■o<5K2 i i proceedings of the ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY of BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 39. Issued October 10, 1942 PAGE Obituary — A. A. Dennys ; G. O. Day. Bonnell & Mote — Biology of the Klamath Midge, Chironomus utahensis (Diptera, Chironomidae) 3 Hardy — The Black Witch Moth Erebus odora (L.) in British Columbia 7 Hardy — Notes on Some Wood-Boring Beetles of Saanich, Vancouver Island, B.C. ( Coleoftera , Cerambycidae & Bufrestidae) — — - 9 Downes & Andison— The Apple Sawfly Hoflocamfa testudinea Klug. on Vancouver Island, British Columbia 13 Hoy — The Advance of the Codling Moth in British Columbia „ 16 Marshall — Effect of Lime and Lime-Sulphur on the Larvicidal Value of Cryolite ... 19 Spencer — A Note on Laelius Sp., a Parasite of the Carpet Bee tile Anthrenus scrofhulariae (L.) (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) _ 21 Spencer — Insects and Other Arthropods in Buildings in British Columbia . : 23 Olds — The Results of Further Work Done on the Control of Grain Mites in British Columbia 29 Gregson — Notes on the Laboratory Rearing of Some Canadian Ticks (Acarina) 32 Notes 22, 35 Change in Make-up. This is the first volume of our “Proceedings” to have a two-column printed page. The “Journal of Economic Entomology” uses a similar format, which is said to be less tiring to the eyes than the full-width page. Com- ments from members will be appreciated. Volume vs. Number. Readers will notice that on the cover and title page, this copy is called “Volume 39”. In the past each issue has been called a “Number”, but as they are strictly speaking annual volumes, and as the word number is com- monly used for one issue of a periodical, the above change is made. DIRECTORS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Honorary President President Vice-President (Coast) Vice-President (Interior) Hon. Secretary-Treasurer Hon. Auditor Advisory Board L. E. Marmont A. D. Heriot J. R. J. Llewellyn- Jones J. Marshall G. R. Hopping J. W. Eastham W. Downes H. B. Leech G. A. Mail W. G. Mathers G. J. Spencer The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia are pub- lished annually Individual volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Secretary-Treasurer, Entomological Society of British Columbia, Box 308, Vernon, B.C. proceedings of the ENTOMOLOGICAL = SOCIETY of = BRITISH COLUMBIA PAGE Obituary — A. A. Dennys; G. O. Day. Bonnell & Mote — Biology of the Klamath Midge, Chironomus utahensis (Diptera, Chironomidae) 3 Hardy — -The Black Witch Moth Erebus odora (L.) in British Columbia 7 Hardy — Notes on Some Wood-Boring Beetles of Saanich, Vancouver Island, B.C. ( C oleoftera, Cerambycidae & Bufrestidae ) 9 Downes & Andison — The Apple Sawfly Hoflocampa testudinea Klug. on Vancouver Island, British Columbia 13 Hoy — The Advance of the Codling Moth in British Columbia 16 Marshall — Effect of Lime and Lime-Sulphur on the Larvicidal Value of Cryolite 19 Spencer — A Note on Laelius Sp., a Parasite of the Carpet Beetle Antkrenus scrofhulariae (L.) (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) 21 Spencer — Insects and Other Arthropods in Buildings in British Columbia 23 Olds — The Results of Further Work Done on the Control of Grain Mites in British Columbia 29 Gregson — Notes on the Laboratory Rearing of Some Canadian Ticks (Acarina) 32 Notes 22, 35 Entomological Society of B.C. Arthur Alexander Dennys ( i8q4'1Q42 ) Alec Dennys was born on June 27, 1894, in Mussoorie, India, the son of Colonel and Mrs. W. Dennys. He was educated in England at Bedford Gram- mar School, St. Lawrence College, Dul- wich College and Battersea Polytechnic, coming out to British Columbia in 1912 at the age of 17. He passed away in the Vancouver General Hospital on Septem- ber 9, 1942, at the age of 48. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Ken- neth W., in the Royal Canadian Air- Force, and Ronald G., at home; also by his father, three sisters and three brothers. On coming to Canada he made his home near Salmon Arm. There he op- erated an apple orchard and was well known for his genial and kindly nature and for the help and advice he was al- ways so ready to give in matters relating to fruit growing and the control of in- sect pests. The writer was privileged to know him since his arrival in 1912, and to have him on his staff in the Vernon Entomological office for 14 years. Alec Dennys was interested in every- thing. He was an enthusiastic hunter and fisherman, a crack shot in spite of the fact that he lost the sight of his right eye at an early age, and an adept with a fly rod. He was a member of the Vernon Fish and Game Protective As- sociation and for a time its secretary. He joined our Entomological Society in February, 1926. Unselfish to a marked degree, he in- sisted on bearing more than his share of any work that there was to be done. On field trips he was always the first to cut the firewood, fetch water and do the many little tiring chores that befall the camper at the end of a weary day in the hills. For a number of years he had been interested in mining and geology, and many are the mining prospects in Southern British Columbia that at one time or another he had visited. But most of all Alec Dennys was interested in doing good work. He was appointed to the Dominion Entomological Laboratory at Vernon in 1925, and served continuously until sick- ness forced him from his work in No- vember, 1941. For sixteen years he trav- elled the fruit districts of the Interior of the Province working with growers at their spray machines* experimenting with new poisons, ever curious about anything that promised help in the war on insects. From his youth when he arrived at Sal- mon Arm from England, he worked in the orcharding business and at the time of his death still owned his original farm, “Westbourne”. Perhaps it was this first- hand acquaintance that made him such an untiring enthusiast in attempting to solve the problems of the fruit grower. Shortly after his appointment to the Dominion Entomological Branch he was sent to the East Kootenay district to work out the seasonal history and the best methods of control for the Colorado potato beetle, then a recently discovered immigrant to British Columbia. His energy and enthusiasm had such results that for years no new infestations were located. Later he accomplished the first detailed work on the biology and con- trol of the apple mealy-bug in the Kootenay Valley. So thorough was this biological study that it has proved suf- ficient to guide all later control inves- tigations. The apple woolly aphid was another insect that he studied very care- fully. For its control he developed a canker paint that has been commonlv and successfully used by fruit growers of the Interior. Not often is a man so gifted with the power of concentrating on his work as was Alec Dennys. An example of that characteristic is the work that led to his discovery of a radical new pro- cedure in controlling that worst enemy of the apple grower, the codling moth. Proceedings for 1942 3 In 1939 he found by careful laboratory experiment that, contrary to what had been generally accepted, the codling moth adult could be killed by the use of a certain type of insecticide that it absorbs as it takes moisture from the surface of apple foliage. Laboratory research in 1940 confirmed his first results, so in 1941 he undertook to demonstrate by field experiment that his discovery was applicable to commercial practice. Week after week, Sundays and holidays, throughout the season he plunged into the investigation. He was far from well but he stuck to it until by October he had proved his point. A month later he left his desk and entered hospital. Even then he insisted on writing up and sum- marizing his data. This spring he pub- 1928. 1933. 1937. 1938. 1942. Mr. G. O. Day, enthusiastic member and past President of our Society, died last spring. We have not yet been able to get the necessary information for a full obituary notice. lished one of the most original contri- butions to the literature on the codling moth. In addition to publications bearing on entomology, which are listed below, he often wrote short articles on natural his- tory or hunting experiences, and gave several radio talks on entomological sub- jects over Station CKOV, Kelowna. He was a photographer of unusual ability and handled all the photographic work at the Vernon Fruit Insects Lab- oratory. Among other devises he con- structed a useful piece of apparatus for micro-photography. In his passing the public has lost a fine servant and his host of friends and acquaintances a true friend. E. R. Buckell. Partial List of Articles by A. A. Dennys Some notes on the hibernating habits of insects in dry trees in the interior of B.C. Proc. Ent. Soc. British Columbia (1927), 24: 19-25, 1 text fig. Materials used as canker paints in woolly aphis control. Proc. Ent. Soc. British Columbia (1933), 30:8-10. (Abstract in Rev. Applied Ent. 22 (Ser. A, Pt. 2): 108). An orthopterous pest of apple trees in the interior of B.C. Proc. Ent. Soc. British Columbia (1936), 33:6-7, 1 text fig. Vigorous and varied tests being made as to new methods of combatting codling moth: interesting experiments at Vernon insectary. Country Life in British Columbia [Vernon, B.C.], 22(7): 20. Recent progress in codling moth control in British Columbia. II. Killing the adult. Scientific Agric. 22(10): 577-583. BIOLOGY OF THE KLAMATH MIDGE, CHIRONOMUS UTAHENSIS (Diptera, Chironomidae ) * D. E. Bonnell and D. C. Mote Department of Entomology, Oregon Introduction. During the past decade, midges have occurred in epizootic num- bers in the Klamath Lakes area of Ore- gon and have occasioned annoyance and financial loss to the residents. The hordes of tiny winged insects, which superfic- * Published as Technical Paper No. 416 with the approval of the Director, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Contribu- tion of the Department of Entomology. State College, Corvallis, Oregon. ially resemble mosquitoes, have upon many occasions been so great as to im- pede breathing and induce nausea in some persons. Tourist trade, summer residents, and resort owners were seriously disturb- ed. The radiators of travelling auto- mobiles became clogged with the insects, causing the motors to overheat and the cars to stall. Cows became so irritated by the clouds of midges in the air and 4 Entomological Society of B.C. on pasturage, that they refused to eat, thus substantially reducing milk and but- terfat production. Midges flew in such swarms at the big sawmills that their bodies were crushed in lumber during piling, and the resultant staining made resurfacing of the lumber necessary. An increase in the numbers of spiders and of blue-bottle flies followed midge con- centrations. Concurrent with the midges, vast masses of algae have appeared in Upper Klamath Lake. This suspended blue- green algae is filamentous in form ( Afh - anizomenon) and during the summer so dense as to give the water only a quasi-liquid appearance. These filaments may reach the number of 20,000,000 per cubic meter. The stench from de- caying matter is often almost intolerable. Boating and swimming are impaired. Chironomus utahensis is the most im- portant of several species of midges in this area. Its breeding season and com- plete life history is, as yet, not fully known. Adult midges are common from June until cold weather in October. The true scope and enormous numbers of midge larvae on the bottoms of Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Ewauna, is best realized when compared with the num- bers found by other investigators in the United States. Richardson (1928) re- ports more than 10,000 larvae, mostly Chironomus flumosus , per square yard in the Illinois River below Lake Pepira. Juday (1922) obtained an average of 2,000 larvae per square yard in Lake Mendota. Adamstone (1924) obtained an average of 293 larvae for all dredgings. Johnson (1930) reported an estimated average of 3,000 chiromid larvae per square yard in Lake Pepin. Compare these figures with Klamath’s conservative minimum average of 1,000 larvae and ranging to a peak of 133,000, per square yard. Also conservatively estimated is the total population, at any given time during the summer months of the early 1930’s, of over 500,000,000,000 larvae. Description of the Area. Upper Kla- math Lake, including its northward extension, Agency Lake, is one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the United States. It is roughly 35 miles in length from north to south, very irreg- ular in outline, and varies from 2J4 to 12 miles in width. Although it contains a few deeper areas of 8 to 13 meters, the bulk of the lake is very shallow and averages less than 3 meters in depth. Sprague River, entering the Upper Lake at its north and east end, is the largest inflow. Several smaller streams and springs, notably Barclay Springs, Williamson River, and Crystal Creek, also enter the northern part. From Upper Klamath Lake, at an elevation of 4,141 feet above sea level, flows Link River, 1 miles in length, discharging into Lake Ewauna at an elevation of 4,080 feet. The Klamath River flows from Lake Ewauna through flat marshy coun- try for 20 miles, to the town of Keno. There it breaks over a dam and begins its precipitous fall of 100 to 200 feet per mile on its way to the Pacific Ocean. The outflow of water from Upper Kla- math Lake, via Link River, is checked by a dam. Power is used to service the industries and population of Klamath County. A portion of the water is di- verted for irrigation purposes by the federal Bureau of Reclamation. Geologically, the area is very old. The lake type is designated as eutrophic and is gradually filling up, with the area diminishing more slowly than the volume. The decreased depth has resulted in high water temperatures at all seasons except winter. The bottom, except for a few areas of shale, is largely diatomaceous ooze. The tule and lily beds and vast planktonic population of small plant and animal forms result in a rich organic deposit. The water is alkaline. The plankton population, and particularly al- algae, is so dense that secchi disc recordings are usually less than 1 meter during the late spring, summer and fall. Oxygen Proceedings for 1942 5 and carbon-dioxide content varies ex- ceedingly in different areas. Winds are prevailingly NW-N. Biology of the Klamath Midge. Adult insects appear on wing in the late afternoon, early evening, and occasion- ally at dawn. A swarm starts with a few individuals, increasing in size as more enter; it is long, symmetrical, and top-shaped, and often composed largely of males. Swarms do not form during winds, and a gust of wind will drive one downward until the disturbance abates. A strong screaming hum is emitted and is often audible at a dis- tance of more than a hundred yards. Oc- casionally a female will dart up from vegetation into the swarm. There she seizes a male by the thorax. They re- main clasped for an instant and then drop downward, separating before con- tacting the ground. The male returns to the swarm. The female seeks con- cealment in vegetation and later deposits eggs on the water. The eggs of Chironomus utahensis are light brown in colour, and measure about .09 mm. by .75 mm. They are embedded in a gelatinous mass that terminates in a thread with an attached disk for ad- hesion to some object floating in the water. Each mass contains from 1,000 to 2,000 eggs, and the masses vary in shape from a hollow “C” approximately 18 mm. long by 5 mm. in diameter, to a hollow sphere about 9 mm. in diameter. The newly hatched larvae are trans- parent and about 2.5 mm. in length. In two or three days they begin to build body tubes, utilizing silk spun from glands in the mouth, and tiny bits of debris. The tubes are open at each end, larger in diameter than the body of the larvae, and are enlarged as growth re- quires. Undulation of the body sets up a current, providing an inflow of oxy- genated water and food. As the larvae develop they respire by blood gills and become red in colour. The number of instars for C. utahensis has not yet been accurately determined but observations in- dicate 4 as in other species of chirono- mids. When the larvae have obtained their greatest size they are about 18 mm. long and 2 mm. in diameter. The larval stage usually extends for about 20 days, but may be much longer depending upon water temperature and possibly other factors. Larvae apparently choose their food with care. One may anchor its caudal end just inside the tube by means of hooks on the end of its posterior legs, and feed over a circular area, the radius of which is determined by the larval reach. Midge larvae were brought into the laboratory. ( 1 ) Those in a little detritus and clear tap water showed dis- tress. They built tubes but some, ap- parently unable to And food, deserted their habitations and ranged the bottom of the jars. The water was frequently replaced but no additional detritus was added. These larvae, without exceptions died within 3 days. (2) Others in a similar situation, but which had occa- sional detritus offered to them, survived for 5 days with the emergence of one adult female. (3) Larvae in 10 mm. of detritus and 300 cc. of lake water, which was not changed, lived from 5 to 13 days, but without emergence. (4) Those in frequently changed lake water but without detritus had two individuals sur- vive 19 days. These larvae were divested of their tubes before immersion in the jars. They seized upon descending algae filaments and attempted to build tubes. The larger algae filaments were left undisturbed in the bottoms of the jars. Smaller filaments were apparently con- sumed. A microscopical examination of the alimentary tracts of some of these larvae revealed diatoms, desmids, frag- ments of minute Crustacea, other bits of unidentifiable algae and, in one case, a live rotifer. Algae appears to be the predominant food, the crustacean frag- ments being, probably, ingested only in- cidentally. 6 Entomological Society of B.C. Some larvae were divested of their tubes and placed in fresh well-oxygenated tap water. Water from Link River was strained through many thicknesses of fine-mesh silk cloth and 25 cc. added to each jar daily. The larvae apparently thrived, with some emergences. Possibly bacteria also, are an important item of diet. All laboratory rearing was done in semi-darkness under muslin. An examination of several hundred larvae revealed them to be free of mites and nematodes. Pupation takes place within the larval tubes. The pupal stage lasts three or four days. At the end of this period the pupae emerge and move about in the water by a jerking motion of their bodies, finally arising to the surface. Af- ter the pupal case breaks the surface film, oxygen is taken in, causing the pupae to glisten like silver. The pupal case splits dorsally along the thorax, the adult emerges, rests a moment on the floating cast pupal skin, then flies away. The adult midge is approximately 12 mm. in length. The males are black, the females brownish gray. So far as is known at present, the adult midges do not feed. They are ephemeral and apparently do not live more than 4 or 5 days even under optimum conditions. Midge adults, as a general rule, do not venture far from marginal vegeta- tion. In light trap experiments, it was noticed that flying midges were taken in much smaller numbers in traps set away from the immediate vicinity of water than in those close to the water. Traps of the same type and light intensity that were set 200 yards from the water cap- tured only 25% as many midges as the traps immediately adjacent to the water. Traps placed upon a bluff about 75 yards higher than the water and 100 yards distant from it, took even fewer midges, indicating that height above the water is also a limiting factor. On several occasions midge swarms were observed above the waters of Upper Klamath Lake more than 2 miles from the shore. Night flight range may be considerably shorter than day flight range. Predators. The larvae are probably preyed upon by all 1 8 species of fish in Upper Klamath Lake. They form an important item in the diet of Tigoma bicolor j the Klamath chub, and Sifihat- eles b. bicoloVj the Klamath roach. The larvae are also food for aquatic beetles, larval dragonflies, and hemipterous nymphs, and also small marsh birds. Adult midges are captured in consid- erable numbers by dragonflies, toads, small song birds, and spiders. Dragon- flies, of the family Aeschnidae, are es- pecially active during the periods of midge swarming, darting into swarms and seizing numbers of flies. Great num- bers of toads, chiefly the western toad (Bufo b. boreas ), gather in the evenings near lights and capture adult midges. Examination of the stomach contents of 20 toads collected near light traps, re- vealed that each had consumed 10 cc. or several thousand midges. Spiders also consume quantities of midges and fre- quently become so numerous that they and their unsightly webs are a secondary problem. Possibility of Control. Can an adequate control, either artificial or natural, be developed to decrease the numbers of the twin nuisances of algae and midges? Algae is apparently intimately associated with the midges and must be given con- sideration. Much attention was given to light traps during 1939. Several of various sizes and designs were tested and those at the Bureau of Entomology Gnat Con- trol at Clear Lake, California, were ob- served. While they capture an amazing number of insects, it is doubtful if present types would constitute a control measure. It is true that if sufficient labor could be employed, traps manufactured, and miles of electric wires strung, the midge nuisance might be abated, but the area could never be completely cleared Proceedings for 1942 7 of midges, and discontinuance of the practice would allow reinfestation from adjacent waters. Light traps would be of value only to resorts and private residences. A number of chemicals were tried, usually at the rate of one pound per 50 square yards of surface area, and then checked under field conditions. Some were applied on the surface to kill ascending pupae, and others, by tube sprayers, to the bottom to contact larvae. Midge larvae, in the experimental section of Lake Ewauna, were counted before and after application. A sub-surface appar- atus was devised for preliminary chem- ical control. Calcium arsenate, basic copper sulfate, Bordeaux, pyrethrum, and Paris-green all gave a fair degree of control ranging from 50 per cent to 98 per cent in dif- ferent areas. Crushed salt, sown by hand gave a 100 per cent kill in the area examined. Phenothiazine and miscible oil destroyed great numbers of ascending pupae. Some of the chemicals approach- ed laboratory expectations, particularly phenothiazine and crushed salt but at present no recommendations can be made. Literature Cited. Bonnell, D. E. and D. C. Mote 1941. The Klamath midge. Jour. Econ. Ent. 34 (2):325. Davis, John, Stanley G. Jewett Jr., and D. C. Mote. Klamath midge investigations. Unpublished reports. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Herms, W. B. 1937. The Clear Lake gnat. Univ. of Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bui. 607. Johnson, M. S. and F. Munger 1930. Excessive abundance of the midge at Lake Pepin. Ecology 11:110-126. Kemmerer, G., J. F. Bovard and W. R. Boorman 1923-1924. Northwestern lakes of the United States: Biological and chemical studies with reference to possibilities in production of fish. Bui. Bureau of Fisheries 34: Doc. 944. Leathers, A. L. 1922. Ecological study of aquatic midges and some related insects with special reference to feeding habits. Bui. Bureau of Fisheries, 38: Doc. 915. Richardson, R. E. 1921. The small bottom and shore fauna of the middle and lower Illinois River and its connecting lakes. Bui. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist. 14: Art. 15. Sadler, W. O. 1935. Biology of the midge Chironomus tentans Fabricius and methods for its propagation. Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Mem. 173. THE BLACK WITCH MOTH EREBUS ODORA (L.) IN BRITISH COLUMBIA G. A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. Introduction. The capture of two spec- imens of this phalaenid moth in Victoria last season has led to inquiries regarding its occurrence in British Columbia. Au- thentic records have proved to be so few it is thought desirable to bring them together in this paper as a basis for fu- ture reference and investigation. Allusions to mysterious and elusive gigantic moths have been made from time to time; some of them may refer to the species in question, but lacking confirmation we suspect the Polyphemus or Cecropia moths, of the same size and well-known residents of British Columbia. Description. The Black Witch, Erebus odora , was described by Linnaeus in 1758 as Bombyx odora y Erebus being assigned in 1810 by Latrelle. It early attracted the attention of naturalists, yet is suffi- ciently distinctive to have only one syn- onym, agarista Cramer, 1887. It is a large moth with wings extending over 6 inches and broad in proportion. The forewings suggest the clean-cut lines of a hawk; the nervures and membranes Entomological Society of B.C. 8 are unusually tough, and capable of much hard service. The thorax is broad and very rigid. In fact this moth has an exceptional physique, suited to long jour- neys. Distribution. The Black Witch is native to the West Indies, Central and South America, where it is common. In North America it ranges in the east through the Atlantic States from Florida to Canada and in the west from Mexico through California to British Columbia, becom- ing scarcer and later in the season the farther north it occurs. The species had not been known to breed north of Mexico, until Dr. John A. Comstock published a beautifully il- lustrated description of larvae and pupae found in southern California. It is prob- able that our migrants come from there, pr from adjacent Mexico. The food plants are cited as belonging to the Leguminosae specifically Cassia fistula , Pithecolobrium sp., Saman sp., Gymnoc- ladus dioicay and in California, Acacia decurrens. Habits. The little evidence obtainable suggests that the Black Witch is more of a chance wanderer than possessed of any definite migratory instinct. As is already intimated it is a powerful flier, and no doubt of a restless disposition. Its occurrence in British Columbia is due to an exceptional combination of favourable conditions; in 40 years there are only six authentic records. All of these are from points in southern British Columbia, with a majority from Van- couver Island. These captures appear to have been in towns or cities but this may be due either to attraction to lights, or the fact that they would not he as read- ily observed in country districts. The two taken last year in Victoria were at rest in dark buildings and only moved when disturbed, indicating they are normally night or dusk fliers. Their wings are much frayed at the edges, and the thorax of each is denuded, but the wing pattern is still distinct. List of known specimens of Erebus odor a taken in British Columbia: The Provincial Museum , Victoria , B.C. 1. Female, Victoria, V. I., August 6, 1908. E. M. Anderson. 2. Female, Oak Bay, V. I., August 25, 1915. E. M. Anderson. 3. Male, Victoria, V.I., August 12, 1941. Dr. L. J. Thompson. 4. Male, Cadboro Bay, V. I., August 28, 1941. Allan Upward. The University of British C olumbia, Defartment of Zoology 5. Male, St. Leon Hot Springs, Kootenay Lake, B.C., August, 1905. 6. Female, “Unlabelled, possibly caught by F. K. Auden”. Canadian Records. A search through the literature has brought to light a number of Canadian records outside of British Columbia, over the same 40 year period. These may be summarized as follows: 26 specimens are known to have been recorded, their distribution by Provinces, east to west, being — [Newfoundland, 1]; New Brunswick, 2; Quebec, 4; Ontario, 3; Manitoba, 4; Saskatchewan, 2; Al- berta, 3; and British Columbia, 8. The sexes were about equally com- mon. One specimen was captured in July, 11 in August, and 2 in September. Some examples were taken by “sugar- ing”, others at lights, and the rest in dark buildings by day. Acknowledgments — I wish to express my cordial thanks to Professor G. J. Spencer of the University of British Columbia for in- formation regarding specimens in his de- partment, and to Mr. J. F. Gates Clarke of the Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D.C., for the trouble he has taken in look- ing up references for me. Bibliography Comstock, J. A. 1936. Notes on the early stages of Erebus odora L. (Lepidopt.). Bull. Southern Calif. Acad. Sci. 35(2):95-98, “plates” 21-23. Comstock, J. H. and A. B. 1895. A Manual for the Study of Insects, p. 297. (Western distribution). Proceedings for 1942 9 Dyar, H. G. 1902. List of North American Lepidoptera, p. 240. Entomological Society of Ontario. Annual Reports. 1900-1937. (Records of captures throughout Canada). Essig, E. O. 1926. Insects of Western North America, p. 688. Femald, H T. 1888. Ann Ent. Soc. America, 4:36. Grossbeck, J. A. 1908. Entomological News. 19:190. Reports E. odora in numbers at Brownsville, Tex., etc.). Gundlach, Juan. 1881. (Contribucion a la Entomologia Cubana Pt. 1. p. 367. Holland, W. J. 1903. Moth Book. p. 279. (Records capture in snowstorm in Colorado). — 1907. Entomological News, 18:453 (Concerning fertile ova in Wisconsin). Lutz, F. E. 1918. Fieldbook of Insects, p. 182. (Brief notes on habits). Smith, J. B. 1893. Catalogue of Lepidoptera, p. 366. (Synonymy). Was, Ed. 1908. Entomological News, 19:83. NOTES ON SOME WOOD-BORING BEETLES OF SAANICH, VANCOUVER ISLAND, B. C. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae fir Buprestidae) G. A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. Introduction. The incentive for this study was the discovery of a new road allowance through a tract of forest and bush land. The resultant tangle of stumps, logs and slash afforded an ideal attrac- tion for Cerambycids and Buprestids in- tent on mating and ovipositing. The area involved is about 3/4 miles north of Victoria, B.C., at the edge of the southern slope of Mount Douglas, where it merges into low-lying flats and hollows. The trend of the road is east and west; it is about a quarter of a mile in length, a convenient size for detailed examination. On the east the road has its beginning at the base of a rocky slope supporting an extensive stand of Garry oak, Quercus Garryana. Continuing in a westerly direction the road passes through a shallow valley, crosses a low ridge, and descends again to damp bush and meadow land. The central ridge supports a heavy stand of first and second growth Doug- las fir, i Pseudotsuga taxi folia, and grand fir, Abies grandis, with underbrush of ocean spray, Spiraea discolor, in the few open spaces. On the lower ground, alder, Alnus rubra , black poplar, P of ulus trich- ocarfa and aspen, Pofulus tremuloides are the dominant trees, with a luxuriant growth of moisture-loving shrubs of willows, Salix spp., crab-apple, Pyrus diversi folia, black hawthorn, Crataegus brevis fina , dogwood, Cornus fubescens, cascara, Rhamnus furshiana and others. It was hoped that with such a variety of newly-cut wood exposed at the right season, a large number of species of Cerambycidae and Buprestidae would be found. Accordingly the place was visited as often as possible during the season from March to September, 1934. Notes and collections were made at each visit. Annotated List of Species. The fol- lowing list includes all the species of wood-boring beetles collected or observed in this study, together with brief notes on their numbers, habits and dates of collection. Species occurring in numbers exceeding 50 individuals are marked “abundant”, those between 25 and 50 are designated as “common” while those between 8 and 25 are noted as “several.” When fewer than 8 were collected the exact number is given. All records are confined to the area outlined unless otherwise stated. The specimens mentioned in the list are in the Provincial Museum at Victoria, B.C. The arrangement followed is ac- cording to Leng’s Catalogue (1920) but with the nomenclature revised in certain cases to agree with more recent taxo- nomic studies. 10 Entomological Society of B.C. CERAMBYCIDAE Prionus calif ornicus Mots. One under a board at base of oak, July 25. A com- mon species. The adults are nocturnal. The larvae feed in the roots of decayed Douglas fir, grand fir, oak, etc.; occa- sionally found in the underground por- tion of fence posts except those of cedar. Megasemum asfera Lee. One, crawling over Douglas fir wood at 8 p.m., July 4. This is a nocturnal species and is often found in such odd places as water barrels, window ledges, etc., attracted to the vicinity by light. It has been found breeding in Douglas fir stumps. Tetrofium velutinum Lee. One, under a slab of Douglas fir bark, 5 p.m., June 22. Nocturnal, not common. Larvae in Douglas fir. Ofsimus quadrilineatus Mann. One, at rest on Douglas fir stump, 5 p.m., April 22. Another member of the night bri- gade. They have been found in the base of dead Douglas and grand fir trees 4 to 6 inches in diameter, where the larval stage is passed; the outer portion of the burrows provide winter quarters for the adult. Leftalia macilenta (Mann). One, on flower of Rosa nutkana , June 3. I have never taken it under any other circum- stances. Breeds in alder. Leftalia macilenta v. frankenhausen Mann. Three, on blossoms of Rosa nut- kanay May 26. This is the commoner form here, distinguished by the pale lines at the base of the elytra, from the all black colour of macilenta. Pidonia serif ta (Lee). Several, on flow- ers of Rosa nutkanay May 13-26. Com- mon, usually seen only on flowers where they feed on the pollen by day, hiding between the overlapping petals by night. Toxotus vestitus Hald. Four, on flowers of Rosa nutkana and resting on trunk of grand fir. May 26-July 4; both the red, and black-legged forms. Has been reared from the decayed roots of Doug- las fir. Centrodera sfurca (Lee). One, flying to artificial light at dusk, June 22. A noc- turnal species. Adults have been dug out of the ground in the vicinity of Garry oak trees among the roots of Rosa nut- kana in February. Large larvae were found in gall-like swellings at the base of the rose bush but as I was unsuccess- ful in rearing them, proof as to their identity is lacking. Anoflodera vexatrix Mann. Several, on bloom of Sfiraea discolor , June 24. This is their favourite flower, affording both food and protection as they like to push their way into the heart of the inflor- escence. Grammoftera filicornis Csy. Common, on flowers of Rosa nutkanay May 6 - 26. Mating pairs were found on freshly cut branches of Pofulus trichocarfa giving an indication of their host plant, but no further developments were observed as proof of this. Leftura obliterata (Hald). Common,, us- ually taken in flight and resting on or crawling over Douglas fir logs, July 1-29. Anoflodera laeta Lee. Several, August 23, flying about freshly-exposed roots of recently-felled Garry oak, in which it breeds. Anoflodera crassifes Lee. Three, at rest on leaves etc. One, on flower of Carum Gardneri. Breeds in Abies grandis y Be- tula occidentalisj etc. Anoflodera dolorosa Lee. One, on flower of Sfiraea discolor , July. It is commonly taken feeding in flowers of Sfiraea dis- colory and breeds in Douglas fir. Anoflodera chrysocoma Kby. One, on flower of Rosa nutkana y May 13. A very wide ranging species recorded from coast to coast. Anoflodera dehiscens Lee. One, flying about Douglas fir wood, August. Ulochaetes leoninus Lee. Five, two males and three females, taken in flight June 10 and July 1 - August 26. Flying about logs of grand fir and walking over roots and stumps of same. One of our finest Proceedings for 1942 11 longhorns. It resembles a bumblebee both in appearance and actions. Necydalis cavipennis Lee. One, extracted from pupal cell in Garry oak stump in February. It is usually scarce, but may be seen in a small “colony” flying about an old oak stump, probably one brood emerging from that particular stump. It has a very close resemblance to an Ich- neumon. Rosalia funebris Mots. One, flying among Douglas fir stumps on which it alighted, no doubt having strayed from a nearby alder clump. July 29. Our most hand- some species, typical of the Vancouveran fauna; found in numbers about alder logs in which the larvae feed. It can emit a faint rasping sound by rubbing the edge of the pronotum over a file-like process on the mesonotum. S emanotus ligneus ampins Csy. Two, on cedar fence post, March 28. This is ex- clusively a cedar feeder in the larval stage. They may be taken in numbers in late winter by digging them out of their pupal cells in cedar logs a year old. Sernanotus litigiosus Csy. Six, two on Douglas fir slash, April 28, four about Douglas fir logs, April 26. They keep to the undersides of branches and are easily overlooked. G onocallus collaris Kby. One, at rest on Douglas fir slash, 5 p.m., June 17; no others found. First record for Van- couver Island (Hardy, 1936). Occurs across the continent in the north from Newfoundland to Alaska, south to Brit- ish Columbia. Callidium vancouverense V. D. Several on Douglas fir slash, April 28-30; they were busily running about on the under- side of the branches, mating and ovipos- iting and occasionally flying. This species originally described from specimens taken at Sidney, V.I., is closely allied to the western form of C. anten- natum var. hesperum. Phymatodes decussatus v. obliquus Csy. Several, Garry oak logs and slashing, June 24. Often found abundantly about dead oak trees. X ylotrechus undulatus Say. Three, run- ning over Douglas fir logs and on trunk of grand fir, June 10 and August 5. X ylotrechus annosus (Say). One, flying and alighting on newly-felled Populus trichocarpay April 22. The only two other known records for Vancouver Island are Sidney and Nanaimo. Breeds in Populus . Neoclytus conjunctus (Lee). Several, Garry oak logs and slash, March 15-22. Nearly every dead or decaying oak tree is riddled with their borings, the smaller branches ofter being reduced to powder. Monochamus obtusus Csy. One, grand fir log, July 29. This is the first record for Vancouver Island of this species. (Hardy, 1936). Monochamus oregonensis Lee. Abundant, frequenting logs of grand fir, May 26- June 15. Flying about in the vicinity, or at rest on the sides or beneath the logs where they were noticeably in pairs. Synaphoeta guexi (Lee). Seven, on wil- low logs, July 1 - August 5. This some- what scarce species was found on the logs at the hottest time of the day. One female resting on the side of the log, was joined within five minutes by three males, no doubt arriving in response to a “wireless” call. BUPRESTIDAE Chrysophana placida (Lee). Seven spec- imens of this attractive little species were taken on newly-cut Douglas fir cord- wood, June 10 and July 1. It breeds in various conifers, and the larvae some- times mine the center of pine cones. Chalcophora angulicollis (Lee.) Several specimens of this large species were tak- en. The heavy booming flight and clumsy hit or miss alightment gives a ludicrous note to the “seriousness” of collecting. May 1 3 - June 29. Dicerca sexualis Cr. Eleven specimens, in flight or at rest on stumps and logs 12 Entomological Society of B.C. of Abies grandis. Very unemotional and easily picked up though ready to feign death and drop to the ground. June 10 and July 1-29. Buprestis aurulenia L. Common, in flight or at rest or ovipositing on logs of both Douglas fir and Abies grandis. May 13- July 4. Buprestis rusticorum (Kby.) Very com- mon, on Abies grandis } June 10- July 29. Sluggish and easily approached. Melanophila drummondi (Kby.) Most abundant of all the Buprestidae. Chiefly on Douglas fir and Abies grandis. May 26 - August. Melanophila acuminata (Deg.) Several, on Abies grandis. Very active both in running over the bark and in taking wing. May 26 and June 15. A northern species extending across the continent along the coniferous belt. Anthaxia aeneogaster Lap. -Gory. One, on Douglas fir slash, March 22. This spe- cies is often found on the dandelion and other yellow flowers. Chrysobothns pseudotsugae Van D. Four, on Douglas fir logs. Exceedingly active and taking to flight as readily as a fly. June 3 and July 1. Chrysobothris femorata Oliv. Two, one on Populus trichocarpa^ the other on Pyrus. June 10 and 20. Summary and Conclusion. Of the sev- enty or so species of Cerambycidae known to occur on Vancouver Island, thirty- one or about 37 per cent, were captured in this restricted area. Two were first records for the Island. The most noticeable fact brought out in a study of the list of Cerambycidae is that many of the species are repre- sented by only one or two individuals during the entire season. This apparent scarcity could be accounted for by the fact that some are crepuscular or noc- tural in habit as for example Prionus calif ornicus and C entrodera spurca. Other species such as Pidonia scripta and Gram- moptera filicornis are generally found on flowers. Monochamus oregonensis was one of the few common beetles met with, and from its size and the known powers of the larvae to damage timber by their extensive tunnelling in the heartwood, it might be considered the most important species from an eco- nomic aspect. Of the family Buprestidae, ten, or nearly 50 per cent of the twenty-two species known to occur on Vancouver Island, were collected. Three of these were very common. Melanophila drum- mondi was the most abundant, equalling in numbers the combined individuals of the Cerambycidae and Buprestidae. Mem- bers of the Buprestidae are essentially sun-lovers and perhaps for this reason they were met in greater numbers than were the Cerambycidae. This preponderance of Buprestids might also be accounted for by the fact that except for one species, Anthaxia aeneo- gastery the members of this family spend their whole existence in the vicinity of their host trees, while the Cerambycids wander considerable distances in search of flowers or are nocturnal in habit. For these reasons a census taken under the conditions outlined will naturally show that the majority of species are those which are most attracted to newly-felled trees. Considering the two families with ref- erence to their host trees, Douglas fir and grand fir were by far the most at- tractive, 20 species being observed on or about them. Garry oak came second with 5 species, black poplar 2, aspen and wil- low with 1 each. No species of either family was seen to pay attention to the stumps or slash of the other shrubs men- tioned, although slight evidence of their larval work was noticed in crab-apple. Acknowledgments — I am grateful for the help received from the late Ralph Hopping of Vernon, B.C., for verifying identifications and for other related matters, to Dr. E. C. Van Dyke of Berkeley, California, for simi- lar services and to Mr. L. S. Dillon of the Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, Reading, Pennsylvania, for critical examina- tion of Moruochamus o^tusus. Proceedings for 1942 13 Literature A partial list of references appertaining to taxoncmic revisions and to life histories of some of the Vancouver Island species dealt with in this paper is appended here. Chamberlin, W. J. 1928. Remarks on the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) of the North Pacific Coast region with descriptions of new species. Pan-Pacific Ent. 5 (2) :93-95. 1929 Loc. cit., 5 (3) : 109-116. Hardy, G. A. 1926. Cerambycidae of Vancouver Island. (Preliminary annotated ist.) Report Provincial Mus. Nat. Hist. [British Columbia] for 1925, pp. 24-33, pis. 4 & 5. 1927. Cerambycidae of Vancouver Island (Supplement). Loc. cit. for 1926, pp. 34-37, pi. 4. 1927. Buprestidae of Vancouver Island. (Preliminary annotated list.) Loc. cit. for 1926, pp. 32-34, pi. 3. Hardy, G. A. 1936. Notes on Vancouver Island Cerambycidae. Loc. cit. for 1935, pp. 34-35. Hardy, G. A. and W. H. A. Preece. 1926. Notes on some species of Cerambycidae (Col.) from the southern portion of Vancouver Island, B.C. Pan-Pacific Ent. 3(l):34-40. Hardy, G. A., and W. H. A. Preece. 1927. Further notes on some species of Cerambycidae (Col.) from the southern portion of Vancouver Island, B.C., with descriptions of some new varieties Pan-Pacific Ent. 3(4) : 187-193. Hardy, G. A., and W. H. A. Preece. 1927. Additional notes on some Cerambycidae (Col.) from Vancouver Island, B.C. Pan-Pacific Ent. 4(2) :61-67. Hopping, G. 1932. A revision of the Clytini of Boreal America, (Cerambycidae, Coleop- tera) Pt. 1. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, 25(3) :529-570, pis. 1-5. Hopping, R. 1937. The Lepturini of America North of Mexico, Pt. 2. Nat. Mus. Canada, Ottawa. Bull. 85, 42 pp., 6 pis. Leng, C. W. 1920. Catalogue of Coleoptera of America north of Mexico. J. D. Sherman, Jr., Mount Vernon, N. Y. Swaine, J. M. and Ralph Hopping. 1928. The Lepturini of America North of Mexico, Pt. 1. Nat. Mus. Canada, Ottawa. Bull. 52, 97 pp., 13 pis. Van Dyke, E. C. 1937. Notes and descriptions of North American Buprestidae and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 32(3) : 105-116. THE APPLE SAWFLY HOPLOCAMPA TESTUDINEA KLUG. ON VANCOUVER ISLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA W. Downes and H. Andison Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Victoria, B.C. In June 1940 some small apples damaged by a boring insect were brought to the Entomological Laboratory at Vic- toria by the owner of a city garden. Each apple had a round hole in the side nearly one-eighth of an inch in diameter; the interior was extensively excavated and contained a black oozy pulp. In some of the apples a whitish sawfly larva was found. This type of injury was something entirely new to us and the apples were forwarded to Mr. W. A. Ross of the Vineland Station, Ontario, laboratory who tentatively identified the insect as the apple sawfly, Hoplocamfa testudinea Klug. Later this identification was confirmed by Dr. A. M. Massee of * Contribution No. 2169, Division of En- tomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. the East Mailing Research Station, Kent, England, to whom some of the larvae were sent by the Dominion Entomologist. This is the first known occurrence of this insect in North America. A brief survey showed that the species was pres- ent in parts of the city of Victoria and the adjoining municipality of Oak Bav over an area of approximately six square miles. Distribution and economic importance : The apple sawfly is distributed over the whole continent of Europe but is more common in the north. It is the most: important apple pest in many parts of Germany, Denmark, south-west France and Holland. It is found in most parts of England but appears to be only local- ly common and seasonal in abundance. Massee (2) states: “This insect is re- 14 Entomological Society of B.C. sponsible for much of the useless fruit grown in the apple orchards of Eng- land.” The fruit is attacked as soon as it begins to form and by the time the apple is an inch in diameter the larva is full grown and ready to leave through a large hole in the side. The infested fruit falls to the ground either before or after the larva leaves it. In addition to the destruction of young fruit, a sec- ondary injury is caused to many of the apples hy surface feeding. The young larva, before it enters a fruitlet, may feed on the exterior of an adjoining one, which results in characteristic rib- bonlike scars or deformity. The injury is quite different from that caused by the codling moth. Large cavities are eaten in the centre of the apple and there is always an opening to the ex- terior even at an early stage. The larva does not always complete its growth within a single fruit and if the first is insufficient for its use before it reaches maturity it passes to the next one and so a succession of young fruits may be destroyed. The cavities are full of black or brown messy frass which often exudes from the hole at the side. Infestation observed at Victoria varied from slight, to possibly 50 or 60 per cent. Life History : The adults appear on the wing as soon as • the apple trees come into bloom. In 1941 early apples were in flower in the neighbourhood of Victoria on April 10. The first sawflies were collected on April 18 but since they were quite numerous it is probable that they had begun to appear a week before that date. The proportion of males to females on April 18 was 4 to 1 and five days later 2 to 1. The adults are active only in bright sunlight and on dull days none could be found. They are swift in flight and not very easy to ob- tain, since the majority seem to prefer the blossoms on the upper branches of the trees. Only trees in full bloom were visited by them and as soon as the petals began to fall they left those trees for others. None were found on trees from which the bloom had dropped. Accord- ing to our observation in 1941 the adults were on the wing for about three weeks. Oviposition was not observed although the females were frequently watched as they crawled over the blossoms. The egg is inserted from the outside of the calyx just below a sepal, is pushed right through and may be found at the base of the filaments or near the style, the position being indicated by a small rusty- brown spot which is often partly ob- scured by pubescence. Those seen by us were white, glistening, oval and about 1 mm. in diameter. According to Eng- lish and German authorities the average number laid is 1 2 or 13 with a maximum of 20 to 22. The incubation period is about 13 days. Some of the larvae re- main within the calyx after hatching, while others leave the egg pocket and feed on the exterior of the young fruit, or on an adjoining one, forming a characteristic lineal scar. These lineal scars were found to be much more fre- quent on small-sized varieties of apple, such as crabs, with many fruits to a cluster, than on large-sized varieties. The larva : The larva is creamy-white with a dark brown head and a black or dusky chitinous plate on the upper surface of the anal segment. When mature it is about 12 mm. in length. There are 6 abdominal and one anal pair of prolegs. On the labrum, in the middle of the two muscle attachments, there is a dark brown triangular spot. Like those of many other species of sawflies, the larvae have a most offensive odour which in this case resembles that of a pentatomid bug. They are active and capable of crawling some distance after dropping to the ground, which they do in June when mature. They then enter the soil to a depth of four to eight inches and form compact, oval, brown cocoons, 7 to 8mm. long and 3 to 4 mm. wide, those of females being the larger. Dur- ing the rest of the season the insect re- mains as a larva within the cocoon and pupation takes place in the following Proceedings for 1942 15 spring. Velbinger (6) states that the diapause lasts 9 months where the de- velopment is annual and 21 months where it is biennial. The developmental period of the larva in the cocoon is probably dependent upon the moisture of the environment at the time of spinning and upon the temperature dur- ing the first hibernation. Moisture is all-important to the welfare of the insect during the diapause. From a considerable number of cocoons collected by us only three adults emerged, which is attribut- able to an insufficient moisture supply. The adult : The adult sawfly is black on the dorsal surface except the head, which is orange yellow with a black patch between the eyes. The eyes are black. The antennae are yellow with a dusky or black mark at the base of seg- ments 3, 4 and 5 on the upper side. The tip of the abdomen in both sexes is yel- low but this is more apparent in the males. The ventral side of the abdomen and the legs are orange yellow. The wings are transparent, somewhat irides- cent, with brownish or black veins and costal margin with the stigma dark ex- cept at the apical end which is yellow. The females are about 6 mm. long, the males slightly smaller. H. testudinea reproduces both bisex- ually and parthenogenetically. According to Theobald ( 1 ) a second generation has been observed occasionally in England. This was not confirmed by Velbinger (6) in Germany. The second genera- tion is said to attack large apples in July and August. It is possible that a second generation could occur where higher summer temperatures are general. The apple sawfly was undoubtedly in- troduced in balled nursery stock. Even with the most careful examination of the soil it is difficult to detect the cocoons, for being covered with grains of earth they cannot be distinguished except by their symmetrical outline, from a small piece of soil. To collect many of them, even where they are known to be numerous, has been found quite a difficult matter and the most feasible method is to float them out of the soil in a tub of water. Impracticability o f extermination : The short survey carried out in 1940 showed that the sawfly had already spread over a very considerable area of city and suburban lots in which apple trees were extensively planted. The question of extermination before the pest could spread further was immediately considered, but the actual limits of the infected area were not then known nor were the means available for carrying out a campaign. It was decided at a conference of Do- minion and Provincial officers that scout- ing should be continued in the spring of 1941. The limit of the infested area in 1941 was found at a point six miles north of the city, including the whole of the municipality of Oak Bay, the Gordon Head and Cadboro Bay districts and the greater part of the city of Vic- toria, an area of approximately 16 square miles. The sawfly was not found in Victoria West nor in Esquimalt, but ap- peared to have spread in a northerly and northeasterly direction, possibly follow- ing the general trend of the prevailing winds. It was seen at once that an ex- termination campaign involving the des- truction of all apples over a period of 2 years would be a colossal undertaking. A census of apple trees within the af- fected area, including a two mile zone outside the actual limit of infestation, showed that more than 23,000 trees would have to be dealt with. The time limit during which the fruit must be stripped being only fourteen days at the most, probably 400 or 500 men would be needed for the work and the impossi- bility of obtaining such a force under the difficult labour conditions created by the war will readily be appreciated. Therefore, extermination of the sawfly cannot now be regarded as a possibility and recourse must be had to spraying to keep it in control. 16 Entomological Society of B,C. Control by spraying: Fortunately, one spray applied at the proper time will usually give good control of this species. In England a spray of free nicotine (98%) at the strength of 8 oz. to 100 gallons, with or without lime-sulphur, applied within a week after petal-fall, is recommended (2, 3, 4). As the object is to destroy the eggs, a coarse driving spray directed at the calyces should be used. The addition of a spreader is desirable, but not essential. Lead arsenate will not control the sawfly but may be added to sprays for the purpose of con- trolling other pests. Velbinger (6) states that the best control of H. testudinea in Germany was obtained by spraying with a strong solution of quassia; or with quassia in combination with arsenic, cop- per, and lime, at petal-fall. Contrary to English data, he states that nicotine with lime sulphur and lead arsenate was in- effective. At Victoria in 1941 experiments with nicotine sulphate in a 1 % per cent sum- mer oil spray gave control equal to that obtained in England with free (98%) nicotine. The nicotine sulphate was used at a strength of 1 to 600, and lead ar- senate was added at the rate of 2 lbs. to 40 gallons. As this trial was con- ducted in city gardens where no satis- factory check trees could be used owing to the number of different varieties of apple in the gardens, the result must be taken only as an indication. Infestation was kept down to 3.9 per cent in the case of one series of trees and to 5.2 per cent in another, while unsprayed trees in a nearby garden showed as high as 80 per cent attack. The addition of lead arsenate had a good effect in clear- ing the foliage of sundry other pests such as apple and thorn skeletonizer and other caterpillars. Literature Cited (1) Theobald, F. V. Insect pests of fruit, pp. 122-126, London, 1909. (2) Massee, A. M. The pests of fruit and hops, pp 77-80, London, 1936. (3) Hey, G. L., Moore, M. H., and Steer, W. Ann. Rep. East Mailing Research Station, England, 1933. (4) Steer, W, and Thomas, F. J. D. Ibid. 1934. (5) Pierce, W. D. A manual of dangerous insects likely to be introduced into the United States through importations. U.S. Dept. Agr., 1918. (6) Velbinger, H. Contribution to the biology and control of the apple and pear sawflies H. testudinea Klg. and H. brevis Klg. (trans. title.) Gartenbauwis- senschaft 13(4) : 492-566. 1939. (Abstract). THE ADVANCE OF THE CODLING MOTH IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Ben Hoy District Inspector, British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Kelowna, B.C. The codling moth, C arfocafsa pom- onella (L.), has increased to such an extent during the last fifteen years that it has now become the chief limiting factor in apple production throughout the apple producing areas of the southern Interior of British Columbia. Until about 1915 the codling moth was practically unknown in the Interior. Although in- festations were reported at Victoria in 1900 and at Kamloops and Kaslo in 1905, these infestations evidently covered only small areas. They were believed to have resulted from the importation of wormy pears from California and wormy apples from Ontario. In 1912 codling moth was reported from Armstrong and Rutland. At Arm- strong worms had evidently been im- ported in nursery cases from Oregon, and at Rutland in settlers’ effects. Prompt eradication measures were carried out. Weather conditions were helpful for in the spring of 1913 a heavy frost prac- Proceedings for 1942 17 tically eliminated the apple crop in these districts. No codling moths were found in a careful inspection the the following year. An outbreak of C. fomonella was dis- covered in the north end of the town of Kelowna in 1913. It was believed to have started from infested railway cars. Orchards were banded and sprayed and all wormy fruit destroyed during the summers of 1914 and 1915 and as far as could be determined this infestation was eliminated. Within Kelowna city limits in 1915 four government power- sprayers commenced operation directly the blossoms fell. Three thorough spray- ings with arsenate of lead were admin- istered and the trees banded and patrolled. Only seventeen larvae were found dur- ing the season in the Kelowna city limits. Just about the time it was believed no worms existed in the Okanagan, more infestations were discovered at several points in the Valley. In August 1915 codling moth was found at Westbank. Twenty-four orchards were involved, forming an area of about 200 acres. The trees were immediately sprayed and the fruit ordered packed at the packing house instead of in home orchards. Any fruits showing signs of worms were destroyed in a boiler rigged up on the beach. Trees were banded and patrolled. No apples, pears, or quinces were allowed to leave the district without first being inspected. The infestation varied in these orchards from 1 to 5 per cent. Until 1913 codling moth control work had been in charge of the late Thomas Cunningham, chief orchard inspector for the Province, a man who took most vig- orous action whenever he believed the circumstances warranted — and that was invariably so where C. fomonella out- breaks were concerned. In 1914 and 1915 the work was directed by W. H. Lyne. In 1916 the Horticultural Branch took over the codling moth control work in the Province. P. E. French was in charge of the North Okanagan and C. P. R. Mainline districts, the writer from Kelowna to the International Boundary. The spraying of orchards and the destruction of infested fruit in quarantined districts was continued. An area of 65 acres was found to be in- fested at Walhachin in the fall of that year. Spraying, band inspection and des- truction of wormy fruit was continued throughout 1917. As no worms were found in the Kelowna city area during 1917 this area was assumed to be free of codling moth. Of the work at Wal- hachin, P. E. French reported as follows: “Methods of eradication employed here were similar to those practised at Okan- agan Landing. Very thorough work was done by Mr. Buckell, who was in charge of this work at Walhachin for the sea- son. In 1918, all codling moth control work in the Interior came under the supervision of the writer. H. H. Evans was in charge at Vernon, Mr. Chesbro at Westbank, and C. Barlow in the Sal- mon Arm area. At this time there were about five hundred acres under quarantine in the Interior of the Province. Wal- hachin, Vernon, and Westbank districts were involved. Two sprays of arsenate of lead were applied, the calyx spray commencing May 20, and the second spray on June 20. Twelve thousand trees were banded and the bands inspected five times during the season. On the third inspection, three worms were found. Two more inspections followed this, but with no sign of the pest. The results of the work at Westbank are shown in the following figures: In 1916, 340 worms were found; in 1917, 58, and in 1918, 3. On the recommendation of P. E. French and R. C. Treherne, Dominion Entomologist for British Columbia, the policy at Vernon was changed in 1918. Instead of spraying and banding the trees in the area under quarantine, the apples on about 50 acres were purchased by the government, picked before maturity and destroyed. In band inspections no worms 18 Entomological Society of B.C. were found. Although the worms had apparently been eradicated in this area, two new infestations were found in the Vernon area in 1918. Four properties aggregating 15 acres were infested about one mile north of the quarantined area, and a new outbreak was discovered in the town of Vernon. In all, seven ad- ditional properties were quarantined. At Westbank the work continued during 1919. No worms were found in the district. At Vernon in 1918, 394 specimens were captured. From the same area in 1919, 195 were taken. However, in 1919 a new infested area was dis- covered, and from this area 178 speci- mens were taken, bringing the total captured in 1919 to 372. All orchards adjacent to those infested were held under quarantine. Three hundred and seventy-eight foreign refrigerator cars were inspected for codling moth at Okanagan Landing and 88 at Similkameen during this period. At Okanagan Landing 203 specimens were taken. Twenty larvae were found in a single car. In 1921 an outbreak of codling moth was located on the K.L.O. Benches at Kelowna and in 1922 outbreaks occurred at Kaleden and Summerland. Rewards were offered for the detection of codling moth in new areas; $2*0.00 for the de- tection of worms in an orchard located in a district where worms had already been found, but outside an actual quar- antine area; $100.00 for the detection of codling moth in a section or district in the Okanagan where no quarantine existed. Two rewards were paid in 1922, $20.00 in the Kelowna district and $100.00 in the Kaleden district. In 1922 according to the report of H. H. E vans, 990 refrigerator cars were inspected at Revelstoke, Kamloops, Pen- ticton, Keremeos, West Summerland and Okanagan Landing. Of this total 249 were super-heated. For superheating work at Revelstoke, steam was supplied by the round-house boilers, carrying a pressure of from 80 to 100 pounds. Since the distance from boilers to cars was 300 to 600 feet, the low and variable pres- sure gave unsatisfactory results. Car tem- perature above 170° after 10 minutes heating were attained at Okanagan Land- ing and results in such cases were sat- isfactory. Moisture condensation is much more pronounced in cars treated under low temperatures and pressures than with higher pressures and temperatures. Excess moisture was found to be undesirable. Through 1923, 1924 and 1925 the codling moth continued to survive in the Okanagan Valley and though there was considerable success in cleaning up cer- tain areas, most of the officials in the Department came to feel that quarantine measures were becoming of less value each year. The following table shows the areas infested in 1924 and larvae and pupae captured in 1923 and 1924 in the Okanagan district: Table 1. Status of Codling Moth in Okanagan District, 1923-1925 Acres Acres To be Larvae and Sprayed Sprayed Pupae Found 1924 1925 1923 1924 Vernon : Swan Lake 55 0 0 0 Ok. Landing 55 35 541 14 Winfield 110 210 0 99 Kelowna: K. L. O. 324 324 196 88 Benvoulin 0 50 0 9 City Area 205 205 1278 2319 Glenmore 0 200 0 160 Rutland 0 60 0 8 Penticton : Dog Lake 291 316 283 29 Kaleden 20 0 3 0 Green La ke 7 7 0 192 Totals: 1067 1407 2301 2918 The year 1925 was the last of gen- eral quarantine areas. W. H. Robert- son, Provincial Horticulturist, reported as follows in 1926: “It was decided by the government that the old system of quarantine areas and the spraying of Proceedings for 1942 19 same for the control of codling moth would be discontinued at the end of 1925. Districts were, however, given the opportunity of forming compulsory spray- ing zones. An Order in Council was passed which made this possible upon receipt of a petition from any district signed by 60 per cent of the growers. Your Branch also thought it advisable that there should be certain regulations as to the number of spray machines. This requirement was finally placed at one 4- horsepower machine for every 50 acres. Regulations were also drafted based upon the ‘Agricultural Act,’ Part II, R.S.B.C. 1 924, which outlined the actual spraying requirements and penalties for non-com- pliance. Because of certain deficiencies in the Act under which this work would have to be carried out no spraying zones were formed. It is expected, however, that with the amendment to the Act which it is proposed to make at the next meeting of the Legislature there will be a number of zones established during the coming year.” A certain amount of work, however, was still carried on. At Okanagan Land- ing and Kamloops, spraying and banding were done by the provincial government in 1926 and paid for by the growers. This work was continued in 1927 at the above points and in the city of Kelowna. At Salmon Arm, growers sprayed an area in quarantine in 1925, 1926 and 1927 under supervision of the Horticultural Branch and the cost of band inspection was borne by the government. The Sal- mon Arm quarantine was lifted in 1927 when no further infestation was found. In 1929, trees were sprayed through- out the Vernon City area and the cost assessed to the lot owners. This work was continued in this area until 1941, when it was done by contract under the supervision of the city. Aside from spraying work in and around the Vernon district by the De- partment of Agriculture, all quarantine work was dropped in 1926 and the Okanagan Valley south of Vernon was assumed to be generally infested with codling moth. Though many sections then were commercially free of the insect, infestations were so numerous and wide- spread that it was conceded by officials and most growers that the codling moth had become a pest with which the apple industry had to learn to live. EFFECT OF LIME AND LIME-SULPHUR ON THE LARVICIDAL VALUE OF CRYOLITE i J. Marshall Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Vernon, B.C. Apparently it is generally believed that because of chemical incompatibility, sod- ium aluminum fluoride (cryolite) should not be used in a spray mixture contain- ing lime or lime-sulphur. So far as can be determined, however, there has been presented no evidence of incompatibility in terms of insecticidal effectiveness. Carter (1931) mentions that sodium silicofluoride (sodium fluosilicate) and lime react to precipitate the insoluble 1. Contribution No. 2159, Division of En- tomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. fluoride of calcium which evidently is considerably less toxic than the more soluble salts such as sodium fluoride. Bar- ium silicofluoride, according to Carter (1932), is likewise incompatible with lime as well as with lime-sulphur solu- tion. Popov and Rasina (1939) report that the addition of lime to sodium fluoride and sodium silicofluoride lowers both the phytocidal properties and the in- secticidal value of these compounds. On the other hand Hockenyos (1939) states that as a contact insecticide, sodium fluoride was more quickly lethal to the 20 Entomological Society of B.C. American cockroach when used with 50 per cent by weight of calcium hydrate than when used alone. He is of the opinion that the calcium hydrate reacts with or absorbs the oily film covering the integument and the fluoride then pen- etrates by osmosis. Field experiments in codling moth control carried out at Kelowna, B.C., in 1939 indicated that as an adjuvant for cryolite, casein-lime might be superior to ammonium oleate or blood albumin. Further experiments were undertaken in 1940 and 1941 to determine the effect of varying quantities of lime on the larvicidal value of the cryolite-casein- lime mixture 2. Several plots, each con- sisting of 4 McIntosh, 1 Newtown and 1 Stayman tree, were sprayed with mix- Table 1. Effect of Lime on Cryolite in Codling Moth Cover Sprays Average Per Cent Wormy Fruit 1940 1941 Cryolite- casein- 1 oz. lime 10.4 Check adjoining (1) 9.4 Cryolite-casein-4 oz. lime 9.1 9.5 Check adjoining (2) 9.4 10.5 Cryolite-casein- 16 oz. lime 8.0 15.6 Check adjoining (3) 12.5 10.5 Cryolite-casein-64 oz. lime 22.3 Check adjoining (4) 12.3 tuted for lead arsenate in the check plots. Table 1 gives results in terms of fruit infested by codling moth at harvest. While lime used at 0.25 pound per 100 gallons of spray did not measurably lower the larvicidal value of cryolite, four pounds appeared to be detrimental. Table 2. Effect of Lime-Sulphur and Elemental (Ground) Sulphur on the Larvicidal Value of Cryolite Materials Per 100 Gallons Number of Larvae Av. Per Cent Stings Av. Per Cent Larval Entries Cryolite 3.75 lb. - casein 0.5 oz. - lime 4 oz 231 14 29 Same but with added lime sulphur 1.6 gal 217 6 60 Same but with added elemental sulphur 4.5 lb 229 13 35 Check — no spray 217 1 70 tures composed of natural cryolite 3.75 pounds, lactic casein 0.5 ounce and high calcium hydrated lime in amounts vary- ing from 4 ounces to 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water. Four cover sprays were applied in 1940 and five cover sprays in 1941. Check plots adjoining the ex- perimental plots were sprayed with lead arsenate 3.75 pounds, casein 0.5 ounce, lime 4 ounces. Each year in the single second brood spray, cryolite was substi- 2. The field experiments were co-operative with the British Columbia Horticultural Branch. Mr. B. Hoy, in charge of the Ke- lowna office, supplied the sprayer and did much of the spraying and fruit checking. The staff of the Vernon laboratory was re- sponsible for the remainder of the work. The addition of one pound of lime per 100 gallons evidently had little effect. A laboratory experiment in which natural cryolite was used with lime- sulphur and with elemental sulphur, gave the results noted in Table 2. Ne\yly hatched codling moth larvae were al- lowed to attack individual apples that previously had been sprayed with the ex- perimental mixtures. The apples were examined for stings and entries after two weeks. The experiment comprised three replicates of each material. Although elemental sulphur had little influence on the larvvicidal value of cryofite. lime-sulphur at equivalent sulphur concen- tration apparently had a detrimental effect. The results were consistent in each of the three replicates. Literature Cited Carter, R. H. 1931. The incompatibility of lime with fluosilicates. Jour. Econ. Ent. 24 (1) :263-268. 1932. The incompatibility of barium fluosilicate and nicotine sulfate. Jour. Econ. Ent. 25 (6) : 1242-1243. Hockenyos, G. L. 1939. Factors influencing the absorption of sodium fluoride by the American cockroach. Jour. Econ. Ent. 32 (6) :843-848. Popov P. V., and R. V. Rasina. 1939. The incompatibility of sodium fluoride and sodium fluosilicate with lime and chalk (as insecticides). Trans. Sci. Inst. Fertilizers and Insectofungicides (U.S.S.R.) 135:79-92. Cited in Chem. Abstr. 34:6003, 1940. Proceedings for 1942 21 A NOTE ON LAELIUS SP.# A PARASITE OF THE CARPET BEETLE ANTHRENUS SCROPHU LAR I AE (L.) ( Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. On August 3, 1941, a mass of floor sweepings containing beetle larvae was sent in to the entomological laboratory at Kamloops, from Mazama, Osprey Station, about 30 miles north-west of Penticton; Mr. G. Allen Mail very kindly handed the debris over to me. It contained dermestid larvae and the chew- ed-up remains of several adult Anthrenus scrofhulariae Linn. I kept the mass caged and secured over a dozen fresh beetles of this species. Amongst the trash were a number of old larval skins in which beetles had pupated; three of these skins contained a mass of silk enveloping four silken pupal cases lying in the same axis as the dermestid skin. Attached to one mass, and partly enveloped in the silk, was the remains of a tiny dark hymenopteron while another lay nearly detached in the rubbish. Both wasps were somewhat bat- tered, but were obviously parasites of these beetles. I sent the specimens to Dr. G. S. Walley who turned them over to Dr. O. Peck. In his reply, Dr. Peck says, in part, “. . . this hymenopteron (Bethylid) agrees closely with the description of Laelius occidentalis Whittaker although somewhat lighter in colour. L. occiden- talis has been known, up until now, only from the type; this was taken on a win- dow in Chilliwack, B.C., and was de- scribed in the Trans. Ent. Soc. London ( 1927-28): 387-8 (1 flg.) . . . nothing is known of its biology except through other species of the genus. In this regard it is perhaps well for me to draw your attention to the method of pupation. Your letter of August 19th states that there are three or four pupal cases in each larva, suggesting internal parasitism which is contrary to the external para- sitism in this genus (Vance and Parker, 1932, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 34:1-7). However, Mr. W. J. Brown tells me that Anthrenus pupates within the last larval skin so that an external parasite may well appear to be internal.” Now the last larval skins of Anthrenus f in which the cocoons occurred, were in- tact so I could not see how the Laelius grubs could be external feeders without destroying this exuviae; in the one spec- imen I have left, there is no sign of the pupal case of the beetle. In that priceless book “Entomophagous Insects”, Clausen, speaking of the attacks of Laelius adults on their hosts, says that they sting their victims — “The females of the genus Laelius , which attack the larvae of Dermestidae, bite away the covering of long hairs on the venter of the abdomen before depositing their eggs (Howard, 1901) . . . “In Laelius an- threnivorous Trani, the female . . . . chews the throat, apparently with the object of injuring the cervical ganglion. The complete process of subduing the host may require several hours.” For reference, I quote this passage from The Insect Book by Leland O. Howard, pp. 34-35, “Life History of a Parasitic Wasp”: “The Laelius is a little, black, slen- der, active, four-winged fly; and the female, when it finds one of these der- mestid larvae, at once jumps upon its back and clings firmly, in spite of the struggles of the victim. As soon as the poor beetle larva quiets down a bit, Lae- lius places herself crosswise over the thorax and, curling her abdomen around under the side, inserts her sting just be- hind the second or third pair of legs, paralyzing the dermestid instantly, the sting apparently having entered one of the large thoracic nerve ganglia. Then the parasite relaxes its hold and begins 22 Entomological Society of B,C. pulling the legs and hairs of its victim with its mandibles, its antennae vibrating in a contented manner. The pulling of the legs is evidently an attempt on the part of the parasite to see if the stinging has done its work with perfect effect. Having satisfied herself by all sorts of tests that the paralysis is complete, she proceeds to lay an egg, attaching it to the skin of the dermestid on the under side of the body, first pulling out the hairs carefully so that the egg can be firmly attached to the skin. If in the course of this operation, or even before the egg is laid, another dermestid larva comes within her range of perception, she leaves the first victim, mounts and stings the second, or even a third or a fourth, each time testing the complete- ness of the paralysis with the utmost care. Before attaching the egg she thrusts her sting into the spot several times, ap- parently making an orifice through which the larva, after hatching, can thrust its head, or which it can at least enlarge easily so as to insert its head. The egg is oval, soft, translucent, about a third of a millimeter long, apparently has no peduncle, and is not very firmly attached to the skin of the dermestid. From one to six eggs are laid upon a single vic- tim. In a few days the larvae hatch, yellow in color and Very indistinctly jointed. Immediately on hatching, their mouths are closely applied to the skin of the paralyzed dermestid and they be- gin to grow, not so rapidly as the some- what similar Euplectrus, which will be described in a succeeding chapter, but still rather rapidly, reaching full growth in from ten to fourteen days. When full grown, a group of these larvae with their heads inserted at a central point, look not unlike the petals of a curious Agabus ontarionis Fall. This dytis- cid water beetle was unknown from British Columbia until June 8, 1941, when G. J. Spencer took a series of ten- eral adults. His specimens are from flower growing out of the shrivelled der- mestid larva. When only one Laelius larva occurs upon a host it sometimes enters the sucked-dry skin and spins its cocoon within it, but generally the white, rather loose, silken cocoons are spun out- side the skin of the dermestid, which shows large holes where the parasitic larvae have been at work.” Now it is true, even as Mr. W. J. Brown mentioned, that Anthrenus pupates within the last larval skin; this skin takes on the form of a broad oval, sharply pointed at each end like a canoe very wide in the middle, with the bluntly- oval, delicately skinned pupa lying inside it. This is precisely the form of the exuviae of parasitized Anthrenus that I have but instead of the beetle puparium, four silken Laelius cocoons lie inside the split-open last larval skin which is other- wise intact. If the Laelius larvae had been external feeders, this last larval skin would have been shrivelled or at least, punctured; it is intact. Therefore in this instance at least, it appears as if the Laelius larvae had attacked the recently- formed pupa of the beetle. At first this did not seem feasible because the sum- mer brood of A. verhasci (for compari- son) is a rapid one and the pupa hardens quickly, but development of this beetle through this (1941) winter shows that the stage of the perfectly soft, white, helpless Anthrenus pupa, lying exposed in the widely-split-open last larval skin, may extend for over three weeks; at such a time a Laelius could do what she liked with it and her grubs could feed upon it externally, leaving the larval skin in- tact, and form their silken cocoons in this skin. I am greatly indebted to Dr. O. Peck for his comments on this insect and for suggest- ing that this record may be worth publishing. Bachelor Swamp, between Pass Lake and Lac du Bois, high on the ranges north of Kamloops. A month or two later the meadowy swamp had dried up. — Hugh B. Leech. Proceedings for 1942 23 INSECTS AND OTHER ARTHROPODS IN BUILDINGS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. This paper consists of a series of brief records of certain insects, sowbugs and mites which have come into my hands in the last ten years in this Province; the buildings mentioned are dwellings either permanently or temporarily occu- pied, and in a couple of instances, are greenhouses. Insects and mites infesting stored products in mills, factories and warehouses are not included; they have been written up by the late Kenneth Jacob in a paper of some length which the department of Zoology of this Uni- versity hopes to publish before long. Of the very large number of arthro- pods that might come into dwellings, some are indigenous, most are accidental and a fair number are introduced species infesting; materials in the houses. This list is confined to those native and in- troduced and doubtful species about which complaints or enquiries have come to me over a period of years or those which I have intercepted myself; the common species of domestic pests attacking food- stuffs, of which we have a very large number, are omitted and mention is made only of those not hitherto recorded for the Province or of special interest other- wise, which have become established here or are accidental intruders. In a few cases some are mentioned which are con- spicuous by their absence. Of Arthropods not Insects Acarina. Two heavy infestations of mites were sent in during the autumn of 1941, one Aleurobius farinae Degeer infesting a large warehouse for imported cheese, where the mites had suddenly be- come so plentiful that they formed a heavy dust around the bases of the cheeses. It was not possible to order fumigation and clean-up measures in- volved two thousand 80 to 90-pound cheeses; by experiment I found that the finest spray with the mosquito repellent “Sta-way” instantly wetted the greasy mass of dead and living mites, so I suggested that the operators try it out with all due care to its possible poison- ing the cheeses or affecting their flavour. They reported entirely in its favour. The other mite was Glycyfhagus do- mesticus Degeer sent in from Nanaimo where it was reported by a medical man as producing an irritating rash on human beings. This mite is the cause of the so-called “Grocer’s itch” in England; as far as I can determine, this is the first record of it in Canada. Isopoda. Up to the present I have col- lected only five species of sow-bugs in buildings, though a sixth, Lygidium gra- cile (Stimpson) is common in certain lands and woods near and on the Uni- versity campus. Up to the last two or three years, the only ubiquitous sowbug that invaded homes every autumn was Porcellio scaber Latreille, though I recovered Porcellio rathkei Brandt in October 1929 at the University. Recently, however, Oniscus asellus Linn, has increased tremendously, is abundant in neighboring wild lands near Vancouver and last autumn (1941) occurred in gardens of West Point Grey. It is the largest sowbug to be found locally and is a very active species. I first found it here in 1929, in the Stan- ley Park greenhouse, and have taken it occasionally since, but it is common now and widespread. Also in greenhouses, have cropped up Armadillidium vulgare (Latr.) and A. quadrifrons Stoller; the latter is very abundant in one of the Fraser Valley greenhouses where it tun- nels readily into flower pots, eats away root systems of plants and will not re- spond to control measures that keep down the other species, P. scaber , which also 24 Entomological Society of B.C. occurs in these houses. These two species of Armadillidium roll up into a hall when disturbed. Chilopoda. The house centipede Cer- matia ( Scutigera ) forcefs (Raf.) has twice been brought in — once from an abattoir where there was an active col- ony in one of the partitions between two rooms, and the second on April 10, 1939 when a large, healthy speciment was caught in a beer parlor in the city. The garden centipede Scutigerella im- maculata (Newport) has also twice been reported — once in small numbers in an outdoor compost heap in Vancouver, and in January, 1942, from certain large greenhouses near Langley where it was destroying 8-inch-high tomato plants in 100 yards of hot house. , Araneida. This province is a paradise for spiders and offers a most promising field for collecting and systematic work. House spiders of several species are a curse to the housekeeper at the Coast; they invade dwellings in swarms every autumn and spin webs for the next six months. They are best detected by not- ing the location of the spiderless web by day, and at night, suddenly flicking on the electric light or a flashlight, when the culprit can readily jpe seen and killed with a fly swatter before it runs to cover. A certain restraint is necessary when hitting them because the large juicy ones leave a conspicuous mark on wallpaper or kalsomine if squashed with too much enthusiasm. The black widow spider Latrodectes mactans Fab. is widely distributed in, and apparently restricted to, the dry belt of the Interior and the drier portions of south eastern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. It seldom enters houses but is very common in woodsheds, out- door toilets and machine sheds. In the Nicola area at about 2900 feet, I have found its webs completely covering the corners and back of a carriage shed. In the Kamloops area it occurs up to 3100 feet only and seems to extend down the Fraser Canyon to just below Lytton. Of Insects Thysanura. A house - infesting Thysan- uran, the silver fish, Lefisma saccharina L., has turned up a few times in the last decade but seems unable to form successful colonies, while the fire brat, Thermobia domestica Pack., is widely but thinly distributed in Vancouver. Ev- ery now and then small colonies are reported, chiefly from apartment houses, but neither of these species attains the density of numbers acquired by them in Toronto, Ontario. Orthoptera. Of house-frequenting Or- thoptera, Ceuthofhilus agassizi (Scud.) occurs frequently in basements in autumn, apparently coming in from gardens, but seems unable to survive the winter dry- ing-out and soon disappears. I have one unusual record of the giant cave-cricket Trofidischia xanthostoma Scudder being taken in one of the upstairs draughting rooms of the engineering department of the University in July, 1941; it must have climbed up an outside wall and hopped in. The European house cricket Gryllus domesticus Linn, has never materialized as a pest in this city as we thought it would do eight years ago when it was first discovered, although it still persists in small numbers in the basement of a local golf clubhouse. Atropidae. Of the Atropidae or book lice, two species are widespread, occur- ring in basements of very many homes but rarely increasing sufficiently to be- come a nuisance. A small pale-coloured one is very general and may become a pest, but the second is more interesting, being larger, nearly black and possessing rudimentary fore wings (only). Now the world - wide Lifoscelis ( Troctes ) divinatorius (Muller) is nearly black but is wingless so this local one may be un- described or a species of Clothilla. Hemiptera. I need mention only two species, Lcftocoris trivittatus (Say), the Proceedings for 1942 25 box-elder bug which has been sent in with enquiries in increasing frequency from the Okanagan Valley in the last five years, with complaints of its invad- ing rooms, and the big Coreid, Leptog- lossus occidentalis Heid. which is either increasing in this vicinity or is coming more into public attention. Personally, I think it is increasing because I have collected it several times the last few years in December when it seeks shelter in the house and up to five years ago I had never taken it locally; it is also being sent in with enquiries. It either feeds upon or shelters in holly, whence it can sometimes be obtained by beating. Lepidoptera. Only a few house-infest- ing moths need be mentioned. Since 1938 I have found Purina manufactured “Fox- pelting Chow” biscuits to be the best medium for raising clothes moths that I have yet come across. One large cul- ture in a crock has been going continu- ously for nearly 3)4 years without any additions of food; in the last 2 years it has become infested with the spider beetle Ptinus ocellus Brown and still produces numbers of both insects the year round. For two years the moths (Tineola biselliella Hummel) were the largest and healthiest specimens I have yet raised but the food supply now seems to be running low and the size of moths is decreasing. The scavenger bulb moth or brown house moth Borkhausenia fseudosfretella Staintcn is a very persistent but never plentiful intruder, the larva feeding usually on dried forgotten carrots in the basement but there are indications that it eats animal products such as woollens, as do the clothes moths. The white - shouldered house moth Endrosis lacteella SchifF. flourishes' en- ormously in commercial blood-meal for gardens; I have had a colony going for two seasons in this medium, which yields clouds of moths in late summer and early autumn. The caterpillars may be taken from it all through the year. This species, like the preceding, is generally regarded as a decaying-vegetable feeder so its success on blood meal seems unusual. I have only once encountered the tapestry moth, Trichofhaga tapctiella (Linn.) emerging in numbers from an ancient couch in a rest room in a gar- age at Spence’s Bridge. The infestation probably came in and died out with the couch. Conspicuous by its rarity is the meal snout moth Pyralis farinalis Linn.; I have encountered it only once in 1 5 years, in the buildings of the biological station at Nanaimo. Mr. H. B. Leech has found the larvae numerous in man- gers in a horse barn at Salmon Arm. Coleoptera. Of the large number of beetles that invade dwellings, the ma- jority are stored product pests. Some, however, come in for hibernation and of these some seek shelter but remain active all winter. Of those merely seek- ing winter quarters, the weevils Brachy- rhinus sulcatus (Fab.), the black vine weevil, and B. ovatus (Linn.) the straw- berry root weevil, are common every year and sometimes very abundant and this last year the clay coloured weevil B. singularis Linn., recently recorded in Victoria by Messrs. Downes and Andison, has made its appearance in West Point Grey, entering homes for hibernation. Of stragglers that seek shelter but re- main active all winter, the ground beetles Pterostichus sp. and Pemfhus ( Scaphin- otus) angusticollis (Fischer) are the chief; the latter eats dead or disabled sowbugs and is a regular nightly atten- dant at the dish from which household pets are fed, coming out when the first rush is over. An accidental intruder but one which comes into buildings in summer is the notorious Stink beetle Nomius pyg?naeus Dej., probably the most concentratedly malodorous animal for its size in the world. For some years now I have check- ed up reported flights of this beetle and find that their presence in towns can be associated with forest fires; when the 26 Entomological Society of B.C. horizon is blotted out by smoke, these stinkers may arrive. Apparently they are forest dwellers which are driven out by the fires and may then travel long dis- tances, scattered by the smoke. In the summer of 1938 a very extensive fire ravaged the Campbell River area on Vancouver Island and the beetles ap- peared again and were reported from several spots in Vancouver. They gath- ered under timber in one down-town lumber yard and remained there several weeks. A workman of the place told me of their potency, of their restricted area of temporary shelter and of the complete peace in which the men left them. He remarked on the fact that they did not scatter through the mill or invade nearby residences. It is possible that the particular block of lumber be- neath which they sheltered happened to be in a certain degree of sap fermenta- tion which was attractive to the beetles and held them until they either died out or returned to the woods when the fires died down. They were probably carried to Vancouver by the then - prevailing westerly winds, flying high over the pall of smoke. Dr. M. H. Hatch (1931. Monthly News Letter [Puget Sound Academy of Science] 3 (9), issue of September 1 ) has also recorded it as a household pest, and has* given a summary of its habits. Of the many beetles attacking stored products in this province I mention only a few, conspicuous for one reason or another. The meal worms Tenebrio molitor Linn, and T. obscurus Fab. are relatively rare; the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae Linn, occurs ten times for one infesta- tion of iS. granarius Linn.; the spider beetle Ptinus ocellus Brown and the saw-toothed grain beetle Silvanus surina- mensis Linn, elicit more enquiries from harassed citizens than any other beetles, both of them, especially the spider beetle, flooding over an entire house, feeding on a wide range of cereal foodstuffs. I have raised the saw-toothed beetle on raisins and walnuts besides cereals. Of the flour beetles, Friboliuni confusum J. du Val. occurs five times for one infestation of T. castaneum Herbst., the rust red beetle; T. madens Charp. I have recovered only once — from Departure Bay, Nanaimo. Along with the first two of these flour beetles, for the last three years I have had a colony of Gnathocerus cornutus Fab., the hroad-horned flour beetle. An infestation of Fribolium is very hard to eradicate and requires most persistent house-cleaning. The varied carpet beetle Anthrenus verbasci Linn, and the buffalo carpet beetle A. scrophulariae Linn, have become established in Vancouver in the last 5 years; the former is becoming serious, the latter occurs very little. Occasionally the minute cucujid beetle Laemofhloeus fusillus (Schoen), which is usually an elevator pest, occurs in houses especially those in which old chicken feed or other broken grain is stored in the basement. Some of these beetles need further comment. Of the Ptinidae, I have rear- ed Sphaericus gibboides Boieldieu from saffron, cayenne pepper, curry powder and fish meal. With all these foodstuffs, the colonies die out in 2 to 3 years irrecpective of the amount of food pres- ent. Frigono genius globulum Sol. has turned up twice in a dwelling, breeding in woollen fluff and trash. Niptus holo- leucus Fald. was found in numbers in the basement of a hardware store at Fernie, B.C. (January 4, 1936. H. B. Leech). Ptinus fur Linn, the white- marked spider beetle seems to occur more in Victoria than in Vancouver; odd specimens are not infrequently found in Vancouver homes and are sent in. I have reared it on a variety of cereals but it soon dies out. Ptinus ocellus Brown (tectus Boiel.) is one of the most wide- spread and most complained-of pests in Vancouver. It was first sent to me from Prince Rupert in 1926 by a student, Dick Pilsbury, who reported it as occur- ring in devastating numbers on a fish- meal wharf ; to clear the wharf and Proceedings for 1942 27 its buildings of the pest, the workmen shovelled it into the sea with their fish- meal scoops and threw a great deal of the infested meal after it. Brown re- ported it (Can. Ent. 72 (6): 120, June, 1940.) first from Victoria, remarking that its discovery there by Mr. W. Downes in 1927 and 1928 was the first time it was found in America. It is now painfully common all over the low- er Fraser Valley having apparently been spread by shipments of infested fish or other meal from Vancouver. I have reared it in a wide range of kitchen cereals, dried casein, buttermilk powder, blood and bone-meal and in commercial garden fertilizers which contain fish meal. This latter material, stored in basements, is the greatest single breeding place of this pest, whence it spreads out all over a home. Removing the host meal carries away the infestation and stray beetles soon die out. Within the last year I have encoun- tered three infestations in homes, of furniture beetles. The first trouble was caused by Anobium functatum Degeer, which completely riddled the back of a china cabinet and part of the sides. I have all the wood in a cage and grubs are still working in it. The citizen who brought me the wood thought the cab- inet had been bought at an auction. The second and third infestations of appar- ently this beetle occur in New Westmin- ster in a piano which was brought round Cape Horn 50 years ago, and in a table imported from England 18 months ago; in both cases sawdust is being pushed out from holes which are appearing one after another in the wood. In the case of the piano, the infestation is of recent origin and must have arisen locally. The beetle would appear to have become established in this area. The drug store beetle Stegobium fan- iceum (Linn.) (Sitodre-pa panicea) crops up now and then at intervals in spices — cayenne pepper, all-spice and curry powder. I have a strong culture nearly 2 years old, in dried ginger. Beetles of the family Dermestidae are well represented in British Columbia; I have 24 species so far. Some are very common, chiefly in the dry interior of the Province, and some are becoming common at the Coast. Three species of fair size are equally numerous around Kamloops, freely en- tering unscreened houses. In my cabin above Kamloops at 3100 feet, all three turned up frequently, namely Dermestes talpinus Mann., D. signatus Leconte and D. lardarius Linn. ; they were much attracted to drying bacon and to bread which was apparently fermenting in the heat in the bread box. Often a couple of beetles of one or other of these three species would arrive overnight and hide away under the bread. I have reared all three from larvae feeding upon dried insects or incompletely picked skulls and especially D. signatus from the trash at the bottom of used and vacated swallows nests. D. lardarius y especially, very read- ily lays eggs on, and the larvae develop in, a box of insects exposed for drying. Attagenus piceus Oliv. was reared from a supply of casein powder recently re- ceived from Australia; Anthrenus scrop- hulariae (which is very common as far north as the Chilcotin) from trash on the floor of a public dance hall and from sweepings from the corners of a room, from dead insects, and once I raised two small larvae on a piece of old cow horn and secured the adult beetles; and Orphilus niger (Rossi) from dry insects. Two dermestids need special mention here: Anthrenus verbasci Linn, the var- ied carpet beetle, and Perimegatoma ves- pulae Milliron. Concerning A. verbasci the varied carpet beetle. Larvae of this insect turn- ed up in the University collections, so I assembled them and cultured them out with a supply of dried insect bodies in a 3-inch diameter glass-covered tin box, on March 24, 1934. They kept on breeding in this tin until January 20, 1937, when the food supply was ex- 28 Entomological Society of B.C. hausted and the larvae present had con- sumed even the dried bodies of their dead parents. So the mass was discarded and the larvae re-cultured with a supplv of buttermilk powder. They throve on this medium and by April 10 many beetles had emerged from the pupae. They were allowed to increase again until May 15, 1939, when another mass of debris con- sisting of frass, exuviae and dead beetles had accumulated; many larvae were pres- ent so more buttermilk powder was added without cleaning out the tin. By spring 1941 the colony had died out. Apparently the last generation of beetles was infertile or the young larvae met hostile conditions because the dead bodies of many adults were present, unchewed by larvae. Thus this colony had been going in a 3-inch diameter tin for five years. This was the only trace of these beetles I had received in the Province. Suddenly in November 1940 enquiries came in from five homes in Vancouver about large numbers of larvae which turned out to be those of the varied carpet beetle, appearing in clothes closets and in some cases all over the house. Most stringent clean-up measures were recommended and the potentiality for evil of these larvae was heavily stressed. Up to last autumn 1941, however, specimens of these larvae continued to come in from homes widely scattered over this city and from New Westminster. Ap- parently this beetle has become established as a household pest. I have reared the larvae successfully on dried insects, on broken grains of wheat and chiefly on Purina Fox-chow biscuits which I use as a basic food for all household pests. The adults eat Fox- chow and raisins. As far as a pest in insects collections is concerned, P crime gatoma vesfulae Mill iron is the worst thing I have en- countered in this Province. In the sum- mer of 1933 I was working in Upper Hat Creek valley and camping in the forestry cabin in Marble Canyon. As is my custom in summer, all insects col- lected were pinned out at night on cork strips and allowed to dry for one or two weeks before being transferred to store boxes. During the winter of 1933- 34 I found larvae in these store boxes and on March 15, 1934, one pupal case from which a beetle emerged on April 12, 1934. I assembled all the larvae I could find and have cultured them out dozens of times since on every culture medium that I use — several cereal flours, fox-chow biscuits, casein, milk and but- termilk powders, dried lean meat, nut meats, spices of all kinds, and dried in- sects. They prefer perfect, fully labelled insect specimens, if possible type or para- type material or rare specimens, to every- thing else. They also feed upon bird skins and dried Crustacea in the museum, doing the best they can on this uninter- esting food material. In all these years of culturing hund- reds of larvae, I have never yet brought one successfully to a pupa, much less to an adult. Every colony terminates with a large series of exuviae and, now and then, some dried larvae; frequently only exuviae remain and I cannot understand what happens to the larvae. The only adults I have obtained were accidentally found chiefly on the glass tops of the insect cabinet drawers and twice only in a box of bulk unpinned insects. At pres- ent I am culturing the larvae singly in glass-topped tin boxes and, in mass, in great heaps of insect bodies in tin boxes. In 8 years I have obtained only 1 1 adults, 9 of them picked up accidentally where least expected and consequently few are perfect specimens. The capacity of the larvae for enter- ing apparently tight-sealing boxes is dis- heartening; they freely enter any of our own grooved and tongued cabinet draw- ers, any of our usual store boxes, they invade skull cabinets, bird and mammal cabinets, mailing boxes of insects, and I have repeatedly found them in ordinary drug-store tin salve boxes of unpinned insects. The larvae hatching from the egg must be infinitely small and capable Proceedings for 1942 29 Nv" of entering very small spaces. I have never captured the adults nor found the larvae in the field, either at the Coast or in the Dry Belt. Mr. W. J. Brown of Ottawa very kindly named the species for me and referred me to Milliron’s description of it (in the Annals of the Ent. Soc. of America, 32 (3): 570-574, fig. 1. Sep- tember, 1939.) In this article, Dr. H. E. Milliron of University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota, describes it as a new species, reared in 1938 from a 20 to 25 year old demonstration wasp nest — hence the specific name vesfulae. The only prev- ious record of it in Minnesota was a pinned specimen in the University mus- eum labelled “University farm campus, September 10, 1934.” I submitted a specimen to the late Mr. Ralph Hopping shortly after finding the first adult and he told me it was a Perimegatoma but could not name it to species. Notwithstanding my most strenuous efforts at control, the pest is still very much with us and is constantly cropping up in the collections. Milliron found the species to be parthenogentic which would account for its prevalence all over our storerooms and its success in becoming established. Finally, in this catalogle of stray or purposive invaders of dwellings in this area, may be mentioned outbreaks that have occurred several times in the late autumn, of vast numbers of minute pale brown beetles that swarm in basements, appearing suddenly on basement windows in such numbers as to practically shut out the light. They apparently breed on and emerge from wood that is stored for fire places, chiefly alder and coast maple. A series from one house, (No- vember, 1933) yielded the following list (identified by Mr. H. B. Leech):- — Nitidulidae Efuraea spp. Another genus Cryptophagidae Atomaria sp. 2 other genera Lathridiidae Comnomus constrictus Gyll. C oninomus nodifer Westw. Acknowledgments — I am deeply indebted to the following specialists who have named specimens for me over a number of years: Mr. W. J. Brown, Division of Entomology, Ottawa, Ont.; the late Ralph Hopping, and Mr. H. B. Leech, of the Dominion Entomol- ogical Laboratory, Vernon, B.C. THE RESULTS OF FURTHER WORK DONE ON THE CONTROL OF GRAIN MITES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA H. F. Olds Plant Protection Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, Vancouver, B.C. The need for conserving products vital to the well being of the British Empire and her allies is being contin- ually stressed by our Governments. Food in all forms comes under the category of vital commodities to such an extent that at the present time some of these products are rationed, not that there is a shortage, but so that an adequate sup- ply will always be available. Steps to conserve food products from deterior- * Contribution No. 28, Division of Plant Protection, Production Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario. ation due to insects have been taken by the Department of Agriculture from the beginning of hostilities, and the Division of Plant Protection has assisted other branches of the Service in this work. All elevators, mills, and warehouses where large stocks of grains and cereals are stored have been periodically in- spected. During the past season it has been our privilege to assist Mr. Harold Gray, who is in charge of the Stored Product Insect Investigation Division and Dr. Beverley N. Smallman of the Board of Grain Commissioners for Canada, 30 Entomological Society of B,C . who have been carrying on extensive work in the control of these stored product pests. Mites may be found in practically any grain, and under normal conditions are not serious, but the lack of shipping has created a problem. Recently, we have had to put a large percentage of our crops in temporary storages, where turn- ing the grain is an additional cost. Added to this, last year’s harvesting weather was very poor and we have to consider a certain amount of tough or damp grain. Stored tough grains or grain where the moisture content is above normal, must be turned at regular intervals to avoid heating. Wherever the moisture content rises above fourteen percent we may ex- pect a heavy infestation, unless the grain is stored in separate bins and turned at regular intervals. In a well operated elevator the bins are numbered, or should be. If, for example, bins Nos. 3, 5 and 8 have a high moisture content in the grain, there is also a slight increase in the temper- ature. In a routine inspection the inves- tigator should pay particular attention to these two points and draw samples from these bins first. If a bin is in- fested, samples should be drawn from both the top and the bottom. Where infestations are slight 'quite often the mites will be found only in the first few feet of the grain on the top of the bin and for a few feet up from the bottom. Usually grain in such bins will register a normal moisture content. Bottom samples should be drawn until there is no further evidence of infes- tation. Inspectors who are conversant with this work will have little or no difficulty in detecting the presence of mites since they give off a sickly sweet odour. If this odour is strong the infestation undoubtedly is heavy. Dr. Smallman stated that if the top of the bin were infested, the action of empty- ing it would not necessarily correct this, if the grain was simply drawn off that bin and placed in another. In drawing off the grain, that on the top of the bin settled down to about thirty or forty feet from the bottom before it coned in, and the mites on the top por- tion would then be deposited on the top of the new bin. To test this, I tied an eight-pound weight to a long rope, and buried it about two feet in the top sur- face of the wheat in a bin 26 feet wide and 100 feet deep. The bottom gate was then opened; the bin took 21/?. hours to empty. Samples were drawn at intervals and showed mites in the bottom few tons and freedom from mites above that until the bin started to cone in. It was not until the grain had settled to within forty feet of the bottom that it coned in and the weight began to pull. This meant that the mites simply settled down as Dr. Smallman had stated, and would be deposited on the top of the next bin, unless that last thirty or forty tons were put over the cleaners. Re-examination of the wheat in the top of this new bin showed a decrease in the number of mites, indicating that some had perished in the transfer of the wheat, but there was still a nucleus to build up the infestation should other conditions become favourable. It is there- fore suggested that where conditions of this nature exist, the wheat from the bottom and top of the bin should be put over the cleaners and driers. Fumigation of elevators has always been a problem; it is difficult to get a gas that will penetrate through the mass of wheat and be effective in the control of mites. Some experiments have been made with chloropicrin and methyl bro- mide. Chloropicrin may be used under very low temperatures and at any place where the bin walls and floors are reas- onably tight. A disadvantage is that this gas will not penetrate more than twenty- five or thirty feet within a thirty-six hour exposure, and so in large bins can be used only for surface fumigation. An experiment was tried out last season by Dr. Stillman: In one of our elevators he fumigated a large bin with methyl Proceedings for 1942 21 bromide, using one pound of this gas to each thousand cubic feet. The gas penetrated through ninety feet of grain in a thirty-six hour exposure, giving a very satisfactory control of the mites. In the use of gases, certain points must be remembered. (1) Will the gas be effective? (2) Is the cost of applica- tion economically such as to be recom- mended for commercial uses? (3) Will there be any possibility of tainting? And (4) is it a safe gas to recommend? (1) We know that methyl bromide is a heavy gas and under certain temper- atures it will penetrate through grains to a great depth. We should note that grains which have been placed in bins during the summer months and are un- der normal storage conditions, do not change in temperature more than two or three degrees Fahrenheit. That is to say, grain with a temperature of around 55 to 60 F. when placed in the bin, would retain that temperature through- out the year. Grains which have been placed in a bin during the winter months and which may have been exposed to low temperatures in transit, might reg- ister as low as 30° to 35° F., which would be too low for fumigation with methyl bromide. Optimum temperature for the use of methyl bromide is around 65 F., but this gas may be used at slightly lower temperatures with good results. (2) At the present time, the cost of methyl bromide makes the cost of ap- plication rather high. Used at the rate of two pounds per 1000 cubic feet in a bin say 26 feet wide by 100 feet deep, would cost approximately $100 and it might be cheaper to run that bin over the driers. (3) The question of tainting food products must always be considered. Dr. H. C. Dudley of the United States Na- tional Institute of Health, Washington, D.C., has been working for several years on the problem of methyl bromide resi- dues and in connection with this matter he has this to say: “In general fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and whole grains absorb but minor amounts of the fumigant. Milled grains and fatty or oily foods absorb a great amount of methyl bromide.” Dr. Dudley’s tests were made from grains which had been fumi- gated with two pounds of methyl bro- mide per 1000 cu. ft. Thus from a residue standpoint, methyl bromide may be used with safety in fumigating whole grains. (4) The question of the gas being a safe one to recommend has also been studied. Methyl bromide is now being used for the control of pests both of stored products and of green vegetables, and where it is carefully handled there should be no danger in its use. It must be pointed out, however, that the gas is practically colourless and odourless. This constitutes a real danger where it might get into the basement of a large elevator, and the basement not be prop- erly ventilated. It is always best to use a gas mask where ventilation is poor, and the operator should see that the mask •fits properly and that the canister used is suitable for that type of gas. Before entering a fumigated building a Halide light detector should be used to detect the presence of methyl bromide. If the gas is present the flame will turn from a purple to a purplish blue, and if the concentration is fairly heavy, the flame will turn entirely blue. There is also one other point that must be thoroughly understood: before entering the basement of any building, particularly if the base- ment has been closed for some time, the whole building should be opened up and well aired, since it would be unsafe to wear a gas mask if the oxygen content of the air in that basement were low. Methyl formate has been used in con- junction with carbon dioxide and sold under the trade name of “Proxate”, and later methyl bromide was used with car- bon dioxide. The idea of the carbon dioxide was to provide a warning gas. 52 Entomological Society of B.C. This feature has been studied by Mr. sufficient carbon dioxide to provide the R. M. Jones, Entomologist, Liquid Car- necessary warning just as chloropicrin is bonic Corporation of Chicago, Illinois. used with HCN gas. It may be possible then, to incorporate NOTES ON THE LABORATORY REARING OF SOME CANADIAN TICKS (Acarina) * J. D. Gregson Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. Many of the projects on ticks at the Dominion Entomological Laboratory at Kamloops are dependent, to a greater or lesser extent, on an accurate knowledge of the bionomics of these pests. This study is necessarily a lengthy one, since there are 3 or more stages of each of the 20 or so species involved, and each stage presents a problem of its own, in- volving a host, and a period of observa- tion lasting for at least several months. As many ticks are highly resistant to un- favourable conditions and can withstand starvation for long periods, the accumu- lation of data complete with longevity observations, may involve several years’ study. Frequently after a number of seasons have been spent in searching for an engorged fertile female of a certain species in order to establish a laboratory strain, progeny have died before a suit- able host could be provided. Since knowl- edge of the host relationships and host specificity of even the more common species of ticks is still fragmentary, cer- tain information relating to these prob- lems gathered at the Kamloops labora- tory may be useful. One of the most important factors in the rearing of ticks is humidity. Although extremely resistant to insecticides, dips, and starvation, practically all Ixodidae require high atmospheric humidity. Spe- cies that can survive for a year or more under optimum conditions may desiccate overnight if subjected to normal room * Contribution No. 2155, Division of En- tomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. humidity. Ticks should be kept in a cool cellar in open-ended glass tubes over damp soil. As a rule humidity is adequate while ticks are feeding on animals. Neverthe- less it is advisable to keep the hosts in a reasonably humid atmosphere. Although this is particularly true for certain ticks from humid areas, it applies also in the dry Interior of British Columbia, for the early stages in the development of ticks are frequently passed either against the moist skin of the host, or in its damp burrows. While at Kamloops all longevity tests are carried out in a tick cellar (T. 18 C., H. 100%), it has been determined that the best method for holding ticks beyond their normal life span is to store them at 5°C. in pill boxes in a sealed jar containing damp absorbent cotton. In the case of Ixodes calif ornicus Banks, the combined periods of preoviposition and incubation normally require four months at 18°C. or two months at 21°C. but can be prolonged for over two years un- der these conditions. During storage ticks must be kept free from condensed moisture, as they drown quite as readily as they desiccate. It is advisable to trim off the cotton plug of each vial, and slide it about a quarter of an inch into the tube, to avoid the pos- sibility of water moving up from tray to tube by capillarity. Identification labels should be placed between plug and vial, for if left in the vial the writing soon becomes obliterated by excrement. Dermacentor andersoni Stiles, the vec- Proceedings for 1942 33 tor of many serious diseases, has been studied more than any other species in North America. The techniques of rear- ing successfully all stages have been worked out by the Rocky Mountain spotted fever laboratory at Hamilton, Montana, where, for the production of spotted fever vaccine, the ticks are, as described by Kohls (1), literally meas- ured by the litre. This is the least specific of Canadian ticks, and feeds readily on nearly all laboratory animals. Adults are commonly fed on sheep for which a very satisfactory infesting method has been devised at this laboratory. The ticks are placed over a clipped and washed area about the size of the tick cage which is a shallow cup of 20 mesh brass gauze about \y2 inches in diameter, with tape- bound rim. The cage is anchored to the skin by six or more opposing linen threads which are first attached to the wool by clove-hitches, then threaded through the edges of the cage and tied. The ticks are inserted before the final fastenings are made. If placed on the shoulders, these cages cannot be scratched off by the animal, and need only occasional ad- justments. Nymphs and larvae, usually fed on rabbits or guinea-pigs, may be allowed to feed anywhere on the host, simply by enclosing both host and ticks overnight in a bag made of unbleached cotton, or may be confined to certain areas by means of a screw top capsule, held to the animal by an adhesive band around the belly (1), or in the case of a rabbit, by enclosing the ticks within the ears by means of adhesive tape. Rabbits" ears may also be bagged by slender sacks which tie around the base of the ear. The bags should be taped together to prevent their being torn off. D. albip ictus (Packard) normally in- fests deer, cattle and horses, passing all stages on the same host and feeding dur- ing the winter months. Flat adults taken from moose, however, have been found to feed readily on sheep and guinea-pigs. Ixodes calif ornicus Banks, is probably the most delicate of our ticks and is ex- tremely sensitive to desiccation. It has yet to be proved that this is a short-lived tick in nature, but under no circum- stances have we been able to keep flat adults alive for more than six weeks under laboratory conditions. Further- more 100 pairs kept in a cage in their normal Coast habitat during the summer of 1941 were all dead when examined four months later. Adults of the closely related European tick I. ricinus have been kept alive from 15 to 27 months by Wheeler (2). The natural hosts of adults of I. cali- f ornicus are dogs, cats, humans and deer. At the laboratory they can be fed readily on sheep by the cage method mentioned above. They are, however, so dependent upon high humidity, that it is necessary at Kamloops to carry out infestations under a burlap tent, over which water is continually sprayed. The engorging period is about 6/4 days. The early stages of this species are hardier than the adults for seeds and nymphs have been kept alive for 17 months. The main host of the early stages in nature appears to be the lizard, Gerhonotus frincifis Baird and Birard. Lizards in captivity can be maintained readily on a diet of mealworms, grasshoppers, cockroaches or crickets. These reptiles make convenient and clean laboratory hosts, although the ticks require three times as long to en- gorge on them as on mammalian hosts. Both early stages will completely engorge in about 7 days on rabbits and guinea- pigs, but, as pointed out in a previous paper (4) the host may be killed if in- fested too heavily. I. calif ornicus feeds poorly on domestic chicken, and in na- ture has been taken in abundance on birds as seeds on grouse chicks. Rats and mice, whether domestic or wild, appear to be poor hosts. Although fair numbers of seeds have attached to laboratory rats, the fed ticks were all of a reddish color instead of black. It is presumed that these were of low vitality, as it has been found that very pale /. texanus seeds which have engorged on serum only, have 34 Entomological Society of B.C. been incapable of moulting to nymphs. I. calif ornicus has not been induced to feed on fitches, tortoises, snakes or toads. I. texanus Banks is as hardy as the preceding species is delicate, and of the strain being maintained at Kamloops, all stages are healthy after having been con- fined in tubes for over 3 years. The life- cycle of this tick thus may occupy a period of 9 years or even longer. It is resistant to desiccation and feeds readily in all stages on members of the ferret family. In the Interior drybelt of Brit- ish Columbia, texanus is a common par- asite of weasels and wild mink. Adults also feed well on dogs and sheep. Fitches have proved to be the best laboratory hosts, though there is a tendency for them to build up a temporary immunity after an infestation (6). No stages have been taken on the red squirrel, which in the drybelt is host to a similar but very specific tick, 7. hearlei Gregson (3). Because of the ease with which tex- anus may be reared, and because it is parasitized by Hunterellus hookeri How., this tick may prove to be a good inter- mediate host if that parasite should be cultured for control of I. calif ornicus. Another Drybelt tick, 7. hearlei Greg- son, closely related morphologically to texanus has been found only on the red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp. Attempts to rear specimens on other lab- oratory animals including dying squir- rels, have failed so far. From early observations hearlei appears to be a hardy species of tick. 7. cookei var. rugosus Bishopp is rare in British Columbia. Our only live specimens were engorged nymphs from a coyote. Several of the resulting adults attached to a guinea-pig, but fed slowly and finally died. Dogs would probably be satisfactory laboratory animals for this tick. I. dentatus sfinifalfis Hadwen and Nuttall, and 7. angustus Neumann, both Pacific Coast species, are parasites of rab- bits and squirrels. They have been taken on the packrat which it is thought will be a suitable laboratory host for at least sfinifalfis . I. signatus Birula, is normally found on the cormorant. Though refusing to attach to domestic chicks and ducks, seeds and nymphs fed readily on a domestic goose, the engorging period being ap- proximately 7 days. The ticks were caged over the bird’s head by means of a voile hood. All attached overnight. The length of life of seeds and nymphs appears to be only about 6 months. Haemafhysalis leforis falustris Pack- ard and H. cinnaharina Koch, the rabbit and bird ticks, each feed on either of these hosts though best results have been obtained by placing falustris on domes- tic rabbits and cinnaharina on captured grouse. 77. cinnaharina engorges rapidly and drops from its host in about 7 days. It is an autumn tick and since oviposi- tion would not take place until spring it appears to have an exceptionally long preoviposition period. Seeds of cinna- harina and falustris have been kept alive for 7 months, and nymphs of the latter for 19 months. Although none of the argasid of “soft ticks” have yet been procured for life- history studies at this laboratory, several species have been recorded in British Columbia. Both Argas fersicus (Oken) and an Ornithodoros tick have been col- lected by Professor G. J. Spencer, the former from a golden-crowned sparrow, the latter from a bat. Both species feed rapidly except in the larval stage. It has been found that O. turicata (Duges), a species occurring in the United States, can be maintained easily on rats. The larvae are placed in an infesting cage on the host for about 3 days, after which the engorged ticks are collected and the cage, debris and host fumigated. The several subsequent stages are best fed at the clipped belly of a rat that is held on its back by means of tape over its legs and neck. The ticks engorge in about 30 minutes and apparently do Proceedings for 1942 35 not harm the host. Nymphs have been induced also to feed through membranes of skin on vials of warm defibrinated rabbit serum; they moulted successfully. This tick is very resistant to desiccation, and may live for many years under cool damp conditions. Ornithodoros megnini ( Duges) , the spinose cattle-ear tick, is a species that has recently been taken in British Co- lumbia by the Kamloops laboratory. It differs from all other ticks in that only the larval and nymphal stages feed. The nymphal engorgement is sufficient to en- able the adult to oviposit without feed- ing. Since both the early stages of this species stay on the host and may feed for over 3 months, it is doubtful if any artificial method of feeding can be used in laboratory rearing. Literature Cited (1) Kohls, G. M. 1937. Tick rearing methods with special reference to the Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni Stiles. Culture methods for in- vertebrate animals. Pp. 246-256, New York, Comstock Pub. Co. (2) Nuttall, G. H. F. and C. Warburton. Ticks: A monograph of the Ixodidae. Part II, p. 301. Cambridge University Press, May, 1911. (3) Gregson, J. D, 1941. Two new species of ticks from British Columbia. (Ixodidae) Canadian Ent. 73(12) :220-228, 2 plates, 2 maps. (4) 1942. Host poisoning by Ixodes californicus Banks. (Acarina, Ixo- didae) Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C., 38:5-6. (5) The Coast Tick (Ixodes californicus Banks) problem in British Col- umbia. Canadian Ent. 74(1) :3-5. (6) Host Immunity to Ticks (Acarina). Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C., 38:12-13. Asilidae from Robson, B.C. — Dr. S. W. Bromley has sent the following names of species not included in my list in the last number of the “Proceedings” (No. 38: 14.) Laphria ferox Will.; Bombo- mima columbica Walker; Andrenosoma futvicauda varlutea McAtee; C yrtofogon fraeceps Will.; Eucyrtopogon nebulo O.S.; A situs vescus Hine. It is possible that the following species were misidenti- fied, and should be removed from my List: Laphria francisana Bigot; A situs auriannulatus Hine. — H. R. Foxlee. Hemichroa crocea (Fourcroy). Lar- vae of this alder sawfly were taken on Ainus sp. at Gleneden, near Salmon Arm, June 26, 1941, y A. M. Gilmour of the Provincial Forest Service. In British Columbia the species was known previ- ously only from the lower Fraser Valley. A life history and illustration of the larva has been published by G. R. Hop- ping, 1937 (Canadian Ent. 69 (11): 243-249, plate 13). — Hugh B. Leech. Gyrinus pectoralis Leconte. A dis- tinctive little whirligig water beetle which has been collected at Copper Mountain, B.C. by G. Stace Smith (see 61st. Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ontario, (1930), 1931, p. 88) More recently G. J. Spencer has taken it at Kamloops, 18. VIII. 37; and at Bachelor Swamp, between Pass Lake and Lac du Bois, high on the ranges north of Kamloops, 8.VI.41. — Hugh B. Leech. Printed by The Vernon News Ltd, Vernon, B.C< proceedings of the Ui 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL = SOCIETY of = BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 40. Issued September 20, 1943 Page Heriot — How Does Lead Arsenate Prevent the Young God- ling Moth Larva From Injuring the Fruit? 3 Spencer — A Note on Mites ( Acarina ) and Aspergillus (Fun- gous) in Baled Mouldy Hay 9 Hoy — Phenothiazine as a Codling Moth Insecticide 11 Andison & Evans — Prevention of Fruit Development and its Effect on the Survival of the Codling Moth 12 Marshall — [Reprint of] Cryolite Versus Lead Arsenate for Control of Codling Moth . . 16 Gregson — The Enigma of Tick Paralysis . ........... 19 Spencer — Some Records of Long-Legged Flies from British Columbia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) 24 Foxlee — Records of Some Flies and Wasps Collected at Robson, B.C. (Diptera: Tabanidae; Hymenoptera) 25 Leech — Miscellaneous Records of Beetles in British Columbia (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Lathridiidae, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae) 26 Jones — Some Food Plants of Lepidopterous Larvae. List No. 9 ........... 27 Hardy — Field Observations on the Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria var. erosa Stretch 28 Spencer — On the Oviposition Habits of the Australian Cock- roach, Periplaneta australasiae (Fab.) 29 Davidson — An Occurrence of Scudderia furcata fur cat a Brun- ner, on the Coast of British Columbia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) 31 Foster — Insects Active Throughout the Winter at Vancouver, B.C. Part II: Lists of the Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera 32 In Memoriam — George O. Day 34 Notes 18, 23, 25 List of Members . . Inside, Front Cover LIST OF MEMBERS Entomological Society of British Columbia (May, 1943) Allen, Miss M. — 956 - 14th Ave. W., Vancouver, B.C. Andison, Harry— -Fruit Insects Lab., Vernon, B.C. Economic ent. Baker, W. W.— Box 30, Puyallup, Wash. *Bonnell, D. E. — Dept. Entomology, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. Buckell, E. Ronald — Field Crop Insect Lab., P.O. Bldg., Kamloops, B.C. Orthoptera of Canada; Odonata and bees of B.C. Exchange. Det. local Orthop. & Odonata. Buckell, W. R. — Salmon Arm, B.C. Lepidoptera. Carl, G. Clifford — Director, Provincial Museum, Vic- toria, B.C. Comstock, John A. — Los Angeles County Museum, Exposition Park, Los Angeles, Calif. In charge Museum colls. Lepidoptera; exchange; det. west coast species. Cowan, Ian McT. — Dept. Zoology, Univ. Brit. Col., Vancouver, B.C. Mammals; birds. Coll. Crum, S. E. — Box 233, Puyallup, Wash. Cudmore, R. H. — Canadian Industries Ltd., New Westminster, B.C. Insecticides. Davidson, John — Office of the Herbarium and Bot- anical Gardens, Univ. Brit. Col., Vancouver, B.C. Flora of B.C. Doucette, C. F. — U.S.D.A. Experiment Sta., Sumner, Wash. Downes, W. — c/o Dept. Agric., Parliament Bldgs., Victoria, B.C. Heteroptera, Homoptera. Coll., exchange, det. Eastham, J. W. — Plant Protection Div., Court House, Vancouver, B.C. Provincial Plant Pa- thologist. *Eide, Paul M. — Box 458, Sumner, Wash. Evans, Harry H. — Provincial Horticultural Branch, Vernon, B.C. Orchard insects. Finlay, A. W. — Huntingdon, B.C. Provincial Apiar- ist. Fisher, J. Dean — c/o G. Allen Mail, Kamloops, B.C. Foster, Ray E. — 1575 Kamloops St., Vancouver, B.C. General ent. Foxlee, Harold R. — Robson, B.C. Lepidoptera, As- ilidae; Ichneumonidae; Ephemerida. Small coll. Will coll, for sale. Fulton, Harry G. — 152 Mellard Ave., Chilliwack, B.C. Coccinellidae; coll. Furniss, R. L. — 445 U.S. Court House, Portland, Ore. Forest ent. Coll, forest Coleoptera, esp. scolytids, clerids, cerambycids, buprestids. Getzendaner, G. W. — Box 218, Union Gap, Wash. Glendenning, R. — Dom. Expt. Sta., Agassiz, B.C. Economic ent. Aphididae. Goddard, V. E. L. — Haliburton Rd., Royal Oak, Victoria, B.C. Graham, Kenneth — Forest Insect Investigations, 320 Central Bldg., Victoria, B.C. Forest ent. Gregson, J. D. — Box 210, Kamloops, B.C. Ixodidae N. Am., esp. Canada. Coll., det. exchange. Hanham, A. W. — Duncan, B.C. Not active at present. Hardy, George A. — Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. Cerambycidae of B.C., exchange, det. Hatch, Melville H. — Dept. Zoology, Univ. Washing- ton, Seattle, Wash. Coleoptera, esp. of north- west. Coll. *Haug, Gordon — Kelowna, B.C. Ants. Heriot, A. D. — Fruit Insect Lab., Vernon, B.C. Adelginae; physiology of codling moth. Det. adelgids. Holland, George P. — Livestock Insect Lab., Kam- loops, B.C. Siphonaptera. Coll., exchange, det. Hopping, Geo. R. — Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Coleop- tera (Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Scolytidae) Coll., exchange, det. Hoy, Ben — Provincial Horticultural Branch, Kelowna, B.C. Orchard insects. Jennings, Kenneth — 755A Yates St., Victoria, B.C. Insects affecting flowers. Jones, J. R. J. Llewellyn — “Arranmore”, R.M.D. No. 1, Cobble Hill, B.C. Lepidoptera, esp. mac- rolepid, of B.C. Coll., does not exchange. Kincaid, Trevor — Dept. Zoology, Univ. Washing- ton, Seattle, Wash. Laing, Arthur — c/o Buckerfield’s Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Insecticides. Leech, Hugh, B. — Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Nearctic water beetles (Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydro- philidae). Coll., exchange, buy, det. Mail, G. Allen— 171 Nicola St., W., Kamloops, B.C. Culicidae, coll., exchange. Marmont, L. E. — Maillardville, B.C. Retired. Marshall, James — Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Insecti- cides. Mathers, W. G. — Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Forest insects. Menzies, Thomas P. O. — Curator, City Museum, Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. General ent., coll, exchange. Middleton, Morrice S. — Provincial Horticultural Branch, Vernon, B.C. Orchard insects. Mockridge, Miss G. I. — Surrey High School, Clover- dale, B.C. Morgan, Cecil V. G. — Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Forest insects. Olds, H. F. — Plant Inspection Office, Federal Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Prebble, M. L. — Forest Insect Investigations, 320 Central Bldg., Victoria, B.C. Quantitative ecol- ogical studies, forest insects. Ruhmann, M. H. — Tranquille Sanitarium, Tran- quille, B.C. Retired. Ricker, W. E. — Dept. Zoology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. Plecoptera, Coll., det. Spencer, G. J. — Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Brit. Col., Vancouver, B.C. Coll, all orders except Odonata, Coleopt., Lepid. Esp. interested Thysanura, Cor- rodentia, Mallophaga, Anoplura, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera; Diptera fams. Tabanidae, Do- lichopodiae, Trypetidae, Gasterophilidae, Oestri- dae, Sarcophagidae; Pupipara. Exchange; det. Anoplura. Stage, Harry H. — Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D.C. Mosquito control. Stainer, John — Okanagan Mission, B.C. Bumblebees. Steele, G. L. — c/o Dept. Zoology, Univ., of Brit. Col., Vancouver, B.C. Thompson, B.G. — Dept. Entomology, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. Aegeriidae, esp. west- ern spp. Touzeau, W. E. — 5813 Argyle St., Vancouver, B.C. Twidle, Henry — Granite Bay, B.C. Lepidoptera. Venables, E. Peter — 612 Pine St. E., Vernon, B.C. Acarina. Waddell, David B. — 626 Huron St., Toronto, Ont. Ward, Ivor — Provincial Entomologist, Dept. Agric., Vernon, B.C. * Wellington, W. G. — c/o Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Brit. Col., Vancouver, B.C. Wilcox, Joe — P.O. Box 297, Alhambra, Calif. Diptera, Asilidae. Willett, Victor — Okanagan Mission, B.C. Coleoptera. Winson, J. W. — Huntingdon, B.C. - 1 i * At present serving with the armed forces. * At present serving in the armed forces. proceedings of the ENTOMOLOGICAL = SOCIETY of BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 40. Issued September 20, 1943 Page Heriot — How Does Lead Arsenate Prevent the Young Cod- ling Moth Larva From Injuring the Fruit? 3 Spencer — A Note on Mites ( Acarina ) and Aspergillus (Fun- gous) in Baled Mouldy Hay 9 Hoy — Phenothiazine as a Codling Moth Insecticide 11 Andison & Evans — Prevention of Fruit Development and its Effect on the Survival of the Codling Moth 12 Marshall — [Reprint of] Cryolite Versus Lead Arsenate for Control of Codling Moth 16 Gregson — The Enigma of Tick Paralysis 19 Spencer — Some Records of Long-Legged Flies from British Columbia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) 24 Foxlee — Records of Some Flies and Wasps Collected at Robson, B.C. (Diptera: Tabanidae; Hymenoptera) .... 25 Leech — Miscellaneous Records of Beetles in British Columbia (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Lathridiidae, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae) 26 Jones — Some Food Plants of Lepidopterous Larvae. List No. 9 27 Hardy — Field Observations on the Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria var. erosa Stretch 28 Spencer — On the Oviposition Habits of the Australian Cock- roach, Periplaneta australasiae (Fab.) 29 Davidson — An Occurrence of Scudderia furcata furoata Brun- ner, on the Coast of British Columbia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) 31 Foster — Insects Active Throughout the Winter at Vancouver, B.C. Part II: Lists of the Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera .... 32 In Memoriam — George 0. Day 34 Notes 18, 23, 25 List of Members Inside, Front Cover PLATE I. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Vol. 40. Z, fieoJ fg Zron/a/^ang/t'an t //oray Sfcg Su^r’aocso^AaytaZ^an^^on sito #v£o£So/bAtk0So/ '0<7'ro//at7 x/ — y> £ Morale Youn^ Larva ; Carpoca&sa jtct&r/am /3omot?f.//a\ noin ^anqlia and pharynx T^ftZral rig*/ o/" /a drum r ' rece/itor* botst/uf e rvc^x>/« ji £ft/a 7S£t C jf-enjs/7/tt/n cee/ccott/rucnfa /7tr A'eAfr J *30 Mature larva Carf>ocaf>sa. foment Z/cl\ Ma^n^antjlia, white lints denoting proportional size of gan^La and. pharynx to those of ^6uncj larva JnsZar 6* 1 y Trrs^a 7 LARVAE OF CARPOCAPSA POMONELLA— Heriot Entomological Society of British Columbia 3 HOW DOES LEAD ARSENATE PREVENT THE YOUNG CODLING MOTH LARVA FROM INJURING THE FRUIT? 1 A. D. Heriot Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Vernon, B.C. Introduction Information on the behaviour of new- ly hatched codling moth larvae on foli- age and fruit has been given in previous papers from the Dominion Entomological Laboratory at Vernon; Heriot and Wad- dell (1942), Waddell and Marshall (1942), The following account repre- sents an extension of these investigations. The conclusions and inferences are based partly on investigations reported in the literature and partly on original work. Laboratory experiments with lead ar- senate against first instar codling moth larvae have not, as a rule, given the de- gree of control that is generally attained under orchard conditions, although even in the latter case results often leave much to be desired. Nevertheless, lead arsenate still holds a prominent position in the codling moth spray schedule and it continues to be used in the field as the standard of effectiveness for experimental larvicides. Not many years ago, it was sufficient to explain any apparent ineffectiveness of this material as being due to careless spraying. That explanation no longer suffices, since examples of poor control despite thorough application, are now commonplace in the arid or semi-arid apple-growing districts of Western North America. The reason for this lack in control, apart from the possible segre- gation of a race of codling moth resistant to insecticides, may become apparent when a clearer idea is obtained of how and when the action of lead arsenate takes place. Results of Experiments, with Comments The results of experiments bearing directly on the question under discussion, i Contribution No. 2254, Division of Entomology, Science Service Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario. cover the period extending from the time the larva prepares to leave the egg until it enters the fruit. Where figures are given in this brief summary, experiments have been replicated many times-. Where figures are omitted, the evidence is merely suggestive. A heavy residue of lead arsenate on the chorion of the egg failed to prevent the larva from biting its way out during eclosion. This is not surprising as the chorion is generally torn open by the mandibles rather than bitten through, and to correspond with a residue on the fruit, the lead arsenate would have to be on the surface attacked, namely, the inner surface of the chorion. After the larva leaves the egg, it must first locate the fruit and then find a suitable site for entry. On sprayed trees this generally entails crawling over a residue on the apple for 30 minutes to several hours. That this should afford ample opportunity for particles of ar- senical to come in contact with the mouthparts and preoral cavity is indicated by the following experiment: 67 per cent of the larvae that crawled over a residue of finely divided graphite on Bristol board, picked up and sometimes swallow- ed particles of graphite in the space of 5 minutes, notwithstanding the fact that the surface was foreign to the normal environment of the larvae and presum- ably unattractive. All larvae that crawled for one hour over the surface, showed particles of graphite in the ventriculus. On the other hand, when lead arsenate was added to the graphite, only 12 per cent instead of 100 per cent of the larvae were found to have graphite in the ventriculus; furthermore, less graphite was ingested by each larva. It is difficult to account for this difference if lead arsenate re- ad te m 4 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 mained completely insoluble and hence inactive. It seems logical to believe that the arsenical became sufficiently soluble within the preoral cavity to be detected by the larva and that solubility was ef- fected by the secretion of the mandi- bular glands (“saliva”). If lead arsenate in solution is repellent in the case of admixed graphite-lead arsenate, then it is conceivable that ingestion of graphite particles would be reduced and the lead arsenate, at least in particulate form, might be even more strongly rejected. As for solubilized arsenic, the amount inadvertently ingested would appear to be negligible, at least from the stand- point of direct lethal effect, since larvae may crawl over a lead arsenate residue for several hours without apparent in- jury. It was found that larvae were much more reluctant to feed upon apple leaves that had been sprayed with lead arsenate than upon unsprayed leaves. Only 20 per cent of the larvae attacked sprayed leaves after being restricted to these for 15 hours, whereas under similar condi- tions, unsprayed leaves are readily fed upon. Ninety per cent of the larvae that actually fed on sprayed leaves lived for 15 hours or more although some con- sumed as much as 5 square millimeters of leaf. A similarly high percentage of larvae survived after successful entries through a residue of lead arsenate de- posited over a puncture made in the skin of the apple with the point of a dis- secting needle. Experiments at this laboratory indicate that the repellence of lead arsenate res- idue may be so great that a high per- centage of larvae may starve rather than ibite through it, and further, when leaf tissue or apple pulp is consumed the re- pellence of lead arsenate is reduced. On the other hand, when sodium arsenite was substituted for lead arsenate on apples with the cuticle removed, few larvae fed and none entered. Perhaps the degree of acidity of the fruit and leaves is sufficient to maintain lead arsenate in an insoluble condition as it passes quickly into the mouth, while the more soluble sodium compound is not so affected. Investigations show that larvae will consume particulate lead arsenate with food, and in the same way soluble ar- senic may sometimes be ingested. In the case of larvae that fed upon apple pulp treated with sodium arsenite, there soon was a complete cessation of the peristaltic movements of the stomodaeum, although movement persisted for some time in the ventriculus and proctodaeum. When lead arsenate is ingested with food, peristaltic movement appears likewise to be affected though to a lesser degree. Figure 1 shows the normal distribution of food after 5 minutes of feeding on pulp dusted with graphite. Figure 2 shows the distribution of food with graphite plus lead arsenate after 2 hours. In the latter case, as in numbers of others under like treatment, clots of food were held up in the mouth, in the pharynx, and in the crop instead of normally passing on to the ventriculus.