BOSTON COLLEGE BUSINESS ADMIN. LlBRARr. 1X3 V c- o Columbia ©nttiers^Qpb^ 1 LIBRARY 01 OiTE ^'^^7« "^ o THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited LONDON . BOMBAY . CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK . BOSTON . CHICAGO DALLAS . SAN FRANCISCO THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TORONTO Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries -THE LOGICAL MACHINE. THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE A TEEATISE ON LOGIC AKD SCIENTIFIC METHOD ^ , V^x'^ BY W? STANLEY ^VONS LL.D. (eDINB.), M.A. (LOND.), F.E.S. MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1920 .Try rv[V Pn0?£^'^^i t5 -y J.4 zo COPYRI&HT. First Edition (2 vols. Svo), 1874. Second Edition (1 vol. crown Svo), 1S77. Benrinfed toitJi corrections, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1892, 1900. Reprinted (Svo), 1905, 1907, 1913, 1920. 08577 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. It may be truly asserted that the rapid progress of the physical sciences during the last three centuries has not been accompanied by a corresponding advance in the theory of reasoning. Physicists speak familiarly of Scientific Method, but they could not readily describe what they mean by that expression. Profoundly engaged in the study of particular classes of natural phenomena, they are usually too much engrossed in the immense and ever-accumulating details of their special sciences to generalise upon the methods of reasoning which they unconsciously employ. Yet few will deny that these methods of reasoning ought to be studied, especially by those who endeavour to introduce scientific order into less successful and methodical branches of knowledge. The application of Scientific Method cannot be re- stricted to the sphere of lifeless objects. We must sooner or later have strict sciences of those mental and social phenomena, which, if comparison be possible, are of more interest to us than purely material phenomena. But it is the proper course of reasoning to proceed from the known to the unknown — from the evident to the obscure — from the material and palpable to the subtle and refined. The physical sciences may therefore be properly PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. made the r)ractice-groimd of tlie reasoning powers, because they furnish us with a great body of precise and successful investigations. In these sciences we meet with happy instances of unquestionable deductive reasoning, of ex- tensive generalisation, of happy prediction, of satisfactoiy verification, of nice calculation of probabilities. We can note how the slightest analogical clue has been followed up to a glorious discovery, how a rash generalisation lias at length been exposed, or a conclusive expcrimcnUtvi crucis has decided the long-continued strife between two rival theories. In following out my design of detecting the general methods of inductive investigation, I have found that the more elaborate and interesting processes of quantitative induction have their necessary foundation in the simpler science of Formal Logic. The earlier, and probably by far the least attractive part of this work, consists, there- fore, in a statement of the so-called Fundamental Laws of Thought, and of the all-important Principle of Substi- tution, of which, as I think, all reasoning is a develop- ment. The whole procedure of inductive inquiry, in its most complex cases, is foreshadowed in the combinational view of Logic^ which arises. directly from these fandamental principles. Incidentally I have described the mechanical arrangements by which the use of the important form called the Logical Alphabet, and the whole worldng of the combinational system of Formal Logic, may be ren- dered evident to the eye, and easy to the mind and hand. The study both of Formal Logic and of the Theory of Probabilities lias led me to adopt the opinion that there is no such thing as a distinct method of induction as contrasted with deduction, but that induction is simply an inverse employment of dedaction. Within the last century a reaction has been setting in against the purely empirical procedure of Francis Bacon, and physicists have PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. learnt to advocate the use of hypotheses. I take the extreme view of holding that Francis Bacon, although he correctly insisted upon constant reference to experience, had no correct notions as to the logical method by which from particular facts we educe laws of nature. I endea- vour to show that hypothetical anticipation of nature is an essential part of inductive inquiry, and that it is the ISTewtonian method of deductive reasoning combined with elaborate experimental verification, which has led to all the great triumphs of scientific research. In attempting to give an explanation of this view of Scientific Method, I have first to show that the sciences of number and quantity repose upon and spring from the simpler and more general science of Logic. The Theory of Probability, which enables us to estimate and calculate quantities of knowledge, is