j PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY E D I N B U I! G H. VOL. XLI. 1920-1921 n (\ 0 r* I o q f !j / EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY NEILL AND COMPANY, LIMITED. MDCCCCXXII. CONTENTS. PAGE 1. Size, A Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. Opening Address by Professor F. 0. Bower, M.A , D.Sc , LL.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., President. Issued separately December 30, 1920, ........ 1 2. On the Equations of Motion of a Single Particle. By J. H. M. Wedderburn, M.A., D.Sc. Issued separately January 24, 1921, . . . .26 3. iEther and the Quantum Theory. By H. Stanley Allen, M.A., D.Sc. Issued separately January 24, 1921, . . . . . .34 4. On the Transverse Galvanoinagnetic and Therm omagnetic Effects in several Metals. By F. Unwin, M.Sc. Communicated by Professor F. G. Baily, Issued separately March 17, 1921, . . . . . . 44 5. Observations on the Interruption of the Endodermis in a Secondarily Thickened Root of Draccena fruticosa , Koch. By Annette G. Mann, B.Sc. Communi- cated by Professor F. O. Bower, F.R.S. Issued separately March 17, 1921, . 50 6. On Fechner’s Law and the Self-Luminosity of the Eye. By Professor William Peddie, D.Sc. [Abstract], ....... 60 7. The Relation of the Soil Colloids to the Thermal Conductivity of the Soil. By Capt. T. Bedford Franklin, B.A. (Cantab.). Issued separately May 9, 1921, 61 8. On a Graphical Method of determining Shear Influence Lines and Diagrams of Maximum Shearing Force for a Beam subjected to a Series of Concentrated Rolling Loads. By Alex. R. Horne, B.Sc. (Lond.), Professor of Engineering, Robert Gordon’s Technical College, Aberdeen. Issued separately May 9, 1921, .......... 68 9. The Confluent Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. By Pierre Humbert. Communicated by Professor E. T. Whittaker, F.R.S. Issued separately May 9, 1921, ........ 73 10. An Experimental Analysis of the Losses by Evaporation of Liquid Air con- tained in Vacuum Flasks. By Professor Henry Briggs, D.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.S.M. Issued separately June 20, 1921, . . . . . . . 97 11. Note on a Continuant of Cayley’s of the Year 1874. By Sir Thomas Muir, F.R.S. Issued separately August 23, 1921, . . . . . .111 VI Contents. PAGK 12. On the. Old Red Sandstone Plants showing Structure, from the Rhynie Chert Bed, Aberdeenshire. Part IV. Restorations of the Vascular Cryptogams, and discussion of their bearing on the General Morphology of the Pteridophyta and the Origin of the Organisation of Land -Plants. Part V. The Thallo- phyta occurring in the Peat Bed ; the Succession of the Plants throughout a Vertical Section of the Bed, and the Conditions of Accumulation and Preser- vation of the Deposit. By R. Kidston, LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., and Professor W. H. Lang, D.Sc., F.R.S. Issued separately August 23, 1921 [Abstract], . 117 13. The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. By Henry Briggs, D.Sc., Ph.D., * A.R.S.M., and William Cooper, M.A., B.Sc. Issued separately August 23, 1921, .......... 119 14. Utilisation of Solid Caustic Soda in the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide. By Elizabeth Gilchrist, M.A., B.Sc., A.I.C. Communicated by Professor Henry Briggs, D.Sc., Ph.D. Issued separately September 5, 1921, . . . 128 15. On the Criterion for Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. By H. Levy, M.A., D.Sc., Assistant-Professor of Mathematics, Imperial College of Science, South Kensington. Issued separately December 13, 1921, . . 136 16. Note on Conditions for Mirage on the Queensferry Road. By Alex. G. Ramage. Issued separately December 13, 1921, ...... 148 17. The Annual Incidence of Intelligence, and its Measurement by the American Army Tests. By M. M‘Callum Fairgrieve, M.A. Issued separately December 13, 1921, .......... 150 18. Experiments with an Electrified Pith Ball in an Ionised Atmosphere. By Dr Dawson Turner and Mr D. M. R. Crombie. Issued separately December 13, 1921, .......... 154 Obituary Notices : — Robert Munro, M.A., M.D., LL.D. By Dr George Macdonald, C.B., . . 158 John George Bartholomew, LL.D. (Edin.), F.R.G.S., Geographer and Carto- grapher to the King. By Geo. G. Chisholm, M.A., B.Sc., Reader in Geography, Edinburgh University, Secretary to the Royal Scottish Geo- graphical Society, . . . . . . . .170 John Aitken, LL.D., F.R.S. By C. G. Knott, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., 177 Yves Delage. By Professor J. H. Ashworth, F.R.S., .... 182 Edward William Prevost, Ph.D., F.I.C. By Dr Henry Barnes, O.B.E., M.D., . 184 Sir Thomas R. Fraser. By Harry Rainy, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Ed., . .186 T. Lindsay Galloway, M.A., F.G.S., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.E. By Professor W. P. Ker, F.B.A.; M.A., . . ... . . .193 Henry Barnes, O.B.E., M.D., LL.D. Contributed by his daughter, Miss E. Barnes, ......... 195 Obituary Notices of Fellows, Honorary and Ordinary. By Mr George A. Stewart, Assistant Secretary, . . . . . • .197 Contents. vii PAGE Appendix — Proceedings of the Statutory General Meeting, October 1920, . - .211 Proceedings of the Ordinary Meetings, Session 1920-1921, . . .213 Proceedings of the Statutory General Meeting, October 1921, . . . 219 The Keith, Makdougall- Brisbane, Neill, Gunning Victoria Jubilee, and James Scott Prizes, ......... 221 Awards of the Keith, Makdougall-Brisbane, Neill, and Gunning Prizes, . 224 Accounts of the Society, Session 1920-1921, ..... 230 Voluntary Contributors under Law VI (end of para. 3), . . . . 236 The Council of the Society at October 1921, . ■ . . . 237 Alphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society, . . . 238 List of Honorary Fellows of the Society, ...... 258 List of Honorary and Ordinary Fellows of the Society elected during Session 1920-1921, ......... 260 Changes in Fellowship during Session 1920-1921, ... 260 Additions to Library by Gift or Purchase, ..... 261 Laws of the Society, . . . . . . . 265 Index, .... ...... . 272 Index, under Authors’ Names, of Papers published in Transactions , . . 275 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. SESSION 1920-21 Part I] YOL. XLL CONTENTS. [FpJrS-.,^ \nstit6 °0 & ☆ JUN - 6 1921 I. Size, A Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. O^&^g0na| ^ Address by Professor F. O. Bower, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.L.S., President, 1 ( Issued separately December 30, 1920.) II On the Equations of Motion of a Single Particle. By J. H. M. Wedderburn, M.A., D.Sc., 26 (. Issued separately January 24, 1921.) III. AEther and the Quantum Theory. By H. Stanley Allen, M.A., D.Sc., . . . 34 (. Issued separately January 24, 1921.) IV. On the Transverse Galvanomagnetic and Thermomagnetic Effects in several Metals. By F. Unwin, M.Sc. Com- municated by Professor F. G. Bajly, .... 44 (. Issued separately March 17, 1921.) V. Observations on the Interruption of the Endodermis in a Secondarily Thickened Root of Dracaena fruticosa, Koch. By Annette G. Mann, B.Sc. Communicated by Professor F. O. Bower, F.R.S., . 50 {Issued separately March 17, 1921.) VI. On Fechner’s Law and the Self-Luminosity of the Eye. By Professor William Peddie, D.Sc. [Abstract], ... 60 [Continued on page iv of Cover . EDINBURGH: Published by ROBERT GRANT & SON, 107 Princes Street, and WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W,C. 2. Price Eleven Shillings. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. REGULATIONS REGARDING THE PUBLICATION OF PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY. The Council beg to direct the attention of authors of communications to the Society to the following Regulations, which have been drawn up in order to accelerate the publication of the Proceedings and Transactions, and to utilise as widely and as fairly as possible the funds which the Society devotes to the publication of Scientific and Literary Researches. 1. Manuscript of Papers. — As soon as any paper has been passed for publication, either in its original or in any altered form, and has been made ready for publication by the author, it is sent to the printer. 2. Method of Publication. — As soon as the final revise of a Trans- actions paper has been returned, or as soon as the sheet in which the last part of a Proceedings paper appears is ready for press, a certain number of separate copies or reprints, in covers bearing the title of the paper and the name of the author, are printed off and placed on sale. The date of such separate publication will be printed on each paper. 3. Additions to a Paper after it has been finally handed in for publication, if accepted by the Council, will be treated and dated as separate communications, and may, or may not, be printed immediately after the original paper, 4. Brief Abstracts of Transactions Papers will be published in the Proceedings, provided they are sent along with the original paper. 5. Special Discussion of Papers accepted for Publication. — Where a paper has been accepted for publication, the Council may, with the consent of the author, select this paper for Special Discussion. In the case of such papers advanced proofs will be sent to the members of the Society desiring copies, and copies will be supplied to the author for dis- tribution. A paper selected for Special Discussion will be marked with an asterisk (*) and placed first on the Billet for the day of reading. Any following papers for that day may be adjourned or held as read if the discussion prevents their being read. 6. Communications not submitted for Publication, such as Demonstrations of Experiments, Statement of Scientific Problems, etc., may be received by the Council, and may also be selected for Special Discussion. The Council does not undertake to publish any notice of such communications in the Proceedings or Transactions of the Society. [ Continued on next page. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. VOL. XLI. 1920-21. I. — Size, A Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. Opening Address by Professor F. O. Bower, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., President. (Read October 25, 1920. MS. received November 1, 1920.) The principle of similar structures was first enunciated by Galileo. Applying it mechanically, it appears that the strength of a structure varies as the square of the linear dimensions, and the weight as the cube. This principle and its mechanical applications have been widely illustrated by reference to the bodies of animals, and many of their peculiarities are necessary consequences of its effect in the course of their evolution. For instance, the columnar legs of the elephant or of the moa are held to be the inevitable sequel to the large size and consequent weight of those animals, while the thin arched legs of insects are only possible where the body itself is small and light. Such questions have been adequately dealt with in D’Arcy Thompson s book on Growth and Form. Botanists have, how- ever, been slower in applying the principle to the study of plants. It is true that the question of the practicable limit of size of trees has long ago been discussed from this point of view, and it is recognised that a change either of material or of method of construction would be necessary for effective growth beyond the limits already reached by some of the largest of them. In fact, that about 300 feet is the extreme height that can be self-supporting with the usual type of construction of the trunk. But the principle is also applicable to other points of construction, such as the size and constitution of individual cells, and even to the forms of chloroplast : as well as to various problems of distribution of tissue- VOL. XLI. ' 1 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. masses, and their relation to the physiological functions which they perform. So far, however, the principle of similar structures has not been applied in botanical science as freely as its importance would justify. An attempt will be made in this address to show how the principle has affected the internal morphology of the Vascular System of Plants. The most marked illustrations will be taken from the Ferns, a class of plants in which the vascular system has always attracted attention by reason of the complexity and peculiarity of its details. But further evidence will be brought to show that it has its application in other types of plants as well. The stems and roots of most plants are approximately cylindrical. The same is the case as a rule for their conducting tracts also. The cylinder is one of those solid forms in which the proportion of external surface to bulk is exceptionally low. Any deviation from the cylindrical form, either by external projections or by involutions, necessarily leads to increase in the proportion of surface to bulk. The surface varies only as the square of the linear dimensions, but the bulk as the cube. It follows therefore that in carrying out any of those physiological functions of a living organism which depend upon surface, as do all those of the acquisition and interchange of material, the actual size of the part which exercises that function is a matter of the greatest moment. It may be assumed that, if other things be equal, such as the structure and quality of the tissues that form the surfaces in question, the rate of interchange by diffusion of soluble gases or salts through a tissue-surface will be directly proportional to the area of the diffusing surface. If that be so, then for each such function there will be a limit of size beyond which its exercise with sufficient rapidity will become impossible if the form be maintained, or if the quality of the- surface-tissue through which the transit occurs remains the same. This suggests that the larger the plant is the more dependent it will be upon its form and detailed structure, not only for its stability, but also for the performance of its functions of absorption and transit of liquids and gases. This will apply not only to the external surface, but also to those internal surfaces which limit one tissue-tract from another. Not only the outer surfaces, but also the limiting surfaces of the internal tissue-tracts should then be carefully examined, both as to area and as to their detailed structure. In point of fact stems and roots are only approximately cylindrical. Fluctuations of size either by increase or by decrease are common. But the most general and the most important of them all is that primary increase of dimensions which is found in the stems of most plants as they 3 Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. 1920-21.] pass from the juvenile to the adult state. For the moment only the primary increase is meant : all second- ary or cambial increase may be ruled out of this discussion, however interesting its problems may be. Here the intention is to concentrate upon those problems which any land- living organism having no cambial increase must face as it passes from the juvenile to the adult state. It is the facts of ontogenetic development in plants without secondary growth which provide the most cogent evi- dence of the effect of increase in size upon internal structure. Good illus- trations are provided by the Filicales. Here the first leaves are small : the later leaves are successively larger. The stem which bears them is rela- tively small at its base, but in propor- tion as larger leaves are formed the supporting stem becomes progres- sively larger, till the adult size is reached. The same is the case for the stele that lies within (fig. 1). It is small at the base, and approximately cylindrical; but passing upwards its transverse section gradually increases, till finally in most ferns it takes one of those complicated forms that are so characteristic of the class (fig. 2). The form of the stem at its base, and of the stele within, is then not a cylinder but a gradually enlarging cone. Consequently problems depend- ing on the proportion of surface to bulk, whether of the stem as a whole or of the stele which it contains, will be progressively changing in each Fig. 1.— Plan of stelar construction of a juvenile plant of Gleichenia pectinata, after Dr J. M. Thompson, showing in median section the way in which the stele enlarges conically upwards, and widens into a solenostele, with leaf-gaps. a-L= the insertions of the successive leaves. J£« = endodermis. 4 Proceedings of the Koyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. successive transverse zone from the juvenile to the adult region. It may be anticipated that at some point of size a critical proportion of surface to bulk will be reached, where the interchanges between stele and cortex will demand some alteration of structure if they are to be satisfactorily carried out. Conversely, however, an axis or root may diminish progressively in bulk from the base upwards. In a fern that has been starved by unfavourable culture the size of its stem is less than in the region developed under normal conditions, and the internal tissues follow suit, with simplification of structure. Certain strut roots of palms develop lr 1, thinner after entering the ground than above it. These should then show pro- gressively converse structural changes, if the reasoning be correct. For them the problem, so far as it depends upon size, would be progressively simplified, and the evidence of this might be expected to appear in their structure. It will be shown later that this expectation is justi- An illustration already familiar to Fig. 2. — Median longitudinal section fied by the facts, through the prothallus and embryo of Polypodium vulgare. x 6. Leaves A h> et(L roots, op = apex of botanists of the way in which form may stem. the drawing shows the J J widely expanding conical stem— be modified so as to secure an increase of small at the base, where it is pro- tostelic; larger above, where it is surtace-area, and so to facilitate transit dictyostelic. through that surface, is seen in the case of submerged leaves. In Hottonia, Potamogeton pectinatus, Ranunculus aquatilis , and Gabomba, etc., the submerged leaves are cut into narrow segments, differing thus in marked degree from the undivided blades of the aerial leaves of allied plants. In the cases of Gabomba and R. aquatilis {heterophyllus) the difference appears even in the leaves of the same plant. On the other hand, in Ouvirandra the submerged leaves are perforated by many oblong holes. The biological reason for these peculiarities is to be sought in the fact that, by being thus subdivided or perforated, they expose a relatively large absorbent surface to the water, out of which they abstract the materials for their food. In par- ticular, oxygen and carbon-dioxide are exchanged with the water through the epidermis, which has here no stomata, so that their external surface is the only available surface for the purpose. In this respect their struc- tural difference from the entire and slightly lobed aerial leaves which bear stomata makes an increase of absorptive surface all the more necessary. 5 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. This example of a readily intelligible case, involving elaboration of external form and increase of the surface thereby, is held as an important parallel to certain cases of surface-adjustment of internal tissues which are to be described later. In the young stems of Vascular Plants generally, and in those of the Ferns in particular, the conducting tracts are strictly delimited from the surrounding tissues by endodermis. The same is the case also for roots. Fig. 3. — Helminthostachys zeylanica : part of transverse section of root (Gwynne- Vaughan collection, slide 589 ; x 66). The endodermis, recognised by the characteristic structure of its radial walls, marks a boundary between the outside cortex, with large starch-grains (here above), and the inner conjunctive parenchyma (here below), with small grains. Drawn by Dr J. M. Thompson. This endodermis forms not only a morphological, but also a physiological boundary that is without any gap or imperfection. Its physiological importance consists in the fact that the structure of the endodermis places the contents of the conducting tract under strictly protoplasmic control. All the lateral walls of its cells are so specialised in substance that, instead of being permeable like ordinary cellulose walls, they are impervious to fluids. Thus all possible leakage is stopped, and the only channel of transit for substances into or out of the stele is under the control of the living protoplasts of the endodermal cells. This control applies not only to salts, sugars, and other similar soluble substances, but also to gases. Since in 6 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. young and primitive plants the mantle is unbroken by intercellular spaces, even the respiration of the living cells within the barrier can only be conducted by interchange of gases passed in solution through the cells of the endodermis. These structural facts, which can be verified by sections of the stem of any young fern-plant, or of any root, form the foundation of a theory which may account for some of the most extraordinary vascular developments seen in plants. Evidence of the effectiveness of the endodermis as a physiological Fig. 4. — Part of transverse section of stem of Acrostichum ctureum , showing the centre of the solenostele, with endodermis surrounding a small central pith with large starch-grains ; outside the endodermis is conjunctive parenchyma with small starch-grakis. Drawn by Dr J. M. Thompson. ( x 66.) barrier is afforded by comparison of the cell-contents outside and inside it ; sometimes starch is absent from the stelar tissues but present in thfe surrounding cortex. Marked cases may commonly be found of difference in size of the starch-grains on either side of the barrier. This is seen in the storage-rhizomes of Pteridium, and fig. 3 shows it in the case of the rhizome of Helminthostachys. In the young stem of Acrostichum aureum the difference is still more striking (fig. 4). Such facts indicate that the endodermis controls the passage of soluble sugar. It has been shown by de Lavison (Rev. gen. de Boh, 1910, p. 225), and by Priestley (New Phyt., 1920, p. 192), that it is an effective barrier to the passage of such soluble substances as are incapable of penetrating the protoplasm, but whose passage through the walls can be followed by their colour, or by 7 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. staining reactions. Such evidence points to the endodermis as a selective screen, or even an effective barrier to physiological transit between the outer tissues and the conducting system. Hence the constant diminution of the proportion of surface to bulk as the stele increases in size becomes a matter of the utmost importance. A conical increase in size of the stele is illustrated in all ferns, as well as in other plants. It starts from the minute stele of the sporeling, and expands as a support for the successively larger leaves of the established plant (figs. 1, 2). Often the increase is rapid, especially in ferns with short internodes. For each plant which thus enlarges its stele in conical form, a limit must ultimately he reached where the facility for interchange through the endodermis will not suffice for the needs of the tissues within. This facility for interchange will then become a “ limiting factor.” Either some means of increasing the surface area of the stele, and so of increasing the means of transit, must be supplied, or the conical enlargement of the stele must be checked, and the later regions of the stele will be cylindrical. The increase cannot be continued indefinitely in the form of a cone. But on the other hand, any deviation from the simple conical form, by involution of surface or by excrescence, will give an increase of the proportion of surface to bulk, and thus tend to overcome the difficulty. We may now proceed to see how these demands following on increase in size have been met in the stems of ferns. It is generally admitted that the protostele is the most primitive stelar type. It is present in the juvenile stage of all ferns, and it is permanently retained in the adult stems of some of them. It consists of a central core of xylem often composed only of tracheides, as in Botryopteris cylindrica (fig. 5). This is surrounded by a band of phloem, followed by the pericycle, and finally the stele is delimited externally by the continuous sheath of the endodermis. No intercellular spaces have been found in the protostele, and the endodermis serves as a complete gas-barrier limiting the ventilating system of the cortex internally. Thus constructed, the stele receives the trace of each successive leaf, and it is important to note that its entry is effected without any break of continuity of the endodermal envelope, which thus forms a gas-tight barrier surrounding the whole vascular system. The protostelic structure is retained in the adult stems of Botryopteris, Gleichenia, Lygodium, and Gheiropleuria. It is also characteristic of the stems of the Hymenophyllacese, which with others are relatively primitive types, having stems of moderate dimensions. In the ferns named the stele is often minute, and never actually large. In Botryopteris cylindrica it is about • 5 mm. ; in Lygodium 1 mm. to 2 mm. ; in Gheiropleuria about 1 mm.; .in Trichomanes scandens, one of the larger 8 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Hymenophyllacese, it is *5 mm. in diameter. In all of them its form is conical at first, but after reaching a certain size it retains that size through life, as a cylinder traversing the cylindrical rhizome. The limiting factors have come into play, one of which is the proportion of surface of the stele to its bulk. When the stele attains larger dimensions, as it did in certain fossils while still retaining its protostelic state, is is seen to have undergone a modification of form. For instance, in Ankyropteris Grayi (fig. 6, ii), which is 2-8 mm. in diameter, it is corrugated, the insertions of the leaf- Fig. 5. — Transverse section of a stem of Botryopteris cylindrica, showing a protostele with a solid central cure of xylem, and peripheral phloem. The endodermis is not clearly shown in this fossil Fern. traces projecting, and the surfaces between being hollowed. Moreover, the curvatures of the hollows are deeper in the larger than in the smaller specimens (fig. 6, iii). A still more extreme case of this is seen in the stele of Asterochloena laxa, which may be as much as 15’5 mm. in diameter (fig. 6, iv). Here the stele is thrown into deep involutions of the surface. It is obvious that this will give a very greatly increased proportion of surface to bulk. It seems natural to conclude in such cases that the more elaborate form of the stele has made the larger size possible, by overcoming the limiting factor. But notwithstanding the complicated outline, and the well-known differentiation of the xylem of these fossils, their steles are still of the nature of protosteles: their non-medullated structure is maintained. 9 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. In other primitive ferns, as a larger size of the stele is attained in the growing plant a change of internal structure appears, leading to medulla- tion. Since the leaf-traces are inserted peripherally, it is in the outer xylem that the water-transit will be most active. As the stele enlarges, the water in the central region will tend to stagnate, and thin-walled cells Fig. 6. — Outlines of xylem of steles, all drawn to the same scale ( x 5), to show approximately relative size. i. Botryopteris cylindrica, diameter 'C5 mm. iii. Ankyropteris Grayi, diameter 2-5 mm. ii. Ankyropteris Grayi, diameter 2’0 mm. iv. Asterochloena laxa, diameter 12*0 mm. The elaborateness of outline increases with the size. will serve for its storage as well as thick- walled tracheides would do. This is probably the rationale of the conditions of “ mixed pith,” and of the formation of a parenchymatous medulla. Medullation in one form or another is common to the great majority of ferns. Its intra-stelar origin has been followed most convincingly for upright stems in the stratigraphical sequence of the fossil Osmundacese, described in our Transactions by Kidston and Gwynne-Vaughan. It has also been demonstrated in Gleichenia pectinata and other ferns by Dr Thompson {Trans. R.S.E vol. Iii, pt. iv, p. 715). The parenchymatous pith once established may serve not only 10 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. as a place of storage for water, but also for plastic substances. In the living Osmundacese it contains large quantities of starch. As usual in storage tissues, intercellular spaces are present, though these are absent from the simplest steles. Here they form an internal ventilating system, quite separate from that of the cortex, excepting that in some species there is communication at the point of dichotomy of the stem. A careful examination of Osmunda regalis and of Todea barbara shows no con- nection at the xylic gaps between the outer and inner ventilating systems. The endodermis surrounds the stele completely as well as each leaf-trace. Consequently the inner ventilating system is here as isolated and self- contained as is the intercellular system of a submerged plant. Where the Fig. 7. — Traces of the actual sizes of steles of living and fossil Osmimdacese, all to the same scale, i.e. approx, nat. size. i. Todea barbara (3 mm.). iv. Thamnopteris schlechtendalii (13 mm.). ii. Osmunda cinnamomea ( 4 mm.). v. Osmundites skidegatensis { 25 mm.). iii. Osmunda regalis (5 mm.). vi. Osmundites Carnieri (35 mm.). size is small this condition is possible. It is so in T. barbara with a stele 3 mm. in diameter, or in 0. regalis (5 mm.). In such instances the propor- tion of surface to bulk of the small stele is relatively high (fig. 7, i, ii, iii); but the case is different for the large steles of Osmundites skidegatensis (25 mm. in diam.), or of 0. Carnieri (33 mm. in diam.), and in them the problem is solved by breaking down the barrier. In the former fossil each leaf-trace at its departure interrupts the whole vascular ring, and the pith is continuous with the cortex through each leaf -gap. Moreover, no layer resembling an endodermis can be distinguished, so that it is practically impossible to set a definite limit to the stele. In 0. Carnieri , though a line of delimitation appears which is believed to be endodermis, it is discontinuous at irregular intervals, and the ventilated cortex is directly related to the greatly distended pith (fig. 8). Thus in both of these large fossil stems a concomitant, and it probably was even a necessary condition of their large size, was this interruption of the endodermal 11 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. barrier and the completion of a common ventilating system for cortex and pith. The “ limiting factor ” was met by interruption. This is in point of fact a more effective device than that seen in the enlarged protosteles, which maintained their endodermis but enlarged its area. Lang has shown in the living Ophioglossacese a method of resolving the difficulty similar in effect to that of the Osmundacem. In Botrychium and Helminthostachys the young plant has a complete endodermal barrier, as in other ferns, shutting off the vascular system from the surrounding cortex. But as the plant advances, the conical stele enlarges, and a pith is Fig. 8. —Osmundites Carnieri , Schuster. Arrangement of meristeles. The endodermis is shown by dotted lines. After Kidston and Gwynne- Vaughan. formed which serves for storage, and contains starch. Intercellular spaces appear in it, but the internal ventilation-system is at first wholly shut off from the cortical, and it remains so till the plant is well advanced. As the stem enlarges free communication is established by foliar gaps, which naturally open outwards to the cortex, but here they are always open inwards also to the pith. This has the disadvantage of laying open the conducting tract, and destroying the completeness of endodermal con- trol ; but it resolves the difficulty of communication between the outer and the inner tissues, which becomes more acute as the stem enlarges. The advantage gained is probably greater than the disadvantage that follows. What is thus seen in less complete form in Botrychium and Helmintho- stachys is carried much further by the genus Ophioglossum. Here the endodermis is discarded early. The stele dilates with a distended pith, 12 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. which communicates directly with the cortex through very wide leaf-gaps. The extreme condition is seen in the tuberous stocks of 0. palmatum, which may be as much as 2 cm. in diameter. This seemingly reckless discarding of the protective endodermis goes along with a leathery foliage. Such plants have only a sluggish circulation of fluids, and the protection of their conducting tracts seems less vital for them than the establishment of free gaseous and other interchange between the tissues of their sappy stocks. The parallel condition seen in the Marattiacese indicates the truth of this. The massive stocks of these ferns are also soft and sappy, and their leaves are as a rule leathery and thick. They dispense early in their ontogeny with the endodermis, and the stele at once breaks up into small parts which are widely scattered through the transverse section. The stem grows to a large size, with no limit between the distended pith and the cortex. Consequently after the brief juvenile stage is past no question of proportion of surface to bulk arises. But, on the other hand, by discarding the endodermis the conducting tracts have lost that protoplasmic control which the endodermis gives. This state may serve for semi-xerophytic plants, such as the Ophioglossaceae and Marattiacese, with sappy stocks and leathery leaves, and sluggish fluid-transit. But it would not serve for plants where fluid-transit requires to be rapid, and in particular for those with delicate leaf-structure. The Leptosporangiatse, which are mostly delicate hygrophytes, com- prise the vast majority of living species of ferns. They have taken a quite different course of structural development, in which the endodermal barrier is strictly maintained in its complete form, while intercellular spaces are as a rule absent from their vascular tracts. They show in their peculiar vascular structure to what shifts a plant is put as it increases in size by primary and not by cambial activity, maintaining meanwhile its vascular system under complete protoplasmic control. All of them start from the protostelic state. It appears from comparison along phyletic lines parallel but yet distinct, that a transition has taken place from the protostele to a disintegrated stelar structure. The successive steps of this may be seen with varying degrees of clearness of detail in the successive stages of the individual life. These steps appear as the stele enlarges. According to the reasoning already brought forward, it is on enlargement that the problem of proportion of surface to bulk of the stele becomes insistent. The modifications of form of the stele seen in the advanced Leptosporangiate Ferns may be held as the means of its solution. The critical point in the individual development of the solenostelic type is 13 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. where the transition is effected from the protostele. Medullation may precede this, as it does in Gleichenia pectinata. In others no previous medullation may be seen. In either case a condition of physiological success appears in the Leptosporangiate Ferns to be the continuity of the sheath, so as to allow no leakage. In the Eusporangiates, as already explained, this appears to be less important. The chief steps in the advancing complexity of the vascular system of Fig. 9. — Series of solenostelic and dictyostelic stems of Ferns, all drawn to same scale. ( x 2. ) 1, Metaxya ; 2, Dipteris conjugata ; 3, Mat onia pectinata ; 4, Plagiogyria pycnophylla ; 5, Thyrsopteris elegans ; 6, Saccoloma elegans ; 7, Platycerium alcicorne ; 8, Platy cerium cethiopicum. These drawings show that the disintegration of the stele does not depend on absolute size alone. the Leptosporangiate Ferns are known as solenostely, polycycly, per- foration, and dictyostely . Such advances may be traced either in the ontogeny, or in the race by comparison of distinct species or genera. They all result in increase of surface in proportion to bulk of the stelar tissue, and in all of them the endodermal barriers are strictly maintained, while intercellular spaces are consistently absent from the vascular tissues. They all follow on a very considerable increase in size of the system as a whole and are believed to be causally related to it. In solenostely the solid protostele is replaced by a hollow tube lined within and without by con- tinuous endodermis (fig. 9:1,2). At each leaf-insertion a foliar gap leads 14 Proceedings of the Boyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. from the cortex through the tube to the inner pith, giving ready com- munication by intercellular spaces, and by continuous tracts of living cells between the cortex and the pith. But the lips of the gap are en- tirely sheathed by endodermis, so that the barrier between vascular and non-vascular tissue is maintained intact: and it is continued without any leak or imperfection to the base of the plant. The passage from the protostele to the solenostele in the individual plant is marked Fig. 10. — Histiopteris incisa (Thunbg.) J. Sm. Trans- by a great increase of the trans- verse section of internode .of rhizome ( x 10) show- verse secti0n of the stele (fig. mg corrugation oi solenostele. (Gwynne- Vaughan v ° collection, slide 1163, by Tansley.) 11). Clearly the proportion of Fig. 11. — Series of transverse sections of the stem of Pcesia podophylla, all drawn to the same scale, showing the great increase of stelar complexity as the conical stem expands upwards. ( X 4.) surface to bulk of the stele is greatly increased by the tubular form. But sometimes a still further increase is secured by corrugation of the tube, as in Histiopteris incisa (fig. 10). A still more remarkable way in which 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. 15 this end is attained is by the further advance to polycycly, which is seen in beautiful examples in Matonia (fig. 9 : 3), or Pcesia podophylla (fig. 11). Three or even four concentric cycles of vascular tissue have been observed, while open communication is maintained at or near to the nodes between the outer and inner cycles, as well as between the tissues that embed them. The proportion of surface to bulk is still further advanced by such means as these, which are exemplified in numerous cases of ferns not otherwise resembling one another. From this it may be concluded that a general cause has been at work, which has affected the development in distinct phyletic lines. The same ends as are gained by solenostely are still further promoted by the appearance of perforations in the vascular tube. These are often very numerous, and are specially found in ferns of advanced type, such as Davallia, Platycerium (fig. 9 : 7, 8), Polypodium, or Steno- chlcena (fig. 12). Each perforation is entirely lined by endodermis, which still shuts in the vascular tissue completely, while interchange between the tissues within and without the tube is promoted. The perforated stele may be com- pared structurally and physiologically with the perforated leaf of Ouvirandra : the problem of surface-interchange has been solved in both cases by increased surface. The attenuated network of vascular tissue which after perforation represents the solenostele is characteristic of the most recent fig. 12 —Stenochlo&natmuifolia and advanced ferns, and their prevalence in genera and species now living is a testimony to the physiological success which perforation brings. Another step, distinct in time and manner of its origin from perforation though resembling it in its effect, is the over- lapping of foliar gaps in short stems with crowded leaves. The result is what is described as dictyoslely. If a foliar gap underlies each leaf- insertion, and the leaves are crowded on the axis, any transverse section will cut through more than one of them, and in a transverse section the vascular ring will appear divided into a number of isolated tracts. This is seen in the Male Fern or in large Tree Ferns (fig. 13, B). It is frequently combined with perforation. Though the perforations and the leaf -gaps are into a single plane, showing perforations. l.t. = leaf -trace. br. = vascular supply to a branch. 16 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. essentially different in their real origin, the physiological effect of them is alike. By either means the endodermal surface is increased, and inter- change facilitated ; while the complete investment of the vascular tracts with endodermis is maintained. The final effect of these several factors, separately or in combination, is to break up the vascular tracts as seen in transverse section into relatively small circular or oval masses, each with a relatively large proportion of surface to bulk. The physiological Fig. 13. — Transverse sections of stems, drawn to the same scale, showing that stelar complication does not depend directly upon size alone. ( x 2.) A = Cibotium Barometz. B = Hemitelia setosa. difficulty following on increase of size is thus fully met in Leptosporangiate Ferns (fig. 9 : 4, 6, 8). If, as the anatomy of the ferns seems to suggest, actual Size is one of the factors determining the form which the stelar tissues take, and that increase beyond certain dimensions leads to those peculiarities which are seen in them, and particularly to the breaking up of the stele into meristeles, then tuberous development should lead to such disintegration. More especially should the change be apparent where the normal part shows a relatively simple stelar structure. A good example of this is seen in the tubers borne upon the protostelic stolons of Nephrolepis (fig. 17 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. 14, A). It has been shown by Lachmann ( Thesis , Paris, 1889), and by Sahni (New Phyt., vol xv, p. 72, 1916) that the protostele of the stolon expands at the base of the distended tuber. As seen in transverse section it first acquires a central mass of phloem, followed successively by peri- cycle, endodermis, and ground-parenchyma. In fact it becomes soleno- stelic. As the base of the tuber expands the ring breaks up by irregular perforations, as it does in leafy shoots of many Leptosporangiate Ferns. But here there are only perforations : since no leaves are borne on the stolon there are naturally no foliar gaps. A network of meristeles is thus A, Stolon bearing a tuber, in which the protostele breaks up into a cylindrical network, contracting again at the apex. After Sahni. B, Transverse section of protostelic stolon. (x5.) C, Transverse section of tuber (also x 5) showing ring of meristeles each limited by endodermis. Diameter of stolon, 1*6 mm. Diameter of tuber, 11*0 mm. formed, each limited by a complete endodermis, and arranged in an ex- panded ring (fig. 14, C). At the distal end, where the tuber contracts again, the network narrows down through stages of condensation the reverse of the previous disintegration. In a given case the diameter of the stolon was 1*6 mm., and of its protostele -6 mm. The diameter of the tuber was IT cm., and of its ring of meristeles *74 cm. : that is, nearly fifteen times that of the original protostele. It thus appears that, while complete endodermal control is maintained, when the stolon of Nephrolepis dilates into a tuber the same features of stelar expansion appear as in the conically enlarging axis of many Leptosporangiate Ferns. This suggests that the increase in size in both cases determines the structural change, while the reversal of that change which follows on the apical contraction of the tuber strongly supports that conclusion. VOL. XLI. 2 18 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. A somewhat similar result is found in the tubers formed on the rhizomes of certain species of Equisetum. Each tuber results from the dilatation of an internode of the rhizome to a size beyond the normal, and this is found to be accompanied by a disintegration of the stele. E. arvense is one of those species in which the stele is strictly circumscribed by an unbroken external endodermis. In the internode of the rhizome the stele is relatively compact, and in an average case it measures about 1 mm. in diameter. The individual vascular strands may vary in number. In fig. 15, A, six are seen. In the distended tuber the strands appear widely apart, each surrounded by its own endodermal sheath, which closes round it as the strands separate at the base of the tuber. The ring which they form may be 3 mm. or more in diameter, fully three times that of the original stele (fig. 15, B). As in Leptosporangiate Ferns, the stele has divided into meristeles, and as in them the disintegration accom- panies an increase in bulk, which may be held to be one of the factors, or perhaps the chief factor in deter- mining it. As the next node is B Fig. 15. — Equisetum arvense. Transverse section of internode of rhizome : stele approached the tuber Contracts, and with encircling endodermis, 1 mm. in diameter. Transverse section of tuber, to the same scale, showing ring of meristeles, each with its own endodermal sheath, 3 mm. in diameter. (xlO.) m0i»isteleS the stele is reconstituted from its The significance of these two examples in supporting the theory cannot be mistaken. In the petiole of the fern-leaf the leaf -trace has as a rule the form of an arc concave on the adaxial side. In many relatively primitive ferns the leaf-trace is undivided. Being thus a continuous curved tract limited by endodermis, it may form in large leaves a formidable obstacle to com- munication from the outer surface inwards, and especially at the leaf -base, where naturally interchange would be active and the petiole is at its largest. In many ferns the leaf-trace is broken up at, or near to, the base into separate strands. There is often a median slit dividing the trace into equal halves, as in the type of Asplenium, Athyrium, or Gymnogramme (fig. 16). But often the subdivision may be carried further, as in the case of many Cyatheoid Ferns (fig. 17 : 6). Sometimes the slits close again upwards and downwards, as is very well seen in Plagiogyria f 19 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. semicordata. The slits are in fact perforations of essentially the same nature as those which occur in the axis, and their function is the same. They are most prominently seen in leaves of large size, and especially where the margins of the curve ap- proach one another, as in Thyrsopteris or Alsophila (fig. 17 : 5, 6). It may. Fig. 16. — Transverse section of petiole of Athyrium then, be concluded that in filix fcemina, ferns of advanced type the (a) Near base ; (&) higher up. After Luerssen. (x7.) . „ . , . leat-trace is subject to per- foration in essentially the same way, and with the same physiological effect, as is the stele of their axes. The stele in the root of ferns is always small, so that no difficult problem of proportion of surface to bulk arises. The general tendency to concentrate the vascular tissues at the centre of the transverse section of the root, which is so general in the Pterido- phytes at large, leads to the same result. Even in the large roots of the Marattiacese there is no need for any dis- ruption of the compact stele. The triumph of the Lepto- sporangiate Ferns which show disintegration of the stele in stem and leaf in all their more advanced types, is witnessed by their 6000 living species over the face of the earth. That triumph has been won by a compro- mise, effected without cambial increase in the enlarging stem. The conducting stele has enlarged with the conically enlarging shoot: it has maintained its endodermal barriers complete, and has met the difficulty of physiological interchange conse- quent on that enlargement by various steps of moulding and disintegration of the stele. This has given those conducting tracts the requisite propor- tion of surface to bulk even for stems as large as those of the Tree Ferns. The analogy between what is seen in ferns and the “ polystelic ” state Fig. 17. — Transverse sections of petioles, all drawn to the same scale. ( x 2. ) 1, Dipteris conjugate/, ; 2, Dipteris Lobbiana ; 3, Metaxya ; 4, Phlebodium aureum ; 5, Thyrsopteris ; 6, Alsophila australis. These show that while greater size leads to vascular disintegration, there is no definite proportion. 20 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. of certain of the larger species of Selaginella suggests that they should also be examined from the physiological-anatomical point of view. The similarity between the vascular arrangements in S. Icevigata and that in solenostelic ferns seems to indicate that there is some common underlying cause which has brought such likeness into existence. It is suggested that the need for physiological interchange over the surface of an enlarged stele has been the determining factor in both cases, though the need for a larger surface seems less apparent in Selaginella with its peculiar structure of the endodermis than elsewhere. The Medullosse with their recurrent “polystely” also provoke comparison. Scott {Studies, vol. ii, p. 444) remarks that their polystely has no relation to leaf-gaps, and he suggests that “ the breaking up of the original stele depended on some other cause.” Does it not appear probable that the cause may have been connected with questions of proportion of surface to bulk in the original steles of these large stems, before cambial increase set in ? With the knowledge of their primary steles and of their sheaths so incomplete as it is, one cannot do more than suggest that this is an aspect worthy of consideration, especially as it has been found to illuminate the cognate structure in ferns. Having thus seen how firmly established the disintegrated stelar state is among Pteridophytes, the question arises whether Flowering Plants show any similar modifications of stelar structure with enlarging size. Most of the Flowering Plants have met their problem of enlargement in other ways, as will be noted later. But the large prop-roots of certain palms have advanced structurally along lines that show a close analogy with what has been seen in the ferns. Such roots are often thick. They have normally a cylindrical stele delimited by an endodermis that is sclerotic. There is a cortical system of large intercellular spaces, and an intra-stelar ventilating system that is often also large. These are separated by the barrier of endodermis. Consequently the same problem arises with increasing size as in the stems of ferns. Modifications in the direction of disintegration, or of “ polystely ” as it is sometimes called, have been produced by involution and finally by disruption of the endodermis, in Areca catechu, Archontophcenix cunninghami, Dictyosperma aurea, Verschaffeltia splendida, and other palms. The departure from type appears in roots about 1 cm. in diameter, and it is still more marked in those of larger size. In roots about 1 cm. in diameter the stele takes a fluted form. In larger roots the involutions are deeper, and the endodermis and ring of vascular tissues within it are interrupted by bands of parenchyma with continuous intercellular spaces (fig. 18). In roots of the largest size, as occasionally in Areca, but more markedly in Verschaffeltia, the separate 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. 21 vascular tracts may be rounded off, and each completely surrounded by its own endodermis (fig. 19). The stele is thus disintegrated into a number of meristeles, and the analogy with the ferns is significant. But all large Angiospermic roots do not behave in this way. A prominent exception is seen in Pandanus, the large prop-roots of which may he as much as 5 cm. in diameter, and yet show no stelar dis- integration. Thus size does not always prescribe it. These Fig. 18. — Transverse sections of root of Areca. references by no means ex- i-iv, Successive sections from the same root: i is 15 mm. from L0110i. f n. 0 avomnloa wViinVi apex ; ii at 77 mm. ; iii at 115 mm. ; iv at 150 mm. v is a naUSt me examples WUlCn section from another, larger root. After Cormack. might be quoted £rom the higher vascular plants, in which distension, with or without a definite cambial zone, results in a distended mass of tissue. In such cases the texture is often sappy, and the vascular system broken up into numerous isolated strands. This is seen in Welwitschia, Gycas, Gunnera, and Nymplicea. It is worthy of remark that these plants, which resemble the Marat- tiacese in their general construc- tion of the stem though not in its details, are all either actually xerophytes, or they live under circumstances in which a rapid fluid-transit is not necessary. Nevertheless, that actual size Fig. 19, — Transverse section of a large strut-root is causally related to these abnor- °J rersclutfeUia splendida, showing high state J 01 stelar disintegration. malitieS in the roots of palms is st.— a completely cylindrical meristele. . 1 i n lr. = lateral roots. (x2). After Cormack. shown by the tact that when the root diminishes progressively the abnormality ceases. It was demon- strated by Cormack (Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. v, pt. 6, 1896) that there is a continuous transition to normal monostelic structure in the younger and thinner parts of roots that are fluted in their older and thicker region (fig. 18). He was led to conclude that this difference of structure 22 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. is due to a progressive change in the mode of differentiation of the apical meristem. It is in fact here, as it is also in ferns, a question of procambial destination. But how it is, and why it is, that the meristem of a part beyond a certain size should in fern-stems and in palm-roots differentiate its procambium so as to produce a disintegrated stele, and the same root below that size so as to produce an integral stele: and why the latter type of meristem should pass into the former, as in the ontogeny of the Leptosporangiate Ferns: or the former into the latter, as in certain individual roots of palms, must for the present remain an open question. It is in fact as great a mystery as is the power of the root-tip to receive the stimulus of gravity, and to pass it on to the point of reaction. The behaviour of meristems remains now, as it has always been, the greatest enigma of the plant-body, and not the least of the questions which it raises is this : How does the meristem forecast in its embryonic tissues those proportions of surface to bulk which will be necessary when the tissues still embryonic shall have matured to their full size ? In this the biologist of the present day may see a new application for the old word “ Prolepsis.” It may be asked, if certain plants show these modifications of structure according to size, why are they not more common among the higher plants, many of which seem to be of such size as to justify, or even to demand them ? The reply is that in the stems and roots of very many seed-bearing plants, the difficulty of a delimiting endodermis does not arise, except in the young state, and while they are relatively small. In many small Monocotyledon-stems, such as the creeping rhizomes of Convallaria majalis. a well-marked endodermis may exist. Even in this plant Schwendener has recorded a “ perforation v similar in nature to those seen in Ferns. But in plants of larger size where the stele is dilated so as to take up almost the whole of the transverse section, as is the case in the palm-type generally, the endodermis is inconspicuous, and does not appear as an efficient barrier. These plants have in fact adopted a con- dition which for practical purposes is like that of the Marattiaceae, though it has been reached by a different developmental method. Isolated vascular strands traverse the parenchyma of the distended stele, and neither they nor the stele have an efficient endodermal barrier. Those plants which possess secondary thickening, such as the Dico- tyledons and Gymnosperms, stand in a different position. Frequently they show in their young stems and roots a well-marked endodermis. But before the stem or root enlarges to that size which appears to be critical in so many plants (that is about 1 cm. in diameter), the secondary cambial 23 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. increase within has already so stretched and disorganised the endodermis that it can no longer act as a physiological barrier. It would be worth while to examine it carefully as to the manner of its functional change, from the point of view here suggested, and to trace in detail the disruption or disorganisation of the sheath. But such observations would not be easy. It is only in cases where the endodermis is marked by special structure that this can be readily seen. An example has been worked out by Miss Mann in the large roots of Dracaena, which show secondary thickening. The effect of internal expansion of tissues is shown in bursting asunder the thickened cells, and communication is thus established between the cortical and stelar systems by tracts of ventilated parenchyma. Once the endodermal barrier is interrupted, communication is continued radially inwards along the medullary rays of Dicotyledons and Gymnosperms, as Strasburger showed long ago. It is in some such way as this that the problem is solved for trunks and roots of the largest size The same holds also for the dendroid stems of Monocotyledons, such as Dracaena and Cordyline. In them tangential sections show that intercellular spaces run radially inwards in the hardened tissues that lie between the secondary strands. The success with which the flowering plants have thus met the requirements of increasing size stand in strong antithesis to the difficulties with which the ferns have had to contend. Doubtless the strictly enclosed conducting system of ferns is a more effective means of transport for plants so dependent as they are upon a constant water-supply. But the problems which increasing size has raised in them could only be solved by extraordinary modifications of structure : and that seems to be the physiological explanation of those remarkable vascular systems which they show, often in clearly marked succession in their individual develop- ment. The ontogenetic evidence is in fact more weighty than that from comparison. Those who pursue sciences of exact measurement may expect me to give precise statements as to the actual size of stele which will be possible with a certain structure, and of the exact dimensions at which the “ limiting factor ” will become operative : that at which either a new form of stele must be adopted, or a change be made in the visible structure of the endodermis, so as to alter its permeability. At present it is not possible to put forward measurements of that nature. The difficulty is illustrated by the drawings, all to the same scale, in figs. 9 and 17 ; and especially by the cases of Dipteris and Matonia, two genera of allied ferns, with many analogies of structure. They are both rhizomatous and 24 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. solenostelic : transverse sections of them drawn to the same scale are shown in fig. 9 : 2, 3. Dipteris conjugata is the larger, and shows only a simple solenostele : Matonia pectinata is the smaller, and shows three concentric rings. A further example is seen in fig. 13, A, B, where in stems of equal size that of Cibotium is a simple solenostele, that of Hemitelia is a dictyostele with medullary strands. A comparison of drawings illus- trating the origin of the solenostele in individual plants of Gleichenia pectinata , Loxsoma, and Histiopteris incisa, shows that no absolute size- limit rules for them, though in each individual a great increase of size accompanies the structural change. There need be no surprise that this difficulty should arise, for it is common knowledge that the character- istics of plants, and ultimately of their protoplasts, differ. One is more resistant to temperature, or drought, or insolation than another. The incidence of the “limiting factor” will depend upon the specific perme- ability of the endodermis, and particularly of its protoplasts. It seems probable that this may vary from plant to plant without any visible difference of structure, just as much as other characteristics of the pro- toplasts do. It is only when the specific permeability of the endodermis has been measured for any plant that we can reasonably expect to be able to state in terms of exact measurement where for it the incidence of the limiting factor may come. With our present knowledge it is only a rough suggestion of the existence of a critical point that can be indicated. But this gives a sufficient ground for recognising the underlying principle of similar structures as applicable to vascular tissues. It appears to have determined certain of their peculiarities, which have hitherto appeared as strange and unexplained phenomena. It is believed that by directing attention to the sheaths surrounding the vascular tracts, their presence or absence, their structure and permeability, and their relations however roughly to absolute size, a better understanding of the vascular systems of plants, and of the ferns in particular, will be obtained than by the most carefully drawn comparisons of mere formal anatomy. Size must then be considered not only in its bearing on external form and the strength of materials, but also as it may tend to modify, or even in some cases to rule decisively the structure and disposition of internal tissues. As far as I am aware only one definite attempt has hitherto been made to correlate size with internal structure in the massive plant-body. Professor Compton, in a very remarkable comparative study of the seedling structure in the Leguminosse {Linn. Journ., vol. xli, p. i, 1912), has shown that in determining the level of transition from root-structure to 1920-21.] Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. 25 stem-structure in the hypocotyl, the diameter of the axis is a most important factor. He found that low transitions are characteristic of massive hypocotyls, high transitions of those which are slender. Here again it was not possible to put forward exact measurements, but the principle emerges from the average taken from a large number of seedlings of different species. The correlation in that case was, however, between size and the readjustment of intra-stelar tissues : the form of the stele itself was throughout approximately cylindrical. Questions of permeability of the endodermal barrier will hardly have affected them. That size may thus be correlated on the one hand with the internal disposition of the stelar tissues, and on the other with the actual conformation of the stele itself, shows how important it may be in determining features which are habitually used in comparison. The effect should be to impose caution in drawing phylogenetic or classificatory conclusions from characters so pliable : for at once the door is opened for frequent homoplasy in stocks phyletically quite distinct from one another. Thus the recognition of the principle of similar structures and its consequences, while it involves interesting points in physiology and anatomy, may react finally even upon classification. (Issued separately December 30, 1920.) 26 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. II —On the Equations of Motion of a Single Particle. By J. H. M. Wedderburn. (MS. received August 9, 1920. Read November 1, 1920.) § 1. When solved for the second derivatives, the Lagrangian equations of motion for a system in which there are no extraneous forces have the form * d2xk ^ ( i j \ dxidx1_ dt 2 ^ ) i j dt dt ~ ’ h- ij ’ h 2, . . . tz), or, disregarding the parameter t , (1) . . <^+z{y (*=i,2 ij | Y J- being the second Christoffel symbol j* of the matrix associated with the kinetic energy. If there are extraneous forces and, denoting t by xn+1, we add d?xn+1 — 0 to the set of equations, the equations of motion are (2) d2xk + 2 | Y \dxidXj-¥kdxn+2 = 0, (k= 1, 2, . . . n), d2xn+1 = 0. ij ' These equations have a general similarity to (1) with the number of variables increased by one, and would in fact have exactly the same mathematical form if there existed a matrix \js for which (3) u i “Ur \i 7 U +iy=o, fn + 1 7 \ i \'nAi o, (i,j= b = -Ffc, (i,j,7c=l, 2, . . . n), 71+ 1), where the dashes indicate symbols belonging to the new matrix \js. It is readily seen, however, that these relations cannot hold in general, and it is the principal object of this note to investigate the circumstances under which they can be approximately satisfied. If ordinary dynamics can be modified so that this is so, and the time f variable is regarded as a special case of the space variables, it will follow that the equations of motion in the modified * Of. Whittaker, Analytical Dynamics , p. 39 ; or Wright, Invariants of Quadratic Differ- ential Forms , p. 83. t The definition and properties of these symbols may be found in Wright, loc. cit., p. 10. I If there is more than one particle in question, it may be necessary to introduce more than one time variable. In many ways it is best to consider these as strictly space variables and. to assume that particles in our universe are moving in the direction of the fourth space direction so nearly uniformly in straight lines that the distances measured in this direction are, to a first approximation, proportional to the time. 27 1920-21.] The Equations of Motion of a Single Particle. system will have the same form independently of the system of coordinates used, and all forces will appear as geometrical constraints. § 2. For the present we shall consider only the motion of a single particle whose position is defined by rectangular coordinates xv x2, x3, the time variable being denoted by x4 and the potential function by V. The Newtonian equations of motion are then (4) = dx% {h= 1, 2, 3), d%= 0, OXi, and our problem is to determine a symmetric matrix \js = (ars) such that the equations (5) d<2xk+^j | \ or the equivalent set (5') . . dxidxi — 0, (*= 1, 2, 3, 4) * 3 k dxidxj = 0, (k= 1, 2, 3, 4) are approximately satisfied when (4) is satisfied, and vice versa. To determine the conditions for this, we substitute the values of d2xk from (4) in the first three equations of (5'), thus obtaining (6) 0V ddij, 'da at. da. dx n dXn dxj so that the term under the 2 on the right is zero except when i and j are both 4. It follows immediately that the part of the matrix whose sub- scripts do not exceed three, i.e. the part which refers to the subspace xv x2, x3> is independent of xv x2, x3 ; and therefore, since \/s is symmetric, there is a real orthogonal transformation, with coefficients independent of xv x2, x3, which reduces this part of \fs to the main diagonal. We may therefore assume without loss of generality that aij = 0, (i,j = 1, 2, 3; i-^j) —% 4" and da4i/dXj = 0 (i}j = l, 2, 3). Further, since ^ = 0 (i, 4), we have and similarly t dai1c daH = Q dxj dxi dxk 5 ca>j 4 da^k dak4 dxk dx4 dx^ ’ so that daile/dxi = 0 (showing that the coefficients of the orthogonal trans- formation used above are also independent of x4) and so that we may set (7) . . . da i4 dxk dajg dx, 0A (i, k=f= 4) an = (z== fj 2, 3). 28 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. (8) If a. a--i) <*=1’2’3>- Finally, comparing coefficients of dx\ in (6) and using the relations just derived, we have 0Y dak. . da.. d • —= dxk dx4 z dxk dxk a22, a33 are all different, we infer that Y has the form 9i(xi)+92(x2)+9s(x3)’ or if say an = ‘Wa33>it has the form g1(xvx2)+gs(x3) ; but since the x’s are ordinary rectangular coordinates, this form does not agree to a first approximation with the Newtonian potential, so that when we are dealing with Newtonian dynamics we must have au = a22 = a33 and, being constant, we may set each equal to unity. This gives immediately 0A (9) a, , = 2Y 4- 2; di the arbitrary function of x4 introduced by the integration being included in A. The fourth equation of (5') then becomes dxidx. * V - 1>. - - i - 2i(S ■ *££) so that in order that d2x4 may be a second order quantity it is sufficient to assume that Y + 0A /dx4 is large compared with the other coefficients in the equation, a condition that can be readily attained, since V + 0A/0as4 contains an arbitrary function of x4 which can have terms not entering into any other coefficient. We assume, therefore, that \js has the form 10 0 A, (10) Ac A3 2 Y + 2A4 (12) where we have set A{ for dA/dxt. The corresponding quadratic form is (11) . . . . . 2 dx\ + 2 Y dx\ + 2dAdx4 , and the corresponding Lagrangian equations can be readily reduced to d2xk + A kd2x4 - Y kdx\ =0 [k = 1, 2, 3), (2Y + A4)d2x4 + d2A + 2 dVdx4 - Y 4dx\ = 0, the form (11) equated to a constant being, as is well known, a first integral of (12).* * This seems the most natural way of introducing the form (11) into the dynamical system. Jt suggests that it is natural to consider this form as defining time rather than distance, thus leaving open the possibility of using a different form to define the geometry of space. f dh ■ |(2f 1920-21.] The Equations of Motion of a Single Particle. 29 When the potential is independent of the time x 4, and dA/dx 4 is constant, equal to —a, say, a first integral of the last equation of (12) is (2V - a)dx± + dA = const., or 2(Y - a)dx 4 + 2 t^dx^ = const. § 3. An important case of the equations of the preceding paragraph arises when (i) the potential Y is a function of r alone, and (ii) A= — axi} so that A4= — cl, & constant. When (ii) holds and also V4 = 0, equations (11) and (12) become, on introducing a parameter r, (13) . (14) . whence (14') . dxA2 da (H constant) d2x$ ~d 7- Y A ( dx. \dr J V- 0, (*=1,2,3) 2(V - a)^i + 2~ dp = 0, dr 2 dr dr — £ = ------ (K constant) dr Y — a so that, setting U = — k2I( V — a), (15) . (15') . d2x^ d ? U* (*=1,2,3), dx^ U dr k 2U = H. If now V, and therefore U, is a function of r alone, it follows by the usual methods that the motion is in a plane, and, choosing spherical polar co-ordinates so that this plane is

S,. =0 (*“ 1, 2, 3). If A is a function of V and x} alone and V is independent of ,x4, this leads to (22) 0A3A_2/^+y)Y=o, dx, 0Y \dxL 0V any solution of which will give the required result. If 0A/0V and 0A/0x4 are functions of V alone, f i.e. A= — acc4+/(V), the solution of (22) is dV (23) 2/4 = F(*4 + j|^ av (V-a * Gf. Levi-Civita, “Statica Einsteiniana,” Rom. Acc. L. Rend., xxvi (1917), p. 458, where the connection with Einstein’s equations is discussed. + There are, of course, other cases in which an explicit solution of (21) can be obtained, e.g. when 2Y + A is a function of A and xi alone, or if A has the form AfiY) + x4 A2( Y). 32 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. ie i *ji where F is an arbitrary function, the most important case being '0A dV lav (V^a) * When (23') is used, the quadratic (11) becomes '0A\2 dV2 (24) + 2(V -- a)dyl . v0V/ 2 (V-a) We shall now assume that Y x = Y — a = constant is one of a triply orthogonal system of surfaces. Making a slight change in notation, we denote the corresponding curvilinear coordinates by y1 = Yv y2, yZi and set the square of the element of distance in the space xv x2, x3, equal to Hicfa/5 + H2efa/! -\-H3dy% so that (24) becomes (25) . . . (Hi-^-)^|h^ + H3*/1+2V1^> where Ax = 0A /dyv or say (25') .... a1dyl + a2dy% + a3dyl + a^dyl. As a further restriction on Y, we now assume that it, and therefore also Y1, satisfies the Laplace equation which is covariant relatively to (25), namely /0fi, AW_ la^aw ivito(sw\ . ' ^ ci/i 2a? dyt dt /( 2«,2 a. dy. di/j) or, if W is a function of y1 only, ■ 32W j 0 log (a2a3a4/a1) 0W 5- + dVi = 0. dVi In particular, if W = Y1=y1, 0 f a^aQa dy where / is an arbitrary function of y2 and y3, y± being absent since the a’s are independent of ytl. Inserting the values of the a’s from (25), we get ;(“) = 0, or f{y»«s), (27) HoHsV, „ “ A2 %)> H1-2V, so that H2H3 is the product of a function of Vx alone and a function of y2 and yz alone. If now Vj_ is a function of r= Jx\ + x\ + xl, we may use spherical polar co-ordinates with y2 = S and ys = , so that 1^ = 1/ H3 = r2 sin2 0. (27) then becomes = /dViX dr 7 ’ H0 = r2 and TT JL(dA\2 2Y1\0Y1/ y riVv (y constant) 1920-21.]/ The Equations of Motion of a Single Particle. 33 and in place of (25) we get (29) . . ^ yr*Y dr2 + r2d62 + r2 sin2 6d2 + 2Y1di/f , which is equivalent to the Einstein-Schwarzschild form, A similar discussion can be easily made if the second form of Laplace’s equation is adopted, the result being that Y has the form given in (19) and that (29) is replaced by ~(d~Y dr2 + rW2 + r 2 sin2 0dd>‘i+ 2V, A/j. ?nz' dr * 1 * F. Kottler, Ann. d. Phys., lvi (1918), p. 401. ( Issued separately January 24, 1921.) VOL. XLI. 3 34 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Ses§. III. — -ZEther and the Quantum Theory. By H. Stanley Allen, M.A., D.Sc. (MS. received October 30, 1920. Read November 22, 1920.) § 1. Extreme supporters of the principle of relativity find no place for an aether. Thus Lord Haldane in discussing the theory of Einstein writes : Space, as a physical thing with unvarying geometrical properties, is to be banished, just for the same sort of reasons as the aether was banished before it. Only observable things are to be recognised as real in the new system of modern physicists.” On the other hand, many followers of Faraday and Maxwell have regarded aether as the primary real substance ; all mass, momentum, or energy being mass, momentum, or energy of the aether. Without entering into a discussion of the significance of physical “ reality,” we may, with most physicists, agree to use the concept of aether as giving a model, inadequate though it is at present, for the interpretation of physical phenomena. § 2. During the present century it has been recognised that certain classes of observations cannot be explained on the basis of Newtonian mechanics, and a new theory has been developed which has proved extraordinarily fertile. “ The quantum theory is believed to have disclosed in nature a certain atomicity of a kind unsuspected by the older mechanics.” The theory centres round the idea of spasmodic interchanges, losses or gains of energy of amount hv, where h is Planck’s constant, and ;/ is a frequency (number of oscillations per second). According to Poincare, the hypothesis of quanta is the only one leading to the law of Planck which represents the distribution of energy between different wave-lengths in “ black-body ” radiation. In his invaluable report on Radiation and the Quantum Theory, Jeans has pointed out that if the aether is part of the dynamical system, then the energy in the aether must be treated as part of the energy of the system, and to arrive at Planck’s formula it would appear to be necessary to suppose that the vibrations in the # aether themselves gain or lose energy by whole quanta. The assumptions underlying the quantum theory have been stated in somewhat different forms by various theoretical physicists. For our present purpose we may adopt the hypotheses proposed by W. Wilson,* as these have been employed * W. Wilson, Phil. Mag ., vol. xxix, p. 795 (1915) ; vol. xxxi, p. 156 (1916). 35 1920-21.] iEther and the Quantum Theory. by Sommerfeld * * * § with marked success in explaining the fine structure of spectral lines of hydrogen and helium. During certain intervals each dynamical system behaves as a conservative one, and between these intervals are relatively very short ones during which definite amounts of energy may be emitted or absorbed. The motion of a system in the intervals between such discontinuous energy exchanges is determined by Hamiltonian dynamics as applied to conservative systems. Let qv q2, . . . pv p2, . . . be the Hamiltonian positional and impulse coordinates of a system in one of its steady states. The kinetic energy, T, can be expressed as a quadratic function of the form T = + 2 A2 = nh , J o or as p, the angular momentum, is constant 2 irp = nh. Identifying these two expressions for the angular momentum, we obtain If we regard the charge of the magneton as equal to e, the electron charge, the relation may be written or the number of magnetic tubes passing through the aperture of the magneton is directly proportional to an integer n. § 4. It seems probable that this result may be applied not only to M'Laren’s magneton, but also to the case of a classical electron circulating in a closed orbit. Such an extension has in fact been suggested in an interesting, but not altogether convincing, paper by A. L. Bernoulli.* This author has given an electrodynamic interpretation of Planck’s constant by introducing a principle which he terms the “ Principle of the Universal Flux of Induction,” defined as follows : — “ If electrons are moving in identical closed trajectories in a molecular magnetic field, the number of lines of force cut by the radii vectores at each revolution is. one and the same universal constant.” In other words, all the electron-resonators are traversed by a like tube of magnetic force. The product of the induction flux and the charge is equal to Planck’s constant. In the paragraph immediately following I have attempted to give a more general proof of this principle, with the object of avoiding as far as possible particular assumptions as to the character of the electrical distribution. § 5. Consider a system composed of any number of point charges ev e2, . . . rotating with angular velocity <*> about a common axis. These will be the starting-points of electrostatic tubes rotating about the same axis. * Bernoulli, Archives des Sciences , vol. xlii, p. 24 (1916). 1920-21.] x^Ether and the Quantum Theory. 37 2 H2 may be written 4^^^- ] = - X . Hence the total angular momentum Such an electrical system might correspond to an atom in one of its steady states. The equivalent mass per unit volume of a tube is 4tt/xD2 sin2 0, where D is the electric polarisation or displacement, and 0 is the angle between the direction of the tube and its velocity. Hence the angular momentum for unit volume of the tube is ^tt/ulD2 sin2 Or2 co. The moving Faraday tubes are accompanied by a magnetic field, at right angles to their length and to their direction of motion, given by H = 47rD sin Oreo. Hence D sin dr = H/47ro), and the angular momentum for unit volume of the tube of the system takes the form — , the summation extending over the whole space occupied by the magnetic tubes. If the frequency of rotation be sufficiently high, the movement of the charges ev e2, . . . may be regarded as equivalent to currents iv i2, . . . 1 • 6-i ft) . Soft) where h = ^, . . . H2 The sum , which represents the electrokinetic energy, may be expressed in the form JL1i12+ . . +M 12vi2+ . . . , where Lx is the self- inductance for the circuit iv M12 the mutual inductance for the circuits i,, i2, etc. Hence the total angular momentum 2Mi2^2 0) where Nx = Lxix + M12i2 + . . , and denotes the total number of magnetic tubes passing through the circuit ir In this case the application of the quantum theory to the steady state tZv pd

to positive values of the coefficients ; it being understood that the magnetic field is acting downwards perpendicular to plane of paper. Apparatus. The apparatus and measuring arrangements have been described in detail in the author’s earlier paper, and the description need not be repeated here. In dealing with the galvanomagnetic temperature effect it was found necessary to introduce a modification in order to make the measurement possible. This effect consists in a temperature difference set up between the two edges of a small plate of metal, carrying an electric current, when it is placed in a magnetic field whose direction is perpendicular to the plane of the plate. This temperature difference is extremely small, and cannot be measured in the usual way by thermocouples attached directly to the plate, since with this arrangement the deflections of the galvanometers in circuit with the couples are due mainly, not to the temperatures of the junctions, but to electromotive forces set up by the current in the plate. Under these cir- cumstances it was useless to increase the sensibility of the galvanometers. The difficulty was overcome by using, in place of the two couples, a small thermopile of ten pairs of junctions. This was built up (see fig. 2) on 46 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. a support, and arranged so that one set of junctions could be pressed against one edge of the plate and the other set against the other edge, a very thin sheet of mica being placed between the junctions and the plate to prevent any direct action of the electric current. This sheet of mica, of course, prevents perfect thermal contact between the junctions and the plate, and a large correction is necessary on this account. The values of the galvanomagnetic temperature effect have therefore not the same degree of accuracy as the other transverse effects. Nevertheless they are sufficiently accurate to allow interesting conclusions to be drawn in connection with the electron theory. The thermopile readings were corrected in the following manner : — The value of the coefficient S was calculated from readings taken with the thermocouples before the thermopile was placed on the plate. It was also calculated from observations made with the thermopile. The ratio of these two values of S was taken as the correcting factor for the thermopile readings in the determination of P. Results. The values of the four coefficients, R, S, Q, P, for the eight metals tested, R 0 R 0 and the values of the ratios, g, p, p, g, are given in the following tables. R x 107. S x 107. Q x 1 04. j P x 1013. Iron .... + 6-1 + 5-2 + 9-5 + 30 Nickel -33 -25 -io-o -34 Cobalt + 2-5 + 1-1 - 7-8 -22 Silver -3-2 — 2-7 + 1-8 + 6*3 Copper -2-8 -2*1 + 1-9 + 8-2 Zinc .... + T2 + 1*1 -f- 0*7 3 + 4-2 Cadmium . + 1-2 + 0-89 + 1-2 + 39 Aluminium - i-o -0-62 - 0-42 - 2-8 R S' 5 x 10~8. 5xl0-3. lb Iron .... + 1-2 + 3-2 + 2-0 + 1-8 Nickel + 1’3 + 2-9 + 0-97 + 4-0 Cobalt + 2‘2 + 3-4 -IT -7*3 Silver + 1-2 + 3-0 — 5T -0-68 Copper + 1-3 + 2-3 -3 4 -0-95 Zinc .... + 1-1 + 1-7 + 2-9 + 0-68 Cadmium . + P3 + 3-0 + 3-0 + 1-3 Aluminium + P6 + 1-5 + 3-6 + 0*68 Effects Transverse Galvanomagnetic and Thermomag netic. 47 Discussion of Results. An inspection of the table shows that the four effects have not always a common sign, but that in some cases two of the effects are positive and two negative. Zahn * put forward the suggestion that, while R and S may have different signs from Q and P, it will always be found that R has the same sign as S, R P and Q the same sign as P,f so that the ratios and ~ are always positive. Zahn appears to have drawn this conclusion from slender experimental evidence, but its truth is borne out by the observations recorded in this paper. R Q It will be observed that the values of g and ^ do not vary very widely from metal to metal, although the individual effects vary both in magni- tude and sign. The ordinary electron theory of conduction in metals, taken in conjunction with J. J. Thomson’s suggestion of a local magnetic field in the immediate neighbourhood of a molecule, is sufficient to account for the variation in the sign of the effects from metal to metal, but it cannot account for the difference between the signs of R and S, and those of Q and P, in the same metal. For this some other modification of the theory must be sought. G. H. Livens J has recently developed a theory of conduction in metals in which he arrives at the four expressions quoted below : * Ann. d. Phys ., vol. xiv, p. 886 (1904). t Zahn’s actual statement is that Q and P have always opposite signs, but the definition of the positive direction of P used by the author is opposite to that used by Zahn. X Phil. Mag., vol. xxx, p. 526 (1915). 48 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 3 where q — ^ — ~2 , um2 being the mean square velocity of the electrons; and Zum s is given by the relation m ~o = potential energy relative to atom at distance r. It will be seen that the signs of Q and P vary according as s is greater or less than 4, while the signs of R and S are always the same ; so that, taken in conjunction with J. J. Thomson’s suggestion, this statement of the theory is capable of accounting for at least the signs of the four effects. The four expressions given above are rather complex, but by taking ratios we obtain the values : 2 + R 7s2 + 8s + 16 e 8s(s + 1 ) These are comparatively simple, and the only unknown is s, which can be calculated from the ratios found by experiment. The following table gives the values of s for the different metals, R 0 calculated from the observed values of p and g respectively. Values of s. R From H O ^j which enters into the expression for the Hall effect, will differ greatly in value from the one metal to the other. This is difficult to reconcile with the experimental fact that the Hall effect has about the same value in both metals. Summary. The four transverse galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic effects were determined in the case of iron, nickel, cobalt, silver, copper, zinc, cadmium, aluminium. The results were considered in the light of the electron theory of conduction in metals as formulated by G. H. Livens, and were found to be in fair accord with the theory as regards the ratios of the effects, but they could not be reconciled with the expressions given for the effects themselves. ( Issued separately March 17, 1921.) VOL. XL1 4 50 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. V. — Observations on the Interruption of the Endodermis in a Secondarily Thickened Root of Dracaena fruticosa, Koch. By Annette G. Mann, B.Sc. Communicated by Professor F. O. Bower, F.B.S. (MS. received October 25, 1920. Read December 6, 1920.) It is generally accepted that the position and development of any one tissue in a plant is to be studied from the point of view of function : nevertheless the physiological need for it may alter as the plant develops. The endodermis is an illustration of this. Its primary function (1) is to restrict the passage of water and soluble substances to certain definite channels : it follows that its best development is in those parts nearest to the source of supply, e.g. in roots and young stems. The cell-walls are at first relatively thin, with the characteristic suberised strip on the radial and transverse walls. Its cells are in uninterrupted contact one with another, there being no intercellular spaces. This leads incidentally to its being also a barrier to gaseous interchange. The ventilating system of the cortex is limited by it internally, and cut off from such intercellular spaces as may lie within. A secondary function which is mechanical is often assumed by it, as shown by Schwendener (2). In older roots the cell- walls, particularly the radial and inner tangential walls, become indurated and resistant. When in this latter condition the endodermis forms a rigid structure enclosing the stele, and forming a very effective barrier between stele and cortex. It has been shown by Professor Bower (3) that size is a factor which has to be considered in this connection. Since the surface of a cylinder varies as the square, and the bulk as the cube of the linear dimensions, the larger the cylinder is, the greater will be the difficulty of adequate transit through the barrier, and a limit may be expected when the barrier must be extended or be interrupted in some way or another, otherwise the check on interchange through the endodermis would become a serious risk. In roots of Dicotyledons the cortex and endodermis peel off as secondary growth occurs. In thickening stems it disappears, though the steps by which this is carried out have never been accurately followed. But the roots of some Monocotyledons, in particular Draccena, offer a favourable opportunity for tracing the disruption. Draccena, which has a well- marked and indurated endodermis, has also, in some of its largest roots, a 51 1920-21.] Interruption of Endodermis. process of cambial increase similar in its nature to that seen in the stem ; accordingly it was selected as an object likely to throw light on the method of breaking down the barrier in an enlarging part. The following observations were made on transverse hand sections cut from two roots of a plant of Draccena fruticosa grown in Glasgow Botanic Gardens. The first root examined was about 5 inches in length, and the first section was cut at a distance of 1| inches from the apex, and section- cutting was continued upwards towards the junction of root and stem. The first sections showed the root to be about \ inch in its greatest diameter, and the endodermis was a complete, almost regular ring, with all the cells typically thickened on the inner tangential and the two radial walls, the primary stele being undisturbed (fig. 1). The upward sequence of sections from the apex showed a gradual beginning of growth and division of the cells of the pericycle within the endodermis to form a cambium (fig. 2), and, with the slight increase in girth of the root thus brought about, the endodermal cells became somewhat distorted in shape, and the ring itself irregular ; then, finally, the sequence of endodermal cells was interrupted (figs. 3, 4, 5). The development of this inner or internal cambium began first at one part only of the sections, and was most active in the middle of this area, where the cambial cells divided quickly, and often showed four to six radial rows of cells. Above this area of active 52 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. growth and division there occurred interruption and separation of the cells in the endodermal ring by the intrusion and growth between the endodermal cells of one or more parenchymatous cells either from the peri- cycle or from the cortical cells just outside the endodermis (see cells x, x, fig. 4). In either case there arose bending of the endodermal ring, and displacement of the cells as shown in fig. 5. The next few sections showed a rather quick disappearance of cambial activity until there was practically no division of pericyclic cells, and the endodermis was again a complete ring of typically thickened cells. Internal cambium then began again with a quick division of its cells, resulting in a considerable amount of separation of the cells of the endodermis by intrusive parenchyma. Again occurred a falling off of cambial activity, and a consequent linking up of the endodermal cells into a more complete ring. There were now If inches of root left uncut, and sections were continued at about If inches from its junction with the stem. The first sections cut here showed still a very small amount of internal cambium, and the endodermis almost complete ; but, in addition, there was a slight division of certain cortical cells just outside the endodermis. These formed small isolated patches of outer or external cambium made up of ten to twenty cells in two radial rows. The succeed- ing sections showed the endodermis complete and no cambial development on the inside, but there was increasing cambial development on the outside (fig. 6). The cells often divided by obliquely tangential walls, therefore did 53 1920-21.] Interruption of Endodermis. not appear at first in even typical radial rows. The external cambium spread gradually round the sections, the cells dividing by periclinal walls, and their arrangement becoming regular and broader, while the endodermis remained undisturbed. A few sections further up showed cambium appearing in parts of the pericycle also, and from this point upwards the internal cambium caused breaking of the endodermal ring in the manner already described and figured. For a considerable number of sections the pericyclic cambium showed only a slight development of secondary tissue, and the external cambium none at all, but about f of an inch from the attachment of the root on the stem, there appeared the beginnings of two small secondary bundles — typical xylem elements surrounding central phloem — on the outside of the endodermis, which was continuous below them. The following sections showed rapid development of secondary tissue both from external and internal cam- bium. In consequence of the activity of the latter, single cells or groups of two or more endodermal cells were forced to the outside of the second- ary tissue, or were left lying between the bundles in the midst of this tissue. This follows from the division and growth of the cambial cells on either side of an endodermal group being quicker than that of the cells immediately beneath it. The last sections made, about \ inch from the end of the root, showed internal cambium and development of secondary tissue to a more or less degree practically all round, but the thickening was much more strongly developed on that side of the root which showed both internal and external cambial activity. The endodermis appeared almost completely broken up into patches of cells, and even into isolated cells (Photo II). The .second root examined was of slightly greater diameter than the first throughout all the series of sections, and its tissues had become much more sclerotic and woody, even the pericycle being comparatively thick- walled. The only thin-walled cells apparent were those of the cortex, and of the cambium to the outside of the secondary tissue. The development of cambium first began here in the cortex just outside the endodermis, and spread round, giving rise to secondary bundles to a greater or lesser degree in several isolated places, the endodermis being complete below the bundles (fig. 7). When a considerable amount of external secondary tissue had 54 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. been developed, two or more cells in isolated parts of the pericycle, in conjunction with several tracheids just below, were found to have enlarged Fig. 7. and extended outwards towards the endodermis. This enlarging of peri- cyclic cells appeared in a number of places, the endodermis becoming curved and broken as one cut further up from the root apex. The pressure of these thick- walled cells must have caused first that curving and then that splitting apart of the en- dodermal cells which is shown in fig. 8 and Photo I. The changes in the endodermal ring due to inside pressure occurred where there was greatest de- velopment of secondary tissue outside it, the cells of the secondary conjunctive tissue appearing to assist in the process of separation of its cells (see fig. 8, cells xv x2). When the endodermis had been ruptured and the isolated parts pushed slightly outwards (fig. 9), the pericyclic 1920-21.] Interruption of Endodermis. 55 Fig. 8. Fig. 9. 56 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. cells below the curves, and also elsewhere in the pericycle, where there was previously no external cambium, divided up rapidly by periclinal walls. They thus formed a typical cambium from which were developed secondary bundles and conjunctive tissue. Such developments have already been noted by Haberlandt (1) and verified by Miss Spratt (4) as being of the nature of fibrous tracheids. As secondary growth from Fig. 10. the internal cambium spread round and became more active, the secondary tissue formed from it joined up through the gaps in the endodermis with that formed by the external cambium. The endodermal ring now appeared much broken, many of the cells being carried up on the outside of the internal cambium, and left lying in little groups of a few cells each in the midst of the thick- walled conjunctive tissue between the secondary bundles (fig. 10). The last sections cut from root 2 showed a 1920-21.] Interruption of Endodermis. very similar appearance to those of root 1 at the same stage in secondary growth, i.e. they showed endodermal strands lying between the secondary bundles, and also on the extreme outside of the secondary tissue where internal cambial activity was very marked (Photo II). In both roots the pericyclic cambium, once it was fairly established, was most active, whether or no it was developed before the cortical cambium, since endo- dermal cells were always found external to the cambium out- side the greatest development of secondary tissue. There appears to be no rule whether the cambium shall appear first in the pericycle or in the cortex just outside the endodermis. Both the roots examined show that the formation of external cambium does not, as Miss Spratt suggests, necessarily follow after the formation of pericyclic cambium, but may precede it. In that case the endodermal ring still continues to form a serious barrier to ventilation, though there is abundant evidence of intercellular spaces in the secondary tissue. Where the cambium originates first from the inside the parenchyma cells pene- trating the endodermis show air-spaces between them (see figs. 3, 4, 5), so that the endodermal barrier to ventilation is broken. But I imagine the primary cause of the interruption is not to allow of greater ventila- tion of the inner tissue — though this of course follows — but rather is it an adaptation to allow of a greater increase in girth of the root for the forma- tion of new vascular tissues, and for a quicker interchange between the outer and inner tissues of the enlarging root. If greater ventilation was the prim- ary object, then internal cambium would, of necessity, be developed first. Professor Scott and Mr Brebner (5) have described a somewhat similar 58 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. behaviour of endodermis in the secondarily thickened roots of other species of Dracaena, and the phenomenon of the penetration of parenchyma cells between thicker-walled cells, with the consequent splitting apart of the latter, has been shown by others to occur elsewhere. Schwendener (2) figured a cross-section of a root of Convallaria majalis showing the interruption of the endodermis by thin- walled parenchyma ; and Miss A. M. Clark (6) has described an ingrowing of parenchyma among secondary xylem elements in the stem of Kendriclcia Wallceri. In fig. 11 I have demonstrated an example of the intrusion of parenchyma from the cortex which seems to correspond in its nature and origin to the case of Convallaria mentioned by Schwendener. This intrusion into the endo- dermis occurred before the appearance of cambium at that point, though secondary thickening was active at the opposite side of the root. In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness and grateful thanks to Professor Bower for so kindly supervising the work, and to Dr J. M. Thompson for valuable criticism. REFERENCES. (1) Haberlandt, G., Physiological Plant Anatomy, 1914, Oxford translation. (2) Schwendener, S., Die Schutzscheiden und ihre Verstdrkungen , 1882. (3) Bower, F. O., Professor, Presidential Address to Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1920, Proc., vol. xli, p. 1. (4) Spratt, A. V., Miss, “ Some Anomalies in Monocotyledon Roots,” Annals of Botany, 1920. (5) Scott and Brebner, “The Secondary Tissues in certain Monocotyledons,” Annals of Botany, 1893. (6) Clark, A. M., Miss, “ Secondary Thickening in Kendrickia Walkeri,” Annals of Botany, 1907. ILLUSTRATIONS. E. = endodermis : p. = pericycle : c. = cambium : phi. = phloem: xy. = xylem: Pr. tis. = primary tissue : Sec. tis. = secondary tissue : cor. = cortex. Text-Figures. Fig. 1. Endodermis complete without cambium on either side. x 250. Fig. 2. Endodermis complete with pericyclic cambium. x 250. Fig. 3. Separation of endodermal cells by internal cambial activity. Inter- cellular spaces are numerous in the thin-walled tissue. x 250. Figs. 4 and 5. Steps in the breaking up and displacement of endodermis by intrusion of parenchyma cells. x 250. 59 1920-21.] Interruption of Endodennis. Fig. 6. Endodermis complete, and beginning of external cambium. x 250. Fig. 7. Endodermis complete, and formation of secondary tissue from external cambium, x 250. Fig. 8. Endodermis curved and continuity broken by pressure of tissues within. Cells Xj x2 show the beginning of separation of endodermal cells. x 250. Fig. 9. Three endodermal cells are shown pushed out from the ring. The bundle just within was formed from internal cambium ; tissues to right and left from external cambium. x 250. Fig. 10. Endodermal cells pushed right out to cortex by the activity of internal cambium. Those cells on right have been left behind among secondary elements. x 200. Fig. 11. Separation of endodermis by intrusion of cortex. x 250. Photographs. I. Curving and splitting of endodermis ( x ) due to inside pressure. x 24. II. Endodermal cells (x) pushed out to cortex by internal cambial activity, x 24. {Issued separately March 17, 1921.) 60 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. VI. — On Fechner’s Law and the Self-Luminosity of the Eye. By Professor William Peddie, D.Sc. (MS. received November 22, 1920. Read November 22, 1920.) (Abstract.) Fechner’s law states that change of visual perceptivity is proportional to the fractional change in the intensity of the light. At weak intensities a term, regarded as constant, has to be added to the intensity of the external light on account of the self-luminosity of the eye. By integration over the whole stimulated part of the retina, Helmholtz obtained an expression for the perceptivity which agreed with observation in so far as the general nature of the relation between perceptivity and external stimulus is concerned. Close correspondence can be obtained by assuming that the self-luminosity term in Fechner’s expression is itself a simple function of the external stimulus, rising rapidly to a maximum and thereafter slowly falling to a steady value. / 1920-21.] Relation of Soil Colloids to Conductivity of Soil. 61 VII. — The Relation of the Soil Colloids to the Thermal Con- ductivity of the Soil By Capt. T. Bedford Franklin, B.A. (Cantab.). (MS. received December 28, 1920. Read February 7, 1921.) SUMMARY. SECTION I. Introduction ......... II. Scope of the Investigation and Effect of Change of Period on Values r4 of R. Rr III. Evidences of Changes in Values of Temperature of Soil (а) In sand .... (б) In clay loam (c) In clay loam, ignited clay loam, and sand IV. Conclusions .... with Changes in Mean Surface page 61 62 63 63 64 64 67 I. Introduction. Early investigators regarded the soil as an inert framework of soil grains of various sizes covered with a continuous film of water, and the properties which in theory it should possess under such a hypothesis were found not to accord too well with the results of experiment. But when the existence of soil colloids was understood, the differences between theory and experiment tended to disappear one by one, as shown by the work of Bouyoncos in America in 1915 and of Keen in England in 1914, 1919, and 1920.* These and other investigators have shown that it is essential to take into account the colloidal properties of the soil before its physical pro- perties can be understood properly, and in doing so have cleared up many of the points of difference between experiment and the old theory which was based on a hypothesis that disregarded these soil colloids. In a previous paper on soil temperature I have discussed the effect of * “ The Effect of Temperature on the most important Physical Processes in Soils.” G. J. Bouyoncos, Technical Bulletin No. 22, Michigan Experimental Station , 1915. “The Evaporation of Water from Soil,” B. A. Keen, Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. vi, part iv, Dec. 1914. “ A Quantitative Relation between Soil and the Soil Solution,” B. A. Keen, ibid., vol. ix, part iv, Oct. 1919. “The Relations existing between the Soil and its Water Content,” B. A. Keen, ibid., vol. x, part i, Jan. 1920. 62 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. rain, snow, frost, a dry surface mulch, etc., on the soil temperatures at various depths ; * in this present paper I propose to show that soil temperatures are also affected by soil colloids, since the properties of these colloids bring about changes in the conductivity of the soil. II. Scope of the Investigation and Effect of Change of Period on Values of For this investigation it was essential that variations in the value of R due to any cause other than temperature should be eliminated. To this K0 end hourly readings were made from minimum to maximum only, and no observations were taken on days of precipitation or when the ground was frozen or covered with a dry surface mulch : moreover, to ensure the more or less uniform water content of the soil, observations in summer were made on those days only when rain has fallen in the previous twenty-four R hours, so that any observed variations in the values of p-4 were due apparently either to variations in the length of the interval from minimum to maximum or to temperature changes in the soil. It was assumed that the temperature curves from minimum to maximum could be regarded as half a sine curve of period double the interval from minimum to maximum ; we were thus able to use the formula 10 R where ~ is the ratio of the ranges of temperature at the -tC 4-inch depth and the surface from minimum to maximum, h 2 is the diffusivity of the soil, and T is the period, i.e. double the interval from minimum to maximum, reckoned in seconds.^ From chosen observations in June 1920, when the mean surface R temperature was 10° C. and the period 24 hours, — in sand and clay loam were found to be ‘52 and *42 respectively. Thus ^4=52 = e X -006 for sand, giving a value of *09 for h in sand ; in clay loam the corresponding value for h was *07. Assuming that for the rest of the observations these values for h remained constant for the two soils, and this seemed probable since * “ The Effect of Weather Changes on Soil Temperature,” T. B. Franklin, Proc. Roy . Soc. Edin ., vol. xl, part i, No. 8, 1920. t Mathematical Theory of Heat Conduction , Ingersoll and Zobel. 1920-21.] Relation of Soil Colloids to Conductivity of Soil. 63 observations were made only when the soils had more or less the same R water content, we could find the values of p-4 for each soil corresponding K0 to various values of the period T. These values are given in Table I alongside some observed values of r4. Rn *4 in clay loam for those periods. Table I. — Change of — J with Change of Period. XVn Interval Min. to Max. Period T in Hrs. R0 Sand. 5t R0 Clay Loam. | Observed Value of R -i in Clay Loam R0 Mean Surface Temperature for Period. in Hrs. for that Period. 6 12 •41 •30 •26 2-5° C. 8 16 •44 •33 •30 5-0° C. 9 18 •46 •35 •32 3-0° C. 10 20 •475 •375 12 24 •52 •42 •42 100°’ c. 24 48 •54 •50 •52 5-0° C. 5*0° C. 36 72 •60 •60 •61 8-5° C. 9*0° C. It will be seen that good agreement was obtained between the calculated R and observed values of p^ in clay loam when the mean surface temperature R0 during the period was about 10° C. — the temperature at which the standard R observation was made, — but that ^ fell considerably below the calculated rt0 value when the mean surface temperature was below 10° C. R This suggested plotting the values of at various temperatures but K0 the same period against the corresponding mean surface temperatures ; the results for sand and clay loam are given in the next section. R III. Evidences of Changes in Values of ^-4 with Changes in JLvq Mean Surface Temperature of Soil. (a) In Sand. Owing to the strict conditions under which observations were made for R this investigation, only about sixty values of in each soil were recorded 64 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. as being sufficiently trustworthy out of the whole year 1920; of these 32 were arranged according to their length of period : — 11 for a period of 12 hours — Min. to Max. 6 hours. 14 „ 18 „ „ 9 „ 7 „ 22 „ „ 11 „ These values for the two soils are shown plotted according to their length of period against the mean surface temperature in figs. 1 and 2 ; in both figures it will be noticed that the distribution of the plotted values of R, R„ at low mean surface temperatures is wider than at high temperatures : R this is due to the difficulty of computing exactly the value of p4 in winter 1C0 when both R4 and R0 are small, and the least error in either makes a R considerable difference in the value of R0 The vertical dotted lines on the graph are the lines on which the values R of -p4 in sand should lie at periods of 12, 18, 22 hours respectively if there R R, was no variation in value of with a change of mean surface temperature. The plotted points do fall so nearly on these lines that it seems justifi- able to assume that there is no change in conductivity of sand with change of temperature. (b) In Clay Loam. R Here we have quite a different picture, as the groups of points for ^ lie diagonally and not vertically as in sand, and it seems that there is a distinct change of conductivity in clay loam with a change in the mean surface temperature. The chief difference between clay loam and sand- — apart from the size of the soil grains — is that clay loam contains organic matter and soil colloids, while sand contains neither; therefore it would appear that the change in conductivity of clay loam with temperature is due to one of both of these constituents. R (c) in Clay Loam, Ignited Clay Loam, and Sand. tv0 R During the autumn of 1920 I compared the values of ^ in clay R0 loam, ignited clay loam, and sand ; the interval from minimum to maximum was about 8 hours — period 16 hours — for most of the time during which the observations were made. 1920-21.] Relation of Soil Colloids to Conductivity of Soil. 65 The expected values for for a mean surface temperature of 10° C. K0 would be *45 in clay loam, and ’55 in sand ; it happened that the ignited clay 20 I o o 19 MEAN SURFACE TEMP. 17 FIG. I * SAND CHANGE /N VALUE OF ■— iV/TH • CHANGE OF MEAN SURFACE TEMPER f o o 16 o 15 14 13 12 10 * 9 8 I » I o o 7 6 5 4 3 2 •30 -32 *- I • * t * *- l •34 -36 -38 -40 -42 -44 I I I 1 I t 1 •46 -48 = 6 HOUR /NTERZAL MIN. TO MAX. @ - 9 0 — 1/ 1 •50 -52 AV Ro •54 -56 loam had a value of ^ equal to '55 also, and the curves for it and sand have run together faithfully day by day for over two months, during which the mean surface temperature has fluctuated between 9° C. and just above 0° C. VOL. xli. 5 66 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. R The values of ^ 3 in ignited clay loam and sand have only varied between ■54 and *57 during this time, while for clay loam the variation is from '13 30 MEAN SURFACE TEMP. fig. n CLAY LOAM 0 1 o °c. CHANGE /N VALUE OF ^ W/TH I o • CHANGE OF MEAN SURFACE TEMPER f I 0 1 0 1 o * if 0 0 I # if if if =6 HOUR INTERVAL M/M. TO MAX.. m = 9 o = // | | | ES II \ Ro •28 -30 -32 - 34 - 32 -38 -40 - 42 -44 - 46 *40 to '48, according as the mean surface temperature was near 0° C. or 9° C. Now, ignition destroys the organic matter and soil colloids, so that the R similar small fluctuations of p^-in ignited clay loam and sand — neither of 1920-21.] Relation of Soil Colloids to Conductivity of Soil. 67 which contain organic matter or soil colloids — compared with the larger It fluctuations of =p-3 in clay loam, which is rich in colloids, is a point of great significance in the present investigation. IV. Conclusions. The addition of organic matter to a soil reduces the conductivity of that soil. Thus Bouyoncos found that sand with the addition of 332 per cent, organic matter was a better conductor than sand with 6'95 per cent, organic matter ; moreover, in the soils he tested, the conductivity, both dry and wet, was in the inverse ratio to the organic matter present.* Therefore the change in conductivity of clay loam cannot be due to the organic matter present, but must be caused by the colloids present in that soil. This change of conductivity is probably brought about by the colloidal films surrounding the soil grains swelling with the rise in temperature, and so automatically compacting the soil, and reducing the transfer resistance to heat between the particles within the soil. * “ An Investigation on Soil Temperature and some of the most important factors influencing it,” G. J. Bouyoncos, Technical Bulletin No. 17, 1913, Michigan Experimental Station . { Issued separately May 9, 1921.) 68 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. VIII. — On a Graphical Method of determining Shear Influence Lines and Diagrams of Maximum Shearing Force for a Beam subjected to a Series of Concentrated Rolling Loads. By Alex. R. Horne, B.Sc. (Lond.), Professor of Engineering, Robert Gordon’s Technical College, Aberdeen. (MS. received November 30, 1920. Read March 7, 1921.) The shear influence line is a line the ordinates of which give the values of the shearing forces at any one point in a beam or bridge as a load, or a series of loads, pass over it. There is thus, for any one beam, an influence line for every point in it. These influence lines are of great value in the design of structures, such as bridges and arches, where it is necessary to determine the greatest maxi- mum and minimum shearing forces which occur at every point in them. The methods generally used to obtain these lines prove laborious in practice, especially when there are, as is often the case, several loads, such as the wheel loads of a locomotive. The ordinates of each influence line are generally determined by calculation, when it becomes necessary to estimate the shearing forces for many positions of the loading. Alterna- tively, a graphical method, which requires the construction of funicular polygons, and which affords only approximate results, is resorted to. This latter method is inconvenient when the load length exceeds the span, as is often the case in practice. In this paper, a simple graphical method of constructing an influence line is explained ; and the system is extended to provide a ready means of drawing the influence lines for as many points in the beam as may be desired. From these a diagram of maximum positive and negative shears can be constructed. No calculation whatever is required, and the method is an exact one. Moreover, the system is not limited to the case where the total length of the load does not exceed the span of the beam. Let a series of loads, W2, W2, W3 (fig. 1) cross a beam AB, of span L, moving towards the right. When the leading load, Wl5 is over the right abutment B, the bending moments at A, due to Wv W2, W3, are M1? M2, M3 respectively. Let the total bending moment at A, due to these loads, be represented by cd to a scale of 1 " = m units. If the beam is freely supported at A, the resultant bending moment there is zero. It follows that, if R is the reaction of the support at B, RL = Mj + M2 + M3 = cd (in inches) x m, 1920-21.] Graphical Treatment of Shear Influence Lines. 69 771 hence R = cd x ~ ; /T)rb therefore cd represents the reaction R to a scale of 1" — — =n units. JL If, now, the loads move to the left by a distance lv it is easy to show that R is represented by c ±d± = the depth of the diagram at a distance lx to the right of A. Again, if the loads move a distance l2 to the right , the sum of the moments at A due to all the loads will be represented by ed2, where ce = l2. But since is now off the beam, the bending moment, ec2, due to it is ineffective. The true bending moment is now c2d2 ; and, from what has v gone before, it follows that the new value of R is represented by c2d2 for this position of the loading. When Wj is at an infinitely small distance to the left of B, R = cd ; but, immediately it passes off the beam, R is reduced by W2 or eg. Similarly, just when W2 leaves the beam at B, the reaction is suddenly reduced by W2. This reduction is shown by hk( = W2), which is drawn at a distance p from A, where p is the spacing between W1 and W2. A similar treatment is adopted for the adjustment of the reaction R when W3 passes B. This is not shown on the diagram. Generally, the vertical intercept between the lines oxcghht — conveni- ently termed the “ control ” line, and the line oxo2ozv, which may be referred to as the “ moment ” line, at a distance l , where l is the motion of the loads, measured horizontally from A in a direction opposite to that in which the loads have moved from the position where Wx is over B, gives the then value of R. 70 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Consider now the general case, where the load length exceeds the span (fig. 2). The “ control line the horizontal distance from n2 to n3 being equal to q— the distance between W2 and W3, — the ordinate between the line n2a2m3 and the moment, or base, line at the appropriate point gives the shearing force at X. Finally, m3n3 is made equal to W3 ; n3a3mx is drawn parallel to the control line for a distance r — the spacing between W3 and W4; m4^4 is set down equal to W4, and is joined to a4. The line am1n1 . . . m4%a4 is the influence line for the point X, and is easily traced on the diagram by the small circles, to the base line aooa 4. Where the influence line falls above the base line the shear at X is positive; while, when it falls below the base line, the shear at X is negative. By an extension of the diagram of fig. 2, a simple means is afforded by which to obtain the appropriate influence line for any point in the beam. The process is indicated in fig. 3, and is as follows : — Place the loads so that W4 is over the right abutment. Produce the load lines through W4, W2, W3, and W4 vertically downwards (dotted lines), and draw vertical (chain-dotted) lines, similarly spaced, from A. Draw abx = L, the span. Set down bxax = W1 at A. In the direction aax draw ac and a^b2 in the spaces p. Set down b2a2 — W2. In the direction ca2 draw cd and a2b3 in the spaces q. Set down = W3. In similar manner, draw de and a'> A P' ; y;^?) = 22 F4(«, P; y,y; x, = + 0O (a, m + n)(p, n) Xmi/n Zj 1=0 (7, m + n) m\ n\ ■ (a, m + n)({3, n) xmyn i (7, m)( 7', n) m ! n ! (a, m)(a\ n)(f3, m)(/3', n) xmyn 1 (7, m + n) m\ n\ (a, m + n)(/3, m + n ) xmyn 1 V T ! n t ’ * J. math, pures appl. , 1882, p. 173 ; 1884, p. 407. + For an account of the confluent hypergeometric functions, see chapter xvi of Whittaker and Watson’s Modern Analysis. 74 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. These functions satisfy partial differential equations, and can be expressed as definite integrals. Appell has given some applications of them to certain problems of celestial mechanics, and expressed in terms of them the polynomials of Hermite and Didon and some more general polynomials. An interesting advance in the theory has been made recently by Appell, who has shown that the polynomials Vm n of Hermite, which are particular cases of the function F2, are solutions of the potential equation in hyper- spherical co-ordinates, and can be considered as hyperspherical harmonic functions on the hypersphere x2 + y2 + z2 + 12 = 1. PART I. DEFINITION AND PROPERTIES OF THE FUNCTIONS. Chapter I. FORMATION OF THE CONFLUENT HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES. The confluent hypergeometric functions of two variables may be formed by confluence from Appell’s functions in the following way : — First, in Appell’s function F3(a; ft, ft' ; y , x, y), make ft' oo , at the same time dividing y by ft': we thus obtain the first of our confluent functions, ^i(a ; ft; y; x, Jy y (a, m + n)(ft, m) xmyn . ^ ^ (y, m + n) m \ n\ A second function can be obtained from Ft by dividing x and y by a, and causing a to tend to infinity : we are thus led to the function %(ft> ft' ; y; ^ y ) = 2 2 (ft, m)(ft', n) xmyn (y , m + n) mini A third new function can be derived from F1 by making the two para- meters a and ft' infinite, after replacing x and y by x and this gives a aft the function i / / , \ v’' (B, Tfi) xmyn (y, m + n) m ! n ! Taking next Appell’s series F2, we apply to it the same process, and obtain two new functions, the first one by dividing y by ft', and making ft' infinite ; and the other one by dividing x by ft, y by ft', and making 75 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. both /3 and ft tend to infinity. These two functions will be denoted by the symbol 'F : their expressions are *i(«; fi;y,yi *, 2/) = ZlVfn"’ V”. (y> m)(y j w) m ! n ! ^o(a ; y» 7 ; x> 2/) = 2Z From the function F3(a, a, ft ft; y ; i/)=22 (a, m + n) xmyn (y, m)(y', 71) m \ n\ (a, m)( a', rc)(ft m)(ft, ») (y, m + n) ! *, 1 may be obtained in like manner a new function by dividing y by ft, and making ft-> oo . This is the function * H,(«, a'-, P;y,x, 2/)=22(“’ ")(A ^ — (y, m + n) m \ n ! Similarly, replacing y by y/a'ft, and making a and ft infinite, we obtain a function b(a> P ; y ; ^ y) = 2 2 (a, m)(ft ra) icw2/r (y, m -j- w) m ! n ! Chapter II. VARIOUS EXPANSIONS FOR THE FUNCTIONS; RELATIONS BETWEEN THEM. The seven confluent functions which we have introduced, and defined by double power-series, may also be represented by simple power-series in x, or in y, by performing the process of confluence on the similar expressions given by Appell for the four F functions. We thus find , , 0 N xWa, m)(6, m) ,, , x xm $i(a; Pm> y> x, y) = Zj , , — -$(a,+ ?», y+m, y) (y, rn) ml _ ^ (a, m) 3T 2 7 — — ( F(a + m, ft y + m: x)~\ ,S(y , w) x r > / and similar formulae for the other confluent functions. We shall next consider formulae derived from the definite-integral values of the F functions, such as F0 = r(y)r(y') - ux - vy)~*dudv. r(f3)T(B‘)T(y- mv - n We have (1 - ux-vy)~a=( - l)"a[l - (1 - ux) - (1 - vy)]~a = ( - ir“2 - «*)"( i - ^)- m ! n ! 76 Proceedings of tlie Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. so F9 = ( - l)-ar(y)r(y) f1 ^ )y^ _ux)mdu T(P)T(P')T(y-p)T(y'-p)^^ mini J { ' { ’ jfV_1( 1 - 1 - vy)ndv =(-ir22 y ; *. y) = ( - F( _ m> P : v> *)$( - *> y’> s') %(a ; y,Y; a, j /) = ( - l)"‘22l^r ®( “ TO> T> *)*( ~ »> y’< 2/)- By reasoning of a similar type we find r.(. : ; ft ft ;r 2 . ! ■ - »* F,(. . - i ft +« ; ft + - ; y-p' + m, y + m; x , y) or F, = y, ( - w) y F2(a+m ; p + m, ft + m ; y + m,y - p + m ; x, y). " (y - P, m)(y, m) m'. From these we obtain by confluence *,(«;ft;y; *, y) - 2 (- 1)” m) s ^ " (y - P, m)(y, m) m ! (ft m) ?/ ^(a + m, p + m; y + m, y - p + m; x, y) Pi= v)> which may be transformed into $3(ft y; X , y) = ex^(-l)m7 $(y-a, y + m, -x)B(y- p + m, y) ; (y — ft m)(y, m) m • i lastly, from F3 we obtain in a similar way Ei(a, a ; P ; y; x, y)|| ^ M 1 )m ^ m^,a ’ f F(a + m, P + m, y - a + m, x) ^ (y,m)(y-a,m) mi 3>(a' +m, y + m, y) $2(a, a ; y; X, ( “ 1)™ (a> ™)(a » m\ $(a + m, y - a + m, x) (y, m)(y- a , m) ml (a +m, y + m, y) a„(a, ft y, x, y) = 2 ( - 1 )“ 7 TT — 7 -C F(o + m, /? ; y + m ; x) " (y, m)(y - a, m) ml B(y — a + m, y). Another type of expansion may be obtained as follows : in the formula r(y) npw )F(y -ji- W)fofy ~ ^ ~ \ 1 -ty-fi-P-'i 1 -vyP+l - tz-vy + vtx)-‘dtdv 77 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables, take (1 - tx - vy + vtx)~a*= ( - 1)~“[1 - (1 - tx) - (1 - vy) - vtx\~a whence («, m + n+p)t m n p 171 \ 71 \ p \ r, = (-i)-222*fl (a, m + n + p)(p, p)((3', p)_ m\n\p\(y, p)(y - /?', p) and 3> F( - m, /3 +p ; y - p' +p ; x) F (~n, /¥+p, y+p, y) y-fi + p, y). All these expansions show the intimate connection between these functions and the similar one-variable functions. It is easy to show also that an important relation exists between 1 and and that, in fact, they always reduce to one another. Let us start from the expansion which we gave for (a + m, y + m, y) = ey®(y - a, y + m, - y)f we can write Z(a,m)(i3,m) x xm ^ -y $(y-a ; y + m, - y) and, comparing with the expansion for S1? $i(a ; P ; y ; y) = ey%i( which is the relation in question. m ! Chapter III. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS SATISFIED BY THE FUNCTIONS. The seven confluent functions satisfy partial differential equations of rather simple forms, which it is easy to obtain, by confluence, from the four systems of equations found by Appell for the F functions. W riting dz dz d2z ay -a. S?-r, etc., we find that the system for the function flq is rx( 1 - x)r + 2/(1 - x)s + [y - (a + P+ 1 )x~\p - pyq - apz = 0 l yt + xs + (y - y)q - px - az = 0, 78 Proceedings of the Boyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. that for is fx( 1 - x)r - xys + [y - (a + /3 + 1 )x\p - (3yq - a/3z - 0 yyt + (y - y)q -vx - ^ = o, and similarly for the other functions. Each of the systems is of the type * fr = axs + a2p + asq + a^z V= bxs + b2p + b^q + b±z (the as and b’ s being functions of x and y), of which a general theory has been given by Appell, with the aid of certain propositions established by Bouquet. When the expression 1 - alb1 is different from zero (which is the case for the 'VE and 3? systems), the general solution of the system is a linear function of four independent solutions and if z=C1zl + C 2z2 + C3z3 + C4z4, 1 - albl = 0 (which occurs for the systems), it is a linear function of three independent solutions 2 — CjZj + C 2z2 + C 3z3 . We may observe that the system satisfied by the function ^i(a ; P ; y ’> x> v) admits also the independent solutions x1~y^1(a+ l-y;/3 + l- y;2-y , y ; x, y) yl~y^1(a+l-y' ; [3 ; y, 2-y ; X, y) x1~yy1~y'$r1(a +2 -y-y ; fi+l -y ; 2 - 7, 2 - y ; x, y). A similar result may be obtained for the function so that the general solution of the two T' systems may readily be expressed in terms of the \E functions themselves. Chapter IV. SOME SPECIAL PROPERTIES OF THE AND H FUNCTIONS. We shall next give a few formulae illustrative of the properties of the and H functions : the function which has a special importance, will be considered in the next chapter. The dq function admits recurrence formulae analogous to the well- 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. 79 known relations between contiguous hypergeometric functions of one variable; thus £?*!(<*+ 1; P+ 1 ; y+l; x,y)+ ^(a + 1; /?; y+1; x, y) 7 7 = + 1 ; /? ; y ; y) - ^i(<* ; P ; y ; ^ y) $i(a ; /3 + 1 ; y ; x, y) = ^(a '> Pi 7 i y) + — ' $i(a + 1 ; £ + 1 i 7 + 1 i ^ 2/)- 7 The relation iU-i(a; P; y , x, y) = “£*>,(<* + 1 ; 0 + 1; y+1; *, ?/) shows that the derivates of the

