¥ ■J\: BHBBBqHBBc 111111111 I a£- ^66 LIBRARY FACULTY OF FORESTRY DIVERSITY OF TORONTO Cfje teal Cext=2£ook Series Edited by L. H. Bailey THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON ■ CHICAGO ATLANTA ■ SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limited LONDON • BOMBAY ■ CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TORONTO Plowing— the most fundamental and far-reaching operation in soil management. THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT BY T. LYTTLETON LYON, Ph.D. AND ELMER 0. FIPPIN, B.S.A. Professors of Soil Technology, in the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University LIBRARY FACULTY OF FORESTRY SECOND EDITION UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO.. Ltd. 1910 £11 rights reserved . X A \ Copyright, 1909 By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Set up and electro typed. Published, December, 1909 Reprinted, June, 1910 5 Lib \O\l0 SEEN BY PRESERVATION SERVICES DATE M^tutW «•*** .IBount Wtltasant T&ttut J. Horace McFarland Company Harrisburg, Pennsylvania PREFACE TO THE RURAL TEXT -BOOK SERIES In 1895 the preface was written for the Rural Science Series. It set forth the purpose of the Series to be the desire to place in readable form the best results of scientific thought and discovery relating to agriculture and country life, in order that the general public might be made aware of the progress, and that farmers might be led more effectively to apply the information in their daily work. It was the hope that the Series, under the present writer's direction or another's, might gradually extend itself to the whole range of agricultural scientific literature. The books now included in The Rural Science Series are about two dozen, making nearly two volumes, on the average, for each year. The number of writers on agricultural topics is increasing, the knowledge on all subjects is rapidly accumulating, and the reading-public is gradually enlarging; there is every reason to expect, therefore, that the Series will extend itself still more rapidly in the years to come. It was considered to be an auspicious circumstance that the Rural Science Series began with a book on the soil, for this grounded the enterprise. The scientific and (v) VI PREFACE TO THE RURAL TEXT-BOOK SERIES literary character of this first volume also won a good hearing for the undertaking. The time has come when special texts on agri- cultural and rural subjects are needed in educational institutions; and I now, therefore, project another line of rural books, to be known as The Rural Text-Book Series. This Series is to be coordinate with the other Series, the former designed primarily for popular read- ing and for general use, this one for class-room work and for special use in consultation and reference. It is planned that the Rural Text-Book Series shall cover the entire range of public-school and college texts. I consider it to be significant that I am able to begin this new Series, also, with a book on the soil. These two soil books well illustrate the two methods of treat- ment of a subject; and this later one impels us anew not to forget, in all our new discussions, and especially amid the social and economic speculations on which we are now entering, that a well-maintained soil is the first essential, not only to agricultural progress but to human prosperity. The soil is the greatest natural resource. We must never, in our philosophy, get away from the land. Attention is called to the analysis of the subject- matter of this volume as outlined in the table of contents and expanded in the text. The educational value of any subject or volume lies not so much in the information PREFACE TO THE RURAL TEXT-BOOK SERIES Vll that is presented as in the organization of the information into a systematic treatment, whereby a philosophy of the subject is developed. A college text should be a unity, rounding up the subject so completely as to give the student a grasp of the material as one problem, and at the same time expounding the reasons on which the treatment rests. When the student has completed any text, he should have a clear mental topography of the subject that it treats. So may the agricultural subjects be made the agencies in developing clear think- ing, sound argument, constructive imagination, and effective application to the needs of life. L. H. BAILEY. Ithaca, N. Y. October 1, 1909 AUTHORS' PREFACE In teaching introductory courses in soil technology to agricultural students, the authors feel that the use of a text book enables the student to get a more thorough mental discipline and a better grasp of the details of the subject than can result from a course of lectures. The present book is the outgrowth of their experience in teaching soil technology through a period of several years. It has been their endeavor to present the appli- cation of science to soil problems from the standpoint of crop-production rather than that of any one of the underlying sciences of geology, chemistry, physics or bacteriology. This has necessitated drawing from a wide range of literature, and arranging the material in a form which it is thought adequately represents all phases of the subject. The sources of such data have been freely drawn upon, and the authors take this opportunity to express their obligations for the aid they have received from a very large number of papers and books dealing with soils, and which it has not been found practicable to credit specifically in the text, as has been done in many instances. It may happen that some teachers will not wish to (ix) X AUTHORS1 PREFACE follow the entire text, in which event we think it will be found possible to omit certain sections and yet have a connected treatment of the subject. On the other hand, very little attempt has been made to supply illustrations of the principles which are explained. Such illustrations and amplifications are left to be added by the teacher as local conditions and interests may dictate. The book, as its title implies, deals largely with the Principles of Soil Technology, and applications of these to local practice should constitute a part of the instruc- tion. Attention is called to the outline of contents, which shows the method of treatment and the relation of the several parts of the subject. As an elementary treatise, it has been the aim to properly balance the discussion of all phases of the subject, which may be followed in greater detail in advanced courses. In the illustrations, endeavor has been made to include cuts of all of the more common types of soil- working implements. We are indebted to the United States Bureau of Soils for several illustrations, and to Pfeffer's 'Pfiangenphysiology' for three cuts which, by mistake, were not credited in the text. THE AUTHORS Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. October 18, 1909. OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE A.. The Soil as a Medium for Root-Development 1 1. The rock and its products 2 I. The elements of plant-food 3 a. Elements essential to plant-growth (1).* b. General abundance of plant-food elements (2). II. Important soil-forming minerals 4 a. Soil-forming minerals, their composition and properties (3). b. Relative abundance of common minerals (4). III. Important soil-forming rocks .' 9 a. Igneous, Aqueous, iEolian and Metamorphic rocks (5). IV. Chemical and physical agencies of rock decay. ... 14 a. Atmosphere (6). b. Heat and cold (7). c. Water (8). d. Ice — Glaciers (9). e. Plants and animals (10). V. Geological classification and chemical composition of soils 30 a. Sedentary soils (11). (1) Residual (12). (2) Cumulose (13). b. Transported soils (14). (1) Gravity or Colluvial (15) f (2) Water (16). j (a) Marine soils (17). (b) Lacustrine soils (18). (c) Alluvial soils (19). (3) Ice— Glacial soils (20). (4) Wind— iEolian soils (21). ♦Number in parenthesis refers to section (xi) Xli OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE VI. Humid and arid soils 64 VII. Resume1 of scheme of classification and general char- acteristics of the groups 66 2. The soil mass. Physical properties of the soil and their modification 68 a. Soil and subsoil (22). I. Inorganic constituents 69 a. Texture (23). (a) Textural classification (24). (1) Textural groups (25). (2) Agricultural classes based on texture (26). (6) Some physical properties of arid and humid soils (27). (c) Some properties of soil separates and classes (28). (1) Number of particles (29). (2) Surface area of particles (30). (3) Chemical composition of soil separates (31). (d) Modification of soil texture (32). 5. Structure (33). (a) Some aspects of soil structure (34). (1) Ideal arrangement (35). (2) Porosity (36). (3) Weight (37). (4) Plasticity (38). (5) Cementing materials (39). (6) Color (40). (7) Physical absorption (41). (b) Conditions affecting structure (42). (c) Means of modifying structure (43). (1) Variation in moisture content (44). (2) Formation of ice crystals (45). (3) Tillage (46). (4) Growth of plant roots (47). (5) Organic matter (48). (6) Soluble salts (49). (7) Animal life (50). (8) Rainfall (51), OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS Xlll PAGE II. Organic constituents of the soil . 119 a. Sources, derivation and forms (52). b. Chemical composition (53). c. Amounts present (54). d. Some physical properties (55). (1) Solubility (56). (2) Weight (57). (3) Absorptive properties (58). (4) Volume changes (59). (5) Plasticity (60). e. Effects of organic matter (61). (1) Physical effects (62). (2) Chemical effects (63). /. Maintenance of organic matter (64). B. The Soil as a Reservoir for Water 133 I. Functions in plant-growth 133 II. Amount of water in the soil 135 Determined by a. The supply (65). b. Retentive capacity (66). 1. Statement of water-content (67). 2. Forms and availability (68). 3. Amounts of each form (69). (a) Hygroscopic water (70). (b) Capillary water (71). Determined by (1) Texture (72). (2) Structure (73). (3) Content of organic matter (74). (a') Volume of water held by different soils — maximum, minimum and opti- mum water-content (75). (b') Available water in some field soils (76). (e') Relation of surface tension to capil- larity (77). (c) Gravitational water (78). c. Amount and rate of loss (79). XIV OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE III. Movement of soil-water 165 a. Gravitational movement (80). b. Capillary or film movement (81). 1. Principles governing capillary movement (82). 2. Extent, rate and importance of capillary move- ment (83). Determined by (a) Texture (84). (b) Dampness of soil particles (85). (c) Structure (86). (d) Surface tension (87). (e) Condition of surfaces of particles (88). 3. Examples of amount of water moved (89). c. Thermal movement (90). IV. Control of soil-water 190 a. Means of increasing water-content of the soil (91). 1. Decreasing loss (92). (a) Percolation (93). (6) Evaporation (94). (1) Mulches (95). (a') Mulching plow land (96). (b') Fall and spring plowing (97). (2) Other surface treatments (98) 2. Increasing the water capacity (99). 3. Irrigation (100). (a) Factors affecting the duty of water (101). (6) Methods of applying water (102). (1) Floodings (103). (2) Furrows (104). (3) Overhead sprays (105). (4) Sub-irrigation (106). b. Means of decreasing the water-content of the soil (107). 1. Drainage by ditches (108). (a) Effects of drainage (109). (1) Firms the soil (110). (2) Improves the structure (111). (3) Increases the available water (112). OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS XV PAGE (4) Improves the aeration (113). (5) Raises the average temperature (114). (6) Influences the growth of organisms (115). (7) Increases the food-supply (116). (8) Enlarges the root-zone (117). (9) Reduces "heaving" (118). (10) Removes injurious salts from alkali- soils (119). (11) Reduces erosion (120). (12) Increases crop-yields and improves sani- tary conditions (121). (b) Principles of drainage (122). (1) Open or surface drains (123). (2) Covered or under-drains (124). 2. Other types of drainage (125). 3. Surface culture (126). C. Plant Nutrients of the Soil 267 I. Solubility of the soil through natural processes 267 II. Solubility of the soil in various solvents 268 a. Complete solution of the soil (127). b. Digestion with strong hydrochloric acid (128). 1. Interpretation of results of analysis of hydro- chloric acid solution (129). (a) Permanent fertility and manurial needs (130) (b) Relation of texture to solubility (131). (c) Nature of subsoil (132). (d) Calcium carbonate (133). (e) Estimation of deficiency of ingredients (134). (J) Conclusions (135). c. Extraction with dilute organic acids (136). 1. Advantages in showing manurial needs (137). 2. Usefulness of citric acid (138). d. Extraction with aqueous solution of carbon dioxid (139). e. Extraction with pure water (140). 1. Influence of absorption (141). 2. Other factors (142). xvi OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE III. Mineral substances absorbed by plants 279 a. Substances found in ash of plants (143). b. Amounts of plant-food material removed by crops(144). c. Amounts of plant-food material contained in soils(145). d. Possible exhaustion of mineral nutrients (146). IV. Acquisition of nutritive salts by agricultural plants. . . . 286 a. Selective absorption (147). b. Relation between root-hairs and soil-particles (148). c. Absorptive power of different crops (149). 1. Extent of absorbing system (150). 2. Osmotic activity (151). 3. Cereal crops (152). 4. Grass crops (153). 5. Leguminous crops (154). 6. Root crops (155). 7. Vegetables (156). 8. Fruits (157). V. Absorption by the soil of substances in solution 297 a. Substitution of bases (158). b. Time required for absorption (159). c. Insolubility of certain absorbed substances (160). d. Influence of size of particles (161). e. Causes of absorption (162). 1. Zeolites (163). 2. Other absorbents (164). /. Adsorption (165). g. Occlusion (166). h. Adsorption as related to drainage (167). 1. Substances usually carried in drainage water (168). 2. Drainage records at Rothamsted (169). i. Relation of absorptive capacity to productiveness(170). VI. Alkali soils 307 a. Composition of alkali salts (171). b. White and black alkali (174). c. Effect of alkali on crops (173). 1. Direct effect (174). 2. Indirect effect (175). OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS xvil PAGE 3. Effect upon different crops (176). 4. Other conditions influencing the action of alkali (177). d. Reclamation of alkali land (178). 1. Irrigation and alkali (179). 2. Under-drainage (180). 3. Correction of black alkali (181). 4. Retarding evaporation (182). 5. Cropping with tolerant plants (183). 6. Other methods (184). 7. Alkali spots (185). VII. Manures 319 a. Early ideas of the function of manures (186). b. Development of the idea of the nutrient function of manures (187). c. Classes of manures (188). 1. Commercial fertilizers (189). (a) Function of commercial fertilizers (190). (b) Fertilizer constituents (191). (c) Fertilizers used for their nitrogen (192). (1) Sodium nitrate (193). (2) Ammonium sulfate (194). (3) Calcium cyanamid (195). (4) Calcium nitrate (196). (5) Organic nitrogen in fertilizers (197). (d) Fertilizers used for their phosphorus (198). (1) Bone phosphate (199). (2) Mineral phosphates (200). (3) Superphosphate fertilizers (201). (4) Reverted phosphoric acid (202). (5) Double superphosphates (203). (6) Relative availability of phosphate fer- tilizers (204). (e) Fertilizers used for their potassium (205). (1) Stassfurt salts (206). (2) Wood-ashes (207). (3) Insoluble potassium fertilizers (208). XVlil OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 2. Fertilizer practice (209). (a) Brands of fertilizers (210). (b) Fertilizer inspection (211). (c) Trade values of fertilizers (212). (d) Computation of the commercial value of a fertilizer (213). (e) Mixing fertilizers on the farm (214). (/) Methods of applying fertilizers (215). 3. Soil amendments (216). (a) Salts of calcium (217). (1) Effect on tilth (218). (2) Liberation of plant-food materials (219). (3) Effect on toxic substances and plant diseases (220).' (4) Forms of calcium (221). (a') Caustic lime (222). (V) Carbonate of lime (223). (c') Sulfate of lime (224). (6) Common salt (225). (c) Muck (226). 4. Factors affecting the efficiency of fertilizers (227). (a) Soil-moisture content (228). (6) Soil-acidity (229). (c) Organic matter (230). (d) Structure or tilth of the soil (231). (e) Cumulative need for fertilizer (232). 5. Farm manures (233). (a) Solid excreta (234). (b) Urine (235). (c) Litter (236). (d) Manures produced by different animals (237). (1) Horse manure (238). (2) Cow manure (239). (3) Swine manure (240). (4) Sheep manure (241). (5) Relative values of animal manures (242). (6) Poultry manure (243). OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS XIX PAGE (e) Factors affecting the values of manures (244). (1) Age of animal (245). (2) Food of animal (246). (3) Use of animal (247). (/) Deterioration of farm manure (248). (1) Fermentations (249). (2) Leaching (250). (g) Methods of handling (251). (h) Place in rotation (252). (i) Functions (253). 6. Green manures (254). (a) Leguminous crops (255). (b) Cereal crops (256). D. Organisms in the Soil 388 I. Macro-organisms of the soil 388 a. Rodents (257). b. Worms (258). c. Insects (259). d. Large fungi (260). e. Plant-roots (261). II. Micro-organisms of the soil 391 a. Plant micro-organisms (262). 1. Plant micro-organisms injurious to higher plants (263). 2. Plant micro-organisms not injurious to higher(264). 3. Bacteria (265). (a) Distribution (266). (b) Numbers (267). (c) Conditions affecting growth (268). (1) Oxygen (269). (2) Moisture (270). (3) Temperature (271). (4) Organic matter (272). (5) Soil acidity (273). (d) Functions of soil bacteria (274). (1) Decomposition of mineral matter (275). XX OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE (2) Decomposition of non-nitrogenous organic matter (276). (3) Decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter (277). (a') Decay and putrefaction (278). (b') Ammonification (279). (O Nitrification (280). (1') Effect of organic matter on nitri- fication (281). (2') Effect of soil-aeration on nitrifica- tion (282). (3') Effect of sod on nitrification (283). (4') Depth at which nitrification takes place (284). (5') Loss of nitrates from the soil (285). (4) Denitrification (286). (5) Nitrogen fixation through symbiosis with higher plants (287). (a') Relation of bacteria to nodules on roots (288). (b') Transfer of nitrogen to the plant (289). (c') Soil-inoculation for legumes (290). (6) Nitrogen fixation without symbiosis with higher plants (291). (a') Nitrogen-fixing organisms (292). (6') Mixed cultures of nitrogen-fixing organisms (293). (c') Nitrogen-fixation and denitrification ' antagonistic (294). E. The Soil-Air 432 I. Factors determining volume 432 a. Texture (295). b. Structure (296). c. Organic matter (297). d. Moisture content (298). II. Composition of soil-air 434 a. Analysis of soil-air (299). b. Production of carbon dioxid as affecting composition (300). OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS xxi PAGE c. Escape of carbon dioxid as affecting composition (301). d. Effect of roots upon composition (302). III. Functions of the soil-air 437 a. Oxygen (303). b. Carbon dioxid (304). IV. Movement of soil-air 439 a. Diffusion of gases (305). b. Movement of water (306). c. Changes in atmospheric pressure (307). d. Changes in temperature (308). e. Suction produced by wind (309). V. Methods for modifying the volume and movement of soil- 443 air a. Tillage (310). b. Manures (311). c. Under-drainage (312). d. Irrigation (313). e. Cropping (314). F. Heat of the Soil 448 I. Function of the heat of the soil in its relation to plant- growth 448 a. Biological (315). 1. Germination (316). 2. Growth and vegetation (317). 3. Activity of the soil-organisms (318). b. Chemical changes (319). c. Physical changes (320). II. Sources of the heat of the soil 451 a. Solar radiation (321). b. Conduction (322). c. Organic decay (323). III. Temperature of the soil 453 a. Heat supply (324). b. Specific gravity and specific heat (325). c. Color of the soil (326). d. Slope of the soil (327). xxii OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE e. Conductivity (328). /. Circulation of air (329). g. Water content (330). IV. Means of modifying the soil temperature 463 G. External Factors in Soil-Management 465 I. Means of modifying the soil 465 a. Summary of practices (331). II. Tillage 466 a. Objects of tillage (332). b. Implements of tillage (333). 1. Effect on the soil (334). 2. Mode of action (335). (a) Plows (336). (1) Pulverization (337). (2) Covering rubbish (338). (b) Cultivators (339). (1) Cultivators proper (340). (2) Leveler and harrow type of cultivator(341). (3) Seeder cultivators (342). (c) Packers and crushers (343). (1) Rollers (344). (2) Clod crushers (345). III. Other phases of tillage operations 489 a. Weeds in their relation to crop-production (346). 1. Objectionable qualities of weeds (347). 2. Control of weeds (348). b. Erosion (349). 1. By water (350). 2. By wind (351). IV. Adaptation of crops to soil 497 a. Philosophy of crop-adaptation (352). b. Factors in crop-adaptation (353). 1. Physiological requirements of the plant (354). 2. Requirements for growth supplied by the soil (355). OUTLINE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS XX111 PAGE Relation of soil-productiveness to crop-rotations 503 a. Principles underlying crop-rotation (356). 1. Nutrients removed from the soil by different crops (357). 2. Root systems of different crops (358). 3. Some crops or crop treatments prepare food for other crops (359). 4. Crops differ in their effect upon soil structure (360). 5. Certain crops check certain weeds (361). 6. Plant diseases and insects checked by removal of hosts (362). 7. Loss of plant food from unused soil (363). 8. Accumulation of toxic substances (364). CLASSIFIED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 1. "Plowing" Frontispiece 2. Map of United States, normal annual precipitation. Fig. 41 ... . 137 3. Map of western United States, irrigated and irrigable land. Fig. 72 227 4. Map of United States, showing relative use of fertilizers. Fig. 108 323 5. Map of United States, sunshine received in different sections. Fig. 121 452 6. Rock section. Granite. Fig. 1 8 7. Rock section. Diorite. Fig. 2 10 8. Rock section. Basalt. Fig. 3 11 9. Rock section. Fossiliferous limestone. Fig. 4 12 10. Rock section. Chert. Fig. 5 13 11. Rock section. Sandstone. Fig. 6 13 12. Photo-micrograph. Fine sand. Fig. 17 70 13. Photo-micrograph. Silt. Fig. 18 71 14. Influence of water film on soil granulation. Fig. 30 105 15. Weathered Laramie sandstone. Fig. 7 15 16. Types of weathering. Fig. 8 19 17. Weathered limestone in quarry. Fig. 9 22 18. "Pot-holes" in shale rock. Fig. 10 . . 25 19. Lichen on granite rock. Fig. 11 28 20. Tree roots spliting boulder. Fig. 12 29 21. Section of residual soil from limestone. Fig. 13 38 22. Section of muck underlain by marl. Fig. 14 42 23. Section of sedimentary soil. Fig. 15 48 24. Section of glacial soil. Fig. 16 58 25. Proportion of separates in sandy soil. Fig. 21 75 26. Proportion of separates in silt soil. Fig. 22 75 27. Proportion of separates in clay soil. Fig. 23 76 28. Undesirable soil structure. Fig. 27 90 29. Ideal soil structure. Fig. 28 91 30. Excessive checking of clay soil. Fig. 29 99 31. Ice crystals in field soil. Fig. 31 108 32. Honey-comb ice crystals. Fig. 32 109 (xxv) XXVI CLASSIFIED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 33. Ice crystals and soil granulation. Fig. 33 110 34. Clay soil plowed wet. Fig. 35 112 35. Soil in good tilth. Fig. 38 126 36. A mulch of stone. Fig. 63 201 37. Example of clean cultivation. Fig. 65 206 38. Flume for measuring miner's inches. Fig. 73 227 39. Canvas dam. Fig. 74 232 40. Poorly drained clay land. Fig. 76 238 41. Section of tile drain in clay soil. Fig. 77 241 42. Soil granulated by drainage. Fig. 79 246 43. System of surface drains. Fig. 80 249 44. Construction of ditch for tile drain. Fig. 81 251 45. Laying tile by use of tile hook. Fig. 82 252 46. Laying tile by hand. Fig. 83 253 47. Types of drain tile. Fig. 88 257 48. Ditching machine in operation. Fig. 91 260 49. Ditch cut by machine. Fig. 92 261 50. Poorly constructed outlet of drain. Fig. 93 262 51. Result of poorly constructed outlet. Fig. 94 264 52. Well-constructed outlet. Fig. 95 265 53. Filling ditch by use of team. Fig. 96 266 54. Waste of manure by leaching. Fig. 101 302 55. Alkali spot. Fig. 102 308 56. Bromus inermis on alkali soil. Fig. 104 317 57. Wates of manure. Fig. 106 364 58. Manure piled in the field. Fig. 107 382 59. Alfalfa root tubercles. Fig. 114 424 60. Heavy sod freshly broken. Fig. 120 445 61. Erosion on gravelly hillside. Fig. 150 491 62. Terraces used in southern farming. Fig. 151 492 63. Side-hill ditches to prevent erosion. Fig. 152 493 64. Plant roots and erosion. Fig. 153 495 65. Celery and lettuce on muck soil. Fig. 154 498 66. Farm scene on light sand soil. Fig. 155 500 67. Farm scene on limestone loam soil. Fig. 156 502 68. Influence of crop rotation on growth of corn. Fig. 157 507 69. Diagram. Relative size of textural groups. Fig. 19 72 70. Diagram. Ideal arrangement of soil particles. Fig. 26 89 71. Diagram. Forms and proportion of soil water. Fig. 43 141 72. Diagram. Distribution of soil water. Fig. 45 147 73. Diagram. Adjustment of capillary soil water. Fig. 52 171 74. Diagram. Relation of root-hairs to soil water. Fig. 53 174 75. Diagram. Structure of mulched and unmulched soil. Fig. 62. . 199 76. Diagram. Water table in tile-drained land. Fig. 78 245 CLASSIFIED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XXV11 PAGE 77. Diagram. Gridiron system of arranging drains. Fig. 84 254 78. Diagram. System of arranging drains. Fig. 85 255 79. Diagram. System of arranging drains. Fig. 86 255 80. Diagram. Natural system of arranging drains. Fig. 87 256 81. Diagram. Sectional view of ditching machine. Fig. 90 259 82. Diagram. Relation of root-hairs to soil particles. Fig. 99. ... 287 83. Diagram. Effect of deep and shallow tillage on roots. Fig. 100. 294 84. Diagram. Effect of alkali salts on plant cells. Fig. 103 312 85. Diagram. Nematodes entering a root. Fig. 108 392 86. Diagram. Types of soil bacteria. Fig. 109 395 87. Diagram. Influence of surface slope on sunshine received. Fig. 125 458 88. Curves. Relative size of textural groups. Fig. 20 74 89. Curves. Average analysis of common classes of soil. Fig. 24 . 78 90. Curves. Relation of texture to crop adapation. Fig. 25 79 91. Curves. Relation of texture to water capacity. Fig. 44 145 92. Curves. Distribution of water in columns of soil. Fig. 46. ... 148 93. Curves. Relation of texture to capillary water capacity. Fig. 47. 150 94. Curves. Relation of structure to water capacity. Fig. 48 ... . 152 95. Curves. Water capacity of sandy soil in field. Fig. 49 156 96. Curves. Water capacity of clay soil in field. Fig. 50 157 97. Curves. Water capacity of silt soil in field. Fig. 51 157 98. Curves. Relation of capillary rise to texture. Fig. 54 175 99. Curves. Relation of capillary rise to texture. Fig. 55 177 100. Curves. Relation of capillary rise to texture. Fig. 56 179 101. Curves. Relation of capillary rise to texture. Fig. 57 179 102. Curves. Lateral capillary movement. Fig. 58 184 103. Curves. Annual precipitation and percolation, England. Fig. 61. 193 104. Curves. Relation of evaporation to mulch formation. Fig. 64 . 204 105. Curves. Relation of soil moisture to yield of dry matter. Effect of weeds. Fig. 66 209 106. Curves. Influence of cloth tent on soil moisture. Fig. 68 ... . 215 107. Curves. Relation of soil condition to the formation of nitrates. Fig. 112 414 108. Curves. Daily range of soil temperature. Fig. 122 454 109. Curves. Mean annual range of air and soil temperature. Ne- braska. Fig. 123 455 110. Curves. Effect of color on soil temperature. Fig. 124 457 111. Moldboard plow with shares. Fig. 34 Ill 112. Middlebreaker plow. Fig. 75 236 113. Hillside plow. Fig. 118 441 114. Plow with parts named. Fig. 127 466 115. Heel-plate of plow. Fig. 128 467 116. Sulky moldboard plow. Fig. 129 468 XXVlii CLASSIFIED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 117. Sulky disc plow. Fig. 135 476 118. Six gang plow. Fig. 132 473 119. Subsoil plow. Fig. 69 218 120. Subsoil plow. Fig. 70 219 121. One-horse toothed cultivator. Fig. 60 191 122. Weeder. Fig. 59 187 123. Large-shovel cultivator. Fig. Ill 407 124. Small-shovel cultivator. Fig. 113 419 125. Spring-toothed cultivator. Fig. 114 402 126. Blade cultivator. Fig. 115 433 127. Disc cultivator. Fig. 116 436 128. Hand cultivator. Fig. 117 438 129. "Sweep" cultivator. Fig. 137 479 130. Hand tillage implements. Fig. 98 281 131. Spring-toothed harrow. Fig. 36 114 132. Spike-toothed harrow. Fig. 42 140 133. Solid-disc harrow. Fig. 39 130 134. Meeker harrow. Fig. 140 487 135. Meeker harrow. Near view. Fig. 37 118 136. Cut-out-disc harrow. Fig. 97 276 137. Spading-disc harrow. Fig. 126 463 138. Extension disc harrow. Fig. 136 477 139. Acme harrow. Fig. 119 444 140. Clod crusher. Fig. 71 220 141. Scotch chain harrow. Fig. 146 486 142. Solid or barrel roller. Fig. 40 135 143. Bar roller. Fig. 147 487 144. "Float" or plank smoother. Fig. 149 489 145. Campbell sub-surface packer. Fig. 67 212 146. Broadcast seeder. Fig. 138 480 147. Grain drill. Fig. 144 485 148. Sulky lister. Fig. 130 -470 149. One-horse grain drill. Fig. 139 481 150. Stubble digger. Fig. 143 484 151. Garden seeder. Fig. 133 474 152. Berry hoe. Fig. 134 475 153. Beet loosener. Fig. 141 482 154. Cotton-and-corn planter. Fig. 142 483 155. Corn planter. Fig. 145 486 156. Potato digger. Fig. 148 488 157. Hand drainage tools. Fig. 89 258 158. Types of coulters. Fig. 131 471 INTRODUCTION By L. H. BAILEY The exposed surface of the crust of the earth tends always to pass into a loose and disintegrated layer. In this layer many organisms live, and out of it many of them derive an essential part of their nourishment. The organisms die and their remains return to the place whence they came. In every successive epoch of the earth's history, this layer has tended to become more differentiated and complex in each epoch supporting a higher type of plant, and in each succeeding age main- taining a more advanced kind of activity. Thus the soil has been formed, and the evolution of it and of the plant tribes that grow out of it have been reciprocal, one con- tributing to the other. If the soil is essential to the growing of plants, so have the plants been essential to the formation of soil. This marvelously thin layer of a few inches or a very few feet that the farmer knows as "the soil," supports all plants and all men, and makes it possible for the globe to sustain a highly developed life. Beyond all calculation and all comprehension are the powers and the mysteries of this soft outer covering of tho earth. We do not know (xxix) XXX INTRODUCTION that any vital forces pulsate from the great interior bulk of the earth. For all we know, the stupendous mass of materials of which the planet is composed is wholly dead; and only on the veriest surface does any nerve of life quicken it into a living sphere. And yet, from this attenuated layer have come numberless generations of giants of forests and of beasts, perhaps greater in their combined bulk than all the soil from which they have come; and back into this soil they go, until the great life principle catches up their disorganized units and builds them again into beings as complex as themselves. The general evolution of this soil is toward greater powers; and yet, so nicely balanced are these powers that within his lifetime a man may ruin any part of it that society allows him to hold; and in despair he throws it back to nature to reinvigorate and to heal. We are ac- customed to think of the power of man in gaining domin- ion over the forces of nature, — he bends to his use the expansive powers of steam, the energy of electric cur- rents, and he ranges through space in the light that he concentrates in his telescope; but while he is doing all this he sets at naught the powers in the soil beneath his feet, wastes them, and deprives himself of vast sources of energy. Man will never gain dominion until he learns from nature how to maintain the augmenting powers of the disintegrating crust of the earth. There are three great kinds of natural resources, — INTRODUCTION XXXI the earth itself, the atmosphere that envelopes it and which may be considered an outer layer of it, and the sunshine. From these three, and all the materials and forces that are in them contained, we derive the conditions of our existence and express our outlook to destiny. We can do little to control or modify the atmosphere or the sunlight; but the surface of the earth is ours to do with it much as we will. It is the one great resource over which we have dominion. Within this crust are great stores of minerals and of metals and of other materials that we can use for our comfort; these materials we can save and we may use them with economy, but we cannot cause them to increase. But the soil may be made better as well as worse, more as well as less; and to save the producing powers of it is far and away the most import- ant consideration in the conservation of natural resources. The man who owns and tills the soil, therefore, owes an obligation to his fellowmen for the use that he makes of his land; and his fellowmen owe an equal obligation to him to see that his lot in society is such that he will not be obliged to rob the earth in order to maintain his life. The natural resources of the earth are the heritage and the property of every one and all of us. We shall reach the time when we shall not allow a man to till the earth unless he is able to leave it at least as fertile as he found it. A man has no moral right to skin the earth, unless he is forced to do it in sheer self-defence and to XXXli INTRODUCTION enable him to live in some epoch of an unequally devel- oped society; and if there are or have been such social epochs, then is society itself directly responsible for the waste of the common heritage. On every side, therefore, it is important that we study the soil. Beyond all mere technical agricultural practice, the principles of soil management must be compre- hended and taught. There is no good sociology that does not recognize this fact. We tend always to discuss great subjects from one point of view. So has the soil usually been treated from the chemical point of view, from the geological, from the agricultural. In this book, the authors have attempted to discuss the soil in all its relations to plant production, developing the inter-dependence of geological, chemical, bacteriological, physical and industrial relationships in such a way as to give the student a grasp, albeit a brief one, of the entire subject in its many bearings. In its treatment, the book considers, first, the soil as a medium for root development ; second, as a reservoir for water ; third, as a source of nutrients; fourth, as a realm of organisms; fifth, in its relation to air; sixth, its relation to heat; and the relation of man to the soil follows as a consequence and conclusion. The past few years constitute a period of great activity in the study of the soil, so much so that many of our most established opinions have been challenged. Perhaps it INTRODUCTION XXXlii is yet too early to rationalize all the new discussions into a clear course of practice, but we are surely getting nearer to the fundamental problems, and we shall evolve a better system of agricultural procedure. The stimula- tion of inquiry and imagination cannot fail to produce great results. So am I glad of every new effort that puts men ration- ally on their feet on the soil. It will be a great thing when the soil is known in schools. I wait for good politics and good institutions to grow out of the soil. I wait for the time, also, when we shall have good poetry and good artistic literature developing from subjects associated with the soil; for we want good literature to appeal to all men. THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT A. THE SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR ROOT DEVELOPMENT The soil is a medium for the development of plants. In the main, the plants which are of agricultural impor- tance are differentiated into root and top, and the former penetrates the soil in order to obtain food and moisture, and to afford a firm support for the aerial portion. Every plant has definite requirements for its best development. The character of the mature plant is the result of two sets of forces. The first of these is the inherent capacity of the seed to develop and produce a normal individual of its kind. The second set of forces constitute the environment in which the plant grows, and of which the soil is one part, the other component being climate. Every plant is an expression of the combination and interaction of these three groups of forces — the seed, the climate, and the soil. The external factors in plant growth may be further differentiated into the following: (1) Food, (2) moisture, (3) heat, (4) light, (5) air, (6) mechanical support, and (7) freedom from biological enemies, such as fungous disease and animal attack. With the exception of light, every one of these factors is partially or wholly deter- A (1) 2 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT mined by the character and condition of the soil. It is the source of the majority of the nutritive elements, it contains the water necessary for the plant and in which is carried its food, it holds air in its pores, and it absorbs and transmits the necessary heat. Enemies of one plant may or may not be present; but, if present, they may exercise a controlling influence. All the parts of the soil mechanism — for such it must be considered — are closely related to each of these essential factors, and it is from this point of view of the growing plant that the following treatment is developed. The characteristics of the soil may be viewed from both the origin of the material and its properties. The first of these may be termed "The Rock and Its Prod- uct," and, second, — in so far as they pertain to physical properties,— "The Soil Mass."* 1. The Rock and Its Products Since all soil material forms a part of the structure of the earth, its origin and derivation constitute a part of the field of geology. The following discussion of the rock and its products deals primarily with these facts and processes. But the discussion is not taken up because of its geological interest, great as that is, but because of the fundamental connection these have to the physical, chemical and biological proper- ties of the soil which determine its ability to grow plants. The kinds of minerals and rocks in which the essential elements of plant-food originally occur, and the changes ELEMENTS OF PLANT-FOOD 3 which they may have undergone in their transition to the present combinations in the soil, as well as the fact that the physical properties of the soil are primarily determined by its derivation, render their study of fundamental concern in order to understand the soil' as a medium for plant-growth. The classification and detailed study of the soil is inseparably linked with its derivation, because determined by it. On one side, it supplies certain elements of food whose relative abun- dance is determined by their distribution in the original rocks and their concentration or dissipation through geological changes, and, on the other side, it affords the physical medium for the development of the plant. I. THE ELEMENTS OF PLANT-FOOD The plant must have certain food elements for its growth and development. These elements are affected by the changes to which the rock is subjected, and in the end will reflect the character of these changes. 1. Elements essential to plant-growth. — The. essen- tial elements of plant-food are ten in number, to which may be added three others which seem to be useful under certain conditions. The essential elements may be divided into two groups, on the basis of their origin: (1) The elements derived entirely and only from the solid portion of the soil. These are calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and sulfur. (2) The ele- ments derived either directly or indirectly from air and water. These are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. 4 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT 2. General abundance of the plant-food elements. — Having now in mind the essential food elements it is of interest to know their general abundance in the earth's cjust. The following table is given by Clark: Oxygen 47.02 Phosphorus 0.09 Silicon 28.06 Manganese 07 Aluminum 8.16 Sulfur 07 Iron 4.64 Barium 05 Calcium 3.50 Strontium 02 Magnesium 2.62 Chromium 01 Sodium 2.63 Nickel 01 Potassium 2.32 Lithium 01 Titanium 41 Chlorin 01 Hydrogen 17 Fluorine 01 Carbon 12 100.00 The first eight elements form 98.8 per cent of the earth's crust. In this list are found all of the food ele- ments except nitrogen, which forms four-fifths of the atmosphere. All of the food elements except nitrogen appear among the first thirteen, and in amounts of not less than .07 per cent. This gives assurance that none of the food elements are rare. It will appear later that they are all very generally distributed. The ultimate source of the elements of the first or so-called incom- bustible groups is the minerals of the earth's crust. II. IMPORTANT SOIL-FORMING MINERALS Minerals are the units of which soils and rocks are primarily composed. A mineral is a compound occurring in nature having approximately a definite chemical SOIL-FORMING MINERALS 5 composition, usually a distinct crystalline form and definite physical properties. A very large number of species of minerals which differ greatly from each other in composition and physical properties have been recog- nized. It is these differences which renders necessary a study of those important species which are found in the soil, in order to gain a thorough knowledge of the relations which they bear to plant nutrition and the phys- ical and chemical characteristics of the soil mass. By their chemical and physical weakness or resistance, they modify the supply of food elements and determine the physical make-up of the soil, with all the attendant physical conditions of heat, moisture, air, etc., which this limits. While the number of minerals known is very great, only a comparatively small number occur in the soil in important amounts; but these are thoroughly repre- sentative. All minerals may be divided into two groups: (1) The original or primary constituents which were formed at the first consolidation. (2) The secondary constituents which result from changes in the minerals subsequent to their first consolidation, and which are due in large part to the chemical action of percolating water. 3. Soil-forming minerals; their composition and properties. — The soil is composed of a great variety of minerals and probably almost every recognized species could be found in some soil. But the number of minerals which make up the bulk of soil is rela- tively small. The following table includes the most important soil-forming minerals and their leading properties: |S S X 0/ ~ CO 00 ■ ■ i-i O ic o 00 CI h 2 a a> co m *-• t».g c£.2 a^ rH o ■ io • • "* "5 m CO cS 03 03 rf) .£ 1 hs 3 2 ° e cq OJ o CD O CD . ^J L- ■^ =|3 £ c3 ^ CD V i * O CO d h, . CD d O a "3 2 ^1 £i 3 "2 « 5 £ CD 60 ^ CD CD J, i CD cS CD T! 4J -S d 3 in CO 03 PQ S| ;i£ 3 d^ w cj 8 £ pq CJ ^ ^ a CO o Specifi grav- ity CO "tf CO CN ^i "I" CN CO C5 « N . "O N CN CN CN iQ «3 (B N CM ■* CN CN ■ CN ,1, CO CO T? co fc< CO o o 10 lO o io >o iO o »o o . o o Cj <0 CN t- W cc O iO M CM CO CN i-i ' iH CN x - O w <' 43 d eu CO CD t» 0. CO 4a e B cc K ^ • £ » CD o ° O -r O O m_ U w o" CO bj CO cu a O CD~ a 60 03 s§iMa H § £ 03 o M uf w o o O &S o c Q £ o o o «§ C C4 CN O TS + «i <» CN ^5. + c G a> CO ps< c3 60 << oj -|- O o3 o fa O « * 3 CD CO ^ fe o tM o CO CN o" 60 CO CU o3 2 cS <5 h »- 5S ^ -3 CD O ^ .2 •< -S 5 03 fe >3 o CO CN 01 __ Tl . d <1> C CD . CD a 1 ■M o CD s a> ■- -rt -« i "S 1 a « ^ ca o3 « o3 w X S »4 W g d cu & l_ CD CO o3 4J '55 03 CD o CD 4^ 'C O C 3 c O E- • cd +2 m .-s a CD C O 4J .3 CD N W O j iz Tfl 10 CO r- CO O O 1— I CN n ■* io to n 1— 1 »H i-l i-l i-l r-c CN CN CN CN CM W CN CN (7) 8 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT 4. Relative abundance of the common minerals. — Hall quotes D'Orbigny as saying that in the earth's crust the chief minerals are present in the following proportions: Feldspars 48 Quartz 35 Micas 8 Talc 5 Carbonate of lime and magnesium 1 Hornblend, augite, etc 1 All other minerals and weathered products 2 100 These general relations agree with the statements of Chamberlin and Salisbury, who give the following summary of the salient facts relating to the composition of minerals: " (1) Out of the sev- enty-odd chemical elements in the earth, eight form the chief part of it. (2) One of these elements uniting with the rest forms nine leading oxides. (3) One of these ox- ides acts as an acid, and the rest as bases. (4) By .biG. 1. bection of granite, magnified. The . . crystals are orthoclase, microline, plagioclase, their Combination quartz, black mica or biotite, white mica or mus- . . covite. (Merrill.) they form a series SOIL-FORMING ROCKS 9 of silicates, of which a few are easily chief. (5) These silicates crystallize into a multitude of minerals, of which again a few are chief. (6) These minerals are aggregated in various ways to form rocks." Hundreds of analyses of rocks have been made in this country and abroad and from these Clark finds the mineralogical composition of igneous rocks of the earth's crust to be as follows: Feldspars 59.5 Hornblend and pyroxine 16.8 Quartz 12.0 Biotite mica 3.8 Titanium minerals 1 .5 Apatite 0.6 94.2 This leaves 5.8 per cent to be distributed among the more rare minerals. III. IMPORTANT SOIL-FORMING ROCKS J THEIR PROPER- TIES AND OCCURRENCE A rock is an aggregate of minerals. Moreover, it usually exhibits a considerable degree of consolidation, and forms an essential portion of the earth's structure. Very few minerals occur in nature in large pure masses. They are usually grouped together in different combi- nations, and, while it is essential to trace the changes of each mineral, it is also necessary to give attention to the groups of minerals — rocks — since the association of minerals determines very largely the processes by which rocks are transformed into soil and the character- istics of the resulting soil. 10 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT These aggregates of minerals, or rocks, are essentially without order or arrangement. The minerals are in irregular crystals or fragments of greatly differing sizes closely packed to- gether. The great variety of miner- als, as well as the different physical forms of the same mineral, is pro- ductive of an infi- nite variety of rocks. While in- dividuals may dif- fer greatly, there is an easy and gradual transition from one form to another which renders it impos- sible to draw hard and well-defined lines separating each species of rock from every other species. They blend one into the other, not only in structure and crystalline form but also in chemical composition. The classification of rocks is based upon these facts, and they are grouped broadly under four main heads, the distinctions being their origin and structure. Each oi the main divisions is again divided into groups and families, the distinctions being those of mineral and chemical composition, structure and mode of occurrence. Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of diorite rock. Com- pare with Figs. 3, 5, and 6, which have a different mineral composition, crystalline form and struc- ture. These differences determine the type and rate of their weathering. (Lord.) STRUCTURE OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 11 The main divisions are: Igneous rocks — sometimes called eruptive — which have been brought up from below in a molten condition from which they have cooled and solidified. They usually have two or more essential minerals, and are massive, crystalline, glassy, or, in certain altered forms, colloidal in structure. Aqueous rocks have been formed mainly through the agency of water, as (a) chemical precipitates, or as (b) sedimentary deposits. They are usually fragmental, but may be crystalline or colloidal, but never glassy. They have a laminated or bedded structure, and usually have many constituent minerals. vEolian rocks are formed from wind-drifted material. They are fragmental in character and ir- regularly bedded in structure. Met- amorphic rocks embrace those of any of the fore- going divisions which have been changed from their original con- dition through the agencies of dyna- mic and chemical forces so that they exhibit new properties. They may have one or many constituent minerals, and in structure they are usually crystalline and bedded or foliated. Fig. 3. Photomicrograph of basalt (trap) rock. (Lord.) 12 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT 5. Igneous, aqueous, aeolean and metamorphic rocks. — The igneous rocks are parent to all the other forms. They may be arranged according to the amount of silica they contain, those that are rich in that com- pound being termed acid, and those that are lean, basic. In this order, some of the most abundant rock types are granite, quartz, syenites, diorites, gabbro, diabase and ba- salts. Of the aqueous rocks the chemical precipitates are relatively of small importance. They seldom form ex- tensive rock masses and are usually intimately mingled with other types of rock, especially those of the sedimentary group. The most important ones agriculturally are the sulfates, represented by gypsum beds. Certain phosphatic deposits and some chlorides also belong in this group. The aqueous sedimentary rocks are the most import- ant agriculturally of any of the groups of rock, and especially of the aqueous rocks, because of their large surface distribution and their physiography. They are composed of the fragments derived from the degenera- Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of fossiliferous lime- stone. (Lord.) STRUCTURE OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 13 tion of all the older rocks and from the inorganic remains of plant and animal life. These comprise clay and shale (ar- gillaceous), sand- stone, conglom- erate and breccia (aren aceous) ; limestone and dol- omite (calcare- ous) , together with minor rocks of vol- canic, phosphatic and carbonaceous character. The sand- stones, shales, limestone and dol- omite are easily the most promi- nent of this group, and, in fact, of all the types of rock, in their present agricultural im- portance. They compose immense strata of rock, and Fig. 5. Photomicrograph of chert. (Lord.) Fig. 6. Photomicrograph of sandstone. (Lord.) 14 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT are usually arranged in alternating layers of variable thickness and extent, and have given rise to important areas of soil. ^Eolian rocks are relatively insignificant, and are generally of a sandy or clayey character. Metamorphic rocks are correlated with all the other types of rock, and have resulted from pronounced alterations in other rocks. Their individual properties are therefore similar to the rock from which they were formed. Often their resistance to decay is increased by the process, as in quartzite and slate. IV. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL AGENCIES OF ROCK-DECAY There are five chief agencies of rock-decay. They are, (a) the atmosphere, (b) heat and cold, (c) water, (d) ice, and (c) plants and animals. The operations of each of these agencies are of two sorts: (1) chemical; (2) mechanical. The products of these two types of force are distinctly different in their relaiton to the plant. The chemical action of the various agencies results in a changed composition of the minerals. It results in the breaking down of the mineral com- pounds, with the possible removal of the elements, as when feldspar is changed to kaolinite. Here the base — potash, soda or lime — is replaced by the elements of water, and may be carried entirely away. The hydrated residue loses some of its silica, and kaolinite is the result. In other cases the change may be effected by the addi- tion of material, as when pyrite is oxidized by the 16 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT atmosphere to the sulfate by the direct union of oxygen with the compound. Whether the process be an addition or subtraction of material, it usually changes the stabil- ity of the mineral, and perhaps the stability of the mass of which the mineral is a part. The chemical action of one agency often opens the way for the chemical and mechanical action of other agencies, so that the decay processes are hastened. This chemical breaking down of minerals, and thereby of rock masses, is termed decomposition. The mechanical breaking up of rocks whereby only the state of division of the material is changed is termed disintegration. The breaking up of rocks due to expanison of heat, the freezing of water, flowing of water, the grinding of glacial ice, and the expansion of plant roots, are types of disintegration by which the rock is simply reduced to a finer state of division. The general tendency is for finer material to result from decomposition than from simple disin- tegration. 6. Atmosphere. — The atmosphere is composed of a mixture of the gases nitrogen and oxygen, in the propor- tion of four parts of the former to one part of the latter, together with very minute quantities of carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, ammonia, and, in even less amounts, other volatile compounds, and a variable, but usually very considerable amount of water-vapor, evidenced by clouds, rain, snow, dew, etc. These gases, dissolved in the atmospheric moisture, come in contact with rock masses and change certain of its minerals into com- pounds more or less soluble than they were originally. The iron compounds are perhaps the most affected, SOIL-FORMATION, ATMOSPHERE 17 and the change of the mineral pyrite is typical of the process. 2Fe S2 + 702 + 2H20 = 2Fe S04 + 2H2S04 Fe S04 + 2H20 = Fe(OH)2 + H2S04 All of these changes of iron compounds under the action of moist atmosphere are imperfectly understood, but it is agreed that the above products may result from the process. Since the sulfate is much more soluble than the sulfid, the mineral is in this way easily removed. The purely chemical action of the atmosphere is less pronounced in its effects than its mechanical action. As wind, it exerts some pressure upon projecting masses tending to push them over, but its great work is accom- blished when the wind carries solid particles of dust and sand and when it acts on vegetation as a lever. In arid and semi-arid regions, particularly, the amount of solid material carried in the atmosphere is very large at some seasons. There frequently occur dust storms, when the atmosphere is so filled with wind-driven par- ticles as to obscure the sun and all objects, at even a short distance away. In the region of western Nebraska and Kansas these dust storms are well known, and on certain soils it is unwise to plow in the fall, because by spring the soil will have been blown away to the depth of the furrow, and indeed this sometimes results from plowing at any other season of the year. Further west in the mountain region this wind-blown material is most effective, where the particles may be driven against the bare rock faces. It then becomes a titanic sand blast to drill away the rock. It eats into the rock surface with remarkable rapidity, carving fantastic 18 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT forms, as a result of the varying hardness of the rock and the uneven distribution of the particles. The abraded particles are born along by the wind and be- come new tools of destruction. In humid regions this form of disintegration is less prominent, but in sandy regions it performs some ef- fective work. As an example of this effectiveness, Merrill describes a large sheet of plate-glass, once a window, in a lighthouse on Cape Cod, — well known for its sand-dunes. During a severe storm, of not above forty-eight hours' duration, this became on its exposed surface so ground by the impact of grains of sand blown against it as to be no longer transparent, and to necessitate its removal. He reports that window-panes in dwelling-houses in the vicinity are frequently drilled quite through by the same means. Material blown about by wind is very much rounded and smoothed by the impacts to which it has heen sub- ject, a characteristic very much less in evidence in water-moved material of the same fineness. Winds also act in conjunction with plants where the roots have penetrated into a crevice or joint, using the tops as a lever to push off or further fracture masses of rock. This process is most effective in rough mountainous regions where the larger vegetation is just getting a foot- hold. In passing, attention may be called to this process of overturning plants as one of nature's cultural methods, whereby the soil is subjected to very thorough, if long- drawn-out, tillage. 7. Heat and cold. — In general, heat accelerates all chemical processes. It greatly increases the solvent SOIL-FORMATION, HEAT AND COLD 19 power of water for many substances, and renders it a more destructive agent generally. This action can not be discussed separately, but must be kept in mind in the consideration of those other agencies of decompo- Fig. 8. Two types of rock disintegration. The forms reflect the different hardness and composition of the rocks sition. Especially important are alterations of tempera- ture, by which compounds whose rates of solution are differently affected by temperature may be successively acted upon. Heat acts mechanically in two ways to break up rocks: (1) Through expanison and contraction due to 20 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT changes in temperature. All substances change volume with changes in temperature. Different minerals expand at different rates, and the same mineral may have different rates of expansion along different axes. So that, when a rock made up of several minerals has its temperature changed, it expands unequally, and a strain is set up all through the mass, which, if severe enough, and repeated often enough, will break it into small fragments. Further, even if a rock did expand uniformly in all its parts with changes of temperature, these changes of temperature are far from uniform. Heat is conducted slowly into a rock. Since the rock may have very different temperatures at points a short distance apart, as a result of this slight conductivity a great strain may result from expansion due to tem- perature differences. Merrill quotes Bartlett to the effect that granite expands .000004852 inch per foot for each degree of Fahr., marble .000005668 inch, and sandstone .000009532 inch. While these movements appear exceedingly small, they are multiplied through many feet of rock and through many degrees of temperature. The differences in temperature between day and night on rock surfaces exposed to the sun is extreme, although it varies with the color of the rock. (2) When water is carried below its freezing-point, it may be exceedingly destructive. In freezing, water expands about one- eleventh of its volume. It has been determined that water at a temperature of — 1°C. exerts an expansive force of 150 tons per square foot, and that to keep it from becoming ice would require the weight of a column of granite 1,800 feet high. All rocks are somewhat SOIL-FORMATION, WATER 21 porous. Soils have a porosity anywhere from 30 to 75 per cent of their volume. Sandstone may have as much as 25, limestone from .1 to .01. marble .008, and granite .01 per cent. If this spore space is filled with water, as is generally the case in nature, and the rock is cooled below the freezing-point, it is evident that it will be shattered. As the process is repeated, the fractures become larger and more numerous. 8. Water. — -The chemical and mechanical action of water in rock-decay may be discussed separately. (1) The chemical action may be divided into: (a) The changes due to pure water, (b) Changes due to material in solution in the water. Owing to the porosity of rocks, water is distributed through all the earth's crust to a depth of many thousand feet. The first direct result of the presence of water is the assumption of its elements by many of the minerals. This is hydration. It may be the direct imbition of water, as when calcium sulfate in crystallizing takes into its constitution several molecules of water; or it may be the substitution of the elements of water for some elements already in the mineral. The alterations in the mineral orthoclase feldspar may be taken as the type of this kind of changes as follows: K20, A1203, 6Si02 + 6 H20 = 2KOH + H20, A1203, 6Si02, 4H20 Since water is so widely diffused, this process of hydration is an especially important one. The signifi- cant chemical effect of hydration is that it alters the solubility of the mineral, and particularly of the elements composing the mineral. 22 THE PRINCIPLES OF ZOIL MANAGEMENT The second direct chemical action of water, and perhaps the most important of all the chemical changes involved in soil formation, is that of solution. It is worth while to remember that no mineral is completely Fis. 9. Traces of residual soil in a limestone quarry. Note the joints and partings. Soil of a dark red. silty character insoluble. They differ greatly in solubility, ranging from the readily soluble common salt to the exceedingly insoluble silica or quartz. But all are amenable to the action of pure water. In the above instance of hydration of feldspar, we have a type of a large number of changes in minerals which alter their solubility. And by altering the solubility of one mineral the other minerals present SOIL-FORMATION, WATER 23 are opened to attack by any one of many agencies, both mechanical and chemical. In feldspar, which is very slightly soluble, hydration and hydrolysis develops potassium hydrate, a very soluble compound and there- fore readily removed. Its removal may develop a cavity, and thus weaken the rock. Agriculturally, the removal of the base is also significant. It is the basic element, and therefore largely plant-food elements, or those which condition soil-productiveness, such as potash, lime and soda, which are removed by this process. It is because of the unequal solubility of minerals that soil results from the process of solution. If all the minerals of a rock were equally soluble, the rock might be removed bodily from the exposed surface inward. Solubility, operating differently for different minerals in a rock mass, removes one, and leaves the others in a less coherent mass, which we term soil. It therefore happens that residual soils comprise the less soluble portions of the rock from which they were formed. Materials in solution in water greatly affect its capacity to dissolve minerals. Carbon dioxid is present in the air in the pores of rocks and soils in much larger proportion than in the air above the earth's surface. It is particularly abundant in the surface layers, where it is derived from organic decay. It is taken up by the water as it passes along and becomes a means of solution. The most striking example of this is in the case of lime carbonate or limestone. In pure water this mineral is soluble only to the extent of about one part in twenty-five thousand, but in carbonated water its solubility is about one part in one thousand, or twenty-five times as 24 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT soluble. It is this solvent action of carbonated water which has formed the extensive caverns and passages in every fairly pure limestone formation, and thereby has given rise to such features as the Mammoth Cave and the great sinks of Southern Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and many other regions underlain by limestone. In the superficial layers of soil, organic acids also add to the solvent power of the water. Since water is an universal solvent, in the earth it contains a large variety of mineral compounds, all of which affect its solvent power, usually increasing it. The destructive action of solution is indicated by the considerable amount of dissolved substances in all natural waters. The Mississippi river carries in solution annually sufficient material to cover a square mile of land ninety feet deep; the Danube, sufficient material for a depth of eighteen feet; and the Nile, sufficient material for a depth of thirteen feet. (2) The mechanical action of water. — The destructive action of running water transcends all other agencies of rock degradation in its extent. It has been the most potent force in carving the earth's surface into its present form. It is continually at work reducing elevations and filling depressions. This destructive action is due largely to the power of running water to carry material. This transported material becomes the tool of the water in wearing away its channel. The transporting power of water varies as the sixth power of its velocity of flow. That is to say, if the SOIL-FORMATION, WATER 25 Fig. 10. "Pot holes" formed in shale rock. The boulders ana pebbles in the "pot" are set in motion by flowing water and thereby the rock is broken down with the formation of soil material. velocity of a stream is doubled, its carrying power will be increased sixty-four times. But the volume, and therefore the weight, of a body varies as the cube of its diameter. Therefore the diameter of the material carried does not vary directly as the velocity of the current, but at a less rate. This power of flowing water to carry rock material 26 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT is exemplified in every stream of whatever size. Where the flow is checked and thereby the carrying power reduced, some of the coarsest material is deposited. Where the flow is increased, instead of deposition, coarser material is picked up. Changing an obstruction causes extensive regrading of the channel by the current. Bends in the stream which require a greater velocity on one side of the channel than on the other cause the same sort of rearrangement, and this is nicely illustrated in the meandering of streams. They wind over their course always cutting away the material on the outer side of the curves, and depositing it on the inner side of the curves lower down. Thus the stream is continually changing its course. It meanders from one side of its flood-plane to the other. It cuts off large curves and proceeds to form new ones. All these processes may be observed in any rivulet, yet they are the exact counterpart of the things which are taking place in every large river valley. Careful determinations re- ported by Bobb, show that the large rivers of the world remove annually in suspension the following amounts of material: Height in feet of Thickness of sedi- column of sedi- ment, in inches ment with base if spread over 1 mile square. drainage area. Mississippi river 241.4 .00223 Potomac 4.0 .00433 Rio Grande 2.8 .00116 Uruguay 10.6 .00085 Rhone 31.1 .1075 Po 59.0 .01139 Danube 93.2 .00354 Nile 38.8 .00042 Mean 76.65 .00614 SOIL-FORMATION, ICE 27 In addition to the material carried in suspension, a large amount is rolled along the bottom of the channel. Because of the unequal carrying power of streams of different velocity, the load of debris is sorted into groups of somewhat uniform size. In this way have been formed great areas of clay, silt, sand and gravel found in all farming sections, and which owe their peculiar crop-producing properties most. largely to this sorting action of water. 