then described, and especial attention is drawn to the Inverse Method of Probabilities, which involves, as I conceive, the true principle of in- ductive procedure. Xo inductive conclusions are more than probable, and I adopt the opinion that the theory of probability is an essential part of logical method, so that the logical value of every inductive result must be deter- mined consciously or unconsciously, according to the principles of the inverse method of probability. The phenomena of nature are commonly manifested in quantities of time, space, force, energy, &c., and the observation, measurement, and analysis of the various quantitative conditions or results involved, even in a simple experiment, demand much employment of system- atic procedure. I devote a book, therefore, to a simple and general description of the devices by which exact measurement is effected, errors eliminated, a probable mean result attained, and the probable error of that mean ascertained. I then proceed to the principal, and probably the most interesting, sul^ject of the book, illustrating successively the conditions and precautions requisite for PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. accurate observation, for successful experiuient, and for the sure detection of the quantitative laws of nature. As it is impossible to comprehend aright the value of quantitative laws without constantly bearing in mind the degree of quantitative approximation to the truth probably- attained, I have devoted a special chapter to tlie Theory of Approximation, and however imperfectly I may have treated this subject, I must look upon it as a very essential part of a work on Scientific Method. It then remains to illustrate the sound use of hypo- thesis, to distinguish between the portions of knowledge which we owe to empirical observation, to accidental dis- covery, or to scientific prediction. Interesting questions arise concerning the accordance of quantitative theories and experiments, and I point out how the successive verification of an hypothesis by distinct methods of ex- periment yields conclusions approximating to but never attaining certainty. Additional illustrations of the general procedure of inductive investigations are given in a chapter- on the Character of the Experimentalist, in which I endeavour to show, moreover, that the inverse use of deduction was really the logical method of such great masters of experimental inquiry as Newton, Huyghens, and Faraday. In treating Generalisation and Analogy, I consider the precautions requisite in inferring from one case to another, or from one part of the universe to another part ; the validity of all such inferences resting ultimately upon the inverse method of probabilities. The treatment of Exceptional Phenomena appeared to afford an interesting subject for a further chapter illustrating the various modes in which an outstanding fact may eventually be explained. The formal part of the book closes with the subject of Classification, which is, however, very inadequately treated. I have, in fact, almost restricted myself to showing that all classification is fundamentally carried out upon the PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xi principles of Formal Logic and the Logical Alphabet described at the outset. In certain concluding remarks I have expressed the conviction "which the study of Logic has by degrees forced upon my mind, that serious misconceptions are entertained by some scientific men as to the logical value of our knowledge of nature, Vv^'e have heard much of what has been aptly called the Eeign of Law, and the necessity and uniformity of natural forces has been not uncommonly interpreted as involving the non-existence of an intelligent and benevolent Power, capable of inter- fering with th"e course of natural events. Fears have been expressed that the progress of Scientific Method must therefore result in dissipating the fondest beliefs of the human heart. Even the ' Utility of Eeligion ' is seriously proposed as a subject of discussion. It seemed to be not out of place in a work on Scientific Method to allude to the ultimate results and limits of that method. I fear that I have very imperfectly succeeded in expressing my strong conviction that before a rigorous logical scrutiny the Eeign of Law will prove to be an unverified hypo- thesis, the Uniformity of Nature an ambiguous expression, the certainty of our scientific inferences to a great extent a delusion. The value of science is of course very high, while the conclusions are kept well within the limits of the data on which they are founded, but it is pointed out that our experience is of the most limited character com- pared with what there is to learn, while our mental powers seem to fall infinitely short of the task of comprehending and explaining fully the nature of any one object. I draw the conclusion that we must interpret the results of Scientific Method in an affirmative sense only. Ours must be a truly positive philosophy, not that false nega- tive philosophy which, building on a few material facts, presumes to assert that it has compassed the bounds of existence, while it nevertheless ignores the most- PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION unquestionable phenomena of the human mind and feel- ings. It is approximately certain that in freely employing illustrations drawn from many different sciences, I have frequently fallen into errors of detail. In this respect I must throw myseK upon the indulgence of the reader, who will bear in mind, as I hope, that the scientific facts are generally mentioned purely for the purpose of illus- tration, so that inaccuracies of detail will not in the majority ^f cases affect the truth of the general principles illustrated. December 15, 1873. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Tew alterations of importance have been made in pre- paring this second edition. Nevertheless, advantage has been taken of the opportunity to revise very carefully both the language and the matter of the book. Cor- respondents and critics having pointed out inaccuracies of more or less importance in the first edition, suitable corrections and emendations have been made. I am under obligations to Mr, C. J. Monro, M.A., of Barnet, and to Mr. W. H. Brewer, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Sciiools, for numerous corrections. Among several additions which have been made to the text, I may mention the abstract (p. 143) of Professor Clifford's remarkable investigation into the number of types of compound statement involving four classes of objects. This inquiry carries forward the inverse logical problem described in the preceding sections. Again, the need of some better logical method than the old Barbara Celarent, &c., is strikingly shown by Mr. Venn's logical problem, described at p. 90. A great number of candidates in logic and philosophy were tested by Mr. Venn with this problem, which, though simple in reality, was solved by very few of those who were ignorant of Boole's Logic. Other evidence could be adduced by Mr. Venn of the need for soi/\e better means of logical training. To enable the xiv PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. logical student to test his skill in the solution of inductive logical problems, I have given (p. 127) a series of ten problems graduated in difficulty. To prevent misapprehension, it should be mentioned that, throughout this edition, I have substituted the name Logical Alphabet for Logical Abecedarium, the name applied in the first edition to the exhaustive series of logical combinations represented in terms of A, B, G, D (p. 94). It was objected by some readers that Abecedarium is a long and unfamiliar name. To the chapter on Units and Standards of Measure- ment, I have added two sections, one (p. 325) containing a brief statement of the Theory of Dimensions, and the other (p. 319) discussing Professor Clerk Maxwell's very original suggestion of a Natural System of Standards for the measurement of space and time, depending upon the length and rapidity of waves of light. In niy description of the Logical Machine in the Philosophiccd Transactions (vol. 160, p. 498), I said-^ " It is rarely indeed that any invention is made without some anticipation being sooner or later discovered ; but up to the present time I am totally unaware of even a single previous attempt to devise or construct a machine which should perform the operations of logical inference ; and it is only, I believe, in the satirical writings of Swift that an allusion to an actual reasoning machine is to be found." Before the paper was printed, however, I was able to refer (p. 518) to the iDgenious designs of the late Mr. Alfred Smee as attempts to represent thought mechanically. Mr. Smee's machines' indeed were never constructed, and, if constructed, would not have performed actual logical inference. It has now just come to light, however, that the celebrated Lord Stanhope actually did construct a mechanical device, capable of representing syllogistic inferences in a concrete form. It appears that logic was one of the favourite studies of this truly original and ingenious nobleman. There remain fragments of a logicaJ PKEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. xv work, printed by the Earl at liis own press, which show that he had arrived, before the year 1800, at the principle of the quantified predicate. He puts forward this prin- ciple in the most explicit manner, and proposes to employ it throughout his syllogistic system. Moreover, he con- verts negative propositions into affirmative ones, and represents these by means of the copula " is identic with." Thus he anticipated, probably by the force of his own unaided insight, the main points of the logical method originated in the works of George Bentham and George Boole, and developed in this work. Stanhope, indeed, has no claim to priority of discovery, because he seems never to have published his logical writings, although they were put into print. There is no trace of them in the British Museum Library, nor in any other library or logical work, so far as I am aware. Both the papers and the logical contrivance have been placed by the present Earl Stanhope in the hands of the Eev. Eobert Harley, F.R.S., who wiU, I hope, soon publish a description of them.