2 may be expressed by the double integral ri * »> - rmnml-f -// *‘~v "(1 - - (u^O, v^O, l - u - v^O). Formulae of the same type may be obtained for the H functions : thus we have ft’ “> ^ *’ y> = r(.)r(,Wy- a -,-)// the field being the same as above. \y-a — a'-l dudv . Chapter V. THE FUNCTION AND ITS TRANSFORMATIONS. The function Tg proves to be the most interesting of the seven, as its properties afford a very direct generalisation of the one- variable confluent hypergeometric function. To render this fact more conspicuous, we shall substitute for Ar2 a new function, just as Whittaker * studied, instead of T>, his functions M or W. We therefore make the following change of parameters: a = /x -f v — /*' -f 1 7= 2/x-f 1 y =2v+ 1, * Bull. Amer. Math. Noc., iv, p. 125. 80 Proceedings of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. and we define the function M kt v{x, y) = L ^2(/x + v-k+l; + 1, 2r + 1 ; x, y). The development in ascending powers of x and y is then ,, V+1 _*±e y y (fi + v-k+l, m + n) xmyv 2V 2 ““(2/*+ 1, m)(2v+ 1, n) m\ n\ ' We see that this function exists only when /u and v are both different from the half of a negative integer ; a similar feature occurs with the one-variable confluent hypergeometric function M*, „(*) = xT He^ lim F (ix-k + i, P; 2^+1 ; - ) which disappears if 2/ul is a negative integer. If, however, we suppose v, for instance, to become equal to — J, and simultaneously y to become equal to zero, with the condition that the fraction 0 ^ — tends to zero, the l i/+.l function becomes, as it is easy to verify by considering the above expansion, equal to + k m) ^ " » (v+i, m) m ! or precisely Mfc> ^(x). We then have the most important relation Mfc, 0) = Mfc, M(z), provided that lim ^ =0 ; to which can be added the similar one Mfc,_£>v(0, y) = MktV(y), . OC provided that lim — - = 0. Lfx -f- 1 It is easy to form the system of partial differential equations satisfied by Mfcf v : it is x2r - xyq + z(^ - ~ ^ -f kx + \ - /x2^ = 0 yH - xyp + z(^ - 1 ^ + ky + \ - v2^ = 0. (S) If in this system we take y = 0 and v=— J, the second equation vanishes, and the first one becomes o cPz dxi + kx + \ - /x2 ) = 0, which is precisely the confluent hypergeometric equation of one variable, in Whittaker’s form; and we obtain a similar result by taking x = 0 and U— ~~ 2* 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. 81 We shall, in general, denote by WkjfXiV (x, y) a solution of this system with the condition that it reduces to WktfJi(x) for y = 2i/ + l = 0, and to W k,v(y) f°r ^ = 2^ + 1 = 0. The general solution of the system S is readily found to be of the form 2/) T y) + fx f ~ y) “l- ~fJlj _ v(x, ?/), the C’s being arbitrary constants. Numerous recurrence formulas may be written for the M function. We shall only give the following as an example: M & — v' dx~~K'tx'v V ' * 2/ ‘ 2^+1 The expansions for ”T2 furnish analogous results. W7e thus obtain, bearing in mind the definition of the one- variable M function and its relation with , and M lx v) f-;ya!"Wi('‘ + l'"i;+1’ m>M /.a V (2/t+l, m)m! •’fe) M (a v) - vm+"+i(_t + r ~ k + 1, m) 2d (2v + 1, m) m ! By transforming the formula ^2(a ; y>y*> v) = ( - 1) aX2-a* ?+T^( y, *)$(-», y , 2/) m ! n ! we obtain M, „ m y)={- 7« 71 • ''J • Let us consider the one-variable M functions which occur under the symbol of summation. The expansion of the first one is M ( -• m, p) pto(2/x-+L^! but, as m is an integer, the product ( — m, p) vanishes whenever p is greater than m, so that the sum represents not an infinite series, but a polynomial of degree m in x, The question is now, what is this polynomial ? Let us write = ( - rnt ™ - 2) ^(2/x+l, m-q)(m-q) ! q=m Xm~q = r(2/x + t)m ! — l)w_?— 77 , ; lVO , r v A ’ f-fp ’ q \ (m - q) \ T(2/jl + m — q) VOL. XLI. 6 82 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. or .m— i P(z) ( l)mm\ r(2/t+l)^0! ml r^2/t + m) 1 I (to-1)! r(2/* + m- 1) and the expression between brackets is the polynomial of degree m considered by, Sonine * in his researches on the Bessel functions ; it is here Tm (x), the definition of the polynomial being the expansion tx ew, ',="° and its expression, as given by Sonine, being precisely afi-* T^M- x -i- a W p\0\T(a + p) (P-I)l 1 ! r(a + /3- 1) (/5-2)! 2! T(a + P~2) We can then write the following expression : Mm+M+i,M(^) = (-1)w^! T(2[x+l)x*+h a result which can be verified by using the expression of the T polynomial in terms of the Wk m function, as given by Whittaker, j- We then obtain at once the very simple and remarkable expansion x+y Z/) = ^+y+ie 2 r(2/»+ l)r(2v+ 1)22(- m n ([x, + v—k+ 1, m + n)T™Jjc) T”(y). Some interesting consequences, concerning certain particular cases of the M function, can be deduced from this formula. If we suppose, in the first place, /jl and v to be of the form Z z where a and b are integers, we have to consider in the expansion poly- nomials of the type Tr+i(*>- for which we readily find the simple expression fia+ 1 r:+i(x)=^xr+Xx). But we can observe with Sonine that, if A is an integer, Ty*) = lW^) where U is Hermite’s polynomial, d?j * Math. Ann xvi(1880), p. 41. t Modern Analysis , 3rd edition (1920), p. 352. 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. 83 so that we can write, for an M function of the aforesaid type, x+y k- ct+&+3 mav V2 *e 2 r(fl + })r(& + })22( i) „a+ i ^ 2(a+m+l)( ^ (a + b + 3 \ d“+1 x\ 9 -k, m + n) x d6+1 dy rU, 6+1 ^ «(5+rc+l) (>/*)• As any differential coefficient of the U polynomials can be expressed in terms of the U themselves, we can express any function M where ya and v are of the type 9 + \-\-\ in terms of Hermite’s polynomials. £ JL Let us take, in particular, a = b= — 1 ; we have at once, with a change of variables, Mi -(j, yf) - V? (-■ x 2 Z ( ■ - 1 r+,*(i - *. « + ")u-(^)u«(^> This formula connects the special M function with the parabolic-cylinder functions. Chapter VI. CONNECTION BETWEEN CERTAIN KNOWN FUNCTIONS AND THE CONFLUENT HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Several functions of two variables introduced by different authors can be connected with some of the seven confluent functions of two variables. Of this we shall give three examples. 1. The Two-variable Polynomials Am>n of Appell. — It is a well-known fact that limiting cases of a great number of one-variable polynomials are expressible by the W&; m function or by Bessel functions. For instance, as anyone knows, for Legendre functions we have J m(x). We can establish a similar property for certain two- variable polynomials. Let us consider the two-variable polynomials discussed by Appell,* and defined by A m, J x, y) = X1 V y (l - x- y)y+y' As shown by Appell himself, they can be written under the form AWt „ = (y, m){ 7, n)( 1 - a - y)m+n F2(y + y - 8 ; - m, - n; y, y'; x + y - 1’ x + y - 1/ Archiv Math. Phys lxvi, 1881, p. 238. 84 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Let us now divide x by m and y by n, causing m and n to tend simultaneously to infinity : we observe then that A (- yA li m' n\m ’ n ) ».»=« (y, m)(y'j n) e-2^%(y + 7-8; y, y ; a, y), showing a connection between AWj n and of the same nature as the connection between Legendre and Bessel functions. 2. The Two-variable Polynomials n of Hermite. — These functions, introduced by Hermite,* arise from the derivation of an exponential where the exponent is a quadratic form of x and y ; their definition is 0m+n - y ) where dxmdyn cf>(x, y) — ax 2 + Tbxy + cy1. It may be shown that this polynomial depends essentially on the function Wm+n-l 2 » ' ?» ?• 3. The Two-variable Bessel Function of order Zero. — Several results have been published lately on the subject of new functions of two vari- ables possessing certain properties analogous to Bessel functions.*)* These two-variable Bessel functions are defined by the expansion y)u» or by the integral 1 fn Jn(x , y) = - I cos ( nu — x sin u - y sin 2 u)du. *} o It may be shown that the simplest of these functions, J0(x, y), satisfies the same differential equation as our solution e~iy%(h b - i^2)- * CEuvres , ii, p. 293. f Of. a paper by Jekliowsky, with a bibliography of the subject, in Bull. Astron ., t. xxxv, 1918. 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. 85 PART II. THE CONFLUENT HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS AND THE POTENTIAL. Very important connections exist between the confluent hypergeometric functions of two variables and the theory of potential in hyperspace, a fact which generalises in an interesting way the well-known relations between the hypergeometric functions of one variable, or their confluent forms, and the potential in three-dimensional space. We shall now develop some of these propositions. Chapter I. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE PARABOLIC HYPERCYLINDER. Let us consider a four-dimensional space, where the Cartesian co-ordinates will be denoted by x, y, z and t, Laplace’s equation in this System being AU = — + 05J+!^ + — = 0. lu'i pf Let us now make the change of variables X = UV COS (j) y.= uv sin cos nt -%2+«2)w ( nu 2 nv2\ U= * e 4 W0i« 4— , — J. uv 2 2 \ l A / 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. 87 Chapter II. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE HYPERPARABOLOID OF REVOLUTION. Let us now, in like manner, consider the change of variables x = uv sin 0 cos 0 y = uv sin 0 sin 0 Z = UV COS 0 u2 — v2 2 The hypersurfaces 0 = const, and 6 = const, are hyperplanes; the equation of the hypersurface u — const., obtained by elimination of v,

-)P:(cos <£), where P™ is the associated Legendre function, which satisfies P»+1)-PL1P = 0> sin2 0 J and we obtain an equation in u and v only, 1 d l . ,dP\ , — ( sm 0 — + sm 0 dcf)\ a0/ 02tL . 02UO . 2 0UO . 2 0U + + - (C) du2 dv2 u du v dv a solution of which, really depending on two variables, will be a function of the hyperparaboloid of revolution. 88 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Introducing again the W k,^,v function, we shall form the system satisfied by There is no need to give the complete calculation : let us say only that, adding together the equations thus obtained, we find that 0 is a solution of r + t + -p + ‘1q + z(-+ t)(i- V)|o, x y \x2 y V y \x* r the parameter k having disappeared. /Yb If we take therefore 4/x2 — \ = n(n-\-l), or = ^ + we obtain complete identity with equation (C), so that U Ju, = W, «+1 n - . ^ 2+?> 2it?V2 is a function of the hyperparaboloid of revolution. We shall now make several remarks touching these functions. 1. The confluent function which appears in the question is of a type we studied in Part I, Chapter Y, where the two last parameters jx and v are of the form - + J, a being an integer. Referring to a property estab- lished there, we can say that the function of the hyperparaboloid of revolution is expressible in terms of the parabolic-cylinder functions. 2. Let us consider the change of variable O 9 x = — - — sin (p cos 0 2 oi2 y = - — - — sin <£ sin 0 u2 — v2 , Z = COS (f) t = uv. The hypersurface u = const., i(x2 + y2 + z2) = (u 2 is obtained through rotation about the £-axis of the surface 4(«2 + y2) = («2 — ^)2, which is of the fourth order in the xyt space, and itself the result of the rotation about the £-axis of the parabola 89 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. Laplace’s equation, written in this system, is easily solved by the change of variables u + v u — V2 u! - v' V— . , x/2 which reduces it to the equation for the hyperparaboloid of revolution. A solution is then W multiplied by a convenient factor, or Wk "+i[(^ + v)2> ~ (u VY]‘ A similar remark may be made regarding the change of variables u1 - v1 y = cos 0 j 2 r z = uv t = t, where Laplace’s product is readily reduced to the parabolic hypercylinder function. 3. We shall show presently that there exists, between the hyperspherical zonal functions and the functions of the hyperparaboloid of revolution, a connection similar to that between Legendre polynomials and the parabolic cylinder functions. Let us first investigate the relation between the one- variable functions, and for that purpose give a preliminary definition. If between two differential, linear and homogeneous, equations, E and D, there exists a relation such that, deriving equation D n times with respect to the independent variable x, we obtain equation E, we shall say that D is the equation of Didon of E for the order n. Similarly, if between two linear and homogeneous two- variable systems, S and A, there exists a relation such that, deriving both equations of A m times with respect to x and n times with respect to y, we find the system S, A will be called the system of Didon of S for orders m and n. This definition, which we proposed some time ago,* has its origin in the fact that F. Didon made an extensive and successful use of the transformation in question to solve differential equations occurring in the theory of two- variable polynomials. * Nouv. Ann. de Math., decembre 1919. 90 Proceedings of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Let us consider now the differential equation for Legendre polynomials, (x2-l)y" + 2xy'-n(n+l)y = 0 .... (E,) and its equation of Didon for the order n, which is (x2 - l)z" — 2(n - l)xz — 2nz = 0 .... (D2) X In this last equation, let us replace x by -^=, and cause n to tend to infinity. We obtain z" + 2xz' + 2z = 0 (D2) which equation is itself the equation of Didon for y" + 2xy’ + 2(n + 2)y = 0 .... But (E2) is verified by (E2) -h -* 1 * e W n s 9 2~5 where the W function is of the type of the parabolic-cylinder functions. The connection between it and Legendre function is therefore established, through their equations of Didon. Let us come now to the field of two variables, and consider the poly- nomials Vm, n{x, y ) studied by Hermite, which, as we mentioned in our Introduction, Appell showed to be hyperspherical zonal functions. The Ym> n function satisfies the system (Sj) ^(1 - xl)r - xys - (n + 3 )xp + myq + m(m + n + 2)z — 0 \(1 - y2)t - xys - (m + 3 )yq + nxp + n(m + n + 2) z = 0, of which the system of Didon for the orders m and n is (*i) f( 1 - x2)r - xys + (N - 3 )px + N qy + 2 N* = 0 1(1 - y2)t - xys+ (N - 3 )qy + Rpa? + 2Nz = 0, y where N = m + n. Replacing in it x and y by -j == and -y==, and making then N infinite, we obtain the system (A2) itself the system of Didon of (S2) fr 4- px + qy + 2z — 0 [t+px + qy+ 2z = 0, cr + px + qy+(m + n + 2)z = 0 1 1 + px + qy + (m + n + 2)z = 0. But a solution of (S2) is ~i ~i — i(sc2+2/2) tt- z — x y 6 m+w+i -1, -1 91 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. where W is of the hyperparabolo'id type, the connection between this function and the hyperspherical polynomials being exactly the same as that between the two one-variable functions considered. Chapter III. HYPERCYLINDRICAL FUNCTIONS. Another example of the use of one of the confluent hypergeometric functions for solving Laplace’s equation is given by the introduction of hypercylindrical co-ordinates. We shall first consider the problem in four-dimensional space, and afterwards generalise it. The change of variables x = p sin # sin y = p sin 0 cos z = p cos 0 t = t defines what may be called hypercylindrical co-ordinates, the hypersurface p = const, being an hypercylinder with its generatrices parallel to the /-axis, and with the sphere X2 + y2 + Z2 = p2 as a basis in the xyz space. It may therefore be termed a spherical hypercylinder. Laplace’s equation is then AU = ^ + 1S + 1 02U + 02U + 2 0U + cot(9 5U_0 0/o2 p 2 dO2 p 2 sin2 0 dcj>2 dt2 p dp dO A solution may be obtained by taking U = ef* cos 0), the two-variable function Up which we shall call a function of the spherical hypercylinder, or more briefly hypercylindrical function, being a solution of d2u1 dp2 p 2 86>2 2 dl\ cot# 01T1 p dp pz dO p2 sin2 0 or, by putting cos 0 = go, (A) 202UXj n 2\02U1 j 0 0Ux 0 0UX , 2 oTT P2— ^+(1 -o>2)^ + 2p— i- 2w—± + p.2p2XJ1- op L 0(t)Z op 0(0 Ui = 0; ,U!=0. Let us denote by U1/(p, w) a solution of the same equation in which we gave to v the value zero. The product TJ' = efltJJ1'(pi w) = e^U/(p, 0) 92 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. is a solution, independent of 0, of Laplace’s equation, and therefore a zonal harmonic function. We shall say therefore that the function U/, solution of i&U’ n fell' 0UY 9 SUf 2 2TT ' O (B) p ap1 +11 )-^ +2p^y “ 2o>-^J- + /xVui is an hypercylindrical zonal function. Such a function is readily found by considering our confluent function Z = E2(a, /?, y, X , y), which, as we said, satisfies the system jx(l “ x)r + ys + [y - (a + ft 4- 1 )x\p - afiz = 0 + xs + yq — z = 0, and therefore the single equation, obtained through elimination of 6', x\x - l)r + y2t + yqy - [y - (a + /3 + VfX^px + a/3zx - zy = 0. Let us now, in this last equation, make the change of variable x = y = \yf and substitute for 0 a new function f defined by Let us then give to the parameters the special values We find a=l, £ = 1 r=|. (1-«l+^+2^-2f-4^=0’ M2 an equation which becomes identical with (B) if we take A= — ~ ; so that the function or 1 „ ,2n2 W<* e)=«teuA1’ i; §; 1+tan2e’ _/v is a zonal hypercylindrical function. The research of a complete hypercylindrical function is now exceed- ingly simple, if we make the following remark : if U/ is a solution of (B), a solution of (A) will be i U2(p, ti,) = (l-C02) 0-^U/ mdm (just as Pn(a?) = (l — x2)- — mPn(cc) is a solution of the associated Legendre dx equation, and a complete spherical function, while Pn is a zonal one). 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. 93 Therefore Uj = sinv 6 dv 0 (cos 0)V - is a complete hypercylindrical function. But the differential which occurs in this expression is easily reduced. Let us, for brevity, put /*V_ We have, considering the expansion of 3?2, (j, m) 1 un and 'V ZZ(! 0'TTf / "V (£> m)(2w + 1, v) 1 u (-§, m + n) ^m+i ^ j Soj" ~ ^ ^ 22/ + to2m+*'+i w.!’ and a rather simple transformation shows that (J, m)(2w + l, v) = + 1, m )( n +b m m ! so that we have 0W=(_irAvy 2 + b + i» m) i do)v (f-, m + ra)m! o)2m n ! = < - 1 )"d+H2(i + lj i + 1 5 b “} The function Ui(P) 6) = tan,, 0 ^ fv cos 0 5 + 1, £+1; I; l+tan*«,-££ is therefore an hypercylindrical function, Laplace’s product for hyper- cylindrical co-ordinates being u = cos v2 . . . sin <£n_2 sin ^n-1 x2 = p sin 0 sin ^ sin 2 . . . sin n_2 cos ^n-1 xs = p sin 6 sin cf)1 sin cf>2 . . . cos cf>n_2 xn = p sin 0 cos xn+i = p cos 0 94 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. and Laplace’s equation is it an; w 92u ^ dxj2 0#22 + ‘ + dxn+22 = Pn sin”"1 0 sin”-2 <^ . . . sin n_2 + ^[pw“2 sin”-3 6 sin”-2 <£t . . . sin <£n_2 + ^[pwsin”-1^sm”-2^1 . . . sin <£n_24?J i=n— 1 Pn 2 sin”-3 0 sin” 4 4>1l . . . sin”-*-2 <^i_1 sin”-*-1 sin”-*-2 <£i+] . . . sin n_2— i= i 09*L “ 0). We readily observe that we may take /o = ef and /i = cos where m1 is an arbitrary integer. The terms containing <^n_2 can then be dissociated from the rest, and we find for /2 the equation d% 7 » — 2 + C0t «-2 /£* - mi + *>2 - 0, dn-22 2 sin- n_2 F being a certain function of (pn~3, . . . , n— 3 d(f>n— 3 sin (fan — 3 the law of formation of the successive equations appearing clearly enough. Let us now consider the polynomial C^(2) of Gegenbauer, which is the coefficient of aA in the expansion, in ascending powers of a, of (1 — 2aZ + a2)~v, and let us denote the function It /7m v where pt is an integer, by the symbol CT ^(z). This function CT ^ plays 1920-21.] Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. 95 with respect to C^the same part as P™ to Pn; and we have in particular C* = P*. fJL A It is easily seen that the function CT (cos so that there appears a way of solving our above equations by taking, in general, i- 1 fii&n-i) = C (COS n-2)Gli3, ^(cos <£„_3) . . . C^_tVi(™ 0i) cogn_1 x S2(m-‘ + ”, ro"-1 + m~ A ; 1+1 • 1 + tan2 . If we seek a solution independent of the 0’s, which will therefore be a zonal function, we equate all the m’s to zero, and obtain IV(P, 0) = 1 ^ fn n— 1 7i + l cos Z-2n2 ; 1 + tan2 0, — — £ 2\2’ 2 ' 2 Let us take in particular n= 1 : we are in three-dimensional space, and we obtain a cylindrical zonal function which is here U^p, 6) = S2(i, 0; 1 ; l+tan20,-^!); but this is equal, through the expansion of %2, to / &2p2\n zv V. w (1, n)n ! which is precisely Bessel function J0(&p) ; an obvious result which, however, affords a good confirmation of the preceding theories. 96 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. These examples are sufficient to show the importance of the confluent hypergeometric functions of two variables in four-dimensional potential theory. We present them together in the following scheme, adding Appell’s previous results on Hermite’s two- variable polynomials, and the correspond- ing relations between one- variable functions and the three-dimensional potential theory : the scheme explains itself. Solutions of Laplace’s Equation by Hyperueometric Functions. (a) 3 Dimensions— One Variable. 1. Sphere 2. Parabolic cylinder 3. Circular cylinder Legendre functions { P^taVfa^on hyperge°' Weber functions { P^ticular case of the confluent f hypergeometnc function 4s. Bessel functions 1 “"fluent hypergeometric function l -B. (6) 4 Dimensions — Two* Variables. 1. Hypersphere 2. Parabolic hypercylinder j 3. Hyperparaboloi'd 4. Spherical hypercylinder Hermite polynomials (Particular case of the hypergeo- r J ( metric function _r2. v f particular case of the confluent Function W k, n.,v \ hypergeometric function ¥2, de- t duced from F2. Function s, 1 confluent hypergeometric function, 2 ! deduced from F3. {Issued separately May 9, 1921.) INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS. The ‘ copy ’ should be written on large sheets of paper, on one side only, and the pages should be clearly numbered.^ The MS. must be easily legible, preferably typewritten, and must be absolutely in its final form for printing. All tables of contents, references to plates, or illustrations in the text, etc., must be in their proper places, with the page numbers left blank; and spaces must be indicated for the insertion of illustrations that are to appear in the text. Illustrations. — All illustrations must be drawn in a form im- mediately suitable for reproduction ; and such illustrations as can be reproduced by photographic processes should, so far as possible, be preferred. Drawings to be reproduced as line blocks should be made with Indian ink (deadened with yellow if of bluish tone), preferably on fine white bristol board, free from folds or creases ; smooth, clean lines, or sharp dots, but no washes or colours, should be used. If the drawings are done on a large scale, to be afterwards reduced by photography, any lettering or other legend must be on a corresponding scale. If an author finds it inconvenient to furnish the drawings according to these regulations, the Society will have the figures re-drawn and the letter- ing entered at his expense ; but this will cause delay. When the illustrations are to form plates, a scheme for the arrangement of the figures (in quarto plates for the Transactions, in octavo for the Proceedings) must be given, and numbering and lettering indicated. Proofs. — A first proof and, if desired, a revise of each paper will be sent to the author, whose address should be indicated on the MS. Expenses for proof correction should not exceed 10 per cent, of the printers’ charges on the setting and printing of each paper. Any excess will be charged against the author. All proofs must, if possible, be returned within one week, addressed to The Secretary, Royal Society, 22-24 George Street, Edinburgh, and not to the printer. To prevent delay, authors residing abroad should appoint someone residing in this country to correct their proofs. The author receives fifty of the reprints free, and may have any reasonable number of additional copies at a fixed scale of prices which will be furnished by the printer, who will charge him with the cost. To prevent disappointment, especially if the paper contains plates, the author should, as soon as possible, notify to the Secretary the number of additional copies required, and should also repeat the notification on the first proof returned. Index Slips. — In order to facilitate the compilation of Subject Indices, and to secure that due attention to the important points in a paper shall be given in General Catalogues of Scientific Literature and in Abstracts by Periodicals, every author is requested to return to the Secretary, along with the proof of his paper, a brief index (on the model given below) of the points in it which he considers new or important. These indices will be edited by the Secretary, and incorporated in Separate Index Slips, to be issued with each part of the Proceedings and Transactions. MODEL INDEX. Schafer, E. A. — On the Existence within the Liver Cells of Channels which can be directly injected from the Blood-vessels. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. 1902, pp. Cells, Liver, — Intra-cellular Canaliculi in. E. A. Schafer. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. Liver, — Injection within Cells of. E. A. Schafer. Proc. R,oy. Soc. Edin., vol. , 1902, pp. , 1902, pp. ] V CONTENTS. No. PAGE VII. The Relation of the Soil Colloids to the Thermal Conductivity of the Soil. By Capt. T. Bedford Franklin, B.A. (Cantab.), 61 {Issued separately May 9, 1921.) ■ VIII. On a Graphical Method of determining Shear Influence Lines and Diagrams of Maximum Shearing Force for a Beam subjected to a Series of Concentrated Rolling Loads. By Alex. R. Horne, B.Sc. (Lond.), Professor of Engineering, Robert Gordon’s Technical College, Aberdeen, ... 68 (Issued separately May 9, 1921.) IX. The Confluent Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables. By Pierre Humbert. Communicated by Professor E. T. Whittaker, F.R.S., 73 (Issued sep>arately May 9, 1921.) The Papers published in this part of the Proceedings may be had separately , on application to the Publishers , at the follow- ing Prices : — No. I . . Price 3s. Od. No. VI . . Price — No. II . . „ Is. Od. No. VII . „ Is. Od. No. Ill . ,, Is. 4d. No. VIII ■ „ Is. Od. No. IV . Is. Od. No. IX . • i, 2s. 8d. No. V . . „ Is. 4d. PROCEEDINGS So OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. SESSION 1920-21 Part II] VOL. XLI. [PP- 97-275 (Contains Title, Contents, and Index.) CONTENTS. NO. PAGE X. An Experimental Analysis of the Losses by Evaporation of Liquid Air contained in Vacuum Flasks. By Professor Henry Briggs, D.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.S.M., .... 97 ( Issued separately June 20, 1921.) XI. Note on a Continuant of Cayley’s of the Year 1874. By Sir Thomas Muir, F.R.S., .111 (. Issued separately August 23, 1921.) XII. On the Old Red Sandstone Plants showing Structure, from the Rhynie Chert Bed, Aberdeenshire. Part IV. Restorations of the Vascular Cryptogams, and discussion of their bear- ing on the General Morphology of the Pteridophyta and the Origin of the Organisation of Land-Plants. Part V. The Thallophyta occurring in the Peat Bed ; the Succes- sion of the Plants throughout a Vertical Section of the Bed, and the Conditions of Accumulation and Preservation of the Deposit. By R. Kidston, LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., and Professor W. H. Lang, D.Sc., F.R.S. [Abstract], . . .117 (. Issued separately August 23, 1921.) XIII. The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. By Henry Briggs, D.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.S.M., and William Cooper, M.A., B.Sc., . 119 (. Issued separately August 23, 1921.) XIV. Utilisation of Solid Caustic Soda in the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide. By Elizabeth Gilchrist, ALA., B.Sc., A.I.C. Communicated by Professor Henry Briggs, D.Sc , Ph.D., A.R.S.M., .......... 128 ( Issued separately September 5, 1921.) XV. On the Criterion for Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. By H. Levy, M.A., D.Sc., Assistant-Professor of Mathematics, Imperial College of Science, South Ken- sington, .......... 136 {Issued separately December 13, 1921.) XVI. Note on Conditions for Mirage on the Queensferry Road. By Alex. G. Ramage, 148 {Issued separately December 13, 1921.) [Continued on EDINBURGH: Published by ROBERT GRANT & SON, 107 Princes WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, Price Eight Shillings. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. REGULATIONS REGARDING THE PUBLICATION OF PAPERS IN THE PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY. The Council beg to direct the attention of authors of communications to the Society to the following Regulations, which have been drawn up in order to accelerate the publication of the Proceedings and Transactions, and to utilise as widely and as fairly as possible the funds which the Society devotes to the publication of Scientific and Literary Researches. 1. Manuscript of Papers. — As soon as any paper has been passed for publication, either in its original or in any altered form, and has been made ready for publication by the author, it is sent to the printer. 2. Method of Publication. — As soon as the final revise of a Trans- actions paper has been returned, or as soon as the sheet in which the last part of a Proceedings paper appears is ready for press, a certain number •of separate copies or reprints, in covers bearing the title of the paper and the name of the author, are printed off and placed on sale. The date of such separate publication will be printed on each paper. 3. Additions to a Paper after it has been finally handed in for publication, if accepted by the Council, will be treated and dated as separate communications, and may, or may not, be printed immediately after the original paper, 4. Brief Abstracts of Transactions Papers will be published in the Proceedings, provided they are sent along with the original paper. 5. Special Discussion of Papers accepted for Publication. — Where a paper has been accepted for publication, the Council may, with the consent of the author, select this paper for Special Discussion. In the case of such papers advanced proofs will be sent to the members of the Society desiring copies, and copies will be supplied to the author for dis- tribution. A paper selected for Special Discussion will be marked with an asterisk (*) and placed first on the Billet for the day of reading. Any following papers for that day may be adjourned or held as read if the discussion prevents their being read. 6. Communications not submitted for Publication, such as Demonstrations of Experiments, Statement of Scientific Problems, etc., may be received by the Council, and may also be selected for Special Discussion. The Council does not undertake to publish any notice of such communications in the Proceedings or Transactions of the Society. [Continued on next page. Errata in the Abstract of Sir J. A. Ewing’s Address on Molecular Energy in Gases, Proc. R.S.E., vol. xl, pp. 102-111, for May 3, 1920. Page 105, line 20, for f read f (bis), and for read Page 106, line 28, for 10“23 read 1028 1920-21.] Evaporation of Liquid Air in Vacuum Flasks. 97 ft X. — An Experimental Analysis of the Losses by Evaporation of Liquid Air contained in Vacuum Flasks. By Professor Henry Briggs, D.Sc. (MS. received March. 1, 1921. Read March 21, 1921.) The experiments here described were made on behalf of the Oxygen Research Committee of the Scientific and Industrial Research Department, and the paper is given by permission of the Department. The fullest acknowledgment is due to Dr J. A. Harker, F.R.S., and to his co-workers, Professor G. W. Todd and Mr S. H. Groom, who have, in a series of able memoirs presented to the Oxygen Committee, analysed the nature of the heat-transfer from the outer atmosphere to the interior of metal vacuum bottles; but for their memoirs the writer’s experiments would not have suggested themselves. The Dewar Vacuum Vessel. The Dewar vacuum flask, which enables low boiling-point liquids to be stored and transported, has been the principal means of rendering possible the great expansion now proceeding in the scientific and com- mercial uses of liquid air and liquid oxygen. These liquids are being increasingly employed as laboratory reagents, and are being put to service in mine rescue apparatus, for blasting, in aviation and therapeutics, and in evacuation plant. Vacuum vessels are made in glass, silica ware, porcelain, and metal; but for carrying and handling the liquids in bulk, only the last kind is at present of much value. The glass vessels devised by Dewar in the course of his researches on liquefied gases, and made by him in many forms, are too well known to need description.* Dewar described the metallic vacuum vessel in 1906, f and not long after that date its manufacture was taken up in Germany, whence, before the war, all the flasks required at British mine rescue stations were obtained. During the latter part of the war these bottles became necessary for the Services, and as a result of the exertions of makers and of the * Sir James Dewar, “Liquid Atmospheric Air,” Proc. Roy. Inst. , xiv (1893), p. 1; “The Coming of Age of the Vacuum Flask,” ibid., xxi, p. 240. t Ibid., “ Studies on Charcoal and Liquid Air,” xviii, p. 439. VOL. XLI. to 98 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. guidance of Government research officers they are being successfully produced in this country. The most convenient size of liquid air or liquid oxygen container, or storage and transport flask, is designed to carry 50 lbs. of the fluid. A metal container of this capacity and of proportions usual at the present time is shown in sectional elevation in fig. 1. It consists of inner and outer spheres, A and B, respectively 14 and 15 ins. in diameter, the inner one being suspended by a thin, narrow neck, C, of low-conductivity alloy which is soldered at its upper end into a metal plug, E. The space between the globes is evacuated through a lead pipe, G, which, when the operation is complete, is squeezed flat and sealed off by means of a flame ; the pipe is finally protected (as is shown) by a metal cap containing bitumen or wax in which the end of the tube is embedded. The care needed in making these bottles will to some extent be realised from the fact that a high vacuum requires to be maintained through the agency of seven soldered joints. A dish-shaped metal spinning, F, is attached to the lower half of the inner globe, and holds activated charcoal. This important addition is due to Dewar ; without it, even a well- made and well-evacuated metal flask would not long hold a high vacuum. In the container illustrated, the charcoal is connected to the vacuum space by means of one or more openings in the dish, the openings being covered by fine gauze. At liquid-air temperature the charcoals power of adsorption is very strong; it draws into and retains in its own capillaries and inter-molecular passages most of the residual gas in the vacuum space, and therefore automatically preserves the high degree of vacuum needed. The inner surface of the outer globe and the outer surfaces of the inner globe and charcoal dish are highly polished, to reduce as far as possible the heat transferred across the vacuum space by radiation. Most of the containers made in this country are constructed of copper — 1920-21.] Evaporation of Liquid Air in Vacuum Flasks. 99 the metal which, with the sole exception of silver, has the lowest emissivity. The German-built vessels now in this country are of brass, in the manu- facture of which alloy, in its finest grade, the Germans are unrivalled. Dewar, before the war, built satisfactory vacuum flasks of nickel. A first-class 50-lb. container loses, by tranquil evaporation, about 2‘5 lbs. of liquid air per day. The average loss of these vessels is probably about 3*5 lbs. per day. Causes of Evaporative Loss. Leaving out of account certain minor and negligible causes of heat- transfer, there may be said to be three ways by which heat from the outside atmosphere may reach liquid air stored in a vacuum flask. Stated in their order of importance for a good flask, these are : (1) By radiation from the relatively warm outer vessel to the cold inner vessel ; (2) By conduction across the vacuum space ; and (3) By conduction down the neck of the flask. When the vacuum is failing, conduction across the vacuum becomes responsible for a greater heat transfer than radiation. Let be the absolute temperature of the hotter outer globe, and 02 that of the colder inner globe. Let us deal with the three processes of heat-transfer in the order given above. © (1) Radiation. — We are here concerned with heat passing from a relatively hot spherical surface (whose temperature was caused to assume different values in the course of the experiments) to a similar cold surface whose temperature remains constant, the latter being the boiling-point of the liquid the vessel contains. Variation in the temperature of the hotter surface involves variation in the dominant wave-length of the radiation, and it is necessary to inquire whether this does not, in its turn, involve a change in emissivity. The dominant wave-length, in microns, \m, and the absolute temperature of the hotter surface, 0V are connected by the expression \mQ1 = 2950. In the case of the three-litre gilding-metal flask (fig. 2), whose evaporation rates were determined (see below) at external temperatures of 10°, 44°, 70°, and 100°C., \m assumes the values 10*4, 9*4, 8-6, and 7‘9 respectively. The gilding metal contained 95 per cent, of copper; and although it will eventually be seen that its emissivity is considerably higher than that of 100 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. the polished pure metal, it is justifiable to assume that the variation in emissivity, over the range of Xm in question, will be similar to that of copper. The data available indicate that the emissivity of copper is very nearly constant between Aw = 10 4/x and Am = 7'9/x ; and that, if it be taken as 0 016, it will be correct over the whole range to the third place of decimals. The emissivity of gilding metal has accordingly been regarded as constant for the temperatures used in the tests described below. The first of the analyses here attempted is based upon figures given by Dewar for a glass flask in which the inner vessel was “ silvered ” with mercury, the outer one being untreated. The evaporation loss of the flask was ascertained over a temperature-range (of extending between 158° abs. and 338° abs. Information does not appear to be available regarding the change of emissivity of glass and mercury surfaces over such a wide range of Xm as is here involved, and it has been necessary to assume the emissivity of these surfaces to be constant between the stated extremes of temperature. Owing to the uncertainty resulting from the incompleteness of the physical data, the results obtained for the glass flask must be regarded as rough approximations. When emissivity is constant, the heat radiation may be expressed as Ls^W-9/) (1) in which a is a coefficient depending upon the emissivity of the surfaces and upon their dimensions. The unit may be calories per second, or, as is here more convenient, grams of liquid air evaporated per hour. (2) Conduction across the Vacuum Space. — With the highly refined vacua with which we are concerned, the mean free path of the gas molecules is greater than the distance (about 1 cm.) between the hot and cold surfaces ; hence, if conductivity had been independent of temperature, the heat carried by conduction across the vacuum would be proportional to ($i — 02)- In a gas, however, the conductivity varies as the square root of the absolute temperature, and, as the mean temperature across the vacuum space is 0-5(d1 + 02), the expression representing the evaporation loss due to this cause is, in grams of liquid air evaporated per hour : • • • • (2) where b is constant for a given bottle. (3) Neck Conduction. — The amount of liquid evaporated because of heat conducted along the inner neck, C, of the flask cannot be evaluated even roughly by direct computation based upon the dimensions of the neck and the conductivity of the metal, owing to the fact that the tube forms the 1920-21.] Evaporation of Liquid Air in Vacuum Flasks. 101 channel of discharge of the cold gas leaving the vessel. Much of, and in many cases all of, the heat flowing down the neck-tnbe enters the uprising current of air in that tube, and never reaches the liquid in the flask. The evaporation loss due to neck conduction thus depends upon the rate of discharge of gas from the flask as well as upon the dimensions of the neck, and in a poor flask with a high total evaporation loss the neck-loss will be actually as well as relatively less than in a good flask of the same dimensions. Other things being equal, the evaporation rate of a large vessel, though proportionately less, is, in grams per hour, actually more than in a small vessel It therefore follows that as the size of the flask is increased the neck may be shortened, or alternatively, made stouter, without the evapora- tion rate due to neck conduction being affected. Heat-transfer along the neck is studied experimentally in a later part of the paper. In the cases examined, the temperature of the gas issuing from the mouths of metal vacuum flasks containing liquid air lay between —4° C. and —30° C. As the inner globe is made of so good a conductor as copper, gilding metal, or brass, its temperature may be regarded as uniform at all points of the sphere, that temperature being the boiling-point of the liquid. It is therefore apparent that the heat transferred to the inner globe by radiation and conduction across the vacuum space is all absorbed in giving latent heat to the gas boiled off, and that the neck alone is responsible for heating the evaporated gas from the boiling temperature to that at which it discharges into the outer air. Evaluation of the Effects of Radiation and Conduction for a Glass Flask. The writer’s method of analysing the tranquil evaporation-rate of a vessel holding liquid air or oxygen, so as to apportion the amount of loss due to the three several causes set forth above, is indicated by the present example, which consists of a simplification of the general problem in that the transference of heat down the glass neck, and in opposition to the upward flow of cold gaseous oxygen, must have been altogether negligible. Dewar filled a glass vacuum flask with liquid oxygen (boiling-point, — 185° C.) and measured its evaporation rate when the flask was immersed in liquids maintained at different temperatures, with the results stated in Table I.* At that time (1893) the vacuum was obtained by washing out * Sir James Dewar, “Liquid Atmospheric Air,” Proc. Roy. Inst., xiv (1893), p. 1. 102 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. the space between the inner and outer vessels with mercury vapour, and then exhausting. Some condensation of the residual vapour took place when liquid oxygen was introduced, causing the formation of a mercury mirror on the surface of the inner vessel. Table I. — Glass Flask : Evaporation Losses at Different External Temperatures. Temperature of Outer Vessel. Absolute Temperature of Outer Vessel. Absolute Temperature of Inner Vessel. 6. 2- Evaporation, c.cs. of Gas per minute. L. -115° C. 156° 91° 60 - 78° C. 195° 91° 120 + 6° C. 279° 91° 300 + 65° C. 338° 91° 600 Neck-loss being inconsiderable, the total evaporation loss, L, is the sum of the losses due to radiation and conduction across the vacuum ; or, from equations (1) and (2): — L==Ct(014 — ^24)'k^(^l — $2) T d2 ■ * • (3) The values of the table are in reasonable agreement with the equation : — L = 3-O1(01<-02^)]O-8+O-O41(01-02)x/§H:02 . • (4) The first term on the right-hand side of the equation expresses the loss due to radiation, and the second that due to conduction. At 15° C. radiation was responsible for the evaporation of 236 c.cs., and conduction across the vacuum for 138 c.cs. of gas per minute. Had the flask held liquid hydrogen instead of liquid oxygen, the losses at an external temperature of 15° C. would have been 238 c.cs. and 187 c.cs. per minute respectively. Estimation of the Three Causes of Evaporation Loss for a Small Metal Flask. The vessel is illustrated in fig. 2. It is a vaporiser flask, i.e. one whose function it is, by the aid of certain fittings, to evaporate liquid air at set rates. The fittings are not shown ; they were not attached during these tests. The capacity of the flask is 3 litres (about 7 lbs.) ; it is made of gilding metal (95 per cent, copper ; 5 per cent, tin), and the inner neck, C, is of cupronickel, an alloy having one-seventh the conductivity of copper. 1920-21.] Evaporation of Liquid Air in Vacuum Flasks. 103 The charcoal (plumstone) is in this instance held in a copper tube, F, passing through the inner globe, the ends of the tube being covered with gauzes. The spheres are respectively 8§ ins. and 7-J ins. in diameter, and their surfaces are 220 and 177 sq. ins. or 1419 and 1152 sq. cms. in area. The neck is unusually short and wide in comparison to the size of the bottle, being 3J ins. long, of which only 2f ins. (6 cms.) are surrounded by vacuum. The bore of the neck is f- in. and the metal 0*024 in. in thickness; there is 0047 sq. in. or 0*303 sq. cm. of metal in a cross-section of the tube. Before any of the following observations were made, the flask held liquid air for twelve hours It was never allowed to boil empty during the fortnight over which the test extended. The same weight of liquid air (5 lbs.) was put in, and about 2 lbs. of air were allowed to evaporate on each “ run.” The exact losses were ascertained by weighing. The lowest of the external temperatures recorded below was obtained by standing the flask in a cellar, and the others by immersing it, up to the base of the neck- screw, in a water-bath kept at constant temperature. The average composition of the liquid air was 50 per cent, oxygen, 50 per cent, nitrogen, and was found from samples of the liquid drawn from the flask at the beginning and end of a “run.” This mixture boils at —191° C. The ascertained losses at different external temperatures are given in Table II. Temperature measurements of the air passing up the neck were made during the first few tests in order to find out if neck-loss was serious. They showed that, (a) with the short neck in question, this source of loss could not be neglected, and ( b ) the neck -loss was proportionately less important as the outside temperature rose. Table II. — Metal Flask : Evaporation Losses at Different External Temperatures. Period of Test. Hours. i Temperature of Outer Globe. Absolute Temperature, Outer Globe, j 0i. Absolute Temperature, Inner Globe. 02. Evaporation Loss, grams per hour. (a) 21 ) ( b ) 161 ( (c) 14 A 10° C. 283° 82° 42*5 (d) 111) (a) 131 1 (b) 131 } 13 44° C. 317° 82° l 61*3 70° C. 343° 82° 72-0 91 100° c. 373° 82° 97*6 104 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. To enable neck-loss to be evaluated independently of the other modes of heat- transfer, an inner tube of cupronickel of the same length as the neck was slipped inside the latter, and the evaporation rates were again determined at the selected temperatures.* By inserting this extra tube, the sectional area was increased from 0*303 sq. cm. to 0*856 sq. cm. of metal. The enhanced rates of evaporation resulting therefrom are set forth in Table III. Table III. — Metal Flask : Evaporation Losses when Additional Tube WAS INSERTED IN NECK. Period of Test. Hours. Absolute Temperature of Outer Globe. 0i. Absolute Temperature of Inner Globe. 02. Evaporation Loss, grams per hour. 14 283° 82° 62-5 10 317° 82° 89-4 8± 343° 82° 99*7 j 7 373° 82° 124T It will be observed that when the . outside temperature was 10° C. (283° abs.) the extra tube added 20 grams per hour to the rate of evaporation. By simple proportion, the neck-loss at this temperature when the additional tube was absent was 11 grams per hour. The equivalent losses at the other stated temperatures (Table IY) were obtained in the same manner. To make sure that the flask was not deteriorating under the treatment it was receiving, frequent check determinations were made of the normal evaporation rate at 10° C. There was no sign of deterioration. Table IY. — Metal Flask : Neck Losses Calculated from Foregoing Tables. Absolute Temperature, Outer Globe. ^1- Increase of Evaporation due to insertion of Extra Tube, 0-553 sq. cm. section ; grams per hour. Evaporation per sq. cm. of Neck Section ; grams per hour. Actual Neck-Loss, grams per hour. 283° 20*0 36-2 11-0 285° (25° C.) 11-9 t 317° 28 T 50-9 15*4 343° 27-7 50T 15-2 373° 26*5 48-0 14-6 t Interpolated. * This method of determining neck-loss is described in “ Grundlagen zum Bau von Transportgefassen fur verfliissigte Gase,” by F. Banneitz, G. Rhein, and B. Kurze, Annalen der Physik, vol. lxi (1920), p. 113. 1920-21.] Evaporation of Liquid Air in Vacuum Flasks. 105 The last table shows that as 01 increased, the neck-loss rose to a maximum and then fell. The fall was due to the fact that the stream of cold air passing up the neck increased at a more rapid rate than did the passage of heat down the metal of the neck. By subtracting the ascertained neck-losses (Table IV) from the total losses (Table II) the . rates of evaporation (L) due to radiation plus con- duction across the vacuum were obtained (Table V) : — Table V. — Metal Flask : Losses due to Conduction plus Radiation across the Vacuum ; Neck-Losses Eliminated. Absolute Temperature, Outer Globe. dv Absolute Temperature, Inner Globe. 0o- Radiation, plus Con- duction, grams per hour. L. 283° 82° 3L5 317° 82° 45*9 343° 82° 56-8 373° 82° 83-0 With these values equation (3) takes the form : — L = 8,228(d14 — (924)10 ~9 + 0*00284(0! — 02) J^T~02 • • (5) Since, as before, the first term of the right-hand side of this equation determines radiation and the second term determines conduction, the complete analysis of the loss by evaporation is now possible. It is given in Table VI, the values for neck-conduction being copied from Table IV. The degree of agreement between the results derived from equation (5) and those obtained by experiment may be gathered by comparing the last columns of Tables II and VI. Table VI. — Metal Flask : Losses due to Conduction, Radiation and Neck, Severally Stated. Temperature, Outer Globe. Conduction across Vacuum, grams per hour. Radiation, grams per hour. Neck Conduction, grams per hour. Total Loss, grams per hour. 10° C. 10-9 20-6 11-0 42 5 15° 11-3 22T 11-9 45-3 44° 13*3 32 5 15-4 61-2 70° 15-3 44*5 15-2 75*0 100° 17-6 62-4 14-6 94-6 The radiation loss at ordinary external temperatures is thus, in this flask, about twice that due to conduction of heat across the vacuous space. 106 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Pressure in the Vacuum Space of the 3-Litre Flask, and Emissiyity of the Metal Surfaces. The results stated in Table VI allow the emissivity of the reflecting surfaces of the flask and the degree of tenuity of the vacuum to be obtained. Before emissivity can be calculated it is necessary to inquire into the manner of heat-exchange, by radiation, of two reflecting surfaces facing each other. The following demonstration is due to J. A. Harker : — Let the emissivity of either of the two similar surfaces be E. Suppose E units of heat to be emitted by the hotter surface ; of these E2 will be absorbed and E(1 — E) will be reflected by the second or cooler surface. The first surface will then reflect E(1 — E)2 units, of which the second surface will absorb E2(l — E)2. Proceeding thus, it appears that when the hotter surface emits E units the cooler surface gains an amount which is the sum of an infinite G.P. whose first term is E2 and whose common ratio is (1 — E)2, and that summation is E 2 - E' Applying Barker’s result to Stefan’s Law ; taking the constant of that law as L385 x 1CT12 (calorie units) ; taking the latent heat of a half-and-half mixture of liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen as 502 cals, per grm. ; and making use of the dimensions of the flask, the emissivity of the gilding- metal surfaces was found to be O’OSO. That for pure copper polished to the highest degree is 0016. The fact that the makers of the flask have only succeeded in getting an emissivity amounting to thrice that of copper is important. In studying to reduce the tranquil evaporation rate in these particular flasks it is evidently on the radiation loss that most attention should be focussed. A small increase upon the value for the emissivity of copper might have been expected owing to the gilding metal containing tin, and a further slight increase is no doubt due to the smear of solder running equatorially round the inner sphere ; but the main reason for the enhanced radiation is probably that water vapour condensed on the inner sphere and spoilt the surface. It is a most difficult matter, with the method of evacuation used at present for soft-soldered metal flasks, to rid the charcoal and vacuum space entirely of water vapour. With pressures as low as those in the vacuum spaces of liquid-air bottles, the heat-transfer by conduction across such a space is proportional to the difference of temperature, (dx — d2)> to the pressure, y>, and to the area of the surface, A, and is independent of the distance. That is to say : — Heat transferred by conduction across the vacuum = c(61 — 02)p A . (6) 1920-21.] Evaporation of Liquid Air in Vacuum Flasks. 