9. Ice — glaciers. — Masses of ice have exerted a tremendous influence in the reduction of rocks to soil material. Their action is chiefly mechanical, but is inti- mately associated, as a rule, with the action of water. The chief agency of ice is in the form of glaciers, which issue from regions of high latitude, or of great elevation, and in times past have pushed down over much larger areas of country than they now occupy. A large part of all of the continents have been overrun by such masses, which, through their great weight and almost resistless movement, ground even the hardest rocks to fine powder and mixed the materials from many sources. Fragments of rock imbedded in the bottom of the ice became its tools to scratch and crush the floor upon which it rested. In this way has come about the scouring and pulverization of rocks, analogous to the action of water. The ice appears to have attained a depth of thousands of feet in some places, and consequently was able to override even mountainous areas, sweeping away and grinding to fragments the smaller eminences and irregularities. Since the access of water was limited, there was little opportunity for pronounced chemical 28 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT change, or the removal of constituents, which fact is shown in the tables of soil-composition on pages 32-57. Their influence on surface topography is profound, and of great importance to the pursuit of agriculture because of the leveling which results. Fir. 11. Lichen growing on a granite boulder. These low forms of plants disintegrate the rock and assist in the decomposition of its constituent minerals. 10. Plants and animals.— Plants and animals unite with the other agencies mentioned to effect the breaking down of minerals and rocks. Like the other processes, they have both their mechanical and their chemical side. The development of plant roots in crevices of rock SOIL-FORMATION, PLANTS AND ANIMALS 2Q created by other agencies, exerts sufficient pressure to force them further apart and extend the fractures. Occasional striking examples of the forcing apart of rock-masses by plant-growth may be observed. The process is well Fig. 12. Growing roots of the tree have broken apart and otherwise disinte- grated the granite boulder, thereby assisting in the formation of soil illustrated by the lifting of sidewalks and the tipping over of stone fences, due to the development of trees near by and even such soft tissues as those of mush- rooms have been observed pushing up through cement 30 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT and brick sidewalks. In mountainous regions wnere vegetation has gained a foothold in the crevices, the tops serve the wind as a lever to pry rocks apart. The overturning of trees is a familiar example of the process. Animal life also has a part in the mechanical breaking down of rocks. Burrowing animals are most active. The gopher, the prairie dog, the badger, the rabbit, moles, etc., all burrow in the ground and, in the aggre- gate, move large masses of material. Cray-fish and earth-worms are even more widespread, and the latter by their large numbers have a capacity which is likely to be underrated because it is largely out of sight. Ants are another very active form of animal life in effecting soil formation. They burrow into crevices of rocks and into soil formations, and deposit the material from the passages at the surface mixed with their acid saliva. Like the earth-worms, they handle immense amounts of material. V. GEOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOILS All soil material may be divided into two groups, depending upon the extent to which it has been moved in the process of formation. Those materials which have not been subject to any appreciable transportation are termed (a) Sedentary. Those which have been carried to their present position — that is, have been appreciably moved — are termed (6) Transported. There are several agencies of transportation, such as gravity, water, ice and wind. These give rise to subdivisions. SEDENTARY SOILS 31 11. Sedentary soils. — Sedentary soils are of two kinds: (1) Residual, or soils consisting of the residue left behind in rock decomposition. (2) Cumulose, or soils resulting from the slow accumulation and decay of plant remains. 12. Residual soils. — There may be as many kinds of residual soil as there are rocks. Because of similarity between the species in a group of rocks, a few of these groups may be considered as types. The most promi- nent groups are the igneous rocks, the calcareous rocks, shale or slate and sandstone. Attention will be directed as far as possible to the relation of the soil composition to the composition of the original rock and to the char- acter of the material lost in the transition. In calculating the relative loss of the different ele- ments in the transition process, some one element — usually iron or aluminum, and, in the case of limestone, silicon — is assumed to have suffered no loss. This method, adopted from Merrill, is, of course, not strictly accurate, since every element is subject to losses; but it serves as a fair comparative basis for the study of the loss of plant-food elements. The important areas of residual soil in North America occur south of the limit of glaciation, which extends roughly from New York to Cincinnati, thence to St. Louis and up the Missouri river to the Dakotas, and west to the Sound region of Washington, where it again loops well to the south. The residual soils are further hemmed in by coastal deposits, which have their greatest extent in the South Atlantic and Gulf Coast region, where they reach a width of more than a hundred miles. 32 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table II. — Complete Chemical Composition of Rocks and Residual Soils. Granite. Gneiss. Diabase. Basalt. Crouzet Haute Loire, France District of Albemarle Spanish Columbia Co., Va. Guiana I II Re- Ill IV Re- V VI Re- VII VIII Re- Fresh sidual Fresh sidual Fresh sidual Fresh sidual Rock Sand Rock Clay Rock Clay Rock Soil 1. Silica (SiO,) . . 69.33 65.69 60.69 45.31 49.35 43.38 48.29 37.09 2. Alumina (A1203) • • • ■ 14.33 15.23 16.89 26.55 15.30 18.36 13.25 30.75 3. Ferric iron (Fe203) .... 4.00 4.39 9.06 12.18 14.25 20.39 17.12 4.31 4. Ferrous iron (FeO) 5. Sulfur trioxid (S03) 6. Phosphoric acid (PA)- 0.10 0.06 0.25 0.47 7. Lime (CaO) . . 3.21 2.63 4.44 t 9.60 2.37 7.37 8.97 8. Carbon Dioxid (C03) 9. Magnesia (MgO) 2.44 2.64 1.06 0.40 7.38 3.45 7.03 0.61 10. Soda (Na20). 2.70 2.12 2.82 0.22 1.98 0.14 2.71 1.01 11. Potash (K20). 2.67 2.00 4.25 1.10 0.85 0.59 1.81 0.71 12. Ignition [wa- ter (HA]... 1.22 99.00 4.70 99.77 0.62 13.75 3.25 11.34 4.92 16.55 In addition to these large areas, many small areas occur scattered through areas of other kinds of soil. The most nearly original soil is that formed from igneous rocks. That is to say, the composition of such a soil might be expected to approach most nearly to that of the original rock. The relative composition of several igneous rocks and the soils derived from them, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF RESIDUAL SOILS 33 Table II. — Complete Chemical Composition of Rock and Residual Soils, continued. Soapstone Igneous Rock Sand- stones Shales Limestone Aver- Com- Com- Com- age of posite posite posite Albemarle about analy- analy- analy- Carboniferous, County, Va. 700 ses 253 ses 78 ses 345 Arkansas sam- sam- sam- sam- ples ples ples ples IX X Re- XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI Re- Fresh sidual Fresh sidual Rock Soil Rock Clay 1. Silica (Si02) . . 38.85 38.82 59.87 78.66 58.38 5.19 4.13 33.69 2. Alumina (ALA) ... 12.77 22.61 15.02 4.78 15.47 0.81 4.19 30.30 3. Ferric iron (Fe203).... 12.86 13.33 2.58 1.08 4.03 0.54 2.35 1.99 4. Ferrous iron (FeO) 3.40 0.30 2.46 5. Sulfur trioxid (S03) 0.28 0.07 0.65 0.05 6. Phosphoric acid(P205). 0.26 0.08 0.17 0.04 3.04 2.54 7. Lime (CaO) . . 6.12 6.13 4.79 5.52 3.12 42.61 44.79 3.91 8. Carbon dioxid (C02) 0.52 5.04 2.64 41.58 34.10 9. Magnesia (MgO) 22.58 9.52 4.06 1.17 2.45 7.90 0.30 0.26 10. Soda (NaX>) . 0.11 0.20 3.39 0.45 1.31 0.05 ' 0.16 0.61 11. Potash (K,0). 0.19 0.18 2.93 1.32 3.25 0.33 0.35 0.96 12. Ignition [wa- ter (H20)] . 6.52 9.21 1.86 1.64 5.02 MnO 0.77 0.05 2.26 4.33 10.76 14.98 as given by Merrill, is shown in Table II, numbers I to VIII. Numbers I and II represent a gray foliated granite from the District of Columbia, the soil of which is very sandy. By reference to Column II of Table III, Q •A < a H X H O % < O § a o Ph fa O 82 to o « fa W hH fa o o o 03 < I— I « Eh < ►H as " ■ a; O O GO ^ O fa H O fa o < H I? H O OJ H Ph fa Residual soil from soapstone. Albemarle Co ., Va. M jjooj ajijrja joj sso[ juao jaj OS CO i—l 5.33 2.66 . o • <^ r^ • i— i ■co cm •pco ! OS i-H CO y ^uaniijsuoo qoBa ►h 1 jo ssoi luao jaj 43.58 41.48 44.45 76.19 47.05 20.26 Residual soil from Basalt. France >— < > spoj aji}ua joj ssoj juao jaj 30.34 16.64 3.46 . r-- O i-i . t>- ^ U5 • CD 1— 1 i-H * i— i d CO M > luanjpsuoo qo^ea jo ssoj juao jaj 65.56 88.84 47.24 96.38 74.41 83.24 * Residual clay from diabase. Venezuela > jjooj aipua joj ssoj juao ja luanjrjsuoo qorca jo ss6[ juao jaj 42.40 21.30 83.23 61.37 95.37 45.88 * Residual clay from gneiss. Albemarle Co.. Va. > I-H 5[ooj ajriua joj sso[ juao jaj 31.90 1.30 gain 4.44 O 00 iO O CN CO * CO ■* l— 1 hH H- 1 juaniijsuoo qoraa jo ss6( juao jaj 52.45 14.35 gain 100.00 74.70 95.03 83.52 * 13.47 Residual sand from granite. District of Columbia I— 1 I-H 3{ooj ajriua joj ssoj juao jaj; 10.50 0.46 0.04 0.81 CD r^ iO CD i CO (">; 00 i-H | © © 0(N 1 * 1 t— 1 luanjijsuoo qo^ea jo ssoj juao ja 1 ■ hj '1 I-H CN i— i a to 3 H (34) e fl ° ° « CO"-.-* rt C — c o-a w bl« to £ ■£ OS o to O jjdoj ajijua joj ssoj jiiao jaj juaniijsuoo qoraa jo ssoj ^uao jaCO«OO5t»'-te0Q0OSCOOT •sssg| S ?■ n » O •" n a> ^-.SP-gg o 5J0OJ 8JT}U3 joj ssoj jnao ja juati}i}guoD qoua ^ ssoj jo juao jaj OC5 MOOOiOO^NOO l^o ' K"0 io w o rc w ro o t~- -t< ■eorHI-5o6ioi-5ioc35CC CD iO (N O N C-l N CM S o S3 . c •3-5 * *55 0) jfooj ajrjna joj ssoj }uao jaj co CM co , ** v- ~ - od o o c CO od - 0J_* - c i- — — < « jjooj ajijna joj ssoj luaa jaj to ,1-0 CO COCMOiOOOCOuOO . CO >— I I [NTOrHMONOl^ ■ o co © .co io ONOXcONCCffl .NfflOeOCTCOCOtO '3 O i— I CJ3 ^H 00 Ol X O c rc C h N 00 © O X i-O C2 rf U5 > Uh "— '.3 O OS si ~T3 73 95 ^ C3'=.H C •> ^-^ X *•*; ^-s, w1 33 1.S C 5 (, -*--— +j> - c • J. cuO P go o .5 a O a) a ft— ' (5- 1. Moisture 49.00 30.00 17.00 20.00 6.14 0.10 1.11 2.50 7.70 :3.'70 80.84 1.18 2.69 0.44 0.22 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.06 9.60 87.25 1.52 6.15 0.39 0.36 6.14 0.13 0.06 0.00 2. Volatile matter .... 3. Organic matter .... 4. Insoluble matter . . . 5. Soluble silica (Si02) 6. Insoluble silica (SiO,. 7. Ash 71.80 18.47 84.7 42.3 6.31 0.19 3.4 2 6 8 6 8 86.70 43.35 6.36 0.15 3.36 78.5 39.6 0.36 0.1 3.1 2 2 8. Iron oxide (Fe203). . . 9. Alumnia (A1,03) . . . 10. Lime (CaO) 11. Carbon dioxid (C02) 12. Magnesia (MgO) . . . 13. Soda (Na20) 14. Potash (K,0) 15. Phosphoric acid P205 16. Nitrogen (N) 17. Sulphuric acid (S03) . 2.60 1.38 0.51 1.77 0.10 0.20 0.32 0.32 0.62 1.06 6 2 4 Portsmouth and other soils of the southern states, represent the very first stages in the formulation of such cumulose deposits. That is, they are simply mineral soils with a high content of organic matter. 14. Transported soils. — The four great agencies of soil-transportation are (1) water, (2) ice, (3) wind, and TRANSPORTED SOILS 45 (4) gravity. It will be remembered that each of these agencies was mentioned as active in soil -formation through the physical and chemical forces brought to bear on rocks. The material is moved from its original position and laid down under new conditions which develop properties entirely different from those pos- sessed by sedentary soils. Of the four groups, those soils transported by water are easily the most extensive, and next to these in area stand those moved by glacial action. Wind-moved soils are of much importance in some sections, but gravity-moved soils are of small extent. 15. Gravity or colluvial soils. — In mountainous or hilly regions, soil material of all dimensions is moved down the slope under the pull of gravity. In those sections of the country where stone fences are common, the accumulation of soil on the uphill side of the fence, due to gravity movement, not infrequently reach the top of the wall. Because of its associations with a hill (Collis meaning hill), such material is termed colluvial. The first footings of soil in the niches and at the base of a rocky ledge are usually of this sort, and in mountain regions the accumulation of such material is sometimes large. 16. Water. — -It has been shown how water is able to transport sand and even boulders several times heavier than itself, if it be flowing with a sufficient velocity. (See page 24.) This large transporting power may be observed in any creek or rivulet, and in every hilly region it is brought forcibly to the farmer's notice in the gullies formed by heavy rains. The bed of every 46 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT stream is strewn with material which has been dropped by the water. If the bed of the stream is steep, it is paved almost entirely with large stones and boulders. If the bed is very flat and the flow slow, the bottom is formed by sand or silt. These variations are well illus- trated by the ripples and quiet pools of almost any stream, the former being stony, the latter more fine- textured. This principle of the varying carrying power of flowing water is of great agricultural importance. It results in sorting the material which comes into the water, and the particles of one size are deposited to- gether. In this way is accumulated a fine pure clay in one place, a sand at another place, and gravel at still another. These formations are strikingly different in their relations to plant-growth because of their dif- ferent physical and chemical properties, as will be shown in the further discussion of these matters. The character of such soil depends upon two factors: (1) The character of the rocks from which it is derived. (2) The conditions under which it is deposited. The soils of this group are by far the most important, agriculturally, of any which will be discussed, on account of both their relative area and crop relations. In a general way, they may be divided into three sub-groups; but it is impossible to draw any sharp line of distinction between these groups. These are: (1) Marine soils. (2) Lake and pond deposits, or lacustrine soils. (3) Stream-laid, or alluvial soils. 17. Marine soils. — The marine soils occupy large areas in the United States and many other countries. They consist of stratified gravels, sands, silts and clays SOILS DEPOSITED BY WATER 47 deposited in shallow off-shore water, and subsequently raised above sea-level, where they have been subject to erosion by the present drainage channels, so that they are furrowed by a ramifying system of shallow, steep-sided gorges. These channels reveal the different sorts of material from coarse to fine, and have exposed each of them over considerable areas. The material has not been deposited long enough or buried deep enough to be much consolidated, although there are very soft shales and limestones in the Gulf states which are only partially consolidated. 18. Lacustrine soils. — Closely related to the marine soils are soils deposited in lakes, such as those fringing the Great Lakes. These lacustrine soils differ from the former in the different source of their material and somewhat different conditions of deposition. Most of them are fresh-water bodies, but in some instances, as Great Salt Lake, they are brackish. It is impossible to draw any definite line of distinction between these two sub-groups of soils further than in the extent and character of the waters in which they were deposited, and for a specific understanding of their characteristics the respective types must be studied in detail. 19. Alluvial soils. — Along every stream course is a ribbon of material formed by the deposition from the water of that stream at either normal or flood time. Along the steep-bedded streams it is very narrow and usually coarse, often with a base of stone covered by a veneer of fine material. As the course becomes less steep, it widens and is more meandering. The stream swings from side to side of its valley in large sweeping 48 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT curves, which become actually tortuous in very flat bottoms. Such a crooked channel is much reduced in capacity over a straight channel, and therefore in flood season the water is piled up over the bank and Fis. 15. Shows the stratified arrangement of a gravelly soil overflows the adjacent land. When the water passes from the deep channel, its velocity is checked, and some of the material — the coarsest — is deposited on the bank. The finer material is carried further out. If there is a general movement over the whole bottom the very finest material may not be deposited, and con- CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MARINE SOILS 49 Table V Chemical Composition of Soils Deposited by Water. Complete Analyses Coastal Plain Soils of Maryland 1. Insoluble 2. Silica (Si02) 3. Alumina (A1203) 4. Ferric iron (Fe203) . . 5. Ferrous iron (FeO) . . 6. Sulfur trioxid (S03) . 7. Phosphoric acid (P205) 8. Lime (CaO) 9. Carbon dioxid (C02) . 10. Magnesia (MgO). 11. Soda (Na,0) 12. Potash (K20) 13. Water 14. Organic matter 15. Volatile matter 3.2 - " a 3 ^ t-. ki 5-2 •- o S-o ft 0§Cg Lil — ' O ■*£ O O fc£* Pea* 92.30 83.86 3.20 6.10 0.91 2.63 '6.08 6.12 0.05 0.23 0.41 0.50 0.08 0.06 0.35 0.45 0.50 0.56 0.70 0.92 0.23 1.30 i .13 3.00 80.55 8.82 2.67 0.07 0.42 0.47 0.05 0.29 0.49 1.22 1.28 3.26 IV t> a o 3 O •g -a 2 5 » *Sg> is o» 0 0 > ~? oj a J? - c o> P^ a .Ph c S Clay ^ity. aryla ree s .«".a •Ml* +3 64.26 19.92 5.74 '6.09 0.16 0.44 0.15 0.59 0.58 1.50 0.75 '6.58 V a a u . ca a pq o Si Ph O s * • 94.32 2.66 1.25 0.02 0.04 6.07 0.11 0.12 1.21 sequently the accumulated soil is a fine, friable loam rather than a clay. Heavy alluvial clay is seldom found outside the larger river bottoms and generally in depressions remote from the channel. Another source of heavy soil is ponds formed by the cutting off of bends in the channel. These "ox-bow D 50 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table V, continued Chemical Composition of Soils Deposited by Water. Complete Analyses Brick Clays of Southern Plain 1. 2. 3! 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Insoluble Silica (Si02) Alumina (A1203) . . Ferric iron (Fe203) Ferrous iron (FeO) Sulfur trioxid (SO Phosphoric acid (PA) Lime (CaO) . . Carbon dioxid CO Magnesia (MgO) Soda (Na,0) . . Potash (K,0) . Water Organic matter Volatile matter VI |o o Si a o ■c g 53.75 24.91 7.99 0.70 i .12 2.94 1.03 VII S3 c 2 OO 'St o S o 03 'E s 70.45 17.34 3.16 0.22 I 0.70 0.98 6.63 VIII 0 o .2 «s tj „. » 02 gr 90.00 4.60 1.44 0.10 0.10 t t 3.04 IX a r a o go o "S.g 'S E « B .2 03 n o,2 + silica 44.40 17.90 4.50 9.50 9.55 1.88 t 4.58 X o o £ ' a>'a •S S- ft'! a. 2 <3 02 93.23 sol. 2.36 1.25 0.03 0.12 0.02 0.18 0.07 0.26 2.33 XI ■--3 •-T3 o ss » a 03 02 94.46 1.67 0.92 0.32 0.09 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.19 1.88 bends," " cut-offs," or "bayous," as they are variously termed, become in succession lakes, ponds and marshes, where the clay-laden water is gradually evaporated or filtered away, leaving behind only the very fine material that may be carried in suspension almost indefinitely. As a result of these processes much of the CHEMICAL Ck M POSITION OF GLACIAL LAKE SOILS 51 Table V, continued Chemical, Composition of Soils Deposited by Water. Complete Analyses Glacial and Western Soils 1. Insoluble 2. Silica (Si02) 3. Alumina (A1203) 4. Ferric iron (Fe203) 5. Ferrous iron (FeO) . . . 6. Sulfur trioxid (S03) . .. 7. Phosphoric acid (P205) 8. Lime (CaO) 9. Carbon dioxid (C02) . . . 10. Magnesia (MgO) 11. Soda (Na20) 12. Potash (K20) 13. Water 14. Organic matter 15. Volatile matter XII a o3 hO 03" 55.60 14.80 5.80 0.15 5.70 4.94 2.48 1.07 3.23 5.18 XIII 0J cs.2 1° 03 terl CC« Oj" £ .C OJ 66.69 14.16 4.38 41 j.29 2.49 0.77 1.28 0.67 1.21 4.84 2.00 XIV o 9) M oj 02 Oi .0 O T3 19.24 3.26 1.09 0.53 0.23 38.94 29.57 2.75 t t 1.67 2.96 XV oj oj •1 « 03 * OJ i-l 56.17 24.25 3.54 2.09 2.57 2.25 4.06 4.69 XVI oiS « - * s r* 03 ■ C.£P.S ~ c OJ--. o •l-l OJ ^ „•, » i2 £•* <-> 2 3 40.22 8.47 2.83 0.48 0.13 0.05 15.65 18.76 7.80 0.84 2.36 1.95 0.32 soil formed in stream bottoms is friable and easily tilled, but they also give rise to some of the heaviest and most intractable clay soil known. Soils of this sub-group may be either very uniform or exceedingly variable in fine- ness. It is evident from what has been said that, the smaller the stream, the more variable the soil is likely to 52 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table V, continued Chemical Composition of Soils Deposited by Water. Strong Hydrochloric Acid Analyses. 1. Insoluble 2. Silica (SiO,) 3. Alumina (A1X>3). .. . 4. Ferric iron (Fe203) . . 5. Ferrous iron (FeO) . 6. Sulfur trioxid (S03) . 7. Phosphoric acid (P205 8. Lime (CaO) 9. Carbon dioxid(C02). 10. Magnesia (MgO). .. 1 1 . Soda (Na,G) 12. Potash (K,0) 13. Water 14. Organic matter 15. Volatile matter XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII C . >> O > 0 O 6 o > a o "3 c3 » __ 4^ £ S 0 m j3 O 03 a o oj m eo 3 « ■°B w-a i- o3 (0 o3 y, ~ 0> - o3 s * - i c . '51 *H 03 ■n *-• 03 m a o3 > £ m pq CB fa 70.92 44.23 77.05 83.22 84.97 *5.65 81.77 7.68 5.58 1 3.621 {1.58 >4.91 12.66 2.11 1.42 3.33 5.82 2.71 3.07 0.29 0.15 0.02 0.34 0.12 0.18 0.243 0.04 0.05 5.66 23.98 1.03 0.56 0.44 0.32 4.00 18.00 0.81 0.44 1.85 0.94 0.93 1.13 0.16 0.18 0.23 0.25 0.96 0.40 0.48 0.39 0.88 0.22 1.45 0.48 0.80 1.21 3.26 2.42 3.56 1.32 3.69 0.62 2.18 1.54 2.69 7.34 6.52 4.60 XXIII a o -M 03 Ms O a -a o T) 03 O o o 02 79.99 7.76 2.78 3.40 0.15 0.06 0.95 0.21 0.31 0.44 4.10 0.51 * Soluble. be. It embraces large areas of the most productive soils. Properly drained, bottom lands are generally regarded with favor for several of the staple crops. Corn is prob- ably the most grown. Wheat is important on the heaviest soils. They are generally rich in organic matter to an unusual depth because they represent largely the wash CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ALLUVIAL SOILS 53 Table V, continued Chemical Composition of Soils Deposited by Water. Strong Hydiocliloric Acid Analyses XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX o.Z > o i- a> t- i a a ,£3 >> 03 O >> © .fcs ~"2 0 0 c3 £, > d *" o a . o c > a "^ d" -3 - > W 0J 033 O J3 3 ■w 03 s> i-l- ' k- s hJ « 02 1. Insoluble 41.21 39.17 60.21 45.06 51.06 58.57 2. Silica (Si02) 8.37 15.09 9.00 16.43 20.70 5.33 3. Alumina (A1203) . . 10.72 13.61 9.15 10.20 10.54 8.40 4. Ferric iron (Fe203) 3.48 3.98 3.94 4.22 5.82 4.14 5. Ferrous iron (FeO) . - . . 6. Sulfur trioxid (SO,) 0.10 0.06 0.11 0.09 0.02 0.15 7. Phosphoric acid (P20-) 0.19 0.28 0.16 0.27 0.30 0.13 8. Lime (CaO) 7.45 8.10 1.07 8.84 1.35 8.67 9. Carbon dioxid(C02) 14.26 13.27 0.13 7.22 .... 7.82 10. Magnesia (MgO) . . 4.48 2.04 0.84 3.02 1.67 2.97 11. Soda (Na20) 0.48 0.40 0.61 0.27 0.33 0.16 12. Potash (K20) 0.25 0.60 0.90 0.81 1.10 1.18 13. Water 0.89 0.81 5.16 .... 14. Organic matter . . . 15. Volatile matter. . . 6.22 3.20 14.29 2.61 7.37 3.34 from the surface layer of the upland soils, and they are not old enough to have lost this supply of organic matter by decay. Frequently, the supply is replenished by annual additions. Table V illustrates the variations in the propor- tion of the different elements in water deposits of 54 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT different physical properties, from different parts of the United States. Many of these analyses are less complete with reference to some of the plant-food con- stituents than is desirable for the purpose here intended. So far as possible, analyses of the entire soil have been used, but, where these could not be obtained, analyses of the strong hydrochloric acid extract are given. 20. Ice — glacial soils. — In many parts of the world there exist soils which have been formed under the influence of large bodies of ice. In earlier times, masses of ice extended far to the southward over the country now devoted to agricul- tural purposes. Around the world this mass of ice appears to have extended down from the north and south poles to a zig-zag limit. It reached into Asia, Central Europe and the American Continent as far south as New York City, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City and Omaha, and farther west in the Puget Sound region it extended south across the Columbia river. All the country north of this line with the exception of one or two small areas was covered by an immense sheet of ice which moved slowly down from the north- ward. In the southern hemispheres are similar — though more limited — traces of the same condition. The depth of the ice was so great that it flowed over such elevations as Mount Washington in New Hampshire and over the Adirondacks in New York. Its general movement in the northern hemisphere was southward. Its flow was modified by the original topog- raphy of the country, but its depth was so great it was able to disregard and override many of the land GLACIAL SOILS 55 forms. It advanced first through the valleys, and at the bottom of the mass appears to have been guided in its flow by these channels. The advance probably consumed a long period of years, or even centuries, and the retreat was similarly slow. Along the margin, as in modern glaciers, there were annual fluctuations in the position of the ice front which are indicated by the greater or less accumulation of rock debris, as undulating piles of earth or terminal moraines. This ice picked up immense amounts of material along its way. Most of the original soil overlying the rocks was swept away. Prominences were torn away or planed down, and depressions were filled up. Masses of rock were ground to powder, and boulders were transported to entirely new surroundings. The advance of the ice over the country largely disregarded the rock forma- tions, as it did topographic forms, so that the rocks and soil materials from many sources were mixed and ground together. In this way, the granite boulders strewn over the surface near the southern margin of the ice extension in the United States were derived from points hundreds of miles to the northward, even into northern Canada. The movement was not straight south, but deflected by broad obstructions in the land, so that the source of the soil in any region is determined by the direction of movement in that section. This movement may often be traced by the kind of rocks which have been left, and may lead back to the ledges from which they were derived. The relation of glacial soils to the underlying rock depends entirely on the conditions which prevailed 56 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT in that region when it was formed. In central Michigan, the soil bears scarcely any relation to the underlying rock of the region ; but, in Southern New York and Northern Pennsylvania, the very shaley character of the soil may be traced to the broad area of shale rock which underlies all that section of country, and which was the main source bf the glacial debris. As one passes northward through the finger-lake region of New York, the proportion of limestone and other foreign material resting on the gray shale increases until the exposures of ledge limestone are met at Syracuse and Rochester, portions of which rock had been raked far southward by the ice-movement. This shifting and mingling of material must always be kept in mind in examining glacial soils. Purely glacial deposits differ in chemical and physical properties from soils derived from the same formations by other means. There is a large element of mechanical grinding without any large amount of chemical change or solution. The particles have not been subjected to long-continued leaching, which characterizes residual or marine soils. Such material is chiefly rock-flour, that is, pulverized rock. The readily soluble minerals and ele- ments are therefore present in proportionately larger amounts than in soil formed by other means. While a residual soil from limestone may be very poor in lime carbonate, a glacial soil formed from lime-rock is often rich in lime, sometimes containing 50 per cent of that constituent, as has been found in some Dakota soils. As appears from the tables of analyses, such soils are gen- erally rich in all of the basic elements. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF GLACIAL SOILS 57 Table VI Chemical Composition of Glacial Soils Hydrochloric Acid Analyses I II III IV V VI 0 SO ej - °J -^ to r2 c QQ O 0 H £ T > >> to - z og +3 DQ 0 2 „0 C m a 3 ->S o o IS o £s OS u O o a a _r c "3 S CO * g.ss 0 1. Insoluble 87.85 3.46 3.30 0.04 0.11 0.25 0.39 0.34 0.25 4.09 83.80 4.11 4.72 0.03 0.09 0.18 6.45 0.29 0.22 5.92 83.87 .4.26 3.63 0.10 0.15 0.69 0.62 0.78 0.56 5.64 89.20 3.69 2.26 0.03 0.12 0.13 0.37 0.23 0.21 3.86 73.95 6.85 4.63 3.05 0.04 0.26 0.70 0.36 0.36 0.42 0.40 9.12 74.05 2. Silica (Si02) 3. Alumnia (A1203) .... 4. Ferric iron (Fe203). . . 5. Ferrous iron (FeO) 6. Sulfur trioxide (S03) . 7. Phosphoric acid(P205) 8. Lime (CaO) 9. Carbon dioxid (C02) . 10. Magnesia (MgO) 11. Soda (Na,0) 12. Potash (K20) 13. Water 14. Organic matter 15. Volatile matter 8.46 3.27 5.44 0.12 0.16 0.51 0.09 0.22 0.16 0.22 7.29 The physical properties of glacial soils are also dis- tinctive. Excepting subsequent modifications due to water, such deposits show little or no stratification or sorting. They are heterogeneous in material and arrange- ment. Much of such material is termed boulder clay, from the mixture of coarse and fine particles. It is also to be noted that such soils contain, relatively, a larger proportion of silt particles, and a smaller amount 58 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT '»' 75 i-H ' ' 1— 1 1— 1 1— 1 > . r^. b- in • ■ • co co m in . . • OS OS CN ■ • • GO CO tO Is-; • • " 00 oi -* " oi OJ i— I i— I i— i co H 1—1 > 'auua^aqQ -ssaoT; ^jig .OtONH . t-h 00 Is- -* CM 00 OS . . . H N tO CO .HQOON^OO . . •NOfid • o io co r-i ■-! o< co • • • tO i-H ' ' ' hH > opBJOJO^ 'J3AU9Q •ssaor[ IJIg . t-- h th (M .loos OS O ^f OS . . .caoNO •,|!(:1«0,b:H.1 • • • OS CO CO r-H ■ O C4 rHrtCOHH • ■ • O i-H > unossij\[ '^}iQ sbsubjj '•ssao'j' ;pg . tO tO iO O? CO OS OS OS hH SIOUt[[J '■BuajBO ' -ssbot; ^ig .H-tHrHntDHHOSlOO'.': . . .totocoLOi-Hp-^cocqcopp . . ■•f'ooiddd'otocoHcid • • • tD r— 1 ' ' h- 1 HH ■B.U.OJ 'anbnqriQ ssaoq; qig . 00 CO CO CO i— ICOOSOS-— IGOCOO . . . tD O O OS lo c4 o d id o6 os -ni T-i r-i r-i • • •to hH •sajdures g aSBJa.vy •sajBjs ujajsaAi.qj.io(vj 'suoiSaa puy s|ios jsnp 'puBs auij &%\IQ o to OS MH . s -C ■- oc o : "3 ~ £ ' g as^ -Q hJO-5 OS O i— i-H i— C P- CO I— •a PC i— u t- 0) q; S £ o a o> i-H i— 1 (63) 64 THE PRINCIPLES OP SOIL MANAGEMENT physical properties. They are also likely to be highly silicious. But the loess formations are of great agricul- tural importance, and in this country they constitute some of the most important soil types. In some sections its value has been greatly reduced by erosion. Some of the bluff areas along the Mississippi river are thus modified, and some of the loess of China is also deeply eroded. But the physical properties, as well as the chemical properties of loess, combine to give it in general a high agricultural value. VI. HUMID AND ARID SOILS In discussing the process by which soil is derived from rock, attention was directed to the fact that phys- ical disintegration results in material having different properties from those derived through chemical decom- position, and that the relative prominence of these two processes is dependent largely on climate. Aridity is one of those phases of climate which markedly alters the balance between these two processes, giving the larger ascendancy to the physical. Soils formed under arid conditions are less fine in texture than those formed from the same rock in humid regions. A study of soils in the two regions reveals a much greater prevalence of the coarser soils — the sandy and loamy soils — in the arid region. But chemical processes are not absent, for in every arid region there is some precipitation which is able to bring about changes in the minerals, although the CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ARID AND HUMID SOILS 65 products of these chemical changes are likely to accu- mulate in the soil because of the absence of sufficient moisture to leach them away. (See page 307.) Their presence is evidenced by incrustations on the particles either at the surface or in the mass of the soil. For this reason, the unfavorable conditions which would tend to result from the coarser grade of the material is more than offset by the large amounts of readily soluble elements present. These differences are well illustrated by the following table, compiled by Hilgard from the results of many acid analyses in the two regions. All soils derived from limestone are excluded. Table VIII Chemical Composition of Arid and Humid Soils Strong Hydrochloric Acid Analyses I II III Humid regions. Average of 696 samples Semi-arid re- gions. Average of 178 samples Arid regions. Average of 573 samples 1. Insoluble residue 2. Soluble silica (Si02). . . 3. Alumnia (A1203) 4. Ferric iron (Fe,0,). . . . 5. Sulfur trioxid (S03). . . 6. Manganese (Mn02) . . . 7. Phosphoric acid (P205). 8. Lime (CaO) 84.17 4.04 3.66 3.88 0.05 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.29 0.14 0.21 1.22 4.40 75.04 8.46 4.57 2.08 0.02 0.21 0.70 0.47 0.32 0.33 3.24 8.55 69.16 6.71 7.21 5.48 0.06 0.11 0.16 1.43 9. Magnesia (MgO) 10. Soda (Na„0) 11. Potash (K20) 12. Humus 1.27 0.35 0.67 1.13 13. Water and organic matter 5.15 E 66 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT From this table it appears that, in spite of the finer texture, the humid soils contain 15 per cent less soluble material and, as compared with the semi-arid region, 9 per cent less soluble material. VII. RESUME OF SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION AND GEN- ERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GROUPS From the foregoing discussion it appears that each group of materials may have properties which are fairly characteristic. Physically, the sedentary materials differ from the transported material chiefly in arrange- ment. In the transported soils those laid down by wind and water are distinctly stratified — that is, ar- ranged in layers. This is the result of settling or sedi- mentation from a fluid, and such soils are frequently spoken of as sedimentary. Wind and water are the only two media in which sedimentation occurs in nature, and therefore this arrangement indicates their influence. Thereby the extent and variation of such deposits may be largely interpreted. Upon the basis of these formative differences, it is possible not only to identify the different soil materials but to represent their extent upon maps. The broadest separations represented by sedentary and transported soils may be termed divisions. Within these divisions are sub-divisions, according to the agency or material involved. These are termed provinces, that is, meaning the region or province where a certain set of conditions prevailed. For example, in the sedentary division are residual • soils from igneous rocks and from limestone SOIL CLASSIFICATION 67 rocks. These latter constitute soil groups, and, simi- larly, in the transported division there is the sub-division or province of soils deposited in water, and these are further sub-divided into those formed in the ocean, marine; in lakes, lacustrine, and by streams alluvial, each constituting a soil group. Within the soil group the first division is the soil series, based upon the fine- ness of the material, color, drainage and other properties, and each series is made up of soil types, the material in each one being practically identical in all respects. The series and type distinctions will be better under- stood after a consideration of the physical properties of soil. Maps of soils based upon such a classification are constructed by several countries and institutions, the most extensive being' the United States department of Agriculture. These maps are constructed upon dif- ferent scales, but one inch to one mile is the most com- mon. The maps are accompanied by legends and reports, for the proper explanation of the conditions in the area reported upon. Chemically, there is also a wide variation among soil materials in the total amount of the elements present. It might be expected that the repeated and long-con- tinued mixing of materials from many kinds of rock would result in a very great uniformity in all soils. This is true of the number of elements present, for no important element is absent from any soil. But the amount may differ greatly. Aside from organic soils (cumulose), the most striking differences occur in sand soils. While the average analyses of many sandstones and sand soils reveals a fair amount of all elements, OS THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT there are materials composed almost entirely of the refractory mineral quartz. Such, for example, is the barren LaFayette sand of Maryland, which contains 94.4 per cent of silica, and a sandstone occurring in Utah contains 96.6 per cent of silica. Doubtless, dune sands as rich in quartz might be found. Not all silica is in the form of quartz, but it is an indication of the latter. Fine-textured soils also exhibit much variation, but do not go nearly to the extreme in silica content shown by sand soils. It is the very exceptional soil of any grade of fineness which does not contain, in its ultimate analysis, a fair amount of all of the essential mineral plant-food ele- ments. Other conditions must also be taken into account in determining the crop value of such soil — its physical properties, the climate, the crop, the introduction of new materials by wind, the movements of water and the action of plants and animals. 2. The Soil Mass. Physical Properties of the Soil and Their Modification The term soil is used to designate that superficial portion of the earth's surface in which plant roots distribute themselves. This includes sand, gravel and boulders, containing practically no available plant-food material, as well as rich garden soil. 22. Soil and subsoil. — A common and natural dis- tinction is made of (a) the top soil, which is called "soil," and which usually extends to the depth of the THE SOIL AND SUBSOIL 69 furrow slice or a little deeper. It is characterized by being darker in color, and more friable and porous than (b) the subsoil, which constitutes the material beneath the soil in which plant roots are found. (See Fig. 13.) A distinction is sometimes made between the upper and the lower subsoil, the former being the layer of subsoil lying between the top soil and a depth of twenty- four inches from the surface, the remainder of the sec- tion being the lower subsoil. In humid regions the subsoil is usually less productive than in arid regions, owing to the greater amount of leaching, and to deficient aeration consequent on the movement of large quantities of water through the subsoil. Plowing up the subsoil in the humid region frequently results in a decreased productiveness, while in an arid region the soil and subsoil may be freely mixed without injury, and good crops may be grown even where the top soil has been entirely removed, as is sometimes done in preparing land for irrigation. The soil substance may be conveniently divided into two groups of constituents which exhibit quite different properties. These are the inorganic and the organic. INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS The inorganic constituents of the soil are more or less modified particles of rock, varying in size from boulders and coarse sand to the finest dust. Each particle may consist of several minerals, but in those smaller than coarse sand it is unusual to find them com- posed of more than one mineral. 70 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT 23. Texture. — The size of the individual particles in a soil is a targe determining factor in all of its prop- erties. The term texture is used to refer to the size of the individual par- ticles of which a soil is composed. In shape the particles are very irregular. Being minerals or mineral aggregates, they tend to have the characteristic lines and faces of their species. Ordinarily, however, the nu- merous forces that have been at work in the formation of the soil have rounded or broken the mineral into angu- lar, jagged or partially smoothed fragments. The relative number of particles of corresponding sizes varies greatly in different soils, some being composed largely of coarse particles while others are made up largely of fine ones. The relative proportion of these various -sized particles influences greatly the physical properties of the soil. 24. Textural classification. — -When a soil is divided into groups of particles of approximately one size, the process constitutes a mechanical analysis and each group is a soil separate. The limit in size of each of these groups is arbitrarily arranged, and is determined Fig. 17. Fine sand, photomicrograph. Magni- fied about 110 diameters. Differences in color indicate differences in mineral composition. Each particle composed of one mineral. SOIL TEXTURE 71 by the relative value of the different sizes in determin- ing the properties of the soil and its crop-producing power. It is found that the fine groups exert relatively much more in- fluence, weight for weight, than the coarse ones. There- fore there are more divisions made among the fine than among the coarse particles. 25. Textural groups. — A num- ber of systems of grouping have been devised. The limits of these groups have been deter- mined by the method of analysis used by the investigator and by his judgment of the relative agricultural importance of each group. A further element which limits the number of groups is the practicability of recognizing distinctions in the field based upon them. The following table, from Bulletin 24 of the United States Bureau of Soils, exhibits the most generally known of these systems of grouping employed in mechanical analysis. Some of these multiply groups in the small particles, while others give prominence to the sand particles. Fig. 18. Silt soil, photomicrograph. Magnified about 110 diameters. Stained so that differences in mineral composition are not so distinguishable as in Fig. 17. The particles have the same char- acteristics as those of fine sand. Some of the smallest particles are of the size of clay. • § >; uj 5 1 Cj 3 * ^ is r-s l N =:' £ ** fe 05 s S I TS i >, 1 a u US a o q 4^ ~ q 10 43 go i— 1 rx | so T3 a 03 CO >q 0 u S3 £ in d ~- r o!C] * oj GO r t- (PrH hi m 03 ~ i a *4- o 0 0 03 go 0 so c ri 0 q £ l gS a £ «5 e f » s u- 3 c q ~ a ?i s DO 6 *GG 1 o £ . 03 CO-d ^_ >a -*3 O GO > 5 > 03 r £ GO o 03 3 fi GO o • 05 tn 1— t I* yj 0 " -a d 03 £ & >. 0J GO CD £ 03 rt i— 1 o cocci q TEXTURAL (iROUPS 73 Table VIII 0 Number of Hilgard Osborne U. S. Bureau of Soils Hopkins group m.m. m.m. m.m. m.m. 1 3.000 3.00 2.000 1.0000 2 1.000 1.00 1.000 0.3200 3 0.500 0.50 0.500 0.1000 4 0.300 0.25 0.250 0.0320 5 0.160 0.05 0.100 0.0100 6 0.120 0.01 0.050 0.0032 7 0.720 0.005 0.0010 8 0.047 9 0.036 10 0.025 11 0.016 12 0.010 13 Of these systems, that of the Bureau of Soils has been applied to the largest number of samples and is most widely known. The names which it applies to its dif- ferent groups or separates are as follows: 1. Fine gravel 2.000-1.000 m.m. 2. Coarse sand 1.000-0.500 m.m. 3. Medium sand 0.500-0.250 m.m. 4. Fine sand '. 0.250-0.100 m.m. 5. Very fine sand 0.100-0.050 m.m. 6. Silt 0.050-0.005 m.m. 7. Clay 0.005-0.000 m.m. All that material above two millimeters in diameter is classed as gravel and stone, and in any complete examination must also be taken into account. The material resulting from the above analysis is sometimes termed the fine earth, in distinction from the gravel, etc. That there are distinctions which should be made between the grades of gravel is obvious, for small 74 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT pebbles constitute a very different condition from large boulders in all phases of tillage. The relative dimensions of the particles in the groups may be illustrated graphically by the following diagram. Fig. 20. Diagram illustrating the relative size of the groups of particles, made in mechanical analysis by the Bureau of Soils Classification 26. Agricultural classes based on texture. — Ob- viously, no natural soil is composed entirely of material like any one of these groups, but a soil may contain a large proportion of material of any one size. Thus, a sandy soil is one containing a large proportion of sand par- ticles, and the coarser the sand or the larger its propor- tion the more sandy the soil appears. A clay soil is one containing a large proportion, but not necessarily a larger quantity of clay than of material of any other size. A given amount of fine particles has a larger effect on the properties of the soil than the same amount of coarse particles. The presence of silt particles in addition to clay serves to make a soil more heavy than if the same quantity of sand were substituted for the silt. MECHANICAL COMPOSITION OF SOILS 75 , 71 ■ 1 ■ > ■ Fig. 21. Fine sand soil, showing the mechanical composition. Each vial contains the proportion of particles of given size found in the samples. Clay on the right; fine gravel on the left. For key to sizes, see Fig. 19 and page 73. Fig. 22. Silt loam, showing the mechanical composition. For explanation, see Fig. 21 76 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT A mixture of all the groups without the preponderance of the properties of any one group constitutes a loam soil. For purposes of a soil survey, a classification is made that permits of finer distinctions. The textures which have been recognized are given in the table opposite, together with the limits in mechanical composition Fig. 23. Heavy clay, showing the mechanical composition. For explanation, see Fig. 21. Compare with Figs. 21, 22. which they represent. It is of course, impossible to fix all of the limits in such a classification, and therefore only certain groups are specified. This scheme has been devised by the United States Bureau of Soils in its soil-survey work. All those soils having the same general texture, although they may have been derived in a very different way, constitute a soil class. Thus there is the sandy loam class, the silt class, the clay class, etc. The fol- lowing curves exhibit the average composition of several AGRICULTURAL CLASSES OF SOIL Table IX 77 1 Fine Gravel 2.-1. m.m. 2 Coarse Sand 1.-.5 m.m. 3 Me- dium Sand .5-.25 m.m. 4 Fine Sand .25 -.10 m.m. 5 •Very Fine Sand .10 -.05 m.m. 6 Silt .05- .005 in. in. 7 Clay .005-0 m.m. Coarse More than 25 %(l+2) 0-15 0-10 sand More than 50% (1+2 + 3) Less than 20% (6 + 7) Medium Less than 20% (1+2) 0-15 0-10 sand More than 20% (1+2 + 3) Less than 20% (6 + 7) Fine Less than 20% (1+2 + 3) 0-15 | 0-10 sand Less than 20% (6 + 7) Sandy loam More than 20% (1+2 + 3) 10-35 | 5-15 More than 20% and less than 50% (6 + 7) Fine sandy loam Less than 20% (1+2 + 3) 10-35 | 5-15 More than 20% and less than 50% (6 + 7) 15-25 Loam Less than 55% (6) More than 50% (6 + 7) Silt loam More than 55% (6) Less than 25% (7) 25-55 | 25-35 Clay loam More than 60% (6 + 7) Sandy clay Less than 25% (6) More than 20% (7) Less than 60% (6 + 7) Silt clay More than 55% (6) 25%-35% (7) Clay More than 35% (7) More than 60% (6 + 7) 78 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT classes, as they are found in the field. The field classi- fication may not be strictly in accord with the mechani- cal analysis, for the reason that the same essential conditions may result from more than one mixture of groups. By experience much facility in judgment may be attained. 55 £50 3 45 £40 111 £35 ?30 Q. LLl . >- CO 40 o'20 SJ15 HI 810 o 3 SANDY y ■ y 1 FINE GRAVEL 2 COARSE SAND 3 MEDIUM SAND 4 FINE SAND 6 SILT 5 VERY FINE SAND SOIL SEPARATES Fig. 24. Curves representing the average analysis of seven common field classes of soil Taking the soils formed in the same general way, alluvial for example, they are found, to exhibit all gradations of fineness from • clay up to the coarsest gravel and stony loams. All these classes constitute a soil series. In the same way, there may be a glacial series or even several of them, lacustrum series, residual series, etc. The river-bottom soils of the Central states are chiefly classified by the Bureau of Soils into the Wabash and Waverly series. Some of the glacial soils into Miami, Volusia, etc.; coastal plain soils into Norfolk (yellow), Orangeburg (red), etc., through all the divis- ions, provinces and groups. TEXTURE AND CROP RELATIONS 79 This means that, while sandy loams a class are similar in texture, they may other properties of importance in plant complete series is one in which all the are represented. Some idea of the relation of these c crops is given by the following curves, especially suited to the production of which they are associated. or silt loams as differ in many production. A possible classes lasses of soil to These soils are the crops with 7 CLAV 12 3 4 5 6 FINE GRAVEL COARSE SAND MEDIUM SAND FINE SAND VERY FINE SAND SILT SOIL SEPARATES Fig. 25. Curves showing the relation of soil texture to crop adaptation 27. Some physical properties of arid and humid soils. — In discussing the formation of soils, attention was directed to the effect of climate upon the process, and it was noted that under arid conditions physical disintegration is likely to predominate over chemical decomposition, which results in an average coarser text- ure of the soil. This appears especially in the greater proportion of soils of the sandy and loam classes to those of the silt and clay classes. Climate also exercises a modifying effect as between 80 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the soil and the subsoil. In humid regions, the large rainfall and consequent seepage through the soil is associated with a greater degree of fineness in the sub- soil than in the soil. On the other hand, in arid regions where there is not this large rainfall, and consequent leaching, the subsoil is not finer than the soil, and, in fact, is inclined to be more coarse. 28. Some properties of soil separates and classes. — As has been indicated, the justification for a study of individual soil particles from an agricultural standpoint is in their fundamental relation to the management of the soil. Every farmer is well acquainted with the striking difference in crop relations and tillage properties of sand and clay. He well knows that they must be managed differently and are suited to different crops. He knows sand to be better suited to early maturing crops, like truck, than to late crops and the grasses. He knows that one does not withstand dry weather, while the other will carry a crop through a long period of drought. The cause traces back to the size and consequent properties of the soil units. This will appear more clearly in the discussion of soil moisture. 29. Number of particles. — Since soil particles run to very small diameters, the number in any given mass or volume is very great. This is shown in the following table, which gives the number of particles in 1 gram (1 lb. equals 453.6 gr.) of each of the fine earth separates, considering the particles to be spheres of mean diameter and of specific gravity 2.65. If the particles of a soil are assumed to be spheres NUMBER OF SOIL PARTICLES 81 of uniform diameter and weight, the number in a given mass of soil may be calculated from the following formula: N_ W _ W ^rR3X2.65 7rD3x2.65 6 Where N = Number of particles. W = Weight of soil used. R = Mean radius in centimeters. D = Mean diameter in centimeters. AttR' = Volume of sphere. For example, the mean diameter of the medium sand class is .0375 centimeters, and in 3.5 grams of this material there would be 3 5 3 5 N = 7^375 ^ X2~65 = ^000737 " 47'500 particleS 6 From the mechanical analysis which gives the weight of each class of particles in a given amount of soil, the number of particles of each size may be calculated by use of the above formula, and the sum of the particles in each class gives the total number in the sample. Table X. — Number of Particles in One Gram of Pure Soil Separate, Supposing that All Particles Are Spherical Diameter in Number of particles m.m. in one gram Fine gravel 2.000-1.000 252 Coarse sand 1.000-0.500 1,723 Medium sand 0.500-0.250 13,500 Fine sand 0.250-0.100 132,000 Very fine sand 0.100-0.050 1,687,000 Silt 0.050-0.005 65,100,000 Clay 0.005-0.000 45,500,000,000 F 82 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Since normal field soils are mixtures in different proportions of these groups, the number of particles in unit weight of any class will be different from those shown above, and will not reach the extreme upper limits. The number of particles in one gram oLthe classes of soil whose analyses are shown by the curves on page 78 is approximately as follows: Table XI. — Approximate Number of Particles in One Gram op Soil Coarse sand 3,276,000,000 Medium sand 3,956,000,000 Sandy loam 6,485,000,000 Fine sandy loam 4,902,000,000 Silt loam 9,639,000,000 Clay loam 16,371,000,000 Clay 19,525,000,000 30. Surface area of soil particles. — The significance of these large numbers of soil particles in any mass of soil lies in their relation to the surface area of the particles. These surfaces of the particles hold on to the moisture the more, the greater their area. This large surface also increases the rate of chemical solution, by which the food constitutes contained in the mineral particles become available for the plant's use. Another important property of this immense surface area of soils is to retain food materials in a semi-available form, as will be exr plained in discussing the absorptive power of soils. (See page 299.) The surface area of a fine-textured soil is greater than the first thought might indicate. This immense area exposed by soils is shown by the following table, which SURFACE AREA OF SOIL PARTICLES 83 gives: (1) The area in square feet of one gram of the soils represented by the curves on page 78. (2) The surface area per pound of the same soil. (3) The ap- proximate weight per cubic foot of the material in the field. (4) The approximate area of surface in one cubic foot of these soils as they occur in the field. The surface area of the particles in a given weight of soil may be calculated from the formula. S = ttD2N. Where S = Surface area in square centimeters. D = Mean diameter in centimeters. N = Number of particles in the class or separate. Thus in the calculation on page 81 there were found to be approximately 47,500 particles in 3.5 grams of medium sand. Their surface area, provided the particles were spherical, would be: S = tt.03752X 47,500 = 212 sq. cm. =32.8 sq. in. Table XII. — Internal Surface Area of Field Soils in Square Feet (Analysis of first seven represented by curves on page 78) Area per gram Sq. ft. Coarse sand Medium sand . . . Sandy loam Fine sandy loam . Silt loam Clay loam Clay Sand hill Hobart clay 0.8900 1.0440 1.8000 1.6G00 2.9600 4.0250 4.4130 0.0708 7.2820 II Area per pound. Sq. ft. 405.0 473.0 816.0 756.0 1,340.0 1,825.0 2,000.0 32.2 3,316.0 III Approximate weight per cubic foot. Pounds 100 96 83 82 77 75 71 110 60 IV Surface area per cubic foot Sq. ft. 40,500 44,500 66,600 62,000 104,000 130,500 142,000 3,540 200:000 84 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT From this table it appears that one pound of the average agricultural soil may have from about 400 square feet, in the case of coarse sand, to 2,000 square feet internal surface area, in the case of the average clay. A more reasonable basis of comparison, because of differences in volume weight, is that of one cubic foot of the material, as shown by the fourth column, from which it appears that these soils have from one to three acres of surface area. These are striking dif- ferences, particularly those between soils 8 and 9, which represent extremes in light and heavy soils, respectively. Number eight is the sand-hill soil of the Carolinas, and is of exceedingly low agricultural value. Number nine, Hobart clay, occurs in eastern North Dakota, and is derived from shale rock. The range in surface area per cubic foot of these soils is from one- twelfth of an acre, for the sand, to almost five acres for the clay. The latter contains 76 per cent of clay in the subsoil, the former 2 per cent. 31. Chemical composition of the soil separates. — There is some relation between the soil classes or separates and their chemical composition. Quartz, for example, in the original rock resists decay and comes through largely as sand particles, while the silicate min- erals undergo much more decay which results in a larger proportion of clay particles, and this partial difference in derivation is reflected in the composition of the sepa- rates. The distribution of plant-food constituents and the general chemical composition of the classes of a soil is shown by the following table of results of acid anal- ysis, obtained by Loughridge as reported by Merrill. COMPOSITION AND SOLUBILITY OF SOIL CLASSES 85 Table XIII Conventional name Clay Finest silt Fine silt Medium silt Coarsest silt Per cent present in soil .... 21.64 23.56 12.54 13.67 13.11 Diameter of particles .... .011-. 000 m.m. .005- .011 m.m. .013-.016 m.m. .022- .027 m.m. .033- .038 m.m. Constituents 1 . Insoluble residue.. . 2. Soluble silica (Si02) 3. Aluminum (A1203). 4. Ferric iron (Fe203) . 5. Phosphoric anhy- drid(PA) .... 6. Sulfur trioxid (S03) 7. Lime (CaO) 8. Magnesia (MgO) . . 9. Soda (Na,Q) 10. Potash (K20) 1 1 . Volatile matter . . . Per cent 15.96 33.10 18.19 18.76 0.18 0.06 0.09 1.33 1.47 9.00 Per cent 73.17 9.95 4.32 4.76 0.11 0.02 0.13 0.46 0.24 0.53 5.61 Per cent 87.96 4.27 2.64 2.34 0.03 0.03 0.18 0.26 0.28 0.29 1.72 Per cent 94.13 2.35 1.21 1.03 0.02 0.03 0.09 0.10 0.21 0.12 0.92 100.21 Per cent 96.52 Totals 99.84 75.18 99.30 100.00 Total soluble constitu- ents 20.52 10.32 5.16 This table illustrates, (1) The much greater solu- bility of the fine particles in strong hydrochloric acid. (2) That the absolute amount of food elements dis- solved is greater in the fine-textured class than in the coarse-textured class. (3) That the ratio of food ele- ments dissolved to the aluminum and other refractory constituents dissolved is narrower in the coarse than in the fine-textured class. Failyer's results are summarized in the following table. m fa H fa H- 1 I* M > co CM CN t-- O ^s? 00 q co q q o ^5 o CN CN H W uj ■w _ t^ co co o «5 ^ co oq co co ^h GO 03 CN ■-J i-h c4 -* o Pm Ti o CO t> CN »C os e~- eq ■* co i^- q go i— i ■— i i— i co >> co T)H i— 1 O CO ,-, ^6? CO oq q co co o s o 1— 1 i— I i— I »_o — - *> _ co oo -v co i-- I— I w i — i '55 gs 00 q ^h oq q 01 cn a fcO OS T3 oo r- l Ci "^ 05 §^ •v o q io -t CO T— ( >. -V - m q cn q oj q CN i— i rf _^^ d >, 5 o I> ■* CO iO "3 l>; co co co •* '3 i* CN co o co Tt* hH CN CM i-H CN CN 'C O JS a TJ en O j3 Oh to t^ 00 CO >o OS q cn q ^h ^h 1 ~P— H -+J • co CS S oj m ■ rs t- -2 ' os ca toC„ ■ in a '3 :"| '> _ -C " 03 ,« co g _g KM o a to 1 5 £J^° •£ 0 t) co .- CD O.g J2 .S '5 -a 03 01 .O a "ft s 03 S^S o S « >. +=" ^ -2 >. co >> 5? O to >> 52 > £>o Ss > g a H-: cc :3 O o 'r SO rt a S a 0 ^^ •- CO co co t^ O CN I-H (86) MODIFICATION OF SOIL TEXTURE 87 These figures, and those published by a number of other experimenters, clearly show the larger portion of the phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium in the fine-textured classes in all kinds of soil. The absolute amount of the food elements is also greatest in the fine separates. It is shown that those soils which have undergone the greatest weathering — the coastal plain soils — are much the lowest in the food elements through- out the different classes. On the other hand, glacial soils are relatively rich in these food elements. There is also much less difference in composition between the clay and the sand particles in glacial soils, presumabty because these soils have been formed largely by mechani- cal processes, without much weathering or leaching. The arid soils presented are not fully representative, but they illustrate the high percentages of the food elements in all the classes of particles, although the same concentration in the fine particles is apparent. It is, therefore, concluded that clay particles are relatively richer in food elements than sand particles. But in glacial and arid soils, and to a degree in residual soils, the sand particles are much richer in food elements than they are in soils of water-deposition, such as the coastal plain. 32. Modification of soil texture. — The only feasible method of changing the texture of a soil is by adding to it material of a different texture. Thus, the green- house man considers the requirements of his crops, and by mixture of fine and coarse material obtains the texture which is necessary for their best development. This is entirely practicable where only a small volume 88 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT of soil is involved, but under field conditions modifica- tions of texture artificially are not practicable, because of the expense involved. The farmer must generally accept the texture of the soil as he finds it, and make the best of his conditions by suitable selection of crops adapted to his soil, and by such modifications of the structure of the soil as its texture will permit. 33. Structure. — Soil structure deals with the arrange- ment of the soil particles independently of their size. 34. Some aspects of soil structure. — The arrangement of the soil particles may be viewed in many different ways. Upon this arrangement depend several very important physical properties, which in turn have a fundamental bearing on chemical and biological prop- erties. 