THE PROBABLE DISTRIBUTION OF WHALES AS SONAR TARGETS IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN BY ANALYSIS OF WHALING DATA Ronald Daniel Rinaldi NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS The Probable Distribution of WhaL 2S as Sonai • Targets in the North Pacific Oc ean by Analy sis of Whaling Data by Ronald Danie] . Rinaldi • Thesis Advisor: Eugene D. Traganza March 1972 Appn.ov2.cL faoh. puhtic n.oX Afnmi^j v n(whales) N (whales) = , , . ,r / — nr x *■ i- K J L(nmi)D(nni) P where : N = calculated total population of area A 2 A = area of ocean considered in square nautical miles, nmi L = distance steamed through the area in nautical miles, nmi D = lookout visibility in nautical miles, nmi n = number of whales sighted in distance L p = an empirically determined probability factor based upon weather conditions, sea state and visibility. Consideration of the behavioral characteristics of whales in feeding and migration suggested the applicability of this method to evaluation of false target threats. Nasu (1966) reports that feeding whales are 11 commonly found at depths less than fifty meters. The exception to this would be sperm whales, which occasionally dive to great depths to feed on giant squid (Heezen 1975; Okutani and Nemoto 1964). However, in the North Pacific, they most frequently feed on schooling fish and therefore can also be considered to be mainly distributed in the upper fifty meters. Migration also takes place on or near the surface. Thus, although a sonar ensonifies a volume of water, in the case of false targets attributable to whales we may consider this ensonified region as an area. It is then readily apparent that the searching sonar beam is analogous to the eye of the lookout on a surface ship and this method may be applied to the evaluation of false targets. In this concept, the sonar range is analogous to the lookout's visibility. Assuming ideal sonar conditions: e , c r , . . -. n L(nm) x D(nm) x N (whales) n (number of false targets) = P — — — A (nm^) where: n = expected number of false targets L = distance steamed in nautical miles D = two times the sonar range in nautical miles A = area of the oceanic region N = calculated population of area A P = probability factor determined by sonar conditions. These quantities are illustrated in Fig. 1. For the purposes of this study, ideal sonar conditions were assumed and, therefore, P was taken to have a value of one; indicating that if a whale is present it will be detected. Under actual operating condi- tions this criterium is rarely met since the value will seldom be equal 12 Figure 1. Illustration of Terms Used in Modified Transect Equation: A = ocean area, D = sonar range, L = distance steamed through area A. 13 to one, but will be determined by the factors affecting the sonar range in the particular area of operation. In order to make clearer the techniques used and the sequence of operations, the analysis scheme followed in this thesis is presented diagramatically in the following flow diagram. FLOW DIAGRAM RAW DATA q" METHOD BODY LENGTH TO EAR-PLUG LAMINATIONS LSQPL 2 BODY LENGTH TO AGE AGE DETERMINATION PROGRAM AGEPROP PROGRAM WHLPOP POPULATION ESTIMATES EXPECTED CATCH METHOD ESTIMATES OF: NATURAL MORTALITY RECRUITMENT FISHING MORTALITY EXPECTED CATCH PROGRAM POPULATION ESTIMATES X MEAN POPULATION ESTZiATE MODIFIED TR1NSECT METHOD! | FAI.SE TARGET PROGRAM] EXPECTED FALSE TARGET DISTRIBUTION] 14 The raw data is taken from Russian and Japanese North Pacific fin (Balaenoptera physalus) , sei (B. borealis) and sperm (Physeter catadon) whale fishery catch results for the years 1966 to 1970. The total catch was listed by ten degree square, effort (in catcher days) and length frequency distribution. Two independent methods of population dynamics, the "q" method and the expected catch method, ECM, were utilized to estimate populations in selected geographical subdivisions shown in Fig. 2. For the purposes of this study, Brydes whales were included with sei whales since they are distinct from sei whales only by the presence of ventral grooves and otherwise have the same physical characteristics. The age composition of the catch was determined and the data analyzed by the "q" method (Allen 1966) , utilizing a computer program written to apply this method. This program, designated WHLPOP (Appendix B) , yielded the initial population estimate. The second independent estimate of population size was calculated by means of the "Expected Catch" method (Allen 1966) using values for natural mortality and recruitment obtained from the reports of the International Whaling Commission (IWC 1966-1970) . This method was applied using a program provided by Dr. K. R. Allen, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Biology Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The program was modified to conform to the IBM 360 located at the W.R. Church Computer Center, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. In accordance with procedures followed by the International Whaling Commission (IWC 1968) the mean of the two population estimates was taken The addition of whales to the hunted portion of the population by growth from younger ages. 15 "~*\ \ y / \ / \ \ ^ 1 \ '' J % K i / s \ 0 o bO C •H O O o < 16 o o o o o o 03 0 O o o o CM \D ct> i—i LD «tf o> r— 1 W T3 fH O O CD OS X o +-> rt u .— i . cci O o IT) •H u A o KjC +-) fij 10 C*W •H rc O 0 LO io 1 CD o c r-H a3 .•:■ Ph •••. aj •~3 6 •. o o fn >— 1 <+H V to CD 1— I 03 f-1 , — , 3= r-- o c Ol •H H u< •H <4H r« O rt 2 c ■H o rC| •H w +-> ■H 3 2 -Q •H 'H f-l CD +J 4-1 CO r+-i •H cd Q * — ' CD U •H _ 17 %i rj \0 Oi <—i LO -r at i— i in T3 fH O O CD C< A U +-> d U i—i , rt O o U0 •H A in O +J tfl •H ■ — ' •» o a) in w 1 (D O C — 1 cd Ph •••• rt '■'- •-5 s * o o h rH '-H V t/1 a) i— i cd i-< g r>. vO •H CTi 0) rH LO •H '-H ^ O cd s ti ■H o _C •H ifl 4-> •H 3 2 -O •H h 'M a +J fj tn CTl -o >— i u o -a u c a> CD a: to c XI 2 o o +-> H o3 C_> *\ t^ .— ( vO a3 Ol o i—l •H ?H •H O ^ +-> aJ t/> 5 •H •H I X 10 a> •H t/> 2 a3 <-H *-3 aJ V • s o o f-t CM tw a> i—i to i a) i-H H vO rt r-~ rC i—i s V) s XI fi M 0 o CM o co d C £3 ^ 03 •H CJ « ^ •H O +-) fH LO V) a> i •H e o LO CD U 3 bO •H 19 4) m o C 03 o Ph(N 03 en •-5 -H S --H O vO Fh t-~ O o3 03 -C a, u GO •H J^ c n: +-> 03 ^ o CH O -H o 2 ^ ?-i 13 < C C •H 03 g& I/) /— \ is o rfr "" ' •H •H 3 s ,* X3 f-i nJ •H a> 2 u Ph-H ■M co X c/> •H -3 -H Q c z 03 N— ' i—i 03 •H (N U C i— I a> •» 1 CJ £ LO •H *tf m Uh cr> o 1— 1 m t/> O V) a3 -a O 3 OS -n ■H X fn o , — v +-> -M LO 10 03 to •H CJ cr> Q .