107 It is also known, when p is measured in mms. of mercury and A in sq. cms., that c takes a value for air of approximately 2 x 10~5 at 30° C. To apply equation (6), this figure has first to be adjusted to the average temperature of 0’5 ( 9 3 +d2) ; Table VI has to be consulted for the conduction- loss at any given value of 61 ; and the latent heat of the liquid mixture in the flask and the dimensions of the flask have to be taken into account. The pressure in the vacuum space, p, can then be computed. It was found in this case to be 0'00038 mm. mercury. Considering that the flask had been evacuated twenty months when the tests were made, this degree of tenuity may be regarded as satisfactory. Effect of Surrounding the 3-Litre Flask by an Insulating Medium. As radiation proved to be the most important cause of evaporation, and as, in radiation between two given surfaces, the temperature of the hotter surface is the all-important factor, it appeared probable that evaporation would be appreciably reduced by insulating the flask. The neck was extended by soldering to it a length of brass tube, and the whole of the flask, excepting a short part of that tube, was encased in slag-wool in a sheet-metal canister. The immediate effect was an increase in the rate of evaporation ; but after the slag- wool had been given time to cool down, its influence became beneficial. Eventually the rate of evaporation settled to a value thafi was 82*5 per cent, of the rate given at the same external temperature (8° C.), when the flask was uninsulated. The increased bulk and clumsiness of the insulated flask outweighed, from the practical point of view, any advantage gained. The Neck-Loss of Liquid- Air Containers. Measurements were made to ascertain the temperature-gradients along the necks of four containers for the purpose of finding whether the relatively great length of the necks (see fig. 1) was necessary. Tempera- tures were taken by means of a Foster pyrometer designed for low- temperature observation. The wires of the thermo-element were 1*5 mm. in diameter. The thermometric scale of the galvanometer was tested at room temperature, and at that of boiling liquid air, to ascertain the proportional correction to apply to readings. In taking a reading the thermo-junction was lowered to the desired point in the neck and allowed to stay there until the galvanometer needle became stationary. Inasmuch as the thermo-couple was in the up-flowing current of cold air, and not 108 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. necessarily in effectual contact with the neck-tube at the point, the temperatures obtained were not strictly those of the metal ; the difference, however, was probably not more than a few degrees, and was greatest where it mattered least — namely, near the mouths of the flasks. The results are set forth graphically in fig. 3. Three of the bottles were 50-lb. containers of dimensions substantially those indicated by fig. 1. The fourth was a German-built vessel — the largest vacuum flask in the country — capable of holding over 300 lbs. of liquid air. The first container examined (see curve labelled “ German 50-lbs.,” fig. 3) TEMPERATURE IN CONTAINER NECKS was a brass vessel built and evacuated in Germany before the war. After many years of continuous service at the New- castle mine rescue station its vacuum was showing signs of breakdown ; its evaporation rate at the time of the test was 1*85 litres of gas per minute at 18° C., which is equivalent to a daily loss of over 7 lbs. The top of the outer neck was thickly coated with ice. The inner neck was of German silver, f-in. bore, the thickness of the metal being 0 02 in. As fig. 3 indicates, the neck enters the vacuum space 3T9-g- ins. from the mouth of the flask. The temperature T7-g- in. below that point was as low as — 172° C., and at all parts below 4^ ins. from that point the temperature was the same as that of the liquid in the flask. Under the conditions then obtaining, therefore, the loss due to neck-conduction was nil, and if the neck had been shorter by 5 ins. it would still have been nil. The second and third containers examined were made in this country, and were in satisfactory condition. They were of copper, with German- silver necks 13^- ins. long and J-in. bore. Their rates of gaseous discharge (measured at 16° C.) were respectively 1T5 and T03 litres per minute at the time of the tests. The curve labelled “ L. 12 and L. 13,” fig. 3, expressed the fall of temperature down the neck for both these flasks. The temperatures at the bottom of the necks were, in these cases, appreciably above the temperature of the liquid, a fact which seems to indicate that the evaporated gas gained a little heat from the upper part of the inner globe before it 1920-21.] Evaporation of Liquid Air in Vacuum Flasks. 109 reached the neck in its upward path. With these flasks the gradient near the base of the neck, though slow, was not zero ; a certain amount of heat, therefore, reached the inner sphere by the neck. The graph indicates, however, that the transference of heat due to this cause was here equivalent to that which would have been yielded by a neck of the same sectional dimensions about 64 ins. long in which the gradient was uniform from top to bottom. The fourth container, as already stated, was a very large German vessel ; at the time of testing, it was found to be discharging gas at the rate of 3 *3 litres per minute, measured at 18° C. It was constructed of brass, with a German-silver neck 24f ins. long and xV-in. bore. The thickness of the metal of the neck could not be determined ; the plug (E, fig. 1 ) probably extended to a depth of about 3-J ins. from the mouth of the bottle. The measurements (see fig. 3, curve marked “ German 300-lbs.”) show that the passage of heat to the liquid via the neck was zero, and that the rate of evaporation would not have been affected in the least had the neck been half the length. In general, the results indicate that container necks may be con- siderably shortened, or both shortened and thickened, without appreciably increasing the rate of loss of the flasks. Such an alteration in construction will strengthen the flask and save weight, and, while preserving sufficient flexibility in the neck to allow of the spheres touching during the act of pouring, the excess loss during transportation — which is principally due to the continual bumping together of the cold and hot globes — will be lessened. Underground transport (a matter that the present writer has especially in view) will be facilitated by the reduced height of the bottle. Results obtained with Short-necked Containers. Believing at that time that container necks could be shortened and strengthened without any serious effect upon the evaporation rate, the writer designed, in 1918, a 50-lb. container of which twelve were made and ten proved sound. Though there were in these bottles a number of variations upon the standard design illustrated by fig. 1, only two of them could have any influence upon the rate of evaporation. The first of these — namely, the provision of a loose, insulated cap to fit over the mouth of the bottle — was found to have only a slight effect ; the cap, when in place, only reduced the loss by a few ounces per diem, a fact which itself demonstrated the relatively small heat-inflow by the neck. The second variation was in the size of the neck, which in each of these special 110 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. containers was of cupronickel (an alloy having about thrice the con- ductivity of German silver;; the bore was J in., the thickness of the metal XV in., and the length 9J ins. Had it been possible to disregard the influence of the up-flowing stream of cold air along the neck— that is to say, had neck-loss been merely a question of the conductivity, sectional area, and length of the tube for a given temperature difference — the neck-loss of each of these modified containers would have been 17 5 times that of the German 50-lbs. container referred to above. Actually the rates of evaporation of these more robust flasks showed little if any increase upon those of an equal number of containers of the usual design, selected at random. Their daily evaporation losses proved to be respectively 3*43, 3-75, 4 00, 2*75, 3*31, 3*31, 3*62, 3*69, 3*75, and 4*00 lbs. Acknowledgment is due to Messrs J. Mallinson, B.Sc., W. Cooper, M.A., B.Sc., and J. J. Brodie, Government research workers, for their help in the experiments here discussed. In the tests upon the 3-litre flask, weighings and temperature observations had to be taken at all hours of the night and day for a fortnight. Summary. (1) J. A. Harker and his co-workers having shown that of all the possible causes of heat-inflow to liquid air in a vacuum flask only three, viz. radiation, conduction across the vacuum space, and conduction along the neck of the flask, are of importance, the writer illustrates by two instances an experimental method enabling these sources of heat-transfer to be separately assessed. (2) In the two selected instances radiation proves to be the main method of heat-transfer. (3) In the second example (a 3-litre metal flask) the analysis is carried further, and the emissivity of the surfaces and pressure in the vacuous space are determined. The reasons for the relatively high emissivity are discussed. (4) Pyrometer measurements in the necks of long-necked, large metal storage flasks (containers) show the loss due to neck-conduction to be either zero or entirely negligible. The results indicate that the necks of such vessels may be shortened with advantage. (5) The tranquil evaporation rates are given of ten metal containers having relatively short, stout necks, in proof of the foregoing conclusion. (Issued separately June 20, 1921.) 1920-21.] A Continuant of Cayley’s of the Year 1874. Ill XI. — Note on a Continuant of Cayleys of the Year 1874. By Sir Thomas Muir, F.R.S. (MS. received March 8, 1921. Read March 21, 1921.) (1) In a ‘‘Note sur une formule d’integration indefinie” of the year 1874,* Cayley has occasion to use a determinant of a very peculiar structure, whose value when of the (^ + l)th order is {[a]#2 * + [&]z/2}n, [a]r in the development of this standing for a(a— 1) . . . . ( a — r+ 1). The first three instances are 1 (a— \)x— by 2y (a - l)(x2 Pxy) V 2 1 y ax — by a(x 2 + xy) = ax 2 + by2, 1 (a + \ )x— (b - 1 )y a(x2 + xy) = a(a — l)#4 + 2 abx2y2 + b(b— l)y\ 1 ( a—2)x—by 1 3 y (a—2)(x2 + xy) ax-(b—\)y 2 3 y2 . (a - \){x2 + xy) (a + 2)x - (b - 2)y I yB . . a(x2 + xy) = a(a-l)(a-2)xG + 3a(a-l)bxY + 3ab(b-l)x2y 4 + b(b - l)(b - 2)y\ where, it is as well to note, the coefficients of x2-\ -xy in the main diagonal increase by 1 at each step, and the coefficients of x in the adjacent minor diagonal increase by 2. Viewed as an equivalent for a power of \_a\x1 + [b~]y2 the form of the determinant is far from attractive, its order being higher than seems natural, and there being nothing in it to show that it is unaltered by the change of x into — x, of y into — y, or by the simultaneous interchange of a with b and x with y. (2) Resembling it, but more pleasing in form, is another determinant, also noted by Cayley the first three instances of which are * Comptes rendus . . . Acad, des Sci. (Paris), lxxviii, pp. 1624-1629 : or Coll. Math . Papers, ix, pp. 500-503. t The reference for this I cannot at present find. 112 Proceedings of the Boyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. j ( a - \)x + by 1 \ (a - l)(x2 - xy) (a + l)x + (b — l)y (cl — 2)x + by 1 (a-2)(x2-xy) ax + (b-l)y 2 ( a-l)(x2-xy ) (a + 2)x + (b - 2)y {[«>+[%} 2 {[a]x + [b]yY (i a—3)x + by 1 (a-3)(x?-xy) (a — \)x + (b— \)y 2 . (a-2)(x2-xy) (a + l)x + (b — 2)y (a — l)(x2 — xy) = {[a> + [%}4. (a + 3 )x + (b — 3)y Here the determinant is a pure continuant, and its order seems natural, so that the only one of our critical queries remaining is that in regard to the interchange of a , x with b , y. (3) Writing x 2 for x and y 2 for y in the second series of deter- minants we obtain equivalents for the determinants of the first series, for example, 1 (i a - l)a? — by 1 2 y (a- 1 )(x2 + xy) (cl + \)x — (b — 1)?/ = y 2 a(x 2 + xy) (a- \)x2 + by2 1 (a - l)(a?4 - x2y2) (a + l)x2 + (b - l)y2 } so that we have two different determinant expressions for {[< - [%}w“2 • [a\2(x2 + xy)2 - (n)^yn~^{[a\x - [&]y}”~3 . [af(x2 + xy)3 (5) Before referring further to these forms of Cayley’s it is desired to draw attention to a new form, which, besides being interesting in itself, adds considerably to the interest of the others. It arises as follows: — Putting j31 for ax + by and 7rl for \a\x + \b]yi /3 2 for ax2 + by2 2!tt2 for { [ci\x + [&]y}' 2, jS8 for ax^ + by 3 3!tt3 for {[cl]x + [5]?/}3, 113 1920-21.] A Continuant of Cayley’s of the Year 1874. we find that fti ~ *1 - 0 ft 2 _ ftl^l + 27T2 = 0 ft 3 ~ ft 2^1 + ftl^ ~ 3?r3 = 0 fti ~ fts77! + ft 2^ 2 ~ ftl^S + 4tt4 = 0 and on solving for the 7r’s there is readily obtained whence 02 ftl 2 • A P2 ftl 3 A ft 3 A A {[>> + [%}*•= ax + fyy 1 ax2 + by 2 ax + by 2 ax3 + by 3 ax2 + by 2 ax + by 3 ax4 + by 4 ax3 -f 6?/3 ax2 + &?/2 ax + by T — the new result referred to. (6) The most interesting point about this is that the relation on which it depends, ftr — ftr—i^i + ftr~27r2 ~ • • • + ( - 1 )rr7rr = 0, is exactly Newton’s relation between the s’s and the cs of a number of quantities, that is to say, where sr is the sum of the rth powers of the quantities and cr the sum of the rth combinations of them. (7) Turning now to Cayley’s second form we shall first show how there may be derived from it a better, especially as regards the interchange of a, as with b ,y. Using the fact that any factor of an element of a con- tinuant may be removed and attached to the conjugate element, we obtain in the case of the fourth order (a -3)x-\-by x (a-3)(x — ■*/) (a— l)x + (b - \)y 2x . (a — 2)(x - y) (a+ l)x+ (Z> - 2)y 3x (a - l)(x - y) (a + 3)x + (b — 3)y , which for shortness’ sake we may denote by K4(a — 3 , x , b,y), the a — 3 under the functional symbol being written instead of a to recall the element in the (1 , l)th place. If in this we diminish the second row by the first, the third by the new second, and so on, we obtain VOL. XLI. 8 114 Proceedings of the Koyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. (a - 3)x + by x (3 -a-b)y (a-2)x + (b-l)y 2x -(3-a-b)y (3 — a — b)y (a — \)x + (b — 2)y 3x (3 -a—b)y —(3 — a—b)y (3 — a—b)y ax + (b—3)y , where now the diagonal term is invariant to the interchange of a , x with b , y, and so likewise the coefficient of y in the elements outside the diagonal. The latter coefficient in the case of the nth order is n—l — (a + b), and may be conveniently replaced by a single letter. (8) If we try to simplify the form of § 7 by increasing the first column by the second, the second by the third, and so on, the diagonal elements return to their original awkward law of formation, the result being (a—2)x + by x (a-2)(x-y) ax + (b-\)y 2x . (a— \){x-y) (a + 2)x+(b — 2)y 3x a(x — y ) ax + (b—3)y . This, however, is not valueless, when we observe that it would be K4(a— 2 , x,b , y) save for the occurrence of ax in its last element instead 0f Changing therefore ax into (a + 4<)x — 4x, we have the quasi recurrence-formula K4(a-3,x,b,y) = K4(a - 2 , x , b , y) - 4zK3(a- 2 , x , b , y), and generally Kn(a-n+l,x,b,y) = Kn(ct -n + 2 ,x,b ,y) - nxK^a - n + 2 , x , 6 , y). As it is only the first of the four variables that changes in it, the equality may be viewed as giving the increment of Kn due to a receiving the increment 1. (9) There is a generalisation of the foregoing which, merely for its own sake, deserves to be noted in passing. If the n-line continuant whose diagonals are b 2b 3b .... a ct-\-b-\-z cl + 2b + 2z ct-\-3b-\-3z .... c c + z c + 2z .... be denoted by then H Ja b b c z. „ / b b Hn ft \ c z b b Hn( a + b J ^ — rcfrHn-, (a-vb \ c + z zj \ b b c + z z, The mode of proof is quite similar to that of § 8. 115 1920-21.] A Continuant of Cayley’s of the Year 1874. (10) Following on § 8 we now show that the “recurrence-formula” of {[a]x-\-[b]y}n is the same as the corresponding recurrence-formula found for the continuant. The increment of the former expression, due to a becoming a + 1, is r=n r=n 2(»)r[a+ l]n-rbrxn~ryr - ^(n)r[a]n-rbrxn- y, r= 0 r- 0 and this r—n = 2 (”)<• • {[“ + 1]n_r - [«]B'r} • brxn~ryr r= 0 r—n = • (n - r)[a]n~r~1 . brxn~ryr r-0 r—n = 2(w " *)»•» • [a]n~r~l • brxn~rif r= 0 = '^(nx . (n - 1 )r[a]n-r-1brxn~r-1yr r= 0 = nx . {\a]x + \b]y}n~l, as desired. The proof, however, for the case where n is 4 would probably be very little less convincing. (11) And now looking closer into Cayley’s continuant, and examining specially the recurrence-formula of it as got by expanding in terms of the elements of the last column and their complementaries, namely, the formula Kn+l(a-n,x,b,y) = {{a + n)x+ (b - «)?/}.Kn(a - n,x,b,y) - n(a - l)(x2 - xy) .Kn^a- n,x,h,y), we see that the algebraical equality which we have got to verify in order to establish the truth of Cayley’s result is {[a\x + [6]?/}n+1 = {(a + n)x + (b - n)y}{[a - Y\x + \b~]y}n - n{a - \)(x2 - xy){[a-^x+\b]y}n~1. This can of course be done, by proving that the coefficient of xr on the left is identical with the coefficient on the right ; but the doing of it forces on our attention how complexity has been unnecessarily introduced into the affair. The evil centres in the fact that each determinant of the series is not the first primary minor of the next determinant ; or — confining our- selves to a portion of this — that while the (1 , l)th element of the 1-line continuant is of necessity ax + by , the corresponding element of the 2-line continuant is (a— 1 )x + by, of the 3-line continuant (a — 2 )x + by, and so on. The above algebraical equality is thus an equality connecting {[a> + [%}n+1, {[a- l]x + [b]y}n, {[a - 2 ]x + [b]y}n~\ whereas what is wanted is an equality connecting {[a]x + [%}n+1, {[a]x + [b]y}n, {[a]x + [b]y}n~l. 116 Proceedings of the Koyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. (12) This desired equality I have found to be {[a\x+ \J)]y}n+l — {{a - n)x + {b - n)y}{\a\x + [b]y}n - nxy{a + b - n + l){[«]a? + [b]y}n~1 so that if we put Fn for {[ct]x-\-[b]y}n we have F ^{ax + by} =0 F2— {(a — V)x + (b— l)?/}F1 + ^(a + 6) =0 F3— { {a — 2 )x + ( b — 2 )y }Fg 4- 2 xy{a -\-b — 1)11 = 0 F4— {(a — S)x+ ( b - 3)//}F3 + 3 xy(a + b— 2)F2 = 0 and thence {[«> + [%}“ = ax + by xy . . ... a + b {a— V)x + (b— l)y 2 xy . . . a + b — 1 (a- 2)x+ (b— 2)y 3 xy . . . a + b — 2 {a — 3)« + (6 — 3)y . . . which, besides being ideally simple in its law of formation, remains invariable to any and all of the above-mentioned changes in a , x , b , y . Rondebosch, S.A., 1 6th February 1921. {Issued separately August 23, 1921.) 1920-21.] On the Old Red Sandstone Plants. 117 XII. — On the Old Red Sandstone Plants showing Structure, from the Rhynie Ohert Bed, Aberdeenshire. Part IV. Restora- tions of the Vascular Cryptogams, and discussion of their bearing on the General Morphology of the Pteridophyta and the Origin of the Organisation of Land-Plants. Part V. The Thallophyta occurring in the Peat Bed; the Succession of the Plants throughout a Vertical Section of the Bed, and the Conditions of Accumulation and Preservation of the Deposit. By Dr R. Kidston, LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., and Professor W. H. Lang, D.Sc., F.R.S. (Read May 2, 1921. MS. of Part IV received May 2, 1921, and Part V June 28, 1921.) (Abstract. Papers published in full in Transactions , VoL LII.) Part IV. — This paper concludes the authors’ account of the Vascular Cryptogams found in the Rhynie deposit. Restorations of the four plants, Rhynia Gwynne-Vaughani, R. major , Hornea Lignieri, and Asteroxylon Mackiei, are given. A few additional features, supplementary to the descriptions of these plants in the preceding papers of the series, are described and illustrated. The hemispherical projections of Rhynia Gwynne-Vaughani are shown to have originated underneath stomata. A comparison is made between them and certain intumescences in existing plants. Areas of necrosis and marked wound-reactions of the tissues around them are described for both species of Rhynia. The apex of a stem of R. major is figured. For Asteroxylon additional figures are given of a large rhizome, of the leaf-arrangement and immature structure of the stem in the region of a shoot-apex, and of the longitudinal markings on the epidermal cells resembling those found in Rhynia Gwynne-Vaughani. The discussion summarises the authors’ views on the main bearings of the facts described in Parts 1-4 on various problems in plant morphology. Part V. — The Thallophyta occurring in the peat bed ; the succession of the plants throughout a vertical section of the bed, and the conditions of accumulation and preservation of the deposit. In this concluding part of this series of papers the Thallophyta found in the silicified peat are described. The most abundant are Fungi, repre- sented by hyphse of the mycelium and vesicles or resting-spores borne on this. With the exception of one specimen, the hyphse were non-septate and 118 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. the fungi are regarded as belonging to the Phycomycetes. A number of form-types are described and illustrated by photographs. Some of the most distinct of these forms are given specific names in the comprehensive genus Palceomyces. The species distinguished are Palceomyces Gordoni , P. Gordoni var. major , P. Aster oxyli, P. Hornece, P. vestita, P. Simpsoni, P. agglomerata. The possibility of there being a symbiotic (mycorrhizal) relation between certain fungi and the Vascular Cryptogams is discussed ; there is no conclusive evidence in favour of this, but the question is left to some extent open. The majority of the fungi in the Rhynie peat were certainly living as saprophytes. Bacteria were doubtless present in abundance, but are difficult to distinguish in the granular matrix. The most remarkable representative of the Schizophyta is a filamentous organism with the small protoplasts preserved. It is named Archceothrix oscillator if or mis and is compared with Beggiatoa and Oscillatoria among existing plants. Scattered remains of a remarkable Alga, the vegetative structure of which presents a number of resemblances to existing Characeee, are described under the name Algites ( Palceonitella ) Granii. Two frag- ments belonging to an organism with the characteristic structure of Nematophyton are described as N. Taiti. The occurrence of this plant in such a deposit is noteworthy, and the small specimens are of importance in showing the structure of the peripheral region that has not been preserved in specimens previously described. The succession of the plants throughout a section of the Chert Bed as exposed in situ is followed, and the conditions of formation of the Rhynie deposit discussed. On grounds mainly of resemblances presented by Asteroxylon to Thursophyton ( Lycopodites ) Milleri, the view is expressed that the Rhynie Chert band is probably of Middle Old Red Sandstone age. (. Issued separately August 23, 1921.) 1920-21.] The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. 119 XIII. — The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. By Henry Briggs, D.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.S.M., and William Cooper, M.A., B.Sc. (MS. received June 15, 1921. Read July 4, 1921.) I. Introduction. In 1917 Messrs F. C. Short, B.Sc., and F. W. Moore, of Walsall, applied for a patent for a method of storing gas, under compression, in cylinders or containers filled with charcoal which had been impregnated with a metal (e.g. iron, nickel, palladium) in a very fine state of division. The immediate intention of the inventors was to provide a compact method of storage of coal-gas serving as fuel for internal combustion engines. They realised that by filling a cylinder with impregnated charcoal its gas-capacity would be augmented. Independently, in 1919, one of us began experiments to ascertain if it were feasible to increase the capacity of a nitrogen cylinder, without increasing the pressure, by loading the cylinder with an un- impregnated activated charcoal before compressing the gas into it, and the results given below indicate that such an increase is in some degree possible. It is unfortunate that experiments with the gas in which we were principally interested, namely, oxygen, had to be limited to colloidal silica, this being the only non-inflammable adsorbent available ; for had oxygen been compressed into charcoal there would have been grave risk of explosion. We have recently learnt that similar experiments have been carried out on coal by Mr J. I. Graham at the Doncaster Coalowners’ Research Laboratory, though at the time of writing his results have not been published. The only published investigation known to us on the effect upon gaseous adsorption of pressures higher than atmospheric is that of Sir James Dewar,* who ascertained the volume of hydrogen taken in by a mass of 6’7 grams of cocoanut charcoal at — 185° C. He found that the charcoal adsorbed a volume which increased from 620 c.c. at atmospheric pressure to 1050 c.c. at 10 atmospheres, and that between 10 and 25 atmospheres no further gas was taken up. The use of a porous medium, such as kieselguhr or asbestos wool, in acetylene cylinders is well known. Its function is to absorb the acetone which, in those cylinders, is used to dissolve the gas. The solution of acetylene in acetone is, however, a phenomenon of an entirely different kind to the adsorption of, say, nitrogen by charcoal. * “ Studies on Charcoal and Liquid Air,” Proc. Roy. Inst ., xviii (1906), p. 433. 120 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. II. Method of Experiment. Measurements were carried out at 15° C. and at pressures sometimes reaching 100 atmospheres. The gases mainly used were nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen ; a few special tests were carried out with firedamp and carbon dioxide. The nitrogen and oxygen employed were the com- mercial gases supplied by the British Oxygen Company; they usually contained about 2 per cent, of impurity. Hydrogen and, on some occa- sions, C02 were made in the laboratory. The firedamp was obtained in compressed form from South Wales, and contained about 98 per cent. CH4. Tests were carried out with (a) activated cocoanut charcoal, ( b ) activated birch charcoal, (c) German impregnated charcoal, (d) common wood charcoal, and ( e ) activated colloidal silica made in the laboratory from the hydrogel by the method described in a paper recently given before the Royal Society, London.* In addition, a few special tests, dealt with in the next section, were made upon anthracite. The method consisted in filling a small steel cylinder with the substance to be tested, the material being well shaken down within. Before loading the cylinder the charcoal or silica was dried in thin layers in a gas furnace ; it was inserted hot. The cylinder was fitted with a gas-cock screwed and soldered into place. After it had cooled it was charged with dry gas to the desired pressure, and a sufficient time allowed to elapse to allow the heat of adsorption to dissipate and the pressure to stabilise. The cylinder was then provided with a throttle-valve and pressure-gauge and placed in a water-bath. The volume contained by it was determined by allowing the gas to flow out very slowly through a meter. After the discharge of 1 litre, or, in some cases, 5 litres of gas, the throttle was closed, and a pressure-reading taken after stability had again been attained. The opera- tion was repeated until no more gas was discharged. The pressure-gauges were tested from time to time against a large gauge which had been calibrated at the National Physical Laboratory. The meter was tested against displacement. III. General Results. The experimental method described ascertained the volume, at 15° C., discharged between any given pressure and atmospheric pressure. When constructing the graphs it was necessary to add to that volume the amount of gas retained by the adsorbent at atmospheric pressure and 15° C. This * H. Briggs, “The Adsorption of Gas by Charcoal, Silica, and other Substances,” Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 1921 (in course of publication). 121 1920-21.] The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. additional quantity was separately determined for nitrogen and cocoanut charcoal and nitrogen and silica by methods which have previously been described (Briggs, loc. cit.). For each of the other gases and substances employed the addition in question was made by extrapolation from the graph itself. Fig. 1 records the results obtained with activated cocoanut charcoal, which, of all the substances tried, gave the greatest adsorption under pressure. Curves A and B respectively indicate for various absolute Fig. 1. A, Adsorption isotherm for nitrogen. B, Adsorption isotherm for hydrogen. C, Adsorption isotherm for nitrogen with damp charcoal. D, Simple compression according to Boyle’s law. E , Simple compression for hydrogen. pressures (abscissae) the total volumes (ordinates) of nitrogen and hydrogen contained by a gross volume * of 1 litre of charcoal. Gas volumes are expressed at N.P. and 15° C. To show the great influence of damp, a test was carried out on nitrogen, using cocoanut charcoal which had been for many months exposed to the air and which was found to hold 25 per cent, by weight of moisture. The results of that experiment are set forth by curve G. The straight lines D and E are included for the sake of com- parison ; the former expresses for 1 litre of open space the pv relation according to Boyle’s law, and the latter expresses that relation for hydrogen. * Gross volume includes the interstitial spaces, or voids, between the granules. 122 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. It is clear from fig. 1 that the gas-capacity of a cylinder intended to hold nitrogen under compression may be increased by filling the cylinder with dry cocoanut charcoal. The advantage gained from the charcoal is especially marked for pressures below 50 atmospheres. When blown off from 35 atmos. abs. to 1 atmos. abs., for example, a cylinder containing cocoanut charcoal would discharge 66 per cent, more nitrogen than the same cylinder containing no adsorbent. Put in another way, the results indicate that a cylinder of 1 cubic foot water-capacity filled with dry cocoanut charcoal and charged with nitrogen at 21 atmospheres would hold Fig. 2. A , Oxygen in colloidal silica. B, Nitrogen in common wood charcoal. C , Nitrogen in birch charcoal. D, Hydrogen in colloidal silica. F, Hydrogen in German impregnated charcoal. F, Nitrogen in German impregnated charcoal. a total volume of 50 cubic feet of gas, of which 43'5 cubic feet would be discharged on the pressure being released to atmospheric. Had the cylinder not held charcoal it would require to have been charged to 44*5 atmos. abs. to yield the same volume. The increase of available volume could probably be raised from 66 to about 80 per cent, at 35 atmospheres by ramming the charcoal forcibly into the cylinder. A similar but smaller difference is observable for hydrogen (compare curves B and E , fig. 1). As gaseous adsorption is much improved by cold, it follows that a cylinder containing charcoal could be charged with a given mass of gas at low temperature (obtained, say, from a Claude or Linde plant) with a less expenditure of energy than if charged at ordinary temperature. The influence of moisture (compare curves A and G, fig. 1) points to the need for dryness in both adsorbent and gas if this method of gas storage be adopted. 123 1920-21.] The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. Most commercial gas-cylinders are charged to 120 atmospheres; at that pressure the advantage to be gained by the charcoal is small. In fig. 2 a number of other pressure-volume isotherms are given, the ordinates in each case being the volumes (at N.P. and 15° C.) taken up by 1 litre of the granules at 15° C. These, with the exception of B (nitrogen and common wood charcoal), are straight lines having much the same slope. The slope, moreover, is not far from 45°, which is that of the pv relation according to Boyle’s law. In some of the cases illustrated, for example Fig. 3. A , Including the gas compressed in the interstitial spaces. B, Corrected for the gas in the interstitial spaces. C, Simple compression according to Boyle’s law. A (oxygen and colloidal silica), the cylinder held slightly more than it would hold without adsorbent; while in other cases, such as C (nitrogen and birch charcoal), it held slightly less. In all these instances, then, the adsorption has been considerable ; in some it obeys Henry’s law, while in others it departs from that law. Curve A, fig. 3 (colloidal silica and nitrogen), expresses a relationship differing from Henry’s law ; it is analysed below. Tests made with firedamp compressed into anthracite threw fresh light upon the problem of sudden outbursts of gas in collieries, and that subject has been dealt with recently by one of us in a paper read before the Institution of Mining Engineers.* These outbursts, which occasionally * H. Briggs, “ Characteristics of Sudden Outbursts of Gas in Mines,” Trans. Inst . Min. Engs ., vol. lxi. 124 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. happen in this country, are characterised by the almost instantaneous discharge into the mine workings of thousands, and in some cases millions, of cubic feet of firedamp, and along with the gas hundreds of tons of coal are displaced. The coal associated with an outburst is soft, sooty, and disintegrated. By taking some anthracite ejected at an outburst in South Wales, drying it, filling it into a gas-cylinder, and pumping in pit firedamp, it was found that 1 cubic foot of the coal was able to take up at 6 or 8 atmospheres pressure, and hold in a condition ready for almost instantaneous release, a quantity of firedamp considerably greater than could be contained in 1 cubic foot of open space charged with gas at the same pressure. The sudden outburst of gas constitutes, in fact, a problem in gaseous adsorption ; the gas is held in the coal in a state available for discharge when the pressure is released. IV. Theoretical Considerations. Dr A. M. Williams has shown by an able theoretical analysis * that the most probable form for an adsorption isotherm at low concentrations is logeg) = A0-All; (1) where p is the absolute pressure and v the mass of gas adsorbed at that pressure by a given mass of the substance. At present it is convenient to express v in litres of gas expanded to N.P. and 15° C. A0 and A1 are coefficients. Williams found the above equation to represent very closely the connection between v and p as observed by several previous workers who had experimentally determined that connection for various gases at pressures below atmospheric. Our own results go to show that the equation (with one correcting factor) also holds at high pressure for, at any rate, gases above their critical temperatures, though, at those pressures, the degree of concentration is considerable. To enable this matter to be studied, it was necessary to eliminate the effect of the interstitial spaces between the granules. We had previously found the interstitial space of cocoanut charcoal (well shaken down) to be 40 per cent., and that of silica to be 43 per cent, of the gross volume (Briggs, loc. cit.), and these values were used in making the correction in question. In fig. 3, A is the original curve plotted from the experimental data and B is the curve resulting after the volumes compressed into the inter- stitial space had been deducted. Now it will be seen that B has a double flexure, the gradient first decreasing as pressure rises and then, at the high * Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin ., xxxix (1918-19), p. 48 ; Proc. Roy. Soc ., A, xcvi (1919), p. 287. 125 1920-21.] The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. pressures, slightly increasing again. If the pressure is carried high enough, this effect is found to be common to all the pressure-volume relations we have examined, provided the relationship is of the non-linear type. At 15° C. and with the gases concerned the possibility of a change of phase at the higher pressures is nil, and another explanation has to be sought for the effect. The internal gaseous volume of an adsorbent granule is made up partly of openings of molar dimensions and partly of much larger canals or capillaries, some of which may be visible under the microscope. With these gases of low critical temperature, even under pressures of about 100 atmospheres, the adsorbed film cannot occupy the whole of the internal gaseous volume, some of which must therefore be occupied by gas, not adsorbed, but approximately obeying Boyle’s law. Thus it appears neces- sary to modify equation (1) so as to include a term to cover the effect of compression upon unadsorbed gas existing in the capillaries. Let v be the volume (expressed at N.P. and 15° C.) taken up by a gross litre of the granules, the volume compressed in the interstitial spaces not being included. Let v1 be the volume taken up by true adsorption upon the solid surfaces, and v2 be the volume contained in the capillaries under simple compression. Then from equation (1) log^-A^V, (2) and v = + v2, but, by Boyle’s law, v2 = kp%, therefore v = vl + kj) . . . . . (3) Equation (3) thus expresses the extent of the modification of Williams’ rule needed to take into account the existence, in the granules, of gas under simple compression.* The curve for nitrogen in silica (B, fig. 3) was found to agree remark- ably well with the equations log* (p) = ~ 092 “ '01552), .... (4) v = v1 + ‘10p ...... (5) For cocoanut charcoal with nitrogen the equations are log, (^) = 2-43 -'045^ (6) v = v1 + -10p ...... (7) * Williams lias made use of a similar correction to allow for the volume occupied by the adsorbed layer, ibid., p. 306. 126 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. though in this case the agreement is not so good. For hydrogen in cocoanut charcoal the following equations satisfy the data very exactly : — log. (|) = 1-92 --076®! (8) v = vY + *25/> ...... (9) The argument does not take into account the probable thickening of the adsorbed layer as the pressure rises; if this effect were allowed for, k would become a variable depending upon the pressure. With gases below their critical temperature the effect in question will be considerable, but for gases such as hydrogen and nitrogen at 15° C. the proportional influence of such a correction must be small, and it has been disregarded. It will be seen (equations (4) to (7)) that the amount of the internal gaseous volume unoccupied by adsorbed films is, with nitrogen, about the same for silica and cocoanut charcoal. As the specific attraction between silica and nitrogen is, according to available evidence, less than that subsisting between cocoanut charcoal and nitrogen, the thickness of the adsorbed film will be less with the former than with the latter substance ; therefore it is probable that the average section of the internal passages is smaller in our colloidal silica than in the charcoal. This may in part be due to the absence in the silica of the relatively very large (microscopic) openings present in charcoal. The higher value of k in equation (9) points to the conclusion that, with cocoanut charcoal, the surface film of hydrogen is thinner than that of nitrogen. The straight-line relationships, exemplified by all but one of the graphs of fig. 2, should, we think, not be regarded as exceptions to the general law expressed by equations (2) and (3), but rather as special cases in which is of negligible influence; for if the term A-^ is inappreciable, the equations reduce to the straight line v = p(eA° + k). . . . . (10) We propose to reserve for the present the consideration of adsorption under pressure of a gas, such as carbon dioxide, whose critical tempera- ture is above 15° C. — in this instance the temperature at which the experiments were carried out. It is sufficient to say that the double flexure of the curve, referred to above, is much more marked with such a gas, and, as might be expected, the slope of the curve increases rapidly as the pressure of liquefaction is approached. We wish to express our thanks to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for permission to publish this paper. 1920-21.] The Adsorption of Gas under Pressure. 127 Summary. 1. Experiments made at 15° C. with various adsorbents and gases (chiefly nitrogen and hydrogen) show that a cylinder filled with adsorbent granules has a capacity for dry gas under a given pressure which is generally greater than its capacity when containing no adsorbent. For example, a cylinder charged with nitrogen at 35 atmospheres has its capacity increased by 66 per cent, by filling it with cocoanut charcoal. 2. Sudden outbursts of firedamp in coal-mines are the result of re- leasing immense quantities of gas adsorbed under pressure in coal. 3. The logarithmic relation derived by Williams is shown to apply to the adsorption isotherms of gases above their critical temperature up to pressures of 100 atmospheres, providing a correction be applied for the gas in the capillaries which is not adsorbed, but which exists under simple compression. (. Issued separately August 23, 1921.) 128 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. XIV. — Utilisation of Solid Caustic Soda in the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide. By Elizabeth Gilchrist, M.A., B.Sc., A.I.C. Communicated by Professor Henry Briggs, D.Sc., Ph.D. (MS. received June 17, 1921. Read July 4, 1921.) In the course of research on Mine Rescue Apparatus under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research it was found necessary to investigate the conditions of utilisation of solid caustic soda for absorbing carbon dioxide, and particularly the effects of variations of temperature and water vapour upon the reaction. Though the experiments relate especially to the conditions prevalent in breathing apparatus, it is believed that they have sufficient general interest to warrant their description in a separate paper. The tests were carried out by Mr D. Penman, B.Sc., and the writer, under the direction of Professor Henry Briggs, and the results are published by permission of the Research Department. Preliminary Experiments. Preliminary comparative experiments were carried out in which air containing carbon dioxide was passed through U-tubes holding caustic soda granules. These exploratory tests showed that : — 1. The temperature at which the caustic soda is maintained had a most important effect on its power of absorption, and that the absorption fell off almost to zero if that temperature was kept at or below 0° C. 2. The size of particle had a great effect on the absorptive efficiency, small particles being more effectual than large particles. This result doubtless follows from the greater area of surface exposed by the small granules. 3. When the soda particles act efficiently they swell considerably, and in so doing tend to fill up the interstices between them, thus causing choking unless measures are taken to prevent it. Apparatus and Methods. In view of the results of the preliminary inquiry, it was found to be neces- sary to carry out all subsequent experiments with granules of caustic soda which had been sized. The size adopted was that of from J-inch to J-inch diameter. Thirty grams of granules were employed in each experiment, 1920-21.] Solid Caustic Soda for absorbing Carbon Dioxide. 129 the caustic being weighed out in a weighing-bottle with a variation not exceeding ±005 gram; the soda was then transferred, immediately before starting the test, to the apparatus described below, and sealed in. The air current caused to flow over the caustic granules was made to contain a uniform 4 per cent, of carbon dioxide ; it thus resembled in composition the air expired from the lungs of the wearer of a rescue apparatus. Its rate of flow was 3*5 litres per minute. The supply of air to be purified was obtained from a Briggs gas-testing tank.* During any such test as those to be described, the soda becomes progressively less active as the test proceeds, and towards the end, though often a considerable percentage of hydrate remains, the caustic has virtu- ally ceased to extract carbon dioxide from the air. A period of test of forty minutes was adopted throughout. A special apparatus was designed for the tests. It consisted of a strong tin bath (fig. 1) of rectangular shape, supported on wrought-iron legs high enough to permit of an ordinary gas bunsen being placed under it. Surrounded by the water in the bath, J, were two air-tight com- partments, B and E. At one end of the partition separating B and E was an opening, C, \ inch wide and 2 inches long. The lower compart- ment, B, was kept either half full of water or empty, as desired, and into the upper compartment, E, was slipped a tray containing the caustic. The gas mixture entered the compartment B at the point X ; rose through the opening C into the upper compartment, and flowed over the surface of the caustic to an outlet, F, where samples could be taken. The end, H, of the upper compartment was detachable, and after the tray con- taining the caustic had been inserted the end was sealed on. The tray on which the caustic was spread was 11 inches long by 3 inches wide, and consisted of a tin base on which was fixed wire gauze crimped to form six Y-shaped troughs. The caustic was spread uniformly over the surface of the gauze along the troughs. This form of support for the soda has been found most effectual in rescue apparatus.]* It is to be noted that all temperatures given are those of the surrounding bath ; not necessarily of the caustic particles. The caustic, however, rested on metal, and, as the vessel was entirely of metal, the conduction of heat was fairly effective. For temperatures between 0° and 100° a bath of water was used. Below zero a mixture of ice and salt, and above 100° paraffin wax was employed. During the experiments samples of the ingoing and outgoing gaseous * Colliery Guardian, December 15, 1911. f Second Report , Mine Rescue Apparatus Research Committee , 1920, p. 46. VOL. XLI. 9 130 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Fig. 1920-21.] Solid Caustic Soda for absorbing Carbon Dioxide. 131 mixtures were taken every five minutes and were analysed in a portable Haldane gas-analysis apparatus.* Four series of tests were carried out. For the first series the gas mixture was dried before it entered the caustic soda compartment. In the second series the gaseous mixture was saturated at room temperature, 12° C., before coming into contact with the caustic; and the third series was similarly saturated at blood temperature, 37° C. ; while in the fourth series the mixture was allowed to saturate itself with moisture at the temperature at which the bath was maintained. In each of the first three series the weight of moisture carried by the gas was constant throughout the tests, while in the last it varied in accordance with the temperature of the test. I. Gaseous Mixture dried before passing over Caustic Soda. The 4 per cent, mixture was dried by passing through concentrated sulphuric acid, and through U-tubes containing calcium chloride; it then passed over copper sulphate. The absence of a blue tinge in the latter showed the gas to be dry. It must here be observed that although precautions were taken to keep the caustic soda dry, doubtless it contained a proportion of moisture. Commercial caustic soda usually contains water up to 10 per cent., and in exceptional cases up to 25 per cent. Analyses were made of the gaseous mixture entering and leaving the caustic compartment at frequent intervals. Their results enabled an average to be struck for that period of the percentage of C02 extracted at each of the temperatures of the tests. When these average extractions were graphed against temperature, curve A (fig. 2) was obtained. It was observed, at any given temperature, that the caustic soda became most effective after a lapse of from ten to twenty minutes, and that after that time the efficiency of absorption rapidly fell away. The examination of the material taken from the tray after an experiment showed the granules to be substantially unaltered in form and to have received only a thin coating of carbonate. The greater part of each granule was unaltered caustic soda. II. Gaseous Mixture saturated with Water Vapour at 12° C. The tests were carried out in the same manner as those just described, and as a result curve B (fig. 2) was obtained. The efficiency of absorption is evidently better in this case than in the last. The maximum efficiency of absorption took place in the circumstances of this test at 70°-90° C., where it amounted to a 72 per cent, extraction of the carbon dioxide. * J. S. Haldane, Methods of Air Analysis , p. 48. 132 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Another feature clearly shown by contrasting curves A and B is that while in the dry condition represented by the former, a temperature over 100° C. brought about the most marked diminution in efficiency of absorption, such a temperature in the second series was not so deleterious. In the latter series, in the circumstances admitting of maximum extraction, the granules on being taken from the test cartridge were found to have considerably increased in size and to contain relatively little unused caustic soda. III. Gaseous Mixture before entering the Caustic Compartment was saturated at 37° C. The temperature and hygrometric state of the stream of air and carbon dioxide were kept under observation. In this series the lower compartment of the case contained no water. On the results being recorded in graphical form (curve C, fig. 2), the curve was found considerably to resemble that of the last series ; at the optimum temperature extraction was again between 70° and 90c C. The maximum extraction was 72 per cent, of the carbon dioxide. The remarks as to the condition of the caustic soda in the last series equally apply to this. IV. Gaseous Mixture saturated at the Temperature at which the Caustic Soda was maintained. In each of these experiments the lower compartment E (fig. 1) was half filled with water, which was then kept at a definite temperature. The ingoing gaseous mixture flowed over the surface of the water before entering the caustic compartment. The results of the series are shown in curve D (fig. 2). The maximum extraction was 65 per cent., and the best 1920-21.] Solid Caustic Soda for absorbing Carbon Dioxide. 133 temperature was 50° C. The maximal extraction in this case being less than that in the last two cases would indicate that the greater amount of water held by the ingoing stream of gas in series 4 was detrimental to absorption. The curve D shows how much efficiency of absorption depends on the temperature of the containing vessel ; for though the extraction was 65 per cent, at 50° C., it was only 30 per cent, at 16° C. and 40 per cent, at 90° C. Discussion of Results. A conceivable explanation for some part of the difference in efficiency of absorption is that, owing to variations of temperature and hygrometric state, the actual rate of flow over the caustic was different in different experiments. This effect, however, was found to be of negligible moment by carrying out special tests, in which the same mass of carbon dioxide was passed over the caustic per second, though contained in air currents which flowed at greatly different rates. A more serious criticism on the method of test is that the recorded temperature of the bath surrounding the caustic compartment was not necessarily the temperature of the caustic granules themselves. Undoubtedly there would be very considerable local heating, and the severity of this local heating may be judged when it is stated that in certain other experiments in which caustic granules were held on blotting-paper trays the blotting-paper caught fire from the heat of reaction. The writer has no means of judging of the temperature of the active surfaces at which the absorption was actually taking place. The general conduction of heat away from the granules, however, must have been moderately efficient, owing to the mass of metal with which they were in contact. It is advisable to state again that the whole set of experiments was carried out to give information which would be applicable for rescue apparatus in the cartridges of which the caustic soda is supported in much the same way as in the experiments. A slight error in the per- centage of carbon dioxide in the outgoing sample, as given by the results of the analyses, was due to the condensed moisture in the sampling-bottles having dissolved some C02 ; but on calculation it was ascertained that this error was negligible. Some remarks have already been made as to the appearance of the caustic soda on removal from the tray. There was a marked differ- ence in appearance after tests at high, low, and intermediate temperatures. At the lowest and highest of the temperatures in the series I., II., and III., the granules retained much of their original shape ; but at the high tempera- tures in series IV., where a great deal more moisture was present in the air, 134 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. the granules coalesced in a sticky state with corresponding reduction in surface, and therefore in the efficiency of absorption. In the circumstances giving the best absorption the caustic particles were found in all cases to have swollen sometimes to three times their original linear dimensions, and in many cases they were found to be hollovr inside. This action is of great importance to the designer of mine rescue apparatus or other appliances in which these granules are used for the abstraction of carbon dioxide from air. The action appears to be much as follows : — A granule begins its active life by taking up a considerable weight of moisture, and attains a plastic state. The action of carbon dioxide upon such a body is to coat it with a layer of spongy dry carbonate. The next effect is a penetration, by capillary attraction, of the soft caustic through its skin of spongy carbonate and a further attack by the carbon dioxide on the soda thus brought within its reach. The continuance of such an action will evidently be to cause the formation of a carbonate shell with a hollow interior and greatly to increase the apparent bulk of the granule. When absorption is at its best, this action continues until there is no caustic soda left behind ; in other cases until a small granule of caustic is left behind, apparently lying detached inside the shell of carbonate. Conclusions. The following conclusions, of value especially to the designer of rescue apparatus, follow from these tests : — 1. It is evident that too much and too little moisture is detrimental to the action. The best results are obtained when the proportion of moisture carried is approximately that carried by air saturated at temperatures between 60° C. and 90° C. 2. The best results for absorption are obtained when the container is kept at a temperature of from 60° to 100° C. Provided the moisture conditions are right, the average proportional absorption is then about 70 per cent., when using the relatively small amount of caustic employed in the tests. Below and above those temperatures the absorption efficiency falls off rapidly. Below 10° C. and above 100° C. absorption is extremely poor. It is worthy of remark that in actual use with rescue apparatus in France during the war and in certain cold countries it was found by experience that caustic is inactive at temperatures near freezing-point, and the practical precaution was taken on cold days of warming the caustic prior to use by breathing through it. 3. It is evident that measures must be taken to secure good conduction 1920-21.] Solid Caustic Soda for absorbing Carbon Dioxide. 135 of heat, as it is important to keep an equal temperature in all parts. Other- wise at some parts the action may become violent, with consequent rise of temperature and stoppage of the reaction, while at others the temperature may never rise sufficiently high to give the best results. 4. It is important that the particles be of such a size as to give a fair surface of exposure for absorption. Excessively large particles are for this reason to be avoided. Provided the conditions as to moisture and tempera- ture are at their optima, however, there is no need to decrease the size of the particles unduly in order to increase the surface ; e.g., given such con- ditions, granules 6 or 7 mm. in diameter will, by the swelling action described, be entirely or almost entirely used up. 5. The particles must be so spaced as to give sufficient room for swelling. There should indeed be a greater volume of interstitial space in a canister fitted for absorption of carbon dioxide than of actual solid caustic soda itself. A disregard of this requirement leads to the coalescence of the granules due to swelling, and to the blocking of the air passages. This, in turn, involves a greatly increased resistance which is highly detrimental in breathing apparatus, and at the same time decreases the availability of the caustic to the carbon dioxide. ( Issued separately September 5, 1921.) 136 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. XV. — On the Criterion for Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. By H. Levy, M.A., D.Sc., Assistant-Professor of Mathe- matics, Imperial College of Science, South Kensington. (MS. received May 27, 1921. Read June 20, 1921.) § 1. The conditions determining the stable flow of a viscous fluid in a uniform channel and in a uniform circular pipe were investigated experi- mentally for water by Osborne Reynolds in a searching series of papers.