspicuous but not less significant. Each of the lateral wings has winglets that are larger on the one side than on the other; and in each case the two sides are dissimilarly conditioned. Even in the several components of each wing may be traced a like divergence from symmetry, along with a like inequality in the relations to the rest: the proximal half of each leaflet is habitually larger than the distal half. In the leaves of the Bramble, previously figured, kindred facts are presented. How far such differences of development are due to the posi- tions of the parts in the bud; how far the respective spaces available for the parts when unfolded affect them; and how far the parts are rendered unlike by unlikenesses in their relations to light; it is difficult to say. Probably these several factors operate in all varieties of proportion. That the habitual shading of some parts by others largely aids in causing these divergences from symmetry, is very instructively shown by the compound leaves of the Cow- parsnip. Fig. 211 represents one of these. While the leaf as a m whole is bilaterally symmetrical, each of the wings has an un- symmetrical bilateralness : the side next the axis being larger than the remoter side. How does this happen? Fig. 212, which is a diagrammatic section down the mid-rib of the leaf, showing its inclined attitude and the positions of the THE SHAPES OP LEAVES. 155 wings a, ~b, c, will make the cause clear. As the wings overlap, like the bars of a Venetian blind, each intercepts some light from the one below it; and the one below it thus suffers more on its distal side than on its proximal side. Hence the smaller development of the distal side. That this is the cause is further shown by the proportion that is main- tained between the degree of obscuration and the degree of non-development; for this unlikeness is greater between the two sides a and a', than between b and &' or c and c', at the same time that the interference is greater in the lower wings than in the upper. Of course in this case and in the kindred cases hereafter similarly interpreted, it is not meant that this differentiation is consequent solely, or even chief!}', on the differential actions experienced by the individual plant. Though there is good reason to believe that the rate of growth in each part of each leaf is affected by the incidence of light, yet contrasts so marked and so systematic as these are not explicable without taking into account the inheritance of modifications either functionally caused or caused by spon- taneous variation. Clearly, the tendency will be towards the preservation of a plant which distributes its chlorophyll in the most advantageous way ; and hence there will always be a gravitation towards a form in which shaded parts of leaves are undeveloped. § 229. From compound leaves to simple ones, we find transitions in leaves of which the divisions are partial in- stead of total; and in these we see, with equal clearness, the relations between forms and positions that have been traced thus far. Fig. 213 is the leaf of a Winter-aconite in which, round a vertical petiole, there is a radial distribution of half- separated leaflets. The Cecropia-leaf, Fig. 214, shows us a two-sided development of the parts beginning to modify, but not obliterating, the all-sided arrangement; and this mixed symmetry occurs under conditions that are interme- diate. A more marked degree of the same relation is pre- 156 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. sented in the leaf of the Lady's Mantle, Fig. 215. And then in the Sycamore and the Vine, we have a cleft type of leaf in which a decided hilateralness of form co-exists with a decided bilateralness of conditions. The quite simple leaves to which we now descend, exhibit, very distinctly, a parallel series of facts. Where they grow up on long and completely-independent foot-stalks, without definite subordination to some central vertical axis, the leaves- of water-plants are symmetrically peltate. Of this the sacred Indian-bean, Fig. 216, furnishes an example. Here there is only a trace of bilateralness in the venation of the leaf, corresponding to the very small difference of the con- ditions on the proximal and distal sides. In the Victoria regia, Fig. 217, the foot-stalks, though radiating almost horizontally from a centre, are so long as to keep the leaves quite remote from one another; and in it each leaf is almost symmetrically peltate, with a bilateralness indicated only by a seam over the line of the foot-stalk. The leaves of the Nymphcea, Fig. 218, more closely clustered, and having less room transversely than longitudinally, exhibit a marked advance to the two-sided form; not only in the excess of the length over the breadth, but in the existence of a cleft, THE SHAPES OP LEAVES. 157 where in the Victoria regia there is merely a seam. Among land-plants similar forms are found under analogous condi- tions. The common Hydrocotyle, Fig. 219, which sends up direct from its roots a few almost upright leaf-stalks, has these surmounted by peltate leaves; which leaves, however, diverge slightly from radial symmetry in correspondence with the slight contrast of circumstances which their grouping in- volves. Another case is supplied by the Nasturtium, Fig. 220, which combines the characters — a creeping stem, long leaf-stalks growing up at right angles to it, and unsymme- trically peltate leaves, of which the least dimension is, on the average, towards the stem. But perhaps the most striking illustration is that furnished by the Cotyledon umbi- licus, Fig. 221, in which different kinds of symmetry occur in the leaves of the same plant, along with differences in their relations to conditions. The root-leaves, a, growing up on vertical petioles before the flower-stalk makes its appearance, are symmetrically peltate; while the leaves which subse- quently grow out of the flower-stalk, &, are at the bottom transitionally bilateral, and higher up completely bilateral. That the bilateral form of leaf is the ordinary form, corresponds with the fact that, ordinarily, the circum- stances of the leaf are different in the direction of the plant's axis from what they are in the opposite direction, while 158 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. transversely the circumstances are alike. It is needless to give diagrams to illustrate this extremely familiar truth. Whether they are broad or long, oval or heart-shaped, pointed or obtuse, the leaves of most trees and plants will be remem- bered by all as having the ends by which they are attached unlike the free ends, while the two sides are alike. And it will also be remembered that these equalities and inequalities of development correspond with the equalities and inequalities in the incidence of forces. § 230. A confirmation that is interesting and important, is furnished by the cases in which leaves present unsymme- trical forms in positions where their parts are unsymmetri- cally related to the environment. A considerable deviation from bilateral symmetry may be seen in a leaf which habitu- ally so carries itself, that the half on the one side of the mid-rib is more shaded than the other half. The drooping branches of the Lime, delineated in Fig. 222, show us leaves so arranged and so modified. On examining their attitudes and their relations one to another, it will be found that each leaf is so inclined that the half of it next the shoot grows over the shoot and gets plenty of light; while the other half so hangs down that it comes a good deal into the shade of the pre- ceding leaf. The result is that having leaves which fall into these positions, the species profits by a large development of the exposed halves; and by survival of the fittest, acting along with the direct effect of extra exposure, this modifi- cation becomes established. How unquestionable is the connexion between the relative positions of the halves and their relative developments, will be admitted on observing a THE SHAPES OF LEAVES. 159 converse ease. Fig. 223 represents a shoot of Strobilantlies glomeratus. Here the leaves are so set on the stem that the inner half of each leaf is shaded by the subsequently-formed leaf, while its outer half is not thus shaded ; and here we find the inner half less developed than the outer half. But the most conclusive evidence of this relation between unsymme- trical form and unsymmetrical distribution of surrounding forces, is supplied by the genus Begonia; for in it we have a manifest proportion between the degree of the alleged effect and the degree of the alleged cause. These plants produce their leaves in pairs, in such ways that the connate leaves interfere with one another, much or little according as the foot-stalks are short or long; and the result is a cor- relative divergence from symmetry. In Begonia nelumbii- folia, which has petioles so long that the connate leaves are not kept close together, there is but little deviation from a bilater- ally-peltate form; whereas, accompanying the comparatively marked and constant proximity in B. pruinata, Fig. 224? we see a more decidedly unsymmetrical shape; and in B. mahringii, Fig. 225, the modification thus caused is pushed so far as to destroy the peltate structure.* § 231. Again, then, we are taught the same truth. Here, as before, we see that homologous units of any order become * We may note that some of these leaves, as those of the Lime, furnish indications of the ratio which exists between the effects of individual circum- stances and those of typical tendencies. On the one hand, the leaves borne by these drooping branches of the Lime are with hardly an exception unsym- metrical more or less decidedly, even in positions where the causes of unsym- metry are not in action : a fact showing us the repetition of the type irrespec- tive of the conditions. On the other hand, the degree of deviation from symmetry is extremely variable, even on the same shoot : a fact proving that the circumstances of the individual leaf are influential in modifying its form. But the most striking evidence of this direct modification is afforded by the suckers of the Lime. Growing, as these do, in approximately upright atti- tudes, the leaves they bear do not stand to one another in the way above described, and the causes of unsymmetry are not in action ; and here, though there is a general leaning to the unsymmetrical form, a large proportion of the leaves become quite symmetrical. 160 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. differentiated in proportion as their relations to incident forces become different. And here, as before, we see that in each unit, considered by itself, the differences of dimension are greatest in those directions in which the parts are most differently conditioned; while there are no differences be- tween the dimensions of the parts that are not differently conditioned.* * It was by an observation on the forms of leaves, that I was first led to the views set forth in the preceding and succeeding chapters on the mor- phological differentiation of plants and animals. In the year 1851, during a country ramble in which the structures of plants had been a topic of con- versation with a friend — Mr. G. H. Lewes — I happened to pick up the leaf of a buttercup, and, drawing it by its foot-stalk through my fingers so as to thrust together its deeply-cleft divisions, observed that its palmate and almost radial form was changed into a bilateral one ; and that were the divisions to grow together in this new position, an ordinary bilateral leaf would result. Joining this observation with the familiar fact that leaves, in common with the larger members of plants, habitually turn themselves to the light, it occurred to me that a natural change in the circumstances of the leaf might readily cause such a modification of form as that which I had produced arti- ficially. If, as they often do with plants, soil and climate were greatly to change the habit of the buttercup, making it branched and shrub-like ; and if these palmate leaves were thus much overshadowed by one another ; would not the inner segments of the leaves grow towards the periphery of the plant where the light was greatest, and so change the palmate form into a more decidedly bilateral form ? Immediately I began to look round for evidence of the relation between the forms of leaves and the general characters of the plants they belong to ; and soon found some signs of connexion. Certain anomalies, or seeming anomalies, however, prevented me from then pursuing the inquiry much further. But consideration cleared up these difficulties; and the idea afterwards widened into the general doctrine here elaborated. Occupation with other things prevented me from giving expression to this general doctrine until Jan. 1859; when I published an outline of it in the Medico-Chirurgical Review. CHAPTER X. THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. § 232. FOLLOWING an order like that of preceding chap- ters, let us first note a few typical facts respecting the forms of clusters of flowers, apart from the forms of the flowers them- selves. Two kindred kinds of Leguminosce serve to show how the members of clusters are distributed in an all-sided manner or in a two-sided manner, according as the circumstances are alike on all sides or alike on only two sides. In Hippo- crepis, represented in Fig. 226, the flowers growing at the end of a vertical stem, are arranged round it in radial symmetry. Contrariwise in Melilotus, Fig. 227, where the axillary stem bearing the flowers is so placed in relation to the main stem, that its outer and inner faces are differently condi- tioned, the flowers are all on the outer face : the cluster is bilaterally symmetrical, since it may be cut into approx- imately equal and similar groups by a vertical plane passing through the main axis. Plants of this same tribe furnish clusters of intermediate characters having intermediate conditions. Among these, as among the clusters which other types present, may be & 161 162 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. found some in which conformity to the general law is not obvious. The discussion of these apparent anomalies would carry us too much out of our course. A clue to the expla- nation of them will, I believe, be found in the explanation presently to be given of certain kindred anomalies in the forms of individual flowers. § 233. The radially-symmetrical form is common to all individual flowers that have vertical axes. In plants which are practically if not literally uniaxial, and bear their flowers at the ends of upright stalks, so that the faces open hori- zontally, the petals are disposed in an all-sided way. Cro- cuses, Tulips, and Poppies are familiar examples of this structure occurring under these conditions. A Bammculus flower, Fig. 228, will serve as a typical one. Similarly, flowers which have peduncles flexible enough to let them hang directly downwards, and are not laterally incommoded, are also radial; as in the Fuchsia, Fig. 229, as in Cycla- men, Hyacinth, &c. These relations of form to position are, I believe, uniform. Though some flowers carried at the ends of upright or downright stems have oblique shapes, it is only when they have inclined axes or are not equally conditioned all round. No solitary flower having an axis habitually vertical, presents a bilateral form. This is as we should expect; since flowers which open out their faces horizontally, whether facing upwards or down- wards, are, on the average, similarly affected on all sides. At first it seems that flowers thus placed should alone be radial; but further consideration discloses conditions under which this type of symmetry may exist in flowers otherwise placed. Kemembering that the radial form is the primitive form — that, morphologically speaking, it results from the contraction into a whorl, of parts that are originally arranged in the same spiral succession as the leaves; we must expect THE SHAPES OP FLOWERS. 163 it to continue wherever there are no forces tending to change it. What now must be the forces tending to change it? They must be forces which do not simply affect differently the different parts of an individual flower. They must be forces which affect in like contrasted ways the homologous parts of other individual flowers, both on the same plant and on surrounding plants of the same species. A permanent modification can be expected only in cases where, by inherit- ance, the effects of the modifying causes accumulate. That they may accumulate the flowers must keep themselves so related to the environment, that the homologous parts may, generation after generation, be subjected to like differentiating forces. Hence, among a plant's flowers which maintain no uniformity in the relations of their parts to surrounding in- fluences, the radial form will continue. Let us glance at the several causes which entail this variability. When flowers are borne on many branches, which have all inclina- tions from the vertical to the horizontal — as are the flowers of the Apple, the Plum, the Hawthorn — they are placed in countless different attitudes. Consequently, any spontaneous variation in shape which might be advantageous were the attitude constant, is not likely to be advantageous; and any functionally-produced modification in one flower, is likely to be neutralized in offspring by some opposite functionally-pro- duced modification in another flower. It is quite compre- hensible, therefore, that irregularly-branched plants should thus preserve their laterally-borne flowers from under- going permanent devia- tions from their primi- tive radial symmetry. Fig. 230, representing a blossoming twig of the Blackthorn, illustrates this. Again, upright panicles, such as those of the Saxifrage exemplified in Fig. 231, and irregular terminal groups of flowers other- 164 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. wise named, furnish conditions under which there is simi- larly an absence of determinate relations between the parts of the flowers and the incident forces; and hence an absence of bilateralness. This inconstancy of rela- tive position is produced in various other ways — by extreme flexibility of the stems, as in the Blue- bell; by the ten- dency of the peduncles to curl to a greater or less extent in diverse directions, as in Pyrola; by special twistings of the peduncles, differing in degree in different individuals, as in Convolvulus; by unusual laxity of the petals, as in Ly thrum. Elsewhere the like general result arises from a progressive change of attitude, as in Myosotis, the stem of which as it unfolds causes each flower to undergo a transition from an upward position of the mouth to a lateral position; or as in most Cruciferce, where the like effect follows from an altered direction of the peduncle. There are, however, certain seemingly-anomalous cases where radial symmetry is maintained by laterally-placed flowers, which keep their parts in relative positions that are tolerably constant. The explanation of these exceptions is not manifest. It is only when we take into account certain incident actions liable to be left unremembered, that we find a probable solution. It will be most convenient to postpone the consideration of these cases until we have reached the general rule to which they are exceptions. § 234. Transitions varying in degree from the radial to- wards the bilateral, are common in flowers that are borne at the ends of branches or axes which are inclined in tolerably constant ways. We may see this in sundry garden flowers 233 __ .J-/X such as Petunia, or such as Isoloma and Acliimenes, shown in Figs. 232 and 233. If these plants be examined, it will be perceived that the mode of growth makes the flower unfold in a partially one- THE SHAPES OP FLOWERS. 165 sided position; that its parts of attachment have rigidity sufficient to prevent this attitude from being very much in- terfered with; and that though the individual flowers vary somewhat in their attitudes, they do not vary to the extent of neutralizing the differentiating conditions — there remains an average divergence from a horizontal unfolding of the flower, to account for its divergence from radial symmetry. We pass insensibly from forms like these, to forms having bilateral symmetry strongly pronounced. Some such forms occur among flowers that grow at the ends of upright stems; as in Pinguicula, and in the Violet tribe. But this happens only where, in successive generations, the flower unfolds its parts sideways in constant relative positions. And in the immense majority of flowers having well-marked two-sided forms, the habitual exposure of the different parts to different sets of forces, is effectually secured by the mode of placing. As illustrations, I may name the genera — Orchis, Utricularia, Salvia, Salix, Delphinium, Mentha, Teucrium, Ajuga, Ballota, GaUopsis, Lamium, Stachys, Nepeta, Marrubium, Calamintha, Melittis, Prunella, Scutellaria, Bartsia, Euphrasia, Rhinan- thus, Melampyrum, Pedicularis, Linaria, Digitalis, Oro- banche, Fumaria, &c.; to which may be added all the Grasses and all the Papilionacece. In most of these cases the flowers, being sessile on the sides of upright stems, are kept in quite fixed attitudes ; and in the other cases the peduncles are very short, or else stiff enough to secure general uniformity in the positions. A few of the more marked types are shown in Figs. 234 to 241. 234 Very instructive evidences here meet us. Sometimes within the limits of one genus we find radial flowers, bilateral flowers, and flowers of intermediate characters. The genus 166 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Begonia may be instanced. In B. rigida the flowers, various in their attitudes, are in their more conspicuous characters radial: though there is a certain bilateralness in the calyx, the five petals are symmetrically disposed all round. B. Wageneriana furnishes two forms of flowers. On the same in- dividual plant may be found radial flowers like Fig. 242, and others, like Fig. 243, which are merging into the bilateral. More decided is the bilateralness in B. albo-coccinea, Fig. 244; and still more in B. nitida, Fig. 245. While in B. heraclei- Z42 343 Z44 folia, Fig. 246, the change reaches its extreme by the dis- appearance of the lateral petals. On examining the modes of growth in these several species, they will be seen to explain these changes in the manner alleged. Even more conclusive are the nearly-allied transformations occur- ring in artificially-produced varieties of the same species. Gloxinia may be named in illustration. In Fig. 247 is repre- sented one of the ordinary forms, which shows us bilateralness of shape along with a mode of growth that renders the condi- tions alike on the two sides while different above and below. But in G. erecta, Fig. 248, we have the flower assuming an upright attitude, and at the same time assuming the radial type. This is not to be inter- preted as a production of ra- dial symmetry out of bilateral symmetry, under the action of the appropriate conditions. It is rather to be taken as a case of what is termed "peloria" — a reversion to the primitive radial type, from which the bilateral modification had been derived. The significant inference to be drawn from it is, THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 167 that this primitive radial type had an upright attitude; and that the derivation of a bilateral type from it, occurred along with the assumption of an inclined attitude. We come now to a group of cases above referred to, in which radial symmetry continues to co-exist with that con- stant lateral attitude ordinarily accompanied by the two- sided form. Two examples will suffice: one a very large flower, the Hollyhock, and the other a very small flower, the Agrimony. Why does the radial form here remain unchanged ? and how does its continuance consist with the alleged general law? Until quite recently I have been unable to find any prob- able answers to these questions. When the difficulty first presented itself, I could think of no other possible cause for the anomaly, than that the parts of the Hollyhock-flower, unfolding spirally as they do, might have different degrees of spiral twist in different flowers, and might thus not be unfolded in sufficiently-constant positions. But this seemed a questionable interpretation; and one which did not ob- viously apply to the case of the Agrimony. It was only on inquiring what are the special causes of modifications in the forms of flowers, that a more feasible explanation suggested itself; and this would probably never have suggested itself, had not Mr. Darwin's investigations into the fertilization of Orchids led me to take into account an unnoticed agency. The actions which affect the forms of leaves, affect much less decidedly the forms of flowers; and the forms of flowers are influenced by actions which do not influence the forms of leaves. Partly through the direct action of incident forces and partly through the indirect action of natural selection, leaves get their parts distributed in ways that most facilitate their assimilative functions, under the circumstances in which they are placed; and their several types of symmetry are thus explicable. But in flowers, the petals and fructifying organs of which do not contain chlorophyll, the tendency to grow most where the supply of light is greatest, is less decided, if 168 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. not absent; and a shape otherwise determined is hence less liable to alter in consequence of altered relations to sun and air. Gravity, too, must be comparatively ineffective in caus- ing modifications: the smaller sizes of the parts, as well as their modes of attachment, giving them greater relative rigidity. Not, indeed, that these incident forces of the inor- ganic world are here quite inoperative. Fig. 249, representing a species of Campanula, shows that the developments of individual flowers are somewhat modified by the rela- tions of their parts to general conditions. But the fact to be observed is, that the extreme transformations which flowers undergo are not likely to be thus caused: some further cause must be sought. And if we bear in mind the functions of flowers, we shall find in their adaptations to these functions, under conditions that are extremely varied, an adequate cause for the different types of symmetry, as well as for the exceptions to them. Flowers are parts in which fertilization is effected; and the active agents of this fertilization are insects — bees, moths, butter- flies, &c. Mr. Darwin has shown in many cases, that the forms and positions of the essential organs of fructification, are such as to facilitate the actions of insects in trans- ferring pollen from the anthers of one flower to the pistil of another — an arrangement produced by natural selection. And here we shall find reason for concluding, that the forms and positions of those subsidiary parts which give their shapes to flowers, similarly arise by the survival of indi- viduals which have the subsidiary parts so adjusted as to aid this fertilizing process — the deviations from radial symmetry being among such adjustments. The reasoning is as fol- lows. So long as the axis of a flower is vertical and the conditions are similar all round, a bee or butterfly alight- ing on it, will be as likely to come from one side as from another; and hence, hindrance rather than facilitation would THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 169 result if the several sides of the flower did not afford it equally free access. In like manner, flowers which are distributed over a plant in such ways that their discs open out on planes of all directions and inclinations, will have no tend- ency to lose their radial symmetry; since, on the average, no part of the periphery is differently related to insect- agency from any other part. But flowers so fixed as to open out sideways in tolerably-constant attitudes, have their petals differently related to insect-agency. A bee or butterfly coming to a laterally-growing flower, does not settle on it in one way as readily as in another; but almost of necessity settles with the axis of its body inclined upwards towards the stem of the plant. Hence the side-petals of a flower so fixed, habitually stand to the alighting insect in relations different from those in which the upper and lower petals stand; and the upper and lower petals differ from one another in their relations to it. If, then, there so arises an habitual attitude of the insect towards the petals, there is likely to be some arrangement of the petals that will be most convenient to the insect — will most facilitate its entrance into the flower. Thus we see in many cases, that a long undermost petal or lip, by enabling the insect to settle in such way as to bring its head opposite to the opening of the tube, aids its fertilizing agency. But whatever be the special modifications of the corolla which facilitate the actions of the particular insects concerned, all of them will conduce to bilateral symmetry; since they will be alike for the two sides but unlike for the top and bottom. And now we are prepared for understanding the exceptions. Flowers growing sideways can become thus adapted by survival of the fittest, only if they are of such sizes and structures that insect-agency can affect them in the way described. But in the plants named above, this condition is not fulfilled. A Hollyhock-flower is so open, as well as so large, that its petals are not in any appreciable degree differently related to the insects which visit it. On the other hand, the flower of the 170 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Agrimony is so small, that unless visited by insects of a corresponding size which settle as bees and butterflies settle, its parts will not be affected in the alleged manner. That all anomalies of this kind can at once be satisfactorily ex- plained, is scarcely to be expected : the circumstances of each case have to be studied. But it seems not improbable that they are due to causes of the kind indicated.* § 235. We have already glanced at clusters of flowers for the purpose of considering their shapes as clusters. We must now return to them to observe the modifications undergone by their component flowers. Among these occur illustrations of great significance. An example of transition from the radial to the bilateral form in clustered flowers of the same species, is furnished by the cultivated Geraniums, called by florists Pelargoniums. Some of these, bearing somewhat small terminal clusters of flowers, which are closely packed together with their faces almost upwards, have radially-symmetrical flowers. But among other varieties having terminal clusters of which the members are mutually thrust on one side by crowding, the flowers depart very considerably from the radial shape * It is objected to the above interpretation that " many flowers of sizes intermediate between the Hollyhock and the Agrimony are radially sym- metrical and yet prow sideways. I may mention various Liliacece, e.g. Ch'o- rophytum, Encomia, Muscari, AntJiericiim. Sagittaria, also, has many of its flowers in this position. Further, if the higher insects alight on flowers in a definite way. as they do, the parts of the flower must bear different rela- tions to the visiting insect, however large, so that flowers unvisited ought all to be zygomorphic." My reply is that in the sense which here concerns UP, the different petals of the Hollyhock-flower do not bear different rela- tions to the visiting insect; since, practically, the upper and lateral petals bear no physical relations at all : in so far as the visiting bee is concerned they are non-existent. The argument implies that change in the form of a flower from the radial to the bilateral is likely to take place only when the contact-relations of the petals to the visiting insect, arc such as to make some forms facilitate its action more than others; and the large petals of the Hollyhock cannot facilitate its action at all. In respect of the LViaccce instanced, it is needful to inquire whether the structures are such that this alleged cause of bilateral symmetry can come into play. THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 171 towards the bilateral shape. A like result occurs under like conditions in Rhododendrons and Azaleas. The Verbena, too, furnishes an illustration of radial flowers rendered slightly two-sided by the slight two-sidedness of their relations to other flowers in the cluster. And among the Cruciferce a kindred case occurs in the cultivated Candytuft. Evidence of a somewhat different kind is offered us by clustered flowers in which the peripheral members of the clusters differ from the central members; and this evidence is especially significant where we find allied species that do not exhibit the deviation, at the same time that they do not fulfil the conditions under which it may be expected. Thus, in Scabiosa succisa, Fig. 250, which bears its numerous small flowers in a hemispherical knob, the component flowers, similarly circumstanced, are all equal and all radial; but in Scabiosa arvensis, Fig. 251, in which the numerous small flowers form a flattened disk only the confined central ones ^ are radial: round the edge the flowers are much larger and conspicuously bilateral. But the most remarkable and most conclusive proofs of these relations between forms and positions, are those given by the clustered flowers called Umbelliferce. In some cases, as where the component flowers have all plenty of room, or where the surface of the umbel is more or less globular, the modifications are not conspicuous; but where, as inViburnum, CJicerophyllum, Anthriscus, Torilis, Caucalis, Daucus, Tordylium, &c., we have flowers clustered in such ways as to be differently conditioned, we find a num- ber of modifications that are marked and varied in propor- tion as the differences of conditions are marked and varied. In Chcerophyllum, where the flowers of each umbellule are closely placed so as to form a flat surface, but where the umbellules are wide apart and form a dispersed umbel, the umbellules do not differ from one another ; though among the 172 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. flowers of each umbellule there are decided differences: the central flowers being small and radial, while the peripheral ones are large and bilateral. But in other genera, where not only the flowers of each umbellule but also the umbellules themselves, are closely clustered into a flat surface, the umbel- lules themselves become contrasted; and many remarkable secondary modifications arise. In an umbel of Heradeum, for instance, there are to be noted the facts; — first, that the external umbellules are larger than the internal ones; second, that in each umbellule the central flowers are less developed than the peripheral ones; third, that this greater development of the peripheral flowers is most marked in the outer umbellules ; fourth, that it is most marked on the outer sides of the outer umbellules; fifth, that while the interior flowers of each umbellule are radial, the exterior ones are bilateral ; sixth, that this bilateralness is most marked in the peripheral flowers of the peripheral umbellules; seventh, that the flowers on the outer sides of these peripheral umbellules are those in which the bilateralness reaches a maximum; and eighth, that where the outer umbellules touch one another, the flow- ers, being unsymmetrically placed, are unsymmetrically bilateral.* The like modifi- cations are displayed, though not in so clearly-traceable a way, in an umbel of Tordy- Uum, Fig. 252. Considering how obviously these various forms are related to the vari- ous conditions, we should be scarcely able, even in the * I had intended here to insert a figure exhibiting these differences ; but as the Cow -parsnip does not flower till July, and as I can find no drawing of the umbel which adequately represents its details, I am obliged to take another instance. THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS. 173 absence of all other facts, to resist the conclusion that the differences in the conditions are the causes of the differences in the forms. Composite flowers furnish evidence so nearly allied to that which clustered flowers furnish, that we may fitly glance at them under the same head. Such a common type of this order as the Sun-flower, exempli- fies the extremely marked difference which arises in many of these plants between the closely-packed internal florets, each similarly circumstanced on all sides, and the external florets, not similarly circumstanced on all sides. In Fig. 253, representing the inner and outer florets of a Daisy, the contrast is marked between the small radial corolla of the one and the larger bilateral corolla of the other. In many cases, how- ever, this contrast is less marked: the inner florets also having their outward-growing prolongations — a difference possibly related to some difference in the habits of the insects that fertilize them. Nevertheless, these composite flowers which have inner florets with strap-shaped corollas out- wardly directed, equally conform to the general principle; both in the radial arrangement of the assemblage of florets, and in the bilateral shape of each floret; which has its parts alike on the two sides of a line passing from the centre of the assemblage to the circumference. Certain other members of this order fulfil the law somewhat differ- ently. In Centaurea, for instance, the inner florets are small and vertical in direction, while the outer florets are large and lateral in direction. And here may be remarked, in passing, a clear indication of the effect which great flexibility of the petals has in preventing a flower from losing its original radiate form ; for while in C. cyanus, the large outward-grow- ing florets, having short, stiff divisions of the corolla, are decidedly bilateral, in C. scabiosa, where the divisions of the 174: MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. corolla are long and flexible, the radial form is scarcely at all modified. On bearing in mind the probable relations of the forms to insect-agency, the meaning of this difference will not be difficult to understand.* § 236. In extremely-varied ways there are thus re-illus- trated among flowers, the general laws of form which leaves and branches and entire plants disclose to us. Composed as each cluster of flowers is of individuals that are originally similar; and composed as each flower is of homologous foliar organs; we see both that the like flowers become unlike and the like parts of each flower become unlike, where the posi- tions involve unlike incidence of forces. The symmetry remains radial where the conditions are equal all round; shows deviation towards two-sidedness where there is slight two-sidedness of conditions; becomes decidedly bilateral where the conditions are decidedly bilateral; and passes into an unsymmetrical form where the relations to the environ- ment are unsymmetrical. * It has been pointed out to me that " the extreme development of the corolla so often found in the outer flowers or on the outer side of the outer flowers in closely packed inflorescences, associated as it often is with disap- pearance of stamens or carpels or both, is usually put down to specialization of these outer flowers for attractive purposes. Since the whole inflorescence is increased in conspicuousness by such a modification, it is supposed that natural selection favoured those plants which sacrificed a portion of their seed-bearing capacity for the supposed greater advantage of securing more insect visits." But granting this interpretation, it may still be held that increase of attractiveness due to increase of area must be achieved by florets at the periphery, and that their ability to achieve it depends on their having an outer, unoccupied, space which the inner florets have not; so that, though in a more indirect way, their different development is determined by different exposure to conditions. CHAPTER XI. THE SHAPES OF VEGETAL CELLS. § 237. WE come now to aggregates of the lowest order. Already something has been said (§ 217) concerning the forms of those morphological units which exist as indepen- dent plants. But it is here requisite briefly to note the modifications undergone by them where they become compo- nents of larger plants. Of the numerous cell-forms which are found in the tissues of the higher plants, it will suffice to give, in Fig. 254, re- presenting a section of a leaf, a single example. a In this it will be seen that the cells forming the upper and lower sur- e faces, a and &, have dif- ferences of shape related d to differences in the inci- j dence of forces: they are more or less flattened in relation to the environment. The underneath cells at c, form a class which, similarly exposed to light at their outer ends, and, as we may assume, largely developed in adjustment to their active assimilative functions, are, by mutual pressure, made to grow more in the direction of their lengths than in the direction of their breadths. Then on the other side we see that the cells d, next above the outer layer, while approximately similar, become more and more dissimilar as they diverge from the surface, ard are quite 175 176 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. irregular in the interior e, where there is no definiteness in the conditions to which they are exposed. Thus the diver- gences of these cells from primordial sphericity are such as correspond with unlikenesses in their circumstances. And throughout the more complex modifications which the cells of other tissues exhibit, the like correspondences hold. Among plants of a lower order of aggregation, we have already seen how cells become metamorphosed as they become integrated into masses having definite organizations. The higher Algce, exemplified in Figs. 32, 34, 35, show this very clearly. Here the departure from the simple cell-form to the form of an elongated prism, is mani- festly subordinated to the con- trasts in the .relations of the parts. And it is interesting to ob- serve how, in one of the branches of Fig. 32, we pass from the small, almost-spherical cells which ter- minate the branchlets, to the large, much-modified cells which join the main stem, through gra- dations obviously related in their changed forms to the altered actions their positions expose them to. More simply, but quite as conclusively, do the inferior Algce, of which Figs. 19 — 23 are examples, show us how J9 cells pass from their original spherical symmetry into radial symmetry, as they pass from a state in which they are simi- THE SHAPES OF VEGETAL CELLS. 177 larly-conditioned on all sides, to a state in which two of their opposite sides or ends are conditioned in ways that are like one another, but unlike the ways in which all other sides are conditioned. Still more instructive are the morphological differentia- tions of those protophytes in which the first steps towards a higher degree of integration are shown. In Fig. 10, represent- ing one of the transitional forms of Desmidiacece, it is to be noted that besides the difference between the transverse and longitudinal dimensions, which the component units display in common, the two end-units differ from the rest : they have appendages which the rest have not. Once more, where the integration is carried on in such ways as to produce not strings but clusters, there arise contrasts and correspondences just such as might be looked for. All the four members of the group shown in Fig. 12, are similarly conditioned; and each of them has a bilateral shape answering to its bilateral rela- tions. In Fig. 14 we have a number of similarly-bilateral individuals on the circumference, including a central in- dividual differing from the rest by having the bilateral character nearly obliterated. And then, in Fig. 15, we have two central components of the group, deviating more deci- dedly from those that surround them.* * One of my critics writes : — " This chapter might of course be enormously extended, not only as in the preceding ones by citation of quite similar cases, but by the introduction of fresh groups of cases." CHAPTER XII. CHANGES OF SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED. § 238. BESIDES the more special causes of modification in the shapes of plants and of their parts, certain more general causes must be briefly noticed. These may be described as consequences of variations in the total quantities of the matters and forces furnished to plants by their environments. Some of the changes of form so produced are displayed by plants as wholes, and others only by their parts. We will glance at them in this order. § 239. It is a familiar fact that luxuriant shoots have relatively-long internodes; and, conversely, that a shoot dwarfed from lack of sap, has its nodes closely clustered: a concomitant result being that the lateral axes, where these are devek>ped, become in the one case far apart and in the other case near together. Fig. 255 represents a branch to the parts of which the longer and shorter internodes so resulting give differential characters. A whole tree being in many cases simultaneously thus affected by states of the earth or the air, all parts of it may have such variations impressed on them; and, indeed, such variations, following more or less regularly the changes of the seasons, give to many trees manifest zxr CHANGES OP SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED. 179 traits of structure. In Fig. 256, a shoot of PTiyllo cactus crenatus, we have an interesting example of a variation essentially of the same nature, little as it appears to be so. For each of the lateral indentations is here the seat of an axillary bud; and these we see are separated by internpdes which, becoming broader as they become longer, and narrower as they become shorter, produce changes of form that corre- spond with changes in the luxuriance of growth. To complete the statement it must be added that these variations of nutrition often determine the development or non-development of lateral axes; and by so doing cause still more marked structural differences. The Fox-glove may be named as a plant which illustrates this truth.* § 240. From the morphological differentiations caused by unlikenesses of nutrition felt by the whole plant, we pass now to those which are thus caused in some of its parts and not in others. Among such are the contrasts between flowering axes, and the axes that bear leaves only. It has already been shown in § 78, that the belief expressed by Wolff in a direct connexion between fructification and innu- trition, is justified inductively by many facts of many kinds. Deductively too, in § 79, we saw reason to conclude that such a relation would be established by survival of the fittest; seeing that it would profit a species for its members to begin sending off migrating germs from the ends of those axes which innutrition prevented from further agamogenetic mul- tiplication. Once more, when considering the nature of the phasnogamic axis, we found support for this belief in the fact * Natural selection may have operated in establishing a constitutional tendency to other sudden abridgments. Mr. Tansley alleges that this is a part-cause of the varying distribution of leaves. He says : — " I have myself made some observations on the lencrth of internodes in the Beech, and am satisfied that it follows quite other laws, connected with the suitable dis- position of the leaves on the branch. Although I have not had the oppor- tunity of following up this line of work so as in any way to generalize the results, I suspect that ' indirect equilibration ' is a widespread cause of such variation." 180 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. that the components of a flower exhibit a reversion to that type from which the phaenogamic type has probably arisen — a reversion which the laws of embryology would lead us to look for where innutrition had arrested development. Hence, then, we may properly count those deviations of structure which constitute inflorescence, as among the mor- phological differentiations produced by local innutrition. I do not mean that the detailed modifications which the essential and subservient organs of fructification display, are thus accounted for: we have seen reason to think them otherwise caused. But I mean that the morphological characters which distinguish gamogenetic axes in general from agamogenetic axes, such as non-development of the internodes and dwarf- ing of the foliar organs, are primarily results of failure in the supply of some material required for further growth.* § 241. Another trait which has to be noticed under this head, is the spiral, or rather the helical, arrangement of parts. The successive nodes of a phasnogam habitually bear their appendages in ways implying more or less twist in the substance of the axis ; and in climbing plants the twist is such * It is but just to the memory of Wolff, here to point out that he was immensely in advance of Goethe in his rationale of these metamorphoses. Whatever greater elaboration Goethe gave to the theory considered as an induction, seems to me more than counter-balanced by the irrationality of his deductive interpreta1 ion ; which unites mediaeval physiology with Platonic philosophy. A dominant idea with him is that leaves exist for the purpose of carrying off crude juices— that "as long as there are crude juices to be carried oT, the plant must be provided with organs competent to effect the task " ; that while " the less pure fluids are got rid of, purer ones are introduced " and that " if nourishment is withheld, that operation of nature (flowering) is facilitated and hastened; the organs of the nodes (leaves) become more refined in texture, the action of the purified juices becomes stronger, and the transformation of parts having now become possible, takes place without delay." This being the proximate explanation, the ultimate explanation is, that Nature wishes to form flowers— that when a plant flowers it "attains the end prescribed to it by nature"; and that so "Nature at length attains her object." Instead of vitiating his induction by a teleology that is as unwar- ranted in its assigned object as in its assigned means, Wolff ascribes the phenomena to a cause which, whether sufficient or not, is strictly scientific in CHANGED OF SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED. 181 as to produce a corkscrew shape. This structure is ascrib- able to differences of interstitial nutrition. Take a shoot which is growing vertically. It is clear that if the molecules are added with perfect equality on all sides, there will be no tendency towards any kind of lateral deviation; and the successively-produced parts will be perpendicularly over one another. But any inequality in the rate of growth on the different sides of the shoot, will destroy this straightness in the lines of growth. If the greatest and least rates of mole- cular increase happen to be on opposite sides, the shoot must assume a curve of single curvature; but in every other case of unequal molecular increase, a curve of double curvature must result. Now it is a corollary from the instability of the homogeneous, that the rates of growth on all sides of a shoot can never be exactly alike; and it is also to be inferred from the same general law, that the greatest and least rates of growth will not occur on exactly opposite sides of the shoot, at the same time that equal rates of growth are preserved by the two other sides. Hence, there must almost inevitably arise more or less of twist; and the appendages of the inter- nodes will so be prevented from occurring perpendicularly one over another. A deviation of this kind, necessarily initiated by physical causes in conformity with the general laws of evolution, is likely to be made regular and decided by natural selection. For under ordinary circumstances, a plant profits by having its axis so twisted as to bring the appended leaves into posi- tions which prevent them from shading one another. And, manifestly, modifications in the forms, sizes, and insertions of the leaves, may, under the same agency, lead to adapted modifications of the twist. We must therefore ascribe this common characteristic of phaenogams, primarily to local differ- ences of nutrition, and secondarily to survival of the fittest. its character. Variation of nutrition is unquestionably a "true cause" of variation in plant-structure. We have here no imaginary action of a fictitious agency ; but an ascertained action of a known agency. 182 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. It is proper to add that there are some Monocotyledons, as Ravenala madagascariensis, in which this character does not occur. What conditions of existence they are that here hold this natural tendency in check, it is not easy to see.* * The Natural History Review for July, 1865, contained an article on the doctrine of morphological composition set forth in the foregoing Chaps. I. to III. In this article, which unites exposition and criticism in a way that is unhappily not common with reviewers, it is suggested that the spiral struc- ture may be caused by natural selection. When this article appeared, the foregoing five pages were standing over in type, as surplus from No. 14, issued in June, 1865. CHAPTEE XIII. MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN ANIMALS. § 242. THE general considerations which preluded our in- quiry into the shapes of plants and their parts, equally serve, so far as they go, to prelude an inquiry into the shapes of animals and their parts. Among animals, as among plants, the formation of aggregates greater in bulk or higher in de- gree of composition, or both; is accompanied by changes of form in the aggregates as wholes as well as by changes of form in their parts; and the processes of morphological differentiation conform to the same general laws in the one kingdom as in the other. It is needless to recapitulate the several kinds of modifi- cation to be explained, and the several factors that co- operate in working them. In so far as these are common to plants and animals, the preceding chapters have suf- ficiently familiarized them. Nor is it needful to specify afresh the several types of symmetry and their descriptive names; for what is true of them in the one case is true of them in the other. There is, however, one new and all- important factor which we shall have now to take into account; and about this a few preliminary remarks are requisite. § 243. This new factor is motion — motion of the organism in relation to surrounding objects, or of the parts of the 183 184: MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. organism in relation to one another, or both. Though there are plants, especially of the simpler kinds, which move, and though a few of the simpler animals do not move ; yet move- ments are so exceptional and unobtrusive in the one king- dom, while they are so general and conspicuous in the other, that the broad distinction commonly made is well warranted. What, among plants, is an inappreciable cause of morpho- logical differentiation, becomes, among animals, the chief cause of morphological differentiation. Eooted animals or animals otherwise fixed, of course pre- sent traits of structure nearest akin to those we have lately been studying. The motions of parts in relation to one another and to the environment, being governed by the mode of aggre- gation and mode of fixing, we are presented with morpho- logical differentiations similar in their general characters to those of plants, and showing us parallel kinds of symmetry under parallel conditions. But animals which move from place to place are subject to an additional class of actions and reactions. These actions and reactions affect them in various ways according to their various modes of movement. Let us glance at the several leading relations between shape and motion which we may expect to find. If an organism advances through a homogeneous medium with one end always foremost, that end, being exposed to forces unlike those to which the other end is exposed, may be expected to become unlike it; and supposing this to be the only constant contrast of conditions, we may expect an equal distribution of the parts round the axis of movement — a radial symmetry. If, in addition to this habitual attitude of the ends, one surface of the body is always upper- most and another always lowermost, there arise between the top and bottom dissimilarities of conditions, while the two sides remain similarly conditioned. Hence it is inferable that such an organism will be divisible into similar halves by a vertical plane passing through its axis of motion — will have a bilateral symmetry. We may presume that this MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN ANIMALS. 185 symmetry will deviate but little from double bilateralness where the upper and under parts are not exposed to strongly- contrasted influences; while we may rationally look for single bilateral symmetry of a decided kind, in creatures having dorsal and ventral parts conversant with very unlike regions of the environment: as in all cases where the move- ment is over a solid surface. If the movement, though over a solid surface, is not constant in direction, but takes place as often on one side as on another, radial sym- metry may be again looked for; and if the motions are still more variously directed — if they are not limited to approxi- mately-plane surfaces, but extend to surfaces that are dis- tributed all around with a regular irregularity — an approach of the radial towards the spherical symmetry is to be antici- pated. Where the habits are such that the inter- course between the organism and its environment, does not involve an average equality of actions and reactions on any two or more sides, there may be expected either total irregu- larity or some divergence from regularity. The like general relations between forms and incident forces are inferable in the component parts of animals, as well as in the animals as wholes. It is needless, however, to occupy space by descriptions of these. Let us now pass to the facts, and see how they confirm, a posteriori, the conclu- sions here reached a priori. CHAPTEE XIV. THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. § 244. CERTAIN of the Protozoa are quite indefinite in their shapes, and quite inconstant in those indefinite shapes which they have — the relations of their parts are indeterminate both in space and time. In one of the simpler Khizopods, at least during the active stage of its existence, no permanent distinction of inside and outside is established; and hence there can arise no established correspondence between the shape of the outside and the distribution of environing actions. But when the relation of inner and outer becomes fixed, either over part of the mass or over the whole of it, we have kinds of symmetry that correspond with the habitual incidence of forces. An Amceba in becoming encysted, passes from an indefinite, ever-changing form into a spherical form; and the order of symmetry which it thus assumes, is in harmony with the average equality of the actions on all its sides. In Difflugia, Fig. 134, and still better in Arcella, we have an indefinitely-radial symmetry occurring where the conditions are different above and below but alike all around. Among the Gregarinida the spherical symmetry and sym- metry passing from that into the radial, are such as appear to be congruous with the simple circumstances of these creatures in the intestines of insects. But the relations of these lowest types to their environments are comparatively so indeterminate, and our knowledge of their actions so 188 THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 187 scanty, that little beyond negative evidence can be expected from the study of them. 137 The like may be said of the Infusoria. These are more or less irregular. In some cases, where the line of movement through the water is tolerably definite and constant, we have a form that is approximately radial — externally at least. But usually, as shown in Figs. 137, 138, 139, there is either an unsymmetrical or an asymmetrical shape. And when one of these creatures is watched under the microscope, the con- gruity of this shape with the incidence of forces is manifest. For the movements are conspicuously varied and indetermi- nate— movements which do not expose any two or more sides of the mass to approximately equal sets of actions.* § 245. Among aggregates of the second order, as among aggregates of the first order, we find that of those possessing any definite shapes the lowest are spherical or spheroidal. Such are some of the Eadiolaria, as Collozoum inerme. These bodies which float passively in the sea, and present in turn all their sides to the same influences, have their parts dis- posed with approximate regularity round a centre — approxi- mate, because in the absence of locomotion a slight irregu- larity of growth, almost certain to take place, may cause a fixed attitude and a resulting deviation from spherical sym- metry. The best cases in illustration of the truth here named, are furnished by rotating and locomotive organisms respecting which there is a dispute whether they are animal or vegetal — the Volvocinece. These, already instanced under * A verifying comment on this paragraph runs as follows : — " In the Hypotricha Infusoria, which creep over solid surfaces, there is a differen- tiation between ventral and dorsal surface and an approach to bilateral sym- metry. The ventral surface is provided with movable cilia, the dorsal with immobile setae." 