35. Ideal arrangements. — Taking the simplest case first, that of spherical particles of one size, these may be arranged in general forms: (1) In columnar order, with each particle touching its neighbors at only four points. (2) In oblique order, with each particle touch- ing its neighbors at six points. (3) These spheres may be gathered into larger spheres which rest together in the second order. In the first the unoccupied or pore space is 47.64 per cent of the total volume occupied by the spheres. In the second it is 25.95 per cent. In the third case, however, where there are spheres within spheres, the pore space is greatly increased — to 74.05' per cent. (4) On the other hand, if there are spheres of several sizes so that the small ones may rest in the spaces between the large ones, the total pore space will be reduced below 25.95 per cent, and the spaces may ARRANGEMENT OF SOIL PARTICLES 89 continue to be filled in by smaller spheres until the mass is practically solid, without pores. (See Fig. 26.) It is of course recognized that under field conditions these ideal arrangements do not pertain, but these figures illustrate the underlying factors which determine differences in pore space, and, also, differences in other physical properties. Soil particles are irregular in shape and uneven in size. When brought very close together, Fig. 26. Ideal arrangements of spherical soil particles: (1) Columnar order, 47.64 per cent of pore space. (2) Oblique order, 2.5.95 per cent of pore space. (3) Compound spheres in oblique order, 74.05 per cent of pore space. (4) Three sizes of spheres with closest packing, about 5 per cent of pore space. as occurs in mixing in a wet condition, their molecular attraction is brought into operation and, especially when dry, they are held together very securely. In this way the normal molecular attraction of the soil particles is increased by the deposition around them of the material in solution. Applying these principles to the soil, it is observed that there may be two general arrangements of the particles. (1) Each particle may be separate and free from its neighbors. This is a separate-grain structure. That is, each particle of soil functions separately. When by proper manipulation the particles are so packed together that the small particles quite completely fill in the spaces between the large ones, so that a very dense 90 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT mass is formed (Fig. 26, No. 4), the structure is termed puddled. The term puddled, in this connection, is re- lated to the fact that such an arrangement can be Fig. 27. An example of undesirable structure. A clay soil which had been puddled by tramping when wet. "Bad tilth." Compare with Fig. 28, showing 'ideal tilth." Note also a type of auger used in examining soils. A common one and one-half inch wood auger welded to a one-half-inch shank, giving a total length of about three feet. obtained only in fine-textured soils when they are mixed (puddled) in a very wet condition, so that the fine particles will move into the large spaces. GOOD AND BAD TILTH 91 On the other hand, the small particles may adhere to the large ones, or a number of small particles may adhere together as a group, or granule. When a number of united particles function together as a single larger particle or granule, the structure is termed granular. -«!.'• *%v *^PShfr_j JS /* '-/< Fig. 28. Ideal tilth of a soil This arrangement is also termed the crumb structure. According as these groups are prominent or incon- spicuous, the soil is said to be well or poorly granulated. But when the granules reach large size, so that they interfere with the best functioning of the soil, they are termed clods. That is, a clod is an unsizable granule. 92 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT It is well known that a box of baseballs, or a pile of boulders, or even a box of sand, does not adhere together to any appreciable extent. That is, in all the coarser -textured classes, certainly down to the size of very fine sand, there is very little tendency to granu- late. But in the silt, to a small extent, and in the clay, to a very great extent, granulation is strong. 36. Porosity. — In a mass of particles there is some unoccupied or pore space. If the particles are fine, then the intervening spaces are correspondingly small; if large, the spaces are large. In the discussion of ideal particles above, it was shown that the pore space is theoretically independent of the size of the particles, with any given arrangement. There would be as much pore space in a cubic foot of buckshot as in one of marbles. But in the soil this is not true. For, the finer the particles, the larger the proportion of pore space is found to be. A clay has much more total pore space than a sand, although the individual spaces or openings between the particles are much smaller in the clay. The approxi- mate per cent of pore space in a soil may be calculated by use of the following formula. v Vw 2.65 Vd *>- -xioo= ^Exioo Vs Vs Where P = Per cent of pore space. Vs = Volume in c.c. occupied by the soil. Vw= Weight of water equal to weight of soil in grams. Vp = Volume in c.c. of pore space in soil. 2.65 = Specific gravity of soil particles. POROSITY OF SOIL 93 Another and more simple formula which may be used in the calculation of the pore space is as follows: P=ioQ-fp-sPgrxioo Ab. sp. gr. Where P = Per cent of pore space. Ap. Sp. = Apparent specific gravity or volume weight. Ab. Sp. = Absolute specific gravity of soil material. 100% = Total space occupied by soil mass. This relation between texture and pore space is exhibited by the following table of figures for soils in field condition. Per cent by volume 1. Clean sand 33.50 2. Coarse sand 40.00 3. Medium sand 41.80 4. Fine sand 44.10 5. Sandy loam. 51.00 6. Fine sandy loam 50.00 7. Silt loam 53.00 8. Clay loam 54.00 9. Clay 56.00 10. "Gumbo" clay (Wedgefield) 58.46 11. Heavy clay (Potomac puddled) 47.19 12. Very heavy clay (pipe clay) 65.12 The reason for the greater porosity of the finer soils appears to be, that the smallest particles are so light that they do not settle so closely together in proportion to their size as do the sand particles, because of the greater friction between their surfaces. When this is overcome by mixing in water, such material becomes dense. Treatment greatly affects the structure and therefore the porosity of the soil. This is well shown 94 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT by figures from the Rothamsted fields. The porosity of the surface nine inches of soil in an old pasture was 56.8 per cent, while in the same depth of a cultivated field it was 45.5 per cent. Extensive areas of loam soils in the North Central states have a porosity of from 45 per cent to 49.6 per cent. In many of the heavier soils it much exceeds 50 per cent, and in well-granu- lated clays it may reach 70 per cent, or in light sand it may be less than 40 per cent. In general, it may be said that about one-half of the volume of ordinary cultivated soils of intermediate texture is pore space. The diameter of the individual pore spaces is of importance, as well as the total volume of pore space, since these determine the capacity of the soil to retain and move water and to permit the circulation of gases in the soil mass, as well as to facilitate the extension of the plant -roots. 37. Weight. — The weight of soil is the result of two factors. These are, first, the absolute weight of the indi- vidual particles, or absolute specific gravity, and second, the volume of pore space in the mass. By reference to the table of minerals on page 6, it will be seen that the minerals entering into the soil vary greatly in specific gravity — that is, their weight as compared with an equal volume of water. They range from about 2.5 to 6 or 8, but the minerals which make up the great bulk of the soil — quartz, feldspars, micas, calcite, etc., — all have a specific gravity of from 2.6 to 2.8. (See Table I, pages 6 and 7.) Many deter- minations of this property have been made. Fineness does not appear to have any material effect upon it. WEIGHT OF SOIL 95 Whitney has obtained the following specific gravities of composite soil separates. Table XV Conventional name Diameter (m.m.) Specific gravity Fine gravel Coarse sand 2-1 1-.5 .5-25 .25-.10 .1-.05 .050-.005 .005-.000 2.647 2.655 Medium sand 2.648 Fine sand 2.659 Very fine sand 2.680 Silt Clay 2.698 2.837 There is a very small increase in the specific gravity of the clay group, probably due to the greater concentra- tion of the iron compounds here as a result of chemical processes; but it is not sufficient to materially change the result. The average specific gravity of soil material is, therefore, usually taken as 2.65, and this figure is used in all calculations here given. Since the pore space enters into the calculation of the weight of any volume of field soil, this figure is much more variable for different soils than the one just given. It is directly related to pore space, and the larger the volume of pore space, the smaller the unit weight. Combining the figures for pore space given above with that for average specific gravity, the figures in the following table are obtained. The weight of a given volume of soil may be deter- mined from the pore space and specific gravity of the material, by use of the following formula. 96 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Ws=WwX (2.65 X (100 -P). Where Ws = Weight of given volume of soil. Ww = Weight of volume of water equal to volume of soil. P = Per cent of pore space. (100 — P)=Per cent of volume occupied by soil. Or the following formula may be used, and is often more convenient. Ws=Ap. Sp.xWw. Where Ws = Weight of soil. Ap. Sp.= Apparent specific gravity. Ww = Weight of volume of water equal to that occupied by the soil. Table XVI 1. Clean sand 2. Coarse sand 3. Medium sand 4. Fine sand 5. Sandy loam 6. Fine sandy loam 7. Silt loam 8. Clay loam 9. Clay 10. "Gumbo" clay 11. Puddled heavy clay (Poto- mac) 12. Heavy pipe clay 13. Old pasture clay loam (Roth- amsted) 14. Cultivated soil, clay loam (Rothamsted) 15. Hagerstown loam 16. Janesville loam Volume weight Weight per cubic foot or apparent specific gravity Kilo- grams Lbs. 1.76 50.0 110.0 1.60 45.5 100.0 1.54 43.5 96.0 1.48 42.0 93.0 1.30 36.8 81.0 1.32 37.4 82.5 1.24 35.2 77.5 1.22 34.5 76.0 1.17 33.1 72.6 1.10 31.2 68.5 1.39 39.6 87.2 0.93 26.3 58.0 1.14 32.3 71.0 1.43 40.5 89.0 1.44 41.0 90.0 1.33 37.8 83.0 Weight per acre foot Lbs. 4,800,000 4,356,000 4,200,000 4,080,000 3,550,000 3,590,000 3,400,000 3,330,000 3,180,000 3,000,000 3,820,000 2,540,000 3,100,000 3,900,000 3,940,000 3,640,000 One kilogram =2.2 pounds. PLASTICITY OF SOIL 97 This table shows that the finer the soil the lighter its absolute weight. Clay soils may range from 60 to 90 pounds in weight, according to their fineness and state of granulation. Sand soils weigh from 90 to 110 pounds. In practice, soils are spoken of as "light" and "heavy," but this use of these terms does not apply to the weight of the soil. The term light is applied to sandy soil because the particles move freely. On the other hand, a clay is termed heavy because of its cohesiveness. 38. Plasticity. — The property of stickiness of soils, when mixed with water, is termed plasticity. Soils exhibit it in very different degrees. In general, it may be said that the finer the soil the greater the plasticity, and therefore the finest-textured clays generally. exhibit the greatest degree of plasticity. On the other hand, plasticity is not absolutely lacking in sandy soil, for, when moist, this material adheres together and may support a considerable weight. But, when the water is removed by drying, the sand will fall apart readily, and therefore the cohesiveness exhibited was largely due to the surface tension of the water between the particles. However, when the clay is dried out, it be- comes a hard mass, and it has a superior adhesive and cohesive property when dried from the wet puddled state. But while plasticity and great tensile strength appear to be very closely associated with fine texture, the fineness does not appear to be entirely responsible for the property, as is shown by the results of numerous studies reviewed by Ries. Writers in the past have dwelt much on the effect of colloidal clay in this connec- 98 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT tion. The real significance of colloidal material is some- what doubtful, and, further, the amount present in even the most plastic clays is so small as hardly to be given credit for the effects noted. It seems probable that plasticity and cohesiveness of the material is due to several uniting causes, but for all practical purposes of the farmer it may be identified with fineness of tex- ture. Associated with plasticity is a certain amount of shrinkage upon drying, and expansion upon wetting. The checking of the clay soil is an example of this. As the water dries out of the soil, the surface film draws continually closer about the particles, and, if these are small enough, may move them closer together. Then, if the whole mass is not drawn together as one unit, there will be cracks developed as a result of the shrinkage. The cracks occur where there is a weakness, from whatever cause, in the structure of the soil. War- ington reports the results of Schiibler, which show that a very pure clay, when dried from a thoroughly puddled condition, contracted 18.3 per cent of its original vol- ume; a sandy clay contracted 6 per cent, and a sample of humus, 20 per cent of its volume. Gallagher found a shrinkage of over 30 per cent in drying out a sample of muck. These figures illustrate the general fact that the finer the texture the greater the shrinkage. Con- versely, on wetting, there is a similar though smaller degree of expansion. The checking of soil resulting from this shrinkage may be very injurious to crops. Where large checks or cracks are formed, the roots of plants may be injured or broken. And, further, these cracks greatly hasten CEMENTING MATERIALS IN SOIL 99 Fig. 29. Excessive checking of a heavy clay soil as a result of drying. Illus- trates the process of soil granulation. the drying out of clay soil to a much greater depth than is possible through surface evaporation. They also interfere greatly with the advance of roots. 39. Cementing material. — The cohesion of a soil 100 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT when dry is due to several causes, one of which is much the most prominent. This is cementing materials. A cementing material is any material which binds sur- faces together. In a gravel or sand pit, masses of the material are sometimes found united into a conglom- erate rock. After a protracted dry spell, moist sur- faces show a white incrustation in the surface layer, which is due to the deposition of the salts in solution when the moisture evaporated, and this acts as a bind- ing material. This is one of the main reasons why a fully dried soil is usually so much harder than one slightly moist. The salts of many kinds which were in solution in the moisture have been deposited. This composite of dissolved salts is the first of four common cementing materials which occur in the soil. It is generally a weak binding material. The second material is lime. Some soils are very rich in this com- pound. Particularly is this true of most glacial soils, and in North Dakota and other sections of the country extended areas of gravel beds occur, in which the upper two or three feet are completely bound together by the deposition of lime between and around the particles. It has been leached out of the soil above as bicarbonate, under the influence of carbonated water formed by the decaying organic matter, but here, in the loose gravel, by the escape of some of the carbon dioxid it was deposited. This is the usual history of the process. Cementation by lime carbonate is a very common and very general process. The third cementing material is the various forms of iron — usually oxides — in various stages of hydration. They have come into solution by COLOR OF SOILS 101 the assistance of various organic acids, and are again deposited where there is some change in physical con- ditions. This form is most common in the unglaciated section of the country in the older deposits. Some of the red soils of the coastal plain region exhibit a strong tendency to "case-harden," — that is, become quite hard at the surface upon drying, largely due to iron compounds. The fourth cementing material is silica, and is less prominent in soil practice than the other three cementing materials mentioned. It is the binding material in most sandstones and quartzite rock, as an advanced stage of silica infiltration. All these cementing materials except the iron com- pounds, which are red, yellow or brown, are light- colored. 40. Color. — A great variety of colors are exhibited by soils. These are not usually the result of the color of the individual particles which make up the bulk of the material. Rather, it is usually the result of material which adheres to the particles. There are two chief coloring materials in soil. These are iron compounds and organic matter. The first gives rise to red, yellow, blue and gray colors. The latter gives rise to some shade of black or brown color. When these are combined, various intermediate tints are obtained. For example, when a red soil is rich in decayed organic matter — humus — it becomes of a rich brown color. The color of soils, especially as regards iron com- pounds, is not fully understood, but it is safe to say that much color is the result of different forms of iron 102 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT in the soil. In the boulder clay of the glaciated sections a bluish color is common, which seems to be due to the presence of protoxid of iron (FeO), resulting from the* great deficiency of oxygen. Where this comes in contact with carbonated water, it may be changed to the carbonate of iron, which is gray, and consequently along the line of roots and in the bottom of ponds this gray color may be found. Where there is an abundant supply of oxygen, the iron takes on the sesquioxid (Fe203) form, which has a deep red color, typified by iron rust. Where the red soil stands much in contact with water, it may become yellow by the hydration of the iron (Fe20;j + H20). In many regions a dark-colored soil is looked upon as a fertile soil. This relation has developed because of the association of a dark color with the presence of organic matter, with all its beneficial effects, while the light color indicates its absence. This relation does not hold universally, but it is quite a reliable guide. The only instances where the color of the particles themselves give color to the soil is in some of the clean quartz sands, where the white color of the dominant mineral gives color to the mass. In some dark shaley sands this same principle obtains. To the experienced person, the color of the soil is a valuable guide to its condition and productiveness. Mottled and uneven color, for example, indicates poor aeration, frequently the result of deficient drainage. 41. Physical absorption. — The soil particles attract and hold materials upon their surfaces. This physical MODIFICATION OF SOIL STRUCTURE 103 absorption, or adsorption, as it is sometimes called, is different from chemical absorption, later to be men- tioned, with which it is closely associated. As a result of this property, gases and materials in solution in the soil moisture are attracted to and, loosely held by the surface of the soil particles. It varies with the extent of surface exposed, and is consequently greatest in fine- textured soil. In clay soil, which has a relatively large surface area, it is very large, and is an important factor in the retention of fertilizers. 42. Conditions affecting structure. — The arrange- ment of the particles in a soil may be modified in many ways. Some conditions tend to produce the compact separate-grain structure, while others favor the granular or crumb structure. It has been suggested by Whitney, King and others, that much of the formation of granules in the soil is due- to the contraction of the moisture film around the particles, when, for any reason, the moisture content is reduced. It is known that the soil particles tend to be drawn together by this reduction in the soil moisture. Add to this some influence to determine the size of the granules and a binding material to permanently hold the granules together, and the essential conditions for the granular conditions of soil are realized. Several natural conditions, and the various tillage operations, probably exert their influence on granulation in this way. Warington attributes granulation to unequal expansion and contraction of the soil mass, due to the unequal imbibition and loss of water. In such a soil, the cohesive force being different in different parts, 104 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT and the internal strains and pressures unequal, a ten- dency arises for the mass to divide along the lines of weakness into groups of particles, as the soil moisture is much reduced below a certain optimum condition. Tillage operations, development of roots, burrowing of animals and insects, the presence of humus, and the development of frost crystals, may assist in further developing these lines of weakness in the soil mass, upon which the tension of the moisture films around the soil particles is brought to bear. The flocculation of soil particles may also develop lines of cleavage by the aggregation of particles around certain centers. The movement of the soil particles is, in every case, facilitated by the presence of a moderate amount of moisture. On the other hand, conditions opposite from the above, including tillage at inopportune times, the operation of some natural agencies, as the beating of rain, erosion, and bad drainage, may not only destroy the tendency to the granular condition, which is always strongest in the finest soil, but may induce the opposite or separate grain structure. 43. Means of modifying structure. — It is apparent that some of the means of modifying the soil structure are natural, others are within the control of man. The following are among the better-known of these factors: (1) Variation in the water content. (2) Development of frost crystals. (3) Tillage. (4) Growth of plant roots. (5) Organic matter. (6) Certain soluble salts. (7) Earth-worms and other forms of animal life. (8) Heavy rain storms. Whether a. desirable or an undesir- WATER CONTENT AND SOIL STRUCTURE 105 able soil structure will result depends upon the combi- nation of factors in operation. These structural modi- fications have to do primarily with the finer-textured soils — the loams, silts and clays, — rather than with the sandy soils. The structure of the latter can not be greatly changed. 44. Variation in moisture content. — The alternate wetting and drying of a clay or a loam soil tends to produce a granulated structure. It has been suggested by Whitney that this is due to the contraction of the moisture film around the particles, as it is reduced in drying. The very con- siderable pressure of the moisture film and the re- duced friction due to the presence of moisture in the mass, causes the particles to be drawn together in small masses. This process is well illustrated by Fig. 30, which was made from a micro-slide in which was mounted a suspension of fine clay in water. The water slowly evaporated from under the cover, and at last disappeared along the dark lines which are formed by the concen- tration of the particles by Fig. 30. Photo-micrograph, show- ing the distribution of soil particles by a water film. A small quantity of clay was suspended in water on a micro- slide and sealed in with balsam. Evap- oration was permitted to take place very slowly through a small opening. The retreat of the water to the dark border line assembled the soil particles so that they were left, to form the dark lines when their mass became too great to be moved by the surface tensiqn of the liquid. This illustrates the granulating influence of a contracting water film, which is the primary force in operation during the drying-out of a wet soil. Note also the uniform curvature of the film, as indicated by the arrangement of the soil particles. 10 0 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the moisture film as it contracted. The small particles are moved into the spaces between the large ones, thereby reducing the volume, as is shown by the checks. The checks which result from shrinkage are due to the unequal contraction. There comes a time when the general film around the whole mass must rupture. It breaks, along the line of least resistance, through a large pore space independently of how this space may have been formed. If the soil mass is very uniform, there will be few breaks, and the shrinkage will be, as a whole or at most, around a relatively few centers. This process produces clods or overgrown granules. But, if there are numerous lines of weakness, there will be many centers of contraction, and consequently a larger number of small clods or granules will be formed. This is the desir- able condition, and constitutes good tilth, — that is, the most favorable physical condition for plant growth. While once drying produces some checks, — a few large ones and many small ones, — such a structure does not constitute good tilth. The process must be continued further. When the soil is remoistened, it expands, but usually not to its original wet volume. Therefore the checks remain as lines of weakness, and, upon a redrying, are effective in further reducing the size of the granules. When this process is repeated a number of times, as occurs under field conditions, it results in a small and very desirable size of soil granule. Further, the drying out of the water in the granule deposits the salts in solution, which binds the particles together in a somewhat permanent and stable aggre- gate. The following figures represent the relative force WETTING AND DRYING, AND STRUCTURE 107 required to sink a knife-edge into a puddled clay soil, different samples of which were subject to drying and rewetting a different number of times. 1. Soil dried once 100.00 2. Soil dried twenty times 31.44 3. Soil dried twenty times 30.60 4. Soil dried twenty times 32.05 Average 31.40 *» From this table it appears that the effect of twenty times drying is to reduce the force necessary to pene- trate the soil a given uniform distance to one-third of that for the untreated sample. This is certainly a large change. This fact has many practical applications. It should be observed that the change in structure is not associated with continual wetness, nor is it any more identified with a continued dry state. In neither case is the force necessary to change the structure brought to bear on the particles. This is exerted in the drying process. It is a well-known fact that soils which are continually wet are usually in bad physical condition. In the drain- age of wet land, it is found that the soil is at first very refractory; but, when good drainage is established, there is a gradual amelioration of the physical condition which is primarily a change in structure. On the other hand, in a soil continually in a dry state there is no change in granulation. The improvement of soil struc- ture, as a result of changes in the moisture content, is dependent largely on lines of weakness in the soil mass. Some of these are produced in the process of drying and others in ways already noted. 108 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT 45. Formation of ice crystals. — As will be seen in the consideration of soil moisture, the water is distrib- uted in the fine pores in the soil. When it freezes, it crystallizes in long needle-like crystals. The crystal- lizing force seems to be considerable. In freezing, the crystals gradually grow first in the larger spaces. There is a marked with- drawal of mois- ture from the smallest spaces to build up the ice crystals in the large spaces. The soil mass is separated by the crystal, and the result of a single hard freeze of a wet soil is to shatter it into pieces. And the repetition of this process by sub- sequent freezing further breaks up the soil, that is, it creates new lines of weak- ness. This weak- Fig. 31. Ice crystals formed on the surface of • i a heavy clay soil. These crystals are very effective neSS IS SllOWU in breaking up the soil and promote the process of i ,i j n • granulation. by the following > ■a £ o 0 o X « M O 110 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Fio. 33. Effect of freezing on the granulation of clay soil. The lower pan of soil on the left was not frozen. That on the right was frozen and thawed once. The upper pan of soil on the left was frozen and thawed three times, the one on the right five times. Notice the increased number of checks on the more frequently frozen soil. table, which represents the effect of repeated freezing of a uniform sample of wet puddled clay, after which all were permitted to dry out. The figures are for the weight necessary to force a knife-edge a uniform dis- tance into the soil, in each case reduced to basis of 100. 1. Check, unfrozen 100.00 2. Frozen once 30.31 3. Frozen three times ...... 27.33 4. Frozen five times 21.88 TILLAGE AND STRUCTURE 111 This process has several interesting illustrations. In concrete work, the freezing of the material in the wet state, before it has an opportunity to harden, is recognized as decidedly injurious to the strength of the wall. The development and action of the ice crystals may be readily observed in the freezing of any thoroughly wet soil in winter. Such examples are shown in Figs. 31, 32 and 33. To a much less extent, expansion and contraction of the soil mass caused by variations in temperature may contribute to the formation of granules. Any movement of the particles will tend to produce changes in the cohesive forces, and when the particles can move easily they are drawn together by this attraction. 46. Tillage.- — The effect of tillage upon soil structure is to produce lines of cleavage, and these, when produced by plowing, are multitudinous, and quite uniformly distributed. As pointed out by King, plowing when the moisture content is suitable tends to break the soil into thin layers, which move one over the other, Fia. 34. Plow with interchangeable moldboard and share, which adapts it to different kinds of plowing The plow tends to shear the soil into thin layers which are very thoroughly broken up. 112 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT like the leaves of a book, when the pages are bent. This disturbance of the existing arrangement of particles starts in motion two forces: (1) The surface tension of the water films, which must now readapt themselves Fig. 35. Clay soil plowed when very wet. Condition indicated by the slickened soil surfaces and coarse, dense structure to the new arrangement, and which, by opening larger spaces, may lose some moisture by evaporation into the arger interstitial spaces. (2) The cohesive forces between particles, some of which have been forced closer together and some farther apart. The strength of cohesion between small particles, like clay, can be PLANT ROOTS AND STRUCTURE 113 realized when one considers the tenacity with which these particles are held together in brick. This cohesive attraction is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the centers of the attracting bodies. Particles that can be brought so closely to- gether as can clay particles are thus held with great firmness. The effect of tillage, when an excess of water is present, is to force the particles into large masses, which become clods when dry. These masses are too large to form granules, and leave the soil in a 'compact condition, poorly adapted to plant growth. When the soil is very dry when worked, the particles are not brought close enough together to cohere, but are pow- dered, forming the separate -grain structure, which forms clods when wet. Tillage may thus produce a granular structure when the moisture is neither excessive nor deficient, and the separate -grain structure when either of these conditions exists. 47. Growth of plant roots. — The growth of plant- roots changes the soil structure by forcing the particles apart at each growing root point, and possibly by some action yet to be explained. Crops differ greatly in their effect upon soil structure. Grass, millet, wheat and other plants with fine roots are more beneficial to tilth than coarse or tap-rooted plants as corn, oats and beets. Grass also affects structure by protecting the surface of the ground. (See page 119.) It is advisable to prac- tice a rotation on clay soil, which requires relatively infrequent plowing, and gives long periods in fine-rooted grass and grain crops. 48. Organic matter. — Soils rich in humus or decom- H 114 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT posed organic matter are generally in better physical condition than soils low in organic content. The marked effect of the absence of this material in many long cul- tivated soils is well known. For example, in much of southern New York the hill soils are now recognized to have a much different relation to crop growth than they had for a few years after they were cleared. Their color has changed, and with the decay of the humus Fig. 36. The spring-toothed harrow. A type of cultivator adapted to all classes of soil and more efficient than any other in rough and stony ground. has come a decided physical change in the soil, which is largely corrected by the restoration of the humus content. In certain prairie soils the effect of humus depletion on structure is even more marked. The actions of humus are many, as will be noted in the more com- plete discussion of that topic yet to follow; but one of those actions is on the granular nature of the soil. (1) As will appear, humus is somewhat plastic, and tends to hold the soil in a more loose condition than ORGANIC MATTER AND STRUCTURE 115 would otherwise occur, and the large spaces thus pro- duced constitute lines of weakness. (2) It is a property of humus to undergo great change in volume when dried out. This is another factor akin to the fineness of the soil, and produces larger shrinkage crack. This is noticeable in many black clay soils, which check excessively. (3) The great capacity of humus for moisture permits a wide range in moisture content, which produces corresponding physical alteration. (4) The color of the humus affects the color of the soil, and thereby increases the rate of change from wet to the dry state by increased evaporation of moisture. The relative effects of crude muck, and the ammonia extract from the same muck, upon the cohesion of the soil, as indicated by the force required for a uniform penetration of a knife-edge reduced to a basis of 100, is shown in the following table. Samples dried and rewetted twenty times. Crude Muck 1 . Check 100.00 2. Muck, 5 per cent 82.00 3. Muck. 15 per cent 73.50 4. Muck, 25 per cent 58.48 5. Muck, 50 per cent 50.25 Ammonia Extract of Crude Muck 1. Check 100.00 2. Muck extract, 1 per cent . 85.30 3. Muck extract, 2 per cent 76.40 4. Muck extract, 4 per cent 69.00 This table indicates that the material represented by the muck extract is the constituent of the muck 116 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT which most influences the structure of the soil. All these processes promote the development of lines of weakness upon which the water may act. In this way organic matter promotes granulation. 49. Soluble salts. — In the action of certain salts, a different process from the previous ones is introduced. When lime is mixed with water containing fine particles in suspension, there is almost immediately a change in the arrangement of the particles. They appear first to draw together in light fluffy groups or floccules, which then rapidly settle to the bottom, so that the supernatant liquid is left clear or nearly so. This phe- nomenon is termed flocculation, because of the groups of particles. It is not an action limited to lime, but in greater or less degree results from the use of many substances. Lime is about the most active flocculating agent, and a very small amount is required. Acids, especially the mineral acids, are strong flocculating agents. Many of the common fertilizing materials have a flocculating power. Some substances, however, pre- vent or break up flocculation. Such, for example, is the effect of carbonates of the alkalies. From an agricul- tural point of view, the various forms of lime are the most important in this connection because their use on the soil is practical for the farmer. When introduced into _ the soil, this flocculating action occurs whereby granules are formed, the stability of which may be further increased by other favoring conditions. The effect of lime on this process and the relative rapidity of the action for different forms, as shown by its influence on the cohesion of a puddled soil, is shown SOLUBLE SALTS AND STRUCTURE 117 by the following table. The force required for a uniform depth of penetration of the knife-edge is reduced to the basis of 100 for the check. 1. Check 100.0 2. Calcium carbonate, 5 per cent 98.5 3. Calcium oxid equivalent to CaO in 2 56.5 4. Calcium carbonate, 10 per cent 111.0 5. Calcium oxid equivalent to CaO in 4 ... . 43.5 6. Calcium carbonate, 25 per cent 95.0 7. Calcium oxid equivalent to CaO in 6 33.6 This table indicates that the oxide of lime, or the hydrate as it would be in the wet soil, is more efficient in granulating the soil than is the carbonate. It is pos- sible that this difference is the result of the short time of contact of the lime with the soil, which was only a few weeks. In the soil the hydrate will in time change to the carbonate, owing to the presence of carbon dioxicl in the soil, so that in the end the form of the lime would be the same. These figures emphasize a fact recognized in practice, viz., that a considerable time is necessary for lime to have its full effect on the soil, and therefore it should be applied some months or even a season or two in advance of the crop it is to benefit. Warington reports the statement of an English farmer to the effect that by the use of large amounts of lime on their heavy clay soil they were enabled to plow with two horses instead of three. It is generally true that soils rich in lime are well granulated, and maintain a much better physical condition than soils of the same texture which are poor in lime. 118 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Carbonates of the alkalies, which are present in many alkali soils, tend to produce a compact soil struc- ture. The remedy lies in a conversion of the carbonate into some other form, or in the removal of the alkali. Fig. 37. A portion of a Meeker harrow, showing its effect on lumpy, clay soil. (See page 481.) (See page 314.) Hall has shown that the continued and extensive use of nitrate of soda on the land may, even in humid regions, deflocculate the soil. 50. Animal life. — Many forms of animal life affect the soil structure. Earth-worms, in passing soil through their bodies, leave it in a granulated condition in the RAINFALL AND STRUCTURE 119 "casts" which they deposit. Their action is frequently quite important. (See page 28.) Insects, especially ants and other burrowing creatures, aid in this and other ways. 51. Rainfall. — Rain storms compact the surface soil by washing the fine particles into the interstitial spaces, and by the actual pressure of the rain-drops. The result is to form a surface layer having the separate-grain structure, and which when dry, forms a crust, some- times capable of preventing germinating plants from reaching the surface of the ground, and which is con- ducive to the loss of moisture by evaporation. Some clay soils are very susceptible to a change of structure in this way. A heavy thunder-storm may entirely change the structure of a clay soil to the depth of sev- eral inches, in a short time. This is due both to the im- pact of the rain-drops and the saturated condition of the surface layer. Surface covering— mulches, sod or any kind of covering during the summer season — serves to protect the surface soil from the compacting effect of rain. The volume weight of a mulched soil will generally be found to be less, at the end of the growing season, than that of a well-cultivated one. The benefit to be derived from sod has already been mentioned. II. ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF THE SOIL Examination of almost any soil shows it to contain not only mineral particles but also plant and animal remains. The forest soil contains in the surface layer 120 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT a large amount of partially decayed leaves and stems, sometimes termed leaf-mold. Sod land is filled with fine roots, which have served their period of usefulness to the plant and are being returned to their native elements. The low swamp areas of soil contain a large proportion of dark or black material, which, when the soil is dry, may be burned away, and leaves the residue a much lighter color. And in all soils there is some of this same volatile material derived from the growth and partial decay of plants and animals, and commonly termed organic — organized matter. Organic matter may be found in the soil in all stages of decay, from the fresh tissues to the last oxidation products of its components. These products of the var- ious stages in the decay process, comprehended by the term organic matter, constitute probably the most important body of material which enters into normal soil. 52. Sources, derivation and forms. — The organic matter in the soil is derived from both plants and animals: plants are the chief source. These materials undergo decay through the action of bacteria and fungi, in addition to purely chemical changes. The character of the intermediate material depends largely on the relative prominence of the different agencies concerned in its decomposition. This great variety in the material, together with the differences in pro- cesses of decay, gives rise to a number of forms of or- ganic material which are recognized in the soil. These materials do not represent any definite composition. They represent, rather, stages in the general process ORGANIC MATTER. COMPOSITION 121 of decay. Leaf-mold is the partially decomposed layer of leaves, twigs, etc., found on the surface of the ground, usually in well-drained forest areas. Decomposition is very incomplete. Humus is the black or brown pul- verent material resulting from a considerably more advanced stage of decay than is represented by leaf- mold. When wet, it forms a very fine, gelatinous mass of a colloidal nature. Peat represents large and usually deep accumulations of plant remains in the early stages of decay. Disintegration has usually been stopped by the saturation of the mass. The products of bacterial and fungicidal action have accumulated, until the organisms are killed, and any further growth is pre- vented until the water is removed and more thorough aeration is introduced. Plant tissues are plainly evident. When the peat results from a particular kind of plant, the name of the latter may be affixed as moss peat. Peat is generally unproductive as a soil. Muck repre- sents a much more advanced stage in the decay of peat. It has a black or brown color, more closely resembling humus, due to the large proportion of the latter which it contains. Plant tissues are much less apparent. It is generally productive, or will very quickly become so under drainage and cultivation. 53. Chemical composition. — There is no definite chemical composition of the organic matter in the soil. It is as variable as the materials from which it is derived and the conditions under which it is formed. It is composed of a great variety of carbon compounds, into which enter nitrogen and all of the mineral ele- ments which are necessary to plant and animal growth. 122 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT These original compounds are broken down in the pro- cess of decay into other successively simpler com- pounds. The end of the process is always essentially the same — the reduction of the elements to their sim- plest and most stable forms, the carbon to carbon dioxid, the nitrogen to nitrates, ammonia or even free nitrogen, and the mineral elements to their simple salts. The soil constituents which are termed humus, mold, peat, muck, etc., simply represent stages in the transition process from the fresh materials to the native elements. There is no single compound or group of compounds which imparts definite characteristics. These are the result of the mixture; and this fact of an infinitely complex mixture is exceedingly important to keep in mind, in considering the effects of the organic matter of the soil. Many of them are acids. Some — as ammonia and marsh gas — function as bases. They react with each other in many ways, and, what is more important, they react with the mineral elements of the soil to form organic salts. It is by this union that organic matter has not only a direct effect as a food, but also an indirect effect in releasing food elements from their less soluble mineral combinations. Aside from the production of many complex organic acids, the two most significant facts of their composition are the per cent of nitrogen present and the chemical form of part of the carbon. Nitrogen, which is not a constituent of rocks, is made available to all higher forms of plants through this or- ganic decay process, and these various compounds constitute the soil store-house of the element from which it gradually changes over into the available forms. The NITROGEN IN ORGANIC MATTER 123 percentage of nitrogen present varies greatly — viz, from less than 2 per cent in the humus of some humid soils to more than 22 per cent in the humus of some arid soils, as reported by Hilgard. His results show that under arid and semi-arid conditions the humus is much more rich in nitrogen than in humid regions, and he attributes to this fact the large capacity of the former soils to produce crops with so little organic matter. His figures on this point are exhibited in the following table. Per Cent of Nitrogen in Humus of Soil from Different Regions Humid soils, average of sixteen samples 4.58 Sub-irrigated arid soils, average of fifteen samples . . 8.38 Arid upland soils, average of forty-two samples 15.23 The nitrogen is changed under good soil conditions to forms available to plants. There is a similar relative increase in the proportion of carbon in humus over that in the original material. The coals are metamorphosed muck and peat deposits, and their value for fuel lies in their carbon content. Hilgard has shown by a series of analyses that there is a gradual increase in the carbon content during the decay process, at least up to the humus stage, which is shown physically by the darkening of the material. This darkening, which appears in peat and muck may be the result of the separation of free carbon which, in the amorphous form, is black. Its practical significance in a soil way is its large effect on the color of the soil, which alters its heat relations. Crops always start first 124 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT on black soils, other things equal, and, as has been stated, this dark color is generally due to humus. 54. Amounts present. — The amount of organic matter present varies greatly with different soils. Peat and muck deposits are very largely organic material, the per cent depending on the state of decomposition. Some porous, well-drained soils are almost lacking in this constituent. But nearly all soils have a moderate per cent. The accumulation is larger in the soil than in the subsoil, and generally decreases with depth. In 237 types of soil, representing thousands of samples from all parts of the United States, the soil was found to contain 2.06 per cent, and the subsoil .83 per cent. This latter refers to the upper subsoil, and at greater depths the organic content is very much less. But in those soils recently formed by stream action the organic content in the third, fourth and fifth foot may be very considerable, as is indicated by the color. In general, arid soils contain less organic matter than soils of humid regions ; those of cold climates more than those of warm climates. The soils of the northern states and Canada are very generally quite dark colored, while those of the southern states under similar treatment are much lighter colored, due to dif- erence in organic content. Wet soils contain more than dry soils, and clay soils contain more than sandy soils. These facts are illustrated by the following figures, showing the amount of organic matter in different soils, which in the first six lines are the average of ten samples representing several soil types of approximately the same natural drainage. AMOUNT OF ORGANIC MATTER IN SOIL 125 Table XVII Sandy soils Loam and clay loam soils Soil Per cent organic matter Subsoil Per cent organic matter Soil Per cent organic matter Subsoil Per cent organic matter Northeastern states Southeastern states North Central states South Central States .... Semi-arid states 1.66 0.93 1.84 1.16 0.99 0.89 0.60 0.41 0.76 0.55 0.62 0.64 3.73 1.53 3.06 1.80 2.64 1.05 1.35 0.73 1.07 0.65 1.11 Arid states 0.62 Illinois deep peat and muck Miami black clay loam, average twelve samples Portsmouth sandy loam, average nine samples Wabash silt loam, average eleven samples Soil 0-7 inches Per cent organic matter 84.6 5.9 4.1 3.3 Subsoil 7-40 inches Per cent organic matter 55.80 2.50 0.92 1.30 The Miami black clay loam is a famous corn soil of the North Central states, and comprises areas of glacial clay loam, which were originally very wet and swampy, but have been reclaimed by drainage. The Portsmouth sandy loam occurs in the coastal plain of the southern states, and represents a mild form of swamp soil, but in which the accumulation of organic matter is not sufficient to permit its classification as muck. When well-drained, this soil is a first-class truck soil. The 126 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Wabash silt loam is the much-prized deep, dark silt loam of the stream bottoms in the North Central states. It is a close competitor of the Miami black clay in the production of corn and grass. The proportion of organic matter is the chief distinction be- tween soils and sub- soils. It will be noted from the table that in all of the humid sections this differ- ence is very marked, and agrees well with the color differences generally observed. But in the arid re- gions this distinction between soil and sub- soil is not so obvious. The difference in or- ganic content is even less marked than the figures indicate, for the reason that several of those for the soil extend to a depth of two feet or more and those of the subsoil extend often to six feet. 55. Some physical properties. — The physical prop- erties of the organic constituents of the soil are different in value from those of the mineral constituents. Though usually present in small amounts their properties Fig. 38. A soil of loamy texture in good tilth. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC MATTER 127 are such as to have a large influence on its produc- tiveness. 56. Solubility. — The organic matter may be divided into two general classes of materials: (a) If an ordinary soil or peat or muck be leached with water, particularly if the water contain a little ammonia, a dark brown or black color will be imparted to the extract. This is due to a mixture of organic compounds which have a colloidal or gelatinous consistency. It is the material — to which the specific term humus is applied — which gives the brown color to the drainage water from swamps and to the leachings from the manure heap. This color is an indication of the loss of the humus constituent, and should remind one of the necessity for precautions against the loss, as far as possible. When the humus is united with salts like lime to form humates, this loss is very much reduced. It follows from this that the loss of humus, by leaching from soils rich in lime, is very much less than in those soils poor in lime. Many of the soils in the southern states are very low in lime, and the streams are generally bordered by swampy areas. As a result, the drainage water is usually of a brown coffee-color. On the other hand, in those northern states where the soils are rich in lime, this brown color is much less pronounced and is usually absent. If lime or some other flocculating agent be added to this brown liquid, the humus separates out in fluffy masses, which settle to the bottom, leaving the liquid above almost colorless. This is, in part, what takes place in the soil when these flocculating materials are present. 128 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT (b) The remainder of the organic material, after extraction, is composed of the fresh and partially decomposed fragments of plant and animal remains more or less stained. It is a light chaffy material, which by decay may be changed to humus, but in this condition is not subject to direct loss. 57. Weight. — The organic material is the lightest constituent in the soil. Warington gives the specific gravity of humus as 1.2 to 1.5, as compared with 2.68 for the mineral constituents, and Hilgard reports its volume weight when dry as .33, as compared with about 1.1 for clay and 1.5 for sand. Therefore, in pro- portion as a soil contains humus, it is lighter in weight. On the basis of the above figures, a cubic foot of humus would weigh about twenty-one pounds. Muck and peat, however, contain mineral matter washed in with the organic material and their volume weight is higher. It ranges from twenty to forty-five pounds per cubic foot, according to the stage of decay when dry. 58. Absorption properties. — In the form of humus, organic matter has a very large absorptive power for gases and salts in solution, similar to that shown by powdered charcoal. It is much greater than that of even clay soils, and for this reason its addition to soil increases this important property. 59. Volume changes. — Like clay soil, when humus is dried, it shrinks very greatly, and conversely, when it is moistened it expands. In humus this property is much more pronounced than in even the heaviest clay. Warington reports the shrinkage of a very pure clay, in drying from a saturated state, to be 18 per cent EFFECTS OF ORGANIC MATTER 129 of the original volume, and that of humus to be 20 per cent; while others report the shrinkage of muck samples to be more than twice this amount. 60. Plasticity. — The crude organic matter exhibits no striking peculiarities, but the humus substance has many. One of these is its plasticity. Although very fine, its plasticity is not great as compared with clay. But it is sufficient to act as a weak cementing material in soil, which is very important in binding together light sandy soils, and in lightening up and holding apart the aggregates or crumbs in clay soil. Thereby it greatly promotes the granulation of clay soils which are properly drained. 61. Effects of organic matter. — The effects of organic matter on the soil, and thereby upon plant growth, are so numerous and so far-reaching and generally so beneficial, and further, its maintenance is so important a part of good soil management that, at the risk of anticipating some of the subsequent discussions, its effects are here briefly summarized. They are of two sorts, (1) Physical, and (2) Chemical. 62. Physical effects. — (a) Physically, it affects both tilth and granulation. Owing to its weak plasticity and its great contraction when dried, it is a very potent factor in hastening the granulation process of clay soils in the way that has been explained above. And on light sandy soils which are loose and inclined to be drifted by the wind or eroded by rains, it has the effect of binding them together and imparts a much more loamy character. (b) By its beneficial effect on the structure of the 130 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT soil, it very greatly increases its moisture-holding capacity, which is further increased by the great ca- pacity of humus itself to retain water, which amounts* to 200 or 300 per cent of its dry weight, as compared with 10 or 15 per cent for sandy loam and 25 to 35 per cent for clay soils. It therefore improves the drought Fig. 39. The solid disc harrow. Most efficient on medium heavy soil free from stone and rubbish. resistance of soils by increasing their reservoir for available water. (c) The dark color which humus imparts to soils permits them to absorb the heat of the sun's rays very much more than when the humus is absent, and thereby their average temperature is decidedly raised. It is for this reason that the corn first appears in the spring in the low areas of dark-colored soil, which difference in time may amount to several days. MAINTENANCE OF ORGANIC MATTER 131 63. Chemical effects. — The chemical effects are of two sorts: (a) Vegetable and animal remains contain all of the essential elements of plant food, and by their decay these are given back to the soil in a form readily available as food for other plants. It is therefore a direct source of food elements. (b) The products of the decay of organic matter are many forms of organic acids, the simplest and most abundant of which is carbon dioxid. In the soil moisture these act powerfully upon the mineral soil particles to bring their elements — particularly the bases — into solution. Because of their presence, the soil water must be regarded as a weak solution of all of these products and by their presence its dissolving power is greatly increased. 64. Maintenance of organic matter. — Two conditions are necessary to maintain an adequate amount of organic matter in the soil. These are, first, an adequate supply, and second, avoidance of a too -rapid loss, together with the maintenance of those soil conditions which promote the proper form of decay. The organic matter derived from the higher plants is supplemented by that from bacteria and fungi, which are generally abundant in the soil. Much may be accom- plished by good soil management to favor the develop- ment of the lower forms, so that they may be a very important source of humus. In fact, it has been sug- gested that they may sometimes be the chief source of supply. Any plant may be used as a green manure, to furnish organic matter to the soil. Plants which have been 132 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT much used for this purpose are the clovers, vetch, field-peas, cowpeas, soy beans, rye, and buckwheat. When any of these crops are planted in the late summer to conserve plant food, they are termed "catch crops," and when used to cover the ground and protect it from erosion, they are termed "cover crops." Many forms of organic manures and waste materials are applied as a source of humus. Good tillage and the proper rotation of crops greatly assist the accumulation of organic matter in the soil, and to these may sometimes be added amendments such as lime. Some of the conditions which favor the accumulation of organic matter in the soil are: (1) The presence of an excess of water. (2) Low temperature. (3) Limited aeration. (4) Deficiency of basic elements. (5) Absence of decay organisms. (6) Application of organic manures. (7) Accumulation of plant residues in the soil. (8) Proper rotation of crops. (9) Absence of tillage. Some of the conditions which favor the rapid dis- appearance of humus from the soil are: (1) The presence of a moderate amount of water. (2) Thorough aeration. (3) High temperature,— from 75° to 110° Fahr. (4) Abundance of available basic elements. (5) Abundance of decay organisms. (6) Failure to maintain the supply of organic matter. (7) Complete removal of all crops. (8) Improper crop rotation. (9) Excessive tillage. Good management seeks to adjust these two sets of conditions, so that large crops are produced without imparing the humus supply in the soil. B. THE SOIL AS A RESERVOIR FOR WATER I. FUNCTIONS IN PLANT GROWTH When plants grow, they use water. It circulates through their vessels, is built into their tissues, and is evaporated by the leaves. In these capacities it per- forms three important and vital functions for the plant. It is (a) a direct food of the plant, and becomes a part of its tissues either directly as water, or it is broken up and its elements are used in new compounds, (b) It is a carrier of food to the plant, and serves as the medium of transfer for the mineral elements from the soil and the gaseous elements from the air to their appropriate points of assimilation and use in the growth of the plant mechanism, (c) In addition to the last two functions, water serves as a regulator of the physical condition of the plant. It equalizes the temperature of the plant and modifies its stability. From 60 to more than 95 per cent of the green weight of the staple crops is due to water. In the ordinary processes of growth, the amount of water transpired is many times greater than that used directly as food. Investigations in different parts of the world have shown that for the production of each pound of dry matter ordinary crops transpire from 200 to 500 pounds of water. Warington has compiled the following figures, show- ing the amount of water used by different crops in the production of organic matter. (133) 134 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table XVIII. — Water Evaporated by Growing Plants for One Part of Dry Matter Produced Lawes and Gilbert England Hellriegel Germany Wollny Germany King Wisconsin Beans Wheat Peas Red clover. . Barley 214 225 235 249 262 Beans Wheat Peas Red clover . Barley Oats Buckwheat . Lupine .... Rye 262 359 292 330 310 402 371 373 377 Maize Millet Peas Rape Barley Oats Buckwheat . Mustard . . . Sunflower . . 233 416 479 912 774 665 664 843 490 Maize Potatoes . . . Peas Red clover . Barley Oats 272 423 447 453 393 557 The variation exhibited by the figures for the crop, as well as for different crops, illustrates the influence of climate and soil upon transpiration. Other things equal, more water will be required in an arid region than in one of humid climate; more in a warm region than in a cold region; more on a clay soil than on a sandy soil; more in a windy section than in a region of still atmosphere; more with a high soil moisture content; more on a poor soil; and, finally, more water is used per pound of dry matter produced in a small crop than is required in a large crop. All of these figures agree in indicating the large amount of water used in the production of crops. Not only is the total seasonal requirement to be considered, but the maximum de- mands of the crop at any period of its growth must be met. King observed that a single corn plant during the first week of August, when it was coming into tassel and the ear was forming, used water at the rate of 1,320 TT.-17\E7e REQUIRED BY CROPS 135 grams (one and one-half quarts) per day. Hunt observed in Illinois that in one week in July the growth of corn amounted to 1,300 pounds of dry matter per acre. As- suming the requirement observed in Wisconsin, — 272 pounds per pound of dry matter, — this is equivalent to 1.55 inches of water. Assuming the average production of dry matter to be two tons per acre,, the amount of water required jz* Fig. 40. Solid, metal roller. The prevailing type of compacter. to produce such a yield of the staple crops, under the best conditions of management, would amount, accord- ing to the above figures, to from 427 tons to 1,820 tons of water per acre, which is equivalent to a rainfall of 3.7 and 15 inches, respectively. II. AMOUNT OF WATER IN THE SOIL Soils exhibit great differences in moisture content and in their ability to meet the needs of the plants for water. In some of the southeastern states, where the 136 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT rainfall is from fifty to sixty inches, crops suffer more from a lack of moisture than they do in some of the states of the northern Mississippi valley, with only a third of the rainfall. The light truck soils of the At- lantic coast suffer much more from a lack of water than do the interior soils of heavy texture which are under the same rainfall and general temperature con- ditions. Plants in a dry greenhouse use more water than in the more moist outside air. These illustrations serve to emphasize the three factors which determine the amount of moisture a soil contains. These are (a) the available supply of water; (b) the retentive capacity of the soil for water; (c) the rate and amount of loss of water from the soil. Each of these factors depends on many conditions. 65. The supply. — The supply of water is obviously controlled by conditions external to the soil. These are the precipitation in the forms of rain and snow, under- ground seepage, and irrigation. 66. Retentive capacity of the soil. — The retentive capacity of the soil varies greatly according to its physical properties, As soils ordinarily occur in the field, they show the presence of moisture. This moisture is held quite intimately. Two soils may appear equally moist, yet have very different capacities to maintain crops. Plants suffer much more quickly from dry weather on sand soil than on clay soil, even when the soils appear equally wet at the outset. 