* For a channel he concluded that so long as the non-dimensional group U Ijvt where U = mean velocity in the channel, l = breadth of the channel, v — kinematic viscosity of the fluid, was maintained below a certain value, any slight disturbance imposed on the steady flow tended to die out, and the steady streaming persisted, but in the neighbourhood of and above this critical value a condition of turbulence and eddying set in immediately the steady stream-line motion was disturbed. Many theoretical investigations of this problem, having for their object the mathematical formulation of the conditions determining this critical state, have been attempted, but no satisfactory analysis has yet been forth- coming. The mathematical difficulties of a direct attack are so formidable that simplifications are invariably introduced ; but these, while they may render the mathematical development amenable to treatment, nevertheless involve physical assumptions whose interpretation is frequently obscure. This is amply borne out by the fact that theoretical estimates of the critical value of U Ijv vary over exceedingly wide ranges. In the present paper it is proposed to approach this question from a new standpoint. § 2. On general grounds of dimensions it is clear that any problem in the flow of a viscous fluid with given boundary will centre round the particular value assigned to XJl/v, and the author has indicated how this fact may be utilised to approach a solution of any such problem in general.f A full experimental investigation of the question in relation to the critical flow of air, water, and oil in pipes has been conducted by Stanton and * Scientific Papers , vol. ii, p. 51 et seq. ; Phil. Trans., 1883. + Phil. Mag., xli, April 1921, “ On a Method of Analysis suitable for the Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics.” 1920-21.] Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. 137 Pannell,* who have shown that the conclusions arrived at by Osborne Reynolds as regards water are independent of the state of the fluid — that, in fact, the critical value of \Jl/v is a universal constant for given geometry of boundary. From another standpoint, these results have since received verification in all hydro- and aero-dynamical experiments, where it is found that the resisting force R of a body of given shape in a viscous fluid of density p and kinematic viscosity v is always expressible in the form where l fixes the scale of the body. In effect these experiments may be regarded as justifying the assumption that the properties of real fluids in motion should require nothing further for their explanation than the assumption that the fluid is viscous and dense. It is important in this connection to note that compressibility plays no part in this question, and that for the present purpose the air may be justifiably regarded as inelastic. Examination of the resistance of projectiles indicates that compression effects do not become apparent until the velocity of sound is approached, j- § 3. Returning to the flow of a fluid in a channel, let it be supposed that a disturbance is communicated to the fluid, say, by dipping a small obstacle into the fluid and withdrawing it. For a given shape of obstacle inserted in any given manner, for a given speed U of the central stream line of the channel, and for given viscosity and density of the fluid, it is clear that the vortex distribution immediately resulting from this dis- turbance will be physically quite determinate. Let the strength of the vorticity at a geometrically given position be k, then k can only be dependent on U, l the breadth of the channel, v the kinematic viscosity, and p the density, and on nothing else. Hence K=/(U, Z, V, p). Now k being an angular velocity distributed over an area has dimensions XL2. Assuming .-. [k] = L2T-1 ; [U] = LT-1 ; [v] = LH-1 ; [p] = ML-3. * Phil. Trans ., A, 214, pp. 199-224, “ Similarity of Motion, in Relation to the Surface Friction of Fluids.” f Rayleigh’s Scientific Papers , vol. v, p. 534 ; Aeronautical Journal , June 1919, “From Model to Full Scale in Aeronautics,” H. Levy. 138 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. where Ar is a number, and equating the dimensions of each term on the right to [k], it is easily found that r = s=l -t ; u = 0. where r is indeterminable so far. The quantities Ar and r, in fact, must depend on the shape of the boundaries. .-. K=vf1(miv) (i) or TJZ/k = F(UZ/v) (2) where the form of the functions depends on the geometry of the problem. From (1) it follows that for a given value of JJl/v the strength of the vorticity is directly proportional to the kinematic viscosity. Equation (2) indicates that the discussion of the stability of flow in a viscous fluid to a given disturbance, and all the circumstances of the motion generally, may equally well be centred round the non-dimensional group JJI/k ; that in fact we may imagine a given disturbance in vorticity, specified by k, applied to the fluid, and seek to determine the value of JJI/k, which is critical in the sense that it separates the region of values of this non- dimensional grouping for which the motion is stable from those for which the motion is unstable. Having determined this critical value of JJI/k, how to determine the exact relation (2) from which to evaluate the critical quantity JJl/v is clearly the next step, and if this can be completely effected the problem will definitely be solved. For the present I propose to restrict myself to determining whether such a critical value of JJI/k exists at all, and if so to evaluating it. It need scarcely be said that the discussion so far is not limited to the question of flow in a channel, although that is the case ,we have had in view. § 4. It will be presumed that a fluid is moving between and parallel to the walls of a uniform channel, with the parabolic distribution in velocity corresponding to the steady motion of a viscous fluid in such a case, so that in the usual notation u = JJ(1 - y2/a2) ; v = 0, where 2a is the breadth of the channel. Let it be disturbed in such a manner as to give rise to two vortices of strengths —k and +/c situated at the points (x = 0, y — h), (x = 0, y=—h) respectively. These may be imagined to have been produced by the sudden even insertion of a plate of breadth 2 h stemming the fibw symmetrically about the axis of x. Experiment shows that two vortices 1920-21.] Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. 139 would immediately be formed at the two edges, of opposite signs, and from symmetry necessarily of equal strengths. It will be presumed that the whole disturbance is initially concentrated in these two vortices. § 5. Two difficulties immediately present themselves. In the first place, if the vorticity thus imposed on the fluid be imagined as concentrated at the two points, the condition that there is no slipping at the boundary, as will shortly become apparent, is immediately violated. Whether or not this is a serious deviation from the real physical conditions is not even yet quite definite. Ample experimental evidence exists to show that for moderately small speeds — that is to say, for values of U Ijv well below the critical — there does not exist any appreciable relative motion at the surface between the body and the moving fluid, and this condition is satisfied by the solution for steady motion, u — U(1 — y2/a2), which has been presumed. For velocities in the neighbourhood of and above the critical, however, where turbulent motion sets in, experimental results are not so conclusive, and do not appear to provide sufficiently definite evidence beyond the fact that as the surface is approached the relative velocity does not drop very rapidly except when a very close approach is made to the surface. It is, in fact, the extremely short distance from the surface within which all the fall is to take place that constitutes the real experimental difficulty. Whether or not the assumption that a small amount of slipping does take place is a serious cause of discrepancy will, I hope, be discussed in a later paper, when some of the results of the present discussion will be developed ; but in any case it will become evident that the slipping that results from the assumption of concentrated vortices is comparatively small in general, although in certain circumstances it may be considerable. § 6. The second difficulty is of a different nature, and is not vital. A vortex formed in a viscous fluid will not for long maintain its spin unimpaired, because of the viscous action of the fluid ; its energy will be gradually dissipated into heat. A consideration of the rate of decay of a single vortex, say, along the axis of a circular cylinder filled with a viscous fluid indicates, in fact, that for a fluid of such small viscosity as water, for example, or even air, the rate of decay is very small, and that as far as any consideration of the effects immediately subsequent to the formation of the vortex is concerned, no serious error will be involved by the assumption that k remains constant. This may be illustrated in the following manner. The general equations of motion of a viscous fluid in two dimensions are known to be dt „ K (3) 140 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. where 2£=V2^ = spin .... (4) using the customary notation. Where the vortex is situated along the axis of the cylinder, the motion at any point must be purely a function of r, in which case (3) takes the form the terms in u and v cancelling out. Writing £=Ze~a*vt and inserting in (5), assuming that Z is a function of r only, d?Z IdZ 2V n /o\ -T~2+-d-+a Z = 0 (6) drA r dr This is Bessel’s equation of order zero, the solution which is finite for r = 0 being J 0(ar). Hence a solution of (5) is £=AJ 0(ar)e-^K If f=0for£ = 0 at r = R, the radius of the cylinder, then J0(aR) = 0, a transcendental equation determining an infinite series of values of a, Viz. ^? = -7655, 1-7571, 2-746, . . . 7 T Accordingly we may write for the complete solution of (5) £=2An'Jo Me-W* (7) where the coefficients An are to be found by expanding the initial distribu- tion of £ as a series of Bessel functions, as specified above. If £ is initially concentrated mostly in the region of r= 0, the first few terms only of this series will be of consequence, and these decay on account of the term e~anvt. Now for water i/ = *01 c.g.s. units, and, taking R = 10 cm., say, a = *76 = *24. . e— aM __ g--006^ indicating that a relatively considerable time must elapse before £ decays, as far as this term is concerned. The terms, of course, decay more rapidly as we proceed further up the series, but they themselves become small. From the point of view of the present discussion, where we are primarily concerned with wjiat occurs in an extremely short interval subsequent to a disturbance to the vortex, it clearly suffices to assume that the strength of the vortices -f k and — k are sensibly constant.* * The full justification for this assumption can ultimately only he found by a com- parison with experiment. The experimental investigation of the rate of decay of eddies is at present being conducted by the author. 1920-21.] Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. 141 § 7. In practice the ideal case where the vortices are formed exactly in symmetrical positions is, of course, never realised. The question immedi- ately arises whether, if the exact arrangement is one of equilibrium or steady motion, it is also one of stability ; or more precisely, under what conditions is the symmetrical arrangement of two equal and opposite vortices in a uniform channel along which fluid is moving steadily with the parabolic distribution in velocity of a viscous fluid across the channel, one of stability ? § 8. Examination of the Stability of the Vortex Pair. — The general motion in the channel is given by u = U(l — y2/a2). Let the centres of the two vortices P and Q of strengths —k and -f k respectively be situated initially at the points (0, a — a) and (0, — a Pa). We may dispense with the walls and deal with the infinite fluid provided an infinite row of vortices of equal but alternating strengths +k and — k be placed along the y- axis at the points whose co-ordinates are given by + k; (0, (in ± l)a + a} ; - k ; {0, (in±l)a — a}. Let P receive small displacements (£, f) and Q (£', f) parallel to the x and y axes respectively ; then, in virtue of the fact that the walls are rigid and that the fluid does not leave them, the displacements of the images are immediately determined. Regarding the field as a complex plane, the co-ordinates of the system of vortices now become + k ; $+i(in+la, + a- rj), £' + i(in - la + a + rj')} “->?') J (8) — k ; £+i(in + la - a + 77), £' + i(4rc— la the vortices P and Q corresponding to £ + i(a — a + f) and £' + i( — a + a + rf) respectively. If (u, v) and (u' v') are the component velocities of the vortices P and Q, they will be composed of two types of terms : (a) the contribution in velocity due to direct effect of the infinite row of vortices ; (, b ) the general translational motion in the channel. Consider first the effect of (a). The contribution to —u + iv is 1 '27rT^{£ + i(a- a + y)} ~ {£ + i(in+la + a-r))} -{- etc. (9) four terms in all, in each of which the first member in double brackets in the denominator is the same, while the second member is successively each of the four terms in (8), with the appropriate sign for K in front of the 2. Expanding each typical term and neglecting quantities of higher order 142 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. than the first in the small quantities £ and t], it is easily found that (9) takes the form IK +?!,£? 1 ++++) + +? + +) + 1 lai ^^2ai{2n—\) j 4a2('2/4 — l^2 *-*2i(2 4a2(2/4 - l)2 i(2na + a) + 2/2(2wa + a)2 2 o,v. + 00 1 2(2/ia + a) i(2n- la + a ) “ 4(2/4- la + a)2 4K 27T r +°o 2m 2/(/4a + a) + (+n ++?++> + « ■ - n + + - v> ^ 4a2(2»i- l)2 ^ 4(2/4 - la + a)2 + 00 + y P? 9/Qoo/y _i_ „ \2 (10) 2(2 na + a)5 since the first two terms vanish and the fourth and sixth combine together c> into one simple series. In the same way the contribution to —u' + iv' due to (a) is + « l li< 27r^{£' + ^( -a + a + r{)} - {£ + /(4/4 + 1 a + OL-rj)} + etc. . . (11) there being four such terms identical with (9), except that the first member in the denominator in each case is the expression for the point Q. Abandoning once more terms of higher order than the first in f ^ + on expanding (11) becomes +ccr 1 (^ -•£) + +/-/?) + l .24(2/4+ la - a) 4(2/4 + la -a)2 2i(2na-a) W 1 J+ 1 (£'-£) + i(v' + v) 4a2(2/4+l)2 %K + • +oo p 4K 2(2ua - a)2 2i(2n+l)a inai 1 (£' ~ i) +i(y +y) _ (£' - i) + i(y - y) 2 i(na - a) 4a2(2/4 + 1 )2 2(2«)] ■ ™ u + iv — — 2tt - ^ cot.a7r+^/~^+^ + ^ 7r2_(^-^) + ^(F-^) ^2SPP27ra 16 16 . — sec" 8a2 cosecz i« f In , air , u 7 r2 , 9 7ra , ^W2/, , 9 7ra\ = 7T ^r-cot— +(£-D__tan; + Ur-(1+sec: 2 — 27r|_2a a 16a2 2a lba2\ 2 a/ — TTT^ f tan2 — + 2 cosec2 — Y 16a2\ 2a 2a) _ (18) For the contribution to —u + iv due to (b), it is to be noted that since the vortices move with the fluid, and the total velocity in the undisturbed channel at a point x + iy is U^l — there must be added to (17) and (18) the terms / 1 _a-a + 7]\ and - u( V a2 / \ a -f a + r\ respectively ; or, retaining terms up to the first order only, C{! a - a a 2 >-) a2 ) and Tj/l-a~a + 7?(a-a>) ' <19> If u0 v0, uQ' v0' are the component velocities of P and Q when in the undisturbed position, these may be derived from (17), (18), and (19) by making £=y = £/ = r]' = 0, and equating real and imaginaries. Hence “o=scot¥+u(1_^)=“o'; v°=°=< ■ ■ (20) indicating that the two vortices in the undisturbed position would move steadily along the channel with the velocity given by (20). For a given value of U Qj/k (positive) the vortex will move up channel only if a/a is greater than some definite number itself greater than J, for only if a/a>^ can the first term in u0 become negative, while the second term is always positive. § 9. Let the axes of co-ordinates be in steady motion with the speed- given by (20), so that in the undisturbed position the vortices would 144 Proceedings of the Koyad Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. appear at rest relative to these axes. The component speeds may now be written when the vortices are disturbed as dj drj . d%_ drf dt ’ dt ’ dt ’ dt' ■■■ + -^v(a-a) ■ (21) di‘ + iJ4- = (f - O tan2 ™ + 4 1 + sec2 ™) - id tan2 ™ + 2 cosec2 ™Y 2a \ 2a/ \ 2a 2a/_ dt dt 32a2 2U „ s From which, by separating real and imaginary terms, it follows that 32a2 dt; 7 TK ~di 32 a2 dr] 7 TK dt 32 a2 dt' 7 TK dt 32 a2 drf 7TK ~dt tan2 ^ + 2 cosec2 — ) - W 1 + sec2 — ) 2a o 7ra\ 64U 2a/ K7T (a - a)>7 7ra 2a 2 dt; / , 97ra\ 9 7ra , n 9 7ra\ , 64U/ \ / = w 1 + sec2 — - 7i ( tan2 — + 2 cosec2 — + (a - a)ri dt \ 2a/ \ 2a 2a/ K7r This is a system of linear equations with constant coefficients. The solutions are consequently in general of the form (£, y, y') = i and the equation to determine the X’s is 32a2 A, X. tan2—, X, 2 a 0. - Y. , o 7TCL tan2 - , 2a A, tan2 — , 0, tan2 - , 2a 5 2a’ \nt 1 Y 0 X A = 0 where v , 9 7ra , 0 97ra 64U/ \ X = tan2 — + 2 cosec2 — (a — a) 2a 2a kit (22) (23, (24) (25) (26) (27) Y-t , o 7 rot = 1 + sec2 — . 2 a On expanding (27), it follows that A2[~A2 + 2tan2™ (Y-X) L 2a or A2 = 0, and A2 = 4 — ^ L--— (a - a) tan2 ~ K7r 2a (28) 1920-21.] Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. 145 Equations (24) and (26) indicate that if the initial displacement is dr\ , dii1 dt andw yj yi purely in rj and rj', then -U and -A. are both zero. Similarly (23) and (25) show that if the initial disturbance is purely in £ and then ^ and (~~ are both zero. In each of these cases the system is neutral to the dis- turbance in question. This corresponds, of course, to the two zero values for X. The other expressions for X2 being real, it follows that the arrangement is stable or unstable according as A 128U/ > , 27ra^-f, 4 ( a — a) tan2 — ^0, K7T 2 a %.e. as XJ (a -- a) ^ 7 r 7ra — v ’ ^ — cot2 <32 (29) If 2 h is the distance apart of the two vortices, h = a — a, and the criterion (29) takes the form UA •> 71 ■ , 97rh /OAN V<32tan 2^ (30) according as there is stability or instability. § 10. The inequalities (29) and (30) provide the criterion sought for, and furnish the analogue of the experimentally known critical value for TJa/v already referred to. At first sight there appears a serious dis- similarity between the two critical conditions; whereas Reynolds has found that for Ua/v less than a definite number stability existed, the analysis of the present paper shows that for U ol/k (or what is in effect the same, TJh/ic) greater than a definite quantity a stable state of affairs would exist. The inconsistency is, however, only apparent. For a legitimate comparison of the two conditions, equations (1) or (2) expressing k in terms of v and TJajp are required; k/v may be a comparatively complicated function of JJa/p, and the inequalities (29) and (30) would require to be transformed accordingly. If, for example, it were found that under certain circumstances k oc p(Ulfp2), the inequalities in question would immediately revert to the Reynolds form. How to establish the appropriate relation of the form (1) or (2) is, however, a question for a future paper. For the moment it suffices to state that the criterion (29) or (30) determines the maximum intensity permissible for the two eddies, that they may stably maintain their arrangement for a given forward velocity of fluid. It should be noted that where TJh/ic is already above the critical, and therefore stability already exists, the gradual decay of the vortex strengths due to the VOL. xli. 10 146 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. viscosity will tend to force up the value of U Ji/k further into the region of stability, and to maintain the vortices in their equilibrium positions. No such corresponding assertion can, however, be made when U h/ic is initially below the critical, and the vortices move off along paths determined by their initial displacements. § 11. For the evaluation of the velocities in the fluid when the vortices are in their undisturbed position, we may most conveniently specify the positions of the latter thus : — + k; (2n+ la + a)i. - k ; (2n+ la — a)i. Hence for the effect of the vortices alone 10 = {l°g [} — (2w + la + a)z] - log [z - (2 n + 1 a - a)?!]} Ik , = 2^°S v K i =? — lot +,oo z - (2n + la + a)i -z— (2/z + la — a)i (z — ai)2 1 + o 1 + lK -I = o' loS 2tt \2n + l)2a2 (z + ai)2 (2n + l)2a2 cosh ~(z — ai) 2 a> ’ cosh Z-(z + ai) 2 a . dw ii< — U + IV = - — dz 4 a tanh — (z — ai) - tanh ^-(z + ai) 2a 2 a . ira sm — k a 2 a i 7 tZ , 7ra cosh — + cos — a a To this must be added at every point the motion due to the steady stream- ing in the channel ; thus — u + iv = . tv a sm — k a 2 a i 7rZ 7r a cosh — + cos — a a § 12. The motion in the channel at great distances from the vortices approaches the steady undisturbed motion of the fluid. Along the walls y = -ua + iva = K . rra sin — a cosh ( — \ a + l7r) + COS 1920-21.] Stable Flow of a Fluid in a Uniform Channel. 147 . TTOL Sill — K (l 2 CL , 7 TX TTOL cosh — — cos — = 0. The slip at the boundary therefore attains a maximum value of ^ cot ^ when x = 0 and falls off exponentially as x increases, becoming zero as | x | ->oo . The maximum velocity of slip may likewise be written, of course, ~~ tan Associating this with the conditions for stability and ZCt ZC6 instability (30) in the form =— UAcot2J^, it follows that for a stable 7 r 2a 16/?/ It system the maximum velocity of slip is always less than U cot , and 7 r a 2a for an unstable system the slip is always greater than this quantity. The fact that as the passage is made from the stable to the unstable region the tendency to slip increases, should be associated with the remarks in § 5 of this paper relative to the insufficiency of experimental evidence on the question of slip at the boundary when turbulent flow has set in. {Issued separately December 13, 1921.) 148 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. XVI. — Note on Conditions for Mirage on the Queensferry Road. By Alex. G. Ramage. (Read July 4, 1921. MS. received September 21, 1921.) The surface of the Queensferry Road, from about the bend above Blackhall, past Marchfield, and on towards Cramond Bridge, was remade in the spring 1919. It was made in the modern fashion for a motoring road, with road metal and liberal supplies of bitumen, and small pieces of quartz scattered on top of the bitumen, the whole being rolled by steam roller. After this had been done, although I watched carefully throughout the summer, no signs of the mirage, so common on this road during the previous summer, made their appearance until August, and then but faintly. This in my opinion points to a triturated condition of the quartz under road traffic, as being an essential factor in the phenomenon. During the summers of 1920 and 1921, on bright days, mirage was much in evidence on this road at the places described in my paper, and at other parts in the vicinity. The following observations made during August 1921 may be of interest. I have had occasion to use the Craigleith Road (which branches off from the Queensferry Road near Craigleith Station and joins the Comely Bank Road) frequently this year, and have carefully looked for mirage, but saw none. The surface is “old” and not to be distinguished from that of the Queensferry Road when mirage was observable, It is smooth, with the small stones well embedded in the bitumen. On the south side there are open railings, so that the sun reaches it without obstruc- tion. Compared with the Queensferry Road there is little traffic. Recently the Queensferry Road between Lord Salvesen’s house and Craigleith Station has been resurfaced, and considerable traffic has been diverted round the Craigleith Road. On the 15th August 1921, weather hot and sunny, I walked from the bus terminus at Comely Bank along the Craigleith Road and saw an isolated spot of water on this road, but no reflection. Walking on through Blackhall on Queensferry Road, I found the two yellow advertisement boards clearly reflected from the road, and some children’s coloured clothes were well reflected just at the 149 1920-21.] Mirage on the Queensferry Road. bend of the road from Blackhall towards Marchfield. This is the first reflection of coloured garments I have seen on the Queensferry Road since the surface was remade in early summer, although some days earlier I observed the two yellow advertisement boards reflected, but not so distinctly as on the 15th August. The surface of the Queensferry Road where the garments were seen to be reflected is not yet smooth, the stones are still protruding through the bitumen in places. The traffic has been very great. I have just returned from an extensive motoring tour in England, taking in both main highways and byways. Only on the highways where there was great traffic did I see mirage on the road. On the byways I looked for it in vain. {Issued separately December 13, 1921.) 150 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. XVII. — The Annual Incidence of Intelligence, and its Measurement by the American Army Tests. By M. M ‘Galium Fairgrieve, M.A. (MS. received May 4, 1921. Read June 20, 1921.) (1) The following investigation was undertaken to verify by the American Army Tests a result previously obtained by the use of Mr Cyril Burt’s tests of intelligence (< Journal of Experimental Pedagogy, vol. vi, No. 1), i.e. that there appears to be some likelihood that boys born in the spring months are slightly less intelligent on the average than those born in other months. Of these American tests (see Mental Tests in the American Army , C. S. Yoakum and R. M. Yerkes, pp. 220-230) the groups of tests marked “ form 6 ” were used ; but “ test 8 ” was modified to suit British conditions by using test 8 of group 9 (p. 274, loc. cit.) as a basis, and replacing tests 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 35, 36, 38 by 8, 1 ; 6, 3 ; 7, 39 ; 8, 39 ; 6, 35 ; 7, 36 ; 7, 38 ; 6, 39, and by three others of local interest. (2) The tests were applied in the manner directed to 368 boys — nearly the whole of the upper school ; whereas the previous Burt, test had been applied to 192 boys only. But it should be noted that (a) the tests could not be given to all classes simultaneously ; ( b ) different classes were examined at different times ; (c) all forms of test 1 were used to minimise possible coaching ; (d) the test took about a month to complete, but * (e) a partial repetition of the test, using “ form 7,” showed that this extension of time was probably immaterial. (3) The total marks gained by boys of the same age in months was then added to the marks gained by those a month younger and a month older, and the average mark obtained. The method and result are given in Table I. Ages date from October 1. (4) These average marks are plotted in fig. 1, and show clearly minima in the late spring or early summer months at 12 years 5 months ; 14 years 6 months: 15 years 4 months; 16 years 3 months; and maxima in the late autumn months at 11 years 11 months ; 12 years 10 months (or 13 years 0 months) ; 13 years 10 months ; and 14 years 10 months, and perhaps 16 years 0 months. m-M 1920-21.] The Annual Incidence of Intelligence. 151 (5) (a) Table II. gives the average mark obtained in three different ways of boys born in each month. ( b ) The result marked B is the most reliable average for the usual reasons, the boys aged eleven being rather a clever sample. (c) The result of the Burt test is added for comparison. (6) Both diagram and table thus give clear indication that, from some cause, boys born in the late spring months — say March to July — are in danger of developing less intelligence than those born about October to December. But (a) many of the cleverest boys in the school have birthdays in the less intelligent period ; (b) some of the duller boys are brilliant enough athletically ; hence (c) some effect of environment may possibly be indicated ; (d) the experiment requires to be repeated in other localities. 152 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Table I. — Average Mark gained by a Boy aged x Years and y Months at October 1, 1920. The marks have been smoothed in sets of three months. Column 3 gives the number of boys of each age, and column 4 the number in each set of three months. (1) Age. (2) S rce -4-3 c EH (3) to O PQ ~o 6 £ No in Group. Average Mark. ^ (1) Age. (2) M fH 03 IS O EH (3) CO O PQ 'o o’ No. in Group Average Mark. ^ (1) Age. (2). fH o3 S -1-3 O EH (3) 02 >* O PQ O 6 £ (4) o u 0 o Average Mark. ^ x y X V X y 10 5 171 3 ... 12 10 403 5 12 93 15 3 904 8 16 112 6 275 4 9 62 11 548 5 16 91 4 588 5 20 110 7 115 2 7 63 13 0 500 6 16 96 5 713 7 18 114 8 52 1 3 57 1 487 5 12 90 6 765 6 17 118 9 4 57 2 93 1 18 93 7 521 4 13 125 10 175 3 8 56 3 1094 12 20 93 8 337 3 9 116 11 285 5 10 54 4 670 7 24 94 9 197 2 11 109 11 0 78 2 9 56 5 499 5 15 96 10 661 6 10 110 1 147 2 8 61 6 275 3 13 95 11 243 2 10 113 2 262 4 8 64 7 457 5 14 95 16 0 228 2 13 136 3 111 2 12 66 8 605 6 19 103 1 1293 9 14 131 4 423 6 10 76 9 899 8 18 112 2 320 3 15 131 5 228 2 15 74 10 519 4 16 116 3 350 3 9 110 6 444 7 13 70 11 440 4 15 116 4 316 3 10 119 7 240 4 14 66 14 0 784 7 19 110 5 522 4 13 130 8 246 3 11 74 1 865 8 19 110 6 853 6 14 138 9 321 4 11 81 2 447 4 16 106 7 551 4 11 133 10 324 4 14 77 3 389 4 12 100 8 81 1 7 128 11 438 6 17 88 4 368 4 10 96 9 266 2 3 122 12 0 625 7 14 88 5 202 2 11 96 10 4 147 1 78 1 14 77 6 388 5 12 93 11 321 *2 5 134 2 380 6 14 73 7 534 5 16 104 17 0 350 3 12 129 3 568 7 21 76 8 722 6 17 118 1 880 7 14 126 4 640 8 19 75 9 743 6 13 122 2 547 4 13 128 5 217 4 20 69 10 118 1 9 123 3 244 2 8 134 6 520 8 18 74 11 251 2 11 113 4 282 2 6 139 7 595 6 18 81 15 0 874 8 16 118 5 311 2 6 157 8 337 4 12 92 1 768 6 17 114 6 348 2 4 162 9 169 2 11 83 2 295 3 17 116 (7) At the right hand of Table II. is also given the average mark of boys of a definite yearly age and the number of boys in each yearly group. (a) Marks for ages 12, 13, 14, and 15 may be taken as fairly reliable. ( b ) The differences between these suggest a parabolic form as very suitable for the normal curve. (c) The highest mark (140) on this supposition would correspond well with many of the averages of Yoakum and Yerkes. In par- ticular, it is nearly identical with that given for the 15,385 cases of the “ White Officers’ Principal Sampling ” (139). 1920-21.] The Annual Incidence of Intelligence. 153 (d) Hence Table III. is suggested as giving a suitable normal mark for boys of these ages, the figures in brackets being calculated from the parabola of best fit. Table II.— Average Score of Boys born in Different Months. (A) is average score of all years available (10‘6-17‘6). (B) is score for best years available (1D6-16'6). (C) is score for best years available (lD6-16-6), unsmoothed figures. Birth \ month J x years + . 1 > 6. -3 ■6 7. , -1 H 8. A i 9. 1 V P) 10. > o 5 C 11. WGU. O Sept. A ~ bp *3 r 2. K* O) K ^ rj k gj c 1 3. 4. 5. 05 Mar. ve rage Age. Average Mark. m > > o o 6 1 < !Z5 yrs. 10 . 62 63 57 57 56 54 56 61 64 66 76 74 70 11 63 43 11 . 70 66 74 81 77 88 88 77 73 76 75 69 74 12 76J 62 12 . 74 81 92 83 93 91 96 90 93 93 94 96 95 13 9H 61 13 . 95 95 103 112 116 116 110 110 106 100 96 96 93 14 1041 61 14 . 93 104 118 122 123 113 118 114 116 112 110 114 118 15 115 63 15 . 118 125 116 109 110 113 136 131 131 110 119 130 138 16 122 47 16 . 138 133 128 122 147 134 129 126 128 134 139 157 162 17 137 31 Totals . 650 '667 688 686 722 709 733 709 711 691 709 736 750 Levelling correction 50 i 42 34 25 17 9 0 -9 -17 -25 -34 -42 -50 Average (A) 100 101 103 102 105 103 105 100 99 95 96 99 100 „ (B) 97 100 105 105 106 105 109 104 101 94 95 95 97 » (C) '94 104 103 104 106 108 101 109 93 96 93 92 94 Burt aver- age mark n\ 13\ n\ 17- 17- 17 + 17 + 17- 17- 17 16\ m\ 14\ Table III. — Age Norms for American Army Tests. Age . Differences of aver- age mark Normal mark 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. I 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. (21) (19) (17) 15 13 11 9 (7) (5) (3) (1) (19) (40) (59) 76 91 104 115 124 (131) (136) (139) (140) {Issued separately December 13, 1921.) 154 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. XVIII. — Experiments with an Electrified Pith Ball in an Ionised Atmosphere. By Dr Dawson Turner and Mr D. M. R. Crombie. (Bead May 2, 1921. MS. received June 16, 1921.) A pith ball suspended from the centre rod of a charged Leyden jar provides us with an interesting and very delicate method of demonstrating the ionised atmosphere surrounding flames and incandescent bodies. In an ionised atmosphere of sufficient intensity the ball, provided that the suspending fibre is of high insulating quality, rapidly loses its charge and falls back toward the centre rod of the jar, from which it receives a fresh charge and is violently repelled, only to repeat the performance; thus an oscillation is set up the rapidity of which is governed chiefly by the length of the suspending fibre. A screen of any material, even wire gauze, interposed between the ionising source and the ball, and not too near the latter, at once stops the oscillation. The violence of the oscillations seems from the experiments performed to depend upon the following factors : — (1) The distance of the source of ionisation. The nearer the source is to the ball, the more violent are the oscillations. (2) The nature of the source of ionisation. Thus the bulk of experiments showed that a bunsen burner was the most effective in producing oscilla- tions. Less effective sources included a naked Nernst filament, a glowing platinum wire, a candle flame, and a spirit-lamp flame. An electric arc gave comparatively poor results. This was somewhat surprising, but may be due to the powerful electric field between the carbons preventing the escape of ions to the surrounding atmosphere. To test if the effect had any relation to the actinic quality of the light, a piece of burning magnesium ribbon was tried, but was found to be less effective than a candle flame. Mere bulk of flame does not make much difference to the oscillations, since a jet of gas burning from an open pipe, though of large dimensions, was not so effective as the bunsen. (3) The third factor influencing the oscillations is the potential of the jar. Effects can be produced at a greater distance when the jar is highly charged than when it has only a small charge. This might seem to show the directive influence of the jar and ball in attracting a stream of the opposite kind of ions towards themselves. 1920-21.] Experiments with an Electrified Pith Ball. 155 (4) The position of the source of ionisation can be shown to have an important bearing on the oscillations. Thus a candle held directly opposite the ball at a distance too great to be effective may be made so at the same distance if held at a lower level than the ball. From this we may conclude that the ions formed in the flame are carried upwards by the convection currents of air, and entirely disposes of any suspicion of projection of ions from the flame. Also, should the ball happen to be in any position other than directly between the source of ionisation and the centre rod of the jar, the source may he approached very close indeed to the ball without oscillations taking place. This is in confirmation of the previous deduction arrived at, namely, that the highly charged centre rod of the jar exerts a directive influence on the ions. In addition to the above, the atmospheric condition seems to play an important part. This appears to be a reasonable explanation of the varying maximum distance at which effects could be produced on different days when to all appearance other conditions were identical. The conclusion drawn from the whole series of experiments was that the nature of the charge given to the jar had no bearing on the results obtained, and though there were occasions when this did not seem to be the case, subsequent experiments showed that the discrepancies were probably due to variation in some of the factors just mentioned. In performing the experiments we employed the following method : — The jar was charged from a Wimshurst machine and placed on a bench with the pith ball standing out towards the ionising source, which was placed 30 inches off, with a screen interposed between it and the ball. A reading telescope was mounted in such a position as to have the ball in the field of view of its graduated scale. The screen was then removed and the ball carefully watched for any slight drop. This distance was invariably too great to show any effect, but on most occasions, when the distance was decreased to 25 inches, a slight drop could be noticed. As a rule, at 20 inches the drop of the ball was large enough to he seen easily with the naked eye, and occasionally oscillations commenced at that distance. This was when the ionising source was a bunsen burner ; but as a rule oscillations did not commence until the bunsen was about 18 inches from the ball, though sometimes, under unfavourable conditions, much shorter distances were necessary before effective oscillations could be produced. Once oscillations had commenced, it was usually found that the source could be moved further oft' and the movement maintained at the increased distance. 156 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. The introduction of a platinum cup containing a sodium salt into the bunsen flame did not increase the distance at which oscillations could be produced, but seemed to have the opposite effect. As already mentioned, a Nernst filament, a candle flame, and a spirit flame were all found to be inferior to the bunsen as sources of ionisation ; but especial mention is required in the case of the electric arc, which was unable to produce oscillations at a greater distance than 6 inches, while 2 inches of platinum wire raised to a low white heat by an electric current were quite effective at 13 inches. An interesting effect was noticed while working with a glass screen which was held so near the jar that the pith bail was only a matter of 1J to 2 inches from the screen. When a source of ionisation (in this case the Nernst) was brought up to the side of the screen remote from the jar, the ball was visibly attracted toward the screen, and when the Nernst was brought nearer still the ball jumped to the screen and stuck there. The effect was more marked if in place of the glass screen a thin insulated metal screen was used ; but in this latter case the ball, instead of sticking to the screen, oscillated between it and the centre rod of the jar. As before, this effect was independent of the nature of the charge in the jar. If, however, the charged pith ball were detached from the jar and suspended from a glass rod at a distance of 2 inches, as before, from the screen, the effect was no longer obtainable, and the approach of the Nernst to the other side of the screen produced no visible attraction between the screen and the ball. A possible explanation of these effects is as follows : — The knob of the jar being in close proximity to the screen induces on the side next to it an opposite and repels to the far side a similar charge. These opposite charges in close proximity to one another can have little influence on the ball, and the thinner the screen the less will this influence of the opposite induced charge be in attracting the ball towards it. If, however, the repelled similar charge be removed by any means, then the opposite charge is left free to attract the ball. This is what happened when the Nernst lamp was brought toward the far side of the screen, for then the ionised atmosphere surrounding it rapidly discharged the repelled similar charge, leaving the induced opposite charge to attract the pith ball. The fact that when the ball alone was present no effect was produced seems to show that it was dependent on the proximity of the highly charged knob of the Leyden jar. When X-rays were used as the source of ionisation the oscillation effects, though in the main similar to those produced by flames, etc., differed 1920-21.] Experiments with an Electrified Pith Ball. 157 in one or two important respects. Firstly, as was to be expected, the distance at which oscillations could be produced was very much greater ; secondly, the effect could be produced as a rule at a greater distance when the potential of the jar was low than when it was high ; also, as the distance increased the oscillations took longer to commence, during which period the ball was slowing dropping toward the centre rod. Eventually, when the extreme limit at which oscillations could be produced was being approached, an interval of two or three minutes elapsed before oscillations began. At distances too great for the production of oscillations a dropping of the ball could be observed each time the X-rays were turned on. The interposition of an iron screen 035 mm. thick stopped the effect at once. In all the previous cases the potential of the central rod of the jar was the active means whereby a stream of ions was drawn from the source of ionisation so as to pass through the ball, hence when, instead of a single hall, four balls were attached round the circumference of the rod, one in each quadrant and equidistant from one another, only the ball in the direct alignment was affected, but in the case of the X-rays all the balls were almost equally affected, being all equally immersed in a sea of ions. Similar results, hut at much shorter distances, were obtained by using the rays from a 50-mm. capsule of radium bromide. The interposition of the iron screen did not stop the effect. Summary of Conclusions. (1) A pith ball suspended from the centre rod of a charged Leyden jar will oscillate in an ionised atmosphere and can serve as a very delicate indicator of the electrical condition of its surroundings. (2) By its means the ionised atmosphere around flames can be detected at a considerable distance, and the relative intensities of various sources of ionisation can be compared. (3) The ions are concentrated along the line joining the centre rod of the charged jar and the source of ionisation, for unless the pith ball be in this line it will be unaffected, except in the case of X-rays and the rays from radio-active bodies. (4) The ions tend to be carried upwards by convection currents. (5) The ionisation of the atmosphere does not depend upon the luminous or actinic intensity of a flame. (6) The effect upon the electrified pith ball appears to be independent of the nature of its charge. ( Issued separately December 13, 1921.) 158 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. OBITUARY NOTICES. Robert Munro, M.A., M.D., LL.D. By Dr George Macdonald, C.B. (MS. received July 4, 1921. Read October 24, 1921.) Robert Munro was born at Assynt, in the Ross-shire parish of Alness, on 21st July 1835. After spending some years at the Free Church School of Kiltearn, he was sent to finish his education at the Royal Academy, Tain. Though he was alert and observant from the first, his intellectual powers seem to have developed somewhat slowly : it was not until his career at Tain was drawing to a close that his capacity for University work was realised. The financial difficulty was serious. But his own mind was definitely made up, and with characteristic determination he set himself to overcome all obstacles. As a means to the end, he took to teaching, and in 1860 he found himself a graduate in Arts of the University of Edinburgh. His original intention had been to proceed to the New College, with a view to entering the Church. In 1859, however, his whole outlook in life had been changed by the appearance of Darwin’s Origin of Species, which he read with avidity, and which made an immediate appeal to his scientific instincts. In the Free Church of those days there was no room for a Darwinian, and there was nothing for it but to abandon all thought of the profession at which he had been aiming. For two years after obtaining his degree he remained doubtful as to how he should shape his future. Ultimately, with great courage and also (as the event proved) with great wisdom, he resolved to face the discipline of the medical curriculum. In 1862, at the age of twenty-seven, he matriculated once more at Edinburgh. Even then his course was not destined to proceed on normal lines. What should have been his third winter of medical study was spent on the Riviera, in charge of a semi- invalid. At his time of life the interruption might well have seemed serious. But he never saw reason to regret it. His receptive mind derived real profit from his sojourn abroad. The fauna, the flora, and the geology of the Mediterranean all had an interest for him. And in various other ways his horizon was appreciably widened. If, however, the interlude was educationally valuable, it had the incidental effect of postponing for a whole year the accomplishment of his immediate purpose. He did not 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 159 finally “qualify” till 1867. He was then thirty-two, and had no resources behind him save the priceless assets of ability and character. His first appointment was as assistant to a busy doctor in a colliery district of Ayrshire. He at once became deeply absorbed in his everyday duties, utilising to the full the opportunities for instruction which they offered. His own description may be quoted : “ The sudden transition from a scholastic atmosphere and the teaching of medical science in lecture-rooms and well-equipped hospitals to the practice of the healing art among a mining population was to me like going into a new world. Therapeutic theories and book-learning had to be tested by action there and then.” The sound knowledge thus acquired of the origin, progress, and correct treatment of disease stood him in excellent stead when he aspired to a position of greater independence. This he did after an apprenticeship of some two years’ duration. Looking round for an open- ing, he decided upon a partnership in Kilmarnock. Before settling down, however, he received an invitation to make an extended tour in the Near East as companion to the son of a well-known Ayrshire proprietor. The offer came at an opportune moment, and he gladly availed himself of it. Doubtless he was ultimately responsible for the comprehensive itinerary which, beginning with the more important cities of France and Italy, led through Sicily and Malta to Egypt and the Nile, the Holy Land, Baalbek, Athens, Constantinople, Rustchuk, Budapest, Vienna, and thence home by Munich and the Rhine. There followed sixteen years of arduous general practice, diversified by short holidays abroad. No figure in Kilmarnock was better known in those days than Dr Munro’s. His regular patients were as numerous as he could wish for, and the reputation he had won during his assistantship brought many miners from Cumnock and its neighbourhood to his consulting-room. At the same time he was in great demand as a popular lecturer on scientific and social subjects, invariably speaking his mind with a singularly refreshing frankness. His influence in the community grew steadily, and to outsiders it must have seemed as if his highest ambition had been satisfied. There was, therefore, general surprise and regret when, in 1885, he announced that he had made up his mind to retire. Friends came to remonstrate. But he was inflexible : “ I divide my life into three periods : during the first I struggled hard for my education, during the second I served the public to the best of my ability, and for the rest of my life I mean to please myself.” Ten years earlier he had married Miss Anna Taylor, a lady of singular charm, who was to be his devoted companion for thirty-two years in all, and in 1879 the death of his 160 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. father-in-law had made him a shareholder in two local engineering companies, then on the threshold of a prosperous career. In 1880 he became chairman of one of them, and he was subsequently elected chairman of a combine that included both. The income from these undertakings, added to what he had been able to save from his professional earnings, had put him in possession of a comfortable competency. His decision to relinquish his practice was more immediately prompted by a threatened breakdown in health. But there was a larger reason behind it. “ I began to realise that I was gradually becoming enslaved to a monotonous existence of mere routine work, with the prospect of premature decay. My real object in joining the medical profession had no higher motive than to secure an honourable livelihood, an object which had now, in a small but efficient way, been attained ; but yet worldly prosperity did not bring with it the realisation of my earlier ideals of an intelligent human existence. The preliminary studies on which the laws of organic development of the human body, both in health and disease, are supposed to be founded, are most fascinating ; but the art of healing, which in practice is largely based on empiricism, soon engenders in the mind of the con- scientious physician doubts as to the efficiency of many so-called remedies. In many instances of serious illness it is often as clear as noonday to the skilful physician that palliation of symptoms is all that can be done ; but yet, if the doctor expressed a hint of this truth, he would in all probability instantly lose his patient. Here lies a dangerous pitfall which sometimes leads to quackery and hypocrisy.” This outspoken confession throws a curious and interesting light on the writer’s own temperament. He can hardly have been one of those medical men “ whose visits make it a pleasure to be ill,” as R. L. Stevenson puts it. Rather, he must have resembled Chaucer’s “ Doctour of Phisyk ” — “ He was a verrey partit practisour. The cause y-knowe, and of his harm the rote, Anon he yaf the seke man his bote. His studie was but litel on the bible.” As soon as he was free, he set out for Rome, where he rapidly threw off the painful illness that had attacked him. His physical vigour restored, he devoted all his energies to a line of research which he had resolved to, make his own. In 1877 he had been enrolled as an original member of the Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association. Hitherto his interest in antiquities had been very detached, although during a holiday in 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 161 Switzerland his scientific curiosity had been aroused by the fine series of objects from lake-dwellings displayed in the museum at Zurich. By a fortunate chance, the very first piece of work undertaken by the Association was the excavation of a crannog, or artificial island, whose remains had been accidentally discovered on the farm of Lochlee, familiar from its association with Robert Burns. The late Mr Cochran Patrick, who was the mainspring of the organisation, promptly enlisted Munro as a helper, and a magnificent recruit he proved. Several other crannogs were explored during the next two or three years, Munro taking a prominent part in every case, and ultimately becoming leader. In 1882 the results were brought before the public in his Scottish Lake-dwellings , a performance which made it clear that he had laid a firm grasp on the essentials of the subject. The writing of the book had, however, convinced him of the importance of extending the scope of his inquiries by the study of analogous phenomena on the Continent. The great collection of relics from the lake-dwellings and terramara settlements of the Po Valley, preserved in the Museo Preistorico at Rome, was systematically examined as soon as his health was sufficiently recovered, Mrs Munro lending invaluable assistance through her deftness in sketching. Then followed a series of visits to public and private collections elsewhere in Italy, as well as to every locality in which lake-dwellings or relics of their inhabitants were to be found. On return- ing to Scotland in the summer of 1886, he received an invitation to deliver the Rhind Lectures for 1888, the subject suggested being “The Lake- dwellings of Europe.” These lectures were issued in book form in 1890, and with their appearance his reputation as an archaeologist was made. The best testimony to their enduring quality is that they were translated into French eighteen years after they were originally issued. They have definitely taken their place as the standard work on the subject. The mass of material passed in review is so extensive that any serious modification of the conclusions reached is not likely to be called for. About 1890 Dr and Mrs Munro had settled in Edinburgh, where their house in Manor Place speedily became a centre of hospitality for antiquaries on the one hand, and men of science on the other. Munro had hosts of friends in both camps, and he liked to stimulate young men of promise by introducing them to the notice of those who had already achieved distinc- tion. He had been elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land in 1879. In 1888 he was appointed Honorary Secretary, a post which he continued to hold for eleven years. In 1891 he joined the Fellowship of the Royal Society, where he was speedily at home in most congenial company. VOL. XLI. 11 162 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Honorary and Corresponding Memberships flowed in on him from various learned bodies in other countries. He delighted to attend archaeological and scientific congresses, largely because it gave him a colourable excuse for the travel which he so thoroughly enjoyed. His experiences in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Dalmatia are recorded in a volume which has gone through more than one edition. But his most comprehensive tour was undertaken in 1897, when he and his wife went to Toronto to attend the British Association meeting, and made the return journey by Japan, China, India, and the Mediterranean. In 1892 he played a prominent part in rousing public interest in the newly discovered lake- village at Glastonbury. Next year he was President of the Anthropological Section of the British Association. By this time he had pushed his researches back from the lake-dwellers to the makers of palaeolithic implements, and he chose for the subject of his Presidential address “ The relation between the Erect Posture and the Physical and Intellectual Development of Man,” maintaining the view that “ man’s mental superiority over all other animals was primarily due to his attainment of the erect attitude which, by entirely eliminating the fore-limbs from participating in the function of locomotion, enabled him to utilise these limbs exclusively for prehensile and mechanical purposes.” The theory attracted widespread attention, and the address, which was afterwards published, was always regarded by its author as one of his most important contributions to anthropology. Such criticism as it received, he welcomed. Nothing pleased him better than intelligent discussion. Even controversy had a certain attraction for him : witness the zest with which he used to recall the main incidents of the dispute about the great “ Clyde Mystery ” long after time had justified the attitude he himself had so consistently adopted. So, too, he thoroughly enjoyed being summoned to give evidence before Lord- Justice Far well in a lawsuit over certain Irish gold ornaments, when the point regarding which he had to testify was the date of the last upheaval of the land that formed the raised beaches along the shores of the North of Ireland and Scotland. This was in 1903. The same year was marked by an incident that indicated an impending change in his way of life. He purchased a house at Largs. He was now sixty-eight, and he was beginning to feel that the bustle of foreign travel was something of a strain. He hoped to find in the quieter pursuits of a country environment a more restful form of the variety that he loved. At first his new home was a summer residence only. But he gradually became more and more attached to his garden at Elmbank. The death of his wife in 1907 was a very heavy blow. Thereafter Edinburgh saw him only at 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 163 rare intervals. As the list of his contributions to learned periodicals shows, he continued to work strenuously at his subject, seeking in this way to gain relief, first from the grievous personal loss that had befallen him, and afterwards from a painful neuritic affection which laid hold of him in 1909, and slowly but inexorably tightened its grasp until the end. The evening of #his life wTas brightened by an interest that sprang directly from his own liberality. In 1910 he handed over to the University Court of the University of Edinburgh a substantial capital sum for the endowment of a permanent lectureship in anthropology and prehistoric archaeology. By a happy inspiration the Court invited the donor himself to be the first lecturer under the new foundation, and the vigour and freshness of the inaugural course which he delivered in 1912 are still vividly remembered by many. During the next year or two he watched with all a parent’s solicitude the development of the experiment he had initiated. It was a matter of peculiar satisfaction to him that his friend Professor Geikie should have been appointed his immediate successor. Similarly, he journeyed to Edinburgh in the early months of 1914 to welcome and entertain Mr D. G. Hogarth, the third Munro Lecturer. Then came the war, an incidental result of which was to postpone for six years the series which the Abbe Breuil had promised to deliver. The postponement was a great disappointment to Munro, who had been looking forward keenly to the visit of the distinguished French scholar, of whose work he had a high appreciation. And, when the Abbe did come to Scotland in 1921, the founder of the Lectureship was no longer alive to receive him. As early as 1916 his strength had been so seriously undermined that he took the gloomiest view of the future. But, despite much suffering, his splendid constitution and his determined will enabled him to hold out for four years more, and even to write, to lecture, and to publish in the interval. He died on 18th July 1920. when he was within three days of attaining the age of eighty-five. The last piece of work to which he set his hand was a short sketch of his own life, which was composed for the information of his closest friends, and which has since been printed for private circulation. From it not a little of the material for the foregoing notice has been drawn. It is a plain record of a strenuous and useful career, of real distinction achieved through native ability and steadfast concentration of purpose. Those who knew Munro can readily fill in the outline for themselves and colour it by their recollection of his frank sincerity, his genuine kindliness, his love of all good fellowship. 164 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. LIST OF WORKS. 1875. Notes of a Tour in the East. Being Lectures delivered by the author at the Philosophical Institute, Kilmarnock. Kilmar- nock : T. Stevenson. 1882. Ancient Scottish Lake-dwellings or Gran nogs. With a supplementary chapter on Lake-dwellings in England. Edinburgh : David Douglas. 1890. The Lake-dwellings of Europe. Illustrated. London: Cassell & Co. 1895. Rambles and Studies in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Dalmatia. With an account of the Proceedings of the Congress of Archaeologists held in Sarajevo in 1894. Edinburgh : William Blackwood & Sons. 1900. Second edition, greatly enlarged. 1897. Prehistoric Problems. Containing the author’s address as President of the Anthropological Section of the British Association for 1893, “ On the Erect Attitude of Man, and its relation to the Development of the Brain.” William Blackwood & Sons. 1899. Prehistoric Scotland, and its Place in European Civilisation. William Blackwood & Sons. 1905. Archceology and False Antiquities. One of the “ Antiquary’s Books.” With numerous illustrations. London : Methuen & Co. 1908. Les stations lacustres d’ Europe aux ages de la pierre et du bronze. Translated by Dr Paul Rodet. Paris : Librairie C. Reinwald ; Schliecher Freres, editeurs. 1912. Palaeolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe. Being the first course of the Munro Lectures in Anthropology and Pre- historic Archaeology in connection with the University of Edinburgh. Illustrated. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, Tweed- dale Court. London : Gurney & Jackson. 