—I i—i fn (/) o o c Cl, +-> 12 £ in o O -H H U X * — ' 3 •H 20 and the average expected number of whales in each ten degree square, for the period 1966-1970, was calculated by means of proportions as expressed in equation (1) . Number of whales in square (N ) = L_ x N. (1) S CA where : N. = estimated mean whale population in the selected area by "q" and ECM for the five year period 1966 to 1970. C = average total catch in the ten degree square over the five years. C. = average total catch in the selected area 1966-1970. Similarly, the average number of whales present per month in each ten degree square was calculated by equation (2) : Cm Number of whales per month (N ) = _ x N (2) F m c s s where : C = average total catch in the month m C = average total catch in the ten degree square N = population of the square calculated in equation (1) . Historical records of Japanese whale fishing (Figures 3-5) for the years 1945 to 1962 (Nishiwaki, 1966, 1967) were combined with studies of migratory cycles and distribution by Nishiwaki and Kasuya (1970) and historical catches (Townsend 1935) . This was done to determine areas of distribution for fin, sei and sperm whales. From these, a composite area chart was developed, Figure 6, showing where whales could be encountered as false targets. In areas where no historical geographical data was available, i.e. Russian fisheries in squares M28-30 and N27-30 (Figure 2), 21 a uniform distribution of the calculated average whale population per month was assumed over the entire ten degree square. The number of whales per one thousand miles steaming with a 1000 yard sonar range was then calculated using the modified form of the Transect Method of popula- tion estimation described earlier. This was then plotted on Fleet Numerical Weather Central polar sterographic charts (Figures 24-32) . A. THE "q" METHOD Whaling in the North Pacific produces data which is highly variable, 2 particularly in the measure of catch per unit effort. This variation is produced primarily as a result of the smaller effort employed, as compared to the Antarctic fishery, and the exploratory nature of the fishing effort to develop new whaling grounds. Methods utilized in population estimation must therefore be designed to normalize the data in order to give reliable estimates even in the presence of this high variability. One such method is the "q" method. The basic assumption of the "q" method is that the ratio between the instantaneous fishing mortality rate, F, and the total fishing effort, X, is constant, i.e. q = instantaneous fishing mortality _ constant (3) fishing effort Using the pooled data for as many years as possible, an estimate of "q" is obtained and the population computed by dividing the catch per unit effort, C/E, by q. In this method a base year is selected in which it is assumed that the population structure is determined by natural mortality and that recruitment has been constant from year to year. 2 The total catch of whales, in numbers, divided by the effort required to produce the catch (equation 4) . 22 The essential features of this method are: (1) A single year group is followed throughout to avoid the effects of recruitment. (2) The relative abundance of the selected year or age group is compared in each succeeding year with the base year^, where it is assumed that the age structure is unaffected by exploitation. Thus, the population structure by ages is determined by natural effects with no deaths due to fishing. (3) Estimates of the total fishing mortality5, for all age groups, and the instantaneous fishing mortality of the specified age group are obtained for increasing periods of years. Thus the effects of data fluctuations due to seasonal variation are minimized. These estimates are then divided by the total effort over the same periods to obtain a mean estimate of "q," table II. (4) The effort expended in the whale fishery by different size catchers with varying endurance is standardized by multiplying catcher days by vessel tonnage and dividing by one thousand, i.e. Effort = Catcher days work X catcher tonnage ^ 1000 L J 3 The portion of the population consisting of all whales of a specified age and older. 4An arbitrarily selected year in which the population is assumed to be affected by natural effects only with no deaths attributable to the effects of man. This year is used as a reference. The ratio of the number of deaths to the total number of whales in the population, summed over the year. 23 cH.°1 Pk vO vO to vO o o cti 00 CO to o 1—1 \o to CM •* I— 1 1— i I— 1 I— 1 a o as H CQ < o3 0) C •H 4-» O o CM to CTi ■«* 00 o o r^ i-H LO Tf o CM o t— CM CM o H i-H i-H i-H i-H i-H 14H O U 3 rt .— 1 0) 03 >H > •H g •P s ^ o X MH Xi m LU ■M +-> ^ •H 03 G =) X ^ c 0) •H Oh ■P X *H o O +-> <+H o3 m C_3 w O u +-> i-H X ^ o rt +-> o3 >- u C b0 •H •H +-> 13 V< •H O > <-H ■H LM Q w X +-> X • •H 4-> c t3 *H 3 o> r- o 4-> CTi <+4 Jh • 03 LO <+4 0) X i-H o W Cu 4-> 3 o •H o o +-> X •-H .-H • •H o • 03 03 o c +-> +-) 4-> U o rt h M II u O O c fH m 2 o Q> <4H m •H 00 CU O w M ■M *fr 00 C 03 CM CTl X o i-H •H i-H o O o •H 03 X 3 • o ■M ■P +-> V) PL, \D i-H rt oj O •H o U OS E-i tL, Q- II II II II II II 1 or UJ +-> X Ph ^la- s' 24 The basic equation is: F = In t 'l,r Qo,r+t-l v £ = catch per unit effort in year t. These quantities are illustrated in table I. Since the estimate of F obtained in this method refers to the decrease from the average population in one season to the average level in a later year, the effort X may be written by means of integrating by the Trapazoid Rule: X. =1 Xl + 2X2 + + 2Xt-l + Xt (6) The total of the effort, E, expended from mid-season in one year to mid-season in the next. 25 TABLE I ILLUSTRATION*OF QUANTITIES USED IN "q" METHOD Cumulative Proportions in Catch of Whales Age (r) and Older (Russian Area V) Age Group Base Year 1966 5 0 1.0000 1 .9984 2 .9892 3 .8768 4 .8227 5 .7438 6 7 8 .6208Q r •4672Qo,r .3776 9 .2880 10 .2105 11 .1337 Year 1 1967 5 1.0000 1.0000 .9991 .9808 .8926 .8043 .6810Q .5024 .4125 .3230 .2734 .2242 l,r Year 2 1968 5 1.0000 ' 1.0000 .9987 .8876 .8309 .7238 .5712 •3985Qt +t>1 .3003 .2021 .1414 .0812 Year 3 Year 4 1969 5 1970 5 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .9960 .9969 .9799 .8220 .8336 .7604 .7568 .6581 .6468 .5260 .5228 .3591 .3527 .2737 .2692 .1888 .1862 .1287 .1359 .0686 .0861 *Total set of data are in appendix. *0utput from Computer Program AGEPROP in Proportion of Each Age Group in the Total Catch Converted to Cumulative Distribution for Purposes of Illustration. 26 The error due to random effects on the fishery may be minimized by extending the estimate of "q" from the base year to successive years and taking the mean as the value for the area, Table II. Thus: T T v q = t sx,. (7) where T is the total number of years in the series. An estimate of the mid-season recruited population is then given by: &t NtSq The "q" method may be explained more simply by the block diagram in Figure 7. FIGURE 7 Block Diagram Representation of the "q" Method BASE YEAR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 i M 6+ 7+ H ii M T 6+ M 7+ J_ M = natural mortality F = fishing mortality The large rectangles represent the total catches in years 1 and 2. Considering first the catch in year 2, the small rectangle, 7+, represents the proportion of the catch in year 2 which is seven years old and older. 27 It can easily be seen that if there were no fishing or natural mortality then the level for the seven year age group would include rectangles F and M. Going back one year, the whales which were seven years old and older in year two are represented by the six year old and older whales in year one. Again we can see the represented effects of natural and fishing mortalities. There are two unknowns, F and M, affecting the age structure of the population. Thus, if an estimate can be made of one, then both in combination, the other can be determined. To accomplish this end, the ratio of the six year olds and older in year one, to the seven year olds and older in year two (term 1 of the basic equation (5)), is compared to the ratio of the seven year olds and older to the six year olds and older, in the base year where only natural mortality has been affecting the age structure of the population (term 2 of the basic equation (5)). Finally, an adjustment must be made to compensate for the variation in abundance from year to year. It is obvious that if the same amount of effort is expended, the catch per unit effort in a year of greater abundance will be greater than the catch per unit effort in a year of lesser abundance. Therefore, the ratio of the C/E in year one to the C/E in year two, provides a measure of the relative abundance in the two years (term three of the basic equation (5)). Thus by comparing the ratios between successive years with the ratio existing in the base year, an estimate of the natural mortality is obtained and, since this is assumed to be constant, the total fishing mortality may be obtained. 