* Voskresenskaya, whose work is dis- cussed at some length by Hoskins (1940) records retention of food in the foregut, arising out of the use of sodium arsenite on three different insects, namely, the cutworm, the cabbage worm, and the cricket. She explains this as due to the depressing influence of arsenic on the nervous system governing intestinal move- ment. This produces a relaxation of the sphincter lying between the crop and midgut, presumably brought about by absorption of arsenic in the midgut. Figures 2, however, suggests a relaxation of the muscles of the pharynx governing swallowing, as well as a relaxation caus- ing stoppage in the crop. This condition may be due to lead arsenate breaking down in the stomodaeal fluid. There ap- pears to be no conclusive evidence that the walls of the stomodaeum are im- permeable to substances in water solution. As a matter of fact, their derivation * The crop does not appear to act as a receptacle for storage except when the insect has to be tided over a period of quiescence. Entomological Society of British Columbia § from the ectoderm and the demonstration that the ectoderm in wireworms is per- meable to aqueous solutions of arsenic (Woodworth 1938) may be significant. A symptom of what is regarded as stomach poisoning but which may be this condition of stoppage in the crop, is a clear watery exudation from the anus. A spot of the glistening residue of this excrement near the site of a larval in- jury is generally a sign that the larva responsible for it has died. Regardless however, of the precise manner in which death is brought about by the ingestion of lead arsenate, a most important point from the standpoint of the fruit-grower is that in the majority of cases death by ingestion apparently does not happen soon enough to prevent injury to the fruit. Discussion Acid lead arsenate is only slightly sol- uble in water and there is nothing to suggest that it affects the codling moth larva in the ordinary sense of a contact insecticide. Until the importance of the pH value of the digestive fluids was real- ized, it was difficult to understand how this very stable material could even act as a so-called stomach “poison”. It is now generally assumed, somewhat too readily perhaps, that lead arsenate is ingested and breaks down to liberate soluble arsenic in the alkaline digestive fluids of the ventriculus, absorption then taking place and arsenic passing into the blood stream to pervade the tissues of the body with lethal effect. This sequence of events which often requires a matter of hours or days, is known to occur in some leaf-eating lep- idopterous larvae. These, when feeding on sprayed foliage, swallow the arsenical with their food. The amount of arsenic experimentally administered to such larvae has in some cases, been recovered from the excreta, blood, and tissues. (Voskres- enskaya, as quoted by Hoskins 1940). When restricted to a diet of lead arsenate-sprayed leaves, the young codling moth larva swallows the arsenical with its food. Incidentally, of course, the leaves are injured. But since in the or- chard lead arsenate usually prevents the larva from injuring the fruit even by so much as a sting, it is reasonable to infer that the action of lead arsenate when on the fruit must be different in some respects from its action when on the leaves. Possibly the situation is further com- plicated. Mature larvae, chiefly because of their size, have been generally used for direct "experimentation with stomach insecticides. But as shown in figures 3 and 4 the young larva is not a small edition of later instars. Relatively it possesses a far greater proportion of nerve tissue. Indeed it might be aptly described as a “bundle of nerves” in contrast to the condition obtained in the mature larva. Is it too much to speculate that with such a profound change in anatomy there might go a change in physiology; that the first instar larva might be more susceptible either to the lethal effect or to the repellent effect of a compound such as lead arsenate? If lead arsenate must pass into the ventriculus before it can be broken down, the time required for this and the sub- sequent chain of events leading to death, would apparently allow the larva to cause noticeable injury to the fruit. Un- der favourable conditions, an entry can be effected in 15 to 30 minutes, yet experiments indicate that when unac- companied by food, ingested solids such as graphite, carmine, and lampblack re- quire from 30 to 60 minutes to reach the ventriculus. Therefore, if lead ar- senate is to prevent blemishes, it must exert action prior to arrival in the ven- triculus. It is common knowledge that prelim- inary to feeding, the larva removes and rejects the comparatively tough and dry cuticle of the fruit; actual feeding only taking place when the moist tissues of the cortex are exposed. In the task of penetrating the cuticle, the mouthparts of the larva are engaged in “spitting out” each fragment of cuticle laboriously 6 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 chewed off by the mandibles. This pro- cedure is therefore the very reverse of that accompanying ingestion. The re- moval of the cuticle is a slow process and the amount of effort expended in chewing off each fragment can be measured by the fact that this operation requires from 30 to 40 seconds for its accomplishment and has to be repeated 20 to 30 times to expose the pulp. Dur- ing this time, an arsenical deposit on the cuticle would seem to have an excellent opportunity of encountering the epiph- arynx which is studded with spine-like projections deflected to the rear. With this equipment the labrum as shown in Figure 4, becomes an ideal instrument for removing and retaining a residue in the preoral cavity as each fragment is rejected. Under such circumstances, the deposit would be subjected to unobstructed action of a copious secretion issuing from the highly-developed glands which open at the base of the mandibles (Figure 5) and, as suggested from its alkalinity, this secretion should be capable of breaking down lead arsenate. Granting the presence of suitable chemoreceptors within the preoral cavity as delineated in Figure 6, the larva might come under the influence of soluble arsenic almost immediately an attempt was made to “sting” the fruit. Moreover, since it has been demonstrated by other workers that arsenicals may be distinctly repellent to a variety of insects, it seems reasonable to conclude that re- pellent action may indeed take place in the manner described. According to Ripley and Petty (1932), the greater its repellence the less the likelihood of the toxicant being ingested. Hoskins (1940) reviews recent con- tributions of physiology to insect control. Practically all the experiments discussed are concerned with adult insects or well- developed larvae, and Hoskins points out that susceptibility to toxicants may vary according to age. He refers to the saliva as the first body fluid with which an in- gested substance comes in contact, but goes on to state that “no data showing an effect of insect saliva upon the toxicity of an insecticide seem to have been re- corded.” The only work cited by Hoskins in his wide survey that appears to have a direct bearing on this point is that of Marshall (1939). From colorimetric and potentiometric determinations of the pH values of the digestive fluids of the cod- ling moth larva, Marshall gives the fol- lowing results: neutral or slightly acid in the proctodaeum; approximately pH 8.5 in the veritriculus; and slightly more alkaline in the crop. A statement that regurgitated fluid had a pH value of 9 and over appears to be significant when consideration is given to the fact, that so far as is known, the stomodaeal fluid arises only by intermittent regurgitation from the ventriculus, and from the sec- retions of the mandibular glands. (The labial or true salivary glands in the cod- ling moth larva are given over to the production of silk). If, then, the stomo- deal fluid should be more alkaline than that in any other portion of the aliment- ary canal it is quite possible this condi- tion is brought about by a strongly basic secretion functioning as saliva but eman- ating from the mandibular glands. According to Woodworth (1938), in the case of the wireworm, repellency of an arsenical may be such that none is in- gested even while the insect burrows into an arsenically-treated bait. The wireworm has no salivary or mandibular glands and Woodworth’s statement that arsenicals are repellent in accordance with their solubility is of interest. Woodworth moreover, surmises that sensory control of the mechanism of the mouthparts may account for the rejection of arsenicals by the wireworm. The nature of the sensoria responsible for this is not stated. Dethier (1937) claims that caterpillars in general have a strong sense of taste which is said to reside in the preoral cavity. He identifies no specific gustatory organs. There is the authority of Weber (1933) for1 the supposition that the sen- Entomological Society of British Columbia 7 silla coeloconica or pit-peg sensoria in the preoral cavity could serve as gustatory organs. How these organs are innervated does not seem to be clear. As far as can be determined from the literature, it would appear that in lepidopterous larvae, the seat of olfactory responses lies in the tritocerebrum and that of gustatory re- sponses in the frontal ganglion (Figure 7 ) . Sectioning of grown larvae by the writer did not reveal a connection between the frontal nerve and the epipharyngeal organs. The question arises as to whether sensoria may be innervated in the first instar larvae yet not in later instars. It is hard to conceive of the senses of taste and smell being unconnect- ed with the stomodaeal nervous system. It was demonstrated by Mclndoo (1929) that certain responses to external stimuli are positive in the young codling moth larvae and negative in older larvae. This perhaps, is another way of saying that sense organs that are functional in the first instar may be non- functional at a later stage, a possibility indicated in Figure 6, where one pair of chemorecept- ors of the final instar are vestigial and the other pair are situated some distance from the periphery of the epipharynx. Also to be borne in mind in this connec- tion, is the super-abundance of nervous tissue in the first instar larva. So far as has been determined, it is only when the larva is effecting an entry into the fruit that the fragments of sprayed cuticle are held in the preoral cavity for an appreciable length of time. When the larva rejects these fragments some of the residue may be retained in the preoral cavity and the “saliva” may thus have an opportunity to> bring into solution a sufficient amount of arsenic to stimulate the sensoria of the epiph- arynx. As noted earlier, it is believed that these sensoria initiate an avoidance response. Although repellent action may appear to explain how lead arsenate prevents the larva from injuring the fruit, it by no means follows that lead arsenate is never ingested without food or that when it is ingested with food, it does not injure the larva. If the “saliva” is capable of breaking down lead arsenate on the threshold of the mouth, it should be equally capable of acting as a solvent when lead arsenate is conducted into the foregut. With regard to ingestion without feed- ing, Marshall (1937) draws attention to the aggregations of particles of lead arsenate picked up by the larva in wand- ering over a residue and suggests a pos- sible relationship between particles ad- hering to the mouthparts, and ingestion. He demonstrates that these aggregates as- sume greater proportions on oily than on non-oily deposits. Experiments with inert dusts indicate that some of these accumu- lations adhering to the mouthparts may be forced into the buccal cavity when the larva attempts an entry. It is not known whether repellent particles are in- gested in the same way or whether the larva is deterred from even attempting an entry under such circumstances. But apart from repellent or toxic action, Marshall, Strew and Groves (1939) have shown that a residue of zinc oxide, presumed ineft, may exert a definite in- fluence on control evidently by physical or mechanical means. A concluding word regarding the ap- parent ineffectiveness of lead arsenate despite thorough application: In laboratory experiments with larvicides it has been customary to use 10 or more larvae per apple. Smith (1926) used as many as 25 larvae per apple. Recent research has suggested that the use of such numbers of larvae may lead to erroneous con- clusions. One or more larvae may par- tially remove the cuticle with its residue before becoming impotent, and other larvae may then exploit these preformed sites of attack in safety, to effect entries. Repeated experiments have shown that approximately half the larvae individually applied to apples are able to find a single minute puncture made with the point of a dissecting needle, even when the larvae 8 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 is deposited on the opposite side of the fruit to that on which the puncture is situated. Accordingly, it appears to be likely that in the orchard, larvae fre- quently and with success avail themselves of the attempted entries of predecessors. This may be a reason why inverted spray mixtures with their heavy deposits are better than non-in verted mixtures; why no residue other than one having a high contact value can be entirely effective; and why difficulty of control seems to increase more than proportionately as larval populations become greater. Summary Several ways are discussed in which a residue of lead arsenate may prevent young codling moth larvae from injuring fruit. Certain types of residue involving oils have been demonstrated to exert an influence on control by their physical or mechanical characteristics alone, but lead arsenate-casein-lime residue may owe its effectiveness chiefly to its repellent qual- ities. Repellence is indicated by the reluct- ance of the larva to attack sprayed leaves and fruit; it appears to be at a maximum when the larva is removing the cuticle of the fruit prior to feeding. This task involves the “spitting out” and rejection of sprayed particles, a procedure which in part because of the structure of the labrum may result in some of the residue being retained in the preoral cavity. The strongly alkaline fluids present in the preoral cavity are believed to react quick- ly with acid lead arsenate and cause liberation of soluble arsenic. When sol- uble arsenic comes in contact with sen- soria situated on the epipharynx, an avoid- ance response may be at once initiated. Direct toxic action by ingestion seems to be the exception rather than the rule. Experiment suggests that it is doubtful if the various processes incident to sys- temic poisoning can take place with suf- ficient rapidity to prevent serious blem- ishes to the fruit. The ordinary lead arsenate-casein-lime residue appears to become progressively less effective as a repellent as the larval population in an orchard becomes greater. This effect seems to result from the ability of the larvae to discover and to exploit previous attempted entries. Acknowledgments — The writer is much in- debted to Dr. J. Marshall for his help with regard to both the subject matter and ar- rangement of this paper. His published re- sults have been freely used. Both Professor G. J. Spencer and Mr. J. J. de Gryse have been helpful in comments on the anatom- ical and physiological data involved and it was Mr. W. A. Ross who suggested the pub- lication of these studies. Literature Cited Bickley, W. E. 1942. On the stomodaeal nervous system of insects. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am, 35 (3) 1343-354. Dethier, V. G. 1937. Gustation and olfaction in lepidopterous larvae. Biol. Bull. 72 (1): 7-23. Heriot, A. D., and D. B. Waddell. 1942. Some effects of nutrition on the development of the codling moth. Sci. Agr. 23 (3) : 172-175. Hoskins, W. M. 1940. Recent contributions of insect physiology to insect toxicology and control. Hilgardia 13 (6) : 307-386. Marshall, J. 1939. The hydrogen ion concentration of the digestive fluids and blood of the codling moth larva. Jour. Econ. Ent. 32 (6) : 838-843. 1937. Inverted spray mixtures and their development with reference to codling moth control. Wash. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 350. — , G. Strew, and K. Groves. 1939. The influence of physical characteristics of arsenical deposits on codling moth control. Proc. 34th Ann. Meeting, (1938), Wash. State. Hort. Assoc., p. 133-139. Mclndoo, N.E. 1929. Tropisms and sense organs of Lepidoptera. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 81, 59 p. Ripley, L. B., and B. K. Petty. 1932. Possibilities of controlling wattle bag worm with insecticidal dusts. South African Jour. Sci. 29: 544-561. Waddell, D. B., and J. Marshall. 1942. The calyx spray in codling moth control. Sci. Agr. 22(7) :413-418. Weber, H. 1933. Lehrbuch der Entomolgie, pp. 293-296. Gustav Fischer, Jena. Woodworth, C. E. 1938. The reactions of wireworms to arsenicals. Jour. Agr. Res. 57 (3): 229-238. Entomological Society of British Columbia 9 A NOTE ON MITES (ACARINA) AND ASPERGILLUS (FUNGOUS) IN BALED MOULDY HAY G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. In January of this year I received from a point in the lower Fraser Valley, an ounce vial of hay debris which was swarming with mites of several species; on the bottom of the vial were large numbers of very small, yellow bodies, globular in shape and of varying sizes. The message accompanying the hay stated that the sample came from baled hay which had been sold rather widely in the immediate vicinity and the farmers using it were greatly troubled over the effects of it on their cattle. Shortly after eating the hay the animals became af- flicted with violent fits of coughing which became so serious that after three days this fodder was changed for another supply but it was three or four days longer before the coughing subsided. There seemed no intestinal disturbance or diarrhoea but the coughing was so violent tha the discharge of faeces from the cattle plastered the walls of the barns directly behind the cattle stalls. Farmers and two veterinary surgeons called in for consultation declared they had never seen anything like these attacks. I promptly sent the sample of hay and the mites to the Dominion Entomologist with a plea for identifications and sug- gestions and he turned them over to Dr. H. H. J. Nesbitt of the Division of En- tomology. Dr. Nesbitt returned me the following list of nine species of mites from that small sample of hay: Acarus siro L. ( Tyroglyfhus jar'i- nae) Atricholaelafs sp. (near A. glasgowi Ewing) Cheyletus eruditus Latr. Cheletomorfha venustissima (C. L. Koch) Ctenoglyfhus (Glycifhagus ) flum- iger ( Koch ) Glycifhagus cadaverum Schr. Sieulus sp. (near *S. f l u m i g e r Oudms.) Tyrofhagus dimidiatus dimidiatus (Herm) Scirus sp. Some of these mites are vegetable feeders and some are parasitic upon the others. Acarus siro L. is the almost uni- versal grain and flour mite; genus Cheyletus according to Banks, “contains many species; a number have been found on the skins of birds where they doubt- less feed on the parasitic analgesid mites. They are very small (about 0.5 mm in length), live freely, and prey upon other mites and small insects. They seize the prey with their big palpi, insert the mandibles and suck it dry. Some have thought that there must be poison glands in the palpi, since the prey ceases move- ment very soon after capture.” “The genus Glycifhagus does not appear to be as common in this country as in Europe; possibly owing to their minute size they have not been collected. One species oc- curs on seeds. The original species of the genus and some others have been found in sugar. The mites sometimes spread to the hands of those handling such ma- terials and produce a skin disease known as “grocers itch.” (I reported the occur- rence of this mite causing “grocers itch” in a store in Nanaimo before this Society last year. See Proc. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col. 39; 23. October, 1942). The other species of this list were apparently feed- ing upon the moulds in the hay or upon the fermenting hay itself. Nesbitt remarked that he doubted whether any of the mites could have caused the effects which were reported from the cattle. And he continues: “You will notice, however, that we found the little sulphur-coloured fruiting bodies of an Asfergillus sp. Strasburger et al. in 10 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 their text book of Botany, 1912, say that some species of Aspergillus are pathogenic to man and other mammals and that Aspergillus fumigatus which lives in fer- menting heaps of hay at a temperature of 40°C. causes mycosis of the external ear, throat and lungs. The suggestion is very strong that Aspergillus was the cause of the bovine trouble. That the hay has been mouldy at some time is evident from the fact that there was such a large population of Acarid mites and by the additional fact that spores of another mould Mucor sp. were found.” Now the fungus genus Aspergillus contains a large number of species which are widespread, occurring in soil and on straw, grain and vegetable matter. The species in general grow best at rather high temperatures, 35°C. to 40°C. (Henrici) (4). This condition would obviously occur in fermenting, mouldy hay as was the sample submitted. Dodge (2) lists 33 species of the genus which have been reported in various parts of the world as being pathogenic to human beings, laboratory animals and to birds. Several species are reported’ as occurring in the human ear, others as growing in human nails and one snecies described in France, in the lungs of an ass. Of these 33 species, the one at first sight appearing likely to fit our case is' Aspergillus fumi- gatus Fresenius (with 5 synonyms) re- ported from various countries in Europe and from New York State. This is the commonest species isolated from cases clinically resembling tuberculosis of the lungs in which Mycobacterium tuber- culosis has not been found. It apparently causes severe epizootics in birds and is less fatal in man, not reaching epidemic proportions. It is pathogenic for labora- tory animals (Dodge) (2). In these pathogenic records, however, fungus in one form or another was re- covered from the tissues or sputum of affected animals, indicating an actual growth in the bodies concerned. In the instance under discussion here, the effect may have been induced in either one of two ways: (1) the simple ingestion of vast numbers of perithecia affecting the nervous system probably the vagus nerve, inducing violent contractions of the dia- phram with consequent coughing; or (2) which is more likely, the mouldy hay was heavily infected with actual spores in addition to the small, yellow, globular perithecia and these spores, on being inhaled during feeding, induced irritation of the lungs and respiratory passages and produced the coughing. Under the circumstances it is quite possible that a non-pathogenic species of Aspergillus was concerned, since the violent symptoms in the cattle cleared away within a few days after the mouldy hay was removed. It would seem, how- ever, that the species is not common, otherwise the symptoms of distress in the cattle would have been frequently re- ported in the past, since the feeding of mouldy hay in this Province is by no means unusual. Acknowledgments — I am greatly indebted to Dr. H. H. J. Nesbitt of the Division of En- tomology, Ottawa, for identifying the mites and determining the fruiting bodies of Aspergillus and to Dr. F. Dickson and Mr. J. A. Rattenbury of this University, for the loan of literature. References 1. Banks, Nathan... 1915. The Acarina or mites. Government printing Office, Wash- ington, D.C., Report No. 108. 2. Dodge, Carrol William. 1935. Medical mycology. C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis. 3. Ewing, Henry Ellsworth. 1929. A manual of external parasites. Chas. C. Thomas, Springfield, 111. 4. Henrici, Arthur. 1939. The biology of bacteria. D. C. Heath and Co., New York. 5. Strasburger, Eduard. 1912. A text-book of botany. IV Ed. by W. H. Lang. Mac- millans. Entomological Society of British Columbia 11 PHENOTHIAZINE AS A CODLING MOTH INSECTICIDE Ben Hoy District Inspector, British Columbia Department of Agriculftire, Kelowna, B.C. Phenothiazine (thiodiphenylamine), an organic insecticide, was first brought into prominence as a control for codling moth by E. J. Newcomer of the U.S. Bureau of Entomology, in 1936. (Phenothiazine, a promising new insecticide for codling moth control. Wash. State Hort. Assoc., Proc. 32nd. Ann. Meeting, p. 119-120. 1937). In 1937 the British Columbia Department of Agriculture in coopera- tion with the Dominion Entomological Branch conducted spraying trials with phenothiazine in the Hart orchard at East Kelowna and the Ramsay orchard at Okanagan Mission. 1 According to the manufacturers, the material used in these tests contained a wetting agent, so nothing was added at the spray tank. Control, as Table 1 in- dicates, evidently was not as satisfactory as with arsenate of lead. Table 1. Codling Moth Infestation at Harvest, 1937 Material per 100 gal. Per Cent of Fruits Stung Wormy Ramsay Orchard Phenothiazine 2 lb. 13.4 21. Arsenate of lead 3.2 “Fluxit”* 0.25 lb. lb. 15.6 5.1 Hart Orchard Phenothiazine 3 lb. 2.5 7.5 Arsenate of lead 3.2 “Fluxit”* 0.25 lb. lb. 1.5 2.5 * Proprietary spreader containing casein and hydrated lime. In 1938 spraying tests were con- tinued in the Hart orchard and pheno- thiazine was used in the same concentra- tion as arsenate of lead. Both plots re- ceived arsenate of lead for the first three cover sprays. One of the plots received phenothiazine for the last two cover sprays while the other received the lead arsenate. The infestation at harvest is shown in Table 2. 1. The late A. A. Dennys of the Dominion En- tomological Branch assisted in applying all sprays and checking apples in 1937 and 1938. Table 2. — Codling Moth Infestation at Harvest, 1938 Material per 100 cal. Per Cent Stung of Fruits Wormy Phenothiazine 3.75 lb. 3.0 2.2 Arsenate of lead 3.75 lb. 6.3 2.4 “Fluxit” 0.25 lb. Used at the same concentration as lead arsenate, phenothiazine gave equal control of worms, and a considerable re- duction in the number of stings. Results in 1937 and 1938 applied equally to McIntosh, Stayman, Winesap, and De- licious. It was concluded that phenothi- azine was as effective as lead arsenate for codling moth control when applied in comparable amount and uniformity. Be- cause of high cost of material and pres- sure of other work, phenothiazine was omitted from our spraying experiments during 1939 and 1940. Field trials in 1941 and 1942 were conducted in the Keloka orchard at East Kelowna, in a mature McIntosh Red orchard 2. Even at reduced concentration micron- ized phenothiazine with stove oil and soap gave codling moth control equal to the standard spray schedule of arsenate of lead and cryolite in 1941 and better in 1942. Owing to heavy flocculation of pheno- thiazine in the spray tank some trouble was experienced in applying the mixture in the 1941 trials. In the last application 0.5 oz. casein and 4 oz. hydrated lime were added per hundred gallons. No further trouble was experienced and a heavy uniform deposit on the fruit and foliage resulted. The better cover ob- tained by the addition of casein-lime throughout 1942 undoubtedly was re- sponsible for the improvement in control. 2. These trials were conducted in cooperation with the Dominion Division of Entomology, Vernon. As- sistance was given by Dr. J. Marshall with spray formulae and by members of the Branch in apply- ing the spray and checking apples. 12 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 Table 3. — Codling Moth Infestation at Harvest, 1941 and 1942 Material per 100 gal. 1941 [ 4 Sprays arsenate of lead J “Fluxit” 2 Sprays “Alorco” synthetic cryolite l “Fluxit” {3 Sprays arsenate of lead as above 3 Sprays micronized phenothiazine Monoethanolamine oleate Stove oil 3.3 lb. 0.2 lb. 3.75 lb. 0.2 lb. ' 1.8 lb. 0.5 lb- 0.25 gal. 1942 Arsenate of lead and cryolite as in 1941 J Phenothiazine as in 1941 throughout the season except arsenate of lead in calyx spray Per Cent of Fruits Stung Wormy 9.8 10.9 5.6 9.8 1.8 3.5 .9 1.4 No check was made for differences in size or color of fruit between the pheno- thiazine and standard schedule plots, but general observation throughout the season and at the time of examining the fruit at harvest revealed no marked differences. Superiority in this regard lay, if anything, with the phenothiazine. An undesirable feature of phenothiazine is that it causes irritation of the skin similar to sunburn. The lips are particularly affected. In 1941, girl thinners working in Keloka orchards the day following spraying had to be removed because of irritation to arms and face. Men thinners were not affected. PREVENTION OF FRUIT DEVELOPMENT AND ITS EFFECT ON THE SURVIVAL OF THE CODLING MOTH H. Andison 1 and H. H. Evans 2 In recent years considerable attention has been given to the possibility of spray- ing apple trees to destroy the blossoms without causing other injury. This pro- cedure has been undertaken for the fol- lowing purposes: (1) to eliminate a por- tion of the crop and so overcome the al- ternate bearing habit, (2) to thin the crop and so increase the size of the fruit left on the tree, and (3) to control cer- tain orchard insects, particularly the cod- ling moth. The practice of blossom re- moval by spray applications has been referred to as “deblossoming”, a term which will be used here because it is con- cise and expressive. 1. Agricultural Assistant, Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Vernon, B.C. 2. District Field Inspector, Provincial Horticul- tural Branch, Vernon, B.C. Review of the Literature As yet, few definite recommendations have been made on deblossoming sprays. Holbeche (1941) found that 2 per cent “cresol” or 3 per cent tar-oil gave the most satisfactory results in removing an unprofitable crop. Gardner et al. (1939) in endeavoring to thin the apple crop by spraying at bloom period, used at 0.25 per cent to 0.5 per cent concentration, a commercial petroleum oil spray contain- ing 4 per cent 2, 4-dinitro-6-cyclohexyl- phenol. The treatments were effective and appeared to cause no permanent in- jury to Duchess, Wealthy and Ontario apple trees. Results of five seasons’ ex- periments by Shepard (1939) showed that 2 per cent cresylic acid and 3 per cent tar-oil were effective in destroying the blossoms of Beach, Champion, Willow Twig, York and Jonathan varieties and Entomological Society of British Columbia 13 there was no indication of persisting in- jury. Read (1941) found that 1 per cent cresylic acid gave the best results. Un- satisfactory results were obtained by Auchter and Roberts (1933) using lime sulphur, copper sulphate, sodium nitrate, sodium polysulphide and zinc sulphate. Magness et al. (1939) experimenting with 2,4-dinitro-6-cyclohexylphenol and tar oil showed that one application com- pletely killed almost all the blossoms oh Winesap, Delicious and Grimes. One year’s observation by Harley and Moore (1940) indicated that 2 per cent tar oil applied at the rate of 60 to 70 gallons per tree during late cluster-bud stage re- sulted in 96 per cent blossom removal on Delicious, Winesap, King David and Stayman. Since it has been commonly felt that early removal of the crop would at least reduce the population of the codling moth to a very low level, it seems logical to assume that deblossoming sprays might be useful in controlling this insect. The literature on the subject suggests that the value of bloom-killing sprays in codling moth control would depend upon ( 1 ) the percentage of the larvae that live two winters before emerging as moths and (2) the importance of fruit to survival of the codling moth. Regarding the possibility that this in- sect may remain in the larval state for two winters, Y others and Carlson (1941) during the period July 6 to November 10, 1939, found thousands of larvae still alive in their cocoons in the soil at or near the base of apple trees bearing prac- tically no crop. As some of these speci- mens were observed before many of the “first brood” larvae had left the fruit on adjacent trees, it was concluded that they must be non-transforming larvae remaining from the previous (1938) sea- son. The possibility that these larvae may have matured on other tissue than fruit is not mentioned. Brodie (1906) re- ported that a few codling moth larvae which cocooned July 1905, remained un- changed October 1906 and stated that “moths would not emerge from these until the spring of 1907.” Whether or not he succeeded in rearing the moths during 1907 is not known. Survival of a very small number of “two-year” larvae was noticed by Hammar (1912), Siegler and Brown (1928), and Longley (1921), but none of these workers suc- ceeded in rearing moths from them. Wakeland and Rice (1932) report that “a few individuals studied required more than a year to complete their life cycle,” but no data are included to support this statement. Thus as far as can be learned from the literature, there is no conclusive proof that codling moth larvae may sur- vive two winters and subsequently per- petuate the species. The second important point in con- sidering the usefulness of crop removal measures in codling moth control is to know whether or not this insect can com- plete its life cycle in the absence of fruit. In the laboratory, Heriot and Waddell (1942) and Speyer (1932), were suc- cessful in rearing moths from larvae fed on leaves alone, but the moths derived were unusually small, short-lived speci- mens, and produced no eggs. Hall (1928) also succeeded in rearing larvae to maturity on apple leaves but they failed to pupate. Under field conditions, Mar- shall (1940) observed that large numbers of larvae developed to maturity on a caged Benoni apple tree from which the crop was removed. Newly-hatched larvae, not finding any fruit, fed on fruit buds and spurs, sap shoots, leaf bases, new breaks in twigs and small branches (4- year old wood), enlargements caused by the feeding of woolly aphids, and leaves alone. Hundreds of these larvae matured and entered bands on the tree trunk in the fall but Marshall does not say wheth- er or not they pupated the following spring. Spur-burrowing in Anjou and Bose pear fruit spurs by codling moth larvae is reported by Gentner (1940) as a common occurrence in Rogue River Valley, Oregon. The young larvae bur- row into fruit spurs with fruit attached, 14 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 during both the first and second brood periods. Larvae were found to complete their development and transform to moths but their capability for producing fertile eggs is not mentioned. Although it is probable that the codling moth can per- petuate the species in the absence of fruit, this point apparently has not yet been established with certainty. To determine the feasibility of re- moving an apple crop by chemicals and to determine further the value of such a procedure in control of the codling moth, co-operative projects were under- taken by the British Columbia Depart- ment of Agriculture and the Vernon Laboratory of the Division of Entomo- logy, Dominion Department of Agri- culture. Experiment on the Killing of Apple Blossoms On April 29, 1942, a block of 121 Jonathan and Grimes’ Golden trees at Okanagan Centre was sprayed in the pink stage when many blossom clusters were not separated. A portable two-gun sprayer regulated at 500 pounds pressure was used. Disc apertures were 7/64 inch. The block of trees was divided into six plots which were sprayed with the fol- lowing materials: Table 1. Plots and Spray Materials Used in Apple Deblossoming Experiment. Materials per 100 Plot Imperial gallons Amount of spray per box capacity of tree 1 “Dowspray Dormant” (i) 1.0 gal. 0.25 gal. Lignin pitch (2) 4.0 oz. 2 “Dowspray Dormant” 1.5 gal. 0.25 gal. Lignin pitch 4.0 oz. 3 “Dinitro Dry” (3) 1.2 lb. 0.75 gal. Oil - 117 S.S.U., 64% U.R., (Mid - continent 1.0 gal. crude) Lignin pitch 4.0 oz. 4 “Dinitro Dry” 1.8 lb. 0.75 gal. Oil -117 S.S.U., 64% U.R., (Mid-continent 1.5 gal. crude) Lignin pitch 4.0 oz. 5 “Dinitro Dry” 1.8 lb. 0.75 gal. Oil - 245 S.S.U., 62% U.R., (Calif, crude) 1.5 gal. Lignin pitch 4.0 oz. 6 “Dinitro Dry” 1.8 lb. 0.75 gal. Lignin pitch 4.0 oz. (0 “Dowspray Dormant” Manufacturer’s analysis: dormant oil 100-110 S.S.U. (Mid-continent crude) and 2,4-dinitro-6-cyclohexylphenol 4 per cent by weight. (2) “Copacite”, a by-product of the calcium bisul- phite paper making process. (3) “Dinitro Dry” Manufacturer’s analysis: 4,6-di- nitro-ortho-cresol 50 per cent, inert material [ben- tonite?] 50 per cent. Examination of these plots on May 14, showed that the trees in plots 1 and 2, which were lightly sprayed with 2,4- dinitro-6-cyclohexylphenol - oil mixture, had less than 20 per cent of the blossoms killed and only a small amount of foliages' injury. Trees in plots 3, 4, 5 and 6, which received a thorough spray application of 4, 6-dinitro-ortho-cresol either alone in water or with oil, had 80 to 95 percent of the blossoms killed. At the same times, however, a considerable number of fruit spurs were killed, so for blossom-removal the treatments appear to be too radical. Since the lightly sprayed trees in plots 1 and 2 were evenly thinned without serious spur damage, further work with dinitrophenol derivatives is planned by the British Columbia De- partment of Agriculture in order to determine if chemical thinning is prac- ticable. Experiment- on the Effects of Blossom Removal on Codling Moth Infestation the Following Year To determine the value of deblossom- ing sprays in codling moth control an experiment was commenced at Oyama, B.C., during 1941. About one-half acre of 20 to 30-year old McIntosh, Wealthy, and Delicious apple trees, some 300 yards from the nearest orchard, was sprayed in the pink stage with a 2 per cet emulsion of high-bcling, neutral tar oil. Emulsification was accomplished by lignin pitch. The centre McIntosh blos- soms were just opening, but the Delicious and Wealthy blossom clusters were not all separated, so in view of evidence in Entomological Society of British Columbia 15 the literature, the spray was probably applied somewhat too early for best results, with these varieties. Application was thorough, approximately one gallon of spray being applied per box of fruit that the trees were capable of bearing. About 90 per cent of the blossoms were killed by the spray. During June, fruits which set were removed by hand before any first generation larvae had matured. Dropped fruits were also collected and destroyed. As far as could be determined, no worms developed in apples in this block of trees in 1941. Nevertheless, after half an hour’s examination by three men on April 17, 1942, 7 larvae and one pupa were found beneath bark scales near the base of the trees. This material was caged in the laboratory and 7 moths emerged from it during the following May and June. While it is probable that these moths developed from two-year-old larvae, there is yet a possibility the larvae developed during the previous season (1941) on the trees' devoid of fruit. The trees were not sprayed in 1942 and when examined at harvest, the light crop was found to be heavily infested. Fruits on McIntosh, Wealthy and De- licious trees were 65, 85 and 90 per cent wormy respectively. The infestation may not have resulted entirely from hiber- nating larvae in the treated orchard for it is possible that moths immigrated from surrounding infested orchards. The main point is that although crop removal was more thorough than would have been ac- complished by most growers, it did not prevent a ruinous attack by codling moth the following year. Accordingly, deblos- soming or other means of crop removal apparently cannot be considered a pro- cedure worthy of recommendation for control of this insect in a two-generation area such as the Okanagan Valley. Per- haps, however, it may be found feasible to employ a deblossoming spray under certain circumstances as a supplementary control measure. Summary Results from deblossoming sprays may vary greatly according to variety of apple, climate, date of application and thor- oughness of spraying. A pink spray of 2, 4-dinitro-6-cyclohexylphenol with oil emulsion, or 4, 6-dinitro-ortho-cresol either alone in water or with oil emulsion, destroyed a considerable number of fruit spurs when used at concentrations high enough to produce satisfactory kill- ing of Jonathan and Grimes’ Golden apple blossoms. Low concentrations of these substances, however, evenly thinned the crop without obvious spur injury. So far no chemical has been demonstrated capable of completely destroying apple blossoms without the likelihood of serious injury to fruit spurs. In codling moth control the import- ance of deblossoming sprays or other means of crop removal appears to depend on the percentage of larvae in an orchard that live two winters before emerging as moths and upon whether or not the codling moth can survive on tissue other than fruit. Deblossoming McIntosh, De- licious and Wealthy apple trees with a tar-oil spray and subsequent removal of any developing fruit did not prevent heavy infestation by codling moth the following year in a two-generation area of the Okanagan Valley. Literature Cited Auchter, E. C., and J. W. Roberts. 1933. Experiments in spraying apples for the preven- tion of fruit set. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., Proc. 30:22-25. Brodie, W. 1906. Parasitism of Carpocapsa pomonella. Ent. Soc. Ont., 37th Ann. Re- port, p. 5-15. Gardner, V. R., T. A. Merrill and H. G. Petering. 1939. Thinning the apple crop by spray at blooming: a preliminary report. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., Proc. 37: 147-149. Gentner, L, G. 1940. Spur-burrowing habit of the codling moth larvae on pear trees. Jour. Econ. Ent. 33 (5) : 796-799. 16 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 Hall, J. A. 1928. Six years’ study of the life history and habits of the codling moth. Ent. Soc. Ont., 59th Ann. Report, p. 96-105. Hammar, A. G. 1912. Life history studies on the codling moth in Michigan. U.S. Bureau Ent., Bui. 115, Pt. 1, p. 83-84. Harley, C. P., and J. E. Moore. 1940. Preliminary studies on the effect of tar-oil spray for the prevention of fruit set in apples. Wash. State. Hort. Assoc., Proc. 35: 47-48. Heriot, A. D., and D. B. Waddell. 1942. Some effects of nutrition on' the development of the codling moth. Sci. Agr. 23 (3): 172-175. Holbeche, J. A. 1941. Blossom removal sprays. Australian Agr. Gazette, 1941. p. 108-109. Longley, L. E. 1921. The codling moth in the Payette Valley. Idaho Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 124, 27 p. Magness, J. R., L. P. Batjer and C. P. Harley. 1939. Spraying apples for blossom re- moval. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 37: 141-146. Marshall, G. E. 1940. Some newly discovered habits of the codling moth. Jour. Econ. Ent. 33 (1) : 200. Read, R. H. 1941. Blossom killing sprays for apple crop restriction. Jour. Agr. Victoria (Australia) p. 428-430. Shepard, P. H. 1939. Spraying apples for the prevention of fruit set. Missouri Fruit Exp. Sta., Circ. 28, 27p. Siegler, E. H., and L. Brown. 1928. Longevity of the codling moth larva. Jour. Econ. Ent. 21 (2) : 434. Speyer, W. 1932. Can the codling moth develop on leaves alone? (Trans, title). Arb. Biol. Reichsanst. Land u. Forstw. 20 (2) : 183-191. (Cited in Exp. Sta. Record 69 (6): 831). Wakelaaid, C., and P. L. Rice. 1932. Codling moth life history in southwestern Idaho. Idaho Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bui. 10, 56 p. Yothers, M. A., and F. W. Carlson. 1941. Orchard observations of the emergence of codling moths from two-year-old larvae. Jour. Econ. Ent. 34 (1): 109-110. CRYOLITE VERSUS LEAD ARSENATE FOR CONTROL OF CODLING MOTH J. Marshall Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Vernon, B.C. In 1939, cryolite was recommended for late codling moth spray applications in the interior of British Columbia. The purpose of the recommendation was to avoid heavy deposits of lead arsenate. A number of growers who have not ac- complished satisfactory control of the codling moth since that time have blamed cryolite for their failure. Their distrust of cryolite has been increased by the ap- pearance of the diluted spray mixture, as it resembles muddy water rather than * Contribution No. 2221, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa, Canada. * Reset and reprinted, with slight changes, from "Country Life in British Columbia” [Vernon, B.C.] 27 (2): 23 April 1943, through the kindness of Charles A. Hayden, Editor and Manager. spray material. Then too it leaves a less obvious deposit than lead arsenate. But the chief reason for unfavorable opinion results from the time of application, since it is more difficult to prevent cod- ling moth entries during July when cryolite is used than during May and June when lead arsenate is applied. Furthermore, for every larva attempting to enter the fruit in May or early June, there may be twenty-five or more at- tempting to enter in July and August. A review of the investigations that serve as a basis for the cryolite recommenda- tion will therefore be timely. First it will be well to examine some of the work that has been done with cryolite in the neighboring state of Wash- ington. This is summarized in Table I. Entomological Society of British Columbia 17 TABLE I Codling Moth Infestation Following Use of Cryolite and Lead Arsenate In Washington State Per Cent Infested Fruit or Worms per 100 Fruits Year Cryolite Lead Arsenate Reference 1928-9 24.7 (Fish oil sticker) 24.1 (2 yr. ave.) Newcomer & Carter 1932 28. (Fish oil sticker) 34. (2/3 cone, only) Webster et al. 1935 7.2 (Non-inverted oil mixture) 5.8 (inverted oil mix) Unpub. records, Wash. Exp. Sta. 1936 24. (Non-inverted oil mixture) 12. (inverted oil mix) Unpub. records, Wash. Exp. St a. 1937 8. (Inverted oil mixture) 14. (inverted oil mix) Marshall et al. 1938 74. (Inverted oil mixture) 121. (inverted oil mix) Marshall et al. In the Washington investigations, which were continued intermittently from 1928 to 1938, cryolite and lead arsenate gave approximately similar results on four occasions; cryolite appeared the more effective twice, while lead arsenate appeared the more effective once. The differences are such as might occur in separate experimental plots sprayed with same material, since with inverted mix- tures in particular, the nature of the solid insecticide is by no means the only factor that plays an' important part in the effectiveness of the resultant spray residue. For example, in 1936 the cryolite particles in the oil-cryolite-soap mixture remained water-wetted, while the lead arsenate particles in the corresponding lead arsenate mixture became oil-wetted. The lead arsenate gained greatly in ef- fectiveness thereby. In British Columbia, cryolite was first compared with lead arsenate for codling moth control by B. Hoy of the British Columbia Horticultural Branch, Kel- owna, in 1936. A great deal of work has been done with it since that time. In the British Columbia experiments, all infestations were recorded as per cent wormy fruit. In no instance was there a pronounced difference in the results from the two materials. Reduced to averages, the infestations are: cryolite 6.1 per cent and lead arsenate 5.7 per cent infested fruit. Granting the suspicion with which averages should be viewed, the difference is no greater than would be expected if in each instance both plots had been sprayed with the same material. With one exception casein-lime spreader was the adjuvant. It is worth mentioning that trees at East Kelowna, sprayed with cryolite- casein-lime throughout the season were, at the end of the third year, no more heavily infested than the adjoining trees sprayed with lead arsenate-casein-lime each season. There has been some speculation as to whether synthetic cryolite of United States manufacture and natural cryolite are equally effective. These materials have differed somewhat in fluorine con- tent. An investigation of effectiveness was conducted at East Kelowna and the records are assembled in Table III. TABLE II. Codling Moth Infestation Following Use of Cryolite and Lead Arsenate in British Columbia* Year Per Cryolite Cent Infested Fruit Lead Arsenate 1936 1 1 1938 2 1 1939 16 17 1940 9 9 1940 13 12 1941 9 10 1942 4 3 1942 5 4 1942 3 2 1942 8 6 1942 1 3 1942 5 4 1942 2 2 1942 8 6 * Figures for 1936 and 1938 from unpublished records, B. Hoy, B.C. Dept, of Agriculture, Kelowna; the remainder from records of the Dominion En- tomological Laboratory, Vernon. 18 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 TABLE III. Comparison of Effectiveness of Natural Cryolite and Synthetic Cryolite Year Per Cent Infested Natural Cryolite Fruit* Synthetic Cryolite 1940 9 13 1941 9 22 1942 4 1 1942 3 2 1942 5 5 1942 8 8 1942 2 2 1942 3 3 1942 12 7 * The first seven comparisons from the records of the Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Vernon; the last two, from unpublished records of B. Hoy, B.C. Dept, of Agriculture, Kelowna. Nine direct comparisons are available from this work. With three exceptions, one of which favors one product, two the other, differences are slight to nil. Averaged infestations, i.e., 6.1 per cent wormy fruit for natural cryolie and 7.0 per cent for synthetic cryolite, support the opinion that there is no essential dif- ference in the effectiveness of the two products. The probable reason for the much higher infestation of the synthetic cryolite plot in 1941 was the greater population in this plot resulting from the high infestation of the previous season, when other spray materials had been used. Summary (1) Extensive investigation in Wash- ington and British Columbia under arid or semi-arid conditions, has indicated that cryolite and lead arsenate are for prac- tical purposes, equally effective in cod- ling moth control. This holds whether the two compounds have been used with oils or with casein-lime spreader. (2) Natural cryolite and synthetic cryolite have proved equally satisfactory. Literature Cited Marshall, J. K. Groves and H. Fallscheer. 1938. Cryolite in codling moth control and a new procedure for its application. Proc. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. 34:123-131. Newcomer, E. J. and R. H. Carter. 1930. Fluorine compounds as substitutes for lead arsenate in control of the codling moth. Proc. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. 26:73-76. Webster, R. L., J. Marshall, C. E. Miller and T. R. Hansberry. 1932. Fish oils' spreaders and non-arsenicals for codling moth control. Proc. Wash. State Hort. Assoc. 28:48-64. Note on Trachoma falciferella Wlshm. ( Lepidoptera : Plutellidae ) This insect was not uncommon on orchard trees some years ago but is comparatively scarce today, owing no doubt to the heavy applications of arsenicals used for codling moth control, which have had a repressive effect upon a number of orchard pests. Choke cherry (Primus demissa Nutt.) is its native host. Larvae were taken at Vernon, B.C., in 1931, feeding upon the terminal growth of apple and pear. The leaves are partially skeletonized and drawn together with a few silken threads to form a frail nest, within which the caterpillars remain concealed until they are disturbed. They then become exceedingly active and move over the leaf surface in a series of rapid snake-like motions. Mature larvae measure 11-12 mm. in length, and are strongly fusiform in out- line. The general colour is pale green tinged with yellow. Head pale with no markings. Dorsum pale green, with the intersegmental areas yellowish. There is a well-defined, narrow, whitish line on each side of the dorsum; these lines commence on the second thoracic segment and continue to the anal segment. Thoracic feet pale brown; prolegs concolorous with venter; the anal prolegs are extended at a wide angle with the body when the larva is at rest. Eleven larvae which pupated between May 16 and June 13, produced adults from July 9 to 19. The pupa is formed within a silken cocoon composed of two parts: an exterior web of filmy construction and open texture, within which is a smaller case containing the pupa. The pupa, which is pale green in its earlier stages, becomes pallid and trans- parent prior to the emergence of the adult. — E. P. Venables, Vernon, B.C. Entomological Society of British Columbia 19 THE ENIGMA OF TICK PARALYSIS J. D. Gregson Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. Introduction The object of this paper is to bring to- gether observations on a series of tick paralysis experiments that have been con- ducted at the Livestock Insect Laboratory of the Dominion Department of Agri- culture, Science Service; to compare them with the forms of tick paralysis that oc- cur in other countries, and by these com- parisons to clarify our impressions re- garding the true nature of the disease. These experiements, often negative and at times apparently producing contradic- tory results, at least do emphasize the fascinating mystery of one of British Co- lumbia’s main livestock pests, the wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni Stiles. Tick paralysis in British Columbia is a flaccid ascending motor paralysis that may be produced in livestock or humanr by the feeding on them of one or more female ticks of the species D. andersoni . The symptoms do not occur until about the sixth day after the tick has attached, and progress from then on until the tick drops off replete, or is removed, after which there is usually a rapid recovery within half to two or three hours- Death may ensue if the respiratory center be- comes paralysed before the tick leaves the host. Tick paralysis also occurs in Australia, where man, sheep, dogs, pigs, cats and poultry have been reported by Ross (1935) as victims of Ixodes holocyclus Neumann, and in South Africa, where sheep have been recorded by Rensburg (1928) as having been paralysed by Ixodes pilosus Koch. Clark (1938) has also recorded paralysis in the same host, caused apparently by the African tick Rhipicephalus evertsi Neumann. In Yugo- slavia, Mlinac and Oswald (1936) 1. Contribution No. 2260, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. (1937) have described tick paralysis in ruminants, the vectors being Hyalomma aegyftum L. (Neumann), and Boophilus calcaratus balanicus (Minning). The symptoms produced by these foreign species are in a general way similar to those of the disease in this province. In America the disease is confined almost entirely to the ranching areas of British Columbia, and although the causative tick is just as abundant in southern Alberta as well as in Montana and other states to the south, tick paralysis is relatively scarce there. Although considerable speculation on the etiology of American tick paralysis has been advanced, the fundamental cause of the symptoms still remains as much of a mystery as ever. It would seem that no theory attempting tt> explain tick paralysis has been put forward without arousing conflicting evidence. Theories As to Cause of Paralysis Briefly and in ord,er of their probable validity, the main theories as to the cause of paralysis are here set forth. 1 . Paralysis of the nervous system hy a toxin introduced by the feeding tick. This is the most generally accepted theory. It is substantiated by the fact that there is an almost immediate recovery following the removal' of the tick, pos- sibly due to the cessation of further in- jections of toxin. Also in support of this theory, assuming that Australian tick paralysis is similar to the British Colum- bia form, are the experiments conducted by Ross (1935). He found that the salivary glands of Ixodes holocyclus , ground and injected into mice, produced symptoms similar to those caused by the ticks feeding on dogs. . The Australian disease, however, differs from that in Canada in that the paralysis appears to be more often fatal, and according to Ross (1934) may not even become ap- 20 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 parent until after the causative ticks are removed. Opposed to the toxin theory are the facts that not all British Colum- bia ticks appear to be capable of pro- ducing paralysis, and that animals capable of being paralysed by a single tick under ideal conditions can tolerate several dozen fast feeding ticks with no ill effects — a number that surely would inject far more poison than the most virulent in- dividual tick. Ross (1935) makes no mention of holocyclus varying in its power to produce paralysis, other than stating that dogs were less frequently paralysed by large numbers than by single females. This would probably be due to individual resistance in the animals, for it would appear from his infesting ex- periments with laboratory animals that the symptoms of paralysis become in- creasingly severe with heavier infestations. 2. Infection of host by some tick-borne agent. This is suggested by the fact that only ticks in certain territories (British Co- lumbia as compared with Montana for example) and of these, only certain in- dividuals, apparently are capable of pro- ducing paralysis; and by the fact that a six day period, resembling an incubation period, elapses between the time when the tick attaches and the onset of paralysis. In the dozens of observations made at this laboratory, paralysis has never been observed in which this period is less than six days, or more than eight. In the case of Australian tick paralysis, this period may be shortened to four days. Rensburg (1928) in South Africa also observes the fact that only certain ticks are cap- able of producing paralysis. He states “one is inclined to accept the theory that an infected tick produces paralysis in an animal by slowly injecting into it a nar- cotic poison which was obtained by the tick in some way or other before it got on to that animal.” Mlinac and Oswald (1937) in Yugoslavia, have succeeded in killing guinea pigs by injecting them with crushed and filtered eggs of the European paralysis-producing tick, B. calcaratus balanicus. These experiments, but for the fact that the egg emulsions did not contain pathogenic organisms, might have suggested the passage of an infective agent through the eggs of ticks. As it is, the results appear similar to the more recent findings in America where it has been discovered by Gregson (1941) and by Steinhaus (1942) that the eggs of D. andersoni contain elements that are toxic to guinea pigs. Opposing the infection theory is the rapid recovery upon the removal of the tick. 3. Mechanical injury to host by tick feeding over nervous system. This theory is widely credited by ranchers who have observed that ticks usually congregate along the spines of paralysed animals. Unfed ticks being negatively geotropic naturally gravitate to this region, but it is well known as pointed out by Mail and Gregson (1938) that paralysis may ensue when the causa- tive tick is attached to any part of the body. Discussion Discussing the first and most logical theory as to the cause of tick paralysis, it seems fairly evident that under certain conditions a female wood tick is able to inject a toxin into the blood stream of the host which will paralyse its motor nerves. It would also appear that this toxin is injected only immediately prior to the repletion and subsequent dropping of the tick, being perhaps some form of regurgitated fluid, or possibly a glandular secretion to aid in the release of the tick’s mouth parts. Incidentally, it is not under- stood yet how a tick, so firmly attached to its host by its immovable hypostome teeth, is able to release itself at will when replete, or even before repletion as hap- pens when the host dies and becomes cold. The paralysing toxin probably is readily destroyed by the host, which would ac- count for the rapid abatement of paraly- sis when the tick is removed. It may even be possible that the host is some- times sufficiently resistant to cope with Entomological Society of British Columbia 21 the toxin and thus escape paralysis en- tirely. This would obscure the fact that the tick might have been potentially cap- able of producing paralysis. While, as stated, paralysis usually is produced only by ticks on the verge of repletion, there are records of ticks only half or one third engorged having caused the symp- toms. There is even a record of a lamb being paralysed when a close examination revealed no other ticks than a male. Ross (1935) in Australia, killed mice by injecting them with crushed salivary glands of I. holocyclus . These experi- ments were repeated in the Kamloops laboratory with D. andersoni but the re- sults were not the same. Even when several times as many glands as used by Ross were dissected from fast feeding ticks (frozen at the time of removal from host to prevent any possible de- terioration of a labile toxin) and in- jected intravenously and subcutaneously into mice and lambs, and intraspinally into puppies, the results continued nega- tive. Similarly abortive have been the attempts to produce paralysis in lambs by injecting into them the crushed bodies of ticks that have been known to have pro- duced paralysis. The latter injections were made alongside other engorging females in case some causative virus was dependent upon the simultaneous presence of tick venom in the host animal for its survival. That only certain ticks appear to be capable of producing paralysis is demon- strated by the fact that often a series of ticks, feeding at the same time, may not paralyse an animal. The theory of ac- quired immunity does not detract from this observation, since on several oc- casions the feeding of numbers of ticks on previously uninfested lambs, which obviously would have no such immunity, has produced no paralysis. Moreover, in British Columbia one attack of paralysis does not necessarily produce an acquired immunity to subsequent attacks. Ross (1935) tates that the Australian tick I. holocyclus may produce an acquired im- munity, but that it is not inherited. Such a resistance has been produced experi- mentally in guinea pigs against early stages of Dermacentor variabilis by Trager (1939) and in fitches and guinea pigs against I. texanus and D. andersoni by Gregson (1942). Whether an inherited immunity to- wards D. andersoni exists is debatable. It is the common belief of ranchers in Brit- ish Columbia, as quoted by Mail (1942), that animals exposed for several years to attack by ticks do build up an immunity, so that later ticks attacking such animals do not feed so readily. Indirectly this may lessen the chances of paralysis by eliminating fast, feeding ticks, A slowly built up and inherited immunity might explain why wild deer, mountain sheep and moose, though often heavily infested, never appear to be paralysed by ticks. Such an inherent resistance however, may not be wholly responsible for the slow feed- ing rate of certain ticks, as is shown by tests made on Vancouver Island sheep, untouched for generations by ticks, and on which a dozen of these parasites, in July, were unable to feed rapidly. Individual host susceptibility to ticks has been noted on a few occasions. In one series of infestations fifteen of six- teen ticks engorged in seven days on one lamb, while the average feeding period on six other lambs was nine days, with fifty per cent of them dying before re- pletion. Ross (1935) has also noted a variation among hosts and states that cer- tain individual dogs are more resistant to holocyclus than others. Nevertheless, although the condition of the host may play a part in the varying rate of tick feeding, it is also a definite fact that a large degree of these varia- tions are due to the tick. This has been demonstrated in experiments by Gregson (1937) where specimens of andersoni were observed to feed at different rates in close proximity, on the same host. It would thus appear from the fore- going remarks that certain ticks, and only certain ticks, are capable of pro- 22 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 ducing paralysis; and that these are usually fast feeding individuals. The condition necessary for this rapid feeding seems to be physiological, and either in- herent, or produced in the tick by ex- ternal stimuli. Since in the unfed condi- tion potential paralysis producing ticks cannot be distinguished from harmless ones, an attempt was made to approxi- mate the percentage of virulent ticks in a locality where paralysis normally oc- curred. Fifty week-old lambs each were infested with a pair of ticks from the same vicinity. The experiment was a failure, in that none of the ticks fed fast and no paralysis resulted. Nevertheless, a week later, ticks of the same stock all fed rapidly and paralysed the lamb upon which they were caged. The lamb was from the same farm as the previously infested stock. The weather, slightly warmer at the time of the second in- festation, could hardly account for this difference in feeding, as experiments have shown that varying external temperatures have no effect on the feeding rate of ticks on sheep. It was thought that per- haps very young lambs might have been more resistant to ticks and thus have ac- counted for the slow feeding rate on the fifty lambs, but similar tests a year later on ten ewes and their twin lambs showed the parasites to feed no more readily on adult sheep than on lambs. Perhaps the greatest hope of progress towards an understanding of the primary cause of tick paralysis lies in the fact previously stated that this disease as a rule is produced only by fast feeding ticks. One observation may prove significant and afford a clue, and that is the pro- gressive inability of ticks in British Co- lumbia to feed readily with the approach of mid-summer and fall. This phenom- enon which, as shown by Gregson (1937), appears to be due to an inability on the part of the tick to produce suf- ficient disturbance within the host tissues to liberate an adequate blood supply, will probably be found to be closely connected with Some climatic condition. Gregson (1938) noted that when ticks were sub- jected to increasing doses of ultraviolet light, their feeding powers were stimu- lated. Smith and Cole (1941) conclude from their recent experiments that the length of day is an important factor in controlling the activity of hibernation of larvae and nymphs of D. variabilis , that long photoperiods are more favorable to activity than short ones, and gradually increasing photoperiods more favorable than gradually decreasing ones of even greater absolute length. Rowan (1929) has shown that the length of light-day has an important effect on the physiology of birds. Similar light experiments on tick hosts, in which sheep were subjected to decreasing photoperiods, have shown, however, that any effect produced in them does not influence the feeding rate of the tick. Nor, according to Carrick’s (1940) experiments with hedgehogs, does there appear to be any relation between the ticks’ feeding rate and the presence or absence of sex hormones in the blood of the host. This theory has been suggested by MacLeod (1932) and by Rowan and Gregson ( 1935). Bruce ( 1925) states that it is claimed that more cases of paralysis develop when there is an extreme range between the maximum and minimum temperatures, and suggests that this might induce a healthier appetite in the gorging female. At the Rock Mountain laboratory of the U.S.P.H.S., it has been noticed also that ticks feed more readily when subjected to a series of cold temperatures prior to infesting. Thus temperature as well as light — and perhaps even humidity and other con- ditions not yet understood — may enter into the picture of tick behaviour, and these even may not act as stimuli until they are varied from their usual intens- ity in such a way as to disturb the rhythm of the individual. Considering how nebulous is our conception of such possible forces produced by fluctuations or gradual changes of external conditions, and regarding the apparently contradictory Entomological Society of British Columbia 23 nature of the etiological evidence of tick mental mechanism of this disease is most paralysis, it will be seen that the funda- intricate and perplexing. Literature Cited Bruce, E. A., 1925. Tick Paralysis. Jour. American Vet. Med Assoc. 68 (2) : 1-15. Garrick, Robt., and W. S. Bullough, 1940. The feeding of the tick, Ixodes ricinus L., in relation to the reproductive condition of the host. Parasitology 32 (3) : 313-317. Clark, Richard, 1938. A note on paralysis in lambs caused apparently by Rhipicephahis evertsi. Jour. S. Afric. Vet. Med. Assoc. 9 (3) : 143-145. Gregson, J. D., 1937. Studies on the rate of tick feeding in relation to disease. Proc. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col. 33: 15-21, 2 figs. , 1938. Notes on some phenomenal feeding of ticks, idem. 34: 8-11, 1 un- numbered pi. (=p. 11). , 1941. The discovery of an ixovotoxin in Dermacentor andersoni eggs. idem. 37: 9-10. , 1942. Host immunity to ticks (Acarina). idem. 38: 12-13. MacLeod, J., 1932. Parasit. 24: 382. Mail, G. Allen, 1942. Tick control with special reference to Dermacentor andersoni, Stiles. Scientific Agric. 23 (1): 59-67. Mail, G. Allen, and J. D. Gregson, 1938. Tick paralysis in British Columbia. Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. 39: 532-537. Mlinac, F. and B. Oswald, 1936. Preliminary studies on the poisonous properties of the species of ticks occurring in Yugoslavia. Yugoslav Vet. Jour. 8. , 1937. Preliminary studies on the poison contained in the eggs of the tick Boophilus calcaratus balanicus (Minning) tested on guinea pigs. Arhiva Vet. 7: 277-298. (Translated titles). Rensburg, S., 1928. Tick paralysis in sheep. Farming in South Africa. Reprint No. 18, March, 1938. Ross, I. C., 1934. Period elapsing between attachment of tick and onset of symptoms. Austral. Vet. Jour., October, 1934, p. 182. , 1935. Tick Paralysis: A fatal disease of dogs and other animals in eastern Australia. Council for Sci. & Ind. Res. 8 (1) : 8-13. Rowan, Wm., 1929. Experiments in bird migration. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 39 (5) : 151-208. Rowan, Wm., and J. D. Gregson, 1935. Winter feeding of the tick Dermacentor andersoni, Stiles. Nature, Lond., 135: 652. Smith, Carroll N., and Moses M. Cole, 1941. Effect of length of day on the activity and hibernation of the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say). Ann. Ent. Soc. of Amer. 34 (2): 426-431. Steinhaus, Edward A., 1942. Note on a toxic principle in eggs of the tick, Dermacentor andersoni Stiles. U.S. Pub. Health Rep. 57 (35): 1310-1312. Trager, Wm., 1939. Further observations on acquired immunity to the tick Dermacentor variabilis Say. Jour. Parasitology 25: 137-139. The Weevil Auletobius congruus (Walker) a Pest of Strawberries In May, 1940, Mr. C. R. Barlow, Provincial District Field Inspector, drew my attention to serious damage being done to a straw- berry patch at Salmon Arm, by a small dark weevil. Specimens of this insect were sent to Mr. W. J. Brown, of the Division of Systematic Entomology at Ottawa, who identified them as Auletobius congruus (Walker) . An examination of the patch on May 18 showed some damage over about four acres; on half an acre about 35% of the blossoms were destroyed. The weevils were seen to cut into the base of the blossoms, causing the flowers, to wilt and die. The owner of the patch had never seen this beetle on his strawberry plants before and it has not appeared since. Examination of the available literature shows no refer- ence to this weevil as a strawberry pest, and its sudden appearance in injurious numbers in 1940 may be of interest. Pro- fessor G. J. Spencer has found adults feed- ing on the flowers of a native buttercup, Ranunculus sp., on the hills near Aspen Grove, B.C. — E. R. Buckell, Field Crop Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. CULICOIDES GIGAS R. & H. AT VER- NON, B.C. (Diptera:Ceratopogonidae). This species was recorded from the Kamloops district by Curtis (1941. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 37:19). At dusk on May 7, 1942, the flies were common at a small pond on the hill above Goose Lake, and adjacent to Gartrell’s mine. They settled on the neck and arms, but did not bite. Specimens were identified by Mr. A. R. Brooks of the Divi- sion of Entomology at Ottawa. — Hugh B. Leech. 24 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 SOME RECORDS OF LONG-LEGGED FLIES FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. In the course of collecting all orders of insects for the University of British Columbia over a period of 17 years, a number of families in various orders have now reached the point where there are enough specimens to constitute at least a skeleton list, upon which further collecting will hang a representative pic- ture of species for this Province. A start has to be made sooner or later and when even a fragmentary list is available, it serves as an incentive for special col- lecting in that particular direction. I hope to be able to put out several of these preliminary lists each year from now on- wards if I can get the material identified, although it seems a hopeless task for a lone worker to undertake. Even if such lists serve little purpose at the moment, they may stimulate some other members of this Society to adopt any family and to specialize in it. The Dolichofodidae or Long-legged flies (not long-headed flies as Curran has them in his priceless monograph of the Diptera of North America) are mostly metallic-green, smooth flies, usually less than one-third of an inch in length, which are predaceous on smaller insects. Cell M and 1st M2 are not separated by a cross vein and there is almost always a bend in vein M1 towards R4+5 before it straightens out to reach the margin of the wing: this bend in M1 is a good family characteristic. The genitalia of* the males is often adorned with long appendages ' which flutter pennant-like behind while the in- sects are in flight. These flies frequent the edges of woods or bodies of water; some species of the genus Dolichofus frequent spray-dashed rocks; the species of Hydrofhorus occurs on the surface of small pools and on mud flats; those of Hercostomus occur chiefly on foliage, and species of Neurigona are found on tree trunks, chiefly of smooth-barked trees (Essig, and Curran). The tall grasses fringing alkaline pools and little lakes of the cattle ranges of the Dry Belt are good collecting sites for these flies, chiefly species of Dolichofus. The list that follows is based on 132 flies, all, except two, of my collecting. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Fred C. Harmston of Logan, Utah, now Capt. F. C. Harmston of the Malaria Control Programme, Indianapolis, Indiana, for volunteering to identify these flies for me, especially in view of the fact that he undertook the work in the midst of his military duties and returned the speci- mens within ten days after receiving them; every collector who undertakes the identification of insects in the midst of his other duties will fully appreciate what this involves. Dolichopus plumipes Scop. — Nanaimo Nicola. D. bruesi Van D. — Sidney, V.I., Summer- land. D. nigricauda Van D. — Kamloops. D. robertsoni Curran — Chilcotin. D. renidescens M & B — Kamloops, Chilcotin. D. obcordatus Aid. — Nicola, Kamloops, Chil- cotin. D. occidentalis Aldr. — Departure Bay (Nan- aimo), Vancouver. D. idahoensis Aid. — Nicola. D. adaequatus Van D. — Kamloops, Chilcotin. D. maculitarsis Van D. — Kamloops. D. conspectus Van D. — Chilcotin. Hercostomus tristis Lev. — Tofino, V.I H. metatarsalis Thom. — Chapman. Neurigona sp. — Chilcotin. Melanderia mandibulata Aldr. — Skidegate. Scelus monstrosus O.S. — Tofino, Nicola, Kamloops, Chilcotin. S. avidus — Nicola. Scelus sp. — Chilcotin. Hydrophorus breviseta Thom. — Royal Oak (Victoria) , Summerland. Rhaphium sp. — Nicola, Rhaphium sp. — Summerland, Kamloops, Chilcotin. Parasyntormon occidentalis — Chilcotin. There are apparently 2 new spp. of Rha- phium. Entomological Society of British Columbia 25 About 2,000 species of this family have been named to date. This prelim- inary list for nine localities of this Prov- ince includes twenty species in eight genera — the number of species being one- hundredth of the world’s total. Without doubt further collecting, purposely for this family, will greatly add to this total, which shows that the D olichopodidae are very well represented in British Colum- bia. RECORDS OF SOME FLIES AND WASPS COLLECTED AT ROBSON, B.C. (Diptero: Tabanidae; Hymenopt-era) Harold R. Foxlee Robson, B. C. The following species were all col- lected by me at Robson, B.C. I am in- debted to Dr. L. L. Pechuman for identi- fying the Tabanidae, and to Mr. H. D. Pratt for the names of the Hymenoptera. DIPTERA Tabanidae Tabanus haemaphorus Mart. — 30. VII. 39. Tabanus laniferus McD. — 21. VIII. 37 ; 24. VII. 38; 20. VII. 39. Tabanus procyon O.S. — 29. IV. 39; 21. IV. 40; 7. V. 40. ’ Tabanus rhombicus var. rupestris McD.- — 26. VII. 39. Stonemyia calif ornica Big. — 10. VII. 37. Silvius gigantulus Lw. — 25. VI. 37. C hr y sops pertinax Will. — June to Sep- tember. Chrysops excitans Walk. — 29. VI. 40. HYMENOPTERA Ichneumonidae Trogus fulvipes Cress. — June 11, 12. Hoplismanus pad ficus Cress. — June 24. Crypf-inae Acrorcius excelsus Cress. — July 16; Aug. 6. Echthrus vancouverensis Brad. — - April 24; May 23. Cryptus altonii D. T. — May 24; Aug. 20. Pimplinae Rhyssa alaskensis Ashm. — July 9. Rhyssella nitida Cress. — June 19. Coleocentrus occidentals Cress. — July 9. Xorides harringtoni Roll. — Aug. 13. Lissonota brunnea Cress. — Sept. 7. Cylloceria occidentalis Cress. — Oct. 5. Deutero xorides borealis Cress. — Aug. 9. Pimpla pedalis Cress.— April 1 1 ; Oct. 22. Itoplectis obesus Cush. — Oct. 22. Apechthis picticornis Cress. — Sept. 2. Perithous pleuralis Cress.— July; August; September. Tryphoninae Diplaxon pulchripes Prov. — Oct. 22. Ophioninae Campoplegidea vitticollis Norton. — Oct. 22. Thenon morio Fab. — June; July. Cidaphus occidentalis Cush. — July 2. Aulacidae Neaulacus occidentalis Cress. — May 30; July 13. Odontaulacus editus Cress.— May; June; July. Pristaulacus montanus Cress. — July 2. MARATHYSSA INFICITA WALKER AT OLIVER, B.C. (Lepidoptera: Phalaenidae) . Mr. E. Peter Venables found an outbreak of this species in July, 1942. The only pre- vious British Columbia record in the liter- ature available is for Lillooet, without mention of a host plant. On July 17 the chunky green cater- pillars, close resembling sawfly larvae, were taken on sumac bushes (Rhus glabra) along the highway 4 miles north of Oliver. At the time only a few specimens were pres- ent, but there must have been thousands a little earlier, as for miles the sumacs were almost stripped of leaves. The caterpillars were given to the Forest Inset Survey unit, and identified by M. W. C. McGufRn of Ottawa. — Hugh B. Leech. 26 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS OF BEETLES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Lathridiidae, Chrysomelidae. Curculionidae).* Hugh B. Leech Dominion Forest Insect Laboratory, Vernon, B.C. Heloffiorus nitidulus LeConte. This little black species may be separated from others in the genus by the almost straight sulci on its smooth, inflated pronotum. It was described from Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior, and is known from Indiana and Manitoba. British Columbia specimens before me are: Salmon Arm, 1 male from an ephemeral pond in the woods, 7. V. 39, and a pair from Norton’s pond, 24. V. 39 (Hugh B. Leech); Nation River area, 1 male, 25. VI. 40 (Geof. B. Leech). Ludius glaucus Germar. These blackish click beetles occurred in thousands on the flower heads of a species of Lufinus at Vernon, B.C., during late May and early June, 1942. They were eating the buds and partially opened flowers, hol- lowing out irregular cavities in the sides and ends. In 1911 (Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 1:9) Venables reported this species at Vernon (as Corymbites inflatus)y noting that the beetles congregated on lupine stems, and that they damaged new- ly planted fruit trees by eating out the buds in early summer. Brittain (op. cit. 2:14. 1913) also mentioned damage to young apple trees, as did Ruhmann (7: 8. 1915). Chrysofhana flacida LeConte. In our “Proceedings” 27:6-10, issued March 1931, G. J. Spencer gives 7 records of beetles emerging from prepared timber in buildings. The following note adds another species to the list. At Salmon Arm, B.C., on April 5, 1932, a fresh hole was noticed in the outer wall of the north end of my father’s barn. Careful digging disclosed *Contribution No. 2245, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. a live flacida , which had almost gnawed its way out from the pupal burrow. The barn was built of seasoned Douglas fir lumber in 1920, and was painted that year or the next. Cartodere ruficollis Marsham. Taken in 1932 at Salmon Arm, B.C., where it was common on the north end of my father’s barn. The species was first found on Feb- ruary 28, by which date various small beetles were coming out of hibernation, and a few such as C ercy ony flying. On April 5 the Cartodere were most numer- ous in the hayloft, where they were crawling on the floor in a dust of crushed alfalfa leaves and seeds. A single specimen had one elytron white, the other black as usual. Donacia idola Hatch. This species was described from Chase Lake, a sphagnum bog in Snohomish County, Washington (1939. Pan-Pacific Ent. 14 (3) :1 1 0- 112). On July 19, 1931, I took a series of idola on grasses and sedges around a pond on Seymour Mountan, a few miles from Vancouver, B.C. The pond is in a meadow beside the cabin built by mem- bers of the Alpine Club of Canada. Chrysolina vidua Rogers. Adults, eggs, and larvae in all stages, were common on a wild aster ( Aster multiflora Ait. Det. Prof. J. Davidson) along the Common- age road at Vernon, B.C. during the first half of June, 1942. No host plant was listed by Van Dyke, in his review of the nearctic species (1938. Bui. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 33 (2): 45-58). Baryfeithes fellucidus Boheman. The first British Columbia record for this little weevil was from Victoria, B.C., 1936, by Harry Andison and W. Downes (see Brown, Canadian Ent. 72(4) :67). In June 1941 I found the adults common on mature strawberry fruits in a small Entomological Society of British Columbia 27 garden at 504 James St., Vernon, B.C. The beetles are 3 to 3.75 mm. long, shiny piceous or rufescent, with antennae, legs and abdomen reddish ; the dorsal vestitute is long and sparse. Easily separ- ated by its smooth, evenly punctuate pro- notum, from the larger Brachyrhinus ovatus L. Gymnetron tetrum Fab. This squat little gray-haired weevil is common on mul- lein (V erbascum) in the eastern United States and Canada, and also in parts of Europe and Siberia. It has been reported from eastern Washington. I have found it numerous at Vernon (1940) and Osoyoos (1941). In winter and early spring the adults may be found hiber- nating under the rosette of basal leaves on dead mulleins; the larvae are said to live in the seed pods. SOME FOOD PLANTS OF LEPIDOPTEROUS LARVAE. List No. 9 J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones Cobble Hill, B.C. An asterisk (*) denotes that the species has been mentioned in these lists previ- ously, and that the information now presented is either additional, or is an amplification of what has already been reported. Records in this list are supplied by the author. Rhopolocera * Basilar chia lorquini burrisonii Mayn. Hardhack (Sfiraea douglasii Hook.). Heterocera * A cronict a ( Afatela ) funeralis G. & R. Willow (Salix scouleriana (Hook.) Barr.), ornamental species of willow, Carolina poplar, and garden species of plum. * A cronict a illita Sm. English oak (Quercus robur)y alder (Alnus rubra Bong.), and ornamental crab apple ( Pyrus malus floribunda ) . * A cronicta radcliffei Haw. Hyslop crab apple and garden species of plum. * A cronicta distans dolorosa Dyar. Alder ( A Inus rubra Bong. ) . * Amfhidasis (Lycia) cognataria Gn. Ocean spray (Sfirea discolor Pursh.). * Halisidota maculata angulijera Wlk. Hardhack (Sfiraea douglasii Hook.), June - berry (Amelanchier florida Lindl.), willows (Salix hookeriana Barr., Salix scouleriana (Hook.) Barr.). * Hyfhantria textor Harr. Willow (Salix lasiandra Benth.). * Malacosom disstria erosa Stretch. Alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). * Malacosoma fluvialis Dyar. Wild cherry (Prunus emarginata Dough). * N adata gibbosa oregonensis Butl. Span- ish chestnut (Species of C astanea) . * Pheosia fortlandia Hy. Edw. Willows (Salix lasiandra Benth., Salix hooker- iana Barr., Salix scouleriana (Hook.) Barr.), poplar (P of ulus trichocarfa T. & G.), and aspen (P of ulus trem- uloides Michx.). *Pseudothydtira cymatofhoroides Gn. English hawthorn ( Crataegus oxya- cantha L.), and garden species of plum. Scoliofteryx libatrix L. Willows (Salix' lasiandra Benth., Salix scouleriana (Hook.) Barr.), black poplar (Pof- ulus trichocarfa T. & G.), lombardy poplar. * Schizura unicornis A. & S. English hawthorn ( Crataegus oxyacantha L.), garden species of plum. 28 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 FIELD OBSERVATIONS ON THE FOREST TENT CATERPILLAR, MALACOSOMA DISSTRIA VAR. EROSA STRETCH George A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. The following account is based on field notes made in the course of a Prov- incial Museum field trip in the vicinity of Lac la Hache, Caribou District, Brit- ish Columbia. A very noticeable feature of the land- scape was the devastation wrought by the forest tent caterpillar on the deciduous trees and shrubs. The extent of the ter- ritory affected was not fully determined. My notes record evidence of its work from 100 Mile House to Williams Lake, a distance of over 60 miles along the highway. Side trips that took us off the main road always revealed its presence, so that it is probable that the outbreak extended laterally for an equal distance, an area of at least 50 square miles*. The aspen trees (Pofulus tremuloides Michx.) were completely defoliated with only isolated exceptions. When no aspen leaves were left the hungry hordes then attacked the adjacent shrubs, willow, alder, birch, dogwood and rose. The odd spectacle of roses apparently suspended in mid-air became a common one, for the blossoms were left untouched. One of the willows, Salix exigua Nutt., presented a strange combination of juvenile and adult characters in the leaves. In the young stage the leaves are silvery pubes- cent, becoming glabrate in age. When the old leaves were consumed by the caterpillars, the plant put forth a second- ary growth so that the silver and green were side by side in those instances where the older leaves still remained. A notice- able exception was seen in the bushes of the buffalo berry, Shefherdia canadensis Nutt., and the silverberry, Elaeagnus ar- gentea Pursh., which though growing * Mrs. Elsie Bowyer reported from Salmon Valley, about 15 miles north of Prince George, B.C., that in 1942 tent caterpillars were extremely numerous, and invaded her young orchard “in two-feet wide streams from several directions, in the manner of army worms.” Ed. with the other herbage attacked, were completely ignored by the caterpillars as a food substance, though freely employed as a support for their cocoons. According to reports of the local inhabitants, the preceding year, 1941, witnessed an even more severe attack. At the height of the outbreak the fence posts and wires were continuous sheets and ropes of caterpillars. Their crushed bodies made the railroad metals at times too slippery to permit the locomotive wheels to obtain traction. By June 24, 1942, the date of our arrival in the vicinity, the caterpillars were nearly all fully grown; already the bare wintry look of the aspen trees was rendered still more striking by the clusters of white cottony cocoons that covered every twig, giving a very effec- tive simulation of snow, especially when viewed against a background of sombre fir trees. The cocoons were by no means confined to the food plants; everything in the neighborhood supported them. Juniper, fir and even the buffalo berry bushes were laid under tribute for their support, not to mention our tent and personal belongings. For the first few days the full-fed larvae were wandering everywhere, into and over everything, a steady stream continually ascended table, chair and other legs; even the surface of the lake bore numerous wriggling caterpillars, extending in some places far out from shore. Many never reached the cocoon-spinning stage, as a result of at- tack by parasites either bacterial or insect in origin; scores of empty larval skins were draped over the bushes or flattened on the tent roof and other objects in the vicinity. At the beginning -of July, an unusual and increasing number of Brewer’s black- birds and bluebirds were noticed in the aspen wood near which we were en- Entomological Society of British Columbia 29 camped, particularly at dawn and dusk. At the same time quantities of large yel- low dipterous maggots were found in and among our pots and pans. This dis- covery gave a clue to the intermittent tattoo that had been heard on the tent roof during the night and early morning. Investigation proved the sound to be due to these maggots falling from the cocoons spun up in the over-hanging branches. Further observation led to the discovery that the blackbirds and blue- birds were feeding on the abundant and easily procured maggots before they could burrow out of sight into the ground for pupation. The blackbirds were occasion- ally seen to rip open a cocoon, possibly having first seen a maggot wriggling to get out, as no evidence was obtained to prove that they were deliberately con- suming the pupae of the moth. A census was taken of the cocoons in order to ascertain what percentage con- tained parasitized pupae or larvae. One hundred were gathered at random and carefully examined and recorded. While it is obvious that one count cannot be taken as conclusive evidence for the whole district, it gives an idea as to what might be expected. Forty- four cocoons contained parasitized larvae, each in- habited by from one to five maggots of various sizes. Twenty-six pupae were parasitized in like manner. Thirty pupae were free of large dipterous maggots, although some of them were very feeble and lifeless. Summed up, the result of examination demonstrated that in the case of those caterpillars that spun cocoons, 44 per cent were unable to pupate, 26 per cent contained parasites after reaching the pupal stage and the remaining 30 per cent appeared to be normally healthy al- though in a varying degree of vigour. Unfortunately no adults were reared from the pupae which were retained hence no figures are available as to the final effect of parasitism. Examination of cocoons in situ showed many of them with the round escape holes of the ma- ture dipterous larvae, others bore evid- ence of being ripped open by the black- birds, as previously observed. Several adult dermestid beetles were taken or seen flying about the camp and while the preserved skins of drying mam- mals and birds no doubt had something to do with their presence, there is the possibility that they were attracted by the large numbers of dead and rotting Malacosoma larvae. ON THE OVIPOSITION HABITS OF THE AUSTRALIAN COCKROACH, PERIPLANETA AUSTRALASIAE (FAB.) G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. During the last week in November some years ago a firm of local grocers sent me a gravid Australian cockroach. The roach was placed in a glass-covered beech wood rearing box about \4-"x\0" x3”; the box already contained a few domestic crickets with their food and shelter. It was observed for a few minutes daily during the next three months and its habits recorded; the fol- lowing notes are extracted from these records : Dec. 1. 10 a.m. carrying a partly ex- truded egg pod which was fully ex- truded by 12:30 p.m. Dec. 3. Still carrying the egg pod. Dec. 5. Pod deposited on the floor and later the same day partly devoured by the roach or by the crickets. Dec. 7. 2 p.m. A 2nd pod was just ap- pearing so the roach was removed to an- other similar cage which was butted up against a radiator for heat, and supplied 30 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 with a variety of powdered cereals, water from a partly plugged vial lying on the floor of the cage, and dried lean meat. Beyond a small tent-shaped piece of paper, there was no cover in the box. Dec. 8. The egg -capsule started the previous day had been deposited on the floor and had been eaten out by the roach which had probably eaten the previous one also. Dec. 17. a.m. A 3rd capsule had been deposited overnight and had been com- pletely covered in one corner of the box with shreds of wood fibre which the roach had torn off the smooth, dry, hard side of the box, and had cemented to- gether with salvia. This gouging of fibres from the planed wood showed greater strength and sharpness of man- dibles than one would expect to find in a cockroach. The cage was supplied with a petri dish of water with a flat wad of cotton batting in it to provide moisture. Cover for the insect was added in the form of a number of muddy grass roots with chopped-off stems and leaves. Dec. 20. 10 a.m. A 4th ootheca just appearing. In the past 3 days the roach had twice covered up the 3rd pod with tufts of grass roots and had twice un- covered it again. The humidity in the cage was at saturation point. By 5:30 p.m. the 4th ootheca was almost com- pletely extruded. Dec. 24 From 1 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. carry- ing a 5th egg pod which was a light red colour instead of the usual dark brown. Dec. 26. Either the 4th or 5th pod had been eaten so the remaining one was re- moved to another cage to see if the eggs would hatch. They did not. Dec. 28. A 6th pod had been laid over- night and covered with a sloping shelter alongside the paper shelter, of grass and roots. Jon. 2. A 7th pod was banked up in a sort of lean-to up against the previous one. Jan. 5. An 8th pod was deposited over- night, was partly covered with grass and flour from the feed dish, and was placed in the corner alongside ootheca, No. 3. Jon. 12. A 9th pod, placed with the Nos. 6 and 7, covered with an earthen coat. Jan. 16. A 10th pod, besides the above, covered with foodstuffs, grass and earth. All these materials for covering: had been carried two to three inches. Pod No. 8 was removed and examined and proved to be shrivelled up. Jan. 23. The 1 1th pod, deposited over- night and covered with adobe alongside the above. Jan. 28. Extruding a small pod. Jan. 30. Pod No. 12, laid, not covered; eaten later the same day. Feb. 8. Carrying a new pod, No. 13. Feb. 9. Pod No. 13 deposited overnight, placed away from the others and cov- ered with adobe. Feb. 20. The 14th pod deposited along- side No. 13 on the floor, covered with adobe. Feb. 28. Pod No. 15 deposited loose on the floor, not covered. March 5. Carrying the 16th ootheca. Deposited it during the day and later covered it with adobe near Nos. 6 to 12. March 10. The 17th egg pod, a very small one, was deposited and covered with adobe, at the hot end of the cage near the radiator, at the opposite side of the cage from all the others. Shortly after this the roach died. None of the eggs hatched. We have here an unfertilized roach depositing 1 7 egg pods in exactly 1 00 days: she may have laid eggs before being confined in this cage. The egg laying averaged 1 pod every 6 days; most of them were covered with trash. I find that the American roach also has this habit of covering her oothecae with trash and also of eating them now and then although supplied with an abundance of food and water. Entomological Society of British Columbia 31 AN OCCURRENCE OF SCUDDERSA FURCATA FURCATA BRUNNER, ON THE COAST OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Orthopf-era: Tettigoniidae) J. F. Davidson Vancouver, B.C. On October 1 1, 1937, two specimens of the Fork-tailed Bush Katydid, (Scud- deria furcata Brunner) were taken in the Fraser River delta. Both specimens were caught on the trestle of the Can- adian National Railway, where the line crosses the north fork of the Fraser River to Lulu Island. Since the insect was not immediately recognized as uncommon to this region, no further specimens were sought, but the following day, after identification, another trip to the vicin- ity was made. Some search was made before any were found, but a low purring chirp led the party to a birch tree (Betula oc- cidentals Hooker) where close examin- ation showed one of the green Katydids. It was almost indistinguishable from the leaf on which it was resting, and this, coupled with the fact that the chirping always seemed to be farther away than it actually was, accounts for the diffi- culty in finding the insect. After dis- covering the location of the singers, judicious sweeping of the lower branches yielded some twenty specimens of both sexes. The distribution in this area appears to be very limited, since all of the in- sects were taken in a narrow belt ex- tending about twenty-five yards on both sides of the railway, and within half a mile of the river. Whether or not they occur on the north bank of the river was not determined, since the railway bridge is usually kept open, and the north bank at this point is rather difficult to reach. The distribution of this Katydid is of considerable interest because this finding of it practically on the sea-shore, extends the range right across the continent. Mr. Morgan Hebard records specimens from the following States: New Hampshire; Massachusetts; Rhode Island; New York; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Mary- land; District of Columbia; Virginia; North Carolina; South Carolina; Georgia; Florida; Michigan; Wisconsin; Ohio; Indiana; Missouri; Kentucky; Tennessee; Alabama; Louisiana; South Dakota; Nebraska; Kansas; Arkansas; Oklahoma; Texas; Idaho; Washington; Oregon; and California; in all thirty- two states, and in Canada from Ontario; Quebec, and British Columbia. Mr. Ron- ald Buckell of Kamloops informs me that he has collected it in British Colum- bia from: Kaslo, Vernon, Salmon Arm, Enderby, Oliver, Creston, Penticton, Osoyoos and Lillooet. This makes its distribution practically as widespread as any one of the ubiquit- ous Acridiinae although its altitudinal distribution may not be so great. But whereas such specimens as Camnula fel- lucida (Scudder) and Melanoflus mexi- canus (Saussure) are freely flying and swarming forms, this, insect is secretive, very local in distribution and frequently nocturnal. This extraordinarily wide range means therefore that the species is either of very great antiquity or in- dulges in hitherto undetected flights of some distance, probably at night, or is distributed by man in some way, per- haps in the egg stage. . In this instance, since the range of occurrence was re- stricted to the above-mentioned area bordering the railway^ ^ it is quite con- ceivable that the original parent or parents, arrived as adults via some open form of railway car. The question of its food in the local- ity where I found it seemed worthy of investigation, so the stomach contents were examined microscopically. The fine- ly comminuted plant material contained an unusual number of stomata per unit 32 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 area, and many peculiar club-shaped bodies occurred everywhere. The type and distribution of the stomata indicated a marsh or aquatic plant, and the absence of stomata on one of the leaf surfaces indicated a floating water plant. The leaves of the Yellow Pond Lily (Nym- fhaea folysefala Engelm.) were exam- ined and were found to correspond in having the same stomatal distribution, and in having club-shaped papillae on the lower surface, identical with those found in the stomach of the insects. Thus it is logical to assume that this plant con- stituted the food of the Katydid at the time of capture. The birch trees were apparently merely resting places, and the insects must fly down to feed on the aquatic plants, probably at night. INSECTS ACTIVE THROUGHOUT THE WINTER AT VANCOUVER, B.C. PART II: LISTS OF THE ORTHOPTERA, DERMAPTERA, HOMOPTERA, HEMIPTERA, DIPTERA, AND HYMENOPTERA. Ray E. Foster 1575 Kamloops St., Vancouver, B.C. This report constitutes a partial list of insects collected during the period November 8, 1939 to March 28, 1940 at Vancouver, B.C. It supplements the list published in Part I of this series (Foster, 1942), and completes that por- tion of the study which will serve as a basis for. the ecological relationships now being prepared for publication. In Part I, lists of the Coleoptera and Neuroptera were given and brief men- tion was made of the Thysanura and Collembola. To these four orders, eight more are added at this time, bringing the number of orders collected during the winter survey to 12. The Lepidoptera and Corrodentia are not given specific consideration. ORTHOPTERA LOCUSTIDAE Acrydium brunneri Bolivar DERMAPTERA FORFICULIDAE Forficula auricularia Linn. HOMOPTERA CERCOPXDAE Philaenus leucopthalmus Linn. CICADELLIDAE Balclutha manitou (G. & B.) Typhlocyba commissuralis Stal. Typhlocybini sp. Dikraneura sp. Very common. Helochara communis Fitch. Idiocerus downesi B. & P. Very common. PSYLLIDAE Specimens of frequent occurrence. No specific determinations made. APHIDIDAE Myzus ligustri? Mosley. Taken in immense numbers in March. HEMIPTERA MIRIDAE Lygus pratensis var. oblineatus Say ANTHOCORIDAE Anthocoris antevolens White NABIDAE Nabis roseipennis Reut. Nabis alternatus Parsh. LYGAEIDAE Ischnorrhynchus franciscanus Stal. Very common. Lygaeus kalmii subsp. kalmii Parsh. PENTATOMIDAE Elasmostethus cruciatus Say Very common. Podisus modestus Dali. Banasa sordida Uhl. Apateticus crocatus Uhl. DIPTERA AGROMYZIDAE Phytomyza spp. ANISOPODIDAE Anisopus fenestralis Scopoli. BIBIONIDAE Bibio tristes Will. BORBORIDAE Borbbrus equinus Fallen Leptocera sp. Sphaerocera pusilla Fallen Scatopihora carolinensis Desv. Entomological Society of British Columbia 33 CECIDOMYIIDAE Monardia canadensis Felt. Phytophaga sp. DIXIDAE Dixa sp. DOLICHOPODIDAE Hydrophorus pensus Aldrich Hydrophorus brevisetaf Thomson Hydrophorus innotatus Lw. DROSOPHILIDAE Drosophila inversa Walker Drosophila sp. EMPIDIDAE Rhamphomyia sp. Hydrodromia stagnalis Hal. EPHYDRIDAE Scatella spp. HELOMYZIDAE Tephrochlamys sp. Oecothea fenestralis Fallen Suillia limbata Thomson LONCHOPTERIDAE Lonchoptera dubia Curran MUSCIDAE Spilaria lucorum Meigen Musca domestica L. Scatophaga stercoraria L. Very common. Scatophaga furcata Say. Very common. Scatophaga sp. Quadrula lucorum Fallen Anthomyiine MYCETOPHILIDAE Rolitophilinae Bolitophila dubiosa Van Duzee Bolitophila montana Coq. Sciophilinae Dziedzickia ( Syntemna of Joh.). Undescrib ed species. My corny ia terminata Garrett My corny ia sigma Joh. Mycomyia spp. Females and defectives. Mycetophilinae Boletina “ tricincta ” No. 501 of Joh. Boletina spp. Females and defectives. Coelosia lepicla Joh. Gordyla. Undescribed species Exechia. Undescribed species near E. avi- culta Shaw. Exechia clepsydra Fisher Exechia fusca Mg. ( fungorum Deg. of Joh.) Very common. Exechia spp. Females and defectives. Phronia sp. Female. Phronia ( Telmaphilus of Joh.) tenebrosaf Coq. Phronia. Undescribed species near P. insula. Rhymosia. Undescribed species near R. seminigra Sherman. Allodia sp. Defective. Mycetophila fungorum Deg. Mycetophila spp. Females. Mycetophila mutica Lw. Mycetophila fenestrata Coq. Very common. Mycetophila lassata Joh. Mycetopfiila maculosa Guthrie. Mycetophila fatua Joh. Very common. Sciarinae Sciara (Neosciara) . Undescribed species PHORIDAE Megaselia sp ? Triphleba pacyneura Loew Triphleba varipes Malloch Triphleba sp. PIOPHILIDAE Piophila nigricoxa Mel. & Sp. PSYCHODIDAE Pericoma spp. SYRPHIDAE Eristalis tenax Linn. Epistrophe mentalis Will. Melanostroma fallax Curran Melanostroma stegnum Thoms. TACHINIDAE Gonia frontosa Say Argenteopalpus signiferus Walker Gyrtophleba nitida Curran Calliphora erythrocephala Meigen TETANOCERIDAE Dictya sp. TIPULIDAE Limoniini Limonia ( Rhipidia ) maculata Meigen Pediciini Pedicia ( Tricyphona ) diapihana Doane Pedicia ( Tricyphona ) vitripennis Doane TRICHOCERIDAE Trichocera Columbiana Alexander. Very common. Trichocera colei Alexander Trichocera sp., near T. annulata Meigen Trichocera sp. HYMENOPTERA Andrena ( Andrena ) sp. Traces to A. harveyi Vier. In Viereck’s synopsis (Viereck, 1904). Andrena ( Trachandrena ) sp. Traces to A. salicifloris Ckll. var. a, in Viereck’s synopsis. Andrena ( Pter andrena ) sp. Traces to coup- let 8 in Viereck’s synopsis. Halictus sp. Traces to H. crassiceps Ellis in Sandhouse’s key (Sandhouse, 1924). Ophion sp. Gelis keeni Hgtn. Hemiteles ? Aperleptus sp. Probably undescribed species. Plectiscus orcael Ashm. Orthopelma calif ornicum Ashm. Orthocentrus sp. Phaeogenes sp. Pachynematus sp. Pachynematus sp. Dole; us neoaprilis kenowi Macq. Xenotoma ? The above specimens, with the ex- ception of the following types, are in the collection of the Department of Zoology of the University of British Columbia. Specimens of Sciara (Neosciara) were retained by Dr. F. R. Shaw. All other 34 Proceedings for 1943. Vol. 40, September 20, 1943 undescribed Mycetophilidae are in the possession of Dr. Elizabeth Fisher. Un- described Hymenoptera are in the Can- adian National Collection, Ottawa, Can- ada. Acknowledgments — I am indebted to the many persons who assisted in the identi- fication of the insects obtained during the course of the survey: Dr. G. S. Walley, Dr. O. Peck, Dr. Carl Atwood, Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. (Hymenoptera) ; Literature Cited Foster, R. E. 1942. Insects active throughout the winter at Vancouver, B.C. Part I: In- troduction and lists of the Coleoptera and Neuroptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. British Columbia 38 : 19-23. Sandhouse, Grace A. 1924. New North American species of bees belonging to the genus Halictus (Chloralictus) . Proc. U.S.N.M. 65 (Art. 19): 1-43. Viereck, H. L, 1904. Synopsis of bees of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Vancouver. II. Canadian Ent. 36 (6): 157-161; III, (7): 189-196; III cont’d., (8): 221-232. IN MEMORIAM Dr. C. F. Adams, Jefferson City, Missouri, (Chironomidae) ; A. R. Brooks, Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa, (Diptera) ; Mr. Geo. Steyskal, Detroit, Michigan, (Diptera) ; Dr. C. H. Curran, New York, (Diptera); Dr. E. P. Felt, Stamford, Conn., (Cecidomyiidae) ; Mr. W. Downes, Victoria, B.C., (Hemiptera, Homoptera) ; Mr. R. Glendenning, Agassiz, B.C., (Aphididae) ; Dr. E. G. Fisher, Roland Park, Maryland, (Mycetophilidae) ; Dr. C. P. Alexander, Amherst, Mass. (Tipulidae); and Dr. F. R. Shaw, Amherst, Mass., (Sciaridae). George O. Day, F.E.S On February 5th, 1942, there passed away at the age of 88 one of our Society’s oldest and most valued members. George O. Day came to British Columbia from England in 1905 and made his home at Duncan, Vancouver Island. Prior to coming to this Province he was man- ager of Parr’s Bank at Knutsford, Cheshire, retiring in 1905. It has been possible to gather only scanty information regarding his early life but we are in- formed that he was a Freeman of the city of Chester, an honour only likely to be bestowed for outstanding public service. He was a fellow of the Royal Entmo- logical Society. Apparently he had been active in the study of other sciences also and we learn with interest that his tutor in botany was the Rev. Charles Kingsley. Mr. Day became a member of the Entomological Society of British Colum- bia on April 19, 1906, and the 7th an- nual meeting was held at his house in April, 1908. He was elected vice-presi- dent in 1912 and was president from 1913 to 1915. His particular interest was in Lepidoptera and he had a fine collection of the Vancouver Island species. This collection is remarkable for the beautiful mounting and condition of every specimen, for its maker could tol- erate nothing but the best. He had origin- ated a method of setting Lepidoptera which was largely responsible for the beautiful condition of the specimens. The wings were held in position on the setting board by means of slips of glass hinged to the edges of the board, the weight of the glass in most cases being sufficient to hold the wings in place until dry. This collection is now in the possession of the Shawn igan Lake boy’s school at Shawni- gan, B.C., to which it was bequeathed, as was also a collection of British butter- flies and moths, brought by Mr. Day from England, containing examples of nearly every British species. The late Mr. Day was noted for his genial, kindly disposition, courtesy and friendliness. Visiting entomologists never failed to receive a warm welcome at his beautiful home “Sahlatston” at Duncan, Entomological Society of British Columbia 35 and he was always eager to show his collection and enter into discussions re- lating to his favourite hobby. Generous in giving specimens to others and always willing to help beginners, he was perhaps the best type of amateur. He was a regu- lar attendant at the annual meetings of the Society until infirmity due to ad- vancing years compelled him to cease active participation. In his passing an- other link with the early years of the Society has been severed and those who had the privilege of knowing him in- timately have lost a valued friend. A photograph of the late G. O. Day was published in number 8 of the Society’s Proceedings. W. Downes, List of articles by the late G. O. Day published in the Proceedings of The Entomological Society of British Columbia. Proceedings 1911* Bombycia improvisa, Edw. and its congeners No. 1, p. 30-33 1913 Notes on Xanthia pulchella. Smith No. 2, p. 38-40 1913 Notes on Schizura unicornis, Smith and Abbot No. 2, p. 40-41 1913 President’s address . No. 3, p. 29-30 1914 President’s address No. 4, p. 39-44 1915 Notes on the early stages of Calocampa cineritia, Grote No. 5, p. 86-87 1915 Notes on the early stages of Epirrita dilutata, Denis and Schiff No. 5, p. 95-96 1915 Nomenclature and classification (Presidential address) No. 6, p. 99-110 1918 Larva rearing No. 8, p. 21-27 1919 Life-history of Perigrapha praeses Grt No. 12, p. 17-19 1921 Notes on Oporinia autumnata Gn No. 14, p. 16 1921 Early stages of Nepytia phantasmaria Strecker (Lepidoptera).... No. 18, p. 30-32 1929 On the early stages of Platyptilia punctidactyla (Pterophoridae-Lepid.) No. 25, p. 14-15 * Re dates of publication, see Proceedings No. 38, p. 29-36. 1942. DIRECTORS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Honorary President President Vice-President (Coast) Vice-President (Interior) Hon. Secretary-Treasurer Hon. Auditor Advisory Board Max H. Ruhmann J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones H. F. Olds E. P. Venables G. R. Hopping J. W. Eastham G. C. Carl W. Downes H. B. Leech Allen Mail G. J. Spencer r H. B. Leech Editorial Board i W. Downes [ Allen Mail The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia are published annually. Individual volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Secretary-Treasurer, Entomological Society of British Columbia, Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Black bugs in my garden patch, And speckled bugs and red; A funny little striped bug With whiskers on his head; And green bugs, purple bugs. And bugs of salmon hue, And all of them seem happy, For none of them are blue, (Author?) Printed by The Vernon News Ltd. Vernon, B.C. PROCEEDINGS of the ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 41. Issued December 8, 1944 Page Jones — Presidential Address 2 Jones — Some Pood Plants of Lepidopterous Larvae. List No. 10 4 Holland — The Distribution of Some Plague-Important Rodents and Fleas in Western Canada (Mammalia: Rodentia and Insecta: Siphonaptera) 5 Heriot — Comparison of The Injury to Apple Caused by Scales and Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae & Coccidae) -13 Hardy — Further Notes on the Cerambycidae of Vancouver Island (Coleoptera) 15 Jones — Some Suggestions for those Interested in Breeding Lepidoptera j . 19 Foxlee — Records of Some Flies and Wasps Collected at Robson, B. C. (Diptera: Asilidae; Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) 26 Glendenning — The Parsnip Web worm (Depressaria herac- leana) and its Control in British Columbia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) 26 Downes — Recent Experimental Work on the Control of the Apple Sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) i .' 29 Gregson & Holland — Devices for Charting and Obtaining Naturally Emerged Cattle Warbles (Diptera: Oestridae) 31 Venables — The European Red Mite in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia ( Acarina) ...... 33 In Memoriam — Max Hermann Ruhmann, 1880-1943 35 Notes 4, 25, 36 Recent Literature Inside, Front Cover Corrections — Vols. 38 & 40 Inside, Front Cover New Members Inside, Back Cover RECENT LITERATURE STONEFLIES OF SOUTHWESTERN BRITISH CO- LUMBIA. By William E. Ricker. Indiana University Publication, Science Series No. 12, 1943. Sold by the Indiana University Bookstore, Bloomington, Ind., at $1.50. — This fine paper of 145 pages and 129 text figures includes keys for identification, from families down to species. The following points are fully dis- cussed: geography and climate of the region; the streams; classification of the stoneflies; ecological distribution of the species; environmental distribution of related forms; fauna of neighbouring regions; des- criptions of species. There is also a systematic check- list of species and a list of literature cited. BRITISH COLUMBIA DRAGONFLIES WITH NOTES ON DISTRIBUTION. AND HABITS. By F. C. White- house. Amer. Midland Naturalist 26: 488-557, ill. Notre Dame, Ind., 1941. — This article gives many interesting and useful data.. It will be of use chiefly to those who have other mean§ of getting their species identified, as it does not contain keys. Mr. White- house may still have reprints for distribution; his address is 1109 Burnaby St., Vancouver. THE CADDIS FLIES, OR TRICHOPTERA, OF IL- LINOIS. By Herbet H. Ross, Illinois Nat. Hist. Survey, Bui. 23 (Article 1): [6+] 1-326, frontis- piece and 961 text figs., many compound; p. 290, 302, 312 are blank. Natural Resources Bid., Urbana, August 1944. $1.00. — This report, the result of 12 years of field work and study by Dr. Ross and his associates, cannot be tpo highly praised. Dr. Ross has long since proven himself a first rate taxonomist, and his work is here enhanced by a series of beauti- ful photographs and excellent drawings, the latter by Dr. Carl Mohr and Miss Kathryn Sommermann. In addition to the keys to and technical descrip- tions of the species known from Illinois, the following points are discussed and illustrated: biology; habitat preference; distribution; collecting and preserving; classification; key to the families (larvae, pupae, adults. A nuritber of new species, not from Illinois, are described in the text, p. 268-289; one is from Vancouver, B.C. “As the work progressed it became apparent that a study of the entire North American Fauna was necessary to identify properly the Illinois species . . (from foreword by T. H. Frison). One result of this is a fine “Check List of Nearctic Trichoptera,” p. 291- i Since not all our members recive journals reviewing the literature, attention is here drawn to several re- cent papers which deal in whole or in part with Brit- ish Columbia species, or which contain keys for the identification of genera and higher categories. — H.B.L. 303. In this the arrangement is taxonomic; generic and specific synonyms are given, many of the latter being here announced for the first time. Each species is followed by a reference to its original description, an indication of its distribution, and the genus in which it was originally described. There is a list of literature cited and an excellent index. COMPARATIVE EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY, PHY LOGENY, AND A CLASSIFICATION OF THE BEES (HYMENOPTERA). By Charles Duncan Michener. Amer. Museum Nat. Hist., Bui. 82 (Article 6): 151- 326, 246 text figs., 13 diagrams; p. 152, 156, 318 are blank. New York, April 10, 1944. — Here at last is a work in which one may key out to genera the North. American bees. Dr. Michener published his first 4 papers on bees while still a high school student; the present article, is essentially his thesis for the Ph. D. at the University of California, Berkeley. The paper is divided into 4 parts: (1) External morphology of Anthophora edwardsii Cresson. (2) Comparative external morphology of bees. (3) Phylogeny of the bees. (4) A classification of the bees. The section on morphology is thorough. The part pn classification includes a (phylogenetic) key to the families^ 'with subsequent keys down to genera and some subgenera. In addition there is an artificial key to the North American genera. Numerous refer- ences to the bees of other regions indicate the broad basis of the study. The figures are grouped on p. 303- 317, and are noteworthy for the full naming of parts; one does not have to consult a list of abbreviations! The literature cited is given in full, and there is an index of taxonomic names. BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVINCIAL MUSEUM. HAND- BOOK SERIES. — Officers of the Museum at Victoria are to be congratulated on these informative book lets, which though not dealing with entomology, are of the greatest interest to naturalists of the Province. They may be obtained from the Director, price 25 cents each. Handbook No. 1. Fifty Edible Plants of British Co lumbia. By G. A. Hardy. 54 p., 50 figs. December 1942. The illustrations in this are rather sketchy, Handbook No. 2. The Amphibians of British Colum- bia; By G. Clifford Carl. 62 p., 27 figs. June, 1943 This and No. 3 contain simplified keys for the identification of species, and beautiful illustrations by Staff Artist Frank L. Beebe. Handbook No. 3. The Reptiles of British Columbia By G. Clifford Carl. 60p., 18 figs. April, 1944. An Appendix gives up to date information oh. the treatment of rattlesnake bite, - and jon the care of reptiles in capitivity. CORRECTIONS, VOLS. 38 & 40 The past four volumes of the Proceedings contain several errors in spelling, all of which may be recognized and corrected by the readers. Three more serious errors in Vol. 38, an$ one in Vol. 40, not present in the original manuscripts, should be called to your attention. Number (—Volume) 38 (A) Page 12, line 13: “uncovered” should be “covered.” (B) Pages 14-15. The titles for Figs. 1 and 2 were transposed; 50 copies were mailed before this was noticed. Fresh titles on glued paper were printed immediately and sent to those 50 sub- scribers; all stock on hand was corrected. All copies should thus have the illustration on p. 14 labelled as Fig. 2 and that on p. 15 as Fig. 1 (C) Page 31, line 17: “September” should be “November.” Volume 40 (D) Inside of front cover, List of Members: John Stainer’s name should be preceded by an asterisk proceedings of the ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of = BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 41. Issued December 8, 1944 Page Jones— Presidential Address 2 Jones — Some Food Plants of Lepidopterous Larvae. List No. 10 4 Holland — The Distribution of Some Plague-Important Rodents and Fleas in Western Canada (Mammalia: Rodentia and Insecta: Siphonaptera) 5 Heriot — Comparison of The Injury to Apple Caused by Scales and Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae & Coccidae) 13 Hardy — Further Notes on the Cerambycidae of Vancouver Island (Coleoptera) 15 Jones — Some Suggestions for those Interested in Breeding Lepidoptera 19 Foxlee — Records of Some Flies and Wasps Collected at Robson, B. C. (Diptera: Asilidae; Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) 26 Glendenning — The Parsnip Web worm (Depressaria herac- leana) and its Control in British Columbia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) 26 Downes — Recent Experimental Work on the Control of the Apple Sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) 29 Gregson & Holland — Devices for Charting and Obtaining Naturally Emerged Cattle Warbles (Diptera: Oestridae) 31 Venables — The European Red Mite in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia (Acarina) 33 In Memoriam— Max Hermann Ruhmann, 1880-1943 35 Notes 4, 25, 36 Recent Literature Inside, Front Cover Corrections — Vols. 38 & 40 Inside, Front Cover Inside, Back Cover New Members 9 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones, M.A., F.R.E.S. It is my pleasure to welcome the mem- bers of our Society to the 43rd Annual Meeting, held unfortunately while still under the shadow of war, but with the increasing hopf! that victory and peace may not be long delayed. Since the last Annual Meeting our Society has suffered the loss by death of three of its senior members. Mr. M. H. Ruhmann, our Honorary President, who had been in ill health for some little time and whose passing was not entirely unexpected. He was well known to many of you and will be greatly missed by those who knew him best. Mr. A. W. Hanham of Duncan, Van- couver Island, who also for some few years had been in failing health, was 86 years old at his death. For many years he had shown a keen interest in many branches of Natural History and was a keen collector of Lepidoptera and of other orders of insects, as well as in other fields of Natural History Mr. W. B. Anderson at the age of 87, who in the past took an active interest in our Society. I refrain from further comment on their work and leave that to more com- petent members who had the privilege of knowing them better than I. I ask the meeting to rise as a token of respect. May their souls rest in peace, and may perpetual light shine upon them. The Secretary-Treasurer will shortly present his Financial Statement which I think you will consider satisfactory under the present difficult conditions due to the prolongation of war. He reports a credit balance of $44.91. The Endowment Reserve Fund shows a small increase, and I should like to take this opportunity to put forward with a view to discussion later, after you have received the Statement, certain suggestions as to the ways and means of making this fund more worthy of our Society. We are looking forward to the day when we can publish the Proceedings flEC.18 ' A without assistance from outside the Society, and it was to achieve this end that the Re- serve Fund was primarily instituted some few years ago. I should like however, if I may be so bold, to indicate another use for the fund, if and when it has reached a reasonably large capital sum. I refer to a scholarship for needy students in En- tomology to be valid at the University of British Columbia, or at some other Uni- versity or College ;at the discretion of our Society. As a learned Society it should in some measure co-operate with the educa- tional authorities in providing training for the coming generation of scientific men. It has been well said that “no man liveth unto himself” and by establishing such a scholarship the Society would be showing in practical form its interest in the youth of Canada,, out of whom will spring our leaders in future years. And now to return to the immediate task before us, namely to investigate ways and means of attaining our objective: ( 1 ) An increase in the membership dues. I hesitate to recommend this in view of the ever heavier financial burdens both in the field of taxation and in the cost of liv- ing imposed upon us by reason of the war. But this possibility should not be over- looked as a source of increased revenue. (2) Increase of membership to a number which would allow the dues received, to- gether with other sources of revenue, to cover the cost of publishing the “Proceed- ings” and financing our Society, and yet leave a reasonable sum to be transferred to the Reserve Fund each year. It will be necessary to go outside the ranks of the professional entomologists, remembering that anyone interested in the scientific study and collection of insects would be a welcome acquisition to the Society. Our schools and universities to- gether with the teaching profession should form a source of supply. There are many too in the learned professions who are in- terested in scientific work. Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 3 I am informed that there are nine names of candidates put forward for membership and that they will come up for election at this meeting. I extend to them, on your behalf, a hearty welcome. (3) A contribution to the cost of publica- tion of the “Proceedings” from those sub- mitting papers for publication. This is in force at least in principle at the present time in that members requiring “separates” of their papers are now charged for them at a set rate. (4) By means of bequests. For genera- tions past this has been the means of pro- viding endowments for schools, • colleges, universities and learned Societies, and if some of our members were to leave even only a small sum to the Society in their wills, eventually our goal would be reached. I commend these suggestions to your careful consideration and comment later. And now to pass from the considera- tion of matters of concern only to our Society. Let us consider together briefly the part played by entomologists at the present time and the part that they should play in the future, after the war has been won and peace has been restored. As is only right in such times as these economic entomology has been pressed forward and redoubled efforts made to promote the well-being both of the armed forces and the civilian population. The general public however, takes a good deal of educating and unfortunately we are still not very far remote from the attitude of mind which some years ago caused the will of a certain Lady Glanville to be disputed on the grounds that, as she was interested in butterflies, she was of un- sound mind. True we have advanced a little beyond this stage, but still, in the minds of many, the entomologist is rather a curious person and certainly a little ec- centric, but not to the extent of being dangerous. Possibly we are somewhat to blame our- selves in this respect in that we have not sought sufficient publicity for our efforts in the public good. However the labours of entomologists, in co-operation with medical science, to control and cope with tropical diseases, many of which are spread by various species of insects are being more widely known and are receiving greater publicity. Also the part that entomological research plays in the protection of the farmer’s crops and the preservation of his herds, all so important at the present time, is being more generally realised and ap- preciated. On matters of public health too, the entomologist keeps a watchful eye, and from time to time gives warning of trouble ahead to the public bodies con- cerned, but unfortunately city Corpora- tions and the like do not always lend a sympathetic ear, however timely the warn- ings, or however tactfully they may be given. Despite these discouragements the entomologist continues his labours hoping for the co-operation of the authorities con- cerned, and of course in many instances getting it, and looking for the sympathetic understanding of the general public to the end that the health and well-being of the community at home may be assured and the fighting services protected abroad. And now as to the place of entomo- logical research after the war. Economic entomology will continue to render service as now, to the medical profession, to public health authorities, to agriculture and to forestry; the findings of entomologists will be at the disposal of the departments concerned without restriction or reserve. There is however another side of en- tomological research, which ought not to be overlooked or shoved into the back- ground, which is concerned more with the advancement of scientific knowledge for its own sake than for material results. As a scientific society, do not neglect the purely scientific side of the picture in an eagerness for material results and the plaudits of a public which unfortunately is all too apt to judge its values by a norm of dollars and cents. Now science is a search after truth, and truth is a fundamental element, if we are to have after the war that “better world” which many politicians and others are promising us. Men of science are seekers after truth in that they probe the 4 Ent. Sop. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 laws whereby the universe and all that it contains are governed. The more science is able to tell us of the laws of nature the better we shall be fitted to- face the prob- lems which lie ahead, in that we shall possess more enlightened minds, and less narrow outlooks. We hear much these days of inter- national co-operation and of the greater necessity for understanding other people’s point of view, if we are to have a just and lasting peace. Science and truth have this attribute in common, that they know no hindrance of race or creed and are thus truly international, and therefore can be of immense value in producing harmony between the varied peoples and races of the world. The scientist therefore has a great and important duty to discharge for the ultimate well-being of the race. Our Society already realizes the value of international friendship and co-opera- tion as is evidenced by the number of members from the United States of America whose names appear on its rolL This membership is highly esteemed and augurs well for the future well-being of the Society, and is indicative that its mem- bers are fully aware of the part that they may play, as messengers of good will, in bringing into being that dream of a better world. SOME FOOD PLANTS OF LEPIDOPTEROUS LARVAE. List No. 10 J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones Cobble Hill, B. C. An asterisk (*) denotes that the species has been mentioned in these lists previously, and that the information now offered is either additional, or is an amplification of what has already been reported. Records in this list are supplied by the author. Heterocera *Acronicta (Afatela) fragilis fragiloides B. & Benj. June-berry (Amelanchier alni folia Nutt.), and species of plum (garden varieties). *Acronicta ( Afatela ) funeralis G. & R. Alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). * Acronicta (Afatela) grisea revellata Sm. Alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). Acronicta (Afatela) lefusculina cyanes- cens Hamp. Willows ( Salix scouleriana (Hook.) Barr., Salix barclayi Anders.). * Amfhidasis (Lycia) cognataria Gn. Eng- lish oak (Quercus robur L.), hazel (Corylus rostrata Ait.), species of huckelberry ( V accinium )y species of plum and raspberry (garden varieties). *Dicentria semirufescens W Ik. (lanassa semirufescens ) . English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha L.), and Judas tree (Cercis canadensis L.). Gabriola dyari Tayl. Douglas fir (Pseudo- tsuga taxi folia (Lamb.) Brit. *Paonias excaecata A. & S. June-berry (Amelanchier alni folia Nutt.), species of plum (garden varieties), and species of cherry (ornamental varieties). Sarrothrifus rev ay ana lintnerana Sfeyer. Sarrothrifus rev ay ana columbiana Hy . Edw. Sarrothrifus revayana cinereana N. & D. Willow . (Salix scouler- iana (Hook) Barr., Salix hookeriana Barr.) and probably on species of oak. *Schi%ura unicornis A. & S. June-berry (Amelanchier alni folia Nutt.), and species of cherry (garden varieties). *Synaxis jubararia Hist. Red flowered currant (Ribes sanguineum Pursh.). VIRTUAL ABSENCE OF VESPINE WASPS IN THE SUMMER OF 1944 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Un- usual number of overwintered queens of Vespula spp., both the yellow and black “yellowjackets” and the white and black “hornets”, were seen visiting the flowers of cultivated currants and gooseberries in the spring of 1944. Few of tthe queens succeeded in establishing broods. The scarcity of wasps in the southern interior of British Columbia has been com- mented upon by entomologists, foresters and laymen. The writer has seen but a single wasp and no nests during the summer, while many persons have re- ported not seeing any wasps at all. — Hugh B. Leech. Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 5 THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOME PLAGUE-IMPORTANT RODENTS AND FLEAS IN WESTERN CANADA (Mammalia: Rodenfia, and Insecta: Siphonaptera ) 1 George P. Holland Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. Foreword. — In 1938, surveys of some of the commoner species of rodents oc- curring in British Columbia and Alberta were initiated, with a view to determining whether sylvatic (:=bubonic) plague had become introduced to those two provinces. Gibbons (1939) stated: “Most of the ob- servers are of the opinion that the west coast of North America became infected in the course of the plague pandemic of 1894 which originated in Hong Kong and reached America at least by 1900. Wild rodents probably became infected through contact with domestic rats and the infection spread until it is now present in nine of the western states, including Washington, Idaho and Montana, which border on the provinces of British Columbia and Aloerta. The history of the progress of the infection northward and eastward through the western sections of the United States forces us to consider that the infection may have extended to Canada, or if not, may be expected to do so within the next few years.” Accordingly, surveys were organized by the Health Departments of these two western provinces, under the direction and advice of the Dominion Department of Pensions and National Health and the Livestock Insect Laboratory, of the Divi- sion of Entomology, at Kamloops, B.C. During the first season (1938), tissue and flea specimens were tested at the George Williams Hooper Foundation in San Fran- cisco. In 1939, and subsequently, the tests were conducted at the newly constructed Laboratory of Hygiene at Kamloops. In 1938 the attention of the Alberta crew was drawn to the case of a mink farmer of Stanmore, Alberta, who had died the previous year of an acute septic- 1 Contribution No. 2315, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. aemia resulting from an injury to his finger incurred while skinning a mink. This mink, with a number of others, had died following the use of ground squirrels ( Citellus r. richardsonii (Sabine) ) from a nearby area, as food. In 1939, Pasteurella pestis was demonstrated in ground squirrels and their fleas, from this particular locality, and the infection was found to be present over at least four townships, embracing an area ' of 144 square miles (Gibbons and Humphreys, 1941). In 1941, plague was demonstrated in Citellus r. richardsonii in Divide County, North Dakota (Public Health Reports, 1942) immediately south of the Saskatche- wan border. In 1942, a survey of southern Saskatchewan, based on the system used in British Columbia and Alberta, was in- stituted by the Health Department of that province and carried out under the super- vision of the writer. In 1943, the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps conducted an investigation of the ground squirrels and rats occurring in the vicinity of military camps in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. As a result of all these surveys, consid- erable data have been accumulated on the distribution of important rodents and fleas and form the subject matter of the present paper. General Considerations. — W estern Canada has been, and is, exposed to two principal avenues whereby plague might be introduced : ( 1 ) through the spreading of the disease from infected ground squir- rel or other native rodent colonies in the adjoining states of Washington, Idaho, Montana and North Dakota, where it is known to be established (as has already occurred in Alberta), and (2) through the introduction of plague-infected rats, conveyed by shipboard from foreign lands 6 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 to our Pacific seaports, all of which are heavily infested With rats, the natural carriers of plague. Also to be considered is the possibility of infected rats being brought north by train from such cities as San Francisco, Tacoma and Seattle, where plague has been recorded in these rodents. Again, there is the possibility of the disease spread- ing from infected prairie ground squirrels to the rat populations in certain southern towns and cities. However, the present article is concerned primarily with the distribution of the potential carriers and vectors of plague, as revealed by the results of the surveys of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatche- wan. Not sufficient data are available, as yet, for a detailed account of the situation in Manitoba. While a fair number of rodents of both native and introduced species have been incriminated with regard to plague trans- mission in the United States, investigations in Canada have been restricted to com- paratively few forms, such mammals as the tree squirrels (T amiasciurus spp.), fly- ing squirrels ( Glaucomys spp.) woodrats (Neotoma spp.) and mice ( Peromyscus , Microtus y Musy etc.) being ignored, or col- lected only as opportunity offered. How- ever, much attention was given to ground squirrels of several species (particularly two), introduced European and Asiatic rats, and, to a much lesser extent, marmots, prairie dogs and chipmunks. Distribution of the Rodents A. Indigenous Species. — Fig. 1. (1) Columbian ground squirrel, Citellus columbianus columbianus (Ord). The range of the Columbian ground squirrel covers a large area in southeastern British Columbia, and fringes the south- west boundary of Alberta. It is, in fact, rather closely confined to the Rocky, Selkirk and Monashee mountain systems, with their related foothills and valleys. Habitat types vary from open fields in the bottomlands to alpine meadows at 7,000 to 8,000 feet altitude. According to local reports it is I only in comparatively recent years that these ground squirrels have been seen in any numbers west of the North Thompson River. They occur now as far west as Lac la Hache and 150 Mile House along the Cariboo Highway, and are very common in the Horsefly Lake region. In the Col- umbia and Kootenay valleys they fre- quently occur in large, colonies, and in some areas constitute a serious agricultural menace. Southward, these rodents extend into Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Eskey and Haas (1940) reported plague in this species, from tissue samples and fleas collected at Wallowa Country, Oregon. (2) Richardson ground squirrel, Citellus richer dsonii richardsonii (Sabine). This mammal, locally known as the “prairie gopher” is the commonest and and most conspicuous rodent of the great plains of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Man- itoba. Aside from its potentialities as a disease carrier, its depredations to crops and interference with irrigation combine to make it an economic problem of prime im- portance. Its distribution, and the areas where plague infection has been demon- strated are shown on Plate 1. In the United States, plague has been shown in this rodent in Beaverhead County, Montana (Eskey and Haas) and Divide County, North Dakota (Public Health Reports, 1942). The status of this mammal in Canada has recently been treated by Brown and Roy (1943). (3) Franklin ground squirrel, Citellus franklinii (Sabine). This rodent, sometimes known as the “gray gopher,” “brush gopher” or “bushy- tail” is widespread across the prairie prov- inces, but is chiefly confined to the lightly treed areas, rather than on the open plains. In the United States, it is found in North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. Very few specimens of this mammal have been collected by the Canadian survey crews, principally because plague investi- gations have been conducted chiefly in the 8 Ent. Soc. of Britisfi Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 extreme south of the prairie, while the Franklin ground squirrel is more abundant farther north. (4) Thirteen-lined ground squirrel, Citel- lus tridecemlineatus tridecemlineatus (Mit- chill). This ground squirrel, usually known locally as the “striped gopher,” is much more widespread in the prairie provinces than C . r. richardsonii , but in the areas cov- ered by the survey crews, has not proved to be common. Only a few specimens have been collected, in scattered localities, in Alberta and Saskatchewan. C . t. tridecem- lineatus and related subspecies occur all through the central United States. (5) Mantled ground squirrels, Citellus (Callospermophilus) spp. Plague has been demonstrated in ground squirrels of the subgenus C allospermophilus in several counties of California (Eskey and Haas). Flea species present were Diamanus montanus (Baker), Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) and Monopsyllus eumolpi (Rothschild), the last two of which occur commonly in Western Can- ada on a number of hosts. The dusky mantled ground squirrel, Citellus saturatus (Rhoads) is found in the east Cascades, in the extreme south of British Columbia. Hollister’s mantled ground squirrel, C. lateralis tescorum (Hollister) is found in the Rocky and Selkirk mountain regions. Neither species has been collected in any great numbers by the survey crews. (6) Pallid yellow-bellied marmot, Mar- mota flaviventris avara (Bangs). The yellow-bellied marmots or “groundhogs” are confined chiefly to the “Interior Dry Belt” of British Columbia, in some localities of which they may occur in considerable numbers, especially if large rock piles are available for protection. M. /. avara is found in the Fraser Valley as far south as Hope, and extends to the north as far as Williams Lake. It ranges southward through the Okanagan Valley into Washington, Oregon and northern Nevada. Related subspecies are found in all the western and Pacific States, with the possible exception of Arizona. Fair num- bers of M. f. avara have been collected by the British Columbia survey crews, and also a few individuals of M. caligata ssp., the hoary marmot, in areas at high altitude. Plague has been demonstrated in mar- mots (probably M. flaviventris nosophora Howell) in Montana and Wyoming (Eskey and Haas). (7) Black-tailed prairie-dog, Cynomys ludovicianus ludovicianus (Ord). Prairie-dogs are known from one local- ity in Canada, in a coulee bottom, thirteen miles southeast of Val Marie, in southern Saskatchewan, where a single large colony exists. The Saskatchewan survey crey has collected a number of these mammals. In the United States, plague has been demonstrated in Cynomys parvidens Allen (Garfield County, Utah), C. leucurus > Merriam (Uinta County, Wyo.) and C. gunnisoni zuniensis Hollister in New ! Mexico and Arizona (Eskey and Haas). (8) Chipmunks. Eutamias spp. Chipmunks of many species and sub- species occur in Western Canada. A small number (mostly E. amoenus ajflnis (Al- len), and E. amoenus luteiventris (Al- len)) were collected by the British Col- umbia crew. While these rodents occur j in Alberta and Saskatchewan (mostly E. minimus borealis (Allen)), very few were collected due to the fact that they occur principally in the lightly treed areas, whereas the bulk of the survey work was carried out on the open prairie. Plague was recovered from Eutamias spp. in various localities in California and Nevada (Eskey and Haas). B. Introduced Species. (9) Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus (Erxleben). The Norway rat, house rat or sewer rat, a native of the Old World, was in- troduced to North America in the middle of the 18th Century. Since that time, the original stock has multiplied and spread, and also there have been successive in- Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 a vasions of seaport towns of rats from poorly tended vessels docking there. This undesirable rodent has followed man to nearly all corners of the globe and, once established in any locality, is very difficult to eradicate. Plague is a natural disease of this and related species, and the fleas of rats are ideally adapted to the dissemin- ation of this disease, partly because of their peculiar physiology, which renders them readily infective, and partly because of their readiness to bite man. These facts, coupled with the rats’ tendencies to become established around domestic households, make the rat and rat flea situation a public health menace of grave concern. In Western Canada, rats are localized to a certain extent. Apparently they occur in most, if not all, seaport towns from Vancouver to Prince Rupert, as well as on Vancouver, Queen Charlotte, and doubt- less other islands. They are found com- monly in the lower Fraser Valley, around Chilliwack, Hope, Harrison Bay, Agassiz, etc. They occur in garbage dumps, ware- houses, waterfront docks, in lanes in the residential areas where they feed on garden refuse and garbage from poorly tended tins, around stables, restaurants, abattoirs, in houses, grain elevators, and in fact, any place where an easy living may be obtained. In the Interior of British Columbia they seem to be rare, and this apparently holds good for most of Alberta also, al- though we have records from Calgary. Southern Manitoba is apparently well populated, and Saskatchewan, while vir- tually free of rats a few decades ago, now shows a steady increase in numbers of these rodents, and a very definite spreading westwards and northwards. The Sanita- tion Division of the Provincial Health Department has prepared an interesting map, showing the influx and advances of rats, year by year. Southern cities, such as Regina and Moose Jaw, are now heavily infested, as also is Saskatoon. In Estevan, rats and Richardson ground squirrels were noted in large numbers in the same garbage dump, and this only ten miles or less from the plague focus in North Dakota! Fur- thermore, ground squirrel fleas (Orofsylla rufestris (Jordan)) were recovered from the rats. Here then is the ideal opportunity for the rats to pick up the infection from the ground squirrels! (10) Black rat, Rattus rattus rattus (Lin- naeus). The black rat, a smaller and longer- tailed species is comparatively rare in this country, only a few specimens having been collected, and these usually in waterfront warehouses at the coast. It apparently has to give way before the more powerful Norway rat. They both carry the same species of fleas, but R. r. rattus is not now common enough to constitute a serious problem. (11) Roof rat, Rattus rattus alexandrinus ( Geoff roy) . This rodent, like the black rat, is com- paratively rare, and known only from the coast areas. Distribution of the Fleas These rodents have been found to be in- fested with a wide variety of fleas of which fifteen species were fairly common to very common, and which are of varying importance as potential plague vectors. Their relationship to the rodent hosts is summarized in Table I. A. Indigenous Species. (1) Monofsyllus eumolfi (Rothschild). M. eumolfi is a common and regular parasite of western chipmunks (genus Eutamias) and is found wherever these mammals occur. In British Columbia it is quite frequently collected on the Col- umbian ground squirrel when habitat as- sociation offers the opportunity. It has been proved to transmit plague experimentally in the laboratory (Eskey and Haas). We have several records of this insect biting man. 10 Ent. Soc: of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol, 41, Dec. 8, 1944 TABLE I Species of Fleas Found, and Relationship to Rodent Hosts Hosts to Indigenous Species 1. Monopsyllus eumolpi . 