1914. Prehistoric Britain. “ Home University Library.” Illustrated. London : Williams & Norgate. 1919. From Darwinism to Kaiserism. Being a review of the origin, effects, and collapse of Germany’s attempt at world dominion by methods of barbarism. Glasgow : R. MacLehose & Sons. 1921. Robert Munro, M.A., M.D., LL.D. Autobiographic Sketch. Glasgow: MacLehose, Jackson & Co. 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 165 Selected List of Contributions to Societies and Journals. 1876. “Mental Energy.” A. Lecture delivered at Kilmarnock under the auspices of the Young Men’s Christian Association. Published in pamphlet form. 1879. “Notice of Excavation of a Crannog at Lochlee, Ayrshire,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xiii, pp. 175-252, including reports on the flora and fauna and an analysis of vivianite. 1880. “ Inhalation of Carbolic Acid in Diseases of the Respiratory Organs,” Glasgow Med. Jour., vol. xiv, p. 291. “Ayrshire Crannogs,” Collections, Ayrs. and Gallow. Arch. Assoc., vol. ii, pp. 17-80. 1882. “Ayrshire Crannogs” (second notice), ibid., vol. iii, pp. 1-49. “Notes on a Crannog at Friars’ Carse, Dumfriesshire,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xvi, pp. 73-78. 1883. “ Minute Organisms and their relation to Disease,” Glasgow Med. Jour., May and June 1883. “ Megalithic Monuments of Holland and their relations to analogous remains in Northern Europe,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xviii, pp. 19-35. 1884. “ Danish Kjokkenmoddings : their Facts and Inferences,” ibid., pp. 216-225. “ Ayrshire Crannogs ” (third notice), Collections, Ayrs. and Gallow . Arch. Assoc., vol. iv, pp. 10-16. “ Notice of the Discovery of Five Bronze Celts and a Bronze Ring at the 4 Maidens,’ near Culzean Castle,” ibid., vol. iv, pp. 1-8. 1885. “ The Lake-dwellings of Wigtonshire,” ibid., vol. v, pp. 74-124. “ Notice of an Artificial Mound or Cairn on the Island of Eriska, within thirty yards of the Tidal Area,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xix, pp. 193-202. “ On the Preservation of National Antiquities in Northern Europe,” Trans. Glasgow Arch. Soc., 16th April 1885. “ The Scientific Basis of Medicine ” (being inaugural address as President of the Glasgow and West of Scotland branch of the British Medical Association ; read at the annual meeting in Glasgow, 31st January 1885), Glasgow Med. Jour., vol. xxiii, pp. 172-256. 1886. “Notes on Lake-dwellings in Lough Mourne, Co. Antrim, Ireland,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xx, pp. 321-330. (An iron-. 166 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. socketed Celt with a loop was found here, and is figured on p. 330.) 1886. “ The Arch geological Importance of Ancient British Lake-dwellings and their relation to analogous remains in Europe,” Anthrop. Inst. Jour., vol. xv, pp. 453-469. 1889. “Notes of a Visit to a Terp-Mound at Aalzum, Holland,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxiii, pp. 98-105. “The Prehistoric Cemetery of Frogg, at Rosegg, Carinthia,” ibid., pp. 241-246. 1891. “Notice of Wooden Traps supposed to have been for catching Otters and Beavers,” ibid., vol. xxv, pp. 73-89. “ On Prehistoric Trepanning,” ibid., vol. xxvi, pp. 5-33. Article on “ Prehistoric Saws versus Sickles,” Arch. Jour., vol. xlix, pp. 53 and 64. 1892. “ The Discovery of an Ancient Lake-Village near Glastonbury, in Somersetshire,” The Tim.es, 24th October 1892. 1893. “ Notes on Crannogs recently discovered in Argyllshire,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxvii, pp. 205-222. Address as President of Section (Anthropology), British Association, Nottingham, Report, pp. 885-895. Also in Jour, of Roy. Anthrop. Inst., vol. xxiii, pp. 173-187, and in Prehistoric Problems, chap. ii. The subject of the address was “The relation between the Erect Posture and the Physical and Intellectual Development of Man.” “ On a remarkable Glacier-Lake formed by a branch of the Hardanger- Jokul, near Eidford, Norway,” Edin. Roy. Soc. Proc., vol. xx, pp. 33-62. Reprinted in Norway. “ Prehistoric Trepanning and Cranial Amulets,” Fortnightly Review, vol. liii, pp. 208-222. 1894. “ The Rise and Progress of Anthropology” (being an Address delivered at the request of the Council to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 7th May 1894), Edin. Roy. Soc. Proc., vol. xx, pp. 215-244. “Notes on Flint, Saws, and Sickles,” IUus. Archceologist, vol. i, pp. 176-193. “ Notes on Ancient Bone Skates,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxviii, pp. 185-197. “The Structural Features of Lake-dwellings,” Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, vol. xxiv, pp. 105-114 and 209-221. 1895. “ On Lake-dwelling Research” (being an address delivered at 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 167 the request of the Council to the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, 4th March 1895), Edin. Roy. Soc. Proc., vol. xx, pp. 385-411. 1896. Report to the Society of Antiquaries of London as Local Secretary for Scotland, Proceedings , vol. xvi, pp. 178-197 (2nd series). This communication includes brief descriptions of (1) A Crannog in Lochan Dughaill ; (2) A Cave at Oban containing Human Remains and Implements ; (3) The excavation of the Roman Camp at Birrens. 1897. “ On Intermediary Links between Man and the Lower Animals ” (published in abstract, but in full in Prehistoric Problems ), Edin. Roy. Soc. Proc., vol. xxi, pp. 249-250. 1898. “ The Relation between Archaeology, Chronology, and Land Oscilla- tions in Post-Glacial Times ” (being the opening address to the Antiquarian Section at the Lancaster meeting of the Roy. Arch. Institute), Arch. Jour., vol. lv, pp. 259-285. “ Notes on Prehistoric Trepanning in the Old and New Worlds,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxxii, pp. 220-235. 1899. “Notes on a Crannog at Hyndford, near Lanark,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., voL xxxiii, pp. 373-387. Controversy as to the genuineness of certain manufactured objects found in the debris of ancient inhabited sites at Dumbuck and Dunbuie in the Clyde basin. Dr Munro’s statement questioning their authenticity appeared in the Glasgow Herald, 7th January 1899. (Subsequent correspondence followed in the same journal and in other journals). 1901. “Notice of an Ancient Kitchen-Midden near Largo Bay, Fifeshire,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxxv, pp. 281-300. “Is the Dumbuck Crannog Neolithic?” Reliquary and Illus. Archceologist, vol. vii, pp. 107-119. Report to the Society of Antiquaries of London as Local Secretary for Scotland, Proceedings, vol. xviii, pp. 370-386. This communication includes the following notices : (1) Isolated Finds; (2) The Roman Camp at Ardoch ; (3) The Hill-Fort near Abernethy ; (4) A Romano-British Crannog at Hyndford ; (5) The Hill-Fort of Dunbuie and its remarkable remains; (6) The Dumbuck “ Crannog.” “ Prehistoric Kitchen-Middens and what they teach us,” Trans. Scot. Eat. Hist. Soc., 7th November 1901. 1902. “ On the Prehistoric Horses of Europe and their supposed 168 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. domestication in Palaeolithic Times,” Arch. Journ ., vol. lix, pp. 109-143 ; also in Edin. Phys. Soc. Proc., vol. xv, pp. 70-104. 1902. “Stray Thoughts on the Theory of Organic Evolution,” Edin. Phys. Soc. Proc., vol. xiv, pp. 279-298 (read 15th November 1899). “Notes on a set of five Jet Buttons found on a hill in Forfarshire,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxxvi, pp. 464-485. 1903. “ Irish Gold Ornaments of the Late Celtic Period and Raised Beaches (a case of treasure trove),” Juridical Review, vol. xv, pp. 267-277. 1904. “Man as Artist and Sportsman in the Palaeolithic Period,” Edin. Roy. Soc. Proc., vol. xxv, pp. 92-128 (being the Friday evening address at the British Association at Southport in 1 903). “ On the date of the upheaval which caused the 25-ft. Raised Beaches in Scotland,” ibid., vol. xxv, pp. 242-272. “ Notes on Primitive Stone Structures of the beehive type in the North of Shetland,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxxviii, pp. 548-553. 1906. “Notes on a Hoard of eleven Stone Knives of a peculiar type found in the North of Scotland,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xl, pp. 151-164. “ On Human Skeletons found at Casterton and Largs, with reports thereon by Prof. Cunningham and the Hon. John Abercromby,” Edin. Roy. Soc. Proc., vol. xxvi, pp. 279-309. 1907. “ Notes on Ornamental Stone Balls,” Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xli, pp. 290-300. 1908. “ Anthropology,” Encyclop. of Religion and Ethics, vol. i, pp. 561-573. “ On the Transition Period between the Palaeolithic and Neolithic Civilisations in Europe,” Arch. Jour., vol. lxv, pp. 205-244. 1910. “ On a Bronze Age Cemetery and other antiquities at Largs, Ayr- shire,” Archceologia, vol. lxii, pp. 239-250. “ Chronology,” Encyclop. of Religion and Ethics, vol. iii, pp. 610-614. 1911. “Death and Disposal of the Dead in Prehistoric Times,” ibid., vol. iv, pp. 464-472. Glastonbury Lake- Village. Introductory chapter, vol. i, pp. 1-35. “Stone Monuments (primitive),” Encyclop. Brit., 11th edition, vol. xxv, pp. 962-966. “ Stonehenge,” ibid., pp. 961-962. 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 169 1914. “ Lake-dwellings,” Encyclop. of Religion and Ethics , vol. vii, pp. 773-784. 1915. “The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Scotland,” Scottish Historical Review , vol. xiii, pp. 238-246. 1917. “Darwinism and Human Civilisation, with special reference to the Origin of German Military ‘ Kultur,’ ” Edin. Roy. Soc. Proc., vol. xxxvii, pp. 149-160 (read 5th March ; issued separately 30th April). “ Comparative Archaeology : its Aims and Methods,” Dumf. Gallow. Soc. Trans., 23rd November 1917. 1918. “Scottish Crannogs: their Structure, Distribution, and Chronological Range,” Roy. Arch. Inst, of Great Britain and Ireland, 6th February 1918. 170 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. John George Bartholomew, LL.D. (Edin.), F.R.G.S., Geographer and Cartographer to the King. By Geo. G. Chisholm, M.A., B.Sc., Reader in Geography, Edinburgh University, Secretary to the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Communicated by The General Secretary. (MS. received October 19, 1921. Read November 7, 1921.) It was in the latter part of 1883 or early in 1884 that I became acquainted with the subject of this notice. At that time I was settled in London, and on the occasion of a short visit to Edinburgh I called on the late Professor Geikie, who said to me, “ There’s a man I want you to know, who has got his head screwed on the right way on the subject of maps.” He named Mr Bartholomew, and recommended me to call on him, which I at once did. I found him at his office in Chambers Street, engaged on the actual work of map-drawing, and he straightway proceeded to give me his ideas on this subject and to indicate the methods which he wished to see displaced. Twenty-five years or so passed, during which, owing to the distance between our abodes, our meetings were infrequent ; still there was, I believe, scarcely a visit of either of us to either end without our meeting somewhere — mostly at the London end, where the increasing business and reputation of the firm with which Mr Bartholomew was connected fre- quently brought him. Naturally, our meetings were more frequent when Edinburgh once more became my home in 1908, and still more so after my appointment to the secretaryship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Meantime the remark which Professor Geikie had made in first speaking of him to me had been amply verified. At that time Mr Bartholomew was a young man, under twenty-four years of age. He was born at Edinburgh on the 22nd of March 1860. Yet he had already for several years taken an active share in the work of the cartographical establishment then belonging to his father. From 1888, when accordingly he was only twenty-eight, he had the entire management of the business. In 1889 he married ; and in that year, too, the business was transferred from Chambers Street to Park Road and became known as the Edinburgh Geo- graphical Institute — a name retained at the new premises in Duncan Street, to which the business was removed in 1911. Dr Bartholomew’s management of the business was signalised from an 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 171 early date by the inception of a number of enterprises of great boldness, and those which were carried out raised the reputation of the firm to a high pitch. First came The Survey Atlas of Scotland, in 1895 ; but this, it should be mentioned, was mainly the uniting in one whole of sectional sheets on the scale of half an inch to the mile, which had been appearing for several years and formed the first topographical maps in which the method of representing the inequalities of the surface by layering, or the distin- guishing of areas between successive contour lines by different colours and tints, was applied on a large scale. It had previously been made use of at Mr J. G. Bartholomew’s suggestion, at least as early as 1880 in maps prepared for Baddeley’s Guide to the English Lake District. The method has since been adopted on topographical maps prepared by many other geographical establishments, including the Ordnance Survey Department at Southampton, but by none with greater taste and effectiveness than by the firm which first so used it. The Survey Atlas of England and Wales followed in 1903. Both atlases have, besides the large-scale sheets, more comprehensive maps on a smaller scale, showing the geology and climatic and other features of the geography of the countries represented. In both, the maps by Bosse showing the density of population are particularly note- worthy. For Scotland this map was brought up to date in maps prepared by Mr Bartholomew for publication in The Scottish Geographical Magazine, in accordance with the censuses of 1901 and 1911, the latter included also in the 1912 edition of the Atlas of Scotland. The three together form an interesting conspectus of census results, although of course they cannot but exhibit the inevitable defects of all density of popu- lation maps arising from the necessary arbitrariness in the choice of the limits of density distinguished by different colours or shades, and the mode in which town populations are allowed to influence the density tint of the areas to which they belong. Before the issue of the second of the two atlases mentioned there appeared, in 1899, the first volume to be issued of the grandest enterprise of the Institute — a physical atlas designed on a scale of hitherto unparal- leled magnitude. The prospectus of the whole work was given to the public along with the Atlas of Meteorology , which was the first published of the seven volumes of which the whole work was designed to consist, and of which this volume was to form the third. The whole work was then planned in all its essential details. The first volume, besides containing a general introduction dealing with the Extent of Land and Sea Surveys, was to be devoted to Geology ; the second to Orography, Hydrography, and Oceanography. The third, as already 172 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. stated, is an atlas of Meteorology. The fourth was to be devoted to Botany, the fifth to Zoology, the sixth to Ethnography and Demography, and the seventh to General Cosmography and Terrestrial Magnetism. It was to include in all 212 plates, the titles of which are given in the prospectus. The prospectus states that the other sections will follow that on Meteorology in rapid succession, and, if the fact that this anticipation proved too sanguine will surprise no one who has had anything to do with the preparation of comprehensive works even on a much smaller scale than this, it may be taken as a typical illustration of the patient tenacity that characterised Dr Bartholomew in all his work that a second volume of the series, the Atlas of Zoogeography, was at last published in 1911, as well as that many other plates belonging to other sections not yet published were prepared under Dr Bartholomew’s direction. It will serve to give some idea of the magnitude of the whole under- taking to compare the two sections of the atlas which have been published with the corresponding sections of the atlas of Physical Geography that had the first place at the time when that of the Edinburgh Geographical Institute began to be published, Berghaus Physikalischer Atlas. To begin with, the size of the plates in the Edinburgh atlas is considerably larger than those of Berghaus — measured from the outer limit of the border (exclusive of margin) 19J"xl5f", as against 16"xl3". The section on Meteorology in the Edinburgh atlas has 34 plates (35, including the frontispiece plate showing the distribution of meteorological stations in the world at the time of publication) as against 12 in Berghaus, and an intro- ductory text of 40 pages, besides an appendix of 12 pages (4 giving a list of meteorological stations, 4 a bibliography, 2 a glossary, and 2 tables), as against 10 in Berghaus; that on Zoogeography has 36 plates as against 9 in Berghaus, together with an introductory text of 56 pages, exclusive of a bibliography of 11 pages, as against a text of 8 pages in Berghaus. All those primarily responsible for the Atlas of Meteorology are now dead. It was prepared by Dr Bartholomew himself in association with the late Professor Herbertson, under the editorship of the late Alexander Buchan, LL.D., F.RS. Among its new features may be mentioned several maps illustrating isanomalies of temperature, maps showing isonephs, or lines marking the limits of equal degrees of cloudiness, and isohels, or similar lines marking the limits of equal extent of sunshine, and maps showing the paths of barometric minima. It may be mentioned as another characteristic fact that when the Atlas of Zoogeography did appear it contained even more than was promised in the prospectus — 36 instead of 35 plates. In this case the long 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 173 interval that elapsed between the drawing up of the prospectus and the appearance of the volume resulted in a great change in the selection and arrangement of the plates. The scheme as originally prepared was that of the late Philip Lutley Sclater, but the zoologists under whose care the volume was actually prepared were W. Eagle Clarke, F.R.S.E., F.L.S., Keeper, and Percy H. Grimshaw, F.R.S.E., F.E.S., Assistant Keeper of the Natural History Department, the Royal Scottish Museum ; and the classification adopted naturally answered to the state of zoological science at a later date than that of the prospectus. Though the other volumes of the atlas have not yet appeared, it may be taken for granted that some of the work done with a view to their publication has been utilised in other works. Thus the volume on Ethnography and Demography was designed to include plates illustrating the Production of Edible and Drinkable Commodities, International Commerce at the End of the Nineteenth Century, and others on the same subjects as some of those in the folio Atlas of the World's Commerce (176 plates), published by Newnes early in the present century. Dr Bartholomew was also responsible for the preparation of the atlas accompanying the Imperial Gazetteer of India (1908). At the time of his death he had supervised the preparation of nearly all the plates for the important political atlas recently completed and published under the title of The “ Times ” Survey Atlas of the World. Inevitably Dr Bartholomew’s zeal for geography wras manifested in many ways apart from the work carried out in the Geographical Institute. Most conspicuously was this the case in connection with the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. He was one of the most active and enthusiastic of those who encountered and vanquished all the difficulties that had to be overcome in getting it founded in 1884. From the beginning till the time of his death he acted as one of its honorary secretaries. He was the contributor both of maps and articles to its magazine — the articles on “ The Mapping of the World,” in vols. vi and vii. He took a special interest in the preparation of the Edinburgh number issued in 1919, and for it he presented to the Society the interesting “ Chronological Map of Edinburgh showing Expansion of the City from the Earliest Times to the Present” (a “ present,” however, previous to the last extension of the city boundaries). He bequeathed to the Society the sum of £500. He took great interest in the establishment of the lectureship in Geography in Edinburgh University, and was a generous benefactor to the department when the lectureship was founded and equipment required. 174 Proceedings of the Koyal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. From 1909 to 1912 he was a member of Council of this Society. Only those who knew Dr Bartholomew personally could be aware of the extraordinary difficulties under which the above-enumerated series of persevering labours were carried on, and the extraordinary resolution revealed in carrying them through, and only those who knew him in his earlier years could realise the whole nature of the man. For a great part of his life, and, above all, in his later years, he had to contend against constant weak and too frequently ill health. Sometimes he was absolutely laid aside, but, except on those occasions, he went on steadily and calmly with his work to the limit of his strength, and never lost his interest in those things which he had at heart. Again and again, before Council meetings of the Geographical Society, I had interviews with him in bed, and the advice that he had to give on those occasions was always eagerly looked for by the other members of Council. This constant fight with ill-health naturally gave to him in his later years a somewhat melancholy expression ; but it was always a calm, grave, and dignified melancholy untouched by any hint of complaint. It was, however, an expression that made it difficult to realise the buoyant and exuberant energy which characterised him when young, and brought out other sides of his character. I remember particularly one occasion in the early days of our acquaintance when seated on a brake in the island of Jersey I was hailed by him from another brake which was going on the same tour. The two brakes stopped at the same place for lunch, and Mr Bartholomew, as he then was, entered with sympathetic zest into the enjoyments of the youngest and most frivolous. Then it was quite easy to picture to oneself the energy which he had shortly before shown at the foundation of the Geographical Society. His later years were further saddened for him, as for others, by the War, but in connection with it also his character was revealed. He took the War as a call to national and personal duty, but — though he lost a son in the War and had another maimed — without any admixture of national or personal hatred, but always regarding it as a great human tragedy. It may be mentioned here that he was for many years an elder in the United Free Church of St George’s, Edinburgh. In the later years of his life he frequently had to leave his home in search of improved health. It was on one of those occasions that he met his end. Early in 1920 he went to Esterel in Portugal, accompanied by his wife and daughters. Having been taken up to Cintra in the hope that the hill air would benefit him, he died there on the 13th of April in the same year, and there he is buried. He left a widow, two sons, and two 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 175 daughters, the elder of the two sons now the managing director of the firm styled Messrs John Bartholomew & Son, Limited. Both at home and abroad the value of Dr Bartholomew’s services to science were recognised in various ways. He was an honorary member of many foreign geographical societies, including those of Paris, Portugal, Budapest, and Chicago. In 1905 the Royal Geographical Society awarded to him the Victoria Medal “ for his successful effort to raise the standard of cartography.” In 1918 the Geographical Society of Chicago conferred on him the Helen Culver Gold Medal. In 1909 Edinburgh University, his Alma Mater , bestowed on him the honorary degree of LL.D. In spite of the drawback of ill-health the private life of Dr Bartholomew was singularly, though quietly, happy, a natural result of the qualities in him which inspired confidence and affection among all those who came into intimate contact with him. This notice may be concluded by testimony on this head borne by a Russian admirer, General Jules de Schokalsky, President of the Russian Geographical Society, in a com- munication to this Society, dated Petrograd, October 1920, just after he had heard the news of Dr Bartholomew’s death. After speaking in the highest terms of the value of Dr Bartholomew’s cartographical wTork, taking as an illustration the remarkable precision even of his “ ordinary ” work in the map on Lambert’s equivalent area projection accompanying the paper by Dr (afterwards Sir John) Murray “ On the Height of the Land and the Depth of the Ocean ” in The Scottish Geographical Magazine , January 1888 — a precision such as to enable General A. Tillo to obtain valuable results working from a much reduced copy of it, — the writer goes on to say : — “ My personal acquaintance with J. G. Bartholomew began by corre- spondence. Being interested in geographical and cartographical matters, I was introduced to him by Sir J. Murray, and we remained a long time only in correspondence. At the opportunity of the Geographical Congress at Geneva in 1908 I paid a visit to Edinburgh, and was for a fortnight the guest of Mr and Mrs J. G. Bartholomew ; and later we met at Geneva, staying in the same hotel and working side by side on the Congress business, and became true friends. In 1912 I came on a second visit to Edinburgh, and stayed about ten days at the J. G. Bartholomew’s home. “ These opportunities of meeting and talking with J. G. Bartholomew and observing his system of working, his relation to his aids in the Institute and surrounding scientists and other people, revealed his true character as a man. . . . He was the personified truth itself, and at the 176 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. same time with such unselfishness and goodness as charmed anyone who approached him. “ Geographical science lost in him one of its best workers, his nearest and his friends true support in their hard moments of life. “ Coming myself not from a cold-blooded origin, I have no shame when in writing this my eyes are full of tears, and his country can remember that there rarely lived a greater gentleman.” 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 177 John Aitken, LL.D., F.R.S. By C. G. Knott, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. (Read January 10, 1921.) John Aitken, born at Falkirk on September 18, 1839, was the fourth son of Henry Aitken of Darroch, Falkirk, head of a well-known legal firm in that town. He was educated at the Falkirk Grammar School and the University of Glasgow, where he studied with a view to a career as an engineer. Two years of his apprenticeship he served in Dundee, and three years with Messrs Napier & Sons, shipbuilders, Glasgow. After finishing his apprenticeship as a marine engineer he broke down in health, and was compelled to abandon all thought of carrying out his profession. Thence- forward his interest lay in the line of scientific and especially physical research, for which he received a great inspiration while attending Lord Kelvins (then Sir William Thomson’s) classes in natural philosophy. His early training as an engineer was of incalculable value all through the long series of physical investigations which made his name famous in the ranks of experimenters. Most of the apparatus used in his researches was not only devised by him but constructed with his own hand. The drawing-room of the house he occupied latterly in Falkirk was transformed into a laboratory and workshop, with a fine turning-lathe placed in front of the window and supplied with all kinds of tools of the most approved pattern. A carpenter’s bench and work-tables laden with glass-work, blow- pipes, and many odds and ends of apparatus in the course of construction or of apparatus which had served its purpose, covered the floor space, while cabinets along the walls contained drawers full of thermometers and other delicate meteorological instruments. The earliest line of work which brought out his experimental skill was a discussion of colour sensations in a paper read before the Royal Scottish Societ}^ of Arts in 1872. He devised new methods of experimenting, and elaborated a modified form of Young’s three-colour theory of sensation, supporting it by means of many ingenious experiments. Another early line of thought led him to discuss the conditions of boiling of liquids and condensation of vapours, which he showed to depend on the presence of free surfaces separating different states ; and it was by following up some of the ideas suggested by this work that he hit upon what will probably be regarded as his greatest contribution to physical science. This was the demonstration that water vapour in the atmosphere will not condense to VOL. xli. 12 178 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. form clouds unless it has some solid or liquid nucleus to condense upon.* Dr Aitken worked out this whole research with unswerving zeal, clearing away by a magnificent series of control experiments many objections which seemed at first sight difficult to meet and even inconsistent with the broad theory. He brought into prominence the vast importance of the dust in the atmosphere, not only visible dust but the impalpable dust particles which provide nuclei for the condensation of vapour and the formation of visible drops of rain or mist. By an interesting process of evolution he gradually constructed a form of apparatus by which, from the number of raindrops produced in a closed region of saturated air, he was able to calculate the number of dust particles in this region. A slight expansion by means of an air-pump in connection with the closed region produced a cooling in the saturated air, from which the vapour condensed on the dust particles and formed tiny drops of water. These, falling on a silvered surface ruled in small squares, were readily counted. This was the so-called Dust-counter, the final portable form of which was an instrument of con- siderable precision in the hands of the skilful meteorologist. The production of a fog cloud in a receiver from which saturated air was being extracted was a phenomenon which had often been seen by experimenters; but it was reserved for John Aitken not only to give a complete explanation of the phenomenon but to open up an entirely new line of research. Aitken s experiments proved that when the saturated air was free of dust no cloudy condensation took place on slight expansion, for there were no particles to serve as nuclei. He found, however, that once the air was cleared of dust by filtration through cotton- wool, a more rapid expansion sometimes led to cloudy condensation. The explanation of this was subsequently given by C. T. R. Wilson, who showed that ionised air, although dust free, produced cloudy condensation when a considerable expansion with accompanying cooling took place. There has consequently been a tendency in some quarters to explain condensation of vapour in terms of the presence of ions, arguing that Aitken’s dust particles were unnecessary as a factor in the process. But such a view shows an absolute lack of appreciation of the whole meaning of the phenomenon. The sudden expansion and cooling required to produce cloudy condensation on ions are much greater than can ever occur in nature. On the other hand, when dust particles are present a very slight expansion with accompanying slight * See “On Dust, Fogs, and Clouds,” Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxx, 1880-1 ; and various papers on dust particles in the air, Trans. Roy. Soc. Eclin., vols. xxxv to xxxix, 1887-1899 ; and many papers in the Proceedings. 1920-21.] Obituary Notices. 179 cooling suffices. An experiment often made is to hold a bunsen flame for a moment within a receiver, set the receiver immediately on the air-pump plate with a dish of water within it, and then pump some of the air out. A dense fog cloud is formed, and this is not unfrequently referred simply to the ionisation due to the flame. But the argument is faulty, for of course there are numerous dust particles also produced by the flame, and it is impossible in such an experiment to discriminate between the effect of the particles as fog producers and the effect of the ions. Moreover, Aitken himself proved that when dust particles were undoubtedly present electrification of the air did not increase the cloudy condensation. When we recognise that dust particles are always present in the atmosphere, and that a slight cooling of the saturated air is the cause of the production of raindrops, and when we further bear in mind the beautiful demonstration given by Aitken that no cloudy condensation is produced in saturated dustless air on slight cooling, there is no escape from the conclusion that mist, fog, and cloud require for their formation the presence of dust particles. Another important direct result of Aitken’s experiments on cloudy condensation, and especially of his methods of counting the raindrops formed, is worthy of mention. Sir J. J. Thomson in his classical experi- ments on the mass and charge of an electron made use of Aitken’s method of condensation in obtaining one of the measurements on which the deter- mination of these two small quantities depended. Meanwhile, Aitken himself pushed his own investigations in many directions, such as the meteorological and industrial conditions governing the production of dust particles in the air, the influence of locality and altitude, the effect of prevalent winds and of cyclonic and anticyclonic distributions. Closely connected with this whole research is his important paper on the formation of dew.* His views, though now generally accepted, were strongly combated by certain authorities at the time of their first promulgation. What he showed by skilfully arranged experiments was that the vapour which condenses as dew on cold surfaces comes mainly, if not entirely, from the ground below and not from the air above. He also showed that the so-called dewdrop on leaves of plants was not dew at all, but was exuded sap. He has also placed on record some interesting observations on hoar frost; and in a paper published in the Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society he has given a remarkably clear description of the formation of ground ice. In his presentation of papers before our Society, in whose Transactions * See “ On Dew,” Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin ., xxxiii, 1885. 180 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. and Proceedings his most important work is published, Dr Aitken spared no pains in bringing before his audience the very experiments he had devised in following out his ideas. Thus he imitated on a large experi- mental scale the production of cyclones and the manner of their trend over the earth’s surface.* Whether, in view of the new information we have in regard to the vertical distribution of temperature in cyclonic and anti- cyclonic distributions, Aitken’s own views as to the genesis and maintenance of cyclones will continue to meet with acceptance, it is perhaps too soon to give a judgment. He himself believed that apparent discrepancies could be explained, and his latest paper on this subject, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, discusses many of the physical relations in an interesting and profound way. In this kind of work, however, he was handicapped from lack of mathematical equipment. With a mind keenly alive to all problems of a meteorological character. John Aitken entered in 1884 upon a long series of experiments on the measurement of air temperatures. In the majority of our meteorological stations the thermometers are placed within what is known as the Stevenson screen. This form of screen was long ago found to be quite unsuitable for hot climates, and in India the thermometers are placed under a broad shed through which the air courses freely. Aitken soon satisfied himself that in this country also the temperature given by thermometers hung within the Stevenson screen read several degrees too high when the day was fine and sunny. After many experiments on various forms of screen, he finally devised a form free from the defects of the Stevenson screen, and incidentally made many other interesting and important observations on temperatures of air and soil and solar radiation. At his death on November 14, 1919, he left in manuscript what might be called his matured views after thirty years of experimenting, wherein he lamented that meteorologists still continued to use a demonstrably inefficient method of screening the thermometer from the effects of radiation, direct and indirect. This paper has been published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and it may well be regarded in the light of a scientific legacy from a great natural philosopher. The bulk of his estate Dr Aitken left in the hands of trustees to use (1) for the benefit of the poor of Falkirk; (2)^to establish a temperance public-house in Falkirk. He also left a fund of £1000 to the Council of the Royal Society of Edinburgh to meet the cost of publication of a collected edition of his more important papers. This is now being prepared. * See 0th September 1921. CHARGE. 1. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Account Current at 30th September 1920 £36 2 11 2. Interest Received : — On £250 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, Untaxed 12 10 0 3. Borrowed from General Fund £100, less repaid £48, 12s. lid . £51 7 1 4. Balance due to General Fund at 30th September 1921 51 7 1 £100 0 0 DISCHARGE. 1. Donation to British Association for the Advancement of Science . . . £100 0 0 234 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. VI. GUNNING VICTORIA JUBILEE PRIZE FUND To 30 th September 1921. (Instituted by Dr R. H. Gunning of Edinburgh and Rio de Janeiro.) CHARGE. 1. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., at 30th September 1920 : — On Deposit Receipt £57 14 2 On Account Current . . 7150 £128 19 2 2. Interest Received : — On £570 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, Untaxed . . £28 10 0 On Deposit Receipt — Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd. . . 4 14 11 33 4 11 DISCHARGE. 1. C. T. R. Wilson, Esq. — Money Portion of Prize 1916-20 . 2. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland. Ltd., on Deposit Receipt, at 30th September 1921 £162 4 1 £105 0 0 57 4 1 £162 4 1 VII. JAMES SCOTT PRIZE FUND To 30 th September 1921. CHARGE. 1. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt at 30th September 1920 £264 4 0 2. Interest Received : — On Deposit Receipt — Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd. . . . . . 22 10 6 £286 14 6 DISCHARGE. 1. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt at 30th September 1921 £286 14 6 VIII. DR JOHN AITKEN FUND (For Publication of his Scientific Work.) To 30 th September 1921. CHARGE. 1. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt at 30th September 1920 £1040 1 11 2. Interest Received : — On Deposit Receipts, Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd. 43 6 0 £1083 7 11 DISCHARGE. 1. Accounts Paid : — Zinco Collotype Co., Portraits £20 0 0 Hislop & Day, Ltd., Line Blocks 21 19 1 £41 19 1 2. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt at 30th September 1921 . 1041 8 10 £1083 7 11 1920-21.] Abstract of Accounts. 235 STATE OF THE FUNDS BELONGING TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH 1. GENERAL FUND— As at 30th September 1921. 1. £7830 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, at 88| per cent. .... 2. £52, 10s. Annuity of the Edinburgh and District Water Trust, equivalent to £875 at 100 per cent 3. Deposit Receipt Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., being balance of Legacy received during 1917-18, from the Trustees of the late Mr Robert Mackay Smith, £500 less legacy duty £50 ...... 4. Arrears of Contributions, as per preceding Abstract of Accounts . 5. Balance of Special Subscription Fund 6. Balance of Loan to Makerstoun Magnetic Meteorological Observation Fund £6929 11 875 0 450 0 86 2 1037 11 51 7 0 0 0 0 2 1 Amount . . . £9429 11 3 Exclusive of Library, Museum, Pictures, etc., and Furniture in the Society’s Rooms at George Street, Edinburgh. 2. KEITH FUND— 1. £650 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, at 88J per cent. 2. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt Amount 3. NEILL FUND— 1. £300 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, at 88| per cent. 2. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd. on Deposit Receipt . £575 5 0 72 4 10 . £647 9 10 £265 10 0 30 10 6 Amount . £296 0 6 4. MAKDOUGALL-BRISBANE FUND— 1. £400 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, at 88| per cent. 2. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd. : — On Deposit Receipt ....... On Account Current ....... . £354 0 0 £38 13 11 2 10 0 41 3 11 Amount . . . £395 3 11 5. MAKERSTOUN MAGNETIC METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATION FUND— 1. £250 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, at 88| per cent. Less — Balance of Loan from General Fund ..... £221 5 0 51 7 1 Amount . . . £169 17 11 6. GUNNING VICTORIA JUBILEE PRIZE FUND — Instituted by Dr Gunning of Edinburgh and Rio de Janeiro — 1. £570 five per cent. War Loan, 1929-47, at 88J per cent £504 9 0 2. Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt . . 57 4 1 Amount 7. JAMES SCOTT PRIZE FUND— Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt £561 13 1 . £286 14 6 236 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 8. TAIT MEMORIAL FUND— This Fund consists of War Loan, and is to mature for a period of about ten years from 1918, when it is expected to yield about £75 per annum. 9. DR JOHN AITKEN FUND— Balance due by Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., on Deposit Receipt . . . £1041 8 10 Edinburgh, 13th October 1921. — We have examined the preceding Accounts of the Treasurer of the Royal Society of Edinburgh for the Session 1920-1921, and have found them to be correct. The securities of the various Investments at 30th September 1921, as noted in the foregoing Statement of Funds (with the exception of No. 8), have been exhibited to us. LINDSAY, JAMIESON & HALDANE, C.A., Auditors. LIST OF VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTORS OF TEN GUINEAS (Single Payment) under Law VI (end of para. 3) up to 30th September 1921. Dr John Alison. Sir James Dewar, F.R.S. Mr W. F. King. Prof. Graham Lusk. Geo. A. Mitchell, M.A. Sir F. G. Ogilvie, LL.D, Sir Wm. Peck. Alex. Philip, M.A,, LL.B. Dr J. Stephenson. Prof. E. Talmage. Dr A. F. Tredgold. James Watt, W.S. LIST OF VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTORS OF ONE GUINEA under Law VI (end of para. 3) up to 30th September 1921. The late R. G. Alford, M.Inst.C.E. Maj.-Gen. W. B. Bannerman. G. W. W. Barclay, M.A. Prof. T. Hudson Beare. J. P. F. Bell, F.Z.S. Prof. A. C. Boon. Mr T. C. Day. Sir Arch. Denny. Dr L. Dobbin. John S. Ford, F.C.S. Dr John Fraser. Prof. Andrew Gray, F.R.S. Sir R. B. Greig. Dr D. Fraser Harris. Prof. Sir W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. Dr John Horne, F.R.S. Dr W. F. Hume. Sir J. H. Kemnal. Dr R. Kidston, F.R.S. Em. -Prof. Sir P. R. Scott Lang. Dr D. F. Lowe. Dr A. M. M‘Aldowie. Dr P. M‘ Bride. Dr Geo. M'Gowan. Dr John Macintyre. Dr H. R. Mill. Prof. W. Peddie. H. A. Reid, O.B.E., F.R.C.Y.S. Prof. Sutherland Simpson. Mr James Sorley. Prof. Sir J. Walker, F.R.S. A. C. Wilson, F.C.S. Mr J. C. Wright. Sir R. P. Wright. Council of the Society. 237 THE COUNCIL OF THE SOCIETY. October 1921. President. Professor FREDERICK 0. BOWER, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. Vice-Presidents. Sir GEORGE A. BERRY, M.B., C.M., LL.D., F.R.O.S.E. Professor WILLIAM PEDDIE, D.Sc., Professor of Natural Philosophy in University College, Dundee. Principal Sir JAMES ALFRED EWING, K.C.B., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S., Principal, University of Edinburgh. Professor JOHN WALTER GREGORY, D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Geology, University of Glasgow. Major-General W. B. BANNERMAN, C.S.I., I.M.S., M.D., D.Sc. W. A. TAIT, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. General Secretary. CARGILL G. KNOTT, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. Secretaries to Ordinary Meetings. Professor E. T. WHITTAKER, Sc.D., F.R.S. , Professor of Mathematics, University, Edinburgh. Professor J. H. ASHWORTH, D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology, University, Edinburgh. Treasurer. JAMES CURRIE, M.A., LL.D. Curator of Library and Museum. A. CRICHTON MITCHELL, D.Sc., Hon. D.Sc. (Geneva). Councillors. HENRY MOUBRAY CADELL, of Grange, B. Sc. Professor ARTHUR ROBERTSON CUSHNY, M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Professor FRANCIS GIBSON BAILY, M.A., M.Inst.E.E. GEORGE JAMES LIDSTONE, F.F.A., F.I.A. ROBERT CAMPBELL, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S. Principal JAMES COLQUHOUN IRVINE, C. B.E., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. The Hon. LORD SALVESEN. Professor J. ARTHUR THOMSON, M.A., LL.D. HERBERT STANLEY ALLEN, M.A., D.Sc. Sir ROBERT BLYTH GREIG, M.A., LL.D., F.Z.S. JAMES RITCHIE, D.Sc. ERNEST MACLAGAN WEDDERBURN, M.A., LL.B., W.S., D.Sc. 238 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Date of Election. 1898 1898 1896 1889 1894 1888 1920 1906 1920 1905 1903 1905 1881 1921 1915 1906 1910 1907 1921 1911 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE ORDINARY FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY, Corrected to January 31, 1922. N.B. — Those marked * are Annual Contributors. ,, ,, + have commuted Voluntary Contribution ( see 3rd Paragraph , Law VI). B. prefixed to a name indicates that the Fellow has received a Makdougall-Brisbane Medal. K. „ „ Keith Medal. N. „ „ Neill Medal. V. J. „ ,, ,, the Gunning Victoria Jubilee Prize. c. „ ,, contributed one or more Communications 1 Society’s Transactions or Proceedings. Service on Council, etc. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. !. K. * Abercromby, the Rt. Hon. Lord, LL. D. , 62 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh Adami, J. G., C.B.E., M.A., M.D. (Camb., M‘Gill, and Belfast), LL.D., F.R.S., Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, t Affleck, Sir Jas. Ormiston, M.D., LL.D., F.R.O.P.E., 38 Heriot Row, Edinburgh t Alison, John, M. A., LL.D., Head Master, George Watson’s College, Edinburgh Allan, Francis John, M.D., C.M. , Edin., M.O.H. City of Westminster, West- minster City Hall, Charing Cross Road, London 5 Allardice. R. E., M.A., Professor of Mathematics in Stanford University, Palo Alto, Santa Clara Co., California * Allen, Herbert Stanley, M.A. (Cambridge), D.Sc. (London), Lecturer in Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh Anderson, Daniel E., M.D., B.A., B.Sc., Green Bank, Merton Lane, Highgate, London, N. * Anderson, Ernest Masson, M.A., B.Sc., F.G.S., Geologist, H.M. Geological Survey of Scotland, 5 Riselaw Road, Edinburgh * Anderson, William, M.A., Head Science Master, George Watson’s College, Edin- burgh, 6 Lockharton Crescent, Edinburgh 10 Anderson-Berry, David, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.L., M. R. A.S., F.S.A. (Scot.), Versailles, Highgate, London, N. * Andrew, George, M.A., B.A. , H.M.I.S. , Balgillo Cottage, Seafield Road, Brouglity Ferry Anglin, A. H., M.A., LL.D., M.R.I. A., Professor of Mathematics, Queen’s College, Cork * Annandale, Nelson, B.A. (Oxon.), D.Sc. (Edin.), Director of the Zoological Survey of India, and Vice-Chairman of the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta Anthony, Charles, M. Inst.C.E. , M. Am. Soc. C.E., F.R.San.I., F. R.Met.S., F.R.A.S. , F.C.S., General Manager, Water Works Company, Vieytes y Gorriti, Bahia Blanca, Argentina 15 Appleton, Colonel Arthur Frederick, F.R.C.V.S., 19 Cumberland Road, Bromley, Kent Archibald, E. H., B.Sc., Professor of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada * Archibald, James, M.A., 31 Leamington Terrace, Edinburgh * Arthur, William, M.A., Assistant to the Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. 149 Stanmore Road, Mount Florida, Glasgow * Ashworth, James Hartley, D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology, University J of Edinburgh (Secretary), 69 Braid Avenue, Edinburgh 20 | * Badre, Muhammad, Ph.D. , Almuneerah, Cairo, Egypt 1921- 1912-14, 1915-18. * Sec. 1918- 1907 Date of Election. 1920 1920 1896 1921 1877 1905 1892 1918 1902 1889 1886 1883 1903 1914 1921 1904 1874 1921 1895 1904 1913 1888 1897 1893 1882 1887 1906 1916 1915 1893 1897 1880 1907 1884 phabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. 239 * Bagnall, Richard Siddoway, 15 Grey Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne * Bailey, Edward Battersby, M.G., B.A., F.G.S., District Geologist, H.M. Geological Survey of Scotland, 23 Pentland Terrace, Edinburgh Baily, Francis Gibson, M.A., M.Inst.E. E., Professor of Electrical Engineering,/ Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, Newbury, Colinton, Midlothian \ * Baker, Bevan Braithwaite, M.A., B.Sc. (Lond. ), Lecturer in Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. 30 Murrayfield Gardens, Edinburgh 25 Balfour, Sir I. Bayley, K.B.E., M.A., Sc.D., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., King’s Botanist in Scotland, Professor of Botany in the University of Edin- burgh and Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden, Inverleith House, Edinburgh Balfour-Browne, William Alexander Francis, M.A., F.Z.S. , F.E.S. , Barrister-at- Law, Lecturer in Zoology (Entomology) in the University of Cambridge), Oaklands, Fenstanton, near St Ives, Hunts Ballantyne, J. W., M.D., F.R.C.P.E., 19 Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh * Balsillie, David, B.Sc., F.G.S. , Department of Mineralogy and Geology, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh Bannerman, W. B., C.S.I., I.M.S., M.D., D.Sc., Maj. -General, Indian Medical f Service, 11 Strathearn Place, Edinburgh (Vice-President) 30 | Barbour, A. H. F., M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P.E,, 4 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh Barclay, A. J. Gunion, M.A., 3 Chandos Avenue, Oakleigh Park, London, N. Barclay, G. W. W. , M.A., Raeden House, Aberdeen Bardswell, Noel Dean, M.D., M.R.C.P. Ed. and Lond., King Edward VII Sana- torium, Midhurst * Barkla, Charles Glover, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1917, 20 Hermitage Drive, Edinburgh 35 * Barr, Archibald, D.Sc., LL.D. (Glasgow and Birmingham), Em.-Professor of Engineering in the University of Glasgow. Westerton of Mugdock, Milngavie Barr, Sir James, C.B.E., M. D., LL.D., F.R. C.P. Lond., 72 Rodney Street, Liverpool Barrett, Sir William F., Kt., F.R.S. , M.R.I.A. , formerly Professor of Physics, Royal College of Science, Dublin, 31 Devonshire Place, London, W. 1 * Bartholomew, John, M.C., M.A., F.R.G.S., Geographical Institute, Edinburgh Barton, Edwin H., D.Sc., F.R.S., F. P.S.L., F. Inst. P., Professor of Physics, University College, Nottingham 40 * Baxter, William Muirhead, Glenalmond, Sciennes Gardens, Edinburgh Beard, Joseph, F.R.C.S. (Edin.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), D.P.H. (Camb. ), Medical Officer of Health and School Medical Officer, City of Carlisle, 8 Carlton Gardens, Carlisle Beare, Thomas Hudson, B.A., B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., J.P., D.L., Professor off Engineering in the University of Edinburgh | Beattie, Sir John Carruthers, K.B., D.Sc., Vice-Chancellor and Principal, The University, Cape Town Becker, Ludwig, Ph. D., Regius Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow, The Observatory, Glasgow, Millbank Terrace, Crieff 45 Beddard, Frank E., M.A. Oxon., D.Sc., F. R.S. , formerly Prosector to the Zoological Society of London, 20 Sherriff Road, Kilburn, London, N.W. 6 Begg, Ferdinand Faithfull, 46 Saint Aubyns, Hove, Sussex Bell, John Patrick Fair, F.Z.S. , Springbank, Ayton, Berwickshire * Bell, Robert John Tainsh, M. A., D.Sc., Professor of Mathematics in the University of Otago, New Zealand Bell, Walter Leonard, M.D.Edin., F.S.A.Scot., 123] London Road, North Lowestoft, Suffolk 50 Berry, Sir George A., M.B., C.M., LL.D., F.R.C.S.E. (Vice-President), 31 f Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh j Berry, Richard J. A., M. D., F.R.C.S.E., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Birch, De Burgh, C.B., M.D. , Emeritus Professor of Physiology in the University of Leeds * Black, Frederick Alexander, Solicitor, 59 Academy Street, Inverness Service on Council, etc. 1909-12. 1920- 1888-91. 1919-21, V-P 1921- 1915-18. 1907-09. V-P 1909-15. 1916-19. V-P 1919- 1891-94, 1916-18. Cur. 1906-16. Black, John S., M.A., LL.D., 125 St James’ Court, London, S.W. 1 55 240 Date oi Electior 1897 1904 1918 1894 1915 1872 1886 1884 1901 1916 1903 1886 1907 1918 1916 1895 1893 1901 1907 1864 1883 1885 1909 1921 1912 1898 1870 1905 1902 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Blaikie, Walter Biggar, LL.D., The Loan, Colinton *Bles. Edward J. , M.A., D.Sc., Elterholm, Cambridge * Blight, Francis James, Chairman and Managing Director of Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., Publishers, Tregenna, Wembley, Middlesex Bolton, Herbert, M.Sc., F.G.S., F.Z.S., Director of the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol, 58 Coldharbour Road, Redland, Bristol * Boon, Alfred Archibald, D.Sc., F.I.C., B.A., Professor of Chemistry, Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh 60 Bottomley, J. Thomson, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.C.S., 13 University Gardens, Glasgow Bower, Frederick O., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. (President), Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow, 1 St John’s Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow Bowman, Frederick Hungerford, D.Sc., F.C.S. (Lond. and Berk), F.I.C., A.Inst.C.E., A.Inst.M.E., M.Inst.E.E., etc., 76 Acomb Street, Whitworth Park, Manchester Bradbury, J. B., M.D. , Downing Professor of Medicine, University of Cam- bridge Bradley, His Honour Judge (Francis Ernest), M.A., M.Com., LL.D., Barrister- at-Law, Examiner to the Council of Legal Education, Bank of England Chambers, Tib Lane, Manchester 65 * Bradley, O. Charnock, M.D. , D.Sc., Principal, Royal Dick Veterinary College, ( Edinburgh, President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons,-! London ( Bramwell, Byrom, M.D., F.R.C. P.E , LL.D., 23 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edin- burgh * Bramwell, Edwin, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.C.P. Lond., 23 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh * Bremner, Alexander, M.A., D.Sc., Headmaster, Demonstration School, Training Centre, Aberdeen, 13 Belgrave Terrace, Aberdeen * Briggs, Henry, D.Sc., A. R.S.M. , Professor of Mining, Heriot-Watt College, Allermuir, Liberton, Midlothian 70 Bright, Sir Charles, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.E.E., F.R.Ae.S., F. Inst. Radio. E., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., Leigh Grange, Kent, and Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Brock, G. Sandison, M.D., 6 Corso d’ltalia, Rome, Italy * Brodie, W. Brodie, M. B. , Camden House, Bletchingley, Surrey Brown, Alexander, M. A., B.Sc., Professor of Applied Mathematics, The University, Cape Town Brown, Alex. Crum, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P.E., LL.D., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, 8 Belgrave Crescent," Edinburgh 75 Brown, J. J. Graham, M. D. , F.R.C.P.E., 3 Chester Street, Edinburgh Brown, J. Macdonald, M.D., F.R.C.S-, 64 Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, London, W. * Brownlee, John, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., the National Institute for Medical Research, Mount Vernon, Hampstead, N.W. 3 * Bruce, Alexander, B.Sc. (Edin.), Government Agricultural Chemist and City Analyst, Colombo, Ceylon * Bruce, Alexander Ninian, D.Sc., M. D. , 8 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh 80 * Bryce, T. H., M.A., M.D. (Edin.), Professor of Anatomy in the University of Glasgow, 2 The University, Glasgow Buchanan, John Young, M.A., F.R.S., Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London,/ S.W. I Bunting, Thomas Lowe, M.D., 27 Denton Road, Scotswood, Newcastle-on-Tyne * Burgess, A. G., M.A., Rector of The Academy, Rothesay, Blythswood, Rothesay Service on Council, etc. 1914-17. 1887-90, 1893-96, 1907-09, 1917-19 V-P 1910-16. P 1919- 1907-10, 1915-17. 1890-93. 1865-68, 1869-72, 1873-75, 1876-78, 1911-13. Sec. 1879-1905. V-P 1905-11. 1911-14. 1878-81, 1884-86. Alphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. 241 Date of Election. 1887 1888 1917 1915 1896 1887 1910 1893 1894 1905 1921 1904 1918 1915 1899 1910 1920 1905 1901 1905 1898 1908 1882 1899 1912 1874 1891 1911 1903 1909 1913 1904 1904 1888 1904 1909 1886 1905 C. C. C. C. N C. c. c. c. y. j, c. c. t Burnet, Sir John James, A.R.A., R.S.A., LL.D., Architect, 1 Montague Place, Bedford Square, London, W.C. 1. 85 Burns, Rev. T., D. D. , J.P., F.S.A. Scot., Minister of Lady Glenorchy’s Parish Church, Croston Lodge, Chalmers Crescent, Edinburgh * Burnside, George Barnhill, M.I. Mech.E. , 104 Beechwood Drive, Glasgow, W. * Butchart, Raymond Keiler, B.Sc., Ph.D., University College, Dundee, 5 Briarwood Terrace, West Park Road, Dundee Butters, J. W. , M. A., B.Sc., Rector of Ardrossan Academy Cadell, Henry Moubray, of Grange, B.Sc., D.L., Linlithgow 90 * Calderwood, Rev. Robert Sibbald, Minister of Cambuslang, The Manse, Cambuslang, Lanarkshire Calderwood, W. L. , Inspector of Salmon Fisheries of Scotland, South Bank, Canaan Lane, Edinburgh Cameron, James Angus, M.D., Medical Officer of Health, Firhall, Nairn Cameron, John, M.D., D.Sc., M.R.C.S. Eng., Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia * Campbell, Andrew, Advisory Chemist, Burmah Oil Co., Ltd., and Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd. The Coppice, Beckenham, Kent 95 * Campbell, Charles Duff, Scottish Liberal Club, Princes Street, Edinburgh * Campbell, John Menzies, L.D.S. (Glas.), D.D.S. (Toronto), L.D.S. (Ontario), 14 Buckingham Terrace, Glasgow, W. * Campbell, Robert, M.A. , D.Sc., F.G.S., Lecturer in Petrology, University of Edinburgh, 2 Woodhall Road, Colinton * Carlier, Edmund W. W. , M. D. , M. Sc. , F.E. S. , Professor of Physiology, University, Birmingham Carnegie, Col. David, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M. Inst. Mech.E., M.I.S.Inst. , “Woodlands,” Beckenham Hill, Kent 100 * Carruthers, R. G., F.G.S., District Geologist, H. M. Geological Survey, High Barn, Stocksfield-on-Tyne * Carse, George Alexander M.A. , D.Sc. , Lecturer on Natural Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, 3 Middleby Street, Edinburgh Carslaw, H. S. , M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Mathematics in the University of Sydney, New South Wales Carter, Joseph Henry, F.R.C.V.S., Avalon, Western Road, Henley-on-Thames Carus- Wilson, Cecil, F.R.G.S. , F.G.S., Waldegrave Park, Strawberry Hill, Middlesex, and Sandacres Lodge, Parkstone-on-Sea, Dorset 105 i Cavanagh, Thomas Francis, M. D.. The Hospital, Bella Coola, B.C. , Canada I Cay, W. Dyce, M.Inst.C.E., Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1 I Chatham, James, Actuary, c/o Robert Murrie, Esq., 28 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh Chaudhuri, Banawari Lai, B. A. (Cal.), B.Sc. (Edin.), Assistant Superintendent, Natural History Section, Indian Museum, 120 Lower Circular Road, Calcutta, India Chieiie, John, C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.R.C S.E. , Emeritus Professor of Surgery in f the University of Edinburgh, Barn ton Avenue, Davidson’s Mains 1 10 l Clark, John B., M.A., Head Master of Heriot’s Hospital School, Lauriston, Garleffin, 146 Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh * Clark, William Inglis, D.Sc., 22 Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh Clarke, William Eagle, I.S.O., LL.D., F. L.S., Honorary Supervisor of the Bird Collection and formerly Keeper of the Natural History Collections in the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. 