67. Statement of water content. — Five different methods are commonly used in stating the moisture content of soils. These are: (1) In terms of per cent - "3 o 138 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT based on the dry weight of the soil. (2) In terms of per cent based on the wet weight of the soil. (3) In terms of the per cent of volume based on the total volume occupied by the soil. (4) In cubic inches per cubic foot, or in cubic centimeters per liter or per cubic meter. (5) In inches in depth of water over the surface of the soil. Of these methods the first is most largely used, because it gives the most definite and constant basis from which to derive any other quantities. The dry weight of a soil remains constant, and percentages referred to that base are always comparable. But it has several disadvantages which lead to inconsistent results in practical work. For example, 10 per cent of water in a cubic foot of clay soil represents a very different quantity of water from the same percentage in a sand or a muck soil, because of the very different volume weights of these materials. In the clay it would mean about 7 pounds, or 3.5 liters; in the sand soil 10 pounds or 4.5 liters; and in the muck soil 3.5 pounds, or 1.6 liters, — manifestly very different quantities of water. Or, to state the matter in a different way, 30 per cent of water in a clay, 12 per cent in sand, and 150 per cent in muck, do not represent as different volumes of water as is indicated by the figures, because of the relative weights of the soils. But, because almost any other figure can be readily derived from the moisture percentage expressed in terms of dry weight of soil, it has been very generally used, especially in laboratory studies. In field practice, a volume method is more convenient. STATEMENT OF SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT 139 The second method — -that based on the wet weight of the soil — is unsatisfactory, because it is not only- open to the objections made to the first method, but also because figures on moisture content of the same sample of soil are not comparable. They do not repre- sent the same degree of wetness indicated by the per- centages. For example, 100 grams of wet clay contain- ing 10 per cent of water would consist of 10 grams of water in 90 grams of soil, and 100 grams of wet clay containing 20 per cent would consist of 20 grams of water in 80 grams of soil. In the first case, the ratio of water to soil is as 1 to 9; while, in the second, case the ratio is 1 to 4, instead of 1 to 4.5, as the percentage comparison would indicate. The difficulty in deriving other figures from percentages based on wet weight makes its use undesirable. The third method, statement of percentage of water by volume, is the most rational of the first three. It gives a direct practical basis of comparison for all soils. It shows the volume of water held by the soil, which is really the important consideration from the point of view of the plant. For purposes of comparing the moisture content of different soils in the field, it is probably the most satisfactory method. Derivation of these quantities involves considerable calculation, and often the determination of some quantities not readily obtainable. The fourth method of statement is really a variation in detail from the third method by which specific quan- titive statements are made. One hundred seventy-two and ei.°;ht-tenths cubic inches of water in one cubic 140 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT foot of soil, is a cumbersome method of saying the soil contains 10 per cent of water by volume. The fifth method is most generally used in field prac- tice in stating quantities of water. In irrigation practice, water is often measured in inches in depth per acre of area. In stating the quantity of water held within root range by different soils, this method is also direct and convenient. For example, a sand soil of a certain tex- Fig. 42. A common type of spike-tooth, iron-framed harrow. It operates as a shallow cultivator, and may often be very effective in mulching the soil and conserving moisture. ture will hold in the four feet surface 9 acre-inches of water; clay soil, 16; and a muck soil, 40 inches; which figures are directly comparable for purposes of crop- production. The method used in stating the moisture content of a soil will therefore depend upon the line of investiga- tion and the application of the results to be made. Both the percentage of dry weight and the percentage of volume will be used in this book, according to the point of view of the discussion. FORMS OF SOIL MOISTURE 141 68. Forms and availability. — There are three forms in which water may exist in soils: (1) Gravitational water, or that which is free to move through the soil under the influence of gravity. (2) Capillary or film water, or that which is held against gravity by the surface tension of the films of water surrounding the soil particles. (3) Hygroscopic moisture, or that which condenses from the atmosphere on the surface of the HYGROSCOPIC FORMS OF SOIL WATER CAPILLARY GRAVITATIONAL UNAVAILABLE AVAILABLE INJURIOUS AVAILABILITY OF' SOIL WATER TO PLANTS Fig. 43. Diagram illustrating the forms, proportions and availibility of soil water. soil particles, when the soil is allowed to become air dry. There is no sharp change in the moisture condition of the soil in passing from one form to the other. Still, it is true that there are certain marked changes in some of the physical properties of the soil, such as volume, weight and resistance to penetration, which are in a general way associated with these transition points. Not all of the water in the soil is available to use of plants. It is a matter of general experience that for most farm crops the saturated condition of the soil is unfavorable to the best development. There are, of course, many plants which are adapted to such con- 142 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT ditions, as for example the swamp type of vegetation. About the only cultivated crops of this sort are rice and cranberries. Practically all of the common culti- vated crops, from vegetables to fruit trees, are adapted to growing in soil from which the gravitational moisture has been removed. The gravitational water is directly injurious to the growth of these plants, and its practical removal from the soil constitutes the practice of agri- cultural drainage, later to be considered as a phase of soil management, It may therefore be stated that gravitational water in the root zone is injurious to most farm crops, and consequently it is in a sense unavailable. It is the film or capillary moisture which supports plants. The roots of ordinary crops are adapted to take the moisture needed by threading their way between the soil particles, where they may come in intimate contact with these moisture films and absorb the needed supply of water, without being excluded from the air supply which promotes their growth. For, in the capillarily moist soil, the water is retained chiefly in the very small spaces, and the large spaces are occupied by air. While capillary moisture is practically the only form upon which plants depend, it is not possible for them to use all of this form of moisture in the soil. They take their supply most readily when the films are relatively thick, and when the globules between the particles are large. But, as the thickness of the films is reduced by the use of the plant and by evaporation, it becomes increasingly difficult for the plant roots to take their needed supply. Before all of the capillary moisture has been removed, this difficulty becomes so great that it HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE IN SOIL 143 practically amounts to the prohibition of further extrac- tion by the plant. At this stage, if evaporation from the leaves continues, the plants wilt, because they are not supplied with moisture by the roots as rapidly as it is being lost. Since plants cannot utilize all of the capillary moisture it is manifestly impossible for them to derive any benefit from the hygroscopic moisture, which is held much more intimately by the soil particles than is the capil- lary moisture. In other words, the hygroscopic moisture capacity of a soil represents that much water unavail- able to plants, to which must be added the proportion of the capillary moisture which is also unavailable. 69. Amounts of each form. — The relative amount of each form of water varies with the soil, and is deter- mined by its physical properties. The forms of water merge one into the other. 70. Hygroscopic water. — The amount of each of the three forms of soil water depends on the physical properties of the soil. These are best explained by first considering the hygroscopic capacity. This depends on the texture of the particles and the content of organic matter. Since hygroscopic moisture is a function of the surface exposed, it results that the larger the surface area exposed by the soil particles, the greater the hygro- scopic capacity of the soil. Reference to the table on page 83 shows fine-textured or clay soils to have the greatest surface area, and these hold the most hygro- scopic moisture. Sand soils, with a relatively small surface area, hold a small amount of this form of water. This fact is illustrated by the following table. 144 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Per cent of hygroscopic water at 21° C. Very fine sand 1.8 Silt 7.3 Clay 16.5 Muck 48.0 The above soils were pure separates derived by mechanical analysis. These figures serve to show the direct relation between the (1) surface area exhibited by soil particles and the hygroscopic moisture retained. The hygroscopic moisture content of a soil depends also on the (2) temperature, and the (3) humidity of the atmosphere. The hygroscopic moisture decreases with increase in temperature. It varies directly as the relative humidity of the atmosphere with which the soil is in contact. Consequently, in the air-dried condition, while a soil always retains some moisture, it seldom exhibits its maximum hygroscopic capacity. Under average conditions of humidity, a light sand may retain from .5 to 1 per cent, a silt loam from 2 to 4 per cent and a clay from 8 to 12 per cent. This is, of course, unavailable for the use of plants. 71. Capillary water. — The capillary water capacity is much larger than the hygroscopic capacity. Its amount is determined by three things: (1) Texture, (2) structure; (3) content of organic matter. 72. Texture. — Texture is well known to be the great- est determining factor in the water-holding capacity of soils, due to its control of the internal surface, and this is particularly true with reference to the capillary form. The following table illustrates this effect of texture. CAPILLARY MOISTURE IN SOIL Table XIX 145 Class 1. Coarse sand 2. Medium sandy loam 3. Fine sandy loam. . . 4. Silt 5. Silt loam 6. Clay loam 7. Clay Per cent of clay 4.8 7.3 12.6 10.6 17.7 26.6 59.8 Per cent of moisture retained against force 2,940 times that of gravity 4.6 7.0 11.8 12.9 26.9 32.4 46.5 RELATION TEXTURE TO CAPUU'RY WATER CAPACITY 1 2 3 FJNE GRAVEL FINE AND SILT COARSE AND VERY FINE SAND MEDIUM SAND SOIL SEPARATES 4 CLAY Fig. 44. Showing the mechanical composition of the soils whose relative capillary water capacity is given in Table XIX. No. 1. Coarse Sand. No. 2. Medium Sandy Loam. No. 3. Fine Sandy Loam. No. 4. Silt. No. 5. Silt Loam. No. 6. Clay Loam. No. 7. Clay 146 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT It must be remembered that the hygroscopic ca- pacity of these soils also increases with their fineness, and that the strictly capillary moisture is represented by the difference between the total moisture content given above and the hygroscopic moisture. The above figures are the most exact available which show the influence of texture upon moisture retention. But, while they show the relative effect of texture, they do not indicate the amount of water retained by field soils; because these samples have been subject to a force almost 3,000 times that of gravity. When under the influence of gravity alone, these same soils will retain much more water than is indicated by the figures. However, this influence of gravity introduces a modification in the moisture content of the soil which must be constantly kept in mind. Moisture is retained in the soil as a result of two sets of forces. These are, first, the attraction of the soil for water, or adhesion. For example, if a marble is dipped into water and withdrawn, it carries with it a film of water over its entire surface. This shows that for a certain small distance from its surface, the marble exerts a stronger pull on the water than the water exerts for itself. If the marble were dipped into mercury instead of water, it would come out with a dry surface, because in this case the attraction of the mercury for its own substance is greater than the attraction of the marble for the mercury. Quinke estimates the appreci- able range of this attraction to be approximately .002 millimeter, which, it will be remembered, is equivalent to the diameter of a medium-sized clay particle. Its RETENTION OF SOIL MOISTURE 147 tendency is to arrange upon the surface of the soil particles a film of water molecules equivalent to this thickness. But, because of the second set of forces the film is always thicker than this range of molecular attraction of the solid. This is due to the attrac- tion of the water particles for each other, or cohesion. The water mole- cules hang together. This cohesion of the water molecules is exhibited in surface tension which will permit a clean steel needle to be suspended upon the surface of water, or makes possible the common trick of putting a handful of nails into a goblet already level full of water. This surface ten- sion acts like a stretched elastic mem- brane, and permits the water to be piled up. This is what happens in the soil when capillarity comes into distribution of water 1 J on columns or spnen- play. As a result of these two sets ca' particles of differ- r J ent texture. Note the of attraction, the water hangs on the accumulation of water in the lower part, also, particles in thick films; and it drops the approximately r r equal curvature of water away only when the weight of the surfaces at each level, water becomes greater than the surface tension of the liquid. It is clear that soil forms a column of considerable height, and further, that the closer the water film is drawn around the soil particles, the thinner it will be, and consequently the less water it will contain. To illustrate: Suppose a cylinder to have flexible rubber Fig. 45. Showing the 148 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT diaphragms stretched across at frequent intervals from the top to the bottom. If now a heavy ball is dropped upon the upper membrane, it will be weighed down upon the next membrane below, and this in turn will be depressed, until the ball has brought enough of the membranes in contact to support its weight. Under these conditions, the upper membrane will be stretched most severely, and will therefore be thin, while the lower ui 40 "J 30 20 < a UJ x \ I V V*. \ "'^. % \ \i A, \ X J -^6 10 30 35 in 15 20 25 PERCENT. OF WATER Fig. 46. Curves showing the distribution of water in columns of soil ^apillarily saturated, as given in Table XX. membrane will be very slightly stretched. If, now, we calculate the actual amount of rubber in each section of the cylinder it will be found smallest at the top and largest at the bottom. In the same way, gravity affects the distribution of water in the soil. It forms thick, bulging films in the lower part of the column, and thin, closely drawn films at the top of the column. Consequently, the sur- face of a soil of uniform texture is normally less moist than the subsoil. DISTRIBUTION OF SOIL MOISTURE 149 As a result of this fact, it is not practicable to say that any soil contains a definite uniform per cent of capillary moisture. The content varies with the height of the column and the plane in the column at which the determination may be made. This important principle in the distribution and amount of moisture in the soil is well illustrated by the following tables and curves, for soils of different texture, as obtained by Buckingham: Table XX Per cent of water at different distances from bottom of column in inches 2 10 20 30 40 50 1. Clean dune sand 2. Coarse sand 27.0 23.0 28.5 29.0 35.0 64.0 23 14 25 23 23 55 7 10 16 21 18 47 3.5 7.5 9.5 19.0 15.0 36.0 3 5 7 17 11 20 3. Fine sandy loam 4. Light silt loam 5. Clay 6. Heavy loam, rich in humus The above moisture curves illustrate very clearly the accumulation of the water in the lower part of the soil column. These columns were permitted to stand in contact with water for many days, so that, with the possible exception of the finest textured soils, they had come to equilibrium. It will be noted that the difference in moisture content is much greater at the top of the columns than at the bottom, and decidedly greater than at a height of about ten inches above the water. 150 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT When two soils of different texture are placed in contact with moisture free to move from one to the other, they come into moisture equilibrium after a time, and each holds a certain proportion of the water. The curvature of the water surfaces between the particles 80r NO. 2 FINE SAND VERY FINE SAND NO. 3 SILT NO. 4 CLAY NO.1 FINE GRAVEL COARSE SAND MEDIUM SAND SOIL SEPARATES Fig. 47. Curves showing the mechanical composition of the soils whose capillary moisture capacity is shown in Table XX and Fig. 46. of the two soils is the same. But since in a given volume of soil the fine texture has so many more of these indi- vidual drops of water, its total content is greater than that of the coarse-textured soil. This matter of the curvature of the water surfaces in the soil will conie up STRUCTURE AND SOIL MOISTURE 151 prominently in considering the capillary movement of moisture. The relative adjustment and distribution of the moisture between small and large particles in contact is illustrated in Fig. 45. When in capillary equilibrium, two soils should appear equally moist. 73. Structure. — Structure is the second factor which determines the moisture capacity of a soil. If the state- ments in reference to the effect of texture have been fully understood, the influence of structure will be readily grasped. The effect of structure is to alter the effective size of the soil units or granules, and also of the spaces which they form. In a coarse sand soil, the general effect of rendering the structure of the soil more loose is to proportionately reduce its water-holding capacity, because the spaces are already so large as to hold a relatively small amount of water, and that to a very limited height. Change in structure further de- creases that already deficient capacity. On the other hand, in a fine clay soil the spaces are all very small, and all have a capillary efficiency to a great height. This height is much more than is ordinarily needed to bring the moisture from the deep subsoil to the root zone. In such a soil a more loose and open structure has the effect of increasing the effective moisture capacity, so long as the spaces are still able to hold water at the surface of the column. But when this maximum size of space is exceeded, as in a coarsely clodded soil, the moisture capacity drops low, as in the case of sand or gravel, when growth may be seriously interrupted. Ordinarily, then, it may be said, that loosening the structure of a coarse sand or gravel soil lowers its 152 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT moisture-holding capacity while a reasonable granulation of a clay soil increases its moisture-retaining capacity. This effect of structure on the moisture capacity of two soils is illustrated by the following curves, based upon the results of Buckingham. The mechanical analysis of these soils may be found in curves already given. (See page 150.) The sandy loam is No. 3, and the clay is No. 5. 50 10 --30 5 >. 20 < olO 0 10 20 30 40 50 Fig. 48. Curves showing the distribution of water in columns of sand and clay when loose and compact and capillarily saturated. Figures given in Table XXI. Table XXI. — Per Cent of Water in Sand and Clay, Loose and Compact i 0 1° -9 % Vi \* *n \ o 1 I o V « o X \ ^ \ \\ Itn x^v \ X Soil Structure Dry porosity per cent Per cent of moisture at different heights above water level 2 in. 10 in. 20 in. 30 in. 40 in. Sandy loam. . Clay Loose Compact . . Loose Compact . . 50 35 59 52 28.0 27.0 42.5 34.0 25 25 32 23 16.0 17.5 28.0 18.0 9.0 12.5 27.0 15.0 6 10 26 12 ORGANIC MATTER AND SOIL MOISTURE 153 74. Content of organic matter. — Organic matter, especially in the form of humus, has a larger capacity for moisture than has the mineral portion of the soil. Aside from the fact that such material has a large inher- ent moisture capacity, and that in proportion to its amount in the soil it increases the water capacity, no exact figures can be given. The moisture content of such material varies with the stage of decay, as well as the general physical properties of the material. The following figures compiled by Storer illustrate this capacity. Per cent of water retained 1. Humic acid extract from peat 1,200 2. Non-acid humus prepared from peat 645 3. Ordinary vegetable mold 190 4. Peat \ 201-309 5. Garden loam, 54 per cent clay, 7 per cent humus. 96 6. Dark Illinois prairie soil 57 7. Mucky soil (weighing 30 pounds per cubic foot) . 75 Besides its inherent capacity, organic matter affects the moisture capacity through its influence on soil structure. In clay it produces a desirable condition of granulation and therefore increases the absolute moisture capacity. And its addition to sand has. a similar, though smaller effect. This is illustrated by the follow- ing figures, obtained by Detmer, as quoted by Storer, which resulted from the mixture of sand and muck. It will be noted that in proportion as muck is substi- tuted for an equal weight of sand, the water capacity of the mixture is increased, as is well shown by the ratio in the last column. 154 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table XXII Grams of water absorbed Ratio of absorption Per cent of sand Per cent of muck of water in sand and in mixture 100 12.2 1 :1 80 20 24.0 1 :2 60 40 42.0 1 :3.5 40 60 71.7 1 :6.0 20 80 99.1 1 :8.0 100 114.4 1 :9.3 75. Volume of water held by different soils. — The columns of soil from which the figures presented on page 148, with the accompanying curves, were obtained, were forty-five inches in height, with their lower ends dipping in water. As they were run for several months, their moisture content represents the maximum capacity for each soil. Under these conditions, the mean moisture content was as follows: Table XXIII 1. Dune sand 2. Coarse sand. . . . 3. Fine sandy loam 4. Light silt loam . 5. Clay 6. Muck soil Dry poros- ity . Per cent 52 51 50 50 59 80* II Final mean water content Per cent 10.7 10.6 18.0 20.9 30.4 250.0 III Approximate per cent of moisture at which crops will wilt 3 3 5 10 17 80 IV Per cent of available moisture 7.7 7.6 13.0 10.9 13.4 170.0 ♦Estimated. WATER CAPACITY OF SOILS 155 Table XXIII, continued V Weight of dry soil per cubic foot VI Volume of available water per cubic foot VII Inches of avail able water to depth of four feet 1. Dune sand 2. Coarse sand 3. Fine sandy loam . 4. Light silt loam . . 5. Clay Lbs. 80 81 83 83 68 15 cu. in. 166 170 300 250 252 740 c.c. 2,720 2,790 4,900 4,100 4,140 11,550 4.60 5.20 8.50 6.90 7.03 6. Muck soil 20.50 But all of this moisture is not available to crops. The third column gives the per cent of water in these soils which would be unavailable, or the point at which plants would ordinarily wilt. This per cent, or amount of water at which plants are just able to survive, is termed the minimum or critical moisture content, while the highest per cent at which the plant will survive is termed the maximum moisture content. The inter- mediate point at which any crop makes its best growth is termed the optimum moisture content. Each of these points, or moisture conditions, is very definite for each soil and for each crop. The minimum for different crops on the same soil is not the same as the results of a number of investigators have shown. Storer reports that, on a calcareous soil having a hygro- scopic capacity of 5.2 per cent, the minimum for grasses was 9.85 per cent, and for legumes 10.95 per cent; while, on peat (muck) with a hygroscopicity of 42.3 per cent, the grasses suffered at 50.87 per cent of moisture, 156 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT legumes at 52.87 per cent of moisture. Warington concludes, from the results of Hellriegel and Wollny, that "when the soil contains 80 per cent of the water required to saturate it, the proportion was too high; and that when the water amounted to only 30 per cent of saturation,, the proportion was too low for the pro- duction of a maximum crop. The largest crops were obtained when the proportion of water lay between 40 and 60 per cent of that required for full saturation." 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2u 27 28 29 30 14 Z- 13 tn 12 or 11 10 r "S CE 9 1 \ /* h 8 s ,*r Lir IE OF FX CE "*l Of\ MO 1ST URE n 7 D ... . • ooot oo ( ooc 000 300 JOO )OQ( ooc 5 4 FINE GR> 1 kVEL /■O c 14 16 18 ao 8 10 12 TIME IN HOURS Fig. 54. Curves showing the height and rate of rise of water in dry soils of different texture as given in Table XXIX. 84. Texture. — The influence of texture was explained in the principles outlined above. The finer the soil, the more surface it will expose, the more points of con- tact there will be between the particles, and therefore the greater total curvature the water surfaces will have. For this reason, a clay containing 20 per cent may draw water from a sand containing 10 per cent of water. The capillary capacity of a soil may be measured in two ways: (1) By the height to which water will 176 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT be raised in soils of different texture. (2) By the total amount of water raised through a given height in a definite time. The time element enters into both sorts of measurements, and is an especially important con- sideration in clay soil where the movement is generally very slow. * Table XXIX Showing Height of Rise of Water in Dry Soils of Different Texture, as Shown in the Above Curves Time Min. Hours Days 15 1 2 1 3 8 13 19 Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 1. Silt and very fine sand . . . 2.7 4.7 7.0 20.0 30 45.0 52.0 56.0 2. Very fine sand 7.6 10.0 12.4 21.0 23 26.0 27.5 28.5 3. Fine sand 9.0 9.5 10.0 11.6 13 14.3 15.2 16.0 4. Coarse and me- dium sand . . 5.8 6.0 6.3 7.5 9 10.0 11.5 12.5 5. Fine gravel . . . 4.0 5.0 5.3 6.4 8 9.0 10.0 10.8 These materials were sifted to fairly uniform sizes, according to the scale given above (page 73). The silt was a natural material, containing a large amount of very fine sand, together with some clay. It might be termed a light silt loam. It will be particularly noted that the smaller classes of particles — silt and clay — have a relatively large influence on capillary movement. Above the class of fine sand, there is not much variation in the height of rise for different textures, the total height attained being slight. CAPILLARY MOVEMENT AND TEXTURE 177 Lotighridge has made very careful determinations of the capillary power of four dry soils of known physical composition over a period ranging from 6 to 195 days. These soils range in texture from light sandy loam to heavy clay adobe of the following mechanical com- position. Table XXX 1. Sand soil 2. Light sandy loam 3. Silty loam 4. Clay soil Per cent of each separate present Clay less than Fine silt Coarse silt Sand Limits used in diameter of particles .01 mm. 2.82 3.21 15.02 44.27 .01-025 mm. 3.03 5.53 15.24 25.35 .025- .047 mm. 3.49 15.42 25.84 13.47 .04 7- .5 mm. 89.25 72.05 45.41 13.37 The composition of these soils is also shown in the following curves: SANDS L047. - .5 MM.) COARSE SILT (.025 -.047 MM.) FINE SILT (.01 - .025 MM.) Fig. 55. Curves showing the mechanical composition of the soils whose analysis is given in Table XXX, and whose capillary water capacity is given in Table XXXI and Figs. 56 and 57. 178 THQ PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT The capillary rise of water in these soils was as fol- lows: Table XXXI. — Time in Hours 1. Sand 2. Light sandy loam 3. Silty loam 4. Clay Min. 30 Hours Height of rise in inches 6.3 0.8 8.0 10.0 12.0 9.0 12.7 19.0 2.7 4.8 8.8 1.4 2.5 5.0 12 13 24 11 Table XXXI, continued. — Time in Days 1. Sand 2. Light sandy loam 3. Silty loam . . 4. Clay Days 12 26 48 90 160 195 Height of rise in inches 14.0 15.5 17.0 28.2 30.5 35.0 38 41 44 46.5 13.0 17.0 20.5 25 31.5 35 40.0 45 10.0 14.0 20.0 23 26.5 50 46 As is always the case, the rise is most rapid immedi- ately after the soil is placed in contact with the water and the rate of rise decreases progressively as the limit is reached. The more coarse the texture of the material, the more quickly is the limit of rise attained. These figures are shown in the following curves: (1) For the first twelve hours; (2) for the full period. CAPILLARY MOVEMENT AND TEXTURE 179 20 IS 0 16 * 14 12 o 10 H I o g . V , * * *** *■■*■ *■ * *** ,<* 6 <^ * "V. ^ <* f*\ X >r X 1— ^SAND 1 OOO O 00 00 3 OO 0 O 0 0 0 o<* 0 ool X nooo ,oooo oOOO ooooo * >" 3,<- &£* f ° o ---"' v^; c\£U 40 ,' — 7" — t 8 a 10 11 12 12 3 15 6 7 TIME IN HOURS Fig. 56. Curves showing the capillary rise of water in twelve hours in dry soils of different texture as given in Table XXXI. 50 ■•■* SANDY ^ LOAM . — " _J ' 45 i vV^-»* „ s\l.tv tOAW_ --^ — — "* ^^ m 40 Ul x or ^f *"" "35 >^ jj£> £ 30 Hi I <'' c 25 IL ■ t/ ' if 0 20 1- 0 15 111 1 ,» 1/ m "0 10 0 n 20 40 60 140 160 180 200 80 100 120 TIME IN DAYS Fig. 57. Curves showing the capillary rise of water in 195 days in dry soils of different texture as given in Table XXXI. It is evident, from a very simple laboratory experi- ment, that the rate of capillary movement in dry soil is inversely proportional to the fineness of texture, while the total height of rise is directly related to the 180 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT texture. Up to a height of three feet, the sandy loam moves water most quickly. But when it is necessary to move water to a greater height, a finer soil is required. The maximum height traversed by capillary water in the above soils is fifty-six inches in the silt loam, and in two instances this appeared to be near the limit of capillary efficiency in dry soil of that texture. In clay the movement goes on very slowly, and an excessively long period is required for the limit to be reached. A crop might perish of drought before water would move up to meet its needs. That is, in fine-tex- tured soil, although its capillary capacity is very great, the surface area of the particles is so large, and therefore the friction in the movement of water so great, that the actual capillary movement is very inefficient. The same fact appears here that appeared in the discussion of the water capacity of soils, namely, that it is the soil of intermediate texture — the silt and fine sandy loam — which most readily meets the needs of crops for water. 85. Dampness of soil particles. — The capillary move- ment in dry soil, as given above, does not represent the true capillary capacity. When a soil is dry, it has been shown that it resists wetting, and therefore resists the capillary rise of water. Natural field soils always contain some oily substances, which are deposited on the surface of the soil particles when the soil is dried. This oily matter retards greatly the wetting of the par- ticles, which takes place only after this material has been again dissolved, so that a clean surface is exposed to the solution. Therefore, in a soil which already con- CAPILLARITY IN MOIST AND DRY SOILS 181 tains a small amount of water, it is to be expected that the total capillary rise, and the rate of movement of water, would be most rapid. That is, a slight dampness of the soil is conducive to the most rapid capillary movement. Briggs found the limit of capillary move- ment in dry Sea Island soil — light, fine, sandy loam — to be about 36 centimeters, or 15 inches, in 14 days; while, in the same soil in a moist condition, water was raised through a column 165 centimeters, or 66 inches, in height — 4.5 as great a height as in the dry soil. Stew- art found the following limits for three sands of slightly different texture when dry and wet. Table XXXII Dry Wet Soil No. 1 Inches 31.8 58.1 86.8 Inches 112.5 Soil No. 2 141.8 Soil No. 3 174.1 These results are in accord with field experience. The figures for the moist soil most nearly represent the heights to which soils raise water, and further, under field conditions, the soil, with the exception of the immedi- iate surface, seldom becomes air dry in the humid regions. Consequently, capillary movement concerns chiefly moist soils. There are two factors operative to prevent capillary distribution from moist to dry soil. One of them is resistence to wetting. The other is the very slow move- ment of water in thin capillary films, — that is, when 182 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT it is reduced to near the minimum capillary content, or wilting point. At this stage the movement is exceed- ingly slow, because of the excessive friction. This funda- mental principle is made use of in soil mulches and de- termines their usefulness, and should direct their man- agement. (See page 203.) 86. Structure. — Structure affects capillary movement. It has been shown how capillary movement is largely due to the size of the individual spaces in the soil. The size of the spaces is due, (1) To the size of the par- ticles. (2) To their arrangement. (See page 203.) The smaller the particles, and therefore the smaller the pores, the greater the capillary power and the slower the movement. In so far as the arrangement of the particles or structure effects a change in the effective size of the pores, it affects the capillary movement. In a puddled structure the movement is much more slow than in a soil having a granular or crumb structure. Any tillage operation which alters the structure, in either one direction or the other, thereby alters the capillary power and the rate of movement. Compact- ing a soil is well known as a process which seems to draw moisture into the compacted zone; while culti- vation, or loosening the soil structure, has the opposite effect. Upon this fact vare based many important tillage operations, such as rolling after seeding small grains. 87. Surface tension. — Surface tension affects capillary movement in the same way that it affects the capillary retention of water. It represents the cohesive properties of the liquid, and corresponds to an elastic membrane. CAPILLARY MOVEMENT AND STRUCTURE 183 The stronger such a membrane, the larger the pull it can exert under a given strain. Consequently, in a soil of uniform texture, and in moisture equilibrium, any- thing which changes the surface tension may set up motion of the soil water. The introduction of fertilizers may set up such a movement, and this addition to a soil may enable it to draw and permanently retain more water than the adjacent soil of same texture. Appli- cations of magnesium chloride, salt and muriate of potash, are observed to keep the soil more moist in dry weather, and a similar effect of some alkali salts has been noted. These materials all raise the surface tension. High temperature reduces the surface tension, and there- fore, in a soil in moisture equilibrium, if one part, as the surface, is heated, the water will be drawn away from that region to the cooler zone, where the tension is higher. 88. Condition of surfaces of particles. — The condition of the surface of the soil particles affects the tenacity with which water adheres to them. The application of oil to a soil tends to destroy its capillary capacity; and any substance in the soil which will bring about such a condition reduces the capillary efficiency of the soil. The action of capillarity is not limited to any one direction. It may take place in any direction. It has usually been measured vertically upward. But it oper- ates vertically downward, as well, and it moves water horizontally. The vertical upward movement of capillary water is modified by the influence of gravity, as is capil- lary retention. (See page 149.) 184 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT The following curves show the capillary transfer of water in two soils through eight feet horizontally. 18 12 10 * 4 CLAV LOAM INITIAL PERCENT. OF WATER .. ^n^S M> ijS^-A FTEW^^_ —SAND HNITIAt-PE RCENTt-OF WATER SAND ,/~ / / / / / 12345678 DISTANCE FROM EXPOSED END, IN FEET Fig. 58. Curves showing the initial moisture content of horizontal columns of sand and clay loam soil and the distribution of moisture after free evapora- tion from one end of each column, for a period of days. Note the general movement of water throughout the columns. It is evident that plants may make use of supplies of moisture to one side, as well as below their roots even, in some soils, to a distance of several feet, through the agency of capillarity. On the other hand, irrigation farmers have repeatedly noted the very limited lateral influence upon crops of the application of water in irri- gation. The limit of the application of water is in some soils marked almost to the row. In this instance, it should be remembered that water is added only after the soil has become relatively dry, at which stage the moisture films move with great difficulty due to friction, and probably also to cracks, which of course very effect- ively break up capillarity. King has concluded from studies on vertical columns that an adjustment of water through ten feet of soil may readily take place. AMOUNT OF WATER MOVED 185 89. Examples of the amount of water moved. — In crop production, the crucial test of the capillary capacity of the soil is the amount of water it is able to move. It must not only be able to move water a long distance, or to a great height, but it must be able to move a rela- tively large amount of water, and to move it quickly if the movement shall be effective. The important consideration is the amount of water moved a given distance in a given time. A soil may be able to quickly move large volumes of water to a height of a foot, and be utterly ineffective to a height of five feet. On the other hand, a soil may be so fine as to be able to lift water to a height of forty feet, and yet the move- ment be so slow and the amount of water moved be so small that the result is negligible, — that is the soil is capillarily ineffective. It therefore appears that, for any given distance within reason and for any normal moisture demand of a crop, there is a texture and struc- ture of soil which will most readily meet those demands. If the water-table is three feet below the surface, a very coarse soil may suffice. If the water-table is ten feet below the surface, a much finer soil will be necessary. On the other hand, to supply a full-sized pumpkin vine, having a large evaporation, from a water supply five feet away, will require a finer soil than is required to supply a Jersey pine having a small evaporation. In other words, we need to know the effective capillary capacity of each soil to different heights and distances, up to their limits. Very little data of this sort is available. None is available for horizontal movement, and the figures 186 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT on vertical movement are very incomplete and inade- quate. King made such a study of sifted quartz sand having a mean diameter of .47 mm., by means of a column with an expanded top, and found that the sand was able to raise water to a height of 6.75 inches at the rate of 44 inches of water per day, equivalent to 1,340 feet per year. But this same sand failed to lift any appreciable amount of water to a height of 11.75 inches. King has also found the following movement to take place to different heights in columns of soil one square foot in cross section, where the loss was measured by evaporation from the surface. Table XXXIII Height in feet 1 foot 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet ■*3 s a Ph o3 13 C u 0. s a n° >> C ^ a a . e s 3 a Ph o3 T3 hi -a Pounds per day per sq. ft. U c ft 1. Fine quartz sand 2. Clay loam .... 2.37 2.05 166 144 2.07 1.62 146 113 1.23 1.00 86 70 .91 .90 64 63 As remarked by Professor King, these figures prob- ably do not represent the maximum capacity of these soils to the heights stated. The shorter the column, the less accurate are the figures. For in the short col- umns the evaporation was correspondingly less than the movement. From the results, it appears that the AMOUNT OF WATER MOVED 187 clay soil was in a very well-granulated condition, which brings its rate very near that of the sand. It also appears from this data, as was shown in the data on height and time of capillary rise, that, up to three or four feet, the fine sand is as efficient as the soil of much finer texture. In studies on the capillary rise of water in moist Sea Island cotton soil — a fine sandy loam, — Briggs found Fig. 59. The weeder, with riding attachment. For very shallow cultivation in mellow soil free from stone and rubbish. the movement to be at the rate of 1.3 pounds per square foot per clay, or 91 inches per year, through a height of 85 centimeters (34 inches). But when the column of the sand soil was 165 centimeters long, water was raised at the rate of .32 of a pound per square foot per day, or 21.4 inches per year, — a decreased efficiency from doubling the height of the column of 75.4 per cent, When the column was 185 centimeters in height, no appreciable loss took place, — indicating that this sand 188 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT was not able to raise water to the height, even when moist. Buckingham obtained the following results, which show a very considerable vertical movement in fine sandy loam soils to a height of nearly four feet. Table XXXIV I II III IV Height of column. Inches Dry porosity Pounds of water per day per sq. ft. Inches of water per year 1. Takoma lawn 46 48 .73 51.6 2. Podunk fine sandy loam .... 46 35 .56 39.4 It must be kept in mind, in examining these figures, that the evaporation conditions in the different experi- ments were not uniform, and therefore, that the results are not strictly comparable. They do, however, show the movement of a very large amount of water in this way through distances of several feet. The amount so moved in these sandy soils per year is several times the total amount required to produce normal crops. (See page 134.) There is also indication that in the short period of a day the amount of water moved is sufficient to meet the needs of a considerable mass of growing plants. It is regrettable that no figures are available for silt and clay soils, and to greater heights and hori- zontal distances, in order that a more complete idea of the availibility of water supplies at a distance of six, THERMAL MOVEMENT OF WATER 189 eight and ten feet, or even more, may be had. This is an important body of information yet to be gained. 90. Thermal movement. — Water moves through the soil in the form of vapor. If a glass vessel or tube filled with moist soil be set on a hot surface, the bottom of the column will be seen to become lighter in color, indicating a loss of moisture. If the whole column is not heated and the moisture is determined in successive sections, beginning at the top, or coldest portion, the moisture content will be found greatest a short distance above the heated layer at the bottom. When the moist soil is heated, steam is formed, which develops a pressure that forces the vapor rapidly through the soil. But, at ordinary temperatures, this vapor movement is the result of simple diffusion, and it obeys the same laws. Buckingham has shown that the diffu- sion of air through 'the pores of the soil is exceedingly slow, and therefore that this phase of soil aeration is of small effect. (See page 439.) He has also shown that the diffusion of water vapor through the fine pores of the soil is very slow. (See table below.) It is well known that water does not necessarily evaporate at the surface of the soil. It may evaporate in the deep pores in the soil if the air at that point is sufficiently dry. Atmosphere in a moist soil is very near saturation. In a mulched soil (see page 199) evapo- ration may take place at the top of the moist layer. The loss of water will therefore depend very largely upon the loss of moisture by diffusion through the mulch. Buckingham obtained the interesting results given in Table XXXV bearing on this point: 190 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table XXXV. — Loss of Water by Evaporation from Below Columns of Different Air-Dried Soils Soil Depth of soil layer Initial porosity Rate of loss of water per year Coarse sand Inches 2 1 2 4 6 1 2 4 6 2 Per cent 45 48 46 41 46 54 51 49 51 46 Inches 4.30 Fine sandy loam 2 52 Fine sandy loam . . . 1 59 Fine sandy loam 0 93 Fine sandy loam 0.67 Silt loam 2 71 Silt loam 1 60 Silt loam 0 95 Silt loam 0.69 Clay 0.60 It appears from these figures that the thermal move- ment of water by simple diffusion is determined: (1) By the size of the individual pores. (2) By the total amount of pore space in the soil. (3) Upon the thickness of the soil layer. When equally dry the fine-textured soil retains moisture as vapor more effectively than does coarse-textured soil. In so far as the structure of the soil modifies either the size of the pores or their total volume, it may modify the loss of water. A coarsely cloddy mulch would therefore be ineffective. Particu- larly striking is the small depth of soil which is effective to prevent the loss of water. Even the one-inch mulch has a wonderfully high efficiency. IV. CONTROL OF SOIL WATER In the control of soil moisture it is desired to accom- plish one of two things: (a) The average water content CONTROL OF SOIL MOISTURE 191 of the soil is increased or, (b) the average water content of the soil is decreased. If the crop is likely to suffer from a deficiency of water, or from conditions associated with a deficiency of water — as food, — we aim to in- crease the moisture supply by conserving the rainfall, or by direct additions of water. On the other hand, in soils saturated with water, or which are too cold, or too poorly aerated because of an excess of water, it is desired to remove this excess either by drainage or appropriate tillage methods. 91. Means of in- creasing the water content of the soil. — The average water content of the soil may be increased in three ways: (1) By decreasing the losses from (a) percolation and (6) evaporation. (2) By increasing the capacity of the soil for water (a) by modifications of texture and structure, and (b) by in- creasing the humus content. (3) By the direct addition of water to the soil, which is irrigation. 92. Decreasing loss. — The water which comes on the soil is subject to two forms of loss, (a) It may percolate through the soil and beyond the reach of plant roots. (b) It may evaporate. 93. Percolation. — The amount of loss in this way is very great. (See page 192.) Water percolates most rapidly in large spaces, and whether these large spaces Fig. 60. One - row toothed cultivator. Adapted to shallow tillage and the mainte- nance of a mulch. 192 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT are the result of coarse texture or of a loose, cloddy structure, the final result is the loss of water. The fol- lowing table shows the average results of the Rothamsted drain gages for thirty-four years, by months from 1871 to 1904, on a rather heavy loam or clay loam soil, and twenty, forty and sixty inches in depth. These gages have an area of one thousandth of an acre each, and are kept free from vegetation. Table XXXVI January February March April May June July August September .... October November December Mean total per year Maximum . Minimum . Rain- fall Drainage through soil 20 40 60 Depth in inches Proportion of rainfall drained through soil 20 40 60 Per cent 2.32 1.97 1.83 1.89 2.11 2.36 2.73 2.67 2.52 3.20 2.86 2.52 28.98 1.82 2.05 1.96 78.5 88.4 1.42 1.57 1.48 72.2 80.0 0.87 1.02 0.95 47.6 55.6 0.50 0.57 0.53 26.5 30.0 0.49 0.55 0.50 23.2 26.1 0.63 0.65 0.62 24.0 27.6 0.69 0.70 0.65 25.3 25.6 0.62 0.62 0.58 23.2 23.2 0.88 0.83 0 76 35.0 32.8 1.85 1.84 1.68 57.8 57.5 2.11 2.18 2.04 76.7 76.3 2.02 2.15 2.04 80.3 85.4 13.90 14.73 13.79 48.2 51.0 84.5 75.2 52.0 28.0 23.6 26.3 23.8 21.7 30.0 52.5 72.4 81.0 48.0 Results for maximum and minimum rainfall 38.70 20.50 23.50 7.32 23.60 7.90 24.30 7.70 60.7 35.7 61.0 38.5 63.0 37.6 LOSS BY PERCOLATION 193 The rainfall and relative loss through gages of differ- ent depths is shown in the following curves, based upon the above figures. 30 28 26 24 22 CO £ 20 o S IS Z -i 16 < < * 12 < o 10 8 C <& ^ «<>-/ ^ -e*/ » *° *<' ^ ^ -^ *** *£> *0 * *J$ *,<£* #•"■ .^e TT Bp2?- ^ 20 ^60 INCH GAUGE INCH GAUGE 1 s**^ *-~ £££ -""^^ ' ^ i>" ' >" JAU. rtO. MAK. APHIL MAT JUNL JULY «UU. OCri. UU I . NUV. UtL. Fig. 61. Curves representing the annual rainfall and percolation through 20, 40 and 60 inches of soil by months. Rothamsted, England. Average of 34 years. It appears from these figures and curves that about 50 per cent of the rainfall is lost by percolation, under the climate of England. It also appears that the loss is slightly less from the sixty-inch than from the twenty- inch gage. Under a climate less humid, this difference is greater. This is illustrated in two ways: (1) In the above table1 it is clear that the proportion of water lost by drainiage is much less in summer than in winter. ^(See page 195.) The saving is somewhat larger in the deep than in the shallow gage, as the proportionate M 194 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT capacity of the soil for water is somewhat greater in this case. (2) It has been estimated that the annual run-off of the streams in the eastern half of the United States amounts to about 50 per cent of the rainfall; but in the basin of the Missouri river the run-off is not over 20 per cent of the rainfall, and in the Great Basin it is practically nil. These figures give some idea of the total amount of water lost by percolation through the soil, and repre- sent a supply which it is the aim of good soil manage- ment to lessen or eliminate, according to the needs of the crop. Loss from percolation may be reduced in two ways, which depend upon the fact that the rapidity of such loss is directly proportional to the size and volume of the pore spaces in the soil. These are (a) by modifi- cations of texture, (b) by modifications of the structure of the soil. The primary method is, or course, that modification of structure which breaks down the granular arrangement and permits a greater compactness. When rain falls on the soil, its fall is not stopped. It continues to fall through the soil at a reduced rate as gravitational • water. And, as the movement of this gravitational water is directly determined by the fineness of the soil spaces, it is possible to very greatly reduce this type of move- ment by compacting the soil structures. The greater compactness of the soil lengthens out the period during which the soil contains hydrostatic water, and, if the roots of growing plants are distributed througli the soil, they are able to make a larger use of this free water than would be possible if the wave of saturation, as a result of rainfall or irrigation, quickly passed beyond LOSS BY EVAPORATION 195 their reach. Therefore, on soils subject to excessive leaching, water may be conserved by use of the roller or other compacting implement, and by such manage- ment as permits the deep subsoil to become more dense. 94. Evaporation. — The second form of soil-moisture loss is by surface evaporation. It has been shown that, in the process of growth, a large volume of water is evaporated directly from the tissues of the plants. In this process it performs useful functions. But a large amount of water is also lost by direct evaporation from the surface of the soil. If the plants which evaporate the soil water are those of the desired crop, the loss is proper and not to be avoided. But it frequently happens that, either before the regular crop is on the land or mixed with it, are large numbers of worthless plants through which this same moisture loss occurs. This is of course a waste of moisture, and is to be avoided by preventing their growth. It may happen in the spring that the late plowing of land bearing a heavy growth of vegetation permits so great a loss in this way that, unless the subsequent season is one of abundant rain- fall, the regular crop may suffer from the lack of moisture which was stored in the soil, and by timely plowing and preparation could have readily been utilized. In this connection, it should be kept in mind that green manure crops may be directly injurious the first season if they are permitted to grow so late before being turned under as to unduly deplete the soil moisture. In the manage- ment of green manure crops, that optimum point when the excess of water due to heavy spring rain and winter snow has been removed, but the capillary supply not 196 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT impaired, should be selected. In semi-arid regions, where dry farming — farming without irrigation where it is usually required — is practiced, it is sometimes advis- able to grow but one crop in two years, because the annual rainfall is not sufficient to produce a profitable crop each season. This practice, of course, implies those conservation practices which safeguard the rainfall as it collects, by appropriate tillage methods. The loss of water by direct evaporation from the soil may be excessive, and result in direct reduction of the crop yield. This type of loss is so familiar that examples hardly need be cited. In the results with the Rotham- sted rain gages, about 50 per cent of the annual rainfall was regained in the drainage water. Since the gages bore no crop, the remaining 50 per cent must have been lost by evaporation. And it will be noted that in the summer months under warm temperature this loss was greatest, amounting to 75 per cent of the rainfall. Correspondingly, in the semi-arid and arid sections of the country, where there is little or no drainage, the rain- fall is all lost by evaporation. Investigations indicate that about 70 per cent of the precipitation on the land surface is derived from evaporation from the land sur- face. Even in the humid sections, where the annual rainfall is ample for maximum crop production, the crops are frequently reduced even below the profit point by prolonged periods of dry weather in the growing season, during which the loss from the plants, coupled with the loss from the soil, exhausts the soil supply. If we refer to page 135, we note that the water absolutely needed for crop production, and including the necessary losses CONDITIONS WHICH PERMIT EVAPORATION 197 from the soil, is only a small proportion of the annual rainfall of most of the cultivated sections. These losses are therefore preventable; and that this is true is exemplified by the large difference in average crop yield on those lands where the best conservation prac- tices are in vogue over those where they are neglected. It should be remembered that over the vastly larger proportion of cultivated land area the crop yields are controlled more directly by the lack of water than by the excess of water. It is a common observation that soils which ordinarily give a low yield in seasons of. normal or low rainfall give good yields in wet season, indicating how large a dominating factor is the moisture supply. For the moisture concerns not only its direct use as a food and carrier for the plant, but by its influence on solution, and other essential conditions of plant growth, its is a chief dominating factor in growth. Soil evaporation occurs almost entirely at the surface. Exception may be made where evaporation occurs into large, deep cracks in heavy clay soil, which is the primary source of subsoil loss in such cases. If this be prevented, as it may be, the loss will be very small. Since evapora- tion is chiefly at the surface, the nearer the available store of moisture is held to the surface, the larger pro- portionate loss will occur. This principle has its appli- cation in the amount and distribution of the rainfall or irrigation. Frequent small rainfalls are much less effective than less frequent rains in larger amounts. For if the rainfall or irrigation produces only shallow percolation before the water assumes capillary forms, it may be quickly returned to the surface, and lost. 198 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Also there is a certain inherent loss in the most careful field practices, which are proportionately greater with small applications of water than with large ones. It has been shown (page 182) that as the capillary films are reduced in thickness the movement becomes in- creasingly difficult and slow. Therefore in a fine-tex- tured or dense soil, where evaporation occurs only at the surface, the top layer may become so dry in warm, clear weather that capillary movement practically ceases. Therefore, loss is also stopped. If now there comes a light rainfall, — sufficient to replenish the super- ficial moisture films, but not enough to produce deep percolation, — the result may be the renewal of capillary movement, which will ultimate in a few days in a greater total loss than would have occurred had there been no rainfall. These results have frequently been observed in practice, and were definitely shown in field moisture studies made by Stewart. In moisture studies of the soil in the open, and under a muslin shade used in grow- ing wrapper tobacco in the Connecticut valley, it was observed that a small rainfall had a much larger effect on the soil-moisture content outside than inside the tent. A rainfall of less than half an inch increased the water in the surface nine inches of the soil outside the tent to a larger extent than could be accounted for by the rain- fall. Careful calculations and observations indicated that the difference represented movement up from the subsoil, due to the renewal of film movement. King has obtained similar results in field studies which he has checked experimentally. This emphasizes the desira- bility of storing water as deeply in the soil as is practi- RETENTION OF WATER. BY MULCHES 199 cable, and of giving a few relatively large applications rather than many small ones, in the artificial addition of water. Surface evaporation may be reduced in two ways: (1) By the application of some protective covering to the moist soil. (2) By such surface treatment as will reduce the tendency to evaporation. 