188 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the one head in § 218, may here be instanced afresh under the other. Further, among these secondary aggregates in which the units, only physically integrated, have not had their individualities merged into an individuality of a higher order, must be named the compound Infusoria. The cluster of Vorticellce in Fig. 144, will sufficiently exemplify them; and the striking resemblance borne by its individuals to those of a radially-arranged cluster of flowers, will show how, under analogous conditions, the general principles of mor- phological differentiation are similarly illustrated in the two kingdoms. § 246. Eadial symmetry is usual in low aggregates of the second order which have their parts sufficiently differen- tiated and integrated to give individualities to them as wholes. The C eel enter ata offer numerous examples of this. Solitary polypes — hydroid or helianthoid — mostly stationary, and when they move, moving with any side foremost, do not by locomotion subject their bodies to habitual contrasts of con- ditions. Seated with their mouths upwards or downwards, or else at all degrees of inclination, the individuals of a species taken together, are subject to no mechanical actions affecting some parts of their discs more than other parts. And this indeterminateness of attitude similarly prevents their relations to prey from being such as subject some of their prehensile organs to forces unlike those to which the rest are subject. The fixed end is differently conditioned from the free end, and the two are therefore different; but around the axis running from the fixed to the free end the conditions are alike in all directions, and the form therefore is radial. Again, among many of the simple free- swimming Ilydrozoa, the same general truth is exemplified under other circumstances. In a common Medusa, advanc- ing through the water by the rhythmical contractions of its disc, the mechanical reactions are the same on all sides; and as, from accidental causes, every part of the edge of the disc THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 189 comes uppermost in its turn, no part is permanently affected in a different way from the rest. Hence the radial form con- tinues. In others of this same group, however, there occur forms which show us an incipient bilateralness ; and help us to see how a more decided bilateralness may arise. Sundry of the Medusidce are proliferous, giving origin to gemma? from the body of the central polypite or from certain points on the edge of the disc; and this budding, unless it occurs equally on all sides, which it does not and is unlikely to do, must tend to destroy the balance of the disc, and to make its attitude less changeable. In other cases the growth of a large process [a much-developed tentacle] from the edge of the disc on one side, as in Steenstrupia, Fig. 257, constitutes a similar modification, and a cause of further modification. The animal is no longer divisible into any two quite similar halves, except those formed by a plane passing through the process ; and unless the process is of the same specific gravity as the disc, it must tend towards either the lowest or the highest point, and must so serve to increase the bilateralness, by keeping the two sides of the disc similarly conditioned while the top and bottom are differently conditioned. Fig. 258 represents the underside of another Medusa, in which a more decided bilateralness is produced by the presence of two such processes. Among the simple free-swimming Acti- nozoa, occur like deviations from radial symmetry, along with like motions through the water in bilateral attitudes. Of this a Cydippe is a familiar _ example. Though radial in some of its characters, as in the distribution of its meridi- onal bands of locomotive paddles with their accompanying canals, this creature has a two-sided distribution of tentacles 190 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and various other parts, corresponding with its two-sided attitude in moving through the water. And in other genera of this group, as in Cesium, Eurhamphcea, and Callianira, that almost equal distribution of parts which characterizes the Beroe is quite lost. Here seems a fit place to meet the objection which some may feel to this and other such illustrations, that they amount very much to physical truisms. If the parts of a Medusa are disposed in radial symmetry round the axis of motion through the water, there will of course be no means of maintaining one part of its edge uppermost more than another; and the equality of conditions may be ascribed to the radiateness, as much as the radiateness to the equality of conditions. Con- versely, when the parts are not radially arranged around the axis of motion, they must gravitate towards some one atti- tude, implying a balance on the two sides of a vertical plane — a bilateralness ; and the two-sided conditions so necessi- tated, may be as much ascribed to the bilateralness as the bilateralness to the two-sided conditions. Doubt- less the form and the conditions are, in the way alleged, necessary correlates; and in so far as it asserts this, the ob- jection harmonizes with the argument. To the difficulty which it at the same time raises by the implied question — Why make the form the result of the conditions, rather than the conditions the result .of the form ? the reply is this : — The radial type, both as being the least differentiated type and as being the most obviously related to lower types, must be taken as antecedent to the bilateral type. The indi- vidual variations which incidental circumstances produce in the radial type, will not cause divergence of a species from the radial type, unless such variations give advantages to the individuals displaying them ; which there is no reason to sup- pose they will always do. Those occasional deviations from the radial type, which the law of the instability of the homo- geneous warrants us in expecting to take place, will, however, in some cases be beneficial; and will then be likely to estab- THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 191 lish themselves. Such deviations must tend to destroy the original indefiniteness and variability of attitude — must cause gravitation towards an habitual attitude. And gravitation towards an habitual attitude having once commenced, will continually increase, where increase of it is not negatived by adverse agencies : each further degree of bilateralness render- ing more decided the actions that conduce to bilateralness. If this reply be thought insufficient, it may be enforced by the further one, that as, among plants, the incident forces are the antecedents and the forms the consequents (changes of forces being in many cases visibly followed by changes of forms) we are warranted in concluding that the like order of cause and effect holds among animals.* § 247. Keeping to the same type but passing to a higher degree of composition, we meet more complex and varied illustrations of the same general laws. In the compound * Criticisms on the above passage have shown the need for naming sun- dry complications. These complications chiefly, if not wholly, arise from changes in modes of life — changes from the locomotive to the stationary, and from the stationary to the locomotive. Referring to my statement that (ignor- ing the spherical) the radial type is the lowest and must be taken as ante- cedent to the bilateral type, it is alleged that all existing "radial animals above Protozoa are probably derived from free swimming, bilaterally-sym- metrical animals." If this is intended to include the planulse of the hydroid polyps, then it seems rather a straining of the evidence. These locomotive embryos, described as severally having the structure of a gastrula with a closed mouth, can be said to show bilateralness only because the first two ten- tacle'' make their appearance on opposite sides of the mouth — a bilateralness which lasts only till two other tentacles make their appearance in a plane at right angles, so giving the radial structure. I think the criticism applies only to cases furnished by Echinoderms. The larvae of these creatures have bilat- erally-symmetrical structures, which they retain as long as they swim about and which such of them as fix themselves lose by becoming similarly related to conditions all round : the radial structure being retained by those types which, becoming subsequently detached, move about miscellaneously. But, as happens in some of the Sea-urchins and still more among the Holothurians, the structure is again made bilaterally-symmetrical by a locomotive life pur- sued with one end foremost. Should it be contended that the conditions and the forms are reciprocally influential— that either may initiate the other, it still remains unquestionable that ordinarily the conditions are the antecedents, as is so abundantly shown by plants. 192 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Ccelenterata, presenting clusters of individuals which are severally homologous with the solitary individuals last dealt with, we have to note both the shapes of the individuals thus united, and the shapes of the aggregates made up of them. Such of the fixed. Hydrozoa andActinozoa as form branched societies, continue radial; both because their varied attitudes do not expose them to appreciable differences in their rela- tions to those surrounding actions which chiefly concern them (the actions of prey), and because such differences, even if they were appreciable, would be so averaged in their effects on the dissimilarly-placed members of each group as to be neutralized in the race. Among the tree- like coral-polypedoms, as well as in such ramified assemblages of simpler polypes as are shown in Figs. 149, 150, we have, indeed, cases in many respects parallel to the cases of scattered flowers (§ 233), which though placed laterally remain radial, because no differentiating agency can act uniformly on all of them. Meanwhile, in the groups which these united individuals compose, we see the shapes of plants further simulated under a further parallelism of conditions. The attached ends differ from the free ends as they do in plants; and the regular or irregular branches obviously stand to environing actions in relations analogous to those in which the branches of plants stand. The members of those compound Ccelenterata which move through the water by their own actions, in attitudes that are approximately constant, show us a more or less distinct two- sidedness. Diphyes, Fig. 259, furnishes an example. Each of the largely-developed and modified polypites forming its swimming sacs is bilateral, in correspondence with the bi- lateralness of its conditions; and in each of the appended polypites the insertion of the solitary tentacle produces a kindred divergence from the primitive radial type. The aggregate, too, which here very much subordinates its mem- THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 193 bers, exhibits the same conformity of structure to circum- stances. It admits of symmetrical bisection by a plane pass- ing through its two contractile sacs, or nectocalyces, but not by any other plane; and the plane which thus symmetrically bisects it, is the vertical plane on the two sides of which its parts are similarly conditioned as it propels itself through the water. Another group of the oceanic Hydrozoa, the Pliysophoridce, furnishes interesting evidence — not so much in respect of the forms of the united individuals, which we may pass over, as in respect of the forms of the aggregates. Some of these are without swimming organs, and have their parts sus- pended from air-vessels which habitually float on the surface of the water. Hence the distribution of their parts is asym- metrical. The Pliysalia, Fig. 152, is an example. Here the relations of the integrated group of individuals to the environment are in- definite; and there is thus no agency tending to change that comparatively irregular mode of growth which is pro- bably derived from a primordial type of the branched Hydrozoa. So various are the modes of union among the compound CceUnterata, that it is out of the question to deal with them all. Even did space permit, it would be impracticable for any one but a professed naturalist, to trace through- 59 194 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. out this group the relations between shapes and conditions of existence. The above must be taken simply as a few of the most significant and easily-interpretable cases. § 248. In the sub-kingdoms Polyzoa and Tunicata we meet with examples not wholly unlike the foregoing. Among the types assembled under these names there are simple indivi- duals or aggregates of the second order, and societies or tertiary aggregates produced by their union. The relations of forms to forces have to be traced in both. Solitary Ascidians, fixed or floating, carry on an inactive and indefinite converse with the actions in the environment. Without power to move about vivaciously, and unable to catch any prey but that contained in the currents of water they absorb and expel, these creatures are not exposed to sets of forces which are equal on two or more sides ; and their shapes consequently remain vague. Though internally their parts have a partially-symmetrical arrangement, due to their derivation, yet they are substantially unsymmetrical in that part of the body which is concerned with the environment. Fig. 156 is an example.* Among the composite Ascidians, floating and fixed, the shape of the aggregate, partly determined by the habitual mode of gemmation and partly by the surrounding conditions in each case, is in great measure indefinite. We can say no more about it than that it is not obviously at variance with the laws alleged. Evidence of a more positive kind occurs among those com- pound Molluscoida which are most like the compound Coslenterata in their modes of union — the Polyzoa. Many of these form groups that are more or less irregular — spread- ing as films over solid surfaces, combining into sea-weed- like fronds, budding out from creeping stolons, or growing up into tree-shaped societies; and besides aggregating * Should it be proved that the Ascidian is a degraded vertebrate, then the argument will be strengthened; since loss of bilateral symmetry has gone along with change to asymmetrical conditions. THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 195 irregularly they are irregularly placed on surfaces inclined in all directions. Merely noting that this asymmetrical distribution of the united individuals is explained by the absence of definiteness in the relations of the aggregate to incident forces, it concerns us chiefly to observe that the united individuals severally exemplify the same truth as do similarly-united individuals among the Ccelenterata. Averag- ing the members of each society, the ciliated tentacles they protrude are similarly related to prey on all sides; and therefore remain the same on all sides. This distribution of tentacles is not, however, witEout exception. Among the fresh-water Polyzoa there are some genera, as Plumatella and Crystatella, in which the arrangement of these parts is very decidedly bilateral. Some species of them show us such relations of the individuals to one another and to their sur- face of attachment, as give a clue to the modification; but in other species the meaning of this deviation from the radial type is not obvious. § 249. In the Platyhelminthes good examples of the con- nexions between forms and forces occur. The Planaria exemplifies the single bilateral symmetry which, even in very inferior forms, accompanies the habit of moving in one direction over a solid surface. Humbly organized as are these creatures and their allies the Nemertidce, we see in them, just as clearly as in the highest animals, that where the movements subject the body to different forces at its two ends, different forces on its under and upper surfaces, and like forces along its two sides, there arises a corresponding form, unlike at its extremities, unlike above and below, but having its two sides alike. The Echinodermata furnish us with instructive illustra- tions— instructive because among types that are nearly allied, we meet with wide deviations of form answering to marked contrasts in the relations to the environment. The facts fall into four groups. The Crinoidea, once so abundant 196 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and now so rare, present a radial symmetry answering to an incidence of forces that are equal on all sides. In the general attitudes of their parts towards surrounding actions, they are like uniaxial plants or like polypes; and show, as those do, marked differences between the attached ends and the free ends, along with even distributions of parts all round their axes. In the OpJiiuridea, and in the Star- fishes, we have radial symmetry co-existing with very differ- ent habits; but habits which nevertheless account for the maintenance of the form. Holding on to rocks and weeds by its simple or branched arms, or by the suckers borne on the unfler surface of its rays, one of these creatures moves about not always with one side foremost, but with any side foremost. Consequently, averaging its movements, its arms or rays are equally affected, and therefore remain the same on all sides. On watching the ways of the com- mon Sea-urchin, we are similarly furnished with an ex- planation of its spherical, or rather its spheroidal, figure. Here the habit is not to move over any one approximately- flat surface; but the habit is to hold on by several surfaces on different sides at the same time. Frequenting crevices and the interstices among stones and weeds, the Sea-urchin protrudes the suckers arranged in meridional bands over its shell, laying hold of objects now on this side and now on that, now above and now below: the result being that it does not move in all directions over one plane but in all directions through space. Hence the approach in general form towards spherical symmetry — an approach which is, however, re- strained by the relations of the parts to the mouth and vent : the conditions not being exactly the same at the two poles as at other parts of the surface. Still more significant is that deviation from this shape which occurs among such of the Echinidea as have habitats of a different kind, and con- sequently, different habits. The genera Echinocyamns, Spa- tangus, Brissus, and Amphidotus, diverge markedly towards a bilateral structure. These creatures are found not on rocky THE GENERAL SHAPES OP ANIMALS. 197 shores but on flat sea-bottoms, and some of them only on bottoms of sand or mud. Here, there is none of that distri- bution of surfaces on all sides which makes the spheroidal form congruous with the conditions. Having to move about over an approximately-horizontal plane, any deviation of structure arising accidentally which leads to one side being kept always foremost, will be an advantage: greater fitness to function becoming possible in proportion as function becomes fixed. Survival of the fittest will therefore tend to establish, under such conditions, a form that keeps the same part in advance — a form in which, consequently, the original radial symmetry diverges more and more towards bilateral symmetry. § 250. Very definite and comparatively uniform, are the relations between shapes and circumstances among the Annulosa: including under that title the Annelida and the Arthropoda. The agreements and the disagreements are equally instructive. At one time or other of its life, if not throughout its life, every annulose animal is locomotive; and its temporary or permanent locomotion, being carried on with one end habitu- ally foremost and one surface habitually uppermost, it fulfils those conditions under which bilateral symmetry arises. Accordingly, bilateral symmetry is traceable throughout the whole of this sub-kingdom. Traceable, we must say, because, though it is extremely conspicuous in the immense majority of annulose types, it is to a considerable extent obscured where obscuration is to be expected. The embryos of the Tubicolw, after swimming about a while, settle down and build themselves tubes, from which they protrude their heads; and in them, or in some of them, the bilateral symmetry is disguised by the development of head-append- ages in an all-sided manner. The tentacles of Terebella are distributed much in the same way as those of a polype. The breathing organs in Sabella unispira, Fig. 2GO, do not corre- 198 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. spond on opposite sides of a median plane. Even here, how- ever, the body retains its primitive bilateralness ; and it is further to be remarked that this loss of bilateralness in the external appendages, does not occur where the relations to external conditions continue bilateral: witness the Serpula, Fig. 261, which has its respiratory tufts arranged in a two- A sided way, under the two-sided conditions involved by the habitual position of its tube. The community of symmetry among the higher Annulosa, has an unobserved significance. That Flies, Beetles, Lob- sters, Centipedes, Spiders, Mites, have in common the cha- racters, that the end which moves in advance differs from the hinder end, that the upper surface differs from the under surface, and that the two sides are alike, is a truth received as a matter of course. After all that has been said above, however, it will be seen to have a meaning not to be over- looked ; since it supplies a million- fold illustration of the laws which have been set forth. It is needless to give diagrams. Every reader can call to mind the unity indicated. While, however, annulose animals repeat so uniformly these traits of structure, there are certain other traits in which they are variously contrasted; and their contrasts have to be here noted, as serving further to build up the general argument. In them we see the stages through which THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 199 bilateral symmetry becomes gradually more marked, as the conditions it responds to become more decided. A common Earth-worm may be instanced as a member of this sub-kingdom that is among the least-conspicuously bilateral. Though internally its parts have a two-sided arrangement; and though the positions of its orifices give it an external two-sidedness, at the same time that they estab- lish a difference between the two ends; yet its two-sidedness is not strongly-marked. The form deviates but little from what we have distinguished as triple bilateral symmetry: if the creature is cut across the middle, the head and tail ends are very much alike; if cut in two along its axis by a hori- zontal plane, the under and upper halves are very much alike, externally if not internally; and if cut in two along its axis by a vertical plane, the two sides are quite alike. Figs. 263 and 264 will make this clear. Such creatures as the Julus and the Centipede, may be taken as showing a transition to double bilateral symmetry. Besides being divisible into exactly similar halves by a vertical plane pass- ing through its axis, one of these animals may be bisected transversely into parts that differ only slightly; but if cut in - 2 rh • uj ^^ A[\ two by a horizontal plane passing through its axis, the under and upper halves are decidedly unlike. Figs. 265, 266, exhibit these traits. Among the isopodous crustaceans, the departure from these low types of symmetry is more 200 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. marked. As shown in Figs. 267 and 268, the contrast between the upper and under parts is greater, and the head and tail ends differ more obviously. In all the higher Arthropoda, the unlikeness between the front half and the hind half has become conspicuous. There is in them single bilateral symmetry of so pronounced a kind, that no other resemblance is suggested than that between the two sides. By Figs. 269 and 270, representing a decapodous crustacean divided longitudinally and transversely, this truth is made manifest. On calling to mind the habits of the creatures here drawn and described, it will be seen that they explain these forms. The incidence of forces is the same all around the Earth-worm as it burrows through the compact ground. The Centipede, creeping amid loose soil or debris or beneath stones, insinuates itself between solid sur- faces— the interstices being mostly greater in one dimension than in others. And all the higher Annulosa, moving about as they do over exposed objects, have their dorsal and ventral parts as dissimilarly acted upon as are their two ends. One other fact only respecting annulose animals needs to be noticed under this head — the fact, namely, that they become unsymmetrical where their parts are unsymmetric- ally related to the environment. The common Hermit-crab serves as an instance. Here, in addition to the unlikeness of the two sides implied by that curvature of the body which fits the creature to the shell it inhabits, there is an unlikeness due to the greater development of the limbs, and especially the claws, on the outer side. As in the embryo of the Hermit-crab the two sides are alike; and as both the embryo and the ancestor lived in such a way, being free, that the conditions were alike on the two sides; and as the embryo may be taken to repre- sent the type from which the Hermit-crab has been derived; we have in this case evidence that a symmetrically-bilateral form has been moulded into an unsymmetrically-bilateral THE GENERAL SHAPES OP ANIMALS. 201 form, by the action of unsymmetrically-bilateral conditions. A further illustration is supplied by Bopyrus, Fig. 271 : a parasite which lives in the branchial chamber of prawns, and whose habits similarly account for its distorted shape. § 251. Among the Mollusca we find more varied relations between shapes and circumstances. Some of these relations are highly instructive. Mollusks of one order, the Pteropoda, swim in the sea much in the same way that butterflies fly in the air, and have shapes not altogether unlike those of butterflies. Fig. 272 represents one of these creatures. That its bilaterally-sym- metrical shape harmonizes with its bilater- ally-symmetrical conditions is sufficiently obvious. Among the Lamellibranchiata, we have diverse forms accompanying diverse modes of life. Such of them as frequently move about, like the fresh-water Mussel, have their two valves and the contained parts alike on the opposite sides of a vertical plane: they are bilaterally symmetrical in conformity with their mode of movement. The marine Mussel, too, though habitually fixed, and though not usually so fixed that its two valves are similarly conditioned, still retains that bilateral symmetry which is characteristic of the order; and it does this because in the species considered as a whole, the two valves are not dissimilarly conditioned. If the positions of the various individuals are averaged, it will be seen that the differen- tiating actions neutralize one another. In certain other fixed Lamellibranchs, however, there is a considerable deviation from bilateral symmetry; and it is a deviation of the kind to be anticipated under the circumstances. Where one valve is always downwards, or next to the surface of attachment, while the other valve is always upwards, or next to the environing water, we may expect to find the two 202 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. valves become unlike. This we do find : witness the Oyster. In the Oyster, too, we see a further irregularity. There is a great indefiniteness of outline, both in the shell and in the animal — an indefiniteness made manifest by comparing dif- ferent individuals. We have but to remember that growing clustered together, as Oysters do, they must interfere with one another in various ways and degrees, to see how the indeterminateness of form and the variety of form are accounted for. Among the Gasteropods modifications of a more definite kind occur. "In all Mollusks," says Professor Huxley, " the axis of the body is at first straight, and its parts are arranged symmetrically with regard to a longitudinal vertical plane, just as in a vertebrate or an articulate embryo." In some Gasteropods, as the Chiton, this bilateral symmetry is retained — the relations of the body to surrounding actions not being such as to disturb it. But in those more numerous types which have spiral shells, there is a marked deviation from bilateral symmetry, as might be expected. " This asymmetrical over-development never affects the head or foot of the mollusk " : only those parts which, by inclosure in a shell, are protected from environing actions, lose their bilateralness ; while the external parts, subjected by the movements of the creatures to bilateral conditions, remain bilateral. Here, however, a difficulty meets us. Why is it that the naked Gasteropods, such* as our common slugs, deviate from bilateral symmetry, though their modes of movement are those along with which complete bilateral symmetry usually occurs? The reply is that their devia- tions from bilateral symmetry are probably inherited, and that they are maintained in such parts of their organization as are not exposed to bilaterally-symmetrical conditions. There is reason to believe that the naked Gasteropods are descended from Gasteropods which had shells: the evidence being that the naked Gasteropods have shells during the early stages of their development, and that some of them THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 203 retain rudimentary shells throughout life. Now the shelled Gasteropods deviate from bilateral symmetry in the disposi- tion of both the alimentary system and the reproductive system. The naked Gasteropods, in losing their shells, have lost that immense one-sided development of the alimentary system which fitted them to their shells, and have acquired that bilateral symmetry of external figure which fits them for their habits of locomotion; but the reproductive system remains one-sided, because, in respect to it, the relations to external conditions remain one-sided. The Cephalopods show us bilaterally-symmetrical external forms along with habits of movement through the water in two-sided attitudes. At the same time, in the radial distri- bution of the arms, enabling one of these creatures to take an all-sided grasp of its prey, we see how readily upon one kind of symmetry there may be partially developed another kind of symmetry, where the relations to conditions favour it. § 252. The Vertebrata illustrate afresh the truths which we have already traced among the Annulosa. Flying through the air, swimming through the water, and running over the earth as vertebrate animals do, in common with annulose animals, they are, in common with annulose animals, different at their anterior and posterior ends, different at their dorsal and ventral surfaces, but alike along their two sides. This single bilateral symmetry remains constant under the ex- tremest modifications of form. Among fish we see it alike in the horizontally-flattened Skate, in the vertically-flattened Bream, in the almost spherical Diodon, and in the greatly- elongated Syngnathus. Among reptiles the Turtle, the Snake, and the Crocodile all display it. And under the countless modifications of structure displayed by birds and mammals, it remains conspicuous. A less obvious fact which it concerns us to note among the Vertebrate, parallel to one which we noted among the An- nulosa, is that whereas the lower vertebrate forms deviate 204 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. but little from triple bilateral symmetry, the deviation be- comes great as we ascend. Figs. 273 and 274 show how, besides being divisible into similar halves by a vertical plane passing through its axis, a Fish is divisible into halves that are not very dissimilar by a horizontal plane passing through its axis, and also into other not very dissimilar halves by a plane cutting it transversely. If, as shown in Figs. 275 and 276, analogous sections be made of a superior Keptile, the divided parts differ more decidedly. When a Mammal and a Bird are treated in the same way, as shown in Figs. 277, 278, and Figs. 279, 280, the parts marked off by the dividing planes are unlike in far greater degrees. On considering THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. £05 the mechanical converse between organisms of these several types and their environments — on remembering that the fish habitually moves through a homogeneous medium of nearly the same specific gravity as itself, that the terrestrial reptile either crawls on the surface or raises itself very in- completely above it, that the more active mammal, having its supporting parts more fully developed, thereby has the under half of its body made more different from the upper half, and that the bird is subject by its mode of life to yet another set of actions and reactions; we shall see that these facts are quite congruous with the general doctrine, and furnish further support to it. One other significant piece of evidence must be named. Among the Annulosa we found unsymmetrical bilateralness in creatures having habits exposing them to unlike conditions on their two sides ; and among the Vertebrata we find parallel cases. They are presented by the Pleuronectidce — the order of distorted flat fishes to which the Sole and the Flounder belong. On the hypothesis of evolution, we must conclude that fishes of this order have arisen from an ordinary bila- terally-symmetrical type of fish, which, feeding at the bottom of the sea, gained some advantage by placing itself with one of its sides 4°wnwards, instead of maintaining the vertical attitude. Besides the general reason there are special reasons for concluding this. In the first place, the young Sole or Flounder is bilaterally symmetrical — has its eyes on opposite sides of its head and swims in the usual way. In the second place, the metamorphosis which produces the un- symmetrical structure sometimes does not take place — there are abnormal Flounders that swim vertically, like other fishes. In the third place, the transition from the symmetrical struc- ture to the unsymmetrical structure may be traced. Almost incredible though it seems, one of the eyes is transferred from the under-side of the head to the upper-side: the transfer being effected by a distorted development of the cranial bones — atrophy of some and hypertrophy of others, 206 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. along with a general twist. This metamorphosis furnishes several remarkable illustrations of the way in which forms become moulded into harmony with incident forces. For besides the divergence from bilateral symmetry involved by presence of both eyes upon the upper side, there is a further divergence from bilateral symmetry involved by differentiation of the two sides in respect to the contours of their surfaces and the sizes of their fins. And then, what is still more significant, there is a near approach to likeness between the halves that were originally unlike, but are, under the new circumstances, exposed to like conditions. The body is divisible into similarly-shaped parts by a plane cutting it along the side from head to tail : " the dorsal and ventral instead of the lateral halves become symmetrical in outline and are equipoised." § 253. Thus, little as there seems in common between the shapes of plants and the shapes of animals, we yet find, on analysis, that the same general truths are displayed by both. The one ultimate principle that in any organism equal amounts of growth take place in those directions in which the incident forces are equal, serves as a key to the phenomena of morphological differentiation. By it we are furnished with interpretations of those likenesses and unlikenesses of parts, which are exhibited in the several kinds of symmetry; and when we take into account inherited effects, wrought under ancestral conditions contrasted in various ways with present conditions, we are enabled to comprehend, in a gen- eral way, the actions by which animals have been moulded into the shapes they possess. To fill up the outline of the argument, so as to make it correspond throughout with the argument respecting vegetal forms, it would be proper here to devote a chapter to the differentiations of those homologous segments out of which animals of certain types are composed. Though, among most animals of the third degree of composition, such as the THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 207 rooted Hydrozoa, the Polyzoa, and the Ascidioida, the united individuals are not reduced to the condition of segments of a composite individual, and do not display any marked differ- entiations; yet there are some animals in which such subordinations, and consequent heterogeneities, occur. The oceanic Hydrozoa form one group of them ; and we have seen reason to conclude that the Anmdosa form another group. It is not worth while, however, to. occupy space in detailing these unlikenesses of homologous segments, and seeking specific explanations of them. Among the oceanic Hydrozoa they are extremely varied; and the habits and derivations of these creatures are so little known, that there are no ade- quate data for interpreting the forms of the parts in terms of their relations to the environment. Conversely, among the Annulosa those differentiations of the homologous seg- ments which accompany their progressing integration, have so much in common, and have general causes which are so obvious, that it is needless to deal with them at any length. They are all explicable as due to the exposure of different parts of the chain of segments to different sets of actions and reactions: the most general contrast being that between the anterior segments and the posterior segments, answering to the most general contrast of conditions to which annul ose animals subject their segments; and the more special con- trasts answering to the contrasts of conditions entailed by their more special habits. Were an exhaustive treatment of the subject practicable, there should here, also, come a chapter devoted to the in- ternal structures of animals — meaning, more especially, the shapes and arrangements of the viscera. The relations between forms and forces among these inclosed parts are, however, mostly too obscure to allow of interpretation. Protected as the viscera are in great measure from the inci- dence of external forces, we are not likely to find much correspondence between their distribution and the distribu- tion of external forces. In this case the influences, partly 208 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. mechanical, partly physiological, which the organs exercise on one another, become the chief causes of their changes of figure and arrangement; and these influences are complex and indefinite. One general fact may, indeed, be noted — the fact, namely, that the divergence towards asymmetry which generally characterizes the viscera, is marked among those of them which are most removed from mechanical converse with the environment, but not so marked among those of them which are less removed from such converse. Thus while, throughout tthe Vertebrata, the alimentary system, with the exception of its two extremities, is asymmetrically arranged, the respiratory system, which occupies one end of the body, generally deviates but little from bilateral sym- metry, and the reproductive system, partly occupying the other end of the body, is in the main bilaterally symmetrical : such deviation from bilateral symmetry as occurs, being found in its most interiorly-placed parts, the ovaries. Just indicating these facts as having a certain significance, it will be best to leave this part of the subject as too involved for detailed treatment. Internal structures of one class, however, not included among the viscera, admit of general interpretation — struc- tures which, though internal, are brought into tolerably- direct relations with environing forces, and are therefore subordinate in their forms to the distribution of those forces. These internal structures it will be desirable to deal with at some length ; both because they furnish important illustra- tions enforcing the general argument, and because an inter- pretation of them which we have seen reason to reject, can- not be rejected without raising the demand for some other interpretation. CHAPTER XV. THE SHAPES OF VERTEBKATE SKELETONS. § 254. WHEN an elongated mass of any substance is transversely strained, different parts of the mass are ex- posed to forces of opposite kinds. If, for example, a bar of metal or wood is supported at its two ends, as shown in Fig. 281, and has to bear a weight on its centre, its lower /\ fj part is thrown into a state of tension, while its upper part is thrown into a state of compression. As will be manifest to any one who observes what happens on breaking a stick across his knee, the greatest degree of tension falls on the fibres forming the convex surface, while the fibres forming the concave surface are subject to the greatest degree of compression. Between these extremes the fibres at different depths are subject to different forces. Progressing upwards from the under surface of the bar shown in Fig. 281, the tension of the fibres becomes less; and progressing down- wards from the upper surface, the compression of the fibres becomes less; until, at a certain distance between the two surfaces, there is a place at which the fibres are neither ex- tended nor compressed. This, shown by the dotted line in 60 o09 210 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the figure, is called in mechanical language the "neutral axis." It varies in position with the nature of the substance strained : being, in common pine-wood, at a distance of about five-eighths of the depth from the upper surface, or three- eighths from the under surface. Clearly, if such a piece of wood, instead of being subject to a downward force, is secured at its ends and subject to an upward force, the distribution of the compressions and tensions will be reversed, and the neutral axis will be nearest to the upper surface. Fig. 282 represents these opposite attitudes of the bar and the changed position of its neutral axis: the arrow indicating the direc- tion of the force producing the upward bend, and the faint dotted line a, showing the previous position of the neutral axis. Between the two neutral axes will be seen a central space; and it is obvious that when the bar has its strain from time to time reversed, the repeated changes of its molecular con- dition must affect the central space in a way different from that in which they affect the two outer spaces. Fig. 283 is a diagram conveying some idea of these contrasts in molecular condition. If A B C D be the middle part of a bar thus treated, while G H and K L are the alternating neutral axes ; then the forces to which the bar is in each case subject, may be readily shown. Supposing the deflecting force to be acting in the direction of the arrow E, then the tensions to which the fibres between G and F are exposed, will be represented by a series of lines increasing in length as the distance from G increases; so that the triangle G F M, will express the amount and distribution of all the molecular tensions. But the molecular compressions throughout the space from G to E, must balance the molecular tensions; and hence, if the triangle G E N be made equal to the tri- THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 211 angle G F M, the parallel lines of which it is composed (here dotted for the sake of distinction) will express the amount and distribution of the compressions between E and G. Similarly, when the deflecting force is in the direction of the arrow F, the compressions and tensions will be quantitatively symbolized by the triangles K F 0, and K E P. And thus the several spaces occupied by full lines and by dotted lines and by the two together, will represent the different actions to which different parts of the transverse section are subject by alternating transverse strains. Here, then, it is made manifest to the eye that the central space between G and K, is differently conditioned from the spaces above and below it; and that the difference of condition is sharply marked off. The fibres forming the outer surface C D, are subject to violent tensions and violent compressions. Pro- gressing inwards the tensions and compressions decrease — the tensions the more rapidly. As we approach the point G, the tensions to which the fibres are alternately subject, bear smaller and smaller ratios to the compressions, and disappear at the point G. Thence to the centre occur compressions only, of alternating intensities, becoming at the centre small 212 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and equal ; and from the centre we advance, through a reverse series of changes, to the other side. Thus it is demonstrable that any substance in which the power of resisting compression is unequal to the power of resisting tension, cannot be subject to alternating transverse strains, without having a central portion differentiated in its conditions from the outer portions, and consequently dif- ferentiated in its structure. This conclusion may easily be verified by experiment. If something- having a certain toughness but not difficult to break, as a thick piece of sheet lead, be bent from side to side till it is broken, the surface of fracture will exhibit an unlikeness of texture between the inner and outer parts. § 255. And now for the application of this seemingly- irrelevant truth. Though it has no obvious connection with the interpretation of vertebral structure, we shall soon see that it fundamentally concerns us. The simplest type of vertebrate animal, the fish, has a mode of locomotion which involves alternating transverse strains. It is not, indeed, subjected to alternating transverse strains by some outer agency, as in the case we have been investigating: it subjects itself to them. But though the strains are here internally produced instead of externally produced, the case is not therefore removed into a wholly 384 different category. For sup- posing Fig. 284 to represent the outline of a fish when bent on one side (the dotted lines representing its outline when the bend is reversed), it is clear that part of the sub- stance forming the convex half must be in a state of tension. This state of tension implies the existence in the other half of some counter-balancing compression. And between the two there must be a neutral axis. The way in which this conclusion is reconcilable with the fact that there is tension somewhere in the concave side of a fish, since the curve is THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 213 caused by muscular contractions on the concave side, will be made clear by the rude illustration which a bow supplies. A bow may be bent by a thrust against its middle (the two ends being held back), or it may be bent by contracting a string that unites its ends; but the distributions of me- chanical forces within the wood of the bow, though not quite alike in the two cases, will be very similar. Now while the muscular action on the concave side of a fish differs from that represented by the tightened string of a bow, the difference is not such as to destroy the applicability of the illustration: the parallel holds so far as this, that within that portion of the fish's body which is passively bent by the contracting muscles, there must be, as in a strung bow, a part in com- pression, a part in tension, and an intermediate part which is neutral. After thus seeing that even in the developed fish with its complex locomotive apparatus, this law of the transverse strain holds in a qualified way, we shall understand how much more it must hold in any form that may be supposed to initiate the vertebrate type — a form devoid of that segmentation by which the vertebrate type is more or less characterized. We shall see that assuming a rudimentary animal, still simpler than the AmpJiioxus, to have a feeble power of moving itself through the water by the undulations of its body, or some part of its body, there will necessarily come into play certain reactions which must affect the median portion of the undulating mass in a way unlike that in which they affect its lateral portions. And if there exists in this median portion a tissue which keeps its place with any constancy, we may expect that the differential conditions produced in it by the transverse strain, will initiate a dif- ferentiation. It is true that the distribution of the viscera in the AmpJiioxus, Fig. 191, and in the type from which we may suppose it to have arisen, is such as to interfere with this process. It is also true that the actions and reactions de- scribed would not of themselves give to the median portion 214: MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. a cylindrical shape, like that of the cartilaginous rod running along the back of the Amphioxus. But what we have here to note in the first place is, that these habitual alternate flexions have a tendency to mark off from the outer parts an unlike inner part, which may be seized hold of, main- tained, and further modified, by natural selection, should any advantage thereby result. And we have to note in the second place, that an advantage is likely to result. The contractions cannot be effective in producing undulations, unless the general shape of the body is maintained. External muscular fibres unopposed by an internal resistant mass, would cause collapse of the body. To meet the require- ments there must be a means of maintaining longitudinal rigidity without preventing bends from side to side ; and such a means is presented by a structure initiated as described. In brief, whether we have or have not the actual cause, we have here at any rate " a true cause." Though there are difficulties in tracing out the process in a definite way, it may at least be said that the mechanical genesis of this rudi- mentary vertebrate axis is quite conceivable. And even the difficulties may, I think, be more fully met than at first sight seems possible. What is to be said of the other leading trait which the simplest vertebrate animal has in common with all higher vertebrate animals — the segmentation of its lateral muscular masses? Is this, too, explicable on the mechanical hypo- thesis? Have we, in the alternating transverse strains, a cause for the fact that while the rudimentary vertebrate axis THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 215 is without any divisions, there are definite divisions of the substance forming the animal's sides? I think we have. A glance at the distribution of forces under the transverse strain, as represented in the foregoing diagrams, will show how much more severe is the strain on the outer parts than on the inner parts ; and how, consequently, any modifications of structure eventually necessitated, will arise peripherally before they arise centrally. The perception of this may be enforced by a simple experiment. Take a stick of sealing- wax and warm it slowly and moderately before the fire, so as to give it a little flexibility. Then bend it gently until it is curved into a semi-circle. On the convex surface small cracks will be seen, and on the concave surface wrinkles; while between the two the substance remains undistorted. If the bend be reversed and re-reversed, time after time, these cracks and wrinkles will become fissures which gradu- ally deepen. But now, if changes of this class, entailed by alternating transverse strains, commence superficially, as they manifestly must; there arise the further questions — What will be the special modifications produced under these special conditions? and through what stages will these modifica- tions progress? Every one has literally at hand an example of the way in which a flexible external layer that is now extended and now compressed, by the bending of the mass it covers, becomes creased; and a glance at the palms and the fingers will show that the creases are near one another where the skin is thin, and far apart where the skin is thick. Between this familiar case and the case of the rhinoceros- hide, in which there are but a few large folds, various grada- tions may be traced. Now the like must happen with the increasing layers of contractile fibres forming the sides of the muscular tunic in such a type as that supposed. The bendings will produce in them small wrinkles while they are thin, but more decided and comparatively distant fissures as they become thick. Fig. 289, which is a horizontal longi- tudinal section, shows how these thickening layers will 216 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. adjust themselves on the convex and the concave surfaces, supposing the fibres of which they are composed to be ob- lique, as their function requires; and it is not difficult to see that when once definite divisions have been established, they will advance inwards as the layers develop; and will so produce a series of muscular bundles. Here then we have something like the myocommata [or myotomes as now called] which are traceable in the Ampliioxus, and are conspicuous in all superior fishes. § 256. These are highly speculative conceptions. I have ventured to present them with the view of implying that the hypothesis of the mechanical genesis of vertebrate struc- ture is not wholly at fault when applied to the most rudi- mentary vertebrate animal. Lest it should be alleged that the question is begged if we set out with a type which, like the Amphioxus, already displays segmentation throughout its muscular system, it seemed needful to indicate conceiv- able modes in which there may have been mechanically pro- duced those leading traits that distinguish the Amphioxus. All I intend to suggest is that mechanical actions have been at work, and that probably they have operated in the manner alleged : so preparing the way for natural selection. But now let us return to the region of established fact, and consider whether such actions and reactions as we actually witness, are adequate causes of those observed differentiations and integrations which distinguish the more-developed verte- brate animals. Let us see whether the theory of mechanical genesis affords us a deductive interpretation of the inductive generalizations. Before proceeding, we must note a process of functional adaptation which here co-operates with natural selection. I refer to the usual formation of denser tissues at those parts of an organism which are exposed to the greatest THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 217 strains — either compressions or tensions. Instances of hard- ening under compression are made familiar to us by the skin. We have the general contrast between the soft skin covering the body at large, and the indurated skin covering the inner surfaces of the hands and the soles of the feet. We have the fact that even within these areas the parts on which the pressure is habitually greatest have the skin always thickest; and that in each person special points exposed to special pressures become specially dense — often as dense as horn. Further, we have the converse fact that the skin of little-used hands becomes abnormally thin — even losing, in places, that ribbed structure which distinguishes skin subject to rough usage. Of increased density directly following increased tension, the skeletons, whether of men or animals, furnish abundant evidence. Anatomists easily discriminate between the bones of a strong man and those of a weak man, by the greater development of those ridges and crests to which the muscles are attached ; and naturalists, on comparing the remains of domesticated animals with those of wild animals of the same species, find kindred differences. The first of these facts shows unmistakably the immediate effect of function on structure, and by obvious alliance with it the second may be held to do the same: both implying that the deposit of dense substance capable of great resist- ance, constantly takes place at points where the tension is excessive. Taking into account, then, this adaptive process, con- tinually aided by the survival of individuals in which it has taken place most rapidly, we may expect, on tracing up the evolution of the vertebrate axis, to find that as the mus- cular power becomes greater there arise larger and harder masses of tissue, serving the muscles as points d'appui; and that these arise first in those places where the strains are greatest. Now this is just what we do find. The myocom- mata are so placed that their actions are likely to affect first that upper coat of the notochord, where there are found 218 • MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. " quadrate masses of somewhat denser tissue," which " seem faintly to represent neural spines," even in the Amphioxus. It is by the development of the neural spines, and after them of the. hffimal spines, that the segments of the vertebral column are first marked out ; and under the increasing strains of more-developed myocommata, it is just these peripheral appendages of the vertebral segments that must be most subject to the forces which cause the formation of denser tissue. It follows from the mechanical hypothesis that as the muscular segmentation must begin externally and pro- gress inwards, so, too, must the vertebral segmentation. Besides thus finding reason for the fact that in fishes with wholly cartilaginous skeletons, the vertebral segments are indicated by these processes, while yet the notochord is unsegmented; we find a like reason for the fact that the transition from the less-dense cartilaginous skeleton to the more-dense osseous skeleton, pursues a parallel course. In the existing Lepidosiren, which by uniting certain piscine and amphibian characters betrays its close alliance with primitive types, the axial part of the vertebral column is unossified, while there is ossification of the peripheral parts. Similarly with numerous genera of fishes classed as palaeozoic. The fossil remains of them show that while the neural and hremal spines consisted of bone, the central parts of the vertebra were not bony. It may in some cases be noted, too, both in extant and in fossil forms, that while the ossification is com- plete at the outer extremities of the spines it is incomplete at their inner extremities — thus similarly implying centri- petal development. § 257. After these explanations the process of eventual segmentation in the spinal axis itself, will be readily under- stood. The original cartilaginous rod has to maintain longi- tudinal rigidity while permitting lateral flexion. As fast as it becomes definitely marked out, it will begin to concentrate within itself a great part of those pressures and tensions THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 219 caused by transverse strains. As already said, it must be acted upon much in the same manner as a bow, though it is bent by forces acting in a more indirect way ; and like a bow, it must, at each bend, have the substance of its convex side extended and the substance of its concave side compressed. So long as the vertebrate animal is small or inert, such a cartilaginous rod may have sufficient strength to withstand the muscular strains; but, other things equal, the evolution of an animal that is large, or active, or both, implies mus- cular strains which must tend to cause modification in such a cartilaginous rod. ¥ he results of greater bulk and of greater vivacity may be best dealt with separately. As the animal increases in size, the rod will grow both longer and thicker. On looking back at the diagrams of forces caused by transverse strains, it will be seen that as the rod grows thicker, its outer parts must be exposed to more severe ten- sions and pressures if the degree of bend is the same. It is doubtless true that when the fish, advancing by lateral undulations, becomes longer, the curvature assumed by the body at each movement becomes less; and that from this cause the outer parts of the notochord are, other things equal, less strained — the two changes thus partially neutrali- zing one another. But other things are not equal. For while, supposing the shape of the body to remain constant, the force exerted in moving the body increases as the cubes of its dimensions, the sectional area of the notochord, on which fall the reactions of this exerted force, increases only as the squares of the dimensions : whence results a greater stress upon its substance. This, however, will not be very decided where there is no considerable activity. It is clear that augmenting bulk, taken alone, involves but a moderate residuary increase of strain on each portion of the notochord ; and this is probably the reason why it is possible for a large sluggish fish like the Sturgeon, to retain the notochordal structure. But now, passing to the effects of greater activity, a like dynamical inquiry at once shows us how rapid- 220 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ly the violence of the actions and reactions rises as the move- ments become more vivacious. In the first place, the resist- ance of a medium such as water increases as the square of the velocity of the body moving through it ; so that to main- tain double the speed, a fish has to expend four times the energy. But the fish has to do more than this — it has to initiate this speed, or to impress on its mass the force implied by this speed. Now the vis viva of a moving body varies as the square of the velocity; whence it follows that the energy required to generate that vis viva is measured by the square of the velocity it produces. Consequently, did the fish put itself in motion instantaneously) the expenditure of energy in generating its own vis viva and simultaneously overcoming the resistance of the water, would vary as the fourth power of the velocity. But the fish cannot put itself in motion instantaneously — it must do it by increments ; and thus it results that the amounts of the forces expended to give itself different velocities must be represented by some series of numbers falling between the squares and the fourth powers of those velocities. Were the increments slowly accumulated, the ratios of increasing effort would but little exceed the ratios of the squares; but whoever observes the sudden, convulsive action with which an alarmed fish darts out of a shallow into deep water, will see that the velocity is rapidly generated, and that therefore the ratios of increasing effort probably exceed the ratios of the squares very considerably. At any rate it will be clear that the efforts made by fishes in rushing upon prey or escaping enemies (and it is these extreme efforts which here concern us) must, as fishes become more active, rapidly exalt the strains to be borne by their motor organs; and that of these strains, those which fall upon the noto- chord must be exalted in proportion to the rest. Thus the development of locomotive power, which survival of the fittest must tend in most cases to favour, involves such in- crease of stress on the primitive cartilaginous rod as will tend, other things equal, to cause its modification. THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 221 What must its modification be ? Considering the compli- cation of the influences at work, conspiring, as above indi- cated, in various ways and degrees, we cannot expect to do more than form an idea of its average character. The nature of the changes which the notochord is likely to undergo, where greater bulk is accompanied by higher activity, is rudely indicated by Figs. 291, 292, and 293. The successively *91 thicker lines represent the successively greater strains to which the outer layers of tissue are exposed; and the widen- ing inter-spaces represent the greater extensions which they have to bear when they become convex, or else the greater gaps that must be formed in them. Had these outer layers to undergo extension only, as on the convex side, continued natural selection might result in the formation of a tissue elastic enough to admit of the requisite stretching. But at each alternate bend these outer layers, becoming concave, are subject to increased compression — a compression which they cannot withstand if they have become simply more extensible. To withstand this greater compression they must become harder as well as more extensible. How are these two requirements to be reconciled? If, as facts warrant us in supposing, a formation of denser substance occurs at those parts of the notochord where the strain is greatest; it is clear that this formation cannot so go on as to produce a continuous mass : the perpetual flexions must prevent this. If matter that will not yield at each bend, is deposited while the bendings are continually taking place, the bendings will maintain certain places of discontinuity in the deposit — places at which the whole of the stretching consequent on each bend will be concentrated. And thus the tendency will be to form segments of hard tissue capable of great resistance 222 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. to compression, with intervals filled by elastic tissue capable of great resistance to extension — a vertebral column. And now observe how the progress of ossification is just such as conforms to this view. That centripetal develop- ment of segments which holds of the vertebrate animal as a whole, as, if caused by transverse strains, it ought to do, and which holds of the vertebral column as a whole, as it ought to do, holds also of the central axis. On the mechanical hypothesis, the outer surface of the notochord should be the first part to undergo induration, and that division into seg- ments which must accompany induration. And accordingly, in a vertebral column of which the axis is beginning to ossify, the centrums consist of bony rings inclosing a still- continuous rod of cartilage. § 258. Sundry other general- facts disclosed by the com- parative morphology of the Vertebrata, supply further con- firmation. Let us take first the structure of the skull. On considering the arrangement of the muscular flakes, or myocommata, in any ordinary fish which comes to table — an arrangement already sketched out in the Amphioxus — it is not difficult to see that that portion of the body out of which the head of the vertebrate animal becomes developed, is a portion which cannot subject itself to bendings in the same degree as the rest of the body. The muscles developed there must be comparatively short, and much interfered with by the pre-existing orifices. Hence the cephalic part will not partake in any considerable degree of the lateral undula- tions ; and there will not tend to arise in it any such distinct segmentation as arises elsewhere. We have here, then, an explanation of the fact, that from the beginning the develop- ment of the head follows a course unlike that of the spinal column; and of the fact that the segmentation, so far as it can be traced in the head, is most readily to be traced in the occipital region and becomes lost in the region of the face. For if, a's we have seen, the segmentation consequent on THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 223 mechanical actions and reactions must progress from without inwards, affecting last of all the axis; and if, as we have seen, the region of the head is so circumstanced that the causes of segmentation act but feebly even on its periphery ; then that terminal portion of the primitive notochord which is included in the head, having to undergo no lateral bend- ings, may ossify without division into segments. Of other incidental evidences supplied by comparative morphology, let me next refer to the supernumerary bones, which the theory of Goethe and Oken as elaborated by Prof. Owen, has to get rid of by gratuitous suppositions. In many fishes, for example, there are what have been called inter- neural spines and inter-hasmal spines. These cannot by any ingenuity be affiliated upon the archetypal vertebra, and they are therefore arbitrarily rejected as bones belonging to the exo-skeleton ; though in shape and texture they are similar to the spines between which they are placed. On the hypothesis of evolution, however, these additional bones are accounted for as arising under actions like those that gave origin to the bones adjacent to them. And similarly with such bones as those called sesamoid; together with others too numerous to name. §'259. Of course the foregoing synthesis is to be taken simply as an adumbration of the process by which the verte- brate structure may have arisen through the continued actions of known agencies. The motive for attempting it has been two-fold. Having, as before said, given reasons for con- cluding that the segments of a vertebrate animal are not homologous in the same sense as are those of an annulose animal, it seemed needful to do something towards showing how they are otherwise to be accounted for ; and having here, for our general subject, the likenesses and differences among the parts of organisms, as determined by incident forces, it seemed out of the question to pass by the problem presented by the vertebrate skeleton. 