1. The Effects of Migration As a result of the seasonal migration, in the case of baleen whales, and the more general spreading in the case of sperm whales, there exists a north-south age segregation of the population for a major 28 portion of the year (Ohsumi 1966, Nishiwaki, 1967, Nishiwaki 1966). Older males penetrate further into the waters of the North Pacific followed by- younger males who usually preceed the population front of the migrating main body of whales. There then exists a high probability that an examination of the age structure in any one ten degree square will not be representative of the age structure, but will yield a disproportionately high number of one particular age group. To eliminate the effects of migratory segregation of the population, the age structure and effort are considered for ten degree squares in geographic areas. These areas are composed of twenty degrees of longitude extending from the equator to the pole, Figure 2, thus considering the age structure at all latitudes. Then, for example, for area III between 140°W - 160°W: XIII = XM27 + XM28 + '•• + Xp28 and C =C +C +...+C III M27 M28 P28 Since the yearly totals of X, C, C/E, etc. are used in the estimation of q and these yearly totals are the sum of the individual squares, "q" may be applied to the individual squares to yield monthly estimates of population. This approach, however, requires extensive hand calculations. * B. AGE DETERMINATION Application of the "q" method requires that the age groups of the catch be analyzed with respect to the length-frequency distribution. The relationship of length to age was determined indirectly from frequency diagrams, Figures 8-19, relating body length to the count of ear-plug laminations. 29 Figure 8. Male Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area II Body length (ft) Laminations 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4.4 45 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 30 Figure 9. Male Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area III Body length (ft)53 54 55 56 5? 5g 5g 6Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 6? 6g 6g ?Q Laminations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 31 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 5 6 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 7 3 5 5 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 4 1 3 2 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 5 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 3 2 1 • 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Figure 10. Male Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate .Totals of Observations Area IV Body length (ft) M 55 $6 5? 5g 5g 6Q 61 62 63 ^ 65 66 6y 6g 6g Laminations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4 111 32 2 2 1 1 10 5 3 3 1 1 4 3 3 3 4 5 1 10 6 7 4 9 4 3 1 1 4 5 15 8 8 3 4 1 1 3 7 9 11 8 4 1 1 2 3 7 2 6 4 1 2 1 3 3 7 3 2 2 2 2 3 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 5 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 2 3 2 1 1 4 6 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 5 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 5 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 11. Male Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area V Body length (ft)53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7Q Laminations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 1 4 : L 1 2 2 l : L 3 6 4 2 ; > 1 1 1 4 2 2 : L 2 1 4 1 3 : L 4 2 1 2 1 2 : 5 1 1 1 2 : L 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 l : L 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 L 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 l : l : L 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 L 1 3 3 1 1 1 l ; 2 2 L 2 L 2 1 L 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 4 4 1 3 6 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 l . L 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 L 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 2 l 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l L 1 L 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 Figure 12. Female Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area II Body length (ft)54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 6g 7Q 71 Laminations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ! 32 1111 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 37 1111 38 i 1 1 34 Figure 13. Female Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area III Body length (ft) Laminations 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 2 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 5 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 5 5 2 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 4 4 2 1 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 5 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 35 Figure 14. Female Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area IV Body length (ft) 5g Laminations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44> 45 36 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 7 6 4 8 9 6 4 1 7 8 5 8 8 7 3 1 1 1 3 9 13 12 7 9 7 3 3 4 2 2 10 4 9 5 8 2 2 1 1 3 5 8 6 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 4 9 5 5 3 4 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 5 4 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 6 3 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 6 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 5 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 15. Female Fin Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area V Body length (ft) Lamination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1 1 4 4 1 1 37 Figure 16. Male Sei Whales Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Areas II-III Body length (ft) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Laminations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 40 41 42 1 43 44 45 38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 Figure 17. Male Sei Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Area IV Body length (ft) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Laminations 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14 1 15 . 1 16 17 18 1 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 23 12 1 24 1 25 1 26 11 27 112 28 11 29 11 30 31 1 1 32 11 33 34 1 35 1 36 1 37 12 1 38 11 39 1 40 41 11 42 43 1 1 44 1 45 39 Figure 18. Female Sei Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals of Observations Areas II-III Body Length (ft) Laminations 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 111 9 10 1 11 1 1 12 1 1 13 14 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 30 1 2 31 1 32 1 1 33 13 34 35 12 36 1 1 37 1 38 39 40 41 1 42 43 1 1 44 45 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 19. Female Sei Whale Body Length vs Count of Ear-Plug Laminations (Compiled by Biologists at the Japanese Whaling Institute) Numbers Indicate Totals Of Observations Area IV Body length (ft) 3g 3g 4Q ^ ^ 44 45 ^ 4? 4g 4g 5Q $2 53 $4 Laminations 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 1 1 8 1 9 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 15 16 » 17 18 1 19 1 20 21 22 1 23 111 24 25 1 26 12 1 27 11 28 1 29 30 31 1 32 33 1 34 35 1 36 37 38 2 39 40 1 • 41 42 1 43 1 44 45 41 • • ► C»l) H19N31 X c t> 0) O --H Xi >H < fn O • m os rt ^i 4-> ri X 13 J3 4-t X) o a> 'O 3 O rH fH cd ft > o C +J o3 3 0) 4-> 6 -h •p c O l-H X) rt b0 C £ -H O t-H u a U-i x -o 0) t/> 3 g% O ft (/) O CO z g ■"3 •H E < O 0) fH M4-I z < ™" a • 2 •M /— » < • • o3 nj _j : T3 T3 0) w aj > C f-i oi nj 3 C U u o •H <4H x: +-> o +-> a W) CTI C -H ^ i a> i-l u vt aj a3 a> £ (D OS in t/> C > a> •H -H B.X ^ -P * • • if • \ • • • k birfh fN o CO (N fN o fN CO Z o Z 2 < CN CO CN o <1) x> .