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No FO Si ce Nir eee OHO An Pipe at Nhe Ate tie Citi ibe mn th Le Ae a i tn 7 fst worn Ae nets Ee ae bos err Rents Mara Maco bia " . iene Mh at Bi he Badmike Yintihy its a » 15h tt ta Tan Rig ite aria en Os “ed ¥ mies - wt wo hs 6 Ringe a . ho the Rhett me ive. Py - apr Be aha en te Hey de tantde- Wis Va eich ale ie . a “ tho Bente is y att pit =| «thet a es ee a . wea ore > . - lineth phe Bee Hae 4 Heitstne* feeheitsd ote Catt bate te pete Hl en Nin Pa yi te Na Sig HMw By i-* oP ttn te Gander, 2% =e be ME he en Bite 0 rhe ants * Acwetee a = = » ny eee oO ew bie Ae Rann ie EP astr B he “= aye a Bn he Oy a ee page ee ee a — ery s * tet > < wae ie He Anrep tras Wega Carlet ~ige eH pet RAR ONS) ele weed IRE Gt Sxbebeh Foee- 88 bp eee eve “ CS eee ee See ee ee - . - toe eee on ; a a ee 2 ae A su ee O06 pues aa 5 | 24 | 3671°574 -638 |+ 064 | Probably Zr 3671°412 inter- | feres. | Foo 3.1.25 | 3669°595 | -625 |+ 030 | blinds 1 | 26 | 3667-891 | -843. — -048 eo | 2| 27 | 3666°185 -256 |+-:071 | isapeuley 4| 28 | 3\64°770 -8388 (+ -068 Partly due to Y at 3664-760. | fete 1 | 29 | 3663°365 0 *553) | — 012 | | | @& | 5| 30 | 3662:373 -418 |+:043 | Mainly due toTi at 3662-378. | |e’ | 1] 81 | 3661°475 9-330 |— 095 | Possibly 6661 *509 Fe inter- | | | 36 Dr. H. H. Turner. On the “On the Brightness of the Corona of January 22,1898. Pre- liminary Note.” By H.. H. Turner, D.Sc., F.R.S., Savilian Professor. Received January 18,—Read February 7, 1901. 1. In a former note* I gave some account of measures of brightness made on photographs of the corona of 1893 by Abney’s method. The same method has been used on the coronal photographs taken in 1898 and in 1900 (in 1896 none were obtained owing to cloud), and a large number of measures have been made, though the work is not yet complete. Pending the completion and publication of this work, it seems advisable to publish the present note, as one or two results have been arrived at which may be useful to others in the forthcoming eclipse. 2. As regards the method of measurement, sufficient has been said (for the present purpose) in the paper already quoted. It need only be added that in place of the revolving sectors a graduated wedge of gelatine was used to diminish the comparison beam, according to Sir W. Abney’s more recent methods. The wedge or sectors are mere inter- mediaries between the coronal image and the standard squares, and no considerations beyond those of convenience are involved. The wedge is much more convenient, and the work can be done with it twice as. rapidly. 3. But a new method has been adopted of representing the results,, which, though an elementary change in some respects, has had the important consequence of suggesting a more satisfactory law for the variation of coronal brightness with distance from the sun. The only simple law (so far as I am aware) which has hitherto been formulated. was that proposed by Professor Harkness in 1878, viz. :— Brightness o (distance from sun’s limb)?. Visual measures made by Thorpe and Abney in 1886 and 1893 could not be reconciled with this law ; though I showed in the paper already quoted that if the distance be measured from a point within the limit (about 4 radius within), the law approximately satisfied the photo- graphic measures. I have now been led to a completely new law, viz. :— Brightness o (distance from sun’s centre)~°, which, though still on trial, is supported by a fair amount of evidence, and the suggestion arose in the following way :— 4. The brightness curve in the previous paper was obtained by plotting brightness against distance. This gives a curve of hyperbolic * ‘Roy. Soc. Proce.,’ vol. 66, p. 403. Brightness of the Corona of January 22, 1898. OM. form close to the two axes of reference, and difficult to compare the observations with, for reasons which are tolerably obvious. The curve is still hyperbolic if log (brightness) be plotted against distance ; but if the brightness varies as any power of the distance, and we plot log (brightness) against log (distance), we get a straight line, which is particularly easy to compare observations with. The only difficulty is that we must know where to measure our distance from ; for if we add or subtract a constant to the distance, it will change the straight line into a curve. And unfortunately the point from which the distance was to be measured seemed just one of the things to be determined. 5. But after some preliminary experiments I found that it was not difficult to find the proper origin from which to measure the distance, by the very condition that the curve was to be a straight line. Fire. 12 Log. x. Tf in the equation log y + n log « = const. represented by the straight line AB in fig. 1, we write (« + «) for », then the calculated values of log y, when is large compared with z, will be nearly the same as before ; but when « is small log (w + a) will be increased, and log y therefore diminished, and we get a curve such as CD. (lf « be negative, we get a curve such as EF.) And a very few trials (perhaps one alone suffices) give the value of a, which will straighten the curve. 6. These values immediately pointed to the sun’s centre as the proper origin for measurement; and when the observations were plotted on this assumption, the curve was practically a straight line, and the slope of this line indicated that the index x was 6, giving the law already stated, viz. :— Brightness « (distance from sun’s centre) ~°. 7. But one further point is to be noted. The curve was practically straight for some distance from the limb, but then always turned a 38 Dr. A. A Turner: On the upwards like the curve GH in fig. 2. Now comparing this with CD in fig. 1, it suggests that just as CD could be explained by the addition of a constant to the distance, which made a variable alteration in the log distance, so GH may be explained by the addition of a constant to: Fig. 2. the brightness, making a variable alteration in the log brightness. And there is a possible physical cause for this constant addition, viz., the general sky illumination or glare which is added to the coronal bright- ness. A value of about 0-012 of the average brightness of the full moon for this illumination seems to satisfy requirements for the 1898 photographs. 8. I proceed to give a brief summary of the measures on the photo- graphs of 1898 so far as they have gone. Four photographs have been selected for measurement, three of them taken by me at Sahdol with exposures of 1 sec., 2 secs. and 20 secs... and one taken by Capt. Hills at Pulgaon with exposure 8 secs. On these, measures have been made along six radii extending approximately N.,5., E., W., N.E., and 8.W., the last two being as nearly as possible: in the direction of the main streamers. 9. The exposures given to the standard squares were all the same. These squares transmit fractions of the light ranging from 0 to 4 on a scale of powers of 2, a range which might be extended with advantage, seeing that measures on the corona can be profitably made over a range: of 0 to 7 at least. But the smallness of the range is made up for in practice by the measurement of photographs with different exposures. Thus the longer exposures of 20 secs. and 8 secs. in the above series control the fainter parts of the corona, and the shorter of 1 sec. and 2 secs. control the brighter parts near the limb. 10. In comparing the results from the different plates, it is found. that the brightnesses shown by one plate differ from those shown by another in a constant ratio. Since the log (brightness) is tabulated this means a constant difference between similar numbers for the two. plates. Following Sir W. Abney’s practice, [ have used the base 2 for the logarithms of brightness, and recorded to 0-1, which represents a —s— Brightness of the Corona of January 22, 1898. 39 ratio of 2°! = 1:07. (The logarithms of distance have been taken to base 10 in the ordinary way.) These differences between the plates may be due to any combination of the following causes :— (a.) Accidental error in exposure to corona. The exposures were made without any mechanism, and the short ones especially may be sensibly in error. Thus the difference between the 1 sec. and 20 secs. exposure is 0°8. If the whole of this be due to accidental error in the 1 sec. exposure, it would mean that the exposure was for 1 sec. x 27° = 0°58 sec. instead of for 1-Osec., which is not an extravagant suppo- sition. (b.) Accidental error in exposure to squares. This should be much smaller than (d.). (c.) Difference in sensitiveness of the film near the edge of the plate where the squares are impressed, and in the centre where the corona is impresssed. There is independent evidence of sensible differences of this kind, and the point is under investigation. (d.) Differences in the behaviour of the candle which impressed the squares on the various plates. (c.) Climatic differences between Sahdol and Pulgaon. 11. It becomes necessary to decide which plate to take as the standard. Cause (a.) ought not to affect the 8 secs. and 20 secs. appre- ciably, but cause (¢.) may. They differ by 0-5, and we may perhaps take the mean. ‘The corrections to be applied to the plates are then Plater a I II III LV. Exposure...... 1 sec. 2 sec. 8 sec. 20 sec. CG “Eigen... Sahdol Sahdol Pulgaon Sahdol Correction ... +0°6 —0°2 +0°3 —0°2- If any other selection is preferred, it is easily applicable as a con- stant to the final numbers. . 12. The correction for constant illumination of the plate due to sky- glare has been adopted as 2~°* moon, taking the moon as equal to 0:02 of a candle at 1 foot. If at any point the corona has a brightness represented by z, meaning 2* x moon, then the brightness measured on the plate will appear as 7 where TE Na 4 A table was formed giving y in terms of «, of which the following is a portion :— 40 Dr. H. H. Turner. On the Correction x. to x. y- —2°0 0-0 —2°0 —3°0 +0°1 —2°9 — 4-0 +0°2 —3°8 —5:0 +0°4 —4°6 —6:°0 +0°8 —5°2 —7:°0 +1°3 —5°7 — 8:0 +2°0 —6°0 13. The measures on the plates were then corrected— (a.) For the particular plate, as in § 10 ; (b.) For the sky-glare, as in § 11; and compared with the curve brightness x (distance)® = A to get the value of the constant A for each of the six radii measured. As above explained, the curve used was a straight line, obtained by plotting log brightness as ordinate and log distance as abscissa. The constants found for the six radii were as follows—adopting as unit of brightness that of the moon (assumed 0-02 candle at 1 foot), and of distance that of the sun’s radius, so that the constants represent the brightness of the corona at the sun’s limb expressed in moons :— Radius. N. N.E. E. S. S.W. W. Mean. A iO 4 +1°9 aL joy 0:0 +2:°3 +0°6 +1°15 Thus at the sun’s limb the corona is more than twice as bright as the full moon on the average. 14. Finally, the individual measures were compared with the adopted law, with the following results. In the column “Typical Curve” the calculated brightness is given for A = + 0°6, the actual figures for the different streamers differmg from this throughout by constants which are easily inferred from the values of A given above. Brightness of the Corona of January 22, 1898. 4] _ Table I.—Comparison of Observed Brightness (Photographic) of 1898 Corona with the Law. Brightness x (distance from Sun’s centre)® = constant. {The distances were measured in divisions of 13 to the Sun’s radius. The brightnesses are expressed by powers of 2, zero representing Moon’s brightness.) Mes be Pe pence Typical | Lace | Observed error of formula. | from bri htness Prightness, Sun’s ne ea) le So i centre |° ae | “glare”? | | | | | lint rend, | e078: | added. | Plate. N. | N.E.| E. | 8. | 8.W.) W. | — = a me —$—$_$ | | eee Ot | Orr oi leOcG =a (Ord (sore bene aaa fata ie ea Od IT |+06|-O-1| 0-0 |+0-4 |-0-7 |+0-4 | is =. 1 <0 —1:0 O02) | Oc | 0-2) |= 0-4 10-6 1°3 — 15 =i 5 I /+0-5 |+0-1|+0-2 |—0-2 |—0°3 |+0-1 | hedess 3) = 2-0 —2°0 iL) Se Qe ipl nore 0°0| 0:0; 0:0 }+0:1 | pe l46" | "2-5 —2°4 I 0-0'}+0-F }—0°5 |+0°3 |—0°1 |—-0°1 | tGhee) = 3-3 er IL ESO ESO OF ee Op One: 177 | — 41 —3°8 I — |-OTF + | — (40-2) — Ozer | 4-4 I — |-O1)' — | — +02) — Bi Wyk ded | —1°5 1) Osan eee i= aes fae) |) = 9-0 | Sor Hoe O OMe = = eons ak = ro? ee 4 |) Ir |-o-2 | oe od 154 |— 29 | —-2:8 II |—0°3 1+0°5 |+0°6 |-0°3) — |-0-2, fol = 3-3 —3:1 Il |—0-4/+0-1 |+0°2 |-0:3 |+0°3 02 | Eo, 2-1 —3°8 Pe, | 072 | =0-S70- 1 —O-l 0-1 orks 492 |— 49 | —44 | IT | — |-0-214071) — [401 — ote | = 5-8 Sia Mi) -sOe i= 0 Seale Oo) Lb aoa | 7-2 =o 8 i UE als ans an — +03 — | | | Meta 62050 2 FeAl PT Oso | | Lae Sei ee es Pome — 23° | se I | OO) =| eo yh = 20-0 ea | =) 4¥ qo Oia Elie FOrraic O40 O-23) + Or! 0:0 OF 1°92) — 4:9 | —4-4 | IIT |—0°1 |+0:°21+0-2 |+0-1 (+071 |—-0 2 ZN 598° t= bt LE |=O.F | .0-O)|=0-1 | 0°r 7 0-0 | 0-0 Dene | 7 +2 —5°8 PLES BOe2 20-220 17 == B34 0-0: | O<0 2-92 8-5 —6-1 III | — }+04/ 00} — |-o1}] — TOF) | 49 Sa BOS Tye ea yey i 1ee == JOS == os 20s Wi 5S —4°9 "iV, |46'F |=o-4 |) — |\4 0-4 +0°4 Zo elG-t) | 25-3 9 1v \eote | —o's\*o-0'|+06c4' | =. eg 238 | = 6-7 5g | ee Ore | 0-1) =e) 0-0: ME O-2 25e "| = 7-9 —5°8 | IV |+0°2 |—-0°2| 0:°0/+0°5| 0-0 |+0-2 292) | = 8-5 —6:1 | IV |—0-1 |-0:2|+01/+0:3| 0:0 /+03 3°31 | — 9°6 —6°3 IV — j|—0'1 |+0'1/+0:1/-0O'71! 0-0 3°69 | —10°5 0 Sec ie sO 2e| Os Ors | | 4:08 | —11°4 6-4) iV tO ie | Ors |. | ! ( | 15. Considering the irregularity of the coronal structure, we cannot perhaps expect better agreement with any simple law of brightness than is shown by these residuals ; and the assumed law, whether it has 4? 2 Dr. H. H. Turner. On the any physical significance or not, is, at any rate, a convenient method of expressing the facts. We may now turn to the measures previously given of the 1893 corona,* and see how they accord with this formula. On trial, it is found that a fair accordance can be secured if the con- stant correction for sky-glare be taken as 2~S instead of 2~°4, and the constants for the four radii measured be : N. S. E. WwW. Mean. —0°1 +0°4 +0°5 = O-f + 0°23 16. With regard to the smaller value for sky-glare, if this depends on the general brightness of the corona itself, we may remark that the 1893 corona was generally fainter, according to the measures, than the 1898 corona, the mean constant for the former being + 0°23, and for the latter + 1:15. The difference is + 0°92, so that the 1898 corona was about twice as bright, and hence twice as bright a sky illumination ~ is not unreasonable. Table I].—Comparison of Observed Brightness (Photographic) of 1893 Corona with the Law. Brightness x (distance from Sun’s centre)® = constant. (The distances are given in units of the Sun’s radius. The bright- nesses are expressed by powers of 2; zero representing the Moon’s brightness.) | Distance , Typical With | Observed error of formula. | from), |-briglitness)| pa 6 42,9! | Sun’s | of corona Say | | | ! centre. alone. : | N. | S. E. W. } | ye | rake = ibea +0°2 +0°2 | — | —0°9 — — 2 —0°6 —06 01 | -04 = = 1°3 —1-2 1:2 SG Or +0'1 14 —1°9 a179y. 4 4 Ose +0°4 —0°3 +0°3 15 =2-5 =? Su qi ee +04 ~ +0°5 1°6 =a 0 —2°9. | 0°0 +0°3 — —_ Ike —3°6 —oio | (=O +0 °4 = +0°3 1°8 —4:1 —4°0 | OO | +0°2 +0°5 +01 beget So —4°6 —4°4. | —O°72 |, +0°1 = 0°0 yesh | 520 —4°8. | —0-2 | -O'l — —— Sy Pes 25 Oe oe 2 —0°2 ~~ A Ge Planes 2 —5°8 —5°d | -O1l -—0°2 —=OeZ —0°7 Lee oO —6°2 —§ 838i. 5\. =Ov8. tpy—O0"S — 0°0 | 24 —6°6 —6°1 +072. 17-071 -- — | aes: —7-0 —6°3 +O spe 0-0 — 0-0 | 26 —7°3 =6 15, gts 08 ) E00 0-0 +01 Le ae7 —7 6 = GRY Uap ee alate = —0'1 | 248 -7°9 Aaa ee = = 2°9 —8°2 <7 oe Or. — +0°1 3°O —8°5 raiiiaion (tht Ore 071 0°0 elias | * € Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 66, p. 403. Brightness of the Corona of January 22, 1898. . 43 17. The discrepancies are again not large, and some of them may be - due to the extrapolation which was necessary for the brighter parts of the corona, the standard squares not having been given a long-enough exposure (as.stated in the former paper) to compare with the long exposure of 50 secs. to the corona. Measures on plates with a shorter exposure to the corona will perhaps allow of more accurate results near the sun’s limb. Unfortunately no plate is available with an exposure shorter than 5 secs., but measures on this plate, so far as they have gone, indicate a closer accordance with the theoretical formula near the limb. Further measures are, however, required. 18. With the assumed law brightness — Ay® ? where r represents distance from the sun’s limb in solar radii, the total brightness of the corona is | Ar ° x Iurd: — ia, 1 the total brightness of the full moon being represented by 1 | Te a 0 Thus the ratio of the total brightness to that of the moon is § A. In 1898 the value of A was approximately 2! = 2-2, and thus the whole corona was about equal to the full moon. In 1893 the value of A was 2°23 = 1:2; and the whole corona was thus about 0°6 of the full moon. 19. But we have omitted the constant illumination of the sky in this integral. If we include a portion of sky extending to distance R from the limb, and B be the value of the constant for “glare,” which in 1893 was taken as 2-5 = 0-0046, and in 1898 was 2-°4 = 0:012, then we must add to the above quantities 1 BY "ann as (ive | ull moon: Boa It is not, however, easy to assign a definite value to R. 20. The integral brightness of the corona was measured in 1893 by the late Mr. James Forbes, jun.,* and found to be 1:1 full moon. We find [0-6 + B (hk? — 1)] full moon. If the two quantities be equated, we get Bes 1) = Oro or m- = 0°5/0-0046 ak or : R = 10°5. * * Phil. Trans.,’ A, 1896, p. 433. 44 Prof. J. Dewar. The Botleng Point of Liquid Hydrogen, Thus, if we suppose that Mr. Forbes measured the total light within a circular area 5° in diameter, which seems a fair supposition, * the two measures of total brightness agree. On the same supposition, the value of B (R?—1) in 1898 would be 1:3 full moon, and the total brightness of the corona would appear as 1-1 + 1:3 = 2:4 full moon. Summary. (a.) The brightness of the corona of 1898 at a point distant 7 from the sun’s centre expressed in solar radii may be approximately repre- sented by the formula brightness = Ar ° + B, where A and B are constants. (b.) The first term may be considered as corona proper, while B may be taken as representing the constant illumination of the sky, or glare. In 1898 the value of B was 2~°+ = 0-012 moon, taking the brightness of the moon as 0:02 candle at 1 foot. (c.) The constant A varies with the radius along which measures are made. In 1898 it varied from 2° moon to 2!° moon, the mean being 2715 moon or 2°2 moon. (d.) The same formula will fairly represent the 1893 corona, the mean value of A being 2°8 = 1-2, and the value of B 2775 = 0-0046. (c.) The total brightness of the corona depends on the area of sky included. If a circular area 5° in diameter be included, the total brightness of the 1893 corona may be taken as 11 full moon, agreeing with the visual measures made, and that of 1898, on the same supposi- tion, would be about 2°4 full moon. “The Boiling Point of Liquid Hydrogen, determined by Hydrogen and Helium Gas Thermometers.” By James Dewar, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution, and Jacksonian Professor, University of Cambridge. Re- ceived January 8,—Read February 7, 1901. In a former papery it was shown that a platinum-resistance therino- meter gave for the boiling point of hydrogen — 238°-4 C., or 34°°6 * The dimensions of the box are not given, either here or in the previous paper to which we are referred; but on p. 369 of the ‘ Philosophical Transactions, A, 1889, there is a diagram of the box, from which it would appear that the angular aperture was not greater than 12°, judging by outside measurements, + “On the Boiling Point of Liquid Hydrogen under Reduced Pressure,” ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ 1898 (vol. 64, p. 227). determined by Hydrogen and Helium Gas Thermometers. 45° absolute. As this value depended on an empirical law correlating _ temperature and resistance, which might break down at such an excep- tional temperature, and was in any case deduced by a large extrapola- tion, it became necessary to have recourse to the gas thermometer. In the present investigation the advantage claimed for the constant pressure gas thermometer over the constant volume thermometer is absent. The effect of high temperature combined with large increase of pressure does not occur in these experiments, where only very low temperatures and a maximum range of pressure of less than one atmo- sphere were encountered. At the same time, before dispensing with the effect of pressure upon the capacity of the reservoir of the thermometer, it was carefully estimated and found that it could not affect the volume of the reservoir by as much as 1/60,000th part. This being determined, a particular advantage results from the use of the constant volume form, because in its case it is unnecessary to know the actual volumes of the reservoir, and of the “outside” space. It is only necessary to know the ratio of these two volumes, and as this ratio appears only in the small terms of the calculation, it is not a serious factor in the estimation of such low temperatures. Two constant volume thermometers (called No. I and No. II) were: employed, in each of which the volume of the reservoir was about 40 c.c., and the ratio of the outside space to the volume of the reservoir: was 1/50 and 1/115 respectively. A figure of the apparatus is given herewith, where A is the thermometric bulb covered with a vacuum vessel to hold the liquid hydrogen, and be exhausted when necessary ; B is the manometric arrangement for adjusting the mercury at C to constant volume, and D is the barometer. The readings were made on a fixed scale by means of a telescope with cross-wires and level attached. A similar telescope was permanently fixed on the mark to. which the volume had to be adjusted. As the observations had to be made quickly, it was found convenient to use both telescopes on the same massive stand and to read the barometer placed alongside simultaneously. The formula of reduction used was that given by Chappuis in the ‘Travaux et Mémoires du Bureau International des Poids et Mesures,’ tom. vi, p. 53, namely, ee — (Vol + 6T) + Bh Di eee) where Vo is volume of reservoir at 0° C, T, temperature of reservoir, measured from 0° C, v, volume of “outside” space at the temperature of the room, t, temperature of the room, a, coefficient of expansion of the thermometric gas, 46 Prof. J. Dewar. The Boiling Point of Liquid Hydrogen, EXHAUST 8, coefficient of alteration of volume of reservoir, due to change of pressure, 6, coefficient of expansion of substance of reservoir, Hp, initial pressure (in these experiments always reduced to 0° C.), determined by Hydrogen and Helium Gas Thermometers. 47 Hy+h, pressure at temperature T, after all corrections have been . made. On putting 8 = 0 as already explained, equation (1), by algebraic transformation and without any approximation, was altered into the form 273 ++ £27 3 = ee = T 0 eisisipisisiniaks 2 r aan Tia » (say) ce (2); é IP ley Se eee En eat oe te Rs We a Ne Sele wees cierkee 3 5 ee Ty a2 aP (3) in which Py and P replace Hy and Ho +h, and z = Geass The gases used as thermometric substances were hydrogen, oxygen, helium, and carbonic acid. The values of « adopted in equation (3) were taken. from Chappuis’ memoir, and were 0:00366254 for the first three, and 0:00371634 for carbonic acid. The reciprocals of these coefficients are 273°035 and 269-083. The number “273” which appears in 0 is so nearly equal to the reciprocal of the former value for « that it was allowed to remain for the first three gases; but in dealing with carbonic acid it was replaced by 269-083. In these experiments T) is always negative, and numerically less than 273, so that the value of 6 is always greater than unity ; nevertheless it differs from it but slightly, its value being unity when T; = — 273° C., and rising to 1:02 when T, = 0° C. in the case of thermometer No. I, where « = 1/50. It may be noted that when 6 is neglected T, is the usual value given by Boyle’s law ; there is a convenience, therefore, in this form of Chappuis’ formula for approximation, because T) can quickly be calculated, and the correcting factor 6 can be applied later if desired. In the first experiment (No. 1 of subjoined Table I) thermometer No. I was filled with electrolytic hydrogen. The initial pressure (the pressure at 0° C.) was almost three-eighths of an atmosphere, and was taken low in order to obviate any complication from condensation on the walls of the reservoir. Two other possible causes might abnormally reduce the pressure at very low temperatures ; these were polymerisa- tion and the presence as impurity ef small quantities of gases liquefying above the boiling point of hydrogen. The measurement of the density of the gas at its boiling point showed that there was no polymerisation, and further proof of this was evident in the constancy of the value of the boiling point when different initial pressures were taken. To guard against the presence of gases with a higher boiling point than hydrogen, the electrolytic hydrogen was allowed to pass continuously for eighteen hours through the thermometric bulb before it was sealed off. It was further calculated that an impurity of oxygen necessary to reduce the boiling point of hydrogen by a degree would amount to 3 per cent., a 48 Prof. J. Dewar. The Boiling Point of Liquid Hydrogen, quantity too large to escape detection. This experiment gave the: boiling point of oxygen as — 182°-2, and that of hydrogen as — 253°-0. In the second experiment (No. 2) a new thermometer, No. II, was: constructed with a much smaller value of x, and as a further protection against the presence of impurities, palladium hydrogen was employed as the source of the gas. A rod of palladium, weighing about 120: grammes, kindly placed at my disposal by Mr. George Matthey, F.R.S., was charged with hydrogen in the manner described in my paper “On the Absorption of Hydrogen by Palladium at High Tem- peratures and Pressures,’* and subsequently used as the source of supply to fill the thermometer. The initial pressure was slightly less than that in the first experiment ; the corresponding results were — 182°°67 and — 253°°37.7 The new thermometer was filled afresh (No. 4) with calbadiuih hydrogen at an initial pressure rather less than one atmosphere, and gave for the boiling point of hydrogen the temperature —252°-8. This result is a confirmation of the absence of polymerisation. The next step was to compare these results with the results of similar experiments made upon another gas whose boiling point fell within the range of easily determined temperatures; and as a further precaution the gas used in the thermometer was the vapour rising from the liquefied gas whose boiling point was to be determined. The gas first selected was oxygen (No. 5), and as an additional condition to be: noted, the initial pressure was made slightly more than an atmosphere, so that it would bein a Van der Waal’s “‘ corresponding ” state with the hydrogen in the first two experiments, namely, the initial pressure in each case was about 1/50 of the critical pressure. The critical pressure of oxygen was taken about 51 atmospheres, and that of the hydrogen about 18 atmospheres. There are good reasons for believing that the critical pressure of hydrogen is more likely to be about 11 or 12 atmo- spheres. In the event of the lower value being eventually found the more correct, the effect as between the oxygen thermometer and the hydrogen thermometer will be to make the boiling point of hydrogen a little too high. The result obtained from this experiment was to place the boiling point of oxygen at -—182°-29, thus corroborating in a satisfactory manner the reliability of the method of determiniug the boiling point of hydrogen. The question still remained, How far is a gas thermometer to be trusted at temperatures in the neighbourhood of the boiling point of the gas with which it is filled? To answer this question the oxygen thermometer was used to determine the boiling point of liquid air (No. 7) in which a gold-resistance thermometer was simultaneously * ‘Proc. Chem. Soc.,’ 1897. + This thermometer gave 99 ooh te for the boiling point of waters determined by Hydrogen and Helawm Gas Thermometers. 49 immersed. The gold thermometer had been previously tested and found to give correct indications of temperature down to temperatures not only well below the point in question, but lower than those obtain- able by any other metal thermometer. In the result the oxygen ther- mometer gave. — 189°:62, and the gold thermometer — 189°-68, as the temperature of that particular sample of air boiling at atmospheric pressure. For another method of comparison this oxygen thermometer was partially discharged (No. 8) until its initial pressure was nearly the same as that in the first hydrogen thermometers. In this state it gave the boiling point of oxygen as — 182°-95, establishing again the reli- ability of the methed. All the boiling points of the liquid gases were made on samples produced at different times. As an extreme test of the method, I charged the thermometer No. IT with carbonic acid (No. 11) at an initial pressure again a little less than one atmosphere, and used it to determine the boiling point of dry CO ; the result was — 78°:22, which is the correct value. Hence it appears that either a simple or a compound gas at an initial pressure somewhat less than one atmosphere, may be relied on to deter- mine temperatures down to its own boiling point, in the constant volume gas thermometer. Another thermometric substance at our disposal, as suitable for determining the boiling point of hydrogen as hydrogen had been in determining that of oxygen and other gases, is helium. ‘The early experiments of Olszewski and my own later ones showed that pure helium is less condensible than hydrogen, and that the production of liquid or solid products by cooling Bath helium to the temperatures of boiling and solid hydrogen was only partial, and resulted from the presence of other gases undefined at the time the experiments were made. The mode of separating the helium from the gases given off by the King’s Well at Bath is fully described in my paper on “ The Lique- faction of Air and the Detection of Impurities.”* If the neon, present as impurity in the Bath helium which was used, should reach its saturation pressure about the boiling point of hydro- gen, the values given by this thermometer for the boiling point of hydrogen would be toolow. In order to avoid this, the crude helium extracted from the Bath gas was passed through a U-tube cooled by liquid hydrogen to condense out the known impurities —oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. Jn my paper “On the Application of Liquid Hydrogen to the production of High Vacua,”’} it was shown that at the temperature of boiling hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and argon have no measurable ten- sion of vapour, and that the only known gases uncondensed in air after such cooling were hydrogen, helium, and neon. This same neon material * “Chem. Soc. Proc.,’ 1897. t+ ‘Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ 1898 (vol. 64, p. 231). VOL. LXVIII. E 50 Prof. J. Dewar. The Boiling Point of Inquid Hydrogen, occurs in the gas derived from the Bath wells. A sample of helium prepared as above described, which had been passed over red-hot oxide of copper to remove any hydrogen, was found by Lord Rayleigh to have a refractivity of 0-132. The refractivity of Ramsay’s pure helium being 071238, and that of neon 0°2345, it results that my helium contained some 74 per cent. of neon, according to the refrac- tivity measurements. This would make the partial tension of the neon in the helium thermometer cooled in the liquid hydrogen to be about 4 mm., and this being taken as the saturation pressure the boil- ing point of neon is about 34° absolute. The initial pressure (No. 9) was taken rather less than an atmosphere, and the temperature of the boiling point of hydrogen was given by this thermometer as — 252°-68. A further observation (No. 10) was taken on another occasion with the same thermometer, and the value found was — 252°:84. The fact that the boiling point of hydrogen, as determined by the helium thermo- meter, is in substantial agreement with the results obtained by the use of hydrogen itself is a conclusive proof that no partial condensation of the neon had occurred. Of the remaining experiments in Table I, (No. 3) was made in order to show the effect of a very small initial pressure, one-sixth of an atmosphere. The results were unsatisfactory, owing to the sticking of the long column of mercury giving uncertain pressure readings. In this case an error in the reading of a low pressure has six times as great an effect as if the initial pressure had been about an atmosphere. If the temperature deduced for the boiling point of oxygen is corrected, and the same factor of correction applied to the observed liquid hydro- gen boiling point, then it becomes — 251°-4. It is of particular moment to have some estimate of how far errors in the observed quantities employed in Chappuis’ formula affect the final value of T. In the case of an error in ¢, on differentiating equation (2) we get - 2(273 +71) 3 (273 + Fay Ti « = 1/50, ¢ = 13°, T; = — 180°; then dT = 0-00339di, or it would need an alteration of 23° in ¢ to alter T by 1/100th of a degree at the boiling point of oxygen. In the same circumstances when T; = — 250, dT = 0:00136 dt, so that an alteration of between 7° and 8° in the value of ¢ would only affect the boiling point of hydrogen by 1/100th of a degree. From equation (4) the error in T varies with x very nearly. Thus for the second thermometer where z = 1/115, a variation of / to the extent of 6°, would only affect the boiling point of oxygen by 1/100th of a degree; and it would require an alteration of 17° in # to affect the boiling point of hydrogen to the same extent. Cie eee ed ‘ploy oluoqueg Aacy § ‘(L: 4G —) 10149 UPSAXGO LOZ poyooutog tf nD) p. oIGZ — ato u9sAXGO LOZ poyoouiog 4 eee JO oovpd puoves oY} 0} poyoesye st onTeA ON », % ee he ES zs aA i ae £19-.G8%— | 99- 8S3— = reeres s+ (ULE OF 07 OF) 8 Pog wesoxps FF ie = == 78. .a2a—|89-296—| ae Te ee 18-696— |+98- 0S —| 48- €96— | €0-.€6¢— |°'°'** ueSosphq S ——s —— — — Z9- b68L— — | ——-, —e —S some =: eee aay oY LLY, (73 ee Sa eee (SOOO fae 9V-.€8T — 66-681 — a GG: o[8L— | 49: .68T— | 0G: G8 — |-"****** WesdkxG s es 5 ; ie ° . Q . Q ‘U | ploy (qyeq) | ‘Cpyeg) -uo8kxQ | wo8dxo |-ue8fxQ | -wo8LxQ uesorpAqy | ‘uosoxp 4 Fy Bese q EL on ‘oounenente oluogIVy| UNIpOF_ | WNITOTT UUMIPeT[e | UNIpeypeq) Wnrpeyped | _¢ S|. : : f -£fox} 00 1S eeu cam oc tom os os os ener ru ak Stiat os TIN = T L L T T if T i t ame ig “On ely S TEE ONE OT SOI ONG aN ONE eeleONt TION ene ON oN ES | 100 WOU T, Sf | | jy |—_—_]— > | a ateeae 35 39 DF ee 370 33 99 3? 2) 4: 93 or) MTT; ; 410 93 or) oe) oe) 8 hb) x XIV.. 370 » 0 3 Pd oa The various animals were either allowed to die naturally or were killed with chloroform after definite signs of tubercular infection had developed. And it may at once be said that a severe infection occurred in all the animals; there was not the least indication that the ozonisa- tion had exerted any effect whatever on the virulence of the bacilli. As examples, we may mention the following animals :—Guinea-pig No. I died on the twentieth day after inoculation, with a caseous abscess in the flank, infected mesenteric glands, and tubercles in the spleen ; guinea-pig No. II was killed on the twenty-second day after inoculation, and was found to be in a similar condition ; guinea-pig No. XI died on the twenty-second, and guinea-pig No. XIV on the twenty-third day, both being again in a similar stage. The presence of the specific bacillus in one or other of the internal lesions was proved in the case of every animal on the list. Conclusions. Our experiments have made it clear that ozone in the dry state, and in such strength as we used it, has no appreciable action on the vitality of the various bacteria experimented with, and, so far, our results are in accordance with those of Sonntag and Ohlmiiller. Nor did a prolonged exposure to the action of ozone diminish in any way the pathogenic virulence of B. tuberculosis in sputum, as shown by Hixperiment V. Single experiments would also tend to show that ozone can have little, if any, effect on the pathogenic virulence of Bh. maller and B. anthracis. On the other hand, Experiment IV would appear to confirm the conclusion arrived at by Ohlmiiller as to the bactericidal property of ozone when passed through a fluid medium containing bacteria in suspension. 64 3 Messrs. B. Moore and W. H. Parker. A comparison of the inactivity of ozone as a disinfectant in the- dry state with its action in the presence of water suggests a super- ficial resemblance with other gases, such as chlorine and sulphur dioxide. In the absence of further experiment, however, it would not be possible to press the analogy too closely. In the dry state, and under the conditions in which it occurs in nature, ozone, then, is not capable of any injurious action on bacteria so far as can be judged from our experiments ; and we conclude that any purifying action which ozone may have in the economy of nature is due to the direct chemical oxidation of putrescible organic matter, and that it does not in any way hinder the action of bacteria, which latter are, indeed, in their own way, working towards the same end as. the ozone itself in resolving dead organic matter to simpler non- putrescible substances. . “On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent.” By BENJAMIN Moore and WILLIAM H. ParKER. Communicated by Professor SCHAFER, F.R.S. Received January 24,—Read February 14, 1901. The purpose of the biliary secretion and the uses of that fluid in digestion and otherwise have furnished much material for discussion to. the physiological chemist, and the discussion has given rise to many ingenious but widely different theories. The bile, unlike ail the other digestive fluids which are secreted into the alimentary canal, has no specific action upon any of the three classes of food-stuffs. It contains small amounts of cholestearin and lecithin, and of other substances which are obviously to be regarded as excretory in character. It is necessary in the intestine for the com- plete absorption of the fats in normal amount, but even in its absence a considerable amount of fat can still be absorbed. The constituents. which it contains in solution in largest quantity are the sodium salts of certain acids called the bile acids, and these bile salts are not excreted, but are reabsorbed, and undergo a circulation in the blood known as. the circulation of the bile. These few statements briefly summarise our experimental knowledge as to the action and physiological properties of the bile, and have given a basis to many theories. It has been argued by some from the fact that bile contains no digestive enzyme, and from the presence in the fluid of certain con- stituents which are certainly excretory, that the bile is to be regarded purely as an excretion ; but this view gives no explanation of the re- absorption of the bile salts, which are the most abundant constituent. On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent. Hd By others the bile has been regarded as an anti-putrefactive, although it readily undergoes putrefaction itself. Others, without much experi- mental proof, have suggested that it stimulates the intestinal epithe- lium and increases peristalsis, but even if this be allowed it leaves. much of the action of the bile untouched. While it is universally admitted that bile exhibits at most only unimportant traces of a diges- tive action on food-stuffs, some observers state that its presence favours and increases the activity of other digestive fluids upon carbohydrates,, fats, or proteids, and see in this an important function of the bile.* On the other hand, it is stated by other experimenters that this aiding power of the added bile is no more than can be explained by the altera- tion in chemical reaction of the mixed fluid. With regard to the action of bile in favouring fat absorption, one view which has been held is that the bile alters the physical character of the intestinal epithelium when it wets it, and in some physical way makes the conditions more favourable for the taking up of emulsified fats. Since it is very probable, however, that all the fat is absorbed in some soluble form, and not as an emulsion, this theory of biliary activity falls to the ground. It was first suggested by Altmann,t mainly from histological obser- vations, that bile aided fat absorption by dissolving the fatty acids set free from the neutral fats in the intestine. Marcet§ had shown before this that bile dissolves free fatty acids to a clear solution, and later Moore and Rockwood| determined the solubilities of fatty acids in bile,. and further demonstrated that in some classes of animals a certain amount of the fat was absorbed as dissolved free fatty acid. The latter authors, while admitting that a considerable amount of absorption of fat as dissolved free fatty acid occurs in carnivora, and insisting upon the importance of bile as a solvent in this connection, showed from a consideration of the reaction of the intestinal contents during active fat absorption that in other species of animals practically all the fat was absorbed as dissolved soaps. Even in carnivora it was further shown that in addition to the absorption as free fatty acid dlis- solved by the bile, a considerable amount of absorption as dissolved soaps takes place. The soaps formed in the intestine during the digestion of fat are chiefly sodium soaps. Now it has universally been taken for granted that these are easily soluble in water, and no one has considered any action of the bile as necessary to their solution in the intestinal con- * Rachford, ‘ Journ. of Physiology,’ 1899, vol. 25, p. 165. + Chittenden and Albro, ‘Amer. Journ. of Physiol., 1898, vol. 1, p. 307. ft ‘ Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol.,’ 1889, Anat. Abth. Supp. Bd., p. 86. § ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc. Lond.,’ vol. 9, 1868, p. 306. || ‘Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 60, 1897, p. 488; ‘Journ. of Physiol.,’ vol. 21, 1897, p. 58. (In this paper the literature of the subject is given.) 66 Messrs. B. Moore and W. H. Parker. tents. But the process of preparing the sodium soaps easily demon- strates that the mixed sodiwm soaps prepared either from .beef or mutton suet are only very sparingly soluble in water. When the mixture obtained by boiling the fat is thrown into cold water, practically none dissolves, and the excess of alkali can easily be washed off in this way. An increase in the amount of oleate present raises the solubility in water, so that a mixture of soaps obtained from pig’s fat cannot be separated in this way. When the mixed soaps derived from beef or mutton fat are boiled with water, they do dissolve to a greater extent; but the solution sets, on cooling, to a stiff jelly, even when it contains as little as 2 per cent. of the mixed svaps. It occurred to us, therefore, that it would be desirable to make com- parative quantitative experiments as to the solubilities at body tem- perature of such soaps in water and in bile respectively, in order to determine whether bile possessed any function as a solvent in soap absorption from the intestine. Opportunity was also taken to prepare and test the solubility quantitatively of the so-called “ insoluble soaps” of calcium and magnesium, as well as of the separated and purified oleates, palmitates, and stearates of sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Attention has previously been given to the solubility of the magne- sium and calcium soaps, so far as we are aware, only in a qualitative fashion ; and the unqualified statement has in consequence been made by Neumeister* that these soaps are dissolved in the intestine by the agency of the bile. There is, in addition to the solvent action of bile upon the various fatty derivatives in the intestine, another point of view from which we may regard the bile as a solvent, and ascribe to it a very important function connected with the excretion into the intestine from the liver of substances insoluble in water. It is well known that the bile con- tains cholestearin and lecithin, and although these bodies are not present in large percentage, they occur in greater quantity in the bile than in any other fluid in the body, and further this is the only channel by which these important degradation-products of metabolism are removed from the body. Although the presence of face substances in the bile has long been known, no one, so far as we are aware, has drawn any inferences as to why they are excreted by the bile rather than any other excretory channel, nor recognised the importance of the change in the physical properties of the bile, whereby it is adapted for carrying off these waste products to the intestine, and so acquires a specific function possessed by no other fluid in the body. Both lecithin and cholestearin are insoluble in water, and hence cannot be thrown out of the body in simple aqueous solution. This fundamental fact suggests inquiries as to how these substances are * “VLehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie,’ Jena, 1897, p. 221. On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent. 67 carried in solution to the liver cells to be there excreted, as to how ' they are preserved in solution in the bile, and as to the extent to which each of them is soluble in that fluid. Experiments were accordingly arranged to test the powers of the bile salts as a solvent for these two substances, which taken in con- junction with the known facts as to the reabsorption and circula- tion in the blood of the bile salts cast a considerable light upon the questions above outlined, and furnish a rational explanation of the so-called “ circulation of the bile.” It is, in our opinion, in this property of acting as a solvent for sub- stances which are insoluble in water, that bile has its main if not its only function, both in excretion and absorption. Any other properties which have been ascribed to the bile are of very minor importance compared to this one. It enables us in the first place to explain clearly the part played by bile in fat absorption, for our experiments show not only that the solubilities of the soaps are considerably increased, but, which is of more importance still, that they are dissolved by the bile in a different physical condition from that in which they are held in solution by water alone, as is shown by the altered physical properties of the solution. Further, free fatty acid could not be held in solution in the intestine in the absence of bile. Again, it is impossible to see how such substances as cholestearin and lecithin could be excreted in the absence of some vehicle conferring solubility upon them. Huperimental Methods. The bile salts used in our experiments were prepared by a usual modification of Plattner’s method from ox bile. The bile was con- centrated to a syrup on a water-bath, mixed into a paste with animal charcoal, extracted with absolute alcohol, filtered, and ether added to commencing precipitation. On standing, the bile salts were obtained in crystalline spherules, and these were purified by dissolving in alcohol and reprecipitating with ether. The mixed sodium soaps employed were obtained by saponifying beef suet. Much labour was expended on various attempts to prepare these in a pure form; such as obtaining the free fatty acids in ethereal solution and neutralising with alcoholic potash, or extracting the soaps with hot alcohol in a Soxhlet apparatus and cooling out from the alcohol. These methods have practical difficulties, however, on account of the varying solubilities of the constituent salts in the organic solvents. Accordingly, a simpler method was found to yield better results. The fat was first saponified by slight excess of caustic soda, and the mixture of soaps thrown into a large excess of cold water,* * Saturated solution of sodium chloride was at first used, but it was found that the mixed sodium soaps were so insoluble in cold water that no such saline 68 Messrs. B. Moore and W. H. Parker. which dissolves out the surplus of alkali and inorganic salts. The ‘soaps were next converted into free fatty acids by treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid, and the mixture of fatty acids was thoroughly washed by warming with water. The free acids were again con- verted into soaps by very slight excess of caustic soda, dissolved in boiling water, precipitated by cooling, washed with cold water, dried in a water bath, powdered, and kept in a glass-stoppered bottle. The mixed calcium and magnesium soaps were prepared from these by precipitation from solution in hot water with calcium chloride and magnesium sulphate respectively, washing thoroughly with water, and ‘drying on a water bath. The pure oleic acid and oleates used were prepared from a sample -of pure oleic acid by Merck. The pure palmitic acid was obtained from bereberry tallow by repeated partial recrystallisation from alcohol until a constant and accurate melting point was obtained. The sodium soap was obtained by neutralising with caustic soda and recrystallising from hot alcohol ; the magnesium and calcium soaps by precipitation of the sodium salt in hot aqueous solution by the appropriate salts, washing by decanta- tion with cold water, and drying. The pure stearic acid and stearates were similarly prepared from commercial stearin, and their purity tested by melting-point deter- ‘minations for the free acid. The lecithin used was prepared from yolk of egg by the follow- ‘ing modification of the method of HoppeSeyler: The yolks were separated, beaten up into a common mass and extracted with five times their volume of 95 per cent. alcohol at a temperature of 50° to 60° C. for about two hours. The precipitated proteid and membrane was separated off by pressing through cheese cloth, the filtrate was allowed to cool to about 30° C. and separated from a certain amount of fatty oils which became pressed through along with the alcoholic extract. The alcoholic extract was evaporated down to a syrup at a temperature of about 60° C. on the water-bath, and then taken up in a small volume of absolute alcohol at a temperature of 40° to 50°C. This extract was next surrounded by a freezing mixture and kept at a temperature of —5° to —10°C. for some hours, which precipitates the greater part of the lecithin. This was removed by decantation and filtering through a chilled funnel, purified by again dissolving in precipitant is required. Not even any sodium oleate is dissolved by the cold water, as can be shown by first throwing into cold water, then removing the soap and saturating the water with sodium chloride, when scarcely a trace of a preci- pitate is obtained. Nor are acid soaps formed by this method of preparation, on account of dissociation of the alkali, for on incineration of the soaps and titration of the residue as sodium carbonate, we have obtained almost the theoretical yields required for neutral soaps. On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent. 69 a small volume of absolute alcohol, and once more cooling out of solu- tion. The final product was dried in a desiccator over sulphuric acid for some days. In the case of cholestearin the figures obtained for the solubility were so low, that pure cholestearin preparations were made from several sources in order to make certain of the result; but all the Specimens gave a like result. The cholestearin first used was prepared from a Muah dtany specimen by repeatedly recrystallising from ether and from hot alcohol. The second specimen was obtained by repeated recrystallisation from hot alcohol and ether of the residue after taking out the lecithin from the hot alcoholic extract of egg yolk by means of a small volume of absolute alcohol as above described. Large characteristic cholestearin erystals were easily obtained by this method in great abundance. A third specimen was similarly prepared from ox brain, and a fourth from human gallstones by the usual method of extraction. Comparative determinations were made of the solubilities in distilled water, in 5 per cent. aqueous solution of bile salts, in 5 per cent. aqueous solution of bile salts plus 1 per cent. of lecithin, and occa- sionally in ox bile. Two methods were employed in carrying out the determinations, which were all made at a temperature as close to that of the human body as possible, viz., at 37° to 39° C. In one method, an excess of the substance of which the solubility was to be determined was heated to a temperature of 50° to 60° C. with the solvent; the mixture was allowed to cool to the required temperature, and then filtered through paper in a funnel kept at body temperature by a warm jacket. It was afterwards tested that the filtrate became clear, when it was once more heated to body tem- perature. The percentage dissolved is then estimated by ene nuls the amount of dissolved substance in a given volume, say 5 c.c., of the filtered solution. This is done by evaporating to dryness, extracting the fatty acids with ether (in the case of the soaps, after first convert- ing into free fatty acids by the action of a mineral acid), and weighing after evaporating off the solvent. This method has some practical disadvantages which have precluded its use except in the case of the determination of the solubility of the sodium soaps in bile. In the first place, a considerable amount of both solvent and solute must be used in order to obtain a workable quantity of filtrate. It is also difficult to filter with some of the sub- stances tested, and on extraction of the evaporated solution with ether it is often impossible to obtain a clear ethereal solution. This method has therefore only been carried out in the case of the sodium soaps and bile. Here it has been used to determine the maainwm amount which can be taken up by the bile from such a naturally-occurring mixture of 70 Messrs. B. Moore and W. H. Parker. soaps as is obtained in the saponification of beef fat. When such a mixture is submitted to the solvent action of the bile it is found that more sodium oleate than palmitate or stearate is taken up, as is shown in the considerable reduction which is obtained in the melting point of the mixture of fatty acids dissolved and re-obtained from the bile as compared with the melting point of the fatty acids obtained from the mixed soaps before being acted upon by the bile. In fact, it is only when sodium oleate is also present that sodium palmitate and stearate are taken up by the bile in appreciable quantity. As a result of this, the figures obtained by this method, in the case of the mixed sodium soaps, must only be taken as indicating the maximum amount of soaps which the bile is capable of taking up from such a mixture at body temperature, and it must be remembered that the portion taken up has not the same composition as the mixture extracted, and that the sclu- bility of the residue gradually decreases as the percentage of palmitate and stearate in it increase.* The second method, which has chiefly been used in making the determinations, is to add the substance to be dissolved in small weighed portions at a time to a measured volume of the solvent contained in a test-tube and kept at body temperature by being immersed in a water bath provided with a thermostat. The mixture is stirred from time to time with a glass rod, and the substance to be dissolved is rubbed up with the solvent to hasten the process of solution. The amount added when solution ceases to be complete is noted, and from this a close approximation can be made to the percentage solubility. The approxi- mation is the closer the smaller the amount of substance added each time, and the larger the volume of solvent which is taken. By using 10 c.c. of solvent and adding the substance in portions of 0°01 gramme at a time, it is thus possible to determine the solubility within one-tenth of a per cent. The method is somewhat laborious in making a first determination from the number of weighings, but in later determina- tions with the same solvent and solute it can be shortened by adding at once nearly the total quantity which it is known will be dissolved. Reliable results are obtained by this method in the case of determining the solubility of pure substances, but in a mixture of the soaps it gives a lower result than the total amount which the solvent will take up from the mixture, because the signal for stopping is here that point at which the maximum amount of the least soluble constituent of the mixture has been taken up. Thus a slight residue is obtained when even as little as 0°5 per cent. of mixed sodium soaps is added to bile at body temperature, and a somewhat heavier residue when water is * A similar result is seen when the mixed fatty acids or scaps obtained by saponifying any naturally occurring fat are treated with a solvent in which they are not exceedingly soluble, such as hot alcohol, a residue of insoluble stearic acid or stearate is finally obtained. On the Functions of the Bite as a Solvent. fal employed as the solvent ; the amount of undissolved residue increases as the amount of mixed soaps added is increased, but it is obvious to the eye that a considerable amount of the later additions of soap are being dissolved, and, further, a determination of the melting point of the mixed fatty acids obtainable from the undissolved residue proves that this consists chiefly of palmitates and stearates. This is interesting from the physiological point of view, since a similar separation must take place in the intestine, and the oleates be absorbed more readily and more rapidly than the palmitates and stearates. RESULTS. 1. Free Fatty Acips.—The mixed free fatty acids obtainable from beef suet are practically insoluble in distilled water at body tempera- ture. When as little as 0-1 per cent. is added, the greater part remains undissolved in the form of melted globules; but, on cooling down, a faint opalescence in the fluid indicates a slight degree of solubility. A 5 per cent. solution of bile-salts dissolves 0°5 per cent. of the mixed acids, and a 5 per cent. solution of bile-salts plus 1 per cent. of lecithin dissolves 0°7 per cent. The effect of the lecithin in increasing the solubility is clearly seen by heating simultaneously in two test-tubes, one containing bile-salts alone, and the other bile-salts plus lecithin, 0-5 per cent. of the fatty acids. The tube containing the lecithin clears first, and on cooling the two tubes a heavy precipitate is obtained in the case of the bile-salts only, and scarcely any Precepts in the solu- tion containing lecithin in addition. Oleic acid has the following solubilities :—Distilled water less than 0-1 per cent.; bile-salt solution, 0°5 per cent.; bile-salt plus lecithin solution, 4 per cent.* Palmitic acid, in distilled water, less than 0-1 per cent.; in bile-salt solution, 0:1 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin solution, 0°6 per cent. Stearic acid, in distilled water, less than 0-1 per cent. ; in bile-salt solution, less than 0-1 per cent.; in bile-salt plus lecithin solution, 0-2 per cent. 2. SopiuM Soaps.—The mixed sodium soaps of beef suet, tested by the supersaturation method, yield to distilled water 2:23 per cent., and to ox bile (sp. gr. 1027) 3°69 per cent. The solubilities in the other solvents of the mixed soaps was not determined, because the constituents, for the reasons assigned above, are not taken up in pro- portionate quantities, and hence the figures have little value as quanti- tative results. The above figures consequently give merely the maximum uptake of * The bile-salt solutions employed invariably contained 5 per cent. of the mixed bile-salts of ox bile, and the bile salt plus lecithin solutions 1 per cent. of lecithin in addition. VOL. LXVIII. G ee, Messrs. B. Moore and W. H. Parker. soaps by bile from such a naturally occurring mixture, and do not mean that a mixture of soaps of unaltered composition is taken up ‘to the extent indicated. Of much more importance physiologically than the increase in amount of soap taken up, due to the presence of the bile salts, is the obvious physical change in character of the solution. After filtration in each case from the excess of undissolved soap, a difference is observ- able even at body temperature between the two solutions. The solu- tion of slightly over 2 per cent. of soaps in distilled water is opalescent like a starch or dilute glycogen solution, while that of over 3 per cent. of the same soaps in bile is limpid and clear. On allowing the two solutions to cool to the temperature of the room, the physical differ- ences become much more marked, for the more dilute distilled water solution sets into a stiff jelly so that the containing flask can be turned upside down without causing any alteration in the shape of the jelly, while the solution in bile remains quite limpid, and only a small part of the dissolved soaps passes out of solution as a finely granular precipi- tate. ‘The formation of a jelly on cooling, in the case of the distilled water solution only, is not due to the fact that a, larger quantity of — soaps passes out of solution here on cooling; for no matter at what temperature higher than that of the body bile be saturated with the mixture of soaps, and hence no matter how much soap passes out of solution on cooling, it never forms a jelly, but always a precipitate and a clear supernatant fluid. Now the formation of a viscid solution and ultimately of a jelly is one of the general properties of colloidal solutions, and hence the above-described experimental difference in behaviour probably indi- cates that soaps in solution in distilled water are in a more colloidal condition, and accordingly in a less diffusible and absorbable condition, than when dissolved in the presence of bile-salts. Sodiwm oleate has the following solubilities—in distilled water, 5-0 per cent.; in bile-salt solution, 7°6 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin solu- tion, 11°6 per cent. Sodium palnutate, in distilled water, 0°2 per cent.; in bile-salt solu- tion, 1:0 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin solution, 2-4 per cent. Sodiwm stearate, in distilled water, 0-1 per cent. ; in bile-salt solution, 0-2 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin, 0-7 per cent. 3. CALCIUM AND Macnestum Soaps.—The usual statement that the ‘insoluble soaps” of calcium and magnesium are soluble in bile receives considerable modification when tested quantitatively, for the experiment shows that these soaps are only very sparingly soluble in bile. Neither the mixed calcium or magnesium soaps derived from beef suet nor their constituent salts, viz., the respective oleates, palmi- tates, or stearates, are at all soluble in distilled water, that is to say, the solubility in each case lies much below 0:1 per cent., which we On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent. 3) have taken as the lowest practicable limit in making our determina- tions. The solubility of the mixed calcium or magnesium soaps in bile is difficult to accurately determine on account of the undissolved resi- due of palmitate and stearate left behind. When even as little as 0-1 per cent. of either mixture is added to ox bile a residue is obtained. The magnesium soaps are somewhat more soluble than the calcium soaps, but in both cases the solubility is very low. In the case of the mixed calcium soaps, apparently none is taken up into the solution after 0°2 per cent. has been added; and in the case of the mixed magnesium soaps the same result is attained after the addition of about 0-4 per cent. Similar results are obtained in the case of the mixed soaps with bile-salt solution alone, and with bile-salt plus lecithin. A bile-salt solution (5 per cent.) ceases to dissolve more when 0:1 per cent. of mixed calcium soaps has been added or 0:2 per cent. of mixed magnesium soaps ; and the figures are almost doubled when 1 per cent. of lecithin is dissolved in addition in the bile-salt solu- tion used. When the solubilities of the separated soaps in bile-salt, or in bile- salt plus lecithin, solutions are tested, it is found that the solubilities are only considerable in the case of the oleates ; and here again it is seen that the magnesium salts are more soluble than the calcium salts. Calcium oleate, in bile-salt solution, 0‘2 per cent.; in bile-salt plus lecithin solution, 1:4 per cent. Calcium palnutate, in bile-salt solution, less than 0°1 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin solution, 0-9 per cent. Calcium stearate, in bile-salt solution, less than 0:1 per cent. ; in bile salt plus lecithin solution, 0°4 per cent. Magnesium oleate, in. bile-salt solution, 3°2 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin, 8°2 per cent. Magnesium palmitate, in bile-salt sélviiont 0-2 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin, 1:2 per cent. Magnesium stearate, in bile-salt solution, less than 0-1 per cent. ; in bile-salt plus lecithin solution, 1-0 per cent. The physiological importance of the solubilities of the calcium and magnesium soaps in bile has, in our opinion, been much overrated. Although the figures above given show that the solubilities of the mixed soaps of calcium or magnesium are very low, and hence that the usual statement that these bodies are soluble must be modified, a point of more physiological import is that the percentage of such soaps formed in the intestine during digestion of fat must be very small under normal condition, and hence their solution by the bile is of no great physiological moment. Such solubilities as are quoted above, low though they be, are in any case more than sufficient to account for the absorption of such minimal amounts of calcium or magnesium soaps as may be formed during fat digestion. G 2 7A. Messrs. B. Moore and W. H. Parker. 4. LecrrHin.—The power which aqueous solutions of _bile-salts possess of taking up a large quantity of lecithin into clear solution at , body temperature is very interesting from the point of view of the re- " absorption of the bile-salts, as is also the fact that in presence of lecithin the solvent power is greatly increased for other fatty sub- stances, such as the tree fatty acids and soaps, as is shown by the fore- going figures. Pure lecithin is practically msoluble in water, the addition of as little as 0-1 per cent. causes an opalescence, and further additions give rise, as is well known, to a kind of emulsion. But when lecithin is added to a 5 per cent. solution of bile-salts,* the appearances observed are quite different. The lecithin dissolves to a clear brown-coloured solution, and the amount taken up is surprising ; thus a 5 per cent. solution takes up no less than 7 per cent. of lecithin at a temperature of 37° C. On cool- ing, part of the lecithin is thrown out of solution as a finely suspended _ precipitate or emulsion, which glistens with a silky lustre when the test-tube containing it is shaken so as to set the fluid in motion. At ordinary room temperatures of 15° to 20° C., a considerable amount of lecithin, 4 to 5 per cent., is, however, still retained in solution. The power of lecithin in increasing the solubilities of the fatty acids and soaps, explains in great part why lower solubilities are obtained in experimenting with pure bile-salt solutions, than with bile. The lecithin naturally occurring in bile thus increases the solvent power of that fluid in the intestine for fatty acids and soaps. 5. CHOLESTEARIN.—After the high solubility obtained for lecithin, we were much surprised at the excessively low solubility obtained for cholestearin, and proceeded as above described to make preparations of pure cholestearin from several different sources. The experimental results obtained were however uniform; in all cases it was found that while cholestearin is appreciably more soluble in bile-salt solutions than in water, in which it appears to be absolutely insoluble, yet the degree of solubility is very low. Thus, in several experiments with ox bile, we were unable to dissolve 0:1 per cent. of cholestearin additional, and as far as we could judge most samples of bile are practically saturated with cholestearin, A 5 per cent. solution of bile-salts dissolves about 0-1 per cent. of cholestearin, and the amount is not very appreciably increased by the simultaneous presence of lecithin ; at any rate, the amount dissolved by 5 per cent. of bile-salts p/us 1 per cent. of lecithin does not exceed 0°15 per cent. This exceedingly low solubility of cholestearin in bile furnishes an interesting experimental explanation of a well-known clinical fact, * The same results are obtained when lecithin is added to bile; thus a sample of ox bile dissolved 6 per cent. at 36°C. This shows that bile is not nearly saturated with lecithin under normal conditions of its secretion, On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent, 79 viz., that gallstones so often consist of almost pure cholestearin. On account of the low solubility of cholestearin, the bile (the excretory agent for this substance) must, even under normal conditions, be almost saturated with it. Hence anything which either diminishes the amount of bile-salts in circulation or increases the amount of cholestearin in the circulation, such, for example, as increased metabolic changes in the nervous tissues, may cause a supersaturation of the bile with cholestearin, and a deposition of that substance. Such a deposition would occur most commonly in the gall bladder where the supersaturated bile is stored for a time, and where absorption of water and probably of bile-salts also occurs, lowering the solvent power of the contained bile. When precipitation from solution does take place, as is well known under such conditions, the deposition will occur most readily around any nidus of foreign material, such as an epithelial cell. In such conditions, it is obviously the supersaturation of the bile with cholestearin which is the primary predisposing factor to yvallstone formation, and not the presence of the epithelial cell. When a stone is once started, like a crystal already formed in a solution, its surface 1s a favourable situation for continued deposit, and so the stone continues to increase in size. The ringed appearance of the cross-section is probably due to alternations in the rapidity of growth, the bile being more satu- rated with cholestearin at some periods than at others. Lecithin and the other constituents of the bile, with the exception of the bile pigments, being very soluble are not represented in the composition of gallstones. CONCLUSIONS. 1. Bile has a dual function as a solvent’: (a) it acts as a solvent for lecithin and cholestearin, and hence aids in the excretion of those otherwise insoluble bodies by the liver cells, and in their carriage to the intestine ; (0) it acts as a soivent in the intestine for both free fatty acids and soaps, conferring their entire solubility on the former, and largely increasing the solubility of the latter. 2. These solvent properties of the bile are chiefly due to the bile salts ; but in the case of the fatty acids and soaps the amount dissolved is greatly increased by the simultaneous presence of lecithin. 3. ‘These solvent actions of the bile salts explain the utility of the reabsorption of the bile-salts and their circulation through the liver, so that they may be used over and over again as solvent agents. In absorp- tion, the bile salts carry the soaps of fatty acids into the columnar cells ; in the liver, they are absorbed by the liver cells, carry the excretory lecithin and cholestearin with them, and are passed into the bile canali- culi holding these substances in solution ; in the bile, the lecithin and cholestearin are carried in solution to the intestine; and in the in- testine, the soaps and fatty acids are dissolved and rendered capable of 76 On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent. being taken in along with the bile-salts by the columnar cells, while the lecithin and cholestearin which are incapable of absorption are precipitated as the bile-salts are absorbed. 4. Lecithin possesses'a high solubility in the bile, and cholestearin a very low solubility. ‘The low solubility of cholestearin furnishes an explanation of the fact that gallstones are composed almost entirely of this substance. 5. The sodium soaps possess only a low solubility in water, the palmi- tate and stearate being practically insoluble; but the solubility is increased by the presence of bile-salts, and especially in the presence of lecithin ; further, the character of the solution is different in the two cases, being less colloidal when in bile-salt solution. 6. Even in bile or bile-salt solution the calcium and magnesium soaps have a low solubility, but of the two the magnesium soaps are the more soluble. 7. These results cast some light on the relative functions of the pan- creatic juice and bile in fat digestion and absorption. The enzyme of the pancreatic juice splits up the neutral fats, forming free fatty acids, which are largely converted into soaps by the alkali present ; while the bile gives solubility to the fatty acids and soaps so produced. Now it is well known that the fat-absorbing power is impaired but not com- pletely destroyed by the absence of either one secretion, but is practically lost when both secretions are absent. These facts can probably be best explained as follows:—(a) In the absence of the pancreatic ferment, since the bile has no action upon neutral fats, and these are insoluble, only that portion can be absorbed which is free in the fat when ingested, or is set free in the stomach, or by bacterial action in the intestine. Since bacterial action is at a minimum in the small intestine, the fat in great part is not set free until the large intestine is reached, when the bile salts have all been reabsorbed, and hence cannot assist in solution. Accordingly, in the absence of the pancreatic secretion, a large percentage of the fat appears as fatty acids in the feces. (b) In the absence of the bile, although the fat is decomposed high up in the intestine and converted into fatty acids and soaps, the absorption is slow because the solvent action of the bile is wanting, and hence only a fraction is absorbed, and the remainder passes on chiefly as fatty acid to be thrown out in the feces. When both pancreatic secretion and bile are absent, in the first place only a small amount is decomposed in the small intestine, and in the second place there is nothing to confer solubility on this small portion, with the result that absorption falls almost to zero. ae aoe Application of the Kinetic Theory of Gases. Oa “On the Application of the Kinetic Theory of Gases to the Electric, Maenetic, and Optical Properties of Diatomic Gases.” By GrorGE W. WALKER, B.A., A.R.C.Se., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Sir Isaac Newton Research Student. Communicated by Professor RUckER, Sec. B.S. Received January 23,—Read February 14, 1901. (Abstract.) The aim of this paper is to apply the method of “The Boltzmann- Maxwell Kinetic Theory of Gases” to the electric, magnetic, and optical properties of gases. For the sake of simplicity the molecule is supposed to consist of two atoms, so that the results apply to gases such as Hydrogen or Oxygen. Several of the results indicate, however, qualitatively what we might expect for more complex molecules. One of the atoms is supposed to have a positive electric charge and the other an equal. negative charge, and the force in play between the two atoms is taken as the ordinary electrostatic force. It is contended that the molecules may be classified into three types—(1) that in which the two atoms rotate in contact ; (2) that in which the two atoms revolve in elliptic orbits about their C.G., but not in contact; (3) that in which the two atoms move in hyperbolic orbits for the short time during which they influence each other appreciably. They may thus be regarded as practically free. The first portion of the paper is concerned with calculations respect- ing the relative proportions of these three sets; and although a quite complete solution is not obtained, the results indicate certain important features, and may prepare the way for a more complete investigation. _ It is next shown that such a system will exhibit magnetic properties, and the coefficient of magnetic susceptibility is calculated. The formula obtained shows a close agreement with Professor Quincke’s experiments on this question. ! The system will also exhibit electrical properties. The dielectric constant is calculated. The formula differs essentially from other theories of electric susceptibility, ¢.g., Boltzmann’s, in the important dependence on temperature. A note at the end of the paper, giving some recent experimental results by Herr Karl Baedecker, shows how closely the theory agrees with his experimental observations of the temperature efiect. The electrical conductivity is calculated as depending on the number of free atoms present. Reference is also made to a paper by the author, communicated to the Physical Society of London, in which it is shown how the formation of striz in a vacuum tube may be accounted for. 78 Proceedings and Inst of Papers read. The optical properties are next considered, and the amount of refraction produced by free atoms and molecules calculated. ‘The calcula- tions on the free atoms are of interest, inasmuch as it is shown that they accelerate the velocity with which waves are transmitted. With regard to the molecules, it is shown that the optical control may be regarded as due to o*, the mean value of w? for the molecules, where w is the angular velocity of rotation of the two atoms about their common C.G. Dispersion is also accounted for, and depends essentially on the distribution law of velocities. ‘The effects of radiation from the molecules are also considered in the course of the work. The rate of rotation of the plane of polarisation in a magnetic field is also calculated, and the sign of the rotation shown to depend on which atom has the larger mass. If the masses are equal no rotation is pro- duced. The work borders in some ways with Professor W. Voigt’s investigations. The formulz obtained are applied to the case of oxygen to obtain estimates of e/m, and ¢/im, e being the charge and 1m and m2 the masses of the two atoms. An estimate of o, and hence of 279, the sum of the radii of the two atoms, is also obtained. The value of e/m, agrees closely numerically with this ratio obtained from electrolytic considerations, while the value of e/ms agrees closely with the value obtained from considerations of the Leeman effect. February 21, 1901, Sir WILLIAM HUGGINS, K.C.B., D.C.L., President, followed by The LORD LISTER, F.R.C.S., D.C.L., Vice-President, in the Chair. A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them. The following Papers were read :— I. “An Attempt to Estimate the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method.” By Dr. A. D. WALLER, F.R.S. II. “On a New Manometer, and on the Law ot the Pressure of Gases between 1:5 and 0:01 Millimetres of Mercury.” By Lorp RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. III. “ An Investigation of the Spectra of Flames resulting from Operations in the Openshearth and ‘Basic’ Bessemer Pro- cesses.” By Professor W. N. Hartvey, F.R.S., and HucH RAMAGE. : An Attempt to Estimate the Vitality of Seeds. (3s) IV. “ The Mineral Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sources.” By Professor W. N. HARTLEy, F.R.S., and HucH RAMAGE. Y. “Notes on the Spark Spectra of Silicon as rendered by Silicates.” By Professor W. N. Hart ey, F.R.S. VI. “On the Conductivity of Gases under the Becquerel Rays.” By the Hon. R. J. Strutt, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Communicated by LorD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. “An Attempt to Estimate the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method.” By Aucustus D. WALLER, M.D., F.R.S. Received January 28,—Read February 21, 1901. The present observations form part of an extensive series of experi- ments by which I am engaged in verifying whether or no “blaze currents ”* may be utilised as a sign and measure of vitality. An inquiry of this scope necessitates superficial examination of many varieties of animal and vegetable matter, and the closer study of certain favourable test-cases. I have selected as such a test-case, the “vitality ” of seeds, and have chosen for my purpose beans (Phaseolus) which are anatomically con- venient and practically easy to obtain of known age. : But before entering upon the results in this particular test-case, I think it advisable to preface those results by a brief indication of the principle involved in all such experiments. The method of investigation is similar to that adopted in the case of the frog’s eyeball,* the complications of the principle and a tentative explanation of such complications is reserved for future discussion in a@ more comprehensive memoir. By “blaze current” (the term which I was led to adopt by the study of retinal effects) | mean to denote the galvanometrical token of an explosive change locally excited in living matter. An unequivocal blaze eurrent electrically excited is in the same direction as the exciting eurrent, 7.¢., it cannot be a polarisation counter-current. (An equivocal blaze current, in the contrary direction to the exciting current, 7.¢., not at first sight distinguishable from a polarisation counter-effect, also exists, but is not taken into consideration in this communication.) * A.D. W.—“ On the ‘Blaze Currents’ of the Frog’s Eyeball,” ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 67, p. 489, and ‘ Phil. Trans.,’ 1901. Although the theoretical explanation of these currents is not now in question, it may here be remarked that the unequivocal or homodrome blaze current is probably of local post-anodic origin (the previously anodic spot being now strongly electro-positive to the previously kathodic spot), while the equivocal or hetero- drome blaze current is probably of !ocal post-kathodic origin (the previously kathodic spot being now strongly electro-positive to the previously anodic spot). 80 Dr. A. D. Waller. An Attempt to Estimate The presence of an unequivocal or homodrome blaze current is in my experience proof positive that the object under examination is. alive. Absence of the effect is strong presumptive evidence that the object is “dead,” or rather not-living. It may be in that paradoxical state of immobility which we characterise as latent life, and which we may not characterise as the living state, masmuch as no sign of life is manifested, nor as dead, inasmuch as the living state can be resumed. An object in this dormant state exhibits no “blaze current” or other sign of life. And although it has capacity of life, and cannot therefore: be classed in the category of “dead” things, it is not actually living, and must therefore logically be classed in the more extensive category of not-living things. Limiting ourselves to the unequivocal blaze current as the criterion between the living and not-living states, we may formulate the follow- ing practical rule for a summary interrogation of any given object :— If the after-currents aroused by single induced currents of both directions are in the same direction, the object uwestigated is alive. Practically, by reason of the fact that most objects of experiment are not physiologically homogeneous, this rule finds frequent applica- tion, inasmuch, as there is a favourable and an unfavourable direction of response, which occurs in the former direction, whether the excitation happen to be in the former or in the latter (¢.g., electrical organs, eye- ball, skin, injured tissues animal and vegetable). In the case of objects that are physiologically homogeneous or nearly so, the after-currents to both directions of exciting current may be homodrome, 7.¢., of the nature of unequivocal blaze currents. In such case it generally happens that the two opposite reactions are more or less unequal, by reason of imperfect physiological homogeneity of the mass of matter under investigation. It rarely happens that the physiological homogeneity is such that the two unequivocal blaze currents are quite equal and opposite. So that the diagnosis of any suitable object as to its state of life or not-life rests upon the three following types of response :— 1. Both after-currents aroused by single induction shocks (or by condenser discharges) of both directions are homodrome to the exciting currents. From which it is to be inferred that the object is living. 2. Both after-currents are in the same direction. The object is living. 3. Both after-currents are in the polarisation direction. The object is not-living. | Direction of exciting current os at aa SS Direction of after-current (1) <———— eas ee ” ” (2)% < mare Soa ae és i (2)8 on peauee eS ” ” (3) Ta PERT hie Fas a) the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method: ea The three cases are indicated*as above, and it should be stated that - in addition to the test of direction, electromotive force (which on my plan of investigation can always be approximately ascertained) serves to make the diagnosis easy in the great majority of instances. The electromotive value in the case of an ordinary blaze current greatly exceeds that of an ordinary polarisation-current (¢.g., the former on vigorous seeds may reach 0°1 volt, while on the same seeds the polarisation-current similarly observed, was between 0:0005 and 0-001 volt). It is only in the case of weak or moribund seeds that there is any room for uncertainty in the answer, by reason of a weak blaze current in conflict with the weak polarisation-current. But the vitality of such seeds, although we may be unable to assert that it has fallen to the zero level, is insufficient for germination, and as tested in the incubator at 25° such seeds have to be registered as dead. The principal points of the preceding statements may be illustrated by the following experiment, which I give as being typical; the expressions “positive” and “negative” signify that the currents respectively pass upwards from B to A, or downwards from A to B, through the seed. Typical Haperiment.—A. freshly shelled out and unbruised bean set up laterally* between unpolarisable electrodes gives— 1. Blaze current in the positive direction in response to an induc- * T have given this typical experiment only to represent main facts without details concerning differences according to strength of excitation, interval between successive excitations, temporary abolition by excessive excitation, recovery of capccity for reponse after injury, &c., &c. These and other points will be dealt with in a more detailed and comprehensive account of the phenomena. It should, however, be remarked at this stage that the lateral position of a bean, so that an exciting current traverses both cotyledons normally, is chosen as being the least asymmetrical and by reason of the situation of the embryo less liable to involve physiological inequality than a longitudinal disposition. The comparison of effects on the embryo proper and on the detached cotyledons shows that although all parts of the seed give the blaze effect, the latter is greater in the embryo than in the cotyledons at the outset of germination, and that in an abortive germination it disappears from the embryo sooner than from the cotyledons; e¢.g.— Cot. 1. Radicle. Cot. 2. 0 -0050 0 -0625 0 -0020 nil 0 -0180 0:0015 0 -0060 0 0170 0 0040 The plumule gave generally a smaller effect than the corresponding radicle. The peeled-off testa gave no blaze whatever, and was evidently dead; its polarisation counter-currents were relatively considerable. For these and other reasons I prefer to test the isolated radicle rather than the entire seed. 82 Dr. A. D. Waller. An Attempt to Estimate Haigs aL’ Positive Negative Positive Negative Compensator ie | abe Galvanomeler af Ue Ezxccitor Examination To a keyboard having four plugs and plug-holes 1, 2, 3, 4 are connected— 1. A compensator to balance any accidental current in circuit and to measure E.M.F. of reaction. . An induction coil to supply the stimulus, preferably a single break shock, the make being cut out. 3. The object under examination. 4, A galvanometer. bo The procedure is as follows :— With 3 and 4 unplugged any current that may be present in the object is shown by the galvanometer. Such current is balanced by manipulation of the com- pensator unplugged at 1. When exact compensation is obtained the galvanometer can be plugged and unplugged at 4 without any deflection from zero. With the galvanometer plugged at 4 a single induction shock is now sent through the object (with 1, 2, and 3 unplugged). Immediately afterwards the galvanometer is unplugged, and the deflection (caused by the after-current) is noted. The E.M.F. causing it is approximately estimated by comparison with the deflection by a known E.M.F. from the compensator. tion shock in the positive direction; and in the negative direction in response to an induction shock in the negative direction. 2. The same bean after removal of a horizontal slice from its under the Vitality of Sceds by an Electrical Method. 83 surface B (giving therefore current of injury of positive direction) gives blaze currents in the negative direction in response to an induc- tion shock in the positive direction (= an equivocal blaze in the polarisation direction) and to an induction shock in the negative direc- tion (= an unequivocal blaze in the homodrome direction). If the bean is horizontally sliced at the upper surface A instead of at the lower surface B, the current of injury is negative and the blaze currents positive in response to both directions of excitation. 3. A boiled bean gives no blaze currents in either direction but only small polarisation counter-currents, in the positive direction after a negative current and in the negative direction after a positive current. The next obvious point to be tested is the effect of anesthetics upon the response. The results depend upon strength of excitation employed, and duration of anesthetisation. Ccteris paribus, the strong effect of a strong stimulus is far more refractory to the action of an anesthetic than the smaller effect of a weaker stimulus, and in the former case the suppression is apt to be incomplete, or when complete to be definitive. To obtain temporary suppression it is necessary to choose a sufficient but not too strong exciting current, and to anzsthe- tise by ether rather than by chloroform. In a preceding paragraph it has been mentioned that afresh vigorous seed gives a large blaze current, whereas a stale or moribund seed gives little or no response. The next step was obviously to compare similar seeds submitted to various enfeebling modifications, as well as different crops of similar seeds, the electrical tests being controlled by parallel germination tests. The first and most readily effected comparison is that between the reactions of fresh seeds and of the same seeds killed by boiling. The result of this comparison is unmistakable and invariable. Fresh seeds, giving unequivocal blaze currents with an E.M.F. of 0°01 to 0°10 volt, give no blaze currents whatever after they have been boiled, but only polarisation counter-current with an E.M.F. of 0:0005 to 0:0020 volt. The seeds upon which I have made this test have been legununous seeds, such as shelled beans and peas boiled in water, and the kernels of stoned fruits such as cherries, plums, and peaches boiled in their protected state.* * The reaction is abolished at a temperature considerably below that of boiling water; e.g., at a temperature of between 40° and 50° of a warm moist chamber. Miss 8. ©. M. Sowton has carefully investigated this point and that relating to the effect of anesthetics, by aid of photographic records, which are in fact indispens- able in connection with these two points. It is also abolished by congelation (at — 3° to —5°), which causes a sudden large electromotive effect at this point. On recovery of normal temperature no blaze can be obtained, and on recongelation there is no electromotive effect at the critical temperature. 34 Dr. A. D. Waller. An Attempt to Estimate My attention at this early stage of the inquiry has been chiefly directed to the deterioration of seeds with age and to the comparison inter se of sets of seeds of certificated years by means of. the germina- tion test and of the’blaze test used quantitatively. I selected beans as being of suitable bulk and readily obtainable, and I have to thank Messrs. Sutton for supplying me with many different samples of known dates. After a considerable number of trials upon entire seeds variously orientated between the electrodes, soaked in water of various temperatures for various periods, and upon the several isolated parts of seeds, I fixed upon the following procedure as con- veniently yielding series of numerical results comparable inter se. The “dry” beans are first soaked in water for twelve hours in an incubator adjusted at 25° C., then laid upon moist flannel and replaced in the incubator for examination during the next day. Hach bean was then peeled and split, and the radicle was carefully broken off and placed between the clay pads of the electrodes (fig. 1) so that the uninjured apex was In contact with the upper electrode A, and the fractured base with the lower electrode B. With this position we have a ‘‘nositive ” current of injury from B to A, and have to expect a “ nega- tive blaze” current from A to B in response to excitation. In order that the response shall be “ unequivocal,” the exciting current is taken of negative direction. To ensure maximal effect a strong current is taken, viz., a break induction shock at 10,000 units of Berne coil. And inasmuch as a current of such strength repeated for a second time shortly after a first trial produces little or no effect, and even when repeated after a considerable interval a much smaller effect than at its first application, it is necessary to take for the purpose of numerical comparison exclusively the values obtained at first trials. To this end it may be necessary to shunt the galvanometer to such an extent that the blaze effect to be expected from the first excitation shall give a deflection within the scale ; a second trial when the first trial has given a deflection off scale, is of no value whatever. By adoption of uniform conditions on these lines, comparisons may profitably be made between different series of results. But at this early stage of the inquiry, not knowing what conditions it might be advisable to select, I have been forced to vary them in tentative direc- tions, by variation of strength of excitation,* of length of soakage, and * To avoid exhaustion by strong currents, and to obtain a regularly repeated series of effects, I find that condenser discharges are more suitable than induc- tion shocks. The discharge of 1 microfarad charged by two Leclanché cells (= about 40 ergs) usually gives a convenient normal effect upon which to investigate the effects of temperature variations, and of anesthetic vapours. I also find it preferable to use the radicle some hours after it has been broken off, by which time its current of injury has subsided, and blaze curreuts are obtainable in both directions. the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method. 85 of interval between soakage and examination. ‘These departures from strict uniformity, while affording necessary information, restrict legiti- mate comparisons to data within each particular table ; comparisons from table to table may not be safely made. PTE, 3; B. CS A Photographic record of an unequivocal blaze current of the radicle of a bean (1900 crop). Excitation by a strong break induction shock in the A to B or negative direction. Homodrome response of 0°075 volt. With regard to the germination tests, they have been carried owt for the most part upon similar lots taken from the same parcels as those trom which other seeds were taken to be electrically tested as described above. This latter required each seed to be broken up and rendered unfit for germination. I think that the parallel pair of tests made upon twin lots of different individual seeds is nearly as conclusive as if both tests had been made upon the same individual seeds—vide, ¢.¢., Table I. Nevertheless, to meet the criticism that this proof is not conclusive, | have obtained three series of data in which the electrical and germination tests were carried out upon the same individual beans. In all three series 1 previously determined the coefficient of each intact seed by the blaze test ; the germination test was subsequently carried out in one series at Kew under the supervision of Sir W. Thiselton- Dyer (Table VII) ; in a second series at Chelsea under the supervision of Professor Farmer (Table VIII); and in the third series by myself in my own laboratory (Table IX). But I find it far less satisfactory to 86 Dr. A. D. Waller. An Attempt to Estimate make the electrical test upon an entire seed with unknown local bruises received during its fresh state or in course of preparation, than upon a previously protected portion of the seed with an obvious injured end, as in the case of the radicle freshly exposed by separation of the cotyle- dons, and nipped off at its base immediately* before an observation is made. Moreover, in the former case the current-density is smaller, the blaze effects are relatively less considerable, and the polarisation counter-effects relatively more considerable. And, finally, irregularities due to irregular distribution of watery are more liable to occur in the comparatively large mass of an entire seed than in the comparatively small mass of its removed radicle. Table I—Comparison between Radicles of Bean Embryos of the years 1860 and 1899. In each case the seeds were soaked in water at room temperature (15° to 18°) for 24 hours before experiment. N.B.—In these and all subsequent experiments the radicles were disposed as described in the text, with uninjured apex to electrode A and fractured base to electrode B (fig. 1). Excitation is by a single break induction shock of a Berne coil, fed by two Leclanché cells, 10,000 units, negative direction from A to B. The blaze current is in the same (negative) direction, 7.e., is unequivocal, The galvanometer was shunted to such an extent that ~1,th volt gave a deflec- tion of 4 cm. of scale. At this degree of sensitiveness polarisation currents are practically illegible. sta Seed. 1860. Seed. 1899. INO dl Dh cia. Saute 0 Nios Jl Thos. ks leva —0:0750 Nie 0 ci gio ot ee —0-0400 5.3 0 rom erie hoe ne —0-0700 a Se EN a 0 pele et Bea, —0-0600 5 0 COTE ee core —0-0350 RANG ene attrate As ce) Ro AG eRe hem ee —0 0350 soy 0 RONG Ph ant —0-0100 kiss 0 Oe SI Ae ee —0-0175 “sah RAC oe ah tr 0 Mian Sct Sacre ira —0-0200 mou Aa 0 ie} SONATE, —0-0075 Average blaze. . 0 se — 0 -03700 Germination .. O per cent. ae 100 per cent. * Or some hours previously (vide note on p. 84), although in such case the radicle has appeared to be more rapidly exhausted by repeated stimulation, + Beans soaked unequally (at the end of twenty-four hours) give blaze currents from more soaked to less soaked portions and not vice versd. A bean that is left for several days in water becomes water-logged and finally decomposes. Such a “drowned” bean will not germinate nor give any blaze whatever. A half- drowned bean gives blaze only towards the drowned (or more soaked) half. the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method. 87 1899 nei Seed. (after three days Seed. Ore sour WEES in water). soaking In water, | 7.é., rotting). INO RZ rs, eo — 00300 Ws INIOE. ble rere spare 0 2 WES eee —0 ‘0150 Wet coe lesan: : 0 4) (ZB Res eee —0-0200 | aS aes 3 amen Ra 0 De ris — 00200 Hee JERE: 0 PME Oder d ai'phy inh —0-0250 Ie yoh 3) BOMAatetaia ee 0 | 2 eran SOLOMON Relea BOscc vet. 0 BOE os © shaGis —0-0100 le eeypesehidechene Has 0 5) CASA eae —0°0250 I piles neice nec 0 yp! ROSE —0°0175 Heese Nore jvsc 0 AB OO) 5 ees ss —0 °0200 Heats Hole AO lpath aerators | 0 Average .. —0°01925 0 | Remarks.—The seeds of 1860 gave no blaze currents, nor any sign of germina- tion. All those of 1899 gave blaze currents and germinated vigorously. In con- sequence of prolonged immersion under water, other seeds of 1899 became water- logged, and finally gave no blaze current nor sign of germination. Four weeks is not a minimum time. I have found beans to be without excep- _ tion completely drowned at the end of 5 days’ immersion in water at 25°, and this period has probably not been a minimum. The shortest time of soakage after which I have observed the blaze has been one hour. Table I1—Comparison between Beans of the years 1895 to 1899. Forty-eight hours’ soakage at room temperature. Averages of 10 seeds of each year. Germination test not made. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. | a ——|5 Weight of 10 seeds—| grammes. Before soaking... 6 °2 5°8 ee or2 3°39 4°8 After soaking ....; 13°9 To eae ero iy Ord 10°5 Average blaze..| 0:°0014 | 00036 | 0°0043 | 0:0052 0°0170 | \ i Table III.—Do., do. Time of soakage not noted (? 36 hours). | October 15. | Average blaze ....| 0°0008 | | | } 0 -0027 0:0031 | 00035 | 0 0086 | | | Table IV.—Do., do., but a different series. Average blaze ....| 0°0030 0°0240 0 -0260 | | | | 0 °C028 | 0 0033 VOL. LXVIII. H 88 Dr. A. D. Waller. An Attempt to Estimate Table V.—Another series of three years (dates not known with certainty). 1896 ? 1897? | 1899. | _ Average of 10 observations— | @uventire seeds .1..00 7 O0GG2zr — 0°0014 (irregular) | On separated radicles..... |... 000077... |° 00028 0°0056 (regular) | Germination value ......... | 55 per cent. 75 per cent. 90 per cent. Table VI.—Beans (radicles only) of two years, 1895 and 1900. | 1895. 19006. 1900. Soaked for Soaked for Soaked for 3—+d hours. 3—5 hours. | I12hours. | = Average of 10 observations .. 0 °0016 0°0120 0-0510+ | irregular . Germination value .........| ae 100 per cent. 100 per cent. “ weak ”’ “strong” “strong” a a ——— - = ey Table VIJ.—Twelve Intact Beans of 1895, soaked in water at 24° for 12 hours, then laid on wet flannel in incubator for a further 12 hours at 24°, measured electrically on December 17, and for- warded to Kew for independent test by germination. I have to thank Sir W. Thiselton-Dyer for the account of their subsequent behaviour. Subsequent behaviour at Kew. | Blaze reactions. | = ~ | Date of germination. Condition. Bene: 4) we a. «6 0°0050 | December 28 Weak.t _ retieteiete ae 0 °0025 Failed 44 Es eolS) 0-0175 December 22 Strong. = eo ae ae 0 :0125 December 27 Moderate. | 3 Dasa 0 Failed Ap IS Sets Socio 0 -0100 | December 22 Strong. ) 35 a. Seki cr 0 | Feiled | a Seo ore ake 0°0100 i] December 25 | Strong. ) : aS Tas 3 | 0 Failed | | a LOWS Baa aiaet 0 0050 | December 31 Weak.t ) + AE Sire ate 0 *0100 December 24 Strong. ps dint, ake eas 0:0100 December 24 Strong. * The responses were small and irregular, and in the ease of the entire seeds the arithmetical mean of the series of 10 is of wrong—i.e., of polarisation— direction. The electrical resistance of all the radicles was tested and found to be within the limits of 100,000 and 200,000 ohms. + The average value obtained from 20 entire beans was 0 °0040. The maximum value observed on the radicles of 1900 was 0 1200. + Those marked weak are not likely to get beyond the cotyledon stage. the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method. 59 Table VIII. — Intact Beans of 1895 and of 1900, tested Electrically by Dr. Bullot, and subsequently forwarded to Professor Farmer at Chelsea for an independently Germination Test. | Electrical response. 1895. eo Cemel = _ Germination. | current. | Exe. +. Exe. —. INO Tes, 21) COOLS We SO ONE ieee O OO None. ee eh. | -0:0023 ; —0-0012 {| “-—0:0021 | ? Moe. | 2 0 O004 1 +0-0004 . | +0 -0008 i ay 2 ae -0°0014 | -—0-0002 | +0-00038 PRON: =0-0077 | «+= 0-0008 7) + 0 -0022 m oo eee .| —0-0022 "| —0:0001 - |’ +0-0002 ‘ eee ee) | 00030 | == 00002), | = +0 -0002 i Pewee as |, 0° 0009 ' | .+0:00388 |. =0-0045' | iB PEO eee |! —O°OLOO. «) ) +O-00LE o)) o+0°0070. | 3 eee Ote ae) 00020 + 0°0005 =(-0088 * | i 1900. | | JNO) ad 5) iis ee +0°0010 | +0°0125 —0 ‘0075 Yes. Pee ellie 21, ; +0 :0005 0 0 No. Meter eas)’ = O°0120 LO O0885 | 2OO020 > | Yes. Peete ||) == 070205 7) | 'O- 00138 +0°O0L00 | 3 hoe +0°0025 | —0-0010 —0:0125 i PG IE eats —0:0070 | —0-0010 +U:0046 | No. A ae, — 0 OU 9 = OOOO +0-0024 | Yes. BRS oe sais ho SOOO 4 BOOMs —0.0050 | No. IGN... — 0 -0067 +0°0012 | +0-0044 Yes. PEON ay esl) = OF0025,) 1... 0)-0008 +0 0003 No. With regard to the second series Professor Farmer remarks that he does not attach much value to it, since the seeds were kept cool at first and otherwise more might have germinated. Nos. 14 and 18, according to the blaze test, should have germinated, but did not do so. A seed giving blaze may fail to germinate, but I have as yet met with only one case of a seed giving no blaze, and subsequently germinating (No. 4 of Table X). * Nos. 6, 7, 12, and 20 had been previously boiled. HZ 90 Dr. A. D. Waller. An Attempt to Estumate Table [X.—Intact Beans of 1895 and of 1900 tested Electrically and subsequently by Germination Results. Electrical response. : | 1895. ioe sa ean : Germination. Exc. 10,000 +. Exc. 10,000 —. INO yc eo —0 -0009 _ —0:0010 | Noue. PRD ge he Mae + 00002 +0 0006 “, TOS 2 Bs Siar —0 0004. — 0 0003 2 ey eS 0 +0 ‘0010 . . eae —0 -0007 —0 0002 / . Clic: +0 0007 +0 -O015 . Oy + 0 +0 0008 | © | ete —0 -0008 —0-0010 | e Ole Laat ot cea —0 -0006 | +0 0003 s | sf TCG) pare ae 0 | +0 0014. i 1900. | iNOS, Jp Vaan ira +0 0054. —0 -0020 Yes. jo een eee +0 -0021 — 0 0030 s OE See iloeseutuee + 0 70032 | —0 0022 : " | RM Aires sc biane ce + 00042 | —0 :6015 | x | ey tee +0 -0025 —0-0010 2 Doe eer + 0 :0008 | —0 0042 if “An Tle Sat aaa —0 -0008 +0 0004 No. | 55 ee a +0 0004. —0 0006 | Yes. | Pong. + 00165 —0 0104. Hina | li) rs + 0 0025 —0-0015 ff | In my hands and in those of Professor Farmer the germination (in earth) of this 1895 sample was nil. The electrical response was throughout small and irregular. A further test of germination made on moist flannel in the incubator at 25° gave 40 per cent. as the pro- portion of seeds exhibiting any sign of activity. The second series of this table gave a very striking and satisfactory result. Of the ten seeds all but the seventh had given clear electrical signs. They were planted in two regular rows and left undisturbed in a greenhouse for one month. At the end of this time the box con- tained two rows of nine vigorous plants with a gap opposite the number 7. the Vitality of Sceds by an Electrical Method. oil Table X.—Beans of 1900 crop (Phaseolus?) soaked in water for 12 hours, then incubated for 12 hours. Tested electrically (+ Br. 10000) on January 28. Incubated on flannel and observed on January 31 and on February 4, when they were again tested electrically. January 28. January 31. February 4. | Oe Oe Bante. ela: | No. 1} > +0°0050 volt. Yes Large + 0°0124: i 0 No None —0°0002 EAS +0:0035__,, Yes Small —0:0023 anaes —0'0002 __,, No (App. Feb. 2) Mod. +0°0006 | Pee +0°0013 _,, Yes Mod. —0°0006 | Peat +-0'0050 _,, Yes Large | + 0°0050 es ih —0:0005_,, No None — 0°0002 eS —0O iat No None O eo |) = 0050)”, Yes Large SEOUL | eon = 400050) ,, Yes Large | + 0:0080 CONCLUSION. The physiological character of the blaze reaction is proved (1) by the influence of raised temperature; (2) by its general parallelism with germination tests; (3) by the influence of lowered temperature ; (4) by the influence of anesthetics ; (5) by the influence of strong electrical currents ; (6) by the absence of blaze and failure of germination in the case of water-logged seeds. In every instance a bean giving no blaze, gave subsequently no sign of germination. There has been throughout these first observations a general, but not faultless, correspondence, as regards magnitude, between the blaze reaction and the germinative activity. The correspondence is such as to make good the principal fact that the blaze reaction is a sign of life, and that its magnitude is some measure of what we designate as “vitality.” The defects of correspondence may have been due to irre- gularities in the results of the blaze test, or of the germination test, or of both tests. As regagds great differences of vitality, both tests are obviously and in every case concordant, both replying by an indubitable ‘ yes” or “no” to the question whether there is blaze and germination. As regards the lower degrees and the smaller differences of vitality, the chances of disagreement between the two tests are obviously greater. As regards the electrical test, it is more difficult to take the measure upon the entire seed than upon its isolated radicle. As regards the germination test, it is not always easy to ensure identical and optimum conditions. Fresh and vigorous seeds manifest a large blaze response (0°0500 volt or more), and germinate strongly. Older and less vigorous seeds mani- 92 Ona New Manometer and the Law of the Pressure of Gases. fest a smaller blaze (0-0100 volt or less), and a less active germination. Still older seeds, capable of germination under even the most favourable conditions, manifest still smaller blaze (0°0010 volt or less), and finally none at all, or the small counter-effect due to polarisation (0:0005 volt more or less). The series of communications, of which the present communication is the 12th, is as follows :— 1. “ On the Retinal Currents of the Frog’s Eye, Excited by Light and Excited Electrically,” ‘Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 66, p. 327, March 29, 1900; * Phil. Trans.,’ p. 123, 1900. 2. “ Action Electromotrice de la Substance Végétale consécutive & Excitation Lumineuse,’ ‘Comptes Rendus -de la Société de Biologie,’ p. 342, March 31, 1900. 3. “ The Electrical Effects of Light upon Green Leaves,” ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol, 67, p. 129, June 14, 1900. 4. “* Four Observations concerning the Electrical Effects of Light upon Green Leaves,” ‘ Physiol. Soc. Proc.,’ June 30, 1900. 5. “Le Dernier Signe de Vie,” ‘Comptes Rendus de |’Académie des Sciences,’ September 3, 1900. 6. “ On the Excitability of Nerve: its last Sign of Life,” ‘ Proceedings of the Neurological Society,’ October 25, 1900; ‘“‘ Brain,” p. 542. . “ The Eyeball as an Electrical Organ,” ‘ Physiol. Soc. Proc.,’ November 10, 1900. 8. “ On the ‘ Blaze Currents’ of the Frog’s Eyeball,” ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 67, ; p- 439, December 6, 1900; ‘ Phil. Trans.,’ 1901. | 9. “ The Frog’s Skin asan Electrical Organ,” ‘ Physiol. Soc. Proc.,’ December 8, 1900. 10. ** Action Electromotrice des Feuilles Vertes sous Influence des Lumiéres Rouge, Bleue et Verte,’ ‘Comptes Rendus de la Société de Biologie,’ December 22, 1900. 11. ‘ Le Premier Signe de Vie,’ ‘ Comptes Rendus de l Académie des Sciences,’ December 24, 1900. “On a New Manometer, and on the Law of the Pressure of Gases between 1:5 and 0:01 Millimetres of Mercury.” By Lorp RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. Received January 15,—lRead February 21, 1901. (Abstract. ) The new manometer, charged with mercury, is capable of measuring small pressures to an accuracy of 1/2000 mm. of mercury. This may be compared with the ordinary manometer, read with the aid of a cathetometer, which is capable, according to Amagat, of an accuracy of 1/100 mm. at most. With this instrument the behaviour of nitrogen, hydrogen, and An Investigation of the Spectra of Bessemer Lames. 93 oxygen gases between the pressures mentioned has been investigated. The results confirm the applicability of Boyle’s law. In the case of oxygen nothing has been seen of the anomalies encountered by Bohr, especially in the neighbourhood of a pressure of 0°7 ram. “ An Investigation of the Spectra of Flames resulting from Opera- tions in the Open-hearth and ‘ Basic’ Bessemer Processes.” By W. N. Hartuey, F.R.S., Royal College of Science, Dublin, and HucH RamaGeE, A:R.C.Se.L, St. John’s College, Cam- bridge. Received November 15, 1900,—Read February 21, TL 0: eae (Abstract.) Three papers on ‘‘Flame Spectra,” by one of the authors, were published in the ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ for 1894. Parts I and II, ‘‘Flame Spectra at High Temperatures,” and Part III, “The Spectroscopic Phenomena and Thermochemistry of the Bessemer Process.” The results in the last of these papers had reference to the phenomena observed in the flames of the “acid” Bessemer process; the present paper deals mainly with an investigation of the Thomas-Gilchrist or ‘‘ basic ” process. The Cleveland district of Yorkshire was chosen as the ‘principal centre; owing to the interest taken in the work by Mr. Arthur Cooper, Past President of the Iron and Steel Institute, and in con- sequence of the courtesy and attention shown us, the North Eastern Steel Company’s works at Middlesbrough were selected. It was found necessary at the outset to have three observers at work simultaneously, and the authors were voluntarily and ably assisted by Mr. E. V. Clark, A.R.S.M. Photographs of the plant and the flames, at different periods of the blow, were secured by means of a small Anschiitz camera and Goertz lens; eye observations were made with a small direct-vision spectroscope ; photographs of spectra were taken with the spectrograph described in ‘ Philosophical Transactions,’ A, vol. 185, p. 1047, and the times of the exposures, &c., were observed and recorded in a note-book. This work was not accomplished with- out some difficulty, which was occasioned by the large quantity of lime dust blown into the air. The spectroscopic results were quite different from those previously obtained, as the continuous spectrum was much stronger. Many lines and bands new to the Bessemer flame spectra have been observed in addition to the spectra of the common alkali metals, iron, and manganese. Thus rubidium, cesium, calcium, copper, silver, and — gallium have been identified. The crude iron, the ores, limestone, 94 Prof. W. N. Hartley and Mr. H. Ramage. lime, slags, flue dust, and the finished steel have all been analysed, and their constituent elements have been traced all through the process of manufacture. While no indication was obtained of the amount of phosphorus in the metal during the process of “ blowing,” some insight into the chemistry of the process has been obtained. The greatest interest, however, is attached to the knowledge it has given us of flame spectra under variations of temperature, and of the wide distribution of many of the rarer elements in minute proportions in ores and common minerals.* Comparison of Spectra from Open-hearth and Cupola Furnaces. Early in 1895, by kind permission of Mr. F. W. Webb, the flame over the hearth of a Siemens’ open hearth steel furnace in Crewe works was examined spectroscopically, but no lines of metals except sodium were detected. The continuous spectrum of the light emitted by the walls was very strong, and extended to wave-length 3470. Observations were also made at this time on the spectra of the flame above the charge in a cupola. While the blast was turned on the flame was bluish, and lines of sodium, lithium, and potassium were observed. When the blast was stopped, the flame became smaller and whiter, and the lines of the above elements became stronger; the ends of the two strongest bands of manganese were also seen. Description of the * Blow” and Over Blow” in the Basic Bessemer Process. The converter is first charged with about two tons of lime in lumps, and then with twelve tons of fluid “mixer metal,” a mixture of metal coming direct from the blast furnace, and molten pig iron from the cupolas. The blast is turned on and the vessel rotated into a nearly vertical position. The “blow” may be divided into three stages. The first stage ends when the flame drops, indicating that the carbon has been burnt. The second stage ends when the vessel is turned down for a sample of metal to be taken out and the slag poured off. More lime is then added and the blow is continued for a few seconds longer to complete the removal of the phosphorus; this forms the third stage. The average duration of the first stage was twelve minutes and twenty seconds, and of the second stage, five and a half minutes. The blow began with the expulsion of a large quantity of lime dust, which hid everything from view for a minute or two and covered * “Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol, 60, pp. 35 and 393; ‘Chem. Sce. Trans.,’ 1897, pp. 533 and 547, An Investigation of the Spectra of Bessemer Flames. 99 the instruments and observers. A flame was visible at the mouth of the converter as soon as the cloud of dust had cleared away ; this had a yellow or yellowish-red colour. The flame grew rapidly in length and remained clear as in the “acid” process, until it dropped and the second stage began. In this stage the flame was very short, and a large quantity of fume was expelled from the vessel; the flame grew longer and the quantity of fume increased as the “ blow” proceeded. Twenty-six plates of spectra were photographed; some of these were very sharp and gave a complete record of substances present in the flame at intervals of one minute throughout the blow. Care- ful measurements of the best spectra have been made, and the wave- lengths of the lines and bands recorded. The others, not measured in detail, have been compared with these, but no lnes or bands occur in them which do not also occur in the best plates. A plate of spectra was usually taken by giving the same time of exposure to each spectrum of the series until the flame dropped ; two further exposures were then made on the flame of the over-blow. The spectra increase in intensity as the blow proceeds in the first stage, and this can only result from a corresponding increase in the temperature of the bath of metal and of the flame. Much detail was lost in many of the spectra, by the interference of the light reflected from a large quantity of white dust and smoke in the air in the neighbourhood of the converters. ‘The converter nearest the observers was the only one of the four from which delicate detail was obtainable, and this was only secured by working in the evening when the sun was very low, or after it had set. Considerable difficulty was experienced in the identification of some of the lines and bands. This was due partly to the comparatively small dispersion in the less refrangible portion of the green and red rays, by which lines and the sharp edges of bands were almost indistinguish- able on the strong continuous spectrum. In other cases, lines were present which had not been observed in flame spectra before, some due to uncommon elements, and others were relatively much stronger than a study of the oxyhydrogen flame and other spectra of the same metals led us to expect. Conclusions. (1.) Line spectra ure not observed in the open-hearth furnace. This is attributed mainly to the fact that the atmosphere of the furnace is oxidising, and under these conditions, as Gouy has shown,* only sodium gives a spectrum approaching in intensity that which it gives in a reducing flame. The D lines were observed by eye observation, but did not appear on the photographs. © * “Phil. Mag., vol. 2, 1877, p. 156. 96 An Investigation of the Spectra of Bessemer Flames. — (2.) The phenomena of the “basic” Bessemer blow differ considerably From those of the acid” process. First, a flame is visible from the commencement of blowing, or as soon as the cloud of lime dust has dispersed. We conclude that the immediate production of this flame is caused by carbonaceous matter in the lining of the vessel, that its luminosity is due partly to the volatilisation of the alkalies, and to the incandescence of lime dust carried out by the blast. , Secondly, volatilisation of metal occurs largely at an early period in the blow, and is due to the difference in composition of the metal blown, chiefly to the smaller quantity of silicon. There is practically no distinct period when silicious slags are formed in the “basic” process, and metals are volatilised readily in the reducing atmosphere, rich in carbon monoxide. Thirdly, a very large amount of fume is formed towards the close of the second period. This’ arises from the oxidation of metal and of phosphorus in the iron phosphide being productive of a bigh tempera-~ ture, but little or no carbon remaining. The flame is comparatively short, and the metallic vapours carried up are burnt by the blast. Fourthly, the “over-blow” is characterised by a very powerful illumination from what appears to be a brillant yellow flame: a dense fume is produced at this time composed of oxidised metallic vapours, chiefly iron. These particles are undoubtedly of very minute dimen- sions, as is proved by the fact that they scatter the light which falls on them, and the cloud casts a brown shadow, and, on a still day, ascends to a great height. The spectrum is continuous, but does not extend beyond wave-length 4000. This indicates that the source of light is at a comparatively low temperature, approaching that of a yellowish-white heat. We conclude, therefore, that the light emanates from a torrent of very small particles, liquid or solid, at a yellowish- white heat. The “flame” can have but little reducing power at this stage, and this, together with its low temperature, accounts for the very feeble lines of lithium, sodium, potassium, and manganese seen 1n the photographs, or by eye observations. Fifthly, the spectra of flames from the first stage of the “ basic ” process differ from those of the “acid” process in several particulars. The manganese bands are relatively feeble, and lines of elements, not usually associated with Bessemer metal, are present. Both the charges of metal and of “ basic” material contribute to these. Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium have been traced mainly to the lime ; manganese, copper, silver and gallium to the metal. Other metals, such as vanadium and titanium, are not in evidence, because they do not yield flame spectra; they, together with chromium, pass into the slag in an oxidised state. (3.) Dijerences in the intensity of metallic lines. The intensity of Mineral Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sources. 97 the lines of any metal varies with the amount of the metal in the charge, but in some cases variations of intensity occur among the lines of one metal as observed in the spectra photographed at Crewe in 1893; especially is this the case with some lines in the visible spectrum of iron. These variations are due to changes in temperature ; as the tempera- ture of the flame rises, some lnes fade almost away, others become stronger. The changes are more marked in the are spectrum and still more in the spark spectrum of iron. Lines of potassium and the edges of manganese bands are shown to have been intensified by the proximity of iron lines in some cases, but this is doubtless a result of low dispersion. The two violet rubidium lines nearly coincide with two lines of iron.* A new line of potassium with variable intensity. This lne, wave- length approximately 4642, varies in intensity within somewhat wide limits. In a given flame its brilliancy is increased by diminishing the quantity of metallic vapour in the flame: this does not appear to depend altogether on the weakening of the continuous spectrum ; it is probably ue in part at least, to the increased freedom of motion permitted to the molecules of the metal. 0 ener coRcaremmers sua “The Mineral Constituents of Dust and Soot from various soumicessa, (by (WV. No) Eiantuny,) ERS. skoyall College, on Science, Dublin, and HucH RamacGn, A.R.C.So.L, St. John’s College, Cambridge. Received November 20, 1900—Read February 21, 1901. Baron Nordenskjold has described three different kinds of dust which were collected by him.t Of two of these, one consisted of diatomaceze and another of a silicious and apparently felspathic sand : both were found on ice in the Arctic regions. ‘The third variety was quite different and appeared to be of cosmic origin. He observed that some sand collected at the end of a five or six days’ continuous fall was mingled with a large quantity of sooty-looking particles, consist- ing of a material rich in carbon. It appeared to be similar to the dust which fell, with a shower of meteorites, at Hessle near Upsala in the beginning of the year 1869. As in this particular instance it might be saps that the railways and houses of Stockholm had contributed some of this matter to the atmosphere, and that the snow had carried it down, he requested his brother, who then resided in a desert district of Finland, to give his attention to the subject, with * Roy: Dublin soc) eroc.,; vol. 8\(N.S.); Part) VIL p.. 705. + ‘Comptes Rendus,’ vol. 78, p. 236. 98 Prof. W.N. Hartley and Mr. H. Ramage. The Mineral the result that he collected a similar powder. The snow gathered in the latitude of 80° N. in an expedition to Spitzbergen, and that collected from floating ice in the Arctic regions and on the glaciers of Greenland, leaves, after it has melted, a greyish residue, which consists largely of diatomacez, but mixed with these organisms there were also particles of a carbonaceous dust of considerable size, which on analysis were found to contain metallic iron, cobalt, and nickel, also silicon, carbon, and phosphorus.. The origin of this mineral matter was at first doubtful. Two of its constituents, cobalt and nickel, were believed to be of very uncommon occurrence in terrestrial matter, while on the other hand they are elements invariably associated with the metallic iron of meteorites, the nickel being more particularly in large proportion. If we suppose that this dust is discharged from the mouth of a distant volcano, or that it may be sand carried up by a whirlwind, we have yet to explain the peculiarities in its composition which render it similar to that of meteorites. : Nordenskjold arrived at the conclusion that it was meteoric matter which had descended upon the earth:in a shower similar to that which occurred near Upsala. By the facts which he had collected it appears to have been proved that cosmic dust is falling imperceptibly and continually. It seems that this view is either generally not accepted, or that the facts are not commonly known. Very little is really known about the composition of atmospheric dust, notwithstanding that searching investigations were made by Pasteur and Angus Smith, aided by the microscope, and later by Liveing and Dewar by the aid of the spectroscope. Professor O'Reilly, M.R.[.A., supplied us with small quantities of a material concerning the nature of which he was desirous of obtaining: information. On inspection it appeared to be of an unusual character for mere town dust, and accordingly we submitted it to a spectro- graphic analysis, and determined the principal metallic elements which enter into its composition. The following specimens in particular have been examined with care :— (I.) Solid matter which fell in or with hail in a hail-storm on Wednesday, April 14, 1897, and was collected by Professor O’Reilly at a window facing the large open space of Stephen’s Green, at the Royal College of Science, Dublin. It contained iron, sodium, lead, copper, silver, calcium, potassium, nickel, manganese a trace; gallium and cobalt gave doubtful indications. (1I.) Solid matter from hail and sleet collected by Professor O'Reilly from a window-sill of the Royal College of Science, Dublin, during a very heavy shower, from 2.30 till 3 o’clock, in the afternoon of March 28, 1896. Total weight of the dust 0:1018 gramme, of which 0°08 gramme was burnt in the oxyhydrogen flame. The colour of the dust was steel Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sources. 99 grey and it was magnetic. It contained iron, copper, and sodium, lead, calcium, potassium, manganese, nickel, silver, thallium a trace, gallium and rubidium a trace, doubtful. (III.} Pumice from Krakatoa eruption 1883; from Professor O'Reilly. By decomposing the. silicate with ammonium. fluoride and sulphuric acid, and precipitating the solution with ammonia, the following bases were separated: iron, copper, silver, sodium, nickel, potassium, rubi- dium, manganese, gallium, and indium a trace.* The salt separated by filtration and evaporation of the filtrate contained sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, silver, strontium, nickel a trace, rubidium, and manganese. With the very notable exceptions of strontium, nickel, and cobalt we have found these constituents in ninety-seven irons, ores and associated minerals.t On the other hand, in the examination of six meteoric irons, we have found the same ele- ments invariably associated with nickel and cobalt, the last-named being always in much smaller proportion than the nickel.{ Had it been possible to operate on larger quantities, we quite expect that cobalt would have been found in this dust, but the small amount of 8 centi- grams is insufficient for such a purpose, even in the case of most. meteoric irons. It is rather a striking fact that in the dust No. 2 there is a trace of thallium. This is rather suggestive of its being probably pyrites flue dust, a substance which might occur in hail or rain in a neighbourhood where sulphuric acid is manufactured. It might possibly come from an admixture of soot yielded by a coal con- taining thalliferous pyrites. There are three vitriol works within 2 or 3 miles of the College, but after taking all the facts into consideration, we are not able to admit this source as a probable means of contamination, for as will be seen from analyses to be presented, there is one notable constituent we have found in flue dust which is absent from the samples I and II, namely, indium. In 1897, in order to push this inquiry somewhat further, dust was collected in porcelain dishes placed upon a grass plot in the garden of a residence just on the outskirts of Dublin§ during a period from the 15th November to the 15th December. A considerable fall of a carbonaceous-looking matter occurred on the 16th and 17th of No- vember ; some of the particles were 2 or 3 mm. in diameter, and had a, - steel grey appearance rather like hard coke or graphite. These particles all sank in the rain-water which collected on the 17th or 18th, while a large number of sooty particles floated; as the dish became over-filled, the sooty matter was automatically washed away * “Trans. Chem. Soc.,’ vol. 79, p. 61, 1901. + Nickel was found intwenty-three. ‘Trans. Chem. Soc.,’ vol. 71, p. 533, 1897. ft ‘Sci. Proc. Dublin Soc.,’ New Series, vol. 8. § At the back of iny house and remote from any factory chimneys.—W. N. H. 100 Prof. W. N. Hartley and My. H. Ramage. Zhe Mineral and only the heavier particles remained. The contents of the dishes were poured into glass cylinders, and after the heavier particles had been deposited the water was removed by decantation. Subsequently it became interesting to ascertain what substances are to be found in ordinary soot and flue dust—dust from volcanic eruptions, &c. We have tabulated the results and arranged together those substances which we know to have the same origin. The specimens of soot required no preliminary treatment before being burnt, and the analysis of each is given in the tabular statement only, but the different kinds of volcanic dust and flue dust were dissolved and the silica removed, after which the bases were separated into groups, and the spectra of these groups were photographed; each spectrum receives a detailed description preceding the tabulated statement. Flue Dust. Plate 386.—Dust from the flue of Crewe gasworks. May 28, 1899. The silica was removed from 1 gramme by treatment with ammo- nium fluoride. Spectrum 1.—The insoluble residue contained— Ca, Sr, Na, Pb, Fe, Cu, Ag, K. 5 2.—The precipitate yielded by sulphuretted hydrogen— Pb, Cu, Ag, Ca, Na, Fe, K. ni 3.—The ammonium hydrate precipitate— Fe, Ga, Cu, Ag, Pb, In, Ni trace, Ca, Na, K. , 4.—The ammonium sulphide precipitate— Mn, Na, K, Cu, Ag, Ni, Fe. * 5.—The less soluble sulphates— Ca, Sr, Cu, Na, K. fs 6.—Magnesia and the alkalies— Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ni, Rb trace. Plate 388. Spectra 4 and 7.—Insoluble residue after treating the dusi with hydrochloric acid— Fe, Ga, Na, K, Ca, Cu, Ag, Ni, Mn. Nn ch Plate 347.—Flue dust from Cleveland iron furnaces. Spectrum 1.—Samuelson’s samples, No. 6— Na, K, Ca, Fe, Rb, Pb, Mn; traces of Cu, Ag, Ni, Ga, TI. Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sowrees. 101 Spectrum 2.—Flue dust from basic iron furnace. Samuelson’s INO, Sa Nake Ca) es kb. bs ing: traces of Cu, Ag, Ni, Tl, Ga, In, Cs, dr. 3.—Flue dust, Gjers, Mills, and Co.— Naw KY Cae. Rb, Pb: Mn: traces of Cu, Ag, Ni, K, Ga, In. 99 Plate 354. Spectrum 4.—Flue dust, Gjers, Mills, and Co.— Hey,Ca,.Coi Mins Na, IK, 2b, Rb: eaves OMe IN. SE wes Plate 325. 1.—Flue dust from Nicholson’s copper smelting works, Hunslet, Leeds— Na, Cu, Pb, Tl, Ag, In, Fe, Is, Ca, Ga, Eb. Plate 312.—Iron pyrites from coal— Fe, Cu, Tl, Pb, Ag, and possibly a trace of gallium. Voleane Dust. Specimens received from Professor J. P. O'Reilly. Plate 311.—Te Ariki. After complete solution of the substance the heavy metals were precipitated with ammonia and the filtrate with ammonium oxalate, after which the solution containing magnesia and the alkalies was examined. Spectrum 1.—The ammonia precipitate— : Fe, Ca, Pb, Na, K trace, Ga trace, Cu trace. 2.—The ammonium oxalate precipitate— Ca, Sr, Mn, traces of Na, K, Pb, Fe, and Ag. 55 3.—Magnesia and the alkalies— Na, K, MgO, Mn, Rb, Cu; Ni the merest trace. 9) Taurwnga. Plate 311. Spectrum 4.—The ammonia precipitate— The constituents are similar to No. 1. 5.—Ammonium oxalate precipitate. Similar to No. 2. 6.—Magnesia and the alkalies— Similar to No. 3. ‘ 102 Prof. W. N. Hartley and Mr. H. Ramage. The Minerai Le Hape-o-Torva, Plate 312. | Spectrum 1.—The ammonia precipitate— Similar to Nos. 1 and 4. x 2.—The oxalates— Similar to Nos. 2 and 5, but the silver was not so strong. 3.—Magnesia and the alkalies— Similar to Nos. 3 and 6. 99 It is necessary to explain that the symbol for magnesium and the alkaline earth metals refers generally to the oxides. With magnesium, in fact, this is always so, since the bands of the oxide magnesia alone are visible. In the case of calcium, the blue line 4226 is photographed when only a small quantity is present, but the bands of calcium oxide are the chief feature of the spectrum when the base is in larger propor- tion. Where the symbol is printed in italics it indicates a trace of the substance, and where followed by a note of interrogation it is not quite certain if even a trace is present, as, for instance, where only one of two ~ rubidium lines is seen, there being two iron lines occupying almost the same positions ; or where one of the gallium lines is barely visible, and the second is enveloped by manganese lines. The relative strength of the lines, as seen by comparing the different spectra, is, in some instances, indicated on the tabulated statement by suffixes, the num- ber 1 indicating the weakest line and 10 the strongest. The difference in the number of the iron lines is a measure of the quantity of iron present as metal or otherwise, and a comparison of the strength of the lines also indicates the relative quantity of substances. The results in many cases are quantitative, inasmuch as the same weight of material was taken. On the Nature of Dust from the Clouds. The principal characteristic of aust which has fallen directly from - the clouds or collected by hail, snow, sleet, or rain, is its regularity in composition—each specimen appears to contain the same proportions of iron, nickel, calcium, copper, potassium, and sodium. ‘The proportion of carbonaceous matter must be small, otherwise a diminution in the proportion of the metals present would render the metallic lines weaker. There is a very considerable difference between the dust from sleet, snow, and hail suddenly precipitated, the difference being in the proportion of lead, which, in the dust from sleet, is much larger than in the other specimens, though dust from hail and one quantity collected from rain contain more than is found in any other specimens 105 AAC anc Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sources. Coie ts Ota ee) Ar | Ore; qa|° ns sles lon] ty Gee | 25) TR Pe eg, bees eg sere OU Ar og Gd) °° | on) °° | ar | og TO | | er | em) Ce |e Cie rece | EN OMe | ry, Gd | “40 WHA See WINE Sek leah Chae Se SP ECU IN | 94] °° ete Ne CIAL = TNE OW ie { oS © = S A Be = ee | eo eee | Fo Shr ee ee = = ees = ip) = | 2 3 ; “TAN TPUT wy | ee ee 1u@) ee SV ng ee es W @N ED aaa CO NE oy, ee eet GINE seerecesee ouuuyo uatoyry y Cz) jocter tees Koautryo woompeq y ( T) —souuliyo WOT Joo "SNIANSO A JO Lo}zVLO WOLF OPILOTYO pvary theses ress sess poquTeLyy, WOT} oOTUNg See CUO SCO pre ycle(On si ehh (Ca) CSE eeaenie oer seeks vne sss sary UMUC R ER (-Z) tees ee tees eeeeeees rytty op (-T) — purlVezy MON WOT ysup s1uBdjO A oe eeee ee oot oa ones 2 RE VEST *Loq, |-UI0.40 NT YIEL 09 YIST “Wier wordy ysng noreesss sees JEQT TequieaoN, TILT pur I9T Tey ‘spnoyo 94g wWorzz ysuq ee. eit aie eee ee arena ease = AGN Tady WPT [ey “Wey wor yng HI | Cif ae ee eae ‘YOIVJ WIRY [oF “Joos wloazy ysnq “TUN I UIT “WUNT}U0149 “LUNTLITRO “IOATIQ “UNIS AE MIpPraNnyy, “WNISSRIOg eS “MIN TSOU SVL ‘SOOINOG SHOLIVA WOT SNC] JO UoTZISoduOD oI, VOL. LXVIII. ‘gop sIIY4 UT punog sum Y4nuusrey e Gaeta ee bor 8 S Cc) = ee 2 TN) S S ug} pol|uUgz | dd) 40} ww! 90 | IN > elsif Bide pata lees ac e. 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BUN eC ete Tyersal HOne ea ey UO) 8o4) da | | BN Hab | 1UEIE TH Ne Pet ete 1) wa hy ake) | oe qa | M | tN IL u ie | ie SATO ieee acc lO) Rca | heal a tt SP eure ma ee eee Ue) evel] aay DO tae Ose ay VA es ee tala Otay iam ies ©) Bra ayy ia aia eae UF) 8 leo | s + | bag se 1057 Sine 2 ee 1 &yp | fer iki ee Erin ° ony) Par) iOV ate) eo d bY A Sy Sen eh OR ala) VOI Teg lls | VOT) | Mm CHE Po eI slv|ele/zlel s leislels/zlez = em — S 5 i (fe 4 ro} mA om a = Bees eees eee eter (Glee igule giaeel ge seealee pega. 2p sell al ell gel aee ; Fa = era ae S| B 5 105 Constituents o7 Dust and Soot from various Sources. “ial | g9) ial | 49) Gd | 20 Gd | 40 dee Stal Pry Sales ides ae : "asoUvSUR]L Va SO) Aten Va. ere ah gle A | E Bi 5 | ee IN Ct | ee ° o ee | eo | ai eo SV ng ia EN ee de “9 ® O8W | 8V | 20 SU echpejen | | 2) 2) $0) o2na) Sy na 20 ie | eigk | oy OS eayaye| 8? || Om | Gay Koysinh Mena || No) Sapwoajayy unouy-779 4 fo sajduoxny ee ° ou | eo UT DY e ee i T@) eo by 6) SN | OM iy ar | oes | aE EOE es Oy enG eo UAT ONT LZ Uy DY) oe | aoe BO 6° OF NO ee UN ONL LL DY) us | ee 17@) eo by 6) | — —— ie Me —_ — —_——, Bee (ce ea) oe eee ee ed Sle pe = a’) =e (3 =e — =) bar oO a ef | 6 B ee | os o peas 2 ete eal aeah ie ~~ MH & 3 Zi “WIMISSBIOg ulntpog os e089 0% 80 seoee ses eure0eyy ‘azI[OLOpIE ress es ss SOOT ‘ALOIS O1L0040 TK oe 08 Oe oe oe oe ysny[ng ‘91048 DT.L0040 TAL oes OTT OUeal Vi ‘91049 9110040 TA, vse) ++ gommany Wort soTB AA nog ('6) oc es 20 08 © "90BUINI he Oar OIseg _ (‘g) a0BUINI TOIL puvpoaoyy (J) bn 0.00 GO Ysnoarqsopppryy ‘aos -jonmBg ‘souuANy UOAt pUuvjeacyO (‘9) “‘panuywoo—soomog snore Wody ysnq{ Jo uorytsodmoy oy, “‘panuyuoo—ysnp ontqiT 106 Prof. W. N. Hartley and Mr. H. Ramage. The Mineral with such an origin. The only meteorite which contains as much lead as this is the siderolite from Atacama. Of Volcanic Dust. If we examine the spectra of specimens of volcanic dust it is notice- able that the heavy metals are, without exception, in comparatively small proportions—lead and iron, for example—while lime, magnesia, and the alkalies are the chief basic constituents. The spectra of the heavy metals, the alkaline earths, and the magnesia with the alkalies appear on separate photographs. Of Soot from different Chimneys. The nature of soot from different sources is characterised by the small proportion of iron in most specimens and of metals precipitated as hydroxides ; its large proportion of lime and the greater variability in the proportions of its different constituents distinguishes it from other kinds of dust collected from the clouds or in the open air. It was certainly unexpected when nickel, calcium, manganese, copper, and silver were found to be constant constituents of soot from different chimneys and flues. The proportions of lead, silver, and copper are much larger in the soot from the assaying furnace and the laundry chimney. To illustrate the differences observable in dust and soot of various kinds, a list is appended of the wave-lengths of the iron lines observed in the spectra from soot obtained from the laundry, laboratory, kitchen, and bedroom chimneys. A second list gives the wave-lengths of lines belonging to other elements and observed in other substances as well as dust and soot. It will be seen thac; oere is an extraordinary difference between the kitchen and the laundry soot, which is probably caused by a higher temperature and more complete combustion of the fuel in the laundry fire. Flue Dust. In flue dust from different sources the chief characteristics are the presence of lead, silver, and copper in larger proportions than in other varieties of dust or of coal ashes which have also been examined. Nickel and manganese also are in larger proportions. But the most striking feature is the quantity of rubidium, gallium, indium, and thallium in all samples examined. It is evident now that we can state with absolute certainty whether two kinds of dust have the same composition or in what constituents they differ substantially. When dust is collected in the open air it is liable to become mixed Na D | Constituents of Dust and Soot fron various Sources. 107 The Lines of Iron observed in different kinds of Soot. Laundry. 5893 4404: 4383 Cyr ew ey~Y KH SPADE SAMSHWNEHASARA WEHRSSARSDSELSANSGHEDSOSDAWSS TS a) IG WWNODODOARWHOSHBWE Laboratory. Katchen. | Bedroom. | 4383 °7 | 4.216°0 The two rubid- ium lines 4144. -O 4215 °8 and 4202 °4 almost | coincide with | two iron lines 3930 *4 3930 °4 4216 °3 and ear sae 4202 °1., 23:0 23:0 20-4 f | 20 a 06 °6 06°6 3899 9 3899 °9 1 95°8 95-8 f 86°4) | 3886-4 86 ca 78°7 Hixtremely 78°7 feeble 72°6 60 °0 3860 :0 3860 a 06°5J | Very feeble 56°5 KOEI 40°5 34.°3 26°0 38260 12 ‘en i as24i-o 21 | 20°S — Barely visible 20°5 Gree | UG} oil 37996 98 °6 88 °0 49 vt | $8749 a | 3749°6 45°75 | 45°7 f | 45 °7 35°0 | | 35 ‘0 SO) | So aut 33 ah 33° 4 ee | | Sa 3722°6 3722 °6 20-0 f | 20 a) | 20°0 09°s° | The six last 09 °3 On7 lines are | Oat 7, 3687°6 | very feeble 3687 °6 80-0 | Civiactes 3677 °8 A7 °9 31°6 PSE Oe | 3085 °5 | 81-3 i 2 108 Afineral Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sources. Wave-lengths of other Lines than Iron in Spectra from various kinds of Dust and Soot, and in Meteorites. Sodium: Calcium. Chromiuin. D 5896 ‘1) Mean 4226°9 strong, 3982-1 4215 °7 3805°0} diffuse. aoe | 2 Nickel. | Strontium. Thallium. a _8618°5 The lines observed are 5349 ‘6 oO Be | 3609°8 near the positions of Se «+ | 8571-2 such as are here indi- pee ESAS | 3461°Q cated, and are prob- 4057 *6 3433-0 ably identical with Ce 3682 °9 them. There is also a | 4172-2 3639 *2 line 3525, the only one | 4083-0 | observed in Cleveland | | pig iron. It does not | Indium, appear in these pe lyses. | 4511°0 ; 4102 ‘0 | Some of the lines were measured with a micrometer and the wave-lengths deduced from a curve on an enlarged scale drawn from Rowland’s measurements of iron lines in the solar spectrum. with other dust and soot, and we cannot be certain whether it comes from only one source or not, but soot, as a rule, can be separated by washing it away from the heavier matter. The occurrence of nickel in soot and flue dust was certainly unexpected. It is probably disseminated in extremely minute traces in coal, and its concentration in soot is owing to the conditions in a coal fire being favourable to the formation of nickel tetra-carbonyl and its subsequent de- composition On the Spark Spectrum of Silicon as rendered by Silicates. 109 Conclusions. (1.) The presence of nickel, as shown by the examination of soot, is not positive evidence that the dust from the clouds comes from other than a terrestrial source. (2) The dust which fell on the 16th and 17th of November, 1897, with its regularity in composition and its similarity to meteorites, being magnetic, also its comparative freedom from extraneous matter, exhibits properties which are quite in favour of its cosmic origin. Moreover, its composition is totally unlike that of volcanic dust and flue dust from various chemical and metallurgical works. This dust for the most part fell on a perfectly calm fine night, and there was no rain for twenty-four hours or more afterwards. We beg to draw attention once more to the very wide distribution of gallium in minute proportions ; it occurs in all aluminous minerals, flue dust of very different kinds, soot and atmospheric dust, also in a great variety of iron ores. Bauxite contains it in larger proportion than any other mineral, but the quantity even in this substance is very small. We have hopes of finding it concentrated in some mineral, as thallium, cesium, germanium, and indium are. Indium and thallium, the other members of the same group of elements, are found in blende and pyrites, and accordingly we might expect gallium to occur in a concentrated state in a sulphide, arsenide, or similar compound. Judging, however, from its analogy with aluminium, there does not seem to be much probability of this. “ Notes on the Spark Spectrum of Silicon as rendered by Sili- | cates.” By W.N. Hartiey, F.R.S. Received November 19, 1900—Read February 21, 1901. The interesting account by Mr. Lunt* of his identification of three lines of silicon, corresponding with three unknown lines in the spectra of certain fixed stars, contains the following remarks :— “Tt is a curious fact that Hartley and Adeney, and Eder and Valenta, who alone give us any extended list of lines due to silicon, appear not to have examined the spectrum of this element in the region of the three rays here considered. Their published wave- lengths show only lines in the extreme ultra-violet, and the majority of them are quite outside ihe region which can be examined by the McClean star spectr oscope.” There is an inaccuracy here, and a sinilen mistake as to author- ship occurs in the paper of Eder and Valenta. Silicon was not one of the sixteen elements whose spark spectra were investigated by Hartley * © Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 66, p. 44. 110 Prof. W. N. Hartley. Notes on the Spark and Adeney,* because it was found to be practically a non-conductor of electricity, and no uninterrupted stream of sparks could be obtained from it. A prior publication,t “On Line Spectra of Boron and Silicon,” by me, gives descriptions and wave-lengths of lines characteristic of these elements which were observed in solutions of borates and silicates. i Having some of the spectra photographed in 1883, I find upon examination of the plates that they were closely investigated at that time. They show no trace of any line of silicon less refrangible than 2881-0 ( Angstrém’s unit). There is a line at the less refrangible extremity of the spectrum which, to judge from its position, is yellow or yellowish-green in colour ; but it certainly does not belong to silicon, because solutions of a silicate, and of hydrofluosilicic acid containing 1 per cent., O-l per cent., 0°01 per cent., and 0-001 per cent. of silicon, show this line to be stronger in the spectrum given by 0°01 per cent. than in any other of the photographs. It has every appearance of and no doubt is the well-known pair of sodium lines with a mean wave-length of 5893. A concentrated solution of sodium silicate gave no stronger indication of this line, and only a feeble representation of the strongest sodium line 3301. This may be accounted for by the remarkable fact referred to in the original paper, that the lines of the metal in borates and silicates seem to be suppressed when the spectra of boron and silicon appear with greatest intensity, but if the quantity of the borate or silicate in the solution is diminished, the sodium Imes gain in strength. . There is, however, a line near a very strong air line seen in the spectrum of a 1 per cent. solution. Jt continues to increase in length and intensity in other spectra as the proportion of silica diminishes ; otherwise it would not be noticeable because it is extremely short, feeble, and enveloped in air lines when photographed from a 1 per cent. solution. A solution equivalent to 0°001 per cent. of silicon yields a spectrum in which this line is about one-fourth of the length of the air lines, and of the seven carbon lines in other parts of the spectrum. It is in fact the least refrangible carbon line from the graphite electrodes 4266°3 (Hartley and Adeney), and is visible and of normal strength and length on photograph No. 10 in the ‘Journal of the Chemical Society,’ vol. 41, p. 90, 1882. It is one of those lines which is occasionally absent from the carbon spectrum, and it is somewhat * * Phil. Trans.,’ 1884, Part I, p. 63. + ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ 1883, vol. 35, p. 301. t For a list of these lines, see also Watts’s ‘Index of Spectra, p. 127, 1889. In Appendix E, p. 21 of the Index, the same list of lines is headed H. and A., which is erroneous. Spectrum of Silicon as rendered by Silicates. 111 lengthened when the electrodes are wet.* It is doubtless a carbon line, for Deslandrest gives its wave-length as 4267 (Rowland’s unit), and he used carbon purified in Moissan’s electric furnace. The least refrangible of the silicon lines on my plates is at wave-length 2881-0, and it corresponds with a line in the are spectrum 2881-1 (Liveing and Dewar). There is a group of air linest 4446°02, 4432°58, 4425-90, 4415-51, and 4413°60, then come 4628°95 and 4674-2, but there is no trace of any silicon lines between 4573 and 4553 where Mr. Lunt found three. Mr. Lunt used a powerfully disruptive discharge, and that apparently is sufficient to account for the difference in the spectrum which he obtained. I have always employed very simple apparatus, but it happens that when investigating the coefficient of extinction of the various rays of silicon a second series of experiments ‘was made with amore powerful coil and jar. It was found that when all the lines had become very short, and the weaker lines had nearly disappeared, they could be reproduced to a great extent from the same solution by increasing the capacity of the Leyden jar or condenser, but as only extremely dilute solutions of silicates were used, the lines obtained by Mr. Lunt from the solid silicates did not appear. I give here the normal length of the six lines in the characteristic Silicon Lines. A. Strength of solution, or per cent. of silicon. B. Length of the lines in hundredths of an inch. | Wave- : Weert ion of lines, Hemel sal O ean ua\ 00) 1. A, 001.) A, 0-001. | (Rowland’s | | unit.) Bevo ih) faes B. 18. Strongest but one of the | | EEO Blomes ciate Rocha e's Al igasiets 2506 ‘8 20 10 10°0 9 PAtweaker line. os. 4) ...0) . 2aladcO 20 12 10:0 8 | Strongest and longest ....| 2515 °9 Ail i, a Ne 10-0 10 ee 2518 -9 20 y) Ge 7 ao lines of the if 2593 +9 20 10 765 7 g rematcteie re: ss vaatasas. | 2528 +6 30 10 75 7 An isolated line weak and MiRPDLTI cristae 4 ap teed! a 2631 °8 Lf 6 2°0 | Barely | visible MCEVEStTONO MMe cea 2S Ol 22 14 LOGON ey) | * ‘Phil. Trans.,’ 1884, Part I, p. 49. + ‘Comptes Rendus,’ 1895, vol. 120, p. 1259. { These wave-lengths are copied from the original numbers written upon the 36-inch enlargements of the spectra referred to as being published in the ‘ Journal of the Chemical Society.’ The values are according to Angstrém’s unit, and are doubtless not so accurate as numbers more recently determined. fhe Mr. F. C, Penrose. Some Additional group as they are seen when a 1 per cent. solution and graphite electrodes are used, and of two isolated lines which are less refrangible; with them are compared the lines photographed from other more dilute solutions. The sodium line A 3301 appears as a long line in the 1 per cent. solution and becomes shorter as the quantity of sub- stance is reduced. Observations were carried as far as a solution containing 0000001 per cent. of silicon, the two strongest lines being stili visible, but as the photographs of these more dilute solutions have been damaged by being kept so long a time in the atmosphere of the chemical laboratory, they are not now available for similar measurements. As the sodium lines are suppressed when the silicon lines are strong, the two carbon lines are also reduced very much in length and strength. This is very easily observed on account of the close proximity of the silicon lines, the wave-lengths of the two carbon lines beg 2508-7 and 2511°6 (Hartley and Adeney). In the more dilute solution, these lines are observed to be lengthened until they become of the normal dimensions of 20/100ths of aninch. It thus appears more than probable that the suppression of the sodium does not result from any chemical action within the spark discharge, such as might be supposed to occur if the sodium were dissociated from the compound, and being in contact with a silicate were to liberate silicon, or to combine with silicon directly, and in presence of water give rise to the formation of silicon hydride. The suppression of much of the sodium spectrum, and the shorten- ing and weakening of the carbon lines, is more likely to be a purely physical phenomenon than the result of any chemical reaction in the spark. : “Some Additional Notes on the Orientation of Greek Temples, being the Result of a Journey to Greece and Sicily in April and May, 1900.” By F. C. Penrose, M.A., F.R.S. Received January 17,—Read February 14, 1901. (Abstract.) The paper contains notes on two examples from Greece and four from Sicily—-of these, three are of the nature of amplification and correction, and three are fresh cases. (1.) To the second head belongs a rude and archaic shrine in the Isle of Delos; not improbably the most ancient existing example of a religious structure on Greek soil. It exhibits the usual stellar con- nection with its orientation and an approximate date conformable with its remote antiquity (1530 B.c.). Notes on the Orrentation of Greek Tenvples. 113 (2.) Some further observations on the Temple of Apollo, at Delphi, of which the recent complete clearance of the site admitted of measure- ment with greater exactness than before. (3.) At Syracuse I found that the architecture of the temple which has been erroneously attributed to Diana,* was of a character much too archaic for the date assigned to it in that paper, which had been derived from the orientation of the axis; but that when taken from the northern limit of the eastern opening the date would be quite consistent both with architecture and the history of the town. (4.) This led to a re-examination of the other Syracusan examples and an error was discovered, altering the orientation of the temple attributed to Minerva, and its derived date, from 815 to 550 B.c., to its great advantage in every respect. (5.) The most interesting example, however, is from another Sicilian temple lately unearthed at Selinus. Of this temple I found the orientation of the eastern axis to be 30° 22’ north amplitude, which at once suggests a solar temple arranged for the summer solstice, which for a level site and for the date in question, should be 30° 35’. But the tempie’s site is near the bottom of a valley; and the sun would have to gain an altitude of rather more than two and a halt degrees before it could shine into the temple; and then the amplitude required would be 28°17’. Thus apart from what may be derived from the plan of the temple itself, the orientation theory would seem to show to a disadvantage. At the same time the peculiarities of the plan of the temple would be difficult to explain without the orientation theory. Presumably the angle upon which the lines of the temple were set out was taken from data obtained on some platform which had a level horizon, and the building was considerably advanced before the actual solstice came round and showed the error that had been made. To meet the. difficulty a naos was constructed within the flank walls, but hugging the northern one; so that the first beam of sunrise coming through the centre of the eastern aperture, at the local ampli- tude of + 28° 17’ E., might shine in centrally upon the statue of the deity: and for this a pedestal was provided a little northwards of the centre of the niche which had been previously formed for it. We may notice also that the angle of the Propylea is so placed as to keep exactly clear of the point of sunrise (see figure, next page). (6.) An argument is drawn from the orientation of the foundations of a small temple lately discovered, adjoining the famous theatre at Taormina, that the theatre itself was that of the city of Naxos, which occupied the sea-coast at about 800 feet immediately below it; and not the work of the much later town of Tauromenium, from which Taormina derives its name. * “Phil. Trans.,’ A, vol. 190; 1897, p. 39. 114 Additional Notes on the Orientation of Greek Temples. J Bie a bs w~o-2--- =-=—= - i eee me ool ~- -- = SELINUS Newly discovered Temple Proceedings. 115, February 28, 1901. mee WW. JEL. M., CHRISTIE, Vice-President, Astronomer Royal, in the Chair. The Secretary reported that on Saturday, February 23, the Presi- dent, accompanied by the Treasurer, the Senior Secretary, the Foreign Secretary, Lord Lister, Lord Kelvin, and Sir Joseph Hooker, Past Presidents, and Mr. Christie, Vice-President, had proceeded to St.. James’s Palace, and, being admitted to the presence of the Throne, had the honour of presenting to His Gracious Majesty an Address of Condolence and of Homage, and that His Majesty had made a gracious. reply. The Address and Royal Reply are as. follows :— To THE Kine’s Most EXCELLENT MAJESTY. The Humble Address of the President, Council, and Fellows of the Royal’ Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge. Most Gracious Sovereign, We, Your Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the President, Council, and Fellows of the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge, humbly beg leave to offer our deepest and most. heartfelt sympathy with Your Majesty in the great sorrow which has; befallen You in the death of Your beloved Mother, our late Sovereign: Lady the Queen. Your Majesty’s loss is our loss also: a loss not only to ourselves, not only to all Your Majesty’s subjects throughout the- Empire, but to the whole world. During Your beloved Mother’s wise and beneficent reign, under Her thoughtful fostering care, that natural knowledge which the Society was founded by one of Your ancestors: — to promote has been promoted to an extent, and in ways, never known before ; and we feel sure that not in our time only, but in the years. to come, to the story of the advance of Science in the past century will be most closely linked the memory of the goodness, the wisdom,,. the peerless worth of the august and beloved Lady, whose death has now plunged us into the deepest grief. While thus uttering words of sorrow, we ask leave, Sire, at the same- time, to lay at Your Majesty’s feet our unfeigned and heartfelt con- gratulation upon Your Majesty’s accession to the Throne of Your ancestors, to reign over a people to whom, happily, Your Majesty is no» 116 List of Papers read. stranger, but who have, by many experiences, learnt to recognise Your great worth, and have been led to the sure hope, that, under Your gracious rule, the Nation will continue to hold the proud position which it has gained under the guidance of Your beloved Mother. That Your Majesty’s reign may be long, happy, and glorious, and that You may ever rule in the hearts as well as over the persons of a loving, dutiful, and grateful people, is the earnest wish and ardent prayer of Your Majesty’s loyal and dutiful Subjects, THE PRESIDENT, COUNCIL, AND FELLOWS OF THE RoyAL Society oF LONDON. His MAJESTY’s "GRACIOUS REPLY. “T am much gratified by the warm expression of your loyalty and affection, of your profound sympathy with our present grief, and of your loving appreciation of the goodness and great qualities of my dearly beloved mother. “T thank you for your dutiful good wishes, and I share your hope that my reign also may be blessed by a continuous growth of my people in enlightenment, refinement, and power for good. The intellectual attainments and energies which your Society so conspicuously repre- sents are among the most precious possessions of the nation as aids in securing those high ends, and I remember with gratification the close connection of the Society with its Royal Founder and my other prede- cessors on this Throne, and the fact that I am a Fellow, as was also my dear Father. “You may feel assured of my constant interest in and protection of your work, and in token of my goodwill I shall be pleased to inscribe my name as Patron in the Charter Book.” A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them. The following Papers were read :— I. “The New Star in Perseus.—Preliminary Note.” By Sir NorMAN LOCKYER; K.C.B., F.R.S. . Il. “On the Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from the Paleozoic Rocks. IV.—The Seed-like Fructification of Lepido- carpon, a Genus of Lycopodiaceous Cones from the Carboniferous Formation.” By Dr. D. H. Scott, F.R:S. III. “ A Preliminary Account of the Development of the Free-swim- ming Nauplius of Leptodon hyalina (Lillj.).”. By Dr. E. WARREN. Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from Palwozore Rocks. 117 IV. “On the Result of Chilling Copper-Tin Alloys.” By C. T. Heycock, F.R.S., and F. H. NEVILLE, F.R.S. V. “On the Theory of Consistence of Logical Class-frequencies, and its Geometrical Representation.” By G, UpNy YULE. “On the Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from the Paleozoic Rocks. IV. The Seed-hke Fructification of Lepido- carnon, a Genus of Lycopodiaceous Cones from the Carbon- merous Hormation.” By Di H.-Scort, M.A:~ Ph:D., °E-E.S;, Hon. Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Gardens, Kew. teceived February 19,—Read February 28, 1901. (A bstract.) A short account of the new genus Lepidocarpon has been given in a note communicated to the Royal Society last August*; the present paper contains a full, illustrated description of the fossils in question, together with a discussion of their morphology and affinities. The strobilus of Lepidocarpon Lomuxi, the Coal-measure species, is, in its earlier condition, in all respects that of a Lepidostrobus, of the type of L. Oldhamius. In each megasporangium, however, a single megaspore or embryo- sac alone came to perfection, filling almost the whole sporangial cavity, but accompanied by the remains of its abortive sister-cells. An integument ultimately grew up from the sporophyll, completely enclosing the megasporangium, and leaving only a narrow slit-like opening, or micropyle, along the top. As shown in specially favour- able specimens, both of Lepidocarpon Lomax, and of L. Waldianwm, the more ancient Burntisland form, the functional megaspore became filled by a large-celled prothallus, resembling that of the recent Isoétes or Selaginella. 'The whole body, consisting of the sporophyll, bearing the integumented megasporangium and its contents, became detached from the strobilus, and in this isolated condition is identical with the “seed” described by Williamson under the name of Cardiocarpon wnomalum, which, however, proves to be totally distinct from the Cordaitean seed so named by Carruthers. The seed-like organs of Lepidocarpon are regarded by the author as presenting close analogies with true seeds, but as differing too widely from the seeds of any known Spermophyta to afford any proof of affinity. ‘The case appears rather to be one of parallel or convergent development, and not to indicate any genetic connection between the Lycopods and the Gymnosperms, or other Phanerogams. * “ Note on the Occurrence of a Seed-like Fructification in certain Paleozoic . Lycopods,” ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 67, p. 306. 1i8 = Theory of Consistence of Logical Class-frequencies, ke. “On the Theory of Consistence of Logical Class-frequencies and its Geometrical Representation.” By G. Upny YutLs, formerly Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics in University College, London. Communicated by Professor K. PEARSON, F.R.S. Received February 9,—Read February 28, 1901. (Abstract. ) The memoir deals with the theory of the conditions to which a series of logical class-frequencies is subject if the series is to be self-consistent ; i.¢., if the class-frequencies are to be such as might be observed within one and the same logical universe. The theory has been dealt with to a limited extent by De Morgan, in his ‘ Formal Logic’ (“ On the Numerically Definite Syllogism ”) and by Boole, in the ‘Laws of Thought’ (in the chapter entitled “Of Statistical Conditions”). In the present memoir the first section deals with the theory of consistence, by a simple method, up to class-frequencies in five attri- butes, and a general formula is then obtained, giving the conditions for any case. In the second part of the paper some illustrations are given of the geometrical representations of the conditions obtained in Raniilt In the case of three second-order frequencies (AB), (AC), and (BC), the complete conditions of consistence may be represented by a tetra- hedron with its edges truncated. The first-order frequencies are treated as constant, (AB), (AC), (BC) as co-ordinates, and the limits to (BC), for example, are given by the points in which the line drawn through the point (AB) (AC) parallel to the (BC)-axis cuts the surface. The general form of the surface depends on the value of the first-order frequencies. If (A)[(v) = Byl(v) = Ov) = b (u) being the total frequency, the edges are not truncated and the ‘‘congruence-surtace ” becomes a simple equilateral tetrahedron. The limits given to (BC) in terms of (AB) and (AC) in this case are shown to correspond to the limits to the correlation coefficient 723 in terms of rg and 733 in the case of normal correlation. The congruence-surface shows very clearly the nature of the approximation towards the syllogism, as conditions of the “universal” type (all A’s are B, or no A’s are B) are approached. One or two illustrations are also given — of congruence-surfaces for third-order frequencies, the first- and second- order frequencies being both treated as constants. In the third part of the paper some numerical examples, and sketches of congruence-surfaces for actual cases, are given, in further illustration of the theory. eae The New Star in Perseus. 119 “The New Star in Perseus——Preliminary Note.” By Sir NorMAN Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S. Received and Read February 28, FOOT: Dr. Copeland was kind enough to inform me by telegram on the afternoon of February 22, of the discovery by Dr. Anderson of a new star in the Milky Way in Perseus on the early morning of that day. It was stated that its position was R.A. 3" 24™ 25s and Declination +43° 34’, its magnitude 2°7, and colour of a bluish-white. Later in the evening this information was corroborated by another telegram from the ‘“ Centralstelle ” at Kiel. . Owing to cloudy weather, no photographs could be obtained at Kensington until the evening of the 25th. Momentary glimpses of the star on the evening of the 22nd, between the hours of 6 and 7.30 P.M., indicated that the Nova had considerably brightened since the time of its discovery, as it was estimated as a little brighter than a lst magnitude star ; no satisfactory observations of the spectrum could be made. Another Sliapse on the early morning (1.30 A.M.) of Monday (25th) showed that the star was still of about the Ist magnitude. Professor Pickering reports that the Nova was dimmer than an lith magnitude star on February 19. On the 23rd it was as bright as Capella. The star, therefore, was then at least. 10,000 times brighter than it was four days previously, and ranks as the brightest new star recorded since that which appeared in the year 1604. Since the 25th the brightness has diminished slightly, and on the evening of the 27th was estimated between the Ist and 2nd magnitude (17). If this reduction of brilliancy continues at the same rate, the new star will evidently be shorter lived than those to which it has most closely approximated in luminous intensity at the maximum, and less time will be available for studying the spectral changes which may be anticipated. I may state that Tycho’s Nova (1572) was visible for nearly 14 years, and Kepler’s (1604) for about the same period. It is Pinsste to note that the star was described by Dr. Anderson as being of a bluish-white colour at the time of discovery. Since it has diminished in brightness this has changed, and on the night of February 27, a reddish tinge was observed. The sky on Monday evening was by no means free from clouds, but ten very satisfactory photographs were secured with the three instruments in regular use for stellar spectra. Hdwards’s isochromatic plates were used, as it was considered desirable to secure a record of the green part of the spectrum. Although there has not been time for a complete discussion of these photographs, it may be stated that the spectrum contains numerous dark lines, several of which are associated with bright bands on the VOL. LXVIII. K 120 Sir Norman Lockyer. less refrangible side. Further, the spectrum, as a whole, greatly resembles that of Nova Aurigz. i Ga =~ © — — ectroscope. a Persei, photographed on the samme plate. py) by) (A). Spceetrum of Nova Persei. (B). Taken with a 30-inch common reflector and a two-prisin slit sp One of the chief features of the principal bright lines is their great width, amounting to 30 tenth-metres, and each is accompanied by a dark line of considerable breadth on its more refrangible side. A comparison spectrum of y Orionis, photographed alongside that of the Nova on one See The New Star in Perseus. LAL of the plates, indicates that the middle portions of the bright lines are not far from their normal positions ; those of the dark ones, however, are displaced by some 15 tenth-metres towards the violet, thus indi- cating a differential movement of something like 700 miles a second. Movements more rapid and disturbances more violent than those observed in Nova Aurige are therefore indicated ; both by the greater displacement of the dark lines relatively to those that are bright and the greater breadth of the bright and dark lines. The comparison of spectra shows us that we are dealing with two swarms, one of which, the less dense, gives us broad bright lines and is almost at rest with reference to the line of sight; the denser swarm, indicated by the dark lines, is in most rapid mov omen in the line of sight towards the earth. Og interesting feature of the spectrum is the presence of fine dark lines down the middle of each of the bright lines of hydrogen and calcium ; these are most probably reversals, and if this be so, they will be of great service for accurate determination of the wave-lengths of the other bright lines. The dark hydrogen line Hy, and perhaps HP and H6, are also possibly reversed. Kye observations showed among the chief lines a group of four in the green; one probably Hf, the others near A 492, 501, and 517 ; bright line at or near D, and a brilliant red line pr bal tlle ee. ing to Ha. Hach of these was accompanied by a dark broad line on its more refrangible side. Other lines of less brightness were observed both in the green and red. It at first seemed probable that two of the bright lines in the green (XA 492 and 501) might be due to asterium, while that in the orange was perhaps the helium line D3. Subsequent investigation, however, suggested as an alternative origin that these lines might be the enhaneed lines of iron at » 4924-1 and 5018-6, which are very nearly in the same positions as the asterium lines. This view was tested by inquiring whether other prominent enhanced lines of iron so strongly visible in the spectrum of « Cygni were present. A comparison with the spectrum of this star photographed with the _ Same instruments suggested that many lines between F and A in the Nova probably correspond with lines in « Cygni. Certainty could not be arrived at in consequence of the great breadth of the lines in the Nova. Hence, as the Nova bore some resemblance to both Nova Aurigz and « Cygni, a reference was suggested to the lines recorded in the spectrum of Nova Aurige which were observed when the light of that star was on the wane, and when the lines were thinned enough to be easily mea- surable. I may also add that these observations were made before the work on enhanced lines was undertaken. The importance of this reference was strengthened by the considera- 122 Sir Norman Lockyer. tion that with such a tremendous outburst we should expect the original invisible swarm to have been (very rapidly) advanced to a considerable condensation at the locus of impact, and therefore to resemble some “star” which had (slowly) arrived at a position pretty high up on the ascending temperature curve in the ordinary course of evolution on the meteoritic hypothesis. A comparison of the bright lines recorded by Campbell* and Vogely in the spectrum of Nova Aurigz with the strongest lines of « Cygni— a very detailed record of the spectrum of which star has been recently compiled here—shows that there is a close agreement between the two sets of lines. These strong « Cygni lines are almost without exception the representatives of ‘‘enhanced” lines of some of the metals, chiefly Fe, Ti, Cr, Ni, Ca, Sr, and Se. If we exclude the lines of hydrogen from those which were recorded in the spectrum of Nova Aurigz, there remain forty-four lines for comparison. Thirty of these, or about 70 per cent., agree approximately in position with either strong ‘isolated lines or groups of lines in the spectrum of « Cygni. It may be assumed that, taking into consideration the brdad nature of the Nova lines, if there be any genuine connection between them and the lines of a Cygni, any close groups of separately distinguishable lines in the latter spectrum would be thrown together in the Nova spectrum, and appear as broad bands. A good instance of this appears in Campbell’s list. He records a band extending from AA 4534 to 4501. In the spectrum of « Cygni there is a strong line at each of the positions given, and between them there occurs a strong quartet of lines. ‘The former are well enhanced lines of titanium, and the latter of iron. It seems extremely likely, therefore, that the six lines thrown together produce the apparently continuous band observed by Campbell. If the stage of « Cygni has really been reached, the following con- siderations come in :— In the orderly condensation of swarms, according to the meteoritic hypothesis, the earlier stages are— ere Dark lines, corresponding chiefly with shes ae the enhanced lines of various metals. Dark lines, comprising both are and Polarian..2 enhanced lines of various metals. Dark lines, chiefly corresponding to Aldebarian................ 4 those which appear in the are spectra ot various metals. ¢ Mixed bright and dark flutings aud dark Ascending temperature. ARAbATIAT 00s cin «°c tone eee | lines. Bright lines of hydrogen in those stars which are variable. Nebulaw., Gs< noc+ sas eeneee orieng lines, * “ Ast.-Phys. Jour.,’ vol. xi, p. 807, 1892. f ‘ Ast.-Phys. Jour.,’ vol. xii, p. 912, 1893. The New Star in Perseus. : 133 In the case of new stars, after the maximum of luminosity has been reached, however high they ascend, short of the apex of the tem- perature curve, this order must be reversed, and hence we should expect to find the spectrum varying in accordance with the foregoing sequence, but in the reverse order. In Nova Coronz (1866), according to the observations of Sir William Huggins and Dr. Miller, the absorption spectrum was very similar to that of a Orionis, which is a star of the Antarian group, so that the temperature attained was relatively low; this indeed is demonstrated by the fact that at present it shines faintly as an Antarian star, and doubtless did so before the collision. The collision, therefore, probably did not take Nova Coronze very much above its initial stage of tem- perature, and when the disturbance was over it simply reverted to Its old conditions. The spectrum of Nova Cygni (1876) was not photographed, and as special attention was given by most observers to the bright lines, there is no satisfactory record of the absorption spectrum. This now appears as a nebula, and doubtless it was a nebula to begin with, as Nova Corone was a star to begin with. In Nova Aurige (1892), as we have seen, the comparison with a Cygni indicates that the Cygnian (a higher) stage was reached, and in the final stages its spectrum corresponded with that of the planetary nebulz, that is, a stage lower than that reached by Nova Corone. The intermediate stages, however, were not observed, possibly because the star was never very brilliant, and partly because of the difficulty of observing closely grouped lines, such as occur in the Polarian and Aldebarian stages when they are rendered broad by such disturbances as those which were obviously present in the Nova. The observed maximum magnitude in the case of a new star will evidently depend upon the distance and size of the colliding masses, as well as upon the temperature produced by the collision. It is not remarkable, therefore, that there is no apparent relation between the greatest brightness and the temperature indicated by the spectra, Nova Coron, with its relatively low temperature, shone for a time as a 2nd magnitude star, while Nova Aurigz, with a much higher tem- perature, scarcely surpassed a star of the 5th magnitude. I now return to Nova Persei. If the idea that in the present Nova the swarm which gives the dark line spectrum resembles a Cygni be confirmed ; as its temperature is reduced we may expect it to pass successively through some or all of the stages of temperature repre- sented by stars of the Polarian, Aldebarian, and Antarian groups, enhanced lines being first replaced by arc lines, and then by flutings. Whether it remains at one of these stages or undergoes a further back- wardation into a nebula will be a point of the highest interest. If, like Nova Aurige, the present Nova should end as a nebula, it VOL. LXVIII. | L 124 Proceedings and List of Candidates. will furnish a most convincing proof of the fundamental metallic nature of nebule. In conclusion, I wish to express my thanks to Dr. W. J. S. Lockyer and Mr. F. E. Baxandall, of the Solar Physics Observatory, and to Mr. A. Fowler, of the Royal College of Science, who have greatly assisted me in preparing the present note, and who, with the addition of Mr. Butler, of the Solar Physics Observatory, secured the excellent set of photographs and eye observations on the night of the 25th, from which the new knowledge has been derived. The preparation of the slides I owe to Sapper J. P. Wilkie. March 7, 1901. Sir WILLIAM HUGGINS, K.C.B., D.C.L., President, in the Chair. A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them. In pursuance of the Statutes, the names of Candidates for election into the Society were read as follows :— Adeney, Walter Ernest, D.Sc. Alcock, Alfred William, Major, LMS. Allen, Alfred Henry, TCS: Ardagh, Sir John, Major-General, R.E. Ballance, Charles Alfred, F.R.C.S. Binnie, Sir Alexander Richardson, M.I.C.E. Bourne, Gilbert C., M.A. Bovey, Professor Henry T., M.A. Boyce, Professor Rubert. Bridge, Professor Thomas William, M.A. Brown, Adrian John, F.C.S. Brown, John. Bruce, John Mitchell, M.D. Budge, Ernest A. Wallis, D.Litt. Callaway, Charles, D.Sc. Cardew, Philip, Major, R.E. Chattaway, Frederick Daniel, M.A. Clowes, Frank, D.Sc. Copeman, Sydney Monckton, M.D. Corfield, Professor Wiliam Henry, M.D. Crookshank, March, M.B. Darwin, Horace, M.A. Davison, Charles, D.Sc. Dendy, Professor Arthur, D.Sc. Dixon, Professor Alfred Cardew, M.A. Dixon, Professor Augustus Ed- ward, F.C.S. Dyson, Frank Watson, M.A. Evans, Arthur John, M.A. Feilden, Colonel Henry Wemyss. Galloway, Professor William, Goodrich, Edwin 8. Gray, Professor Thomas, B.Se. Gregory, Professor J. W., D.Se. Professor Edgar List of Papers read. Hamilton, Professor David James, M.D. Hardy, William Bate, M.A. Harker, Alfred, M.A. Harmer, Frederic William, F.G.S. Hiern, William Philip, M.A. Hills, Edmond Herbert, Captain, R.E. Hopkinson, Edward, M.A. Jackson, Henry Bradwardine, Captain, R.N. Jukes-Browne, Alfred John, F.G.S. Kidston, Robert, F.G.S. Knott, Cargill Gilston, D.Sc. Letts, Edmund Albert, D.Sc. Lewis, Sir William Thomas, Bart., M.Inst.C.E. MacArthur, John Stewart, F.C.S. Macdonald, Hector Munro, M.A. Maclean, Magnus, D.Sc. MacMunn, Charles Alexander, M.D. Mallock, Henry Reginald Arnulph. Mance, Sir Henry C., C.IL.E. Mansergh, James, M.Inst.C.E. Martin, Professor Charles James, M.B. Masson, Professor Orme, M.A. Mather, Thomas. Matthey, Edward, F.C.S. Maunder, Edward Walter, F.R.A.S. Meyrick, Edward, B.A. Michell, John Henry, M.A. Mill, Hugh Robert, D.Sc. Newall, Hugh Frank, M.A. Notter, James Lane, Surg. Lieut.- Col., M.D. Oliver, John Ryder, Major-General (late R.A.), C.M.G. 125 Parsons, F.R.C.S. Payne, Joseph Frank, M.D. Perkin, Arthur George. Pope, William Jackson. Rose, Thomas Kirke, D.Sc. Ross, Ronald, Major, M.R.C.S. Russell, James Samuel Risien, M.U Salomons, Sir David, Bart., M.A, Saunders, Edward. 3 Schlich, Professor William, C.I.E. Sidgreaves, Rev. Walter, S.J., F.R.A.S. Smith, Fred., Lieut.-Col. Smith, James Lorrain, M.D. Smithells, Professor Arthur, B.Sc. Stead, John Edward, F.C.S. Strahan, Aubrey, M.A. Swinburne, James. Swinton, Alan Archibald Camp- bell, Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Symington, Prof. Johnson, M.D. Tarleton, Professor Francis Alex- ander, Sc.D. Tatham, John F. W., F.R.C.P. Thomas, Michael Rogers Oldfield, EZ: Wager, Harold, F.L.S. Walker, James, M.A. Waterhouse, James, Maj.-Gen. Watkin, Colonel, R.A., C.B. Watson, William, B.Sc. Whetham, William C. D., M.A. White, William Hale, M.D. Whitehead, Alfred North, M.A. Willey, Arthur, D.Sc. Woodhead, Professor German Sims, M.D. Woodward, Arthur Smith, F.G.S. Frederick Gymer, The following Papers were read :— I. “Further Observations on Nova Persei.”: By Sir Norman LocKYER, eC Be URS: II. “Some Physical Properties of Nitric Acid Solutions.” By V. H. VELEY, F.R.S., and J. J. MANLEY. 16 V2 Py, 3 ale ee ee 126 Hon. R. J. Strutt. On the Conductivity of ie The Anatomy of Symmetrical Double Monstrosities in the Trout.” By Dr..J. F. Gemmity. Communicated by Pro- fessor CLELAND, F.R.S. IV. “Preliminary Communication on the Cistrous Cycle and the Formation of the Corpus Luteum in the Sheep.” By F. H. A. MARSHALL. Communicated by Professor J. C. Ewart. F.R.S. V. “On the Composition and Variations of the Pelvic Plexus in Acanthias vulgaris.” By BR. C. PUNNETT. Communicated by Dr. Gapow, F.R.S. VI. “On the Heat dissipated by a Platinum Surface at High Tempera- tures. JV.—High-Pressure Gases.” By J. EH. PETAVEL. Communicated by Professor SCHUSTER, F.R.S. “On the Conductivity of Gases under the Becquerel Rays.” By the Hon. R. J. Strutt, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by LorD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. Received De- cember 15, 1900,— Read February 21, 1901. (Abstract ) This paper gives an account of experiments on the relative con- ductivities of gases under the action of Becquerel radiation from various radio-active bodies. It is first explained that in order to determine the constants fundamentally involved, the following conditions must be complied with :— (1.) The E.M.F. applied to the conducting gas must be great enough to consume all the ions produced by the rays. (2.) The pressure of the gas must be low enough to prevent any appreciable fraction of the radiation being absorbed by it. If this is not so, then the layers of gas nearer the radio-active surface are exposed to stronger radiation than those further from it. The effective strength of the radiation will thus depend on the absorb- ing power of the gas at the particular pressure, and the observed ratio of the conductivities of two gases at the same pressure will not represent the ratio of their conductivities under radiation of a given strength. The criterion applied to test whether the absorption was appreciable, was to examine the conductivity at different pressures. The range was ascertained within which the law of approximate proportionality to the pressure held good. In the experiments, care was taken to keep the pressure well within that range. Gases under the Becquerel Rays. . 127 The kinds of radiation employed are there enumerated. They include, (1.) The most penetrating kind of radiation, from radium—that deflectable by the magnet. (2.) The easily absorbed kind of radiation from radium, which is not so deflectable. (3.) and (4.) The radiation from two different samples of polonium. (5.) The radiation from uranium salt. The method of measurement is then described. It was in outline as follows :— The layer of the radio-active body was placed at the bottom of a shallow brass box containing the gas under investigation. In this box and parallel to its flat top was a disc electrode, carried by a brass rod passing, air-tight, through an insulating ebonite stopper. The outside of the box was maintained at a high potential by a battery of small storage cells, and the current through the gas measured by the rate at which the potential of the insulated electrode rose, as indicated by a quadrant electrometer connected with it. When it was desired to use only the penetrating rays from radium, a thin copper sheet, 0°007 cm. thick, intervened between the radio-active material and the gas. In measuring the relative conductivities of two gases, the rate of leak through one was observed at a known pressure. The apparatus was then exhausted, and the other gas admitted, and the rate of leak through it determined. This last rate of leak was corrected, so as to obtain the value which it would have had at the same pressure as that at which the first was examined. The rates of leak through the two gases were then comparable. The mean results were as follows :— Relative conductivity 4 | Densit : ; | (Jae or vapour. ene Radium. Polonium. eer | Uranium. | Pene- Easily trating. | absorbed. - _ Elydrogen 2k ssc | 0 0693 OeLs7 0°218 0 °226) 0°219| 0:°213 Air (assumed) a ele OO) 1-00 1:00 1300, 41-00), 1:00 | MOayOCW . . oe occu et 2A ie le Carbonic acid....... 5S. Laie 1°54 Cyanogen hte Se PLE S6 1°86 oes 1°94 Sulphur dioxide......) 2.19 2°32 1°92 2°04 | 2°03 | 2°08 WMIOTOLOTM . . 2.2 os. te AC Oe 4°89 ae A, 44, Methyliodide .......| 5°05 5:18 3°74 Spi | ood ae) | Carbon tetrachloride..; 5°81 5 83 a 5 34 128 Some Physical Properties of Nitrie Acid Solutions. The general conclusions are that, (1.) Both the deflectable and undeflectable rays give relative con- ductivities nearly, but certainly not quite, equal to the relative densities. (2.) All the different kinds of undeflectable rays give the same rela- tive conductivities, but the deflectable rays give somewhat different relative conductivities. Both these kinds of rays are in this respect sharply distinguished from Roéntgen rays, which give relative conductivities several times greater than the relative densities in the case of gases containing sulphur or the halogens. “Some Physical Properties of Nitric Acid Solutions.” By V. H. VELEY, F.R.S., and J. J. MANLEY, Daubeny Curator, Magdalen College, Oxford. Received February 11,—Read March 7, 1901. (Abstract.) The results obtained by the authors on the electric conductivity of solutions of nitric acid have led them to continue their investigations on other physical properties of the same substance with a view of con- firming the conclusions drawn therefrom. In the present paper the properties examined are the densities, with especial reference to the contractions, and the refractive indices. The various sources of error and their possible magnitude are dis- cussed in full: for the densities, those of analysis, unavoidable in this case, temperature, errors of filling pyknometers both with acid and water ; for the refractive indices, those of micrometer screws, divided circle, parallelism of quartz plates are more especially alluded to, as also the several effects likely to be-produced by the various substances with which the acid solutions of necessity came into contact. The results obtained by both methods are given in a series of tables, and compared with those calculated from various equations for straight lines. These show that the physical properties are discontinuous at points corresponding very approximately to the concentrations required for simple molecular combinations only of nitric acid and water. In the case of the densities and contractions, the best defined points of discontinuity correspond to the composition of the hydrates with 14, 7,. 4, 3, 15, and 1 molecular proportions of water; in the case of the refractive indices, the most marked points correspond to the 14, 7, and 1:5 hydrates. The results for the contractions further confirm those for the electric conductivities as to a remarkable discontinuity at concentrations 95 per Anatomy of Symmetrical Double Monstrositres in the Trout. 129 cent. to 100 per cent., which can possibly be explained by some cause other than the combination of acid with water. The contractions show that these points of discontinuity, though to some degree real, yet to another degree are ideal in that there is within the limits of 1 to 2 per cent. in the vicinity of such points a transition stage. The values for » are further expressed in terms both of Gladstone and Dale’s, and of Lorentz’ formula, and it is shown that the values in neither case are constant, but decrease with increase of concentration, and also that Pulfrich’s formula which expresses the relation between the refractive index and the contraction in terms of a constant is only approximately applicable for results differing by small per- centage concentrations, but not so in the case of considerable differences. The results are illustrated by a selection of curves, with especial reference to the points of discontinuity. ‘The Anatomy of Symmetrical Double Monstrosities in the Trout.” By James F. Gemoityt, M.A., M.D., Lecturer in Embryology and University Assistant in Anatomy, University of Glasgow. Communicated by Professor CLELAND, F-.R.S. Received February 6,—Read March 7, 1901. (Abstract.) This paper contains the results of an investigation into the anatomy of a series of trout embryos exhibiting different degrees of symmetrical duplicity, and gives an account of the structural details which attend the fusion, disappearance, or special adaptation of parts in the region of transition from the double to the single condition. Some general questions suggested by these results are also discussed. The monstrosities examined were four months old counting from the time of fertilisation, and they form a fairly complete series ranging from specimens in which the duplicity does not affect more than the anterior part of the head to specimens in which there is union by the posterior part of the body or by the yolk-sac only. The classification adopted has special reference to the material at my disposal and is on the same general lines as that given by Professor Windle in the ‘ Pro ceedings of the Zoological Society,’ 1895. The examination of the monstrosities was necessarily preceded by an investigation into the anatomy of normal trout embryos at correspond ing stages in development. The results of this investigation are briefly given, special attention being paid to the cranial, visceral and vertebral skeleton, which at this period is wholly cartilaginous. 130 Dr. J. F.Gemmill. The Anatomy oj The following is a short summary of the anatomy of the various kinds of double monstrosity described :— Type 1. Union in head reqion— a. The twin brains united at the mesencephalon. b. The twin brains united at the medulla oblongata. Type 2. Union in pectoral region— a. The pectoral fins absent on adjacent sides. b. The pectoral fins present but united on adjacent sides. Type 3. Union behind the pectoral region— a. The twin bodies united at a considerable distance in front of the vent. b. The twin bodies united close to the vent. Type 4. Union by the yolk-sac only. Type 1a shows the following characteristics :— The cerebral lobes and the thalamencephala are doubled. There are two infundibula, two hypophyses and two pairs of hypo- aria. The optic lobes have a single cavity, but their basal parts show marked evidence of duplicity. Cerebellum pons and medulla are single, but there is a remarkable reappearance of duplicity in the cervical part of the spinal cord. There are two pairs of Ist, 2nd, 3rd (and 4th) nerves, but only single pairs of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and vagus nerves are present. The cervical part of the spinal cord gives off in each segment a small extra pair of ventral roots. There are two pairs of olfactory organs, all of which are normal. There are also two pairs of eyes, the outer ones (right of right head and left of left head) being normal. The inner or adjacent eyes (left of right head and right of left head) lie close to one another, and are more or less united. They have a common sclerotic and cornea, but the retinze and choroids are separate. In some cases the lens is a single composite structure ; in others it is doubled. Of eye muscles the external recti are always, and the superior obliques are sometimes, awanting. The other eye muscles are all present, and each eye has its own optic nerve, choroidal fissure, choroidal gland and choroidal artery. In front there are two sets of skeletal structures which converge rapidly as one goes backwards. The adjacent trabecular, supraorbital, and palatopterygoid bars coalesce posteriorly, while the adjacent para- chordals are united along their whole length. There are two pituitary spaces. Only a vestige remains of the adjacent Meckelian cartilages. The notochords are double in front and remain separate for about twenty somites. They retain duplicity longer than any other structure. Adjacent neural and costal arch cartilages unite, become Symmetrical Double Monstrosities in the Trout. 131 reduced in size, and finally disappear as one goes backwards. The two outer series of cartilages are continued posteriorly into the single region of the body. Head Kidney.—The glomerulus is sometimes double and sometimes single ; when single it has two glomerular tufts, and is divided into three chambers. Each of the outer chambers gives origin to a normal Wolffian duct. The middle chamber is closed. When there are two glomeruli, a normal Wolffian duct arises from the outer half of each glomerulus, but the Wolffian ducts which should arise from the inner or adjacent sides of the glomeruli are either entirely absent or are represented only by short blind sacculated tubules. Alimentary Canal.—Two mouth openings lead into a single buccal cavity. Pharynx, stomach, liver, and intestine are single, but there are two air-bladder diverticula. Type 1b. Union in Head Region, the brains being united at the medulla oblongata. The medulla and the fourth ventricle cavity bifurcate anteriorly and lead to two separate sets of mid- and fore-brain cavities and masses. Pons and cerebellum are double. There are two sets of cranial nerves. The inner or adjacent elements of the 5th, 7th, and 8th pairs are reduced in size, while the corresponding vagi are extremely rudimentary. ‘The anterior part of the medulla is double ; the posterior part is single and composite. The cervical part of the spinal cord shows striking evidence of original duplicity, and has a set of small extra roots coming off from its ventral aspect as in Type la. There are two pairs of olfactory organs and two pairs of eyes, all of which are normal. The outer auditory organs (right of right head and left of left head) are normal. In addition there is a small malformed auditory organ placed in the angle between the two converging heads ; it consists of united adjacent labyrinths and capsules, and has dis- tributed to it on either side the small adjacent 8th nerves previously mentioned. Cramal Skeleton.—In front, the cranial skeletal elements are in two separate sets; these converge posteriorly, their basal parts uniting at the level of the medulla oblongata. There are thus two separate nasal cartilages, two separate sets of trabecule cranii and two pituitary spaces. The adjacent parachordal cartilages unite and form with the outer ones a single plate which underlies the composite medulla oblongata and covers the cranial parts of the two notochords. The inner or adjacent palatopterygoids, supraorbitals, hyo-mandibulars and periotic capsules are united and reduced in size. In the visceral skeleton there are elements representing fused adjacent Meckelian and hyoid bars, while the copular cartilage which succeeds the glossonyal is 132 Dr. J. F.Gemmill. The Anatomy of bifid anteriorly. The notochords remain separate for at least thirty somites, and have the same arrangement of neural and costal arch cartilages as was described in connection with Type 1a. Heart, d&c.—The heart chambers and the truncus arteriosus are single, and there are the usual number of gills and gill vessels. There are, however, two sets of carotid and hyoid arteries, the inner or adjacent pairs being derived directly from the truncus arteriosus. The truncus arteriosus arches dorsally in the septum between the two mouths to reach the base of the skull, and then divides into two limbs which are continued backwards to join the aortic collecting roots on either side. The dorsal aorta remains double so long as the notochord is double. Head Kidney.—There is a large composite glomerulus containing two vascular tufts and divided into three compartments. Normal Wolffian ducts arise from the outer compartments, while the middle one gives origin to a coiled sacculated tubule which ends blindly in the tissue of the head kidney and represents united adjacent Wolffian ducts. The alimentary canal has two mouth openings, two buccal cavities, and two air-bladder diverticula. Pharynx, cesophagus, stomach, liver, intestine, and vent are single. } Muscles.—In both (a) and (6), so long as the notochords are separate, there exists between and ventral to them a median muscular mass, divided into segments corresponding with the mesoblastic somites, innervated by the small extra ventral spinal roots previously mentioned, and representing united adjacent lateral muscles. Type 2. Union in Pectoral Legion. (a.) Adjacent Pectoral Fins absent. (b.) Adjacent Pectoral Fins present, but united. In both cases the brains, the cranial and visceral skeletons, the organs of sense, and the upper parts of the spinal cords are completely doubled. There are two hearts and two trunci arteriosi. In (a) the auricles communicate, and the sinus venosus is a large common chamber receiving two sets of jugular veins, but receiving only a single pair of cardinals. In (0) the auricles are separate, the sinus venosi have only a narrow neck of communication, and there are two complete sets of jugular and cardinal veins. The inner or adjacent set of cardinals is, however, much reduced in size. Pectoral Fins—In (a) pectoral fins are entirely absent from the adjacent sides of the twin bodies ; in (0) they are present in a more or less united condition, the union being greatest towards the posterior border. The head kidney resembles that described for Type 1 (0); the median tubule is, however, larger, and is continued further backwards. Symmetrical Double Monstrosities in the Trout. 133 Alimentary Canal.—Mouth, pharynx, air bladder and stomach are - double. Union takes place in the pyloric region. Liver, intestine and vent are single. Type 3. Union by Posterior Part of Body. The intestines are united for a greater or less distance forwards from the vent, which is almost always single. The sagittal planes of the twin bodies converge ventrally in a degree which, roughly speaking, varies directly as the degree of duplicity. The spinal cords may or may not unite anterior to the place of union of the notochords. In some cases the spinal cords remain separate along their whole length. As a rule, in cases where ventral convergence of the sagittal planes is well marked, dorsal structures, such as the spinal cords, dorsal fins, and dorsal edge membranes, remain double longer than structures which are more ventrally placed. The twin head kidneys are quite separate, and each gives origin to two Wolffian ducts. The relations of the posterior parts of these ducts aud of the bladders show remarkable variety. In rare cases the two adjacent Wolffian ducts (i.¢., left duct of right twin and right duct of left twin) end blindly and separately, while the two outer ducts open into a single normal bladder. In all other cases there are two bladders, each of which receives a right and a left Wolffian duct belonging to different twins. The two bladders may be quite separate, or they may communicate with one another. When they are separate each of them may open by a urinary pore, or one of them may have no outlet, and may be greatly enlarged through retention. When the bladders communicate with each other, only one of them possesses a urinary pore. : The intestines are separate in front, but in all my specimens they unite posteriorly. The united part usually ends by a single vent, but in one remarkable instance two vents were present which terminated by anal orifices situated on opposite sides of the composite body of the monstrosity. Type 4. Umon by Yolk-sac only. Each embryo has a complete and separate complement of organs. The alimentary canals are shut off altogether from one another and from the yolk. ‘The vitelline circulations are crossed. General. The general part of the paper discusses briefly— (1.) The idiosyncrasies and general arrangement of mesial and paired organs at the transitional region in symmetrical double monstrosities. ~ Pal ee 2 oe ee 134 Anatomy of Symmetrical Double Monstrosities im the Trout. (2.) Certain instances of correlation and irregularity in develop- ment. Mode of origin of double monstrosities in the trout. | The discussion under these heads is based on the evidence brought forward in the descriptive part of the paper. (1.) Itis shown that at the region of transition in laterally symmetri- cal double monstrosities the notochords are the last structures to unite, while equally primitive structures, both dorsal and ventral to the notochords, viz., the neural axis and the alimentary canal, lose their duplicity earlier. It is further shown that those parts of the neural axis and alimentary canal which are most closely apposed to the noto- chords retain evidence of original duplicity longer than parts which are more remote. The floor and roof of the neural axis and of the alimentary canal are seen to be in marked contrast in this respect. Duplicity of the dorsal aorta, of the pronephric glomerulus, of the vertebral cartilages, of the body muscles and of various other struc- tures is correlated with duplicity of the notochord. In paired organs the transition from the double to the single condi- tion takes place at the expense of the inner or adjacent elements, which are usually united and reduced in size before they disappear altogether. A list is given of the more important examples of union and reduction in size of adjacent elements in the transitional region, which are mentioned in the descriptive part of the paper. From the evidence brought forward it is inferred that fusion has played a not unimportant part in moulding the form of the neural axis and the alimentary tract in the transition region. The union of adjacent paired structures is probably to be explained by the fusion of mesoblastic blastema developing laterally from each of the embryonic axes near the place of convergence and union. (2.) The law that union takes place between homologous structures always holds good. Both twins usually contribute equally and symmetrically to the sum of structures in the transitional region. ) The position of the girdle and the number of post-girdle nerves ; (c) The position of the girdle and the number of whole vertebree. (6) No correlation was found between the number of the fin rays and the number of fin nerves. (7) At certain stages in ontogeny the number of collector nerves is greater than in the adult. (8) At certain stages in ontogeny the number of post-girdle nerves is greater than in the adult. The most caudal two or three of these form a posterior collector—a structure which is never found in the adult. The facts recorded have been used as criteria between the two rival theories of limb origin with the following results :— (1) To explain the variations on the side-fold excalation theory, it must be assumed that excalation of segments is going on in the collector and pre-collector areas whilst, at the same time, intercalation is taking place in the post-girdle area; or, in other words, that the portion of the vertebral column in front of the girdle is tending to split up into fewer segments, whilst simultaneously that portion behind the girdle is tending to become divided into more segments. Leaving on one side the improbability of two contiguous portions of the vertebral column undergoing at the same time two opposite processes, an examination of the number of whole vertebre associated with different positions of the girdle lends practically no support to the view that intercalation is going on in this area. (2) On the side-fold excalation theory, an explanation of the varia- tions in the position and number of the nerve canals of-the girdle, and of the occasional instances of asymmetry, necessitates the assumption M 2 142 Sir Norman Lockyer. that the pelvic girdle in different specimens is not homologous—an ~ assumption which at present seems unjustifiable. | (3) The different variations observed are not discordant with the view that the limb is capable of migrating along the body, on which view it must be supposed that a secondary rostral migration has followed a primary caudal one. Moreover, such a view receives confirmation from the existence of a posterior collector and of a more extensive anterior collector in certain embryonic stages. “Further Observations on Nova Perse.” By Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.B.S. Received and Read March 7, 1901. Pra TE 1) Since the preliminary note on this star was communicated to the Royal Society on February 28th, observations have been possible on the nights of February 28th, March Ist, 3rd, and 5th, and twenty- four photographs of the spectrum have been taken with the instru- ments before detailed. : It may be stated generally that the light is slowly waning. On February 28th the star was only slightly brighter than a Persei. On March Ist it was estimated as about equal to a Persei, 7.¢., about 2-0 magnitude. When it was again visible on the evening of March 3rd, it was distinctly less bright than / Persei, and its magnitude probably near 2°50; on the 5th its estimated magnitude was 2-7. The above refers to the visual brightness. A photograph of the region occupied by the Nova on March 3rd showed it to be photo- graphically brighter than @ Persei. General Description of the Spectrum. The photographs show that the bright hydrogen lines are succes- sively feebler as the ultra-violet is approached, and the whole of the series of hydrogen lines have during the past week become relatively brighter with respect to the remaining lines and the continuous spectrum. ‘The spectrum extends far into the ultra-violet. Among the changes which have taken place in the visible part of the spectrum, it may be mentioned that while the lines of hydrogen have become relatively brighter during the past week, the remaining lines, with the possible exception of the prominent one at 1 5169, have become distinctly dimmer. There has also been a diminution of the intensity; of the continuous spectrum. The line in the yellow, the identity of which has not yet been definitely determined, has gradually decreased in intensity with the diminution of brightness of the star. al 4 ' k i t 5 b . } : ' J 7 4 4 . i s . . ‘ e 1 ‘ ' e 3 ; © ay te —— 1.3.01. 3.3.0] SERIES OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SpecTRUM OF NOVA PERSEI. Taken with 30-inch reflector and with a slit spectroscope of two prisms. (Comparison spectrum in each case is that of Persei.) 28 2.01) SF ShOts “Ya AMOOT] 005 ‘hoy “O08 d ‘L ‘Id ‘89 "joa Further Observations on Nova Persei. ; 143 In the visible part of the spectrum the bright green-blue F line of hydrogen has become more conspicuous as the neighbouring green _lines have become fainter, and the bright C line is intensely brilliant. From all these causes, which give us blue light on the one hand and red on the other, the star should present to us the precise quality of red which has been observed. Colour. At discovery the star was described as bluish-white. No observa- tions on its variation in hue during its brightening were possible, owing to unfavourable weather conditions. The observations during the period of decline have indicated a change to the present colour of a decided claret red. In comparison with this, it is interesting to note that in the case of the Nova which appeared in 1604, Kepler alludes to purple and red tints assumed by the star. Changes in the Photographic Spectrum. Between February 25th and March 5th, to take the extreme difference: of dates on which photographs were obtained, it has been noted that while some of the dark lines were absent at the later date, either new lines had come in or previously feeble lines had become intensified. There has not yet been time to determine accurately the positions of these lines (see Plate 1). The appearance of the bright lines of hydrogen which I described as being reversed on February 25th, had very materially changed by March 3rd. In inspecting the dark band representing the bright hydrogen at He two darker fine lines are seen nearly coincident in position with the edges of He in the spectrum of a Persei. To my eye the light curve is as follows :— He blue. red . The appearance is different in the case of the F line (Hf), a light curve of which I also give— 144 Sir Norman Lockyer. H, blue, red. No doubt the differences in the appearances are due to the fact that at He we are dealing with the lines both of hydrogen and calcium. Rough measurements on the bright line Hf show that the interval between the centres of the two extreme maxima shown in the light curve corresponds to about 25 tenth-metres. This would give a differential velocity of 960 miles per second between the different sets of hydrogen atoms in the bright-line swarm itself. It may be then that the appearances described as reversals of the hydrogen lines on February 25th, were but the beginning of the sub- sequent changes. The comparisons with stars which have been taken with the slit spectroscope on each evening of observation, indicate that no great change in the velocity of the dark-line component has occurred. So much, however, cannot be said of the bright lines, in which a change has been observed. In addition to the hydrogen lines the strong lines in the green already ascribed to iron, appear to be double in the photographs most recently obtained. Comparison with a Cygni. The view of the apparent similarity between the spectra of Nova Persei and Nova Aurige, to which I drew attention in my previous paper, has been strengthened by the comparisons which have since been made. The bright lines in the spectrum of Nova Persei are so broad, especially in the blue and violet, that accurate determinations of their wave-lengths are difficult to obtain. ‘The lines less refrangible than F, . however, besides being more isolated, are narrower than those in the more refrangible part of the spectrum. A direct comparison of these with the lines in the spectrum of a star which is known to contain the enhanced lines of iron, &c., has been considered a better method of arriving at some definite conclusion as to the connection between the Nova lines and the enhanced lines, than that of determining the wave- lengths of the broad lines and comparing the results with the known wave-lengths of the enhanced lines. Further Observations on Nova Perser ~ 145 The best star for this purpose is a Cygni, but unfortunately no good photograph has been obtained at Kensington of the green portion of the spectrum of that star. The star most nearly approaching a Cygni in relation to enhanced lines is « Canis Majoris, which in the Kensington classification has been placed nearly on a level with the former star, but on the descending side of the temperature curve. In the spectrum of this star the enhanced lines of iron AA 4924-11, 5018°63, Cee and 5316-79 occur as well-marked lines. This spectrum has been directly compared with that of Nova Persei taken with the same instrument, and the fact that all the lines apparently coincide, affords good evidence that the connection is a real one, and that the first four strong Nova lines beyond F on the less refrangible side are the representatives of the enhanced lines of iron. ‘These are the only enhanced lines which occur in that part of the iron spectrum, with the exception of a weak one at 15276°17. There is only a trace of this line in the spectra of either the Nova or « Canis Majoris which have been compared. In the spectra of the Nova obtained with lower dispersion, however, a line is distinctly shown in this position, though it is considerably weaker than the four lines previously mentioned. The absence of the strong lines which are familiar in the arc spec- trum, and in the ordinary spark spectrum in this region, is to be ascribed to higher temperature; experiments which are in progress show that under certain conditions, the two lines 4 5018°6 and 5169 are by far the strongest lines in the spectrum of iron between 500 and D, while that at 1 4924-1 is distinctly stronger than any of the well-known group of four are lines in which it falls. The published wave-lengths of the lines of Nova Aurige show that the same lines were present in that star. Further investigations of the spectrum of Nova Aurigee have strengthened the conclusion that most of the lines, after we pass from those of hydrogen, are enhanced lines of a comparatively small number of metals. : When the inquiry is extended into the region more refrangible than Hf, the evidence in favour of the similarity of the spectra of the two Novee with that of « Cygniis not so conclusive, because of the greater breadth of the lines (since the spectra have been obtained by the use of prisms) and because of the fact that in this region’ the enhanced lines of iron frequently occur in groups. In the region between Hé and Hy, however, there is a well marked enhanced line of iron at 1 4233-3 and also two doubles at AA 4173-7, 4179-0, and AA 4296-7, 4303-3, and a comparison of « Cygni with Nova Persei indicates that these fall on broad bright bands of the Nova spectrum. It is not claimed that all the enhanced lines which appear in the spectrum of « Cygni are represented in that of Nova Aurige. There TS ee 146 = Meeting of March 14,1901, and List of Papers read. is, however, a sufficient reason why at a particular stage in the spectrum of such Nove the enhanced lines of certain substances should predominate. Thus, in y Cygni, titanium is most strongly represented by enhanced lines ; in « Cygni, iron, chromium, and nickel ; in 6 Orionis, silicium and magnesium, and so on. We may thus expect to find the lines of different substances most prominent at different stages in the history of the star. In the work above referred to I have been assisted as follows :— The new photographs have been taken by Dr. Lockyer and Messrs. Fowler, Baxandall, Shackleton, Butler, Shaw, and Hodgson. The detailed examination of the photographs has been made by Messrs. Fowler and Baxandall. The visual observations have been chiefly made by Messrs. Fowler and Butler. The photographs have been en- Jarged and the illustrations for this paper prepared by Sapper Wilkie. To all, my best thanks are due. March 14, 1901. Sir WILLIAM HUGGINS, K.C.B., D.C.L., President, in the Chair. A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them. The following Papers were read :— I. “The Action of Magnetised Electrodes upon Electrical Discharge Phenomena in Rarefied Gases.” By C. E. 8. Pui~ires. Com- municated by Sir W. CrooKEs, F.R.S. II. “The Chemistry of Nerve-degeneration.” By Dr. Mort, F.B.5., and Professor HALLIBURTON, F.R.S. III. “On the Jonisation of Atmospheric Air.” By C. T. R. Wizson, ERS. : IV. “On the Preparation of Large Quantities of Tellurium.” By E. MATTHEY. Communicated by Sir GEORGE STOKES, Bart., Electrical Discharge Phenomena in Rarefied Gases. 147 “The Action of Magnetised Electrodes upon Electrical Discharge Phenomena in Rarefied Gases.” By C. E. S. Puttuips. Com- municated by Sir WILLIAM Crookes, F.R.S. Received February 28,—Read March 14, 1901. (Abstract.) A preliminary account of this investigation has already been laid before the Society.* The present paper deals more particularly with the conditions necessary for the production of a luminous ring in rarefied gases and under the inflnence of electrostatic and magnetic forces. The cause of the luminous phenomenon is traced to the action of the magnetic field upon electrified gaseous particles within the rarefied space, and experimental evidence is given to show that the rate of change of the magnetic lines is an important factor. Numerous experiments relating to the loss of positive electrification from a charged body when placed in a rarefied space, and in the neighbourhood of a magnetic field, are also described in detail. An apparatus similar to that referred to in a previous communica- tion was generally found most suitable for observing the formation and behaviour of the luminous ring. It consisted of a small spherical glass bulb 2°5 inches in diameter, and provided with short projecting necks for the purpose of carrying two oppositely placed soft iron rods. These rods were pushed one ehronen each of the short tubes, cemented in position, and arranged to have their pointed ends within the bulb and a sixteenth of an inch apart. The cores of two electro-magnets were then butted against the external ends of the rods, for the purpose of magnetising then when required. When the gas within the bulb had been rarefied to a pressure of about 0:005 mm. of mercury, a discharge from an induction coil was sent through it for a few seconds, the rods (now used as electrodes) meanwhile remaining unmagnetised. But when the discharge was stopped and the magnets were excited, a luminous ring appeared within the bulb, in a plane at right angles to the magnetic axis, between the pointed ends of the electrodes, and in rotation about the lines of magnetic induction. The luminosity of the ring was fonnd to be intermittent, its spectrum showed no peculiarity, and it was not possible to obtain satisfactory photographs of the revolving glow. In oxygen the ring appeared a little brighter, but in hydrogen or é¢arbonic dioxide the luminosity seemed about the same as in air. * ‘Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 64, p. 172. 7 Roy. Soc Proe:,’ vol.’65, p. 320: 4 aa OS a a — % A .—— 148 lectrical Discharge Phenomena in Rarefied Gases. * Two or more rings could be made to appear by placing an electri- fied platinum circle of wire equatorially within the bulb. When the platinum circle was negatively electrified, the luminous ring was repelled by it. In this manner the ring itself was invariably shown to be negatively electrified. Its direction of rotation was found to be that of the current induced in a loop of wire when the loop is suddenly moved up to a north magnetic pole—clockwise, looking through the loop at the pole. ‘The outside of the glass bulb was always negatively electrified when a luminous ring appeared in the interior. This pointed to the removal of a layer of positively electrified gas from the inner surface of the bulb through the action of the magnetic field. Although such radial streams of positive ions so produced might account for the luminosity of the ring through their collisions with an accumulation of negative ions at the more central part of the bulb, they would not have produced rotation of the luminous ring in the direction already observed. ‘The incoming radial streams of positive ions were studied in detail with an apparatus more suitable for examining the diselectrifying action of the magnetic field. Those experiments established two facts, viz., that the loss of positive electri- fication from charged bodies is brought about by the magnet, through the concentration of negative ions which occurs at the strongest part of the magnetic field immediately the electrodes are magnetised, and also that the luminosity of the ring itself is due largely to the collisions between the incoming streams of positive ions and this accumulation of negatively electrified gas between the pointed ends of the electrodes. A potential difference is thus set up within the bulb between the negative gas-mass at the centre and the positively electrified layer of ions residing upon the inner surface of the glass, which rapidly reaches a value sufficient to give rise to a discharge through the residual gas. It is then that the positive ions stream inwards, accompanied by a corresponding outward-moving whirl of negative ions. Experiments upon the effect of causing the magnetic field to either slowly or rapidly reach its maximum value, as well as diminish either slowly or rapidly to zero, have shown that the rate of change of the magnetic lines plays an important part in the actions here described. A very rapidly growing field would diselectrify a positively charged body, whereas, when the magnets were slowly increased in strength there was no diselectrification in such cases. In certain experiments, the act of suddenly destroying the magnetic field produced diselectri- fication, while if the current were slowly diminished in the coils of the electro-magnets there was no evidence of any such effect. Both the luminous ring and the diselectrification phenomena are _attributable to the same causes. The direction of rotation of the ring, however, forms a difficulty, on the assumption that a rapidly moving ion is equivalent to a current along a flexible conductor. Incoming Lt The Chemistry of Nerve-degeneration. — 149 streams of positive ions would give a direction opposite to that observed, and if the rotation were produced by the changing strength of the magnetic field upon the negative ions, then also would the direction of rotation be opposite to that actually obtained. The viscosity of the gas would tend to annul any sudden twist which the changing magnetic field might give to the cloud of negative ions within the bulb, although the reaction set up between the magnets and the ions under such conditions sufficient to cause the negative particles to be thrown forward, and to concentrate in a manner consistent with the experimental results given. It is not clear, however, why the sudden cessation of the magnetic field should also produce such a concentration of negative ions. But we have already seen that under those conditions diselectrification is easily produced ; moreover, a luminous ring that has grown dim, can usually be momen- tarily brightened by suddenly destroying the magnetic field. A pause was sometimes noticed between the excitation of the magnets and either the formation of the ring or the loss of charge from a positively electrified body. This result showed that the steady magnetic field itself so modified the paths of moving negative ions within the bulb, that a concentra- tion of them at the strongest part of the field took place for this reason also. The direction of rotation of the luminous ring can be accounted for in the following manner :— When the potential difference between the accumulation of negative ions at the centre of the bulb and the layer of electrified gas upon the inner surface of the glass is such that a shower of incoming positive ions occurs and the luminous ring appears, the outer portion of the ring will be more positive than the surrounding negatively electrified cloud of gaseous particles. These will therefore be attracted inwards, and in that way give a rotatory motion to the luminous gas-mass in the direction actually observed. “The Chemistry of Nerve-degeneration.” By F. W. Mort, M.D., no and OW. Dy ERALEIBURTON, M.D>. FoR >. Received March 1,—Read March 14, 1901. (Abstract. ) We have previously shown that in the disease, General Paralysis of the Insane, the marked degeneration that occurs in the brain is accom- panied by the passing of the products of degeneration into the cerebro- ‘spinal fluid. Of these, nucleo-proteid and choline are those which can be most readily detected. Choline can also be found in the blood. < Br bast.) es 5 ~~ a) . 150 The Chenustry of Nerve-degeneration. We have continued our work, and we find that this is not peculiar to the disease just mentioned, but that in various other degenerative nervous diseases (combined sclerosis, disseminated sclerosis, alcoholic neuritis, beri-beri) choline can also be detected in the blood. The tests we have employed to detect choline are mainly two: (1) a chemical test, namely, the obtaining of the characteristic octahedral crystals of the platinum double salt from the alcoholic extract of the blood ; (2) a physiological test, namely, the lowering of blood pressure (partly cardiac in origin, and partly due to dilatation of peripheral vessels) which a saline solution of the residue of the alcoholic extract produces ; this fall is abolished, or even replaced by a rise of arterial pressure, if the animal has been atropinised. It is possible that such tests may be of diagnostic value in the distinction between organic and so-called functional diseases of the nervous system. The chemical test can frequently be obtained with 10 c.c. of blood. A similar condition was produced artificially in cats by a division of both sciatic nerves, and is most marked in those animals in which the degenerative process is at its height, as tested histologically by the Marchi reaction. A chemical analysis of the nerves themselves was also made. A series of eighteen cats was taken, both sciatic nerves divided, and the animals subsequently killed at intervals varying from 1 to 106 days. The nerves remain practically normal as long as they remain irritable, that is, up to three days after the operation. They then show a progressive increase in the percentage of water, and a progressive decrease in the percentage of phosphorus, until degenera- tion is complete. When regeneration occurs, the nerves return approx!- mately to their previous chemical condition. The chemical explanation of the Marchi reaction appears to be the replacement of phosphorised by non-phosphorised fat. When the Marchi reaction disappears in the later stages of degeneration, the non-phosphorised fat has been absorbed. This absorption occurs earlier in the peripheral nerves than in the central nervous system. This confirms previous observations by one of us (M.) in the spinal cord in which unilateral degeneration of the pyramidal tract by brain lesions produced an increase of water and a diminution of phosphorus in the degenerated side of the cord, which stained by the Marchi reaction. The full paper is illustrated by tracings of the effects on arterial pressure of the choline separated out from the blood of the cases of nervous disease mentioned, and from the blood of the cats operated on. Tables are also given of the analyses of sib nerves, and drawings and photo-micrographs from histological specimens of the nerves. A summary giving the main results of the experiments on animals is shown in the following table :— On the Ionisation of Atmospheric Air. — 151 Cats’ sciatic nerves. | | | | Days after | Condition of | Condition of | section. | Percentage blood. nerves. | ey | of phos- Water. | Solids. | ee | We soludste | x) ty | ‘ | { Minimal traces [Nerves irritable Normal co | oP 3 8 of choline | and histologi- Lee a8 | Oc ae present. caliy healthy. 4—6 69ES 7 307 0°9 | Choline more Irritability lost ; | abundant. | degeneration be- | | ginning. 8 802)" ales 0°5 | . | f Degeneration well ORR hee COR Ge 2OESi in Os3 | seen ADs { shown by Mar- | 13 MSP 2S fil, On 2 aa | chi reaction. | | | (Marchi reaction 25—27 .. g 1 | 29 | traces | beens much ee we PAS) Me te (2°90 27°95 0:0 ess. | degenerated fat | | has set in. MA) 256° | 2074 0°0 I) | Absorption of fat | |! | practically com- | | Choline almo-t | plete. 100—106..} 66:2 , 33°8 | 09 i disappeared. Return of fune- | | i) tion; nerves re- | J generated. “On the Jonisation of Atmospheric Air.” By C. T. R. WItsovn, M.A., F.RS., Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Received February 1,—Read March 14, 1901. The present communication contains an account of some of the results of investigations undertaken for the Meteorological Council with the object of throwing light on the phenomena of atmospheric electricity. In a paper* containing an account of the results arrived at during the earlier stages of the investigation, I described the behaviour of positively and negatively charged ions as nuclei on which water vapour may condense. The question whether free ions are likely to occur under such con- ditions as would make these experimental results applicable to the explanation of atmospheric phenomena was left undecided in that paper. My first experimentst on condensation phenomena had, it is true, proved that in ordinary dust-free moist air, a very few nuclei are * ‘Phil. Trans.,’ A., vol. 193, pp. 289-308. + ‘ Roy. Soe. Proc.,’ vol. 59, p. 338, 1896. 152 ve Mr. Ceili. Walson: always present requiring, in order that water should condense upon them, exactly the same degree of supersaturation as the nuclei pro- duced in enormously greater numbers by Réntgen rays; and I con- cluded that they are identical with them in nature and that they are probably ions.* While, however, later experiments proved that the nuclei formed by Roéntgen or uranium rays can be removed by an electric field and are therefore ions, similar experiments made with the nuclei which occur in the absence of ionising radiation led to negative results.t In the ight of facts brought forward in the present paper I should now feel disposed to attribute the negative character of the results in the latter case to the small number of nuclei present. { Subsequently to the publication of the work on the behaviour of ions as condensation nuclei, Elster and Geitel showed that an electri- fied conductor exposed in the open air or in a room lost its charge by leakage through the air; and that the facts concerning this conduction of electricity through the air are most readily explained on the suppo- sition that positively and negatively charged ions are present in the atmosphere. The question where and how these ions are produced remained, however, undetermined ; it would therefore be incorrect to assume their properties, and in particular their behaviour as condensa- tion nuclei, to be necessarily identical with those of freshly produced ions ; the carriers of the charge might consist of much more consider- able aggregates of matter than those attached to the ions with which the condensation experiments had been concerned. Moreover, so long as the source and conditions of production of these ions remained undetermined, one could not assume their presence in the regions of the atmosphere where supersaturation might be expected to oceur. Before going further afield in search of possible sources of ionisation of the atmospheric air, it seemed advisable to make further attempts to determine whether a certain degree of ionisation might not be a normal property of air, in spite of the somewhat ambiguous results given by the condensation experiments to which I have referred. After much time had been spent in attempts to devise some satis- factory method of obtaining a continuous production of drops from the supersaturated condition, | abandoned the condensation method, and resolved to try the purely electrical method of detecting ionisation. Attacked from this side the problem resolves itself into the question, Does an insulated-charged conductor suspended within a closed vessel containing dust-free air lose its charge otherwise than through its supports, when its potential is well below that required to cause luminous discharges ? *~ Camb. Phil, Soc. Proc, vol. 9) p. sof. + ‘Phil. Trans.,’ A, vol. 163, pp. 289-308. t The similar results obtained with nuclei produced in air exposed to ultra- violet light require, however, some other explanation. On the Ionisation of Atmospheric Air, 153 Several investigators from the time of Coulomb onwards have believed that there is a loss of electricity from a charged body suspended in air in a closed vessel in addition to what can be accounted for by leakage through the supports.* In recent years, how- ever, the generally accepted view seems to have been that such leakage through the air is to be attributed to the convection of the charge by dust particles. The experiments were begun in July, 1900, and immediately led to positive results. A summary of the principal conclusions then arrived at was given in a preliminary note “On the Leakage of Electricity through Dust-free Air,” read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society on November 26. Almost simultaneously a paper by Geitel appeared in the ‘ Physikalische Zeitschrift’t on the same subject, in which identical conclusions were arrived at in spite of great differences in the methods employed. The following are the results included in the preliminary note, which I read :— (1.) If a charged conductor be suspended in a vessel containing dust-free air, there is a continual leakage of electricity from the conductor through the air. (2.) The leakage takes place in the dark at the same rate as in diffuse daylight. (3.) The rate of leak is the same for positive as for negative charges. (4.) The quantity lost per second is the same when the initial potential is 120 volts as when it is 210 volts. (5.) The rate of leak is approximately proportional to the pressure. (6.) The loss of charge per second is such as would result from the production of about 20 ions of either sign in each c.c. per second, in air at atmospheric pressure. Of these conclusions, the first four were also arrived at by Geitel. As Geitel has pointed out, Matteueci,{ as early as 1850, had arrived at the conclusion that the rate of loss of electricity is Independent of the potential. He had also noticed the decrease in the leakage as the pressure is lowered.§ The volume of air used In my experiments was small, less than 500 ¢.c. In every case, many of the measurements being made with a * Perhaps the most convincing evidence of this is furnished by the experiments of Professor Boys, described in a paper on “ Quartz as an Insulator”’ (‘ Phil. Mag.,’ vol. 28, p. 14, 1889). + ‘Physikalische Zeitschrift, 2 Jahrgang, No. 8, pp. 116—119 (published N puamber 24). ‘Annales de Chim. et de Phys.,’ vol. 28, p. 385, 1850. : This was also observed by WWerbure (‘Annalen der Physik u. Renn vol. 145, p. 578, 1872). 154 Mr. C2. 3. Walson: vessel containing only 163 ¢.c. This made it much more easy to ensure the freedom of the air from dust particles. Geitel worked with volumes amounting to about 30 litres; his observations show the interesting phenomenon of a gradual increase of the conductivity of the air in the vessel towards a limiting value, which was only attained _ when the air had been standing in the vessel for several days. This, as Geitel points out, is to be explained by the gradual settling of the dust particles, the conductivity of the air being greatest when there are no dust particles present to entangle the ions. The principal difficulty in the way of obtaining a decisive answer to the question whether any leakage of electricity takes place through dust-free air is the fact that one is so liable to be misled by the leak- age due to the insulating support. As will be seen from the descrip- tion which follows, this source of uncertainty was entirely eliminated in the method which I adopted. It had, moreover, the advantage of reducing to the smallest possible value the capacity of the conducting system in which any loss of charge is measured by the fall of potential. The conducting system, from which any leakage is to be detected and measured, consists solely of a narrow metal strip (with a narrow gold leaf attached to indicate the potential), fixed by means of a small bead of sulphur to a conducting rod which is maintained at a constant potential, equal to the initial potential of the gold leaf and strip. With this arrangement, if any continuous fall of potential is indicated by the gold leaf, it can only be due to leakage through the air ; any conduction by way of the sulphur bead can only be in such a direction as to cause the leakage through the air to be under-estimated. The form of apparatus used in all the later experiments is indicated in fig. 1. The gold leaf and thin brass strip to which it was attached were placed within a thin glass bulb of 163 c.c. capacity ; the inner surface of the bulb being coated with a layer of silver so thin that the gold leaf could readily be seen through the silvered glass. The upper end of the strip had a narrow prolongation, by means of which it was attached by a sulphur bead of about 2 mm. in diameter to the lower end of the brass supporting rod. The latter passed axially through the neck of the bulb, its lower end just reaching to the point where the neck joined the bulb. The interior of the neck of the bulb was thickly silvered to secure efficient electrical connection between the thin silver coating of the inside of the bulb and a platinum wire sealed through the side of the tube. The platinum wire was connected to the earthed terminal of a condenser consisting of zinc plates embeaded in sulphur, the other terminal of the condenser being connected to the brass supporting rod and maintaining it at a nearly constant potential. An Exner electroscope connected to the same terminal of the con- denser was used to test the constancy of the potential, and any loss On the Lonisation of Atmospheric Air. — 155 could from time to time be made up by contact with a rubbed ebonite rod or a miniature electrophorus. Both the gold leaf of which the motion served to measure the leakage which was the subject of investigation, and that of the Exner electrometer, were read by means of microscopes provided with eye- piece micrometers. To give the leaking system an initial potential equal to that of the supporting rod, momentary electrical connection between them was made by means of a magnetic contact-maker. This consisted of a fine steel wire fixed to the supporting rod near its upper end and extend- ing just below the sulphur bead, where it was bent into a loop nie Condenser. Earth. Earth. surrounding the prolongation of the brass strip which carried the gold leaf. A magnet brought near the outside of the tube attracted the wire till the loop came in contact with the brass and brought it into electrical communication with the supporting rod. This operation was repeated every time the potential of the leaking system had fallen so far that the gold leaf approached the lower end of the scale. The potential of the supporting rod was not allowed to vary by more than a very few volts, and before each reading of the potential of the leak- ing system was always brought to within a fraction of a volt of its initial value ; the Exner electroscope served to indicate when this was the case. The initial difference of potential used in most of the experiments amounted to about 200 volts. To determine the fall in potential corresponding to a movement of VOL. LXVIII. N 156 “Mr CE. BR! Wilson: the gold leaf through one scale division, a series of Clark cells was inserted between the condenser and its earth connection, and the number of scale divisions through which the gold leaf moved on reversing the Clark cells was determined ; contact between the leaking system and its supporting rod being of course made before and after the reversal. ‘The scale values of the Exner electrometer were deter- mined similarly. In the apparatus now described, a movement of the gold leaf of the leaking system through one scale division corresponded to a fall of potential ranging from 0°56 volt at the top of the micrometer scale to 0°60 volt at the bottom of the scale. Any imperfection in the insulating power of the sulphur bead will, as we have seen, tend to give too low a value for the leakage. ‘The error thus introduced was, however, found to be negligible; for the rate of fall of potential of the leaking system was sensibly the same when its potential was equal to that of the supporting rod as towards the close of an experiment when this difference was greatest. The apparatus used in the earlier experiments differed in some respects from that which has just been described. The vessel was of brass in the form of a short cylinder, 6 cm. long and 5 em. in radius, the flat ends being vertical, each being provided with a rectangular window closed by a glass plate, so that the position of the gold leaf might be read. A purely mechanical contact-maker was used instead of the magnetic one. With the voltage usually employed, a move- ment of the gold leaf over one scale division corresponded to a change of potential of 0°36 volt. With this apparatus, filled with air at atmospheric pressure (whether this had been filtered or had merely been allowed to stand for some hours in the apparatus), a continuous fall of potential of about 4:0 volts per hour occurred, showing no tendency to diminish even after many weeks. Contact had to be made with the supporting rod (kept as described at constant potential by means of the condenser) about once in twelve hours to prevent the image of the gold leaf from going off the scale of the microscope. Although care had been taken to avoid bringing the apparatus, during or after its construction, into any room where radio-active substances had been used, it was considered desirable to repeat the experiments elsewhere than in the Cavendish Laboratory (where contamination by such substances might be feared), and with pure country air in the apparatus. Experiments were therefore carried out at Peebles during the month of September, but with the same results as before obtained. The rate of leakage was the same during the night as during the day, and was not diminished by completely darkening the room in which the experiments were carried out. It is plainly, therefore, not due to the action of light. On the Ionisation of Atmospheric Arr. 157 It might be considered as possible that the conducting power of the air was due to some effect of the walls of the apparatus, related perhaps to the Russell* photographic effect and the nucleus-producingT effects of metals. These effects, however, are in the case of brass certainly very slight (I have not been able to detect any cloud-nuclei arising from the presence of brass); they are enormously greater in the case of amalgamated zinc. Yet the presence of a piece of amal- gamated zinc in the apparatus was without effect on the rate of leak. If then the walls of the vessel influence in any way the ionisation of the air in the vessel, this influence is not proportional to the photographic or nucleus-producing effects of the metals. To find the loss of electricity corresponding to the observed fall of potential of the leaking system, the condenser was removed, and the capacity of the Exner electroscope, with the connecting wires and the rod supporting the leaking system, was first determined by finding the fall of potential resulting from contact with a brass sphere of which the radius was 2°13 cm. The sphere, suspended by a silk thread, was in contact with a thin earth-connected wire, except when momentarily drawn aside by a second silk thread and brought into contact with the end of another thin wire leading to the electroscope. Hxcept for these two wires the sphere was at a distance great compared with its radius from all other conductors. The rise of potential which occurred in the leaking system after a momentary contact with the system con- sisting of the supporting rod, electroscope, and connecting wires was then compared with the simultaneous fall of potential of the latter system. ‘he loss of electricity corresponding to a given fall of potential of the leaking system was thus obtained. It was found to be sensibly the same for potentials in the neighbourhood of 100 volts as for the higher voltages (about 200 volts) generally used, the variations in capacity due to the change of position of the gold leaf being too small to be detected. The system had a practically constant capacity equal to 1-1 cm. It was possible now to compare the rates of leakage for different strengths of the electric field. Brass apparatus used, air at atmospheric pressure. Initial difference of Fall of potential potential. per hour. 210 volts. 4-1 volts. LAO te, A O01 The leakage of electricity through the air is thus the same for a poten- tial difference between the leaking system and the walls of the vessel of 210 volts as for one of 120 volts. On the view that the conduction * Russell, ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 61, p. 424, 1897; vol. 63, p. 102, 1898. tT Wilson, ‘ Phil. Trans.,’ A, vol. 192, p. 431. N 2 158 Mr, C. T. R. Wilson. is due to the continual production of ions throughout the air, this is easily explained as indicating that the saturation current has been attained ; the field being sufficiently strong to cause practically all the ions which are produced to reach the electrodes ; the number destroyed by recombination being negligible in comparison with those removed by contact with the electrodes. Thus under the conditions of the experiments the loss of electricity from the leaking system in a given time is, if the charge be positive, equal to the total charge carried by all the negative ions produced in the vessel in that time. The sum of the charges of all the negative ions (or of all the positive ions) set free in the vessel is thus 1:1 x 4:1/300 E.U. per hour, or 4°3 x 10°° E.U. per second. If we divide by 471, the volume of the vessel in c.c., we obtain for the charge on all the ions of each sign set: free in éach ¢.c: per second; 9-1. x 10°? H.U. — Himallyeraicme 65 x 10°10 E.U., the value found by J. J. Thomson, as the charge on one ion, we find that about 14 ions of each sign are produced in each c.c. per second. There are, however, two defects in the older form of apparatus, with which the above results were obtained, tending to make this number too small ; firstly, the field in the corners where the flat ends meet the cylindrical wall must be very much weaker than elsewhere, and some of the ions set free in these regions may have time to recom- bine, although the strength of the field throughout most of the vessel is more than sufficient for “‘ saturation” ; secondly, since in this apparatus both the rod supporting the leaking system and the contact-maker projected for about a centimetre into the interior of the vessel, a certain proportion of the ions set free would be caught by them and not by the leaking system. These defects are avoided in the other apparatus which has been described (fig. 1). In this apparatus the capacity of the leaking system was 0°73 cm. The constant potential of the supporting rod, and thus the initial potential of the leaking system, was in all cases about 220 volts. At atmospheric pressure the fall of potential per hour was found to be 2°9 volts. The loss of charge was therefore 0°73 x 2:9/300 = 7-1 x 1073 E.U. per hour = 2°0x 10-6 E.U. per second. ‘This is the total charge carried by all the positive ions, or by all the negative ions, set free per second. ‘The volume of the bulb being 163 c.c., the charge on the positive or negative ions set free per second in each ec. = 2:0 x 10°6/163 = 12x 10-8 E.U., and the number of ions of either sign set free per second in each c.c. = 1:2 x 1078/65 x, 107 =a eis is somewhat greater than the number obtained before, but, as was pointed out above, there were sources of error in the older apparatus tending to give too low a result for the rate of production of ions per prc. On the Ionisation of Atmospheric Air. — 159 Experiments were now made on the variation of the rate of leak with pressure. The measurements were made at a temperature of about 15° C. Hach experiment gave the leakage in a period varying from six and a half to twenty-four hours. The silvered glass apparatus was used. The following results were obtained :— Pressure in Leakaze in Leakage millimetres. volts per hour. pressure. 43 O22 0:-0052 89 0°53 0:0058 220 1-14 0-0052 34] ie 5) 0: 0047 533 2°30 0:0043 619 2.40 0-0039 635 2°65 0:0042 (fx 218 0:0038 743 BOE 00040 These numbers show that the leakage is approximately proportional to the pressure. While the pressure is varied from 43 mm. to 743 mm., the ratio of leakage to pressure only varies between 0:0038 and 0-0058. Since the individual measurements of the leakage at a given pressure differed among themselves by as much as 10 per cent., it would hardly be safe until more accurate experiments have been performed to base any conclusions on the apparent departure from exact propor- tionality between leakage and pressure. From these results one would infer that it should be impossible to detect any leakage through air at really low pressures. This is in agreement with the observations of Crookes,* who found that a pair of gold leaves could maintain their charge for months in a high vacuum. Experiments were now carried out to test whether the continvous production of ions in dust-free air could be explained as being due to radiation from sources outside our atmosphere, possibly radiation like Rontgen rays or like cathode rays, but of enormously greeter penetra- ting power. ‘The experiments consisted in first observing the rate of leakage through the air in a closed vessel as before, the apparatus being then taken into an underground tunnel and the observations repeated there. If the ionisation were due to such a cause, we should expect to observe a smaller leakage underground on account of absorp- . tion of the rays by the rocks above the tunnel. For these experiments a portable apparatus had to be made (shown in fig. 2). It differed from that already described (fig. 1) in the following respects :—The vessel, of thinly silvered glass as before, was inverted and attached directly to the sulphur condenser, its neck * “Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 28, p. 347, 1879. ee ee a ee i160 On the Tonisation of Atmospheric Air. being embedded in the sulphur. The electroscope formerly used to test the constancy of the potential of the supporting rod was dis- pensed with; all need for external wires was thus removed. Only the end of the wire by which the charge was put into the condenser protruded from the sulphur, and this was covered as shown in the figure, except at the moment of charging, by a small bottle containing calcium chloride; this fitted tightly on a conical projection of the Hig2: Magnet. : ____ WH Mddidddlddddddddddiddddid ULiiiditéss NZ Yt; Yj YY. yy YY Z Gs N KKK KK QQ Mu sulphur, through the centre of which the wire passed. The suffi- cient constancy of potential of the supporting rod under these con- ditions was shown by the fact that when it had been put, by means of the magnet, in momentary electrical connection with the leaking system, a second contact, made twenty-four hours later, caused the gold leaf, which indicated the potential, to return to within two micro- meter scale divisions of its position immediately after the first con- tact. The change in the potential of the leaking system produced On the Preparation of Large Quantities of Teliurvum. 161 by such a change in the potential of the support was much too small to be detected. The experiments with this apparatus were carried out at Peebles. The mean rate of leak when the apparatus was in an ordinary room amounted to 6°6 divisions of the micrometer scale per hour. An experiment made in the Caledonian Railway tunnel near Peebles (at night after the traffic had ceased) gave a leakage of 7-0 divisions per hour, the fall of potential amounting to 14 scale divisions in the two hours for which the experiment lasted. The difference is well within the range of experimental errors. There is thus no evidence of any falling off of the rate of production of ions in the vessel, although there were many feet of solid rock overhead. It is unlikely, therefore, that the ionisation is due to radiation which has traversed our atmosphere; it seems to be, as Geitel concludes, a property of the air itself. The experiments described in this paper were carried out with ordinary atmospheric air, which had in most cases been filtered through a tightly fitting plug of wool. The air was not dried, and no experi- ments have yet been made to determine whether the ionisation depends on the amount of moisture in the air. It can hardly be doubted that the very few nuclei which can always be detected in moist air by the expansion method, provided the expan- sion be great enough to catch ions, are themselves ions merely made visible by the expansion, not, as some former experiments seemed to suggest, produced by it. The negative results then obtained, in attempts to remove the nuclei by a strong electric field, may perhaps be explained if we consider that all ions set free in the interval during which the supersaturation exceeds the value necessary to make water condense upon them, are necessarily caught, so that complete absence of drops is not to be expected even with the strongest fields. The principal results arrived at in this investigation are (1) that ions are continually being produced in atmospheric air (as is proved also by Geitel’s experiments), and (2) that the number of each kind (positively and negatively charged) produced per second in each cubic centimetre amounts to about twenty. “Qn the Preparation of Large Quantities of Tellurium.” By EpwarpD MatTTuey, A.R.5.M. Communicated by Sir GEORGE STOKES, Bart., F.R.S. Received February 19,—Read March 14, 1901. For several years | have worked upon bismuth ores of varying richness for the extraction of the bismuth they contain, and I have 162 On the Preparation of Large Quantities of Tellurium. already communicated the results to the Royal Society.* Many, if not most of these ores, contained traces of tellurium. Tellurium has a marked tendency to associate itself with bismuth, as silver may be said to do with lead, or phosphorus with iron, and accordingly the crude bismuth extracted from these ores invariably contained small quantities of tellurium, which was reduced together with the bismuth, and was found to exist in it in a greater proportion than in the ores. The presence of even minute traces of tellurium in bismuth being sufficient to render this metal unsaleable, it is necessary to remove every portion of the tellurium whilst refining the crude bismuth. The alkalies contaiming the tellurium resulting from the refining of the crude bismuth were thrown aside, and were left for future investigation. I have now been able to treat these alkaline residues, and have ex- tracted from them a substantial amount of metallic tellurium, weighing 26 kilos. This amount of tellurium was produced from 321 tons of mineral containing an average amount of 22°50 per cent. of bismuth. The amount of metallic tellurium obtained corresponds to an average of 0-007 per cent. of the original mineral. The 26 kilos. of metallic tellurium was obtained by soaking the telluride alkalies, resulting from refining the telluric bismuth, in hot water—acidifying these solutions with hydrochloric acid, and preci- pitating the tellurium with sodium sulphite. A crude mixture of bismuth and tellurium was thus obtained, the tellurium forming about 47°5 per cent. of the crude metal. This was dissolved in nitric acid, and again treated in the same way, and yielded the amount of tellurium represented by the 26 kilos. This shows on analysis :— Rellurvim eee ea 97-00 Bigmanith: .)/ eter se men cases. DekD Coppel «scene eee cee 0°65 Tron Beee ac «oe Nee a ae 0-10 TOS SiMe idee Seabee toc 8 0-10 100-00 The appearance of the metal when broken shows a crystalline frac- ture, of needle-like structure, and of bright metallic lustre. It does not readily tarnish in the air at the ordinary temperature. If slowly cooled, a crystalline form very much resembling that of bismuth is obtained. Its specific gravity is 6°27, as against 6-23 the density of uncom- pressed tellurium found by Spring. * “Roy. Soc. Proce.,’ vol. 42, 1887, p. 89; vol. 49, 1890, p. 78; and vol. 52, 1898, p. 467. Transnussion of the Trypanosoma Evansi by Horse Flies. 163 _ The temperature of solidification was determined by means of the Le Chatelier pyrometer, and proved to be 450° C., or 5° lower than that given by Carnelly and Williams.* Bone tellurium prepared from this 26 kilos. to chemical purity also gave 450° C. as the solidifying point. Commercial tellurium obtained from Germany proved to have the same melting point and specific gravity as my own tellurium. I found the electrical resistance to be about 800 times that of copper. The resistance, however, appears to be very greatly dependent on the crystalline conditions. A rod cast and cooled quickly has a lower resistance than one that has been cooled slowly. A current of a few amperes will quickly raise the temperature of a rod 0-2 inch in diameter. In casting small rods of tellurium, of say 2 inch diameter, there is much contraction, and partial separation takes place even after some hours. The thermo-electric power of tellurium appears to be great. It has been a source of great satisfaction to me, as a metallurgist, to produce so large an amount of tellurium from a ae in which it existed only in minute traces. The amount of 574 lb. (26 kilos.) of tellurium was derived from 187,019 Ibs. of cr eh bismuth, which resulted from the treatment of 831,168 lbs. of mineral. “The Transmission of the Zrypanosoma Hvansi by Horse Fhes, and other Experiments pointing to the Probable Identity of Surra of India and Nagana or Tsetse-fly Disease of Africa.” By Leonarp Rocers, M.D., M.R.C.P., Indian Medical Service. Communicated by Major D. Bruce, R.A.M.C., F.RS. Re- ceived January 28,—Read February 14, 1901. (Communicated to the Tsetse-fly Committee of the Royal Society.) The close resémblance between surra of India and tsetse-fly disease of Africa has long been known, while Koch, after having seen the living Trypanosoma Evanse «ut Muktesar in India, and soon after studied the parallel disease in German East Africa, pronounces them to be the same, and in his ‘ Reiseberichte’ calls the disease seen in the latter place “Surrakrankheit.” The appearance of the report made to the Tsetse-fly Committee of the Royal Society by Kanthack, Durham, and Blandford on their experimental investigation of the latter disease, suggested to me to repeat some of their experiments in the case of * “Chem. Soc. Journ.,’ vol. 37, p. 125. 164 Dr. L. Rogers. The Transmission of the urra, with a view to contributing towards the solution of the question of the identity or otherwise of the two diseases, and the following is a brief account of the results obtained while I was in charge of the Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory at Muktesar, during the absence of Dr. Lingard on sick leave. I. The Transnussion of Surra by the Bites of Horse Flies. It was proved some years ago by Bruce that the Trypanosoma Brucez is carried from one animal to another by the bites of the tsetse fly. As surra can be certainly produced in susceptible animals by the application of infected blood to the smallest scratch in the skin of another susceptible animal, it appeared to be likely that horse flies might carry the infection from one animal to another. A series of experiments were carried out to test this possibility with the following results. Horse flies were caught and kept for varying periods of time after having been allowed to bite and suck the blood of an animal which was suffering from surra, and whose blood at the time contained the Trypanosoma Evansi in considerable or large numbers. They were subsequently allowed to bite a healthy animal, dogs and rabbits being used in the experiments, and the former were kept in a different house at some distance from the infected animals, and the latter in separate cages during the incubation period. In every case in which the flies had been kept from one to four or more days after biting the infected animals, no disease ensued in the healthy ones. Many such flies were dissected and microscopically examined, but in no case was anything which might be taken for a development of the trypanosoma in the tissues of the insect detected. A rat was also fed on a number of flies, which had bitten infected animals at varying periods pre- viously, but no infection was thus produced. When, however, flies which had just sucked infected blood were immediately allowed to bite another healthy animal, positive results were obtained after an incubation period corresponding with that of the disease produced when a minimal dose of infected blood is inocu- lated into an animal of the same species. The result was uncertain if only one or two flies were allowed to bite, and especially if*they were allowed to suck as much blood as they wished without being disturbed. If, on the other hand, several flies, which had just sucked an infected animal, were induced to bite a healthy one, and especially if they were disturbed and allowed to bite again several times, infection was always readily produced in both rabbits and dogs, the fur of the latter having been carefully cut, without abrading the skin, at the site over which the flies were applied. The following is the chart of a typical experi- ment of this kind. The dog was bitten by twelve flies which had just previously sucked blood from a dog, which was swarming with the Trypanosoma Evansi by Horse Flies. 165 Trypanosoma Evansi, and which had itself been previously infected by _ the bites of flies experimentally. On the seventh day the organisms were found in the blood in small numbers, and steadily increased during the next two days to swarming—that is, over fifty in the field of a Zeiss D lens, and after oscillations the animal died on the tenth day after the appearance of the organisms in the blood. Post-mortem the usual lesions were found, the spleen being very much enlarged. The right axillary glands were much enlarged, and contained the organisms, while those of the left axilla were but half the size of those Chart of dog infected by the bites of horse flies which had just previously bitten a surra dog. 10 | [12| 15] 14/15] 16 |17| 18/19 [20] 21 lee |eslz4|25|2o/, rE EACH AENEAEMEN EHERENEMEAER IAEA et / 45 = Lookne/ il aael g3 yale ales 3 ery 8 ad ae Pie ee phe 3a bie ol) fs falic itn. S 40° ale wi rca Mierous Q 3d Fa il pee ere | eS pe ° 2 Sees ~ GOSS oo 28) hol boils ie ada Absent. Dotted Line lemperature Curve. Continued apie Curve of number of organisins in the blood. of the right side, which is of importance in connection with the fact that the flies had been applied to the upper part of the right side of the body within the area whose lymphatics pass to the right axillary glands. ‘The glands of the right groin were also larger than those of the left, and also contained the organisms in large numbers. Unfortunately these experiments could not be extended to horses on account of the necessary flies only being found at the height of the Muktesar Laboratory (7800 feet above sea level) during the three or four hottest months, and they were not available in the rainy season when a horse had been obtained for the experiment. The skin of thig animal, however, is so thin that it would be likely to be at least as easily infected as a dog, while the facts above recorded will readily 166 Dr. L. Rogers. The Transmission of the explain the slow and irregular spread of surra through a stable of horses, by the occasional occurrence of the event of a fly which has bitten a diseased animal being disturbed and immediately going off to bite another healthy one. Further, the proof that infection may take place through flies, brings surra into closer resemblance to tsetse-fly disease, and increases the probability of the two being identical, or, at least, caused by very closely allied species of the same family of parasite. Il. Latent Cases of Surra in Cattle as a Possible Source of Infection. Bruce has shown that the parasite of tsetse-fly disease may be present in the blood of big game animals without causing acute symptoms or definite sign of disease, and that their blood when inoculated into susceptible animals will produce the typical acute affection ; and further that a very protracted form of the disease may occur in sheep and goats, and possibly form a source of infection for animals. Lingard, in his first volume on “Surra,” records the case of a bull which he inoculated with surra, and in whose blood the trypanosoma was found for three days only, shortly afterwards, yet guinea-pigs inoculated with the blood of this bull on the 85th and 163rd days after the first appearance of the parasite developed fatal surra with numerous trypanosoma in their blood. Further inocula- tions from the bull on the 234th and 267th day proved negative. He has also recorded two naturally acquired cases of the surra in cattle, which proved fatal. These facts suggest the possibility of the latent disease in cattle acting as a source from which biting flies might carry the disease to horses, especially as surra is so frequently met with on the roads to hill stations in India, where numbers of bullock carts are going up and down. It seemed advisable, therefore, to repeat this observation on surra in cattle, so I inoculated a small hill bull intra- venously with a small quantity of blood from a rabbit, which contained numerous trypanosoma. ‘The result confirmed Dr. Lingard’s observa- tion, for on the seventh day after inoculation the organism appeared in small numbers in the blood of the bull, remained present for four days, and subsequently was not detected during the next 161 days of the disease, while the animal, after showing slight signs of illness for about a month, remained subsequently in apparently good health, except for an occasional slight rise of temperature for two or three days. P SS Ly OL ce _-0P 0. PPPP soA g 86- &hPP Ss “TY, LOf ; Ys, qeyy uvyy 104yvoIs ay TOF doUOpIAD ynq | oe ‘23. LOPP LL + PP. LEP A OF oup ATqissog | AF ‘TY, 0g oL 6L b- LEvP ou SG LG. L6Vv § . TL cP 0g ST 08. LPF sod g 88. LTPP RS Tae OL Os og L&- S68h sod € 0G- S68P SS : 3 % & TT UStIa, | I U8*L 5» Ss erqyoads SUIVeI YD “S ou S 6S: PEEP ee "OW OF FRG : : 2 & UBy} 10939q ToONUE 17, LOF ssueptas yng N ‘99. LOSP 4 + $8. 49P1L0F Mp ATquqorg | og GB ST GB 19. LOSb sad g V8: LO8h <= 1 08 G3 Ns Gb. VHSh sok g Gh. PPS S ‘AA Aq poyseurt A[quqorg — a a = a sok 6G 6g. TV&P S ‘9[QIST|Sou Ig TOF soUSpIA | gag ‘Ty, og 0Z GZ 66: LEEP sex oR 80: 8E&P ~ ‘98. SISh Ss of + PI.Step ty, Atqeqoad outy osdipomy | og ‘Ty, cP 0€ OV 82. STEP sok & VL- STEP s TL 0 GS OF 66: ZL&P sof € €0- SISP 3 ou if 80: 908% S th = GT V7 96: TOS so Z | 60: 2087 S ou ’ QT. 108h ou Z | €4- 008P : — ass ou G 8Z- &69P : S | ou & GP. LIV : Ss OL cP Ch 91- ZL4Sh sad 9 91- ZLSh 3 GL OF og 16: S9SP sof v ¥6- S9SP | =| ou & 99- SSSP $ rx ou 3 €9- GSSP ; OME SG V6. SPST a O& a = — ou g 98- PEST ou S ZZ. 9ESh = "6. Seoh eur esdipoo Jo y 08 { Spe tbgl is ec ae 6 eu td . oo = = Om g PL SEcPr o ou v c6- PES oS ou v GV - ESP a | | ve § 69: LES ae | Po anol 2, | ta a rs 3 11 dsnp IL ala, : ae, Se “(480 = OOF aot ‘eryods wistig ee = | ‘UISTIO wil | aon = 8 VSOL 00¢ “xey = *AgIsusquy “OUuTT ‘ang | (PUBIMOH) S ‘SyIBULAY Eee a ee ee DURUM: wit AS 7, i ‘Uy SOLU & | U0} SUSU "4SO.LT Wea aeles S2 fs : see ‘asd lo | | 182 ‘panuruos—K]uo 1, 07 purtmoy Aq poqtiose “1eqve1s 10 g AzISUaqUT Jo soUr'T AvjOg On the Enhanced Lines in the Spectrum of the Chromosphere. 183 In the above list of solar-titanium lines there are thirty-three which are not “enhanced” in the spark spectrum. It will be seen that. twenty-three of these—or 70 per cent.—have no corresponding line (within 0-3 tenth-metre) in Professor Frost’s record of eclipse lines. Of the nine eclipse lines in the table which do agree approximately in position with unenhanced titanium lines, two are with certainty due to other metals, and in another case there is more evidence for an iron origin than one of titanium. These are indicated in the column for remarks. The remainder are nearly all lines of insignificant intensity. Of the twenty “enhanced” lines of titanium which occur in the list, nineteen have corresponding lines in Professor Frost’s eclipse spectra, the remaining one being also possibly represented, but it falls so near the strong Hy line that it might be easily masked. Not only are they represented in the eclipse spectra, but in nearly every case the corre- sponding eclipse line is a prominent one, as will be gathered at once from a glance at the tabular list given. Professor Frost summarily dismisses the significance of the enhnend lines of titanium in the eclipse spectra, Beene “most of them occur as quite strong lines in the ordinary dark line spectrum, and hence would be expected to appear in the reversing layer, as they do.” But if he would expect one line of a certain solar intensity, he should expect all lines due to the same element which are of an equal solar intensity, to appear in the eclipse spectra. Yet another glance at the foregoing table will show that many of the titanium lines strongly represented in the eclipse spectra are of the lowest intensity in the Fraunhofer spectrum, and that if lines of a certain solar intensity be considered, those that are enhanced lines appear in the eclipse spectra, whereas the unenhanced ones do not. | In this comparison no account has been taken of the relative intensities of the lines in the titanium spectrum itself. Hasselberg has published* a lengthy list of titanium arc lines, and in the region covered by the eclipse spectra records about 250. To compare all these with the eclipse lines would take too much time and space, nor is it necessary. To show the difference in behaviour in the eclipse spectra of the enhanced and the strongest are lines, two separate lists of titanium lines have been made. The first, which follows immediately, contains all the enhanced lines which occur in Hasselberg’s arc list, and the intensities of Professor Frost’s and the Kensington eclipse lines which correspond within 0:3 tenth-metre are also given. * ‘ Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Akad, Handl.,’ vol. 28, No. 1, 1895. OE a i: a Sir Norman Lockyer and Mr. F. E. Baxandall. 184 ‘96. SISh OF + PL. STEP I, 09 onp ATqeqorg "Uy 1OF | eq} syStemyno avy urSix0 IJ, Toy souopraq ‘OT WL I], LOF ooUpTAS oO] 08- F6Ch 1L+08-F62r 97 07 onp ATGuqorg ‘88. 062) LL PUB 68. 68Zh ID JO popunod -aioa Ayqeqord ydeasojoyd uogsuisuey ur ourry ‘0L- S2ZTP EL poousy “09 +2G.S141p 94 poousyue of onp ATqeqorg "YVOM ID LOZ oOUSPIATT ‘O] JOF WVY UL] LoSsu0A4s TL], LOZ oouspianT ‘08. SOP A poouvyuo + 8G. SCOP I, poouryuo 03 onp A;qvqorg “TT, 07 enp Aypoqqnopuy, "SY IVULO “UILSTIO 8 4SO.1 iT oh og OF ez-ster | | SISter 06 GG OV 66: 6IEP 9 TO: €LEP = oT OV 96. LO&P g 80. ZOEP 0g 0Z 09 9€- OO&P 9 61- OO&P 0g “ OL TP: 6th 9 86. P6ZP £9 06 OV VE -06ZP “4 LE. O66P G 0c. VLIP Sh é og Gl. SLT | § | 99- SLIP cé ST 08 GI. GLIP V PO. GL1P OV él 0g 98: SOTP g O8- S917 She e 08 18: TOTP G L9- TOTP er, d OV 86 -FSOP g SI. SSOP 0€ So a | 6. €S0P § 96- §S0P G6 0G cé 86. 8c0P € 8P- SCOP 3 96- SCOP T1dsnp | IT. UPL, ‘B XUN e "quy "OOT ‘xBun ; “IPJSMOT-2ACA | guy eaqoods wistrg poydopy 00g ‘xeut AZISUOZUT ‘mnayoods 01v 17, "MOS UTSUO YL “480di7 8 S.10q[OSse HT -osd [oq UL soul, poouryU ‘eaqgoodg esdipoy ul sNoTAvYo s10y} puv ‘WHaA}0edg oIV UL SIOqTosseFT Aq popi0001 UUMTULALT, Jo soUITT poouryUy on a eT, 185 in the Spectrum of the Chromosphere. ines: On the Enhanced L Se ea a = rn. epee Re nS eee A ge a a Ne ea ae i a es | 18: 6FSF LL, pooury -00 + f9. GPSr oT poouvyue og onp ATqeqorg ‘Ty, 07 Ajejos enp AT{qeqoig "€9- VLE °9+06-PLEb UW, pooueque 0} onp | |= on ter) ae 08. 1gSh S | i on 8 G 68. [SSP = ‘unt400ds Wot | & 04} JO Uordoa SII} UI OUT ysedUOTyG aT | og G = 9-869r | ou OL 8 O08 -86SP S cil | a Z = 0. SSP ou 9 G TS. SécV mS é°T | 0g Li i we P- OCP sod if g 6h -O6Sh = G = 0. 81SP ou V g OL- L1SP ss é OW og ee L F- 80GP so | T Pe iaeores02r7, % TT ASPET ce CSPI, | : Ce "ygoue | s 001 ue *ergo0ds SuUIZe.r oe *UISIIO ual cin ee ———.| peydopy § 8 4SOd ‘00¢ ‘xey “AqIsuoquy ‘OUlT Ca y WD ‘uns (OUTER = “SYLVUIY a as Oe neon poounyue TaNAJOOCs ur X Ss i ou8 Ut WUy Souly = ‘OPSUISUO Y "qSOL 7 teil SP San sas = — — a = — Shes ee cece Ss) S ‘osdipon Ss (O09F VY 99 O0GF vy) ‘AyTuo 9,7 07 purpmoy Aq poqtiose ‘1eqvoid 10 Z AjIsueq{UT JO SOUT] Te[OG VOL, LXVIOL i 188 Spectrum of Chromosphere. strong as the majority of those which are the representatives of the enhanced lines. In the case of iron, all the well-enhanced lines are represented in the eclipse spectra, but they are not of quite the same prominence as the titanium enhanced lines. They are, so far as their intrinsic intensities in the iron arc spectrum are concerned, quite insignificant lines as compared with the majority of other iron lines, but their importance lies in the fact that they are a class of lines of special behaviour, being relatively stronger in the spark spectrum than in the are. In the eclipse spectra they are undoubtedly represented by stronger lines than are the great majority of unenhanced iron lines, however strong the latter may be in the iron arc spectrum itself. Owing to the great number of iron lines in the solar spectrum, a comparison similar to that given for titanium over the whole region covered by the eclipse lines would necessitate the compilation of a very lengthy list. But whatever evidence there is either one way or another should be revealed by a comparison over a limited region, so it is proposed to take that between 4 4500 and A 4600, since the proportion of enhanced to unenhanced iron lines is there greatest, and therefore a better opportunity is afforded of a fair comparison of the behaviour of the two classes of lines. The table given on p. 187 is arranged in exactly the same way as in the case of titanium, with the exception that there is an additional column showing the inten- sities in the arc spectrum, as recorded by Kayser and Runge. It will be seen that the unenhanced lines are here also unrepresented in the eclipse spectra, with the possible exception of three, which are recorded as very weak lines in one of Professor Frost’s spectra, but are missing from the other. All the enhanced lines, however, although they have the weakest arc intensities, appear in each of the eclipse spectra, and have abnormal intensities compared with those corre- sponding to the unenhanced lines. It must be pointed out that only four of the nine enhanced iron lines in the part of the spectrum con- sidered appear in the above list, because they are the only ones which are given in Rowland’s origins for solar lines. At least four out of the remaining five—those at A 4515°51, 4522-69, 4556-10, 4576-51, probably correspond to the solar lines 4515°51, 4522-69 (or possibly 4522°80), 455606, and 4576°51, to which Rowland has assigned no origin. The outstanding line at 2» 4541-40 is doubtfully present in the solar spectrum. The first three of these five have correspond- ing lines in the eclipse record; the other two have not. In the Kensington reductions of eclipse spectra there are, however, lines agreeing (within 0°3 tenth-metre) with every one of the enhanced lines mentioned. On the Are Spectrum of Vanadium. 189 “On the Arc Spectrum of Vanadium.” By Sir NorMAN LOCKYER, K.C.B., F.B.S., and F. E. Baxanpaut, A.R.C.S. Received March 19,—Read March 28, 1901. The spectrum of vanadium is so important, especially on account of the prominent part which lines of that element play in the spectra of sun-spots, and the existing records of vanadium lines differ so considerably, that it has been thought desirable to publish a list of the lines reduced some time ago from the Kensington photographs otf the are spectrum. These photographs were obtained by Mr. C. P. Butler with a 6-inch Rowland concave grating of 214 feet focal length and 14,438 lines to the inch. The region of the spectrum investigated extends from d 3887 to A 4932, and occupies on the plates a length of 164 inches. The sources of the spectra were (1) vanadium chloride, and (2) a pure sample of vanadium oxide supplied by Sir Henry Roscoe, to whom we wish to express our thanks. In each case they were volatilised in the arc between poles of the purest silver which could be obtained, and which were kindly placed at our disposal by Sir W.C. Roberts-Austen. These are used because the number of lines due to the poles themselves is so small compared with that produced when carbon poles are employed, that it is much easier to detect the lines really due to the substance under consideration. Lists of lines in the arc spectrum of vanadium have been published by Rowland and MHarrison,* and by Hasselberg.t The former investigators used some compound of vanadium (not stated in their paper) volatilised on carbon poles ; the latter employed poles made of the metal itself. The three records naturally contain a large number of lines in common, but there are many differences between any two of them for which it is difficult to account. ‘To show these differences it has been considered best to give side by side in tabular form the lines in the three lists, and analyse the lines special to any one list, with the object of either properly establishing their claim to be accepted as true lines of vanadium, or possibly tracing them to their real origin. It may be safely assumed that lines common to any two of the lists really belong to vanadium. To eliminate lines due to impurities, the vanadium spectrum has been directly compared with the arc spectra of all the other elements avail- able at Kensington, photographed exactly on the same scale. If the “‘strongest” lines of an element are not represented in the vanadium spectrum, apparent coincidences with any of the “weaker” lines are * © Astro.-Phys. Jour.,’ vol. 7, p. 273, 1898. + ‘Svenska Vetenskaps Akad. Handl.,’ vol. 32, No. 2, 1899. P 2 190 Sir Norman Lockyer and Mr. F. E. Baxandall. not accepted as furnishing any proof of the existence of that element as an impurity in the vanadium. This comparison shows that, in addition to those belonging to silver, the only lines which with any degree of probability can: be attributed to other metals, are traces of the very strongest lines only of iron, manganese, chromium, cobalt, calcium, strontium, aluminium, and lead. Such lines (a list of which is given later in the paper) have been left out of the following table. Although Rowland gives his wave-lengths to one-thousandth of a tenth-metre, for convenience of comparison with the other records his values are quoted, throughout the present paper, to the nearest hundredth of a tenth-metre. A brief reference must be made to Rowland’s scale of intensities. In his paper he states that the scale he has adopted is from 1 to15. There are, however, several intensities given which are beyond these limits; but they are probably due to typographical errors. Such cases are indicated in the column for remarks. It would seem rather difficult to reconcile his adoption of such a scale with the opinion expressed in the introduction to his _“ Preliminary Table of Solar Spectrum Wave-lengths” to the effect that “the ordinary scale from 1 to 10 or from | to 6 is far too limited for the spectral lines, especially for the metallic spectra; 1 to 1000 is hardly great enough for the enormous difference in intensity. The small range, 1 to 10, ordinarily used gives an entirely wrong idea to the worker in this subject, and many books with spectroscopic theories might have been saved by using a scale from 1 to 1000.” Vanadium Arc Lines. Comparison of Kensington Records with Hasselberg’s and Rowland’s. Kensington. Hasselberg. Rowland. | Int. Int. Int. mene. A. Max. 2 Max. A. | Max.| =10. =4-5. =15.| 3887 69 | <1 88°20 | 2 | 3888-23 1 88°47 | 3 88 ‘50 2 89°36 | 1-2 89°91 | <1 90°30 | 7 90 *33 3 (38890°30 | 4 91 °25 4) 91 °27 2 SF637 92 53 | 2-3 92°47 | 4 92°95 | 6-7 93 -03 3 93°88 | <1 94°16 | 4-5 | 94°19) 2 95 86 | 2-3 U6 °29 4 96 °29 2 96°26 1° 2 On the Are Spectrum of Vanadium. Vanadium Arc Lines—continued. Kensington. Hasselberg. Rowland. | Int. Int. Int. A. Max. A. Max. r Max =10. =4-5. =15. 3896 °83 | 2 97°20 | 4 | 3897°22 2 98°17 | 6 98-15 3 (3898 °08 | 1 98°44 | 3 99 °23 | 3-4 99 °30 1 3900 °29 | 4-5 | 3900°33 | 2-3 01°28 | 4-5 01°30 | 2-3 Obl y- 2 02°45 | 10 02°40 | 3-4 \3902°37 | 7 02 “71 1 03°32 | 3-4) 03°42 | 1-2 03°86 | <1 04°51 | 3-4 04: 63 1 06°92 | 4 06°89 | 2 07°33 | 2 | 08°46 | 3 09°58 | <1 09-96 |. 9 10°01 3 09):99°1 5 1Ors# | <1 10°92 | 4 10°95 2 ESO") « 12°35 | 5 12°36 | 2-3 13°04 | 3 13-03 2 lise ee 14°08 |; <1 14°49 | 4 | 14°44) 1 15 30 | 1-2 15°57 2 | 16°57 | 3-4 16°55 | 1-2 | TSEGOhy I 20°10; 1 Oya ay a 20°67 | 4 20°65 | 1-2 22°11 4, 22°15 2 22 02 I 22°57 | 5 22°58 | 2-3 22°55 | 3 24°85 | 5 24°84 | 2-3 24-77 | 3 25°36 | 5 25 °36 2 25°35 | 3 26°64 | <1 | 26 °86 | 1-2 28°07 | 5 28 64 | 1-2 29°93 | 1 30°19 | 6 30°19 | 2-3 ‘ f 31°40 ii 31°46 | 5 1 31-50 9 33°77 | 3 | Ca (Kk). 34°18 | 5-6 34°16 | 3-4 35°28 | 4-5 35°28 | 2-3 36 43 | 3-4 36°42 2 37°65 | 3 37°68 2 38°37 | 3 38 °35 2 39 -04 | 1-2 39°49 | 3 39 °48 2 Remarks. HO 192 Vanadium Arc Lines—continued. Sir Norman Lockyer and Mr. F. H. Baxandall. Kensington. Tut. Max. =10. i Ou oo © obT MIE TE BAT wi) SS Fae bo nN whe oe iN 1) Hasselberg. Int. A. Max. =4-5, 3940 °75 1 41°40 1-2 42°16 2 43°77 | 2-3 50°37 2 52°09 2 63°77 2 | 68:24 2 72°10 1 73 ‘49 1 73°79 2 79 -30 2 79°59 2 80 ‘66 2, 84°75 2 88 ‘97 2 a ROO sll 3 I) 2S) 3 | 97-30 | 1-2 98 °87 3 — 4000 -24. 1 03°10 1-2 | 08°70 |) 1-2 | 05 *86 2 | 09-94 il 11 °45 1 15-20 1 23 50 2 Rowland. Int. ON Max. =15. 3944 °13 3 52-07 1 61°65 5 68 °59 1 79°54 | 90 °69 5 92-92 3 98 °85 3 4005 °84: 1 22°04: 1 23251 1 Al. Al. Remarks. Vanadium Arc Lines—continued. Kensington. Hasselberg. Rowland. | Remarks. Int. | int. Int. ot Max. 7X | Max. A. Max. =10. |=4-5. =15. | el ee 4025 -4.7 il 4025 °46 1 30°05 |-1-2.) 30°04/ 1-2 31 °36 2 SL 9837/ 1-2 31°99 4 | 31°98 2 |4031 °96 1 B2°64/1-2 | 32-62 | 1-2 33 °00 aie 33 ‘Ol 1 BRIT) aye jp Gan 34-625 2h ine Sa e7i7/ 4, 335) S77 2 36°93 F 86°93 1 39°76 | <1 40°43 | 1-2 40 °46 1 41°66 | 2-3 41°72 2 42°80 | 3-4 42°78 2 42°76 1 4.6 °99 1 47°05 1 AS at | 2-3 48 °77 2 51°10 aaa 51-1 2-3 mles2r & | 51-48 | 2:3 | 526M! 10) | | 52-60 1 | 33 4M |) De 53°81 | <1 o7 ‘21 5 EN ea | 3 57-21 Dy) Ba 96 | ila. 61 :00 ley 60 :97 1 | 61°76 il | 62 °92 1 64°11 | 4-5 64°09 | 2-3 64°06 2 65°54 | 1-2 67°96 | 2-3 67 90 1-2 68:16 | 2-3 70°94 | 2-3 71°67 | 4-5 71°67 2-3 71°66 2 W228 223) 72:80 | 2 | W785 |) 1 | Sy. 78°10 1 | 83:07 | 3-4 83°44 | <1 84°92 | 1) 2-3 97:09 | 1-2 | 98 50 | 3-4 GS a4i G2) le OS abil 1 98:99 | 1 | | 99-94) 9 99:93 | 3-4 ) 99:92] 7 4101-99 | 1-2 | On the Are Spectrum of Vanadium. 193 _ Sir Norman Lockyer and Mr. F. E. Baxandall. Vanadium Are Lines—continued. _ Kensington. Hasselberg. Rowland. | 1 Int. Int. Int. | XR; Max. A. Max. A. Max.) =10.| =4-5, =15. . apne a ie ey 4101 °65 | <1) | 02-25 | 6-7 | 4102-32 | 38 |4102-28 03°54 | 1-2 | 04°52 | 04°55 | 2 04°52 | 2 04°93 | 3-4 | 04°92] 2 05°33 | 7 | 05°32) 3 06°68 | 1 07°60 | 8 07°64 | 1-2 | 07°60] 1 08°32 | 4 08°36 | 2 | 09:20) 2 | 09°89 | 8 09°94 | 3-4 | 09°91 | 7 | 10°86 | 1 | TE ee eT 1200 | 10 11:92 | 4 11°92 | 5 12°50 | 4 Te ele 13°62 | 5 13, G5 2-3e eis G4) eS) a 14°69 | 3 14°69 | 1-2: | 15°33 1. 19 15327) 3-4 els ola aie 16 64/ 8 16°64 | 83 16°63 | 9 16°85 | 1:2 | | 18°34 | 4-5 18°34 | 2°3 | 18°32 1:1 | 18°76 | 4-5 Tee youlee | 19-23 | > | 19°56 4-5 19°58 | 2 19 “57-| 3 4 20°65 | 4-5 20°69 | 2 20°65 | 2 21°08 | 2 21 -13*| a Pile 2-3 22°45 | 1 22°94) <1 | | 23°30 | 3 | | DDB} TSO) ne a eg CB G5 3 PARIS =40\: | 24.93" | ~ 2 24:20] 1 | 27-15 | 1 | 27°56 | <1 | M2820 1299 | WIR sOsol =A o) 2B ellbn | a 7 98-94) 4 | 29°00) 2 | 30°28 | <1 | 30°44! 1 31:07 | <1 | B1-96|° 1 | Bl-3o haa 31-300) <1 32°08 | 9 30-130 eden) eaeenish| 16 4 32°93 | 1 | 33°86 | 3 33°92 | @ | 34°61 | 9 34 G1 Bo4ie| pSae2 a 7 al 35°40 | 1 | 36271 83 36 °25 2 36°55 | 2-3 | 36°52 | 37°06 | 1 | 37°36 | <1 | SOP: 4 oe | 39 34 | 3-4 39°39 | 2 | 41°50 | 3 | On the Arc Spectrum of Vanadvum. 195 Vanadium Arc Lines—continued. Kensington. Hasselberg. Rowland. | Remarks. Tnt. Int. ints A. Max. Xr. Max. | A. Max. =10. =4-5, =15. | (eee ff af ie Deas Bee ee Sy 4141 91 | 1-2 | 4141-96 | 1-2 42,80 | 1-2 A275 | 1-2 43°02 | 1 13-02 | oh 43°47 | <1 | A562 | 2 | 46-15 | <1 47-90 | 2 49-01 | 2-3 49-02 | 1-2 | 50-22 | <1 | | 50°80 | 2-3 50-84 1° 2) | 51-46 | <1 BE 52 al, | 52-80 | 2-3 Boer tO) | Boe 223 | 58°49 | 1-2 "| 54°16 | <1 | | meh | 1 | bb 80 |: 1 | 55°95 | 1 | 56°00/| 1-2 56°65 | <1 58-11 | 1 5S 14, | ah 58°58 | <1 | | 59-82 | 5 | 59°84] 2-3 (4159°82| 2 Geers ot | 60°57 | 1, | G28) <<), 62°51) 1 || 66°86 | 1-2 | 67-15 | 1 | 69°08 | <1 | 69-37 | 2-3 69°40 | 1-2 | 71°42 | 3-4 TA | 74°13 | 4 FANS 2) STA AG) Wd 75°24) 1 To 30 1 eet gecea | <1 | 76:88) 1 | aeoon |, 2 66°07 2 Rowland. Int. A. Max Or Hs ST ATT ST Remarks. Probably masked in Ken- sington photograph by a strong broad line of Ag at A 4212 °1 Probably masked by Ca line { at A 4226 “91. Ca. On the Are Spectrum of Vanadium. 197 Vanadium Are Lines—continued. Kensington. | Hasselberg. | Rowland. | | | | Tut. | Int. | Int. | Remarks. A. Max. A. | Max. A. Max. —10),| (=4-5. /=15.| 4267 °48 | 2 | 4267°50 | 1-2 68°78 | 6 68°78 8 (4268°79 | O* | *? (10) 7 mG. | 71-71 71-71 | 17* | *2 (7) 293 | <1 | 43°50 | <1 | 76°50 | <1 ees | 712) 3) | 77-10|-7 "S-p8 | <1 | 79°12 | 2 79:12 1-2 83-08 | 3-4 83:06 2 | 84°19 | § 8419 38 1) IS4-oTe 5 86°57 | 3-4 Say | | 87°93 | 3-4 87-97 |. 2 | 89°00 | 1 | | | 91:45 | 3 O1-AG | 2. | | Steen 526) 91-97 | 8 | 91°98) 1 Somat nes! +) 96°28 | 929 | (96°27 fi O79) | 4 | | | 97°85 | 4-5 | 97-86 | 2-3 | 97-84) 7 98:17| 4-5 | 98°17) 23 | 98°79 | <1) | 99°27 | 1-2 | | 99°24) 1 4302 °32 | 1-2 | | 03°70 | 2-8 | 4303-70 : 2 |4303-70, 2 05 -64. | | OOAO iS |- 06°35 | 2-3 | | 06°76 | <1 | | | Me?) 5 t- 07.-°33. | 2-3 | 0861 | <1 | Poeconr2) | 09-69 | 127! | Gaavant yo" | 09.95) 8 =}! 40995") 7 11°66 a eel | fi -s33 feu | | | 12°58} 1 12°56 | 1 | 14-11 | 2-3 14°06 | 1-2 | 15°02 De) | io 61-926 — €05800-0 864-0 18€-0 O86. & 8g. IT OL- 9T ‘Omy) pIop P89: I GE: ES — 6§- 6S — 82. OG — LL: o0S6— GL. org — EL. oSeG 66: 0806 — 28. oL06 = TS- .€81— TOP: «681 — LYVL-P ‘OF: ooSL ate LE- 979 — 409600. 0 06-81 96- 8T 64-06 LI: G6 66. LE 18: 9 ‘(OE Y-Iq) WNIpoYyt munuye{d Ao0[[v &6: VE CT: (VYG — 0S: PEo— 8P- 8&6 — G8. o8SG ms GG. (LEG — 88. AHS a GG. .906 — GI: 0406 — 09- .[8l— GVE- RL — 8T- 08 — 8P- [8— L9L9-& 40) VE. oC OL ioral 70. L96 — SV LEO0. 0 GOL. 0 9Z8- O PE9.V 699. L 069-61 1G8. 86 G99. 6& "(HO q) UINISSvqIOT 96: 9T 08 SG — TO9. .¢8T — £02: 681 — L6LG.& O c. ooSL a T8- [86 — 8/SE00- 0 €8T- 0 €L4V6-0 LEOl- & Of06-¥ *(Ta) WNnUIyze[ WAP RO Gh ae aL = O1uB User ty a oeee see Ln Gy (75 oan Cun eSen la “H by xO ‘by “ by 9 ty oo r>e ee cere 290 1V —'¢ ‘ditie} payuno(eg **¢ ‘bry Fo poarasqo 2 (2) 2 ed BORA CN OEO Gsp-neK) oF osqqap VOL) 66 cc Coep oy 6 66 *xo ‘bry (19 (19 Soa DIT 6c (33 BOG) 104 (5 66 +929 4v ooULzSISoy DERI RO ee RID 0p oo ee reve ee oe ee oe Oe Tay *S1VIOIW 364 Prof. J. Dewar. : and temperature within the limits we are considering is unknown, and no thermometer of this kind can be relied on for giving accurate temperatures up to and below the boiling point of hydrogen. The curves are discussed in the paper, and I am indebted to Mr. J. H. D. Dickson and Mr. J. E. Petavel for help in this part of the work. Helium separated from the gas of the King’s Well, Bath, and purified by passing through a U-tube immersed in lquid hydrogen, was filled directly into the ordinary form of Cailletet gas receiver used with his apparatus, and subjected to a pressure of 80 atmospheres, while a portion of the narrow part of the glass tube was immersed in liquid hydrogen. On sudden expansion from this pressure to atmo- spheric pressure a mist from the production of some solid body was clearly visible. After several compressions and expansions, the end of the tube contained a small amount of a solid body that passed Girectly into gas when the liquid hydrogen was removed and the tube kept in the vapour of hydrogen above the liquid. On lowering the temperature of the liquid hydrogen by exhaustion to its melting point, which is about 16° absolute, and repeating the expansions on the gas from which the solid had separated by the previous expansions at the boiling point, or 20°:5, no mist was seen. From this it appears the mist was caused by some other material than helium, in all probability neon, and when the latter is removed no mist is seen, when the gas is expanded from 80 to 100 atmospheres, even although the tube is surrounded with solid hydrogen. From experiments made on hydrogen that had been similarly purified like the helium and used in the same apparatus, it appears a mist can be seen in hydrogen (under the same conditions of expansion as applied to the helium sample of gas) when the initial temperature of the expanding gas was twice the critical temperature, but it was not visible when the initial tempera- ture was about two and a-half times the critical temperature. This experience applied to interpret the helium experiments, would make the critical temperature of the gas under 9° absolute. Olszewski in his experiments expanded helium from about seven times the critical temperature under a. pressure of 125 atmospheres. If the temperature is calculated from the adiabatic expansion, starting at 21° absolute, an effective expansion of only 20 to 1 would reach 6°:3, and 10 to 1 of 8°°3. It is now safe to say, helium has been really cooled to 9° or 10° absolute without any appearance of liquefaction. There is one point, however, that must be considered, and that is the small refractivity of helium as compared to hydrogen, which, as Lord. Rayleigh has shown, is not more than one-fourth the latter gas. Now as the liquid refractivities are substantially in the same ratio as the gaseous refractivities in the case of hydrogen and oxygen, and the refractive index of liquid hydrogen is about 1:12, then the value for liquid helium should be about 1:03, both taken at their respective The Nadir of Temperature, and Allied Problems. 365 boiling points. In other words, liquid helium at its boiling point would have a refractive index of about the same value as liquid hydrogén at its critical point, and as a consequence, small drops of liquid helium forming in the gas near its critical point would be far more difficult to see than in the case of hydrogen similarly situated. The hope of being able to liquefy helium, which would appear to have a boiling point of about 5° absolute, or one-fourth that of liquid hydrogen, is dependent on subjecting helium to the same process that succeeds with hydrogen ; only instead of using liquid air under exhaustion as the primary cooling agent, liquid hydrogen under exhaustion must be em- ployed, and the resulting liquid collected in vacuum vessels surrounded with liquid hydrogen The following table embodies the results of experience and theory :— | | | Initial Critical Initial temperature. temperature.| temperature. Boiling points. Liquid helium ?.. .......... 5? 2? 1? Dold enyadnoOsem sia... we 6 15 6 4, IGp@raaia Li (AE Iie a irene errr 20 8 5 (He ?) Hxhausted ‘ae air. Bae 75 30 20 (H) EDP Oh ae ie ap ara 325 130 « 86 (Air) Wowred heat’ 6... oe. 760 | 304, 195 (COg) The first column gives the initial temperature before continuous expansion through a regenerator, the second the critical point of the gas that can be liquefied under such conditions, and the third the boiling point of the resulting liquid. It will be seen that by the use of liquid or solid hydrogen as a cooling agent we ought to be able to liquefy a body having a critical point of about 6° to 8° absolute and boiling point of about 4° or 5° absolute. Then, if liquid helium could be produced with the probable boiling point of 5° absolute, this sub- stance would not enable us to reach the zero of temperature ; another gas must be found that is as much more volatile than helium as it is than hydrogen in order to reach within 1° of the zero of temperature. If the helium group comprises a substance having the atomic weight 2, or half that of helium, such a gas would bring us nearer the desired goal, In the meantime the production of liquid helium is a difficult and expensive enough problem to occupy the RaerTiAnE world for many a day. A number of miscellaneous observations have been made in the course of this inquiry, among which the following may be mentioned. Thus the great increase of phosphorescence in the case of organi¢ bodies cooled to the boiling point of hydrogen under light stimula- tion is very marked, when compared with the same effects brought 366 Meeting of June 20, 1901, and List of Papers read. about by the use of liquid air. A body like sulphide of zine cooled to 21° absolute and exposed to light shows brilliant phosphorescence on the temperature being allowed to rise. Bodies like radium that exhibit selfi-luminosity in the dark, cooled in liquid hydrogen maintain their luminosity unimpaired. Photographic action is still active although it is reduced to about half the intensity it bears at the temperature of liquid air. Some crystals when placed in liquid hydro- gen become for a time self-luminous, on account of the high electric stimulation brought about by the cooling causing actual electric dis- charges between the crystal molecules. This is very marked with some platino-cyanides and nitrate of uranium. Even cooling such crystals to the temperature of liquid air is sufficient to develop marked electrical and luminous effects. . Considering that both liquid hydrogen and air are highly insu- lating liquids, the fact of electric discharges taking place under such conditions proves that the electric potential generated by the cooling must be very high. When the cooled crystal is taken out of either liquid and allowed to increase in temperature, the luminosity and electric discharges take place again during the return to the normal temperature. A crystal of nitrate of uranium gets so highly charged electrically that, although its density is 2°8 and that of liquid air about 1, it refuses to sink, sticking to the side of the vacuum vessel and requiring a marked pull on a silk thread, to which it is attached, to displace it. Such a crystal rapidly removes cloudiness from liquid air by attracting all the suspended particles on to its surface. The study of pyro-electricity at low temperatures will solve some very important problems. During this Inquiry I have had the hearty co-operation of Mr. Robert Lennox, to whom my thanks are due, and Mr. J. W. Heath has also given valuable assistance. June 20, 1901. Sir WILLIAM HUGGINS, K.C.B., D.C.L., President, in the Chair. Professor William Schlich and Professor Arthur Smithells were admitted into the Society. A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them. The following Papers were read :— VIL VIII. XII. XIII. Meeting of June 20, 1901, and List of Papers read. | 367 . On the Mathematical Theory of Errors of Judgment, with ”? Special Reference to the Personal Equation.” By Professor KARL PEARSON, F.R.S. . “ Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Hvolution. X.—Supplement to a Memoir on Skew Variation.” By Professor KARL PEARSON, F.R.S. . “On the Application of Maxwell’s Curves to Three-colour Work, with Especial Reference to the Nature of the Inks to be employed, and to the Determination of the Suitable Light-filters.”. By Dr. R. 8S. CLay. Communicated by Sir W. ABNEY, K.C.B., F.R.S. . “The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus Arabicus.” By W. R. DunstTAN, F.R.S., and T. A. HENRY. . **On the Structure and Affinities of Dipteris, with Notes on the Geological History of the Dipteridine.” By A. C. SEWARD, F.R.S., and Miss E. DALE. . “Further Observations on Nova Persei. No. 3.” By Sir NormMAN Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S. “Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900: Account of the Observations made by the Solar Physics Observatory Eclipse Expedition and the Officers and Men of H.M.S. ‘ Theseus,’ at Santa Pola, Spain.” By Sir NorMAN LOCKYER, KE CBs ans: “The Mechanism of the Electric Arc.” By Mrs. H. AyRTOon. Communicated by Professor PERRY, F.R.S. . “The Yellow Colouring Matters accompanying Chlorophyll and their Spectroscopic Relations. Part 2.” By C. A. SCHUNCK. Communicated by E. ScHuNCK, F.R.S. . ‘Magnetic Observations in Egypt, 1883-1901.” By Captain H.G. Lyons. Communicated by Professor RUCKER, F.R.S. . “ A Determination of the Value of the Harth’s Magnetic Field in International Units, and a Comparison of the Results with the Value given by the Kew Observatory Standard Instruments.” By W. Watson, F.R.S. “Virulence of Desiccated Tubercular Sputum.” By H. SWITHINBANK. Communicated by Sir H. CricHTon BROWNE, F.R.S. “The Effect of the Temperature of Liquid Air upon the Vitality and Virulence of the Bacillus tuberculosis.” By H. SwWITHINBANK. Communicated by Sir H. CricHTon BROWNE, F.R.S. 368 xT\,. XY: OV. XVII. XVIII. OD. IO XXI. SOx. 2OMNEE KATY. XXYV. Meeting of June 20. 1901, and List of Papers read. ‘The Fermentation of Urea: a Contribution to the Study of the Chemistry of the Metabolism in Bacteria.” By Dr. W. EH. ADENEY. Communicated by Professor W. N. HARTLEY, F.R.S. ‘On the Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Temperature in the British Isles and its Relation to Wind-direction, with a Note on the Effect of Sea Temperature on the Seasonal _ Variation of Air Temperature.” By W. N. SHaw, F.RB.S., and R. WALEY COHEN. | “On the Continuity of Effect of Light and Electric Radiation on Matter.” By Professor J. C. Bosz. Communicated by LorD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. “On the Similarities between Radiation and Mechanical Strains.” By Professor J. C. BosE. Communicated by LorpD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. “On the Strain Theory of Photographic Action.” By J: C. BosE. Communicated by LorD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. “The Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium Vapour.” By Pro- fessor R. W. Woop. Communicated by Professor C. V. Boys, F.B.S. “The Pharmacology of Pseudaconitine and Japaconitine con- sidered in Relation to that of Aconitine.” By Professor J. T. CasH, F.R.S., and Professor W. R. DuNSTAN, F.K.S. “The Pharmacology of Pyraconitine and Methylbenzaconine considered in Relation to that of Aconitine.” By Professor J. T. CasH, F.R.S., and Professor W. R. DuUNSTAN, F.BS. ‘‘On the Separation of the Least Volatile Gases of Atmo- spheric Air, and their Spectra.” By Professor LIVEING, F.R.S., and Professor DEwar, F.R.S. “The Stability of a Spherical Nebula.” By J. H. JEANS. Communicated by Professor G. H. DARWIN, F.R.S. ‘On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, Carbonic Oxide Hemo- globin, Methzmoglobin, and certain of their Derivatives, in the Magnetic Field, with a Preliminary Note on the Electrolysis of the Hemoglobin Compounds.” By Professor GAMGEE, F.R.S. “On the Resistance and Electromotive Forces of the Electric - Arc.” By W. DUDDELL. Communicated by Professor AYRTON, F.R.S. ur On the Mathematical Theory of Errors of Judgment. 369 XXVI. “On the Relation between the Electrical Resistances of Pure Metals and their Molecular Constants.” By W. WILLIAMS. Communicated by Professor ANDREW GRAY, F.R.S. The Society adjourned over the Long Vacation to Thursday, November 21, 1901. “On the Mathematical Theory of Errors of Judgment, with Special Reference to the Personal Equation.” By KARL PEARSON, F.R.S., University College, London. Received April 23,—Read June 20, 1901. (A bstract.) In 1896 I, with Dr. Alice Lee and Mr. G. A. Yule, made a series of experiments on the bisection of lines at sight. The object of these experiments was to test a development of the current theory of errors of observation, by which it seemed possible to me to determine the absolute steadiness of judgment of any individual by comparing the relative observations of three (instead of as usual two) observers. As a rule the absolute error of the observer is unknown and unknowable, and I was seeking for a quantitative test of steadiness in judgment to be based on relative judgments. If oo, be the standard deviation of the absolute judgments of the first observer, oj, 03, o3; the standard deviations of the relative judgments of the first and second, the second and third, and the third and first observers respectively, then 012 = + (o217 = 0132 = 73”) Biel St dcraeo neva nieae chalet ees (1) on the basis of the current theory of errors. Thus it seemed possible to determine absolute steadiness of judgment from the standard devia- tions of relatwe judgments, which are all that the physicist or astro- nomer can usually make, provided three observers and not two were compared. : ) To my great surprise I found results such as (i) were not even approximately true, and that they failed to hold because the judg- , ments of the observers were substantially correlated. It did not occur to me at first that judgments made as to the midpoints of lines by experimenters, in the same room it is true, but not necessarily bisect- ing the same line at the same instant, could be psychologically corre- lated, and I looked about for a source of correlation in the treatment of the data. We had taken 500 lines of different lengths and bisected them at sight ; assuming that the error would be more or less propor- tional to the length of the line, I had adopted the deviation trom the 370 Prot. Karl Pearson. true midpoint to the right in terms of the length of the line as the error. I was then led to realise the importance of what I have termed ‘spurious correlation” in this use of indices or ratios, and I published a short notice of the subject in the ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 60, p. 489, 1896. It seemed necessary accordingly to make our judgments in a different manner, and a second series of 520 experiments was made by Dr. Alice Lee, Dr. W. F. Macdonell, and myself, in which we observed the motion of a narrow beam of light down a uniform strip of fixed length, and recorded its position at the instant, @ priori unknown to us, at which a hammer struck a small bell. The experiment was made by means of a pendulum devised by Mr. Horace Darwin, and the record required a combination of ear, eye, and hand judgment. In the manipulation of the data there was no room for the appearance of “spurious correlation,” but to my great surprise I again found sub- stantial correlation im two out of the three cases of what one might reasonably suppose to be absolutely independent judgments. This led to a thorough reinvestigation of the bisection experiments, absolute and not ratio errors being now dealt with. We found the same result, 7.2. correlation of apparently independent judgments. The absolute personal equations based on the average of twenty-five to thirty experimental sets were then plotted, and found to fluctuate in sympathy, and these fluctuations were themselves far beyond the order of the probable errors of random sampling. Nor were the fluctuations explicable solely by likeness of environment. For in the bright line experiments while the judgments of A and B were sensibly uncorrelated, those of C were substantially correlated with those of both A and B. Thus we were forced to the conclusion that judgment depends in the main upon some few rather than upon many personal characteristics, and that while A and B had practically no common characteristics, there were some common to A and C and others common to Band C. We are driven to infer— (i.) That the fluctuations in personal equation are not of the order of the probable deviations due to random sampling. (ii.) That these fluctuations in the case of different observers, meron ing absolutely independently, are sympathetic, being due to the influ- ence of the immediate atmosphere of the observation or experiment on personal characteristics, probably few in number, one or more of which may be common to each pair of observers. In this way we grasp how the judgments of “independent” observers may be found to be substantially correlated. In the memoir attention is drawn to the great importance of this, not only for the weighting of combined observations, but also for the problem of the stress to be laid on the testimony of apparently independent witnesses to the same phenomenon. On the Mathematical Theory of Errors of Judgment. 371 The current theory of the personal equation thus appears to need modification, and we require for the true consideration of relative judgments not only a knowledge of the variability of observers, but also of their correlation in judgment as necessary supplements to the simple personal equation. Having obtained from our data twelve series of errors of observation considerably longer than those often or even exceptionally dealt with by observers, we had a good opportunity for testing the applicability of the current theory of errors, in particular the fitness of the Gaussian curve r Y = Yo e-2?|(20?) to describe the frequency of errors of observation. In a considerable proportion of the cases this curve was found to be quite imapplicable. Errors in excess and defect of equal magnitude were not equally frequent ; skewness of distribution, sensible deviation of the mode from the mean, ‘‘crowding round the mean,” even in the case of passable symmetry, all existed to such an extent as to make the odds against the error distributions being random samples from material following the Gaussian law of distribution enormous. It is clear that deviation of the mode from the mean, and the independence of at least the first four error moments, must be features of any theory which endeavours to describe the frequency of errors of observation or of judgment within the limits allowable by the theory of random sampling. The results reached will serve to still further emphasise the conclusions I have before expressed : (a.) That the current theory of errors has been based too exclusively on mathematical axioms, and not tested sufficiently at each stage by comparison with actual observations or experiments. (b.) That the authority of great names—Gauss, Laplace, Poisson— has given it an almost sacrosanct character, so that we find it in current use by physicists, astronomers, and writers on the kinetic theory of gases, often without a question as to its fitness to represent all sorts of observations (and even insensible phenomena !) with a high degree of accuracy. (c.) That the fundamental requisites of an extended theory are that it must— (i.) Start from the three basal axioms of the Gaussian theory and enlarge and widen them. (ii.) Provide a systematic method of fitting theoretical frequencies to observed distributions with (a) as few constants as possible, (() these constants easily determinable and closely related to the physical charac- ters of the distribution, and | (ii1.) When improbable isolated observations are rejected, give thea- retical frequencies not differmg from the observed frequencies by more than the probable deviations due to random sampling. 372 Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. I propose to consider these points in reference to the skew frequency distributions discussed in a memoir in the ‘ Phil. Trans.’ for 185 (A, vol. 186, ef seg.) in another place. The present memoir, however, shows that these skew distributions give results immensely more pro- bable than the Gaussian curve, and thus confirms in the case of errors of observation the results already reached in the case of organic variation. “ Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Hvolution.—X. Supplement to a Memoir on Skew Variation.” By Kar PEARSON, F.R.S., University College, London. Received May 22—Read June 20, 1901. (Abstract.) In the second memoir of this series a system of curves suitable for describing skew distributions of frequency was deduced from the solu- tions of the differential equation Y dx Gin Ge + Oona? Ses'ediee cies 54S eee ee These solutions were found to cover satisfactorily a very wide range of frequency distributions of all degrees of skewness. Two forms of solution of this differential equation, depending upon certain relations among its constants, had, however, escaped observation, for the simple reason that all the distributions of actual frequency I had at that time met with fell into one or other of the four types dealt with in that memoir. A little later the investigation of frequency in various cases of botanical variation showed that none of the four types were suit- able, and led me to the discovery that I had not found all the possible solutions of the differential equation above given. Two new types were found to exist— ubype V: Yf = YoPPG WE oe cans (ii), with a range from z« = 0 to z = o, and Type VI: YUN E ONE ee ee (ii), with a range from z=atot=o. These curves were found to be exactly those required in the cases which my co-workers and I in England, and one or two biologists in America, had discovered led in the earlier Types I and IV to impossible results, 7.c., to imaginary values of the constants. In the present memoir the six types are arranged in their natural order, and a criterion given for distinguishing between them. They are illustrated by three examples: (a) age of bride on marriage for a i ae we ee Egy ee > mes por ‘ On the Structure and Affinities of Dipteris. 379 given age of husband ; ()) frequency of incidence of scarlet fever at different ages; and (c) frequency of “lips” in the Medusa P. pentata. It is perhaps of some philosophical interest to note that solutions of (i) that had escaped the analytical investigation were first obtained from actual statistics which could not be fitted to any of the curves of my firs! memoir without imaginary values of the constants. So great was my confidence in (i), however, that before I discarded it I re- investigated my analysis of it, and was so led to these two additional solutions. “On the Structure and Affinities of Dipterts, with Notes on the Geological History of the Dipteridine.” By A. C. Szwarp, F.R.S., University Lecturer in Botany, Cambridge, and ELIZABETH DALE, Pfeiffer Student, Girton College, Cambridge. Received May 21,—Read June 20, 1901. (Abstract. ) The generic name Dzpieris instituted by Reinwardt in 1828 is applied to four recent species—Dipteris conjugata (Rein.), D. Wallichit (Hook. and Grev.), D. Lobtiana (Hook.), and D. quinquefurcata (Baker). Dip- teris Wallichii occurs in the sub-tropical region of Northern India; the other species are met with in the Malay Peninsula, Java, New Guinea, Borneo, and elsewhere. It has been customary to include Dipteris in the Polypodiacez, and to describe the sporangia as having an incom- plete vertical annulus. The authors regard Dzpteris as a generic type which should be separated from the Polypodiacez and placed in a family of its own—-the Dipteridine, on the grounds that (1) the sporangia of Dipierits have a more or less oblique annulus ; (2) the fronds possess well marked and distinctive characteristics; (3) the vascular tissue of the stem is tubular (siphonostelic), and not of the usual Polypodiaceous type. For the material from Borneo and the Malay Peninsula, on which the anatomical investigation of Dzpteris conjugata is based, the authors are indebted to Mr. R. Shelford, of Sarawak, and to Mr. Yapp, of Caius College, Cambridge. The fronds of the four species of Dipteris _ consist of a long and slender petiole and a large lamina, in some cases 50 cm. in length; in D. conjugata and D. Wallichiit the lamina is divided by a deep median sinus into two symmetrical halves, but in D. Lobbiana and D. quinquefurcata the symmetrical bisection of the lamina is less obvious, the whole leaf being deeply dissected into narrow linear segments. The sori, which are without an indusium, consist of numerous sporangia and filamentous paraphyses, terminating in glandular cells. The sporangia are characterised by the more or less a74 Messrs. W. R. Dunstan and T. A. Henry. oblique annulus, and by the small output of bilateral spores. The sporangia of the same sorus are not developed simultaneously. Anatomy.—The horizontal creeping rhizome, which is thickly covered with stiff ramental scales, contains a tubular stele limited both in- ternally and externally by a definite endodermis. The xylem is mesarch in structure ; the protoxylem groups of spiral tracheids occur in association with a few parenchymatous cells at regular intervals in a median position. At the point of origin of each leaf the tubular stele opens, and becomes U-shaped in section, the detached portion passes into the petiole as a horseshoe-shaped meristele of endarch structure. The meristele alters its form a short distance below the origin of the lamina, and becomes constricted into two slightly unequal portions ; from the lower end of one of these a small vascular strand is gradually detached, and at a higher level a similar strand passes off from the other half of the stele. During their passage into the main ribs of the lamina the vascular strands, which are at first simply curved, become annular, and assume the form characteristic of JJuarsilia. The slender and branched roots are traversed by a triarch stele. Geological History.—The genus Dipteris represents a type which had descended from the Mesozoic period with but little modification. The genera Dictyophyllum and Protorhipis are regarded as members of the Dipteridine, which were widely distributed in Europe during the Rheetic and Jurassic periods. Records of these fossil forms have been obtained from England, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Switzer- land, Bornholm, Greenland, and Poland; also from North America, Persia, and the Far Hast. The genus Matonia, especially IM. pectinata (R. Br.), possesses certain features in common with Lzpferis, and this resemblance extends to the fossil types of the Matoninez and Dipteri- dine. Matoma pectinata and Dupteris conjugata, growing side by side on the slopes of Mount Ophir in the Malay Peninsula, survive as remnants from a bygone age when closely allied ferns played a prominent part in the vegetation of northern regions. “The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus arabicus.” By WynpuHam R. Dunstan, M.A., F.R.S., Director of the Scien- tific and Technical Department of the Imperial Institute, and T. A. Henry, B.Sc., Salters’ Company’s Research Fellow in the Laboratories of the Lmperial Institute. Received May 30, ——Read June 20, 1901. (Abstract.) The authors have already given a preliminary account* of this investigation and have shown that the poisonous property of this * ‘Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 67, p. 224, 1900. ly, | 0 SS eT Aa The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus arabicus. 375 Egyptian vetch is due to the prussic acid which is formed when the plant is crushed with water, owing to the hydrolytic action of an enzyme, lofase, on a glucoside, lotusen, which is broken up into hydro- eyanic acid, dextrose, and lotoflavin, a yellow colouring matter. The authors have continued the investigation with the object of ascertaining the properties and chemical constitution of lotofiavin and of lotusin, and also of studying the properties of lotase in relation to those of other hydrolytic enzymes. Lotusin. Lotusin can be separated from an alcoholic extract of the plant by a tedious process giving a very small yield, about 0-025 per cent. Lotusin is a yellow crystalline glucoside, more soluble in alcohol than in water. When heated it gradually decomposes without exhibiting any fixed melting point. Combustions of specially purified material gave numbers agreeing with those deduced from the formula CosH31N Or. In the preliminary notice the formula C22H))NOj9 was provisionally assigned to lotusin on the assumption that one molecule of dextrose is formed by its hydrolysis. The formula given above, as the result of ultimate analysis, is confirmed by the observation that two molecules of dextrose are produced by acid hydrolysis, which is therefore repre- sented by the equation— CosHs1NOj¢ + 2H,O = OC AEE Or + HCN + O15 Hy 0O¢. Lotusin. Dextrose. Prussic Lotoflavin. acid. When a solution of lotusin is warmed with dilute hydrochloric acid, hydrolysis readily occurs. The liquid acquires a strong odour of hydrocyanic acid and a yellow crystalline precipitate of lotoflavin is thrown down, whilst the solution strongly reduces Fehling’s solution. Dilute sulphuric acid only very slowly effects the hydrolysis of Jotusin. When warmed with aqueous alkalis, lotusin is gradually decomposed, ammonia being evolved and an acid formed to which the name lotusinic acid has been given. C23H31016 + 2H20 = C2sH320is + NH. Lotusinic acid is a monobasic acid furnishing yellow crystalline salts. It is readily hydrolysed by dilute acids forming lotoflavin, dextrose and heptogluconic acid (dextrose-carboxylic acid) : ~ CagH32013 + 2020 = Cy5Hy 905 + CgHi20¢6 + C7H140s. Lotusinie Lotoflayin. Dextrose. Heptogluconic acid. acid. VOL. EX VIL. aD) 376 Messrs. W. R. Dunstan and T. A. Henry. With the exception of amygdalin, lotusin is the only glucoside definitely known which furnishes prussic acid as a decomposition product. Lotoflavin. Lotoflavin is a yellow crystalline colouring matter readily dissolved by alcohol or by hot glacial acetic acid, and also by aqueous alkalis forming bright yellow solutions. It is always present to some extent in the plants, especially in old plants. Ultimate analysis leads to the formula C);HjO0.¢. It is therefore isomeric with luteolin, the yellow colouring matter of Leseda luteola, and with /isetin, the yellow colouring from young fustic, hus cotinus. Morin, from Morus tinctoria, appears to be hydroxylotoflavin. Lotoflavin does not form compounds with mineral acids. It furnishes a tetracetyl derivative and two isomeric mutually con- vertibie trimethyl ethers which are capable of forming one and the same acetyl-trimethyl-lotoflavin. By the action of fused potash loto- flavin is converted into phloroglucin and /-resorcylic acid. Dextrose. The sugar resulting from hydrolysis has been found to correspond in all properties with ordinary dextrose. Hydrocyane acid. The amount of prussic acid given by plants at different stages of growth has been ascertained. Mature plants bearing seed-pods have furnished 0°345 per cent. of this acid, calculated on the air-dried material which corresponds with 5:23 per cent. of lotusin. Younger plants bearing flower buds gave 0°25 per cent., whilst still smaller quantities were furnished by very young plants and hardly any by quite old plants from which the seeds had fallen. The formation of the poison, therefore, seems to reach its maximum at about the seeding period, and after this period to diminish rapidly. The Arabs are aware that the plant is safe to use as a fodder when the seeds are quite ripe, but not before. We have found that it is the lotusin which disappears during the ripening of the seeds. Old plants contain some lotase and lotoflavin, but little or no lotusin. Lotase. In its general properties lotase resembles other hydrolytic enzymes, from which, however, it differs in several important respects. It may be compared with emulsin, the enzyme of bitter almonds. Emulsin, however, only attacks lotusin very slowly, whilst lotase has but a feeble , The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus arabicus. 377 action on amygdalin, the glucoside of bitter almonds. Lotase is much more readily injured and deprived of its hydrolytic power than emulsin. On this account it is difficult to isolate in the solid state. Its power is not only rapidly abolished by heat, but is also gradually destroyed by contact with alcohol or glycerine. Besides lotase, the plant contains an amylolytic and a proteolytic enzyme. Constitution of Lotoflavin and Lotusin. Having regard to its reactions and especially to the production, by the action of fused alkali, of /6-resorcylic acid and phloroglucin,, the authors conclude that lotoflavin should be represented by the formula : 0 On OH Plone oh SVAN OH CO which is that of a compound belonging to the same class, of phenylated pheno-y-pyrones, as its isomerides luteolin and fisetin. The peculiarity shown by lotoflavin of containing four hydroxyl] groups, but furnishing only a ¢ramethyl ether, is accounted for by one of the hydroxyl groups being in the ortho position to a carbonyl group. The reactions of lotusin are best represented by the formula : ° Hh OH : FN NON C,,H3,0p—CH 4 | ci 8 CN | WING OH CO which is that of a lotoflavin ether of maltose-cyanhydrin. This formula satisfactorily accounts for the partial hydrolysis of the glucoside by alkalis giving lotusinic acid and ammonia, and for the decomposition of the substance by acids giving lotoflavin and maltose- carboxylic acid which is immediately decomposed into dextrose and heptogluconic acid. It also accounts for the hydrolysis of lotusin, by acids, into lotoflavin and maltose, which is further changed to dextrose. In order to definitely localise the position of the cyanogen group in lotusin, the behaviour of several cyanhydrins of known constitution have been examined with reference to the question as to whether they would furnish hydrocyanic¢ acid when acted on by dilute hydro- chloric acid. It was found that mandelic nitrile, levulose cyanhydrin and pentacetyl gluconitrile, in which the cyanogen group is known to occupy a position similar to that assumed for it in the formula sug- 2D 2 378 Prof. J. T. Cash and Mr. W. R. Dunstan. gested for lotusin, are, like lotusin, easily decomposed by dilute hydrochloric acid, forming prussic acid and the corresponding aldehyde | or ketone. The authors wish again to express their obligations to Mr. Ernest A. Floyer, of Cairo, Member of the Egyptian Institute, who has spared neither trouble nor expense in collecting in Egypt, and despatching to this country, the material required for this investigation. “The Pharmacology of Pseudaconitine and Japaconitine considered in relation to that of Aconitine.” By J. THEODORE Casu, M.D., F.R.S., Regius Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Aberdeen, and WynpHAM R. Dunstan, M.A., FE.RBS., Director of the Scientific Department of the Imperial Insti- tute. Received June 11—Read June 20, 1901. (Abstract. ) In a previous paper on the Pharmacology of Aconitine and some of its principal derivatives,* we have given an account of the physio- logical action of this, the highly toxic alkaloid of Monkshood (4 conitum Napellus), and of its principal derivatives, and we have also discussed the ascertained physiological effects of these substances in relation to their chemical constitution. The results of this investigation have proved to be of much practical importance in connection with the pharmaceutical and medical employment of aconite, especially in demonstrating the partial antagonism to aconitine of benzaconine, and in a greater degree of aconine, both of which derivatives accompany the parent alkaloid in the plant and in the pharmaceutical preparations made from it, which have been hitherto used medicinally. Although it seems likely that these separate alkaloids, and especially aconine, may be useful as therapeutic agents, it is now clear that for the purpose for which aconite is employed, the pure alkaloid, aconitine, should be used in the place of the indefinite mixture of physiologically antagonistic alkaloids contained in pharmaceutical preparations made from the plant. In a series of papers communicated to the Chemical Society, and published in the ‘ Journal of the Chemical Society ’ (1891-99), one of us, in conjunction with his pupils, has described the chemical properties of the toxic alkaloid contained in two other species of alkaloid, viz., Aconitum ferox or Indian or Nepaul Aconite, and Aconitum Fischert or Japanese Aconite. The medicinal employment of these potent drugs * ©Phil. Trans.,’ B, 1898, vol. 190, p. 289. The Pharmacology of Pseudacontine and Japacomtine. 379 has been very restricted in the absence of any definite knowledge as to the nature of their constituents and the physiological action to which they give rise. Aconitum feroz has long been known to botanists and travellers in India as a poisonous plant of great virulence. It is used in Indian medical practice under the vernacular name of ‘“Bikh.” There appear however to be several varieties of aconite passing under this vernacular name. This is a subject which we are at present investigating with the assistance of the Government of India. In 1878 Alder Wright isolated a crystalline, highly toxic alkaloid, from the root of the plant, and named it pseudaconitine. In 1897* one of us gave an account of a complete investigation of the chemistry of this alkaloid, the results of which have led to a modification in certain important respects of the conclusions arrived at by Wright and his co-workers. Our results have been confirmed by Freund and Niederhofheim. tf For details of the chemistry of pseudaconitine and its derivatives, reference must be made to the paper already referred to.t We may here briefly record the chief properties of the alkaloid. Pseudaconitine is a crystalline alkaloid whose composition differs from that of aconitine, being expressed by the formula CsgHsgNOyp. The crystals melt at 202°, and are sparingly soluble in water, but readily in alcohol. The salts are usually crystalline and soluble in water. Their solution and those of the base produce, in excessively minute quantities, a persistent tingling of the tongue, lips, and other surfaces with which they are placed in contact, in this respect re- sembling aconitine and its salts, which produce the same effect. When heated in the dry state at its melting point pseudaconitine evolves a molecular proportion of acetic acid, leaving another alkaloid, pyropseudaconitine. This alkaloid, like the corresponding pyro- derivative of aconitine, does not give rise to the characteristic tingling effects of the parent base. When a salt of pseudaconitine is heated in a closed tube with water, as in the case of aconitine, partial hydrolysis occurs with the loss of a molecule of acetic acid, an alkaloid, veratryl-pseudaconine, being left. This alkaloid, like the corresponding benzaconine, derived by similar means from aconitine, produces neither the tingling sensation nor the toxic effects of the parent base. The complete hydrolysis of pseudaconitine, which is reached when the above-mentioned veratryl-pseudaconine is heated with alkalis, produces, instead of the benzoic acid furnished by aconitine, veratric or dimethylprotocatechuic acid, together with a base, pseudaconine, not -® ©Proc, Chem. Soc.,’ 1895, p. 154; ‘ Trans. Chem. Soc.,’ 1897, p. 350. + ‘Ber.,’ vol. 29, pp. 6, 852. ft Loe. cit. 380 Prof. J. T: Cash and Mr. W. R. Dunstan. susceptible of further hydrolysis. Whilst there is thus a strong general resemblance in chemical constitution between pseudaconitine and aconitine, the benzoic radical of aconitine is replaced in pseud- aconitine by the veratric radical of veratric acid, whilst there are probably also constitutional differences in the central nucleus. The composition and properties of the toxic alkaloid present in Japanese aconite, ‘‘Kuza-uzu,” regarded by botanists as Aconitum japonicum or A. Fischeri, has been the subject of some dispute among chemists who have examined it. Wright regarded it as chemically different from aconitine, both in composition and in structure, being an anhydro- or apo-derivative formed by the loss of water and conju- gation of 2 molecules of an unknown alkaloid of the aconitime type. He assigned to it the formula CegHssN202. Liibbe afterwards studied the properties of japaconitine, and pronounced it to be identical with aconitine, and, more recently, Freund and Beck have reached the same conclusion. Later, one of us, in conjunction with H. M. Read,* sub- jected japaconitine to a very detailed investigation, in the course of which its properties and those of its principal derivatives were defined and compared closely with those of aconitine. We believe that these results leave little room for doubting that japaconitine is a distinct alkaloid different from aconitine, although Wright was mistaken in the view he took of its composition and constitution. Superficially japaconitine bears a very strong resemblance to aconitine ; it is, how- ever, richer in carbon, and the physical properties of its derivatives do not agree with those of aconitine. To this alkaloid we have pro- visionally assigned the formula C3,H4NOj, and have retained for it the name of japaconitine suggested by Wright. In general, the decomposition of japaconitine resembles that of aconitine, but the physical properties of the resulting derivatives are not the same. By the action of heat it furnishes acetic acid and jap- pyraconitine ; on partial hydrolysis, japbenzaconine is obtained besides acetic acid ; whilst on complete hydrolysis, the products are acetic acid, benzoic acid, and japaconine. Whilst therefore the constitution of the central nucleus appears to be different, both aconitine and jap- aconitine contain the acetyl and benzoyl groups, whilst in pseudaconi- tine the acetyl and veratryl groups are present. In the present paper the physiological action of specially purified pseudaconitine and japaconitine is recorded and compared with aconi- tine. The differences found are nearly always differences of degree and not differences of kind, a result which bears out the close constitu- tional relationship which is to be inferred from their chemical re- actions. Although there are probably constitutional differences in the central nuclei of the three alkaloids, the same constitutional type is to * © Journ. Chem. Soc.,’ 1899. The Pharmacology of Pseudaconitine and Japaconitine. 381 be seen in each, and the substitution of a veratryl group (in pseud- aconitine) for an acetyl group (in aconitine) counts for little in influencing the characteristic physiological action. In order to bring the action of aconitine, pseudaconitine, and japaconitine into a contrast, which may be readily apprehended at a glance, the following summary will be useful. Heart.—All three alkaloids have a similar effect upon the heart of such mammals as have been observed. Pseudaconitine is quantita- tively more energetic than the other two, towards cats, but is certainly not nearly twice as toxic when artificial respiration is practised. Towards the frog’s heart pseudaconitine is slightly less powerful than the other two, of which japaconitine is rather the more active. Vagus Nerve and Inhibitory Mechanism in Heart.—Heart slowing from increased central vagus activity is produced by all these alkaloids, and similar results follow section and stimulation of the nerve at this and later stages of poisoning by one and all of them, both in mammals and frogs. fespiration.—There is less tendency to acceleration of respiration in mammals poisoned by pseudaconitine than when the other two alka- loids are employed ; further, the dyspnceal conditions develop more suddenly and the central depression of respiration is greater. Jap- aconitine is at first slightly more depressant than aconitine, but thereafter the tendency to acceleration of respiration is sooner developed, otherwise the general features of their action are similar. Slood.—All the aconitines produce a deleterious effect upon the heemoglobin and coloured corpuscles of the blood when they are given repeatedly in large doses. As far as has been ascertained this is due to impairment in the nutrition of the animal rather than to a direct action. Frogs kept in a watery medium or in contact with a moist surface develop cedema after receiving any of the aconitines, but this condition is most marked and the hydremia of the blood is more pronounced and lasting after pseudaconitine. Bran and Cord.—All aconitines appear to have a similar effect qualitatively on the brain and cord of rabbits, pigeons, and frogs. Temperature—The initial elevation of temperature often seen in rabbits which have received aconitine or japaconitine is less frequently - observed after pseudaconitine. A slightly greater and more enduring fall of internal temperature is witnessed after the latter, when the dose is large and bears a like relationship to the lethal amount. Repeated Administration—Some tolerance is established on the part of rabbits towards all the aconitines, and this is manifested with reference to temperature reduction, to the cardiac effect, and, to a lesser extent, to respiration; the general toxicity undergoing a reduction which is not, however, extensive. Less tolerance is shown 82 Prof. J. T. Cash and Mr. W. R. Dunstan. iS) towards pseudaconitine than towards the other two: it has been found impossible hitherto to determine how far rapidity of elimination varies between the alkaloids. Sensory Nerves.—Local applications of the aconitine ointments of equal strengths are followed by a somewhat more powerfully depres- sant and enduring effect when these contain aconitine or japaconitine than pseudaconitine. This statement has reference to cutaneous sensory and thermic impressions in the human subject. The difference is at most but slight. Motor Nerve and Muscle.—The action of the individual alkaloids is much the same whether specimens of f. esculenta or R. temporaria are used. It is more difficult to reduce reaction or to produce insensitiveness of the intramuscular motor nerves by pseudaconitine than by the other alkaloids. The so-called curare-like action has been found for all the alkaloids to be much feebler than was at one time supposed. Direct contact of the alkaloidal solutions with muscle-nerve pre- parations reduces excitability, the muscle being affected by solutions containing less than 1 in 1,000,000, and the nerve by solutions still weaker. Pseudaconitine is recognised as producing a rather weaker effect than the two other alkaloids, which are nearly equal to one another, japaconitine being slightly the more energetic. The results of the experiments detailed in this paper do not in all respects agree with previous observations; especially is this the case with regard to the relative toxicities of the three aconitines. The general order of toxicity towards mammals is pseudaconitine, jap- aconitine, and aconitine, which is the least toxic. Pseudaconitine has been found (roughly speaking) twice as toxic as aconitine towards the small mammals and birds used in the research. This agrees closely with the results of Adelheim* and Béhm and Ewers.t Cloettat states that pseudaconitine is the stronger alkaloid, but gives no propor- tion. Our results differ from those of Nothnagel and Rossbach,§ who state that pseudaconitine is seventeen times as active as aconitine, and of Harnack and Meunicke,|| who find the under margin of active dosage equal. Kobert] finds pseudaconitine and aconitine to be in activity ‘‘ ziemlich gleich.” | The relative toxicity of japaconitine to aconitine is approximately as ten to about nine towards the smali mammals and birds which were used. Previously japaconitine has been seldom contrasted with the * Adelheim, ‘ Forens. Chem. Untersuch,’ Dorpat, 1860. + Béhm and Ewers, ‘ Arch. f. Exp. Path. u. Pharm.,’ 1873, Bd. 1, p. 385. t Cloetta, ‘Lehbr. d. Arzneim. u. Arzneiverordnungsl.,’ Freib., 1885. § Nothnagel u. Rossbach, ‘Mat. Med. u. Therap.’ (Fr.), 1880, 685. || Harnack and Meunicke, ‘ Berl. Klin. Wehsch.,’ 1883, No. 43, p. 657. { Kobert, ‘ Lehbr. d. Intox.,’ p. 657. The Pharmacology of Pseudaconitine and Japaconitine. 383 other two aconitines, but has been recognised as stronger than aconitine by Langaard,* and in one series of observations by Harnack and Meunicke. Kobert, on the other hand, does not separate japaconitine from aconitine and pseudaconitine in toxicity. Dosage.—Based upon the observations made, the relative doses for therapeutical purposes would be approximately, regarding that for aconitine as the unit, for pseudaconitine 0:4 to 0°45, and for jap- aconitine 0°8. | Towards frogs the toxicity of these alkaloids is by no means so great (per gramme body-weight) as it is towards the same unit of the mammals and birds included in this research. Thus the lethal dose per kilo. mammalian weight may only be lethai to 140 to 170 grammes of frog weight, or even to less, according to the time of year. A medium-sized rabbit may therefore be poisoned by a dose of aconitine or japaconitine which would suffice to destroy six or eight frogs. Japaconitine is slightly more toxic towards both mammals and frogs than is aconitine, but the higher toxicity of pseudaconitine towards birds and mammals is not associated with an equal activity towards frogs, for it exerts towards both JL. esculenta and Rk. temporarm a slightly lower toxicity than do either of the other alkaloids. There is no essential difference in the reaction of L. esculenta and LR. temporaria respectively to individual aconitines beyond a greater or less accentuation of one or other symptom, as for example more excited movement in the latter, more reduction of reflex in the former, but in all parallel series of observations the resistance of R. esculenta has proved to be slightly greater to all the aconitines examined. As concerns the local action of the aconitines upon sensory (cuta- neous) structures in man, the differences are so trifling as to be negligible. As regards the therapeutical employment of aconitine, japaconitine, and pseudaconitine, the great similarity in their physiological actions, amounting almost to a qualitative identity, which is established by this investigation, justifies the employment of any one for internal ad- ministration, provided that the dosage is properly regulated. Given in the proportions mentioned above, the three alkaloids would exert the same action. We strongly recommend the use of a pure alkaloidal _ salt in preference to preparations made from the plants, since the latter would be difficult to standardise, and even if this were done, the action of the aconitines would be modified to a greater or less extent by the other alkaloids present in the vegetable preparation. For local applications the three alkaloids may be introduced into oimtments in identical proportions. The greater toxicity of pseud- aconitine need not prevent its use in this department of treatment if it * Langaard, ‘ Arch. f. Path. Anat.,’ 1880, 79, s. 229. 384 Prot. J.T. Cash and Mr W. RR: Dunstan is remembered that all applications of the aconitines, externally, are to be considered dangerous if any abrasion of the skin is present. The chemical part of this inquiry has been conducted in the Labora- tories of the Scientific Department of the Imperial Institute, with the assistance and co-operation of the Government of India. Our thanks are specially due to Dr. George Watt, C.I.E., Reporter on Economic Products to the Government of India, for the interest he has shown in the investigation, and for the care he has taken in the collection of the necessary material. The physiological experiments have been conducted in the Depart- ment of Materia Medica and Pharmacology of the University of Aberdeen, and have been assisted by a grant made by the Royal Society from the Government Fund: The assistance of Drs. Esslemont and Fraser has been very valuable in carrying out some of the obser- vations entailed in this department of the research. “The Pharmacology of Pyraconitine and Methylbenzaconine con- sidered in Relation to their Chemical Constitution.” By J. THEODORE CasH, M.D., F.R.S., Regius Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Aberdeen, and WYNDHAM hk. Dunstan, M.A., F.R.S., Director of the Scientific Department of the Imperial Institute. Received June 11,—Read June 20, LO On. (Abstract.) In a previous paper* we have shown that an entire change in the physiological action ensues on the withdrawal of the acetyl group from aconitine as is seen in the action of benzaconine, the first hydrolytic product of aconitine, from which it differs in containing an atom of hydrogen in the place of one acetyl group. This alkaloid is devoid of the characteristic physiological action and extraordinary toxicity of aconitine, whilst in respect of its action on the heart it is in the main antagonistic to that of the parent alkaloid. In order to study further the remarkable dependence of the physio- logical action on the presence of the acetyl group, we have examined the action of two derivatives of aconitine which we have obtained in this research, viz., pyraconitine and methylbenzaconine. Pyraconitine was first prepared by one of ust by heating aconitine at its melting point, when the acetyl group is expelled as one molecule of acetic acid and the alkaloid pyraconitine remains. This compound =" Pil. rans..: B, iS98, vol 190) pi) 239; + Dunstan and Carr, ‘Trans. Chem. Soc.,’ 1894, vol. 65, p. 176. The Pharmacology of Pyracomtine and Methylbenzaconine. 385 therefore differs in composition from aconitine by the loss of one molecule of acetic acid, and from benzaconine by one molecule of water. Methylbenzaconine was obtained from aconitine by heating it with methyl alcohol in a closed tube.* A remarkable reaction takes place, in which the acetyl group is ejected as acetic acid, a methyl group taking its place. This alkaloid therefore differs from aconitine in containing a methyl group in the place of the acetyl group, and from benzaconine in containing a methyl group in the place of one atom of hydrogen. The examination of its physiological action would therefore be the means of studying the result of replacing in aconitine the negative radical acetyl by the positive methyl group, and also of studying the effect of the introduction of methyl in modifying the physiological action of benzaconine. The acetyl group of aconitine evidently occupies an exceptional position in the molecule of aconitine. So far as we are aware it 1s the only acetyl compound at present known, which exchanges this group for methyl when it is heated with methyl alcohol. We have examined the behaviour of numbers of different types of acetyl derivatives from this point of view and can find none analogous to aconitine. For the study of their physiological action these alkaloids have been specially purified and employed as hydrobromides in aqueous solution. Contrasting the physiological action of pyraconitine with that of aconitine, as described in the present paper, we find, as might be anticipated from our previous results, that through the removal of the acetyl group the great toxicity of aconitine is nearly entirely abolished and the characteristic features of aconitine poisoning are no longer produced by pyraconitine. Contrasting the physiological actions of benzaconine and pyr aconitine which differ from each other empirically by one molecule of water, pyraconitine, the anhydride, is the more active compound. Both these alkaloids, divested of the acetyl group of aconitine, are rela- tively weak and feebly toxic when compared with the parent alkaloid. Although benzaconine and pyraconine exhibit a strong similarity in _the physiological effects they produce, there are differences between them which are probably more considerable than they would be if pyraconitine were merely the anhydride of benzaconine. The substitution in aconitine of methyl for acetyl which occurs in the formation of methyl benzaconine has led to a very considerable reduction in toxicity and has introduced a curare-like effect similar to that first oheerved by Crum Brown and Frasery to result from the * ‘Proc. Chem. Soc.,’ 1896, p. 159. + ‘ Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb.,’ 1869, vol. 24, p. 192. 386 Prof. J. T. Cash and Mr. W. R. Dunstan. introducton of methyl mto the molecule of an alkaloid. Methyl benz- aconine is however more toxic and generally more powerful than benzaconine, owing to the presence of the methyl group. Action of Pyraconitine. The main effects of pyraconitine may be thus summarised. Its local application is devoid of the effects characteristic of the aconi- tines. Its chief action upon the heart is to cause slowing, partly from vagus irritation, partly from depression in function of intrinsic rhythmical and motor mechanisms. There is less tendency to want of sequence in the cardiac chamber walls than is observed after the aconitines and benzaconine. The vagus apparatus remains active in degree after doses some- what in excess of the lethal, the slowed heart of pyraconitine being accelerated both by vagotomy and by atropine. Activity of respiration is reduced (by central depression) to a degree incompatible with life, as is the case after aconitine and benzaconine. The peripheral motor nerves and muscular tissues are not at this time markedly affected. Artificial respiration prolongs life, but the slowed heart and greatly reduced blood pressure tend to a fatal issue. The spinal cord is impaired in its reflex function, apparently secondarily to reduced circulation in its structure. A tendency to tonic spasm in frogs is late in appearing and of moderate degree. It has not been seen after destruction of brain and medulla. It is further associated with a curious condition of exaggerated motility. Neither muscular nor intramuscular nervous tissue are strongly influenced by pyraconitine in lethal or somewhat hyperlethal doses. The lethal dose per kilo. frog’s weight is practically about twelve times that which is lethal per kilo. rabbit’s weight. Contrasted Effects of Pyraconitine and Benzaconine. Of these two alkaloids, pyraconitine is approximately six to seven times more toxic towards mammals (rabbits and guinea-pigs) than benzaconine, and five to six times more so towards frogs. They are alike in their action upon mammals, in so far as they are non-irritant, that they slow the respiration without preliminary acceleration, that they slow the heart and reduce the blood pressure to a very low level, that they cause paresis and in guinea-pigs clonic movements, and that respiratory failure is the immediate cause of death. They differ in so far that pyraconitine acts more rapidly, but for a shorter period, whilst fatal termination of poisoning is preceded by convulsions, which are very rare after benzaconine. Benzaconine alters the sequence of the ventricles upon the auricles much more usually and The Pharmacology of Pyraconitine and Methylbenzaconine. 387 to a greater extent than pyraconitine, though if asequence is de- veloped it has the same general character (the auricular second beat being blocked from the ventricle). Whilst pyraconitine stimulates the cardiac vagus both centrally and within the heart (section and atropine causing acceleration), and finally occasions only a limited reduction in its activity, benzaconine produces but little stimulation, and ultimately suspends the vagus inhibitory action. Under these conditions atropine is, of course, inoperative. Both accelerate the heart in small, but slow it in large, dose, and both may disorder the sequence, but vagus inhibition. is much more interfered with by benzaconine. Frogs poisoned by benz- aconine lose the power of voluntary movement, then reflex disappears, and finally the circulation is arrested; but after pyraconitine, reflex outlasts the heart’s action. Late spasm occurs after the latter, not after the former. Whilst in lethal doses pyraconitine has no effect beyond somewhat favouring fatigue and reducing excitability of motor nerves, benzaconine greatly impairs their function, and in thorough poisoning may suspend it entirely. Action of Methylbenzaconine. The action of methylbenzaconine may be summed up as follows: It is very feeble in its toxicity when contrasted with aconitine, but is somewhat stronger than benzaconine. Small and medium doses, whilst slowing the heart, do not cause any failure in sequence, but larger doses have this effect. They act upon the rhythm of the organ, involving the movement of the auricle and ven- tricle whilst ultimately the sequence of the latter upon the former is impaired, so that it follows only a certain proportion of the auricular “leads.” This block is not removed by atropine. Whilst the passage of the ventricle into the diastole is at first retarded, the contractile power of the myocardium is ultimately reduced by methylbenzaconine. ‘The cardiac vagus is depressed in action and its inhibitory function is ultimately suspended by large doses, neither section of the vagus nor atropine administration relieving the slow and faulty action of the organ. There is evidence of slight primary stimulation of reflex cord centres when ligature of vessels prevents the masking of this condition by the peripheral action of the poison. The subsequent impairment in cord reflexes is later in occurring and of much shorter duration than the action of methylbenzaconine upon intramuscular motor nerves. . In mammals the paralytic symptoms are predominant, the fall of temperature is in part attributable to this cause as well as to changes in the circulation. The clonic movement and salivation (observed in 388 The Pharmacology of Pyraconitine and Methylbenzaconine. a certain stage of the action of methylbenzaconine, especially upon guinea-pigs) are suggestive of the action of a near ally of aconitine. In frogs, however, there is no semblance to an aconitine effect, unless its very feeble action towards sensory nerves or its much more powerful action upon motor nerves, be thus viewed. Motor nerves are greatly affected by doses which are distinctly below the lethal for cold-blooded animals, the action being curare-like in character. Mus- cular tissue is after the action of large doses more susceptible of fatiguing influences. Fibrillation in muscles to which the poison has access is more common than after aconitine or any other derivative examined. These observations support in the main the contention of Crum Brown with Fraser that the introduction of methyl into the molecule of certain spasm-producing alkaloids, marks the effect of these by occasioning a curare-like action at the periphery. Contrasted Effects of Methylbenzaconine and Aconitine. The toxicity of aconitine is, roughly, eighty to one hundred times that of methylbenzaconine towards rabbits and guinea-pigs, and much the same proportion holds for summer and winter frogs respectively. Whilst slight tendency to salivation and retching movements are pro- duced by methylbenzaconine, and are in so far suggestive of a slight aconitine action, the absence of initial acceleration of respiration, of local irritation, and dyspnceal convulsions, and the predominance of paralytic symptoms, are points of difference. The action upon the heart is entirely distinct, for the pulse is slowed by methylbenz- aconine, the auricles eventually beating more rapidly than the ventri- cles, the action of the poison proceeds uniformly and without the intermissions which characterises aconitine, whilst the early phenomena of vagus stimulation have little in common. ‘The general symptoms of poisoning in frogs have scarcely a point of similarity, quiescence, rapid failure of reflex, and voluntary movement, without impairment. of the cardiac action, are distinctive of methylbenzaconine, whilst excitement with great motility and persistence of voluntary move- ment follow aconitine. Fibrillation is much more pronounced after the former, though it is only a transitory phenomenon. The action on the heart differs widely in frogs as it does in mammals, whilst the. curare-like action of the derivative on motor nerves is not produced by aconitine in doses which just suffice to arrest the heat. It is true that large but sublethal doses of aconitine are followed by a condition of almost complete paralysis, which lasts for several days, but during this time there is slight voluntary and reflex movement, the. nerve-endings are not put out of action, and the circulation is usually of the feeblest character, all conditions which are not found in the period of quiescence following methylbenzaconine. Separation of the Least Volatile Gases of Atmospheric Air, &c. 389 Contrasted Effects of Methylbenzaconine and Benzaconine. Methylbenzaconine is from three to four times more toxic towards rabbits and guinea-pigs than benzaconine, and from twice to thrice as toxic towards frogs (. temp. and Lf. esc.). In mammals, slight saliva- tion, retching movements, and muscular tremor are characteristic effects of the former, but dyspnoea, ataxia, and paresis are also seen after benzaconine. Of the two, methylbenzaconine is distinctly less depressant towards the heart. Slowing of the pulse and want of sequence of ventricular upon auricular action occurs after both, but is a much earlier symptom after benzaconine, which causes more dis- order in the motor mechanism. On the other hand, the intracardiac vagus is put out of function more readily by methylbenzaconine. Death after either poison is rarely preceded by spasm. Neither of the two compounds cause any local irritation in frogs, but methylbenz- aconine produces active fibrillation in the muscles, to which it gains access and develops a complete curare-like action much more promi- nently than does benzaconine, the heart continuing to beat strongly. Benzaconine, in dose sufficient to cause such an effect at the periphery, acts disastrously upon the circulation. In partial poisoning by methylbenzaconine the characteristic rapid failure of the intramuscular motor nerves on stimulation is well marked, but the subsequent recovery on resting, so characteristic of benzaconine, has not been observed. “On the Separation of the Least Volatile Gases of Atmospheric miGand bier Spectra. by G. WW livninc, MA Se D. F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cam- bridge, and JAMES Dewar, M.A., LL.D., F.RS., Jacksonian Professor in the University of Cambridge, Fullerian Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Royal Institution, London. Received June 15,—Read June 20, 1901. Our last communication to the Society* related to the most volatile of the atmospheric gases, that which we now beg leave to offer relates to the least volatile of those gases. The former were obtained from their solution in liquid air by fractional distillation at low pressure, and separation of the condensible part of the distillate by cooling it in liquid hydrogen. ‘The latter were, in the first instance, obtained from the residue of liquid air, after the distillation of the first fraction, by allowing it to evaporate gradually at a temperature rising only very slowly. The diagram, fig. 1, will make the former process intelligibie. * ‘Roy. Soe. Proc.,’ vol. 67, p. 467. 390 ‘Prots. G. D. Liveing and J. Dewar. On the A represents a vacuum-jacketed vessel, partly filled with liquid air, in which a second vessel, 6, was immersed. From the bottom of Ba tube, a, passed up through the rubber cork which closed 4, and from the top of B a second tube, 6, passed through the cork and on to the rest of the apparatus. Hach of these tubes had a stopcock, m and n, and the end of tube @ was open to the air. A wider tube also passed through the cork of 4 and led to an air-pump, whereby the Hie. a: aie iF ID i ] where 4 and B are constants for the same material. For some other gas G the formula will be log p, = A oy, Pp me bes B,-B and eg A-A,+ 7 Now for argon, krypton, and xenon respectively the values of 4 are 6°782, 6:°972, and 6:963, and those of B are 339, 496°3, and 669°2 ; so that for these substances and many others 4 — 4) is always a small quantity, while is is considerable and increases as 7’ diminishes. Hence the ratio of p to p; increases rapidly as 7 diminishes, and by evaporating the gases always from the solid state and keeping the solid at as low a temperature as possible, the gas first removable at the lowest pressure consists in by far the greatest part of that which has _ the lowest boiling point, which in this case is nitrogen, and is suc- ceeded, with comparative abruptness, by the gas which has the next higher boiling point. By this method the nitrogen and oxygen are removed without the necessity of sparking or absorption. The change from one gas to another is easily detected by examining the spectrum in the sparking tube, and the reservoirs into which the gases are pumped can be changed when the spectrum changes, and the frac- tions separately stored. Or, if several sparking tubes are interposed in such a way as to form parallel communications between the tubes 0) and ¢, any one of them can be sealed off at any desired stage of the fractionation. The variation of the spectra of both xenon and krypton with varia- tion in the character of the electric discharge is very striking, and has already been the subject of remark, in the case of krypton, by Runge, who has compared krypton with argon in its sensitiveness to changes in the electric discharge. Runge distinguishes krypton rays which are visible without a jar and those which are only visible with a jar dis- charge. The difference in the intensity of certain rays, according as the discharge is continuous or oscillatory, is no doubt very marked, but, with rare exceptions, we have found that the rays which are intensified by the oscillatory discharge can be seen with a continuous E 2 ¢ fe Sa a ee 5a ene = ea es 394 Profs. G. D. Liveing and J. Dewar. On the discharge when the slit of the spectroscope is wide. Runge used a grating, whereas we have, for the sake of more light, used a prism spectroscope throughout, and were therefore able to Te many more rays than he. There is one very remarkable change in the xenon spectrum pro- duced by the introduction of a jar into the circuit. Without the jar xenon gives two bright green rays at about ’ 4917 and A 4924, but on putting a jar into the circuit they are replaced by a single still stronger ray at about A 4922.* In no other case have we noticed a change so striking as this on merely changing the character of the discharge. Changes of the spectrum by the introduction of a jar into the circuit are, however, the rule rather than the exception, and there are changes in the spectrum of krypton which seem to depend on other circumstances. In the course of our examination of many tubes filled with krypton in the manner above indicated, we have found some of them to give with no jar the green ray A 5571, the yellow ray » 5871, and the red ray 4 7600 very bright, while other rays are very few, and those few barely visible. Putting a jar into the circuit makes very little differ- ence; the three rays above mentioned remain much the brightest, nearly, though not quite, so bright as before, and the blue rays, so conspicuous in other tubes, though strengthened by the use of the jar, are still very weak. In other tubes the extreme red ray is invisible, the rays at 15571 and 5871 absolutely, as well as relatively, much feebler, while the strong blue rays are bright, even brighter than the green and yellow rays above named. In one tube the blue rays could be seen, though not the others. This looks very much as if two different gases were involved, but we have not been able to assure our- selves of that. The case seems nearly parallel with that of hydrogen. There are some hydrogen tubes which show the second spectrum of hydrogen very bright, and others which show only the first spectrum ; the second spectrum is enfeebled or extinguished by introducing a jar into the circuit, while the first spectrum is strengthened ; and the con- ditions which determine the appearance of the ultra-violet series of hydrogen rays have not yet been satisfactorily made out. It is to be noted that putting the jar out of circuit does not in general immediately reduce the brightness of the rays which are strengthened by the jar discharge. Their intensity fades gradually, and is generally revived, more or less, by reversing the direction of the current, but this revival gets less marked at each reversal until the intensity reaches its minimum. The rays strengthened by the jar dis- charge also sometimes appear bright, without a jar, on first passing the spark when the electrodes are cold, and fade when the electrodes get hot, reappearing when the tube has cooled again. Moreover, if * This line is almost identical with a strong helium line, but the yellow lne of helium was not seen. Separation of the Least Volatile Gases of Atmospheric Air, &e. 395 the discharge be continued without a jar, the resistance in the krypton tubes increases rather rapidly, the tube becomes much less luminous and finally refuses to pass the spark. With an oscillatory discharge the passage of the spark and the brightness of the rays are much more persistent. This seems to point to some action at the electrodes, which is more marked in the case of krypton than in that of xenon. The wave-lengths of the xenon and krypton rays in the tables below were determined, in the visible part of the spectrum, with a spectro- scope having three white flint-glass prisms of 60° each, by reference to the spark spectrum of iron, except in the cases of the extreme red ray of krypton, which was referred to the flame spectrum of potassium, and its fainter neighbour, which we saw but did not measure. The in digo, violet, and ultra-violet rays were measured in photographs, taken with quartz lenses and two calcite prisms of 60° each. The spectrum of the iron spark was photographed at the same time as that of the tube, the former being admitted through one-half of the slit, and the latter through the other half. The xenon spectrum is characterised by a group of four conspicuous orange rays of about equal intensities, a group of very bright green rays of which two are especially conspicuous, and several very bright blue rays. The only list of xenon rays we have seen is that published by Erdmann, with which our list does not present any close agreement except as to the strongest green lines. The number of xenon rays we have observed is very considerable, and some of them lie very near to rays of the second spectrum of hydrogen, but inasmuch as these rays are more conspicuous with a jar in circuit than without, which is not the character of the second spectrum of hydrogen, and, moreover, many of the brightest of the hydrogen rays are absent from the spectrum of the tubes, we conclude that these rays are not due to hydrogen. Certain rays, which we have tabulated separately, have been as yet observed in only one tube: they include a very strong ultra-violet ray of unknown origin, and either due to some substance other than xenon, or to some condition of the tube which has not been repeated in the other tubes. Our krypton rays agree much more closely with Runge’s list, but outnumber his very considerably, as might be expected when prisms were used instead of a grating. Prisms, of course, cannot compete with gratings in the accuracy of wave-length determinations. We think that the krypton used by Runge must have contained some xenon, and that the rays for which he gives the wave-lengths 5419-38, 5292-37, and 4844°58 were really due to xenon, as they are three of the strongest rays emitted by our xenon tubes, and are weak in, and in some cases absent from, the spectra of our krypton tubes. Our thanks are due to Mr. R. Lennox, to whose skill in manipula tion we are much indebted. 396 Profs. G. D. Liveing and J. Dewar. On the Tables of the wpproximate Wave-lengths 0, Xenon and Krypton Rays. Rays observed only with a Leyden jar in circuit have an * prefixed, those observed only when no Leyden jar was in circuit have a T pre- — fixed. The intensities indicated are approximately those of the rays when a jar is in circuit, except in the case of the two rays to which a Tf is prefixed, which are not seen when a jar is in circuit. Rays which are equally intense whether a jar is in circuit or not have a || prefixed to the number indicating their intensities ; those which are less intense with a jar than without have a < prefixed to the number expressing their intensities. The rest are, in general, decidedly more intense with a jar than without. . Xenon Rays. | Wave- | Inten- || Wave- | Inten- || Wave- | Inten-|| Wave- | Inten- lengths.| sity. || lengths.| . sity. || lengths.) sity. |/lengths.| sity. | | *6596 4 5532 4, 4883 = 4471 2 * 14 1 5473 Sains 7G 4 62 10 6472 ile at aneag Sail area, 10 49 Gia 6358 1 | * 51 1 30 li 4.0 1 45 3 | 39 aural 23 3 34. 2 20 Hie’ Hi vreg20 10 |) 18 3) (he aaals 8 02 1 || 5372 Glia lis GGOzalel 07 3 6278 3 | * 68 1 4793 1 4396 4 71 3 | 39 6 87 2 93 4. 6183 WI 13 1 79 2 86 3 81 \|1 09 1 69 2, | 5 4 66 |} 5292 10 40 Lipa ie 69 4 6097 6 62 2 34

    = ae May Seiden B-7(930) -- — — A eG Ou Ska) 5°8 5 ‘8 ze : ae — -- 5°6 It is interesting to note that the length of the period of variability, reckoning from maximum to maximum, began after March 27 to increase from three days to four days. The two following maxima, after that of April 8, occurred on the 13th and 18th, so that the period became still more lengthened, namely, to about jive days. Further observations up to May 5 seem to indicate that the five-day period is shortening. Another interesting observed fact was that the light of the Nova at the minimum on the 25th was more intense than at the preceding minimum on the 21st, the estimated difference of magnitude at these times being about 4-tenths of a magnitude. Unfortunately the increasing twilight and the unfavourable position of the Nova make it very difficult now to determine the magnitudes correctly. The two plates accompanying this paper illustrate epee the various fluctuations of the light of the Nova from February 22, when it had not quite attained its maximum brilliancy, to May 5. The curve is drawn to satisfy as far as possible all the observations made at Kensington. The dotted portions represent the possible light- curve for those times when no estimates for magnitude could be secured. In the plates the abscisse represent the time element and the ordinates that of magnitude. 401 Further Observations on Nova Perset. ied SYP, ee RT oe: ef | Ney [-\ e a : E A . ui a es a l | oN at ba SIPH 402 Sir Norman Lockyer. Y 2 = “Sins iiibaZ! Sema Eee e ANCA CCL CONAN SAAT ee a < = d fi A . D Pee P ERs AA ESE AS see / Prefers Colour. In the first part of the period covered by the later observations, the colour of the Nova has been generally described as yellowish-red, red with a yellow tinge, and yellow with a reddish tinge. Since April 25 the colour has been perhaps more red than formerly, and sometimes noted as very red. It is interesting to remark that the colour varies periodically with the change in magnitude. At maximum it is of a distinct yellowish- red hue, but at or near minimum the yellowish tinge disappears and the Nova appears very red. Further Observations on Nova Perset. 403 The Visual Spectrum. In the continued observations the C and F lines of hydrogen have always been recorded as “ conspicuous,” other prominent lines being near A447, 465, and 501 (the last named being sometimes as bright as F or even brighter), and a line in the yellow which recent, measures show to be Ds. The strong lines in the green at 4X 4924, 5019, 5169, and 5317, which occurred in the earlier photographs, and which were ascribed to iron, are either absent from the later photographs or appear only as very weak lines. It has been noted that the lines 447, 501, and Ds appear to vary with the magnitude of the star, becoming relatively more prominent towards a minimum. The continuous spectrum has been described throughout as “ weak” or ‘very weak.” On the evening of April 25, Messrs. Fowler and Butler made comparisons of the Nova spectrum with the spectra of hydrogen, helium, and that furnished by an air spark between poles of iron and zinc. For this purpose a Hilger two-prism star spectroscope was used with the 10-inch refractor. The hydrogen line F and the helium line Dz were found to be sensibly coincident with Nova lines. @,The middle of the strong green line, previously mentioned as 501, practically coincided with the nitrogen line 5005-7, and therefore there is little doubt that it is identical with the chief nebular line. X5007°6. This line was also compared with the asterium line at. X5015°7, but was found to be decidedly non-coincident with it, though of sufficient breadth to nearly reach it. Photographie Spectrum. In so far as the number and positions of the lines are concerned, the few photographs available for discussion were obtained in the. early part of the period dealt with in the present paper (March 26 to May 7), and show a spectrum very similar to that of March 25, which was described in detail in the last paper. The chief lines shown in the photographs are Hf, Hy, Hé, He, and HE, together with 4471 and 4650. Characteristics of HP. In continuation of the series of light curves of Hf reproduced in the last paper, I give those plotted by Mr. Baxandall from the later photographs. It will be seen that the line Hf still shows two maxima of intensity. As recorded in the previous paper, the less refrangible component gave. 404 Total Eclupse of the Sun, May 28, 1900. MAR. 267" APR, 137 99 TH LIGHT CURVE of H, (30-inch reflector). indications of becoming brighter than the more refrangible member. These further photographs indicate that by April 4 the less refrangible had become twice as intense. “Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900.—Account of the Observations made by the Solar Physics Observatory Eclipse Expedition and the Officers and Men of H.MLS. ‘ Theseus’ at Santa Pola, Spain.” By Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.B.S., Received May 21,—Read June 20, 1901. (Abstract.) The Report gives details as to the erection of coronagraphs, prismatic cameras, and other instruments, and of the results obtained by their use during the eclipse, which was observed under very favour- able circumstances. Some of the more obvious results have already been stated in a Preliminary Report,* and the following remarks may now be added. : A comparison of the photographs taken with the coronagraph of 16 feet focus with those taken about two hours earlier in America indicates that while some of the prominences changed greatly in appearance in the interval, no changes were detected in the details of the corona. The spectrum of the chromosphere, as photographed with the prismatic cameras, so greatly resembles that of 1898 that it has. not been considered necessary to make a complete reduction of wave- * “Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 67, p. 341. On the Prothalli of Ophioglossum pendulum (L.), de. 405 lengths. The prominences visible during totality had comparatively simple spectra, the greatest number of lines recorded being 36. The heights above the photosphere to which many of the vapours can be traced in the photographs are tabulated and compared with the results obtained in 1898; the two sets of figures are sufficiently accordant, except in the case of the shorter arcs, the value 475 miles derived for the lowest measurable vapours in 1898 being represented in 1900 by two strata, one reaching to 700 miles and the other to 270 miles above the photosphere. The bright-line spectrum of the corona was decidedly less bright than in 1898, and a much smaller number of rings is seen in the photographs. ‘The three brightest rings are at wave-lengths 5303-7, 4231°3, and 3987-0, and it may be noted that these were also the brightest in the eclipses of 1893, 1896, and 1898. The conclusion that the different rigs do not originate in the same gas, arrived at from a discussion of the photographs of 1898, has been confirmed. A drawing is given to illustrate the fact that while the details of the green coronal ring are seen in the inner corona, they have no apparent relation to the positions of the great streamers or prominences. For an investigation of this nature the photographs taken with the pris- matic camera of 20 feet focal length are specially valuable. “Preliminary Statement on the Prothalli of Ophioglossum pen- dulwm (1.), Helminthostachys zeylanica (Hook), and Psilotwm, sp.” By Wiui1am H. Lane, M.B., D.Se., Lecturer in Botany, Queen Margaret College, University of Glasgow. Communi- cated by Professor F. O. Bower, Sc.D., F.R.S. Received May 20,—Read May 23, 1901. During a recent visit to Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula* the author found prothalli of Ophioglossum pendulum and Helminthostachys zeylanica, as well as a single specimen, which there is reason to regard as the prothallus of Psilotum. As the examination of the material will occupy a considerable time, it has seemed advisable to give a brief description of the mode of occurrence and external morphology of the prothallus in these three plants, without entering into details of struc- ture or discussing the phylogenetic bearing of the facts. The chief gaps in our present knowledge of the gametophytes of the more isolated living Pterzdophyta concern the Ophioglossacee and Lyco- podiacee, to which groups the prothalli described below belong. The * The expenses of the visit to the Malay Peninsula were defrayed by a grant from the Royal Society. 406 Mr. W. H. Lang. On the Prothalli of prothallus of Ophioglossum pedunculosum* was described by Mettenius in 1856. It was subterranean, consisting of a small tuber, from which an erect cylindrical body proceeded. On the latter, which in some instances was observed to reach the surface and turn green, the sexual organs were borne. The first divisions in the germinating spore of O. pendulumt are described and figured by Campbell. The prothalli of two species of Botrychiuwm are known, both of which are subterranean. That of B. virginianum t is thick’and flattened, and in its structure and in the localisation of the sexual organs on the upper surface clearly dorsiventral. The prothalli of 6. Lunaria,§ however, have sexual organs on all sides. In the Lycopodiacee the prothallus is well known in the heterosporous forms and in Lycopodium. 'The sexual generation is entirely unknown in the Ps¢lotacew and in Phylloglossum. If the author is correct in attributing the prothallus to be described below to Psilotum, the only two isolated genera of existing Vascular Cryptogams in which the gametophyte is entirely unknown are Tmesipteris and Phylloglossum. Hie. 1. Fie. 2. Fie. 3. Fig. 1. Ophioglossum pendulum, old prothallus from above. (x 7.) Fig. 2. Helminthostachys zeylanica, prothallus, bearing antheridia, from the eside. (x 7.) Fig. 3. Psilotum, sp., prothallus from the side and slightly from above. (x 7.) Ophioglossum pendulum. The sporophyte of this plant was, for the most part, found growing on the humus collected by such epiphytic ferns as Polypodwm querer- folium and Asplenium nidus. A large mass of the former, with the Ophioglossum growing upon it, was collected in the Barrawa Forest * ¢Filices Horti Bot. Lipsiensis,’ Leipzig, 1856, p. 119. + ©Mosses and Ferns,’ London, 1895, p. 224. + Jeffrey, ‘Trans. Canadian Institute,’ 1896-7, p. 269. § Hofmeister, ‘Higher Cryptogamia,’ London, 1862, p. 307. Ophioglossum pendulum (Z.), dc. 407 Reserve,* near to Hanwella, in Ceylon. On the humus contained in this being carefully examined prothalli of various ages were found. They were distributed throughout the humus, the majority being found near the bottom of this, éiten embedded among the ramenta which clothe the rhizome. The very young prothalli are button-shaped, the slightly conical lower part expanding above. The basal region is brownish, the surface of the upper portion a uniform dull white. The latter tint is due to the close covering of paraphyses, which, at this age, extends unin- terruptedly from just above the base over the whole surface of the prothallus. The youngest prothalli are thus clearly radially sym- metrical. In slightly older prothalli, seen from above, the circular outline is lost, owing to the more active growth of two or three points on the margin. This continues, and there thus arise a corresponding number of cylindrical branches, the prothallus becoming irregularly star-shaped. At first the branches spread out in a horizontal plane, though with a slight upward tendency. But when the branches them- selves subdivide all suggestion of this secondary dorsiventrality is lost, and the larger prothalli consist of branches radiating in all directions into the humus (fig. 1). From a short distance behind the smooth, bluntly conical apex the surface of the branch is covered with short, wide, unicellular paraphyses analogous to those known in prothalli of Lycopodiwm Phlegmaria. These are only absent above the sexual organs. The prothalli are moneecious, antheridia and archegonia being found close together on the same branch. The surface projects very slightly above the large sunken antheridium; the neck of the archegonium, which, as seen from above, is sounosel of four rows of cells, hardly projects from the prothallus. The sexual organs thus resemble those of O. pedunculosum, as described by Mettenius. -Rhizoids have not been seen on any of the numerous prothalli ex- amined. An endophytic fungus occupies a middle zone of tissue in all the branches, the superficial layers and a central core of cells being ‘Tree from it. Helminthostachys zeylanica. The prothalli of this plant were also found in the Barrawa Forest ‘Reserve, a low-lying jungle subject to frequent floods. Young plants still attached to the prothallus were fairly abundant in certain spots, and, by searching in the rotting leaf mould around, prothalli of various ages were obtained. The prothalli were found at a depth of about 2 inches. * Iam indebted to my friend Mr. F. Lewis, who guided me to this locality, for the assistance he afforded me in my search for the prothallus of Ophioglossum and Helminthostachys. VOL. LXVIII. 2F 408 Mr. W. H. Lang. On the Prothalli of The youngest prothallus obtained was a short cylindrical body a little over one-sixteenth of an inch in length. The lower end was darker in tint and bore a number of short rhizoids, while above this, where the antheridia were situated, the surface was of a lighter colour. The apex itself was bluntly conical and almost white. In slightly larger prothalli the contrast between these two regions was more strongly marked. The lower, vegetative region increases in size and becomes lobed, while the antheridia are confined to the cylindrical upper portion, which continues to increase in length. This latter region appears to be longer and the lobed basal part relatively less developed in prothalli which bear the antheridia (fig. 2). Seven of the young prothalli found were male; the other two bore archegonia only. These female prothalli were stouter and more lobed than the male ones, and the diameter of the short apical region, on the surface of which the archegonia were situated, was almost the same as that of the vegetative region. There thus appears to be a partial sexual differentiation in the prothalli of Helminthostachys, but both antheridia and archegonia may occur on the same prothallus, as some of the latter attached to young plants have shown. The antheridia are large and often closely crowded together. They hardly project from the surface, the wall being only slightly convex. The archegonial neck, which is formed of four rows of cells, projects distinctly from the prothallus. The distinction made above between a vegetative and a reproductive region in this prothallus is supported by the distribution of the endophytic fungus. This is entirely absent from the reproductive region, but in the basal part occupies a wide zone between the two or three superficial layers of cells and the central tissue, which are free from the fungus. The young plants attain a considerable size while still attached to the prothallus. Plants with three leaves and as many roots have been seen, the prothallus of which showed no sign of decay. The first leaf is ternate and has a leaf-stalk of variable length. The lamina is green and reaches the light. A single root corresponds to each of the early leaves. Examination of the prothalli connected with young plants indicates the position they occupied in the soil. Most commonly the long axis of the prothallus was vertical ; sometimes, however, it was oblique, and occasionally horizontal. Psilotum, sp. The prothallus of this plant was looked for without success in Ceylon, both in the mountain region and on the roots at the base of Cocos palms near the coast. In the localities visited on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula Psilotum was not abundant. On Maxvwell’s = Ophioglossum pendulum (Z.), ke. 409 Hill, in Perak, I found it scantily on stems of tree-ferns, the rhizome growing among the roots of the fern, which cover the stem. No young plants were found ; but a single prothallus, embedded among the roots of the fern in close proximity to a plant of Psilotwm, was obtained. This prothallus, as will be evident from fig. 3 and the description below, could only belong to Psilotwm, or be that of some species of Lycopodium, the gametophyte of which has not been de- seribed. From the position in which it was found, the former suppo- sition is the more probable one, but such evidence of association is of course not conclusive, and the specimen can only be described as the prothallus of Psilotum with the reservation expressed above. The prothallus when fresh measured about one-quarter of an inch in length by about three-sixteenths of an inch at the widest part, which, as fig. 3 shows, is above. The lower portion is cylindrical and rounded below. To one side near the lower end is a well-marked conical pro- jection directed obliquely downwards, which clearly corresponds to the primary tubercle of the prothallus of Lycopodium cernuum. The surface of the lower three-fourths of the prothallus was brown and bore rhizoids. The latter were absent from the upper part, which widens out suddenly, the increase in width being due to the projection 4 a of the thick, coarsely lobed margin of the summit of the prothallus. The central region of the summit is smooth and somewhat depressed. The upper portion of the prothallus had a faint green tint when fresh, but no chlorophyll grains could be detected. In the tissue of the overhanging margin the numerous sunken antheridia occur, closely crowded together. Archegonia have not been observed on external examination. Tn its form this prothallus evidently presents resemblances to pro- thalli of Lycopodium. In the lower part it resembles the prothalli of the Lycopodium cernuum type, while the appearance of the upper portion suggests a comparison with prothalli of Z. clavatum or L. anno- tnum. ‘There seems no reason to doubt that the meristem will be found at the junction of the upper and lower regions. Probably this prothallus was completely embedded among the roots of the fern. As some of the roots-had been removed before the prothallus was noticed, this point was not definitely settled ; but the general appearance of the upper portion, and the absence of assimi- lating lobes, makes it probable that the upper surface was not exposed to the light. That the facts stated above bear on the relationship of the plants to which these prothalli belong will be obvious from the brief description given. ‘The discussion of this will, however, be best deferred until the full account, which is in course of preparation, is completed. MO, soe V tit. 2G 410 Mrs. H. Ayrton. “The Mechanism of the Electric Arc.” By (Mrs.) HerrHa AyRTON. - Communicated by Professor PrRRy, F.R.S. Received June 5,—Read June 20, 1901. | (Abstract.) The object of the paper is to show that, by applying the ordinary laws of resistance, of heating and cooling, and of burning to the are, considered as a gap in a circuit furnishing its own conductor by the volatilisation of its own material, all its principal phenomena can be accounted for, without the aid of a large back E.M.F., or of a “ negative resistance,” or of any other unusual attribute. The Apparent Large Back E.M.F. It is shown how volatilisation may begin, even without the self- induction to which the starting of an arc, when a circuit is broken, is usually attributed ; and it is pointed out that, when the carbons are once separated, all the material in the gap cannot retain its high temperature. ‘The air must cool some of it into carbon mist or fog, just as the steam issuing from a kettle is cooled into water mist at a short distance from its mouth. The dissimilar action of the poles common to so many electric phenomena displays itself in the arc at this point. Instead of both poles volatilising the positive pole alone does. It is considered, therefore, that the arc consists of (1) a thin layer of carbon vapour issuing from the end of the positive carbon, (2) a bulb of carbon mist joining this to the negative carbon, and (3) a sheath of burning gases, formed by the burning of the mist, and the hot ends of the carbons, and surrounding both. The vapour appears to be indicated in images of the arc by a sort of gap between the arc and the positive carbon, the mist by a purple bulb, and the gases by a green flame. The flame is found to be practically insulating, so that nearly the whole of the current flows through the vapour and mist alone. It is suggested that the vapour has a high specific resistance compared with that of the mist, and that it is to the great resistance of this vapour- film that the high temperature of the crater is: due, and not to any large back K.M.F. of which it is the seat. Volatilisation can only take place at the surface of contact between the vapour film and the positive carbon. When that surface is smaller than the cross-section of the end of the carbon, it must dig down into the solid carbon and make a pit. The sides of the pit, however, must be hot enough to burn away where the air reaches them, hence there is a race between the volatilisation of the centre of the carbon and the burning of its sides that determines the shape of the carbon. When the are is short, the air cannot get so easily to the sides of the The Mechanism of the Electric Are. 411 pit, hence it remains concave. When the arc is long, the burning of the sides gains over the volatilisation of the centre, and the surface of volatilisation becomes flat, or even slightly convex. The peculiar shaping of the negative carbon is shown to be due to its tip being protected from the air by the mist, and its sides being burnt away under the double action of radiation from the vapour ‘film and conduction from the mist, to a greater or less distance, according to the length of the are and the cross-section of the vapour film. It is shown that if the crater be defined as being that part of the positive carbon that is far brighter than the rest, then the crater must be larger, with the same current, the longer the arc, although the area of the volatilising surface is constant for a constant current. By considering how the cross-section of the vapour film must vary with the current and the length of the arc, it is found that its resistance 7, must be given by the formula hk ml i aa ie Chas where h, k, and m are constants, / is the length of the arc, and A the current. This is the same form as was found by measuring the P.D. between the positive carbon and the arc by means of an exploring carbon, and dividing the results by the corresponding currents. Hence the existence of a thin film of high-resisting vapour in contact with the crater would not only cause a large fall of potential between the positive carbon and the arc, exactly as if the crater were the seat of a large back E.M.F., but it would cause that P.D. to vary with the current and the length of the arc exactly as it has been found to vary by actual measurement. The Apparent “ Negative Resistance.” As nearly all the current flows through the vapour and mist, the surrounding flame being practically an insulator, the resistance of a solid carbon are, apart from that of the vapour, must depend entirely on the cross-section of the mist. To see how this varies with the current, images of an arc of 2 mm. were drawn, with the purple part—the mist—very carefully defined, for currents of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 amperes. The mean cross-section of the mist was found to increase more rapidly than the current, consequently its resistance diminishes more rapidly than the current increases. As the formula for the resistance of the vapour film shows that it too diminishes faster than the current increases, it follows that the whole resistance of the are does the same, and that consequently the P.D. must diminish as the current increases. Hence if 6V and 6A be corresponding increments of 2G 2 al ) 412 Mrs. H. Ayrton. P.D. and current 6V/6A must be negative, although the resistance of the are 18 positive. It is found, from the above measurements of the cross-sections of the mist, that the connection between mm, the resistance of the mist, and the current, is of the form, ) i ae AN ae If m varies directly with the length of the arc, then Ly ceils en m= (f+) ie Adding this equation to (1), we get p+q st+tl ftm=r Ban nies for the whole resistance of the arc, which is exactly the form that was found by dividing direct measurements of the P.D. between the carbons by the corresponding currents. Hence there is no reason why this ratio should not represent the ¢rue resistance of the are. Under what carcumstances V/A measures the True Resistance of the Are. When the current is changed it takes some time for the vapour film to alter its area to its fullest extent, and still more time for the carbon ends to change their shapes, All the time these changes are going on the resistance of the arc, and, consequently, the P.D, between the carbons, must be altering also. Both these, therefore, depend not only on the current and the length of the arc, but also, till everything has become steady again, z¢., till the are is “ normal” again, on how lately a change has been made in either. At the first instant after a change of current, before the volatilising area has had time to alter at all, 6V and SA must have the same sign, just as they would if the arc were a wire, but as the volatilising surface alters, the sign of 6V changes. If, therefore, a small alternating current is applied to the direct current of an arc, it will depend on the frequency of that current whether 6V/sA is positive or negative. When the frequency is so high that the volatilising surface never changes at all, dV/dA will measure the true resistance of the arc, unless it has a back E.M.F. which varies with the alternating current. The measurements of the true resistance of the arc made in this way by various experimenters have given very various results, because probably the frequency of the alternating currents employed has been too low not to alter the resistance of the arc. A curve is drawn showing how the value of 6V/3A with the same direct current and The Mechanism of the Electrie Are. ARGS length of arc varies with the frequency of the alternating current, and it is pointed out that even if the arc has as large a back E.M.F. as is usually supposed, the true resistance cannot be measured with an alternating current of lower frequency than 7000 complete alternations per second. The exact conditions under which the true resistance of the arc can be measured in this way are examined, and the precautions that it is necessary to take to ensure the fulfilment of these conditions are enumerated. * The Changes introduced into the Resistance of the Are by the Use of Cored Carbons. A core in either or both carbons has a great effect on both the P.D. between the carbons and the change of P.D. that accompanies a given change current. It lowers the first, and makes the second more positive, 7.¢., gives it a smaller negative or larger positive value, as the case may be. It is pointed out that this might be due to the influence of cores either on the cross-section of the arc, or on its specific resistance, or on both. To see the effect on the cross-section, enlarged images were drawn of 2 mm. arcs with currents increasing by 2 amperes from 2 to 14 amperes, between four pairs of carbons, + solid — solid, + solid — cored, + cored — solid, + cored — cored. Two sets of images were drawn with each pair of carbons—the one immediately after a change of current, to get the “non-normal” change, and the other after the arc had become normal again. ‘The mean cross-section of the mist was calculated in each case, and its cross-section where it touched the crater was taken to be a rough measure of the cross- section of the vapour film. It was found that the mean cross-section of the mist with a given current was largest when both carbons were solid, less when the negative carbon alone was cored, less still when the positive alone was cored, and least when both were cored. Coring either the positive carbon alone, or both carbons, had the same effect on the cross-section of the vapour film as on that of the mist, but coring the negative alone only diminished this cross-section immediately after a change of current, but not when the arc had become normal again. Hence it was deduced that if the cores altered the cross-sections of the arc only they would increase its resistance, and, consequently, the P.D. between the carbons. As they lower this, however, they must do it by lowering the specific resistance of the are more than they increase its cross- section. The vapour and mist of the core must therefore have lower specific resistances than the vapour and mist of the solid carbon. When it is the positive carbon that is cored, all the vapour and mist 414 The Mechanisin of the Electric Are. come from the cored carbon. When the negative, they come from the uncored carbon, and it is only because the metallic salts in the core have a lower temperature of volatilisation than carbon that the mist is able to volatilise these and so lower its own specific resistance. The effect of a core in either carbon, or in both, must depend on the current, because the larger the current the more solid carbon will the volatilising surface cover, and the less therefore will the specific resistances of the mist and vapour be lowered. The way in which the core acts in each case is traced, and the alterations in the specific resistances and cross-sections due to the core are shown to bring about changes in the P.D. exactly similar to those found by actual measure- ments of the P.D. between the carbons. It is shown, for instance, how these changes entirely account for the fact established by Professor Ayrton* that, with a constant length of arc, while the P.D. diminishes continuously as the current increases, when both carbons are solid, it sometimes remains constant over a wide range of current, or even increases again, after having diminished, when the positive carbon is cored. The alterations in the value of 6V/d5A introduced by the cores are next discussed, and it is shown that the changes in the resistance of the arcs that must follow the observed changes in its cross-section, coupled with the alterations that must ensue from the lowering of its specific resistance, would modify 6V/SA just in the way that Messrs. Frith and Rodgerst found that it was modified by direct measure- ment. Thus all the principal phenomena of the arc, with cored and with solid carbons alike, may be attributable to such variations in the specific resistances of the materials in the gap as it has been shown must exist, together with the variations in the cross-sections of the are that have been observed to take place. Hence it is superfluous to imagine either a large back E.M.F. or a ‘negative resistance.” * Klectrical Congress at Chicago, 1893. + “The Resistance of the Electric Arc,” ‘ Phil. Mag.,’ 1896, vol. 42, p. 407. report of Magnetical Observations at Kalimouth Observatory. 415 Report of Magnetical Observations at Falmouth QRB at for the Year 1900. Latitude 50° 9’0” N., Longitude 5° 4’ 30 0Ne height, 167 feet above mean elev. The Declination and the Horizontal Force are deduced from hourly readings of the photographic curves, and so are corrected for the diurnal variation. The results in the following tables, Nos. J, I, III, IV, are deduced from the magnetograph curves, which have been standardised by observations of deflection and vibration. These were made with the Collimator Magnet, marked 664, and the Declinometer Magnet, marked 66C, in the Unifilar Magnetometer No. 66, by Elliott Brothers, of London. The temperature correction (which is probably very small) has not been applied. In Table V, H is the mean of the absolute values observed during the month (generally three in number), uncorrected for diurnal varia- tions and for any disturbance. V is the product of H and of the tangent of the Observed Dip (uncorrected likewise for diurnal variation). In Table VI the Inclination is the mean of the absolute observations, _ the mean time of whichis 3 p.m. The Inclination was observed with the Inclinometer No. 86, by Dover, of Charlton, Kent, and needles | and 2, which are 34 ee in length. The Declination and the Horizontal Force values given in Tables I to IV are prepared in accordance with the suggestions made in the Fifth Report of the Committee of the British Association on comparing and reducing magnetic observations, and the time given is Greenwich Mean Time, which is 20 minutes 18 seconds earlier than local time. The following is a list of the days during the year 1900 which were selected by the Astronomer Royal as suitable for the determination ot the magnetic diurnal variations, and which have been employed in the preparation of the magnetic tables :— JAMUAL Yea 346 65) SSO, oll, Hebruary 3-3). O, ile Miarch> oy) oo. ik Dilek 2S: April.. Beech Oy py May ee 5 LO, RA aS. Mca nee MOM ITE GY ONO). 5). July oe et Uae ed lish, pe 010). August Oy Gis Oe Wish SU) sigjomemuleeie | 5 ti, Yale 25) Ele, October De le Mie Oe rile November 5, 6, 11, 16, 30. December 3. 67 lay 23) 248 EDWARD KITTO, Magnetic Observer. SAP R Ob NH ooOn ON ANN A GH in 18 D DONO ee on Five selected quiet Days in Table I.—Hourly Means of Declination at the Falmouth © Winter. fepori of Magnetical Observations at CM D> 10 SH CO ODO © HX ONNA ASN Hm 9 Is bs Oanoedeo OO NN ANN NN DN ADOND ORDL100 CONN ANA NA moro OS HODmMOL OO) OO ON NI NY NY INP DW MH HOOK-IlOKk MOANA N A 19 DW O OH me OG iky © MANNA N t 28-5 | 28-1 PPR 28 “8 nae "28-8 416 (18° + West.) 284) 28 °6 | Means Summer. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ig 1D 11 10 (© AAA AAA 26-0 riwiy oO CO 1D 10 19 20 1 NAN AA SN SE Peee Iv 10 101010 NANNASN D> TH SHO Dro Im CO CE 10 ©€ P~ NANNNA A 1D 1919 Is DS © I bOI | 26°2 | 25°6 Note.—When the sign is + the magnet points I~ FN OD 1 DD OI~ DO AANA A Table I1.—Diurnal Inequality of the Falmouth Annual mean. Summer mean. Winter mean ~ SO se ret SS RONDO NANNAN *~ Mean of four days—2nd, 7th, 13th, 31st. OM Hip w 19 DDD DO ®O 0 NANNANANN 4 SO ihs Sr et 18.2 D M DO DW WD NANNAN / —0°4 |—0°2 | | | ! —0°6 i | | Falmouth Observatory for the Year 1900. AIT ‘Observatory, determined from the Magnetograph Curves each Month during 1900. Noon | 1 | 2 | 3 | gaa ks ay ie | s | 9 | 10 Ia. | Mid. | | Bi ior oneal Sao | Winter. / / / } I) / | / | / | / / if / / | / 33-2 | 34:0 | 33-3 | 32-6 | 82-1 32°3 31-7 31-1 | 30°8 ae 30°8 | 30°8 | 30°8 a2-5 | 33°6 | 33-8 | 32-6 | 31°5 | 31-0 | 30°7 | 30-5 | 30°5 | 30-1 | 30-3 | 30-4 | 30-7 #20 | 38-7 | 33°8 | 32-7 | 31-0 | 29-7 | 29-4 | 29-7 | 29°7 | 29-7 | 29-6 | 296 | 29-3 31-5 | 32:8 | 32-4 | 31-1 | 29-4 | 29-0 | 28-6 | 28-4 | 28°3 | 27-8 | 27-8 | 27-7 | 28-0 Pero 28-3 | 27-5 | 26-4 | 26-0 | 25-9 | 25-6 | 25-4 | 25-2 | 25-1 | 25:1 | 25:1 | 25-4 28-6 | 28-9 | 28-6 | 27-9 | 27-5 | 27°1 | 26°7 | 26°3 | 26°3 | 26°2 | 26-2 | 26-1 | 265 al -0 ies 81-6 30-6 | 29°6 | 29-2 | 28-8 | 28-6 | 28°5 28-3 | 28-3 | 28°83 | 28-5 Summer. , , i / | / / | / / , | , | / , / 32°5 | 84-1 343 33-0 | 31°5 | 30°3 | 29-7 | 29°6 | 29°5 | 29-4 | 29-5 | 29-1 | 29-0 32-1 | 33-8 | 33°6 | 32-1 | 30-6 | 29-6 | 29-0 | 28°8 | 28-8 | 28-9 | 29-2 | 29-2 | 29:2 33°2 | 34-2 | 34°5 | 33-8 | 32-6 | 30°9 | 29°8 | 28°9 | 28-6 | 28°5 | 28-3 | 28-4 | 28°5 31°7 | 34:0 | 34-1 | 32-6 | 31-2 | 30-1 | 29-2 | 29-1 | 29-2 | 29-0 | 28-6 | 28-6 | 28-3 33°6 | 34°8 | 34-0 | 32-7 | 30°7 | 29-4 | 28-9 | 29-0 | 28-9 | 29-0 | 29°0 | 28-9 | 29°0 34-0 | 34°6 | 33-2 | 81-1 | 29-4 | 28°83 | 28-3 | 28°8 | 28-7 | 28-7 | 28-7 | 28-7 | 28-5 Ea |b Ce anal heh | } | } 82-9 | 34-3 | 34-0 32: 6 81-0 29-8 29-2 [29-0 | 29-0 | 28-9 | 28-9 | 28°8 | 28°8 Declination as deduced from Table I. Summer mean. | | | | | , | ; , | 2 / / y f / , / , ee |e +3°4/4+1°8 +06 0:0 |—0-2 |—0-2 |—0°3 |—0°3 |-—0-4 |-0°4 ‘ | | Winter mean. | 7 / J | / | / | 7 s ¢ | / / / / ge ers +2°6 #16 406 ee eal —0°4 |—0°5 |—0°7 |-0-7 Oe ae Annual mean. | , , , , | , +29 +40 ey eae te to the west of its mean position. { | / y , +0 °4 |-Or1 ae | | J | / , | / , | | -0-4 | 0°5 O18) ea —0°5 418 Report of Magnetical Observations at Table I1I.—Hourly Means of the Horizontal Force at Falmouth 0-18000 + (C.G:S. units). on Five selected quiet Days in i | \ { Hours |Mid.| 1 | 2 | Beil oan Site | Fete io: |. 9 |) aeneaee | | | W inter. } | | | | | | | 1900. | | | | | | | Jan. ..) 671) 670 671 671 | 673 | 674) 676| 677) 675| 669| 663 | 660 Heb. ..| 672 | 672 6721 673 | 673| 674| 673| 674| 673| 669| 663 | 662 | March .| 679 | 680, 679, 679| 679! 679| 678| 678| 675| G666| 662| 657 ‘Oct. ..| 696 | 696 694 | 695| 697] 698; 699| 698] 695| 685| 676| 672 Nov. ..| 706 | 706 706/ 706| 707| 708| 708| 707| 703) 696} 692| 694 Dec. ..| 701 701; 702| 703} 703} 704| 704) 704] 704| 708} 701 | 699 —SS— S| ls ———— | = Means| 688 | 688 | 687 | 688| 689 690 690 690, 688| 681| 676| 674 | | | | } Summer. | | | | April..! 687 | 686! 686 687 686; 686| 685 | 686| 683) 678 668) 665 687 | 685 | 683, 683 682] 680! 676 | 672 | 668| 666) 666 | June ..| 700 | 699 | 697, 697) 698} 698] 695} 692] 687 | 681 | 675 | 673 July ..| 702 | 701; 699 698] 698| 697 | 695 | Aug. ..| 701 | 700} 698 698} 697! 697] 693 | 688] 681} 673 | 674) 680 Sept...! 707 | 705 | 704( 703 | 704|° 702 | 701 | 697 | 691 | 68a | 968%) Gem (op) we) Ww D> 7) SI | 697 | 696 695) 694 694 698 691 688 683 | 677 | 673 673 | | | * Mean of four days—2nd, 7th, 13th, 31st. Table [V.—Diurnal Inequality of the Falmouth See | 1 | 2 | so. | 4. | ss Gol a Se 19 | ul | | | | Summer mean. ! | ; i } ! | | | | | an ee | i, j c + °00005 + *00004 + -00003/+ -00002 + -09002 + 00001 — -00001'— -00004 | — “00009 — "00015|— 00019 ip “00019 1 | | i | i. | | Winter mean. | | Fie | | iat “00002 + °09002 ia "00001 + -00002 + -00003 + -00004 + -00004 + -00004 + -00002)— -00005 — *00010 — 00012 ! | | i | | Annual mean. | { ees -00003 REA EES Ec ie "00002 + -00002'+ *00003 + 00003 + :00002! TOS *00004' — -00010 hes °00015 — -00016 | \ | | | { Note.—When the sign is + the reading Falmouth Observatory for the Year 1900. ANG Observatory, determined from the Magnetograph Curves each Month during 1900. | ' Boom) 1) 2 Sb bd nes 8 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 aee ! | Winter. | | oa | | | 662, 667, 671; 671 | 671 670 671 al 674 | 675 | 673 | 673) 673 662 664) 667; 668| 669| 672) 673 673 | 674 | 674 | 674) 675 | 674 662 | 669/| 675 | 679| 681 | 681) 681 = 685 | 684] 684 {| 684) 685 { ——————————— { | Summer. 670 678 | 687; 692) 693; 691 | 693 {| 694] 695 | 694] 693 | 692 | 693 670 Gideon) onde) 1677) G80 | (E85) G2: G94 | 693.) 691 | GOL |} 691 691 678 684 | 691 | 700 | 699] 700! 704; 705 |. 704| 703 | 700; 699] 699 Sse ress,| “689 | “G90 |} 698 | .°698 | 698") FOL | 702°| 704 708 |) 703: | ax7On Got) 697 | 698 | 700; 700 | 699 | 699 | 704 |} 704-| 704) 703 | 703 | 7038 688 GISr i, (OL | 702") 704") 702) 704") 708 | 707-1 - 707% 705 |. 708?) 7706 680 686 | 690 | 694-|" 696 | 696 | 698-7OL | 7OL | 701+ 699'|. 699)) G39 Horizontal Force as deduced from Table III. | Noon Mar igi e. (Hak 'g ies. eb a0 | ee | } | | Summer mean. | | | | | | | | ee. 2! — 09012 — 0006 — °00002 + -00002 + 00004 + 00004 + eee | + 00000) + *00009| + *00009 + "00007, + °00007 + "00007 | | | | | | ! | | Winter mean. + -00004 nea : - 00010) — 000 - *00002 + °00002)| + °00003| + °00004| + °00065|+ °00004;+ °00004/+ *00004 na “00001 Annual mean. + °00003)+ *00005) 3F 0007 ae 0007 + “00007 + 00006 | { <5 0005 + °00906 - — °00011 — -00006 | i — *00002 as on) + *00008 is above the mean. ‘i % 420 Report of Magnetical Observations at Falmouth Observatory. Table V.—Magnetic Intensity. Absolute Observations. Falmouth Observatory, 1900. C.G.S. measure. | | H or V or Pantie Horizontal force. | Vertical force. | January es cee ee 0 -18665 0 °43503 February . mite ay 0 -18660 0 °43474 | Narciicg eae ee: 0 -18661 043476 Apel. 018676 0 *43508 | May . 0:18677 0 °4.3500 June. 0°18682 0 °43463 July.. 0 -18686 043458 | Aug sean 0°18681 0 °43460 September . ‘ 0 -18696 0 °4:3495 October, «eee 0:°18683 0 -43489 November .. O °18696 0 °434.99 December... 0 ‘18696 0 °434.95 | Wie anisiivis cin crite: O 18680 0° 43485 Table VI.—Magnetic Inclination. Absolute Observations. Falmouth Observatory, 1900. Month. | Mean. Month. | Mean. | | sanuary 102. A weet. (866) 46.80 July 10. al ae 43.7 2A et kee (SOOs AGE 20... ays 5 seat) GO | She... Snags: (166, 4677 30... | 66 43°9 | 66 46°7 66 44-0 j aes yy ae SSS February 10,........--.| 66 45°9 |) August. 12...00. so epee mo Gmmnecemes | Dalen anes ane | 66 46°6 26 | 66 44°3 | 2B slop sole lt | 66 46-0 31 66 45-0 | 66 46:2 66 44-4 March 10): 2... 4.4...) 60) 4666 |i (Septemberl a jane) shee (66 44°4 | PAT I. ttete ols 3 | OO RI AO gO 5 Cs MPP) (010) 6 2b Ss aan Smee 66 45°5 66 44-4 | po October 8.........2- 4.8) 08 au April Oi ane ekeuee 66 47°0 20... 0... 0. Se ees PHO es en iauta ts here 66 45°8 225. oes s ne calas| OOMenORES i 28 lin. bi sie cidsan ee 66 45°5 BO... es cea ne ROO EnOE ae Nias aa | 66 46:1 | 66 45:1 May LO} isle dan tds 05) OC ae 2m MEN overmber 10,52. eee 66 45-7 | Bra hate CU kGO eons 21... Sus be SOMME che lle er OO gaan 29. wienieie's eia'edn sl OOM 66 45 °8 66 44°5 June Nise eae auds amu MO OUNr eA ES December le nuw emir | 66 43-5 | DOnc os or cnete | OO) Aac6 19,2 0. eas se oss | Oona f DOr hs oes 66 44°9 Se ihe | 66 43-7 | | | (66 44-4 | 66 44 °4 THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. Report on the Observatory Department for the Year ending December 31, 1900. The work at the Kew Observatory in the Old Deer Park at Richmond, now forming the Observatory Department of the National Physical Laboratory, has been continued during the year 1900 as in the past. This work may be considered under the following heads :— I. Magnetic observations. IT. Meteorological observations. III. Seismological observations. IV. Experiments and Researches in connexion with any of the departments. VY. Verification of instruments. VI. Rating of Watches and Chronometers. VII. Miscellaneous. I. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. The Magnetographs have been in constant operation throughout the year, and the usual determinations of the Scale Values were made in January. The ordinates of the various photographic curves representing Declination, Horizontal Force, and Vertical Force were then found to be as follows :— Declinometer : 1 cm. = 0° 8°7. Bifilar, January, 1900, for 1 em. 6H = 0:00051 C.G.S. unit. Balance, January, 1900, for 1 cm. 6V = 0:00049 C.G.S. unit. The distance between the dots of light upon the vertical force cylinder having become too small for satisfactory registration, the dots _ were separated on June 20 by slightly altering the position of the zero mirror. The curves have been quite free from any large fluctuations ; indeed, no unusual disturbance has been registered for some time past. The principal variations that were recorded during the year took place on the following days :— > January 19th-20th ; March 8th—9th and 13th ; May 5th. The hourly means and diurnal inequalities of the magnetic elements for 1900, for the quiet days selected by the Astronomer Royal, will be found in Appendix I. 422 ! The National Physical Laboratory. A correction has been applied for the diurnal variation of tempera- ture, use being made of the records from a Richard thermograph as well ~ as of the eye observations of a thermometer placed under the Vertical Force shade. The mean values at the noons preceding and suceeedime the selected quiet days are also given, but these of course are not employed in calculating the daily means or inequalities. The following are the mean results for the entire year :— Mean Westerly Declination............ 16° 52"°7 Mean Horizontal Force ......... Bhat ay 0°18428 C.G.S. unit. Mean inclination? pee toe ee, ee 67° 1158 Mean: Vertical! Moréen.e ass ee 0°43831 C.G.S. unit. Observations of absolute declination, horizontal intensity, and ineli- nation have been made weekly as a rule. A table of recent values of the magnetic elements at the Observa- tories whose publications are received at Kew will be found in Appendix IA to the present Report. A course of magnetic instruction was given to Captain Denholm Fraser, R.E., charged with a magnetic survey of India, and facilities were afforded him for making experiments with a view to improving the instrumental outfit for the survey. A new magnetic hut was erected early in the year by Mr. Eldridge. It is larger and better lighted than the old hut, and has proved very useful. II. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. The several self-recording instruments for the continuous registra- tion of Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature of Air and Wet-bulb, Wind (direction, pressure and velocity), Bright Sunshine, and Rain have been maintained in regular operation throughout the year, and the standard eye observations for the control of the automatic records have been duly registered. The tabulations of the meteorological traces have been regularly made, and these, as well as copies of the eye observations, with notes of weather, cloud, and sunshine, have been eae as usual, to the Meteorological Office. With the sanction of the Meteorological Council, data have been supplied to the Council of the Royal Meteorological Society, the Institute of Mining Engineers, and the editor of ‘Symons’ Monthly Meteorological Magazine.’ On the initiative of the Meteorological Office, some special cloud observations have been made in connection with the International scheme of balloon ascents. Electrograph.—This instrument worked generally in a satisfactory manner during the year. The small glass beaker mentioned in last year’s Report is still Report on the Observatory Department. 423 employed, and by removing the sulphuric acid at regular periods— generally fourteen or fifteen days—the troubles previously experienced with the “setting” of the needle and with the shift of zero has been largely overcome. No systematic use has been made of the thirty-six Clark cells men- tioned in the 1898 Report, but they have been employed to check the scale values of the two portable electrometers. Scale-value determinations of the electrograph were made on April 2, July 14, and October 25, and the potential of the battery has been tested weekly. Forty cells only have been employed during the year, giving about 30 volts. With a view to promoting uniformity in procedure, the Superin- tendent, at the suggestion of the Meteorological Office, had an inter- view with Mr. C. T. R. Wilson, F.R.S., and Mr. W. Nash, of Greenwich Observatory, who were shown the electrograph arrangements and the means adopted for standardising the curves. The stoppage this entailed in the working of the instrument was utilised in giving it a thorough cleaning. A new bifilar suspension was also fitted to the needle, and the wire leading from the can to the electrometer was bedded in paraffin wax in hopes of improving the insulation. Inspections.—In compliance with the request of the Meteorological Council, the following Observatories and Anemograph Stations have been visited and inspected :—North Shields, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Alnwick Castle, Deerness (Orkney), Falmouth, and Fort William, by Mr. Baker; and Radcliffe Observatory (Oxtord), Stonyhurst, Fleet- wood, Armagh, Dublin, Valencia, and Yarmouth, by Mr. Constable. III. SEISMOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Professor Milne’s “ unfelt tremor” pattern of seismograph has been maintained in regular operation throughout the year; particulars of the time of occurrence and the amplitude in seconds of arc of the largest movements are given in Table I, Appendix III. The “ disturbance ” on January 20 was particularly noticeable. The movement was the largest that has yet been fully recorded at the Observatory, the maximum amplitude being 15 mm., or 12°6 seconds of arc. The next largest disturbance was on October 29, with a maxi- mum of 12 mm., or 9°5 seconds of arc. The action of the boom was not altogether satisfactory during August and September, and on September 27 the old boom was replaced by a new one of standard pattern. The balance weights are at 117 mm. and the tie at 127 mm. from the cup end of the boom. The point of the bearing pivot on the stand was also improved. A detailed list of the movements recorded from January 1 to December 31, 1900, was made and sent to Professor Milne, and will be found in the ‘ Report’ of the British Association for 1901, ‘ Seismo- logical Investigations Committee’s Report.” CS SR ee oem oe r at 424 The National Physical Laboratory. During October a Milne seismograph, No. 31, intended to be set up at the University Observatory, Coimbra, was fitted up in the seismo- graph room, at the same height and in the same N.—S. direction as the Kew Instrument, and a series of comparisons were carried out till the end of the year. Several interesting features were noticed, and the results have been embodied in a paper by the Superintendent. IV. EXPERIMENTAL WORK. Fog and Mist.—The observations of a series of distant objects, referred to in previous ‘ Reports,’ have been continued. A note is taken of the most distant of the selected objects which is visible at each observation hour. Atmospheric Electricity—The comparisons of the potential, at the point where the jet from the water-dropper breaks up, and at a fixed station on the Observatory lawn, referred to in last year’s ‘ Report,’ have been continued, and the observations haye been taken since March on every day when possible, excluding Sundays and wet days. The ratios of the “ curve” and the “ fixed station ” readings have been computed for each observation, and these have thrown considerable light upon the action of the self-recording electrometer, especially with reference to its insulation. Some direct experiments have also been made on this point. | The reservoir holding the supply of water for the water-dropper of the self-recording electrometer is supported upon six large “ Mascart ” insulators, and it was thought that perhaps this system of insulating the tank could be improved upon. A quantity of fine paraffin wax, with a high melting point, was procured from Price’s Candle Company, Limited, in rectangular blocks, and a number of cylinders of sulphur were cast at the Observatory. Three similar water tanks were supported upon three wax blocks, three sulphur blocks, and three Mascart insulators respectively. Each received a similar definite charge, and the rate of loss of charge was observed. | The observations—which are to be regarded only as preliminary— extended through May, June, and July, under various hygrometric conditions. The sulphur and paraffin when new and clean gave much the best values, but after the lapse of a few weeks the rate of loss became very similar for all three species of insulator. The deteriora- tion was apparently due to accumulation of dust, &c. The provision of a hood or cover to the sulphur and paraffin blocks would undoubtedly improve the permanency of their insulating qualities. Platinum Thermometry.—The paper by the Superintendent, referred to in last year’s Report, has been published in the Royal Society’s 2 ‘Proceedings,’ vol. 67, p. 3. Report on the Observatory Departinent. 423 V. VERIFICATION OF INSTRUMENTS. The subjoined is a list of the instruments examined in the year 1900, compared with a corresponding return for 1899 :— Number tested in the year ending December 31. AS = = 1899, 1900. 2 Ie ee 6 9 PMMEMIOMPE LEG) Sasi os2 foaaiie.s ois cede sie ee ees 23 ] Js SEEIT TG Spo oh re ne ara etna gare Li. 197 Atrprietal WOVIZONS) ccviceciecs cece weiss Fe 9 27 Maremeterss Marine ..........06--0heees oe 92 139 " SUBIC A IRS ats Mae are a 85 57 ms SUBTLE) Ts iene AS Bae mio CE 15 23 SIMONE ARG ER Sette ss cba os Se ain See LaGak aes 404 963 = DID TEINS Rg Gee OP eee 43 51 WSS E ORS 200. ses eet, cores 6 1 Ppp GOMHe erst: ears ksi 48 Jobst ace eenee. 241 173 TOG] STRUTT SUAS) be 9 17 iPnetoenaphic Lenses... 2.2..6...00..25. 65. 160 136 Breer tie. ek ik Masai Sk Stine. 3 1 SGC OEE UA em eae 561 1,345 LUSTING Sie ee Ne oe 19 t Rain-measuring Glasses .................. 44 29 Ricaleen, GWE Aas itera. osha es mas ii SERUM RIES Hiab OL tins Sank CYS alate hits 876 813 : unshane Recorders... .~. vt u.usavercsk ote 6 3 JZIDEC LOTTE Oa a He na a Os 24. 3 12 Thermometers, Avitreous or Immisch’s 5 — ms Chimica ea ena ne 16,020 20,476 i Weep sea MAG GRE 19 83 Re oh hangee 2200. 7. 62 40 " EFypsometric © a2 ¥.<:: 39 66 4 ow Iuange se 103 33 - Meteorological ......... 2,892 2,786 o Solarradiationm......... — 2 i RO UAIMCLENRCE REAL he HAL a 104 61 Winihtlars AG ae GUE he) Pet 5 5 Vertical Force Instruments ............ 1 14 Dechnometens ie seek he abe —- 1 a eftetliyy Wat ode ah teh ecto 22,051 27,569 Duplicate copies of corrections have been supplied in 56 cases. VOL. LXVIII. PA ae = 9 oa 7 Z 426 The National Physical Laboratory. The number of instruments rejected in 1899 and 1900 on account of excessive error, or for other reasons, was as follows :— 1899. 1900. Thermometers; clinieal 4. hcg sgh 149 nite ue ordinary meteorological ... 78 79 SE KAM S een sce ee se ee eee 151 122 ihe ESCO WES ioe hie eiu eee ee Rae eee 49 116 AMO Cubs 47 cA ect tee A noe 21 ou eT OUS a veces Geese es Genet ERR One Merry 14 28 Four Standard Thermometers have been constructed during the year. There were at the end of the year in the Observatory, undergoing verification, 16 Barometers, 285 Thermometers, 15 Sextants, 250 Tele- scopes, 30 Binoculars, 2 Hydrometers, 4 Rain Measures, 2 Rain Ganges, and 4 Unifilar Magnetometers. VI. RATING oF WATCHES AND CHRONOMETERS. The number of watches sent for trial this year is slightly less than in 1899, the total entries being 403, as compared with 469 in the pre- ceding year. The “especially good” class A certificate was obtained by 98 movements. This is a marked increase on the number obtained in 1899, and the general performance has been decidedly better. The following figures show the percentage number of watches obtaining the distinction “ especially good,” as compared to the total number obtaining class A certificates :— “Year 2.5 s tere eee Percentage “especially good” 166 30°5 28:0 22°71 266 35:4 The percentage is thus higher than in any previous year. The 403 watches received were entered for trial as below : For class A, 320; class B, 60; and 23 for the subsidiary trial. Of these 21 passed the subsidiary test, 55 failed from various causes to gain any certificate, 50 were awarded class B, and 277 class A certifi- cates. In Appendix II will be found a table giving the results of trial of the 51 watches which gained the highest number of marks during the year. The highest place was taken by Mr. A. E. Fridlander, of Coventry, with the keyless going-barrel Karrusel lever watch, No. 25,582, which obtained 9071 marks out of a maximum of 100. This is the first English lever watch to reach the 90 marks limit, and. its performance is the best since 1892. Marine Chronometers—During the year, 53 chronometers have been. Tey Report on the Observatory Department. 427 entered for the Kew A trial and 1 for the B trial. Of these 44 gained A certificates, 1 a B certificate, and 9 failed. The mean-time chronometer Arnold 86, and the hack chronometer Molyneux 2123 have been cleaned and re-timed. VII. MISCELLANEOUS. Commussions.—The work under this heading has been of a very varied character during the year. The following instruments have been procured, examined, and forwarded to the various Observatories on whose behalf they were purchased :— For Lisbon and Portuguese W. Africa, a transit theodolite, a declinometer, a dip circle with two needles, a centre-seconds watch, and two chronometers. For Mauritius, a Mason’s hygrometer, an ordinary maximum and two solar maximum thermometers. For the Central Physical Observatory, St. Petersburg, and the Baron Toll Expedition: A dip circle with six needles, two prismatic compasses, two aneroid barometers, a Robinson cup anemograph, a chronometer, and a deck watch. For de Bilt (Utrecht), a vertical force magnet. Paper.—Prepared photographic paper has been supplied to the Observatories at Hong Kong, Mauritius, Lisbon, Toronto, St. Peters- burg, Stonyhurst, Oxford (Radcliffe); and through the Meteorological Office to Aberdeen, Fort William, and Valencia. | Photographic paper has also been sent in quarterly instalments to the India Office for use at Colaba (Bombay), Calcutta, and Madras. Anemograph and Sunshine Sheets have also been sent to Hong Kong, Mauritius, and St. Petersburg; Papier Saxe to Coimbra ; and Seismo- graph rolls to Mauritius. Pendulum Observations—In June, Mr. Putnam, of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, swung half-second pendulums in the wooden room in the basement. Library.—During the year the library has received publications from— 19 Scientific Societies and Institutions of Great Britain and Ireland, 96 Foreign and Colonial Scientific Establishments, as well as from several private individuals. ” The card catalogue has been proceeded with. Audit, &c.—The accounts for 1900 have been audited by Messrs. W. B. Keen and Co., chartered accountants. The balance sheet is ap- pended. 2H 2 428 List of Instruments, Apparatus, &c., ‘The The Nationai Physical Laboratory. PERSONAL ESTABLISHMENT. The staff employed is as follows :— R. T. Glazebrook, Se.D., F.R.S., Director of the Laboratory. CreChree, Sc.0:; fa. S, Sopesandon! of the Observatory Department. T. W. Baker, Chief Assistant. E. G. Constable W. Hugo J. Foster T. Gunter W. J. Boxall G. E. Bailey E. Boxall G. Badderly ) | 1 | Department. J S +Junior Assistants. J Eight other Assistants. A Caretaker and a Housekeeper are also employed. In addition to the above, Dr. J. A. Harker has been employed in the capacity of an Assistant in the Laboratory. (Signed) R. T. GLAZEBROOK, Director. Senior Assistants in the Observatory the Property of the National Physical Laboratory Committee, at the present date out of the custody of the Director, on Loan. To whom lent. Executors of G. J. Symons, F.R.S, The Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Professor W. Grylls Adams, F.R.S. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. Mr. (Melbourne versity). P. Baracchi Uni- Borchgrevink- Newnes Antarctic Expedition. C. T. R. Wilson, F.R.S. Articles. Portable Transit Instrument........cccccecs Articles specified in the list in the Annual Report Lor lS9s yen. ie t= «ieee ee ee Unifilar Magnetometer, by Jones, No. 101, complete...... Pair 9-inch Dip Needles 1 with Bar : Magnets neue Standard Barometer (Adie, No. 655) ...... ve Unifilar Magnetometer, by Jones, marked NASB -C. completes. nite heise ese eee Dip Circle, by Barrow, with one pair of Needles and Bar ] Magnets . ; Pripod Stand wares ass «sce eeiesise ee mieean eee Dip Circle, by Barrow, No. 24, with four Needles and Bar Magnets. Siete = eels eeeeeete Electrograms for 1897 ...... Date of loan. 1869 1876 1883 1887 1885 1899 1899 1899 1898 1899 eee SSS eee OL isthe “° ee O OL OIE — O Ol OTFT ; 0 0 0002 ~ S = 3S 8 Si ll & ‘10 —-——- a) Tee a => 0 0 OOL = S aes So OLL annem S Leaciace nr Ss € 61 08 » — eg 008 S € 61 SIl = 0 0 89 > e "§ e ‘S S, Pp F Pp F RG PLVMAOJ POTTED **O06T ‘Kaenuep 4sT uo onyea “ZgoT 4e yo0jg “yuoo aed Fg vipuy oog'lTF "* #* 9800 4B 909g pozeprfos “U0y “yuao aod $% “pg “sg GZO°CH —jUN0IDYV [ete +4) —syuoutysoauy “ rr es 4% onp sasezsog OUP VULMOTLYV §.doqren?y —o0JO [Bo1soporoagey “ S}UNOISICT LO} VALOSOY —Ssa'T a[qBAtaood syuey “ oo Cary oo o° SUOISSIULULO() 66 "om ‘sqsaqy, 1O‘T —si0}qoq Arpung «gq "‘SLASSY T SL TP6‘TlF 0 0 O00O'T 6 GI Gite » "SF PLVMAOT Poatasery t & COP °*' ‘' **4unoodoy puny uosueg O IL p90'¢ °° °° gunoossy puny sulping LG 9866 © PL Gort °° ** °° «aod og coz anny -Ipuadx] IOAO OULODUT JO ssoOKTT Ooo‘. °° 6681 “tequteo0(T 4ST E OF SYJUOUL GOLA LOF JUBA‘) AINSVOLT, 7 LL OOL 2. oe a eee SOOMTTNILIOR MOY WOlF portojsuvty syossy —JUNODIY [e194 —:°ZIA ‘goIyTIqery 0A Syossy Jo seooxe sutoq ‘oouvpeg “ QOUBAPV UL Po9ATedA SYQUOUL 9OITL], —juri Aimsvory, “ slozipoiy Arpung oT, ‘SHILITIGVI'T "OOGL ‘laquasag IST ‘jays’ aounjvg “AUOLVYORVT IVOISAHd IVNOILVN GHL a Er My a : 7 I SL Ire Its 9 F 612% O01 beg >> Ss Ss Ss 1 80 Ty S . » 1, 0 S a 2 2 0 ST 986'T = SS & ps ¥ Ss S 0 0 OOF = Ss nm “ 0 IT #90'¢ i Bigieiia o DO 430 ~ * * ley Jo spuey ur yse © ee ie ag Se (OMONG U19jsaM\) puLpsuy jo yueq —juNodDV puny uolsueg Ogre qunosdy oangipued “xq yavg Ayunog pue uopuoT vs +s 99 qmnosDW onueserT yurg yunog pure wopuoy ee oe ee. ee oe (qouerg Udd}sI\\) PuUrPSUy jo yuegq —jun000Y [Rteue4) —siloyurg ye yseg “ "* +" gs00 48 y00}q pozeprfos “uo “yueo aed 4g “py ‘se eGgey —junoooy puny uorsusg "* ** 9800 48 0099 poqzeprtos “W0() “WU90 tod 3% “PE “SOT 900°CF —junooY puny sutpping —PInUyuUcd PIVMATOF SNOT "SLASSY squom4soauy Ag LT SL LPe Its GE = Fe ~@ preMmAoT FYSNOIG * SHILITIAVIT OL + Report on the Observatory Department. Mao See rs O- Genie OL & L6r'P 6 OST (Oa 3 PIVMLOT pormIed eee ee Oe Il} oe es es SNOSUETLOOSTIAT 9 FLITE °° ow ‘sqrodeyy ‘soqnuIy, Suuiag I eT PP Cary oan eo eo ee ‘OV ‘LIOWOTIRI Tl &L 08 "* **sgsuodxq Uoprey) pus osnNOFT & 61 96 4b oe) 22 saredesy jeroues —sostodxq [e}USPTONT Terous ——— 0 eT eT Ne) eo ee ee "ON ‘SSULJOO TL DOIPULIAO JB SOOIAIOG [RIIVIOTONG Oi gee "+ sasuedxq SUIT[OAVAT, §.10JD9ITG O IL ITL'Z *' *? FeIg Jo sosep pur sonvyeg 0 0 OOF ‘°° °° pung worsueg 0} JoxsueIy, 0 0 o0g'T oe 2 Ares) 10 1oast Gh —Sa0UBMOTTY pure ‘sosvAA ‘sorreyes ° ° e 6 C4 ee es ve ee ee oe doUBINSUT O eT c ee ve eo ee ary ee * "1098 AA OL 61 SZ vs se ss SuIeoyT pues sugary O) Ge Ne ve te KrOyeATesqQ Mey JO yey — soueinsuy pure ‘sey ‘saqey ‘squeyy —oinjipuedx® oAerqstulmpy “HA OLIGNAd XH OL 0 F62‘SF —— S j=) 90) —_—— ———__. _ 4 Ol WEL LG 1992 PIVMIOF pormtug ** OIGONT MOAPUY ATG WOIF WOTPEUOG, °° **SOISssTUITMOD Fo yoodsat UI SOT} “N4I4SUT USIALO | PUB [VIMOTOD 07 sastLT[D a OS CINE P CENT qso10JUT $.cvax IUC —pun iy 4snay, JoIsst-y "* raqoyoO pue ‘Ane ‘qudy ‘Y9049 “UA Jeg FE VIpuy WoO spueprarcy "* 8 * QoURMOITY S8OIGO [BROTSOTOIOOJOTL poMoT[e syunoosigy —ssaT Se ee i 2 a ysoq lo esoom| > IWIK TOF query Aansvary, “AMOONT “OOGT Staquaog Is, Gi papua unaq ay)? sof jun0IIP alnpipusdany pun awoous The National Physical Laboratory. O 2 9e'CF °° °° %* paABMATOF pottED 9 OL PLT 4 — [8 1 6Ié — S ZS SZ os se ss ee Coysyto AA OF sooy, on 8 G 6EL eo os eo ee eo £x0AvIOGr'T S Of sjuomnaysuy pus sngeiwddy 2 9 8 PP ss 88 DDT §,LOJOIAICE SULYSTUAN iT S 0 O OST "* —- (VAOMIOY Jo sosudd Ty 8,LOPoATCL S vy 6. 80S as UuNodOy, SULpIEnG ; = —oinpipuodx 7 Areurproerqxg S QR IP 618s ** ompipuodxay AreuIpIC [RIO], RS a : TL ym P19 ee ce oo oo ee eo UOLSSTUL “WOM UO sUOIYNAYSUT UsIOLOT pure b [BIMOTOD LOZ “og ‘squouINAYSUT Jo osvqoutn F 0 4 ¥9e'S "hse paeatoy guys nocgy OLO F608 °° *' *' pavmsos qyuSnorg Tee ead: 2 Ss F [ee Sapeees: = lice “2UDIUNOIIF? pasagzLvyO ‘NAAM “a “MM (poustg) "LO6T “Auonigag 499 ‘OW ‘AUMAP GIO ‘LUN0D HOMAHD ‘¢E “SJUOUTISOAUT TOF SOTJIANOOS OF PUB SODULTe YUL OY} PoYltoa OST’ 9AVY T ‘YFIMETOYY OoURpLODIV UL 9q 07 MoTTy AjI4QA90 pUe ‘sAoTONOA pu’ SYOOT of} YITM SyUNODOW pue JooTTG eOURTeG sAOge oy pouTUIexE oAvt T - & GOPF ve fe es UMOp FYASNOTG soURTeg oF, ‘T Arenuer es “TO6T yp & SOVE b & SOE = —— = S Wo eS "* sjosuoy "qua0 aed £% “PT ‘So G6eF UO spuoprarqg “ 3S 0) 8) OOT ee ee 6 ee eo ee ee 9049 pesyepryjos = -u09 ‘queo aod #Z ‘py ‘se egex jo oseyomnd ut ~ § SOP ss +s 9+ MOP ported soueeg AG ‘TE ToquIe.0q poydde qunoooy onuoacy Tetouan WoIF ToJsuRT, OT, SS opis F ‘O06T (LE eG: = ‘ouBlg U104sS9\\ “puvl[suT Jo yu 4e oourleg ‘pp ‘se CF = "9048 poyeptosuoy “ques aod Ee ‘py “sg cogs => = : aes ae eee BY “OOGT ‘aquasag Ise “Qunoosap puny woIsiag 8 eee 3 = = O TL P90'CR °° °° °* UWMOP FYSnoIq soured oy, ‘T Arenure = 7 Se “TO6T 0 ‘IT v9 Ee eg a me eee ee LOO SOON SR eee) ‘qu00 aod £¢ ‘pO ‘sf GOR JO oseqoand ut parydde ‘sjosuog “quoo aod Ez ‘pe ‘se [PEPF uo spueprarq “ 0 0 O00‘ ** 00} poqeprposuog “quod aad Ez “pe ‘sc THE PF O TI ¥90°¢ ce ee e* MOP pordivo oouRTegG LY “TE Ataqutaoac] jo oseryoind ut poydde yurtig Aamsvaty, Of, YD 295 GP *‘O06T DE Gs *Y90G pozeprposuoy “que0 aod 2Z -pe -sOT 900‘G# st Am) = 2 eee ea eee = = ‘OOGT ‘laquaseg Is g ‘qunooop pung bupyng Report on the Observatory Department. 455 APPENDIX I. MAGNETICAL OBSERVATIONS, 1900. Made at the Kew Observatory, Old Deer Park, Rich- mone ecta ol, 28 GN. and one. 0° 1" 15") W. The results given in the following tables are deduced from the magnetograph curves which have been standardised by observations of deflection and vibration. These were made with the Collimator Magnet K.C.I. and the Declinometer Magnet marked K.O. 90 in the 9-inch Unifilar Magnetometer by Jones. The Inclination was observed with the Inclinometer by Barrow, No. 33, and needles 34 inches in length. The Declination and Force values given in Tables I to VIII are prepared in accordance with the suggestions made in the fifth report of the Committee of the British Association on comparing and reducing Magnetic Observations. The following is a list of the days during the year 1900 which were selected by the Astronomer Royal, as suitable for the deter- mination of the magnetic diurnal inequalities, and which have been employed in the preparation of the magnetic tables :— SATAY, ter cll cten ni By 5 1 8, BOs Bile Mebruary.o.. ake ee Om oe 2S. Niet Cla seen) cove Se Ih, Ge Ae. 2S, JN TU Weg oe dete OO Bate Le, 2, 25). INIT esc ai A MA Oe LO An ie Se Sue een IO. wil, UG, BO; Yay ALU teal cans ae areeAlen ei ME D5) 1S, 22, 0. JS TONSADIS ean wuae ale ay deen ale Oo, 9, LO, 2s, BO. September). ye 18) Wale ao). UO; October 2.1.2... ve. ee ED rely. LOM sey IN OWemberws 0.6. Dy Ge Ge. 30. December ik) 9. Dy oy, UB Ba Bee 436 | The National Physical Laboratory. . | Preceding | 4,- | | | amis TS | Mad. | 9. |) 2 3.) 4. | 5. | 6. | 7 a u (16° +) West Winter. 1900. Months. 7 / 4 , 4 4 4 , / / Uy / UA Jan...) 56°7 | 54:1) 54:1) 54-4] 54-5) 54-4) 54-3 54-2) 54-0] 58-6) 53-8) 54-4) 55-7 Feb...) 57°71 | 54°0| 54°83) 546) 54-5) 54-5) 54:3) 54-0] 53-9) 54-0) 54-1) 54-6] 55-5 March.| 57°5 | 53°3| 58°4| 53-4) 53-1] 52-9) 52-8) 52-5] 51-8] 50-9] 50°8| 52-0/54°3 Oct. ..| 55-0 | 51-0} 51-2) 51-3| 51-2) 51-1] 51-0) 50-9] 50-2| 49-3) 48-8| 50-0) 525 Nov. ..| 54:2 | 50-6} 50-9) 51-1) 51°1| 51-1] 51-0] 50-7] 50-4) 49-9| 49-9) 51-3/52°8 Dec. ..| 52°1 | 50-0; 50°3 50-3) 50-3 50.4| 50°83) 50°3| 50-0) 49-8 49-8 50°5| 51-4 Means | 55:4 | 52-2! 52-4 52-5 2a 52°4| 52:3! 52-1) 51-7) 51-2 51-2 52-1 53 Summer. é , | , , y | Ao , y Gia , ? | , , / April..| 57-0 | 53-0) 53-0) 52°8 52°8 52-4) 52-2) 51°6 50-6, 49-8 49°9/ 51-5) 54°5 May ..| 5771 | 52-4) 52-5) 52-2 51-9] 51-6] 50°5) 49-4 49-0| 49-4 50-1| 523/548 June..| 5671 | 52°4| 52-3] 52-1 52-0) 51-6) 50-8 49-9 49-4) 49-5) 50-2) 52-1) 54-9 July ..) 57°0 | 52-2) 52-3) 52-1) 51-8) 51-2] 49-8] 49-4) 49-3) 49-4) 50-0] 51-0 53-4 Aug...) 57°0 | 51-6] 51°6| 51-4 51-3 50-8 50°38 49-4, 48-6) 48-8 50-2) 52-6/55°3 Sept...| 57°2 | 51-4) 51-3] 51-2) 51-0 50°7| 50°6) 50-0! 49-1] 48-8 49-7) 52-2/54°8 Means | 56°9 | 52°2) 52-2) 52-0 51°8 51°4| 50-7 50-0 49-3] 49:3, 50°0| 52-0) 54-6 Table II.—Diurnal Inequality of the Hours Mid. 1. 2. 3. | 4. B. | 6. | 7. | g. | 18. etalon 1 | We : Summer Means. 4 7 4 / 4 —3°4 |—8°4 |—-2°7 |-0°7 | +1°9 4 | 4 4 | t | vA ? y A as -0-7 |-0:9 13 —2°0 |—2°7. | | Winter Means. | / | , | / | / , | / , / , , / / | —0°6 |—0°4 |—0°3 ae rice —0°7 |—1°1 |—-1°5 |—1°6 |—0°6 |+0°39 oe | se | Annual Means. } | | | | ’ | / / / 1 ea ai , ’ / / / / -5 |—0°5 |—0°6 |—0°8 |—-1°2 { eo —17 “22-24 ~2°1 |-0°7 |+1°4 Novrr.—When the sign is + the magnet™ He) 3) 29 Lie fieport on the Observatory Department. 437 selected quiet Days in 1900. (Mean for the Year = 16° 52'-7. West.) | | | Succeedin ae A 5. | 6 Fe Sai One ton lent: Ae 8 noon. Winter. l ’ , , , , / / , , , , , 56°8 | 57°3 |56°2/155°6| 55°4) 55°5) 55 0! 54:3. 54°0; 53°9| 538°9 53:9) 53°9 56:7 56°9 | 57°5 |57°2/55°6) 55-0] 55°00) 54-7 044 54.°4| 54°1! 54°11) 54°11] 54°2) ° 58-0 56°7 ago? (6 oO +2 9475) ba.) 00-4) ba °7| 08 8) 5a°7)) 53°5) 55 °5! 533 56°5 54°8 Sa°6 | 55°) | 53°°7 | 62'°5) .51°9) 51 8 51 “7, 51°5) 51°2) 51°2) 51-2) 51°0 55:0 53°6 | 53°5 |52°6/51°7| 51°4) 51°3! 51-2) 51:1) 50°8 50°8} 50°7) 50°8 51:0 83° 5) 52°0 | 52°1 |51°6/51°0| 50°6) 50°4 50°] 49°8: 49°8) 49°6) 49°5) 49°7) 50°1 52:9 55+1 | 55-6 |55-0/ 54-0] 53-2) 52-9) 52-7 52°5) 524) 52°2| 52-1, 52-2 52-2] 55-4 | ba ‘i | Summer. 4 , / 4 / vA | , 4 ¢ 4 / 4 , 571 58°1 157 °7156°1{ 54°7| 538°9) 53°5) 58°4) 58°1) 538°1) 58-2) 52°9) 52-7 57 °1 Bao 54 O 156-8 155 °3.| 538°7| 52°71 52-2) 52-2) 52°2) 52°3) 52°6| 52:7) 52-6 56 °6 o7°9 | 58°7 |58'°4|57°5| 56°4| 54°6) 538°4) 52°6) 52°5) 52°35) 52°5) 52°35) 52°5 57 2 56 °4: 58°1 |57°8|56°2| 54°7) 538:°6) 52°7| 52:8) 52°9) 52°8) 52°4) 52-4) 52°0 56 °2 57-4 | 57°9 |56°7'55°3| 53°3) 52°1) 51°5) 51°9) 51°7| 51-9) 51°7) 51°9) 51°7 58°1 B72 57°4 155°6|53°5| 52°0) 51°3) 51°4) 51°6] 51°5) 51°6) 51°4) 51°4) 51°3 56°7 BT 2 57 "2 55 Te 5421) 53°O) 52°35) 62°4) 52:3) 52°41 52 °3) 52-3) 5201 57°0 Kew Declination as deduced from Table I. } | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4, 5. 6. vip | 8. 9, 10. 11. | Mid. Summer Means. ! | | | , , , / , | ’ | ’ , / y) | , t +4°5 |+5°3 |+4°5 |+3°0 |4+1°4 |4+0°3 ue mee —0°4 |—0°3 |—0°4 ree —0°6 Winter Means. / 4 4 , if / | / 4 4 4 | / | 4 {/ +2°4 /4+2°9 +2°3 +1°2 |}40°5 |40°2 |—O°l |—0°3 |—O°4 206 0.8) —0°'5 | Annual Means. ¢ / 4 | 4 / 4 | / 4 | / / | / / | / +3°4 |+4:°1 ath +2°1 |}+1°0 /+0°3 |—0O°2 |—0°3 a —0°-4 rs —0°5 |—0°5 points to the west of its mean position. bP) east by) 22 4 438 The National Physical Laboratory. ) } y Table I1I.—Hourly Means of the Horizontal Force in C.G.S. units (corrected — (The Mean for the oO | | | | Hours eae | Mid. Tee yh Nan oe a aeaeaDe as ohara a | 8. Eg | 10. i noon. | | | | | | | 0:18000 + Winter. is | : r | 1900. Months | | same. | | AOF 414 ; 4138 | 414 | 414 | 416 | 417 | 418 | 419 | 416 | 412 | 405 | 405 Beeb: ..5i. 4.04: 414 | 415 | 415 | 416 | 416 : 417 | 419 | 417 | 415 | 412 | 408 | 407 March.. 408 42) | 421 | 421 | 421 | 420 | 421 | 419 | 419 | 415 | 408 | 401 | 399 Oct, -s. 422 | 443 | 443 | 442 | 443 | 444 | 446 | 4406 | 444 | 489 | 427 | 421 | 420 INiows: ©. 436 441 | 442 | 441 | 442 | 443 | 443 | 443 | 441 | 487 | 482 | 430 | 431 DEP sve AAL 443 | 443 | 443 | 443 | 443 | 443 | 443 | 444 | 444 | 444 | 448 | 441 Means. 420 | 429 | 429 | 429 | 480 | 430 | 431 | 431 431 | 428 | 422 | 418 | 417 Summer. Aprils.) 405 | A2Q5 | 425 | 425 | 425 | 425 | 424 | 424 | 424 | 420 | 412 | 404 | 402 May ...| 400 | 422 | 492 | 419 | 420 | 418 | 416 | 412 | 408 | 404 | 401 | 404 | 405 dime ...| 421 | 436 | 436 | | 433 | 434 | 435 | 435 | 430 | 427 | 423 | 415 | 409 | 409 j duly ...| 425 | 446 | 442 | 441 | 440 | 440 | 489 | 436 | 433 | 427 | 419 | 415 | 417 | Aug. . 421 | 487 | 436 | | 485 | 435 | 4383 | 432 | 429 | 422 | 414 | 409 | 411 | 416 Sept. . 428 | 439 438 | 436 | 436 | 436 | 434 | 432 | 427 | 421 | 416 | 413 | 416 Means.., 417 | 484 | 483 | 482 | 482 | 431 | 430 | 427 | 423 | 418 | 412 | 409 | 411 | | | | Table [V.— Diurnal Inequality of th Hl | iy i | | Hours | Mid. | ais | ZB ee | 4, | 5. | 6. | Tech iN (Ge 7a | 10. | WE { { A Summer Means. | “+ 00006] + -00004 + +0000 00003 3F “000083 + 0002 00001 — °00005)— 00010) — 0017 — “00019 2 “00018 | Winter Means. | “+ +0001) +- 00001 + 000011 + *00002 | | | + °00003) | |+ 00003} ~ 00000) — “One “00010 I= “00011 | + °00002 + °00003 Annual Means. + °00002}+ -00001)— ge! - ae | f 00003 oe 20005 + -00002 + 0002 + 00002 — 00011 - “00015 |—-o0014 | Notre.—When the sign is -+ the Report on the Observatory Department. 439 for Temperature) as determined from the selected quiet Days in 1900. Year = 0°18428.) | | 4 a Noon. | 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | We, | Saye Ok a hakOe bu. ‘Mia. Succeeding | | | | | | | | | | noon, | Winter. | 407 | 413 | 415 | 414 | 414 | 413 | 414 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 416 | 415 | 416 412 407 411 | 413 |} 413 | 413 416 | 416 | 417 418 | 418 | 417 | 418 | 417 411 405 413 | 418 | 421 | 422 | 423 | 424 | 426 | 427 | 425 | 425 | 426 | 426 410 423 431 | 486 | 440 | 441 | 443 | 444 | 445 | 445 | 444 | 445 | 445 | 445 430 433 438 | 440 | 441 | 441 | 442 | 443 | 443 | 443 | 443 | 442 | 441 | 447 431 440 443 | 442 | 444 | 445 | 446 | 445 | 445 | 444 | 444 |] 443 | 442 | 442 438 419 | 425 | 427 | 429 | 429 | 480 | 481 | 482 | 482 | 432 wih 431 | 431 4.22 | Summer. | 411 | 418 104 428 | 429 | 427 | 429 | 430 | 481 | 480 | 429 ! 429 | 429 | 410 409 A412 | 4414 |; 414 | 417 | 422 | 428 | 4381 | 429 | 429 | 428 | 428 | 428 | 407 416 4.24, 432, 435 | 435 | 488 | 441 | 441 | 440 | 489 | 486 | 485 | 484. 410 4.24. 431 | 435 | 440 | 443 | 442 | 443 | 446 | 446 | 446 | 445 | 444 | 444, 430 429 435 | 435 | 437 | 435 434 | 435 | 439 | 4388 | 4839 | 438 , 439 | 439 427 428 A34 | 435 | 435 | 436 oa 4388 | 442 | 440 | 439 | 487 | 440 | 439 437 420 | 426 | 429 | 431 | 432 : 433 | 436 | 438 | 437 | 487 | 436 | 436 | 436 | 420 | Kew Horizontal Force as deduced from Table III. | Noon | 1 | 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Mid. | j Summer Means. 3 oon — 00008 + -00001|+ "00003 + -00004| + 0003 + -00007|-+ 00010 + -(0009}-+ -00008!-+ -00007! + -00007| + -00007 | Winter Means. | l eee = seats = 0001 =P ec + ooo + °00002 | | + 10005 + ono + 00004) + -0004| + °00003 + *00003) + °00003 | | ‘ Annual Means. ot -00007 ate 0006 + 0006 + °00005 00000 + noo + 0002 0003 + “00005 = 20000 — °000038 + -00008| + 00005 | Teading is above the mean. | 440 The National Physical Laboratory. | | Table V.—Hourly Means of the Kew Vertical Force in C.G.S. units (corrected . (The Mean for the | | | | Hours. a Mia. iPass a? | 4. | B. | 6. | 7: | a ea | 11. | | _ Sa | 0 :43000 + Winter. Months. Sane i: 842 ' Feb. eiieie 828 | March... 842 | 845 | 845 | 845 | 844 | 844 | 843 | 843 | 842 | 841 842 | 842 | 842 833 | 832 | 832 | 832 | 832 | 831 | 831 | 830 | 828 | 829 | 827 | 828 : 853 | 853 | 853 | 853 | 852 | 851 851 | 852 | 851 | 850 | 846 | 845 Oct. ... 832 846 | 845 | 845 | 844 | 844 | 843 843 | 844 | 845 | 842 | | 840 | 835 Nov... . 816 819 | 819 | 819 | 819 | 818 | 818 | 818 | 818 | 818 | 817 | 815 815 Dec. + 801 | 803 | 803 | 803 | 803 | 803 | 803 | 803 | 802 | 802 | 800 | 797 | 799 : 1900. — | | | | ee ee a —_-_|—- ——_- -—— Means 827 | 833 | 833 | 833 | 833 | 8382 | 8382 | 832 | 831 | 831 830 828 | 827 April . st 841 858 | 857 | 856 | 855 | 854 | 854 | 853 | 852 | 851 | 848 | 844 | 838 j May ... 823 842 | 841 | 841 | 841 | 841 | 843 | 842 | 841 | 838 | 834 | 828 | 823 | June... 818 836 | 835 | 834 | 834 | 835 | 835 | 834 | 836 | 836 | 833 | 830 | 826 July ... 821 835 | 834 | 834 | 833 | 834 | 834 | 834 | 835 | 834 | 828 | 823 | 816 | 2 HM 794 | 794 | 793 | 792 | 792 | 794 | 794 | 793 | 789 | 784 | 781 | 775 Sept. ... 828 836 | 836 | 836 | 835 | 835 | 835 | 837 | 836 | 834 | 829 | 824 | 821 Means 817 834 _ 833 | 832 | 832 | 832 | 832 | 832 | 832 | 8380 | 826 | 822 | 817 ; | | \ } ) f —_—— Summer Means. | | | | | ie 00608 + eeebe + -90002) + -000011 + °00001' + "00002 + *00002 + *00002 | | | | Winuter Means. | 00000 5 ‘00004 — "00009 — -00014 | | c -00001) + -00001) + 00001 | 1 | | | + ee “00000 | "00000 | *00900 - *00001 '— :00001 E ie *00004 | — :00005 Annual Means. | | | | | | | ! | | | | *00C02 + "00002, + -00001;+ -00001 + 00001 + 00001) + 00001 |+ ooo — “00001 e “00003 B “00006 |— *00009 | | | | | | Note.— When the sign is + the teport on the Observatory Department. 44] for Temperature), as determined from the selected quiet Days in 1900. Year = 0°43831.) | l ; Noon.| 1. | 2 3. | 4 By lve: | Wa 8: 9. | 10. | 11. | Mid. Su cee raiae | | noon. Winter | | 841 844 | 846 | 846 844 | 844 | 845 | 845 | 844 | 844 | 843 | 843 | 843 840 827 829 | 833 | 835 | 835 | 835 | 834 833 | 833 | 832 | 832 | 831} 831 823 841 |! 842 | 847 | 852 | 854 | 855 | 854 | 854 854 | 853 | 853 | 852 | 852 839 833 | 837 | 839 | 844 | 847 | 847 | 847 | 847 | 848 | 847 | 848 | 847 | 847 833 816 ‘ 818 | 822 | 822 | 821 | 820 | 821 | 822 | 821 | 820 820 |} 819 | 819 814 800 803 | 805 | 806 | 806 | 805 | 805 | 805 | 805 | 805 | 805 | 804 |) 804 802 826 ou 8382 | 8384 | 884 | 884 | 884 | 884 | 834 | 833 833 | 833 | 833 | 825 | | | Summer. Er 7 | 838 | 842 | 847 | 852 | 855 | 857 |°859 | 858 | 857 | 856 | 856 | 855, 854. | 832 819 | 824 | 831 | 835 | 840 | 844 | 843 | 842 | 842 | 841 | 840 | 839 | 839 820 828 823 | 829 | 832 | 886 | 840 | 842 | 848 | 843 | 841 | 841 840 | 839 822 818 822 | 825 | 8338 | 838 | 842 | 842 | 842 | 841 | $41 | 840 | 839 ee 825 775 778 | 783 | 789 | 792 | 795 | 795 | 794 | 794 | 793 | 792 | 792 | 791 | ie 821 826 | 832 | 8388 | 841 | 841 | 889 | 840 | 839 | 840 | 839 | 839 | 837 | 823 817 | 819 | 824 | 830 | 834 | 837 | 837 | 837 | 836 | 885 | 885 | 884 833 —B15 Kew Vertical Force as deduced from Table V. Paden | ey St ae | 3. | 4, Biyal) pokes) 178 | 8. | 9. | io) | oa | Mia Summer Means. Nl l = — 00014) — ‘00011|— 00008 — -00001|-+ -00003) + 0000 “00006 + 00008 + *00006 + -00005) + -00004 + nao -00003 Winter Means. = anaes a 003 -00000 + -00002! + -00003|-+ -00002) + 00002! + “Oe -00002! + -00002) + *00002) + 00001! + -00001 | 4 | | | | Annual Means. { | | | a oor - .00007|— 00+ 00001 + 000 + -00004)+ -00004 + 00004 + 00004 + 00008 + -00003|-+ -00002 | reading is above the mean Web, LX VELL. 2 I + 00002} ||) 442 The National Physical Laboratory. | Table VIJ.—Hourly Means of the Inclinaticn, calculated from the Horizontal Hours | Preceding | wria.} 1. | 2. 3. | 4.| 5.1 61 4% | So eas noon. 67° + Winter. | 1900. | Months. / vA / /p 4 4 4 / Di / 4 J f Jan.....| 13°53 |18:1/13-2|18-1/13-1|13-0/12-9| 12-8|12-7|12-9|13-2|13-6| 13-6 ine 13°3 |12°8/12°7/12-7|12-6/12-6| 12-5) 12-4/12-5|12-6|12-8/13-0/13°1 March 13°4 |12-9/12-9]12-9) 12-9] 12-9/ 12°8/ 13-0 13-0| 13-2/ 13-7) 14-0| 14-1 Ocr.... 12°2 | 11-2/11-3/ 11-2) 11-21 11-1/ 10-9! 10°9| 11-1] 11°5/ 12-2) 12-5! 12-5 Nor. 10°8 |10°6)10°5|10-6|10-5!10-5|10-5| 10°5|10-6| 10°8| 11-1|11-2| 11-1 Dec. 10:1 |10-0/10:0)10:0}10-0/10-0|10:0'10-0, 9-9! 9°9| 9:9] 9°8|10-0 Means..| 12°2 {11°8/11-8]11-°8/11-7/11-7/ 11°6| 11-6 | 11 -6| 11-8| 12-1] 12°4| 12-4 Summer. / / / / / / / if / / / vA | ae April... 13°6 12°79 12°97 | 12-7 | 22-7492 6 12-7 | 12-7 | 12-6) deat ee 8 | Hae May.... 13 °4 12°5| 12°51 12°7 | 12°61 12-7 | 12 °9) 13-2 | 13-4) 1376 ie tae ee Jume:.... 11°9 11°*4)11°4/11°5 | 11°5 | 11°4)11:4) 11-7 | 12°0 | 12°37 ae ee July.... LS 7% 10°7 | 11°0(11°O} 11°11 41°31 11°71) 11-3) 11 6412-912 Se ae ae PATO 6s 10°8 10°2)| 10°2/10°3) 10°2:)10°4) 10°5| 10-7} 14-1 | 11 Gia See eee Sept.... 11°6 11°2) 11°38) 11°44) 11°44) 19°44) 11 °5)11°7 | 12°0 | 12°31 26 eee Means.. 12 °2 11°5.) 11°5 | 11-6} 21-6 | 11-6) 11°7 | 11°9)12 "1 | 12-4 es 12°5 | Table VIII.—Diurnal Inequality of the - | | | | | Hours Ma. 1 | 2, | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | ce | 8. 9.) | a: | 11. | | Summer Means. ies | | / 4, / 1 7 / / 7 4 / / / —0°3 |-- 0:2 |—O'1 |—0°2 |—0°1 |—O°1 |/+0°1 |4+0°4 14+0°7 |+1°0 |/4+1°0 |+08 Winter Means. / / / +0°3 |+0°5 |+0°6 | | | ‘ | / ’ , / / / t , 0:0 ae 0.0 |=071' '=0-1 | S02 =0-2)|=0 2. | 40-0 \ / / / / / / / / is / / é 7 Annual Means. —('2 |—0°'1 |—0°'1 |—O°1 |—O°'1 |—O'l1 0:0 |+0'1 |4+0°4 |+0°7 |+0°8 +0°7 | Note.—When the sign is + Report on the Observatory Department. 445 and Vertical Forces (Tables III and V). (The Mean for the Year = 67° 118.) | | | ; mee 2 |e. | 5 | oe or hee ie | to. | an, | ata, | Bueceedigs | | noon. Winter. ? / / / 7 / / / / vA / / loaner I) 13 °2) 13-0) 13°22) 13°71) 13-1. 13-0) 13-0) 12-9) 13-0) 12-9 reall ee 29) 129) 12°9 |) 12°79) 12-7 | 12 °7 | 12-6) 12-5 | 125) 12-6) 12°5 | 12-5 Wy 27/ ta°G6 |) 13h) ¥2 -9 | 12°79) 12°8 | 12:8) 12'°7 112-6) 12-5 | 12-6) 12.6)12°5) 12-5 13 °2 Peers eels (LA A 1 3) 2 Da De) 1 2) deed | 11°7 te O) LOLS 10-8 10°7'10°7'10°6/10°5!10°5|10°5/10°5|10°6|10°6| 10°6 11:1 10°1 | 10°0|10°1|10°0/10°0; 9:9! 9:9} 9°-9/10°0/10°0/10°1)| 10°1]10°1 10°3 12°3 | 12-0) 11°9) 11°9)| 11°8/11°-7)11°7/11°6|11°6/11°6/11°7|11°6/11°6 12:0 | | Summer / Uv / / vA / / 4 / 7 , / 4 Poet ele)! b2 40) 12°41 126) 125 | 12247) 22 °3./ 12-4) 12-4.) 12 °4)) 12 4 13°0 Det alee 7) 2-8) 12-8 | 12-6) V2) 1-9 | 12-0 112-0) 12-7 | 12-0) 12-0 12°9 Pee ier snl S45 | Pd 4 1 2 0 33) 3) 0 “A | 11°6/11°6|11°6 12% ages 2) eet LL -O VEL 22 | 14 -1),)) 10-9) 10:9) 10-9) 10-9) 11-0.) 10°9 11°5 10°2 §°8'10°'0/10°0| 10°22! 10°4)10°3| 10°0|10°1/10°0!10°0!10°0| 9°9 10°2 Meee eA b> To (LL 6 Ll 4) ite h | 12) de | 114) 12 | Li s2 11°0 PZeOmeueconeL ie 6u 15) 11-6) 1026) Wi -4) 11 38) 2°38) 11:3 | 11-4 11-4 11°3 11°9 Inclination as derived from Table VII. | Noon | 1 2 3 4] 5 6 7. | 8 | 9, | TOs iat at | Summer Means. i , t / , , , y 1 / , / y / +0°2 |—0'1 |—0:2 |—0°2 |—0°2 |—0°'1 |—0°3 |—0°5 |—0°4 |—0°4 |—0°3 |-O'4 |-—0°4 | Winter Means. / i vA / / / / / / 7 / /) / +0°4 1+0'2 |+0°1 00 0:0 |—O°1 }/—O°'1 |—O°'1 |—0O°2 |—O0°'2 |—0°2 |—O0°2 |—0°2 Annual Means. t / i / , / / i] / 4 ’ ’ ' +0°3 0:0 |—0°1 |—0°1 |} —0°1 |—O°1 |—0°2 |—0°3 |—0°3 |—0°3 |—0°3 |—0°3 |—0°3 the reading is above the mean. sot The National Physical Laboratory. APPENDIX: Ix. Mean Vauues, for the years specified, of the Magnetic Elements at Observatories whose Publications are received at the National Physical Laboratory | | | Hori- Vertical zontal wee Place. Latitude. | Longitude.) Year.| Declination. | Inclination. | Force. | ¢ GS CASH ee, | : Units. ees Pawlowsk.....| 59 41 N. | 30 29E.| 1898 | 0 30-3. 70 39-7 N. | °16522 | -47077 _| Katharinenburg | 56 49 N. | 60 388 E.| 1898 | 9 55-6 E. | 70 40-2 N. | -17802 | °50752 : 1894 7 39-7 FE. | 68 87-5 N. | “18572 | -47451 1895 7 43-8. | 68 35-5 N. | +18580 | -47390 | Knsan ........)| 55 47 N. | 49° 8E.\4 i906) 7 47-15. | 68 38-7 N. | 18605 | A730" 1897, 7 54-8 B. | 68 34-8 N. | 18616 | -47454. Copenhagen ...| 55 41 N. | 12 34E.| 1899 1015-8 W. 6840 N.| 17490 | -4478 1899, 18 17-7 W.| 68 51°8 N. | °17273 | *44677 | Stonyhurst ....| 53 51 N. | 2 28 W-!+ i900] 18 10:9 W.| 68 50°3 N. | 7ai2 |) 2aqa0m Hamburg......| 53 34N. | 10 3£E.| 1896 | 11 36-7 W.| 67 38-8 N. | -18061 | -43921 | Wilbelmshaven | 53 32 N. 8 9E.| 1899 | 12 31°9 W.| 67 45°0 N. | °18072 | 44173 Potsdam ......| 52 23N.| 18 4E.| 1899 10 0-7 W.| 66 33-3 N. | -18818 | -43392 | Irkutsk. . 52 16 N. | 104 16 H.| 1898 2 2°65. | 70 13-2 N. | -20137 | °55991 | de Bile(Utrecht) 52 5N.| 5 118.| 1898 | 13 59-1 W. — | | tede Kew. 51 28N. | 0 19W.| 1900 | 16 52-7 W.| 67 11°8 N. | -18428 | -43831 1899| 16 34-2 W.| 67 10°2 N. | 18419 | -48754 Grecnwich.....|5128N. | 0 0 1900| 16 29-0 W.| 67 8:5 N.| -18450 | -43764 _J 1899] 14 18-3 W. | 66 13-2 N. | -18988 | -42978 iedle(Brussels)| 50 46.N. | 421 E|) 3000] 14 13-6 W.| 66 9-6 N. [eases meee Falmouth .....| 50 9N.| 5 5W/. 1899 | 18 32-7 W.|-66 48-7. N. | -18663 | -43569 PraeUe) . is... 50 5N.| 14 25E.| 1899 9 11-9 W. — 119926 — ) St. Helier (Jer- | : | Bere cae. e490 12 Ni 2 5W.| 1900 | 16 59-7 W.| 65 45°5 N.| — = Pare St. Maur | | (Paris) . 48 49N.| 2 29E.| 1897 | 14 58-6 W.| 64 59 6 N. | -19717 | -42270 Vienna........| 48 15 N. | 16 21E.| 1898] 8 24:1 W.| = 20797 | — 0 Gyalla(Pesth) 47 53N.| 18 12E.| 1900] 7 28-8 W. = 21153) Odessa........| 46 26 N. | 30 46B.| 1898 | 4 41-5 W.| 62 30°5 N. | -22033 | -42341 Pola*.........| 44 52N.| 15 51E.| 1899 | 9 25-7 W. = -22135 | 38900 Nice ...:.....| 43 43 N.| 7 162H.| 1899 |12 4:0 W.| 6011-7 N. | -22390 | -39087 Toronto.......| 43 40 N. | 79 30W.| 1897 | 4 53-0 W. — | *16650 — Perpignan ..... 42 42N.| 2 53E.| 1897 | 13 51-3W.| 60 3°5 N. | -22440 | -38959 | Tiflis .........| 41 43.N. | 44 48H.| 1897| 159-0 E. | 55 48-3.N. | -25664 | -37770 Capodimonte ee ce | eg ne Naplen } 40 52N.| 1415E./4 1899] 915-3w.| — = =a Pp ae 1900} 9 10-2 W. — = ee Madrid .......| 40 25N.| 3 40W.| 1897 | 15 56°9 W. ae = = Coimbra.......| 40 12N. | 8 25W.| 1899 | 17 24-2 W.| 59 28-9 N. | -29724 | -38549 Washington ..| 3855N.| 77 4W.|1894| 3 39-9 W.| 70 34:3 N. | -19979 | -56646 | Lisbon......../ 38 43. N. | 9 9W-, 1900 | 17 18-0 W.| 57 54°8 N. | -23516 | °37484 |'Tokio.........| 835 41 N. | 189 45E./ 1897 | 4 29-9 W.| 49 2°8 N.| -29816 | -34856 * The vertical force is mean from months June to December only. Report on the Observatory Department. 445 APPENDIX la—continued. Hori. Vertical zontal Eon Latitude. | Longitude., Year.) Declination. | Inclination. | Force. Gas ‘ | | CSCS | Ticits. pe Ohantse eae | | | ie) / (e} d i | 1897; 2 18 45 53 -32799 | -33827 Zi-ka-wei ..... | See Ne L226 Re 1898| 19 45 48 32778 | -33720 avanma «as... | 20.8 N. 82 25 W.| 1898 10 52 30 *31166 40634: Hong Kong....| 22S oN. | 4 VOR: | 1s99 21. 31 29 °36676 "22465 Tacubaya.. 19 24 N. 99 12H.| 1895 45 44, 22 °33428 | °32764 Colaba(Bombay) 18 54 N. 72 49 H.| 1897 31 20 59 °37463 °14369 Manila.. | 14 85 N. | 120 58 H.| 1898 16 28 *37952 °11228 Batavia... 0:0.) (Gy Ik Se 106 49 K.| 1898 *36752 °21040 "29004 | °21735 20009) Weal *28966 | °21785 23873 | °33314 °2505 "0590 "23364 | °56050 1898 Maurits ....-| 20.68: 57 33 H.| 1898 Rio de Janeiroy | 22 558. | 43 11 W.| 1899 Melbourne.....| 37 508. | 144 58 H.| 1898 | 1896 Dar-es-salem*..| 6 49S. 39 18 E./< 1897 54 22 Orc OeaMmnmmeroosrowhw wo OU a NS) Wo) iN ay BOS DHWORTVE NEI BRARRP NIAAA AA ta A fea is HON HF OSAODKRMOAHOSOH nadadgnbrinh az (J8) (oP) Or S) 67 * Data for 1896 and 1897 are from absolute observations only. For 1898 use was made of the available magnetograph records. + Data from first three and last three months of year only. “ a - 7 ‘OOGL 10}. ,, SUBOTY Apanoyy », JO OWUNLYOA 94 UT noryeortpqud LOF popuozyUr sonyvA Wort dO [@r1S0]0L0040 FT oy4 Ve poyrduroo ud0q sey 9 qe} sit], TOW Ve Aas O} PooOnpoy x» P6Z- oe oe ceo eo £26.62 esos ee oo ee ee 9.0S 8.8P g.L1g G.0G eee 692: ze 18. | 616-62 Seon shoe Oseed i. ore) Oe - 6 9g L9G | &¢op | 2.00| 8.6P| 9.GP|°** ‘00q 848. | WV G 62 | GILG | ‘WOT 8ST | 188.08] 4hZ.62 i Chet i Raley ai “LY NOON] 6-69 | 29r | ZIP! 2-09] P.9p| °° “aon LOG. pe AOZe | TRE6S Tee | ACO rsoeg 2 9OL | 908 € 8 104 | 9:09 |-G-SP | Z2¢ | 2.08 "==" 490 A G cog ol lee 76S.62 ~ OL Gt | Se¢,06) 98.08) ~ , Gin le 26. OL |) 768 4| 6:69 c.G Re / Ora. G eee POS. “ 9 9 | OFZ.62 | ‘WVOT 0€ | J1P.0¢| 196-6¢| “ Te SOP Sr Si i) Se) POS SEo2 0:69) ONtor aes olny eS TO rer |'Wap @ | 919.62 NOON § | €8z.0€| 800-:0€| “ fF 8 C-SP y y 6L | ?7P-68 | 2-29,| $-2¢) 6.9L) 6.99|°** Ane Ce IGF OL 99€- | WV IT Go | [S7-66 | "WV ¢.0 T 896-08) 486-66; “ & & LOM | WapVElT ¢-98 | 6-09 | 1-69) €.89| 8.69) °° eune cal Laboratory. 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Uv IA] ‘SOMO XH OFN[OSq Ww ‘SOULI4X OFN[OSg y —Jo suvoy 10} OULOLY . “foJOTUOULLOY J, | ‘OO6T ete ‘ALOJVALOSYG MOY ‘oInssorg pure oingesrodwoy, Jo synsoy ApYQuOT! 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ST 6G 1G cs a 68 go 16 ) 49) GT Se US. emer eee eC as fl * oO ¢- Ol oe 6T ce | T LOL ies OTL ve L 81 98 9V PNA ES AINE Cece GLB AON Cee ces 0.00) Mag) ze |e | tet | es | 8 | 496 OF ie T POT (7! ey ene econ Bi | | 8s |e [eae ee ge 820 | Sit | 11 | #9 OF eal 9 BLT Oe eek aem one a cmmaniog S ee oe syOT | 9 88 Bion 96T STL | &T 96 & 1 (OCT INAS Rae aeons ars ecoee te AIL: S ioe 98 | 8 as Cameo cele ver | TL | 20. ot 69 SGC eae ate en rS OL ; Ione S p 6 O-IL | 2 98 Sp | 11 est Powe son ei. 2) er Lg OOAIST sar ye 8! ee oui peas ae T-It | 91 GS ‘96 ee O&T Gee ie CP @L 96 O.AGL atts: eR oer ea CRI ‘@ Dec) 26 GOr | @ PL 62 | GZ cal OOo él GL GV 0 S21 i ee oe ee ey a 66 | O08 P-OT | 8T Ol Le | 02 LOT 78 | 02 8T 6 G6 rS 18 pet egepe: © tae COL AY aS. 9-2r | 8 9 8g | 8I 66 GL | 16 PZ 8 0% STS: ie es eS SmI Ih i 86 ee VE ae |) ei V1 62 | 41 98 W3) | tel] oe 8 CIGOy see) ieee ore a ere = ee ee ‘sap | ‘sap ‘gop | ‘sep Tune Tey Tue 0) ‘O0GI = £ io ae : . = Sen eee |e eh | ees a Soe a ‘OUIYSUNS! sn 1000 my | Aqoojoa ‘Aqtoojoa | 4. ‘paooor | afqrssod bet : S ‘oye, Ayanoy | Ajanoy |:o9e%qy|qsomory “UBOTA |oVVCT | JSoysrpy| uUvopy |oywqy| ATrep Jo o0Ry é aa tsi ear | J80YVOL) | od BOA ysoyvaty | -ueo.ted aero | WO TAL WHOL | ‘SY JUO PY yl I@ OT} FO ‘punoas of} oO ong ea a atl PY) COHITTSeRATNTT qUOMOAOUL [eJUOZTHOFT | -ecoduroy wenIMUTTY s(t § UNS UL any OULSUNG JUL Lrg, ie -vrod 9} WAX TAL ef —— Ba, ame RS Es Aa ee H ‘ALOYATOSA() MOST ‘TTT 1q¥ J," SHOMVA.TOSq GO, [BOLG0]0.10040 J] OOOO | T report on the Observatory Department. 449 APPENDIX III —Table I. Register of principal Seismograph Disturbances. 1900. | | | | | | Maximum ae re | eet amplitude. Total ee a, | Duration First Second duration ew | ate. | ment of P.T’s.* : Sn Feerecli. ae | of P.Ts.¥ .T’s.* maximum. | maximum. of distur | | Secs. LLG Es | mm | | | | of arc. hie ghia m. dy eran he. am heme 200 | Jan. 5) LOVE 6 40 °2 20 eS 20) 5 1:0) | O285 | 1 742 207 PA 17 eye a 8°2 6 48°8 | 6 50°6 0°6 | 0°50 O 3l 209 5 20 646-2." | 10°38 7 24:6 2s 15°0 {12°60 3 12 226 |May 11 Wimsor 77 JOE 822086 — POG ml Ono 1 ho O mae 230 Petite | 9093-7 | -10-6 | 2b 1-8 | 21 3-8 | 1-2) 0-92 | “1 358 237 |June 21 ZO Ay-3 | 2653 LAGs9° | 21454. | 2-5 |) 173 3. 48 | 244 | July 29 | bA8ks 115305. Srowen 07 8239-310) OO sOkGs 3 ls Bag. )| Aug, 28 SO) a°2 Pass | 12037 Se lesen O LO? O 44 | ; 253 | Oct: 7 21°31 °2 ZO An eee 22) OC On ire 2 2a ZO ARSE Os 2 290 254 ei is) 12 34°7 13 °5 | LOOPS US CG) eS Onl GcOo 4 O Pogue 20"| 9 21-5 8-7 | 9 48:2 | 9 44-1 | 19-6 rd 6 300 257 | Nov. 5 Se 19°27 | 8 40-0 | == | OF-9) 0! GS ems eae 258 ie 2) 16 30°2 23-0 W Muto oorOs iat” SOcS 2 OO Les | 250 <6 9 18 38°5 DE Om Wel Sarna clk — Ocfe bP Ono2 Oo a2 262 9 Ne a A 9:6 | 8 47°8 at 275 | 1-87 | 27420 B 265 |Dec. 18| 23 37:0 PAS 224) aor We ha is |o-e7 | 1 a ego 5 | 5 16-4 G8 62k 1) tee tl 3s | 203 | 3 age | | | | * P.T.’s = preliminary tremors. The times recorded are G.M.T.; midnight = 0 or 24 hours. _ The figures given above are obtained from the photographic records of a Milne Horizontal Pendulum; they represent E—W displacements. : ry. to t v The National Physical Labore gai we 45 SIAR TAL [MOL GT | 1-98 | 28 | GG | 20-0 | $0 | OS; 9-0-| G1-[ 9P—) THB toyvodos oynutar “o's “Q's “IG | 960T Dano ee ey THN xO OinO | PaO.) We Geeloke Soe | aks bee | Gide | Ga pop entre etteceene ooreeomagis Hes Sag | eaguR 9.71 | @ 82 | 1.12 | 2h | 80-0 | 701 P+! GO+| F-$+| OPH! BPE ot, posmteyy,, 0's “Q's “I'g | 80Z8 0-97 | GLE | €.18 L-& | 90.0 Foi lier ste Ganka | sical faite Cm cetirin ene 1OAOL WOLAINOL yy “o's oosny “Vd LEORO Cem lta GRel Once | a0 | BOe0 | pad |) # | aS josnicey,, “o's “q's “ag | 29Gce HST | Pole: |cee0R | 8: OG. 0-| FeO) vr [OSULIGS ,, 'O°S a, PRT EN UG) 6.01 | g.00 | 22a | 28 | GOO | 0 | 1+) 80+) Z-O--| 8.0—-| G.O- fe josnarey,, “o's q's “0g | LoLL6 g.91 | 0.98 | 9-281 G9 | G0-0 | #01 8.F—| 1-1—| GE-| 6.e—| PRP-[O ee posnaey,, “ors q's wg | gees g.91 | 0. Ge | 9.¢2 | @¢ | G0-0! ¢-0 | 6-O—-| b+] 1-0-] 6-0-| BOK josey ,, “o's ad “Ig | OGgoL @.9, | 2281¢.1¢ | G¥ | 90-0] #0 | bO—-| 3 O+] 91+] FOF! BOK fr posnaaeyy,, “0's “q's UG | OST (Gy PMS | Pardo | EG MN Beso) Gre) | sie oa Vo eit {85 [ee in Yl elle Hees TORMIIBY,, “O'S “Q's “GS | Spool 6. 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I+ Sy ide Gataae ee ae Pekicecistte | TOSMILe Nn. bOrg “as ates dal a (Q=l| taxol) Coriell Ce (qj soeoee ro asa ydersouo.1yo borg Gages “rg SeLb+ 7.G-+ 9. t+ lene I.¢+ aesese tenets: DOSUOOROUOCOCOOUOETOOEEY 9 erat “ard BETS (HOI OoSsel Lose) Lo Wary) wal)th] Percrreeceecaucaane | Tay TTAMENTT oo COIS Sola! PAS Qn Geget ll) LAOrel CHOFE GOS |e eas i osminne Nie borg os Ho re B.S —| 9. S—| Ze PH) Fe | Out iat en eee enlnnancesieasecndanees ¢ Gag “ag “og io Ste Ho Mae 9.0+ (Oa | Fees |e DUCUUOOUOUOEE pie! Cad oes Z-0-— Re I+ Raa 1-0—| me = Pee eererenene CEP OS UUUE DS eas “O'g “q's UNIS, “SOS | ‘SO0S | "SOAS | ‘SOOS | ‘sodas oe ee eee eee ees ele) 8|s8 | 8 5 rane zi . (a) ‘=F i! ge) ts os ‘on ‘Sutids souvreq ‘yuoumodvosiy ‘oqzea A[tep uot “panuyuUoo—T 9[qe T, ——————— _ ee lh oa ‘YOIBVAL JO Toqumn yy Aq paysodap yore sy = 7 The National Physical Laboratory. ‘OOT—0 “SHIVUI [V}oy, 10 © ae 1d CO P< SF SS =! 2 020 oo oD I= | es ree [eg lars =F N — "oIn4y etd to TF, OvV—O “MOTJISO ST tGa\ oe “GA1Oqox -UOpuRyztLO Py 66 ‘AVTOK) “TT ee we ¢ , uopuory ‘uog pus YATUIG “¢ © © G2 © . caus Te COS) CON NAN | LOF POPLLMV SHIVA "* GAOT “GLoqoxy-UopuRzUO P| is ‘OF-F pur our, (6 66 i ‘ABO “TT * WOpuory ‘O09 pus TOUS (y 6, YT) oy, OF) pus Og ‘TOF MV IG ARTO) “TT TOG puB YQIULg *¢ uopuory “on pur “nog ‘aayyneyg “ss ** topuory ‘alo puv «zeys, "*** TOpuory “WOW Pus TATWIG “G "***tlopuory “uog pue YIU, “¢ ‘avok oy} SUTInp sayoyVA\ popvorpdwuoy Xq poysodacy Sey, ee ees rn i en a ey PCLT (saoyo pur) oo ore e ee oe ve oe oe ow 6¢ cc SGG6IL eo er oe oe oH oe ee oe oe oe oe Oe ee oe 13 cc &-O0G6T CC (T4 ce 960T eseenorvse ese tse sesewveseee@ eases es ee we doyeodoaar OFOUT]A) 6ZS09Z (orjousd But- tol) a a a 9T&Z eileuiealeare) ine: alle alre 66 ts a Ches 1s ae Oo or Oe oe 66 66 ¢¢ 99T8Z rreeeeessces TdeIGOUOITD Spuodes PUB OFNUITT POSIST Sa e@ece 66 ee ¢¢ 2 62PZ tee news rT rT 66 O8-OFT Jo 0n00 DO 66 66 6 SISI8T reeeeees Udviscuoryo spuoses yids pure aynurpy (spucoes 41s you) 82.86% vrees gcoqvodod oynutu pur ydeasouoryo oqnUuryy, G-OO6L LPO VOR On TVR or Ch URS at et eT eer yy ri tery ‘taqyvodou. OFNULUe pus ydeadouonjo spuores y1fds pue oynuryy - OOT-OSGTL O58) 050 1e. ¢ 5B. 0,19 (6) 8) 6) See eh eee 8 0) 58) 8 ee An OOD ee **T1lOOuL ayy jo sosvyyd TyTM “Iwpueyxo yengedaod puv ‘ro;vodoa Ydvasouoatypo spuodos q1pds puv oquurpy “TOC UN NY "TPOYM JO worydrtoseqy Aq pouresqo syavjpy SOU.STET 453 0- 94 E 3 9.LL : G- 08 z : G.08 Report on the Observatory Department. “Sy AVUL 12491 8- GL §- 91 6. é1 T- PL 0G— 0 "oIny -earod w19 J, L: GE &- SE 80S 9: 9€ OV—O “UOTIISO G- 08 ee ‘ : PROCS ICE he eee nates - 16-161 sonar eee . i Secs ee Sate WeCatO ae 8.6% ‘s*uopuoy ‘uog pus TAIL “g pe Oe P9E-O6L or—0 "u0Yy -C1IG A. kq poptsoda *TOQUIN NT IOF POpAVMB sy A SEY ie RS Cd ‘panurjuoo—TT o] qe, ea ae Sine ne o7 ee Pe oe oo oe ee ee oe oe oO ‘10zem Jo UOT4dILOSag *e@e © © 8 @ 6 oH ee oe ee 8 _, OIOUSBIU-UOHN, ,, ) 454 Mr. J. H. Jeans. “The Stability of a Spherical Nebula.” By J. H. JEAns, B.A., Scholar of Trinity College, and Isaac Newton Student in the University of Cambridge. Communicated by Professor G. H. Darwin, F.R.S. Received June 15,—Read June 20, 1901.. (Abstract. ) It is usual to take as the theoretical basis of the nebular hypothesis the established fact that the equilibrium of a rotating mass of liquid becomes unstable as soon as the rotation exceeds a certain critical value. The present paper attempts to examine whether it is justi- fiable to argue by analogy from the case of a liquid to that of a gaseous nebula, and it is found that, on the whole, this question must be answered in the negative. The paper is written with especial reference to a paper by Professor G. H. Darwin,* in which it is shown that a swarm of meteorites may, with certain limitations, be treated as a mass of gas. The result obtained for a gaseous nebula can accordingly be at once transferred to the case of a meteoric swarm. It appears that the main difference between the stability of a liquid and that of a gas, lies in the difference of the parts played by gravita- tion in the two cases. In the case of a liquid, gravitation is the factor which supplies the forces of restitution; in the case of a gas these forces are provided by the elasticity of the gas, while the influence of gravitation, for some vibrations at least, tends towards instability. It is shown, in the first place, that the principal vibrations of any ‘spherically symmetrical nebula can be classified into vibrations of forders! 0,01. en cn: 0 , where a vibration of order » is such that the radial displacement and the cubical dilatation at any point are each pro- portional to the same surface-harmonic 8, of order n. The case of a nebula which extends to infinity is then examined, -and it is shown that the stability depends solely upon the value of a function as defined by | Qrpr? Uo. = | cna pe US ‘where p, « are the density and elasticity of the gas at a distance r from the centre. Vibrations of zero order are of zero frequency ; vibrations -of order 7 (other than zero) become unstable as soon as uw, exceeds the value wu, = $n(n+1). Hence instability enters first through a vibration of order » = 1, and the nebula becomes unstable as soon as the value of u,, exceeds unity. It is found that for a non-rotating nebula in which the gas equations * © Phil. Trans,’ A, vol.180; po. The Stability of a Spherical Nebula. 455 are satisfied at every point, uw, = 1. Hence the stability or insta- bility of an actual nebula may be regarded as determined by the sign of the algebraical sum of a number of corrections. The signs of these corrections are as follows :— (i.) Rotation, however small, tends to instability. (ii.) If the nebula is in process of cooling, the configuration at any instant will not be strictly an equilibrium configuration ; the values of some quantities will lag behind their equilibrium values, and this “lag” tends to instability. (iii.) Viscosity does not influence the question of stability or in- stability. (iv.) A correction is required by the fact that the assumed gas equations cannot remain true for densities below a certain critical value. This can be seen to supply a factor which tends towards stability. We conclude that a nebula may become unstable for values of the rotation, which are quite small in comparison with those required in the case of a rotating fluid. The instability first enters through a vibration of frequency p = 0, the configuration at this instant corresponding to what Poincaré deseribes as a “ point of bifurcation.” The subsequent motion consists at first of a condensation of matter about one radius of the nebula, and a rarefaction about the opposite radius. In the later stages there is superimposed upon this a condensation about the axis formed by these two radii, and a rarefaction in the neighbourhood of the corresponding equator. This motion, it will be seen, strongly suggests the ultimate separation of the nebula into two nebule of unequal size, or, in other words, the ejection of a satellite. The influence of rotation in effecting instability will increase as the temperature decreases, and we can imagine the same nebula becoming unstable time after time as it cools, stability being regained each time after the ejection of a satellite. : If the rotation of the primary is large, the planes of the orbits of the satellites will be almost entirely determined by the direction of the axis of rotation ; for smaller values of the rotation other factors may come into play, so that there is theoretically no limit to the obliquity of the planes of the satellites. For instance, if a slowly rotating nebula, when near to the critical state of neutral equilibrium, is penetrated by a meteorite of sufficient size, the result will be the ejection of a satellite, of which the plane will almost entirely depend on the path of the disturbing meteorite. The same effect may be caused by the attraction of a distant mass, the plane of the satellite depending mainly upon the position or path of this mass. 456 Sir David Guill. “The Spectrum of 7 Argus.” By Sir Davin Gitn, Ke@ Bagi, F.R.S., H.M. Astronomer at the Cape. Received May 24,— Read June 6, 1901. [PLATE 4. | The star 7 Argus, as is well known, was for a short time almost the brightest star in the heavens. Between 1677 and 1870 its light fluctuated between magnitude 0 and 6°8, and, since the latter date has gradually faded from 6? to 7?—its magnitude at the present day. Soon after the McClean telescope was mounted, and by way of testing its performance, a plate was taken, with the object-glass prism of 84° refracting angle in front of the object glass, of the area of the sky surrounding 7 Argus. As this plate showed that 7 Argus had a very remarkable bright-line spectrum, an attempt was made to obtain a spectrograph with the slit spectroscope, together with a compatison spectrum. Within the past few weeks I have been engaged in measuring some of these experi- mental spectrograms—a work that other occupations had until now prevented me from undertaking. As the reductions of the measures show that the spectrum of » Argus closely resembles that of the Nova Aurige, it seems to be of considerable interest, in view of the appearance of Anderson’s new star in Perseus, to publish the present results, although in many respects they are not so complete as might otherwise be desirable. Thus I have no doubt that, by sacrificing the definition near Hy and by a longer focal setting and longer exposure, one could get a con- siderable extension of the spectrum in both directions with the objective prism, and, with the slit-spectroscope, obtain a good deter- mination of the velocity of the star in the line of sight by a much shorter exposure and with direct comparison of the brightest star-line with Hg. These further points may, however, remain for future investigation. The plate taken with the slit spectroscope is shown in fig. 1 (Plate 4). It was exposed as follows :— 1899. April 14...... Exposure 165 minutes. pat lh De ee ‘ 10 2 aay A Sint 5 150 ‘5 sath Taayene se a Ae Moualle Serie ss. oa ae ile uO cal The comparison spectrum of iron was obtained from a single brilliant spark between iron terminals connected with a powerful coil. and battery of Leyden jars immediately before the first day’s exposure. The Spectrum of n Argus. 457 Eleven selected iron lines were carefully measured with the Toepfer micrometer. A least-square solution with Hartmann’s formula gave ne Lee 2 Be th oh oles ROm ’ . (0) of which the residuals respectively were r. Resid. Xr. Resid. 4063°72...... — 0:03 4404°79...... —0:15 A (182 ee. — 0-02 4476°34...... 0-15 AVS 790. 2. 0-18 ADD O91 see 0°30 4143°85...... = 0°16 4872°25...... 0°35 4260°61...... — 0:06 TWEE OE Secor =0:18 4325°88...... — 0-10 In determining the wave-lengths of the lines in the spectrum of 7 Argus the above formula was not used, as the representation did not seem sufficiently exact nor could the whole spectrum be conveniently measured at once. The attached table shows the subdivisions of observation and com- putation. The above value of Ay was retained in the computations, but 7) and C were determined separately for each block. The means of the micrometer readings are corrected for the carefully determined errors of the screw. It will be noted that we get for the wave-lengths of the hydrogen lines the following results :— Observed. Known. K — O. He 4863°38 4861:49 — 1:89 H, 4343°71 4340°66 — 3°05 H 4105-08 4101°85 — 3°23 As there is no symmetry between the time of exposure of the plate to the iron flash and to the star-spectrum, we cannot suppose this displacement to be necessarily due to motion of the star; it is more probably due to change of temperature, &c., in the spectroscope. The wave-lengths given in the separate column are corrected for displace- ment so as to bring out the wave-lengths of the hydrogen and other lines at their true values. The wave-lengths of the corresponding bright lines in the spectrum of Nova Aurigz as observed at the Lick Observatory or Potsdam,* are given in the adjoining column, and the agreement is very remarkable. The photograph with the object-glass prism was taken in 1899, January 14, with an exposure of one hour. The star was trailed to and fro for 05 mm., the guiding being done by a neighbouring star viewed in the guiding telescope. The original negative is enlarged 5 diameters in the plate sent (fig. 2, Plate 4). * Scheiner’s (Frost) ‘ Astronomical Spectroscopy,’ p. 287. VOL. LXVIII. 2K 458 The wave-lengths given in the object-glass prism table were derived from careful measures which were converted into wave-lengths by The Spectrum of n Argus. Hartmann’s formula and the known wave-length of the hydrogen lines. The wave-lengths resulting from the object-glass prism are naturally far less reliable than those from the slit spectroscope. From the very exact agreement between the spectrum of 7 Argus and that of the Nova Aurigz, it appears that whatever the causes of the origin of the Nova in Auriga, very similar causes have probably produced the historical changes in the brightness of 7 Argus. Spectruin of 7 Argus. Measures from slit spectrograph. 63 °4193 54 °6904 54 °6896 54 °4117 47 °5260 | 47-1436 | 47 °1424 46 °3547 44 °1345 43 -4232 43 “1062 42-9005 42 °4178 41-9777 f 415002 | 41 +0769 40-0791 39 °7487 5 °B117 1127 7827 3631 Spectrum. | He 4957 °68 4630 °90 4630 °90 4622 °00 4415 °33 4404 °94 4404 °94 4383 °72 4325 °98 4308 °02 4299 -44 4294 °32 4282 °54 4271 °68 “67 65 *65 "52 “01 “72 84 wt) 4260 4250 4227 4219 4144 4118 4071 4063 Spectrum of y Argus. Table Micro- PN meter. 62°6624 | 4995-9 61-1187 |4863-38HB 59-3889 | 4815 °6 57°5872 | 4730°5 54°6871 | 4630°9 54°4070 | 4691-7 53-2965 | 4585-9 52-8596 | 4572-1 52-4900 | 4560-5 52-2008 | 4551-5 51°6428 | 4534-4 51°2971 | 4523-9 51-0199 | 4515-6 50°7851 | 4508°6 50°5527 | 4501-7 50-2154 | 4491°7 49°6058 | 4474-0 49°4519 | 4469-5 49 +1295 | 4460°1 48-9977 | 4456°5 48°7987 | 4448°9 48°5516 | 4444-0 473599 | 4416°3 45°4700 | 4360-7 45-1883 | 4353°3 448215 |4343°7] Hay — | 42-6890 | 4289°1 42°2246 | 4277-7 40 +8929 | 4245-8 40°4445 | 4935-3 34-5930 | 4108 of 34-4388 |4105 -08H8 Int. Xr Corected for displace- ment. 4 ° SS COWNNWNHHY HF FRPNHNWURNTWNNW BE: Correspond- ing bright eer lines in spec- x Neer ease Eman IGE (objective prism). Nova Aurige. P= Potsdam. L= Lick. | DN Int. A nn 5018 °2 2 P 4923 4924 *5 4 P 4862HB | 4861-49 40 a 4811-6 1 : 4727 °0 8) ior, 20: 4665-8 | 3 v. br. P 4628 4627 °6 8 P 4583 4583 °4 7 L 4570 a — P 4557 — — L 4549 4552 °2 =a P 4530 — — P 4520 4518°8 | v.v.b. L 4490 4487°7 | dak E AAT? | 2Adyo 0 ee | ae = P 4445 — —_ = 4441 °6 = P 4417 2 4414°0 — tte s 10 4395 °8 3 oes 4360 °3 1 L 4355 4354-5 20 : L 4340Hy | 4340-66 | 20 ae 4300 °9 4 : 4286 °0 10 dee 4275 °3 3 4242 °4. 7 4232 °2 of P 4176 4174°8 6 br. L 4166 P 4158 4164 °4 _— L&P WS | 4101:3| 8 — 4067 0 1 br = broad ; v. br. = very broad. ) x o QQ os ‘© 3S Se a © Q . A > & Sie, Gre: cS SH Studies in Visual Sensation. 459 CROONIAN LECTURE.—“ Studies in Visual Sensation.” By C. LioyD Morean, F-.R.S., Principal of University College, Bristol. Lecture delivered March 21, 1901,—MS. received March 25, 1901. Peculiar difficulties are encountered when any attempt is made to express the relative values of sensations in quantitative terms which shall make some approach to exactness. No doubt we commonly deal with the less and the more of sensation ; we say that a surface appears duller or brighter; but on what scale shall we determine with any precision how much the less, or by what amount the more? What is to be our unit of sensation in terms of which we can reckon our gains and our losses? At first sight it may seem reasonable to assume that the unit of sensation 1s that which corresponds to some definite and constant amount of physical stimulus or physiological excitation. And unquestionably we seem justified in asserting that under constant conditions, physical and physiological, a given amount of stimulus produces an amount of sensation which is constant in quantity. If it be not so the relation of stimulus to sensation is not a subject that is open to scientific investigation. But apart from the fact that there is some variation of sensitiveness among different individuals, and even in the same observer at different times, there are many familiar facts which show that the physical measurement of luminosity does not accord with the estimates we make of the brightness of the illu- minated surface. If a sheet of white paper be illuminated by a standard candle ataa given distance it appears of a given brightness ; if now the distance of the candle be doubled, the physical luminosity* is reduced to one-fourth. But it looks a good deal more than one- quarter as bright. Its brightness may not be even halved. Again, the physical luminosity of coloured paper, as measured by Sir Wm. Abney’s methods, does not give values which satisfy sensation. A blue with luminosity 9, as compared with white paper reckoned as 100, appears to have a brightness nearly half-way between black and white ; a red with luminosity 18 does not certainly appear twice as bright as the blue. Furthermore, it is well known that a series of equal incre- ments of stimulus does not produce a similar series of equal increments in sensation. This may readily be illustrated by means of a rotating disc. Ifa dise be prepared with equal sectors of black and white, the effect on the eye, when rotation is sufficiently rapid completely to extinguish flicker, is that of a uniform grey. But it is a grey so light as to be not far removed from white. We may assume that the physical luminosity of the surface is, since the sectors are equal, the arithmeti- cal mean between that of the white and that of the biack employed. 2K 2 mn re rer) 460 Mr. C. Lloyd Morgan. But the brightness or sensation-luminosity is certainly far removed from the arithmetical mean between that due to white and that pro- duced by black. The fact is, perhaps, even more clearly brought out if we divide a disc into eleven concentric areas of equal width, of which the inner is all white and the outer all black, while the inter- vening areas have sectors yiving a series of 10 per cent. increments of white. On setting such a disc in rotation a series of concentric grey rings is obtained. Now if the equal increments of stimulus produced equal increments of sensation, the ten steps leading from black to white should appear to be of equal value. But they appear to be of very unequal values. While the step from black to the darkest grey involves a large stride in sensation, seemingly almost half-way towards the white, that from white to the lightest grey is of no great amount. Nor is this difference materially altered by reversing the order of the rings. With steps proceeding from inner black to outer white their inequality for sensation is just as obvious. No doubt in reaching this conclusion we are dependent on the exercise of comparison and judgment. We must compare the value of the steps from ring to ring in order that we may perceive their inequality. But the inequality is not a property of the perception but of the visual sensations which are perceived to be separated by unequal intervals. We cannot investigate sensations at all without passing judgment upon them. It is fatal, however, to clear thinking to confuse the act of judgment with the sensory data on which such judgment is passed. It is noteworthy that the rings afforded by such a dise when in rapid rotation are not uniform in shade. Apart from the differences of luminosity for sensation between ring and ring, the shade of grey within any selected ring is not the same throughout its width. There is the same percentage of white stimulus throughout its breadth; but there is not the same brightness for the eye between its limiting boundaries. When the ring adjoins its lighter neighbour it appears distinctly darker than it does on that side which is in juxtaposition to its darker neighbour. This is unquestionably due to the effects of contrast, through the subjective influence of which each ring is differ- entiated in sensation, though there is no corresponding differentiation in the exciting stimulus. It is noteworthy, too, that this contrast effect is more marked in the darker rings than it is in the lighter rings. We have here a disturbing element, for which we must be prepared to make the necessary allowance. For the present, however, we may assume that, though introducing a factor which somewhat distracts the judgment, the disturbance is not sufficient to invalidate the con- clusion that equal, or approximately equal, increments of stimulus produce increments of brightness which differ widely in value. We may next endeavour to ascertain whether we cannot by experi- Studies rn Visual Sensation. 461 mental work obtain a series of rings which do afford approximately equal steps from black to white—of which any intervening ring appears to be of an intensity or shade which is the arithmetical mean between its neighbours on either side. This may be done by means of slit discs on Maxwell’s method, giving sectors which slide over each other so as to alter the relative proportions of the white and black. First a mid-grey may be found, which appears to give a half-way sen- sation between black and white ; then other greys, which appear to be arithmetical means between the mid-grey and black on the one hand, and on the other hand between the mid-grey and white. Thus by a series of careful adjustments rings may be obtained which enable the eye to pass from black to white by steps which are of approximately equal value for sensation. It is not, however, easy to judge of the exact equality of the sensa- tion increments. It is not easy, for example, to say what shade of grey stands just midway between black and white; and with four steps, even when one judges them to be approximately equal, one feels that there is equality with a subtle difference. ‘The step from black to dark grey may be substantially similar in value to that from light grey to white ; but it is not the same; and there is the disturbing element of contrast causing the rings to lack uniformity of shade. One feels that the method of rings giving equal sensation increments can only give a first approximation to a scale of sensation. For what they are worth, however, let us consider the results. Admitting that we have reached a first approximation towards an evenly graded series of sensations, we have at least advanced a stage towards the establishment of an arbitrary unit of sensation. We have obtained a scale or ladder from black to white. How shall we deal with it ? Let us term our black the zero of an arbitrary scale, and our white 100 per cent. We must realise, however, that our zero, which we term black, is simply a datum level from which to reckon. That which I employ is a dull black surface paper coated with black enamel. This gives a bright reflecting surface; but it is not clifficult so to arrange matters that the scanty light reflected to the eye from its sur- face is derived from black velvet‘or cloth hung in a dark corner. Still it is not, and it makes no pretence to be, absolute black. Let us assume that it is a very dark grey, and let that be our zero of stimulus and also our zero of sensation. So too at the other end of the scale. Our white paper affords an arbitrarily selected luminosity under given conditions of illumination, and we call it 100 per cent. of stimulus, corresponding to 100 per cent. of sensation. We have thus a per- centage scale—I repeat again a purely arbitrary percentage scale—for both stimulus and sensation, by means of which we can bring them into relation to each other within the assigned limits. Let us now compare the results we have so far obtained, stating 462 Mr. C. Lloyd Morgan. them in the terms afforded by the arbitrary scales. The percentages are as follows :— Sensation ......... Oo 295 BO iy Oa Stimulus... ......... 0 ee 20” Ot Bee Stated in this form, while the sensations are in arithmetical progres- sion there is at first sight no very definite series in the stimuli. But if we express the results in a somewhat different form the stimuli fall into an orderly sequence. The following figures give the zncrements of sensation and of stimulus :— Sensation 1.60.27, OP 2 ae 4°95 ED Ne Surmmulas 0) ee Cua Sia Ne Sp NM fale SL 100 | It is clear that the stimulus increments are here nearly in geo- metrical progression. And if we may base a purely provisional and empirical generalisation on so slender an experimental foundation, we may say that equal increments of sensation require increments of stimulus in geometrical progression. Such being the preliminary results obtained from a series of approxi- mately equal sensation steps, we may now, on the basis of our pro- visional generalisation, interpolate other points between those obtained by observation, and through them sweep a smoothed curve. And having done so, we can translate the curve on to a disc which shall give a continuous geometrical increase of stimulus from our zero black to our 100 per cent. of white. And this on rapid rotation should afford a smooth passage from black to white in sensation. There ought to be a perfectly even and uniform ascending slope of sensation from our zero black through progressively lightening shades of grey to our limit of 100 per cent. of white. Our mid-grey should lie just in the middle between the extremes. When the disc so prepared is set in rapid rotation, however, though there is a gentle shading from white into black, this shading is not uniform. There is a lack of balance. The mid-grey does not appear to be just half-way between black on the one hand and white on the other hand. It lies too near the black, and the shading is therefore too rapid from this mid-grey into black, not rapid enough in the opposite direction towards white. The appearance is not that of a uniform slope of sensation, but rather that of a gentle convex curve, the surface appearing slightly spherical. It may here be noted in passing that we have to be on our guard against the misleading effects of a so-called optical illusion. In our rotating disc we have to judge the position of the mid-grey, which should lie equidistant from the black and the white. But in a disc or a sector thereof there is a tendency to misjudge the distance, from the centre, of a circle which bisects the radii. The inequality of the areas tends to confuse the judgment as to distance, and the position where Studies in Visual Sensation. 463 the mid-grey should fall is apt to be placed too far from the centre. The position of the mid-grey is also apt to be misjudged according as we are shading from inner white to outer black or vice versd. In practice I endeavour to avoid these disturbing effects, first by constructing discs to shade both ways and taking the mean results, and, secondly, by dealing with a reflected image of a portion of the disc, from centre to circumference, in a slip mirror, 140 mm. long by 25 mm. wide, the edges of which may be graduated. It is easier to judge of the accu- racy of shading in such a band than in a complete disc. Making all allowances, however, for misjudgment of position in the mid-point, the smoothed curve drawn through the points experimentally deter- mined by the method of graded rings does not shade satisfactorily. Before attempting to indicate the probable cause of this discrepancy, it will be convenient to draw attention to the further experimental work which it suggests. If the smoothed curve we have so far obtained does not afford to the eye satisfactory shading, it obviously remains to determine what curve does give results in sensation which appeal to the judgment as approximately accurate. The shading of the disc which expresses the curve passing through 20 per cent. of white stimulus as the mid-point is so far satisfactory as to suggest that the curve is right in principle but faulty in its application. And a great number of experiments, which need not here be deseribed, convinced me that the introduction of + and — variations at different parts of such a curve, so as to alter its character, only serve to make matters worse and not better. It seems, therefore, that what requires alteration is the position of the mid-point of the curve, or in other words the value of the first of the series of smoothed steps, and that of the factor required to give a geometrical progression of stimulus increments. } It is easy to construct a curve on the same principle which shall pass through any desired mid-point, and to translate it into the answering curve ona disc. It being obvious that the required mid- point is less than 20 per cent., a series of discs were constructed in which the value of the mid-point ranged from 20 per cent. down to 10 per cent. By using these, I found that the mid-point for con- tinuous shading of white into black lies between 10 per cent. and 15 per cent. ; and by further experimental work, I found that 12 per cent. gives the best result for my eye under the conditions of daylight illumination which I employ. The accompanying figure shows the curve representing the relation of stimulus to sensation which is deduced from it. The firm line shows the curve passing through 12 per cent. as mid-point, the dotted line that passing through the points determined by means of the graded disc with grey rings. It here naturally suggests itself that the data obtained for the graded ring disc were erroneous, and that the discrepancy is due to 464 Mr. C. Lloyd Morgan. faulty observation. This can now be readily put to the test of further experiment. A ring disc can be constructed on the basis of the new curve. But this on rotation affords steps which are of very distinctly unequal value to the eye. ne | Leelee There is therefore a real discrepancy for sensation between the results obtained by the method of continuous shading, and those obtained by the method of graded steps. May it not be due to those effects of contrast to which attention has already been drawn? To test the validity of this suggestion attempts were made to get rid of the effects of contrast within each ring, and in doing so, to obtain a rough quantitative measure of these effects. We have seen that each ring appears too light on that side which adjoins a darker neighbour, too dark on the other border where it is in contact with a lighter neighbour. Either by increasing the amount of white stimulus on its darker side, or by decreasing that amount on its lighter side, the ring may be made to appear of uniform shade throughout. It was found that approximately the same proportional amount of white must be added at one border or subtracted at the other border to produce this result. Taking the step disc, which gives fairly equal sensation increments, Studies in Visual Sensation. 465 it was found that the three grey rings required very unequal amounts of proportional reduction in order to render them of uniform shade to the eye. As the mean of three sets of observations, the dark grey ring required 50 per cent. reduction of the white at its outer border ; the mid-grey ring 40 per cent.; the light-grey ring 25 per cent. These figures give only a rough and preliminary approximation to a quantitative estimate in terms of physical stimulation of the effects of contrast under certain conditions of illumination and for speeds of rotation sufficiently rapid completely to get rid of any flicker effect. If the illumination be materially reduced or if flicker occur, the contrast effects within the rings reappear. In other words, with reduced illumination or with that flicker effect which has recently been studied by Professor Sherrington,* a large proportional amount of reduction is required. The quantitative estimate of contrast and its physiological bearing, cannot here be further discussed. The markedly different effects in the several rings is sufficient to suggest that we have here a sufficient cause for the discrepancy between results obtained by the method of ring grading and those reached through continuous shading. For the present, however, I am not prepared to do more than suggest that the curve for continuous shading affords a more trustworthy scale for , comparing the relative values of stimulus and sensation than is afforded by graded rings which do not appear of uniform shades of grey throughout their width. I provisionally accept therefore the curve through 12 per cent. mid-point as a basis for further experi- mental work. I must here confess that in a previous papert I gave far too high a percentage for the mid-point. But the black I then used was not nearly so deep, the white was not quite so brilliant ; I failed to make due allowance for the so-called optical illusions before mentioned ; and, the worst error as I now see, I used ring grading as a check on continuous shading, not realising that the effects of contrast vitiated the results in the manner in which I have just attempted to indicate. I may now pass on to consider another fact which shows the import- ance of conducting observations in visual sensation under approxi- mately uniform conditions of illumination. Suppose that with a given illumination we have obtained even shading or fairly equal steps on a ring disc, and suppose that the illumination be then materially diminished. The one disc no longer gives even shading; the other no longer gives rings with equal sensation steps. Delbceuf{t drew atten- tion to this fact for discs with grey rings, and accounted for it by a somewhat far-fetched hypothesis of physiological tension. No such * ¢ Journal of Physiology,’ vol. 21, p. 33 (1897). + ‘Psychological Review,’ May 1900, p. 217 (vol. 7). { ‘Examen Critique de la Loi Psychophysique,’ 1883, pp. 147-48. 466 | Mr. C. Lloyd Morgan. hypothesis is, however, needed. The fact is a necessary corollary from the nature of the curve which brings stimulus and sensation into rela- tion with each other. This may best be illustrated by taking a some- what extreme case, and dealing only with the value of mid-grey. Let us suppose that 12 per cent. of white stimulus gives, under a given illumination, a sensation of approximately 50 per cent. on the arbitrary scale—that is to say, a sensation half-way between black and white. And let us further suppose that the illumination is reduced to one-half. What will be the effects in sensation? It’might at first sight be supposed that since the full-white was reduced by half, and the 12 per cent. for mid-grey also reduced by half, the sensations underwent a similar reduction. But further consideration shows that the two scales (that for stimulus and that for sensation) being unequally reduced, the position of the mid-point for sensation is necessarily shifted. eames ale tT of Teduced spate | | | | Reference to fig. 2 shows that 50 per cent. stimulus affords 83 per cent. sensation, and that 6 per cent. stimulus affords 36 per cent. sensa- tion. But 36 per cent. sensation is not the mid-point between 0 per cent. and 83 per cent. The mid-sensation will be 41:5 per cent., and this requires 8 per cent. of stimulus. Hence, for the given reduction of illumination an additional 2 per cent. of stimulus is required to Studies in Visual Sensation. 467 afford a mid-sensation between the black and the reduced value of the white. It is here assumed that the reduced illumination makes so small a difference in the black as to be inappreciable and practically negligible. Fortunately for experimental work a slight reduction of the illumina- tion makes but little difference in the mid-point for sensation. A reduction of the physical luminosity of the white paper by 15 per cent. only reduces the sensation it affords by 4 per cent., and the additional stimulus to be added to give the new mid-point is only 0°74 per cent. It may be pointed out that the general fact of the alteration of sensation values by changes in the illumination is quite familiar. An ill-lit engraving not only looks duller, but the relative intensities of the shading are not preserved. And the fact would probably be more noticeable were it not that we are daily accustomed to changes ot illumination of the same scene as the sun declines and sinks below the horizon. ; I shall return presently to the question of illumination so as to bring these facts into relation with the results of the further experimental work to be ere long described. If the provisional scale represented by the graphic curve gives an approximation to the relative values of stimulus and sensation, that is to say, of physical luminosity and apparent brightness to the eye, we may use it to interpret the facts which I mentioned at the outset with regard to the physical illumination of a surface of white paper and its apparent brightness. Let us suppose that with standard illumination the luminosity of the surface is 64, the corresponding value for sensa- tion in terms of brightness is 89. If now the physical luminosity is reduced to one-fourth, it will have the value 64 + 4 = 16, the corresponding value of which is, for sensation, 56. One-quarter the illumination thus affords about two-thirds the brightness, which is pretty well in accordance with the testimony of sensation. The 9 per cent. luminosity of blue gives a sensation-luminosity or brightness of 44 per cent., and the 18 per cent. luminosity of red a brightness of 59 per cent. These again accord very fairly with the verdict of the eye. Having now obtained a fairly even shading from white into black, colours were next dealt with. Coloured papers were employed, and no attempt was made to obtain colours with any approach to spectral purity. Continuous shading will alone be considered for comparison with that of black into white. The curves for five colours on black were experimentally determined and plotted. The early work was purely empirical. Plus and minus alterations at different parts of the extent of each curve were introduced until the eye was satisfied that there was an approximately even shading from black into the colour under investigation. But when it was found that in each case for eet Se Pt ae et en ye ee mene ay ene tree er eee ey 468 Mr. C. Lloyd Morgan. equal increments of sensation increments of colour stimulus in geometrical progression were required, further work was based on the assumption that this empirical generalisation is trustworthy. For convenience of plotting an arbitrary percentage scale was used in each case, so that the curves merely represent the percentages of red, blue, or other stimulus which give equal increments of colour sensation between black and the unmodified colour reckoned as 100. The curves being constructed on similar principles, they are sufficiently indicated by reference to their mid-points, that is, to the stimulus which affords 50 per cent. of colour sensation. The following table gives the results for five colours :— Mid-point. Light yellow on black......... 13°5 per cent. of yellow stimulus. Weaee on black © .2-c..20 205 18-0 > Of Ofanee eee Light blue on black............ 19-0 5, of light blue stimulus. Hed son lack) o a0). ay ae 23°0 as of red stimulus. Rol ble on Wack hese 28:0 i of blue stimulus. Two cases were also taken so as to afford the even sensational shading of white into colour. The results obtained were as follows :— Mid-point. Wihiteson Tull pines... e..5 25 per cent. of white. Ms AST Rye lath we us do 30 _ of red. And three cases were taken so as to obtain even shading from one colour into another—for example, red into blue through intervening tints of purple—with the following results :— Mid-point. Orange on full blue 2.77... 36 per cent. of orange. Yellow on light blue ~.....2_0/.. 40 of yellow. ed on Tull’ pitie!! 22. Se 44 fs of red. The fact that in all these ten sets of experimental results, a curve is obtained based on the principle that equal increments of sensation require increments of stimulus in geometrical progression, materially broadens the empirical generalisation based on the observation work for the shading of white into black. Can we not, however, bring the results yet further into line and express them all as portions of a single curve exhibiting the relation of visual stimulus to visual sensation ? It is well known—largely through the valuable work of Sir Wm. Abney—that the luminosity of any colour may be measured by matching it with a grey.* Ihave thus determined the luminosity of my coloured papers in terms of greys produced by sectors of the black * See Abney, ‘ Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 67, No. 436, p. 118. awe Hs yr ais <= Cl Studies i Vasivcil Sensation. 469 and white employed for continuous dine. In other words, their physical luminosity was assigned in terms of the arbitrary scale. The approximate means of forty observations are given in each case, the variations from the mean ranging from + — 1 per cent. for full blue to + — 3 per cent. for yellow. The following table gives these approximate means—the brightness or sensation luminosity being taken from the black-white curve through 12 per cent. mid-point, which affords our scale of sensation. Physical Sensation luminosity. luminosity. tulle j.05 2052 9 per cent. white 44-0 per cent. Bred iar die) w) ak eve. 18 sy t 59-0 “ iret blue. |..4-:. 30 mh . 71:0 A Oranige {oe}. 35 ES - TAD 5s Wielilowiie esd se. ie MF Ay 92-0 f: The values so determined are indicated on the accompanying graphic representation of the black-white curve. Fie. 3. es Biue 50% St. 71% It is now an easy matter to compare the portions of the curve limited by any determined luminosities, with the whole curves 470) Mr. C. Lloyd Morgan. obtained by directly experimental methods. That portion of the curve, for example, which lies between black and the luminosity point for red may be compared with the curve for red on black, and similarly the remaining portion of the curve with that for white on red. We have to deal with the parts of the graph blocked off by dotted lines in fig. 4. For convenience of comparison these are in the following table converted into mid-point percentages. I B Mid-point Percentages. | Luminosity Method i method. of shading. Vellow’on black ..cc2...:.1. 13-8 135 | Oranee onvblack <3. 37.2 = 18°6 18-0 j Light blue on black......... 19-7 19-0 ; Hed Ondblaphs Matec. sip ee: 23°6 23-0 Hulls blac on black << 3742. 29°5 28-0 White ‘on full blue '.2-02. 24-7 25:0 White on red 32.0258 30°6 30:0 Orange'on tull-binem.e | 30°4 36-0 Yellow on light blue ...... 39°] 40-0 Redon full blue. cer. 43:0 44-0 | paw : | ii Studies in Visual Sensation. | ATI If these results be accepted as giving a sufficiently close agreement it follows, first, that for colour shading the percentages or stimulus required are dependent on the physical luminosity of the colours employed, and secondly that all the data obtained by the method of shading can be plotted on a single curve which exhibits the relation of stimulus to sensation in visual impressions. It also tollows that if the intensity of illumination of a disc for white-black shading be so reduced as to lower its luminosity to that, say, of orange under full illumination, the mid-point value will be the same as that for orange on black. Iam instituting experiments to test the accuracy of this result; but they are at present incomplete. Incomplete too are experiments on the method of least perceivable difference. I find that under certain conditions of illumination and at a given distance from the eye, the amount of white necessary to give a just observable grey ring on a black disc is approximately 0-1 per cent., while under the same conditions the amount of black necessary to give a just observable grey ring on a white disc is approximately 1-1 per cent. I believe, thongh I cannot assert with confidence, that the least perceivable amounts of white on an intervening series of greys are such as to give a geometrical series. But I find this method of least perceivable increments of sensation—lying though it does at the very basis of so much psychophysical work in the past—far from easy of application, since the required increments are small, and since it is difficult to say what is just perceivable. The extremes I have quoted indicate a geometrical series of 240 stages, with a mid-point of nearly 23 per cent. of white—which is nearer the results with the ring dises than those obtained by continuous shading. I have also attempted to check the foregoing luminosity determina- tions by finding the least perceivable amount of coloured paper on a black disc. On the assumption that the amount required is inversely proportional to the luminosity, the results obtained are not very different from those above given. But since I do not regard these results as comparable in accuracy to those obtained on Sir Wm. Abney’s method, I do not think it necessary to quote them here. I have now described the experimental work on which a purely arbitrary scale of visual sensation in relation to the exciting stimuli is based. Itis mainly founded on an appeal to my own eye, which is fairly normal with regard to colour sensation. Unquestionably it depends on the personal equation. But I have now only to determine the luminosities of any coloured surfaces, and I can by reference to the scale construct a disc which shall give without further experimental work an even shading of the one into the other. For example, I had not experimentally determined the mid-point for the shading of light blue and orange. By calculation the mid-point should be 48-9 per A72 Mr. C. Lloyd Morgan. cent. == = | N (sa) ba lt) F G IRON. SOC. IF70C., VOU. Coy IHG O.- p K ScHUNCK. accompanying Chlorophyll and their Spectroscopic Relations. 479 and the fourth to intensify in the crude solution, together with its effect upon the alcoholic portion and chrysophyll, is in accordance with the view that it is a mixture of the two. I also think the action of acid upon the spectrum of the alcoholic portion explains the origin of the fourth band in the crude solution and its appearance in the later CS, fractions, and conclude that it is due to the colouring matter giving the changed spectrum, and formed from the alcoholic portion, either spontaneously or by the action of the acid juices during or after extraction, and that its variability in intensity depends upon the amount of this colouring matter formed. If there be but little acid present, or if means be taken to neutralise it during extraction, then the band will appear, but faint, and in some cases perhaps absent. The green colour assumed by the crude solution is no doubt due to the formation of the peacock-blue colouring matter, which, mixed with the yellow chrysophyll, causes the solution to appear green. From the above experiments I was evidently in the wrong in the former investigation in considering that the four-banded spectrum exhibited by the crude solution of the xanthophylls represented a single colouring matter, to which I restricted the name Xanthophyll, and think now the right interpretation is that this spectrum is due to a mixture of colouring matters, the chief constituent of which I have been led to believe from the above facts is Chrysophyll, the only member so far of the accompanying yellow colouring matters, I believe, that is obtainable in a crystalline form. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. (The solvent in every case is Alcohol.) PLATE. 5. Xanthophylls obtained from an extract of Ficus Repens in the month of February :— A. (1) The first CS, fraction. (2) The thirteenth and final fraction. (3) The alcoholic portion, showing in this experiment four distinct bar ds. (4) The above + HCl, in this experiment showing a distinct fourth band. B. Some of the CS, fractions in alcohol :— (1) The first; (2) the second; (3) the fifth; (4) the seventh; (5) the ninth. C. (1) The first CS, fraction. (2) The crude solution of the xanthophylls. (3) A mixture of the first CS. fraction and the alcoholic portion. (4) The alcoholic portion. D. Comparison of — (1) The first CS, fraction. (2) Chrysophyll. ’ (3) The crude solution of the xanthophylls in which the fourth band in this instance is faint. VMOk LXVILL. 2M a TE ee aoe oe = SSS 480 abi CAD aw aller: PLATE 6. KE. Xanthophylls obtained from an extract of Ficus Repens in the month of May :— (1) Chrysophyll obtained from the crude solution of the xanthophylls. (2) Crude solution of the xanthophylls. 'b: (3) A mixture of chrysophyll and the alcoholic portion. (4 and 5) The alcoholic portion of different strengths, showing a slight obscuration. F. Xanthophylls obtained from an extract of Ficus Repens in the month of December :— (1) Crude solution of the xanthophylls ; a case in which the fourth band is almost, if not, absent. (2 and 3) The alcoholic portion of different strengths. This is the usual appearance of this spectrum, showing the bands more or less obscured. (4) The alcoholic portion after standing a little time, the spectrum being the same as that produced immediately by the action of HCl. ; G. The action of HCI on the xanthophylls :— (1) The first CS, fraction. (2) The first CS, fraction + HCl. (3) Crude solution of the xanthophylls. (4) Crude solution of the xanthophylls + HCl. (5) Alcoholic portion (F — 2) + HCl. “On Skin Currents—Part I. The Frog’s Skin.” By Avucustus D. Water, M:D., F.R.S. Received May 29,—Read June 6, Os The principal object of the following observations was to investigate in the case of skin an electrical reaction by which it is in general possible to determine whether an animal or vegetable tissue is alive or dead.* A side issue raised in connection with the general inquiry was whether or no the test is applicable to the human body; this obviously led to a detailed study of skin effects upon man and upon animals. In the case of the frog, previous observations on skin currents are numerous and conflicting; but in so far as my present theme is con- cerned, the results have come out with the utmost regularity and quite clear of any suspicion of physical fallacy. In the case of man, the question has proved to be less simple, and although it is easy to dis- tinguish between an assuredly living and an assuredly dead piece of skin, it is far from easy in doubtful cases to make sure that the skin is completely dead. The difficulty is caused by polarisation currents * “Roy. Soc. Proc.,’ vol. 68, p. 79. References to previous papers are given there—p. 92. On Skin Currents. A481 with or against a reaction of low E.M.F., and is not eluded as easily as might have been anticipated by the use of alternating currents. Thus, e.g., while it is easy to assure oneself that a healthy skin may survive for at least a week, one may not feel assured that it is absolutely dead at that time; and in the case of skin obtained from the post-mortem room 24 hours after death, while one may be quite sure that a given skin is still alive, one may not be so sure that another skin is com- pletely dead. | For these reasons I have preferred in the present communication to describe only the very clear and easily demonstrated results of direct excitation of the frog’s skin. And in connection with those clear and regular results, I take the opportunity of describing the more variable and debateable results of the indirect excitation of the same skin through nervous channels. MrtTHop.—The method by direct excitation is as has been previously described and figured in the case of a vegetable tissue,* a piece of frog’s skin laid on a perforated glass or ebonite plate in place of the seed between the unpolarisable electrodes, which serve for the exciting Galvanomeler A 8 Object of Examination current and subsequently for the excited current. or the purposes of the description to follow, the skin is to be pictured as if with its superior or external surface A directed upwards, in which case a current from the internal surface B to the external surface A, or an “ outgoing” current is ascending or positive, and an “ingoing” current from A to B descending or negative. Excitation was made by single induction shocks, by series of alternating induction shocks, and by condenser discharges. The direction of exciting currents was always determined, the effects of polarisation were tested for, the electrodes in particular being always examined for polarisation, “anomalous” or positive, as well as ordinary or negative. PA Oe Ws loecit.. Paoe ho. E 2M 2 482 Dr. A. D. Waller. To obtain the effects of indirect excitation two kinds of nerve-skin preparation were used—(1) That of Roeber* and of Engelmann,7 consisting of the sciatic nerve, knee, and skin of leg; (2) that of Hermann,{ consisting of spinal column and skin of back. In the case of indirect excitation, the response was observed during and after excitation. In the case of direct excitation, the accidental skin-current was exactly compensated, and the skin was excited while the galvanometer was short-circuited ; the galvanometer was put into circuit between 1 and 2 seconds after excitation. RESULTS.—1. The normal current is negative (ingoing). It regu- larly increases during the first 15 to 30 minutes after the skin is put upon the electrodes. The ordinary value of its E.M.F. is from 0°01 to 0°10 volt, e.g.— Voltage of Time. current. O min. — 0°0010 10s. — 0-0080 20 -,, — 0:°0265 3 | Ue — 0°0330 A lively skin gives greater current than a poor skin. Nevertheless, the former may, at the outset, exhibit a small current by reason of a positive (outgoing) effect due to manipulation. The latter gradually subsides, and negative current therefore gradually augments. 2. The normal response to direct excitation is positive (outgoing). The excitation may be mechanical or electrical, by a condenser dis- charge or by an induction shock, in a positive or in a negative direction. The response is greater and smaller with stronger and weaker exci- tation. The initial positive frequently gives place to a subsequent negative phase, or a positive interrupted by a negative phase may be witnessed. In such cases comparatively weak excitations were used. With strong excitation the positive response is very persistent, and there is a marked “ deflection-remainder.” The positive response to negative excitation generally exceeds the positive response to positive excitation. Tetanising currents of alternated direction give positive response. The response to a single break shock exceeds that to the corre- sponding make shock with the ordinary arrangement of an induction coil. The response exhibits the phenomena of summation and of fatigue. It is abolished at bemperanues above +45° or below — 6° and by mercuric chloride. * Roeber, ‘Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv,’ p. 635. 1869. + Engelmann, ‘ Pfliiger’s Archiv,’ vol. 6, p. 127. 1872. + Hermann; ‘ Pfliiger’s Archiv,’ vol. 17, p. 292. 1878. On Skin Currents. 483 ee 4000 10 20 50 min. A B A, outgoing response to outgoing excitation (outer surface kathodie) ; B, outgoing response to ingoing excitation (outer surface anodic). The outgoing response, B, is preceded by a brief ingoing effect, homodrome with the exciting current. The excitation is by single break induction currents, 1000 +, 1000 —, 5000 +, 5000 —. 10 20 MLNSIO Polyphasic effect of direct excitation. Out—in—out. Response of this type. is infrequent. The usual effect (or after-effect) is a strong or predominant outgoing effect, as shown in preceding figure. Influence of Raised Temperature upon Direct Response of Frog’s Skin. Time. Temp. Tetan. 1000+. | Tetan. 1000 —. | O minus. 20° + 0°0260 + 0 °0230 AOS ;° 30° + 0 °0260 + 0 °02380 50s, 40° + 0 0020 + 0 0005 5D. 4, 45° + trace — trace | | 484 Dr: ALD; Waller: Influence of Lowered Temperature upon Direct Response of Frog’s Skin. Time. Temp. Rema Tetan. 1000+.) Tetan. 1000—. current. a mins 18° —0°03 ~ + 0014.2 +0 °0083 ~~ 10s +0 0125 +0°0085 0° —0°01 + 0:0075 + 0 0085 20 is, — 2° +0 -0042 +0 -0060 —4° + 0°0028 + 0 °0035 —6° [spontaneous +0 ‘0035 } 60 ,, —6° —0:‘00 +0 °0015 — 0 :0010* — 6° —0 -0005 +0 0005 © * To single break shocks 10,000 + and 10,000 —. to 1000 + and —. There was no response Note.—At —6° there was a sudden positive deflection, of electromotive sdurce and not due to any sudden alteration of resistance, presumably indicative of excitation at the instant of congelation. The signs + and — as regards tetanisation by alternating induction currents, refer to the direction of the break shock. ‘Thus 1000 + signifies 1000 units of Berne scale, break shock outgoing (and make shock ingoing) through the skin, With a dead skin, the deflections due to polarisation are in the direction of the break current, presumably by reason of superior polarisation by makes over breaks. (Cf. ‘ Proc. Physiol. Soc.,’ November 12, 1898.) With skin in this state, strong single shocks give rise to the ordinary polarisation counter currents, On Skin Currents. 4895 ‘. Some Data regarding Magnitudes of Effects of Direct Electrical Excitation of Frog’s Skin. 7 (Interval between Excitation and Galvanometer Closure = 2 Secs.) Excitation. Response. 1. Break induction current.... 100 + + 0 :0050 vol. 100— +0:0010 ,, 1000 + +0°0550_,, 1000— +0°0850 ,, 10,000 + +9:0700 ,, 10,000 — +0-0900__,, 2. Break _,, ee oo COON: : +0 0380 ,, 1000 — | +0°0420 ., 5000 + + 0°0260__,, 5000 — +0 0320 _,, 3. Make j is ene LOCO +0 0045 __,, 1000 — +0°0015 __,, Break f Oe cM 1000 + +0°0140__,, 1000 -- +0°0160 _,, 4, Make ee Ree 500 + nil 500 — nil Break er So Sunes 500 + +0:0085_,, 500 — 00135 Make a SP (ust LOCO-4 +0°0150 ,, 1000 — +0:°0065_,, Break 4 fa easy phOOO +0°0370 _,, cases ~~ --7000 = +0:°0500 ,, 5. Condenser dis- 8 volts 1 mF. + (= 640 ergs) +0:0100 _,, charge 53 » 7 +0:°0100 ,, 8 volts 0°11 mF. + (= 64 ergs) +0°0015__,, i) 39 ae 49 +0 “0008 N.B.—The + sign signifies outgoing direction, the — sign ingoing direction. 3. The electrical response to indirect excitation of the nerve of a nerve-skin preparation is of three types— I, Positive or outgoing. TeeNiied ae Positive interrupted by negative. (0.) Negative followed by positive. III. Negative or ingoing. I have in no one instance witnessed the three types upon the same preparation, and may not therefore definitely say that they form three progressive stages. Nevertheless, I regard a positive response of type I as being the most normal, it having presented itself with the best preparations; and type III as the most enduring, it having exhibited least decline in consequence of repeated stimulation. I 486 7 Dr AMD. Waller. have seen a response, positive at first, give place to a negative effect ; and in the case of a mixed response of type II, I have seen a decreasing positive phase with an increasing negative phase. The entire series of responses is strongly suggestive of the theory that each effect is an algebraic sum of two opposite effects. The positive effect by indirect excitation through nerve is less enduring than the negative effect. A second is always much smaller than a first positive effect. Skin giving a mixed or a negative effect by indirect excitation has nearly always given a pure positive effect in response to direct excita- tion of whatever direction. 4. The interval of time between excitation of nerve and electrical response of skin is about 2 seconds. . Volt -005 -004 — -003 — ‘002 - “OO! — 505€CS. ; Telan: 1000 Electrical response of skin of frog’s leg to tetanic excitation of the sciatic nerve. (N.B.—The response is ingoing, i.e., ‘‘ Hermann’s variation.’’) 5. The electrical conductivity of the skin is greatly augmented by direct excitation. This point is not in itself very remarkable since the alteration might be simply due to electrolysis. But the physiological origin of the change is indicated by the fact that dead skin similarly excited exhibits little or no change and by the fact that 6. The electrical conductivity of skin is greatly augmented by indirect excitation through nerve. On Skin Currents. 487 Influence of Excitation of Nerve upon Electrical Resistance of the Skin. E Resistance before Resistance after Xp. bt Sits excitation. excitation. 1 2500 ohms 1000 ohms 2 2800 ,, 1400 ,, 3 2500 1500 _,, 4, 4300 _,, 2400 ,, 5 3000 _,, 3000 _,, 6 4000 ,, 1300 ,, 7 3900 ., 1200 _,, Note.—In all except the 5th experiment, excitation of the nerve gave a large positive response. In the 5th experiment, there was no response and no diminu- tion of resistance. 7. Atropine injected into the dorsal lymph sac has not in my hands abolished the electrical response of the skin produced by excitation of nerve. But by direct application to the skin the effect of such excita- tion has been promptly abolished. There has at such time been no perceptible alteration of the positive response to direct excitation in either direction. Such direct positive response has been promptly abolished by pencilling the external surface of the skin with a solu- tion of mercuric chloride. In several instances the skin, before ceasing to respond altogether, has manifested a small negative response to both directions of excitation. The reaction is rapidly abolished by HgCl, solution of decimolecular strength, more gradually but com- pletely abolished by HgCl, a = (2°7 per 1000). Prolonged (§ hour) soakage of the skin in a freshly made 1 per cent. solution of atropine sulphate has produced diminution of the direct response—not much more marked, however, than may sometimes be observed after soakage in normal saline. 8. The electrical response of the skin to direct electrical excitation is at or near its external surface. This fact is indicated by the result of pencilling with mercuric chloride solution, and conclusively demonstrated by the following experiments :— Excitation of the skin through A and B, subsequent lead-off to galva- nometer A andC. A large after-effect is witnessed, from A to C 488 Dr. A. D. Waller. through the galvanometer, whatever had been the direction of the exciting current—-i.c., with A previously anodic or previously kathodic. On repeating the experiment, with lead-off through B and C there is little or no effect. The results are independent of the position of C, which may be transferred to the lower surface without altering them. The inefficacious combination B C is at once rendered efficacious by transferring B to the upper surface. (It is of course understood that any accidental current between A and C and B and C is compensated before each excitation.) The experiment may be further varied in several ways, of which the most obvious is that in which all three electrodes are external or internal. With external exciting electrodes A and B and subsequent effects led off from AC and BC, the direction of deflections indicates current in the skin from C to A and from C to B, .¢., outgoing in A and B respectively, for both directions of excitation Ato BorBto A. With internal exciting electrodes and the same (moderately strong) excita- tion there is little or no effect between C and A, or C and B, or even A and B. Conclusion.—The two facts that I consider to be of principal im- portance as regards the further study of skin-phenomena are— 1. That the normal current of the unexcited skin is ingoing. 2. That the normal response of the excited skin is outgoing. The hypothesis or figment in accordance with which these facts may be understood, or at least remembered, can be expressed as follows :— In a passive mass of living (animal) matter acted upon by its environ- ment, there must be greater chemical change at any external point of its surface than at any internal point of its mass, and therefore an ingoing current. In an active mass of living (animal) matter giving out energy to the environment, chemical change must be. greater within the mass than at the surface, and therefore an outgoing current. In the passive state any point of the surface is electro-posi- tive to any point of the interior; in the active state internal points become less electronegative or actually electropositive in relation to the external surface. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE. Normal Current, or Current of est.—Du Bois-Reymond,* in connection * with his investigation of muscle currents, was the first to definitely - * © Thierische Elektricitaét,’ 1854-57, passim. - 7 On Skin Currents. 489 state that the normal current of the frog’s skin is directed from with- out inwards. All subsequent observers have confirmed this point. Indirect Excitation.—Roeber,* acting upon a suggestion of Rosenthal, was the first to make nerve-skin preparations of the sciatic nerve and skin of the leg, and to show that excitation of the sciatic nerve gave rise to an electromotive variation of the skin. He observed in the great majority of instances “a negative variation of the gland currents in consequence of non-electrical as well as of electrical excitation of the sciatic nerve.” He mentions as an exceptional phenomenon, p. 644, a positive variation of the normal current. Engelmann,t using the same method, comes to a similar conclusion, viz., that the usual effect of indirect excitation is negative variation of an ingoing current. He gives measurements of the effect (p. 130), from which may be gathered that a good response in his hands had the value 0025 Daniell. The latent period is given as being from 4 to 4 seconds. He describes the course of the variation as being very usually triphasic (— + —), which in the terminology used in the present communication reads + — +. He considers that skin currents are ‘‘ myogenic,” the effects of de muscular investment of skin glands. He studies with particular care the influence upon the currents of variations in moisture of the skin, (imbibition and concentration currents), Hermannt{ contradicts Engelmann’s theory, and, to a certain extent his statement of fact as regards the action current. He gives the usual and principal effect as being a positive variation of the normal current. Usual ~ jp ngelinanh : + Outgoing. wceplional es =_ Exceptiona = Hermann 1 Usual + | Ingoing. He states, however, that such positive variation is sometimes preceded by a negative effect, and that, in rare cases, a pure positive effect is * Du Bois-Reymond, ‘ Archiv,’ 1869, p. 633. + ‘ Pfltiger’s Archiv,’ vol. 6, p. 97, 1872. f ‘ Pfliger’s Archiv,’ vol. 17, p. 291, 1878. 490 Dr. A. D. Waller. observable. The opposition between Engelmann’s and Hermann’s state- ments is therefore not absolute enough to justify the statement that Kngelmann’s variation is negative and Hermann’s positive. The difference of statement is one of degree only, Engelmann having been more prominently impressed by the outgoing phase, Hermann by the ingoing phase. Hermann considers that the chief (ingoing) phase is due to glandular activity, while the preliminary outgoing phase is due to a short circuiting, vid gland ducts, of an epithelial current of action attributable to keratinisation. Bach and Oehler,* under Hermann’s guidance, observed that super- ficial cauterisation of the skin with saturated solution of HgCl, abolishes the normal current, and leaves the action current intact. Hermann’s view is that normal current depends upon epithelial investment as well as upon glandular epithelium, whereas action currents through nerve stimulation depend upon glands. | Bayliss and Bradford,t employing Hermann’s nerve-skin preparation, found Hermann’s variation (ingoing) during January, Engelmann’s variation (outgoing) during March. Their attention was particularly attracted during the last three months of the year to a triphasic character of variation — + — (or, according to the terminology of the present communication, + — +). Direct Excitation of the Skin.—The first mention of definite direct excitation of the skin is to be found in Engelmann’s paper of 1872.{ Strong induction shocks were passed through the electrodes applied to opposite surfaces of the skin. Compensation of its current was previously established, the galvano- meter was cut out of circuit during excitation, and the effect upon the skin was observed immediately afterwards. The direction of excitation was not distinguished. Biedermann§ approaches the question from the general standpoint of Hering’s theory of opposite movements, dissimilation and assimilation, employs more particularly the frog’s tongue, finds that during direct tetanisation (tongue and galvanometer in series) the response of the living tongue may be either positive or negative according to circum- stances, the principal of these being temperature and moisture. Bohlen,|| under Biedermann’s guidance, studied the gastric mucosa, i.¢., one epithelial layer in place of two, as in the case of the tongue, and obtained results confirmatory of Biedermann’s. Reid{i and Reid and Tolput,** using the skin of the eel, found that * © Pfliiger’s Archiv, vol. 22, p. 30, 1880. + ‘Jour. of Physiology,’ vol. 7, p, 217, 1886. t ‘ Pfliiger’s Archiv,’ vol. 6, p. 136. § ‘ Pfliiger’s Archiv,’ vol. 54, p. 209, 1893. || ‘Pfluger’s Archiv,’ vol. 57, p. 97, 1894. @ ‘Phil. Trans.,’ B, 1893, p. 359. ** ‘Jour. of Physiology,’ vol. 16, p. 217, 1894. On Skin Currents. 49] mechanical excitation and electrical excitation by induction shocks in either direction caused ingoing effects, occasionally preceded by out- going effects. Waller* finds that the normal and regular response of the frog’s skin to any sort of disturbance—mechanical, chemical, or electrical— consists in a positive (outgoing) current. | Volt "05 AANA O 10 cor JO mits. Frog’s skin. Summation of effects of direct excitation. Compensation is established at the outset of experiment, and left unaltered during its progress. The first deflection is that of 1/100th volt. The next is a trial deflection in response -to a single break shock, 1000 +. The subsequent effects are by single break shocks, 2000 —, at 2 minute intervals. At each excitation the galvanometer is short-circuited for about 2 seconds, and the deflection there- fore drops. The summating series of positive (outgoing) effects approximate towards a maximum of about 0°03 volt. * ‘Proc. Physiol. Soc.,’ 1900. 49? Dr. A. D. Waller. | 4 5 6 ? Frog atropinised by repeated injections into the dorsal lymph-sac of a 1 per cent. fresh solution of atropine sulphate. Ist nerve-skin preparation put up 2 hours later. Initial skin-current = — 0:0030: volt. Tetanisation of sciatic nerve by Berne coil at 1000 units for 15 seconds at intervals of 10 minutes. Series of ingoing effects. AUN) oo ob one onods 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 min. Effects. — 0:0040, 0°0020, 0°0015, 0:0013, 0°0011, 0:0011, 0:0010 volt. In the first three responses of the upper line the galvanometer was shunted ; in the next four responses of the lower line the galvanometer was unshunted. Response of Frog’s Skin to Indirect Excitation. 0 / 2 5 mits. Type I.—Outgoing or positive response. 493 On Skin Currents. 3 MUMS. G mn q je) 2. Mn © 4 » e& om] c= mM [e) 2 H fo) to} 9) fos “4 iS) SD ~ is) ql ae {o>) (eh PP a WenS. é Type II.—Mixed response. 494 On Skin Currents. Vole Q — 0-050 —- 0:035 i — 0-040 = Os oe eee Type II. es Renee O / (a WMS. 5 Type III.—Ingoing or negative response. Virulence of Desiccated Tubercular Sputum. 495 “Virulence of Desiccated Tubercular Sputum.” By Haroip SWITHINBANK. Communicated by Sir JAMES CRICHTON Browne, F.R.S. Received May 31,—Read June 20, 1901. In the spring of 1900 two plots of a superficial area of 44 sq. feet each were carefully partitioned off in the experiment house with close mesh-wire netting, and laid down with closely cropped lawn turf, which quickly grew into an even sward. On the 16th day of May following, the grass of these two plots having been cut as short as possible (not exceeding a length from the ground surface of one-quarter to one-half of an inch), the two plots were watered evenly with 4 gallons of water, in which had been incor- porated 3 pints of disintegrated tubercular sputum from the Brompton Consumption Hospital, 2 gallons being distributed over the grass of each plot by means of an ordinary watering can with a rose spout. The plots were then left for fourteen days under the following con- ditions, being designated respectively as Plot ““T A” and Plot “T B,” that is to say :— 3 Plot ‘“T A” was exposed during the whole of the fourteen days to all climatic influences, including the direct rays of the sun between the hours of 10 AM. and 6pm. The weather was exceptionally dry and fine. Plot ‘‘'T B” was for the same period exposed to the same conditions as the above, with the exception of the sun’s rays, from which it was carefully shielded. On the 30th May the aOwse animals were turned down to feed upon the two plots :— (Plot <3.A.77 Plot Be’ Two rabbits. Three rabbits. Three guinea-pigs. Three guinea-pigs. These animals were marked as follows :— Rabbit T 2. Both fore-paws red. Rabbit T 1. Right fore-paw red. Rabbit T 3. Left fore-paw red. Rabbit T 4. Red nose. Guinea-pig T 6. Right hind-paw red. Rabbit T 5. Blue nose. Guinea-pig T 7. Right hind-paw blue. Guinea-pigT 9. Right fore-paw red. Guinea-pig T 8. Left hind-paw blue. Guinea-pig T 10. Both fore-paws red. Guinea-pig T 11. Right fore-paw blue. The short grass on the plots was quickly eaten down, when the ground became completely bare and, owing to drought and the scratching of the rabbits, covered with a layer of fine dust. The animals were then fed upon moistened bran, contained in dishes, and greenstuff thrown upon the ground. The two tables marked “A” and “B” respectively, and attached VOL. LXVIII. 2N 496 Mr. H. Swithinbank. hereto, show the general effect of the treatment upon each individual animal, Fuller details of the post-mortem results were given on separate sheets. Plot “ A.” 5 abe Distinctive Killed or Summary of post-mortem Animal. No. wel and a Asie : | Rabbit ..... T.2 | Two fore- | Killed after | Tuberculous. Disease chiefly paws red 6 weeks,| confined to respiratory sys- 21.7.1900 tem. Abundant tubercle | in lung structure. Bacilli | found in abundance. Rabbit ....) T3 | Left fore- | Died after | Tuberculous. Infection limi- | paw red 10 weeks,| ted almost entirely to res- [ 13.8.1900 piratory organs. Lungs | crowded with tubercle— (‘an exaggerated form of |} miliary tubercle.” G.T.B.). ! Bacilli found in abundance. Guinea-pig | T6 | Right hind-| Died after | Exact cause of death unknown | paw red 12 days, —apparently over-feeding. | 11.6.1900 Too early to show sign of tubercle. Guinea-pig | T7 | Right hind-| Died after | Generalised tuberculosis. | paw blue 14 weeks,; Specially marked in respi- 4..9.1900 ratory system and_ liver. | Lungs crowded with tuber- | cular deposit. Liver enor- mously enlarged, the an- | terior portion of lobes con- | solidated and caseous. Ba- cilli found in abundance. Guinea-pig | 8 | Left hind-| Killed after | Generalised tuberculosis. paw blue 15 week:, Lungs one mass of tubercu- 13.9.1900 lous areas, calcareous and caseating. Pharyngeal glands enlarged and calca- reous. Pleura covered with tuberculous patches. Spleen | ditto. Caseating nodule on pyloric orifice. Occasional | nodules on peritoneum and | mesentery, but not so mark- | ed. Lymphatic glands of splenic omentum enorm- ously enlarged and caseous. Virulence of Desiccated Tubercular Sputum. 497 “Plot B.” . | Distinctive Killed or Summary of post-mortem anal ne. marks. died. results. Rabbit ....| T1 | Right fore- | Died after | Generalised tuberculosis. | pawred |, 25 days. Specially marked in respi- 23.6.1900 ratory system. Lungs | crowded with tuberculous areas, distributed equally through the organ. | Rabbit ....| T4 | Red nose... Killed. Tuberculous. Abundant tu- 4..10.1900 bercle in lung structure. Glands of fauces much en- larged and tuberculous. Bacilli found in abundance. Rabbit ....| T5 | Blue nose .. | Killed. Tuberculous. Lungs crowded | 410.1900 with miliary tubercles. Kidneys much enlarged, and | covered with tuberculous nodules. Bacilli found in abundance. —_ Guinea-pig | T9 | Right fore- Killed. Tuberculous. Disease not pawred..| 4.10.1900 marked, and confined wholly to rare tubercles in lung structure. JBacilli found, but in small numbers. Guinea-pig | T 10 | Both fore- Killed. Non-tuberculous. Organs all paws red 410.1900 healthy. Guinea-pig | T11 | Righ fore- Killed. Non-tuberculous. All organs paw blue | 4.10.1900 healthy with exception of lungs. These much con- gested and patchy, but no perceptible tubercle. No | bacilli found. From the above it will be seen that, eliminating one guinea-pig which died at an early stage of the experiment from other causes, 80 per cent. of the experimental animals were found at death to be suffering from tuberculosis in a very marked degree, and although in most cases this was generalised, yet in all it was the respiratory system in which the disease was most marked. ‘The state of many of these was described by Sir George Brown (to whom I am very greatly indebted for the kind and unfailing aid he has given me in checking and supervising the results of every post-mortem) as extraordinary, and the specimens preserved will show to what an extent these organs were affected. Two animals alone remained unaffected, and these were found quite free from tubercle when killed at the end of five months from the date 2N 2 498 Mr. H. Swithinbank. fect of Exposure to of the commencement of the experiment. I can only attribute this immunity to a very high degree of natural resistance which at times is met with in all experimental animals, and which we are compelled to allow for. Highteen animals were born during the course of the experiment, at intervals of 4, 5, 9, and 13 weeks, all of whose parents subsequently were found to be tuberculous. These were killed and examined at intervals, and in not one of them was there evidence of tuberculosis. It would therefore be not unreasonable to suppose that, although desiccation for a period of fourteen days proved insufficient to destroy, under these conditions, the virulence of the sputum, yet this was accomplished at some point between this and four weeks. What this point is, a further experiment on similar lines when sufficient sunlight is available, will be necessary to elucidate. I propose to carry this out in the early summer of next year. “Effect of Exposure to Liquid Air upon the Vitality and Viru- lence of the Bacillus Tuberculosis.” By H. SwWITHINBANK. Communicated by Sir JAMES CRICHTON Browne, F.RB.S. Received June 11,—Read June 20, 1901. A series of experiments carried out early in the year 1900 with the object of testing the effect of the temperature of liquid air upon the vitality and virulence of the bacillus tuberculosis produced results which, although in complete accord as far as the question of vitality was concerned with those arrived at by Professor Macfadyen in the carefully planned experiments reported to the Royal Society on the 1st February and the 5th April, 1900, raised some doubt in my mind as to whether the abnormally low temperature, continued for a lengthened period, might not have some modifying effect upon the- virulence of the organism. I decided therefore, in the month of January of this year, to put the question to the test of an experi- ment which I hoped would be conclusive. The questions to be solved appeared to me to be— | 1. Whether exposure for varying periods to the temperature of liquid air had any effect upon the vitality of the bacillus tuberculosis. 2. Whether such exposure in any way modified its virulence. 3. Whether time was a factor in the question. 4, Whether, as is the case at the higher end of the thermometric scale, successive alternations of temperature had any special effect. 5. Whether actual contact* with liquid air, if obtainable, produced any special results. * The word “ contact’? is used throughout, but it is doubtful whether actual Liquid Air upon the Bacillus Tuberculosis. 499 The experiments, which were carried out in duplicate, lasted over a period of five months, and I am greatly indebted to Dr. Debrand, of the Pasteur Institute, not only for his general supervision of the experimental animals; but also for his kindness in making the autopsy of one complete series as a control. | A special strain of tubercle, isolated from a human cervical gland, was used for the purpose of inoculations. Sub-cultures of this were made upon potato, and the raclage from these was used throughout the whole series of experiments. This was enclosed in specially made tubes, and submitted to the influence of liquid air as follows* :— Tubes A. Six hours continuous exposure to liquid air, without contact. Tubes B. Twelve hours’ exposure, without contact. Tubes C. Twenty-four hours’ exposure, without contact. Tubes D. Twenty-four hours’ exposure with contact, the tubes remaining filled with liquid air during the whole period. Tubes E. Forty-eight hours’ exposure, without contact. Tubes F. One hundred and forty-four hours’ exposure, without contact. Tubes G. One week’s exposure, without contact. Tubes H. Six weeks’ exposure, without contact. Tubes K. Six weeks’ exposure with contact, the tubes remaining filled with liquid air duriug the whole period. To test the question of successive alternations of temperature :— Tubes L. Six alternate exposures of one hour each during twelve | hours to the temperature of liquid air and that of 15° C. Tubes M. Three alternate exposures as above, followed by six hours continuous exposure to liquid air. Tubes O. Controls. The effect of the above treatment, judged by the result of the subcutaneous inoculation of the guinea-pig with an emulsion made from the contents of one of each series of the above tubes, will be shown by the following table. Thirty animals in all were inoculated, and 4 ¢.c. of the emulsion was used in each case. : The question of vitality was tested by making sub-cultures from the tubes after exposure. With the exception of those tubes exposed to alternations of temperature, no difficulty was found in obtaining a luxuriant growth. contact is possible. Given that a cell contains a large proportion of water, it is questionable whether the admission of liquid air to the tube containing the organisms would not give rise to the immediate formation around each individual cell of a thin coating of ice which would effectually protect the cell contents from any specific action the liquid air might possibly have upon them. * The temperature of liquid air may be taken at —193° C., the actual tempera- ture to which the organisms were exposed as —186° C. 500 Mr. H. Swithinbank. fect of Exposure to Results of Subcutaneous Inoculation into the Guinea-pig of 4 c.c. of an Emulsion in Broth of Contents of Tubes treated as above. Teast: Animal Tubes. died or | After Precis of post-mortem results. ae al dele: —————————— —— — —_—_—_ A. |Six hours| killed |100days; Tubercular. Deep inguinal glands much without enlarged and caseous. Liver enor- contact mously enlarged and studded with well-marked tubercles. Spieen much enlarged and crowded with tubercle. Peri-bronchial glands enlarged and calcareous. Mesenteric glands en- larged, and in some cases caseating. Tubercle bacilli found. B. | Twelve killed |100days| Tubercular. Glands of left inguinal hours region much enlarged and filled with without caseous matter. Liver congested and contact permeated throughout with minute tubercles. Spleen ditto. Rare tuber- cles in lung structure. Peri-bronchial glands enlarged, hard, and in some cases caseating. Tubercle bacilli found. C. Twenty- died 95days| Tubercular. Deep inguinal glands en- four ormously enlarged and caseous. Liver hours hypertrophied and full of tubercle. without Spleen enormously enlarged and contact crowded with tubercles. Lungs a mass of minute tubercles. Tubercle bacilli found. four enlarged gland the size of a pea, hard hours and filled with caseous matter. Retro- with con- peritoneal glands enlarged and caseous. tact Liver studded with tubercles. Gland at hilus of liver the size of small hari- cot and filled with cheesy pus. Spleen of normal size, but studded with mi- nute tubercles. Peri-bronchial glands enlarged. Lungs studded with minute | D. Twenty- killed |100days| Tubercular. In left inguinal region an | | tubercles. Tubercle bacilli found. E. | Forty- killed |100days| Tubercular. Subcutaneous abscess at eight seat of inoculation. Inguinal glands hours slightly enlarged. Liver congested, contact Spleen permeated with minute tuber- cles. Caseating nodule on hilus of liver. Lungs covered with tubercu- lous patches. Large caseating nodule on superior surface of thorax. Peri- bronchial glands enlarged and caseat- ing. Tubercle bacilli found. without patchy, and crowded with tubercle. F, |144hours| died 78days| Tubercular. Inguinal glands _ enor- mously enlarged and caseating. Liver Liquid Air upon the Bacillus Tuberculosis. o01 meat Animal Tubes ree died or | After Precis of post-mortem results. ees killed studded throughout with innumerable tubercles. Spleen enormous, and crammed with tubercle bacilli. Lungs one mass of tubercle. G. | One week | died 97days| Tubercular. Much emaciated. Group without | of hard calcareous glands in right in- contact guinal region. Ditto in left. Retro- peritoneai glands enlarged, hard, and ealcareous. Liver studded with mi-- nute tubercles. Lungs amass of mili- ary tubercle. Peri-bronchial glands much enlarged. Mesenteric glands enlarged and caseating. Tubercle bacilli found. H. | Forty-two} died 94 days Tubercular.* Inguinal glands enlarged, days hard and calcareous. Retro-periton- without eal glands ditto. Liver much enlarged contact and markedly tuberculous. Spleen enormously enlarged and crowded with tubercles the size of a millet seed. Lungs crowded with tubercles ranging in size from that of a small pin’s head to that of a mustard seed. In sub- maxillary region a group of six en- larged glands the size of a haricot, together with several smaller ones, all hard and calcareous. Mesenteric glands enlarged, but not so seriously affected as other organs. Tubercle | bacilli found. K. Forty-two} killed | 94days| Tubercular.* At seat of inoculation a | days large caseating nodule the size of a with con- haricot. Liver enormously enlarged, tact friable, and permeated throughout with minute tubercles. Spleen much enlarged and crammed with minute tubercles. Lungs crowded with tuber- cles ranging in size from that of a millet seed to that of a grain of rice. Peri- bronchial glands enlarged and caseat- ing. Mesenteric glands but slightly affected. ‘Tubercle bacilli found. L. Alternate | killed | 100 days Animal very well nourished and in ex- exposure cellent condition. A small calcareous as above nodule at seat of inoculation. Spleen to room sightly enlarged. A few minute tempera- tubercles in lung structure, but rare. ture and | Peri-bronchial glands slightly en- extreme larged. Tubercle bacilli found, but cold with difficulty. * 'The emuision used for inoculation of these two animals was of much greater density than that employed in other cases. 502 Lffect of Exposure to Iiguid Air upon B. Tuberculosis. | Anima! Tubes. ween: died or | After Precis of post-mortem results. Beat | cals d) 100 days} No evidence of tubercle found in animal | of English series. In that of French series a few minute tubercles were found in lung structure. M. | Alternate | killed exposure as above to room tempera- ture and extreme cold The control animals (inoculated from Tubes O) died after a period of 42, 54, 56, and 63 days, respectively, the autopsy of these showing marked tuberculosis, affecting almost every organ of the body. The series of animals, of which the autopsy was made at the Pasteur Institute, gave results in every way corroborative of those detailed above. It should be noted: 1. That the control animals succumbed to the disease at a much earlier date than those inoculated with the exposed material, seven of these latter being still living on the 100th day from the commencement of the experiment. The sole exception to this is guinea-pig 13 G, inoculated with material exposed for one week, which died on the thirty-third day. 2. That the time of exposure appeared to make no difference, the animals inoculated with material exposed for forty-two days showing at death tuberculous lesions as pronounced as those in which the material was exposed for the shortest period. 3. That no difference could be traced in the virulence of the material exposed to contact with liquid air. 4. That in animals inoculated with material which had been - subjected to alternate exposures, it was difficult to find evidence of tubercle. It was only after very careful. search that some small tuberculous lesions could be discovered. To sum up the results of the experiment, it would appear then— 1. That simple exposure to the temperature of liquid air has little or no effect upon the bacillus tuberculosis as far as vitality is concerned. 7 2. That its virulence is to some degree modified, but not destroyed, by such exposure, even if it be continued for a lengthened period. 3. That length of exposure is not a factor in the question. 4, That actual immersion in liquid air has no special effect upon the organism, nor does it produce results in any way differing from simple exposure to the temperature obtained by it. 5. That successive alternations of extreme cold and normal tem- Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, &c., in the Magnetic Field. 503 perature have a decidedly destructive effect upon the vitality and virulence of the organism. I am very greatly indebted to Professor Dewar, F.R.S., not only for a constant supply of liquid air, but also for many valuable sug- gestions given me during the course of the experiment, and my cordial thanks are due to Dr. Roux and the officials of the Pasteur Institute for the facilities given me at that Institution for carrying out the necessary inoculations. “On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, Carbonic-oxide-hemo- globin, Methemoglobin, and certain of their Derivatives, in the Magnetic Field, with a Preliminary Note on the EHlec- trolysis of the Hemoglobin Compounds.” By ARTHUR GamGEE, M.D., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Physiology in the Owens College, Victoria University. Received and Read, June 20, 1901. 1. The Observations of Faraday and Pliicker on the Diamagnetic Properties of the Blood. In the course of his investigations on magnetism and diamagnetism, read before the Royal Society in the year 1845, Faraday* found that, notwithstanding the iron which its colouring matter contains, the blood is a diamagnetic liquid. ‘I was much impressed,” he remarked, “by the fact that blood was not magnetic, nor any of the specimens tried of red muscular fibre of beef or mutton. This was the more striking, because, as will be seen hereafter, iron is always and in almost all states magnetic. But in respect to this point it may be observed that the ordinary magnetic property of matter and this new property are in their efforts opposed to each other; and that when this pro- perty is strong it may overcome a very slight degree of ordinary magnetic force, just as also a certain amount of magnetic property may oppose and effectually hide the presence of this force.” + Faraday further found the blood to behave like all the constituent tissues of animal bodies which he investigated, and was led to state that “if a man could be suspended with sufficient delicacy, after the manner of Dufay, and placed in the magnetic field, he would point equatorially ; * “On New Magnetic Actions and on the Magnetic Condition of all Matter,” ‘Phil. Trans.,’ 1846, part 1. ft Faraday’s ‘Experimental Researches in Electricity, vol. 3 (1845), p. 36, para. 2285. 504 Prof. A. Gamgee. On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, for all the substances of which he is formed, including the blood, possess this property.” * De la Rive and Brunner,7 later, suspending a bound-up frog between the poles of an electro-magnet, observed it to assume an equatorial position, thus realising Faraday’s prediction that a complex animal organism must be diamagnetic in accordance with the properties of its constituent tissues and of the water which enters so largely into their composition. Shortly after the publication of Faraday’s researches on dia- magnetism, Professor Pliicker,t of Bonn, in a well-known paper, which appeared in 1848, after describing the characteristic behaviour of magnetic and diamagnetic liquids contained in watch-glasses placed upon and between the poles of powerful electro-magnets, gave the results of his observations on the diamagnetic properties of the blood. He not only confirmed, by experimenting on the blood of the frog, of man, and of the ox, the accuracy of Faraday’s statements, but, by employing the microscope in his observations, he was able to show that the blood corpuscles are more strongly diamagnetic than the liquid in which they float.§ 2. Objects of the Present Investigation. At a time when all facts bearing on the physical properties and the chemical relations and structure of the blood-colouring matter are rightly claiming the attention of many of the leading workers in physiological chemistry, it appeared to me very desirable to examine the magnetic properties of the crystalline blood-colouring matter itself, in the condition of utmost available purity, and, whatever the results might be, to extend the inquiry to its leading iron-containing deriva- tives. * Faraday’s ‘Hxperimental Researches in Electricity, vol. 3, p. 36 (2281). + De la Rive and Brunnevr’s researches are only known to me at second hand from the account given of them in Valentin’s ‘Grundriss der Physiologie’ (4 Auflage, 1855, p. 507), where an engraving is reproduced in which a bound-up frog is shown placed between the poles of an electro-magnet. t Plucker, ‘Experimenteile Untersuchungen tiber die Wirkung der Magnete auf gasférmige und tropfbare Flissigkeiten.’ Refer to the heading ‘“ Uber das magnetische und diamagnetische Verhalten der tropfbarfliissigen Kérper,” in ‘ Pog- gendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie,’ vol. 73, 1848, p. 575, para. 49. § In 1874, Dr. R. C. Shettle, in a paper read before the Royal Society (‘ Roy. Soc. Proe.,’ vol. 28, 1875, pp. 116—120), gave the results of experiments which had led him to the conclusion that arterial blood is paramagnetic as compared with venous blood, which is diamagnetic, the assumed difference in magnetic behaviour being explained by the author as due to the paramagnetic properties of the oxygen absorbed by venous blood. In reference to these statements, the only observation which I have to make, on the basis of my own work, is that they are entirely erroneous. Carbonic-oxide-hemoglobin, &e., in the Magnetic Field. 505 Although Faraday had shown that the blood is diamagnetic, and Pliicker that the blood corpuscles are more decidedly diamagnetic than the liquid in which they float, it was yet conceivable, though improba- ble, that the iron-containing hemoglobin would prove to be a feebly magnetic body, of which the true magnetic behaviour was concealed by the substances with which it is associated in the blood corpuscles. Whether hemoglobin proved to be magnetic or diamagnetic, it obviously would be of great interest to examine the magnetic pro- perties of the iron-containing substances which the blocd-colouring matter yields when it is decomposed by acids in the presence of oxygen, and in the event of a difference between the magnetic beha- viour of the mother-substance and its derivatives, to push the inquiry in a direction likely to lead to the discovery of the cause of the discrepancy. In pursuance of such an object I have been led to inquire whether the pure blood-colouring matter in aqueous solution is an electrolyte, and having discovered that it is one, to examine the results of its electrolysis. On this part of my inquiry the statements which | have to make in this paper are strictly preliminary, and, except in the first most interesting particular that oxy-hemoglobin and CO-hemo- globin separate in the first instance unchanged from their aqueous solutions when these are subjected to very feeble currents, are to be considered as liable to correction by future more extended work. 3. The Llectro-magnet employed in the present Research. The electro-magnet employed was constructed by Ladd many years ago, and is sufficiently powerful to be employed for observations on the rotation of the plane of polarisation of light. I had it fitted with an accurately closing glass case and with adequate arrangements for the proper suspension of the bodies under examination. I am not possessed of instruments which would enable me to determine directly the strength of the magnetic field employed in my several sets of experiments. The Rev. F. J. JervisSmith, F.R.S., Millard Lecturer in Hxperimental Mechanics in the University of Oxford, to whom I had the pleasure of showing my experiments, had the great kindness to make careful measurements of the coils, and has practically recon- structed an electro-magnet similar in dimensions to mine, with the same windings, and of which the iron core derived from a similar instrument, made by Ladd, was probably identical in properties to that in my electro-magnet. Using Professor Rowland’s method for determining the field, he obtained the following results :— Intensity of the earth’s horizontal magnetic component at Oxford = "UF itey ; Distance between faces of pole pieces, 3 cm. 506 Prof. A. Gamgee. On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, Magnetic Field Current in Amperes. a Ee! Ean 2 °4 516 3°3 700 4,2 870 Probably it is safe as an approximate estimate to assume that my field was about 1000 C.G.S. units with a current of 5 amperes. All the fundamental experiments on the magnetic properties of oxy- hemoglobin, CO-hemoglobin, and methemoglobin were made by suspending cales of the dried crystalline bodies by means of one or a few fibres of silk between the poles, thus avoiding the disturbing influ- ence of glass tubes, however feebly magnetic. In the case of hemin the substance was similarly examined, in the first instance, by suspend- ing as far as possible rectangular cakes formed by the aggregation of microscopic crystals. In the case of hematin, the substance, being in an amorphous pulverulent condition, was necessarily examined in glass tubes, but its intensely magnetic properties prevented in its case, as in that of hemin, any difficulties arising from the very feebly magnetic properties of the glass tube containing it. 4, Oxy-hemoglobin a strongly Diamagnetic Body. The oxy-hemoglobin employed in the present research was prepared by myself during the past winter from the blood of the horse by employing substantially the method of Hoppe-Seyler. In some cases the blood corpuscles were separated from the defibrinated blood by long continued centrifugalising ; generally, however, the defibrinated blood was mixed with ten times its volume of a mixture made by diluting 10 volumes of saturated NaCl solution with 90 volumes of distilled water, and the corpuscles were then separated by means of the centrifuge. In either case, the magma of corpuscles was treated with a small quantity of distilled water and pure ether, and the mixture having been thoroughly agitated in a stoppered separating funnel, the aqueous solution of the blood-colouring matter was separated and filtered into flasks surrounded with ice, and subsequently treated with one-fourth of its volume of pure absolute alcohol at a temperature of — 5° C., and the mixture placed in an ice chamber for twenty-four .or thirty-six hours. ‘The oxy-hzemoglobin which crystallised was separated from its mother-liquor by means of the centrifuge. The crystalline mass was repeatedly washed with distilled water at 0° C., and the washed crystals treated with distilled water at 30° C.; the saturated solution Carbonic-oxide-hemoglobin, &c., in the Magnetic Field. 507 was rapidly centrifugalised, rapidly filtered into flasks surrounded by ice and salt, and the hemoglobin caused to crystallise by the addition of absolute alcohol under the prolonged influence of cold. After being crystallised three times, the oxy-hemoglobin was collected on filters, and the moist mass of microscopic crystals drained. ‘The pasty erys- talline: mass was dried 7m vacuo over sulphuric acid at a temperature which never exceeded 5° C. Behaviour in the Magnetic #ield—An irregular mass of three times erystallised oxy-hemoglobin dried zn vacuo, weighing 1:088 grammes, and measuring 18 mm. in length, 13 mm. in depth, and 13 mm. in breadth, was suspended by a couple of fibres of unspun silk between the poles of the magnet, the distance between these being 20 mm.; the mass was made to rest in the axial position before the current was passed through the coils. Three cells of an accumulator were employed; on closing the key the mass of hemoglobin instantly assumed the equatorial position. The experiment was repeated with masses of hemoglobin prepared at various times, and recrystallised from one to three times, and weighing from 0°5 to 2 grammes, and invariably they were found to he power- fully diamagnetic. A specimen of oxy-heemoglobin of the horse, kindly prepared for me under the direction of Professor Hofmeister in the Chemico-Physio- logical Laboratory of the University of Strasburg, by the ammonium- sulphate method, and which had been five times crystallised, proved to be as powerfully diamagnetic as the oxy-hemoglobin prepared by myself by Hoppe-Seyler’s method. 5. Carbonic-oxide-hemoglobin is, like Oxy-hemoglobin, strongly Diamagnetic. Mode of Preparation.—The carbonic oxide-hemoglobin employed was prepared by saturating a concentrated solution of twice crystallised oxy-hemoglobin with ‘pure CO, and then crystallising the CO com- pound by the addition of absolute alcohol and exposure to a tempera- ture of — 5°—10° C. Behaviour in the Magnetic Freld_—A nearly rectangular prismatic mass of CO-hemoglobin which had been dried zm vacuo, and which weighed 0°642 gramme, and of which the length was 17 mm., the breadth 6°5 mm., and the depth 13 mm., was brought into the axial position between the poles of the electro-magnet, the distance between these being 18 mm. On passing the current from three cells of an accumu- lator through the coils of the electro-magnet the mass instantly assumed the equatorial position. The experiment was repeated with different specimens of CO-hemoglobin, and invariably with the same result. 508 Prof. A. Gamgee. On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, In the absence of all data as to the diamagnetic moment of either Oxy- or CO-hemoglobin, it is impossible to state whether these bodies differ in any degree in respect to their behaviour in the magnetic field. Working carefully but merely qualitatively, it would appear, however, that their behaviour in the magnetic field is identical. 6. Methemoglobin is, ike Oxy-hemoglobin, strongly Diamagnetic. The substance was prepared by adding to a saturated solution of twice crystallised oxy-hemoglobin of the horse a few drops of solution of ferricyanide of potassium until the characteristic change in colour and in the spectrum indicated the complete conversion into methemo- globin. The solution was cooled to — 5° C., treated with one-fourth of its volume of absolute alcohol at — 10° C., and the mixture placed in ice and salt for a period of thirty-six hours. The crystalline methemoglobin which separated was then washed with repeated quantities of ice-cold water, collected on a filter, drained, and dried i vacuo at a temperature not exceeding 5° C. Experiments with lumps of this substance varying in weight between 0°3 and 1:0 gramme showed it to be apparently as diamagnetic as oxy-hemoglobin. 7. Hematin and Acethemin (Hemin) intensely Magnetic Substances. Preliminary Remarks. The more recent analysis of Jaquet, Zinoffsky, and Hiifner have led to the conclusion that, at any rate in the horse, the dog, the ox, and the hen, there exists a remarkable constancy in the proportion of the iron which exists in hemoglobin (0°335 per cent.).* If it be assumed that 1 molecule of hemoglobin contains | atom of iron, the molecular weight of the hemoglobin of the dog, the horse, the ox, and the hen would be 16,669, a result which concords admirably with the volume of oxygen and carbonic oxide which can enter into combination with hemoglobin on the assumption (first of all advanced by Lothar Meyer) that 1 molecule of hemoglobin can combine either with | molecule of oxygen or of carbonic oxide. The empirical formula for the hemo- globin of the dog calculated by Jaquet from his analyses is probably very near the truth, namely, C-58H1203N 19593FeOais. Why should hemoglobin possess so enormously high a molecular weight ? The question suggested itself to Bunge, who has furnished us with a reason which is eminently suggestive: “‘The enormous size of the hemoglobin molecule,” says this writer, “finds a teleological explanation, if we consider that iron is eight times as heavy as water. * For a discussion of all the more recent analysis of hemoglobin, see my article on ‘‘ Hemoglobin” in Schifer’s ‘ Text-book of Physiology,’ p. 199, e¢ seg. Carbonic-oxide-hemogiobin, &c., in the Magnetic Field. 509 A compound of iron, which would float easily along with the blood current through the vessels, could only be secured by the iron being taken up by so large an organic molecule.” When oxy-hzemoglobin is subjected to the action of acids and alkalies it splits up with great ease into a coloured iron-containing body and into an albuminous body (or mixture of such bodies). The former, to which the name of Hematin has been given, is a derivative of the molecular group existing in the blood-colouring matter, upon which its colour, its spectroscopic characters, and its physiological properties doubtless depend, though it is a derwative which is wnquestionably a product of oxidation, and m no sense represents the real hemochromogen. According to Hoppe-Seyler, the empirical formula of hematin is C3,H35;0;NiFe, whilst according to Nencki its composition is repre- sented by the formula C3,H3.0,N,Fe. When the decomposition of oxy-hemoglobin is effected by glacial acetic acid in the presence of alkaline chlorides, a perfectly crystalline substance separates, which has been hitherto known under the name of hemin, but which we shall now, following the suggestion of Nencki, term acethemin. This body was looked wpon by Hoppe-Seyler as a hydrochloride of hematin; the recent researches of Nencki and Zaleski have shown that acethzemin contains 8°59 of iron, and possesses a composition represented by the formula C3,H330,N,ClFe ; it con- tains an acetyl group, and both the acetyl and chlorine in it are linked to the iron. When this body is dissolved in weak solutions of sodium hydrate in the cold, the chlorine and acetyl are separated, and on neutralisation with acids, hematin of composition C32H3.0,N4Fe is obtained. It is with these two coloured iron-containing decomposition products of hemoglobin, hematin and acethzmin, that my observations have been carried out. Before referring to these in detail, I wish again to insist that these oxidation-products in no sense represent the un- altered iron-containing group to which the blood-colouring matter owes its physiological properties. As Hoppe-Seyler showed, when hemo- globin is decomposed by acids and alkalies in the absence of all traces of oxygen, hematin is never formed, but a colouring matter which pos- sesses the same spectrum as that which had previously been described by Stokes as that of reduced hematin. This substance Hoppe-Seyler called hemochromogen, and he ex- pressed the opinion that it constitutes the veritable coloured radical upon which the physiological properties of hemoglobin depend. The experimental facts advanced by Hoppe-Seyler have always appeared to me absolutely inadequate to warrant this hypothesis, which, however, is most suggestive, and demands a thorough and a new investigation. 510 Prof. A.Gamgee. On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, A. Magnetic Properties of Acethemin. The acethemin employed in the present research was prepared by me from 0x’s blood by the method of Schalfijew. Some of the speci- mens were purified by recrystallisation from glacial acetic acid, others by dissolving in a chloroformic solution of pure quinine, and subse- quently adding to the filtrate hot glacial acetic acid, saturated with NaCl.* My first observations were made with a block of agglomerated hemin crystals weighing 0°6455 gramme, and measuring 26 mm. in greatest length, 18 mm. in height, and 6 mm. in thickness: this block was suspended by two fibres of silk, so as to occupy the equatorial position in reference to the pole pieces of the magnet. The distance between the poles being 30 mm., on passing a current from three accumulator cells through the coils, the mass instantly assumed the axial position, and was strongly attracted to the nearest pole, the suspending silk fibres being sensibly deflected from their original vertical position. Even when the poles of the electro-magnet were 40 mm. apart, the mass instantly set in an axial position when the current was passed. — The observations were repeated with numerous specimens of hemin, and always with similar results. B. Magnetic Properties of Hematin. The hematin employed in these researches was prepared by dis- solving recrystallised and perfectly pure acethemin in a weak solution of chemically pure sodium hydrate at ordinary temperatures, and precipitating the filtered solution without delay by neutralising with dilute sulphuric acid. The precipitated hematin was thoroughly washed, drained, and dried. In consequence of its absolutely amor- phous pulverulent character, my magnetic observations on this body were conducted with the aid of tubes of very feebly magnetic glass, containing from 0°1 to 0-4 of pure hematin. ‘The intensely magnetic character of hematin was as easily demonstrated as had been that of acetheemin. 8. Preliminary Observations on the Electrolysis of Solutions of Pure Oxy- hemoglobin and CO-hemoglobin. The remarkably definite results of my research, which had shown that Oxy- and CO-hemoglobin are decidedly diamagnetic substances, whilst their iron-containing derivatives, acethemin and hematin, are * Refer to my previously quoted article in Schiifer’s ‘ Text-book of Physiology,’ and to Nencki and Zaleski’s recent article ‘‘ Untersuchungen tiber den Blutfarbstoff. 1. Ueber die Aether des Hamins,” ‘ Zeitschrift fiir Physiologische Chemie,’ vol. 30, 1900, p. 384, e¢ seq. Carbonic-oxide-hemoglobin, &e., in the Magnetic Field. 511 powerfully magnetic, naturally led me to speculate on the possible cause of these differences. It appeared to me that if hemoglobin were found to be an electrolyte, apart from the interest which would attach to the discovery of the fact, a study of the products of its electrolysis might throw great light upon the question. Do we not know, for instance, that those compounds in which iron and other magnetic metals are present in electro-negative radicals are diamagnetic ?* In spite of my having made great efforts to purify as completely as possible the substances with which I worked, it is questionable whether their purity was sufficient for electrolytic researches. ‘The experi- ments which I have yet made on this division of my subject must therefore be looked upon as strictly preliminary, and I hope in the course of the coming winter to extend them greatly, making use of compounds of hemoglobin which have been subjected to far more frequent recrystallisation. In the course of these experiments, beside studying the proximate products of electrolysis with currents of dif- ferent strength and potential, | intend to determine by the methods of Kohlrausch and Ostwald, with as great accuracy as possible, the specific conductivities of solutions of Oxy- and CO-hemoglobin. The following are the results of my electrolytic experiments which I wish at present to place on record :— Firstly. When solutions of pure oxy-hemogiobin are subjected to elec- trolysis at a temperature of about 15° C. between platinum electrodes, ' from twelve to sixteen cells of a carbon zinc bichromate battery being employed, and the current passing through the liquid being from 3 to 5 milliamperes, a rapid subsidence of the colouring matter takes place, the upper layers of the solution becoming perfectly colourless. The depositing colouring matter retains the spectroscopic character of oxy- hemoglobin, and when stirred with it is absolutely and almost instantaneously soluble in the liquid from which it has separated. Exactly the same result occurs in the case of carbonic-oxide-he mo- globin. : Secondly. On continuing the passage of the current through the solution in which precipitation has occurred, secondary reactions occur, gas is developed both at the anode and cathode, and in many cases a dirty white-brown deposit forms at the cathode. Thirdly. Under conditions of strength of current and potential which were not determined with sufficient accuracy, and which I have not yet been able to reproduce at will, the solutions of oxy-hemo- globin and CO-hemoglobin have, under the long continued action of the current, on several occasions deposited at the anode an insoluble * W. Allen Miller, ‘The Elements of Chemistry’: Part I, ‘‘ Chemical Physics,” p. 422, London, 1855; H. du Bois, ‘Propriétés magnétiques de la matiére pon- dérable. Rapports présentés au Congrés International de Physique réunis & Paris en 1900,’ Paris, 1901, Tome II, p. 460. VOL. LXVIII. 20 2 Mr. W. Duddell. On the Resistance and red colouring matter containing both the albuminous and the iron-con- taining residues of hemoglobin. In the case of CO-hemoglobin the compound deposited has presented the peculiar colour of CO-hzemo- globin. General Conclusions. The following are the conclusions to which I have been led by my experiments :— 1. The blood-colouring matter, oxy-hzemoglobin, as well as carbonic- oxide hemoglobin and methemoglobin, are decidedly diamagnetic bodies. 2. The iron-containing derivatives hematin and acethemin are powerfully magnetic bodies. The differences in magnetic behaviour between the blood-colouring matter and acethemin and hematin point to the profound transformation which occurs in the hemoglobin molecule when it is decomposed in the presence of oxygen. 3. The preliminary study of the electrolysis of oxy-hemoglobin and CO-hemoglobin renders it probable that, in the blood-colouring matter, the iron-containing group, on which its physiological properties depend, is (or is contained in) an electro-negative radical: according to analogy, the iron in such a compound would possess diamagnetic and not magnetic properties. In conclusion, I beg to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor von Bunge, of Basel, to Professor Franz Hofmeister, of Strassburg, and to Dr. v. Ehrenberg, the technical director of the chemical factory of Messrs. Merck, of Darmstadt, for their great courtesy and kindness in placing at my disposal preparations of hemoglobin prepared by themselves or under their direction. I have further to add that I reserve to myself the right of continuing without delay the researches. of which the first results are contained in this paper. “On the Resistance and EHlectromotive Forces of the Electric Are.” By W. DuUDDELL, Whitworth Scholar. Communicated. by Professor W, E. AYRTON, F.R.S. Received and Read. June 20, 1901. (Abstract.) The discrimination between resistances and electromotive forces in conductors, or apparatus, in which both of these quantities are functions of the current is considered, and it is pointed out that whether such an apparatus may be said to possess a resistance, or an H.M.F., or both, depends to a large extent on the nature of the definition of these quantities, and a definition of these quantities is adopted. Electromotive Forces of the Electric Arc. 513 The essential stipulation is made that whatever means be used to measure the resistance and E.M.F.’s of the arc, the conditions of the are must not be in any way changed by the test. It is considered that the main phenomena of the arc depend on the exact thermal conditions of its different parts, and on the distribution of the heated gaseous and other particles, so that it is necessary to maintain these constant during the test. This leads to the condition that not only must the testing current used be very small, but also that the test must be completed in an exceedingly short time after applying the same. As illustrating how very short a time may be allowed to elapse, it was found that an appreciable change in the thermal conditions of an are had taken place in 1/10,000 second after changing the are current by as little as 3 per cent. Historical. A brief historical réswmé is given showing that previous experi- menters have not succeeded in measuring the true resistance and back H.M.F. of the arc, due to their not having realised the importance of completing the test before the conditions of the arc have had time to be altered by the testing current. Those methods, similar to the Kohlrausch method of measuring the resistance of an electrolyte, in which’an alternating testing current is superposed on the direct current, such as that employed by Messrs. Frith and Rodgers, who found that what they measured as the resist- ance of the arc had in some cases a negative value, are shown to have failed owing to the frequency of the alternating testing current not being high enough. This frequency should be, instead of a few hundred periods per second, as used by previous observers, many thousand periods per second, in order that the conditions of the are may not vary, and the true resistance may be obtained. Preliminary Experiments. In the preliminary experiments the oscillatory discharge of a con- denser was superposed on the main direct current through the arc, and was used as the testing current, the wave-forms of the superposed oscillatory P.D. and current being recorded by means of an oscillo- graph. If the arc behaved as a non-inductive resistance, the waves of P.D. and current should be similar curves, andin phase. This is found not to be the case with frequencies up to 5000 periods per second. The author concludes from these experiments that, each increase made in the frequency of the superposed alternating testing current has led to the arc conditions being less affected by it, and, in consequence, to the arc behaving more and more like an ordinary non-inductive resistance, and therefore that much higher frequencies are required to obtain the 20 2 514 Mr. W. Duddell. On the Resistance and true resistance. In fact, frequencies up to 120,000 periods per second were finally used. Owing to experimental difficulties in employing the above method with much higher frequencies, a fresh method was adopted. Basis of Method adopted. An apparatus A is considered which has resistance and E.M.F., but no self-induction, or capacity, and through which a steady current is flowing. ‘There is mixed with the steady current an alternating testing current. It is shown that, if the apparatus A possess a true resistance, and if the frequency of the testing current be such that the conditions of the apparatus are not in any way changed by it, then the resistance of A will be a constant over the range of variation of the current, and equal to the impedance of A to the superposed alternating current. A criterion that the apparatus A has a constant resistance is that the power factor of A with respect to the alternating testing current must be unity. It is concluded that in order to prove that the arc has a true resistance and to find its value it is necessary to show :—First that it is possible to find a value of the frequency of the testing current for which the power factor of the arc with respect to this current is unity ; second, that the power factor remains unity and the impedance con- stant, even when the frequency"is greatly increased above this value ; thirdly, to determine the value of the impedance of the are under these conditions, which will be its true resistance. Method of Measuring the Inypedance and Power Factor. Owing to the high frequency of the testing current finally used, viz., 120,000 periods per second, it was difficult to devise a satisfactory — method of measuring the impedance, and power factor ; wattmeters and dynamometers could not be used, as at these high frequencies" their windings behaved more like insulators than conductors, owing to their self-induction. The method finally adopted was the well-known three voltmeter method, for which three pieces of special apparatus were used— | (1) An alternator to produce the high frequency currents. (2) A new measuring instrument called a “‘ Thermo-galvanometer ” to measure the three voltages. (3) A standard resistance with which the impedance of the arc was compared, which had a time constant of only 2-7 x 1077 second. The High Frequency Alternator. The alternator is of the inductor type; it was belt driven from two discs by means of a figure of 8 drive, each disc being separately belted to the source of power so as to balance, as far as possible, the pull on Electromotive Forces of the Electric Are. D15 the alternator spindle due to the driving belt. The speed of the alternator was 35,400 revolutions per minute, and the highest fre- quency 120,000 periods per second. To give an idea of how very high this frequency is, it is mentioned that if a frequency of 100 periods per second be represented by 10 inches, a very ordinary scale in plotting curves, then the squared paper that would be required to plot the curve between impedance and frequency for the solid arc, which extends over the range from 250 to 120,000 periods per second, would be 1,000 feet, or about 1/5th mle long. It was found that the spindle alone of the alternator without the inductor could be driven at 60,000 revolutions per minute, or 1,000 revolutions per second. A table of high frequency alternators shows that this alternator gives a frequency seven or eight times as high as the highest value previously attained. The Thermo-galvanometer. The principle of this new instrument consists in causing the current to be measured to flow through a very fine wire, the heat radiated by the wire being measured by a modified Boys’ radio-micrometer. The instrument is practically non-inductive, and may be used equally well for direct or alternating currents. The actual instrument used has a resistance of about 18 ohms, and gives a deflection of 500 scale divi- sions at a scale distance of 2000 divisions (1 scale division = 1/40th inch) for a current of about 9 x 1074 ampere. Telephone and microphone currents can be easily measured with this instrument. ftesults Obtained by Varying the Frequency. This, the fundamental investigation of this communication, consists in varying the frequency of the superposed alternating testing current to see whether, at a sufficiently high frequency, the conditions of the are remain constant. The criterion that the conditions of the arc remain unchanged has been shown to be that the power factor, as measured with the superposed alternating current, is unity. Under these circumstances the true resistance will be equal to the impedance. It is experimentally found by sufficiently increasing the frequency, that the power factor approximates asymptotically to + 1, and that for the highest frequencies used, it is + 1 to within the limits of experimental error, therefore at these frequencies the variations of the P.D. and current obey Ohm’s law, and the impedance of the arc is equal to its true resistance. With solid carbons the power factor at 250 periods per second is — 0°91, on increasing the frequency it decreases numerically until it vanishes at 1950 periods per second, with further increase of frequency 516 : Mr. W. Duddell. On the Resistance and the power factor increases rapidly at first, then more slowly becoming asymptotic to + 1, and finally practically attains this value at 90,000 periods per second; above this frequency the power factor is within the limits of experimental error + 1 up to the highest frequency used, viz., 120,000 periods per second. The impedance of the solid are increases with increase of frequency from 0°97 ohm at 250 periods per second to 3°8 ohm at 90,000 periods per second, above which it remains practically constant. The true resistance of the above arc 3 mm. long between 11 mm. solid “ Conradty Noris” carbons, and through which a current of 9°91 amperes 1s flowing, is found to be 3°81 ohms. The P.D. accounted for by ohmic drop is therefore 37:8 volts out of an observed P.D. arc of 49°8 volts, so that there appears to be a real back E.M.F. opposing the flow of the current, in this arc of 12 volts. With cored carbons the power factor at 250 periods per second is + 0°67, and it increases until it is practically + 1 at 15,000 periods per second, and remains unity within the limits of experimental error up to the highest frequency tried of 50,000 periods per second, the impedance becoming practically constant as with solid carbons. The true resistance of the above arc 3 mm. long between 11 mum. cored ‘* Conradty Noris” carbons, and through which a current of 10 amperes is flowing, 1s found to be 2:54 ohms and the back E.M.F. 16-9 volts. The fact that the solid arc has, at low frequencies, a negative power factor, indicates that the are is supplying power to the alternator: this is shown to be the case by means of a wattmeter. This is not, of course, at variance with the principle of conservation of energy, as the alternating energy given out by the arc is derived from the direct current energy supplied to it. ‘This fact that the solid arc is capable of transforming, under suitable conditions, direct current into alternating current is the basis of the “‘ Musical Arc” recently shown for the first time, at the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Effect of Varying the Direct Current. Having found that it is possible to measure the true resistance and back E.M.F. of the arc, the effect of changing the direct current, the arc having a constant length of 3 mm., is examined. The resistance of both the sold and the cored arcs is found to increase with decrease of the current through the arc, apparently tending to become infinite for current O. The back E.M.F. of the solid are first decreases with increase of current and then increases again, having a minimum value of 11-3 volts at about 6 amperes. With cored carbons the back E.M.F. increases with increase of current from 12:2 volts at 1 ampere to 18°5 volts at 20°8 amperes. The high P.D.’s required to maintain small current arcs are shown to be due to the high resistance of these arcs. Litectromotive Forces of the Electric Are. 517 The connection between the resistance 7 and the current A for the cored arc, length 3 mm. between 11 mm., ‘‘Conradty Noris” carbons, can be approximately expressed over the range 1°5 to 20 amperes by (r + 0°25) A = 29. For the solid arc, length 3 mm. between the same size and make of carbons, and over the range 1:5 to 11 amperes, the relation is . 2. 88 |) 42 eee: Effect of Varying the Are Length. The direct current through the are being kept constant, the change in resistance and back E.M.F. due to change of arc length is examined. It is found that both for solid and for cored arcs increasing the length increases the resistance, the curves between resistance and length being very similar to those between P.D. are and length. This latter curve is generally assumed to be a straight line for solid arcs, but such was not the case over the wide range of length, 1 to 30 mm., used for these experiments. Effect of Varying the Nature of the Electrodes. Both the resistance and the back H.M.F. are found to depend greatly on the composition of the electrodes; thus simply soaking a pair of solid carbons in potassium carbonate, reduced the resistance of the arc between them from 3°81 to 2°92 ohms, and increased its back E.M.F. from 12 volts to 15°6 volts, the arc length and direct current being kept constant: similar results were produced by introducing other impurities. The author is of the opinion that the resistance of an are between perfectly pure carbon electrodes would be very high, so high that it might be impossible to maintain a true arc, and that traces of impurities are essential to provide the carriers of the electric charges in the vapour column. Seat of the Back H.M.F. In order to determine whether the back E.M.F. and resistance are localised at the electrodes, or are distributed along the vapour column, a search carbon was introduced into an arc 6 mm, long between solid “‘Conradty Noris” carbons, 11 mm. diameter, current 9°91 amperes. The impedance to the high frequency testing current, of that part of the arc between the search carbon and each of the main carbons, was measured for three different positions of the search carbon. From these tests it is deduced that the resistance of the above arc, as a whole, consists of three parts—a resistance at or near the contact of the positive electrode and the vapour column of about 1:61 ohms; the 518 Resistance and Hlectromotive Forces of the Electric Are. resistance of the vapour column, about 2°5 ohms; and a resistance at or near the contact between the vapour column and the negative electrode of about 1:18 ohms. The back E.M.F. consists of two parts located at or near the contact between the electrodes and the vapour column. That at the positive electrode, about 17 volts, opposes the flow of the direct current while that at the negative electrode, about 6 volts, helps the flow of the direct current, 7.¢., is a forward E.M.F. Conclusion. The author considers that the new facts given in the paper assist in formulating a consistent explanation of the resistance and back E.M.F. of the arc. The values found for the resistance of the vapour column and for the contacts between it and the electrodes offer no serious difficulties. The greater part of the two H.M.F.’s are considered as being most probably due to thermo-electric forces, and experiments in support of this view are described, in which it was found possible to obtain a P.D. of 0°6 volt by unequally heating two solid carbon electrodes with a blow-pipe flame, the voltmeter indicating that the hotter carbon was positive to the cooler. By using cored earbons and adding potassium salts, this P.D. was increased to 1°5 volts. It is pointed out that the differences of temperature existing in the arc must be many times as great as those which it is possible to © produce with the blow pipe, as the cooler electrode must be red hot, or else it does not seem to make contact with the surrounding flame. On the Resistance of an Electrolyte. In measuring the resistance of an electrolyte by the Kohlrausch method, it is often assumed that the errors due to polarisation are avoided if the frequency of the alternating or interrupted current used, is as high as a few hundred periods per second. To investigate the accuracy of this assumption the are was replaced by a cell containing sul- phuric acid, density 1:20 (temperature 20° C.), as the electrolyte, and its impedance and power factor tested exactly the same way as those of the are. It is found with this cell that it was not until the frequency exceeded 10,000 periods per second that the electrolyte behaved as a non-inductive resistance, and the errors due to the polarisation were avoided. If the resistance of this cell were tested in the ordinary way at a frequency of 100 periods per second, the value obtained would be over twice its true resistance. It is concluded that unless other methods are adopted to eliminate the effects of polarisation, 2¢ must not be assumed that the use of alternating currents of ordinary frequencies of a few hundred periods per second, elinunates the possibility of errors due to polarisation. INDEX to VOL. LXVIIT. Abney (Sir W.) On the Variation in Gradation of a Developed Photo- graphic Image when Impressed by Monochromatic Light of Different Wave- lengths, 300. Acanthias vulgaris, pelvic plexus in (Punnett), 140. Aconitine and derivatives, pharmacology of (Cash and Dunstan), 378, 384. Address of Condolence to H.M. the King, Motion for, 14. Address to the Throne and Royal Reply, 115. After-images, negative, relation to other visual phenomena (Bidwell), 262. Air, electrical conductivity of (Wilson), 228; least volatile gases of, and their spectra (Liveing and Dewar), 389. Alcock (A. W.) elected, 326. Alloys, copper-tin, results of chilling (Heycock and Neville), 171. Alloys of copper and zinc, thermo-chemistry of (Baker), 9. Annual Meeting for Election of Fellows, 326. Are, electric, mechanism of (Ayrton), 410; resistance and electromotive forces of (Duddell), 512. Argus, Spectrum of 7 (Gill), 456. Ayrton (Hertha). The Mechanism of the Electric Arc, 410. Bacillus tuberculosis, effect of liquid air on vitality and virulence of (Swithin- bank), 498. Bacteria, influence of ozone on (Ransome and Foulerton), 55. Baker (T. J.) The Thermo-chemistry of the Alloys of Copper and Zine, 9. Bakerian Lecture, 360. Barker (B.T.P.) A Conjugating “ Yeast,” 345. Baxandall (Ff. E.) See Lockyer and Baxandall. Becquerel rays, conductivity of gases under (Strutt), 126. Bedford (T. G.) See Searle and Bedford. Bessemer process flame-spectra (Hartley and Ramage), 93. Bidwell (Shelford). On Negative After-images, and their Relation to certain other Visual Phenomena, 262. Bile as a solvent, functions of the (Moore and Parker), 64. Brunton (Sir T. Lauder) and Rhodes (H.) On the Presence of a Glycolytic Hnzyme in Muscle, 328. Candidates, List of, 124. Candidates recommended for Election, 248. Cash (J. T.) and Dunstan (W. R.) The Pharmacology of 'Pseudaconitine and Japaconitine considered in Relation to that of Aconitine, 378. Chlorophyll, yellow colouring matters accompanying, and their spectroscopic relations (Schunck), 474. Chree (C.) Hlastic Solids at Rest or in Motion in a Liquid, 235. Chromosphere, enhanced lines in spectrum (Lockyer and Baxandall), 178. Climate and sun-spots (Lockyer), 285. Cole (S. W.) See Hopkins and Cole. Conductivity, electrical, of air and salt vapours (Wilson), 228. Corona, January 22, 1898, brightness of (Turner), 36. Corpus luteum, formation of, in sheep (Marshall), 135. Croonian Lecture, 170, 459.) Dale (Elizabeth). Further Investigations on the Abnormal Outgrowths or In- tumescences in Hibiscus vitifolius, Linn.: a Study in Experimental Plant Pathology, 16. See also Seward and Dale. Darwin (G. H.) Ellipsoidal Harmonic Analysis, 248. Darwin (Horace). On the Small Vertical Movements of a Stone laid on the Sur- face of the Ground, 253. Dewar (J.) The Boiling Point of Liquid Hydrogen, determined by Hydrogen and Helium Gas Thermometers, 44; The Nadir of Temperature, and Allied Problems (Bakerian Lecture), 360. See also Liveing and Dewar. Diabetes, use of glycolytic muscle enzyme in (Brunton and Rhodes), 323. Dipteridineg, geological history of (Seward and Dale), 373. Dipteris, structure and affinities of (Seward and Dale), 373. Duddell (W.) On the Resistance and Electromotive Forces of the Electric Are, 512. Dunstan (W. R.) and Henry (T. A.) The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus arabicus, 374. See also Cash and Dunstan. Dust and soot, mineral constituents of (Hartley and Ramage), 97. Dyer (Bernard). A Chemical Study of the Phosphoric Acid and Potash Contents of the Wheat Soils of Broadbalk Field, Rothamsted, 11. Dyson (F. W.) elected, 326. Preliminary Determination of the Wave-lengths of the Hydrogen Lines, derived from Photographs taken at Ovar at the Eclipse of the Sun, 1900, May 28, 33. | Earthworms, action of, in burying stones (Darwin), 253. Eclipse, January 22, 1898, sky illumination at (Turner), 36. Eclipse of Sun, January 22, 1898 (Lockyer), 6; May 28, 1900 (Lockyer), 404. Eclipse Spectra of January 22, 1898: wave-length determinatiope and general results obtained from (Evershed), 6. Elastic Solids at Rest or in Motion in a Liquid (Chree), 235. Election of Fellows, 326. Electric Waves, Integration of Equations of Propagation of (Love), 19. Electrical Discharge in Rarefied Gases, Action of Magnetised Electrodes upon (Phillips), 147. Ellipsoidal Harmonic Analysis (Darwin), 248. Enzyme in Muscle, Presence of Glycolytic (Brunton and Rhodes), 323. Equilibrium, Elastic, of Circular Cylinders (Filon), 353. Errors of Judgment, Mathematical Theory of (Pearson), 369. Evans (A. J.) elected, 326. Evershed (J.) Wave-length Determinations and General Results obtained from a Detailed Examination of Spectra photographed at the Solar Eclipse of January 22, 1898, 6. Evolution, Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of, IX (Pearson), 1. Falmouth Observatory, Report of Magnetical Observations at, for the year 1900, 415. 521 Filon (L. N.G.) On the Elastic Equilibrium of Circular Cylinders under certain Practical Systems of Load, 353. Flames, Investigation of the Spectra of, from Open-hearth and “ Basic” Bessemer Processes (Hartley and Ramage), 93. Foulerton (A. G. R.) See Ransome and Foulerton. Frog’s skin current (Waller), 480. Gamgee (Arthur). On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, Carbonic-oxide-hzemo- globin, Methzemoglobin, and certain of their Derivatives, in the Magnetic Field, with a Preliminary Note on the Electrolysis of the Hemoglobin Compounds, 503. Gases, Application of Kinetic Theory to Electric, &c., Properties of (Walker), 77. Gases, conductivity of, under Becquerel rays (Strutt), 126. Gemmill (J. F.) The Anatomy of Symmetrical Double Monstrosities in the Trout, 129. Gill (Sir D.) The Spectrum of y Argus, 456. Glyoxylic acid and proteids, contributions to chemistry of (Hopkins and Cole), 21. Gregory (J. W.) elected, 326. Ground, vertical movements of stone on surface of (Darwin), 253. Hemoglobins, behaviour in magnetic field and electrolysis of (Gamgee), 503. Halliburton (W. D.) See Mott and Halliburton. Hartley (W.N.) Notes on the Spark Spectrum of Silicon as rendered by Silicates, 109. and Ramage (H.) An Investigation of the Spectra of Flames resulting from Operations in the Open-hearth and ‘‘ Basic” Bessemer Processes, 93; the Mineral Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sources, 97. Heat dissipated by platinum surface at high temperatures (Petavel), 246. Helminthostachys, prothallus of (Lang), 405. Henry (T. A.) See Dunstan and Henry. Heycock (C. T.) and Neville (F. H.) On the Results of Chilling Copper-Tin Alloys, 171. Hibiscus vitifolius, Linn., abnormal outgrowths or intumescences in (Dale), 16. Homothermism, development of (Martin), 352, Homotyposis, principle of, and its relation to heredity, &c. (Pearson), 1. Hopkins (F. G.) and Cole (S. W.) On the Proteid Reaction of Adamkiewicz, with Contributions to the Chemistry of Glyoxylic Acid, 21. Hydrogen Lines, Wave-lengths of, from Eclipse Photographs of 1900, May 28, * 33. Hydrogen, liquid, boiling point of (Dewar), 44. Hysteresis, magnetic, measurement of (Searle and Bedford), 348. Tonic velocities in aqueous solution, measurement of (Steele), 358. Tonisation of Air (Wilson), 151. Ions, existence of complex (Steele), 358. Jackson (Capt. H. B.) elected, 326. Jeans (J. H.) The Stability of a Spherical Nebula, 454. Kew Observatory. See National Physical Laboratory. Kinetic Theory applied to Electric, &c., Properties of Gases (Walker), 77. 522 Lang (W.H.) Preliminary Statement on the Prothalli of Ophioglossum pendulum (L.), Helminthostachys zeylanica (Hook.), and Psilotum, sp., 405. Lepidocarpon, genus of Lycopodiaceous cones from carboniferous formation (Scott), Ife Leptodora hyalina, development of free-swimming nauplius of (Warren), 210. Liquid, motion of elastic solid in (Chree), 235. Liveing (G. D.) and Dewar (J.) Onthe Separation of the Least Volatile Gases of Atmospheric Air, and their Spectra, 389. Lockyer (Sir N.) ‘Total Eclipse of the Sun, January 22, 1898. Observations at. Viziadrug. Part 1V. The Prismatic Cameras, 6; The New Star in Perseus —Preliminary Note, 119; Further Observations on Nova Persei, 142; Further Observations on Nova Persei, No. 2, 230; Further Observations on Nova Persei, No. 3, 399 ; Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900: Account of the Observations made at Santa Pola, Spain, 404. and Baxandall (F. BE.) On the Enhanced Lines in the Spectrum of the Chromosphere, 178 ; on the Arc Spectrum of Vanadium, 189. Lockyer (W.J.8S.) The Solar Activity, 1833-1900, 285. Logical class-frequencies, consistence of, and its geometrical representation (Yule), 118. Lotus arabicus, poison of (Dunstan and Henry), 374. Love (A. E.H.) The Integration of the Equations of Propagation of Electric Waves, 19. : Macdonald (H. M.) elected, 326. MacGregor (J. G.) admitted, 262. Magnetic hysteresis, measurement of (Searle and Bedford), 348. Magnetism in iron, growth of, under alternating magnetic force (Wilson), 218. Mallock (A.) Vibrations of Rifle Barrels, 327. Manometer, a new (Rayleigh), 92. Mansergh (J.) elected, 326; admitted, 360. Marshall (7. H. A.) Preiiminary Communication on the Céstrous Cycle and the Formation of the Corpus Luteum in the Sheep, 135. Martin (C. J.) elected, 326. —— Thermal Adjustment and Respiratory Exchange in Monotremes and Marsu- pials, 352. Matthey (Edw.) On the Preparation of Large Quantities of Tellurium, 161. Meeting of January 17, 1901, 1; February 7,14; February 14, 55; February 21, 78; February 28,115; March 7, 124; March 14, 146; March 21 and 28,170; May 2, 248; May 9, 261; May 23, 262; June 6, 326,327; June 20, 366. Meetings suspended in consequence of death of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 14. Moore (Benj.) and Parker (W. H.) Onthe Functions ofthe Bile as a Solvent, 64. Morgan (C. Lloyd) Studies in Visual Sensation, 459. Mott (F. W.) and Halliburton (W.D.) The Chemistry of Nerve-degeneration,. 149. Muscle, giycolytic enzyme in (Brunton and Rhodes), 323. National Physical Laboratory, Report on Observatory Department for the Year ending December 31, 1900, 421. Nebula, Spherical, Stability of (Jeans), 454. Nerve-degeneration, Chemistry of (Mott and Halliburton), 149. Neville (F. H.) See Heycock and Neville. New Star in Perseus (Lockyer), 119, 142, 230, 399. 523 Nitric acid solutions, physical properties of (Veley and Manley), 128. Nova Persei (Lockyer), 119, 142, 230, 399. (éstrous cycle, corpus luteum and ovulation in the sheep (Marshall), 135. Ophioglossum, prothallus of (Lang), 405. Orientation of Greek temples, some additional notes on (Penrose), 112. Ozone, influence of, on bacteria (Ransome and Foulerton), 55. Papers read, Lists of, 1, 15, 55, 78, 116, 125, 146, 170, 248, 262, 327, 367. Parker (W.H.) See Moore and Parker. Pearson (K.) Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. IX. On the Principle of Homotyposis and its Relation to Heredity, to the Variability of the Individual, and to that of the Race. Part I. Homotyposis in the Vegetable Kingdom, 1; on the Mathematical Theory of Errors of Judgment, with Special Reference to the Personal Equation, 369; Mathematical Contyri- butions to the Theory of Evolution. X. Supplement to a Memoir on Skew Variation, 372. Pelvic plexus in Acanthias vulgaris (Punnett), 140. Penrose (F. C.) Some Additional Notes on the Orientation of Greek Temples, being the Result of a Journey to Greece and Sicily in April and May, 1900, 112. . Petavel (J. E.) On the Heat dissipated by a Platinum Surface at High Tempera- tures. Part IV. High-pressure Gases, 246. Phillips (C. E.8.) The Action of Magnetised Electrodes upon Electrical Dis- charge Phenomena in Rarefied Gases, 147. Photographic image, variation in gradation with light of different wave-lengths (Abney), 300. Platinum surface, heat dissipated by, at high temperatures (Petavel), 246. Proteid Reaction of Adamkiewicz (Hopkins and Cole), 21. Prothalli of Ophioglossum pendulum, &c. (Lang), 405. Pseudaconitine and japaconitine, pharmacology of (Cash and Dunstan), 378. Psilotum, prothallus of (Lang), 405. Punnett (R. C.) On the Composition and Variations of the Pelvic Plexus in Acanthias vulgaris, 140. Pyraconitine and methylbenzaconine, pharmacology of (Cash and Dunstan), 384. Ramage (H.) See Hartley and Ramage. Ransome (Arthur) and Foulerton (A. G. R.) On the Influence of Ozone on the Vitality of some Pathogenic and other Bacteria, 55. Rayleigh (Lord) Ona New Manometer, and on the Law of the Pressure of Gases between 1°5 and 0°01 Millimetres of Mercury, 92. Respiratory exchange and thermal adjustment in Monotremes, &c. (Martin), 352. Rhodes (Herbert) See Brunton and Rhodes. Rifle Barrels, Vibrations of (Mallock), 327. Rogers (Leonard) ‘The Transmission of the Trypanosoma Evansi by Horse Flies, and other Experiments pointing to the Probable Identity of Surra of India and Nagana or Tsetse-fly Disease of Africa, 163. Ross (Ronald) elected, 326; admitted, 360. Schlich (W.) elected, 326; admitted, 366. Schunck (C. A.) The Yellow Colouring Matters accompanying Chlorophyll and their Spectroscopic Relations, Part II, 474. 524, Scott (D. H.) Onthe Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from the Palzozoic Rocks. IV. The Seed-like Fructification of Lepidocarpon, a Genus of Lyco- podiaceous Cones from the Carboniferous Formation, 117. Searle (G. F. C.) and Bedford (IT. G.) The Measurement of Magnetic Hysteresis, 348. Seeds, estimation of vitality of, by electrical method (Waller), ‘79. Selenates of Series R,.M(SeO,).,6H,O, crystallographical study of (Tutton), 322. Sensation, Visual, Studies in (Morgan), 459. Seward (A. C.) and Dale (E.) On the Structure and Affinities of Dipteris, with Notes on the Geological History of the Dipteridine, 373. Silicon, spark spectrum of, in silicates (Hartley), 109. Skin currents of Frog (Waller), 480. Smithells (A.) elected, 326; admitted, 366. Soil, swelling of, caused by dampness (Darwin), 253. Solar Activity 1833-1900 (Lockyer), 285. Steele (R. D.) The Measurement of Ionic Velocities in Aqueous Solution, and the Existence of Complex Ions, 358. Strutt (R. J.) On the Conductivity of Gases under the Becquerel Rays, 126. Sun-spots, secular period of (Lockyer), 285. Surra disease and Tsetse-fly disease, probable identity of (Rogers), 163. Swithinbank (Harold) Virulence of Desiccated Tubercular Sputum, 495; Effect: of Exposure to Liquid Air upon the Vitality and Virluence of the Bacillus Tuberculosis, 498. Tellurium, preparation in large quantities (Matthey), 161. Temperature, nadir of, and allied problems (Dewar), 360. Temples, Greek, orientation of (Penrose), 112. Thermometers, gas, of helium, hydrogen, &c. (Dewar), 44. Thomas (M. R. Oldfield) elected, 326; admitted, 360. Trout, anatomy of double monstrosities in (Gemmill), 129. Trypanosoma, relation to surra disease (Rogers), 163. Tsetse-fly disease, probable identity with Indian surra (Rogers), 163. Tubercular sputum, virulence of desiccated (Swithinbank), 495. Turner (H. H.) On the Brightness of the Corona of January 22, 1898. Pre- liminary Note, 36. Tutton (A. H.) A Comparative Crystallographical Study of the Double Selenates. of the Series RzM(SeO,).,6H,0—Salts in which M is Magnesium, 322 Vanadium, Arc Spectrum of (Lockyer and Baxandall), 189. Veley (V. H.) and Manley (J. J.) Some Physical Properties of Nitric Acid Solutions, 128. Vision, quantitative relation of stimulus and sensation in (Morgan), 459. Visual phenomena, negative after-images, &c. (Bidwell), 262. Walker (G. W.) On the Application of the Kinetic Theory of Gases to the: Electric, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of Diatomic Gases, 77. Waller (A. D.) An Attempt to Estimate the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method, 79; On Skin Currents. Part I. The Frog’s Skin, 480. Warren (E.) A Preliminary Account ‘of the Development of the Free-swimming Nauplius of Leptodora hyalina (Lillj.), 210. Watson (William) elected 326; admitted, 360. Wheat soils, phosphoric acid and potash contents of (Dyer), 11. Whetham (W. C. D.) elected, 326; admitted, 360. Wilson (C. T. R.) On the Ionisation of Atmospheric Air, 151. Wilson (Ernest) The Growth of Magnetism in Iron under Alternating Magnetic Force, 218. Wilson (H. A.) On the Electrical Conductivity of Air and Salt Vapours, 228. Woodward (A. Smith) elected, 326. Xanthophylls, their spectroscopic relations (Schunck), 474. “Yeast,” a Conjugating (Barker), 345. Yule (G. U.) Onthe Theory of Consistence of Logical Class-frequencies and its Geometrical Representation, 118. END OF THE SIXTY-EIGHTH VOLUME. HABRISON AND Sons, Printers in Ordinary to His Majesty, St. Martin’s Lane. PROCEEDINGS OF <7), THE ROYAL SOCIETY. / <@am , ; TN ure Ps i VOL. LXVIIL No. 442. i | CONTENTS. | PAGE Meeting of January 17, 1901, and Proceedings : ; : : : 1 Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. IX.—On the Principle of Homotyposis and its Relation to Heredity, to the Variability * - of the Individual, and to that of the Race. Part I1.—Homotyposis in _ the Vegetable Kingdom. By Kart Prarson, F.R.S., with the assist- ance of ae Lze, D.Sc., ERNEST WARREN, D-Sc., pees Fry, Crceny D. Fawcett, B.Sc.; and other! : : : : : : f 1 Total Eclipse of the Sun, January 22nd, 1898. Observations at Viziadrug. Part 1V.—The Prismatic Cameras. By Sir Norman Looxyer, K.C. B, (el 2 ES ae : : ; : 4 ; E : : : : : 6 Wave-length Determinations and General Results obtained from a Detailed Examination of Spectra photographed at the Solar Eclipse of January 22, 1898. By J. EversHED, Communicated by Dr. Rampant, F.R.S. . 6 . The Thermo-chemistry of the Alloys of Copper and Zinc. By T. J. BAKER, | B.Se., King Edward’s School, Birmingham. Communicated 2 Professor | Poyntina, 06 24S oN 9 B, A Chemical Study of the Phosphoric Acid and Potash Contents of the Wheat Soils of Broadbalk Field, Rothamsted. By Brgnarp Dyer, D.Sc., F.1.C. Communicated by Sir J. Henry GILBERT, F.RS. . k ; BAYA I! Meeting of February 7, 1901, and Proceedings 4 NTE ‘ i pena I | List of Papers read . ; : : 4 2 a a ‘ : Peed Further Investigations on the Abnormal Outgrowths or Intumescences in Hibiscus vitifolius, Linn.: a Study in Experimental Plant Pathology. By E1izasetu Date. Communicated by Professor H. MansHart WARD, gs ot ee ‘ : eats : : : ; 16 The Integration of the Hewsions of ae ae of Electric Waves. By A.E.H. Love, F.RS. .- ; . : 19 ‘ On the Proteid Reaction of Adamkiewicz, with Contributions to the ‘chow ed ¥ of Glyoxylic Acid. By F. Gowxanp Hopxins, M.A., M.B., University Lecturer in Chemical Physiology, and Sypney W. Coxz, aang Trinity College. (From the Physiological Laboratories, Cambridge.) Commu- nicated by Dr. Laneiry, F.R.S.. : : : : : f speak For continuation of Contents see 2nd page of Wrapper. Price One Shiiling and Svxpence. ti: - Marce 5, 1901. | Ze ccoiian Instn 4 ¥ cee nya let oY AAT - CONTENTS (continued). — Preliminary Determination of the Wave-lengths of the Hydrogen Lae ict derived from Photographs taken at Ovar at the Eclipse of the Sun, 1900, May 282 By F. W. Dyson, M.A., Sec. R.A.S. Communicated i Ore W. H. M. Cueistiz, C.B., M.A, ERS. : : : : : 33 On the Brightness of the Corona of January 22, 1898. Ria Note. By H. H. Turner, D.Sc., F.R.S., Savilian ip i : base The Boiling Point of Liquid Hydrogen, determined by Hydrogen and Helium Gas Thermometers. By James Dewar, M.A., LU.D., Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution, and Jacksonian Professor, University of Cambridge . Y ; . : : : : d ; - 44 In future, Forms of Acknowledgment of the « Proceedings ’ will ke issued only with the concluding No. of each volume. NOTICE TO AUTHORS. Authors of Papers intended for the ‘ Proceedings’ or ‘ Philo- sophical Transactions’ are urgently requested to send in all drawings, diagrams, or other illustrations in a state suitable for direct photographic reproduction. NOTICES TO FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. The ‘ Proceedings’ are sent by post to every Fellow of the Society who resides within the limits of the Postal Union. The ‘Philosophical Transactions’ and the ‘List of Fellows’ are delivered only to those Fellows who call for them, or who send a written application to the Assistant Secretary. Such an application may, if so desired, be filed as a standing order. The separate Papers forming the ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ will be sent post free, as issued, to those Fellows who prefer to have them in that form. And, on application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, these will be bound in a cloth case for 2s. 6d., or the cloth cases for binding may be purchased, price 1s. 6d. A printed post-card of the papers to be read at each meeting will be sent weekly to any Fellow upon application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, W.C. Sold by Messrs. Harrison and Sons. Royal 4to. Price Is. LIST OF FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. | Marce 25, 1901 PROCEEDINGS OF THE VROY AL SOG tee. Y, VOL. LXVIIL No. 443. CONTENTS. | PAGE’ Meeting of February 14,1901, and Proceedings. : : i o BS On the Influence of Ozone on the Vitality of some Pathogenic and other Bacteria. By Agruur Ransome, M.D., E.R.C.P., F.R.S., and AUEX- ANDER G. R. FouLerton, F.R.0.8. : i : : f : . Bb On the Functions of the Bile as a Solvent. By Brensamin Moore and Wiui1am H. Parxcer. Communicated by Professor SomArER, F.R.S. . 64 On the Application of the Kinetic Theory of Gases to the Electric, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of Diatomic Gases. By Grorae W. WALKER, B.A., A.R.C.Sc., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Sir Isaac Newton Research Student. Communicated by Professor RucKER, Sec. B.S. seen Meeting of February 21,1901, and Proceedings . : j 2 ‘ Ate ts An Attempt to Estimate the Vitality of Seeds by an Electrical Method. By Augustus D. Water, M.D.,F.RS. .. : : ; j ‘ Sioa On a New Manometer, and on the Law of the Pressure of Gases between 1°5 and 0:01 Millimetres of Mercury. By Lorp RayirieH, F.RS. . oO An Investigation of the Spectra of Flames resulting from Operations in the Open-hearth and “‘ Basic” Bessemer Processes. By W. N. Harrury, E.R.S., Royal College of Science, Dublin, and Huen Ramage, A.R.C.Sc.L, St. John’s College, Cambridge . : She ae i : : A aS The Mineral Constituents of Dust and Soot from various Sources. By W.N. Harriey, F.R.S., Royal College of Science, Dublin, and Huen Ramage, A.R.C.8e.1., St. John’s College, Cambridge. : : : ‘ Se) a Notes on the Spark Spectrum of Silicon as rendered by Silicates. By W. N. Harriey, F.R.S. ‘ i { 4 : ; i : : , 109 Some Additional Notes on the Orientation of Greek Temples, being the Result of a Journey to Greece and Sicily in April and ae 1900. By F.C. _ Prnzossz, M.A., F.RS. . 3 ‘ 3 ’ i . : . Liz For continuation of Contents see 2nd page of Wrapper. Price Two Shillings. Shee Librat | Varney SE a rg te oe Sa eae Sa Ne ae ela ee ae NEE ae Se -— = ESS = = FORE aE a al ee a = On the Theory of Consistence of Logical Class-frequencies and its Geo- CONTENTS (continued). Meeting of February 28, 1901, and Address to the King His Majesty’s Reply List of Papers read . ‘On the Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from the Paleozoic Rocks. IV. The Seed-like Fructification of Lepidocarpon, a Genus of Lycopo- diaceous Cones from the Carboniferous Formation. By D. H. Scort, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Hon. Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Gardens, Kew . : ‘ : 4 j ‘ es ° ° e metrical Representation. By G. Upny Yuu, formerly Assistant Pro- fessor of Applied Mathematics in University College, London. Communi- cated by Professor K. Pearson, F.R.S. . : : 4 4 ! The New Star in Perseus—Preliminary Note. By Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.RBS. . ° In future, Forms of Acknowledgment of the ‘ Proceedings ’ ‘will be issued only with the concluding No. of each volume. NOTICE TO AUTHORS. Authors of Papers intended for the ‘ Proceedings’ or ‘ Philo- sophical Transactions’ are urgently requested to send in all Grawings, diagrams, or other illustrations in a state suitable for direct photographic reproduction. NOTICES TO FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. The ‘ Proceedings’ are sent by post to every Fellow of the Society who resides within the limits of the Postal Union. The ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ and the ‘List of Fellows’ are delivered only to those Fellows who call for them, or who send a written application to the Assistant Secretary. Such an application may, if so desired, be filed as a standing order. The separate Papers forming the‘ Philosophical Transactions’ will be sent post free, as issued, to those Fellows who prefer to have them in that’ form. And, on application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, these will be bound in a cloth case for 2s. 6d., or the cloth cases for binding may be purchased, price ls. 6d. A printed post-card of the papers to be read at each meeting will be sent weekly to any Fellow upon application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, W.C. Sold by Messrs. Harrison and Sons. Royal 4to. Price 1s. LIST OF FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. ‘PROCEEDINGS OF THe ROYAL SOGLE TY. ‘CONTENTS. Meeting of March 7, 1901, and List of Candidates . ; : i mau) List of Papers read Be ARC RG RTE IP ike a a On the Conductivity of Gases under the Becquerel Rays. By the Hon. _R. J. Strutt, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by Lorp Rayrusrien, F.RS.. : f : ‘ ‘ ; , i . 126 i Some Physical Properties of Nitric Acid Solutions. By V. H. Veley, F.R.S., and J. J. Manury, Daubeny Curator, Magdalen College, Oxford . . 128 a ‘The Anatomy of Symmetrical Double Monstrosities inthe Trout. By Jamzs PF. Gemuitt, M.A., M.D., Lecturer in Embryology and University Assistant in re Bers of Glasgow. Communicated by Pro- fessor CLELAND, F.R.S. . ; - i : - E é : . 129 @ _ Preliminary Communication on the Mstrous Cycle and the Formation of - wecithe Corpus Luteum in the Sheep. By F. H. A. MarsHatz, B.A. Com- municated by Professor J.C. Ewart, F.RS. . ‘ : : er MS On the Composition and Variations of the Pelvic Plexus in dAcanthias vul- garis. By R, C. Punnett, B.A., Gonville and Caius College, Cam- bridge. Communicated by Dr. H. Gapvow, F.R.S. . ; : : « 140 Further Observations on Nova Persei. By Sir Norman Locxyer, K.C.B., F.RS. (Plate1) . : : ar el ' : d : ‘ . 142 ‘@ Meeting of March 14, 1901, and List of Papersread .. .. . : . 146 The Action of Magnetised Electrodes upon Electrical Discharge Phenomena in Rarefied Gases. By C. E. 8. Puinties. Communicated by Sir Witiram Crooxes, F.B.S. . : 4 ‘ : 2 : : . 147 The Chemistry of Nerve-degeneration. By F. W. Mort, M.D., F.B.S., and W. D. Hattisurton, M.D., F.R.S. Re aes k : PR SSNUE SAY A For continuation of Contents see 2nd page of Wrapper. Price Two Shillings. CONTENTS (continued), 9 : ye On the Ionisation of Atmospheric Air. By C.'T. R. Winson, M.A., F.RS., Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge . oP eC) SU aa aaa me i On the Preparation of Large Quantities of Tellurium. By Epwarp Martury, A.R.S.M. Communicated by Sir Gzoree Sroxss, Bart, . BBS.) : d ai Amtne Av dar at fe | The Transmission of the Trypanosoma Evansi by Horse Flies, and other Experiments pointing to the probable Identity of Surra of India and ~ Negana or 'setse-fly Disease of Africa. By Lronarp Rogsrs, M.D., M.R.C.P., Indian Medical Service. Communicated by Major D. Bruucs, R.A.M.C., F.RS. : : : : : 3 é ‘ é . 163 Meeting of March 21, 1901, and Lecture delivered : ; : : : 170 : Meeting of March 28, 1901, and List of Papersread ‘ ‘ ’ . 170 In future, Forms of Acknowledgment of the ‘ Proceedings , will be issued only with the concluding No. of each volume. NOTICE TO AUTHORS. Authors of Papers intended for the ‘ Proceedings’ or ‘ Philo- sophical Transactions’ are urgently requested to send in all drawings, diagrams, or other illustrations in a state suitable for direct photographic reproduction. NOTICES TO FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. The * Proceedings’ are sent by post to every Fellow of the Society who resides within the limits of the Postal Union. The‘ Philosophical Transactions’ and the ‘List of Fellows’ are delivered only to those Fellows who call for them, or who send a written application to the Assistant Secretary. Such an application may, ii so desired, be filed as a standing order. The separate Papers forming the ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ will be sent post free, as issued, to those Fellows who prefer to have them in that form. And, on application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, these will be bound in # cloth case for 2s. 6d., or the cloth cases for binding may be purchased, price 1s. 6d. A printed post-card of the papers to be read at each meeting will be sent weekly to any Fellow upon application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, W.C. Sold by Messrs. Harrison and Sons, Royal 4to, Price 1s. LIST OF FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. PROCEEDINGS OF Poe HOYAL SOOLETY., VOL. LXVIII. No. 445. CONTENTS. PAGE - On the Results of Chilling Copper-Tin Alloys. By C. T. Huycock, F.R.S., and #. H. Nuyitrz, F.R.S. (Plates 2-3) . : : ; : “ee On the Enhanced Lines in the Spectrum of the Chromosphere. By Sir Norman Locxyer, K.O.B., F.R.S., and F. E. Baxanwpatn, A.R.C.S. . 178. | On the Are Spectrum of Vanadium. By Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., aN F.R.S., and F. HE. Baxanpatt, A.R.CS.. f i : : : 189 a A Preliminary Account of the Development of the Free-swimming Nauplius he of Leptodora hyalina (Lillj.). By Ernest Warren, D.8c., Assistant yA Professor of Zoology, University College, London. Communicated by . iM Professor, WELDON, F.R.S. ; : A ‘ 210 ED The Growth of Magnetism in Iron under PERE as Force. By 4 Hryest Witson. Communicated by Professor J. M. THomson, F.R.8. 218 i On the Electrical Conductivity of Air and Salt Vapours. By Harorp A. * Witsoyn, D.Sc., M.Sc., B.A., Allen Scholar, Cavendish Laboratory, Cam- ne bridge. Communicated by Professor J. J. Thomson, F.R.S. . : - 228 i. Further Observations on Nova Persei, No. 2. By Sir Norman Locryzr, a K.C.B., F.R.S. . : : : : : : ‘ All : » 230 Ng a SER I Pou aie Price Three Shillings. | May 23, 1901. al : os Sear cert ee GSS eS ae a " ao > eB elena a ee ee as a SSS an IE fens em BD © Sas Speer a aeRO SSS 23 rE i a SSS SS en NN ea Ar EN Ga ee a PRE Noe ee, a ES er ene eee ip Re a Sa er - — 3° og By a ue Kh oeh Ay aS ‘ Ger QA 19g) ‘ ¢ i, : ‘eas fe” mi Vide viral —, 2 . © ha ‘sophical Transactions’ are urgently requested to send in all elosed at 4 o’clock, on Saturdays at 1. No books can be borrowed from PAUPR EHR Lila IBA WR Ni eA Da sae RY WAMRO RE ia wae der desu s Forms of Acknowledgment of the ‘Proceedings are issued with the concluding No. of each volume. NOTICE TO AUTHORS. Authors of Papers intended for the ‘ Proceedings’ or ‘ Philo- drawings, diagrams, or other illustrations in a state suitable for direct photographic reproduction. EA ST SE OE EE NOTICES TO FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. During August and September the Office and Library of the Society are the Library during August, and all books out are returnable by August 1. The ‘ Proceedings’ are sent by post to every Fellow of the Society who resides within the limits of the Postal Union. The ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ and the ‘ List of Fellows’ are delivered only to those Fellows who cali for them, or who send a written application to the Assistant Secretary. Such an application may, if go desired, be filed as a standing order. ‘fhe separate Papers forming the ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ will be sent post free, as issued, to those Fellows who prefer to have them in that form. And, on application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, these will be bound in a cloth case for 2s. 6d., or the cloth cases for binding may be purchased, price 1s. 6d. A printed post-card of the papers to be read at each meeting will be sent weekly to any Fellow upon application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, W.C. Sold by Messrs. Harrison and Sons. Royal 4to. Price 1s. LIST OF FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. PROCEEDINGS OF Pee ROYAL SOCTE DY. VOL. LXVIII. : No. 450. CONTENTS. PAGE On Skin Currents.—Part I. The Frog’s Skin. By Avcustus D. Water, M.D., E.R:S. ® e ° e ° 2 e e PY) a * » 480: _ Virulence of Desiccated Tubercular Sputum. By Haro~p SwitHInBANK. Communicated by Sir JAMES CRICHTON Browne, F.R.S. “ . 495 Effect of Exposure to Liquid Air upon the Vitality and Virulence of the Bacillus Tuberculosis. By H. Swituinpank. Communicated by Sir JaMeEs CricHTON Browne, F.R.S.. : 4 5 ‘i : : - 498. On the Behaviour of Oxy-hemoglobin, Carbonic-oxide-hemoglobin, Methe- moglobin, and certain of their Derivatives, in the Magnetic Field, with Ey a Preliminary Note on the Electrolysis of the Hemoglobin Compounds. By Artuvur Gameesr, M.D., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of es in the Owens College, Wichotia Wyte : : : 503: i On the Resistance and Electromotive Forces of the Electric Avec. By W. ie Duppert1t, Whitworth Scholar. Communicated by Professor W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S. : é : ‘ 4 e : : ; is 2b Ble i Index . : : e e ° ° : 2 > . 4 4 - 51D en Title, Contents, &e. i Price One Shilling and Sraxpence. ‘SEPTEMBER 27, 1901. reer rene, eae a a te ee ee ee ee ee oe N.B.—Forms of Acknowledgment of the ‘Proceedings’ are issued with the concluding No. of each volume. NOTICE TO AUTHORS. Authors of Papers intended for the ‘ Proceedings’ or ‘ Philo- sophical Transactions’ are urgently requested to send in all drawings, diagrams, or other illustrations in a state suitable for direct photographie reproduction. Ser T) Sassen NOTICES TO FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. © During August and September the Office and Library of the Society are closed at 4 o’clock, on Saturdays at 1. a The ‘ Proceedings’ are sent by post to every Fellow of the Society who eae within the limits of the Postal Union. The ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ and the” ‘List of Fellows’ are delivered only to those Fellows who call for them, or whoa’ send a written application to the Assistant Secretary. Such an application may, if so desired, be filed as a standing order. i The separate Papers forming the ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ will be sent post free, as issued, to those Fellows who prefer to have them in that form. And, on application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s Lane, these will be bound in a cloth case for 2s. 6d., or the cloth cases for binding may be purchased,/! price ls. 6d. | A printed post-card of the papers to be read at each meeting will be sent weekly to any Fellow upon application to Messrs. Harrison and Sons, 46, St. Martin’s’ Lane, W.C. it Sold by Messrs. Harrison and Sons. 7 Royal 4to. Price 1s. LIST OF FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. Te ¥ q 4 1 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES AEA 3 9088 01306 0264