224 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Leaving out all that is hypothetical, the general argument may be briefly presented thus: — The evolution from the simplest known vertebrate animal of a powerful and active vertebrate animal, implies the development of a stronger internal fulcrum. The internal fulcrum cannot be made stronger without becoming more dense. And it cannot be- come more dense while retaining its lateral flexibility, with- out becoming divided into segments. Further, in conformity with the general principles thus far traced, these segments must be alike in proportion as the forces to which they are exposed are alike, and unlike in proportion as these forces are unlike; and so there necessarily results that unity in variety by which the vertebral column is from the beginning characterized. Once more, we see that the explanation ex- tends to those innumerable and more marked divergences from homogeneity, which vertebrae undergo in the various higher animals. Thus, the production of vertebrae, the pro- duction of likenesses among vertebrae, the production of un- likenesses among vertebrae, and the production of unlike- nesses among vertebral columns, are interpretable as parts of one general process, and as harmonizing with one general principle. Whether sufficient or insufficient, the explanation here given assigns causes of known kinds producing effects such as they are known to produce. It does not, as a solution of one mystery, offer another mystery of which no solution is to be asked. It does not allege a Platonic iSco, or fictitious entity, which explains the vertebrate skeleton by absorbing into itself all the inexplicability. On the contrary, it assumes nothing beyond agencies by which structures in general are moulded — agencies by which these particular structures are, indeed, notoriously modifiable. An ascertained cause of cer- tain traits in vertebras and other bones, it extends to all other traits of vertebrae; and at the same time assimilates the morphological phenomena they present to much wider classes of morphological phenomena. THE SHAPES OP VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 225 [NOTE. — The theory set forth in the foregoing chapter, is an elaboration of one suggested at the close of a criticism of Prof. Owen's Archetype and Homologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton, already referred to in § 210 as having been pub- lished in the Medico-Chirurgical Review for October, 1858. It is now reproduced in Appendix B. Since the issue of this elaborated exposition, in No. 15 of my serial in December, 1865, verifications of it have from time to time been published. In his work The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution, Prof. Cope of Philadelphia writes : — " Mr. Herbert Spencer has endeavoured to account for the origin of the segmentation of muscles into myotomes, and the division of the sheath of the notochord into vertebrae, by supposing it to be due to the lateral swimming movements of the fishes, which first exhibit these structures. With this view various later authors have agreed, and I have offered some additional evidence of the soundness of this position with respect to the vertebral axis of Batrachia, and the origin of limb articulations. It is true that the origin of segmentation in the vertebral column of the true fishes and the Batrachia turns out to have been less simple in its pro- cess than was suggested by Mr. Spencer, but his general principle holds good, now that paleontology has cleared up the subject" (pp. 367-8). An allusion in the foregoing extract is made by Prof. Cope to certain observations set forth in his work entitled The Origin of the Fittest. On pp. 305-6 of it will be found the following sentences : — " Now, all the Permian land-animals, reptiles and batra- chians, retain this notochord with the elements of osseous vertebrae, in a greater or less degree of completeness. There are some in South Africa, I believe, in which the ossification has come clear through the notochord; but they are few. . . . There is something to be said as to the condition of the column from a mechanical standpoint, and it is this: that the chorda exists, with its osseous elements disposed 61 223 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. about it; and in the Permian batrachians, equally related to salamanders and frogs, these osseous elements are arranged in the sheath or skin of the chorda ; and they are in the form of regular concave segments, very much like such segments as you can take from the skin of an orange — but parts of a cylinder, and having greater or less dimensions according to the group or species. Now, the point of divergence of these segments is on the side of the column. The contacts are placed on the side of the column where the segments separ- ate— the upper segments rising and the lower segments coming downward. To the upper segments are attached the arches and their articulations, and the lower segments are like the segments of a cylinder. If you take a flexible cylinder, and cover it with a more or less inflexible skin or sheath, and bend that cylinder sidewise, you of course will find that the wrinkles or fractures of that part of the surface will take place along the line of the shortest curve, which is on the side; and, as a matter of fact, you have breaks of very much the character of the segments of the Permian Batrachia. ... In the cylinder bending both ways, of course the shortest line of curve is right at the centre of the side of that cylinder, and the longest curve is of course at the summit and base, and the shortest curve will be the point of fracture. And that is exactly what I presume has happened in the case of the construction of the segments of the sheath of the vertebral column, by the lateral motion of the animal in swimming, and which has been the actual cause of the disposition of the osseous material in its form. . . . That is the state of the vertebral column of many of the Vertebrata of the Permian period." In his essay on " The Mechanical Causes of the Develop- ment of the Hard Parts of the Mammalia," published in the American Journal of Morphology (Vol. Ill), Prof. Cope has carried the interpretation further, by showing that in kindred ways the genesis of articulations and limb-bones may be ex- THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 227 plained. On p. 163 he enunciates the general principle of his interpretation as follows : — " It cannot have been otherwise than that, since the motions of animals continued during the evolution of their hard parts, these hard parts grew in exact adaptation to these movements. Thus at the points of greatest flexure joints would be formed, and between these joints the deposit would be continuous." Evidently if osseous structures are produced by deposits of calcareous matters in pre-existing cartilaginous structures, or other structures of flexible materials, the deposits must be so carried on that while dense resistant masses are produced these must admit of such free movements as the creature's life necessitates, and must so form adapted joints. Let it be understood, however, that the hypothesis set forth in the foregoing chapter and extended by Prof. Cope, which serves to interpret a large part of the phenomena of osseous structures in the Vertebrata, does not serve to interpret them all. While the formation of hard parts has been in large measure initiated and regulated by tensions and pressures, there are hard parts the formation of which cannot be thus explained. The bones of the skull are the most obvious instances. These are apparently referable to no other cause than the survival of the fittest — the survival of individual animals in which greater density of the brain- covering yielded better protection against external injuries. Without enumerating other instances which might be given, it will suffice to recognize the truth that natural selection of favourable variations and the inheritance of functionally- produced changes have all along co-operated: each of them in some cases acting alone, but in other cases both acting together.] CHAPTER XVI. THE SHAPES OF ANIMAL-CELLS. § 260. AMONG animals as among plants, the laws of mor- phological differentiation must be conformed to by the mor- phological units, as well as by the larger parts and by the wholes formed of them. It remains here to point out that the conformity is traceable where the conditions are simple. In the shapes assumed by those rapidly-multiplying cells out of which each animal is developed, there is a conspicuous subordination to the surrounding actions. Fig. 294 represents the cellular embryonic mass that arises by repeated spontaneous fissions. In it we see how the cells, origin- ally spherical, are changed by pressure against one another and against the limit- ing membrane; and how their likenesses and unlikenesses are determined by the likenesses and un- likenesses of the forces to which they are exposed. This fact may be thought scarcely worth pointing out. But it is worth pointing out, because what is here so obvious a con- sequence of mechanical actions, is in other cases a conse- quence of actions composite in their kinds and involved in their distribution. Just as the equalities and inequalities of dimensions among aggregated cells, are here caused by the equalities and inequalities among their mutual pressures in different directions; so, though less manifestly, the equalities 228 THE SHAPES OP ANIMAL CELLS. 229 and inequalities of dimensions among other aggregated cells, are caused by the equalities and inequalities of the osmotic, chemical, thermal, and other forces besides the mechanical, to which their different positions subject them. § 261. This we shall readily see on observing the ordinary structures of limiting membranes, internal and external. In Fig. 295, is shown a 29s much-magnified section of a papilla from the gum. The cells of which it is composed originate in its deeper part; and are at first approximately spherical. Those of them which, as they develop, are thrust outwards by the new cells that continually take their places, have their shapes gradually changed. As they grow and successively advance to replace the superficial cells, when these exfoliate, they become exposed to forces which are more and more different in the direction of the surface from what they are in lateral directions; and their dimensions gradually assume corre- sponding differences. Another species of limiting membrane, called cylinder- epithelium, is represented in Fig. 296. Though its mode of development is such as to render the shapes of its cells quite unlike those of pavement- epithelium, as the above-described kind is sometimes called, its cells equally exemplify the same general truth. For the chief contrast which each of them presents, is the contrast between its dimension at right angles to the surface of the membrane, and its dimension parallel to that surface. It is needless for our present purpose to examine further 230 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the evidence furnished by Histology; nor, indeed, would further examination of this evidence be likely to yield definite results. In the cases given above we have marked differences among the incident forces; and therefore have a chance of finding, as we do find, relations between these and differences of form. But the cells composing masses of tissue are severally subject to forces which are indeterminate; and therefore the interpretation of their shapes is imprac- ticable. It must suffice to observe that so far as the facts go they are congruous with the hypothesis. CHAPTER XVII. SUMMARY OF MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. § 262. THAT any formula should be capable of expressing a common character in the shapes of things so unlike as a tree and a cow, a flower and a centipede, is a remarkable fact ; and is a fact which affords strong primd facie evidence of truth. For in proportion to the diversity and multiplicity of the cases to which any statement applies, is the probability that it sets forth the essential relations. Those connexions which remain constant under all varieties of manifestation, are most likely to be the causal connexions. Still higher will appear the likelihood of an alleged law of organic form possessing so great a comprehensiveness, when we remember that on the hypothesis of Evolution, there must exist between all organisms and their environments, certain congruities expressible in terms of their actions and reactions. The forces being, on this hypothesis, the causes of the forms, it is inferable, a priori, that the forms must admit of generali- zation in terms of the forces ; and hence, such a generalization arrived at a posteriori, gains the further probability due to fulfilment of anticipation. Nearer yet to certainty seems the conclusion thus reached, on finding that it does but assert in their special manifesta- tions, the laws of Evolution in general — the laws of that universal re-distribution of matter and motion which hold 231 232 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. throughout the totality of things, as well as in each of its parts. It will be .useful to glance back over the various minor inferences arrived at, and contemplate them in their ensemble from these higher points of view. § 263. That process of integration which every plant dis- plays during its life, we found reason to think has gone on during the life of the vegetal kingdom as a whole. Proto- plasm into cells, cells into folia, folia into axes, axes into branched combinations — such, in brief, are the stages passed through by every shrub; and such appear to have been the stages through which plants of successively-higher kinds have been evolved from lower kinds. Even among certain groups of plants now existing, we find aggregates of the first order passing through various gradations into aggregates of the second order — here forming small, incoherent, indefinite assemblages, and there forming large, definite, coherent fronds. Similar transitions are traceable through which these integrated aggregates of the second order pass into aggregates of the third order: in one species the unions of parent-fronds with the fronds that bud out from them, being temporary, and in another species such unions being longer continued; until, in species still higher, by a gemmation which is habitual and regular, there is produced a definitely- integrated aggregate of the third order — an axis bearing fronds or leaves. And even between this type and a type further compounded, a link occurs in the plants which cast off, in the shape of bulbils, some of the young axes they produce. As among plants, so among animals. A like spontaneous fission of cells ends here in separation, there in partial aggregation, while elsewhere, by closer combina- tion of the multiplying units, there arises a coherent and tolerably definite individual of the second order. By the budding of individuals of the second order, there are in some cases produced other separate individuals like them; in some SUMMARY OF MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 233 cases temporary aggregates of such like individuals ; and in other cases permanent aggregates of them: certain of which become so definitely integrated that the individualities of their component members are almost lost in a tertiary indi- viduality. Along with this progressive integration there has gone on a progressive differentiation. Vegetal units of whatever order, originally homogeneous, have become heterogeneous while they have become united. Spherical cells aggregating into threads, into laminae, into masses, and into special tis- sues, lose their sphericity; and instead of remaining all alike assume innumerable unlikenesses — from uniformity pass into multiformity. Fronds combining to form axes, severally acquire definite differences between their attached ends and their free ends; while they also diverge from one another in their shapes at different parts of the axes they compose. And axes, uniting into aggregates of a still higher order, become contrasted in their sizes, curvatures, and the arrangements of their appendages. Similarly among animals. Those components of them which, with a certain license, we class as morphological units, while losing their minor individualities in the major individualities formed of them, grow definitely unlike as they grow definitely com- bined. And where the aggregates so produced become, by coalescence, segments of aggregates of a still higher order, they, too, diverge from one another in their shapes. The morphological differentiation which thus goes hand in hand with morphological integration, is clearly what the perpetually-complicating conditions would lead us to antici- pate. Every addition of a new unit to an aggregate of such units, must affect the circumstances of the other units in all varieties of ways and degrees, according to their relative positions — must alter the distribution of mechanical strains throughout the mass, must modify the process of nutrition, must affect the relations of neighbouring parts to surround- ing diffused actions; that is, must initiate a changed inci- 234 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. dence of forces tending ever to produce changed structural arrangements. § 264. This broad statement of the correspondence be- tween the general facts of Morphological Development and the principles of Evolution at large, may be reduced to statements of a much more specific kind. The phenomena of symmetry and unsymmetry and asymmetry, which we have traced out among organic forms, are demonstrably in harmony with those laws of the re-distribution of matter and motion to which Evolution conforms. Besides the myriad- fold illustrations of the instability of the homogeneous, afforded by these aggregates of units of each order, which, at first alike, lapse gradually into unlikeness; and besides the myriad-fold illustrations of the multiplication of effects, which these ever-complicating differentiations exhibit to us; we have also myriad-fold illustrations of the definite equali- ties and inequalities of structures, produced by definite equali- ties and inequalities of forces. The proposition arrived at when dealing with the causes of Evolution, " that in the actions and reactions of force and matter, an unlikeness in either of the factors necessitates an unlikeness in the effects; and that in the absence of unlike- ness in either of the factors the effects must be alike " (First Principles, § 169), is a proposition which implies all these particular likenesses and unlikenesses of parts which we have been tracing. For have we not everywhere seen that the strongest contrasts are between the parts that are most contrasted in their conditions ; while the most similar parts are those most-similarly conditioned? In every plant the leading difference is between the attached end and the free end; in every branch it is the same; in every leaf it is the same. And in every plant the leading likenesses are those between the two sides of the branch, the two sides of the leaf, and the two sides of the flower, where these parts are two-sided in their conditions ; or between all sides of the SUMMARY OF MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 235 branch, all sides of the leaf, and all sides of the flower, where these parts are similarly conditioned on all sides. So, too, is it with animals which move about. The most marked contrasts they present are those between the part in advance and the part behind, and between the upper part and the under part ; while there is complete correspondence between the two sides. Externally the likenesses and differences among limbs, and internally the likenesses and differences among vertebrae, are expressible in terms of this same law. And here, indeed, we may see clearly that these truths are corollaries from that ultimate truth to which all phenomena of Evolution are referable. It is an inevitable deduction from the persistence of force, that organic forms which have been progressively evolved, must present just those funda- mental traits of form which we find them present. It cannot but be that during the intercourse between an organism and its environment, equal forces acting under equal conditions must produce equal effects; for to say otherwise is, by im- plication, to say that some force can produce more or less than its equivalent effect, which is to deny the persistence of force. Hence those parts of an organism which are, by its habits of life, exposed to like amounts and like combina- tions of actions and reactions, must develop alike; while unlikenesses of development must as unavoidably follow unlikenesses among these agencies. And this being so, all the specialities of symmetry and unsymmetry and asymmetry which we have traced, are necessary consequences. PART Y. PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEMS OF PHYSIOLOGY. § 265. THE questions to be treated under the above title are widely different from those which it ordinarily expresses. We have no alternative, however, but to use Physiology in a sense co-extensive with that in which we have used Morphology. We must here consider the facts of function in a manner parallel to that in which we have, in the fore- going Part, considered the facts of structure. As, hitherto, we have concerned ourselves with those most general pheno- mena of organic form which, holding irrespective of class and order and sub-kingdom, illustrate the processes of integration and differentiation characterizing Evolution at large; so, now, we have to concern ourselves with the evi- dences of those differentiations and integrations of organic functions which have simultaneously arisen, and which similarly transcend the limits of zoological and botanical divisions. How heterogeneities of action have progressed along with heterogeneities of structure — that is the inquiry before us; and obviously, in pursuing it, all the specialities with which Physiology usually deals can serve us only as materials. Before entering on the study of Morphological Develop- ment, it was pointed out that while facts of structure may be empirically generalized apart from facts of function, they cannot be rationally interpreted apart; and throughout the 239 240 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. foregoing pages this truth has been made abundantly mani- fest. Here we are obliged to recognize the inter-dependence still more distinctly; for the phenomena of function cannot even be conceived without direct and perpetual consciousness of the phenomena of structure. Though the subject-matter of Physiology is as broadly distinguished from the subject- matter of Morphology as motion is from matter; yet, just as the laws of motion cannot be known apart from some matter moved, so there can be no knowledge of function without a knowledge of some structure as performing function. Much more than this is obvious. The study of functions, considered from our present point of view as arising by Evolution, must be carried on mainly by the study of the correlative structures. Doubtless, by experimenting on the organisms which are growing and moving around us, we may ascertain the connexions existing among certain of their actions, while we have little or no knowledge of the special parts concerned in those actions. In a living animal that can be conveniently kept under observation, we may learn the way in which conspicuous functions vary together — how the rate of a man's pulse increases with the amount of muscular exertion he is undergoing; or how a horse's rapidity of breathing is in part dependent on his speed. But though observations of this order are indispensable — though by accumulation and comparison of such observations we learn which parts perform which functions — though such observations, prosecuted so as to disclose the actions of all parts under all circumstances, constitute, when properly generalized and co-ordinated, what is commonly understood as Physiology; yet such observations help us but a little way towards learning how functions came to be established and specialized. We have next to no power of tracing up the genesis of a function considered purely as a function — no opportunity of observing the progressively-increasing quan- tities of a given action that have arisen in any order of organisms. In nearly all cases we are able only to show THE PROBLEMS OP PHYSIOLOGY. 241 the greater growth of the part which we have found performs the action, and to infer that greater action of the part has accompanied greater growth of it. The tracing out of Physiological Development, then, becomes substantially a tracing out of the development of the organs by which the functions are known to be discharged — the differentiation and integration of the functions being presumed to have progressed hand in hand with the differentiation and integra- tion of the organs. Between the inquiry pursued in Part IV, and the inquiry to be pursued in this Part, the contrast is that, in the first place, facts of structure are now to be used to interpret facts of function, instead of conversely; and, in the second place, the facts of structure to be so used are not those of conspicuous shape so much as those of minute texture and chemical composition. § 266. The problems of Physiology, in the wide sense above described, are, like the problems of Morphology, to be considered as problems to which answers must be given in terms of incident forces. On the hypothesis of Evolution these specializations of tissues and accompanying concentra- tions of functions, must, like the specializations of shape in an organism and its component divisions, be due to the ac- tions and reactions which its intercourse with the environment involves ; and the task before us is to explain how they are wrought — how they are to be comprehended as results of such actions and reactions. Or, to define these problems still more specifically : — Those extremely unstable substances composing the protoplasm of which organisms are mainly built, have to be traced through the various modifications in their properties and powers, that are entailed on them by changes of relation to agencies of all kinds. Those organic colloids which pass from liquid to solid and from soluble to insoluble on the slightest molecular disturbance — those albumenoid matters which, as we see in clotted blood or the coagulable lymph poured 242 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. out on abraded surfaces and causing adhesion between inflamed membranes, assume new forms with the greatest readiness — are to have their metamorphoses studied in con- nexion with the influences at work. Those compounds which, as we see in the quickly-acquired brownness of a bitten apple or in the dark stains produced by the milky juice of a Dande- lion, immediately begin to alter when the surrounding actions alter, are to be everywhere considered' as undergoing modifi- cations by modified conditions. Organic bodies, consisting of substances that, as I here purposely remind the reader, are prone beyond all others to change when the incident forces are changed, we must contemplate as in all their parts differently changed in response to the different changes of the incident forces. And then we have to regard the con- comitant differentiations of their reactions as being concomi- tant differentiations of their functions. Here, as before, we must take into account two classes of factors. We have to bear in mind the inherited results of actions to which antecedent organisms were exposed, and to join with these the results of present actions. Each organism is to be considered as presenting a moving equilibrium of functions, and a correlative arrangement of structures, pro- duced by the aggregate of actions and reactions that have taken place between all ancestral organisms and their envi- ronments. The tendency in each organism to repeat this adjusted arrangement of functions and structures, must be regarded as from time to time interfered with by actions to which its inherited equilibrium is not adjusted — actions to which, therefore, its equilibrium has to be re-adjusted. And in studying physiological development we have in all cases to contemplate the progressing compromise between the old and the new, ending in a restored balance or adaptation. Manifestly our data are so scanty that nothing more than very general and approximate interpretations of this kind are possible. If the hypothesis of Evolution fur- nishes us with a rude conception of the way in which the THE PROBLEMS OP PHYSIOLOGY. 243 more conspicuous and important differentiations of functions have arisen, it is as much as can be expected. § 267. It will be best, for brevity and clearness, to deal with these physiological problems as we dealt with the morphological ones — to carry on the inductive statement and the deductive interpretation hand-in-hand: so disposing of each general truth before passing to the next. Treating separately vegetal organisms and animal organisms, we will in each kingdom consider: — first, the physiological differen- tiations and accompanying changes of structure which arise between outer tissues and inner tissues; next, those which arise between different parts of the outer tissues ; and, finally, those which arise between different parts of the inner tissues. What little has to be said concerning physiological integra- tion must come last. For though, in tracing up Morpho- logical Evolution, we have to study those processes of inte- gration by which organic aggregates are formed, before studying the differentiations that arise among their parts; we must, contrariwise, in tracing up Physiological Evolution, study the genesis of the different functions before we study the interdependence that eventually arises among them and constitutes physiological unity. CHAPTER II. DIFFERENTIATIONS BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. § 268. THE simplest plant presents a contrast between its peripheral substance and its central substance. In each pro- tophyte, be it a spherical cell or a branched tube, or such a more-specialized form as a Desmid, a marked unlikeness exists between the limiting layer and that which it limits. These vegetal aggregates of the first order may differ widely from one another in the natures of their outer coats and in the natures of their contents. As in the Palmella-form of one of the lower Algce, there may exist a clothing of jelly; or, as in Diatom, the walls may take the form of silicious valves variously sculptured. The contained matter may be partly or wholly here green, there red, and in other cases brown. But amid all these diversities there is this one uniformity — a strong distinction between the parts in contact with the environment and the parts not in contact with the environment. When we remember that this trait is one which these simple living bodies have in common with bodies that are not living — when we remember that each inorganic mass eventually has its outer part more or less differentiated from its inner part, here by oxidation, there by drying, and else- where by the actions of light, of moisture, of frost; we can scarcely resist the conclusion that, in the one case as in the other, the contrast is due to the unlike actions to which the 244 THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 245 parts are subject. Given an originally-homogeneous portion of protoplasm, and it follows from the general laws of Evolu- tion (First Principles, §§ 149 — 155), first, that it must lose its homogeneity, and, second, that the leading dissimilarities must arise between the parts most-dissimilarly conditioned — that is, between the outside and the inside. The exterior must bear amounts and kinds of force unlike the amounts and kinds which the interior bears ; and from the persistence of force it follows inevitably that unlike effects must be wrought on them — they must be differentiated. What is the limit towards which the differentiation tends ? We have seen that the re-distribution of matter and motion whence, under certain conditions, evolution results, can never cease until equilibrium is reached — proximately a moving equilibrium, and finally a complete equilibrium (First Principles, §§170 — 175). Hence, the differentiation must go on until it establishes such differences in the parts as shall balance the differences in the forces acting on them. When dealing with equilibration in general, we saw that this process is what is called adaptation (First Principles, § 173) ; and, in this work, we saw that by it the totality of func- tions of an organism is brought into correspondence with the totality of actions affecting it (§§ 159—163). Manifestly in this case, as in all others, either death or adjustment must eventually result. A force falling on one of these minute aggregates of protoplasm, must expend itself in working its equivalent of change. If this force is such that in expend- ing itself it disturbs beyond rectification the balance of the organic processes, then the aggregate is disintegrated or de- composed. But if it does not overthrow that moving equi- librium constituting the life of the aggregate, then the aggregate continues in that modified form produced by the expenditure of the force. Thus, by direct equilibration, con- tinually furthered by indirect equilibration, there must arise this distinction between the outer part adapted to meet outer forces, and the inner part adapted to meet inner forces. And 246 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. their respective actions, as thus meeting outer and inner forces, must be what we call their respective functions. § 269. Aggregates of the second order exhibit parallel traits, admitting of parallel interpretations. Integrated masses of cells or units homologous with protophytes, habitually show us contrasts between the characters of the superficial tissues and the central tissues. Such among these aggregates of the second order as have their component units arranged into threads or laminae, single or double, cannot, of course, furnish contrasts of this kind ; for all their units are as much external as internal. We must turn to the more or less massive forms. Of these, among Fungi, the common Puff-ball is a good example — good because it presents this fundamental differen- tiation but little complicated by others. In it we have a cortical layer of interwoven hyphae obviously unlike the mass of spores which it incloses. So far as the unlikeness between external and internal parts is concerned, we see here a relation analogous to that existing in the simple cell; and we see in it a similar meaning: there is a physiological differentiation corresponding to the difference in the incidence of forces. Under various forms the Algce show just the same rela- tion. Where, as in Codium Bursa, we have the ramified tubular branches of the thallus aggregated into a hollow globular mass, the outer and inner surfaces are contrasted both in colour and structure, though the tubules composing the two surfaces are continuous with one another. In Rivu- laria, again, we see the like, both in the radial arrangement of the imbedded threads and in the difference of colour between the exterior of the imbedding jelly and its interior. The more-developed Algce of all kinds repeat the antithesis. In branched stems, when they consist of more than single rows of cells, the outer cells become unlike the inner, as shown in Fig. 35. Such types as Chrysymenia rosea show us this THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 247 unlikeness very conspicuously. And it holds even with rib- bon-shaped fronds. Wherever one of these is composed of three, four, or more layers, as in Laminaria and Punctaria, the cells of the external layers are strongly distinguished from those of the internal layers, both by their comparative smallness and by their deep colour. § 270. The higher plants variously display the like fundamental distinction between outer and inner tissues. Each leaf, thin as it is, exemplifies this differentiation of the parts immediately in contact with the environment from the parts not in immediate contact with the environment. Its epidermal cells, forming a protecting envelope, diverge physi- cally and chemically from the mesophyll cells, which carry on the more active functions. And the contrast may be observed to establish itself in the course of development. At first the component cells of the leaf are all alike; and this unlikeness between the cells of the outer and inner la}rers, arises simultaneously with the rise of differences in their con- ditions— differences that have acted on all ancestral leaves as they act on the individual leaf. An unlikeness more marked in kind but similar in mean- ing, exists between the bark of every branch and the tissues it clothes. The phaenogamic axis, especially when it under- goes what is known as secondary thickening, is commonly characterized by an outer zone of cells (the cork layer) differ- ing from the inner layers in character and function, as it differs from them in position. Subject as this outer layer is to the unmitigated actions of forces around — to abrasions, to extremes of heat and cold, to evaporation and soaking with water — its units have to be brought into equilibrium with these more violent actions, and have acquired molecular constitutions more stable than those of the interior cells. That is to say, the forces which differentiate the cortical part from the rest are the forces which it has to resist, and from which it passively protects the parts within. How 248 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. clearly this heterogeneity of structure and function is conse- quent upon' intercourse with the environment, every tree and shrub shows. The young shoots, alike of annuals and perennials, are quite green and soft at their extremities. Among plants of short lives, there is usually but a slight development of bark or none at all: such traces of it as the surface of the axis acquires being seen only at its lowermost or oldest portion. In long-lived plants, however, this forma- tion of a tough opaque coating takes place more rapidly ; and shows us distinctly the connexion between the degree of differentiation and the length of exposure. For, in a growing twig, we see that the bark, invisible at the bud, thickens by insensible gradations as we go downwards to the junction of the twig with the branch ; and we come to still thicker parts of it as we descend along the branch towards the main stem. Moreover, on examining main stems we find that while in some trees the bark, cracked by expansion of the wood, drops off in flakes, leaving exposed patches of the inner tissue which presently become green and finally develop new bark; in other trees the exfoliated flakes continue adherent, and in the course of years form a rugged fissured coat: so producing a still more marked contrast between outside and in- side. Of course the establishment of this hetero- geneity is furthered by natural selection, which, where a protective covering is needed, gives an advantage to those individuals in which it has become strongest. But that this divergence of structure commences as a direct adaptation, is clearly shown by other facts than the foregoing. There is the fact that many of the plants which in our gardens develop bark with considerable rapidity, do not develop it with the same rapidity in a greenhouse. And there is the fact that plants which, in some climates, have their stems covered only by thin semi-transparent layers, acquire thick opaque layers when taken to other climates. Just noting, for the sake of completeness, that in the roots of the higher plants there arises a contrast between THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 249 outer and inner parts, parallel to the one we have traced in their branches, let me draw attention to another differentia- tion of the same ultimate nature, which the higher plants exhibit to us — a differentiation which, familiar though it is, gains a new meaning by association with those named above, and makes their meaning still more manifest. Each great plant shows it. When, by the budding of axes out of axes, there is produced one of those highly-compounded Phsenogams which we call a tree, the central part of the aggregate be- comes functionally and structurally unlike the peripheral part. On looking into a large tree, or even a small one which has thick foliage, like the Laurel, we see that the in- ternal branches are almost or quite bare of leaves, while the leaf-clad branches form an external stratum; and all our experience unites in proving that this contrast arises by degrees, as fast as the growth of the tree entails a contrast be- tween the conditions to which inner and outer branches are exposed. Now when, in these most-composite aggregates, we see a differentiation between peripheral and central parts demons trably caused by a difference in the relations of these parts to environing forces, we get support for the conclusion otherv/ise reached, that there is a parallel cause for the paral- lel differentiations exhibited by all aggregates of lower orders — branches, leaves, cells. § 271. Before leaving this most general physiological differentiation, it may be well to say something respecting certain secondary unlikenesses which usually arise between interior and exterior. For the contrast is not, as might be supposed from the foregoing descriptions, a simple contrast : it is a compound contrast. The outer structure itself is usually divisible into concentric structures. This is equally true of a protophyte and of a phasnogamic axis. Between the centre of an independent vegetal cell and its surface, there are at least two layers ; and the bark coating the sub- stance of a shoot, besides being itself compound, includes 250 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. another tissue lying between it and the wood. What is the physical interpretation of these facts ? When a mass of something we distinguish as inert matter is exposed to external agencies capable of working changes in it — when it is chemically acted upon, or when, being dry, it is allowed to soak, or when, being wet, it is allowed to dry — the changes set up progress in an equable way from the surface towards the centre. At any time during the process (supposing no other action supervenes) the modification wrought, first completed at the outside, either gradually diminishes as we approach the centre, or ceases suddenly at a certain distance from the centre. But now suppose that the mass, instead of being inert, is the seat of active changes — suppose that it is a portion of complex colloidal substance, permeable by light and by fluids capable of affecting its unstable molecules — suppose that its interior is a source of forces continually liberated and diffusing themselves out- wards. Is it not likely that while at the centre the action of the internally-liberated forces will dominate, and while at the surface the action of the environing forces will dominate, there will be between the two a certain place at which their actions balance? May we not expect that this will be the place where the most unstable matter exists — the place out- side of which the matter becomes relatively stable in the face of external forces, and inside of which the matter be- comes relatively stable in the face of internal forces? And must we not conclude that though part of the adjustment is due to indirect equilibration, the initiation of it is due to direct equilibration? But we are here chiefly concerned with the more general interpretation, which is independent of any such speculation as the foregoing. These contrasted tissues and the contrasted functions they severally perform are, beyond question, sub- ordinated to the relations of outside and inside. And the evidence makes it tolerably clear that the unlike actions or forces involved by the relations of outside and inside, deter- mine these contrasts — partly directly and partly indirectly. CHAPTER III. DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. § 272. THE motionless protococcoid forms of lower Algce, which do not permanently expose any parts of their surfaces to actions unlike those which other parts are exposed to, have no parts of their surfaces unlike the rest in function and composition. This is what the hypothesis prepares us for. If physiological differentiations are determined by differences in the incidence of forces, then there will be no such differ- entiations where there are no such differences. Contrariwise, it is to be expected that the most conspicuous unlikeness of function and minute structure will arise between the most- dissimilarly circumstanced parts of the surface. We find that they do. The upper end and the lower end, or, more strictly speaking, the free end and the attached end, habitu- ally present the strongest physiological contrasts. Even aggregates of the first order illustrate this truth. Such so-called unicellular plants as those delineated in Figs. 4, 5, and 6, show us, on comparing the contents of their fixed ends and their loose ends, that different processes are going on in them, and that different functions are being performed by their limiting membranes. Caulerpa prolifera, which "consists of a little creeping stem with roots below and leaves above," originating " in the growth of a body which may be regarded as an individual cell," supplies a still-better example. Among aggre- 251 252 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. gates of the second order a like connexion is displayed in more various modes but with equal consistency. As before, the Puff-ball served to exemplify the primary physiological differentiation of outer parts from inner parts; so, here, it supplies a simple illustration of the way in which the differentiated outer part is re-differentiated, in correspon- dence with the chief contrast in its relations to the environ- ment. The only marked unlikeness which the cortical layer of the Puff-ball presents, is that between the portion next the ground and the opposite portion. The better-developed Fungi exhibit a more decided heterogeneity of parallel kind. Such incrusting Algce as Ralfsia verrucosa furnish a kin- dred contrast; and in the higher Algce it is uniformly repeated. Phsenogams display this physiologi- cal differentiation very conspicuously. That earth and air are unlike portions of the environment, subjecting roots and leaves to unlike physical forces, which entail on them unlike reactions, and that the unlike functions and structures of their respective surfaces are fitted to these unlike physical forces, are familiar facts which it would be needless here to name, were it not that they must be counted as coming within a wider group of facts. Is this unlikeness between the outer tissues of the attached ends and those of the free ends in plants, determined by their converse with the unlike parts of the environment? That they result from an equilibration partly arising in the individual and partly arising by the survival of indivi- duals in which it has been carried furthest, is inferable a priori; and this a priori argument may be adequately enforced by arguments of the inductive order. A few typical ones must here suffice. The gemmules of the Marchantia are little disc-shaped masses of cells composed of two or more layers. Their sides being alike, there is nothing to determine which side falls lowermost when one of them is detached. Whichever side falls lower- most, however, presently begins to send out rootlets, while THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 253 the uppermost side begins to assume those characters which distinguish the face of the frond. When this differentiation has commenced, the tendency to its complete establishment becomes more and more decided; as is proved by the fact that if the positions of the surfaces be altered, the gemmule bends itself so as to re-adjust them : the change towards equilibrium with environing forces having been once set up, there is acquired, as it were, an increasing momentum which resists any counter-change. But the evidence shows that at the outset, the relations to earth and air alone deter- mine the differentiation of the under surface from the upper. The experiences of the gardener, multi- plying his plants by cuttings and layers, constitute another class of evidences not to be omitted: they are commonplace but instructive examples of physiological differentiation. While circumstanced as it usually is, the meristematic tissue of each branch in a Phaonogam continues to perform its ordinary function — regularly producing on its outer side the cortical substances, and on its inner side the vascular and woody tissues. But change the conditions to those which the underground part of the plant is exposed to, and there begins another differentiation resulting in underground struc- tures. Contact with water often suffices alone to produce this result, as in the branches of some trees when they droop into a pool, or as occasionally with a cutting placed in a bottle of water; and when the light is excluded by im- bedding the end of the cutting, or the middle of the still- attached branch, in the earth, this production of tissues adapted to the function of absorbing moisture and mineral constituents proceeds still more readily. With such cases may be grouped those in which this development of under- ground organs by an above-ground tissue, is not excep- tional but habitual. Creeping plants furnish good illus- trations. From the shoots of the Ground-Ivy, rootlets are put out into the soil in a manner differing but little from that in which they are put out by an imbedded layer; save 254 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. that the process follows naturally-induced conditions instead of following artificially-induced conditions. But in the common Ivy which, instead of running along the surface of the earth, runs up inclined or vertical surfaces, we see the process interestingly modified without being essentially changed. The rootlets, here differentiated by their con- ditions into organs of attachment much more than organs of absorption, still develop on that side of the shoot next the supporting surface, and do not develop where the shoot, growing away from the tree or wall, is surrounded equally on all sides by light and air: thus showing, undeniably, that the production of the rootlets is determined by the differential incidence of forces. Though survival of the fittest doubtless furthered this transition yet it clearly did not initiate it. That greenness which may be observed in these Ivy-branch rootlets while they are quite young, soft, and unshaded, introduces us to facts which are the converse of the foregoing facts ; and proves that the parts ordinarily imbedded in the soil and adapted to its actions, acquire, often in very marked degrees, the superficial structures of the aerial parts, when they are exposed to light and air. This may be witnessed in Maize, which, when luxuriant, sends out from its nodes near the ground, clusters of roots that are thick, succulent, and of the same colour as the leaves. Examples more familiar to us in England occur in every field of turnips. On noting how green is the un- covered part of a turnip-root, and how manifestly the area over which the greenness extends varies with the area exposed to light, as well as with the degree of the exposure, it will be seen that beyond question, root-tissue assumes to a considerable extent the appearances and function of leaf-tissue, when subject to the same agencies. Let us not forget, too, that where exposed roots do not approach in superficial character towards leaves, they approach in superficial character towards stems : becoming clothed with a thick, fissured bark, like that of the trunk and THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 255 branches. But the most conclusive evidence is furnished by the actual substitutions of surface-structures and functions, that occur in aerial organs which have taken to growing permanently under ground, and in under-ground organs which have taken to growing permanently in the air. On the one hand, there is the rhizome exemplified by Ginger — a stem which, instead of shooting up vertically, runs horizontally below the surface of the soil, and assumes the character of a root, alike in colour, texture, and production of rootlets; and there is that kind of swollen under-ground axis, bearing axillary buds, which the Potato exemplifies — a structure which, though homologically an axis, simulates a tuberous root in surface-character, and when exposed to the air, manifests no greater readiness to develop chlorophyll than a tuberous root does. On the other hand, there are the aerial roots of certain Orchids which, habitually green at their tips, continue green throughout their whole lengths when kept moist; which have become leaf-like not only by this development of chlorophyll, but also by the acquirement of stomata; and which do not bury themselves in the soil when they have the opportunity.* Thus we have aerial organs so completely changed to fit under-ground actions, that they will not resume aerial func- tions; and under-ground organs so completely changed to fit aerial actions, that they will not resume under-ground functions. That the physiological differentiation between the part of a plant's surface which is exposed to light and air and the part which is exposed to darkness and moisture and solid * A critical comment made on this sentence runs as follows : — " The aerial roots of most epiphytic orchids contain chlorophyll in their cortex throughout their length, but the cortex being covered by a ' velamen ' of air- containing cells which break up and reflect incident light, the green colour is not visible through this opaque coat. When moistened the cells of the velamen take up water and the green colour immediately shows through. Such roots do not however possess stomata. The roots of certain species of Anprcecum, however, contain the whole of the assimilating tissue of the plant." 