— 1 i— 1 fn < O <4-l PS o3 +-> • o3 :*£ T3 X o3 o > 5-i PL, C o3 CO •M e CO •H > +-> o X3 c 03 1—1 £ oo O c Jh •H 4-1 r-H 03 g ■P =3 cu Ph to s CO o c o 03 l/l o3 •H •-5 CO e 00 o < ft 4-1 . . 03 . z. +-> T3 13 u ^ ' « 3 c U t/1 rt c U XI o +-> •H 4-i 00 +-> o c o3 CO C T3 ,-J •H fn 1 CO | o O0r-I CQ < z. oo.c 3 O CO .— i fn f— ( Ph rt a i § 03 t/i o CO Czj c •H to to H* > •H (1) ^-1 fn i— 1 •M CO 03 oox 6 c Ifl CO •H tu 1— 1 tc p CO o r* -O vO fN O 00 m LT) fN II H19N31 CN a> 3 oO •H 43 in CM in O in 9 o -\V 03 Z < z < (N 00 CX O — i o • +-> 03 X <4H -O O o rH eu o +J •H > c O t-i rt so c E -H O rH -a a> (/> P-. C e ^ o tu •-3 ♦ I H10N31 t/l •h e o ,- — ^ .. o3 ri = -o -d c 5-i t/) rt 3 C u U O •H <+H X +-> o +-> 03 bO C T3 C -H H a» s a3 J 03 O l ^l ca 0) bO tsoxl < 3 o 7. i— 1 'M Ph 03 CD 1 CD rH JH C£ w c/) •H > CD cu ■H CO X ?-( ■p CD (D MX rH C CO 03 •H S rH Uh • CM cd o > 5-i ft o3 o 03 •* ft to s a •H »~3 /— ■ > CD 03 o3 > T3 T3 5-i ^ 03 U W 03 x o ■P -H 4-t bo 4-> O C 03 D C-d _J -H 5-1 I S 03 CD 03 O son a < D o fH 5-1 ft 03 l a) •H V rC 5-1 rH +-> O -H P-, r-H U, CM 5-i bO rH 03 H1DN31 45 A best fit curve was determined for each length lamination frequency- diagram by the least squares method using the LSQPL 2 subroutine in the W.R. Church Computer Center library. This subroutine has a maximum capacity of one hundred points. For length- frequency diagrams having more than this number of observations, the mean value of body length was calculated for each number of laminations and the least squares curve fitted to these points. The individual curves obtained were then plotted, Figures 20-23, and a mean curve determined by applying the known lengths and ages of physical and sexual maturity to these curves. The final curve is approximately exponential in form and agrees reasonably well with von Bertalanffy 's theoretical growth equation (Mackintosh 1965, Laws 1959): 1 = L (l-e"k(t_to)) where : 1. = length at any age L = mean length at physical maturity k = a constant determined by the physiological characteristics of the animal A computer program designated AGEPROP (see Appendix B) was written to calculate the proportion of each age group in the catch, based on the age- length curves. C. EXPECTED CATCH METHOD The basic concept of this method is to obtain an estimate which mini- mizes the sum of the squares of the differences between actual and expected catches. The unknown parameters are the initial population size, N, and the ratio, q, between the instantaneous fishing mortality, 46 F, and the fishing effort, X. Natural mortality is assumed constant, and recruitment is obtained by examination of the age structure in successive years. The method constructs the population in successive years by taking the initial population, subtracting the actual catch, subtracting mortality, and adding recruitment. This process is repeated in successive years using each estimate obtained as the initial population for the following year. The expected catches are then obtained for each year by dividing the estimated average population during the season by the estimated fishing mortality rate. The mortality rate is obtained by multiplying q times the known effort. The method assumes that catching, natural mortality and recruitment proceed successively thereby simplifying the calculations. The essence of the method is paraphrased here; for further detail the reader is referred to the original paper (Allen, 1966). Mathematically, letting C and X be catch and effort respectively, then N-, = initial population -M (N-j-C-j^e = survival to the next year r (N, - —1) qX = expected catch Then the following year (No) : N2 = (N1 - Cpe'M (1 - W) where W is the number of recruits in the next year, M is the natural mortality and C is the catch in year 1. 1 ' 47 survival to the beginning of the next season (N1-C1)e- -m " C2 (1-W ) L_ and expected catch (Ni-C^e" -m C2 (1-W2) 2 >-m qX2 Continuing in this manner we can show that at the beginning of year t the population equals: N -(t-l)M t % (1-W.) i=2 Nl-Cl " c2 (i-w -m -(i-l)m t-1 C S(l-W) c^sd-w.) / . JJ=2 • 2zl (t-2)m A N -f(C)t 1 t 1 t ■ -(t-l)m where: A = — t + S (1-W.) • o 1 1=2 and t-1 C. fCCVl = ci + S "ST r 1 l i-2 Ai In year t the difference between the actual and expected catch is given by: qX1 Ct " (Nt " f} qXt = Ct 1+-^~ qXtNt The sum of the squares of the differences, d, for the period year 1 to year T equals : 48 T 2 t=l qX CJl.—) _qXtNt = d' Expanding and regrouping terms yields : d2 = K + L + PN q2 + SN2 q2 + U 2 q ln 1 n Q where the coefficient: K = 2C. L- «-> o o o CO C •H 0 +J CO m o •H . | i— t •H ^ O CU o < o t— 1 1 ^1 (/) CD c a, o •H c ■M o •H •H T3 4-> C 3 o X> u •H fn n ■M 03 V) C •H o p CO 4-> r-l CD 03 bo CD ^ T3 o3 h- 1 E- DO CD C t/> •H r-H S 03 3 U, V) V) CD < rH XJ -a 03 o XI x O •p f-i CD a, £ tj- CM CD M 3 00 •H U-, 53 54 / V- X> 0) bO C oi OS U C o co Vi 03 >H O o o +-> •H bO •H 0) ■M C/3 <+H O •rt E • 5 a> O 3 O 1-3 O >-H I d. O •H C -M O -H ■H T3 +-> C 3 O X> CJ •rH +-> CO u a c o Q CO +-> .-H DO &0 •H 55 +-) co o X o 3 o >~3 o I— 1 1 u V) o •H •H -d ■P C 3 O JD u •H fH Fh +-> 03 V) C •H O Q co ■M i— i O oj bO c w •H i— i e rt 3 it. t/) to ?H 3 DO tu 56 ^r c X. 2 X XI 4) DO c rt OS ^ rt C o co T3 M nJ >~ o o o 1— ( rC 4-> •H 2 bO C •H | o •H •H -a ■M G 3 o XI CJ •H u ^ ■M rt l/l c •H o Q w +-> —I CD Rj bO O ?H -I OS — 1 E- bO 0) C c/) • H i— i E as 3 IX, m 'SI 0) < ■H x -a cd O X) r r— o M fn a o. 2 t 00 CM CD M 3 afl X 57 58 59 o x: oc x> - O o o 00 c •H E 03 0> +-> co «w . o u o o O 2 o Cl, o •H C -M O -H •H 13 +-> C 3 O X) u o Q CO +-> H O 03 00 0 03 i— ( H Bh X) 03 X> O a. 00 C •H E to < o x: 1^5 0 3 00 •H 60 ,0 0 C a OS h C O CO o o o 4-> bO C •H co m . 0 f-i d> •H -Q E E C 0 0 O 0) O a O 1—1 1 h w 0) c a, 0 ■H c ■P 0 •H •H T3 4-> C 3 O X> u •H ^ fn +-> a3 V) C •H O a co +-> >— 1 0 03 bo •H r— 1 e 03 3 U-, w ^i (D a. s CM to 0 ^ 3 bO 61 TABLE III CALCULATED POPULATIONS OF FIN, SEI AND SPERM WHALES IN THE NORTH PACIFIC BY THE "q" AND EXPECTED CATCH METHODS 1966-1970 AREA II - V Calculated Populations Fin S ei Sperm "q" Expected "qM Expected nqii Expected Method Catch Method Catch Method Catch AREA II 8423 1124 2183 21455 39913 8813 1120 4441 25404 40399 7188 1079 1890 22176 40461 4113 710 1303 16335 38939 5265 613 2934 25637 37191 Average population N. 6761 929 2550 22201 39381 AREA III 12402 1299 11017 5943 20383 4890 449 4268 5382 31568 5038 360 18778 5968 38222 .1948 264 28746 6219 20760 17500 4026 211 8551 6158 21316 Average population N. 5661 517 14268 5934 26450 17500 AREA IV 3589 2719 3517 9657 15734 3526 1966 9442 9872 21573 9836 1677 4637 9484 19297 22100 3662 1525 5251 10694 21267 27300 1991 1181 3319 11062 23208 Average population N. 4521 9068 5233 10153 20216 24700 AREA V 2757 4853 4579 17124 20177 5185 4554 8620 9601 14362 20724 4302 4034 8237 8437 11501 21416 4075 3614 4667 6071 9853 21970 2252 3460 4090 4856 15161 22679 Average p opulation N^ 3714 4103 6039 7241 13194 21392 62 TABLE IV CALCULATED POPULATIONS OF FIN, SEI AND SPERM WHALES IN THE NORTH PACIFIC BY THE "q" AND EXPECTED CATCH METHODS 1966-1970 AREA VI Calculated Populations Fin Sei Sperm "q" Expected Mq" Expected itqii Expected Method Catch Method Catch Method Catch AREA VI 5221 1530 2875 19104 6340 1506 3986 5063 20807 3856 1053 7849 4906 17397 10382 863 3298 4399 13917 4448 835 5165 4368 20654 Average population N. 6049 1151 4635 4684 ■ 18376 — ■ ■— ■■ ■ — .»