95. Mulches. — The protective covering constitutes a mulch. That is. a mulch is any material applied to the Fig. 62. Two types of soil structure . On the right, compact soil, clue to the use of the roller. On the left, the same soil, loosened at the surface to form a mulch. surface primarily for the purpose of preventing evapo- ration. It may at the same time fulfil other useful functions, as keeping down weeds and maintaining a more uniform soil temperature, but its primary use is to prevent evaporation. Of course, in so far as the growth of weeds is prevented, moisture loss from that source is eliminated, and at the same time plant food is conserved for the regular crop. Mulches are of two sorts: (1) Foreign material 200 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT applied to the surface of the soil. (2) Those composed of the natural soil modified by appropriate tillage. The action of both sorts of material depends on the facts shown on pages 180 and 1S9; namely, that capillary action may be changed or broken by sufficient change in the texture or structural properties of the material, and, second, that the diffusion of water vapor, even after evaporation has taken place, is exceedingly slow through small irregular pore spaces, such as exist in all materials effective as mulch. Any material is effective as a mulch in proportion as it fulfils these conditions; and their practical application, therefore, becomes chiefly a matter of selecting that material which meets these require- ments, and may be readily applied. Many kinds of material are used as a mulch. Straw, chaff, dead weeds, stubble, leaves, sawdust, manure, boards, canvas, stone, coarse sand — all of these are used, and many other waste materials which may be available. They act as a cover to the moist soil, so that water which is held in the surface of the soil, or is brought up by capillarity, must evaporate into this stagnant and therefore soon-saturated atmosphere; under which con- ditions the loss must be much less than where the vapor is freely removed, and dry air brought in contact with the moist soil. All of these materials are very efficient as a mulch, their efficiency depending upon their thick- ness and porosity. Straw and leaves, when fresh and dry, will reduce evaporation below 10 per cent of the normal, when in a layer three or four inches thick. As they decay and become water-soaked from succes- sive rains, their efficiency decreases; but they retain ARTIFICIAL MULCHES 201 an efficiency of at least 50 per cent for a long period, or until they are so decayed that they acquire decided capillary capacity. A practice based upon this effect is that of growing potatoes under straw. The potatoes are laid upon the surface of the ground, and covered deeply with straw, which keeps the surface soil so moist that the potatoes sprout and will grow a reasonable crop to maturity, when the straw has simply to be raked back and the tubers, clean and smooth, are found on or very near the surface. Leaves, including pine needles, Fig. 63. A very stony soil. Boulders and gravel serve as a mulch, promote drainage, and increase the warmth of the soil. 202 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT and sawdust, are very effective as a mulch, but some precautions should be observed in their application. For example, the oak is rich in tannic acid, which may be washed out of the mulch into the soil and cause injury to its producing power, by its effect on the growing plant. In some European countries, as well as in a few places in America, stone has been drawn on the soil, particularly in orchard and vineyard culture, to serve as a mulch, and with markedly beneficial effects. Par- ticularly is this true on those lands too steep to permit cultivation. And, as a corollary to this practice, it has been observed in the fruit-growing section of the Ozark Mountains, and doubtless in other regions, that the removal of stone from the land not only permits the soil to become more hard, but also reduces crop yield by increasing the loss of moisture. It is therefore for the farmer to decide whether the inconvenience to tillage or other operations due to the presence of the stone may not be more than offset by their beneficial effects. A layer of two or three inches of coarse sand or fine gravel is a very effective mulch, and is frequently used in green- house practice. The above-mentioned mulch materials are all strictly artificial, and their application is greatly limited, due to the lack of material and the expense involved. They are therefore used only under special conditions. But the second type of mulch is almost universal in its practical availability. Almost any soil may be converted into an effective mulch by proper treatment. This treatment will differ with the character and condition of the soil and the DUST MULCHES '20'.] climate. Mulches formed from the natural soil are commonly termed "dust mulches," or more expressively "dust blankets." A dust mulch is simply an air-dry layer of the natural soil covering the moist soil below. It may be in a compact condition, but ordinarily it is loose and friable. Its creation is dependent on the prin- ciples explained on pages 172 and 189 concerning capil- lary movement and diffusion of water-vapor. Under arid conditions where the atmosphere is dry and hot, and in free circulation, the surface soil is quickly dried out after an application of water. This drying takes place so rapidly that the capillary films quickly become so thin that movement is stopped, and no more water is brought to the surface. The soil may be ever so hard and compact, but so long as it is kept dry it very effec- tively preserves the moisture below. The more rapid the loss, the more quickly will the mulch condition be created, and therefore the less the total loss of water is likely to be. This has been demonstrated by Bucking- ham in some experiments in which arid climate conditions were created at the surface of a capillary column forty-six inches in height. The soil was a fine sandy loam, the equilibrium distribution of water in which is shown in the curve on page 148. At first, the loss under the arid conditions was very rapid and exceeded the humid conditions, but the rate of loss soon dropped considerably below the humid column, and continued to fall behind during the twenty days of the experiment. This experiment was conducted under the most difficult conditions for creating a mulch, since the soil used was of intermediate fineness and had a large effective capil- 204 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT lary capacity, and, further, it had a full supply of water at the bottom of the column, — conditions seldom found in practice, and certainly not common under arid- climate conditions. The curves of water loss, showing the mulching effect of rapid drying, appear below: 300 < 200 100 0 ■=^° v^ co^2 coNon-:°1s— — ^"*^r 20 25 6 10 15 TIME IN DAYS Fig. 64. Curves showing the relative evaporation of water from two col- nm-is of the same soil. One was kept in a dry atmosphere at the immediate sur.'ace. The other was maintained under normal humid climate conditions of moisture and temperature. For the reasons presented, the moisture supply in arid regions appears to be naturally more effectively conserved than in humid regions, — certainly a wise provision. This fact is to be connected with the further one that capillary movement into the deep subsoil is very slow. The mulching effect described above gives further emphasis to the unwisdom of frequent small applications of water to the soil. In humid regions the natural mulching effect is much less marked than in arid regions. If the farmer would produce a soil mulch, he must do it by creating as far as possible the arid conditions. That is, he must bring about such a rapid drying of the surface soil as to convert it into a mulch which will retain the moisture MANAGEMENT OF MULCHES 205 below. Since in humid regions drying is usually slow and capillary movement strong, the process is hastened by loosening the top soil by frequently stirring, in order (1) to hasten the drying of that surface portion to the point where capillarity is stopped, and (2) to reduce its capillary conductivity, — both of which hasten the forma- tion of the mulch. It is for these reasons that a mulch is generally a loose layer of soil. The management of the mulch is evident from the principles involved. It must be kept dry in order to break up capillarity. In humid regions, where frequent rains occur, the mulch may be destroyed. After such a rain, when the soil has reached the proper dryness, it should be again stirred, to renew the mulch. On heavy clay soil in fine tilth, a mulch may be destroyed by very moist foggy weather, or by a number of days of very humid atmosphere, which, by condensation of moisture on the clay, hastens the reestablishment of capillarity with the subsoil, by which moisture may be pumped up and lost. This is to be overcome by occasional stir- ring, as conditions may require. Another important effect of the mulch on clay is to keep the shrinkage cracks filled up, and thereby prevent the deep drying- out of such soil. When perfectly dry, a coarse sand and a pulverized clay are of almost the same practical efficiency. (See page 190.) It is only when the structure becomes that of coarse clods or stone that the efficiency is greatly reduced. A cloddy surface soil is worse than a smooth surface with no mulch, for the clods are free to evaporate water, and offer small protection to the subsoil. On 20G THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the other hand, the pulverized clay has so great hygro- scopic and capillary power that its efficiency as a mulch may be readily destroyed by natural climate and soil conditions of common occurrence. It is therefore more Fig. 65. An example of clean, thorough tillage, and the maintenance of an effective "dust mulch." difficult to maintain a dust mulch of clay than of sand. The strong natural mulching tendency of sand may be seen on sand-dunes, where, although the surface is dry and hot, moisture may be exposed by the toe of one's boot at any season. A perfectly dry dust mulch need not be very deep, to DEPTH OF MULCHES 207 be effective. One inch of sand will permit loss by diffu- sion of less than three inches of water per year, under the most favorable conditions. In practice, however, it is found that two or three inches are usually most effective because of capillary action. And Fortier has concluded from experiments on irrigated soil in California that a ten-inch mulch conserves more moisture than one of less depth. But the efficiency of the ten-inch mulch as com- pared with the four-inch is very much less in proportion to depth, and the latter conserves 75 per cent of the water lost where no mulch was used. Sand mulches may be thinner than clay mulches. King found in Wisconsin that, for corn, cultivation with a small toothed culti- vator to a depth of three inches saved more moisture in fifteen cases out of twenty than did more shallow tillage, but that increase in depth resulted in no corre- sponding increase in efficiency. The sweep or blade type of cultivator (Fig. 137) may be used more shallow than an implement producing ridges. The mulch should be no deeper than is necessary to prevent loss of water, since this top layer is usually most rich in available plant-food, particularly nitrates, and the roots are excluded from it by tillage. Unnecessary depth reduces the root range. Some results from an experiment conducted at Cornell University serve to illustrate the relation of mulches and weeds to soil moisture and crop production in a humid region in a season of good rainfall. The crop grown was maize. Every third plot was a check, and was given normal treatment. The figures show the in- crease or decrease in yield as compared with the nearest check plots. Moisture determinations were made on 208 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT portions of the plots bearing no crop, but otherwise receiving the same treatment as the remainder of the plot. The table thus shows the moisture conserved or lost by treatment, entirely aside from that transpired by the crop. Table XXXVII Increased (+) or decreased ( — ) yield Check plot Weeds removed, but not cultivated Mulched with straw ( 'heck plot No cultivation; weeds al- lowed to grow One cultivation; weeds al- lowed to grow Check plot Pounds -157 + 873 -2,888 —109 Yields calcu- lated to basis of 100 on check plots Soil moisture during August 100 Per cent 21.1 96 121 100 18.2 25.0 18.2 31 9.8 98 100 17.0 17.7 Compari- son soil moisture basis of 100 on check plots 100 90 130 100 54 95 100 The application of the dust mulch is not confined to inter-tilled crops like maize, potatoes, vineyards, fallow, etc. Under some conditions, it may be applied to grain fields with good results. In those sections of the country where "dry farming" is practiced, it is not uncommon to drag the grain field with a sharp-toothed harrow, the teeth pointing very slightly backward. This is begun when the plants are small, and may be kept up until they attain a considerable size or until they sufficiently shade the ground to greatly reduce surface evaporation. The surface soil between the plants is broken up and converted into a mulch. Similar to this MULCHING PLOW LAND 209 is the use of the harrow in the early stage of growth of cultivated crops, by which the weeds are kept down and a mulch created. If the practice is begun when the plants are very young — even before they appear above the ground — so that the formation of roots very near the surface is prevented, it may be kept up to very a advanced stage of growth without serious injury. ISO 120 110 100 00 80 70 CO 50 40 SO k \ // 1/ \\ \ ^^s^ -^ ft \ / \\ \ \ \ \ / / 1 \ 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 .YIELD OF CROP .MOISTURE IN SOIL < 5 cr H =>"• 2 J1 o > Fig. 66. Curves representing relative yield of dry matter and moisture content of soil on field plots given different cultural treatments. (See Table XXXVII.) But dragging only after the plants are good-sized may cause serious loss. 96. Mulching plow land. — It frequently happens, especially on heavy soil, that it is impracticable to complete plowing before the soil, if left in its natural condition, becomes too dry for the best results. In such cases it is frequently practicable to quickly form some- thing of a mulch by use of the disk or toothed harrow. Further, this treatment creates numerous lines of weak- ness which, although drying may progress further N 210 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT than is desired, will cause the soil to break up into a much better condition than if the surface had not been treated. The width of the disk or harrow makes it possible to cover a large area in a short time, and thereby considerably lengthen the period during which plowing can be satisfactorily done, as well as conserving moisture for the succeeding crops. To summarize briefly the cardinal points in mulch control: (1) They are more effective and more easily maintained in an arid than in a humid climate. (2) Their efficiency depends directly on their dryness and fineness. (3) Sandy soil is more easily maintained as mulch than clay soil. (4) From two to three inches is ordi- narily the most effective depth. (5) After heavy rain, the soil mulch must be renewed by tillage, and this is much more urgent on clay than on sand soil. Even without rain, a clay mulch may become inefficient. (6) Tillage for mulch purposes must ordinarily be more frequent in the spring, or humid season, than at other times of the year. (7) The use of foreign materials as mulch may be justified under special circumstances. 97. Fall and spring plowing. — Fall and early spring plowing owe much of their efficiency to the conservation of moisture effected through the creation of a mulch over the surface. Fall plowing may be practiced for a number of reasons, but in regions of deficient rainfall, particularly in the winter, the conservation of the mois- ture in the soil at the close of the growing season is an important consideration. This practice is well adapted to those soils in the semi-arid section that do not blow too badly when fall-plowed, and where the winter rain FALL AND SPRING PLOWING 211 is not sufficient to saturate the soil. If the soil is left in the bare, hard condition resulting from the removal of a crop of maize, wheat or barley, a large amount of water may be lost by evaporation during the fall months. For the average farmer in humid regions where the winter rainfall is sufficient to saturate the soil, early spring plowing, coupled with tillage, is much more important. Not only may moisture be conserved, but the soil is worked at the stage when it yields most readily to pulverization. Fallow land, and bare stubble land of fine-textured soil, are most benefited, since they become compact to the very surface as a result of the winter rain and snow, and are therefore in condition for the most rapid loss of water. They should be plowed as early as practicable without injury to their structure. At the Wisconsin station, two adjacent pieces of land very uniform in character were plowed seven days apart. At the time the second plot was plowed, it was found to have lost 1.75 inches of water from the surface four feet in the previous seven days; while the earlier plowed piece had actually gained, doubtless by increased capil- larity, a slight amount of water over that it contained when plowed. There was a gain of nearly two inches of water in the root zone as a result of plowing one week earlier, enough to produce 1,500 pounds of dry matter in maize per acre, if properly conserved. In arid and semi-arid regions, and in other sections where heavy soil is plowed in the late summer, and especially where a large crop of green manure or a large application of coarse strawy manure is plowed under at any season, it is essential that the lower part of the 212 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT furrow slice be brought into close contact with the subsoil as soon as possible, in order, (1) that the' best possible capillary contact with the subsoil may be estab- lished; (2) that there may be sufficient moisture to promote the rapid decay of the organic matter; (3) to increase the moisture capacity and cut down loss by percolation and evaporation. This may be accomplished Fig. 67. The Campbell subsurface packer by rolling the plowed land, but in particularly dry regions the practice of sub-surface packing is advan- tageous. The aim of sub-surface packing is to pack the soil and still leave a loose mulch on the surface. The sub- surface packing may very well be applied to land sub- soiled in the spring. Land subsoiled in the fall will not, as a rule, require this treatment, — certainly not in the humid sections of the country. To accomplish sub- surface packing, a special group of implements have been devised, one of which consists of small wheels SUB-SURFACE PACKING 213 placed five inches apart on an axle. The rim is much thickened and is triangular in shape, with the thin edge outward, so that the effect is to give a decided downward and sidewise pressure, while enough fine earth is left at the immediate surface to serve as a mulch. 98. Other surface treatments. — Other surface treat- ments aim to decrease the tendency to evaporation. When evaporation takes place into a quiet atmosphere, the layer next to the soil soon becomes so nearly satu- rated with moisture that the rate of evaporation is greatly reduced. But if the atmosphere is in free circu- lation,— that is if there is wind, — the saturated air is removed, and more dry air is brought over the soil into which evaporation is continuous. The drying effect of wind is very generally recognized. Warm winds in spring and early summer are recognized as particularly drying, and in the semi-arid section just east of the Rocky mountains so-called hot winds sometimes do great damage to growing crops by the rapid evaporation they produce. Obviously anything which reduces the free circulation of the air — "breaks the wind" — will reduce evaporation. In practice, this takes the form of wind- breaks of various types. Strips of timber are commonly grown or retained for this purpose. Wooden fences and walls of one sort or another have a similar effect. Wind-breaks composed of growing plants have the disadvantage that for a considerable distance beyond the spread of their branches their roots penetrate the soil and use the moisture, which is one reason for the smaller growth of crops near trees. But artificial shelters do not have this advantage. Bearing on the efficiency of 214 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT wind-breaks, results by King show that when the rate of evaporation at 20, 40 and 60 feet to the leeward of a black oak grove 15 to 20 feet high was 11.5 cc, 11.6 cc, and 11.9 cc, respectively from a wet surface of 27 square inches the evaporation was 14.5, 14.2 and 14.7 cc, at 280, 300 and 320 feet distant, — or 24 per cent greater at the outer stations than at the inner ones. A scanty hedge-row reduced evaporation 30 per cent at 20 feet, and 7 per cent at 150 feet, below the evapora- tion at 300 feet from the hedge. On sandy soil, wind-breaks prevent the blowing of the dry surface soil, which would expose a fresh surface of wet soil from which evaporation would be increased. The glass house reduces evaporation by preventing winds. Some crops are grown only in the shade of other crops, where they are not only protected from the sun but from evaporation by the stagnating effect of the surrounding vegetation on the atmosphere. Grass pro- tects the surface of the soil from evaporation, acting like a mulch. The largest application of this principle is in the tents used in growing wrapper tobacco in Florida and the Connecticut valley, and, to a less extent, for other special crops in various parts of the country. The most common form of the tent is a frame eight or nine feet high, over which is spread a loosely woven cloth — cheese-cloth. Investigations by Stewart in Connecticut showed: (1) That the tent greatly reduced the velocity of the wind. This reduction amounted to 93 per cent when the outside velocity was seven miles per hour, and 85 per cent when the outside velocity was twenty miles per hour, there being a small regular decrease in WINDBREAKS AND TENTS TO SAVE WATER 215 relative efficiency with increased velocity of the wind. (2) The relative humidity under the tent was higher than outside, and during a good part of the time attained a difference of 10 per cent. The effect of this was to reduce evaporation, by from 53 to 63 per cent on different days in July, in spite of a higher tempera- ture inside the tent. (3) The direct effect of these was to increase the moisture content in the soil in spite of a larger crop growth under the tent. These differences are shown by the following curves, which represent the per cent of water in the soil to a depth of nine inches from June 13 to August 1. 20 IB 10 ^^] v^--^^ ,-- Vv,-" \ INSIDE j^-J \ A JUNE 13th 65.U0 .10-1.54-.17 DATE .22-.03 .17 .44 INCHES RAIN AUGUST 1ST .24 .2-.16-.10 Fig. 68. Curves representing the per cent of moisture in a sandy soil to a d^pth of nine inches inside and outside of a loosely woven cloth tent, July 13 to August 1, Western Connecticut. Not only was the effect of the tent to prevent evapo- ration and thereby increase the average moisture con- tent of the soil, but the soil was able to maintain a more uniform content, due to the more free movement and adjustment of the capillary water under the tent — con- ditions most conducive to rapid crop growth. (See page 172.) 216 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT The velocity of the wind next to the ground may be checked by ridging the soil. It is doubtful if this prac- tice conserves moisture, because more surface is exposed over which evaporation may take place. On the other hand, wide experience, as well as investigation, indicates that for the conservation of water level culture is better than ridged culture. This principle has led to the gradual abandonment of the practice of "laying by" corn and potatoes with a high ridge. In all regions of deficient rainfall, the best practice prescribes level tillage and a fine, dry mulch, both of which are attained by the frequent use of shallow-running small-toothed culti- vators. Many experiments have demonstrated the larger crop yields to be obtained from this practice, on the average. The removal of weeds has been mentioned as a means of conserving moisture. The plants serve to expand evaporating surface in the same way as ridged culture. (See page 195.) 99. Increasing the water capacity. — Increasing the water capacity of the soil may be effective in conserving soil moisture by holding more of the water which falls. The first aim should be to get the rainfall or irrigation water into the soil. It is well known that after a long dry period when the soil — particularly a fine-textured soil — has become dry and hard, the first rainfall may be largely lost by running away over the surface. Sudden showers are almost entirely lost in this way, because not only is the water repelled, but the small amount which is absorbed is held so near the surface that it is quickly lost. Gentle rains are usually much more effective INCREASING WATER CAPACITY 217 than sudden showers in soaking up the soil. On the other hand, if the soil is loose and porous, all the water which is applied sinks into the soil and may percolate deeply. It is this condition which should be maintained. Correlated with the loose surface soil is the rough surface maintained in level sections of strong winds, where a considerable part of the precipitation falls as snow. A rough surface holds the snow against blowing, and upon melting in the spring it enters the soil. The moisture taken up by the soil should be retained and conserved by appropriate cultivation. It will be apparent from the principles which have been outlined that all soils may not be managed in the same way, to increase their moisture capacity. In some the end is accomplished by loosening the structure, and in others by compacting the structure. Cultivation, the roller, the subsoil plow, or fall plowing, are to be adopted in so far as they accomplish the desired result on the particular soil in hand. The opposite effect of the same treatment on different soils is shown by the following figures. Table XXXVIII Soil Condition Amount of water taken up Per cent of water taken up Clay loam -J Silt loam < Medium sand •] Compact . . Loose Compact . . Loose Compact . . 178 85 182 99 158 147 43.6 23.8 44.1 15.3 26.8 23.2 218 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT The proportionate increase in the water capacity of the sand and decrease of the clay loam is here well shown, and doubtless, if the column had been longer, the compact sand would have had a greater absolute capacity than when loose. Deep plowing is greatly to be re- commended as a practice to increase the moisture capa- city of the soil, Fio. 69. subsoiier that loosens the subsoil by particularly where raising and breaking it. organic matter is well supplied. It creates a deep soil, and should estab- lish the best conditions for the storage of moisture, as well as food for the plant. If organic matter is not supplied, deep plowing is not advisable on light sandy soil; but on clay soil it is beneficial because of the loosening or granulating effect. The practice of subsoiling aims to locjsen up the struc- ture of the deep subsoil without turning the material to the surface. It increases the ease of root penetration, the rate and depth of percolation, and on clay soil it increases the water capacity. Subsoiling is unnecessary and may even be injurious on sandy soil, and on clay soils must be used with discretion. It is difficult to secure the proper moisture condition of clay subsoils for plowing in the spring in time for spring planting. The soil may be in good working condition, or even dry, while the subsoil is wet enough to puddle. On the other SUBSOILING FOR MOISTURE CONTROL 219 hand, if the subsoil gets dry enough to break up, it may remain so loose and lumpy during the remainder of the season that capillarity is largely destroyed, and crops suffer from shallow rooting and lack of moisture. Decrease in crop yields as a result of subsoiling in spring are frequently reported. On the other hand, subsoiling in the fall, although usually more difficult to accomplish, is more likely to result in benefit. The cloddy condition which may be developed is largely broken down in re- gions of heavy winter rain by the saturated condition. Still the structure does not become nearly so compact as before the treatment, and good results. King presents figures which show that, as a result of the application of 1.34 inches of water, the soil which had been subsoiled to a depth of twenty-one inches retained, after a period of four days, 65.6 per cent more water in the surface four feet than the adjacent land not subsoiled. Not only is sub- soiling effective to increase the abso- lute water capa- city, but it may strengthen the capillary or film movement to such an extent that an important amount of water is drawn up from the deeper subsoil or from adjacent zones not so treated. A "hardpan" layer below the plow depth may seriously interfere with the upward movement of water and the Subsoiler that loosens the subsoil by breaking through. 220 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT penetration of roots. This condition may be largely corrected by subsoiling. Coupled with deep plowing and subsoiling, subsur- face packing is often very beneficial. Particularly is this true in early fall and late spring plowing, where the soil is likely to be cloddy and to make poor capillary contact with the subsoil. Spring crops may be greatly injured by this condition. The subsurface packer crushes the clods, presses the furrow slice down more firmly on the subsoil without compacting the surface soil. Fig. 71. "Clod crasher" and sub-surface packer. It leaves a light mulch on the top to hold moisture. Not only is it useful in improving the soil structure under the conditions just mentioned, but it promotes the decay of organic manures and assists plant roots in penetrating into the subsoil below, where they may have a larger moisture and food supply. Increase in the humus content stands next to modifi- cation in texture and structure as a means of increasing; the water capacity of the soil in accordance with the prin- ciples explained on pages 144 and 153. It accomplishes IRRIGATION 221 this not only through its own large water capacity, but by its favorable influence on the structure of the soil. It should be worked deeply into the soil, in order that its many beneficial effects may be brought to bear on as large a volume as possible. It is especially favored as the adjunct of deep plowing and the use of lime for improving soil condition, particularly clay soil. The means for increasing the organic content of the soil have been discussed. (See page 131.) They include the application of animal manures and other refuse, and the growth of crops for green manure, together with that crop rotation which promotes the accumulation of crop remains, and that type of farming which removes the smallest proportion of the crop from the farm and returns the largest proportion to the soil. 100. Irrigation. — Irrigation is the third method by which the soil moisture may be increased. It is the prac- tice of directly adding water to the soil, to supplement the natural rainfall. It is chiefly identified with the arid and semi-arid sections of the country, where the annual rainfall is small. It is customary to consider a region as having a semi-arid climate when the rainfall is between ten and twenty inches, and arid when it is less than ten inches. These limits are arbitrary and necessarily elastic, because the actual aridity of a region depends on other factors than the total annual rainfall. It depends on the distribution of the rainfall, the climate, particularly temperature, and the character of the soil. While irrigation has been chiefly identified with arid and semi-arid sections (see map, page 137), it is not limited to those regions, and is applicable under any 222 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT condition where the natural rainfall is deficient at any period of the growing season. Consequently, irrigation is practised even under the very humid climate of Florida, with sixty inches of rainfall, around New York City and Boston, with forty inches of rainfall, and at many other places in the United States and Europe, where a so-called humid climate prevails. In these latter places it is identified with special crops of high value which will justify the expense involved. In France, Ger- many and other European countries, there are extensive areas of grass land which are artificially watered, often with sewage, which adds the element of food supply as well as water. Of course, all greenhouse management in- volves the practice of irrigation. Many engineering problems are involved in the prac- tice of irrigation, and have to do with the collection, storage and application of water to the land. But the principles which govern the application — the method, time and amounts of water — suitable for each crop and soil are purely agricultural considerations, to be han- dled in each case as the local conditions may indicate. The amount of water necessary to be added to pro- duce a full crop constitutes the "duty," or efficiency, of water. It is the least amount of water which will produce a given yield under a given set of conditions. The "duty of water" depends upon a great many factors; in fact, is limited by as many things as affect the moisture supply of soils in humid regions. The dis- cussion of irrigation which follows presupposes an ade- quate supply of water, a condition often not fulfilled. For example, the area of the Western States containing CONDITIONS REQUIRING IRRIGATION 223 public lands is 973 million acres, of which Newell esti- mates that about 70,000,000 is of a desert character. At the present time, irrigation is practiced on less than 1 per cent of this area, and the total water supply is estimated to be sufficient for less than 10 per cent of the total area. Fig. 72. Map of the western portion of the United States, showing in black the irrigated land, and in dots the area which may be irrigated if all the avail- able water supply is utilized . 224 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT 101. Factors affecting the duty of water. — Eleven factors, as follows, affect the duty of water in irriga- tion: (1) The peculiarities of the crop (see page 134). Some crops require much more water than others for their growth and maturity. Even certain varieties may require much more water than others of the same species. (2) The physical character of the soil. If the applica- tion of water is such that leaching may take place, more water will be lost through sand than through clay. The character of the soil also determines the effective- ness of the mulch, which may be maintained. (3) The character of the subsoil. (4) The frequency of irrigation. (5) Amount and distribution of the rainfall. These last two factors are closely related in their effect on the duty of irrigation water. Their frequency determines the proportion of the water which will be lost by surface evaporation. (See page 198.) (6) The amount and time of applying water. Water applied in the evening will be more efficient than when applied in the morning, because during the cool night it will have opportunity to diffuse deeply into the soil, where the hot sun of the following day will have less effect upon it than if the water were applied in the morning. (7) The climate. Other things being equal, more water will be required in a warm, windy climate than in one of a cool, quiet atmosphere. This factor, of course, largely determines the rate of evaporation. AMOUNT OF WATER USED IN IRRIGATION 225 (8) Method of applying water. The furrow system is usually more economical of water than the flooding system, because less opportunity is given for evapora- tion. (9) The fertility of the land, as distinguished from its physical properties, determines the duty of water through its influence on the size of crop which may be produced. A large crop is more economical of water than a small one, but a large crop will require, a larger total amount of water. (10) The closeness of planting affects the loss of water in much the same way as a large or a small crop: (a) By determining the total amount of water which must be used directly by the plants; and (b) by shading the ground and cutting down temperature and wind movement more or less, it decreases the loss of water directly from the soil. (11) The tillage practice affects the efficiency of water under irrigation as it does the efficiency of rainfall in humid regions. If lax conservation methods are used, much more water will be needed than where the best tillage processes are applied. For these reasons, it is not possible to specify any definite amount of water which should be used in the practice of irrigation. It varies widely for different sec- tions of the world and, since it is very common to meas- ure the total amount of water supplied at the head of the intake canal, it is largely determined by seepage from the canals and ditches. (See page 134.) The amounts of water which are applied in different irrigation sec- tions are given by different authorities as follows: 226 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table XXXIX Northern India Italy Idaho Utah San Joaquin Valley, California Santa Clara Valley, California Acres irrigated per second-foot of water used Equivalent to inches per ten days 60-150 3.96-1.580 65- 70 3.66-3.-400 60- 80 3.97-2.980 60-120 3.97-1.980 100-150 2.38-1.580 150-300 1.58- .798 In Sefi, on the lower Nile canals in Egypt, one second- foot is said to be sufficient for 350 acres, as managed. In the humid regions much less water need be added by irrigation, and is necessary only to supplement the rainfall in the drought periods — to fill in the gaps. Ordi- narily only a few inches per season are needed, usually toward the latter part. Dr. Yoorhees has compiled the following figures, which show the percentage of years in which there was a deficiency of one inch or more per month in the rainfall, as compared with the average. Table XL New York, 1836-1895 . . Philadelphia, 1868-1895 One month Per cent 75 88 Two months Per cent 42 56 Three months Per cent 21 30 In this region, the deficiency is most likely to occur in the summer season. The records show that during one-fourth of the term there is a deficiency of rainfall covering three months. Considering the monthly rain- UNITS OF WATER MEASUREMENT 227 fall to be from two to three inches, a deficiency of one inch amounts to from one-half to one-third of the total, which must be a serious hindrance to crop growth, without the most careful soil management. On light, sandy soils, and with careless tillage in general, the above figures indicate that there may fre- quently be occasion for irrigation. The annual rainfall Fig. 73. Flume for measuring miner's inches. is ample for full crop production, if it could all be utilized. Many units are used in the measurement of water for irrigation. The two most common methods of stating the quantity of water used are: (1) In depth of water over the area, as acre-inches or acre-feet. (2) A given- sized stream flowing through the growing season. The two most common units under the latter system are the second-foot and the miner's inch. It is frequently esti- mated that a flow of a second-foot of water — one cubic 228 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT foot per second — through a growing season of ninety days, is sufficient to irrigate one hundred acres. This is sufficient to cover the area 21.3 inches deep, and is equivalent to a little over seven inches per month. (See pages 135 and 137.) The miner's inch varies in value in different sections. It is most commonly defined as the amount of water which will flow from an opening one inch square under a pressure-head of six inches above the top of the orifice, during a year, and is considered sufficient to irrigate from 5 to 10 acres. It is equivalent to about 1.5 cubic feet per minute, or 21.6 inches over 10 acres in a season, which, it will be observed, is practically the same appli- cation as one second-foot, as stated above. 102. Methods of applying water. — In his book on Irrigation and Drainage, King makes the following- cogent statement with reference to the application of water in irrigation practice. "When water has been provided for irrigation, and brought to the field, where it is to be applied, the steps which still remain to be taken are far the most important in the whole enter- prise,— not excepting those of engineering, however great, — which may have been necessary in providing a water-supply that shall be constant, ample and moder- ate in cost; for failure in the application of water to the crop means utter ruin for all that has gone before." "To handle water on a given field so that it shall be applied at the right time, in the right amount, without injuring the crop, requires an intimate acquaintance with the conditions, good judgment, close observation, skillful manipulation, and patience after the field has METHODS OF APPLYING WATER 229 been put into excellent shape; and just here is where a thorough understanding of the principles governing the wetting, puddling and washing of soils, and possible injury to the crop as a result of irrigation, becomes a matter of the greatest moment." (See page 103 et seq.) Mead reports that there are over thirty methods of distributing water in use in the United States. Each of these has its special adaptations as to soil, crop, water supply, climate and land contour. All of these methods may be grouped under four general heads, the further differences being in detail of application and not in essential principles. These are: (1) Flooding. (2) Furrow distribution. (3) Overhead sprays. (4) Sub-irrigation. 103. Flooding. — Flooding is practiced in several ways, and is applied to a much larger area than any other system. There are two fundamentally different types of flooding: (1) One covers the surface of the soil with a thin sheet of flowing water, maintained until the desired degree of saturation has been reached. (2) The other covers the surface with a sheet of standing water, which is allowed to remain until the soil is sufficiently saturated, when any balance is drawn off, or may be dissipated by percolation through the soil, as is fre- quently though unwisely done. The former system corresponds closely with what is termed wild flooding, where the water is distributed by a minute dendric s}^stem of ditches, and the remnant gathered by a reversed dendric system of ditches, or by a head ditch at the foot of the slope. The essential point is to keep a thin sheet of water moving over the 230 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT land until the soil is saturated. The second system agrees with check flooding, in which the water is turned on a nearly level area to a considerable depth. The check, or block, may be a small area — a few square rods on a decided shape, or a large area is possible on very level land. These may be so arranged that the water flows successively from one to the other, perhaps at successively lower levels. The relative advantages of the two types depend on the character and slope of the soil. On gently sloping land of moderately porous character, and not easily washed or puddled, so that the water may be controlled, wild flooding is the most convenient method. Grain fields especially lend themselves to the method. On the other hand, on very level or very steep land the block type must be used. The water is more definitely under control, washing is largely prevented by levees, and puddling is reduced by the almost entire elimination of current. The flooding system is best adapted to certain classes of crops, as follows: (1) Grain fields. (2) Meadows and hay fields. (3) The soaking of land preliminary to plant- ing other crops, sometimes termed winter irrigation, where the water-supply is available only in the winter season, and is stored in the soil until crop-growing time. The above crops are adapted to occasional or intermit- tent flooding; but some crops succeed best under a con- tinual flood of water, as in: (4) Rice culture and (5) Cranberry culture. A phase of the flooding system is the basin system sometimes used in orchard irrigation. The advantages of the system are: (1) Ease in hand- ling water. (2) Economy in irrigation works. (3) IRRIGATION BY FLOODING AND FURROWS 231 Avoids necessity of tearing up the crop to form large irrigation furrows. The objections to its use are: (1) The large amount of water required. (2) The danger of over-irrigation, with the possible consequent injury from seepage, and the appearance of alkali salts. (3) The impossi- bility of conserving water by appropriate cultivation. (4) On heavy soils possible injury from the crusting and checking of the surface soil as a result of the lack of tillage. (5) Direct injury from flooding some crops, as the potato. 104. Furrows. — Furrow distribution, by which, as the name implies, the water is not applied to the whole surface but is distributed in furrows. The length, size and arrangement of these depends directly on the soil, chiefly its texture. This includes the subsoil as well as the soil. In soils which are porous or easity eroded, the furrows must be shorter than where the opposite 9onditio"ns prevail, in order that the water may reach the further end of the field before over-wetting the por- tion near the head ditch. That is, in loose, porous soil, head or feeder ditches must be nearer together than on dense, impervious soil. The furrow system is adapted to all intertilled crops. Next to the flooding system, it is used on the largest area, and is adapted to all intensively cultivated crops. Its advantages are that: (1) It conserves water. (2) It is especially adapted to inter-tilled crops. (3) It- permits the conservation of water by appropriate cul- tural practices. (4) It avoids injury to crops sensitive to an excess of water. Water should not come in contact 232 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT OPENING 6X8" with the trunk of trees, or, in general, with the stem of any plant not well shaded. A bright, warm sun in con- junction with the excess of water is usually injurious. (5) It is the more convenient method to apply to the class of crops to which it is adapted. (6) It more readily permits the avoidance of the injuries due to seepage by avoiding the losses to which that is due. (7) It assists in the con- trol of alkali soils by permit- ting tillage. The supply of soil mois- ture by capillarity is most satisfactory to the majority of cultivated crops, and by promoting this the furrow system generally gives better results than flooding. The flooding system has some disadvantages: (1) It is not so economical of water as is to be desired. (2) Much attention must be given to forming the furrows, to the construction of head or supply ditches, to the collection of the overflow water at the end of the furrows, and in the general supervision of the flow of the water over the land to repair broken levees, etc. (3) The water is not applied uniformly. The head of the furrow invari- ably becomes more wet than the lower end. (4) Erosion and puddling occur very readily in cultivated furrows. 105. Overhead sprays. — Overhead spray is used only on very limited areas, and almost entirely in humid Fig. 74. Canvas dam with opening to divide the water in an irrigating furrow. IRRIGATION BY SPRAYS 233 sections. It has been applied in the growth of Sumatra wrapper tobacco in Florida, and of truck crops near New York, Boston and other large cities. It is therefore used as a very limited supplement to the regular rainfall. It is accomplished by the use of a very thorough piping system with spray nozzles at sufficiently frequent inter- vals to cover the area. These are connected with a rela- tively large pressure-head of water — at least five pounds is necessary. The advantages of the system: (1) Economy in the direct application of water to shallow rooted crops. (2) Convenience in applying water at the desired point. (3) Absence of injury from erosion or puddling the soil. (4) No land wasted in irrigation ditches. (5) Natural climatic conditions developed by such irrigation. The disadvantages of the system are great: (1) The large initial cost of the plant. (2) The high operating expenses ordinarily necessitated to develop the pressure necessary to distribute water from the nozzles, and to maintain the system. (3) The limited capacity of the system. (4) The large evaporation from the spray in the atmosphere, and from the soil and surface of the plants. The spray system is practicable only with special crops under peculiar conditions. 106. Sub-irrigation. — Sub-irrigation often occurs naturally. It is the application of water beneath the surface of the soil. The structure of the land is such that on many low benches and in river bottoms the percolation of water through the soil and fissures of the rock brings it near the surface at these lower levels, 234 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT where it maintains a fairly constant supply of water to those crops which may be growing on the surface. The ground water is so near the surface in some stream bottoms, lake shores, etc., that this condition prevails. Soils ordinarily poor in their moisture relations become highly satisfactory in such cases. Sandy land is almost ideal in its crop relations, so far as moisture goes, under such conditions. In a limited way it has been attempted to irrigate the soil from beneath the surface by forming under- ground channels of porous pipe, properly graded, into which irrigation water may be turned, which should diffuse through the soil by percolation and capillarity. In some situations, as lawns, truck and fruit gardens, it may be possible to install a drainage system of tile, which may also serve as a means of irrigation. The system has a number of advantages, which in ordinary practice are more than offset by its disad- vantages. Its advantages may be summarized as fol- lows: (1) It is very economical of water. (2) In alkali soil it greatly reduces the surface accumulation of alkali. (3) It insures deep rooting of the crop. (4) It avoids waste land. (5) It avoids injury to the physical condition of the soil. (6) Involves very little super- vision in the application of water. (7) Possibility of the use of the system for drainage purposes. Its disadvantages are: (1) The strong tendency of roots to enter and clog the pipes. (2) The slow diffusion of water by capillarity in dry soil. (3) The expense involved in the installation of a system of pipes ade- quate to irrigate most soils. SUB-IRRIGATION 235 Plant roots seek the most moist soil which is short of saturation, and therefore they are drawn toward and tend to concentrate around and in the lines of tile, just as roots are found to do where drain tiles carry living water through dry soil. This is the greatest disadvantage of the system. Especially is this true in orchard work. It is more adapted to shallow-rooted annual crops, and to soils of strong rapid capillary power, such as fine sand and coarse silt loam or loam soil. The amount of water to be added at one time must be determined chiefly by the texture and structure of the soil, — or more specifically its water capacity, — and the supply of water available. Under arid conditions, it is generally advisable to apply as much water as can be held within the root zone by capillarity without loss from percolation. Frequent small applications should be avoided, because of the large proportionate loss from surface evaporation. (See page 197.) Also, there is a stronger tendency to the accumulation of alkali salts at the surface, because of the larger evaporation. On the other hand, less frequent large applications of water, particularly under any but the flooding system, where a crop occupies the land, permits the creation and main- tenance of a mulch to conserve moisture; besides which, the deep distribution of the water insures a deep distri- bution of the roots, where they are not only in contact with a larger moisture reservoir, but also with a larger food-supply than is available to shallow-rooted plants. It is a fact of common experience that in arid regions crops generally root deeper than in humid regions. A common accompaniment of irrigation, certainly 236 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT in semi-aricl and arid regions, is the excessive accumu- lation of soluble salts — "alkali salts" — in the soil. They may become so concentrated as to injure crops or prevent their growth. (See page 307.) In the original condition of such soils they are usually distributed in relatively small amounts through a deep section of soil. But by excessive irrigation, which produces seepage and a general rise in the water-table, aided by those careless tillage methods which permit free evaporation at the surface, these soluble salts become con- centrated in the root zone, and at the surface as an alkali crust. It has frequently happened that land not originally in a seriously "alka- line" condition has be- come so by careless management. It is obvious that to avoid this injury there must be (a) conservative irrigation, and (6) the most thorough tillage methods which shall avoid surface evaporation. Where an excess of akali salts exists, they are most successfully removed by means of a deep thorough drainage system, coupled with heavy irrigation which shall wash out of the soil the excess of salts. It is a safe and wise rule to cultivate the soil as soon after applying water as its moisture condition will per- mit without injury, and this should be kept up at fre- quent intervals until an effective dust mulch has been Fig. 75. Middle breaker plow. Some- times used in constructing irrigation and drainage ditches. PRECAUTIONS IN IRRIGATION 237 3reated. It has been noted (page 204) that in arid -egions soil mulches are relatively more efficient and more easily managed than in humid regions. Soils of intermediate fineness lend themselves most ■eadily to the practice of irrigation. Excessively heavy ;lay is generally to be avoided, because of (a) the slow liffusion of water, by both capillarity and percolation, mtl (b) the danger from puddling after an irrigation, inless cultivation is delayed so long that a large amount ->f water is lost. On the other hand, very light sand should )e avoided because of its leachy character, and the great oss of water by percolation or surface evaporation, ,he former, if a large amount of water is added at once; /he latter, if it is added very frequently. But in humid regions it is wise to practice irrigation 'or crops easily injured by an excess of water except on ;hose light and porous soils which have thorough Irainage, because of the possibility of a rainfall following closely upon the application of water, thereby rendering he soil over- wet, to the injury of the crop. On the porous Soil the excess quickly drains away. In the Sumatra -obacco region of Florida, for example, where there is a arge rainfall, irrigation has been found successful only lpon the lighter sandy loam and sand soils. This crop s particularly sensitive to an unfavorable soil condition, rhen too, the heavy soil, the clay loam, or clay, has a arge water capacity, which makes possible the storage )f a large amount of water against the needs of the crop- growing season. Consequently it is on these latter that lry farming of grains is most generally practiced in the iiVestern states. 238 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT As the demand for produce of high value increases, the maintenance of the moisture supply of the soil by irrigation may well be extended on large areas of soil in so-called humid regions, as well as in arid sections. The highest type of soil-management must seek to utilize the available water-supply for crops in the three ways outlined above, that is, by increasing the water capacity of the soil, by eliminating as far as possible Fig. 76. An example of poor drainage on level clay soil. the losses by percolation and evaporation and, lastly, by supplying any deficiency which may still exist by wise irrigation. 107. Means of decreasing the water content of the soil. — The removal of water from the soil may be accomplished in two general ways. These depend upon facilitating the two types of loss, by percolation and evaporation, described on page 191. They are: (1) Drainage. (2) Surface culture, to hasten evaporation. 108. Drainage by ditches. — Drainage consists essen- DRAWAGE 239 tially in the direct removal of the gravitational water from the root zone of the soil by affording free passages for its percolation and flow. In general, the soil condi- tions requiring drainage may be divided into two groups, which are fairly distinct in the problems which they present. These are: (1) Those lands which are satu- rated with water throughout the year. (2) Those lands which are saturated with water for only brief periods. Into the first group are placed all those lands of an acknowledged swamp character, which not only retain a large part of the water which falls upon their own sur- face, but may receive the water which flows from other lands. Into the second group is put all those wet lands which are saturated for a sufficient period to interfere with the best condition of the soil, or the proper develop- ment of the crop. It represents a very mild or incipient stage of the conditions included in the first group. In the manipulation of soil for the staple upland crops, the establishment of effective drainage is at the foundation of all the other practices which must be employed. If it does not exist, the other farm practices, such as tillage, fertilization etc., can not be applied effectively. An excess of water in the soil has many and far-reach- ing effects upon the soil as a medium for plant growth, especially if this condition is intermittent. The manage- ment of the latter condition is even more crucial than the former. 109. Effects of drainage. — Twelve of the most important effects of drainage are as follows: (1) Firms the soil. (2) Improves the granulation. (3) Increases 240 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the available moisture capacity. (4) Improves the aeration of the soil. (5) Raises the average temperature. (6) Promotes the growth of desirable organisms. (7) Increases the available food supply. (8) Enlarges the root zone of the soil. (9) Reduces "heaving." (10) Removes injurious salts from ''alkali soils." (11) Reduces erosion. (12) Increases crop yields, and improves sanitary conditions of the region. 110. Firms the soil. — In a saturated soil the particles are held apart and are partially floated by the water, with the result that they afford a poor support for plants, and are largely unable to bear the weight of travel incident to cultural operations. Heavy objects sink into the surface, and become mired as a result of the easy movement of the soil particles from beneath their weight. This movement is greatly facilitated by the lubrication afforded by the water between the particles. It is because of this freedom of movement that a wet soil may readily be "puddled," that is, the small par- ticles moved into the spaces between the large ones, producing a more dense mass, a change not possible in dry or even moderately moist soils. 111. Improves the structure. — Drainage improves the granular structure of fine-textured soil. One of the most important factors in soil granulation is alternate wetting and drying. (See page 105.) In a wet soil, this drying and drawing together does not take place. On the other hand, if a granular soil be kept saturated, the crumb structure will be broken down and a bad physical condition results. This is well illustrated by the fact that nearly all swamp soils are in a puddled, or otherwise DRAINAGE AND SOIL STRUCTURE 241 bad physical condition, when first drained. Drainage brings to bear upon the soil all those natural agencies which promote the granular arrangement. In turn, the granular structure, particularly in fine-textured Fig. 77. Section of a 20-year-old tile drain in heavy clay soil. Note the more open structure above the drain. soil, affects the movement and capillary retention of water, the circulation of air, the growth of organisms, the temperature of the soil, and other conditions depend- ent on these, in a manner highly beneficial to the crops generally grown. 112. Increases the available water. -Drainage in- 242 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT creases the available moisture capacity of fine-textured soil. This is accomplished through the better granulation and larger porosity which results. The possibilities in this direction are indicated by the effect of structure on the moisture capacity of the soil. (See page 151.) Field experience has many times shown this result to follow drainage. Instead of plants suffering from lack of moisture, as a result of drainage, it is found that they are not only free from the excesses, but that in dry periods the soil is likely to contain more moisture than the same kind of soil under poor drainage. This is especi- ally true of those soils which are wet only a part of the season. They are subject to great extremes in moisture content. 113. Improves the aeration. — Drainage improves the aeration of the soil in two ways. (1) It removes the gravitational water from the large pores, thereby permitting the admission of air. (2) Through its effect on granulation it permits the soil to hold a larger volume of air and facilitates its circulation. This also is due to two conditions, especially where the drainage is beneath the surface. The larger pores resulting from granulation greatly aid the process. And the underground passages, formed by tile or other media, afford channels for the escape of soil air following rain or reduction in baro- metric pressure, and facilitate its readmission when the opposite conditions prevail. The net result is a much larger total change between the outer air and the soil air. This reacts strongly upon the soil organisms and upon the general chemical activity of the soil. 114. Raises the average temperature. — Drainage DRAINAGE AND SOIL TEMPERATURE 243 raises the average temperature of the soil. The specific heat of water is much higher than that of soil, and there- fore the larger proportion of water a soil contains the more heat is required to increase its temperature. (See page 461.) Further, in a wet soil the surface evapo- ration is large, and since the evaporation requires several hundred times as many units of heat as is necessary to raise the same volume of water from the normal temperature to the boiling point, it is clear that the process must consume a large amount of heat. But the heat supplied to any given area of soil is fairly uniform, and consequently, if it is used up in evaporating water, it is not effective to raise the temperature of the soil mass. If the soil contains water which must be removed by evaporation, its temperature will be kept correspond- ingly low; or, what is the same result, the time required to warm the soil will be correspondingly extended. For this reason a wet soil is a "late soil," while a well- drained soil is much "earlier" in attaining the tempera- ture necessary for the germination and growth of plants. The practical result of this rapid warming of a well- drained soil is to lengthen the growing season by per- mitting its earlier seeding in the spring, and the later growth of crops in the fall. In some sections of the world, this margin in the length of the growing season deter- mines the growth of certain crops, and materially affects all crops. All of the activities of the soil, both chemical and biological, are favorably affected by the higher temperature. In the peat bogs of England, Parkes found that at a depth of seven inches the drained soil was 15° warmer than the undrained soil, and at thirtv-one 244 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT inches it was 1.7° warmer. King reports the frequent observation of a difference of 12° between the tempera- ture at the surface of drained and undrained land. 115. Influences the growth of soil organisms. — Drainage promotes the development of the desirable forms of organisms, and hinders the development of the undesirable forms. As will be shown (page 399), the soil organisms may be divided into two groups, one of which requires free oxygen for their growth, the other does not. These two groups are concerned with different types of chemical change, — the one producing decay the other putrefaction. In proportion as the air is ex- cluded by an excess of water, normal decay is inhibited and putrefaction promoted. The one is beneficial, the other is likely to be injurious. Further, the products of the organisms accumulate in the excess of soil water and sooner or later may kill most of the forms; as is exempli- fied in peat bogs, which owe their origin chiefly to this fact. Not only is the decomposition of organic matter retarded, but the chemical changes in the mineral portion of the soil resulting from these processes are correspondingly reduced by lack of drainage. And most important of all is the stimulation to the formation of nitrates which results from good drainage. The supply of nitrates is often the controlling factor in plant growth, and consequently, in so far as drainage increases this supply, it is directly beneficial. 116. Increases the food-supply. — Drainage increases the available food-supply of the soil in three direct ways: (1) By holding in the soil a larger proportion of avail- able moisture which favors a larger chemical activity DRAINAGE AND THE ROOT ZONE 245 without removing the products from the root zone. (2) Through direct chemical changes which result from good aeration. (3) Through the activity of organisms which not only form nitrates but produce carbonic acid and other materials which increase the availability of the mineral portion of the soil. The thoroughness of these chemical changes is well illustrated by the uniform color of a well-drained and well-aerated soil, in contrast to the usually mottled color of poorly aerated and wet soil. Drainage enables the plant-grower to make better use of the food stored in his soil. ■■ ■ r ■ jr *' ^ . *= : ~ ^z: — — - — .M-* — v* u — ^ — - — ■ — : — : - r ■■■ = *rv - ■'■■' ' Fig. 78. Cross-section of tile-drained soil, showing the elevation of the water- table between lines of drains. 117. Enlarges the root zone. — Drainage deepens and enlarges the root zone of the soil by the removal of the gravitational water and by the admission of air. Thereby the plant is brought into intimate relation with a much larger volume of soil from which it may draw moisture and food. It is thus enabled to withstand more protracted periods of dry weather; it enjoys a more uni- form climate, and has a larger food-supply, all of which are conducive to a rapid growth and a larger yield. 118. Reduces "heaving." — Drainage reduces "heav- ing," which results from freezing of a wet soil. When water freezes, it expands one-eleventh of its volume. In a saturated soil, this expansion can take place in only one direction — upward — with the result that the 246 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT soil and consequently the crop is lifted. Shallow-rooted crops are gradually raised out of the ground by repeated freezing when wet, because the soil settled back into :;■ «. -'' jl. wtfaa ' _* Fig. 79. Alfalfa roots raised out of the soil ("heaved") by the repeated freezing of a wet clay. place more quickly than the root. Not only is the plant lifted out of the ground, but many of the smaller roots are broken off, all of which greatly reduces the vitality of the plant. It is most serious on clay soil, because this DRAINAGE AND "HEAVING" 247 texture holds more water and is most likely to contain an excess of water. Drainage reduces this type of injury in two ways: (1) By reducing the amount of water present to freeze. (2) The larger volume of free pore srace, due to the removal of part of the water and to the better granulation, permits the expansion due to freezing to be taken up within the mass of the soil, rather than produce a lifting of the surface. Serious "heaving" is always dependent upon an excess of soil water. 119. Removes injurious salts from alkali soils. — Drainage in conjunction with heavy irrigation is the most effective means of removing "alkali salts" from arid soils. These salts are dissolved in the irrigation water as it passes through the soil, and are then removed in the drainage system beyond any possibility of further injury. By this practice it is possible to reclaim the most pronounced areas of alkali soils to the growth of the most sensitive crops. 120. Reduces erosion. — Drainage reduces erosion due to water. This type of injury results from the flow of water over the surface. Drainage reduces this process: (1) By increasing the absorption of water. (2) By affording channels in which it may be removed without injury, due to a less fall, or in conduits not subject to erosion, such as tile drains. 121. Increases crop yields and improves sanitary conditions. — The direct practical result of all of the above effects is larger and more reliable crop-yields, together with greater ease in all cultural and harvesting operations. Coupled with the direct economic effect of drainage, 248 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT is a large improvement in the general sanitary condi- tions of the region, which was recognized long before the economic advantages of the practice, and has gener- ally been sufficient reason for public interest in the prac- tice. It is only within recent years that the economic benefits of drainage have been recognized as of sufficient public concern to warrant regulative legislation. 122. Principles of drainage. — There are two general types of drains: (1) Open, or "surface drains." (2) Cov- ered, or "under drains." Each of these types has a partic- ular range of usefulness and, while they may be substi- tuted one for the other under some conditions, their respective spheres of usefulness are fairly distinct. 