35 Braid Road, Edinburgh j Clayton, Thomas Morrison, M. D. , D.Hy., B.Sc., D. P.H., Medical Officer of Health, Gateshead, 13 The Crescent, Gateshead- on-Tyne * Cleghorn, Alexander, M.Inst.C.E. , Marine Engineer, 14 Hatfield Drive, Kelvinside, Glasgow 115 Coker, Ernest George, M.A., D.Sc., Hon. D.Sc. (Sydney), F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.E.E. , Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of London, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. Coles, Alfred Charles, M.D. , D.Sc., York House, Poole Road, Bournemouth, W. Collie, John Norman, Ph.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.C.S., F.I.C., F.R.G.S., Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University College, Gower Street, London * Colquhoun, Walter, M.A., M.B., 18 Walmer Crescent, Ibrox, Glasgow * Comrie, Peter, M.A. , B.Sc., Head Mathematical Master, Boroughmuir Junior Student Centre, 19 Craighouse Terrace, Edinburgh 120 Connan, Daniel M., M.A. *Corrie, David, F.C.S., 159 Lauderdale Mansions, MaidaVale, London, W. 9. VOL. XLI. Service on Council, etc. 1919- 1920- 1884-86, 1904-06. 16 242 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Date of Election. 1914 1911 1920 1916 1908 1875 1903 1870 C. 1916 1886 1914 1917 1898 1919 1904 1885 1921 1884 1917 1894 1869 C. Y. J. 1905 1906 1884 1888 C. 1876 C. 1885 C. 1897 1904 1881 0. 1918 1905 1882 C. 1921 B. C. *Coutts, William Barron, M.A., B.Sc., Senior Lecturer in Range Finding and Optics, Artillery College, Red Barracks, Woolwich, S.E. 18. * Cowan, Alexander, Papermaker, Valleyfield, Penicuik, Midlothian Craib, William Grant, M.A. (Aberdeen), Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Aberdeen 125 Craig, E. H. Cunningham, B.A. (Cambridge), Geologist and Mining Engineer, T'he Dutch House, Beaconsfield Craig, James Ireland, M.A., B.A., Woolwich House, The Drive, Sydenham, London, S.E. 26 Craig, William, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., Lecturer on Materia Medica to the College of Surgeons, 71 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Crawford, Lawrence, M. A., D.Sc., Professor of Pure Mathematics, The University, Cape Town Crichton-Browne, Sir Jas., Kt., M.D., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., Lord Chancellor's Visitor and Vice-President and Treasurer of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 45 Hans Place, S. W., and Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London 130 *Crombie, James Edward, M.A., LL.D., Millowner, Parkhill House, Dyce, Aberdeenshire Groom, Sir John Halliday, Kt., M.D., F.R.C.P.E. , formerly Professor of Midwifery in the University of Edinburgh, late President, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 25 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh * Cumming, Alexander Charles, D.Sc., O. B.E. , Roselands, Crescent Road, Blundell Sands, Liverpool * Cunningham, Brysson, D.Sc., B.E. , M. Inst.C.E. , Lecturer on Waterways, Har- bours. and Docks, University College, London, 16 Beechwood Road, Sander- stead, Surrey * Currie, James, M.A. Cantab., LL.D. (Treasurer), Larkfield, Goldenacre, Edin-f burgh 135 \ * Cushny, Arthur Robertson, M. A. , M. D. , LL. D. , F. R. S. , Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacology, University, Edinburgh * Cuthbertson, John, Secretary, West of Scotland Agricultural College, 6 Charles Street, Kilmarnock Daniell, Alfred, M.A., LL.B., D.Sc., Advocate, The Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London * Datta, Rasik Lai, D.Sc., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Calcutta. 78 Manicktola Street, Calcutta, India Davy, R. , F.R.C.S. Eng., Consulting Surgeon to Westminster Hospital, Burstone Manor, Bow, North Devon 140 * Day, T. Cuthbert, Partner of the firm of Hislop & Day, 36 Hillside Cres., Edinburgh Denny, Sir Archibald, Bart., LL.D., Cardross Park, Cardross, Dumbartonshire. Somerset Lodge, Somerset Road, Wimbledon Common, S.W. 19 (temporary address) t Dewar, Sir James, Kt., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.C.S., Jacksonian Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge, and Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London * Dewar, James Campbell, C.A. , 27 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh * Dewar, Thomas William, M.D., F.R.C.P., Kincairn, Dunblane 145 Dickson, the Right Hon. Charles Scott, Lord Justice- Clerk, K.C., LL.D., 22 Moray Place, Edinburgh Dickson, Henry Newton, C. B.E., M.A. , D.Sc., formerly Professor of Geography at University College, Reading. 18 Bedford Square, London, W.C. 1. Dickson, J. D. Hamilton, M.A. , Senior Fellow and formerly Tutor, St Peter’s College, Cambridge Dixon, James Main, M.A., Litt. Hum. Doctor, Professor of English, University of Southern California, University Avenue, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Dobbie, James Bell, F.Z.S., 12 South Inverleith Avenue, Edinburgh 150 *Dobbie, Sir James Johnston, Kt., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., formerly Principal of the Government Laboratories, London. Fairlie Cottage, Fairlie, Ayrshire Dobbin, Leonard, Ph.D., Lecturer in Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, j 6 Wilton Road, Edinburgh \ *Dodd, Alexander Scott, B.Sc., F.I.C., F.C.S., City Analyst for Edinburgh, 20 Stafford Street, Edinburgh * Donaldson, Rev. Wm. Galloway, J.P., F.R.G.S., F.E.I.S. , The Manse, Forfar Dott, David B., F.I.C., Memb. Pharm. Soc. , Ravenslea, Musselburgh 155 * Dougall, John, M.A., D.Sc., Publisher’s Reader, 26 Underwood Street, Langside, Glasgow Service on Council, etc. Treas. 1906- 1919- 1872-74, 1905-08. 1904-07, 1913-16. Date oi Electior 1901 & 1918 1910 1908 1901 1917 1921 1904 1903 1892 1906 1893 1904 1904 1875 1913 & 1921 1906 1897 1884 1879 1902 1878 1900 1910 1907 1888 1883 1899 1907 1904 1898 1899 1911 1906 1900 1872 phabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. 243 * Douglas, Carstairs Cumming, M.D., D.Sc., Professor of Medical Jurispru- dence and Hygiene, Anderson’s College, Glasgow, 2 Royal Crescent, Glasgow * Douglas, Loudon MacQueen, Author and Lecturer, 29 W. Saville Terrace, Newing- ton, Edinburgh Drinkwater, Harry, M.D., M.R.C.S. (Eng.), F.L.S., Lister House, Wrexham, North Wales * Drinkwater, Thomas W., L.R.C. P.E., L.R.C.S.E., Chemical Laboratory, Sur- geons’ Hall, Edinburgh 160 *Dron, Robert W., A.M. Inst. C.E., 11 W. Regent Street, Glasgow * Drysdale, Charles Vickery, D.Sc. (Lond.), M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P., O.B.E., Super- intendent of the Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex * Dunlop, William Brown, M. A. , 4a St Andrew Square, Edinburgh Dunstan, John, M.R. C. V.S., Inversnaid, Liskeard, Cornwall Dunstan, M. J. R., M. A., F.I. C., F.C.S., Principal, South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent 165 Dyson, Sir Frank Watson, Kt. , M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal, Royal Observatory, Greenwich Edington, Alexander, M. D. , Howick, Natal * Edwards, John, LL.D., 4 Great Western Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow * Elder, William, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., 4 John’s Place, Leith Elliot, Daniel G. , American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. * 170 * Elliot, George Francis Scutt, M.A. (Cantab.), B.Sc., F.R.G.S., F.L.S., Drum- whill, Mossdale * Ellis, David, D.Sc., Ph.D. , Lecturer in Botany and Bacteriology, Royal Technical College, Glasgow Erskine- Murray, James Robert, D.Sc., 16Elmlield Road, Bromley, Kent Evans, William, F.F.A. , 38 Morningside Park, Edinburgh Ewart, James Cossar, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S., F.Z.S., Regius Professor of | Natural History, University of Edinburgh, Craigybield, Penicuik, Mid-q lothian 175 ^ *Ewen, John Taylor, B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., H.M. Inspector of Schools, Clairmont, 54 Albert Drive, Pollokshields, Glasgow Ewing, Sir James Alfred, K.C.B., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S., J.P. I (Vice-President), Principal of the University of Edinburgh, formerly^ Director of Naval Education, Admiralty, 16 Moray Place, Edinburgh Eyre, John W. H., M. D., M. S. (Dunelm), D. P. H. (Camb.), Professor of Bacteriology, Guy’s Hospital, London * Fairgrieve, Mungo M‘Callum, M.A. (Glasg.), M.A. (Cambridge), Master at the Edinburgh Academy, 37 Queen’s Crescent, Edinburgh Falconer, John Downie, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., Lecturer on Geography, The University, Glasgow 180 Fawsitt, Charles A., Coney Park, Bridge of Allan Felkin, Robert W., M.D., F.R.G.S. , Whare Ra, Havelock North, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand * Fergus, Andrew Freeland, M.D., LL.D., c/o Messrs. Mackay & Boyd, 50 Wellington Street, Glasgow * Fergus, Edward Oswald, c/o 22 Blythswood Square, Glasgow * Ferguson, James Haig, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.C.S.E., 7 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh 185 * Findlay, Sir John R., K.B.E., M.A. Oxon., 3 Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh * Finlay, David W., B.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P., D.P.H., Emeritus Professor of Medicine in the University of Aberdeen, Honorary Physician to His Majesty in Scotland, Balgownie, Helensburgh Fleming, John Arnold, F.C.S., etc., Pottery Manufacturer, Locksley, Helens- burgh, Dumbartonshire * Fleming, Robert Alexander, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.E., Physician, Royal Infirmary, 10 Chester Street, Edinburgh * Flett, John S., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., O.B.E., Director of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology, London, 28 Jermyn Street, S.W. 1 190 Forbes, George, M.A., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.E.E., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy in Anderson’s College, Glasgow. 11 Little College Street, Westminster, S.W. Service on Council, etc. 1907-10. 1882-85, 1904-07. V-P 1907-12. 1888-91, 1919- 20. Y-P 1920- 1916-19. 244 Date of Election. 1892 1921 1920 1910 1896 1915 1914 1891 1907 1888 1901 1909 1880 1861 1914 1909 1920 1914 1916 1910 1917 1910 1890 1921 1911 1900 1907 1909 1911 1898 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Ford, John Simpson, F.C.S., 7 Corrennie Drive, Edinburgh * Forrest, George Topham, Architect to the London County Council, and Super- intending Architect of Metropolitan Buildings, New County Hall, West- minster Bridge, London, S.W. * Franklin, Thomas Bedford, B.A. (Hons. Mathematics), Cambridge, Stancliffe Hall, near Matlock, Derb}Tshire * Fraser, Alexander, Actuary, 15 S. Learmonth Gardens, Edinburgh 195 Fraser, John, M. B., F.R.C.P.E., formerly one of H.M. Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland, 54 Great King Street, Edinburgh * Fraser, Rev. Joseph Robert, U.F. Manse, Kinneff, Bervie * Fraser, William, Managing Director, Neill & Co., Ltd., Printers, 212 Causeway- side, Edinburgh Fulton, T. Wemyss, M.D. , Scientific Superintendent, Scottish Fishery Board, 41 Queen’s Road, Aberdeen * Galbraith, Alexander, “ Ravenswood,” Dalmuir, Dumbartonshire 200 Galt, Alexander, D.Sc., late Keeper of the Department of Technology, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, St Margaret’s, Craiglockhart, Edinburgh Ganguli, Sanjiban, M.A., Principal, Maharaja’s College, and Director of Public Instruction, Jaipur State, Jaipur, India *Geddes, Rt. Hon. Sir Auckland C., K.C.B., M.D., D.C.L., British Ambassador to the U.S.A., The British Embassy, Washington Geddes, Patrick, Professor of Botany in University College, Dundee, and Lecturer on Zoology, Ramsay Garden, University Hall, Edinburgh Geikie, Sir Archibald, O.M.,K.C.B., D.C.L. Oxf., D.Sc., LL.D., Ph.D., Late\ Pres. R.S., Foreign Member of the Reale Accad. Lincei, Rome, of the National Acad, of the United States, of the Academies of Stockholm, Christiania, Gottingen, Corresponding Member of the Institute of France and of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Turin, Belgium, Philadelphia, New York, etc., Shepherd’s Down, Haslemere, Surrey 205^ Gemmell, John Edward, M.B., C.M., Hon. Surgeon, Hospital for Women and Maternity Hospital ; Hon. Gynecologist, Victoria Central Hospital, Liscard, 28 Rodney Street, Liverpool * Gentle, William, B.Sc., 12 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh * Ghosh, Sudhamoy, M.Sc. (Cal), D.Sc. (Edin.), F.C.S., Government Research Chemist, Medical College, Calcutta, 9/1 Rammoban Dutt Road, P>howanipur, Calcutta, India * Gibb, Sir Alexander, G.B.E., C.B., formerly Director-General of Civil Engineering, Ministry of Transport. 91 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W. * Gibb, A. W. , D.Sc., Lecturer in Geology, The University, Aberdeen, 1 Belvidere Street, Aberdeen 210 * Gibb, David, M.A. , B.Sc., Lecturer in Mathematics, Edinburgh University, 15 South Lauder Road, Edinburgh * Gibson, Alexander, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 661 Broadway, Winnipeg, Canada * Gibson, Charles Robert, Lynton, Mansewood, by Pollokshaws Gibson, George A., M.A., LL.D. Professor of Mathematics in the University! of Glasgow, 10 The University, Glasgow | * Gibson, Walcot, D.Sc., F.G.S., Assistant Director, H.M. Geological Survey (Scotland), 33 George Square, Edinburgh 215 Gidney, Henry A. J., L.M. and S. Sects. Ap. (Lond.). F.R.C.S. (Edin.), D.P. H. (Camb.), D. O. (Oxford), Army Specialist Public Health, c/o Thomas Cook & Sons, Ludgate Circus, London Gilchrist, Douglas A., B.Sc., Professor of Agriculture and Rural Economy, Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Gilruth, John Anderson, M.R.C.V.S., D.V.Sc. (Melb.), Administrator, Govern- ment House, Darwin Northern Territory, Australia * Gladstone, Hugh Steuart, M.A., M.B.O.U., F.Z.S., Capenoch, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire Gladstone, Reginald John, M. D. , F.R.C. S. (Eng.), Lecturer and Senior Demon- strator of Anatomy, King’s College, University of London, 22 Regent’s Park Terrace, London, N.W. 220 * Glaister, John, M.D., F.R. F.P.S. Glasgow, D.P.H. Camb., Regius Professor of Forensic Medicine and Public Health in the University of Glasgow, 3 Newton Place, Glasgow Service on Council, etc. 1869-72, 1874-76, 1879-82. 1905-08, 1912-13. V-P- 1917-20. Date of Election. 1910 1901 1920 1913 1897 1898 1883 1910 1909 1918 1897 1905 1906 1905 1910 1899 1907 1911 1888 1911 1911 1918 1896 1914 1917 1921 1914 1880 1892 1893 1900 1908 1890 Alphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society, 245 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. 0. c. c. c. c. c. Goodall, Joseph Strickland, M.B. (Lond.), M.S.A. (Eng.), Lecturer on Physiology, Middlesex Hospital, London, Annandale Lodge, Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, London, S.E. Goodwillie, James, M. A., B.Sc., Liberton, Edinburgh * Gordon, William, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. , Lecturer in Engineering in the University of Edinburgh, 3 Wellington Street, Edinburgh * Gordon, William Thomas, M.A., D.Se. (Edin.), M.A. (Cantab.), Professor of Geology, University of London, King’s College, Strand, W.C. 225 Gordon-Munn, John Gordon, M. D., Heigham Hall, Norwich *Gray, Albert A., M.D., 4 Clairmont Gardens, Glasgow Gray, Andrew, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the) University of Glasgow | Gray, Bruce M'Gregor, C.E., A.M. Inst.C.E. , Westbourne Grove, Selby, Y orkshire * Gray, James Gordon, D.Sc., Professor of Applied Physics in the University of Glasgow, 11 The University, Glasgow 230 *Gray, Wm. Forbes, F.S.A. (Scot.), Editor and Author, 8 Mansionhouse Road, Edinburgh | Greenlees, Thomas Duncan, M.D. Edin., Viresco, Fordingbridge, Hants * Gregory, John Walter, D.Sc., F.R.S. (Vice-President), Professor of Geology) in the University of Glasgow, 4 Park Quadrant, Glasgow 1 Greig, Edward David Wilson, C.I.E., M.D., D. Sc., Lt.-Col., H.M. Indian Medical Service, Pasteur Institute, Kasauli, India Greig, Sir Robert Blyth, M.C., LL.D., F.Z. S., Chairman of the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, 29 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh 235 *Grimshaw, Percy Hall, Assistant Keeper, Natural History Department, The Royal Scottish Museum, 49 Comiston Drive, Edinburgh * Guest, Edward Graham, M.A., B.Sc., 5 Newbattle Terrace, Edinburgh * Gulliver, Gilbert Henry, D.Sc., A.M. I. Mech.E., 99 Southwark Street, London, S.E. * Gunn, James Andrew, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., Professor of Pharmacology in the Uni- versity of Oxford Guppy, Henry Brougham, M.B., Rosario, Salcombe, Devon 240 *Guy, William, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.D.S.Ed., Consulting Dental Surgeon, Edin- burgh Royal Infirmary ; Dean, Edinburgh Dental Hospital and School ; Lecturer on Human and Comparative Dental Anatomy and Physiology, 11 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh Hall- Kdwards, John Francis, L.R.C.P. (Edin.), Hon. F. R.P.S., Senior Medical Officer in charge of X-ray Department, General Hospital, Birmingham, 141a and 141b Great Charles Street (Newhall Street), Birmingham *Hardie, P. S., M.A. , B.Sc., Lecturer in Physics, Sultania Training College, Cairo, Egypt Harris, David Fraser, B.Sc. (Lond.), D.Sc. (Birm.), M.D. , F.S.A. Scot., Professor of Physiology in the Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Harrison, Edward Philip, Ph. D., Professor of Physics, Presidency College, Uni- versity of Calcutta, The Observatory, Alipore, Calcutta 245 * Harrison, John, C.B.E., D.L., J.P., LL.D., Chairman of the Edinburgh Public Library, Rockville, Napier Road, Edinburgh * Harrison, John William Heslop, D.Sc. (Durham), Lecturer in Genetics, Armstrong College, Newcastle. The Avenue, Birtley, Co. Durham Harvey-Gibson, Robert John, C.B.E. , D.L. , J. P., M.A. , Mem. Roy. Dub. Soc. , formerly Professor of Botany, University of Liverpool. ‘ ‘ Beckallars ” Grasmere, Westmorland. Hay craft, J. Berry, M.D., D.Sc., Professor of Physiology in the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff Heath, Thomas, B.A. , formerly Assistant Astronomer, Royal Observatory, Edin- burgh, 11 Cluny Drive, Edinburgh 250 Hehir, Sir Patrick, K. C. I.E., C.B. , C.M.G. , M.D., F.R. C.S.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.E., Retired Maj. -General I.M.S., 3 Nelson Terrace, Westward Ho ! N. Devon Henderson, John, D.Sc., A. Inst. E.E., Kinnoul. Gregory’s Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks * Henderson, William Dawson, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., Lecturer, Zoological Laboratories, University, Bristol I Hepburn, David, C.M.G., M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff Service on Council, etc. 1903-06. V-P 1906-09. 1913-15. 1908-11. V-P 1920- 1921 246 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Date of Election. 1881 1916 1894 1902 1904 1885 1911 1920 1881 1896 1904 1897 1912 1893 1883 1910 1916 1911 1887 1908 1920 1912 1904 1917 1914 1875 1889 1901 1912 1906 1900 1 N. C. !. N. Herdman, Sir W. A., Kt., C.B.E., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Past Pres. L.S., Pres. Brit. Assoc., Emeritus Professor of Natural History in the University of Liverpool. Croxteth Lodge, Ullet Road, Liverpool, and Rowany, Port Erin, I.O.M. 255 * Herring, Percy Theodore, M.D. , F.R.C.P.Ed., Professor of Physiology, University of St Andrews, Hepburn Gardens, St Andrews Hill, Alfred, M.D., M.R.C.S., F.I.C., Valentine Mount, Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight Hinxman, Lionel W., B.A., formerly of the Geological Survey of Scotland. 4 Morant Gardens, Ringwood, Hants Hobday, Major Frederick T. G., C.M.G., F.R.C.V.S., Officier du Merite Agricole, Cavaliere dei S.S. Maurizio e Lazaro, Hon. Veterinary Surgeon to H.M. the King, Editor of the Veterinary Journal, 165 Church Street, Kensington, London, W. Hodgkinson, W. R., O.B.E., M. A., Ph.D., F.I.C., F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry and Physics at the Ordnance College, Woolwich, 89 Shooter’s Hill Road, Blackheath, Kent 260 Holland, William Jacob, LL.D. St Andrews, etc., Director Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, Pa., 5545 Forbes Street, Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A. * Horne, Alexander Robert, O.B.E., B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.C.E., Professor of Engineering, Robert Gordon’s Technical College, Aberdeen, 374 Great Western Road, Aberdeen Horne, John, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., formerly Director of the Geological Survey of Scotland, 20 Merchiston Gardens, Edinburgh C. ). B. 0. C. C. 0. C. Horne, J. Fletcher, M. D., F.R.O.S.E., The Poplars, Barnsley * Horsburgh, Ellice Martin, M.A., D.Sc., Reader in Technical Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, 11 Granville Terrace, Edinburgh 265 Houston, Sir Alex. Cruikshanks, K.B.E., C.V.O., M.B., C.M., D.Sc., 19 Fairhazel Gardens, South Hampstead, London, N.W. *Houstoun, Robert Alexander, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., Lecturer in Physical Optics, University, Glasgow, 45 Kirklee Road, Glasgow Howden, Robert, M. A. , M. B. , C.M. , D.Sc. , Professor of Anatomy in the University of Durham, 14 Burdon Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hoyle, William Evans, M.A., D.Sc., M. R.C.S., Director of the Welsh National Museum : Crowland, Llandaff, Wales Hume, William Fraser, D.Sc. (Lond. ), Director, Geological Survey of Egypt, Helwan, Egypt 270 * Hunter, Charles Stewart, L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.S.E., D.P.H., Walden, Anerley Road, London, S.E. 20 Hunter, Gilbert Macintyre, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.E.S., M. Inst.M.E. , Resident Engineer, Nitrate Railways, Iquique, Chile, and Maybole, Ayrshire Hunter, William, M.D., M.R.C.P.L. and E., M.R.C.S., 103 Harley Street, London Hyslop, TheophilusBulkeley, M.D.,M.R.C.P E., 5 Portland Place, London, W. * Inglis, James Gall, Publisher and Editor of Educational Works, Edinburgh, 36 Blacket Place, Edinburgh 275 * Inglis, Robert John Mathieson, M.Inst.C.E., District Engineer, North British Railway. Tantah, Peebles Innes, R. T. A., Director, Government Observatory, Johannesburg, Transvaal * Irvine, James Colquhoun, C.B.E., Ph.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Principal of the University of St Andrews Jack, John Noble Jack, William, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc., Emeritus Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow 280 James, Alexander, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. , 9 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh *Jardine, Robert, M.D., M.R.C.S., F.R.F.P.S. Glas., 20 Royal Crescent, Glasgow * Jeffrey, George Rutherford, M.D. (Glasg.), F.R.C.P. (Edin.), etc., Bootham Park Private Mental Hospital, York * Jehu, Thomas John, M.A., M.D., F.G.S., Professor of Geology in the University of Edinburgh : 35 Great King Street, Edinburgh *Jerdan, David Smiles, M.A. , D.Sc., Ph.D., 26 Avenue du Chateau d’ Eau, Saventhem, Belgium 285 Service on Council, etc. 1917-20. 1902-05, 1906- 07, 1914- 15. V-P 1907- 13. P 1915- 19. 1920- 1888-91- 1917-20. Alphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. 247 Date of Election. 1895 1903 1874 1888 1915 1912 1909 1908 1891 1913 1908 1886 1907 1880 1918 1878 1901 1907 1880 1921 1920 1878 1910 1885 1894 1921 1910 1905 1910 1903 1910 C. !. N. !. K. Johnston, Col. Henry Halcro, C.B., D.Sc., M.D., F.L.S., late A.M.S., Orphir House, Kirkwall, Orkney * Johnston, Thomas Nicol, M. B., C.M., Pogbie, Humbie, East Lothian Jones, Francis, M.Sc., Lecturer in Chemistry, 17 Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester Jones, John Alfred, M.Inst.C.E., Fellow of the University of Madras, Sanitary Engineer to the Government of Madras, c/o Messrs Parry & Co., 70 Grace- church Street, London Kemnal, Sir James Hermann Rosenthal, Managing Director and Engineer-in- Chief of Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., Kemnal Manor, Chislehurst, Kent 290 Kennedy, Robert Foster, M.D. (Queen’s Univ., Belfast), M. B., B.Ch. (R.U.I.), Assistant Professor of Neurology, Cornell University, New York, 20 West ! 50th Street, New York, U.S. A. Kenwood, Henry Richard, M.B. , Chadwick Professor of Hygiene in the University i of London, 126 Queen’s Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. * Kerr, Andrew William, F.S.A. Scot., 81 Great King Street, Edinburgh Kerr, Joshua Law, M.D., 16 High Street, Swindon, Wilts. * Kerr, Walter Hume, M.A., B. Sc., Lecturer on Engineering Drawing and Structural Design in the University of Edinburgh 295 Kidd, Walter Aubrey, M.D. , 2 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham Kidston, Robert, LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.G.S. , 12 Clarendon Place, Stirling * King, Archibald, M. A., B.Sc., formerly Rector of the Academy, Castle Douglas ; H.M. Inspector of Schools, Inverspey, Fochabers, Morayshire f King, W. F. , Lonend, Russell Place, Trinity, Leith * Kingon, Rev. John Robert Lewis, M.A. (Edin. and Cape of Good Hope), D.Sc. (Ghent), F.L.S., U.F. Church of Scotland, Box 17, Port Elizabeth, C.P., South Africa 300 Kintore, The Right Hon. the Earl of, P.C., G.C.M.G., M.A. Cantab., LL.D. Cambridge, Aberdeen, and Adelaide, Keith Hall, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire * Knight, Rev. G. A. Frank, M.A. , 5 Granby Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow * Knight, James, M.A., D.Sc., F.C.S., F.G.S., Head Master, Queen’s Park High School. Enterkin, Douglas Gardens, Uddingston, by Glasgow Knott, C. G., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. , Reader in Applied Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, formerly Professor of Physics, Imperial University, Japan (Gen. Secretary), 42 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh Service on Council, etc. 1891-94, 1903-06. Sec. 1909-16. V-P 1917-20. 1894-97, 1898-1901, 1902-05. Sec. 1905-12. C. c. c. c. ). B. c. v. *Lamb, James Alexander George, Banker, 11 Braid Crescent, Edinburgh 305 * Lamont, John Charles, Lieut. -Col., I.M.S. (retired), C.I.E., M.B., C.M. (Edin.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 7 Merchiston Park, Edinburgh Lang, Sir P. R. Scott, Kt., M.A., B.Sc., Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Uni- versity of St Andrews * Lauder, Alexander, D.Sc., Lecturer in Agricultural Chemistry, Edinburgh and East of Scotland College of Agriculture, 13 George Square, Edinburgh Laurie, A.P., M.A., D.Sc., J.P., Principal of the Heriot-Watt College, Edin- ( burgh 1 Laurie, Malcolm, B.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., 4 Wordsworth Road, Harpenden, Herts 310 * Laurie, The Rev. Albert Ernest, M.C., C.F., Rector of Old St Paul’s, Edinburgh, and Canon of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. Lauder House, Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh * Lawson, A. Anstruther, B.Sc. , Ph.D., D.Sc., F.L.S., Professor of Botany, Univer- sity of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia * Lawson, David, M.A., M.D., L.R.C.P. and S.E., Druimdarroch , Banchory, Kincardineshire * Lee, Gabriel W., D.Sc., Palaeontologist, Geological Survey of Scotland, 33 George Square, Edinburgh * Leighton, Gerald Rowley, O. B.E., M.D., Medical Officer, Scottish Board of Health, 125 George Street, Edinburgh 315 Levie, Alexander, F.R.C.Y.S. , D. V.S.M., Rannock, Carlton Road, Derby Gen. Sec. 1912- 1917-20. 1908-11, 1913-16. 248 Date of Election. 1916 1914 1918 1905 1889 1912 1920 1912 1903 1903 1898 1884. 1888 1900 1894 1887 1917 1907 1921 883 1903 1918 1905 1897 1904 1920 1904 1886 1901 1910 1888 1885 1897 1878 1903 1911 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. c. ). N. c. c. 0. c. c. *Lavy, Hyman, M.A. , D.Sc. , Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, S.W. 7, “Eskbank,” 105 Cam- bridge Road, Teddington, Middlesex Lewis, Francis John, D.Sc., F.L.S., Professor of Biology, University of Alberta, Edmonton South, Alberta, Canada * Lidstone, George James, F.F.A., F.I.A., Manager and Actuary of the Scottish Widows’ fund Life Assurance Society, 8 Eglinton -Crescent, Edinburgh * Lightbody, Forrest Hay, 53 Queen Street, Edinburgh 320 Lindsay, Rev. James, M.A., D.U., B.Sc., F.R.S.L., F.G.S., M.R.A.S., Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts, of Padua, Associate of the Philosophical Society of Louvain, Annick Lodge, Irvine * Lindsay, John George, M.A., B.Sc. (Edin.), Rector of Dunfermline High School * Lindsay, Thomas A., M.A. (Hons.), B.Sc., Head Master, Higher Grade School, Bucksburn, Aberdeenshire * Linlithgow, The Most Honourable the Marquis of, Hopetoun House, South Queensferry t Liston, William Glen, M.D., Lt.-Col. Indian Medical Service, Director Bombay Bacteriological Laboratory, Paree, Bombay, India 325 * Littlejohn, Henry Harvey, M.A., M.B., B.Sc., F.R.C.S.E., Professor of Forensic Mediciqe, and late Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh, 11 Rutland Street, Edinburgh * Lothian, Alexander Veitch, M.A., B.Sc., Training College, Jordanhill, Glasgow Low, George M., Actuary, 11 Moray Place, Edinburgh Lowe, D. F. , M. A., LL.D., formerly Headmaster of Heriot’s Hospital School, Lauriston, 19 George Square, Edinburgh t Lusk, Graham, Ph.D., M.A. , Professor of Physiology, Cornell University Medical College, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. 330 Mabbott, Walter John, M.A., Rector of County High School, Duns, Berwickshire M‘Aldowie, Alexander M. , M. D., 8 Holland Road, Cheltenham * Macalister, Sir Donald, K.C.B., M.D., M.A., B.Sc., Principal of the University of Glasgow, The University, Glasgow MacAlister, Donald Alexander, A.R.S.M. , F.G.S., 10 St Alban’s Road, Kensing- ton, London, W. 8 *M‘Arthur, Neil, M.A., B.Sc., Lecturer in Mathematics, Glasgow University, c/o Mrs Croll, 56 West End Park Street, Glasgow 335 M‘ Bride, P., M.D., F.R.C.P.E., 20 South Drive, Harrogate M'Cormick, Sir W.S., M.A., LL.D., Chairman of the Advisory Council, Depart- ment of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16-18 Old Queen Street, West- minster, S. W. 1 *M‘Culloch, Rev. James David, D.D., 43 Brougham Street, Greenock * Macdonald, Hector Munro, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Mathematics, University of Aberdeen, 52 College Bounds, Aberdeen Macdonald, James A., M.A., B.Sc., H.M. Inspector of Schools, Stewarton, Kilmacolm 340 * Macdonald, John A., M.A., B.Sc., King Edward VII School, Johannesburg, Transvaal *M ‘Donald, Stuart, M.A. , M.D. , F. R.C.P.E., Professor of Pathology, School of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne Macdonald, William, M.S. Agr., Sc.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Editor, Agricultural Journal of South Africa, Rand Club, Johannesburg, Transvaal Macdonald, William J., M.A., LL.D., 15 Comiston Drive, Edinburgh * MacDougall, R. Stewart, M.A. , D.Sc., Professor of Biology, Royal Veterinary College, Edinburgh, 9 Dryden Place, Edinburgh 345 Macewen, Hugh Allen, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. (Lond. and Camb.), Local Government Board, Whitehall, London, S. W. M'Fadyean, Sir John, Kt., M.B., B.Sc., LL.D., Principal, and Professor of Comparative Pathology in the Royal Veterinary College, Camden Town, London Macfarlane, J. M., D.Sc., LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Botany, 4320 Osage Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. MacGillivray, Angus, C.M., M.D., D.Sc., F.S.A. (Scot.), 23 South Tay Street, Dundee M‘Gowan, George, F.I.C. , Ph.D., 21 Montpelier Road, Ealing, London, W. 5 350 *M‘Intosh, Donald C., M.A., D.Sc., Education Offices, Elgin MTntosh, John William, A.R.C.V.S., Dollis Hill Farm, Cricklewood, London, N.W. 2 Service on Council, etc. 1919- 1910-13. 1908-11. 1914-17. Date of Election. 1869 1895 1914 1873 1912 1900 1910 1916 1894 1904 1918 1910 1904 1899 1888 1913 1916 1907 1917 1921 1921 1921 1898 1913 1917 1908 1912 1913 1909 1882 1901 Iphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. 249 M'lntosh, William Carmichael, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., Emeritus Professor of Natural History in the University of St Andrews, Pres. Ray Society, 2 Abbotsford Crescent, St Andrews Macintyre, John, M.D., LL.D., 179 Bath Street, Glasgow * M‘ Kendrick, Archibald, F.R.C.S.E., D.P.H., L.D.S., 12 Rothesay Place, Edin- burgh 355 M'Kendrick, John G., M.D., F.R.C.P.E., LL.D., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Physiology in the University of Glasgow, Maxieburn, Stonehaven M'Kendrick, Anderson Gray, M.B., Major, Indian Medical Service, Superinten- dent, Research Laboratory, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh * M'Kendrick, John Souttar, M.D., F.R.F.P.S.G., 2 Buckingham Terrace, Hill- head, Glasgow * Mackenzie, Alister, M.A. , M.D., D.P.H., Principal, College of Hygiene and Physical Training, Dunfermline * Mackenzie, .lohn E., D.Sc., Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Major- Adjutant, O.T. C., 2a Ramsay Garden, Edinburgh 360 Mackenzie, Robert, M.D., Napier, Nairn * Mackenzie, Sir W. Leslie, M.A., M.D., D.P.H., LL.D., Medical Member of the Scottish Board of Health, 14 Belgrave Place, Edinburgh * Mackie, Wm. , M.A., M.D., D.P H., 13 North Street, Elgin * MacKinnon, James, M. A., Pli.D. , Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Edinburgh University, 12 Lygon Road, Edinburgh | * Mackintosh, Donald James, C.B., M.Y.O., M.B., C.M., LL.D., Supt. Western Infirmary, Glasgow - . 365 Maclean, Ewan John, M. D. , M.R.C.P. Lond., J.P. , Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Welsh National School of Medicine, 12 Park Place, Cardiff Maclean, Magnus, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D , M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Royal Technical College, 51 Kerrsland Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow *M‘Lellan, Dugald, M.Inst.C.E., District Engineer, Caledonian Railway, 20 Kingsburgh Road, Murray-Held, Edinburgh *M‘Lintock, W. F. P., D.Sc. (Edin.), Museum of Practical Geology, 28 Jermyn Street, London, S.W. 1 * Macnair, Professor Peter, Curator of the Natural History Collections in the Glasgow Museums, Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow 370 *Macpherson, Rev. Hector Copland, M.A. , F.R.A.S. , Guthrie Memorial U. F. Church. 30 Pilrig Street, Edinburgh * M'Quistan, Dougald Black, M.A., B.Sc., Head Mathematical Master in Allan Glen’s School, Glasgow. 29 Viewpark Drive, Rutherglen, near Glasgow * MacRobert, Thomas Murray, M.A., D.Sc., Lecturer in Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. 6 Lothian Gardens, Kelvinside, N. , Glasgow *M‘Whan, John, M.A. (Glasgow), Ph.D. (Gott.), Lecturer in Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. 59 Greenlees Road, Catnbuslang Mahalanobis, S. C., B.Sc., Professor of Physiology, Presidency College, Calcutta, India 375 Majumdar, Tarak Nath, D.P. H. (Cal.), L.M.S., F.C.S., Health Officer, Calcutta, IV, .37 Lower Chitpore Road, Calcutta, India * Malcolm, Louis William Gunther, M.A. (Melbourne), Cant. R.G.A., Bristol Museum and Art Gallery Mallik, Devendranath, Sc. 1)., B.A., Professor of Mathematics, Astronomical Observatory, Presidential College, Calcutta, India Maloney, William Joseph, M.D. (Edin.), Professor of Neurology at Fordham University, New York City, N.Y. , U.S.A. Marchant, Rev. Sir James, K.B.E., LL.D., F.R.A.S., F.L.S., Director, National Council for Promotion of Race- Regeneration, 20 Bedford Square, London, W.C. 11 380 * Marshall, C. R., M.D., M.A., Professor of Materia Medica, Marischal College, Aberdeen Marshall, D. H., M.A., Em. -Professor of Physics, Queen’s University, Elmtree House, Union Street, W. , Kingston, Ontario, Canada Marshall, F. H. A., Sc.D., Lecturer on Agricultural Physiology in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, Christ’s College, Cambridge Service on Council, etc. 1885-88. 1875-78, 1885-88, 1893- 94, 1900-02. V-P 1894- 1900. 1916-19. 1915-18. 250 Date of Election. 1920 1913 1885 1898 1911 1921 1906 1902 1917 1901 1917 1888 1902 1885 1908 1910 1909 1905 1905 1904 1886 1899 1889 1897 1900 1911 1906 1890 1887 1896 1919 1892 1914 1901 1892 1916 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. * Marshall, John, M.A., D.Sc. (St Andrews), B.A. (Cantab.), Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, University College, Swansea Masson, George Henry, M.D., D.Sc., M. R.C.P.E. , Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies 385 Masson, Orme, M.A. , D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Melbourne * Masterman, Arthur Thomas, M.A., D.Sc., F. R. S., formerly Superintending Inspector, H.M. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Mill House, Wooburn Green, Bucks Mathews, Gregory Macalister, F.L.S. , F.Z.S., Foulis Court, Fair Oaks, Hants * Mathieson, John, F.R. S.G.S., late Division Superintendent, Ordnance Survey (retired), 42 East Claremont Street, Edinburgh , * Mathieson, Robert, F.C.S., St Serf’s, Innerleithen 390 Matthews, Ernest Romney, A. M. Inst.C.E., F.G.S., Chadwick Professor of Municipal Engineering in the University of London, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. * Maylard, A. Ernest, M. B. , B.Sc. (Lond.), F.R.F. P.S. (Glasgow), 1 Windsor Terrace, W., Great Western Road, Glasgow Menzies, Alan W. C. , M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.C. S., Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. * Merson, George Fowlie, Manufacturing Technical Chemist, 9 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh Methven, Cathcart W., M. Inst.C.E., F.R.I.B.A., Durban, Natal, S. Africa 395 Metzler, William H., A.B., Ph.D., Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Professor of Mathematics Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A. Mill, Hugh Robert, D.Sc., LL. D. , Hill Crest, Dorman’s Park, E. Grinstead, London * Miller, Alexander Cameron, M.D., F.S.A. Scot., Craig Linnhe, Fort-William, Inverness-shire * Miller, John, M.A. , D.Sc., Professor of Mathematics, Royal Technical College, 2 North bank Terrace, North Kelvinside, Glasgow Mills, Bernard Langley, M.D., F.R.C.S.E. , M.R.C.S., D. P.H., Lt.-Col. R.A.M.C., formerly Army Specialist in Hygiene, c/o National Provincial Bank, Fargate, Sheffield 400 * Milne, Archibald, M.A., D.Sc., Lecturer on Mathematics and Science, Edinburgh Provincial Training College, 108 Comiston Drive, Edinburgh * Milne, C. H. , M. A., Head Master, Daniel Stewart’s College, 19 Merchiston Gardens, Edinburgh * Milne, James Robert, D.Sc., Lecturer in Natural Philosophy, University of Edin- burgh, 17 Manor Place, Edinburgh Milne, William, M.A. , B.Sc., 70 Beechgrove Terrace, Aberdeen * Milroy, T. H., M. D., B.Sc. , Professor of Physiology in Queen’s College, Belfast 405 Mitchell, A. Crichton, D.Sc., Hon. Doc. Sc. (Geneve), formerly Director of Public ( Instruction in Travancore, India (Curator of Library and Museum),-! The Observatory, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, Dumfriesshire ^ f Mitchell, George Arthur, M.A. , 9 Lowther Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow * Mitchell, James, M.A., B.Sc., Monydrain, Lochgilphead Modi, Edalji Manekji, D.Sc., LL.D., Litt.D., F.C.S., etc., Proprietor and Director of Arthur Road Chemical Works, Meher Buildings, Tardeo, Bombay, India Moffat, Rev. Alexander, M.A., B.Sc., Professor of Physical Science, Christian College, Madras, India 410 Mond, R. L., M.A. Cantab., F.C.S., Combe Bank, near Sevenoaks, Kent Moos, N. A. F., D.Sc., L.C.E., J. P., Director of Bombay and Alibag Observa- tories (retired), Gowalia, Tank Road, Bombay, India Morgan, Alexander, M.A., D.Sc., Principal, Edinburgh Provincial Training College, 1 Midmar Gardens, Edinburgh * Morris, Robert Owen, M.A., M.D., C.M. (Edin.), D.P.H. (Liverpool), Tuberculosis Institute, Newtown, N. Wales Morrison, J. T. , M.A. , B.Sc., Professor of Physics and Chemistry, University, Stellenbosch, Cape Colony 415 Mort, Spencer, M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S.E., Lieut.-Col., R.A.M.C., North Middlesex Hospital, Upper Edmonton, London, N. 18. Moses, O. St John, I.M.S., M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.S., Lt.-Col. I.M.S., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, c/o Messrs King, Hamilton & Co., 4 and 5 Koila Ghat Street, Calcutta, India Mossman, R. C., Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, Paseo Colon 974, Buenos Aires *Muir, Robert, M.A., M.D. , Sc.D. , F.R.S., Professor of Pathology, University of Glasgow, 16 Victoria Crescent, Dowanhill, Glasgow Service on Council, etc. 1902-04. 1915- 16. Cur. 1916- Date of Election. 1874 1888 1907 1887 1894 & 1921 1896 1907 1888 1897 1898 1884 1880 1878 1888 1886 1895 1915 1914 1908 1905 1914 1901 1918 1886 1919 1892 1881 1907 1914 1904 1889 Alphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. c. K. y. j. c. c. c. Muir, Sir Thomas, C.M.G. , M.A.,LL.D., F.R.S. , lately Superintendent-General C of Education for Cape Colony, Education Office, Cape Town, and Elmcote, -J Sandown Road, Rondebosch, South Africa 420 f Muirhead, George, Commissioner to His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, K.G. , Speybank, Fochabers Muirhead, James M. P., J. P., F.R.S.L., F.S.S., c/o Royal Societies Club, St James’s Street, London, S. W. Mukhopadhyay, Asutosh, M.A., LL.D., F.R.A.S., M.R.I.A., Professor of Mathe- matics at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 77 Russa Road North, Bhowanipore, Calcutta, India * Munro, J. M. M., M. Inst.E.E. , Assoc. M. Inst.C.E. , Consulting Electrician and Engineer, 11 Randolph Place, Edinburgh. Murray, Alfred A., M.A., LL.B., 20 Warriston Crescent, Edinburgh 425 Musgrove, James, M.D., F.R.C.S. Edin. and Eng., LL.D., Emeritus-Professor of Anatomy, University of St Andrews, The Swallowgate, St Andrews Napier, A. D. Leith, M. D., C.M., M.R.C.P., 4 Kent Street, Hawthorn, Unley, S. Australia Nash, Hon. Alfred George, M.L.C. , B.Sc. , F. R.G. S. , C.E. , Belretiro, Mandeville, Jamaica, W.I. Newman, Sir George, K.C.B. , M.D. , D.C.L. , F.R.C.P., Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health and the Board of Education, Whitehall, S.W. 1 Nicholson, J. Shield, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Political Economy in thel University of Edinburgh, 3 Belford Park, Edinburgh 430 1 Nicol, W. W. J., M.A., D.Sc., 15 Blacket Place, Edinburgh Norris, Richard, M.D., M.R.C.S. Eng., 3 Walsall Road, Birchfield, Birming- ham t Ogilvie, Sir F. Grant, Kt., C.B., M.A., B.Sc., LL.D., Principal Assistant Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 15 Evelyn Gardens, London, S.W. Oliver, James, M.D., F.L.S., Physician to the London Hospital for Women, 123 Harley Street, London, W. Oliver, Sir Thomas, Kt., M.D. , LL.D., F.R.C.P. , Professor of Physiology in the University of Durham, 7 Ellison Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 435 * Orr, Lewis P. , F.F.A., Manager of Scottish Life Assurance Co., 19 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh * Oswald, Alfred, Lecturer in German, Glasgow Provincial Training College, 11 Nelson Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow Page, William Davidge, F.C.S., F.G.S., M.Inst.M.E., 10 Clifton Dale, York Pallin, Lt.-Col. William Alfred, C.B.E., D.S.O. , F.R.C.Y.S., Headquarters, Eastern Command, Nainital, India Pare, John William, M. 1)., C. M., L.D.S. , Lecturer in Dental Anatomy, National Dental Hospital, 9a Cavendish Square, London, W. 440 * Paterson, David, F.C.S., Lea Bank, Rosslyn, Midlothian * Paterson, Rev. William Paterson, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Divinity, University, Edinburgh, 3 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh C. Paton, D. Noel, M.D., B.Sc., LL.D., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.S., Professor of Physiology in the University of Glasgow, University, Glasgow C. C. N. * Patterson, Thomas Stewart, D.Sc. (London and Glasgow), Ph.D. (Heidelberg), Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Glasgow, 10 Oakfield Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow Paulin, Sir David, Actuary; 6 Forres Street, Edinburgh 445 Peach, Benjamin N., LL.D., F.R.S., F. G.S., formerly District Superintendent j and Acting Palaeontologist of the Geological Survey of Scotland, 72 Granger Loan, Edinburgh * Pearce, John Thomson, B.A., B.Sc., School House, Tranent Pearson, Joseph, D.Sc., F.L.S., Director of the Colombo Museum, and Marine Biologist to the Ceylon Government, Colombo Museum, Ceylon * Peck, James Wallace, C. B. , M.A., Scottish Board of Health. 10 South Learmonth Gardens, Edinburgh f Peck, Sir William, Kt., F.R.A.S., Town’s Astronomer, City Observatory, Calton Hill, Edinburgh 450 251 Service on Council, etc. 1885-88. y-p 1888-91. 1885-87, 1892-95, 1897-1900. 1901-03. 1894-97, 1904-06, 1909-12. V-P 1918-21 1905-08, 1911- 12. y-p 1912- 17. 252 Date of Election. 1887 1893 1913 1889 1907 1914 1905 1908 1911 1906 1921 1919 1888 1902 1892 1915 1903 1911 1920 1898 1897 1899 1914 1911 1891 1904 1900 1883 1902 1902 1913 1908 1914 1913 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Peddie, Wm., D.Sc. (Vice-President), Professor of Natural Philosophy in J University College, Dundee, The Weisha, Ninewells, Dundee j Perkin, Arthur George, F. R.S., Grosvenor Lodge, Grosvenor Road, Leeds | Philip, Alexander, M.A., LL.B., Writer, The Mary Acre, Brechin Philip, Sir R. W., Kt., M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P.E., Professor of Tuber- culosis, University of Edinburgh, 45 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh Phillips, Major Charles E. S., O.B.E., Castle House, Shooters Hill, Woolwich, S.E. 18 455 * Pilkington, Basil Alexander, “ Kambla,” Davidson’s Mains * Pinkerton, Peter, M.A., D.Sc., Rector, High School, Glasgow, 7 Park Quadrant, Glasgow, W. * Pirie, James Hunter Harvey, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P.E., Superintendent of the Routine Division of The South African Institute for Medical Research, P.O. Box 1038, Johannesburg, South Africa * Pirie, James Simpson, M.Inst.C.E., 28 Scotland Street, Edinburgh Pitchford, Herbert Watkins, C.M.G., F.R.C.V.S., Lt.-Col., Oaklands Drive, Weybridge, Surrey 460 * Pollard, Sir George Herbert, K.B., M.D., C. M. (Edin.), Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple. 79 Albert Road, Southport * Porritt, B. D. , M.Sc. (Lond. ), F. I.C. , Research Association of British Rubber and Tyre Manufacturers Chemistry Dept., University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. 1 Prain, Sir David, Lt.-Col., Indian Medical Service (retired), Kt., C. M.G. , C.I.E., M.A., M.B., LL.D., F.L.S., F.R.S., For. Memb. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. ; Hon. Memb. Soc. Lett, ed Arti d. Zelanti, Acireale ; Pharm. Soc. Gt. Britain ; Corr. Memb. Bayer Akad. Wiss., etc. ; Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey * Preller, Charles du Riche, M.A., Ph.D., A. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., F.G.S., 61 Melville Street, Edinburgh Pressland, Arthur J., M.A. Camb., Edinburgh Academy 465 Price, Frederick William, M.D., M.R.C.P. Edin., Physician to the Great Northern Hospital, London, 3 33 Harley Street, London, W. * Pullar, Laurence, Dunbarney, Bridge of Earn, Perthshire Purdy, John Smith, D.S.O., M.D., C.M. (Aberd.), D.P.H. (Camb.), F.R.G.S., Town Hall, Sydney, N. S.W., Australia * Purser, George Leslie, M.A. (Cantab.), Assistant in the Natural History Depart- ment of the University of Edinburgh, c/o Muir, 21 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh * Purves, John Archibald, D.Sc., 52 Queen Street, Exeter 470 Rainy, Harry, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., 16 Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh * Ramage, Alexander G., Marchfield, Davidson’s Mains, Midlothian * Ramsay, Peter, M.A., B.Sc., Head Mathematical Master, George Watson’s College, 63 Comiston Drive, Edinburgh * Rankin, Adam A., British Astronomical Association, West of Scotland Branch, 24 Woodend Drive, Jordanhill, Glasgow Rankine, Sir John, K.C., M.A., LL.D., Professor of the Law of Scotland in the University of Edinburgh, 23 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh 475 Ratcliffe, Joseph Riley, M.B., C.M., c/o The Librarian, The University, Birmingham Raw, Nathan, C.M.G., M.D., M.P., 45 Weymouth Street, Harley Street, London, W. 1. Readman, J. B. , D.Sc., F.C.S. , Frankleigh House, Bradford-on- Avon, Wilts Rees-Roberts, John Vernon, M.D., D.Sc., D.P.H. , 11 Oak Hill Park, Hamp- stead, London, N. W. 3 Reid, George Archdall O’Brien, M.B., C.M., 9 Victoria Road South, Southsea, Hants 480 Reid, Harry Avery, O.B.E., F.R.C.V.S., D.V.H., Bacteriologist and Pathologist, Department of Agriculture, Wellington, New Zealand * Rennie, John, D.Sc., Lecturer on Parasitology and Experimental Zoology, University of Aberdeen, 60 Desswood Place, Aberdeen Renshaw, Graham, M.D. , M. R. C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A., Editor of the Avicultural Magazine , Sale Bridge House, Sale, Manchester * Richardson, Harry, M.Inst.E.E., M.Inst.M.E., General Manager and Chief Engineer, Electricity Supply, Dundee and District, Dudhope Crescent Road, Dundee Service on Council, etc. 1904-07, 1908-11. V-P 1919- Date of Election. 1908 1875 1916 1914 1906 1898 1919 1900 1902 1919 1896 1910 1916 1881 1909 1921 1906 1902 1906 1916 1914 1912 1903 1903 1900 1919 1885 1919 1917 1908 1900 1911 phabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. 253 Richardson, Linsdall, F.G.S., 10 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham, Glos. 485 Richardson, Ralph, W.S., 29 Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh * Ritchie, James, M.A., D.Sc., Keeper of the Natural History Department in the Royal Scottish Museum, 20 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh * Ritchie, James Bonnyman, D.Sc., Headmaster, Academy, Forres * Ritchie, William Thomas, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., 14 Rothesay Place, Edinburgh Roberts, Alexander William, D.Sc., F.R.A.S., Lovedale, South Africa 490 * Roberts, Alfred Henry, O. B. E., M.Inst.C.E., Superintendent and Engineer, Leith Docks, 2 Cargil Terrace, Trinity, Edinburgh * Robertson, Joseph M‘ Gregor, M.B., C.M., 26 Buckingham Terrace, Glasgow * Robertson, Robert A., M.A. , B.Sc., Lecturer on Botany in the University of St Andrews * Robertson, William Alexander, F.F.A., Century Insurance Co., Ltd., 18 Charlotte Square. 12 Lonsdale Terrace, Edinburgh Robertson, W. G. Aitchison, D.Sc., M.D. , F.R.C.P.E., The Grange, Ashford, Middlesex 495 * Robinson, Arthur, M.D., M.R.C.S., Professor of Anatomy, University ofj Edinburgh, 35 Coates Gardens, Edinburgh 1 * Ronald, David, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Scottish Board of Health, 125 George Street, Edinburgh Rosebery, The Right Hon. the Earl of, K.G., K.T., LL.D., D.C.L. , F.R.S., Dalmeny Park, Edinburgh * Ross, Alex. David, M.A., D.Sc., F.R. A.S., Professor of Mathematics and Physics, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia * Ross, Edward Burns, M.A. (Edin. and Camb.), Professor of Mathematics in the Madras Christian College, Madras 500 * Russell, Alexander Durie, B.Sc. , Mathematical Master, Falkirk High School, 14 Heugh Street, Falkirk * Russell, James, 22 Glenorchy Terrace, Edinburgh Saleeby, Caleb William, M.D., 10 Campden Mansions, Kensington, London, W. 8 * Salvesen, The Hon. Lord, Judge of the Court of Session, Dean Park House, Edinburgh * Salvesen, Theodore Emile, 37 Inverleith Place, Edinburgh 505 * Sampson, Ralph Allen, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal for Scotland, j Professor of Astronomy, University, Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, 4 Edinburgh I * Samuel, Sir John S., K.B.E., D. L., J.P., F S.A. (Scot.), 13 Park Circus, Glasgow, W. *Sarolea, Charles, Ph.D. , D.Litt., Professor of French, University of Edinburgh, 21 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh * Schafer, Sir Edward Albert Sharpey, M.D., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Physiology in the University of Edinburgh * Scott, Alexander, M.A., D.Sc., Carnegie Scholar, 1912-14; 1851 Exhibition Scholar, 1914-16; lectured (temp.) on Petrology, Oxford, 1914-15, and at Glasgow University, 1917-18 ; Physical Chemist in charge of Radiometric Laboratory, Glasgow University, 1916-18 ; Chief Assistant to Principal, Pottery Laboratory, Stoke-on-Trent 510 Scott, Alexander, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, London, N.W. * Scott, Alexander Ritchie, B.Sc. (Edin.), D.Sc. (Lond.), Principal London County Council, Beaufoy Institute, Prince’s Road, Yauxhall Street, London, S.E. 11 * Scott, Henry Harold, M.D., M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P. (London), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), D.P.H. , Bacteriologist and Pathologist to the Government of Hong Kong * Simpson, George Freeland Barbour, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.C.S.E., 43 Manor Place, Edinburgh * Simpson, James Young, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Natural Science in the New College, Edinburgh. 25 Chester Street, Edinburgh 515 Simpson, Sutherland, M. D., D.Sc. (Edin.), Professor of Physiology, Medical College, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. , U.S.A., 118 Eddy Street, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A. Service on Council, etc 1921- 1910-12. Sec. 1912-18. V-P 1918-21. 1920- 1912-15, 1919-21. Y-P 1915-18. 1900-03, 1906-09, 1918-19. V-P 1913-17. 254 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Date of | Election. 1900 1903 1901 1920 1891 1882 1915 1921 1921 1911 1907 1880 1919 1899 1880 1910 1889 1911 1882 1896 1906 1891 1885 & 1915 1912 1910 1916 1921 1886 1884 1919 1888 1902 1889 !. K. C. c. c. !. K. C. c. c. Sinhjee, Sir Bhagvat, G.C.I.E., M.D., LL.D. Edin., H.H. the Thakur Sahib of Gondal, Gondal, Kathiawar, Bombay, India * Skinner, Robert Taylor, M. A., J.P., Head Master, Donaldson’s Hospital, Edin- burgh * Smart, Edward, B.A., B.Sc., Tillyloss, Tullylumb Terrace, Perth * Smellie, William Robert, M.A. , B.Sc., D.Sc., Geologist on the Staff of the Anglo- Persian Oil Company, Mayfield, Mossend, near Glasgow 520 Smith, Alexander, B.Sc., Ph. D. , LL.D., Department of Chemistry, Columbia Uni- versity, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Smith, C. Michie, C.I.E., B.Sc., F.R.A.S., formerly Director of the Kodaikanal and Madras Observatories, Winsford, Kodaikanal, South India, c/o Messrs H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1 * Smith, James Lorrain, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Pathology, University of Edinburgh, 9 Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh * Smith, The Right Hon. James Parker, P.C., M.A. (Camb.), 41 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh * Smith, Norman Kemp, M.A., D.Phil. , Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, University of Edinburgh 525 * Smith, Stephen, B.Sc., Engineer, 31 Grange Loan, Edinburgh Smith, William Ramsay, D.Sc., M. D., C.M., Permanent Head of the Health Department, South Australia, Belair, South Australia Smith, Sir William (Robert), M.D., D.Sc., LL.D., Principal of The Royal Institute of Public Health, Em. -Professor of Forensic Medicine and Toxi- cology in King’s College, University of London, 36 Russell Square, London, W.C. 1 * Smith, William Wright, M.A. (Edin.), Assistant Keeper, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 6 Lennox Row, Trinity, Edinburgh Snell, Ernest Hugh, M.D., B.Sc., D.P.H. Camb., Medical Officer of Health, Coventry 530 Sollas, W. J. , M.A. , D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Fellow of University College, Oxford, and Professor of Geology and Palamntology in the University of Oxford * Somerville, Robert, B.Sc., Science Master, High School, Dunfermline, 31 Cameron Street, Dunfermline Somerville, Wm., M.A. , D.Sc., D.Oec., Sibthorpian Professor of Rural Economy and Fellow of St John’s College in the University of Oxford, 121 Banbury Road, Oxford * Sommerville, Duncan M‘Laren Young, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand Sorley, James, 73 Onslow Square, London, S.W. 7 535 Spence, Frank, M.A., B.Sc., 25 Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh Squance, Major Thomas Coke, M.D., M.S., F.R.M.S., F.S.A.Scot., Physician and Pathologist in the Sunderland Infirmary, President. Sunderland Antiquarian Society, Sunderland Naturalists’ Association, The Cottage, Newbiggin, Aysgarth, S.O. Stanfield, Richard, Professor of Mechanics and Engineering in the Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh * Steggall, John Edward Aloysius, M.A., Professor of Mathematics at University College, Dundee (St Andrews University), Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee t Stephenson, John, M.B., D.Sc. (Lond.), Lt.-Col. I.M.S., Zoological Depart- ment, University, Edinburgh 540 * Stephenson, Thomas, F.C.S. , Editor of the Prescribes, Examiner to the Pharma- ceutical Society, 6 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh *Steuart, D. R., F. I.C., Chemist to the Broxburn Oil Company, 20 Hillview, Blackball, Midlothian » * Stewart, Ian Struthers, M.D. (Edin.), Nordrach-on-Dee, Banchory Stevenson, Charles A., B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., 28 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh Stevenson, David Alan, B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., 84 George Street, Edinburgh 545 * Stevenson, David Alan, B.Sc., A. M.Inst.C.E., 28 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh Stewart, Charles Hunter, D.Sc., M.B., C.M., Professor of Public Health in the University of Edinburgh, Usher Institute of Public Health, Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh * Stockdale, Herbert Fitton, LL. D. , Director of the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Clairinch, Upper Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire Stockman, Ralph, M. D. , F. R.C. P. E. , F. F. P S. G. , Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the U niversity of Glasgow Service tm Council, etc. 1918-21. 1903-05. Date of Election. 1906 1907 1903 1905 1912 1885 1917 1904 1898 1895 1890 1870 1899 1917 1892 1885 1917 1905 1887 1896 1903 1906 1887 1906 1880 1899 1912 1870 1882 1876 1917 1920 1917 1914 1915 phabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. Story, Fraser, formerly Professor of Forestry, University College, Bangor, North Wales. 4k Artillery Mansions, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1 550 * Strong, John, C.B.E., M.A., LL.D., Professor of Education in the University of Sutherland, David W., M.D., M.R.C.P., C.I.E., Lt.