256 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. matter, is primarily due to the unlike actions of these unlike parts of the environment, is, then, clearly implied by observed facts — more clearly, indeed, than was to be expected. Con- sidering how strong must be the inherited tendency of a plant to assume those special characters, physiological as well as morphological, which have resulted from an enormous accu- mulation of antecedent actions, it may be even thought surprising that this tendency can be counteracted to so great an extent by changed conditions. Such a degree of modifi- ability becomes comprehensible only when we remember how little a plant's functions are integrated, and how much, therefore, the functions going on in each part may be altered without having to overcome the momentum of the functions throughout the whole plant. But this modifiability being as great as it is, we can have no difficulty in understanding how, by the cumulative aid of natural selection, this primary differentiation of the surface in plants has become what we see it. § 273. We will leave now these contrasts between the free surfaces of plants and their attached or imbedded surfaces, and turn our attention to the secondary contrasts existing between different parts of their free surfaces. Were a full statement of the evidence practicable, it would be proper here to dwell on that which is furnished by the inferior classes. It might be pointed out in detail that where, as among the Algae, the free surfaces are not dissimilarly con- ditioned, there is no systematic differentiation of them — that the frond of an Ulva, the ribbon-shaped divisions of a Laminaria, and the dichotomous expansions of the Fuci which clothe the rocks between tide-marks, are alike on both sides; because, swayed about in all directions as they are by the waves and tides, their sides are equally affected. Con- versely, from the Fungi might be drawn abundant proof that even among Thallophytes, unlikenesses arise between different parts of the free surfaces when their circumstances are unlike. THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 257 In such laterally-growing kinds as are shown in Fig. 196&, the honey-combed under surface and the smooth leathery upper surface, have their contrasts related to contrasted con- ditions; and in the adjacently-figured Agarics, and other stalked genera, the pileus exhibits a parallel difference, ex- plicable in a parallel way. But passing over Cryptogams it must suffice if we examine more at length these traits as they are displayed by Phasnogams. Let us first note the dis- similarities between the outer tissues of stems and leaves. That these dissimilarities arose by degrees, as fast as the units of which the phasnogamic axis is composed became integrated, is a conclusion in harmony with the truth that in every shoot of every plant, they are at first slight and become gradually marked. Already, in briefly tracing the contrasts between the outer and inner tissues of plants, some facts have been named showing, by implication, how the cessation of the leaf-function in axes is due to that change of condi- tions entailed by the discharge of other functions. Here we have to consider more closely facts of this class, together with others immediately to the point. On pulling off from a stem of grass the successive sheaths of its leaves, the more-inclosed parts of which are of a fainter green than the outer parts, it will be found that the tubular axis even- tually reached is of a still fainter green; but when the axis eventually shoots up into a flowering stem, its exposed part acquires as bright a green as the leaves. In other Mono- cotyledons, the leaf-sheaths of which are successively burst and exfoliated by the swelling axis, it may be observed that where the dead sheaths do not much obstruct the light and air, the surface of the axis underneath is full of chlorophyll. Dendrobium is an example. But when the dead sheaths accumulate into an opaque envelope, the chlorophyll is ab- sent, and also, we may infer, the function which its presence habitually implies. Carrying with us this evidence, we shall recognize a like relation in Dicotyledons. While its outer layer remains tolerably transparent, an exogenous stem or 63 258 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. branch continues to show, by the formation of chlorophyll, that it shares in the duties of the leaves; but in proportion as a bark which the light cannot penetrate is produced by the adherent flakes of dead skin, or by the actual deposit of a protective substance, the differentiation of duties becomes more decided. Cactuses and Euphorbias supply us with converse facts having the same implication. The succulent axes so strangely combined in these plants, main- tain for a long time the translucency of their outer layers and their greenness ; and they so efficiently perform the offices of leaves that leaves are not produced. In some cases, axes that are not succulent participate largely in the leaf-function, or entirely usurp it — still, however, by fulfilling the same essential conditions. Occasionally, as in Statice brassiccefolla, stems become fringed; and the fringes they bear assume, along with the thinness of leaves, their darker green and general aspect. In the genus Ruscus, the flattened axis simulates so closely the leaf-structure, that were it not for the flower borne on its midrib, or edge, its axial nature would hardly be suspected. And let us not omit to note that where axes usurp the characters of leaves, in their attitudes as well as in their shapes and thicknesses, there are contrasts between their under and upper surfaces, answering to the contrasts between the relations of these surfaces to the light. Of this Ruscus androgynus furnishes a striking example. In it the difference which the unaided eye perceives is much less con- spicuous than that disclosed by the microscope; for I find that while the face of the pseudo-leaf has no stomata, the back is abundantly supplied with them. One more illustration must be added. Equally for the morphological and physio- logical truths which it enforces, the MiihlenbecJcia platyclada is one of the most instructive of plants. In it the simulation of forms and usurpation of functions, are carried out in a much more marvellous way than among the Cactacece. Imagine a growth resembling in outline a very long willow- leaf, but without a midrib, and having its two surfaces alike. THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 259 Imagine that across this thin, green, semi-transparent struc- ture, there are from ten to thirty divisions, which prove to be the successive nodes of an axis. Imagine that along the edges of this leaf-shaped aggregate of internodes, there arise axillary buds, some of which unfold into flowers, and others of which shoot up vertically into growths like the one which bears them. Imagine a whole plant thus seemingly composed of jointed willow-leaves growing from one another's edges, and some conception will be formed of the Muhleribeclcia. The two facts which have meaning for us here are — first, that the performance of leaf-functions by these axes goes along with the assumption of a leaf-like translucency ; and, second, that these flattened axes, retaining their upright attitudes, and therefore keeping their two faces similarly conditioned, have these two faces alike in colour and texture. That physiological differentiation of the surface which arises in Phaenogams between axial organs and foliar organs, is thus traceable with tolerable clearness to those differences between their conditions which integration has entailed — partly in the way above described and partly in other ways still to be named. By its relative position, as being shaded by the leaves, the axis is less-favourably circumstanced for performing those assimilative actions effected by the aid of light. Further, that relatively-small ratio of surface to mass in the axis, which is necessitated by its functions as a support and a channel for circulation, prevents it from taking in, with the same facility as the leaves, those surrounding gases from which matter is to be assimilated. Both these special causes, however, in common with that previously assigned, fall within the general cause. And in the fact that where the differential conditions do not exist, the physiological differentiation does not arise, or is obliterated, we have clear proof that it is determined by unlikenesses in the relations of the parts to the environment. § 274. From this most general contrast between aerial 260 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. surface-tissues — those of axes and those of folia — we pass now to the more special contrasts of like kind existing in folia themselves. Leaves present us with superficial differen- tiations of structure and function; and we have to consider the relations between these and the environing forces. Over the whole surface of every phaenogamic leaf, as over the fronds of the Pteridophyta, there extends a simple or compound epidermal layer, formed of cells that are closely united at their edges and devoid (in the Flowering Plants) of that granular colouring matter (chlorophyll) contained in the layers of cells they inclose: the result being that the membrane formed of them is comparatively transparent. On the submerged leaves of aquatic Phaenogams, this outer layer is thin, delicate, and permeable by water; but on leaves exposed to the air, and especially on their upper sur- faces, is comparatively strong, dense, often smooth and impermeable by water: being thus fitted to prevent the rapid escape of the contained juices by evaporation. Simi- larly, while the leaves of terrestrial plants which live in tem- perate climates, usually have comparatively thin coats thus composed, in climates that are both hot and dry, leaves are commonly clothed with a very thick cuticle. Nor is this all. The outside of an aerial leaf differs from that of a submerged leaf by containing a deposit of waxy substance. Whether this be exuded by the exposed surfaces of the cells, as some contend, or whether it is deposited within the cells, as thought by others, matters not in so far as the general result is con- cerned. In either case a waterproof coating is formed at the outermost sides of these outermost cells; and in many cases produces that polish by which the upper surface of the leaf is more or less distinguished from the under surface. This external pellicle presents us with another contrast of allied meaning. On the upper surfaces of leaves subject to the direct action of the sun's rays, there are either few or none of those minute openings, or stomata, through which gases can enter or escape ; but on the under surfaces these stomata THE OUTER TISSUES OP PLANTS. 261 are abundant: a distribution which, while permitting free absorption of the needful carbonic acid, puts a check on the exit of watery vapour. Two general exceptions to this ar- rangement may be noted. Leaves that float on the water have all their stomata on their upper sides, and leaves that are submerged have no stomata — modifications obviously ap- propriate to the conditions. What is to be said respecting the genesis of these differentiations? For the last there seems no direct cause: its cause must be indirect. The unlike actions to which the upper and under surfaces of leaves are subject, have no apparent tendency to produce unlikeness in the number of their breathing holes. Here the natural selection of spontaneous variations furnishes the only feasible explanation. For the first, however, there is a possible cause in the immediate actions of incident forces, which survival of the fittest continually furthers. The fluid exhaling through the walls of the cells next the air, will be likely to leave behind suspended substances on their outer surfaces. On remembering the pellicle which is apt to form on thick solutions or emulsions as they dry, and how this pellicle as it grows retards the further drying, it will be perceived that the deposit of waxy matter next to the outer surfaces of the cuticular cells in leaves, is not improbably initiated by the evaporation which it eventually checks. Should it be so, there results a very simple case of equilibra- tion. Where the loss of water is too great, this waxy pellicle left behind by the escaping water will protect most those in- dividuals of the species in which it is thickest or densest ; and by inheritance and continual survival of the fittest, there will be established in the species that thickness of the layer which brings the evaporation to a balance with the supply of water. Another superficial differentiation, still more familiar, has to be noted. Every child soon learns to distinguish by its colour the upper side of a leaf from its under side, if the leaf is one that has grown in such way as to establish the rela- tions of upper and under. The upper surfaces of leaves are 262 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. habitually of a deeper green than the under. Microscopic examination shows that this deeper green results from the closer clustering of those parenchyma-cells full of chlorophyll that are in some way concerned with the assimilative actions ; while beneath them are more numerous intercellular passages communicating with those openings or stomata through which is absorbed the needful air. Now when it is remem- bered that the formation of chlorophyll is clearly traceable to the action of light — when it is remembered that leaves are pale where they are much shaded and colourless when developed in the dark, as in the heart of a Cabbage — when it is remem- bered that succulent axes and petioles, like those of Sea-kale and Celery, remain white while the light is kept from them and become green when exposed; it cannot be questioned that this greater production of chlorophyll next to the upper surface of a leaf, is directly consequent on the greater amount of light received. Here, as in so many other cases, we must regard the differentiation as in part due to direct equilibration and in part to indirect equilibration. Familiar facts compel us to conclude that from the beginning, each individual foliar organ has undergone a certain immediate adaptation of its surfaces to the incidence of light; that when there arose a mode of growth which exposed the leaves of successive generations in similar ways, this immediately- produced adaptation, ever tending to be transmitted, was furthered by the survival of individuals inheriting it in the greatest degree ; and that so there was gradually established that difference between the two surfaces which each leaf dis- plays before it unfolds to the light, but which becomes more marked when it has unfolded.* * The current doctrine that chlorophyll is the special substance concerned in vegetal assimilation, either as an agent or as an incidental product, must be taken with considerable qualification. Besides the fact that among the Algce there are many red and brown kinds which thrive ; and besides the fact that among the lower Archegoniates there are species which are purple or chocolate-coloured ; there is the fact that Phsenogams are not all green. We have the Copper-Beech, we have the black-purple Colens VerschafTelfii, and we have the red variety of Cabb'oge, which seetns to flourish as well as the THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 263 From the ordinary cases let us now pass to the exceptional cases. We will look first at those in which the two faces of the leaves differ but little, or not at all — their circumstances being similar or equal. Leaves that grow in approximately- upright attitudes, and attitudes which do not maintain the relative positions of the two surfaces with constancy, may be expected to display an unusual likeness between the two surfaces; and among tnem we see it. The Grasses may be named as a group exemplifying this relation; and if, instead of comparing them as a group with other groups, we compare those dwarf kinds of them which spread out their leaves horizontally, with the large aspiring kinds, such as Arundo, we trace a like antithesis : in the one the contrast of upper and under is very obvious, while in the other it is scarcely to be detected. Leaves of various other Monocotyledons that grow in a similar way, similarly show us a near approach to uniformity of the two surfaces ; as instance the genus Olivia and the thinner-leaved kinds of Yucca. Where the con- trast of upper and under is greatly diminished by the assump- tion of a rounded or cylindrical form, instead of a flattened form, the same thing happens. The genus Kleinia furnishes illustrations. It may be remarked, too, that even within the limits of this genus there are instructive variations; for while in Kleinia ficoides the leaves, shaped like pea-pods, are broadest in a vertical direction, and have their lateral surfaces alike in conditions and structure, in other species the leaves, broader horizontally than vertically, exhibit unlikeness between the upper and under sides. Equally to the point is the evidence furnished by vertically-growing leaves that are cylindrical, as those of Sanseviera cylindrica, or as those of the Rush-tribe: the similarly-placed surface has all around a similar character. Of kindred meaning, other varieties. Chlorophyll, then, must be regarded simply as the most general of the colouring matters found in those parts of plants in which assimilation is being effected by the ajrency of light. Though it is always present alonn with the red and brown pigments, yet there is much evidence to show that these are the actual assimilative pigments. 264 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and still more conclusive, are the cases in which the under side of the leaf, being more exposed to light than the upper side, usurps the character and function of the upper side. If a common Flag be pulled to pieces, it will be seen that what answers to the face in other leaves, forms merely the inside of the sheath including the younger leaves, and is obliterated higher up. The two surfaces of the blade answer to the two under halves of a leaf that has been, as it were, folded together lengthways, with the two halves of its upper surface in contact. And here, in default of an upper surface, the under surface acquires its character and discharges its function. A like substitution occurs in Aristea corymbosa; and there are some of the Orchids, as Lockhartia, which dis- play it in a very obvious way. When joined with the foregoing evidence, the evidence which another kind of substitution supplies is of great weight. I refer to that which occurs in the Australian Acacias, already instanced as throwing light on morpho- logical changes. In these plants the leaves properly so called are undeveloped, and the footstalks, flattened out into folia- ceous shapes, acquire veins and midribs, and so far simulate leaves as ordinarily to be taken for them: a fact in itself of much physiological significance. But that which it concerns us especially to note, is the absence of distinction between the two faces of these phyllodes, as they are named, and the cause of its absence. These transformed petioles do not flatten themselves out horizontally, so as to acquire under and upper sides, as most true leaves do; but they flatten themselves out vertically: the result being that their two sides are similarly circumstanced with respect to light and other agencies; and there is consequently nothing to cause their differentiation. And then we find an analogous case where differential conditions arise, and where some differ- entiation results. In Oxalis bupleurifolia, Fig. 66, there is a similar flattening out of the petiole into a pseudo-leaf; but in it the flattening takes place in the same plane as the leaf, THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 265 so as to produce an under and an upper surface; and here the two surfaces of the pseudo-leaf are slightly unlike — in contour if in nothing else. § 275. We now come to such physiological differentiations among the outer tissues of plants, as are displayed in the contrasts between foliar organs on the same axis, or on different axes — contrasts between the seed-leaves and the leaves subsequently formed, between submerged and aerial leaves in certain aquatic plants, between leaves and bracts, and between bracts and sepals. To deal even briefly with these implies information which even a professed botanist would have to increase by special inquiries, before attempting interpretations. Here it must suffice to say something respecting those marked unlikenesses existing between the tissues of the more characteristic parts of flowers, and the tissues of the homologous foliar organs. It was pointed out in § 196, that the terminal folia of a phsenogamic axis have sundry characters in common with such fronds as those out of which we concluded that the phomo- gamic axis has arisen by integration — common characters of a kind to be expected. In their simple cellular composition, comparative want of chlorophyll, and deficiency of vascular structures, the undeveloped ends of leaf-shoots and the de- veloped ends of flower-shoots, approach to the fronds of the simpler Archegoniates. We also noted between them another resemblance. It is said of the Jungermanniacea, that " though under certain circumstances of a pure green, they are inclined to be shaded with red, purple, chocolate, or other tints ; " and answering to this we have the facts that such colours commonly occur in the terminal folia of a phseno- gamic axis, when arrest of its development leads to the formation of a flower, and that very frequently they are visible at the ends of leaf-axes. In the unfolding parts of shoots, more or less of red, or copper-colour, or chocolate- colour, may generally be seen: often, indeed, it charac- 266 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. terizes the leaves for some time after they are unfolded. Occasionally the traces of it are permanent; and, as in the scarlet terminal leaves of Poinsettia pulcherrima, we see that it may become, and continue, extremely conspicuous. The question, then, now to be asked is — has this colouring by which the immature part of the phaenogamic axis is cha- racterized, anything to do with the colouring of flowers? Has this difference between undeveloped folia and folia that are further developed, been increased by natural selection where an advantage accrued from it, until it has ended in the strong contrast we now see? I think we may not irra- tionally infer that this has happened. Facts, very numerous and varied, united to warrant us in concluding that gamogenesis commences where the forces which conduce to growth are nearly equilibrated by the forces which resist growth (§ 78) ; and the induction that in plants, fertilized germs are produced at places where there is an approach towards this balance, we found to be in harmony with the deduction that an advantage to the species must be gained by sending off migrating progeny from points where nutrition is failing. Other things equal, failure of nutrition may be expected in parts which have the most remote or most indirect access to the materials furnished by the roots — materials which have to be carried great distances by a very imperfect apparatus. The ends of lateral axes are therefore the probable points of fructification, in aggregates of the third order that have taken to growing vertically. But if these points at which nutrition is failing, are also the points at which the colours inherited from lower types are likely to recur in more marked degrees than elsewhere; then we may infer that the organs of fructification will not unfrequently co-exist with such colours at the ends of such axes. How may the resulting contrast between the older fronds and the fronds next the germ-producing organs be increased? If uninterfered with it would be likely to diminish. These traits inherited from remote ancestry might be expected THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 267 slowly to fade away. How, then, is the intensification of them to be explained ? If a contrast of the kind described favours the propagation of a race in which it exists, it will be maintained and increased; and if we take into account an agency of which Mr. Darwin has shown the great importance — the agency of insects — we shall have little difficulty in understanding how such a contrast may facilitate propagation. We cannot, of course, here assume the agency of insects so specialized in their habits as Bees and Butterflies; for their specialized habits imply the pre-existence of the contrast to be explained. But there is an insect-agency of a more general kind which may be fairly counted upon as coming into action. Various small Flies and Beetles wander over the surfaces of plants in search of food. It is a legitimate assumption that they will frequent most those parts in which they find most food, or food most to their liking — especially if at the same time they gain the advantage of concealment. Now the ends of axes, formed of young, soft, and closely-packed folia, are the parts which more than any others offer these several advan- tages. They afford shelter from enemies; they frequently contain exuded juices; and when they do not, their tissues are so tender as to be easily pierced in search of the sap. If, then, from the first, as at present, these ends of axes have been favourite haunts of small insects; and if, where the closely-clustered folia contained the generative organs, the insects frequenting them occasionally carried adherent fructifying cells from one plant to another, and so aided fertilization; it would follow that anything which made such terminal clusters more attractive to such insects, or more conspicuous to them, or both, would further the multi- plication of the race, and would so be continually increased by the extra multiplication of individuals in which it was greatest. Here we find the clue. This contrast of colour between the folia next to the fructifying parts and all other folia, must constantly have facilitated insect-agency; sup- 268 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. posing the insects to have had the power of distinguishing between colours. That Bees and Butterflies have this power is manifest. They may be watched flying from flower to flower, disregarding all other parts of the plants. And if the less-specialized insects possessed some degree of such discrimination, then the initial contrasts of colour above described would be maintained and increased. Let such a connexion be once established, and it must tend to become more decided. Insects most able to discern the parts of plants which afford what they seek, will be those most likely to survive and leave offspring. Plants presenting most of the desired food, and showing most clearly where it lies, will have their fertilization and multiplication furthered in the greatest degree. And so the mutual adaptation will become ever closer; while it is rendered at the same time more varied by the special requirements of the insects and of the plants in each locality, under each change of con- ditions. Of course, the genesis of the sweet secretions and the odours of flowers, has a parallel interpre- tation. The simultaneous production of honey, or some kindred substance, is implied above; since, unless a bait co-existed with the colour, the colour would not attract insects, and would not be maintained and intensified by natural selection. Gums, and resins, and balsams, are familiar products of plants; apparently, in many cases, excreted as useless matters from various parts of their surfaces. These substances, admitting of wide variations in quality, as they do, afford opportunities for the action of natural selection wherever any of them, attractive to insects, happen to be produced near the organs of fructification. And this action of natural selection once set up, may lead to the establish- ment of a local excretion, to the production of an excretion more and more attractive, and to the disposal of the organ containing it in such a way as most to facilitate the carry- ing away of pollen. Similarly and simultaneously with odours. Odours, like colours, draw insects to flowers. After THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 269 observing how Bees come swarming into a house where honey is largely exposed, or how Wasps find their way into a shop containing much ripe fruit, it cannot be questioned that insects are to a considerable extent guided by scent. Being thus sensitive to the aromatic substances which flowers exhale, they may, when the flowers are in large masses, be attracted by them from distances at which the flowers them- selves are invisible. And manifestly, the flowers which so attract them from the greatest distances, increasing thereby their chances of efficient fertilization, will be most likely to perpetuate themselves. That is to say, survival of the fittest must tend to produce perfumes that are both more powerful and more attractive. These physiological differentiations, then, which mark off the foliar organs constituting flowers from other foliar organs, are the consequences of indirect equilibration. They are not due to the immediate actions of unlike incident forces on the parts of the individual plant; but they are due to the actions of such unlike incident forces on the aggregate of individuals, generation after generation.* § 276. The unity of interpretation which we here find for phenomena of such various orders, could hardly be found * This seems as fit a place as any for noting the fact, that the greater part of what wo call beauty in the organic world, is in some way dependent on the sexual relation. It is not only so with the colours and odours of flowers. It is so, too, with the brilliant plumage of birds ; and it is probable that the colours of the more conspicuous insects are in part similarly determined. The remarkable circumstance is, that these characteristics, which have originated by furthering the production of the best offspring, while they are naturally those which render the organisms possessing them attractive to one another, directly or indirectly, should also be those which are so generally attractive to us — those without which the fields and woods would lose half their charm. It is interesting, too, to observe how the conception of human beauty is in a considerable degree thus originated. And the trite observation that the element of beauty which grows out of the sexual relation is so predominant in aesthetic products — in music, in the drama, in fiction, in poetry — gains a new meaning when we see how deep down in organic nature this connexion extends. 270 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. were the phenomena otherwise caused. That the stronger and the feebler contrasts among the different parts of the outer tissues in plants, should so constantly occur along with stronger and feebler contrasts among the incident forces, is in itself weighty evidence that unlike outer actions have caused unlike inner actions, and correspondingly-unlike structures; either by changing the functional equilibrium in the individual, or by changing it in the race, or by both. Even in the absence of more direct proof, there would be great significance in the marked differences that habitually exist between the exposed and imbedded parts of plants, be- tween the stems and the leaves, and between the upper and under surfaces of the leaves. The significance of these differ- ences is increased when we discover that they vary in degree as the differences in the conditions vary in degree. Still greater becomes the force of the evidence on finding that these strongly-contrasted parts may, when placed in one another's conditions, and kept in them from generation to generation, permanently assume one another's functions, and, in a great degree, one another's structures. Even more con- clusive yet is the argument rendered, by the discovery that, where these substitutions of function and structure take place, the superinduced modifications differ in different circum- stances ; just as the original modifications do. The fact that a flattened stem simulating a vertically-growing leaf has its two surfaces alike, while when it simulates a horizontally- growing leaf its upper and under surfaces differ, is a fact which, standing alone, might prove little, but proves much when joined with all the other evidence. And its profound meaning becomes the more obvious on discovering that the same thing happens with petioles when they usurp leaf- functions. Finally, when we remember how rapidly analogous modi- fications of function and structure arise in the superficial tissues of individual plants, the general inference can scarcely be resisted. When we meet with so striking a case as that THE OUTER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 271 of the Begonia-leaf, a fragment of which stuck in the ground produces roots from its under surface and leaves from its upper surface — when we see that though, in this case, the typical structure of the plant presently begins to control the organizing process, yet the initial differentiations are set up by the differential actions of the environment; the presump- tion becomes extremely strong that the heterogeneities of surface which we have considered, result, as alleged, directly or indirectly from heterogeneities in the incident forces. CHAPTEE IV. DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS.* § 277. IN passing from plants formed of threads or thin lamina^ to plants having some massiveness, we find that after the external and internal parts have become distinguished from one another, there arise distinctions among the internal parts themselves, as well as among the external parts themselves: the primarily-differentiated parts are both re- differentiated. From types of very low organisation illustrations of this may be drawn. In the thinner kinds of Laminaria there exists but the single contrast between the outer layer of cells and an inner layer; but in larger species of the same genus, as L. digitata, there are three unlike layers on each side of a central layer differing from them — augmentation of bulk is accompanied by multiplication of concentric internal struc- tures, having their unlikenesses obviously related to unlike- nesses in their conditions. In Furcellaria and various Algce of similarly swollen forms, the like relation may be traced. Just indicating the generality of this contrast, but not * Students of vegetal physiology, familiar with the controversies respecting sundry points dealt with in this chapter, will probably be surprised to find taken for granted in it, propositions which they have habitually regarded as open to doubt. Hence it seems needful to say that the conclusions here set forth, have resulted from investigations undertaken for the purpose of form- ing opinions on several unsettled questions which I had to treat, but which I could find in books no adequate data for treating. The details of these investigations, and the entire argument of which this chapter is partly an abstract, will be found in Appendix C. THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 273 attempting to seek in these lower types for any more specific interpretation of it, let us pass to the higher types. The argument will be amply enforced by the evidence obtained from them. We will look first at the conditions which they have to fulfil; and then at the ways in which the functions and structures adapting them to these conditions arise. § 278. A terrestrial plant that grows vertically needs no marked modification of its internal tissues, so long as the height it reaches is very small. As we before saw, the spiral or cylindrical rolling up of a simple cellular frond, or the more bulky growth of a simple cellular axis, may give the requisite strength ; and the requisite circulation may be car- ried on through the unchanged cellular tissue. But in pro- portion as the height to be attained and the mass to be supported increase, the supporting part must acquire greater bulk or greater density, or both; and some modification that shall facilitate the transfer of nutritive liquids must take place. Hence, in the inner tissues of plants we may expect to find that structural changes answering to these require- ments become marked, as the growth of the aerial part becomes great. Facts correspond with these expectations. Among the humbler Cormophytes, which creep over or raise themselves but little above, the surfaces they flourish upon, there is scarcely any internal differentiation: the vascular and woody structures, if not in all cases absolutely unrepresented, are rarely and very feebly indicated. But among the higher types — the Ferns and Lycopodiums — which raise their fronds to considerable heights, there are vascular bundles and hard tissues like wood; and by the Tree-Ferns massive axes are developed. That the relation which thus shows itself among Cryptogams is habitual among Phamogams, scarcely needs saying. Phasnogams, however, are not universally thus charac- terized in a decided way. Besides the comparative want of woody tissue in flowering plants of humble growth, and 64 274: PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. besides the paucity of vessels in ordinary water-plants, there are cases of much more marked divergence from this typical internal structure. These exceptional cases occur under exceptional conditions, and are highly instructive. They are of two kinds. One group of them is furnished by certain plants which are parasitic on the exposed roots of trees — parasitic not partially, as the Mistletoe, but to the extent of subsisting wholly on the sap they absorb. Fungus- like in colour and texture, and having scales for leaves, these Balanophorce and Rafflesiacece are recognizable as Phaenogams by scarcely any other traits than their fructifications. Along with their aborted leaves and absence of chlorophyll, there is a great degradation of those internal tissues by which Phasnogams are commonly distinguished. Though Dr. [now Sir J.] Hooker has shown that they are not, as some botanists thought, devoid of spiral vessels; yet, as shown by the mis- take previously made in classifying them, their appliances for circulation are rudimentary. And this trait goes along with a greatly-simplified distribution of nutriment. In the absence of leaves there can be but little down-current of sap, such as leaves usually supply to roots: there cannot be much beyond an upward current of the absorbed juices. The other cases occur where circulation is arrested or checked in a different way ; namely, in plants that are wholly submerged. These are the PodosUmacece. Clothing as they do the sub- merged rocks, their roots play the part of rhizomes, being attached to the substratum by hairs and other processes, and having the leaf-bearing and flower-bearing shoots on their surfaces. The latter spread out more or less horizontally and are also fixed to the substratum in the same manner as the roots. Observe then the connexion of facts. One of these Podostemacece needs no internal stiffening substance, for it exists in a medium of its own specific gravity; and being in a position to absorb water over its entire surface, it has no need for a circulation of crude sap — nor, indeed, in the absence of evaporation from any part of its surface, could THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 375 any active circulation take place. Here, accordingly, the tracheal and mechanical elements are undeveloped. Though spiral vessels are not entirely absent, yet they are so rare as to do no more than verify the inference of phaenogamic rela- tionship drawn from the flowers. The method of agreement, the method of difference, and the method of concomitant variations, thus unite in proving a direct relation between the demand for support and circu- lation, and the existence of these vascular woody bundles which the higher plants habitually possess. The question which we have to consider is — Under what influences are these structures, answering to these requirements, developed? How are these internal differentiations caused ? The inquiry may be conveniently divided. Though the supporting tissues and the tissues concerned in the circulation of liquids are closely connected, and indeed entangled, with one another, we may fitly deal with them apart. Let us take first the supporting tissue. § 279. Many common-place facts indicate that the me- chanical strains to which upright growing plants are exposed, themselves cause increase of the dense deposits by which such plants are enabled to resist such strains. There is the fact that the massiveness of a tree-trunk varies according to the stress habitually put upon it. If the contrast between the slender stem of a tree growing in a wood and the bulky stem of a kindred tree growing in the fields, be ascribed to differ- ence of nutrition rather than difference of exposure to winds ; there is still the fact that a tree trained against a wall has a less bulky stem than a tree of the same kind growing un- supported; and that between the long weak branches of the one and the stiff ones of the other there are decided contrasts. If it be objected that a tree so trained and branches so borne have relatively less foliage, and that therefore these unlike- nesses also are due to unlikenesses of general nutrition, which may in part be true ; there are still such cases as those of 276 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. garden plants, which when held up by tying them to sticks have weaker stems than when they are unpropped, and sink down if their props are taken away. Again, there is the evidence supplied by roots. Though the contrast between the feeble roots of a sheltered tree and the strong roots of an exposed tree, may, like the contrast of their stems, be mainly due to difference of nutrition, and therefore supplies but doubtful evidence, we get tolerably clear evidence where trees growing on inclined rocky surfaces, send into crevices that afford little moisture or nutriment, roots which never- theless become thick where they are so directed as to bear great strains. Suspicion thus raised is strengthened into conviction by special evidences occurring in the places where they are to be expected. The Cactuses, with their succulent growths that pass into woody growths slowly and irregularly, give us the opportunity of tracing the conditions under which the wood is formed. Good examples occur in the genus Cereus, and especially in forms like C. crenulatus. Here, from a massive vertically-growing rod of fleshy tissue, two inches or more in diameter, there grow at intervals lateral rods similarly bulky, which, quickly curving themselves, take vertical directions. One of these heavy branches puts great strains on its own substance and that of the stem at their point of junction ; and here both of them become brown and hard, while they continue green and succulent all around. Such differentiations may be traced internally before they are visible on the surface. If a joint of an Opuntia be sliced through longitudinally, the greater resistance to the knife all around the narrow neck, indicates there a larger deposit of lignin than elsewhere; and a section of the tissue placed under the microscope, exhibits at the narrowest part a con- centration of the woody and vascular bundles. Clear evidence of another kind has been noted by Mr. Darwin, in the organs of attachment of climbing plants. Speaking of Sola- num jasminoides he says : — " When the flexible petiole of a half- or a quarter-grown leaf has clasped any object, in three THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 277 or four days it increases much in thickness, and after several weeks becomes wonderfully hard and rigid; so that I could hardly remove one from its support. On comparing a thin transverse slice of this petiole with one from the next or older leaf beneath, which had not clasped anything, its diameter was found to be fully doubled, and its structure greatly changed. . . . This clasped petiole had actually become thicker than the stem close beneath; and this was chiefly due to the greater thickness of the ring of wood, which presented, both in transverse and longitudinal sections, a closely similar structure in the petiole and axis. The assumption by a petiole of this structure is a singular morphological fact; but it is a still more singular physio- logical fact that so great a change should have been induced by the mere act of clasping a support." If there is a direct relation between mechanical stress and the formation of wood, it ought to explain for us the internal distribution of the wood. Let us see whether it does this. When seeking in mechanical actions and reactions the cause of that indurated structure which forms the verte- brate axis (§§ 254-7), it was pointed out that in a transverse- ly-strained mass, the greatest pressures and tensions are thrown on the molecules of the concave and convex surfaces. Hence, supposing the transversely-strained mass to be a cylin- der, bent backwards and forwards not in one plane but now in this plane and now in that, its peripheral layers will be those on which the greatest stress falls. An ordinary dicoty- ledonous axis is such a cylinder so strained. The main- tenance of its attitude either as a lateral shoot or a vertical shoot, implies subjection to the bendings caused by its own weight and by the ever-varying wind. These bendings imply tensions and pressures falling most severely first on one side of its outer layers and then on another. And if the dense substance able to resist these tensions and pressures is deposited most where they are greatest, we ought to find it taking the shape of a cylindrical casing. This is just what 278 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. we do find. On cutting across a shoot in course of formation, we see its central space either unoccupied or occupied only by soft tissue. That the layer of hard tissue surrounding this is not the outermost layer, is true: there lies beyond it the cambium layer, from which it is formed, the phloem, and the cortex. But outside of the soft phloem there is frequently another layer of dense tissue now known as the pericyclic fibres, having freq\iently a tenacity greater even than that of the wood — a layer which, while it protects the cambium and offers additional resistance to the transverse strain, admits of being fissured as fast as the cylinder of wood thickens. That is to say, the deposit of resisting sub- stance is as completely peripheral as the exogenous mode of growth permits. So, too, in general arrangement is it with the ordinary monocotyledonous stem. Different as is here the internal structure, there yet holds the same general dis- tribution of tissues, answering to the same mechanical con- ditions. The vascular woody bundles, more abundant towards the outside of the stem than near the centre, produce a harder casing surrounding a softer core. In the supporting structures of leaves we find significant deviations from this arrangement. While axes are on the average exposed to equal strains on all sides, most leaves, spreading out their surfaces horizontally, have their petioles subject to strains that are not alike in all directions ; and in them the hard tissue is differently arranged. Its transverse section is not ring-shaped but crescent-shaped: the two horns being directed towards the upper surface of the petiole. That this arrangement is one which answers to the mechanical con- ditions, is not easy to demonstrate : we must satisfy ourselves by noting that here, where the distribution of forces is dif- ferent, the distribution of resisting tissue is different. And then, showing conclusively the connexion between these differ- ences, we have the fact that in petioles growing vertically and supporting peltate leaves — petioles which are therefore THE IKNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 279 subject to equal transverse strains on all sides — the vascular bundles are arranged cylindrically, as in axes. Such, then, are some of the reasons for concluding that the development of the supporting tissue in plants, is caused by the incident forces which this tissue has to resist. The individuals in which this direct balancing of inner and outer actions progresses most favourably, are those which, other things equal, are most likely to prosper; and, by habitual survival of the fittest, there is established a systematic and constant distribution of a deposit adapted to the circum- stances of each type. § 280. The function of circulation may now be dealt with. We have to consider here by what structures this is dis- charged; and what connexion exists between the demand for them and the genesis of them. The contrast between the rates at which a dye passes through simple cellular tissiie and cellular tissue of which the units have been elongated, indicates one of the structural changes required to facilitate circulation. If placed with its cut surface in a coloured liquid, the parenchyma of a potato or the medullary mass of a cabbage-stalk, will absorb the liquid with extreme slowness ; but if the stalk of a fungus be similarly placed, the liquid runs up it, and especially up its loose central substance, very quickly. On comparing the tissues which thus behave so differently, we find that whereas in the one case the component cells, packed close together, have deviated from their primitive sphericity only as much as mutual pressure necessitates, in the other case they are drawn out into long tubules with narrow spaces among them — the greatest dimensions of the tubules and the spaces being in the direction which the dye takes so rapidly. That which we should infer, then, from the laws of capillary action, is experimentally shown : liquid moving through tissues follows the lines in which the elements of the tissues are most 280 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. elongated. It does this for two reasons. That narrowing of the cells and intercellular spaces which accompanies their elongation, facilitates capillarity; and at the same time fewer of the septa formed by the joined ends of the cells have to be passed through in a given distance. Hence the general fact that the establishment of a rudimentary vascular system, is the formation of bundles of cells lengthened in the direction which the liquid is to take. This we see very obviously among the lower Cormophytes. In one of the lichen-like Liverworts, the veins which, branching through its frond, serve as communications with its scattered rootlets, are formed of cells longer than those composing the general tissue of the frond: the lengths of these cells corresponding in their directions with the lengths of the veins. So, too, is it with the midribs of such fronds as assume more definite shapes; and so, too, is it with the creeping stems which unite many such fronds. That is to say, the current which sets towards the growing part from the part which supplies certain materials for growth, sets through a portion of the tissues composed of units that are longer in the line of the current than at right angles to that line. The like is true of Phasnogams. Omitting all other characteristics of those parts of them through which chiefly the currents of sap flow, we find the uniform fact to be that they consist of cells and intercellular spaces distinguished from others by their lengths. It is thus with veins, and midribs, and petioles; and if we wish proof that it is thus with stems, we have but to observe the course taken by a coloured solution into which a stem is inserted. What is the original cause of this differentiation? Is it possible that this modification of cell-structure which favours the transfer of liquid towards each place of demand, is itself caused by the current which the demand sets up? Does the stream make its own channel? There are various reasons for thinking that it does. In the first place, the simplest and earliest channels, such as we see in the Liverworts, do not THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 281 develop in any systematic way, but branch out irregularly, following everywhere the irregular lobes of the fronds as these spread ; and on examining under a magnifier the places at which the veins are lost in the cellular tissue, it will be seen that the cells are there slightly longer than those around: suggesting that the lengthening of them which produces an extension of the veins, takes place as fast as the growth of the tissue beyond causes a current to pass through them. In the second place, a disappearance of the granular contents of these cells accompanies their union into a vein — a result which the transmission of a current may not improbably bring about. But be the special causes of this differentiation what they may, the evidence favours very much the conclusion that the general cause is the setting up of a current towards a place where the sap is being consumed. In the histological development of the higher plants we find confirmation. The more finished distributing canals in Phasnogams are formed of cells previously lengthened. At parts of which the typical struc- ture is fixed, and the development direct, this fact is not easy to trace; the cells rapidly take their elongated structures in anticipation of their pre-determined functions. But in places where new vessels are required in adaptation to a modifying growth, we may clearly trace this succession. The swelling root of a turnip, continually having its vascular system further developed, and the component vessels lengthened as well as multiplied, gives us an opportunity of watching the process. In it we see that the reticulated cells which unite to form ducts, arise in the midst of bundles of cells that have previously become elongated, and that they arise by trans- formation of such elongated cells ; and we also see that these bundles of elongated cells have an arrangement suggestive of their formation by passing currents. Are there grounds for thinking that these further trans- formations by which strings of elongated cells pass into vessels lined with spiral, annular, reticulated, or other 282 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. frameworks, are also in any way determined by the currents of sap carried? There are some such grounds. As just indicated, the only places where we may look for evidence with any rational hope of finding it, are places where some local requirement for vessels has arisen in consequence of some local development which the type does not involve. In these cases we find such evidence. Good illustrations occur in those genera of the Cactacece, which simulate leaves, like Epiphyllum and Pliyllocactus. A branch of one of these is outlined in Fig. 256. As before explained this is a flattened axis; and the notches along its edges are the seats of the axillary buds. Most of these axillary buds are arrested; but occasionally one of them grows. Now if, taking an E pi pkyllum -shoot which bears a lateral shoot, we compare the parts of it that are near the aborted axillary buds with the part that is near the de- veloped axillary bud, we find a conspicuous difference. In the neighbourhood of an aborted axillary bud there is no external sign of any internal differentiation; and on hold- ing up the branch against the light, the uniform trans- lucency shows that there is no greater amount of dense tissue near it than in other parts of the succulent mass. But where an axillary bud has developed, a prominent rounded ridge joins the midrib of the lateral branch with the midrib of the parent branch. In the midst of this rounded ridge an opaque core may be seen. And on cutting through it, this opaque core proves to be full of vascular bundles imbedded in woody deposits. Clearly, these clusters of vessels imply transformations of the tissues, caused by the passage of in- creased currents of sap. The vessels were not there when the axillary bud was formed; they would not have de- veloped had the axillary bud proved abortive; but they arise as fast as growth of the axillary bud draws the sap along the lines in which they lie. Verification is obtained by examining the internal structures. If longitudinal sections be made through a growing bud of Opuntia or THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 283 Cereus, it will be found that the vessels in course of forma- tion converge towards the point of growth, as they would do if the sap-currents determined their formation; that they are most developed near their place of convergence, which they would be if so produced; and that their terminations in the tissue of the parent shoot are partially-formed lines of irregular elongated cells, like those out of which the ves- sels of a leaf or bud are developed. Concluding, then, that sap-vessels arise along the lines of least resistance, through which currents are drawn or forced, the question to be asked is — What physical process produces them ? Their component cells, united end to end more or less irregularly in ways determined by their original positions, form a channel much more permeable, both longitudinally and laterally, than the tissue around. How is -this greater permeability caused? The idea, first propounded I believe by Wolff, that the adjoined ends of the cells are perforated or destroyed by the passing current, is one for which much is to be said. Whether these septa are dissolved by the liquids they transmit, or whether they are burst by those sudden gushes which, as we shall hereafter see, must frequently take place along these canals, need not be dis- cussed : it is sufficient for us that the septa do, in many cases, disappear, leaving internal ridges showing their positions; and, in other cases, become extremely porous. Though it is manifest that this is not the process of vascular development in tissues that unfold after pre-determined types, since, in these, the dehiscences or perforations of septa occur before such direct actions can have come into play; yet it is still possible that the disappearances of septa which now arise by repetition of the type were established in the type by such direct actions. Be this as it may, however, a simultaneous change undergone by these longitudinally- united cells must be otherwise caused. Frame-works are formed in them — frame-works which, closely fitting their inner surfaces, may consist either of successive rings, or con- 284: PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. tinuous spiral threads, or networks, or structures between spirals and networks, or networks with openings so far diminished that the cells containing them are distinguished as fenestrated. Their differences omitted, however, these structures have the common character that, while support- ing the coats of the vessels, they also give special facilities for the passage of liquids, both through the sides of the transformed cells and through their united ends, where these are not destroyed. To attempt any physical interpretation of this change is scarcely safe: the conditions are so complex. There are reasons for suspecting, however, that it arises from a vacuo- lation of the substance deposited on the cell-wall. If rapidly deposited, as it is likely to be along lines where sap is freely supplied, this may, in passing from the state of a soluble colloid to that of an insoluble colloid, so contract as to leave uncovered spaces on the cell-membrane; and this change, originally consequent on a physico-chemical action, may be so maintained and utilized by natural selection, as to result in structures of definite kinds, regularly formed in growing parts in anticipation of functions to be afterwards discharged. But, without alleging any special cause for this metamor- phosis, we may reasonably conclude that it is in some way consequent upon the carrying of sap. If we examine tissues such as that in the interior of a growing turnip that has not yet become stringy, we may, in the first place, find bundles of elongated cells not having yet developed in them those fenestrated or reticulated structures by which the ducts are eventually characterized. Along the centres of adjacent bundles we may find incomplete lines of such cells — some that are partially or wholly transformed, with some between them that are not transformed. In other bundles, completed chains of such transformed cells are visible. And then, in still older bundles, there are several complete chains running side by side. All which facts imply a metamorphosis of the THE INNER TISSUES OP PLANTS. 