123. Open, or surface drains. — Open or surface drains remove water from both the surface and from the depths of the soil. Their efficiency in removing water from the subsoil depends upon their depth and fall, and upon the level of water in the channel. There are certain conditions to which open surface drains alone are adapted. These are: (1) Where the volume of water to be moved is very large. (2) Where the water table is so near the surface, and the fall so slight, that it is not possible to place a drain below the surface. (3) Where the drainage is designed to be for only a short time. As open ditches their efficiency depends on the sur- face flow of water into their channel. They usually tap the low areas where the water accumulates. Some- times, as in river bottoms, they may be arranged regu- larly at intervals, and be of such size as to hold the water which may fall upon the surface during any ordinary METHODS OF DRAINAGE 249 rain, until such time, after the subsidence of a general overflow as it may be removed. They may serve to remove the water accumu ated as the result of an over- flow. In every such case their efficiency depends upon taking advantage of the natural inequalities of the sur- Fig. 80. Surface ditches for drainage in a grain field. Such drains are usually of low efficiency. face of the land. One phase of this practice is to plow the land in narrow beds, so that the frequent "dead fur- rows" serve as surface drains and as temporary storage for the surface water. As sub-surface drains, their efficiency depends upon their depth being sufficient to permit percolation lrom 250 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the adjacent subsoil. This, in turn, is determined by the texture and structure of the soil, and upon all those other factors which determine the efficiency of closed drains, later to be discussed. To be efficient, an open drain should be properly graded, should have a smooth bottom and sides, should have sufficiently tenacious walls to resist incidental erosion, and should have a shape approximately that of a semicircle, which is the form giving the greatest carrying capacity per cross-sectional area. Since this exact shape is difficult to maintain, it is common in practice to make the depth and bottom width, respec- tively, one-half the width of the top, with sloping sides. The farm and grade of the ditch must be governed by the character of the soil. The steepness of the sides will be determined by the ability of the soil to form resistant walls. Clay soil will maintain a much steeper bank than sand. The fall must not be so great as to produce serious erosion. A loam or sand soil is much more suscep- tible to erosion than a clay. The fall should be uniform, in order that there be no undue accumulation of sediment at any point. Sedimentation may be reduced by pre- venting the growth of vegetation in the bottom. As deep-soil drains, open surface ditches have a number of disadvantages, some of which are: (1) They are seldom of sufficient depth. (2) As ordinarily con- structed, they have a small carrying capacity, due to their uneven grade and rough bottom and sides. (3) They are expensive to maintain. (4) They waste much land. (5) They greatly interfere with cultural opera- tions. (6) They may be subject to serious erosion. UNDER-DRAINS 251 124, Covered or under-drains. — Covered or under- drains are any underground channels constructed for the removal of water. Many kinds of material have been used for this purpose. Some of the earlier materials used were brush, stone, poles, boards, and brick. In recent years these have been almost entirely supplanted ^- -j?.. • Fig. 81. Construction of a ditch for tile drains. by pipes made of clay or cement because of the greater permanency and efficiency of the latter. The depth, frequency and size of drains depends on the character of the soil and subsoil, the amount and distribution of the rainfall, the topography of the sur- face, the crop to be grown, the prevalence of under- ground seepage, and the level of the ground water. The system should always be arranged with reference to these conditions. 252 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT (a) Depth.— The depth of the drain must be such that the water can find entrance before it shall have caused serious injury to the crop. Since water percolates through sand and gravel so much more readily than through clay, drains may be placed much deeper in the former than in the latter. In coarse-textured soil, drains attain their full efficiency almost at once; but in clay, owing to its dense character from long wetness, there is a gradual increase in efficiency through several seasons, as the soil becomes better granulated and ac- quires other favorable struc- tural properties. In sand, water percolates rapidly into the drain, but in clay this gen- eral movement is greatly re- duced and takes place largely from the sides and top of the drain. In fact, a dense clay soil holds its pores almost full of capillary water, which is not subject to percolation. Under such condi- tions, a large part of the injury comes from water stand- ing on the surface. Here the under-drains must be placed very near the surface, and function chiefly as surface Fig. 82. Laying tile in the bottom of ditch by use of the tile hook. Shows arrangement of tile preparatory to rilling the ditch. Construction of under-drains 253 drains. But, as the excess of water is removed, and the soil structure is improved, they assume more fully the function of deep drains by removing water from the joints, or checks, which extend deeply into the soil. Where deep-rooted crops and trees are to be grown, deeper drainage is necessary than where shallow-rooted crops are grown. In gen- eral, it is not desir- able to lower the water-table so much in sandy as in clay soils, because of the lesscapillary capacity of the former. The water-table should be lowered to from three to five feet below the surface, but it is not always necessary to place tile at this depth, to attain suf- ficiently thorough drainage. Where there is a distinct change from sand to clay, or vice versa, within from two to four feet of the sur- » . . 11 i ^ig. 83. Laying double-sole drain- tace, it is usually best tile by hand. 254 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT to place the drain on the boundary between the two. If the clay is below, the water will percolate along its surface through the sand and enter the tile. On the other hand, if the clay is underlain by sand, it is easier for the water to percolate downward into the coarse- texture stratum, and through this into the tile, entering from below. (b) Frequency. — There are two general systems of arranging drains: (1) The gridion or regular system. * 4 *■ / * & in * *^ * * * & * m * % a. » *i ill, 4 A h 4 #. ^j * ^u » * lb * .» * » * jUi, * % * @i $k> |L *■ ft A, # # 4 0b * & 4" ■B A au # 1 .^i X. * ""■*>■«• t^^^ / ^-~^ & 1 3 Fig. 84. Two systems of arranging tile drains. Compare the amount of double draining in each system, due to junctions. Note the relative lengths of tile required for the same area under each system. (2) The natural or irregular system. In the first, the drains are arranged at definite regular intervals apart, — this interval depending chiefly on the texture of the soil. This is necessary where the surface is very uniform and the soil very homogenous. It may be applied to a slope as well as to level land. In clay soil the interval must be less than in coarse-textured soil. This is because there is a drainage gradient between the drains. In fine- CONSTRUCTION OF UN DER-D RAINS 255 8' 3' 3 3 3 3 \ s 3" 3" 3' textured soil the water level rises rapidly away from the drain and reaches the sur- face at no great distance. On sand soil this gradient is much less. The aim must be to have the water level reduced a definite distance below the surface, after a reasonable interval of time follow- ing rainfall, and the drains must be sufficiently frequent to accomplish this. In heavy clay soil this interval may be as small as twenty-five feet, while in coarse-textured soil it may be 200 or 300 o feet. Usually, it is best to adopt some minimum interval, and place the first lines of tile at two or more times this interval. If the drainage does not prove sufficiently thorough, additional drains may be installed with- out affecting the general system. The natural or irregular system is designed primarily to collect water from the surface where it has accumulated, or beneath the surface where it comes within the range of the plant roots. Large areas of land are drained by a single line of tile in the low places. Where land is kept wet by seepage, the with ' minimum drains should tap these as near their number of large . , • 1 1 tile, but having source as is practicable. many turns and rp,, . r 1 • 1 j ,1 branches. I he size ot drains depends on the Fig. 85. A more simple system of drains, but one re- quiring more large tile than in Fig. 86. s< 256 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT 0 Fig. 87. The so-called natural or irregular system of arranging drains to remove water from local wet spots. Shading indicates degrees of wetness. volume of water to be handled and on the fall. Where several laterals empty into a main drain, the main must have a capacity equal to their combined flow; but it is not possible to calculate the total or relative sizes with the exactness which is possible in a pressure system of pipes. This is due to the effect of the soil. It acts as a sponge to hold the water, and gives it up gradually. The 258 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT finer the soil the greater this retentive effect, and con- sequently the less demand there is for drains capable of carrying all of the rainfall in a given short time. Drains run full for only a very small part of the year, and therefore the normal laws of hydraulics are not entirely applicable to them. In a general way, doubling the fall increases the carrying capacity of any given size of tile by one-third. Where the fall is less than 1 per cent, it is unwise to use tile smaller than three inches in di- ameter, because of their strong tendency to clog. Water enters tile al- most entirely through the joints between the sections. Short lengths are therefore better than long ones. Through the walls of even soft brick tile very little water is able to percolate. There is, therefore, no appreci- able advantage in using soft tile, while there are many disadvantages, — such as their weakness and lia- bility to go to pieces rapidly under alternate wetting and drying, especially if permitted to freeze when saturated with water. Dense, hard-burned tile are most safe to use under average soil conditions. "Silting-up" of drains results where the alignment Fig. 89. Hand tools used in tile- drain construction. 1, Grade cord; 2, pick; 3, long-handle, round-point shovel; 4 and 7, types of grading shovel for finish- ing the bottom of the ditch; 5, spade; 6, tile hook, used in placing tile in ditch from the bank; 8, grade stakes. DITCHING MACHINES 259 is bad, the joints too open, or a section is broken. The joints should be fairly snug, but it is not now considered necessary to use collars in ordinary soils. The textures of soil which give most trouble by entering the joints and stopping flow are very fine sand and silt. These materials flow readily when saturated with water. Con- sequently, in laying tile in these materials, precaution must be taken against this. " Silting-up" is most trouble- Fig. 90. Traction ditching machine. A modern machine for constructing tile ditches. (See Fig. 91.) some immediately after laying the tile, and before the soil structure has become settled and readjusted. When this has taken place, the tendency to silting-up is small, even in fine sand and silt. In clay and coarse sand it is negligible. This difficulty can be checked or controlled by using some filtering medium around the joints. Straw, leaves, chaff, etc., are excellent and undergo slow decay, coincident with which a resistent structure of soil is UNDER-DRAINS AND PLANT ROOTS 261 established. Fine gravel or coarse sand is a more per- manent filtering medium. Plant roots sometimes enter the joints of tile drains, and develop so as to stop the flow of water. This occurs most readily where the tile carries ''living water/' as where a permanent spring is drained. During dry periods and in naturally well-drained soil, water per- colates from the joints of the tile into the adjacent soil, which conditions at- tract roots and may lead them into the tile at the joints. Depth is not a decided protection against this difficulty unless it be excessive. There are many points about the construction of a tile-drain system about which special precaution should be taken. Some of these are: (1) Uniformity of grade. (2) Avoid lead- ing a lateral into a main with a less fall unless silt basins are used. (3) Pro- tection of outlets against jp • , ,s Fig. 92. Ditch cut by the ma- caving and freezing. (4) chineshownin Fig.91. goiiaheavy Protection Of the Outlet clay- Depth 4£ feet. 262 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT against the entrance of animals. (5) Free flow of water from the outlet. (6) Close joints, which may be more easily attained with round or hexagonal than with Fig. 93. A poorly constructed outlet for a line of drain tile. U or soft tile. (7) Junctions should be made at an acute rather than at a right angle. (8) On hilly land the drain should run with the slope, as far as possible. (9) In general, the fall should be as great as the surface fea- SPECIAL TYPES OF DRAINS 263 tures will permit. (10) Avoid throwing the tile out of alignment in filling the ditch. The chief advantages of covered drains, especially when constructed of tile, are: (1) Permanence. A well- constructed system will last for many decades. (2) Greater efficiency where they are suitable. (3) No waste of land. (4) No interference with cultural operations. (5) Require very little care for maintenance. (6) Less cost over a period of years. 125. Other types of drainage. — Drainage may some- times be accomplished by means of levees. Where land is subject to overflow at either frequent or infrequent intervals, such as river bottoms and tidal marshes, their drainage consists largely in excluding these inundations. Until this is accomplished, any other form of drainage may be useless. Frequently direct drainage may advan- tageously be combined with some form of levee, and for tidal marshes is useful with the aid of the fresh water derived from rainfall and upland drainage, in removing its saltness. Wells or filter basins may be used to drain certain sinks or flat areas having no other outlet. This is pos- sible only where a very porous stratum occurs beneath the soil within a reasonable depth. Usually this is practicable where a clay stratum is underlain by sand or gravel, as occurs in many sections of the country. Wells are constructed through the clay to the porous stratum, and this may be filled with stone or brush as a filtering medium, and covered drains may be emptied into these. 126. Surface culture. — Surface culture may be em- 264 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT ployed to remove a limited excess of water from the soil. Those practices which may be employed for this purpose are the opposite of those applied in the conservation of water. The most applicable ones are: (1) Rolling. (2) Ridged surface. (3) Growth of plants. Rolling, or any other practice which compacts the soil and strengthens capillary movement of water to the surface, places the moisture in the most favorable position Fig. 94. Water forced to the surface by the closure of the outlet of a tile drain. REMOVAL OF WATER BY PLANTS 265 for evaporation. It would be unwise, as a rule, to roll the soil when it is excessively wet, because of the injury to the structure of the soil which would result. But the Fig. 95. A well-constructed outlet for a line of drain tile. land may be rolled in anticipation of a wet period, which condition of the soil will facilitate the formation of that compact surface which most favors evaporation. In the spring, in regions of cold winters, bare or fallow land has usually settled into this condition, which, if permitted to continue, will most rapidly dry the soil. Ridging increases evaporation by exposing a larger 266 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT surface. In some sections of the country where the wetness is most serious in the spring, the crops are planted on ridges which are sufficiently raised above the general surface to be drained; and, by the time the roots are ready to penetrate deeply, the excess of moist- ure will have been removed by percolation and evapo- ration. Crops of any sort, including weeds, green manures and cover-crops, may serve to dry the soil by evaporating Fig. 96. The nine foot evener used in the final filling of the ditch by the use of the turning plow after laying drain tile. Care should be exercised in placing the first covering of earth over the tile not to disturb their alignment or break any of the sections. This is best accomplished by hand, and the earth should be carefully pressed around the tile. water from their leaves. It has been seen (page 134) that the amount of water so used is large because of the functional activity of the plants and the large surface which they expose. Growing crops expand the evapo- rating surface of the soil and are especially useful in removing a temporary wetness in the spring. The application of any of the above methods for the removal of water must be guided by the local conditions of soil, season, climate, crop and system of farming. C. PLANT NUTRIENTS IN THE SOIL I. SOLUBILITY OF THE SOIL THROUGH NATURAL PROCESSES Fortunately for mankind, only an exceedingly small proportion of the soil is at any one time soluble in water or in the aqueous solutions with which it is in contact. It is this great insolubility that gives the soil its perma- nence, for, otherwise, in humid regions, it would be rapidly carried away in the drainage water. The portion soluble in the various natural solvents with which it comes in contact furnishes the mineral-food materials for plants. The great mass of soil which is relatively in- soluble is constantly subjected to natural processes which very slowly bring the constituents into solution. Those agents concerned in the decomposition of rock also act upon the soil to bring about its further disin- tegration, and thereby render it more soluble, while added to those are the operations of tillage, which con- tribute to the same end. The surfaces of the particles alone come into contact with the decomposing agents, and hence it is these por- tions of the particles that are rendered most soluble. The factors that determine how rapidly solution shall proceed are: (1) The amount of surface exposed, which we have seen varies with the size of the particles. (2) The composition of the particles. (3) The strength of the decomposing and solvent agencies. Were it not for this process, there would soon be no mineral food available (267) 268 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT to plants, as drainage water and the ash of crops carry off relatively large amounts of these substances each year; but in spite of this loss, the soil is able to provide at least some plant-food material for each crop, when called upon by the plant. II. SOLUBILITY OF THE SOIL IN VARIOUS SOLVENTS For purposes of analysis intended to show the amounts of mineral plant-food materials in the soil any one of several different solvents may be used. These solvents differ in strength, and consequently the per- centages of the various constituents obtained from samples of the same soil are different for each solvent. A chemical analysis of a soil is a determination of the amounts of the constituents that have been dissolved in the solvent used. Therefore it will readily be seen that the interpretation of a chemical analysis must depend largely upon the nature of the solvent, and, unless the solvent is equivalent in its action to some pro- cess or processes in nature, the result must be entirely arbitrary. The solvents used have generally been in- tended to show some definite relation of the soil to the food requirements of crops. Upon the accuracy with which this is accomplished depends the value of the chemical analysis. 127. Complete solution of the soil. — By the use of hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids, the entire soil mass may be decomposed and all of its inorganic constituents determined. Such an analysis shows the total quantity of the plant-food materials except nitrogen, which SOLUBILITY OF SOIL CONSTITUENTS 269 is never determined in any of the acid solutions, but by a separate process. A deficiency of any particular substance may be discovered in this way, but nothing can be learned as to the ability of the plant to obtain nutriment from the soil. A rock may show as much mineral plant-food material as a rich soil. Such an analysis is used only to ascertain the ultimate limita- tions of a soil or its possible deficiency in any essential constituent. 128. Digestion with strong hydrochloric acid. — Analy- ses made with hydrochloric acid of 1.115 specific gravity are those usually called "chemical soil analyses." They are supposed to show the amount of plant food at the time the analysis is made, which is in a condi- tion to be ultimately used by the plant, and the plant- food materials not dissolved by treatment with hydro- chloric acid are assumed to be in a condition in which plants can not use them. It may reasonably be ques- tioned whether these relations hold under field condi- tions. In fact, it is quite certain that some of them do not hold. In other words, while treatment with hydrochloric acid of a given strength marks a definite point in the solubility of the compounds in the soil, it does not bear a uniform relation to the natural processes by which these compounds become available to the plant. 129. Interpretation of results of analysis of hydro- chloric acid solution. — This method of analysis was originally thought to give some indication of both the permanent fertility and the immediate manurial needs of a soil; but for both purposes the accuracy of the 270 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT deductions are limited by a number of conditions which make it impossible to predict from an analysis how productive a soil may be, or what particular manure may be profitably applied. It is very apparent that the chemical composition of a soil is only one of the many factors affecting its productiveness. Unfortunately, not all of the factors are understood, and consequently these unknown ones cannot be determined either quali- tatively or quantitatively. If it ever becomes possible to determine quantitatively all of the factors entering into soil productiveness in the field condition, the prob- lem will be solved. 130. Permanent fertility, and manurial needs. — Permanent fertility can best be judged by the complete analysis of the soil, but, with the exception of potash, the possible deficiency the constituents likely to be required in manures may be judged from the hydro- chloric acid solution with a fair degree of accuracy. Conclusions as to the manurial needs of the soil are confined to ascertaining whether any constituent is present in such small amount as to furnish an inadequate supply for crop production. If, for example, a certain ingredient is found to be present in very small amount, it may be concluded that the addition of a manure con- taining this substance would be profitable; but there is considerable difference of opinion among analysts as to what this figure is for each of the ingredients. This minimum amount may vary with certain conditions of soil. 131. Relation of texture to solubility.— The relative amounts of sand and clay in the soil and the distribution INFLUENCE OF TEXTURE ON SOLUBILITY 271 of the fertilizing materials in these constituents will affect the minimum amounts required. Hilgard has shown that the addition of four or five volumes of quartz sand to one of a heavy but highly productive black clay soil greatly increased the productiveness, while diluting the potash content of the mixture to .12 per cent and the phosphoric acid to .03 per cent. It is evident that in this soil the plant-food materials were in a condition to be easily taken up by the plant when the physical condition of the soil was suitable. If these small amounts of food elements had been distributed in the sand particles as well as in the original clay, the result would doubtless have been different. Suppose, for example, that 50 per cent of the potash and phosphoric acid had been in the sand particles and the remainder in the clay, the former which expose much the less surface to dissolving liquids would be proportionately less soluble, and as the minimum quan- tity is approached, as shown by the more dilute soil yielding less than the other, the effect would doubtless have been to decrease the production. (See page 86.) In some soils, particularly those of the arid region, the larger particles may carry much of the mineral nutrients, in which case it is quite evident that a higher percentage of fertility is required than in soils carrying the plant- food material largely in the small particles. 132. Nature of subsoil. — The nature and compo- sition of the subsoil is naturally a factor in determining soil productiveness, and must be considered as well as the soil. An impervious subsoil, or a very loose sandy one, will confine the productive zone largely to the top 272 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT soil, and hence require a greater proportionate amount of fertility. 133. Calcium carbonate. — A determination of the amount of calcium present as a carbonate is important as an aid to the interpretation of an analysis of the soil. Lime not so combined is generally in the form of a silicate, or possibly phosphate. When there is a large amount of calcium carbonate in a soil, the potash, phos- phoric acid and nitrogen are always more readily soluble, and smaller quantities are sufficient for crop growth than where the calcium is not found in this form. The effect of the carbonate of lime upon the nitrogen1 com- pounds is to furnish a base for the acids produced in the formation of nitrates and its presence promotes that process. It probably replaces potassium in certain compounds where otherwise it would be secured with more difficulty. It insures the presence of some phos- phates of lime, in which form phosphorus is more soluble than when combined with iron. The form of the manures to be used upon the soil will also depend in large measure upon the presence or absence of calcium carbonate. (See page 349.) For instance, where calcium carbonate is deficient, steamed bone or Thomas slag are more profitable than superphosphate, and nitrate of soda than sulphate of ammonium. Finally, the absence of calcium carbonate indicates the need of liming, and, if the analyses show a considerable amount of potash and phosphoric acid, but practice shows them to be somewhat deficient, it is probable that liming will be all that is necessary, and that manures carrying these xNot determined in the hydrochloric acid extract. EXTRACTION WITH ORGANIC ACID 273 substances may be dispensed with. It must be stated, however, that there are cases for which these deductions do not hold, owing to the intervention of other factors. 134. Estimation of deficiency of ingredients. — In a soil in which the other conditions are normal, one would suppose it possible to prescribe, with some degree of accuracy, the content of certain constituents below which a deficiency exists. The use of a manure contain- ing this constituent should therefore be expected to produce beneficial results. However, opinions differ so widely, depending, apparently, upon the soils with which the respective analysts have had to deal, that it is difficult to decide where to set the limit. It is evident that, as the content of any constituent becomes less, the probable need for its application becomes greater, and it thus suggests a practice without assuring its success. 135. Conclusions. — An analysis of the hydrochloric acid extract, therefore, cannot be taken as a guide to the fertilizer needs of the soil, and of itself should not be relied upon; but in connection with other knowledge, particularly that derived from fertilizer tests, it may be useful. 136. Extraction with dilute organic acids. — Other methods used for dissolving soils for analysis depend upon extraction with some dilute organic acid, as citric, acetic, oxalic or tartaric acid. The assumption upon which these methods are based is that the dilute organic acids correspond to the solvent agents in the soil, and thus take from it the amounts of those materials that the plant could take up if it came in contact with all R 274 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT portions of the soil to the depth represented by the sample analysed. 137. Advantages in showing manurial needs. — The action of each of these dilute acids upon the same soil does not give equal amounts of the various constituents in solution. Citric acid dissolves especially lime, mag- nesia and phosphoric acid, and is the most satisfactory solvent for purposes of analysis. The organic acids naturally dissolve a much smaller amount of material from the soil than does hydrochloric acid. The former acids permit the detection of smaller amounts of easily soluble phosphoric acid and potash than does the latter, larger quantities of soil being used. For example, a chemical analysis of the hydrochloric acid solution is very likely not to show any increase in the phosphorus or potassium in a soil that may have been abundantly manured with these fertilizers, and its productiveness increased greatly thereby. This is because the amount of plant-food material added is so small in comparison with the weight of the area of soil nine inches deep over which it is spread that the increase in percentage may well come within the limits of analytical error. An acre of soil nine inches deep weighs about 2,500,000 pounds. If to this be added dressings of 2,500 pounds phosphoric acid fertilizer containing 400 pounds phosphoric acid, it would increase the percentage of that constituent in the soil only .016 per cent, which difference could not be detected by the analysis of the hydrochloric acid solution. 138. Usefulness of citric acid. — -As shown by Dyer, the use of a 1 per cent solution of citric acid is well EXTRACTION WITH SOLUTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE 275 adapted to show the amount of easily soluble phosphoric acid and potash in certain soils, but for other soils it has failed to give satisfaction in the hands of a number of analysts. Shorey, for instance, finds that it fails utterly for the highly ferruginous soils of Hawaii. It is, doubt- less, better adapted to soils rich in calcium and low in iron and aluminum. The reason urged by Dyer for the superiority of the citric acid over the hydrochloric acid extraction of the soil is that the former gave, in his hands, several times as great a difference in the amounts of soluble phos- phoric acid in soils needing phosphoric manures as com- pared with those not needing them. The application of both the hydrochloric and citric acid methods to a soil may, when used to supplement each other, add greatly to a knowledge of the potential and present productiveness of the soil. There should be present in a soil for cereals and most other crops at least .01 per cent phosphoric acid, soluble in 1 per cent citric acid. A soil containing less than this amount is deficient in phosphoric acid, unless it exists largely in the form of ferric or aluminum phosphate, which is not readily soluble in citric acid, but is fairly available to the plant. Sod land contains organic com- pounds of phosphorus that are easily soluble in the citric acid, but less readily available to the plant; hence such soil should show by analysis more than .01 per cent phosphoric acid, to indicate sufficiency. 139. Extraction with an aqueous solution of carbon dioxide. — As carbon dioxide is a universal constituent of the water of the soil, and without doubt a potent 276 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT factor in the decomposition of the mineral matter, it has been proposed to use a solution of carbon dioxide as a solvent in soil analysis. The amounts of soil constitu- ents taken up by this solvent are much less than by any of the others heretofore mentioned, but all mineral substances used by plants are soluble in it to some extent. The amount of phosphorus is so small as to make its Fig. 97. The cut-out disc harrow, adapted to hard or stony soil. detection by the gravimetric method difficult. Like other methods employing very weak solvents, it is open to the objection that the extraction fails to remove a considerable portion of the dissolved matter that is retained by absorption, and, as this will vary with soils of different texture, it makes impossible a fair com- parison of such soils by this method. 140. Extraction with pure water. — When soil is digested with distilled water, all of the mineral substances EXTRACTION WITH PURE WATER 277 used by plants are dissolved from it, but in very small quantities. It has been proposed to use this extract for soil analysis on the ground that it involves no artificial solvent, the presence or amount of which in the soil is doubtful, but shows those substances which are un- doubtedly in a condition to be used by plants. By determining the water content of the soil and using a known quantity of water for the extraction, the per- centage of the various constituents in the soil water or in the dry soil may be calculated. The substances dissolved from the soil by extraction with distilled water are probably only those contained in the soil-water solution, including a part of the solutes held by absorption. The aqueous extract does not con- tain all of the nutritive salts in solution in the soil water, and hence is not a measure of the fertility held in that form. An undetermined amount of nutrients is retained in the water in the very small spaces and on the surface of the soil particles. It is, however, a fair comparative measure of the content of available nutrients. 141. Influence of absorption. — The quantity of ex- tracted material depends upon the absorptive properties of the soil, and upon the amount of water used in the extraction, or upon the number of extractions. Analyses of the aqueous extract of a clay and of a sandy soil on the Cornell University Farm serve to illustrate the greater retentive power of the former for nitrates. Sodium nitrate was applied to a clay soil, and to a sandy loam soil at the rate of 640 pounds per acre. Analyses of aqueous extract; some ninety days later, showed the following: 278 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table XLI Kind of soil Fertilizer Nitrates in soil. Parts per million Clay Sodium nitrate No fertilizer Sodium nitrate No fertilizer 7.8 Clay Sandy loam Sandy loam 1.8 150.0 29.7 There was apparently a much greater retention of nitrates by the clay soil, as shown by a comparison of the fertilized and unfertilized plats on both soils. Schulze extracted a rich soil by slowly leaching 1,000 grams with pure water, so that one liter passed through in twenty-four hours. The extract for each twenty-four hours was analyzed every day for a period of six days. The total amounts dissolved during each period were as follows: Table XLII Successive extractions Total matter dissolved Volatile Inorganic First .535 .120 .261 .203 .260 .200 .340 .057 .101 .083 .082 .077 .195 Second .063 Third .160 Fourth . .120 Fifth .178 Sixth .123 It will be noticed that the dissolved matter, both organic and inorganic, fell off markedly after the first extraction, which was larger on account of the matter in solution in the soil water. Later extractions were doubtless supplied largely from the substances held by absorption and which gradually diffuse into the water INFLUENCE OF ABSORPTION ON SOLUBILITY 279 extract, as the tendency to maintain equilibrium of the solution overcomes the absorptive action. With the removal of the adsorbed substances, the equilibrium between the soil particles and the surrounding solution is disturbed, solvent action is increased, and more material gradually passes from the soil into the solution. In this way the uniform and continuous body of extrac- tives is maintained. 142. Other factors. — For purposes of soil analysis, the quantity of water used for extraction must be placed at some arbitrary figure, and the method is open to the objection that it does not represent accurately the soil water solution. Analyses of soils of different types are not comparable, and the water extract cannot be con- sidered to measure the concentration or even the com- position of the solution existing between the root hair and the soil particles. However, for studying some of the changes that go on in the soil, and which are detect- able in the soil-water solution, the method may be used to advantage. III. MINERAL SUBSTANCES ABSORBED BY PLANTS The plant, in its process of growth, withdraws from the soil certain mineral matters that are presented to its roots in a dissolved condition. As the salts in solution are quite numerous, and as the osmotic process by which the absorption is accomplished does not admit of the entire exclusion of any substance capable of diosmosis, there are to be found in the plant most of the mineral constituents of the soil. Some of these are concerned in 280 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the vital processes of the plant and are essential to its growth. Others seem to have no specific function, but are generally present. 143. Substances found in ash of plants. — The sub- stances commonly met with in the ash of plants are potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminum, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, and chlorine. In addition to these, nitrogen is absorbed from the soil in the form of soluble salts. The substances known to be absolutely essential to the mature growth of plants are potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen, while the others are probably beneficial to the plant in some way not yet discovered. Of the substances acting as plant nutrients, each must be present in an amount sufficient to make possible the maximum growth consistent with other conditions, or the yield of the crop will be curtailed by its deficiency. To some extent certain essential substances may be substituted by others, as, for instance, potassium bjr sodium; but such substitution is probably possible only in some physiological role other than that of an ele- mental constituent of an organic compound. The sub- stances that are likely to be so deficient in an available form in any soil as to curtail the yield of crops are potas- sium, phosphorus and nitrogen, while the addition of certain forms of calcium is likely to be beneficial on account of its relation to other constituents and proper- ties of the soil. It is for the purpose of supplying these substances, and to some extent to improve the mechani- cal condition of the soil, that mineral manures are used. PLANT -FOOD REMOVED BY CROPS 281 144. Amounts of plant-food material removed by crops. — The utilization of mineral substances by crops is a source of loss of fertility to agricultural soils. In a state of nature, the loss in this way is comparatively small, as the native vegetation falls upon the ground, and in the process of decomposition the ash is almost entirely returned to the soil. Under natural conditions, soil usually increases in fertility; for, while there is some loss through drainage and other sources, this is more than counterbalanced by the action of the natural agencies of disintegration and decomposition, and the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen affords a constant, although small supply, of that important soil ingredient. Fig. 98. A collection of hand-tillage implements. From left to right: 1. Field and garden hoe. 2. Mattock. 3. Weeding -hoe. 4. Stone-hooks. 5. iinger-weeder. 6. Grub-hoe, 7. Scuffle-hoe. 8. Garden rake. 9. Spading- fork. 10. Garden trowel. 282 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT When land is put under cultivation, a very different condition is presented. Crops are removed from the land, and only partially returned to it in manure or straw. This withdraws annually a certain small propor- tion of the total quantity of mineral substances, but, what is of more immediate importance, it withdraws all of this in a readily available form. The following table, computed by Warington, shows the amounts of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and lime removed from an acre of soil by some of the common crops. The entire harvested crop is included. Table XLIII Crop Yield Total ash Nitro- gen Potash Lime Phos- phoric acid Wheat Barley Oats 30 bus. 40 bus. 45 bus. 30 bus. \\ tons 2 tons 6 tons 17 tons Pounds 172 157 191 121 203 258 127 364 Pounds 48 48 55 43 49 102 47 192 Pounds 28.8 35.7 46.1 36.3 50.9 83.4 76.5 148.8 Pounds 9.2 9.2 11.6 32.1 90.1 3.4 74.0 Pounds 21.1 20.7 19.4 Maize Meadow hay. . Red clover . . . Potatoes .... Turnips 18.0 12.3 24.9 21.5 33.1 145. Amounts of plant-food materials contained in soils. — Comparing the figures given above with those showing the total amounts of the fertilizing constituents in certain soils, it is evident that there is a supply in most arable soils that will afford nutriment for average crops for a very long period of time. The following table shows the amount of nutrients contained in the chief divisions of soil as given on page 30. in o 55 O Ph O < o a o Ul fa O Eh O O fa i fa « & 55 > O ►J X! j n H Q W 55 H 55 O o 05 55 H & 02 o o p o o fa EH 55 fa O 03 Eh 55 fa O £ J2 >> a iq oq pop eo So lo io co ■* '3 z HM'tlN'* c c -6 owooq HNMLO B a Eh *S -d S co -H h p o_ Sh/5o6n— I CO ^t- CO > co iO uq p iq O 3> s^ o n° OS > co .—I i— 1 CO o i iO B OS-B O CI '55 «h S a> 3 Ph, "3 - flO ^-^ 9| 32 o -£c 'S bfi /-s ja- gl 1' o ) i 1 W> O 'S3 2 g a'- 18 w to a ° £ Phk r 1 i (283) 05 0 O 5;*i o3 — 3 ° w co p p p p p So6 CD OS O K0 !* 125 1— 1 .2 3 a lOMiON o 03 S O & g ■ • |« 5 a no co ooqop STfOOHM "^ -# CD ■* CO CO i-H s ft o a o O o ft 1 o Q < g CO T]H O O "* O ScD co oi 00 no t^ lO CO 0 o o o onti NE-. !> g-a .s 5 ^£ a co § lo oi c^i iO •+ "* S* fi .2 no CO o p p p 0 ^ o X | Is I62 hH 03 rj 3 i-i ^ O o CO S l6 -t o-i tv o (N (M -0 ScO CD t^ O t^* >> *a •3M oj_o o co 1—1 I— 1 p 03 GQ c «0 O O O p '3 03 ft '3 £> o? g CO S! CD O O CO no ■* t-h O no CM b- o t3 o* 5 § CO 'C E-i •s> no CM o Eh O 0) T3 o3 o 2 o 0Q c o p p p p 0 "0 O o n o iH ~3 0? ^ CO g O no CM ni -— i >> 03 o co ^no 00 CO CO O JO M s o o . S ft "3 4) • t- - m 43 H £ 3 02 '55 "o3 O 09 03-C3 * S oj 3 ao o Ph, * Ph 5§ ^o 3 O 03 £ ^ a 'o bC /- S ft o 1 g'So oj w M o "3— » c ) H £ I *3 j U C ►J X a 03 ■< H o -' BIUOUIUTB SB uaSoj^i^j COCNCOOt^-r^-#OOt-- O CO OS OS hhhCIOINNOh CO r-i OO dddddddo'd d d do boijis ajqnjog N; q rtj h- q q o n. co q co q © id d id -*' n.' d d co h i^ od -*' i^ CO i— IHNhMi- li— IH 1— I CN i— < i— < piOB ouoqdsoqj piOB ounjing aiui^ jo apixoaaj a T3 .2 a a 03 3 a 0J 'co^Tt«^r^ ' tjh o co ; cocsioos^h ; -#co cn ■ddrndd ■ r4 ih i-i OS i-H i-H o OOl i-j r~ co co ^h i~- q ■* co t^ q t>; q co' ■#' co' co' d d i-i ■*' if co co oi i-i OCNCOI-- OSX ■* rt< iO OS 00 OS CM auuojqQ t>. n. th t>. t-h i Tt i q q q d d .-<' d co" d cn cm' ^h CN^hi-hcMCNCOi-COCO OS d CO CO d co OS i-H CO rt Bpog NONNffltOHHtq co' d i-I d d d co' i--' d 1— 1 HHH HIQ CO •** CM i—i d CO.-H id id qsB}o,j TjH|>itTt<03t^^HCSO IO' I-i IO ■*' CM CM' tJH rH r-J CM GO CO i-h'(N bis8u3bj^ OSi-i-^qcoqq-^co ■* »d CO «>' oo' CO iO b-' t-' q co' CO d ©M i-i lO i-H ^HMOl^MHHCO CO ■* t-~ i-h t^od't'corHt^od'^id i-I i-i d t^ tjh OS CN ■* 00 OS i-h iO CO OS O (Nh i-H ,-H i-H I-H i-H i-H i-H i-H i-H CN CN C 4- o + CO !0 CO -UJJ4JJJ a co - ej d co CO m CO CO I- (- cu cu c a ooo OOiO ■* CO iO + + + m co co 03 03 33 - i- - . 0) CU cu " dCfi( sssss Ago O o to S S cu 03 ««« || 3 OO + OO CO .2 . . -*H tfl CO m S ffi §d5 c o a 2 2 §aggH. 03Vh C3 ^4-h _H « CU o +o + c o o a ■* ■* g H^fe 03' o3 =h CN CO iO CO t^. 00 OS O i-h CM » * ffl PH i-H i-H i-H i-H i-H i-H (304) SUBSTANCES REMOVED IN DRAINAGE WATER 305 were made by Dr. A. Voelcker, and represent the mean of not more than five collections made in December, May and January and April during a period of two years. They can not be regarded as showing accurately the annual removal of salts from the soil but are still sig- nificant. From this table it will be seen that lime is the in- gredient lost in largest amount from this soil and that the character of the manure applied influences this loss to some extent. The sulfates of sodium, potassium, and magnesium have notably increased the loss of lime, as have also the ammonium salts. The loss of lime from all of the manured plats was notably greater than from the unmanured. Potash was not removed in large amount by the drainage water from any of the plats. Ammonium salts with superphosphate and with magnesia occasioned only a slight loss of potash, as did also the absence of manure. The plats receiving mineral manure alone and farm manure lost the greatest quantities of potash. The quantity of sulfuric acid leached from the soil is quite large and highly variable. It is frequently, but by no means uniformly, large on those plats from which lime is removed in large amounts. The plat receiving farm manure lost the largest quantity of sul- furic acid. Phosphoric acid was removed in small amounts and, except in the case of the unmanured plat, those plats losing the least phosphoric acid gave the largest yields. The loss of phosphoric acid seems to be a matter of failure on the part of the crop to utilize it, rather than its liberation by any manurial substance. T 306 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Ammoniacal nitrogen in the drainage water is very small in amount, but nitrate nitrogen is present in amounts sufficient to make the loss of some concern. The use of sodium nitrate occasioned the greatest loss of nitrogen while ammonium salts and farm manure contributed nearly as much. Forty to fifty pounds of nitrogen per acre may be lost annually in this way, which amount would have a commercial value of from eight to nine dollars. The most serious losses are those of nitrogen and lime, and both are to an extent unavoidable. Potassium and phosphorus, which must also be purchased in ma- nures, are lost only at the rate of a few pounds per acre but had lime been applied to any of these plats, the loss of potassium would probably have been larger. Nitro- gen and phosphorus are best conserved by keeping crops growing on land as much of the time as possible, and the former may also be protected by applying the soluble nitrogen salts only at a time when they can be utilized by crops. The loss of calcium frequently amounts to several hundred pounds per acre annually, and, as the presence of calcium carbonate is essential to a healthy condition, of the soil this loss, particularly from the soil receiving salts like sulfates and chlorides, the bases of which are absorbed by plants in larger amounts than the acids, is likely to result in a very bad condition of the soil. The only method of obviating this is to lime the soil from time to time. 170 Relation of absorptive capacity to productive- ness.— The absorptive capacity of a soil is not so much a measure of its immediate as of its permanent produc- ALKALI SOILS 307 tiveness. It is well known that a very sandy soil responds quickly to the application of soluble manures, but that the effect is confined mainly to one season; while a clay soil, although not so quickly responsive to fertilization, shows the effect of the application much more markedly the second or third year than does the sandy soil. Me- chanical absorption holds the nutritive material in a very readily available condition, while absorption by zeo- litic bodies renders these substances somewhat less readily available. There are also other reasons why the sandy soil is more responsive. It cannot be said that there is a relation between the absorptive capacity of a soil and its productiveness when manured or when nearly virgin, but soil long-cultivated and unmanured frequently show such a relation. King, in working with eight types of soil in different portions of the United States, found that those soils removing the most potassium from solution gave the largest yield of crop. It would not be permissible, however, to adopt this test as a method for determining productiveness in soils. VI. ALKALI SOILS As already explained (page 14), soils are acted upon by a great variety of agencies, which gradually render soluble a portion of the particles. The soluble matter is taken up by the soil water, and in humid regions where a large amount of water percolates through the soil and passes off in the drainage, the soluble matter is found only in small quantity at any time. In arid regions the loss by drainage is slight or entirely wanting, 308 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT and under such conditions the soluble materials accumu- late in the soil, being transposed downward with the percolating water and upward again with the capillary rise of water during the dry period. The lower soil may at one time contain considerably more soluble salt than the upper soil, while at another time the upper ": - ; ■ ■ V,. ■ ■ ^^^K*?^v?^H'" ■■■- **";- -' ^-^sssiwSW - - : • : ■ /Ira "WUj KJA(i -.■35; Sm 0seS,? Fig. 102. Bare spot, marking the first appearance of injurious quantities of alkali salts in the surface layer of soil. Utah. soil may contain more of these salts, in which case the solution in contact with plant-roots may, and often does, contain so much soluble matter that vegetation is injured or destroyed. This excess of soluble salts may or may not have a marked alkaline reaction, but in any case produce what are termed alkali soils. KINDS OF ALKALI 309 171. Composition of alkali salts. — The materials dissolved in the soil water consist of all of the sub- stances found in the soil, but, as the rates of solubility of these substances vary greatly, there accumulates a much larger quantity of some substances than of others. Carbonates, sulfates and chlorides of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium occur in the largest amounts. Sodium may be present as carbonate, sulfate, chloride, phosphate and nitrate. Potassium may be similarly combined. Magnesium is likely to appear as a sulfate or chloride, and calcium as a sulfate, chloride or carbonate. In some soils one salt will predominate, and in other soils other salts will prevail. A base may be present in combination with several different acids. The nature of the prevailing salt influences greatly the effect upon vegetation. Table XLVII gives the composi- tion of the soluble salts from a number of alkali soils. 172. White and black alkali. — Sulfates and chlorides of the alkalies when concentrated on the surface of the soil produce a white incrustation, which is very common in alkali regions during a dry period, as a result of evapo- ration of moisture. Alkali in which these acids predomi- nate is called white alkali. Carbonates of the alkalies dissolve organic matter in the soil, thus giving a dark color to the solution and to the incrustation, and for this reason alkali con- taining large quantities of these salts is called black alkali. Black alkali is much more destructive to vegetation than is white. A quantity of white alkali that would not seriously interfere with the growth of most crops ►J r, 03 03 .CN . tF . 00 -tf OJ Eh 0 .OS . CO . 00 CO p CM S.SChS • CO - l6 05 rH "3 ■ r# ■ ,-t CO o cd • . . »o . oo oo oo io »o i&s .OS . C^j t^; >-0 l>- CN 3g[fi • co ■ wi 05 _, . O . r^ . CD ic . O e^ qQtH>£ 3 1 t> .CO . U3 . U iO . Oi ■rH -MS • g -00 r^O 5 o •- • oo ■ +» _ > I • 'l> • CO • O • rH CO t o0 . . o . J-rH CJ H .S -J3 en ^-i . co . . co . 61s O o 2 53 000 1 p . r~ . . oq . to • 05 • • co • CO I CD CD ■*..■*. 03 . . t» . . C35 . ■ "CO n i -* 3C : :o : £ O C ^r- !5 ^ ^ I. d "O cu o CD rt CD O r^ "C CL «2 uX!_o o rt r r; ~-~~ ?.~~£~ a 5 B 5 m CO H O O r— ,2.2.2o d d d d sn'» OOO OOOOO J2 PhPhPh xfimmmifi s CO A >> Si ■o C3 03 3 o M < a oj e -H* t-) 03 a OJ Q GO ■d CD '3 cp o 7. «n : s S3 CO t-i s pq CP jd HH >. /Q CD T3 El B - 0) 3 CO "3 a — -** X S3 *J = a CD r CD TJ P ■A ft W P 08 o O C tH * o «n el U (310) o3 O O >jS o3 3Hx 00 ^ ci oo 73 CD 3 _C +2 a o o O H h-l to O s O o o H O X! H J n > _0J ^ 2 >-§ DKH 'o pq Sur- face 10 inches . . Oh- ■ • oo • • conservation of nitrogen is concerned, sod is an ideal crop, for nitrates are formed very little faster than they are used, and are not carried off in large amounts by the drainage water. In the corn land as much as 500 pounds of nitrates were present in the first twelve inches of one acre, or fully five times as much as was used by the crop. 284. Depth at which nitrification takes place. — Warington concluded from his experiments that nitrification takes place only in the surface six feet of soil. Hall has pointed to the fact that no more nitrates were leached from the 60-inch lysimeter at Rotham- sted than from the one 20 inches deep; which is very good evidence that in that particular soil nitrification does not take place below 20 inches from the surface. In more porous soils, however, nitrification probably extends deeper, especially in the rich and porous subsoils of the arid and semi-arid regions. In all probability, nitrification is largely confined to the furrow slice, where the opening up of the soil by tillage has provided the necessary air, and where the temperature rises to a point more favorable to the action of nitrifying bacteria. The results from the aerated and unaerated soils cited above represent the differ- ences that doubtless exist between the furrow slice and the subsoil so far as nitrification is concerned. 285. Loss of nitrates from the soil. — Nitrogen hav- SOIL CONDITION AND NITRIFICATION 419 ing been converted into the form of nitric acid, it im- mediately combines with available bases in the soil* forming salts, all of which are very easily soluble, and which are carried in solution by the soil water. In a region of large rainfall, the removal of nitrates in the drainage water is very rapid. Hall states that nitrates formed during the summer or autumn of one year are practically all removed from the soil of the Rotham- Fig. 113. The modern, small, eight-shovel riding cultivator. sted fields before the crops of the following year have advanced sufficiently to utilize them. It was formerly customary to fertilize with ammonium salts in the autumn, but the drainage water showed on analysis such a large quantity of nitrates during the months intervening between the time of fertilizing and the opening of the growing season that the practice was discontinued. In regions of less rainfall or of greater surface evaporation, the loss in this way is less, reaching a 420 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT minimum in an arid region when irrigation is not prac- ticed. Under such conditions, there is a return of ni- trates to the upper soil, as capillary water moves upward to replace evaporated water. In fact, wherever evaporation takes place to any considerable extent, there is some movement of this kind. The need for catch crops to take up and preserve nitrogen is there- fore greater in a humid region than in an arid or semi- arid one. An arrangement of crops that allows the land to stand idle for some time, or a crop that requires intertillage, as does maize, fails to utilize all of the nitrates produced, and promotes the loss of nitrogen in drainage water. 286. Denitrification. — The nitrogen transforming bacteria thus far studied have been those that cause the oxidation of nitrogen as the result of their activi- ties. We may now consider a number of forms of bac- teria that accomplish a reverse action. The several processes involved are commonly designated by the term denitrification, and comprise the following: (1) Reduction of nitrates to nitrites and ammonia. (2) Reduction of nitrates to nitrites, and these to elementary nitrogen. The number of organisms that possess the ability to accomplish one or more of these processes is very large, — in fact greater than the number involved in the oxidation processes, — but, in spite of their numbers, permanent loss of nitrogen in ordinary arable soils is unimportant in amount, although in heaps of barnyard manure it may be a very serious cause of loss. Some of the specific bacteria reported to bring about DENITRIFICATION 421 denitrification are: B. ramosus and B. pestifer, which reduce nitrates to nitrites; B. mycoides, B. subtilis, B. mesenteric us vulgatus and many other ammonification bacteria which are capable of converting nitrates into ammonia. Bacterium denitrificans alpha and Bacterium deni- trificans beta reduce nitrates with the evolution of gaseous nitrogen. In addition to these nitrate-destroying bacteria, there are other bacteria which also utilize nitrates; but, like higher plants, they convert the nitrogen into organic nitrogenous substances. However, as they operate in the dark and cannot obtain energy from sunlight, they must have organic acids or carbohy- drates as a source of energy. While these bacteria cannot be considered to be denitrifiers, they help to deplete the supply of nitrates when conditions are favorable for their development. What these condi- tions are is not well understood, nor can any estimate be made as to the extent of their operations. Most of the nitrifying bacteria perform their func- tions only under a limited access of oxygen, while others can operate in the presence of a more liberal supply; but, in general, thorough aeration of the soil practically prevents denitrification. Straw and dung apparently carry an abundant supply of denitrifying organisms, and also furnish a supply of carbohydrates which favors their action, so that stable manure is very likely to undergo denitrification, and straw or coarse stable manure are conducive to the growth of denitrifying bacteria in the soil. 422 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Under ordinary farm conditions, denitrification is of no significance in the soil where proper drainage and good tillage are practiced. Warington showed that, if an arable soil be kept saturated with water to the exclusion of air, nitrates added to the soil are decom- posed, with the evolution of nitrogen gas. As lack of drainage is usually most pronounced in the early spring, when the soil is likely to be depleted of nitrates, it is not likely that much loss arises in this way unless a nitrate fertilizer has been added. Of the many diffi- culties arising from poor drainage, denitrification of an expensive fertilizer may be very considerable item. The addition of a nitrate fertilizer to a soil receiving stable manure is not likely to result in a loss of ni- trates unless the dressings of manure have been ex- tremely heavy. Hall states that at Rothamsted, where large quantities of nitrate of soda are used every year in connection with annual dressings of farm manure, the nitrate produces nearly as large an in- crease when added to the manured as when added to the unmanured plat. There appears, in other words, to be no loss of nitrate by denitrification. It is possible to reach a point in manuring where denitrification may take place. Market gardeners sometimes reach this point where fifty tons or more of farm manure, in addition to a nitrate fertilizer, are added to the soil. Plowing under heavy crops of green manure may produce the same result. In either case, the best way to overcome the difficulty is to allow the organic matter to partly decompose before adding the fertilizer. The removal of the easily NITROGEN FIXATION BY BACTERIA 423 decomposable carbohydrates needed by the denitri- fying organisms decreases or precludes their activity. 287. Nitrogen fixation through symbiosis with higher plants. — It has long been recognized by farmers that certain crops like clover, alfalfa, peas, beans, etc., improve the soil, making it possible to grow larger crops of cereals after these crops have been upon the land. The benefit was, within the past century, traced to an increase in the nitrogen content of the soil, and the specific plants so affecting the soil were found to be, with perhaps a few exceptions, those belonging to the family of legumes. It has furthermore been demon- strated that these plants utilize, under certain con- ditions, the uncombined nitrogen of the atmosphere, and that they contain, both in the aerial portions and in the roots, a very high percentage of nitrogen. In consequence, the decomposition of even the roots of the plants in the soil leaves a large amount of nitrogenous matter. 288. Relation of bacteria to nodules on roots. — ■ It has also been shown that the utilization of atmos- pheric nitrogen is accomplished through the aid of certain bacteria that live in nodules (tubercles) on the roots of the plants. These bacteria acquire the free nitrogen from the air in the soil, and the host plant secures it in some form from the bacteria or their products. The presence of a certain species of bacteria is necessary for the formation of tubercles. Legumi- nous plants grown in cultures or in soil not containing the necessary bacteria do not form nodules, and do not utilize atmospheric nitrogen, the result being that 424 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the crop produced is less in amount and the percentage of nitrogen in the crop is less. It has for some years been the belief that the or- ganism which produces the nodules and utilizes the uncombined nitrogen is the Pseudomonas radicicola, but this has very lately been called in ques- tion. The nodules are not normally a part of leguminous plants but are evidently caused by some irritation of the root surface, much as a gall is caused to develop on a leaf or branch of a tree by an insect. In a culture containing the proper bacteria, the prick of a needle on the root surface will cause a nodule to form in the course of a few days. The entrance of the bacteria is effected through a root -hair which it penetrates, and may be seen as Fig. 114. Nodules on the roots of an cl ■,• alfalfa plant Bacteria live in these nodules, a Ulament extending or tubercles, and have the power of utilizing . i , ■ i ,1 <• , 1 the free nitrogen of the air in their growth. the entire length 01 the TUBERCLE BACTERIA 425 hair, and into the cells of the cortex of the root, where the growth of the tubercle starts. Even where the causative bacteria occur in cultures or in the soil, leguminous plants may not secure any atmospheric nitrogen, or perhaps only a small quantity, if there is an abundant supply of readily available combined nitrogen upon which the plant may draw. The bacteria have the ability to utilize combined nitrogen as well as uncombined nitrogen, and prefer to have it in the former condition. On soils rich in nitro- gen legumes may, therefore, add little or no nitrogen to the soil, while in properly inoculated soils deficient in nitrogen an important gain of nitrogen results. While P. radicicola has been considered the organism common to all leguminous plants, it is now known that the organisms from one species of legume are not equally well adapted to the production of tubercles on each of the other species of legumes. They show greater activity on some species than on others, but do not develop so successfully on any species as on the one from which the organisms were taken. It was quite generally believed at one time that the longer any species of legume is in contact with the organisms from another species the more active they become, and the greater the utilization of atmospheric nitrogen. Considerable doubt has been cast upon this view in recent years, and it is now generally conceded that the bacteria of certain legumes are not capable of inoculating certain other species of legumes. 289. Transfer of nitrogen to the plant. — It has been shown by several investigators that bacteria 426 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT from the nodules of legumes are able to fix atmos- pheric nitrogen even when not associated with legumi- nous plants. There would seem to be no doubt, there- fore, that the fixation of nitrogen in the tubercles of legumes is accomplished directly by this organism, and not by the plant itself, or through any combina- tion of the plant and organism, — both of which hy- potheses have been advanced. The part which the plant plays is doubtless to furnish the carbohydrates required in large quantities by all nitrogen-fixing organisms and which the legumes are able to supply in large amounts. The utilization of large quantities of carbohydrates by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the tubercles may also account for the small proportion of non-nitrogenous organic matter in the plants. Kow the plant absorbs this nitrogen after it has been secured by the bacteria is less well understood. Early in the growth of the tubercle, a mucilaginous substance is produced which permeates the tissues of the plant in the form of long, slender threads, and which contain the bacteria. These threads develop by branching or budding, and form what have been called Y and T forms known as bacteroids, which are peculiar to these bacteria, and not produced by them when grown in the media of the laboratory. The threads finally disappear, and the bacteria diffuse themselves more or less, through the tissues of the root. What part the bacteroids play in the transfer of nitrogen is not known. It has been suggested that in this form the nitrogen is absorbed by the tissues of the plant. It seems quite likely that the nitrogen compounds SOIL-INOCULATION 427 produced within the bacteria cells are diffused through the cell-wall and absorbed by the plant. In a recent report, De Rossi states that Pseudo- munas radicicola is not the causative agent in the fixation of nitrogen in the nodules of leguminous plants, and that he has isolated other bacteria that do possess this property. These bacteria produce the Y and T forms in artificial media, which is in itself an indication of their identity with the bacteria concerned in nitrogen-fixation. De Rossi's work may also explain why what was formerly considered to be one form of bacterium, Pseudomonas radicicola, common to all leguminous plants, is not capable of inoculating one species of legume when transferred from another. It may be that there are a number of different forms, each adapted to certain species of legumes. 