^ ' By the kindness of Mr. Harley, I have been able to examine Stanhope's logical contrivance, called by him the Demonstrator. It consists of a square piece of bay-wood with a square depression in the centre, across which two slides can be pushed, one being a piece of red glass, and the other consisting of wood coloured gray. The extent to which each of these slides is pushed in is indicated by scales and figures along the edges of the aperture, and the simple rule of inference adopted by Stanhope is : " To the "gray add the red and subtract the holonj" meaning by holon (okov) the whole width of the aperture. This rule of inference is a curious anticipation of De Morgan's numerically definite syllogism (see below, p. 168), and of inferences founded on what Hamilton called " Ultra-total distribution." Another curious point about Stanhope's ^ Since the above was written Mr. Harley has read an account of Stan- hope's logical remains at the Dublin Meeting (1878) of the British Association. The paper will be printed in Miwl. (Note added November, 1878.) xvi PKEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. device is, that one slide can be drawn, out and pushed in again at right angles to the other, and the overlapping part of the slides then represents the j)robability of a conclusion, derived from two premises of which the pro- babilities are respectively represented by the projecting parts of the slides. Thus it appears that Stanhope had studied the logic of probability as well as that of certainty, here again anticipating, however obscurely, the recent progress of logical science. It will be seen, however, that between Stanhope's Demonstrator and my Logical Machine there is no resemblance beyond the fact that they both perform logical inference. In the first edition I inserted a section (vol. i. p. 25), on "Anticipations of the Principle of Substitution," and I have reprinted that section unchanged in this edition (p. 21). I remark therein that, " In such a subject as logic it is hardly possible to put forth any opinions which have not been in some degree previously entertained. The germ at least of every doctrine will be found in earlier WT-itings, and novelty must arise chiefly in the mode of harmonising and developing ideas." I point out, as Professor T. M. Lindsay had previously done, that Beueke had employed the name and principle of substitution, and that doctrines closely approximating to substitution were stated by the Port Eoyal Logicians more than 200 years ago. I have not been at all surprised to learn, however, that other logicians have more or less distinctly stated this principle of substitution during the last two centiuies. As my friend and successor at Owens College, Professor Adamson, has discovered, this principle can be traced back to no less a philosopher than Leibnitz. The remarkable tract of Leibnitz,^ entitled "JSToninelegans Specimen Demonstraudi in Abstractis," commences at once with a definition corresponding to the principle : — ^ lAMbnitii Opera, Fhilosophica qucB extant, ErJ-mauu, Pars I. Bcrolini, 1^40, p. 94- PEEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION, xvii " Eadem sunt quorum unum potest substitui alteri salva veritate. Si sint A et B, et A ingrediatur aliquam pro- positionem veram, et ibi in aliquo loco ipsius A pro ipso substituendo B fiat nova propositio seque itidem vera, idque semper succedat in quacunque tali propositione, A et B dicuntur esse eadem ; et contra, si eadem sint A et B, procedet substifutio quam dixi." Leibnitz, then, explicitly adopts the principle of sub- stitution, but lie puts it in the form of a definition, saying that those things are the same which can be substituted one for the other, without affecting the truth of the proposition. It is only after having thus tested the same- ness of things that we can turn round and say that A and B^ being the same, may be substituted one for the other. It would seem as if we were here in a vicious circle ; for we are not allowed to substitute A for B, unless we have ascertained by trial that the result is a true proposition. The difficulty does not seem to be removed by Leibnitz' proviso, "idque semper succedat in quacunque tali pro- positione." How can we learn that because A and B may be mutually substituted in some propositions, they may therefore be substituted in others ; and what is the criterion of likeness of propositions expressed in the word "tali" ? Whether the principle of substitution is to be regarded as a postulate, an axiom, or a definition, is just one of those fun- damental questions which it seems impossible to settle in the present position of philosophy, but this uncertainty will not prevent our making a considerable step in logical science. Leibnitz proceeds to estabhsh in the form of a theorem what is usually taken as an axiom, thus {Opera, p. 95) : '■■ Theorema I. Quae sunt eadem uni tertio, eadem sunt inter se. ^\ A o: B Qt B a: C, erit A