- - 63 IV. DISCUSSION A. DATA The data used in this thesis were extracted from the basic raw data reports prepared by Japanese and Russian whaling institutes for inclusion in the International Whaling Statistics. In their basic form, these reports contain, for each ten degree square, monthly listings of catch by species, sex and catcher effort expended. An annual length- frequency distribution by statistical area is also included. By using these reports, information may be derived for monthly population estimates. Whaling data presented in the International Whaling Statistics are or- ganized by geographic area and seasonal totals and can only be used for estimates of total annual population of the North Pacific. A serious limitation exists in using whaling data for monthly popula- tion estimates in that not all areas are fished in every month. The whaling season is limited by regulation of the International Whaling Commission to six months annually for baleen, and eight months for sperm whales. This limitation is compensated for in part in that the whaling fleet follows the migration of the whale herds and seeks out areas of significant concentration. A second problem which exists lies in the minimum size limitations of the Commission which are 57 feet for fin (Balaenoptera physalus) , sei (Balaenoptera borealis) , and sperm (Physeter catadon) whales. Thus the length frequency distribution may not truly reflect the age composition of the catch since certain ages, determined by length, are excluded from the catchable population. This may bias the estimates of recruitment used in the dynamical methods. 64 Third, due to the seasonal nature of the fishery, data relating to the abundance of whales outside the normal season is virtually non-existent, This results in a period of a year for which no population estimates may be calculated. In this study, this period comprises the months of January, February and March. However, examination of the migratory cycles of the major whale types (Fig 33, Kellog 1929) indicates that very few whales are found in these northern waters in the winter months. The few that persist consist of old sperm and fin bulls which can withstand large temperature extremes. As these whales are usually loners, they should present no significant false target threat. Finally, the data represents only the catch statistics for the commercially exploited species, fin, sei, bryde's, sperm and, for earlier years, humpback whales. The ramifications of this problem are discussed further below. B. AGE DETERMINATION Age determination is important for development of accurate methods in the fisheries biology of whales, and has been the subject of intensive investigation. Of all the age characteristics studied, the accumulated laminae in the ear plug of the external auditory meatus is believed to be most valuable criteria for age determination of the catch (Ichihara 1966) . The conical shaped plug consists of alternating layers of dark keratinized cells and bright degenerated fatty cells which form at a rate of one to two per year. It is believed that the formation of alternating layers is in response to the biannual hormonal cycle and periodic changes of food supply. It is assumed that vitamin A, plentiful food supply, and growth hormones result in the formation of a bright layer. Vitamin A deficiency, fasting and estrogen result in formation of a dark keratinized layer. 65 o "* *■* - — - *■* ~ g^ •H o 0, J-' ' W < +J U o +-> c •H to 0) I ' 1 1 I' I— 1 o3 X 1 \ * I O c o •H 1 1 1 * 1 03 •H 1 1 L •H O UJ to •p o- V P* \ J-i o +-> 03 •H 1 \ \ 2 0) u •H 66 The bright layer in the sexually mature whale is formed during the period of feeding migration and the dark layer during a breeding migration. The annual rate of formation of ear-plug laminations has been a source of disagreement among biologists. Several of the possibilities offered are: 1) one lamina formed per year 2) two lamina formed per year 3) two lamina formed per year until sexual maturity is reached and one lamina per year thereafter 4) 1.5 lamina formed per year. For the calculations carried out in this paper, age structure was based upon an assumed rate of lamina formation of 1 . 5 per year for the sexually immature whales. This figure was selected as the most probable estimate in view of work done by Ichihara (1966) who verified it by three methods and Oshumi (1964) who reached the same conclusion by investigation of natural mortality rates. As the same standard is used for age determina- tion of catches in successive years for comparison of year groups, any error introduced is constant in the determined age structure, and is insignificant in the final calculations. Allen (1967) calculated the fin whale population of the North Pacific using three conversions from ear-plug laminations to years (one per year, one per year to five years and then two per year and two per year) . His results showed an average difference of only two percent between the calculated populations. C. AREAS OF DISTRIBUTION A significant point in the consideration of whale distributions is the identification of the specific areas of distribution. These areas 67 must be arrived at by examination of the catch statistics in conjunction with the migratory cycles of the animals of interest. Whales migrate in response to two factors : 1) location of areas containing specific foods in sufficient concentration 2) the requirement for a suitable environment for the production and rearing of young. It can be seen that the composite areas of distribution, Figure 6, closely agree with the zooplankton distribution, Figure 34. This is expected since it is known that the abundance of food controls the limit of migra- tion (Nemoto 1959) . The oceanic structure is intimately associated with the production of zooplankton and, therefore, determines the location of whaling grounds. Vertical and horizontal temperature gradients and vertical stability of sea water masses play an important role in the replenishment of micro- nutrients, mainly phosporic and nitrogen salts. These salts are the limiting factors in the production of phytoplankton, the food supply of zooplankton. Therefore, the highest concentration of whales, and thus the most troublesome false target areas, are those where cold and warm water masses meet and the three basic conditions of light, nutrients and oxygen are present (Ruud 1938, Nasu 1963). It should be noted that whale schools do not concentrate in the rapid, easterly rapidly flowing zones of warm water. Therefore, few whales are found in the west wind drift. The accuracy of the areas of whale distribution (Figure 6) is substantiated by the fact that in the 1969 season, only 183 whales out of a total catch of approximately ten thousand were taken outside these areas in spite of the efforts of scouting boats to locate new whaling grounds (International Whaling Commission 1969). 68 >> H ^ o VD On On H O H ^ •H ^ o> o •H C Cm O -H P> O M cd H CD P 43 O -P O CNl h on ei rH is; ^ H CM II fe E O H fe E J- LTN rH rH *^7* ^-« cti K'H E Vr E W"^» W "». O H II P-E CO Ph e CO O O 6 CO o rH^ **»» ~~^ ~~-~ ~--^ *" — ^^ Ph e CO VO CM VO t— CO CM LTN CM OnVO CM CM J lAm h O iH H CO OO H rH CO o M«H t— s>- oovo on M Vh w-^ _=!■ J" CO CM UA CM K -^ COE U"N LTN.-3- on LTN H LT\ t— H CM GO E o on rH is; CM s fc E O O LTN \ H H H _=f r— 1^-. fe E H CM O H H H ^ s e x -^ :-. ^ :- c, tH > u 2 C C (T >-r S: 1-3 O D- Cn > O -= >-= < c: c P5 Q 74 ^>. ^*a CM CCVh Pw V O O O O H W^- W^ o q< e CL, £ — . J- 00 O t— LT\ 00 CO CM CM CM H -=r H H CO H«. ** — ~\ 0) CM H VD VD CM VD rH P4 J- -=T ^t a e . H On j- CM H q-, w CO w <2 l-r-~ t- feE CM h E h> H cog H rH H o\_=i- h h- 1 Cm co E CM VD VD CM CO £ *""" &^H CO & U Sfflc:K^g>Jc5 0i^>u -- < PH < :r — rr K o C K < -^ <."