2. Neopsylla inopina . . 3. Opisocrostis bruneri 4. Opisocrostis labis. . 5. Opiso.t.tuberculatus . 6. Oropsylla idahoensis . 7. Oropsylla rupestris . . 8. Rectofrontia fraterna 9. Thrassis acamantis. . 10. Thrassis bacchi 11. Thrassis petiolatus. . . Introduced Species 12. Ctenocephalides canis . 13. Ctenocephalides felis . . 14. Nosopsyllus fasciatus . 15. Xenopsylla cheopis . . . * 9 * * 9 .T f True or typical parasites of the host concerned. * Frequent records, but relationship due to habitat association. (2) Neopsylla inopina (Rothschild). N. inopina is a true ground squirrel flea and as it is blind it may be chiefly con- fined to the nests and burrows of the host. It is common on Citellus r. richardsonii in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and occurs on C. c. columbianus in the extreme south- east of British Columbia. It has not been demonstrated to be a potential plague vector —nor has it been recorded infesting man’s person. (3) Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker). This flea, recently demonstrated to be an efficient plague carrier (Prince, 1943) also occurs on ground squirrels. While sometimes taken on Citellus richardsonii and Citellus 13-lineatusy it is more usually found on the Franklin ground squirrel. (4) Opisocrostis labis (Jordan and Roths- child). O. labis is a true parasite of C. rich- ardsonii and is widespread and common on the Canadian prairie. It has been shown to transmit plague (Eskey and Haas). This species does not occur on British Columbia ground squirrels. (5) Opisocrostis t. tuberculatus (Baker). This, like the above species occurs on the ground squirrels of Alberta and Sas- katchewan, and is capable of transmitting plague (Eskey and Haas). It is found also on C . c. columbianus in the Kootenay district of British Columbia. (6) Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker). This species is very common on the Mantled ground squirrel ( Callospermo - philus ) and also is one of the two com- mon and regular siphonapterous parasites of Citellus c. columbianus. In Canada it seems confined to British Columbia and the foothills of Alberta. According to the experiments of Eskey and Haas (1940), ■ it seems resistant to plague infection. (7) Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan). This is the commonest flea of Citellus j r. richardsonii , and its range is probably coincident with the distribution of that rodent. It has been taken on rats (R. Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 11 norvegicus) where the two rodent hosts are in contact (as in southern Saskatche- wan). As it is capable of transmitting plague (Eskey and Haas) it is probably one of the most potentially dangerous of our native fleas, as it offers the possibility of this disease spreading from the native ground squirrels back to- the rat population of the southern prairie. Although we have no records, it almost certainly occurs also on the Franklin and 13-lined ground squirrels where the ranges of these mam- mals overlap that of the Richardson ground squirrel. (8) Recto frontia jraterna (Baker). . R. jraterna is a small blind flea that occurs on fair numbers on ground squirrels and other rodents east of the Rockies. Like N. inofina it may be chiefly a nest flea, and like that species it has not been in- criminated with disease transmission. It also occurs (rarely) in British Columbia, on a variety of hosts. (9) Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild). While on rare occasions this species is faken on other hosts, it is an extremely common parasite of the yellow-bellied marmot (M. jlaviventris avara ) and occurs throughout the range of this rodent in British Columbia. It has been shown to be infective under laboratory conditions (Eskey and Haas). (10) Thrassis bacchi (Rothschild). T. bacchi occurs on all the prairie ground squirrels, especially C. 1 3-lineatusy but seems to be rather rare in Canada. It is of potential significance as a plague carrier (Prince, 1943). (11) Thrassis fetiolatus (Baker) T. fetiolatus is an extremely common parasite of Citellus c. columbianus in. Brit- ish Columbia. Like the other common flea of this rodent ( Orofsylla idahoensis ) it is resistant to plague transmission (Eskey and Haas). In view of the fact that the two most common fleas of this rodent are not readily infected, the Columbian ground squirrel is very likely not of so much po- tential significance as the Richardson ground squirrel, as the latter carries at least five species of plague-important fleas. B. Introduced Species. (12) Ctenocef halides cams (Curtis). (13) C tenocef halides felis (Bouche) . These Two fleas are widespread in their distribution, and commonly infest domes- tic pets, particularly cats, dogs and rabbits. Heavy infestations frequently occur in households, and as both these species feed readily on man, they are often a serious domestic problem. Large numbers of these fleas sometimes occur on the rats in certain garbage dumps in Vancouver. (14) Nosofsyllus fasciatus (Bose d’ Antic) . This, the European rat flea, is well es- tablished in Canada and is probably coin- cident in its distribution with Rattus nor- vegicus. Though not as highly significant as the next species, this flea is of definite importance as a possible disseminator of plague. (15) Xenofsylla cheofis (Rothschild). X . cheofis y the Indian rat flea or “plage flea,” occurs more commonly in tropical than temperate regions. However, it does become well established in these latitudes and wherever it occurs its presence is a matter of gravest concern, as it is the most important of the flea vectors of plague. The possibility of its occurrence in Van- couver was first suggested by Spencer (1937), and in 1938 specimens were recognized by the writer (1940). This constituted the first Canadian record. In 1941 Holland discussed the status of this flea in the coastal area in British Columbia. It was found that a significant percentage of the rat fleas in the Vancouver city garb- age dump was of this species. It was also recorded from New Westminster. Con- tinued surveys since that time have shown X. cheofis to be widely distributed through- out the residential area of Vancouver, where the spread of its rodent host is un- doubtedly assisted by the carelessness of the residents with reference to garbage 12 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 disposal. X. cheofis also is known at North Vancouver and Sechelt. Summary and Discussion The distribution and status of eleven kinds of rodents and fifteen species of fleas are briefly discussed with reference to the possible dissemination of plague in West- ern Canada. Both the mammals and their parasites vary considerably as to their in- fectivity. The host specificity, and relative tendencies of fleas to bite humans are of importance from a public health stand- point. Undoubtedly there are other mammals in our fauna that might be considered as possible carriers of this disease, and also there are undoubtedly many other species of fleas capable of transmitting plague from host to host, or from host to man. Records at the Kamloops laboratory in- clude at least fourteen species of fleas pres- ent in Western Canada which will bite man readily. The plague-disseminating propensities of most of these are not as yet known. Mice of various genera have not been studied extensively in Canada with refer- ence to plague, but, in the United States, the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus spp.) has been incriminated to a limited extent (Eskey and Haas). The potentialities of some of these smaller rodents should not be overlooked. Birds, especially hawks and owls, which .prey upon mice and ground squirrels are also a possible factor in the spread of in- fection (Jellison, 1939). Small carnivores such as weasels might be considered in a like manner. At the present time, concentrated eradi- catory measures are being taken against the rat population by various civic health au- thorities. Also should be mentioned, the very creditable effort at ground squirrel control in the vicinity of the known plague foci of Alberta, which has been conducted by the Health Department of that Prov- ince. It is to be hoped that these measures, and the continued careful surveying of native and introduced rodents and their fleas, will achieve the desired result of holding sylvatic plague in check to the point where it does not affect Canadian health and welfare. Literature Cited Brown, J. H. and G. D. Roy. 1943. The Richardson ground squirrel, Citellus richardsonii Sabine, in southern Alberta: its importance and control. Sci. Agric. 24 (4): 176-197. Eskey, C. R. and V. H. Haas. 1940. Plague in the Western part of the United States. U.S.P.H.S., Pub. Hlth. Bui. 254: 1-83. Gibbons, R. J. 1939. Survey of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and sylvatic plague in Western Canada during 1938. Can. Publ. Hlth. Journ., April 1939. 4 pp. Gibbons, R. J. and F. A. Humphreys. 1941. Plague surveys in Western Canada. Can. Publ. Hlth. Journ., Jan. 1941: 24-28. Holland, G. P. 1940. New records of Siphonaptera for British Columbia. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 36: 11-12. Holland, G. P. 1941. A survey of the rat fleas of the southern British Columbia coast with relation to plague studies. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 37: 1-5. Howell, A. H. 1938. Revision of the North American ground squirrels. N. Amer. Fauna. 56: 1-256. Jellison, W. L. 1939. The role of certain birds in the epidemiology of plague. Pub. Hlth. Repts. 54 (19) : 792-798. Prince, F. M. 1943. Report on the fleas Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) and Thrassis bacchi (Roths.) as vectors of plague. Pub. Hlth. Repts. 58(27) .T013-1016. (Public Health Reports). 1942. Plague infection reported in the United States during 1941. 57(24): 903-905. (Public Health Reports). 1943. Positive plague and tularemia specimens reported in Canada during 1942. 58(16): 646. Spencer, G. J. 1937. The menace of rat parasites in Vancouver in 1936. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 33: 44-45. Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 18 COMPARISON OF THE INJURY TO APPLE CAUSED BY SCALES AND APHIDS (Homopfera: Aphididae & Coccidae)1 A. D. Heriot Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Vernon, B. C. Both scales and aphids build up heavy infestations on apple and pear and both derive nourishment by piercing deeply into the plant tissues with their stylets and suck- ing up the plant juices. Although many differences connected with feeding exist between the fixed armoured scales and the more mobile aphids, it is generally assumed in the literature that injury to the tree is due in both cases to the loss of sap incurred by the mass feeding of these insects. Yet for some unexplained reason, scale infest- ation is much more injurious than aphid infestation. Prior to the development of effective control measures, the ravages of the San Jose scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus Com- stock) were notorious. Newcomer as re- cently as 1941 regards this scale, by reason of its rapid increase, “as potentially cap- able of doing more damage than any other insect occurring in the orchards of the Pacific Northwest.” A rapid increase in scale population without further qualification might imply a rapid depletion of the host plant. It is true that the San Jose scale with its 3 to 4 generations a season is the most prolific scale attacking apples and pear, but with its dependence on sexual reproduction in- volving a considerable proportion of males among its progeny, the scale cannot vie in potential reproductive power with the parthenogenetic apple aphid (Aphis pomi Degeer) which Newcomer credits with 9 to 1 7 generations in a single season. Greater protection against natural en- emies and adverse climatic conditions, may nevertheless sometimes enable the San Jose scale to outstrip the apple aphid in self- multiplication. This is less likely to occur in the case of the oyster shell scale (Lep- 1 Contribution No. 2325, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. idosaphes ulmi L.) which has only a single annual brood of 40 to 80 individuals that require 6 weeks to attain maturity. The eggs hatch several weeks later than those of the apple aphid and the adults after ovipositing die some weeks before cold weather puts a stop to aphid feeding. More- over the scale confines its attention almost exclusively to the woody growth of the stems, while the apple aphid attacks both the leaves and stems. Yet in spite of slower development, inferior reproductive power and a much shorter feeding period, oyster shell scale infestation is definitely more in- jurious to the tree than aphid infestation. The outright killing of twigs and branches frequently occurs in neglected scale in- fested orchards and the same scale is capable of causing the death of the hardy native thorns and dogwoods of the In- terior of British Columbia. By comparison, the harm done by the apple aphid is insignificant and perhaps the worst feature of this orchard pest is the dense smutting of the foliage and fruit, indirectly due to the gross feeding of the aphid and the quantity of honey-dew ex- creted. The armoured scales on the other hand, utilize their comparatively small amount of waste material in the manu- facture of their shells. It is possible that young trees encrusted with this scurfy material may suffer from an interference with the respiratory functions of the lenticels. Be this as it may, it will be as well to look for other causes than the extraction of sap to account for the severity of scale injury, for it is hardly reasonable to as- sume that the slowly developing oyster shell scale is a greater drain on the plant than the more prolific aphid. In fact the question arises as to whether any insect can cause the death of a tree by the ex- traction of sap alone. 14 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 It would seem in the case of the aphid that a state of equilibrium must inevitably be established between the ability of the plant to maintain the aphid and the ability of the aphid to reproduce on a diminish- ing food supply. In the case of the scale, this equilibrium, if ever reached, may be upset by some entirely different cause. It is therefore suggested that the severity of scale injury may be due, not as is gener- ally assumed by what is taken out, but by what is actually put into the plant by the armoured scales. In this connection, the belief has sometimes been expressed that the San Jose scale injects a toxic substance into the plant when feeding. The red blotches on fruit and stems generally as- sociated with the presence of this species, seems to be the foundation for this sup- position. A .less vivid discolouration occurs around the punctures of the oyster shell scale. Although it is quite possible that this scale spotting is indeed caused by the injection of a toxic secretion, it seems just as reasonable to suppose that it may be accounted for by something inserted that is more substantial and more readily demonstrated than a chemical agency. Perhaps the discolouration of the fruit known as “pansy spot” which has been traced by Newcomer to the insertion of a thrip’s egg in the growing tissue may be an analagous injury. In both scale and aphid infestations the presence of a multitude of stylets invading the tissues may conceivably be an encumb- rance harmful to the plant. In heavy in- festations, two or three young scales or aphids may settle on an area only a milli- meter in diameter. As demonstrated by Weber (1930), each instar of the Hem- iptera and Homoptera acquires a new set of stylets at each moult, a fact incidentally, that does not appear to have been accorded recognition in either British or American literature except by the author (1931 and 1934). The replacement of the stylets at each moult means that the small area cited above will receive in the case of the scale with its three instars, three separate punc- tures from each of its occupants. The aphid with five instars, has an advantage over the stale in being able to move and distribute its more numerous punctures in less con- gested and probably more succulent areas of the growing stem. It is not however, in the number of punctures, but in the final disposal of the stylets when moulting that the scales differ so widely from the aphids. In the case of the free-moving aphids, the stylets are withdrawn from the tissues at ecdysis and are invariably found intact and attached to the cast skin. The scale cramped beneath its shell, is unable to withdraw its stylets. Instead, the old stylets are broken off at the base and left like tenuous rivets or stitches in the tissues of the bark and cambium. Longitudinal sections of scale- infested bark reveal the stylets of each instar in the positions they would be ex- pected to assume when allowance is made for the slight movement permitted by the insect’s confinement. The respective stylets are thus close together and are easily dis- tinguishable by the their different diam- eters. Cross-sections of the infested bark show that the passage of the stylets is intra-cellular and the tips are frequently observed to extend beyond the cambium into the xylem. Thus on a heavily scale-infested twig there are three sets of stylets implanted by every visible adult, but under conditions where the young frequently settle beneath the parent scale, the congestion of abandoned stylets may be much greater than might be estimated from the number of scale present at a given time. The extraction of sap or the injection of a toxicant are only possible while the insect is living, but the disposal of stylets in the tissues by successive instars and gen- erations evidently results in mechanical in- jury to the plant the year round. It seems therefore reasonable to believe that this distinctive feature, namely the accumulation of abandoned stylets in the tissues hampering growth by a mat of chitinous stitches, may have much to do with the severity of scale injury in com- parison to that inflicted by the aphid. Ext. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 15 Literature Cited Heriot, A. D. 1931. Some notes on the oyster shell scale. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia, Proc. 28: 6-13. Heriot, A. D. 1934. The renewal and replacement of the stylets of sucking insects during each stadium, and the method of penetration. Can. Jour. Research, 11: 602-612, 14 figs. Newcomer, E. J. 1941. Orchard insects of the Pacific Northwest and their control. U.S.D.A. Circular No. 270, pp. 9, 23, 36. Weber, Hermann. 1930. Biologie der Hemipteren. Berlin. FURTHER NOTES ON THE CERAMBYCBDAE OF VANCOUVER ISLAND (Coleoptercs) George A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B. C. The object of these notes is to bring to- gether scattered records that have ac- cumulated from time to time since the 1925-26 Museum Reports (Hardy 1926- 1927). It is by no means claimed that all the data have been examined, as the Coleoptera of Vancouver Island have possibly been investigated by students and collectors who are at present unknown to the writer. In that event, should this article result in bringing hitherto unknown collectors to light, this effort wlill have achieved a definite purpose. At the best, aside from the southern and eastern coastal areas of the island, inform- ation on the Cerambycidae is very meagre. This cannot altogether be due to the ab- sence of many species, but to the fact that comparatively little intensive research has been undertaken. It is true that the habits of the members of this family are often such as to make them exceedingly elusive in relation to our affairs, so that they may be unseen yet numerous. Hot sunshine coupled with the fallen trees or newly-cut wood at just the right stage of attraction, the synchronization of favourite plant blossoms, and time of appearance, or noc- turnal habits of the species, are only some of the limiting factors. To the ardent collector, however, all the above factors add a spicy attraction, for perseverance often brings unexpected re- wards. By being perennially beetle-con- scious, “windfalls” occasionally occur at most unexpected moments. The following annotated list includes only those species that seem to be of special interest either as new records, extensions of the known range, or from a biological viewpoint. ( 1 ) Eumichthus oedifus LeC. New local- ity records: Colwood, two specimens in a collection formed during the years 1932- 36, and presented to the Provincial Museum by Hedley Peake. This is the most westerly Vancouver Island record known. 10 Mile Point near Victoria, specimens taken by the writer on July 26 and August 9, 1935, as they were running over the trunk of a newly-felled Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga taxi folia (Lamb) Brit. Most other specimens so far recorded were obtained on the flowers of the ocean spray, Sfiraea discolor Pursh., during the month of June. It would appear that this beetle has a longer period of emergence than hitherto suspected. (2) Pidonia quadrata Hopping. First des- cribed and recorded for Vancouver Island from Clayoquot by R. Hopping (1931). The Clayoquot specimen is designated as a paratype and was collected by G. J. Spencer. Two additional specimens were obtained by M. L. Prebble from the Great Central Lakes area on June 27 and 29, 1941. This very distinctive little species closely resembles P. scrifta LeC. one of our most abundant members of the genus, but of all the hundreds collected from the eastern and southern portion of the Island, none has so far been noted to include this species. It would seem therefore to favour the more humid regions of Vancouver Island. (3) Pachyta armata LeC. New locality 16 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 record: Forbidden Plateau, on the flowers of Heracleum lanatum , August 1943, G. C. Carl. This constitutes a northern ex- tension of its known Vancouver Island range; previous records being from Mount Arrowsmith (Hardy 1936). (4) Evodinus vancouveri Csy. New local- ity records: Forbidden Plateau, July 11, 1930, J. D. Gregson. Great Central Lakes, May 17, 20, 22, 1941, M. L. Prebble and K. Graham. These constitute a north- ern extension of the known range on Van- couver Island. Contrary to expectations none of the specimens examined from the Island include the black form, which from specimens available appears to be of more frequent occurrence on the adjacent main- land of British Columbia. (5) Lefturafrofinqua Bland. New local- ity record: Beaver Creek, Alberni, July 27, 1934, W. H. A. Preece. This extends its known ranger farther to the north, Duncan being the only other Vancouver Island locality record to my knowledge. In general it is a mountain species; I have records of its occurrence on Mount Cheam, Mount McLean, Garabaldi Park and the Olympics, on the mainland. (6) Anoflodera nigrella (Say). First record known to the writer for Vancouver Island: Forbidden Plateau, July 11, 1930, J. D. Gregson. This is one of those cap- tures that give a zest to the examination of hundreds of the cdmmon A. dolorosa with which it might be confused in the field. The species occurs throughout west- ern Canada and the United States from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. Craighead (1923) records that adults were taken in pupal cells on August 20, in Oregon. It is not clear whether this in- dicates a very late metamorphosis or nearly a year in this condition. It breeds in Pinus , Piceay and Pseudotsuga. (7) Anoflodera tibialis (LeC.). New locality record: Forbidden Plateau, v Aug- ust 28, 1943, G. C. Carl. The only other known Vancouver Island locality record is Duncan, based on one specimen in the Hanham collection. It is a mountain species having a wide distribution from British Columbia to Newfoundland. Fall ( 1926) records it from Skagway, Alaska. Speci- mens from the mainland of British Co- lumbia are represented in the Provincial Museum from Mount McLean, Mount Cheam, Vernon and Garibaldi. (8) Anoflodera canadensis (Oliv.) New locality records: Beaver Creek, Alberni, July 27, 1934, W. H. A. Preece; two males on flowers of carrot, Da ucus carota L. Cowichan Lake, August 17, 1938, W. G. Mathers, one male. Mr. A. W. Han- ham has taken it on the flowers of tansy, 'T anacetum vulgare L. All these examples are of the black, red-shouldered form, which seems to be the prevalent form here. I have records of but two of the black phase and none of the entirely red variety from the Island. (9) Anoflodera dehiscens (LeC.). New locality record: Beaver Creek, Alberni, July 27, 1934, W. H. Preece. Two speci- mens on flowers of carrot, Daucus carota L. This is a northerly extension of the known Vancouver Island range of this decidedly scarce species. It is also very oc- casionally taken in flight in woodland glades. (10) Pyrotrichus vitticollis LeC. This elusive cerambycid seems worthy of com- ment whenever it is noted on Vancouver Island, which to date has been on only four occasions, so far as I can ascertain. The first is listed by Harvey (1907) with “Victoria” as the only datum, and is prob- ably the same specimen recorded by Hardy in 1927. The second record is from a specimen labelled “Duncan” in the col- lection of the late A. W. Hanham. The third, a male, was taken by W. Downes on June 10, 1929, in flight at mid-day about a maple tree. The fourth record consists of a number of specimens reared from larvae and pupae obtained by the writer from a dead maple, Acer macro- fhyllum j in January 1935. The larvae and pupae were found in some numbers in a spot twelve feet from the ground and in the central decaying heartwood. The larvae were feeding in the adjoining solid wood, the pupal cells being constructed near the inside surface parallel to the grain of the wood. On Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 17 emergence the adults would have to travel some distance within the tree until a crack or knothole provided an opportunity for gaining access to the open air. Pupae were fully developed by January 28; the adults emerged during the follow- ing April. It was observed that the adults, all females, evinced a decided aversion to daylight; as soon as exposed to its influence they burrowed into the friable rotten wood. In reconciling the behaviour of the two sexes as just stated, it would appear that the male seeks out the more retiring female. If further acquaintance with vitticollis should demonstrate a preponder- ance of females over males this could at least in part account for the apparent rarity of this species. (11) Molorckus longicollis LeC. New locality record: Goldstream, May 30, 1928, W. Downes. This is the most west- ern extension of its range so far noted. All other records are from the east coast of the Island, from Sidney to Duncan where it was observed from the end of April until early in June. Mr. Preece has taken this species in large numbers on a species of cultivated spirea while the late A. W. Hanham reported it on one oc- casion as “swarming” on the blossoms of the bay laurel. (12) Hybodera tuberculata LeC. New locality record: Cowichan Lake, October 8-19, 1940, M. L. Prebble. This is a western extension of its reported range on the Island, previously being taken at east coast areas from Tod Inlet to Wellington. This is one of those elusive species that may never be seen for years and then sud- denly turns up in considerable numbers at unexpected places on or about its host tree, Acer macrofhyllum. The specimens above referred to com- prise a nice series of 20 individuals. They vary in length from 9 to 15 mm. and in colour from unicolourous brown to the marked distinction of the two gray bands across the elytra so characteristic of the species. All were taken from their pupal cells in branches of the maple, Acer macrofhyllum. They would overwinter in the adult stage, the natural period of emergence being April and May. Another record, Elk Lake, April 29, 1931, has been reported by Mr. Downes who* took a good series in flight about four o’clock in the afternoon around a pile of maple cordwood. (13) Callidium hardy i Van Dyke. At- tention is drawn to this species in order to avoid any future uncertainty as to the correct type locality. This is Gordon Head, Vancouver Island, not Garden Head as it is spelled in the original description (Van Dyke 1928). (14) C alhdium Vancouver ense Van Dyke. New locality record: Cowichan Lake, May 19, 1941, M. L. Prebble. This is a westerly extension of its known Vancouver Island range. Previous records ’are from Duncan, Sidney and Victoria districts, (15) Phymatodes obscurus LeC. New locality record: Lakehill, Saanich, July 16, 1941, W. H. A. Preece, two specimens, taken at “light.” This is the second record of its occurrence on Vancouver Island. The first consisted of eleven specimens reared by the writer from Quercus garry- ana Dough, on Mt. Tolmie, 1926. It is of interest to note that the only members of this species taken at large were night- flying. i(16) Atimia dorsalis LeC. New locality record: Colwood, 1932-1936, Hedley Peake. This is quite a rare species in col- lections. The larval stage is passed in trees belonging to the genera Cufressus , Juni- feruSy Libocedrus and Thuja. (17) Plectrura sfinicauda Mann. New locality record: Cowichan Lake, August 31, 1941 and August 3-20, 1940, M. L. Prebble. This is perhaps the most intriguing of the Cerambycidae departing as it does from the general type to a very marked degree, resembling a spider more than anything else. It is wingless and therefore only to be found as it crouches in some crack of a tree. Many specimens in collections ap- pear to have been dug out of their pupal cells during the latter part of July to Oc- tober. With the one exception., August 3, 1940, all of these groups were taken at large, that is from the end of July to the 25th of August. I have records of others 18 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 is from Lake Cowichan, August 3, 1940, which thus constitutes a northern extension of range on the Island. There are also a couple of specimens in the Hanham collection that may have been taken by G. W. Taylor as they bear a label in his handwriting, September 14, 1899, with no indication of locality, but presumably in the vicinity of Nanaimo. (20) Saferda fopulnea L. New locality record: Lost Lake, Saanich, May 22, 1944, G. A. Hardy. One specimen on leaf of Salix sitchensis Bong. Dull windy day, 4 p.m. This appears to be the second r.ecord for the Island; the first specimen was taken at Duncan by the writer on July 4, 1926. Acknowledgments. — I have much pleasure in expressing my appreciation to the following gentlemen for their ready co-operation in giving permission to look over their material and to make use of in- formation freely submitted: Mr. W. Downes, Mr. J. D. Gregson, Dr. M. L. Prebble, and Mr. W. H. A. Preece. I should like to pay tribute to the late A. W. Hanham for the assiduousness and constancy with which he collected the Coleoptera of his district for a period of over 30 years. A study of his specimens, now in the Provincial Museum, gives a very good cross-section of the cerambycid fauna of the Duncan area and was an im- portant factor in the preparation of earlier lists of the Vancouver Island species. Literature Cited Craighead, F. C. 1923. North American cerambycid larvae. Canada Dept. Agric. Bui. (N.S.) No. 27, p. 95. Dillon, L. S. and E. S. Dillon. 1941. The tribe Monochamini in the Western Hemisphere (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) . Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, [Reading, Pa.,] Sci. Publications No. 1, p. 70. Fall, H. C. 1926. A list of the Coleoptera taken in Alaska and adjacent parts of the Yukon Territory in the summer of 1924. Pan-Pacific Ent. 2 (4), p. 202. Hardy, G. A. 1926 and 1927. Cerambycidae of Vancouver Island. Provincial Museum Re- ports: 1925, pp. 24-33; 1926, pp. 34-37. Hardy, G. A. 1936. Notes on Vancouver Island Cerambycidae. Provincial Museum Report (1935), pp. 34-35. Hardy, G. A. and W. H. A. Preece. 1926. Notes on some species of Cerambycidae (Col.) from the southern portion of Vancouver Island, B. C. Pan-Pacific Eht. 3 (1): 34-40. Harvey, R. V. 1907. The British Columbia List. Quarterly Bulletin of the British Columbia Entomological Society, No. 6, p. “4 continued” (p. 4 of the 1926 Reprinted edition). Hopping, R. 1931. New Coleoptera from Western Canada. Canadian Ent. 63 (10) p.233. Leech, Hugh B. 1938. Hibernation of the cerambycid Plectrura spinicauda Mann. Pan.- Pacific Ent. 14 (2) : 69. Van Dyke, E. C. 1928. Notes and descriptions of new species of Lucanidae and Ceramby- cidae (Coleoptera) from western North America. Pan-Pacific Ent. 4 (3), p. 113. taken from February to May inclusive. This is a further confirmation of previous observations that many if not all of the adults hibernate during the winter out- side their pupal cells. (Hardy and Preece 1926, Leech 1938). (18) Monochamus maculosus latus Csy. This is the British Columbia form hither- to going under the name of maculosus Haldeman of which it is the western rep- resentative. This matter is thoroughly dealt with in a recent study of the genus (Dillon 1941). A series of eight specimens from Co- wichan Lake constitute the first- positive record available to me of its occurrence on Vancouver Island. They were collected by M. L. Prebble on August 3, 1940, ovipositing on the lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta Dough Two specimens in the Provincial Mu- seum from the A. W. Hanham collection bearing the date of September 9, 1899, and presumed to have been taken by G. W. Taylor of Nanaimo, might possibly be the first examples of this species from the Island and in part are recorded by Harvey (1907), but lack of more definite data would give precedence to those obtained by Prebble. Of the hundreds of specimens of this genus collected in the vicinity of Victoria not one of this species has so far been detected. (19) Monochamus obtusus Csy. First record for Vancouver Island by the writer in 1935. A specimen in Prebble’s collection 19 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8,- 1944 SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN BREEDING LEPIDOPTERA J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones Cobble Hill, B. C. Introduction. — Why breed Lepid- optera? There are several good reasons. ( 1 ) Anyone desiring a good collection of Lepidoptera will find that breeding gives him an ample supply of specimens for his collection which are in the best possible condition. (2) In the case of species which are liable to considerable variation, a better opportunity is afforded of obtaining a good series, which will show not only the ex- tremes of variation, but also the inter- mediate stages, thus making the series of far greater interest. (3) Breeding affords an opportunity to observe, note carefully and record the various stages in the metamorphosis of a lepidopteron and to stress any peculiarities noticed. Much of interest will be noted in regard to the life histories thus obtained, and this should be entered in the “breed- ing records.” Hitherto unrecorded inform- ation may be obtained and the sum total of scientific knowledge enhanced. (4) Occasionally the breeder will be re- warded for his efforts by one or more un- usual forms appearing in his cages as the imagines duly emerge. As an example of this, the author records that in breeding a series of C osmotriche fototaria Linn., the drinker moth, a British species, he obtained a number of females whose colour was brown rather than straw coloured, as is the case in typical females. The cause of the variation was not as- certained, unless it was due to the fact that the larvae, which had been collected in varying degrees of maturity, were sub- ject to near asphyxiation in tin boxes on the way home and had to be resuscitated by administering fresh air in quantity to re- store the larvae to health. Could this have been the reason for the unusual female forms? Experiments of a similar nature on other larvae might furnish the answer. (5) An opportunity is afforded for ex- periments in the field of hybridization. With Lepidoptera this is a somewhat dif- ficult task, and has only been successful in some cases where closely allied species were involved. Hybrids have been recorded as resulting from the mating of Smerinthus fofuli Linn, a British species resembling very much a small specimen of our Pachysfhinx modesta Harris, and Smerinthus ocellatus Linn., also a British species, resembling very closely our Smerinthus cerisyi ofthal- micus Bdv. The resultant moth is of an attractive appearance and may be seen in a few of the larger collections in Great Britain, chiefly those in museums. Another example is the crossing of Malacosoma neustria Linn, and Malaco- soma castrensis Linn., both British species. A figure of the resultant larva is given by South in his “Moths of the British Isles, Part I,” together with brief remarks on the experiments. A few years ago1 the author succeeded in crossing a male N otolofhus antiqua badia Hy. Edw. with a female Hemero- camfa fseudotsugata Me D. (Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 36:14-15. 1940.) Enough has now been said to indicate that the breeding of Lepidoptera is in no sense a waste of time or energy, but on the contrary possesses a very real scientific and economic value apart from its being the best method of obtaining a plentiful sup- ply of specimens for the collection; . and a good collection is in itself of consider- able value educationally. We now turn to the consideration of ways and means to successful breeding. These may best be considered under three heads: A. Concerning ova. B. Concerning larvae. C. Concerning pupae. 20 Ext. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 A. Concerning Ova The most valuable results will be ob- tained by rearing from the egg. It en- tails the expenditure of more trouble than breeding from the later stages, but the results from information and data of all kinds, also in most cases the large number of insects obtained, will well repay the care needed. Ova may be obtained in several ways. (1) They may be searched for in likely places, such as on foliage of trees and shrubs, on twigs and branches, or in the crevices of bark. Also they may be found on the cocoons of apterous females as in the case of N otolofhus antiqua badia and H emerojcamfa fseudotsugata. In fact few places should escape a search ; the best requisites for success are keen eyesight and patience. (2) It is sometimes possible to follow a female while she is engaged in laying her eggs, note where she settles and after her departure, collect the eggs. By this method the author has obtained ova of Pafilio eurymedon Luc., Poly goma oreas silenus Edw. and Vanessa cardui L. (3) By means of a virgin female. A newly emerged female will often at- tract one or more of the opposite sex. This is a well known feature with certain species, such as the British Lasiocamfa quercus, the oak eggar, and Saturnia favonia } the emperor moth, females of which will attract males from a consider- able distance; males will even enter houses to get to the lady of their choice. The apterous females of Notolofhus antiqua badia and Hemerocamfa fseudotsugata also have this power of attraction well developed. Some species of N otodontidae^ the prominents, may be cited, for example, Pheosia fortlandia Hy. Edw. A crippled female was placed on the trunk of a poplar; next day a male was found in attendance and in due course fertile ova were obtined and a fine series of imagines reared. (4) By persuading captured females to oviposit. In some instances this is not at all easy. In others it is comparatively simple. Many moths deposit their eggs freely even when confined in a match box, chip box, or any other receptacle. This is true of many of the Arctiidae, as Arctia caja L., some Sphingidae as Smerinthus cerisyi ofhthalmicus Bdv., many of the Phalaenidae and Geometridae. Butterflies are more difficult and re- quire a large cage attractively furnished to their liking. The old fashioned meat safe is quite useful for this purpose. Air and sunshine are essential. The former must not be overlooked, as butterflies are very subject to sun stroke, if the ventila- tion system of the cage is bad. Glass is a dangerous substance in the construction of cages unless good ventilation is assured. Other requirements are, the presence of the food plant, some flowers to supply nourishment to the butterflies, or failing these a wad of cotton wool soaked in sugar and water or a little honey; water too should not be overlooked. This is probably best introduced by placing on the floor of the cage a layer of moss which can be well dampened from time to time. In cases where the female is disinclined to lay, it has been suggested that the introduction of one or more males might induce the recal- citrant female to commence operations. To sum up. Conditions should be made as natural as possible and anything which suggests itself to the lepidopterist as con- ducive to oviposition should be included. In the above manner Pafilio zelicaon Luc., Poly gonia satyr us Edw. and Vanessa cardui to mention only a few, may be induced to lay. Some of the more difficult hawk moths such as Celerio gallii intermedia Kirby, and Celerio lineata Fabr. will oviposit if given plenty of room and their food plant. T elea folyfhemus Cram, and Platy- samia euryalus Bdv. will lay fairly freely in any good sized cage or container. The ova are frequently deposited on the sides of the cage or box. Having then obtained ova, our labours begin. Eggs should be kept reasonably cool. A porch or veranda is very suitable or failing that, a room with a northerly as- pect. This is especially important in- cases Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 21 where the winter months are spent in this state, as, if the ova are kept too warm, there is grave danger of the larvae hatch- ing before the food plant is available in the spring. Inspection should be frequent, and daily if the ova are noticed to change colour, as this often points to early hatch- ing. Fertile and Infertile Ova.— To determine whether ova are fertile or otherwise is not very difficult. Fertile eggs usually show a change of colour after a few days. Green eggs will turn pinkish and later perhaps become purplish or black- ish, or of a leaden colour. White eggs too will frequently change to a darker hue. Some ova are opaque. However, if there is no sign of shrinkage or distortion, the eggs are generally fertile. This applies to all ova. In some cases, where the shells are more or less transparent, the embryo larva may be seen inside and a short time before hatching the head is noticed as a dark speck. Warnings.- — (1) Do not attempt to hasten the hatching of the larva at this stage by introducing the food plant, but keep the ova subject to the same conditions as previously. (2) Do not disturb a newly hatched larva until it has left the vicinity of the egg shell, as in many cases the first meal com- prises this or a portion of it. B. Concerning Larvae Newly hatched larvae are best kept in tin boxes with glass tops such as are sup- plied by dealers in entomological supplies, or if we have a large number of larvae, in tins of a larger size (a “Crisco” tin is very suitable) with a piece of glass placed over the mouth to conserve moisture and prevent the escape of the inmates. The food keeps well under these conditions and therefore it is not necessary to handle the young larva so frequently. When this has to be done, a camel’s hair brush should be used. The first problem is the provision of suitable pabula. In many cases this will be known, but if it is not, it will be necessary either to obtain the information from books, or from some other lepidopterist, or from any lists of food plants that may be at hand. Failing the above sources try by experiment to ascertain the food required. Take a roomy tin and place in it samples of as many plants, trees, or shrubs as may be deemed likely to be acceptable to the larvae. In many cases they will quickly se- lect one or more of the plants offered and feed satisfactorily upon them. If this does not happen, further efforts must be made and other food tendered in the hope of better success. Do not let failure dis- courage, but persevere. Sleeves. — As soon as the larvae are large enough, and this must be left to the discretion of the lepidopterist, they should be placed in “sleeves” made of muslin, cheese-cloth or, if it is expected that the inmates will remain on the food plants during the winter, of some stouter material such as calico. These sleeves must be at- tached to the food plant in such a way as to prevent the escape of the larvae and yet be easy of access for examination from time to time. This is very necessary in order to see that no intruders such as wasps, ants, or earwigs, have gained access to the interior of the sleeves and harmed their precious contents, also to ascertain whether or not the larvae are approaching maturity, in which case it will be necessary to' provide them with suitable conditions for pupation. Flower Pots.— For mature larvae a 10-inch flower pot makes a very suitable and convenient larvarium. In the author’s opinion it is quite as good, if not superior to, many of the more elaborate and more expensive breeding cages on the market. These latter cages however, are very use- ful for keeping the chrysalids of many of our butterflies. The glass fronts enable the appearance of the imago to be noticed before it has time to damage itself as fre- quently happens if left too long to its own devices. They are also useful for attracting by means of the virgin female. The flower pots should be filled just over half full with earth of a suitable texture. In this a bottle should be inserted to contain water for the food plant; “Ketchup” bottles are very convenient both 22 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 as to size and shape. The bottle should be wrapped in paper to allow of its with- drawal later lest it break in frosty weather and water therefrom harm the insects at a time when they should be kept relatively dry. When placing the food plant in the bottle care must be taken to ensure that the stems fill the mouth of the bottle; otherwise some of the larvae may find their way into the water and perish. Larvae are very prone to commit suicide in this manner unless checked. If necessary a wad of cotton wool, or any other suitable sub- stance may be used to block the neck. Moss should be placed over the earth, and bark should not be overlooked. This latter is essential for certain species of Acronictay for example A. aim Linn., a British species, and doubtless for its repre- sentative in British Columbia, A . funeralis G. & R. which frequently though not al- ways chooses bark in which to make its cocoon. It would also be indicated for certain species of Notodontidae of the genera Dicentria (Ianassa) , Schizura and Cerura. If it is not supplied the larvae will wander and eventually die of exhaustion and fatigue. A sleeve may be attached to the rim of the flower pot outside and tied with string or secured with a rubber band. It should be supported by a wire cylindrical frame which rests inside the pot. This sleeve forms an airy and spacious com- partment and prevents the crushing and bruising of the food plant. Generally speaking, the larvae which spend the winter months as pupae cause very little trouble. This is true also of those which pass through the stage during the spring and summer. A plentiful and free supply of food plant is most important in order to obtain fine specimens of the imago. To put larvae on short commons results in poor and small specimens, if not in complete failure. Hibernating Larvae. — These will require more specialized treatment. They fall into two classes. ( 1 ) Those which hibernate when mature, not feeding again but appearing on sunny days in the spring before finally deciding to seek suitable quarters in which to pupate. To this group belong the larvae of Isia Isabella A. & S., Phragmatobia fuliginosa Linn, and the British species Macrothylacia rubi. These larvae, being hairy, often cause considerable trouble. They are subject to attack by fungus, and the attack is usually fatal. Preventative measures must there- fore be taken. It will be noticed that these larvae take every opportunity during the early months of the year to sun them- selves and in this manner to dry their long hairy coats. Therefore, sun and air would seem to be the best preventatives. Place the larvae in a large flower pot which has been filled with a generous supply of moss and stand it outdoors in a sunny position, but exposed to rain and snow. It is fatal to take these larvae indoors, for if their surroundings become dry, they will shriveL and perish. Even with the above treatment, results are likely to be disappointing. Probably the best method for the col- lector to adopt is to obtain the larvae of this group on sunny days in the early months of the year and proceed as above, when the larvae will usually pupate in due course without a high rate of mortality. If however, a large number have been collected in the fall, it might be worth- while to attempt to induce them to pupate early. Procedure as follows: In January, bring the larvae, which have been placed in a standard breeding cage for the purpose, and which contains a copious supply of moss, into the house during a spell of cold weather and place them over a radiator, or over the fire- place in a warm room, or better still if available, over the hot pipes in a green- house. After a short time, possibly a few hours, they will become active and start to make their cocoons. The temperature should be between 70° and 80° F. in the cages. The moss must be kept well damped during the whole period of forcing or the larvae will dry up and die. It is of course necessary to keep the pupae in the green- house, or at least in a warm room, after the forcing. The rate of mortality is like- ly to be high, but this may be due to the Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. '41, Dec. 8, 1944 23 fact that many of the larvae collected have previously been parasitized,. The author has not yet employed this method in British Columbia but has met with fair success in England with larvae of Mac- rothylacia rubi and Phragmatobia fulig- inosa obtaining his imagines about Febru- ary, a few weeks after pupation. For Isia Isabella forcing is unnecessary as the larvae will winter well in a flower pot with moss. All that appears necessary is to stand the pot in the open in a sunny position. In the spring, the larvae will re- appear and eventually seek quarters in which to spin up. (2) Those which hibernate before reach- ing maturity. (a) For hairy larvae in this category belonging to the Arctiidae similar condi- tions as those mentioned above would be indicated. The question of forcing does not arise, as the subject must be kept dormant till sufficient food is available in the spring. Again it must be emphasized that it is a fatal mistake to bring such larvae indoors. Plenty of moss in the containers, and the inclusion of the growing food plant, if possible, is necessary. The containers should be kept in the garden in a sunny position. In the spring they should be examined frequently to ascertain whether the larvae have resumed activity, and whenever this is apparent care must be taken to ensure that a plentiful supply of food is within their reach. Arctia caja F. has been successfully reared in the above manner. Result of an experiment with this species follows: Out of 423 larvae obtained from ova, 212 were placed in a large breeding cage with moss and growing plants of stinging nettle. The cage was taken into the base- ment of a house for the winter. Only 6 larvae survived. The remaining 211 larvae were placed in a similar container and provided with the same conditions except that in this case, the cage was placed out- side only slightly protected from excess of rain. In the spring, 186 larvae re-appeared and continued to feed. From these 150 pupae were obtained and a fine series of moths resulted, many of them being of the form which possesses the secondaries yellow with black spots instead of the typical red. (b) For those which winter in a com- munal tent, or singly in a small hiber- naculum, all that would seem necessary is to sleeve them whenever possible on their food plant. If this is not practicable, the tent or hibernaculum must be carefully removed and kept in a cool place such as a porch or outhouse until the spring, care being taken to place it amongst the food plant as soon as the shoots burst in the spring, and before the larvae return to activity. Basilarchia lorquini burrisonii Mayn, which constructs a tiny cone-shaped hiber- naculum is easily wintered in the above way, as the larva re-appears rather late in the spring, usually well after the new shoots have appeared on its food plant. Larvae of the genera Argynnis, Brenthis, Eufhydryas, and Melitaea are probably best obtained in the spring, after hiber- nation, when they can be found either sunning themselves on banks or crawling about in the vicinity of their food plants. Moss should always be supplied in the cages used for hibernating larvae. In sup- port of this opinion, the author cites that while visiting the island of Capri, in the bay of Naples, during the latter part of January 1929, he observed larvae of a species of butterfly, probably of the genus Eufhydryas or Melitaea, active on sunny days and nibbling freely at moss growing on stones and other places in the habitat. (c) Geometers. Many species of. the Geometridae hibernate when small, and these seem to cause no special difficulty beyond the possible necessity for a sleeve of material stouter than the cheese-cloth usually used. This is to prevent damage to the sleeve by winter conditions. Amongst others, Camfaea ferlata Gn. and Chlo- rosea nevadaria Pack, can be reared in this way. Of the latter species, out of 10 larvae obtained, six imagines resulted. (d) Phalaenidae. These larvae, many of which hibernate, will probably cause 24 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 some trouble, and the author reports many failures in this group. The larvae in most cases burrow into the soil and remain for long periods ‘rest- ing’, as the term is; during this period they should not be disturbed. Others will creep under stones and roots, or will enter moss where they are sometimes found dur- ing gardening operations. If of a species worth keeping, they may be placed in a container with earth and moss, when they will often enter the moss and in due course, pupate. The containers, preferably flower pots, should be kept outside, slightly protected from rain. Do not bring the larvae indoors. On no account disturb larvae which are about to change their skins or pupate. Diseases. — These include injuries, the stings of parasites and diarrhoea. For in- juries little can be done. For the stings of ichneumons and the like, it is sometimes possible to remove the eggs, if they have not hatched, and thus save the life of the caterpillar. This may be accomplished by the use of a needle and a pair of tweezers. Great care however, is necessary or the larva may die as the result of the opera- tion. For diarrhoea: If this condition is caused, as frequently, by eating too suc- culent or too damp food, it may be relieved by supplying the older and tougher leaves of the plant, at the same time attending to the ventilating of the cages. If on the other hand, it is caused by some virus or epidemic infection, the author knows no satisfactory remedy. This applies too in the case of the fungus previously men- tioned. The results in both these cases are usually fatal. Prevention therefore is in- dicated as the best course to adopt. This would include good ventilation, together with the admission of sunlight to the cages, clean and healthy surroundings and the removal of all substances likely to become mouldy, or centres of infection. Spraying with disinfectant should also help. C. Concerning Pupae Most of these present little difficulty. In general they should be kept cool and free from excessive moisture. For those which spend the months of winter in this stage, a north aspect on a porch, or a posi- tion at least subject to the outside temper- atures and the humidity of the atmosphere, is best. Disturb as little as possible and in- spect from time to time. Daily inspection will be necessary as the time for the ap- pearance of the imagines approaches. Butterfly pupae: Those of the papilios do well if wintered in standard breeding cages. The pupae of Poly gonia, Vanessa , and Basilarchia which pupate during the spring and summer months are also con- veniently housed in this way. CAUTION. Do not assume that a pupa is dead and throw it away because the normal time for the appearance of the perfect insect has passed. Many species “lie over” one or more winters, especially is this true of certain Sphingidae, Notodontidae and some others. As an example of this, Smerinthus cerisyi ofthalmicus Bdv., has been known to spend three winters in the pupal stage. During this year, 1 1 males and 4 females have emerged after the third winter. N a data gibbosa oregonensis Butl. has also been reared after three winters as a pupa and Paonias excecata A. & S., Pseudohazis eglanterina Bdv., and Acronicta hesferida Sm. after two winters. In the case of the last named species, 5 adults were reared. The case of Pheosia fortlandia is inter- esting. This species would appear to be multibrooded under suitable climatic con- ditions. On the south part of Vancouver Island at least it appears to be partially double-brooded. From a single batch of ova, 32 imagines were obtained in August and September 1942, 4 in April and May 1943, one in August 1943, and one on May 4, 1944. Careful examination of pupae seldom does harm. After examination they should be placed on moss and lightly covered with the same. Damping. — This is recommended by some authorities, but it is not, in the opin- ion of the author, very desirable, especially in cases where the pupae have either been removed from their cocoons or dug up during gardening or by “pupa digging.” The natural humidity of the atmosphere _ Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 25 is usually all that is necessary. Mould must never be allowed to appear in any con- tainer for pupae. A Few Difficult Species. — Some hawk moths as Celerio lineata and C . gallii intermedia frequently die in the pupal stage. To winter these therefore is difficult and Dr. H. Guard Knaggs in his. valuable work “an Entomologist’s Guide” recom- mends forcing. The pupae are placed in a suitable re- ceptacle on moss and lightly covered with more. This is then well damped and the container placed in a warm room, or better still over the hot pipes in a greenhouse, when the moths should shortly appear. The temperature should be about 70°F. Some of the prominents too may be found a little difficult. It would appear that the larvae of certain species of Dicentria ( Ianassa ) and Schizura though making their cocoons in the fall remain “resting” during the winter months, only pupating a few weeks before the time for the appearance of the imago. Any break in the cocoon, which consists of a more or less transparent substance, seems to be fatal to the larva within. Cocoons of the species of Cerura must always be preserved un- broken. Preparation for Imagines. — It is necessary to make some preparation for the safe arrival of imagines in perfect condi- tion, otherwise disappointment will result through malformations. ( 1 ) The inside of the breeding cages and containers should be somewhat rough to enable the newly emerged insects to crawl to a suitable place and dry their wings. A few twigs are helpful. (2) When the larva has cocooned in a sleeve, it is often best to open the cocoon a week or two before the insect is expected to appear. The pupa may be left in the cocoon provided that free access to the out- side world is assured, or may be removed and placed on a bed of moss. If this is not done, it is likely that the insect will be de- formed or even fail to get free from the cocoon. This commonly happens with, many species of Acronicta. It is sometimes! advisable also to open the cocoons of Platysamia euryalus. Conclusion. — The requirements for the successful rearing of Lepidoptera may be briefly summed up as follows: ( 1 ) The careful observation of all mat- ters of interest and the due recording of the same. (2) A plentiful use of a somewhat rare commodity often spoken of as “common sense.” (3) An unlimited supply of patience. Acknowledgments and Indebted- ness.— The author acknowledges his in- debtedness to Mr. E. F. Johns, sometime Headmaster of Winton House School, Winchester, England; to Mr. Denis H. Clark an assistant master of the afore- mentioned School, who gave much valu- able advice and help in his early days of collecting. Also written works by the following: H. Guard Knaggs— The Lepidopterist’s Guide for the use of the Young Collector of Butterfles and Moths. Revised and en- larged edition, 1901. Gurney & Jackson. Richard South — The Butterflies of the Brit- ish Isles. 1906. Frederick Warne & Co. The Moths of the British Isles, Part I. 1907. Frederick Warne & Co. The Moths of the British Isles, Part II. 1908. Frederick Warne & Co. L. W. Newman & M. A. Leeds— Text Book of Butterflies and Moths. 1913. Gibbs and Bamforth Ltd. NOTE ON DALOPIUS TRISTIS AND D. INSUL- ANUS (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Little is known of the habits of our native Dalopius; the following note deals with tristis Brown, the commonest species in the southern interior of British Columbia, and D. insulanus Brown from the coast. During the last week of September, 1943, adults of tristis (det. W. J. Brown) were found in numbers in the duff under western larch trees two miles south of Needles, B.C. Many of the beetles were still teneral and in their pupal cells; a majority of those fully colored and hardened were males, and some of these had already left their cells. The latter were loosely constructed, unlined, and consisted of dead needles and associated forest litter held together by a few silken threads. They were placed about two inches below the top of the duff. D. tristis is one of the first elaterids to appear in the spring, and at Salmon Arm is common on the flowers of Rocky Mountain maple, Acer glabrum, in April. Professor G. J. Spencer found D. insulanus (det. H. B. L.) hibernating at Vancouver, B.C., on Nov ember 3, 1942. The beetles were between boards in the back yard of his city lot, congregated in numbers up to 30 at a time. None was found on an exam- ination of the same area in late January, 1944. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. 26 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 RECORDS OF SOME FLIES AND WASPS COLLECTED AT ROBSON, B. C. (Diptera: Asilidae; Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae) Harold R. Foxlee Robson, B. C. Xorides calif or mens Cr.- — June 22. Xorides cincticornis Cr. — July 13. Pimfla -pedalis Cr. — July 20. Pimfla sanguineifes Cr. — Aug. 24. Lissonota montana Cr. — Sept. 1. Lissonota frigida Cr. — Sept. 7. Cryftus altoni D. T. — Sept. 7. Cryftus luctuosus Cr. — Sept. 14. Polistifhaga fulva Cr.— Aug. 1 7 and 3 1 . Ichneumon variegatus Cr. — Aug. 24, Sept. 7. Angitia acuta Vier. — Sept. 7. Exochus flavifrontalis Ds. — Sept. 7. Efhialtes imferator Krb. — July 13. Efhialtes manifestator L. — Sept. 7. (10 additional species, apparently un- described, were identified to genus only). THE PARSNIP WEBWORM ( DEPRESSARIA HERACLEANA) AND STS CONTROL IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Lepidopfera: Oecophomhe) 1 R. Glendenning Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Agassiz, B. C. This insect became important as a pest in the lower Fraser valley in 1940, when the growing of parsnips for seed became more frequent. It is an European insect that has long been known on that continent as a pest. It was known to Linnaeus, but was first properly described by Degeer in 1752. In North America it was first recorded by Bethune, from Ontario, in 1869, when it was described as a new species, Defres- saria ontariella , but this has since been placed as a synonym of heracleana. It was recorded by C. V. Riley (1888) as first found in the United States in 1875. The moths, which measure one half inch in length and have a wing spread of one inch, are light buff in colour, with lighter underwings margined with a thin 1 Contribution No. 2305, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. dark line. The wings are held longitudin- ally over the body when at rest. The pupae measure three quarters of an inch in length, are reddish brown in colour, and are smooth and shining. The larvae are yellowish-green, about one half inch long when fully fed, and have a series of black tubercles arising from each segment, which also bear a few black hairs. The eggs are spherical, greenish-yellow in colour, and just visible to the naked eye. Life-History. — This insect passes the winter in the adult stage, the moths leav- ing hibernation in May. They then fly to any nearby host-plant coming into flower and deposit their eggs, but they may travel considerable distances in search of host plants, as parsnip stecklings several miles from any previous infestation generally become infested during June. The moths lay their eggs in the umbels of the small flower heads as these are de- The species listed were collected by me at Robson, B.C. The as i 1 i ds were identi- fied by Dr. S. W. Bromley; the ichneu- monids, all collected in 1941, were named by Dr. H. K. Townes. Drpfero Asilidae Lafhria vivax Williston. Asilus flacyteras Hine. Cyrtofogon dassylloides Will. Dioctria sackeni Will. Nicocles sp. (Perhaps N. * dives Loew, at any rate so det. by Prof. Melander). Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae C oleocentrus occidentalis Cr. — July 13. Ext. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 27 veloping, but later emerging moths con- tinue to lay after the seeds have begun to form, in late June and early July. The larvae on commencing to feed, im- mediately web together the small umbels, and feed on the flowers, bracts and young seed heads. Feeding is completed in about three weeks, when the larvae leave the seed heads and descend to the base of the plant where they bore into the main stem, gen- erally near the axils of the lowest two leaf stalks. Pupation chambers are then hollowed out in the stem by the larvae con- suming some of the soft white pith; they pupate there, changing to moths in from ten to fourteen days. Several larvae may enter the stem by the same hole and use the same pupation chamber. The moths emerge from the stem through the holes bored by the larvae on entering. This takes place throughout July and early August, and the moths immediately fly to their hibernation quarters, which are usually the nearest sheds, woodpiles or other situations that offer dry, protected winter quarters. In one instance, hundreds of moths were found in August sheltering between the folds of empty paper cement bags in an open shed; other favoured locations were piles of closely stacked stakes and fence rails. The essential feature of the habitat is apparently a dry narrow crevice, one quarten inch or- less in depth, which prob- ably protects the moths from mice and other enemies. Although the temperature in the lower Fraser valley may vary from 80 degrees F. or over, to as low as zero, the moths remain quiescent for over nine months without undue mortality, until they leave these winter quarters in May. Riley mentions that the moths have the habit of creeping into crevices in the soil, but this may have been under cage condi- tions, as they could hardly survive the winter in such situations. Host Plants. — In the lower Fraser valley only cultivated parsnip, Pastinaca sativa L., and the wild hog-parsnip Herac- leum lanatum Mich., have been found in- fested. The wild hog-parsnip is an import- ant host however, and where it occurs in any quantity, has been found to support a large population of this insect. This plant is confined chiefly to acid bogs, and in such locations may be plentiful. It is un- doubtedly responsible in large measure for the almost certain infestation of new plantings of cultivated parsnip stecklings, through the free flying habits of the moths. Close examination of native species of umbel lifers, other than Heracleum ,viz., Oenanthe y Angelica , Cicuta and Siumy has failed to show feeding by this insect, and cultivated carrot has been free also. Riley mentions larvae recovered from “the stem of some cruciferous plant” but there is no record of the larvae ever feeding on plants of this family, and if correctly identified, the larvae may have used it owing to the absence of its usual host. Riley also' men- tions an attempt to rear this insect on wild carrot, but the caged larvae declined to feed on the flower heads, turned to can- nabilism or bored into the stem where they pupated. Natural Control. — In the lower Fraser valley three natural control factors have been noted, but none was sufficiently important to prevent this insect from be- coming a pest. A mortality of 40 per cent took place amongst some moths kept under cage con- ditions in a natural environment through- out the winter, and undoubtedly many moths die, or are destroyed by predators during this long hibernation period. A few parasites, both dipterous and hymenopterous have been noted in the field, but none in sufficient numbers to effect appreciable control. Several parasites have been recorded in Europe, and it may be possible for them to be introduced here with advantage in the future. In 1941, in one location near Fort Langley, large numbers of bats were noted by an observer to be feeding in the eve- ning on the moths as they took flight from the parsnip stems at the height of their emergence. The destruction of the moths would appear to have been almost com- plete, as later no hibernating individuals could be located in adjacent sheds, though 28 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 at another farm, 4 miles distant, where no bats were seen, the moths were found plentifully in nearby sheds. The hairy woodpecker, Dryo bates vil- losus (L) was recorded by Bethune as feeding on the larvae and pupae in the stems. Economic Damage. — Garden pars- nips, grown for food are not attacked, the damage by this pest consisting only of the destruction of the flowers and seeds by the feeding larvae. Infestation has reached as high as 80 per cent of the seed umbels in portions of fields adjacent to good hibernation quar- ters, and when an umbel is infested, prac- tically all the seed is destroyed. Average infestations were about 30 per cent of the crop, which would represent a loss of $100.00 per acre. In one case a grower burned his entire crop owing to a severe and general infestation. Control. — No cultural control meas- ures that will entirely prevent serious in- festation have been found practical, and the application of chemicals is necessary to protect the crop from severe loss. How- ever, the following measures if carried out intelligently will do much to obviate a severe infestation. Any wild hog-parsnips growing within a mile or two of the cultivated acreage should be scythed oflf before flowering each year. If hibernating m'oths are found in appreciable numbers in sheds or in piles of lumber or logs, the sheds should be cleared out of all rubbish and sprayed with diesel or stove oil, and the piles of rails, stakes or lumber re-stacked in cold, wet weather. It is not possible to avoid infestation by any seasonal planting of the stecklings, owing to the necessity of timely harvesting. If parsnip stecklings are raised from seed on the same farm where the seed crop is grown, they should not be nearer the seed crop than 100 yards, as larvae occasionally crawl to seedling parsnips and bore into the crown to pupate, thus injur- ing next year’s stecklings by increasing the prevalence of rots. In the past, arsenical sprays and dusts have been recommended against this insect, but owing to the webbing habits of the larvae this has not been found satisfactory. Dusts containing derris, pyrethrum ex- tracts, and nicotine were tested in 1941 and 1942, but failed to show effective mortality of the larvae in the webs. In 1942 however, preliminary tests with a proprietory barium fluosilicate dust gave surprisingly good results, which were elab- orated in 1943, when cryolite-talc dusts of varying strengths were also tests. As a result of these experiments it was found that two> applications of cryolite- talc dust, 1 part cryolite to 3 parts talc, ten days apart, gave almost 100 per cent control of the larvae in the webs. The first application was made when about five or six webs were noted per plant, and the larvae were from one quarter to one half grown. The dust was applied by means of a rotary hand duster, and good coverage was obtained by walking down the rows, mov- ing the spout up and down so as to treat both low and high flower umbels. From 50 to 100 pounds of dust are needed per application to treat adequately an acre of parsnips, according to the height of the plants. The cost of this is approxi- mately from $2.50 to $5.00 per acre per application, which compared with an acre- age value of $300.00 for parsnip seed, is quite practical and economical. The actual cause of the death of the larvae when dusted with cryolite is not known. It does not seem necessary to hit the larvae in the webs, as frequently this cannot occur when they are hidden amongst the tightly folded bracts. How- ever they appear to come in contact with the dust on, or in their webs, and death may occur within four hours of dusting, though usually from 24 to 48 hours are necessary for a 99 per cent mortality. Literature Cited Riley, C. V. 1888. The parsnip web-worm. (Depressaria heracliana DeG.) Insect Life 1 (4) : 94-98, fig. 13. Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec, 8, 1944 29 RECENT EXPERIMENTAL WORK ON THE CONTROL OF THE APPLE SAWFLY, HOPLOCAMPA TESTUDINEA (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) 1 W. Downes Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Victoria, B. C. In a previous article on the apple saw- fly published in the Proceedings of this society (Downes and Andison 1942) ref- erence was made to a preliminary trial of summer oil combined with nicotine sul- phate for control of this insect. The results obtained in 1941 were encouraging and it was decided to give this method as thor- ough a test the following season as local conditions would permit. The chief difficulty in carrying out ex- perimental trials was the fact that the' area infested by the sawfly was almost en- tirely composed of city and suburban lots and not commercial orchards. The apple sawfly shows strong preferences for certain varieties, the chief of which, among those which have been observed in our work at Victoria, in order of choice are Hyslop crab, Wealthy, Duchess, Gravenstein and King. In the presence of favoured hosts less attractive varieties may be almost en- tirely neglected by the sawflies and, as few backyard gardens contain more than one or two apple trees of the same variety, it was difficult to find a series of trees of any preferred variety for a critical test. In 1942 three small suburban orchards were selected for spray trials. Two of these were adjoining properties and the third was close by, so for practical pur- poses they could be regarded as one. Spray- ing was carried out immediately after the bloom had dropped. The following formula was used: Summer oil emulsion 2 gallons (Union Mineral Seal, Vise. 55, S.S.U. 100° F. U.R. 80%) Nicotine sulphate 1^ pint Water 100 gallons Lead arsenate 4J pounds (Oil concentration 1.21% actual oil) Powdered skim milk as emulsifier. Lead arsenate has little effect, if any, on the apple sawfly, but was included in the- spray for the purpose of controlling 1 Contribution No. 2316, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. various kinds of caterpillars. Several trees were left unsprayed as checks. The trees were examined for results about one month after spraying when the apples were about one inch in diameter. At that stage the larvae are beginning to leave the fruit and the exit holes, which are quite large, are readily seen. In its early stages a sawfly larva frequently damages several apples in a cluster before finally entering one in which it completes its growth. Fruit scarred by external feeding is included in the injured fruits. Only susceptible varieties are included in the tabulation. TABLE I Besults of Spraying Experiment in 1942 Variety Sprayed Trees Total Apples Per Cent Injury Gravenstein 2421 3.3 Gravenstein 2106 7.8 Wealthy 1274 1.6 Wealthy 1262 2.6 King 865 6.0 King 400 2.2 lano 262 11.4 Red Astrakhan 471 1.3 Red Astrakhan 149 9.4 Average Injury . Check 5.06 Trees Duchess 2172 39.1 Wealthy 3165 58.7 Hyslop crab 5378 70.0 Hyslop crab 2002 22.4 Average Injury . . . . . 47.5 In 1943 it was decided to increase slightly the concentration of both oil and nicotine sulphate to determine whether a higher and more uniform degree of con- trol could be obtained than in the previous year’s test. In addition to Union Mineral Seal Oil two other types of low viscosity oils were used — Imperial “Mentor 29” (Vis. 45 to 55 S.S.U. 100°F., U.R. 90%) and Shell “Helix” (Vis. 62 S.S.U. 100° F., U.R. 77%). For the trial a block of 34 trees was selected situated on adjoin- ing lots which in former days had been part of a commercial orchard. It consisted of 8 King, 6 Duchess, 8 Alexander, 2 Gravenstein, 1 Cox’s Orange, 2 Wealthy, 30 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia,; Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 1 Winter Banana and 6 unidentified trees. Alexander and five of the unidentified trees proved to be non-susceptible varieties or only slightly so. Several trees did not bear fruit. Oil emulsion was increased to 2 Yz gallons (1.50% actual oil) and nico- tine sulphate to 1% pint per 100 gallons. Arsenate of lead 4% pounds per 100 gal- lons was added as before. The time of ap- plication was immediately after blossom fall. Non-susceptible varieties and trees which produced too small a crop are not included in Table II. TABLE II Results of Spraying Experiment in 1943 Sprayed Trees Variety Total Apples Per Cent Jnjury 2 Gravenstein 1269 0.17 4 Duchess 3420 0.43 6 King 1318 0.41 1 Wealthy 524 1.15 2 Unidentified 1112 0.90 Average Injury 0.61 Check Trees 1 Duchess . 1358 35.03 2 King 1537 41.48 1 Wealthy 704 72.57 Average Injury 49.69 Trial of Quassia-Soap Spray. — In Europe the most common method for con- trolling apple sawfly and plum sawfly is to use a quassia spray with or without soap. An attempt made at Victoria in 1942 fail- ed owing to the solution being made too weak. In 1943 a formula mentioned by Thiem (1937) which was used successfully against the plum sawfly, was tried with good results against the apple sawfly on a few trees in a city garden. The quassia solution is prepared as follows: Soak 3 pound of quassia chips in 3 gallons of wat- er for 24 hours and boil for 1 hour; then add % pound of soap and dilute to 10 gallons. The spray was applied on May 1 8 to seven trees of different varieties con- sisting of one each of Yellow Transparent, Gravenstein, King, Greening and three unidentified varieties. Examined one month later, the most susceptible variety, Gravenstein, showed 2.69 per cent sawfly attack; the remainder were not attacked or only slightly. The degree of control obtained with quassia-soap compares favourably with that obtained with oil-nicotine sulphate and the slightly lower percentage of clean fruit obtained (97 per cent compared with 99 per cent) is probably not significant. One disadvantage of the quassia spray is that it is more troublesome to prepare than an oil- nicotine spray. It is also twice as expen- sive. The comparative costs of the two sprays per 100 gallons for materials at 1942 prices are: oil-nicotine $2.66, quassia- soap $5.78. Conclusion. — The results of experi- mental work conducted by the Victoria laboratory have shown that a spray of sum- mer oil emulsion combined with nicotine sulphate gives very satisfactory control of the apple sawfly. The best results were obtained with light petroluem oil 55 to 65 S.S.U. viscosity emulsified with pow- dered skim milk at the rate of 2% gallons of emulsion to 100 gallons of water (1.50% actual oil) and 1J4 pint nicotine sulphate. No apparent difference in re- results could be observed among the three different brands of light petroleum oil used. On sprayed trees rather more than 99 per cent of all apples set were free from sawfly attack, whereas un- sprayed trees showed more than 49 per cent loss and in one case 72 per cent. Only one spray is necessary; this should be ap- plied within a week after petal fall. High pressure is not required in order to get re- sults with this spray; in our trials a bucket pump was used and good results are being obtained by residents with pint-size hand pumps. The principal requirement is to see that the nozzle is held close to the calyces and that none are missed. The ad- dition of lead arsenate makes an excellent combination spray which will rid the trees of caterpillars and other biting insects. Literature Cited Downes, W. and H. Andison. 1942. The Apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug. on Van- couver Island, British Columbia. Proc. Ent. Soc. British Columbia 39: 13-16. Thiem, H. 1937. The successful control of plum sawflies with quassia (trans. title) Kranke Pflanze 14 (4): 59-65. (Abstract in Rev. App. Ent. (A) 25 (8): 465. 1937). Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 31 DEVICES FOR CHARTING AND OBTAINING NATURALLY EMERGED CATTLE WARBLES (Diptera: Oesfridae)1 J. D. Gregson and G. P. Holland Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. With the increased attention now being paid to the problem of cattle warbles, and the need for economy in the use of derris and other rotenone-containing roots, which provide the only known practical means of control, it has been considered neces- sary to reconsider the life-history and ecology of these insects in order to fill certain gaps in our knowledge. Numerous questions have been asked: What is the average length of time in- volved from the first appearance of the grubs in the backs of cattle to their natural emergence? Will grubs that emerge in the very early spring survive frosts? How many degrees of frost will they tolerate? If only one treatment can be given when is the optimum time? What proportion of 1 Contribution No. 2314, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. normally emerging grubs matures to flies under natural conditions? Grubs may emerge while cattle are in the barn, while the animals are in the pasture, in a muddy lane, in sunny or shady spots, on dry hard ground, etc.; what are their chances of- survival under these various circumstances? Is the puparium subject to mould and parasites? Are mice or birds factors in control? How long will warble flies live? How far can they fly? How good a cattle- finding sense do they possess? These are only some of the questions that require answers. In attempting to find the solutions to these problems, certain difficulties have been encountered. To overcome some of these, two simple pieces of apparatus have been devised, and are here described. (1) A Method of Charting Warbles (Fig. 1). Most of our studies are conducted on local dairy herds. A row of cows is chosen for warble devel- opment studies and at in- tervals of a week or so, each animal is checked to see how the grubs are pro- gressing, and whether any new ones have appeared. As there may be as many as 70 grubs in the back of a single beast it was found difficult to' locate a parti- cular warble on successive visits. To obviate this, a mea- suring stick was made. This consists of a piece of thin wood five feet long, with a cross bar two feet long fastened one foot from the end. The long stick is marked at two- Fig. 1. — Warble Charter in Use. 32 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 inch intervals with numbers from 1 to 30. The cross bar is similarly marked but the divisions are lettered A, B, C, D, etc., on each arm. The stick is placed with the long mem- ber running along the animal’s vertebral column, and with the cross piece exactly even with the projecting pelvis (hook) bones. The location of any grub may then be expressed by a number and a letter- — on the right side or the left — as. 8 A, 10C, 17D, and so on. Furthermore, an arbitrary series of numbers from one to five indicates the relative development of the grubs as follows: Size 1 — barely perceptible to small 2 — small to medium 3 — half to three-quarter grown 4 — mature and ready to emerge 5 — empty cysts. Cards have been printed on which to record these data. On one side is a square chart representing the cow’s back, lettered and numbered in the same manner as the stick. On the other side there is space for the date, locality, name of herd, row and stall of the particular animal, its breed, colour, age and other pertinent details. Thus a complete seasonal record may be kept for each animal, and the development of each grub traced from first appearance to maturity. (2) A Device for Securing Natur- ally Emerged Grubs (Fig. 2). In experiments using adult flies, or in determining the normal pupal period, it is necessary to have numbers of naturally emerged grubs. In 1943 rearing experi- ments were conducted with mature grubs that had been squeezed out very carefully and gently by hand. Due to the unavoid- able mechanical injury these grubs did not survive. As it is impractical to follow a cow around, waiting for a grub to fall out of its back, some means of obtaining uninjured grubs in fair numbers had to be invented. Officers of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture overcame the diffi- culty by enveloping the body of the animals with bagging; others have applied capsules over individual warble cysts (Bishopp et al., 1926). The first method is awkward, and the capsules are apt to be scratched off. Our apparatus consists of two canvas pouches, twenty- four inches long and three inches deep, one on each side of the animal. The inner margins of the pouches — those against the sides of the cow — are reinforced by one-eighth inch spring steel rods: the type used by upholsterers for spring work was found to be most satis- factory. At the ends of the pouches these rods are turned up at right angles for about three inches, then terminated in Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 33 small loops to prevent them tearing out of the canvas into which they are sewn. The outer walls of the pouches con- tinue up as flaps, and are tied together over the animal’s back. These canvas pockets are kept in place and are tightly com- pressed against the animal to which they are shaped by three webbing girdles, which are cinched around the belly. Each of these straps has an elastic insert on each side to accommodate the cow’s size before and after feeding. The girdles are ad- justed by double ring buckles. As the warbles emerge, they roll down from the back and are caught in the pockets, from which they may be removed daily, and set aside for rearing. Heavily infested, long-haired beef year- lings proved ideal for our use; as many as thirty-five grubs were collected from five animals in one day under these cir- cumstances. Tame animals are a great as- set to success, for under the best of con- ditions the harness receives rough treat- ment. For this reason it should be con- structed strongly, and sewn with linen thread. Literature Cited Bishopp, F. C., E. W. Laake, H. M. Brundrett, and R. W. Wills. The Cattle Grubs or Ox Warbles, their Biologies and Suggestions for Control. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bui. 1369, April 1926. THE EUROPEAN RED MITE IN THE OKANAGAN VALLEY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Acarina)1 E. P. Venables Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Vernon, B. C. This paper records certain observations regarding the economic importance of the European red mite Paratetranychus filosus (C. & F.) and the effect that control measures may have upon the development of infestations in the Okanagan Valley of southern central British Columbia. The potential importance of the European red mite has frequently been stated in terms of devitalization of the foliage resulting in loss of leaves, reduc- tion in size and colour of the fruit, and failure on the part of the tree to produce fruit buds. The extent to which the en- tomologist is justified in leading the or- chardist to expect such cumulative injury, should depend upon observations made in his own particular district over a period of years, rather than upon reports from other parts of the country or from obsolete literature. In infested irrigated orchards of the Okanagan Valley, it is very doubtful if defoliation ever occurs, although yellow- 1 Contribution No. 2326, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. ing and bronzing of the leaves is com- monly observed where the mites are numer- ous. Trees in this condition may lose many of their leaves following the application of summer oil. In non-irrigated orchards on the other hand, defoliation may be of common occurrence as noted by New- comer (1941) in Washington State. In- festations in Eastern Canada and the United States, where irrigation is not usual, are also accompanied by loss of leaves and other resulting symptoms. It is well known that the development of many orchard insects is profoundly influenced by cultural practices and there can be little doubt that irrigation has an important bearing upon injuries resulting from the attack of mites and scale insects. The effect of foliage injury upon fruit bud formation would depend upon the stage of bud development when the mite population reaches its height. In the Okan- agan Valley, the fruit buds are usually well developed by late June or early July. Heavy mite infestations during May and June would therefore be more liable to reduce bud vitality than later infestations 34 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 which would rather affect the colour and size of the fruit. Irrigation during these critical periods would of course, do much to reduce such injuries. The control of the pest has been the subject of many experiments and the liter- ature dealing with the efficiency of various spray materials is extensive. In drawing conclusions form such experiments, con- sideration should be given to a number of factors the action of which often renders results conflicting and unreliable. Certain spray materials are known to have a repres- sive effect upon mite predators. Spray residues on the foliage in some cases, are believed to favour mite survival or render predatory forms inactive. In the Okan- agan Valley, it has been observed that in certain orchards, where early sprays have been applied each season for mite control, the winter eggs frequently become suf- ficiently numerous in the fall to call for a repetition of control measures the follow- ing season, whereas in adjoining unsprayed orchards of the same variety, the mite population has remained at a uniformly low level from year to year. Many years’ observations in orchards throughout the Okanagan Valley have led to the following suggestions regarding the probable development of red mite in- festations under local conditions. Dor- mant oil sprays may be relied upon to des- troy most of the winter eggs, but infesta- tions frequently develop on such trees later in the season and winter eggs may again become numerous. The application of sum- mer sprays early in the season whilst con- trolling the mites for a comparatively short period are frequently followed by infestations in later summer. On trees where early sprays are used, the foliage remains green and affords an adequate food supply upon which the surviving mites increase and are able to deposit a normal complement of winter eggs. Sprays ap- plied at midsummer, when the mite popu- lation is already declining may produce spectacular results hut examination of un- sprayed trees in such an orchard will often show that the mites have already disap- peared. Ross and Robinson (1922) ob- served that depletion of the leaves may be considered as a most important natural check. It by no means follows that a heavy deposition of winter eggs will result in a mite outbreak and it has been often noticed that infestations may become serious on trees with relatively few winter eggs. On unsprayed trees, foliage injury be- gins early and gradually increases in sev- erity. The leaves on such trees become depleted and the food supply reduced, which is no* doubt the cause of the pro- gressive reduction of the mite population so commonly seen in such orchards. This condition may also result in the deposition of winter eggs which, as suggested by Cottier (1934) may be laid by a brood suffering from the scarcity of food. Lack of nourishment may also cause such eggs to be infertile and they are also exposed to the attack of predators for a consider- ably longer period than those on trees pro- tected by early sprays. Observations in three orchards in which the intensive mite control program, which had been in force for several seasons, was abandoned in 1941, have shown that whilst the population in 1941 and 1942 was negligible, a very heavy infestation of winter eggs developed in the fall of 1943 and dormant oil was resorted to the fol- lowing year. The season of 1944 was evi- dently favorable to the mite and several or- chards in different parts of the valley were heavily infested, most of these had suffered from mite attack in 1940 and 1941. A more careful study of mite activity on unsprayed check trees over a period of years may be of more ultimate value than laborious counts to show the comparative killing qualities of various spray materials. Much information could be gained by ar- ranging with growers who apply mite con- trol sprays to leave a few trees unsprayed. Such treesw would represent conditions in a variety of localities and should include different varieties of apples. Systematic examinations in a number of such orchards might be of greater value than the present method of confining observations to single experimental blocks in one locality and would also provide the grower’ with a direct comparison by which to judge the effect of his own control measures. Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 35 Literature Cited Cottier, W. 1934. The European red-mite in New Zealand (Paratetranychus pilosus Can. and Fanz.). New Zealand Jour. Sci. Tech. 16 (1): 39-56 (Cited in Rev. Applied Ent., Ser. A., 22 (11): 657. November, 1934). Newcomer, E. J. 1941. Orchard insects of the Pacific Northwest and their control. U.S, De- partment Agric., Circ. 270. Ross, W. A. and W. Robinson. 1922. Notes on the plum spider mite or European red mite. 52nd Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont. (1921): 33-42. 31n J^emortam MAX HERMANN RUHMANN, 1880-1943 It is with deep regret that I record the death of Max Hermann Ruhmann, Prov- incial Entomologist of British Columbia, which occurred on December 4, 1943 at Tranquille, B.C. Having known him from the time of his arrival in the Okanagan until his death, I may claim the privilege of a long and valued friendship with one whose attainments and knowledge in the field of Dur own particular science was quite unique. Max Ruhmann was born on September 9, 1880 at Hzehoe, Hol- stein, Germany. His early years were spent in Hol- land and in 1886 his family moved to England where he attended Clare- mont House School, Wateringbury, Kent. Subsequently moving to Ireland, he attended the Harcourt Street High School, and later studied medicine at Trinity Col- lege, both in Dublin. On the outbreak of the South African War he enlisted in the British Army and saw active service with a noted cavalary regiment. In 1902 he re- turned to Ireland but owing to severe at- tacks of malaria, contracted abroad, de- cided to abandon medicine and devote himself to horticulture and it was at Glas- nevin Botanical Gardens, then under the direction of his friend Dr. W. Moore, that he laid the foundation of the wide knowledge in pathology and entomology which became his life’s work. By that time he had made plans to become a fruit grower in British Columbia, and was al- ready seriously interested in economic en- tomology. 36 Ent. Soc. of British Columbia, Proceedings, 1944, Vol. 41, Dec. 8, 1944 He was married in 1904 and moved to Canada in 1907, residing in the Kootenay district until 1909 when he came to Ver- non. For four years he worked on fruit ranches to gain practical experience. Then in August, 1912, he was appointed to the Provincial agricultural staff as Assistant Plant Pathologist and Entomologist, which position he held until the separation of the pathological and entomological work in 1918. He then became Assistant Entom- logist. In 1935 he was appointed Provincial Entomologist and held this office until his retirement due to ill health in December, 1942. It is as an extension entomologist that Mr. Ruhmann will be particularly missed by the farmers and fruit growers in all parts of the Province. The many well ar- ranged exhibits of injurious insects and plant diseases which he prepared for agri- cultural exhibitions were of great interest and value, and it was this phase of his work which caused him to be so widely known and so constantly referred to on all mat- ters in which the correct identification and control of insect pests was concerned. Max was a skilled photographer; we are still using illustrations and lantern slides prepared by him when the Provincial and THE BEETLE MELANDRYA STRIATA IN BRIT- ISH COLUMBIA (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) . Mel- andrya striata Say, a shiny black beetle with striated elytra, is common in the eastern United States, but Carr’s Alberta record (1920. An annotated list of the Coleoptera of northern Alberta; Alta. Nat. Hist. Soc. [Red Deer] 8 p.) seems to be the only one from the north-west. I took a male striata at Courtenay, Vancouver Island, B.C., on July 14, 1931; it was identified by Hugh B. Leech, who questioned the locality. However, another male was found at Court- enay on June 30, 1932. Both beetles are now in the collection of the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Unfortunately, I did not keep any record of habitat but according to the literature, the species occurs under bark. There is an illustration of M. striata in Blatchley’s Coleoptera of Indiana, page 1296, fig, 572. — J. D. Gregson, Kamloops, B.C. EUCORETHRA UNDERWOODI AT SUMMER- LAND, B.C. (Diptera: Culicidae). This chaoborid fly has been recorded from 6 localities in British Colum- bia by Hearle (1928. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 24: 17-18), but only one of these, Kaslo, is east of the coast mountains. A female of underwoodi (det. A. R. Brooks) was taken on the wing March 31, 1942, beside Trout Creek, about 4 miles west of West Sum- merland, at an elevation of 2,000 ft. above sea level. Excellent figures of the larva and pupa of this species are given by Johannsen (1934. Cornell Uni. Agric. Exp. Sta., Memoir 164, fig. 158-164). — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. Dominion Entomologists shared the same rooms between 1919 and 1930. The large and well arranged insect col- lection housed in the Department office at Vernon was almost entirely the result of his efforts, and bears witness to his painstaking skill. Mr. Ruhmann’s personal library included a most complete collection of books and pamphlets, dealing with all phases of entomology, the bulk of which he bequeathed to the University of British Columbia at Vancouver. His attainments as a linguist enabled him to keep abreast of entomological research in various coun- tries and here again, his help in translating and abstracting foreign literature was freely given to all. The most generous of men, one who in the goodness of his heart was always ready to give practical help and advice in matters which often covered a range quite outside of the entomological field, and whose personal interest were al- ways held subordinate to those of his friends in all matters, professional or otherwise, he will be sadly missed. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ruhmann of Vernon, B.C., a son William of Portland, Oregon, and a daughter, Mrs. G. E. Clark of Vernon. E. P. Venables THE FLEA BEETLE ORESTIOIDES ROBUSTA IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) . In 1935 M. H. Hatch recorded robusta LeConte from three localities in the State of Washington, two of them at elevations a little above 5,000 feet (Ent. News 46 (10) : 276-278). Two specimens in the Hopping collection carry the following labels: “Midday Val., Merritt, B.C., 3. VII. 1924, K. F. Auden” [Det. F. E. Blaisdeil, Sr.] ; “Grouse Mt., 4,000 ft., Vancouver, B. C., 7. VI. 1931 H. B. Leech” [teste H. C. Fall]”.— Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. CAMPYLENCHIA LATIPES ON ASTER (Homop- tera: Membracidae) . W. Downes has thrice recorded C. iatipes Say in this journal (12: 14; 14: 18-19; 23: 16), reporting it from Vernon and Penticton, B.C., on willow and goldenrod. On August 4, 1944, I found a colony of adults on wild aster, Aster multiflorus Ait., at Vernon. Despite the hot weather the hoppers were inactive and made no attempt to elude capture. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. THE BUG CORYTHUCHA PADI ON BRACKEN FERN. (Hemiptera: Tingidae). On September 29, 1943. near Needles, B.C., adults of C. padi Drake were found in numbers on the underside of the fronds of brake, Pteris aquilina var. lanuginosa Bong. The bugs were feeding, and not readily dislodged. Speci- mens were identified with the aid of Downes’ key to the British Columbian species (Ent. Soc. B.C., Proc. 22: 12-19, 9 figs. 1925), and later verified by Mr. Downes, who said that bracken had not been recorded as a host. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. DIRECTORS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Honorary President President Vice-President (Coast) Vice-President (Interior) Hon. Secretary-Treasurer Hon. Auditor Advisory Board Editorial Board The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia is published annually. Individual volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Secretary-Treasurer, En- tomological Society of British Columbia, Box 308, Vernon, B.C. NEW MEMBERS A List of Members, as of May, 1943, was printed on the inside cover of Vol. 40. The following new members were elected at the Annual Meeting of Feb- ruary 26, 1944. Barss, A. F. — Department of Horticulture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Braucher, R. S. — 316 Orange St., Riverside, Calif. Francis, Joseph — Pennsylvania Salt. Co., Tacoma, Wash. Littooey, Edward — 2598 Taylor St., San Francisco, Calif. Mac Bean, Geo. — 937 W. 17th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. Smith, Gordon Stace — Creston, B.C, Taylor, S. E. — 1624 W. 3rd Ave., Vancouver, B.C. Turnbull, W. H. — Provincial Horticultural Office, Vernon, B.C. Associate Member Levey, Archie — Kamloops, B.C, H. R. Foxlee J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones H. F. Olds E. P. Venables G. R. Hopping J. W. Eastham M. L. Prebble H. B. Leech * W. Downes G. J. Spencer _ G. A. Hardy f H. B. Leech j W. Downes L G. P. Holland ■ ; ,v.: I ' * -.4 / <{i ;, ;,, \ 1 PROCEEDINGS of the ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 42. Issued December 8, 1 945 Page Hopping — The Lodgepole Pine Needle Miner in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) 1 Hardy — Notes on the Life History of the Vapourer Moth ( No - tolophus antiqua badia) on Vancouver Island (Lepidop- tera, Liparidae) 3 Buckell & Spencer — A Preliminary List of the Flesh Flies of British Columbia (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) 6 Turnbull — History of the Use of Bee Repellents in Orchard Sprays in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia 7 Foxlee — A Preliminary List of the Heterocera of the Nelson- Robson-Traii District of British Columbia (Insecta: Le- pidoptera) 9 Spencer — Mental Insect Attacks 15 Hopping — A New Subspecies of Monochamus notatus (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) 17 Spencer — On the Incidence, Density and Decline of Certain Insects in British Columbia 19 Jones — Presidential Address. [Common Names for Insect Species] 24 In Mkmoriam — Abdiel William Hanham 27 Scientific Notes 2, 8, 14, 16, 18, 23, 26, 28 Recent Literature Inside, Front Cover New Members 28 DIRECTORS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1945-1946 Honorary President W. Downes, Entomological Lab., Victoria, B.C. President J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones, Cobble Hill, B.C. V ice-President ( C oast ) M. H. Hatch, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Vice-President ( Interior ) E. P. Venables, Vernon, B.C. Hon. Secretary-Treasurer H. B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. Hon. Auditor J. W. Eastham, Court House, Vancouver, B.C. Advisory Board H. B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. G. P. Holland, Kamloops, B.C. G. R. Hopping, Vernon, B.C. E. R. Buckell, Kamloops, B.C. M. L. Prebble, Sault St. Marie, Ont. RECENT LITERATURE AN ANNOTATED LIST OF THE SCOLYTOIDEA OF WASHINGTON. By Gordon K. Patterson and Mel- ville H. Hatch. University of Washington (Seattle) Publications in Biology, 10 (4) :145-156 (p. 146, 155 and 156 are blank). February, 1945. Price 20 cents. — An introduction names the collections and unpub- lished files studied, and mentions the important liter- ature. Ninety-eight species of Scolytoidea (bark beetles) are listed, with localities and in most cases the host trees. Anisandrus py'ri Peck, is discussed at length. FIELD CROP INSECTS IN THE PRAIRIE PROV- INCES. Bulletin No. 5, published by Line Elevators Farm Service, 763 Grain Exchange Bldg., Winnipeg, Man., 64 p., 33 figs., 2 col. plates, (p. 2 is blank). March, 1945. — This is an excellent handbook, well written and illustrated, with many fine photographs by R. D. Bird. It is “distributed free of charge to farmers and rural schools in Manitoba; Saskatchewan; Alberta; and Peace River Block, British Columbia.” The text, except perhaps for the introduction, is by specialists in the laboratories of the Division of En- tomology, Science Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture and in the Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba. The insects are arranged by orders, and for each species the recognition char- acters, life history and habits, and control are dis- cussed. Over 50% of the pests discussed occur also in British Columbia, so the booklet should be of gen- eral interest. Note the list of sponsors on the back cover. Copies may be obtained from Line Elevators Farm Service, 503 Herald Building, Calgary, Alta. A SOURCE-BOOK OF BIOLOGICAL NAMES AND TERMS. — By Edmund C. Jaeger, xvi+256 p., 94 text figs. American ed. by Charles C. Thomas, 220 E. Mon- roe St., Springfield, 111., (pub. simultaneously in Can- ada by the Ryerson Press, Toronto) 1944. $3.50. — Here is a fine book for those who like to know the literal meanings of the scientific biological names and terms they use or read; fully 12,000 are alphabetically listed, usually with one or more examples. The intro- ductory portion contains sections on “How words are built”, “Types of names considered”, “Translitera- tion”, and “concerning Greek prefixes.” Taxonomists will be interested in p. xiii-xxii, in which are quoted T. S. Palmer’s lucid and comprehensive statements on the word-formation of generic names (from Index Generum Mammalium. 1904). For those who wish to propose new scientific names, a useful companion vol- ume would be Roland W. Brown’s MATERIALS FOR WORD-STUDY, 234 p. Van Dyck & Co. Inc., New Haven, Conn. 1927. $1.15. CHECKLIST OF THE COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, THE WEST INDIES AND SOUTH AMERICA. By Richard E. Blackwelder. Smithsonian Institution (U.S. Nat. Museum) Bui. 185. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. — Part 3, comprising pages iv-f~ 343-550, has been issued. Like Part 2 it continues the suborder Polyphaga; species of the families from Lycidae to Tenebrionidae and Cisidae are treated. Price 45 cents. PROCEEDINGS of the ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 42. Issued December 8, 1 945 Page Hopping — The Lodgepole Pine Needle Miner in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) . . . . . . 1 Hardy — Notes on the Life History of the Vapourer Moth (No- tolophus antiqua baclia) on Vancouver Island (Lepidop- tera, Liparidae) .- 3 Buckell & Spencer — A Preliminary List of the Flesh Flies of British Columbia (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) 6 Turnbull — History of the Use of Bee Repellents in Orchard Sprays in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia 7 Foxlee — A Preliminary List of the Heterocera of the Nelson- Robson-Trail District of British Columbia (Insecta: Le- pidoptera) 9 Spencer — Mental Insect Attacks 15 Hopping — A New Subspecies of Monochamus notatus (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) 17 Spencer — On the Incidence, Density and Decline of Certain Insects in British Columbia 19 Jones — Presidential Address. [Common Names for Insect Species] 24 In Memoriam — Abdiel William Hanham 27 Scientific Notes . 2, 8, 14, 16, 18, 23, 26, 28 Recent Literature Inside, Front Cover New Members 28 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 DEDICATED TO RESEARCH RECENTLY this doorway to the . Whitemarsh Research Laborator- ies officially opened, and the new home of Penn Salt’s Research and Develop- ment Department was formally ded- icated. Here will be continued the important work of Penn Salt’s rapidly growing staff of chemists, engineers and other technologists. With greatly enlarged facilities, they will be well-equipped to bear a substantial share of the in- creased responsibility imposed on in- dustry and agriculture by wartime’s fast changing economy. Materials, not even dreamed of yesterday, already have become commonplace. And still more remarkable things are in store for the world of tomorrow. This great building symbolizes the transformation that is taking place in the field of practical research. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAN u/fa ffc TURING C oAl R A N V i85o K^A-zjruLjCuaJLi L w 1000 WIDENER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA 7, PA. NEW YORK • CHICAGO • ST. LOUIS • PITTSBURGH • CINCINNATI • MINNEAPOLIS WYANDOTTE • TACOMA PENN SALT PRODUCTS ENTER INTO THE MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS FOR AGRICULTURE, WATER AND SEWAGE, METAL INDUSTRIES, CERAMICS. GLASS, OIL REFINING, PULP AND PAPER, TEXTILES, LEATHERS, LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING, AVIATION GASOLINE. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 1 THE LODGEPOLE PINE NEEDLE MINER IN THE CANADIAN ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARKS (Lepidopfera, Gelechiidae) 1 Geo. R. Hopping Vernon, B.C. The needle miner (Recurvaria milleri Busck)2 attacks lodgepole pine (Finns con- torta Douglas) and Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Greville and Balfour). An out- break in lodgepole pine was noted as early as 1903 in Yosemite Park, Calif., where large areas were affected (Patterson, 1921). This infestation has continued in varying intensity up to the present time. Many trees have been killed by repeated defoliation and many others have been badly disfig- ured. This miner has also been recorded from the Deschutes National Forest in Oregon (Doane, Van Dyke, Chamberlin and Burke, 1936). In Canada, a heavy infestation was first noticed by park wardens in early June of 1942 in Banff National Park, Alberta. Over large areas lodgepole pine com- menced to turn reddish-yellow in a band on the slopes between the 5,000 and 6,500 foot elevations. This was in the midst of a bark beetle control area and the wardens at first thought it was a terrific increase in bark beetle attack. In 1942, intensive in- festation occurred on nearly all slopes on the south side of the Bow River from Ver- milion Pass eastward to Brewster Creek. On the north side of the Bow Valley dis- coloration was evident from Johnston Canyon, westward to Castle Mountain. A small area was also affected near Lake Louise, Alta. By 1944, the area severely affected was extended westward into Yoho Park in the vicinity of Wapta Lake, B. C., and from Vermilion Pass southward into Kootenay Park for a distance of eight to ten miles. A few specimens were also col- lected in the Sunwapta district of Jasper National Park, Alta., but no outbreaks have been reported from this locality. Although the first outbreak was known in 1903, eleven years passed before the 1 Contribution No. 2345, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. 2 This determination was not made by a specialist in the group, but was made by the writer after check- ing specimens with the description (Busck 1914). moth was described (Busck, 1914). It is a small grayish moth with a wing expanse of 12 to 14 mm. The head, fore-wings and thorax are silvery gray, irregularly sprinkled with black scales. The front of the head is silvery-white, the antennae gray and black annulated. The abdomen is mainly silvery-white, the legs more or less barred with black. Not all details of the life-history have been observed at Banff, but the general de- velopment follows that described by Pat- terson (1921). The moths appear in al- ternate years: in the odd-numbered years in Yosemite and in the even-numbered years in Banff. In 1942 the peak of moth emergence/ occurred between July 19 and 24. By July 26 over 60% of the pupae had produced adults. At that time, the jarring of a young tree produced a swarm of the tiny moths like a halo about the crown. The eggs are deposited usually at the bases of the current year’s needles and are generally concealed beneath the needle sheaths. The eggs hatch in from twelve to fourteen days. The emergence of the larvae continues from early August to about September 10. The young larva enters a needle of the current year’s growth and about one-third of this needle is mined the first year be- fore activity ceases for the winter. Feed- ing is resumed in early spring of the fol- lowing year. After mining about two- thirds of the , original needle, the larva moves to a needle of the new growth dur- ing August. By the end of the second year about one-half of this needle has been mined and the larva settles down for an- other winter. In the following spring the mining of this needle is completed and the larva goes to another needle of the same year’s growth. After mining this one, it pupates in the gallery. In years of moth emergence the discolouration of the foli- age is more pronounced due to the mining of two needles of the same year’s growth 2 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 by each larva. This practically disappears by the end of September because by then most of the old mined needles have fallen and the mines made by the young larvae in the new growth are too small to cause noticeable browning. In intensified form the outbreak has been in progress for four years, 1942 and 1944 being the moth flight years. Thus far, the recovery of the trees has been satisfactory except on a small area near Lake Louise, where a few of the older trees appeared to be dying when examined in September, 1944. It is probable that older trees are less able to withstand the miner attack than young stands. In one mature stand on Brewster Creek, the needle miner attack appears to have com- plicated the bark beetle control work. The weakening of these trees seems to have attracted beetles from surrounding areas less affected by the miner. Consequently, it has been necessary to cruise and burn beetle-infested trees on the Brewster area on three successive years, while other areas required only two treatments. At the present time it is impossible to predict what the final outcome of this in- festation by the needle miner will be. If it should continue for another four years, mortality in mature stands probably would become severe. Fortunately, young repro- duction occupies much of the affected area. A more serious consideration is the possibility of bark beetle attack on the ma- ture trees weakened by the miner. As yet there is no indication of any material de- crease in the needle-miner population. Several species of parasites have been re- covered, but examination of over 12,000 needles showed parasitism to be less than 20%. Literature Cited Busck, A. 1914. Descriptions of new microlepidoptera of forest trees. Ent. Soc. Washington, Proc. 16, p. 144. Boane, R. W., E. C. Van Dyke, W. J. Chamberlin and H. E. Burke. 1936. Forest Insects, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York and London, P. 303-304. Patterson, J. E. 1921. Life history of Recurvaria milleri, the lodgepole pine needleminer in the Yosemite National Park, California, Jour. Agric. Res 21 (3) : 127-142. POPULATION COUNTS OF POTATO FLEA BEET- LES AT AGASSIZ AND CHILLIWACK, B.C. (Cole- optera: Chrysomelidae) . — During the course of studies of the new tuber flea beetle, Epitrix tuberis Gentner in the lower Fraser valley, a remarkable diminution in numbers of the common western potato flea beetle, Epitrix subcrinita (LeConte) has been noted. Popula- tion counts of adults on potato foliage have been made each season since 1941 by means of sweeping, the beetles being then killed , and counted in connec- tion with our life history studies. In 1941 75 per cent of those taken were subcrin- ita. In 1942 subcrinita out-numbered tuberis until June, after which the numbers were about equal. In 1943 the subcrinita collected in our sweepings were less than 10% of the total at any time throughout the season, and were usually so few that they were disregarded in our population estimates. In 1944 sub- crinta was even scarcer and although it emerges from hibernation from two to three weeks earlier than tuberis, it was not collected in appreciable numbers even in May, before tuberis appears in any numbers, and throughout the season formed less than 1% of the beetle population at any time. These population counts were made both at Agassiz and Chilliwack, and the same conditions were found in both districts. Although this reduction in numbers of subcrinita might be due to a natural cyclical phase, pressure of population by the great increase of tuberis in these years may be responsible, though it is difficult to see in what way one species could interfere with the other except during copulation. Parasitism is negligible in either species. — R. Glenndenning, Agassiz, B.C. EROS THORACICUS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Cole- optera: Lycidae). — On July 6, 1934, I took a specimen of E. thoracicus (Rand) at Fernie, B.C., on herbage along the bank of the Elk River. W. J. Brown, who identified the specimen, advises me that G. S. Walley found a specimen at Likely, B.C., on July -7, 1938. — Hugh B. Leech. THE WATER BEETLE AGABUS GRISEIPENNIS IN OREGON Coleoptera, Dytiscidae). — H. C. Fall in his revision of Agabus listed A. griseipennis LeConte as inhabiting the Rock Mountain and Plateau region. Localities were cited in Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada and California (Owens Lake). C. W. Leng in his checklist of Coleoptera noted it from Nebraska and California. H. B. Leech (1942 Canad. Ent. 74(7) :131, fig 11) added Utah: Far West; Skull Valley; Provo; California: Lone Pine, Inyo Co.; Bodie, Mono Co. At the same time he questioned the accuracy of the Montana determinations. I have two specimens (det. Leech) from Burns, Harney Co., Oregon, taken June 26, 1941, from a roadside ditch. This is a new record for the state and one I deem worthy of note. — Kenneth M. Fender, McMinnville, Ore. APHODIUS ALTERNATUS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) . — On April 19, 1942, a specimen of the pretty, vittate Aphodius alternatus Horn (det. W. J. Brown) was found floating in a small pond on top of the Birney range, about a mile south of Vernon. Though dead, the beetle was fresh and in good condition; cattle were numerous in the vicinity, and several species of dung-inhabiting Apho- dius were in flight at the time. — Hugh B. Leech. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 3 NOTES ON THE LIFE HISTORY OF THE VAPOURER MOTH ( NOTOLOPHUS ANTIQUA BADIA) ON VANCOUVER ISLAND (Lepidoptera, Liparidae) George A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. Introduction. — "The swiftly erratic gyrations of N otolophus antiqua badia Hy. Edw. have been abundantly evident to the most casual observer in Victoria during the autumn of 1944. While personal investi- gations were confined to the grounds of the Legislative Buildings and the Empress Ho- tel, the moths were reported to be equally common throughout the city and suburbs as well as at up-island points. Considering the extraordinarily large numbers of the male adults it is remark- able that no prognostication of their ap- pearance in the Victoria area was indicated by the presence of the larvae earlier in the year, which by all the signs should have amounted to a small plague at least. After a search in likely places, about a dozen cocoons of females were obtained, each with its batch of eggs, but not one from which a male could have emerged. The Moth. — The vapourer moth is a member of the family Liparidae to which belong such notorious species as the gypsy and satin moths. It is of wide distribution and was originally described by Linnaeus in 1758 as antiqua from Europe. The Am- erican species was known by this name until in 1874 Hy. Edwards designated the western representative as the race badia . The vapourer is a small brown moth with a conspicuous white dot on each of the forewings; the middle third of the latter has a lighter band of bay-brown, while the under side of the forewings and both surfaces of the hindwings are of an ochreous-brown colour. As already intim- ated the flight is very erratic, and it is about as easy to catch as a windblown leaf on a gusty day. It alights as unpredictablv as is its course in flight; suddenly dodging up to the underside of a leaf where it reposes with wings held flat, the forewings con- cealing the hind pair in such a manner as to give a triangular outline to the rest- ing moth. The long hairy fore-legs from which the insect will sometimes alone de- pend, simulating a withered leaf, are ex- tended straight out in front. The males were ' flying during the end of August reaching their maximum number in Sep- tember and finally dwindling to zero by the end of October. No females were seen at large. The fe- male averages 12 mm. in length and 5 mm. in width with the vestigial fore and hind wings measuring 3 and 1 mm. respectively. These are flattened sacs, like the collapsed finger of a glove; they, together with the rest of the body are clothed with fine hairs. In shape the newly emerged female res- embles a fat grey grub tapering equally at each end and with a lateral band of pale yellow dividing the grey upper and lower surface. The eyes are well developed, an- tennae relatively short and mouthparts ru- dimentary. She does not move from the fabric of the cocoon but holds her body at about an angle of 45 degrees until fertil- ized; the dark chitin-tipped genitalia pul- sates rhythmically in telescopic action. Egg- laying begins immediately after copula- tion. Firmly grasping a portion of the co- coon with her legs and using this as the centre of an arc the eggs are deposited in orderly fashion, the forceps-like ovipositor carefully exploring the place for each egg, feeling out the angle between two other eggs, never laying them off the fabric of the cocoon. When all the space within reach of her ovipositor is covered with the eggs in a single layer, she moves ahead or around the cocoon, anchors herself again and continues until all the eggs are laid. The egg-laying accomplished, she lingers on for a few days and dies without ever leaving the surface of the cocoon. Eggs were laid at intervals of from 5 to 30 seconds, much depending on how promptly the ovipositor found the exact spot for deposition. In one case 90 eggs were laid within two hours after mating. 4 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 What with changing position and an oc- casional rest the complete batch of from 225 to 300 eggs was disposed of in 4 or 5 hours. The batch is not covered with froth or scales as in some species that lay over- wintering eggs. The Egg. — The egg is shaped some- what like a squat barrel, flattened above and below, smooth in texture and of a light beige colour with a central dot and shoulder ring of a darker shade. When first laid it is a pale jade-green, assuming its final colour almost immediately after, in 4 or 5 seconds. The eggs from which this life-history was worked out were collected at large in September and kept at ordinary room tem- perature, where they hatched and the lar- vae were reared. Ova under observation in natural out-door conditions do not hatch nor are expected to until spring-time vege- tation is available. The Larva. — The caterpillars were reared on various species of rose, the leaves of R. nutkana being relished most. Al- though the food plant was past its prime and at times difficult to obtain, individuals came through their metamorphosis in per- fect condition. (1) First Instar. — Eggs hatched on No- vember 6th. Length about 2 mm. when first emerged increasing to about 5 mm. as growth proceded. The general colour is a translucent blackish in the initial phase. Towards the end of this instar the three thoracic and the fifth abdominal seg- ments assume a much lighter shade. The whole body is covered with long black hairs, as long as, or longer than the body. The larvae are very active, crawling rap- idly and dropping readily at the slightest touch, supported by a silken thread which serves the double purpose of breaking their fall and as a guide to regain their original position. The first meal is made of the greater part of the egg-shell. (2) Second Instar. — First moult Novem- ber 21st. Length about 6 mm. Apart from size the most marked development at this stage is the intensification of the light col- oured segments to a pale yellowish tinge and the appearance on each of the dorsal surfaces of the sixth and seventh abdomin- al segments of an orange-coloured gland. (3) Third Instar. — Second moult De- cember 6th. Length about 10 mm. In ad- dition to the uniform black hairs covering the body of the preceeding instars the char- acteristic tufts now make their appearance. Two pencil-like ones on first thoracic di- rected forward, one of the same kind on the eighth abdominal pointing backward, all of black hairs. On the first and second abdominal segments the thick shaving- brush-like tufts or tussocks appear in black, while similar though shorter ones adorn each of the third and fourth abdominals but are of a white or greyish colour. Or- ange tubercles as before. (4) Fourth Instar. — Third moult Decem- ber 11th. Length about 15 mm. Approach- ing maturity is accompanied by an increas- ing intensity of colour and perfection of structural detail. The most conspicuous change is in the four tussocks which are now equal in size and of shades of yellow varying from gold to lemon. Most of the body hairs are of a yellowish grey colour. (5) Full-Grown Larva.— Length 27 mm. The head is a shining jet black, the general colour a smoky drab; a broad dor- sal stripe is velvet black edged with brok- en lines of yellow; the thoracic and fifth abdominal has a further spotting of yel- low. The spiracles are black with a whitish dot just to one side of them. Until examin- ed closely this dot could be mistaken for the spiracle itself. The body hairs grow from little raised pads, eight pads to a seg- ment, two above and two below the spir- acular line on each side; that immediately above is of an orange colour, the remaind- er are dusky. The longer central hairs of each pad are black, the rest yellowish. All the hairs are barbed; on the long body hairs the barbs are short and dispersed over the greater part of their length; on the hairs of the dorsal tufts the barbs are longer and more closely disposed; while on the hairs composing the anterior and posterior “pencils” the barbs are arranged in such a manner as to give a spatulate out- line to the tip of each hair. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Yol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 5 The tubercles of the repugn A to ry glands are thin-walled evaginations of the body wall, thicker on the sides but very thin and membranous at the apex. They are distend- ed by an influx of the body fluid through which the regular pulsations of the heart action can be observed. When alarmed the larva flips up the posterior segments, the tops of the glands collapse and are drawn down below the thicker side walls. In a few seconds they are re-distended. No spray could be seen, but the very moist ap- pearance of the outer surface suggests a slight exudation of fluid that may serve some defensive purpose. The caterpillars are not gregarious, but go their own independent ways. The rest- lessness of the newly hatched larvae sug- gests that this habit ensures a rapid dis- persal away from the nursery and each other. The Cocoon. — -The cocoon is fashion- ed in the angle of a projecting ledge or coping or in the crevice of rough bark; sometimes among the twigs of bushes. It is a light transparent structure; the greyish silk being tinged with yellowish from the incorporation into its mesh of the larval hairs. This admixture of hairs is accidental as far as the larva is concerned and is the result of much twisting and turning dur- ing the process of cocoon making, further aided mechanically by the barbed nature of the hairs themselves. About two days elapsed between the beginning of the co- coon and the assumption of the pupal garb. The Pupa. — First pupation December 22nd. The pupa averages 10 mm. by 4 mm. in the male, 10 by 5 in the female, with wing sheaths in proportion. It is a shining jet black in colour, sparsely grey- ish hirsute on the dorsal surface. In addi- tion the dorsum of the first three abdom- inal segments has a small dense patch of short greyish scale-like hairs. The first imago, a male, emerged on January 18th; from then on emergences continued until all had completed their metamorphosis by February 1st, 1945. The proportion of the sexes was about equal. Summary. — The eggs are normally laid during the early autumn months, re- maining dormant until the following spring. A batch of ova brought indoors un- der the influence of the higher tempera- ture prevailing there hatched on Novem- ber 6th. The larvae were fed on the leaves of Rosa nutkana , completing their metamorphosis in 70 days in one case, averaging 78 days for those reared through to the perfect insect. The time required to complete each stage was observed in one case to be as follows: First instar, 15 days; second in- star, 14 days; third instar, 6 days; fourth instar, 10 days; pupal stage, 25 days. A great variation in the rate of develop- ment was evident, especially in the early stages. While all the eggs hatched in two days there was a spread of 23 days between the first and last date of pupation. On the other hand only 13 days elapsed between the first and last emergences of the im- agines. Conclusions. — The possibilities of this species becoming a serious pest could only become a fact in the absence of an active and persistent check such as appears to be the case from the known parasitic infesta- tion. Some such reason may account for its abnormal abundance in 1944. The number of eggs in a batch is suf- ficient to quickly populate any given area with larvae. Old egg masses examined showed a 100 -per cent viability. Hence the means of rapid increase are present; it only needs a plentiful food supply, mild weather and freedom from parasites or disease to enable their number to reach nuisance-proportions. Later Note. — -In the field, -ova hatch- ed on May 25, 1945. Thereafter the larvae were kept in confinement in a cool room. The first adult emerged July 24 making a total period of 60 days to com- plete the metamorphosis as against 7 1 days for the first emergence in the material reared last fall. In addition an extra instar appeared with the full fed larva measur- ing 35 mm., as against 27 mm. in the former lot; apart from size there was no radical change in appearance. Evidently the fresh young rose leaves 6 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 with their higher nutritive qualities as compared with the old faded leaves of the fall and early winter not only provided the means of quicker growth but a short- ening of the time to complete develop- ment. Milder temperature also has some influence for the pupal period was 1 1 days as against 25 days in the fall rearing. A condensed summary of the changes from egg to adult in the spring and sum- mer is as follows: First instar, 5 days; second instar, 9 days; third instar, 7 days; fourth instar, 15 days; fifth instar, 13 days; pupation, 11 days; total, 60 days. A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE FLESH FLIES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) E. R. Buckell and G. J. Spencer Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. In the course of efforts to unravel the problems of natural control factors of grasshoppers, it was necessary to rear sarcophagid maggots that were killing hoppers and to make field collections of the flies. A paper on these flies is in course of preparation, but in the meantime it seems advisable to record the species that have been captured and those that have been reared from their acridiid hosts in the Chilcotin, near Lytton, and on the Lac du Bois ranges at Kamloops. The nomenclature is according to Aldrich’s Monograph “Sarcophaga and Allies”, Thomas Say Foundation, 1916, brought up-to-date through the kindness of Dr. A. R. Brooks, Division of Entomology, Ot- tawa. ^Indicates species recorded in literature as parasites of grasshoppers in North America.' tlndicates species reared in this Province from Melanoplus mexicanus mexicanus Saus. W ohlfahrtia meigenii Schiner * A gria a finis Fallen Sarcofahrtia ravinia Parker ‘ \Sarcofhaga sinuata Meigen Sarcofhaga latisterna Parker * Sarcophaga atlanis Aldrich f Sarcophaga hunteri Plough ■ \Sarcophaga ofifera Coquillet ^Sarcofhaga caridei Brethes f Sarcofhaga f alcif ormis Aldrich f Blaesoxifhotheca coloradensis (Aldrich) Sarcofhaga eleodis Aldrich t Acridiofhaga aculeata (Aldrich) t Acridiofhaga aculeata var. gavia (Al- drich) t Acridiofhaga aculeata var. taediosa (Al- drich) f Sarcofhaga reversa Aldrich t Sarcofhaga rafax Walker j Sarcofhaga tuber osa var. harfax Pandelle t Sarcofhaga tuber os a var. sarracenioides Aldrich f Sarcofhaga tuber osa var. exuberans Pan- delle Sarcofhaga sulculata Aldrich Sarcofhaga bullata Parker Sarcofhaga nearctica Parker Sarcofhaga flanifrons Aldrich Sarcofhaga Iherminieri R.-D. Sarcofhaga insurgens Aldrich t Sarcofhaga kelly i Aldrich A large number of female flies which key out to the aculeata triplet has been reared from maggots emerging from grasshoppers; without males it is impos- sible to assign them to a variety: males have been reared only of S. aculeata. Fe- male flies of the species Sarcofhaga flani- frons and S. Iherminieri have been fre- quently captured, pursuing flying grasshop- pers and apparently larvipositing on them; it is possible that they also will prove to be parasites of these insects. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 7 HISTORY OF THE USE OF BEE REPELLENTS IN ORCHARD SPRAYS IN THE OKANAGAN VALLEY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA W. H. Turnbull Inspector of Apiaries, Vernon, B.C. The Okanagan Valley of central south- ern British Columbia is essentially a fruit- growing area; with abundance of native honey plants, orchard blossom and legum- inous cover crops, it is well adapted to . bee-keeping. There are some 24,535 acres of bearing orchard and 3,786 colonies of honey bees in the valley. In the past, apiarists have suffered from loss of held bees, and from poisoned brood, the result of bees imbibing insecticidal poisons ap- plied as orchard sprays. This paper records the first experiments with bee repellents to be carried out in the Okanagan. Chemicals were added to standard sprays in an attempt to make the liquids unattractive to honey bees. The present work has been done from the view- point of the bee-keeper; the farmer is not greatly interested in the fate of the bees unless it can be proven that they are a major factor in orchard pollination. Brittain (1933:157) concluded that as far as the apple orchards of the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia are concerned, both native and hive bees are important, and that colonies of hive bees should be placed in orchards in case seasonal conditions are unfavorable to native solitary bees; also that “Experimental evidence regarding the value of bees for pollination purposes un- der controlled conditions demonstrates clearly the necessity of bees combined with a supply of suitable pollen for all varieties. Even the most self-fruitful varieties re- quire bees in order to ensure adequate pol- lination.” Root (1919:338) has the following to say for the danger of using poison in or- chard sprays. “The poisonous spray applied to the tree falls on the flowers of the cover crop, and the bees visiting there are des I troyed in immense numbers . . . The spray- j ing of the cover crop presents a new and serious problem . . . Unless protection can be afforded bee-keepers they will be com- pelled to move their bees away from or- chards when the owners allow spraying to be done at a time when it may fall on cover crops which are in bloom.” In the winter of 1942, the American Bee Journal carried a report on the work being done by the Massachusetts Depart- ment of Conservation in adding bee re- pellents to orchard sprays. A pint of oil of creosote to 100 gallons of spray was used; 375,000 gallons of spray were applied in a certain area, and a footnote says that “beekeepers in the area covered reported no loss of bees from poison spray when the oil of creosote was used.” This paper was brought to the attention of A. W. Finlay, Provincial Apiarist, who immediately wrote to Massachusetts for a detailed report. In the meantime a bee- keeper in Vernon drew the attention of the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. K. C. MacDonald, to the article in question and he in turn instructed Morrice Middleton, District Horticulturist at Vernon, to in- vestigate the matter thoroughly. Upon my arrival in Vernon in the spring of 1942 with full information from Fin- lay, I found the Department of Horticul- ture all ready to co-operate on a practical test. H. H. Evans and W. Baverstock had a supply of oil of creosote ready and had conducted some experiments with differ- ent “spreaders” in order to have it evenly distributed in the sprays. We then had to find an orchard far enough from others to remove any chance of the bees getting poison from sprays that had not been mixed with repellent. We finally chose one five miles northwest of Armstrong. Fred Bettschen of Vernon offered to supply the bees for the test. We moved 10 colonies into the orchard, and Evans and Baverstock then applied complete cover sprays of two 400 gallon tanks of stand- ard strength arsenate of lead at the same time and at the same intervals that sprays were applied in the orchards around Ver- non. The bees were examined by the writer and a committee appointed by the British Columbia Honey Producers’ As- 8 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 sociation, both before and after every spray was applied. No loss of bees or poisoned brood was found in any exam- ination, and at the close of the season Bettschen harvested 2,160 pounds of honey from the 10 colonies, and the bees had ample winter stores. In an apiary several miles distant, within flying distance of an orchard sprayed without repellents being added, the loss was very heavy, almost all the field bees being poisoned. We then found out that Evans and Baverstock had only used oil of cresote in one tank of spray each time. In the other tank used they had substituted crude carbolic acid at the rate of two ounces to each 100 gallons of spray. This informa- tion gave us two repellents that appar- ently could be used with perfect safety and equally good results insofar as bees were concerned. In 1943 the repellents were tested on a larger scale in an orchard where there was a good cover crop of alfalfa, sweet clover, alsike clover and several native honey plants. As in the 1942 tests, com- plete cover sprays of arsenate of lead, containing one pint oil of creosote to 100 gallons, were used. A second orchard, ad- jacent to this, was under test with the same number of sprays, but in this case the repellent was crude carbolic acid. A close check up of the thirty colonies of bees in the orchard failed to show any loss of bees. The formula with oil of creosote was given to several orchardists who were also beekeepers, to be tried out under the usual growers’ conditions. In every case a burn- ing of foliage was reported, ranging from slight to severe. This seems to have been caused by the- incomplete mixing of the creosote. No loss of bees was reported in any case. In 1 944 the officials conducting the tests decided to abandon the oil of creosote as being unsafe for use by growers and to continue with the more stable crude car- bolic acid as a repellent. The orchard used was the one in which the creosote was tested the previous .year. Four complete sprays were put on using carbolic acid two ounces to 100 gallons. The atmosphere varied from very moist to very dry during these tests. The cover crop was a heavy one and was in full bloom during at least two of the applied sprays. The fourth spray varied from the others in that four ounces of crude carbolic acid were used in place of the usual two, to de- termine if there would be any burning of foliage. No burning whatever was noted. Another test was carried out by a grower at Peachland, who was supplied with crude carbolic acid and it was applied in sprays by his own men under grower conditions. He had four colonies of bees on the edge of the 48 acres of orchard which were sprayed and the colonies were examined after each spraying. No loss whatever was noted and the bees built up to swarming strength during the time the four cover sprays were being applied. Several other unofficial tests were car- ried on by orchardists and in every case “no loss of bees” was reported. Literature Cited Anon. 1942. Massachusetts Association obtains use of repellents in sprays. Amer. Bee Jour. 82 (3) :114. Brittain, W. H., et al. 1933. Apple pollination studies in the Annapolis Valley, N.S., Canada. 1928-1932. Dominion Canada, Dept. Agrie., Bui. No. 162 (N.S.), 198 p., 73 figs., 41 tables. Root, A. I. and E. R. Root. 1919. The ABC and XYZ of bee culture. A. I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio. BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALBERTA RECORDS IN E. C. LERCH’S “A LIST OF HOMOPTERA FROM ONTARIO.” Lerch’s paper (Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 28 (2): 76-78. April 1, 1933) lists a number of Homoptera said to have been collected by J. F. Brim- ley of Wellington, Ont. Actually it includes four species received by Brimley from collectors in Western Can- ada: Ceresa basalis Walker from Malakwa, B.C. (not “Malorwa”!); Campylenchia latipes Say, Bythoscopus robustus Uhler?, and Oncometopia lateralis Fabr., from Medicine Hat, Alta. The Medicine Hat specimens were collected by the late F. S. Carr. The Malakwa example was taken in 1923 by J. H. Aubrey who at that time lived there and was associated with the Forest Service. Like Brim- ley, H. M. Speechly of Winnipeg and the late Norman Criddle of Treesbank, Man., Aubrey was a meember of the British Empire Naturalist Association. Most of the insects he took were sent to Brimley, but his collection of Coleoptera, left behind when he went to the anti- podes, came into my hands in 1931. — Hugh B. Leech. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 9 A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE HETEROCERA OF THE NELSON-ROBSON- TRAIL DISTRICT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Harold R. Foxlee 1 Robson, B.C. The following list had its beginning in a small collection of Lepidoptera made at Nelson by the late Harry Cane, and now in my possession; few of his specimens show dates of capture. Localities other than Nelson represent my collecting; most of the species from Brilliant were taken at light, chiefly at a number of 1,000-watt flood lights. The Nelson-Robson-Trail district is in the southern part of the West Kootenay region of British Columbia, adjacent to the northeastern corner of the State of Washington. The localities are as follows, and all are within the quadrilateral be- tween the 49th and 50th parallels of lati- tude and the 117th and 118th meridians of longitude; Warfield is a suburb of Trail. B. — Brilliant, Elevation ca. 1,550 ft. N. — Nelson fcc 1,774 “ R. — Robson cc 1,410 “ T.— Trail cc 1,400 “ W.— Warfield “ cc 1,900 “ The numbers preceding the : names are those of the recent McDunnough “Check List of the Lepidoptera of Canada and the United States of America,” vol. 1, 1938; vol. 2, 1939. SPHINGIDAE 693 Herse cingulata Fabr. (R.) June 719 Sphinx chersis Hbn. (R.) 721 Sphinx mordecai McD. (R.B.) June, July 730 Sphinx cirupiferarum utcihensis Hy. Edw. (R.) June 740 Smerinthus cerisyi ophthalmicus Bdv. (B.N.R.W.) . . . .May, June, July 741 Paonias excaecata A. & S. (B.R.) 18.VI.40 742 Paonias myops occidentalis Clark (R.) .26.VI.39 745 Pachysphinx modesta Harr. (N.R.W.) July 770 Hemaris thetis Bdv. (R.) ..April, May 789 Proserpinus elarkiae Bdv. (N.R.) April, May 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I wish to extend my grateful thanks to both Dr. J. McDunnough and Mr. T. N. Freeman of the Division of Entomology, Ot- tawa. Without their kindly co-operation it would not have been possible to write this list. 790 Proserpinus flavofasciata ulalume Stk. (R.) May 798 Celerio gallii intermedia Kby. (B.R.W. ) June 799 Celerio Imeata Fbr. (R.) May SATURNIIDAE 807 Platysamia euryalus kasloensis Ckll. (R.) May 812 Telea polyphemus Cram. (N.W.) 3.VI.43 841 Pseudohazis hera Harr. (R.) .13. IV. 41 AM ATI DAE 871 Scejysis fulvicollis pollens Hy. Edw. (B.) 15.VII.44 NOLIDAE 891 Celama minna Butl. (B.) ll.^V-44 911 Cramhidia casta Pack (N.) 958 Hypoprepia miniata Kby. (N.) 980 Halisidota maculata angulifera Wlk. (B.N.R.W.) 3. VI. 43 991 Cycnia tenera sciurus Bdv. (N.R.W.) June, July 1023 Eubaphe ferruginosa Wlk. (N.R.) June, July 1039 Apantesis ornata achaia G. & R. (R.W.) ...May, June 1063 Leptarctia calif orniae Wlk. (N.R.) May, June 1065 Diacrisia virginica Fabr. (N.R.W.) 1066 Diacrisia vagans kasloa Dyar (N.R.) May 1069 Isia isabella A. & S. (B.N.R.) 1070 Estigmene acrea Dru. (B.N.W.) May, June 1092 Parasemia parthenos Harr. (B.N.) 12.VII.44 1096 Platyprepia guttata f. virginalis Bdv. (B.N.) June AGAR I ST I DAE 1109 Androloma mac-cullochi Kby (N.) 1116 Alypia langtoni Couper (N.R.) May, June PHALAENIDAE 1152 Acronicta hesperida Sm. (N.W.) June, July, Aug. 1155 Acronicta innotata griseor Dyar (R.) 11.VI.41 1160 Acronicta grisea revellata Sm. (R.) 16.V.39 1166 Acronicta mansueta Sm. (B.) June, July 1201 Acronicta impleta illita Sm. (N.) 8.VI.04 1211 Acronicta perdita Grt. (B.R.) May, June 1232 Euxoa Olivia Morr. (B.) 21. IX. 44 1246 Euxoa plagig era Morr. (B.) . . . 30.VII.44 1251 Euxoa near perolivalis Sm. (B.) 14.VII.44 1257 Euxoa catenula Grt. (R.) 13.V.37 1274 Euxoa intrinta Morr. (R.) 2.IX.38 10 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 1282 Euxoa sp. in holoberba group (B.) 18.VIII.44 1284 Euxoa sp. in sponsa group (B.) . 6.VII.44 1289 Euxoa perfusca cocklei Sm. (N.) 1310 Euxoa messoria Harr. (N.R.) Aug., Sept. 1314 Euxoa ter rena Sm. (B.) 31.VII.44 1341 Euxoa tessellata illata Wlk. (R.) 4. VI. 43 1351 Euxoa cleclarata Wlk. (R.) ..July, Aug. 1352 Euxoa campestris Grt. (B.) . . .21.VII.44 1354 Euxoa albipennis Grt. (B.R.) Aug., Sept. 1366 Euxoa diver gens Wlk. (B.) ..21.VIII.44 1370 Euxoa obeliscoides Gn. (R.) . ...1.IX.37 1378 Euxoa ochrog aster Gn. (R.) 25.VIII.43; 3.IX.43 form insignata Wlk. (B.) 21.IX.44 1379 Euxoa excellens Grt. (B.) ...Sept., Oct. Euxoa luteotincta McD. (B.) 29.VIII.44 1403 Pseudorthosia variabilis pallidior Ckll. (N.R.) October 1416 Agrotis vetusta mutata B. & B. (R.) 18.VIII.44 1426 Agrotis Vancouver ensis (typical) Grt. (B.) 24.V.44; 8.VX.44 Agrotis vancouverensis semiclarata Grt. (R.B.) May, June 1432 Agrotis volubilis fumipennis McD. (R.) 5.V.39 1435 Agrotis ypsilon Rott. (N.R.) . . 30.VII.44 1442 Feltia ducens Wlk. (R.) 18.VIII.43 22.VII.42 Copckblepharon, po'ssibly new species (B.) 7.VII.44 1475 Enrols occulta Linn (N.R.) 1476 Eurois astricta subjugata Dyar. (B.R.) 30.VII.44 1477 Eurois nigra Sm. (B.N.R.) . .11.VIII.39; 16.VIII.44 1480 Ochropleura plecta L. (N.R.) June, July 1494 Metalepsis salicarum Wlk. (N.) 1496 Peridroma margaritosa Haw. (N.R.) , 16.VIII.38 1499 Pseudospaelotis haruspica inopinatus Sm. (N.) 1510 Diarsia rosaria Grt. (B.R.).. May, June 1511 Graphiphora c. nigrum Linn. (R.) June, Sept. 1512 Graphiphora smithi Snell (R. ), 13.VIII.37 1517 Graphiphora oblata Morr. (B.N.) 31.VII.39; 27.VII.44 1544 Setagrotis planifrons Sm. (B.) 16.VIII.44 1550 Anomogyna atrata Morr. (R.) 1569 Anaplectoides pressus Grt. (B,.) 31.VII.44 1570 Anaplectoides prasina Schiff. (B.N.) July, Aug., Sept. 1571 Protolampra rufipectus Morr. (N.) 1574 Pseudoglaea olivata Harv. (R.) 19.IX.37; 16.IX.44 1575 Cryptocala acadiensis Beth. (N.) 1580 Hemigraphiphora plebeia Sm. (B.N.) 8.VIII.43 1581 Abagrotis erratica ornatus Sm. (B.) July, Aug. 1590 Abagrotis sambo Sm. (R.) . . . .29.VII.38 1597 Abagrotis nefascia Sm. (N.) 1598 Abagrotis variata Grt. (N.R.) . . 22.VI.38 1599 Abagrotis scopeops Dyar (R.) . . 8.IX.38 1614 TJfeus plicatus Grt. (B.R.) ....24. IV. 40 1633 Scotogramma trifolii Rott. (B.R.) Aug., Sept. 1660 Mamestra configurata Wlk. (R.) 5.VII.38 1662 Polia discalis Grt. (B.R.) . . . .July, Aug. 1669 Polia purpurissata crydina Dyar (B.) 6. IX. 44 1672 Polia grandis Bdv. (N.R.) June 1673 Polia subjuncta G. & R. (R.) . . .12.VI.38 s. eleanora B. & McD. (B.) 24.VI.44 1678 Polia nevadae canadensis Sm. (B.R.) 9. VI. 44 ; 7.VII.44 1679 Polia radix Wlk. (N.) 1680 Polia segregata Sm. (R.) . .March, April form negussa Sm. (B.) ....28.IV.44 1684 Polia tacoma Stkr. (R.) May 1689 Polia meodana Sm. (B.) 24.V.44 1691 Polia ad juncta, Bdv. (N.) 1694 Polia pulverulent a Sm. (R.) . . 14.VII.38 1697 Polia cristif era Wlk. (B.) 18.VII.44 1699 Polia lutra Gn. (B.W.).Mar., Apr., May 1709 Polia detracta (?) Wlk. (N.) . . .28.V.06 1711 Polia obscura (?) Sm. (B.) . . . . 17.VI.44 1716 Lacinipolia anguina larissa Sm. (B.) 24.V.44 1735 Lacinipolia vicina acutipennis Grt. (B.) 12.VII.44 1736 Lacinipolia pensilis Grt. (B.) . . 7.VII.44 1739 Lacinipolia stricta Wlk. (N.R.) Aug., Sept. 1744 Lacinipolia lorea Gn. (N.R.) . . . 14.VI.44 1745 Lacinipolia olivacea lucina Sm. (R.) 9. VIII. 39 ; 12.VII.39 1746 Lacinipolia comis Grt. (B.R.) July, Aug. c. rectilinea Sm. (B.) 3. VII. 37 ; 4.VIII.34 1751 Lacinipolia illaudabilis restora Sm. (B.R.) July 1800 Sideridis rosea Harv. (N.R.) 25.V.38 ; 2.VI.44 1803 Astrapetis sutrina Grt. (B.) . . . . 17.V.44 1808 Anepia ectrapela Sm. (B.R.) May 1841 Orthodes curtica bostura Sm. (R.W.) Aug., Sept. 1855 Orthodes oviduca Gn. (R.) 16.V.38 1886 Orthodes contrahens infidelis Dyar (N.R.) July 1890 Orthodes furfurata uniformis Sm. (R.) July 1891 Orthodes communis Dyar (B.R.) July, Aug. 1906 Xylomyges hiemalis Grt. (B.R.W.) March, April 1909 Xylomyges crucialis Harv. (B.R.) 1.V.39 1914 Xylomyges dolosa Grt. (B.N.) 10.IX.44 1915 Xylomyges rubrica Grt. (N.) 1916 Xylomyges perlubens Grt. (B.N.R.) 12.IV.40 1920 Stretchia plusiaeformis ? Hy. Edw. (B.) 21.IV.44 1923 Acerra normalis Grt. (B.N.R.) March, April Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 11 1925 Orthosia pulchella achsha Dyar (B.) 21.IV.44 1943 Orthosia hibisci quinquefasciata Sm. (B.N.R.) April, May, July, Aug. 1952 Dargida proeinda Grt. (N.R.) 1955 Zosteropocla hirtipes Grt. (N.R.) 1992 Leucania insueta heterodoxa Sm. (B.N.) 20.V.44 1995 Leucania luteopallens minorata Sm. (N.R.) ...June, July; 22.VIII.43 2026 Pleroma cibliquata Sm. (B.) 10.IV.44 2027 Pleroma bonuscula Sm. (R.) March, April 2029 Pleroma cinerea Sm. (B.) . .September 2041 Gucullia florea obscurior Sm. (B.R.) Aug., Sept. 2106 Oncocnemis chorda extremis Sm. (B.) 6. VII. 44 2122 Oncocnemis ftgurata Harv. (B.) 24.VI.44 2133 Oncocnemis chandleri Grt. (R.W.) Aug., Sept. 2154 Homohaclena fifta Dyar (B.) . .' 4. VII. 44 2184 Feralia clecejjtiva ? McD. (B.) 24.IV.44 2205 Bombycia redifasma Sm. (B.) ...July 2210 Brachylomia populi Stkr. (B.) 21.IX.44 2215 Litholomia napaea Mor. (N.R.) .. .18.111.45; spring and fall. 2216 Lithomoia solidaginis Hbn. (B.) 19.IX.44 2221 Graptolitha innominata Sm. (N.R.) 20. III. 38 2222 Graptolitha petulca Grt. (B.) Sept., Oct. — — ■ Graptolitha pertorrida McD. (R.) 22.XI.43 2244 Graptolitha georgii Grt. (B.R.) March 2248 Graptolitha fcigina Morr. (B.W.) 9.X.43 ; 15.X.44 2261 Xylena brucei Sm. (B.) 1. III. 44; 18.X.44 2263 Xylena cineritia mertena Sm. (B.R.) March, April, May 2264 Behrensia conchiformis Grt. (B.R.) April 2268 Platypolia anceps Steph. (B.) ...3.X.44 2270 Platypolia loda Stkr. (W.) 9.X.43 2278 Fishia evelina hanhami Sm. (R.) Aug., Sept. 2288 Anytus profunda S,m. (R.) 6.IX.38 2303 Eupsilia tristigmata Grt. (B.R.) spring and fall 2310 Lycanades purpurea antapica Sm. (R.) Sept., Oct. 2313 Rusina verberata Sm. (R.) . .2.VIII.37 2315 Rusina clecipiens Grt. (B.R.) 13.VIII.38; 29.IX.43 2316 Xantliia lutea Strom. l (N.R.W.) 28.IX.43 2318 Anathix puta dusca Sm. (N.) 2321 Eucirrhoedia pampina Gn. (N.R.) Aug.; 4. IX. 37 2322 Homoglaea carbonaria Harv. (B.R.) spring and fall 2323 Homoglaea dives Sm. (B.W.) spring and fall 2342 Septis auranticolor sora Sm. (N.W.) 5.X.43 2351 Septis arctica Frr. (R.) 9.X.43 2352 Septis castanea Grt. (N.R.) Aug., Sept. 2356 Septis centralis Sm. (B.) . . . . 12.VII.44 2362 Septis impulsa Gn. (B.) 1.VIII.44 2365 Septis finitima cerivana Sm. (N.R.) May, June, July 2368 Agroperina dubitans Wlk. (N.R.) June, July, Aug. 2375 Crymodes devastator Brace (N.R.) July, Aug. 2393 Luperina passer Gn. (R.) ...30.VIII.38 2400 Aseptis binotata Wlk. (N.R.) 14.VII.44 2401 Aseptis adnixa ? Grt. (R.) 2413 Oligia indirecta Grt. (B.N.R.) 1.VII.44 2423 Oligia illocata Wlk. (B.N.R.) 20.VI.37; 12.1X.44 2424 Oligia mactata allecto Sm. (B.N.R.) ....20.IX.26; 24.VII.44 2467 Hydroecia pallescens Sm. (R.) 2533 Euplexia benesimilis McD. (B.N.R.) 10.V.38 ; 20.VII.44 2536 Phlogophora periculosa Gn. (B.N.R.) July, Aug. 2557 Chytonix divesta laticlava Sm. (B.R.) August 2584 Ampliipyra pyramidoicles Gn. (N.R.) 3.VIII.37 2602 Andropolia aeclon Grt. (B.R.) . . . .July 2603 Andropolia theodori vancouvera Strand. (B.R.) Aug., Sept. 2609 Hyppa indistincta Sm. (N.R.) 1.VII.37 2640 Neperigea niveirena Harv. (B.) 12.VII.44 2655 Platyperigea multifera Wlk. (B.) 9. VI. 44 ; 18.VIII.44 2656 Platyperigea extima Wlk. (B.) 5.VIII.37 ; 11.X.44 2657 Platyperigea meralis Morr. (B.) 1.VIII.37 2662 Proxenus mirancla nitens Dyar (B.) 15.VI.44 2685 .Enargia decolor Wlk. (B.N.) 20.IX.44 form infumata Grt. (B.W. 25.VIII.43 2686 Zotheca tranquilla f. viridula Grt. (B.N.W.) 22.VII.43 2715 Pyrrhia umbra exprimens Wlk. (N.R.) June; 12.VII.39 2885 Annaphila decia Grt. (N.R.B.) 9. III. 41 ; April 2913 Melicleptria sueta Grt. (R.) April, May 2931 Heliothis phloxiphaga G. & R. (N.R.) 3. IX. 37 3223 Marathyssa inficita Wlk. (B.) 9.VI.41 3235 Sarrothripus revayana Scop. (N.) 3254 Autographa red. nargenta Ottol. (R.) 1.IX.37 ; VIII. 38 3256 Autographa angulidehs excelsana Strand (R.) 30.VI.41 3257 Autographa alias interalia Ottol. (B.) 9.VIII.44 3265 Autographa ampla Wlk. (B.N.R.) 28.VIII.43 3266 Autographa seleda Wlk. (R.) Aug., Sept. 3269 Autographa brassicae Riley (R.) 7.VII.37 3286 Autographa mappa G. &. R. (N.) 3287 Autographa pseudogamma Grt. (N.) 12 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 3288 Autographa californica Speyer (N.R.) 29.IX.43 3291 Autographa flagellum Wlk. (N.) 3292 Autographa metallica Grt. (N.R.) Aug., Sept. 3295 Plusia aereoicles Grt. (N.R.) July 3344 Catocala relicta elcla Behr. (R.) Aug., Sept. 3355 Catocala californica Edw. (R. ) Aug., Sept. Catocala c. edwardsi Kus. (R.) August 3357 Catocala briseis Edw. (B.R.) Aug., S,ept., Oct. 3359 .Catocala pura Hist. (R.) July 3360 Catocala nevadensis Beut. (R.) July, Aug., Sept. form montana Beut. (R.) July, Aug. 3426 Euclidina cuspidea Hbn. (R.) May, June 3431 Caenurgina erechtea Cram. (B.R.W.) July, Aug. 3484 Zale minerea norda Sm. (B.N.R.W.) May 3538 Toxocampa victoria Grt. (N.R.) 3551 Melipotis jucunda Hbn. (N.R.) May, Aug. 3569 Synedoida sabulosa nichollae Hamp. (B.) 30.V.44 3572 Synedoida ochracea Behr. (N.R.) May 3573 Synedoida divergens Behr. (B.N.R.) June 3574 Synedoida hudsonica G. & R. (N.) 3578 Synedoida adumbrata Behr. .. (B.N.R.) May 3615 Scoliopteryx libatrix L. (R.) 3684 Spargaloma sexpunctata Grt. (N.R.) 17.VI.44 3690 Bomolocha palparia Wlk. (B.) 17.VI.44; 12.VII.44 3706 Hypena humuli Harr. (N.R.) 3734 Camptylochila americalis Gn. (R.) .23.VIII.44 3735 Camptylochila aemula Hbn. (B.) July 3746 Camptylochila lubricalis Geyer. (B.) ! July 3765 Eptizeuxis lutalba Sm. (R.) ...23.VI.38 3766 Chytolita morbidalis Gn. (N.R.) 3797 Bleptina caradrinalis Gn. (N.R.) 3807 Paltliis angulalis Hbn. (N.R.) . . . .June PERICOPIDAE 3817 Gnophaela latipennis vermiculata G. & R. (N.) NOTODONTIDAE 3822 Ichtihyura apicalis Wlk. (N.R.W.) 30.IV.41; 4.VI.43 3827 Ichthyura albosigma specifica Dyar (N.R.) 1.V.40 3829 Datana ministra Dru. (B.N.R.) 24.VI.44 3847 Odontosia elegans Stkr. (B.N.) 12.VII.44 3851 Pheosia rimosa Pack. (B.W.) 12.V.44 (Brill.); 4.IX.43 (Warf.) 3857 Nadata gibbosa Wlk. (B.R.N.) May, June 3920 Scliizura ipomoeae Dbldy. (B.R.N.W.) June, July 3924 Scliizura unicornis A. & S. (B.) 30.V.44 ; 24.VI.44 3934 Cerura occidentalis gigans, McD. (R.)-~ 24.V.38 3938 Cerura scolopendrina Bdv. (B.N.R.W.) April, May 3939 Gluphisia septentrionalis Wlk. (N.) 3940 Gluphisia lintneri severa form normalis Dyar (B.N.) 23. IV. 44 LIPARIDAE 3943 Notolophus antiqua L. (N.) 3954 Olene vagans B. & McD. (B.R.W.) May, June LASIOCAMPIDAE 3994 Malacosoma pluvialis Dyar (B.N.R.W.) July, Aug. 3999 Epicnaptera americana Harr. (B.N.R.W.) April, May THYATIRIDAE 4004 Habrosyne scripta Gosse. (B.N.R.W.) ....June, July, Aug. 4007 Pseuclothyatira cymatophoroides Gn. (B.R.) June, July form expultrix Grt. (W.) ..5.VII.38 Ceranemota albertae Clke. (B.) ..? 21.1X.44 DREPANIDAE 4020 Drepana arcuata siculifer Pack. (N.R.) 4021 Drepana bilineata Pack. (R.) 19.IV.39 GEOMETRIDAE 4023 Breplios infans oregonensis Swett (B.R.) March, April, May 4059 Nemoria darwiniata Dyar (B.N.) 6. IX. 44 4090 Mesothea viridipennata , Hist. (N.) 4134 Xystrota rubromarg inaria P'ack. (B.) 3.V.44 4144 Scopula quinquelinearia Pack. (B.) 17.VI.44 4153 Scopula quaesitata Hist. (R.) 17. VI. 38 4180 Sterrha clemissaria Columbia McD. (B.) .....15.VII.44 4195 Sterrha rotundopennata Pack. (N.) 4211 Cosymbia pendulinaria griseor McD. (R.) 4223 Nyctobia limitaria nigroangulata Stkr. (B.) ...23.V.44 4229 Lobophora magnoliatoidata Dyar (B.) 7.V.44 4235 Neodezia albovittata Gn. (B.N.R.W.) ....May, June, July 4239 Oporoplitera bruceata Hist. (B.R.W.) Sept., Oct. 4243 Oporinia autumnata omissa Harr. (B.R.W.) Sept., Oct. 4244 Triphosa haesitata Gn. (N.R.) 22.X. 42 ; 10.XI.43 4248 Coryphista meadi f. badiaria Hy. Edw. (B.R.) May, June 4267 Eupithecia misturata Hist. 2 (R.) 1.IX.37 4276 Eupithecia castigata Hbn. (N.) 4288 Eupithecia columbiata Dyar (N.) 2 Mr. Freeman reports that some Eupithecia iden- tifications are tentative, and a few changes may result from examinations of the genitalia. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 13 4290 Eupithecia maestosa dyarata Tayl. (Bj 19.V.44 4331 Eupithecia geminata Pack. (N.) 4335 Eupithecia perfusca kootenaiata Dyar (,B.) 24.V.44 4338 Eupithecia multiscripta Hist. (B.) 28.V.44 4341 Eupithecia georgii McD. (N.R. ) 4378 Eupithecia probata S. & C. (R.B.) 14.VII.44 4383 Eupithecia ravocostaliata Pack. (N.R.) March 4393 Horisme intestinata Gn. (B.) . .1.VI.44 4398 Eystroma semiatrata Hist. (B.N.R.W.) . . 27.V.44 ; 25.VIII.44 4402 Lygris propulsata Wlk. (N.) 4407 Lygris xylina Hist. (N.B.) ..13. VII. 44 4412 Plemyria georgii Hist. (N.) 4416 Dysstroma citrata Linn. (B.R.N.) Sept., Oct. c. mulleolata Hist. (W.) ...24.IX.43 4419 Dysstroma ethela kasloata Tayl. (W.B.) 6. VIII. 43 4429 Ceratodalia gueneata Pack. (B.N.R.W.) July, Aug., Sept. 4465 Hydriomena furcata Thun. (B.N.) March, July 4485 Hydriomena renunciata /. pernigrata B. & McD. (B.N.) 16.V.39 4511 Xantliorhoe designata emenclata Pears. (B.) 21.VII.44 4513 Xanthorhoe munitata Hbn. (R.) 14.IV.41 4515 Xanthorhoe defensaria Gn. (R.) 1.V.40 form mephistaria Swett (B.) 31.VIII.41 4516 Xanthorhoe ferrugata Clerk (B.N.R.) April, May 4541 Entephria multivagata Hist. (N.R.) 16.VI.44 4546 Mesoleuca ruficilliata Gn. (N.R.) 4547 Mesoleuca gratulata latialbata B. & McD. (N.R.W.) April, May 4551 Epirrhoe alter nat a Mull. (N.) 4555 Spargania magnoliata pernotata Hist. (B.N.R.W.) Sept., Oct. 4556 Spargania luctuata Schiff. (B.) 10.VII.44 Spargania l. obductata Moesch. (R.N.) 26.VI.38 4558 Euphyia unangulata intermecliata Gn. (B.R.) June, July 4561 Euphyia multiferata Wlk. (B.N.R.) 16.VI.44 4574 Eulype albodecorata confusa McD. (N.R.) July 4582 Perizoma costiguttata Hist. (R.) May 4587 Earophila vasiliata Gn. (B.N.R.) April, May 4589 Venusia cambrica Curt. (N.) 4593 Venusia near pearsalli Dyar (B.R.) April, May 4603 Eudule unicolor Rob. (N.) 4605 Bapta semiclarata Wlk. (B.N.R.) May, June 4615 Deilinia pacificaria Pack. (B.) 11.VI.44 4616 Deilinia bryantaria Tayl. (B.) 10.VI.44 4617 Drepanulatrix rectifascia Hist. (R.) 24.IV.38 4622 Drepanulatrix falcataria Pack. (R.) 16.III.40 4628 Drepanulatrix pulveraria Hist. (R.) April, May 4630 Drepanulatrix litaria Hist. (B.R.) Sept., Oct. 4634 Drepanulatrix unicalcararia Gn. (B.R.) May, Aug. 4645 Sericosema juturnaria Gn. (B.N.R.) 1.VII.44 4688 Semioihisa denticulata Grt. (R.) 14.VII.38 4725 Semiothisa neptaria sinuata Pack. (B.R.) 5.VI.44 4757 I tame quadrilinearia Pack. (B.W.) ..July, Aug. 4759 Itame anataria ? Swett (B.) 27.VII.44 4762 Itame prob. exauspicata Wlk. (B.) July, Aug. 4768 Itame plumosata B. & McD. (B.) 15.VII.44 4799 Elpiste lorquinaria Gn. (N.) 4801 Hesperumia sulphuraria Pack. (N.W.R.) July, Aug. form baltearia Hist. (B.W.) ..July 4809 Paraphia subatomarid Wood (R.) 20.IX.37 4811 Paraphia piniata ? Pack. (B.) 1. VII. 44 4908 Vitrinella pampinaria Gn. (B.N.W.) 13.V.44 4913 Anacamptodes emasculata Dyar (B.N.R.) May, June 4918 Anacamptodes vellivolata ? Hist. (B.) 9.VI.44 4927 Anacamptodes profanata B. & McD. (B.R.) 21.IV.40 4945 Aethalura anticaria fumata B. & McD. (R.) April, May 4946 Ectropis crepuscularia Schiff. (N.R.) ....March, April 4955 Coniodes plumogeraria Hist. (B.R.) 9. IV. 44; 21. III. 45 4963 Erannis vancouverensis Hist. (B.R.W.) Sept., Oct. 4968 Amphidasis cognataria Gn. (B.N.W.) 26.VI.43; 10.V.44 4998 Euchlaena mollisaria Hist. (B.R.) August 5000 Euchlaena vinulentaria ochrearia McD. (B.) May, June 5002 Euchlaena marginata - albertanensis Swett (B.) 4.VI.44 5005 Euchlaena tigrinaria sirenaria Stkr. (R.) 5012 Spodolepis substriataria clanbyi Hist. (N.) 5015 Campaea perlata Gn. (N.B.W. ) 8.VIII.43 5027 Philedia punctomacularia Hist. ( B.R. ) September 5034 Plagodis approximaria Dyar (B.) 13.V.44 5042 Anagoga pulveraria f. occiduaria Wlk. (B.) May 5043 Hyperetis amiearia H.-S. (N.R.) May, June 5044 Nematocampa limbata Haw. (B.N.) July 5050 Metarranthis duaria Gn. (N.R.) 27.V.39; 21.IV.40 5058 Selenia kentaria G. & R. (R.) ..April 5059 Ennomos subsignarius Hbn. (N.W.) August 14 Entomological Soc. of British 5073 Pero giganteus Grossb. (B.N.R.W.) . . . .July, Aug., Sept. 5077 Pero occidentalis Hist. (B.) ...30.V.44 5080 Pero morrisonarius Hy. Edw. (R.W.) 9.Vi:43 5083 Phengommataea edivardsata Hist. (B.W.) Aug., Sept. 5091 Enypia perangulata Hist. (N.W.) 11.VIII.43 5094 Enypia moillieti Blkmre. (W.) 11.VIII.43 5125 Caripeta divisata Walk. (N.) 5158 Neoterpes triangulifera Pack. (B.N.) 24.V.44 5161 Sicya macularia agyllaria Wlk. (B.N.) 8.VII.44 5189 Synaxis jubararia Hist. (B.N.R.) 21.IX.44 5191 Synaxis cerviharia Pack. (P.B.) May, June 5210 Prochoerodes forficaria Gn. (N.B.) 24.VI.44 PYRALIDAE 5355 Desmia funeralis Hbn. (R.) 5436 Evergestis subterminalis B. & McD. CB.) 18.VIII.44 5455 Nomopthila noctuella D. & S. (N.R.) 5479 Loxostege commixtalis Wlk. (B.) .17.VIII.44 5576 Pyrausta pertextalis Led. (N.) 5602 Pyrausta fumoferalis Hist. (N.) 5625 Pyrausta ochosalis Dyar (N.) 5659 Noctuelia rufofascialis Steph. (B.N.) 23.VII.44 5725 Scoparia centuriella D. & S-. (N.) 5747 Scoparia basalts fernaldalis Dyar (B.) 20.VIII.44 5758 Pyralis farinalis Linn. (B.N.R.) 5769 Herculia florencealis Blkmre. (B.) 20.VIII.44 5857 Crambus pascuellus Linn. (N.) 5883 Crambus hortuellus Hbn. (N.) 5892 Crambus vulgivagellus ? Clem. (B.) 6. IX. 44 5907 Crambus oregonicus Grt. (B.) .... ' 20.VIII.44 5919 Crambus trisectus Wlk. (B.) 26.VIII.44 6022 Jocara trabalis Grt. (B.) 12.VII.44 AGRILUS VITTATICOLLIS AT CRESTON, B.C. (Cole- optera, Buprestidae) . — It is not generally known that Agrilus vittaticollis Randall belongs on the British Columbia list, but I have taken over 40 at Creston (det. W. S. Fisher). They are beautiful little insects, silver-grey, with bright bronzy thorax, and occur on saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia). They prefer scrub bushes, and open, rocky situations. One may collect the place for years as I did, without suspecting the presence of vittaticollis, as they are adepts at the old trick of falling to the ground at the slightest alarm ; even to stalk the bush and glance the eyes around, the instant they are detected they drop, as though they feel our look. But remain patient for several minutes and they will return to the leaves, either by flight or climbing, usually the latter. The dates for my series are from July 9 to August 1. — ■ G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 6042 Tetralopha aplastella Hist. (B.) 15.VII.44 6227 Laodamia fusca Haw. (N.) PTEROPHORIDAE 6563 Oidaematophorus stramineus Wlshm. (N.) OLETHREUTIDAE 6654 Badebecia urticana Hbn. (N.) 6727 Olethreutes dejirecatoria Heinr. (N.) 6731 Olethreutes glaciana Moesch. (N.) 7109 Epinotia solandriana Linn. (N.) 7177 Anchylopera lamiana Clem. (N.) 7301 Carpoeapsa pomonella Linn. (N.R.) June, July TORTRICIDAE 7369 Platynota idaeusalis Wlk. (N.) 7378 Archips persicana Fitch (N.) 7388 Arcliips argyrospila Wlk. (N.) 7405 Archips rosaceana Harris (N.) 7408 Archips fumiferana Clem. (B.) July, Aug. 7442 Eulia ministrana Linn. (N.) 7477 Peronea near caliginosana Wlk. (B.) 24.IX.44 7481 Peronea variana Fern. (N.) COSSIDAE 7667 Acossus populi ore ? Stkr. (N.) OECOPHORIDAE 8460 Semioscopis inornata Wlshm. (B.) 13.V.44 AEGERIIDAE 8708 Synanthedon tipuliformis Linn. (N.) 8789 Albuna pyramulalis Wlk. (R.) May, June PLUTELLIDAE 8878 Plutella maculipennis Curt. (N. ) TINEIDAE 9615 Scardia anatomella Grt. (R.) HEPIALIDAE 9869 Hepialus novigannus mackiei ? B. & B. (R.) 27.IX.37 THREE SILPHIDAE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Cole- optera). — The following three records based on speci- mens in my collection extend the ranges of the species involved. Silpha (Thanatophilus) trituberculata Kby.: Salmon Arm, B. C., Summer 1931 (from collection of H. B. Leech); Nicrophorus nigritus Mann.; Vaseaux Lake, Okanagan, B. C., 10-VIII-13; Nicrophorus hybridus Hatch and Angell: Kamloops, B. C., 18 Aug. 1935, G. J. Spencer, collector (given to me by the collector). — Melville H. Hatch, Seattle, Wash. FLYCATCHER EATING THE PINE BUTTERFLY (Le- pidoptera: Pieridae). — Several years ago, while col- lecting butterflies here, I saw a flycatcher dart out and catch three successive Neophasia menapia F. & F., as they came along. Such birds must be of some sig- nificance in the natural control of this forest pest. — Harold R. Foxlee, Robson, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 15 MENTAL INSECT ATTACKS George J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. In the last eighteen years I have been consulted in connection with three cases of serious mental insect plagues. Each in- stance involved a middle-aged man, bach- elor, in moderate or humble circumstances, living alone in a cabin or little house, af- flicted with the idea that he was persecut- ed by small, fast-flying, tick-like insects that in one instance at least, “burrowed un- der the skin, causing intense irritation; the insects affected the back of the head and neck by day but at night got into bed and bit all parts of the body; they could be de- tected only as a streak when flying and moved too fast to be caught.”. With minor variations, the symptoms of attack and the resultant hysteria, were alike in the three cases. Two men were from Vancouver and one from the lower Fraser Valley; all three suffered from irritation and burns produced by the severity of various “dopes” with which they had rubbed themselves; none showed any spot or puncture that could be attributed to insect .attack. No control measures and soothing salves that were suggested, were acceptable: the men apparently revelled in their afflictions al- though the hysteria and suffering were genuine enough and rather pitiable. In one case I recommended the “sweat” treat- ment, “that sweat induced by hard work was a sure cure against all such attacks,” hoping to take the man’s mind off his affliction but he did not report to me of the success or failure of this prescription. Messrs. W. Downes and J. D. Gregson, of the Dominion Entomological labora- tories at Victoria and Kamloops respective- ly, have kindly supplied me with addition- al records of this type. Mr. Downes’ case concerned a lady in Victoria who, says Mr. Downes, “imagined that she was being bitten by small flies; she could see them in the air but much to her astonishment al- ways failed to catch one. The hallucina- tion was particularly marked at night when she imagined that she was being bitten about the arms and neck on which red spots appeared, said to be caused by the bites. She had not had much unbroken sleep for weeks on account of this and her health was rapidly deteriorating. On inves- tigation of the premises I found a spot- lessly clean house, reeking of sundry in- secticides and disinfectants but not a sign of any insect. I suggested to her the use of an ordinary mosquito repellent which I assured her would keep all insects away. She used this and immediately obtained re- lief, getting unbroken rest for the first time for a long period. The trouble returned, however, after a fortnight and she was then placed in charge of a doctor. After a course of treatment for neurasthenia her troubles disappeared.” Mr. Gregson’s record concerned a man 62 years of age, who wrote in to the lab- oratory from a town in Alberta, recount- ing in great detail his persecution by ticks which were “burrowing into his body and reproducing their kind under the skin,” drilling up the neck and into the skull. He declared that he had cut out the first attackers from under the skin, bit by bit with penknife and forceps but later ones bored too deeply for cutting out although they could be distinctly felt; he was keep- ing some from entering his skull by scrap- them down under the skin of his neck, with a blade of a penknife. He had con- sulted a number of medical men and for- warded the name of one who was treating him at the moment. This doctor reported to the Kamloops laboratory, that the man’s body presented no skin disturbances or con- stitutional troubles, that the affliction was purely mental and was yielding slowly to a mixture to be taken by mouth and to abundant reassurance that the treatment would be completely effective. All these cases follow somewhat the same pattern and course of development. The trouble can hardly be called “Insect- ophobia” because the sufferer did not hate insects as such: it is a sense of being per- 16 Entomological Soc.. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 secuted by one specific, though imaginary type of insect and constitutes a mental fix- ation or hallucination. All cases probably started from genuine attacks at one time or another, of lice or mosquitos or no-see- ums ( Culicoides ) and perhaps true ticks, which so worried them that the sense of suffering remained to form a mental plague when the insects themselves had passed. This was definitely so- in the case supplied by Mr. Gregson, for the man had visited a mining property near Nelson, B.C., with some companions and all members of the party had been attacked by wood ticks which they had completely removed from their bodies and clothing. It was not until several days later that the mental trouble began in the man in question. What was possibly an incipient case of this kind was encountered in Vancouver in an elderly couple, comfortably off fin- ancially, who had rented their house for the season. They returned to find it in- fested by a few bed bugs which bit both man and wife, and horror and disgust seized them; they rented another house and had their own home treated, cleaned and NAPHTHA GASOLINE IN INSECT KILLING BOTTLES. — When making population counts of grasshoppers by sweeping, it becomes necessary to kill a large num- ber in a short time. While working on these counts we found that even a quart-size, cyanide bottle took too long so we employed a large candy jar containing a quart of methyl alcohol into which the whole tip of the net was dipped. This worked well but the alcohol soon became filthy and we substituted naphtha gaso- line and have employed it ever since. It is the fastest killing substance we have used; three seconds is enough to penetrate a mass of grasshoppers as large as a baseball. Large-mouthed jars are sometimes hard to get so we now carry the gasoline in any quart bottle, from which the fluid is poured directly on to the mass of insects in the end of the net, whence it drips into a small tin can. So long as the insects are wetted they die immediately. The gasoline is poured back into the bottle from the can. Less convenient to carry but equally convenient to use, is a one-inch diameter shell vial containing a little gasoline, with a wire gauze disc shoved half way down. Any insect caught in a net can be tapped into this bottle, which should be inverted and righted again as fast as possible and the insect removed with forceps. Too long immersion induces a rigor which is apt to snap off the legs, especially of grasshoppers whose hind legs invariably come up over their heads. The gasoline evaporates in a matter of seconds and redecorated from basement to roof. The fear and loathing; of the bed bugs follow- ed them into the rented house and every speck on the walls, on the furniture or in their beds, turned into an imaginary bug and any sudden irritation or feeling on the skin developed into the intolerable itching of a bite. At this stage I was called in by a friend who actually thought they had bed bugs. I found both people suffering from burns and irritation caused entirely by the num- ber, variety and severity of the “dopes” they had used; the furniture, sheets and mattresses were stained by varied insect sprays including creosote washes, and the blankets had great holes burnt in them by lye. There was not a sign of a bug any- where in the house. It took two days of demonstration and persuasion to convince the old people that they had no bed bugs and were not being bitten and probably saved them from de- veloping the same permanent mental de- lusion and suffering which affected the other people. does not spoil the bloom on any dipteron, dragon fly or wasp on which we have used it; in fact it cleans insects by degreasing them, especially fresh bumble bees. It should not, however, be used to clean old dry bumble bees whose fur becomes matted when soaked in it. — George J. Spencer, Kamloops, B.C. ON THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL STAGES OF IN- SECTS IN PULVERIZED CEREALS AND SPICES.— Within the last two years there has been put on the market a patented mechanical contrivance for steriliz- ing all types of pulverized cereal products and spices and possibly commercial fertilizers containing fish meal, that are subject to attack by insects infesting stored food products. It is called the “Entoleter” and consists of a relatively simple hopper-fed machine which hurls the material with forced draught through a nozzle, up against a plate, thus destroying all stages of any insect that might happen to be present. According to the Canadian agent in Toronto, a considerable number of these machines of varying capacities has already been installed in cereal-manu- facturing plants in the United States and in Canada. They should prove a boon to the industry on this coast and should reduce to a minimum, the instances of infested foodstuffs attributable to infestations prior to the goods leaving the factories and developing later inside the packages. — George J. Spencer, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 17 A NEW SUBSPECIES OF MONOCHAMUS NOTATUS (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) 1 Geo. R. Hopping Vernon, B.C. Monochamus notatus (Drury) occurs in eastern Canada and northeastern United States, its range extending as far west as Lake Winnipeg and Minnesota. It has also been reported from British Columbia (R. Hopping 1922:258; Dillon and Dillon 1941 :7 5-7 6) . However, this western form differs consistently from the eastern one as to the elytral sculpture and pubescence, and appears to warrant subspecific status. Monochamus notatus morgani Hopping n. subsp. Male: Length 31 mm.; breadth across humeri 10.5 mm.; colour brownish-grey on elytra, more cinereous on the head and prothorax, predominantly grey with black flecks beneath and on the legs; first two segments of antennae blackish-cinereous, remainder dull black, becoming brownish distally. Head : Front with widely scattered coarse punctures, with areas of fine punc- tures interspersed which give rise to con- densed cinereous patches of appressed short vestiture; coronal suture deeply impressed between antennal tubercles, fine and feebly impressed but entire on the occipital areas, this last fairly densely but not solidly cov- ered with short appressed cinereous pubes- cence arising from patches of fine punc- tures; head beneath and genae moderately densely cinereous pubescent, the genae transversely carinulate laterally; antennae about two and one-half times the body length, the third segment a little more than twice the length of first and second combined and about one and one-fourth times the length of the fourth which is about equal to the fifth. Prothorax about as broad as long, with marginal bead and broad flat collar apically, transversely car- inulate toward the sides; basal collar nar- rower, also carinulate laterally; disc of pronotum with median elevation devoid of condensed vestiture, but condensed cin- 1 Contribution No. 2365, Division of Entomology, Dominion Department of Agriculture Ottawa. ereous vestiture nearly covering the lateral tubercles, two smaller patches anterior and two posterior on the disc. This condensed pubescence arises from groups of rather fine punctures, and in addition there are widely scattered coarse punctures; lateral tubercles large and blunt extending to nearly the breadth of humeri, strongly carinulate on the sides of pronotum be- neath the tubercles. Elytra with side mar- gins notably tapering from base to apex; humeri coarsely tuberculate, rather abrupt- ly rounded; elytral sculpture rough and irregular with large and fairly dense punc- tures and with condensed cinereous patches interspersed with patches of black velvety pubescence of a different character, these last more scale-like and erect; apices evenly rounded to suture, where there is a very faint suggestion of prolongation. Under- surface including legs, mostly covered with appressed cinereous pubescence, but flecked with black where, pubescence is ab- sent; front of frosternum strongly trans- versely carinulate, metasternum more fine- ly so, somewhat obscured by the grey vestiture1; last ventral abdominal segment nearly straight across the hind margin at middle and with a faint suggestion of emargination. Female: Length 26 mm., breadth across humeri 8 mm. Differs from male in having antennae more cinereous throug- out, only slightly longer than the body, faintly annulated; front of head propor- tionately broader; margins of elytra nearly parallel; front legs not longer than middle or hind pair; last ventral abdominal seg- ment strongly emarginate with a tuft of long black bristles on each side of the emargination. Holotyfe male and Allotyfe female, No. 5538 in the Canadian National Col- lection, Ottawa. Type locality in both cases Trinity Valley, B.C. July 31, 1942 (male) and Aug. 15, 1942 (female), C. V. G. Morgan. Paratyfes 1 0 : two males and two females in the Canadian National Col- 18 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 lection, Ottwa; three males and three females in the Hopping Collection, Ver- non, B. C. Fifty-four specimens have been exam- ined all from the white pine areas of the interior of British Columbia. Cyanide- killed specimens do not differ much in colour from living examples, but those preserved in alcohol lose much of the grey effect and the general colour becomes brown. This subspecies differs from the eastern notatus by having notably coarser sculp- turing on the elytra and more and gen- erally larger black patches of velvety pubescence dispersed over the elytra. Ac- tually these black tufts alternate with cinereous patches in rows between the costae. It is named for Mr. C. V. G. Morgan who has made a study (unpublish- ed) of the biology and parasites of M. notatus morgani. His data suggest that it breeds only in western white pine ( Pinus monticola Dougl.) M. notatus notatus breeds in Pinus strobus and has also been reported from Pinus banksiana , P. resinosay P. fonder os a , and Picea glauca (R. Hop- ping, 1922). Discussing it under the syn- onymical name M. confusor Kirby, Craig- head (1923:107) states “As far as known, it attacks only Pinus strobus . Packard . . . and Hopkins record this species attacking living balsam fir (Abies balsamea) at Brunswick, Maine, probably confusing it with marmoratorP Literature Cited Craig-head, F. C. 1923. North American cerambycid larvae. A classification and the biology of North American cerambycid larvae. Dept. Agric. Canada, Bui. 27 (N.S.), 1-239, 8 text figs., 44 pis. Dillon, Lawrence S., and Elizabeth S. Dillon. 1941. The tribe Monochamini in the western hemisphere (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) . Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, Reading, Pa., Scientific Publications No. 1 [4-f ] 1-135, 5 pis. Hopping, Ralph. 1922. A review of the genus Monochamus Serv. (Cerambycidae: Coleop- tera). Canad. Ent. 53 (11) :252-258, incl. 2 pis. (This number of the Canadian Entomo- logist, though the “November, 1921” issue, was in fact mailed on Thursday, February 23rd, 1922.) A NOTE ON THE TANGLE-WINGED FLIES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Diptera: Nemestrinidae). — In 1930 I reported to this Society, the occurrence of the nemestrinid fly Parasymmictus clausus O.S. which I found laying eggs in telephone poles, fence posts and dried poplar trees on the cattle ranges at Riske Creek, Chilcotin. I have taken it frequently but not every year since, on the ranges at Lac du Bois, Kamloops. The family Nemestrinidae consists of only some 150 species occurring chiefly in countries of hot dry clim- ates with little rainfall; only 8 species have been found in Europe and 12 in North America, most being neotropical where they are well represented in Chile. Dr. Jos. Bequaert of the Harvard School of Tropical Medicine, the North American authority on these flies, informed me that P. clausus was a very rare fly and that its occurrence in the Chilcotin was the furthest north for any representative of the family, in the world. Until 1943 this species was the only one of the family I had found in the Province but in that year Mr. E. R. Buckell and I found two males of a very similar species Neorhynchocephalus sackeni Will, on the dry cattle ranges near Kamloops and this year, 1945, it has been not uncommon. As far as known, the larvae of the Nemestrinidae are all parasitic upon other insects. I have reared both our local species from grasshoppers, P. clausus chiefly from Camnula pellucida Scud, but very occasionally from other species of hoppers, and N. sackeni from Melanoplus mexicanus mexicanus Saus. Larvae of both flies are so-called “tubed” maggots, breathing from the 2nd instar onwards by means of a tracheal sheath or funnel attached to the thoracic trachea of their hosts; the vortex of the funnel sur- rounds the posterior third of the larvae which move freely in the body cavities of their victims, as if teth- ered by these tubes. — George J. Spencer, Kamloops, B.C. HOLOPLEURA MARGINATA IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). — A female of this lovely crimson and black longhorn was taken at Arrowhead on May 30, by Charlie Slade. He obtained it by beat- ing the foliage of a Douglas fir tree. When first seen by me the beetle was damaged, lacking head and pro- thorax, but was still fresh and relaxed. Examples of this species vary from 7 to 12 mm. in length, and the pronotum and elytra from almost entirely crimson to heavily marked with black. The beetles are rather flat, and somewhat resemble the Lycidae. — Hugh B. Leech. AGABUS CONFERTUS EATING CHIRONOMID LARVAE (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Diptera). — Dissec- tions of adults of Agabus confertus LeConte collected at Los Altos, Calif., in June, 1937 (E. S. Ross), show- ed that they had eaten large numbers of chironomid larvae, the so-called “blood worms.” In each case the great amount of fine silt in the beetle’s proventriculus indicated that both the larvae and the thin protective tubes in which they live had been eaten. The beetles must be able to swallow surprisingly large fragments, for the larval head capsules were found intact. — Hugh B. Leech. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 19 ON THE INCIDENCE, DENSITY AND DECLINE OF CERTAIN INSECTS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA George J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. It is a well known fact, supported by many records in literature, that certain in- sects indigenous to this country such as chinch bugs and some species of grasshop- pers, bark beetles, cutworms and several forest-defoliating caterpillars, have more or less definite rythmic cycles of abund- ance and decline: the factors governing this increase are less well known than those producing the decrease although a great deal of research has been done upon them. In the case of insects which have come in from a foreign country and have be- come established in North America, the pattern is somewhat different; after a peri- od of often undetected establishment and gradual or sudden rise in abundance, the insect reaches a peak and then subsides to a level which remains fairly constant ex- cept for periodic or irregular minor fluc- tuations which are common to both native and to foreign insects. This is the case with the Hessian fly, the Gypsy and brown- tail moths, the cabbage butterfly, the San Jose scale, the European corn borer and the European earwig. Insects which may be cited as not yet having reached their level after importation, are the Jananese beetle in some of the Eastern States and southern Ontario, and the codling moth in its relatively new territory, the Okana- agan Valley of British Columbia. To repeat, while the factors producing an increase of any insect are not well un- derstood, those bringing about the de- crease may be one, or a combination of: — unfavourable weather conditions (as op- posed to climate), predators, parasites, or sickness caused by fungous, bacterial, poly- hedral or virus disease. In the course of the last few years, a number of instances in British Columbia have come to attention in connection with several insect species, of the rare occur- rence of one or two individuals only, of sudden rises in population followed by rapid or slow decrease, and of the invasion of an area by a species not hitherto record- ed there. In connection with the first item, name- ly the taking of one or two specimens only of a species in an area where systematic collecting has been conducted for nearly two decades, one is forced to ask “Why is an insect rare? If only one or two speci- mens are taken over a period of years, why should not more of them occur in the same place?” The rarity of an insect in any re- gion is usually attributed to hostile weather conditions or to the presence of its natural enemies; on the other hand it may be at- tributable to insufficient collecting or to collecting at the wrong time, to the insect being at its extreme range in that area or to the fact that its Order or Family is dying out at this time of the world’s history. One of the criteria that I find useful for gauging the abundance or increase of any insect, is the number of letters of en- quiry concerning it, that are sent in to the University; this is particularly true of in- sects of the household which have periods of increase and decrease in a normally very uniform though highly artificial ha- bitat, the human home. Instances of the rarity of one species or the fluctuation of others, can be cited in practically all Orders and are familiar to all entomologists, especially to those of this Province which has a richer and more varied insect population than any other part of Canada. At this time it is possible to select only a few outstanding instances of the many which have come to my at- tention. Of the Order thysanura, the family machilidae is represented by some 5 species in the Dry Belt, all apparently un- described, which either occur very rarely over a considerable area or in fair numbers in very restricted spots sometimes of only a few square yards in extent. Conditions 20 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 would seem to be ideal for their increase and spread but this does not occur. At the Coast a mottled species occurs rarely on the damp forest floor. Dr. M. L. Prebble informs me that he found an arboreal form common at the Coast, and H. B. Leech reports that speciments are sent in constantly from forest rangers all over the Province in connection with the Dominion Forest Insect Survey; unfortunately the latter are too battered to be identified. Limited to one rocky headland at De- parture Bay near Nanaimo, may be found large numbers of Machilis maritima L. a cosmopolitan species. It is difficult to see why maritima does not spread up and down the coast where conditions would seem to be ideal for it. For years I have hunted for Japyx of the family japygidae but have never yet found any; in Oregon it is not uncommon under bark of dead forest trees. In Febru- ary 1945 Dr. Saunders of the University of Saskatchewan told me that he found a Japyx at Brentwood, Vancouver Island in 1944, under the rosette of leaves of a fall dandelion; intense search revealed only one more specimen. As far as I can deter- mine, this is a first record for this Prov- ince. Of the collembola, the late Dr. J. Folsom told me that at least 100 species should occur in this Province; at least a dozen species have been abundant every autumn for many years in the trash of the forest floor at the University. They were especially abundant in October 1943, but at the same time in 1944 every last speci- men seemed to have died out; not one could be found in a large number of sam- ples treated in the Berlese funnel. The summer of 1944 was very dry at the coast and this one season’s drought seems to have wiped out the entire population of these tiny insects. Of the orthoptera, only 2 species need be mentioned. The season of 1943 saw an increase of the lesser migratory lo- cust Melanoplus mexicanus mexicanus Saus. ; the autumn of that year was open and fine: mexicanus was seen on the Nicola ranges even until the first week in Decem- ber. Every female must have laid her full quota of eggs and every last egg must have been fertile because 1944 saw an out- break of this locust unparalleled in the his- tory of this Province and it occurred in areas where it has never been seen before. Now we have had long, mild autumns be- fore, and mexicanus is widely distributed; what combination of factors produced this devastating outbreak in 1944? The other orthopteran under considera- tion is the European house cricket Gryllus do?nesticus L. which appeared first in Van- couver about 1934, being suddenly report- ed in numbers in two widely separated apartment houses, and a few specimens only, in one house in West Point Grey; it has occurred in small numbers for years in the locker rooms of a golf club on the out- skirts of the city. No measures were taken to control the 1934 populations and I feared an outbreak of the cricket but it seemed to disappear entirely until April 1944 when it turned up in swarms in the furnace room of an apartment house at the junction of Broadway and Granville Street, several miles from the previous in- festations. Where did it go during those ten years and what , caused the 1944 out- break? About 1937, J. D. Gregson found Grylloblatta campodeif ormis Walk, at Kamloops in the talus slope of Mount Paul, at an elevation of 1,400 feet only. The face of this slope is one of the hottest spots in the Dry Belt and Grylloblatta seems to retreat into the cold interior of the rock pile during summer, coming out to the sur- face only when November cools down the countryside with sharp frosts. Its previous records were from Lakes Louise and Ag- nes and on Rundle Mountain, in the Roc- kies, Alberta, and in British Columbia, a reported record from Forbidden Plateau near Courtenay on Vancouver Island and at the top of Grouse Mountain near Van- couver. To find it in numbers at 1,400 feet at Kamloops, provides a most remark- able record of discontinuous distribu- tion. It is probable that further collecting in this Province, in late autumn will show that Grylloblatta is widely distributed Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 21 in locations similar to those occurring at Kamloops. The insect must have followed the skirts of the receding ice sheet 15,000 years ago and persisted in situations where it could retreat in summer time to near- frozen spots deep in rock piles. Of the dermaptera, the European earwig Forficula auricularia L., formed a terrible plague in Vancouver as late as 1927-28. Since then it seems to have reached an equilibrium at a rather low level and though it becomes fairly num- erous some years, it is far from being the great plague it was two decades ago. Moreover its reduction cannot be attributed to the introduction of the tachinid fly Dig- onochaeta , setipennis (Fallen) which is only now becoming apparent in some numbers in West Point Grey. This ear- wig is a good example of an imported in- sect increasing to outbreak proportions in a new country and then sinking to a fairly inconspicuous level. The conditions in the country remain the same: what has pro- duced the equilibrium? Contrast with this the case of the ring- legged earwig Euborieila annulifes (Lu- cas) which has existed for over a decade in the gardens of the Empress Hotel in Victoria without spreading out into con- tiguous gardens, let alone over the rest of the city. Concerning the isoptera or termites, the damp wood species Zootermofsis angus- ticollis (Hagen) which is widespread in the Vancouver region, on the Gulf Islands and on the mainland as far as Powell River, seems to be slowly increasing in the city of Vancouver where more and more complaints are coming in about its invasion of homes. One would think that with the building-up of the city this inhabitant of rotting timbers on damp ground, would decrease, but such seems not to be the case. The dry land termite Reticulitermes hes- ferus Banks occurs along the upper Fraser Valley from Lytton to Kamloops, up to the 1,800 foot level on the ranges. I have turned over literally hundreds of fallen fence posts on the ranges and know of only one post where a colony has existed for over ten years, and not in the posts on each side of it. What are the hazards which so restrict the distribution of this insect up the Fraser Valley? Three records have come to hand in 1 8 years, of severe outbreaks of PsociDAE'or book lice, originating in upholstered furni- ture in homes and one record of its in- crease from behind a damp draining board in a kitchen. Two species of these insects are common in practically every basement in Vancouver. Why do not these outbreaks become general all over the city? Turning now to the mallophaga or bird lice, to date we have one record only of the biting cat louse Felicola subrostra- tus (Nitzsch) occurring on a kitten born and bred in Vancouver. Now cats are rath- er promiscuous animals, yet this louse is apparently rare in the city. The same thing goes for the dog louse Trichodectes cants Degeer, of which I have only two records from dogs born and raised in Vancouver and a number of records from dogs in Kamloops. It is a different matter with this louse on coyotes for on these animals it extends from the Merritt district up to the Bulkley Valley and sometimes in such immense numbers that it literally shears off all the fur from the poor beasts, leav- ing them almost naked with fur only on their tails so that trappers call them “flag- tails.” Porcupines are widespread in the Dry Belt but though I have examined many specimens from widely scattered places, only those from Quesnel to Bar- kerville have harbored the louse Eutricho- fhilus setosus Giebel, a species which is specific to porcupines and which has been reported outside of this Province, from California to Alaska. Again of the sucking lice anoplura, we have the record published recently in our Proceedings (35: 27-28. 1939) of the yellow-bellied marmot collected by George Holland at Kamloops, when the poor beast was driven from its den in Novem- ber by more lice than there were hairs on its body. Holland collected a half ounce bottleful of the insects and then threw away the animal in disgust. Why should this one marmot have had such an infest- ation when the scores that the Kamloops 22 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 laboratory staff has collected^ usually have very few on them? Another instance of al- most unbelievable louse abundance occurr- ed in 1943 w7hen a man living in a shack in Vancouver was reported to have been killed by the human body louse which left the dead body and spread over the walls and furniture and even crept out through the cracks around the door and on to the sidewalk. Turning to more pleasant insects, the odonata, we all know that dragon flies occur everywhere in this Province, some- times in considerable numbers in one place. During the summer of 1943 there occurred a three-day flight of one species of dragon fly on the campus at the University in such immense numbers as to attract the at- tention of even the most unobservant; on the" 4th day there was not one to be seen. Unfortunately no one thought of keeping a specimen for identification. Whence came this migrating horde and where did it go? Of the homoptera, two records are striking. The campus of the University was landscaped and planted in 1923-24; in 1931 there occurred a most conspicuous series of colonies of the giant aphid Ptero- chlorus viminalis (Fons.) on one of two similar willow trees whose branches al- most touch one another. The aphid is rel- atively huge, at least one half centimetre long, with a conspicuous black tubercle on the middle dorsum. Essig says that it occurs throughout parts of Europe, Africa, Asia and in North America, and in California it is common on willow, rare on poplars and occurs occasionally on apple, apricot and peach. During the winter of 1931 the colonies which were only on the trunk and larger branches of the local tree, died out. Every year since the tree has been exam- ined but not until September 1941 did the great patches of aphids appear again and were shortly attacked by some disease which literally liquefied the bodies into black drops which fell to the ground. I have never seen the aphids on any other trees at any other time. Whence did it come in such sudden great colonies? Mr. R. Glendenning who very kindly confirm- ed my tentative identification has told me that he took it once, in 1925 at Agassiz, on willow. Again concerning aphids, in the autumn of 1929 a silver-leaf Eleagnus argentata transplanted to the campus in 1925, show- j ed red aphid eggs covering all parts of the | trunk so closely that the entire bush looked is if it had been painted red. Something I killed off the eggs during the winter and they have never appeared since. Of the HEMIPTERA, brief mention need be made of two species only. Leftoglossus occidentalis Heid., the large leaf-footed 1 bug, suddenly showed up in Vancouver around Christmas time, 1939, in people’s \ gardens where it was apparently hibernat- ing. Since then it has been reported in in- creasing numbers and in 1944 it was sent in from many parts of the city, reported as crowding into houses for hibernation. . Now K. F. Auden collected a specimen of this conspicuous bug in Vancouver in 1924; for what reason is it suddenly and steadily increasing? The box-elder bug Leftocoris trivittcitus J (Say) which feeds on Manitoba maple, has been abundant in the Okanagan for at least 1 5 years. In the last 3 years it has | shown up at Kamloops in such great num- bers as to cause considerable alarm. In the i autumn of 1944 it was sent in from Spence’s Bridge with the report that it was I present in large numbers although it had never been seen there before. Instances of the abundance or scarcity j of many species of the lepidoptera and coleoptera are well known to every en- tomologist present. To mention only one instance of the latter, the varied carpet beetle Anthrenus verbasci (Linn.) invaded Vancouver apparently for the first time in 1937 and has since spread over the whole lower mainland until it now constitutes I one of the worst pests in homes in the city; many people have had their homes cyanide- fumigated against it. Yet Dr. Melville , Hatch, of the University of Washington, at Seattle, informs me that it has been pres- J ent in that city for many years and that it a is relatively inconsequential there. Of the hymenoptera, the species of Entomological Soo. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 23 Vespa ( V espula) both black and yellow wasps, were so abundant in 1943 in many parts of the Dry Belt that they proved a plague of first magnitude, especially to fruit pickers. In 1944 queens and dwarf workers appeared in spring and then disap- peared. (See p. 4 of the previous volume of this journal.) In 1945, up to mid-July, only 9 specimens of Vespa by careful count have been seen by two of us who are collecting them especially. This is the only instance of sudden rise and disappearance of insects where I dare to offer an explan- THE CAPTURE OF CALENDRA AEQUALIS FORM UNIVITTATA ON THE RUSH SCIRPUS ROBUSTUS (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). — On the Heron sheep ranges of the old Bulman lease north of Kamloops, at an altitude of about 1800 feet, lies an alkaline pond of some ten acres in extent. This contains from one to two feet of water each spring, but dries up in sum- mer leaving an expanse of white alkali, deeply cracked and fissured. The pond is almost completely encircled with a belt of the rush Scirpus robustus Pursh. which is increasing each year forming in parts, a dense mat of roots sending up stems almost two feet in height. Sweeping a net over the thickest part of these rushes in the third week in July, 1943, I got a speci- men of the largest snout beetle I have so far collected in the Province, so I immediately beat over the area again but obtained only one more; however, on the thinner patches of rush that fringe the pond, the beetles were fairly common and I took thirty in all, roughly in the proportion of two females to one male. Both sexes vary in size from % to % inch in length. The beetles were feeding on the upper part of the rush stems and on the leaves, gouging out holes of considerable size. None were found mating, no eggs or egg punctures could be located, and slitting a number of stems showed no tunnels where grubs might have developed. The larvae probably live inside the root- stocks ; if so, they must endure submergence in spring when the lake bed is flooded. The adults have long and very sharp tarsal claws with which they cling so tenaciously to the smooth, polished surfaces of the rush stems that it was found necessary to grab them quickly and pull, all in one movement; if the pull was slow they tightened their grasp so effectively that they could be removed only when all tarsi broke off. If dropped, they feign death and then either dive down a crack in the mud ?or quickly climb another rush stem. In a week’s time they had practically disappeared, only two being found over the whole area. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I am greatly indebted to Pro- fessor John Davidson of our University for naming the rush and to Mr. H. B. Leech for identifying the beetles for me. — George J. Spencer, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. ation satisfactory to me. The year 1944 was very dry, and aphids, normally so widespread and abundant, were conspicu- ously absent. Now wasps feed their young on chewed-up animal food, largely insects, but the adults can consume only liquid food of which honey-dew is the main item especially of the white-faced wasp V espula maculata (Linn.) I suggest that the wasp plague of 1943 died out in 1944 through failure of aphids and the consequent honey- dew crop. CALOSOMA LUGUBRE IN QUEBEC (Coleoptera, Carabidae). — Calosoma lugubre LeConte is a large carabid beetle whose metropolis is Texas, with isol- ated records as far north as Nebraska. I picked up one at Duparquet, Quebec* (27-VIII-1936). It was identified by A. S. Nicolay, who was amazed at the record. The newness and remoteness of the locality barred out the possibility of it being introduced by man, but I have a single guess: — That summer a dark pall spread over our sky; at first it looked like smoke from distant fires, then more reminiscent of volcanic dust. Then the Press began to take notice, with reports of severe tornadoes in the States to the far south, and explained the cause of the darkened skies of our region as dust from the tornadoes. Had this powerful insect, capable of strong flight in its own right, been caught in the maelstrom of a tornado, then landed back to earth exactly where it should have — on the path of an entomologist? — G. Stace Smith. Creston, B.C. WHERE TO LOOK FOR LUDIUS LARICIS (Coleop- tera, Elateridae).— Ludius laricis Brown is one of the most distinctive and most localized click-beetles in our fauna. It was described in THE CANADIAN EN- TOMOLOGIST for February, 1939, from a series of 30 specimens collected by myself at Creston, B.C., within an area of two acres. A few subsequent catches have been made, and all under unvarying circum- stances. No other specimen is known. The field is now about exhausted, and surrounded forests and other likely places have been tested without result; but collectors in other localities where larch occurs might try their luck. Adults of L. laricis are small, reddish-brown, with- out maculation, about 8 mm. in length; that is, slightly larger than L. triundulatus (Randall). They are found in the thick trunk bark of large western larch (Larix occidentalis) , living trees only, usually about a foot from the ground, sometimes less, but never over two feet ; they are well embedded in the bark, where they pupate, from 3 to 6 inches from the surface. I find no trace of them in the summer months, and the collection dates are from late October until early May. — G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. 24 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones, M.A., F.R.E.S. I have pleasure in welcoming the mem- bers of our Society to the 44th Annual Meeting and trust that our deliberations will be both profitable and interesting. You have received the annual report of the Secretary-Treasurer. It shows a credit balance of $11.34 after the pay- ment of all bills presented up to the date of the closing of the books. However, in order to do this, it has been necessary, owing to the continued rise in the cost of publishing the PROCEEDINGS to bor- row from the Reserve Endowment Fund. The accounts of this fund show a figure of $76.17 which should he available for transfer to the Reserve, 4 but unfortunately at the moment this cannot be done. You will at an appropriate time in our de- liberations, be asked to approve some measure to enable this indebtedness to be met. The present value of the Reserve Endowment Fund is reported at $85.00. We should try to increase this sum an- nually, if* only by a small figure and so strengthen our Societv’s financial position. It is reported that the increase in the cost of publishing the PROCEEDINGS is the chief factor at the moment in bring- ing about this somewhat unsound and cer- tainly unfortunate situation. It will I am sure be agreed bv most of us present that it is imperative that we should take meas- ures to ensure that our publications com- pare favourable with similar ones put out by other societies both as regards the set up and the contents, > and that we should make them as interesting and informative as our financial position will permit. I notice that we are, scheduled to hear a paper entitled “Our journal, The Pro- ceedings” to be read by Mr. H. B. Leech and I hope that, after hearing this and after due consideration and discussion of our finances, a satisfactory motion will be passed to strengthen our position in this respect. Let us consider during the short time at our disposal the use of scientific and popu- lar names for insects. Being a lepidopterist, the examples which I shall give will be from the Lepidoptera, though I have no doubt that many statements will also apply equally well in the case of other orders of insects. Scientific names, both generic and speci- fic, are for the most part derivations of Latin and Greek and are often found to be a combination of both. There are also F names from other sources, some of doubt- ful origin, and others which do not ap- pear to have any meaning. However, in many cases, the scientific names give us certain information con- cerning the insect under consideration. For example a certain group of butterflies has been given the name Poly gonia, a Greek derivative signifying many pointed or many angled, and it seems very appro- priate as the wings of these insects are ; adorned with many indentations producing J an almost ragged appearance. In the case 3 of Vanessa cardui L. the specific name in- dicates that the larva feeds upon thistles. | With Hyfhantria textor Harr, the specific ;( name points to the web constructed by the | larvae. In other cases it will be noted that the specific name points to some locality or district or to some person. As examples of this may be cited, Leftarctia calif orn'iae | Wlk. the Californian tiger, Feltia van- | couverensis Grt. the Vancouver dart, and . Tolyfe dayi Blackmore, Day’s lappet. In the cases of A grotis c. nigrum L., Cdlo- ^ calpe undulta L. and Bombycia recti- i fascia Sm. it is to the markings on the F wings that attention is drawn. Many names yjj however are obscure and it is difficult, if not impossible, to discover any intelligible y significance and this is very regretable. Authorsi should be most careful, when blowing scientific names to ensure that j the proposed name has some appropriate significance. This is important insomuch as scientific names are by international agreement unchangeable once given; the oldest name taking precedence if it is not a homonym, and all others being reduced to the status of synonyms, subspecies, etc. It follows therefore that scientific names J are the same in every language and in the Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 25 scientific literature of all countries and this is the strongest argument in favour of keeping them in active use. For most people however, many of whom have not had the benefit of a “classical” education, or who know but little of science as a serious study, these names seem strange and bewildering, be- cause they convey no intelligible meaning. They are known only to the initiated few. What then should we do with them? It is doubtful whether anyone would seri- ously consider the discontinuance of these names, but many might favour limitations in their use. It will be readily agreed that scientific names are appropriate during the deliberations of learned societies, in scien- tific literature, or in lecturing to students in scientific subjects. They should not be used, at any rate exclusively, in addresses or lectures given to the general public, in popular literature, or in general conversa- tion with the average individual. Consider the reaction of someone, who has brought for indentification an insect, on being informed that he has caught a specimen of Pseudothyatira cymatofhor- been Pseudohazis eglanterina nuttalli Stkr. Such a person is likely to be quite disap- pointed because he has not been told any- thing that he can understand. To him the names sound strange and foreign and he will doubtless forget them very quicklv. Had English names been used and the enquirer told that his specimen was the “two-toned lutestring” or Nuttall’s sheep moth (though I admit that the former is not one of the best examples of a popular name), interest would probably have been maintained. Especially would this be true of the young, who very often have a dis- taste for any scientific names, chiefly be- cause they do not understand their mean- ing, and because they sound odd and un- attractive. It will be agreed that we should not neglect nor forget the young people and they should be encouraged in every possible way to become interested in scientific studies and so fill up our ranks in the future. That a case exists for a more general use of popular names will be granted by most people, but there are certain difficul- ties to be faced. Popular names are some- times rather fanciful and not always very appropriate. They are limited as to scope of circulation and possibly may vary from district to district, or province to province. Only a prolonged period of general use would correct this, the name gaining most popular favour being the one eventually accepted. This has now happened to some extent in Great Britain where English names have become standardized and are in quite general use for the macrolepid- optera at least. As a basis for introducing popular names for the macrolepidoptera of this Province we have the check list prepared by the late E. H. Blackmore and published for the Provincial Museum in 1927. It contains, thanks to the efforts of Francis Kermode, a former Director of the Museum, popular names for nearly all the species found in this Province at that time. Popular hames are als’o found in W. J. Holland’s “Butterfly Book” and in his “Moth Book”, also in J. A. Comstock’s book “The Butterflies of California.” A scrutiny of these works will show a meas- ure of agreement, though, as is to be ex- pected, there are a few differences. For instance Vanessa atalanta L. generally known as the red admiral and so called by Holland and Blackmore, is by Comstock named the alderman, who states that this is an old English name for it, though at the same time admitting that it is less familiar and justifying his choice by stat- ing that he wishes “to avoid confusion with the true admirals of the Genus Basil- archia.” These he names the admirals but they are better called the white admirals as is done by Holland and Blackmore. However, Vanessa cardui L. is called the painted lady by all three, and this is a well established name. Among the moths Aemelia roseata Wlk. is named by Hol- land the rosy aemilia but by Blackmore the rosy tiger; the latter is to be preferred. Speaking generally of the Blackmore list, the popular names there given follow closely those adopted by British writers in cases where either the genera or species occur in both areas and this would seem satisfactory, embodying as it does some 26 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Yol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 well established names. We find the Sphingidae designated by the well known term hawk-moths. However for the genus Remans of this same family the name clearwing has been used to re- place the bee hawks of British authors. This would seem regretable as it may cause confusion with another large group of lepidoptera, now relegated to a position close to the microlepidoptera, for which the name clearwings is extensively used in Britain. The name tiger has been used for the subfamily Arctiinae and this is a well established popular name. Here we find one slight variation. Arctia caja L. is known in Great Britain as either the garden tiger or the common tiger. Black- more terms our local sub-species Arctia caja americana Harr, the great tiger, probably wishing to draw attention to the status of our insect as a sub-species. Moths of the family Notodontidae are styled prominents, also - in accord with British writers, having reference to the humps and excrescences found adorning many of the larvae in this group. Species of the genus Cerura have been termed kittens carrying on a tradition handed down by British lepidopterists whereby a large species of moth of an allied genus Dicra- nura vinula was called the puss moth and species of the genus Cerura , being similar both in the larval and perfect stages but at the same time being much smaller, were called kittens. The origin of the name puss moth is thought by some to be due to the curious habit of the larva when dis- turbed of hunching its back much after the manner of an infuriated cat under similar circumstances. Also it may be noted that the colouring of the moths much resembles that of a pale tabby cat, in many of the species comprising this group. LIMONIUS RUFIHUMERALIS IN BRITISH COLUM- BIA (Coleoptera: Elateridae) . — Some specimens of the red-shouldered Limonius placed as crotchi (Horn) in collections, prove to be the recently described L. rufihumeralis Lane (1941. Pan-Pacific Ent. 17 (3): 133-139). Examples of this species in the Hopping Among the geometers or loopers, moths of the genus Hydriomena have been styled f highflyers. Holland gives no popular name here. Those of the genus Eufithecia have been dubbed pugs. Both are well establish- ed names for these genera. We would do well to study the popular names which we already have more care- fully and try to make wider use of them, hoping that where there are diversities of name for one insect, usage will eventually decide the issue. In cases where there are no popular names, such a name should be given. It should be a comparatively simple one and should preferably describe or point to some | peculiarity or notable feature in the insect during one of its stages. As an example, - the family Drepanidae were named hook- tips because in many of the species the 4 primaries have hooked tips. Care however should be exercised not to produce a meaningless name, which might easily happen by attempting a mere | translation of the scientific one. The best popular names in use are in no way trans- lations. There is a valuable list of over a ; thousand names (“Common names of in- sects approved by the American Association of Economic Entomologists.’7 Jour. Econ. Ent. 35(1) :83- 101. February 1942), ^ approved by a committee of both the J A.A.E.E. and the Entomological So- ciety of America. This paper lists the in- sects alphabetically, first by their common names, then by their scientific ones, and is | thus an excellent quick reference medium. Copies may be obtained from the business v manager of the A.A.E.E., Dr. E. N. Cory, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A. To conclude: both scientific and popular names are desirable, but care must be taken to use the appropriate one at the op- portune moment and on a suitable occasion. Collection are labelled as follows: Vernon, June 5, 1921, and May 1, 1924 (Ralph Hopping); Aspen Grove, May 30, 1931 (H. Richmond), and June 4, j 1931 (J. R. Howell); Midday Val., Merritt, June 14, 1926 (Wm. Mathers); Trinity Valley, June 25, 1929 j (J. R. Howell).— Hugh B. Leech. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 27 3n |©emoriam ABDIEL WILLIAM HANHAM, 1857-1944 It is with deep regret that we record the passing, on Jan. 18, 1944, at the age of 86, of another old and valued member of our Society* Mr. A. W. Hanham became a member of the British Columbia En- tomological Society in 1905. He came to North America from Eng- land in 1881, landing at Philadelphia and from there went to Missouri. Shortly af- ter, he joined the Bank of British North America in Montreal, but was moved al- most at once to Kingston, Ont., and then to Ottawa. From there he went to Paris, Ont., then to Hamilton and Brantford, Ont., thence to Quebec City in 1891, to Winnipeg, Man., in 1893, to Victoria, B.C., in 1901, and finally to Duncan, B.C. In 1905 he was appointed manager of the Bank of B.N.A. at Duncan, in which post he continued until his retire- ment in 1921. He made his home at Quamichan Lake, near Duncan. From late January to May, 1905, he was in Southern California, collecting chiefly at La Jolla, near San Diego, and also at Avalon on Santa Catalina Island. Mr. Hanham was a keen lepidopterist, but was also interested in Coleoptera and made extensive collections of both orders. The greater part of his British Columbia material was presented by him to the Pro- vincial Museum, Victoria, B.C., shortly before his death. His interests, however, were not by any means confined to en- tomology and he was even better known as a conchologist, being a recognized auth- ority on mollusca, both marine and ter- restrial, and he accumulated a large and important collection of shells. On one occasion, when a collector sent some shells to the United States National Museum for identification, the specialist to whom they were sent replied: “I do not know why you send shells to me when the best authority on the subject, Mr. A. W. Hanham, is living in your own district.” While not a frequent attendant at the meetings of the Society, except in its early years, nor a contributor to its Proceedings, the late Mr. Hanham gave valuable aid to fellow members or other students of en- tomology or conchology. The Society’s files contain many letters from him to mem- bers of the executive, and show that his interest and council were greatly appre- ciated. Hospitable, generous, kindly and full of unbounded enthusiasm for his fav- ourite sciences, his knowledge and experi- ence were always available to others, and through his extensive collecting and studies he has added much to our knowledge of Canadian mollusca and insects. — W. Downes Species and Subspecies of Lepidoptera Named in Honour of A. W. Hanham. Melitaea hanhami Fletcher Orthodes hanhami B. & McD. Fishia evelina hanhami Smith Eremohina hanhami B. & B. Philometra hanhami Smith Sterrha hanhami Hulst. Eufithecia hanhami Taylor Pyla hanhamella Dyar 28 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec.. 8, 1945 ENTOMOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS BY A. W. HANHAM All in the Canadian Entomologist (C.E.) and the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia (Proc.) 1884. Entomological notes. C.E. 16 (5) : 98-99. 1886. Entomological notes, Spring, 1886. C.E. 18 (7) : 137-139. 1894. Notes from my diary, Quebec, 1893. C.E. 26 (10) : 2 9 4 . 1894. Notes on Quebec Coleoptera. C.E. 26 (12) : 350-352. 1895. List of butterflies taken at Winnipeg, Man., 1894. C.E. 27 (5) : 123-124. 1897. Brephos middendorfi, Men. C.E. 29 (1) :3. 1897. A list of Manitoba moths. C.E. 29 (12) : 291-297. 1898. Notes on collecting “at light.” C.E. 30 (2) : 33-36. 1898. A list of Manitoba moths. C.E. 30 (3) : 65-69. 1898. Notes on collecting at bloom. C.E. 30 (7) : 188-190. 1899. A list of Manitoba moths. Part II. C.E. 31 (3) : 49-52. Part III, 31 (8) : 197-206. Part IV, 31 (11) : 312-320. 1900. Additions to the list of Manitoba butterflies, with notes on other species. C.E. 32 (12) : 365-367. 1901. List of Manitoba moths. Part V. C.E. 33 (8) : 213-220. 1914. Sunflowers as a lure for the Plusiidae. C.E. 46 (4) : 145-147. 1924. Notes on collecting at flowers and blossoms. Proc. 21:15-19. COLLECTING NEOCLYTUS PROVOANUS AND N. BALTEATUS (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) . — In 1931 when the late Ralph Hopping identified Neodytus pro- voanus Casey for me he noted that it may be a variety of balteatus LeConte. In the description Casey men- tions that he at first thought it might be balteatus. The question is still unanswered. There are several characters separating the two and in a fairly good series of both species these characters hold. The most conspicuous difference is in the basal band of the elvtra, which in balteatus is sharply defined, but in provoanus extends over most of the base. Recently C. A. Frost examined some of my material, and of provoanus writes: “I think it is a very good species.” But there is one suspicious point : both forms are taken together on the same unexpected plant. Since, at Creston, B.C., I discovered their hide-out I have not had an opportunity to investigate if the same holds good for other localities. They are found on the underside of the large leaves of mullein (Verbascum thapsus) in the late afternoon and evening. In this way I have taken 10 balteatus (July 7-25) and 16 provoanus (July 13 -Aug. 10). Nothing is known of the larvae. I have searched numerous plants, from the roots upwards, and am convinced that Verbascum, besides being an alien, is not the host. — G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. NEW MEMBERS Elected at the 44th Annual Meeting, Feb. 24, 1945. Baverstock, William — Provincial Horticultural Branch, Vernon, B.C. Guppy, Richard — R.R. 1, Marine Drive, Wellington, B.C. Muir, Mrs. Margaret A. — Ganges, Salt Spring Island, B.C. Palmer, B. F. — Kaslo, B.C. Wisenden, MisS Grace — Box 236, Prince George, B.C. Associate Member Riedemann, Karl Anton — Alkali Lake Ranch, Alkali Lake, B.C. STENICHNUS OVIPENNIS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae) . — Casey described ovi- pennis from California as a species of Scydmaenus (1897. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 9: 480-481). A single specimen of this tiny reddish-brown beetle, slightly less than 1.5 mm. long, was found about 5 miles north of Lumby, B.C., September 16, 1943. It was under an old board lying on the top of a coniferous stump on the site of an abandoned mill; identified by W. J. Brown. — Hugh B. Leech. The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia is published annually. Individual volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Secretary-Treasurer, Entomological So- ciety of British Columbia, Box 308, Ver- non, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1945), Vol. 42, Dec. 8, 1945 ANSELL LABORATORIES LTD. Manufacturers of CALOTAL For the control of Root Maggot and Carrot Rust Fly FLY-FOE STOCK SPRAY FLY-FOE D.D.T. BARN SPRAY 109 8th ST., VERNON, B.C. r . . Phone 450 and a fast growing line of Insecticides “Tftodem. Science CANADIAN LABORATORY SUPPLIES LIMITED TORONTO VANCOUVER MONTREAL ^lautt 'Piotectiau We are distributors for a full line of Canadian, English and American fungicides and insecticides including: Black Leaf “40” Black Leaf “155” Bartlett’s Wettable Sulphur Spergon Seed Treatment Copper-Lime Dust Boot’s “Coppesan” Lethalate Wetting Fluid Bartlett’s Flotation Sulphur Leyton 4% Copper -Lime -Arsenic Dust Bouisol It IICKERFI ELD'S P.O. Box 219 Vancouver, B.C. DEHYDRATED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BULMANS LIMITED PROCESSORS OF OKANAGAN VALLEY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (fanned * ‘DefafcOuitecl * VERNON, B.C. CABLE ADDRESS: ‘BULMANS, VERNON” CODES: WESTERN UNION CALPAK B ULMANS LIMITED manufacture a by-product from Dehydrated Apples "GO-WEST" Poison Bait for positive control of Strawberry Root Weevil Govt ^0$*. , , We are in the Agricultural Chemical business — manufactur- ing and distributing fertilizer, insecticides, fungicides, and weed-killers. To be successful in our field of endeavour we realize that our thoughts and efforts must be directed in such a manner as to further the following two relationships: (1) To have a deep consciousness of our responsibility to the Farmers of Canada — realizing that we can remain in business only so long as we conscientiously serve their needs. (2) To so conduct our affairs that we may earn and maintain the re- spect and confidence of our co-workers in the field of Agriculture — that by our combined efforts we may render the greatest possible service to the Farmers of Canada. "Senvuty rfyticuttcvie cvit& (fyetKCA&iy m CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED FERTILIZER DIVISION N DEFICIENCIES MULE TEAM BORAX OR BORIC ACID Authorities have recognized that the depletion of Boron in soil has been reflected in limited production and poor quality of numerous field and fruit crops. The work and recommendations of Agricultural Experiment Stations are steadily increasing the recognition of the need for Boron in Agriculture and Horticulture. We are pre- pared to render every practical assistance. PACIFIC COAST BORAX COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Distributed by Macdonald & Wilson Limited 562 Beatty Street Vancouver, B.C. PROCEEDINGS of the ^55 ENTOMOLOGICAL ===== SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 43. Issued February 4, 1947 Page Marshall & Olds— The Pear Psylla in British Columbia 1 Gregson — Feeding Periods Prerequisite to the Mating of Dermacentor andersoni. . ... .; . . 3 Spencer — An Unusual Record of the Wharf Borer, Nacerda melanura, in Buried Piling at Vancouver, B.C . ... 7 Spencer — The 1945 Status of Digonochaeta setipennis, Tach- inid Parasite of the European Earwig Forficula auricularia Linn, in West Point Grey, Vancouver, B.C.... 8 Spencer— The Status of AnoMum punctatum, the Death Watch Beetle, in the Lower Fraser Valley in 1946. 9 Buckell — A List of the Lepidoptera Collected in the Shuswap Lake District of British Columbia by Dr. W. R. Buckell. . 11 Leech — List of Some Philonthus from British Columbia 23 Eoxlee— Further Records of Heterocera of the Nelson-Robson- Trail District of British Columbia 24 Fulton — Natural Control of the European Pea Moth Laspey- resia nigricana on Sumas Prairie, B.C 25 Guppy — Results of a Season’s Study of the European Earwig, Forficula auricularia 28 Leech — Local Abundance of the Wasps Chlorion atratum and Megastizus unicinctus 32 Richmond — Current Trend of the Western Hemlock Looper (Lambdina f. lugubrosa) in the Coastal Forest of British Columbia 33 Ward — Resume of Infestations and Control of the Colorado Potato Beetle in British Columbia, 1911-1946 35 Murray — Commercial Application of Phenothiazine for Cod- ling Moth Control 37 Jones — Presidential Address 38 In Memoriam — William Arthur Dash wood- Jones 41 Theodore Albert Moilliet 43 Harry Cane 45 Scientific Notes 10, 21, 22, 24, 36, 37, 46 Recent Literature Facing Page 1, and Page 46 New Members Facing Page 1 DEDICATED TO RESEARCH fYECENTLY this doorway to the JA. Whitemarsh Research Laborator- ies officially opened, and the new home of Penn Salt’s Research and Develop- ment Department was formally ded- icated. Here will be continued the important work of Penn Salt’s rapidly growing staff of chemists, engineers and other technologists. With greatly enlarged facilities, they will be well-equipped to bear a substantial share of the in- creased responsibility imposed on in- dustry and agriculture by wartime’s fast changing economy. Materials, not even dreamed of yesterday, already have become commonplace. And still more remarkable things are in store for the world of tomorrow. This greai building symbolizes the transformation that is taking place in the field of practical research. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAN u/f1/c TURING C Q^ll P A N V 1850 \^AjLjn-JuCuCUL4~- 1946 1000 WIDENER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA 7, PA. NEW YORK - CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS - PITTSBURGH - CINCINNATI - MINNEAPOLIS WYANDOTTE - TACOMA PENN SALT PROUUCTS ENTER INTO THE MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS FOR AGRICULTURE, WATER AND SEWAGE, METAL INDUSTRIES, CERAMICS, GLASS, OIL REFINING, PULP AND PAPER, TEXTILES, LEATHERS, LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING, AVIATION GASOLINE. PROCEEDINGS of the ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY of BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 43, Issued February 4, 1947 Page Marshall & Olds — The Pear Psylla in British Columbia 1 Gregson — Feeding Periods Prerequisite to the Mating of Dermacentor anclersoni 3 Spencer — An Unusual Record of the Wharf Borer, Facer da melanura, in Buried Piling at Vancouver, B.C 7 Spencer — The 1945 Status of DigonocJiaeta setipennis, Tach- inid Parasite of the European Earwig Forficula auricularia Linn, in West Point Grey, Vancouver, B.C 8 Spencer — The Status of AnoMum punctatum, the Death Watch Beetle, in the Lower Fraser Valley in 1946 9 Buckell — A List of the Lepidoptera Collected in the Shuswap Lake District of British Columbia by Dr. W. R. Buckell. . 11 Leech — List of Some Philonthus from British Columbia 23 Foxlee— Further Records of Heterocera of the Nelson-Robson- Trail District of British Columbia 24 Fulton— Natural Control of the European Pea Moth Laspey- resia nigricana on Sumas Prairie, B.C 25 Guppy — Results of a Season’s Study of the European Earwig, Forficula auricularia 28 Leech — Local Abundance of the Wasps Chlorion atratum and Megastizus unicinctus 32 Richmond— Current Trend of the Western Hemlock Looper (Lambdina f. lugubrosa) in the Coastal Forest of British Columbia 33 Ward— Resume of Infestations and Control of the Colorado Potato Beetle in British Columbia, 1911-1946 35 Murray — Commercial Application of Phenothiazine for Cod- ling Moth Control 37 Jones — Presidential Address 33 In Memoriam — William Arthur Dashwood-Jones 41 Theodore Albert Moilliet 43 Harry Cane 45 Scientific Notes 10, 21, 22, 24, 36, 37, 46 Recent Literature. Facing Page 1, and Page 46 New Members Facing Page 1 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 DIRECTORS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1946 - 1947 Honorary President A. W. Finlay, New Westminster, B.C. President G. R. Hopping, Vernon, B.C. V Ice-President ( C oast) M. H. Hatch, University -of Washington, Seattle, Wash. V Ice-President ( Interior ) J. D. Gregson, Kamloops, B.C. Hon. Secretary-Treasurer H. B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. Hon. Auditor W. G. Mathers, Vernon, B.C. Advisory Board H. Andison, Victoria, B.C. J. R. J. Llewellyn J. Marshall, Summerland, B.C. RECENT LITERATURE tenthredinoidea of SOUTH EASTERN ASIA WITH A GENERAL ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW. By Rene Malaise. Entomological Results from the Swedish Expedition 1934 to Burma and British India. Hymenoptera: Tenthredinoidea. Part I. Subfamily Tenthredininae. Opuscula Entomologica, Supplementum IV. p. iv — j— 1-288, 57 text figs., 20 plates. Lund, 1945. — The first 90 pages of this paper are of great interest to zoologists and botanists, and to entomologists in particular. Under the title “Late Tertiary Geographical Changes as Base of Recent Zoogeography”, a fundamen- tal review with 17 figures is given. Wegener’s “Drift Theory” is rejected, but much attention is given to Odhner’s “Constriction Theory”, the latter apparently almost unknown outside Sweden. The discussion of past land bridges and climates, and of the submarine topography of the oceans, are of broad interest to entomologists. Of immediate value to hyme- nopterists are the sections on ecology, general affinities and zoogeography, and classification. There are illus- trated keys (world fauna) to the Superfamilies of Hy- menoptera .Symphyta, the Families of the Tenthredinoi- dea, and the Subfamilies of the Tenthredinidae. On p. 14 is proposed Eopachylosticta, new generic name for the fossil sawfly Amasis byrami Cockerell. Dr. Malaise is at the Sweidsh Museum of Natural History, Stockholm 50.— H. B. L. THE BUTTERFLIES OF WASHINGTON. By Ben V. Leighton. University of Washington Publications in Biology, 9 (2) :47-63. Seattle, November, 1946. Price 45 cents. — The first part cites the collections and lit- erature on which the list is based, gives notes on the life cycles and economic importance of butterflies, tells where and when to collect in Washington, and tabulates the location and elevation of certain localities. The list proper includes 143 species and 81 varieties; for each is given: the scientific and common name, refer- ence to a published figure or other account, a list of localities and a symbol reference to the collections studied. — H. B. L. G. P. Holland, Kamloops, B.C. Jones, Cobble Hill, B.C. G. T. Mockridge, Cloverdale, B.C. THE NORTH AMERICAN CLEAR-WING MOTHS OF THE FAMILY AEGERIIDAE. By George P. Engelhardt. U. S. Nat. Museum Bui. 190. For sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Of- fice, Washington, D.C. Price 75 cents. — This posthu- mous work of 222 pages contains 16 black and white plates showing wing venation and male and female genitalia, and 16 plates in full color illustrating most of the species. Seven new generic names are proposed. There is a key to the groups, based on antennae and male genitalia, a key to the North American genera, and in certain cases keys to the species and forms. Each genus and species is taxonomically described, with remarks on the synonymy, distribution, hosts, habits and economic importance. Thirteen species are record- ed as from British Columbia, and the distribution of at least 6 others suggest that they will be found along the southern edge of the Province. An outstanding- feature of this publication is the full listing of host plants, the results of 40 years of patient investigation by George Engelhardt and a few enthusiastic friends. Entomologists are indebted to his widow and son who have borne the entire cost of engraving and printing the colored plates, from drawings by Mrs. Wm. Beuten- muller and Mrs. M. F. Benson. — H. B. L. NEW MEMBERS Elected at the 45th Annual Meeting, February 23, 1946. Ansell, Charles H. — Ansel' Laboratories, Vernon, B.C. Farris, Sinclair H. — Forest Insect Lab., Vernon, B.C. Fender, Kenneth M. — Route 3, McMinnville, Oregon. Godfrey, Langford M. — Agricultural Chemicals Div., C.I.L., New Westminster, B.C. Hammer, E. ( Leslie — P.O. (Box 339, Port Alberni, B.C. King, Kenneth M. — Dominion Entomological Lab., Par- liament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Nielsen, Axel H. — Kinnaird, B.C. Parish, G. P.— McDonald & Wilson Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Richmond, Hector A. — Dominion Forest Insect Lab., 311 P.O. Bldg., Victoria, B.C. Entomological Soe. of British Columbia, Prog. (1946), You. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 1 THE PEAR PSYLLA IN BRITISH COLUMBIA * James Marshall Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Summerland, B.C. and H. F. Olds Dominion Plant Inspection Office, Vancouver, B.C. Discovery of Infestations. — The first British Columbia record of the pear psylla Psylla fyricola Foerst., was that of Treherne* 1 who reported it from Nelson in 1918. Despite extensive scouting and trapping, however, the insect has not been taken in the Kootenay Valley since that time. Possibly this early record was a case of misidentification. In 1939 discovery of the pear psylla in the Spokane Valley of Washington raised fears for the pear industries of the western states. Shortly after, operations were in- cepted by the United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine with the object of eradicating the infestation. Concurrently, extensive scouting opera- tions were ' undertaken which, with the sanction and assistance of the Dominion and Provincial Departments of Agricul- ture, soon carried into the fruit-growing districts of British Columbia. Within a few years the pear psylla was found in localities far from the Spokane Valley and in 1942 captures were made in an orchard near Oliver in the Okan- agan Valley of British Columbia. Re- checking indicated that in all likelihood the insect was generally distributed from Vaseaux Lake to the International Bound- ary in the Okanagan Valley and in the Keremeos-Cawston district of the Similka- meen Valley twenty miles to the west. At that time the area known to be infested included some 500 acres of pear orchard containing approximately 50,000 trees. In order to protect their eradication opera- tions in the neighboring state of Washing- ton, the United States authorities under- Contribution No. 2408, Division of Entomology, ( Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 1 Treherne, R. C. (1918). Annual Report to the Dominion Entomologist (typewritten) Page 2. took tO' bring spray equipment across the border, and the spring of 1943 thus saw a considerable number of United States Government spray crews operating in Canadian orchards. By the fall of 1943 it was evident that three applications of nicotine sulphate — soap or nicotine sulphate — summer oil- soap had given excellent control of the psylla, but, as was anticipated, had not eradicated it. The same year, captures were made as far north as Penticton, so control operations were extended. Once again, however, the spray treatments served merely to reduce psylla popula- tions with the result that in the fall of 1944, in addition to new records from Summerland, recurring infestations were detected in the sprayed areas. These new records, augmented later by others near Peachland and Westbank, brought about such further extension of control activities that in 1945 a fleet of United States power sprayers was operating up to the Westbank district some 75 miles north of the Inter- national Boundary. By this time, exten- sive scouting had included virtually all pear orchards in the Province and at the end of the season had provided evidence of the existence of the pear psylla north to Vernon, east to Midway, and west to Hedley. For practical purposes, therefore, the insect may now be considered gener- ally distributed wherever pears are grown over an area of about 4,500 square miles in the province of British Columbia. The methods of spread of the pear psylla are not entirely clear. Doubtless its dispersal is aided by air currents since it is a small insect given to flight when adult. It is not uncommonly • observed on the clothing of individuals who have passed through infested orchards, so that the 2 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 great amount of travel between pear orchards incident to their inspection may possibly have accelerated spread of the insect. Unquestionably, however, if the pear psylla is capable of persisting in British Columbia it will merely be a matter of time until it is present in all pear orchards regardless of scouting or in- spection operations. Experiments in Chemical Con- trol2.— Upon discovery of the first wide- spread infestation at Oliver, it seemed obvious that with known control measures, eradication of the insect in British Colum- bia was out of the question. This view was expressed at the outset by W. A. Ross, Chief of the Fruit Insects Unit, Domin- ion Division of Entomology, who has had long acquaintance with the habits of the pear psylla and whose investigations on its control had led to utilization of heavy dormant oil as standard control practice in Ontario. (The effectiveness of this pro- cedure depends primarily on the fact that heavy oil inhibits oviposition.) Three con- siderations justified the conclusion that the pear psylla probably would not prove a serious menace to the British Columbia orchardist; first, even in Ontario where environmental conditions are generally favourable for its multiplication, control of pear psylla is not difficult if spraying is timely and thorough; second, there were grounds for hoping that since the psylla thrives best in conditions of poor air drain- age and fairly high humidity, it might not prove to be generally prolific under the arid or semi-arid conditions of the British Columbia interior fruit belt. In the third place, although no investigations on con- trol had been carried out in Western North America, there was little doubt that in ad- dition to the known effectiveness of heavy dormant oil, which incidentally is also highly effective against San Jose scale, a summer spray schedule could be developed for simultaneous control of pear psylla and codling moth. 2 Investigation of control methods was done jointly with Messrs. Ben Hoy and R. P. Murray of the British Columbia Department of Agriculture. In 1942 an orchard near Oliver, consid- ered at that time to be the most heavily infested in the West, was selected for ex- periments in chemical control of pear psylla under arid conditions. As the Oliver district, with an average annual precipita- tion of only nine inches, frequently experi- ences temperatures in excess of 100° F., the check plot that did not receive any pear psylla spray treatment was of particular interest. Results of the work were: (1) Nicotine sulphate 40% 1 pint — summer oil (79 S.S.U. Vis. 100° F., 73% U.R.) 1 gal. — soap (laundry type) 1 lb., gave effective control. (2) Nicotine alkaloid 40% 1 pint — summer oil 1 gal. — VAT- SOL K (dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate 33%) 1 lb., appeared approximately as effective as the nicotine sulphate mixture. (3) Derris concentrate (VISKO D-40 containing rotenone 1%, petroleum 43 S.S.U. Vis, 92% U.R, 33% pine oil, concentration unknown and a mutual sol- vent, composition and quantity unknown) 1 pint — summer oil 1 gal. — VATSOL K 1 lb, was comparable in toxicity to the nicotine-oil mixtures but less offensive to handle and lower in cost. (4) Pear psylla infestation on unsprayed check trees de- creased markedly following a week with maximum temperatures ranging from 95° to 105° F. (5) Unsprayed trees did not show any measurable loss of crop, although some foliage injury was evident. The investigation was continued in the same orchard in 1943. With the object of developing a grower’s spray schedule, only two treatments Were applied, each to an area of abdut two acres. By the end of the season few psyllids were present even on the check trees that neither in 1942 nor in 1943 had received a psylla spray. Evi- dently by substituting nicotine sulphate- summer oil for the regular first and sec- ond codling moth cover sprays of lead arsenate or cryolite, or by adding derris- oil mixture to lead arsenate or cryolite, control of pear psylla could, if necessary, be accomplished at no great extra cost and without additional labour. With this in- formation on hand, investigation of sum- mer control of pear psylla was discontinued Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Yol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 until the advent of DDT, when psylla was included in the list of test insects for that compound. Experiments in Kaleden in 1945 indicated fairly clearly that in stove oil solution DDT, per unit weight of toxicant, is less effective against pear psylla than nicotine sulphate applied with sum- mer oil and soap. In order to utilize the Ontario recom- mendation of dormant oil, investigations on the effects of various petroleum frac- tions on orchard trees were begun in 1942. Since the time when dormant oil first be- came generally used in British Columbia, it had been felt that light oil of 100-110 S.S.U. viscosity at 100° F. was dess likely to cause tree injury than a heavier oil of, for example, 200-220 S.S.U. viscosity as used in Ontario against pear psylla. There appears to have been little experimental evidence to support such a view. On the contrary, four years’ experiments have in- dicated that under British Columbia con- ditions the heavy “psylla” oil is less likely to cause injury to pear or apple trees than its lighter counterpart. What of the Future? — There is every indication the pear psylla is in Brit- ish Columbia to stay. It is very unlikely that high temperature with low humidity will prove sufficient to eradicate it, since in many irrigated orchards there are pot- holes or close plantings with poor air drain- age and consequently fairly high humidity. Furthermore, it is improbable that growers will take special steps to control it unless so forced by its activities. That would not be efficient orcharding; nor would it be human nature. Rather, from the stand- point of difficulty of control, the pear psylla in all likelihood will be classed with the aphids and treated accordingly. Should the insect flourish in this Province, adequate commercial control may be attained by ad- dition of derris concentrate, for example, to one or two codling moth sprays. This would require a total outlay of five to ten dollars per acre of pear trees but no extra labour. If control of scale insects becomes necessary, simultaneous control of psylla can be effected by applying a heavy dorm- ant oil scale spray somewhat earlier than usual. In that case there would be neither extra outlay nor extra labour. The pear psylla is certainly an unwelcome immi- grant, but British Columbia fruit growers will doubtless learn to live with it at no great financial loss or inconvenience. FEEDING PERIODS PREREQUISITE TO THE MATING OF DERMACENTOR ANDERSONI (Acarina)1 J. D. Gregson Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. In a previous paper (Gregson 2) the author mentioned that the feeding rates of female D. andersoni Stiles were substanti- ally increased by the presence of male ticks. The experiments described in the present article were planned to demonstrate whether or not copulation is necessary to promote this stimulated feeding, and, since this species of tick only mates while feed- 1 Contribution No. 2409, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 2 Gregson, J. D.. 1944. The influence of fertility on the feeding rate of the female of the wood tick, Der- macentor andersoni Stiles. Ent. Soc. Ont., 74th Ann. Rept. (1943), 74:46-47; figs. 1-4. ing, to determine if any initial engorging period is necessary before this act will take place. Experiment A On April 4, 1945, five capsules, each containing about half a dozen male and female D. andersoni were attached to a sheep in the manner described by the author 3. The males were moved succes- sively from these capusules as indicated in the following table. Another capsule con- taining females only, served as the control. 3 Gregson, J. D., 1942. Notes on the laboratory rear- ing of some Canadian ticks (Acarina). Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia, Proc. 39:32-35. 4 Entomological Soe. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4. 1947 TABLE I Experiment A. — Dates of removal of male ticks from each capsule. Host infested with both sexes of ticks on April 24, 1945. Cap. No. Apr. 25 Apr. 26 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 Control. Females only. On May 1, at the end of seven days’ feeding, the surviving females were re- moved, weighed and photographed. They were then set aside in oviposition tubes until October 1, when the fertilitv of the eggs produced was checked. Discussion. The only females which fed rapidly were those with which males had been left until the sixth day. These were also the only ones to lay fertile eggs. This appears to demonstrate that one or both sexes must feed for at least six days before copulation and subsequent accelera- tion in feeding can take place. Experiment B This experiment was performed simul- taneously with the preceding one. Six cap- sules as before, but containing only fe- males, were attached to a sheep. Males were added to five of the capusules of fe- males at such intervals that , the males of each successive group would be deprived of an additional day’s feeding by the time the females were removed. In this way it was hoped that it could be shown whether male ticks require a feeding period prior to copu- lation. On the eighth day only the females ac- companied by males that had had the op- portunity to engorge for a six day period were fully engorged. Fertile eggs were subsequently laid by all these females, but by only two of the five females accompanied by males that had fed for five days. All the remaining females fed slowly and laid eggs which later proved to be sterile. TABLE II Experiment A. — State of female ticks from capsules 1 to 6 on May 1. (See Table I.) Capsule No. Average weight in Fertility of egg grams of females masses in each group October 1, 1945 0.209 All sterile .145 All sterile .238 All sterile .227 All sterile .667 All fertile .198 All sterile 1 1 Control. No males present. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 5 TABLE III Experiment B. — Dates on which male ticks were added to each capsule. Host infested with females only on April 24, 1945. Cap. No. Apr. 25 Apr. 26 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 1. X 2 V 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 Control. Females only. Discussion. The experiment appears to demonstrate that the males must feed for at least five days before they will mate with feeding females. Experiment C The preliminary feeding period neces- 'Sary for male sexual activity having; b°en noted, it remained to be shown if a similar period was necessary before the female be- came in a receptive condition. On May 7 a series of males was allowed to feed on a sheep. By May 14 it was as- sumed that all had fed sufficiently to mate, and at this date they were added to equal numbers of unfed females which were dis- tributed under four capsules on a sheep. The males were then removed at daily in- tervals from each successive group. The fifth capsule contained females only as a control. By May 19 some of the females were already engorged and dropping. Thus two days less were required than for the short- est feeding period during the preceding month. To illustrate the maximum con- trast in feeding, the entire series was re- moved at this date, the fifth day after in- festation. Discussion. — The experiment illus- trated clearly that engorgement in five days is possible if females are mated with pre- fed males. In this experiment, all females TABLE IV Experiment B. — State of female ticks from capsules 1 to 6 on May 1. (See Table III.) Capsule No. Average weight in Fertility of egg grams of females masses, in each group October 1, 1945 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 0.559 .196 .264 .237 .200 .255 All fertile 2 fertile 3 sterile All sterile All sterile All sterile All sterile! 1 Control. No males present. 6 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 TABLE V Experiment C. — Dates of addition and re- moval of male ticks from each capsule. Host infested with females on May 14, 1945. Cap. No. May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 19 1 x 1 1 detached 2 x 1 2 detached 3 x 1 4 detached 4 x 1 2 detached 5 Control. Females only. 0 detached 1 All males pre-fed. fed rapidly with the exception of those of the control, where there were no males, and group one, in which the males were removed within a day of being placed with the females. In this group only one of the five females fed rapidly. As with the other experiments, the eggs of all the rap- idly feeding ticks were fertile. On May 20, an additional experiment was carried out to support this supposition that a brief feeding period is necessary be- fore the female tick will mate. Two pre- fed males of the above stock were placed with two unfed females for three days, after which' time the females only were placed on a sheep. At the end of five days they had become only half engorged, and so presumably had not mated prior to feed- ing. These results, and the fact that only one of the five ticks of group 1 of Experi- ment C engorged rapidly, suggests that one day is the minimum feeding- period needed to produce sexual maturity in the female tick. The longer feeding period necessary in the case of the male appears to be taken care of in nature by the earlier activity and appearance of the male at the commence- ment of the tick season. Summary. — Experiments involving the feeding of Dermacentor andersoni ticks on sheep were designed to illustrate that a pre- liminary feeding period for both sexes is necessary before this species of tick will mate. It is shown that males require a minimum feeding period of five days, and females, one day. TABLE VI Experiment C. — State of female ticks from capsules 1 to 5 on May 19. (See Table V.) Capsule No. Average weight in Fertility of egg grams of females masses, in each group October 1. 1945 1. o 3. 4. 5. 1 fertile 0.179 4 sterile .446 All fertile .471 All fertile .427 All fertile .72 All sterile 1 1 Control. No males present. Entomological Soc. of British Colombia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 7 AN UNUSUAL RECORD OF THE WHARF BORER, NACERDA MELANURA, IN BURIED PILING AT VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. (Coleoptera: Oedemeridae) G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. In October, 1945, three beetle grubs were brought to me with the enquiry as to whether or not they were teredos and would prove of potential damage to new piling. They were found in old piling at the British Columbia Sugar Refinery at the edge of tidewater and were uncovered during excavations for a new powerhouse. It was reported that they had been taken from piling that had been covered for thirty years. They turned out to be the larvae of N acercla melanura (Linn.) the wharf borer. Finding it hard to believe the details that accompanied them, I hastened down to the refinery and interviewed the engi- neer in charge of construction, who kindly showed me the situation. Between us, we dug out a number of larvae from thor- oughly soggy piling in which the centre only was of firm though very wet wood. Tunnels were all through both rotten and firm wood: no pupae were found. To my astonishment, I found that the report sent up to me was true and was only part of the story. The beetle grubs occurred in piling that had been driven thirty years ago into an area of the sea that had been filled in five years previously with furnace ashes and earth; more ashes had been dumped around and on top of the piles and on this foundation, concrete had been poured for a depth of from one to three feet to pro- vide the floor for the erecting and sand- blast shops. The heavy buildings had been torn down less than two weeks before my visit, the concrete floor dynamited out and the area was being excavated for a boiler room. The whole area had been re- claimed, reinforced, solidified and built over so long ago, that no one visiting it for the first time, as I did, would have guessed that it was not original solid ground. The stub of piling from which I. dug most grubs , had been covered by a depth of fill, of four feet by actual measurement, not counting concrete. The piles in the area were from four to six feet apart and in no instance did the top of one of them protrude above the ashes and all of them contained grubs and were thoroughly rid- dled, and all had been covered with ashes and with concrete. How did the grubs get into those piles and how long had they been there? In the January 1937 number of Volume 69, The Canadian Entomologist, R. E. Balch of Fredericton, New Brunswick, published a detailed summary of literature concerning N. melanura , and a careful ac- count of his finding it in the wharf of the Atlantic Sugar Refinery at Saint John, N.B. He mentions that the beetle was re- corded from Nanaimo, B.C., in 1928 and from Vancouver, no date, so it not new to this coast. His larvae when full grown were 30 mm. long whereas those I ob- tained were from 13 mm. to 26 mm. long and were therefore apparently not full grown. He says that the beetle is about 10 mm. long and flies during July and Aug- ust; it is attracted to situations at tide level and its grubs live in damp wood. It appears that one of two theories might account for this remarkable and ex- tensive infestation at the British Columbia Sugar Refinery: ONE, that it started in piles soon after they were driven and that the beetles are capable of developing, mat- ing and reproducing in tunnels, year after year, without having to come to the sur- face; or TWO, that the larvae either undergo a lengthy diapause or, in damp wood that is shut off from the surface, are extremely slow in developing. This second theory has some support in Balch’s article wherein he quotes Laing (1936) writing in the “Entomologist’s Monthly” who records an instance of living larvae being 8 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), You. 43. Feb. 4. 1947 found in wood which had been entirely surrounded by concrete, for seven years. Now Balch found that full grown larvae are 30 mm. long and I found one, obvious- ly only partly grown, that was only 13 mm. long. If damp conditions in an en- closed space induce protracted development of these larvae, how long could they re- main under these conditions, without be- coming beetles? Surely this constitutes a record in any beetle larvae, of delayed de- velopment, and provides material for long term experiments in physiology and meta- morphosis to determine the factors that en- able larvae to survive under these condi- tions. THE 1945 STATUS OF DIGONOCHAETA SETIFENNIS, TACHIN1D- PARASITE OF THE EUROPEAN EARWIG FORF5CULA AURICULARIA LINN. IN WEST POINT GREY, VANCOUVER, B.C. G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. For at least fifteen years I have collected earwigs every autumn around West Point Grey for student instruction and have maintained them alive in cages, taking them out as required. Up to 1943, there was no indication in this caged material of parasitism by Digonochaeta setifennis Fall., the tachinid fly that was introduced from Europe about fifteen years ago, to control this pest. However, in 1943, when making the usual autumn collection by placing sacking and rolled-up newspapers in the crotches of trees in the garden, one fly puparium was obtained, so in 1 944 the catch was closely watched and four puparia were obtained. In early October, 1945, the usual catch of two nights’ collecting was placed in a pint jar with leaves, dried grass and crumpled paper for the earwigs to hide in and in the process of collecting, sixteen fly puparia were obtained from the sacking and were placed with the earwigs in the jar. In the next few weeks some 30 earwigs were used for class purposes and the rest, numbering 58, were stored in the jar in an unheated laboratory. During the winter the earwigs died off at intervals, but a few were still alive by the end of January. Shortly afterwards all were dead and when the mass was counted on 16th February, 57 puparia were ob- tained; deducting the 16 obtained at time of collecting, 41 maggots had emerged during the winter from 5 8 earwigs, giving a parasitism of 70.7 per cent. Unfortunately, the earwig collections of 1943 and 1944 were not counted, so the percentages are not available for those years. However, the sudden leap in infes- tation in 1945 was most conspicuous since, apart from those stored for observation, setifennis puparia occurred freely all over the garden wherever earwigs were shelter- ing, in bits of dahlia and lupin stalks, be- tween boards and under trash where none had occurred in previous years. The history of parasite release in Van- couver since 1936 was sent to me by W. Downes who was in charge of this work and I am greatly indebted to him for the following figures: In May 1936, five thousand and nine- teen setifennis puparia were placed out in five sub-equal lots in north and south Kitsi- lano. In July of the same year, 16,000 parasitized earwigs were released in thir- teen locations all the way from Stanley Park, the West End and Kitsilano, to Cen- tral Park; of these, 1,000 were released at 8th Avenue and Tolmie, 1,000 at 10th Avenue near Sasamat Street and 1 ,000 at the University. These last three points are distant 666 yards, 900 yards and two miles, respectively, from where my collections were made. In August, 10,000 were re- leased at ten locations throughout Vancou- ver, of which 1,000 were released near the Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Pkoc. (1946), Vol. 43, Pet?. 4, 1947 9 University, the nearest point to my col- lecting ground. In August 1937, two thousand para- sitized earwigs were released in two spots remote from my area and in July 1938, four thousand were released in four loca- tions also far removed from my area. In all, 37,019 prospective D. setifennis were released over a period of three years in the Greater Vancouver area. Concerning the recovery of these para- sites, seven years after 2,000 infested ear- wigs had been released in 1936 in my neighborhood, one puparium showed up in my garden; eight years afterwards, four puparia were found under similar collect- ing conditions, and nine years afterwards they had increased enormously, by October 1945 occurring freely everywhere and running up to 70.7 per cent in a given number of earwigs counted. A second series, of 7 1 earwigs, collected in October 1945 in a garden at 20th Avenue and Dunbar, was maintained un- der similar conditions all winter and was finally counted at the same time as the above series. The collection point is 3,000 yards as the crow flies from my garden and the only setifennis liberations made at all near it in the past were the 1,000 para- sitized earwigs released respectively at 10th and. Sasamat and at 8th and Tolmie in July 1936. This second series yielded eleven puparia, giving 15.5 per cent para- sitism. Discussion: — Taking as a centre, a spot halfway between the 1936 liberation points at 10th and Sasamat and at 8th and Tol- mie, in just over nine years the tachinid fly Digonochaeta setifennis had spread south and uphill about 1.26 miles and yielded 15.5 per cent parasitism of the European earwig; north and downhill and about 0.45 miles away, it yielded 70.7 per cent parasitism. Subtracting these percentages from 100 and considering the distances proportionately, from the liberation centre, the 15.5 per cent obtained 1.26 miles away is only 3.4 per cent decrease per mile less than that obtained 0.45 miles away. Thus radiating out from a common cen- tre of liberation, the fly parasitized earwigs south and uphill, only 3.4 per cent mile less than it did north and downhill, in a fairly uniformly built-over area of the city of Vancouver. THE STATUS OF ANOB1UM FUNCTATUM, THE DEATH WATCH BEETLE, IN THE LOWER FRASER VALLEY IN 1946. (CoSeopfera: Anohiidae) G. J. Spencer Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. In 1925 a round stick, apparently of alder wood, was brought to me from a farm on Lulu Island with the report that it was a piece of an old handle found lying around the barn. The wood was thorough- ly perforated by borings and yielded a copi- ous amount of fine dust. Three dead speci- mens of Anobium functatum Degeer, the European death watch beetle, were ob- tained from the wood, but since I was new to the Province I did not appreciate the significance of the incident. In a paper on Insects and other Arthro- pods in buildings in British Columbia (Proc, Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., 39 : 23-29) I mentioned a record in New Westminster of an insect infesting^ a piano which had been brought around the Horn 50 years be- fore. Specimens of the beetle were not obtained but the account sent in of the bor- ings and the dust extruded, suggested an in- festation of A. functatum. Treatment with orthodichlorbenzene was recommend- ed and was apparently successful because no further complaints were received. Another record mentioned in that article concerned the 3-ply hardwood back of a china cabinet which had been so riddled by borers that it collapsed and the owner had torn it off and replaced it. The cabinet had been purchased at an auction and had possi- bly been imported from Europe. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 10 From that time up to 1944 no further infestations were encountered. In January and February 1945, however, three records were reported to me, two of them in one day; in two of these I obtained beetles or enough parts of beetles, to identify the in- sects definitely as A. functatum. One rec- ord concerns massive antique carved oak chairs in a farm-house near Langley Prairie, from which the owner tapped out and sent to me a two-ounce bottle of bor- ing dust which yielded the remains of ap- proximately twelve beetles, all A. functa- tum. The infestation seemed so active that I recommended fumigation with methyl bromide, which was apparently successful. The chairs were family heirlooms sent out from Germany some time ago, although the infestation became serious relatively re- cently. The second of these 1945 reports con- cerns all of the 3-ply wooden walls of a basement room in a Vancouver home, which began to show small round holes and a little boring dust. There were relatively few holes but the owner became alarmed and began to tear out the 1/3-inch-thick plywood, only to find it a mere shell with the middle layer particularly, tunnelled in all directions and crumbling away. He sent in speciments of the damaged wood and one beetle which proved to be A. functa- tum> but could offer no suggestion what- ever as to the origin of the infestation. The final record includes the entire basement woodwork of a house in North Vancouver where the owners noticed an increasing number of holes appearing in the 2- by 4-inch studding and shiplap and, on tapping with a hammer, found the tim- ber a mere shell with the inside reducd practically to dust. Bit by bit, they located the worst areas of infestation and replaced them, heavily creosoting new wood and what remained of the old. Samples of wood sent in with copious boring dust and frass, showed that this same beetle was concerned. In none of these records have the owners been bothered by adult beetles swarming around the house; only a few seem to come out of the timber and then only at odd times so that they never become con- spicuous. In the last two records involving the structural timbers, the owners declared that no antique furniture had been stored in the basements so it would appear that the infestations were of local origin and that this beetle has become established in the Lower Fraser Valley where the mild cli- mate would seem to favour its development. A. functatum or the death watch beetle is an insidious insect whose damage inside timber is far greater than the small number of exit holes would indicate, and the public will have to be warned to be on the look- out for it. ON THE OVIPOSITION HABITS OF DARGIDA PRO- CINCTA (Lepidoptera : Phalaenidae) . — At dusk on the evening of July 10, I was watering my lawn in Van- couver with a fine mist spray, when several moths flew into the orbit of the spray and started ovipositing in the short lawn grass. Each moth hovered a little and then settled for five or six seconds with the tip of her abdomen protruded and inserted into the bases of the grass leaves and then moved to another spot a few inches away to repeat the manoeuvre, always within the limits of the falling water. By slowly shifting the hose back and forth, I was able to govern the move- ments of the moths which persistently followed the zone of the spray. After proving that the falling water was apparently a necessity for the act of oviposition, I pounced on one of the moths and the others flew away. In the insect collections of the Museum of Zoology 1 Essig, E. 0., 1926. Insects of Western North America, p. 684. MacMillans. at this University, I found three specimens of this moth taken, respectively, at Princeton, July 23, and at Victoria, August 6 and September 15, and these, with my record of July 10, show a wide range in this Province, both in time and in territory. The moth is Dargida procincta (Grote), the olive green cutworm of which Essigl says — “(it) has a wing expanse of 45 mm., is dark brown with olive tints, and with cream cross and longitudinal lines on the fore wings. The mature caterpillars are 30—35 mm. in length, dark olive green with a pale dorsal line and three greenish lateral lines separated by brownish grey. They are often serious pests to wild and tame grasses in meadows and pasturelands in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, but are also known in California and Colorado.” Judging by my record, the moths of the olive green cutworm oviposit at dusk during- rain : egg-laying seems dependent on the falling of the rain. — G. J. Spencer, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. 11 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43; Feb. 4, 194-7 A LIST OF THE LEPIDOPTERA COLLECTED IN THE SHUSWAP LAKE DISTRICT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BY DR. W. R. BUCKELL E. R. Buckell1 Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. Nearly all the species listed below were collected by Dr. W. R. Buckell on his own small farm and orchard at South Canoe, four miles southeast of Salmon Arm, B.C. A few specimens were taken as far east as Revelstoke and as far west as Chase. The collection also contains a few species from typical Dry-belt areas, such as the Okanagan Valley and the Nicola- Kamloops District, but these are not in- cluded in the present list as it is the auth- or’s intention to list only those found in 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS : Determinations of mater- ial, had previously been made for Dr. W. R. Buckell by Dr. J. McDunnough of the Division of Systematic En- tomology, Ottawa, and by the late Mr. E. H. Blackmore of Victoria, B.C. Recently Dr. J. McDunnough and Mr. T. N. Freeman of the Division of Entomology greatly assisted me in further determinations and in correcting and bringing this list up to date, for which I wish to extend my grateful thanks. 2 As some of the groups of microlepidoptera are un- der revision, definite determinations were not always possible and some species will be found to be marked others recorded as “near” to a species; while others are recorded as “undetermined species. the Shuswap Lake District, a definite biotic area typical of the humid transition zone. This area is mountainous, and fairly uni- formly covered with forests which are typical of the Interior Douglas fir type and thus occupies a climatic zone that is intermediate in temperature conditions be- tween the yellow pine of the Dry-belt and the Engelmann spruce type of the higher elevations. All the specimens are beautifully spread even to the smallest of the micros, and many were reared from their larvae. The list contains 773 species, varieties and forms consisting of 541 macrolepidop- tera and 232 microlepidoptera2. The list is arranged according to the “Check List of the Lepidoptera of Canada and the United States of America,” Part I, 1938, and Part II, 1939, by J. Mc- Dunnough, and the dates after the species name give the earliest and latest dates of capture. MACROLEPIDOPTERA Suborder RHOPALOCERA (Butterflies) Superfamily PAPILIONOIDEA Family PAPILIONIDAE Papiiio L. 1 8 zblicaon Luc. .... June 2-12 16 rutulus Luc. May 9, July 7 18 eurymedon Luc May 10-30 Parnassius Latr. 27 smintbeus magnus Wgt.. .June 6, July 7 Family PIERIDAE Anthocharis Bdv. 34 sara flora Wgt April 4, May 25 Euchloe Hbn. 36 ausonides Bdv May 3-23 Colias Fabr. 47 alexandra emilia Edw. . . .May 5, Oct 3 Neophasia Behr. 76 menapia F. & F .Aug. 8-27 Pieris Schrank 80 sisymbrii flavitincta Comst. ...May 23 81 occidentalis calyce Edw. July 5, Aug. 25 83 napi gen. vern. marginalis Scud April 28, May 5 86 rapae L. April 21, Aug. 17 Family DANAIDAE Danaus Kluk 89 plexippus L June 6, Aug. 8 Family SATYRIDAE Coenonympha Hbn. 109 inornata columbiana McD May ,5, June 29 Minois Hbn. 117 alope Fabr ' July 14-29 e boopis Behr ...June 6, Aug. 4 Oeneis Hbn. 126 nevadensis F. & F May 23, June 20 Erebia Dalm. 150 epipsodea Bull. .May 2-31 Family NYMPHALIDAE Subfamily NYMPHALINAE Argynnis Fabr. 165 leto Behr .Aug. 8 171 atlantis, beani B. & B July 1 178 hydaspe sakuntala Skin. July 6, Aug. 14 184 bremnerii picta McD. . .Aug. 7, Sept. 21 191 nevadensis semivirida McD July 18 199 eurynome opis Edw. . . . Aug. 14 Bren this Hbn. 200 myrina Cram .... .May 31 212 bellona Fabr . .May 24 213 epitbore obscuripennis Gund. . . ..July 31 Euphydryas Scud. 222 anicia hopfingeri Gund.. .May 2, June 18 12 Melitaea Pabr. 246 palla Bdv May 2, July 7 Phyciodes Hbn. 265 tharos pascoensis Wgt.. .May 30, Aug. 9 267 campestiis Behr May 21, Sept. 29 Polygonia Hbn. 287 satyrus Edw March 23, Aug. 17 288 faunus rusticus Edw. .March 20, Aug. 21 291 zephyrus Edw. April 18, Aug. 21 Nymphalis Kluk 295 j-album watsoni Hall . .July 17, Aug. 21 296 californica Bdv June 12, Aug. 12 297 milberti furcillata Say. May 14, Sept. 30 298 antiopa L April 4, Aug. 19 Vanessa Pabr. 299 atalanta L July 1, Aug. 22 301 cardui L June 9, Sept. 12 Basilarchia Scud. 324 lorquini burrisonii JMayn June 6-27 Family LYCAENIDAE Subfamily THECLIN.AE Strymon Hbn. 380 titus Fabr July 7-18 382 californica Edw . .July 4, Aug. 14 392 saepium okanagana McD July 19, Aug. 26 Incisalia Scud. 404 iroides Bdv April 11, May 21 409 polios Cook & Wats. . .April 18, May 16 412 eryphon Bdv April 10 May 5 Subfamily LYCAENINAE Lycaena Fabr. 430 manposa Reak Aug. 14 432 helloides Bdv May 15, Sept. 18 Subfamily PLEBEIINAE E veres Hbn. 448 amyntula Bdv May 21, June 10 Flebeius Kluk 449 scudderii Edw. (Atypical) July 12, Aug. 14 450 melissa Edw May 5, Aug. 5 451 anna Edw Aug. 8 (Probably subspecies of scudderii Edw. ) 453 saepiolus Bdv May 5, July 3 455 icarioides montis BTkmre. . May 22, June 23 Phaedrotes Scud. 472 piasus daunia Edw May 23 Giaucopsyche Scud. 473 lygdamus Columbia Skin. . . .April 24, June 2 Lycaenopsis F..& F. 475 pseudargiolus Bdv, & Lee April 8, May 5 c nigrescens Fletch April 19-26 Superfamily HESPERIOIDEA Family HESPERIIDAE Subfamily PYRGINAE Thorybes Scud. 505 pylades Scud May 30, June 17 Pyrgus Hbn. 516 ruralis Bdv April 26, May 7 521 communis albescens Ploetz . . . .May 23 (1946), Vol. 43. Feb. 4, 1947 Erynnis Schr. 541 icelus Scud. & Burg.. . .April 28, June 4 546 persius fredericki Freeman April 26. May 12 549 callidus G-rin May 24 Subfamily HESPERIINAE Ochlodes Scud. 604 sylvanoides Bdv June 6, Sept. 5 Amblyscirtes Scud. 660 vialis Edw May 30. June 13 Suborder HETEROCERA (Moths) Superfamily SPHINGOIDEA Family SPHINGIDAE Subfamily ACHERONTIINAE Sphinx L. 721 mordecai McD May 19. Aug. 21 730 drupiferarum utahensis Hy. Edw July. 2-7 Smerinthus Latr. 739 jamaicensis /. norm, geminatus Say June 2, July 12 740 cerisyi ophthalmicus Bdv June 2, Aug. 18 Paonias Hbn. 741 excaecata A. & S July 7 Pachy sphinx R. & J. 745 modesta Harr July 2-7 Hemaris Dalm. 770 diffinis rubens Hy. Edw. May 17, July 3 Subfamily PHILAMPELINAE Proserpinus Hbn. 789 clarkiae Bdv May 9, June 2 790 flavofasciata ulalume Stkr. . . .May 5-10 Subfamily CHOEROCAMPINAE Celerio Cken. 798 gallii intermedia Kby.. .June 28, July 3 799 iineata Fabr June 24 Sept. 4 Superfamily SATURNIOIDEA Family SATURNIIDAE Platysamia Grt. 807 euryalus kasloensis Ckll May 1, June .6 Telea Hbn. 812 polyphemus Cram May 18, June 13 Pseudohazis G. & R. 840 eglanterina Bdv * .July 4-16 Superfamily NOCTUOIDEA' Family NOLIDAE Celama Wlk. 891 minna Butl April 7, May 6 Family ARCTIIDAE Subfamily LITHOSIINAE Lexis Wallgr. 905 bicolor Grt Aug. 1-18 Crambidia Pack. 911 casta Pack Aug. 10-27 Clemensia Pack. 952 albata Pack June 30. July 30 IPpoprepia Hbn. 958 nuniata Kiby July 19, Aug. 5 Subfamily ARCTIINAE Halisidota Hbn. 980 maculata angulifera Wlk. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. May 5-28 Emumological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 3 3 Cycnia Hbn. 991 tenera Hbn June 10-20 Euhaphe Hbn. 1023 ferruginosa Wlk June 29 a immaculata Reak June 1, July 27 Apantesis Wlk. 1034 intermedia form stretchii Grt. . . .Aug. 6 1035 parthenice Kby July 29, Aug. 13 1047 nevadensis superba Stretch . .Aug. 8-30 Leptarctia Stretch 1063 californiae Wlk April 26, May 30 Diacrisia Hbn. 1065 virginica Fabr. May 14, June 2 1066 vagans kasloa Dycir . . .May 24, June 10 Isia Wlk. 1069 Isabella A. & S June 26 Estigmene Hbn. 1070 acrea Dm May 4, June 18 1073 congrua Wlk May 16, June 21 Hyphantria Harr. 1075 cunea Uni May 28 Parasemia Hbn. 1092 parthenos Harr June 4-25 Platyprepia Dyar 1096 guttata Bdv June 24 form ochracea Stretch. .June 14, July 2 Family AGARISTIDAE Alypia Hbn. 1316 langtoni Couper June 23 1317 ridingsi Grt May 21-June 11 Family PHALAENIDAE Subfamily PANTHEINAE Raphia Hbn. 1141 frater Grt June 23 Subfamily ACRONICTINAE Acronicta Ochs. 1152 hesperiia Sm June 13-25 1155 innotata Gn May 20, June 13 1160 grisea revellata Sm June 3-18 1168 funeralis G. & R May 25, June 6 1175 furcifera Gn June 23 1185 fragilis minella Dyar . .May 16, July 22 1201 impleta illita Sm. June 6-15 1206 distans dolorosa Dyar May 10 1211 perdita Grt. Subfamily PHALAENINAE ( Agrotinae ) Euxoa Hbn. 1243 andera Sm . . .Aug. 27, Sept. 3 1250 ridingsiana Grt Aug. 9-12 1252 flavicollis Sm July 7 1274 intrita Morr form strigilis Grt. . . . form reuda Stkr Aug. 9-21 1278 infracts Morr Aug. 5-19 1280 infausta Wlk 1284 sponsa Sm . .July 24, Aug. 20 1289 perfuses Grt Aug. 2-25 a cocklei Sm . .July 28, Aug. 25 1292 perpolita Morr Aug. 9-16 1294 stigmatalis Sm . . .July 19, Aug. 2 1309 mimallonis gagates Grt . .Aug. 19, Sept. 9 1310 messoria Harr form atrifera Grt. . . 1318 atropulverea Sm. . . . 1322 Ontario Sm Aug. 7-19 1324 quinquelinea Sm Aug. 22, Oct. 9 ■b incallida Sm Sept. 3 1341 tessellata Harr July 8-27 a atropurpurea Grt July 11 c flaviscapula Sm July 28, Aug. 4 d tesselloides Grt July 18, Aug. 12 1343 esta Sm Aug. 27 1351 declarata Wlk Aug. 6, Sept. 3 1352 campestris Grt July 25, Aug. 27 1353 verticalis Grt June 23, Aug. 17 1354 albipennis Grt Aug. 24, Sept. 3 1355 lillooet McD July 27, Aug. 22 1366 divergens Wlk June 22, July 23 1370 obeliscoides Gn Aug. 16-24 1371 redimicula Morr July 21, Aug. 16 1372 costata Grt June 25, July 25 a idahoensis Grt June 27, Aug. 3 1378 ochrogaster Gn July 26, Aug. 30 1379 excellent Grt Aug. 15, Sept. 15 1383 brocha Morr Aug. 10, Sept. 9 Chorizagrotis Sm. 1389 thanatologia Dyar Sept. 9 form perfida Dod June 17, Aug. 18 Pseudorthosia Grt. 1403 variabilis Grt Aug. 12-28 Agrotis Ochs. 1416 vetusta catenuloides Sm. July 25, Aug. 28 1426 vancouverensis semiclarata Grt. June 14-21 1432 volubilis Harv May 12, June 7 Feltia Wlk. 1442 ducens Wlk Aug. 10-30 1446 herilis Grt July 18-28 Actebia Steph. 1452 fennica Tausch June 23, Aug. 28 Spaelotis Bdv. 1472 clandestina Harr June 22, July 3 1473 havilae Grt July 9 Eurois Hbn. 1475 occulta Linn June 7-20 1476 astricta subjugata Dyar July 23, Aug. 16 1477 nigra Sm Aug. 13, Sept. 19 Metalepsis Grt. 1494 salicarum Wlk Apr. 4 Peridroma Hbn. 1496 margaritosa Haw Sept. 1, Nov. 1 form saucia Hbn Sept. 9, Dec. 15 Pseudospaelotis McD. 1499 haruspica inopinatus Sm. June 16, Aug. 1 Diarsia Hbn. 1504 cynica perumbrosa Dyar Aug. 12 1510 rosaria Grt May 21, Aug. 18 Graphiphora Ochs. 1511 c-nigrum Linn. June 6, Aug. 15 1512 smithi Snell June 22, Aug. 27 1517 oblata Morr June 11, Aug. 2 1522 collaris G. & R June 20, Aug. 25 Ancmogyna Staud. 1561 elimata Gn ...Aug. 17 1564 vernilis Grt ...July 22, Aug. 28 Adelphagrotis Sm. 1567 indeterminata Wlk. ..July 28, Aug. 15 Aplectoides Butl. 1568 condita Gn .June 6 14 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol, 43, Feb. 4, 1947 /Vnaplectoides McD. 1569 pressus fales Sm. .....June 6, Aug. 24 1570 prasina Schiff July 30, Aug. 20 Pro t damp r a McD. 1571 rufipectus Morr. July 4, Aug. 8 Pseudo glaea Grt. 1574 olivata Harr Aug. 26, Sept. 15 Eueretagrotis Sm. 1577 perattenta Grt July 11 a inattenta Sm July 14 Abagrotis Sm. 1587 apposita Grt Aug. 8-11 1590 sambo Sm ..July 24, Aug. 11 1593 placida Grt Aug. 1, Sept. 10 1598 variata Grt. Aug. 12 1599 scopeops Dyar June 26, Aug. 19 Rhynchagrotis Sm. 1606 insularis Grt May 10, July 16 form confusa Sm June 17, Aug. 25 Ufeus Grt. 1610 electra Sm Oct. 13-28 1612 hulsti Sm. Feb. 1, Nov. 7 Subfamily HADENINAE. Scotogramma Sm. 1633 trifolii Rott July 21, Aug. 23 1639 oregonica Grt May 17, June 18 Mamestra Ochs. 1660 configurata Wlk June 3, July 8 Pdia Ochs. 1662 discalis Grt .June 12, Aug. 20 1663 nimbosa Gn June 6, July 28 1669 purpurissata Grt July 2-31 & crydina Dyar July 3 1672 grandis Bclv. . May 19-25 1673 subjuncta G. <£- R June 12-19 1678 nevadae Grt June 24, July 21 1679 radix Wlk June 29, July 16 1680 segregata form negussa Sm. April 20, May 19 1684 tacoma Stkr May 18, July 16 1689 meodana Sm June 9-20 1691 adjuncta, Bclv. June 7, July 9 1694 pulverulenta Sm May 19, June 22 1697 cristif'era Wlk May 19, June 18 1699 lutra Gn. .... June 12, July 1 1706 montara Sm ' June 4 1709 detracta Wlk June 10-28 a neoterica Sm. June 12-23 Lacinipolia McD. 1 714 lustralis Grt June 18-25 1716 anguina larissa Sm. . .June 12, July 23 1735 vicina Grt July 13, Aug. 28 1736 pensilis Grt July 24, Aug. 16 1739 stricta cinnabarina Grt. ....Aug. 8-21 1744 lorea Gn. .June 10-26 1746 comis Grt June 18, July 29 a obnigra Sm June 5 Aug. 25 & rectilinea Sm. July 30 Sideridis Hbn. Ic00 rosea Harm March 18, June 3 1802 maryx Gn June 8 Protorthodes McD. 1841 curtica Sm Aug. 14-20 1855 oviduca Gn May 11, June 2 Anhimella McD. 1886 contrahens infidelis Dyar’''. .June 17-21 Nomorthodes McD. 1885 hanhami B. & McD June 11 1890 furfurata uniformis Sm, June 13, July 19 1891 communis Dyar July 23, Aug. 6 1892 fractura mecrona Sm, . .June 2, July 1 Nephelodes Gn. 1895 emmedonia pectinata Sm. June 19, Aug. 20 Xylomyges Gn. 1906 hiemalis Grt. ...April 19 1909 crucialis Harv April 3, May 16 1913 Candida Sm. .....April 23-28 1914 dolosa Grt April 4, May 14 1915 rubrica Harv. May 1-26 1916 perlubens Grt April 17, May 12 Stretchia Hy. Edw. 1920 plusiaeformis Hy. Edw. May 25 Acerra Grt. 1923 normalis Grt April 2 Orthosia Ochs. 1925 pulchella achsha Dyar April 22 1940 revicta Morr April 30, May 14 1942 pacifica Harv April 11 1943 hibisci quinquefasciata Sm. March 18, May 25 Dargida Wlk. 1952 procincta Grt June 22, Sept. 23 Zosteropoda Grt. 1955 hirtipes- Grt June 13 Leucania Ochs. 1977 commoides Gn June 10-26 1984 farcta roseola Sm. . . . .June 18, July 20 1992 insueta heterodoxa Sm June 14-25 1995 luteopallens Sm June 18, July 31 Subfamily CUCULLIINAE Pleroma Sm. 2026 obliquata Sm April 2-4 2027 bonuscula Sm April 10, May 1 2029 cinerea Sm Sept. 18, Get. 9 Cucullia Schrank 2041 florea obscurior Sm Aug. 10 2042 postera Gn ..July 1 2043 omissa Dod ...June 7, Aug. 4 Oncccnemis Led. 2073 pudorata Sm Aug. 10 2111 Columbia McD Aug. 12 2116 piffardi Wlk ..Aug, 17, Oct. 6 2132 major Grt ... - July 11 2133 chandleri Grt. ........ Aug. 12, Sept. 3 Feralia Grt. 2186 comstocki columbiana. Sm. April 28, May 16 Bombycia Steph. 2205 rectifascia -Sm July 25-Aug. 2 Millia Grt. 2212 maida Dyar . . Aug. 29, Sept. 18 Litholomia Grt. 2215 napaea Mor. ....... .March 3, Nov. 22 Lithomoia Hbn. 2216 solidaginis Hbn Aug. 20-28 Graptclitha Hbn. 2221 innominata Sm March 18, Sept. 3 2222 petulca Grt Sept. 14, Oct. 8 2223 ferrealis Grt. Sept. 8-28 2235 vivida Dyar Aug. 18, Oct. 28 2241 tepida Grt Sept. 17, Oct. 19 2244 georgii Grt ...April 19, Sept. 27 5 holocinerea Sm ...Oct. 23 Entqmological.Soc. of British Columbia, Peoc. ( 1946), Vol. 43, Feb, 4, 1947 ■ 15 2248 fagina Morr .March 12, Oct. 27 2253 . dilatocula Sm, ......April 26, Oct. 12 Xylena Ochs. 2260 eurvimacula Morr. .March 17, Sept. 30 2262 thoracica Put. -Gram. . .Sept. 26, Oct. 11 2263 cineritia Grt. . . . ... : . . .Sept. 19 Oct. 11 Xylotype Hamp. 2266 acadia B. d B . Aug. 28, Sept. 1 Platypolia Grt. 2268 anceps form aplectoides Gn. Sept. 16-20 2270 loda Stkr Sept. 8, Oct. 2 Mniotype Prancl. 2273 versuta Sm ..Aug. 1, Sept. 19 2276 miniota Sm May 8, July 30 Fishia Grt. 2278 evelina hanhami 8m. . .Sept. 8, Oct. 13 2281 yosemitae Grt. .Oct. 12-24 Anytus Grt. 2288 profunda 8m Aug. 28, Sept. 17 Eupsilia Hbn. 2303 tristigmata Grt March 3, Oct. 17 2307 fringata B. d McD. ..Sept. 15, Oct. 13 Parastichtis Hbn. 2309 discivaria Wtk. ......July 29, AUg. 15 Lycanades Franc. 2310 purpurea Grt. Aug. 25-30 a antapica 8m. .Sept. 18-26 Rusina Steph. 2313 verberata 8m July 29, Aug. 28 2315 deeipiens Grt Sept. 1-8 Xanthia Ochs. 2316 lutea. 