285 elongated cells, indirectly caused by the continued action of the currents carried. § 281. Here, however, presents itself a further problem. Taking it as manifest that there is a typical distribution of supporting tissue adapted to meet the mechanical strains a plant is exposed to by its typical mode of growth, and also that there goes on special adaptation of the supporting tissue to the special strains the individual plant has to bear; and taking it as tolerably evident that the sap-channels are originally determined by the passage of currents along lines of least resistance ; there still remains the ultimate question — Through what physical actions are established these general and special adjustments of supporting tissue to the strains borne, and these distributions of nutritive liquid required to make possible such adjustments? Clearly, if the external actions produce internal reactions ; and if this play of actions and reactions results in a balancing of the strains by the resistances; we may rationally suspect that the incident forces are directly conducive to the structural changes by which they are met. Let us consider how they must work. When any part of a plant is bent by the wind, the tissues on its convex surface are subject to longitudinal tension, and these extended outer layers compress the layers beneath them. Such of the vessels or canals in these subjacent layers as contain sap, must have some of this sap expelled. Part of it will be squeezed through the more or less porous walls of the canals into the surrounding tissue, thus supplying it with assimilable materials ; while part of it, and probably the larger part, will be thrust along the canals longitudinally upwards and downwards. When the branch or twig or leaf-stalk recoils, these vessels, relieved from pressure, expand to their original diameters. As they expand, the sap rushes back into them from above and below. In whichever of these directions least has been expelled by the compression, 286 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. from that direction most must return during the dilation; seeing that the force which more efficiently resisted the thrusting back of the sap is the same force which urges it into the expanded vessels again, when they are relieved from pressure. At the next bend of the part a further portion of sar> will be squeezed out, and a further portion thrust fo"- wards along the vessels. This rude pumping process thus serves for propelling the sap to heights which it could not reach by capillary action, at the same time that it incident- ally serves to feed the parts in which it takes place. It strengthens them, too, just in proportion to the stress to be borne; since the more severe and the more repeated the strains, the greater must be the exudation of sap from the vessels or ducts into the surrounding tissue, and the greater the thickening of this tissue by secondary deposits. By this same action the movement of the sap is determined either upwards or downwards, according to the conditions. While the leaves are active and evaporation is going on from them, these oscillations of the branches and petioles urge forward the sap into them; because so long as the vessels of the leaves are being emptied, the sap in the compressed vessels of the oscillating parts will meet with less resistance in the direction of the leaves than in the opposite direction. But when evaporation ceases at night, this will no longer be the case. The sap drawn to the oscillating parts, to supply the place of the exuded sap, must come from the directions of least resistance. A slight breeze will bring it back from the leaves into the gently-swaying twigs, a stronger breeze into the bending branches, a gale into the strained stem and roots — roots in which longitudinal tension produces, in an- other way, the same effects that transverse tension does in the branches. Two possible misinterpretations must be guarded against. It is not to be supposed that this force-pump action causes movement of the sap towards one point rather than another : it is simply an aid to its movement. From the stock of sap THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 287 distributed through the plant, more or less is everywhere being abstracted — here by evaporation, here by the unfold- ing of the parts into their typical shapes, here by both. The result is a tension on the contained liquid columns, which is greatest now in this direction and now in that. This tension it is which must be regarded as the force that de- termines the current upwards or downwards ; and all which the mechanical actions do is to facilitate the transfer to the places of greatest demand. Hence it happens that in a plant prevented from oscillating, but having a typical tendency to assume a certain height and bulk, the demands set up by its unfolding parts will still cause currents; and there will still be alternate ascents and descents, according as the varying conditions change the direction of greatest demand — the only difference being that, in the absence of oscillations, the growth will be less vigorous. Similarly, it must not be supposed that mechanical actions are here alleged to be the sole causes of wood-formation in the individual plant. The tendency of the individual plant to form wood at places where wood has been habitually formed by ancestral plants, is manifestly a cause, and, indeed, the chief cause. In this, as in all other cases, inherited structures repeat themselves irrespective of the circumstances of the individual: absence of the appropriate conditions resulting simply in imperfect repetition of the structures. Hence the fact that in trained trees and hothouse shrubs, dense substance is still largely deposited; though not so largely as where the normal me- chanical strains have acted. Hence, too, the fact, that in such plants as the Elephant's-foot or the Welwitschia mira- bilis, which for untold generations can have undergone no oscillations, there is an extensive formation of wood (though not to any considerable height above the ground), in repeti- tion of an ancestral type : natural selection having here main- tained the habit as securing some other advantage than that of support. Still, it must be borne in mind that though intermittent 288 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. mechanical strains cannot be assigned as the direct causes of these internal differentiations in plants that are artificially sheltered or supported, they are assignable as the indirect causes; since the inherited structures, repeated apart from such strains, are themselves interpretable as accumulated results of such strains acting on successive generations of ancestral plants. This will become clear on combining the several threads of the argument and bringing it to a close, which we may now do. § 282. To put the co-operative actions in their actual order, would require us to consider them as working on in- dividuals small modifications that become conspicuous and definite only by inheritance and gradual increase; but it will aid our comprehension without leading us into error, if we suppose the whole process resumed in a single continuously- existing plant. As the plant erects the integrated series of fronds whose united parts form its rudimentary axis, the increasing area of frond-surface exposed to the sun's rays entails an increas- ing draught upon the liquids contained in the rudimentary axis. The currents of sap so produced, once established along certain lines of cells that offer least resistance, render them by their continuous passage more and more permeable. This establishment of channels is aided by the wind. Each bend produced by it while yet the tissue is undifferentiated, squeezes towards the place of growth and evaporation the liquids that are passing by osmose from cell to cell; and when the lines of movement become denned, each bend helps, by forcing the liquid along these lines, to remove obstructions and make continuous canals. As fast as this transfer of sap is facilitated, so fast is the plant enabled further to raise it- self, and add to its assimilating surfaces; and so fast do the transverse strains, becoming greater, give more efficient aid. The canals thus formed can be neither in the centre of the rudimentary axis nor at its surface: for at neither of these THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 289 places can the transverse strains produce any considerable compressions. They must arise along a tract between the outside of the axis and its core — a tract along which there occur the severest squeezes between the stretched outer layers and the internal mass. Just that distribution which we find, is the distribution which these mechanical actions tend to establish. As the plant gains in height, and as the mass of its foliage accumulates, the strains thrown upon its axis, and especially the lower part of its axis, rapidly increase. Supposing the forms to remain similar, the strains must increase in the ratio of the cubes of the dimensions ; or even in a somewhat higher ratio. One consequence must be that the compressions to which the vessels at the lower part of the incipient stem are subject, become greater as fast as the height to which the sap has to be raised becomes greater; and another consequence must be that the local exudation of sap produced by the pressure is proportionately augmented. Hence the materials for interstitial nutrition being there supplied more abun- dantly, we may expect thickening of the surrounding tissues to show itself there first : in other words, wood will be formed round the vessels of the lower part of the incipient stem. The resulting greater ability of this lower part of the stem to bear strains, renders possible an increase of height; and while after an increase of height the lowest part be- comes still further strained, and still further thickens, the part above it, exposed to like actions, undergoes a like thickening. This induration, while it spreads upwards, also spreads outwards. As fast as the rude cylinder of dense matter formed in this way, begins to inclose the original vessels, it begins to play the part of a resistant mass, which more and more prevents the contained vessels from being squeezed; while between it and the outer layers the greatest compression occurs at each bend. Thus at the same time that the original vessels become useless, the peripheral cells of the developing wood become those which have their liquid 65 290 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. contents squeezed out longitudinally and laterally with in- creasing force; and, consequently, amid them are formed new sap-channels, from which there is the most active local exudation, producing the greatest deposit of dense matter. Thus fusing together, as it were, the individualities of successive generations of plants, and recognizing as all- important that facilitation of the process which natural selection has all along given, we are enabled to interpret the chief internal differentiations of plants as consequent on an equilibration between inner and outer forces. Here, indeed, we see illustrated in a way more than usually easy to follow, the eventual balancing of outer actions by inner reactions. The relation between the demand for liquid and the formation of channels that supply liquid, as well as that between the incidence of strains and the deposit of substance which resists strains, are among the clearest special examples of the general truth that the moving equilibrium of an organism, if not overthrown by an incident force, must eventually be adjusted to it. The processes here traced out are, of course, not to be taken as the only differentiating processes to which the inner tissues of plants have been subject. Besides the chief changes we have considered, various less conspicuous changes have taken place. These must be passed over as arising in ways too involved to admit of specific interpretations; even sup- posing them to have been produced by causes of the kind assigned. But the probability, or rather indeed the certainty, is that some of them have not been so produced. Here, as in nearly all other cases, indirect equilibration has worked in aid of direct equilibration ; and in many cases indirect equili- bration has been the sole agency. Besides ascribing to natural selection the rise of various internal modifications of other classes than those above treated, we must ascribe some even of these to natural selection. It is so with the dense deposits which form thorns and the shells of nuts : these cannot have resulted from any inner reactions imme- THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS. 291 diately called forth by outer actions; but must have resulted mediately through the effects of such outer actions on the species. Let it be understood, therefore, that the differ- entiations to which the foregoing interpretation applies, are only those most conspicuous ones which are directly related to the most conspicuous incident forces. They must be taken as instances on the strength of wkich we may conclude that other internal differentiations have had a natural genesis, though in ways that we cannot trace. CHAPTEK V. PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN PLANTS. § 283. A GOOD deal has been implied on this topic in the preceding chapters. Here, however, we must for a brief space turn our attention immediately to it. Plants do not display integration in such distinct and multiplied ways as do animals. But its advance may be traced both directly and indirectly — directly in the increas- ing co-ordination of actions, and indirectly in the effect of this upon the powers and habits. Let us group the facts under these heads : ascending in both cases from the lower to the higher types. § 284. The inferior Algce, along with little unlikeness of parts, show us little mutual dependence of parts. Having surfaces similarly circumstanced everywhere, much physio- logical division of labour cannot arise; and therefore there cannot be much physiological unity. Among the superior Algce, however, the differentiation between the attached part and the free part is accompanied by some integration. There is evidently a certain transfer of materials, which is doubtless facilitated by the elongated forms of the cells in the stem, and probably leads to the formation of dense tissue at the places of greatest strain, in a way akin to that recently ex- plained in other cases. And where there is this co-ordina- tion of actions, the parts are so far mutually dependent that PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN PLANTS. 293 each dies if detached from the other. That though the organization is so low neither part can reproduce the other and survive by so doing, is probably due to the circumstance that neither part contains any considerable stock of untrans- formed protoplasm, out of which new tissues may be pro- duced. Fungi and Lichens present no very significant advances of integration. We will therefore pass at once to the Archegoniates. In those of them which, either as single fronds or strings of fronds, spread over surfaces, and which, rooting themselves as they spread, do not need that each part should receive aid from remote parts, there is no developed vascular system serving to facilitate transfer of nutriment: the parts being little differentiated there is but little integra- tion. But along with assumption of the upright attitude and the accompanying specializations, producing vessels for dis- tributing sap and hard tissue for giving mechanical support, there arises a decided physiological division of labour ; render- ing the aerial part dependent on the imbedded part and the imbedded part dependent on the aerial part. Here, in- deed, as elsewhere, these concomitant changes are but two aspects of the same change. Always the gain of power to dis- charge a special function involves a loss of power to perform other functions; and always, therefore, increased mutual de- pendence constituting physiological integration, must keep pace with that increased fitting of particular parts to particu- lar duties which constitutes physiological differentiation. Making a great advance among the Archegoniates, this physiological integration reaches its climax among Phseno- gams. In them we see interdependence throughout masses that are immense. Along with specialized appli- ances for support and transfer, we find an exchange of aid at great distances. We see roots giving the vast aerial growth a hold tenacious enough to withstand violent winds, and supplying water enough even during periods of drought; we see a stem and branches of corresponding strength for up- 294 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. holding the assimilating organs under ordinary and extraor- dinary strains; and in these assimilating organs we see elaborate appliances for yielding to the stem and roots the materials enabling them to fulfil their offices. As a con- sequence of which greater integration accompanying the greater differentiation, there is ability to maintain life over an immense period under marked vicissitudes. Even more conspicuously exemplified in Phaenogams, is that physiological integration which holds together the func- tions not of the individual only but of the species as a whole. The organs of reproduction, both in their relations to other parts of the individual bearing them and in their relations to corresponding parts of other individuals, show us a kind of integration conducing to the better preservation of the race; as those already specified conduce to the better preservation of the individual. In the first place, this greater co-ordination of functions just described, itself enables Phaenogams to be- queath to the germs they cast off, stores of nutriment, pro- tective envelopes, and more or less of organization : so giving them greater chances of rooting themselves. In the second place, certain differentiations among the parts of fructifica- tion, the meaning of which Mr. Darwin has so admirably ex- plained, give to the individuals of the species a kind of inte- gration that makes possible a mutual aid in the production of vigorous offspring. And it is interesting to observe how, in that dimorphism by which in some cases this mutual aid is made more efficient, the greater degree of integration is dependent on the greater degree of differentiation — not simply differentiation of the fructifying organs from other parts of the plant bearing them, but differentiation of these fructify- ing organs from the homologous organs of neighbouring indi- viduals of the same race. Another form of this co-ordination of functions which conduces to the maintenance of the species, may be here named — partly for its intrinsic interest. I refer to the strange processes of multiplication occurring in the genus Bryophyllum. It is well known that PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN PLANTS. 295 the succulent leaves of B. calycinum, borne on foot-stalks so brittle that they are easily snapped by the wind, send forth from their edges when they fall to the ground, buds which root themselves and grow into independent plants. The correlation here obviously furthering the preservation of the race, is more definitely established in another species of the gemis — B. proliferum. This plant, shooting up to a consider- able height, and having a stem containing but little woody fibre, habitually breaks near the bottom while still in flower ; and is thus generally prevented from ripening its seeds. The multiplication is, however, secured in another way. Before the stem is broken young plants have budded out from the pedicels of the flowers, and have grown to considerable lengths ; and on the fall of the parent they forthwith commence their separate lives. Here natural selection has established a remarkable kind of co-ordination between a special habit of growth and decay, and a special habit of proliferation. § 285. The advance of physiological integration among plants as we ascend to the higher types, is implied by their greater constancy of structure, as well as by the stricter limi- tations of their habitats and modes of life. " Complexity of structure is generally accompanied with a greater tendency to permanence in form," says Dr. [now Sir J.] Hooker; or, conversely, " the least complex are also the most variable." This is the second aspect under which we have to contem- plate the facts. The differences between the simpler Alga and Fungi are so feebly marked that botanists have had great difficulty in framing definitions of these classes. This structural indefi- niteness is accompanied by functional indefiniteness. Algce, which are mostly aquatic, include many small forms that frequent the damp places preferred by Fungi. Among Fungi, there are kinds which lead submerged lives like the Algce. Besides this indistinctness of the classes, there is great varia- bility in the shapes and modes of life of their species — a vari- 296 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ability so great that what were at first taken to be different species, or different genera, or even different orders, have proved to be merely varieties of one species. So inconstant in structure are the Algce that Schleiden quotes with approval the opinion of Kutzing, that " there are no species but merely forms of Algce : " an opinion which though now rejected sufficiently implies extreme indefiniteness. In all which facts we see that these lowest types of plants, little differ- entiated, are also but little integrated. Archegoniates present a like relation between the small specialization of functions which constitutes physiological differentiation, and the small combination of functions which constitutes physiological integration. " Mosses," says Mr. Berkeley, " are no less variable than other cryptogams, and are therefore frequently very difficult to distinguish. Not only will the same species exhibit great diversity in the size, mode of branching, form and nervation of the leaves, but the characters of even the peristome itself are not constant." And concerning the classification of the remaining group, Filicales, he says : — " Not only is there great difficulty in arranging ferns satisfactorily, but it is even more difficult to determine the limits of species." After this vagueness of separation as well as inconstancy of structure and habit among the lower plants, the stability of structure and habit and divisibility of groups among the higher plants, appear relatively marked. Though Phaenogams are much more variable than most botanists have until lately allowed, yet the definitions of species and genera may be made with far greater precision, and the forms are far less capable of change, than among Cryptogams. And this comparative fixity of type, implying, as it does, a closer combination of the component functions, we see the accompaniment of the greater differentiation of those func- tions and of the structures performing them. That these characters are correlatives is further shown by the fact that the higher plants are more restricted in their habitats than PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN PLANTS. 297 the lower plants, both in space and time. " The much narrower delimitation in area of animals than plants," says Sir J. Hooker, " and greater restriction of Faunas than Floras, should lead us to anticipate that plant-types are, geo- logically speaking, more ancient and permanent than the higher animal types are, and so I believe them to be, and I would extend the doctrine even to plants of highly complex structure." " Those classes and orders which are the least complex in organization are the most widely distributed." § 286. Thus that which the general doctrine of evolution leads us to anticipate, we find implied by the facts. The physiological division of labour among parts, can go on only in proportion to the mutual dependence of parts; and the mutual dependence of parts can progress only as fast as there arise structures by which the parts are efficiently combined, and the mutual utilization of their actions made easy. To say definitely by what process is brought about this co-ordination of functions which accompanies their specializa- tion, is hardly practicable. Direct and indirect equilibration doubtless co-operate in establishing it. We may see, for example, that every increase of fitness for function produced in the aerial part of a plant by light, as well as every increase of fitness for function produced in its imbedded part by the direct action of the moist earth, must conduce to an increased current of the liquid evaporated from the one and supplied by the other — must serve, therefore, to aid the formation of sap-channels in the ways already described; that is — must serve to develop the structures through which mutual aid of the parts is given: the additional differentiation tends immediately to bring about the additional integration. Con- trariwise, it is obvious that an inter-dependence such as we see between the secretion of honey and the fertilization of germs, or between the deposit of albumen in the cotyledons of an embryo-plant and its subsequent striking root, is a kind of integration in the actions of the individual or of the 298 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. species, which no differentiation has a direct tendency to initiate. Hence we must regard the total results as due to a plexus of influences acting simultaneously on the individual and on the species : some chiefly affecting the one and some chiefly affecting the other. [NOTE. — In Nature for June 11, 1896, Dr. Maxwell Mas- ters, in an essay on " Plant Breeding," names an instructive fact concerning the production of varieties by selection of slightly divergent forms. He says : — " To the untrained eye, the primordial differences noted are often very slight; even the botanist, unless his attention be specially directed to the matter, fails to see minute differences which are perceptible enough to the raiser or his workmen. Nor must it be thought that these variations, difficult as they are to recognise in the beginning, are unimportant. On the contrary, they are interesting, physiologically, as the potential origin of new species, and very often they are commercially valuable also. These apparently trifling morphological dif- ferences are often associated with physiological variations which render some varieties, say of wheat, much better enabled to resist mildew and disease generally than others. Some, again, prove to be better adapted for certain soils or for some climates than others ; some are less liable to injury from predatory birds than others, and so on." Thus we are shown that, to a much greater degree than might be supposed, minute changes of forms and functions in one part of a plant are correlated with changes of forms and functions throughout it. The inter-dependence — that is to say, the physiological integration — is very close at the same time that it is very complex. Here while naming these facts in illustration of physio- logical integration in plants I name them because they illustrate an important truth bearing upon the general ques- tion of heredity which I have dealt with in Appendix G, and to which I now especially draw attention.] CHAPTER VI. DIFFERENTIATIONS BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. §287. WHAT was said respecting the primary physiological differentiation in plants, applies with little beyond change of terms to animals. Among Protozoa, as among Protophyta, the first definite contrast of parts is that between outside and inside. The speck of jelly or sarcode which appears to constitute the simplest animal, proves, on closer examina- tion, to be a mass of substance containing a nucleus — a periplast in the midst of which there is a minute endoplast, consisting of a spherical membrane and its contents. This parallel, only just traceable among these Ehizopods, which are perpetually changing the distribution of their outer substance, becomes at once marked in those higher Protozoa which have fixed shapes, and maintain constant relations between their surfaces and their environments. Indeed the Rhizopods themselves, on passing into a state of quiescence in which the relations of outer and inner parts are fixed, become encysted: there is formed a hardened outer coat different from the matter which it contains. And what is here a temporary character answering to a temporary definite- ness of conditions, is in the Infusoria a constant character, answering to definite conditions that are constant. Each of these minute creatures, though not coated by a distinct membrane, has an outer layer of excreted substance forming a delicate cuticle. § 288. The early establishment of this primary contrast of 300 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. tissues answering to this primary contrast of conditions, is no less conspicuous in aggregates of the second order. The feebly-integrated units of a Sponge, with individualities so little merged in that of the whole they form that most of them still retain their separate activities, nevertheless show us, in the unlikeness that arises between the outermost layer and the contained mass, the effect of converse with unlike conditions. This outermost layer is composed of units some- what flattened and united into a continuous membrane — a kind of rudimentary skin. Secondary aggregates in which the lives of the units are more subordinate to the life of the whole, carry this dis- tinction further. The leading physiological trait of every ccelenterate animal is the divisibility of its substance into endoderm and ectoderm — the part next the food and the part next the environment. Fig. 147 (§ 201), representing a portion of the body-wall of a Hydra seen in section, gives some idea of this fundamental differentiation. The creature consists of a simple sac, the cavity of which is in communi- cation with the surrounding water; and hence the unlike- ness between the outer and inner layers has not become great. The essential contrast is that between the differen- tiated parts of what was originally the same part — a uniform membrane composed of juxtaposed cells. For here, indeed, we are shown unmistakably how the primary contrast of structures follows upon the primary con- trast of conditions. The ordinary form from which low types of the Metazoa set out, is a hollow sphere formed of cells packed side by side — a blastula, as it is called : all these cells being similarly exposed to the environment. The blastula presently changes into what is called a gastrula — a form resulting from the introversion of one of the sides of the blastula. If there be taken a small ball of vulcanized india-rubber, say an inch or more in diameter, and having a hole in it through which the air may escape, and if one side of it be thrust inwards so as to produce a cup, and if the THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 301 wide opening of the cup be supposed to contract, thus becoming a narrow opening, there will result something like the gastrula form. Manifestly that part of the original layer which has become internal is differently conditioned from the rest which remains external: the one continuing to hold converse with the forces of the environment, while the other begins to hold converse with the nutritive matters taken into the sac-formed chamber — the archenteron or primitive stomach. Interesting evidence of the primitive externality of the digestive cavity is yielded by the fact that whereas the blastula consisted of ciliated cells, and whereas the cilia- tion persists throughout life on the outer layer, or parts of it, in sundry low types — even in some Chastopods — it persists also on the alimentary tract of sundry low types : not only in the Hydra but commonly in Nemertines, in some Platy- helminthes, and even in some leeches. Besides being enabled thus to understand how an aggre- gate of Amoeba-form units, originally consisting of a single layer, may pass into an aggregate consisting of a double layer; we may also understand under what influences the transition takes place. If the habit which some of the primary aggregates have, of wrapping themselves round masses of nutriment, is followed by a secondary aggregate, there will naturally arise just that re-differentiation which the Hydra shows us. § 289. This account of the primary differentiation carries us only half-way towards a true conception of the distinction between outer and inner tissues. Though, using words in their current senses, this introverted part of the primitive layer has become internal in contrast with the remainder, which continues external, yet this introverted part has not become internal in the strict physiological sense. For it remains subject to the actions of those environing matters which are taken in as food: such environing matters, when they happen to be moving prey, acting upon it much as they 302 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. might act upon the exterior. So that this introverted part has a quasi-externality. It has not the same absolute in- ternally as have those parts which never come in contact with products of the outer world. Here we must briefly recognize the distinction between these parts and the parts thus far considered. Eeverting to our symbol, the india-rubber ball, it will be seen that the introversion may be so complete that the cavity is obliterated, with the result that the internal surfaces of the outer and inner layers come in contact. This is the state reached in the simplest ccelenterate animal, the Hydra: there being in it nothing more than a thin structureless lamella between the ectoderm and endoderm, as shown in Fig. 147. This lamella represents all that there is of strictly internal tissues. But the introversion, instead of bringing the inner surfaces of the ball into contact, may be so far in- complete as to leave a space, and in various creatures and embryos of others, symbolized by this arrangement, this space becomes occupied by a tissue formed from one or other or both of the two primary tissues — the mesoblast or meso- derm. This intermediate layer, sometimes, as in the Medusa, growing into a mass of jelly serving as a fulcrum for the creature's contractions, or, as in the Sponge, giving a passive basis to the active tissues, becomes in higher animals the layer out of which the structures that support the body and move it about, as well as those that distribute prepared nutriment, are developed. From it arise the bones, the muscles, and the vascular system — the masses of differen- tiated tissue which are truly internal and occupy what is called the body-cavity or peri-visceral space. In the higher types of animals this space comes to be partially occupied by a structure that may be described as a cavity within a cavity — the coelom. Most zoologists regard this as arising by a re-introversion of the archenteron or primary alimentary sac. It is easily to be perceived that after the introversion which produces this digestive cavity, the THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 303 wall of the cavity may be again introverted in such way as to intrude into the peri- visceral space. The ccelom thus formed is subsequently shut off. Becoming included among the more truly internal structures, and in part giving origin to certain lining membranes, it has for its chief function the formation of organs for the excretion and emission of nitrogenous waste and of the generative products : some portions of it retaining, as a consequence, indirect connexions with the environment and characters usually accompanying such connexions. Here we are not concerned with further details : the aim being simply to indicate the way in which out of the original layer, wholly external, there arise, by primary and secondary introversions, and the formation of intermediate membranes and spaces, the chief contrasts between outer and inner tis- sues, and how there simultaneously go on the differentia- tions accompanying different conditions. § 289a. Another all-important differentiation between outer tissues and inner tissues has now to be set forth — that by which the nervous system becomes established and dis- tinguished. Strangely enough, like the one above described, it is sequent upon an introversion: the nervous system is primarily a skin-structure and develops by the infolding of this skin-structure. In creatures possessing the earliest rudiments of nerves these exist in certain superficial cells. Each has a small tubular orifice from which projects a minute hair, and each has on its under side processes running into the tissue below, and serving, as it seems, to conduct impressions from the projecting hair when it is disturbed by contacts with foreign bodies. A plexus of fibres bringing the inner pro- cesses of such cells into communication arises, and forms something like a nervous layer capable of propagating im- pulses in all directions. At a subsequent stage some of the superficial cells, ceasing to be themselves the recipients of external stimuli, sink inwards and become ganglion-cells con- 304 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. nected with the nervous plexus — agents, as we must suppose, for the reception, multiplication, and diffusion of the impulses received from the outer cells. As thus far developed, the nervous structure is one fitted only for a vague stimulation of dispersed contractile fibres, causing movements of an undirected kind. A concentration of these superficial nervous structures is a probable prelim- inary to the next change — an all-important change. For a part of the surface begins to sink inwards, forming, in the Vertebrata, a groove ; and from the lining cells of this groove, which presently closes over, the central parts of the nervous system arise: definite nerves having meantime, as we may suppose, been developed out of the indefinite nervous plexus. Neglecting what there is in this of a speculative nature, it is sufficient for the present purpose to recognize the un- doubted fact that the nervous system is developed from the ectoderm, and that, originally external, it is made internal by a process of sinking in or by a process of definite introversion. § 290. Whether direct equilibration or indirect equilibra- tion has had the greater share in producing these fundamental contrasts between the inner and outer tissues of animals, must be left undecided. The two causes have all along co- operated— modification of the individual accumulated by inheritance predominating in some cases, and in other cases modification of the race by survival of the incidentally fittest. On the other hand, the action of the medium on the organism cannot fail to change its surface more than its centre, and so differentiate the two; while, on the other hand, the surfaces of organisms inhabiting the same medium display extreme unlikenesses which cannot be due to the immediate actions of their medium. Let us dwell a moment on the antithesis. We have abundant evidence that animal protoplasm is rapidly modified by light, heat, air, water, and the salts contained in water — coagulated, turned from soluble into in- soluble, partially changed into isomeric compounds, or other- THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 30& wise chemically altered. Immediate metamorphoses of this kind are often obviously produced in ova by changes of their media. At the outset, therefore, before yet there existed any such differentiation as that which now usually arises by inheritance, these environing agencies must have tended to originate a protective envelope. For a modification produced by them on the superficial part of the protoplasm, must either have been a decomposition or else the formation of a compound which remained stable under their subsequent action. There would be generated an outer layer of substance that was so molecularly immobile as to be incapable of further metamorphoses, while it would shield the contained proto- plasm from that too-great action of external forces which, by rapidly changing the unstable equilibrium of its molecules into a relatively stable equilibrium, would arrest development. Evidently organic evolution, whether individual or general, must always and everywhere have been subordinate to these physical necessities. Though natural selection, beginning with minute portions of protoplasm, must all along have tended to establish a molecular composition apt to undergo this differentiation of surface from centre to the most favour- able extent, yet it must all along have done so while con- trolled by this process of direct equilibration. Contrariwise, the many and great unlikenesses among the dermal structures of creatures inhabiting the same element, cannot be ascribed to any such cause. The contrasts between naked and shelled Gastropods, between marine Worms and Crustaceans, between soft-skinned Fishes and Fishes in armour like the Pterichthys, must have been produced entirely by natural selection. Environing forces are, as before, the ultimate causes; but the forces are now not so much those exercised by the medium as those exercised by the other in- habitants of the medium ; and they do not act by modifying the surface of the individual, but by killing off individuals whose surfaces are least fitted to the requirements : thus slowly affecting the species. Still the dermal skeleton bristling 66 306 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. with spines, which protects the Diodon or the Cyclichthys from enemies it could not escape, comes within the general formula of an outer tissue differentiated from inner tissues by the outer actions to which the creature is exposed: the differentiation having gone on until there is equilibrium between the destructive forces to be met and the protective forces which meet them. If we venture to apportion the respective shares which mediate and immediate actions have had in differentiating outer from inner tissues, we shall probably not be far wrong in ascribing that part of the result which is alike in all animals, mainly to the direct actions of their media, while we ascribe the multitudinous unlikenesses of the results in various animals, partly to the indirect actions of the media, and partly to the indirect actions of other animals by which the media are inhabited. That is to say, while assigning the specialities of the differentiations to the specialities of con- verse with the agencies in the environment, most of them organic, we may assign to the constant and universal con- verse with its inorganic agencies, the universal characteristic of tegumentary structures — their growth outwards from a layer lying below the surface which continually produces new substance to replace the substance worn away or cast off. Here let me add a piece of evidence which strengthens the general argument, at the same time that it justifies this apportionment. When ulceration has gone deep enough to destroy the tegumentary structures, these are never repro- duced. The puckered surface formed where an ulcer heals, or where a serious burn has destroyed the skin, consists of modified connective tissue, which, as the healing goes on, spreads inwards from the edges of the ulcer: some of it, perhaps, growing from the portions of connective tissue that dip down between the muscular bundles. This connective tissue is normally covered by the epidermis and thus sheltered from environing actions. What has happened to it ? It has now become the outermost layer. And how does it comport THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 307 itself under its new conditions? It produces a superficial substance which plays the part of the epidermis and grows outwardly. For since the surface, subject to friction and exfoliation, has to be continually renewed, there must be a continual reproduction of an outermost layer from a layer beneath. That is to say, the contact of this deep-seated tissue with outer agencies, produces in it some approach towards that character which we find universally characterizes outer- tissue. But while we see under this exposure to the con- ditions common to all integument, a tendency to assume the structure common to all integument, we see no tendency to assume any of the specialities of tegumentary structure: no rudiments of glands or hair sacs make their appearance. Analogous conclusions may be drawn respecting the pro- cesses of differentiation by which from the outer layer nervous tissue and finally a nervous system are evolved. Here, also, both direct and indirect equilibration appear to have operated. Two reasons may be assigned for the belief that the transformation of certain superficial cells into sensi- tive cells was initiated by exposure to external stimuli. The first is that, extremely unstable as protoplasm is, disturb- ances received by the outer side of a specially-exposed cell could scarcely fail to cause changes passing through it towards the interior mass of the body, and that perpetual repetition of such changes would tend to generate channels of easy transmission through the protoplasm. The second reason is that, if we do not assume this process of initiation but assume that survival of the fittest was the sole agency, then no reason can be assigned why the nervous system should not have been at the outset formed internally instead of being initiated externally and then transferred to the in- terior: the roundabout process would be inexplicable. At the same time the production of a central nervous system by introversion of superficial sensitive cells cannot be ascribed to the differentiating effects of external stimuli, but must be ascribed to natural selection. No perpetual repetition of 308 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. outer disturbances would cause the sinking inwards, and covering up, of the specially-sensitive area and the plexus below it. But it is manifest that since these nervous struc- tures, at once all-important and easily injured, would be safer if removed from the surface, survival of the fittest, con- tinually preserving those in which they were more deeply seated, would tend to produce an arrangement in which all parts but the actual receivers of external stimuli became internal. Hence, contemplating generally these two fundamental differentiations of inner from outer tissues, we may conclude that though their first stages resulted from direct equilibra- tion, their subsequent and higher stages resulted from in- direct equilibration. CHAPTER VII. DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE OUTER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. § 291. THE outer tissues of animals, originally homo- geneous over their whole surfaces, pass into a heterogeneity which fits their respective parts to their respective conditions. So numerous and varied are the implied differentiations, that it is impracticable here to deal with them all even in outline. To trace them up through classes of animals of increasing degrees of aggregation, would carry us into undue detail. Did space permit, it would be possible to point out among the Protozoa, various cases analogous to that of the Arcella; which may be described as like a microscopic Limpet, having a sarcode body of which the upper surface has become horny, while the lower surface with its protruding pseudopodia, retains the primitive jelly-like character. That differentia- tions of this kind have been gradually established among these minute creatures through the unlike relations of their parts to the environment, is an inference supported by a form which, while the rest of the body has a scarcely dis- tinguishable coating, " agrees with Arcella and Difflugia in having the pseudopodia protrusible from one extremity only of the body." Many parallel specializations of surface among aggregates of the second order might be instanced from the Coelenterata. In the Hydra, the ectoderm presents over its whole area no conspicuous unlikenesses ; but there usually exist in the hydroid polypes of superior types, decided contrasts between 309 310 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the higher and lower parts. While the higher parts retain their original characters, the lower parts excrete hard outer layers yielding support and protection. Various stages of the differentiation might be followed. " In Hydractinia" says Prof. Green, this horny layer " becomes elevated at in- tervals to form numerous rough processes or spines, while over the general surface of the ectoderm its presence is almost imperceptible." In other types, as in Cordylophora, it spreads part way up the animal's sides, ending indefinitely. In Bimeria it " extends itself so as to enclose the entire body of each polypite, leaving bare only the mouth and tips of the tentacles." While in Campanularia it has become a partially- detached outer cell, into which the creature can retract its exposed parts. But it is as needless as it would be wearisome to trace through the several sub-kingdoms the rise of these multiform contrasts, with the view of seeking interpretations of them. It will suffice if we take a few groups of the illustrations furnished by the higher animals. J. We may begin with those modifications of surface which subserve respiration. Though we ordinarily think of respiration as the quite special function of a quite special organ, yet originally it is not so. Little-developed animals part with their carbonic acid and absorb oxygen, through the general surface of the body. Even in the lower types of the higher classes, the general surface of the body aids largely in aerating the blood ; and the parts which discharge the greater part of this function are substantially nothing more than slightly altered and extended portions of the skin. Such differentiations, marked in various degrees, are to be seen among Mollusca. In the Pteropoda the only modification which appears to facilitate respiration, is the minute vascu- larity of one part of the skin. Higher types possess special skin-developments. The Doris has appendages developed into elaborately-branched forms — small trees of blood-vessels THE OUTER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 3H covered by slightly-changed dermal tissues. And these arborescent branchiae are gathered together into a single cluster. Thus there is evidence that large external respira- tory organs have arisen by degrees from simple skin: as, indeed, they do arise during the development of each indi- vidual having them. Just as gradually as in the embryo a simple bud on the integument, with its contained vascular loop, passes by secondary buddings into a tree-like growth penetrated everywhere by dividing and sub-dividing blood- vessels; so gradually has there probably proceeded the differentiation which has turned part of the outer surface into an organ for excreting carbonic acid and absorbing oxygen. Certain inferior vertebrate animals present us with a like metamorphosis of tissues. These are the Amphibia. The branchiae here developed from the skin, are covered with cel- lular epidermis, not much thinner than that covering the rest of the body. Like it they have their surfaces speckled with pigment-cells; and are not even conspicuous by their extra vascularity — where they are temporary at least. They facili- tate the exchange of gases in scarcely any other way than by affording a larger area of contact with the water, and inter- posing a rather thinner layer of tissue between the water and the blood-vessels. Those very simple branchia of the larval Amphibia that have them but for a short time, graduate into the more complex ones of those that have them for a long time or permanently ; showing, as before, the small stages by which this heterogeneity of surface accompanying heterogeneity of function may arise. In what way are such differentiations established ? Main- ly, no doubt, by natural selection ; but also to some degree, I think, by the inheritance of direct adaptations. That a por- tion of the integument at which aeration is favoured by local conditions, should thereby be led to grow into a larger surface of aeration, appears improbable. Survival of those individuals which happen to have this portion of the integu- 312 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ment somewhat more developed, seems here the only likely § 293. Among the conspicuous modifications by which the originally-uniform outer layer is rendered multiform, are the protective structures. Let us look first at the few cases in which the formation of these is ascribable mainly to direct equilibration. Already reference has been more than once made to those thickenings that occur where the skin is exposed to unusual pressure and friction. Are these adaptations inheritable? and may they, by accumulation through many generations, produce permanent dermal structures fitted to permanent or frequently- recurring stress? Take, for instance, the callosi- ties on the knuckles of the Gorilla, which are adapted to its habit of partially supporting itself on its closed hands when moving along the ground. Shall we suppose that these defensive thickenings are produced afresh in each individual by the direct actions; or that they are inherited modifica- tions caused by such direct actions; or that they are wholly due to the natural selection of spontaneous variations ? The last supposition does not seem a probable one. Such thicken- ings, if spontaneous, would be no more likely to occur on the knuckles than on any other of the hundred equal areas form- ing the skin-surface at large; and the chances against their simultaneous occurrence on all eight knuckles would be in- calculable. Moreover, the implication would be that those slight extra thicknesses of skin on the knuckles, with which we must suppose the selection to have commenced, were so advantageous as to cause survivals of the individuals having them, in presence of other superiorities possessed by other individuals. Then that survivals so caused, if they ever occurred at all, should have occurred with the frequency requisite to establish and increase the variation, is hardly supposable. And if we reject, as also unlikely, the repro- duction of these callosities de novo in each individual (for THE OUTER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 313 this would imply that after a thousand generations each young gorilla began with knuckles having skin no thicker than elsewhere), there remains only the inference that they have arisen by the transmission and accumulation of func- tional adaptations. Another case which seems interpretable only in an analogous way, is that of the spurs that are developed on the wings of certain birds — on those of the Chaja screamer for example. These are weapons of offence and defence. It is a familiar fact that some birds strike with their wings, often giving severe blows ; and in the birds named, the blows are made more formidable by the horny, dagger-shaped growths standing out from those points on the wings which deliver them. Are these spurs directly or indirectly adaptive? To conclude that natural selection of spontaneous variations has caused them, is to conclude that, without any local stimulus, thickenings of the skin occurred symmetrically on the two wings at the places required; that such thickenings, so localized, happened to arise in birds given to using their wings in fight; and that on their first appearance the thickenings were decided enough to give appreciable advantages to the individuals dis- tinguished by them — advantages in bearing the reactions of the blows if not in inflicting the blows. But to conclude this is, I think, to conclude against probability. Contrariwise, if we assume that the thickening of the epidermis produced by habitual rough usage is inheritable, the development of these structures presents no difficulty. The points of impact would become indurated in wings used for striking with unusual frequency. The callosities of surface thus generated, rendering the parts less sensitive, would enable the bird in which they arose to give, without injury to itself, more violent blows and a greater number of them : so, in some cases, helping it to conquer and multiply. Among its descend- ants, inheriting the modification and the accompanying habit, the thickening would be further increased in the same way: survival of the fittest tending ever to accelerate the process. 