-<_ :r ~ ^" o c ^ 1 — r^ «. i^- —• k— t— <-" r - r—i ■=- "~ :•' =r g £- h < ' ~ ^ T ~ ' & CQ CE CC >h S J O Cl, E-i > O < W < Pl, < - - - fen O C Ph bfcs:<2:,-3^«. ~-\ ^^ ~\ ^-^ w ^ ^■s, "*>« **»«. *"•■«. a, e co -3- vo t-- ir\_3- c— co Ph E J- H VO H II CO on C— CM CM ON CM O t— cm on CM H CO on-* -3- E t- O H H o ON CO H 1— IVh -3- vo H on v\ t— h-i tin CO CM O On CM w\ "^ "*>». — ^ ^^ ^^ ~--^ W "~~-~ -3- ■*^» ■"■ — *" — VO S co e CO On on CO O ON CO £ CM VO VO CM ON VO J- CM £3 CM ir\ H H h on w CQ LT\ O H £?n CM J" CM ^ o 2 cq t: :: >< ^ ^ U s, -H > u < w < a. < r: r: ~ ^: L ) O 63 •-s fe r ^ r ^ ^ < ': C r: C H- ^ ? < 2 ^^ < c c ^ e 77 on 5% o 5^ onj- (X'-i \ cd v W^. on w *> CO rH a. e c- r VO CO CO H CO HVi M <+- t"- pq w~~^ H^-. CM CM LT\ 00 E CO E Ph 0) C\J CM rH P4 Cj e o ' Vh rH II fe E fc e O - O O O S w-»- ■^-^ *~~~ *>>». w--~ *■"*» * — . "*»«. a, e _=f ONVO cu f. h- on on ll CO _=r on CO rH \o e On CM CO CM M O s re CC .' >' S O rj t ^ > O . t— w ->•« fc e H eu g CO CO M«w M <+- On w--. w -» CM co e co r 0) Pli r-\ a e d) Cm 55 «m 55 . CM VO W\ co e vo t-- co E 00 -3- VO CM CM 55 55 Cm w e On O On on 55 Cm fc E >-; t. *--•<*- t— t— < rr o r- C "Z. C2 CT < K < ►"3 fc ;g r>-r:^ c a. E-< > a-* J- CM O CC^m ^^ ^^. p2 v W^-, H CM w *«. -3- VO VO PH £3 rH Ph £ ON rH CM CO CO H H fin a h- fVn on H — VO CM CO H on on on co e ^t -3- VO On fe ON_d" o CM on vo H LA CM Ph H CO cm on ia W i^vM -3- f— _3" S < - on E-i "^ E*. cm mo o < S«M CM H H D— Q p~i n Pm E CO on.;}- J- On K CO , on CO CM LfN CJ EH < 1— t PM M'^-l 1— 1 h 2; J O d, En > O SfflCC^gJOD. r<>0 < M < PL, < ~; r ^? K C_> C Tr; 1— !i_, "C T-" -c" t-~ (— . <-■ rr <— i ' — ^~ hD^£:<2;t7t-. S LTN CM rH CM t- 03 H E . CD Cm S^m oo II EmE o ^ E Cm CD H *cH s CO cd K<« O K <+-, O CO E CxJ^^. w -^ — , ~-^_ p-E m P-- E H On II CO CO OnVO H 6 Lf\ MC.H CO Mf «^ C— J- CO W"""^ *^^» W "^ CM *^ CO VO us CO £ o CM CO E Ph -3- LTN On CM rH Ph H On H co f^E itn ON ^ E H O P-. < < < a"'-n o o o (T. Cm LTN P CO-- p o SffiC£^SJ0 1«[H>0 rH CM CM VO ON O •-r- vo H H CM O CM CM 0O o H H H Eh < 1 — 1 On CM t— l-^ K;Cm a •-- f— SfflKK>^2iJOCHH>U < m < d, < zz ^z ~ :-~. u c t^ h-3Pn2:- "^ M "^ ^^ §j fng VO -3- Ph g ON 00 2j . g«H 00 O r-H 0O C £.6 Ph g CO -tf J- H J2CJ CO oo oo o H EH < -=*■ Ph On p oo CM S3 cog VO LTN CM rH CM (-1 1h CO g CM Ph O CM OO H CM O CO OO h4 oo LTN OO 3 H rH si; rH •^ S<+H CM H S ! ceKh o CM O CM Pheh CO ON Ph g CO O t— O OO 1— 1 «M -=f H t- CO VO LTNCO CM W \ CM rl H H IA Ph CO g "" — co g S s H CO H ONVO CM J J H J CM Ph r— -^ fc g VO on m m s; CJ zz cc cr. or. >■> S: j o On E-i > O < W < O, < ~ ^ .^ K O O W , < W < Ph < ^ - ;--, < r: d ^ r i' c c y t— » — ■. -~. PhE co H 0 On co 0 Pm E CO JjJ H en t— 00 co O H H Eh < O o H Pm ft H CM pr]"~^- cog VO O t~ O O CO CM VO CO H H coco 0 j- ir\ H -?■ vo s;Vn H CO CM H H ft HgiJo&(^>a ^CDCK^^Joc Ch>o < w < c < r: r; ~ :-: 0 c w "3 t^ ^r < ^: 1-3 i-; < Cj C S O 84 «^> CM CCVh E v on p. s Ph £ ON o CO 00 H H. ** — W^ pH pnE m i— i -^ Pn B h) : § , CXhh o o o Ph «M o PhE CO o\ m oa Ph B ,Hf H oo CO t— HAh oo b ur\ H co B Ph Ph t- H CM «=J- £5 CM Ph OO CM H Ph ^Ch B Cm Pn B o CM PnB O CM • 2 E cr c-c >h e: j o a. =h > o < k < c-. <: := - :: ^ cj c w >— [i. *?■ < «-- i— t— <^ "- r~) -- r~ E-i > CJ o c w C S Q 85 K^HH & - S J O P-. Eh > O £fCCX><2JC". E^>U < w < cu < d r> :r ^ o c :-■: On OJ On Ph E H a. e ro la o CO CO H t— |Cm »— i 4- LT\ O VD M\ o on vo w •>- OJ J- O t— OJ J- co E ^^ ^\ ^^ CO }r S - OJ o o o o P-.E CO Ph E 00 LTN CM rH O VD VD O 00 t— H rH H ***- *>>, 00 E -=f on -f -* CO OJ -* rH OJ J- Ph fe fcE rjo on S <+H 1—4 \ Ph E &m(EK>4isJOfcf>i>o Is S cc rr >h s ►J o ~ E-i > O "z. '-' o c w bfc2! *»J o o o o K Ct-t VD CO H w6 CO VD LTN CM CO CM t-- CO CM H CM (U E CO rH LTN CO I-hCm P}\ COB CM CO H pq\ co E CM J- CM CVI rH CO rH H CO iH CO Ph O H CO t— PQ CM J- CM CM LfA CM Ph t— CO LTN fe^H CO -3- fc E -* rH J" H P-E H CO _=(■ rH t- CM _=r co CM S fo jr /■ >-> 2 Jt5 a, -• > o < w < P-. < ^ r. r. -•■ o c &s 1 — r- ■">* «-— *-r I — 1 — .<-"'" /"^ ►-.» /-^ __i I' 1 f! » 1 ~-| 1 * - f "-I s C2 2: .r >• r- ^ o £^ E- > o OOP c ^ c 88 5! -3- M s K'-M ■*^ -^^ cd g CO CO on -3- -O VO On «— • cd c2£m r-l 1A H CJ W H Ch 0\ s ^ E PL, E H VO H M O CM CO VO Pu E CO II CO Lr\ CO On CO _=!- t— VO rH E 1— |Cm O CO VO ojj roj- co ►H Cm VD PT\ ^ ^\ *^»s ^--~ "^"^ w -- VO H co n H C— -3" O CM 00 E On (M rH CM CM H S H CO < U^n CM O H ^ Cm H CM H Pn E < < VO < >c* H O CO On *>* K*M cm ua o on rH on j- g ^ Q Oj on on co on on on t— P-. E *-r-> m H lALALA CM o H • CO Eh < H Ph H 1— I'm COS CM VO ON on on O OIVDVD J- M Cm 00 E CM H i -■s H ON J- J- ^ fe^-f £5 o r, c k c: >< s h: c^ o. =-■ > o -: <£ rc c r- c H3^2:<:zf-3^»» CO E rH *^< ^: a g«H CG ~. 1— i -^- on H ON H H Ph£ Ph e H 0 J- 0 H CO s < Eh < ik o H U-N H iH P PhS CO VO t— CO vo t-OMA tn CM vo co 0 on o H CM H Eh < O O 1— 1 H CM M«M cog H O on h M r-M 00 E CM t- CM cH LTNJ- CM m! g *~ S^H a 0 &«KK><2h o a. ej > o < s < a, c: d H5 D W 0 c H < u.\ < P-, < D 3 ^ :-- c^ c K ^ m, :^ < 2: 1-3 ►-a < to c e: G ._, t— r_. «>■ <• -;r t— i— , < cc o - c 90 C— CO CM t— gv w^ t— -=f w *- cu E O -3" A. E CO h m CO On M«H o t^ M ^ J- VO OO CO P3\ COH CM U"\ O OO OO co E On CM VD ^C CM CM S E=c) SPQc:c»2JC;^. E^>U < k < Ph < :- r: rr EC o c W <^;<_sr;^-cj)CK •""i fc 2f. < 2 >"3 1-3 < CO o s g b£-^<5hb-• £ H CO OJ CU E H H CO CM CO on t— |Cm M OJ OJ S I—Wh COE co E vo OJ S ►J < |S •^ S<*h < d-.g tn E K s: _=T LT\ J£ o p:Vn on co cH $-1 ON H O ^-i^ w \ a-E CO -^ Cu E oj on vo CO on co H CM CO HV-i V£> CM H Cm r^T\ j- _=r K^ cog on cm CO E LTN OJ o on oj en S S &- e oj _=r oj on fc E ScaKtc>HgJc5aHh>u ?z pq ;r ;.-: >-i s i-J C3 D< En > CJ - hh *■— On rH II fa £ OJ CO fe g H OJ H Cm (D rH g s a (X- :-,.'."- C-i EH > O * B W (E K >< !S i-q o a, E-i > o • ; i ■'.,•■ ^ s r? a O O W < W < fl, < r^ ~ r. :^" o c . *-2 Cn : < : b ^ < CO c ? » ^ • — Cxj *~ -? »-3 < rr. C r- c 93 VD O OMA ir\ o=r 2 VDHt-W *^ H Ov-r K'« "*■ — "" — . "~-- ~~-^ H v **■■, *-~*-^ [xT^. J H MA w -- t— _=K\J (^ E O OJ on CO D-" & VD OO CO t-| VD VD H CO r-H •— l-gJC^fH> O a ffl c c ^ 2 J o »■ ^ > u 0 < pq < 2- < iv. x- ~ P^ o C K 95 2=: P-, fi CO 1— |Cm CM On CO -3" CM CO l/N w -^ P- £ CO On m\ H -=f w ^~- CM co fi - — ■^ CO g P-, CO t- H a e o < E-1 < P^Ih o o c- PL, fi £C CO CO o En < O o CO pq LfN H^H M. Cm £3 COfi CO fi 1— i a CM PL, c? j- < fefi H CM M \ P-, fi Jr1 *? K«. COfi t— -=T CO fi PL, S LT\ CM CO P-, Sin VO CM J- CM CM M \ fr. E • S C t: K >< s .- o i. - > O ■■:--.:•- r. , e-1 > o <&; r- p 96 VO H O rH c4 ft- VO o o o 0-, S CO CM O H w ^~ On J- -3" CM LT\ OJ O fe E 00 O ONVO CM CM CO H rH rH CM 1— 1<4-( LT\ hH <^ LT\ CO CM W"~^ H t — CM -=t W *>. CM CM CM VO rH S co E ,. *s*^ "^ ^--^ CO £ S CD LTN ltn o vo VO _=)- LTN O rH H ir\ vo H 6 * «v a fr! hh CO £ ^^ ^^. feE VO CO CO fe e co On H CM CM £rj CO O _3- CM J" LTN 0O OO o 00 CO rH H Eh < C_> H r-rvH CO CO l— 4 C,-, CO o o C\J rr>^ H H CM vo j- CM H S 00 S CM VO CO E s U"N H O i-5 H H OO ss »-T^ O VO ^Vh VO CO S -< s ij c5 Oh E-h > O S PQ c: E Jm B kJ O cl< eh > O < m •-■ . , < r- S D K O O W < W < ^ < p D £ ^" CJ c W h> fe :•: < s ^> •-2 < CO c s c ^ "-■ r- «--' ; ^ ►— <■ '" or— ^ 97 *ST* On CM H o KV. O CM -J- CM c& t_ rH CO t— LIA_3- VO w "*- ON CO ON CM -3" O O. E H t— t--3" CO On H- 2 h ;-■ (X E-1 > O aWEK^SiJO£iB>0 < i: < a, < d D r K O C H On H 00 00 o en c3«m Ph* E 00 co e Pn6 o H on H CM O CM H IA IA on cm CO J H IA CM 0\ CM -3- ir\co on on o H p2 Cm Ph E CO H -. g; >J c"3 P. Eh > O <;wh < k <: Ch, < h> Ph S < s C5 Oh E-i > O 2 K O O Ph o H CO -3- CO CO rH CO cog EmE o CO CO I— I <^— 1 co E S H O < w < _L, < D 3 -: O O K O O W c: c 2 Q 100 ci E 0 K Eh < O Eh < CJ> o r-i ►J 25 < ce CM CO co E fcfi H t- CO -=t lt\ on H H H CM t— rH VO O O CO H On H CM a. El CO M V co E t>- E CO CM VO CO -H- cm o on itn co on OvCO CO vo vo vo o cm on_d- LTN ir\_3- H CM CM CM CM H CM CM O H on CVJ is; O.E CO cog E^E H on On O VO LTN OO rH H on o H CM O J- VO C— VO CM on rH CM _=r la CM o pm E co M Cm oo E &; < g; »j n C. EH > u < fin < u-i < 5 ^ ^ • c K ^7 ^ *• < ■^ •— *-^ < rj O * • ^ LTN O CO ON VO ON -3" H O CM en on VO CM LTN on H on CM en LTN en CM rH rH CM LTN CM LTN on S CC K < w < >H S t-4 Cm Eh > O _ K O C W 0 < CO O K G 101 *^* , -=t & c OJ o o e: •*-• p- *■ Cm B CO 00 H Cm E CO H On CO OJ l-H Cm l-H « H s Cm -=t B CO l/\ I— 1 ~-~- co H II Ph B CO fc E: ir\ Cm H OJ >H *? H OO Jg* d Cr^Ct-i on On K ^ on O B W^ — , ~~^ w -^ CmE LTN O Cm E on -H- II CO LTN LTN UACO CO On H E ON CO (i. t — J r* -1 OJ H (H Cm s LTN OJ P=?