8trom. ......... .Aug. 22, Sept. 1 Eucirrhoedia Grt. 2321 pampina Gn Aug. 5, Sept. 2 Homoglaea Morr. 2322 carbonaria Harv. ..March 31, April 18 2323 dives 8m March 19, Nov. 1 Subfamily AMPHIPYRINAE Septis Hbn. 2336 antennata purpurissata B. & McD. June 16, July 1 2342 auranticolor Grt June 2 b sora Sm July 16-26 2344 vultuosa Grt. .....Aug. 8-21 2351 arctica Frr June 18, July 28 2352 castanea Grt July 14, Aug. 10 2362 impulsa Gn July 23 2365 finitima cerivana 8m. May 11, June 16 Agroperina Hamp. 2366 lateritia Hufn. ....... .June 26, Aug. 1 2368 dubitans cogitata Sm. ..July 2, Aug. 5 Crymodes Gn. 2375 devastator Brace . . . .July 29, Aug. 22 2378 longula Grt July 24-28 Aseptis McD. 2400 binotata Wlk .July 20-30 Oligia Hbn. 2413 indirecta Grt June 27, July 31 2423 illocata Wlk Aug. 25, Sept. 2 2424 mactata allecto Sm. Sept. 3-8 2557 divesta Grt Aug. 16-21 Eremobina McD. 2430 claudens Wlk ...Aug. 15, Sept. 8 Ipimorpha Hbn. 2453 pleonectusa Grt July 16, Aug. 12 Helotropha Led. 2457 reniformis Grt Aug. 18, Sept. 6 Euplexia Steph. 2533 behesimilis McD June 15-21 Phiogophora Tr, 2536 periculosa form v-brunneum Grt. July 31, Aug. 26 Achytcnix McD. 2558 epipaschia Grt Aug. 16-17 Amphipyra Ochs. 2584 pyramidoides Gn Aug. 13-17 2585 tragopoginis L. July 20-22 Andropolia Grt. 2602 aedon Grt ..July 21, Aug. 7 2603 theodori epichysis Grt. July 30, Aug. 16 Hyppa Dup. 2607 xylinoides Gn June 17, July 17 Elaphria Hbn. 2647 festivoides Gn. ...'...May 16, June 23 Platyperigea Sm. 2656 extima Wlk July 27, Aug. 12 2657 meralis Morr July 25, Aug. 8 Enargia Hbn. 2685 decolor Wlk Aug. 5, Sept. 6 Pyrrhia Hbn. 2715 umbra exprimens Wlk. l May 27, June 12 Eutricopis Morr. 2871 nexilis Morr June 23 Subfamily HELIOTHIINAE Melicleptria Hbn. 2913 sueta Grt May 22, July 31 2915 honesta Grt .May 23 Dysocnemis Grt. 2920 oregonica Hy. Edw June 26 Subfamily ACONTIINAE Erastria Ochs. 3119 albidula Gn May 31, July 5 Subfamily NYCTEOLIDAE Nycteola Hbn. 3235 frigidana Wlk ....Aug. 9-15 3235a cinereana N. & D. April 22, July 4 Subfamily PLUSIINAE Syngrapha Hbn. 3254 rectangula nargenta Ottol. . .Aug. 7-14 3255 celsa Hy. Ed. .Aug. 8 3256 angulidens excelsana Strand , .Aug. 14 3257 alias interalia Ottol. . . June 10 3264 epigaea, Grt .Aug. 24, Sept. 6 3265 ampla Wlk. . . .July 7-19 3266 selecta Wlk .July 13, Aug. 26 Anagrapha McD. 3252 falcifera form simplex Gn. Aug. 22 Autographa Hbn. 3285 bimaculata Steph. .......Aug. 6 3286 mappa G. & R. .Sept. 18 32r 8 californiea Speyer ...April 23, Aug. 21 3292 metallica Grt. June 22, Sept. 29 Plusia Ochs. 3295 aereoides Grt .July 7 Subfamily CATOCALINAE Ciatocala Sehrank 3344 relicta Wlk. Aug. 22, Sept. 8 3355 californiea Edw July 28, Aug. 13 3357 briseis Edw .July 25, Oct. 11 16 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 3360 nevadensis form montana Beut. Aug 2-31 Euclidina McD. 3426 cuspidea Hbn May 15-25 Caenurgina McD. 3427 annexa Hy. Edw May 16 3430 crassiuscula Haw May 7, Aug. 5 Zale Hbn. 34 84 minerea norda 8m.. . .April 17, May 23 3489 benesignata Harv May 19, June 6 Toxocampa Gn. 3538 victoria Grt July 28, Aug. 8 Melipotis Hbn. 3551 jucunda Hbn May 25, June 2 Synedoida Hy. Edw. 3578 adumbrata Behr May 21, July 6 Sccliopteryx Germ. 3615 libatrix L July 31, Aug. 21 Subfamily HYPENINAE Bomclocha Hbn. 3690 palparia Wlk June 17 3698 toreuta G?'t June 21 Hypena Schrank 3706 liumuli Harr -..April 4, Aug. 19 Subfamily RIVULINAE Mycterophora Hist. 3711 lotigipalpata Hist July 31, Aug. 7 Rivula Gn. 3732 propinqualis Gn July 6 Subfamily HERMINIINAE Epizeuxis Hbn. 3735 aemula Hbn July 8-21 Chytolita Grt. 3767 petrealis Grt May 28, June 28 Philometra Grt. 3770 metonalis Wlk June 23, July 25 Bleptina Gn. 3797 caradrinalis Gn. . . . .June 24, Sept. 16 Palthis Hbn. 3807 anguialis Hbn May 16, June 12 Family NOTODONTIDAE Ichthyura Hbn. 3822 apicalis Wlk '...May 15, June 18 3827 albosigma specifica Dyar 3829 ministra D\ru May 21 Hyperaeschra Butl. 3^44 pacifica Behr May 5 Odcntosia Hbn. 3847 elegans 8tkr July 6 Naiata Wlk. 38o7 gibbosa oregonensis Butl. . .June 9-29 Schizura Dbldy. 3920 ipomoeae Dbldy Aug. 6 3921 concinna A. A 8 May 15, Aug. 9 3924 unicornis A. A 8. ... . June 24 Cerura Schrank 3.938 scolopendrina Bdv June 11 Gluphisia Bdv. 3940a scvera form normalis Dyar ...May 9 Family LIPARIDAE Notolophus Germ. 3943 antiqua badia Hy. Edw. Aug. 22, Oct. 17 Hemerccampa Dyar 3945 pseudotsugata McD Aug. 19 Olene Hbn. 3954 vagans B. & McD July 1, Aug. 8 Superfamily BOMBYCOIDEA Family LASIOCAMPIDAE Tolype Hbn. 3978 velleda 8toll July 6 Malacosoma Hbn. 3989 americana Fabr July 3-14 3997 disstria Hbn June 27, July 17 Epicnaptera Ramb. 3999 americana Harr April 20, May 2 Superfamily DREPANOIDEA Family THYATIRIDAE Habrosyne Hbn. 4004 scripta Gosse June 10, July 7 Pseudothyatira Grt. 4007 cymatophoroides Gn. . . June 12, July 9 form , expultrix Gi't. ..June 20, July 21 Euthyatira Sm. 4010 pudens Gn April 20, May 19 Ceraremota Clarke 4014 tearlei Hy. Edw Sept. 5-12 Family DREPANIDAE Drepana Schrank 4020 arcuata siculifer Pack. April 28, June 6 4021 bilineata Pack. May 5, Sept. 1 Superfamily^ GEOMETRQIDEA Family GEOMETRIDAE Subfamily BREPHINAE Brephos Zinck. 4023 infans oregonensis 8wett March 24, April 19 Subfamily GEOMETRINAE (Hemitheinae) Nemoria Hbn. 4059 darwiniata Dyar ....June 29, July 24 Synchlora Gn. 4074 rubrifrontaria Pack July 7 Mesofhea Warr. 4090 viridipennata Hist ..April 11, May 10 Subfamily STERRHINAE ( Acidaliinae) Seel lophia Hist. 4127 hepaticaria Gn. April 21, May 15 Scopida Schrank 4144 quinquellnearia Pack June 8-21 4147 ancellata Hist July 7 Aug. 3 4157 subfuscata Tayl May 16, June 13 Sterrha Hbn. 4180 demissaria Columbia McD June 31 4195 rotundopennata Pack June 3-25 Cosymbia Hbn. 4211 pendulinaria Gn June 26, July 24 a griseor McD June 29 Subfamily LARENTIINAE Nyctobia Hist. 4223 iimitaria nigroangulata Stkr. Aril 17. May 14 Cladara Hist. 4225 atroliturata Wlk April 13, June 1 Lobophcra Curt. 4228 slm:ata Swelt ...... May 24, June 13 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 17 Neodezia Warr. 4235 albovittata tenuifasciata B. cG McD. June 4 Cpcrophtera Hbn. 4239 bruceata Hist Oct. 21, Noy. 14 Oporinia Hbn. 4243 autumnata lienshawi Swett Sept. 5, Oct. 25 Triphosa Steph. 4244 haesitata Gn Sept. 13, Nov. 4 form pustularia Hy Edw. March 23, Dec. 3 Calocalpe Hbn. 4247 undulata Linn .June 1, July 19 Coryphista Hist. 4248 meadi Pack ..April 26, July 31 form badiaria Hy. Edio. May 9, July 27 Eupithecia Curt. 4267 misturata Hist April 10, June 29 4276 castigata Hbn June 10-16 4287 palpata Pack May 5 4288 columbiata Dyar May 5, June 5 4290 maestosa dyarata Tayl. June 30, Aug. 8 4321 terminata Tayl June 11 4330 coagulata Gn May 12, Aug. 3 4331 geminata Pack June 26-31 4336 innotata kootenaiata Dyar June 7 4341 georgii McD May 24, June 16 4342 sobrinata niphadophilata Dyar Aug. 28 4346 annulata Hist March 18, April 17 4347 usurpata Pears March 28 4350 cretaceata Pack Aug. 14 4358 agnesata Tayl June 7 4363 tenuata Hist June 22 4383 ravocostaliata Pack May 7-11 Horisme Hbn. 4393 intestinata Gn June 11 Eustroma Hbn. 4398 nubilata Pack. . . Lygris Hbn. 4407 xylina Hist. Plemyria Hbn. 4412 georgii Hist Dysstroma Hbn. 4416 citrata Linn. .... b mulleolata Hist Ceratodalia Pack. 4429 gueneata Pack July 16, Aug. 20 Hydriomena Hbn. 4465 furcata Thun June 25, Aug. 9 4477 pluviata Gn June 17, Aug. 16 4485 renunciata form pernigrata B. & McD. June 1-3 Xanthorhoe Hbn. 4515 defensaria Gn April 16, Oct. 13 4516 ferrugata Clerk April 26, May 28 4519 incursata lagganata S. & C Aug. 4 4524 pontiaria Tayl May 14, June 31 Entephria Hbn. 4541 multivagata Hist July 4 Sept. 25 Mesoleuca Hbn. 4546 ruficillata Gn ....May 16-18 4547 gratulata latialbata B. & McD. April 19, May 2 Epirrhoe Hbn. 4548 tristata Linn May 23 4549 plebeculata Gn May 25 4551 alternata Mull May 22, July 25 Spargania Gn. 4555 magnoliata pernotata Hist. June 8, Aug. 7 Euphyia Hbn. 4558 unangulata intermediata Gn. June 26 4561 multiferata Wlk May 20 Eulype Hbn. 4573 hastata Linn May 21, July 2 Perizoma Hbn. 4581 curvilinea Hist May 19, June 13 Earophila Gumpb. 4587 vasiliata Gn April 9 May 25 Venusia Curt. 4593 pearsalli Dyar April 17, May 20 Hydrelia Hbn. 4597 albifera Wlk July 1 Subfamily ENNOMINAE Bapta Steph. 4605 semiclarata Wlk April 28, May 16 Deilinia Hbn. 4612 variolaria Gn June 13, Sept. 5 4614 erythemaria Gn May 23 Drepanulatrix Gump. 4617 rectifascia Hist May 16, Aug. 8 4618 bifilata Hist March 20, July 3 4622 falcataria Pack April 27, May 13 4628 pulveraria Hist May 2-15 4630 litaria Hist April 4, Sept. 21 4634 unicalcararia Gn June 20, Aug. 12 Sericosema Warr. 4645 juturnaria Gn June 20, July 16 Isturgia Hbn. 4658 truncataria Wlk May 11-30 Philobia Dup. 4664 ulsterata Pears May 23, July 12 Semiothisa Hbn. 4675 adonis B. cG McD July 1 4680 granitata Gn May 31, Aug. 26 46:8 denticulata Grt May 25 July 5 4725 neptaria sinuata Pack. . .May 6, Aug. 5 I tame Hbn. 4757 quadrilinearia Pack. . .June 28, Aug. 28 4762 exauspicata Wlk July 4-31 4768 plumosata B. & McD. . .July 9, Aug. 12 4771 bitactata Wlk Aug. 13 4772 denticulodes Hist July 16 4782 matilda Dyar May 25, June 26 4784 hulstiaria Tayl June 3, Aug. 31 Elpiste Gump. 4799 lorquinaria Gn. July 16, Aug .28 Hesperumia Pack. 4801 sulphuraria Pack June 19, July 30 form baltearia Hist June 28 Dasyfidonia Pack. 4806 avuncularia Gn May 23 Paraphia Gn. 4809 subatomaria Wood ....June 12, July 4 IVIelanolophia Hist. 4859 imitata Wlk May 2, June 15 Protoboarmia McD. 4875 porcelaria indicataria Wlk. May 10, July 29 . Stenoporpia McD. 4900 excelsaria Stkr May 31 4905 satisfacta B. & McD. . .July 24, Aug. 26 .May 17, Sept. 7 .June 20, Aug. 11 Aug. 10, Oct. 15 .June 8, Sept. 15 June 5-27 18 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4. 1947 Vitrinella McD. 4908 pampinaria Gn May 16, June 10 Anacamptodes McD. 4913 emasculata Dyar ....May 17, June 21 Aethalura McD. 4945 anticaria fumata B. & McD. April 11, June 7 Ectropis Hbn. 4946 crepuscularia Schiff. April 10 May 24 Coniodes Hist. 4955 plumogeraria Hist March 23 Erannis Hbn. 4963 vancouverensis Hist Oct. 3-16 Lycia Hbn. 4966 ursaria Wlk April 6, May 26 Amphidasis Tr. 4968 cognataria Gn June 11, July 11 Euchlaena Hbn. 4997 johnsonaria Fitch . . . .July 25, Aug. 11 4998 mollisaria Hist July 23-31 5001 astylusaria Wlk .June 11 5005 tigrinaria Gn June 7-28 Spcdolepis Hist. 5012 substriataria danbyi Hist. April 9, May 19 Campaea Lam. 5015 perlata Gn June 21, July 17 Anthelia Hist. 5019 taylorata Hist May 15 Philedia Hist. 5027 punctomacularia Hist. Aug. 11, Sept. 18 Plagodis Hbn. 5034 approximaria Dyar July 27 Anagoga Hbn. 5042 pulveraria Linn May 8-29 Hyperetis Gn. 5043 amicaria H.-S May 16, June 26 Nematocampa Gn. 5044 limbata Haw. July 22, Aug. 24 Metarranthis Warr. 5050 duaria Gn May 16, June 7 Metanema Gn. 5054 inatomaria Gn June 20 Pero H. -S. 5073 giganteus Gross & Aug. 6-8 5080 morrisonarius Hy. Fdw. May 19 June 8 Phengommataea Hist. 5083 edwardsata Hist Aug. 8-10 Enypia Hist. 5091 perangulata Hist .Aug. 10-11 5095 packardata Tayl Aug. 11 Nepytia Hist. 5111 semiclusaria pellucidaria Pack. Sept. 11, Oct. 9 Caripeta Wlk. 5125 divisata Wlk July 4-17 Besma Capps 5145 quercivoraria Gn May 27, July 25 Lambdina Capps 5146 fiscellaria lugubrosa Hist. Aug. 24, Sept. 15 Neoterpes Hist. 5158 trianguliferata Pack. May 14, June 27 Sicya Gn. 5161 macularia Harr June 21, July 21 Deuteronomos Prout 5170 magnarius Gn Sept. 11-21 Synaxis Hist. 5189 jubararia Hist Sept. 17, Oct. 20 5191 cervinaria Pack June 7 Tetrads Gn. 5198 lorata Grt May 16-23 Prochoerodes Grt. 5210 forficaria combinata McD. June 10, July 3 Superfamily URANIOIDEA Family EPIPLEMIDAE Callizzia Pack. 5223 amorata Pack June 10 MICROLEPIDOPTERA Superfamily ZYGAENOIDEA Family LIMACODIDAE Tortricidia Pack. 5279 testacea crypta Dyar . .May 13, June 28 Superfamily PYRALIDOIDEA Family PYRALIDAE Subfamily GLAPHYRIINAE Egesta Rag. 5338 eripalis Grt July 7-21 Subfamily PYRAUSTINAE Sameodes Snell. 5427 elealis Wlk April 20 Evergestis Hbn. 5436 subterminalis B. & McD Aug. 8 5438 simulatalis Grt Aug. 9-20 Nomophila Hbn. 5455 noctuella D. cG .S May 5 Loxostege Hbn. 5462 chortalis Grt May 10, June 14 5478 sticticalis Linn May 31, Aug. 26 Perispasta Zell. 5545 caeculalis Zell June 10-24 Phlyctaenia Hbn. 5553 itysalis Wlk Aug. 12, Sept. 18 5564 tertialis Gn June 6, July 10 Pyrausta Schrank 5598 fumalis Gn July 23, Aug. 21 5602 fumoferalis Hist May 21, June 3 5607 unifaseialis Pack. ......... .June 18-26 5609 fodinalis Led .June 2, July 7 5621 borealis Pack May 23, June 13 5622 subsequalis Gn May 5, June 27 5625 ochosalis Dyar June 5 5633 signatalis Wlk June 17-24 5647 funebris Strom May 31, June 19 Subfamily SCOPARIINAE Scoparia Haw. 5728 tricoloralis Dyar July 21 5730 rectilinea Zell July 29, Aug. 10 5747 basalis Wlk June 26, July 29 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 19 Subfamily PYRALINAE Py rails Linn. 5758 farinalis Linn June 6, July 31 Subfamily CRAMBINAE Crambus F'abr. 5857 pascuellus Linn June 14, July 5 5861 leachellus Zinck Aug. 10-28 5863 praefectellus Zinck May 7, June 5 5864 carpenterellus ? Pack Aug. 21 5878 myellus Hbn. . July 22, Aug. 16 5883 hortuellus Hbn Aug. 18-23 5887 innotatellus Wlk June 27, Aug. 10 5892 vulgivagellus Clem Aug. 9-24 5893 plumbifimbriellus Dyar June 28, Aug. 2 5911 murellus Dyar May 23, June 20 5915 nevadellus Kft May 11, Sept. 21 5919 trisectus Wlk. .. July 8, Aug. 14 Thauniatopsis Morr. 5942 repandus ? Grt .Aug. 22 1 undetermined sp Sept. 8 Subfamily EPIPASCHIINAE Tetralopha Zell. 6042 aplastella Hist July 7, Aug. 16 1 undetermined ' sp July 7, Aug. 16 Subfamily FHYCITINAE 1 undetermined sp June 11-18 Myelois Hbn. 6063 obnupsella Hist May 24 Acrobasis Zell. 1 undetermined sp .July 28 Dioryctria Zell. 6129 near abietella D. & 8 July 30 6130 ponderosae ? Dyar .Aug. 9 6131 rendiculella Grt Aug. 10 Ambesa Grt. 6156 laetella Grt June 17, July 21 Nephopteryx Hbn. 6163 ovalis Pack June 28, July 21 6167 fasciolalis Hist Aug. 3 Meroptera Grt. 6185 nebulella Riley June 26 Laodamia Rag. 6227 fusca Haw May 24, July 25 Pyla Grt. 6235 scintilians Grt June 17-26 Epischnia Hbn. 6254 albocostaiialis Hist. . .May 23, June 17 Zophodia Hbn. 6303 grossulariae Riley ...April 11, May 16 Euzophera Zell. 6318 ochifrontella Zell July 24 Vitula Rag. 6324 serratilineellaRap. . .April 13, Sept. 30 Valdivia Rag. 1 undetermined sp May 23 Homoeosoma Curt. 6370 mucidellum ? Rag June 23 Ephestiodes Rag. 6379 gilvescentella Rag June 1, July 15 6380 near infimella Rag July 15 Ephestia Gn. 6399 kuehniella Zell Sept. 9 . 1 undetermined sp June 22 Family PTEROPHORIDAE Pterophorus Geoff. 6471 delawaricus Zell July 3-24 Platyptilia Hbn. 6473 fuscicornis Zell Aug. 13 6474 tesseradactyla Linn June 1-20 6476 pallidactyla Haw June 1-18 6477 carduidactyla Riley . . May 18, Sept. 22 6482 albertae B. cG L July 31, Aug. 14 6484 punctidactyla Haw. .March 30, July 24 6490 edwardsii Fish June 2, Aug. 14 6491 albiciliata Wlshm Aug. 14 6495 orthocarpi Wlshm June 15, Aug. 4 6496 fragilis Wlshm Aug. 14 6498 near maea B. & L . . .May 22 Oidaematophorus Wallen. 6523 occidentalisWZsTim July 10, Aug. 2 6561 homodactylus Wlk. . .June 26, July 18 6563 stramineus Wlshm July 5 6578 corvus B. & L May 5-26 6588 monodactylus Linn Oct. 20 Family ALUCITIDAE Alucita Linn. 6591 huebneri Wallen March 3 Superfamily TORTRICOIDEA Family OLETHREUTIDAE Subfamily OLETHREUTINAE Radebecia Heinr. 6654 urticana Hbn June 3, July 20 Exartema Clem. 6678 quadrifidum Zell June 6 1 undetermined sp June 29 Olethreutes Hbn. 6716 albiciliana Fern June 18 6719 galaxana Kft June 18-23 6721 astrologana coronana Kft May 5, June 18 6723 puncticostana major Wlshm. . .June 7 6728 cespitana Hbn May 5, Aug. 6 6731 glaciana Moesch June 18, July 12 6742 buckellana McD June 11-23 Subfamily EUCOSMINAE Thiodia Hbn. 6773 awemeana Kft. May 8 6778 formosana Clem .May 27 6810 rupestrana McD May 12, June 20 6829 striatana Clem May 22-29 6841 infimbriana Dyar July 31 Eucosma Hbn. 6870 ridingsana Rob Aug. 1 6894 pergandeana Fern. ...May 23, June 12 6918 subflavana Wlshm June 20 6972 dorsisignatana Clem. .Aug. 27, Sept. 11 6974 juncticiliana Wlshm ..June 26 7004 cataelystianaWZfc June 10-28 Epiblema Hbn. 7042 illotapa Wlshm June 9-22 7043 culminana Wlshm July 21 7047 abbreviatana Wlshm. . .May 15, June 20 Gypsonoma Meyr. 7058 fasciolana Clem May 20, June 13 Pseudexentera Heinr. 7078 improbana oregonana Wlshm. March 7, April 28 Rhopobota Led. 7105 naevana Hbn. ......June 25, July 13 20 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Yol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 Epinotia Hbn. 7109 solandriana Linn Aug. 6-10 7115 johnsonana Kft May 17 7130 solicitana Wlk May 22 7132 nisella Clerck June 20, Aug. 13 7135 transmissana Wlk July 20-26 7148 emarginana Wlshm June 20 7149 crenana forms Oct. 23, Feb. 14 7165 medioplagata Wlshm. June 20 7167 cruciana Linn June 22 7170 seorsa Heinr Sept. 14, Oct. 26 Anchylopera Steph. 7175 nubeculana Clem June 20 7178 discigerana Wlk May 13, July 16 7184 burgessiana Zell Aug. 17 Ancylis Hbn. 7193 comptana Froh May 19 7201 unguicella Linn May 3-15 7203 mediofasciana Clem. . .April 18, May 28 Hystricophora Wlshm. 7209 stygiana Dyar July 31, Aug. 5 Subfamily LASPEYRESIINAE 1 undetermined sp June 29 Dichrorampha Gn. 7219 kana Busck Aug. 1-4 7221 britana Busck May 29, June 17 7229 sedatana Busck May 24 Grapholitha Treit. 7245 prunivora Walsh July 1, Aug. 11 7252 lunatana Wlshm May 8 Laspeyresia Hbn. 7275 populana Busck July 7 72 A prosperana Kft May 23 Carpocapsa Treit 7301 pomonella Linn July 15, Aug. 12 Family TORTRICIDAE Sparganothis Hbn. 7333 irrorea Rot) June 19, July 20 7336 violaceana Rob June 2 Piatynota Clem. 7369 idaeusalis Wlk June 22, July 11 Archips Hbn. 7378 persicana Fitch ..., ...June 18, July 9 7384 cerasivorana Fitch . . . .June 22, July 7 7388 argyrospila Wlk July 23-28 7405 rosaceana Harris June 17, July 3 7407 conflictana Wlk July 3 7408 fumiferana Clem July 12, Aug. 20 Tortrix Linn. 7410 pallorana Rob July 1-20 7415 alleniana Fern June 15, July 12 7417 lomonana Kft Sept. 26 7420 peritana Clem July 3, Aug. 3 7439 afflictana Wlk May 5-30 Eulia Hbn. 7442 ministrana Linn May 5, June 6 Cnephasia Curt. 7458 osseana Scop Aug. 6, Sept. 2 7459 argentana Cl June 11-13 7462 ednana Kft July 8 Argyrotoxa Steph. 7469 albicomana Clem July 12-30 Acleris Hub. 7473 fishiana Fern Sept. 26 7476 maximana B. & B Aug. 28, Oct. 28 7479 schalleriana Linn Sept. 19 7481 varianaFe7~?i Sept. 1 7485 celiana Rob Oct. 15 7493 brittania Kft Sept. 5 7494 fragariana Kft Sept. 26 7495 inana Rob May 1 7497 maculidorsana Clem Aug. 12 7501 bowmanana McD Oct. 19 7514 semiannula Rob March 22, Oct. 30 Family PHALONIIDAE Phalonia Hbn. 2 undetermined spp. June 15, July 5 7530 deutschiana Zett July 30 7539 angustana Clem June 8 7555 near yoxcana Kft July 2 7584 albidana Wlk. June 6 Pharmacis Hbn. 7608 vitellinana Zell May 27, June 17 Hysterosia Steph. 7615 cartwrightana Kft June 14 Family CARPOSINIDAE Bondia Newm. 7624 erescentella Wlshm. . .April 19, May 22 Family COSSIDAE Prionoxystus Grt. 7670 robiniae Peck July 13 Superfamily GELECHIOIDEA Family COSMOPTER Y GIDAE 2 undetermined spp April 7-30 Cyphophora H.S. 7738 tricristatella Cham Aug. 25 Walshia Clem. 7743 amorphella Clem Aug. 13 Mompha Hbn. 7758 unifasciella ? Cham May 15 Family GELECHIIDAE 10 undetermined spp. Recurvaria Haw. 1 undetermined sp. . .April 26, July 12 Gelechia Hbn. 79.0 lugubrella Fabr July 11 7998 near mandella Busck . .June 30, July 7 8020 mediofuscella Clem May 19 Duvita Busck 8258 nigratomella Clem June 11-13 Compsolechia Meyr. 8272 niveopulvella Cham July 21 Family OECOPHORIBAE Schiffermulleria Hbn. 8364 dimidiella Wlshm May 14* June 30 Hofmannophila Spuler 8376 pseudospretella Staint July 14 Depressaria Haw. 1 undetermined sp June 25 Agonopterix Hbn. 1 undetrmined sp May 5, Oct. 10 8431 rosaciliella Busck March 16-23 a echinopanicis ? Clarke . . . .Jan. 14-28 8435 klamathiana Wlshm. . . March 2* May 10 Semioscopis Hbn. 8460 inornata Wlshm March 31, May 5 8461 megamicrella Dyar April 11-28 Family BLASTOBASIDAE 4 undetermined spp. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Pboc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 21 Family ETHMIIDAE Family SCYTHRIDAE Ethmia Hbn. 8612 monticola Wlshm May 2-23 Eumeyrickia Busck 8390 trimaculella Fitch June 9-29 Superfamily YPONOMEUTOIDEA Family GLYPHIPTERYGIDAE Scythris Hbn. 8964 magnatella ? Busck Aug. 12 Superfamily TINEOIDEA Family COLEOPHORIDAE Coleophora Hbn. 9092 coruscipennella Clem June 3 Allononyma Busck 8645 vicarialis Zell. Aug. 14 Choreutis Hbn. 8664 balsamorrhizella Busck June 5-18 Ellabella Busck 8680 editha Busck June 8 Family AEGERIIDAE Bembecia Hbn. 8684 marginata Harr Aug. 4-13 Albuna Hy. Edw. 8789 pyramidalis Wlk June 13-21 Family PLUTELLIDAE Trachoma Wall. 8842 falciferella Wlshm. March 13, April 20 Ilarpipteryx Hbn. 8845 dentiferella form canariella Wlshm. Aug. 29 Family GRACILLARIIDAE Parectopa Clem. 1 undetermined sp: ? April 28 Gracillaria Haw. — pulchella Cham, group May 3-16 Family TINEIDAE Tinea Linn. 9644 near irrepta Braun . . June 27 Superfamily INCURVARIOIDEA Family INCURVARIIDAE Lampronia Steph. 9800 piperella Busck April 26, May 19 9803 sublustris Braun May 4-10 Chalceopla Braun 1 undtermined sp May 11, June 16 Suborder JUGATAE Family ERIOCRANIIDAE Cerostoma Latr. 1 undetermined sp March 30 8847 rubrella Dyar March 15, April 14 8853 near radiatella Bon Jan. 14 -1 — - radiatella forms ? March 13, April 19 Plutella Schr. 8875 interrupta Wlshm May 4 8878 maculipennis Curt Aug. 10 Mnemonica Meyr. 9853 aurosparsella Wlshm. . July 25 Family HEPIALIDAE Sthenopis Pack. 9859 purpurascens Pack July 5, Aug. 6 Hepialus Fabr. 9868 mathewi Hy. Edio. . Sept. 20 Acronicta ftmeralis G. and R. Mature larva from a specimen found on willow at Vernon, B.C., August, 1935, and drawn by the late Alex Dennys. Adult emerged May, 1936. From a photograph by A. A. Dennys. REVISION OF CHECK LIST OF MACROLEPIDOP- TERA OF B.C. — Any information intended to be in- cluded in this revision should be sent direct to J. R. J. LLEWELLYN JONES, “ARRANMORE,” R.M.D. No. 1, COBBLE HILL, B.C., as soon as convenient. Records of localities Jnot previously reported), larval food plants and period of the year when imagines may be obtained, will be welcome. It is hoped to make the list as comprehensive and informative as possible. Any new records (if authentic), of species appearing in the Province will be especially welcome. 22 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 A LIST OF TWENTY SPECIES OF SPIDERS COL- LECTED AT SALMON ARM, B.C.— The following spe- cies were collected at Salmon Arm, B.C., May-October 1940, by my mother, Olive R. Leech. I am indebted to Dr. W. J. Gertsch, who identified them in Novem- ber, 1940, and brought the list up to date in 1946. Pholcophora americana Banks. Dictyna muraria Emerton. Gnaphosa muscorum Koch. Poecilochroa montana Emerton. Drassodes neglectus Keyserling. Anyphaena californica Banks. Steatoda hespera Chamb. & Ivie. Pityohyphantes sp. Misumena calycina Linnaeus. Philodromus alaskensis Keyserling. Lycosa orophila Champ. & Gertsch. Lycosa frondicola Emerton. Phidippus johnsoni Peckham. Metaphidippus aeneolus Curtis. Paraphidippus marginatus Walckenaer. Aranea dumetorum Villers. Aranea solitaria Emerton. Aranea gemmoides Chamb. & Ivie. Aranea displicata Hentz. Agelenopsis potteri Blackwall. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. POLLENIA RUDIS, THE CLUSTER FLY, IN VAN- COUVER, B.C. (Diptera: Metopiidae). — Not until the spring of 1940, did I first find a specimen of Pollenia rudis (Fabr.) in Vancouver, although I had been on the lookout for it for many years. In that year one specimen was found shortly after 6 o’clock one bright morning, apparently ovipositing on or near earthworms on the lawn. Since then, several have been noted each year on the lawn between 6 and 7 o’clock in the morn- ing, similarly engaged, on the dew-covered grass. The species, however, has apparently been present in Vancouver for some time, since a complaint was re- ceived in 1943 from a householder on the extreme east- ern boundary of the city, concerning large numbers of the flies which had come into the house and had win- tei'ed there unnoticed until spring when they crowded on the windows, seeking to escape outside. The citizen lived on a very large lot with, a garden where much manure containing many earthworms, was present. The infestation was so extensive that it must have been several years in developing. In the spring of 1944 the citizen complained again of the trouble so I forwarded a 3%, solution of DDT in “Varsol,” a wartime cleaning fluid put out by the Imperial Oil Company, with in- structions to spray it on all the woodwork of the win- dow frames. The procedure was very successful for the woman telephoned two days later to report that a tremendous number of dead flies was on the floor below the windows, with no survivors.— G. J. Spencer, De- partment of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. REARING OF AGROMYZA ALBITARSIS AND ITS PARASITE OPIUS SP. (Diptera: Agromyzidae, and Hymenoptera: Braconidae). — On August 1, 1943, miners were noticed in the leaves of a seedling black cottonwood (Populus trichccarpa T. & G.) in my gar- den. The larvae could be seen clearly by holding a leaf up to the light. On August 11 a leaf containing two puparia was picked, and the parts containing the insects torn out and placed in a small jar on my desk. A fly emerged on August 28, and was subsequently identified by A. R. Brooks as Agromyza albitarsis Mg. Mould was growing on the outside of the second puparium by September 2, so it was opened. It con- tained a slightly teneral but living wasp, a delicate little braconid. This specimen matured, and was iden- tified by G. S. Walley as “Opius sp., probably unde- scribed. Runs to amplus Ashm. in Gahan’s key.” The fly and wasp are now in the Canadian National Collec- tion.— Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. GASOLINE FOR KILLING BEETLES.— The note by G. J. Spencer in the December, 1945, issue of our PROCEEDINGS (vol. 42, p. 16) on the use of gasoline in insect killing bottles is interesting. I recall that in World War I, during my term of service in the Imper- ial Camel Corps in Egypt, I amassed a small collection of beetles. Cyanide was unobtainable so other means, fair or foul, had to be employed for killing and pre- serving specimens. Gasoline was plentiful in army trucks and cars and by employing stealth during the hours of darkness it was a fairly simple matter to se- cure enough for my purpose. After being killed in gaso- line the beetles were placed in tin boxes with dry clean sand, which if packed fairly tightly prevented the specimens from rolling about in the box. Unfortunately, owing to a “misplaced” Turkish shell, a camel plus this collection was destroyed. I have used dry sawdust for the storage of beetles and it is satisfactory for any but small species. — E. P. Venables, Vernon, B.C. A FEW RECORDS OF SPIDERS FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALBERTA. — I am indebted to Dr. W. J. Gertsch of the American Museum of Natural History for identifying the following species of spiders, which were sent to him from time to time. Amaurobius severus Simon. Steelhead, B.C., summer of 1933, in log cabin (Hugh B. Leech) ; common. Antrodiaetus sp., probably pacificus Simon. Oliver, B.C., May 1, 1940 (A. A. Dennys). Hyptiotes gertschi Chamb. & Ivie. An egg sac spun on a conifer needle; Brennan Creek, Adams Lake, B.C., 1942 (P. T. Muskett). Bathyphantes pallida Banks. Vernon, B.C., March 24, 1940 (Frances O. Leech). Tetragnatha munda Chamberlin and Gertsch. Hope, B.C., May 30, 1940. (Hugh B. Leech). Tetragnatha laboriosa Hentz. Hope, B.C., May 30, 1940 (Hugh B. Leech). Misumena caiycina Linnaeus. Penticton. B.C., April 19, 1940 (A. A. Dennys). Xysticus pulverulentus Gertsch. Jasper. Alta., June 14, 1940 (E. H. Brasnett). Coriarachne utahensis Gertsch. Kelowna, B.C., April 1940. Neoantistea agilis Keyserling. Manson River, B.C., August, 1940 (Ray Gaul). Arctosa emertoni Gertsch. Under stones edge of alkali Buse Lake, east of Kamloops, B.C., September 11, 1945 (Hugh B. Leech). Phidippus tyrrelli Peckham, Fernie, B.C.. August, 1939 (E. A. Quail). Paraphidippus marginatus Walckenaer. Hope, B.C. May 30,1940 (Hugh B. Leech); Seebe, Alta., June 17, 1940 (J. McLcnahan). Metaphidippus aeneoius Cu-rt s. Kelowna, B.C., April, 1940. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Prgc. (1946), Yol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 LIST OF SOME PHILONTHUS FROM BRITISH CLUMBIA (Coleoptera: Staphylinidoe) 1 Hugh B. Leech Vernon, B.C. In 1937 and 1938 I sent a number of specimens of Philonthus to the Rev. C. E. Tottenham of the Royal Entomological Society of London, He identified and re- turned most of the material, which includ- ed the following species (the order is al- phabetical). Specimens were collected by me, unless otherwise stated; all localities are in British Columbia. (1) Philonthus aurulentus Horn (?) Nicola, 10. IV. 35 (lakeshore, un- der log). (2) Philonthus cefhalotes Grav. Salmon Arm, 4. V. 30. (3) Philonthus co?icinnus Grav. Fernie, 26. VIII. 34 (faeces of horse), Salmon Arm, May 1934 (I). H. and O. Leech, Coll.). (4) Philonthus cruentatus Gmel. Salmon Arm, 9. VI. 29; 10. V. 30; 30. IV. 31 ; 24. IV. 32 (under faeces of cow). Vancouver, 20. IV. 31 (human faeces). Vernon, l.XII. 35 (under stones). 5 ) Philonthus debilis Grav. Salmon Arm, April 1935 (D. H. Leech, Coll.). Vancouver, 5. IV. 33 (un- der stone). (6) Philonthus ferreifennis Horn? Ver- non, 1. XII. 34 (lakeshore, under log)- (7) Philonthus flavihasis Casey. Van- couver, 20. IV. 31. (8) Philonthus furvus Nordm. Fernie, 28. VIII. 34 (faeces of cow). Sal- mon Arm, May 1929. (9) Philonthus fuscifennis Mannh. (P. folitus Horn). Agassiz, 7. III. 31. Langley Prairie, 1931 (K. Gra- ham, Coll.). Salmon Arm, 27. VII. 34 (O. R. Leech, Coll.). Vancouver, 14. VII. 32., 28. VI. 1 Contribution No. 2371, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 33. Vernon, 20. VI. 38 (D. Wad- dell, Coll.), Victoria, 10. VI. 31 (E. E. Peden, Coll.). (10) Philonthus grandicollis Horn. En derby, 15. IX. 34. Salmon Arm, 3. V. 35. Vernon, 15. VIII. 37. (11) Philonthus instabilis Horn. Haney, 22. III. 30. Nicola, 10. IV. 35 (lakeshore, under log). Loon Lake, between Salmon Arm and Ender- by, 27. X. 34. Vernon, 20. X. 34 (edge of stream) 5. X. 35 (lake- shore, under log). (12) Philonthus lecontei Horn. Shuswap, l.X. 33 (shore of small alkali pond). Vernon, 30. X. 31 (lake- shore, under log); 1. XII. 35. (13) Philonthus lomatus Er. (?). Ver- non, 7. VIII. 29 (immature). (14) Philonthus occidentalis Horn. Ver- non, 30. X. 31 (under log); 13. X. 33 (under log, shore of alkali lake); 28. VII. 38 (Deep Lake, shore ) . (15) Philonthus folitus L. ( aeneus Rossi, of Horn). Vancouver, 23-25. III. 31. Salmon Arm, 8. IV. 34 (faeces of cow). (16) Philonthus frotervus Casey (?) Sal- mon Arm, 31. III. 32 (lakeshore, in earthen cell under log). (17) Philonthus fuberulus Horn. Salmon Arm, 5-6. X. 33 (gravel banks of Shuswap River). (18) Philonthus rectangularis Sharp. F er- nie, 3. VIII. 34. Salmon Arm, 8. XI. 3 3 (faeces of cow); 20. IV. 35 (under dead pheasant). Van- couver, 18. III., 20. IV., 1 0.X. 31. (19) Philonthus siegwaldi Mannh. Steel- head, 19. VII. 33 (in rotting rhu- barb). Vancouver, 11. VI. 31 (Stanley Park). Trinity Valley, near Lumby, 29. VI. 37 (in human faeces). 24 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 (20) Philonthus sordidus Gray. Kam- loops, 3. II. 35 (on vegetables in cellar of house). Salmon Arm, 30. VI. 3 1 ; 1. IV. 32 (flying); 11. V. 33; 8. XI. 33 (faeces of cow). Vancouver, 4. IV. 31; 31. V. 31 (on snow, elev. 4,700 ft., Seymour Mtn. ) ; 6. IV. 32 (in rotting cab- bage). Vernon, 6. VI. 37 (in rot- ting vegetables in cellar). (21) Philonthus umbratilis Grav. Salmon Arm, 21. III. 34 (barnyard, under board) . (22) Philonthus varians Payk. Vancouver, 20. IV. 31 (in human faeces). (23) Philonthus varius Grav. Seymour Creek, N. Vancouver, B.C., 12. V. 31. FURTHER RECORDS OF HETEROCERA OF THE NELSON- ROBSON-TRA I L DISTRICT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Insecfa: Lepidoptera) 1 Harold R. Foxlee 2 Robson, B.C. AMATIDAE 872 See f sis fackardii cocklei Dyar Robson 12.VII.45 PHALAENIDAE 1221 Merolonche ursina Sm. Brilliant No date 1709 Polia deiracta neotenca Sm. Brilliant 22.V.44 1984 Leucania farcta roseola Sm. Brilliant 7. VII. 44 2641 Neferigea albimacula B. & Me. D. Brilliant 21.VII.44 264 7 Elafhria festivoides Gn. Robson 8. VI. 45 1 The original list, was published in this journal. See Vol. 42, p. 9-14, 1945. 2 I wish to extend my grateful thanks to Dr. Mc- Dunnough of- the Division of Entomology Ottawa for determinations. 3763 Efizeuxis jacchusalis bryanti Barnes. Brilliant 6.VII.44 GEOMETRIDAE 4147 Scofula ancellata Hist. Robson 20. VII. 45 4225 Cladara atr oliturata Wlk. Robson 19.V.42 4515 Xanthorhoe defensaria conciliaria Swett. Robson 19. IX. 45 4573 Eulyfe hastata gothicata Gn. Robson 22. VII. 45 LIMACODIDAE 5279 T ortricidia testacea Pack. Brilliant 9.VI.44 5647 Pyrausta junebris Strom. Robson , 23.V.45 6178 Tlascala sp. near umbnfennis Hist. Robson 29.V.45 ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF TABANIDAE FROM ROBSON, B.C. (Diptera). — Tha following species were collected by me at Robson, B.C. I am indebted to Dr. L. L. Pechuman of Lockport, N.Y., for the identifica- tions. Tabanus ae rotus O S 18. IX. 43 Tabanus sequax Will 24. VII. 45 at elev. of 4,000 feet Tabanus rhornbicus O.S July Tabanus melanorhinus Bigot July Tabanus sonomensis O.S July Tabanus sp. near haemaphorus Apatolestes sp. nov.? — Harold R. Foxlee, Robson, B.C. HABITAT OF AGABUS BJORKMANAE (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). — On August 26, 1945, I was collecting aquatics in the Goat River, Creston, B.C., when I took my first A'jabus bjorkmanae Hatch (det. H. B. Leech). I had just demolished a log jam under a steep bank, close to shore ; the water rapidly cleared and I was attracted by a number of small springs boiling up the clean, fine sand. Suddenly a large Agabus (species then unknown to me) was tossed into view, then others, each frantically digging for cover into the sand. I re- moved a few stones, stirred the sand, and captured 40 specimens. Then I partly restored the jam for future visits which lasted until Nov. 4, with a take of over 100 specimens. In every instance they were submerged in the fine sand until disturbed.-— G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. ANOPLIT1S INAEQUALIS ON EPILOBIUM (Coleop- tera: Chrysomelidae) . — The taking of Anoplitis inae- qualis (Web.) at Creston is a new record for British Columbia. I picked up several in general sweeping on a large meadow, but eventually traced them to the true host: Epilobium adenocaulon; thereafter I took them in quantity (June 3-Aug. 7, 1945). The speci- mens are darker than eastern examples but are other- wise identical, and have been closely examined by C. A. Frost and H. B. Leech.— G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Proc1. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 25 NATURAL CONTROL OF THE EUROPEAN PEA MOTH LASFEYRESIA NIGRICANA ON SUMAS PRAIRIE, B.C. (Lepidoptem Olethreufridae) . H. G. Fulton Dominion Entomological History of Area Involved. The area now known as Sumas Prairie was a lake before the reclamation scheme, sponsored by the Provincial Department of Agricul- ture, was completed in the year 1924. This area, approximately ten miles long and four miles wide was at one time covered with water for the greater portion of the year. When dyking, draining and land- clear- ing operations were completed and agricul- ture took over, it was soetfi learned that clover and peas were among the crops which could be grown most successfully on the sandy clay soil of the old lake bed. Introduction of the Pea Moth. It became the common practice to use peas as a nurse crop, seeded down with clover, or quite often peas were grown two and three years in succession on the same field. Soon large areas were devoted to pea grow- ing. This procedure proved very suitable for the multiplication of the pea moth, Lasfeyresia nigricana Stephens, which was apparently present in a nearbv pea growing district south of the International Boun- dary. By 193 3, when 3,000 acres or more were devoted to pea growing in the Sumas area, infestation by the pea moth had be- come very heavy and severe losses were suffered by the growers. In 1934, officers of the Agassiz Labora- tory began a study of the conditions. Ac- cording to literature Lasfeyresia nigricana was accidentally introduced into Canada from Europe sometime before 1893, and became established without any of its na- tural enemies. Since then it has spread to most of the pea growing areas on this con- tinent. Under conditions similar to those found on Sumas Prairie the pest soon be- comes epidemic. By experiments a rotation control was demonstrated to be effective 1 Contribution No. 2438, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. Laboratory, Agassiz, B.C. and practical, but this was not adopted by the growers. Parasite Introduction. Since this pest had several natural enemies in Eng- land, a study of the situation there was suggested by the Dominion Parasite La- boratory at Belleville, Ontario. Ewen Cameron of the Imperial Parasite Service made a study of the situation in England during the years 1936-37 and reported that Ascogaster quadridentatus Wesm., an egg parasite, was found in as high as 48 per cent of the pea moth larvae and Glyfta haesitator Grav. and a species of Angitia , larval parasites, were attacking as high as 24 per cent. Parasite material was collect- ed in England and sent to Canada from 1936 to 1939, when the outbreak of war caused this work to stop. Before any imported European material was available the Belleville Laboratory propagated and made three shipments of the parasites, Ascogaster carfocafsae Vier. and Macrocentrus ancylivorus Roh., which had been reared successfully on the orien- tal fruit moth, Lasfeyresia molesta Busck., a close relative of the pea moth. Total lib- eration of all parasites is shown in Table I. Method of Transport. Until 1938 parasites were shipped in refrigerated cages by railway express requiring four days to make the trip from Belleville to Agassiz. Only one shipment was received in which undue mortality had occurred by this method. Time, however, became an im- portant factor, especially with shipments of ego; parasite A. quadridentatus y as some were received too late to be liberated dur- ing the maximum egg laying period of the pea moth, which occurs about the end of June. By using non-re frigerated cages and air express, parasites could be picked up in Vancouver twelve hours after leaving the east, and delivery from Vancouver to Agassiz required an additional twenty hours. This method was used for all ship- ments made in 1939 without undue mor- 26 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Prgc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 TABLE I Liberations of Parasites Made in the Chilliwack and Sumas Areas Liberations of the North American Species Year A. carpocapsae M. ancylivorus Liberation Point 1936 1266 1229 Chilliwack and Sumas 1937 50 Sumas Total 1316 1229 Liberations of Imported European Species Year Ascogaster quadridentatus Glypta haesitatoi Angitia sp. Liberation Point 1937 34 14 Sumas 1938 880 735 5 Sumas and Chilliwack 1939 2367 23 44 Chilliwack 1939 2010 662 Sumas 1939 124 Nicomen Island Total 5291 1544 63 tality occurring. In eight shipments mor- tality varied from 5 to 65 per cent with an average of only 12 per cent. The follow- ing table shows the mortality by species. TABLE II Mortality of Parasites During Shipment Species Range in % Average % A. quadridentatus 5-19 10 G. haesitator 19-45 25 Angitia sp. 36-65 57 One shipment of G. haesitator was pick- ed up in Vancouver thus saving 20 hours from a total of 32 hours en route. Only 13 per cent of this shipment had died at the time of liberation as compared to the average of 25 per cent in the other ship- ments of the same species. Recoveries of Parasites. Large num- bers of pea moth cocoons were collected each year to be used in the cultivation con- trol experiments and some were also sent to Belleville for the purpose of parasite recovery checks. In the cultural experi- ments cages of cheesecloth were used; con- structed over plots of soil twelve feet by three feet, artificially stocked with pea moth cocoons to test the effect of various soil cultivation practices on moth emer- gence. A check was also kept of the para- sites that emerged. First signs of parasitism were observed in 1938 when one speciment of Angitia was taken on June 25 from the experi- mental cages at Agassiz, in which 10,000 pea moth cocoons were being used in con- nection with the cultivation control experi- ments. A second specimen of the same genus was captured in a field on Sumas Prairie in early July. These recoveries were rather surprising as only fourteen in- dividuals of Angitia had been liberated the previous year. In 1939, six specimens of G. haesitator and a few doubtful specimens of Angitia were obtained from 8,000 cocoons used in the experiments. In 1940, one specimen of A. quadriden- tatus was obtained from 6,000 cocoons at Agassiz; and from 10,500 cocoons sent to Belleville, 1 A. quadridentatus , 4 G. haesi- tator and 92 Phanerotoma species emerged. Phanerotoma is apparently a native hymen- opteron which occasionally attacks the pea moth. The record of A . quadridentatus and G. haesitator was most encouraging as these species are largely responsible for the control of the pea moth in England. In 1941, 6,000 cocoons at Agassiz, yielded 1 Glyfta haesitator and 4 Phaner- otomay and from 3,360 cocoons sent to Belleville, 1 G. haesitator and 5 Phaner- otoma were obtained. In 1942, 2,000 cocoons at Agassiz gave 1 A. quadridentatus } 2 G. haesitator and 3 Phanerotoma; and from 3,350 cocoons sent to Belleville, 7 A. quadridentatus , 3 G. haesitator and 25 Phanerotoma em- erged. In 1943 no further cage experiments were carried on at Agassiz, but 4 A. quad- Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 27 ridentatus and 6 G. haesitator emerged from 706 cocoons sent to Belleville. In 1944, 3,000 cocoons were sent to Belleville and these showed approximately 7 per cent parasitism, an appreciable in- crease. During the summer months of 1944, specimens of Ascogaster and Glyfta were occasionally caught in the net when sweep- ing pea fields and roadside patches of vetch. In the fall 3,800 pea moth cocoons were sent to Belleville and it was reported that 6 per cent of these were parasitized by A. quadridentatus and 3 per cent by G. haesitator. In the pea flowering season of 1945 the presence of A. quadridentatus was quite noticeable, many specimens being captured in net sweeping in several different pea might not hold for the entire Sumas Prairie area. Nevertheless the outlook is very fa- vourable. In 1946 it is probable that one of the most destructive insect pests of peas will have been checked by its natural ene- mies, which were originally imported from England during the years 1937, 1938 ,and 1939. We note that no recoveries were made of parasites of the oriental fruit moth, lib- erated in 1936 and 1937. Apparently the pea moth was not suitable as a host. It is also interesting to note that Phanerotoma was not recovered until after 1942. The foregoing data in tabular form, show the gradual increase in percentage of parasitism. Summary. — 1. The pea moth was in- troduced into the lower Fraser valley of TABLE III Percentage of Parasitism of the Pea Moth on Sumas Prairie No. of Cocoons Ascogaster Glypta Angitia Phanerotoma Total Per cent Year quadridentatus No. % haesitator No. % species No. % species No. % 1937 10,000 0 0 0 0 1 .01 0 0 .01 1938 8,000 0 0 6 .07 ? ? 0 0 .1 1939 6,000 1 .02 ? 0 0 0 0 0 ] .6 10,500 1 .01 4 .04 0 0 92 .88 J 1940 6,000 0 0 1 .02 0 0 4 .071 .12 3,360 0 0 1 .03 0 0 5 .14 J 1941 2,000 1 .05 2 .1 0 0 3 .151 .76 3,350 7 .2 . 3 .09 0 0 25 •74 J 1942 706 4 .56 6 .85 0 0 0 0 1.4 1943 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. 1944 3,800 0 6.0 0 3.0 0 0 0 0 9. 1945 20,000 0 77.5 0 8.3 0 0 0 0 85.8 fields. A large amount of pea moth ma- British Columbia prior to 1933; had be- terial in the form of infested pods was come a serious pest by 1934, 2. Commenc- therefore gathered in early August, from which approximately 20,000 pea moth co- coons were obtained and shipped to Belle- ville in the fall. Dissection of some of this material showed 77.5 per cent and 8.3 per cent parasitism by A. quadridentatus and G. haesitator , respectively. However, as the material was all obtained, from only one field, this high percentage of parasitism ing in 1936 and continuing until 1939 parasites were imported from England and liberated in the affected area. 3. A steady increase in the percentage of parasitism was observed since 1937. 4. Percentage of parasitism reached 85.5 per cent in 1945; indicating that a control of this important economic pest would be effected by two of its natural enemies. Literature Cited Fletcher, J., 1899. Injurious insects in 1898. 29th Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont. (1898); p. 75-87 (pea moth, p. 78-79). Cameron, E., 1938. A study of the natural control of the pea moth, Cydia nigricana Step. Bull. Ent. Res. 29 (3) :277-313. Glendenning, R., 1943. The pea moth and its control in British Columbia. Field Crop Ins. Investig. No. 222, Dom. Ent. Lab. Agassiz, B.C. Wishart, G., 1944. Note on the establishment in Canada of imported parasites of the pea mcth, Laspeyresia nigricana Steph. Can Ent. 75 (12) :237-238. (December, 1943, num- ber, published January 17, 1944J 28 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 RESULTS OF A SEASON'S STUDY OF THE EUROPEAN EARWIG, FORFICULA AURICULARIA (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) Richard Guppy Wellington, B.C. Introduction— The following obser- vations were mainly made from captive earwigs. These were confined in glass jars to allow for close study. Much use has been made, largely for purposes of com- parison, of the article by Geoffrey Beall (1932. The life history and behaviour of the European earwig, Forficula auricularia y L. in British Columbia. Ent. Soc. Brit. Col., Proc. 29: 28-43), and of the paper by S. E. Crumb, P. M. Eide and A. E. Bonn (1941. The European earwig U.S. Dept. Agri. Bui. No. 766). Life History — A short resume of the life history of the European earwig in this district may help to clarify the following discussion. From my observation it appears that two batches of eggs from each female is the rule rather than the exception. The first is deposited during January and February, and does not hatch until warmer weather occurs. This is usually during the latter half of April. The parents of these early nymphs then oviposit again in early June, the eggs in this case hatching in about 20 days. Both the early and late broods reproduce at about the same time the following spring. The nymphal stage comprising four in- stars lasts under normal conditions between two, and three months. Brooding by Females — No doubt the habit of earwigs which provokes the most interest and discussion is the remarkable at- tention paid by the females to their eggs and young. It is generally assumed that the purpose is to protect the eggs from pre- dators. I am inclined to believe, though, that very little can be accomplished in this direction by so small and weak an insect. On the other hand, it is clear that the habit must in some way benefit the species as a whole. Crumb (p. 39) expresses the opinion that the eggs of earwigs cannot develop if deprived of the attentions of the parent in- sect. Before reading Crumb’s 'work I had myself arrived at the same conclusion. Mould invariably appears on ova which are kept alone more than 5 or 6 days. Even packing them in sterile cotton in a steril- ized vial does not prevent this trouble. Ap- parently the mould spores are present on the eggs themselves. In nearly all cases which I was able to observe, some moving around of the ova was done by brooding females, due prob- ably to the conditions under which they were forced to nest. For example, an ear- wig which at first had placed her eggs on the surface of soil in a crowded jar, later piled them on top of a small potato sup- plied as food. This was doubtless a desper- ate attempt to make the best of a bad situa- tion, but it indicates an instinct which may sometimes enable earwigs to preserve their offspring. They might, for instance, move the eggs deeper into the soil if conditions become too dry, or to a higher spot in case of flooding. When the eggs are exposed to view the earwig will usually dig another cell for them. This is sometimes done even in rotten wood, a task requiring several days. The mother earwigs remain in the cell with the nymphs for most of their first stadium. Whether she carries food to them or feeds them by some other means during this period, I was unable to discover. Cer- tainly she does not leave the cell for any extended foraging trips. Crumb (p. 39) states that both mother and young were found to have full stomachs at this time, but does not offer any suggestion as to how this food was secured. If the nymphs be deprived of their mother directly after hatching, they can fend for themselves, at least if food is readily available. In such cases they leave their cell almost at once and scatter. If the Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 29 adult be replaced, she reconstructs the cell and gathers them together again. Further Remarks on Ova — Very moist conditions are necessary for the sur- vival of eggs and young nymphs. The ova soon shrivel if deprived of moisture, but as a rule they will be deserted by their par- ents before this occurs. Even adult earwigs require moisture frequently. If kept in a dry place and not given succulent food, they will drink freely on gaining access to water. The nesting of earwigs in paper, as described by Beall (p. 30), was likely due to overcrowding, as suggested in the pre- ceding section. I have noticed that very little success attends the efforts of those fe- males which are forced to nest in cages crowded with earwigs not concerned with brooding. The eggs in these cases are usu- ally eaten, either by the other inmates of the cage, or by their own parents. The last mentioned habit is commented on both by Crumb (p. 39) and Beall (p. 32). Effect of Temperature on the Development of Nymphs — My earwigs were raised in an unheated building, in which no doubt, temperatures more closely approached those of the natural environ- ment than do those in a laboratory. In no case which I was able to check, was the duration of an instar less than 14 days. There was a distinct inclination for those nymphs which did not transform after 14 days, to continue in the same instar for 27 days. Stadia which were prolonged beyond this point, presumably because of low tem- perature, might continue for a very long period. Eventually, however, difficulty was experienced in casting off the exuviae. It is doubtful whether these individuals would ever Survive under natural condi- tions. One nymph I raised, remained in the fourth instar for a period of about 75 days, when it finally died without having moult- ed again. In another case the fourth instar lasted 62 days. This insect attained the adult stage but its wings were rumpled; it did not survive the winter. A few nymphs can easily be found even at the end of summer. Whether these are a very late, possibly a third, brood, or whether they are the result of retarded moulting, as in the examples noted, I can not say. Six nymphs were taken in the field on September 12, in the second and third instars. They were not closely watched, but their cage was examined early in the following February: three were found alive, all fully developed. These, it may be assumed, reached the adult stage soon after being imprisoned. At Tofino', on the West Coast of Van- couver Island, I found a few earwigs in several stages of growth, late in November. The youngest of these, still in the first in- star, I kept alive. It attempted to trans- form the next day, but could not free the exuviae from its head, and shortly died. This nymph had not been in my possession long enough to suffer from unnatural con- ditions, such as may have affected the others under my observation. Second Brood — Female earwigs taken during May produced, in nearly every case, a batch of ova during the first half of June. Doubtless this was in most cases their second laying. The improbability, as shown above, of any examples of F. ciuri- cularici passing the winter in an immature state, makes it difficult to account otherwise for oviposition taking place SO' late. A few female earwigs which I kept un- der careful observation after finding them with their first brood, all produced a sec- ond. Beall (p. 29-30), and Crumb (p. 35) mention the occurrence of second broods, but Crumb, at least, thinks that they are produced by only a small percentage of fe- males. Possibly a dry climate would tend to prevent oviposition later in the spring. In one case I was able to keep watch on a particular female for several months. This insect was taken May 1 in the act of copulation. Oviposition took place on May .29, and the nymphs appeared on June 19. The adult was then placed again with a male, and mating was observed on June 29. The second batch of ova was deposited July 20, but unfortunately failed to hatch. As will be noted, the breeding of this 30 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 individual was somewhat out of season. Her first brood presumably was produced a little earlier than the usual time for the second. This fact suggests that it may have been her second brood, but definite proof is lacking. Certainly if a third brood is ever pro- duced it must be only in exceptional cases. A few females that I kept after they had hatched their second did not oviposit again, although Some lived for a considerable time. None died before mid-July. Deaths occurred at various times up to the end of November, and one insect survived until the following April. Males are less long lived, none of mine survived until the end of July. Beall (p. 30) assumes that both batches of eggs are rendered fertile by copulation prior to the first oviposition. Crumb (p. 35 and 41), states that the males leave the hibernation cells in January, perhaps under compulsion from their mates. I have not been able, however, to find any evidence in support of these theories. The males are active earlier than the females, but usually do not leave their cells for some weeks after their mates have ovi- posited. They can easily be found, either in the cells with females, many of which have eggs, or hiding nearby. In one .case I am nearly certain copulation was taking place in a cell containing ova. Unfortun- ately the insects moved before I could check closely. However, no attempt was made by the female to drive out her mate. Under these circumstances I see no reason why. fertilization should not take place while the females are attending their first brood. Hibernation — The hibernating of ear- wigs in this climate could perhaps be better described as a period of comparative inactivity. They seem never to become completely dormant. Those which I kept in jars were perhaps protected from the frost a little better than those under natural conditions. Caged earwigs did not even bother to construct cells in which to hide, until early January, when they were nearly ready to oviposit. On any nights when the temperature was above 40° F., they could be seen crawling around, but they fed very little if at all. Although the cover provided was far from ideal according to Crumb’s data (p. 36), very few of my adult earwigs died during the winter. The jars mostly contained an inch or so of pure sand, well moistened. In one I used fairly fine saw- dust instead, but the earwigs had difficulty in constructing cells in this medium. Under natural conditions earwigs seem to prefer as winter quarters, cells dug un- der partially embedded stones. I found a great many in cells under loose bark of rotting logs, and when the wood was very soft, some distance into the log itself. The fact that all these were alive and busy with oviposition when discovered during Febru- ary, goes to show that they found the latter location quite suitable. On the other hand some were found dead on January 8 under loose bark on a cedar log. Two females kept alone since September 23, and two others since December 20, passed the winter safely, and three of them, including the two former, produced fertile ova. This observation is at variance with the findings of Crumb (p. 37) who con- cluded that the females seldom pass the winter alive without the company of a male. Admittedly I used very few insects in my experiment but a survival of four out of four is suggestive. Food — Very wide differences of opinion exist among authorities as to what consti- tutes the chief food of the European ear- wig. No doubt food preferences vary from place to place, and even among individual colonies living in close proximity. For these reasons I expect that the list of food plants following will meet with some criti- cism, though I have checked with several residents in this district and all agree with my conclusions. It was not possible for me to make use of dissection in order to study the food habits of earwigs. A good deal can be ac- complished, when the insects are kept in small containers, by offering them various foods and watching to see which are most Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 31 readily accepted. Also earwig damage in the field can be readily recognized. Care- ful examination of places near which they congregate yields much information. It does not appear to me that Euro- pean earwigs are particularly adaptable to changes of food. In fact, they appear, when caged, to have a somewhat restricted diet, and can easily be starved into canni- balism, by depriving them of the plants ® they require. However, most common her- baceous plants will be eaten under compul- sion. Of garden vegetables, carrots and beets are the hardest to raise in earwig infested land. Legumes, potatoes, and rhubarb come in for much attention. Wild plants related to these vegetables were readily eaten by the insects. Cabbage is less susceptible and lettuce seems never to be harmed. Al- though wild Cruci ferae and Compositae were eaten when the earwigs were not al- lowed other food, I could never find evi- dence of damage to these weeds in the field. Colonies of earwigs living on waste land seem to feed almost entirely on the narrow leaved plantain (Plantago lanceo- lata ) though they also feed to some extent on clover. Very few native trees and shrubs are at- tacked with the exception of Cascara (Rhamnus furshiana) of which they are very fond. In cases where maple and wil- low leaves are eaten there is usually some evidence that circumstances forced the ear- wigs to take to this diet. I found first in- star nymphs to be fairly adaptable, but they never seem to lose their preference for the plants previously listed. As regards animal food, earwigs eat readily any sort of dead animal matter. They seldom, if ever, kill insects, except those that are very sluggish and do not pos- sess a hard or leathery covering. The fact that they often refuse to kill such easy game as termites and small smooth cater- pillars, indicates habits very far from pre- datory. I always found earwigs ready to accept crushed insects, or insect ova. Often such offerings were eaten at once, while I still held in my hand the jar containing the earwigs. I have seen them do the same with pieces of potato, after they had been starved in an attempt to make them take unfamiliar food. But ordinarily they would never eat vegetable food before nightfall. Injury to Gardens — Under this head- ing I have put together a few remarks which may prove of some help to garden owners troubled by earwigs. Mature breeding insects do not seem to do much harm. Experiments went to show that during this stage they feed little and show an increased preference for animal food. Most of the damage is done by nymphs, and the chief sufferers are newly sprouted seedlings. Often so many of these are destroyed before they can get a start, that the results are mistaken for poor germ- ination of seeds. Earwig damage, how- ever, is readily recognizable, due to the fact that they first eat those seedlings near- est to the cover which they use during the day. This also gives a good clue to the place where the culprits can be found. The nymphs travel only a very short dis- tance from their hideout. For this reason much more trouble is experienced where cover, suitable for hibernation and oviposi- tion, and for concealment of developing nymphs, is available to them. Rockeries could well be named “Earwig Hotels”. Nothing suits the breeding adults and the first instar nymphs so well as a pile of stones and soil. Shubbery, bushes, and probably concrete walks are also used. Nymphs in the later stages and non breed- ing adults much prefer to be off the ground, except where the surface is very dry. At this time they are found under loose bark, in cracks in fences, and such places. Seeds sown late in the season are very liable to suffer damage. Earwigs much prefer very young plants, and even if they are of a species not usually attacked, will turn their attention to them at a time when most other herbage has made considerable growth . Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Pkoc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 LOCAL ABUNDANCE OF THE WASPS CHLORION ATRATUM AND MEGASTIZUS UNICiNTUS ( Hymenoptera: Sphecidae and Bembscinae)1 Hugh B. Leech Dominion Forest Insect Laboratory, Vernon, B.C. On August 22, 1945, a small box con- taining live wasps was received from Frank Choveaux of Okanagan Landing, B.C. It contained two species, one a black bembi- cid with an orange-red band across the abdomen, the other a blackish sphecid. These were subsequently identified by G. S. Walley as Megastizus unicinctus (Say) and CMorion (Priononyx ) atratum ( Le- Peletier), respectively. According to an interesting account of the habits of these species by H. E. Smith (1915. The grasshopper outbreak in New Mexico during the summer of 1913. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bui. No. 293, 12 p., 2 figs.), C. (P.) atratum is an important grasshop- per parasite, stocking its nests with nymphs. Many of the burrows are re-opened by M. unicinctus females, which destroy the C Morions’ eggs and replace them with their own. Despite extensive outberaks of hoppers in British Columbia, there is no record of the wasps occurring here in num- bers. Mr. Choveaux reported hundreds of the wasps to be congregated on heads of grain and grasses each night, and he wondered if they might damage the seeds. That eve- ning we visited the area concerned, a field about 3 miles from Vernon, just below the upper Landing road and west of its junction with the Commonage road. Grasshoppers were abundant; 1945 was the third successive year of an outbreak of Melanoflus mexicanus mexicanus (Sas- sure) (det. I. J. Ward). Mr. Chouveaux said that though the blue CMorion was present but rare in previous years, the Me- gastizus had not been on his farm before. A few strips of tall grasses had been left when the seed crops were cut, and on the tops of these grasses black clusters of the wasps could be seen from a distance of several hundred yards. They were in 1 Contribution No. 2417, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. groups of from six to twenty, mostly on the seed heads, but extending for some dis- tance down the upper stem. At 7:30 p.m. they were quiet, and easily captured. When picked up in the fingers the male Megasti- zus gave a most realistic show of stinging; * the long spikes of the trident at the end of the abdomen were extruded, and the center one pressed against my skin strongly enough to be felt — and what was worse, it looked just like a sting. The simulated attack was psychologically effective and I found it hard not to drop the insect hur- riedly. The wasps were often in mixed lots, though in any one group each species showed a preference for its kind, e.g., where M. unicinctus were present they usually made up at least 75% of the total on that grass head. However, in all, the CMorion outnumbered the Megastizus by nearly three to one. Of several hundred Megastizus examined, all were males. Only a single female was present in a ran- dom sample of 230 C. atratum: this de- spite the lateness of the season, shown by the fact that the wings of many of the CMorion were faded and had ragged edges. Indeed on September 5, by which time the wasps were scarce, the proportion of the two species was still nearly three to one, and again all Megastizus were males and only a few CMorion females were found. I did not discover where the females of the two species spend their nights. They were not on the ground or under stones and trash; neither were they roosting on grasses or bushes within a quarter of a mile of where the males congregated. Perhaps the heavy clay in the field was unsuited for burrows, and the actual nesting site was in lighter soil some distance from the roosting grounds. A few male wasps were seen in tall weeds along the fence line and road- side bordering the field, but no other roost- ing ground was visible. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 33 CURRENT TREND OF THE WESTERN HEMLOCK LOOPER (LAMBDINA F. LUGUBROSA) IN THE COASTAL FORESTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ( Lepidoptero, Geometridae) 1 H. A. Richmond Dominion Forest Insect Laboratory, Victoria, B.C. An outbreak of the western hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa Hist.) reached serious proportions in sec- tions of the coastal forests of British Co- lumbia during 1945. Only in that year was damage of this present cycle partic- ularly noticeable and as indicated below there was little evidence of any degree of natural control. Further destruction of timber is expected during 1946. This current outbreak represents the first appearance of the looper since the large outbreak of 1930. Although records of this insect date back to 1882 (de Gryse, 1934:523-527) it is only in recent years that specific data have been recorded on the prevalence of this insect in British Columbia. While these records are not necessarily complete, they indicate past outbreaks as follows: Stanley Park 1911- 13 (Swaine, 1918); Vancouver Island 1913-14 (Jaenicke, 1929); Quatsino Sound, Vancouver Island 1925 (recounted by residents) ; south coastal mainland 1928-30 (Hopping, 1934: 12-13); and in the Interior, the Big Bend of the Columbia River and Nakusp region 1937- 38 (unpublished records). The last coastal outbreak subsided in 1930> but records of the occurrence of the hemlock looper have been obtained each year since 1937, the year of the inaugur- ation of the Forest Insect Survey in British Columbia. The present cycle first came into prom- inence in 1944, when the looper appeared in moderate numbers in the Lens Creek valley (upper San Juan drainage) al- though it was undoubtedly increasing in other areas where severe defoliation oc- curred in 1945. 1 Contribution No. 2442, Division of Entomology, Scien-? Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ci n -ia. During 1945 the major infestation occurred on the south west portion of Vancouver Island extending roughly from San Juan River north to the Alberni In- let, an area of some 900 square miles. Throughout this region severe defoliation was irregularly distributed as is typical of looper attack. Viewed from the air in March 1946, some 140 square miles of timber appeared to be almost totally stripped of foliage. The timber concerned is some of the best of the west coast hemlock and Douglas fir. The most widespread infesta- tion occurred in the Caycuse River valley, where extremely heavy defoliation ex- tended from the mouth of the river on Lake Nitinat to its headwaters at McClure Lake and through to the headwaters of Walbran Creek. From the Caycuse it swept into the Nitinat valley where 400 million feet of timber are infested. North of the Nitinat an infestation as serious as that in the Caycuse valley, is centred in the Klanawa River valley, and covers some 12 square miles. Further infestations occur in the Pachena valley (moderate), lower Sarita (very severe), and at Coleman Creek (heavy). Endemic looper popula- tions were recorded at the headwaters of the San Juan River, Lens Creek, Port San Juan, and Carmanah Creek. On the mainland further attack was reported from Clowhom Lake near Sechelt Inlet and in two areas on the Greater Vancou- ver watershed. Cu; RENT Looper Situation. — Pres- ent indications point to a very marked in- crease in looper population in 1946 on the bas s of overwintering egg counts. In such examinations, four areas were con- sidered, the Caycuse valley, Nitinat valley, Pachena and Coleman Creek. While the past history of these infestations is not definite, Pachena alone appears to be of 34 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb, 4y 1947 1945 origin, the others are probably two years old. Egg population data were ob- tained through the examination of moss samples, taken from tree trunks at 20 foot intervals from ground level to the top. Old egg shells were recorded as well as sound eggs from which a ratio was obtained between remaining egg chorions of previous years, and the overwintering eggs of the current year. While there is no suggestion that such a ratio indicates the true increase for 1946, it is of interest in a relative sense in comparing one area with another. Defoliation figures were derived by examination of 1/5 acre plots adjacent to trees analyzed for egg counts. A summary of these averages follows: aged 82% with an egg count of 226 sound eggs per square foot of moss at 80 feet elevation. At 1400 feet mean defoli- ation was 10% with 0.3 eggs per square foot of moss. The lack of a direct corre- lation between absolute elevation and looper abundance, however, eliminates any hard and fast rule in sampling a stand for mean defoliation. There appears, furthermore, a marked variation in population according to light intensity. Dominant trees averaged 10% higher defoliation than intermediate trees and there was consistently greater feeding and more eggs in trees near forest open- ings adjacent to streams and swaynps. TABLE I. — Defoliation and Eggs in Moss, Western Hemlock Looper. AREA Per Cent Defoliation of Hemlock AV. EGGS PER SQ. FOOT MOSS Old Chorions Current Eggs Ratio Between Old & Current Eggs Caycuse 62 12.0 96.0 1 : 8.0 Nitinat 51 7.5 95.2 1:12.7 Pachena 47 5.1 55.0 1:10,8 Coleman Cr. ......... 81 22.0 96.0 1: 4.4 These figues represent conditions only at the points sampled and defoliation per- centages should not be considered as typ- ical of the entire area. There is a sugges- tion of a fairly serious situation for 1946, since it is felt that these indications are in no way an exaggeration of the overall picture. Nevertheless* such calculations- cannot be regarded as more than approxi- mations without extensive and adequate sampling, considering relative elevations, forest density and light intensity. In estimating populations, the absolute elevation may not be as important as the relative height in a valley system. Thus the floor of the upper Caycuse valley, 750 feet elevation, was as severely defoliated as that of the Nitinat at 80 feet. In higher tributary valleys this characteristic was still evident in the severe attack in the gullies of small streams. That elevations are of minor importance, however, is not suggested, since in the Nitinat where 20 sampling points were selected with 92 moss samples examined, defoliation aver- Natural Control.— R ecords ob- tained from the Caycuse valley, the oldest apparent infested region in 1945, showed a larval parasitism of 5% and pupal para- sitism somewhat less. No egg parasites were found in 1259 eggs incubated in January 1946. Of another 2000 eggs collected in March 1946, 93% hatched and no parasites were recorded. Neither de Gryse (1934) nor Watson (1934) re- ported parasites of primary importance in looper outbreaks in eastern Canada. Hop- ping (1934) recorded 14 species of para- sites on the coast of British Columbia, but a high of only some 2 1 % parasitism of larvae and pupae combined. He did, however, obtain 25% parasitism of eggs in the Seymour Arm region. In the light of the past records and in view of the trend suggested by current winter investi- gations, there appears to be little likeli- hood of any immediate slackening in the present hemlock looper situation. The eventual termination of the current cycle through the prevalence of disease is a Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Per. 4, 1947 35 strong possibility, since there were minor predict the trend of insect diseases and the indications of the appearance of disease future of this present outbreak of the in 1945. Iuis yet too early, however, to hemlock looper. Literature Cited tie Gryse, J. J. and K. Schedl, 1934. An account of the eastern hemlock looper, Ellopia fiscellaria Gn., on hemlock, with notes on allied species. Sci. Agr. 14:523-539. Hopping, G. R. 1934. An account of the western hemlock looper, Ellopia somniaria Hulst., on conifers in British Columbia. Sci. Agr. 15:12-29. Jaenicke, A. J. 1929. The western hemlock looper. Pour L Lumber News 11:16-20. Swaine, J. M. 1918. Insect injuries to forests in British Columbia, Chapter X, p. 220-37 in: Forests of British Columbia by H. N. Whitford and R. D. Craig, Commission of con- servation, Ottawa. Watson, E. B. 1934. An account of the eastern hemlock looper, Ellopia fiscellaria Gn., on balsam fir. Sci. Agr. 14:669-678. RESUME OF INFESTATIONS AND CONTROL OF THE COLORADO POTATO BEETLE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, 1911-1946. I. J. Ward Provincial Entomologist, Vernon, B.C. The potato beetle ( Leftinotarsa decem- lineata (Say) ) was first recorded in Brit- ish Columbia in 1911 at Newgate on the International Boundary in the extreme south-eastern portion of the . Province. It appears that this infestation originated from the adjoining State of Montana. No systematic eradication or control measures were adopted when the pest was first observed and the area of infestation grew considerably year by year. In 1922 E.C. Hunt, District Horticulturist, Nelson, B.C., and J. W. Eastham, Provincial Plant Pathologist, made a survey of the Newgate country and recommended that help be given to the growers. The follow- ing year control measures were adopted to a limited degree. In 1926 the Dominion Entomological Branch in co-operation with the Provincial Department of Agriculture undertook to investigate the extent of the potato beetle infestation and to work out a systematic conrol program. The district then infested consisted of two areas: (1) The larger area extended from Newgate north to Fernie . and north-west through C ran brook to Premier Lake ‘in the Kootenay- Columbia Valley. (2) The smaller area extended from Rykerts, B.C. on the International Boundary north to Creston and Wynndel. It is. believed that this infestation came to the Creston district, some sixty (airline) miles west of New- gate, from the State of Idaho to the south during 1923 or 1924. The total area infested in the two dis- tricts amounted to approximately 665 square miles in which some 880 acres of potatoes were grown. Supervised control measures were under- taken in 1927 and a total of 32,965 pounds of calcium arsenate 1-6 dust were used during the year. The late A. A. Dennys of the Dominion Division of En- tomology was placed in charge. A reduc- tion in the intensity of the infestation was noted. During the following year a spot infestation occurred 100 miles farther afield near Golden, B.C., in the upper Columbia Valley. This area was dusted thoroughly by Mr. Dennys-, and up until this year (1946) there has been no recur- rence of the infestation. In spite of improved and annual control, new infestations have occurred from time to time in isolated. parts of southern British Columbia. In the early 1 930’s 'a 'spot in- 36 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Fer. 4, 1947 festation occurred in the Nelson area. Con- trol work was undertaken by E. C. Hunt, the infestation was completely cleaned out and there has been no recurrence. During 1936 two infestations were reported at Grand Forks, B.C., on the International Boundary, and the pest spread considerably in 1937. The late M. H. Ruhmann, Pro- vincial Entomologist, took charge of con- trol in this area and after five years of thorough work the pest, so far as known, was completely eradicated. In 1944 an area of infestation was found in the South Okanagan-Similka- meen district just above the State of Wash- ington. R. P. Murray of the British Col- umbia Horticultural staff, Penticton, car- ried out early control measures and a super- visor was appointed for control work in 1945 and 1946. A definite improvement in conditions has resulted. The latest infestation in the Province occurred during 1946 in the Kootenay area between Trail and Nelson. Good control was obtained during the year and this area will be watched closely in 1947. A check of a map will soon indicate that all infestations have originated close to the International Boundary. The neighboring states are known to be infested. It is not considered possible that the potato beetle will ever be eradicated from British Col- umbia, as frequent new infestations are al- most certain to occur. There is every hope that the total area infested from year to CALIFORNIA TORTOISE-SHELL BUTTERFLY IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, in 1945. (LEPIDOPTERA).— - The California Tortoise-shell, Nymphalis californica Bdv., ranges throughout the Rocky mountains from sea level in southern British Columbia to California where it is more of a mountain species. The year 1945 has been a favourable one for this notably erratic species. It occurred in large numbers in various parts of the Province where in previous years it was scarcely noticed. John Sowerby of Tata Creek, some twenty miles north of Cranbrook, reports that during the last thirty years he has never seen them in such large numbers. They were also observed by the writer swarming about damp places along the roadside in Manning Park, about the second week in August. In the vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island, they were more numerous than any other species of butterfly. From time to time during the season, similar reports have come in from other sections of the Province. year will be held to a minimum and im- portant potato growing areas may be free of this pest for years to come. In recent years there has been no economic loss of potatoes due to the potato beetle. British Columbia is broken up by high mountain ranges and river valleys. These serve as ideal barriers against the spread of the beetle and break up agricultural land into isolated areas. This has made it possible definitely to eradicate the pest from some areas. New insecticides have provided improved control throughout the years. Supervised control has been carried out at a relatively low yearly cost and undoubtedly has pre- vented a much larger area of the Province from becoming infested. The overall area of infestation during 1946 was less than in 1926. During 1926 a total of 33,000 pounds of poison dust was used in the East Kootenay district alone compared with less than 10,000 pounds in 1946 for the entire Province. It is possible to check the records of this work done by the British Columbia De- partment of Agriculture for the past twen- ty years and to realize that the farmers have been spared a large annual expense and possible crop loss. This was accomplished for less than $5,000 yearly. If infestations had been ignored and the pest had become general the estimated annual control cost to the farmers would, by this time, have been well over $100,000 annually. A wood-pile affords an excellent hibernaculum. Throughout the cold weather several specimens were found snugly tucked between blocks of wood. One was seen flying across a busy street in Victoria on January 5, while another was disporting about a wood-pile on the 17th. The larvae usually feed on Ceanothus, but sometimes they resort to alfalfa, manzanita and other shrubs. — George A. Hardy, Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. TROPIDISCHIA XANTHOSTOMA FROM TOFINO, B.C. (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae) . — During December, 1945 I took a specimen of the cave cricket Tropidis- chia xanthostoma (Scudder) at Tofino on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. E. R. Buckell, who identi- fied the insect, advises me that this is the first record from the West Coast of the Island, and that the speci- men is immature. It was found in a subterranean wooden drain used to carry off rainwater from a house. — Richard Guppy, Wellington, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 COMMERCIAL APPLICATION OF PHENOTHIAZINE FOR CODLING MOTH 1 CONTROL. R. P. Murray 2 Department of Agriculture, Penticton, B.C. Although phenothiazine had been used experimentally since 1934, not until 1945 was it applied on a commercial scale for codling moth control either in British Col- umbia or elsewhere as far as can be learned. Experimental work undertaken at Kelowna in 1937 by Ben Hoy3, District Field Inspector of Kelowna and continued by him and the Dominion Entomological Laboratory staff4 until 1944 produced very encouraging results. jin working with phenothiazine they found that the ordinary commercial grade used as an anthelmintic was not sufficiently toxic for codling moth control. When mi- cronized, however, it was highly effective. In fact micronized phenothiazine proved to be about five times as effective as either lead arsenate or cryolite. They also found that if applied late in the season, either as late first brood cover sprays or second brood sprays phenothiazine interfered with nor- mal coloration of red varieties of apples. Furthermore, if applied during hot weath- er it was capable of causing quite serious skin burning on the spray men. Since the material is not wetted by water it is neces- sary first to wet it with oil, then to disperse the oil-wetted phenothiazine in water by means of a substance such as casein-lime spreader. Because -ordinary summer oil re- sulted in a heavy deposit that could not be removed, stove oil was used as the wetting agent. As a result of this work the writer in 1 Carpocap-a pomoneila L. 2 District Field Inspector, British Columbia Depart- ment of Agriculture, Penticton, B.C. 3 Hoy, Ben, 1943. Phenothiazine as a codling moth insecticide. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia, Proc. 40:11-12. 4 Marshall, J., 1945. Phenothiazine in codling moth control. Scientific Agriculture 25 (9):546-550. LOCALITY LABELS. — Excellent labels in 3*4 or 4 point type, may be obtained from The Nature Com- pany, P.O. Box 403, Covinton, La., U.S.A. Two, 3 or 1945 undertook to test the value of mi- cronized phenothiazine on a commercial basis at Penticton, B.C. Four orchards that were heavily infested by codling moth in 1944 received early first brood sprays of three-fourths pound micronized phenothia- zine per hundred gallons wetted by one quart of stove oil which, in turn, was emulsified by approximately two ounces of casein-lime spreader. About 50 acres were involved and approximately 1,300 pounds of micronized phenothiazine used in the treatment. Each orchard received a calyx spray of either cryolite or lead arsenate, and first, second and third cover sprays of micronized phenothiazine. The fourth and fifth cover sprays were of cryolite-casein- lime and second brood applications were either of fixed nicotine or cryolite-casein- lime. With the exception of one property which was improperly sprayed the orchards showed marked improvement in codling moth control. Results are summarized herewith : 1944 Infestation 1945 Infestation Orchard Per Cent Per Cent No. 1 60 4.3 No. 2 50 8 No. 3 No record, but only portion of crop picked, due to coddling moth infestation. 12 No. 4 28 24 Because 1945 was a year during which infestation in the Okanagan Valley as a whole showed general increase in spite of the heaviest spraying on record, these re- sults are gratifying. It is anticipated that upwards of fifteen tons of micronized phenothiazine will be used for codling moth control in British Columbia during 1946. 4-line white labels, all the same: 45c for 500; 70c for 1,000, and 45c for each additional thousand. 38 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones, M.A., F.R.E.S. Cobble Hill, B.C. Again it is my privilege to welcome the members of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, this time to their 45th Annual Meeting. It is a desirable feature to hold our meetings on occasion at varying points in the Province, and it should help to diffuse a better understanding of our Society’s work and activities, many of which, in the economic sphere in particular, are, of value to the agriculturist, the horticulturist, the fruitgrower and those dependent on fores- try for their living. It also gives an oppor- tunity for members who would otherwise be unable to attend through difficulties of travel and other causes, to be present when the meeting is held near their home town, or place of employment. Hence the choice of Lytton this year, being, as it is, a reason- ably easy journey both from the coastal areas and the interior of the Province. Since we lkst met, world events have moved very swiftly and we now find our- selves in a period of transition from a world war to an era of peace, with its visions of great opportunities and progress, but also, let us not forget, beset with its attendant difficulties and problems. As touching our Society we look forward to a period of expansion both in membership and activities. Membership — In the name of the Society I welcome all those, whose names have been put forward for nomination, and who will shortly, in due course of procedure, be elected members. The Society extends a cordial welcome to the men and women of the services on their return to civil life and the resump- tion of normal activities and invites, any interested in the ways and habits of insects to become members, and so give us and the Province as a whole the benefit of their discoveries, knowledge and ability. Our universities and colleges are full to overflowing and among these many stu- dents there are some who no doubt are in- terested in entomological research. We should not overlook nor ignore these po- tential entomologists, but make them feel welcome in our midst and give encourage- ment to them in their work. Young people especially react favour- ably when interest is shown by those of us who are older and presumably therefore possessed of greater learning and wisdom. Sound advice and constructive criticism, given in a kindly way, are valuable in help- ing the inexperienced student, whereas de- structive criticism merely blasts earnest en- deavour. With so many returned men and women in our colleges this would seem an opportune time to offer a small prize, per- haps a book or something of that nature, to be awarded to a deserving student who shows promise of distinguished achievement in entomological research. By so doing the Society would be showing in a practical way its interest in the students of our Prov- ince. Activities — As to the Society’s activities, now that peace time conditions lie ahead, equal stress should be laid upon work of a purely scientific value as upon economic re- search. However it is only to be expected that the latter will seem of greater import- ance to many, especially the general public. There is a wide scope in both fields. On the purely scientific side, more informa- tion would be welcome on such subjects as hybridization, the causes which contribute to colour variation in species, the reasons for gynandromorphic specimens and whether this can be produced artificially, the diseases of insects, their causes and cure, if any, and many other kindred sub- jects. For those interested in taxonomy the compiling and revision of check lists, lists of host plants and of the geographical dis- tribution of species, are but a few examples of much needed work. On the economic side, further experiments in the use of in- Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 39 secticides, such as the powerful DDT are urgently required. Decisions will have to be made in the light of available data as to the advisability of wholesale and unre- stricted use of any particular insecticide. The question to be decided is whether the advantages to be gained by an intensive ap- plication of powerful insecticide in any one area with the resultant death of all but a few species of insects may be outweighed by the destruction of many beneficial in- sects and the balance of nature upset. To turn to another topic, interest is be- ing shown in some quarters of the Province in the breeding for commercial purposes of the silk-worm Bombyx mori Linnaeus. In- formation as to the best methods of breed- ing the larvae would doubtless be welcome. Also in districts where its primary food plant the mulberry is scarce, information as to substitute food plants would be desir- able. Currant and lettuce have been tried by some and the larvae have been known to feed on these plants and spin their cocoons. Lettuce, however, is liable to cause di- arrhoea and is therefore not very satisfac- tory. Some of our members could perhaps furnish more information on the above lines. There is another point which should not be overlooked, that of instructing the pub- lic. For the most part the average person is very ignorant about the ways and habits of insects. One common example will illus- trate what I mean. About this time of the year, or even earlier, it is not uncommon to find references in the press to the early appearance of butterflies. The insect is frequently called “Amos,” and certain de- ductions are made of a more or less erro- neous nature. This year radio commenta- tors have joined the press in mentioning the early appearance of butterflies, and deduc- ing from such appearances an exceptionally early spring or specially favourable weather for some place or other. There may be an element of truth in all this, but the fact is overlooked that many species of butterflies such as Commas, Tortoise-shells, the Mourning Cloaks and possibly in suitable districts Red Admirals, hibernate during the winter months in such places as barns, outhouses, basements, wood piles and thick brush. Consequently on a mild and sunny day in winter or early spring they may fre- quently be seen taking an airing as if en- joying a brief spell of exercise in the sun’s genial rays. There is no particular signifi- cance in this. It is quite a normal habit. On the other hand a report of the appear- ance of a non-hibernating species such- as an Orange Tip, a Blue, or Cabbage White at a very early date would be of note and worthy of press or radio comment. Mem- bers of our Society could help to correct such misconceptions as the one now under review by giving accurate and interesting information from time to time about our insects, either by articles in the press, through information supplied to the schools, or in many other ways. Erroneous ideas should whenever possible be dispelled by someone competent to do so. One thing we should remember when addressing the pub- lic is to use language which they under- stand so that they will benefit by the infor- mation offered and we on our part will not be misunderstood and perhaps ridiculed. It is abundantly clear then that there is a wide choice of activity open to our members in the years that lie ahead. Finances. — The finances of the Society show a distinct improvement. They show a credit balance of about $85.00. This is very largely due to the successful advertis- ing campaign conducted by Messrs. Ivor Ward and Ralph Cudmore and the thanks of the Society are due to them for their ef- forts. The fears of those who thought that the general appearance of the PRO- CEEDINGS would be spoiled by the pres- ence of advertisements seem quite unjusti- fied. It will be noted that the amount borrowed from the Reserve Endowment Fund has been recovered, but to replace this imme- diately would leave only a few dollars in the general account with which to carry on. It would be unwise to take any action which would leave the Secretary-Treasurer with no adequate funds with which to start the financial year. A similar result next year and the year following should show a satisfactory credit balance after all indebt- Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 edness to the Reserve Fund has been paid up. This fund is now a separate account into which all moneys earmarked for it will be paid in future. Now a word as to the ultimate use of the Reserve Fund. It is desirable and neces- sary that this fund should be augmented so that the Society may have adequate and in- dependent reserves with which to enlarge and improve the PROCEEDINGS and possibly to publish a quarterly journal and to restore the privilege granted by many contemporaries of 25 free copies of re- prints. To be independent of any outside assistance for our publications is a very worth-while objective, and one which will give complete freedom to our editorial committee in its choice of material for publication. At the present time it is under obligation to give preference to economic papers. However we ought not to stop at the mere provision of funds for our publica- tions. As a learned Society we should do something to justify that claim. For exam- ple we should offer prizes and scholarships. It would be much to our credit, and prob- ably to our advantage, if we were to start some such action in the immediate future. A small prize could be offered now and a larger one later on till we could see our way clear to provide a scholarship. Such a step seems eminently desirable. So again I commend this fund to your notice, sympa- thetic consideration and generous support and remind you of my previous remarks on this subject ( Presidential Address, in 1944 PROCEEDINGS, 41:2). Library.— A learned society should be in possession of a good library, and we are fortunate in having a very good nucleus upon which to build one. Unfortunately, however, little use is made of it at the present time chiefly because the books are scattered, some at the Parliament Buildings in Victoria and some at the office of the Dominion Plant Inspection Department in the Federal Building at Vancouver, and also because there is no adequate catalogue. The time appears to be ripe for some action which will make the library accessible and of real use to the members. Probably a library committee should be appointed to go into the ways and means of bringing this about. The books should be collected in to some central place where they would be available to the greatest number of our members and should be of easy access; also a suitable catalogue .should be compiled. It would be unwise, however, to authorize any action which would allow our library to become the property of some other institution as a price for getting it catalogued. Such action, if taken, would probably be regretted later. This question of cataloguing has been discussed before, and various methods have been described to us and we have been urged to choose one or other method. Do we need an elaborate form of catalogue? Ours is not a public library and our membership is not large. A simple and inexpensive catalogue would seem to be all that is necessary to supply the needs of the members. With these matters attended to, members might be encouraged to donate books to the library, or to direct in their wills that their libraries of entomo- logical books become the Society’s property. Books might also be purchased with a grant from the Society’s funds from time to time to complete sets of such journals as the “Canadian Entomologist” and to obtain other desirable books. Entomological Society of Canada. — A proposition emanating from the En- tomological Society of Ontario. It suggests formation of an Entomological Society of Canada to speak and act in the name of Ca- nadian entomologists as a whole. You have received copies of the proposals and I trust that you have given them careful consid- eration. Theoretically, the idea is eminent- , ly sound and is in many respects desirable, and is in keeping with the growing import- ance and prestige of the Dominion. But theories do not always work when put into actual practice, and it is therefore my duty to warn members not to make any hasty or unwise decisions upon this important mat- ter. Under the scheme, our Society remains a branch of the new society, and it is as- sumed that all or at least the majority of our members will wish to join the new or- ganization. It is very doubtful if this as- Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. Prog. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 41 sumption is justified. It is a matter for speculation as to whether the society will ever be anything more than one on paper. We are told that the existing societies and new ones, which it is hoped to form, will in fact constitute the new society. This Is no doubt theoretically correct. It is also questionable as to whether a truly representative number of members from each Province and district of Canada could attend the new society’s meetings. This very difficulty has arisen on a smaller scale, with regard to our own society. At the Coast meetings there is usually a pre- ponderance of Coast members present, and at meetings held in the interior of the Province the reverse prevails. There is therefore grave doubt as to whether we are justified in expecting anvthing very differ- ent in the case of a Dominion-wide society. Then there is the question of the status of our PROCEEDINGS under the new pro- posals. The proposals seem ' somewhat ne- bulous and in need of clarification. The matter calls for our careful and serious thought. However, we should take a broad- minded attitude towards the proposition and weigh the pros and cons very carefully and after having done this express our views clearly and unequivocably. j u ti$emoriam WILLIAM ARTHUR DASHWOOD-JONES, 1858-1928 My father, the late William Arthur Dash wood- Jones, pioneer, and amateur en- tomologist and horticulturist, was born on March 25, 1858, at Kinson, Dorset, Eng- land, the only son of Captain W. A. Dash- wood- Jones, Royal Artillery, and Mrs. Dashwood- Jones. He spent his childhood under the guardianship of his uncle at Up- ton House, Poole, Dorset. He was educat- ed by private tutors and later went to Wimbourne Grammar school, and was in London at the University College school preparing for Cambridge, when, on the loss of his income, he decided to go to British Columbia. He left England in March, 1876, and arrived at . Portland, Maine, where he took train for San Fran- cisco, and came up the coast by boat to Vic- toria, landing there on April 26. He made his home at Nanaimo with his uncle, the late Archdeacon Mason, Rector of St. Paul’s, later Rector of Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria and first Archdeacon of Vancouver. Father spent some time in Nanaimo and Victoria, and ranched on Lasqueti Island and at Duncan. In 1878 he went to take charge of the Inverness cannery winter quarters on the Skeena River where he spent one winter alone but for one other white man. Leaving there he went to Yale before construction of the Canadian Paci- fic Railway, then returned to Victoria. He went then to Drynock, where he was at- tached the Resident Engineer’s staff on construction of the railway. The camp had the honour of entertaining the Marquis of Lome, Governor General of Canada, who came that far on his way to British Col- umbia. Father later went on to Spences 42 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), You. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 Bridge with the engineers and was with them till construction was ended. Under Onderdonk the contractor he became the first express messenger on the division which terminated at Port Moody. He stayed with this work till the Canadian Pacific Railway took over the road, and was their first express messenger on the run from Calgary to Port Moody, the end of the line. He left the railroad in 1888 and came to New Westminster where he engaged in business, in the course of which he shipped the first salmon out of British Columbia over the Rockies. He left the business world to enter the Provincial Government- service in 1894, joining the staff of the Land Registry Office and later becoming Deputy Assessor and Collector. After twenty years’ service, he was superannuated in the early twenties. During all those years he took a keen interest in horticulture and entomology. He organized the first Chrysanthemum Show in New Westminster about 1900. He was a director of the Royal Agriculture Society, and it was by his efforts the floral depart- ment became outstanding. As a boy he had been keenly interested in the out-doors and his hobbies then were birds’ nesting and the collecting of wild flowers, butterflies and moths. At New Westminster he spent all his leisure hours in his garden or in pursuit of his entomological interests. He spoke the Chinook jargon fluently arid often acted as interpreter in court. The years of his retirement were spent in the enjoyment of his many interests. His garden brought visitors from all parts of the country. His big collection of butter- flies, moths, etc., being too large to keep at home was kept at the Court House and it all went up in flames in the New West- minster fire. He never made such a large collection again and in later years gave most of the latter collection away to dif- ferent schools and to the Westminster Club. I treasured four cases, but even with moth balls, I found it impossible to keep out pests, and they went the way of all things, Wk,;S % I think he, was the iflte^&ctiyei in ento- mology during the first four years of the century. He was a charter member of the Entomological Society of British Colum- bia, and carried on a world- wide corres- pondence. Many collectors came out to New Westminster to see him, perhaps the most noted being Dr. Barnes of New York and Decatur, 111., and the Hon. Charles Rothschild of London, England, the own- er together with his brother the Hon. Wal- ter Rothschild, of Tring Museum. To this museum which he had often visited as a boy, father sent many specimens. I have in my possession two volumes (author’s copies) of “A Revision of the Lepidopter- ous Family Sphingidae” by the Hon. Wal- ter Rothschild and Karl Jordan, sent to him by the authors. On page 614 of the larger volume of this work he is mentioned as having sent to the Tring Museum speci- mens of Lefisesia ulalume of which they wrote “a rare insect, of which we have not seen many specimens.” These insects were caught on the blossoms of apples and white lilacs in my father’s garden at 627 6th Avenue, New Westminster. When one considers the number of individuals and species of Sphingidae contained in the Tring Museum, at that time nearly. 16,000 specimens belonging to some 660 species,. ulalume was quite a catch and deserved the special mention it got. Collectors wrote from all over the world for specimens. He sent many to the United States, and also to England and Eastern Canada. I might add that the only places in British Columbia where ulalume was reported by Tring Museum as being taken were Enderby, New Westminster and North Vancouver. He died on October 8, 1928, from shock, three weeks after his elder son Laur- ence, a barrister at Vancouver, was killed by an automobile. The family home is still occupied by his youngest daughter, Mrs. E. G. , Pearson at 627 6th Avenue, New Westminster, where the family has resided to date 52 years. There were five children: Laurence, Victor (627 6th Ave., New Westminster), Edith (Mrs. M. M. Shore, Abbotsford, B.C.), Grace (Mrs. S. M. Green, 721 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 43 6th Ave., New Westminster), and Kath- leen (Mrs. Pearson). Each has a son, i.e. Donald Dash wood- Jones, Edmund Dash- wood- Jones, Kenneth Shore, Stanley Green and Ernest Pearson; three of them served in World War II. Victor, now Head Revenue Accountant in charge of all revenue of the British Columbia Electric Railway Company, Vancouver, as his father was, is greatly interested in en- tomological and botanical activities, and devotes all his spare time to these hobbies, at his country home, “Seven Oakes,” on the south side of the Fraser River in Surrey Municipality. ■ — Grace Melville Green THEODORE ALBERT MO ILL I ET, 1883-1935 My father, Theodore Albert Moilliet, was born at Cheyney Court, Herefordshire, England, May 1 1, 1883, and was educated at Felsted School, Essex. He died at Kam- loops, B.C., on December 21, 1935. Although his father was fairly well-to- do, Tam, being the youngest of five broth- ers, had to depend largely on his own re- sources. When he left school it was a toss- up whether he would go to the South African War or to Canada. He decided in favor of farming in Canada, where he ar- rived in 1 899. At first he was a pupil at a farm near Orillia, Ont. He claimed that he worked harder there than at any time since, and learned how not to farm! Leaving Ontario, he threshed grain in Saskatchewan until the weather became too cold, then worked his way west until he reached Trail, B.C. Here he was employed at the Smelter and became very interested in the work but fell ill with a combination of pneumonia and lead and mercury poison- ing. Upon leaving the hospital he was ad- vised to lead an out-door life. He worked on several ranches, including W. C. Ricar- do’s and Price Ellison’s near Vernon, and Bostock’s at Monte Creek. Then one day, he told me, he was sitting on a hill south of Kamloops, looking up the North Thompson River; the sight of the little known river gripped his imagination and he determined to explore it and possibly take up land. That fall he and his uncle, Hyde Finley, went with a survey party timber cruising as far as Tete Jaune Cache. He first staked land at Cottonwood Flats, a large natural meadow just below Hellsgate. The hay they put up floated away in an un- seasonable September flood. They realized there was no controlling the river, or mos- quitoes, so moved down to what is now Vavenby, to a high clay bench some 300 Teet above the river. This turned out to be too dry and with too little irrigation water to be developed. In 1908 he moved to the south bank of the Thompson where there were several fine creeks with good land adjacent, and pre-empted three quarter- sections. At this time Tam was joined by his brother Jack, and a store was started, there being an influx of settlers) prospec- tors, trappers, etc., and rumours of a rail- way. As it was nearly 50 miles by river 44 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), You. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 or pack trail to Chuchua, the head of the wagon road from Kamloops, my father became an expert with canoe, raft and pack horse. He had several narrow escapes on the river and on one occasion was reported drowned when an Indian found his raft overturned. After Jack’s death in the war (1915) the store was carried on by Mr. Finley until sold in 1925. In 1909 he married Mary T. Stephens who came out from England. I was born the same year, my sister Madeline in 1911, and my brother John in 1919. In 1912-13 the Canadian Northern Railway was put through and our first 50 sheep were driven in over road, right-of-way, and trail from Louis Creek. In 1915, 500 more sheep were obtained from Lacombe in Alberta. Owing to inexperience, lack of good help, ravages by diseases, wood ticks and coyotes, my father was nearly ruined. However, by sheer determination he stuck to sheep and was fortunate in getting as a partner a skilled American shepherd Hiley Ladow. They were among the first in British Col- umbia to run sheep on the high ranges. They grazed on McCorvie Mountain (later called Mt. McLennan) at an eleva- tion of 4,000 to 4,500 feet from 1917-22, and on Foghorn Range, south of Birch Island, at altitudes between 5,000 and 7,- 000 feet, from 1923 on. It was about 1918, and partly to interest me, that my father returned to collecting Lepidoptera, a hobby of which he had been fond as a boy. He joined the Entomologi- cal Society of British Columbia in 1921. Before that he contacted E. H. Blackmore of Victoria, who agreed to set and name us a complete series of all species we sent him. A long and interesting correspond- ence. between the two men resulted, and they became great friends though they never met, and Blackmore’s premature death was keenly felt by us. We collected fairly extensively during the period 1919- 24, after which I went away to school. As Blackmore was chiefly interested in “micros” we concentrated on them. There was great excitement when my father turned in a series of a minute pink creature which Blackmore at first glance took to be a new Order, but after much research, it was discovered to be an al- ready known Fulgorid. I think we found only two species new to science, Enyfia moillieti Blackmore and Efinotia scorsa Blackmore, but a number of others such as Hemaris thy she form cimbiciformis Steph. Basilarchia arthemis Dru., and a certain Blue, and many others were considered re- markable either for their numbers or their range. It was noticed that some forms pre- viously known only from the Arctic were found around timberline. Our collection is still at Vavenby. Black- more kept what specimens he needed, and that material is presumably still in his col- lection, most of which is now at the Uni- versity of British Columbia. I have mentioned the difficulties with wood ticks. So far as I know ours were among the first livestock losses from tick paralysis in the' Province and led E. A. Bruce and Seymour Hadwen, then of Agassiz, to undertake a . study of the situa- tion. As early as 1930 a virulent form of of the tick-borne disease tularaemia was isolated from Haemafhy salts leforis falu- stris Banks, taken from a dying rabbit by my father and forwarded by the late Eric Hearle for testing in Montana. A man of strong personality and phy- sique, my father always took a keen inter- est in community life. He helped- to or- ganize the LJpper North Thompson Farm- ers’ Institute in 1916, and was Secretary of it and its successor, the Upper North Thompson Live Stock Association, until his death. He was Secretary of the local School Board from its beginning in 1917 until his death in 1935. In 1913 he and his brother started making meteorological observations, and the weather records have been kept here ever since. He even started a Debating Society in the early 20’s, but it did not survive a discussion on the respec- tive merits of “Cattle Ranching versus Sheep Ranching.” There has always been much antagonism between the two inter- ests, but my father succeeded in getting what range he wanted. Since the grazing land was being ruined by the growth of brush, he became one of the British Col- i Entomologk at. Soc. of British Columbia. Proc. (1946), Yol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 45 umbia sheep industry’s principal proponents of the idea of improving range land by burning. This ended in a battle with the Forest Branch owing to their obdurate position on the subject. On principle, dur- ing the last few years of his life he refused to pay grazing fees to the Crown, which he contended was fast allowing the range to become overgrown and useless. A great conversationalist and an avid reader, my father wrote many an interest- ing and many a strong letter. It is worthy of note that his liking for biology may have stemmed partly from his knowledge that he was directly descended from the marriage of Francis Galton’s brother with Charles Darwin’s sister. Incidentally, my mother is related to George Crotch who did some of the earliest insect collecting on the coast of British Columbia. He is survived by two older brothers and a sister in England; his widow and his uncle Mr. H. Finley, both of Aveley Ranch, Vavenby; two sons, John and my- self (who are carrying on the business of sheep ranching at Vavenby); and his daughter, now Mrs. E. A. Rendell of Ver- non, B.C. There are five grandchildren. — T. K. Moilliet, Vavenbv, B.C. HARRY CANE, 1860-1935 Harry Cane was born in Slinfold, York- shire, England, on September 30th, 1860, the son of Henry Cane, architect, and Louisa Cane (a direct descendant of Sir Christopher Wren). He received his early education in England. In 1877, his father, having been appoint- ed to superintend the building of a palace for the Maharajah of Cooch Behar, voung Harry accompanied his parents to India. There he studied architecture under his father and assisted him later in the design- ing and construction of the Normal School at Cooch Behar. During his stay in India he painted several beautiful landscapes, and made a fine collection of butterflies which he presented to a friend in England on his return there in 1888. In 1892 he came to the United States and spent a few years in Oregon before coming to Nelson, B.C., where he was connected with a firm of local architects. He again utilized his spare time in making up a moth and butterfly collection, now owned by H. R. Foxlee of Robson, B.C. Though not complete, the collection gives an idea of the many varieties to be found in the Nelson district. For many years his activities were cur- tailed by failing sight, but until his death in 1935, his cheerful courage, in the face of this handicap, was an inspiration to all with whom he came in contact. Always a lover of the beautiful, he found great pleasure in sketching and painting, and many of his watercolours are now prized possessions of various friends throughout the Kootenay district of British Columbia. * * * The above was written by Mrs. Gordon Allan of 1115 Ward Street, Nelson, from data supplied by Mrs. Harry Cane and from her own knowledge as a friend of the family. Mr. Cane’s collection was made I be- lieve in the last decade of the last century 46 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 and the early years of the present one. The insects are well mounted, though low on the pins, in the English style; a few have faded badly. There are about 600 speci- mens, representing 220 species, a goodly number considering that he caught them all in the confines of his own garden. Fif- teen or sixteen of the species I have not yet seen from other parts of the Nelson dis- trict.— H. R. Foxlee. DYSLOBUS LUTEUS AS A PEST OF RASPBERRY (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) . — In the summer of 1906 (date unknown) my attention was called to the ragged condition of the leaves in a patch of cultivated rasp- berries. The damage was distinctive and did not re- semble that usually caused by lepidopterous larvae. In- jured leaves had a series of long narrow areas, extend- ing from the margin to the midrib, entirely removed; the intervening portions of the leaf blade were quite undamaged. There were usually three or four of these injured areas on each side of the mid-rib thus producing a very uniform type of damage. It was confined to the large leaves near the bases of the canes. No cause for the injury being apparent, it was con- cluded that the insect responsible had deserted the plants. However, a visit after dark with the stable lantern revealed numbers of the weevils feeding on the foliage, which in some cases was quite weighted down by them. During the day they could be found hidden beneath the surface soil and under the dead leaves around the crowns of the canes. A specimen was re- cently identified as Dyslobus luteus (Horn) by Peter C. Ting, who is inaking a revisional study of the species of this genus. A similar type of leaf injury has been observed from time to time in raspberry plantations throughout the valley. It is probable that this beetle is quite generally distributed, although owing to its noc- turnal habits it has escaped detection and avoided punishment. — E. P. Venables, Vernon, B.C. HYDATICUS' MODESTUS AT CRESTON, B.C. (Coleop- tera: Dytiscidae). — In the summer of 1945 I reported to H. B. Leech the capture of several Hydaticus modes- tus Sharp at Creston, B.C. He replied that he knew of only 7 other British Columbia specimens — from 6 different localities. Mine were taken in a pond of clear water left by the rampant spring floods of the Goat River, with gravel bottom, no vegetation and only a sprinkling of small drift wood. The pond was exploited throughout the season (Aug. 12-Sept. 18), with a catch of 38 specimens. Males predominated and 3 of the females were of the immaculate phase. — G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. BUPRESTIS CONFLUENTA IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Coleoptera, Buprestidae).1 — Buprestis confluenta Say has a wide distribution in North America, being re- ported from British Columbia to Ontario and from California to Indiana. W. J. Chamberlin (Buprestidae of North America, 1926: 107) cites Populus tremu- loides as its host tree. Two specimens of this species, rare in British Col- umbia, have been received at the Provincial Museum in recent years. One example, taken at Lac la Hache, by George Forbes on July 18, 1943, near a stand of Populus tremu.loides and P. trichocarpa, apparently con- stitutes the most northern record for the Province; the second specimen was collected by the writer in Manning Park, between Hope and Princeton, on August 15, 1945, as it was Testing on an old fir log by the roadside near a growth of P. trichocarpa. G. R. Hopping informs me that he has two speci- mens from Midday Valley, one from Aspen Grove and one from Nicola Lake, while G. Stace Smith reports that' he has taken two individuals at Creston, on or near P. trichocarpa. H. B. Leech has taken the species at Salmon Arm while I understand that G. J. Spencer has additional records. From the available facts this species seems to be partial to the fairly dry interior plateau region of the Province.^1— George A. Hardy, Provincial Museum, Vic- toria, B.C. A NOTE ON THE ANT CRICKET MYRMECOPHILA OREGONENSIS (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). — On Decem- ber 30, 1945, I found in a ceil under loose bark on a fir log, what was evidently a new colony of carpenter ants, Camponotus Sp. It consisted of a queen, four small workers, and a clump of very young larvae. The interesting point is that along with these was a small, perhaps nymphal, ant cricket, Myrecophila ore- gonensis Bruner. This seems to indicate a remarkable instinct, inherent in these crickets, of attaching them- selves to ant colonies at a very early stage in their formation. I cut this log into stove: wood and there was no established colony of ants therein. One other colony, more advanced in that the workers numbered possibly one hundred, was found a few feet away. I could find no crickets with these. — Richard Guppy, Wellington, B.C. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIOGRAPHIES OF ENTOMOLO- GISTS. By Mathilde Carpenter. American Midland Naturalist, 33 (1):1-116. January, 1945. For sale by the A.M.N., Notre Dame, Indiana, price $1.20. — The author considers her paper to be a sort of second edi- tion, enlarged and up to date, of J. S. Wade’s BIBLI- OGRAPHY OF ENTOMOLOGISTS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO NORTH AMERICAN WORKERS (1928. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 21 (3) :489-520) . Cer- ; tainly it is enlarged, not only as to the number of persons listed, but also by the number of references ! per name. In addition it includes all entomologists of all countries and is intended to be complete through ' 1943. The method of citing volume and page is as in the example above. The given names when known, the years of birth and death are included for each person but all other data must of course be obtained from the references cited. — H. B. L. The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia is published annually. Individual volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Secretary, Entomological Society of British Columbia, Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 rfynicuttane, . . . In the rapidly expanding field of Agricultural Chemi- cals C-I-L is endeavouring to do the best job possible. While fertilizers still hold an important place of their own, new chemicals for use in Agriculture now have be- come so important a part of our work that the name of FERTILIZER DIVISION has been changed to AGRI- CULTURAL CHEMICALS DIVISION. It is the aim of this division of C-I-L to give the greatest possible ser- vice not only in fertilizers, but also in fungicides, insec- ticides, herbicides and all other allied chemicals for use in Agriculture. 'Hetv (tyemCcatl. ta Jilg *?.G. Apples . . . buy in smpii dBcnfst’iss . . . and serve ■v* them crisp & cool from your refrigerator. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1946), Vol. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 BRINGING THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS: BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE DN 111 DN DRI MIX No. 1 DN DRI MIX No. 2 D-DUST-50 (50% wettable DDT) D-DUST-3 (3% DDT Dust) COMMERCIAL CHEMICALS LIMITED Pier H, foot of Carrall St., Vancouver, B.C. ANSELL LABORATORIES LTD. VERNON, B.C. Manufacturers and Distributors of 'PtaeCuctA, INSECTICIDES CLEANING COMPOUNDS Special Mixing TASTE GOOD • SAVE TIME • NO WASTE • EASY TO PACK • READY FOR USE AT ANY TIME BULMANS LIMITED, VERNON, B.C Entomological Soc. of British Columbia; Proc. (1946), Vo l. 43, Feb. 4, 1947 NICHOLS CHEMICAL ) ogett A Complete Line of DDT Products Including Advanced and Exclusive Formulations — For All Established Horticultural Applications NICHOLS' DDT products — as all its agricultural chemi- cals— are the result of thorough going research and close, practical association with growers’ needs. Into their de- velopment has gone all of the skill, science and experience gained in producing Orchard Brand insecticides and fun- gicides for Canadian agriculture. a&ctc t CsENITOX DDT PRODUCTS GENITOX S50— 50% DDT Wettable Spray Powder. GENICOP 3-6 DUST— A DDT-Neutral Copper (com- bined Insecticide-Fungicide) Dust containing 3% DDT and 6% Metallic Copper. GENICOP SPRAY POWDER— Highly concentrated DDT Insecticide — Neutral Copper Fungicide for Spraying. For full information , contact nearest Nichols Chemical Sales and Technical Service Office . Hie NICHOLS CHEMICAL COMPANY, Limited MONTREAL • TORONTO • VANCOUVER ... Executive Offices, Sun Life Bldg,, Montreal Insecticide Division RESULTS given this YEAR by these PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS Entomologists and Farmers throughout Canada have given generous praise to the high quality and perform- ance of Green Cross Products— -Here are a few that have been outstanding: — for the Orchards Mulsoid Micronized* Wettable Sulphur — Dinitrosol* — Spralastic* Spreader-Sticker— Oil Type Stop-Drop* On Potatoes 0jf 50% Micronized* DDT Wettable Powder — 14% |f: DDT Basi-Cop* Spray Powder— 3 % DDT Basi-Cop* Dust On Vegetables and Flowers 0jf NNOR* Rotenone Spray — Garden Guard* Rotenone t|f Dust — DDT Flower Spray — Basi-Cop* — Daylite* Dust — Tomato Dust ^ for Weed Control WEED-NO-MORE, the only product containing the |pf butyl ester of 2-4, D for General Pest Control f 50% DDT Powder for Barn & Livestock Spray— ill* 5 % DDT Residual Household Spray — Green Cross ||f Animal Insect Powder— Py rad ee* Insect Powder and others. GREEN CROSS FIELD LEADER PRODUCTS Manufactured in Canada by: *Reg*d trademark 7* @onnec£" BORON DEFICIENCIES VUs, 20 MULE TEAM BORAX OR BORIC ACID Authorities have recognized that the depletion of Boron in soil has been reflected in limited production and poor quality of numerous field and fruit crops. The work and recommendations of Agricultural Experiment Stations are steadily in- creasing the recognition of the need for Boron in Agriculture and Horticulture. We are prepared to render every practical assistance. PACIFIC COAST BORAX COMPANY P. O. .BOX 5539, METROPOLITAN STATION, LOS ANGELES 55, CALIFORNIA Distributed by MACDONALD & WILSON LIMITED Contributing to Plpduction With a full line of CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN including Bulman’s Go-West Weevil Bait Boots Coppesan Black Leaf “40” Black Leaf “155” Bartlett’s Microscopic Sulphur Atlacide Weed Killer Naugatuck 2, 4-D DDT 5% Surface Spray DDT 10% Dust Spergon Seed Treatment DDT 50% Wettable Beta Naphthol Tree Bands RUOKiRFIELD*S P.O. Box 219 Vancouver, B.C. proceedings of the ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 44. Issued February 16, 1948 Page Fender — Systematic Entomology in the Pacific Northwest. ... 1 Spencer — 'Some Records of Mallophaga from British Columbia Birds 3 Spencer — Notes on Some Dermestidae of B.C. 6 Spencer & Wellington — A Preliminary List of the Sphecinae of B.C. ,10 Leech — Bidessus leachi, a New Species of Dytiscid Water Beetle from Northern California 11 Gijppy — A Preliminary List of Ichneumonidae Collected in the Wellington District of Vancouver Island, B.C 12 Downes — The Control of the Holly Leaf Miner Phytomyza ilicis Curtis by means of DDT 14 Hatton — Notes on the Life History of Some Tabanid Larvae. 15 Guppy — Some Notes on the Habits of Arzama obliqua on Van- couver Island 17 Spencer — A Preliminary List of Tipulidae from B.C 19 Spencer — Some Records of Collembola from B.C 22 Olds — 1946 Oriental Fruit Moth Survey in the Southern Okan- agan Valley, B.C 23 Clark — An Annotated List of Coleoptera Taken at or near Terrace, B.C. Part 1 24 Morgan — The Biology of Monochamus notatus morgard 28 Hardy — Some Beetles of the Families Cerambycidae and Bu- prestidae from Manning Park, B.C 31 In Memoriam — Ivor Jesmond Ward 35 James Dalglei^h Inglis 35 Daniel Herbert Leech 36 Scientific Notes 9, 27, 30, 34, 38, 39 *pon, y but have not been able to get them identified as yet. Literature Cited Hinton, H. E., 1945. A monograph of the Beetles associated with stored products. Vol. 1, British Museum, London. Milliron, H. E., 1939. A Parthenogenetic New Species of the Genus Perimegatoma Horn (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Annals Ent. Soc. of Am., 32 (3):570-574. THE CLAY-COLOURED WEEVIL, BRACHYRHINUS SINGULARS, IN WEST POINT GREY, VANCOUVER. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). — The clay-coloured wee- vil, Brachyrhinus singulars (L.) first reported in this Province from Victoria by Mr. Harry Andison (Ent. Soc. B.C. Proc. 38, 1942) appeared in West Point Grey in October 1944, when one specimen was cap- tured in my house. The next year, four beetles were taken on the kitchen and pantry windows, also in October. Now in the spring of 1944 I had first noticed holes eaten out of the leaves of purple iris bordering the sidewalk alongside the house and in 1945 the holes had noticeably increased until many leaves showed extensive damage: on both occasions the plants were inspected by daylight but no insects could be found on them . In the first week of May 1945, the irises were examined at night with a flashlight, at intervals from 8 o’clock onwards and several weevils were found chewing holes in the leaves. By 9 o’clock they had increased in numbers and remained fairly constant for the next half hour, so the worst infested portion of the bed, a strip some 35 feet alongside the house, was carefully swept with a net and many weevils were taken; a further strip of some 105 feet alongside the garden fence where the irises were but little damaged, yielded about a dozen more. In all, 131 clay-coloured weevils, 2 strawberry-root weevils (Brachyrhinus ovatus (L.) and 4 others (sp. indet.) were collected from off the iris leaves. Apparently this sweeping removed practically all the beetles because in October 1946, only one iris leaf was found to have been recently damaged and no beetles could be located. During the first week in May, 1947, the iris plants in these two beds and other clumps inside the garden walls, which hitherto had not been touched, showed signs of being attacked. Sweeping at 9 p.m. on May 10th yielded 23 beetles, and no subsequent damage occurred. The garden contains a considerable range of an- nuals and perennials but only irises seem to be at- tacked and, of several varieties of these, the purple is most susceptible. The weevils apparently range widely since one was taken in May, on a limb of a sweet cherry tree, 25 feet from the trunk and 6 feet off the ground, so their damage will probably soon extend to other plants besides iris. Andison (loc. cit.) records them as extensively injuring laurel leaves in Victoria. There are no laurels in my garden but for several years I have noticed the lower leaves of sev- eral laurel bushes in the next block, to be extensively damaged: it is therefore very likely that this same insect is concerned and that its distribution in West Point Grey is far more extensive than is at present realized. — G. J. Spencer, Department of Zoology, Uni- versity of British Columbia. 10 Entomologic al Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1947). Vol. 44. Feb. 16, 1948 A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE SPHECINAE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ( Hymenoptera) G. J. Spencer and W. G. Wellington Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. and Dominion Forest Insects Laboratory, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario With the idea of recording for this Province, at least a few of the enormous number of species of Hymenoptera with which we are blessed, we present a first list of 3 tribes of digger or thread-waisted wasps, called also mud daubers. The soli- tary or aggregated mud nests of some species, resembling heavy tubes, are not uncommon under eaves of barns; others build nests in the ground. All of them provision their nests with other insects such as caterpillars (largely cutworms), well-grown nymphs of grasshoppers, or spiders. The steel-blue Chlorion, or Cha- lybion , or blue or black Podalonia are common sights on the ranges of the in- terior of the Province as they nervously, with short rushes, hunt their prey. The senior author once took 39 paralyzed spid- ers from the nest of, I think, Sceliphron caementarium Dr. These mud nests read- ily disintegrate if they become rain-soak- ed, hence the care with which the mother insect places them in dry, sheltered places. The best collecting grounds for these sphecoids is a patch of umbelliferous plants in full flower, such as water pars- nip, which they frequent in large numbers. The giant of this group, Chlorion ichneu- monium Linn, is very partial to flowering heads of milkweed. The 210 specimens upon which this paper is based are the greater part of these insects occurring in the University collec- tions. Most of them were collected by G. J. Spencer who has written the script of this paper; the task of listing the species and arranging the names was done by W. G. Wellington. Cordial thanks are offer- ed by Dr. Don Murray, University of Minnesota, for identifying these wasps. Tribe CHLORIONINI Chlorion atratum LePeletier, Kamloops, Summerland. Chlorion bif oveolatum Taschenberg, Lyt- toni Kamloops, Summerland. Chlorion axtecum Saussure, Summerland. Chlorion laevive?itris (Cresson), Lytton, Winslow. Chlorion ichneumonium Linnaeus, Sal- mon Arm, Vernon, Kamloops, Sum- merland, Penticton. Tribe SPHECINI Podalonia ( Psammophila ) luctuosa Smith, Vernon, Summerland, Kamloops, Chil- cotin. Podalonia (Psarnm.) valida Cresson, Nic- ola, Chilcotin. Podalonia (Psamm.) robusta Cresson, Lytton, Summerland. Podalonia (Psam Achillea mil- lefoliumj Heracleum lanatum and Cicut'a vagans. B.C., transcontinental. Chrysobothris pseudotsugae Van D. Six, F.B.C, T.B, G.C, July 26 to Aug. 6. On newly cut Pinus contorta and Abies lasiocarpa. B.C. to California. Chrysobothris trinervia Kby. One, F.B.C, July 26. On newly cut Pinus contorta. B.C. mainland and transcontinental. Agrilus politus Say. Two, F.B.C, Aug. 13. On Salix sitchensis. Widely dis- tributed throughout North America, wherever willows occur. Discussion. CERAMBYCIDAE The Manning Park Cerambycid fauna, so far examined, appears to contain no especially marked divergence from that of the adjoining territory, but constitutes part of a general northwest by southeast strip of a humid coastal association which for convenience of expression is known as the Vancouver strip, extending from Alaska to California and roughly includes the Cascade and Coast mountain ranges. It is, however, of local interest, in that here are to be found an intermingling of the humid coastal species with those of the dry interior forms; but with the former by far predominating. From this point of view, the park area may eventually be found to have species of the dry belt forms, which here reach their western or near western limit of distribution. In a consideration of the species re- corded for the park it is well to include or to at least take account of a list of Cerambycidae collected by Mr. G. Stace Smith at Copper Mountain, which lies just outside the eastern boundary of the park. Of the 48 species so listed 23 were found in Manning Park during our short visit, while of the remainder, the majority will probably be found there in more extended seasonal collections. Among the 33 species taken in the park, only three are not listed in the Copper Mountain group, but may eventually be found in that area also. As far as the park collections are con- cerned, about 12 per cent of the species are characteristic of the dry belt, and ap- parently reach their western limit within the area. This group includes Gaurotes cressoniy Leptacmaeops longicornis and Anoplodera instabilis. Twenty-four per cent are typically humid coastal species and include Leptalia frankenhaeuseriy which 34 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1947), Vol. 44, Feb. 16, 1948 is also an endemic genus of the Vancou- veran strip, Leftura obliterata. T etrofimn velutinum and Pachyta arm at a. Fifty - three per cent or by far the larger propor- tion are of northern origin and of circum- polar or wide North American distribu- tion. This percentage includes Tragosoma harrisiy Pachyta lamedy Anoflodera cana- densis and A. chrysocomay to mention only a few. BUPRESTIDAE This family has much the same relation to the adjoining territory as the Ceram- bycidae. The species have a wide contin- ental range, with the exception of Chry- sobothris fseudotsugae and Bufrestis auru- lentay which are confined to the Pacific coast. B. confluenta appears to reach its western limit in the park area. Mr. Stace Smith lists 22 species from Copper Mountain, as compared with nine Copper Mountain species will eventually from Manning Park; probably all of. the be found to occur in the park area. Summary. Thirty-three species of Cerambycidae and nine species of Buprestidae were taken in the area during the period of July 21 to August 1 6, 1945. From a distributional view point the Cerambycidae constitute about 30 per cent west coast or Vancouveran strip. The re- maining 70 per cent are composed, for the most part, of holarctic elements of wide distribution and of comparatively recent specific origin. One genus, NeoclytuSy is of neotropical origin. Three species are ‘dry belt” forms not, so are as known, recorded west of the park boundaries. Two species remain to be identified. Only four species of Cerambycidae and one of Buprestidae listed here have not yet been recorded for Vancouver Island. Literature Cited Smith, Stace G. 1929, 1930. “Coleoptera” Museum and Art Notes (Vancouver, B.C.) 1929. 4 (2) : 73-74 ; 1930, 5 (l):24-25. Lindley, E. G. 1939. The Origin and Distribution of the Cerambycidae of North America, with special reference to the fauna of the Pacific slope. Proc. Sixth. Pac. Sci. Congress 1939.4:269-282. THE HIBERNATION OF NYMPHALIS CALIFORNICA (Bdv.), THE CALIFORNIA TORTOISESHELL BUT- TERFLY; A QUERY — In the summer of 1945 (as noted by Hardy, Ent. Soc. B.C.(Proc. 43:36) enormous numbers of this butterfly occurred throughout south- ern British Columbia. They do not breed on Vancou- ver Island but arrive here late in the summer and remain for the winter. On May 11th, 1946, while en- gaged in experimental spraying at Brentwood on the Saanich peninsula, I observed thousands of these but- terflies passing overhead in a north-easterly direction. They travelled in small parties of ten or a dozen, al- ways in the direction of the southern mainland. This return migration had been continuing for at least a week or ten days previous to my observing it and was so noticeable that it was the subject of correspondence in the local press. The point that occurs to me is that it is unusual for an insect to breed in one part of the province and hiberate in another. It would be inter- esting to know whether the habit of hibernating in the more salubrious climate of southern Vancouver Island rather than in the region where it breeds is the usual custom of this species or whether it occurs only in years of excessive abundance. In this connection the observations of entomologists on the mainland would help to clear up the point. Have hibernating speci- mens of this species been found on the mainland in the regions where Ceanothus, the food plant, occurs? — W. Downes, 2056 Granite Street, Victoria, B.C. SPRING FLIGHT OF NYMPHALIS CALIFORNICA NEAR NELSON, B.C. (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae). — While driving near Coffee Creek on the road between Nelson and Kaslo, B.C., April 14, 1947, I came upon a swarm of tortoiseshell butterflies. There were tens of thousands of them along the road and they seemed to be moving southward though I could not be sure of this. Every few yards there were groups of approxi- mately 100 settled, and the air was full of them. They did not extend south beyond Queens Bay, though a few were noted across the lake, between Gray Creek and Creston. I am indebted to Dr. T. N. Freeman of Ottawa for identifying one of the butterflies as N. CALIFORNICA (Bdv.).— H. J. Coles, Golden, B.C. ELM GALL APHID EATEN BY EVENING GROS- BEAK (Aphididae: Eriosoinatidae). — For about a week each year flocks of noisy evening Grosbeaks (Hesperi- phona vespertina) invade the American elm trees lining Some of Vernon’s streets. This season (1947) they were busy by May 15, and the sidewalks were soon littered with bits of leaves. Examination showed that the birds were picking only the rolled leaf-galls filled with maturing Eriosoma americana (Riley), which they soon stripped out. The coxcomb galls of E. crataegi (Oest.), equally common on the trees, were not attacked in any of the cases observed. I am indebted to E. P. Venables for identification of the aphids. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1947), Vol. 44, Feb. 16, 1948 35 3jtt .ipbmoriam IVOR JESMOND WARD, 1908-1947 It is with deep regret that we record the death of Ivor Jesmond Ward, Provincial Entomologist for British Columbia, which occurred on February 5, 1947, at the age of 38 years. Born in England, he came out to Vernon, British Columbia, with his parents, 35 years ago. In 1926 he joined the staff of the Dominion Entomological Laboratory in Vernon, and after obtaining his Bachelor of Science degree in 1938 from the University of Alberta, was em- ployed continuously on field crop insect investigations in Vernon and Kamloops, until, in 1943, he accepted the position of Provincial Entomologist. With Ivor Ward’s passing, the Ento- mological Society of British Columbia lost a member and a friend, and the Provincial and Dominion Departments of Agricul- ture, a valued worker. As Provincial Ento- mologist he might have had a long and valuable career, for few men had better ability for making friends than did Ivor Ward, and he had a personality particu- larly suited to the field of extension ento- mology. He will long be remembered by the stockmen of the British Columbia cattle ranges for the part he played in the study of their grasshopper problems, and the or- ganization of the grasshopper control zones. After his appointment as Provincial Entomologist he had charge of suppression work for the Colorado potato beetle, and was interested in devising better control methods for the various fruit, vegetable, and seed insects throughout the province, and in preparing Provincial publications on insect control. He is survived by his wife, formerly Marjorie Glover of Kamloops; his father, Fred Ward, of Vernon; and two sisters, Mrs. K. Burnham of Vernon, and Mrs. Sid Walker of Vancouver. — E. R. BuckelLj Kamloops, B.C. JAMES DALGLEISH INGLIS, 1909-1933 How often must recognition of some gleish Inglis, whose enthusiasm in ento- potential contributor to science be lost or mology showed every promise of taking omitted through his untimely death. An him far in this field, but whose short example of such might well be James Dal- period of membership in the Entomologi- 36 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1947), Vol. 44. F*eb. 16, 1948 cal Society of British Columbia left him little time to make an impression by print or person. My first recollection of Jim Inglis dates back to 1927, when, as a newcomer to Courtenay, Vancouver Island, he con- tacted me one day at school and enthusiasti- cally talked of his interest in butterfly col- lecting. Since that day we had many a fine collecting excursion up the Puntledge River, where parnassians, orange-tips and fritillaries abounded, and where, at a cer- tain hidden alder swamp rhinoceros bee- tles ( Sinodendron rugosum ) and laurel longhorns (Rosalia funebris) could be col- lected by the ‘dozen. Jim was an ardent amateur naturalist DANIEL HERBERT Daniel Herbert Leech was born at Manchester, England, on September 6, 1878, the fourth son of the late Sir Bosdin Thomas Leech and Lady Mary (Booth) Leech of Manchester. He died at his home, “Tyn-y-Coed,” Salmon Arm, B.C., on May 17, 1941, in his 63rd year. Keenly interested in natural history, and a great walker, he thoroughly covered the country around his schools, Hunstan- and took an infectious delight in his col- lections of insects, fossils, and flowers. This intense love of nature and fondness for hiking, his devotion to religion, and his keen sense of humour created in him a highly estimable personality and made him a staunch and delightful companion. In addition to his biological interests was his appreciation of music which found expression in song or clarinet, both of which often contributed to a family circle of good Scottish melody. He was unusu- ally thorough in anything he undertook, and this trait prevailed even in the culinary art, and it was not uncommon to find him in the midst of a fine array of freshly bottled preserves or concocting some tasty dish to help out at the stable of a merry household of nine. Following his matriculation, Jim at- tended the University of British Columbia in 1931 with the intention of specializing in entomology. After completing his second academic year, he spent the summer as cook in the Chalet at Lake Louise, Al- berta, where his death while climbing for some biological specimens in the Rockies terminated a promising young career. He left to mourn his death, August 9, 1933, his father, mother, four brothers and two sisters, and a host of friends who at the name “Jim” will always think of a curly headed Scottish youth, laughing and carefree as he excitedly pursued some new trophy for his collection of “wee beasties.” — J. D. Gregson, Livestock Insects La- boratory, Kamloops, B.C. LEECH, 1878-1941 ton, Sedbergh, and the Agricultural Col- lege at Cirencester. He collected eggs, and learned the birds first hand. Much additional information he got from poachers, who would tell an eager boy of the habits, especially the night habits, of birds and animals. Insects too he collected, and fossils, mosses and ferns; one of the latter proved to be a new Country record and brought him local recognition. Entomological Soc. of British Colombia. Proc. (1947), Vol. 44, Feb. 16, 1948 37 He wished to be a farmer, but bis father thought otherwise; so he trained first in an architect’s office, then at Ciren- cester as a surveyor. It was as a surveyor and draughtsman that he came to Canada in 1905, obtaining work with the Can- adian Pacific Railway in Montreal. The next year he went to Alberta for the com- pany, and returned the two following seasons; there he had charge of a survey camp of 30 men on the big irrigation pro- ject near Gleichen. In those days the prairie lakes and sloughs were full of water. Ducks and upland game birds were abundant. He told of hawks so overfed on water fowl that they could not rise from the ground, and had many photographs of these and similar subjects. Blackfoot In- dians were numerous, and he obtained fine examples of their bead-work moccasins and blanket throws. Twenty years later, in Kelowna, B.C., he met his former camp cook, but that gentleman was far from cordial, for he was now a prominent citizen and had told other stories of his earlier days. Like many another Englishman, my father had heard of the well-advertised Okanagan Valley, and planned to settle in it, despite the presence of rattlesnakes. However, his fiancee asked him to look at the Salmon Arm district first to see if it was as beautiful and fruitful as a Mont- real acquaintance, Lionel B. Pangman, kept saying. As a result, in 1908, he stayed for a while with Mr. Pangman who had been in Salmon Arm for some years, and bought 10 acres from him. This was the nucleus of his farm, which at the time of his death comprised 85 acres. In 1909 he married Miss Olive Roberta Shepherd of Montreal and “Riversmead,” Como, Quebec, and settled on his bush farm, or stump ranch as he often called it. With the aid of Hindu workmen he cleared land for pasture and orchards. Always a powerful man he enjoyed clearing land, especially slashing bush, for he could daily see his fields expand. Apiaries were added, and a well-known herd of regis- tered Jerseys, a number of which won silver medals in R.O.P. tests. Interested in scientific farming, he paid more atten- tion to production than show-ring types in his cattle. In 1928 he was one of the delegates representing Canada at the World’s Dairy Congress in London. This trip was combined with a needed vaca- tion, and gave opportunity to visit his brothers and sister, for though he twice returned to England prior to his marriage, he had not stayed long. In 1939 and 1940 he operated his farm as an Illustration Station, in conjunction with the Dominion Experimental Farms. Time and service were given to local or- ganizations. His knowledge of surveying and road building was valuable tO' the district, especially in the early days. His abilities as a mathematician were also put to good use. I well remember the excite- ment at home when, from an annual statement, he discovered that the manager of a local co-operative store was falsify- ing the books. With a clear handling of facts and figures, father was able to prove his suspicions to the shareholders. He was a member of the Entomological Society of British Columbia from 1914 to 1922. His boyhood interest in nature persisted, and though he made no formal collections in Canada, other than of prairie water fowl eggs, he could identify all local birds and plants, and had a re- markably broad yet detailed knowledge of 38 Entomological Soc. of Britlsh Columbia, Proc. (1947), Vol. 44, Feb. 16, 1948 the families and habits of insects. To him, and to my mother with her love of flowers, books and the beauty of the countryside, my geologist brother Geoffrey and I owe constant encouragement in our studies. Father’s hobbies were fishing and stamp collecting. Farm life did not leave much time for the former, but long winter evenings and Sundays were happily spent with his albums, adding rarities, or puzz- NEW DISTRIBUTIONAL RECORDS FOR DERONEC- TES SPENCERI (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), — In Febru- ary, 1947, I had the pleasure of meeting J. B. Wallis in Winnipeg, and of seeing his collection of water beetles. Amongst some unidentified material I noted a specimen of D. spenceri Leech, labelled “Atlee, Alta. 25. IX. 24. Carr”. Later the same month I had the privilege of spending several days examining the aqua- tics in the Canadian National Collection, to which W. J. Brown generously gave me free access. In it I saw a spenceri labelled ‘‘Lethbridge, Alta., 20. V. 1930. J. H. Pepper.” Professor G. J. Spencer took a series in Round Lake at the foot of Opax Mt., about 10 miles northwest of Kamloops, B.C., on July 22, 1945. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. SERICA SERICEA AND S. ANTHRACINA DEFOLI- ATING WILD ROSE (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)— In the last week of April, 1947, J. Grant and A. B. Robinson found Serica sericea (111.) by the thousand on Butters’ Range five miles north of Lumby, B.C. The beetles were defoliating various small shrubs, but chiefly Rosa spp. On June 18 B. A. Sugden found S. anthracina LeC. to be equally common at Round Lake, about two miles northeast of O’Keefe, B.C., where the adults were completely stripping wild rose bushes, and on June 26 he and D. K. Campbell found them less numerous but also' defoliating roses, near Chase, B.C. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C. ling over shades, surcharges, and water marks. He is survived by two brothers and a sister in England, Ernest of Manchester, William of Falmouth, and Lady Rachel Fraser of Peaslake; by his widow at Sal- mon Arm; and by two sons and four grandchildren. — Hugh B. Leech, Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences, San Fran- cisco. ANQPLODERA CARBONATA (Coleoptera: Ceramby- cidae).— On June 28, 1931, I discovered a host tree of Anoplodera carbonata (Lee.) at Creston, B.C. It was a stub of some 30 feet of a large, dry Populus trichocarpa, and 5 specimens were found under the loose bark. I returned the next day to hack the tree into chips, and another 18 adults were taken from pupal-cells, and a vial of larvae from the burrows. This is still the only record for the Province. The fe- male is entirely black; the elytra of the male are red- dish brown and abdomen is red. This latter fact I have not seen mentioned in the literature. — G. Stacc Smith. Creston, B.C. SWARMS OF CONFLUENT SHARPSHOOTER, CICADELLA CONFLUENS (UHL.) ANNOYING WORKMEN (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). — During the construction of a new tower and lookout building at the Elk Falls Forest Lookout site, Campbell River, B.C.. November 13th, 1946, the progress of the work was interrupted by swarms of hoppers. G. S. Walley has kindly identified speimens as Cicadella confluens (Uhl.). They settled on the new tower construction in numbers sufficient to obscure the timbers and in addition molested the men by getting in their eyes, nostrils and mouths. As daylight faded and tempera- tures dropped to freezing they clustered in swarms similar to those of bees. The following day they were not seen. — D. B. Taylor, District Foresters Office, Vancouver, B.C. NOTICE The Annual Convention of the Pacific Coast Division of the American Society of Economic Entomologists will be held in 1948 in Vancouver, B.C. Dates are June 16-18 inclusive; place, Hotel Vancouver. The Divisional Committee in- cludes Mr. James C. Barr of Commercial Chemicals, Mr. Lang Godfrey of C.I.L., Mr. Arthur1 Laing of Buckerfield’s and Mr. Walter Leckie of Harrison and Cros- field’s. All amateur and professional en- tomologists, or others that may be inter- ested, are Cordially invited to attend these meetings. •Entomological Soe. of Bhttisii Columbia. Proc. (1947), Vol. 44, Feb. 16, 1948 39 ANTHIDIELLUM ROBERTSONI AND ITS NEST ( Hy- rnenoptera: Megachilidae) . — While splitting part of my winter’s wood supply on September 15th, 1945, a, I found a curious '■ f '' little waxen cell A • 011 the underside #of a piece of Douglas fir. It was 13 mm. long, including the ven- tral spike (fig. 1), warty, greenish black with a vit- reous surface. Thin flakes of some yellowish white material stuck to the sur- face formed two irregular bands. The nest Was left outside until January 30, 1946; the next day it was placed in an incubator operating at 74°F. and 90-95% relative humidity. A pretty black and yellow bee emerged on March 19, and was subsequently iden- tified as a female of Anthidiellum robertsoni (Ckll.) by 0. Peck of Ottawa. I am indebted also to Mrs. D. K. Campbell (nee Rita Beckingham) for the illustra- tion of the bee and to Ben Sugden for that of the nest. — Hugh B. Leech, Vernon, B.C.* * Contribution No. 2495, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO A LIST OF THE HETEROCERA OF THE NELSON-ROBSON-TRA1L DISTRICT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Lepidoptera) AGARISTIDAE 1117 Alypia ridingsi Grt. Robson 29.V.46 PHALAENIDAE 2025 Pleroma apposita Sm. Robson 26.III.46 GEOMETRIDAE 4680 Semiothisa granitata Gn. Robson . . .12.V.46 4687 Semiothisa sexmaculata incolorata Dyar Robson 24.V.46 AEGERIIDAE 8693 Sanninoidea graefi Hy.Edw. Robson 25.VII.45 3724 Thamnosphecia americana (Beut.) Robson 11.V.41, 24.V.46 I am much indebted to Dr. T. N. Freeman of the Division of Entomology, Ottawa, for making the iden- tifications.— Harold R. Foxlee, Robson, B.C. CYCHRUS RICKSECKERI (Coleoptera: Carabidae).— The first British Columbia record of Cychrus ricksec- keri Lee. was on May 20, 1923, when Chas. Lallamand took a few (3?) specimens of this rare, beetle at Creston. Then I took one at Sanca on May 17, 1933. In 1946 I discovered a small “patch” of them at Wynndel. It was in a deep, wooded ravine, on one side only of a mountain stream, a strip of about 500 feet that had been run over by fire and grown up to weeds and grass. Here, under loose stones and drift- wood, they were found. Frequent visits were made, collecting them again under stones I had turned be- fore, with a total catch of 19 between May 3 and June 16. Several individuals were observed feeding on snails, crushing the shells with their great jaws. — G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. THE W. H. A. PREECE COLLECTION OF CERAMBY- CIDAE, containing many British Columbia specimens, is now in the Canadian National Collection at Ottawa, through the kindness of W. Downes. Mr. Preece was a member of our Society for some years, and did much of his collecting in company with George A. Hardy. Some of them findings were published in the “Pan- Pacific Entomologist” and in the Annual Reports of the Provincial Museum of Natural History, Victoria. — H.B.L. / Fig. 1. Nest of Anthidiellum rob- ertsoni (Cockerell) attached to the underside of a piece of wood. The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia is published annually. Individual Volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Sec- retary-Treasurer, Entomological Society of British Columbia, Box 308, Vernon, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1947), Vol. 44, Feb. 16, 1948 ANSELL LABORATORIES LTD. VERNON, B. C. Manufacturers and Distributors of (tyemicaC Products INSECTICIDES CLEANING COMPOUNDS Special Mixing New Tools for the Entomologist DOWCHLORS BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE Chlordane Formulations 10% Gamma Isomer Emulsions, Wettable Powders, Solvent Concentrate, Dusts. SOIL FUMIGANT DINITROS Dowfume W-10, Dowfume G. Dowfume N DN Dry Mix No. 1 and No. 2 DN 111, DN Dust D-8 METHYL BROMIDE D-DUSTS 2, 4-D WEED KILLERS DDT Formulations Emulsions, Wettable Powders, Solvent Concentrate, Dusts. DOW SELECTIVE WEED KILLERS COMMERCIAL CHEMICALS LIMITED Distributors for Dow Chemical of Canada, Limited Pier H, Foot of Carrall St., Vancouver, B.C. PRINTING OF SCIENTIFIC IOURNALS imposes special responsibilities on the printer entrusted with this work. Essential to publication of an accurate yet pleasing format are wider than usual knowledge of the craft of printing, special type characters and a willingness to work in com- plete harmony with the Editors. . . The Vernon News Ltd. has demon- strated these qualities in annually printing the Proceedings of the En- tomological Society of B.C. It is a trust we value. □k. VERNON NEWS xti Printers & Publishers P. O. Drawer 700 Vernon, B. C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1947), Vol. 44, Feb. 16, 1948 11 VARIETIES TASTE GOOD • SAVE TIME • NO WASTE • EASY TO PACK • READY FOR USE AT ANY TIME BULMANS LIMITED, VERNON, B.C. BULMANS EGETABLE5 Contributing to Production with a full line of CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN *}K&eettciele4 i and 0?u«tyie6de&* including Naugatuck 2, 4-D DDT 5% Surface Spray DDT 10% Dust Spergon Seed Treatment DDT 50% Wettable Beta Naphthol Tree Bands Ruckerfi eld's n ' ' ' ' hi " P.O. Box 219 Vancouver, B.C. Bulman’s Go -West Weevil Bait Boots Coppesan Black Leaf “40” Black Leaf “155” Bartlett’s Microscopic Sulphur Atlacide Weed Killer Just radiating happiness, this B.C. Apple Girl owes much of her loveliness to the sheer joy of living, for like her grand- mothers before her, she follows the old role for keeping the doctor' away? ^healthful & lr fine texture. (.-■ i .. . * , buy' in small quantities . . . ond serve them crisp & cool from your refrigerator* Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Froc, (1947). Vol. 44. Feb.. 16, 1948 7* (ZoMect" BORON DEFICIENCIES % 20 MULE TEAM BORAX OR BORIC ACID Authorities have recognized that the depletion of Boron in soil has been reflected in limited production and poor quality of numerous field and fruit crops. The work and recommendations of Agricultural Experiment Stations are steadily in- creasing the recognition of the need for Boron in Agriculture and Horticulture. We are prepared to render every practical assistance. PACIFIC COAST BORAX COMPANY P. O. BOX 5539, METROPOLITAN STATION, LOS ANGELES 55, CALIFORNIA Distributed by MACDONALD & WILSON LIMITED THE SIGN OF MODERN PROTECTION Green Cross provides the agriculturist with a comprehensive line of field-tested products to combat destructive insects, fungus diseases and weeds. These products represent the latest discoveries in entomology, plant pathology and chemistry. They are developed in Green Cross la- boratories . . . tested at Green Cross experimental stations . . . and backed by the combined technical and research facilities of the largest insecticide organization in the world. Use and recommend Green Cross products with confidence GREEN CROSS INSECTICIDES are produced through the combined facilities of: THE CANADA PAINT CO. THE LOWE BROTHERS COMPANY LIMITED LIMITED THE MARTIN-SENOUR CO. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO/ LIMITED OF CANADA LIMITED Knowledge Applied TODAY... ) Increases Tomorrow’s HARVEST KILLOWEED— For the control of noxious weeds in cereal crops. Reports show up to 50% in- crease in yield obtained through selective weed control. Agreed an eco- nomic “Must” at late Regina Weed Control Conference. Killoweed concentrates require use of only 5 gallons of water per acre . . are available in three pop- ular formulations. Just as modern techniques have increased factory production many times, so too have the advances in agriculture control increased our har- vests. Keeping posted on the many Ag- ricultural Aids available today in- creases your production, lessens your labour, improves yields. SHANAHAN'S LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: VANCOUVER, B.C. CALGARY EDMONTON REGINA SASKATOON AND WINNIPEG KILLOWEED LIQUID AMINE KILLOWEED LIQUID ESTER KILLOWEED AMINE DUST SIXDUST FIVE — This is now being widely test- ed in the control of Wireworm, and is in- creasingly used in the control of Flea Beetles and against Carrot Rust Fly — it should not, how- ever, be used when there is a danger of the crop acquiring a taint. ROOSTEX— Unexcelled for destruction of Poul- try Lice, Mites, Ticks. Can be applied by brush or space spray. SHANAHAN’S COPPER LIME DUST— Produced under careful laboratory control and guaranteed as to Copper standard and biological effective- ness. A most valuable weapon in the fight against downy mildew, hops, potato blight and slugs. SHANAHAN’S TRI- BASIC COPPER DUST —Another valuable fun-; gicide employing basic Copper Sulphate and with marked powers of adhesion. DETEX 50 WETTABLE POWDER — Probably the most efficient means of securing the full bene- fit of the striking pro- perties of DDT; readily suspended in water to produce a fluid of great value as a residual barn spray, and also for the spraying of livestock and/or vegetables and fruit. In the latter field, it provides a most valu- able control medium for codling moth, Colorado beetle, potato hopper and thrips, potato flea beetle, tomato fruit worm, im- ported cabbage worm, rose chafer, Japanese beetle, etc. DETEX DUST 5— Com- bining the positive ac- tion of DDT with more rapid knockdown. A most valuable insecti- cide for potato pests, etc. DEE PEE 514— Invalu- able to the Mushroom grower for the reduc- tion of Sciara flies, etc.; HEXAPHOS — No fruit grower will regard his program as complete if it does not include the use of Hexaphos, the new organic spray in- troduced by Shanahan’s in 1947. A most valu- able and dependable weapon against Aphids, Red Spider, Thrips and Mealy Bugs. MULTICIDE — A new and patented formulation for the control of Apple Leafhopper, Oriental Fruit Moth and Grape Berry Moth, or in the battle against Colorado Beetle, Potato Flea Bee- tle and Tomato Fruit Worm. The grower will find in Multicide a val- uable and dependable weapon. MULTICIDE COPPER DUST — With superior properties of adhesion, this Shanahan compound has served well as a fungicide and insectic- ide, and is a particular- ly valuable control for late and early blight, and has also been used successfully against Co- lorado Beetle, Potato Leaf Hopper and Pota- to Flea Beetle. CHEMICALS FOR AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Page Campbell, as Presented by Spencer — Notes on Grylloblatta at Kamloops 1 Jones — An Experiment with Larvae of Lambdina fiscellaria somniajria Hulst . . . , 6 Holland — A Revised Check List of the Fleas of B.C 7 Gregson— Notes on the Occurrence of Ornithodoros hermsi in B.C., and its Probable Relation to Relapsing Fever 15 Hopping — Parasitic Coleoptera 16 Hardy — Notes on the Life History of Xanthorhoe defensaria Gn . . . . 17 Clark — An Annotated List of the Coleoptera Taken at or near Terrace, B.C. Part 2 21 Leech — The Occurrence of a Hollyhock-Seed Eater, Noctuelia rufofascialis at Vernon, B.C 25 Buckell — Record of Bees from B.C. (Andrenidae) , . 27 Curtis — The Effect of DDT Emulsions on Trout Fry. ........ 31 In Memoriam — L. E. Marmont 32 Scientific Notes 14, 20, 26, 30 New Literature 26 For your agricultural needs . . . PENCO agricultural chemicals PENCO® BHC (Benzene Hexachloride) — outstanding new insecticide, also known as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Hexachlorocyclohexane. Supplied in four forms: D-12 dust base 12% Gamma Isomer; W-12 wettable spray base 12% Gamma Isomer; Solvent Con- centrate and Emulsion Concentrate each with 11% Gamma Isomer. PENCO® DDT TECHNICAL — fine to medium granulated powder of uniform high quality. Setting point 89°C. minimum. PENTECH —exclusive new type technical DDT with preferred physical properties for direct milling purposes. PENCO® DB- 50 — specially compounded, fine dry powdered dust base containing 50% DDT Technical. Extremely dustable and free-flowing. Can be used with any non-alkaline diluent recommended by recognized diluent manufacturers. PENCO® WB-50 — micron-sized pow- der containing 50% DDT and special wetting agents. Mixes easily with soft or hard water for use as water suspension spray. Adheres to plant foliage, maintain- ing residual insecticidal effects. PENCO® CATTLE SPRAY— dry, wettable micron-sized powder containing 50% DDT, plus suitable quantities of spreading and sticking agents for wetting out hair of animals. Recommended for stock and barn sprays, livestock dips. PENCO® EMULSION CONCENTRATE — specially developed concentrate for use as water emulsion spray where minimum visible residue is desired. Forms very stable emulsion, contains 3 lb. DDT per gallon, 34% by weight. PENCO® SOLVENT CONCENTRATE — 32.6% DDT concentrate primarily intended for manufacture of fly sprays. Forms a 5% DDT solution when mixed 1 to 7 with kerosene of proper specific gravity. Leaves almost invisible residue. PENCO CALCIUM ARSENATE — for eco- nomical, effective control of the cotton boll weevil, cotton leaf worm, cotton boll worm. Sulphur and Paris Green mixtures also available. PENITE® 6 WEED KILLER — high-test, concentrated sodium arsenite weed-killing solution for controlling grasses and broad- leafed annual weeds. KRYOCIDE® — the proven insecticide for control of many chewing insects which attack orchard and garden crops. The Natural Greenland Cryolite. PENPHOS* W-15 with 15% Parothion The new organo-phosphate material that, in extensive field and laboratory tests dur- ing 1948, indicated high insecticidal effi- ciency for control of: Red Spider and Orchard Mites, Aphids, among certain others. NOW ! PENCO HI-GAM* W-25 A wettable spray powder containing 25% of the essentially pure gamma isomer of benzene hexachloride as the active ingredi- ent. Can be used either as a dust base con- centrate or in water suspension spray. • Trade-Mark P.S.M. Co. For further information, write Agricultural Chemicals Division 9 Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company of Washing to n9 Tacomay Wash Portland , Ore.t Los Angeles , Calif. Chemicals Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 SHectiv& *PeAt tvtfA O I L PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS ATOX (Derris Dust). This well- known insecticide now has an in- creased concentration of rotenone for more effective control of chewing and sucking insects on vegetables and flowers. Non-toxic to human beings or animals. C-I-L 50% WETTABLE DDT. Made right at C-I-L’s new Hamil- ton plant. Reductionized to ultra micron particle size. Recommend- ed as a barn spray, also very effec- tive for controlling codling moth and tuber flea beetle, and many other fruit and vegetable insects. KRENITE. A water soluble dini- tro spray for insect and disease control when plants are in the dormant stage. Also effective for blossom thinning on tree fruits. DEETROX 5-7. A fixed copper DDT dust containing 5% DDT and 7% copper, now a standard material for combined control of late blight and tuber flea beetle of potatoes. BENEXANE “5”. This benzene hexachloride dust was found par- ticularly effective last year against the carrot rust fly, cabbage root maggot and wireworms. C-I-L LOUSE POWDER. This new rotenone sulphur dust will give easy and efficient control of lice on hogs, cattle, horses, goats and poultry, keds on sheep, and fleas on dogs, cats, hogs and foxes. C-I-L 15% WETTABLE PARATH- ION. This powerful new insectic- ide and acaracide has been ap- proved for use on tree fruits for the control of mites, aphis and pear psylla. Our wide range of Agricultural Chemicals included many other products for the control of pests in household , garden and field. YOUR INQUIRIES ARE INVITED CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS DIVISION VANCOUVER Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 NICHOLS CHEMICAL Advanced and Exclusive insecticides for all Established Horticultural Uses Nichols7 Orchard Brand Sprays and Dusts are the re- sult of intensive research and wide field tests. Into their development has gone all the skill, science and GENITHION P-15— 15% Parathion Spray Powder GENITOX S-50— 50% Spray Powder GENICOP SPRAY— DDT and fixed Copper GENlfcOP 3-7 DUST— DDT Copper Dust GENITOL EM-25— DDT Oil Emulsion G-6 SPRAY POWDER— Benzene Hexachloride For full information, contact nearest Nichols Chemical mvmiNCML ’ iVlVVJ'nu vwnwuv trv . .. lacjiwii vcr vmvci, juii uic uiuyv mwiiiivwi Insecticide Division practical "know how77 of producing insecticides for a half century. Spray Sales Office Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 TOXAPHENE FOR AGRICULTURAL INSECTICIDES Toxaphene is a synthetic organic insecticide toxicant, chlorinated camphene containing 67 to 69 per cent chlorine, developed by Hercules primarily for use in agricultural insecticides. An amber-colored, waxy solid with a mild odor suggestive of both chlorine and cam- phor, it is readily soluble in non-polar organic solvents. Insecticides based on toxaphene have been proved in use in Canada for grasshopper control. They are recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture for control of this pest in the U. S,, and by the leading cotton-growing states for the control of common cotton insects. For technical information, and for samples of insecti- cides containing toxaphene for experimental testing purposes, write to Hercules. HERCULES POWDER COMPANY INCOQPOQATEO 954 King St., Wilmington 99, Del., U. S. A. In Canada, toxaphene is available through: HARRISONS & CROSFIELD (CANADA) LTD. Montreal • Toronto • Winnipeg * Vancouver NX9-21 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 DIRECTORS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1948-1949 Honorary President A. D. Heriot, Vernon, B.C. President G. J. Spencer, Vancouver, B.C. V ice-President ( C oast ) G. A. Hardy, Victoria, B.C. Vice-President ( Interior ) J. Marshall, Summerland, B.C. Hon. Secretary -Treasurer W. G. Mathers, Vernon, B.C. Hon. Assistant Secretary G. P. Holland, Kamloops, B.C. Hon. Auditor W. Baverstock, Vernon, B.C. Advisory Board H. G. Fulton, Cultus Lake, B.C. J. D. Gregson, Kamloops, B.C. M. H. Hatch, Seattle, Wash. J. R. J. L. Jones, Cobble Hill, B.C. K. M. King, Victoria, B.C. Editorial C ommittee G. P. Holland, Kamloops, B.C. R. H. Handford, Kamloops, B.C. J. Marshall, Summerland, B.C. NEW MEMBERS Elected at the 47th Annual Meeting, March 13, 1948. Corner, J. — Dom. Experimental Farm, Prince George, B.C. Didkson, R. J. — Dom. Forest Insect Lab., Vernon, B.C. Ferguson, Frederick F. — University of Washington, Se- attle, Wash. Foster, L. H. — Commercial Chemicals Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Johansen, Carl. — Experiment Station, Puyallup, Wash. *Larnder, George H. — Errington, B.C. Leckie, Walter A. — Harrison & Crosfield Ltd., Van- couver, B.C. MacKay, Margaret. — Dominion Forest Insect Lab., Ver- non, B.C. McLeod, J. H. — Dom. Parasite Laboratory, Belleville, Ont. Malcolmson, G. H. S. — Canadian Industries Ltd., New Westminster, B.C. *Mayers, Neville — Dom. Plant Inspection Service, Vancouver, B.C. Neilson, C. L. — Dom. Field Crop Insect Lab., Kam- loops, B.C. Proverbs, M. D. — Dom. Fruit Insect Lab., Summer- land, B.C. Shanahan, F. P. — Shanahan’s Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Simms, W. G. — Dom. Forest Insect Lab., Vernon, B.C. Re-elected. proceedings of the ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 45. Issued July 28, 1 949 Page Campbell, as Presented by Spencer — Notes on Grylloblatta at Kamloops 1 Jones — An Experiment with Larvae of Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria Hulst 6 Holland — A Revised Check List of the Pleas of B.C 7 Gregson — Notes on the Occurrence of Ornithodoros hermsi in B.C., and its Probable Relation to Relapsing Fever 15 Hopping — Parasitic Coleoptera 16 Hardy — Notes on the Life History of Xanthorhoe defensaria Gn 17 Clark — An Annotated List of the Coleoptera Taken at or near Terrace, B.C. Part 2 21 Leech — The Occurrence of a Hollyhock-Seed Eater, Noctuelia rufofascialis at Vernon, B.C 25 Buckell — Record of Bees from B.C. (Andrenidae) 27 Curtis — The Effect of DDT Emulsions on Trout Pry 31 In Memoriam — L. E. Marmont 32 Scientific Notes 14, 20, 26, 30 New Literature 26 ■ Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 1 NOTES ON GRYLLOBLATTA AT KAMLOOPS By the late Matthew Geddes Campbell, presented by G. J. Spencer University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. In the autumn of 1938 it was my good fortune to get into correspondence with Mr. M. G. Campbell who worked in the post office at Kamloops. Mr. J. D. Greg- son of the Dominion Entomological La- boratory had told me that Campbell was a keen amateur entomologist who had be- come interested in Grylloblatta , which Gregson had recently found at the foot of Mount Paul, Kamloops, so I wrote to him in connection with this insect. For one reason and another, the correspond- ence lapsed until September, 1940, when Campbell happened to listen to a broad- cast in which I had mentioned Grylloblat- tay and wrote again, this time from New Westminster where he had been transfer- red for over a year. A letter came from him on October 7th and in the evening paper of that day, appeared a notice of his death. The notice read: “New Westmin- ster, Oct. 7. — Fatally injured in a traffic accident shortly after midnight Saturday at Sixth Street and Eighth Avenue, Mat- thew Geddes Campbell, 47, postal clerk, of 1009 Fourteenth Ave., Burnaby, died in the Royal Columbian Hospital at 6:55 a.m. Sunday.” Shortly afterwards I wrote to his widow concerning his observations and notes on Grylloblatta , but received no reply; I wrote again in autumn 1947 to the same address, and since there has been no1 an- swer, it is possible that Mrs. Campbell has moved elsewhere. Because his letters to me in 1938 contained interesting records on Grylloblatta , I feel that they should be published, especially since he gave me permission to do so. From his correspon- dence I have picked out sections to make a fairly consecutive narrative, with a lit- tle editing. “Last Sunday (6 Nov. 1938) I was successful in capturing a number of Gryl- loblatta camfodeiformis on the slopes of Mount St. Paul and brought them home alive. (The bottom edge of Mount St. Paul, Kamloops, where Grylloblatta oc- curs, is only about 1,400 ft. above sea level. G. J. S.) I have prepared a case for them and will ship them to you. . . . As you know, these insects are very sus- ceptible to changes of climate and can live only between 30 °F. and 40°F. . . . There are 15 or 20 specimens. I had about 25 originally but some may have been killed or injured by larger ones or by jolting, on the way over. A friend of mine, Mr. Consett Davis of the Univer- sity of Sydney, Australia, who is at pres- ent studying at the University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, will be returning to Aus- tralia on the ‘Niagara’ leaving about 20 Dec. I promised him some time ago that I would try to get him some live Gryllo - blatta } so if you do not mind taking care of them until his arrival, I would suggest that you divide them equally. — There is a bare possibility that Mr. Davis may have time to come up here but we may get a cold spell and then Grylloblatta goes away down under tons of rock and is difficult to find. Snow or zero weather may drive them down before I can make another raid. If they reach you in good condition, I would suggest that you keep them in soft rotted humus, between 30°F. and 40°F. They will freeze at about 26°F. (19 Nov. 1938). “I was much re- lieved on receiving your letter of 16th inst., to know that the Grylloblatta arrived safely. I probably shot them at you rath- er suddenly and it requires a little prepar- ation to receive such guests properly. . . . I intend to go out tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon Mr. Davis will be in Montreal for a few days before the 28th Nov. and I am planning to send him two lots, one by express and one by air mail. I understand that they can keep them at about the right temperature on the fish rack in the express cars. ... I have a batch in my basement that I can send Mr. Davis if I am unsuccessful in my hunt jyjGie 1945 2 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 tomorrow. Usually I go out hunting in the morning but for your purpose (to ex- amine the stomach contents soon after a meal) it will be better if I catch one in the evening and send it on the night train. ... no use examining the gut of those two large females I sent you because one or other devoured a good big male nearly as lar^e as they are, just before I sent them off.” (21 Nov. 1938). “I am sending to you by this mail, two specimens of Gryl- loblatta which I caught about 10 a.m. this morning and killed in 70% alcohol. . . they are not quite as big as I would have liked Had a busy morning and caught about 25 though they were mostly small. About 20 of these, I am sending off tonight by air mail, special delivery to Mr. Davis at Montreal. It is a long chance but worth the risk. I could not go out on Sunday as planned ; the train wreck delayed me at my work but I made good this morning. Mr. Gregson and three others were out Saturday afternoon but drew a complete blank. I still have a number of specimens on hand.” (5 Dec. 1938). “I have handed my re- maining specimens over to Gregson. . . . as I work in the post office I will be very busy for the next two or three weeks. . . Mr. Davis sent me word from Montreal that he had received the batch I sent him. Some perished on the trip and not relish- ing the responsibility of looking after them on an 18,000 mile trip, he “dunked” the lot in Carnoy’s fixative. (The Shirker). “As you know, I am very interested in this strange insect and have collected quite a file (of notes) on him. Last winter I kept a number in captivity, some of which died and were pickled and sent to Davis. Gregson also kept a few but I understand they too died when the weather became hot. Therefore I hope you will not mind my offering some suggestions from the ex- perience I gained last winter. I have made many trips to Mount St. Paul and must have collected more than a hundred speci- mens. ... I trust you will find my observa- tions of some value. . . .You are quite at liberty to use or quote any of this (ma- terial) you wish. It is merely my hobby, something I play at and I have had a lot of fun and interest out of Grylloblatta and expect (to have) lots more. “A great deal of sheer bunk has been written about this poor creature. I am thinking of a picture of him that appear- ed in an Alberta paper, showing the in- sect on a block of ice and stating that if removed from the ice he would have con- vulsions and die in a few hours. Some I caught early last March survived until the end of June with never a bit of ice, just in a glass biscuit jar in my basement. I had difficulty in persuading even Gregson that they would perish if exposed to five or six degrees of frost, at the same time as the newspapers were making quite a song about the poor things ‘roasting’ to death in a refrigerator. I lost all of a dozen specimens before the truth dawned on me. Or, as I explained to Davis, it does NOT need to be cold enough to freeze the appendages of a brazen simian, in order to suit Grylloblatta. Altogether too much has been made of this tempera- ture angle, ever since he was badly mis- named ‘Ice Bug,’ A ‘Rock Louse’ would be a much more appropriate term. Give them lots of well-rotted humus to prowl in, a few rocks to hide under and you will have no more trouble with them than with a bunch of earthworms. Here (in Kamloops), we have sub-zero tempera- tures to protect them from as well as tem- peratures over the century mark, but down there (in Vancouver), with the exception of a little ice in July and August, they should live in your normal, outside, tem- peratures. Mine were alive and active when the thermometer on the verandah showed 75°F., but the temperature in the basement [where they were kept. (G.J. S.)] was about 60°F. I am convinced that if they had had more humus to pro- tect them, they would have survived [all summer. (G.J.S.)]. I did not give them more humus because I could not then have observed their reactions. “I will put the remainder of this on Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 separate sheets so that you can file, or re- fer to them apart from this letter.” Mr. Campbell's "NOTES ON GRYL- LOBLATTA" (Transcribed with a few changes, and translocations of sentences, by G. J. Spencer). On Habits of Grylloblatta. — “Since most of the work hitherto done on this insect has been of a laboratory na- ture, and as I have no equipped laboratory, I have concentrated more on his habitat and plant and insect associations. Much may be learned about him from a study of his extraordinary habitat. Here (in Kamloops), he occupies a range of rock slides about a mile in length and I have found Grylloblatta all along these slides from one end to the other; amongst large boulders so big as to require a crowbar to turn them over and amongst gravel the size of a small pea. Generally speaking, the large ones are found amongst the large rocks and small ones amongst the small rocks but I find it more convenient to divide his habitat into three zones. A. “The front part or edge of the slide (farthest from the talus slope), where vegetation begins amongst the large, loose, scattered boulders. This is where the large, amber-coloured adults are to be found. Sage brush is here the dominant plant ( Artemisia tridentata ) and sage seeds are scattered all through the humus (duff). Here also occur several species of grasses, Saskatoon bushes (Amelanchier) , Oregon grape {Berber is prob. nervosa) and an occasional Jack pine (yellow pine, Pinus fonder os a). B. “Area about one foot in from the edge of the slide where winds have blown in a light covering of leaves and humus (has formed amongst the rocks). This is the home of the medium-sized, grey ones and, in springtime, of white (nymphs in) early instars. C. “In area deeper down amongst the older, deeper humus, are found little white nymphs of early instars. “When disturbed, Grylloblatta always goes UPWARDS, that is, towards the mountain, further into the shelter of the rocks. Even when trapped with a spoon, they will not turn outwards but will climb over the spoon in their attempts to get into the shelter of the hill. “After searching in one place for a little time, even though several specimens may have been found there, further search is generally fruitless; the disturbance caused by moving rocks, alarms them and they scatter deeper into the hill. Here I quote Dr. Norma Ford: ‘The next morn- ing I exfected to take at least forty speci- mens, and literally no stone was left un- turned in the swampy ground as I worked in ever increasing circles from the point of the first capture. But not a specimen was found.’ Dr. Ford seemed to obtain hers in boggy, wet soil; most of my cap~ tures have been made under conditions of drizzly ‘Scotch mist.’ “This autumn I was due for another surprise. Thinking that I was really clev- er, I decided that since the summer had been very dry, Grylloblatta would be found in the little gullies that run down from the tops of the cliffs where water would trickle down and settle (in tem- porary low spots). Strangely enough I had no luck in these places, but found him away out on ‘bone dry’ spurs under exceedingly dry, dusty conditions. More- over, while prowling over the hills on the west side of the North Thompson river in the spring (of 1938) I found one specimen, about two miles west of Mount St. Paul and on the other side of the river. [Note: this would be on the east slope of the Batchelor hills which drop abruptly to the North Thompson Valley; there is little or no talus on these hills which are extremely dry. (G.J.S.)]. However, I was foolish enough to put him into a can with a large silver fish [Machilidae (G.J.S.)] and when I got home there was only one very fat silver fish. I never found him in a high, either hot or cold wind, nor when the thermo- meter was above 50°F. although I have found him when it was as low as 15° or 4 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 20°F., buried in a deep bed of humus. That was cold hunting. “That he can survive and get along nicely when temperatures are below zero, (as sometimes happens at Kamloops), does not surprise me much. An inch or two of snow and a few inches of humus give him all the protection he needs. “But where does he go in summer, when there isn’t a drop of rain for months and the rocks at the foot of the talus slope sizzle in temperatures up to 120°F. for 12 or 14 hours a day? He must have cer- tain selected places deep down, covered with two or three feet of rock, with a layer of humus available and a means of retaining moisture. That he goes into a sort of dormant state (aestivation) in summer, I have no doubt. “Of the insects that occur in the Gryl- loblatta association (may be mention), a small green fly; the aeroplane moth that folds itself up to look like a monoplane or like a cross of two pieces of dry stick [Pterophoridae. (G.J.S.)]; a few centi- pedes, an occasional nest of termites [ Re - ticulitermes hesperus (G.J.S.)], the occa- sional silver fish and several species of spiders. I have not seen any true ants in his direct neighborhood but in the autumn, plenty of grasshoppers, wasps and bees crawl amongst the rocks for shelter from the cold nights. While adult Grylloblatta are out hunting grasshoppers stiffened by cold, the large, swift-moving spiders are in turn, hunting Grylloblatta-, spiders are really the most dangerous enemies of adult Grylloblatta until the weather gets too cold even for them. . . . Full-grown, adult Grylloblatta are distinctly carnivor- ous, and are fiercely combative prowlers and hunters . . . although the earlier stages may eat decaying vegetable matter ... as of moss and other primitive plants . . . However there is hardly any moss on Mount St. Paul and I have not noticed any where Grylloblatta is found; higher up the mountain where there is some moss, I have never found him. “We know that even medium-sized ones will devour grasshoppers, wasps, bees and cockroaches. I tried some ants on them and also ant pupae but Grylloblatta was not interested after the first smell. (However) on several occasions I have found adults (apparently) waiting at the top of a burrow of termites. Whenever I found a termite run I would turn over a couple of rocks above it and usually found one or two Grylloblatta. Although Dr. Ford claims she found three adults under one flat stone, I have rarely found more than one at a time. “I wish I could get over to the moun- tain about this season (6 December). After devouring all the frozen (autumn) insects, Grylloblatta will undoubtedly go on to reproduction. I feel sure that in this locality, this is his mating season.” Care of Grylloblatta in Captivity, “My temperature records are not in any sense scientific, but I did observe (the creature) under many and varied condi- tions, summer and winter, in captivity and in his (natural) habitat. ... I feel cer- tain that a study of his life would add much to biology. How I regret now the opportunities I passed up of qualifying myself to make such a study. . . I do not see how I, an untrained man, can add much to the work that has been done by Drs. Walker and Mills and Pepper. How- ever, if anything I can do will benefit science in the smallest degree, you are more than welcome to it. “ ... In simulating natural tempera- ture conditions here (in Kamloops) the range would approximate: October to April, day 80°F. to 0°F.; night, 50°F. to — 20°F. May to September, day 120°F. to 50°F.; night, 75°F. to 40°F. ... (To meet these conditions) I would suggest that the insects be stored in two chambers: (1) A large bucket (of wood) or a can, for general storage. (This should have on the bottom) a layer of clay, then a layer of stones of about one inch diame- ter, 3 or 4 deep, and on top of this, a deep layer of moist, loose humus. This large container can be stored in a cool dark basement and provided with a per- Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 5 f orated tin lid for holding ice in sum- mer, and will provide shelter from exces- sive heat or cold. If ice is used, a drain- age hole should be provided in one side just below the rocks, above the layer of clay. (Paraphrased. G.J.S.). (2\ An observation chamber. A glass- sided box, 12 inches square and 2 inches wide, with wooden or metal ends and bottom, open at the top. This should con- tain two layers of stones of one inch di- ameter, continued up one side; on top of the stones, a layer of clay an inch thick to hold the stones in place, especially those up the side. Then another layer of inch- diameter stones with several layers of small pebbles on top (and finally, the narrow chamber should be) filled up with loose, damp humus. “The stones up one side of the cham- ber are for summer use; on them should be placed a small perforated can contain- ing ice whose dripping can leak down the stones and along the bottom to keep the whole chamber cool and moist without making the humus marshy. A draining hole on one end, at the rock level and below the clay, will let out excess water. This observation chamber should be kept on a solid bench or on a table where slamming doors or other vibrations will not disturb the insects, and should be sprayed at intervals with a fine mist of water to simulate rain. Since this cham- ber is so narrow, the insects can be ob- served through the glass sides as they move up and down. As they are very sensitive to light, a red light should be used for observations. (Paraphrased by G.J.S.) Concerning Fossils. — “That fossil forms of Grylloblatta have not been found to date, is not very surprising since Grylloblatta himself has been known to science only since 1913. Most of our fossils are ‘split out5 from layers of sedimentary rock. But Gryllo- blatta will not be found in such layers; he will be found in a ‘hard conglomerate since he was swept down the hillsides by slides and avalanches and buried. I have been working a little on that angle during the summer but with so little time to do it in, of course I have little success to report. I found no Grylloblatta (in the rocks), only leaves and twigs.” Postscript by G. J. Spencer. — In his last letter to me written on October 4, 1940, Mr. Campbell said . . . “Since I came down here (to New West- minster) I have had a notion to explore the foothills near the Lions and Grouse Mountain or the hills north of a line (drawn from) Sardis to Chilliwack where I believe Grylloblatta may be found, or even around Yale and Hope. If you have any students keen enough and possessing a car, I wouldn’t mind making a two- or three-day trip, sharing the expenses, when I get my holidays. If you have any en- thusiasts along this line I would be glad to hear from them and make arrange- ments.” He was killed three days later. We have here a remarkable series of observations by a man, who, while deplor- ing his lack of education, had sufficient enthusiasm and enterprise to spend many hours of his limited free time, combing the Kamloops hills for an insect which fascinated him. Never once in his origin- al notes does he call Grylloblatta an “in- sect” or speak of it as “it”; it was al- ways “he,” “him,” or “ Grylloblatta ,” a real personality, and he maintained cul- tures in his basement in the face of some slight hostility from his family. Mr. Campbell’s notes bring up many points for discussion, but I would empha- size only two at this time; one, that the Kamloops Grylloblatta is apparently a separate race from the Banff-Jasper high- altitude, snow or ice-edge form, and one which can tolerate temperatures far above those of the mountain form, and, if Mr. Campbell’s records are correct, it is a form that freezes to death with only 6 degrees of frost, and two, that precise and detailed studies of the Kamloops Gryllo- blatta are long overdue. 6 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 AN EXPERIMENT WITH LARVAE OF LAMBDINA FiSCELLARIA SOMNIARIA HULST J. R. J. Llewellyn Jones Cobble Hill, B.C. As long ago as 1905 it was recognized that there was a close connection between the oak looper, then known as Therina somniaria Hulst, and the hemlock looper, Therina fiscellaria Guenee. In the Bulletin of the British Colum- bia Entomological Society, 1906, No. 3, September, page 3, in an article entitled (( Therina s omniaria at Victoria,” Dr. J. Fletcher is quoted as saying that, during an outbreak the previous year, larvae of somniaria were observed feeding on west- ern hemlock, spruce and Douglas fir. Also the Rev. G. W. Taylor is reported as con- sidering somniaria Hulst, to be a variety of fiscellaria Guenee. More recently a paper has been pub- lished by H. W. Capps entitled “Some American Geometrid moths of the sub- family Ennominae heretofore associated with or closely related to Ellofia Treit- schke” (Proc. United States Museum, 93 (3159) :1 15-150, Washington, 1943) in which the writer regards somniaria Hist., as a regional race of fiscellaria Guenee and places them in a new genus Lamh- dina Capps. He states that examination of the genitalia confirms his arrangement. The oak looper therefore becomes Lamb- dina fiscellaria somniaria Hist., and the western hemlock looper Lambdina fiscel- laria lugubrosa Hist. In support of this view, I submit the following notes on an experiment carried out last season with larvae of somniaria y obtained during a severe but local out- break in the Saanich District of Victoria on Garry oak, Quercus garryana Douglas. Eleven hundred larvae were obtained in varying stages of growth. Of these two hundred were placed in a container and fed with western 'hemlock, Tsuga he- terofhylla Sargent. The larvae readily accepted this and fed to maturity. Sixty- three imagines were obtained during Sep- tember and October, a percentage of 31.5. Of the remaining 900, which were allow- ed to continue feeding on Garry oak, 473 imagines were obtained, a percentage of 52.5. Both groups of insects showed the same range of colour variation, but there was an appreciable difference in the size of the imagines. Those which had been giv- en hemlock were smaller and more close the normal size of fiscellaria lugubrosa Hist. Average measurements were as follows: 1. Fed on oak 1.75 inches. 2. Fed on hemlock 1.50 inches. The converse experiment was not so successful due chiefly to the lack of heal- thy specimens. Some 70 larvae of the hemlock looper, L . fiscellaria lugubrosa Hist., were received from Mr. G. R. Wyatt, early in August from the Sarita River area on Vancouver Island. They were heavily parasitized and also were suf- fering from a virus infection, consequent- ly mortality was great. Only one imago was obtained, a rather small sized male. The larvae survived long enongh how- ever to satisfy me that they would readily accept oak as a food plant. About 20 lar- vae were supplied with oak, which they promptly ate. In conclusion, it would seem reasonable and, I deem, desirable, to accept H. W. Capps’ re-arrangement of this group, about which, in the past, there has been some disagreement and speculation. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 7 A REVISED CHECK LIST OF THE FLEAS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA George P. Holland Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. Harvey (1907) gave the first published account of the fleas of this province, list- ing six species, three of which had recent- ly (1896-1904) been described from the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., by Dr. Carl F. Baker. Over the period 1902- 1933 many other species from British Columbia were described by the Hon. N. Charles Rothschild and/or Dr. Dr. Karl Jordan of the Zoological Museum, Tring, Herts., England. The type series of most of these were collected in the Fraser Delta, the Okanagan Valley, the Upper Colum- bia River and the Rocky Mountains. Spen- cer (1936) presented to this Society a briefly annotated list of 61 species offleas known to occur in British Columbia, based partly on his own extensive collections of these insects (identified by Dr. Julius Wagner of Belgrade, Yugoslavia) and partly on information received through correspondence with Dr. Jordan. Subse- quent papers by Spencer, Wagner and the present writer in various journals have im- proved our knowledge of British Colum- bia fleas by adding records and descriptions of new species on one hand, and by sub- tracting proved synonyms on the other. In a paper entitled “The Siphonaptera of Canada” (not in print at the time of writ- ing) the writer discusses 127 species and subspecies of fleas, of which 89 were col- lected within the political boundaries of British Columbia. While this paper gives all available data on the siphonapterous fauna of British Columbia as well as other provinces, up to December 31, 1946, the following account is presented here for convenience of reference, and following the useful policy of this journal of pub- lishing lists of various groups of insects occurring within the provincial boundar- ies. In addition, some supplementary data and four new records are included, bring- * Contribution No. 2569, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. ing the British Columbia list up to 93 species and subspecies, of which 88 are in- digenous, and five evidently introduced within historic times. The fleas constitute a small order, Costa Lima and Hathaway (1946) recording only 1193 known species and subspecies for the World — and their list contains many synonyms! It will be seen then, that British Columbia is well endowed, sup- porting about one-thirteenth of the total known flea fauna. Of course, future col- lecting in the more remote and inaccessi- ble parts of the World may well alter this proportion. There are now 134 species and subspe- cies of fleas known from the whole of Canada. Seventy percent of these are re- corded from British Columbia. This rela- tively extensive proportion is in part a re- flection of the tremendous variety of mam- mal, and especially small mammal, life of the west. This again is a product of the numerous climatic and altitudinal regions of this rugged province, which, coupled with other factors, have had such a pro- found influence in developing the diver- sity of plant cover on which all animals depend, directly or indirectly. Munro and Cowan (1947) define and trace 13 ter- restrial and 2 marine biotic areas, distin- guished by readily demonstrable peculiari- ties of weather, vegetation, animal life, etc., from contiguous areas. Thus the tre- mendous size, range of latitude, mountain- ous topography and variable climatic re- gions of the province, as well as its recent geological history, including land connec- tions with Asia, have brought us an envi- able botanical and zoological heritage, and this exceptional richness of indigenous flora and fauna is traceable even in the lowly fleas. The following account of the fleas of British Columbia gives all known syno- nyms, aside from changes in generic as- signment, of the various indigenous spe- 8 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 cies. These details are not included with the introduced species. The preferred host or hosts, where known, are indicated, and brief statements relating to the known range in British Columbia. References to biotic areas follow Munro and Cowan. Data on the “type host” (frequently not significant in any case), “type locality” and literature citations relating to original descriptions of the species are not provided, this information being readily available in one or more of the publications listed in the short bibliography at the end of this article. Host records refer to British Col- umbia only. Subspecific names of hosts are not included in this list. Order SIPHONAPTERA Family PULICIDAE 1. Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker) True host: Varying hare, Lepus ameri- canus group. Recorded hosts: Lepus americanus, Lynx canadensis , Lynx fasciatus. Range: General, through most of prov- ince. 2. Ctenoeephalides canis (Curtis) (Intro- duced) True host: domestic dog (?). Recorded hosts: domestic dogs and cats, tame rabbits, monkeys, man, Procyon lotor, rats, Rattus norvegicus, R. rat- tus. Range: Limited records at hand from south of province, but probably wide- spread on dogs and cats. 3. Ctenoeephalides felis felis (Bouche) (In- troduced) True host: domestic cats. Recorded hosts: same as for C. canis. Also' Spilogale gracilis. Range: Probably same as for canis. 4. Pulex irritans irritans Linnaeus True host: unknown; Artiodactyla (?). Recorded hosts: man, Rattus norvegi- cus, Odocoileus hemionus, Speotyto cunicularia. Range: Fairly general. 5. Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) (Intro- duced) True host: domestic rats, Rattus spp. Recorded hosts: Rattus norvegicus , Rattus r. rattus, Rattus r. alexand- rinus. Range: Confined at present to extreme southwestern mainland of province (Puget Sound lowlands). Family VERMIPSYLLIDAE 6. Arctopsylla ursi (Rothschild) True host: grizzly bears, Ursus spp. Recorded hosts: Ursus spp. Range: Probably general, especially in Alplands, and northern B. C. 7. Chaetopsylla setosa (Rothschild) True hosts: various large carnivores. Recorded hosts: Canis latrans, Euarc- tos americanus, Ursus spp., Lynx canadensis, Gulo luscus. Range: Probably general. Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE 8. Atyphloceras artius Jordan True host: Cricetidae. Recorded host: Peromyscus manicula- tus. Range: Known only from Kelowna. 9. Atyphloceras multidentatus (C. Fox) True host: various Cricetidae. Recorded hosts: Spilogale gracilis, Peromyscus maniculatus, Microtus oregoni, Microtus townsendii, Rattus norvegicus. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands, Van- couver Island. 10. Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild True host: small Rodentia. Recorded hosts: Sorex sp., Mustela vison, Spilogale gracilis, Citellus col- umbianus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Eutamias sp., Peromyscus manicu- latus, Clethrionomys gapperi, Micro- tus longicaudus, M. montanus. Range: Fairly general. Not common. 11. Hystrichopsylla n. sp. A new species, to be described from western B. C. in “Siphonaptera of Canada.” 12. Hystrichopsylla n. sp. A new species, to be described from Vancouver, B. C., in “Siphonaptera of Canada.” 13. Hystrichopsylla schefferi Chapin ( =H . mammoth Chapin) True host: mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Recorded hosts: Mustela vison, Spilo- gale gracilis. Range: Southwest mainland. 14. Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) (=C. motei Hubbard) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Scapanus orarius, Neu- rotrichus gibbsii, Peromyscus manicu- latus, Clethrionomys gapperi, Micro- tus townsendii, M. oregoni, M. penn- sylvanicus, M. longicaudus, Rattus norvegicus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. Range: Coastal islands, and Pacific slopes, west of the Coast Range. 15. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild (=(7. moneris Jordan) True host: White-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Citel- lus columbianus, Tamiasciurus hud- sonicus, Peromyscus maniculatus, Neotoma cinerea, Microtus longi- caudus, M. pennsyivanicus, M. mon- tanus, Phenacomys intermedius, Cle- thrionomys gapperi, Eutamias sp., Thomomys talpoides, Ochotona prin- ceps. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 9 16. Catallagia sculleni Hubbard (=G. chamberlini Hubbard, G. von- bloekeri Augustson, G. rutherfordi Augustson) . True host: Cricetidae, especially Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Scapanus orarius, Eutamias sp., Microtus richardsoni, Glethrionomys gapperi, Peromyscus maniculatus. Range: Southern Coast Range; parts of Fraser Valley; Vancouver Island. 17. Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) True host: Cricetidae. Recorded hosts: Microtus pennsylvani- cus, M. longicaudus, M. townsendii, M. oregoni, Glethrionomys gapperi, Peromyscus maniculatus. Range: Southern part of province, from Rockies to coast. Rare. 18. Epitedia scapani (Wagner) (=E. jordani Hubbard, E. stewarti Hubbard) . True host: White-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus ; also common on Insectivora. Recorded hosts: Scapanus orarius, S. townsendii, Neurotrichus gibbsii, Sorex spp., Mustela sp., Microtus ore- goni, Peromyscus maniculatus, Rat- tus norvegicus, Aplodontia ruf a. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands. 19. Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) ( =Neopsylla similis Chapin). True host: White-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Microtus pennsylvani- cus, Peromyscus maniculatus, Neo- toma cinerea, Tamiasciurus hudson- icus. Range: Coast Range to Rockies, but not Pacific slopes. 20. Neopsylla inopina Rothschild True host: ground squirrel, Gitellus spp. Recorded host: Gitellus columbianus. Range: Southern Kootenays, through Crow’s Nest Pass. 21. Phalacropsyila alios Wagner True host: woodrat, Neotoma cinerea. Recorded host: Neotoma cinerea occi- dentalism Range: Probably restricted to Osoyoos- Arid biotic area. New record: 12 miles west of Hedley, B.C., on banks of Similkameen River, 23.IV.48, coll. Gr. P. Holland. 22. Meringis shannon! (Jordan) True host: pocket mouse, Perognathus spp. Recorded hosts: Perognathus parvus, Peromyscus maniculatus. Range: Okanagan Valley, from Vernon, south to border. 23. Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild) G==Micropsylla peromyscus Dunn) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Gitellus columbianus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Peromys- cus maniculatus, Mus musculus. Range: Southern B.C., east of the Coast Range. 24. Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Mustela erminea, Spi- logale gracilis, Tamiasciurus doug- lassi, Microtus oregoni, Peromyscus ■maniculatus, Rattus norvegicus. Range: Southern B.C., west of the Coast Range. 25. Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) (=Neopsylla hamiltoni Dunn) True host: small Rodentia. Recorded hosts: Martes americana, Ta- miasciurus hudsonicus, Phenacomys intermedius, Neotoma cinerea, Ocho- tona princeps. Range: Scattered over southern B.C* Rare. 26. Trichopsylloides oregonensis Ewing ( —Phaneris hubbarcli Jordan) True host: mountain beaver, Aplodon- tia ruf a. Recorded host: Mustela vison. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands. 27. Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Roths- child) True host: shrew, £ 'or ex, spp. Recorded hosts: Sorex obscurus, Sorex spp. Range: East of Cascade Mountains. 28. Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata (Wagner) ( =Doratopsylla jellisoni Hubbard) True host: shrew, Sorex spp. Recorded hosts: Sorex spp., S. trow- bridgii, S. vagrans, Neurotrichus gib- bsii, Microtus oregoni. Range: West of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. 29. Callistopsyllus terinus (Rothschild) ( =Callistopsyllus paraterinus Wag- ner) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Gitellus columbianus, Peromyscus maniculatus. Range: Columbia Forest. 30. Megarthroglossus divisus divisus (Baker) ( =Pulex longispinus Baker) True host: squirrel, Tamiasciurus ; woodrat, Neotoma. Recorded hosts: Microtus longicaudus, Neotoma cinerea. Range: Southern B.C., east of Selkirks. 31. Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wag- ner True host: red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. Recorded hosts: Tamiasciurus hudson- icus, Glaucomys sabrinus, Peromys- cus maniculatus. Range: Southern B.C., Cascades to Sel- kirks. 10 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Yol. 45, July 28, 1949 32. Megarthroglossus procus Jordan and child True host: Chickaree, Tamiasciurus douglassi. Recorded hosts: Spilogale gracilis , Ta- miasciurus douglassi, Glaucomys sab- rinus, Rattus norvegicus. Range: Coast Forest (southern main- land only). 33. Megarthroglossus pygmaeus Wagner True host: probably woodrat, Neotoma cinerea. Recorded host: Neotoma cinerea. Range: Known only from Nicola. 34. Megarthroglossus sicamus Jordan and Rothschild True host: unknown, probably wood- rat, Neotoma. Recorded hosts: Canis latrans, Lynx fasciatus, Neotoma cinerea. Range: Probably restricted to Dry Forest biotic area. 35. Megarthroglossus similis Wagner True host: probably woodrat, Neotoma. Recorded host: Neotoma cinerea. Range: Known only from Beaverdell. 36. Megarthroglossus spenceri Wagner True host: unknown. Recorded host: Ochotona princeps. Range: Known only from Nicola. 37. Corypsylla omata Fox True host: mole, Scapanus spp. Recorded hosts: Scapanus orarius, S. townsendii, Microtus oregoni, M. townsendii. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands, north and south of Fraser River. 38. Corypsylla jordani Hubbard True host: shrew-mole, N eurotrichus gibbsii. Recorded host: N eurotrichus gibbsii. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands. New record: Silver Creek, 15. III. 48, coll. G. P. Holland. 39. Corpsylloides kohlsi ( Hubbard) (— C. spinata Fox) True host: shrew, Sorex spp. Recorded host: Sorex obscurus. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands. New record: Silver Creek, 11.X.47, coll. G. P. Holland. 40. Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) True host: unknown, probably Sorex; possibly Mustela. Recorded hosts: Mustela erminea, M. frenata, M. vison, Martes americana. Range: Widespread over province. 41. Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) True host: shrew, Sorex spp. Recorded hosts: Sorex obscurus, S. cinereus, Mustela vison, M. frenata, Martes caurina, M. americana, Cle - thrionomys gapperi. Range: Southern half of province, in- cluding Vancouver Island. 42. Nearctopsylla jordani Hubbard ( =N . hygini columbiana Wagner) True host: mole, Scapanus spp. Recorded hosts: Scapanus orarius, N eu- rotrichus gibbsii. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands. FAMILY CERATOPHYLLIDAE 43. Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) True host: pika, Ochotona spp. Recorded host: Ochotona princeps. Range: Southern Alplands, and some contiguous areas. Coincident with host. 44. Dolichopsyllus stylosus (Baker) True host: mountain beaver, Aplodon- tia rufa. Recorded host: Aplodontia rufa. Range: Puget Sound Lowlands. 45. Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) ( =Aetheopsylla septentrionalis Stew- art and Holland) True host: woodchuck, Marmota monax. Recorded hosts: Marmota monax, M. caligata. Range: Boreal Forest, Columbia For- est. 46. Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) ( =Ceratophyllus poeantis Rothschild, C. bertholfi Fox) True host: ground squirrel, Citellus spp. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Cit- ellus columbianus, C. lateralis, Ocho- tona princeps. Range: Coincident with ground squir- rels in southern half of province. 47. Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) True host: yellow-bellied marmot, Mar- mota flaviventris. Recorded hosts: Mephitis sp., Marmota flaviventris, Citellus columbianus, Eu- tamias sp., Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. Range: Dry Forest, Cariboo Parklands. 48. Thrassis petiolatus (Baker) True host: Columbia ground squirrel, Citellus columbianus. Recorded hosts: Citellus columlbianus, Eutamias sp., Thomomys talpoides. Range: Coincident with range of C. columbianus from Shuswap Lake south, especially in areas at low ele- vation. 49. Thrassis spenceri Wagner True host: Alpine marmot, Marmota caligata group. Recorded hosts: Gulo luscus, Ursus sp., Marmota monax, M. caligata, M. van- couverensis. Range: Alplands and some contiguous areas. 50. Amphalius necopinus (Jordan) True host: pika, Ochotona spp. Recorded host: Ochotona princeps. Range: Southern Alplands. 51. Dactylopsylla comis Jordan True host: Pocket gopher, Thomomys spp. Recorded host: Thomomys talpoides. Range: Known only from Okanagan Landing. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 11 52. Foxella ignota recula (Jordan and Roths- child) True host: pocket gopher, Thomomys spp. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Citel- lus columbianus, Thomomys tal- poides. Range: Dry Forest. 53. Opisocrostis tuberculatus tuberculatiis (Baker) True host: ground squirrel, Citellus spp. Recorded host: Citellus columbianus. Range: Southern Kootenays, through Crow’s Nest. 54. Opisodasys keeni (Baker) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Mustela sp., Microtus sp., M. townsendii, Clethrionomys gapperi, Peromyscus maniculatus , Zapus sp. Range: Apparently general, through province. 55. Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) ( =Ceratophyllus acasti Rothschild) True host: flying squirrel, Glaucomys spp. Recorded hosts: Tamiasciurus hudson- icus, Glaucomys sabrinus. Range: Scattered; southern B.C. east of Coast Range. 56. Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan) True host: flying squirrel, Glaucomys spp. Recorded hosts: Mustela sp., Lynx sp., Glaucomys sabrinus. Range: Dry Forest and southern Coast Forest. 57. Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) True host: red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. Recorded host: Tamiasciurus hudson- icus. Range: (Roughly) north of 53°. 58. Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) True host: red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, M. erminea, Lynx canadensis, Tamias- ciurus hudsonicus, Glaucomys sabri- nus, Eutamias sp. Range: (Roughly) south of 53°. 59. Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) (— Ceratophyllus aeger Rothschild) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded host: Peromyscus manicula- tus. Range: Probably northern half of province. 60. Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild) True host: Chickaree, Tamiasciurus douglassi. Recorded hosts: Mustela vison, M. er- minea, Spilogale gracilis, Tamias- ciurus douglassi, Glaucomys sabri- nus. Range: Coast Forest (southern main- land only). 61. Orchopeas sexdentatus agilis (Rothschild) True host: woodrat, Neotoma cinerea. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Spilo- gale gracilis, Clethrionomys gapperi, Neotoma cinerea, Ochotona princeps, Sylvilagus nuttalli. Range: Through most of province. 62. Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) (=Opisodasys jellisoni Fox) True host: squirrel, Tamiasciurus and Glaucomys. Recorded hosts: Martes americana, Ta- miasciurus hudsonicus, Glaucomys sabrinus. Range: In mountains, and probably throughout much of northern part of province. 63. Ceratophyllus adustus Jordan True host: unknown. A bird? Recorded host: Erethizon dorsatum. Range: Known only from Atlin. 64. Ceratophyllus celsus celsus Jordan True host: bank swallow, Riparia ri- paria. Recorded host: Riparia riparia. Range: Known only from Kamloops and Okanagan Falls. 65. Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan (— C. rileyi Liu) True host: many birds. Recorded hosts: Bonassa umbellus, Me- lospiza melddia. Range: Probably southern half of prov- ince. 66. Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild (=C. utahensis Chapin, C. quebecen- sis Fox) True host: ground-nesting birds. Recorded host: Erismatura jamaicensis. Range: Probably widespread. One rec- ord available, from Kamloops. 67. Ceratophyllus idius Jordan and Roths- child True host: tree swallow, Iridoprocne bicolor. Recorded hosts: Asio otus, Iridoprocne bicolor. Range: Known only from Okanagan at present. 68. Ceratophyllus niger Fox ( =C . niger inflexus Jordan) True host: various birds. Recorded hosts: Phalacrocorax pelagi- cus, Gallus gallus, Otus asio, Crypto- glaux acadica, Acridotheres crista- tellus, Vermivora celata, Turdus mi- gratorius, Passer domesticus, Tami- asciurus hudsonicus. Range: Common in southern half of province. 69. Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni Wagner True host: cliff swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonata. Recorded host: Petrochelidon pyrrhon- ata. Range: Known only from Chilcotin and Kamloops. 12 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 70. Ceratophyllus riparius Jordan and Roths- child True host: bank swallow, Riparia rip- aria. Recorded host: Riparia riparia. Range: Known only from Kamloops and Okanagan Valley. 71. Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) True host: Passeriformes. Recorded hosts: Thryomanes bewicki, Sphyrapicus ruber , Cyanocitta stel- leri, Vermivora celata, Lanivireo so- litarius, Pheucticus melonacephalus, Hylocichla guttata, H. ustulata, Pip- ilo maculatus, Parus atricapillis, Pi- ranga ludoviciana, Regulus calendula, Empidonax difficilis, Turdus migra- torius, Junco oreganus, Zonotrichia coronata, Melospiza melodia, Tamias- ciurus douglassi, man. Range: Coast Forest (west of Cascades only ) . 72. Dasypsyllus stejnegeri (Jordan) True host: unknown. A sea bird? Recorded host: Hylocichla guttata na- nus. Range: Probably northern Coast Lit- toral. New record: Langara Island, Queen Charlottes, 20.V.47, coll. C. J. Guiguet. 73. Malaraeus euphorbi (Rothschild) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded host: Peromyscus manicula- tus. Range: Widespread, though rare, in southern half of province. 74. Malaraeus penicilliger ssp. (dissimilis Jor- dan?) True host: Microtinae. Recorded hosts: Clethrionomys gap- peri, Peromyscus maniculatus. Range: Northern part of province, and southern Alplands. 75. Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Sorex sp., Citellus co- lumbianus, Microtus longicaudus, Cle- thrionomys gapperi, Peromyscus ma- niculatus. Range: General, throughout southern half of province. 76. Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) (=Megabothris adversus Wagner) True host: Microtinae. Recorded hosts: Mustela erminea, M. frenata, Vulpes fulva, Citellus colum- bianus, Microtus longicaudus, M. pennsylvanicus, M. oregoni, Clethri- onomys gapperi, Phenacomys inter- medins, Synaptomys borealis, Pero - my sens maniculatus, Neotoma cin- erea, Rattus norvegicus, Zapus prin- ceps, Z. trinotatus, Lepus americanus, Ochotona princeps. Range: General over province, espe- cially in humid areas. 77. Megabothris asio megacolpus (Jordan) True host: meadow mouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus . Recorded host: Microtus pennsylvani- cus. Range: Probably occurs throughout most of province. 78. Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild) True host: gray vole, Microtus mon- tanus. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Mi- crotus montanus. Range: Dry Forest. 79. Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) True host: Microtinae. Recorded hosts: Tamiasciurus hudsoni- cus, Microtus p. drummondi, Clethri- onomys gapperi, Peromyscus manicu- latus. Range: General, east of Coast Range. 80. Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) True host: squirrel, Tamiasciurus. Recorded hosts: Mustela erminea, Mar- tes caurina, Spilogale gracilis, Tami- asciurus douglassi, T. hudsonicus, Glaucomys sabrinus, Eutamias town- sendii, Peromyscus maniculatus, Le- pus americanus. Range: Southern part of Coast Forest, including Vancouver Island. 81. Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Roths- child) True host: chipmunk, Eutamias spp. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Citel- lus columbianus, Tamiasciurus hud- sonicus, Eutamias amoenus, E. mini- mus, Clethrionomys gapperi. Range: Throughout province, east of Coast Range. 82. Monopsyllus vison (Baker) ( =Ceratophyllus lucidus Baker) True host: red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Mar- tes americana, Citellus columbianus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Glaucomys sabrinus, Ochotona princeps. Range: Throughout province, east of Coast Range. 83. Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) ( =Ceratophyllus peromysci Sitewart) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Mustela frenata, Mi- crotus longicaudus, Clethrionomys gapperi, Peromyscus maniculatus, Phenacomys intermedius, Reithrod- ontomys megalotis. Range: Southern B.C. from Cascades to Rockies. 84. Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan) True host: white-footed mouse, Pero- myscus maniculatus. Recorded hosts: Sorex sp., Spilogale gracilis, Peromyscus maniculatus. Range: Southern B.C., from Cascades, west, including Vancouver Island. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 13 85. Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bose d’Antic) (In- troduced) True host: rat, Rattus spp. Recorded hosts: Sorex sp., Tamiasciu- rus douglassi, Mus musculus, Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus. Range: Apparently pretty well restrict- ed to lower coastal region. 86. Leptopsylia segnis (Schonherr) (Intro- duced) True host: house mouse, Mus musculus. Recorded host: Mus musculus. Range: One record, from Kelowna. 87. Peromyscopsylla hesperomys ssp. A new subspecies, to be described from southern Coast Forest, in “Siphonap- tera of Canada.” 88. Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis (Dunn) True host: woodrat, Neotoma cinerea. Recorded hosts: Neotoma cinerea, Pe- romyscus maniculatus, Ochotona prin- ceps. Range: Rare in southern part of prov- ince. 89. Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) True host: Microtinae. Recorded hosts: Sorex sp., Mustela frenata, Microtus longicaudus, M. oregoni, Clethrionomys gapperi, Phe- nacomys intermedius, Peromyscus maniculatus, Eutamias sp., Rattus norvegicus. Range: General, throughout province, especially in mountains and humid forests. Family ISCHNOPSYLLIDAE 90. Eptescopsylla vancouverensis (Wagner) True host: silver-haired bat, Lasionyc- teris noctivagans. Recorded host: Lasionycteris noctiva- gans. Range: Known only from Vancouver. 91. Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Roths- child True host: little brown bat, Myotis lu- cifugus. Recorded hosts: Myotis lucifugus, M. yumanensis. Range: West of Selkirks. 92. Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild) {—Ceratopsyllus crosbyi Baker, Myo- dopsylla subulata Chapin) True host: little brown bat, Myotis lu- cifugus. Recorded host: Myotis sp. Range: Known only from Cariboo Parklands in B.C. 93. Myodopsylloides palposus (Rothschild) ( =M . piercei Augustson ) True host: big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus. Recorded host: Eptesicus fuscus. Range: Scattered records from south- west B.C. Erroneous Records 1. Ceratophylhis gallinae (Schrank) Recorded by Harvey, 1907, ex poultry. The specimens Harvey had were pre- sumably Ceratophyllus niger Fox 1909, now known as the “western hen flea.” C. gallinae is restricted to eastern North America, having been introduced from Europe. 2. Diamanus montanus (Baker) Recorded by Holland 1941 from Eagle River, B.C., ex Gulo luscus. Erroneous determination — the speci- mens were Thrassis spenceri Wagner. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF HOSTS Acridotheres cristatellus — Crested mynah Aplodontia rufa — Mountain beaver Asio otus — Long-eared owl Bonassa umbellus — Ruffed grouse Canis latrans — Coyote Citellus columbianus — Columbian ground squirrel Citellus lateralis — Mantled ground squirrel Clethrionomys gapperi — Red-backed mouse Cryptoglaux acadica — Saw-whet owl Empidonax difficilis — Western fly catcher Eptesicus fuscus — Big brown bat Erethizon dorsatum — Porcupine Erismatura jamaicensis — Ruddy duck Euarctos americanus — Black bear Eutamias amoenus — Allen chipmunk Eutamias minimus — Least chipmunk Eutamias townsendii — Townsend chipmunk Gallus gallus — Domestic hen Glaucomys sabrinus — Flying squirrel Gulo luscus — Wolverine Hylocichla guttata — Hermit thrush Hylocichla ustulata — Swainson thrush Iridoprocne bicolor — Tree swallow Junco oreganus — Oregon junco Lasionycteris noctivagans — Silver-haired bat Lepus americanus — Varying hare Lynx canadensis — Canada lynx Lynx fasciatus — Bobcat Marmota caligata — Hoary marmot Marmota flaviventris — Yellow-bellied marmot Marmota monax — Woodchuck Marmota vancouverensis — Vancouver Island marmot Martes americana. — Pine marten Maries caurina— Vancouver Island marten Mephitis sp. — 'Striped skunk Melospiza melodia — Song sparrow Microtus longicaudus — Long-tailed vole Microtus montanus — Grey vole Microtus oregoni — Creeping vole Microtus pennsylvanicus — Meadow vole Microtus richardsoni — Alpine water vole Microtus townsendii — Townsend vole Mus musculus — House mouse Mustela erminea — Short-tailed weasel Mustela frenata — Long-tailed weasel Mustela vison — Mink Myotis lucifugus — Small brown rat Myotis yumanensis — Yuma bat Neotoma cinerea — Woodrat Neurotrichus gibbsii — Gibb’s shrew mole Ochotona princeps — Rocky Mountain pika Odocoileus hemionus — Black-tailed deer Otus asio — Screech owl 14 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 Parus atricapillis — Black-capped chickadee Passer domesticus — English sparrow Perognathus parvus — Pocket mouse Peromyscus maniculatus — White-footed mouse Petrochelidon pyrrhonata — Cliff swallow Phalacrocorax pelagicus — Pelagic cormorant Phenacomys intermedins — Lemming mouse Pheucticus melanocephalus — Black Jieaded grosbeak Pipilo maculatus — Spotted towhee Piranga ludoviciana — Western tanager Procyon lotor — Raccoon Rattus norvegicus — Norway rat Rattus rattus alexandrinus — Roof rat Rattus rattus rattus — Black rat Regulus calendula — Ruby-crowned kinglet Reithrodontomys megalotis — Harvest mouse Riparia riparia — Bank swallow Scapanus orarius — Coast mole Scapanus townsendii — Townsend mole Sorex cinereus — Cinereus shrew Sorex obscurus — Dusky shrew Sorex trowfbridgii — Trowbridge shrew S or ex vagrans — Vagrant shrew Speotyto cunicularia — Burrowing owl Sphyrapicus ruber — Red-breasted sapsucker Spilogale gracilis — Spotted skunk Sylvilagus nuttalli — Cottontail rabbit Synaptomys borealis — Bog lemming Tamiasciurus douglassi — Douglas chickaree Tamiasciurus hudsonicus — Red squirrel Thomomys talpoides — Pocket gopher Thryomanes bewicki — Bewick wren Turdus migratorius — Robin Ursus sp. — Grizzly bear Vermivora celata — Orange-crowned warbler Vulpes fulva — Red fox Zapus trinotatus — Northwest coast jumping mouse Zapus princeps — Rocky Mountain jumping mouse Zonotrichia coronata — Golden-crowned spar- row Selected References Harvey, R. V., 1907. British Columbia fleas. Bull. Ent. Soc. B.C., No. 7, p. 1. Holland, G. P., 1940. New records of Siphonaptera for British Columbia. Ent. Soc. B.C., Proc. 36:11-12. 1941. Further records of Siphonaptera for British Columbia. Ibidem, 37:10-14. 1942. Synonymy of some fleas from western North America (Siphonaptera). Can. Ent. 74(9): 157-158. The Siphonaptera of Canada (in press). Hubbard, C. A., 1947. Fleas of western North America. Iowa State College Press; pp. I-IX plus 1-533, 5 half-tone plates; many text figures. Lima, A. da Costa and C. R. Hathaway, 1946. Pulgas, Bibliografia, Catalogo e Hospedadores. Monografiias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, No. 4, pp. 1-522. Munro, J. A., and I. McT. Cowan, 1947. A review of the bird fauna of British Columbia. B.C. Prov. Mus. Special Publication No. 2; pp. 1-285; figs. 1-42. Spencer, G. J., 1936. A check list of the fleas of British Columbia, with a note on fleas in relation to sawdust in homes. Ent. Soc. B.C. Proc. 32:11-17. 1938. Further notes on the fleas of British Columbia. Ibidem, 34:36-38. Wagner, J., 1936. The fleas of British Columbia. Can. Ent. 68(9) : 193-207; figs. 1-10. 1940. Beitrag zur kenntnis der Flohe von Brit.-Kolumbien. Zeits. f. Parasitenk. 11(4) : 463-467; figs. 1-7. NOTE ON LONGEVITY OF CERTAIN TICKS (Ixo- doidea). — Among the tragedies of the flood of 1948 were the premature deaths of several dozen aged ticks. These represented the survivors of several species and stages undergoing longevity tests at the Dominion Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamlooups, B.C. Each group had been kept within unopened, cotton plugged, shell vials since they had emerged from eggs or their preceding instars. Except for brief periods, they were always kept in the dark below ground level under one of the laboratory buildings. Since observations have now come to an end, it is fitting to publish the records as they stand. Ixodes texanus Banks nymphs and adults, while commencing to die of senility, were 103 and 101 months old respectively. Larvae of this spe- cies had previously died at the age of 96 months. This makes a total life cycle of at least 300 months, though this period must be theoretical since these va- rious stages may not have had the vigor to perpetu- ate themselves beyond a certain age. Ixodes hearlei Gregson adults and Ornithodoros turicata (Dugas) third nymphs were drowned at the ages of 80 and 100 months. — J. D. Gregson, Kamloops, B.C. UNUSUAL RECORD OF IXODES SORICIS (Ixodoi- dea: Ixodidae) — An intresting new host (?) record for Ixodes soricis Gregson has occurred in the collec- tion from Silver Creek, Hope, British Columbia, March 29, 1948, of a male of this tick attached to a female of its own species! The hypostome of the male (yet undescribed) was firmly embedded in the integument of an engorged female, ex Sorex obscurus, the site of the male’s attachment being slightly laterad to the hind coxa. — J. D. Gregson, Kamloops, B.C. ANTHAXIA PRASINA Horn (Coleoptera:Buprestidae). — Anthaxia prasina is recorded from California, but we can add British Columbia to its range. I found them once only, at Copper Mountain in 1930, on flowers of Rosa nutkana, when 35 speciments were collected: July 12-13. The stem species, A. aeneo- gaster, was common in the region, usually on various yellow flowers, but was not associated with this col- ony. A prasina is a beautiful blue-green insect; the individuals of my series vary considerably in size, but are constant in colour and other respects. — G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 15 NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ORNITHODOROS HERMSI IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, AND ITS PROBABLE RELATION TO RELAPSING FEVER. ARGASIDAE, IXODOIDEA.* J. D. Gregson Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. A new distributional and host record has been established by the recent discov- ery of the soft tick Ornithodoros hermsi Wheeler, Herms and Meyer, at Summer- land, British Columbia. Two engorged adult specimens of the tick were forward- ed to the Dominion Livestock Insect Lab- oratory at Kamloops on August 4th, 1948, by Mr. C. V. G. Morgan of the Domin- ion Fruit Insect Laboratory, Summerland, who, in turn, had received them from a local resident. This person had been bit- ten some dozen times in bed since April by nocturnal creatures which she believed to be bedbugs. Finally she captured two of the culprits and opened the way for this interesting discovery. Investigation by the writer revealed her residence to be an old building situated in an orchard on a West Summerland bench- land. The occupant and her mother kept no' animals and knew of no- rodents being present, with the exception of a packrat that had visited her basement the previous fall, and a mouse that she had caught there recently. There was, however, a bluebird nest in an old woodpecker hole in the eaves over an upper verandah. This was examined, and yielded, besides five fledgling bluebirds, a large number of avian bedbugs, Oeciacus vicarius Horv., and twenty-six specimens of Ornithodoros hermsi. The majority of the ticks had re- cently fed, and were found in the main nesting material. Since this was without doubt the source of the infestation it is of interest to note that the initial specimens captured had migrated over a distance of two storeys, including accents up wooden and steel bed legs. After the contents of the nest were removed, the enclosure * Contribution No. 2575, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. was sprayed with DDT and sealed. How- ever, it is expected that the occasional specimen may still appear in crevices in the well kept but old residence. To date, sev- eral feedings on laboratory mice have failed to reveal spirochetes. The human bites produced no effects other than a se- vere and prolonged local reaction. This tick record bears two points of considerable interest. Firstly, the biotope records of O. hermsi , as stated by Cooley and Kohls, (1935), consist of chipmunk nests in either fir snags, stumps or hollow logs or cabins, but never ground burrows. These observations, together with the marked localization of observed infesta- tions would suggest a possibility that the tick is primarily spread and maintained by an avian host. Secondly, this species is known to bite man, and because of known cases of relapsing fever originating from infested areas, with subsequent isolation of spirochetes from specimens captured there, it has been proven a vector of this disease in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, northern Idaho and Washington (Davis 1942, 1945). In 1930 and 1932 there occurred a series of six human cases of relapsing fever in the Kootenay District of British Columbia, (Palmer and Crawford 1933). Considerable speculation arose as to what the vector could be. Hearle (1934) advanced the theory that one of the Argasid ticks must be involved, though a careful search by staff members of this laboratory failed to find any indications of these parasites. Again, in 1937 this laboratory was informed by Dr. Campbell Brown of Vernon, British Columbia, that two loggers from Okanagan Centre had been suffering from a series of relapses. A further search for vectors once more proved futile. Thus it is seen that an Argasid tick has long been suspected as oc- 16 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 curring in British Columbia, and as point- ed out by Davis (1945), the presence of O. hermsi in the contiguous areas of nor- thern Idaho and eastern Washington sug- gested that this species may have been re- sponsible for the above cases. While at- tempts to find it had failed, the search had been directed only towards rodent hosts and ground burrows. The final discovery of O. hermsi in a bird’s nest in the prov- ince consequently throws an interesting light on the whole picture. Literature Cited Cooley, R. A., and G. M. Kohls, 1935. The Argasidae of North America, Central America and Cuba. The Amer, Midland Nat. Monograph No. 1., U.of Notre Dame, pp. 1-152; text figs. 1-57; plates 1-14. Davis, G. E., 1942. Tick Vectors and Life Cycles of Ticks. A.A.A.S. Monograph No. 18, pp. 67-76. Davis, G. E., 1945. In Mackie, T. T., Hunter, G. W., and C. B. Worth, Manual Trop. Med., Saunders. Hearle, E., 1934. Vectors of Relapsing Fever in Relation to an Outbreak of the Disease in British Columbia. Can. Med. Assoc. Journ. 30:494-497. Palmer, J. H., and J. M. Crawford, 1933. Relapsing Fever in North America with Report of an Outbreak in British Columbia. Can. Med. Assoc. Journ. 28:643-647. PARASITIC COLEOPTERA Geo. R. Hopping University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Parasitism in the Coleoptera is so rare that when a parasitic species is discovered it is an event of considerable note. There are five known species of beetles parasitic, or suspected of being parasitic on birds and mammals. The collection of the Univer- sity of British Columbia contains four of these species which is rather remarkable and a tribute to Professor G. J. Spencer who has persistently and assiduously built up this collection. The species of parasitic Coleoptera rep- resent three families and four genera in the super-family Stafhylinoidea. The family Platyfsillidae contains one species only, Platyfsyllus castoris Ritsema. This curious insect has been known since 1869 and has been taken a considerable number of times both in Europe and America, on beaver, where it is a permanent, obligate parasite. The head of the adult is provided with a comb-like row of spines near the hind margin. There are no eyes, and the man- dibles are vestigial. The maxillae are well developed and are similar to those of oth- er Coleoptera. This insect was placed in a separate order by Westwood, but the larval characters are unmistakably coleop- terous Its place within the order is some- what in doubt. A careful, morphological study of all stages might yield a perman- ent solution to the problem. In the family Leftinidae there are two genera and three species. Leftinus testa- ceus Mull., often has been recorded from the nest of bumble bees and once has been recorded as occurring on mice and once from shrews. More recently J. D. Greg- son took it on a species of Sorex from Sil- ver Creek, B.C., April 26, 1940. This species if correctly determined, is about 2.5 mm. long, reddish brown in colour, with 1 1 segmented antennae and 5 seg- mented tarsi. There are 6 visible abdominal segments. The entire body is covered with short setae, sparsely and uniformly distri- buted. The mouth parts were difficult to distinguish but obviously the maxillae are well developed while the mandibles ap- pear to be vestigial and the eyes are want- ing. The front coxae are contiguous, the intercoxal piece acuminate. The elytra completely or nearly cover the abdomen, and there are no hind wings. The genus Leftinillus is represented by two species, L. validus Horn and L. aflo- dontiae Ferris. The former species was described in 1872 and has been recorded from Alaskan beaver skins by C. V. Riley Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 17 (Insect Life 1, 1888). Recently this spe- cies has been received from Mr. O. French of Lempriere, B.C. These speci- mens also were taken from beaver skins. The mandibles appear to be vestigial but the maxillae are well developed with a fringe of recurved spines around the mar- gin of the galea. The antennae are 1 1 segmented, the abdomen with 6 visible segments as in Leftinus but the intercoxal piece of the prosternum separates the front coxae and the tip is blunt, not acuminate as in Leftinus. There is also a long tuft of hairs projecting from the tip. This species is nearly 5 mm. long. It is appar- ently blind as is Leftinus. L. aflodontiae was described by Ferris in 1918. It was taken from a species of Aflodontia or mountain beaver, a genus of rodents peculiar to the Pacific Coast. The type locality is Fallen Leaf Lake, Plumas Co., California, the host animal being taken in August, 1917, by W. R. Fisher. The fifth species here dealt with is in the family Silphidae with only one member of the genus, Lyrosoma ofaca. Mann. It resides in the nests of certain maritime birds and may not be parasitic in the strict sense although it apparently utilizes the birds for transportation pur- poses. This species does not have the ex- treme modifications of the other forms .such as excessive flattening, blindness, and vestigial mandibles. The compound eyes are well developed but the facets are rath- er coarse and there are only about 200 to each eye. It is suggested that this may be a species in process of acquiring a para- sitic habit, but as yet not strictly parasitic. I am indebted to Professor Spencer for making certain records available to me in connection with some of these species of parasitic Coleoptera. Literature Cited Ritsema, C., 1869. On Platypsyllus. Pet. Nouv. Entom. 1. Horn, W., 1872. Description of some New North American Coleoptera. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 5, 143-152. Ferris, G. F., 1918. An apparently new species of Leptinillus. Can. Ent. 50, 125-128. Muller, 1817. Bemerk u. einige Insekten. Germar Mag. Zool. 2, 266-289. Mannerheim, 1853. Dritter Nachtrag der Aleutischen Insulen Bull. Moscou 26, 95-273. NOTES ON THE LIFE HISTORY OF XANTHORHOE DEFENSARIA GN. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) George A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. Several specimens of the geometrid moth, X anthorhoe defensaria Gn., were taken at light on September 19-21, 1947 in the Municipality of Saanich, Vancouver Island, B.C. From one of the specimens a batch of eggs was obtained and half of the resulting caterpillars were reareed to maturity. Since no account of the life- history of this species was available, it is thought that the following notes may be of interest as a confirmation or supplement to what may already be known about this species. Ovum. Laid on September 20, 1947, in a glass phial in ones and twos, or in small, irregular groups promiscuously disposed on the sides or in the angles of the contain- er. A total of 25 eggs was deposited. They were subsequently kept at a cool room temperature. The egg is oval, smooth and whitish in colour with a pearly lustre, becoming dark- er towards hatching time. It is attached to the substratum by an adhesive substance at the small end. Length 0.75 mm. Width 0.5 mm.. The shell is not consumed by the newly emerged caterpillar. Larva. Eggs hatched on October 8, after an average incubation period of 18 days. As I was not aware of the food plant, 18 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 and little choice being available at this season of the year, recourse was made to chickweed (5 tellarla media) which was reluctantly accepted by the caterpillars. Twelve out of tweny-five were succeess- fully reared; the remainder died during their first instar from unknown causes. 1st Instar. October 8. Length on em- ergence from egg, 2 mm. General ap^ pearance, translucent with a tinge of green. Head oval, light pinkish cinnamon; oceilli conspicuously black; thoracic and prolegs colourless. Each segment with a few very short, slightly knobbed setae, less no- ticeable on the anterior and posterior seg- ments. Towards the end of this instar a tinge of cinnamon stains the first six abdominal segments. When disturbed, the caterpillar raises the body vertically, curl- ing the anterior portion in a loop, head uppermost. Stadium, 13 days. 2nd Instar. October 21. Length 6 mm. Apart from an increase in size, the colour is more definite, though not pronounc- edly so. A light translucent green, tinged as before with pale cinnamon, prevails, with more distinction in shade between dorsal and ventral surfaces. Stadium, 7 days. 3rd Instar. October 27. Length 12-17 mm. Development is irregular, some moulting a few days ahead of others of the same instar. Color still somewhat in- decisive; head mottled brown on greenish background and furnished with short de- pressed hairs; the thoracic and last abdom- inal segments green, the remainder pale cinnamon, which now shows a definite pattern of small black spots on the dor- sum of the second to fifth abdominal, in- clusive. These spots mark the outline of an X and are in the form of four black dots with a central longitudinal black dash between them. The X mark is most dis- tinct on the fifth abdominal segment, be- coming progressively less toward the sec- ond, where it is represented by only two dots. A loose epidermal fold is now discern- able along each side just below the spir- acles. Spiracles, almost invisible whitish dots. Stadium, 7 days. 4th Instar. November 4. Length 20-22 mm. In addition to the same general pat- tern as noted in the previous instar there is a noticeable increase in opacity. An in- terrupted wavy lateral line of dark brown is now evident, becoming continuous on the last three abdominals. Numerous, very fine longitudinal whitish lines appear on both dorsal and ventral surfaces. These lines are grouped in threes and fours, each group bounded by a more strongly marked line. Spiracles whitish with a faint dusky outline, set on a lighter ground colour. Some caterpillars are more strongly mark- ed than others, or have a more greenish tone throughout. The green, in all cases, prevails to a greater or lesser extent in the thoracic and anal segments. When dis- turbed, the caterpillars still adopt the curled attitude, but also have developed a habit of straightening and remaining quiet in the typical twig-resembling characteristic of geometrid larvae. If forcibly knocked off the food plant, they feign death by lying stiffly straight like bits of sticks. They feed at night, and at all times show a decided avoidance of daylight, keeping well to the base of the food plant during the day. Just before pupation, the greatest length of the caterpillars was 23 mm. Stadium, 7 days. Pupa. Pupated November 1 1 th- 1 8th. Length 10 mm. Width 3 mm. A very slight silken cocoon is made, either among the leaves of the food plant, which are lightly drawn together to form a small cubicle, or as in one case observed, by burrowing just beneath the surface of the soil and spinning a cocoon of grains of soil held together by silken strands. When the cocoon is completed the caterpillar re- mains quiescent for a period of four days, as noted specifically in one case and as- sumed to be so in others. The pupa is green at first, changing to a dark ma- hogany colour in five hours’ time. The pleura of the pupa are much lighter in Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 19 colour. Abdominal segments are finely punctate. The cremaster is composed of two long and several very short bristles, each with a strongly recurved hook at the tip. These hooked bristles allow the pupa to hold on to the silken strands of the co- coon. Period of pupal stage averages 25 days. Adult. Emerged December 6-12. The reared specimens average a wing expanse of 27.88 mm. as compared with 24.55 mm. for those taken under natural condi- tions. These measurements include both sexes, which were approximately equal in numbers. Remarks. No doubt the temperature of the room was responsible for the unex- pected hatching of the eggs, laid so late in the season. It is presumed that under nor- mal conditions these would not have hatched until the following spring, or if the larvae emerged in the fall they would have hibernated in the early stages. No adults have been observed under natural conditions, at or since the emergence of the reared specimens, which would sug- gest that overwintering in the egg or young larval stage is the rule. I am indebted to Mr. J. R. Llewellyn Jones for a list of the food plants known to him. These are Salix spp., Alnus ru- bra, Ribes sanguineum and Acer macro- fhyllum. He adds that the species prob- ably feeds on a wider range of food plants than indicated above, a surmise substantiated in the present instance. All these plants had shed their leaves before the larvae could have utilized them this season, further evidence against normal hatching of the eggs in the fall. The fact that the bred specimens were larger than their parents is of some signi- ficance, for they closely match the form gigantaria Swett. which is the normal spring brood. As this species is said to be many brooded, the three other named forms, all from the same district and named by the same authority, may be sea- sonal varieties. Further breeding along these lines would be interesting and might test the theory that all the forms could be produced from one set of parents in suc- cession during the course of the year. The several variations of this species were pointed out by Blackmore (1917) and described by Swett (1916). Blackmore suggested that they may be seasonal forms of the same species, a status that can only be proved by life history and genitalia studies. The present life history is sub- mitted as a contribution towards a solu- tion of the first of these objectives. Summary. A female of Xanthorhoe de- fens aria Gn. captured in the Municipality of Saanich, Vancouver I., B.C., on Sep- tember 20, 1947, laid 25 eggs. These hatched 18 days later and half of the re- sultant larvae were brought to maturity on the common chickweed ( Stellaria me- dia). Food plants hitherto recorded are all shrubs. The first instar lasted 13 days; second, 7 days; third, 7 days; fourth, 7 days; a total of 34 days. Pupation took place on December 6-12, and lasted for 25 days. The complete life history from oviposition to adult is therefore 77 days. The reared adults averaged larger than their parents. Under natural conditions it is assumed that the egg is the overwintering stage and that those laid in confinement developed prematurely owing to the artificial stimu- lus of ordinary room temperature. The theory is advanced that all the named forms of this species are seasoned variations, and could be produced in one season by successive breeding from one set of parents. Literature Cited Blackmore, E. H., 1917. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C., Syst. Ser. 10:17. Swett, L. W., 1916. Can. Ent. 48(10 : 349. 20 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 SCAPHINOTUS (NEOCYCHRUS) ANGULATUS SUBSP. MARITIMUS FROM DEPARTURE BAY, B.C. (Coleoptera, Carabidae). — During October 1946, I found by chance at Departure Bay a specimen of that rather scarce carabid beetle Cychrus tuberculatus Harr. While this in itself was a worthwhile find, it led to a still more notable discovery. Being anxious to secure a series of C. tuberculatus, I returned shortly to the spot and conducted an ex- tensive search. Although unable to find any more Cychrus, I came across two examples of Scaphinotus (Neocychrus) angulatus subsp. maritimus Van Dyke. Several ensuing searches over the same area pro- duced no further results of note. However, just about a year later, the discovery of remnants of C. tuber- culatus in an empty beer bottle gave me the idea of trying out traps. Small pickle jars, sunk in the ground, and baited with fermented quince jelly and honey, proved extremely effective. I kept the traps going for about a month, visiting them as a rule once in two or three days. In this time they yielded a large number of beetles of the genera Scaphinotus, Pterostichus, and Holiciopiiorus, among which were twenty-one examples of Scaphinotus angulatus, all of the rare black phase maritimus. Only over a very small area were the traps effec- tive in securing S. angulatus. If set more than a few yards from an old maple stump, which apparently harbored a colony of these beetles, only common spe- cies were taken. Dr. Van Dyke writes, 1 “The typical phase of the species is listed from Vancouver Island, Western Wash- ington, east of Puget Sound and Portland, Oregon. Numbers were at one time found by Professor O. B. Johnson near Seattle, though it is quite rare in col- lections.” “The subspecies is but a color phase of the preced- ing though all specimens found within its area of dis- tribution are similar. It is entirely black and shining and seems to be confined to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington. My type, I collected near Port Angeles. Others seen, are from Melbourne, Hoquiam and the Olympic National Forest. It is also very rare.” Acknowledgments: I am deeply indebted to Mr. H. B. Leech and Dr. Edwin C. Yan Dyke for determina- tion of material and also to Dr. Van Dyke for send- ing me the literature from which the above extracts were taken. — Richard Guppy, Wellington, B.C. 1A review of the subgenera Stenocanthoris Gistel and Neocychrus Roeschke of the genus Scaphinotus Dejean — Entomologica Americana 24(1) :1-19, 1944. POECILONOTA MONTANUS Chamb. ( Coleoptera :Bu- prestidae). — In 1945 I discovered a host tree of Poe- cilonota montanus at Creston, B.C. It was a large liv- ing tree of Populus trichocarpa, with the trunk bark .riddled with fresh and old exit holes, and 19 speci- mens were collected on the trunk: July 22 to August 14. Hoping the next season to discover the earliest date of appearance, the tree was closely watched, but no specimens were seen. This suggested a two-year cycle, so the same watching was followed in 1947, and 13 specimens were gathered: July 13 to August 17. P. montanus is larger than californica, and much scarcer, and in color exactly matches the bark of the host tree. — G. Stace Smith, Creston, B.C. THE EGG-POTENTIAL OF ERGATES SPICULATUS Lee. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) . — On August 1, 1944, I was given a large, heavily -gravid specimen of Er- gates spiculatus Lee., the long-horned fir stump borer which a citizen had picked up in Riverside Park, Kamloops. The beetle was sluggish on account of the tremendous distension of its abdomen. After cyanid- ing it, I dissected out the eggs, of which there were 494 in all. They were remarkably uniform in size, averaging 4 mm. in length and 2 mm. diameter at the middle; a very few were slightly smaller, being 3.6 mm. by 1.9 mm. They- were uniformly cream colored, shaped like a rugby football but proportionately broad- er in the middle, with more pointed ends. The mi- cropilar end was slightly indented like a minute cra- ter. The whole surface of the chorion was coarsely and uniformly beaded like the surface of a beaded projector screen. Since the beetle had been captured and not reared, it was impossible to tell whether or not it had al- ready laid any eggs ; certainly the abdomen was so dis- tended that it could not have laid very many, if any at all. The condition of the acrotrophic ovarioles indi- cated that in this species, all the eggs mature at about the same time because there were no smaller ones developing in the germaria as occurs in the panoistic ovarioles of our common grasshoppers which lay their eggs at intervals, in pods. — G. J. Spencer, Depart- ment of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Van- couver, B.C. GASTRALLUS MARGINIPENNIS Lee. (Coleoptera: ^.nobiidae). — A new record for British Columbia is Gastrallus marginipennis, though two specimens have been in my collection since 1932, but only recently identified by H. B. Leech. Before spring of that year I discovered a host plant, Clematis ligusticifolia, on the banks of the Kootenay River at Creston. The stems were riddled with small holes containing larvae. I tried to rear these but only one adult emerged (March 19) ; later (July 5), the second specimen was taken on the same bush. They are small, com- pact, brown beetles, resembling Throscidae, and have been recorded from California and Colorado. — G. Stace Smith, Crestin, B.C. HUMMING BIRDS VISITING APHIDS.— In July. 1947, I was watching a red-throated humming bird visiting the flowers in my garden and noted one in- dividual which left the flowers and hovered up and down the large limbs of a nearby apple tree. As no leaves or blossoms occurred on the limb, I made a closer examination and saw the bird introducing its beak among the colonies of woolly apple aphids which were present around the stubs where side shoots had been cut from the main limbs. The colonies were small, but the bird visited each in turn, being evidently attracted by the drops of honey-dew which are always plentiful on colonies of the aphid. On the other hand, it may have been feeding on the aphids themselves, but I could not de- termine this point. The waxy covering of the aphids was much torn and disturbed by the activities of the bird. — E. P. Venables, Vernon, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 21 AN ANNOTATED LIST OF THE COLEOPTERA TAKEN AT OR NEAR TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA. PART 21 M. E. Clark Massett, B.C. ORTHOPERIDAE Sacium lugubre LeC. — Vidit H. C. Fall. STAPH YLINIDAE Micropeplus costatus LeC. — Vidit H. C. Fall. MicropepTus sp. — On fungus. Unknown to Fall, and not in his collection. Emalus nigrella LeC. — Taken under pine bark, from tunnels of hark beetles. Proteinus basalts LeC. — Near one in the LeConte collection; November 3, 1923. Proteinus n. sp. — Taken June and July, 1931. Probably now in the Fall collection. Megarthrus sinuatocollis Boisd. — Taken June and July, 1931; vidit H. C. Fall. Megarthrus sp, — Unknown species, taken in rotten leaves, March 19, 1937. Anthobium pothos Mann. — June 12, 1920; vidit H. C. Fall and E. C. Van Dyke. Anthobium sp. — An unknown species. Acrulia tumiclula Makl. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Phyllodrepa sp. near megarthroides Fauv.; det. H. C. Fall. Phyllodrepa n. sp. Omalium rivulare Payk. — June and July, by sifting and in fungus; vidit H. C. Fall. Omalium humerosum Fauv.? — Vidit H. C. Fall, who said “vicinity of.” Omalium n. sp., near longulum Makl.; det. H. 0. Fall. Omalium spp. — Four unknown species. Phloeonomus lapponicus Zett. Porrhodites fenestralis Zett. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Lathrimaeum pictum Fauv. Lathrimaeum humerale Csy. — Taken Novem- ber 3, 1923. Lathrimaeum reflexicolle Csy. — From mouse nest, March 19, 1935; vidit H. C. Fall. Lathrimaeum sp. — An unknown species from Thornhill Mountain; vidit H. C. Fall. Arpedium sp. — Three specimens, November 3, 1923, and in 1927; unknown to H. C. Fall. Acidota sp. — An unknown species taken in 1931. Amphichroum maculatum Horn — On spathes of skunk cabbage. Pelecomalium testaceum Mann. — June, 1928, on skunk cabbage; vidit E. C. Van Dyke. Tilea rufitarsis Csy. — From Thornhill Moun- tain; vidit R. E. Blackwelder. Ancyrophorus biimpressus Makl. — Taken on November 24, 1923. Trogophloeus sp. — An unknown species. Aploderus linearis LeC. — Taken March 15, 1937; det. H. C. Fall. Oxytelus fuscipennis Mann. 1 Part I appeared in the previous issue of this journal, pp. 24-27. I am again greatly indebted to Mr. C. A. Frost, who has checked the manuscript, and who in past years submitted many of my beetles to the late Dr. H. C. Fall and others for identification or verification. Oxytelus nitidulus Grav., or possibly suspec- tus Csy. — Collected March 18, 1937; det. H. C. Fall. Platystethus americanus Er. Bledius mysticus Fall. Bledius sp. — An unknown species. Stenus vexatus Csy. — From muddy puddle of drainage on flat. Stenus insularis Csy. — From moss on flats. Stenus corvus Csy. — Taken at Lakelse Lake. Stenus convictor Csy. — Taken at Lakelse Lake, and in moss, November 5, 1923. Stenus sp., near convictor. — Taken Febru- ary, 1940. Stenus nanulus Csy. — Taken at Lakelse Lake, March, 1927, and in rotten leaves. Stenus sp. — Undescribed species; Lakelse Lake. Stenus maritimus Mots. — In moss, March, 1935. Stenus pterobrachys G. & H. — Scarce, June, 1931, and February, 1940. Stenus alpicola Fauv. — In moss, March 21, 1937. Stenus egenus Er. — Taken in 1927. Stenus n. sp. — Collected February, 1940. Stenus n. sp., nearest curtus Csy. — Taken in 1933. Stenus punctiger Csy. — Taken while sifting, August, 1927. Stenus sectator Csy. Stenus sp., near sectator. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Stenus mammops Csy. — Taken in June, 1931. Stenus reconditus Csy. Stenus rugifer Csy. Stenus austini Csy.— In moss, March 18, 1935. Stenus juno Fab. — Two females and one male; June, 1938. Stenus pollens Csy. — Taken in 1939. Stenus sp. — A new species near monticola Csy. Euaestethus sp. — “Species seems new”; det. M. W. Sanderson. Taken by sifting, June and July, 1931. Paederus pugetensis Csy. — Rare. Lathrobium rigidum Csy.? — Or near rigi- dum ; taken in 1933 and 1938. Lathrobium sp. — Species near simile LeC. Taken in 1938. Tetartopeus finitimus LeC— Collected June 1, 1920; one sent to Casey. Lathrotropis sp. — An unknown species. fMedon sp. — “Or near”; March 4. Orus punctatus Csy. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Stilicus oregonus Csy. — Rare; taken in 1931. Astenus longiusculus Man. Nudobius cephalus Say. — Rare. Nudobius spp. — Two unknown species. Gyrohypnus fusciceps LeC. Gyrohypnus sp. near fusciceps. Gyrohypnus obsidianus Melsh. — Rare, taken in 1931; vidit H. C. Fall. Gyrohypnus obscurus Er. — Species vera, teste H. C. Fall. 22 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 Leptacinodes nigritulus LeC. — February 6, 1926. Hesperolinus piceus Csy. — One pair taken in 1933. Hesperolinus brunnescens LeC. Parothius californicus Mann. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Baptolinus macrocephalus Nordm. Philonthus — (All species passed on by H. C. Fall). Philonthus furvus Nordm. Philonthus sp., near politus Linn. Philonthus sip., near atratus Grav. — Under grizzly bear bones. Philonthus varians Payk. Philonthus sp. — Unknown to C. A. Frost and H. C. Fall. Philonthus sordidus Grav. Philonthus crotchi Horn, or near. Philonthus nigritulus Grav. — Scarce. Philonthus nigritulus Grav., or near. — In numbers in old sacks, March, 1937. Philonthus longicornis Steph. — Rare. Philonthus aurulentus Horn. Philonthus tetragonoceplialus Notman. — Scarce. Philonthus agilis Grav. — Taken in 1931. Philonthus punctatellus Horn. — Taken in 1937. Philonthus micro phthalmus Horn. — Taken in 1937. Philonthus quadricollis Horn. — Taken in 1937. Philonthus debilis Grav. — Taken in 1937. Philonthus sp., near quadricollis. — Taken in 1937. Staphylinus fossator Grav. — About stables. Staphylinus pleuralis LeC. — On dung, and under boards. Staphylinus caesar eus Cederhj. Ontholestes cingulatus Grav. — Frequent, on cow and horse dung. Creophilus villosus Grav. — Scarce; on car- rion. Heterothops californicus LeC. — Taken in 1931; vidit H. C. Falk Heterothops carbonatus ' Fall. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Quedius sp., near marginalis Makl. — Taken in 1931. Quedius laevigatus Gyll. Quedius mesomelinus Marsh. Quedius aenescens Makl., or near — Under grizzly bear bones. Tachinus maculicollis Makl. — From fungus, November, 1919. Tachinus basalis Er. Tachinus crotchi Horn. Tachinus circumcinctus Makl. — Taken in August, 1927. Tachinus nigricornis Mann. — Taken by sift- ing in 1927 and 1931. Tachinus instabilis Makl. — Taken in 1931. Tachinus tachyporoides Horn. — Taken in 1931. Tachyporus acaudus Say. — Under bits of wood, loose bark, etc., frequent in spring; det. Blackwelder. Tachyporus nitidulus Fab. — Det. Blackwel- der. Tachyporus rulomus Blkwr. — Taken March 9, 1927; det. Blackwelder. Tachyporus jocosus Say.? Bolitobius cincticollis Say. Bolitobius poecilus Mann. Bolitobius o bsoletus Say., or near. — H. C. Fall remarked “No concusion.” Bolitobius n. sp., near intrusus Horn. Bolitobius intrusus Horn. Bryoporus rufescens LeC. Mycetoporus flavicollis LeC. — Taken by sift- ing; June and July, 1931 Mycetoporus humidus Say. — In rotting fun- gus, June and July, 1931. Mycetoporus splendidus Grav. — According to H. C. Fall. Deinopsis spp. — Several unidentified species. Myllaena sp. — Not identified. Datomicra zosterae Thoms. Acrotona fungi Grav. — Taken on decayed soft fungus. Aleochara bimaculata Grav. Aleochara sp. — Taken in 1938. Species not known to H. C. Fall. PSELAPHIDAE Sonoma corticina Csy. — Rare; found under a board in April. Sonoma parviceps Makl. — -Rare; taken by sifting in June and July; vidit A. S. Nico- lay. Cupila clavicornis Makl. — Very rare; det. A. S. Nicolay. Actium retractum Csy. — Two specimens; vidit A. S. Nicolay. Actium pacificum Csy., “or near”. — Det. H. C. Fall. Reichenbachia spp. — Two undescribed spe- cies; vidit H. C. Fall. Tychus tenellus LeC.— Rare; shaken from moss, November, 1920. Tychus cognatus LeC. — Rare; taken by sift- ing, June and July, 1931. Pselaphus bellcix Csy. — Rare; taken by sift- • ing, June and July, 1931; vidit H. C. Fall. PTILIIDAE Ptenidium pullum Makl., “or near; legs lighter” (note by H. C. Fall). From a squirrel’s nest, February 4 and March 18, 1935. Acratrichis spp. — A large and a small species in moss in November, both unidentified. Ptiliidae — A dozen specimens of an uniden- tified species, from a mouse nest. SCAPHIDIIDAE Scaphium castanipes Kby. — Taken in 1932. Scaphisoma convexum Say? — Taken under bark. Scaphisoma castaneum Mots. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Scaphidiidae — An unidentified species. SPHAERITIDAE Sphaerites politus Mann. — Rare; taken be- side Alwynne Creek, on bleaching bear bones. HISTERIDAE Hister umfrilicatus Csy. — “Not quite typical,” T. L. Casey said of one sent to him. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 23 Hister umbrosus Csy. — Found about the stable. Fall called this a synonym of the above. Hister immunis Er. — On sand near the river, 1934. Vidit H. C. Fall, but called fidelis Csy. by C. G. Siepmann. Isolomalus mancus Csy. — In numbers under spruce bark, August, 1927. Plegaderus sp. — Unknown species; vidit II. C. Fall. Very rare under hemlock bark on fallen trees from which bark is stripping. Saprinus estriatus LeC. — Scarce, sand bank on slough near Skeena River, August, 1927. Saprinus oregonensis LeC. Saprinus bigemmeus LeC. — Mr. Frost wrote “Not quite like some from California sea coast.” LYCIDAE Eros simplicipes Mann. — Frequent in the woods; May 25, 1929; June; det. E. C. Van Dyke. Eros aurora Hbst. — Scarce; in the woods, June. Eros nigripes Schaeff. — Scarce; in flight, first week of May; det. by C. Schaeffer and E. C. Van Dyke. Eros thoracicus Rand. — Scarce; vidit H. C. Fall. Plateros sp. — An unknown species: Plater os calif ornicus Van Dyke? — Vidit H. C. Fall. LAMPYRIDAE Lucidota corrusca Linn. — Common on flow- ers and herbage in the spring, and on wild everlasting flowers in the fall. Lucidota lacustris LeC.— One of my speci- mens was compared with the type. CANTHARIDAE Podabrus piniphilus Elsch. — Scarce; flying in May, June and July. Podabrus comes LeC. Silis pallida Mann. — June 14, 1920. Maltliodes sp.-^-May have been humidus Fen- der or oregonus Fender. MELASIDAE Melasis rufipennis Horn. — Rarely found, but was breeding in numbers in a confined spot in punky hemlock. Isorhipis ruficornis Say. — “New record for the west.” Taken in 1933. Microrhagus pectinatus LeC. — “New record for the west.” Epiphanis cornutus Esch. THROSCIDAE Pactopus hornii LeC. — Scarce; flying; under moss in November, under cover in June; vidit H. C. Fall. Throscus carinicollis Schaeff. — Det. H. C. Fall. HETEROCERIDAE Heterocerus brunneus Melsh.? — H. C. Fall’s note: “runs to, but not the true one.” DASCILLIDAE Macropogon piceus Horn? — “May be dubius Brown.” Scarce; under dry moss flakes in May; on rocks of Little Canyon, Ter- race. Araeopidius monachus LeC. Eucinetus terminalis LeC. — “New record for the west”; det. H. C. Fall, 1937. Eucinetus sp. — An undescribed species; in Mr. C. A. Frost’s collection. HELODIDAE Cyphon variabilis Thunb. Cyphon concinnus LeC. BYTURIDAE Byturus bakeri Barber? — Vidit H. S. Barber; a bad pest on the wild blackcaps and rasp- berries. DERMESTIDAE Dermestes lardarius Linn. — A common pest; also taken on Thornhill Mountain. Dermestes signatus LeC. — Scarce; a speci- men compared with the type by C. A. Frost. Dermestes talpinus Mann. Orphilus subnitidus LeC.? Orphilus aequalis Csy.? BYRRHIDAE Tylicus subcanus LeC. Listemus acuminatus Mann. — By sifting moss. Simplocaria tessellata LeC. Gytilus alternatus Say. — Along roadsides, and on flats. Byrrhus concolor Kby. — May, 1920. ByrrTnus difficilis Csy. — From Thornhill Mountain. Byrrhus americanus LeC. — Found among grass roots, and on flats. Byrrhus cyclophorus Kby. — From Thornhill Mountain. Curimopsis setulosa Mann. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Lioligus striolatus . Csy. — Vidit H. C. Fall. OSTOMIDAE Ostoma pipping skoeldi Mann. — Rare; on pine, and from Thornhill Mountain. Ostoma nigrina Csy. — December 10, 1920, on rotten wood, spruce and hemlock. Rare. Ostoma columbiana Csy. NITIDULIDAE Cercus pennatus Murr. — Scarce on elder bark and bush; vidit Parsons. Colopterus truncatus Rand. — Under edges of bark on freshly cut brush, June, 1931. Nitidula nigra Schfr. — A subspecies of rufipes L.; teste Parsons. Nitidula rufipes L. — Rare under edges of bark on freshly cut brush, June, 1931. Omosita discoidea Fab. — Frequent on bones, March 13 to June; vidit C. T. Parsons. Omosita colon L. Epuraea planulata Er. — (All species of this genus vidit Parsons.) Epuraea truncatella Mann. Epuraea spp. — Two new species, one near avara Rand. Epuraea terminalis Mann. Epuraea adumbrata Mann. Epuraea integra Horn. Gryptarcha ampla Er. G-lischrochilus quadrisignatus Say. — Found on stale bread. 24 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 Glischrochilus vittatus Say. — Vidit C. T. Parsons. Glischrochilus moratus Brown. — Vidit C. T. Parsons. RHIZOPHAGIDAE Rhizophagus sculpturatus Mann. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Rhizophagus remotus Lee. — Rare; in sap on cedar stump. Rhizophagus dimidiatus Mann. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Rhizophagus brunneus Horn. — Vidit H. C. Fall. MONOTOMIDAE Monotoma picipes Herbst. — Taken on a barn window in July, 1931. CUCUJIDAE Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. — Beneath bark. Cathartus sp. — An unknown species. Cathartus advena Waltl. — Det. C. A. Frost. Pediacus fuscus Er. Pediacus depressus Hbst. — Rare, under hem- lock bark. Cucujus clavipes var. puniceus Mann. — Un- der bark. Dendrophagus glafoer LeC. — Frequent under loose bark. EROTYLIDAE Triplax thoracica Say. Triplax californica LeC. — Vidit H. C. Fall. DERODONTIDAE Derodontus trisignatus Mann. — On white fungus in November. CRYPTOPHAGIDAE Salebius octodentatus Makl. Cryptophagus lepidus Csy. — Taken by sift- ing. Cryptophagus bidentatus Makl. Cryptophagus cellaris Scop. — March 6, 1937 ; vidit A. S. Nicolay. Cryptophagus sp. — An unknown species, on cabbage in the cellar, March 18, 1937. Cryptophagus brevipilis Csy., or near. Cryptophagus spp. — Two unknown species; vidit H. C. Fall. One occurred on cabbage in the cellar, March 8, 1937. Cryptophagus saginatus Sturm., or near. Henoticus serratus Gyll. Caenoscelis ferruginea Sahib. — Taken when sifting fermenting grass in June and July, 1931; vidit H. C. Fall. Atomaria fallax Csy. (In the catalogue as Anchicera fallax Csy. — Eds.) Atomaria sp. — An unknown species, taken in June, 1931. Atomaria vespertina Makl. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Anchicera n. sp. — Taken on February 4 from a squirrel dump. Now in C. A. Frost’s col- lection. Anchicera ephippiata Zimm. Anchicera ochracea var. pennsylvanica Csy. — Compared with type by Nicolay. MYCETOPHAGIDAE Mycetophagus californicus Horn. — Taken in 1933, and on Thornhill Mountain. LATHRIDIIDAE Lathridius costicollis LeC. Lathridius liratus LeC. Lathridius lardarius Deg. — In flight at win- dows. Coninomus constrictus Gyll. — November 3, 1923; also by sifting, June and July, 1931. Enicmus tenuicornis LeC. Enicmus protensicollis Mann. — On cabbage in cellar, March 17, 1934; vidit H. C. Fall. Enicmus fictus Fall. — On cabbage in cellar, March 6, 1937; vidit H. C. Fall. Enicmus cordatus Bel. — June, 1931, rare. Enicmus minutus L. — Taken while sifting, June and July, 1931; also on cabbage in cellar, March 18, 1937; vidit H. C. Fall. Enicmus suspectus Fall. — Sifted from fer- menting grass, 1937. Corticaria ferruginea Marsh. — Sifted from moss. Corticaria sp. — An unknown species, but “not similata Gyll.”; vidit H. C. Fall. Corticaria dentigera LeC. — “ Columbia Fall a possibility”; vidit H. C. Fall. Corticaria serrata Payk. Melanophthalma sp. — An unidentified spe- cies. Melanophthalma gibbosa Hbst. — A female. Melanophthalma americana Mann. — Vidit H. C. Fall. Melanophthalma cavicollis Mann. Melanophthalma sp., near distinguenda Com.? ENDOMYCHIDAE Mycetina idahoensis Fall. — Taken from birch root, September, 1920, and June, 1931. COCCINELLIDAE Hyperaspis dissoluta Cr. — Rare; taken in May. Microweisea misella LeC.? — On poplar. Microweisea marginata LeC. — Taken in 1933 and 1934; det. H. C. Fall. Scymnus n. spp. — Two new species. Scymnus marginicollis Man.. Scymnus monticola Csy. — Taken while sift- ing, June and July, 1931; det. Wilson. Scymnus sp. near nanus Csy. — Fall says east- ern and western specimens are probably different. Psyllobora viginti-maculata Say. Hippodamia tredecimpunctata tibialis Say. — Scarce, on alder. Hippodamia glacialis var. lecontei Muls. — On everlasting flowers. Coccinella perplexa Muls. — On wild ever- lasting flowers. Coccinella transverse guttata Fald. Coccinella transver so guttata var. nugatoria Muls. Coccinella transversoguttata var. californica Mann. Coccinella monticola Muls. Coccinella perplexa var. juliana Muls. Adalia bipunctata var. quadrimaculata Scop. According to C. Schaeffer. Adalia frigida Sehn., near var. disjuncta Rand. Adalia annectans Cr., var. Neomysia subvittata Muls. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 25 THE OCCURRENCE OF A HOLLYHOCK-SEED EATER, NOCTUELIA RUFOFASCIAIIS, AT VERNON, BRITISH COLUMBIA ( Lepidoptera :Pyrafidse ) Hugh B. Leech California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco An adult was seen in the garden on August 12, and infested plants were no- ticed in other gardens in Vernon. Either my collecting in 1945 was too thorough, or the following winter was un- suited to the species. During the period from May to August, 1946, not a single larva was found on the 20 or more holly- hock plants at my house. However, on September 8, Miss Glorianne Stromberg, a neighbour, found one mature larva in her garden, and kindly gave it to me. Mr. Ben Sugden sketched it the next day (Fig. 2). p-vjr i • f Fig. 1. Noctuelia rufofascialis Stephens. Day after day in June, 1945, attractive red and white moths (Fig. 1, Noctuelia rufofascialis Stephens) were seen in my garden in Vernon. Some sat on the leaves of hollyhocks, others on the walls of ad- jacent buildings. They were not easily disturbed, and at rest held the wings in a typically pyralid manner, the whole insect having a triangular outline. No particular attention was paid to the moths, other than to admire the live speci- mens. By mid- July damage to the buds of hollyhocks ( Althaea rosea Cav.) was obvious, and many of the seed heads show- ed an exudation of messy brown frass. On July 21 a number of infested buds and heads were examined. Each contained a fine caterpillar, white with wine-red bands. The almost continuous series from youngsters 4.5 mm. long to apparently mature larvae of 15 mm., suggested eith- er an overlapping of broods or a long egg laying period. A few heads were kept in a jar; from them two fully grown larvae emerged on July 26, and entered the damp soil pro- vided. Three days later each had formed a silken cocoon, thin and somewhat irre- gular, but commodious. They pupated on August 2, and the moths emerged on the tenth, both females. On the same day a freshly transformed male was caught in the room, no doubt originating from the mass of flower and seed heads thrown into the waste-basket on July 21. m t J;|«i Fig. 2. Mature larva of Noctuelia rufofascialis. In the hollyhock there is an almost regular progression of flowering, from the lower to' the upper part of the main stem, and along each lateral branch. The first sign of the presence of caterpillars is that many of the young flower buds, those of about 10 mm. long, turn brown and are obviously dead. Small larvae can be found in most of them, feeding on the flower parts, especially near the bases. Later, by the time some buds are ready to open, they leave the dead ones, crawl under the bracts of fresh buds, and bore inwards. Here again they feed chiefly on the lower parts, indeed not always preventing the flowers from opening. Later still, many are found to have migrated to the seed heads, choos- ing those in which the bracts still tightly close the tops. There they tunnel in the green seeds, going completely around through the ring of them, hollowing the 26 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 head out and leaving only a tube. It is at this time, when the larvae are nearly ma- ture, that the untidy blotches of faeces pushed from the entrance hole are most obvious. With one exception, all the larvae seen had these habits. The individualist was in the open, during the day, feeding, on the upper surface of a hollyhock leaf. At Vernon, hollyhock was the only ob- served host. Heinrich (1921. Some Le- pidoptera likely to be confused with the pink boll worm. Jour. Agric. Research 20 (1 1) :807-836, pis. 93-109. Noctuelia y p. 829-830), recorded N. rufofascialis lar- vae from the pods of Abutilony Malvas- trumy Wissadula y and Siday all malvaceous plants, at Brownsville, Texas. He report- ed that the larvae pupate in a thin cocoon, either in the empty seed pod or on the out- side of the plant. He gave no figures of the insect, but it is possible he was dealing with the typical subspecies. All the speci- mens seen at Vernon were smaller and more brightly colored than the typical form, white and red instead of ash gray and reddish brown. The larval colors were almost exactly those of the adults. Acknowledgments — I am indebted to Dr. T. N. Freeman of Ottawa, Ont., for identifying the reared moths and cit- ing Heinrich’s paper; and to Mr. Ben Sug- den of Armstrong, B.C., for the illustra- tions. INTRODUCTION INTO BRITISH COLUMBIA OF TWO SPECIES OF JAPANESE CERAMBYCIDAE (Coleop- tera). — Semanotus japonicus Lacordaire. — On April 3, 1917, the late Max H. Ruhmann collected a fine cer- ambycid at the outskirts of Vernon, B.C., on the flow- ers of a native shrub. This specimen was given to the late Ralph Hopping of Vernon, specialist on the Lepturini, who marked it as a new species but re- mained suspicious and did not describe it. While ex- amining materials in the collections of the California Academy of Sciences recently, I recognized it as S. japonicum. Dr. E. C. Van Dyke tells me that in Japan the species breeds in a cupressine tree, Cryptomeria japonica. Since there are a number of Japanese far- mers ip the Vernon district, it is probable that the Ruhmann specimen emerged from furniture or crating lumber in some settler’s effects. Callidium rufipenne Motschulsky. Professor G. J. Spencer has kindly allowed me to record that in March, 1927, at Vancouver, B.C., he reared a series of small reddish cerambycid from some wood of Jap- anese origin. One of these beetles is now in the Lins- ley Gressitt collection in the California Academy of Sciences, and agrees perfectly with Japanese examples of C. rufipenne. — Hugh B. Leech, Calif. Acad. Sci., San Francisco, Calif. NEW LITERATURE CATALOGUE OF THE ODONATA OF CANADA, NEW- FOUNDLAND AND ALASKA.— Francis C. White- house. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute, Vol. XXVII, No. 57, October, 1948. In the author’s words in his introduction, “this is a recapitulation of the recorded data on the odonate fauna occurring north of the international boundary; giving distribution ; life zones within the territory cov- ered ; a list of the papers from which the records are taken, or are cited, in the text ; flight periods, and selected references to descriptions and figures . . . for full bibliographies of species described prior to 1910, the reader is referred to the indispensable pages of Muttonski’s Catalogue, to which the second numbers in this list refer.” The first numbers are presumably the author’s own, since he does not state their source. One hundred and eighty-six species are recorded from Newfoundland and Labrador, every province and the Northwest Territories, to the Yukon and Alaska; British Columbia is represented as the Mainland, Van- couver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands. The zones used are those of Merriam. “Capitals are used where the species finds optimum conditions in the zone indicated; lower case where the species extends only part way into the zone or is scarce there.” This last feature constitutes a very useful item in any catalogue and so do the flight periods which have been taken from all records; where these “are too scant to repre- sent the flight period fully, then first and last dates are given in suggestion that the imago life centres upon these.” The list of references includes over 156 titles, the latest distributional lists of the various specified areas being printed in heavy type. At the end of the cata- logue is an index containing genera alphabetically ar- ranged with species in each genus also alphabetically arranged. Beyond a couple of trifling typographical errors, the compiling, editing and printing is perfect to the last punctuation mark, which is a real achievement in so detailed an undertaking. The paper is heavy and ser- viceable as it would need to be, or it would be worn to shreds in the hands of any working odonatist. The author pays a glowing tribute to Dr. E. M. Walker, Dean of Canadian students of Dragon flies, whose past efforts constitute at least 80 percent of the material in this Catalogue. In the opinion of the reviewer, all entomologists in Canada owe an equally heavy debt of gratitude to Mr. Whitehouse for this extremely painstaking and inclusive piece of work. — G. J. SPENCER Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 27 RECORD OF BEES FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA ( Andrenidae) 1 E. R. Buckell Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C. This list of 56 bees of the family An- drenidae has been compiled from a collec- tion in the Field Crop Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, and material loaned by Profes- sor G. J. Spencer of the University of British Columbia. The Andrenidae, or acute-tongued bur- rowing bees, are solitary, constructing their burrows and cells in the ground. Although solitary, some species congregate in regu- lar colonies. Sometimes a clay or silt cliff will contain innumerable burrows in close proximity. Their cells are stocked with nectar and pollen and these bees are bene- ficial plant pollinators. Willow blossoms are particularly attractive to Andrenidae, and a majority of the specimens collected in April and May by the author were taken visiting willow. The names are arranged alphabetically and the collection points are listed, num- bered, and placed on the accompanying map. Some localities have been heavily collected, while other areas, particularly in northern British Columbia, have had little or no attention, and the distribution record therefore, is far from complete. The collectors are designated by initials only in the text, but a list of their names is included at the end of the paper. The author wishes to thank Mr. P. H. Timberlake, Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, University of California, Riverside, and Mr. U. N. Lanham, University of California, Berkeley, California, for the determination of material; and Professor G. J. Spencer for the loan of his collec- tion. Family ANDRENIDAE Subfamily ANDRENINAE Genus ANDRENA Fabricius Andrena albihirta (Ashmead) kaslo, April 7, 1907, 1 $ ; April 13, 1913, l£ (L.W.C.). penticton, April 12, 2$, 21, 1$ 1$, 30, 1 $, 1919; April 9, 6 <£ , 24, 18$, 1929 (E.R.B.). vernon, April 17, 1930, 2 $, 1 Contribution No. 2566, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. April 5, 1939 1 $ (E.R.B.): April 9, 1925, 1$ (M.H.R.). minnie lake, May 19, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). chilcotin, May 4, 1921, 1$ (E.R.B.). Vancouver, March 22, 1$, April 4, 1$, 1903; March 25, 1906, 1$ (R.C.T.). Andrena amplificata Cockerell penticton, May 2, 1919, 1 $ ; April 24, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.): April 8, 1920, 1 $ (M.H.R.). kelowna, April 8, 1930, 1$ (E.R.B.). ver- non, April 29, 1930, 3 $ (E.R.B.) : April 20, 1920, 1 $ (R.C.T.), minnie lake, May 19, 1943, 2 $ (E.R.B.). douglas lake, April 23, 1930, 4 $ (E.R.B. ). chilcotin, June 15, 1920, 2 $ ; May 15, 1921, 1 $ ; May 28, 1929, 2$ (E.R.B.). Andrena bella Viereck kaslo, April 16, 1907, 1 $ (L.W.C.). Andrena binarea Viereck vernon, May 19, 1928, 1 $ (P.N.V.). Andrena buckelli Viereck penticton, May 5, 1920, 1$ (M.H.R.); April 24, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). vernon, May 1, 1929, 1 $; April 25, 1932, 1$ (E.R.B.). kamloops, April 18, 1929, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena Candida Smith penticton, April 9, 1 $ ; 24, 2 $ , 1929 (E.R.B.). kamloops, April 18, 1929, 2 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena chlosura Cockerell nanaimo, May 11, 1930, 1 $ (G.J.S.). Andrena cleodora (Viereck) kaslo, June 10, 1906, 1 $ (L.W.C.). pentic- ton, June 5, 1920, 1 $ (M.H.R.). Andrena colletina Cockerell chilcotin, April 16, 1921, 2$ (E.R.B.). Andrena crataegi Robertson penticton, May 9, 1919, 1$ (E.R.B.). ver- non, June 5, 1923, 2$ (M.H.R.); May 16, 1927, 1 $ (D.G.G.) : May 31, 1929, 1 $ ; April 29, 1930, 1 $ (E.R.B.). salmon arm, May 1, 1922, 2$ ; July 4, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena cressonii Robertson, subsp. vernon, May 20, 1904, 1 $ ; May 16, 1920, 1$ (E.P.V.) : April 22, 1929, 1$ (I.J.W.): May 1, 1929, 1 $ (E.R.B.). salmon arm, July 4, 1943, 6 $ (E.R.B.). Vancouver, May 23,1930,1 $ (H.B.L.). Andrena epileuca Cockerell kaslo, May 22, 1910, 1$ (L.W.C.). cres- ton, May 17, 1926, 1 $ (A.A.D.). vernon, June 1, 1913, 1$ ( E.P.V. ). kamloops, June 13, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Vancouver, June 3, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena errans Smith Oliver, May 4, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). pentic- ton, April 30, 1 $ ; Oct. 30, 1 $ , 1920 (E.R.B.). vaseaux lake, June 14, 1919, 1$ (E.R.B.). naramata, May 2, 1920, 1$ (M.H.R.). vernon, April 25, 1932, 1$ (E.R.B.). salmon arm, May 14, 1929, 1$ (H.B.L.). kamloops, June 13, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). minnie lake, June 19, 1930, 1$ ; 28 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 May 19, 1943, 1$ 1$ (E.R.B.). chilcotin, June 13, 1921, 3$; May 28, 1$ 6$; June 14, 1$, 1929; June 5, 1 $ 3$, June 14, 19, 1930; April 28, 1944, I9 (E.R.B.). yale, May 30, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). milner, May 25, 1930, 1 $ (K.G.). Vancouver, May 22, 1930, 1 $ (G.J.S.): May 23, 1930, 19 (H.B.L.): June 3, 1943, I9 (E.R.B.). ladysmith. June 18, 1$; June 30, 1$, 1930 (G.C.C.). Andrena erythrogaster (Ashmead) chilcotin, May 27, 1929, 8 $ ; May 3, 1930, I9 (E.R.B.). vernon, April 18, 1929, 1 $ (I.J.W.). Andrena extensa Viereck vernon, May 9, 1930, 29 (E.R.B.). Andrena flavoclypeata Smith vernon, April 18, 1923, 1$ (M.H.R.). Andrena forbesii Robertson kaslo, May 2, 1906, 1£ (L.W.C.). kel- owna, May 28, 1921, I9 (M.H.R.). vernon, May 1,1 $ ; June 4, 1 9 , 1929 (E.R.B.). Andrena sp. near fulvinigra Viereck & Cockerell okanagan falls, April 24, 1920, 1 9 (M.H.R.). penticton, April 24, 1929, I9 (E.R.B.). Andrena gibbiris (Viereck) penticton, April 11, 1919, 1 9 ; April 24, 1929, 19 (E.R.B.). kamloops, April 17, 1943, I9 (E.R.B.). chilcotin, May 27, 1929, 19 (E.R.B. ) . Andrena grandior Cockerell chilcotin, June 14, 1929, I9 (E.R.B. ). Andrena harveyi Viereck victoria, June 14, 1917, 1 9 . Andrena indecisa Cockerell CRANBROOK, Aug. 15, 1928, 1 $ 3 9 (A.A.D.). invermere, July 18, 1928, 19 (A.A.D.). Andrena medionitens Cockerell chilcotin, June 13, 1929, I9 (E.R.B.). Andrena melanochroa Cockerell salmon arm, April 19, 1919, 1 $ (W.R.B.). Andrena microchlora subalia Cockerell Oliver, May 4, 1943, I9 (E.R.B.). vernon, April 26, 1920, 29 (R.C.T.); April 6, 1925, 19 (M.H.R.). Andrena milwaukeensis Green penticton, May 9, 1919, 39 (E.R.B.). Andrena miranda Smith kaslo, May 14, 1906, I9 (L.W.C.). vernon, May 1, 1929, 19 9 (E.R.B.); May 3, 1907, 19; May 6, 1913, 19 (E.P.V.) ; May 5, 1921, 19 (M.H.R.). Andrena montrosensis Viereck & Cockerell okanagan falls, June 3, 1919, 1 9 (E.R.B.). penticton, April 6, 1 9 ; May 15, 1$ ; June 4, 19; June 5, 1 $ , 1919 (E.R.B.). sum- merland, June 4, 1919, 19 (E.R.B. ). ver- non, May 1, 1908, 19 (E.P.V.) : May 1, 1929, 1 $ ; May 9, 5 9 ; May 25, 19, 1930; May 17, 1937, 19 (E.R.B.). kamloops, June 13, 1943, 1 <£ 7 9 (G.J.S.). chilcotin, May 28, 1921, 1 9 ; June 13, 1929, 5 9 (E.R.B.). agassiz, Sept. 11, 1925, 1$ (G.J.S.). Andrena nivalis Smith kaslo, May 28, l£ I9; June 2, 19, 3, 19; July 17, 19, 1906 (W.L.C.). saanich, June 25, 1917, 29 (W.D.). Andrena nubicula Smith vernon, Aug. 14, 1942, I9 (E.R.B.). Andrena pallidifovea Viereck vernon, May 3, 1 $ , July 20, 1$ , 1912 (E.P.V.). yale, May 30, 1943, 19 (E.R.B.). Andrena perarmata Cockerell penticton, April 24, 1929, 7 9 (E.R.B.). vernon, March 31, 1930, 2 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena placida Smith kaslo, May 15, 1910, 19 (L.W.C.). oso- yoos, May 8, 1928, 19 (E.R.B.). penticton, April 11, 1919, I9 (E.R.B.). vernon, May 3, 1907, I9; May 1, 1913, 19 (E.P.V.): April 22, 1929, 19 (I.J.W.) : May 31, 1929, I9 (E.R.B.). chilcotin, May 15, 1921, 19 ; May 24, 1929 (E.R.B.). Andrena sp. near politissima Cockerell penticton, April 6-21, 1919, 4 $ 29 (E.R.B.). kelowna, April 8, 1930, 2$ (E.R.B.). vernon, April 17, 1929, 1$ (I.J.W.) ; April 17, 1930, 19 (E.R.B.): April 13, 1907, 49 (E.P.V.). kamloops, April 18, 1929, 3^29; April 17, 1943, 1 $ 19 (E.R.B.). Nicola, May 3, 1943, 1 $ 29 (E.R.B.). Minnie lake, May 19, 1943, 1$ 19 (E.R.B.) . chilcotin, June 13, 1921, 1 9 ; May 27, 29; May 28, 1 9 , 1929 (E.R.B.). Andrena prunorum kincaidii Cockerell kaslo, May 24, 1905, 1 $ ; June 5, 1 9 , 10, 19, 30, l£, 1906 (L.W.C.). CRANBROOK, May 12, 1926, I9 (A.A.D.). osoyoos, May 8, 1928, 19 (E.R.B.). Oliver, April 25, 2 $ ; May 4, 1 $, 1919 (E.R.B.). penticton, April 11, 1 $, 17, 1$ ; May 5, 1$, 1919; April 24, 1929, I9 (E.R.B.). vernon, June 15, 1918, 19, May 14, 1$, June 6, 1 $ , 1921; July 6, 1922, 19 (D.G.G.).: May 31, 2$ I9; June 4, 2 $ 1$, 1929; April 29, 19; May 9, 8$, 1930 (E.R.B.). salmon arm, July 4, 1943, 3 9 (E.R.B.). kamloops, July 23, 1939, 1 $ (G.J.S.): April 17, 1943, 19 (E.R.B.). Nicola, May 2, 1943, 1$ ( E.R.B. ). walhachin, July 10, 19, 16, 39, 23, 19, 1918 (E.R.B.). chilcotin, April 16, 1921, 1 $ ; June 13, 1929, 19 (E.R.B.). agassiz, June 6, 1939, 1$ (A.B.D.). Van- couver, May 23, 1930, I9 (H.B.L.). vic- toria, June 8, 1916, 1 9 ; June 17, 1917, 1 9 (R.C.T.): April 8, 1916, 19 (H.H.). saanich, June 15, 1917, 19 (W.D.). Andrena pyrrhacita Cockerell penticton, April 4, 19, 8, 19, 12, 39, 1919 (E.R.B.). kamloops, April 17, 1943, 5 9 (E.R.B.). Nicola, May 3,1943,4 9 (E.R.B.). chilcotin, May 4, 19, 9, 39, 1921; May 27, 1929, I9 (E.R.B.). Andrena regularis Cockerell yale, May 30, 1943, 19 (E.R.B.). Andrena runcinatae Cockerell kaslo, Aug. 19, 1906, 1# (L.W.C.). inver- mere, July 18, 1928, I9 (A.A.D.). Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 29 Andrena saccata Viereck kaslo, May 4, 1905, 1 $ ; May 6, 1 $ , 10, 1$, 30, 1$; June 3, 1 $ , 1906 (L.W.C.). penticton, May 9, 1919, 1$ (E.R.B.). chilcotin, June 13, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). Andrena salicifloris Cockerell kaslo, May 18, 1905, 1 $ ; May 5, 1908, 1 $ ; May 1, 1910, 1 $ (L.W.C.). vernon, April 13, 1907 (E.P.V.): April 24, 1929, 1$; April 17, 1930, 3$ 2$ (E.R.B.). salmon arm, April 26, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). Andrena salictaria Robertson vernon, April 4, 1904, 1 $ (E.P.V.) : April 22, 1929, 1 $ (I.J.W.). douglas lake, April 23, 1930, 1 $ (E.R.B.) . Andrena seneciophila Cockerell vernon, May 20, 1904, 1$ (E.P.V.): May 4, 1$, 31, 1$, 1929 (E.R.B.) . salmon arm, May 26, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). chil- cotin, May 28, 1921, 1 $ ; May 28, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). Andrena sladeni Viereck penticton, April 24, 1929, 3 $ (E.R.B.). vernon, May 9, 1930, 2 $ ; May 17, 1937, 1$ (E.R.B.). Andrena sola Viereck penticton, April 24, 1929, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena striatifrons Cockerell fairview, May 4, 1919, 1$ (E.R.B.). pen- ticton, April 7, 1 $ , 17, 1 $ , 21, 3 $ , 23, 1$; April 24, 1929, 1 $ (E.R.B.) . kelowna, April 8, 1930, 1 $ (E.R.B.) . vernon, April 14, 1907, 1$ (E.P.V.): April 17, 1929, 1$ 1$ (I.J.W.): April 17, 1930, 4 $ (E.R.B.). kamloops, April 18, 1929, 3 $ 2 $ ; April 17, 1943, 4 $ (E.R.B.). nicola, May 3, 1943, 2$ 4$ (E.R.B.). MINNIE LAKE, May 19, 1943, 1$ 4$ (E.R.B.). chilcotin, May 9, 2$, 13, 7$, 1921; May 27, 1929, 3 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena subaustralis Cockerell kamloops, April 17, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena subtilis Smith kaslo, May 6, 1910, l£ (L.W.C.). Oliver, May 4, 1943, 3$ 4$ (E.R.B.). fairview, May 18, 5$, 19, 1$, 1919 (E.R.B.): April 20, 1$; May 18, 5$, 1920 (M.H.R.). okanagan falls, May 13, 1920, 1 $ (M.H.R.). kelowna, May 28, 1921, 2$ (M.H.R.). penticton, April 24, 1929, 1 £ (E.R.B.). vernon, April 22, 1904, 1$; 15, 1906, 3 $ ; May 3, 1907, 3$ ; May 27, 1913, 2 $ (E.P.V.): April 26, 2$: May 1, 1$, 1920 (R.C.T.): April 14, 1921, 1^; May 7, 1921, 1$ (M.H.R.): April 18, 1$, 22, 3 $ , 24, 1$ (I.J.W.): May 31, 3$; June 4, 1$, 1929 (E.R.B.). kamloops, June 13, 1943, 4$ (G.J.S.). nicola, May 2, 1943, 2$ (E.R.B.). lytton, May 30, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). 