314 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Presently the horny nodes so formed, hitherto defensive only in their effects, would, by their prominence, become offensive — would make the blows given more hurtful. And now natural selection, aiding more actively, would mould the nodes into spurs : the individuals in which the nodes were most pointed would be apt to survive and propagate ; and the pointedness generation after generation thus increased, would end in the well-adapted shape we see. But if in these cases the differentiations which fit par- ticular parts of the outer tissues to bear rough usage are caused mainly by the direct balancing of external actions by internal reactions, then we may suspect that the like is true of other modifications that occur where special strains and abrasions have to be met. Possibly it is true of sundry parts that are formed of hardened epidermis, such as the nails, claws, hoofs, and hollow horns of Mammals ; " all of which," says Prof. Huxley, " are constructed on essentially the same plan, being diverticula of the whole integument, the outer layer of whose ecderon has undergone horny metamorphosis." Leaving open, however, the question what tegumentary structures are due to direct equilibration, furthered and con- trolled by indirect equilibration, it is tolerably clear that direct equilibration has been one of the factors. § 294. Dermal structures of another class are developed mainly, if not wholly, by the actions of external causes on species rather than on individuals. These are the various kinds of clothing — hairs, feathers, quills, scales, scutes. Though it is no longer thought as at one time that all these various tegumentary structures are homologous with one another, yet it is unquestionable that sundry of the more conspicuous ones are. Those which are extremely unlike may be seen linked together by a long series of graduated forms. A retrograde metamorphosis from feathers to ap- pendages that are almost scale-like, is well seen in the coat of the Penguin. There is manifest a transition from the THE OUTER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 315 bird-like covering to the fish-like covering — a transition so gradual that no place can be found where an appreciable break occurs; and if the scale-like appendages are not truly scales yet they exemplify an extreme metamorphosis. Less striking, perhaps, but scarcely less significant, are the modifications through which we pass from feathers to hairs, on the surfaces of the Ostrich and the Cassowary. The skin of the Porcupine shows us hairs and quills united by a series of intermediate structures, differing from one another inappreciably. Even more remarkable are certain other alliances of dermal structures. " It may be taken as certain, I think," says Prof. Huxley, " that the scales, plates, and spines of all fishes are homologous organs ; nor as less so that the tegumentary spines of the Plagiostomes are homo- logous with their teeth, and thence with the teeth of all vertebrata." Further details concerning these tegumentary structures are not needful for present purposes, and are indeed but in- directly relevant to the subject of physiological development. Here they are of interest to us only by involving the general question — "What physical influences have brought them into existence? Still with a view to definite presentation of the problem, it will be well to contemplate the mode of de- velopment common to the most familiar of them. Suppose a small pit to be formed on the previously flat skin; and suppose that the growth and casting off of horny cells which goes on over the skin in general, continues to go on at the usual rate over the depressed surface of this pit. Clearly the quantity of horny matter produced within this hollow, will be greater than that produced on a level portion of the skin subtending an equal area of the animal's outside. Suppose such a pit to be deepened until it becomes a small sac. If the exfoliation goes on as before, the result will be that the horny matter, expelled, as it must be, through the mouth of the sac, which now bears a small proportion to the internal surface of the sac, will be 316 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. large in quantity compared with that exfoliated from a portion of the skin equal in area to the mouth of the sac: there will be a conspicuous thrusting forth of horny matter. Suppose once more that the sac, instead of remaining simple, has its bottom pushed up into its interior, like the bottom of a wine-bottle — the introversion being carried so far that the introverted part reaches nearly to the external opening, and leaves scarcely any space between the introverted part and the walls of the sac. It is easy to see that the exfoliation continuing from the surface of the introverted part, as well as from the inside of the sac generally, the horny matter cast off will form a double layer; and will come out of the sac in the shape of a tube having within its lower end the intro- verted part, as the core on which it is moulded, and from the apex of which is cast off the substance filling, less densely, its interior. The structure resulting will be what we know as a hair. Manifestly by progressive enlargement of the sac, and further complication of that introverted part on which the excreted substance is moulded, the protruding growth may be rendered larger and more involved, as we see it in quills and feathers. So that insensible steps, thus indicated in principle, carry us from the exfoliation of epidermis by a flat surface, to the exfoliation of it by a hollow simple sac, an introverted sac, and a sac further complicated ; each of which produces its modified kind of tegumentary appendage. But now, after contemplating this typical illustration, we return to the general question. What are the agencies which have been operative in developing these skin- structures? Indirect equilibration must have worked almost alone in producing them. No direct incidence of forces can have developed the enamelled armour of the Lepidosteus or the tesselated plates of the Glypiodon and its modern allies. Survival of the fittest must here and in multitudinous other cases be regarded as the sole cause. § 295. Among many other differentiations of the outer THE OUTER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 317 tissues, the most worthy to be noticed in the space that re- mains, are those by which organs of sense are formed. We will begin with the simplest and most closely allied to the foregoing. Every hair that is not too long or flexible to convey to its rooted end a strain put upon its free end, is a rudimentary tactual organ; as may be readily proved by touching one of those growing on the back of the hand. If, then, a creature has certain hairs so placed that they are habitually touched by the objects with which it deals, or amid which it moves, an advantage is likely to accrue if these hairs are modified in a way that enables them the better to transmit the im- pressions derived. Such modified hairs we have in the vibrissce, or, as they are commonly called, the "whiskers" possessed by Cats and feline animals generally, as well as by Seals and many Rodents. These hairs are long enough to reach objects at considerable distances; they are so stiff that forces applied to their free ends, cause movements of their imbedded ends ; and the sacs containing their imbedded ends being well covered with nerve-fibres, these developed hairs serve as instruments of exploration. By constant use of them the animal learns to judge of the relative positions of objects past which, or towards which, it is moving. When stealthily approaching prey or stealthily escaping enemies, such aids to perception are obviously important: indeed their importance has been proved by the diminished power of self-guidance in the dark, that results from cutting them off. These, then, are dermal appendages originally serving the purpose of cloth- ing, but afterwards differentiated into sense-organs. That eyes are essentially dermal structures seems scarcely conceivable. Yet an examination of their rudimentary types, and of their genesis in creatures that have them well deve- loped, shows us that they really arise by successive modifica- tions of the double layer composing the integument. They make their first appearance among the simpler animals as specks of pigment, covered by portions of epidermis slightly 318 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. convex and a little more transparent than that around it. Here their fundamental community of structure with the skin is easy to trace; and the formation of them by differen- tiation of it presents no difficulty. Not so far in advance of these as much to obscure the relationship, are the eyes which the Crustaceans possess. In every fish- monger's shop we may see that the eyes of a Lobster are carried on pedicles ; and when the Lobster casts its shell, the outer coat of each eye, being continuous with the epidermis of its pedicle, is thrown off along with the rest of the exo- skeleton. Beneath the transparent epidermic layer, there exists a group of eyes of the kind which we see in an insect ; and these, according to a high authority, are inclosed in the dermal system. Describing the arrangement of the parts, M. Milne Edwards writes : — " But the most remarkable circumstance is, that the large cavity within which the whole of these parallel columns, every one of which is itself a per- fect eye, are contained, is closed posteriorly by a membrane, which appears to be neither more nor less than the middle tegumentary membrane, pierced for the passage of the optic nerve; so that the ocular chamber at large results from the separation at a point of the two external layers of the general envelope." Thus too is it, in the main, even with the highly-developed eyes of the Vertebrata. " The three pairs of sensory organs appertaining to the higher senses/' says Prof. Huxley — " the nasal sacs, the eyes, and the ears — arise as simple ccecal involutions of the ex- ternal integument of the head of the embryo. That such is the case, so far as the olfactory sacs are concerned, is obvious, and it is not difficult to observe that the lens and the anterior chamber of the eye are produced in a perfectly similar manner. It is not so easy to see that the labyrinth of the ear arises in this way, as the sac resulting from the involution of the integument is small, and remains open but a very short time. But I have so frequently verified Huschke's and Remak's statement that it does so arise, that THE OUTER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 319 I entertain no doubt whatever of the fact. The outer ends of the olfactory sacs remain open, but those of the ocular auditory sacs- rapidly close up, and shut off their contents from all direct communication with the exterior." That is to say, the eye considered as an optical apparatus is pro- duced by metamorphoses of the skin: the only parts of it not thus produced, being the membranes lying between the sclerotic and the vitreous humour, including those retinal structures formed in them. All is tegumentary save that which has to appreciate the impressions which the modified integument concentrates upon it. Thus, as Prof. Huxley has somewhere pointed out, there is a substantial parallelism between all the sensory organs in their modes of development; as there is, too, between their modes of action. A vibrissa may be taken as their common type. Increased impressibility by an external stimulus, requires an increased peripheral expansion of the nervous system on which the stimulus may fall; and this is secured by an introversion of the integument, forming a sac on the walls of which a nerve may ramify. That the more extended sensory area thus constituted may be acted upon, there requires some apparatus conveying to it from without the appropriate stimulus; and in the case of the vibrissa, this apparatus is the epidermic growth which, under the form of a hair, protrudes from the sac. And that the greatest sensitiveness may be obtained, the external action must be exaggerated or multiplied by the apparatus which conveys it to the recipient nerve; as, in the case of the vibrissa, it is by the development of a hair into an elastic lever, that trans- forms the slight force acting through considerable space on its exposed end, into a greater force acting through a smaller space at its rooted end. Similarly with the organs of the higher senses. In a rudimentary eye, the slightly modified sense cell has but a rudimentary nerve to take cognizance of the impression; and to concentrate the impression upon it, there is nothing beyond a thickening of the epidermis into a 320 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. lens-shape. But the developed eye shows us a termination of the nerve greatly expanded and divided to receive the external stimulus. It shows us an introverted portion of the integument containing the apparatus by which the external stimulus is conveyed to the recipient nerve. The structure developed in this sac not only conveys the stimulus, but also, like its homologue, concentrates it; and in the one case as in the other, the structure which does this is an epidermic growth from the bottom of the sac. Even with the ear it is the same. Again we have an introverted portion of the inte- gument, on the walls of which the nerve is distributed in the primitive ear. The otolithes contained in the sac thus formed, are bodies which are set in motion by the vibrations of the surrounding water, and convey these vibrations in an exaggerated form to the nerves. And though it is not alleged that these otolithes are developed from the epidermic lining of the chamber, yet as, if not so developed, they are concretions from the contents of an epidermic sac, they must still be regarded as epidermic products. Whether these differentiations are due wholly to indirect equilibration, or whether direct equilibration has had a share in working them, are questions that must be left open. Possibly a short hair so placed on a mammal's face as to be very often touched, may, by conveying excitations to the nerves and vessels at its root, cause extra growth of the bulb and its appendages, and so the development of a vibrissa may be furthered. Possibly, too, the light itself, to which the tissues of some inferior animals are everywhere sensitive, may aid in setting up certain of the modifications by which the nervous parts of visual organs are formed : producing, as it must, the most powerful effects at those points on the sur- face which the movements of the animal expose to the greatest and most frequent contrasts of light and shade; and propa- gating from those points currents of molecular change through the organism. But it seems clear that the complexities THE OUTER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 321 of the sensory organs arc not thus explicable. They must have arisen by the natural selection of favourable variations. § 296. A group of facts, serving to elucidate those put together in the several foregoing sections, has to be added. I have reserved this group to the last, partly because it is transitional — links the differentiations of the literally outer tissues with those of the truly inner tissues. Though physi- cally internal, the mucous coat of the alimentary canal has a ^Mast-externality from a physiological point of view. As was pointed out in the last chapter, the skin and the assimi- lating surface have this in common, that they come in direct contact with matters not belonging to the organism; and we saw that along with this community of relation to alien substances, there is a certain community of structure and development. The like holds with the linings of all internal cavities and canals that have external openings. The transition from the literally outer tissues to those tissues which are intermediate between them and the truly inner tissues, is visible at all the orifices of the body; where skin and mucous membrane are continuous, and the one passes insensibly into the other. This visible continuity is associated not simply with a great degree of morphological continuity, but also with a great degree of physiological con- tinuity. That is to say, these literally outer and quasi-outer layers are capable of rapidly assuming one another's struc- tures and functions when subject to one another's conditions. Mucous surfaces, normally kept covered, become skin-like if exposed to the air; but resume more or less fully their normal characters when restored to their normal positions. These are truths familiar to pathologists. They continually meet with proofs that permanent eversion of the mucous membrane, even where it is by prolapse of a part deeply seated within the body, is followed by an adaptation eventu- ally almost complete: originally moist, tender to the touch, and irritated by the air, the surface gradually becomes covered 67 322 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. with a thick, dry cuticle; and is then scarcely more sensitive than ordinary integument. Whether this equilibration between new outer forces and reactive inner forces, which is thus directly produced in in- dividuals, is similarly produced in races, must remain as a question not to be answered in a positive way. On the one hand, we have the fact that among the higher animals there are cases of quasi-outer tissues which are in one species habitually ensheathed, while in another species they are not ensheathed; and that these two tissues, though unquestion- ably homologous, differ as much as skin and mucous mem- brane differ. On the other hand, there are certain analogous changes of surface, as on the abdomen of the Hermit-Crab, which give warrant to the supposition that survival of the fittest is the chief agent in establishing such differentiations ; since the abdomen of a Hermit-Crab, bathed by water within the shell it occupies, is not exposed to physical conditions that directly tend to differentiate its surface from the surface of the thorax. But though in cases like this last, we must assign the result to the natural selection of variations arising incidentally; we may, I think, legitimately assign the result to the immediate action of changed conditions where, as in cases like the first, we see these producing in the individual, effects of the kinds observed in the race. However this may be, the force of the general argument remains the same. In these exchanges of structure and function between the outer and quasi-outer tissues, we get Tindeniable proof that they are easily differentiate. And seeing this, we are enabled the more clearly to see how there have, in course of time, arisen those extreme and multi- tudinous differentiations of the outer tissues which have been glanced at. CHAPTER VIII. DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE INNER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. § 297. THE change from the outside of the lips to their inside, introduces us to a new series of interesting and in- structive facts, joining on to those with which the last chapter closed. They concern the differentiations of those coats of the alimentary canal which, as we have seen, are physiologi- cally outer, though physically inner. These coats are greatly modified at different parts; and their modifications vary greatly in different animals. In the lower types, where they compose a simple tube running from end to end of the body, they are almost uniform in their histological characters; but on ascending from these types, we find them presenting an increasing variety of minute structures between their two ends. The argument will be adequately enforced if we limit ourselves to the leading modifications they display in some of the higher animals. The successive parts of the alimentary canal are so placed with respect to its contents, that the physical and chemical changes undergone by its contents while passing from one end to the other, inevitably tend to transform its originally homogeneous surface into a heterogeneous surface. Clearly, the effect produced on the food at any part of the canal by trituration, by adding a secretion, or by absorbing its nutri- tive matters, implies the delivery of the food into the next part of the canal in a state more or less unlike its previous 324 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. states — implies that the surface with which it now comes in contact is differently affected by it from the preceding sur- faces— implies, that is, a differentiating action. To use con- crete language ; — food that is broken down in the mouth acts on the oesophagus and stomach in a way unlike that which it would have done had it been swallowed whole; the masti- cated food, to which certain solvents or ferments are added, becomes to the intestine a different substance from that which it must have otherwise been; and the altered food, resolved by these additions into its proximate principles, cannot have those proximate principles absorbed in the next part of the intestine, without the remoter parts being affected as they would not have been in the absence of absorption. It is true that in developed alimentary canals, such as the reasoning here tacitly assumes, these marked successive differentiations of the food are themselves the results of pre-established differentiations in the successive parts of the canal. But it is also true that actions and reactions like those here so definite- ly marked, must go on indefinitely in an undeveloped alimen- tary canal. If the food is changed at all in the course of its transit, which it must be if the creature is to live by it, then it cannot but act dissimilarly on the successive tracts of the alimentary canal, and cannot but be dissimilarly reacted on by them. Inevitably, therefore, the uniformity of the surface must lapse into greater or less multiformity : the differentia- tion of each part tending ever to initiate differentiations of other parts. Not, indeed, that the implied process of direct equilibra- tion can be regarded as the sole process. Indirect equilibra- tion aids ; and, doubtless, there are some of the modifications which only indirect equilibration can accomplish. But we have here one unquestionable cause — a cause that is known to work in individuals, changes of the kind alleged. Where, for instance, cancerous disease of the oesophagus so narrows the passage into the stomach as to prevent easy descent of the food, the oesophagus above the obstmction becomes THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 325 enlarged into a kind of pouch; and the inner surface of this pouch begins to secrete juices that produce in the food a kind of rude digestion. Again, stricture of the intestine, when it arises gradually, is followed by hypertrophy of the muscular coat of the intestine above the constricted part : the ordinary peristaltic movements being insufficient to force the food forwards, and the lodged food serving as a constant stimulus to contraction, the muscular fibres, habitually more exercised, become more bulky. The deduction from general principles being thus inductively enforced, we cannot, I think, resist the conclusion that the direct actions and reactions between the food and the alimentary canal have been largely instru- mental in establishing the contrasts among its parts. And we shall hold this view with the more confidence on observ- ing how satisfactorily, in pursuance of it, we are enabled to explain one of the most striking of these differentiations, which we will take as a type of the class. The gizzard of a bird is an expanded portion of the alimen- tary canal, specially fitted to give the food that trituration which the toothless mouth of a bird cannot give. Besides having a greatly-developed muscular coat, this grinding- chamber is lined with a thick, hard cuticle, capable of bear- ing the friction of the pebbles swallowed to serve as grind- stones. This differentiation of the mucous coat into a ridged and tubercled layer of horny matter — a differentiation which, in the analogous organs of certain Mollusca, is carried to the extent of producing from this membrane cartilaginous plates, and even teeth — varies in birds of different kinds, according to their food. It is moderate in birds that feed on ftesh and fish, and extreme in granivorous birds and others that live on hard substances. How does this immense modification of the alimentary canal originate? In the stomach of a mammal, the macerating and solvent actions are united with that triturating action which finishes what the teeth have mainly done ; but in the bird, unable to masticate, these internal functions are specialized, and while the crop is the 326 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. macerating chamber, the gizzard becomes a chamber adapted to triturate more effectually. This adaptation requires simply an exaggeration of certain structures and actions which characterize stomachs in general, and, in a less degree, alimentary canals throughout their whole lengths. The massive muscles of the gizzard are simply extreme develop- ments of the muscular tunic, which is already considerably developed over the stomach, and incloses also the oesophagus and the intestine. The indurated lining of the gizzard, thickened into horny buttons at the places of severest pres- sure, is nothing more than a greatly strengthened and modified epithelium. And the grinding action of the gizzard is but a specialized form of that rhythmical contraction by which an ordinary stomach kneads the contained food, and which in the oesophagus effects the act of swallowing, while in the intestine it becomes the peristaltic motion. Allied as the gizzard thus clearly is in structure and action to the stomach and alimentary canal in general; and capable of being gradually differentiated from a stomach where a grow- ing habit of swallowing food unmasticated entails more trituration to be performed before the food passes the pylorus ; the question is — Does this change of structure arise by direct adaptation? There is warrant for the belief that it does. Besides such collateral evidence as that mucous membrane becomes horny on the toothless gums of old people, when subject to continual rough usage, and that the muscular coat of the intestine thickens where unusual activity is demanded of it, we have the direct evidence of experiment. Hunter habituated a sea-gull to feed on grain, and found that the lining of its gizzard became hardened, while the gizzard- muscles doubled in thickness. A like change in the diet of a kite was followed by like results. Clearly, if differentiations so produced in the individuals of a race under changed habits, are in any degree inheritable, a structure like a gizzard will originate through the direct actions and reactions between the food and the alimentary canal. THE INNER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 327 Another case — a very interesting one, somewhat allied to this — is presented by the ruminating animals. Here several dilatations of the alimentary canal precede the true stomach ; and in them large quantities of unmasticated food are stored, to be afterwards returned to the mouth and masticated at leisure. What conditions have made this specialization advantageous? and by what process has it been established? To both these questions the facts indicate answers which are not unsatisfactory. Creatures that obtain their food very irregularly — now having more than they can con- sume, and now being for long periods without any — must, in the first place, be apt, when very hungry, to eat to the extreme limits of their capacities; and must, in the second place, profit by peculiarities which enable them to compensate themselves for long fasts, past and future. A perch which, when its stomach is full of young frogs, goes on filling its oesophagus also; or a trout which, rising to the fisherman's fly, proves when taken off the hook to be full of worms and insect-larvae up to the very mouth, gains by its ability to take in such unusual supplies of food when it meets with them — obviously thrives better than it would do could it never eat more than a stomachful. That this ability to feed greatly in excess of immediate requirement, is one that varies in indi- viduals of the same race, we see in the marked contrast between our own powers in this respect, and the powers of uncivilized men; whose fasting and gorging are to us so astonishing. Carrying with us these considerations, we shall not be surprised at finding dilatations of the oesophagus in vultures and eagles, which get their prey at long intervals in large masses ; and we may naturally look for them, too, in birds like pigeons, which, coming in flocks upon occasional supplies of grain, individually profit by devouring the greatest quantity in a given time. Now where the trituration of the food is, as in these cases, carried on in a lower part of the alimentary canal, nothing further is required than the storing-chamber; but for a mammal, having its grinding 328 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. apparatus in its mouth, to gain by the habit of hurriedly swallowing unmasticated food, it must also have the habit of regurgitating the food for subsequent mastication. This correlation of habits with their answering structures, may, as we shall see, arise in a very simple way. The starting point of the explanation is a familiar fact — the fact that indigestion, often resulting from excess of food, is apt to cause that reversed peristaltic action known as vomiting. From this we pass to the fact, also within the experience of most persons, that during slight indigestion the stomach sometimes quietly regurgitates a small part of its contents as far as the back of the mouth — giving an unpleasant acquaint- ance with the taste of the gastric juices. Exceptional facts of the same class help the argument a step further. " There are certain individuals who are capable of returning, at will, a greater or smaller portion of the contents of the digesting stomach into the cavity of the mouth. ... In some of these cases, the expulsion of the food has required a violent effort. In the majority it has been easily evoked or suppressed. While in others, it has been almost uncontrollable; or its non-occurrence at the habitual time has been followed by a painful feeling of fulness, or by the act of vomiting." Here we have a certain physiological action, occasionally happening in most persons and in some developed into a habit more or less pronounced: indigestion being the habitual antecedent. Suppose, then, that gregarious animals, living on innutritive food such as grass, are subject to a like physiological action, and are capable of like varia- tions in the degree of it. What will naturally happen? They wander in herds, now over places where food is scarce and now coming to places where it is abundant. Some mas- ticate their food completely before swallowing it, while some masticate it incompletely. If an oasis, presently bared by their grazing, has not supplied to the whole herd a full meal, then the individuals which masticate completely will have had less than those which masticate incompletely — will not THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 329 have had enough. Those which masticate incompletely and distend their stomachs with food difficult to digest, will be liable to these regurgitations ; but if they re-masticate what is thus returned to the mouth (and we know that animals often eat again what they have vomited), then the extra quantity of food taken, eventually made digestible, will yield them mor£ nourishment than is obtained by those which masticate completely at first. The habit initiated in this natural way, and aiding survival when food is scarce, will be apt to cause modifications of the alimentary canal. We know that dilatations of canals readily arise under habitual distensions. We know that canals habitually distended become gradually more tolerant of the contained masses that at first irritated them. And we know that there commonly take place adaptive modifications of their surfaces. Hence if a habit of this kind and the structural changes resulting from it, are in any degree inheritable, it is clear that, increasing in successive generations, both imme- diately by the cumulative effect of repetitions and mediately by survival of the individuals in which they are most decided, they may go on until they end in the peculiarities which Ruminants display. § 298. There are structures belonging to the same group which cannot, however, be accounted for in this way. They are the organs that secrete special products facilitating diges- tion— the liver, pancreas, and various smaller glands. All these appendages of the alimentary canal, large and inde- pendent as some of them seem, really arise by differentia- tions from its coats. The primordial liver consists of nothing more than bile-cells scattered along a tract of the intestinal surface. Accumulation of these bile-cells is accompanied by increased growth of the surface which bears them — a growth which at first takes the form of a cul-de-sac, having an outside that projects from the intestine into the peri-visceral cavity. As the mass of bile-cells becomes greater, there arise se- 330 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. condary lateral cavities opening into the primary one, and through it into the intestine; until, eventually, these cavities with their coatings of bile-cells, become ramifying ducts dis- tributed through the solid mass we know as a liver. How is this differentiation caused ? Before attempting any answer to this question, it is requisite to inquire the nature of bile. Is that which the liver throws into the intestines a waste product of the organic actions ? or is it a secretion aiding digestion ? or is it a mix- ture of these? Modern investigations imply that it is most likely the last. The liver is found to have a compound func- tion. Bernard has proved to the satisfaction of physiologists, that there goes on in it a formation of glycogen — a substance which is transformed into sugar before it leaves the liver and is afterwards carried away by the blood to eventually dis- appear in the active organs, chiefly the muscles. It is also shown, experimentally, that there are generated in the liver certain biliary acids; and by the aid either of these or of some other compounds, it is clear that bile renders certain materials more absorbable. Its effect on fat is demonstrable out of the body; and the greatly diminished absorption of fat from the food when the discharge of bile into the intestine is prevented, is probably one of the causes of that pining away which results. But while recognizing the fact that the bile consists in part of a solvent, or solvents, aid- ing digestion, there is abundant evidence that one element of it is an effete product; and probably this is the primary element. The yellow-green substance called biliverdine in herbivora and bilirubin in man and carnivora, which gives its colour to bile, is a product the greater part of which is normally cast out from the system continually, as is shown by the contrast between the normal and abnormal colours of faecal matters, and as is still more strikingly shown by the effects on the system when there is a stoppage of the excretion, and an attack of jaundice. Hence we are war- ranted in classing biliverdine as a waste product, and we THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 331 may fairly infer that the excretion of it is the original function of the liver. One further preliminary is requisite. We must for a moment return to those physico-chemical data set down in the first chapter of this work (§§ 7—8). We there saw that the complex and large-atomed colloids which mainly compose living organic matter, have extremely little molecular mo- bility; and, consequently, extremely little power of diffusing themselves. Whereas we saw not only that those absorbed matters, gaseous and liquid, which further the decomposition of living organic matter, have very high diffusibilities, but also that the products of the decomposition are much more diffusible than the components of living organic matter. And we saw that, as a consequence of this, the tissues give ready entrance to the substances which decompose them, and ready exit to the substances into which they are decomposed. Hence it follows that, under its initial form, uncomplicated by nervous and other agencies, the escape of effete matters from the organism, is a physical action parallel to that which goes on among mixed colloids and crystalloids that are dead or even inorganic. Excretion is a specialized form of this spontaneous action ; and we have to inquire how the special- ization arises. Two causes conspire to establish it. The first is that these products of decomposition are diffusible in widely different degrees. While the carbonic acid and water permeate the tissues with ease in all directions, and escape more or less from the exposed surfaces, urea, and other waste substances incapable of being vaporized, cannot escape thus readily. The second is that the different parts of the body, being subject to different physical conditions, are from the outset sure severally to favour the exit of these various products of decomposition in various degrees. How these causes must have co-operated in localizing the excretions, we shall see on remembering how they now co-operate in localizing the sepa- ration of morbid materials. The characteristic substances of 332 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. gout and rheumatism have their habitual places of deposit. Tuberculous matter, though it may be present in various organs, gravitates towards some much more than towards others. Certain products of disease are habitually got rid of by the skin, instead of collecting internally. Mostly, these have special parts of the skin which they affect rather than the rest; and there are those which, by breaking out sym- metrically on the two sides of the body, show how definitely the places of their excretion are determined by certain favouring conditions, which corresponding parts may be pre- sumed to furnish in equal degrees. Further, it is to be observed of these morbid substances circulating in the blood, that having once commenced segregating at particular places, they tend to continue segregating at those places. Assum- ing, then, as we may fairly do, that this localization of excretion, which we see 'continually commencing afresh with morbid matters, has always gone on with the matters pro- duced by the waste of the tissues, let us take a further step, and ask how localizations become fixed. Other things equal, that which from its physical conditions is a place of least resistance to the exit of an effete product, will tend to become established as the place of excretion; since the rapid exit of an effete product will profit the organism. Other things equal, a place at which the excreted matter produces least detrimental effect will become the established place. If at any point the excreted matter produces a beneficial effect, then, other things equal, survival of the fittest will determine it to this point. And if facility of escape anywhere goes along with utilization of the escaping substance, then, other things equal, the excretion will be there localized still more decisively by survival of the fittest. Such being the conditions of the problem, let us ask what will happen with the lining membrane of the alimentary canal. This, physiologically considered, is an external sur- face; and matters thrown off from it make their way out of the body. It is also a surface along which is moving the food THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 333 to be digested. Now, among the various waste products continually escaping from the living tissues, some of the more complex ones, not very stable in composition, are likely, if added to the food, to set up changes in it. Such changes may either aid or hinder the preparation of the food for absorption. If an effete matter, making its exit through the wall of the intestine, hinders the digestive process, the en- feeblement and disappearance of individuals in which this happens, will prevent the intestine from becoming the esta- blished place for its exit. While if it aids the digestive process, the intestine will, for converse reasons, become more and more the place to which its exit is limited. Equally manifest is it that if there is one part of this alimentary canal at which, more than at any other part, the favourable effect results, this will become the place of excretion. Thus, then, reverting to the case in question, we may understand how a product to be cast out, such as biliverdine, if it either directly or indirectly serves a useful purpose, when poured into a particular part of the intestine, may lead to the formation of a patch of excreting cells on its wall; and once this place of excretion having been established, the development of a liver is simply a question of time and natural selection. § 299. A differentiation of another order occurring in the alimentary canal, is that by which a part of it is developed into a lateral chamber or chambers, through which carbonic acid exhales and oxygen is absorbed. Comparative anatomy and embryology unite in showing that a lung is formed, just as a liver or other appendage of the alimentary canal is formed, by the growth of a hollow bud into the peri-visceral cavity, or space between the alimentary canal and the wall of the body. The interior of this bud is simply a cul-de-sac of the alimentary canal, with the mucous lining of which its own mucous lining is continuous. And the development of this cul-de-sac into an air-chamber, simple or compound, is 334: PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. merely a great extension of area in the internal surface of the cul-de-sac, along with that specialization which fits it for excreting and absorbing substances different from those which other parts of the mucous surface excrete and absorb. These lateral air-chambers, universal among the higher Vertebrata and very general among the lower, and everywhere attached to the alimentary canal between the mouth and the stomach, have not in all cases the respiratory function. In most fishes that have them they are what we know as swim-bladders. In some fishes the cavities of these swim-bladders are completely shut off from the alimentary canal : nevertheless showing, by the communi- cations which they have with it during the embryonic stages, that they are originally diverticula from it. In other fishes there is a permanent ductus pneumaticus, uniting the cavity of the swim-bladder with that of the gullet: the function, however, being still not respiratory in an appreciable degree, if at all. But in certain still extant representatives of the sauroid fishes, as the Lepidosteus, the air-bladder is " divided into two sacs that possess a cellular structure," and " the trachea which proceeds from it opens high-up in the throat, and is surrounded with a glottis." In the Amphibia the corresponding organs are chambers over the surfaces of which there are saccular depressions, indicating a transition towards the air-cells characterizing lungs; and accompanying this advance we see, as in the common Triton, the habit of coming up to the surface and taking down a fresh supply of air in place of that discharged. How are the internal air-chambers, respiratory or non- respiratory, developed? Upwards from the amphibian stage, in which they are partially refilled at long intervals, there is no difficulty in understanding how, by infinitesimal steps, they pass into complex and ever-moving lungs. But how is the differentiation that produces them initiated? How comes a portion of the internal surface to be specialized for converse with a medium to which it is not naturally THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 335 exposed? The problem appears a difficult one; but there is a not unsatisfactory solution of it. When many gold-fish are kept in a small aquarium, as with thoughtless cruelty they frequently are, they swim close to the surface, so as to breathe that water which is from instant to instant absorbing fresh oxygen. In doing this they often put their mouths partly above the surface, so that in closing them they take in bubbles of air; and sometimes they may be seen to continue doing this — the relief due to the slight extra aeration of blood so secured, being the stimulus to continue. Air thus taken in may be detained. If a fish that has taken in a bubble turns its head down- wards, the bubble will ascend to the back of its mouth, and there lodge; and coming within reach of the contractions of the oesophagus, it may be swallowed. If, then, among fish thus naturally led upon occasion to take in air-bubbles, there are any having slight differences in the alimentary canal that facilitate lodgment of the air, or slight nervous differences such as in human beings cause an accidental action to be- come " a trick," it must happen that if an advantage accrues from the habitual detention of air-bubbles, those individuals most apt to detain them will, other things equal, be more likely than the rest to survive; and by the survival of descendants inheriting their peculiarities in the greatest de- grees, and increasing them, an established structure and an established habit may arise. And that they do in some way arise we have proof. The common Loach swallows air, which it afterwards discharges loaded with carbonic acid. From air thus swallowed the advantages that may be derived are of two kinds. In the first place, the fish is made specifically lighter, and the muscular effort needed to keep it from sinking is diminished — or, indeed, if the bubble is of the right size, is altogether saved. The contrast between the movements of a Goby, which, after swimming up towards the surface, falls rapidly to the bottom on ceasing its exertions, and the movements of a Trout, which remains suspended just 336 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. balancing itself by slight undulations of its fins, shows how great an economy results from an internal float, to fishes which seek their food in mid-water or at the surface. Hence the habit of swallowing air having been initiated in the way described, we see why natural selection will, in certain fishes, aid modifications of the alimentary canal favouring its lodgment — modifications constituting air-sacs. In the second place, while from air thus lodged in air-sacs thus developed, the advantage will be that of flotation only if the air is infrequently changed or never changed, the advantage will be that of supplementary respiration if the air-sacs are from time to time partially emptied and refilled. The re- quirements of the animal will determine which of the two functions predominates. Let us glance at the different sets of conditions under which these divergent modifications may be expected to arise. The respiratory development is not likely to take place in fishes that inhabit seas or rivers in which the supply of aerated water never fails: there is no obvious reason why the established branchial respiration should be replaced by a pulmonic respiration. Indeed, if a fish's branchial respiration is adequate to its needs, a loss would result from the effort of coming to the surface for air; especially during those first stages of pulmonic development when the extra aeration achieved was but small. Hence in fishes so circumstanced, the air-chambers arising in the way described would naturally become specialized mainly or wholly into floats. Their con- tained air being infrequently changed, no advantage would arise from the development of vascular plexuses over their surfaces ; nothing would be gained by keeping open the com- munication between them and the alimentary canal; and there might thus eventually result closed chambers the gaseous contents of which, instead of being obtained from without, were secreted from their walls, as gases often are from mucous membranes. Contrariwise, aquatic vertebrates in which th<3 swallowing of air-bubbles, becoming THE INNER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 337 habitual, had led to the formation of sacs that lodged the bubbles; and which continued to inhabit waters not always supplying them with sufficient oxygen, might be expected to have the sacs further developed, and the practice of chang- ing the contained air made regular, if either of two advan- tages resulted — either the advantage of being able to live in old habitats that had become untenable without this modifi- cation, or the advantage of being able to occupy new habitats. Now it is just where these advantages are gained that we see the pulmonic respiration coming in aid of the branchial respiration, and in various degrees replacing it. Shallow •waters are liable to three changes which conspire to make this supplementary respiration beneficial. The summer's sun heats them, and raising the temperatures of the animals they contain, accelerates the circulation in these animals, exalts their functional activities, increases the production of car- bonic acid, and thus makes aeration of the blood more need- ful than usual. Meanwhile the heated water, instead of yielding to the highly carbonized blood brought to the branchiae the usual quantity of oxygen, yields less than usual ; for as the heat of the water increases, the quantity of air it contains diminishes. And this greater demand for oxygen joined with smaller supply, pushed to an extreme where the water is nearly all evaporated, is at last still more intensely felt in consequence of the excess of carbonic acid discharged by the numerous creatures congregated in the muddy puddles that remain. Here, then, it is, that the habit of taking in air-bubbles is likely to become established, and the organs for utilizing them developed; and here it is, ac- cordingly, that we find all stages of the transition to aerial respiration. The Loach before-mentioned, which swallows air, frequents small waters liable to be considerably warmed. The Amphipnous Cuchia, an anomalous eel-shaped fish, which has vascular air-sacs opening out at the back of the mouth, " is generally found lurking in holes and crevices, on the muddy banks of marshes or slow-moving rivers " ; and 338 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. though its air-sacs are not morphological equivalents of those above described, yet they equally well illustrate the relation between such organs and the environing condition. Still more significant is the fact that the Lepidosiren, or " mud- fish " as it is called from its habits, though it is a true fish nevertheless has lungs. But it is among the Amphibia that we see most conspicuously this relation between the develop- ment of air-breathing organs, and the peculiarities of the habitats. Pools, more or less dissipated annually, and so rendered uninhabitable by most fishes, are very generally peopled by these transitional types. Just as we see, too, that in various climates and in various kinds of shallow waters, the supplementary aerial respiration is needful in dif- ferent degrees; so do we find among the Amphibia many stages in the substitution of the one respiration for the other. The facts, then, are such as give to the hypothesis a vrai- semblance greater than could have been expected. The relative effects of direct and indirect equilibration in establishing this further heterogeneity, must, as in many other cases, remain undecided. The habit of taking in bub- bles is scarcely interpretable as a result of spontaneous varia- tion: we must regard it as arising accidentally during the effort to obtain the most aerated water; as being persevered in because of the relief obtained ; and as growing by repetition into a tendency bequeathed to offspring, and by them, or some of them, increased and transmitted. The formation of the first slight modifications of the alimentary canal favour- ing the lodgment of bubbles, is not to be thus explained. Some favourable variation in the shape of the passage must here have been the initial step. ' But the gradual increase of this structural modification by the survival of individuals in which it is carried furthest, will, I think, be all along aided by immediate adaptation. The part of the alimentary canal previously kept from the air, but now habitually in contact with the air, must be in some degree modified by the action of the air ; and the directly-produced modification, increasing THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 339 in the individual and in successive individuals, cannot cease until there is a complete balance between the actions of the changed agency and the changed tissue. § 300. We come now to differentiations among the truly inner tissues — the tissues which have direct converse neither with the environment nor with the foreign substances taken into the organism from the environment. These, speaking broadly, are the tissues which lie between the double layer forming the integument with its appendages, and the double layer forming the alimentary canal with its diverticula. We will take first the differentiation which produces the vascular system. Certain forces producing and aiding distribution of liquids in animals, come into play before any vascular system exists ; and continue to further circulation after the development of a vascular system. The first of these is osmotic exchange, acting locally and having an indirect general action; the second is local variation of pressure, which movement of the body throws on the tissues and their contained liquids. A few words are needed in elucidation of each. If in any creature, however simple, different changes are going on in parts that are differently conditioned — if, as in a Hydra, one surface is exposed to the surrounding medium while the other surface is exposed to dissolved food; then between the unlike liquids which the dissimilarly-placed parts contain, osmotic currents must arise; and a movement of liquid through the intermediate tissue must go on as long as an unlikeness between the liquids is kept up. This primary cause of re-distribution remains one of the causes of re-dis- tribution in every more-developed organism: the passage of matters into and out of the capillaries is everywhere thus set up. And obviously in producing these local currents, osmose must also indirectly produce general currents, or aid them if otherwise produced. In the absence of a pumping organ, this force is probably an important aid to that 340 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. movement of the nutritive liquids which the functions set up. How the second cause — the changes of internal pressure which an animal's movements produce — furthers circulation, will be sufficiently manifest. That parts which are bent or strained necessarily have their contained vessels squeezed, has been shown (§ 281) ; and whether the bend or strain is caused, as in a plant, by an external force, or, as usually in an animal, by an internal force, there must be a thrusting of liquids towards places of least resistance — com- monly places of greatest consumption. This which in animals without hearts is a main agent of circulation, continues to further it very considerably even among the highest animals. In these the effect becomes as it were systematized. The valves in the veins necessitate perpetual propulsions towards the heart. Even in such simple types as the Hydrozoa, cavities in the tissues faintly indicate a structure which facilitates the trans- fer of nutritive matters. , These cavities become reservoirs filled with the plasma that slowly oozes through the substance of the body ; and every movement of the animal, accompanied as it must be by changed pressures and tensions on these reservoirs, tends here to fill them and there to squeeze out their contents in that or the other direction — possibly aiding to produce, by union of several cavities, those lacunae or irregular canals which the body in some cases presents. Irregular canals of this kind, not lined with any mem- branes but being simply cavities running through the flesh, mainly constitute the vascular system in Polyzoa and Brach- iopoda and some Mollusca. Though the central parts of a vascular system are rudely developed, yet its peripheral parts consist of sinuses permeating the tissues. The higher orders of Mollusca have a more developed system of vessels or arteries, which run into the substance of the body and end in lacunae or simple fissures. This ending in lacunae takes place at various distances from the vascular centre. In some genera the arterial structure is carried to the periphery of the blood-system, while in others it stops short midway. THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 341 Throughout most orders of the Mollusca the back current of blood continues to be carried by channels of the original kind: there are no true veins, but the blood having been delivered into the tissues, finds its way back to the peri- visceral cavity through inosculating sinuses. Among the Cephalopods, however, the afferent blood-canals, as well as the efferent ones, acquire distinct walls. On putting together these facts, we may conceive pretty clearly the stages of vascular development. From the original reservoir of nutritive liquid between the alimentary canal and the wall of the body, a portion partially shut off becomes a con- tractile vessel; and by its actions there is produced a more rapid transfer of the nutritive liquid than was originally produced by the motions of the animal. Clearly, the exten- sion of this contractile tube and the development from it of branches running hither and thither into the tissues, must, by denning the channels of blood throughout a part of its course, render its distribution more regular and active. As fast as this centrifugal growth advances, so fast are the effer- ent currents of blood, prevented from escaping laterally, obliged to move from the centre towards the circumference; and so fast also does the less-developed set of channels become, of necessity, occupied by afferent currents. When, by a paral- lel increase of defmiteness, the lacunae and irregular sinuses through which the afferent currents pass, become trans- formed into veins, the accompanying disappearance of all stagnant or slow-moving collections of blood, implies a fur- ther improvement in the circulation. By what agency is effected this differentiation of a definite vascular system? No sufficient reply is obvious. The genesis of the primordial heart is not comprehensible as a result of direct equilibration, and we cannot readily see our way to it as a result of indirect equilibration ; for it is diffi- cult to imagine what favourable variation natural selection could have seized hold of to produce such a structure. A contractile tube that aided the distribution of nutritive 342 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. liquid, having been once established, survival of the fittest would suffice for its gradual extension and its successive modifications. But what were the early stages of the con- tractile tube, while it was yet not sufficiently formed to help circulation, and while it must nevertheless have had some advantage without which no selective process could go on? The question seems insoluble. To another part of the question, however, an answer may be ventured. If we ask the origin of these ramifying channels which, first appearing as simple lacunae, eventually become vessels having definite walls, a reply admitting of considerable justification, is, that the currents of nutritive liquid forced and drawn hither and thither through the tissues, themselves initiate these channels. We know that streams running over and through solid and quasi-solid inorganic matter, tend to excavate definite courses. We saw reason for con- cluding that the development of sap-channels in plants conforms to this general principle. May we not then suspect that the nutritive liquid contained in the tissue of a simple animal, made to ooze now in this direction and now in that by the changes of pressure which the animal's movements cause, comes to have certain lines along which it is thrust backwards and forwards more than along other lines; and must by repeated passings make these more and more permeable until they become lacuna? Such actions will inevitably go on; and such actions appear competent to produce some, at least, of the observed effects. The leading facts which indicate that this is a part cause of vascular development are these. Growths normally recurring in certain places at certain intervals, are accompanied by local formations of blood-ves- sels. The periodic maturation of ova among the Mammalia supplies an instance. Through the stroma of an ovarium are distributed innumerable minute vesicles, which, in their early stages, are microscopic. Of these, severally contained in their minute ovi-sacs, any one may develop: the determining THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 343 cause being probably some slight excess of nutrition. When the development is becoming rapid, the capillaries of the neighbouring stroma increase and form a plexus on the walls of the ovi-sac. N"ow since there is no typical distribution of the developing ova; and since the increase of an ovum to a certain size precedes the increase of vascularity round it; we can scarcely help concluding that the setting up of cur- rents towards the point of growth determines the forma- tion of the blood-vessels. It may be that having once com- menced, this local vascular structure completes itself in a typical manner; but it seems clear that this greater develop- ment of blood-vessels around the growing ovum is initiated by the draught towards it. Abnormal growths show still better this relation of cause and effect. The false mem- branes sometimes found in the bronchial tubes in inflam- matory diseases, may perhaps fairly be held abnormal in but a partial sense: it may be said that their vascular systems are formed after the type of the membranes to which they are akin. But this can scarcely be said of the morbid growths classed as malignant. The blood-vessels in an encephaloid cancer, are led to enlarge and ramify, often to an immense extent, by the unfolding of the morbid mass to which they carry blood. Alien as is the structure as a whole to the type of the organism ; and alien in great measure as is its tissue to the tissue on which it is seated; it nevertheless happens that the growth of the alien tissue and accompanying ab- straction of materials from the blood-vessels, determine a corresponding growth of these blood-vessels. Unless, then, we say that there is a providentially-created type of vascular structure for each kind of morbid growth (and even this would not much help us, since the vascular structure has no constancy within the limits of each kind), we are com- pelled to admit that in some way or other the currents of blood are here directly instrumental in forming their own channels. One more piece of evidence, before cited as exemplifying adaptation (§67), may be called to mind. 344 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. When any main channel for blood, leading to or from a certain part of the body, has been rendered impervious, others among the channels leading to or from this same part, enlarge to the extent requisite for fulfilling the extra func- tion that falls upon them: the enlargement being caused, as we must infer, by the increase of the currents carried. Here, then, are facts warranting inductively the deduction above drawn. It is true that we are left in the dark respecting the complexities of the process. How the channels for blood come to have limiting membranes, and many of them mus- cular coats, the hypothesis does not help us to say. But the evidence assigned goes far to warrant the belief that vascular development is initiated by direct equilibration; though in- direct equilibration may have had the larger share in establish- ing the structures which distinguish finished vascular systems. § 301. Of the inner tissues which remain let us next take bone. In what manner is differentiated this dense substance serving in most cases for internal support? When considering the vertebrate skeleton under its morphological aspect (§256), it was pointed out that the formation of dense tissues, internal as well as external, is, in some cases at least, brought about by the mechanical forces to be resisted. Through what process it is brought about we could not then stay to inquire: this question being not morphological but physiological. Answers to some kindred questions have since been attempted. Certain actions to which the internal dense tissues of plants may be ascribed, have been indicated; and more recently, analogous actions have been assigned as causes of some external dense tissues of animals. We have now to ask whether actions of the same nature have produced these internal dense tissues of animals. The problem is an involved one. Bones have more than one stage. They are membranous or cartilaginous before they become osseous; and their successive component substances THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 345 BO far differ that the effects of mechanical actions upon them differ. And having to deal with transitional states in which bone is formed of mixed tissues, having unlike physical properties and unlike minute structures, the effects of strains become too complicated to follow with precision. Anything in the way of interpretation must therefore be regarded as tentative. If analysis and comparison show that the phenomena are not inconsistent with the hypothesis of mechanical genesis, it is as much as can be expected. Let us first observe more nearly the mechanical conditions to which bones are subject. The endo-skeleton of a mammal with the muscles and ligaments holding it together, may be rudely compared to a structure built up of struts and ties; of which, speaking generally, the struts bear the pressures and the ties bear the tensions. The framework of an ordinary iron roof will give an idea of the functions of these two elements, and of the mechanical characters required by them. Such a framework consists partly of pieces which have each to bear a thrust in the direction of its length, and partly of pieces which have each to bear a pull in the direction of its length; and these struts and ties are differently formed to adapt them to these different strains. Further, it should be remarked that though the rigidity of the framework depends on the ties which are flexible, as much as on the struts which are stiff, yet the ties help to give the rigidity simply by so holding the struts in position that they cannot escape from the thrusts which fall on them. Now the like relation holds with a difference among the bones and muscles : the difference being that here the ties admit of being lengthened or shortened and the struts of being moved about upon their joints. The mecha- nical relations are not altered by this, however. The actions are of essentially the same kind in an animal that is stand- ing, or keeping itself in a strained attitude, as in one that is changing its attitude — the same in so far that we have in each a set of flexible parts that are pulling and a set of 34:6 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. rigid parts that are resisting. It needs but to remember the 'sudden collapse and fall which take place when the muscles are paralyzed, or to remember the inability of a bare skeleton to support itself, to see that the struts without the ties can- not suffice. And we have but to think of the formless mass into which a man would sink when deprived of his bones, to see that the ties without the struts cannot suffice. To trace the way in which a particular bone has its particular thrust thrown upon it, may not always be practicable. Though it is easy to perceive how a flexor or extensor of the arm causes by its tension a reactive pressure along the line of the humerus, and is enabled to produce its effect only by the rigidity of the humerus ; yet it is not so easy to perceive how such bones as those of a horse's pelvis are similarly acted upon. Still, as the weight of the hind quarters has to be transferred from the back to the feet, and must be so trans- ferred through the bones, it is manifest that though these bones form a very crooked line, the weight must produce a pressure along the axis of each: the muscles and ligaments concerned serving here, as in other cases, so to hold the bones that they bear the pressure instead of being displaced by it. Not forgetting that many processes of the bones have to bear tensions, we may then say that generally, though by no means universally, bones are internal dense masses that have to bear pressures — pressures which in the cylindrical bones become longitudinal thrusts. Leaving out exceptional cases, let us consider bones as masses thus circumstanced. When giving reasons for the belief that the vertebrate skeleton is mechanically originated, one of the facts put in evidence was, that in the vertebrate series the transition from the cartilaginous to the osseous spine begins peripherally (§ 257) : each vertebra being at first a ring of bone sur- rounding a mass of cartilage. And it was pointed out that this peripheral ossification is ossification at the region of greatest pressures. Now it is not vertebra only that follow this course of development. In a cylindrical bone, though THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 347 it is differently circumstanced, the places of commencing ossi- fication are still the places on which the severest stress falls. Let us consider how such a bone that has to bear a longitu- dinal pressure is mechanically affected. If the end of a walking-cane be thrust with force against the ground, the cane bends ; and partially resuming its straightness when re- lieved, again bends, usually towards the same side, when the thrust is renewed. A bend so caused acts on the fibres of the cane in nearly the same way as does a bend caused by sup- porting the cane horizontally at its two ends and suspending a weight from its middle. In either case the fibres on the convex side are extended and the fibres on the concave side compressed. Kindred actions occur in a rod that is so thick as not to yield visibly under the force applied. In the absence of complete homogeneity of its substance, complete symmetry in its form, and an application of a force exactly along its axis, there must be some lateral deflection; and therefore some distribution of tensions and pressures of the kind indi- cated. And then, as the fact which here specially concerns us, we have to note that the strongest tensions and pressures are borne by the outer layers of fibres. Now the shaft of a long bone, subject to mechanical actions of this kind, similarly has its outer layer most strained. In this layer, therefore, on