290. Soil-inoculation for legumes. — The possibility of securing a better growth of leguminous crops on soils not having previously grown such a crop success- full}', was conceived immediately following the dis- covery of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Extensive experiments showed the practicability of inoculating land for a certain leguminous crop by spreading upon its surface soil from a field on which the same crop is successfully growing. It is manifestly much better to apply the organisms or a certain species of legume from a field having grown the same species than to attempt to use organisms from another species of le- gume. The fact that soil-inoculation by means of soil from other fields may possibly transmit weed seeds and fungous diseases, and also necessitates the trans- 428 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT portation of a great bulk and weight of material, has led to numerous efforts to inoculate soil by means of pure cultures. The pure culture may also make it possible to bring to the soil bacteria of greater physio- logical efficiency than those already there. The first attempt at inoculation by pure cultures was made in Germany, the cultures being sold under the name of "Nitragin." Careful experiments made with this material previous to the year 1900 did not show it to be very efficient; but, of recent years, improve- ments in the method of manipulating the cultures have resulted in much greater success. In " Nitragin," the medium used for growing the organisms is gelatin, and, before use, this was formerly dissolved in water; but now a solution of greater density is used in order to prevent a change of osmotic pressure, which may cause plasmolysis and result in the destruction of the bacteria. Within recent years, a number of cultures for soil- inoculation have been offered to the public. The first of these utilized absorbent cotton to transmit the bacteria in a dry state from the pure cultures in the laboratory to the user of the culture, who was to prepare therefrom another culture to be used for inoculating the soil. Careful investigation of this method showed that its weakness lay in drying the cultures on the absorbent cotton which frequently resulted in the death of the organisms. More recently, liquid cultures have been placed on the market in this country, but they have not yet been sufficiently well tested to prove their efficiency. It is undoubtedly NON-SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATION 429 only a question of time until a successful method of inoculating soil from artificial cultures will be found. In the meantime, inoculation by means of infested soil is the most practical method. 291. Nitrogen-fixation without symbiosis with higher plants. — If a soil be allowed to stand idle, either without vegetation or in grass, it will, under favorable moisture conditions, in the northern states, accumu- late in one or two years an appreciable amount of nitrogen not present at the beginning of the period. At the Rothamsted Experiment Station, one of the fields in volunteer plants, consisting mainly of grass without legumes, gained in the course of twenty years about twenty-five pounds of nitrogen per acre, annually. According to Hall, the nitrogen brought down by rain would account for about five pounds per acre per annum, and dust, bird-droppings, etc., for a little more. As pointed out by Lipman, there must also have been a greater total accretion of nitrogen during the twenty years than appears in the final result, as considerable must have been lost through removal of nitrates in drainage and escape of nitrogen in the ordinary processes of its transformation. 292. Nitrogen-fixing organisms. — Direct experi- ment has shown that certain bacteria have the ability to utilize atmospheric nitrogen and to leave it in the soil in a combined form. A bacillus — Clostridium pasteurianum — was first found to produce this result. Later, a commercial culture called " Alinit" was placed on the market in Germany, which culture it was claimed contained Bacterium ellenbachensis , with which the 430 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT soil was to be inoculated, and that a large fixation of atmospheric nitrogen would result. A number of tests of this material failed to show that it caused any marked fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. A number of other nitrogen-fixing organisms have since been discovered. There are: (1) Several members of the group designated Azotobacter, which are aerobic bacteria, and which some investigators hold to be capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen when grown in pure cultures, and others believe to be able to do so, at least in large amounts, only in the presence of certain other organisms. (2) Mem- bers of the Granulobacter group, which are large spore-bearing bacilli of anaerobic habits. (3) B. radiobacter, which appear to be closely related to or identical with the B. radicicola of legume tubercles. The latter has been shown to be able to fix atmospheric nitrogen even when not growing in symbiosis with legumes. There are doubtless many other nitrogen-fixing organisms still to be discovered. A peculiarity of these nitrogen-fixing organisms is their use of carbohydrates, which they decompose in the process of nitrogen-fixation. They secure more atmospheric nitrogen when in a nitrogen-free medium. The presence of soluble lime or magnesium salts, es- pecially carbonates, is necessary for the best per- formance of the nitrogen-fixing function, as is also the presence of a somewhat easily soluble form of phosphorus. They are exceedingly sensitive to an acid condition of the soil. NITROGEN-FIXATION IN PURE CULTURES 431 293. Mixed cultures of nitrogen-fixing organisms. — - Mixed cultures of the various organisms mentioned fix larger amounts of nitrogen than do the pure cultures of any one of them, while some forms are incapable of fixing nitrogen in pure cultures. Certain algse, par- ticularly the blue-green alga?, aid greatly in promoting growth and nitrogen-fixation by these organisms. This they probably do by producing carbohydrates, which are used by the bacteria as a source of energy for nitrogen-fixation, the bacteria furnishing the alga? with nitrogenous compounds. To what extent the relation is symbiotic is not known at present, but it seems probable that a relation may exist similar to that between leguminous plants and the nitrogen- gathering bacteria in their nodules. 294. Nitrogen-fixation and denitrification antagonis- tic.— Nitrogen-fixation and denitrification are reverse processes. The former is, for most bacteria, favored by an abundant air-supply and a moderately high temperature. Thus, at 75° Fahr., fixation was rapid; at 59° Fahr., it was decreased, and at 44° Fahr, there was none. Denitrification is favored by a some- what limited supply of oxygen. There is no reason to believe that the practical importance of nitrogen-fixation without legumes is equal, under the most favorable conditions, to that with legumes. A further knowledge of the organisms effecting fixation and of their habits will doubtless make possible a greater utilization of their powers, to supplement the use of legumes, as a source of com- bined nitrogen in the soil. E. THE SOIL AIR I. FACTORS DETERMINING VOLUME The amount of air that soils contain varies with different soils, and in any one soil it varies with cer- tain changes to which it is subject from time to time. The factors affecting the volume of air in soils are: (1) The texture. (2) The structure. (3) The organic matter. (4) The moisture content. 295. Texture. — The size of the soil particles affect the air capacity of the soil in exactly the same way as it does the pore-space (see page 92), since the two are identical. A fine-textured soil in a dry condi- tion would, therefore, contain as large a volume of air as a coarse-textured one, provided the particles were spherical and all of the same size. Under the conditions actually existing in the field, those soils composed of small particles generally possess the larger air-space. 296. Structure. — The volume of air in a water-free soil being identical with the pore space, the formation of aggregates of particles is favorable to a large air volume. The volume of air in any soil, therefore, changes from time to time; and particularly is this true of a fine-grained soil, in which the changes in structure are greater than in a soil with large particles. A change in soil structure may greatly alter the volume of air con- tained, by altering the pore space, thereby influencing the productiveness. Clay is most affected in this way. (432) THE SOIL ATMOSPHERE 433 297. Organic matter. — Organic matter being more porous than any size or arrangement of mineral particles, the effect of that constituent is always to increase the volume of air. While this is generally beneficial in a humid region, it is often very injurious in an arid one. Unless sufficient water falls upon the soil to wash the soil particles around the organic matter and to maintain a supply sufficient to promote decomposition, the pres- ence of vegetable matter leaves the soil so open that the Fig. 115. Blade cultivator, with hammock seat. For surface work. capillary rise of moisture is interfered with, and the large movement of air keeps the soil dry, with the result that the portion of the soil layer mixed with and lying above the organic matter, is too dry to germinate seeds or support plant growth. 298. Moisture content. — It is quite evident that the larger the proportion of the interstitial space filled with water the smaller will be the quantity of air contained. This does not necessarily mean that the higher the per- BB 434 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT centage of water in the soil the smaller the volume of air, as the amount of pore space determines both the water and the air capacity. A soil with 30 per cent moisture may contain more air than one with a water content of 20 per cent because of the tendency of mois- ture to move the soil particles further apart. In soils in the field, the average diameter of the cross- section of the pore space is the most potent factor in determining the volume of air. Small spaces are likely to hold water, while the larger ones, not retaining water against gravity, are filled with air. In a clay soil, the volume of air is increased, other things being equal, by the formation of granules, and decreased by deflocculation or compaction. II. COMPOSITION OF SOIL AIR The air of the soil differs from that of the outside atmosphere in containing more water vapor, a much larger proportion of carbon dioxid, a correspondingly smaller amount of oxygen, and slightly larger quantities of other gases, including ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulphid, etc., formed by the decomposition of organic matter. 299. Analyses of soil air. — The composition of the air of several soils, as determined by Boussingault and Lewy, is quoted by Johnson in the table on the follow- ing page. There are several factors influencing the composition of the soil air, those of greatest importance being the production and the escape of carbon dioxid, while of COMPOSITION OF SOIL AIR Table LXV 435 Character of soil Sandy subsoil of forest . . Loamy subsoil of forest. Surface soil of forest Clay soil Soil of asparagus bed not manured for one year. Soil of asparagus bed freshly manured Sandy soil, six days after manuring Sandy soil, ten days after manuring (three days of rain) Vegetable mold compost Volume in one acre of soil to depth of 14 inches Air Cu. ft. 4,416 3,530 5,891 10,310 11,182 11,182 11,783 11,783 21,049 Carbon dioxid Cu. ft. 14 28 57 71 80 172 257 1,144 772 Composition of 100 parts soil-air by volume Carbon dioxid 0.24 0.79 0.87 0.66 0.74 1.54 2.21 9.74 3.64 Oxygen Nitro- gen 19.66 19.61 19.99 19.02 18.80 10.35 16.45 79.55 79.52 79.35 80.24 79.66 79.91 79.91 less influence is the excretion of carbon dioxid and utili- zation of oxygen by plant roots. 300. Production of carbon dioxid as affecting com- position.— -Although the formation of carbon dioxid in the soil depends upon the decomposition of organic matter, it is not always proportional to the quantity of organic matter present. The rate of decomposition varies greatly, and where this is depressed, as is some- times seen in muck or forest soils, the content of carbon dioxid is low. A high percentage of organic matter is in itself likely to prevent a proportional formation of carbon dioxid by the accumulation of the gas inhibiting further activity of the decomposing organisms. 436 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Ramann states that the percentage of carbon dioxid in the soil air has the following relations: The carbon dioxid increases with the depth. In general the percentage of carbon dioxid rises and falls with the temperature, being higher in the warm months and lower in the cold months. r-^ Fig. 116. Disc cultivator fitted with fenders. Changes in temperature and air pressure change the percentage of carbon dioxid. In the same soil the content of carbon dioxid varies greatly from year to year. An increase of moisture in the soil increases the per- centage of carbon dioxid. The amount of carbon dioxid varies in different parts of the soil. 301. Escape of carbon dioxid as affecting composition. FUNCTION OF THE SOIL AIR 437 — The movement of carbon dioxid from the soil depends chiefly upon diffusion into the outside atmosphere. The conditions governing diffusion, which will be dis- cussed later (page 439), therefore largely determine the rate of loss of carbon dioxid from the soil. 302. Effect of roots upon composition. — The absorp- tion of oxygen and excretion of carbon dioxid by roots has a real, but as yet unmeasured influence upon the composition of the soil air. It is worthy of note, however, that the carbon dioxid thus excreted is in a position where its aqueous solution can be of the greatest benefit to the plant in its solvent action upon the soil, as it is in direct contact with the absorbing portion of the roots. III. FUNCTIONS OF THE SOIL AIR Both carbon dioxid and oxygen as they exist in the air of the soil have important relations to the processes by which the soil is maintained in a habitable condition for the roots of plants. Deprived of these gases, the soil would soon reach a sterile condition. 303. Oxygen. — An all-important process in the soil is that of oxidation, because by it the organic matter that would soon accumulate to the exclusion of higher plant life is disposed of, and the plant-food materials are brought into a condition in which they may be absorbed by plant-roots. The presence of oxygen is essential to the life of the decomposing organisms and to the complete decay of organic matter. Through this process, roots of past crops, as well as other organic matter that has been plowed under, are removed from the. soil. 438 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT The process of decay gives rise to products, chiefly carbon dioxid, that are solvents of mineral matter, and leaves the nitrogen and ash constituents more or less available for plant use. Oxygen is also necessary for the germination of seeds and the growth of plant-roots. These phenomena, although not involving the removal of large quantities of oxygen, are yet entirely de- pendent upon its presence in c o n s i de r a b 1 e amounts. 304. Carbon dioxid. — T h e solvent action of carbon dioxid is its most im- portant func- tion in the soil. By its solvent action it prepares for absorption by plant-roots most of the mineral substances found in the soil. Although a weak acid when dissolved in water its universal presence and continuous formation during the growing season results in a large total effect. Carbonic acid dissolves from the soil more or less of all the nutrients required by plants. The amounts so dissolved are appreciably greater than those dissolved in pure water. The constant formation of carbon dioxid by decomposition of organic matter keeps this solvent continually in contact with the soil. Carbon dioxid serves a useful purpose in combining Fig. 117. Hand cultivator, or wheel hoe, with attachments. MOVEMENTS OF THE SOIL AIR 439 with certain bases to form compounds beneficial to the soil. Particularly is this the case with calcium carbo- nate, which is of the greatest benefit to the soil in main- taining a slight alkalinity very favorable to the develop- ment of beneficial bacteria and to the maintenance (if good tilth. When combined as sodium or potassium carbonate in considerable quantity, as in certain alkali soils, a very injurious action upon plant-roots, and upon soil-struc- ture results. Upon plants it acts as a direct poison. (See page 312.) The effect upon soil structure is to de- flocculate the particles producing the separate grain or compact arrangement. (See page 116.) IV. MOVEMENT OF SOIL AIR There is a constant movement of the air in the inter- stitial spaces of the soil, and an exchange of gases between the soil atmosphere and the outside atmosphere, as well as a more general but probably less effective, movement of the air out of. or into the soil, as the controlling- conditions may determine. The movement may be produced by any one or more of the following phenomena: (1) Gaseous diffusion. (2) Movement of water. (3) Change of atmospheric pressure. (-1) Change of temperature in soil or atmos- phere. (5) Suction produced by wind. 305. Diffusion of gases. — The wide difference in the composition of soil ami atmospheric air gives rise to a movement of gases due to a tendency for the external and internal gases to come into equilibrium. According 440 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT to Buckingham, the interchange of atmospheric and soil air is due in large measure to diffusion. The rate of movement of the soil air due to diffusion is dependent upon the aggregate volume of the interstitial spaces, and not upon their average size. Thus it is the porosity of the soil that influences most largely the dif- fusion of the air from it, and consequently the size of the particles is not a factor, but good tilth permits diffusion to take place more rapidly than does a compact condi- tion of soil, as the volume of the pore space is thereby increased. Compacting the soil in any way, as by rolling or trampling, has the opposite effect. 306. Movement of water. — As water, when present in a soil, fills certain of the interstitial spaces, it thus decreases the air space when it enters the soil and increases it when it leaves. The downward movement of rain-water produces a movement of soil air by forc- ing it out through the drainage channel below, while at the same time a fresh supply of air is drawn in behind the wave of saturation, as the water passes down from the surface. The movement thus occasioned extends to a depth where the soil becomes permanently saturated with water. Twenty-five per cent of the air in a soil may be driven out by a normal change in the moisture content of the soil. 307. Changes in atmospheric pressure. — Waves of high or low atmospheric pressure, frequently involving a change of .5 inches on the mercury gage, cross the continent alternately every few days. The presence of a low pressure allows the soil air to expand and issue from the soil, while a high pressure following, causes the out- FACTORS AFFECTING SOIL AERATION 441 side air to enter in order to equalize the pressure. An appreciable, but not important movement of soil air is produced in this way. The size of the interstitial spaces is more potent than their volume in effecting soil ventilation by this and the following methods. 308. Changes in temperature. — A movement of soil air may be induced by a change of temperature in the atmosphere or in that of the soil itself. Changes in atmos- Fig. 118. The hillside plow. The hinged share and moldboard permit con- tinuous plowing on one side of the land. pheric temperature act in the same way as do changes in atmospheric pressure; in fact, it is the effect of tem- perature upon air pressure that causes the movement. Like the movement due to atmospheric pressure, it is not great; but where the soil immediately at the sur- face of the ground attains a temperature of 120° Fahr. at mid-day, as occurs in the corn-belt, the movement must be appreciable. The diurnal change in soil temperature decreases rapidly from the surface downward, due to the absorp- tion and slow conduction of heat. (See page 455.) At the Nebraska Experiment Station, the average diurnal range for the month of August, 1891, was as follows: 442 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Diurnal Range of Air and Soil Temperatures Degrees Fahr. Air 5 feet above ground 14.4 Soil 1 inch below surface 17.9 Soil 3 inches below surface 14.8 Soil 6 inches below surface 9.2 Soil 9 inches below surface 6.6 Soil 12 inches below surface 4.3 Soil 24 inches below surface 0.5 Soil 36 inches below surface 0.0 This soil contains about 50 per cent of pore space, in the upper foot of which 40 per cent is normally filled with water during the summer months. This leaves 518 cubic inches of air in the upper cubic foot of soil. With an increase in temperature, the air expands 79T m volume for each degree Fahr. The average increase of tempera- ture is, in this case, about 11° Fahr. for the first foot. The air exhaled or inhaled by each cubic foot of soil would then be ' — r— = 11.6 cubic inches. 491 As this is slightly over 2 per cent of the air contained in the upper foot of soil, and as the movement below that depth is negligible, the change in composition at any one time is not great; but this pumping effect is kept up day after day, although less energetically in the cooler portion of the year. In proportion as poor drainage equalizes the temperature it would prevent this type of circulation. The total effect assisted by diffusion is to aid materially in ventilating the soil. Owing to diffusion of air in the interstitial spaces, the air expelled is dif- ferent in composition from that inhaled. MODIFICATION OF SOIL AERATION 443 309. Suction produced by wind. — The movement of wind, being almost always in gusts, alternately increases and decreases the atmospheric pressure at the surface of the soil. There is a tendency, therefore, for the soil air to escape and for atmospheric air to penetrate the soil with each change in pressure. The effect presumably influences only the superficial air spaces, but it must be very frequent in its action. No measurements have been made and no definite estimate of its effect can be arrived at. V. METHODS FOR MODIFYING THE VOLUME AND MOVEMENT OF SOIL AIR The conditions that affect the ventilation of soils are: (1) The volume and size of the interstitial spaces. (2) The moisture content. (3) The daily and annual range in temperature. Although the size of the interstitial spaces does not appear to influence greatly the diffusion of gases from a soil, it has a marked effect upon certain of the other processes by which air enters and leaves the soil. A sandy soil, a soil in good tilth, and, particularly, a soil composed of clods, permit of more rapid movement of air than does a compact soil. While a certain movement of air through the soil is desirable, and indeed necessary, for the reasons already stated, a very large movement is injurious unless there is an abundant rainfall. The effect of air movement through the soil is to remove soil moisture. In a region of small rainfall and low atmospheric humidity, this 444 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT may be disastrous if the soil is not kept compact by careful tillage. On the other hand, in a humid region and in clay soil, there is likely to be too small a supply of oxygen for the use of crops and lower plant life unless the soil is well stirred. 310. Tillage. — The ordinary operations of tillage influence greatly the ventilation of the soil. When a soil is plowed, the soil at the bottom of the furrow is exposed directly to the air at the surface, and, by the separation Fig. 119. The Acme harrow. An efficient pulverizer on clean soil, free from stones. of adhering particles and aggregates of particles, air is brought in contact with particles that may previously have been completely shut off from the air. It is largely because of its effect upon soil ventilation that plowing is beneficial, and the necessity for its practice is greater in a humid region and upon a heavy soil than in a region of small rainfall and on a light soil. The practice of list- ing corn, by which the soil is sometimes left unplowed for a number of years, although in the semi-arid region, productive of crops of sufficient yield to make them 3#^«" I . »y '\ \ 3& 1 T3 0 > si s 43 < O 8 0) S S d a) J3 13 a eJ a) J3 d B d 0 o G rt u :ai >> OS +J 0) +J c (ll 1*1 -fcj a o sd tn — >> -*j si a) u _ bC — : tn (U Wl r— £ 72 <£ ui I 68 Ui I- 64 60 ''' *>c*-" ---''" c^0.- (*?--* *" 4 * * \-^ F1NE_SAND_ v^-in!_— * + -,■* • ^ «-"^ ,«ai """ 10 20 30 40 MINUTES FROM START 60 60 70 Fig. 124. Curves showing the temperature of a dry sandy loam soil, covered by a very thin layer of powdered chalk and carbon black respectively, after exposure in bright sunshine. 458 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT ture. Its effect due to color is reduced by the higher water-content which such a soil normally retains. (See page 101.) Red soils absorb more heat than yellow or gray ones, and yellow soils absorb more heat than gray ones. 327. Slope of the soil. — A smooth surface absorbs more heat than a rough or rigid surface. The effect of the direction and angle of slope on the amount of heat received from the sun is shown by the following diagram. Fig. 125. Diagram illustrating the influence ot the slope of the land surface upon the amount of sunshine received. On the 21st of June, on the 42d parallel, the sun- beam which falls on a given level area would be dis- tributed over almost 6 per cent less area when the slope is toward the sun at an angle of 20°, while on a slope of 20° away from the sun the same amount of sunshine would fall upon 16 per cent greater area. The area which HEAT CONDUCTIVITY OF THE SOIL 459 sloped away from the sun would also receive the sun's rays for a shorter period of each day. Wollny found in Germany that the temperature of a sandy soil at six inches depth on a south slope of 30° averaged 3.1° Fahr. warmer than the corresponding slope to the north. King found the following differences in tempera- ture between the level and an 18° south slope, in Wis- consin, in July. Table LXXII First foot Second foot Third foot, South slope, 18 degrees . . . Level Degrees Fahr. 70.3 67.2 Degrees Fahr. 68.1 65.4 Degrees Fahr. 66.4 63.6 Difference 3.1 2.7 2.8 The north slope ordinarily has the most uniform temperature. 328. Conductivity. — The conductivity of the soil for heat depends upon four factors. These are: (1) Com- position. (2) Texture. (3) Structure. (4) Moisture content. The relative influence of these factors, as reported by Warington from the results of Pott, are shown in Table LXXIII on page 460. Quartz has the largest power to conduct heat of any of the soil constituents studied. The effect of lime- stone and quartz stone is probably a textural one, as is shown by the fact that the coarser the texture the greater the conductivity. A compact soil conducts heat more readily than a loose one. But, while a com- pact soil will receive heat most rapidly, it also gives 460 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Table LXXIII Compo- sition Texture Structure Loose quartz powder =100 Moisture content Quartz powder = 100 Fine quartz sand = 100 Loose Com- pact Dry quartz powder = 100 Quartz, sand fine Quartz sand, medium. . . Quartz sand, coarse .... Quartz powder Chalk 100.0 85.2 90.7 90.7 94.1 112.1 115.6 100.0 103.6 105.3 ldo. b 85.2 90.7 90.7 106.7 92.6 98.1 96.4 201.7 153.2 Peat 94.3 Kaolin 155.6 Clay Clay with limestones . . . Clay with quartz stones.. .... it up most readily. The effect of the mulch is therefore to maintain a more uniform soil temperature. The presence of stone in the soil increases its temperature. The movement of heat through the soil is also increased decidedly by the presence of moisture. Pott found that when a dry sand conducted 100 units of heat, the same sand in a moist state conducted 174 units, and when wet, 189 units, or nearly twice that for the dry sand. The operation of rolling by compacting the soil increases its conductivity for heat, and consequently its average temperature. King found, as an average of several trials on different soils, that at a depth of 1.5 inches, rolled soil was 3.1° Fahr. warmer than the unrolled soil, and at a depth of three inches the difference in favor of rolling was 2.9° Fahr. In extreme cases, he has found differences nearly three times as great as WATER CONTENT AND TEMPERATURE 461 the above figures between the temperature of rolled and unrolled land. Rolling generally favors deep warming. The movement of heat in the soil is illustrated by the curves of soil temperature on page 455. The change in temperature in the subsoil lags considerably behind that at the surface, and is also more uniform. 329. Circulation of air. — This is due, first, to direct conduction between the air and the soil; and, second, to the influence of wind on evaporation. Tillage of the soil, particularly in the spring, increases the rate of warming, because at that season the air is usually warmer than the soil, and, by bringing all parts of the soil to the surface successively, it is warmed by contact with the air and by the direct receipt of the sun's heat. Wind hastens the change in temperature of the soil in either direction by increasing the volume of air with which the soil comes in contact. 330. Water-content. — The water-content of the soil is the largest factor, after the heat supply, in determining the temperature of the soil. This is due to two things: (1) The high specific heat of water as compared to soil. (2) The heat absorbed in the evaporation of water. The specific heat of water, as compared with an equal volume of soil, is shown by the table on page 456 to be nearly twice as great. Consequently, the more water a soil contains, the more slowly will its tempera- ture change with a given heat supply. The tempering influence of large bodies of water upon adjacent land areas is an example of this fact. In the evaporation of water, a large amount of heat is absorbed. The vaporization of one pound of water at 462 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the boiling point requires 5.3 times as much heat as is necessary to raise its temperature from the freezing point to the boiling point. It is this large absorption of heat which renders evaporation such a large cooling operation. The more evaporation which takes place from the soil moisture, the more will the temperature be kept clown. Any treatment which reduces evaporation, such as the mulch, will favor a higher soil temperature. This influence of the moisture content has given rise to popular descriptive terms, such as "warm," and "cold" soils; "early" and "late" soils. A "warm soil" is one which retains naturally a relatively small amount of water, that is, soils of coarse texture. "Cold soils," on the other hand, are those which retain a rela- tively large amount of water, that is, those of fine tex- ture. The difference in the amount of heat required to warm the water contained in the soil, as well as that lost in evaporation, which is of course greatest in the soil containing most water, is the source of their normal differences in temperature. An "early soil" is one which retains a relatively small amount of water. It therefore warms up most rapidly under a given heat supply, and is in condition to permit seeding earlier in the season. A late soil retains much water, and, consequently, is slow in warming up. Its planting must therefore be deferred until later in the season. Coarse-textured soils are "early," and fine-textured ones are "late." Wollny concluded, from extensive experiments, that in summer sandy soils are warmest, followed by humus, lime and loam soils. In winter this order is reversed. MEANS OF MODIFYING THE SOIL TEMPERATURE 463 The large effect of drainage on the soil temperature is due to these heat relations of the soil moisture. If the excess of water is removed by evaporation, it keeps the soil unduly cold. King observed differences in tem- perature of from 2.5° to 12.5° Fahr. between drained and undrained soil on different days in April. These results are abundantly borne out by practical experience. The removal of the excess water by drainage conserves heat. IV. MEANS OF MODIFYING THE SOIL TEMPERATURE The means of modifying the soil temperature are obvious from the above principles. The practices which may be used for this purpose are: (1) Modification of the texture and structure of the soil by appropriate tillage. (2) Modification of the color of the soil, chiefly through the addition of organic matter. Fig. 126. The spading disc. Adapted to much more stony, hard soil than the solid disc. 464 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT (3) Modification in the moisture content by the use of mulches, irrigation, and especially by drainage, where there is an excess of water. (4) The attitude of the surface may be somewhat changed by tillage, especially in the matter of rough or smooth surface. Of course, the general slope cannot be altered. (5) Promotion of organic decay through the addi- tion of organic matter to the soil, in such a state and under such conditions as will promote favorable decay by which its heat may be liberated. The high tempera- ture attained in hotbeds in the winter and early spring exemplifies this practice. The application of manure under field conditions may appreciably alter the soil temperature, due perhaps to several effects. Wagner observed an increase of 5° Fahr. as a result of the application of twenty tons of manure per acre, and during a period of several weeks there was an average excess of 1° of temperature on the manured land. Georgeson observed, through a period of twenty days following the application of different amounts of manure in the fall, temperature differences amounting to .9° for ten tons, 1.7° for twenty tons, 2.3° for forty tons, and 3.4° for an application of eighty tons per acre. (6) Construction of shelters may modify the soil temperature. Coldframes and greenhouses make use of this principle by preventing the circulation of air and by entrapping the sun's rays. Partial shade influences the soil temperature, usually producing a lower average and a greater uniformity. G. EXTERNAL FACTORS IN SOIL MANAGEMENT In the foregoing chapters, some of the principles underlying the management of the soil have been pointed out. In addition to these are several practices associated with soil management resting upon the prin- ciples that have been explained, which are so funda- mentally important as to warrant their separate discus- sion in this connection. I. MEANS OF MODIFYING THE SOIL In the art of soil management, one has a number of practices which may be used to modify the soil. 331. Summary of practices. — The most prominent of these practices are: (1) The manipulation of the soil by means of implements. (2) Drainage. (3) Irrigation. (4) Application of amendments, including all forms of organic materials. (5) Application of chemical ma- nures. (6) Inoculation. (7) Rotation. (8) Crop- adaptation. Each of these practices has a primary function. That of drainage is to remove excess water from the soil; of chemical manures to add food elements; of inocu- lation, to introduce organisms; of tillage, to modify the structure of the soil. But, in the exercise of their primary function, each practice also has many second- ary or indirect effects on the soil, which may sometimes be more important to the productive qualities of the dd (465) 466 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT soil than its direct effect. This complex effect is well illustrated by drainage, which not only removes excess water and admits air, but it thereby affects the soil temperature, growth of organisms and the elaboration of plant-food. Similarly, tillage, first of all, is designed to alter the structure of the soil, and through this alter- ation in structure, the retention of moisture, aeration and root-penetration, not to mention many other Fig. 127. Bottom view of a modern plow, showing the parts. 1, share; 2, moldboard; 3, landside; 4, frog; 5, brace; 6, beam; 7, clevis; 8, handle. relations, are changed. In fact, every practice which may be applied to the soil influences in some degree every phase of the soil mechanism. The relative promi- nence of these different effects depends on the character and condition of the soil. The application of these various practices has been indicated in the foregoing pages, in connection with the principles discussed. II. TILLAGE Tillage, or the manipulation of the soil by means of implements, is so general in its application and so OBJECTS OF TILLAGE 467 pronounced in its effects, as well as complex in its modes of operation, that it is given a separate treatment. 332. Objects of tillage. — Tillage rests upon three primary objects. These are: (1) Modification of the texture and structure of the soil. (2) Disposal of rubbish or other coarse material on the surface, and the incor- poration of manures and fertilizers in the soil. (3) To de- posit seeds and plants in the soil in position for growth. The most prominent of these objects is the modifi- cation of the soil structure. No perceptible change in the soil texture can be effected but through changes in structure, by which it is made either more open *or more compact. Thereby the retention and fig. 128. Heel plate for regukt- movement of moisture is ing the width at the heel. affected, aeration is altered, the absorption and reten- tion of heat is influenced, the growth of organisms is either promoted or retarded; through all of these the composition of the soil solution is affected and, lastly, the penetration of plant roots is influenced. The crea- tion of a soil mulch is simply a change in the structure of the soil at such time and in such manner as will prevent evaporation of moisture. For this reason, it is essential to appreciate the relation of soil structure to movement of moisture in managing the mulch. In fine- textured soils, where the granular or crumbly structure is most desired, tillage may have an important influ- ence on the promotion or destruction of these granules. As has been pointed out (page 105), any treatment 4G8 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT which increases the number of lines of weakness in the soil structure facilitates the action of the moisture films in solidifying the soil granules. Tillage shatters the soil and breaks it into many small aggregates of particles, which may be further drawn together and loosely cemented by the further evaporation of moisture. The more numerous the lines of weakness produced, the more pronounced the granulation; and, conversely, the fewer the lines of weakness which result, the more coarse and cloddy the structure. Fig. 129. The modern sulky riding plow. 333. Implements of tillage. — The number of imple- ments adapted to the manipulation of the soil is very large, and they embrace many types and patterns. Many operations are comprehended by the term tillage. It includes the use of all those implements which are used to move the soil in any way in the art of crop-pro- duction. It includes the smallest hand implements, as well as the largest traction implements. 334. Effect on the soil. — All these operations may be divided into two groups, according to their effect on OPERATION OF TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS 469 the soil: (1) Those which loosen the soil structure. (2) Those which compact the soil structure. In the subsequent paragraphs of this chapter the effect of the more common types of tillage implements on the soil are pointed out as a guide to their selection for the ac- complishment of a particular desired modification. For, good soil management consists, first, in analyzing the soil conditions, to determine the change which should be effected; second, in the selection of the im- plement or other treatment which will most readily and economically accomplish the object. 335. Mode of action. — According to their mode of action, tillage implements may be divided into three groups: (a) Plows. (6) Cultivators, (c) Crushers and packers. 336. Plows. — The primary function of a plow is to take up a ribbon of soil, twist it upon itself, and lay it down again bottom side up, or partially so. In the process two things result. (1) If the soil is in proper condition for plowing, it will be shattered and broken up. (2) The soil is inverted, and any rubbish is put beneath the surface. 337. Pulverizations. — In twisting, the soil tends to shear into thin layers, as pointed out by King. These layers are moved unequally upon each other, as, when the leaves of a book are bent, they slip past each other. The result should be a very complete breaking up of the soil. How thorough the breaking-up will be will depend upon (a) the condition of the soil, and (b) the type of plow. As to the condition of the soil, there is a certain optimum moisture content at which the best 470 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT results will be obtained. Any departure from this moisture content will result in less efficient work. It has been said that, in proportion to the amount of energy Fig. 130. Sulky Lister required, the plow is the most efficient pulverizing implement available to the farmer. The optimum moisture content for plowing is indicated by that nicely moist condition in which a mass of the soil when pressed in the hand will adhere without puddling, but may be readily broken up without injury to the intimate soil structure. This is a much more critical stage for fine-textured soils than for coarse-textured ones. Sandy soils are not greatly altered by plowing when out of optimum moisture condition. On the other hand, if a clay soil is plowed when it is saturated with water, it TYPES OF TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS 471 will be thoroughly puddled, and will dry out into a hard lumpy condition. Such a structure requires a considera- ble time to overcome. As to the second factor, there are two general types of turning plows: (1) The common moldboard plow. (2) The disc plow. The mode of action of the two is quite different, although, so far as the soil is concerned, the result is much the same. The moldboard plow seems to have a wider application than the disc plow, although both have a particular sphere of usefulness. For any given texture of soil and any given soil condition, there is a type of plow, a shape of mold- Fig. 131. Types of coulters. Lower right hand, knife coulter; lower left hand, rolling coulter; upper right hand, fin coulter; upper left hand, jointer. The last-named attachment assists in turning trash under the surface as well as to cut the soil. 472 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT board, and a depth of furrow slice, which are calculated to give the best results. This fact is to be kept constantly in mind in plowing soil. Sod land requires a different shape of plow from fallow land, sandy land from clay land. Rubbish on the surface may be handled by one plow and not by another. Wet clay should have the use of a different shape of plow from dry soil. There are several different shapes of plow. Among these the most prominent types are the moldboard, the disc, the hillside and the subsoil. Of the moldboard type there are two general shapes : (1) The long, sloping moldboards, with little or no over- hang, found on what is called the sod plow. This neatly cuts off the roots at the bottom of the slice, and slowly and gradually twists the soil over without breaking the sod, and lays it smoothly up to the previous furrow- slice. It is seldom desirable to completely invert the soil. According to depth of plowing, the furrow-slice should be laid at an angle with the horizontal of from 25° to 50°, so that the projecting edge of the slice may be worked down for a seed-bed, while the roots and rubbish on the surface is somewhat uniformly distri- buted through a considerable depth of soil, instead of occupying a single layer in the bottom of the furrow. (2) The short, steep moldboard with a marked overhang. This is not adapted to sod land, because it breaks up the sod and shoots it over in a rough, jagged manner with uneven turning. But on fallow land, to which it is adapted, it very completely breaks up the soil and throws it over in a nearly level mellow mass. The pul- verizing effect is obviously much greater than with the THE PLOW AS A TILLAGE IMPLEMENT 473 sod plow. Since the steep moldboard or fallow-ground plow exerts the most force on the soil in a given time at a given speed of movement, it follows that if a particular soil is over-wet it should be plowed with the sod-plow, while, if it must be plowed when too dry, the fallow-ground plow will be more effective, — disre- garding the draft which will probably be large in the latter case. Fig. 132. Six-gang plow. Usually operated by steam engine. Adapted to large, level areas of uniform soil, relatively free from stone. There is a general relation between the width of the furrow-slice and its depth. In general, it may be said that this ratio is about two in width to one in depth. The greater the depth, the less in proportion may he the width of the furrow-slice. On clay soil in particular, there is also a relation between depth and condition. A wet soil should be plowed more shallow, other things equal, than a dry soil, because the puddling action is less. On a dry soil, the depth should be increased, to increase the pulverization. 474 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Combining these principles, then, it may be said that if a clay soil must be plowed when too wet, it should be plowed with a sod plow, and to as shallow a depth as is permissible. But, on an over-dry soil, the opposite conditions should be fulfilled, — that is, steep mold- board and increased depth. Likewise, on sandy soil, where the aim is generally to compact the structure, Fig. 133. The modern garden seeder. It modifies the soil structure this may be furthered by deep plowing with steep moldboard when the land is over-wet. In connection with this phase of the subject, it is important to consider what Professor Roberts called the plow sole. That is, the soil at the bottom of the furrow which bears the weight of the plow and trampling of the team, and which, under uniform depth of plowing, does not become loosened. In clay soil, especially, it gradually becomes more compact, in time developing something of a "hard-pan" character, which is detri- TYPES OF PLOWS 475 mental to the circulation of air and moisture and inter- feres with the penetration of plant roots. Consequently, occasional deep plowing or even subsoiling is recom- mended to break up this unfavorable soil structure, commonly called the " plow sole." There is less tendency for the disc than the moldboard plow to form the "sole." The hillside plow is a modified form of the mold- board plow, which has a double curvature to the mold- , board, so that it is essentially two plows in one. This swings on a swivel in such a way that it may be locked on either the right or the left side. It removes the neces- sity of plowing in beds, and, by per- mitting all of the work to be done from one side, enables the plowman to lay the furrow slices in one direction. On the hillside this direction is down the slope, because of the greater ease in turning the soil in that direction. It also removes the difficulty of pulling up and down the hill. There is another type of compound moldboard plow designed to eliminate "dead furrows" and "back furrows." The former is developed by turning the last furrow slices of two lands in opposite directions, thereby leaving a gulley between which, by reason of its fre- quent unproductive character, is termed the "dead furrow."' The back furrow consists of two furrow slices thrown together, usually forming a ridge more productive than the average of the land. Fig. 134. Berry hoe or ridger. For close tillage of berries, vines and low-headed trees. 476 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT The disc plow is essentially a large revolving disc set at such an angle that it cuts off and inverts the soil, at the same time pulverizing it quite effectively after much the same manner as the moldboard plow. One Fig. 135. Disc plow. advantage claimed for it is its lighter draft for the same amount of work done, because it has rolling friction in the soil instead of sliding friction. In practice, it appears to be especially effective on very dry, hard soil and in turning and covering rubbish.' 338. Covering rubbish. — The secondary function of the plow is to cover weeds, manure and rubbish which may be upon the surface. This also the turning plow does very effectively. The cutting and turning of the sod, rubbish and weeds is facilitated by several attach- ments. These are: (1) Coulters. (2) Jointers. (3) Drag- chains. There are several types of coulters. Blade coulters are attached to the beam or to the share in such a manner as to cut the furrow slice free from the land side. They should be adjusted so as to cut the soil after THE PLOW FOR COVERING RUBBISH 477 it has been raised and put in a stretched condition, when the roots are most easily severed. This position is a little back of the point of the share. A knife edge attached to the share is commonly called a fin coulter. A jointer is a miniature moldboard attached to the beam for cutting and turning under the upper edge of the furrow slice, so that a neat, clean turn is effected without the exposure of a ragged edge of grass which may continue growth. This is used chiefly on sod land. A drag-chain is an ordinary heavy log-chain, one end of which is attached usually to the central part of the beam, and the other to the end of the double tree on the furrow side, and with enough slack so that it drags down the vegetation on the furrow slice just ahead of its turning point. It is used, primarily, in turning under heavy growths of weeds or green-manure crops. There is a third type of plow, the so-called subsoil Fig. 136. The orchard disc. Adjustable and suited to working close up to low-headed trees. 478 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT plow. The purpose of this implement is to break up and loosen the subsoil without mixing the material with the soil. It consists essentially of a small mole- like point on a long shin. This implement is drawn throng! i the bottom of the furrow, and fractures and loosens the subsoil to a depth of eighteen inches or two feet. It is often useful on soils having a dense, hard subsoil, but its use requires the exercise of judgment, as the process may prove very injurious if done out of season. As a general rule, it is best to use the subsoiler in the fall when the subsoil is fairly dry, and in order that the subsoil may in a measure be recompacted by the winter rain. Spring subsoiling is seldom advisable in humid regions, owing to the danger of puddling the sub- soil or the possibility of its remaining too loose for best root development, if performed when the subsoil is too dry to puddle. 339. Cultivators. — There are more types of cultiva- tors than of any other form of soil-working implements. These may be grouped into: (1) Cultivators proper. (2) Leveler and harrow type of cultivators. (3) Seeder cultivators. These implements agree in their mode of action on the soil, in that they lift up and move it sidewise with a stirring action which loosens the struc- ture and cuts off weeds, and to a slight degree covers rubbish. However, the action is primarily a stirring one, and, in general, it is much more shallow than that of the plow. One important fact should be kept in mind in cultural operations, especially just following the plow. That is, to do the work when the soil is in the right moisture condition. Particularly is this true in the TYPES OF CULTIVATORS 479 pulverization following the plow. Plowing, if it be prop- erly done, leaves the soil in the best possible condition to be pulverized. It is properly moistened, and if the clods are not shattered they are reasonably frail and may be much more readily broken down than when they are permitted to dry out. In drying, they are somewhat cemented together and thereby hardened. Not only is it desirable in almost all cases to take advantage of this Fig. 137. "Sweeps" used extensively in the southern states, particularly for shallow cultivation of cotton and corn. (Hartley.) condition of the soil, but the leveling and pulverizing of the soil reduces drying and improves the character of the seed bed. 340. Cultivators proper. — There is a great va- riety in types and patterns of cultivators. .They may be divided into: (a) Large shovel forms, (b) Small shovel forms. The former have a few comparatively large shovels set rather far apart, which vigorously tear up the earth to a considerable depth and leave it in large ridges. There is a lack of uniform action, and 480 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the bottom of the cultivated portion is left in hard ridges. Such implements are now much less used than formerly, and may be considered to supplant in a meas- ure the use of the plow, where deep working without turning is desired. Some of the wheel-hoes used in or- chard tillage belong to this type. The old single and double shovel -plows are earlier types of the same implement. The small shovel-cultivators have very generally supplanted the large shovel type in most cultural work. Fig. 138. Broadcast seeder, which also cultivates the soil. The decrease in size of shovels is made up by the great increase in number. Ordinarily they operate shallow, but very thoroughly and uniformly. They are now much preferred in all inter-tillage work for eradication of small weeds and the formation of a loose surface mulch. A modification from these in shape of shovel is the sweep, much used in the southern states, especially in cotton-growing. It consists of broad blunt knife- like blades, which pass along a few inches beneath the surface of the soil and raise it an inch or two, then permit it to drop back in place in a much broken con- dition. It works best on soil relatively free from stone. CULTIVATORS PROPER 481 In addition to being a good implement to form a shallow mulch and keep the surface level, it is very effective as a weed-killer. Fig. 139. Small, one-horse grain drill for seeding in standing corn. Its use is equivalent to cultivation. Another classification, which has less relation to utility than to the convenience and comfort of the operation, is based on the presence or absence of wheels. There is a strong movement toward the use of wheel- cultivators, carrying a seat for the operator. These have a wider range of operation as to depth and facility of movement than have the cultivators without wheels. Still further, there is the distinction of shovels from discs. Discs are used on the larger cultivators; seldom on the small ones. Fig. 140. Meeker disc pulverizer. See also Fig. 37. EE 482 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Cultivators are also adapted to till one or more rows at a time. 341. Leveler and harrow type of cultivator. — In this group come the spike-toothed harrow, smoothing harrow,, the spring-toothed harrow, disc harrow, spading harrow, weeders and the Acme harrow. The spike-toothed harrow is essentially a leveling implement, adapted to very shallow cultivation of loose soils. It is also something of a cleaner, in that it picks Fig. 141. Plow for loosening beets and other root crops. Cultivates the soil deeply. up surface rubbish. The spring-toothed harrow works more deeply than the spike-toothed harrow, and can there- fore be used in many situations to which the latter is not adapted. In working down cloddy soil it brings the lumps to the surface, where they may be crushed. The disc harrow depends for its primary advantage upon the conversion of sliding friction into rolling friction. Its draft is, therefore, less for the same amount of work done. It has a vigorous pulverizing action simi- lar to the plow, and more so than shovel-cultivators. LEVELERS AND HARROWS 483 Disc implements are not adapted to stony soil, whereas toothed forms are as effective here as on soil free from stone, so long as the stones are not large enough to collect in the implement. On the other hand, on land full of coarse manure, sod, etc., the disc implement is the more efficient. The spading harrow (cutaway disc) is very little different from the disc harrow, except that it takes hold of the soil more readily. A recent attempt to accomplish a large amount of pulverization, and with Fig. 142. Riding cotton- and corn-planter. It also cultivates the soil. greater uniformity, is represented by the double-disc implements. In these implements there are two sets of discs, one set in front of and zig-zagged with the other, and also adjusted to throw the soil in opposite directions. Weeders are a modified form of the spring-toothed harrow, adapted to shallow tillage of friable, easily worked soil, where the aim is to kill weeds and create a thin surface mulch. They are wide and are fitted with handles, and therefore stand intermediate between 484 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT cultivators proper and harrows. They are much used for the intertillage of young crops. The Acme harrow consists of a series of twisted blades which cut the soil and work it over. They are most useful in the latter stages of pulverization on soil relatively free from stone. The Meeker harrow is a Fig. 143. Stubble digger used to fit light, mellow soils for seeding. modified form of disc, used primarily for pulverization. It consists of a series of lines of small discs arranged on straight axles, and is especially adapted to breaking up hard, lumpy soil. In this particular, it may be con- sidered to belong to the third set of implements, the clod crushers. But, as compared with the roller on hard soil, it is more efficient. 342. Seeder cultivators. — Many implements used SEEDER CULTIVATORS 485 primarily for seeding purposes are also cultivators, and their use is equivalent to a cultivation. The grain drill is a good example of this group. It is essentially a cultivator — either shoe or disc — adapted to depositing the grain in the soil at the proper depth. All types of planters which deposit the grain in the soil have a similar action on the structure of the soil. The ordinary two- row maize planter, the potato planter, etc., while of low efficiency, as cultivators, still have an effect which Fig. 144. Grain drill with either hoes or discs, and having fertilizer-spreading attachment. is measureable. This action is well seen in the lister, used for planting maize, by which the grain is deposited beneath the furrow, which is filled by cultivation after the grain is up. The lister is generally used without previously plowing the ground, and its use is limited to regions of low rainfall where the soil is aerated by natural processes. Lately, plowed ground listers have been introduced, which combine the advantages of deep planting with proper preparation of the soil. There is also a very considerable tillage action in 486 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT many harvesting implements. The potato-digger, for example, very thoroughly breaks up and cultivates the Fig. 145. Corn planter; also compacts the soil over the seed and establishes capillarity with the lower soil, thus bringing more moisture in contact with the seed. soil, which process is one important reason for the general high yield of crops following the potato crop. Bean-harvesters and beet-looseners also have a similar action on the soil. 343. Packers and crushers.— These may be divided into two groups: (a) Those implements which aim to Fig. 146. Scotch chain harrow. A good pulverizer and very effective on pastures in breaking up and spreading "droppings." PULVERIZERS AND PACKERS 487 compact the soil, (b) Those whose primary purpose is to pulverize the soil by crushing the lumps. Both sets of implements have something of the same action on the soil. That is to say, any implement which com- pacts the soil does a certain amount of crushing; and, conversely, any implement which crushes the soil does some compacting. 344. Rollers. — The type of the first group is the solid or barrel roller, which by its weight aims to force the particles of soil nearer together and to level the surface. Fig. 147. The bar roller and pulverizer. The smaller the diameter in proportion to its weight, the greater the effectiveness of the roller. Its draft is correspondingly greater. As a crusher, the roller is relatively inefficient on hard, lumpy soil, because of its large bearing surface. Lumps are pushed into the soft earth rather than crushed. It should be mentioned that there is one condition where the roller is effective in loosening up the soil structure. This is on fine soil on which a crust has developed as a result of light rainfall. Here the roller may break up the crust and restore a fairly effective soil mulch. 488 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Another form of roller is the sub-surface packer. One type of this implement consists of a series of wheels with narrow V-shaped rims, which press into the soil and com- pact it, while leaving the surface loose. (Fig. 67.) They are designed primarily to level the land after plowing, and to bring the furrow slices close together and in good contact with the subsoil, in order to conserve moisture Fig. 148. Potato digger which is also very effective in stirring the soil. and promote decay of organic material, which may be plowed under. This implement has been developed chiefly in semi-arid and arid sections of country where the conservation of moisture is especially important, but they might well have a much larger use for the same purpose in those sections of the country which are sub- ject to late summer and fall droughts. While compacting the soil, these implements leave a mulch behind. WEEDS AND THEIR CONTROL 489 345. Clod-crushers. — The aim of these implements is to break up lumps. As to mode of action, there are several forms. The bar roller and the "clod-crusher" (see Fig. 71) concentrate their weight at a few points, and are open enough so that the fine earth is forced up between the bearing surfaces. They are very effective in reducing lumpy soil to comparatively fine tilth. They have very little leveling effect further than the breaking down of lumps. The planker, drag or float, variously so-called, con- sists essentially of a broad, heavy weight without teeth, which is dragged over the soil. The lumps are rolled under its edge and ground together in a manner which very effectively reduces their fig. 149. Float or smoother made size. At the same time, the of Planks- soil is leveled, smoothed, and, to a degree, compacted. It may well be used in the place of the roller as a pul- verizer, on many occasions. It is constructed in many forms. III. OTHER PHASES OF TILLAGE OPERATION In addition to the modification of food, moisture, air and heat of the soil, through changes in its structure as a result of tillage and other cultural practices, other important soil conditions may be changed. Two of the most important of these are: (1) The destruction of weeds. (2) The control of erosion. 346. Weeds in their relation to crop-production. — A weed has been defined as a plant out of place. By 490 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT this definition any plant which grows where it is not desired is a weed. 347. Objectionable qualities of weeds. — Weeds are objectionable for several reasons. Some of the objec- tionable effects of weeds are: (1) They may remove moisture needed by the crop. (2) They may use food needed by the crop. (3) They usurp the light and heat supply. (4) They interfere with tillage and harvesting, operations, and perhaps also with the planting of the following crop. (5) They leave the soil in a condition unfavorable to the growth of the following crop. (6) They decrease the value of the crop by introducing im- purities which are both injurious and expensive to eliminate. 