100 mile house, June 14, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). Vancouver, June 3, 1943, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena surda Cockerell INVERMERE, July 29, 1926, 1 $ (A.A.D.). Oliver, July 10, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). Andrena swenki Viereck & Cockerell vernon, May 1, 1920, 1$ (M.H.R.). chil- cotin, May 15, 1921, 1 $ ; June 13, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). Andrena transnigra Viereck kaslo, June 5, 1906, 1$ (L.W.C.). Oliver, May 4, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). kamloops, June 13, 1937, 1$ (G.J.S.). minnie lake, May 19, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). salmon arm, May 17, 1914, 1$ ; April 11, 1915, 1$ (W.R.B.). chilcotin, June 13, 1921, 2 $ ; May 28, 1929, 4$; June 5, 1930, 1 $ (E.R.B.). Andrena trevoris Cockerell departure bay, June 9, 1$, 24, 1$, 1925 (G.J.S.). NEWCASTLE IS., NANAIMO, June 1925, 1 $ (G.J.S.). Andrena vicina Smith kaslo, May 14, 1906, 1$ (L.W.C.). fair- view, May 18, 1919, 3$ (E.R.B.); May 19, 1920, 1 $ (M.H.R.). penticton, April 6, 1919, 1$ (E.R.B.): April 30, 1^ 1$; May 10, 1 1920 (M.H.R.). kelowna, May 28, 1921, 1$ (M.H.R.). vernon, May 20, 1904, 1$ (E.P.V.); June 14, 1921, 2$; May 20, 1924, 1 $; May 1, 1925, 1 $ (M.H.R.) : May 10, 1927, 1$ (D.G.G.): May 31, 1929, 5$ (E.R.B.). lytton, May 30, 1943, 15 $ (E.R.B.). salmon arm, May 3, 1$, 14, 1$, 1914 (W.R.B.). chilcotin, May 24, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). Vancouver, May 22, 1930, 6 $ (G.J.S.). Andrena walleyi Cockerell vernon, May 12, 1920, 1 $ (M.H.R. ). kam- loops, June 13, 1943, 1 $ (G.J.S.). chil- cotin, June 13, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). Andrena washingtoni Cockerell, var. kaslo, June 2, 1905, 1$; May 17, 1906, 1$ (L.W.C.). chilcotin, May 28, 1$; June 13, 1$, 14, 1$, 1929 (E.R.B.). alexis creek, June 30, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). Genus DIANDRENA Cockerell Diandrena nothoealaidis Cockerell Oliver, May 4, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). Genus PARANDRENA Robertson Parandrena triangularis (Viereck) kamloops, April 18, 1929, 1$ (E.R.B.). nicola, May 2, 1943, 1$ (E.R.B.). LIST OF COLLECTORS Mentioned by initials in the text. A.A.D. — Dennys, A. A. A.B.D. — Dickson, A. B. E.P.V.— Venables, E. P. E.R.B.— Buckell, E. R. D.G.G.— Gillespie, D. G. G.C.C.— Carl, G. C. G. J.'S. — Spencer, G. J. H. B.L.— Leech, H. B. I. J.W.— Ward, I. J. K. G. — Graham, K. L. W.C.— Cockle, L. W. M. H.R. — Ruhmann, M. H. P.N.V.— Vroom, P. N. R.C.T.— Treherne, R. C. W.D. — Downes, W. W.R.B.— Buckell, W. R. 30 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 Arranged alphabetically: the numbers corresponding to those on the accompanying map (V.I.: Vancouver Island). 1. Agassiz 10. Invermere 19. Naramata 28. Summerland 2. Alexis Creek 11. Kamloops 20. Newcastle Is., V.I. 29. Vancouver 3. Chilcotin 12. Kaslo 21. Nicola 30. Vaseux Lake 4. Cranbrook 13. Kelowna 22. Okanagan Falls 31. Vernon 5. Creston • 14. Ladysmith 23. Oliver 32. Victoria 6. Departure Bay, V.I. 15. Lytton 24. Osoyoos 33. Walhachin 7. Douglas Lake 16. Milner 25. Penticton 34. Yale 8. Fairview 17. Minnie Lake 26. Saanich, V.I. 9. 100 Mile House 18. Nanaimo, V.I. 27. Salmon Arm A FURTHER NOTE ON THE WHARF BORER, NA- CERDA MELANURA (L.) (Coleoptera: Oedemeridae). — In the Proceedings of our Society, Vol. 43, 1947, I recorded an unusual occurrence of Nacerda melan- ura (L.) in long-buried piling at Vancouver. At the time of investigating this infestation, in October, 1945, I saved a few pieces of riddled wood, appar- ently still infested, from the buried piles and placed them in a glass battery jar in my laboratory with coarse gravel all around them and wetted the whole mass with tap water so as to make it uniformly damp. The culture was examined in the autumn of 1946 and again in 1947 and, when fresh boring by a larva was noted, the wood was buried again in the damp gravel. On March 10, 1948, the culture was examined again and one or two pieces of wood were broken open. In one of them occurred a fairly large tunnel containing an apparently healthy, full-grown larva and alongside of it, a female beetle which had died in the tunnel and was somewhat soft but intact enough to be successfully mounted on a card. The wood was re- buried and will be examined again at intervals to see if the larva has transformed. Even under the harsh conditions of being removed from piling surround by brackish water and then buried in sand moistened with fresh water, one larva at least survived and completed its development, two years and five months after being first disturbed. — G. J. Spencer, Depart- ment of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Van- couver, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 31 THE EFFECT OF DDT EMULSIONS ON TROUT FRY L. C. Curtis Victoria, B.C. During the past year, the staff of the Dominion Livestock Insect Laboratory at Kamloops achieved success in the control of Simuliid larvae in running water by the addition of a DDT emulsion. The terial used was a stock solution of 10% DDT, 10% Triton XI 00*, and 80% Xylene, which was added to the running water at a controlled rate. Effective con- trol of the pest was obtained by a final dilution of one part DDT to 20,000,000 parts water. As always in work of this nature, there arose the question of the effect of this treatment upon other fresh water life, particularly game fish, and this the writer attempted to determine during a brief visit to Kamloops. The apparatus used consisted of a sheet metal trough, divided by a partition into two parallel channels, provided with a flow of running water from Cold Creek. At the upper end of the trough was situ- ated the dropping apparatus which deliv- ered the DDT solution beneath the sur- face of the water at a controlled rate. Below this, the water passed through a series of baffles to ensure thorough mix- ing of water and larvicide, while further down the trough, removable screens of fine mesh formed pens in which were held the fish under test. The reserve supply of fish was held in screened troughs in the nearby bed of the creek, which also served as the source of an unlimited supply of Simuliid larvae. The fish were one-inch trout fry, obtained from the Provincial Hatchery at Pinantan Lake. Test No. 1 A batch of 100 fish was penned in the trough, together with a stone covered with Simuliid larvae, and subjected to a flow of water containing one part DDT to 30,- 000,000 of water. *Triton X100 is an emulsifier, product of P. N. Soden & Co., Montreal and Toronto. After twenty minutes, the larvae showed signs of distress, and in less than an hour they had all become detached from the substratum and carried away. The fish appeared to be unaffected, but were re- moved to a trough in the stream bed for observation. After twenty-four hours they still showed no sign of distress. Test No. 2 The strength of the emulsion was in- creased to one part DDT in 5,500,000 of water. All other conditions were as be- fore. Ninety-five percent of the larvae became detached at the end of one hour, and 100 percent after 1 hours. The fish remained lively, and showed no mor- tality after a period of 48 hours, when placed in the creek. Test No. 3 A one percent DDT emulsion was used, giving a final dilution of one part DDT in 2,700,000 of water. The effect upon the larvae was as before, and the fish showed no immediate effect. However, they showed a mortality of ten percent after 24 hours in clear water, and fifteen percent after 48 hours. Test No. 4 A dilution of one part DDT in 5,- 500,000 was maintained for three hours. At the end of that time, all the fish were active. After 24 hours, however, there was a mortality of 50 percent. Test No. 5 In this test, a 5 percent DDT emulsion was added, to bring about a concentration of one part DDT in 550,000 of water. This was sufficient to bring about a mark- ed cloudiness. After fifteen minutes, fifty percent of the fish were in distress, and were held by the current against the low- er net. After one hour, all the fish were rendered helpless. The emulsion was turn- ed off, and clear water allowed to run over the fish. After thirty minutes, eigh- 32 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 ty percent of them were again active, but at the end of 24 hours, all were dead. Test No. 6 The appearance of the fish used in the previous test, particularly during their temporary recovery, suggested mechanical clogging of the gills rather than DDT poisoning as the immediate cause of their stupefaction. To test this theory, equal batches of fry were placed in parellel troughs. Group A were treated with the same concentration of DDT as in Test No. 5, while Group B were subjected to a straight Xylene-Triton mixture without DDT, at the same rate. At the end of one hour both groups were rendered sense- less, although the DDT emulsion appear- ed to act a little more slowly. After the dropping of the emulsion had been discon- tinued, Group A showed the more rapid recovery, eighty percent of them being ac- tive after thirty minutes, compared with sixty percent for Group B. Both groups were left in clear water overnight. After 24 hours, all of Group A were dead, while ninety percent of Group B were alive and active. Summary: It has been found that DDT is effec- tive for the control of Simuliid larvae at a concentration of one part in 20,000,- 000, and it was demonstrated that small trout are able to withstand the effect of a dosage nearly four times as strong with- out harmful effect and one nearly eight times as strong with but slight mortality. A very heavy concentration of Xylene causes immediate distress, which is relieved by prompt return of clear water condi- tions. Actual DDT poisoning occures at higher concentrations, but is slower in its action than the Xylene. In conclusion, I very much appreciate the courtesy of Mr. J. D. Gregson of the Dominion Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, who made available the facili- ties for carrying out this series of tests, and that of the officer in charge of the Pinantan hatchery, who supplied the trout fry used in the experiment. JHemoriam L. E. MARMONT, 1860-1949 Lindsay Edgar Marmont, a native of Gloucestershire, England, came to Can- ada when 20 years old, and farmed in Manitoba for a number of years. In 1907 he came to British Columbia, taking up residence at Maillardville, serv- ing that community as a justice of the peace, and reeve of Coquitlam for many years. He was a life member of the West- minster Club, and a prominent Elk. As an entomologist, Marmont special- ized in lepidoptera including the so-called “micros.” He was a member of our par- ent body in Ontario around the turn of the century, and transferred his member- ship to this society upon its resuscitation in 1911, and took a keen and steady interest in its welfare, as can be realized by read- ing his “Presidential Addresses” in years gone by. President from 1921 until 1925, he filled the chair with distinction, dry humour, sound advice, and tolerance of other members’ opinions. He was the last of the old brigade — the Aurelians of B.C. — who did so much for the society in its early days, and the gap will not now be filled. R. Glendenning, Agassiz, B.C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 MONSANTO Insecticides - Herbicides Fungicides MONSANTO (CANADA) LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER SufifoCtet & @6e*nicaC4. for ASSAY OFFICES, EDUCATIONAL, HOSPITAL and INDUSTRIAL LABORATORIES Cave & Company, Limited 567 HORNBY STREET VANCOUVER, B.C. MArine 8341 The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Colum- bia is published annually. Individual volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Secretary-treasurer, Ento- mological Society of British Columbia, Box 210, Kamloops, B.C. Entomological Soc„ of British Columbia, Proc. (1948), Vol. 45, July 28, 1949 ANSELL LABORATORIES LTD. VERNON, B.C. Manufacturers and Distributors of (%/iemicaC 'P'lcduct^ INSECTICIDES CLEANING COMPOUNDS Special Mixing 'THacten n Science' CANADIAN LABORATORY SUPPLIES LIMITED TORONTO WINNIPEG MONTREAL 11 VARIETIES TASTE GOOD • SAVE TIME • NO WASTE • EASY TO PACK • READY FOR USE AT ANY TIME BULMANS LIMITED, VERNON, B.C. 7» @wiect BORON DEFICIENCIES ^ BORAX or BORIC ACID Authorities have recognized that the depletion of Boron in soil has been reflected in limited production and poor quality of numerous field and fruit crops. The work and recommendations of Agricultural Experiment Stations are steadily in- creasing the recognition of the need for Boron in Agriculture and Horticulture. We are prepared to render every practical assistance. PACIFIC COAST BORAX COMPANY P. O. BOX 5539, METROPOLITAN STATION, LOS ANGELES 55, CALIFORNIA Distributed by MACDONALD & WILSON LIMITED 562 Beatty Street Vancouver, B.C. New Tools for the Entomologist DOWCHLORS BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE Chlordane Formulations 10% Gamma Isomer Emulsions, Wettable Powders, Solvent Concentrate, Dusts. SOIL FUMIGANT Dowfume W-40, Dowfume DINITROS G. Dowfume N, MC2 DN Dry Mix No. 1 and No. 2 DN Dust D-8 METHYL BROMIDE D-DUSTS 2, 4-D WEED KILLERS DDT Formulations DOW SELECTIVE WEED Emulsions, Wettable Powders, Solvent Concentrate, Dusts. KILLERS COMMERCIAL CHEMICALS LIMITED Distributors for Dow Chemical of Canada, Limited Pier H. Foot of Carral! St,, Vancouver, B.C, The Niagara symbol is a statement of our service to science, a pledge to the growers of fruits and vegetables. In Niagara Sprays and Dusts, the high- est forms of scientific research are made to serve the needs of orchards and fields in the most practical ways. The fulfilment of our pledge is shown in the ever-improving yields of the or- chards and fields of the growers we serve. These Niagara products are particularly applicable to B.C. conditions: Miatox CROP SPRAY contains Niagara DDT, applicable to both orchards and row crops ( MoaKU Sp/ta^immm) excellent quick action against red mite, red spider and aphids KOLOFOG KOLODUST the renowned Niagara mild sulphur fungicides for orchards Stocked in British Columbia for prompt delivery NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY CO. LIMITED, Burlington, Ontario THE VERNON NEWS LTD. VERNON, B.C. of the ■ ;-i/. ins©®t» XiM Hat >*S5wiM» INS/ >>' r „ 195 g Ss4 mm. in length, were seen erect upon the card- board and egg-shells, waving their heads to and fro. The larvae are very quick to stick to any object with which they come in contact, and are able to move about by looping, as both head and tail appear to be sticky. The larva is transparent except for series of black spines on each segment. When an egg was opened with a needle it was ob- served that the larva usually squirmed out, although in many cases when not 1 Contribution No. 2634, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 2 Resigned 1936. sufficiently developed it either died or waited a day or two before emerging. By October 31, 43 eggs had hatched, about half of these artificially. During the next two weeks about one-quarter of the remaining eggs hatched. Natural hatching reached its peak about the sec- ond week of November and practically ceased by the middle of December, when about 80 per cent of the eggs had hatched. One larva, which emerged naturally on December 3, lived until December 13 at an average room tem- perature of 60°F. and a relative humid- ity as low as 15 per cent. To determine whether or not the eggs would survive below-freezing tempera- tures, the larger egg mass was placed out of doors between December 1 1 and 3 1 , during which period temperatures went considerably below freezing. The min- imum recorded temperature was — 5 . 5 °F. on December 25. On December 31, eight of these eggs were opened at room temperatures. At first the grubs were inactive, but after exposure to the warmth of a desk lamp for 30 minutes, six showed normal activity which was maintained for an hour, when they were placed on a host. Eggs opened at this time from the uncooled mass yield- ed active larvae. On February 8, 1935, five eggs from the previously cooled mass were opened. Two immediately yielded normal, active larvae, which lived three days in an incubator at 75 °F. and 70 per cent relative humidity. By February 9, 90 per cent of all the eggs had hatched and 4 per cent had shriv- elled. Infestations: The following is an ac- count of such rearings as have been attempted up to the time of writing (1935). To infest an animal, the mag- gots were simply lifted with a needle and placed on the hair of the back and sides of rats. Chloroform was used to quiet the rats because of the danger of infection from rat bites. Rat No. 1 (brown female, half- 2 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 grown) . — This rat was infested on September 28 with 12 larvae from eggs mechanically opened. The animal was very uneasy and scratched herself inces- santly the same day. By October 5 the rat was hiccoughing continually and was little interested in food (oats). Weakness and distress increased and by October 14 the animal had gnawed half its tail away and Was paralyzed in one hind leg. On October 15 the rat was in a coma all day and died about 5 p.m. Necropsy was made at 1 1 p.m. Ema- ciation was extreme ; several matted patches of hair when pulled off revealed holes in the skin one mm. in diameter. Skinning revealed ten such holes, and eight grubs, varying in length from one- quarter to one-half of an inch, were removed from the muscles of the legs, back, and diaphragm. In some cases they had pierced into the coelom. These grubs do not form true cysts, as do ox warbles, but lie between the layers of muscle. Rat No. 2 (brown female, mature) . — This rat was infested on October 16 with four artificially hatched grubs. On October 21 she was scratching herself and seemed in pain. On October 23 it was apparent that one grub had estab- lished itself on the neck, just in front of the left shoulder. On November 1 6 the grub was nearly full-grown, and in an- ticipation of it’s dropping the rat was isolated. The rat was found dead on November _1 7 and the grub was cut out from under the skin and placed in a jar of damp earth, in which it immediately buried itself. Rat No. 3 (white female, mature) . — This rat was infested on October 16 with four grubs, two naturally and two artificially hatched. When the rat was examined under chloroform on October 31, no grubs were found. Three very small scabs on the neck may have been caused either by fighting or by ineffec- tual entry of the maggots. Rat No. 4 (white female, half- grown) . — This rat was infested on Oc- tober 1 8 with six grubs, three naturally and three artificially hatched. It was examined under chloroform on October 31 and no grubs were found. The rat was re-infested on December 3 with six artificially hatched maggots. It was examined under chloroform on Decem- ber 20 and found to have two grubs, one behind each front leg. The rat was chloroformed on January 7 and the grub removed from under the left front leg. That under the right shoulder dropped on January 11, but w/as lost and perished. In this case the grub, unable because of a hard scab to leave its host through the breathing hole, bored its way out head first about half an inch in front of the original hole. Rat No. 5 (brown and white male) . — This rat was infested on December 4 with six grubs. By December 20, five grubs were embedded, four in the back and one on the right side of the breast. The rat died on December 3 1 , and three well-grown grubs were removed from the body, which was already badly de- composed in the areas of infestation. One grub was found in the tray, as well as the remains of another which had been bitten out by the rat. The live grubs were placed in a jar of damp sand for pupation. Rat No. 6 (white female, mature) . — This rat was infested on December 4 with five grubs which hatched from eggs opened the previous day. The rat was examined under chloroform on Decem- ber 20 and no infestation was found. Rat No. 7 (brown male, half- grown) . — This rat was infested on January 8 with four grubs artificially hatched. It was examined under chlor- oform on January 20 and only a small black spot was noted on the back. By January 30 it was noticeable that two well-grown grubs were established in the back; these were nearly mature by February 8. Rat No. 8 (brown female, mature) . — This rat was infested on January 8 with three grubs artificially hatched from the egg mass which had been sub- jected to below-freezing temperatures. The rat was examined under chloroform on January 20; there was no sign of infestation. From these rearings no information was secured on the duration of the pupal stage. One of several fairly well matured Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 3 larvae taken by the writer at Nicola, August 25, 1932, in a pack rat, was allowed to pupate in earth in the out- of-doors insectary at Kamloops, and emerged in mid- August, 1933. Conclusions: Some of the foregoing observations suggest the following de- ductions regarding the habits of C. tene- brosa. It is usually assumed that the female fly lays her eggs on the hair of the host animal. The extreme viability of the egg and the longevity and motility of the unfed maggot are specializations which would seem unnecessary were the above assumption true. It seems, there- fore, more probable to suppose that the eggs are laid among the rocks, logs, nests, or burrows frequented by pack rats, chipmunks, and ground squirrels, the commonest hosts. In support of this, H. B. Leech has told the writer that he captured in 1929 a female of this species in the mouth of a burrow of a ground squirrel or groundhog at Vernon, B. C. The growth in the host is amazingly rapid, little over a month being required for larval development. The pupal stage, on the other hand, is extraordi- narily long and may last a year, but in order for the life-cycle to be completed in a year, the average duration of this stage cannot be more than 10 or 11 months. A two-year cycle, however, does not seem impossible when the via- bility of the eggs, even in cold weather, is considered. It may have been because of room temperatures, about 70°F., that so many eggs hatched within three months, although the humidity of the room, about 20 per cent, may have been an adverse factor. According to our records of grubs taken from rodents, flies of this group thrive best in localities such as Nicola, Salmon Arm, and Ver- non, which have a relatively heavy snowfall. They are rare at Kamloops. The mortality of rats in the foregoing experiments suggests that this fly may cause the death of small mammals in nature in certain localities, although a general infection may be induced by the grubs less easily in mountain rats than in those used in the laboratory. If they do constitute a factor in reducing popu- lations of wild rodents, then they be- come a factor in the control of wood ticks, and deserve further study. Acknowledgments. — The writer is indebted to E. P. Venables, Vernon, B. C., for the material for these experi- ments. Thanks are also due to H. B. Leech, California Academy of Science, San Francisco, for his record, and to George J. Spencer, University of British Columbia, for reading this manuscript. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE LIFE-HISTORY OF CUTEREBRA TENEBROSA COQUILLET1 J. D. Gregson Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. At the 1935 meetings of the Entomo- logical Society of British Columbia, T. K. Moilliet read a paper entitled “Notes on the life-history of Cuterebra tene- brosa Coquillet/ ’ In that paper, which is being published concurrently with this one, he reported his observations on some 400 eggs laid by a fly captured on August 23, 1934. Larvae commenced hatching from these eggs on September 27, reaching a peak in November. Some 1 Contribution No. 2635, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. of the remaining unhatched eggs yielded active larvae when mechanically opened in February. Numbers of these larvae were used to infest rats, in which they matured in about a month. Since none of these were followed through their pupal period to emergence of adults, the following notes may prove of value in further studies of this parasite. The material for these subsequent observations was provided by a batch of 850 eggs deposited by a fly on July 26, 1943. The first of these hatched on 4 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 August 20. Further larvae did not ap- pear normally until the following May. By June 15 all remaining eggs had hatched. Larvae kept in the damp cel- lar of the insectary lived for about three weeks after hatching. After the appear- ance of the first larva, it was found that eggs could be readily induced to hatch by pricking open the operculum with a sharp needle, or even by merely dislodg- ing the egg from its attachment. In September, 1943, 43 white rats were each infested with from one to four larvae which had been obtained by me- chanical hatching. Of the 89 cuterebrid larvae planted on these hosts, 23 ma- tured and dropped out after an interval of about five weeks. The mortality of the infested rats was approximately 30 per cent, although it must be admitted that some of these animals were the vic- tims of as many as four grubs at once. Most of the grubs were localized in regions about the head and shoulders. Upon being placed on loose soil the mature grubs burrowed, pupated, and remained quiescent until August 1, SOME RECORDS OF PARASITIC DIPTERA FROM WELLINGTON. B. C. BOMBYLI I DAE Villa alternata, Say Aug. 10, 1946. Bred from a large phalaenid larva, species unknown. TACHINfDAE Bombyliopsis abrupta (Wied.), June 8, 1945. Bred from larva of Diacrisia virginica (Lepidoptera, Arctii- dae). 14.VI.45. Taken on woodland path. Rileymyia n. sp., Mar. 3, 1945. Bred from larva of Halisidota argentata (Arctiidae). The adult form of H. argentata appears in the summer, after a very short period as a pupa. Thus the parasite in this cgise does not follow the life cycle of its host, but must attack the partly grown larvae in spring. Mr. A. R. Brooks s advises me that the same species has been bred from Malacosoma sp., which passes the winter in the egg stage. ■ Peleteria obsoleta Cn., Aug. 18. 1946. Taken on flowers of Anaphalis margaritacea, Aug. 5; 1947. Bred from, the larva of an. unknown phalaenid moth oh grassy foreshore. Peleteria campestre, Cn., Aug. 18, J 946. Taken on flowers of Anaphalis margaritacea. Bonellimyia tessellata, Brooks, Sept. 26, 1946. This specimen taken in the house during early autumn, was probably seeking a place for hibernation. I. am indebted to Mr. Brooks for the following information on the tax- onomy of B. tessellata^— “Bonellimyia is a. segregate of the old genus Linnaemyia Des. and tessellata is one of three species which were formerly 'known as Linnae- myia haemorrhoidis Fall.’’ Uromacquartia halisidotae (Tns. ), two specimens, June 6, 1946. Bred from larvae of H. argentata. The caterpillars were taken the previous August while very small and kept in a cotton sleeve over winter. In this 1944, when the insects of the earlier infestations commenced to emerge as adults. With a pupal period of nearly 1 1 months, the life-cycle of this cutere- brid is just the opposite of those of the cattle warbles, as the periods spent with- in the host as a larva and in the ground as a puparium are approximately re- versed. The fact that up to nearly a year after oviposition the eggs may re- main viable and even hatch with the mechanical aid of a host brushing by suggests that the cycle of the warble fly of this rodent may on occasion last as long as two years. As surmised by Moilliet, it appears probable that this fly does not oviposit on the hairs of its host but deposits its eggs upon debris about the entrance of its burrow. From evidence gained at this laboratory that mice readily eat puparia of cattle warbles, and the fact that gnawed shells of cuterebrid puparia are frequently seen about pack rat nests, it seems likely that this stage of the fly is particularly vulnerable to this means of natural control. case infestation must take place soon after the host larvae are hatched, the parasite following nearly the same life cj^cle. The emergence date is somewiiat earlier than is common fof the moths. : Lydella riigrita Tns., June 24, 1946, also two speci- mens, May 28, 1947. Both bred from larvae , of Arzama obliqua (Phalaenidae). The caterpillars in- fested with this parasite die in the autumn without pupating, and the maggots leave the body of the host to pupate. Emergence dates in spring coincided with the appearance of the host adul-ts. ■■ Tachinomyia variata Cn., April 24, 1947. Bred from pupa of Malacosoma pluviale (tent caterpillar). This species also over-winters as a pupa. • Argentoepalpus significus (Wlk.), April 27, 1947. All the above determinations were kindly made by Mr. A. R. Brooks, Ottawa. — Richard Guppy, Wellington, B. C. A WINTER CRANE-FLY, TRICHOCERA ANNULATA, AT VERNON, B. C. (Diptera: Trichoceridae) — -In Volume 44 of this journal, G. J. Spencer listed two species of Trichocera as occurring in the province. In the late fall of .1944 my wife and I took a series of, a third species, dancing in a swarm about four feet above our lawn at Vernon, B. C. Examples were sent to C. P. Alexander, who replied in a letter dated February 23, 1945: “Your species is Trichocera annulata Meigen, which has been known to me in North America only from Bergroth’s record from Sitka, Alaska. Strange to say, since receiving your specimens, it has turned up in Galifomia. The species has been carried by commerce to many parts of the world . . .” — Hugh B. Leech, Calif. Acad. Sci., San Francisco, Calif. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1949) , VOL. 46, MAY 15, 1950 5 NOTES ON SOME BRITISH COLUMBIAN FLEAS, WITH REMARKS ON THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND DISTRIBUTION* George P. Holland Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. Any attempt to piece together the se- quence of post-Pleistocene repopulations of life in the area now called British Columbia will require the concerted knowledge of the geologists, palaeontol- ogists, botanists and zoologists, an im- pressive array of which are assembled here today. The contribution that a discussion of fleas will make to the theme of this symposium will be but small. However, I am pleased indeed to have this opportunity of presenting some generalities on these parasites, with some notes which I hope will be of in- terest, and have some bearing on the general discussion. While, for centuries, the butterflies and other conspicuous forms have at- tracted the attention of amateur natur- alists and professional investigators, the lowly and despised fleas have been woe- fully neglected. Only since the turn of the twentieth century has serious atten- tion centred on these insects, over 90 per cent of the known species having been described since that time. This belated appreciation has stemmed partly from recognition of their role as disease vec- tors, and partly from the intensive studies of Rothschild and Jordan, and, to a lesser extent, Baker and Wagner. These men were not moved primarily by economic considerations, but loved the fleas for themselves alone! To the ardent siphonapterologist, no insect, however gaudy, can compare with a flea, under the microscope, especially when full justice has been done the specimen by proper preparation in mounting. As Dr. Karl Jordan is reported to have said “They are indeed the jolliest of all in- sects. ”... Now, although a succession of taxon- omists has provided names by the hun- dreds for these jolly insects, and while j * Contribution No. 2543, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. Read at the Biological Section Symposium on “Distribution of Plants and Animals in British Colum- bia .following the Retreat of the Ice Cap,” 2nd Confer- ence of the British Columbia Academy of Sciences, Vancouver, B. C., April 16, 1948. their unsavoury association with such diseases as plague and murine typhus, has prompted exhaustive analyses of the bionomics of certain species, little has been published on the phylogeny of the order, its origin, and the history of its association with mammals and birds. Actually, only now is knowledge of the world fauna approaching the point where the data on which such research would be based could be considered representative. ; My own studies of fleas, during the last few years, have related principally to their taxonomy and distribution in Canada. It became apparent at the commencement, of course, that an ade- quate understanding of the geographical distribution of these insects would not be achieved without serious attention being given the host animals. However, investigation soon revealed that the presence of preferred hosts Was not neces- sarily the sole factor governing the range of flea species. Thus, consideration of geographical restriction by selective host requirements or circumstances indepen- dent of these has complicated the study of nearctic fleas, and drawn attention to numerous problems which await solu- tion. The immediate need is for more material. An accurate understanding of the story these little parasites have to tell will require access to long series of speci- mens from representative localities, and from all hosts. This; should be acom- panied by biological studies of the spe- cies, with critical analysis of microcli- matological conditions in the larval habitat. At the present time this ideal abundance of material and information is not available, although possible lines of investigation are suggested. The fleas, or Siphonaptera are funda- mentally mammaLian ectoparasites, with a few forms now associated with some birds. Not all mammals have fleas. Apparently the prime criterion govern- ing the suitability of a particular mam- mal as a potential flea host concerns the 6 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 stability and type of its dwelling place. As a general rule, fleas are parasites of terrestrial mammals of nesting habits. There are exceptions, but in most in- stances mammals living in burrows, dens, or other confined quarters, tend to be more or less populated with these insects. This is to be explained by the fact that it is only the adult flea which is an animal parasite feeding upon the blood of the host, the larvae being leg- less, maggot-like creatures which live upon a variety of organic materials, in- cluding the faeces of adult fleas; such materials, in fact, as are to be found in greatest abundance in the hosts' perma- nent bedding. The presence of a nest then, or reasonable alternative, is a fun- damental requirement, the larvae, nor- mally, never occurring upon the host. Nearctic fleas are found in greatest num- ber and variety on the Insectivora, Ro- dentia and Lagomorpha, nearly all of which are of nesting habits. Chiroptera, or bats, also have fleas, and while these flying mammals do not make nests in the accepted sense, they do tend to con- gregate in caves, attics or other places where suitable conditions (of humid- ity?) exist, and where the availability of organic substances for larval suste- nance, and hosts for the freshly emerged adults assure opportunity for complet- ing and repeating the life cycle. Certain Carnivora such as bears (which live in “nests” at least during the winter) have their own fleas, but as a rule, true carnivore-fleas are rare. The host specificity of fleas varies con- siderably. Some are very selective in this respect, and are rarely collected from any but a particular genus or species of host. Any occurrences recorded from other hosts are explainable by predation or other secondary or accidental associa- tion. Other species of fleas are able to exist upon a variety of hosts, and (pre- sumably) to reproduce in their nests. Several genera of mouse-fleas appear to fall into this category, as they are col- lected equally commonly on various genera of Cricetidae and Zapodidae. Some of these exhibit interesting limita- tions in geographical range which ap- parently have nothing to do with the lack of availability of particular hosts. With these, it must be presumed that other ecological factors restrict the dis- tribution of the flea, probably by affect- ing the larva. It must not be presumed that one kind of animal harbours only one spe- cies of flea, although sometimes this is so. Our pocket mice ( Perognathus parvus) , groundhogs ( Marmota flavi- ventris) and chipmunks ( Eutamias spp.) for example, have but one species each, but the mountain beaver (Aplo- dontia rufa) has three, and white-footed mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) may have as many as eight species occurring upon a single individual! The coast squirrel ( Tamiasciurus douglassii) has three, while the red squirrel (Tamias- ciurus hudsonicus ) has another three, belonging to the same genera, and a fourth occurring in the mountains and farther north. Some of these species are chiefly nest fleas, and are rarely collected upon the host, while others seem to enjoy touring the outside world as pas- sengers. In British Columbia, 88 species of fleas are known. Of these, 70 are re- garded as monotypic, and 18 polytypic, with 23 subspecies represented, making a total of 93 forms recorded at present in the province (Holland, 1949:7-14). Five have been introduced within his- toric times, so that the total of indige- nous species and subspecies of British Columbian fleas now stands at 88. It seems likely that future studies will tend to equalize the present disparity between monotypic and polytypic species, partly through the reduction of some named species to subspecific rank, and partly through recognition of the advisability of splitting other species, which show consistent geographical variation. How- ever, there are a number of species of very stable character, and sometimes of wide distribution, e.g., Monopsyllus vison (Baker) , which occurs without apparent geographical variation over much of the range of red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, which will probably retain their monotypic status. The 88 species and subspecies men- tioned belong to 41 genera, only 5 of which remain monotypic. Among the others, sympatry may be demonstrated Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 7 by species of a common genus, occurring on a single host (as various species of Megabothvis which may be taken on, or collected from the nest of, a single Microtus ) and species of a common genus occurring in the same geographical territory, but ecologically isolated by very selective host preferences (as Corypsylla ornata Fox which occurs on moles, Scapanus, and C. jordani Hub- bard, a true parasite of shrew moles, Neurotrichus) . Typical examples of allopatric species are the various species of Catallagia, parasites of white-footed mice, Peromyscus maniculatus, which replace each other geographically. The indigenous flea fauna of British Columbia is at present most satisfactor- ily classified into five families and about 12 subfamilies, although there is wide disagreement among siphonapterologists as to the definition and scope of these categories. Because of the peculiar structural modifications of fleas, result- ing from a highly specialized parasitic existence, their phylogenetic relation- ships with each other and with other orders of insects are difficult to interpret. Further, and for obvious reasons, tjae fossil record of fleas is so scanty as to be almost non-existent. None-the-less, there is ample evidence that the fleas are an ancient group, and that their associa- tion with mammals dates back to the early history of that Class. The prime evidence for this contention lies in the fact that today, divergent groups of host animals are usually infested by fleas of widely different character, suggesting that the fleas have evolved with the hosts. However, during the Cenozoic epochs, when certain groups of mam- mals evolved, flourished, declined and became extinct, leaving at least a fossil record, the fleas associated with them are almost completely unknown. Simp- son (1945:34-35) points out that of the 32 recognized orders of mammals, 14 are now extinct; also that 54 per cent of the families and 67 per cent of the known genera of mammals are ex- tinct. Thus the modern flea fauna, be- reft of genera and families which must have depended upon these vanished mammals constitutes a number of tag ends of evolutionary lines, and leaves but an irregular, disjointed picture of the story of the Order. To make mat- ters even more difficult, inferences and analogies which might be drawn are fraught with pitfalls in the form of complications arising from habitat asso- ciations and transference of hosts, which have occurred at various times in the more recent past. Thus, although we may postulate that fleas evolved with the mammals so that, in general, mod- ern primitive mammals are infested with relatively unspecialized fleas, and some of the higher mammals with fleas which may be regarded as more highly special- ized, there are inter-relationships, result- ing from contacts amicable or otherwise, between the ancestors of the host ani- mals, which obscure the clarity of the picture. For example, there are at least two genera of fleas occurring on certain burrow-inhabiting sea birds which show obvious affinities With the rabbit- fleas. On the other hand, bats are in- fested by a special family of fleas (Ischnopsyllidae) no species of which is to be found on members of any other order of hosts. Thus, while it is, per- haps, reasonable to speculate that the Ischnopsyllidae are of ancient lineage, originating at the time when the bats themselves were splitting from the prim- itive mammalian trunk, the sea-bird fleas are almost certainly to be explained by the practice of some birds taking over the burrows of fossorial mammals for nest- ing purposes, with subsequent oppor- tunity for transfer of ectoparasites. Evi- dently, some of the rabbit-fleas found the birds an adequate substitute for their normal hosts, and while the processes of evolution, perhaps accelerated by the new environment have brought; about their present generic distinctions, the ancestral affinities remain obvious today. Other bird-fleas, including two genera known from British Columbia, are as obviously derived from rodent-fleas (Ceratophyllinae) . Orchopeas sexdentatus (Baker) a packrat ( Neotoma ) flea frequently oc- curs on pikas ( Ochotona ) in talus slopes occupied by both mammals. Given sufficient time, it is possible that a form of Orchopeas peculiar to the pikas might evolve. Mice and insecti- 8 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 vores, which frequently use each others’ runways and burrows are regularly found to be temporary hosts to each others’ fleas. At the present time there are at least three species of fleas occurring on nearc- tic weasels or mink and which belong to genera most of the species of which occur on groups of animals forming the normal prey of these small carnivores. These fleas are Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) (the other species of Ne- arctopsylla occur on shrews) , Cerato- phyllus tundrensis Holland (the genus associated with birds) and Megabothris atrox (Jordan) (the genus ordinarily associated with the Microtinae) . Thus far, none of these fleas has been recorded from the type of host that one would expect. This may be explained by the fact that collections are yet limited, but it is possible that these fleas, or their ancestral representatives, originating on the prey, have now transferred their entire attention to the genus Mustela. Future study should reveal the answer. An interesting fact is that all three species are larger and more deeply pig- mented than others in their respective genera, and this may have some relation to conditions on the new host, condi- tions which have brought about this evolutionary modification in three unre- lated genera. Continuing with general discussion, it may be noted that fleas, like other parasitic forms, evolve more slowly than do their mammalian hosts. Local proof of this statement is provided by the known flea fauna of some islands off the coast. Although nearly all the small mammals of the Queen Charlotte and Vancouver Islands are regarded as racial- ly or specifically distinct from corres- ponding forms on the adjacent main- land I have been able to detect no mor- phological difference in the small series of fleas (about 16 species from Vancou- ver Island; 3 from the Queen Charlotte Islands) available for study from these regions. As Jellison points out (in litt.) fleas appear to be approximately one taxo- nomic category behind their hosts in evolution. Although zoological sub- species and species have a demonstrable actuality in Nature, other taxonomic categories, while attempting to demon- strate natural groups, are in general only concepts, facilitating development of the classifications, sometimes rather arbitra- ry, by means of which we pigeon-hole animal life. Nevertheless, on the basis of classifications now existing, it appears that species of fleas are frequently associ- ated with genera of mammals; genera of fleas with families of mammals; families with orders, and finally, the order Siphonaptera with the class Mammalia! For example, the fleas Monopsyllus vison (Baker) and Monopsyllus eumol- pi (Rothschild) infest the genera Tamiasciurus and Eutamias respectively. Thus, the genus Monopsyllus is associ- ated with the family Sciuridae. The Ceratophyllidae, to which Monopsyllus belongs, includes many genera, mostly associated with the order Rodentia. In the same manner, the genus Corypsylla is associated with the Talpidae and the family Hystrichopsyllidae with the order Insectivora. Similarly Arctopsylla is a genus associated with Ursidae, and the Vermipsyllidae with Carnivora. A survey of holarctic mammalian fauna reveals that many of the British Columbian forms have closely allied Asiatic counterparts. Many of these indeed, are regarded as congeneric, and are accepted as definite evidence of inter- continental migrations and countermi- grations which have occurred across the intermittent Siberian-Alaskan land bridge from Miocene times to as recently as only a few thousands of years ago. As might be expected, many of the fleas in- festing western Canadian and Alaskan mammals too have close Asiatic rela- tives, and occur on the corresponding hosts. Some of these fleas are regarded as only racially distinct, and are appar- ently attributable to late Pleistocene contacts. Of the 4 1 genera of fleas recorded from British Columbia, 20 also occur in Asia (see Tables 1 and 2). These genera occur principally upon the shrews, bats, bears, marmots, ground- squirrels, tree-squirrels, meadow voles, red-backed mice, hares and pikas, which correspond closely in the New and Old Worlds. Two of the holarctic genera Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 9 are restricted to birds, and some of the species of these fleas are circumpolar. Of the 21 genera not recorded from the Palaearctic region (Table 2), 6 at least are very closely allied to Old World forms, and only owe their present iden- tity to recent generic splittings. The remaining 15 genera are some- what more remote, and, not surprising- ly, are associated principally with strict- ly nearctic genera of mammals. Notes on a few of these follow. Corypsylla is associated with western nearctic moles, Scapanus and Neurotri - chus, and the related Corypsylloides and Nearctopsylla are found on New World Sorex. At present no palaearctic equiv- alents of these fleas are known, so it may be that the group originated on some nearctic Talpidae, subsequently spread- ing to the ubiquitous Sorex. Sorex also has fleas of the genus Corrodopsylla, common in Asia and North America. Most of the species of Opisocrostis are associated with the mammalian genus Citellus. As Opisocrostis is not known from palaearctic ground-squirrels, it may be (as Jellison suggests, 1947:65) that the genus originated on prairie dogs ( Cynomys ) , a group of nearctic fos- sorial rodents which also harbour two species of Opisocrostis, the fleas spread- ing to Citellus in the New World in comparatively recent times. However, a representative of Opiscrostis tubercula- tus (Baker) has recently been collected from Citellus parryi (a relict species, and not now in contact with more southerly populations of Citellus or with Cyno- mys) . A similar situation occurs with the genera Orchopeas and Opisodasys, also apparently strictly nearctic and with no close palaearctic relatives. Most of the species of Orchopeas occur on arbo- real squirrels, Sciurus and Tamaisciurus, which have close relatives in the Old World. However, the two remaining species, Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) and O. sexdentatus (Baker) are true para- sites of the nearctic mammalian genera Peromyscus and Neotoma, and it ap- pears likely that the genus Orchopeas originated on nearctic Cricetinae, spread- ing subsequently to the squirrels. It should be noted that northern New World tree-squirrels also have the fleas Monopsyllus vison (Baker) and Tar- sopsylla coloradensis (Baker) which show obvious affinities with the palae- arctic squirrel fleas, Monopsyllus sciuro- rum (Schrank) and Tarsopsylla octo- decimdentatus (Kolenati) . The genus Megabothris is associated primarily with the Microtinae, and a sequence of the described species, ar- ranged to show the progressive evolu- tion of the spiniform setae on the male clasper processes shuttles us back and forth between the Old and New Worlds in a manner that suggests a succession of contacts and dispersals. Anomiopsyllus, Callistopsyllus, Ste- nistomera and Megarthroglossus belong to a group of primitive nest-fleas, all the genera of which appear to be entirely Nearctic. Again the prime association seems to be with white-footed mice and pack rats, with some species of Megar- throglossus having spread to tree-squir- rels. The nearctic genus Meringis is entire- ly restricted to pocket mice ( Perogna - thus) and pocket rats ( Dipodomys ) . The related Phalacropsylla occurs on pack rats ( Neotoma ) . Trichopsylloides and Dolichopsyllus (both monotypic genera) are found only on the “mountain beaver’' ( Aplo - dontia) and like their host, are without close relatives. Foxella and Dactylopsylla, blind ceratophylline fleas, are restricted to pocket gophers ( Thomomys and Geo- mys). Some of the fleas of certain northern Microtinae ( Microtus , Clethrionomys, and presumably Lemmus and Dicros- tonyx, although from the lemmings, but little material is available as yet) show closer affinities wit,h the Asiatic fauna than they do with the fleas of temperate North America. Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan and Am- phipsylla sibirica pollionis (Rothschild) are considered only as nearctic races of palaearctic species. Recently, nearctic representatives of Megabothris calcarifer (Wagner) and Catallagia dacenkoi Ioff have been collected from microtines in Alaska and the Mackenzie delta of Canada. A further note of interest concerns 10 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 the New World representatives of Ma- laraeus penicilliger (Grube) which oc- cur on red-backed mice, Clethrionomys, and other microtines, across sub-Arctic North America from Alaska to Labra- dor. Although Clethrionomys ranges well to the south and may be found in woodland habitats at low altitude as well as high, there is a representative of this flea which (apparently) is restricted to that part of the mouse’s range which occurs in alpland and subalpine forest. Records are available from Maligne Lake in the Rockies and Tenquille Lake, and Anahim Lake, in the Coast Range. It is not known as yet if the species is of continuous distribution from the Arctic to the southern mountain ridges or whether the northern and southern populations are separated. In any case, it illustrates the general situation, that the fleas of Arctic and sub-Arctic Alaska and Yukon show closest affinity with the modern flea fauna of northeastern Asia, and are followed next by those of the mountains and then the great Boreal Forest of British Columbia. However, many of the fleas of the bottomlands and valleys of the southern part of the province, even on holarctic genera of hosts, represent strictly nearctic genera, and are obvious intrusions from the south. A single example may suffice. Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) is the dominant flea of Citellus columbianus, but only in the northern part of its range, and in localities at high altitude in the southern part. In the low valleys of the Okanagan and the Kootenays, where Columbian ground-squirrels also occur, the dominant flea is Thrassis peti- olatus (Baker) , belonging to a purely New World genus, which has its great- est centres of abundance and variety on marmots and ground-squirrels in the Western United States. In areas where Thrassis petiolatus occurs, Oropsylla idahoensis is rare to absent, and vice versa. Diamanus presents an interesting ex- ample of a flea genus which, in times prior to the last ice inundation probably was represented in Canada. The genus is quite distinct, and associated with ground-squirrels of the genus Citellus. Two species are known today. One, Diamanus montanus (Baker) is record- ed from California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and Mexico, where it occurs most commonly on Citellus beecheyi ssp. and C. variegatus ssp. The other, Diamanus mandarinus (Jor- dan and Rothschild) is knowln only from China, where it occurs on Citellus dauricus mongolicus. Diamanus is not known from any of the ground-squir- rels now occurring in Canada, and we must presume that while Western Can- ada has become populated by Citellus since the ice retreated, certain factors now preclude the re-establishment of Diamanus. The nature of these cannot be stated with certainty at this time, but ecological factors of a climatic nature, the time element and perhaps some as- pect of species competition all may have had contributory effect. The element of competition in fleas is one concerning which virtually no information is avail- able. Little or nothing is known of the interrelationships between the flea spe- cies themselves, and the manner or means whereby certain species might be crowded out either as larvae or adults. The genus Geusibia provides another example. G. torosa Jordan, the geno- type, was described from China where it was collected on pikas, Ochotona cansa. Another species, Geusibia ashcrafti Au- gustson has now been described from California and Colorado from Ocho- tona schisticeps. Although pikas are common in the British Columbian mountains, the genus Geusibia has not come to light, and it may be that it no longer occurs there. The Rocky Moun- tain pika, O. princeps does carry charac- teristic fleas of two genera, Amphalius and Ctenophyllus, both of which are found in Eastern Asia today. Of interest too, among the fleas which apparently do not occur in British Co- lumbia are representatives of Ctenoph- thalmus, Stenoponia, Saphiopsylla, Odontopsyllus and Doratopsylla, genera associated with various mice, rabbits and insectivores. These five genera occur also in the Palaearctic region, and are undoubted evidence of former faunal contacts. In Canada, they are restricted to the southern part of the Eastern Provinces with the exception of two ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1949) , VOL. 46, MAY 15, 1950 11 which range westward into Alberta. If one subscribes to theories of recent At- lantic continental connections, the pres- ent distribution of these genera, perhaps, constitutes no particular problem. If, however, as seems probable, the ancient avenue whereby the ancestors of these fleas were exchanged (either way) was the Alaska-Siberian land bridge, then we must deduce that the fleas, with their hosts, were exterminated across most of “Canada,” with a residual fauna re- maining in the southeast, and the Mid- dle and Eastern “United States” and that (as with Diamanus and Geusibia) they have been unable to re-establish themselves over their entire former range. Certainly these genera appear now to be completely lacking from the whole of British Columbia and most of the rest of Canada. According to Jellison and Kohls (1939:2022) and Jellison (1945-96) Alaskan specimens of the Parry ground- squirrel, Citellus parryi, were infested with Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) , which, in typical form is common on our Citellus columbianus. However, the Alaskan fleas they ascribe to this species were stated to be somewhat larger, darker and with slight differences of vestiture, characters indeed which might well be considered of subspecific value.* If Citellus parryi and C. colum- bianus have a common ancestry, or a history of former contiguity such simi- larity in their fleas might readily be ex- plained. There is no contact between these rodents today, but in the past, it seems there must have been. Another * Study of this situation might indicate the advis- ability of reinstating bertholfi Fox 1927 (synonymized by Jordan 1933:74), described from Citellus plesius nebulicola, Nagai Island, Alaska, as a subspecies of idahoensis. example showing that the progenitors of the mammals now separated into the northern and southern alplands of Munro and Cowan (1947) had a point of contact prior to the last glaciations is Amphalius necopinus (Jordan) , a flea recorded by Hubbard (1947:172) from the northern collared pika, Ocho - tona collaris and well known from the Rocky Mountain pika, O. princeps. Munro and Cowan (1947:32) explain their definition of northern and south- ern alpland biotic areas on the basis of repopulations of the two areas from northern and southern residual faunae, subsequent to the melting of the Pleisto- cene ice cap. The mammals, and others, in the time that has elapsed since, have evolved good specific distinctions, but the relative recentness of their contact is suggesed by the possession of common species of fleas. Other interesting examples of flea distribution and relationship might be cited, but time does not permit. In closing, I should like to stress the desir- ability of saving fleas in the course of mammalogical studies. Careful collec- tions from territories recognized as the sites of Pleistocene refugia may readily bring to light fleas of great importance as phylogenetic missing links. Although many of the known fleas are of wide distribution, there are others that are ex- tremely local, and a search over the vast northern part of this continent (practi- cally virgin territory insofar as fleas are concerned) and especially from isolated species of mammals such as the Vancou- ver Island marmot, Marmota vancouver- ensis and the Sitka white-faced mouse, Peromyscus sitkensis, which may them- selves be pre-Pleistocene relicts, should bring to light valuable material. 12 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 TABLE 1 A List of Holes rcf-ic Genera of Fleas (Genera known from B. C. marked with an asterisk*) FAMILY GENUS PREFERRED HOST PULICIDAE * Pulex Man? Artiodactyla? * HoplopsyHus Hares ( Lepus ) VERMIPSYLLIDAE * Arcf-opsyEia Bears ( Ursus ) ^Chaetopsyilo Carnivora (Euarctos, Lynx, Felis, Canis, Gulo, Procyon ) HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE * Hysfrricfoopsyllo Insectivora, Mice Saphiopsylla Insectivora, Mice St-enoponia Insectivora, Mice *CataUagia Mice *Neopsylla Ground-Squirrels (Citellus) * Reciof rontia Small Rodentia Ctenophthafmus Insectivora, Mice Doratopsylla Shrews (Sorex, Blarina) *CorrodopsySla Shrews (Sorex) CERATOPHYLLIDAE Amphipsylfa Microtinae ( Microtus, Ctethrionomys) Odoratopsyllus Rabbits (Sylvilagus, Oryctolagus) Geusihia Pikas (Ochotona) *CtenophyISus Pikas (Ochotona) * Amphalius Pikas (Ochotona) *CeraS,ophyllus Many birds *Dasypsyllus Many birds Mioctenopsylla Arctic gulls *MonopsylIus Rodentia (Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Eutamias, Peromyscus ) *Megab©frhns Microtinae ( Microtus , Clethrionomys, Lemmus, Dicrostonyx ) *Malaraeus Cricetidae (Microtus, Clethrionomys, Peromys- cus, Apodemus, Lemmus) *Tarsopsy!!a Sciuridae (Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Glaucomys) Diamanus Ground-Squirrels (Citellus) *Oropsylla Sciuridae (Marmota, Citellus) *Peromyseopsyila Cricetidae (Microtus, Clethrionomys, Peromys- cus, Neotoma, Apodemus) ISCHNOPSYLLIDAE *MyodopsylIa Bats (Chiroptera) TABLE 2 A List of Purely Nearctsc Genera of Fleas Occurring in B. C. FAMILY GENUS PREFERRED HOST HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Afyphloceras Cricetidae (Peromyscus, Microtus) Delotelis Cricetidae ( Peromyscus , Microtus) Epitedia Small rodents and insectivores Phalacropsylla Woodrats ( Neotoma ) Meringis Pocket mice (Perognathus) Micropsylla White-footed mice (Peromyscus) Trichopsylloides Mountain beaver ( Aplodontia) Callisfopsyllus White- footed mice (Peromyscus) Megarfhroglossus Neotoma and Tamiasciurus Corypsylla Moles (Scapanus and Neurotrichus) Corypsylloides Shrews (Sorex) Nearctopsylla Shrews (Sorex) CERATOPHYLLIDAE Doliehopsyllus Mountain beaver (Aplodontia) Thrassis Sciuridae (Citellus and Marmota) Opisocrosfis Ground-squirrels (Citellus) Foxella Pocket gophers (Thomomys) Dactylopsylla Pocket gophers (Thomomys) Qpcsodasys Mice (Peromyscus) ; squirrels (Glaucomys) Orchopeos Sciuridae and Cricetidae (Tamiasciurus, Neo- toma and Peromyscus) ISCHNOPSYLLIDAE Eptescopsylla Bats (Lasionycteris) MyodopsyHoides Bats (Eptesicus) 13 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 LITERATURE CITED Holland, G. P., 1949. A revised check list of the fleas of British Columbia. Ent. Soc. B C. Proc. 45 : 7 - 1 4 . Hubbard, C. A., 1947. Fleas of western North America. Iowa State College Press; pp. i-ix + 1-533; 5 plates; many text figures. Jellison, W. L., 1945. Siphonaptera; the genus Oropsylla in North America. Journ. Parasitol. 25:413-428; plates I-III. 1947. Siphonaptera: host distribution of the genus Opisoccos - tis Jordan. Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 66:64-99; plates I, II. Jellison, W. L. and G. M. Kohls, 1939. Siphonaptera: a list of Alaskan fleas. Pub. Hlth. Repts. 54:2020-2023. Jordan, K., 1933. A survey of the classification of the American species of Ceratophyllus s. lat. Nov. Zool. 39:70-79. Munro, J. A. and I. McT. Cowan, 1947. A review of the bird fauna of British Columbia. B. C. Prov. Mus. Special Publication No. 2; pp. 1-285; figs. 1-42. Simpson, G. G., 1945. The principles of classification and a classification of the mammals. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 85 :i-xvi + 1-350. NOTES ON THE LIFE-HISTORY OF THE GARRY OAK LOOPER, LAMBDSNA FISCELLARIA SOMNJARIA Hist. (Lepidoptera Geometridae) G. A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B. C. The following notes on the life his- tory of this notorious species which has caused such devastation to the Garry oak, Quercus garryana Dough in Vic- toria and vicinity during the past two years, were made from reared specimens. Ovum. Laid September 18, 1947, in a jar in which pieces of lichen and moss- covered bark were placed together with bud-bearing twigs. Two pairs of moths each taken in coitu were put into sepa- rate jars. One female laid 115 eggs, scattered indiscriminately on the lichen, moss, twigs and sides of jar, singly or in small groups and clusters without any evident order or sequence. The other female deposited 78 eggs in like manner. The ova were kept throughout the win- ter in an equably cool room temperature. The egg is elongate, oval, slightly flattened at the end by which it was fixed to the substratum by an adhesive fluid. It is quite smooth and shiny. Colour a pastel shade of blue or green matching that of the lichens or moss on which the eggs are commonly laid. To- wards hatching time the egg assumes a dark leaden hue. Size 1 mm. by 0.75 mm. 1st Instar. Ova hatched May 2, 1948. Length of larva, 3 mm. Head, black or fuscous; body, alternately ringed with fuscous and light bluish bands; egg-shell not eaten. When dis- turbed the larva spins a light silken thread to which it clings. Stadium, 6 days. 2nd Instar. May 8. Length 6 mm. Similar in every way but size to the preceding instar, but with the bands showing a tendency to break up into a different pattern. Stadium, 10 days. 3rd Instar. May 18. Length 10 mm. General colour a pale blue-grey. The fuscous bands now resolve into a more restricted and definite pattern; head, fuscous. Most of the segments are blue- grey with four small blackish spots ar- ranged on the dorsal surface in the form of a square; underside of each abdominal segment 2 to 6 bearing large dark central spot. Three dark parallel interrupted lateral lines give the appearance of 10 black hyphens or dashes on each side of body. Stadium, 13 days. 4th Instar. May 31. Length 25 mm. General colour and pattern as in third 14 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949), Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 instar, but with markings more decided. There is a certain amount of variation in the size and intensity of the black mark- ings on the dorsal surface and especially the lateral hyphens which are sometimes fused to form solid black lines but slightly interrupted between segments. Head pale sea-green, with small black dots arranged in four vertical rows, two on each side. The larva ceased feeding on June 19, three days before the pupal stage was assumed and spins a very thin webbing either between two leaves, among the moss on the trunk, or on the ground at the base of the tree. Length of larva just before pupation, 40 mm. Stadium, 22 days. Pupa. Pupation June 22. Length of pupa 28 mm., width 4 mm. ; wing cases fuscous; abdominal segments beige with small black dots; anal segment black; cremaster consisting of two stout ter- minal hooked setae and two to six smaller ones at the base. The pupa is held in place chiefly by the entanglement of the cremaster among the fibres of the web spun by the larva. Pupal period, 24 days. Imago. First emergence on July 16. There was considerable variation in length of instars among individuals. Under natural conditions the larvae averaged 25 mm. on July 22 or about the same stage of development which had been reached on May 3 1 by those under control. The larvae remain very quiet except when feeding; they rest along the midrib on the underside of the leaves or on moss and bark often with the head shielded from daylight. Summary. Ova laid under confined conditions on September 18, 1947, were kept in an equably cool room tempera- ture throughout the winter. The larvae emerged May 1, 1948, and were fed on Garry Oak, Quercus garryana, complet- ing their life cycle in 75 days from time of emergence from the egg. The first instar was completed in 8 days; second instar, 10 days; third instar, 13 days; fourth instar, 22 days and pupa, 24 days. Each instar was progressively longer than the preceding one. The last instar, however, included three or four days devoted to spinning and lying quiescent prior to pupation. BIOLOGY OF ANISOLABIS MARITIMA (GENE) THE SEASIDE EARWIG, ON VANCOUVER ISLAND (Dermaptera, Labiduridae) Richard Guppy Wellington, B. C. Introduction — Anisolabis maritima (Gene) , a large and fearsome appearing apterous earwig, inhabiting a restricted zone at the line of highest tides, is not likely to escape notice for very long where it occurs in settled districts. E. R. Buckell has given a resume of its known range, and an account of its discovery on Vancouver Island by Professor G. V. Spencer in 19261, and it will not be necessary to go over this information here. The species in 20 years or more does not seem to have be- come very generally distributed on the British Columbia coast. It is now very abundant on the shore of Vancouver Island from Departure Bay where it was reported first to at least as far as the cove beyond Neck Point, a distance of only six or seven miles along the tortuous shore line. After fairly careful search at several points along the coast, I found speci- mens in only one other locality, a few small islets known as Dayman Id. lying close to Kuper Id. I made unsuccessful searches at Separation Point, near Cow- ichan Bay; Dodd Narrows, south of Nanaimo; and French Creek, near Qualicum Beach. It is interesting to note that Professor Spencer found them on a small island, possibly Snake Id., three miles from Departure Bay. It ap- pears that these earwigs are more apt to travel by water than along the shore. There is a record in the Report of the ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1949) , VOL. 46, MAY 15, 195 0 15 Provincial Museum for 1947 of two examples of “seaside earwigs” found near Vancouver. I am indebted to G. H. Hardy for the information that these specimens were taken at Tsawavas- sen Beach by Mr. F. Goertz. Unfor- tunately they were not preserved, but the record must be accepted as fairly definite proof that Anisolabis is now also established on the British Columbia mainland. Resume of Life History — A study of the life history of Anisolabis leaves little doubt that it is a species adapted for life in tropical regions. Due to its ability to endure long periods of suspended devel- opment it survives in temperate climates, where the winters are not too long or severe. In this respect it differs strongly from, ForRcula, which grows rapidly at rather low temperatures and so appears much better suited for northern condi- tions. On Vancouver Island seaside earwigs mature in two years. Ova are deposited during spring or summer as soon as tem- perature is suitable. This is seldom earlier than July, although unusually warm weather in the spring may result in oviposition taking place before the end of May. Under normal summer temperature on Vancouver Island ova will hatch after 30 to 45 days. C. B. Bennett2 reported that on the New York coast ova hatched in 1 7 days, but he did not mention what temperature was required to produce this result. The nymphs attain only the first or second instar by the time winter conditions force them into hibernation. The re- maining three or four stadia are usually completed during the second summer, but many pass a second winter as fifth instar nymphs. One of my captive seaside earwigs, kept under constant high temperatures, oviposited 43 days after reaching ma- turity. This evidence shows that indi- viduals which winter during their fifth stadium would reproduce next summer, the dormant period being unnecessary. It also indicates that Anisolabis under tropical conditions may maintain a con- tinuous and quite rapid cycle of growth and reproduction. Brooding by Females — As is usual with Dermaptera, female Anisolabis watch over and care for their eggs and young nymphs. An elaborate cell is prepared by the insect when she is nearly ready to oviposit, several nights being devoted to the task. This cham- ber appears to the observer much larger than necessary, plenty of room is al- lowed for the insect to move around and to spread out her eggs. A favorite loca- tion for cells is under the bark of rotten logs, though they are often in sand under driftwood. The earwigs show a strongly developed instinct in selecting suitable sites which will remain con- stantly moist, and yet be above the reach of ordinary summer tides. The brooding females are very aggressive in protecting their ova, much more so than ForRcula. They will not permit others of their own kind to enter the cell. The forceps are used as weapons, the insect striking over her back with such force as to throw herself completely on end. They have, however, a sense of propor- tion. The hand of an observer ap- proaching the cell causes immediate re- treat. Two female seaside earwigs have hatched their ova under my observation. The first batch, deposited on July 13, hatched without artificial aid in 30 days. At this time I did not keep a record of temperatures but fairly constant warm weather prevailed. Another lot depos- ited August 1 8 were kept without arti- ficial heat until September 18. Average temperature during this period, arrived at by taking readings twice daily, was 63 °F. By this time well-developed embryos could be seen in the eggs. As progress seemed to be very slow the temperature was increased to 75 °F. or higher, which resulted in the first nymph appearing on October 4, an in- cubation period of 47 days. Several more days were required to complete the hatching, and a total of 62 days elapsed before the parent insect was seen to leave the cell to search for food. The nymphs did not appear on the surface of the soil until they were four or five weeks old. They remained in seclusion in a system of burrows constructed by 16 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949),Vol.46, May 15, 1950 their mother, and into which she dragged all the food provided for her use. During 1947, when unusually warm weather occurred both in April and May, I found on June 30 females with ova nearly ready to hatch. None of the ear- wigs which I kept in captivity that year oviposited before mid-August. At that time a period of cool weather set in but artificial heat was not provided and after periods ranging from 45 to 60 days all the parent earwigs ate their own eggs, even though well-developed embryos could be seen in some cases. This must be a common occurrence under natural conditions on Vancouver Island. I have found no evidence to indicate that female Anisolabis oviposit a second time, as is the case with ForRcula. The former are long-lived insects, especially the females. Two which had oviposited in captivity were kept through the win- ter and up to July of the following year, when they died at an age of approxi- mately three years. Growth of Nymphs — As indicated above, Anisolabis pass through five nymphal instars, instead of only four as with ForRcula. The length of each stadium varies greatly according to the temperature. My observations indicate that the rate of growth increases very rapidly as the temperature is raised. Below 60°F. little or' no progress seems to be made. Unfortunately I was not able to keep heat steady enough to make any exact calculations. A nymph kept at temperatures ranging from 55°F. to 70°F. completed its second stjadium in 90 days, its third in 37 days at slightly higher temperature and the fourth in 19 days with temperatures from 85°F. to 1 05°F. My observations of the life cycle of seaside earwigs under natural conditions showed clearly that if a five-month hibernation period is disregarded, the average stadium is of two calendar months’ duration. Thus an individual hatched, as is usual, early in August will reach the adult stage during October of the following year, after the lapse of fifteen months. Of this period five months, November to March inclusive, are too cool for any growth to take place. Except for size the external ap- pearance of Anisolabis nymphs alters c very little during their entire develop- ment. Tegmina and wings are absent even in the adult. The forceps are well formed in the first instar, differing in this respect from those of ForRcula, which are straight and threadlike at birth. Although the antennae of ForRcula, show an increase in the number of seg- ments with each moult, those of a few exuviae of Anisolabis nymphs of un- known instars which I examined num- bered 17 in nearly every case. Two specimens known to be of the first and last nymphal instars had 15 and 17 antennal segments respectively. Buckell stated that the antennae of adult Aniso- labis carry from 20 to 24 segments, so some variation must be expected in the nymphs also. The adults can be easily distinguished from immature forms with the unaided eye. Adult females have only six abdominal sterna visible, instead of eight as with nymphs and adult males. The forceps of adult males are distinctive. Behaviour of Adults — The depend- ence of seaside earwigs on damp condi- tions and their strict confinement to a narrow belt at high tide level, has been somewhat exaggerated by writers. I have found many of the insects under bark of logs and amongst trash even well above the line of winter tides. Here they were associated with many Euro- pean earwigs. If able to find water when abroad at night Anisolabis are evi- dently able to stand dry conditions as well as ForRcula, but they do not so persistently avoid damp situations as the latter species. The zone which Aniso- labis normally inhabits is also the home of spiders, oniscoids, several species of beetles and other common terrestial arthropods. During mild weather, even in winter, seaside earwigs may be found below the tide level, but near freezing temperature will drive them into com- plete dormancy. At such times they in- variably seek cover well above the line Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 17 of highest tides. I have found many individuals in all stages of growth, hibernating under logs and boards in company with European earwigs and various beetle larvae. The chief occupation of adult Aniso - labis seems to be the digging of burrows. Two inches of damp sand in a quart jar will be converted into such a maze of tunnels that it is difficult to understand what prevents the whole affair from col- lapsing. Digging is accomplished with the mandibles alone, grains of sand and small stones being dislodged and carried to the surface. Food is often taken into these tunnels, by non-brooding adults, as well as those with young. It thus appears that the feeding of young nymphs by their mother may be by chance rather than design. Nevertheless their is no doubt that the habit is of great use in providing a supply of food for the nymphs during the first part of their lives. Food — Anisolabis jyaritima must be considered a carnivorous species. Any vegetable food they take is so little as to be negligible. In captivity they ate any sort of dead animal matter. I fed them chiefly on crushed tiny crabs and dead flies. I have never noticed them killing any active insects, though they ate ova and sluggish larvae. As a result of many tests, I have concluded that they never eat herbage or seaweed of any kind. They are fond of wheat softened by soaking, and hollow out the grains until a neat shell remains. On rare occasions I have seen them eat potato. Their natural food is doubtless gleaned from the shore where small crustaceans and drow'ned insects are thrown up by the waves. The eggs and larvae of Diptera which breed in decaying seaweed may provide them with a great part of their sustenance. Methods of Rearing and Observa- tion — Seaside earwigs will thrive in glass jars with nearly tight covers. They are unable to climb out of ordinary jars, but if these are left uncovered when rearing at high temperatures, constant attention must be paid to replenishing moisture. I provide the nymphs with very little cover, a quarter inch of sand is sufficient, but care must be taken to keep this moist as the insects will soon die if it becomes quite dry. Excessive litter makes it impossible to keep a close check on ecdyses. For the purpose of recording moults, three methods may be considered. First, since earwigs are absolutely white im- mediately after ecdysis, and do not re- cover full pigmentation for some hours, checking twice daily is nearly certain to result in nymphs being noticed while still pale. Second, as earwigs do not as a rule eat the exuviae, these can be found without difficulty if litter is kept to a minimum. Third, the most positive method is to clip off part of one of the forceps. If this is done soon after a moult, the part will be found partly or wholly restored after the next trans- formation. It is necessary to quieten the insects in order to perform this operation, or when counting abdominal segments. This is most easily done by exposing them to low temperature. A temperature of 35°F. will in a few hours render them quite immobile. Failing this, they can be placed in a cyanide killing vial, and taken out immediately they become quiet. When observing brooding females, an inch or more of packed sand or soil must be provided. If unable to construct a proper cell the earwigs will eat their eggs. With luck, the cell may be built against the side of the jar, which was the case with the insect whose family life is described in this paper. These insects seem to know by instinct when night has fallen, and pay little or no attention to artificial light. For this reason their habits are easily observed. With a hun- dred watt light bulb not over ten feet from the jars, I have frequently watched them feeding, and constructing cells or burrows. Even by daylight they are quickly able to detect the presence of food in their cages. A few moments after a dead fly is dropped in, the sensi- tive antennae will be seen at the burrow entrance, waving slowly as their owner decides whether the coast is clear. If all remains quiet the earwig comes into the 18 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 open and seizes the fly with its mandi- bles. I have never seen the forceps used for this purpose. The food may be carried at once into the burrow, or tucked under any convenient stone or chip. 1 Buckell E. R. 1930 Ent. Soc. B. C., 27: 22-23, also, Spencer G. J. 1926 Can. Ent. 58 (8): 183-184. 2 Bennett C. B. 1904 Psyche, II (3): 47-53. NOTES ON VANCOUVER ISLAND AND WEST COAST COLEOPTERA G. A. Hardy Provincial Museum, Victoria, B. C. The following notes concern certain coleoptera belonging to the families Carabidae, Lucanidae and Cerambycidae and include references to new locality records and to matters of biological or ecological significance. mens of this characteristic species were taken from the crop of the same screech owl. While common, the mode of cap- ture is somewhat unique. This is also a first record for Goose Island. CERAMBYCIDAE CARABIDAE Zacotus matthewsii LeC. As this handsome species is comparatively rare in collections, its occurrence is worth passing mention, particularly as in the present instance, when it was found in the crop of a screech owl taken on Goose Island, B. C., by G. J. Guiguet during the summer of 1948. Three specimens were extracted from the crop, all suffi- ciently well preserved to make identifi- cation certain. The crepuscular habit of this species is no doubt one reason why it is not more common in collections. Evidently the owl, .whose appearance abroad coincides with that of the beetle, had no difficulty in finding it in num- bers. Z. matthewsii was originally described by LeConte in 1868 from specimens collected on Vancouver Island by Mr. Matthews, for whom the species was named. So far as I am aware the above is the first record for Goose Island and provides a considerable northern exten- sion of the known range for the species. Goose Island lies off the mainland just south of parallel 52° and some 80 miles to the north of Cape Sutton, Vancouver Island. LUCANIDAE Ceruchus striatus LeC. Two speci- Plectrura spinicauda Mann. A wing case and head of this unusual Ceramby- cid were found in the crop of another screech owl collected at the same time and place. This species is reported along the coast from Alaska to California, though not known formerly from Goose Island. Eumichthus oedipus LeC. A single specimen of this scarce beetle collected at Buttle Lake, Vancouver Island, on July 22, 1948, by E. G. Harvey of the Vic- toria Forest Insect Laboratory estab- lishes a new locality record. Dicentrus bluthneri LeC. One indi- vidual of this apparently very local British Columbia species was obtained on Valdez Island by E. G. Harvey, May 14, 1948. This constitutes a new locality record and to my knowledge, only the third for British Columbia. All three places are quite close together, Duncan, Valdez Island, and Pender Island. In connection with the last- named place, I have a note made from a conversation with G. R. Hopping, to the effect that he took it in numbers at Pender Harbour in May, 1926, where it was running about and pairing on poles of recently cut hemlock Tsuga heterophylla. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 19 SHIP INSPECTION IN THE PORT OF VANCOUVER Cyril R. Cunningham Division of Plant Protection, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Vancouver, B. C. Each day ships of many nations ar- rive at Vancouver and New Westmin- ster to load grain and cereal products for export to the United Kingdom, India, South America, the Orient, and many other parts of the world. Each day thousands of citizens view these ships steaming majestically up the harbour to their allotted berths without giving a thought to the fact that the application of entomological knowledge is an in- creasing necessity before loading of these products can be commenced. A few years ago the British Ministry of Food were very much concerned over the fact that a number of cargoes of grain were arriving in Britain badly in- fested with granary weevil, Tribolium, Cadelle, and other grain insects. Some cargoes were so badly damaged that the grain could not be used for human con- sumption. The shortage of grain in Europe at that time, combined with the terrific losses, prompted the Ministry to request that the Canadian Government inspect all ships’ holds prior to loading, to make sure that cargo areas were insect free and in fit condition to carry wheat. The government consented to carry out this suggestion and a marked difference in the condition of grain cargoes on ar- rival at destination was immediately evident. Consequently, it was decided to extend this service to all ships loading cereal products for any part of the world. Inspectors of the Division of Plant Protection, Science Service, Do- minion Department of Agriculture, board each vessel as soon as docking operations are complete. Vital informa- tion regarding previous cargoes, loading areas, construction details, prior fumiga- tions, and many other facts are obtained from the captain or chief officer before actual inspection of the ship. Armed with this knowledge, each hold is en- tered and a thorough examination is carried out. Most of the trouble has Contribution No. 7 5, Division of Plant Protection, Science Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario. been found to be due to improper clean- ing of holds. It is quite common for a ship to load wheat in, say, Australia, and to carry this cargo to Britain, then to proceed to Canada and carry a similar cargo back to the United Kingdom. This process may be continued for pos- sibly two years, each time a residue of wheat being left in the holds eventually to become infested. Unless meticulous cleaning is carried out after each cargo, especially between the ribs of the ship, box beams, bilges, etc., trouble is sure to develop. An actual inspection is carried out thus: Hold No. 1 is normally entered first and a careful examination made of bilge bays, areas between ribs of ship, fore and aft bulkheads and ceiling square in the centre of the lower hold. The tw"een-deck area is then entered and box beams, hatch coamings and rib areas are scrutinized. The same procedure is car- ried out in holds 2 and 3. Holds 4 and 5 vary considerably by virtue of the fact that the tunnel which houses the propel- ler shaft penetrates both these holds, necessitating a very careful inspection of both sides and top of same. The average time required to complete an examina- tion of a ship varies from one to four hours, depending largely on the cleanli- ness of the ship and the prevalence of insects or grain residue in particular. In winter the operation is considerably lengthened due to the dormant condition of any insect life that may be discovered. Should very light evidence of insects be found, a good physical cleaning is or- dered. Sometimes rather heavy evidence is found in one or two remote corners. This type of infestation is taken care of by spot spraying with a combination of DDT and 5 per cent pyrethrum mix- ture. Of course, in cases where heavy or general infestations occur, a “Detention Notice” is given to the ship’s captain or chief officer and fumigation ordered. However, should the holds be found in- sect free a “Release Certificate” is issued. The release certificate must be presented 20 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 to the elevator operator before grain may be loaded. This procedure eliminates the danger of any ship being loaded without inspection. Until recently hydrocyanic acid gas was used exclusively as a ship fumigant, and about a year ago methyl bromide was tested at Montreal, giving results which proved it to be superior to HCN, and thus the adoption of its use in Van- couver seemed a certainty. During Sep- tember, 1948, the writer visited Mont- real to view the work being conducted with methyl bromide in that port. In- struction was given by H. A. U. Monro, in charge of the Fumigation and Re- search Laboratory operated by the Divi- sion of Plant Protection in that city. Fortunately, eight ships were fumigated during the visit, so that ample oppor- tunity was given to become familiar with the procedure. Test insects (gran- ary weevil) were used on each ship and some interesting data were obtained. Upon return to Vancouver, fumiga- tion companies were instructed in the use of methyl bromide as a space fumi- gant. They were, however, rather re- luctant to change to a gas 3.1 times heavier than air, in view of the aeration problem. Further to this, it meant a considerable outlay of money for expen- sive equipment such as blowers and fans. But this reluctance was soon dispelled and the first ship was fumigated with methyl bromide on November 20, 1948. Granary weevil cultures were started in Vancouver to provide test insects for most fumigations carried out. Four sets of these test insects, comprising new and old eggs, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar larvae and adults were placed in each hold. In order to get an indication of the effectiveness of the gas at any given level, adults were inserted in small cap- sules which were tied at five-foot inter- vals to a wire forty feet in length. After fumigation, test insects were removed and mortality counts of adults com- pleted, the immature stages and eggs, with controls, being forwarded to Montreal for incubation. The Cadelle, due to its resistance to HCN and methyl bromide, is an excellent test insect, but due to the difficulty in rearing is limited in its use. The above procedure, to- gether with the collection of infested wheat from ships’ holds prior to and after fumigation, gives a complete cross section of the entire operation and pro- vides material on which to base future recommendations. Before gas is released into the ships’ holds, temperatures are recorded, and from 1 to 2 lb. of gas used according to the following table: Fan circulation 10 hr. Desirable 10 “ Essential 12 “ 12 “ Above 60°F. 5 1 °F. to 60°F. 32°F. to 50°F. Below 32°F. 1 lb. per 1,000 cu. ft. 1 “ “ “ “ “ 135 " “ 2 “ “ “ “ “ A few statistics round out the general picture of vessel inspection at Vancouver: Number of ships inspected for the 1948-49 fiscal year, to date 310 Number of ships fumigated with HCN 37 Number of ships fumigated with methyl bromide 18 Total number of ships fumigated with both gases 53 Number of ships spot sprayed 21 Number of ships requiring treatment, either spraying or fumigation 76 Number of ships free of infestation 234 Regarding insect interception, the granary weevil still appears to retain its position as the w'orst offender, with Tribolium running a close second. It is hoped that by constant instruction, ships’ officers will eventually realize that “good housekeeping’’ in relation to ships' holds will pay big dividends in cutting to a minimum the chances of in- festation, thereby saving thousands of dollars and endless trouble to everyone concerned. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. ( 1 949) , VOL. 46, May 15, 1950 21 RECORDS OF BEES FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA: Me gachilidae1* E. R. Buckell Dominion Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. This list of 1 1 5 species and subspecies of the family Megachilidae has been compiled from collections in the Field Crop Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, the University of British Columbia, Van- couver, and the National Collection at Ottawa. A map is included showing the loca- tions of collection points. It should be realized that the scarcity of records from the northern half of the province does not necessarily denote the absence of these bees in that area, but is due to the fact that it is practically uninhabited and without transportation facilities. There are doubtless interesting distribution records to be obtained in the north, when transportation becomes available. ( C.N.C .) placed before the locality records denotes that all the specimens for Family MEGACHILIDAE Subfamily MEGACHILINAE To the Megachilidae belong the mason-bees, as well as the leaf-cutter bees with the bees parasitic upon them. Their nests are built in solid, or in rotten wood, in hollow plant stems, at- tached to stones or twigs, or in the soil. Tribe ANTHIDIINI Genus DIANTHIDIUM Cockerell The species of this genus use resin in cementing the linings of their nests and are known as “resiniers.” Dianthidium pudicum (Cresson) LYTTON, July 19, 1931, Id (G.J.S.) . Genus ANTHIDIELLUM Cockerell Anf-hidiellum robertsoni (Cockerell) VERNON, March 19, 1945, Id (H.B.L.) . Reared from a pupal cell. Leech (1948). Anthidium divisum Cockerell CHILCOTIN, June 26, 1930, 1 d (E.R.B.) ; July 29, 1930, if (G.J.S.) . ALEXIS CREEK, June 30, 1943, Id- (E.R.B.) . KASLO, June 3, 1?, 21, 1?, 1906 (L.W.C.). OSOYOOS, July 5, 1920, 1 cT (E.R.B.). PEN- TICTON, June 29, 1919, 1? (E.R.B.). CRANBROOK, May 12, 193 9, Id (E.R.B.). Anthidium tenuiflorae Cockerell CHILCOTIN, July 20, 1930, Id; June 12, 1931, 1? (G.J.S.) . LYTTON, July 19, 1931, 1? (G.J.S.). WALHACHIN, June 29, 1918, 1$. MT. MCLAINE, July 12, 1926, 1?. that particular locality are to be found in the Canadian National Collection at Ottawa. The collector is designated by initials only in the text, but a list of col- lectors’ names is included at the end of the paper. The author wishes to thank Dr. T. B. Mitchell, University of North Caro- lina, and Dr. C. D. Michener, American Museum of Natural History, for the determination of material; Dr. O. Peck, Systematic Entomology, Ottawa, for supplying the records of British Colum- bia material in the genus MEGACHILE and COELIOXYS, in the National Col- lection, and Professor G. J. Spencer for the loan of the University collections. 1* Contribution No. 2565, Division of Entomology, Science Service, 'Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. MINNIE LAKE, Aug. 4, 1942, 1C ALEXIS CREEK, June 30, 1943, 1 d (E.R.B.). Anthidium mormonum Cresson KASLO, May 28, 1906, Id (L.W.C.) . Anthidium nebrascense Swenk KASLO, June 1 1, 1905, lH June 3, 1906, Id (L.W.C.) . Anthidium wallisi wallowana Schwarz KASLO, June 3, 1910, 1? (L.W.C.). Anthidium palliventre Cresson PENTICTON, June 29, 1919, 1? (E.R.B.). Anthidium emarginatum Say KASLO, June 1 1, 1905, 1 ? (L.W.C.). Anthidium banningense Cockerell KASLO, May 28, Id; June 23, 1?, 1906; June 24, 1913, 1? (L.W.C.). PENTICTON, May 30, 1919, 1?; June 3 and 7, 1919, 2d (E.R.B.). Anthidium wyomingense Schwarz KASLO, June 5, '1906, 1 ? (L.W.C.). Genus STELIS Panzer Stelis (Chelynia) rubri Cockerell CHILCOTIN, June 5, 1930 1 ? (E.R.B.). KASLO, June 3, 1906, 1 ? (L.W.C.). Stelis (Chelynia) monticofa Cresson HAT CREEK, June 27, 1943, 1? (E.R.B.). Stelis ( Pavostelis ) montana Cresson OLIVER, June 9, 1943, 2? (E.R.B.). Tribe MEGACHIL1NI Genus HERIADES Spinola Heriades (Neotry petes) variolosa Cresson KASLO, July 23, 1906, ]d 2? (L.W.C.). Heriades (Physostetha) carinata Cresson LYTTON, July 19, 1$, 26, 4? (G.J.S.). KAMLOOPS, June 13, 1943, Id (G.J.S.). 22 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 LILLOOET, July 27, 1943, 1 1c? (E.R.B.). CRANBROOK, June 21, 1926, 1 c? (A.A.D.) . INVERMERE, July 29, 1?, 1926 (A.A.D.) . VERNON, July 10, 2 c?, 23, 5?, 1920 (N.L.C.) ; July 23, 1?, 25, lc? (M.H.R.) . PENTICTON, June 21, 1919, Id" (M.H.R.) . The 11^ taken at Lillooet were caught from a swarm of these little bees flying low over the soil around a plant of Russian thistle, Salsola kali Linn. Genus ASHMEADIELLA Cockerell Ashmeadiella curriei curriei Titus Michener (1939) records that typical curriei occurs from British Columbia to California and Colorado and that the type ? in the U.S. Nat. Museum^ was from Kaslo, B. C. This would no doubt have been collected by Mr. L. W. Cockle. Ashmeadiella bucconis denticulata (Cresson) VERNON, July 6, 1929, 4c? 3? (H.B.L.) ; June 12, 193 6, Id" (I.J.W.) . PENTICTON, July 21, 1916, 1? (R.C.T.). WALHACHIN, July 21, 1917, 2? (E.R.B.). Ashmeadiella cactorum cactorum (Cockerell) KASLO, July 23, 1906, 1 ? (L.W.C.). Ashmeadiella californicc californica (Ashmead) CRANBROOK, June 21, 1926, 1 ? (A.A.D.). VERNON, July 6, 1929, 1 c? (H.B.L.) . Genus HOPLITIS Klug Hoplitis albifrons Kirby CHASE, June 6, 1937, 2c? (E.R.B.). ALEXIS CREEK, June 30, 1943, 1 ? (E.R.B.). PEN- TICTON, June 7, 2 d", 2 1 , 1 c? (E.R.B. ). KAM- LOOPS, June 13, 1?; Aug. 8, 4c?, 1943 (E.R.B.) ; June 12, 1943, 1 c? (G.J.S.). CHILCOTIN, June 13, 1929, 3c? 1?; June 5, 2c?, 26, 3c? 1?, 1930 (E.R.B.). June 7, 1931, lc? (G.J.S.). 'CRANBROOK, June 15, lc? 19, 21, lc?, 1926 (A.A.D.). VICTORIA, V. I., June 10, 1916, 29 (R.C.T.) . KASLO, May 30-July 1, 1905, 1 c? 3 9 ; May 6-June 30, 1906, 5c? 79 (L.W.C.). Hoplitis fulgida (Cresson) CHILCOTIN, June 5-14, 1929, 1 c? 5 9 ; June 26, 1930, 3d" (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, June 5, lc?, 29, 19, 1919; July 4, 1930, 2d" (E.R.B.). VERNON, May 1, 1929, 1 9 (E.R.B.). KASLO, June 20, 1905, 19 (L.W.C.). Hoplitis louisae Cockerell CHILCOTIN, May. 28, 1929, Id" (E.R.B.). Dr. C. D. Michener, who determined this bee, stated that it had hitherto been unknown north of Oregon and Idaho. The specimen was collected at an eleva- tion of 3,500 ft. Lat. 52. Hoplitis producta subgracilis Michener CHILCOTIN, June 13, 1929, 1 9 (E.R.B.). VERNON, July 7, 193 0, 1 9 (I.J.W.) . Hoplitis grinnelli septentrionalis Michener CRANBROOK, May 12, 1926, 1 9 (A.A.D.). Hoplitis sambuci Titus OLIVER, June 9, 1937, 1 c? (E.R.B.). KERE- MEOS, June 20, .1943, 1 9 (E.R.B.). Genus ANTHOCOPA Lepeletier and Serville Anthocopa copelandica Cockerell PENTICTON, July 4, 1930, 1 9 (E.R.B.). Genus OSMIA Panzer The bees of this genus are known as mason-bees. They construct nests of clay and sand in holes in fence posts, trees, walls, etc. Osmia (Osmia) lignaria Say VERNON, May 1, 1920, 1 cT 4 9 (R.C.T.) ; April 25, 19; May 8, 1 9, 1920; May 14, 1921, 19 (M.H.R.).; April 15, 1906, 3c? 9 (E.P.V.) ; June 4, 1929, 1 9 (E.R.B.); April 22, lc? 19, 24, 2c?; May 6, 2c?, 1929 (I.J.W.); May 10, 1 9, 16, lc?, 1927 7 (D.G.G.). SALMON ARM, April 25, 39; May 1-8, 29, 1929 (H.B.L.); April 26, 1943, Id" 29 (E.R.B.) ; Aug. 9, 1 920, 1 9 ; April 5, 1925, 1 c? (W.R.B.). NANAIMO, V. I., May 1 1, 1930, 139 (G.J.S.); June 23-24, 1920, 29 (E.P. Van Duzee) . PEN- 'j TICTON, April 10-13, 1919, 2c? 19; April 24, 1929, lie? 23 9 (E.R.B.). KASLO, April 20, 1904, 19; April 7-June 1 1, 1905, lc?« 39; April 28-June 5, 1906, lc? 79; April 26, lc?; May 9, 1 9, 1908; May 6-June 24, 1910, 2c? 29 (L.W.C.) . KAMLOOPS, April 18, 1929, 3c? 39; April 17, 1943, 2c? 29 (E.R.B.). NICOLA, May 2, lc? 19, 3, lc? 1 9, 1943 (E.R.B.). CHILCOTIN, May 28, 29; June 13, 1 9, 1929 (E.R.B.) ; July 23, lc?, 1929; June 9, 1931, lc? (G.J.S. ). COURTENAY, V. I., April 2, 1931 (J.D.G.)'. MILNER, May 4, 1930, 1 9 (K.G.) . GOLDEN, May 17, 1915, 19 (F.W.L.S.). GRINDROD, May 27, 1927, 1 9 (D.G.G.) . OKANAGAN j FALLS, April 24, 1919, 19 (E.R.B.); May 24, 1920, lc? (M.H.R.). VANCOUVER, May ! 22, 1 930, 1 9 (H.B.L.). This is by far the most numerous species of Osmia found in British Co- lumbia. Osmia (Chalcosmia) coerulescens Linnaeus (C.N.C.) CHILCOTIN, May 15, 1920, 1 9 (E.R.B.). KEREMEOS, June 18, 1919, 1 c? (E.R.B.). VICTORIA, May 20, 1906, 1 c? (R.C.T.). ROYAL OAK, May 13, 1917, Id" (R.C.T.). Osmia (Chalcosmia) coloradensis Cresson SALMON ARM, May 10, 1928, 1 9 (H.B.L.); May 26, 1943, 1 9 (E.R.B.). CHILCOTIN, July 8, 1931, 19 (G.J.S.). OLIVER, July 9, 1943, 1 9 (E.R.B.). KASLO, June 20, 1905, 1 9; June 30, 1906, 29; June 18, 1910, 2 9 (L.W.C.) . VERNON, July 23-28,' 59; Aug. 3, 1 9. 1920 (M.H.R.) ; July 27, ' 1920, 1 9 (R.C.T.). PENTICTON, April 23, 1920, lc? (M.H.R.). INVERMERE, May 19, 1915, 4 9 (F.W.L.S.) . GOLDEN, May 17, 1915, 19 (F.W.L.S.). REVELSTOKE, May 16, 1915, 1 9 (F.W.L.S.). FAIRVIEW, May L8, 1919, 19 (E.R.B.). LILLOOET, June j 10. 1920, 1 9 (A.W.A.P.) . SHAWNIGAN LAKE, June 7, 1914, 19 (F.W.L.S.). 23 ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1949) , VOL. 46, MAY 15, 1950 Osmia (Chalcosmia) texana Cresson OLIVER, July 9, 1943, 2? (E.R.B.). Osmia (Cephalosmia) montana Cresson VERNON, May 15, 1920, 1 ? (R.C.T.) ; May 14, 1921, 3? (M.H.R.) . ; April 25, 1932, Id; May 31, 1929, 1 ? (E.R.B.). CHIL- COTIN, May 28, 1929, 1 ? (E.R.B.). PEN- TICTON, June 7, 1919, 1? (E.R.B.). OKA- NAGAN FALLS, June 3, 1919, 1? (E.R.B.) . KELOWNA, May 20, 1917, 1? (R.C.T.) . INVERMERE, May 30, 1914, 1? (F.W.L.S.). OLIVER, July 9, 1943, 1 ? (E.R.B.) . Osmia (Cephalosmia) subaustralis Cockerell CHILCOTIN, June 15, 1920, 1 ? (E.R.B.). INVERMERE, June 30, 1914, 1? (F.W.L.S.) . Osmia (Cephalosmia) pascoensis Cockerell CHILCOTIN, June 14. 1929, 1? (E.R.B). KALEDEN, April 14, 1919, 1 d (E.R.B.). OLIVER, May 4, 1943, 1? (E.R.B.). KAM- LOOPS, May 1 1, 1935, Id" (E.R.B.). PEN- TICTON, April 13, Id", 23, 1?, 1919; April 24, 1929, 10d 2? (E.R B.) ; April 12, Id", 23, 2d", 30, Id",. 1920 (M.H.R.) . VERNON, April 17-25, 2d" ; May 31, 2?; June 4,1?, 1929 (E.R.B.); April 25, 2d; May 9, 1?, 15, 1?; July 20, 1?, 1920; May 14, 1921, Id 1? (M.H.R.).; April 24, 1929, Id (I.J.W); April 14, 1?, 15, Id", 1906 (E.P.V.). VASEAUX LAKE, April 9, 1921, 2? (FAV.L.S.). LiLLOOET, May 28, 1917, 1? (A.W.A.P.) . The male taken at Kamloops ( 1 1 . V. 3 5 ) was found in a cell in a dead jack-pine, Pinus contorta Loud. This appears to be an early species and most of the collection dates are in April and May. Osmia (Cephalosmia) californica Cresson (C.N.C.) OKANAGAN LAKE, April 23, 1914, 2? (T.W.). LYTTON, July 6, 1913, 1? (T.W.). Osmia (Cephalosmia) marginipennis Cresson KEREMEOS, May 5, 1943, Id" (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, April 30, 1919, Id (E.R.B.). VASEAUX LAKE, April 19, 1921, 2d (F.W.L.S.). SUMMERLAND, April 7, 1921, Id (F.W.L.S.). VERNON, May 25, 1919, Id (W.B.A.). KAMLOOPS, Aug. 8, 1943, 1? (E.R.B.). NICOLA, May 16, 1922, Id (P.N.V.). CHILCOTIN, May 12, 1920, Id (E.R.B.). Osmia (Melanosmia) nigriventris (Zetterstedt) KAMLOOPS, Aug. 8, 1943, 1? (E.R.B.). Osmia ( Melanosmia ) bucephala Cresson CHILCOTIN, July 12, 1921, 1? (E.R.B.). KASLO, May 10, 1905, 1 ? (L.W.C.). DE- PARTURE BAY, V. I., June 27, 1925, Id (G.J.S.). PRINCE GEORGE, Aug. 12, 1946, 1? (G.J.S.). INVERMERE, May 8, 1915, 1? (F.W.L.S.). Osmia ( Acanthosmioides) odontogaster Cockerell VICTORIA, May 6, 1919, 5d (W.D.) ; April 6, 1916, 1? (R.C.T.). SIDNEY, May 8, 1915, Id (F.W.L.S.). SAANICH, May 4, 1914, 1? (T.W.). SALMON ARM, May 10. 1930, Id (H.B.L.). KAMLOOPS, May 13, 1943, Id (E.R.B.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) longula Cresson CHASE, June 6, 1937, 1 ? (E.R.B.) . NICOLA, June 29, 1922, 1 ? (P.N.V.). VERNON, May 24, 1946, 1? (H.B.L.) . INVERMERE, June 30, 1914, 3? (F.W.L.S.). ROYAL OAK, May 24, 1917, 1? (R.C.T.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) hicksi Sandhouse OSOYOOS, June 10, 1919, Id (E.R.B.). Sandhouse (1939). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) physariae Cockerell CHILCOTIN, June 13, 1929, Id (E.R.B.). VICTORIA, V. I., May 5, 1919, Id (W.D.) . Osmia (Acanthosmioides) nifoata Cockerell (C.N.C.) PENTICTON, June 5, 1919, Id (E.R.B.). VICTORIA, May 5, 1919, 2? (W.D.) . CHILCOTIN, June 9, 1920, Id (E.R.B.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) int-egra Cresson KAMLOOPS, May 26, 1935, Id (G.J.S.) . REVELSTOKE, May 16, 1915 (F.W.L.S.). CHILCOTIN, May 14, 1920, 1 ? (E.R.B.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) hendersoni Cockerell CRESTON, May 28, 1926, 1 ? (A.A.D.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) kenoyeri Cockerell (C.N.C.) ROYAL OAK, May 20, 1917, 2? (R.C.T.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) nigrifrons Cresson PENTICTON, May 7, 1919, 1? (E.R.B.). VERNON (White Man’s Creek) , July 1, 1920, 1? (N.L.C.). SALMON ARM, May 21, 1915, 1? (W.R.B.). CHILCOTIN, July 29, 1930, 1 ? (G.J.S.) . VANCOUVER, April 15, 1920, 1? (G.J.S.). NANAIMO, V. I., June 24, 1920, 1? (E. P. Van Duzee; Sandhouse, 1924). INVERMERE, May 19, 1915, 1? (F.W.L.S.). OSOYOOS, June 10, 1919, 1? (E.R.B.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) sedula Sandhouse NANAIMO, V. I., June 4, 1920 (Mrs. E. P. Van Duzee; Sandhouse, 1924). PENTIC- TON, April 5, 1920, 1 ? (M.H.R.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) giliarum Cockerell ALEXIS CREEK, June 30, 1943, 1 ? (E.R.B.). Osmia (Acanthosmioides) pellax Sandhouse LILLOOET, June 16, 1929, 1 ? (E.R.B.). Osmia (Nothosmia) brevis Cresson KAMLOOPS, June 13, 1943, 1 ? (E.R.B.). CRANBROOK (St. Mary’s Lake), July 12, 1926, 1 ? (A.A.D.). KASLO, July 3, 1916. 1? (F.W.L.S.). MARA, June 15, 1920, 2? (R.C.T.). VERNON, May 20, 1907, 3? (R.C.T.). PEACHLAND, July 21, 1909 (J.B.W.). PENTICTON, June 29, 1?, July 5, 1?, 1919 (E.R.B.). VICTORIA, May 27, 1915,1? (R.C.T.). SIDNEY, July 6, 1914, 2? (F.W.L.S.). NANAIMO, July 21, 1917, 1? (F.W.L.S.). Osmia ( Nothosmia ) penstemonis Cockerell (C.N.C.) KASLO, July 3, 1916, 1? (F.W.L.S.). Osmia (Nothosmia) universitatis Cockerell (C.N.C.) PENTICTON, June 5, 1919, Id (E.R.B.). Osmia (Nothosmia) integrella Cockerell NICOLA, May 2, 1943, Id (E.R.B.). 24 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. ( 1 949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1 950 Osmio (Nothosmia) pagosa Sandhouse VERNON, May 25, 1930, 1 ? (I.J.W.) . Osmio (Nothosmia) simillima Smith CHILCOTIN, May 24, 1 d, . 2 7, Id, 1929 (E.R.B.). VERNON, July 2, 1920, 2? (M.H.R.) ; July 28, 1920, 1 ? (R.C.T.). PENTICTON, June 21, 1919, Id (E.R.B.) . Osmio ( Nothosmia ) seclusa Sandhouse VANCOUVER, June 16, 1896 (Livingston). Sandhouse (1924). Osmio (Nothosmia) nemoris Sandhouse VASEAUX LAKE, June 14, 1919, Id (E.R.B.) . FAIRVIEW, May 18, 1919, Id (E.R.B.) . Sandhouse (1924). Osmio (Nothosmia) densa Cresson KASLO, May 30, 1905. 1 ?; June 3, 1906, 2?; May 10. 1909, 1? (L.W.C.) . KAM- LOOPS, July 25, 1943, 1 ? (E.R.B.). OLIVER, May 4, 1943, Id (E.R.B.). PEN- TICTON, April 24, 1929, 2d (E.R.B.). LYT- TON, June 28, 1931, 1 ? (G.J.S.). TOFINO IS., May-July, 1926, 1 ? (G.J.S.). CHILCO- TIN, June 13, 1929, 1 ? (E.R.B.) ; July 15, 1 9, 29, 29, 1930 (G.J.S.). VERNON, June 6, 1903, 1 9 (E.C.V.D.) . ; May 25, 1919, I'd (W.B.A.) . NANAIMO, June 24, 1920, 19 (E.C.V.D.); July 18, 1912, 19 (W.B.A.) . NEWCASTLE, July 18, 1913, 19 (W.B.A.) . INVERMERE, June 30, 1916, 89 (F.W.L.S.) . GOLDEN, May 17, 1915, 4d (F.W.L.S.). REVELSTOKE, May 16, 1915, 19 (F.W.L.S.). SICAMOUS, May 16, 1916, Id (F.W.L.S.). SALMON ARM, July 4, 1914, 19 (F.W.L.S.). PRINCETON, June 7, 1916, 19 (W.B.A.). OKANAGAN FALLS, June 3, 1919, 19 (E.R.B.). LILLOOET, June 11, 1916, 19 (E.M.A.). Osmio (Nothosmia) juxfa Cresson VERNON, July 26, 1920, 1 9 (R.C.T.) ; June 23, 1926, 1 9 (I.J.W.) : May 13, 1930, 19 (A.A.D.). CHILCOTIN, June 15, 1920, 19; May 28, 1929, 1 9; June 5, 1930, 1 9 (E.R.B.); July 29, 1930, 29 (G.J.S.) . KASLO, July 1, 1905, 29; June 3, 1906, 19 (L.W.C.) . PENTICTON, April 24, 1929, 3d (E.R.B.). KAMLOOPS, June 13, 1943, Id (E.R.B.). NANAIMO, June 24, 1920, 19 (E.C.V.D.). KEREMEOS, June 18, 1919, 19 (E.R.B.). LILLOOET, May 21, 1916, Id (E.M.A.). CRANBROOK, May 16, 1922, Id (C.B.G.). Osmio (Nothosmia) otrocyonea Cockerell VERNON, July 23, 1920, 1 9 (M.H.R.) . KASLO, Aug. 3, 1916. 29 (F.W.L.C.). ROYAL OAK, May 13, 1917, Id (R.C.T.) . SHAWNIGAN LAKE, July 7, 1914, 19 (F.W.L.S.). Osmio (Nothosmia) vollicolo Cockerell (C.N.C.). CRANBROOK, May 18, 1 922, 3d (C.B.G.). Osmio (Nothosmia) cyonella Cockerell ( C.N.C .) VICTORIA, May 20, 1918, Id (R.C.T.). VANCOUVER, April 12, 1934, 19 (W.M.). Osmio (Nothosmia) tersulo Cockerell BRITISH COLUMBIA, Sandhouse (1939). Osmio (Nothosmia) trevoris Cockerell VERNON, May 25, 1930, 1 9 (I.J.W.). WAL- HACHIN, July 8, 1918, 1 9 (E.R.B.) Osmio (Nothosmia) alboloterolis Cresson CLINTON, Aug. 10, 1943, 1 9 (E.R.B.). ALEXIS CREEK, June 30, 1943, 1 9 (E.R.B.). VERNON, May 31, 1929, 19 (E.R.B.); May 26, 1923, 1 9 (M.H.R.); July 17, 1926, 1 9 (D.G.G.). PENTICTON, April 5, 1920, 1 9 (M.H.R.). CRANBROOK, May 12, 1926, Id (A.A.D.). VICTORIA, V. I., June, 1916, 19 (R.C.T.). DEPARTURE BAY, V. I., June 10, 1925, 19 (G.J.S.) . NEW- CASTLE IS., June 10, 1925, 1 9 (G.J.S.). KAMLOOPS, June 12, 1943, 2d (G.J.S.) . KASLO, May 6, 3 9, 28, 1 9 ; June 3, 3 9, 1906 (L.W.C.). INVERMERE, May 27, 1915, Id (F.W.L.S.). Osmio (Nothosmia) doSerosa Sandhouse Sandhouse (193 9) gives the following records for British Columbia: KASLO, 1903, 49 (R.P.C.). BON ACCORD, May 10, 1909, 19 (R.). REVELSTOKE, July 4-6, 1905,49 (J.C.B.). HOWSER LAKE, June 24, 1905, l9 (J.C.B.). HOWSER, Selkirk Mountains, June 22, 1905, 1 9 (J.C.B.) . DOWNIE CREEK, Selkirk Mountains, Aug. 14, 1905, 19 (J.C.B.) . GOLDSTREAM, Selkirk Moun- tains, Aug. 7-1 1, 1905, 1 9 (J.C.B.). CAR- BONATE, Columbia River, July 7-12, 1908, 19 (J.C.B.). VANCOUVER, June 26, 1896, 19 (L.). Osmio (Nothosmia) otriventris Cresson (C.N.C.) . SIDNEY, April 23, 1915, IM (F.W.L.S.). Osmio (Nothosmia) inurbane Cresson (C.N.C.). VERNON, June 18, 1917, Id (R.C.T.). VICTORIA, May 6, 1919, 3d (R.C.T.): May 16, 1916, Id (W.D.) . ROYAL OAK, May 20, 1917, Id (R.C.T.). SIDNEY, April 23, 1915, Id (F.W.L.S.). Osmio ( Nothosmia ) nonuio Cockerell (C.N.C.). KASLO, July 3, 1916, 19 Id (F.W.L.S.). OSOYOOS, June 10, 1919, 19; (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, July 21, 1919, 19 (E.R.B.). SALMON ARM, July 4, 1914, 19 (F.W.L.S.). VICTORIA, June 3, 1916, 19 (R.C.T.). SIDNEY, May 8, 1915, 19 (F.W.L.S.). SAANICH, June 3, 1919, 19 (W.D.) . NANAIMO, June 23, 1920 (E.C.V.D.). Sandhouse (1924). Osmio (Nothosmia) proximo Cresson KASLO, May 3, 1906, Id (L.W.C.). CHIL- COTIN, June 7, 1920, 1 9 (E.R.B.). SIDNEY, June 18, 1916, 19 (F.W.L.S.). SHAWNI- GAN, July 8, 1914, 19 (F.W.L.S.). Osmio (Nothosmia) tristello Cockerell (C.N.C.). INVERMERE, June 30, 1914, 3 9 (F.W.L.S.). KASLO, July 3, 1916, 2 9 (F.W.L.S.). AGASSIZ, May 11, 1915, 19 (F.W.L.S.). Osmio (Nothosmia) mert-ensioe Cockerell (C.N.C.) LILLOOET, May 3, 1916, Id (E.M.A.). Osmio (Nothosmia) bruneri Cockerell KEREMEOS, May 5, 1943, Id (E.R.B.). KASLO, May 6, 1906, Id (L.W.C.). VAS- EAUX LAKE, June 14, 1919, 19 (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, April 30, 1919, Id (E.R.B.). ARMSTRONG, May 20, 1915, Id (F.W.L.S.). LILLOOET, May 25, 1916, I'd (E.M.A.) . Osmio ( Nothosmia ) coboltino Cresson KASLO, May 6 -June 23, 5 d 7 9, 1906; May Entomological Soc. of British Golumbia, Proc. (1949) , Vql. 46, May 15, 1950 25 14, 1905, Id 1? (L.W.C.): July 3, 1916, 4? (F.W.L.S.) . OLIVER, June 4, 1943, 1? (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, June 7, 1919, 1?; July 4, 193 0, 2 9 (E.R.B.) . PEACHLAND, July 24, 1909, 1 9 (J.B.W.). VERNON, July 9, 1920, 1 9 (M.H.R.) . WALHACHIN, June 27, 1918, 2 9 (E.R.B.) . LYTTON, June 30, 1931, 1 9 (G.J.S.). LILLOOET, May 3, 1916, 19 (E.M.A.). CHILCOTIN, May 29, 1 9, 30, 1 9, 1921 (E.R.B.). SHAW- NIGAN LAKE, July 7, 1914, 19 (F.W.L.S.) . Osmsc (Nothosmia) cello Cockerell VERNON, July 10, 1920, 1 9 (N.L.C.). Os mi a ( Nothosmia ) kincaidii Cockerell VERNON, June 6, 1903, 1 9 ; April 21, 1906, Id (E.P.V.); May 6, 1907, 1 9 ; May 14, 1921,29 (M.H.R. ). OLIVER, May 4, 1943, 19 (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, April 30, 1919, Id; April 30, 1919, Id; April 24, 1929, Id (E.R.B.). KASLO, June 1, 1 9, 2, 1 9, 1 905 (L.W.C.); Aug. 3, 1916, 29 (F.W.L.S.). CRANBROOK, May 16, 1919, 19 (C.B.G.). SUMMERLAND, Aug. 10, 1916, 19 (F.W.L.S.). LYTTON, May 21, 1919, Id (W.B.A.). VICTORIA, June 3, 1916, 2 9 (R.C.T.). ROYAL OAK, May 5, 1917, Id. (R.C.T.). Osmia (Nothosmia) spp. In addition to the above named species Dr. T. B. Mitchell marked three as new species, and several others were undetermined. Genus MEGACHILE Latreille The bees of this genus are leaf-cutter bees that make tubular cells out of semi- circular pieces of leaves which they cut out of various plants. Some of the species are of great eco- nomic importance to farmers as they are among the few insects that are able to trip and pollinate the flowers of alfalfa, thereby increasing the seed yield. Sladen (1918) observed these bees tripping the flowers of alfalfa at an aver- age rate of 17 per minute. In observa- tions made at Summerland and Kere- meos, B. C., he found that M. perihirta Ckll. was by far the most valuable species in this respect, but that M. melanophoea calogastev Ckll. and M. brevis also were active in alfalfa fields and assisted in the tripping of blossoms. Megachile (Xanthosarus) perihirta Cockerell VERNON, Aug. 13-20, 1923, 49; Aug. 6- 23, 1926, Id 29 (D.G.G.) : July 9-27, 5d 25 9; Aug. 3-9, 69, 1920 (R.C.T.) ; Aug. 28, M;. 19; Sept. 9-10, Id 19, 1926 (I.J.W.) . ; Aug. 8-24, lcf 109, 1904 (E.P. V.) . ; July 1 1, 1929, 1 9 (H.B.L.) ; July 7-24, 39; Aug. 5, 1 9, 1 920 (N.L.C.) ; Aug. 13, 1918, 19; July 21-28, 129; Aug. 2-23, 109, 1920; July 19-27, 89; Aug. 1, 19,1921; July 26, 49; Aug. 13-23, 49, 1922 (M.H.R.).; July 1 3-25, 4d 5 9, Aug. 25, 49, 1917 (F.W.L.S.). KAMLOOPS, July 4, 1937, 1 / ; June 26, 193 8, Id (G.J.S.) ; July 25, 2d, Aug. 8, 1 id, 1943 (E.R.B.). NICOLA, Aug. 28, 1923, 1 9; July 26, 1925, 1 d 19 (P.N.V.). MERRITT, July 20, 1918, 19 (W.B.A.) . OSOYOOS, June 10, 1919, 2d (E.R.B.). OLIVER, June 3, 1923, 1 9 (C.B.G.) ; July 9, 1943, l.d (E.R.B.). FAIRVIEW, July 8, 1919, 3 9 (E.R.B.). WALHACHIN, June 27, 1917, 29; July 17, 1918, Id (E.R.B.). MINNIE LAKE, Aug. 12, 1942, 1 9 (E.R.B.). SAL- MON ARM, July 4, 1928, 1 9 (H.B.L.) ; June 4, 1943, Id (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, June 7-19, Id 19; Aug. 7, 19; Sept. 3-7, 6d 39, 1919 (E.R.B.); Aug. 7, 1916, 19 (F.W.L.S.). SUMMERLAND, Aug. 10, 1916, Id 79; Aug. 20, 1919, 2d 69 (F.W.L.S.) ; Aug. 22, 1914, Id (T.W.). KEREMEOS, July 2, 1917, Id (F.W.L.S.). CRESCENT, July 14, 1916, Id (F.W.L.S.). INVER- MERE, £ug. 11, 1914, 1 cT (F.W.L.S.). VAN- COUVER, Aug. 15, 1916, Id (F.W.L.S.). LILLOOET, June 9, 1921, 2d (A.P.) ; June 28, 1926, 2d (J.D.McD.) . vasseaux LAKE, June 19, 1919, Id (W.B.A.) ; June 13, 1919, 1 d (R.C.T.) . OKANAGAN FALLS, July 21-24, 1917, 2d 29 (F.W.L.S.) ; June 16, 1919, 19 (W.B.A.). PEACHLAND, Aug. 21, 1904, 1 9 (J.B.W.). AGASSIZ, July 24, 1922, 1 9 (R.G.) ; July 22, 1926, 19 (H.H.R.). ENDERBY, Aug. 3, 1918 (W.B.A.). CHILCOTIN, June 20, \d ; July 12, Id 1920 (E.R.B.) ; July 1, 1929, Id;' July 29, 1930, 49 (G.J.S.) . HAT CREEK, Aug. 26, 1933, 1 9 (R.D.B.) . CRANBROOK, June 12, 1926, 1 d (A.A.D.) . KASLO, June 25, 1905, Id; July 10, 1906, 1 9 (L.W.C.). LYTTON, June 21-28, 29; July 5, Id", 1931 (G.J.S.). QUESNEL, Aug. 12-19, 1 d 19, 1946 (G.J.S.). VICTORIA, V. I., July 17, 1909, 1 9 (J.B.W.); Aug. 13, 1916, \d 59 (F.W.L.S.); Sept. 16, Id* 39; 30, 1 ' 19, 1917 (W.B.A.); Aug. 3, 1938, 2d (G.S.W.) ; July 5, 1927, 29 (G.J.S.). DEPARTURE BAY, V. I., June 4, 1925, 1 9 (G.J.S.). SIDNEY, V. I., July 22, 1925, 1 d 129 (G.J.S.); Aug. 15, 1916, 19 (F.W.L.S.). This bee is probably the commonest of the genus Megachile in British Columbia and is found on Vancouver Island, the dry southern interior, the Kootenay district, and as far north as collecting has been done. As it has been taken at Fort Simpson, at the junction of the Liard and Mackenzie Rivers, Northwest Territories, July 14, 1946, A. G. Dustan) , it no doubt occurs also throughout northern British Columbia. The elevation of the collection points varies from sea level to 4,000 ft. It nests in colonies in gravelly places and is the most valuable alfalfa pollinator of this genus in British Columbia. 26 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1949) , Vol. 46, May 15, 1950 Megachile (Litomegachile) texana Cresson MINNIE LAKE, July 4, 1 9 ; KAMLOOPS, July 19, 1?, 1942; July 25, lc?, 1943 (E.R.B.) ; July 3, 193 8, 1 cT (G.J.S.). WALHACHIN, Aug. 10, 1943, 1? (E.R.B.) . PEACHLAND, July 24, 1907, 1? (J.B.W.). SUMMER- LAND, July 20, 1917, 1? (F.W.L.S.) . PEN- TICTON, June 19, 1918, 1? (W.B.A.). Megachile (Litomegachile) texana var. cleomis Cockerell VERNON, July 25, 1920, 1 cf (R.C.T.) ; July 5, 1943, l.c? (E.R.B.); July 1 1, 1923, id (M.H.R.); July 26, 1929, 1 ? (H.B.L.). SUMMERLAND, July 20, 1917, 2? (F.W.L.S.). OKANAGAN FALLS, July 21, 1917, 1? (F.W.L.S.). OLIVER, July 10, 1929, 2? (E.R.B.). WALHACHIN, July 12, 1918, 19; Aug. 10, 1943, 1 9 (E.R.B.). KAMLOOPS, July 3, 1938, 2d (G.J.S.); July 19, 1942, 1 cT (E.R.B.). LILLOOET (Seton Lake), June 25-28, 1926, 3c? (J.D.McD.). SIDNEY, V. I., July 22, 1925, 19 (G.J.S.) . Megachile (Litomegachile) texana var. lippiae Cockerell SUMMERLAND, July 20, 1917, 2 9 (F.W.L.S.). LILLOOET (Seton Lake) , June 2-28, 1926, 39 (J.McD.) . The locality records for M. texana , and its varieties cleomis and lippiae, are all from the interior dry-belt with the exception of Sidney, which is on Van- couver Island.' Megachile (Litomegachile) coquilletti Cockerell KASLO, June 1 1, 1 905, 1 d (L.W.C.). OKA- NAGAN FALLS, July 21, 1917, 2c?. VERNON, July 25, 1917, \d (F.W.L.S.). Megachile (Litomegachile) gentilis Cresson OKANAGAN FALLS, July 21, 1917 (F.W.L.S.). Megachile (Litomegachile) brevis Say OSOYOOS, June 10, *1919, lc? (E.R.B.). FAIRVIEW, Aug. 21, 1919, lc? 1 9 (E.R.B.). VASEAUX LAKE, June 14, 1919, 19 (E.R.B.). PENTICTON, June 22, 1919, id (E.R.B.). WALHACHIN, June 29, 1918, 1 cf (E.R.B.). SUMMERLAND, Aug. 10, 1916, 2d" 39; July 20, 1917, 29 (F.W.L.S.). OKANAGAN FALLS, July 20-24, 2d (F.W.L.S.). Megachile (Litomegachile) brevis var. onobry- chidis Cockerell LYTTON, June 28, 1 d, Aug. 16, 2 d, 1931 (G.J.S.). WINSLOW, Sept. 14, 1925, 1 9 (G.J.S.). VERNON, Sept. 10, 1926, 1 9 (I.J.W.). OSOYOOS, Aug. 13, 1942, 19 (E.R.B.). FAIRVIEW, Aug. 7, 1919, 2 9 (E.R.B.). OKANAGAN FALLS, July 21, 1917, id (F.W.L.S.). SUMMERLAND, July 9, 1916, 19; July 21, 1917, 39 (F.W.L.S.). KEREMEOS, July 16, 1923, Id (C.B.G.). NARAMATA, June 21, 1919, Id (E.R.B.). All the locality records for brevis and var. onobrychidis are from hot, dry, in- terior points, with the exception of Winslow, which is in the Lower Fraser Valley. Megachile ( Anthemois) nivalis Friese VERNON, Aug. 1, 1923, 1 9 (D.G.G.). CRANBROOK, June 21, 1926, 1 9 (A.A.D.). Megachile ( Anthemois ) centuncularis Linnaeus NICOLA, Aug. 28, 1923, 1 9 (P.N.V.). Megachile (Anthemois) montivaga Cresson VERNON, July 26-28, 1920, id 13 9; July 21, Id, Aug. 1, 1 9 , 1921 (M.H.R.); July 26-27, 169, Aug. 9, 29, 1920 (R.C.T.) ; Aug. 2, 1923, 1 9 (D.G.G.); July 21-25, 1917, 2d 7 9 (F.W.L.S.). PEACHLAND, Aug. 2, 1907, 19 (J.B.W.). SIDNEY, V. I., \d, no data; July 22, 1925, 1 d (G.J.S.). OLIVER, Aug. 9, 1943, id 29 (E.R.B.). ARMSTRONG, July 25, 1913, 19 (T.W.). SALMON ARM, June 26, 1925, id (A.A.D.) . LYTTON, July, 1913, 19. AGASSIZ, July 8, 1914, Id (F.W.L.S.). PRINCE GEORGE, Aug. 12, 1946, 1 9 (G.J.S.). ROLLA, July 23, 1927, 19 (P.N.V.). This species, from the locality records available, has a Wide distribution in British Columbia. It has been recorded from the southern Okanagan, through the dry interior north to Prince George, and from Rolla, on the banks of the Peace River north of latitude 56°, as well as from Agassiz, in the Fraser River delta, and Sidney on Vancouver Island. Megachile (Anthemois) relativa Cresson SICAMOUS (Shuswap Narrows) , Aug. 3 1 , 1943, 1 9 (G.J.S.). REVELSTOKE, July 17, 1931, 29 (A.W.G.) . ; REVELSTOKE MT., 6,000 ft., Aug. 12, 1923, 1 9 (P.N.V.). SALMON ARM, July 4, 1914, 3d (F.W.L.S.). KASLO, May l4-July 24, 1906, 7d 19 (L.W.C.); Aug. 3, 1916, 29 (F.W.L.S.). CRESTON, Sept. 10, 1923. 29 (C.S.L.) ; Aug. 1 1, 1927, 2 d (A.A.D.) . LARDO, Sept. 26, 1913, 19 (C.G.H.). FORT STEELE, June 20, 1922, 1 c? (W.B.A.). INVERMERE, June 30, 1914, 6d (F.W.L.S.). KAMLOOPS, July 19. 1942, lc? (E.R.B.). ARMSTRONG, July 3, 1914, Id (F.W.L.S.). VERNON, July 28, 1923, 1 9 (M.H.R.) ; July 24, 1917, id (F.W.L.S.) ; July 31 and Aug. 2, 1923, 2d (D.G.G.). PEACHLAND, Aug. 2-7 , 1909, 79 (J.B.W.). PENTICTON, June 7 and 21, 1919, 3c? (E.R.B.). KERE- MEOS, June 18, 1919, 2c? (E.R.B.). OLIVER, June 3, 1923, 1 d (C.B.G.). FAIRVIEW, May 18, 1919, 2 I" of the (Siji IS: ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 47 Issued July 15, 1951 Page DOWNING — Acaricide Trials in British Columbia Orchards, 1950 1 GREGSON — Notes on the Spring Activity of the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick, Dermacentor Andersoni Stiles ( Acarini : Ixodiae ) 4 BUCKELL — Records of Bees from British Columbia — Bombidae 7 GLENDENNING — An Unusual Cutworm Outbreak 24 HARDY — Notes on the Life History of the February Highflyer, Hydriomena nubilofasciata Pack 25 MCLEOD — Biological Control Investigations in British Columbia-— 27 HATCH — Coleopterists and Coleoptera Collections in the Pacific Northwest | i 3 7 SPENCER — Upon the Mating Habits of Thermobia domestica Pack. 40 MACCARTHY — A Comparison of Potato Tuber Damage by Two Flea Beetles: Epitrix tuberis Gent and Epitrix subcrinita Lee. 42 Scientific Notes 26, 43 For your agricultural needs PENNSALT agricultural chemicals PENNSALT DDT TECHNICAL— Fine to medium granulated powder of uniform high quality. Setting point 89° C. minimum. PENTECH® — Technical DDT made especially for manufacturers of dust concentrates, dusts and emulsion concentrates. A granular, dry, friable powder. PENNSALT DB-50® — Fine, dry pow- dered dust base containing 50% DDT, for use by dust manufacturers in formulating finished insecticides. PENNSALT WB-50®— Micron-sized powder containing 50% DDT and superior wetting agents for use as water suspension spray. Mixes easily, adheres to foliage. H S ^ PENNSALT BHC TECHNICAL 36 (Benzene Hexachloride) — A superior, partially refined technical BHC con- taining approximately 36% of the active gamma isomer. Readily lends itself to production of impregnated dusts. PENNSALT BHC DUST BASE D-12 — 1 2% gamma isomer for use by dust manufacturers in the formulation of finished insecticides. PENNSALT HI-GAM® 99— This is technical lindane, the essentially pure gamma isomer of benzene hexachloride. Other Pettits alt Insecticides KRYOCIDE® — Time-tested natural cryolite insecticide for control of many chewing insects which attack orchard and garden. PENPHOS® W-l 5 — A wettable pow- der containing 15% parathion. De- signed for use as a water spray and as a dust base concentrate. Effective for the control of a wide variety of economic insect pests. SODIUM CHLORATE— High quality weed-killer for long-range, non- selective weed control. For information on any or all of these products write: Pennsylvania Sait Manufacturing Company of Washington 9 Agricultural Chemicals Oirision9 Tacoma , Wash., Portland, Ore., Los Angeles , Calif., Wenatchee , Wash ., Yakima, Wash., Berkeley , Calif. Chemicals Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950), Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 Congratulations To THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA on Its Anniversary MONTREAL • TORONTO • VANCOUVER... Executive Offices, Sun Life Bldg., Montreal 2 PRODUCERS OF ORCHARD BRAND "INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES" ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC.'OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 Alfalfa Weevil • Armyworm • Ash-Gray Blisfer Beetle Aster Leaf Miner • Black Blister Beetle • Black Cutworm Boll Weevil • Bollworm • Caragana Blister Beetle Carolina Grasshopper • Cattle-Biting Louse • Cattle Tick Chinch Bug • Clear-Winged Grasshopper • Clover Seed Chalcid • Cotton Aphid • Cotton Fleahopper • Cotton Leafworm • Differential Grasshopper • Ear Tick • Fall Armyworm • Garden Webworm • Granulate Cutworm • Gray Blister Beetle * Green Cutworm • Gulf Coast Tick • Hairy Chinch Bug • Hog Louse • Horn Fly • Lesser Migratory Grasshopper Lined Spittlebug • Little Fire Ant • Lone Star Tick • Long-Nosed Cattle Louse • Lygus Meadow Spittlebug • Millipedes • Mormon Cricket * Nutfall Blister Beetle • Packard Grasshopper • Peanut (Potato) Leafhopper • Pear Psylla • Pear Thrips • Pink Bollworm Rapid Plant Bug * Red Goat Louse * Red-Legged Grasshopper • Salt-Marsh Caterpillar Serpentine Leaf Miner • Sheep Tick • Short-Nosed Cattle Louse • Southern Armyworm Southern Green Stink Bug • Spittlebug • Strawberry Crown Borer • Strawberry Leaf Roller ♦ Strawberry Weevil • Striped Blister Beetle • Suckfly • Sugar Beet Webworm Superb Plant Bug • Sweet Clover Weevil • Tarnished Plant Bug • Thrips • Tobacco Budworm • Tobacco Hornworm • Tomato Hornworm • Tomato Pinworm • Two-Striped Grasshopper • Variegated Cutworm • Velvetbean Caterpillar • Western Cotton Plant Bug • White-Lined Sphinx • Winter Tick * Yellow Goat Louse • Yellow-Striped Armyworm For specific information on toxaphene (chlorinated camphene 67-69 %Cl) write to the manufacturer: HERCULES POWDER COMPANY 954 King Street, Wilmington, Del. In Canada, toxaphene is available through: HARRISONS l CROSFIELD (CANADA) LTD. • Calgary • Edmonton * Toronto • NX51-4 Vancouver ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. ( 1 95 0) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 for GREATER INSECT KILL In 1950 these two insect toxicants set new performance standards for effective, economical insect control in the following fields 1 . Grasshoppers — Only two ounces of ALDRIN per acre are required for 99% kill of this destructive pest. ALDRIN was widely used for grasshopper control in Canada and the United States during 1 950. 2. Soil Pests — Both ALDRIN and DIELDRIN have been demonstrated to be outstanding in control of many of the most important subterranean insect pests, including cabbage maggot, wireworms and flea beetle larvae. 3. Flies and Mosquitoes — These public health pests are susceptible to extremely low dosages of DIELDRIN. DIELDRIN'S residual effectiveness affords long lasting protection. If you have not worked with ALDRIN and DIELDRIN, we suggest you add them to your program. We shall be glad to furnish you with experimental quantities of these insect toxi- cants. ALDRIN and DIELDRIN literature and technical informa- tion will also be made available upon request. (^) HYMAN DENVER, COLORADO Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 MONSANTO Insecticides - Herbicides Fungicides Packaged Full Strength by the Manufacturer MONSANTO (CANADA) LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER ERNST WIRKNER Manufacturers of REAL CARLSBADER INSECT PINS SUPPLIES ALL KINDS OF PINS FOR ENTOMOLOGISTS AND BIOLOGISTS TO ALL COUN- TRIES AND CONTINENTS Co PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE OUTSTANDING MARK OF QUALITY WITH THE LETTERS €. W. (16) ESCHWEGE, GERMANY CROP PROTECTION with a full line of CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERCIAN 3n£ecticide£ and 3ung,Lcide£ including Bulman’s Go -West Weevil Bait Boots Coppesan Black Leaf “40” Black Leaf “155” Bartlett’s Microscopic Sulphur Atlacide Weed Killer RUCKERFIELD’S P.O. Box 219 Vancouver, B. C. Naugatuck 2, 4-D Weed Killer DDT 5% Surface Spray DDT 10% Dust Spergon Seed Treatment DDT 50% Wettable Chlordane Gama Dust PROCEEDINGS of the ENTOMOLOGICAL — SOCIETY of — BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 47 Issued July 15, 1951 Page DOWNING — Acaricide Trials in British Columbia Orchards, 1950 1 GREGSON — Notes on the Spring Activity of the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick, Dermacentor Andersoni Stiles (Acarini : Ixodiae ) 4 BUCKELL — Records of Bees from British Columbia — Bombidae _____ 7 GLENDENNING — An Unusual Cutworm Outbreak 24 HARDY — Notes on the Life History of the February Highflyer, Hydriomena nubilofasciata Pack 25 McLEOD — Biological Control Investigations in British Columbia.. __ 27 HATCH — Coleopterists and Coleoptera Collections in the Pacific Northwest 3 7 SPENCER — Upon the Mating Habits of Thermobia domestica Pack. 40 MacCARTHY — A Comparison of Potato Tuber Damage by Two Flea Beetles: Epitrix tuberis Gent and Epittix subcvinita Lee. 42 Scientific Notes 26, 43 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 DIRECTORS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1950- 1951 Honorary President W. Downes, Victoria, B. C. President G. J. SPENCER, Vancouver, B. C. Vice-President (Coast) G. Hardy, Victoria, B. C. Vice-President ( Interior ) R. H. HANDFORD, Kamloops, B. C. Hon. Secretary -Treasurer J. D. Gregson, Kamloops, B. C. Hon. Auditor C. L. NEILSON, Kamloops, B. C. Advisory Board M. H. Hatch, Seattle, Wash. J. H. McLeod, Vancouver, B. C. H. F. Olds, Vancouver, B. C. Editorial Committee W. DOWNES (Chairman) , Victoria, B. C. J. MARSHALL, Summerland, B. C. W. G. Mathers, Vernon, B.C. Librarian L. C. Curtis, Kamloops, B. C. NEW MEMBERS Elected at the 49th Annual Meeting, March 18, 1950 D. Allan — District Horticulturist, Oliver, B.C . Paul Arnaud — Redwood City, California, U. S. A. T. K. R. Bourns — Dom. Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. G. S. Brown — Dom. Forest Insects Laboratory, Vernon, B. C. J. Burch — University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C. D. A. Chant — University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C. J. Follwell — Stored Products Insect Laboratory, Vancouver, B. C. M. Isbill — Atlanta, Georgia, U. S. A. J. Smith — District Horticulturist, Kelowna, B. C. J. Weintraub — Dom. Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 1 ACARICIDE TRIALS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ORCHARDS, 19501 R. S. Downing2 Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Summerland, B. C. Although the two acaricides parathion and monoethanolamine dinitro-o-cyclo- hexylphenolate, presently being recom- mended for British Columbia orchards, are reasonably effective, each has short- comings that mark it for replacement as soon as possible. Parathion, first recom- mended for the control of orchard mites in 1949, has a serious disadvantage in its high toxicity to mammals. Further- more, it lacks specificity and it is not sufficiently effective against the Willam- ette mite, Tetranychus Ravus Ewing. Monoethanolamine dinitro-o-cyclohex- ylphenolate, commonly called mono- DNP by British Columbia growers, may cause some foliage injury. Although it seems to be a selective acaricide, largely innocuous to parasites and insect pred- ators, it can no longer be used generally because most of the spraying is done by automatic concentrate sprayers and these machines increase phytotoxic effects. A second weakness of mono-DNP is its relatively Weak acaricidal effect in cool weather. Hence it cannot be used in the “pink”3 application, which, in British Columbia, is the most favoured spray against the European red mite, Metate - tranychus ulmi (Koch) . Furthermore, mono-DNP is sometimes injurious to the tender young foliage of the early part of the season even when applied by conventional spray gun. During the season of 1950, field ex- periments were undertaken with prom- ising new acaricides against the most troublesome orchard mites in the Okan- agan Valley of British Columbia. The new acaricides and their performance in the orchard are discussed herewith. Acaricides under Trial4 C-1006 (50 per cent p-chlorophenyl p-chlorobenzene sulphonate; Dow 1 Contribution No. 2746, Division of Entomology, Science Sendee, Department of Agi’iculture, Ottawa, Canada. 2 Technical Officer. 3 The term pink is used to denote that period of de- velopment when the floral buds have just separated in the cluster and before the first flower has opened. 4 All acaricides were used in the wettable powder form. Chemical Co.) . — This compound has a low human toxicity rating but a high phytotoxicity rating. Applied to apples in the pink stage at a concentration of 1.5 pounds5, it caused severe foliage injury to McIntosh, Delicious, New- town and Winesap. When applied in August at 1 pound it injured Newtown but not Delicious and Winesap. EPN 300 (27 per cent ethyl p-nitro- phenyl thionobenzene phosphonate; E. I. DuPont Co.). — Although EPN 300 has a lower human toxicity rating than parathion, it is, nevertheless, very poi- sonous. When applied to apple in the pink stage at 0.75 pounds, it injured foliage of McIntosh but not of Deli- cious, Newtown or Winesap. KARATHANE (25 per cent dinitro capryl phenyl crotonate; Rohm and Haas Co.). — As a pink application to apple at 1.5 pounds, this dinitro com- pound has not caused foliage injury to Delicious, McIntosh, Winesap, Jona- than or Newtown, but applied to New- town in August at the same concentra- tion it caused a slight amount of foliage injury. R-242 (50 per cent p-chlorophenyl phenyl sulphone; Stauffer Chemical Co.). — This compound has a low human toxicity rating and as a pink or summer application to apple, at 2 pounds, has not caused injury to Deli- cious, McIntosh, Newtown, Winesap or Jonathan. ARAMITE (15 per cent beta-chlor- oethyl beta- (p-tertiary butylphenoxy) alpha methyl ethyl sulphite; Naugatuck Chemicals) . — Aramite is rated low in toxicity to humans; and as a pink or summer application, at 2 pounds, has not injured Delicious, McIntosh, New- town, Winesap or Jonathan. Effects of Acaricides on Orchard Mites European Red Mite, Metatetranychus ulmi (Koch) . — Since the introduction of DDT, this mite has been one of the 5 All concentrations are for 100 imperial gallons (approximately 120 U.S. gallons). OCT 1 6 195? 2 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 most troublesome orchard pests in the Okanagan Valley. Experimental work carried out by officers of the Summer- land laboratory has shown that para- thion applied at the pink stage of apple development is highly effective against the red mite. In 1950, several of the newer acaricides were applied at that stage for comparison with parathion. No further acaricide applications were made until the first week in September, when acaricides had to be applied for the control of the two-spotted spider mite. Mite populations were sampled two weeks, one month, and two months after spraying. The results from three orchards are averaged and summarized in Table 1. TABLE I Acaricide C- 1 006 (50%) Parathion (15%) EPN 300 (27%) R-242 (50%) Karathane (25%) Check — no treatment Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetrany - chus bimaculatus Harvey; and Pacific Mite, Tetranychus paciRcus McG. — These mites are considered together be- cause they generally coexisted in 1950 and occurred together in the trial plots. The two-spotted spider mite was not a major pest of Okanagan Valley or- chards until August, 1950, when it be- came most troublesome and widespread. materials applied by a Average number of mites per leaf during season 0.17 0.34 0.40 0.44 1.88 6.74 The Pacific mite was also more abun- dant than for several years past. In fact, as pests these two mites replaced the European red mite in importance. An experiment was carried out to compare several new acaricides with parathion for control of these two species of mites on Delicious, Newtown, Winesap, Jonathan and Yellow Trans- parent apple trees. The results are sum- marized in Table II. Effects of pink application of acaricides on the European red mite; conventional hand-gun sprayer. Amount per 100 gal. 1.5 lb. 1.0 lb. 0.75 lb. 1.5 lb. 1.5 lb. TABLE II Effects of acaricides on the two-spotted spider mite and the Pacific mite; materials applied by a conventional hand-gun sprayer in August, 1 950. Average mites per leaf Before spraying After spraying Acaricide Amount per 100 gal. Aug. 29 Sept. 8 Sept. 13 Aramite (15%) .Y 2 lb. Parathion (15%) 1 lb. C- 1 006 (50%) 1 lb. R-242 (50%) 2 lb. Karathane (25%) _ 1.5 lb. Check — no treatment Willamette Mite, Tetranychus Ravus Ewing.— This pest, first reported in the Okanagan Valley in September, 1949, at Summerland, has been found since then at Oliver, Penticton, and Kelowna. Early in 1950, before the mite had an opportunity to do a great deal of damage, a few materials, some of which were available to the grower, were ap- 13.7 0.2 0.4 22.3 0.3 0.6 39.4 1.8 0.5 30.3 2.3 2.9 46.4 3.4 3.3 8.0 13.4 18.5 plied to single limbs of Delicious apple trees in a preliminary experiment. Be- fore and after the materials had been applied, 1 0 leaves were picked at random from each of the treated limbs. The leaves were examined for mites under a microscope. Results are summarized in Table III. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 3 TABLE III Effects of acaricides on the Willamette mite; materials applied by a conventional hand-gun sprayer in July, 195 0. Average number mites per leaf Before spraying After spraying Material Amount per 100 gal. July 5 July 10 Parathion (15%) 1 Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol (40%) 5 Parathion (15%) i 1 Stove oil6 1 Parathion (15%) 2 Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol (40%) 7 5 EPN 300 (27%) 1 Check — Water 6 34 S.S.U. Vis. 100 °F., over 75% U.R. 7 DN-Dry Mix No. 1. Dow Chemical Co., Toronto, Ont. As an outcome of this experiment, a mixture of 15 per cent parathion, 8 pounds per acre, and 40 per cent dinitro- o-cyclohexylphenol, 2 pounds per acre, was applied to Delicious apple trees by an automatic concentrate sprayer. Excellent control was achieved; the Willamette mite remained at a very low level for seven weeks. Spray injury was confined to sucker growth. In another orchard heavily infested with the Willamette mite, two parathion-dinitro mixtures were applied with an auto- matic concentrate sprayer. In one plot parathion was maintained at 8 pounds lb. 2.3 0 oz. lb. 5.3 0 qt. lb. 14.9 0.2 oz. 9.2 0.2 5 lb. 19.1 0.5 5.4 10.1 per acre and in a second plot it was re- duced to 3 pounds per acre. There was little difference in degree of control between the two plots. In another experiment three of the new acaricides were compared with parathion alone. Four trees Were sam- pled in each plot of 15 to 20 trees. Samples from each tree consisted of 100 leaves, and an estimation of effectiveness was made from the number of infested leaves. The toxicants were applied with an automatic concentrate sprayer in August, 1950. Results are summar- ized in Table IV. TABLE IV Effects of acaricides on the Willamette mite ; materials applied by an automatic concentrate sprayer in August, 1950. Percentage infested leaves Before spraying After spraying Aug. 24 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 84.2 1.7 0 97.5 0.5 0.2 99.2 39.0 41.7 90.5 60.2 61.5 99.2 96.2 97.0 Acarcide Amount per Aramite (15%) 12 lb. Karathane (25%) 12 lb. R-242 (50%) 12 lb. Parathion (15%) 8 lb. Check — no treatment Summary (1) During 1950, five new, promis- ing acaricides were compared with par- athion for control of various mites in orchards of British Columbia. These were: C-1006 (50 per cent p-chlorophenyl p-chlorobenzene sulphonate) . EPN 300 (27 per cent ethyl p-nitro- phenyl thionobenzene phospho- nate) . KARATHANE (25 per cent dinitro capryl phenyl crotonate) . R-242 (50 per cent p-chlorophenyl phenyl sulphone) . ARAMITE (15 per cent beta- chloroethyl beta- (p-tertiary butyl phenoxy) alpha methyl ethyl sul- phite) . (2) C-1006 has a low human tox- icity rating but a rather high phytotox- icity rating. At 1.5 pounds per 100 gallons, it was the most effective acari- cide used in the pink application for control of the European red mite. When used as a summer spray at 1 pound, it 4 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 gave excellent control of the two-spotted spider mite and the Pacific mite. (3) EPN 300 has a high human toxicity rating and a medium phyto- toxicity rating. When applied in the pink stage at 0.75 pounds it gave good control of the European red mite al- though it was somewhat inferior to 1 pound of parathion. At 1.5 pounds it gave considerably better control of the Willamette mite than 1 pound of para- thion. (4) KARATHANE applied at the rate of 1.5 pounds was not so effective as 1 pound of 15 per cent parathion when used as a pink application for control of the European red mite, or when used in summer applications for control of the two-spotted spider mite and the Pacific mite. When applied in the summer by an automatic sprayer at 12 pounds per acre, however, it gave excellent control of the Willamette mite. Although it caused a very slight amount of damage to Newtow'n apple trees in August, it has a low phytotoxicity rating. (5) R-242 has a low human toxicity rating and a low phytotoxicity rating. At 1.5 pounds, it was slightly less effec- tive than 1 pound of parathion (15 per cent) when used as a pink application for control of the European red mite. When used in the summer at 2 pounds it was not so effective as 1 pound of parathion for control of the two-spotted spider mite and the Pacific mite. When used at 12 pounds per acre in a concen- trate sprayer, however, it was slightly more effective against the Willamette mite than 8 pounds of parathion. (6) ARAMITE has a low human toxicity rating and low phytotoxicity rating. When applied in the summer at 2 pounds, it gave excellent control of the two-spotted spider mite and the Pacific mite. Also, when applied by a concentrate sprayer at 12 pounds per acre, it gave excellent control of the Willamette mite. NOTES ON THE SPRING ACTIVITY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOOD TICK, DERMACENTOR ANDERSON! STILES (ACARSNS: IXOD1AE)1 J. D. Gregson Livestock Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. One of the remarkable features in the life-cycle of the Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni Stiles, in British Columbia is the annual appear- ance of adults at the beginning of spring and their regular disappearance about the middle of May. Such seasonal periodicity is natural for most insects, of which the adult stage is generally of short duration. However, ticks usually live longer than insects, and it would be expected that adults of the Rocky Mountain w'ood tick, which are here- with shown to be capable of living for at least 1 year, which continue to be active as long as the weather remained favourable. Such is not the case, how- ever, and though in Alberta and in the damper regions of British Columbia adults of this species may be active as late as June, in the British Columbia l Contribution No. 2717, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. dry-belt they disappear regularly in May, regardless of how moist or cool the prevailing atmospheric conditions are. It is suggested that some form of diapause must take effect, releasing its hold only after another winter has passed. In the Interior of British Columbia the Rocky Mountain wood tick is dis- tributed throughout the greater part of the dry bunch-grass open-land. Its peak abundance may vary, depending on the locality, from sparse populations to heavy concentrations. The latter occur in scattered parts of the Province where host and climatic conditions are appar- ently particularly ideal for tick develop- ment and survival. One such site is at Rayleigh, 10 miles north of Kamloops, B. C., where there is an extensive talus slope backed by a rocky bluff 200 feet high. The narrow belt of vegetation at the base of the cliff, besides harbour- ing a variety of rodent life, seems regu- ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 5 Fig. 1. Weekly collections of the Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni Stiles, at Rayleigh, B. C., during the spring of 1949. The hatched portions represent the numbers of marked ticks recaptured, the numerals indicating those of the various weeks. The dark horizontal lines indicate the numbers of males. larly to have a copious supply of adults of andersoni , despite large annual col- lections for laboratory use. For the past 6 years their earliest appearance has been recorded on the following dates: 1945, Feb. 24; 1946, Feb. 26; 1947, Feb. 19; 1948, Mar. 17; 1949, Feb. 25; 1950, Feb. 27. During 1949 and 1950 an attempt w*as made to show their rise, peak and decline of activity by counting and re- leasing all specimens as soon as they were collected on the drag, i.e., a square yard of flannelette that is swept over the vegetation in the manner of a flag. In addition, to determine whether the earli- est ticks would be the first to disappear, each week’s collections in 1949 were marked with a different colour of Fleet-X automobile enamel, a slow- drying Duco-like paint. The results of these observations are illustrated in Fig. 1 , in which the number of marked ticks for each week is indicated. The activity of the ticks is shown to be equally late, regardless of when they appeared. It must be noted that the data for the weekly periods of activity cannot be entirely accurate, for only a fraction of each week’s marked specimens was re- captured. The recoverable portion ap- peared to be rather constant and in the neighbourhood of 40 per cent. Ac- cordingly it is reasonable to assume that some 60 per cent of each week’s active ticks, both old and new, are not recov- ered, and that the following week’s un- marked specimens have not all recently hatched or emerged from hibernation. This incomplete recovery is explained by the fact that the ticks do not con- stantly present themselves in favourable positions for transference to a host or may have already attached themselves to hosts. Casual observations during sunny days have revealed that they very ac- tively run about on the ground, and climb up twigs, only to descend again. Such individuals would not be readily available for capture on the drag and would account for the fact that often when one sits for a few minutes he or his drag picks up several specimens not otherwise detectable. This activity, which is contrary to the impression gained from the usual appearance of ticks waiting motionless at the tops of grass stems, leads to a certain amount of dispersal, and marked specimens w£re recovered nearly 20 feet from their point of liberation 2 weeks previously. Other individuals showed no tendency to roam, and week after week were ob- served at the same clump of grass. Collections of ticks in the same area the following spring (Fig. 2) have shown nearly 8 per cent of the previous season’s marked ticks still active, this figure being the percentage for the greatest number (40) of marked ticks taken at one time (April 17, 1950) of the total number (530) of ticks marked in the previous year. Since no attempt was made to re-mark the 1950 captures, it is not known how many others were collected on other days and it is likely that this percentage is even higher. The 6 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 Fig 2. Weekly collections of the Rocky Mountain wood tick at Rayleigh, B. C., during the spring of 1950. The dark horizontal lines indicate the numbers of 1949 marked ticks recaptured. The hatched areas represent the numbers of males. year-old ticks were virile enough to persist to the end of the tick season. That the remaining 1950 adults were new stock moulted from nymphs that had fed during the previous summer is suggested by the early appearance of the males, a phenomenon common in the first appearance of various species of insects. The nearly equal ratio of the sexes and the earlier appearance and disap- pearance of the males are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The peak of tick activity fell approximately at the end of March in 1949 and on April 10 in 1950. This is in keeping with the relative earliness of the two seasons, the spring of 1950, as indicated by phenological observa- tions, being approximately a week later than that of 1949. The main period of tick activity lasted from the height of the flower season of the common dry- belt buttercup, Ranunculus glaberrimus and of the johnny-jump-up, Fritillaria pudica, to the appearance of blossoms of saskatoon, Amelanchier sp. and of Oregon-grape, Mahonia nervosa. Ac- tivity ceased with the blooming of the chokecherry, Prunus demissa. The rea- son for the apparent great increase in the tick population at Rayleigh in 1950 is unexplained. What causes the ticks to disappear toward the middle of May is not known. A study of the temperature and humidity fluctuations recorded dur- ing their activity reveals no striking change that could account for their sud- den decline. Disappearance due to a gradual aging or depletion of energy is ruled out by their reappearance the fol- lowing year without having had a meal in the interim. Observations were made to determine the fate of these ticks after activity. A number of adults . were enclosed in a cage over talus 3 feet deep from the time they became active in 1949 until the following spring. All that were recov- ered (15 per cent) were found dead in Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 195 7 the upper inch of leaf mould, suggesting that the ticks do not seek protection from winter by descending to any depth in loose rock. Because of the presence of the cage, the ground surface was not protected by snow , with the result that it was exposed to a temperature of -40° F. However, temperature readings taken at a depth of 1 foot in the talus beneath the cage did not go below 32° F. The only adult found in its apparently natural site of hibernation was an un- engorged female, located by accident in November under a small rock at ground level. Careful search during summer months in the areas where concentra- tions of ticks had been liberated the previous spring has, however, revealed specimens among the decaying roots of bunch grass, Agvopyton sp., substanti- ating the theory that adult aestivation and hibernation are spent at shallow levels. In conclusion, it has been shown that a portion of these ticks are capable of living more than 1 2 months as unfed adults, passing the winter under the protection of snow. The disappearance of all the ticks in late spring is appar- ently due not to normal aging but to some form of diapause, the cause of which is not known. RECORDS OF BEES FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA: BOMBIDAE1 E. R. Buckell2 Field Crop Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. This paper records 26 species, 14 named varieties, and 10 colour variants of Rombus and 4 species of Psithytus from British Columbia. Of the 5326 specimens here recorded, 4641 belong to Rombus , and 685 to Psithytus. These records have been compiled from the collections in the Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. ; the University of British Colum- bia, Vancouver. B.C.: and the Provin- cial Museum, Victoria, B. C. ; and from the Canadian National Collection. Ottawa, Canada, as well as from some records in publications by Franklin and Frison. and some unpublished notes by Frison. Almost all of the records ob- tained from the Canadian National Col- lection were from specimens determined by Frison. These bumble bees were collected by 97 collectors during 50 years from 142 localities; except F. W. L. Sladen, E. R. Buckell, and G. J. Spencer, they paid little attention to taxonomy of bees, and their material was obtained in the course of general collecting. The localities are listed and their corresponding numbers placed on the accompanying map. The collection points are mainly in 1 Contribution No. 2734, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 2 Retired November 1, 1949. the southern half of the Province, and vast areas in the north have not yet been visited by collectors. This, of course, is due to the fact that there are no roads, railways, or other ready means of entering these areas. There are no collection records from the Queen Charlotte Islands, but sev- eral species must occur there as they have been taken on the adjacent maim land and on islands off the Alaskan coast. After the name of each species the number of localities in which it has been taken, the number of each sex, and the total number of specimens recorded are indicated, e.g. : (26: 80^ 39? 835 — 202). The author wishes to thank all those who have helped in the preparation of this paper, either by the loan of material or in providing species determination or locality records. Thanks are particularly due to Mr. K. V. Krombein, Division of Insect Identification, Bureau of En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, Wash- ington, D. C., for the determination of material, and to Dr. O. Peck, Division of Entomology, Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa, Canada, for the British Columbia records in the Canadian National Collection. 8 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 TABLE I Localities from which Bombidae have been recorded in British Columbia, correspond to those on the accompanying map. (V. I.=Vancouver Island.) The numbers I . Adams Lake 49. Hazelton 97. Penticton 2. Agassiz 5 0. Hedley 98. Pouce Coupe 3. Alberni. V. I. 51. Hope 99. Powell River 4. Alexis Creek 5 2. Hope Mountain 1 00. Premier Lake 5. Armstrong 5 3. Hudson Hope 101. Prince George 6. Arras 54. 100 Mile House 102. Prince Rupert 7. Ashcroft 55. Invermere 103. Quesnel 8. Aspen Grove 5 6. Inverness 104. Quick 9. Atlin 5 7. Jesmond 105. Radium 10. Barkerville 58. Jordan Meadows, V. I 106. Revelstoke 1 1 . Bella Coola 5 9. Kaleden 107. Rogers Pass 12. Boston Bar 60. Kamloops 108. Rolla 13. Boswell 6 1 . Kaslo 109. Royal Oak, V. I. 14. Bridge Lake 62. Kelowna I 1 0. Saanich, V. I. 15. Buccaneer Bay 63. Keremeos 111. Sahtlam, V. I. 1 6. Burns Lake 64. Kitchener 1 1 2. Shawnigan, V. 1. 17. Canim Lake 65. Kitwanga I 1 3. Salmon Arm 18. Carbonate 66. Ladysmith, V. I. 114. Salvus 19. Cedarvale 67. Langley 115. Savona 20. Celista 68. Lardo 116. Shuswap 2 1 . Centurian 69. Lillooet 117. Sicamous 22. Chapmans 70. Lumby 118. Sidney, V. I. 23. Chase 7 1 . Lytton 119. Smithers 24. Chilcotin 72. Macalister (20. Soda Creek 25. Chopaka 73. Manning Park 121. Sooke. V. I. 26. Clinton 74. Merritt 122. Stanley 27. Comox, V. I. 75. Metlakatla 123. Stikine 28. Copper Mountain 76. Midday Valley 124. Sugar Lake 29. Courtenay, V. I. 77. Milner 125. Summerland 30. Cowichan, V. I. 78. Minnie Lake 126. Terrace 3 1 . Cranbrook 79. Mission 127. Tofino, V. I. 3 2. Crescent 80. Mount Arrowsmith, V. I. 128. Trinity Valley 33. Creston 8 1 . Mount Cheam 129. Tyee 34. Crows Nest 82. Mount McLean 1 3 0. Ucluelet, V. I. 35. Departure Bay, V. I. 83. Nanaimo, V. I. 131. Vancouver 3 6. Duncan, V. I. 84. Nelson 132. Vanderhoof 37. East Pine 85. Newcastle Is. 133. Vaseaux Lake 3 8. Fairview 86. Newgate 134. Vernon 3 9. Fernie 87. New Westminster 135. Victoria, V. I. 40. Field 88. Nicola 13 6. Walhachin 4 1 . Fitzgerald, V. I. 89. Okanagan Falls 13 7. Wellington, V. I. 42. Forbidden Plateau, V. I. 90. Okanagan Mission 13 8. Westbank 43. Fort Steele 91. Oliver 13 9. Westholme, V. I. 44. Fraser Lake 9 2. Osoyoos 140. White Lake 45. Glacier 93. Oyama 141. Williams Lake 46. Golden 94. Pacific 142. Yale 47. Goldstream, V. I. 95. Peachland 48. Hat Creek 96. Pender Harbour The Province of British Columbia, 355,855 square miles in area, is approx- imately the same size as the Pacific States of Washington, Oregon, and California. It is a land of mountains, valleys, and lakes, with a wide altitudinal range and extending over 1 1 degrees of latitude. These topographical features have a marked influence on climatic conditions, and the vegetation varies from the humid luxuriance of the southern coastal region to the semi-arid, cactus, and sagebrush areas of the interior plateau. The close succession of markedly different geo- graphical features has produced a wide variety of plant and animal associations, and many species of insects, including the bumble bee, are often confined to widely scattered but similar habitats. MAIN GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS For the purposes of this paper, the following are the main geographical areas of British Columbia, with a brief description of ecological conditions in each. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950), VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 9 Fig. 1. Map of British Columbia showing the 142 localities mentioned in the text. Southeastern British Columbia (Area No. 1) This is a comparatively small, trian- gular region, of particular interest in that both the flora and fauna sometimes bear a closer relationship to those of Alberta and northwestern United States than to the remainder of the Province. Insects can enter this region from Alberta with little difficulty, through the low, dry Crows Nest Pass; from Montana and Idaho through the valley of the Kootenay River; and from northeastern Washington up the valley of the Columbia River. This region is bounded on the east by the British Columbia-Alberta boun- dary, which is the summit of the main range of the Rocky Mountains; on the west by the almost impenetrable mass of high, snow-capped, heavily timbered Selkirk Mountains; and on the south by the International Boundary between British Columbia and the northwestern states of Montana, Idaho, and Wash- ington, which, of course, presents no physical barrier. The following localities are included in this area; Carbonate, 18; Radium, 105; Invermere, 55; Premier Lake, 100; Fort Steele, 43; Crows Nest, 34; Fernie, 39; Cranbrook, 31; Newgate, 86; Kitchener, 64; Creston, 33; Bos- well, 13; Kaslo, 61; Lardo, 68; Nel- son, 84. Southern Interior (Area No. 2) For the purpose of this paper the southern interior extends from the In- ternational Boundary, bordering the 10 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 State of Washington, north to latitude 52°, and from the western boundary of southeastern British Columbia west to the eastern slopes of the Coast Moun- tains. The eastern and western boundaries are excellent natural geographical bar- riers. The southern boundary presents more of a barrier to insects than is in- dicated by a glance at the map, for the eastern and western mountain masses form a definite bottleneck, through which the Okanagan and Similkameen rivers flow south in narrow, hot valleys. Latitude 52° has been chosen as the boundary line between the southern and central interior regions. There are no very definite geographical barriers along latitude 52°, but the collection records of a number of species definitely show that at about this latitude there is a marked distributional change, probably because the mountainous terrain of the southern interior gives way at this point to an undulating plateau, from 2500 to 4000 feet in elevation. The following localities are included in this area: Osoyoos, 92; Oliver, 91; FairvieAy, 38; White Lake, 140; Va- seaux Lake, 133; Okanagan Falls, 89; Kaleden, 59; Penticton, 97; Keremeos, 63; Chopaka, 25; Hedley, 50; Copper Mountain, 28; Summerland, 125; Peachland, 95; Westbank, 138; Kelow- na, 62; Okanagan Mission, 90; Oyama, 93; Vernon, 134; Lumby, 70; Trinity Valley, 128; Sugar Lake, 124; Arm- strong, 5; Field, 40; Golden, 46; Glacier, 45; Rogers Pass, 107; Revel - stoke, 106; Sicamous, 117; Salmon Arm, 113; Celista, 20; Adams Lake, 1; Chase, 23; Shuswap, 116; Kam- loops, 60; Merritt, 74; Midday Valley, 76; Nicola, 88; Minnie Lake, 78; Aspen Grove, 8; Savona, 115; Wal- hachin, 136; Ashcroft, 7; Hat Creek, 48; Lytton, 71; Lillooet, 69; Mt. Mc- Lean, 82; Clinton, 26; Jesmond, 57; Bridge Lake, 14; Canim Lake, 17; 100 Mile House, 54; Williams Lake, 141; Soda Creek, 120; Chilcotin, 24; Alexis Creek, 4. Central Interior (Area No. 3) This region extends north from lati- tude 52° to latitude 55° 30', and from the Alberta boundary and the Rocky Mountains on the east to the Coast Mountains on the west. As in the southern interior region, the eastern and western boundaries are natural geo- graphical barriers of high, unbroken mountain chains. The northern boun- dary presents no geographical features to limit the distribution of insects. It has been chosen only because it encloses the northernmost records found in the central interior region. The following localities are included in this area: Macalister, 72; Quesnel, 103; Stanley, 122; Barkerville, 10; Prince George, 101; Vanderhoof, 132; Fraser Lake, 44; Burns Lake, 16; Quick, 104; Smithers, 119; Hazelton, 49; Kitwanga, 65; Cedarvale, 19; Pacific, 94; Terrace, 126; Salvus, 114; Tyee, 129. Northern Interior (Area No. 7) This region extends north from lati- tude 55° 30' to the Yukon boundary, latitude 60°, and from the Rocky Mountains on the east to the Coast Mountains (boundary of Alaskan pan- handle) on the west. As in the southern and central interior regions, the moun- tains of the eastern and western boun- daries are natural geographical barriers. The boundaries on the north and south present no obstacles to insect distribu- tion. This region is entirely without roads or railways and the only collection records are from Stikine, 123, and Atlin, 9, both in the extreme northwest- ern corner of British Columbia. Northeastern British Columbia (Area No. 6) This triangular area lies entirely to the east of the Rocky Mountains and is geographically part of the northwestern parkland area of Alberta. It is bounded on the west by the Rocky Mountains, which constitute its only natural geo- graphical boundary. To the north, the Yukon boundary and to the east, the Alberta boundary present no hindrance to the spread of insects. Collections have been made only in the. southern tip of this region, close to the Peace River, and include the follow- ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950), VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 11 ing localities: Rolla, 1 08 ; Pouce Coupe, 98; Arras, 6; Centurian, 21; East Pine, 37; Hudson Hope, 33. Mainland Coast- (Area No. 4) This region consists of precipitous mountains descending to the sea, and innumerable inlets and small islands. The only extensive area of agricultural land is situated in the extreme south, in the delta of the Fraser River; there is a much smaller area in the extreme north, at the mouth of the Skeena River. This region is sharply separated from the interior of the Province by the high, rugged Coast Mountains, the northern boundary being the southern tip of the Alaskan panhandle, and the southern boundary the British Columbia-Wash- ington line, south of the Fraser River. The following localities are included in this area: Boston Bar, 12; Chap- mans, 22; Yale, 142; Hope, 51; Hope Mountains, 52; Agassiz, 2; Mt. Cheam, 81; Milner, 77; Langley, 67; Mission, 79; Crescent, 32; New West- minster, 87; Vancouver, 131; Buc- caneer Bay, 15; Pender Harbour, 96; Powell River, 99; Newcastle I., 85; Inverness, 56; Prince Rupert, 102; Metlakatla, 75. Vancouver Island (Area No. 5) Bumble bees have been collected ex- tensively on Vancouver Island. The records are from the southern end of the Island and for some distance up the east coast. The west coast and the northern half of the Island are areas of very heavy rainfall and dense coniferous forests, and what small settlements there are consist mainly of coastal logging camps. The following localities are included in this area; Victoria, 1 35 ; Westholme, 139; Ucluelet, 130; Sooke, 121; Gold- stream, 47; Royal Oak, 109; Saanich, 110; Sidney, 118; Fitzgerald, 41; Shawnigan, 112; Duncan, 36; Jordan Meadows, 58; Sahtlam, 111; Cowi- chan, 30; Ladysmith, 66; Nanaimo, 83; Departure Bay, 35; Wellington, 137; Alberni, 3; Tofino, 127; Mt. Arrowsmith, 80; Comox, 27; Courte- nay, 29; Forbidden Plateau, 42. Table II gives the distribution and the altitude range of Bombidae in Brit- ish Columbia; the species, which in- clude the varieties and colour variants, are listed in order of abundance, Psithy- rus spp. being listed separately from Bombus spp. In determining this order the number of localities in which a species had been taken (column 2) was given preference over the number of specimens recorded (column 3), as the writer believes this gives a much more reliable indication of the status of the species. The altitude range is the range in which the species is most commonly found and not necessarily its extreme limits. Further extensive collecting would undoubtedly result in some changes, but for the data on hand the table gives a very fair indication of the general prevalence, distribution, and altitude range of the species in the Province. 12 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 TABLE II Distribution and altitude range of Bombidae in British Columbia. Genera and species in order of abundance in collections Localities Total Specimens Distribution by areas* in order of abundance in collections Approximate altitude range; feet Bombus bifarius _ 83 677 2, 1, 3, (4, 5), *7, 6 0-7000 occidentalism - . . 77 430 (1, 2, 3), (4, 5), 7, 6 0-7000 flavifrons „ _ 74 400 (2, 3, 5), 4, 1, 7 0-7000 mixtus. — 64 445 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 7, 6 0-6000 melanopygus ... 56 353 (4, 5), (1, 2), 3, 6, 7 0-6000 Vagans .... . 49 398 (2, 3), 1, 7, 6, 4, 5 1000-4000 calif ornicus. .. 49 237 (2, 3, 4, 5), 1, 6 0-2000 sitkensis. . . .... . _ 42 344 (4, 5), (1, 2, 3) 0-6000 appositus .... ... ... 34 182 2, 1, 4 1000-2000 centralis .. .. 26 202 2, 1 1000-2000 terricola 23 191 3, 2, 6, 7, 4 2000-3000 nevadensis. . . __ . 21 71 2 north, 5, (1, 3), 6 0-2000 tufocinctus . 20 98 2, 1, 5 2000-3000 fervidus. ...... 17 122 2 1000-2000 ternarius- 1 1 243 3, 1, 2 1000-3000 sylvicola . . . 7 153 2, 3, 1, 4 2000-7.000 griseocollis . . . . - 7 28 2 south 1000 morrisoni • 7 12 2 1000-2000 frigidus.. . . __ _ 7 5 a 2), 5 1000-2000 perplexus. . 6 7 3, 4 0-2500 huntii. . _ — 4 3 1 1000-3000 kirbyellus _ _ 2 29 3, 2 north 6000-9000 hyperboreus 2 3 2 north 3500-80*00 auricomus . 2 2 (5, 6) 0-1000 vosnesenskii - - 1 3 2 1000 pleuralis . . .. - Total 26 1 3 — 4641 2 1000 Psithyrus insularus _ 57 262 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 6, 7 0-5000 suckleyi . 51 253 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 0-5000 fernaldae .. __ 21 80 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) 3000-7000 ashtoni _ . Total 4 10 90 — 685 3, 2 north 3000-5000 Grand Total 30 142 5326 0-9000 * Brackets enclose the mimbers for areas in which the species is equally abundant. See text. Genus BOMBUS Latreille Section Boopobombus Frison Subgenus Fraternobombus Skorikov No species of this subgenus have as yet been recorded from British Colum- bia. Subgenus Nevardensibombus Skorikov Bombus nevadensis Cresson (21: 1 cT 54? 16$ —71) LOCALITIES — Invermere, Kaslo, Vernon, Trin- ity Valley, Salmon Arm, Chase, Kamloops, Nicola, Minnie Lake, Walhachin, Williams Lake, Chilcotin, Macalister, Quesnel, Rolla, Victoria, V. I., Sooke, V. I., Royal Oak, V. I., Sidney, V. I., Fitzgerald, V. I., Departure Bay, V. I. The 7 1 specimens of nevadensis re- corded from 21 localities indicate that it is a fairly common bumble bee in British Columbia, and that it is widely dispersed in areas of temperate climate. It has been taken frequently on Vancou- ver Island and throughout the timbered regions of the interior, from the south- eastern corner of the Province to the Peace River at latitude 56°, but not in the dry, hot sagebrush areas of the Okanagan Valley or in high mountain localities. Bombus ouricomus Robertson (2: Ocf 2? 0$ — 2) LOCALITIES — Centurian. Aug. 4, 1921, 1?. Departure Bay, V. I., May 24, 1925, 1 ?. This is apparently a rare species in British Columbia, and little is as yet known of its distribution. Centurian ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950), VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 13 is in the Peace River district north of latitude 56°, and Departure Bay on the southeast coast of Vancouver Island. Subgenus Separatobombus Frison Bombus griseocollis (DeGeer) (6: 1 cf 11? 6? — 18) [=B. separatus Cresson] LOCALITIES — Osoyoos, Oliver, Fairview, Vaseaux Lake, Okanagan Falls, Penticton. Bombus griseocollis var. mormonorum Franklin (5: 3J" 4? 3? — 10) LOCALITIES — Osoyoos, Fairview, Okanagan Falls, Penticton, Vernon. B. griseocollis and its variety mor- monoram have been taken only in the Okanagan Valley, and, with the excep- tion of the worker from Vernon, all were collected in the Upper Sonoran Zone, which extends up the Okanagan Valley as far as Penticton. It is prob- able that this species occurs also in the Similkameen River Valley from the Washington border to Keremeos. It has a wide range in the United States, and Scullen (1927) records it from Alaska. Bombus morrisoni Cresson (7 : 1 cf 4? 7? — 12) LOCALITIES — White Lake, Kamloops, Nicola, Walhachin, Ashcroft, Lillooet, Chilcotin. B. morrisoni is one of the rarer species in British Columbia and has been taken only in hot, dry locations in the south- ern interior and at Chilcotin, where an extension of sagebrush dry-belt condi- tions extends up the valley of the Chil- cotin River. This bumble bee could easily be con- fused with B. nevadensis or B. griseo- collis var. mormonorum in the field, as they are very similar in coloration. It is a large and handsome species with dense yellow pile covering the entire dorsum of the thorax, and the dorsum of the abdomen to the basal centre of segment four; the apex of the abdomen is black. Subgenus Cullumonobombus Vogt Bombus rufocincfrus Cresson (10: 17K m O t in \o n o rH ri oo N ir\ U CQ si bo n 3 •- o : : : : 3 £ ' CO w ra > CO o z z a\OOO^mnjrnmmT}-Tt-Tfmoo OSO\OnO\OnO\C\0\OiC\OiOiO\0\0\ e o * CO CO s c rt _ &o c rt o s ^ f3 on :OS c ' O ON — m m ON ON CQ O oo nT)-immmn'ONKNN rn mmmmmmmmmmrn ON OnOnO\OsO\0\OnOnO\ONO\ c o ^2 c ^ o *Z S 29 S2> - v >vi_| p>h * m V, 2 gcQSScQCL 3SflficMaSu.»s«fe °&o|c2‘5>nS^S^ CQCQU ~ £ £ CO CO o o £ OO^ 0 0^30 31"^ o - ' ~ hJ ^ O & CQ {J OcQ C => o o *c S3 s 1.22.3 o«S, o o £ e 2 *H G &> r3 >> o u > ocg o---.- > £ .2.5.2 a tl.S 3 6 3 ° g ^t£^pH>c£>^sd:*:o T3 S 3 5 bo 5 3 £ S^ a >- CO * g o C G o bo s .•§ .a O-C mg a < o V) #3 cl o u a a •— "o . o CO a. X o (A E a (A u w w 3 V» i/i ,'T in -i CQ £ CJ £ LnnjvomOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO vo— imr^ooooooooooooooooooo — ° •35 £ £ o ^ r s kT ^ -Cort *o &>>&>> UwW wU^UU W> T3 o ° G £ o o a> o 6 6 £ g co co oo co o ^ ^ G g « 'C o ass S-SJ * s-S s| 3 g-S s O o o ° 'e°i£x, G £ bo G £ > ca T3 - n ■ G J5 G w g o o a 0)a>(i>iy^^C3.-HO^Oooc>Ort-'Gnl J3 8-£ ■u> SI a 2 ^ £ £ -1 'r c .« ? o C 2 w>-2 -C-2 > 2 KJ W L * »— ~ g G O O G e 2*c b0 3-2 -a>£ a 2 O VC 3 C WQh G O Wtt, ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950), VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 31 o:q ww pQ c/5 1“ 4< pj Os o — ' O O Ol OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLnOOOOOrO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooocsooor^oooooo\ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-hOOOI^-OOOOOOO rf inro— icscs^— 3 c* ..3 05 ru nj PQ rj •— ! J3 E 3 3 $5*E E 3 rC > rt o C3 r N . y «j|UH >cQ u> X g 05 o ^ £^-§ ^>Ua : PQ •g N^’g Q » O, 41 .a a§l’o o o 2 B'S 13 g s O 3 3-3 S S § & S fi S g g d > >>>^^E£pQum 3 .2 CXT .Yx;w £ £ "ra « +-> *2 O 3 r* ~ c 3 I ’o ICL . pa s-h *rn rj «u rt .2 ^ PQ ^ § * a£ a § *-g 3 3-2 £ Ml P7 £ -O T3 o o oi ,, o 0 « re S’0 c'^ O o h C/5 Comprised of parasitized earwigs and parasite puparia. , European earwig parasites propagated at the Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Victoria, B. C., from breeding stock obtained in Portland, Ore. . 32 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 Q w w PQ oo :< gs at, OOOOO rn On O O O O O VO OOOOO CN Os On ON On On rn rn rn rn rn On On On On On CO On > 3 3 O O u <-> 3 3 ns rJ >> 2n rn m in O Tj- CO LTN ■ — I — 1 NO NO —i I"v NO O NO —i NO cO NO cO in On i— < — I CO O -H in NO O cO O CN ON in On OONN t Ot rH oi rJ rf oj NO -<*■ On 04 tJ- ITN C-l Ol CO 00 -cf ON Tj- NO in oo in cn no no CQ_ tj- m no no -'1- -f Ov On On On O, O 3 m oo ON < co D A 00 3 o : oo: 3 w w NO N oo 0\ On On ON NO N OO On rn cn rn rn m rn rn On On On On On On On rO rO n n On On On On Uh CQ -2 o >U 3 tJ ss 7 . '> w C ,3 ^ co -o « o CO a a "O *C u c S! cT 5/3 Cl> ^ jS 2c2 uo • S c s o cu 03 C7 ft c » C3 Q 0-2 CS J—’rt •£ A T3 o o u <_> 2 3 cj cj ; 3 > n §> " u w 0 c ^ : •- 3 CO ^ .3 .3 rt >>>PQUJ>^ > CO > > N N O G 3 rJ 3 e « V4_ N n-n rt Oi *J >s 2 u ftp 73nw o *C IOn oi C 3 u: £ 3 rt £ 3 .*« L 8- 4-5 co 3 j_i Nj ij c-> ° rS QO O w _N .N P"* 'cO 'to 'to cl ‘S? co co co 5 co CT rt « « O « O bOMM^ bO.^ u<<, U c g (A *Z o O) CO M o g o V CO u >s M CO M 3 o O O H O »c C Ph Ow istothrix (Dalm.) Q. IA c o u o CO a 2j o 3 rysochar (Wlk.) rysochar Wlk. ccophagi (Dalm.) mpsilura (Meig.) X V CO 30 3 4- ft« o> O h o A o o w m s CQ U u o U U u u ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 33 3Q ww CQ c/3 < Pd OO ON On ■t K m fA <—> O ro — i O 3 'O « o 5g •5 2 o 3 £ CJ > CQ c/3 LS .3 rt oo i> ^ U bO 3 rj +~4 £J o « o « rt T. -=h 00^ rt 3 S* 00 .£ 3^ fdnJrdnlnJftrSnJf^njnJnSr^nSrtrt 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 aaaaaaaeaaaaeaas 3333333333333333 3333333333333333 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ..«J O fe; o ra O O S o 3 3 to a v- 1 , , ri Ak »-< QJ QJ CQ c " w ,r: „ o (l}q3CQ)CQp3cQCQ(QCQCQCQCQCQCQpQCQ >^clcqUoo cquc^ « 3 M_1 N O n! 0)« ^ S 5 ° ^ HJa, t a rt r; 1/5 O o •S-’O i^BS g.a-? a'SS >- a 3 o .ti a J3 § §3*3 £ 3 O L O *- M 3 ^ 3 N H e3 N .2 5 £3 •*• o Ji 3 o 2 o o £ i_ o »*■ o c rs y> xi ± E O d je3 £ 6 2 •§ iih Parasites propagated at the Dominion Parasite Laboratory, Belleville, Ont., from imported breeding stock. (1950), Vol. 47, July is, 1951 34 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950), Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 ww pQ oo Zb o4 o o r\ o 't* ON tj- On — < m O OO m T3 3 rt ’So: g W + + + + o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o tJ- m o o o o o in o o no Tj- in O in M NON ^ m oo m in — i in rONK Os m • m on oo NNDfNi-OO no oo m m CQ rG to 3 O oo: G W CQ JO oo: 3 O 3 O', x; ’ ba 3 O 00 3 W rn -'f rn rn On On 00 0\K ON rn rn ^ ■'f on on On On 3 o O ° £ co 'O J2 JS £ % UUU oo t\ N-v K ON ON <— i >— i *— i <— i mrnrn Q\ On On On On On On On On OnOhN m tj- tj- On On On On in no no mm m ON ON On r\ oo r\ go m m fO mm ON ON ON ON ON ^ in in no no m m m m m On On On On On 3 g° 3 g-S-jS tuo*^ o cd N £ • U U) ^ G3 c3 g|| .25xi muu C^ >> a s-g.3 CO CO P <-> O O T3 *3 Oh 3 H3 .n . S 3 3 Oh kJ «? hO £ Oh 3n£ ba ,3 JD oa «i UU c O 3n^ ■C >s u ra 2C1h *c a 3 JP Oh Sn o. to +- 5'S >r 3 rrs S-> . cn O o^cc: u< »3 n> ✓ 4-J CD * co UQh O -3 *3 Cd 3 C- UQh 3 * CIh-4 to n cu ^ U Oh 3n ^ Q_bO C M u.to's 3 C WCL S£ Sh O ra :U 0 1 w r 5 1 *iw - u e o ^ SO |0C S 3 2 | y O G > C o % oU Egg masses. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 35 ww cQ oo inOOtNO O O m o UN O UN NO O OO CS O -3- 00 O CO 00 oo r\ • r O SOI CJ C » M - 3 O’O _)Ctf W n M *-> Sw> CO a o o S r« b o< 2 e £ o B 6 c *o .2 £ ’CJ Qco X g 3 o U> .H >CQ 3 J ^o ’> -"5 > -L: I a 52 J o r* cj c: ' rt 'C d, L S N3 Q .o .2 C3n Cl, '3 cr\ W a 2 u a 3 a 3 B a r? c/3 u , n q ^o co cj 6 a O CO CJ C) N3 >C cj o _ h oO Co ■P u r- w 3n^ CJ TT! Wt; ^ O DC 4. U> uZ V-» r\ O .si ^SU o ^ G Q.C- Sac S § 22 * d,oo O ^ <-> rj 3 ^ 2CL rO 3^ ^ 2CL rO 3 W o 00 O as oo co DC o* . X ’-Li DCa. cl oq uo UO c o •c .© _ w >1 .3 C3 W. JQh in 3 CO 3 © W (A u .5 w 2 CL © CO S 5 36 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950), Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 In addition to the importation of beneficial insects into British Columbia, the Biological Control Investigations Unit has obtained 21 parasite species in the Province for distribution against 8 pest species in other provinces. Many of the parasites obtained in British Columbia for distribution elsewhere in Canada were native species, but 5 of them were imported species that had become established and were sufficiently numerous to warrant collection for re- distribution. The 5 species are listed in Table III. TABLE III Parasites imported into British Columbia and redistributed to other provinces of Canada. Number First Date Year of of of Parasite Release Release Size of Redistri- in B.C. Points Colonies bution Province Apanteles solitarius (Ratz.) 1933 1 737 1940 Nfld. Meteorus versicolor (Wesm.) 1934 1 520 1942 Nfld. Mesoleius aulicus (Grav.) 1934-36 1941-42 1 1 49-1861 1944 Nfld., Ont., Man., Sask. Ascogaster quadridentata Wesm.__ 1937-39 5 34-4377 1945 P.E.I., N.S., N.B., Que., Ont. Glypta haesitator (Grav.) 1938-39 3 734-809 1945 P.E.I., N.S., Que. There has been a considerable amount of theorizing by those who are inter- ested in biological control problems re- garding the optimum size of parasite colonies necessary to ensure establish- ment and the length of time required to build up an effective parasite popula- tion. Table III indicates that for some species at least, the release of small colonies under favourable conditions may result in the establishment and reasonablly rapid increase of parasites. It is significant that only one colony of Apanteles solitarius and of Meteorus versicolor was released in British Colum- bia, and from the single colony of 737 specimens of Apanteles solitarius and 520 specimens of Meteorus versicolor the former had increased sufficiently in 7 years and the latter in 8 years to war- rant collection for redistribution in other provinces of Canada. This indi- cates that the original colonies were effective species well suited to climatic conditions in the new environment, and that they were properly handled prior to and during their release in the field. Probably the most important factor was that there was an abundant host supply and their release was timed to syn- chronize with the right stage of devel- opment of the host for parasitism. Further evidence of the establishment of a small colony of parasites was ob- tained in 1949. A survey of the holly leaf miner in Vancouver and the sur- rounding districts revealed that the parasite Opius ilicis Nixon was present at 1 3 collection points. This parasite was originally released in the area in 1939 and the single colony consisted of only 4 males and 6 females. LITERATURE CITED Baird, A. B. and J. H. McLeod, 1949. Biological control of insect pests in British Columbia. Proc. 7th Pacific Sci. Congr. In press. Downes, W. and H. Andison, 1941. The establishment in British Columbia of parasites of the holly leaf miner, Phytomyza ilicis Curtis. J. Econ. Ent. 33 (6) : 948. Glendenning, R., 1931. The progress of parasite introduction in British Columbia. Proc. Ent. Soc. B. C. 28: 29-32. Hopping, G. R., H. B. Leech and C. V. G. Morgan, 1943. The larch sawfly, Pristiphora etich- sonii (Hartig) , in British Columbia with special reference to the cocoon parasites Mesoleius tenthredinis Morley and Tritneptis klugii (Ratzeburg) . Sci. Agr. 24(2): 53-63. Spencer, G. J., 1947. The 1945 status of Digonochaeta setipennis, Tachinid parasite of the European earwig, ForRcula auricularia Linn., in West Point Grey, Vancouver, B. C. Proc. Ent. Soc., B.C. 43: 8-9. Venables, E. P., 1923. The relation of the predatory mite, Hemisarcoptes malus Shimer, to the oyster-shell scale in British Columbia. Proc. Ent. Soc. B. C., 17 S3 19: 164-167. 1931. Aphelinus mali Hald., a parasite of the woolly aphis. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 28: 16-18. Wishart, Geo., 1947. Important reduction of three introduced pests in British Columbia by in- troduced parasites. 77th Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1946, pp. 35-37. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROG. (1950) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 37 GOLEOPTERISTS AND COLEOPTERA COLLECTIONS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Melville H. Hatch University of Washington, Seattle, Wn. (Read before the Entomological Society of British Columbia, March 18, 1950) Last May I finished the first draft of the text of Part I, the first 650 species, of my C©l@©pter® ©f the Pacific North- west. The manuscript was based pri- marily on a study of my own collection together with some correspondence with Mr. Gordon Stace Smith of Creston, B. C., Mr. Kenneth M. Fender of Mc- Minnville, Ore., and Mr. Merton C. Lane of Walla Walla, Wash. My next job was to check my account against as much additional Northwestern material as possible, to accomplish which I pro- posed to visit the various Northwestern collections, check off the readily verified Northwestern species, and borrow for identification the unnamed or doubt- fully named species. My paper today is a brief account of my travels in the furtherance of this objective, and is offered in the hope that it may throw some light on the status of one aspect of Northwestern entomology in the year 1949. My first trip was into northwestern Oregon, and my first visit was to Ore- gon State College in Corvallis, June 16 and 17. The beetle collection is housed in trays in about 150 glass topped drawers. It is in charge of Dr. W. J. Chamberlin, who has taught forest entomology at the College since 1916 and is the author of several important entomological books, the most recent being a text on Insects Affecting Forest Products and Other Mote rials. He has specialized on Buprestidae and Scolyti- dae, his Buprestidae having recently been sold to the California Academy of Sciences. Oregon specimens in the Col- lege’s collection are only moderately numerous, and I came to feel that my own collection of Oregon beetles is vir- tually as representative as theirs. The individual specimens are, however, curated with great care, each specimen bearing a determination label together with the name of the determiner. Else- where in the Northwest I found this procedure employed only at the Univer- sity of Idaho and by Stace Smith. In Corvallis I stayed with Frank Beer, who took a Master’s degree under my direction in 1939, and, after teach- ing high school for a number of years at Grants Pass and Salem, has been in- structing in general science at the Oregon State College. Beer has a small but beautiful collection, primarily of Bu- prestidae, but likewise of Scarabaeidae (including rare Oregon Pleocoma ma- terial), Elateridae, and Cicindalidae. Beer took me on a delightful collecting trip the second afternoon to Mary’s Peak, 4097 feet high, about 15 miles west of Corvallis. June 18 and 19 1 spent with Kenneth Fender in McMinnville, Oregon. Fender is a rural mail carrier, and both he and his wife, Dorothy, are enthusiastic naturalists and the authors of numerous papers. Their interesting home on the southern outskirts of town, by the side of an inviting creek, is overrunning with zoological material. Dorothy specializes on earthworms. Both she and Kenneth specialize on the Lycidae- Lampyridae - Cantharidae group of beetles, and I hope they will do the portion of these families in my book. Kenneth likewise has a general collection of Oregon beetles — probably the best in existence — arranged in trays in 20 or 30 large insect boxes. Sunday we had excellent collecting in the Yamhill River bottom near Dayton. My second trip was east of the Cas- cade Mountains. On July 24 I drove to Walla Walla where I stayed with M. C. Lane, who has been in charge of wireworm investigations in eastern Washington for the United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar- antine for 30 years. Lane became in- terested in beetles through Dr. E. C. Van Dyke, and is one of the most energetic, persistent, and expert beetle collectors known to me. His general beetle collection (mostly of Northwest- ern material) numbers over 100 insect 38 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950), Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 boxes, about three-fourths Adephaga, and his Elateridae, in which he has spe- cialized, are arranged in trays in about 30 drawers and about 25 insect boxes, including many undescribed species. Lane is today one of the foremost authorities on both the taxonomy and biology of the Elateridae, and I hope that he will do the Elateridae in my book. Two of Mr. Lane’s associates, Elorace P. Lanchester and Edward W. Jones, have beetle collections, Lanches- ter likewise specializing on the Elater- idae. In College Place I visited Walla Walla College. This is a Seventh Day Adventist school. Their zoologist, Dr. Ernest Booth, is beginning an insect collection, having 17 drawers and 25 or 30 boxes of beetles. I did not meet Dr. Chalmer Chastian of Dr. Booth’s staff, but last November I studied a collection of Blue Mountain Scolytidae made by him; but I did meet Gayle H. Nelson, one of Dr. Booth’s graduate students, who had about 50 boxes of beetles, and is greatly interested in them. Nelson is located this year at Washing- ton Missionary College, Takoma Park, Maryland; but he hopes to return to the Northwest. All in all, the Seventh day Adventists are doing right well by the study of beetles! July 26 Lane drove Lanchester and me to Wallowa Lake in northeastern Oregon. There we met James H. Baker, a grocer of Baker, Ore. Mr. Baker has a very fine collection of Northwestern Geometridae, but under Lane’s influence, he has been collecting Elateridae and Carabidae. I am urging him to begin accumulating beetles in general against the day when I shall want to borrow them for my CoSeopfrero of the Pacific Northwest. Baker is another very ener- getic fellow, and at Wallowa Lake he and Lane soon disappeared up the trail, leaving Lanchester and me far far be- hind! The day was only middling, but we got our share of beetles. At Pullman, Wash., July 27-28, I stayed with Dr. Maurice T. James, the dipterist, who is in charge of the insect collection at the State College of Wash- ington. The beetles are in trays in about 170 drawers plus 60 or 75 boxes of unnamed specimens. They represent the accumulation of many years and successive curators; C. V. Piper, A. L. Melander, J. F. G. Clark, R. D. Shene- felt, R. L. Webster, — but none of these men have been coleopterists. Since my coming to the state in 1927, I have always found the State College most co- operative and have felt free to use the collection just as though it were my own. In the afternoon James and I drove to the University of Idaho at Moscow, eight miles away. The beetle collection there is arranged in trays in about 60 not too densely filled drawers and some 25 boxes of unnamed specimens and is in charge of Prof. H. C. Manis. Like- wise in the Department of Entomology I met A. S. Waltz and Wm. F. Barr, both of whom lent me material (about an insect box each) from their private collections. Barr is especially interested in Buprestidae, and is this year on leave working on his doctorate at the Univer- sity of California. In the evening, James took me to call on N. M. Downie. Downie is doing personnel work in the Department of Education at the State College of Wash- ington, but he is coleopterist on the side! His collection numbers about 16 very crowded drawers and a dozen boxes. It includes an extensive series of species that he collected in Turkey, but he is giving most of this material to me and to the State College, and is concentrating on Nearctic specimens. June 28 I drove north, arriving after dark at the home of Gordon Stace Smith, a mile or so north of Creston, B. C. I had visited Stace Smith first the previous September, and was looking forward to working with him again in his spacious living room with its win- dows looking westward over the broad expanse of the Kootenay Valley with the Nelson Range of mountains beyond. It made one itch to go collecting, but I reflected that the coleopterological ex- ploration of this corner of the North- west is in most competent hands. Mr. Stace Smith is a retired mining foreman and had formed two beetle collections; nearly a hundred boxes of beetles from British Columbia, where he ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950), VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 39 has lived most of his life, and about 45 boxes of beetles from Quebec, collected during a five years sojourn in that province. The latter collection, however, he was selling to the California Acad- emy of Sciences to give him increased facilities for the British Columbia series. Stace Smith’s collection of British Columbia beetles is probably the best extant collection from the province. We got to work on the beetles almost as soon as I arrived, and by the next afternoon had finished checking the por- tion of his collection on Adephaga. The next morning I was once more under wiay. The afternoon I spent with Loyal Weitz in his home on the south side of Spokane. Mr. Weitz is in charge of the Underwood Typewriter Agency in Spokane. His avocational interest in biology has crystallized on the beetles, of which he is forming a collection, especially encouraged by Mr. M. C. Lane. Mr. Weitz is the sort of person who would be particularly helped by a general handbook of the beetles of the region. That same evening I had dinner with Prof, and Mrs. Robert W. Rogers of the Eastern Washington College of Educa- tion in Cheney. Rogers had taken a Master’s degree under my supervision in 1947, and, while not himself forming a beetle collection, has been most help- ful in supplying me with specimens from the vicinity of Cheney and north Idaho. The next morning I drove to Seattle after a most enjoyable and profitable week. No survey of Northwestern beetle collections could be complete without a visit to the California Academy of Sci- ences in San Francisco. Consequently, on Aug. 14, Estelle (Mrs. Hatch) and I left for the south. The second night out, at Medford, Oregon, we called on Mr. Fred Lawrence, for whom I had named some beetles back in the thirties. Lawrence is a sign painter by trade, an artist and a collector of butterflies and beetles by avocation. He has 20 or 25 drawers of beetles, mostly from Med- ford, in nicely constructed little wt>oden trays. Due to lack of contact with others of similar interest and the absence of usable literature from which he might have made his own identifications, he has lost most of his former interest in his collection. A proper reference book on our beetle fauna might well have turned him into a contributor to our science. After an hour or so with Mr. Law- rence, we tailed on Mr. L. G. Gentner. Gentner is entomologist at the Southern Oregon Experiment Station at nearby Talent. At home he is a specialist on flea beetles, having 50 or 75 boxes of specimens, including nearly all known North American species, many of them undescribed. I have hopes that Mr. Gentner will be willing to w^rite the portion on Alticinae in my CoBeopfrera of the Pacific Northwest. At the University of California at Davis we called the next afternoon on Mr. A. T. McClay. McClay is a pre- parator in the Department of Entomol- ogy and an inveterate beetle collector, having a couple of hundred boxes of mounted and much unmounted mate- rial. While an insecticide salesman some years back, he collected extensively around Medford, Ore., and I have this winter had the privilege of studying a box or so of his Oregon Carabidae. The next morning (Aug. 17) we arrived at the California Academy of Sciences, and were given a most cordial welcome by Dr. Edward S. Ross, cura- tor of insects, Mr. Hugh B. Leech, who has charge of Coleoptera, and Dr. Edwin C. Van Dyke. At the Academy of Sciences is one of the world's great beetle collections. It contains about a million and a half specimens in about 1500 drawers and 500 to 1000 boxes. Its basis is the collection of Dr. Van Dyke, who gave his collection to the Academy in 1924, with the understand- ing that he would have full use of it during his life. And still, at the age of 81, Dr. Van Dyke was coming to the Academy every day to work on his col- lection. Van Dyke’s example induced Dr. F. E. Blaisdell (1862-1946) and others to take similar action. The Northwestern material in the Academy derives largely from the col- lections of Dr. Van Dyke and Ralph Hopping, and from Hugh Leech’s hy- drocoleoptera. Van Dyke came first to the Northwest with the Sierra Club in 1905, when they camped at Paradise 40 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 Park on Mt. Rainier before there was anything but a trail into the area; and every few years since, he has made addi- tional excursions into the region, his collecting being confined for the most part to south of the international border. Ralph Hopping ( 1 868- 1 94 1 ), a for- mer member of this Society, from 1919 to 1939 was entomologist in charge of the Dominion Forest Insect Laboratory at Vernon, B. C. He assembled an ex- tensive collection of Coleoptera, much of it from British Columbia, that came to number about 10,000 species and 97,000 specimens. With the exception of a portion belonging to the Vernon laboratory, it was purchased by the California Academy in 1948, and is gradually being absorbed in the general collection of the Academy. Hugh Leech will be remembered by many here as the energetic and efficient secretary and editor of our Society. Since 1947 he has been happily em- ployed as associate curator of insects at the Academy. He lives at rural Mill Valley, about 12 miles north of the Academy across the Golden Gate Bridge. His collection of about 130 boxes of water beetles, rich in British Columbia material, has been transferred to the Academy. After returning from California, there remained only a trip into south- western British Columbia to complete my survey of Northwestern beetle col- lections. Taking advantage of our Thanksgiving holiday, Estelle, our daughter, and I took the night ferry for Victoria. Nov. 24 I spent with Mr. G. A. Hardy at the Provincial Museum. Mr. Hardy has a collection of 50 or more double boxes of beetles, and has specialized, as we all know, on Ceram- bycidae, Buprestidae, and Elateridae. The museum has several collections that have been given to it, but so far these remain in their original boxes and have not been organized into a single whole. The next day we drove north along Vancouver Island nearly to Wellington where we had lunch with Mr. Richard Guppy, Mrs. Guppy, and her sister. Mr. Guppy is another member of this Society. He has a chicken ranch, and has a collection of Vancouver Island Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. His bee- tles fill about a dozen boxes and drawers and is quite complete, considering the restricted area of his specialization. Mr. Guppy sells Vancouver Island insects to interested parties. That evening we ferried over from Nanaimo to Vancouver, where we were entertained by Prof, and Mrs. G. J. Spencer. Prof. Spencer is in charge of the insect collections at the University of British Columbia. The beetles were arranged in 25 or 30 drawers some years ago by Mr. George R. Hopping, son of Ralph. Prof. Spencer introduced us to W. Lazorko, M.D., a refugee from Lemberg, Galicia, who had been in Canada about 18 months, in Vancouver about 1 1 months. He has a collection of some 300,000 beetles, 50,000 of them mounted, and 5000 or 6000 specimens from Vancouver. He is spe- cially interested in the Carabidae and may well be heard from scientifically when he becomes settled in the New World. This concludes my account. I do not assert to have mentioned all the Coleop- terists in the Pacific Northwest, but only those I encountered in 1949. UPON THE MATING HABITS OF THERMOBSA DOMESTICA PACK (Thyscsnsjrcs; Lepismidae)* G. J. Spencer University of British Col In the course of a study of the bio- nomics of Thermobia domestica Pack, the firebrat, it was frequently noted that females follow males for long periods of time. Under the impression that this * Contribution No. 294, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, being a revised portion of a Master’s Thesis presented to the Department. mbia, Vancouver, B. C. chase was some part of mating reactions, the performance was watched until it reached a climax. The process or “love- dance” may last one and one-half to two hours and is somewhat as follows: ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1950) , VOL. 47, JULY 15, 1951 41 The larger female follows the smaller male which seems very restless, moving from place to place after a few minutes in each position. As soon as the male comes to rest, it turns and faces the fe- male and both touch their antennae at close quarters with many rapid move- ments and then stay quiet. The male then turns again and moves away, fol- lowed by the female and the process is repeated over and over again for long periods. In its wanderings around the cage amongst many other firebrats, the male may get separated from the female by a space of several inches and the angle or corner of the cage. The female then runs around in all directions and seems to pick up the trail of the male very much after the fashion of a bloodhound. Now at the tips of the caudal sterna, the coxites of Walker or coxopodites of Snodgrass which flank the base of the male pseudocercus, are short unbranched setae in connection with relatively enor- mous, simple glands occurring in two series. There are six glands on each side dorsally and three on each side ven- trally; the glands from the tip to the base of the seta above it, average 0.134 mm. long by 0.016 to 0.02 mm. broad. It is possible that either these glands or the eversible vesicles which occur on the coxopodites mesad of the styli, function at mating time as scent glands and pro- vide the scent which the female follows when in pursuit of a male. This love dance has been watched several times for an hour at a time but no climax took place. On five occasions, however, its completion was observed. The climax occurs when the movements of the male become more rapid and he does not run away from the female but turns around in a circle on a short axis, pausing every few seconds to touch an- tennae with those of the female while the latter now remains perfectly quiet, crouched low on the floor with antennae lying straight ahead of her. Each time the male turns around away from the female, he raises the tip of the abdomen in the air and waves it about. Finally on the under side of the tip of the abdomen there suddenly appears a semi- transparent pyriform spermatophore about one millimeter in length with the broader end discharged first and point- ing caudad. In no more than three seconds from the moment of its appear- ance, the spermatophore is deposited on the floor just about three quarters of an inch directly in front of the female. The male then turns immediately, touches the female's head wiith his antennae which move at great speed in short, rapid jerks and turning abruptly aside, he moves away. Body raised up on the legs, the female then moves straight forward, passes over the spermatophore and presses the base of the ovipositor on it. Two very small drops of liquid are present at the base of the ovipositor and the spermatophore adheres to the abdo- men of the female. She adjusts it by one or two slight touches of her mouth parts and as nearly as could be seen, makes a rent in it with the tips of the maxillae; a small quantity of liquid extrudes without, however, changing the shape of the object. The contents of the spermatophore are absorbed by the female over a period of several hours. On three occasions when the absorption was noted it took one and one-half hours, four and one- half hours and overnight respectively. The walls of the spermatophore then drop off and are likely to be eaten by the female if not taken away from her. Microscopic examination of the empty receptacle showed no spermatozoa, only a thin chitinous case and some gelatinous material. If there is any doubt as to this being an externally deposited spermatophore, the matter could readily be solved by removing it immediately after deposi- tion and examining the contents mi- croscopically for active spermatozoa. Since the whole procedure was observed only five times and it was necessary to determine the pre-oviposition period, this examination was not made. The pre-oviposition period as ob- served in two instances, is from one and one-half to four and one-half days; the female that absorbed the contents of the spermatophore in the latter period laid eggs thirty-six hours afterwards. Apart from the observations and findings reported above, it would be difficult for these firebrats to copulate in 42 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 the normal manner of insects, in view of the extreme shortness of the male aedea- gus which is relatively a minute, latent, oval tube; the entire absence of second- ary copulator mechanisms or “grappling hooks, ” and the long, closely-knit bases of the dorsal and ventral valvulae of the female ovipositor, between which it would seem impossible for such a short aedeagus to penetrate. A COMPARISON OF POTATO TUBER DAMAGE BY TWO FLEA BEETLES, EPITRIX TUBERIS GENT. AND EPITRIX SUBCRINITA (LEC.) (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) H. R. MacCarthy Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. In the course of a recent investigation into control of flea beetles on potato, at Kamloops, B. C., the question arose as to whether the western potato flea beetle, Epitrix subcrinita (Lee.), caused the same type of damage to potato tubers as its close and more numerous relative, the tuber flea beetle, E. tuberis Gent. A small experiment was set up at the Dominion Laboratory of Plant Path- ology, University of British Columbia, to make a comparative study of the damage caused by the two species. Collections of the two species by C. L. Neilson and D. G. Finlayson, Do- minion Field Crop Insect Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C., from potato fields near Kamloops were sent to Vancouver. A group of 1 2 individuals of each species was placed on a potato plant in each of three cages. The external sexual char- acteristics being difficult to see in living specimens, the ratio of males to females w^as not known. Each group was a random sample. The cages were developed from a type in use at the University of Califor- nia. They were cylindrical, 30 inches high, the ends being 15 inches in diam- eter and made of 5 -ply wood, with a 5^4 -inch hole in each. The ends were joined by four uprights and between two of these was a 9-inch pane of glass. The remaining three side panels were covered with organdy. The potted, caged plant grew up through the hole in the bottom. Cotton batting made an insect-tight filler at the rim where the cage rested on the pot. The host plants were White Rose potatoes from a single parent plant, growing in 10-inch pots. At the start of the experiment they were about 2 feet high. The soil moisture was maintained from water poured into saucers in which the pots were set. The cages were kept in a greenhouse and in- spected daily. The beetles were intro- duced into the cages on July 29, and taken out on October 6. Emergence of second-generation adults started during the last week in September but was not complete by October 6. When the soil was washed from the root systems, it was found that both species severely damaged the root, rhi- zome, and tuber. Tunnels up to four per inch were found in the rhizomes. In one cage containing a heavy population of E. tuberis some of the rhizomes were completely cut off. In all the cages many of the fibrous roots appeared to be cut and shortened. A thin peeling was taken off the tuber before damage marks were counted and for each species 50 tunnels in the tubers were chosen at random and measured at a depth of approximately 1 mm. The average length of tunnel in each instance was 2.5 mm. The range was from 1.0 mm. to 5.0 mm., with 40 per cent 2.0 mm. long and the frequency distributions were almost exactly the same for the two species. There were few surface tracks. Under the conditions of the experi- ment, Epitrix suberinita produced a sub- stantial amount of tuber injury, prac- tically identical in nature with that pro- duced by E. tuberis. Both species also damaged roots and rhizomes severely. It does not follow, however, that the same results would be secured in experiments conducted in the field, or in field cages. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950), Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 43 SCIENCE NOTES Orthezia occidentalis, an Ensign coccid, in British Columbia (Homoptera: Ortheziidae) . In the middle of October, 1945, Mr. Peterski, bus driver of Powell River, who lives a short distance out of that town, looked out one morning and saw what looked like a light fall of snow on two acres only of one of his fields which had been cleared but not cultivated. A light wind was blowing but the morning was not cold so Mr. Peterski went out to investigate. He found that the white covering consisted of moving particles, so he took some in to Dr. Boxall of Powell River Clinic. Being very interested in natural history, Dr. Boxall went out to the field and found that the alleged snow consisted of small, fiat insects shaped like bedbugs which were covered all over with tiny, overlapping particles of white wax. By the time he got to the field, the insects had all dis- appeared under grass and moss and could be found only at ground level. He collected a number and sent them to me. I identified them tentatively as Orthezia occi- dentalis Douglas and forwarded them to the National Collection at Ottawa wrhere a specialist confirmed my identification, adding that there is one record of it from Kaslo and one from Victoria, made by Mr. Downes. Professor “Essig in College Entomology” reports it from Alaska where it feeds on the roots of plants. This snow-white species must have fed on the roots of grasses or plants at Powell River where it apparently developed unseen until it increased enormously and crowded to the tops of low vegetation in such numbers as to whiten the field. The Orthezia scales are almost entirely tropical species of which one, Orthezia insignis Douglas, has become a greenhouse pest which is widely distributed by commerce. So far, I have taken only one other native species, as yet unidentified, of which I collected an isolated colony on sagebrush at MacGillivray’s, half- way between Lytton and Lillooet, in July, 1931. — G. J. Spencer, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia. Further note on Orthezia occidentalis— By a curious coincidence the specimens recorded from Kaslo* B. C., were in the possession of the Editor when the above note by Professor Spencer was received. They were included in a small collection of Hemiptera made by the late A. W. Hanham, now the property of the Pro- vincial Museum. There were also some specimens with a date, but no locality label, which were probably taken at Duncan. Orthezia occidentalis is a much commoner insect than is generally supposed but owing to its habit of living down among the crowns or clumps of grass it is seldom seen if not searched for. It is common in Victoria and probably occurs at many points on the east coast of Vancouver Island and the adjacent main- land.— W. Downes, Victoria, B. C. ANSELL LABORATORIES LTD. VERNON, B. C. Manufacturers and Distributors of Chemical Pxoductd INSECTICIDES — CLEANING COMPOUNDS Special Mixing LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS for ASSAY OFFICES, EDUCATIONAL, HOSPITAL and INDUSTRIAL LABORATORIES Cave & Company, Limited 567 HORNBY STREET VANCOUVER, B. C. MArine 8341 44 Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. (1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Colum- bia is published annually. Individual volumes may be had for 50c. Special rates on sets. Address Secretary-Treasurer, Ento- mological Society of British Columbia, Box 210, Kamloops, B. C. Entomological Soc. of British Columbia, Proc. ( 1950) , Vol. 47, July 15, 1951 TASTE GOOD • SAVE TIME . NO WASTE • EASY TO PACK • READY FOR USE AT ANY TIME BULMANS LIMITED, VERNON, B.C. i ii vitim g 1 BULMANS FANCY QUALITY DEHYDRATED VEGETABLES PESTICIDES GREEN VALLEY are now manufacturing top quality pesticide dusts under the GREEN VALLEY label. These dusts are formulated to give effective and economical pest control under B. C. conditions. GREEN VALLEY are also distributors of C-l-L Agricultural Chemicals and ORTHO "Scientific Pest Control" products. GREEN VALLEY can therefore offer to the B. C. Farmer, Fruit Grower and Gardener a complete line of insecticides, fungicides and weed killers. GREEN VALLEY FERTILIZER & CHEMICAL CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. 7jo Collect BORON DEFICIENCES Use BORAX or BORIC ACID Authorities have recognized that the depletion of Boron in soil has been reflected in limited production and poor quality of numerous field and fruit crops. The work and recommendations of Agricultural Experiment Stations are steadily in- creasing the recognition of the need of Boron in Agriculture and Horticulture. We are prepared to render every practical assistance. PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO. DIVISION OF BORAX CONSOLIDATED. LIMITED P.O. BOX 5539, METROPOLITAN STATION, LOS ANGELES 55, CALIFORNIA Distributed by MACDONALD & WILSON LIMITED 562 Beatty Street Vancouver, B. C. Better Tools for the Entomologist CHLORDANE B. H.C. Chlorspray 65% Emulsion Gamma Dust .5% Chlor-Dust 5% SOIL FUMIGANTS DINITROS D. N. Dry Mix No, 1 & No. 2 D. N. Dust D.8 Dowfume W 85 Dowfume M C 2 Dowfume H 940 MILL FUMIGANTS Methyl Bromide D.D.T. FORMULATIONS E. B. 5 D. Dust 5% E. B. 15 D. Dust 10% Dowfume 75 CYPRO PRODUCTS Cypro Dust Cypro Emulsion Concentrate containing Pyrenones - Rotenone Pyrethrins COMMERCIAL CHEMICALS LIMITED PIER "H," Ft. of CARRALL ■ VANCOUVER, B. C. COLONIST PRESSES VICTORIA. B.C. CANADA 50t(i nniuzriaxij d\fum(jz.% PROCEEDINGS of the ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY of BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 48 Issued August 15th, 1952 CONTENTS Historical Papers Economic and Systematic Papers pages 9 to 34 pages 36 to 1 00 ^CIHSO/V^ OCT 10 1352 iL For your agricultural needs . • • PENCO. agricultural chemicals PENCO DDT TECHNICAL — Fine to medium granulated powder of uni- form high quality. Setting point 89° C. minimum. PENTECH®— Technical DDT made especially for manufacturers of dust concentrates, dusts and emulsion concentrates. A granular, dry, friable powder. PENCO DB-50®— Fine, dry powdered dust base containing 50% DDT, for use by dust manufacturers in formu- lating finished insecticides. ‘PENCO WB-50 — Micron-sized pow- der containing 50% DDT and su- perior wetting agents for use as water suspension spray. Mixes easily, ad- heres to foliage. X X X PENCO BHC TECHNICAL 36 (Benzene Hexachloride) — A superior, partially refined technical BHC containing approximately 36% of the active gamma isomer. Readily lends itself to production of impregnated dusts. PENCO BHC DUST BASE D-12— 12% gamma isomer for use by dust manu- facturers in the formulation of fin- ished insecticides. PENCO HI-GAM® 99— This is tech- nical lindane, the essentially pure gamma isomer of benzene hexa- chloride. Other Penco Insecticides KRYOCIDE®— Time-tested natural cryolite insecticide for control of many chewing insects which attack orchard and garden. PENPHOS® W-15 — A wettable pow- der containing 15% parathion. De- signed for use as a water spray and as a dust base concentrate. Effective for the control of a wide variety of economic insect pests. For information on any or all of these products write: Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company of Washing ton9 Agricultural Chemicals Oivision9 Tacoma , Wash., Portland, Ore., Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif., Wenatchee, Wash., Yakima, Wash. i ® 1 PENNSALT CHEMICALS (or Industry ♦ Agriculture ♦ Health • Home Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 1 Alfalfa Weevil • Armyworm • Army Cutworm • Ash-Gray Blister Beetle • Asparagus Caterpillar • Aster Leaf Miner Banded Cucumber Beetle • Black Blister Beetle • Black Cutworm • Boll Weevil • Bollworm • Caragana Blister Beetle • Carolina Grasshopper • Cattle Biting Louse Cattle Tick • Chiggers • Chinch Bug • Clear-Winged Grasshopper • Clover Seed Chalcid « Corn Lantern Fly Cotton Aphid • Cotton Fleahopper • Cotton Leafworm Crickets • Differential Grasshopper • Ear Tick • Fall Army- worm • Flea Beetles • Garden Webworm • Granulate Cutworm Gray Blister Beetle • Green Cutworm • Gulf Coast Tick • Hairy Chinch Bug • Hog Louse • Horn Fly • Leafhoppers • Lesser Migratory Grasshopper Lined Spittlebug • Little Fire Ant • Lone Star Tick • Long-Nosed Cattle Louse • Lygus Meadow Spittlebug • Millipedes • Mormon Cricket • Nuttall Blister Beetle • Okra Caterpillar • Onion Thrips • Packard Grasshopper • Peanut (Potato) Leafhopper Pear Psylla • Pear Thrips • Pecan Weevil • Pod Weevil • Rapid Plant Bug • Red Goat Louse • Red-Legged Grasshopper • Salt-Marsh Caterpillar • Serpentine Leaf Miner Sheep Tick • Short-Nosed Cattle Louse • Southern Armyworm • Southern Corn Rootworm • Southern Green Stink Bug • Spittlebug • Strawberry Crown Borer Strawberry Leaf Roller • Strawberry Weevil • Striped Blister Beetle • Sugar Beet Webworm • Superb Plant Bug • Sweet Clover Weevil • Tarnished Plant Bug • Thrips Tomato Fruitworm • Tomato Hornworm • Tomato Pinworm • Two-Striped Grasshopper Variegated Cutworm • Velvetbean Caterpillar • Western Cotton Plant Bug • White-Lined Sphinx • Winter Tick • Yellow Goat Louse • Yellow-Striped Armyworm For specific information on toxaphene ( chlorinated camphene 67-69% Cl) write to the manufacturer: HERCULES POWDER COMPANY 949 King Street, Wilmington 99 , Del. NX52-I3 2 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 Schistocerca gregaria, Forsk? or Camnula pellucida, Scudd? Whether the problem is the Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria, Forsk) in Persia, or the Clear winged-Grasshopper (Camnula pellucida, Scudd) in Canada — aldrin is the answer. aldrin in Persia aldrin in Canada Swarms of the Desert Locust invaded Persia from the East and laid eggs over a total area approaching one million acres. Planes spray- ing aldrin over the egg fields achieved almost 100% control of 4th and 5th stage hoppers, and of young red adults infesting mature wheat, scrub and date palms. Maximum kill in wheat and scrub was effected within 72 hours of application, and, in date palms, within 120 hours, aldrin was applied at the rate of 2.8 02. and of 3.5 oz. actual aldrin inoneU.S. gallon of gas, oil or kerosene per acre. Grasshoppers, wireworms or plum curculio die swiftly at the hands of aldrin. Only exceptionally small doses are necessary; an ounce of aldrin will control grasshoppers in half an acre of crops; similarly a small amount will protect an apple tree against ravaging plum curculio. aldrin can be applied to cropland by spraying or dusting, or it can be used in baits. Quick and effective coverage of large or small areas for soil pest control is secured by mixing aldrin with fertilizer. For further information please write to: Shell Oil Company of Canada Limited, Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal. aldrin distributed in Canada by— Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 50th nnuj£ ticiiu cp'VuniLft PROCEEDINGS of the ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY of BRITISH COLUMBIA Volume 48 Issued August 15th, 1952 CONTENTS Historical Papers - - - pages 9 to 34 Economic and Systematic Papers pages 36 to 100 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 5 \©*H< •mioi bo-2 fc, « J- S*s a S « y 2 u ?. |"?8SS3£? U U«'QOW^ » ro so 5 c 'd «« aifcM'e&S |S£ *153,3 2 55 o CQCNCQoacNjror^ro « w-S*, £-§ S •ti w 2 C2 bO’Z; £ Wri|c-POT«« d^Qdfc^pi C^OiHC^ fOTMOVO g go § 8 2 I — > rn W £ w|^HON t^£doci. of Philadelphia 1861, pp. 338-359. student of the Coleoptera in the third quarter of the last century, records Cicindela longilabris Say and Cupes st- rata LeC. in 1861 from “Camp Kooten- ay.”1 With lack of precision that is characteristic of the coleopterological work of the period, he failed to notice whether the “Camp Kootenay” re- ferred to was the east crossing of the international border by the Kootenay River in Montana or its west cross- ing in Idaho. In either event, the specimens were as likely to have been taken on one side of the boundary line as on the other. John Keast Lord, the British natur- alist with the Commission in his Na- turalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 1866, refers to collecting beetles at least twice : once (Vol. II, p. 109) near Palouse-Falls in Washing- ton, once (Vol. II, p. 123) along Slesse (Selece) Creek, a tributary of the Chilliwack River near Chilliwack. His list of 94 species of beetles published in an appendix2 to his book, contains no intimation of localities. While some of the species listed probably were collected in Brit- ish Columbia, others were not, and Lord is known to have travelled over- land all the way from San Francisco to the Canadian border. His book shows him, moreover, to have been preoccupied with the vertebrates. The real beginning of the scientific study of British Columbian beetles be- gan with a collection made probably Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 77 in the late sixties in “Vancouver Island and British Columbia” by Henry and Joseph B. Matthews, brothers of the Rev. Andrew Mat- thews, the British microclepidopterist. The collection which Henry Matthews, who was likewise a clergyman, brought back to England with him in 1869, was submitted by Andrew Mat- thews to LeConte. LeConte publish- ed a list of 186 species in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History in the same year. He considered British Columbia and Vancouver Island to be at that time the least explored portions of North America.2 3 Notable among the new species described here was our famous ground beetle, Zacotus mat- thewsii. Three years later Andrew Matthews described two species of Amphizoa from the same source.4 Though George Robert Crotch col- lected beetles about Victoria and along the Fraser River in 1873, these re- mained the only significant publica- tions on British Columbian beetles for fifteen years. What I would call the period of resident collectors extends in British Columbia from about 1882, when George W. Taylor settled on Van- couver Island, to about 1919, when Ralph Hopping was called to Vernon. The principal Coleoptera literature, pertaining to the Province, that ap- peared during this forty year period consisted of about a dozen or fifteen separate short lists plus an annual listing, beginning in 1902, of 25 or 30 or more species in the Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario. The first endemic beetle work in the Province was Taylor’s 1886 list in 2 List of Coleoptera, Vol. II, pp. 309-334. The list was prepared by Francis Walker (1809-1874), en- tomologist at the British Miuseum, whose authorship is attested to on p. 290. For comments on this pub- lication see LeConte, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 (6), 1870, pp. 395, 399-402. Another isimilar publication is LeConte, List of Coleoptera, Geol. Surv. Can. Rept. of Prog. 1875-76, 1877, pp. 107-109. 145 species are listed; but there is nothing to indicate which of the species were taken in British Columbia and where, and which, if any, were secured in Alberta or even further east ! 3 See selected bibliography at end of paper for citation of this and other papers mentioned. 4 Descriptions of two new species of Amphizoa from Vancouver’s Island: A. josephi, A. Lecontei, Cistula Entom. I, 1872, pp. 119-122. See likewise A. Mat- thews’ obituary notice of the Rev. H. Matthews (d. 1874) in Ent. Mo. Mag. XIV, 1877, pp. 38-39. the Canadian Entomologist of 76 species of Cicindelidae and Carabidae from the vicinity of Victoria, named for him by Henry Ulke of New York. Lists by Brodie (1888) and Wickham (1893) represent the work of itinerant collectors. The most ambitious paper was the list of 241 species from Mas- sett collected by the Rev. J. H. Keen, published in the Canadian Entomolo- gist in 1895. The identification of Keen’s specimens was arranged for by James Fletcher of Ottawa, Domin- ion Entomologist, who solicited the aid of numerous coleopterists in the eastern United States and Europe. A beginning at a Provincial list was made in 1906-1907 in the abortive Bulletin of the British Columbia Entomological Society, 154 species in Cicindelidae, Buprestidae, Coccinel- lidae, and Cerambvcidae being listed. The status of the knowledge of the beetle fauna as a whole is suggested by the 800 species which in 1906, were stated by the Secretary of the Society, R. V. Harvey of Queen’s School, Van- couver, to be in the provisional un- published list of the Society.5 The local collectors were completely dependent on coleopterists residing for the most part in eastern Canada and northeastern United States for their determinations, and the western- ers’ contribution consisted almost ex- clusively in collecting material and transcribing the names assigned to it by others. There was no attempt at independent study because, as W. Downes explained to me some years ago, of the almost complete lack of basic literature. This was a lack which neither the public nor the private financial resources of the region was able to make good. In this connection, one notes the acknowledgment of A. H. Bush, in a 1914 list of 106 species from Mount Cheam, of the help in identification of Dr. E. C. Van Dyke of San Francisco. The endemic centres of beetle-study were beginning to close in on the Pacific Northwest. Turning to the economic bases of the beetle studies of this period, one notes 78 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 with interest that the two first resi- dent workers, Taylor and Keen, were clergymen. This is evidence of the British influence, for during the 19th century several of the most important British coleopterists were clergymen. One searches in vain for a clergyman advancing the study of beetles at this time in the United States. A. W. Hanham, who was contributing heavi- ly to “The Entomological Record” during this period, was manager of the Bank of British North America in Duncan. R. V. Harvey, who was working on a Provincial list, was a school teacher. E. P. Venables was a farmer in the vicinity of Vernon. E. M. Anderson was connected with the Provincial Museum in Victoria. J. B. Wallis, public school teacher of Winnipeg, collected extensively at Peachland in 1909. A. H. Bush was an engineer on the Canadian Pacific Railroad. W. H. Brittain, who pub- lished a list of 73 species of Coleoptera from the Okanagan district in 1904 was employed in economic entomology. In these tentative “Observations on the Study of Beetles in British Col- umbia,” I should like to suggest that a new period in the study of the beetles of the Province dates from about 1920. The University of Brit- ish Columbia was established in 1915. Entomology was first taught there in 1919, and Professor G. J. Spencer joined the staff of the institution as entomologist in 1924. Professor Spenc- er is not a coleopterist, and his beetle- studies have been confined to some of the household species. He has, how- ever, laid the foundations for a Pro- vincial collection, and the institution which he serves seems to furnish the condition under which we can expect that fully endemic beetle-studies can be carried on. More important than the University of British Columbia as a centre of 5 Bull. Ent. Soc. B.C., No. 1, March 1906, p. 2. From 1901-1933 about 800 species of beetles were listed in the Coleoptera section of “The Entomological Record” which was published annually in the Annual Reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario from the 32nd Report for 1901, published in 1903, through the 61st Report of the Quebec Society for the Pro- tection of Plants, published in 1934. beetle-study, especially during the late twenties, is the Provincial Museum at Victoria, where G. A. Hardy has published a number of reports on the Elateridae, Buprestidae, and Ceramby- cidae of Vancouver Island. Mr. Hardy, however, serves the • Museum as Botanist as well as Entomologist. While the Museum’s beetle collection is extensive, as late as 1949, at any rate, it is badly in need of consolida- tion in modern insect boxes or drawers. The most important beetle-studies to have been conducted in British Col- umbia in the past thirty years were those under the leadership of Ralph Hopping, 1868-1941, from 1919 entom- ologist in charge of the Dominion Forest Insect Laboratory at Vernon. Beginning in 1925, Mr. Hopping was assisted at the Vernon laboratory by his son, George R. Hopping, and be- ginning in 1930, by Hugh B. Leech, both of whom became interested in the taxonomy of the Coleoptera and both of whom remained connected with the Vernon laboratory for eight or nine years following Ralph Hop- ping’s retirdhient in 1939. The Hop- pings concentrated on the Ceramby- cidae, in which family they produced an important series of monographs,5 6 but Ralph Hopping’s studies in par- ticular extended over the beetles as a whole. On September 1, 1938, his unpublished card index of British Col- umbia beetles numbered 2070 species, a figure to be compared with the 1906 figure cited above of 800 species, and indicating the growth of knowledge in the intervening period. The collec- tion at Vernon came to number about 10,000 species in about 97,000 speci- mens, including large amounts of British Columbia material. In accord- ance with Ralph Hopping’s own de- sire, his collection was sold for a nominal sum by his widow to the California Academy of Sciences in 1948, making that institution one of the most important repositories of British Columbia beetles. Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 79 Hugh Leech specialized at first in both the Staphylinidae and the aquatic Coleoptera, later exclusively in the aquatic families. He has published a very extensive series of excellent short papers. In 1947, in order to secure the opportunity to concentrate on his taxonomic studies, he accepted the position of Associate Curator of Insects at the California Academy of Sciences, taking with him his collec- tion of about 130 boxes of water beetles. With George Hopping’s re- moval to Calgary the following year, the Vernon Group of coleopterists was dissolved. A collector of beetles of some note in the vicinity of Terrace and Massett, in part some of the country formerly worked by the Rev. J. H. Keen, is Mrs. M. E. Clark of Terrace. As Mrs. W. W. Hippisley, she published some Notes on Northern British Colu??ibia Coleoptera in the Canadian Entomolo- gist (XLIV, pp. 63-66) in 1922. In 1948 and 1949 she published a list of 420 species of Cicindelidae through Coccinellidae in the Proceedings of our Society — the most extensive single list of species so far to have been published in British Columbia. Her specimens were named for her by C. A. Frost of Framingtham, Mass., who retained samples of most of her species, and she has recently deposit- ed the residue of her collection at the University of British Columbia. The leading presently active student of British Columbia beetles is Gordon Stace Smith, a mining foreman, now retired, of Creston. In 1929 and 1930, Stace Smith published a list of 323 species from Copper Mountain near 6 Hopping, Ralph. A review of the genus Monocham- us Serv. (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera). Can. Ent. 53, 1922, pp. 252-258; pi. xi. — (with J. M. Swaine) The Lepturini of America north of Mexico. P.art I. Nat. Mus. Can. Bull. 52, 1927, 97 pp., xii pi. —Part II. IbM., Bull. 85, 1938, 42 pp. vi. pi. — (and Geo. R. Hopping) Part III. Cortodera. Sci. Agric. 27, 1947, pp. 220-236. Hopping, Geo. R. A revision of the Clytini of boreal America (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) Part I. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. XXV, 1932, pp. 529-567, pi. i-v. —Part II. Ibid. XXX, 1937, pp. 438-357, pi. i-iii. Princeton, and he has one of the finest collections of the beetles of the Province ever assembled. Stace Smith represents the earlier collector-type of investigator, and he represents this type at its very best. An expert and indefatigable collector, he insists on the most precise preparation and labeling of every specimen. Each specimen, moreover, carries the names of the various coleopterists who have seen it and the names — not always con- gruent— that they have assigned to it. Stace Smith confines himself to the beetles of the Province, which he has represented in his collection in series up to 20 or 25 specimens of a species. At the end of 1950 he figured that he had representatives of a few over 2000 species of British Columbia beetles in his collection. He is, moreover, be- ing of the utmost possible assistance to me in my work on The Beetles of the Pacific Northwest. Finally, I have to mention Richard Guppy, of Wellington, near Nanaimo. Mr. Guppy confines his collection to Vancouver Island, and is proving very helpful in supplying material from that locality. I now give some comparative figures on five collections of British Columbia beetles. In part I of my book, I recognize about 675 species of North- western beetles in the suborder Ade- pliaga, which includes Carabidae, Dytiscidae, and related families. Of these 675 species, 511 are listed from British Columbia. Of these 511 species, I have found examples of 373 species in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences, 359 species in the collection of G. Stace Smith, 294 species in my collection at the Uni- versity of Washington, 256 species in the collection of the University of British Columbia, and 157 species in the collections of the Provincial Museum at Victoria.* *Ed. Note.— Over 250 named species of this group are in the collection of the Vernon Forest Insect Laboratory. 80 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 Selected Bibliography LeConte, John L. 1869. List of Coleoptera collected in Vancouver’s Island by Henry and Joseph Matthews, with descriptions of some new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4(4) : 369-386. (186 species.) Taylor, George W. 1888. Notes on seventy- six species of Cicindelidae and Carabidae collected near Victoria, Vancouver Is. Can. Ent. 18: 34-37. Brodie, Bruce. 1888. List of Coleoptera col- lected by Mr. Bruce Bailey in Kicking Horse Pass, Rocky Mountains, C.P.R. in 1884. Proc. Can. Inst. Toronto, 5(3) : 213-215. (80 species.) Wickham, H. F. 1893. Report of an entomo- logical reconnaissance of southern Alaska and adjacent portions of British Columbia. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. St. Univ. Iowa, 2 :202-233. (68 species from Stikine River ; 43 species from Glenora.) Keen, J. H. 1895. List of Coleoptera col- lected at Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Can. Ent. 27:165-172, 217-220. (241 species.) — 1898. a preliminary catalogue of the collections of natural history and ethnology in the Provincial Museum, Victoria, British Columbia. pp. 71-75. (131 species of Coleoptera from Massett ; 29 species from Victoria.) — 1905. Beetles from northern British Col- umbia. Can. Ent. 37 :297-298. (48 species.) Harvey, R. V. 1906 and 1907. The British Columbia List. Bull. B.C. Ent. Soc. No. 1, pp. 3-4. (32 species of Coccinellidae) ; No. 2, pp. 3-4. (18 species of Buprestidae) ; No. 4, p. 4. (8 species of Cicindelidae); No. 6, pp. 3-5. (96 species of C'eramby- cidae.) Venables, E. P. 1913. Notes on some Coleoptera of the Okanagan >Valley. Can. Ent. 45 :267-268. (41 species of Cicindelidae and Carabidae.) Brittain, W. H. 1914. Report from the Okanagan District : Insect pests of the year. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 4:14-19. (73 species of Coleoptera from Okanagan District.) Anderson, E. M. 1914. Insects collected in the Okanagan Valley 1913. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 4:54-58. (26 species of Coleop- tera). Bush, A. H. 1914. A trip up Mount Cheam. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 4:58-60. (106 species). Hopping, Ralph. 1922. Coniferous hosts of the Ipidae of the Pacific Coast and Rockv Mountain Regions. Can. Ent. 54:128-134. (65 species from B.C.). Hardy, G. A. 1926. Cerambycidae of Van- couver Island. Rept. Prov. Mus. Nat. Hist, for 1925, pp. C24-C33, 47 figs. (68 species). — 1927. Report on a collecting trip to Garibaldi Park, B.C. Rept. Prov. Mus. Nat. Hist, for 1926, pp. C15-C26. (55 species of Coleoptera). — 1927. Buprestidae of Vancouver Island, ibidem, pp. C32-C34, 9 figs. (20 species). — 1927. Cerambycidae of Vancouver Island, ibidem, pp. C34-37. (29 species, including 15 not in 1926 list). Hardy, G. A. and W. H. A. Preece. 1926. Notes on some species of Cerambycidae (Col.) from the southern portion of Van- couver Island, B.C. Pan-Pac. Ent. 3 :34-40. (14 species). — 1927. Further notes on some species of Cerambycidae (Col.) from the southern portion of Vancouver Island, B.C., with descriptions of some new varieties. Pan- Pac. Ent. 3:187-193. (10 species). — 1927. Additional notes on some Ceram- bycidae (Col.) from Vancouver Island, B.C. Pan -Pac. Ent. 4:61-67. (14 species). Hardy, G. A. 1928. Vancouver Island Elateridae. Rept. Prov. Mus. Nat. Hist, for 1927, pp. C16-E17. (24 species). Brown, W. J 1929. Gyrinidae of Canada. 59th Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont. for 1928, pp. 115-116. (10 species from B.C.) ; Scarabaeidae of Canada, pp. 116-120. (39 species from B.C.). Stace Smith, G. 1929 and 1930. Coleoptera. Mus. and Art Notes, Art Hist, and Sci. Assoc., Vancouver, B.C. IV, pp. 69-74; V, pp. 22-25. (323 species from Copper Mountain near Princeton). Dobzhansky, Th. 1935. A list of the Coc- cinellidae of British Columbia. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 43:331-336. (29 species). Spencer, G. J. 1942. Insects and other arthropods in buildings in British Columbia. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 39:23-29. (32 species of Coleoptera). Leech, Hugh B. 1947. List of some Phil- onthus from British Columbia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 43:23-24. (23 species). Spencer, G. J. 1948. Notes on some Der- mestidae of British Columbia. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 44:6-9. (11 species). Clark, M. E., 1948 and 1949. An Annotated list of Coleoptera taken at or near Ter- race, British Columbia. Part 1, Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 44:24-27 (172 species: Cicin- delidae through Scydmaenidae) ; Part 2, 45:21-24. (248 species: Orthoperidae through Coccinellidae). Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 81 NOTES ON THE POPULATION AND PARASITISM OF THE LARCH SAWFLY, PRISTIPHORA ERICHSONII (HTG.) (HYMENOPTERA: TENTHREDINIDAE), IN BRITISH COLUMBIA1 J. H. McLeod2 Biological Control Investigations Laboratory, Vancouver, B.C. In British Columbia the larch saw- fly, Pristiphora erichsonii (Htg.), was first reported in 1930 in an area about 30 miles north of Fernie. In 1933 a survey showed that the infestation covered a large area in and around Fernie. Cocoon samples were obtain- ed at that time and were examined at the Forest Insect Laboratory, Vernon, B,C., and at the Dominion Parasite Laboratory, Belleville, Ont. No evi- dence of parasitism was found, and parasites were released in the infested area. The first colony of parasites, comprising 393 males and 280 females of Mesoleius aulicus (Grav.), was re- leased in July, 1934, at Lizard Creek, 2 miles from Fernie. P. erichsonii spread rapidly north and east following the distribution of western larch, Larix occidentalis Nutt., which, in the main, is confined to the southern interior of British Columbia. As parasites became available they were released in the newer areas of infestation to hasten establishment and distribution. Details concerning parasite releases and host distribution were given by Hopping, Leech, and Morgan (1943). At no time has P. erichsonii reached outbreak proportions in British Columbia except in isolated areas. The population in each of the heavily infested areas for which there are records became heavily parasitized by M. aulicus and subsided without serious injury to the trees. In 1948 a project was initiated to provide colonies of M. aulicus from British Columbia for release in West- ern Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskat- chewan. In that year 105,000 P. erichsonii cocoons, heavily parasitized by M. aulicus, were obtained. In 1949 one hundred and thirty thousand co- coons were collected. In 1950, after : I Contribution No. 2913, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. Z Agricultural Research Officer. a thorough search of the infested area, only 2,500 cocoons were obtained. The numbers of cocoons collected in the 3 years do not accurately represent the change in population, but there was a reduction in 1950. All avail- able data have been examined to de- termine the factor or factors respon- sible for the reduction in host popula- tion and its effect on M. aulicus. In 1949 many of the larch trees in the infested area were affected with needle cast, the symptoms of which are a premature yellowing and early dropping of the needles. This caused some larval mortality during the feed- ing period, but no significant reduc- tion in the number of cocoons collected in the most heavily infested area. It is possible that the viability of the larvae in the cocoons was reduced, but no evidence was obtained to sup- port this theory. Emergence was normal from the 130,000 cocoons col- lected in October and November, 1949. and stored in an unheated laboratory room over winter, Random samples of cocoons taken from the 1948, 1949, and 1950 collections were dissect- ed; the percentages of dead larvae were 16.5, 7.5, and 12.0, respectively (Table I). There was a decrease of 9.0 per cent, in larval mortality of P. erichsonii in 1949 rather than an in- crease, which would have occurred if needle cast had affected the viability of the larch sawfly larvae. The winter of 1949-50 was unusual- ly cold and a heavier-than-normal snowfall occurred. Weather records taken at the Grand Forks office of the Canada Department of Transport (14 miles from the infested area) show that the average temperature was be- low normal during the winter of 1949- 50. On May 19, 1950, although much of the infested area was still covered with snow, a collection of cocoons was obtained. It was immediately 82 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 placed in rearing at unheated room temperature (average, 62°F.) in Van- couver. The emergence from this col- lection was normal; therefore, it must be assumed that the reduction in popu- lation of P. erichsonii was not caused by winter mortality. The next factor that was consid- ered was parasitism. An increase in the percentage parasitism could have accounted for the decrease in the P . erichsonii population in 1950. However, there was a decrease in parasitism amounting to 6.7 per cent. (Table I). TABLE I Larval mortality, and parasitism, of Pristiphora erichsonii (Htg.) in British Columbia, 1948, 1949, and 1950. 1948 1949 1950 Number Per cent. Number Per cent Number Per cent. Cocoons dissected 1464 100 536 100 441 100 P. erichsonii larvae dead (causes 248 16.5 40 7.5 53 12.0 unknown) living 1216 68.2 496 92.5 388 88.0 M. aulicus larvae living 829 83.5 305 61.5 213 54.9 Evidently, the mortalities caused by needle cast, winter weather, and para- sitism were not responsible, individu- ally or collectively, for the reduction in the population of P. erichsonii in 1950. Finally, the diapause factor was considered. In British Columbia P. erichsonii normally completes its life- cycle in 1 year, but in 1950 there was evidence that a portion of the popula- tion remained in diapause. In Sep- tember, 1950, the cocoons were most numerous in the area most heavily infested in 1949; previously, the centre of infestation had changed from year to year and had usually moved in a westerly direction. The cocoons were darker in colour than freshly formed cocoons normally are, and many of them were collected under trees from which cocoons had been taken in 1949. These trees show- ed fewer signs of larval feeding than would have been expected if the larvae that formed cocoons under them had fed on the 1950 foliage. The first concrete evidence that some P. erichsonii remained in diapause throughout the summer of 1950 was found when the intact cocoons from a laboratory-reared collection were opened in August, 1950. There were 1,181 cocoons in the collection and of these 88, or 7.45 per cent., contained living P. erichsonii larvae. This per- centage was not large enough to account for the important decrease in P. erichsonii population in 1950. During May and June; when normally dia- pause is broken and pupation occurs, the temperature in the laboratory was considerably higher than in the field. The average temperature in the labor- atory was about 62°F. ; at Grand Forks, which is about 1500 feet lower in elevation than the area of P. erichsonii infestation, the average tem- peratures during- May and June were 51°F. and 61°F. respectively. The higher temperature in the laboratory could have been responsible for a smaller portion of the P. erichsonii larvae remaining in diapause in the laboratory than in the field. Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 83 TABLE II Average weights of P. erichsonii cocoons in 3 size groups, 1949 and 1950. Size of cocoons 1949 1950 Weight Number Average weight, mg. Number Average weight, mg. decrease, mg. Large (10! to less than llimm.) 145 86.2 113 83.5 2.7 Medium (9| to less than lOfmm.) 170 73.6 229 69.2 3.4 Small (8 to less than 9|mm.) 221 55.5 99 50.9 4.6 If a large portion of the P. erichsonii larvae did in fact remain in dia- pause in the cocoons during the sum- mer of 1950, it would be expected that the cocoons collected in the autumn of 1950 would be similar in weight and size to those that were collected in the autumn of 1949. There was no important difference in the weights of cocoons in the two years (Table II). The slight decrease that occurred in 1950 could have been caused by desic- cation during the summer of 1950. However, there was an important difference in the percentages of medium and small cocoons (Table III). There was a large increase in the percentage of medium and a large decrease in the percentage of small cocoons in 1950. This seemed to be irrefutable evidence that the cocoons collected in 1950 could not have been part of the 1949 population as they must have been if the larvae in them had remained in diapause. , ■ " ' \ 1 TABLE III Percentages of large, medium, and small cocoons of P. erichsonii, 1949 and 1950. Size of cocoons 1949 1950 Number Per cent. Number Per cent Large 145 27.1 113 25.6 Medium 170 31.7 229 51.9 Small 221 41.2 99 22.4 An explanation for this anomaly was found when the rearing data were examined. The random collection from which the 88 larvae remaining in diapause were dissected was com- prised of 1,181 cocoons, and from these 634 adults of M. aulicus and 309 adults of P. erichsonii were incubated. The numbers of each and the number of M. aulicus that remained in dia- pause are shown in Fig. 1, each plot- ted point representing the number of specimens for a 5-mg. group; e.g., from cocoons weighing 46 to 50 mg. 84 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 4 adults of P. erichsonii emerged. It was seen that there was complete emergence from all cocoons that weighed less than 60 mg. and that the insects remained in diapause only in the larger and heavier cocoons. The largest numbers that remained in diapause were in the 75-mg. group. This corresponds closely with 73.6 mg., the average weight of the med- ium-sized cocoons in 1949 (Table II). If this occurred in the field, it would explain the reduction in the number of small cocoons and the increase in the number of medium-sized cocoons in 1950 (Table III). Fig. 1. — Numbers of adults of Pristiphora erichsonii (Htg.) (....) and of Mesoleius aulicus (Grav.) (----) that emerged, and numbers of larvae of M. aulicus remaining in diapause ( ), from various weights of cocoons of P. erichsonii collected in British Columbia in 1949 and reared in 1950; each plotted point represents the number of specimens for a 5-mg. group, e.g, from cocoons weighing 46 to 50 mg. 4 adults of P. erichsonii emerged. All the information obtained from field observation and laboratory rear- ing data supports the opinion that the reduction in abundance of P. erichsonii in 1950 was caused by a large portion of the population remaining in dia- pause. There was no evidence that needle cast, winter weather conditions, or parasites were responsible for the unusual population reduction. Although parasites are not consid- ered to have been responsible for the reduction in the population of P. erich- sonii in 1950, they are an important control factor. This opinion is sup- ported by the record of percentage Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 85 parasitism obtained by dissection (Table I) and by the proportion of M. aulicus adults that emerged from the random collection of 1,181 cocoons of P. erichsonii collected in 1949 and rear- ed in 1950 (Fig. 1). Further evidence of the effectiveness of M. aulicus was obtained when the diapause P. erich- sonii larvae were dissected in August, 1950; 89.8 per cent, of them contained living M. aulicus larvae. This showed that the parasite had synchronized its development with that of the host, thus ensuring the continued effective- ness of the parasite. References Hopping, G. R., H. B. Leech, and C. V. G. Morgan. 1943. The larch sawfly, Pristi- phora erichsonii (Hartig), in British Colum- bia, with special reference to the cocoon parasites Mesoleius tenthredinis Morley and Tritneptis klugii (Ratzeburg). Sci. Agr. 24: 53-63. BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE CHERRY CASEBEARER, COLEOPHORA PRUNIELLA CLEMENS, IN BRITISH COLUMBIA* D. B. Waddell1 2 Fruit Insect Laboratory, Summerland, B.C. An outbreak of the cherry case- bearer, Coleophora pruniella Clem., occurred in two adjacent apple orchards at Creston in the Kootenay Valley in 1947. This is the first record of this species for the Province of British Columbia. The insect was reported causing serious damage to apple at Salem, Oregon, in 1937, by Hsiao and Mote (1939), marking the most westerly record for this species. Known since 1861, when it was des- cribed, the cherry casebearer has been a serious pest of both cherry and apple in the United States and Canada during the past 25 years. Fetch and Armstrong (1926) recorded that apple orchards in the Lake St. Louis area of Quebec had been heavily infested for several years. These authors were the first to give adequate descrip- tions of all stages of the insect and an adequate account of the life- history. Petch and Maheux (1930) reported little damage to apple in Quebec from this species, whereas 5 per cent, injury was caused by the cigar casebearer, Coleophora occidentis Zell. The latter species, the only casebearer hitherto recorded as having caused damage to orchards in British Columbia, was reported by Treherne (1914, p. 25) to be present in every orchard of the Lower Fraser Valley 1 Contribution No. 2888, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 2 Associate Entomologist. in 1912-13. Later Glendenning (1923) noted its presence in that valley but not as a serious pest. Hutson (1931, ’32) reported the cherry casebearer to be a spectacular pest of cherry in Michigan. Its depredations in or- chards were first noted in 1929, al- though known on wild black cherry from the time of its description. LOCALITY, VARIETIES OF FRUIT ATTACKED, AND SEVERITY OF INFESTATION The coleophorid infestation was con- fined to two adjacent orchards one mile southeast of Creston, at the southern end of the Kootenay Valley. One orchard contained only mature McIntosh apple trees, the other a mixed planting with McIntosh pre- dominating but including Delicious, Jonathan, Winter Banana, and scat- tered pears and cherries. All fruit varieties were attacked, McIntosh most severely; the heaviest infesta- tion and damage occurred in the or- chard with the mixed planting. The difference in severity of damage be- tween the two orchards was due to an application of dormant oil-dinitro orthocresol to the McIntosh planting but not to the mixed planting. The infestation was first noted in the fall of 1947, when the twigs and fruit spurs were literally covered with overwintering cases. Evidently some damage had occurred in 1947 but had not been reported by the growers. In 86 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 1948 the injury to the developing foliage was severe, approximately 60 per cent, of the leaves on some trees being almost completely skeletonized. Set, size, and colour of fruit were markedly affected. Late summer damage by young larvae was notice- able but not severe. Injury in 1949 was light, because of the application of a dormant spray in each orchard. LIFE-HISTORY The life-history of C. prunieila in the the Kootenays follows in general that related for Quebec (Petch and Arm- strong, 1926), Michigan (Hutson, 1931), and Oregon (Hsiao and Mote, 1939). Dates noted in the develop- mental period refer to 1948 records. Egg . — The eggs are light yellow, convoluted, and conoid ; they are laid singly, usually on lower leaf surfaces in mid-July (July 12-23). As many as 60 eggs were observed on one leaf. Thirty leaves taken at random from lower portions of trees averaged 20 eggs per leaf. The incubation period was approximately 10 days. Petch and Armstrong (1926) reported 18 days as the average period of incuba- tion for Quebec, whereas Hsiao and Mote (1939) reported 14 days for Oregon. All eggs hatched by August 10. Larva. — Eclosion occurs through the base of the egg, so that the larva never exposes itself as it commences to mine the area between the upper and lower epidermal layers. The egg shell serves as a protection for the larva and for the storage of frass, while the larva gradually bores its way through the leaf tissues, forming a blotch mine around the egg shell. It continues to feed in the original mine for 3 to 3.5 weeks before form- ing a case and becoming mobile. The earliest cases were observed on August 16; forming of cases was complete by September 2. The larva moves fre- quently once the case is formed, tunnelling out a small, almost circular mine at each feeding site, so that the leaves become “peppered” with mines. After continuing to feed for 4 to 6 weeks the larva moves to a twig or spur, there to overwinter. Although feeding is prolonged over a 7-week period, mining is slow and larvae do not increase greatly in size. The original case is enlarged at least once. The overwintering cases are about 3.5 mm. long and 1.0 mm. in diameter. The majority of the larvae had moved to overwintering quarters by October 15. The larvae move from winter quarters at the end of April, when they attack the opening leaves. They feed for approximately 7 weeks, during which two additions are made to the cases. Mining is extensive during this period, and leaf injury may be severe, appearing as skeletonized dead and brown areas varying in shape and size. There was no yellowing or leaf drop as reported by Hutson (1931) in Michigan. Pupation: — When mature, the lar- vae usually move to the twigs to pupate ; some, however, remain at- tached to leaves and others lower themselves to the ground by silken threads and move to the tree trunks. The pupation period is about 10 days. Hsiao and Mote (1939) reported a pupation period of 3 weeks, but this record may refer to the period be- tween cessation of feeding and moth emergence. About 2 weeks after the larvae cease feeding (about June 7) the moths emerge. Adult. — In 1948, moths commenced to emerge on June 25 and continued until July 12, with the peak of flight about July 11. At this time hundreds of moths were noted in the cover crop and on the lower limbs of each tree. The moth population then gradually declined toward the end of the month. The first eggs were noted on July 12, the majority being laid by July 23. CHEMICAL CONTROL The normal spray schedule for apple scab and the codling moth, consisting of 4 to 5 sprays of lime-sulphur and calcium arsenate commencing in the pink stage of apple development, was of no value in controlling this pest. Additional sprays of lead arsenate and cryolite also failed to have any effect. Petch and Armstrong (1926) Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 87 and Hutson (1932) reported similar results with these materials. Tre- herne (19T4},Tiowever, noted that lead arsenate applied before or after blos- soming would control the cigar case- bearer. Also, Gould (1936) reported control of the pistol casebearer, C. malivorella Riley, with lead arsenate. Hutson (1932) in Michigan, and Lilly and Fluke (1933, ’34) in Wisconsin, reported effective control of the cherry casebearer with dormant oil 6 to 10 per cent, concentration. The latter authors found that a dormant lime- sulphur spray (1:8) in a fall applica- tion gave satisfactory control. The cigar casebearer, Coleophora occidentis Zell., in Norfolk County, Ontario, was not controlled with arsenicals, but dormant sprays of 1 per cent. “Elgetol” (20% dinitrocresol) or 0.5 per cent. “Elgetol” in 3 per cent, dormant oil emulsion gave excellent control (Hall, J. A., in litt., 1948). Of the chemical treatments applied at Creston, by far the most satisfactory was dormant oil, 2 gallons, and 40 per cent, dinitrocresol, 1.5 pounds, per 100 gallons of spray mixture. NATURAL CONTROL The egg, larval, and pupal stages of C. pruniella are known to be heavily parasitized. Petch and Armstrong (1926) reported 17 species of hymen- opterous parasites in Quebec. Doner (1934) reared 32 species of parasites in Wisconsin ; Bracon pygmaeus Prov., obtained from 70 per cent, of all para- sitized larvae, was the most abundant. The same author (1936) recorded a long list of parasites, of which B. pyg- maeus was again the most important. Total parasitism of mature larvae in Wisconsin ranged from 5 to 59 per cent. Eurydinota lividicorpus Gir. was the most common chalcidoid. Hsiao and Mote (1939) noted that these two parasites were important factors in the control of the pest in Oregon. Gould (1936) reared 36 species of para- sitic Hymenoptera from the pistol casebearer, C. malivorella Riley ; and later, Gould and Geissler (1940) re- ported a total of 40 species reared from the same host in West Virginia. Beacher (1947) recorded 15 species of parasites of C. malivorella in Pennsyl- vania and Delaware. The species of hymenopterous para- sites reared from the pistol casebearer are the same as those attacking the cherry casebearer. Indeed, some of these parasites, e.g., E. lividicorpus, at- tack only members of the genus Coleo- phora. The occurrence of this par- ticular parasite in Creston indicates that the insect may have been present in that area for some time. In 1948, some 500 encased larvae were collected from the infested Cres- ton orchards in May and June. Five species of parasites were reared, in- cluding three chalcidoids and two ichneumonoids. The most abundant was the chalcid Spilochalcis aibifrons (Walsh), which constituted 49 per cent, of the total. In 1949, 2,770 en- cased larvae were collected in May and July. Parasitism of larvae and pupae totalled approximately 15 per cent, and included 22 species, of which 16 were chalcidoids and the remain- der ichneumonoids. It was not possible to demonstrate the presence of egg parasites, although one such species, Closterooerus sp. near tricinctus (Ashm.). was reared from a mature coleophorid larva. The para- sites reared may not all be primary parasites. Possible hyperparasitic species include Gelis tenellus (Say) and Hypopteromalus percussor Gir., although the former has been noted elsewhere as a primary parasite of C. pruniella. The limited number of individuals of some parasitic species suggests that their role as coleophorid parasites may have been accidental. The encyrtid Copidosoma truncatellum (Dalm.) is one of these. Three species, G. tenellus, Closterocerus sp. near tricinctus, and T etrastichus sp., were found to have as alternate hosts two unidentified willow leaf miners. Examination of the figures for the relative abundance of the parasite species (Table I) indi- cates that the braconid wasp Bracon pygmaeus Prov. is the most important parasite of the cherry casebearer in Creston. T etrastichus spp. and the chal- cid Spilochalcis aibifrons (Walsh) are next in importance. 88 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 TABLE I Relative abundance of parasites of COLEOPHORA PRUN1ELLA Clem, at Creston, B.C. Per cent, of Species total reared 1948 1949 Bracon pygmaeus Prov. 24.0 39.6 Tetrastichus sp. 12.6 Sympiesis sp. near ancylae Gir. 9.8 Spilochalcis albifrons (Walsh) 49.0 8.8 Hypopteromalus percussor Gir. 7.6 Gelis tenellus (Say) 7.1 Itoplectis obesus Cush. 14.0 5.5 Habrocytus thyridopterigis How. 3.5 Elachertus proteoteratis How. 1.3 Eurydinota lividicorpus Gir. Closterocerus sp. near 1.0 tricinctus (Ashm.) 0.5 Tetrastichus xanthops (Ratz.) 12.0 Habrocytus phycidis Ashm. 1.0 Other species (11) 2.7 A large number of the parasitic Hymenoptera reared from coleophor- ids at Creston are new records as casebearer parasites. However, the most important parasites, including B. pygmaeus, S. albifrons, Tetrastichus spp., G. tenellus and E. lividicorpus, are continentally widespread as parasites not only of C. pruniella but also of other coleophorids (Table 2). LONGEVITY OF PARASITES Studies were carried out on the longevities of some species of para- sites reared from coleophorid larvae and pupae. Upon emergence from host cocoons, the parasites were trans- ferred to shell vials, 5.5 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter, stop- pered with corks. Dried raisins, pinned to the corks and wetted periodically, were supplied, as food. Table 3 records the results. TABLE 11 Parasites of the Cherry Casebearer, COLEOPHORA PRUNIELLA Clemens, in British Columbia, and Records of Some of these Species from Quebec, Oregon, and the Pistol Casebearer, C. MAL1VORELLA Riley Species Locality Host .c3 » 1* S B. ° c u. o ~ o m o -S 2? 3 u — OO OO ON S’ On On HYMENOPTERA Chalcidoidea Chalcididae S pil o chal as al bifrons (Walsh) - X X Encyrtidae Copidosoma truncatellum (Dalm.) X Eulophidae Horismenus sp. near fraternus (Fitch) X Elachertus proteoteratis How. X Chrysocharis sp. X Closterocerus sp. near tricinctus (Ashm.) X Sympiesis sp. near ancylae Gir. X Pnigalio sp. near tischeriae Ashm. X Sympiesis sp. X Tetrastichus sp. X Tetrastichus xanthops (Ratz.) X Pteromalidae Catolaccus aeneoviridis X X X (Gir.) X X Eurydinota lividicorpus Gir. X X X X Habrocytus phycidis Ashm. X X Habrocytus thyridopterigis How. X X Habrocytus sp. X IHabrocytus sp. X Hypopteromalus percussor Gir. X ICHNEUMONOIDEA Braconidae Bracon pygmaeus Prov. X X X X X ICHNEUMONIDAE Gelis tenellus (Say) X X Itoplectis obesus Cush. X X Itoplectis quadricingulatus (Prov.) X Scambus hispae (Harr.) X * Petch and Armstrong (1926) ** Hsiao and Mote (1939) *** Beacher (1947), Pennsylvania and Dela- ware; Gould and Geissler (1940), West Virginia. Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 89 TABLE III Longevities of parasites of the cherry casebearer Species No. of Length of life in days individuals Maximum l Minimum Mean Brae on pygmaeus Prov. 20 77 5 36.9 Sympiesis sp. near ancylae Gir. 23 61 5 23.0 Spilochalcis albifrons (Walsh) 18 177 8 78.0 Gelis tenellus (Say) 8 81 8 50.4 Itoplectis obesus Cush. 10 33 1 16.8 The longest-lived of the parasites was S. albifrons, one specimen surviv- ing for 177 days. The mean of 78.0 days is considerably higher than that of the next longest-lived species, G. tenellus (50.4 days). The maximum and mean longevities of B. pygmaeus (77 and 36.9 days) and S. albifrons (177 and 78.0 days) show a marked difference from the results found by Beacher (1947), who recorded 58.0 and 22.1 days for the former, and 10.0 and 8.0 days for the latter. Beacher used raisins for the food supply, but did not record supplying water, which may account for the differences. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer is indebted to Dr. T. N. Freeman and to Dr. O. Peck and Mr. G. S. Walley, Systematic Entomology, Division of Entomology, Ottawa, for identification of the coleophorids and the parasitic Hymenoptera, respect- ively. References Bcachcr, J. H. 1947. Studies of pistol case- bearer parasites. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 40:530-544. Doner, M. H. 1934. Observations on the biology of Microbracon pygmaeus (Prov.), an important parasite of Coleophora pruniel- la Cl. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 27 :435-442. — 1936. Hymenopterous parasites of Coleo- phora pruniella Cl., and parasites recorded from other species of Coleophora. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 29:224-244. Glendenning, R. 1923. Insects of economic importance in the Fraser Valley in 1921. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C., 17 and 19:167-172. Gould, E. 1936. Notes and observations on the pistol case-bearer. J. Econ. Ent. 29:573-575. Gould, E., and G. H. Geissler. 1940. Para- sites of the pistol case-bearer. J. Econ. Ent. 33:814-815. Hsiao, Tsai Yu, and D. C. Mote. 1939. The cherry case-bearer, Coleophora pruniella Clem., in Oregon. J. Econ. Ent. 32:363-365. Hutson, R. 1931. The cherry case-bearer, Coleophora pruniella Clemens, in Michigan. J. Econ. Ent. 24:54-56. — 1932. The control of cherry case-bearer ( Coleophora pruniella) by dormant and other sprays. J. Econ. Ent. 25 : 1 16-120. Lilly, J. H., and C. L. Fluke. 1933. New developments in the control of the cherry case-bearer ( Coleophora pruniella, Clem.) in Wisconsin. J. Econ. Ent. 26:805-812. — 1934. A progress report on the control of the cherry case-bearer ( Coleophora pruniella Clem.) in Wisconsin. J. Econ. Ent. 27:1142-1147. Petch, C. E., and T. Armstrong. 1926. Coleophora pruniella Clemens ; a new pest of apple in Quebec. 18th Rept. Quebec Soc. Prot. Plants, 1925-26, pp. 93-95. Petch, C. E., and G. Maheux. 1931. Insects of the season of 1930 in Quebec. 61st Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1930, p. 19. Petit, R. H., and R. Hutson. 1931. The in- sect situation in Michigan. 61st Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1930, p. 33. Treherne, R. C. 1914. Report from Van- couver district : insects economically im- portant in the Lower Fraser Valley. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C., 4:19-33. 90 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 EFFECTS OF LOW WINTER TEMPERATURES ON SOME ORCHARD MITES1 C V. G. Morgan2 Fruit Insect Laboratory, Summerland, B.C. INTRODUCTION Many observations have been made on the effects of abnormally severe winters on the mortality of insects, but very few records have been noted of the influence of such climatic con- ditions on the development of orchard mites. Yothers (1917), in discussing the effects of the freeze of February 2-4, 1917, upon citrus pests in Florida, stated that the rust mite, Eriophyss oleivorus Ashm., was nearly exterminat- ed in those areas in which the mini- mum winter temperature varied from 15 to 20°F. Adults of the citrus red mite, Pamtetranychus citri (McG.) [Tel- ranychus citri McG.,], were not affected, but the eggs were thought to have been killed, as the pest was not abundant the following summer. The mite Tenuipalpus bioculatus McG. was slightly reduced in number, but Tet- ranychus y other si McG. appeared to have been seriously affected. Several other authors have published accounts of the influence of climatic factors on mite development, but these have been mainly concerned with the effects of summer temperatures on abundance. The observations reported here were made in the Okanagan and Kootenay valleys of British Columbia during 1950, immediately after the coldest winter on record in Western Canada. Temperatures during No- vember and December, 1949, did not fall below zero, but mean tempera- tures for December were one to four degrees below normal in the south- ern interior of the Province. Below- zero temperatures were common throughout January and the first few days of February, 1950. Records kept at the Summerland laboratory showed that these temperatures occurred in three cycles; the first from January 2 to 4 (minimum -9.0°F.), the second from January 13 1 Contribution No. 2887, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 2 Associate Entomologist. to 18 (minimum -8.8°F.), and the third from January 24 to February 3 (minimum -15.9°F.). Minimum win- ter temperatures recorded at official weather stations were: -23°F. at Oliver, - 16°F. at Penticton, -24°F. at Kelowna, -32°F. at Vernon, -37°F. at Kamloops, - 16°F. at Nelson, and -20°F. at Creston. These tempera- tures were 15 to 20 degrees below normal in the interior valleys im- mediately north of the International Boundary (Boughner, 1950). As a result orchard trees of all types were severely damaged throughout the Okanagan Valley. In addition it might be expected that such abnorm- ally low temperatures would have a detrimental effect on the invertebrate fauna of the orchards. It was the purpose of the investigation to de- termine the effects of the sub-zero temperatures on the mortalities of the overwintering forms of the following orchard mites : the European red mite, Metatetranychus ulmi (Koch) ; the two- spotted spider mite, Tetranychus bima - culatus Harvey ; the Pacific mite, Eotetranychus pad ficus (McG.) ; and Eotetranychus fiavus (Ewing), known to growers as the yellow Willamette mite. METHODS Samples of overwintering mites were collected from the latter part of February to the end of April, 1950. Where possible these collections were made from a number of areas to ob- tain material subjected to various minimum winter temperatures. The minimum temperature given for each collection site was based largely on a compromise of records from a num- ber of household thermometers and the nearest weather station, since the collection locale was often many miles from an official station. European red mite mortality was determined by placing the spurs cr twigs containing the winter eggs in Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 91 TABLE I Percentage Survival of European Red Mite Winter Eggs Subjected to Various Minimum Winter Temperatures and Incubated at 65, 75, or 85°F. Minimum Incubation Eggs Area winter temperature in Survival temperature, °F. °F. sample per cent. Nelson —18 65 242 68.6 75 453 62.3 85 248 52.8 Oliver —23 65 305 54.1 75 102 46.1 85 223 39.9 Vernon —32 65 3079 15.8 75 2674 12.6 85 2542 10.4 Salmon Arm — 30 to — 35 65 294 0.0 75 500* 0.0 Salmon Arm — 35 to — 38 65 489 0.0 75 500* 0.0 Salmon Arm -40 ♦ 65 2500* 0.0 * Estimated a constant temperature cabinet and incubating the eggs until they hatch- ed. The eggs were incubated at 65, 75, or 85°F. and at a relative humidity of approximately 80 per cent. The two-spotted spider mite, the Pacific mite, and the Willamette mite winter as mature females, generally in colonies under the bark scales of scaffold limbs and the trunk, and under fallen leaves and debris on the ground around the tree base. Mites that hibernate in the latter site obtain extra protection from cold by snow coverage. Accordingly, two samples of infested bark scales were taken at each collection point, one above snow line and the other below. These samples were gradually warmed to room temperature, and mortality was determined by comparing the num- bers of living and dead mites. Only one collection of the Willamette mite was obtained, as at that time this mite was not known to occur in large numbers except in one orchard. RESULTS Differences in the survival of the European red mite winter eggs sub- jected to various low winter tempera- tures are shown in Table I. Between 52.8 and 68.6 per cent, of the eggs survived a temperature of - 18°F. Where -32°F. was experienced, only 10.4 to 15.8 per cent, of the eggs re- mained alive. No larvae could be reared from eggs collected in the Sal- mon Arm area, where temperatures of -30 to -40°F. were common. The results indicated that all winter eggs of the European red mite would be killed by a minimum temperature be- tween -32 and -35°F. and that this might be the minimum isotherm that could determine the possible northern limit of existence of this mite. Sub- sequent field observations, however, proved that this was not the case. Although the European red mite could 92 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 not be found in the Salmon Arm orch- ards in June or July, 1950, several specimens were observed in August, and by the spring of 1951 it was com- mon enough that control measures would probably be required sometime during the year. In the Okanagan Valley, the European red mite was not particularly troublesome in 1950, but this may have been due to the application of the parathion “pink” spray, which gave excellent control in the majority of orchards for the remainder of the season. The results also indicate that a relatively cool spring may be more conducive to the occurrence of large populations of the European red mite than very warm weather when winter eggs are incubating. Fewer larvae were obtained when the eggs were in- cubated at 85°F. than at 75 or 65°F. Mites that overwinter in the adult stage appear to be less resistant to extremely low temperatures than those, such as the European red mite, that overwinter as eggs. Of the three mites investigated that winter in the adult stage, the two-spotted spider mite may be the hardiest : 37.2 per cent, survived a temperature of -23°F., whereas only 5.6 to 6.2 per cent, of the wintering adults of the Pacific mite remained alive after be- ing exposed to -22°F. and less than one per cent, of the adults of the Willamette mite survived a tempera- ture of -20°F. Table II demonstrates the value of the protection offered by the snow cover, the survival being much higher below than above the snow line. TABLE II Percentage Survival of the Two-spotted Spider Mite, the Pacific Mite, and the Willamette Mite Subjected to Various Minimum Winter Temperatures. Mite Minimum winter Area temperature °F. Collection above or below snow line Winter adults in sample Survival per cent. Two-spotted Oliver —23 above 3839 37.2 spider mite below 1676 46.0 Salmon Arm —30 above 3000* 0.0 below 457 31.3 Kamloops —37 above 3000* 0.0 Pacific mite Summerland —22 above 839 6.2 above 1816 5.6 Kelowna —25 above 282 0.0 below 220 41.8 West Summerland —30 above 2000* 0.1 below 2593 35.1 Willamette Summerland —20 above 5000* 0.1 mite below 5973 14.6 * Estimated Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 93 Although these three pests were greatly reduced in numbers in many areas, the reduction was not sufficient to be of economic importance to the fruit grower. In 1950, the two-spotted spider mite did more damage in the Okanagan Valley than at any time previously; severe infestations were very common from Penticton north to Salmon Arm. Pacific mite popula- tions were slightly larger than in 1949, and medium to severe infesta- tions occurred in several orchards. The Willamette mite, which was found in the fall of 1949 at Summer- land for the first time in the Province, occurred throughout the Valley from the International Boundary north to Kamloops. Severe infestations de- veloped in a number of orchards. SUMMARY In the British Columbia fruit- grow- ing area the coldest winter on record occurred in 1950. Temperatures of -15 to - 15°F. were common. This was 15 to 20 degrees below normal. Field collections of the overwinter- ing forms of the European red mite, the two-spotted spider mite, the Pa- cific mite, and the Willamette mite were made from the latter part of February to the end of April, 1950, to determine the effects of the low winter temperatures. Practically 100 per cent, of the European red mite winter eggs were killed in the Sal- mon Arm area, where temperatures of -30 to -40°F. were common. The European red mite was not found in this area until August, 1950, but by the spring of 1951 it was common enough that control measures were necessary. The two-spotted spider mite appeared to be the hardiest of the three forms that winter as adults. Although these three mites were greatly reduced in numbers by the cold winter, summer populations were larger during the growing season of 1950 than in 1949. , References Boughner, C. C. 1950. Monthly weather map. Canada, Dept, of Transport, Meteor- ological Service. Yothers, W. W. 1917. The effects of the freeze of February 2-4, 1917, on the in- sect pests and mites on citrus. Florida Buggist, 1 :30-35, 38-40. A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE HEMIPTERA OF THE KOOTENAY VALLEY1 D. B. Waddell2 Fruit Insect Laboratory, Summerland, B.C. INTRODUCTION Studies to determine the insect vector or vectors of the little cherry virus disease in the Kootenay Valley were carried out during the seasons of 1946-49. As part of the investiga- tion a survey was made of the insects occurring on sweet cherry and other host plants common in the Valley. Although all orders of insects were collected, little interest was taken in other than the Hemiptera, since nearly all the virus vectors known belong to that order. The accompanying list forms only part of the total. 1 Contribution No. 2886, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. 2 Associate Entomologist. METHODS, HOSTS, AND COLLECTION AREA Collecting was done by various means: (1) a sweeping net, (2) knockdown sprays and a large canvas ground sheet, (3) a hand suction ap- paratus, and (4) 6-inch-by-12-inch plywood boards coated with “Dead- line” tanglefoot on one surface and hung by wire loops in tree or shrubs. The last-named method proved highly satisfactory and yielded species that were not taken from the same hosts by any other means. There was some difficulty in removing the tanglefoot from the specimens. The most suc- cessful procedure involved placing a drop of kerosene on each specimen, which was then loosened and remov- ed from the board with dissecting 94 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 needles and placed in a small beaker of kerosene. The beaker was warm- ed; the contents were gently swirled, and filtered through a number 4 What- man filter paper. The insects were removed from the filter paper and placed in petroleum ether, gently swirled, and poured on to a dry filter paper. The petroleum ether quickly evaporated, and then the specimens were mounted or stored. Sometimes while the insects were in the kerosene and/or petroleum ether it was neces- sary to use fine dissecting needles to tease out large masses of the tangle- food trapped in the legs. The tangle- food collecting method was useful for most Hemiptera and Coleoptera, and some Diptera and Hymenoptera. Regular collections were made from the following hosts throughout the growing season : sweet cherry, Prunus avium L. ; wild cherry, Prunus emargin- ata (Dougl.) Walper var. mollis (Dough) Brewer; apple Pyrus malus L. ; wild rose, Rosa nutkana Presl. ; thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorus Nutt. ; willow, Salix sp. ; poplar, Populus tricho- carpa T. & G. ; red clover, Trifolium pratense L. ; alfalfa, Medicago sativa L. ; and cover crops : mixed grasses, clovers, and alfalfa. Collections were made in the area limited by Creston, at the south end of Kootenay Lake ; Kootenay Bay, 50 miles north, on the east side of the lake; Nelson, 50 miles north and 30 miles west, on the west arm of the Insect Species ClCADELLIDAE Agallia quadripunctata (Prov.) Aceratagallia californica (Baker) Oncopsis pruni (Prov.) Oncopsis spp. (two) Idiocerus spp. (two) Idiocerus spp. (five) Gyponana angulata (Spbg.) Gyponana serrata DeL. Aphrodes albifrons (L.) Aphrodes costata (Panz.) Draeculacephala sp. Neokolla hieroglyphica (Say) Dikraneura absenta DeL. & C. Dikraneura carneola (Stal) lake ; and Kaslo, 80 miles north, on the west side of the lake. Collections in 1946 were made by Mr. Harry Andi- son of the Fruit Insect Laboratory, Victoria, British Columbia. DESIGNATION OF PLANT "HOSTS" The indiscriminate usage of the term host has been the bane of taxon- omists for some time, particularly in the Heteroptera and Homoptera. In the accompanying list the plant-insect relationship is designated as follows: where no symbol is given, the plant listed is one on which the insect species was collected, and does not imply a food or host-plant relationship. h (host) indicates a plant in which eggs were deposited and on which nym- phal development occurred. F (food plant) indicates a plant known to be utilized as a source of food by adults. The additional symbol Test indicates that the insect species survived on sweet cherry, at least during the ex- perimental period in vector feeding tests. Acknowledgments The writer is indebted for determin- ations as follows : — Heteroptera : Dr. R. I. Sailer, U.S. Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D.C. ; Homop- tera (other than Cicadellidae) : Miss L. M. Russell, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. ; Cica- dellidae; Dr. P. W. Oman, U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., and Dr. D. J. Knull, Ohio State College, Columbus, Ohio. cover crop sweet cherry cover crop, flying near willow flying near willow on cages surrounding test trees willow cover crop thimbleberry, willow thimbleberry, poplar, cover crop, sweet cherry. Test cover crop, sweet cherry, thimbleberry cover crop cover crop sweet cherry, f; cover crop, f; poplar. Test sweet cherrv. Test TABLE I HOMOPTERA Collection Source Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 95 Dikraneura sp., prob. carneola (Stal) Dikrella cruentata Gill. Empoasca atrolabes Gill. Empoasca incida DeL. Empoasca maligna Walsh Empoasca deluda DeL. Empoasca sp. near vincula DeL. Empoasca sp. Empoasca sp. Typhlocyba ariadne McA. cover crop sweet cherry, f ; thimbleberry, f. Test thimbleberry willow, poplar sweet cherry, h; cover crop. Test cover crop wild cherry, sweet cherry . Test thimbleberry sweet cherry sweet cherry, f; cover crop; willow; thimbleberry. Test Typhlocyba commissuralis Stal Typhlocyba pomaria McA. willow. Test sweet cherry, h; wild cherry; cover crop. Test Typhlocyba pr uni cola Edw. Typhlocyba rosae (L.) Typhlocyba sp. Typhlocyba sp. Typhlocyba sp. Erythroneura sp. near acicularis Beam. Erythroneura aspera B. & G. Erythroneura insigna B. & G. Erythroneura plena Beam. Erythroneura sp. obliqua group ? Erythroneura sp. Erythroneura sp. Erythroneura sp. Scaphytopius acutus (Say) sweet cherry wild rose, h ; sweet cherry, h. Test sweet cherry, willow. Test sweet cherry, thimbleberry sweet cherry wild cherry. Test sweet cherry, f. Test sweet cherry. Test wild cherry, h ; sweet cherry, F. Test sweet cherry sweet cherry, f; wild cherry. Test wild cherry. Test willow. Test thimbleberry, poplar, cover crop, sweet cherry. Test Scaphytopius oregonens'ts (Baker) Balclutha punctata (Thumb.) Macrosteles div'tsus (Uhl.) Osbornellus borealis DeL. & M. Colladonus flavocapitatus (Van D.) Colladonus geminatus (Van D.) Colladonus montanus (Van D.) Idiodonus cockerelli (Ball) Twiningia pellucida (Ball) F itch an a twiningi (Uhl.) Paraphlepsius bijidus (S. & DeL.) Euscelidius schenkii (Kbm.) Scleroracus sp. Exitianus exit'tosus (Uhl.) Psammotettix affinis (G. & B.) Psammotettix sp. Sorhoanus flavo-virens (G. & B.) Latalus sp. sweet cherry sweet cherry, cover crop. Test sweet cherry, cover crop. Test willow, sweet cherry poplar, wild cherry cover crop; alfalfa, f; sweet cherry. Test cover crop ; f ; sweet cherry. Test. sweet cherry willow willow sweet cherry cover crop ; red clover, f cover crop. Test sweet cherry, cover crop. Test sweet cherry cover crop cover crop cover crop Delphacidae Delphacodes consimil’ts (Van D.) Delphacodes pellucida (F.) Delphacodes sp. cover crop cover crop cover crop Cercopidae Philaenus leucophthalmus (L.) sweet cherry; cover crop, h; thimbleberry; wild cherry. Test Abhrophora permutata Uhl. Clastoptera obtusa var. tristis Van D. cover crop, on cages enclosing cherry trees willow PSYLI.IDAE Psylla trimaculata var astigmata Crawf. sweet cherry, f ; willow ; wild cherry, f. Test Aphalara persicarid Cald. cover crop ClCADIDAE Platypedia areolata (Uhl.) Okanagana vanduzeei Dist. sweet cherry, on cages enclosing cherry trees sweet cherry Membracidae Telamona pyramidata Uhl. willow 96 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 Aphididae Myzus cerasi (F.) sweet cherry, h. Test Coccidae Phenacoccus aceris (Sign.) Tingididae sweet cherry, h; apple, h. Test HETEROPTERA Corythucha mollicula 0. & D. willow, f. Test Pentatomidae Pus chi st us variolarius (P.B.) cover crop, on cages enclosing cherry trees. Test Cosmopepla bimaculata (Thom.) cover crop. Test Eurygaster alternatus (Say) cover crop Meador us lateralis (Say) thimbleberry, willow Aradidae Aradus funestus Bergr. on cages enclosing cherry trees Aradus inornatus Uhl. on cages enclosing cherry trees Mezira pacifica Usinger on cages enclosing cherry trees NaBIDAE Nabis alternatus Parsh. cover crop Nabis rufusculus Reuter cover crop Lygaeidae Stignocoris rusticus (Fall.) sweet cherry, cover crop. Test Kleidocerys franciscanus Stal cover crop Kleidocerys resedae (Panz.) on cages enclosing cherry trees Miridae Stenotus binotatus (F.) cover crop Mir is dolobratus (L.) cover crop Stenodema virens (L.) cover crop Capsus ater (L.) cover crop Lygus hesperus Knight cover crop Lygns elisus Van D. cover crop Lygus shulli Knight cover crop, h; wild cherry. Test Lygus ceanothi deleticus Knight thimbleberry Lygus sp. sweet cherry Deraeocoris fasciolus Knight sweet cherry. Test Deraeocoris sp. sweet cherry Phytocoris interspersus Uhl. willow Phytocoris hesperius Knight poplar Plagiognathus obscurus Uhl. cover crop Plagiognathus chrysanthemi (Wolff) cover crop Hyaliodes harti Knight willow*, sweet cherry, cover crop. Test Diaphnidia pellucida Uhl. willow Dicyphus sp. thimbleberry. Test Pilophorus sp. willow Summary A preliminary list of 108 species of Hemiptera collected in the Kootenay Valley of British Columbia from 1946 to 1949 is recorded. These include 63 species of Cicadellidae, 3 of Delpha- cidae, 3 of Cercopidae, 2 of Psyllidae, 2 of Cicadidae, 1 of Membracidae, 1 of Aphididae, 1 of Coccidae, 1 of Tingi- didae, 4 of Pentatomidae, 3 of Ara- didae, 2 of Nabidae, 3 of Lygaeidae, and 19 of Miridae. Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 97 A MODEL PROBLEM IN INSECT ECOLOGY Kenneth Graham University of British Columbia During the course of its life cycle, every insect encounters a number of crucial trials which it must pass if the species is to survive. These trials concern three important life activities, namely, reproduction, development and survival. A species must maintain a sufficient reproductive output, develop at a sufficient rate, and have enough survivors if it is to remain in existence. Ordinarily a species occurs in some- what greater abundance than the mere minimum for its survival. It exists in dynamic balance, decreasing under ad- versity, and increasing when con- ditions are especially favorable. Different environments provide con- ditions ranging from those which prohibit the existence of a given insect species, to those permitting great outbreaks. Among the problems of insect ecology are those concerned with ex- plaining why certain insects produce outbreaks, yet others in the same locality and even feeding on the same host do not. Another problem con- cerns the reason why certain areas experience the increase in insect popu- lation while others do not. The lodge- pole pine needle miner ( Recurvaria miller i Busck) provides an excellent opportunity for enquiry into these outbreak problems. The lodgepole pine needle miner had not been known in the Canadian Rockies until 1942. In that year, its injury to the needles resulted in dis- coloration of a small area of forest near Banff. This heralded the begin- ning of an outbreak which increased in extent and severity until it covered an area of about 400 square miles, involving Banff, Kootenay, Yoho and Jasper National Parks. Great con- cern arose over the possible extension of the infestation into the pine stands of the East Slope watershed. The loss of those stands could be calamit- ous to communities far along the rivers that have their origin in the mountains. Certain basic questions arise over this problem. Why did the outbreak develop where and when it did ? Can the infestations spread from epidemic centres, or do they develop autoch- thonously from endemic populations ? Are the East Slope forests really in danger from spread of outbreaks or build-up from endemic populations ? These problems are all open to in- vestigation by considering the par- ticular crucial trials that the needle miner must encounter. And now, what are these trials ? The crucial part in the life of a needle miner begins in the food re- serves carried into the pupal stage from the larva. The ultimate egg output depends firstly upon the quan- tity and quality of the food on which the larvae feed. The quality of food must vary according to numerous factors affecting the growth of the tree. Age of trees, soil, soil moisture, aspect, altitude, injuries, all varying locally and regionally, may have an influence on the food quality of foliage, and thereby affect the storage of ma- terials for eventual egg production in the insect. The next trial in the life of the insect-to-be is the successful pupation of the larva containing the future egg-forming substances. Conditions of environment determine the propor- tion of individuals that can complete the transformation. Of these condi- tions, temperature and humidity are probably the most important. Some seasons and some areas may be more favorable or less so than others. The needle miner in the Canadian Rockies passes through a long pupal period during the hottest and driest part of the year. In the dry hollowed-out needle the pupa, though partially pro- tected, is nevertheless exposed to desiccation and high temperature, for a period of up to six weeks. This stage is important in many Lepidop- tera as the period when the ovaries are developed and oogenesis takes 98 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 place. Desiccation during this period can greatly reduce the egg potential. It is conceivable that only certain areas, in certain years, provide condi- tions favorable to this process. This suggests the problem of determining the effect of environments in the non- infested areas to find whether or not they provide conditions favorable to egg formation. The pupal stage is beset with other hazards to survival at that time, the principal ones in the needle miner being parasites and birds. As another obstacle at the time of emergence, the adult may be unable to free itself from the pupa or needle containing it. Here again atmospheric moisture conditions may be influential. The eggs developed in the female must be fertilized if they are to hatch. The process of mating in Lepidoptera meets with maximum success only within rather narrow limits of temper- ature, humidity, light and air move- ment. Under adverse environmental conditions, low fertility may result. Here is another problem for study. Next, the fully formed, fertilized eggs, contained in the female, must be successfully laid. For this, the female must live a sufficient length of time and she must experience suitable en- vironmental conditions in order to lay them. Adverse temperature, and humidities during this pe'riod may cause a failure of the population in most areas and in most years. The eggs of the needle miner in the Canadian Rockies are almost exclus- ively laid within the cavity of the dry needles mined out during previous larval feeding. Here the delicate eggs are moderately well protected from mechanical damage, but not entirely from desiccation and heat. The suc- cess in hatching may thus vary locally, regionally and seasonally. When the larva has issued from the egg, it must crawl from the old mined- out needle to seek the foliage of the current season’s growth. Then, hav- ing found suitable needles, it must bore through the epidermis to find food and relative security. In this process of locating its food, the larva must overcome the trials of establish- ment during late summer and early fall. In the needles, the larva feeds during autumn as long as tempera- ture permits. Under continually fall- ing temperatures it apparently enters an induced diapause, in which state it does not respond readily to warming. During the winter months it is sub- jected to intense cold, sometimes of considerable duration, depending on the locality, altitude, and inflow of Chinook winds. Towards spring it may be subjected to early warming and partial activation, followed by sub-zero temperatures. Severe con- ditions between autumn and spring result in drastic reductions in needle miner populations. The degree of mortality varies according to locality and altitude. There appears to be less mortality in valleys where premature spring warming does not occur. There is also less killing at a certain eleva- tion above the valley floor, the reason probably being the presence of a warmer thermal layer during winter cold. It is probable that certain areas never provide winter conditions per- mitting population build-up of this insect. Finally, during a first summer of larval development, the needle miner is attacked by parasites, diseases and birds. Then it is exposed to a second winter of cold and a second summer of attack by natural enemies before it finally pupates. It is evident that the needle miner must pass the test of numerous critical conditions if it is to increase or even merely survive. Some areas, we know, provide condi- tions which, on occasion, permit population increase. Other areas probably are always unfavorable in at least one respect. In those areas, epidemics may never occur, regardless of the presence of an endemic popula- tion, and despite contagious tendencies of populations in adjacent areas. It may well be asked if perhaps the East Slope of the Rockies is too dry and hot during the reproductive period of the insect, and too cold or changeable during the overwintering stage of the larvae. Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 99 The needle miner therefore offers many interesting and productive ecological problems. It is especially convenient for study because, in the needle, the larva possesses relative fixity of abode, and thereby is amen- able to refined sampling methods. With pine as a host, it is possible to estimate the number of miners per branch tip, the number of branch tips per tree of various heights, and the number of trees of various sizes per acre. From these data a population census of the insect has been possible. Applying percentage figures for para- sitism, it has been possible to deter- mine the number of parasites per acre. This insect is therefore an eminently suitable one for developing population sampling statistics. The acquisition of reliable procedures for taking stock of populations will be of material assistance in measuring the influence of various factors. Nevertheless, after many decades of entomological pro- gress, in this case we cannot do better than turn to the insect itself for the real answers to some of the most far- reaching problems. The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Colum- bia is published annually. Individual volumes may be had for $1.00. Special rates on sets. Address C. L. Neilson, Secretary- Treasurer, Entomological Society of British Columbia, Court House, Vernon, B.C. ERRATA VOL. 47, 1951 Page 4, line 27— for IXODIAE read IXODIDAE Page 30, lines 8, 11 and 16 — the names Ascogaster quadridentata, Bessa harveyi and Bigonichaeta setipennis are misplaced and the upper half of the table should read as follows : — 100 Entomological Society of British Columbia, Proc. (1951), Vol. 48, Aug. 15, 1952 pci Q W m CQ to h ia 0 in 0 O O VO O ^ h- rT> I'-' (N O v\ c\ « <5 u O • Si d g £•£3 O ■5 O G w G-g ■£ g o 1 S.Ss.a « Si Cl, *G ru Uh -M rG P en X 3 « c«.5 £ CO :G 2: 3 .g i£ , ecu S 1 M -c 3 uu -d o 9 c f o « J SP P t; w (U « * %