^-. ■"• — *■»», W-- -* "■■«>, t— CM CO B O H co i; OJ ir\ V£> s H H Cm On H § £"7V-i t- ""="■ C,-j M M-^ ^■^ ** — l-H ^ CO £ cc •^ Eh < UJSi-< O O tr. rM lt\ Q cms on vo CO VO M- LTN H vo o OJ • EH < o CO CO o MVh OJ M Ci i FQ o H -=t- o W "--. OO OJ 53 coh O OJ co E OJ PM (J on g ^i* On t— < Sss'+h t- H S "m M \ m n H o g ^ K O S cc cr- c: >i 52 j O Qi F8 > CJ < jq < PM < D m r K O O K < K < ^. < D ^ D ^' c; c a ^ fc s < :>: brj<(fl c 2 c ►— i. '•" <-' >- i — *"? ^ ' '. ^ c 102 CEVh H gv o cue H Oh f CO CO OJ CO PQ vo 1— (Cm vo H c_ LfN CM Pm CO E OJ OJ OJ CO E OJ a? E o Cm SCm 1— l\ VO OJ S Cm f-l II EnE ITVVO Ah E H Cm « vr1 o o o & Cm o o PmE CO CO J- 00 Pm B CO H 1— |Cm oo r— M Cm co E t- P-. COB ON. r-l VO OJ P4 oo _^ (23 -3" >H _=(- IT\ VO LfA OJ _=r C\J Pm VO t- OJ rH S Cm h- 1 ' O &-E OJ IXN OJ H ^ B OO : - ca cr cc >-> ^ m2 •- Eh > O £: cc c; .'--:>-< s iJ o ci- rH > o <[TH VD M^M M V-i O CM coe co E M ^-* J 3 5 s1^ S 0 E: cc tr a: >< : : . -: C5 "■ :j i> o -z < oo c z Q <; '-. c < 104 5? a, e CO o VD co CO CO P- E CO CO pq CO — o CO H C\J r-J Ph Oj 6 o II fo E H P< E CO LTN r-H 5< o S tf CC^h CM' H o S *H O -H/ E W\ ^-*. V. ^\ w -^ *-«. \ Ph E O CO vo Ph E t— CO II CO m o H H CO CO OJ e OJ CO M1^ O CO rH M Vh H H M\- ^-^ ^ — >* W ^ Ph Ph oo g H ON o co e £5 vo o\ VD & VO H VO _^t C\J ON CM Ph H Ph § &Vh H O CO H CO O Ph E CO H CO < Eh •^r1 ^H <£ £ O SffiKKXgJO Ph E-* > O c£ £k3 e£ Ph <£ ^} 3 ! — ! K u c w <;w— ( — „ VO CVJ oo a H "-^ CO ON H CO E= CM CO VO |25 CM CO VO LA 125 CO On J- H & O CO CO CO CM < Ki^ H LA t— CM H S f»- O _=f H H i-r^ *^-~ • "Ss^ ^^ ~\ t— l ""■» ^^^ — ^ *^^^ CO » " — CO E VO CM _=r co o o CM CO CM CO O -3" CM S CO S CO S'H C— rH H H i3 H2Jo^i?> c^ affi!TK>HghJrja)EJ>0 < uz < \-, < -• :r - w o c K < rr ^ J- C 106 VD i— ■ *- w\ LT\ w -- Oh 6 t— 0- E CO H CO M«n ON M V W\ H W"-* 00 E co g u < H < pn < - r: E"1 > U < w < ~, < 5 — u :-- o c w »-:--.;•-< — — •— <^r- ■> s c •-3 &-, 2: < s *-3 • . < CO o a O 107 o co o &U o W^ LTN >- w -» ir\ D-, ^ co -=r C-, E rH CO CM CO MCm H n c^ On IT\ W"~-~- CM t- w -». CM CM co e CO E s 0) s C\ H rH rH Cj E a; t- -^» KV-H & o fe fC CE ;:'• I«2J01Eh>U < k < a. < nr z r w u c w < K < _, - <^ I? ^ b < '.C G S £ 108 CATCKEP. DAYS x VESSEL TONNAGE 1070 JAPANESE EFFORT EXPRESSED AS — ~ xyfU BALEEN SQUARE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY J UN JUL AUG SEP OCT N0\ DEC M21 155 lUT 127 120 118 60 11 18 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 N21NP 7 h6 51 U3 hU 3U u N210S 11 12 10 5 uu N22NP N220S N23 97 59 101 3k N24 - 85 150 28 28 N25 53 57 6 19 12 N26 98 lUU 26 92 59 N27 6 18 12 38 6 N28 70 50 63 N29 19 118 38 N30 P23NP 6 11 P23BS 22 P24NP 6 6 17 P24BS 28 33 P25NP 13 P25BS 37 P26NP 7 13 P26BS U9 P27 25 P28 88 P29 51 32 109 — — ——————————— — — — 1 1 CATC'Zr BAYS x VESSEL TONNAGE 1970 JAPANESE EFFORT EXPRESSED AS r^—r ±y ' u SPERM SQUARE JAN FEB >L\R APR MAY J EN JEL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 N21NP N210S N22NP N220S N23 11 11 10 3k N24 6 25 6 22 N25 18 6 19 13 N26 18 63 6 81 56 N27 12 38 6 N28 19 57 N29 12 38 N30 P23NP 6 11 P23BS 5 P24NP P24BS 28 17 P25NP 6 P25BS P26NP 6 P26BS P27 13 P28 19 P29 32 32 110 T \ Ti A N"T" C T7 L"1 T7T7 /~>D T E CATCHEF DAYS x VESSEL TONNAGE ic )69 ,EEN JAPANLbL LrrUrCl LArivLoonj t\a 1000 BAI SQUARE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY J UN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC M21 177 188 1U9 12 12 102 59 38 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 N21NP 1 3 5 65 65 56 10 11 N210S N22NP N220S 12 12 N23 157 188 108 N24 1U8 161 30 N25 19 75 106 N26 31 106 30 N27 6 58 23 N28 100 2li N29 N30 P23NP P23BS P24NP 6 P24RS 6 P25NP 12 36 P25BS P26NP >*3 P26BS P27 19 P28 13 P29 111 JAPANESE EFFORT E v Dr v c ''Prn l :ATCKEr DAYS x VESSEL TONNAGE ] 969 ArKtbDcij i\o i nnn SPERM SQUARE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY J UN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Dl C M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 N21NP N210S N22NP N220S N23 67 12 72 N24 * 80 72 30 N25 12 19 36 6 N26 19 25 18 6 N27 6 12 1+1 N28 2k 51 N29 102 N30 P23NP 38 P23BS 6 P2ANP 6 6 P24BS 13 25 P25NP 6 25 25 P25BS 6 P26NP 31 50 P26BS P27 6 2U P28 12 kl 7 P29 19 112 JAPANESE EFFORT t > V TV !* T C ■• r» i~" t^ catcher days x vessel tonnage i .968 ,EEN Xrhhb^r.u no 1000 BAI SQUARE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY J UN JUL AUG SEP OCT N'0'\ L' : L M21 „ 182 180 151 156 106 77 U5 U9 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 N21NP 8 30 36 70 76 53 13 N210S 6 N22NP N220S N23 96 210 138 N24 107 170 51 N25 9 N26 9 N27 51 N28 U3 N29 N30 P23NP 38 6 P23BS P24NP 6 3U P24BS 12 P25NP 17 P25BS 17 60 P26NP 9 26 P26BS P27 3U P2S 26 P29 113 JAPANESE EFFORT E V'T) »r CATC? :ep DAYS x VSS 5EL T'-::>:ach 1968 lAruboLU rv.T 1000 SPERM SQUARE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY J UN JUL AUG SEP OCT N'0'\ u C M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 me M27 M28 M29 M30 N21NP N210S N22NP N220S N23 29 53 12 N24 23 5T 12 11 N25 51 35 N26 6 115 IT N27 6k 12 N28 12 2k N29 6 18 N30 P23NP 6 P23BS P24NP 29 6 P24BS 23 35 6 P25NP 6 11 11 P25BS 6 6 P26NP 6 P26BS P27 IT k6 P28 P29 114 ———————————— JAPANESE EFFORT E V TDI*1 IT CATCH"? DAYS x \'ESSEL TEENAGE L967 1EEN ArKtbm.D r\C5 1000 BAJ SQUARE JAN FEB MAR APE EAY J UN JUL AEG SEP OCT NO v Di >.. M21 75 92 70 119 85 86 126 68 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 >I29 M30 N21NP 1 7 31 32 73 79 21 N210S N22NP 12 N220S N23 26 60 N24 113 8U 77 N25 UU 8U 3U N26 32 N27 N28 N29 N30 P23NP 208 P23BS 101 P24NP 58 38 P24BS 61 P25NP 6 6 12 P25BS 6 P26NP 93 P26BS P27 hi P28 29 P29 115 JAPANESE EFFORT E V D E T C CATCHER DAYS x "FSSEL TONNAGE 1967 Ari\Lb.