348. The control of weeds. — The control of weeds depends on their character and habits of growth. Each situation develops its own peculiar crop of weeds. They arise as a result of the character and condition of the soil, and the character and habits of the regular crop. It is a type of the natural association of plants. In the wheat fields of the Northwest, mustard is troublesome; in maize, it may be quack-grass, sonchus, daisy or morn- ing-glory. In meadows, it may be the thistle, yarrow or daisy. These weeds gain a foothold because their cycle of growth so closely corresponds with that of the crop. According to the character and occurrence of the weed, one of two methods of control or eradication must be employed: (a) If its propagation is dependent on seed-production, then seed-production should be pre- vented. (6) If propagated vegetatively, then the develop- ment of the aerial portion must be prevented for a WEEDS AND THEIR CONTROL 491 sufficient time to kill the root or other propagative parts. In this direction, much may be accomplished through change in the rotation and in cutting the weeds at the proper time. But much may be accomplished by tillage. This may be largely accomplished in tillage for other purposes. Some of the practices which aid the process are: (1) Early and frequent tillage. Weeds are most easily killed when young. Soon after the seed has ger- minated, they are most delicate. Stirring the soil at this period may so change their relation to it as to cause Fig. 150. Erosion on a gravelly hillside. 492 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT their death. Tillage in hot, dry weather is especially effective in killing most weeds. They soon dry out from lack of moisture. (2) Small-toothed implements which very thoroughly stir the soil are more effective in killing small weeds than are large shovels which may slide past the weed. Thorough stirring of the soil is the essential point to be aimed at. (3) Where weeds are beyond the reach of the culti- vator, as in the row in maize that has reached a con- ■«*> . : l^0^$M ^SSMSS.^ Fig. 151. Terracing to prevent erosion of hillside. siderable size, they may often be killed by covering with soil by use of large shovels. Shading by a rapid-growing leafy crop and spraying with chemicals for some species are also effective aids in weed control. 349. Erosion. — Erosion is often a serious menace to the productiveness of the soil. It may result from two causes: (1) The action of running water. (2) The action of wind. The soil is removed and causes injury to the productiveness of the land, first, by carrying away the a g a 3 - a> 0 A c H a> CO -*j c 3 n 0 O 01 u c 0) > 03 a 0 0 41 K CJ a 0 0 -m (V c a o 43 l|H d s o ,- 1 3 -r > 11 o SI 0 a 03 -*- m i r b| — ■c 7 00 •2 C3 a) — v. r>i O *-* o h 494 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT most fertile portion; second, by such changes in the physical condition of the land as greatly interferes with all cultural operations. This is especially true where large gullies are formed, as happens on some soil types, or where ridges and mounds are formed by wind action. In some sections and on certain classes of soil, wind erosion is most serious; notably in dry regions of high winds. Under other conditions, erosion by water is most serious. 350. Erosion by water. — This type of erosion is a function of flowing water. It therefore occurs almost entirely on sloping land. The exception is where the soil is underlain by a stratum of fine sand which flows with the water when saturated. The removal of sand below permits the soil to cave down. As has been noted in another connection, erosion is greatly increased by material carried by the water and which becomes its tool. Some of the most effective practices for the con- trol of this type of erosion are: (1) Deep plowing on heavy soil, by which a larger part of the rainfall is absorbed and retained. (2) Increased granulation of the soil, which may be produced by the means explained on page 104. The absorptive power and water capacity of the soil is thereby increased so that there is a less amount to flow away. (3) Addition of organic matter, which not only aids granulation, but binds the soil together. It also increases the water capacity of the soil. (4) Underdrainage reduces erosion where the soil is saturated with water. Instead of its flowing away violently in rills, it is gradually removed in the drainage channels, which are not subject to erosion. (5) Various EROSION 495 protective coverings and binding materials may be kept on the soil. The most effective of these are fine-rooted crops, which not only hold the soil togther, but protect It against the force of the water. In those sections where Fig. 153. Characteristic erosion of loess. The binding power of roots is illus- trated by the tree roots at the surface. 496 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT it thrives, blue grass is permitted to occupy those areas of the hillside most subject to erosion. Trees afford a similar protection and are valuable in reclaiming eroded land. It is a general custom to retain in some cover- crop those steep areas of land most subject to erosion. (6) Contour farming, that is, the performance of all tillage operations around the hill at a uniform level, instead of up and down the slope, creates a succession of small ridges which hold the water, to a certain extent. (7) Side-hill ditches are employed where contour farm- ing does not create sufficiently large ridges to hold the water. The two are usually combined. These side-hill ditches are usually given a small grade along the face of the slope, to gradually carry away the water. (8) Terracing is preferred in some sections as a method to prevent erosion as well as to facilitate tillage. The water is, of course, held on each level strip throughout the suc- cession of terraces. Where gullies have already formed, there extension may usually be prevented by filling with some porous material, such as straw, brush or stone, which checks the flow of water and accumulates the sediment. Cross-embankments are also useful. When these are combined with the growth of grass, trees or other plants, to bind the soil together and further protect it, such land can frequently be reclaimed. 351. Erosion by wind. — Erosion by wind, including the drifting of sand, may be checked by means of: (1) Windbreaks, and in some cases, by keeping the sur- face rough. (2) A surface covering such as stone or vegetation, the latter to bind the soil together and break the force of the wind. (3) The addition of organic CROP ADAPTATION 497 matter, which will hold the soil together and increase its moisture content, which latter also greatly aids the process. (4) In fine-textured soil, such as silt and very fine sand, by the promotion of granulation and by the avoidance of a loose fallow surface at that season of the year when wind erosion is likely to be serious. The aggregate of soil moved from tilled fields by erosion of these two types is large, and it usually con- cerns the most productive portion. The encroachment of sand-dunes upon valuable land is often a serious menace. Reforestation and the planting of sand-binding grasses are the chief protective measures available. IV. ADAPTATION OF CROPS TO SOIL It is a matter of common observation that all crops do not grow equally well upon the same soil. 352. Philosophy of crop-adaptation. — Each plant is adapted to make its best growth on a particular soil and under a particular climate. Any departure from these ideal conditions results in changing the character of the plant and reduction in its value. This peculiar adaptation of crop to soil is the result of centuries of natural selection. The basis of all the tillage operations which have for their object the modification of the soil conditions is to bring the soil more nearly to the ideal condition required to nourish plants. This wide differ- ence in the preferences of crops is well known. On the other hand, there are hundreds of different kinds of soil, — that is, soils which normally maintain different conditions for growth. Some are fine, others are coarse; FF 498 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT some are deep, others are shallow; some have one chemi- cal composition, others have a different composition; some are dark, others are light-colored; some are wet, others are dry; some occur under one climate, others Fig. 154. Lettuce and celery growing on muck soil. Such soil usually requires special fertilization. under another climate. It is the combination of all these factors which affect plant growth that gives rise to the great variety of soil conditions. The great variety of plants is a reflection of this great variety in the con- ditions of growth. In any given situation, those crops which are adapted to that situation persist and thrive. FACTORS IN CROP-ADAPTATION 499 The range of conditions upon which a particular crop will grow is limited. It is wider for some crops than for others. Likewise, the range of crops which can be grown on any particular soil is also limited. The more extreme the soil condition, the more limited is this range of crop-adaptation. It is the soil of intermediate properties — texture, organic content, drainage and food supply — which is adapted to the greatest variety of crops. In the largest utilization of any particular soil, this adaptation of crop to soil must be made use of, as well as modification of the soil. 353. Factors in crop-adaptation. — The determining factors in crop-adaptation are of two sorts: (1) The physiological requirements of the plant. (2) The ca- pacity of a given soil and climatic condition to fulfil those physiological requirements. 354. Physiological requirements of the plant. — The physiological requirements of the plant are of both a physical and a chemical character. (1) The physical requirements relate to the habits of growth of the plant, particularly the type of its root system and the intensity of sunshine, temperature and wind it is able to withstand. Especially important is the root system. Deep- or tap-rooted plants have a very different feeding ground from shallow-, fibrous-rooted plants. (2) The chemical requirements relate to food ele- ments necessary to growth, and especially to the presence or absence of accessory substances which the plant is able to withstand. For example, some plants will not grow in a soil rich in lime; others require this condition. FACTORS IN CROP-ADAPTATION 501 In arid soils some plants are able to withstand alkali conditions where others quickly succumb. There may be toxic substances in the soil injurious to one plant and not to another. These may arise from the growth of other crops, and so determine the plants which may be associated with that crop. This bears on crop- rotation. 355. Requirements for growth supplied by the soil. — The internal conditions of different soils may be very different. On a puddled clay soil saturated with water, only a few plants may thrive. On a dry sandy soil, only certain other plants can secure the essentials for growth. On a very shallow soil, shallow-rooted, early- maturing crops may be grown where trees would utterly fail. On soils subject to midsummer drought, early- maturing crops may be grown where late-maturing crops would fail. Thus, the soil conditions are the arbiter in the selection of crops to be produced. The distribu- tion of different crops and types of agriculture is a re- flection of this adaptation. Many failures result from failure to recognize these relations. Full knowledge for the accurate adaptation of crops to soil, or soil to crops, is yet to be gained. Such infor- mation is often not to be derived by definite experi- mentation. It comes of long experience. But many striking examples of adaptation are known. They are governed by soil conditions broadly considered, rather than by any single factor. One of the most general of these relations is the adaptation of early truck crops to light, sandy soil; of grass, to heavy soil. Certain varieties of apple grow to their highest perfection on CROP-ROTATION 503 certain types of soil. Cherries and peaches succeed best on a lighter soil than apples may be best grown on. Muck soils are eminently adapted to the growth of celery, onions, etc. With the extension of careful soil and crop surveys, these relations are becoming better known and are extending from groups of plants to species and varieties of plants. By the same methods our informa- tion concerning these relations must be extended until the production of crops rests upon definite knowledge of the plant requirements on the one hand, and the soil capacity and the means available to alter the soil environment on the other hand. Really intelligent hus- bandry can rest only upon the basis of exact knowledge concerning these two groups of facts and principles. V. RELATION OF SOIL PRODUCTIVENESS TO CROP- ROTATIONS At an early time in the development of agriculture, it was understood that a succession of different crops upon any piece of land gave better returns than one crop raised continuously. The plan of changing the crops grown each year thus became customary, and the universality with which it was practiced by Euro- pean peoples shows that its value must have been dis- covered independently in many communities, as ideas, particularly agricultural ones, traveled very slowly in the middle ages. In Great Britain and some of the countries of Europe, crop rotations have been most systematically and effec- tively developed. This has been the natural result of 504 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT the incentive arising from diminishing productiveness of the soil consequent upon long-continued cultivation, coupled with an increasing population. Countries having undepleted and uninfested soil, or an unpro- gressive people, have done little with crop-rotations. Another condition that discourages the use of crop- rotation is the suitability of a region to the production of some one crop of outstanding value, combined, per- haps, with a relatively cheap supply of fertilizing ma- terial. The abundant use of fertilizers may postpone for a long time the recourse to crop rotations. 356. Principles underlying crop-rotation. — There are many benefits to be derived from a proper rotation of crops that are not directly concerned with soil-produc- tiveness. The practice of crop-rotation must depend upon certain principles in soil management, some of the most prominent of which are mentioned below, and are modified by climatic, topographic, geographic and economic features, and many other factors, that cannot be treated here. 357. Nutrients removed from the soil by different crops. — Some crops require large amounts of one fertilizing constituent, while others take up more of another. As before pointed out (see page 294), cereal crops are able to utilize the potassium and phosphorus of the soil to a considerable degree but have less ability to secure nitrogen. They are, therefore, usually much benefited by the application of a nitrogenous manure and leave a considerable residue in the soil. A number of other crops, as, for instance, beets and carrots, can utilize this residual nitrogen. Grasses remove compara- PRINCIPLES OF CROP-ROTATION 505 tively little phosphoric acid. Potatoes remove very- large amounts of potassium. A rotation of crops is, therefore, less likely to cause a deficiency of some one constituent than is a continuous growth of one crop, and it utilizes more completely the available nutrients. 358. Root systems of different crops.— Some crops have roots that penetrate deeply into the subsoil, while others are only moderately deeply rooted, and others quite shallow-rooted. Among the deeply rooted plants are alfalfa, clover, certain of the root crops, and some of the native prairie grasses. Representing those having moderately long roots, are oats, maize, wheat, meadow fescue, grass, etc., and among those having shallow roots are barley, turnips and many of the cultivated grasses. As plants draw their nourishment from those portions of the soil into which their roots penetrate, the deeper soil is not called upon to provide food for the shallow- rooted crops, and the deep-rooted crops remove rela- tively less of the nutrients from the surface soil. It therefore happens that a rotation involving the growth of deep- and shallow-rooted crops effects, by utilizing a larger area of the soil, a more economical utilization of plant nutrients than would a continuous growth of either kind. 359. Some crops or crop treatments prepare food for other crops. — It is quite evident that the growth of leguminous crops, even when not plowed under, leave in the soil an accumulation of organic nitrogen trans- formed by bacteria from atmospheric nitrogen. This, in the natural course of decomposition and nitrification, becomes available to cereal or other crops that may follow 506 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT in the rotation. The presence of a grass crop upon the land for several years favors the action of non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as already explained (see page 429). The grass crops also leave a very considerable amount of organic matter in the soil, which by its gradual decomposition contributes both directly and indirectly to the supply of available nutrients. As the organic matter left by the legumes and grasses decomposes slowly, these crops should be followed by a coarse feeding crop, like corn or potatoes, and one which is at the same time a cultivated crop, as are these. Stirring the soil at intervals during the summer greatly facilitates decomposition, and leaves a supply of easily available food for more delicate feeders, like wheat or barley, that may follow the cultivated crop. The intro- duction of cultivated crops in the rotation thus serves to prepare food for the non-cultivated ones. Although practical difficulties sometimes make it impossible to follow the cultivated crops with winter wheat, the prac- tice, where proper preparation of the seed-bed is pos- sible, is a good one. 360. Crops differ in their effect upon soil structure. — Plants must be included among the factors affecting the arrangement of soil particles. The result of practi- cally all root growth is to improve the physical condi- tions of the soil, to a greater or less degree. In general, crops with rather shallow and very fibrous roots are most beneficial, at least to the surface soil. Millet, buck- wheat, barley, and to a less extent wheat, leave the soil in a friable condition. It is upon heavy soils that this property is most beneficially exercised. 508 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT Tap-rooted plants, and others with few surface roots, do not exhibit this action. Alfalfa and root crops are likely to leave the soil quite compact as compared with the crops mentioned above. The effect of sod is generally beneficial, and this is one of the reasons for using a grass crop in a rotation. 361. Certain crops check certain weeds. — By rotating crops, the weeds that flourish during the presence of one crop upon the land may be greatly checked by succeed- ing crops. Some weeds are best destroyed by smothering, for which purpose small grain and notably corn or sor- ghum sown for fodder are effective. Others are most injured by cultivation, to accomplish which the hoed crops are needed; while others can best be checked by the presence of a thick sod on the ground for a number of years. In the warfare against weeds that must be carried on wherever crops are raised, the use of different crops involving different methods of soil treatment is of great service. 362. Plant diseases and insects checked by removal of hosts. — Many plant diseases and many insects spend their resting stages and larval existence in the soil. A continuous growth of any one crop upon the soil favors the increase of these species by providing each year the particular plant upon which they thrive. A change of crops, by removing the host plants, causes the destruction of many diseases and insects through their inability to reach their host plants. A long rota- tion, such as is frequently used in Great Britain, is particularly effective in eradicating those diseases that persist in the soil for a number of years. In the case of REASONS FOR CROP-ROTATION 509 diseases that affect more than one species of plant, as does the beet and potato scab, there is need for special care in arranging the rotation. Such considerations may frequently make it desirable to change the plan of a rotation. Another feature of the relation of crop rotation to plant diseases is that the more thrifty growth obtainable under rotation assists the crop to withstand many dis- eases. 363. Loss of plant-food from unused soil. — A system of crop-rotation permits a more constant use of the land than is possible with most annual crops. As a soil bearing no crop upon it always loses more plant- food than one bearing a crop, it is thus possible, by a well-chosen rotation, to save plant-food that would otherwise be lost. 364. Accumulation of toxic substances. — That the soil frequently contains organic substances that exert an injurious effect upon the growth of certain plants is indicated by recent experiments and was surmised by some early writers upon the subject. De Candolle was probably the first to advance the idea in 1832. He suggested that at least some plants excrete from their roots substances that are injurious to themselves, although harmless or even beneficial to other plants. This he considered one of the reasons for the failure of many crops to succeed when grown continuously upon the land, while that same soil may be productive under a rotation of crops. Liebig, in his first report to the British Association in 1840, made a similar statement. Recently, Pouget and Chonchak, working with alfalfa 510 THE PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MANAGEMENT soils, have reached the conclusion that alfalfa plants excrete a toxic substance which, gradually accumu- lating in the soil, injuriously affects the growth of alfalfa plants. Whitney, Livingston, Schreiner and their associates conclude that certain soils contain toxic substances of organic nature which may be produced by plant roots, or possibly by certain processes of de- composition of organic matter. They have isolated from soils organic compounds that are poisonous to plants. It is found, for instance, that cumarin, which is a normal constituent of sweet clover (Medicago alba, L and M., officinalis, P), may be obtained from certain soils, and that it is toxic to wheat seedlings, — from which it may be supposed that it is more or less toxic to other plants. Dihydroxystearic acid was isolated from certain soils by Schreiner and Shorey, who found that it is acid to litmus and decomposes BaC03 and CaC03, forming the corresponding salts. The extracts of the soil containing this substance were toxic to wheat seedlings. The relation of soil acidity and soil toxicity is thus suggested. Working with different media in which wheat and other seedlings were grown, it was shown that, where the nutrient solutions were very dilute, so as not to enable the plant to overcome the effects of small quan- tities of toxic matter, the wheat plants grew much better when following other plants; and that, in spite of a renewal of the supply of nutrients, the wheat plants grew less well when one crop succeeded another. The cause of the lessened growth was attributed to the CROP ROTATION AND TOXIC MATERIALS 511 excretion from the plant roots of substances which, while more or less toxic to other plants, are especially so to plants of the same species. Although there are yet many phases and details of this subject to be worked out, there seems to be some relation between the presence in the soil of organic substances poisonous to plants and the continuous growth of one crop; and this may be considered to be one reason for the benefit derived on some soils, at least, from the practice of crop-rotation. INDEX PAGE Absolute specific gravity jf soil ... 94 Absorption by the soil ..... 297 Causes of ... 299 Effect of adsorption .301 Effect of aluminum hydrate . . .300 Effect of calcium carbonate 300 Effect of ferric hydrate 300 Effect of humus 300 Effect of size of particle 299 Effect of zeolites 299 Influence in soil analysis 277 Insolubility of absorbed sub- stances 299 Occlusion 301 Relation to drainage 302 Relation to productiveness 306 Time required 297 Absorption of nutrient salts 286 Absorptive, physical 102 Absorption properties of humus. . 128 Abundance of common minerals . . 8 Acidity of soil, effect of ammonium sulfate 326 Effect of lime 349 Effect on availability of fertiliz- ers 360 Effect on availability of phos- phorous 361 Effect on bacteria 360 Effect on liberation of potas- sium 360 In relation to bacteria 401 Acme harrow, efficiency of 484 Adaptation of crops to soil, exam- ples of 503 Part in soil management, 465 To soil, factors in 499 To soil, philosophy 497 To soil, lack of knowledge 501 Adjustment of soil moisture 170 Adobe soil, relation to wind forma- tion 62 Adsorption by the soil 301 Effect on nitrates 301 Relation to plant nutrition. . . .301 PAGE yEolian rocks 11, 14 yEolian soils, deposition of 60 Composition of 63 Relation to loess 60 Aeration, effect on availability of fertilizers 359 Effect of drainage on 242 Effect of nitrification 416 Agencies of rock decay 14 Plants and animals 28 Agricultural classes of soil 74, 77 Air (oxygen) of soil, as factor in plant growth 1 Circulation of, affects soil tem- perature 461 Air of soil, effect of on percolation . 167 Air of the soil 432 Analyses 434 Composition 434 Carbon dioxide in 438 Effect of carbon dioxide produc- tion on 435 Effect of cropping on 447 Effect of irrigation on 447 Effect of manures on 444 Effect of organic matter on. . . .433 Effect of roots on composition. .437 Effect of soil moisture on 433 Effect of structure 432 Effect of texture 432 Effect of tillage on 444 Effect of underdrainage on. . . .445 Escape of carbon dioxide 436 Functions 437 Modifying volume and move- ment 443 Movements 439 Movement due to atmospheric pressure 440 Movement due to gaseous dif- fusion 439 Movement due to temperature. 441 Movement due to water 440 Movement due to wind 443 Oxidation 437 GG (513) 514 INDEX PAGE Algae 394 Alinit 429 Alkalies, carbonate of, affect struc- ture 118 Alkali, relation to irrigation 230 Alkali salts, relation of drainage to removal 247 Alkali soils 307 Black alkali 309 Composition 309 Correction of black alkali 316 Direct effect on plants 312 Effect on different crops 313 Effect on plants 312 Indirect effect on plants 313 Reclamation 314 Reclamation by growing toler- ant plants 318 Reclamation by leaching 318 Reclamation by retarding evap- oration 318 Reclamation by underdrainage.315 Relation to irrigation 314 Relation to water content 313 Rise of alkali 314 White alkali 309 Alkali spots 314 Reclamation 319 Alluvial soils 47 Composition of 52, 53 Alternate, cropping in semi-arid regions 196 Aluminum hydrate, effect on ab- sorption 300 Amount of water in soil 136 Amount of water used per irriga- tion 235 Amendments 348 Salts of calcium 348 Use of, part in soil management . 465 Ammonia, conservation in manure 376 Formation in farm manures. . . .376 Ammonification 410 Ammonium sulfate 326 Composition of 326 Effect on acidity of soil 326 Loss from soil 326 Manufacture of 326 Amount of water moved by soil . . . 185 Amount of water used in irrigation. 226 Analysis of marine clay soils 50 Arid and humid soils 65 Coastal plain soils 49 PAGE Analysis of common minerals 6 Cumulose (muck) soils 44 Dust and loess soils 63 Earth's crust 4 Glacial lake soils 51 Glacial soils 57 Humus for nitrogen 123 Mechanical 70 Residual soils 32 Soil air 434 Soil separates 85, 86 Animal, age of, effect upon ma- nures 373 Use of, effect on value of ma- nure 374 Animals and plants, agencies in rock decay 28 Manures produced by different. 368 Animal life, effect on structure. . . 118 Apparent specific gravity table . . 96 Applying water in irrigation, meth- ods 228 Aqueous rocks 11, 12 Areas of residual soil, in America . . 31 Arid and humid climates, forma- tion of mulches in 198 Arid and humid soils 64 Properties 79 Arid soils, composition of 65 Organic matter in 125 Arrangement and porosity 88 Arrangement of soil particles 88 Ash of plants, substances found in . 280 Atmosphere, as agency of rock decay 16 Composition of 16 Atmosphere in saturated soil 189 Atmospheric pressure, effect on movement of soil air — 440 See, also, Air. Attachments for plow 476 Available water in field soils 157 Availability of fertilizers 356 Availability of phosphate fertiliz- ers 339 Soil water 141 Back furrow, meaning of 475 Bacteria 395 Ammonification produced by. .410 Conditions affecting growth. . . .399 Decay and putrefaction pro- duced by 408 INDEX 515 PACE Bacteria, decomposition of cellu- lose 405 Decomposition of mineral matter403 Decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter 407 Decomposition of non-nitrogen- ous organic matter 404 Decomposition of starch 405 Distribution 396 Effect of drainage on 244 Relation to organic matter. 361, 401 Relation to oxygen in the soil. .399 Relation to temperature. 400, 450 Relation to soil acidity 401 Relation to soil moisture 399 Soil, functions 403 Bacteria, nitrification produced by 412 Nitrobaeter 413 Nitro-bacteria 412 Nitrogen fixing 429 Nitrosococcus 412 Nitrosomonas 412 Nitrous ferments 413 Numbers in the soil 397 Relation to nodules on roots. . .423 Symbiotic relation 423 Y and T forms 426 Bartlett, determination of expan- sion of rock 20 Bases, substitution in the soil. . . .297 Basic slag 337 Basins, filter, for drainage 263 Biological processes, relation to soil temperature 448 Biological enemies in soil, as fac- tors in plant growth 1 Black alkali 309 Bobb, sediment carried by chief rivers 26 Bone phosphate 335 Tankage 335 Brands of fertilizers 343 Briggs, amount of water moved by soils 1S7 Figures on capillary movement. 1S1 Figures on surface tension 160 Buckingham, amount of water moved by soil 188 Diffusion of soil moisture 1S9 Calcium, as plant-food element . . 3 Calcium carbonate, effect on ab- sorption 300 PACE Calcium carbonate, reasons for de- termination 272 Calcium cyanamid 328 Application to soil 330 Composition of 330 Manufacture of 329 Calcium nitrate 331 Composition of 332 Manufacture of 331 Calcium salts as amendments . . . .348 Carbonate, effect on soil 352 Effect on plant diseases 3£0 Effect on soil bacteria 348 Effect on tilth 348 Effect on toxic substances 3C0 Forms used on soil 351 Liberation of plant food 349 Oxide, effect on soil 352 Water-slaked 352 Calculation, of apparent specific gravity 96 Number of particles 81 Porosity 92 1/ Surface area 83 Cameron, soil moisture and physi- cal properties 156 Campbell, sub-surface packer 212 Capacity of soil for water 136 Capillarity affected by dampness of particles 175 Organic matter 153 Temperature and solution 1 73 Capillary efficiency of soil 185 Capillary efficiency determined by texture 180 Maximum 172 Capillary movement, affected by friction 1 72 Affected by oily substances. . . . 183 And surface tension 182 Effect of structure 182 Extent and rate of 1 73 Horizontally 184 In damp and dry soil 180 In dry soil 1 76 Influenced by fertilizers 182 Measurement of 1 75 Modified by gravity 183 Of water 169 Under cloth tent 215 Capillary water, character and amount of 144 Distribution affected by gravity. 148 516 INDEX PAGE Capillary water, relation to texture 144 Relation to structure 151 Supplies plants 142 Carbonates, of alkalies, affect soil structure 118 Carbon, as plant-food element.. . . 3 Carbon, in humus 123 Carbon dioxide in relation to or- ganic matter 361 Carbon dioxide in soil air 438 Carbonate of calcium, effect on soil .352 Case-hardening 101 Caustic lime, effect on soil 352 Cellulose, decomposition by bac- teria 405 Cementation of granules 106 Cementing materials 99 Cereal crops, absorption of nutri- ents 294 As green manures 387 Chain harrow, use of 4S6 Chamberlin and Salisbury, char- acter of minerals 8 Characteristics of minerals 8 Characteristics of the soil 2 Checking and formation of gran- ules 106 And moisture content 106 Checking of soil 98 Relation to evaporation 99 Relation to drying 106 Relation to weakness 106 Chemical, agencies of rock decay. . 14 Chemical analysis of soil, complete solution 268 Extraction by distilled water. .276 Interpretation 270 Manurial needs 270 Permanent ferlility 269 Strong hydrochloric acid 269 Use of carbon dioxide for 275 Use of organic acids 273 Chemical composition of soils. ... 30 Chemical decay of rocks, decom- position 14 Chemical effects of organic matter. 131 Chemical precipitates, rocks. . .11, 12 Chemical processes in soil, depend- ent on temperature 451 Chemical properties of arid and humid soil 64 Chert, influence on soil formation. 40 Chief groups of soils 67 PAGE Citric acid, use in soil analysis. . . . 274 Clark, abundance of minerals. ... 9 Proportion of element in earth's crust 4 Classes of manures 322 Soil textural 74, 76 Number of particles in 82 Classification of rocks 10, 11 Classification of soils 30 Classification of soil textural 70 Clay soil 74 Clay soil, evaporation in checks. .197 Organic matter in 125 Climate, influence on percolation . 193 Humid conditions requiring irrigation 226 Relation to irrigation practice. .224 Clod-crushers, types of 489 Clod, relation granule 91 Cloth tent, effect on soil moisture. 214 Cohesiveness of soil 98 Cold and heat, agency of rock decay 18 Cold soils, meaning of 462 Colloidal clay and plasticity 97 Colluvial soils, characters of 45 Colors of soil 101 Color of soil, affected by humus. . . 130 Effect on temperature 456 Commercial fertilizers 322 Constituents 324 Function 322 Compacting soil, importance of drainage in 240 Composition of alluvial soils . . . 52, 53 Arid and humid soils 65 Atmosphere 16 Effect of roots on composition .437 Escape of carbon dioxide 436 Glacial soils 57 Marine soils 49, 50 Residual soils 32 Rocks and residual soils 32 Soil air 434 Soil air, effect of carbon dioxide production on 435 Soil-forming minerals 6,7 Soil separates 85 Soil, relation to rock 37 Soil, relation to texture ...... 87 Soils, chemical 30 "Wind-formed soil 63 Composting manure 380 INDEX 517 PAGE Computation of value of fertiliz- ers 345 Conditions affecting growth of bacteria 399 Conditions affecting structure . . . .103 Conditions requiring irrigation . . . .221 Conductivity of heat by soil 459 Conduction of heat, effect on tem- perature 452 Constituents of soil 69 Constituents of soil, organic 119 Control of erosion 494 Control of soil moisture, means of 155, 191 Coulters, for plow, use of 476 Covered drains. See Underdrains. Cow manure 369 Crop adaptation, examples of . . . .503 And texture 80 Factors in 499 Lack of knowledge 501 Part in soil management 465 Philosophy of 497 Crop, peculiarities of, in water re- quirement 224 Crop rotations 503 Crop rotation, effect on soil struc- ture 506 Nutrients renewed by 504 Place of manure in 383 Principles of 504 Relation to diseases and insects. 508 Relation to loss of plant food. . .509 Relation to toxic substances .... 509 Relation to weed growth 508 Root systems of different crops .505 Some crops prepare food for others 505 Crop value reduced by shrinkage. 98 Crop yields, effect of drainage on . . 247 Crop yields often controlled by soil moisture 197 Cropping in alternate years 196 Cropping, effect on soil air 447 Crops, absorptive power, for nutri- ents 291 Relation of to use of irrigation water 235 Relation to texture 79 Crumb structure 91 Cultivation, best time for 478 Cultivators, types of 478 Effect on soil 478 PAGE Cultivators, harvester type 486 Seeder types 484 Cultures for soil inoculation 428 Cumulose soils, characteristics of. 41 Composition of 44 Occurrence of 41 Czapek, experiments on solvent action of roots 288 Dead furrow, meaning of 475 Decay, agencies of rock 14 Types of 14 Decay of organic matter 120 Promoted by 132 Retarded by 132 Rock, type of and composition of soil 36 Decay, place of bacteria in 408 Decomposition, type of rock decay 14 Decreasing moisture content of soil 238 Damp and dry soil, capillary movement 180 Deep plowing, advantages of .218, 221 Deficiency of mineral nutrients. . .280 Deficiency of plant nutrients 273 Deflocculation, effect of sodium nitrate 325 Denitrification 420 DeRossi, experiments with Pseu- domonas radicicola 427 Depth best for mulches 207 Depth to which nitrification ex- tends 418 Deterioration of farm manure 375 Detmer, effect of humus on sand, water capacity 153 Diameter of individual pores. ... 94 Dicyanamid 330 Diffusion of moisture vapor in soil . 189 Diffusion of soil air 439 Disc harrows and cultivators 482 Disc plows, efficiency of 476 Diseases of plants, relation to crop rotation 508 Disintegration, by atmospheric agency 18 Type of rock decay 14 Distribution of bacteria 396 D'Orbigny, abundance of minerals 8 Double superphosphates 339 Drainage, by surface culture 263 Availability of fertilizers 359 518 INDEX PAGE Drainage, conditions requiring .. .238 Depth of underdrains 254 Effects of on soil 239 Frequency of underdrains 254 Late soils 243 Methods of 248 Part of soil management 465 Principles of 248 Relation to absorption 302 Soil temperature 463 Special types of 263 See Underdrains. Drainage water, composition 303 Records at Rothamsted 303 Dried blood 333 Dried meat 334 Dry and damp soil, capillary move- ment in 180 Dry farming, place of mulch in . . 208 Use of manure in 383 Drv matter, water used in produc- tion 134 Dry soil, capillary movement in. .176 Drying of soil, influence on struc- ture 107 Relation to checking 106 Dust, blankets 203 Mulch, management of 205 Storms 17 Soil, composition of 63 Volcanic 62 Duty of water in irrigation 222 Duty of water in irrigation, factors affecting 224 Early soils, causes of 462 Earthworms, effect on structure. . 118 Effects of organic matter on soil. . 129 Efficiency, maximum capillary. . .172 Elements, abundance of 4 Of plant food 3 Proportion lost in residual soil formation 34, 36 Engineering in irrigation 222 Erosion, agencies causing 492 By water, conditions permitting 494 Control of 494 Relation of drainage to 247 Evaporation 164 Evaporation, affected by checking 99 Affected by winds 213 At Rothamsted 196 Effect of on soil temperature. . .461 PAGE Evaporation, from weeds and green manure 195 From soil, wastes water 195 Occurs at surface 196 Prevented by 199 Prevented by special treatment . 213 Proportion of rainfall lost in United States 196 Relation to irrigation 197 Relation to mulch formation . . . 198 Ridge culture to prevent 216 Excreta, solid of manure 364 Exhaustion of mineral nutrients. .285 Exhaustion of nitrogen 328 Exhaustion of plant food 285 Expansion, of minerals and rock by heat 19, 20 Soil due to water 162 •j Factors in plant growth 1 Factors which determine soil tem- perature 453 Failyer table, composition of soil separates 86 Fall plowing 210 Farm manures 363 Fermentations of manure 375 Ferric hydrate, effect on absorp- tion 300 Fertility of land, relation to irri- gation 225 Fertilizer, brands 343 Ammonium sulfate 326 Availability of phosphates 339 Basic slag 337 Bone phosphate 335 Bone tankage 335 Calcium cyanamid 328 Calcium nit rate 33 1 Commercial 322 Computation of value 345 Constituents 324 Containing phosphorus 334 Cumulative need for 363 Double superphosphates 339 Dried blood 333 Dried meat 334 Effect of soil acidity on availa- bility ...359 Effect of soil moisture on availa- bility 358 Factors affecting efficiency 355 Function 322 INDEX 519 PAGE Fertilizer, Guano 333 High grade 343 Hoof meal 334 In relation to organic matter . . .361 Insoluble potassium 342 Inspection 344 Kainit 341 Lime-nitrogen 330 Low grade 343 Methods of applying 347 Mineral phosphates 335 Mixing on the farm 346 Muriate of potash 341 Nitrogen lime 330 Organic nitrogen in 332 Part in soil management 465 Practice 342 Reverted phosphoric acid 338 Silvinit 341 Sodium nitrate 324 Stassfurt salts 340 Steamed bone 335 Sulfate of potash 341 Superphosphates 337 Tankage 334 Trade value 344 Used for their nitrogen 324 Used for their potassium 340 Wood ashes 342 Fertilizing, for cereal crops 295 Fruit crops 296 Grass crops 295 Leguminous crops 296 Root crops 296 Vegetables 296 Field soil, surface area 83 Available water in 157 Film water 146 Film movement of water 169 Horizontally 184 Film water and structure 105 Film moisture, renewal of wastes water 198 Flocculation, affected by soluble salts 116 Produced by carbonate of lime. 352 Produced by caustic lime 352 Relation to structure 116 Flooding in irrigation practice. . . .229 Crops and conditions permitting 230 Disadvantages of 231 Food, in soil, as factor in plant growth 1,2 PAGE Food supply in soil, affected by drainage 44 Food of animal, effect on value of manure 375 Force of frost in formation 20 Formation of soils, elements lost in 34,36 Forms of soil 141 Friction, effect on movement of water 172 Friction determined by texture. . . 172 Determines capillary efficiency . 180 In movement of soil moisture, time element 172 In moisture movement, relation to mulch 182 Retards movement of moisture .180 Frost, force of in disintegration. . . 20 Fruits, absorption of nutrients. . .296 Functions of manures 384 Functions of soil 1 Soil air 437 Soil bacteria 403. Water in soil and plant 133 Fungi, large, effect on the soil. . . .390 Microscopic, in the soil 392 Furrow back, meaning of 475 Dead, meaning of 475 Irrigation, conditions and crops permitting 231 Irrigation, disadvantage of 231 Irrigation, principles of 231 Proper width and depth of 472 Gallagher, expansion of soil by water 162 On soil shrinkage 98 Soil moisture and physical prop- erties 156 Geological classification of soils. . . 30 Geology, not soils 2 Relation to soil study 2 Georgeson, on effect of manure on soil temperature 464 Germination, effect of soil tempera- ture on 448 Gilbert, and Laws, water used by plants 134 Glacial ice, agency in rock decay. . 27 Influence on topography 28 Glacial soils, character of 54 Chemical character of 56 Composition of 57 520 INDEX -PAGE Glacial soils, modified by water . . 59 Occurrence of 56 Physical character of 57 Relation to underlying rocks . 55, 60 Grain, separate, structure 89 Granular structure 91 Granulation, relation to texture. . . 92 Due to ice crystals 108 Relation to soil moisture 156 Granules, cementation of 106 Relation to checking 106 Grass crops, absorption of nutri- ents 295 Protection to surface 113 Gravitational water 160 Capacity 162 Injurious to crops 163 Movement of water 165 Relation to porosity 161 Relation to texture 161 Water, affected by percolation. 164 Gravity, affects capillary distribu- tion 148 As agency of soil transportation . 45 Green manures 384 Green manures, and humus supply. 132 Cereal crops 387 Leguminous crops 385 May be injurious 195 Ground limestone, effect on soil. . .353 Growth of plants, influence of tem- perature on 449 Growth, requirements of plants for . 1 Guano, composition 333 Gypsum, effect on soil 354 Hall, effect of sodium nitrate on structure 118 Hardpans, broken up by subsoil- ing 219 Hardpan soil, objections to 475 Hard surface soil, repels rain water 216 Harrow, as cultivator 478 Scotch chain 486 Types of 482 Use in mulching land 209 Heat and cold, agency of rock de- cay 18 Frost action on rock 20 Mechanical action of 19 Heat, increases solvent action .... 19 Heat of the soil, functions of 448 PAGE Heat of soil as factor in plant growth 1 See, also, Temperature. Heat, specific, of soil and water. . .455 Heaving, relation of drainage to . . . 245 Hellriegel, best soil moisture con- tent 156 Water used by plants 134 Henneberg and Stohmann, vexperi- ments with soil absorption. . .297 High grade fertilizers 343 Hilgard, nitrogen in humus 123 Volume weight humus 128 Hillside plow, advantages of 475 Hoof meal 334 Horizontal movement of water. . .172 Horizontal movement under field conditions 184 Horse manure 368 Hosmer and Whitney, soil moisturel57 Humates 127 Humid and arid soils 64 Conditions, efficiency of mulch . 198 Properties 79 Humid climate, requirements of irrigation in 226 Organic matter in 125 Regions, difficulty of keeping mulch 204 Soils, composition of 65 Humus, defined 121 Humus, carbon in 123 Affects water capacity 153 Effect on absorption 300 Effect on color and temperature of soil 457 Effect on structure 113 Nitrogen in .123 Plasticity 129 Some properties of 115 Volume change 128 Hunt, growth of corn crop 135 Hydration, defined 2] Hydration, example of 2] Hydrogen, as plant food element . 3 Hygroscopic water, character and amount 143 Relation to texture 144 Use of 194 Ice as agency of rock decay 27 Ice crystals form lines of weakness .108 Relation to granulation 108 INDEX 521 PAGE Ice-formed soils, character of . . . . 54 Igneous rocks 11, 12 Implements for creating mulch . .207 Implements of tillage, group 469 Implements used to increase water capacity 217 Inoculation, part in soil manage- ment 465 Of soil by means of cultures. . . .428 Of soil for legumes 425, 427 Inorganic constituents of soil .... 69 Insects, effect on the soil 390 Relation to crop rotation 508 Insolubility of the soil 267 Inspection of fertilizers 344 Iron as coloring material 101 As plant food element 3 Oxides as cementing material . . 100 Irrigation, amount of water to use 226, 235 Conditions requiring 221 Duty of water in 222 Effect of on alkali 236 Effect on soil air 447 Engineering and agricultural phases 222 Evaporation affects practice. . .197 Kind of soil most suited to 237 Land in United States requir- ing 223 Of tobacco in Florida 237 Part of soil management 465 Relation of climate to practice of 224 Relation of tillage to practice. .225 Relation to alkali 314 Skill required in 228 Time to apply water in 224 Units for measuring water in . . . 227 When to apply water 197 Jointer, for plow, use of 476 Kainit 3 Kaolinite, character of 7 King, amount of water moved by soils 186 Effect of drainage on soil tem- perature 244 Effect of plow on soil structure. Ill Effect of trees on evaporation. .214 Experience with dust mulch. . .207 Experiment in spring plowing. .211 PAGE King, extent of soil moisture ad- justment 184 Figures on effect of drainage on temperature 463 Figures on effect of subsoiling. .219 Figures on percolation 166 Observations on action of plow. 469 On temperature of soil 459 Skill required in irrigation 228 Small rainfall increases loss of soil water 198 Suggestions on structure 103 Water used by plants 134 Kunze, experiments on solvent action of roots 289 Lake or lacustrine soils 47 Land in United States requiring irrigation 223 Lang, figures on specific heat of soil 456 Late soil, causes of 462 Relation of drainage to 243 Lawes and Gilbert, water used by plants 134 Leaching of manure 377 Organic matter 127 Leaf mold 121 Legumes, bacteria on roots 423 Leguminous crops for green ma- nure 385 Absorption of nutrients 296 Legumes, inoculation of soil for. . .427 Legumes, inoculation of soil for. . .425 Levees used in drainage 263 Level culture, generally best 216 Lime, carbonate effect on soil. . . .352 As cementing material 100 Lime, caustic effect on soil 352 Effect on humus 127 Effect on plant diseases 350 Effect on soil bacteria 348 Effect on structure 116 Effect on tilth 348 Effect on toxic substances 350 Forms of, in relation to structure 117 Ground limestone, effect on soil .353 Liberation of plant food 349 Lime-nitrogen 330 Lime, relation to magnesium 350 As a soil amendment 348 Limestone soils 37 Lister, conditions where useful. . . .485 522 INDEX PAGE Loess, composition of 63 Physical characters of 61 Relation to wind formation. ... 60 Soil, extent of 61 Loose top soil absorbs rainfall. . . .217 Loss of nitrates from soil 418 Water from soil 164 Loughridge, table, composition soil separates 85 Low-grade fertilizers 343 Macro-organisms of the soil 38S Maintenance of organic matter. . .131 Magnesium, as plant food element . 3 Magnesium, relation to lime 350 Management of dust mulch 205 . External factors in 463 \ Mulches, summarized 210 Soil and texture 80 Soil moisture, highest type of. .238 Manures 319 Manure, early ideas of function . . . 320 As affected by food of animal . . .373 As affected by use of animal. . . .374 As affected by age of animal . . . .373 Composting 380 Conservation of ammonia 376 Deterioration of 375 Different classes 322 Effect on volume and movement of soil air 444 Factors affecting value 373 Farm, formation of ammonia. . .376 Farm, loss of free nitrogen 377 Fermentations of 375 For cereal crops 295, 387 For grass crops 295 For leguminous crops 290 For root crops 296 For vegetables 296 From animals, relative values. .371 From poultry 372 From sheep 3 1 1 From swine 370 From the cow 369 From the farm 363 From the horse 368 Function of 3S4 Green 3S4 Green, leguminous crops 3S5 In maintaining humus 132 Leaching 377 Litter 367 PAGE Manure, methods of handling . . . .379 Nutrient function 320 Place in crop rotation 383 Produced by different animals . . 368 Relation to soil moisture supply 221 Sawdust 368 Solid excreta 364 Straw as litter 367 Urine 366 Use of in dry farming 383 Mass of soil 2 Marine soils 46 Marine soils, composition of 49 Marl, associated with cumulose soil 43 Maximum capillary efficiency .... 172 Moisture content 155 Water capacity 161 Materials, coloring in soil 101 Mead, number of methods of apply- ing water 229 Means of decreasing soil moisture . 238 Methods of applying fertilizers. . . .347 Applying water in irrigation .... 229 Handling manure 379 Mechanism of the soil 2 Mechanical action of water in rock decay 24 Analysis defined 70 Decay, of rocks, disintegration . . 14 Support by soil as factor in plant growth 1 Meeker harrow, efficiency of 484 Merrill, composition of residual soils 33 Example of atmospheric disin- tegration 18 Examples of expansion of rock. . 20 Method of calculating loss of rocks in decay 31 Table, composition soil separates 84 Metamorphic rocks 11, 14 Micro-organisms, plant 392 Micro-organisms in the soil 391 Miners' inch, defined 228 Minerals, characteristics of 8 Absorbed by crops 291 Amounts removed by crops. . . .2S1 Composition of important soil forming 5 Constituents of soil, absorption by roots 279 Deficiency 273, 280 INDEX 523 PAGE Minerals, exhaustion of 285 Groups of 5 Important soil forming 4 Matter, decomposition by bac- teria 403 Nutrients, amounts contained in soils 282 Phosphates, composition . . .335, 336 Relative abundance of 8 Table of chemical and physical properties 6, 7 Minimum capillary content and wilting 182 Minimum moisture content 155 Mixing fertilizers on the farm. . . .346 Moisture in soil, as factor in plant growth 1 Affected by manures 221 As related to soil air 433 Capacity of soil effect of texture and structure 216 Capillary form 144 Content and structure 105 Control of 190 Critical content 155 Decreasing loss of 191 Diffusion of vapor through soil . 190 Effect of early spring plowing. .211 Effect of salt 355 Effect of structure on move- ment 182 Effect on porosity 162 Effect of tent on 214 Effect on heat conductivity. . . .460 Effect on soil temperature 461 Forms and availability 141 Gravitational form 160 Hygroscopic form 143 Increased loss through rainfall . 198 Maximum content 155 Means of decreasing 238 Minimum content 155 Of soil, adjustment of 170 Prevention of percolation 191 Relation to bacteria 399 / Should be stored deep 198 Special treatment to prevent evaporation 213 Used by different crops 185 Use of hydrostatic form 194 See Water. Modification of structure 104 Soil temperature means 463 PAGE Modification of structure, texture. 87 Molds, slime 394 Moldboard, relation of shape to character of soil 472 , Movement of plant roots in soil . . . 174 Soil air 439 Soil air, met hods for modifying . 443 Soil moisture, affected by damp- ness 175 Soil moisture, amount of 185 Soil moisture, due to texture. . .172 Soil moisture supplemented by roots 1 74 Soil moisture, thermal 1S9 Water, affected by friction . . . .127 Water affected by solution 173 Water, affected by structure. . .182 Water by soil, lack of data on. . 185 Water horizontally 172 Water in soil 165 Muck 355 Muck, defined 121 Ammonia extract, effect on struc- ture 115 Composition 355 Crude, effect on structure. . 115, 355 Organic matter in 125 Effect on soil moisture 355 Formation of 41 Quantity added to soil 355 Mulches, principles of 199 Depend on rapid evaporation . . 198 Depend upon preventing diffu- sion 189 Depth of 207 Effectiveness determined by friction 182 Effect on structure 119 Example of effect, Cornell Uni- versity 207 Equalize soil moisture 198 Implements for creating 207 Importance of texture 205 Kinds of 199 Management of dust 205 Management of, summarized . . .210 May be compact soil 205 Most effective in arid regions. . .204 Natural formation in arid and humid climates 198 Relation to irrigation practice. .236 To prevent wind erosion 496 When may be formed by roller . 487 524 INDEX PAGE Mulching, grain fields 208 Plow land 209 Muriate of potash 341 Nature, method of tillage 18 Nematodes in the soil 391 Nitrogen, as plant food element. . . 3 Fixation by symbiosis 423 Fixation without symbiosis. . . .429 Fixing organisms 429 Per cent in humus 123 Transfer from nodules to plant. 425 Nit rogen lime 330 Free, loss from manures 377 Nitrification 412 Nitrification, depth to which it extends 41S Effect of aeration on 416 Effect of organic matter on. . . .413 Effect of sod on 417 Nitrates in soil, affected by drain- age 244 Loss from soil 418 Of soda, effect on structure. ... 118 Reduction to ammonia 420 Reduction to nitrites 420 Nitragin 428 Nitrites, reduction to free nitrogen420 Nitro-bacteria 412 Nitrobacter 413 Nitrosococcus 412 Nitrosomonas 412 Nitrous ferments 413 Nobbe, on germination and tem- perature 449 Nodules 423 Nodules, transfer of nitrogen to plant 425 Number of bacteria in soil 397 Particles, calculation 81 Particles in soil 81 Nutrient salts, absorption of 286 Selective absorption 286 Occlusion, relation to soil absorpt'n301 Oily substances on soil particles affects capillarity 183 Open drains, advantages and dis- advantages of 250 Construction of 250 Conditions permitting 248 Organic acids, use for soil analysis . 273 Organic constituent of soil 119 PAGE Organic matter, amount in soil. . .124 Absorptive properties 128 Affects water capacity 153, 361 And raw phosphates 361 As coloring material 101 Composition 121 Derivation of 120 Effect of decay on temperature 452,464 , Effects of on soil 129 Effect on nitrification 413 Effect on structure 113,361 In relation to bacteria 361, 401 In relation to carbon dioxide . . .361 In relation to fertilizers 361 In relation to soil air 433 Loss by leaching 127 Maintenance of in soil 131 Nitrogenous, decomposition by bacteria 407 Non-nitrogenous, decomposition by bacteria 404 Properties of 126 Sources of 120 Used to prevent erosion 497 Volume change 128 Organic nitrogen in fertilizers. . . .332 Organic soils 43 Organisms in the soil 3S8 In soil, effect of drainage on ... . 244 Macro-, in the soil 388 Micro-, in the soil 391 Of soil, importance of tempera- ture for 450 Osmotic equilibrium in plants. . . .287 Outlet of underdrains, importance of 261 Oxygen, as plant food element. ... 3 Relation to soil bacteria 399 Oxidation, a function of soil air. . .437 Packers and crushers 4S6 Packing of subsoil, benefits of . . . .212 Parkes, effect of drainage on soil temperature 243 Particles of soil, constitution of . . . 69 Number of in soil 80 Number of calculation 81 Of soil, mineral character 70 Of soil, shapes 70 Surface area of 82 Peat, defined 121 Formation of 41 INDEX 525 PAGE Percolation 164 Percolation of water, factors affect- ing 167 Direction of 168 King's figures on 166 Prevention of 191 Relation to climate 193 Rothamsted figures on 192 Phosphate fertilizers 334 Physical agencies of rock decay . . 14 Absorption 102 Character of soil, relation to irri- gation 224 Chief groups of soil 66 Effects of organic matter 129 Of arid and humid soil 64, 79 Of soil 68 Processes in soil, relative to tem- perature 431 Properties of soil-forming miner- als 6,7 Properties of soil most suited to irrigation 237 Piedmont soils 40 Planker, drag or float, efficiency of .4S9 Plants amount of water used by . . 133 And animals, agencies in rock decay 28 Plant food, elements of 3, 291 As factor in growth 1 Derived from rocks 3 Derived from air and water. ... 3 Diseases, effect of lime 350 Elements, abundance of 4 Elements in soil, abundance. 6S, 282 E xhaustion of 285 Groups of 3 In the soil, amounts removed by crops 281 Relation to crop rotations 509 Plant growth, factors in 1 Influence of soil temperature on 449 Plants, injured by gravitational water 163 Micro-organisms in the soil 392 Physiological requirements in adaptation 499 Requirements for growth 1 Result of the inherent capacity of seed 1 Result of environment 1 Roots, effect on the soil 391 Roots, effect on soil structure . . .113 PAGE Plants, roots, importance of ad- vance through soil 174 Roots, strike deep in drained soil 245 [/Plasticity, cause of 97 Of humus 129 Properties of 97 Plows, types of 471 Attachments for uses 476 Efficiency of depends on 470 Effect on soil structure Ill Hillside 475 Mode of action 469 Moldboard, adaptation to soil. .471 Relation of use to soil moisture. 470 Subsoil 477 Plowing deep, advantages of 218 Relation to humus supply . . . .218 Plow-land, mulching 209 Plow-sole, character of 474 Pore space in soil 93 Diameter of individual 94 Porosity of rocks 21 Affected by moisture 162 Calculation of 92 Of soil 92 Potassium fertilizers 340 Potato growing, straw mulches in . 202 Harvester, as cultivator 486 Potts, figures on heat conductivity of soil 459 Poult ry manure 372 Practices used in soil management .465 ' Practices in soil management, pri- mary and secondary functions of 465 Pressure of air, effect on percola- tion 168 Primary minerals 5 Process of atmospheric rock decay . 16 Productiveness of soil depends on . 36 In relation to crop rotations. . . .503 Properties of soil 68 Properties of soil separates 80 Puddled structure 90 Puddled soil, changed by lime. ... 117 Danger from subsoilins 478 Movement of water in 182 Pulverization, action of plow in. . .469 Putrefaction 408 Quinke estimates molecular attrac- tion 146 526 INDEX PAGE Rainfall, United States, map of . . 137 Effect on structure 119 Relation to irrigation practice . . 222 When small, may cause loss of water 198 Rains, gentle, best 216 Raw phosphates and organic mat- ter.. 361 Reclamation of alkali soil by drain- age 247 Reduction of nitrates to nitrites. .420 Nitrates to ammonia 420 Nitrites to free nitrogen 420 Relation of lime to magnesium .... 350 Residual soils 31 Characteristics of section 40 Proportionate loss of elements in formation, table 34 Texture of 41 Reverted phosphoric acid 338 Ridge culture.effect on evaporation 216 Ries, on plasticity 97 Rise of alkali 314 Roberts, plow sole 474 Rodents effect on the soil 388 Rocks, as source of soil 2 Aggregates of minerals 10 And its products 2 Aqueous 11, 12 Classification of 10 Decay, agencies of 14 Decay, atmospheric 16 Decay, by solution 22 Decay, ice as agency 27 Decay, type of and composition of soil 36 Decay, type of and texture of soil 36 Expansion due to heat 20 Igneous 11, 12 Important soil-forming 9 Porosity of 21 Roller, conditions where effective .487 And packers, types of 486 Effect on soil temperature 459 Relation to percolation 194 When used to mulch soil 487 Roots, absorbing system 292 Absorption of mineral matter. . . 277 As related to crop rotations. . . .505 Crops, absorption of nutrients. .296 Conditions where enter drains 253,261 PAGE Roots, effect on composition of soil air 437 Excretion of acids 290 Hairs, relation to soil particles. .287 •j Of plants, strike deep in drained soil 245 Osmotic activity 292 Osmotic equilibrium in 287 Plants, effect on the soil 391, 113 Rotation of crops 503 Rotation of crops, principles of. . .504 Effect on soil structure 506 Nutrients removed by 504 Part in soil management 465 Place of manure in 383 Relation to diseases and in- sects 508 Relation to loss of plant food . . . 509 Relation to toxic substances. . .509 Relation to weed growth 508- Root systems of different crops . 505 Some crops prepare food for others 505 Rothamsted, figures on evapora- tion 196 Tables of percolations 192 Rubbish, covering by plow 476 Salisbury, and Chamberlin, char- acter of minerals 8 Sachs, experiments on solvent ac- tion of roots 288 Salt, effect on soil 354 Sand-dunes, damage by 497 Naturally mulched 206 Sandstone soils 39 Sandy soil 74 Sandy soil, organic matter in 12 Sanitary conditions, effect of drain- age on 247 Saturation, total water for 161 And gravitational water Wave of in soil, useful 194 Sawdust as litter in manure 368 Schubler, figures on effect of color on temperature 457 On soil shrinkage 98 Season, length of increased by drainage 243 Secondary minerals 5 Sedimentary rocks 11,12 Sedentary soils 30 Sedentary soils, divisions of 31 INDEX 527 PAGE Sediment, in water of chief rivers . . 26 Seeder types of cultivators 485 Selective absorption of nutrient salts 286 Semi-arid soils, composition of ... . 65 Separate grain structure 89 Separates, properties of soil 80 Series, soil, defined 78 Sewage irrigation 2L>2 Shale soils 39 Shapes of soil particles 70 Sheep manure 371 Silica as cementing material 101 Silting up of tile drains 258 Silvinit 341 Size of particle, influence on soil absorption 299 Slime molds 394 Slope of soil, influence on tempera- ture 458 Shrinkage of soil 9S Sod, effect on nitrification 417 Sodium nitrate 324 Sodium nitrate, composition of. . .325 Deflocculating action 325 Effect on structure 118 Effect on plant growth 325 Preparation 325 "Soil" defined 68 Adaptation to crops 497 Air 432 Amendments 348 Analysis, influence of absorp- tion 277 Broader than geology 2 Characteristics of 2 Clay 74 Cohesiveness 98 Environment of plant 1 Factors in plant growth 1 Forming rocks, important 9 Functions of 1 Management and texture 80 Mechanism 2 Moisture, adjustment of 170 Number of particles in classes. . 82 Organic constituent 119 Organic matter in 125 Organisms 3S8 Particles, constitution of 69 Particles, influence surface cool- ing on movement of moisture . 183 Particles, relation to root-hairs . 287 PAGE Soil, plasticity 98 Productiveness in relation to crop rotation 503 Productiveness of arid and humid 69 Requirements of growth fur- nished by 501 Sandy 74 Separates, composition of 84 Series, defined 78 Structure, defined 88 Study, viewpoint 2 Surface area of 83 Types 78 Units 80 Solar radiation, relation to soil temperature 451 Soluble material in water of chief rivers 24 Solubility of the soil 267 Solubility of the soil, surface ex- posed 267 Composition of particles 267 Organic matter 127 Relation to texture 270 Strength of solvent agents 267 Soluble salts, affect flocculation. . . 116 Soluble salts.as cementing materiallOO Effect on structure 116 Solution, affect movement of waterl73 By water in rock decay 22 Surface tensions 173 Sorting power of water 27 Source of soil material 2 Specific gravity of soil, absolute. . 94 Of humus 128 Table of apparent 96 Specific heat of soil and water. . . .455 Spray irrigation, advantages and disadvantages of 233 Spray irrigation, conditions where used 232 Spring plowing 210 Starch, decomposition by bacteria .405 Stassfurt salts 340 Steamed bone 335 Stewart, figures on capillary move- ment 18J Effect of cloth shade on soil moisture 214 Rainfall causes loss of soil water 198 Storer, quotes Detmers, water capacity 153 Reports soil moisture for crops . . 155 528 INDEX PAGE Storing water in soil, importance of depth 198 Straw as litter in manure 367 Straw mulches, in potato growing. 201 Stream-formed soils 47 Structure of soil, defined 88 Structure, conditions affecting. . . . 103 Affected by animal life 118 Affected by carbonate of lime. .352 Affected by caustic lime 352 Affected by crop rotations 506 Affects capillary water 151 Affected by organic matter. . . .114 Affected by rainfall 119 Affected by soluble salts 116 Affected by surface covering ... 1 19 And moisture content 105 Crumb 91 Effect on capillary movement. .182 Heat conductivity 459 Percolation 167 Tillage on 111,469 Lime 116 Nitrate of soda 118 Structure, effect of plow on 469 Affected by roots 13 Granular 91 Ideal aspects 88 Influence of drainage on 240 Modification of 104 Puddled 90 Relation to texture 88, 92 Relation to soil air 432 Relation to moisture 156 Relation to porosity 88 Structure, separate grain 89 Sub-irrigation, natural 233 Advantages and disadvantages . 234 Method of artificial 234 "Subsoil", defined 68 Organic matter in 125 Plows, operation of 218 Plow, purpose of 477 Plow, when to use 478 Productiveness of arid and humid 69 Subsoiling, aims of 218 Conditions requiring 218 Increases water capacity 219 May be injurious 218 Relation to sub-surface packing . 212 Time to perform 212 Substitution of bases in the soil . . . 297 PAGE Substitution of one mineral nutri- ent for another 280 Packer 488 Packing necessary in subsoiling . 220 Sub-surface packing 212 Sulfate of lime, effect on soil 354 Sulfate of potash 341 Sulfur, as plant-food element 3 Sunshine distribution of in United States 452 Relation to soil temperature 452, 453 Superphosphates, composition of. 338 Fertilizers 337 Manufacture of 337 Supply of soil water 136 Surface area, in field soils 83 Calculation of 83 Relation to absorption 103 Relation to texture 82 Surface covering, influence on struc- ture 119 Surface tension.and capillarityl58, 182 Affected by 159, 173 And plasticity 97 Movement of water by 182 Relation of fertilizers to 182 Relation to granulation in tillagell2 Surface drains. See Open drains. Swamp soil, organic matter in. . . . 125 Sweep, cultivators, efficiency of . .480 Swine manure 370 Symbiosis, fixation of nitrogen by .423 Systems of textural classification 71, 73 Table of surface tensions 159 Tankage 334 Temperature affects, movement of moisture 1 73 Of color on 456 Percolation 168 Surface tension 173 Temperature of soil.