-Col. I.M.S., Principal and 1 ’rofessor of Medicine, Medical College, Lahore, India Swithinbank, Commander Harold William, Crag Head, Bournemouth, Hants * Syme, William Smith, M.D. (Edin. ), 11 Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow Symington, Johnson, M.D. , LL.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.S., formerly Professor of Anatomy in the Queen’s University, Belfast. Towercliffe Private Hotel, West Cliff, Bournemouth 555 *Tait, John, D.Sc., M.D. , Professor of Physiology, M'Gill University, Montreal, Canada * Tait, John W. , B.Sc., Rector of Leith Academy, 18 Netherby Road, Leith Tait, William Archer, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. (Vice-President), 72a George Street, J Edinburgh (Society’s Representative on George Heriot’s Trust) J fTalmage, James Edward, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.M.S., F.G.S., formerly Professor of Geology, University of Utah, 47 East S. Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. Tanakadate, Aikitu, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Imperial University of Japan, Tokyo, Japan 560 Tatlock, Robert R., F.C.S., City Analyst’s Office, 156 Bath Street, Glasgow * Taylor, James, M. A. , Mathematical Master in the Edinburgh Academy * Taylor, William White, M.A., D.Sc., Lecturer on Chemical Physiology, University, Edinburgh, Park Villa, Liberton, Edinburgh Thackwell, J. B., M.B., C.M., D.P.H., Carlton House, 1 Prince of Wales Road, Battersea Park, London, S.W. Thompson, D’Arcy W., C.B., D.Litt., F.R.S., Professor of Natural History, J University, St Andrews, 44 South Street, St Andrews 565 j * Thompson, John M'Lean, M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., Professor of Botany, University of Liverpool * Thoms, Alexander, 7 Playfair Terrace, St Andrews Thomson, Andrew, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., 145 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh Thomson, George Ritchie, C.M.G., M.B., C.M., Professor of Surgery, University College, Johannesburg, Transvaal Thomson, GeorgeS., F.C.S., Ferma Albion, Marculesci, Roumania 570 * Thomson, Gilbert, M.Inst.C.E., 164 Bath Street, Glasgow Thomson, J. Arthur, M.A., LL.D., Regius Professor of Natural History in the/ University of Aberdeen \ Thomson, James Stuart, M.Sc. , Ph.D., Zoological Department, University, Manchester Thomson, John Millar, LL.D., F.R.S. , Em. -Professor of Chemistry in King’s College, London, 55 Bedford Gardens, Kensington, London, W. 8 * Thomson, R. Tatlock, F.C.S., 156 Bath Street, Glasgow 575 Thomson, Robert Black, M.B. Edin,, Professor of Anatomy, The University, Cape Town Thomson, Spencer C., Actuary, 10 Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh Thomson, Win., M. A. , B.Sc., LL.D., Registrar, University of South Africa, Somerset House, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria Thomson, William, Royal Institution, Manchester * Thorn ey croft, Wallace, J. P., Coal and Iron Master, Plean House, Plean, Stirling ' 580 * Todd, John Barber, B.Sc., A.M. I.Mech.E., Lecturer in Engineering in the University of Edinburgh. 39 Warrender Park Terrace, Edinburgh * Tovey, Donald Francis, B. A., Professor of Music, University, Edinburgh, 2 St Margaret’s Road, Edinburgh f Tredgold, Alfred Frank, M.D. (Durham), M.R.C.P., Lecturer on Mental Deficiency at London University, and Bethlem Royal Hospital, “ St Martins,” Guildford * Trotter, George Clark, M.D. , Ch.B. Edin. , D.P.H. (Aberdeen), Medical Officer of Health, Metropolitan Borough, Islington. Public Health Department, 20 Compton Terrace, Upper Street, Islington, London, N. 1 255 Service on Council, etc. 1892-93. 1914-17, 1918-21. V-P 1921- 1892-95, 1896-99, 1907-10, 1912-15. V-P 1916-19. 1906-08, 1920- 256 Date of Election. 1905 1906 1895 1898 1918 1910 1891 1902 1886 1898 1891 1920 1901 1911 1900 1907 1911 1911 1896 1907 1903 1904 1896 1916 1896 1911 1912 1918 1918 1879 1908 1910 1900 1911 1902 1895 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. * Turner, Arthur Logan, M. D., F.R. C.S.E., 27 Walker Street, Edinburgh 585 * Turner, Dawson F. D. , B.A. , M.D., F.R.C.P.E., M.R.C.P., Lecturer on Medical Physics, Surgeons’ Hall, Physician in charge of Kadium Treatment, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, 37 George Square, Edinburgh Turton, Albert H., M.I.M.M., 233 George Road, Erdington, Birmingham * Tweed ie, Charles, M.A. , B. Sc., formerly Lecturer on Mathematics in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. Marine View, Belhaven, Dunbar * Tyrrell, G. W., A.R.C.Sc., F.G.S., Chief Assistant and Lecturer in Petrology, Geological Department, University, Glasgow Vincent, Swale, M.D. Lond. , D.Sc. Edin., etc. , Professor of Physiology in the University of London, Physiological Laboratory, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, Berners Street, London, W. 1 590 Walker, Sir James, Kt., D.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry! in the University of Edinburgh, 5 Wester Coates Read, Edinburgh | * Wallace, Alexander G., M.A., 56 Fonthill Road, Aberdeen Wallace, R. , M. A. , F. L. S. , Professor of Agriculture and Rural Economy in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh Wallace, Wm., M. A. , Belvedere, Alberta, Canada Walmsley, R. Mullineux, D.Sc., Principal of the Northampton Institute, Clerken- well, London 595 * Walmsley, Thomas, M.D. (Glasgow), Professor of Anatomy in the University of Belfast, 59 South Street, Greenock * Waterston, David, M.A., M. D., F.R. C.S.E., Professor of Anatomy, University, St Andrews * Watson, James A. S., B.Sc., etc., Lecturer in Agriculture, University of Edin- burgh, 30 Mayfield Terrace, Edinburgh * Watson, Thomas P., M.A.., B.Sc., Principal, Keighley Institute, Keighley * Watt, Andrew, M.A. , 10 Rothesay Place. 6 Woodburn Terrace, Edinburgh 600 t Watt, James, W.S . F. F. A. , Craiglockhart House, Slateford, Edinburgh * Watt, Rev. Lauchlan Maclean, D.D. , Minister of St Stephen’s Parish, 7 Royal Circus, Edinburgh Webster, John Clarence, B.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.E., Professor of Obstetrics and Gy n {ecology, Rush Medical College, Shediac, N.B. , Canada * Wedderburn, Ernest Maclagan, M.A., LL.B., W.S., D.Sc., 6 Succoth Gardens,/ Edinburgh \ * Wedderburn, J. H. Maclagan, M.A., D.Sc., P.O. Box 53, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. 605 Wedderspoon, William Gibson, M.A., LL.D., Indian Educational Service, Senior Inspector of Schools, Burma, The Education Office, Rangoon, Burma Wenley, Robert Mark, M.A., D.Sc., D.Phil., Litt.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Professor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. * White, J. Martin, Esq. , of Balruddery, Balruddery, near Dundee White, Philip J., M. B. , Professor of Zoology in University College, Bangor, North Wales * Whittaker, Charles Richard, F.R.C.S. (Edin.), F.S.A. (Scot.), Lynwood, Hatton Place, Edinburgh 610 * Whittaker, Edmund Taylor, Sc. D. , F.R.S., Professor of Mathematics in thef University of Edinburgh (Secretary), 35 George Square, Edinburgh | * Whyte, Rev. Charles, M.A., LL.D., F.R.A.S., U.F. Church Manse, Kingswells, Aberdeen * Wight, John Thomas, General Manager, Hydraulic Gears, Ltd., Beavor Lane, Hammersmith, London, W. 6 ; Dai’tbeigh, Ascot, Berks. Will, John Charles Ogilvie, of Newton of Pitfodels, M.D., 17 Bon-Accord Square, Aberdeen * Williamson, Henry Charles, M.A. , D.Sc., Naturalist to the Fishery Board for Scotland, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen 615 * Williamson, William, F. L.S. , 79 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh Wilson, Alfred C. , F.C.S., Yoewood Croft, Stockton-on-Tees * Wilson, Andrew, M.Inst.C.E., 66 Netherby Road, Trinity, Edinburgh * Wilson, Charles T. R., M.A., F. R.S., 14 Cranmer Road, Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge Wilson -Barker, Sir David, Kt., R.N.R., F.R.G.S., late Captain- Superintendent Thames Nautical Training College, H.M.S. “Worcester,” off Greenhithe, Kent, Flimwell Grange, near Hawkhurst, Kent 620 Service on Council, etc. 1903-05, 1910-13. Y-P 1916-19. 1916-19. 1912-14. 1913-16. 1921- 1912-15. c . 1916- Date of Election. 1882 1920 1908 1911 1890 1896 1882 1892 1896 1904 Alphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society. c. Wilson, George, M. A., M.B., LL. D. * Wilson, Malcolm, D.Sc. (London), Lecturer in Mycology and Bacteriology in the University of Edinburgh. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh * Wood, Thomas, M.D., Eastwood, 182 Ferry Road, Bonnington, Leith * Wrigley, Ruric Whitehead, B.A. (Cantab.), Assistant Astronomer, Royal Observa- tory, Edinburgh Wright, Johnstone Christie, Conservative Club, Edinburgh 625 Wright, Sir Robert Patrick, LL.D., formerly Chairman of the Board of Agri- culture for Scotland. Kin garth, Colin ton, Midlothian Young, Frank W. , F.C.S., Scottish Education Department (Ex-Service Student’s Branch), 3 Parliament Square, Edinburgh Young, George, Ph.D., “Bradda,” Church Crescent, Church End, Finchley, London, N. Young, James Buchanan, M.B., D.Sc., Dalveen, Braeside, Liberton Young, R. B., M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S. , Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the South African School of Mines and Technology, Johannesburg, Transvaal 630 257 Service on Council, etc. VOL. XLI 17 LIST OF HONORARY FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY At January 31, 1922. HIS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY THE KING. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. Foreigners (limited to thirty-six by Law I). Elected 1916 Charles Barrois, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, 'Universite, Lille, France: 37 rue Pascal, Lille. 1905 Waldemar Christofer Brogger, Professor of Mineralogy and Geology, K. Frederiks Universitet, Christiania, Norway. 1916 Douglas Houghton Campbell, Professor of Botany, Leland Stanford Junior University, California, U.S.A. 1920 William Wallace Campbell, Director of the Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, California, U.S.A. 1921 Reginald Aldworth Daly, Professor of Geology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1910 Hugo de Vries, Professor of Plant Anatomy and Physiology, Lunteren, Holland. 1916 Marcel Eugene Emile Gley, Professor of Biology, College de France, Paris, Membre de l’Academie de Medecine, Paris : 14, rue Monsieur le Prince, Paris. 1910 Karl F. von Goebel, Professor of Botany, Universitat, Miinchen, Germany. 1916 Camillo Golgi, Professor of Pathology, Universita, Pavia, Italy. 1916 Gio. Battista Grassi, Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Regia Uhiversita, Roma, Italy : Via Agostino Depretis N. 91, Rome. 1905 Paul Heinrich von Groth, Professor of Mineralogy, Universitat, Miinchen, Germany. 1313 George Ellery Hale, Director of Mount Wilson Solar Observatory (Carnegie Institution of Washington), Pasadena, California, U.S.A. 1921 Johan Hjort, Director of Norwegian Fisheries, Bergen. 1910 James Cornelius Kapteyn, Professor of Astronomy, Universiteit, Groningen, Holland. 1921 Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, Nobel Laureate, Medicine, 1907. Rue du Montparnasse 25, Paris. 1920 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1902, Professor of Physics, Leiden University. 1910 Albert Abraham Michelson, Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1907, Professor of Physics, University, Chicago, U.S.A. 1897 Fridtjof Nansen, Professor of Oceanography, K. Frederiks Universitet, Christiania, Norway. 1921 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1913, Universiteit, Leiden, Holland. 1908 Henry Fairfield Osborn, Professor of Zoology, Columbia University and American Museum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. , U.S.A. 1908 Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov, Emeritus Professor of Physiology, Kais.Inst. Exper. Med., Petrograd : Wedenskaja Strasse 4, Petrograd, Russia. 1920 Ch. Emile Picard, Perpetual Secretary, Academy of Sciences, Paris. 1921 Salvatore Pincherle, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Bologna. 1889 Georg Hermann Quincke, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Bergstrasse 41, Heidelberg, Germany. 1913 Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Nobel Laureate, Medicine, 1906, Professor of Histology and Pathological Anatomy, Universidad, Madrid, Spain. 1920 Charles Richet, Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Paris. 1920 Georg Ossian Sars, formerly Professor of Zoology, Christiania, and Director of Norwegian Fisheries. 1913 Vito Volterra, Professor of Mathematical Physics, Regia Universita, Rome, Italy. 1916 Eugenius Warming, Emeritus Professor of Botany at the University of Copenhagen and Director of the Botanical Garden : Bjerregaardsvej 5, Copenhagen, Valby. Total, 29. British Subjects (limited to twenty by Law I). 1916 Sir Francis Darwin, Kt. , D.Sc., M.B., F.R.S., Hon. Fellow, Christ’s College, Cambridge, 10 Madingley Road, Cambridge,. 1900 Sir David Ferrier, Kt. , M.A., M.D. , LL. D., F. R.S., Emer. -Professor of Neuro-Pathology, King’s College, London, 34 Cavendish Square, London, W. 258 List of Honorary Fellows, etc. 259 Elected 1900 Andrew Russell Forsyth, M.A., Sc.D., LL.D., Math.D., F.R.S,, Chief Professor of Mathematics in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, formerly Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics in the University of Cambridge, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, S. W. 1910 Sir James George Frazer, D. C.L., LL.D., Litt. D., F. R. S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, 1 Brick Court, London, E.C. 4. 1916 James Whitbread Lee Glaisher, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1908 Sir Alexander B. W. Kennedy, Kt., LL.D., F.R.S., Past Pres. Inst. C.E., A7, Albany, Piccadilly, London, W. 1913 Horace Lamb, M.A., Sc.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., lately Professor of Mathematics in the University of Manchester. 65 Grange Road, Cambridge. 1916 John Newport Langley, Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Professor of Physiology in the University of Cambridge, Hedgerley Lodge, Madingley Road, Cambridge. 1908 Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, K.C.B , D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., 44 Oakley Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. 3. 1910 Sir Joseph Larmor, Kt., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., M.P. University of Cambridge since 1911, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge, St John’s College, Cambridge. 1900 Archibald Liversidge, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. , Emer.-Professor of Chemistry in the University of Sydney, Fieldhead, Coombe Warren, Kingston, Surrey. 1921 William Henry Perkin, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Waynflete Professor of Chemistry in the University of Oxford. 1921 Sir Ronald Ross, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., F.R.S., Consultant in Malaria, Ministry of Pensions, London, 36 Harley House, Regent’s Park, N. W. 1. 1921 Sir Ernest Rutherford, Kt., M.A., D.Sc., B.A. , LL.D., F.R.S., Nobel Laureate, Chemistry, 1908, Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics in the University of Cambridge. 1916 Sir Arthur Schuster, Kt., Ph.D., D.Sc., LL.D., D. es Sc. Geneva, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, Honorary Professor of Physics in the University of Manchester, Yeldall, Twyford, Berks. 1908 Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, G.B.E., M.A., M.D.. LL.D., P.R.S., Waynfle'te Professor of Physiology in the University of Oxford, Physiological Laboratory, Oxford. 1921 Sir Jethro J. H. Teall, Kt., M.A., Sc.D,, LL.D., F.G.S., F.R.S. , lately Director of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology. 1913 Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer, K.C.M.G., C.I.E., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., formerly Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew : The Ferns, Witcombe, Gloucester. 1905 Sir Joseph John Thomson, Kt., O.M., D.Sc., LL.D., Past Pres.R.S., Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1906, lately Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Cambridge, Trinity College, Cambridge. 1900 Sir Thomas Edward Thorpe, Kt., C.B., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., formerly Principal of the Government Laboratories, Emeritus- Professor of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington, London, S.W. Whinfield, Salcombe, South Devon. Total, 20. CHANGES IN FELLOWSHIP DURING SESSION 1920-1921. ORDINARY FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY ELECTED. NELSON ANNANDALE. WILLIAM ARTHUR. BEVAN BRAITHWAITE BAKER. ARCHIBALD BARR. JOHN BARTHOLOMEW. ALEXANDER BRUCE. ANDREW CAMPBELL. RASIK LAL DATTA. JOHN DOUCALL. CHARLES YICKERY DRYSDALE. GEORGE TOPHAM FORREST. WALCOT GIBSON. JOHN WM. HESLOP HARRISON. JAMES ALEX. GEORGE LAMB. Rev. ALBERT ERNEST LAURIE. NEIL M ‘ARTHUR. DOUGALD BLACK MeQUISTAN. THOMAS MURRAY MACROBERT. JOHN MAVHAN. JOHN MATHIESON. Sir GEO. HERBERT POLLARD. EDWARD BURNS ROSS.' Rt. Hon JAMES PARKER SMITH. NORMAN KEMP SMITH. IAN STRUTHERS STEWART. HONORARY FELLOWS ELECTED. BRITISH. WILLIAM HENRY PERKIN. Sir RONALD ROSS. Sir ERNEST RUTHERFORD. Sir JETHRO J. H. TEALL. 4 th July 1921. FOREIGN. REGINALD ALDWORTH DALY, Cam- bridge, Mass, JOHAN HJORT, Bergen. CHARLES LOUIS ALPHONSE LAVERAN, Paris. HEIKE KAMERLINGH ONNES, Leiden. SALVATORE PINCHERLE, Bologna. ORDINARY FELLOWS DECEASED. ROBERT GERYASE ALFORD. Sir R. ROWAND ANDERSON. HENRY BARNES. Sir J. H. MEIRING BECK (died 1919). ADOLPHUS EDWARD BRIDGER. DAVID BROWN. DAVID RAINY BROWN. WM. ALLAN CARTER. WM. JOHN DUNDAS. T. LINDSAY GALLOWAY. T. E. GATEHOUSE. GEO. RITCHIE GILRUTH. T. ARTHUR HELME. JAMES HUNTER. Sir T. CARLAW7 MARTIN. Rev. R. S. MYLNE. JAMES OLIPHANT. E. W. PREVOST. D. LLOYD ROBERTS. THOMAS BOND SPRAGUE. ROBERT WALKER. G. A. WOODS. HONORARY FELLOWS DECEASED. JULIUS VON HANN. i CARL MENGER. GABRIEL LIPPMAN. | ALFRED G. NATHORST. ORDINARY FELLOWS RESIGNED. Sir DUNCAN A. JOHNSTON. I Sir GEO. ADAM SMITH. G. C. PRINGLE. I 260 Additions to Library by Gift or Purchase. 261 List of Additions to Library by Gift or Purchase. Bergen’s Museum, 1825-1900. En Historisk Fremmstilling a£ Dr J. Brunchorst. 8vo. Bergen, 1900. (Pr esented by Mr Wm. Williamson.) Bhattacharyya, D. Vector Calculus. 8vo. Calcutta, 1920. ( Presented by Calcutta University.) Bibliographie Scientifique Franyaise. (Presented by Ministere de V Instruc- tion Publique.) Bright, Sir Charles. Inter-Imperial Communication through Cable, Wire- less, and Air. 8vo. London, 1919. ( Presented by the Author.) British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913: Meteorology. Vols. I and II. 4to. 1919. ( Presented .) Terrestrial Magnetism. By Charles Chree. 4to. London, 1921. Calcutta, University of: Journal of the Department of Letters. Vol. I- 8vo. Calcutta, 1920. (Univ. Studies Series.) Campbell, Andrew. Petroleum Refining. 8vo. London, 1918. ( Presented by the Author.) Catalogue of Scientific Papers. (Royal Society of London.) Fourth Series, 1884-1900. Vol. XVII (Marc-P). 4to. Cambridge, 1921. (Purchased.) Cavendish, Henry, The Scientific Papers of. Vol. I. The Electrical Researches. Edited by James Clerk Maxwell, Revised by Sir Joseph Larmor. 4to. Cambridge, 1921. Vol. II. Chemical and Dynamical. Edited by Sir Edward Thorpe. 4 to. Cambridge, 1921. (Purchased.) Constantinesco, George. Theory of Wave Transmission. (Theory of Sonics.) A Treatise on Transmission of Power by Vibrations. Vol. I. 8vo. London, 1920. (Presented by Walter Haddon.) Cotton Research Board (Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt). Annual Report, 1920. La. 8vo. Cairo, 1921. (Presented.) Cushman, Allerton S. Chemistry and Civilisation. 8vo. Boston, 1921. (Presented by Wagner Free Institute.) Granton, Edinburgh, Marine Station for Scientific Research. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1884. Scottish Marine Station for Scientific Research : its Work and Prospects. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1885. (Presented by Mr Wm, Williamson.) Gribble, J. D. B. (see Hehir, Patrick). Gude, G. K. The Fauna of British India: Mollusca. Vol. Ill: Land Operculates. 8vo. London, 1921. (Presented by the Under Secretary of State for India.) Hehir, Patrick. Prophylaxis of Malaria in India. 8vo. Allahabad, 1910. Prevention of Disease and Inefficiency, with Special Reference to Indian Frontier Warfare. 2nd edition. 8vo, Allahabad, 1911. 262 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [Sess. Hehir, Patrick. The March : Its Mechanism, Effects, and Hygiene. 8vo. Calcutta, 1912. Hygiene and Diseases of India. A Popular Handbook. 3rd edition. 8vo. Madras, 1913. ( Presented by Sir Patrick Hehir.) Hehir, Patrick, and J. D. B. Gribble. Outlines of Medical Jurisprudence for India. 5th edition. 8vo. Madras, 1908. ( Presented by Sir Patrick Hehir.) Herdman, W. A. Reports of the Grain Pests (War) Committee. No. 10. (R.S.L.) 8 vo. London, 1921. ( Presented by the Author.) Horsburgh, E. M. Calculating Machines. (Inst. Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland.) 8vo. Glasgow, 1920. Howard, William Trevis, Jr. The Natural History of Typhoid Fever in Baltimore, 1851-1919. (Reprinted from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Yol. XXXI, Nos. 354-355, 1920.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1920. (. Presented by Raymond Pearl.) Huygens, Christiaan. (Euvres Completes publiees par la Societe Holland- aise des Sciences. Vol. XIII, fasc. 1 and 2, and Vol. XIY. 4to. La Haye, 1916 and 1920. (Presented by the Societe Hollandaise des Sciences de Harlem.) Kanthack, R. Tables of Refractive Indices. Yol. I. — Essential Oils. Yol. II. — Oils, Fats, and Waxes. Edited by J. N. Goldsmith. 8vo. London, 1918 and 1921. ( Presented by Adam Hilger, Ltd.) Kaploun, Albert. Psychologie Generale tiree de l’Etude du Reve. 8vo. Lausanne, 1919. Kidd, Walter. Initiative in Evolution. 8vo. London, 1920. ( Presented by the Author.) Lancashire and Cheshire Fauna Committee. Sixth Annual Report and Report of the Recorder for 1919. 8vo. Manchester, 1920. Lister, Lord, Photograph of. ( Presented by Lady Lister and Sir R. J. Godlee , Bt.) Lowell, J. Reed. The Mathematics of Biometry. (Reprinted from the American Mathematical Monthly, Yol. XXYII, November 1920.) 8 vo. Baltimore, 1920. ( Presented by Raymond Pearl.) Macgillivray, Angus. A Bacteriological and Clinical Study of the External Diseases of the Eye. 8vo. London, 1916. (Presented by the Author.) Manchester University Publications. Historical Series— Tout, T. F., and Tait, James. Historical Essays. 8vo. 1907. Petit-Dutaillis, Charles. Studies and Notes Supplementary to Stubb’s Constitutional History. Yols. I and II. 8vo. 1911. Clemesha, H. W. A History of Preston in Amounderness. 8vo. 1912. Holden, Joshua. A Short History of Todmorden. 8vo. 1912. Gill, Conrad. The Naval Mutinies of 1797. 8vo. 1913. Tait, James. Chronica Johannis de Reading et Anonymi Cantu- ariensis, 1346-1367. 8vo. 1914. 263 1920-21.] Additions to Library by Gift or Purchase. Manchester University Publications — Historical Series — continued. Tout, T. F. The Place of the Reign of Edward II in English History. 8vo. 1914. Deansley, Margaret. The Incendium Amoris of Richard Rolle of Hampole. 8vo. 1915. Pirenne, Henri. Belgian Democracy : its Early History. Translated by J. V. Saunders. 8vo. 1915. Tout, T. F. Germany in the Nineteenth Century. 8vo. 1915. Muir, Ramsay. The Making of British India, 1756-1858. 8vo. 1917. Little, A. G. Studies in English Franciscan History. 8vo. 1917. Hovell, the late Mark. The Chartist Movement. Edited and com- pleted, with a Memoir, by Prof. T. F. Tout. 8vo. 1918. Unwin, George. Finance and Trade under Edward III. 8vo. 1918. M‘Lauchlan, H. The Methodist Unitarian Movement. 8vo. 1919. Tout, T. F. Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England. Two vols. 8vo. 1920. Daniels, George W. The Early English Cotton Industry. 8vo. 1920. Lecture Series — Neville, Ralph. Garden Cities. (Warburton Lecture.) 8vo. 1904. Thomson, J. J. On the Light Thrown by Recent Investigations on Electricity on the Relation between Matter and Ether. (Adamson Lecture.) 8vo. 1908. Thorburn, William. The Evolution of Surgery. 8vo. 1910. Ward, A. W. Leibniz as a Politician. (Adamson Lecture.) Waterhouse, Paul, and Raymond Unwin. Old Towns and New Needs : also the Town Extension Plan. (Warburton Lectures.) 4to. 1912, Wilkinson, Henry S. Learners as Leaders. 8vo. 1918. Hart, Bernard. The Modern Treatment of Mental and Nervous Dis- orders. 8vo. 1918. Celtic Series — Lewis, Timothy. A Glossary of Mediaeval Welsh Law. 8vo. 1913. Classical Series — Norwood, Gilbert. The Riddle of the Bacchae. 8vo. 1908. Economic Series — Dehn, R. M. R. The German Cotton Industry. (A Report.) 8vo. 1913. Ethnological Series — Jackson, J. Wilfrid. Shells as Evidence of the Migrations of Early Culture. 8vo. 1917. Miscellaneous {Botanical Section ) — Weiss, F. E., A. D. Imms, and Wilfrid Robinson. Plants in Health and Disease. 8vo. 1916. 264 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Manchester University Publications — Miscellaneous — continued. Calendar, 1920-1921. 8vo. 1920. Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society, 1911 ; 1912-13; 1913-14; 1914-15; 1915-16; 1916-17; 1917-18; 1918 -19; 1920 (No. 9). Maxwell, J. Clerk. Matter and Motion. Reprinted : with Notes and Appendices by Sir Joseph Larmor. (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.) 8vo. London. Mindeskrift i Anledning af 100-aaret for J. Steenstrups Fodsel. Two vols. 4to. Kobenhavn, 1914. (From the Royal Danish Society of Sciences.) Munro, Robert, Autobiographic Sketch of. 8vo. Glasgow, 1921. ( Pre- sented by Mr Hugh Munro and the Misses Munro.) Natal (Province) Descriptive Guide and Official Handbook. La. 8vo. Durban, Natal, 1911. ( Presented by High Commissioner , Union of South Africa.) Norman Lockyer Observatory. Handbook to the Norman Lockyer Ob- servatory. Compiled by Major William J. S. Lockyer. Sm. 8vo. London, 1921. Director’s Annual Report, 1921. 4to. London, 1921. ( Presented .) Pearl, Raymond. Some Landmarks in the History of Vital Statistics. (Reprinted from Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association, June 1920.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1920. (. Presented by the Author.) The Relative Influence of the Constitutional Factor in the Etiology of Tuberculosis. (Reprinted from the American Review of Tubercu- losis, Vol. IV, No. 9, November 1920.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1920. ( Pre- sented by the Author.) Quincke, G. Spaltung und Erwarmung von Metalldrahten und isolierenden Staben durch elektrische Longitudinalschwingungen. (Sitz. Heidel- berger Akad. Wissenschaftlichen, Math.-Nat. Kl.) 8vo. Heidelberg, 1920. Radium (a Monthly Magazine). Edited by Charles H. Viol, Ph.D., and William H. Cameron, M.D. Vol. XVII- . 8vo. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1921. (. Presented by Watson & Sons (Electro- Medical) Ltd., King sway , W.C. 2.) Rayleigh, Baron. Scientific Papers. Vol. VI. 1911-1919. 4to. Cam- bridge, 1920. (Purchased.) Report of the Third Entomological Meeting (Pusa). In three vols. Edited by T. Bainbrigge Fletcher. La. 8vo. Calcutta, 1920. Salter, M. de Carle S. The Rainfall of the British Isles. 8vo. London, 1921. (Presented by the University of London Press.) Spiller, G. A New System of Scientific Procedure. 8vo. London, 1921. (Presented.) Sweden : Historical and Statistical Handbook. Edited by J. Guinchard. Two vols. 2nd edition. English issue. 8vo. Stockholm, 1914. (Presented by the Royal University of Upsala.) LAWS OF THE SOCIETY. Adopted July 3, 1916 ; amended December 18, 1916. (Laws VIII, IX, and XIII amended May 3, 1920. Law VI amended February 7, 1921.) I. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, which was instituted by Royal Charter in 1783 for the promotion of Science and Literature, shall consist of Ordinary Fellows (hereinafter to be termed Fellows) and Honorary Fellows. The number of Honorary Fellows shall not exceed fifty-six, of whom not more than twenty may be British subjects, and not more than thirty-six subjects of Foreign States. Fellows only shall be eligible to hold office or to vote at any Meeting of the Society. ELECTION OF FELLOWS. II. Each Candidate for admission as a Fellow shall be proposed by at least four Fellows, two of whom must certify from personal knowledge. The Official Certificate shall specify the name, rank, profession, place of residence, and the qualifications of the Candidate. The Certificate shall be delivered to the General Secretary before the 30th of November, and, subject to the approval of the Council, shall be exhibited in the Society’s House during the month of January following. All Certificates so exhibited shall be considered by the Council at its first meeting in February, and a list of the Candidates approved by the Council for election shall be issued to the Fellows not later than the 21st of February. III. The election of Fellows shall be by Ballot, and shall take place at the first Ordinary Meeting in March. Only Candidates approved by the Council shall be eligible for election. A Candidate shall be held not elected, unless he is supported by a majority of two-thirds of the Fellows present and voting. IY. On the day of election of Fellows two scrutineers, nominated by the President, shall examine the votes and hand their report to the President, who shall declare the result. 265 266 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Y. Each Fellow, after his election, is expected to attend an Ordinary Meeting, and sign the Roll of Fellows, he having first made the payments required by Law VI. He shall be introduced to the President, who shall address him in these words : In the name and by the authority of THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH , I admit you a Fellow thereof. PAYMENTS BY FELLOWS. VI. Each Fellow shall, before he is admitted to the privileges of Fellowship, pay an admission fee of three guineas, and a subscription of three guineas for the year of election. He shall continue to pay a subscription of three guineas at the beginning of each session so long as he remains a Fellow. Each Fellow who was elected subsequent to December 1916 and previous to December 1920 shall also pay a subscription of three guineas at the beginning of each session so long as he remains a Fellow. Each Fellow who was elected previous to December 1916, and who has not completed his twenty-five annual payments,* shall, at the beginning of each session, pay three guineas or four guineas according as he has or has not made ten annual payments as reckoned from the year of election. Each Fellow who has completed or shall complete his payments shall be invited to contribute one guinea per annum or to pay a single sum of ten guineas. A Fellow may compound for the annual subscriptions by a single pay- ment of fifty guineas, or on such other terms as the Council may from time to time fix. VII. A Fellow who, after application made by the Treasurer, fails to pay any contribution due by him, shall be reported to the Council, and, if the Council see fit, shall be declared no longer a Fellow. Notwithstanding such declaration all arrears of contributions shall remain exigible. * The following is an extract from the previous law affecting Annual Subscribers elected prior to December 1916: — “Every Ordinary Fellow, within three months after his election, shall pay Two Guineas as the fee of admission, and Three Guineas as his contribution for the Session in which he has been elected ; and annually at the commencement of every Session, Three Guineas into the hands of the Treasurer. This annual contribution shall continue for ten years after his admission, and it shall be limited to Two Guineas for fifteen years thereafter.” Laws of the Society. 267 ELECTION OF HONORARY FELLOWS. VIII. Honorary Fellows shall be persons eminently distinguished in Science or Literature. They shall not be liable to contribute to the Society’s Funds. Personages of the Blood Royal may be elected Honorary Fellows at any time on the nomination of the Council, and without regard to the limitation of numbers specified in Law I. IX. Honorary Fellows shall be proposed by the Council. The nominations shall be announced from the Chair at the First Ordinary Meeting after their selection. The names shall be printed in the circular for the last Ordinary Meeting of the Session, when the election shall be by Ballot, after the manner prescribed in Laws III and IV for the Election of Fellows. EXPULSION OF FELLOWS. X. If, in the opinion of the Council, the conduct of any Fellow is injurious to the character or interests of the Society, the Council may, by registered letter, request him to resign. If he fail to do so within one month of such request, the Council shall call a Special Meeting of the Society to consider the matter. If a majority consisting of not less than two -thirds of the Fellows present and voting decide for expulsion, he shall be expelled by declaration from the Chair, his name shall be erased from the Roll, and he shall forfeit all right or claim in or to the property of the Society. XI. It shall be competent for the Council to remove any person from the Roll of Honorary Fellows if, in their opinion, his remaining on the Roll would be injurious to the character or interests of the Society. Reasonable notice of such proposal shall be given to each member of the Council, and, if possible, to the Honorary Fellow himself. Thereafter the decision on the question shall not be taken until the matter has been discussed at two Meetings of Council, separated by an interval of not less than fourteen days. A majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting shall be required for such removal. 268 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. XII. A Statutory Meeting for the election of Council and Office-Bearers, for the presentation of the Annual Reports, and for such other business as may be arranged by the Council, shall be held on the fourth Monday of October. Each Session of the Society shall begin at the date of the Statutory Meeting. XIII. Meetings for reading and discussing communications and for general business, herein termed Ordinary Meetings, shall be held, when convenient, on the first and third Mondays of each month from November to July inclusive, with the excep- tion that in January the meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Mondays. XIV. A Special Meeting of the Society may be called at any time by direction of the Council, or on a requisition to the Council signed by not fewer than six Fellows. The date and hour of such Meeting shall be determined by the Council, who shall give not less than seven days’ notice of such Meeting. The notice shall state the purpose for which the Special Meeting is summoned ; no other business shall be transacted. PUBLICATION OF PAPERS. XV. The Society shall publish Transactions and Proceedings. The consideration of the acceptance, reading, and publication of papers is vested in the Council, whose decision shall be final. Acceptance for reading shall not necessarily imply acceptance for publication. DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLICATIONS. XVI. Fellows who are not in arrear with their Annual Subscriptions and all Honorary Fellows shall be entitled gratis to copies of the Parts of the Trans- actions and the Proceedings published subsequently to their admission. Copies of the Parts of the Proceedings shall be distributed by post or otherwise, as soon as may be convenient after publication ; copies of the Transac- tions or Parts thereof shall be obtainable upon application, either personally or 269 Laws of the Society. by an authorised agent, to the Librarian, provided the application is made within five years after the date of publication. CONSTITUTION OF COUNCIL. XVII. The Council shall consist of a President, six Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a General Secretary, two Secretaries to the Ordinary Meetings (the one repre- senting the Biological group and the other the Physical group of Sciences),* a Curator of the Library and Museum, and twelve ordinary members of Council. ELECTION OF COUNCIL. XVIII. The election of the Council and Office-Bearers for the ensuing Session shall be held at the Statutory Meeting on the fourth Monday of October. The list of the names recommended by the Council shall be issued to the Fellows not less than one week before the Meeting. The election shall be by Ballot, and shall be determined by a majority of the Fellows present and voting. Scrutineers shall be nominated as in Law IV. XIX. The President may hold office for a period not exceeding five consecutive years ; the Vice-Presidents, not exceeding three ; the Secretaries to the Ordinary Meetings, not exceeding five ; the General Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Curator of the Library and Museum, not exceeding ten ; and ordinary members of Council, not exceeding three consecutive years. XX. In the event of a vacancy arising in the Council or in any of the offices enumerated in Law XVII, the Council shall proceed, as soon as convenient, to elect a Fellow to fill such vacancy for the period up to the next Statutory Meeting. * The Biological group includes Anatomy, Anthropology, Botany, Geology, Pathology, Physiology, Zoology ; the Physical group includes Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Meteorology, Physics. 270 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. POWERS OF THE COUNCIL. XXL The Council shall have the following powers : — (1) To manage all business concerning the affairs of the Society. (2) To decide what papers shall be accepted for communication to the Society, and what papers shall be printed in whole or in part in the Transactions and Proceedings. (3) To appoint Committees. (4) To appoint employees and determine their remuneration. (5) To award the various prizes vested in the Society, in accordance with the terms of the respective deeds of gift, provided that no member of the existing Council shall be eligible for any such award. (6) To make from time to time Standing Orders for the regulation of the affairs of the Society. (7) To control the investment or expenditure of the Funds of the Society. At Meetings of the Council the President or Chairman shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote. DUTIES OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS. XXII. The President shall take the Chair at Meetings of Council and of the Fellows. It shall be his duty to see that the business is conducted in accordance with the Charter and Laws of the Society. When unable to be present at any Meetings or attend to current business, he shall give notice to the General Secretary, in order that his place may be supplied. In the absence of the President his duties shall be discharged by one of the Vice-Presidents. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. XXIII. The Treasurer shall receive the monies due to the Society and shall make payments authorised by the Council. He shall lay before the Council a list of arrears in accordance with Rule VII. He shall keep accounts of all receipts and payments, and at the Statutory Meeting shall present the accounts for the preceding Session, balanced to the 30th of September, and audited by a professional accountant appointed annually by the Society. DUTIES OF THE GENERAL SECRETARY. XXIV. The General Secretary shall be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the Society’s correspondence, publications, and all other business except that which relates to finance. He shall keep Minutes of the Statutory and Special Laws of the Society. 271 Meetings of the Society and Minutes of the Meetings of Council. He shall superintend, with the aid of the Assistant Secretary, the publication of the Transactions and Proceedings. He shall supervise the employees in the discharge of their duties. DUTIES OF SECRETARIES TO ORDINARY MEETINGS. XX Y. The Secretaries to Ordinary Meetings shall keep Minutes of the Ordinary Meetings. They shall assist the General Secretary, when necessary, in superin- tending the publication of the Transactions and Proceedings. In his absence, one of them shall perform his duties. DUTIES OF CURATOR OF LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. XXYI. The Curator of the Library and Museum shall have charge of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and other articles belonging to the Society. He shall keep the Card Catalogue up to date. He shall purchase Books sanctioned by the Council. ASSISTANT-SECRETARY AND LIBRARIAN. XXVII. The Council shall appoint an Assistant-Secretary and Librarian, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council. He shall give all his time, during prescribed hours, to the work of the Society, and shall be paid according to the determination of the Council. When necessary he shall act under the Treasurer in receiving subscriptions, giving out receipts, and paying employees. ALTERATION OF LAWS. XXVIII. Any proposed alteration in the Laws shall be considered by the Council, due notice having been given to each member of Council. Such alteration, if approved by the Council, shall be proposed from the Chair at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Society, and, in accordance with the Charter, shall be considered and voted upon at a Meeting held at least one month after that at which the motion for alteration shall have been proposed. INDEX. Absorption of Carbon Dioxide by Solid Caustic Soda, by Miss E. Gilchrist, 128-135. Accounts of the Society, Session 1920-21, 230. Additions to Library by Gift or Purchase, 261, Adsorption of Gas under Pressure, by H. Briggs and W. Cooper, 119-127. ./Ether and the Quantum Theory, by H. S. Allen, 34-43. Aitken (John), Obituary Notice of, by C. G. Knott, 177-181. Alford (Robert Gervase), Obituary Notice of, 197. Allen (H. S.). ./Ether and the Quantum Theory, 34-43. Anderson (Sir R. Rowand), Obituary Notice of, 197-198. Ashworth (J. H.). Obituary Notice of Yves Delage, 182-183. Associate Membership. Question of J unior Grade of Membership of R.S.E., 220. Awards of Prizes, 224. Barnes (Henry). Obituary Notice of E. W. Prevost, 184-185. Obituary Notice of, by Miss E. Barnes, 195-196. Barnes (Miss E.). Obituary Notice of Henry Barnes, 195-196. Bartholomew (J. G.), Obituary Notice of, by G. G. Chisholm, 170-176. Beck (Hon. Sir J. H. M.), Obituary Notice of, 198. Binding in Library, Carnegie U. K. Trust Grant of £3000 nearly expended, 219. Bower (F. O.). Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. President’s Address, 1-25. Bridger (A. E. ), Obituary Notice of, 199. Briggs (Henry). An Experimental Analysis of the Losses by Evaporation of Liquid Air con- tained in Vacuum Flasks, 97-110. and W. Cooper. Adsorption of Gas under Pressure, 119-127. British Association Meeting in Edinburgh, September 1921, 219. Brown (David), Obituary Notice of, 199. Brown (David Rainy), Obituary Notice of, 200. Carbon Dioxide, Absorption of, by Solid Caustic Soda, by Miss E. Gilchrist, 128-135. Carnegie U.K. Trust. Grant of £3000 for Library Binding. Work nearly completed, 219. Carter (Wm. Allan), Obituary Notice of, 200. Caustic Soda, Solid, Absorption of Carbon Dioxide by, by Miss E. Gilchrist, 128-135. Cayley’s, a Continuant of, of the Year 1874, by Sir Thomas Muir, 111-116. Chisholm (G. G. ). Obituary Notice of J. G. Bartholomew, 170-176. Colloids in Soil, Relation to Thermal Conduc- tivity, by T. B. Franklin, 61-67. Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies. Question of Government Aid to Societies, 219. Continuant of Cayley’s of the Year 1874, by Sir Thomas Muir, 111-116. Contributions, Voluntary, List of, 236. Cooper ( W. ). See Briggs (Henry). Council, List of, at October 1920 and October 1921, 212, 220, 237. Crombie (D. M. R. ). See Turner (Dawson). Delage, Yves, Obituary Notice of, by J. H. Ashworth, 182-183. Dinner, Royal Societies’, B.A. Meeting, Sep- tember 1921, 219. Dracaena fruticosa, Koch, Interruption of En- dodermis in, by Annette G. Mann, 50-59. Dundas (William John), Obituary Notice of, 200. Dynamics of a Particle, Generalised, by J. H. M. Wedderburn, 26-33. Endodermis, Interruption of, in Dracaena fruti- cosa, Koch, by Annette G. Mann, 50-59. Equations of Motion of a Single Particle, by J. H. M. Wedderburn, 26-33. Eye, Self- Luminosity of the : Fechner’s Law. (Abstract), by W. Peddie, 60. Fairgrieve (M. M'Callum). The Annual In- cidence of Intelligence, and its Measurement by the American Army Tests, 150-153. Fechner’s Law and the Self- Luminosity of the Eye. (Abstract), by W. Peddie, 60. Fellows, Honorary, 217, 258. Obituary Notices, 158-207. List of Ordinary, 238. Deceased and resigned in 1920-21, 260. Elected in 1920-21, 215, 260. Fluid Flow in Uniform Channel, Stability of, by H. Levy, 136-147. Franklin (T. B.). The Relation of the Soil Colloids to the Thermal Conductivity of the Soil, 61-67. Fraser (Sir Thomas R. ), Obituary Notice of, by Harry Rainy, 186-192. 272 Index. 273 Functions, Confluent Hypergeometric, of Two Variables, by P. Humbert, 73-96. Galloway (T. Lindsay), Obituary Notice of, by W. P Ker, 193-194. Gas under Pressure, Adsorption of, by H. Briggs and W. Cooper, 119-127. Gatehouse (Tom Ernest), Obituary Notice of, 201. George Heriot’s Trust, Representative on, 220. Gilchrist (Elizabeth). Utilisation of Solid Caustic Soda in the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide, 128-135. Gilruth (Geo. Ritchie), Obituary Notice of, 202. Government Assistance Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies, 219. Gregory (J. W.). Supplementary Note on the Geology of Benguella in relation to its Cephalopods and the History of the South Atlantic. ( Title only — published in Trans- actions), 213. Gunning Victoria Jubilee Prize to Mr C. T. R. Wilson, 217, 219, 229. Harvey (Elsie J.) and P. Bruce White. See Rennie, John. Helme (Thomas Arthur), Obituary Notice of, 202. Honorary Fellows, elected and deceased 1920-21, 217, 260. List of, 258. Horne (Alex. R.). On a Graphical Method of determining Shear Influence Lines and Dia- grams of Maximum Shearing Force for a Beam subjected to a Series of Concentrated Rolling Loads, 68-72. Humbert (Pierre). The Confluent Hypergeo- metric Functions of Two Variables, 73-96. Hunter (James), Obituary Notice of, 202. Hypergeometric Functions, Confluent, of Two . Variables, by P. Humbert, 73-96. Index of Papers published in Transactions , 1920-21, 275. Influence Lines, Shear, by A. R. Horne, 68-72. Intelligence, Annual Incidence, by M. M‘Callum Fairgrieve, 150-153. Ionised Atmosphere, Electrified Pith Ball in, by Dawson Turner and D. M. R. Crombie, 154-157. Ker (W. P. ). Obituary Notice of T. Lindsay Galloway, 193-194. Kidston (R. ) and W. H. Lang. On Old Red Sandstone Plants showing Structure, from the Rhynie Chert Bed, Aberdeenshire, Parts IV and V. (Abstract — full papers in Trans- actions), 117-118. Knott ( C. G. ) . Obituary N otice of J ohn Aitken, 177-181. Lamont (Augusta). Development of the Feathers of the liuck during the Incubation Period. {Title only), 218. Lang(W. H.). See Kidston (R.). Laplace’s Equation in n Dimensions, Solution of, by P. Humbert, 73-96. Law VI, Changes in, 214, 219. VOL. XLI, Laws, 265. Changes in, 214, 219. Levy (H.). Criterion for Stable Flow of Fluid in a Uniform Channel, 136-147. Library, Additions to, 261. — t Binding in, Grant from Carnegie U.K. Trust, 219. Liquid Air, Analysis of Losses by Evaporation of, by H. Briggs, 97-110. Liston (Lt.-Col. W. G.). Plague and Rats. {Title only), 216. Luminosity, Self-, of the Eye: Fechner’s Law. (Abstract), by W. Peddie, 60. Macdonald (George). Obituary Notice of Robert Munro, 158-169. Macnair (P. ) and Colin M. Leitch. The Genus Clisiophyllum. {Title only), 216. Magnetic Tubes of Induction as Quanta, by H. S. Allen, 34-43. Makdougall- Brisbane Prize awarded to Prof. J. H. M. Wedderburn, 218, 219, 227. Mann (Annette G.). Observations on the In- terruption of the Endodermis in a Secondarily Thickened Root of Dracaena fruticosa, Koch, 50-59. Marshall (John). A Generalisation of Lagrange’s Equations of Motion and their Hamiltonian Forms. {Title only), 215. Martin, (SirT. Carlaw), Obituary Notice of, 203. Meetings of the Society, Proceedings of Ordinary, 213. Proceedings of Statutory, 211, 219. Membership, Question of Junior Grade of, 220. Metals, Transverse Effects in, by F. Unwin, 44-49. Mirage, Note on Conditions for, by A. G. Ramage, 148-149. Muir (Sir Thomas). Note on a Continuant of Cayley’s of the Year 1874, 111-116. Munro (Robert), Obituary Notice of, by George Macdonald, 158-169. Mylne (Rev. R. S.), Obituary Notice of, 203. Obituary Notices of Fellows, 158-207. Oliphant (James), Obituary Notice of, 203. Ordinary Meetings, Proceedings of, 213. Papers read during 1920-21, 213. Particle, Single : Equations of Motion of, by J. H. M. Wedderburn, 26-33. Peddie (W.). On Fechner’s Law and the Self- Luminosity of the Eye. (Abstract), 60. The Avoidance of Relativity which is not of the Galileo-Newtonian Type. {Title only), 214. Pith Ball, Electrified, in an Ionised Atmosphere, by Dawson Turner and D. M. R. Crombie, 154-157. President’s Address. Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology, by F. O. Bower, 1-25. Prevost(E. W.), Obituary Notice of, by Henry Barnes, 184-185. Prizes, Rules, and List of Awards, 221-229. Proceedings of Ordinary Meetings, 213. of Statutory Meetings, 211, 219. 18 274 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Quantum Theory, iEther and the, by H. S. Allen, 34-43. Queensferry Road, Note on Conditions for Mirage on, by A. G. Ramage, 148-149. Rainy (Harry). Obituary Notice of Sir Thomas R. Fraser, 186-192. Ramage (A. G.). Note on Conditions for Mirage on the Queensferry Road, 148-149. Rennie (John), Elsie J. Harvey, and P. Bruce White. Isle of Wight Disease in Bees. ( Title only — published in Transactions), 213. Reports of General Secretary and Treasurer, 219. Rliynie Chert Bed, Aberdeenshire, Old Red Sandstone Plants from, by R. Kidston and W. H. Lang, 117-118. Roberts (David Lloyd), Obituary Notice of, 204. ! Secretary’s Reports, 1920-21, 219. Shearing Force Diagrams, Maximum, for Con- centrated Rolling Loads, by A. R. Horne, 68-72. Size, a Neglected Factor in Stelar Morphology. President’s Address, by F. 0. Bower, 1-25. Soil Colloids, Relation to Thermal Conductivity of the Soil, by T. B. Franklin, 61-67. Spath (L. F. ). Cretaceous Ammonoidea from Angola, collected by Prof. J. W. Gregory, F.R.S. ( Title only — published in Transac- tions), 213. Sprague (Thomas Bond), Obituary Notice of, 204-206. Spring-born Boys’ Intelligence, by M. M‘Callum Fairgrieve, 150-153. Stability of Fluid Flow in Uniform Channel, by H. Levy, 136-147. Statutory Meetings, Proceedings of, October 1920 and October 1921, 211, 219. Stelar Morphology : Size, a Neglected Factor in. President’s Address, by F. O. Bower, 1-25. Stewart (E. M.), appointed Assistant- Librarian, 219. (Geo. A.), Assistant Secretary. Obitu- ary Notices of Fellows, 197-207. Subscriptions, Annual, etc., Increase of, 214, 219. Thompson, (J. M‘L). Studies in Floral Mor- phology : No. II. Staminal Zygomorphy of Couroupita guianensis, Aubl. ( Title only — published in Transactions), 215. Transactions Papers, Index of, 1920-21, 275. Turner (Dawson) and D. M. R. Crombie. Experiments with an Electrified Pith Bail in an Ionised Atmosphere, 154-157. Unwin (F. ). On the Transverse Galvano- magnetic and Therm omagnetic Effects in several Metals, 44-49. Vacuum Flasks, Evaporation of Liquid Air in, by H. Briggs, 97-110. Voluntary Contributors, List of, under third paragraph of Law VI, 236. Walker (Robert), Obituary Notice of, 206. Wedderburn (J. H. M.). On the Equations of Motion of a Single Particle, 26-33. Awarded Makdougall-Brisbane Prize, 218, 219, 227. White (P. Bruce) and Elsie J. Harvey. See Rennie, John. Wilson (C. T. R. ). Awarded Gunning Prize, 217, 219, 229. Address : Some Recent Work on Light- ning and Thunderstorms. {Title only), 218. Woods (Geo. Arthur), Obituary Notice of, 207. Wordie (J. M. ). Shackleton Antarctic Ex- pedition, 1914-17. {Titles only) — Papers on Weddell Sea — -published in Transactions), 215, 216. Index of Papers published in the “ Transactions ” during Session 1920-21. (Arranged under the Authors’ Names.) Harvey (Elsie J.) and White (P. Bruce). See Rennie (John). Kidston (R.)and Lang (W. H.). On Old Red Sandstone Plants showing Structure, from the Rhynie Chert Bed, Aberdeenshire. Part IV : Restorations of Vascular Cryptogams, and Discussion of their Bearing on the General Morphology of the Pteridophyta and the Origin of the Organisation of Land Plants, vol. lii, Ho. 32, 1921, pp. 831-854. Lang (W. H.). See Kidston (R.). Rennie (John), Harvey (Elsie J. ), and White (P. Bruce). Isle of Wight Disease in Hive Bees, vol. lii, No. 29, 1921, pp. 737-779. Thompson (J. M‘L.). Studies in Floral Mor- phology : No. II. The Staminal Zygomorphy of Couroupita guianensis, Aubl., vol. liii, No. 1, 1921, pp. 1-15. White (P. Bruce) and Harvey (Elsie J.). See Rennie (John). Wordie (J. M.). Shackleton Antarctic Ex- pedition, 1914-17 ; Depths and Deposits of the Weddell Sea, vol. lii, No. 30, 1921, pp. 781-793. Shackleton Antarctic Expedition, 1914- 17 : The Natural History of Pack Ice as observed in the Weddell Sea, vol. lii, No. 31, 1921, pp. 795-829. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY NEILL AND CO., DTD., EDINBURGH. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS. The ‘ copy 5 should be written on large sheets of paper, on one side only, and the pages should be clearly numbered. The MS. must be easily legible, preferably typewritten, and must be absolutely in its final form for printing. All tables of contents, references to plates, or illustrations in the text, etc., must be in their proper places, with the page numbers left blank; and spaces must be indicated for the insertion of illustrations that are to appear in the text. Illustrations. — All illustrations must be drawn in a form im- mediately suitable for reproduction ; and such illustrations as can be reproduced by photographic processes should, so far as possible, be preferred. Drawings to be reproduced as line blocks should be made with Indian ink (deadened with yellow if of bluish tone), preferably on fine white bristol board, free from folds or creases ; smooth, clean lines, or sharp dots, but no washes or colours, should be used. If the drawings are done on a large scale, to be afterwards reduced by photography, any lettering or other legend must be on a corresponding scale. If an author finds it inconvenient to furnish the drawings according to these regulations, the Society will have the figures re-drawn and the letter- ing entered at his expense ; but this will cause delay. When the illustrations are to form plates, a scheme for the arrangement of the figures (in quarto plates for the Transactions, in octavo for the Proceedings) must be given, and numbering and lettering indicated. Proofs. — A first proof and, if desired, a revise of each paper will be sent to the author, whose address should be indicated on the MS. Expenses for proof correction should not exceed 10 per cent, of the printers’ charges on the setting and printing of each paper. Any excess will be charged against the author. All proofs must, if possible, be returned within one week, addressed to The Secretary , Royal Society, 22-24 George Street, Edinburgh, and not to the printer. To prevent delay, authors residing abroad should appoint someone residing in this country to correct their proofs. The author receives fifty of the reprints free, and may have any reasonable number of additional copies at a fixed scale of prices which will be furnished by the printer, who will charge him with the cost. To prevent disappointment, especially if the paper contains plates, the author should, as soon as possible, notify to the Secretary the number of additional copies required, and should also repeat the notification on the first proof returned. Index Slips. — In order to facilitate the compilation of Subject Indices, and to secure that due attention to the important points in a paper shall be given in General Catalogues of Scientific Literature and in Abstracts by Periodicals, every author is requested to return to the Secretary, along with the proof of his paper, a brief index (on the model given below) of the points in it which he considers new or important. These indices will be edited by the Secretary, and incorporated in Separate Index Slips, to be issued with each part of the Proceedings and Transactions. MODEL INDEX. Schafer, E. A. — On the Existence within the Liver Cells of Channels which can be. directly injected from the Blood-vessels. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. 1902, pp. Cells, Liver, — Intra-cellular Canaliculi in. E. A. Schafer. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. Liver, — Injection within Cells of. E. A. Schafer. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. , 1902, pp. , 1902, pp. iv CONTENTS. No. PAQR XYII. The Annual Incidence of Intelligence, and its Measurement by the American Army Tests. By M. M‘Callum Fair- GRIEYE, M.A., 150 (Issued separately December 13, 1921.) XVIII. Experiments with an Electrified Pith Ball in an Ionised Atmosphere. By Dr Dawson Turner and Mr D. M. R. Crombie 154 ( Issued separately December 13, 1921.) Obituary Notices — Robert Munro,M.A.,M.D.,LL.D. By Dr George Macdonald, C.B., John George Bartholomew, LL.D. (Edin.), F.R.G.S., Geographer and Cartographer to the King. By Geo. G. Chisholm, M.A., B.Sc., Reader in Geography, Edinburgh University, Secretary to the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, John Aitken, LL.D., F.R.S. By C. G. Knott, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Yves Delage. By Professor J. H. Ashworth, F.R.S., Edward William Prevost, Pb.D., F.I.C. By Dr Henry Barnes, O.B.E., M.D., Sir Thomas R. Fraser. By Harry Rainy, M.A., M.D.. F.R.C.P. Ed., . . . . T. Lindsay Galloway, M.A., F.G.S., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.E. By Professor W. P. Ker, F.B.A., M.A., ..... Henry Barnes, O.B.E., M.D., LL.D. Contributed by his daughter, Miss E. Barnes, ....... Obituary Notices of Fellows. By Mr George A. Stewart, Assistant Secretary, ........ Appendix — Proceedings of the Statutory General Meeting, October 1920, Proceedings of the Ordinary Meetings, Session 1920-1921, . Proceedings of the Statutory General Meeting, October 1921, The Keith, Makdougall-Brisbane, Neill, Gunning Victoria Jubilee, and James Scott Prizes, ....... Awards of the Keith, Makdougall-Brisbane, Neill, and Gunning Prizes, ........... Accounts of the Society, Session 1920-1921, . Voluntary Contributors under Law VI (end of para. 3), The Council of the Society at October 1921, Alphabetical List of the Ordinary Fellows of the Society, . List of Honorary Fellows of the Society, ..... List of Honorary and Ordinary Fellows of the Society elected during Session 1920-1921, Changes in Fellowship during Session 1920-1921, Additions to Library by Gift or Purchase, ..... Laws of the Society, ......... Index, ............ Index, under Authors’ Names, of Papers published in Transactions , 158 170 177 182 184 186 193 195 197 211 213 219 221 224 230 236 237 238 258 260 260 261 265 272 275 The Papers published in this part of the Proceedings may be had separately, on application to the Publishers, at the follow- ing Prices : — No. X . No. XI . No. XII . No. XIII No. XIV . Price Is. 8d. „ Is. Od. ,, Is. Od. . „ Is. Od. „ Is. Od. No. XV . No. XVI No. XVII No. XVIII . Price Is. 4d. „ Is. Od. „ Is. Od. ,, Is. Od.