^ i.u t\s 1000 SPERM SQUARE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY J UN J VI. AUG SUP OCT N 0\ . M21 M22 M23 M24 M25' M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 N21NP N210S N22NP 6 N220S N23 11 N24 30 6 ll N25 12 23 38 38 N26 2k 22 108 N27 hi N28 N29 N30 P23NP 29 P23BS 33 P24NP 22 23 6 P24BS 16 22 50 P25NP IT 16 11 P25BS 22 33 27 P26NP 3i+ P26BS P27 ^5 P28 kh P29 116 ■ JAPANESE EFFORT E v v>'y y c SATCKEF DAYS x VESSEL TANNAGE 1966 .ArhLb^uiJ r\3 moo No separate effort data for sperm whaling in 1966. SQUARE JAN FEB MAR A PR MAY J UN JUL AUG SEP OCT NO'\ Dl C M21 101 106 102 111 112 98 96 1*0 M22 M23 :i24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 K30 N21NP 9 12 30 U3 61 65 31 N210S 7 38 N22NP t N220S N23 26 18 N24 15 15 N25 T 11 U2 26 N26 25 7 20 N27 N28 N29 N30 P23NP HI 19 15 P23BS 11 29 P24NP 25 20 26 18 P24BS 11 37 133 102 13 P25NP IT 20 133 uo 7 P25BS 11 63 63 126 P26NP 37 7U 33 37 P26BS 16 11 P27 15 U3 35 22 P28 292 95 105 P29 7 117 w Q > o o tO LO o to Eh O O o CM LO o LO o o tO LO LO o LO LO CO O E-« CO Oh W co LO o O o ^r ^r C7> LO CM to i—l LO LO o CO CO w o &H < o < o < o to LO o o tO (N CO 1— I ^ 1—1 h3 LO o o LO t-- 00 en CM r— 1 (N LO o LO "3- LO <3" LO -3- o en D ha o to o to to o en o CO CO < Q pr. >H 3 o CO o o O o CM o o o Eh < Oh c «; < I— I co CO K w < »"3 < a" CO (X cv vc cv Cv CC c\; c,- c D-, C\! co CL, CO c ^ o i — : CVJ CV 0^ _^- •J-> CV CM OJ 0. o ■ r t I s?: B £r- T~ 2T vc C co c^ 00 C\i 118 o > O CO o &< on CO to K O &H < CJ> ►J Eh O o p.. w CO D o CO >H. < Q cr: w o Eh < c_> &H K O W < M CO CO D (X h> >H K Cm < 3 o CM O CO w cc Pn CO Ph CO Oh CO Ph ro < ^ CQ 2; po S: CQ S; CQ ' o on on _c _^ LTN UA vc vr: t— CO On LT> Cf on CM CM CM cm CM CM 0.; 0.: CM CM CM CM CO s Oh Ph Ph Ph P-. Oh Ph Ph Oh Ph Ph O' 119 w > o 22; cm lo o CTl -3- En O O 01 CM OO 1— I 00 CM 0 tO O CM LO to \D tO 1— 1 CM LO to CM i—l en O ro W CO en to 00 1— 1 0> CM to to LO LO CI CO CO PC H o En < o < o < CO Cs] CO \D to H ~"t CM r^ CI CM t^ r—l CM to .0 O 00 to to vO to 0 1—1 0 *-* Ox C7> CM LO to to LO ~-t r-H LO CO < o pc >H 3 LO 00 00 CM to to CT> ""t r~- to to 'd" vO vO CM «-* o En < 0 K CL, < CM en o w < t-l CO CO :=> PC 3 CO w < a' CO cv cv CVJ CV CM ar CV c CV c CL, CV co CL, CO c ZZ 0 1 — CM CV CO _-?■ LT V^ t CV CV CV CV CV CV *r , ^ o s ro <—l .— 1 O O ro •—{ r- 1 CO 3 o En P-i w LO LO CM CM CO CO CO CO -=r CO CO « ' w o "<3- LO i-H X D CM LO i— I o iJ J O ■efr 00 (J D o CM ■rf < ^ 1—1 \D ^ vo [^ i— < »"3 1— 1 CM n- CO >H . < Q >H CK g W .— i K O Eh < o (X Oh s < K O Cxh K i < M CO « CO w D Pn » cc s < ^ / W fE (X CC CU n C/"1 CU CO < S cc S CC; • ' cq S PQ £3 o m on _^ ^r lt\ LO V." vr t— CO C\ U~\ C on oj CM OJ CM o CM OJ CM OJ CM OJ cm c: s Oh PL, CU CU "1 Cm CU CU CU CU CU Cf 121 u w > o cn CM ""3- cn 00 lo o o LO tO tO LO MD cn <* to CO CO K W o Eh < O vO CT> CN CN vO LO to CO vO CO to cn o r-» en '3" CO CM CM CN o o CO CO i— 1 to CO CO CM t-H to 00 en oo CM r^ «* o CM ^r LO o "3- CO >H Q CN CN t ^J- to LO oo CN -3" OO «* 00 o "3- r^ o < CJ cc Pn < to to <3- o w < t-H CO CO :=) 3 < w < cc cv cv r^ _^ ir\ vr CV cv C: \. * *" 5 V cr cv c c CO 0-, CV: cc P-. cc a 5z o rH CV cv 00 \ ^ CV CJ 0. LA 0,' CO CVI cv 122 o w > o 00 o on CO Eh O O w 00 -3- o (Nl 00 K w o Eh < CJ ►J < o < >~3 tn r-- 0O 00 < Q w 5 •"3 >H ^H" CM CM t-O o < (X Oh Eh K O P-, W < l-H 00 00 :=> PC 3 eq ha w c^ Ph 00 cu 00 < S: PC 73 pq [ o ro m ^7 _^t rj on CJ cv CM CO 00 s Cl, eu cu D-, Ph C: CO pL, oo cq S CQ ITS vc vc r— CC o ITN CJ CM CJ CM C^ Oj CM D-i P-i Ph Oh Ph Cm C 123 o w > o o o o CM o "3- o t— 1 LO ^O tO K> CO o Ph w CO CO o •<3- CT> LO O CO r-l O CM CM CM CO CM vO r^ LO ■ .J < O to CM to o CO .— ( ^r CT> •^t \£) (N i— < *3- CM t-3 o r- r^ i—i cr> CM o <* o r- t-H CM I— 1 CM t5 o o \D r^ CM ^r to r^ CM CM CO >H < to *3" o LO co CM LO LO O Eh < < LO i— I CO p- C w S3 < I— I CO CO D K < PQ W S3 < •-3 < C CO cv CM r»~ — ^ LTN vr. r— cr r r CM cv cv CM cv o: CV cv rv-\ * - > ^T- 27 « 7" T a. CM CC em CO c E= o — CV cv p~ ^rr LA vr K CO o cv CM 0. 0. 0. CM r C\i CM r ^ ^y ^ •= J7" J3 2" ; ■ 2: 2: 124 cj w Q > o CO o on -J CO Eh O O W CO O o> 00 en CO CO K W o EH < o ►J < C3 ha CO CM CO en o CO CO r^ CM CM 1^ cn CO -3- CO >H- <; Q w O Eh < Eh O H < M CO CO D ^ 3 PC Pm K cq En ha CO M3 "3" CM CM CM en M £X (X CO D-. CO Pm CO PU ro < & w S m s CQ S CQ * ~1 o on on _? _^r LT\ LTN VO vc r— CO 0"n \.r\ (j m CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM to S Pm pu Pw Ih Pm Pm (h a. 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Uda, M. , and Dairokuno, A., "Studies of the Relation Between the Whaling Grounds and the Hydrographic Conditions, II," Scientific Reports, Whales Research Institute (Tokyo), no. 12, p. 209-224, June 1957. 114. Uda, M. , and Suzuki, N., "Studies of the Relation Between the Whaling Grounds and the Hydrographic Conditions, III," Scientific Reports Whales Research Institute (Tokyo) , no. 13, p. 215-229, September 1958. 115. Uda, M. , "Subarctic Oceanography in Relation to Whaling and Salmon Fisheries," Scientific Reports, Whales Research Institute (Tokyo), no. 16, p. 105-119, March 1962. 178 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Documentation Center 2 Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 2. Library, Code 0212 2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 3. Department of Oceanography 3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 4. Asst Professor E.D. Traganza 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 5. Oceanographer of the Navy 1 The Madison Building 732 N. Washington Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 6. Dr. Ned A. Ostenso 1 Code 480D Office of Naval Research Arlington, Virginia 22217 7. Lt. Ronald D. Rinaldi 2 U.S. Naval Destroyer School Newport, Rhode Island 8. Mr. N. Rinaldi 1 281 Hughes Avenue Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02861 9. Lcdr E. Sipe 1 USS TIRANTE (SS420) FPO New York 179 . Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA -R&D • Security c las silication o( title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report is classified) originating ACTIVITY (Corporate author) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 2b. GROUP 3 REPOR T TITLE The Probable Distribution of Whales as False Sonar Targets in the North Pacific Ocean by Analysis of Whaling Data 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol report and, inclusive dates) Master's Thesis; March 1972 5. au THOR(S) (First name, middle initial, last name) Ronald Daniel Rinaldi 6. REPORT DATE March 1972 Bfl. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 6. PROJ EC T NO. 7«. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 181 76. NO. OF REFS 115 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned this report) 10. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT This document has been approved for public release and sale; its distribution is unlimited. II. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 13. ABSTRACT False Sonar targets present a serious unpredicted problem to U.S. Navy ASW units. It is believed that planning and operations could be enhanced by a forecasting capability for whale distribution. As a possible solution to this problem, a modified form of the "Transect Method of population estimation" is applied to whaling data to calculate probable numbers of false targets per 1000 nautical miles of steaming with a 1000 yard sonar range. Japanese and Russian whale fishery data are analyzed by the "q" and Expected Catch methods of population dynamics to obtain two independent estimates of the populations of fin, sei and sperm whales. The mean of the two estimates is applied to the equation along with a term for assumed ideal sonar conditions. The data is calculated by ten degree square of latitude and longitude, north of 30°N, and presented on Fleet Numerical Weather Central polar stereographic charts for the months April through December. The number of false targets attributable to fin, sei and sperm whales alone range from 1 to 65 south of the Aleutian Islands and 1 to 30 off Honshu, Japan. DD FORM t NOV 85 S/N 01 01 -807-681 1 1473 (PAGE1) Security Classification A-31408 ISO Security Classification k e v wo R OS fhale Distributions ■alse Target Prediction 'opulation Estimation •q" Method Expected Catch Method Transect Method Sonar Probability Factor >b,F,r„i473 "BACK. lOIOI -807-6821 ROLE XT 181 Security Classification » - 3 I "Q JUN74 2275U Thesis R557 c.l 28JVH?4 c c'on of , 'e d!st.^. RInaldi The probable distri- bution of whales as false sonar targets in the North Pacific Ocean by analysis of whaling data. ««?5« 134079 thesR557 The probable distribution of whales as f 3 2768 001 91342 9 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY