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Died, Crawfordsville, Indiana, September 7, 1904. President Indiana Academy Science, 1891-1892. 13 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE Tf. Section 1. This association shall be called the Indiana Academy of Science. Src. 2. The objects of this Academy shall be scientific research and the diffusion of knowledge concerning the various departments of science; to promote intercourse between men engaged in scientific work, especially in Indiana; to assist by investigation and discussion in devel- oping and making known the material, educational and other resources and riches of the State; to arrange and prepare for publication such reports of investigation and discussions as may further the aims and objects of the Academy as set forth in these articles. Whereas, the State has undertaken the publication of such proceed- ings, the Academy will, upon request of the Governor, or of one of the several departments of the State, through the Governor, act through its council as an advisory body in the direction and execution of any investigation within its province as stated. The necessary expenses incurred in the prosecution of such investigation are to be borne by the State; no pecuniary gain is to come to the Academy for its advice or direction of such investigation. The regular proceedings of the Academy as published by the State shall become a public document. ARTICLE II. SecTIon 1. Members of this Academy shall be honorary fellows, fellows, non-resident members or active members. Sec. 2. Any person engaged in any department of scientific work, or in original research in any department of science, shall be eligible to active membership. Active members may be annual or life members. Annual members may be elected at any meeting of the Academy; they shall sign the constitution, pay an admission fee of two dollars, 14 and thereafter an annual fee of one dollar. Any person who shall at one time contribute fifty dollars to the funds of this Academy may be elected a life member of the Academy, free of assessment. Non-resident members may be elected from those who have been active members but who have removed from the State. In any case, a three- fourths vote of the members present shall elect to membership. Appli- cations for membership in any of the foregoing classes shall be referred to a committee on application for membership, who shall consider such application and report to the Academy before the election. Sec. 3. The members who are actively engaged in scientific work, who have recognized standing as scientific men, and who have been members of the Academy at least one year, may be recommended for nomination for election as fellows by three fellows or members per- sonally acquainted with their work and character. Of members so nominated a number not exceeding five in one year May, on recom- mendation of the Executive Committee, be elected as fellows. At the meeting at which this is adopted, the members of the Executive Com- mittee for 1894 and fifteen others shall be elected fellows, and those now honorary members shall become honorary fellows. Honorary fel- lows may be elected on account of special prominence in science. on the written recommendation of two members of the Academy. In any case a three-fourths vote of the members present shall elect. ARTICLE III. Section 1. The officers of this Academy shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting, and shall hold office one year. They shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Press Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their respective offices and in addition, with the ex-Presi- dents of the Academy, shall constitute an Executive Committee. The President shall, at each annual meeting, appoint two members to be a committee which shall prepare the programs and have charge of the arrangements for all meetings for one year. Sec. 2. The annual meeting of this Academy shall be held in the city of Indianapolis within the week following Christmas of each year, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee. There shall 15 also be a Summer meeting at such time and place as may be decided upon by the Executive Committee. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The past Presidents, together with the officers and Executive Committee, shall constitute the Council of the Academy, and represent it in the transaction of any necessary business not specially provided for in this constitution, in the interim between general meetings. Sec. 3. This constitution may be altered or amended at any annual meeting by a three-fourths majority of the attending members of at least one year’s standing. No question of amendment shall be decided on the day of its presentation. BY-LAWS. 1. On motion, any special department of science shall be assigned to a curator, whose duty it shall be, with the assistance of the other members interested in the same department, to endeavor to advance knowledge in that particular department. Hach curator shall report at such time and place as the Academy shall direct. These reports shall include a brief summary of the progress of the department during the year preceding the presentation of the report. 2. The President shall deliver a public address on the morning of one of the days of the meeting at the expiration of his term of office. 3. The Press Secretary shall attend to the securing of proper news- paper reports of the meetings and assist the Secretary. 4. No special meeting of the Academy shall be held without a notice of the same haying been sent to the address of each member at least fifteen days before such meeting. 5. No bill against the Academy shall be paid without an order signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary. 6. Members who shall allow their dues to remain unpaid for two years, having been annually notified of their arrearage by the Treasurer, shall have their names stricken from the roll. 7. Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 16 MEMBERS. FELLOWS. ER rele A CY: a Sere ear neti F1B98. Se ceric es Bloomington. itrankeMVe cAnaTeWw Sissi) cioee ieee 1904: Seca ee Bloomington. pO AT GWU: op. ercinciscrewielstolas = oe - 1893 Zmeclas eres Lafayette. George W. Benton.............. 1896S Feshon oe: Indianapolis. AG Se IONCY s sre am sete deen Pee. te i Pier ooiomear Moore’s Hill. PAN UG ELT OT Sars ia ysyatateeteustere opis sPans RON emit o Bane West Lafayette. Donaldson Bodmesssc> oes 1399 ee eee Crawfordsville. Weas>. blatchley-2cesn--e.ccece a 1893 anatase Indianapolis. EPG SAB TUNEL: cosets Bee cotioeeaee TS9ON: Be Sire Irvington. Severance Burrage .............. 1 SOS 2s eee Lafayette. IAG WW; Butler Ss. sac see seeks: Rott Beep aeran Indianapolis. Jeli Camppellztenneec nee e aes NS OS ees ae hole coe Crawfordsville. Mel COOKS se teehee tec O02 eee eee Santiago, Cuba. Johny. Coulter sreueee wees 1898 Beene sigseee= Chicago, 1. StanleysCoulterte 5 sere eccese IEE an ouseaoctorde Lafayette. Glenn Culbertson ........... Pmt OOO Sy tase menus creer Hanover. IDESW. = Dennis seejs-bincciseioecs = acts 1S95 cede ae See aoest Richmond. Cine eDEVCE. fc5.. 5 sue ener eee 1 SOA ae A as ches cee Terre Haute. Coy Higenmanni ss. sce sae UBOS a at at-tecreetesee Bloomington. Percy; NOEOneB Vans. ce aeneroee NOI irs tise West Lafayette. ENP eM Oley krat acer siheeeties Gee Nese cna o dea aeee Bloomington. Katherine E. Golden............ USOB Ee isis eoei ce Lafayette. Mee en GOld ens sor aaareeenete ener 1899 Saas oo ee Lafayette. DWV perv n GOSS se eiere tye a eee Ibot Be Roan Sar oiee Lafayette. PBNOMASH GCA Yi seit each LEOS Ree) pee Terre Haute. ASS: cblathaway: << Sacsc0 oeestaes 1895 <2 Bee es ee Terre Haute. DV cee se DOSE rot accaeteneterccerdoenorsee 19023 5 Get. dees Lafayette. Robert Hessler ..... Lae coe ne eee Ihey? SI eSoctee abue cco Logansport. IMPACTS ORs eck oe taste ieee 1893 eaters Cee ee Lafayette. Edwin S. Johannott ........... 1904 Se onsen Terre Haute. ArthureWendii Ck eoaas serene i ols tole PaO rcreeo nee Terre Haute. Feo bert sl by.OnS ssaccictas se se ticlerers ES9G sii ce ae Sosa Bloomington. IWirA eMC eb hire zea Peta oye aoe tee hee Bloomington. Wiatliam NN: Blanchard. 2505.54. oes Greencastle. id wan IVE Blake Vee sats Pinca ee ee eee Lafayette. ILGeuH PB enn htise ee Ae ee tee foes ke Valparaiso. Gharles'S” Bomdiavreset 56... ot eee eee coon Richmond. TOC el ST COLE eee Pepe te ohn ter ee eh to eae ee ee Delphi. Lye 11 Wael 5750 Ce Sane ere ee et ves Gi ae ge ea Weston, Oregon. Herman S.C bamibenr) ain sehen sren sear Indianapolis. By eh. (Chan sleet oe era aia an cuedlarte Bicknell. OttosOr Clay tone se ees ieee eA Nee ee Geneva. Howard W. Clark ..... CF SAGeeOnaeN ta cex acelas CHICAGO UUs George Clements ...... id hole 9 UE a aes See Crawfordsville. Charlest@lickener ies oe oes aso etna eine Silverwood, R. D. No. 1. Oi COR ahr: ata Che cerntk one ae Cer trate Mankato, Minn. Wralliramét ClitiordsCoxs Aes staan ceatesiste cies sees Columbus. Je PAM Oracwelhee chrom malas n tails, arate areas Crawfordsville. NI berty ba Groweseea ee ct ce cies SOA Oran ee Charleston, Ill. MSE =Crowelleeeseaecee amo ad lentciseeeaee Ae Franklin. Edward Roscoe Cumings.............. AACS Sr Bloomington. Alida; ME: ¢Cunming ham 0. as dene asiwids oat Alexandria. lixarerv 40) ide IDEN og aden Gnoon obbea En douppooo° Indianapolis. 1 odie DEW piolyoral sadn, eaieb.orka ch otane ie oat omnOn nen Baltimore, Md. Charlesu@s Deampaeey eee etc eee lub One Marhhay DORM siete | tice tins has Sevsiwle sets seis Westfield. Pietra l8) (Mea ere cae sree ys¥a oi eieecere vets coe « @ oe Gio be arecee Syracuse. lsigimanginlel io ID es sae gedaoc supa d lao mNseese Lafayette. [dining IDG, pea Re Sek beta odes scoop tee bEeo ete Indianapolis. lonanalc Tes, LBiGhyethe Ee cuos. ce saat aeecoes Cosme ocr Indianapolis. Wh, Ise IBhgeysley | Pope ociootdiod aa moc cn Ome aaee eae Columbus. SHINO (Coe ONGLOS Reese aoe OCO Oe Coe Moe an eee Evansville. Carlton G. Ferris . Thy INES STEHT OVET 2" ose ces Sette: Renn Bi ener aie Cre eon ane eae Big Rapids, Mich. 19 Urmeyville. AV IVaiil fo adiTemee Nap INS KOs rn aes lepcy ame eeuels versus, wrote @y mere Richmond. Web Hletehier ... oa .. be RTA oa eNO _... Indianapolis. Pater TUMEUR ape os eee Pa eats hl 2k an ae ego New Albany. Meclnia 1D (Canoe le sae egies ce atone mes er meoenncE Montpelier. @hrar les eWay Garretts. emcpias cect e sista choriaceeciart Logansport. igyolceris (a (Cablilmeny ts Soceics cere Bere eesOOt rica Le Terre Haute. \Weeraronate(COuUlClN 3' Sees Sega perce n ear ere eee Rochester. iol roam Eten seat acts riot evans susarareders vers Bascom. Wiener La vernebavel ie ern me cotnas beatin momen Indianapolis. Ml catey ape TNO . ek obo c,h cua acatanct ciate» 2! ayo None Cos Greencastle. SO MMT OWMer ge tie cw ene aateelsi sok a\vie say eche as Indianapolis. dianialic’ ky, (aukesesno ee een So e8 com bnabe Gone enero oe: Terre Haute. “Sis. TBASIIIE 1 Gil aT,6 IS eee orto es Cyrene nee re Madison. Telia d]; LEMIUCK ENON AOS Goo eoausa ona: ome aioe asec Logansport. a) FV GN LETT ATI Y copeinataysicressse, Saou sere ete eyek ayeisie a, 6/2 8) ec Lafayette. PN GTIMD SsELOLe HE Aes ies ae histo. scotee Stas wes aes Richmond. UGS Mee EMU DAK: oo x8 hoe pers kouciss oie srelerties os South Bend. PO uMMINeg Elunt ye va ee ether ecGueg) Meare mica sierehadhs.s Indianapolis. OH ACK SOM core robir mus ate ie, leis oye els eve slis.e walierd ase Greencastle. MEXom OMS OMS pep cieeatreecrsiet re ei eientis uel 56 menos ec Ft. Wayne. lamAC IDE ACMI ss ae osoes oo tobo Cee ecor Ioan amee Kokomo. VVpsrl ere ewe OID CSeie) as eeapepe cnerc; acct c ans.oue aordeuatete akeon ets West Lafayette. (Clini dine ey atereeebac . | amo Ros enern eect Boulder, Colo. APC SO roe rescence cislong iol ps: aisrene a's e/a «ern Terre Haute. orton AS Kent)... 2-525. Dae Seda stance ee iat .......Crawfordsville. Charles ie lise Kena Decree ayers 65) <<< areym.ctersienie 58 2% Champaign, II. lela Jl JLB ea alo gabe COO pon tame mare ne Lebanon. \iallibic nan 1 DE IEE) ages a ag AEG IO OmCACToO oe tocton Richmond. View MOCK WOOG: 6.08... cenuesie es oases 4 A se eee Indianapolis. 20 Robert Wesley-McBride=s-. 25-6 s0600- US Gio ie Indianapolis. oussecaum\icClelilan teats eerie Indianapolis. Richard C. McClaskey...... Lesyal Cheroiatetarelatentele steer Terre Haute. feynnb. MGMilion. ence wae Ch me cr ee ene Indianapolis. BawardiG.-Mahin= cece. naccete tikes see West Lafayette. James E. Manchester.... .... ........ ent 6 Vincennes. Clarke Micka eee eerie NETO AORTA GAIA COE 6 2 Indianapolis. IWieG Middleton sincs se tacc ute ec eran ae eas Richmond. EL el; EON ES OMEIY: oe cc cc wisp oa pho ee alee Oo oe South Bend. NV akverue.. Morgan. scr atten on eee oe eer Terre Haute. Fred Mutchler siete’ gh ov falere oie otaeropstvenere extol Terre Haute. @harles Hs Newlin’ nc 6sa-7.cs ott ceteihee tee ern Irvington. John Newlin 7 i. atte ce ey eile ete cites Seen core West Lafayette. John BH. Newsom. 2. 0.2.0. see sieves ss os oeee ss obantord Universityaa@aie EVV, NODC resins Aeterna ee cine oe Se .Chicago, Ill. DAS OWEN Avon nic «1s dato eiererentereere eee . Greensburg. Williaa Stewart Sac 521. ccm cotereet nous cet orice Burlington, Vt. Wallan s.0 ULOCUCI ecianisaan. ce a ctoetetem aie ecaees Indianapolis. EAT Kael civ OL eters sien ae cenerstctoos via si oels witotelerere ts Ft. Wayne. epee MOM SOM pene aos) oles oieiel Sc eiec flere cles weer els ole Richmond. COST LO TA Gl SIGW, OO Cee ye cany faseicrereteteteceyare erat che leyalere avs, 0co Indianapolis. Nod Fists gerro hyo) Nh ste Seco ancien ce ReC CeCe ere Oxford, Ohio. PD ITC LE OY Clic me retaratsvacaiso one avevoretelsvolSieuersrete: 3 ereieve Goshen. Je\5 1B UO DRRER CAN Go meh ees 0 Bpeihehten cera MeIO ERO North Manchester. Wie ssn; Is GORGE. © cylin « ocaie «erors feics ss. slajaleye Sieteye’e Worthington. Art tittes © se VC BGG: Ase clecers srcig) sisiin ee « sis terovsiaiele a ists Rockport. EIPa See VIO OLNECS Arse yarsyarsneva ode ents cveieie cls ale oS s/ elev claiers Ft. Wayne. Jo LEIS NACI Se aod doe edcie GHOmo Oa GD OEOOO Cnt Huntington. Hicepra keel WV CLO ic cieve ols, sisters crete pictals Sjsre eletepevese «rete Indianapolis. TD Eye) 4 BS AY Ci eo eee SEE LOM eI OEE aeRO ee Indianapolis. SSO ee Vice GEM AICT 2). = a535)shatha le, aisle slenG oun eichays eleeints West Lafayette. rede @s AVWiliVuGOmaleeticieteere er ctcicia munity clevelets cuereusreie Delphi VV tear WiNIGGEIE Socn sco ccrcinsie wisie's sia ores South Bend. ING TSE me VV MLTR TIAS ye fo ei Nogeicrel tava yas ots ate lors lovevers's eta Terre Haute. Wralltam> Watson Woollen’. 0.0.02. 0cc000 so Indianapolis. PLE VIOOISG YAN ..5,..*src sre caeicls Sah Ssikco avai aislereloeae asters Indianapolis. Nena Cys PVIOUSE 1. css okey oa scies icine elt oi aisles 016 Weleiele'e Terre Haute. Be HGS ABI EIN GS, ha wey Gray see's) ats'y sinim wm iabiarviara' el 6 esi Bloomington. AG WO WS tcercrererane isis ae acs sia aleve 1k ciatesue sont Lessee 53 Non-resident members ............:.-----: 20 ANCHIVOeMEMDCLS ayer seee ciisteeieoelersievere cele stele 126 21 22 LIST OF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. AFRICA. Dr. J. Medley Wood, Natal Botanical Gardens, Berea Durban, South Africa. South African Philosophical Society, Cape Town, South Africa. ASIA. China Branch Royal Asiatic Society, Shanghai, China. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, India. Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, India. Indian Museum of India, Calcutta, India. India Survey Department of India, Calcutta, India. Deutsche Gesellschaft, fiir Natur- und V6lkerkunde Ostasiens, Tokio, Japan. Imperial University, Tokio, Japan. Koninklijke Naturkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie, Batavia, Java. Hon. D. D. Baldwin, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. EUROPE. V. R. Tschusizu Schmidhoffen, Villa Tannenhof, Halle in Salzburg, Austria. Herman von Vilas, Innsbruck, Austria. Ethnologische Mittheilungen aus Ungarn, Budapest, Austro-Hungary. Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn, Buda- pest, Austro-Hungary. Kk. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna (Wien), Austro-Hungary. Ix. U. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Budapest, Austro-Hungary. Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischer Verein in Innsbruck (Tyrol), Aus- tro-Hungary. Editors ‘“Termeszetrajzi Fuzetk,’ Hungarian National Museum, Buda pest, Austro-Hungary. Dr. Eugen Dadai, Adj. am. Nat. Mus., Budapest, Austro-Hungary. 23 Dr. Julius von Madarasz, Budapest, Austro-Hungary. K. K. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum, Vienna (Wien), Austro-Hungary. Ornithological Society of Vienna (Wien), Austro-Hungary. Zodlogische-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien (Vienna), Austro-Hungary. Dr. J. von Csato, Nagy Enyed, Austro-Hungary. Botanic Garden, K. K.. Universitiit, Wien (Vienna), Austro-Hungary. Malacological Society of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium. Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium. Royal Linnean Society, Brussels, Belgium. Societé Belge de Geologie, de Paleontologié et Hydrologie, Brussels, Belgium. Societé Royale de Botanique, Brussels, Belgium. Societé Geologique de Belgique, Liége, Belgium. Royal Botanical Gardens, Brussels, Belgium. Bristol Naturalists’ Society, Bristol, England. Geological Society of London, London, England. Dr. E. M. Holmes, British Pharm. Soc’y, Bloomsbury Sq., London, W. C., England. Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine, London, England. The Librarian, Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W., England. Liverpool Geological Society, Liverpool, England. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester, England. “Nature,” London, England. Royal Botanical Society, London, England. Royal Kew Gardens, London, England. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, Penzance, England. Royal Microscopical Society, London, England. Zoodlogical Society, London, England. Lieut.-Col. John Biddulph, 438 Charing Cross, London, England. Dr. G. A. Boulenger, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, England. F. DuCane Godman, 10 Chandos St., Cavendish Sq., London, England. Mr. Howard Saunders, 7 Radnor Place, Hyde Park, London W., England. Phillip L. Sclater, 3 Hanover Sq., London W., England. Dr. Richard Bowlder Sharpe, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, England. Prof. Alfred Russell Wallace, Corfe View, Parkstone, Dorset, England. 24 Botanical Society of France, Paris, France. Ministérie de l’Agriculture, Paris, France. Societé Entomologique de France, Paris, France. L’Institut Grand Ducal de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Lux., France. Soc. de Horticulture et de Botan. de Marseille, Marseilles, France. La Soc. Linneenne de Normandie, Caen, France. Societé Linneenne de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. Soc. des Naturelles, etc., Nantes, France. Zodlogical Society of France, Paris, France. Baron Louis d’Hamonville, Meurthe et Moselle, France. Pasteur Institute, Lille, France. Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Boutanischer Verein der Proyinz Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Berlin, Germany. Entomologischer Verein in Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Journal fiir Ornithologie, Berlin, Germany. Prof. Dr. Jean Cabanis, Alte Jacob Strasse, 103 A., Berlin, Germany. Augsburger Naturhistorischer Verein, Augsburg, Germany. Count Hans von Berlspen. Miinden, Germany. Braunschweiger Verein fiir Naturwissenschaft, Braunschweig, Germany. Bremer Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Bremen, Germany. Ornithologischer Verein Miinchen, Thierschstrasse, 3712, Miinchen, Ger- many. Royal Botanical Gardens, Berlin W., Germany. Kaiserliche Leopoldische-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturfor- scher, Halle‘a Saale, Wilhemstrasse 37, Germany. Koéniglich-Siichsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch- Physische Classe, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Hanover, Hanover, Prussia, Germany. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Verein fiir Erdkunde, Leipzig, Germany. Verein fiir Naturkunde, Wiesbaden, Prussia. Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Belfast, Ireland. Royal Dublin Society, Dublin. Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, County Dublin, Ireland. Societa Entomologica Italiana, Fiorence, Italy. Prof. H. H. Giglioli, Museum Vertebrate Zoédlogy, Florence, Italy. Dr. Alberto Perngia, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa, Italy. Societa Italiana de Scienze Naturali, Milan, Italy. Societa Africana d’Italia, Naples, Italy. Dell’ Academia Pontifico de Nuovi Lincei, Rome, Italy. Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Rome, Italy. Rassegna della Scienze Geologiche in Italia, Rome, Italy. R. Comitato Geologico d’Italia, Rome, Italy. Prof. Count Tomasso Salvadori, Zodlog. Museum, Turin, Italy. Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences, Throndhjem, Norway. Dr. Robert Collett, IKongl. Frederiks Uniy. Christiana, Norway. Academia Real des Sciencias de Lisboa (Lisbon), Portugal. Comité Geologique de Russie, St. Petersburg, Russia. Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia. Imperial Society of Naturalists, Moscow, Russia. Jardin Imperial de Botanique, St. Petersburg, Russia. The Botanical Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. John J. Dalgleish, Brankston Grange, Bogside Sta., Sterling, Scotland. Edinburgh Geological Society, Edinburgh, Scotland. Geological Society of Glasgow, Scotland. John A. Harvie-Brown, Duniplace House, Larbert, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Natural History Society, Glasgow, Scotland. “Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh, Scotland. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland. Barcelona Academia de Ciencias y Artes, Barcelona, Spain. Royal Academy of Sciences, Madrid, Spain. Institut Royal Geologique de Suéde, Stociholm, Sweden. Societé Entomologique a Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden. Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Stockholm, Sweden. 26 Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Basel, Switzerland. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Berne, Berne, Switzerland. La Societé Bontanique Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland. Societé Helvetique de Sciences Naturelles, Geneva, Switzerland. Societé de Physique et d’Historie Naturelle de Geneva, Geneva, Switzer- land. Concilium Bibliographicum, Ztirich-Oberstrasse, Switzerland. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Ztirich, Switzerland. Schweizerische Botanische Gesellschaft, Ziirich, Switzerland. Prof. Herbert H. Field, Zitirich, Switzerland. AUSTRALIA. Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sidney, New South Wales. Royal Society of New South Wales, Sidney, New South Wales. Prof. Liveridge, F. R. S., Sidney, New South Wales. Hon. Minister of Mines, Sidney, New South Wales. Mr. E. P. Ramsey, Sidney, New South Wales. Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland. Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia. Victoria Pub. Library, Museum and Nat. Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria. Prof. W. L. Buller, Wellington, New Zealand. NORTH AMERICA. Natural Hist. Society of British Columbia, Victoria, British Columbia. Canadian Record of Science, Montreal, Canada. McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 2 Natural Society, Montreal, Canada. Natural History Society, St. Johns, New Brunswick. Nova Scotia Institute of Science, Halifax, N. S. Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Dr. T. Mellwraith, Cairnbrae, Hamilton, Ontaria. The Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Natural History Society, Toronto, Ontario. Hamilton Association Library, Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Entomologist, Ottawa, Ontario. Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Ontario. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario. Canadian Institute, Toronto. Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club, Ottawa, Ontario. University of Toronto, Toronto. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. La Naturaliste Canadian, Chicontini, Quebec. La Naturale Za, City of Mexico. Mexican Society of Natural History, City of Mexico. Museo Nacional, City of Mexico. Sociedad Cientifica Antonio Alzate, City of Mexico. Sociedad Mexicana de Geographia y Estadistica de la Republica Mexi- cana, City of Mexico. WEST INDIES. Botanical Department, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Victoria Institute, Trinidad, British West Indies. Museo Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Dr. Anastasia Alfaro, Secy. National Museum, San Jose, Costa Rica. Rafael Arango, Havana, Cuba. Jamaica Institute, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. The Hope Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Estacion Central Agronomica Departments de Patologia, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. SOUTH AMERICA. Argentina Historia Natural Florentine Amegline, Buenos Ayres, Argen- tine Republic. Musée de la Plata, Argentine Republic. Nacional Academia des Ciencias, Cordoba, Argentine Republic. Sociedad Cientifica Argentine, Buenos Ayres. Museo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sociedad de Geographia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. Herman von Jhering, Dir. Zoil. Sec. Con. Geog. e Geol. de Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Deutscher Wissenschaftlicher Verein in Santiago, Santiago, Chili. Societé Scientifique du Chili, Santiago, Chili. Sociedad Guatemalteca de Ciencias, Guatemala, Guatemala. PROGRAM OF THE SLVV ENT LE et ANNUAL MEE trie OF IHE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, SHORTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, November 25, 19OA. OFFICERS AND EX-OFFICIO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. CARL L. MEES, President. J. H. RANSOM, Assistant Secretary. GLENN CULBERTSON, Vice-President. G. A. ABBOTT, Press Secretary. JOHN S. WRIGHT, Secretary. W. A. McBETH, Treasurer. W.S. BLATCHLEY, THOMAS GRAY, O. P. Hay, H. W. WItry, SraNLEY COULTER, T. C. MENDENHALL, M. B. THomas, Amos W. BuTLer, JOHN C. BRANNER, D. W. DgEnnis, W.A.NOoyEs, J.P. D. Joun, C. H. EIGENMANN, J.C. ARTHUR, JOHN M. CouLtEr, C. A. WaLpo, J. L.CaMPBELL, Davin 8. JORDAN. The sessions of the Academy will be held in the Shortridge High School. The Presi- dent’s address will be given in the auditorium of the Shortridge High School. Headquarters will be at the English Hotel. A rate of $2.00 and up per day, American plan, will be made to all persons who make it known at the time of registering that they are members of the Academy. Reduced railroad rates for the members can not be secured under the present pattae of the Traffic Association. Many of the colleges can secure special rates on the various roadg. PROGRAM COMMITTEE. GrorGE W. Beyron, Indianapolis. Joun S. Wricut, Indianapolis. KATHERINE E. GOLDEN, Lafayette. GENERAL PROGRAM. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24. Meeting of Executive Committee at Hotel Headquarters................--- 8:00 p. m. Fripay, NOVEMBER 25. (Glare nul Scions noaacouh 5050 Boodab bebe dasa bddddeds UaUO dou decd DoponadbeDGOKNe: 9:00 a. m. TOR halted ANG eae sdoo cuss dag SDao0d oO ddbo 0O00 0000 doHODN cS0U.00D8 000006 11:00 a. m. General Session, followed by Sectional Meetings............ceceeceeeee cee 2:00 p. m. LIST OF PAPERS TO BE READ. ADDRESS BY THE RETIRING PRESIDENT, CART EE: MEES; At ll o’clock Friday morning, at Shortridge High School. Subject: ‘Electricity and Matter; Recent Developments.’’ The following ,apers will be read in the order in which they appear on the program, except that certain papers will be presented “ pari passu’’ in sectional meetings. Whena paper is called and the reader is not present, it will be dropped to the end of the list, unless by mutual agreement an exchange can be made with another whose time is approximately the same. Where no time was sent with the papers, they have been uniformly assigned ten minutes. Opportunity will be given after the reading of each paper for a brief discussion. N. B.— By the order of the Academy, no paper can be read until an abstract of its contents or the written paper has been placed in the hands of the Secretary. GENERAL. LeOMyeOUust=—Oruse ANGuiOChs Lonme =:, ices + eine ocrsicea’ cc ascents crete) v.cre mae. cte/ela are Robert Hessler 2. Old Water Power Mills of Carroll County, 10m........... Oe ae cee Fred J. Breeze 3. Photography for the Nature Student (illustrated by the stereopticon), 20 m. ~ Benjamin W. Douglass **4, The Rosebud Indian Celebration, 10m.......................++--+---- Albert B. Reagan PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY. 5. A Device for Determining the Period of a Pendulum, 5 m.....Herman S. Chamberlain 6. Some Experiments with a Simple Jolly Balance, 10 m............... Lynn B. McMullen RONG SRDS Sel oer) vectra ice neie es cna seine acem'siere 60:2 Rolla R. Ramsey and W. P. Haseman 8. Electro-Magnetic Induction in Different Conductors, 10 m. Arthur L. Foley and C. A. Evans 9. Interference Fringes from the Path of an Electric Discharge, 5 m. Arthur L. Foley and J. H. Haseman 10. On the Deformation of Surfaces Referred to a Conjugate System of Lines, 10 m. ; Burke Smith 11. Warped Surfaces with two Distinct Rectilinear Directrices, 10 m........... C. A. Waldo 12. A New Form of Mathematical Models, 10m .... .........e.eee cece cece tees C. A. Waldo 13. Measures of Some Neglected Pairs of Double Stars,5m ...............-- John A. Miller 14. An Esker in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, 10 m...........-....... 02+. eee W.A. McBeth Te Notes OnEthenvVIssIssippleDelta,plormse se eect ce sits ofa 15 ais ate «le lols « ole oiaie ro oiete W.A. McBeth lia. The Newtonian Idea of the Calculus, 20 m..........- 2.2.2. 2222 cece eeeee- A.S. Hathaway 50 ble 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. #993. *24, = 296 or 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. Soe 34. 35. 36. aT. ETHNOLOGY. The: Cli Dwellersiof Arizona, Om se-cec- ease eae ee eee cote e eee Albert B. Reagan All Saints’ Day at Jemez, New Mexico, 10 m............ 22.2.0 +... 2-0: Albert B. Reagan ThetPenrtentiessa Om: o.2s5-c sence emencee cesar cee te, aa Albert B. Reagan Pho Mtatachins Dance, 0imts asc o-e. eee oe thee tt AeA T RT ea ‘All eA raf Min ip “| RGM A AMS i . tin fine a, va eat ne ae a >in We ih Meg ra Sa : N yf ee : a» wn oS SS (Joh ae — : Fa zal ri = ' aa ( === oS == ai ay if i ELA li; . : _" AO miles The Delta of t 16 9 Mississippi River 20 ™1. 49 between Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne. This stream is evidently a former distributary of the main stream. The bays along the edge of the delta of which Barataria, Timbalier end Terre Bonne are examples, show how the advancing delta arms extend around areas of gulf and hem them in. Notice particularly Bay Marchand, at the mouth of Bayou la Fourche, and the separation of Timbalier and Terre Bonne bays by the long narrow delta of Bayou Terre Bonne. This inclosing process is aided by the formation of barrier beaches from point to point by wave action. True delta area is further indicated by the straighter course of the river below Baton Rouge. The river is very meandering through the whole length of the alluvial valley on account of the gentle slope of the river bed, but below Baton Rouge it becomes increasingly straight, although in the distance of two hundred forty miles the fall is but five feet, or one-fourth inch per mile. _As streams always acquire the meandering habit on gentle slopes, this ap- parent contradiction of the law of stream flow furnishes an interesting problem. I piopose this explanation: The river flowing into the gulf produces a current some distance out from the shore along the sides of which the sediment is deposited more rapidly than in the swifter central line of flow. Finally the narrow mud banks appear above the surface along the course laid out by the current in the still waters of the gulf. The tendency to meander shown at the head of the delta indicates the inclination of the stream to conform to law. The stream is forming meanders. Below New Orleans an abrupt bend appears as an apparent refutation of the explanation of the straight lower course. This bend represen:s an accident in the direct forward movement of the delta. Ob- serve the streams beginning near the eastern curve of this bend and the tract of land extending east and partially inclosing Lake Borgne and Mississippi Sound on the south. These streams and this strip of land indicate a former course of the river. A crevass across the narrow south bank caused the abandonment of the part below and the abrupt turn of the river. saan Tee Ie RON rane ah pS INES IMIS opto cecteee: W DH Weelieonte MIPSESCON scr scys ce cette nao s AR BAG. Ra ieevetnaic cere ls Sree oe 3-8 ING XG ISG CID scseo ce nee rene Oe ee oe SR a clare Fie oe ial a Oee nite Soe Cae ae eee 4-19 COMMON TR tee arte eee eae ee ae EET eee eres ees oral eer se Reyes ee pores + Sarai Bia et spent ot oe ee Ne ae oe AT Sena eee eed OU 4-99 4-29 Abundances scat me eee eee ee Rare. |eeertece ese Poe ee ommntons 3. [7] Gavia imber (Gunn.). Loon. Commen migrant., April 1 to May 11. Loons may be seen on the larger ponds any morning after a stormy night in April. Before the waterworks and railroad reservoirs were made these birds were not seen. Bollman and Evermann do not give the Loon in their lists of 1886 and 1887. MIGRATION RECORD. WAT comes nad neg cosh Seow a ouecinie: sine tin sieve sie Saeco eieaciee esa ae aterm eres 1886. 1903. Observers «ic cbis ahacac- tes Res tees oe lero ast eane eel aera ere bela Be We gHiz ere Ven eaves Bins tis@e@m he sap baviee Retin Masons ee eine esos eee eee eet Gm een eeu teas _ 4-1 ar 4-13 Nextiséen .isci)s. cou na a DRE he Ree ee ee ee 4-15 CommoOne cise ROS ow sees eBedala hs sien e tele Ue oes lemes ate oie ieinsiete ee ess] helo eee ae 4-15 Wastieeni-s ence nec MEOH asa Ncedots cncind GanontoCoOUMA Chae GOODAdDadolly ospoocn.s 5-11 7A) OUAGIEH ELI ae nda oe aneiciodo qdco osennpmeeeoaduny eacibooba ud dand dacddsGcasfoogrH8 a0 wace Common. 69 4. [60] Larus philadelphia (Ord). Bonaparte’s Gull. Rare migrant. One record April 16, 19038: s@ieare sera s atoieoale eles cet | Ne eee eee 4-19 Dias tisee nessa ve sgscsasssiscene se caseteiwieanae 5-8 5-8 4-13 4 21 IAD UNOAN Cesc csi nare Rae eee ete seine eee Not;common 25.02 -1ese eae Common. 13. 148 Dafila acuta (Linn.). Pintail. Rare migrant. Feb. 26 to March 4. MIGRATION RECORD. “TUTTE, glee od SARS GCI US ce aE STO IES Naren IC Ae eat er gt | 1886. | 1902 BIREMNVION es ses oan oan ease LORIE RE Cea RC Atel SB ace ae aioe SOUR AErTC B W.E W.L.M MUSERCAREG Te fore elisa one eaiet 6 net oelete laistacise ei eg caetepnminern acid oo, sau ainiensore rele is 2-26 3-1 NEERING OMT re eye haya sah casibae oie oa is aang ale purest ceoee ene oe oa Deena | 3-4 | SaaS tia ae 14. [144] Aix sponsa (Linn.). Wood Duck.* Rare migrant. March 24 to May. Formerly a common summer resi- dent (C. H. B. ’86), and the most common duck, often seen near the campus (B. W. E. °87). Reported breeding in 1887 (G. G. W.), and in recent years (A. W. Butler, *97).. At present this duck is extremely rare; the only one reported since 1897 was seen in May, 1902 (T. J. Headlee). MIGRATION RECORD. WIGHT? 5 adicetaedin Rentig na Qo RG SHEE PES OD a SE GEE CCE onC I a er amar hE | 1885. | 1887. CUS ECR css RaA Anion cE SGD EES Gace PF DEBE CEST Sek REECE Or a Ecler a amneee C.H.B G.G. W. LDTRIC, CEO ae SSSR EAB ey eS eer Ne etn IE 77 Oo ee A ee 3-31 3 34 INEST & CE CTS ge nS earn Ct a ra OR a 4-1 | 3-26 15. [146] Aythya americana (Eyt.). Redhead. Although this bird is a common migrant in neighboring localities, there is but one record of its occurrence here. Four were taken March 20, 1903. 16. [147] dAythya vallisneria (Wils.). Canvas-back. Common migrant (C. H. B. ’86). Common April 23, 1903. 17. [148] Aythya marila (Linn.). American Seaup Duck. One record. March 4, 1886 (B. W. E.). 18. [149] Aythya affinis (Eyt.). Lesser Scaup Duck.* Common migrant. March 9 to May 8. The Little Blue-bill is the most common duck. As is the case with the Shoveller, the first migrants are males. The females, however, are present in larger numbers than the males in the flocks seen later in the season. (es MIGRATION RECORD. | | AV Gia Bes oe Serres easiness RR oe eee ee ee ee | 1885. | 1886. 1902. 1903. Observer. fence ne eee ee eae C.H.B: | BeWlE. | WoL. Mo | Wet ee Minstiee em: brcsvw eet Soe Ae eae ae eee ane Boe walicscee eee e 3-27 3-9 INewtis Pench ace encie oe ene ae ne eee ae ee ities if eis Ta aE 4-5 1-5 Common. 5.25% Wetie ooe eee ee ae aS Peet | See eect tote can aise aoe eee eee 4-21 REESE Neste ihr oe Rens Be ee eR EEE 5-8 4-19 4-26 Aun da 16 6 sais ar Seas cats oe ee ee oes ee Peo eee sree cea Common. | Common. 19. [151] Clangula clangula americana (Bonap.). American Golden-eye. ~ Rather common migrant. There are several records, but the only date at hand is March 1, 1902. 20. [153] Charitonetta albeola (Linn.). Buftle-head. Very rare migrant (B. W. E. ’87). March 5, 1886 (B. W. E.). 21. [166] Oidemia perspicillata (Linn.). Surf Scoter. Rare: one seen in 1886, “a storm duck” (C. H. B.). Of very unusual occurrence away from large bodies of water in this latitude. The only other records for the State are for the year 1875. 22. [167] Erismatura jamaicensis (Gmel.). tuddy Duck. Not common migrant. April 24, 1903. 23. [169.1] Chen carulescens (Lirn.). Blue Goose. Rare migrant (C. Hf B: °86). 24. [172] Branta canadensis (Linn.). Canada Goose.* Common migrant. February 17 to April 12. October 31 to Novem- ber: 24. On two occasions, 3—2, ’°02 and 2—17, ’03, Wild Geese were seen flying south. On both of these dates there was a sudden drop in the temperature, in the latter case to six degrees below zero. ‘Those seen 4—12, 1903, were flying through a driving rain. A Canada Goose remained about the campus of the University for about a week ending 3—27, °02. At nights it flew in all directions over the campus from pond to pond, and its loud calling provoked a still more yociferous dem- onstration from the watchdogs below. MIGRATION RECORD: | — Marni sesste ete. d fsa! | 1885. | 1885. | 1900. | 1992. 1902. 1903. Sueerver Races sees C.H. B. CHB: N.B.M.| W.L.M.} W.L.M.| W.L.M. First seen........ a BSE NRE papeeerre rae 3-3 Ean Pekar Fees ae ooo IS Bp eee RE eee | 38 a ES Pe oa 32 BUR PERTD OT Hie oss cis cral| eases Sato dices Se oe weak wie yl acce iw peed =e SSE alee rere eee NCAR ee re 11-94 fe cc oo eee 1:7 510-81 4-12 Abundance ......... “Common. |Not common] ..........- Common. | Common.! Common. 25. [190] Botaurus lentiginosus (Montag.). American Bittern.* * Rather. rare migrant. » April 5 to May 18, August 7 to October 22): Most often seen on the weedy margins of a pond but not rarely in’ the open glades of a forest, or in the pine groves where they flap heavily from treetop to treetop, making a tremendous clatter in rising and alighting. ’ MIGRATION RECORD. | s % i. THY NHR Nts are W “GDI SRG e IBS ES OR SA ena 1885 1885. 1886 1888 1892 | | rs | MIDEDEVOT Say eo oe roe oan eee ee CH eb. Clin Be Wiekie |e asa A.B.U IDNR GED 7 ORs Goan see eerste] Pee ieee eras oe aiid Lee ee 4-27 ++ 4-23 MSREISCOH De cthahk ess caecakysaealoeee mera te. QE She EN td See el Beas tooled 5-+ ‘CUTTE BeGR bn oe See adersat ober) (beeiae omc Icon one) [Aes Sean | eae eT (one aS MTARUEREEN or ates ree inch ds eee en's | 5-13 10-22 ee [aa Ss Oe Sa [ant owas PPREYTEN GIT CO Wyci ce iconrs bee. reek eee Rare. Rare Notcommon) ..c.../38... | RE: *Foster Hight. +E.M.K. ++ Wylie and Mitchell. Re are eM i We Pe SIR: ASE as ckt eC av: | 1900. 1901.° | © 1902. -| 1903. BEEN G 2 oni sahieaiejomnns Coane pes epee s ening ay: W.L.M.| W.L.M.| W.L.M.| W.L. M. MOMTAURREE Tee oh ee yee se eic oe Sena Oise ciate oan 4-17 fe DE ee eksacare) sear 4-5 OO GSR STERTIR SES pon SeOC COU ROOGS OMe cA GEn BREE aD es a= anon ae nee ADAG) > Mire qesenceumere 4-2] LATHER SERRE Se Gaeta Ra ESOC OER | CARER SC CaaS SS bate alee (ear ES oe OPTUS BGI GSS Seige aor Ie oe OE eee eee | TE aoe ER ODP ESOT. 5-4 4-22 PUG WIC On got coe ae cahs oho ee wee agcelas et Se aes Reo Sait Ase Pe Skene ee ene eae eS es Rath’rrare 74 26. [191] Ardetta evilis (@mel.). Least Bittern. Rare migrant. One was taken alive and kept in the laboratory for a week in May, 1902. lt was fed small fishes, which it swallowed readily. Its appetite was amazing but was the cause of its death. A large mass of fish bones became stuck in its cesophagus and put an end to his gastronomic feats and to his career. 27. [194] Ardea herodias Linn. Great Blue Heron Rather rare migrant. March 12 to April 30. August 25. MIGRATION RECORD. WOaPies.s ccerece ats costtameneee eae | 1885. | 1886. 1901. 1902. | 1903. Observer... 2222.25. coon | C.H.B. W.S.B. | W.L.M. | Bicknell. | W. L. M. First seen ss. <-2-2 oso cinaseeeet 3-25 4-8 4-22 fpesehetisest 3-12 Next keen s.c5.. co ssc ieee: | B26. Sal ict ata motets | ete tent ae ae ieen Seer | selector Common 32.05.05 -no ee ee | aero cicancecl| ances dweesl[ieerosetere sees Jepaecoas occ | Silene sieiatentae Lent woeni.cucc sheng eee elt eae eee ee | 8-95 4-30 Abundance! j2e--25-neses eae Noticommon |r -sccoce sell neces Joelle ene Rath’r rare 28.- [196] Herodias egretta (Gmel.). American Egret. Rare migrant, not observed since 1887. “The earliest record for Indiana is that given by Prof. Evermann from Bloomington, April 10, 1887” (A. W. Butler). Evermann also says a few were seen in August, 1886. C. H. Bollman called it a rare transient in 1886, but makes the remark that it might be added to the list of summer residents as he had taken it July 29, 1885. It has also been taken in this county by I. N. Corr and S. E. Meek. 29. [201] Butorides virescens Linn. Green Heron.* Figs. 1-5. Common summer resident. April 10 to September 22. In 1901 C. E. Edmonson found a colony of ten or twelve nests in a small clump of cedars near the water-works reservoir. June 3, 1901, a nest was found in a small cedar, about 50 yards from a pond. It was 25 feet high in a dense thicket of small trees. The nest was poorly made of sticks and the eggs were visible from below. There were 5 eggs. On June 11 these were hatched, and on the 19th the young were well covered with down and were hopping around among the branches (W. L. H.). May 11, 1903, a Green Heron’s nest with 6 eggs was found 13 feet up in an apple tree in an orchard. Five eggs were in the lower layer, the sixth on top. There was another nest about 20 feet up in an adjoining ax de tree, which contained four eggs. The eggs in the first nest were hatched May 29 (C. G. L.). MIGRATION RECORD. BPMN T Oo ces icrsic tacos ees anirac sit ine step | 1885. | 1885. 1886. | 1892, 1893. NBER tay aie osc cd cots ei taceeaae CSE eee] ee oo bLa E> aoe) Gober Bsa! yay Keo ley Me ne MIIMLASO ET Occ ea. aocrepaeslcvakewcciee yoy a eeencennse 4-24 4-22 4-17 MMII B@EN ta, .cscck sctetina ba Goscoenans 4-188 oo [ad toinh warts ADO EO Ccrstnteltina ack || Scioto asics SOON TION represses Sccwis.ce' si isy aisles weheseine | Ba DB onl enearea corneal [arate ate maida eee G Setire eine [aelets ae fasts ot MEABEESG EN eae fission elicit coer = saorseas Win stoyaisiaiwiene shane 9-22 | Gite ers see del eesaian cis cits | wielenieieeler orcs PROUMGUNCE.cccc sevessi-ossins cee eeses [Abundant A caciaetie: |Abundant. Rare Rare WGI 3. Gan SUGE rn AD SESOn EOE SOEUR SnD BER as aaa 1899. | 1900. 19025 | 1903. WRRELVODe ce ercee heen conn tans sath econ ates Nabe | NB. M..| C. Bok} W. i. M: PITS DRG Glin cccile sas rectoanal et eines welce steele bai 5-16 4-17 4-23 4-10 PNGRCBOON Gs Sere x Al lociintysnia ce ome eaueere wisi le scare lina kbeesemuas Lis) sme OR rare 4-14 COTTE Gh? Seay pap be esos Se Se ose COREE Unetin tenn! (acHcn eae aaae La ete ae SR ts 5-11 MRE UB COIN e ners oe toh coera aiaicra sa sors eteeis ecrath nie alaioreimiatel| le cle erst ie etelece tne cis MBatocatonte I erarelase wiatiate [lacus pongttetes FANG RROGY set eeteacmacciie nd. .ieectieeeieee ses) COMMON.)| COMMON. |e vecemece oe Common. 30. [204] Grus americana (Linn.). Whooping Crane. “Mr. Charles Dury, of Cincinnati, O., informs me that there is a specimen in the Cuvier Club in that city that was taken near Bloom- ington, Ind.” (A. W. Butler.) 3L. [214] Porzana carolina (Linn.). Sora. Rare migrant. B. W. Evermann says it is not often seen and gives two dates—May 5, 1886, and April 15, 1887. C. H. Bollman, ’86, records it as a transient. It was also seen May 8, 1900. (N. B. M.) 32 [215] Porzana noveboracensis (Gmel.). Yellow Rail. Not common. (B. W. E. ’87.) “Prof. Evermann met with it near Bloomington in August, 1885, where one specimen was taken alive in a marsh” (A. W. Butler). 33. [219] Gallinula galeata (Licht.). Florida Gallinule. Rare migrant. Two specimens taken May 10, 1880, by H. S. Bates. 34. [221] Fulica americana Gmel. American Coot. Rare migrant. April 12 and 26, 1903 (W. L. M.), and April 17, 1900 (N. B. M.). 76 35. [228]. Philohela minor (Gmel.). American Woodcock. my Reckoned as a common summer resident in 1886, this bird can now be ranked only as a rare migrant. MIGRATION RECORD. Y one SRT PE Ane ORO Gea Gate orto me sale Rese 1885 1902 ; 1903... GPRORVOr eA cos oor ee ce eee lame Sees ae fee | C.H.B. | W.L, Mo) eWalaite WISE SOON te Sento ee eee ere eee eee NER |. °3-29 3-4 4-19 Nias dbo minns creer Ae Rowe esha ees berate See ales Ae ee ae Jaten (Ohy rib rity) GAR lenge Rete Rens: SA i ornate ae Sre ods fem anim ace tru erie oaD os 0 Phe. Waahscens eee is cece eee ree PRE ease 2 relies Catster < * oe eee ENburn dace scien c oe ees eee esis ees eee oe .....|Common.| Rare. © ‘Rare. 36. [2380] Gallinago delicata (Ord.). Wilson’s Snipe.* Common migrant. March 6 to May 10. September 22 to October 28. Common ialong all small streams in March and April. MIGRATION RECORD. Wgreta fF chy emesis oe eee i885. | 1885. - | 1886, | = 188m, Oborvat eae CS Wsan Pes | c.H.B. | C.H.B. | B.W.E. | G.G.W. Hirstseenoe se. e eae ce ee RRL POR Pt ae Halts pee eee 8-15 3-25 Neatscan perch ee ee eee ee ST TSAS ae ane aes 3-18 4-2 Com MON osc sg shies eres wiieremee ae vial Blows ‘sreiwrelels | eevee parse eee neal Kp cascoc TeteOOnt hheee as ee oe | 4-22 9-22 325% | 418% AIPUNG ANCE Ns soae asc dene arene ee eae ‘Abundant. Not common, Common. Common. “W.S.B. | *B, W. E aA 508k GAR eee oe eo ti Ryne vos oss | eet BOO esi cea OU2s 1902. 1903. WRG VOL Ise Bene oe Tee ee N.B.M. | W.L.M. | W.L.M.| P.J. oH. TERS ne a mee ath es ent ene EDT em Salli on bec) Bacto opa nse. 3-6 Bn 2p € OI{21: | MESSRS REPRE Re ios rete tacts eteieat SoUIOn Mobo nantoaeass ocllsc auc: ie (Goma Onesie arecke cs eosiercieea steers steal Secmetmn ats A=1G. —'|\ 2x coerce 4-17" Lagercen eco ee ge Rr pass AST SeaUi eal ees 10-08 eee Abundances eae oe eee eee Common.| Common. Commine b aatt: a own aa seke Ww.L.M “——" - i eet ae ~T ~J 37. [239]. Actodromas maculata (Vieil].). Pectoral Sandpiper. ‘Moderately common migrant. March 15 to May 9. This bird seems to have been quite common during the spring of 1885. The bulk of the species departed May 3. MIGRATION RECORD. VIED See eee £4 Se cS ee | 1885. | 1886. | 1887. 1903.. (Po SLE CET Aa ci ee ie eae, Se ie sa ge | Cc. H.B | B.W.E BW... |, Wal. M: peterties nt BT) RS oS co 3-27 3-15 315 | eR RG ies SA er | SY LD ae COR eae a ok SEIS ~~ | eee See DEERME he oe Aces coc ae ets os == cee kev oe ves | et eS ee areas ee i preewere = LDS 2S ELT aa Oe eae gr a |} 5-9 5-5 | BA cee Pere 4-29 | Common .|-2<=2.2444 esa Not common LLL ERG Cpt RE fe ee | 38 (242) Actodromas minutilla (Vieill.). Least Sandpiper. Rare migrant (B.-W. E. ’87). 39. [246] Evreunetes pusillus (Linn.). Semipalmated Sandpiper. : Rare migrant (B. W. E. ’87). Twelve were seen April 26, 1903 (H. H. Lane), and one May 3, 1903. 490. [254] Totanus melanoleucus (Gmel.). Greater Yellow-legs. Not observed until the spring of 1903 when it was seen in small numbers on April 26, 29 and 30 and May-1i (W. L. M.). A bird con- spicuous by restless actions accompanied by continual and piercing cries. 41. (255} Totanus flavipes (Gmel.). Yellow-legs. One- record. Concerning the year 1895, which was remarkabte- for early arrivals of the Yellow-legs, Butler says: “The last report from southern Indiana that spring was from Bloomington, where it was noted April 26” (Juday). 42.” [256] Helodromas solitarius (Wils. ). Solitary Sandpiper. Common migrant and perhaps raré summer resident. April 23 to June 9. October 6. This bird has been reported as early as March 20, but.these dates should probably be referred to some other species, perhaps Wilson’s Snipe. One observer records it as a summer resident while another gives a queried affirmation. The date, June 9, is an ex- tremely late one if the Solitary Sandpiper is to be considered purely as a migrant. But it probably indicates summer residence, since in the Alaskan breeding grounds young have been found in the same month ' 78 (June 28, ’03, Charlie Creek, Yukon River. W. H. Osgood). A commor bird during the migratory season in all muddy places. Seen as early as September 20 in fall.. Will probably be found in August. MIGRATION RECORD. WORT st aac csiaseon toee | 1886. 1887. 1892. 1899. 1900. | 1903. | 1903. ODEGrVOE <0. scseeseenees ClHE Bs |G Gary E.M.K.| N.B.M.| N.B M.| W.L. M.| W.L. M. Kirstseomtacs.casecees 5-3 4-28 5-7 4-29 5-3 4293" eS eee NextBeen).sss.ccnt eke 5-5 4-30" 3 [ecard ecg Be eee nes 54 4-30 GOmMon 6-2 os ese tee all Saas Rae ee ate cone eietaee Gell memaretiserce 5 12 5=3. wi sseamnee Mast Seene.-.-ecss ees iy hae Perret omen (RA a oe SB 5-16 5-12 6-9 106 Abundance............. Rares |s.-cconee HATOr A ecco oet lines enn Common|\--+-- es 43. [261] Bartramia longicauda (Bechst.). Bartramian Sandpiper. Not common transient (C. H. B. ’86.). 44. [263] Actitis macularia (Linn.). Spotted Sandpiper. Common migrant and rare summer resident. April 12. There is one egg in the University collection from this locality. Found in the same places as the Solitary Sandpiper but in smaller numbers. MIGRATION RECORD. MORE ia ccid cnc tésn cases Secbeseaeecines | 1885. | 1892. 1900. | 1901. | 1903. Observertocec ovesaase science ettecces C. H. B. | EB. MoK. ON. BoM. |) WD. Mal aWesleaete Miratis@@n sac seac- ccc asc see eeecs so le ay ATi Sale 4-19 INextiseont:..05¢cccres ce <2 acocmee }- 5-2 E- 4298 <3) 53. tewicarsios 4-24 Comm ON soe oes ses wee ee tee Geo ie Bl becreoncksoneet) Wan acoronGe| |akaoceorcr 4-28 | CLALCG) CetGe aaanBe aco Sabor DO cba scobarodecc:| meccestcadss lsorcicsoaonmol|sacuas caccée | |-ecceephetesets IASTOTE COG) auee done Gooanceces succes Common. Rares. |ceccesssassdl aceebere Common 45. [273] Oxyechus vocifera (Linn.). Killdeer.* Fig. 6. Abundant summer resident and rare winter resident. January 31 to Dec. 12. Nest and four eggs found April 12, 1903 (C. E. Edmondson). Another set found May 12, 1903, in a depression in the ground lined with dry grass (C. G. L.). During several dark and cloudy or rainy 79 nights (March 5 to 13, 1903), the well-known piercing notes of this bird were heard everywhere at all hours. On Noy. 29, °03, a Killdeer was seen on the snow when there was no open water. The few uncovered muddy snots were filled with tracks and probings. MIGRATION RECORD. Wear. .<.5-s-- Seite | 1884. | 1885. | 1885. | 1886. | 1886. OWSONVON .5 scx en fis Petes a see Ses CoH Ey || (CS Haks,), COB. Be | BW. EB. W.B. WITSEROGN ca 52% 5s 5 -<0 wseeae sts 3-18 Via. aon (Sees Teas ete Sadi oo feswae ese ate INDXGEOOMS 22 (ooo ahs ate tee eee Sale es ees sae BEY Pewee tories aan re SHS) JAN OBSE AE. does “PLATT OeAS oS danas aeseceak Beene CnC enars S19 Ss ects sdaren = agers pilisn 5 seeceres UST CT AR Me pae sects see aS RS [oe Sacto eetel Ieee Grace 12-120 © Wass 3-265. 11 Ze! COSTAE EAC SRO ae eos ee Le a Abundant./Abundant.! Common.) Common. WW 5: B. Meare cccacoritcs thciee ence Ses | 1892. 1899. | 1900. 1901. | 1902. servers oasc88 6 fs cases |e AB: U- | N.B.M. | No BoM? |eWiMs,|| We a. Mi: HOPRGMCON cwce)s oSjssqckcsces Ges 3-24 3-2 3-9 3-17 -2 Ne RERGGI cass ccioureceke cet ee 4-2 5-3 4-20 3-19* 3-7 “PTT DS AES SSRs a Secs Scere] peer mnaeeted (Seca: oe cee) Csaee ae aan 3-24 3-26 LUD ECUI OTIS Sets ae ese en [Pan ert ae Sey Se | I See 22 Wes aoa ctacqa)l|a-atomnebees PUTA NCE so 002s ce ches sates Common.| Rare. |Not common Abundant. Abundant. = Vion. B: 46. [289] Colinus virginianus (Linn.). Bob-white.* Bob-white is scarcely a common resident at present. In 1886 C. H. Bolilmann considered it abundant. May 18, 1903, a nest and two eggs were found in a rather damp spot in a large dense woods and June 14, young ones were seen running about with their mother (C. G. L.). Coveys have been observed rather late; eight were seen April 15. 1902, and seven, May 16, 1908. The so-called “crazy” season was at its height Gctober 11, 1902. 1903 - (Ee deel): 85 The following epitaph is of interest: ‘“ ‘Old Bubo,’ the college pet. Caught in a steel trap in September, 1885, and kept in the basement of Owen Hall until January, 1886, when he died.” 71. [876] Nyctea nyctea (Linn.). Snowy Owl. | -+ Rare winter visitor (C. H. B. ’86.). Last date, January 25, 1903 (Pe J. H.). 72. [387] | Coccyzus americanus (Linn.). Yellow-billed Cuckoo.* - Common summer resident. April 138 to Sept. 24. Breeds. ‘are: © (|h. Common. |:........... NGM RS tease aiecatent reece 1893. | 1900. 1902. 1902. | 1903. | 1903. Observer .............. E. M. K. | N.B.M. | W.L.M. | W.l.M.} W.L.M. | W.L.M. First seon............ 3-12 a AStee | aaeet—o fereries Eines Bon ies |Peeee secs Next seen............ | 4-26 4-28 AS Cha ae) Rees 26 ilies ease MIO See oe. cee lone or cce cee ae | Ar | Lael nS ae te | Pe oot QA TE Owen once ees ant HOON 5.22 2-5. ee teee ees settee nesses coerce stig Ru eae Rares 11-7 Abundance ........... Common.| Notvery | Scarce. | Common.| Common.| Common. | common. 75. [393] Dryobates villosus (Linn.). Hairy Woodpecker.* Common resident: breeds. A less familiar bird than the next, but it is occasionally seen in the city. But his contact with civilization generally gives him a dingy color and a ruffled coat. 76. [894] Dryobates pubescens (Linn.). Southern Downy Woodpecker.* Fig. 12. Common resident; breeds. Possibly more common than the last; apparently so because of its more confiding attitude towards man. Nest and one egg in a rail April 23, 1903 (C. G. L.). But the nest has been found with only two eggs in it as late as May 15, 1901. 77. [402] Sphyrapicus varius (Linn.). Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.* Regularly a very common migrant: occasionally a common winter resident. Eight were seen January 21, 1903, in a group of cedars and pines less than an acre in area. It did not winter in 1901-1902. B. W. Evermann gives it as a rare resident, and W. S. Blatchley says it breeds. There are no later dates in spring, however, than May 1, 1903 (W. L. M.), and May 5, 1885 (C. H. B.). It was observed mating April 8, 1903 (W. 88 L. M.), but it would be an unusual occurrence for it to breed this far south. According to C. H. Bollmann’s schedule for 1885 the males arrive and depart earlier than the females. MIGRATION RECORD. Wenn a Sein acocl uses ap ae aay wAShoS 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887.» ; ' - z 7 2 boa Ty ra Observer sc case ee ee CATS | C2HSE: col GE es Bh GGIW.s Gea irs tase € Weer ar momey eae Spee, wed) aie 9-15 | 3-15 3-31 Next meen sts icc vscc@higcentos| eS Oke ads 9-24 “| 3-254 4-1 Gommnion: 2224.02 eee oe -4 4-4 Qe OD ASP. pea eee : Boe Piast scons <2. spe eee le I ADO Sa ae a | deus oat Abundance s.-25-6-e2c0-= Sees Common. Common.|Veryecommon| Rare. .......... ee “W.S.B. | Venere Na en 1892 1900. | 1901. -|: 1902. | 1903, | Observer <3)... ier cobe (7B.M.K.| N. BOM. | W.L.M. | W.L.M. | W.L.M, Raree kon |. fob sts eva ee eee PO ae a er Next Scene ese a ee eee 4-17 4210) 1-929) 2 3299 ©, | ee Commons. alate chess eee ete eee | LOT ana earl UPASLARG CIEe ss ee eee ee eee rae es 3 Se ae Peers bees Cr 5-1 Aan GUN Ces cr ss cured sane ane Common.} Common..)............ | Common. | Tolerably § 1 ‘ Common. | | *V.H.B 78. [405a] Ceophleus pileatus abieticola Bangs. Northern Pileated Wood- pecker. Ts ; Quite rare resident; very probably breeds. Although it is now re- stricted to the wildest and least visited parts cf the county and is present there in but small numbers, it must haye been tolerably common as late as 1885. Seven specimens were taken that year—March 21, Maren 22, a male; March 29, a male and a female (C. H. B.): two specimens were taken along Bean Blossom Creek in August (3. W. E.), and one 89 Was seen December 24, by W.-S. Blatchley. It has been seen or. taken several times since: all the dates follow: November 3, 1887, J. Gra- ham; February 13, 1892, two seen, one of which, a female, was taken, A. B. Ulrey; one seen in 1898 and one about February 7, 1901, V. H. Barnett; two seen and one, a male, taken January 20, 1903, by Mr. Whitaker. The last specimen was winged and brought in alive. It hammered to pieces the pine box used for a cage and escaped into the streets.. After several adventures it was. with difficulty recaptured and placed in a wire cage at the University. He tried to shatter this, too, but of course was. unsuccessful. His accuracy was shown by his repeatedly pecking a wire, not more than one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter, which he hit squarely every time. He lived about three days in captivity. Two of these roble birds were also seen on May 17, 1954.. In a steady majestic flight they winged their way across some fields and a highway that lay between two dense forests, their favorite retreats. 79. [406] Melanerpes erythrocephalus (Linn.). Red-headed Woodpecker.* Abundant summer resident; not uncommon winter resident. All of the Redheads sometimes migrate in the fall, and leave us no winter residents. Such was the case in the years 1892 and 1905. The autumn of the latter year was noticeable for the very scanty production of beechnuts and acorns. In 1893 after their winter’s absence they were first seen April 19 and became abundant April 28 and 29 (E. M. K.). For three years prior to 1903 the Redhead was a very common winter resident, in fact, the most common and most equally distributed winter bird. It became common each year from the middle of February to the 1st of March. The mating call was heard as early as February 15, 1903. The nest and five eggs were found May 29, 1903 (C. G. L.). Redheaded Woodpeckers are very quarrelsome, and are continually driving other birds from their favorite trees. Their attentions seem especially directed against their little cousin, the Dowry, although Jun- cos, Tufted Titmice and Nuthatches are not slighted. They have been observed to come to the ground to attack a Tufted Titmouse. They are capable of making as large an animal as the Fox Squirrel beat a hasty retreat. Sparrow Hawks, too, are put to flight, but the Red- headed tyrant often finds his master in the English Sparrow. 90 There is nothing in the Redhead to suggest the flycatcher, but he really is an expert in that line. A flash of color often attracts your eye to a nearby treetop, and you see that it is the Redhead, who is diminishing the insect population. In one or two or three swoops, as gracefully as Myiarchus himself, he obtains his luncheon. 80. [409] Centurus carolinus (Linn.). Red-bellied Woodpecker.* Common summer resident: less common winter resident. An _ in- crease in number is noticeable about the middle of March. Common April 8, 1903. A yery garrulous bird; a single individual often fills the woods with a din of his varied cries; stimulation and excitement are not needed to provoke a demonstration but he seems to do it for the pure love of making a racket. 81. [412a] Coluptes auratus luteus Bangs. Northern Flicker.* Fig. 13. Abundant summer resident and yery common winter resident. Be- comes abundant in March. Mating call heard as early as February 15, 1903, and as late as November 20, 1902. A nest and two eggs were found in an apple tree April 22, 1903 (C. G. L.). 82. [417] Antrostomus vociferus (Wils.). Whip-poor-will.* Rather common summer resident, but on account of its peculiar habits not commonly observed. MIGRATION RECORD. War. si se0:. aaaceee 1885. 1886. 1892. 1893. | 1899. | 1903. Observer ---s.-;. 5... C3H.B 7 | Wiis.) Be E.M.K. E.M:K. | N.B.M. | W.L. M. First seen.......... 5-17 4-21 5-7 4-29 4-95 4-29 Next seen.......... Fp) | LOR ee 5-13 5B “|esos sanmeate 4-30 Common’ 5 a. #. -%.< 5. iY (phe BEEP eee eee Sere c= erent hace Aer | lene sarrcsce| Secs osetec 1A) We ecaestel eanbanecrerc laeocaucacdad |poeameuacmaude li caoriectenor! ponermcoacbe| fi tccccte cece Abundance......... Common.| Common. |Not common)............|......-+-++ Common. “Co Ho B: OL 88. [420] Chordeiles virginianus (Gmel.). Night Hawk.* Common summer resident. (C. H. B.) April 28 to Sept. 21. Abun- dant migrant, especially in fall. MIGRATION RECORD. VCD oA pS GS OER Sc REE SES RSIS See | 1885. | 1885. | 1886. | 1892. 1893. MIDSBEV OT sees se cos senor rec eieeeee CH. C.H. B: | G@°G. W. | E.M.K E.M. K. ORT RIAROE NG seca res occ c ccsecee tees B-1Givte Gl suse eae 5-6 5-6 5-10 ING@RURGEN coer oon neo eci eee ce nes HS YG el | San ascot nen ISise 5-13 5-12 CORITTITITT Ocoee dearer ers ee F277. yeaa ae ba coe Eee | as Sl era ar LDCS oy RAR Ses ere ae Pe a (Re aD les Aeon eect sac cemacs staal eeeee fokeee if AMMO ANCE tek case ecaee Abundant |Abundant |Abundant. Common. | Common. OTT es Saas AROS EEE ERO ee Manis Seen ees 1899. 1901 1902. 1903. WEBEVENT Neseatri hein sa ctacirasinalocaeSeenciens N.B.M Wolo |) WeloM.. | Wale TEE GIDE hogan othe Oe ROC oe eee aE a ee Real 5-14 5-20 4-28 Ma mtIR OOM Sante creme cect iacereloisoae tecisiectoe nt 5-26 Los | Oe (aa eee (St otie eiteicic UNTATITT Cage eke ad J attee Baz bine Boa pee se Be cece aoe CR nes] ORE ae neR SE [Eee eT SERSIaM| (Es Rain a IRRIR CONE aera ys oe wee Sem ce osean ele con Goma woah cinciwisinid l(a cateie vines Datel) wrens seca TAIT TG Senn Scan Aa are SG Common.| Common. /Abundant.|............ 84. [423] Chetura pelagica (Linn.). Chimney Swift.* Abundant summer resident. April 4 to October 14. April 4, 1892 (E. M. K.) is as early as it has been reported from the State, while October 14, 1902, is the latest date for the State. On the date one was found clinging to a maple tree in the campus. It was quite latter numb and offered no resistance when picked up. It quickly recovered its vitality in a warm room, however, The outside temperature was 64°. 1903. Nest 1903 (C. G. L.) in a large chimney about six feet from the top. Nestbuilding April Sennitees |e coseer eset sare 9-26 PAD UI AN COS sac aren Gam ct se arcsec Cav ale te Eee Common.| Common. Moderately | Common. : common. a > 86. [444]. . Tyrannus tyrannus (Linn.).- Kingbird.* Fig. 14. Common summer resident. April 13 to September 5. Mating April 29, 1903. Nest and four eggs on‘the topmost limb of an apple tree, May 28, 1903 (C. G. L.). MIGRATION RECORD. i ene 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1892. Sate ee C.H.B. | C.H.B. | W.S.B. | G.G.W. | E.M.K. HES TASUO Hh asee necine eer sincere cities ARMie, |e hones ates | 4-13 4-24 4-18 PU GESCUN SS So. tester sees a Meee setae cd iettee Paro fa Ne 4-27 MUO TNO Meee Get oats anc os Sa wes seas (COE eae be aeees ARI ease lac ara enters ser 4-27 AS ESS ECM bears a civose oct ais bale ean oe aprasucs seas OSS ed tae AEN acted laenereercace PATINA COY. Ganthelce ciok wa oo anielsieeee Abundant.|Abundant.; Common. |...........- Common. *G.G. W 7C.H.B WEEN SY Gen One Dra Ap AICO DOR OC OIL OCGA OPO DCT nn Eeets _ 1893. 1900. 1901. 1903. MUMS EEE etic sto a sta carers mote eles eres ela weetee a ete sic E.M.K. | Nee cM |e Wisela ied vy cela lr, LOSES HIS Gye ls Sead ae i ee Ae Sena ar ae ere Ae 4-16 | 4-23 4-30 4-19 Rebar ee ee tetera RY 406 | 4-28 5-4 4-29 CICTERTACT eNOS RSE SES Cae enon on ca aca ne] (Eceaiareceeee [Secetneneods 5-6 4-29 DAW SECS ed bees os aaeede sccuetonesenbadedaneeos | lssppecccuses | Re ocean (oceeseac ann zen oeonmcdo BAUR EU Ya CL SUN Oe eee stay feo icfo ralacs eee nlelecohn seeeweak ewes Ss Common. | Common.| Common. | Common. 94 87. [452] Myiarchus crinitus (Linn.). Crested Flycatcher. * Common summer resident. April 18 to September 7. Nestbuilding May 14, 1901; six eggs May 27. In 1902 a nest and 5 eggs were found May 21; the eggs were hatched June 2 and the young birds had flown June 11 (Gertrude. Hitze). Another nest with six young about ready to leave was found June 12. It was in a hollow apple tree about 6% feet up (C. G. L..). Later in the season, in August and September, these birds may be seen trooping around with a brood of lusty youngsters almost as large as themselves. These little family groups are pleasing objects in the sultry brightness of an open grove or beside the dimly lighted paths of the forest. Myiarchus here, as at all places and all times, seems. to fit into his surroundings perfectly. Everywhere he is full of un- conscious dignity and is perfectly at home. MIGRATION RECORD. WOAT Goce sacen: | 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1892. 1893. Observer ........ | C.H B. | C.H.B | Geo Be |Gn Gaal: E. M.K. E. M.K First seen...... | y (Cae a ee apace 4-23 4-25 4-24 4-18 Next seen ...... ay Seaese nae Bros ae oes 2 Tee Common)s.-..---- AED) Ss ee owe mere tlce cole ser oe mail rem hac Oos 4-27 | 4-26 Gastiseen 3 ee cces |i ss ole Wasp lazy. | W.L.M. | W.L.M; | IM YRtIR@ ON 2 2se. ee 4-15 4-7 3-23 SS1At 4 mre ee esas 3-17 Nextiseeninsses. sccest 4-17 4-12 3-25* Bray sie ne Pee 3-21 | COMM OR eriesee tase 4-27 ADR ral Noe mete cet AOS All ee eet vara 3-21 TEE GRICE sS tps tGel PERS eee deal [aSoas ietnecl Gone DeSEnaany Maneiise.ocne a We ey meee Abundance ........... Common.| Common.| Common. |Abundant.|Abundant |Abundant. *W.L. M. 102 100. [498] «| Se ntpaenike se 4-27: 21 saree (CHITHING) Has Seen sopaedee - 74s) ni IoguSobnoodnl aeaareanaane | jesMacdsiciars, osteo eye eee Baan Ash Whastiseen \ oo. sctihsce: | Leen ecee 8229 been |e eset he oe Cee Cee Abundance ........... |Abundant.|/Abundant.| Common. |............|.....5...2e:[eeeeee seveee G.G. W Vent we owck eee e: |. 1898. . | 1899. | 1900. | 1901. 1902, | 1903, Observier-=.-) aceon es E.M.K. | N.B.M. | N.B.M. | WL. M.. | WL) Mel Wiel: First seen............. 4-17 4-22 amu | 498 | 428 | 4-24 IN@Xtiseelin.ce sca saleecee eee | 4-27 4-25 | 4-29 | 4-30 4-28 Common scenester Ioveee earns | 4-29 Jesse es sees 5-3 5-4 | 4-28 Last seen. svc. 259 ire Jopnonubecoos leccepp-nocdda||oabenece conn fsoopduapooce [ones eens ene AUN aN COsraccmetese ee scoot ce eee | Coumnone| Common. Common. /Abundant./ Abundant. 103. [507] Ieterus galbula (Linn.). Baltimore Oriole.* A rather abundant migrant and moderately common summer resident. April 18 to September 2. C. H. Bollman in 1886 and B. W. Evermann in 1887 indicated in their lists that this species was more abundant than the last. The reverse is the case now. 1892. OPS enverenceiscasem ie eee erate een C. H. B. C.H.B G.G. W E.M. K HUTS tiSCON eicansciee. cece caso oceans 4-18 10-17 4-10 3-30 INiemb, SOGN ss. 0 sania oom eeaicoa on certs | ADO irmros tien Skis caicr ates 4-160" | Sees COMMON ce. | eee kes oscale eee eee Mammnipn dss: tesa aha clo (See is eaten? 898 > soe RSUSCEM sect cee Sse eon leone eres | UO ee toe BASE at arena | een cnnnt iemsascssocc A bund aN COlss o. soc--e eal aise oe ese Abundant. Abundant. Common y|een cacao Common. Lela pein 1399. 1901. 1902, | 1902. 1903. CLOSING Saati ataetoeetes Saas N.-B2 MM.) OW. GM.) OW). a Mes) Wir M. | Wielae Me MOIS USEC Mes sors Niassa A ee ooo all Sa ons 3-17 2-26 | 5 Sears eee 3-1 ING XtESOON.w* - Weel BES |e Wee re = Wis. re SP ic GEStARGG MGR oj eee ose edo oe ote tee ate eees | 3-26 10-12 3-8 Pons ee eee Nex USC ONT. cotes t,o ds ion Saceeioe oa ee Seated ete A ae eel Mena Saye MUEEHEPIEOA sue Mete oe sai ne Sos acleles Aa ise on cinta Ses nace miancrewen [ls Somer Cee eee oats ns ceen\i aa clv'ee einelncte PENT Reeth oe A hoe ey 4-24 10-26 4-29 | 10-2 PAP U NOR EG hoes cron sone kanon as we ot oiaiearet Aston kis Common. | Common. Common. | Common 131. [585] Passerella iliaca (Merr.). Fox Sparrow.* Common to abundant migrant. February 20 to May 16. October 5 to January 17, 1903. Though seen several times from November 28. Rare winter resident. In winter they are very restricted in their range. November 28, 1902, to March 8, 1903, none were seen outside of a portion The ex- ceedingly late date, May 16, 1903, is a record of six or seven Fox Spar- ot the valley of Griffey Creek about one fourth of a mile long. rows seen by the Nature Study Class and the writer along a creek bottom in the extreme eastern part of the county. “It is said to have a clear, loud, melodious voice, and to sing a sweet song, which I have never heard, but hope to some spring, as they should occasionally give us a foretaste of the musical treat that is wasted— humanly speaking—on the uninhabited Hudson Bay Region’ (A. W. Butler). is in tone similar to that of the Chewink. The song of the Fox Sparrow is indeed loud and melodious and I have heard it singing every spring that I have made observations in this locality. P. J. Hartman and myself heard the song many times during. the spring of 1903. They began singing March 9. The bulk departed April 12, 1885 (C. H. B.). MIGRATION RECORD. l | | Mearinsm eon epee 1884. 1885. | 1885. 1886. | 1892. | 1895. ————<__ — ——— oe — | ——— — — —- —— . B. W. E. Observer ..,........... CHE) |. 0) HB, |: HB|G.¢. Ww, | se MK anes W.S. B. Se Kirst'seen..s.:<. 25.3 S198 eileen S218 10-'0 3-14 2290) 1s West Bean rs ttl oe | 3-97 10-14 3-16 9-97) COMMUN OMe ea sete el ee 53) [aie WP on tsiernna Wey emaremecepr ais emigre a en) eka Mashseem Sitar cc aoe aes or St 1153 4} <29295 3-30 4 20 PD UG AIGE eee aliens aoe eee Common. Rare | Common. | Common.|}............ Mears.c | 190] | 1902. 1902. 1903. 1903. UDSERVER tnt steer ede! W.L.M.| W.L.M.| W.L. M. | W.L.M. | W.L. M Firstseen...... 3-24 Sek ee Ali emantannee ee eee reel | Meee INOXtiSeGm . mpreee an cai ee. elon eens | Boy Pela eae [sem rina [pe FS a ace E | Comimon..... BE So seaie ace 3-23 10-5 3-6-5 USS eae HAREGEE Ny enna eee eee | ters ca teiaceraeys 4-16 10-28 5-16 11-22 ALD UN wee Ns cei ee een tee ee ee | Common. | Common. | Common. |Abundant.| Common. 132. [587] Pipilo erythrophthalmus (Linn.). Towhee.* Fig. 21. Abundant migrant and summer resident; common winter resident. There is always a noticeable period in spring when Chewinks are very scarce. This is probably due to the departure of our winter residents before the arrival of migrants and summer residents. A marked example of this period of scarcity is found in the record for the spring of 1902. Up to the fifteenth of February, males and females were common and present in about equal numbers. From this date until the ninth of March, no Chewinks were seen. On the latter date, and for nearly a week there- But on the twenty-fourth of March both sexes were equally abundant and the season of song was at its height. after, although males were present, no females were seen. Thus in this spring there was a_ period twenty-three days in length when they were absent; a period of a week When males only were present; and finally another period of fifteen days during which the arrival of other birds brought the numbers up to the usnal suminer abundance. This hiatus is more or less marked in every year’s record. That the males migrate first to the breeding ground is also upheld by all other available data. MIGRATION RECORD. Year. Male. | Female. | Observer. [Se ai AR Set Ne Ss Pa ss Thera hare bata bac 0: Rl se ESE fel TA sd I a MELE pl Iie 0d i mt oR ed RS CI 9-99" | 3-9 W.S.B. 1 Ty SE et) ee ANS, Bs eo AUIS ee ed a BeGeia ter S18 W.L.M. “B.W.E. The Chewink begins singing early. The first perfect song was heard March 1, 1903. On February 20, however, and again on March 1, two of these birds were found rehearsing in low tones. The first was scratching among some briars and was going over his spring song very softly. The notes were exactly the same; the only difference was in the volume and the tone which seemed to express contentment rather than ecstacy. The other one, heard on the first of March, was sitting in some cedar brush with his feathers ruffled up, his bill sunk in his breast, muttering his seore. This whole effort was accomplished in rather a drowsy manner and he was so oblivious to his surroundings, that he was not frightened by the presence of a human being within three feet of him. Immediately after this, I heard another Chewink give the song perfectly from the top of a chestnut tree. It was a beautiful chant and seemed unusually attractive on this rainy March morning. The same habit of rehearsal has been observed in several other birds, among which are the Song Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow and brown Thrasher. Nest and three eggs found April 15, ’03. Birds hatched on June 11, 1901, had flown June 19 (W. L. H.).A very late date is given by B. W. Evermann. “August 19, 1881, I found a Chewink’s nest containing three fresh eggs, built at least three feet from the ground in a spice bush. Such is not common I believe.” (Orn. and O@6I., 1881.) 133. [593] Cardinalis cardinalis (Linn.). Cardinal.* Fig. 22. Abundant resident. Mating February 18, 1901; March 23, 1903. Nestbuilding April 12, 1903, but, on the same date a nest was found which contained three eggs. This was afterwards ascertained to be the full set. 124 The Cardinal is another one of those cheery birds which may be heard singing at all times of the year. Some winter dates of singing are: 10-19; 11-9, 02 and 1-1; 2-8, 03. On February 13, 1903, I heard a Cardinal sing- ing from the top of a cedar tree at 6 a. m., and on passing the same place at 7 a. m. found him still at his music. 134. [595] Common migrant. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. * “But few breed here” (B. W. E.). Although the Rose-breasted Grosbeak has been reported a summer resident from locali- Zamelodia ludoviciana (Linn. ). ties farther south than this (St. Louis, Cincinnati), such an occurrence is very unusual. The only record of its making its summer home at Bloomington is that of B. W. Evermann in 1886. Song May 8, 1903. The date, November 12, 1888, is from an uncatalogued specimen in the Museum of Indiana University which was collected by a Mr. ‘Chambers. The males seem to arrive earlier and depart later than the females. Neither so common nor so early a migrant now as formerly, MIGRATION RECORD. WiGAIS Sah ost . cee ne eee re eats 1885. 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. URSenviena-penciscctar coe a eee C.H.B Capone C.H.B.,\ B. W. E.. G..Ge Ww. Hirstiseonsenuetioneecmtscccnica ee eral eae £4-30 9-11 4-23 4-28 Ne xitiS@ e Tinacmec.c tis moe re ee 4-26 5-5 9-17 yO) Ce ne MOUTON iste tie eerie ey acer 5-6 5 6 9-18 Ba4' - 0) | beepers Thastaseonmnc sees sane iene eee 6-16 5-15 10-10 Sah Shae Abundances eee Abundant.|Abundant. Abundant. | Comiunon®|/ha5-5.-eesene | =W.S. B. Miers easier e toied nny ne Ee Ramat be Pee 1888 TOOL. 2] 1902. = est 08: | | ADD SERVO T Zeiss cccte ete ee eid Serene Cree EPA eeenS Chambers.| W.L.M.| W.L.M.! W.L.M BTS t SO Ne ss iccars sins Se oe ee EE Se |e ere 5-7 5-5 | 5-7 INGORE OS Wir erccs eRe eek Se aa | ieee aoe raed eee STAR mv | EYED alt oe ea 5-8 Oven ta 12 KO) «RSE eRe ReESe Re eer ERR aera eR fr nity pec Sr [EE Ma is ens re ciate | oes et Nera | desuieumnueer TMStSeGNs” 2.5 oc. hcek oman ae EE pt ey Ce eras bete ee eel are acta | See PMG WIN BINGO Pseecn eee eae ee ete eae See oneae Common.| Common. | Common. 125 135. [598] Cyanospiza cyanea (Linn.). Indigo Bunting.* Abundant summer resident. April 13 to October 17; which are the limits of its stay in the State. Song April 29, ’03; also heard as late as August 9, in a latitude but little south of this. May 19, ’03, nest and one egg found in a small bush along a road (C. G. L.). The males migrate from a few days to two weeks in advance of the females. MIGRATION RECORD. Scie oson 1885. 1885. | 188. | 18982 | 1886. | 1887. | 1892. |-C.H.B. | d Observer...... Go. B. +) C-H.B. + C.H.B.?| BW. EB. VSB. G.G.W. E.M.K. } | | ~W. | First seen...) 74-25 Bae lec taeaaw. 4-13 | 422 4-27 | 5-4 | | Next seen....) 5-2 EINE Oe) Gotoh ear peccireBE ans | 4-23 AE SD IY an: Common...... 5-16 SNA oes Hind gia pe ee (i Cael espn is Fae 10) ic 9 ey ee ane Dt cee pe lea e s ia ok Gea eee beer enaksi hic teehee Abundance...|Abundant./ Abundant. Abundant. Abundant. Abundant. a aepnagite vie | Sladen she | | \ Vea ormece 1893, 1895. | 1900. 1901. | 1902. 1902. 1903. 1903. Observer...; E. M.K.| A.W.B.| N.B.M. | W.L. M.| W. LL.M.) W. L.M.| W. L.M.| W. L. M. First seen..) 5-6 5-2 Bae apn O-OS palate atten nell saeeeae> =o rE eel ere ING XUSESM | Sncaraers aciauilte atop ct histo present Deleer alate seca Gea G Sina PU) eel Ieee heigl COMMON Mleareret sare eee alae et ess 5-14 ie een Peco ner YE ela nein Seasc TGAREBOR ILE cet ct teicid | sere as © Beer ctl ee cate abeecas (Ua ee san eae taco aoor 10-6 ADU AIL Seana ecel| bets secs Common |Common Common Common Abundant| Abundant 136. [604] Spiza americana (Gmel.). Dickcissel. Abundant summer resident. April 28 to October 2. Song May 5, 1903. Nest and 5 eggs in a low bush, in an old orchard, May 15, 1901. Nest and four eggs about three feet up in a bush in a pasture, June 2, 1902 (CaGeeks): Both sexes arrive at the same time, and they are either mated upon arrival or mate very soon afterwards. 126 MIGRATION RECORD. j = ee MCSr ti. Saco cases 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. | 1892. 1893. ee | ats: on pegs emmy ODServerias-c- ese. seas CoH: B: | C.H.B. | G’aiw. | GoGeWinl Abe OE | BH. M. K. First seen. ....2.....-: Ae Afas he aes RS bes ARS 57 [deg NextieGeniinsstesccaes et | ile ee ie 4-29 pres Ped ee al ae ee 5-4 Common........ Sots Da Ous eae ens 5-1 [Pee | | | ikastiseens-.s5-0 ceo (Panaetoeoarce 10222 | eee ool nea eee eee ee ees bee eae Abundance .........:. |Abundant. Abundant. Abundant. soe elec fke nantisuset oahesd eae nae DC PN oS Menta ear eas ACARI Aree SMe 1895. 1899. 1901. | 1902. 1903. a aE: ee ae, cacao |W. eM. We Le | Wah e Observer te tesecmGrc iat as-een eo PAC Seah NGyD Mis ESestbeonineces ard te 5-4 ait i Bence ts 5-5 Ne@xtis@eliring< caer acess weatenoeres Sechincnapece 5-13 iets ie Sn 5-10 COLO TPIT To) eee aes eR eli Sle EO ee en mat a 5-16 5-15 is S=10 5-16 Weasel RCs | = oc s kN ee ed | ee on ee i ADUNGANGR sf os p tte nse esemeponaces Iaoaoabdcas: | Common. | Common. |Abundant. 157. (608) = Piranga erythvomelas Vieill. Scarlet Tanager.* Common migrant. Moderately common summer resident (B. W. E.. *S7). April 22 to September 19. Song and mating April 29, 1903. Usually the males arrive before the females, sometimes as much as a week in advance. They arrive at the same time, however, in some years. B. W. E'vermann says that this species was moderately common here in the spring of 1881. Six were seen on one morning in May. He says that this was the farthest north it had been reported in the State up to that time. MIGRATION RECORD. Nee gain oe Mee her | 1882. | 1885. 1885 1885. |. 1886 l l Mlisanwers; cin vasc eae eee BWR S| Ca: BL tC: HB.) “C. Hi By, eee MITSHRCOMS Om ees cee Soceee eees 5-6 44-26 ORO pein NC oEe : 4-29 MMexbeeORG soc eoacck eet an eens se ee 4-28 eOM" Ss lets 5 oa eae 4-23 CWonimons: 25) see eee Weve aces nace 5-10 5-10 Soe et ee Last seen........ Lae tosoccees| Bee aoeeal sodeascno es Peete ots Qe 919 Aanden Gens. cr cc seen cee | ee Pore LA Abundant.|Abundant./Abundant | Common, i WaT Bike mirsery sc erspeania erste iecsivicie sain nite he aeidhe ca oe | 1887. 1892. | 1902, | 1903. HOD Sei e haem ene are mn ce creer atc c tae fam sr Os We ed Mae, | W.L.M. | W.L.M. FAS GSEOM Gs lots shal waa ets side siete Semi aee 4-28 5-4 4-23 4-28 INGGRSC OT nae cam ta teetst etd Mette aia ss ae Paes 4-29 aes Sete et 4-29 OO IMIMGD cae wears ete SoG BES es eect oe RiGee | Raa ata Sec { 4-29 GEST SERN. csc ae eto es ees ace ees EEE Gis seeseaoks | Ave kere pee Nb un CaM Gente cen seer ese aneer rede te toasts eres ee | Sc Rae nel arya Deh e ; Common. | Common. 138. [610} Piranga rubra (Linn, ). Summer Tanager.* Abundant migrant and common summer resident. April 1 to Sep- tember 28. Mated May 4, 1903; nest and five eggs in a small apple tree near a pond, May 19, 1902 (C. G. L.); nest and four eggs May 29, ’01. The date, April 1, 1886, is from an unecatalogued specimen in the museum of Indiana University, by W. A. Millis. The first migrant in 1901 was a male in variegated plumage. The males precede the females in migration. MIGRATION RECORD. DGHI ena sate 1885. - | 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. | 1892. | 1893. | | Observer. .... | C.1LB. | C.H.B. | C.u.B. | pi ® laa. w.| ee Aes First seen ...... 44-22 4-26 MORAG co eetéae es 4-]* 4-27 5-1 | 5-1 Next seen ...... 4-25 Seo Pal tats oc ¢ 2s Wael Mec eka ORS ike ea Common ....... §-3 TS pie aera Res An reper tier. | aes er etc Alepekice rey pa earnest THRSTASC OM reece en cnicien hs fees ra kate COB iter lnisnrte eee aie eee rnnede BAe eae | ara ae ona Abundanee..... Abundant. Abundant.| Abundant. Commons sesesc oe lie meee : Seen aaae | =W. A, Millis. , === 2 = NYC a a SS Weer eon 1899. | 1900. - | 1901. 1902. 1902. | 1903. ’ | Observer .....-. Santen N: B.M. | N. BM. | W.L.M.| W.Lb.M.| W.L.M. | W. lL. M 1 } MINS SCE ia. .cckes sae. 5-9 | 4-29 5-6 YO igebe Nl Gemae ra Soae | 4-28 Next seen............. co Nae eee 5-7 Bedi ten (ce ttn | 62 WommMoOn 6 shee ese 5-16 5-9 5-13 4-27 |istrsielanys ccantets 5-10 MANE MCG M goalies tcicresete | suasye tec tes 1: AROS areal Oo aer ara eOEne | Goce cordean Qe eral clean tees Abundance ............ Common. | Common. | Common.| Common. | Common. | Common. | 128 In 1894 E. M. Kindle remarked upon the absence of this bird from Brown County while it was common in this, the adjoining county. During the last spring (1903) the Summer Redbird was common also in Brown County. 139. [611] Progne subis (Linn.). Purple Martin.* Common summer resident. March 28 to September 10. MIGRATION RECORD. Moar saan acs 1885. | 1885. | 1886. 1887. 1892. 1893. 1895. Observer .....| C.H.B. | 0. H.B. Peet G. GW.) PME K, | EAM. K. | A. W.B. First seen... 323 Raat nee eer 3-28 . | 3-29 3-31 | 3-31. | 447 Next seen .... 7 bepengaid [ote een aan oe 4-9 Biss peas 4-2 Po Comintern. Ne AG oe Me Meee [ee eee Meerremeres | ore Last seen...; | Sagnenkecc sce 9-10 \nidoconddodallbede capone senses Sem pioetee nese [eroeseeees Abundance... Abundant.|Abundant.| Common. |].......... | Common.| Common.).......... Weal socne nec eee 1899. | 1900. | 1901. 1902. 1902. | 1903. | i t Observer srs. ccscsecree | N, B.M. | N.B.M. | Wee Mie) WM) We ls Mos Sis eMe First seen......... SF 4-12 rE eal ed 16 eas ance nn, 3-28 Next seen... .......5 | 4-13 4-8 | 417 426 Shin Seed cosnenes 42 CommontLeccencesrass | 4-20 4-10 4-18 cl Gow ttl lonadeaar on: 4-11 Wast:seen:te.5!.ssc8e Da cen abe coe t se | Bertie sun epee nate weitere eel Perse 8 Abundance ........... | Common.| Common. Common. | Common. | Common. |Abundant. There are only two large ponds in the region, and as the Swallows are seen at these places for a long time before they are in any other part of the country it is easy to record their migration. One of the peculiarities of their migration is the arrival at the same time of all or several of the species. On one day we can find no Swallows at all; on the next, perhaps, all, from the Martin to the little Bank Swallows, will be present about our ponds. Four of the species came on the same day in 1885, and three on the same day in 1902 and 1903. After their arrival they are augmented in numbers at the same time, or they leave, or arrive again in full strength. ‘Thus on four days in April, 1903—the 10th, 13th, 19th and 30th—large mixed flocks were observed, when all or nearly all of the species had been 129 absent the day before. Their departure was similar. On April 11, 17, 27 and May 1, the less vagrant summer resident Progne was the only Swallow remaining of the motley companies of the day before. In other years this mode of migration has been just as marked; in 1902, two species arrived together on the fifth of April and three on the thirteenth: and in 1885, four species, the Bank, Tree, Barn and Cliff Swallows arrived in one fiock on the 15th of April, and were seen together again on the next day. Tree and Cliff Swallows became common on the 22d, the Barn Swallow a day before, and on the 25th the Bank and Roughwinged Swallows became common. A more detailed discussion of the migration of the Hirundinide in 1903, will bring out another point, i. e., the relation of weather con- ditions to the phases of the migratory movement. From April 10, the date when three species had arrived, to May 3, inclusive, when the last flock of migrants was seen, there were just fifteen cloudy or rainy days, with an average temperature of 47° at 5 a. m., and ten clear days with a temperature of 44.° Swallows, some- times, with the exception of the Purple Martin, were absent [three spec- imens of Hirundo seen one day and two of Petrochelidon another] during the ten days, and were very much in evidence fifteen days. South winds prevailed during this period and migration was high among all the small land birds, especially on the 28th and 29th; but on these dates no flocks of swallows were seen. If a clear or partly clear period was succeeded by a rainy, cloudy, or misty one, swallows were surely to be found. As long as the weather remained cloudy, these birds remained, but on the first fair day they disappeared. ‘lhe only species that arrived on a clear day was the Tree Swallow; but after its arrival its movements agreed with those of its cousins. There was only one cloudy day on which the crowds of swallows were absent and eyen that day brought an increase in the number of Martins. A synopsis of the period follows: April 10, cloudy, 3 species; April 11, cloudy, an increase in number of Purple Martins; April 12, fair, no Swal- lows (Martin ignored); April 13-16, inclusive, cloudy and rainy, all species present; April 17-18, clear, no Swallows; 19-25, inclusive, cloudy or rainy, all species present in considerable numbers; 26-29, fair, few Swallows seen and their number decreased during this period; April 30, cloudy, a large flock of four kinds; May 1-2, clear, no Swallows; May 3, rainy, a 9—A. or Screncr, '04. 150 flock of eighty Bank Swallows and twelve Purple Martins. After this date only the usual summer numbers of the breeding species were seen; there were no more migrants. The Purple Martin which seemed to be less affected by weather conditions after arrival than the other species, was orthodox in its arrival which occurred on a cloudy morning after a elear night. There is no other record so complete; and it can not be stated whether this relation between weather and migration is a fixed one, but in regard to the migratory movements of Swallows in 1903, it may be said that the relation was so close that one could predict the numbers to be found on any day from the condition of the weather. 140. [612] Petrochelidon lunifrons (Say). Cliff Swallow. Abundant migrant and common summer resident. April 12 to Sep- tember 14. Nest and four eggs in University collection (C. H. B.). MIGRATION RECORD. Mew: ca tae ere 1884. 1985. | 1885. 1886. | 1887. eS | ! Observer.. as ainsi S| AG Wires, je CaHLsBs CLH.B. C. EL Bs 4 GeGewe BIrStisee Dy aa. eee eee ee | 4 18 ARIS Snil) eee rte 4-19 4-12 IN Gxbisee myc tns ets ates eel | ae fi Y CAL eal Mecererera eat 4-29 feece GoiimOmnns: secre oe eee ae | satan wapanciaings Crain eae tara eerie watt tearie esd | ene WastiSeemactr- ata esac cher eee Veeerene: [ose 9-14 ade oe eee | ise ieee Abundance Secreta ice tei care acta, reed [fees Rees oe Latardicnts haiedastee Chandunie sai neta GA team epee oo ee: 1893. | 1895. | 1901. 1902. 1903. Obsen wen nee ee een Ce ese | EB. M.K. | A. W.B. | WLM. | W. LL.M. | Wee: RipsteaGn —faees < hie eal ee Re ol 5-7 4-13 4-13 INiextiS EG tne te arene a Coen ae es Uipeatiae| ar oN oa ere eee lay enetey 4-14 @omimnoane tras see aes Eee $33 4406 no08| Ue Roos cas Poa havea eas) lecvdeeua Soe 4-14 astvseenm.. tac mitoses eee eee See eae a Site ances seit tilt gta eed | 2 ee fAlpuin dancer sae: ae re nee nae re Ceci Common. Common. | Common. 141. [613] Hirundo erythrogastra Bodd. Barn Swallow.* Abundant migrant and summer resident. April 9 to September 12. May 12, 1903, nest about two-thirds completed on a-rafter in a loft of a barn (C. G. 1). 131 MIGRATION RECO). GME eis cate sce a en ardncr eters 1885. 1885. 1886. | 1837. 1892. HSmEVETY. o: :thust oct ethene | C/H.B. | O.H.B. | G.G. Ww. | G. GW. | ae SHUIRSIRS GON sacie’ een fe = we, aie te eels 2) Deal ops se ene maa re erly 4-18 Mosksdonig shoes oe (Ener EC ORRS apna Sore ) ay | 4-19 COLDNO Nabe pRanaeepne aereroemoeacas | GDN Al irecsiorstersio Ay 4-20 jodeassen gos 4-24 [URIS ARaYSaT Gh ERO eat ane cea (ee Sak eae 9-12 eee eet, LOA AIGUMGANICER cee tne onc ss dent sant vee Abundant.|Abundant.| Common. fees rash Common. AYGET 2 dretiang Serena Set ye tr ee oe ae ee ee 18 3. 1899. | 1902. 1903. ODSEnvOtinees sic. itor oes ee wai oaeeeen aes H.M.K. | N.B.M. | W.L.M. | W.L.M. HN ER eR Pe thse aut eee te a Re | 49 (Oe eae Seta ee a INGSAABOB Tires Reverie, wales ove Me einsts. sratoiety eg ele gi levee sien EEO ict | Gee tee esate Saree ES gd Pe ca AC QUAINT ots a gateiceAnte ae be acts einlccin crane, cars bisa se wi enaiine cectoren els | Fe | 4-13 NARS TSC CNG Severe en cela dienctcjons oe Soret seen eme werent) Spe Bhe ee | deals [fees stead s oa fo accresenae se piteees PAI BTU ANG Gee oeicslsctres ache ch vaSan eee ioeaasce tence Common.| Common. Common. ea coe 142. [614] Jridoprocne bicolor (Vieill.). Tree Swallow. Abundant migrant. April 5 to 30. A common summer resident in 1886 (C. H. B.). MIGRATION RECORD. OEE Acad otae acne aa cine i anno soem eerie ane ners 3 | 1885. | 1902. 1903. \O) SELES ce peta nee acts case ters es Sai te nese eta GE Tale ats | Wig Mea Weele Me Barnes GUIS ares vee eee Se ee bets 4-15 4-5 ES Me Reena eA ed I Seen eit ovate acacia Berens 4-16 } 4-19 | 4-10 WONMMO Na scmhac tl cance oe rsaaretwne eae tsee cea s seas | Eee all oe eee deca | 45 IVER REGIS aug oer terres HOOT UO Ree OTUs OI oae aan tee OE aCe] (Cae aereee ari ear lint seearcaatatays | 4-30 PAU CO yeserster et etan bie chn = aioe Se ote colt wastrel aisle Very commen| Common. abundant: 143. [616] Riparia riparia (Linn.). Bank Swallow.* Abundant migrant and common summer resident. April 6. Young learning to fly, June 4, 1902 (C. G. I.). MIGRATION RECORD. 1885. | 1900. 1902. 1903. C. HB: Ne Bs Me) Wi. eM Wieslae ie Oiennee Co ss 329 eee a A.W.B. | 7S pgs ee Hirsiseen osteo ee. 46 | 415 | | ae NexUacen- ay pee ee Benet ate ore f Gace SEB A Sat) Sylva cece L| 41d Common 32) 2162. ee ee ee a | es Last Bee Ae a ath ae A See en | ee ene et ren Oeane at ere Abus dineeres: c8* eee eee |e Sa oe | Common., Common. Common. ‘Abundant. 144. (617) Stelgidopteryx serripennis (Aud.). Rough-winged Swallow. Common migrant and rather common summer resident. April 13. B. W. Evermann found them abundant and mating at Gosport, May 8, 1886. Many nests were nearly complete. MIGRATION RECORD. NCE) Danae asa CoRR Rt ite et eee rR een ha ARES 1885. | 1886. | 1903. ONSET ae An CS Cee Ds 27, ase R Berd Sea G.HB. | WE: ween BIinstisee ngee soe Sets: steaks ate re eee ee 4-18 | 5-1 4-13 ING@XtSGeME R55: estes. sie RE ee RO oot 4-22 | 5-8 | 4-14 Opmmonisker ea een eels Sei Le pee pe ede 5-8 | 492 TRS ESCO Tite eee ten eee ae nee oe Ne RA ee goss eee | SM ALU CLUE SLY Cl Verge cee ee ae eee Ae tattoo Or Sha eee Nite a ae Common. | Rare. Common. 145. [619] Ampelis cedrorum (Vieill.). Cedar Waxwing. Common summer resident: irregular at other seasons of the year, sometimes entirely absent for considerable periods, and again appearing in large numbers for a longer or shorter time. Nest and two eggs about six feet up in an isolated cedar, June 13, 1902 °(C2 Give): 146. [621] Lanéus borealis Vieill. Northern Shrike. Although stated to be a rare winter visitor by C. H. Bollman in 1886, there are no actual records for this region except those of February 8, and 25, 1902. It was observed in Brown County, November 18, 1894 (E. M. Is.). 147. winter ( some of the more harsh calls of the Blue Jay. [622e ] Uncommon summer WW )s resident. Lantus ludovicianus migrans (W. Palmer. ). March 38 to December February 16, 1901 (V. H. B.). Mating and attempts at song, March 15, 1903. 133 Migrant Shrike.* ale five young just hatched, ten feet up ina hedge (C. G. L.). Rare in The song resembles May 10, 1903, nest and Abundant migrant and summer resident. Song April 28, 1903; mating April 29. owner and one of a Cowbird, May 25, ’03. MIGRATION RECORD. SGT SR SoU ce ere 1885 1886. 1892. | 1893. 1901. MUDSOr VET see rn ise ei tare a: Cc. H. B W.S.B A.B.U E.M.K. | W.L. M. IGS SGenerate cc oe: 4-] 3-28 3-25 3-15 3-3 GSS AGT ieieeree SN nas i I ae a 4-17 3-17 Clr ES Be Seas caehnac 8 te | Cl aoures Re i] LAE aes] PR a ck Aaa Dei ee Aegina Bon BD LECCE CE ata i et I sor take ee eee PANISRETRONSUNL GOs. sea tacos wie coss tate Rare RaTGs, & \eensaeeten. | Rare Common. —== ; = i v= JOS RRC DR oe PE ie eS Sa 1902. 1902. | 1903. | 1903. Lae Yes "eee — | SIEGEL tries i, ride, Aver taennaanda pedo ves s<| Wo GoM. | Ws LeM.| W.L.M. | Wiredliavls HOSE SOC Nn ret 2 aes otk Se se eh eonien ae oe eth eo a” soba taken: 3-11 less ahs Ae ING STES GE pare or, Re grid nb MO ete Mee nec OR nee: ect SE ly cs eee ADMIT OTS eootic at Sa es ited ache seer e nee . Aes ea HG esl SSRI eee tke Te sateen eRe Se ews ee (a ae ere THES Ne iC ome ortaee 12-1 PATONG DN GOmiavctine on noe ccc epalsl sais cree ae ec aeewe | Common.} Common.| Common. | Common. 148. [624] Vireo olivaceus (Linun.). Red-eyed Vireo.* Fig. 23, April 19 to October 2. Nest with three eggs of the This nest was about four feet high, attached to a limb of a small cedar bush and thickly sur- rounded by blackberry vines. This far from shy bird with its persistent song is found absolutely everywhere in the height of its migration. one was heard singing September 20, 1903. It sings as long as it is here: 154 MIGRATION RECORD. WiG8r See: tasers 1885 | 1885. | 1886. | 1887. | 1892. | 1893. Observer ........-2-++- [ CPE. B. 1}: CH: B: | pens leg.w. | BMLK. | E.M.K. First seen............- CS pas ees, oe aa ee 4-97 5-1 IN'OXtISCON' c= ase" seek ES aa Beek ere Rei Shey eae Sere Ian a 1 eee ReMANO. Oe As eg gs eee eed |e eee Asie ec eee | na ocesthe eee astiseons. 2..5-i-2s-sse= |actece tease 10-2 |S ihe Sea Saiz 5-22| eee Abundance........... Abundant. Abuadant. Abundant. WAL Common. | Common. Moar are ie Sy TS: | 1900. | 1902. 1902. 1903 | 1903. Observer -2 25. 2.s6e: | Ne Bah NG pbs Mo) Webra: | We Leal Wins. Me | Weel Firstacen.......-...) 426 | 52 Pir ais need He la | INiextiseens | then 7. 4 29 5-7 Ne Ieee pee ke | DT oo Comm GH x. .)26,--525-2- 4-29 5-8 rot el BAe rr ee 4-29 | ere - Hastise crises esa ae co eh once eo nese eee eR ae re eames co | 9-20 Abundance ........... | Common. | Common. Common. | Common. Abund int. Abundant. 149. [626] Vireo philadelphicus (Cass.). Philadelphia Vireo. Rare migrant. April 28th to September 28th. The dates are earlier and later respectively than the hitherto recorded extremes of the Phila- delphia Vireo’s stay in Indiana. Rare summer resident (B. W. E., ’87). MIGRATION RECORD. RT ee eee oR CIOR En Oe Se aE EA ae ncren neh mane OSC | 1885. 1885. 190%. ODser Vertes cess se ces Jeon ee ee eres eee GoniksBs |. C2HcsB: | W.L.M. ITS E RC CW oi cs ae es ere Uae Ee ae at eS ARB Mlrass eee 4-28 ING@XTSe ens hee 2 ORE es Sera 4-27 Jepeedeacnoh, (eben onccbact 4-29 CO WIMMON as. eceesecrrs 4-28 See ysade Sapte [Shee Sey coo CN Sa ene! 4-28 MaShisetuie pose teeta ores waren ones LOS Kp ONE Wee ee Bet eel (RO Palle SR ae Rd Neg So ha Abwodanee.:...c. <6... AbunG@rn bajesoccses.s c= Common. |-vre este sees Common. 1 t 151. [628] Vireo flavifrons Vieill. Yellow-throated Vireo.* Common migrant. the extreme dates are the limits of its residence in the State. April 16 to May 13; September 1 to October 19; Perhaps rare summer resident; iis nest was found in Brown County, May 16, 1897 (V. H. B:). Song April 29, 1903. Vireos were found wherever there was undergrowth. In the fall of 1902 Yellow-throated MIGRATION RECORD. Waa eerntech sleet wosa yaeamace maante | 1885. | 1885. 1886. 1887. 1896. bcervonices 298 ok cee! C.H.B. | C.H.B Boo: | ¢.G.W. | A.W.B INES IS OCIS las case on moe antoc aetna 4-20 9-12 4-16 4-25 4-20 INGMERGET Foo 252. ice deed cow fatten 4-22 9-15 cS hy 0 ees aaron 59 Besos Ge ETAT 25 55c ete Dae Cfo pte CRCe BEE Reno Reread anaes! Ia Ae ernes ty hone semen) Peco Sa eT LSS PSR Ge OOS Bene ane Pele eee 0-13 I ga ae reese eee ieee Sete Sear oe Sl aee Ja CYT Ea Ce eee oe A Ine a@Q ammo | OOM Imo. 2t Jas toe) ea oeearsa ws lone eels NEN yest? of tat Oe ane ee eee ee era 1901 1902. 1902. 1903. 1903. (O) af( Se a hm Bags reece sree ee er Weel Wie OM MWe de eee birstiROONes coos eee ce ees es 5-6 4-25 9-1 rage Heche ie ex ona ee Re Me ht oa 4-27 10-5 | Lagt)-xwdeee CUMING Fee ee ance cas cee Aaa cae gee | Soir PAPE Rete | 1O=1G9 Gillis kcosatiee 3 8| eee et IBESGURAS Til ye ar Rs ak Ro rn yl [ere eee ! 11 eee 9-29 ASTI AN CC aoeenataniotye cee sense | ae nae veld sees Common. Common. | Common.| Common. 152. [629] Vireo solitarius (Wils.). Blue-headed Vireo. Rather uncommon migrant. April 28 to May 17. September 16 to 28. MIGRATION RECORD. NGp Re ata paaceuansonand 1885. 1885. 1886. 1892. ° | 1895. 1903. Obsenvierie-c. sss = sine C. H. B. CaHeB: | G.G.W. | H.M.K. | A. BOUS | AW aiieie First seom...-......-:. 4-28 8 (eee pees aegis ee me ie Next seen suasses soe 4-30 | QaIB Sl Racoon aise os [omaays tachaawell eeere eee 5-13 Commons sa e- aera leete ssc | meee eae abies Seer (devant o eae or | Suan eost J. goa eee Tastiseeniz a. aseeerces 5-17 O28 ad) Sato Oo oe Exec Ronen ont aceanaeeas 5-13 Abundance ........... Common. Rares | ise ree ore seen eiianieeaea| Pe nages | | 158. [631] Vireo noveboracensiz (Gmel.).. White-eyed Vireo. Fig. 24. Abundant summer resident. April 17 to September 20. Song April 28, 1903, to September 20, 1903. May 5, 1903, a nest was nearly completed. It was found along a narrow, little-frequented road, and was attached on one side to a cedar limb, and to a blackberry vine on the other. It was about four feet high. On April 11, this nest contained two Cowbird’s eggs and one of the Vireo (C. G. L.): Abundant and vociferous in the spring migration. Every thicket is filled with the jargon of its song. The date of April 17, 1903, is given on the authority of a Nature Study Class. MIGRATION RECORD. SV Caries cee na ronan 1885. | 1885. | 1886. | 1887. | 1892. { | | Sean Bl | 3 Observiera.¢.aeesse oe Pee Eee Cala B eS (CoH B Baw. Bs 1 G.Ge Wig SACs bade I G.G. W.. | } MINS RESTING! see ente ae oe aoeen eee 4-21 | eo eemaneene 4-25 4-25 | 5-7 Nembtiseent:.. nace seas cn 4-22 | 4-28 | 4-26 | | COMMON ers Seo R ae eros BD oti roterar ese eens 5-8 4-30 |. eee IPPC URS o) We tnnes SAdaC Oona e Eade sod odena cn aas | 9-2 erat Beg Weis APRs. | Sea ADUNCANCE Pee noses s/s Nae ee Common. | Common. | Common. | Common. | See 137 | | | | ] SUES Se ae oy eae eee ies | 1898. | 1899. | 1900. | 1903. | 1903. CTORS a Cire ee he aa eens E.M.K. | N.B.M. | N.B.M. Wis as ii | W.L.M. rea © ok ae eee Ei eed eee San ere WextWeGHlat. vnc tensesr oe eee 5-6 | FS wad eens Pane (feng. 2 gia Sans Peon COMMON? 2 oe cores ea ase esse bee sess aes eRe casters Suetoor aaa Aa29) eset eee VUGESEM ES CoC AS, Rec serra Re A hte | See Sap cara fo Te eat (ee ee [eet sok Paes | 9-20 AtbingdamGes iu noses. 2s. Seset Wied anata ESS Paha) Re eee /Abundant.|/Abundant. “See above. 154. [636] MWniotilta varia (Linn.). Black and White Warbler.* Common migrant and rare summer resident. Considered a common summer resident in 1886 by C. H. Bollmann. April 7 to October 4. Song April 28, 1903. In spring you will find this striped vision only on the trunks of the larger forest trees. Although you are searching for him and feel sure of his presence, the actual discovery is always a surprise. This little flake of sharply contrasted colors makes its appearance so quickly that we find it difficult to realize that it is not a piece of bark suddenly possessed of life, but our own dear little Black and White Creeper that is before us. In Autumn he is more democratic and is often found in lowly thickets. Is it not because we are sated with discovery, that the thrill of last spring is not felt when this leader of the band of wood warblers is espied? Is it not because we have met the timid glance of the rare Cape May, or the gaudy Magnolia through the interlacing branches, or that here the Redstart spins his glowing pin-wheel, that the Black and White Warbler is not again hailed as a distinguished visitor when we see him in September clinging to the slender stem of the hazel, inspecting its sur- face or gracefully reaching out for the slow-descending caterpillar? Yes, we think the reason lies with the observer and not with the observed; for we are surely not at our best when we slight our tiny friend ever so little in the greeting. He remains always the most at- tractive, the most dear of his woodsy clan. MIGRATION RECORD. a — ————— POAT i .5 cule ema Osan se bates 1885 1885. 1886 1887 1893. Pama : Dureurer£: 2st b oe hea | CHB. | 0.8.8. | GG |G. GW. | Beate Farge GON te eR es eee ri pe ike (aba Nees PS ay 4-20 4-7 INGOXESCGM: =. co.cecesee osc teesk Seles Patna bee etc ee | 4-18 4-97 ||_ Saee COITTT TORE Rees eeeseea bes EOL hesecoa ace hesepataccees se free oe eee ae aSISSEE M0 TA Se cheese talent cred ee ee wena 9-28 9 Sets ete peters i A uAamee. sacs a ee eens neces ee Common. | Common. | Common. he foeto tea eee VET) oe eer Oe eae ene Seats Mention coe eee Dare 1901. | 1902. 1902. 1903. Dyce ores a ata pe mae hart ek wee W.L.M. | W.L.M.| W.L.M. | W. i. My: | FES EOSBE MY . 23 ere eee cae easier use Re eee ceees 5-4 4-27 9-1 4-24 Sao etsy ai eae e ee Soe DOSS ESS eoeeetea Eaten atecsses| lpaoacem nance 9-7 4-98 TINTON eeses ee en eee ine eee eee Cee Sere eI see =e Mee essere: 4-28 IDE RS Oh eoaR Rees oSec Saoaere chacermaas saeeceaal lasooaeaa baoe | Geese 10-4 eee Weare Aiund ances ence sdoe eee ce ene eee aces |] Common Common sGorunane 155. [637] Protonotaria citrea (Bodd.). Prothonotary Warbler. Rare migrant. ‘Mr. Chauncey Juday reports it from Monroe County, where a specimen was taken at Harrodsburg, April 26, 1895” (A. W. Butler). E. M. Kindle reported it May 28, 1892. As nests and eggs of this species have been taken in other parts of the State at an earlier date than this, it is possible that the Prothonotary Warbler may be found here as a rare summer resident. 156. [639] Helmitheros vermivorus (Gmel.). Worm-eating Warbler. Common migrant and “rather common summer resident” (B. W. E.). April 20 to August 31. Song May 4, 1902. ‘Prof. W. S. Blatchley took a nest and six fresh eggs, and one of the Cowbird, near Bloomington, May 12, 1886. The nest was at the base of a clump of ferns, and was composed of the leayes of ‘Maiden Hair’ fern. The next day Prof. B. W. Evermann took a nest from a similar location, containing five of the owner’s eggs and two of the Cowbird” (A. W. Butler). Common in the fall of 1903 in the undergrowth along creeks. MIGRATION RECORD. WiSHERS theca See eae Satan ets aa a 1885. | 1885. 1886. 1902. 1903. | IRCCS Ri acc aaa eg aise OPH. Bi) C.B Be) Ye Bea ow. eo Ww: os Me ISU SOEM secre rece Me re eeon Pa eae ears 4-20) Wsoesin hae nee 5-1 4-27 4-28 INO MSCON ae Soeeaiies. create ome oe LEU ae ell Ne cree EN 5-4 Ox apr | alehepinee keto (Goin api snap eae eRe eh ae ere it ta RSH Be Se he ina ee || SO aie Re (a 4-28 2 DEN SUAS SGN Are ioe: Blow Bie Sake San Bll cranes oe | Sater mam cte rau aakil Uicusie « acters troll acts ae ates SAUNT GOR wetter aye i oetede rcs, ect ereee Common. | Common. | Rare Common. | Common | j 157. [641] Helminthophila pinus (Linn.). Blue-winged Warbler.* Abundant migrant. Rare summer resident (C. H. B.—B. W. E.). April 19 to September 28. Song April 19, 1903. Orchards and open woods are the favorite haunts of the Blue-winged Yellow Warbler. On a bright day after a rainy morning in April, 1908, warblers of this species were observed to move from one part of the country to another about three miles away in from six to eight hours. In the morning they were plentiful in the orchard and clearings south of the city, while none were to be observed anywhere north of town. In the afternoon these conditions were reversed, they were common and singing in the orchards north of town, while they were entirely absent in the places where they had been seen in the morning. Their movements even for the shortest distances were always in the same direction, they flew from limb to limb, from tree to tree, in the same general trend, toward the north. MIGRATION RECORD. MiBaTtie see 1885, 1885, 1886. 1887. | 1902. 1902. 1903. Observer...... CAH Balle Hia Baten Weer G.G.W. | Wise Wie evi Wa | Isis SERN Sopa) CEE lec esup cone 4-27 4-28 | Ee ial ey Se Se 4-19 Next sceniicss | 4 e2Gee aineeaiih ees hes Gace aoes 4-29 Westie ne Pe Manne 4-28 (Oroy aa VO) 1) FoR EN Aideo cece || Sisto Tercera Sei ec tena be BI Ste Se 4-19 Last seen..... Saale. || aera ce: eect ltncttamete sor eey larcloversisteve te QEPRm oT MSs ea eneeraee Abundance...| Rare Rare Commons s.cse verene Common. | Common. Abundant. 140 158. [642] Helminthophila chrysoptera (Linn.). Golden-winged Warbler. Very rare migrant. April 27, 1887 (G. G. W.); 28, 1901; May 4, 1886 (GeaGeaw..}: 159. [645] Helminthophila rubricapilla (Wils.). Nashville Warbler.* “Common in spring, abundant in fall” (C. H. B., 1886). “In Monroe County it was rather common, April 27 to May 1, 1886 (Evermann, Blatchley)’ [A. W. Butler]. During the last few years the Nashville Warbler has been a more rare bird than the above quotations indicate. One or two records in a migration has been as much as could be hoped for concerning this species. April 24 to May 11. August 26 to October 19. MIGRATION RECORD. | SFE Ve Pe ee re EM oR ert ng |IRERE! Le. el Regu Co 28 1886. QWSSEVER s.-0 cee cee fadigctdlena vers Sens iss] Gs BBS] ChB. 9) a eee an TOTS BETO banana ariaksoiae feo cone se are ssa Sioa 4-95 | 8-265 | 4-07 | 25-5 INOS RSG GC) bnoreaginn Gavan ees bene deat aes cede oe eee 4-26 9-22. pes COMIN OT Sc ce ccice se ae Winns caceae oe mee Rapa eee aellitetne Papas se | oeeneeceeees | ener ocnat sooo c AAS UROR TMG oreo eae er he ee A cee 5-11 | 10-10 | 5-1 | | eee AIS TTL GBI CO eter eels egeaiessieccetsiere erate Ba Ee Common. Abundant. Common|32. 427 -eee VEE Bee ene ain Go DD een eh oen Ea are ear ee | 1901. 1902. 1903. | 1903. DWAR TOE nn ne A OCR. F | OW a |W ds NE MinSt Seen pero eee eee et eee roore 4-29 4-24 4-29 (| siete cee WWextiseethon crank ten cones co toa aaa saints SSE IROAE cea nee acoeor aes Cianinitiae aes ee eS Re ee ai el ee es ey siaeas Pod Breer Berens ISERIES Tait nee es Sea is AAO eae moe no Reno Renn nid Meera ape (Obr mtntienac toy eerkue nese 10-2 | PAY INGA Clean teekt on setelo cans Sine ae ee Rare. | Rare. Rare. |) “Rare: 160. [646] Helminthophila celata (Say). Orange-crowned Warbler. Very rare migrant. One record; May 4, 1885 (C. H. B.). 161. [647] Helminthophila peregrina (Wils.). Tennessee Warbler.* “Not common in spring, abundant in fall” (C. H. B., 1886). April 26 to May 16. August 30 to October 17. “At Bloomington, both Profs. Blatchley and Evyermann thought it less numerous than the Nashville Warbler” (A. W. Butler). Decidedly the reverse is the case now. One 141 may observe in spring a hundred of the present species to one of the Nashville Warbler, and in fall a thousand. The Tennessee Warblers, in the latter season, literally fill all the trees, whether the neatly-trimmed maples along the city streets or the magnificent oaks of the forest. The underbrush is alive with them, they are in the weeds, in briars, and in the stubble. Swamp and hilltop, cultivated field and forest, alike, are animated by the hordes of Tennessee Warblers. They are everywhere. MIGRATION RECORD. | | A EW cam Becoceaey Sarrictan | 1885. | 1885. 1886. | 1890. | 1900. | 1903. 1903. | | | Observer........... | C.H.B.| C.H.B.-| C.H.B | A.W.B/N.B.M.|W.L.M.| W.L.M. First seen ......... 4-26 | 4-30 0 Or Sean 2 at | eC es Paes, en Pee Nex tseens. 2-22... 4-30 | fen Seer ee | LR sa Oper | ee eee | EE al ee Commons !.5) 2-22: “Sod leaoe Ey Oe eee Fes See see termes beg cetera EE pe Last seen's...2.2--* / 5-14 10-7 | shicctos sews 5-10 | 5-12 5-16 | 102 Abundance........ | Rare. ‘Abundant. Rare. ‘Common Se a Aateas | Rare. Abundant. 162. [648a] Compsothlypis americana usnee Brewster. Northern Parula Warbler. Rare migrant. In accordance with A. W. Butler’s precedent, birds from Monroe County are referred to this subspecies. MIGRATION RECORD. “DOES AS Ree a eT IG = PORE Sen Ta re ine aN wre a aoe 1885. 1886 Ole imine iter asa ste een cn tre cei e oR aE pee eae | C.H.B | ee se Ww PRET RURE GH aan. Sea Soe Soca a ee Sa. whee ena Mee Seance oso 4-21 4-24 sPE3 SEEGERS hey Se re gee a a ena ag NE eee | a a 4-27 RII OMe tee ee a ee BAL a Sees ort, Oe gk a ee BE os eae fc wian ee cecaviees|ooneeneerereee CT SIEGE a Oe patios Sei te PORE ae deere anne a | vestosirty ea sas ewer rea Abundances <<. 22-25. Fics ht Sot PENS Te an RE at Ce RE ee | Rare. | Rare. 163. [650] Dendroica tigrina (Gmel.). Cape May Warbler. Rather rare migrant. April 22 to May 11. September 27 to October T. In the fall of 1903, the writer observed this species and the Tennes- 142 see Warbler puncturing grapes. They thrust their bills into the grapes and after poking around inside a little lifted their heads and acted as if drinking. became worthless. the arbor under observation. After being punctured, the grapes, of course, shrivelled and Searcely a grape, and not a cluster were missed in The damage, however, was not great, as the birds did not begin their depredations until after the owners had harvested as much of the crop as they desired. The males arrive and depart earlier than the females. MIGRATION RECORD. l SV GRU oe ees ce ciescioe 1885 1885. 1885. 1886 1899. 1903. | | Observer .....-..----. C.1.B | Ck. B. | c. a B. 1G: 2 | vB, MWe Fixst seen ..:. -+-22 74-22 psn | 9-87 £0 |e | Next seen: 5-252: 2.200. ; 4-23 4-30 2] Ba 2 | he Ake eter oone Sate ee } | Common ..-56->2-=.-5 | EP sey ee 5s. 4 — | oo heteent eck |e aseecen. .. ots eo ening 5-11 7 | 55 | 58 | 999 | Abundance ..-....--- | Rare Rare. Rare: |) Rare: aston Rare bol (Weer Sire EAS a ees = | | 164. [652] Dendroica wstiva (Gmel.). Yellow Warbler.* Abundant summer resident. Song April 26, 1903; May 30, 19903. mating April 27. April 12 to August 24. Nest and eggs May 4, 1902. Nest with four, well-incubated eggs, in the top fork of a small plum tree about 20 feet from the ground (C. G. L.). Very common in orchards; a persistent songster. The earliest record for the State is April 4, 1894 (KE. M. K.), from Brown County. MIGRATION RECORD. NAT ne Ae OR Reet ot Pieead Fe Meio oe 185. 1885. 1886 | 1887 | 1892, ee B. W.E. ODPSOLRET Eon one ee eee Goo bet bs G2HeB CSHSBe G.G. W. ASBatis | G.G. W. LBHSR GT ene co dsouisdeuccoe uSanad| AOD eNews Sater 4-22 4-25 4-30 Nextscenciss so sseree eae theese Se ae re Ra ec } 7 a eel MEER set lari aise Ss | Gommon) -4e.6. aac ( Fo Seed Coit ao ere el En RPT RE! Re os LLSEA EE Ie 3 Sea cee ee ere ee ae tes hae 8-24} Rare DUNG CN Os. 22 eas ees Abundant Abundant.) 143 Wese a e eee ee | 1993. | 1899. 01. 1902. 1903. (CHUTE RES Belece daaaet Moree CURSE Gmc Be MERSIN So ce |W ae Pe NV de Mla) Wee, Tire Mie ) DISUSED De Hae aceon enema Sone 4-26 4-29 tae 4-19 4-12 INES IEE CMs. ct peel ole Nsiapecatetaicine sifltsns Force Jia Coaching Me mieae Aeease 4-23 4-24, Mora nests fh keene > ee 426 [Glas] elena 4-27 4-27 NAR SEE Ni tie eee talon acta teal oes ciemets mice aw > se ciei sacs eeemise cits + o-all ese oe.eicvs eaillbaee wemecs we PANS ULL. OL EIN Citra arctan nyse nee ec ee | Common. |} Common.})............; Common. |Abundant. 165. [654] Dendroica cerulescens (Gmel.). Black-throated Blue Warbler. Rather uncommon migrant. April 30 to May 13. September 1 to October 4. MIGRATION RECORD. WGN nc cticieae Be eee ee 1885 | 1885, 1886. | 1887 1902. 1903 Obrenvensicoc)cccce2s2 | CHB. | C.H.B..| GG. Ww. | GaiGaWee|) Welle Me Wiese M First seen............. 4-30 Qe cole Abstr” Seb 9-1 4-30 INGxiRGen 20 sek nea Dem ara cae ayeee akin sas nieee | Hose Da28 i, Spits chasse as cee Commons. 0280 o: = = ier entered at sets Prete aote Ml tee eso ben rome Sesheocaonoe HT ae | ES Ea A petal ae Doms eer eds eres | 10-4 | 542 Abundance ...... woos] Common. PUAN Grae acta. accen | once mares oe | Rare. | Rare. 166. [655] Dendroica coronata (Linn.). Myrtle Warbler.* Common migrant and not rare winter resident. September 24 to May 13. First in full plumage March 25, 1903. In winter this species seems to prefer certain restricted localities; most of the individuals that have been seen here in winter have been found in a dense pine and cedar grove, but in the winter of 1902-1903, some were seen at two other places— an open forest near a pond and an old orchard. Recorded as wintering in 1882-5; 1884-5; 1885-6; 1886-7; 1891-2; 1892-3; 1899-1900; 1900-01; 1902-3. The record of the appearance of individuals in different stages of plumage for a year is as follows: those seen at intervals through January, February and part of March were in the usual winter dress. On the tenth of March (1903) the first change was noted. A single Yellowrump 144 was found in some bushes along a street in town. The side-spots were large and brilliant as was also the rump. The back had the sharply defined black and gray streaking, but the head and breast were as in winter. March 21, a specimen in winter plumage was seen; March 23, two individuals, one in full plumage with the exception of the crown- spdt which was somewhat obscured by dark tips to the feathers, the other in the usual autumnal and winter garb. March 25, four Myrtle Warblers were seen, and of these, one had the winter plumage, two had yellow crown and rump but no side-spots. and one was brilliant in a new and complete spring suit. March 27, one with winter colors; March 30, one in complete and one in winter plumage; April 1, two like the last. April 3, three specimens with all the spots showing but only dimly on the sides and crown. After April 3 all mentioned are in full plumage unless otherwise stated. April 5, two, one in winter dress; April 8, four, one in winter plumage; April 11, four; April 12, twelve; April 14, three, two of which were clothed as in winter; April 15, four; April 19, six, one looking just as he did in Janvary, and he was the last one observed in this plumage, although of twenty-one seen on April 28, two were still in transition stages of plumage. Thus fifty days elapsed between the first and last observed changes in plumage, and, half as many days passed between the appearance of summer dress and the vanishing of winter garb. In the fall the first yellowrumps were seen. on October 12 (1902). Of thirty individuals, one had the sides yellow, while all of the others had already assumed the sombre shades of winter plumage. October 26, fourteen of these birds were observed and one was still in nearly perfect summer condition, the crown and sides being only slightly dusted with darker. Wee Me Pah es hisstetch # leh Petey as ieee 4-18 4-4 4-12 COSTES Fae hs erties Ge 4-5 NGM EISE CDi Sacsece cate 4-19 (FU) Sy eeheosertieerioe 4-20 4-7 WomiinOnns ser sess shes 4-25 TOPE snd eRe REN OoRREN QS ER ie nee ee ae Se aoe See es eR G See Tite ee Cmte, eee [Pe teed x Oey RIA Rog em Ne helo Sa | i le Shilgeemee eases AD WING AN Celso i sctensek Common. | Common. |............ Common. Common. | Common. 182. [677] Geothlypis formosa (Wils.). Kentucky Warbler. Common summer resident. Song May 3, 19038. April 13 to August 26. “They were found breeding near Bloomington, May 6, 1886 (Hvermann), where young were noted just out of the nest, June 4, 1886 (Blatchley)” [A. W. B.]. An inhabitant of dense, moist thickets. MIGRATION RECORD. NEGETIE Lae ae nods CORDA e CCE anc Baer tactts 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. ObRarwetwen tects rena Cie eer toe neo ons Calis Cais Pe a G. G. W. JATTASI 6 GRE TROIS Sern) 8%, Geeneiaee SS. UR yrs aan Oer ieee tna eee 5-2 4-17 5-7 ING SHISC Oo eee eine nenaiond as tote tet amesarae doen [ce terse amet 5-16 ED 7 actin | el anne (SOmTIMO eee ee ventnerrat arr ie eon cte Meisel hacia vaches ac site [eioccaisie towed la asieie wide ok [ats coq mnster IL AGLI eae aaa s PRE OR Sa en een esos SEO TAM erate cohen lncee eee, os el omelets PAN AMIEL ATI Crier tia stiearad ote cee ue ear rie os Common.| Common. | Common. |............ Wiealrapmases nichts aetna ae ae a ecran eartins cate enlen ee 1892. 1899. 1902. 1903. ODECrVOricee eastern ke oe ae aeration seas AGB U) N. B. M W.L.M.| W.L.M HIS US. COU Me ris, seam bh Sear ten a sno oa ees 5-7 4-13 4-24 4-28 ISI GET AGS Nh tS Hechee nCIGSGrabce Ol oc GIS GPy ar oR eR | Sete 4-15 4-27 5-3 OG A NOT mae areas ea sae aha iy a ee ee || 2 SoA ee GME SBE ier eee ep are 5-13 IDPH RINT 5 PRE ore ORTCORe Con Goo bn Gea ont | IO eironciny Gene niaoned peace esr h. IBSeenne arta PAIGE C OMRIne once ee cates aka ene ne wa wero eae hehe cine Rare @ontmons| cases ence 154 183. [678] Geothlypis agilis (Wils.). Connecticut Warbler. Rare migrant (C. EH. B., °86—B: W.E., ’?87). >| as Common.......... | ne sens nce allasanee eats Sarat wis ne Mee dan Saal oS os ne wloes 5-10... ee Last.seen. -........ eee reee Beeson Receees lezpace Ses eo BACT eee Seer liam aoe 3o2- Abundance. ..... | Rare. | Rare. Rane to ot eames Common.) Common. Common. 193. [704] Galeoscoptes carolinensis (Linn.). Catbird.* Abundant summer resident. April 2 to October 6. Song April 9 to September 20, 1903. Nestbuilding May 3, 1903. Nest and two eggs May 7, 1902 (G. Hitze). On May 12, 1902, five eggs were taken from a nest; a new nest was begun on the next day; the lining was partly made on the 14th and the nest was finished on the 16th. There was one egg on the 17th and four on the 20th. A nest with four fresh eggs was found June 4, 1901 (W. L. H.). The earliest and latest individuals seen are generally found in the woods in deep-tangled thickets; consequently Catbirds are rarely seen at the extreme dates indicated above. MIGRATION RECORD. Year | 1885. 1B852° 12s 1886: 1887. 1892. 1893. Observer 2.02... e000 cus. | cues. | ¥$3 | eew. | eax. | ox Pirst seen. 3-5 sos se ei ane 4-20 4-16 4-25 4-22 | 4-40 Next seen........0.0.. Lanes | 4-21 4-17 AOF hor ely Commons... 5.2.5. [ieee she pel, ed eee ey (Ree eee | 4-27 4-20 Lastseen: :es56 32255285 10-6 bey eee | Fe Sart ces AR er os AIA peer SOrPMAP Ate Se, Abundance .......... |Abundant Abundant.| Oe Sac Seed (see aersaoees | Common. Common. 159 MERI fou 4as ota a cke 189). | 1900. 1901. 1902. | 1903. 1903. OSEDVEI non. t oes ae | Neb. Mee oN Sos Ms) Woo) Wee | Wel | We Me IRIKSEPSCODs cosas neo 4-28 | 4-14 pi) ie bees Ts ama Pe Ns aaa Wextwoens. othe ape ART ig lt ey a aE a AE OR he 2 ES UO ep awe cath ech oath gare = Al ee as Sedge OO ae Tala UE ToaSUsee atc eros | yaa Geeeecet pease ss eee See: / ered Ltr Ase ed 9-20 Aandan cess... ae | Common. ere | Common. | Common. Abundant ‘Abundant. 194. [705] ~Toxrostoma rufum (Linn.). Brown Thrasher.* Figs. 25-6. Common summer resident. March 16 to October 12. Song March 20, 1908. Nest begun April 4, 19038. Nest and four eggs in a berry bush in a corner of a yard, April 20. Young out of nest May 8 (C. G. L.). Four young fiying about freely May 13. Nest with 8 eggs as late as June 9, ’02 (G. Hitze). One of our best songsters; most often found just on the outskirts of town. MIGRATION RECORD. Were. con. 1884. | 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. | 1892. 1893. | W.S.B. | | EM.K WUsenvetse aie C eH ts Oot Be |e Cre Bat Bs We. Bro} Gr. Gra We "pay | E.M.K G.GW. baa First seen ....| 3-23 BA FN oarce at a 3-28 | 4-12 42 [> 4-2 Next seen ....|.......... 7 Ea ean ES a eae } 4-9 4-6 Marmion co\-s Satekp, EIS ea em seh ee 4-9 4-6 Lasteeen.....|.....--. {Sees esate Ogee rer OR al es AUPE IC ae es Bee, | ese Aipundan Gs =: |< 2ctsie's <= Common. Common.| Common. .......... Common.) Common. MOM Toate te wines 1899. | 1900. - 1901. | 1902. 1902. 1903. * |; W.L.M. | Ww | (DSerViels sma c ones N.B.M. | N.B.M. | yy’ Rp’ | W-L-.M. .L.M.| W L.M. Wrest seene.c.. 52) Sy 416 | 4-23 4-7 Smee Seer er Posey! Next send 2.2042 sere 4-19 ronan Ae. 4-10 BDA — iE Oe aek 3-21 Commonissse ss. - -e--- BEF tired Reyes n> oan 's-oe 4-14 DP | Ree a eee | 4-3 LEG Soe ISS Gasakad Ieocamen oPeoe) OS Rae: Seca! Ae SEA RAE erase a amma TN |e ee Abundance........... Common. Common. Common.| Common. Common. Common. 160 195. [718] Thryothorus ludovicianus (Lath.). Carolina Wren.* Common resident. Sings at all times in the year. The Carolina Wren became common here about 1883 (B. W. E.). “It was heard nearly every day that winter.” An inhabitant of dense thickets and brush-piles. Not often seen away from these places except when singing. Ordinarily a very hard bird to flush. Several times the writer has cornered a Carolina Wren in a brush-pile, and walked up to the edge of it without the bird leaving. Once, even, I walked over a brush-heap with a wren in it and the bird lett only when the heap was torn to pieces. (March 3, ’01). Another instance of this habit is as follows: On a cold, snowy, windy day, I was investigating the base of a hollow tree. After rummaging around on the inside for three or four minutes, I touched a Carolina Wren which then flew hastily out (February 2, ’02). 196. [719] TVhryomanes bewickii (Aud.). Bewick’s Wren.* Very common summer resident. March 6 to October 12. Bewick’s Wren was taken in this county as early as 1876 (Ind. Univ. Mus.). It was a common summer resident ten years later, and now is very common and almost entirely replaces the next species (7. a@don) which is a rather rare bird. Song March 13, 1903; breeding March 25, 1901. Nest and eight eggs in an old sack hung over a fence, April 14, 1903 (C. G. L.). Most frequently found near houses; common in the city; a persistent songster in March and April. MIGRATION RECORD. Wie lls sony kro cae ae 1885. | 1885. | T8865) ene Sie 1893. Observer: cae tecene rae lous | cus. | $¢W-|¢.¢6.w. | ame MMs tisGe nes -s ASTia uae aesstec oe 4-19 12-14 4-12 4-7 Abundance.......... Noticommon}<-:- 20.5... Common. | Common. | Common. } Common. 201. [727] Sitta carolinensis Lath. White-breasted Nuthatch.* Common resident. Attempts at song Mareh 8, 1902; five days earlier they were seen going in and coming out of a cavity in a tree, which they afterwards used as a nest. 202. [728] Sitta canadensis Linn. Red-breasted Nuthatch.* Common migrant and rare winter resident. September 20 to May 12. “They were found wintering at Bloomington the winters of 1882-3 and 1885-6” (Blatchley). Also winters of 1884-5; 1902-3. MIGRATION RECORD. Meir ty hers cay. 1883 1885 1885. | 1886 1886 1887 Observer ......0..0000- lp.w.n. | CHB. oo ee | w.s.B. | 6.6.W First seen............. 2-10 1-31 10-2 wae A Ree ARE al eam eye i SET AEN Oa Re ieee ane 7 ana kal a pee ee Co Ri IC DIMNTONe ca-t.c cise oe eer aera ee tae s eee Peterlee hroei|ieciomeic aiciete | AA DSSE cae Aloo rere bat Thi OL ToS Pe AR ES, Se 5-12 11-25 4-24 12-21 5-7 Abundance .......... Rare. Rieke Gineld Genoe Common? ||oee. ster DRAM teecician Seas Staatelse nak tem tie | iS 1 Ee | 1902, | 1902. 1903. | 1903. | | (ODRGU VOR ai sitc:o-site com eiststarve ak wets es a Veep sce en Wier las Vien ee WiedoewMice! WWrecla Mins |e WL. Ms PERE RECN tet | anes Bales INoktisGens<. 3 22 sass oos Seneae [ates eee cece lee teen eee: cece eee ees lessees eee eee lessees cece lense eee ees Common............ J-cer esse: | Se2G Poe aki a ac esol see cersecles [ne ea Past scenes: sce G.-2 a ea 4-16 5-15 ZA S alsstes ices ses 5-2 4-28 Abundance-...5.2-5) sccee sec | Common. |.......... ated EC POS ceRSOEGe Io os. Sere 205. [736] Parus carolinensis Aud. Carolina Chickadee.* Common resident. Seen more often and in greater numbers after March 8, 1903; February 18, 1902; April 30, 1885 (C. H. B.). Song January 18 to November 28, 1902. Mating March 15, 1902; nest- building April 14, 1901. May 29, 1901, four young with pin-feathers and one egg were found in a nest about three feet from the ground in a wil- low stub. The nest was about three inches in depth and was lined with rabbit fur and other soft materials. The young were not yet able to sit on a perch, June 3 (W. L. H.). : 206. [748] Regulus satrapa Licht. Golden-crowned Kinglet.* Abundant migrant and rare winter resident. February 4 to May 7. September 21 to November 28. “They are reported as winter residents from Bloomington (Evermann, Blatchley). Also by G. G. Williamson. 165 Song heard April 16, 1902. This bird has a surprisingly loud, sharp whistle, with a somewhat ventriloquial effect. On April 6, 1902, a Golden-crowned Kinglet was observed to catch a moth of apparently half its own size. It took several minutes time and much trouble to finish the insect and it was dropped once but was recoy- ered and finally disposed of. MIGRATION RECORD. Tear sc 1884. | 1885. 1885. | 1886. | 1887. 1892. 1893. 1895. | Observer....|B. W. “| C.H.B. | C.H.B. |G.G.W.iG.G.W.| E. M. K.| E. M. K.| L. Hughes. Kirst seems. |) 2-10) occ s.< cs .<5 - 10-3 55 1 Jee bear, te | 4-4 DEA Tacs ct arate ate INextiseeniser tae ct tcc iece ee. fee « 5 CEES ne al | oe eevee se ace eee 4-9 21m ete areretateyaieicie COMMON se. |h o> < osc 42 10-9 ANS amaserias el ER AA ieee) ORES e CO WARSE SOOM EF lee. one 4-19 10-25 4-13 5-7 SDA Ft rere alee cre ths 11-7 Shendaree | Rare. |Abundant|Abundant).........|......... |Common|Common............. Vearit..a7siek 1899. | 1900. | 1901. | 1902. | 1902. | 1903. 1903. | | Observer.......... N.B.M/N.B.M.| W-8-M- | win.) Ww. LM.) W.L.M. | W.L.M. First seen ........ 4-10 4-4 3-20 3-27 105 | 318 | 921 Next seen ........ 4-13 4-6 3-22 3-28 10-16 | 3-19 9-22 “DSDeITE Ts Ty ch Sp (ee 4-5 4-15 10-18 | 3-23 9-21 Pia EIOO Mises sae Fel oa co cewek 4-12 4-21 4-23 1128 ol" $4—19' oleate PADUNG ANCA cases vallioe nesta we Se Joceees sees Abundant.|Common} Common|Abundant.|Abundant, 207. [749] Regulus calendwa (Linn.). Ruby-crowned Kinglet.* Abundant migrant and rare winter resident. March 23 to May 18. September 21 to October 24. ‘They have been noted, in winter, in Mon- roe County, by Profs. Evermann and Blatchley.” (A. W. Butler.) Song April 5, 1901; 10, 19068. Mating April 19 and 24, 1903. April 10, 1903. Heard a Ruby-crowned Kinglet singing a varied and pretty song which was so loud that it did not seem possible that so small a bird eould produce it. The Ruby-crown also gave a little chuck, a short whistle, and another note like that of a Canada Nuthatch, but less com- plaining. The last note was repeated several times. On April 19, two Ruby-crowns were seen, one of which with crown erected and singing, was chasing the other. Was this not mating? On the 24th two other in- 166 dividuals were seen doing the same thing, and another was heard singing. The song reminds one of nothing more plainly, than of the softer, less ambitious efforts of a canary. It is varied with little chirps and chuck and chirr notes. The bulk left May 2, 1885 (C. H. B.). MIGRATION RECORD. up Wear Ae pata tamer 1885. 1885. | 1886. 1887. 1892. 1893. Observer ......0. 0.2 c.H.B. | c.u.B. | ES | G.¢.w.) BM.K.- EM K Hirst:seem.--eeesn 4-18 9-28 4-19 4-10 4-9 4-19 INextiseentas..sccan: 4-19 10-3 4-22 4-11 4=23'.)5 | eereeeieerees Common tiaack: sees 4-22 IQS hs a ck Se Sree ea ON oe Eee $297 "| Sees Last seen ........... 5-11 10-24 AOA) Ake en eee 5-18). .\.ce ea eten wae et eee C.H. Bs |} CHB. | C.H.B: > W. DMs Wega Hirstiseen hi cccceccte cee eee 4-23 | Qala ase cite ete | 5-4 4-26 INGXt SEO &. 525s sscacn eeu see een eee 4-26 : DR. | se eer erat [eet NSA Sion c oo dors Common .-soxessas-Osen-ceeer eres ae Sen MSc Ge tees BSesA ta On ea opaaonneaoAd |<. o68 BBE a Beal Ope Nim eT esea Mase eee Uitcree ll tere'|cee | oe aie Samer ies ees ee Stell el ais (Osh Ihntes) leat alee 2 ; =e | = =| 8 Es | | nines eb) fee Ee] Bm | © ' ® ® oul: ee , “penuryuoO— ATE ViL ee XXXXxx x X ey eee Bx "ARO poqsBotq-MOT[OK “* YBOIGI-MOT[I A PUVB[AIV I, “ 1O[GIV AM JULUINO “ 1O[GIB AA JNoTy9uUN0D | “* Lapqiw Ay AYonQuoe y f aga 10YR\ VUBISINOT “YSNAYT, 1098 MQ 8,JouuTAy Hieeee sees cesses GEMM, L098 AA Wirt tees eeeeeeeeeees DaTg-U0AG Feseee eres sees ToT qa AQ OLR eee co re) MUDL TB CT AOE ONL INCL Lo|qare Ay uo01y peworny- "HI TTT =" LOGIT AL OLOTAROAG * LOTGAV M UBLUANG yOBLg ss 1OTQIB AA [L[Od-yoBlE “LOTUIV AA PoISvoig-AR_ L9[GLU AM POPIS-InUysoyyy - * LO[GAV AA UBOTNIAD 1O/GIVM BIPOUTRI ee TOTGAT A OTIS AL “AO [GAB AA ONT ET POYWOsNy~" TEL IOTUIB AA MOTTOX Jorssr tts TOrqIBA ABI OdBD "LOTGIB MY BINAIBT UO Y4.LO N 1o[qiv \ oossouudy, * L8/G1IB AY POUMO1N-95 UBC “ LO[QALB AA O[[LAYST Ny "LOT QIB A POSULM-UOPl[OP) “** JOTOUIR AM POSULM-ONnTT “""TO[GIB A FULYBO-WLO AL “LO[GAB A ALBJIOUOYIOI “1OTGIV MM OILY MA PUB HOVE OOILA POfO-0F1 MA sess s8** OOITA POpRoy-on[g "77 OOITA PO}BOITI-MOTIOX cs OOITA SULTQIB MA es OOITA BIYUTOpPB[IY q “OST “\8L “PSL “S81 “C81 “181 “OST “6LT “BLT *LLI “OLT “GLI “PLL “SLI “CLL “TLE “OLT “691 “891 “LOT “99L “GOT “POL “S9T “C9T ‘T9L “O9T “6ST “SGT “LST ‘OSL “GGT “PST “SST “OSL “TSI “NST “OFT 198 “soded 8 ea, Voy “If, Ul pourezUO BBP OY} Worl UBWOSLT] pAvUOOT pUL 9ozeIg AIUOZ SeTAvY) Aq poredodd o10M XOPUT PUL seTquz OY T.. o v G a v B vw uw | eta |e oo 9) DER ete Mallee ee wre Conn Pcoae Cah Ved sa Sick eee Anh *pargonid “Giz i v v vB B B POUCH BACT Vee ere oF i ag Tact bee Aa BE a XCM Se he te ae uIqoYyY UBOTLIOIY "FIZ Rua Ie- me feeeces fesse | cece dere go a 1 dil feasei llonciracul| saceyad ie Gee | G0) Kia eta sere SNAG WUT “¢E1zZ z Sie eee en I -97 Pazar hisarcae trees ix foes oll asoone|laaaue YSNAyy, PoyoBG-Oallg “ZIZ Rake 1 G33 Beil sei ee OL x cpeecsssyeessoss Gandy Poyeeyo-ABLy “11g adowie e{-L sreeeel Qt | -¢% Necetekes vere] ay “= GSmIGT 8, HOSTEL *O1Z Aa ceNt ZI- ze oS Soll Pete ui Zl vrvee[feresee[eeeeee] yy vrersseoseee eres GSMIT POOM “GZ eos SI- — — ~- =U | oe Uso fesse Sa Were Scope ra “Lat oOJwBoPVUH ABAS-ON[Y “SOT Ce ee 1Z- -1% see eee see S[- = -83 see BX stew yO [SULLY pouMoto- Aquy “L0G meraahe 8Z- — -1Z L- — — -} B Cie | Peaesnceied pratt ‘go[3uly PEUMOID-UdP[OX) “90 ay ae me ve oe oy me = a Es we pate Ble conto miuallocasod|aadoode “ POPUMOIYY) VULPOILA) *COZ aw june eae lec L- ee ate x | Setieolleenitar ; Dopeyory “FOr res pao as ite Law = u u ee = Pl EE reed ag ae Na aera ADI Ca ne 7 BsnOUrit gy ol cS = _— = COZENS ite Maal eas alll gees ZI- — — — _ SA lla: 1 YOy@TINN poysvelqd Poy “ZZ — == == — — — . — = U = = vay pe x SOM MUN [ACRE GEC MUS I B v -1Z 0g- v v a ee Ale cates Pence oS | ae Mar ape acs gaat a gece Tode0ly UMOAG "(0G eave | hAaaeod jd 62 fc ep “Olle yo pecs sreee]ossees] = Od Ay YSABIL POTLIG-3a0] “KET ay fox a Fale SbF el erases lesbian | esta Reon e- es LY Allipost sialon dere ax fcc frre ieee "UALAA LOJULM “SGT ftodno||csoe veeee] gq is 2s mys Ere lan ah lage shu cp|iaaeoac veel py 500 vievssesesseeesegQT Ay OSNOH “LET GOBIOD zI- fee ae a, ae CL ar A eta scl abe fs Quo aes breees esses: Toa BS MOTMOg “OBL au oS ley a "3 eels =a ay £2 Sa ep ereaees eter ; Jeseees a UOLM BUL[OIVD “CL Sant ZI- : Ly i) Sie Se) Sc bh Soy |} | | x 1Slec| veeveeeee oss Jouseayy, UMOIG “FET dade|kinea8d 9- 24 ves Eel learre et cent [One alos iiiiattene meee necro ys (van |pasadel leaner lScbcdnaded wuromotsaban Palqyey “e6T Niece sa nayiwenge ain fea 9- Li evel opal eye | Fieetes see sesDaTGSUTHOOW “261 Je-6 Go|. Aandi |e on I aoeatc See Peeeee | gre = agro ltimncoarc nora “os utdtg uBolOWY “Tél he 6L- _ — — || —u|—uU}! -¢ Hecate * os aTeIspey UBOLIOWULY “(6T Wa = Ope) cog esas | gen Sie yeRenels x “ss oss sss ToTqau AA URIPVURD “ERI ceceee 8I- =1¢ }\| ete) ay mts tL-8 ewes treeeee geal es Gee ic ee Trees sess os TOTGIB AA S MOST “Sol G88 BX syoll fe eer rL- es ve Sua apg | chee fe eee Seep etetee| Bag [eeenen let een cise cesses gorge A PepOOH “LST z\°e Slfueesa heresy [ese tee esse) ceo ea es ae: riya ae Piles iecuneoe Meera re Veeder | ios he Weta | Be ole |S | mew OMe ime Soll ron ete eee oh el el Ske eee Bish Berger eye : Rear ei Ser eileen rercdime Nusa ee Sime ocue ane alta, | eal eee cee ee, x | iy | 8 ce — i | : ee ied ae} o 5 \. . . ] } 09 5 oO ‘a fag | | | sa| 8 lees Ee] | | | on i=) | oO oO | (ee ak arerne os: Sena? “ponutjuopO—H Ta Vib American Bittern, 25. American Coot, 34. American Crossbill, 108. American Egret, 28. American Golden-eye, 19. American Goldfinch, 111. American Goshawk, 55, American Long-eared Owl, 65. American Merganser, 89. American Osprey, 64. ‘American Pipit, 191. American Redstart, 190. American Robin, 214. American Rough-legged Hawk, 59. American Scaup Duck, 17. American Sparrow Hawk, 63. American Woodcock, 35, Bachman’s Sparrow, 127. Bald Eagle, 61. Baltimore Oriole, 103. Bank Swallow, 143. Barn Swallow, 141. Barred Owl, 67. Bartramian Sandpiper, 43. Bay-breasted Warbler, 170. Belted Kingfisher, 74. Bewick’s Wren, 196. Bittern, American, 25. Bittern, Least, 26. Black and White Warbler, 154. Black-billed Cuckoo, 73. Blackbird, Red-winged, 100. Blackbird, Rusty, 104. Blackburnian Warbler, 172. Blackpoll Warbler, 171. Black-throated Blue Warbler, 165. Black-throated Green Warbler, 174. Black Vulture, 50. Bluebird, 215. Blue Goose, 23. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 208. Blue-headed Vireo, 152. Blue Jay, 96. Blue-winged Warbler, 157. Bobolink, 98. Bob-white,'46. Bonaparte’s Gull, 4. INDEX. Broad-winged Hawk, 58. Bronzed Grackle, 105, Brown Creeper, 200. Brown Thrasher, 194. Buflle-head, 20. Bunting, Indigo, 135. Canada Goose, 24. Canadian Warbler, 189. Canvas-back, 16, Cape May Warbler, 163. Carolina Chickadee, 205. Carolina Wren, 195. Catbird, 193. Cedar Waxwing, 145. Cerulean Warbler, 168. Chat, Yellow-breasted, 186, Chestnut-sided Warbler, 169, Chickadee, 204. Chickadee Carolina, 205. Chimney Swift, 84. Chipping Sparrow, 124. Cliff Swallow, 140. Common Crow, 97. Common Tern, 6. Connecticut Warbler, 183. Cooper’s Hawk, 54. Coot, American, 34. Cormorant, Double-crested, 7. Cowhbird, 99. Crane, Whooping, 30. Creeper, Brown, 200. Crested Flycatcher, 87. Crossbill, American, 108. Crossbill, White-winged, 109. Crow, Common, 97. Cuckoo, Black-billed, 73. Cuckoo, Yellow-billed, 72. Dickcissel, 136. Double-crested Cormorant, 7. Dove, Mourning, 48. Downy Woodpecker. 76. Duck, American Scaup, 17. Duck, Lesser Scaup, 18. Duck, Ruddy, 22. Duck, Wood, 14. 199 200 Eagle, Bald, 61. Eagle, Golden, 60. Egret, American, 28. European Sparrow, 116. Evening Grosbeak, 106. Field Sparrow, 125. Finch, Purple, 107. Flicker, Northern, 81. Florida Gallinule, 33. Flycatcher, Crested, 87. Green-crested, 92. Least, 94. Olive-sided, 89. Traill’s, 93. Yellow-bellied, 91. Forster’s Tern, 5. Fox Sparrow, 131. Gallinule, Florida, 33. Gnatcatcher, 208. Goose, Blue, 23. Goose, Canada, 24. Green-crested Flycatcher, 92. Golden-crowned Kinglet, 206. Golden Eagle, 60. Golden-eye, American, 19. Golden-winged Warbler, 158. Goldfinch, American, 111. Goshawk, American, 55. Grackle, Bronzed, 105. Grasshopper Sparrow, 118. Gray-cheeked Thrush, 211. Great Blue Heron, 27. Great Horned Owl, 70. Greater Yellow-legs, 40. Grebe, Ilorned, 1. Grebe, Pied-billed, 2. Green Heron, 29. Green-winged Teal, 11. Grinnel’s Water Thrush, 180. Grosbeak, Evening, 106. Grosbeak, Rose-breasted, 134. Grouse, Ruffed, 47. Gull, Bonaparte’s, 4. Hairy Woodpecker, 75. Hawk, American Rough-legged, 59. American Sparrow, 63. Broad-winged, 58. Cooper’s, 54. Marsh, 52. Night, 83. Pigeon, 62. Red-shouldered, 57. Red-tailed, 56 Sharp-shinned, 53. Henslow’s Sparrow, 119. Heron, Great Blue, 27. Heron, Green, 29. Hermit Thrush, 213. Hooded Merganser, 9. Hooded Warbler, 187. Horned Grebe, 1. Horned, Lark, 95. House Wren, 197. Hummingbird, Ruby-throated, 85. Indigo Bunting, 135. Jay, Blue, 96. Junco, Slate-colored, 126. Kentucky Warbler, 182. Killdeer, 45. Kingbird, 86. Kingfisher, Belted, 74. Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 206. Ruby-crowned, 207. Kite, Swallow-tailed, 51. Lapland Longspur, 114. Lark, Meadow, 101. Lark, Prairie Horned, 95. Lark Sparrow, 120. Least Bittern, 26. Least Flycatcher, 94. Least Sandpiper, 38. Lesser Seaup Duck, 18. Lincoln’s Sparrow, 129. Loggerhead Shrike, 147. Long-billed Wren, 199. Longspur, Lapland, 114. Loon, 3. Louisiana Water Thrush, 181. Magnolia Warbler, 167. Mallard, 10. Marsh Hawk, 52. Martin, Purple, 139. Maryland Yellow Throat, 185. Meadowlark, 101. Merganser, American, 89, Merganser, Hooded, 9. Mockingbird, 192. Mourning Dove, 48. Mourning Warbler, 184. Myrtle Warbler, 166. Nashville Warbler, 159. Night Hawk, 83. Northern Flicker, 81. Northern Parula Warbler, 162. Northern Pileated Woodpecker, 78. Northern Shrike, 146. Nuthatch, Red-breasted, 202. Nuthatch, White-breasted, 201. Olive backed Thrush, 212. Olive-sided Flycatcher, 89. Orange-crowned Warbler, 160. Orchard Oriole, 102. Oriole, Baltimore, 103. Orivle, Orchard, 102. Owl, American Long eared, 65. Barred, 67. Great Horned, 70. Saw-whet, 68. Screech, 69. Short-eared, 66. Snowy. 71. Oven-bird, 178. Palm Warbler, 176. Pectoral Sandpiper, 37. Pewee, Wood, 90. Philadelphia Vireo, 149. Phoebe, 88. Pied-billed Grebe, 2. Pigeon Hawk, 62. Pileated Woodpecker, 78. Pine Siskin, 112. Pine Warbler, 175. Pintail, 13. Pipit, American, 191. Prairie Horned Lark, 95. Prairie Warbler, 177. Prothonotary Warbler, 155. Purple Finch, 107. Purple Martin, 139. Rail, Yellow, 32. Redbird, 133. Red-bellied Woodpecker, 80. Red-breasted Nuthatch, 207. Red-eyed Vireo, 148. Redhead, 15. Red-headed Woodpecker, 79. Redpoll, 110. Red-shouldered Hawk, 57. Redstart, American, 180. Red-tailed Hawk, 56. Red-winged Blackbird, 100. Robin, American, 214. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 134. Rough-winged Swallow, 144. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 207. Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 85. Ruddy Duck, 22. Ruffed Grouse, 47. Rusty Blackbird, 104. 201 Sandpiper, Bartramian, 43. Least, 38. Pectoral, 37. S mipalmated, 39. Solitary, 42, Spotted, 44. Savanna Sparrow, 117. Saw-whet Owl, 68. Scarlet Tanager, 37. Scoter, Surf, 21. Sereech Owl, 69. Semipalmated Sandpiper, £9. Sharp-shinned Hawk, 53. Short-eared Owl, 66. Shoveller, 12. Shrike, Loggerhead, 147. Shrike, Northern, 146. Siskin, Pine, 112. Slate-colored Junco, 126. Snipe, Wilson’s, 36. Snowflake, 113. Snowy Owl, 71. Solitary Sandpiper, 42. Song Sparrow, 128. Sora, 31. Sparrow, Bachman’s, 127. Chipping, 124. European, 116. Field, 125. Fox, 131. Grasshopper, 118. Henslow’s, 119. Lark, 120. Lincoln’s, 129. Savanna, 117. Song, 128. Swamp, 130. Tree, 123. Vesper, 115. White-throated, 122. Sparrow Hawk, 63. Summer Tanager, 138. Swallow, Barn, 141. Bank, 143. Cliff, 140. Rough-winged, 144. Tree, 142. Swamp Sparrow, 130. Spotted Sandpiper, 44. Surf Scoter, 21. Swallow-tailed Kite, 51. Swift, Chimney, 8}. Sycamore Warbler, 173. Tanager, Scarlet, 137. Tanager, Summer, 138. Teal, Green-winged, LI. 202 Tennessee Warbler, 161. Tern, Common, 6. Tern, Forster’s, 5. Thrasher, Brown, 194. Thrush, Gray-cheeked, 211. Hermit, 213. Olive-backed, 212. Wilson’s, 210. Wood, 219. Titmouse, Tufted, 203. Towhee, 182. Traill’s Flycatcher, 93. Tree Sparrow, 123. Tufted Titmouse, 203. Turkey Vulture, 49. Vesper Sparrow, 115. Vireo, Blue-headed, 152. Philadelphia, 149. Red-eyed, 148. Warbling, 150. White-eyed, 153. Yellow-throated, 151. Vulture, Black, 50. Vulture, Turkey, 49. W arbler— Bay-breasted, 170. Black and White, 154. Blackburnian, 172. Blackpoll, 171. Black-throated Blue, 165. Black-throated Green, 174. Blue-winged, 157. Canadian, 189. Cape May, 163. Cerulean, 168. Chestnut-sided, 169. Connecticut, 183. Golden-winged, 158. Hooded, 187. Kentucky, 182. Magnolia, 167. Mourning, 184. Myrtle, 166. Nashville, 159. Northern Parula, 162. Orange-crowned, 160. Palm, 176. Pine, 175. Prairie, 177. Prothonotary, 155. Sycamore, 173. Tennessee, 161. Wilson’s, 188. Worm-eating, 156. Yellow, 164. Warbling Vireo, 150. Water Thrush, 179. Waxwing, Cedar, 145. White-breasted Nuthatch, 201. White-crowned Sparrow, 121. White-eyed Vireo, 153. White-winged Crossbill, 109. White-throated Sparrow, 122. Whooping Crane, 30. Wilson’s Snipe. 36. Wilson’s Thrush, 210. Wilson’s Warbler, 188. Winter Wren, 198. W hip-poor-will, 82. Woodcock, American, 39. Wood Duck, 14. Wood Pewee, 90. Woodpecker, Downy, 76. Hairy, 75. Northern Pileated, 78. Red-bellied, 80. Red-headed, 79. Yellow-bellied, 77. Wood Thrush, 209. Wren— Bewick’s, 196. Carolina, 195. House, 197. Long-billed, 199. Winter, 198. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, 91. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, 77. Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 72. Yellow-breasted Chat, 186. Yellow-legs, Greater, 40. Yellow-legs, 41. Yellow Rail, 32. Yellow-throated Vireo, 151. Yellow Warbler, 164. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION IN CoNDUCTORS OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS AND IN ELECTROLYTES. ARTHUR L. FOLEY and CHESTER A. EVANS. This investigation was undertaken for the purpose of determining whether or not the character of a conductor has any effect upon the electro-motive force generated in it when it is made to cut magnetic lines of force. Is the e. m. f. generated in a copper wire of given length exactly equal to the e. m. f. generated in a silver wire of the same length when both cut lines of force at the same rate? And is this e. m. f. equal to that generated in a nonconducting tube of length 1, filled with an electrolyte, when the electrolyte is made to cut lines of force at the above rate? BHlectrolytic conduction and metallic conduction appear to be very dif- ferent processes, why then should one expect metals and electrolytes to give identical results from electromagnetic induction? It is evident that many difficulties and sources of error will be avoided if-the two conductors to be tested can be placed together and made to cut the same field in such a manner that the resultant e. m. f. generated is zero, provided that electromagnetic induction is independent of the substance of the conductor. Also, the direction of the e. m. f. must be constant if a sensitive galvanometer is to be used to detect it. Fig. 1. Let M (Fig. 1) be a cylindrical magnet mounted to revolve about its axis, and let w and w' be wires in contact respectively with the middle of the magnet and the center of the end, and connected, as shown, to a gal- 204 yanometer, G. Suppose the magnet to be revolved at a high speed. Few lines of force cut w’, as it is parallel with the axis of the magnet. W- is cut by the lines passing from pole to pole and if the pole strength is sufficiently great and the magnet is revolved rapidly, the galvanometer and therefore an induced e. m. f. If w and wt will indicate a current are led from the magnet as in Fig 2, it is evident that the resultant e. m. f. generated is zero, since that generated in w opposes that generated in w'. But suppose that w is of one metal and w' of another, if the e. m. f. generated in each is not the same, the galyanometer, if sufficiently sensitive, will indicate a current. The wire w' may be replaced with a tube containing an electrolyte and the electromagnetic induction in the electrolyte measured. To increase the sensitiveness of the apparatus » there may be a number of w’s and w’’s connected as shown in Fig. 3. 205 Although considerable work has been done, it has been entirely of a preliminary character. With a magnet of pole-strength 415, making 4,000: revolutions per minute, with 100 copper wires (w) and 100 German silver wires (w’), the junior author of this paper found that no current was indicated by a galvanometer whose constant was 1.1x10-°. The magnet was rotated by an electric motor and the galvanometer was placed on a pier in an adjoining room some thirty feet distant. Work with electro- lytes is now in progress. The senior author is arranging to make the apparatus more sensitive by using an electromagnetic field and a more delicate galvyanometer. Results will be given in a future paper. 206 INTERFERENCE FRINGES ABOUT THE PATH OF AN ELECTRIC DISCHARGE. ARTHUR L. FoLey and J. H. HASEMAN. Some ten years ago the senior author of this paper, while photo- graphing interference fringes under various conditions, noticed that fringes were produced about the path of an electric discharge. Owing to the press of other work further investigation of the subject was post- poned. ) -4 (OTSA) 7 (fF 1139) 4 dv l 2 J eal a alge ee) (IIT) OSes 5. ir lz lees fae leks 16 sak Fetal bf jet Ba} We have in this case one, and only one, value for 22. If the surface S, is such that in addition to (III) being satisfied, (1) are also satisfied, then 243 there is one, and only one, surface S, which represents the result of deform- ing S, so that a conjugate system remains a conjugate system after the deformation. There are two cases which may occur under (III). Suppose that P< (1D) 7 aaa 7 Ey oy 2s ee Then 7—-+1 and the surface Se is such that its second fundamental magnitudes D2 and D2” are either equal to the corresponding magnitudes Di and Di’ of Si or they are the negatives of Di and Dy’. But from the equations (*) dz __ iD = PENT es) on eg—f?2 Ou du J Ox x 14 [ OX +. f) Xx) Ov eg — f? OW ane! Where e, f, g are the fundamental magnitudes of the Gauss’ sphere, it is seen that a change in the sign of D and D” corresponds to a change of sign in the co-ordinates x, y, z of the surface, and therefore the surface S2 is either identical with Si or it issymmetrical to Si: with respect to a plane or to the origin of co-ordinates. Suppose next that j DNA j h (II») ie 12) Nhe: f12) { Jv 12 f Ou ea In this case there is a anique value of 22 -1. Si may therefore be de- formed so that after the deformation is carried out the lines “=—const., v=const., form a conjugate system, although they do not form a conju- gate system at any time during the deformation. Now, by a theorem of Dini, (**) from relation (III) no surface So exists, the spherical images of whose asymptotic lines are the same as the spherical images of a conjugate system of lines on Si. But from the definition of associate surfaces, there is then no surface to which Si is associated, and thus we have the result that when (III];) is true for any surface Si referred to a conjugate system, there exists no surface Sc to which Si is associated. (*) Bianchi, 1. c. p. 134. (**) Bianchi, 1. ¢. p. 125. 245 A FamIty oF WARPED SURFACES. C. A. WALDO. Derivation of the general equation of all warped surfaces having two distinct rectilinear directrices and its application to a few special cases. Fig. 1. Let the surface be defined by the three directrices = Ole Male i910) Vi —— sO han rsce == Ol PCy 2) Opes (i) The curve f (x’y’) = O lies in the plane z = O, the X and Y axes are parallel to the rectilinear directrices; the Z axis includes the common per- p2ndicular to the rectilinear directrices, unless otherwise specified. In the diagram Fig. 1, let X’ X” be one straight line directrix at the distance q above the plane z = o, Y’ Y”’ the other at p above z=o0. Their horizontal projections will be the X and Y axes of reference. 246 Let (x, y, z) be any point P on the warped surface, and EK’ E’ B’” the rectilinear element containing it. het Opi x4 ON = OR = q) OO p: Then by similarities and projections the following equations exist: x’ a2 HW’ By noe | ALG) E’2 = p zs eS p x x aa 1 D464 1B os 1D ALL Po al p—z ’ = p—z Similarly, yy = AY q—z Substituting these values of x’ y’ in f (x’ y’) — o, there results the cor- responding functional equation, f [FE eee } 9, p—z’ q—z which is the equation in Cartesian co-ordinates X, Y axes general, Z axis perpendicular to X and Y of the warped surfaces as defined above and includes every warped surface with two distinct rectilinear directrices. For its application it requires that a section of the surface should be known parallel to the right-line directrices and not including either of them. This general surface is referred directly to the orthogonal pro- jections of two warped lines in space upon a plane parallel to both, and to their common perpendicular. The angle at which the lines intersect is implicitly contained in the equation of the surface. The form of the equation of the surface does not change, therefore, when the surface itself is deformed by changing the angle in space of the right line directrices, provided the form of the equation of the plane curve directrix remains unchanged. It is also at once evident that the miethod derives immediately the Cartesian equation of the warped surface determined by the fact that an element cuts a curved directrix, a linear directrix and is parallel to a given plane. This is equivalent to saying that one of our parameters p. q. remains finite while the other becomes indefinitely great. For simplicity suppose the three axes always at right angles to each other unless otherwise specified. THE HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID. (a)? Let f(s) =x — yy? = ©: cTebverrig E sd eee rl a ee eee (p—z’ q—z! p—z * q=z Let p=1, q =—1 Then x + xz—y-+yz=o0. 247 Rotate the xy axes through 7/4, then the zx axes in the same way, and there results the well known equation, (b) elhetii Gey) xy —— C0; a ate Weg fa Da I aya DO SY. =F A fe > PSs Let p = 1 and q become indefinitely great, Then xy = c (]l-=z). Rotate the zy axes through 7/4, let c = 1 and 1—z=4Z, Then x? — y? — 2Z. Compare this operation and result with the next. THE HYPERBOLOID OF ONE SHEET. ett (xy 2) x4 y/ — «0 as above ee Lee p—z q—z let p=1,q =—1 Then xy = c (1 — 2?). Rotate xy axes through 7/4, let ¢c = 1/2. Then x? — y2 + z? — 1. A Cupic SURFACE WITH PARABOLIC SECTIONS, Metin tx sy) y4—— x "0: 2 2 a Thon ft | 2* ay) ey. Des (Da te | (Cae han a. Let p=landq—-—1. Then y? (l—z) = x (1 4+ z)?, one of the cubical warped surfaces. b. Letip= 1, q =o, then y2 (i — z) >x. Go Letiq 1, pi oo, then y* = x (1 —.z)*. BIQUADRATIC SURFACE WITH HYPERBOLIC SECTIONS. Let £ (x4 y7) =x? — y2 — cc =0 (“px ay | pox q? y? (bain GF |) SS | Se — e — (p—z’q—z) (p—z)? (q—z)? areubet py — lvqt=_—i.¢: = 1 Then x? (1 + z)2 — y? (1 — z)? = (1 — 2)? C=O 248 by Letipi— aly gq) 00, Then x? — y? (1 — z)? = (1 — z)? Oh Meno == Co, 0) =) G1 Then x? (1 — z)? — y? = (1 — z)? BIQUADRATIC SURFACE WITH ELLIPTICAL SECTIONS. het f(x y7) — x2 + 77 — ¢ =0 ( “px ay. =) p? x? ge ty? TI f = wis Sa (p—z qi 4 (= 2)2 a (q—z)? ae oleh. p.— ql — 1s cal Then x? (1 -+ x)? + y? (1 — z)? = (1 — 2)? c=0O Here the volume between rectilinear directrices is exactly that of a sphere of radius one. baa wletip —aqyaec —s 2 2 Tl es y ae len r = a5 a Zz? 1 aq | l q J j F 2 aq Circular sections are at z = 0 and z = : lta 2 aq Bas Thesplanes? 70,2 1g), Zz) — Tea Z —= aq divide every transversal harmonically. In particular every element is divided harmonically by the circular sections and the rectilinear directrices. c. Combining the last two surfaces and letting p — aq, Solve for sections parallel to the xy plane and of the same eccen- tricity: which gives crac 2) andsz7— sass) for similar conic sections. m—a m-+a It is then easily seen that the four planes, Z=—q, aes aq (m—1) m—a LAG, 7, — 2a (m+) ae oes roar ne divide any transversal harmonically. 249 d. In the most general form with elliptic sections: het, 19 == 1c, C=—'1. Then x? + (1 — z)*? y?= (1 —z)?, the equation of Wallis’s Coneo- Cuneus, or the ship carpenter’s wedge. : e. Assume case a. The central section at z=oisacircle. Deform the surface by rotating one directrix about the Z axis any angle less than 7/2. The section z = o will now be an ellipse referred to its equi conju- gate diameters. The form of the equation of this section will not change; also the form of the equation of the deformed surface will be invariant. ORDER OF THE RESULTING WARPED SURFACES. Let fn (x y) represent a homogenous algebraic expression involving x and y and of the nth degree. In the fundamental demonstration, Poet f(a ya) ht (er ya) ——1C) —. Os If x and y are both present, the corresponding warped surface is of the 2d order. If x or y is absent, the resulting surface is a plane. 2: Let £ (&” y”) =e (x y) — fi (« y) — c= 0. x? and y” both present, 4th order. x? or y? absent, other terms present, 3d order. x? and y? both absent, xy present, x and y present or one or both absent, 2d order. So nett (xy) tel (ey) foie y)) = fi Gey) —« =. x? and y? both present, 6th order. x? or y® absent, other terms present, 5th order. x? and terms involving x? absent; or, y® and terms involving y? ab- sent, 4th order, x? and y® both absent, other terms present, 4th order. x®, y*, and xy” and terms involving y? absent, other terms present; or, x, y, and x%y and terms involving x? absent, other terms present, 3d order. To deduce the general law of order of the resulting scrolls, construct Fig. 2. Within the squares are present all the powers and combinations that can occur in a complete equation in x, y, of the 5th degree. The numbers at the intersections of the lines show the order of the resulting scroll provided at least two terms remain in our original f(x’, y’) =o, one 250 of which lies in a square two sides of which converge in the angle in ques- tion, or one of the two terms lies in a square bounded above and to the right by one of the lines converging at the angle, the other in a square bounded above and to the left by the other line making the angle. Thus below one of the points marked 5 is found the term x*y*. This term joined with any or all others lying between the lines converging at that particu- lar 5, will yield a scroll of the 5th order. So also we will have a scroll of the 5th order if we select x*y? on one side and x® on the other side of the space bounded by the lines converging at the same point 5. At the middle point of the whole of Fig. 2 is a vertex marked 4. The following groups can be arranged for the equation of the curvilinear directrix, but in every case the resulting scroll will be of the 4th order. 1. x?y2 and c present, xy present or absent, 2. xy? and c present, and other terms present besides x y, 251 3. x%y and xy? present, other terms present or absent, 4. xy and y? present, other terms present or absent (or xy’ and x”), 5. x? andy? present, other terms of lower degree present or absent. 1 and 2 are built from 4th degree terms and the resulting equation is only the 4th. 3, has two 3d degree terms present, scroll 4th. 4, one term 3d degree, other 2d, scroll 4th. 5, built from second degree terms, scroll 4th. Fig. 3, shows at once the order of the resulting scroll when the equa- tion of the curvilinear directrix is marked by the presence or absence of certain specified terms. 252 DOUBLE GENERATION. The law of double generation is simply stated. Two straight lines are chosen parallel to the plane of the curvilinear directrix, the three giving rise to a scroll of a certain equation. Suppose two other straight lines can now be found parallel to the plane of the curvilinear directrix and inter- secting the first two rectilinear directrices. Suppose the use of the second pair of lines gives exactly the same equation as the first two, then the sur- face is one of double generation. For example, x’ y’=c. Substitute wuss for x’ making p = 1 and rae for y’ making q = — 1. There results xy = = = c; now make p=—landq=+1. The same equa- (1 + z)(1—z) tion results. In fact these are the two generations of the hyperboloid of one sheet. It then becomes at once apparent that all scrolls are doubly generated whose curvilinear directrix has for its equation a function of the product term (xy), the plane of the curvilinear directrix being parallel to the recti- linear directrices. Thus the first of the five 4th scrolls order mentioned above, viz.: the one having xy? and c, and perhaps x y terms in the equation of the curvilinear directrix is a scoll of double generation. It is not at once evident that the property discussed above is €0- extensive with all the doubly generated warped surfaces in the family under discussion. Such surfaces may also depend upon other properties not yet discovered. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. It is evident that the validity of the demonstration does not require the axis of Z to be the common perpendicular between the two recti- linear directrices. If the Z axis connects the two directrices in ques- tion and passes through the middle point of their common perpendicu- lar, it follows at once that the demonstration proceeds as before by parallel instead of orthogonal projection. If we conceive the three axes of reference, under the restrictions just given, to be oblique to each other, we find the resulting equations are still in their simplest forms. In the surfaces of the second order the axes would then be conjugate axes. In surfaces of higher order the axes of reference would play the part of conjugate axes. 253 It will frequently happen that the equation of a scroll will be sought whose three directrices are given as above, viz., two rectilinear and one plane curvilinear directrix, but the latter in some plane not parallel to the two former lines. In this case additional means should be given for writing the equa- tion of the surface under the new conditions. It will then be easy to find a section parallel to the two right-line directrices and the problem then is solved by the process discussed in this paper. A modification of the method here discussed finds the equation of a scroll given by two rectilinear directrices and a plane section of the surface, the section being oblique to a piane parallel to the two given straight lines [ee ge ee | a ; 5." nO ae eee 9 ET 5 A ee a ae = Sie -f a fhe. me Le a =, * “4 _ i - . 7 2 t tN Or An Investigation oF N—-Rays. R. R. RAMSEY and W. 2. HASEMAN. This paper is an account of an attempt of the authors to repeat the experiments of R. Blondlot in which he has discovered that there is an invisible radiation given off from an Auer (Welsbach) burner, Nernst lamp and other sources. Blondlot was investigating the polarization of X-rays (Comptes Rendus, Feb. 28, 1903) and using a feeble spark gap as a detector. He thought he had discovered that the X-rays were polarized in certain planes. In a few days (Comptes Rendus, March 23, 1903) he was convinced that the effects were due to other rays than X-rays. In May of the same year (Comptes Rendus, May 11, 1903) an article by Blondlot appeared, entitled, “Rays from an Auer Burner.” An ordinary Welsbach burner (Auer burner) was surrounded with an iron chimney in which a window was cut and closed with an alumitum sheet .1 mm. thick. The radiation from this window was allowed to fall ou the little spark gap and the intensity of the light from the spark was seen to increase. By means of a quartz lens Blondlot was able to detect four different wave lengths. The intensity of the spark gap is found to have four maximums as it is moved to and fro along the principal axis of the lens. A week later (Comptes Rendus, May 25, 1903) Blondlot published an article in which he gave a list of various sources of N-rays and several means of detecting them, the chief ways being the little spark gap; a sheet of silver heated to a very dull redness by a little gas flame; a small phosphorescent screen which has been feebly excited by sunlight or other source. The intensity or brilliancy of these detectors was found to increase when the radiation fails upon them. In this article Blondlot calls the new rays N-rays, from the town of Nancy, his home. In a short time afterward Blondlot published an article in which he found that a Nernst lamp with an aluminum window is a-good source. He also found that certain substances store up N-rays when they are exposed to N-rays and give off the rays afterward. Among those that store up the rays are quartz, stones and brick. Wood, aluminum, paper, 256 dry or wet, and paraffin do not store up the rays. He found that one of the essential conditions of a substance that stores up the rays is dryness. It is found that bricks exposed to sunlight become a source for hours afterward. While experimenting along this line Blondlot discovered an unex- pected effect. While viewing a strip of white paper which was feebly illuminated, a brick which had been exposed to sunlight was brought near the eye and the outline of the paper became more distinct. The intensity diminished when the brick was removed. -- - ’ = aa - _ os c — ~- = , = . + Fi ae af s bs t . ' - = 2 : c = _ 2 : = ka) ‘ ‘ <. = 305 PHYSIOLOGICAL APPARATUS. FRANK MARION ANDREWS. INTRODUCTION. It is frequently the case that much of the apparatus required to carry on work properly in Plant Physiology is so expensive that for any one laboratory to possess all that is needed is quite out of the question. This has led me to plan and have constructed a few very desirable pieces, concerning which this paper makes mention. I am aware of the fact that no lack of contrivances have been made to illustrate some of the principles here set forth. However, for simplicity of construction and perfect adaptation to the purposes for which they were intended, they will certainly be found superior in many ways and useful by any one inter- ested or engaged in physiological work where such apparatus would be involved. It has therefore occurred to me to describe the various pieces of apparatus as concisely as possible and present them, together with the illustrations, in the following brief account: I. HEATING STAGE FOR THE MICROSCOPE. This piece of apparatus consists of a rectangular sheet of copper, 60 em. long, 8 cm. wide and 2 mm. thick. Figure 1 shows a view of the lower side. It will be seen from this view that the copper does not rest directly on the stage of the microscope but is held away from it a dis- tance of 1 cm. This is accomplished by a strong frame of wood B, Tn Fig. 1. 7 cm. square and 8 mm. in height. Between the wood and the copper, as an extra preventive against the conduction of heat in long continued experiments, a layer of asbestos 2 mm. thick is interposed at C. The 20—A. oF SCIENCE, ’04. 306 frame of wcod and asbestos is fastened firmly to ithe copper A by copper screws, which, however. must not reach through the wood B. In the center of the wood and asbestos squares is a circular opening D, 12 mm. in diameter, to allow the light reflected through the stage of the microscope to pass through the slide. Through the side of the wood frame away from the pillar of the microscope, as the heating stage lies in the proper posi- tion on the stage of the microscope for observation, are two holes for centigrade thermometers, E and E*. The temperature at E may be a little less than at E*, and if this is the case, then an average of the tem- peratures shown by the thermometers at E and E' should be reckoned. It should be ascertained before the experiment that the two thermom- eters read the same at the same temperature. As they project directly in front during correct observation, the temperature ef both is easily seen while experimenting. Since it is not always possible or conyenient to carry on experiments with the ccpper plate cf the heating stage directed to the right as would necessariiy be the case with the thermometers on the side shown in Figure 1, another arrangement was resorted to. On the side of the wood frame opposite E and E!' are two similar holes for thermometers, F and F’, which allows observation while the copper plate of the heating stage is turned to the left or the reverse position to the one in which E and E’ could be used. It will be seen from the lower view of the heating stage shown in Figure 1 that the bulbs of the ther- mometers rest against the copper plate inside the asbestos square C, and in this way the heat is readily conveyed to them. One thermometer only might be used, but the use of two is more accurate and therefore advisa- ble. i er oes axe i rT c ‘ ‘ a : . - Per Atte = we oe a f: le = aoe z a - se Kass =f. of t ve ; r ; Be har $ hatuel te ve fr ‘s - io” " a] * wa <3 4358 yaee . ate ort ee ; y, koe lk pare ¥ eae ee bic’ Eee = epee Ad ie a Gene pene: a tie : ane SETA e sot mel AS HX. 61 Notes AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BUZZARD. By D. W. DENNIS AND W. C. PETRY. Throughout southwestern Ohio and southeastern Indiana the turkey buzzard, Cathartes aura, is a common bird, but the nests are seldom found. Accordingly we were glad to learn in April, 1905, that during each of the preceding four summers a pair of these birds had nested only a few miles away. We expected that the nest would be again used, and on the 22d of April visited the place; we found that two eggs had been laid and that incubation was in progress. The bird on the nest hissed when approached, and would not leave the nest until forcibly dis- turbed; she then ran out and flew away, but soared about overhead until we went away, when she almost immediately returned to the nest. This nesting site is about four miles east of New Paris, Ohio; it is near a small creek and in a very hilly country. It is at least a half mile from any house or highway, on the edge of a rather open woodland. The nest itself was in a hollow sycamore log (Fig. 1) nearly five feet in diam- eter at the butt; the cavity extends back about eight feet, where it has a diameter of about two feet, and there it terminates abruptly. This cavity contained a quantity of dirt and rotten wood, but nothing from which to make a nest had been carried in. A hollow had been scratched in the debris at the extreme end of the cavity and the eggs laid in it. They were rather conical in shape, a little larger than a hen’s eggs, and were white, splotched with brown. On May 17th both eggs hatched. The young birds were very helpiess; they could not stand in an upright position for about three weeks. That part of the head and neck usually bare in buzzards and a line down the center of the throat and breast were bare. The bill was very large and its tip was sharply hooked. After the young were hatched the old birds were never seen about the nest, though they were frequently seen “ooz- ing” around overhead. We were unable to learn when the young were fed. On May 27th we went with a party of students to examine and photograph the birds and 62 nest. After photographing the nesting place (Fig. 1) the camera was placed in the end of the log and a flash light of the young birds in the nest was secured (Fig. 2). The birds were then removed from the nest, photographed at closer range a number of times (Fig. 8), and replaced in the nest. They offered no resistance whatever and seemed little if at all frightened. On June 3d and June 9th other photographs (Figs. 4 and 5) were taken. The birds had by this time become larger and much more active than before; on the latter date when they were placed in the end of the log they at once hurried to the darkest corner. Also on this latter date they first attempted to defend themselves by vomiting up a portion of their food. It may be easily guessed that this is a very efficient means of defense. On June 18th, when we next visited the nest, we found but one bird in it. The tenant of the farm afterward told us that several days before he had noticed that one of the birds was dead and had removed it from the nest. The remaining one was in no way injured and we were unable to learn what had killed the other. We removed and photographed the living one (Fig. 6). At this time, 32 days after hatching, the black pri- maries and tail feathers were beginning to appear but were not conspicu- ous enough to show in the photograph. By July ist the black primaries had become very noticeable, as shown by Fig. 7. When the bird had been pulled to the end of the log with a stick, it was usually seized by the tips of the wings and carried out to the front of the camera, which had previously been set up in a suitable place. When it had been set down it would always stretch its wings to their full extent before folding them. Figure 8, taken when the wings were thus extended, shows well the black feathers in the hack. wings and tail. Figs. 9 and 10, taken July 9th, and July 15th, respectively, show the gradual change from white to black. By the latter date the back had become almost entirely black, but the breast and belly were still pure white. The bill had become more slender and more sharply hooked. The bird would now strike vigorously with its bill at anything that dis- turbed it. Fig. 11 was taken July 23d. This was 67 days after hatching; the wings and back were entirely black and there were many black feathers 65 on the breast and belly. The head was bare with the exception of short down on the back part. The bill was still of a dark color, though chang- ing toward reddish. On July 30th, when we returned, the bird was in the stump at the butt end of the log; it was easily caught and placed in a position favor- able for photographing, when suddenly it sprang off the log and flew away; its flight was difficult and at no time more than 20 feet above the ~ ground; after flying about 100 yards it alighted on a fence; we at once followed it with tbe camera, hoping to get close enough to get a good pic- ture, but whenever we approached within about 50 feet it would again fly. We finally secured a picture (Fig. 12) at about 40 feet distance. At this time, 74 days after hatching, the bird was almost entirely black, and fully as large as an adult bird; a little of the white down still remained on the sides, about the neck and legs and on the under sides of the wings; from a distance one would have been unable to distinguish it from an adult. 66 . | | 69 OBSERVATIONS OF THE TOTAL SoutaR Eciipse oF Auvaust 30TH, 1905. By Joun A. MILLER, INDIANA UNIVERSITY. Early in the year 1905 the Observatory of Madrid published detailed information regarding the eclipse that was to occur on August 350th of that year. Among other things this “Memoria” contained the results of a long series of observations of the prevailing meteorological conditions of many stations well distributed along the path of totality in Spain. The state of the sky in the immediate vicinity of the sun had been ob- served daily from 12:30 to 1:30 p. m. (the time at which the eclipse oc- curred) from the 15th of August till the 15th of September. The results of these observations, as well as the data gathered by the regularly estab- lished meteorological stations, touching the mean relative humidity, mean temperature, the velocity and direction of the prevailing winds, etc., had been tabulated. From these data it appeared that the probability of clear weather in the eastern half of the belt was exceptionally large, and indications for good eclipse weather were perhaps best in the regions near Ateca, Almazin and Daroca. The eastern half of the belt of totality in Spain held about 50 eclipse stations, established by astronomers from every nation of Europe, from the United States, and Mexico. The Lick Observatory expedition was located near Ateca; the United States Naval Observatory at Daroca. The observers from IWirkwood Observatory, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, chose Almazin, Spain a small town northeast of Madrid in the Province of Soria. The approx- imate position of this station is longitude—13 m. 56 sec. W. of Greenwich, latitude—41° 10’. The party consisted of Professor W. A. Cogshall, of Indiana Univer- sity; Messrs E. C. Slipher, I. A. Cruli, and C. J. Bulleit, students of the university: Professor A. F. Kuersteiner, Mrs. Miller, and myself. We were assisted in the manipulation of our instruments on the day of the eclipse by Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thompson of California, and Senores Louis Nebot, Francisco Jodra, Victor Jiemenez, and Esteban Milla, of Almazan. -~I bo The obscrvations planned were: (1) Photographs of the corona; (2) a photographie scarch for intra-mercurial planets; (8) a photograph of the spectrum of each of the flashes, and a photograph of the spectrum otf the corona during totality. For photographing the corona we used four different cameras. The first was a ‘‘tintype” lens kindly loaned us by Mi. Spratt of Bloomington. It has an aperture of two and one-half inches and a focal Jength of eight inches. Three plates were exposed in this camera and on them we hoped Fig. I. The Polar Axis Carrying the Short Focus Cameras. to get long, faint coronal streamers. The second was a portrait lens of the Petzval pattern, of five inches aperture and focal length twenty-eight inches. This is an exceedingly good lens and gives superb definition over a small area and is very rapid. In this camera we exposed five plates, varying the exposure from two to 84 seconds, hoping to get detail of the outer corona and in the longer exposures to detect the presence of faint. streamers. The lens of the third camera is the visual objective of the old telescope used by the late Professor Kirkwood and others for many col- lege generations. Its diameter is three and one-half inches and its focal 73 length fifty inches. In this camera we exposed four plates. These three cameras, together with a spectrescope, were mounted on a wooden polar axis that was built at the camp. The objective of the fourth camera has a diameter of nine inches and a focal length of 60 feet. This lens Was constructed by Mr. O. L. Petit- didier. The front lens is of the ordinary crown glass, and the back lens of a boro-silicate flint. Quoting Petitdidier from a letter to the writer: “rom the point of view of constants they (the pieces of glass) leave nothing to be desired, as the proportional dispersion is practically the same in all parts of the spectrum, so that we should have a perfect achromatic.’ When the samples of the boro-silicate came, however, it was found that it had a decidedly yellow tinge. It was found also that its composition was unstable, and that it oxidized very rapidly in the presence of moisture. After a conference with Mr. Petitdidier, however, we decided to have our lens made of the boro-silicate flint, and to seal it in an air-tight box as soon as it was finished, and to open the box only a few days before the eclipse. Petitdidier had much difficulty in polishing the lens, owing to the fact that it oxidized so rapidly. He found after much experimenting, a solution that would remove the oxidation without affecting the surface. Jt was with some misgiving that we shipped the lens, but we found on opening it that it had not tarnished in two months, and the surface on the day of the eclipse was as perfect as the day the lens was finished. The air was very humid on the days following the eclipse, and the boro-silicate flint had begun to tarnish slightly when the lens was packed for shipment home. This camera was mounted horizontally and fed with a coelostat. A light-tight tube, the outer and inner walls of which were of white canvas and building paper respectively, and which were separated four inches, led from the objective to a dark room in which the plates were exposed. Neither the plates nor the lens was in contact with the tube. The entire instrument was covered with an A tent of white canvas. The plate- holders containing the plates were fastened to a large hexagon, which the operator could revolve at will upon an axis which was parallel to the earth’s axis. It was provided with a stop which enabled the operator to bring the plates for the successive exposures quickly and accurately into position. All the slides had been drawn from the plate holders before totality began. The hexagon as well as most of the mechanical parts of 74 the coelostat, were designed and constructed by Professor Cogshall. Six exposures were made in this camera, of duration one-half second, two seconds, forty seconds, one minute, fifteen seconds, and one-half second. The plates used were Seed’s 27, gilt edge, heavily backed. If there be intra-mercurial planets, and if they, as do all other bodies of the solar system, move in the plane of the equator of the body around which they are revolving, and, if they are from the sun about the distance Fig. Il. General view of the camp. Intra-Mercurial cameras to the left. the sixty-foot camera in the center and short focus cameras to the right. required by Bode’s Law, the major axis of their apparent paths as seen from the earth on the day of the eclipse should have subtended an angle of 23° and the minor axis about 3°. We decided to photograph this region in duplicate. For this purpose we used six cameras of 136 inches focal length, four of which had an aperture of 84 inches and were made by Petitdidier, and two of which had an aperture of 3 inches. These were built by the Alvan Clark and Sons Corporation. These lenses were cor- rected for the minimum focus “# 4750, which is well within the region for which the Seed 27 plates, which we used, are most sensitive. AJ m3) the cameras were mounted on the same polar axis. They wete mounted in pairs, each pair covering in duplicate six and one-half degrees, so that the three pairs covered in duplicate a region along the sun’s equator twenty degrees long and six degrees wide. By a series of experiments we had found that a plate exposed in one of these cameras for three minutes and forty-five seconds, at a time when the sky was as dark as Fig. Il]. The coelostat and nine-inch lense of the sixty-foot camera. it was estimated it would be at the time of totality though fogged some- what by the skylight would show more and fainter stars than if exposed for a shorter time. We had made exposures varying from one to four minutes in the vicinity of Regulus when it was near the meridian begin- ning when Polaris was just visible to the unaided eye. We decided to expose the plates for the intra-mercurial planet for thrve minutes and twenty seconds. 76 ! p , ; The weather on the day of the eclipse was disappointing. For two hours before totality the entire sky was covered by light, though un- broken, clouds. At the time of totality, however, the clouds in the im- mediate vicinity of the sun appeared to break away, and the inner corona shone through light, drifting clouds. No clear sky was visible, however, within several degrees of the sun, neither Mercury nor Regulus could be seen from this station. During the morning a moderate wind prevailed, the general direction being W. N. W. The first contact was, neglecting seconds, at 11:41. The weather conditions during the eclipse, as observed and recorded by Mr. Thompson were as follows: Local M. Time. Temperature. aa of McAleer ee ence nee, Hirsticontacteslmeocaasertoneeee Very slight wind. TOO eee oa an ee eed |, Le) 18o5 ees N.W. Very slight wind. 1 DAS ees ee Ser einaho Mano on csadonads 18.2 N.W. Very slight wind. 1 L-D8 {eae eesinrtannertcs Goncooeae 17.1 W.byS. Wind dying away. NDAD) scenes seat aac Mie mem acai 16.1 No wind. 1 ONG aanonantom sarin ibalcucocha toned Totality — began. No wind. 1 Rs Reeeeeses WarmtsernnceColataeac Totality ends. No wind. LOG set ceive cope otentesvecisob ie tactcleeicte 15.0 Ss. W. Very slight wind. 1 Geena Daaic doasctecobbcsecauene 15.0 W. nS scdodGnac acc secu aor aonpanaroaads 15.5 Ww. 1245 os secs Sas cpeesoancm erst seesk = 16.0 W.N.W. Wind increasing. 2:00 ee eecac ec aasctee co pasecasmien celee 16.5 W.N.W. Brisk wind. 0) Leap as casero Sobcronoane SC ace uaoIgaoE 17.2 N. Brisk winds. Ds Dileereayaisverstcin seek cae eee mateioeeeeeer Kclipse ends. Considering the weather conditions, our plates are very satisfactory. The shortest exposure, showing the prominences, suffered very little. The very bright group on the eastern edge of the sun is particularly well defined, and the negatives made of it with the long-focus camera hold a wealth of detail. The longer short exposures with the long-focus as well as the short-focus cameras show considerable coronz detail, while the longest exposures have that part of the corona uncovered by the clouds much overexposed, while the clouds made it impossible to register any extended streamers. All the plates lack the definiteness that would have 77 resulted from good seeing. The longest extension of the corona that we obtained was about three-fourths the sun’s diameter. The exposures of one-half second with the 60-foot lens showed the prominences overexposed, while the exposure of two seconds was too short to register more than a suggestion of the inner corona. The ex- posures given in the 50-inch camera, viz., 24 seconds, 29 seconds, 184 sec- onds, and 25 seconds, were about right, and the results obtained with this Manuel, The Carpenter. lens are more satisfactory than any others with the short-focus lenses. The exposures given in the portrait lens, viz., 2, 24, 29, 84, and 16 sec- onds, were too long. All plates exposed except the fourth in the portrait lens, which was a lantern slide, were Seed 27, and all were heavily backed to prevent halation. Of the small cameras the negatives of por- trait lens, suffered most, because the part of the corona that we hoped they might contain was covered by the clouds. The negatives made with the fifty-inch camera are particularly good and hold a wealth of complex detail. An examination of these negatives shows that the coronal strue: 78 os ture is more complex than in 1900. In particular that the polar streamers instead of being radial, are bent and interlaced, and in every case long coronal streamers are above the prominences. The plates exposed for the intra-mercurial planets are heavily fogged, as one would expect from a sky covered with bright clouds, but not so badly as to obscure faint star-images. I believe that a plate of the sen- sitiveness of the Seed’s 27, which we used, can be exposed three minutes Fig. IV. The Intra-Mercurial PlanetiCameras. without serious fog at a time of a total solar eclipse. Our sky was so cloudy that it is unreasonable to expect star-images on these plates. We examined two of them hurriedly (the ones on which Regulus should have appeared), but found no star-images. The photograph of the corona on one of the intra-mercurial plates showed longer extension than on any other plate we exposed—due perhaps to the shifting of the clouds during the long exposure. The corona impressed me as being brighter than in 1900. The effect on the clouds of the light from the eclipsed sun was peculiarly striking, and from a spectator’s point of view was very beautiful. 79 The indescribable deep blue of the great clouds, bordered with what any one but an eclipse observer would call a silver lining, was totally unlike anything I have ever seen, and was strikingly beautiful. The expedition is under many obligations. The Indiana University, The Indianapolis News and the Reader Magazine bore the expenses of the expedition. While the authorities of the university and the managers of the News gave kindly counsel and aid, Professor Cogshall, conjointly with the writer, worked incessantly for the success of the undertaking from the beginning to the end. Messrs. Slipher, Crull and Bulleit. were with us three weeks before the eclipse occurred and rendered daily and indispens- able assistance; while the entire staff of observers contributed materially to the success of our plans. The Spanish government admitted our in- struments free of duty, the alcalde (mayor) of Almazéin rendered timely and efficient aid in the selection of the site for our camp, and in the pro- tection of our instruments. Benj. H. Ridgely, American Consul-General at Barcelona, manifested in every way a kindly and. intelligent interest in the work of the expedition. Corona of August 29, 1905, exposure,in the Kirkwood 50-inch camera, magnified. 81 Treevevint Factors In BrraANGENTIALS OF PLANE ALGEBRAIC CURVES. By U. S. Hanna. Three years agoI presented a paper to the mathematical section of the Academy dealing with the proof of a formula used by Mr. Heal in an ar- ticle published in the Annals of Mathematics, vol. VI, page 64. This formula was used by Heal in freeing a bitangential of the plane quintic, which he had developed in a previous paper in the Annals, vol. V, page 33, from an irrelevant factor, the square of the hessian of the quintic. Since then I have continued the study of the subject and wish to present an in- teresting result in the light of Heal’s work. Taking the general equation in the symbolic notation (a1 X1 ++ a2 X2 —— a3 x3)" = ax” = bx®9 = C7 —=--- = O,7..... (1) for the n-ic and deriving the first polar, with respect to the n-ic, of any point y, we have (a1 X1 + ag X2 + as Xs)""! (a1 yi + ae ye + as ys) = ax™ 1 ay —0,....(2) Any point on the line through the points x and y may be represented by 4x + y, where 4 and have a fixed ratio for any particular point. If x be a point on the n-ic and y be a point on the tangent to the n-ic at the point x, then we have equations (1) and (2) satisfied by the points x and y respectively, and equation (2), as an equation in y, represents the tan- gent to the n-ic at x. If, in addition to these conditions, the point 2x + my lie on the n-ic, we must have from (1) n [Paxtuy | = (Aax + pay)" = 0, from which, by virtue of (1) and (2), we get 2 Se ») axr 2 ay? ,n-2 + n(n - (n 2) Axh-3 ay? ,n-3 Le ote 2 sis +- naxay™ | Ayn -3 + ay" po == (0) ane (3) Equation (3) is an (n-2)-ic in 2 and » which gives the positions of the remaining n-2 intersections of the tangent to the n-ic at x with the n-ic itself. In order that this tangent be a bitangent the discriminant of equa- tion (3) must vanish. This discriminant is a function of x and y, and if y 6—A. OF SCIENCE. 82 can be expressed in terms of x, then the discriminant becomes a bitan- gential of the n-ic. It has been shown by Jacobi and Clebsch that this is always possible. We shall write equation (3) as Ap 22-2 + (n — 2) Ay AB3 pp + (n — “ & =a) Ao An-4 2 4 «-. (n — 2) An-3 uns + An-2 nes =O, ... (4) where we have n (n — 1) UGE 1) Ao = = ae ax" 2 ay2, Ar = ee agt B gy, 2---: mG) =e 4 — E Se T42. “= GEHG+2) = If equation (4) is a quadratic, that is, if the n-ic is a quartic, the dis- criminant of (4) is 4 —_— A? (Ao Ae — Ai?) = O, and after y is expressed in terms of x there is no irrelevant factor. If the n-ic be the quintic, the discriminant of (4) is 27 2 3h a—— Se - 4 Hs) = O,; where we put H — Ao Ao— A? and G= A? A;—3 Ao Ai Ao + 2 A}, and the y can easily be expressed in terms of x for the functions G and H, but the result contains the square of the hessian of the quintic as an irrelevant factor. This factor can be discarded without difficulty by putting G?+4H3= Aj | (Ao As SAS IAG) =A AA An (a &s— ap |, and then expressing y in terms of x for each parenthesis separately. If the n-ic be the sextic, the discriminant of (4) is *o° (3 — 2732) = O, where I — Ao Ay —4 A Ai, Az + 3A2 and A? J = Ao HI — G? — 4H*. There is no difficulty in expressing y in terms of x for the function I, and therefore, by multiplying and dividing the discriminant by A§, we can immediately write a bitangential of the sextic by substituting the re- sults obtained for the quartic and quintic in 256 { 6 T 7 ~j ' ) ps Alz | Ao T3 — 27 (Ao HI — G? — 4H*) j == (0): 83 But this bitangential of the sextic contains the sixth power of the hessian of the sextic as an irrelevant factor. In order to free it from this factor, we put J = (Ao Az — A?) As — (Ao As — Ai Az) As + (Ai As — A?) Ag, and then express y in terms of x for the function J. The work involved in this last step is very long and tedious. These results can be used in developing a bitangential of the septic, but two additional functions will have to be developed, the work in which is almost beyond the range of possibility. SES Paha 5 als Bt ; Be on ae HRY aa ; 85 On THE WEATHERING OF THE SUBCARBONIFEROUS LIMESTONES OF SOUTHERN INDIANA. By E. R. Cumines. The subearboniferous (Mississippian) limestones of southern Indiana comprise three formations known in the ascending order as the Harrods- burg, Salem (Bedford) and Mitchell limestones, and having a combined thickness of at least 350 feet. These rocks are in the main very pure car- bonate of lime. Some shaly layers are to be found in the Harrodsburg and Mitchell limestones which may contain very little lime; and the Harrodsburg is rather lower in the per cent. of lime carbonate than the other two formations. Analyses of the Salem limestone show from 97.9 per cent. to 98.4 per cent. CaCo,, with the baiance consisting of magne- sium carbonate, and oxides of iron and aluminum, with traces of silica and other substances. Analyses of Mitchell limestone show from 96.65 per cent. CaCo, to 99.04 per cent., with the balance consisting of mag- nesium carbonate, iron, aluminum, and silica as in the Salem limestone. Satisfactory analyses of the Harrodsburg limestone are not at hand. Of these limestones the Salem is the most constant in composition and is on the average the highest in per cent. of CaCo,. In texture the three limestones vary widely. The Harrodsburg is rather thin bedded, coarse-grained, fossiliferous, in some cases decidedly crystalline in structure, and contains geodes abundantly, in the lower por- tion especially, and bands and knots of chert. There are layers and lenses of shale. The Salem limestone, on the contrary, is, as is well known, almost without bedding planes. It is a massive, odlitic or gran- ular-crystalline, close-grained rock frequently cross-laminated and quite free from geodes and chert. Its fossils are usually minute, foraminifera and small ostracods predominating. The Mitchell limestone is in the main thin-bedded, hard, fine-grained, sometimes almost lithographic, with frequent alternations of shaly layers. It is in general unfossiliferous. Bands and knots of chert are very common, but geodes are infrequent. All these limestones are conspicuously jointed. The Mitchell shows the cleanest and most numerous joint planes; but the best examples of 86 deeply opened joints are to be found in the Salem. The joints run nearly east and west and north and south. In other words, one set runs with the dip, and the other with the strike. The dip joints are the most conspicuous. The weathering of these limestones does not differ in essential fea- tures from that of limestones in general, except as it is influenced by local conditions of temperature, rainfall and drainage, and by the ex- ceptional purity of the rocks. It is to be expected that a nearly pure carbonate of lime, in a region of rather copious rainfall and mild climate would weather almost entirely by solution and other chemical processes, rather than by mechanical processes. The limestones in question exbibit the effects of solution on such an extensive scale as to warrant calling particular attention to them; and it is for this reason that the present paper has been prepared. To this end attention has been called to the composition, texture and structure of these rocks, even at the expense of repeating descriptions already many times recorded in the literature of Indiana geology. It is only by understanding the intrinsic nature of a rock that we can correctly appreciate and explain its metamorphism, whether it be in the zone of weathering or in the deeper zones. The chief agent of weathering in the present case is meteoric water charged with CO, and with organic acids (humic acids). The normal annual rainfall in the region under consideration is 42 inches (somewhat more in the southern counties), rather evenly distributed throughout the year. The largest average precipitation has been in the month of July, while the minimum has been in the fall months—September, October, November. The mean annual temperature is 52° F. The topography of the limestone region excepting its eastern and western borders is undu- lating, and of rather mild relief. Rolling uplands in which the larger streams are rather deeply intrenched are the characteristic features. The conditions are therefore such as to admit of a comparatively copicus entrance of water into the rock and free egress at lower levels into the main streams. Such conditions favor solution. Solution has also been favored in the past by the heavily forested condition of the region before its settlement by the white race. The water which finds its way to lower levels in the rock than can be tapped by the local drainage is frequently returned to the surface along joint planes in the deep valleys on the western border of the region. A notable instance of this is the French Lick Valley, which must derive 87 its mineral waters, now rendered famous by extensive exploitation, from the uplands of the Mitchell limestone, some fifteen or twenty miles to the eastward. These waters, which reach the deeper zones of flow, are always strongly impregnated with mineral salts. Much of the mineral water of the French Lick Valley comes from a depth of 400 to 500 feet. Owing to the depth to which it descends and distance which it travels, the water has been brought into intimate contact through a consider- able interval of time with these eminently soluble limestones and its highly mineralized condition is an evidence of the vast amount of ma- terial removed from them, most of which, however, has undoubtedly been derived from a comparatively superficial zone. The most conspicuous effects of solution are those produced at or near the surface of the rock, and it is these that the photographs pre- sented herewith illustrate. In quarry openings where the rock has been taken down along a joint plane, so as to expose the wall of one of these avenues of ground-water, the effects of solution are shown in greatest perfection of detail. The dip joints are often greatly enlarged, their walls pitted and honeycombed, and traversed by arborescent sys- tems of small openings through which the carbonated waters have eaten their way; and the once solid rock is reduced to a crumbling earthy sub- stance stained and rusted with iron. Where two joints (dip and strike) intersect, the enlargement is apt to be greatest, giving origin to funnels, narrowing gradually downward, and showing in a beautiful way the method of formation of sinkholes, which are only such funnels of solu- tion grown large. Where the surface of the limestone has been denuded of soil, for quarrying purposes, it is found to be corroded to a remarkable extent. Every dip joint now becomes a ragged furrow, and between joints the rock rises in hummocky ridges, the hog-backs of quarrymen. Points and knobs and mushroom-like projections meet the eye at every turn—hbe- wildering in variety and impossible to describe. The hog-backs frequently stand as high as a man’s head, and their flanks are scarred and scored by the all pervasive attack of the dissolving water. Except where the activities of man or nature have removed it, a blanket of red soil overlies and hides this marvelous complex of cor- roded rock. The red soil or clay is the minute remnant of the original rock, left after the lime carbonate has been carried away in solution by the water. It is the insoluble residue. So complete has been the removal 88 of the lime that this residual soil requires the addition of lime to render it fertile. A handful of soil may be treated with acid without giving an appreciable effervescence, even though the soil be taken from within an inch of the limestone. Analysis of this clay reveals about 67 per cent. to 80 per cent. silica, 8 per cent. to 14 per cent. aluminum, 6 per cent. or 7 per cent. iron oxide (Fe.O,), and very small percents of lime, magnesia, soda and potash, etc. The iron is responsible for the intensely red color of the clay. The process which has produced this soil is the solution - of the limestone with oxidation of the iron which exists in minute quan- tities in the original rock as a protoxide. The surface of the limestone beneath the soil, besides being rough and ragged as explained above, is usually minutely roughened, though sometimes fairly smooth, especially in the Mitchell limestone. In some cases, especially in the Salem lime- stone, the rock in contact with the overlying soil is rotted and discolored beyond recognition and shows a graded passage from sound unmodified rock below to soil above. Where layers of shaly rock occur, as in the Mitchell, they are often so rotted that while they retain much of their original appearance and stratification, they may be removed with pick and shovel as easily as any clay. Sometimes a layer of limestone over- lying a layer of shale is left as an isolated chain of boulders in the gen- eral mass of residual soil. The deepest accumulation of residual soil seen by the writer is in the cut on the Illinois Central Railroad in the northwest edge of Bloomington, where it is 30 feet deep. Usually it is not more than five or six feet deep. Over the Mitchell and Harrods- burg limestones the soil contains chert, and, in the latter rock, geodes in abundance, because of the relative insolubility of these substances. Where blocks of Salem limestone are exposed at the surface to the rain they become deeply furrowed by the solvent action of the rain- water running over their flanks. The faces of old ledges, long exposed to the weather, are scarred and seamed by this action and extensively honeycombed, owing to the unequal solubility of the rock. In these holes and pockets on the rock surface small plants find lodgment and by the mechanical action of their roots and the chemical action of the pro- ducts of their decay, greatly aid the process of disintegration. The effects thus far described are seen to best advantage in the exposures of the Salem limestone. The Mitchell shows to a pre-eminent degree the deeper-seated effects of solution in the formation of caverns and underground streams. Everywhere the surface of the country occu- 89 pied by the Mitchell limestone is dotted over with sinkholes, and the hill- sides along the larger streams abound in springs and entrances of caves. Some of the caves, such as Marengo and Wyandotte, have attained wide fame. The Mitchell is, as indicated above, conspicuously jointed but fine grained. _ the groundwater is compelled to traverse the joints rather than the pores of the rock, and it is this, in the writer’s opinion, that has caused the more extensive development of caves in the Mitchell than in the Salem limestone, since the two must be about equally soluble. It is the con- centration of solution along joinis and bedding planes that gives rise to caves. The Mitchell has both an elaborate system of joints and numerous relatively impervious layers to serve as cave floors. Neither of these conditions would avail, however, withcut the third condition, adequate drainage, which has been supplied by the intrenching of the main streams as explained above. No. 1. Hunter Quarry, Bloomington, Ind., showing fresh quarry face to right and weathered joint face to left. Salem limestone. No. 2. Old Quarry, one mile west of Stinesville, showing weathered joint face. Salem limestone. 91 No. 3. Honeycombing and etching out of cross-bedded limestone. Old Quarry one mile west of Stinesville. No. 4, Honeycombing of Salem limestone and lodgment of plants in solution holes, Oliver Quarry, Clear Creek, 92 No. 5. Weathered blocks of Salem limestone fallen from cliff on Clear Creek, Ind. Oliver Quarry. No.6, Detail of a portion of No.5, showing honeycombing, No. 7. Large cavities formed by solution. Salem limestone, Big Creek, near Stinesville, Ind. No, 8. Large cavity formed by solution and frost action. Harrodsburg limestone, near Stinesville, Ind. No. 9. Old Quarry on Big Creek west of Stinesville, Ind., showing joints enlarged by solution. Salem limestone. No. 10. Hunter Quarry near Bloomington, Ind., showing joints enlarged by solution. Salem limestone, No. 11. Old Quarry one mile west of Stinesville, showing joint enlarged by solution. Salem limestone. No. 12. Joint enlarged by solution and filled with residual soil, near West Baden, Ind. Mitchell limestone. ble} Cr 96 No. 13. Cut on the C., 1. & L. R. R. in northwest edge of Bloomington, showing jointing of Mitchell limestone. No. 14. Exposure of Salem limestone on Big Creek near Stinesville, showing jointing. No. 15.. Sinkhole. Whitehall pike west of Bloomington,,Ind., in the Mitchell limestone. No. 16. Entrance to Donaldson Cave, Mitchell, Ind., in Mitchell limestone. 7—A. OF SCIENCE. No. 17. Corroded surface of Salem limestone. Quarry near Stinesville. No. 18. Corroded surface of Salem limestone. Oliver Quarry, Clear Creek. 99 No. 19. Corroded surface of Salem limestone. Quarry near Sanders, Ind. > ERR «ries No 20. Corroded surface of Salem limestone. Quarry near Sanders, Ind. 100 No. 21. Pinnacles formed by solution. Top of Harrodsburg limestone in R. R. eut on Clear Creek. No. 22. Block of Salem limestone furrowed by rainwater 101 ACTION OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION ON GLASS. By P. N. EVANS. In the course of some recent experiments on boiler corrosion the author had occasion to place various dilute solutions in contact with iron wire in glass bottles and heat them in an autoclave containing water up to 200 pounds steam pressure, which corresponds to about 200 degrees Centigrade. The heating was continued for periods ranging from ctbree to seven hours. The solutions were all about fifteenth-equivalent-normal in strength, and included the following substances, separately: sodium nitrate, am- monium nitrate, calcium nitrate, nitric acid, sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride. In each case 250 ce. of the solution was heated in a 500-cubic-centimeter bottle. In most cases the bottles were appreciably attacked by the solu- tions, so that the glass stoppers could not be removed and the bottles were noticeably etched inside, sometimes with the formation of scaly matter on the bottles and in the enclosed water. The effect was very much the most pronounced in the case of the ealcium chloride. The solution was heated for 6 hours in a bottle of clear glass of good quality, weighing empty about 275 grams. On opening the autoclave the bottle was found to have been eaten through near the bot- tom and the rest largely covered with a gelatinous layer which hardened in a few days to an opaque coating. The piece of iron wire in the solu- tion throughout the heating had gained very slightly in weight and in tensile strength. Also, about 90 grams of loose scaly material was found, and the solution, which had been perfectly neutral, had become strongly alkaline. Apparently fully half of the glass had been acted upon, so that this very dilute calcium chloride solution, containing less than 1.5 grams of calcium chloride, had in about 6 hours chemically attacked over 100 grams of glass. In seeking an explanation of the results, the various constituents of a calcium chloride solution may be considered. These include, according to generally accepted modern theories, water, calcium chloride moiecules, 102 perhaps some hydrated calcium chloride molecules, calcium ions, chlorine ions, calcium hydroxide molecules, hydrochloric acid molecules, hydrogen ions, hydroxyl ions. Of these ingredients water can hardly be the active agent, or equally marked results would have been obtained in the other cases; of the other chemical substances present, all but calcium chloride molecules— anhydrous and hydrated—were present in approximately equal quantities in other solutions tested without corresponding results. The action, then, must be considered catalytic, on account of the quantities involved, and induced by calcium chloride molecules, anhydrous or hydrated, and is apparently the hydrolysis of the silicates of the glass, with the forma- tion of more or less hydrated silica and free bases. 1038 DETERMINATION OF EQUIVALENT WEIGHTS OF METALS. JAMES H. RANSOM. Some years ago I presented to the State Science Teachers’ Association a description of an apparatus for determining the equivalent weights of the metals. The object was to devise an apparatus so simple and inex- pensive that it might be used in every high school. That apparatus, which consists only of a flask and stopper, gives fairly accurate results, and where more complicated apparatus is not available it may well be used instead of giving up the determination of at least one of these most important chemical constants. In colleges, however, where a greater variety of apparatus is avail- able, it has seemed desirable to use apparatus which necessitates more care in its adjustment. It is desirable because the student becomes interested in working with complicated pieces, and on that account recalls more vividly the thought back of the method. Also I have found that with the apparatus about to be described the students of average ability obtain results more nearly in agreement with one another and with the theory. The pieces of apparatus needed are two litre flasks, a two-hole rubber stopper, separating funnel, test-tube, pinch-cock, glass tubing and rubber connection. The accompanying sketch shows the apparatus when ready for use. A weighed quantity (.6 to 1.0 grm.) of pure zine is put into a test- tube and this put into one of the litre flasks. The flask is filled with water which has been slightly warmed to expel the dissolved air. The stopper, carrying the separating funnel with the tube long enough to reach to the bottom of the test-tube, and also carrying a tube bent to a right angle and reaching nearly to the bottom of the flask, is ad- justed in the flask so that the tube of the funnel will enter the test- tube and reach nearly to the zine. When pressing the stopper into place the exit tube should be closed with the pinch-cock and the funnel stop-cock opened so that water will fill the tube of the funnel up to the stop-cock or above. Now by allowing water to flow from the funnel 104 into the flask the exit tube may also be filled with water. When this has been accomplished the apparatus is tested for leaks by closing the stop-cock and opening the pinch-cock. Should there be a leak, water will siphon out. No water should remain in the bulb of the funnel. When the apparatus is tight an accurately measured yolume (15 to 20 ce) of concentrated hydrochiorie acid (dilute acid can be used with magnesium) is put into the separating funnel; the exit tube is put into the second flask which has previously had its sides dampened with water. About one half of the acid is now allowed to flow into the tube con- taining the zinc. A rapid evolution of hydrogen occurs which drives water over into the second flask. When the action slows down more acid is run in, care being taken that at the end the surface of the acid is just at the stop-cock. When all the metal has dissolved (it may take one-half hour) the surfaces of the liquids in the two flasks are brought to a level by raising or lowering one of them, and while level the pinch- cock on the exit tube is closed. The stopper is now withdrawn from the generating flask and the temperature of the water in it is taken. Also the reading of the barometer is noted. The volume of ihe water in the receiving flask is carefully measured and from its volume the volume of the acid used is deducted. The remainder is the volume of hydrogen produced during the action. This is corrected to standard conditions, and from the corrected volume and the weight of zinc used 105 the weight of zinc necessary to produce 11.2 litres of hydrogen is eal- culated. (11.2 litres of hydrogen weigh one gram). The accuracy of the method was tested by Mr. Isimerline, a soph- omore student in chemistry, who made three determinations each of three metals. The average of the closely agreeing results is as follows: aluminum, 9.02 (theory 9.08); magnesium, 12.08 (theory 12.18); zine, 32.55 (theory 382.7). In a class of 70 freshmen who had worked in the lab- oratory only 18 hours, and using horn-pan balances, the average of 37 results picked at random was 31.9. The apparatus apparently gives good results even in the hands of in- experienced men. 107 STUDIES IN CATALYSIS. By James H. Ransom. In 1902 there was presented to this Academy by Mr. E. G. Mahin, working in my laboratory, a paper dealing with the action of heat on mixtures of manganese dioxide and potassium chlorate. In this paper it was shown that the nature of the reaction as wel! as the temperature of decomposition depended on the purity of the oxide, in that the purer and drier the material the higher the temperature of rapid decomposition and the smaller the amount of chlorine and chlorine oxides. The study of this action has been continued by the writer, and some new data accumu- lated. Instead of using the purified commercial article, manganese dioxide was prepared in the laboratory by heating chemically pure manganous nitrate to a high temperature as leng as decomposition occurred, and then washing out all soluble material. After this treatment the residue was dried for some hours at a high temperature in vacuo. It was then preserved in glass-stoppered bottles in a desiccator. Prepared in this way the oxide is not hygroscopic. One to two grams of potassium chlorate, free from chlorides, was mixed with about the same weight of the manganese dioxide and the mixture heated in an air-bath, the temperature being controlled with a gas regulator. With the purified material there was observed little or no decomposition at 170° (as Mahin found), and only at 245° to 260° was the action at all perceptible. At 800° to 310° the action completed itself in a few minutes. It was observed that while little oxygen was evolved below 245° the residue gave a test for chlorides, though the tests made before heating gave wholly negative results. Some of the experiments showed less loss in weight during heating than that corre- sponding to the chloride found by titration against standard silver nitrate. Occasionally, however, the loss was even greater than that calculated so that it was felt that great reliance could not be placed in the difference in weight, especially as the tubes were often heated continuously for some days. The evidence of decomposition rests, therefore. on the formation of chloride. After these facts were established twenty experiments were per- formed to find the amount of chloride produced at different tempera- 108 tures; and to determine, if possible, the lowest temperature at which any chloride would be formed. The temperatures varied in the different experiments between 90° and 200°, and the time of heating from one hour to 21 days. Chlorides were found in each of the 20 experiments, and the amount varied somewhat regularly with the increase of temper- ature and the time of heating. At 90°-93°, the lowest temperature used, the amount of chloride formed in 14 days was .22 per cent. of that theo- retically possible. In order to show whether the pure chlorate would decompose at all under these conditions some of it was heated in the same manner as that described above. The heating was continued for nine days at 106°- 109°. But not a trace of a chloride was produced. It is interesting to note that decomposition begins 200° below that at which it is sufficiently rapid to be easily observed. But this is in line with the modern idea that the velocity of an action is a function of the temperature. And this observation has its parallel in the fact that 200° below its ignition point hydrogen combines with oxygen in quantities sufficient to be determined. It has been found also that mixtures of manganese dioxide and potassium perchlorate produce oxygen at a temperature much lower than that necessary to decompose the perchlorate alone. The amount of oxygen is quite appreciable at 310°, but does not become rapid at 360°— a temperature below that at which the perchlorate begins to evolve oxygen. In order to compare the action of other catalytic agents at low tem- peratures mixtures of potassium chlorate and platinum black were heated at two temperatures: one sample for 6 days at 145°-150°, the other for 7 days at 95°-100°. Both tubes lost in weight and both gave evidence of considerable amounts of chloride produced. I hope soon to get results at higher temperatures. But at these temperatures manganese dioxide and platinum black are almost identical in their effect on the decomposition of potassium chlorate. In the near future the study of the action of other oxides at low tem- peratures will be undertaken in order to get comparative results. At the beginning of the investigation on catalysis it was believed that many of the actions would prove to be of a purely chemical nature. At the present time there is no evidence that such is the case; but rather that we are dealing with cases of true contact action. 109 Errect oF Rapium on ELgctTroLytic Conpuctivity. By RYLAND RATLIFF. The material used was one-tenth of a gram of “Curie” radium chloride of 10,000 strength placed at the disposal of the writer through the kindness of Dr. Foley and the other Indiana University authorities. A number of the usual experiments were first performed to test the quality of the material. These included photographing the fiuorescent action of the radium upon small diamonds and Wilhemite. In these and kindred experiments good results were obtained. Two attempts were made to obtain a photograph of the spectrum by means of the Rowland concaye and Brashear mounting. In the first exposure of 90 hours the radium chloride was placed directly in front of the slit which was made unusually wide (probably too wide). A second exposure of 162 hours was made by placing the radium slightly to one side of the slit and the fluorescing Wilhemite directly in front of it. In this trial the slit was made narrower but was considerably wider than in ordinary spectrum work. Neither exposure yielded any effect other than a slight fogging of the plate. The remainder of the work was devoted to the problem, as above stated, of determining the effect upon elec- trolytiec conductivity. The apparatus employed is represented diagrammatically in Fig. 1. Glass tubes I and II filled with the electrolytic solution are intro- duced into the two arms of the Wheatstone bridge BD and CD. The copper disks d, and d, are placed as nearly as possible the same distance apart as d, and dy. Then when resistances R and R, are made the same the bridge will of course be balanced approximately. R and R, were usually made of from 800 to 1,200 ohms each. With the bridge balanced the radium is placed as near as practicable to I or II and the direction and amount of deflection in each case is noted. Theoretically the back E. M. F. should be the same in each tube, but it was found to be impossible to get it so in practice for any con- siderable time. Hence the greatest difficulty in the way of definite posi- tive conclusive results is due to the drift of the needle. A Rowland D’Ar- sonval galvanometer with a sensitiveness of one megohm was em- ployed in the major part of the work. 110 The tubes were first filled with an almost saturated solution of Cu So, On working for two days with this electrolyte trying many different adjustments it was found that the back or electrolytic E. M. F. was so variable that no reliable results could be secured. The only thing deter- mined positively was that lengthening the distance between the disks in I caused a deflection E, and lengthening that in II produced a defiec- tion W. On filling the tubes with pure distilled water the results were some- what more definite. With the disks 14 cm. apart the following data A Figure ya Dimensions of essential parts of apparatus of Figure 1. (1) Glass tubes, I and II. Length of each, 10 cm. Internal diameter of each, 17 mm. (2) Copper dises, d1, d2, d3, and d4. Diameter of each, 16 mm. Thiekness of each, 1 mm. tals. were obtained: (1) On closing circuit, deflection (W) was first 388, then setiled at 22, on standing at 22 several seconds, radium placed nearest II gave deflection (E) to 343. On removal deflection was W. Since an E deflection indicates a decrease in the resistance of IT the first results secured seemed fairly definite. To make sure the move- ments were not due to the Ww. M. I. of the electrolyte, weights were placed on the keys by which the battery and galvanometer circuits were both kept closed for a considerable time until the needle had ceased to drift. Four additional readings were taken, the five sets of readings being as follows: in all the lists of readings deflections indicating a decrease of resistance by the presence of the radium are marked +, those indicating an increase are marked —: TABLE I, | : Reading on | Reading on | Reading. addition of Deflection. removal of Deflection. radium. radium. (1) 22 84.5 412.5 Ww ees (2) 23 42 +19 41.7 +8 (3) 41.4 41.7 | + .3 | 41 65 +- .05 (4) 41.65 41.65 0 41.65 0 (5) 41.2 41.7 + .6 41.7 0) Two drops of H.S O, were added to the water with which ‘the tubes were now filled. This of course greatly increased the conductivity. It also made it much more difficult to balance the bridge. In securing the data given in table II the radium was placed alternately upon the two tubes, N and §8. TaBLeE II. = = = = == = ! = = = | | Reading at . : z beginning. Radium on N Result. ‘Radium on 8. Result. 38.5 33.5 0 23.85 + 135 34.1 =) OF 34.5 | 4 112 The results only of the readings will be given in the succeeding ists. The tubes were now enclosed in pasteboard boxes to prevent effects due to light and heat. Each box had a hole just large enough for the insertion of the radium. TaBLeE III. Radium added. Radium removed. +7 0) 28.10 + .165 + .10 +. 13 — .13 = EY —--06 + .05 + 6 — .l It was observed that with a given adjustment the drift of the needle was often tolerably constant, and, for a considerable period in the same direction. Sufficient additional resistance was now introduced at R, to cause the needle to drift in the opposite direction so that the influence of the radium would be exerted against the drift. TaBLE LY. Radium added. Radium removed. = Seat —1.8 S218 + .4 aD en 0 +3, —3, A solution of AgNO, was next used as the electrolyte. The Ag and Cu made a battery to such a degree that no consistent results could be obtained. A considerable amount of Ag was deposited on the Cu elec- trodes. Evidently a very dilute solution would be more likely to give results. The most satisfactory solution used was made by diluting 3 ee. of the Cu SO, solution used at first to 100 ce. In Table V the radium was placed alternately upon N and S and readings taken every two minutes. TABLE V. Radium on §. Radium on N. ZAR — .8 aeIEg ao — 1 eal 316 == 9) TaBLE VI. Radium on 8. Radium on N. + .85 — .6 +1.6 —1.15 + .10 — 75 1. 55 — 25 = Se + .5 + (2 — .715 1 95 =" .85 + .6 Sait + .15 = Uh + 5 0 eee = + .2 — 15 AS ) a5 0 4+ .35 — 2 + .10 1) + .06 + .02 + .65 + .05 -- 15 Se OT abs —.1 + 15 is + .16 0 + .4 1) Seb 0 + .07 ae ae m0) oe 0 vel Several of the lists, especially Table VI, show the effect of the drift of the needle. . A number of efforts were made to overcome this difficulty, none of which were entirely successful. One entire day was spent trying to get data for a curve which would show the influence of this ever present but very variable factor. In the first four readings of Table VII the drift was taken every five or six minutes and the succeeding readings were with the fadium, readings every minute. 8—A. or SCIENCE. 114 TaBLe VII. Time. Deflection. Amount of deflection. 6 min. 40.25 to 40.8 S817 5 min. 40.8 to 41.3 via 6 min. -41.3 to 4l — .3 5 min. 41 to 41.3 Sears Radium on 8. Deflection. Result. Radium on N. Result. (41.3 to 41.6 ses (41.9 to 41.9 0 1. 441.6 to 41.75 ae aa, 2 141.9 to 42.1 Bie [ 41.75 to 41.9 Baga (42.1 to 42.1 0 (42.1 to 42.5 el (42.82 to 42.8 + 02 3. {42.5 to 42.75 4+. 95 4. { 42.8 to 42.75 ts | 42.75 to 42.82 VE0T | 42.75 to 42.68 ae (42.68 to 42.29 1 99 (483 to 43.1 af 5. 142.9 to 43 Sia 6. 443.1 to 43.8 a (43 to 43 0 (43.3 to 43.3 0 If the average drift was really no greater than that obtained when special effort was made to determine its amount it was not sufficient to balance the considerable excess of positive readings. Summary: Of the total number of readings, 61 per cent. indicated positive results, 26 per cent. were negative, and 13 per cent. were zero, i. e., gave no deflection. Of the total amount of the deflections (omitting the rather questionably large ones in Table I), 82 per cent. were positive and 18 per -cent. negative. Including those of Table I, 90 per cent. were positive. 1D A Srvexte Metuop oF MEAsuRING ELECTROLYTIC RESISTANCE. By R. R. Ramsey. In measuring the resistance of electrolytes the back e. m. f. or polarization of the cell is always a troublesome source of error. The potential of the terminals of an electrolytic cell is never the same unless the temperature, concentration, and purity are absolutely the same at both electrodes. To avoid this error various methods have been used, such as the alternating current and telephone method. While working with electrolytic cells it occurred to me that the ever-present and troublesome e. m. f. might be utilized in a very simple manner for resistance measurement. This method consists of placing the Figure 1. cell in series with a resistance box and mirror galvanometer and taking readings of the galvanometer deflection with several resistances in the box. From these readings the cell resistance can be determined by solving for Re in the two equations, E eee + Rg + Re and Ka # SaHERS + Rg + Re Reg, the galyanometer resistance being known. * te za wae za = = ¥ 6s Hiss Uae, Geb Sees > : ‘s G2 Sactorin ohh So thie coe — Ci POWaay See eee, ee ry et tres ites BCsS eis 7 z HIE Sts 71ty fyi, is raf Fi spark art = 252 14). as - £6 ’ td a ¢3a3s- RA ar osl; = —e yeaye re Wied ica, apt re YT Sozckity sets Vy, Sets 2 lt apees Ste © ith =e = ei Sl ireztti Zar iver. saline Fe mites atresia 7 s “eS r 6 4 ike mute s =I? o eS PESTO ge ime; 2yn hey Se 7 -