the mechanical hypothesis, ossification should commence, and here it does commence — commences, too, midway between the ends, where the bends produce on the superficial parts their most intense effects. But we have not in this place simply to observe that ossification commences at the places of greatest stress, but to ask what causes it to do this. Can we trace the physical actions which set up this deposit of dense tissue ? It is, I think, possible to indicate a "true cause" that is at work; though whether it is a sufficient cause may be questioned. We concluded that in certain other cases, the formation of dense tissue indirectly results from the alternate squeezing and relaxation of the vessels running through the part; and the inquiry now to be made is, whether, in developing bone, 348 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the same actions go on in such ways as to produce the ob- served effects. At the outset we are met by what seems a fatal difficulty — cartilage is a non- vascular tissue: this sub- stance of which unossified bones consist is not permeated by minute canals carrying nutritive liquid, and cannot, therefore, be a seat of actions such as those assigned. This apparent difficulty, however, furnishes a confirmation. For cartilage that is wholly without permeating canals does not ossify: ossification takes place only at those parts of it into which the canals penetrate. Hence, we get ad- ditional reason for suspecting that bone-formation is due to the alleged cause; since it occurs where mechanical strains can produce the actions described, but does not occur where mechanical strains cannot produce them. Let us consider more closely what the several factors are. It will suffice for the argument if we commence with the external vascular layer as already existing, and consider what will take place in it. Cartilage is elastic — is some- what extensible, and spreads out laterally under pressure, but resumes its form when relieved. How, then, will the minute channels traversing it in all directions be affected at the places where it is strained by a bend? Those on the convex side will be laterally squeezed, in the same way that we saw the sap-vessels on the convex side of a bent branch are squeezed; and as exudation of the sap into the adjacent prosenchyma will be caused in the one case, so, in the other, there will be caused exudation of serum into the adjacent cartilage: extra nutrition and increase of strength resulting in both cases. The parallel ceases here, however. In the shoot of a plant, bent in various directions by the wind, the side which was lately compressed is now extended; and hence that squeezing of the sap-vessels which results from extension, suffices to feed and harden the tissue on all sides of the shoot. But it is not so with a bone. Having yielded on one side under longitudinal pressure, and resumed as nearly as may be its previous shape when the pressure is THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 349 taken off, the bone yields again towards the same side when again longitudinally pressed. Hence the substance of its concave side, never rendered convex by a bend in the oppo- site direction, would not receive any extra nutrition did no other action come into play. But if we consider how inter- mittent pressures must act on cartilage, we shall see that there will result extra nutrition of the concave side also. Squeeze between two pieces of glass a thin bit of caoutchouc which has a hole through it. While the caoutchouc spreads out away from the centre, it also spreads inwards, so as partially to close the hole. Everywhere its molecules move away in directions of least resistance; and for those near the hole, the direction of least resistance is towards the hole. Let this hole stand for the transverse section of one of the minute canals or channels passing through cartilage, and it will be manifest that on the side of the unossified bone made concave in the way described, the compressed cartilage will squeeze the canals traversing it; and, in the absence of perfect homogeneity in the cartilage, the squeeze will cause extra exudation from the canals into the cartilage. Thus every additional strain will give to the cartilage it falls upon, an additional supply of the materials for growth. So that presently the side which, by yielding more than any other, proves itself to be the weakest, will cease to be the weakest. What further will happen? Some other side will yield a little — the bends will take place in some other plane; and the portions of cartilage on which repeated tensions and pressures now fall will be strengthened. Thus the rate of nutrition, greatest at the place where the bending is greatest, and changing as the incidence of forces changes, will bring about at every point a balance between the resistances and the strains. Thus, too, there will be determined that peri- pheral induration which we see in bones so circumstanced. As in a shoot we saw that the woody deposit takes place towards the outside of the cylinder, where, according to the hypothesis, it ought to take place; so, here, we see that the 350 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. excess of exudation and hardening, occurring where the strains are most intense, will form a cylinder having a dense outside and a porous or hollow inside. These pro- cesses will be essentially the same in bones subject to more complex mechanical actions, such as sundry of the flat bones and others that serve as internal fulcra. Be the strains transverse or longitudinal, be they torsion strains or mixed strains, the outer parts of the bone will be more affected by them than its inner parts. They will therefore tend every- where to produce resisting masses having outer parts more dense than their inner parts. And by causing most growth where they are most intense, they will call out reactive forces adequate to balance them. There are doubtless obstacles in the way of this interpretation. It may be said that the forces acting on the outer layers in the manner described, would compress the canals too little to produce the alleged effects; and if evenly distributed along the whole lengths of the layers, they would probably do so. But it needs only to bend a flexible mass and observe the tendency to form creases on the concave surface, to feel assured that along the surface of an ossifying bone, the yielding of the tissue when bent will not be uniform. In the absence of complete homogeneity, the interstitial yielding will take place at some points more than others, and at one point above all others. When, at the weakest point — the centre of commencing ossification — an extra amount of deposit has been caused, it will cease to be the weakest; and adjacent points, now the weakest, will become the places of yielding and induration. It may be further objected that the hypo- thesis is incompatible with the persistence of cartilage for so long a time between the epiphysis of bones and the bony masses which they terminate. But there is the reply that the places occupied by this cartilage being places at which the bone lengthens, the non-ossification is in part apparent only — it is rather that new cartilage is formed as fast as the pre-existing cartilage ossifies ; and there is the further reply THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 351 that the slowness of the ultimate ossification of this part, is due to its non-vascularity, and to mechanical conditions which are unfavourable to its acquirement of vascularity. Once more, there is the demurrer that in the epiphyses ossifi- cation does not begin at the surface but within the mass of the cartilage. Explanation of this implies ability to follow out the mechanical actions in a resilient substance which, like india-rubber, admits of being distorted in all ways by pressure and recovering its form, and it seems impossible to say how the more superficial and more deep-seated canals traversing it will be respectively affected. Of course it is not meant that this osseous development by direct equilibration takes place in the individual. Though it is a corollary from the argument that in each individual the process must be furthered and modified by the particular actions to which the particular bones are exposed; yet the leading traits of structure assumed by the bones are assumed in conformity with the inherited type. This, however, is no difficulty. The type itself is to be regarded as the accumu- lated result of such modifications, transmitted and increased from generation to generation. The actions above described as taking place in the bone of an individual, must be under- stood as producing their total effect little by little in the corresponding bones of a long series of individuals. Even if but a small modification can be so wrought in the individual, yet if such modification, or a part of it, is inheritable, we may readily understand how, in the course of geologic epochs, the observed structures may arise in the assigned way. Here may fitly be added a strong confirmation. If we find cases where individual bones, subject in exceptional degrees to the actions described, present in exceptional amounts the modifications attributed to them, we are greatly helped in understanding how there may be produced in the race that aggregate of modifications which the hypothesis implies. Such cases occur in ricketty children. I am indebted to Mr. Busk for pointing out these abnormal formations of dense tissue, that are not apparently explicable as results of 352 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. mechanical actions and re-actions. It was only on tracing out the processes here at work, that there suggested itself the specific interpretation of the normal process, as above set forth. When, from constitutional defect, bones do not ossify with due rapidity, and are meanwhile subject to the ordinary strains, they become distorted. Remembering how a mass which has been made to yield in any direction by a force it cannot withstand, is some little time before it recovers completely its previous form, and usually, indeed, undergoes what is called a " permanent set ; " it is inferable that when a bone is repeatedly bent at the same time that the liquid contained in its canals is poor in the materials for forming dense tissue, there will not take place a propor- tionate strengthening of the parts most strained; and these parts will give way. This happens in rickets. But this having happened, there goes on what, in teleological language, we call a remedial process. Supposing the bone to be one commonly affected — a femur; and supposing a permanent bend to have been caused in it by the weight of the body; the subsequent result is an unusual deposition of cartilagin- ous and osseous matter on the concave side of the bone. If the bone is represented by a strung bow, then the deposit occurs at the part represented by the space between the bow and the string. And thus occurring where its resistance is most effective, it increases until the approximately-straight piece of bone formed within the arc, has become strong enough to bear the pressure without appreciably yielding. Now this direct adaptation, seeming so like a special provision, and furnishing so remarkable an instance of what, in medical but unscientific language, is called the vis medicatrix natures, is simply a result of the above-described mechanical actions and re-actions, going on under the exceptional conditions. Each time such a bent bone is subject to a force which again bends it, the severest compression falls on the substance of its concave side. Each time, then, the canals running through this part of its substance are violently squeezed — THE INNER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 353 far more squeezed than they or any other of the canals would have been, had the bone remained straight. Hence, on every repetition of the strain, these canals near the con- cave surface have their contents forced out in more than normal abundance. The materials for the formation of tissue are supplied in quantity greater than can be assimilated by the tissue already formed; and from the excess of exuded plasma, new tissue arises.* A layer of organizable material accumulates between the concave surface and the peri- osteum; in this, according to the ordinary course of tissue- growth, new vessels appear; and the added layer presently assumes the histological character of the layer from which it has grown. What next happens? This added layer, further from the neutral axis than that which has thrown it out, is now the most severely compressed, and its vessels are the most severely squeezed. The place of greatest exuda- tion and most rapid deposit of matter, is therefore transferred to this new layer ; and at the same time that active nutrition increases its density, the excess of organizable material forms another layer external to it: the successive layers so added, encroaching on the space between the concave surface of the bone and the chord of its arc. What limits the encroachment on this space? — what stops the process of filling it up? The answer to this question will be manifest when observing that there comes into play a cause which gradually diminishes the forces falling on each new layer. For the transverse sectional area is step by step increased; and an increase of the area over which the weight borne is distributed, implies a relatively smaller pressure upon each part of it. Further, as the transverse dimensions of the bone increase, the materials composing its convex and concave layers, becoming further from the neutral axis, become better * To this implied inference it is objected that "excess of nutritive mate- rial does not necessarily lead to correspondingly increased growth." My reply is that a concomitant factor is activity of the tissue, and that in its absence growth is not to be expected. C9 354: PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. placed for resisting the strains to be borne. So that both by the increased quantity of dense matter and by its mechanically more-advantageous position, the bendings of the bone are progressively decreased. But as they are decreased, each new layer formed on the concave surface has its substance and its vessels less compressed; and the resulting growth and induration are rendered less rapid. Evidently, then, the additions, slowly diminishing, will eventually cease; and this will happen when the bone no longer bends. That is to say, the thickening of the bone will reach its limit when there is equilibrium between the incident forces and the forces which resist them. Here, indeed, we may trace with great clearness the process of direct equilibration — may see how an unusual force, falling on the moving equilibrium of an organism and not overthrowing it, goes on working modifications until the re-action balances the action. That, however, which now chiefly concerns us, is to note how this marked adaptation supports the general argument. Unquestionably bone is in this case formed under the influ- ence of mechanical stress, and formed just where it most effectually meets the stress. This result, not otherwise explained, is explained by the hypothesis above set forth. And when we see that this special deposit of bone is ac- counted for by actions like those to which bone-formation in general is ascribed, the probability that these are the actions at work becomes very great.* * In recent years (since 1890) Prof. Wilhelm Roux, in essays on func- tional adaptation, has set forth some views akin to the foregoing in respect to the general belief they imply, though differing in respect of the physio- logical processes ho indicates. The following relevant passage has been translated for me from an article of his in the Real-Enciidnpadie der ge- gnmmten Heilkunde: — "A more complete theory of functional adaptation by the author is founded on the assumption that the ' functional ' stimulus, or ' the act of exercisine the function ' (in muscles and glands), and espe- cially, in the case of bones, the concussion and tension caused by stress and strain, exert a ' trophic ' stimulus on the cells, in consequence of which, and along with an increased absorption of nutriment, they grow and eventually increase (or the osteoblasts at the point of greater stimulus form more bone) ; while, conversely, with continued inactivity, by absence of these stimuli the THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 355 Of course it is not alleged that osseous structures arise in this way alone. The bones of the skull and various dermal bones cannot be thus interpreted. Here the natural selec- tion of favourable variations appears the only assignable cause — the equilibration is indirect. We know that ossific deposits now and then occur in tissues where they are not usually found; and such deposits, originally abnormal, if they occurred in places where advantages arose from them, might readily be established and increased by survival of the fittest. Especially might we expect this to happen when a constitutional tendency to form bone had been established by actions of the kind described; for it is a familiar fact that differentiated types of tissue, having once become elements of an organism, are apt occasionally to arise in unusual places, and there to repeat all their peculiar histological characters. And this may possibly be the reason why the bones of the skull, though not exposed to forces such as those which produce, in other bones, dense outer layers in- cluding less dense interiors, nevertheless repeat this general trait of bony structure. While, however, it is beyond doubt that some bones are not due to the direct influence of mechanical stress, we may, I think, conclude that mechanical stress initiates bone-formation. § 302. What is the origin of nerve ? In what way do its properties stand related to the properties of that protoplasm whence the tissues in general arise? and in what way is it differentiated from protoplasm simultaneously with the other tissues? These are profoundly interesting questions; but questions to which positive answers cannot be expected. All that can be done is to indicate answers which seem feasible. That the property specially displayed by nerve, is a pro- nourishment of the cell declines so thnt the waste is insufficiently replaced for otherwise that the bone-substance jrradually loses its power of resistance to the osteoblasts formed as a result of inactivity "). 356 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. perty which protoplasm possesses in a lower degree, is mani- fest. The sarcode of a Ehizopod and the substance of an unimpregnated ovum, exhibit movements that imply a pro- pagation of stimulus from one part of the mass to another. We have not far to seek for a probable origin of this pheno- menon. There is good reason for ascribing it to the extreme instability of the organic colloids of which protoplasm con- sists. These, in common with colloids in general, assume dif- ferent isomeric forms with great facility ; and they display not simply isomerism but polymerism. Further, this readiness to undergo molecular re-arrangement, habitually shows itself in colloids by the rapid propagation of the re-arrangement from part to part. As Prof. Graham has shown, matter in this state often " pectizes " almost instantaneously — a touch will transform an entire mass. That is to say, the change of molecular state once set up at one end, spreads to the other end — there is a progress of a stimulus to change; and this is what we see in a nerve. So much being understood, let us re-state the case more completely. Molecular change, implying as it does motion of molecules, communicates motion to adjacent molecules; be they of the same kind or of a different kind. If the adjacent molecules, either of the same kind or of a different kind, be stable in composition, a temporary increase of oscillation in them as wholes, or in their parts, may be the only result ; but if they are unstable there are apt to arise changes of arrangement among them, or among their parts, of more or less permanent kinds. Especially is this so with the complex molecules which form colloidal matter, and with the organic colloids above all. Hence it is to be inferred that a molecular dis- turbance in any part of a living animal, set up by either an external or internal agency, will almost certainly disturb and change some of the surrounding colloids not originally im- plicated— will diffuse a wave of change towards other parts of the organism: a wave which will, in the absence of per- fect homogeneity, travel further in some directions than in THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 357 others. Let us ask next what will determine the differences of distance travelled in different directions. Ob- viously any molecular agitation spreading from a centre, will go furthest along routes that offer least resistance. What routes will these be ? Those along which there lie most mole- cules that are easily changed by the diffused molecular motion, and which yet do not take up much molecular motion in as- suming their new states. Molecules which are tolerably stable will not readily propagate the agitation ; for they will absorb it in the increase of their own oscillations, instead of passing it on. Molecules which are unstable but which, in assuming isomeric forms, absorb motion, will not readily propagate it ; since it will disappear in working the changes in them. But unstable molecules which, in being isomerically transformed, do not absorb motion, and still more those which, in being so transformed, give out motion, will readily propagate any molecular agitation ; since they will pass on the impulse either undiminished, or increased, to adjacent molecules. If then we assume, as we are not only warranted in doing but are obliged to do, that protoplasm contains two or more colloids, either mingled or feebly combined (since it cannot consist of simple albumen or fibrin or casein, or any allied proximate principle) ; it may be concluded that any mole- cular agitation set up by what we call a stimulus, will diffuse itself further along some lines than along others, if the com- ponents of the protoplasm are not quite homogeneously dis- persed, and if some of them are isomerically transformed more easity, or with less expenditure of motion, than others; and it will especially travel along spaces occupied chiefly by those molecules which give out molecular mo- tion during their metamorphoses, if there should be any such. But now let us ask what structural effects will be wrought along a tract traversed by this wave of molecular disturbance. As is shown by those transforma- tions which so rapidly propagate themselves through colloids, molecules that have undergone a certain change of form, 358 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. are apt to communicate a like change of form to ad- jacent molecules of the same kind — the impact of each overthrow is passed on and produces another overthrow. Probably the proneness towards isochronism of molecular movements necessitates this. If any molecule has had its components re-arranged, and their oscillations conse- quently altered, there result movements not concordant with the movements in adjacent untransformed molecules, but which, impressing themselves on the parts of such untrans- formed molecules, tend to generate in them concordant move- ments— tend, that is, to produce the re-arrangements involved by these concordant movements. Is this action limited to strictly isomeric substances? or may it extend to substances that are closely allied? If along with the molecules of a compound colloid there are mingled those of some kindred colloid; or if with the molecules of this compound colloid there are mingled the components out of which other such molecules may be formed; then there arises the question — does the same influence which tends to propagate the iso- meric transformations, tend also to form new molecules of the same kind out of the adjacent components? There is reason to suspect that it does. Already when treating of the nutrition of parts (§64), it was pointed out that we are obliged to recognize a power possessed by each tissue to build up, out of the materials brought to it, molecules of the same type as those of which it is formed. This building up of like molecules seems explicable as caused by the tendency of the new components which the blood supplies, to acquire move- ments isochronous with those of the like components in the tissue; which they can do only by uniting into like com- pound molecules. Necessarily they must gravitate towards a state of equilibrium; such state of equilibrium — moving equilibrium of course — must be one in which they oscillate in the same times with neighbouring molecules; and so to oscillate they must fall into groups identical with the groups around them. If this be a general principle of THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 359 tissue-growth and repair, we may conclude that it will apply in the case before us. A wave of molecular disturbance passing along a tract of mingled colloids closely allied in com- position, and isomerically transforming the molecules of one of them, will be apt at the same time to form some new mole- cules of the same type, at any place where there exist the proximate components, either uncombined or feebly combined in some not very different way. And this will be most likely to occur where the molecules of the colloid that are under- going the isomeric change, predominate, but have scattered through them the other molecules out of which they may be formed, either by composition or modification. That is to say, a wave of molecular disturbance diffused from a centre, and travelling furthest along a line where lie most molecules that can be isomerically transformed with facility, will be likely at the same time to further differentiate this line, and make it more characterized than before by the easy-trans- formability of its molecules. One additional step, and the interpretation is reached. Analogy shows it to be not improbable that these organic colloids, isomerically trans- formed by slight molecular impact or increase of molecular motion, will some of them resume their previous molecular structures after the disturbance has passed. We know that what are stable molecular arrangements under one degree of molecular agitation, are not stable under another degree ; and there is evidence that re-arrangements of an inconspicuous kind are occasionally brought about by very slight changes of molecular agitation. Water supplies a clear case. Prof. Graham infers that water undergoes a molecular re-arrange- ment at about 32° — that ice has a colloid form as well as a crystalloid form, dependent on temperature. Send through it an extra wave of the molecular agitation we call heat, and its molecules aggregate in one way. Let the wave die away, and its molecules resume their previous mode of aggregation. And obviously such transformations may be repeated back- wards and forwards within narrow limits of temperature. 360 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. Now among the extremely unstable organic colloids, such a phenomenon is far more likely to happen. Suppose, then, that the nerve-colloid is one of which the molecules are changed in form by a passing wave of extra agitation, but resume their previous form when the wave has passed: the previous form being the most stable under the conditions which then recur. What follows? It follows that these molecules will be ready again to undergo isomeric transformation when there again occurs the stimulus ; will, as before, propagate the transforma- tion most along the tract where such molecules are most abundant ; will, as before, tend to form new molecules of their own type; will, as before, make the line along which they lie one of easier transfer for the molecular agitation. Every repetition will help to increase, to integrate, to define more completely, the course of the escaping molecular motion — extending its remoter part while it makes its nearer part more permeable — will help, that is, to form a line of dis- charge, a line for conducting impressions, a nerve. Such seems to me a not unfair series of deductions from the known habitudes of colloids in general and the organic colloids in particular. And I think that the implied nature and properties of nerve correspond better with the observed phenomena than do the nature and properties implied by other hypotheses. Of course the speculation as it here stands is but tentative, and leaves much unexplained. It gives no obvious reply to the questions — what causes the formation of nerves in directions adapted to the needs? what determines their appropriate connexions? — questions, however, to which, when we come to deal with physiological integration, we may find not unsatisfactory answers. Moreover it says nothing about the genesis of ganglia. A ganglion, it is clear, must consist of a colloidal matter equally unstable, or still more unstable, which, when disturbed, falls into some different molecular arrangement, perhaps chemically simpler, and gives out in so doing a large amount of molecular motion — serves as a reservoir of molecular motion which may be suddenly THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 361 discharged along an efferent nerve or nerves, when excite- ment of an afferent nerve has disengaged it. How such a structure as this results, the hypothesis does not show. But admitting these shortcomings it may still be held that we are, in the way pointed out, enabled to form some idea of the actions by which nervous tissue is differentiated. § 303. A speculation akin to, and continuous with, the last, is suggested by an inquiry into the origin of muscular tissue. Contractility as well as irritability is a property of protoplasm or sarcode; and, as before suggested (§ 22), is not improbably due to isomeric change in one or more of its component col- loids. It is a feasible supposition that of the several isomeric changes simultaneously set up among these component col- loids, some may be accompanied by change of bulk and some not. Clearly the isomeric change undergone by the colloid which we suppose to form nerve, must be one not accompanied by appreciable change of bulk; since change of bulk implies " internal work," as physicists term it, and therefore ex- penditure of force. Conversely, the colloid out of which muscle originates, may be one that readily passes into an isomeric state in which it occupies less space: the molecular disturbance causing this contraction being communicated to it from adjacent portions of nerve-substance that are mole- cularly disturbed; or being otherwise communicated to it by direct mechanical or chemical stimuli: as happens where nerves do not exist, or where their influence has been cut off. This interpretation seems, indeed, to be directly at variance with the fact that muscle does not diminish in bulk during contraction but merely changes its shape. That which we see take place with the muscle as a whole, is said also to take place with each fibre — while it shortens it also broadens. There is, however, a possible solution of this difficulty. A contracting colloid yields up its water; and the contracted colloid plus the free water, may have the same bulk as before though the colloid has less. If it be replied that in this 362 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. case the water should become visible between the substance of the fibre and its sarcolemma or sheath, it may be rejoined that this is not necessary — it may be deposited interstitially. Possibly the striated structure is one that facilitates its exudation and subsequent re-absorption; and to this may be due the superiority of striated muscle in rapidity of contrac- tion. Granting the speculative character of this interpretation, let us see how far it agrees with the facts. If the actions are as here supposed, the contracted or more inte- grated state of the muscular colloid will be that which it tends continually to assume — that into which it has an in- creasing aptitude to pass when artificial paralysis has been produced, as shown by Dr. Norris — that into which it lapses completely in rigor mortis. The sensible motion generated by the contraction can arise only from the transformation of insensible motion. This insensible motion suddenly yielded up by a contracting mass, implies the fall of its component molecules into more stable arrangements. And there can be no such fall unless the previous arrangement is unstable. From this point of view, too, it is possible to see how the hydro-carbons and carbo-hydrates consumed in muscular action, may produce their effects. For these non-nitrogenous elements of food, when consumed in the tissues, give out large amounts of molecular motion. They do this in presence of the muscular colloids which have lost molecular motion during their fall in the stable or contracted state. From the molecular motion they give out, may be restored the molecular motion lost by the contracted colloids ; and these contracted colloids may thus have their molecules raised to that unstable state from which, again falling, they can again generate mechanical motion. This conception of the nature and mode of action of mus- cle, while it is suggested by known properties of colloidal matter and conforms to the recent conclusions of organic chemistry and molecular physics, establishes a comprehensible relation between the vital actions of the lower and the higher THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 363 animals. If we contemplate the movements of cilia, of a Ehizopod's pseudopodia, of a Polype's body, or of the long pendant tentacles of a Medusa, we shall see great congruity between them and this hypothesis. Bearing in mind that the contractile substance of developed muscle is affected not by nervous influence only, but, where nervous influence is de- stroyed, is made to contract by mechanical disturbance and chemical action, we may infer that it does not differ intrin- sically from the primordial contractile substance which, in the lowest animals, changes its bulk under other stimuli than the nervous. We shall see significance in the fact ascer- tained by Dr. Ransom, that various agents which excite and arrest nervo-muscular movements in developed animals, excite and arrest the protoplasmic movements in ova. We shall understand how tissues not yet differentiated into mus- cle and nerve, have this joint irritability and contractility; how muscle and nerve may arise by the segregation of their mingled colloids, the one of which, not appreciably altering its bulk during isomeric change, readily propagates molecular disturbance, while the other, contracting when isomerically changed, less readily passes on the molecular disturbance; and how, by this differentiation and integration of the con- ducting and the contracting colloids, the one ramifying through the other, it becomes possible for a whole mass to contract suddenly, instead of contracting gradually, as it does when undifferentiated. The question remaining to be asked is — What causes the specialization of contractile substance? — What causes the growth of colloid masses which monopolize this contractility, and leave kindred colloids to monopolize other properties? Has natural selection gradually localized and increased the primordial muscular substance? or has the frequent recur- rence of irritations and consequent contractions at particular parts done it? We have, I think, reason to conclude that direct equilibration rather than indirect equilibration has been chiefly operative. The reasoning that was used in the case 364: PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. of nerve applies equally in the case of muscle. A portion of undifferentiated tissue containing a predominance of the colloid that contracts in changing, will, during each change, tend to form new molecules of its own type from the other colloids diffused through it: the tendency of these entangled colloids to fall into unity with those around them, will be aided by every shock of isomeric transformation. Hence, re- peated contractions will further the growth of the contracting mass, and advance its differentiation and integration. If, too, we remember that the muscular colloid is made to con- tract by mechanical disturbance, and that among mechanical disturbances one which will most readily affect it simulta- neously throughout its mass is caused by stretching, we shall be considerably helped towards understanding how the con- tractile tissues are developed. If extension of a muscular colloid previously at rest, produces in it that molecular dis- turbance which leads to isomeric change and decrease of bulk, then there is no difficulty in explaining the movements of cilia; the formation of a contractile layer in the vascular system becomes comprehensible; each dilatation of a blood- vessel caused by a gush of blood, will be followed by a con- striction; the heart will pulsate violently in proportion as it is violently distended; arteries will develop in power as the stress upon them becomes greater; and we shall simi- larly have an explanation of the increased muscularity of the alimentary canal which is brought about by increased distension of it. That the production of contractile tissue in certain locali- ties, is due to the more frequent excitement in those localities of the contractility possessed by undifferentiated tissue in general, is a view harmonizing with traits which the diffe- rentiated contractile tissue exhibits. These are the rela- tions between muscular exercise, muscular power, and mus- cular structure; and it is the more needful for us here to notice them because of certain anomalies they present, which, at first sight, seem inconsistent with the belief that THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 365 the functionally-determined modifications of muscle are in- heritable. Muscles disagree greatly in their tints : all gradations between white and deep red being observable. Contrasts are visible between the muscles of different animals, between the muscles of the same animal at different ages, and between different muscles of the same animal at the same age. We will glance at the facts under these heads : noting under each of them the connexion which here chiefly concerns us — that between the activity of muscle and its depth of colour. The cold-blooded Vertebrata are, taken as a group, distinguished from the warm-blooded by the whiteness of their flesh; and they are also distinguished by their comparative inertness. Though a fish or a reptile can exert considerable force for a short time, it is not capable of prolonged exertion. Birds and mammals show greater endurance along with the darker-coloured muscles. If among birds themselves or mammals themselves we make compari- sons, we meet with kindred contrasts — especially between wild and domestic creatures of allied kinds. Barn-door fowls are lighter-fleshed than most untamed gallinaceous birds; and among these last the pheasant, moving about but little, is lighter-fleshed than the partridge and the grouse which are more nomadic. The muscles of the sheep are not on the average so dark as those of the deer; and it is said that the flesh of the wild-boar is darker than that of the pig. Perhaps, however, the contrast between the hare and the rabbit affords, among familiar animals, the best example of the alleged relation: the dark-fleshed hare having no retreat and making wide excursions, while the white-fleshed rabbit, passing a great part of its time in its burrow, rarely wanders far from home. The parallel contrast between young and old animals has a parallel meaning. Veal is much whiter than beef, and lamb is of lighter colour than mutton. Though at first sight these facts may not seem to furnish confirmatory evidence, since lambs in their play appear to 366 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. expend more muscular force than their sedate dams ; yet the meaning of the contrast is really as alleged. For in conse- quence of the law -that the strains which animals have to overcome, increase as the cubes of the dimensions, while their powers of overcoming them increase only as the squares (§46), the movements of an adult animal cost much more in muscular effort than do those of a young animal: the result being that the sheep and the cow exercise their muscles more vigorously in their quiet movements, than the lamb and the calf in their lively movements. It may be added as significant, that the domestic animal in which no very marked darkening of the flesh takes place along with increasing age, namely the pig, is one which, ordinarily kept in a sty, leads so quiescent a life that the assigned cause of darkening does not come into action. But perhaps the most conclusive evidences are the contrasts which exist between the active and inactive muscles of the same animal. Between the leg-muscles of fowls and their pectoral muscles, the differ- ence of colour is familiar; and we know that fowls exercise their leg-muscles much more than the muscles which move their wings. Similarly in the turkey, in the guinea fowl, in the pheasant. And then, adding much to the force of this evidence, we see that in partridges and grouse, which belong to the same order as our domestic fowls but use their wings as constantly as their legs, little or no difference is visible between the colour of these two groups of muscles. Special contrasts like these do not, however, exhaust the proofs; for there is a still more significant general contrast. The muscle of the heart, which is the most active of all muscles, is the darkest of all muscles. The connexion of phenomena thus shown in so many ways, implies that the bulk of a muscle is by no means the sole measure of the quantity of force it can evolve. It would seem that, other things equal, the depth of colour varies with the constancy of action ; while, other things equal, the bulk varies with the amount of force that has to be put forth upon occa- THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS. 367 sion. These of course are approximate relations. More correctly we may say that the actions of pale muscles are either relatively feeble though frequent (as in the massive flanks of a fish), or relatively infrequent though strong (as in the pectoral muscles of a common fowl) ; while the actions of dark muscles are both frequent and strong. Some such dif- ferentiation may be anticipated by inference from the respec- tive physiological requirements. A muscle which has upon occasion to evolve considerable force, but which has thereafter a long period of rest during which repair may restore it to efficiency, requires neither a large reserve of the contractile substance that is in some way deteriorated by action, nor highly-developed appliances for bringing it nutritive mate- rials and removing effete products. Where, contrariwise, an exerted muscle which has undergone much molecular change in evolving much mechanical force, has soon again to evolve much mechanical force, and so on continually ; it is clear that either the quantity of contractile substance present must be great, or the apparatus for nutrition and depuration must be very efficient, or both. Hence we may look for marked unlikenesses of minute structure between muscles which are markedly contrasted in activity. And we may suspect that these conspicuous contrasts of colour between active and inactive muscles, are due to these implied differences of minute structure: partly differences between the numbers of blood-vessels and partly differences between the quantities or qualities of sarcous matter. Here, then, we have a key to the apparent anomaly above hinted at — the maintenance of bulk by certain muscles which have been rendered comparatively inactive by changed habits of life. That the pectoral muscles of those domestic birds which fly but little, have not dwindled to any great extent, has been thought a fact at variance with the conclusion that functionally-produced adaptations are inheritable. It has been argued that if parts which are exercised increase, not only in the individual but in the race, while parts which 368 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. become less active decrease; then a notable difference of size should exist between the muscles used for flight in birds that fly much, and those in birds of an allied kind that fly little. But, as we here see, this is not the true implication. The change in such cases must be chiefly in vascularity and abun- dance of contractile substance; and cannot be, to any great extent, in bulk. For a bird to fly at all, its pectoral muscles, bones of attachment, and all accompanying appliances, must be kept up to a certain level of power. If the parts dwindle much, the creature will be unable to lift itself from the ground. Bearing in mind that the force which a bird ex- pends to sustain itself in the air during each successive instant of a short flight is, other things equal, the same as it ex- pends in each successive instant of a long flight, we shall see that the muscles employed in the two cases must have some- thing like equal intensities of contractile power ; and that the structural differences between them must have relation mainly to the lengths of time during which they can continue to re- peat contractions of like intensity. That is to say, while the power of flight is retained at all, the muscles and bones can- not greatly dwindle ; but the dwindling, in birds whose flights are short or infrequent or both, will be in the reserve stock of the substance that is incapacitated by action, or in the appliances that keep the apparatus in repair, or in both. Only where, as in the struthious birds, the habit of flight is lost, can we expect atrophy of all the parts concerned in flight ; and here we find it. Are such differentiations among the muscles functionally produced? or are they produced by the natural selection of variations distinguished as spontaneous? We have, I think, good grounds for concluding that they are functionally pro- duced. We know that in individual men and animals, the power of sustained action in muscles is rapidly adaptable to the amount of sustained action required. We know that being "out of condition," is usually less shown by the inability to put out a violent effort than by the inability to continue THE INNER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 369 making violent efforts ; and we know that the result of train- ing for prize-fights and races, is more shown in the prolonga- tion of energy than in the intensification of energy. At the same time, experience has taught us that the structural change which accompanies this functional change, is not so much a change in the bulk of the muscles as a change in their inter- nal state : instead of being soft and flabby they become hard. We have inductive proof, then, that exercise of a muscle causes some interstitial growth along with the power of more sus- tained action; and there can be no doubt that the one is a condition to the other. What is this interstitial growth? There is reason to suspect that it is in part an increased deposit of the sarcous substance and in part a development of blood-vessels. Microscopic observation tends to confirm the conclusions before drawn, that repetition of contractions fur- thers the formation of the matter which contracts, and that greater draughts of blood determine greater vascularity. And if the contrasts of molecular structure and the contrasts of vascularity, directly caused in muscles by contrasts in their activities, are to any degree inheritable; there results an explanation of those constitutional differences in the colours and textures of muscles, which accompany constitutional differences in their degrees of activity. It may be added that if we are warranted in so ascribing the differentiations of muscles from one another to direct equilibration, then we have the more reason for thinking that the differentiation of muscles in general from other structures is also due to direct equilibration. That unlike- nesses between parts of the contractile tissues having unlike functions, are caused by the unlikenesses of their functions, renders it the more probable that the unlikenesses between contractile tissue and other tissues, have been caused by ana- logous unlikenesses. § 304. These interpretations, which have already occupied too large a space, must here be closed. Of course out of 70 370 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. phenomena so multitudinous and varied, it has been imprac- ticable to deal with any but the most important; and it has been practicable to deal with these only in a general way. Much, however, as remains to be explained, I think the possi- bility of tracing, in so many cases, the actions to which these internal differentiations may rationally be ascribed, makes it likely that the remaining internal differentiations are due to kindred actions. We find evidence that, in more cases than seemed probable, these actions produce their effects directly on the individual; and that the unlikenesses are produced by accumulation of such effects from generation to generation. While for all the other unlikenesses, we have, as an adequate cause, the indirect effects wrought by the sur- vival, generation after generation, of the individuals in which favourable variations have occurred — variations such as those of which human anatomy furnishes endless instances. Thus accounting for so much, we may not unreasonably presume that these co-operative processes of direct and indirect equili- bration will account for what remains. [NOTE. — After having dismissed this revised chapter as done with, and sent it to the printer, further thought con- cerning those differentiations which produce bone, has re- minded me of a fact of extreme and varied significance named in the first volume. I refer to the formation of adaptive structures round the ends of dislocated bones, and to the formation of " false joints." These are ontogenetic changes of which phylogeny yields no explanation. They do not repeat the traits of ancestral organisms, and they cannot be ascribed to either of the recognized evolutionary factors. If a humerus be broken across and, failing to set, presently comes to have its two loose ends so modified as in a measure to simulate the parts of a normal joint — the ends becoming smooth, covered with periosteum and supplied with fibrous tissue, and attached by ligaments in such ways as to allow of restrained move- THE INNER TISSUES OP ANIMALS. 371 merits — it is impossible to think that natural selection has had anything to do with the power of adjustment thus shown. No survival of individuals in which adaptations of this kind, now in one place and now in another, were better and better effected, could account for acquirement of the ability. Nor can it be supposed that the ability might result from a functionally-produced habit; since it is scarcely conceivable that the number of cases in which indi- viduals profited by it (at first a little and gradually more) could be such (even did they survive) as to affect the constitution of the species. Both of the alleged causes of structural modifications are out of court. It is manifest, too, that the foregoing hypothesis respecting bone-formation yields us not the slightest help. But on carefully considering the facts, certain phenomena of profound meaning may strike us. Here, in a part of the body where no such tissues ordinarily exist and to which no such structures are ordinarily appropriate, there arise tissues and structures adapted to the physical circumstances imposed on that part. Out of what do these abnormal but appropriate tissues arise? The substances around — osseous, cartilagin- ous, membranous — consist of differentiated elements too far specialized to allow of transformation. These new tissues, then, must originate from the undifferentiated protoplasm pervading the part. The units of this protoplasm, subject to the actions proper to an articulation, begin to assume the ap- propriate histological traits — are determined by local stimuli to form tissues ordinarily associated with such stimuli. What is the inevitable implication? These units — physiological or constitutional, as we may call them — must have possessed latent potentialities of falling into these special arrangements under stress of such conditions. At one point there arises periosteum and at another ligamentous tissue, while for the shaping of the ends of the bones — here into a rude hinged form and there into a rude ball-and-socket form, according to the habitual movements — there goes on some appropriate de- 372 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. posit of bone. Hence we must conclude that in the units of protoplasm which have not yet been organized into special tissues, there resides the ability to take on one or other type of histological structure according to circumstances; and, further, that there resides in each of them the still more marvellous ability to cooperate with kindred units dispersed around in developing that arrangement of the parts required to constitute a " false joint." So that while these units have a general proclivity towards the structure of the organism as a whole, they have also proclivities towards structures proper to the local conditions into which they fall. There is latent in each unit the constitution of the entire organism and by implication the constitution of every organ ; and each unit while cooperating with the aggregate is ready to take part in that particular arrangement proper to the position it has fallen into. If the reader will refer back to §§ 97 d, 97e, in which it is shown that each member of a human society possesses a combination of potentialities like these, he will be the better enabled to believe that this thing may be so while he is unable to conceive how it is so. And here, indeed, let it be pointed out how completely irrelevant is the test of conceivableness as applied to these ultimate physiological actions. For as here, from the un- united ends of the broken bone, there presently arises a rude joint with fit membranes, ligaments, and even synovial fluid, though we are absolutely unable to imagine the process by which the adjacent tissues produce this structure; so there may be from an organ enlarged by function, such reactive effect upon the system at large as eventually to influence the reproductive cells, though we may be absolutely unable to imagine how this can be done.] CHAPTER IX. PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS. § 305. PHYSIOLOGICAL differentiation and physiological integration, are correlatives that vary together. We have but to recollect the familiar parallel between the division of labour in a society and the physiological division of labour, to see that as fast as the kinds of work performed by the com- ponent parts of an organism become more numerous, and as fast as each part becomes more restricted to its own work, so fast must the parts have their actions combined in such ways that no one can go on without the rest and the rest cannot go on without each one. Here our inquiry must be, how the relationship of these two processes is established — what causes the integration to advance pari passu with the differentiation. Though it is manifest, a priori, that the mutual dependence of functions must be proportionate to the specialization of functions ; yet it remains to find the mode in which the increasing co-ordi- nation is determined. Already, among the Inductions of Biology, this relation between differentiation and integration has been specified and illustrated (§59). Before dealing with it deductively, a few further examples, grouped so as to exhibit its several aspects, will be advantageous. § 306. If the lowly-organized Planaria has its body broken up and its gullet detached, this will, for a while, continue 373 374: PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. to perform its function when called upon, just as though it were in its place: a fragment of the creature's own body placed in the gullet, will be propelled through it, or swal- lowed by it. But, as the seeming strangeness of this fact implies, we find no such independent actions of analogous parts in the higher animals. Again, a piece cut out of the disc of a Medusa continues with great persistence repeating those rhythmical contractions which we see in the disc as a whole; and thus proves to us that the contractile function in each portion of the disc, is in great measure independent. But it is not so with the locomotive organs of more differen- tiated types. When separated from the rest these lose their powers of movement. The only member of a vertebrate animal which continues to act after detachment, is the heart ; and the heart has motor powers complete within itself. Where there is this small dependence of each part upon the whole, there is but small dependence of the whole upon each part. The longer time which it takes for the arrest of a function to produce death in a less-differentiated animal than in a more-differentiated animal, may be illustrated by the case of respiration. Suffocation in a man speedily causes resistance to the passage of the blood through the capillaries, followed by congestion and stoppage of the heart : great disturbance throughout the system results in a few seconds, and in a minute or two all the functions cease. But in a frog, with its undeveloped respiratory organ, and a skin through which a considerable aeration of the blood is carried on, breathing may be suspended for a long time with- out injury. Doubtless this difference is proximately due to the greater functional activity in the one case than in the other, and the more pressing need for discharging the pro- duced carbon dioxide; but the greater functional activity being itself made possible by the higher specialization of functions, this remains the primary cause of the greater dependence of the other functions on respiration, where the respiratory apparatus has become highly specialized. Here PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS. 3^5 indeed, we see the relation under another aspect. This more rapid rhythm of the functions which increased heterogeneity of structure makes possible, is itself a means of integrating the functions. Watch, when it is running down, a compli- cated machine of which the parts are not accurately adjusted, or are so worn as to be somewhat loose. There will be observed certain irregularities of movement just before it comes to rest — certain of the parts which stop first, are again made to move a little by the continued movement of the rest, and then become themselves, in turn, the causes of renewed motion in other parts which have ceased to move. That is to say, while the connected rhythmical changes of the machine are quick, their actions and reactions on one another are regular — all the motions are well integrated ; but as the velocity diminishes irregularities arise — the motions become somewhat disintegrated. Similarly with organic functions : increase of their rapidity involves increase of a joint momentum which controls each and co-ordinates all. Thus if we compare a snake with a mammal, we see that its functions are not tied together so closely. The. mammal, and especially the superior mammal, requires food with con- siderable regularity; keeps up a respiration which varies within but moderate limits; and has periods of activity and rest that alternate evenly and frequently. But the snake, taking food at long intervals, may have these intervals greatly extended without fatal results ; its dormant and its active states recur less uniformly ; and its rate of respiration varies within much wider limits — now being scarcely per- ceptible and now, as you may prove by exciting it, becoming conspicuous. So that here, where the rhythms are very slow, they are individually less regular, and are united into a less regular compound rhythm — are less integrated. Perhaps the clearest general idea of the co-ordination of functions that accompanies their specialization, is obtained by observing the slowness with which a little-differentiated animal responds to a stimulus applied to one of its parts, 376 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and the rapidity with which such a local stimulus is re- sponded to by a more-differentiated animal. A sea-anemone and a fly will serve for the comparison. A tentacle of a sea- anemone, when touched, slowly contracts; and if the touch has been rude, the contraction presently extends to the other tentacles and eventually to the entire body: the stimulus to movement is gradually diffused throughout the organism. But if you touch a fly, or rather if you come near enough to threaten a touch, the entire apparatus of flight is instantly brought into combined action. Whence arises this contrast? The one creature has but faintly specialized contractile organs, and fibres for conveying impressions. The other has definite muscles and nerves and a co-ordinating centre. The parts of the little-differentiated sea-anemone have their functions so feebly co-ordinated, that one may be strongly affected for some time before any effect is felt by another at a distance from it ; but in the much-differentiated fly, various remote parts instantly have changes propagated to them from the affected part, and by their united actions thus set up, the whole organism adjusts itself so as to avoid the danger. These few added illustrations will make the nature of this general relation sufficiently clear. Let us now pass to the interpretation of it. § 307. If a Hydra is cut in two, the nutritive liquids diffused through its substance cannot escape rapidly, since there are no open channels for them; and hence the con- ditions of the parts at a distance from the cut is but little affected. But where, as in the more-differentiated animals, the nutritive liquid is contained in vessels which have con- tinuous communications, cutting the body in two, or cutting off any considerable portion of it, is followed by escape of the liquid from these vessels to a large extent; and this affects the nutrition and efficiency of organs remote from the place of injury. Then where, as in further-developed creatures, there exists an apparatus for propelling the blood PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS. 377 through these ramifying channels, injury of a single one will cause a loss of blood that quickly prostrates the entire organism. Hence the rise of a completely-differentiated vas- cular system, is the rise of a system which integrates all members of the body, by making each dependent on the in- tegrity of the vascular system, and therefore on the integrity of each member through which it ramifies. In another mode, too, the establishment of a distributing appa- ratus produces a physiological union that is great in propor- tion as this distributing apparatus is efficient. As fast as it assumes a function unlike the rest, each part of an animal modifies the blood in a way more or less unlike the rest, both by the materials it abstracts and by the products it adds; and hence the more differentiated the vascular system be- comes, the more does it integrate all parts by making each of them feel the qualitative modification of the blood which every other has produced. This is simply and conspicuously exemplified by the lungs. In the absence of a vascular system, or in the absence of one that is well marked off from the imbedding tissues, the nutritive plasma or the crude blood, gets what small aeration it can, only by coming near the creature's outer surface, or those inner surfaces which are bathed by water. But where there have been formed definite channels branching throughout the body, and particularly where there exist specialized organs for pumping the blood through these channels, it manifestly becomes possible for the aeration to be carried on in one part peculiarly modified to further it, while all other parts have the aerated blood brought to them. And how greatly the differentiation of the vascular system thus becomes a means of integrating the various organs, is shown by the fatal result that follows when the current of aerated blood is interrupted. Here, indeed, it becomes obvious both that certain physio- logical differentiations make possible certain physiological integrations ; and that, conversely, these integrations make possible other differentiations. Besides the waste products 378 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. which escape through the lungs, there are waste products which escape through the skin, the kidneys, the liver. The blood has separated from it in each of these structures, the particular product which this structure has become adapted to separate ; leaving the other products to be separated by the other adapted structures. How have these special adapta- tions been made possible? By union of the organs as recipients of one circulating mass of blood. While there is no efficient apparatus for transfer of materials through the body, the waste products of each part have to make their escape locally; and the local channels of escape must be competent to take off indifferently all the waste products. But it becomes practicable and advantageous for the differently- localized excreting structures to become fitted to separate different waste products, as soon as the common circulation through them grows so efficient that the product left unex- creted by one is quickly carried to another better fitted to excrete it. So that the integration of them through a common vascular system, is the condition under which only they can become differentiated. Perhaps the clearest idea of the way in which differentiation leads to integration, and how, again, increased integration makes possible still further differentiation, will be obtained by contemplating the analogous dependence in the social organism. While it has no roads, a country cannot have its industries much special- ized: each locality must produce, as best it can, the various commodities it consumes, so long as it has no facilities for barter with other localities. But the localities being unlike in their natural fitnesses for the various industries, there tends ever to arise some exchange of the commodities they can respectively produce with least labour. This exchange leads to the formation of channels of communication. The cur- rents of commodities once set up, make their foot-paths and horse-tracks more permeable; and as fast as the resistance to exchange becomes less, the currents of commodities become greater. Each locality takes more of the products PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS. 379 of adjacent ones, and each locality devotes itself more to the particular industry for which it is naturally best fitted: the functional integration makes possible a further functional differentiation. This further functional differentiation reacts. The greater demand for the special product of each locality, excites improvements in production — leads to the use of methods which both cheapen and perfect the commodity. Hence results a still more active exchange; a still clearer opening of the channels of communication; a still closer mutual dependence. Yet another influence comes into play. As fast as the intercourse, at first only between neighbouring localities, makes for itself better roads — as fast as rivers are bridged and marshes made easily passable, the resistance to distribution becomes so far diminished, that the things grown or made in each district can be profitably carried to a greater distance ; and as the economical integration is thus extended over a wider area, the economical differentiation is again increased; since each district, having a larger market for its commodity, is led to devote itself more exclusively to pro- ducing this commodity. These actions and reactions con- tinue until the various localities, becoming greatly developed and highly specialized in their industries, are at the same time functionally integrated by a network of roads, and finally railways, along which rapidly circulate the currents severally sent out and received by the localities. And it will be manifest that in individual organisms a like correlative progress must have been caused in an analogous way. § 308. Another and higher form of physiological integra- tion in animals, is that which the nervous system effects. Each part as it becomes specialized, begins to act upon the rest not only indirectly through the matters it takes from and adds to the blood, but also directly through the molecular disturbances it sets up and diffuses. Whether nerves them- selves are differentiated by the molecular disturbances thus propagated in certain directions, or whether they are other- 380 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. wise differentiated, it must equally happen that as fast as they become channels along which molecular disturbances travel, the parts they connect become physiologically inte- grated, in so far that a change in one initiates a change in the other. We may dimly perceive that if portions of what was originally a uniform mass having a common function, undertake subdivisions of the function, the molecular changes going on in them will be in some way complemen- tary to one another: that peculiar form of molecular motion which the one has lost in becoming specialized, the other has gained in becoming specialized. And if the molecular motion that was common to the two portions while they were undiffer- entiated, becomes divided into two complementary kinds of molecular motion; then between these portions there will be a contrast of molecular motions such that whatever is plus in the one will be minus in the other ; and hence there will be a special tendency towards a restoration of the molecular equi- librium between the two: the molecular motion continually propagated away from either will have its line of least resist- ance in the direction of the other. If, as argued in the last chapter, repeated restorations of molecular equili- brium, always following the line of least resistance, tend ever to make it a line of diminished resistance; then, in propor- tion as any parts become more physiologically integrated by the establishment of this channel for the easy transmission of molecular motion between them, they may become more physiologically differentiated. The contrast between their molecular motions leads to the line of discharge; the line of discharge, once formed, permits a greater contrast of their molecular motions to arise; thereupon the quantities of molecular motion transferred to restore equilibrium, being increased, the channel of transfer is made more permeable; and its further permeability, so caused, renders possible a still more marked unlikeness of action between the parts. Thus the differentiation and the integration progress hand in hand as before. How the same principle holds through- PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS. 381 out the higher stages of nervous development, can be seen only still more vaguely. Nevertheless, it is comprehensible that as functions become further divided, there will arise the need for sub-connexions along which there may take place secondary equilibrations subordinate to the main ones. It is manifest, too, that whereas the differentiation of functions proceeds, not necessarily by division into two, but often by division into several, and usually in such ways as not to leave any two functions that are just complementary to one an- other, the restorations of equilibrium cannot be so simple as above supposed. And especially when we bear in mind that many differentiated functions, as those of the senses, cannot be held complementary to any other functions in particular; it becomes manifest that the equilibrations that have to be made in an organism of much heterogeneity, are extremely complex, and do not take place between each organ and some other, but between each organ and all the others. The pecu- liarity of the molecular motion propagated from each organ, has to be neutralized by some counter-peculiarity in the average of the molecular motions with which it is brought into relation. All the variously-modified molecular motions from the various parts, must have their pluses and minuses mutually cancelled: if not locally, then at some centre to which each unbalanced motion travels until it meets with some opposite unbalanced motion to destroy it. Still, involved as these actions must become, it is possible to see how the general principle illustrated by the simple case above sup- posed, will continue to hold. For always the molecular motion proceeding from any one differentiated part, will travel most readily towards that place where a molecular motion most complementary to it in kind exists — no matter whether this complementary molecular motion be that pro- ceeding from any one other organ, or the resultant of the molecular motions proceeding from many other organs. So that the tendency will be for each channel of communication or nerve, to unite itself with some centre or ganglion, where it 382 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. comes into relation with other nerves. And if there be any parts of its peculiar molecular motion uncancelled by the molecular motions it meets at this centre ; or if, as will prob- ably happen, the average molecular motion which it there unites to produce, differs from the average molecular motion elsewhere; then, as before, there will arise a discharge along another channel or nerve to another centre or ganglion, where the residuary difference may be cancelled by the differences it meets; or whence it may be still further propagated till it is so cancelled. Thus there will be a ten- dency to a general nervous integration keeping pace with the differentiation. Of course this must be taken as nothing more than the indication of initial tendencies — not as an hypothesis suffi- cient to account for all the facts. It leaves out of sight the origin and functions of ganglia, considered as something more than nerve-junctions. Were there only these lines of easy transmission of molecular disturbance, a change set up in one organ could never do more than produce its equivalent of change in some other or others; and there could be none of that large amount of motion initiated by a small sensation, which we habitually see. The facts show, unmistakably, that the slight disturbance communicated to a ganglion, causes an overthrow of that highly-unstable nervous matter contained in it, and a discharge from it of the greatly-increased quantity of molecular motion so generated. This, however, is beyond our immediate topic. All we have here to note is the inter- dependence and unification of functions that naturally follow the differentiation of them. § 309. Something might be added concerning the further class of integrations by which organisms are constituted mechanically-coherent wholes. Carrying further certain of the arguments contained in the last chapter, it might be not unreasonably inferred that the binding together of parts by bones, muscles, and ligaments, is a secondary result of PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS. 383 those same actions by which bones, muscles, and ligaments are specialized. But adequate treatment of this division of the subject is at present scarcely possible. What little of fact and inference has been above set down, will, however, serve to make comprehensible the general truths respecting which, in their main outlines, there can be no question. Beginning with the feebly-differentiated sponge, of which the integration is also so feeble that cutting off a piece interferes in no appreciable degree with the activity and growth of the rest, it is undeniable that the advance is through stages in which the multiplication of unlike parts having unlike actions, is accompanied by an increasing inter- dependence of the parts and their actions ; until we come to structures like our own, in which a slight change initiated in one part will instantly and powerfully affect all other parts — will convulse an immense number of muscles, send a wave of contraction through all the blood-vessels, awaken a crowd of ideas with an accompanying gush of emotions, affect the action of the lungs, of the stomach, and of all the secreting organs. And while it is a manifest necessity that along with this subdivision of functions which the higher organisms show us, there must be this close co-ordination of them, the fore- going paragraphs suggest how this necessary correlation is brought about. For a great part of the physiological union that accompanies the physiological specialization, there ap- pears to be a sufficient cause in the process of direct equili- bration; and indirect equilibration may be fairly presumed a sufficient cause for that which remains. CHAPTER X. SUMMARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. § 310. INTERCOURSE between each part and the particular conditions to which it is exposed, either habitually in the individual or occasionally in the race, thus appears to be the origin of physiological development ; as we found it to be the origin of morphological development. The unlikenesses of form that arise among members of an aggregate that were originally alike, we traced to unlikenesses in the incident forces. And in the foregoing chapters we have traced to unlikenesses in the incident forces, these unlikenesses of minute structure and chemical composition that simulta- neously arise among the parts. In summing up the special truths illustrative of this general truth, it will be proper here to contemplate more especially their dependence on first principles. Dealing with biological phenomena as phenomena of evolution, we have to interpret not only the increasing morphological heterogeneity of organisms, but also their increasing physiological hetero- geneity, in terms of the re-distribution of matter and motion. While we make our rapid re-survey of the facts, let us then more particularly observe how they are subordinate to the universal course of this re-distribution. § 311. The instability of the homogeneous, or, strictly speaking, the inevitable lapse of the more homogeneous into the less homogeneous, which we before saw endlessly exem- SUMMARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 385 plified by the morphological differentiations of the parts of organisms, we have here seen afresh exemplified in ways also countless, by the physiological differentiations of their parts. And in the one case as in the other, this change from uni- formity to multiformity in organic aggregates, is caused, as it is in all inorganic aggregates, by the necessary exposure of their component parts to actions unlike in kind or quan- tity or both. General proof of this is furnished by the order in which the differences appear. If parts are rendered physiologically heterogeneous by the heterogeneity of the in- cident forces, then the earliest contrasts should be between parts that are the most strongly contrasted in their relations to incident forces; the next earliest contrasts should occur where there are the next strongest contrasts in these relations ; and so on. It turns out that they do so. Everywhere the differentiation of outside from inside comes first. In the simplest plants the unlikeness of the cell- wall to the cell-contents is the conspicuous trait of structure. The contrasts seen in the simplest animals are of the same kind: the film that covers a Ehizopod and the more indurated coat of an Infusorian, are more unlike the contained sarcode than the other parts of this are from one another; and the tendency during the life of the animal is for the unlikeness to become greater. What is true of Protophyta and Protozoa, is true of the germs of all organ- isms up to the highest : the differentiation of outer from inner is the first step. When the protoplasm of an Alga-cell has broken up into the clusters of granules which are eventually to become spores, each of these quickly acquires a mem- branous coating; constituting an unlikeness between surface and centre. Similarly with the ovule of every higher plant : the mass of cells forming it, early exhibits an outside layer of cells distinguished from the cells within. With animal-germs it is the same. Be it in a ciliated gemmule, be it in the unfertilized ova of Aphides and of the Cecidomyia, or be it in true ova, the primary differentiation conforms to the rela- 386 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. tions of exterior and interior. If we turn to adult organisms, vegetal or animal, we see that whether they do or do not display other contrasts of parts, they always display this contrast. Though otherwise almost homogeneous, such Fungi as the puff-ball, or, among Algce, all which have a thallus of any thickness, present marked differences between those of their cells which are in immediate contact with the environment and those which are not. Such differences they present in common with every higher plant; which, here in the shape of bark and there in the shape of cuticle, has an envelope inclosing it even up to its petals and stamens. In like manner among animals, there is always either a true skin or an outer coat analogous to one. Wherever aggregates of the first order have united into aggregates of the second and third orders — wherever they have become the morpho- logical units of such higher aggregates — the outermost of them have grown unlike those lying within. Even the Sponge is not without a layer that may by analogy be called dermal. This lapse of the relatively homogeneous into the rela- tively heterogeneous, first showing itself, as on the hypothesis of evolution it must do, by the rise of an unlikeness between outside and inside, goes on next to show itself, as we infer that it must do, by the establishment of secondary contrasts among the outer parts answering to secondary contrasts among the forces falling on them. So long as the whole sur- face of a plant remains similarly related to the environment, as in a Protococcus, it remains uniform ; but when there come to be an attached surface and a free surface, these, being sub- ject to unlike actions, are rendered unlike. This is visible even in a unicellular Alga when it becomes fixed; it is shown in the distinction between the under and upper parts of ordinary Fungi; and we see it in the universal difference between the imbedded ends and the exposed ends of the higher plants. And then among the less marked contrasts of surface answering to the less marked contrasts in the inci- SUMMARY OP PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 387 dent forces, come those between the upper and under sides of leaves; which, as we have seen, vary in degree as the con- trasts of forces vary in degree, and disappear where these con- trasts disappear. Equally clear proof is furnished by animals, that the original uniformity of surface lapses into multiformity, in proportion as the actions of the environment upon the surface become multiform. In a Worm, burrowing through damp soil which acts equally on all its sides, or in a Tcenia, uniformly bathed by the contents of the intestine it inhabits, the parts of the integument do not appreciably differ from one another; but in creatures not surrounded by the same agencies, as those that crawl and those that have their bodies partially inclosed, there are unlikenesses of in- tegument corresponding to unlikenesses of the conditions. A snail's foot has an under surface not uniform with the exposed surface of its body, and this again is not uniform with the protected surface. Among articulate animals there is usually a distinction between the ventral and the dorsal aspects; and in those of the Arthropoda which subject their anterior and posterior ends to different environing agencies, as do the ant-lion and the hermit-crab, these become super- ficially differentiated. Analogous general contrasts occur among the Vertebrata. Fishes, though their outsides are uniformly bathed by water, have their backs more exposed to light than their bellies, and the two are commonly distinct in colour. When it is not the back and belly which are thus dissimilarly conditioned, but the sides, as in the Pleuronectidce, then it is the sides which become contrasted; and there may be significance in the fact that those abnormal individuals of this order which revert to the ancestral undistorted type, and swim vertically, have the two sides alike. In such higher vertebrates as reptiles, we see repeated this differentiation of the upper and under surfaces : especially in those of them which, like snakes, expose these surfaces to the most diverse actions. Even in birds and mammals which usually, by raising the under surface considerably above the ground, 388 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. greatly diminish the contrast between its conditions and the conditions to which the upper surface is subject, there still remains some unlikeness of clothing answering to the remain- ing unlikeness between the conditions. Thus, with- out by any means saying that all such differentiations are directly caused by differences in the actions of incident forces, which, as before shown (§ 294), they cannot be, it is clear that many of them are so caused. It is clear that parts of the surface exposed to very unlike environing agencies, become very unlike ; and this is all that needs to be shown. Complex as are the transformations of the inner parts of organisms from the -relatively homogeneous into the rela- tively heterogeneous, we still see among them a conformity to the same general order. In both plants and animals the earlier internal differentiations answer to the stronger con- trasts of conditions. Plants, absorbing all their nutriment through their outer surfaces, are internally modi- fied mainly by the transfer of materials and by mechanical stress. Such of them as do not raise their fronds above the surface, have their inner tissues subject to no marked con- trasts save those caused by currents of sap; and the lines of lengthened and otherwise changed cells which are formed where these currents run, and are most conspicuous where these currents must obviously be the strongest, are the only decided differentiations of the interior. But where, as in the higher Cryptogams and in Phaenogams, the leaves are upheld, and the supporting stem is transversely bent by the wind, the inner tissues, subject to different amounts of mechanical strain, differentiate accordingly: the deposit of dense substance commences in that region where the sap- containing cells and canals suffer the greatest intermittent compressions. Animals, or at least such of them as take food into their interiors, are subject to forces of another class tending to destroy their original homogeneity. Food is a foreign substance which acts on the interior as an environing object which touches it acts on the exterior — is SUMMARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 389 literally a portion of the environment which, when swal- lowed, becomes a cause of internal differentiations as the rest of the environment continues a cause of external differentia- tions. How essentially parallel are the two sets of actions and reactions, we have seen implied by the primordial identity of the endoderm and ectoderm in simple animals, and of the skin and mucous membrane in complex animals (§§288, 289). Here we have further to observe that as food is the original source of internal differentiations, these may be expected to show themselves first where the influence of the food is greatest; and to appear later in proportion as the parts are more removed from the influence of the food. They do this. In animals of low type, the coats of the alimentary cavity or canal are more differentiated than the tissue which lies be- tween the alimentary canal and the wall of the body. This tis- suein the higher Ccelenterata, is a feebly-organized parenchyma traversed by canals lined with simple ciliated cells ; and in the lower Mollusca the structures bounding the perivisceral cavity and its ramifying sinuses, are similarly imperfect. Further, it is observable that the differentiation of this perivisceral sac and its sinuses into a vascular system, proceeds centri- fugally from the region where the absorbed nutriment enters the mass of circulating liquid, and where this liquid is quali- tatively more unlike the tissues than it is at the remoter parts of the body. Physiological development, then, is initiated by that in- stability of the homogeneous which we have seen to be every- where a cause of evolution (First Principles, §§ 149 — 155). That the passage from comparative uniformity of composi- tion and minute structure to comparative multiformity, is set up in organic aggregates, as in all other aggregates, by the necessary unlikenesses of the actions to which the parts are subject, is shown by the universal rise of the primary differen- tiation into the parts that are universally most contrasted in their circumstances, and by the rise of secondary differen- 390 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. tiations obviously related in their order to secondary contrasts of conditions. § 312. How physiological development has all along been aided by the multiplication of effects — how each differen- tiation has ever tended to become the parent of new differen- tiations, we have had, incidentally, various illustrations. Let us here review the working of this cause. Among plants we see it in the production of progressively- multiplying heterogeneities of tissue by progressive increase of bulk. The integration of fronds into axes and of axes into groups of axes, sets up unlikenesses of action among the integrated units, followed by unlikenesses of minute struc- ture. Each gust transversely strains the various parts of the stem in various degrees, and longitudinally strains in various degrees the roots; and while there is inequality of stress at every place in stem and branch, so, at every place in stem and branch, the outer layers and the successively inner layers are severally extended and compressed to unequal amounts, and have unequal modifications wrought in them. Let the tree add to its periphery another generation of the units composing it, and immediately the mechanical strains on the supporting parts are all changed in different degrees, initiat- ing new differences internally. Externally, too, new differ- ences are initiated. Shaded by the leaf-bearing outer stratum of shoots, the inner structures cease to bear leaves, or to put out shoots which bear leaves ; and instead of that green cover- ing which they originally had, become covered with bark of increasing thickness. Manifestly, then, the larger integration of units that are originally simple and uniform, entails physiological changes of various orders, varying in their degrees at all parts of the aggregate. Each branch which, favourably circumstanced, flourishes more than its neigh- bours, becomes a cause of physiological differentiations, not only in its neighbours from which it abstracts sap and pres- SUMMARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 391 ently turns from leaf-bearers into fruit-bearers, but also in the remoter parts. That among animals physiological development is fur- thered by the multiplication of effects, we have lately seen proved by the many changes in other organs, which the growth or modification of each excreting and secreting organ initiates. By the abstracted as well as by the added mate- rials, it alters the quality of the blood passing through all members of the body; or by the liquid it pours into the alimentary canal, it acts on the food, and through it on the blood, and through it on the system as a whole: an addi- tional differentiation in one part thus setting up additional differentiations in many other parts; from each of which, again, secondary differentiating forces reverberate through the organism. Or, to take an influence of another order, we have seen how the modified mechanical action of any member not only modifies that member, but becomes, by its reactions, a cause of secondary modifications — how, for example, the burrowing habits of the common mole, leading to an almost exclusive use of the fore limbs, have entailed a dwindling of the hind limbs, and a concomitant dwindling of the pelvis, which, becoming too small for the passage of the young, has initiated still more anomalous modifications. So that throughout physiological development, as in evo- lution at large, the multiplication of effects has been a factor constantly at work, and working more actively as the develop- ment, has advanced. The secondary changes wrought by each primary change, have necessarily become more numerous in proportion as organisms have become more complex. And every increased multiplication of effects, further differen- tiating the organism and, by consequence, further integrating it, has prepared the way for still higher differentiations and integrations similarly caused. § 313. The general truth next to be resumed, is that these processes have for their limit a state of equilibrium — proxi- 392 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. mately a moving equilibrium and ultimately a complete equilibrium. The changes we have contemplated are but the concomitants of a progressing equilibration. In every aggre- gate which we call living, as well as in all other aggregates, the instability of the homogeneous is but another name for the absence of balance between the incident forces and the forces which the aggregate opposes to them ; and the passage into heterogeneity is the passage towards a state of balance. And to say that in every aggregate, organic or other, there goes on a multiplication of effects, is but to say that one part which has a fresh force impressed on it, must go on changing and communicating secondary changes, until the whole of the impressed force has been used up in generating equivalent reactive forces. The principle that whatever new action an organism is subject to, must either overthrow the moving equilibrium of its functions and cause the sudden equilibration called death, or else must progressively alter the organic rhythms until, by the establishment of a new reaction balancing the new action a new moving equilibrium is produced, applies as much to each member of an organism as to the organism in its totality. Any force falling on any part not adapted to bear it, must either cause local destruction of tissue, or must, without destroying the tissue, continue to change it until it can change it no further ; that is — until the modified reaction of the part has become equal to the modified action. What- ever the nature of the force this must happen. If it is a mechanical force, then the immediate effect is some distortion of the part — a distortion having for its limit that attitude in which the resistance of the structures to further change of position, balances the force tending to produce the further change ; and the ultimate effect, supposing the force to be con- tinuous or recurrent, is such a permanent alteration of form, or alteration of structure, or both, as establishes a permanent balance. If the force is physico-chemical, or chemical, the general result is still the same: the component molecules of SUMMARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 393 the tissue must have their molecular arrangements changed, and the change in their molecular arrangements must go on until their molecular motions are so re-adjusted as to equili- brate the molecular motions of the new physico-chemical or chemical agent. In other words, the organic matter com- posing the part, if it continues to be organic matter at all, must assume that molecular composition which enables it to bear, or as we say adapts it to, the incident forces. NOT is it less certain that throughout the organism as a whole, equilibration is alike the proximate limit of the changes wrought by each action, as well as the ultimate limit of the changes wrought by any recurrent actions or continuous action. The movements every instant going on, are move- ments towards a new state of equilibrium. Eaising a limb causes a simultaneous shifting of the centre of gravity, and such altered tensions and pressures throughout the body as re-adjust the disturbed balance. Passage of liquid into or out of a tissue, implies some excess of force in one direction there at work ; and ceases only when the force so diminishes or the counter-forces so increase that the excess disappears. A nervous discharge is reflected and re-reflected from part to part, until it has all been used up in the re-arrangements pro- duced— equilibrated by the reactions called out. And what is thus obviously true of every normal change, is equally true of every abnormal change — every disturbance of the estab- lished rhythm of the functions. If such disturbance is a single one, the perturbations set up by it, reverberating throughout the system, leave its moving equilibrium slightly altered. If the disturbance is repeated or persistent, its suc- cessive effects accumulate until they have produced a new moving equilibrium adjusted to the new force. Each re-balancing of actions, having for its necessary con- comitant a modification of tissues, it is an obvious corollary that organisms subjected to successive changes of conditions, must undergo successive differentiations and re-differentia- tions. Direct equilibration in organisms, with all its accom- 394 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. panying structural alterations, is as certain as is that uni- versal progress towards equilibrium of which it forms part. And just as certain is that indirect equilibration in organisms to which the remaining large class of differentiations is due. The development of favourable variations by the killing of individuals in which they do not occur or are least marked, is, as before, a balancing between certain local structures and the forces they are exposed to ; and is no less inevitable than the other. § 314. In all which universal laws, we find ourselves again brought down to the persistence of force, as the deepest knowable cause of those modifications which constitute physiological development; as it is the deepest knowable cause of all other evolution. Here, as elsewhere, the per- petual lapse from less to greater heterogeneity, the perpetual begetting of secondary modifications by each primary modi- fication, and the perpetual approach to a temporary balance on the way towards a final balance, are necessary implica- tions of the ultimate fact that force cannot disappear but can only change its form. It is an unquestionable deduction from the persistence of force, that in every individual organism each new incident force must work its equivalent of change; and that where it is a constant or recurrent force, the limit of the change it works must be an adaptation of structure such as opposes to the new outer force an equal inner force. The only thing open to question is, whether such re-adjustment is inherit- able; and further consideration will, I think, show, that to say it is not inheritable is indirectly to say that force does not persist. If all parts of an organism have their func- tions co-ordinated into a moving equilibrium, such that every part perpetually influences all other parts, and cannot be changed without initiating changes in all other parts — if the limit of change is the establishment of a complete harmony among the movements, molecular and other, of all parts ; then SUMMARY OP PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. 395 among other parts that are modified, molecularly or other- wise, must be those which cast off the germs of new organ- isms. The molecules of their produced germs must tend ever to conform the motions of their components, and there- fore the arrangements of their components, to the molecular forces of the organism as a whole; and if this aggregate of molecular forces be modified in its distribution by a local change of structure, the molecules of the germs must be gradually changed in the motions and arrangements of their components, until they are re-adjusted to the aggregate of molecular forces. CHAPTER XA. THE INTEGRATION OF THE ORGANIC WORLD. § 314a. THAT from the beginning of life there has been an ever-increasing heterogeneity in the Earth's Flora and Fauna, is a truth recognized by all biologists who accept the doctrine of evolution. In discussing the origin of species Mr. Darwin and others have been mainly occupied in ex- plaining the genesis of now this and now that form of organism, considered as a member of one or other series, and regarded as becoming differentiated from its allies. But by implication, if not avowedly, there has been simultaneously accepted the belief that the forms continually produced by divergences and re-divergences, have constituted an assem- blage increasingly multiform in its included kinds. And this, which we are shown by the process of organic evolution as followed out in its details, is a corollary from the doctrine of evolution at large, as was pointed out in § 159 of First Principles. Meanwhile there has been little if any recognition of an accompanying change, no less fundamental. In the general transformation which constitutes Evolution, differentiation and integration advance hand in hand; so that along with the production of unlike parts there progresses the union of these unlike parts into a whole. Examples of various kinds before given will recur to the reader, and an addition to them has just been set forth in the chapter on " Physiological Integration." One more example, world-wide in its reach, has still to be named. THE INTEGRATION OF THE ORGANIC WORLD. 397 For here it remains to point out that along with the in- creasing multiplication of types of organisms covering the Earth's surface, there has been ever going on an increasing mutual dependence of them — an increasing integration of the entire aggregate of living things. Many facts which are obvious and many which are quite familiar will be named as evidence. But I must be excused for reminding the reader of things that he knows and things that he may easily observe, since, unless the evidence, trite as it may be, is gathered together and properly marshalled, the generalization enunciated will not be thought valid. § 3146. Eespecting the physiological characters of the earliest forms there is an assumption from which no escape seems possible — the assumption that they united animal and vegetal characters. Even among existing microscopic types of the lowest classes, there is such community of plant- traits and animal-traits that doubts respecting their proper places in one or the other kingdom are continually raised — doubts, too, whether, if regarded as vegetal, they are to be grouped as algoid or fungoid. Here, however, without entering on moot questions, we may draw the a priori conclusion that these earliest living things were double-natured, in so far that they must have had the ability to assimilate from the inorganic world all the materials of which protoplasm consists — must therefore, along with the power of appropriating carbon from its gase- ous compound, also have had the power of appropriating ni- trogen, either from one of its combined oxides or directly from the air with which water is more or less charged. For before organic substances existed there could have been none but inorganic sources from which nitrogen could be obtained. This conclusion concerns us only because it implies homogeneity of nature in these primordial forms of life. There could not at first have existed among these minutest of Protozoa even such vague distinctions as are now presented 398 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. in a shadowy way by their modern representatives. And the implication is that during the period throughout which these smallest, lowest, and simplest living things alone existed, there could have been, in the absence of kinds, no mutual dependence. Since, among various of the lowest types now known to us, the same individual exhibits a life which is now pre- dominantly vegetal and now predominantly animal, we cannot err in assuming that there eventually took place differentiations of this original plant-animal type into types permanently unlike: some in which the traits were more markedly vegetal and others in which they were more markedly animal. As fast as this differentiation arose, there came the beginnings of cooperation between the pre- dominantly vegetal types which by the aid of light formed organic matter from the inorganic world, and the predomi- nantly animal types which, in chief measure, utilized the matter so formed. Evidently with the rise of such a dif- ferentiation came an incipient mutual dependence. If to the implied algoid type and the animal type there be added the fungoid type, somewhat intermediate in character, which in a large proportion of cases lives on the decaying remnants of the other two, we are furnished with a rude conception of the primary differentiations and the accompanying vague mutual dependences. ( Speculation aside, it suffices to say that early in the history of life there must have arisen the distinction between Pro- tozoa and Protophyta, and that this distinction foreshadowed that widest contrast which the higher organic world presents — the contrast between plants and animals. It is needless to do more than name the mutual dependence between these two great divisions. That, as being respectively decomposers of carbon dioxide and exhalers of carbon dioxide, they act reciprocally, as also in some measure by interchange of nitro- genous matters; and that the implied general cooperation serves in an indirect way to unite their lives, and in that THE INTEGRATION OF THE ORGANIC WORLD. 399 sense to integrate the two kingdoms ; needs not to be insisted upon. Further complications of the mutual dependence will be mentioned by and by. For the present it suffices to recognize this division of organic functions as the first which arose and as continuing to be that fundamental one which more than all others binds organisms at large together. § 314c. It will be thought by many readers that in speak- ing of the contrasted vital activities of plants and animals as constituting a "division of organic functions," I am straining words beyond their meanings ; since the conception of organic functions postulates an organized whole in which they exist, and plants and animals constitute no such organized whole. But there is at hand an unexpected defence for this concep- tion— a defence not forthcoming a generation ago, but which now all biologists will recognize as relevant. I refer to the phenomena of symbiosis. These present various cases in which the plant-function and the animal-function are carried on in the same body, — cases in which the cooperation is not between separate vegetal organisms which accumulate nutri- tive matters and separate animal organisms which consume them, but is a cooperation between vegetal elements and animal elements forming parts of the same organism. As introductory to examples of these must first, however, be named an example of such cooperation between the two great classes of vegetal organisms — the fungoid and the al- goid. Incredible as the statement once seemed, it is a state- ment now accepted, that what we know as lichens, and used to consider as plants forming a certain low class, are now found to be not plants in the ordinary sense at all, but compound growths formed of minute algae and minute fungi, carrying on their lives together: the algoa furnishing to the fungi certain constituents they need but cannot directly obtain, and the fungi profiting by certain materials they obtain from the algae, either while living or while individually decaying. Whence it would seem that after the microscopic vegetal 400 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. type had become in a large degree differentiated into two main types, in adaptation to different conditions of life, and had acquired appropriate specialities of nature, there grew up this communistic arrangement between certain of them, en- abling each to benefit by the powers which the other had acquired: evidently an exchange of services, a physiological division of labour, a mutual dependence -of functions analo- gous to that which exists between functions in an ordinary plant or animal. Not differing in principle but only in application, is that symbiosis above referred to as existing between Protophyta and many Protozoa, as well as between such Protophyta and the lowest kinds of Metazoa. A recent statement that certain amoebae, made green by contained chlorophyll, con- tinue to grow and multiply after they have consumed what nutritive matter may be at hand, is in harmony with various facts alleged of other Protozoa — various other kinds of Khizo- pods, various Heliozoa, numerous ciliated and flagellated Infusoria. Among Metazoa the like association occurs in one of the sponges, in the Hydra viridis, in various turbel- larians, in a rotifer, and even in two molluscs. In these cases the partnership between the vegetal cells and the animal cells (existing either as units or as an organized group such as a polype), is a partnership which, as before, profits each of the partners — an inference supported by the fact that Metazoa containing these algoid cells usually place them- selves where the light falls upon them, and can therefore further the production of the carbo-hydrates which event- ually become useful to the animal-cells, while these in some way reciprocate the benefit. Here, then, we have exchange of services between asso- ciated plant-elements and animal-elements — a performance by them of different organic functions for the benefit of the aggregate which they unite to form. Hence, when these vegetal elements and animal elements are separately em- bodied in plants and animals, which profit by one another, THE INTEGRATION OF THE ORGANIC WORLD. 401 we may still properly regard their respective lives as mutually- dependent organic functions, as said in the preceding section. We are enabled the better to see how the Earth's Flora and Fauna, which are respectively accumulators of motion and expenders of motion, form mutually-dependent parts of a whole, and are in that sense integrated. And we shall be prepared to see how all other relations between organisms which make them subservient one to another, similarly con- stitute elements in a general integration of the organic world. § 314J. Another form of mutual dependence and conse- quently of integration is conspicuous — that which accom- panied the progressive increase of size in organisms of the higher classes. We have but to contemplate the possibilities to see that life must necessarily have commenced with minute forms, and that the progress to larger ones must have been by small steps. For had creatures of appreciable sizes been the first to exist they would inevitably have disappeared from lack of food. Having no resource but to devour one another, they would quickly have brought life to an end. There must have been smaller types serving as prey for larger ones before these could continue to exist and to multiply: microbes affording food to infusoria, infusoria affording food to such sized creatures as the Entomostraca, these again supplying food to small fishes, such as loch-trout, and these last yielding to larger fishes masses sufficiently great for their needs : each higher grade requiring lower grades of appropriate bulk. It needs but to ask what would become of tigers if there were no mammals larger than mice, to see that the animal world is a linked assemblage, of which the connected members stand within certain ratios of mass ; and that during the evolution of higher and larger types the linking of grades has become closer. That among plants considered as an aggregate relations of like kind, though far less distinct ones, have all along 72 402 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. been growing may be reasonably concluded. In a world peopled only by microscopic types there could not have existed the conditions needful for large trees. Gradual dis- integration of rock-surfaces, partly effected by physical agencies and partly by low forms of plants, had to prepare the way for superior plants. The production of sufficient soil by mineralogical decay as well as by the decay of organisms, plant and animal, may be regarded as having been a preliminary to larger plant-growth; and though at present the dependence is far less close than that among animals, yet the benefits yielded to metaphytes by the de- composing actions carried on by protophytes, as well as those carried on by microbes permeating the soil, imply a con- tinued general interdependence throughout the aggregate of plant-forms, apart from more special interdependences. And . then along with this indebtedness of the greater plants to the smaller during the process of evolution, there must be named that indebtedness of plant-life to animal-life which Mr. Darwin has shown in his book on the agency of worms as producers of mould. § 314e. Services of one to another, and consequent unions, of more special kinds are infinitely varied, alike within each kingdom and between the two kingdoms. I refer to those seen in parasitism, commensalism, and other forms of asso- ciation. While they do not conduce to unions of the kind thus far considered, these nevertheless constitute innumer- able links whereby the lives of organisms, plant and animal, are tied together; sometimes for the advantage of both but in most cases for the benefit of one to the injury of the other. Among plants the degrees of dependence are various. Un- able to raise themselves into the air and light, some climb, like the ivy, by modified rootlets, or spirally coil themselves, or hang by tendrils. Others there are which gradually strangle the trees they embrace, or which, like lichens in damp climates, festooning the smaller trees, by and by cause THE INTEGRATION OF THE ORGANIC WORLD. 403 their decay. Of higher types of epiphytes which use trees only to gain elevation, the orchids may be instanced. And then we have plants which, like the mistletoe, fix themselves on the bark of their hosts, utilizing them partly for purposes of elevation and partly by appropriation of their juices. After these may be named those extreme cases in which the para- sitic plants, ceasing to have any chlorophyll-bearing leaves, live wholly on the juices of the invaded plants. At home the common dodder, and in the tropics the Rafflesiacece, belong to this group. There must be added the numerous forms of minute fungi which in like manner thrive at the expense of the plants they infest. In all these cases the interdependence is one-sided, though, as we shall presently see, while detrimental to one of the two concerned, it is not always detrimental to the organic world as a whole. That utilization of one by another among animals which causes immediate death, is familiar enough in the relations between carnivores and herbivores. Almost as familiar are those seen in parasitism. Less familiar are those seen in commensalism ; and the least familiar are those which show us exchange of services. Among these last — the mutually- beneficial relations — that between the crocodile and the bird which picks parasites out of its teeth is a striking one; and no less so is that of the pique-gouffe, an African bird which pierces the tumour on a buffalo's back that incloses a para- site. Then of another kind we have the connexion between aphides and ants : the one profiting by being carried to better pastures and the other by increased saccharine excre- tion. Next comes the class of messmates, the connexions between some of which are relatively innocent, as witness the Sea-anemone which settles itself on the shell occupied by a Hermit-crab, or as witness the Remora fixed on a shark's skin. Less innocent is the relation under which one of the two seizes a share of the food obtained by the other, like the annelid which insinuates itself between the Hermit- crab and the whelk-shell it inhabits, or like the small fishes 404 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. inhabiting certain Medusce, or those which nestle in the branchial sac of the Lophius. After these may be named the less injurious forms of parasites proper — those which, dis- tinguished as Epizoa, fix themselves on the skins of their hosts, permanently or temporarily, such as, of the one kind, the LerncEd on fishes, and of the other kind the Tick on mammals and birds. Then there come the other class of parasites, most of them highly injurious, distinguished as Entozoa, living within the bodies of their hosts, now in parts of their alimentary canals, now on other of their mucous surfaces, and now in various of their organs : these last two groups being so numerous in their kinds that there are commonly more species than one proper to each larger animal. One stage further in the complication meets us in the para- sites upon parasites. But now the general fact, to which these brief indications are introductory, is that «the use made of one organism by another has been ever widening and becoming more involved. Among plants utilization of the larger by the smaller — of trees by epiphytes and parasites — must have arisen since the times when the larger came into existence — times relatively late in the course of organic evolution. Moreover most of the plants which utilize others, either by climbing up them or settling themselves high up on their stems or sucking their juices, are phaenogams, and the plants they utilize are also phsenogams; so that these innumerable interdependences must have been established since the phasnogamic type has become so predominant in respect of both size and kind. Similarly among animals. Though there are many parasites belonging, like the Trematodes, to very low classes, there are many which belong to the Arthropoda, and, being degraded forms of that class, must have come into existence after Arthropods of considerable structure had been evolved. Again, a large part of the animals infested by Epizoa and Entozoa are vertebrates — many of the highest types; and as these are relatively modern all this parasitism must be of THE INTEGRATION OP THE ORGANIC WORLD. 405 late date. So, too, of much commensalism and many mutually-beneficial associations. The reciprocal services of ants and aphides must have originated since the Hymenoptera and Hemiptera became established types, and since the days when certain insects of the ant-type had become social, and since the days when aphides had become degraded members of their order : both dates being relatively recent. And still more recent must have been the commensalism between the ants and the many species of other insects which inhabit their nests. Leaving out relations of the kinds just named, it seems that down from those between carnivores and their prey to those between lice and their hosts, such relations profit one of the two species concerned and injure the other, and that there the matter ends. But it does not end there; for that multiplication of effects to which people are usually blind, brings about changes which, as hinted above, though inju- rious to the individual are beneficial to the species, and which, when not beneficial to the species, are often beneficial to the aggregate of species. Even where animals of one class live by devouring animals of another class, we see, on looking beyond the immediate results, certain remote results that are advantageous. In the first place the process is one by which inferior individuals — the least agile, swift, strong, or sagacious — are picked out and prevented from leaving posterity and lowering the average quality of their kind. At the same time individuals made feeble by injury or old age, are among those to be killed and saved from suffering prolonged pains : the evils of death by disease and starvation being thus limited to the pre- datory animals, relatively small in their numbers. Mean- while a check is put on undue multiplication. Where a tract of country has been overrun by rabbits, weasels, thriving on the abundant supply of food, presently become numerous enough to bring the population of rabbits within moderate limits; and by doing this benefit not only all those kinds of 406 PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. plants which are being eaten down, and all those other ani- mals which live on such plants, but also the rabbits them- selves; since, increasing beyond the means of subsistence, a large part of them would, if not killed, die of hunger. Be- tween aphides and lady-birds we see a connexion of like nature: great increase of the first yielding abundant food to larva? of the second, ending after a season or so in swarms of lady-birds, and consequently of their larvae, whereby the aphides, immensely diminished, cease so greatly to injure various plants and the animals dependent on them. Even minute parasites, by the evils they inflict on one species, profit others : instance the enormous destruction of flies which a microscopic fungus caused a few years ago — a destruction which relieved not only man but all the animals which flies irritate: often so much as to hinder them from feeding. Such instances remind us how numerous are the bonds by which the lives of organisms are tied together. § 314/. I have reserved to the last the clearest and most striking illustration of this progressing integration through- out the organic world. I refer to the mutually-beneficial relations established between plants and animals through the agency of flowers and insects. Everyone nowadays has been made familiar with the pro- cess of plant-fertilization, and knows that (leaving out of consideration plants fertilized by wind-borne pollen) the ability to bear seed depends largely on the aid given by bees, butterflies, and moths. The exchange of services has been growing ever more various and complicated during long past periods. We have the acquirement by flowers of bright colours serving to guide these insects to places where honey is to be found; and we have their perfumes, also serving for guidance. Then we have the many different arrangements, often complicated, by which the visiting insects are obliged to carry away pollen and dust with it the stigmas of flowers on which they subsequently settle: thus effecting cross- THE INTEGRATION OF THE ORGANIC WORLD. 4Q7 fertilization. Pari passu have gone on insect-developments made possible by these arrangements and furthering them. Especially must be named the modification of certain Hymen- optera into honey-storing bees : the implication being that the entire economy established by these social insects has been sequent on the growth of this system of reciprocal benefits. And then, just instancing the dependence between a particular flower having a long tubular corolla, and a par- ticular moth having an appropriately long proboscis, it suffices to say that innumerable specialities of this general relation everywhere multiply the links by which the vegetal world and the animal world are here connected. That the effects of the connections tell largely on the prosperity of both, is suggested by some instances Mr. Darwin gives, and by a statement recently made in the United States, by Dr. L. 0. Howard, that the greater fostering of bees would much increase certain of the crops. But now observe the broad fact to which these few details concerning plant-fertilization are introductory. All these general and special relations between plants and animals have arisen since the phaenogamic type came into existence — have, indeed, arisen since the higher members of that type, the Angiosperms, have appeared; for the Gymnosperms do not play any part in this intercommunion. But so far as we can judge of present results of geologic explorations, there were no Angiosperms during the Eozoic and Paleozoic periods. So that this class of connexions between animals and vegetals must have been established since carboniferous times — a period long, indeed, but far shorter than that which organic evolution at large has occupied. § 314